serving The OFF Road communi~y 1=0, 22 Yea,s covering the world of competition in the dirt ••.
1111/ 11() ~I UijQSno, Be here January 13 - 16 to see who comes out on top at the 2005 SCORE_ Laughlin Desert Challenge. You can also win a VIP package and the chance to start a race by entering at the event. For more information check out or call 1-800-4LAUGHLIN. Page 2 January 2005 ~~Hn /CtUt<fed CH/® Dusty Times
'l Volume 22 -Number 1 January 2005 Dlllil • li1UIBI ~alifornia Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham • allv ·~ J,' " . ~.. -.. Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 9131 1, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without wrinen permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS1MASTER: Send address change co DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer Sc., Chatsworth, CA 91311. A Very Merry Christmas from all of us at Dusty Times to all our friends all over the country and the woruJ. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Baja 1000 b-y JwJ:y Smith ................................................................. 8 WRC Tour de Corse b::; Martin Holmes ..................................................... 20 MOR Stoddard 250 by Ann Donaldson ..................................................... · 22 SNORE Western Desert Challenge by John B. Calvin .............................. 28 . CRS Prescott Rally by Scott Bottomley ....................................................... 36 Night Ride by Daryl Drake .......................................................................... 38 Lake Superior Pro Rally by]. Preston Bradshaw ....................................... 40 40th Rallye Catalunya by Martin Holmes .................................................... 44 17d, Telstra Rally Australia by Martin Holmes ........................................... 48 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................................................................................ 5 Trail Notes ....................... , ......................................................................... 6 CORE Report by Ann Donaldson ............................................................... 42 FAIR News b-y Tom Sobra::; ........................................................................... 4 2 Jeepspeed News by Clive Skilton .................................................................. 4 2 ProTruckHappenings ............................................................................ 43 BFGoodrich Corner ............................................................................... 47 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 5 2 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 5 8 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 59 ON THE COVER Troy Herbst and Larry Roeseler had it all their way at the SCORE Baja 1000, they drove the Smithbuilt Ford powered Truggy to a fantastic 1" oveuill. · Photo by Tom Murotake - Trackside Photo Mark Miller and Ryan Arciero saved a bit of time with a trick fueling method, they had no problems on the way south and took the coveted Trophy Truck win at the Baja 1000. Photo by Alan Madden - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at c'5ubscr1"6e :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTE$..J GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address --------------------City ----------------------St ate ____________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES • 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times . January 2005 Page 3
. ' "-~-, 't' I ti . f . f WE COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU Thanks to our loyal crew, friends, family and sponsors who supported throughout the 2004 championship_season. It's easy to be the best in the desert when you run with the best. Happy New Year, -Long Beach Racers Sponsors: REN Am-e..rua.n . -----~ . ' ' . ' . j Tyerman~s Automotive . Kal Gard Cruzat Family Cox Moto.rsports _ .... Rancho Transmission N ogrady Race Engines
2005 Happenings ... 10K FOlJR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (A!l e11ents staged at the club grounds in Cle<Jes. Ohio) .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SouTH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRw.s SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM U\SELL, TECH INSPECTOR APT042 SAN Josi! DEL CAso BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY UST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA Oll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES ""-' February 5, 2005 2004 Awards Banquet February 26, 2005 Ridgecrest Rally School February 27, 2005 Ridgecrest RallyCross March 5, 2005 Goodsprings Rallysprint - Coef 1 April 2, 2005 Desert Storm Rally - Coef 2 April 9, 2005 Las Vegas Rallycross I April 30, 2005 Las Vegas Rallycross 11 May6-7,2005 Rim Of TI1e World Rally - Coef 2&3 June 17, 2005 Ensenada Mexico Rally - Coef 3 July 16, 2005 Treeline Rally - Coef 3 August 20, 2005 Gorman Ridge Rally - Coef 3 October 1, 2005 Las Vegas Rallycross Ill October 7-8, 2005 Tentative Prescott Rally - Coef 2&3 October 29, 2005 Las Vegas Rallycross IV December 2-4, 2005 Ramada Express Rally - Coef 2,3&1 CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON lb-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 {330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Councy Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUTOMOVIUSTICA SANQulNTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AUT0MoVIUST1co SAN VICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ' ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE 0FFROAD CODE 0FFROAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA Ol l-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO February 4-6, 2005 VW Autopartes 250 Mexicali, B.C. Baja, Mexico March 18-20, 2005 OASA San Luis 200 San Luis, Sonora, Mexico April 29-30, May 1, 2005 Grupo Tersa San Felipe 200 Happenings continued on page 6 Aus-rRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSlilP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY tJ[l T AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD.VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANAD>'. H7P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Racewa1, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457 577 5/FAX: 702-641-2431 January 7-8, 2005 A Duel In TI1e Desert Motorcycles & Quads Only February 4-6, 2005 Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 425 Cars & Trucks March 4-6, 2005 Kawasaki Team Green Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles April 1-3, 2005 Pro Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride April 29, 30May 1,2005 Terribles Town 250 July 6-10, 2005 McMillin Nevada 1000 October 6-8, 2005 TSCO Vegas To Reno December 2-4, 2005 Henderson's Terrible 300 B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF RoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 14-15, 2005 Red Garter 200 July 1,2, 2005 Jackpot 200 September 2,3, 2005 El 200 BP MoTORSPORTs P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: AU Euents At Califc,mia Cicy, CA December 18-19, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #6 BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lHO (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AVTOMOVIUSTA/UARENSE DE Dusty Times . ; ,-.C:IGl-i''s ~I! LOWRANCE • • i>'. --. --z~-z---...., 800.869.5636 • Fex 562.'126.3589 2888 Gund,u /'Ne.. Sq,al H11. CA 90755 •PQ....,..m,-.c:rWC11ybGPSCQ.nematM'9-U.Sa:IRSpac::a1~a'IQI'~,_ January 2005 I e e • Scotrs Special Downloadable tourse 111.· -lm'>nc - For all SCORE and BllD races - Plot Trails also available for MOR and SNORE - Available via e-mail or at conHngency • OifferenHate Trail Colors -Race Course. Chase Roads, Checkpoints. and Pit I.DcaHons • Danger Markers • Customize Your GPS Notes To Your DrMng Style • Display Features Include: - Accurate Speedometer/Tripometer -Average/Max Speed -nme/Distance Traveled -ClockNolt Meter • ExtTemely User Riendly PCI ~ecommendations: The most important consideraHon when adding GPS IO any race vehicle is ease of viewing -PCI recommends our T models for ail race vehicle applicaHons - Greater Visibility at High/Sharp Angles for both Driver and Co-Rider with Color Models - Globalmap 6000C - Large, Color Display - Globalmap LI ODOM -Same Great Features as 6000C. with Monochrome Display PCI offers and stTongly recommends our Race ModincaHons -Keeps Your GPS Working In the Most Brutal Environment -Won't Vold Manutadurers Warranty . Pages
Trail Notes ... CORR NEW TIRE RULE FoR PRo-2 AND PRo-4 -Championship Off Road Racing (CORR) announced a major change in the tire size used in its Pro-2 and Pro-4 divisions of the CORR Lucas Oil Series. The new tire size of 35xl2.50 or comparable measurements are reflected in the following rule (located on pages 34 and 37 in the 2005 CORR Rule Book). Maximum tread width is 10.2", section width is 13.2", diameter is 35". These measurements are taken on a 10" wheel at 35psi, without load. By reducing the width of the tire by two inches, competition should be improved for several reasons. Teams will not have to spend thousands of dollars looking for more horsepower as they will not be able to get the power to the ground. The results should bring the fields closer together. "This new tire rule fits the criteria established for any major change" noted CORR President Marty Reid. "It increases competition at minimum cost and goes one step further by allowing more manufacturers to get involved in the sport." For more information on the CORR Lucas Oil Series visit MR AWARDS -Mojave Desert Racing awarded their drivers at their nnual banquet, held on December 5. The winners in each class and 1e overall points winner are noted here: Class l - l" - Bill Wingering, 2..i Randy Wilson, 3,d Ronny Wilson. Class 3 -l" Sam Suhr, 2..i Tyler Stone. Class 5 - I" -Scott Hewitt, 2..i Jeff Nutter, 3'd John Mays. Class 550 -l" Paulden Hepler, (Pauldin was 2..i overall in points for all classes for the 2004 season) 2..i Dennis Dunn, 3'd Stephen Eavenson. Class 700 -l" Barry Karakas, 2nd Geoff Milke, 3'd Larey Roeseler. Class 725 -l" Jamie Campbell, Qamie was the overall points winner for the MDR 2004 season) 2..i Darrell Herman, 3'd Jeff Rigel. Class 800 -l" Matt Towery, 2..i Mark Shoaff, 3n1 Justin Miller. Class 900 -l" Mike Ward, 2..i Thomas Byma, 3.t Juan Gonzalez. Class 10 -l" Lee Perfect, 2,.i Jim Gledhill, 3n1 Mark Weger. Class 11 - l"·Robert Henderson, 2..i Brian Thompson, 3,d Leif Christensen. Class 1200 -l" Bob Miller, 2..i Mark Hammes, 3'd Larry Ehrhardt. Class 1300 -Greg Crew, (Greg was 3,d in overall points for the 2004 season) 2..i Terry Ingold, 3n1 Christopher Parr. Class 1400 -l" Rob Walden, 2..i Meric Lloyd. Class 1450 -l" Austin Farner, 2..i Mark Sabol, 3n1 Mark Growe. Class 1600 -l" Archie Floyd, 2..i Mike Ward, 3n1 Gary Stairs. Class 1700 -l" Mike Barnett, 2..i Charlie Peltzer, 3n1 Steve Thomasson. Class 1750 -l1• Bryan Rogers, 2..i Jonathan Gymer, 3"1 Jim Hunt. RED FACE DEPARTMENT-Our apologies to T rackside Photo, we omitted the photographers names from the December issue photo captions. Let us correct the omission now. The picture of Chad Hall's Hummer was taken by Jim Ober, Jeffe at Trackside and the photo of Pat Dean was taken by Fidel Gonzalez ofTrackside Photo. 'Nuf said. OUT OF NEXTEL? -Only a rumor at this time but we hear that one of our favorite people, Brendan Gaughan may be out of his Kodak ride with the Roger Penske stable. Rumor has it that if this does occur, Brendan will gravitate back to the Craftsman Truck Series where he had so much success. It don't matter to us where he is, we still think he's more than a great gu'j and we'll support him wherever he is. Tf YOTA MILESTONE AND TRUE GRIT AWARDS -Of the 21 drivers eligible for Toyota Milestone Awards prior to the popular and distinguished Baja 000, only one failed to complete the slightly more than 1,000 mile course on the Baja California Peninsula, thus he was ineligible to receive the acclaimed award. Additionally, three of those racers will split the $12,000 Toyota True Grit Award. The Toyota Milestone Award is presented to all SCORE Off Road competitors in the professional classes who complete every required mile in the five race desert series, a total of 2,092.61 miles. The 20 drivers who earned the 2004 Toyota Milestone Award are: Jason Baldwin and Gus Vildosola -Trophy Truck, John Marking - Class l, Donald Moss - Class 3, Dave Collier - Class 5-1600, Eric Fisher - Class 9, Eric Solorzano - Class 11, Brian Jeffrey, Travis Fletcher, Rick Boyer, Rob MacCachren, Leonardo Navarrete and John Scharf -Class ½-1600, Jim Anderson, John Cooley, Mark Hutchins and Steve Myers -Class 10 and Tom Watson, Flavio Navarro and Mark Kyle in SCORE Lites. The Class Point Champions in non-factory backed classes, Vz-1600, 5, 10 and SCORE Lite who finish every required mile in the five race series will split the $12,000 Toyota True Grit Award prize fund. Brian Jeffrey (l/2-1600), Steve Myers (Class 10) and Tom Watson (SCORE Lite) will each earn $4000. Although eligible, there were no Class 5 competitors who qualified this year. This year marks the 18,1, year that Toyota will once again present the prestigious awards to the off road racers at the annual year end banquet, SCORE Awards Night, Saturday, December 11, 2004 at the Primm Valley Resort in Primm, Nevada. SCORE/Ric MILLER REUNITED - Sal Fish announced on December 6 that R\c Miller is returning to the fold. Ri~_will hold the newly created position of Director of Event Operations, eftective immediately. Ric started his career with SCORE as Director of Operations and Race Steward, a position he held from 1976 to 1984. Ric's initial energies will be focused on the Laughlin Desert Challenge and at the Las Vegas Terrible's Cup at the dirt track at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Let's all hope that Ric's sta'j at SCORE will be long and fruitful. SCORE FINAL POINT LEADERS -Brian Jeffrey and Adam Pfankuch are the SCORE overall points leader after the Baja 1000 ended the 2004 SCORE season. They drove their Class Vz-1600 VW powered Dunrite to a win in the San Felipe 250, second place in the Baja 500, third place at the Primm 300 and a second spot in the Baja 1000. Their overall win earned them the Kartek $10,000 bonus and a third of the Toyota award dollars. Congratulations on a great year! np 10 FINISHERS IN BAJA 1000 -w1;en the checkers flew in La Paz at the nd of a most long and grueling race it was Troy Herbst and Larry Roeseler aking the Class l honors as well as the overall car and truck win in their Smithbuilt Ford, their time of 16: 16: 14 gave them an average speed of 62.17mph. le was Troy's third Class l win in the 1000 and it was his first overall title. For Roeseler, it was his 13,1, class win and his 11 ,1, overall win. Mark Miller and Ryan Arciero were second in, their Chevy Trophy Truck averaged 61.75mph, they were six minutes out of the win, Dan Smith and Dave Ashley were third in their Ford Trophy Truck, Mark Post and Curt LeDuc were fourth in their Ford Trophy Truck and Andy and Scott McMillin were tifth in with their Jimco-Chevy. Sixth overall were John Marking/Chris Harrold/Bob Loftin, also in a Jimco-Chevy, Ed and Tim Herbst were seventh in their Smithbuilt Ford Trophy Truck, eighth place went to Josh Baldwin, also in a Ford Trophy Truck, Mark McMillin/Daniel McMillin/Brian Ewalc were ninth in another Jimco-Chevy and l0d, overall went Page 6 San Felipe, B.C. June 17-19,2005 Accesorios Amado Night Race Mexicali, B.C. August 5-7, 2005 ORW Lazo de Amistad Gran Prix Jacume Tecate, B.C. October 14-16, 2005 Mexicana Logistics 300 Mexicali, B.C. December 9-11, 2005 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C. COWRADO Hn.L CuMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax June 11-12, 2005 Antigo, WI Pro & Sportsman June 25-26, 2005 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman July 8-9, 2005* Topeka, KS Pro & Sportsn;ian August 13-14, 2005 Bark River, Ml Pro & Sportsman September 3-4, 2005 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 17-18, 2005 New Berlin, NY Pro Series Only TBA One additional event To be announced •Night Race-Frida:y & Saturda:y night CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, BeUingham, WA or Thu!lton County ORV Park, O!:ympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATUR FouR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 ~OFF-ROAD ltAaNG .As<iN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 f.NsFNADA BAJA OFF RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA. BC. MX 0l l-52-646-1818989 EL1s10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races far bu,ms & Motar9cles EsrERO BFACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT COURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSN. )ASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Ma:y, Noo at Davidson Racewa:y January 2005 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAx GORRA GEORGIA OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scorr MoRRow (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short course, stadium style Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Spart Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on I-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 22000 W. Quincy Unit B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 Fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-74 34/FAX: 714-633-1724 December 4, 2004 Las Vegas 200 State Line, NV February 4-5, 2005 Best In The Desert Parker, AZ March 26, 2005 MORE Barstow, CA May28,2005 MORE Lucerne Valley, CA July 6-9, 2005 Best Inn The Desert Las Vegas & Tonopah, Nevada (Non points race) August 13, 2005 MOR Barstow, CA October 29, 2005 MOR Superstition Series Plaster City, CA December 2-3, 2005 Best In TI1e Desert Henderson, Nevada 'KAMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS WmsPERING PINES SPORTS & REcREATION CENTER P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OPFR.oAD EXPo (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. )EFFELROD (408) 926-0522 )IMARUTA (408) 24 7-4402 MAMAmmA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quad.,, A TVs and Pilots onl:y MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> Short Course Series** Endurance Series*** MDRRACING CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING SERIES 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2005 California Championship Series February 5, 2005 Lucerne 300 Lucerne Valley, CA April 2, 2005 Wild Wash 250 Barstow, CA May 14,2005 Ridgecrest 250 Ridgecrest, CA June 25, 2005 MDR400 Lucerne, CA August 13, 2005 California 200 Barstow, CA September24,2005 Mojave 200 Lucerne,CA November 12, 2005 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA MDR Productions 2004-2005 Superstition Championship Series All Races at Plaster City OHV Area December 31, 2004 TI1e Bud Light Dash March 5, 2005 Fud 200 April23,2005 King Ofl11e Desert June 11, 2005 Coyote Wash 200 NIGHTRACE October 29, 2005 Superstition 250 December 31, 2005 TI1e Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 January 29, 2005 Lucerne Valley March 26, 2005 Barstow May28,2005 Location To Be Announced July 23, 2005 Barstow Septemberl7,2005 Location To Be Announced December 3, 2005 Barstow MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valle'j with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <~ww.Nooraoffroadracing.coin> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Tiu,nder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Vallez) Dusty Times
NORTHERN Omo OFF R oAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2004 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING AssocIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT· GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UN LTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Whuling in the County 900 Acres) OFF-ROAD S AND & SPEED EXPO O m o OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 }IM KENDEL (216) 339-46 74 All races held at Harrison Count)' Fairgmunds. Cadiz, Ohio O NTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519).681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOlNRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM December 10-11, 2004 SNORE -Cal City, CA PRoTRUCK 14402 BOND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 January 13-16, 2005 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, Nevada February 4-6, 2005 BITD Parker 425 Parker, Arizona February 25-26, 2005 SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja CA, Mexico April 29 - May 1, 2005 BITD Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, Nevada June 3-5, 2005 SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja CA Mexico July 6-10, 2005 BITD Nevada 1000 Las Vegas, Nevada September 9-11, 2005 SCORE Primm 300 Primm, Nevada October 6-8, 2005 BITD Vegas To Reno Nevada November 17-20, 2005 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja, CA, Mexico P URE ENERGY P ROMOTIONS P.O. Box SO RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION O F AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series fry Snowbird Off Road Racing Dusty Times Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOSmON (888) 836 7918 SCC A PRORALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX M o TORSPORTS G ROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SUITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> January 13-16, 2005 Laughlin SCORE Desert Challenge Laughlin,NV February 25-26, 2005 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felepe, BC, MX. June 3-5, 2005 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX September 9-11, 2005 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 17-20, 2005 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 BC,MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 w"w.SNORERACING.NET February 19-20, 2005 Avi 250 April 8 - 10, 2005 Buffalo Bill's 400 Primm,NV May 20-21, 2005 Dusty Times Caliente 250 Caliente,NV July 29-31, 2005 KC Hilites Midnight Special October 1-2, 2005 36'h Annual SNORE 250 November 11-12, 2005 Western Desert Challenge SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS AsSOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, Wl 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE• (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastba) RacewaJ, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 PARKLANDS, 2121 SOUTH AFRICA (0 11)788-5138 FAx (011 ) 880-2170 Toys FoR ToTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <"> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AsSOCIATION 920 HILLCREST STREET PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-622-03 70 V.'wv.r.vorra.co1n April 2-3, 2005 Prairie City Short Course April 30 - June 1, 2005 Prairie City Short Course May 27-30, 2005 Yerington, Nevada Desert Race July 1-3, 2005 Lovelock, NY Desert Race September 2-4, 2005 Hawthorne, Nevada Desert Race October 1-2, 2005 Prairie City Short Course October 29-30, 2005 Prairie City Short Course November 12, 2005 Awards Banquet VIONIBGlJmRERo0w RoAD CuJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RAONG AssoaAnON LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WFSrERN PENNsn v ANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Trucks & Buggies December 4, 2004 Point To Point Rocky Point, Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS S HOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD fEsTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORW RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 :z:r. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 January 16, 2005 Round #l March 6, 2005 Round #2 April 10, 2005 Poker Run MayS,2005 Round #3 July 17, 2005 Round #4 Night Race September 25, 2005 Round #5 November 27, 2005 GP de Campeones 4X4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, Wl 54901 January 2005 Trail Notes ... to Gus Vildosola and Rob MacCachren, also in a Ford Trophy Truck. Read all about it on page 8 of this Dusty Times issue, Judy Smith will relate to you all the action from this verrrrrry looooong race. CORR AWARDS -The culmination of the 2004 CORR Lucas Oil Series took place in Green Bay, Wisconsin as 77 drivers collected cash and prizes totaling over $621,000. Following the rugged 2004 campaign, over 450 people attended the season ending banquet. All eight division champions were in attendance, Jason Baldwin (Pro-4), Scott Taylor (Pro-2), Kyle LeDuc (Pro-Lite), Dan Badoux (Sportsman 2), Keith Steele (Stock), Steve Krieman (Super Buggy), Mark Steinhardt (Single Buggy) and Ben O'Connell (Light Buggy): they collected their final payouts, trophies, championship jackets and additional prizes. Tom Fredrickson, Director ofMotorsports with Lucas Oil announced that Lucas Oil will continue as the Series Title Sponsor through 2007. It was also announced that CORR signed a new two year contract extension with Speed Channel. As it was in the past, each Pro and Sportsman round will air three times, totaling 84 hours of coverage in 2005 and 2006. Kumho Tire will become the Official Tire of the series in 2005. Kumho now sponsors more than 15 teams in the CORR series. Ford Trucks rook the top honors in Pro-4 and Pro-Lite. Six rime Pro-2 champion Scott Taylor won the Pro Precision Gear Drive of the Year Awarclfor the fourth straight season. Scott had 4 wins and 12 top 5 finishes in 14 starts. Taylor was awarded $7500 and a plaque honoring his historical season. KC Hilites awarded $3000 to the top 3 drivers in the KC Championship, Keith Steele, Mark Steinhardt and Michael Seefeldt. CORR also announced that discussions are in place for a new event in 2005, to be announced at a later dare. aAKAR RALLY - Vanguard Racing, the only U.S. car team entered in the odds longest and most challenging off road race is committed to winning 1e grueling 7,000 mile, 16 day race, going from Barcelona, Spain ro Dakar, Senegal. The rally runs from January I -17, 2005. The team will be co-piloted by Ronn Bailey, CEO of Vanguard Integrity Professionals along with Baja Road Race veteran Steve Myers. Bailey is investing nearly 1 million dollars to compete in tbe rally. The Dakar Rally is second only to World Cup Soccer in popularity, nearly I million spectators are on hand for the start and along the way as the rally runs through five countries. Dusty Times wishes the team the best of luck on their trek. SCORE YEAR END AWARDS -Brian Jeffrey was the overall SCORE points ~hampion, he and co-driver Adam Pfankuch had one win and four podium finishes in their Dunrite-VW ½-1600. Ir was the third career class point championship for Jeffrey and it was Pfankuch's second straight. It was the first SCORE Overall Point Championship for both of them. Jeffrey took home the $10,000 Kartek Off Road Bonus, a nice boost. BFGoodrich Tires was the recipient of the Contingency Company of the year award as well as the Pit Support Team Of The Year. It was the 17,i. rime BFG has been voted the top Contingency Company and the 18rl• time it has been honored as rhe premier Pit Support Team. What a large role BFG plays in the Off Road World. Mechanic of the Year went to John Hoffman of Pfleuger Racing, Entry Sponsor Of The Year went ro Terrible Herbst Motorsports and Ed Herbst, eldest of the three racing Herbst brothers was voted Person Of The Year, certainly a well deserved honor. The Herbst Boys donated a $40,000 special bonus for this years Baja 1000 and they donated the $20,000 that Troy Herbst won as being the first overall finisher in the four wheel category to the City Of Hope Cancer Research Center in the name of their dear departed long time friend and fellow racer, Martin Collins, father of Brian Collins. Judy Smith was named Journalist Of The Year for the 12"' time in her career, Trackside Photo took home the award for Photographer Of The Year for the lSrh time and Andy McMillin, still in high school was named Rookie Of The Year. Mike Julson took home the Original Buggy Chassis Manufacturer (awarded by points)· for his Jimco chassis for rhe IQrl, consecutive year and FAT Performance earned the Engine Builder award (also by points) for the eighth time. Dusty Times congratulates all the winners and wishes them many more accolades in their future efforts. SCCA N EW RAILY PROGRAM -Sports Car Club of America announced a new Closed Course Rally Program and Rally Department, combining elements of its former stage rally programs with elements of autocross and road racing. "SCCA remains focused on providing a new direction for the future of the sport of rally" SCCA President and CEO Steve Johnson said, "Although the environment for traditional stage rally is changing dramatically throughout North America, SCCA is committed to making rally-type competition more accessible for spectators and participants alike." C losed Course Rally features three distinct programs: the existing RallyCross competitions, a re\rised RallySprint program and a new CircuitRally program. The three programs are targeted at a number of participants, including recreational rallyists in street cars, hobby rallyists in multi-purpose cars (street & rally), sportsman rallyists in fully prepared rally cars and professional and semi-professional rallyists in fully prepared rally cars. The new kid on the block, CircuitRally will combine road racing and performance rally, the events will be held at existing motorsports facilities and will feature wheel to wheel heat based sprint races on mostly non-paved surfaces. For more information contact Sue Robinson at 800-770-2055 or BAJA 1000 ON NBC -We watched a nice hour on Saturday, lots of Sal Fish, which was all nicely done and lots of Trophy Trucks, nothing Qut Trophy Trucks, not even a mention of Troy Herbst and Larry Roeseler who won the race overall. Scott Steinberger was the unwilling star, lots of air time, which he didn't appreciate. He certainly had the most dejected look as he sat in his Trophy Truck with it's nose up in a tree, but he evenmally recovered and went on to the finish. Oh well, it still was a good shot in the arm of our sport and we always welcome such showings with delight and Sal looked pretty good after a very long month or two before the race. SCORE LAUGHLIN -Close to 200 entries will compete at the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge January 13-16, 2005. The Laughlin Leap, a most popular part of the weekend takes place at 6pm on Thursday, January lJrh, leapers will be competing for $16,000 in prize money. At 4:30 on the 14rl, the Pit Crew contest will have crews competing for a $10,000 purse. Also, new this year is the Jason Hunter.Memorial Class 10 race, a purse of $25,000 being offered by Hunter Motorsports ro honor the SCORE Rookie Of The Year who was killed jn an automobile accident last January. $10,000 goes to first place and there will be$ down ro seventh place. There are 16 different classes for the cars and trucks, split into seven groups, each running as part of one of seven races of two to five laps each over rhe 11 mile course each day. Racing action runs from 6:30am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. See ya all there! Page 7
SCORE BAJA 1000 Herbst And Roeseler overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Dave Callaway, Scot Mapes and Max Hanberg teamed in their Dunrite to win the SCORE Lite class for the third time in La Paz with the same car. They said their race was "smooth.n Troy Herbst and Larry Roeseler pooled their talents and drove their Sn1ithbuilt Ford-powered T ruggy to the overall car/truck victory at the 2004 SCORE Baia 1000. Thev covered the 1016 miles in a timeof16:18:14, beating all except the fustest bike team. This year's event was the every-other-year trip to La Paz that draws Baja racers out of the woodwork, and a grand total of 284 teams took the green flag at the end of Avenida Ruiz, down the road from Hussong's in Ensenada. Rainstom1S in the weeks previous to the race damp-ened the ground, left puddles in odd spots and created lagoons dOW£\ the road from San Ignacio, but irl general did little to dmnge the diaracter of the race. Some roads had been graded, simply to make it possible for the locals to get around after the stonns, and south of Purisima, a no-toriously narrow, steep and rocky sec-tion of road got the full treatment, with gradirlg and a layer of clay soil. That one bit of Baja roadwork saved the racers an estimated hour or two over past times for that section. In addition to the fact that it was a la Paz run, racers were drawn to the event by the pull of some extra dollars donated by Herbst Ganlimg. For the overall car and truck wirlner there was a $20,000 purse, and for every Pro class with at least 10 entries, there was a$1,000Terrible's Baja Bonus. In addition, there was a Terrible's Baja Bonus of$2,000 for the first O\'erall motorcycle, and a check of $1,000 for the overall ATV. The Ensenada preliminaries were scheduled as they've been for manyyears: contingencyand tech-inspection were the Wednesday before race day, in the va-cant lot across the street from the con-vention center. This year, however, the contingency displays were considerably fewer than usual, as scores of manufac-turers stayed away in a reaction to the behavior of some Mexican cust01ns per-sonnel during the Baja 500 contingency. The two Mexican sponsors, Tecate and Coco Cola, were there with their music and dancers, dueling for the attention of the Baja youngsters who were enjoyirlg their traditional holiday from school The Grand Marshall of the Baja 1000 was Pamelli Jones, two-time win-ner of the event ('71 and '72) and still a great fan of the sport. Along with P.J., there was a host of off road heroes and legends, irldudirlg MalcohnSmith, who was racing in the Over-50 class on a mo-torcycle with an_<:>ther off road great, Jack Johnson and 10-time winner, Chris Haines. Bud Feldkamp, Smith's partner irl the mid-seventies, was racing with his son, Buddy, in a Class l car, and of course, Robby Gordon had a. few free days before the final race of the NASCAR season, to race his Trophy Truck. Rod Hall, who has 17 Baja lOOOwins, and Larry Roeseler, with 12 1000 wirls to his record, were both racing this year, along with David Ashley who has nine victories on his record. Other multiple wirlners who were tryirlg the 1000 agairl were MarkMcMillin, Dan Smith.Johnny Campbell, Ted Hunnicutt(in a Trophy Truck this time}, Eric Solorzano, Kelly Beal, Larry Ragland, Chad Hall, Steve Hengeveld, Jesus Luna, Darren Skilton, Ryan TI10mas, Steve Barlow(teamed with Gordon), Rob MacCad1ren, Guillenno (Bill) Rodriguez, George Seeley and Scott Sternberger. TI1e "crossover" folks (racers from other fonns of mororsports) were also there. Mike Groff had his Class l car entered and a slew of open wheel and rally racers were part of the Baja Chal-lenge effort. The list included Danny Sullivan, Oriol Servia, Roberto Guerrero, Rod, Rhys and Ryan Mullen, Michel Jourdairl, Sr. and Jr., Sebastien Bourdais, Vitor Meira and Paul Newman. Autograph collectors were in seventh heaven. The race started on Thursday mom-irlg, with the bikes and then the quads going off as soon as it was full daylight, about6:30. Inorderrogivethemagood head start, SCORE didn't start the big Trophy Trucks until 9:30. Theywentoff the line a nlinute apart, as did Classes 1, 10, 8, Protruck, SCORE Ute and the 1600s. Evef)One else left 30 seconds apart. They all had a 40 hour time limit. A lot like the 2002 course, this year's trail started irl Ensenada and followed familiar old roads through Ojos Negros, Valle Trinidad, Matias Pass and San Joe Bednar and George Peters were both in their Corvette powered Sand Car Unlimited Sportsman buggy all the way, and they finished the race with the win. Felipe before dropping south to Puerteciros, Gonzaga, Coco's Comer, Calamajue and El Crucero. From there it hit Bay of LA, skirted El Arco and can1e out on the pavement just south of Vizcaino for a scary, fast run irlto San Ignacio. TI1en they went out to the fish camp, south through El Datil, San Juanico, and back inland, up irlto the hills and over to Sam Javier, then west agairl to Insurgentes. After that it stayed west of the highway, within hailirlg dis-tance of Santa Rita, past the lighthouse and firlally turning eastward toward la Paz and the finish line. TI1e total distance was 1016 nliles. As a way of ensuring that the racers confom1 to certairl speed limits (on the pavement sections) and also stay on the marked course (or at least withirl a nar-row corridor) SCORE decided to put "black" on the Trophy Trucks, Class 1, Protrucks and Class 10: the four quickest groups. The boxes would use OPS technology to track each car, re-cordirlg its position every tenth of a nlile, and its speed at that time. This would enable the officials to ascertairl how fast ead1 driver was goirlg at certairl crucial poirlts. The "black box" providers did the irlstallations, attaching the boxes just before start time, and then as each ve-llicle finished, the boxes were removed and whisked away to be checked. Unfor-tunately, irl the mairl, the first~ of the boxes was a dismal failure. The batteries hadn't been properly charged, and no data was recorded. But, as a deterrent for speedirlg, they seemed to have the ef-fect SCORE wanted. At the finish line racer after racer talked about how diffi-cult it had been to "slow down to 60 miles per hour" when they hit the pave-ment Theyhadnoduetheboxesweren't workirlg, so most of them apparently did at least try to stick with the legal speeds. And the local police forces didn't make any arrests for speedirlg, so the desired effect was created, even though the tech-nology didn't work. The problem will be sorted out and SCORE is goirlg ahead with plans to gradually add to the l~t of classes required to run the boxes, until every race car has one at every SCORE event The Trophy Trucks enjoyed a big en-try; with 23 of them starting the race. All of them made it to the San Matias pit at Mile 120, but then thirlgs started to get rough. Cameron Steele's motor went at Mile 140, and he began a typical Baja odyssey as he tried to get from what was essentially nowhere, to somewhere down the course where he was scheduled to take over driving irl Pete Sohren'.s Ford. Marty Coyne, already an hour down, went out before Puertecitos and so did Darren Skilton and the Kia. Jason Baldwin was having brake problems with his Ford, and Ikuo Hanawa discovered that his TC¥)ta was jetted irlcorrectly and he was usirlg gas much fuster than antici-pated. Sohren also had brake problems and he took a ride off a diffirl the neigh-borhood of Puertecitos while Nick Baldwirl and his Ford were waiting at Ojos Negros for_ someone to brirlg an alternator. When he cleared San Matias he was about four hours and 45 min-utes late. He went tlnough Puertecitos about five hours down, and then didn't get to Bay of LA Alan Pflueger and llis Chevy didn't get to Bay of LA either, breaking temlinally somewhere on tl1e road south of Puertecitos. At tl1e Bay of Los Angeles pit Robby Gordon had the lead with his Chevy, and he was about four mirlutes ahead of CurtLeDucirlMarkPost's Ford In third it was Tim Herbst irl his Ford, followed by Gus Vildosola irl another Ford. Mark Miller was fifth irl his Chevy at that time, but only five and a half mirlutes behirld Gordon. From the Bay of LA they snaked along the coast on some great, graded roads, then sped past the almost gone El Arco, and southwest until they hit the pavement at South Tabion, about 516 nliles irlro the race. It was well and truly dark by the time they got there. After another 150 nliles they were past the per-ils of the beach and down to another good road at San Juanico. Gordon still led, with 20 nlinures on Miller and his co-driver, Ryan Arciero. Post was now third, another five minutes back, and Vildosola's truck was fourth followed by Dan Smith, who'd taken over for Dave Ashley irl their Ford. Gary Dircks and his Chevy disappeared in this section and so did Larry Ragland and Brian Collins whose Chevy suffered "total comprehen-sive drivetrairl failure" below Bay of LA They'd already had a rough time, what with a head-on totalirlg their box van on tl1e way to Bay of LA the day before the race. No one was hurt, but the logistics of getting tl1e pitreorganii.ed must have been terriftc.Alsooutwas the newT(¥)ta truck ofTed Hunnicutt, Jeff Lewis and Cory Susag. Francisco Chavez, Pedro Velasquez, Ruperto Agundaz and Miguel Carballo, in a Ranger, had a good day, reported no problems, and took the win in Class 7. Martin Christensen and Dave Mason had a near-perfect day in their BMW powered Jimco, and won the Class 10 race by 42 minutes. Miller andArcierowere feeling pretty smug. They had a transnlission tempera-ture issue, but no major problems, and tl1eir team leader, Don Tebbe, had come up with a way to fuel the truck wllile moving. And it had worked. It needed a fairly decent stretch of straight pavement, bur that wasn't too hard to come by. Tebbe just: pulled llis chase vehicle up dose Pages January 2005 Dusty Times 'I
I Ernest, Adolfo and Alberto Arambula, a veteran team of Baja racers, took second place in Class 5-1600 after a long, close race with the class winners. Kelly Beal, Spencer Beal, Karl Beal, Craig Duke and George Hover all took tums driving their Nissan to second place in Class 3, with only one brief downtime early on. Greg Foster and Drew and Mike Belk shared the driving in their new Porter SCORE Lite car, and even a big hole in the floor pan didn't slow them. They took second. to the back of the race truck and the snout of their refueling system was in-serted into the receptacle of the race truck's fuel cell The chase truck's fuel supply was pressurized, so the instant it connected with the fuel cell the fuel was on its way. It took about 19 seconds to fill d1e race truclc' stank. Then the chase truck driver (Tebbe), backed off the d1ronle a bit, d1e race m1ckdriver got on his dnotde and they were finished. 1n all likelihood, SCORE has already declared such a re-fueling method as illegal It's fair to say they didn't like the concept at all At Race Mile 911, where many pitted for d1e last time, d1e Miller/ Atciero truck had 26 minutes on Post and leDuc. Smith was another four minutes back, having a clean run. Ed Herbst was now in the Ford, in fourth, about a half hour further back. He'd replaced an alterna-tor and had a flat and went off the road. Ar1d in fifth it was Rob MacCachren in Vildosola' struck. They'd changed a ring and pinion and replaced the alternator. Most of d1e others were still running, ex-cept for Martin Avendano, in a Ford, The sad thingaboutd1at is d1athe lives in Dusty Times Constitucion. He must have come to the end of his race in his own neighborhood. Gordon's truck, with Steve Barlow at d1e whee~ had blown a pinion bearing at Mile 860. While Barlow waited for a local to lead his pit trucks to where he was, almost everyone else moved steadily tov.,ard the finish. Atciero and Miller were d1e first truck to cross d1e finish line, taking the victory in 16 hours 24 minutes and 57 seconds. They'd had just one flat and no mechani-cal woes. Atciero said, "I kicked its bun the last 20 miles - I ran so hard!" The victory held. Smid1 and Ashley were sec-ond, 23 minutes later. Smith said, "I re-ally do like this race! We never put a wrencl1 on the car." In third it was Post and le Due, who'd had just d1at late flat to slow them down. Postthoughtitwasa "nice course." Ed and Tim Herbst were fourth, about 50 minutes later. TI1ey were concerned about AJ. Martin, who rides with them, who'd been ill for the final 100 miles or so. In fifth it was Josh Baldwin, his Ford getting their with no problems. He reported that it was an "awesome race course -we had a lot of fun." He said he never got out. The sixth place team was Vildosola and MacCachren, who'd had a flat and had to get out and dig. MacCachren said he'd never seen "so 111any people (specta-tors) on the course -everywhere. It gets you pumped up!" Bob Shepard was sev-enth in his Chevy. He drove all the way, and reported some "new car blues." His jack system malfunctioned and he lost his brakes and his rear end leaked. But d1ere were no really major troubles. Scott Steinberger and Jesse Jones finished eighth in their Ford. Steinberger had "wadded this thing hard". He reported d1at it "knocked me silly -rocks came inside" and his his head. Later, Jones lost the brakes, but still they finished in 19: 12:57. In ninth it was Jason Baklwin, in anod"ler Ford. He'd had early brake problems and for a while had no power steering. He got d1at fixed, then lost an alternator and with it his lights. He stopped to charge the battery after running out of alterna-tors. The tend1 place fmisher was lkuo Hanawa, his new one-seatTO')Qta truck racing here for the second time. He l1ad some c. v. joint problems, and also discov-An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Bally s @~ Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbmyc;oaslcnu-,o,com ered he'd jetted it wrong. He was close to running out of fuel several times, but managed to get enough to keep going every time. 111e Japanese 11ative has pretty good English language skills, and heap-parently lean1ed early in his racing career to say, "Give me gas!" Pete Sohren and Rick Geiser, in d1eir three-seat Ford, broke a rocker am1 be-low San Juanico. They ran on seven cyl-inders until they were nearly at the finish. TI1en it made a "big ole' boom and stopped runnin'." TI1eywere within 10 miles of the finish line. A quick reconnais-sance wid1 SCORE officials about the legality of being towed, sent them back out to d1e truck with a plan. They towed it to widun a nule of d1e actual finish, and then the d1ree occupants hopped out and pushed it the rest of d1e way. Tius is a legal way to finish at a SCORE non-lap event. The towing must be for a distance ofless d1an one percent of the total nules of d1e course. They were 11th. In 12th if was d1e team ofB.J. Baldwin and Danny Anderson in a Ford. Baldwin l1ad lost a transmission in Calamajue wash and it took a long time to get the new one to him. After d1at things went well Ander-son had only one flat on his section, and said, "I had a blast, absolute blast: d1e ultimate!" I twas his first race in a Trophy Truck, and he was hooked. ln 13th if was, finally Robby Gordon's truck. Gor-don had long since headed back to Florida to qualify for the last NASCAR race of the season, and Steve Barlow got the long wait. He broke the rear end at Mile 860, and tried to sleep while he waited for the chase crew to get there with replacement parts. He did take things apart, gathered up the pieces that had been spit out and so forth, but then he sat for hours. It was a total of 13 hours from d1e time the truck stopped until he got going again. TI1e chase crew had been badly lostnying to find him on the rourse. Still Gordon's truck did get a finish. And in 14th it was Marco Guzman, who'd been three hours down at San Matias. He apparently had n1aSSive problems, and fitushed in 37 hours 23 minutes and 49 seconds. 1l1e Class 1 cars, with 20 starters, went next. TI1ey all n1anaged to get the first Continued on page 10 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and A Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 The Place Las Vegans Gall Home"' Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 ~•tc.t•ino.oom January 2005 ~ IB[)[[]@~U ~ ~ ' ' Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 r~•lc;,r;no.can Page 9
Sebastien Bourdais, Rhys Millen, Bert McReady and Vitor Meira ~~~~~~~~---------Brian Burgess, Wayne Lacher and Shane Reed, in a Porter, had the made up a talented team, and proved it by taking third place in the Scott Brady, A. J. DeNunzio and Sam Vanness struggled with a lead in Class 1600 for a while, but front-end problems cost enough Baja Challenge class. sticky throttle on their Ranger all day, but still finished third in Class 7. ....,tim_e_to~p~u...,.t_th-,-e_m--,--,--ba~c_k_to_th_ird_. ___________ _ 120 miles done, and Andy McMillin had · at it and wondering what was going on fifth, and in sixth it was Bud and'Buddy brake line, and as a result they'd had no from second to 16th while replacing their his Jin1co/Chevy in the lead from early when he suddenly realized the road was Feldkamp, who'd lost the cap onan axle rear brakes from San Felipe on. But, the transmission. Ebberts said the lights were on. When he got the Bay of making a bend Hecaughtthebennwith and had·problems with the lubricant McMillin Transmission, a three speed great, and they could run with all 17 lit LA stop, at Mile 376, he had eight min- the tires, rolled over, and landed on his running out. Rick Romans and Darnen automaticthatCorky has developed, was, up. He said, "It scares the motorcyclists utes on Dale Ebberts in his To,oraJin1co. wheels. But he bent the light bar pretty Jefferies ran seventh in a Jin1co Chevy. toquoteArnold, "awesome." Mike Groff quick!" Troy Herbst, in the Smithbuilt T ruggy, dramatically in the process. The trans They'd had c.v. boot trouble and said both started and finished in his Jimco Class 10 was next to take off. There ran third, four minutes later. Chuck continued to make odd noises and Scott their clutch was "messed up." Chevy, and Brian Ickler drove the middle were 11 entries in this class, with a variety Hovey was fourth at that point, his Junco slowed a bit, wanting to last to the finish. In eighth it was Dan Myers, who did part. Groff was happy to get a Baja 1000 of engine/ chassis combinations. There Chevy just five minutes back, and fol-Ar Mile 911, Herbst' s co-driver, Larry all the driving in his Jimco Chevy. He was finish but reported they'd each run out was one BMW, four Hondas, three lowed by Chris Harrold in John Roeseler, held the lead. When he'd got steamed about a booby trap in the San of fuel twice, becausetheyhadafuelin- VW's, two Toyotas and an unknown. Marking's Junco Chevy. And Ron Brant, into the car they'd tokl him thatMcMillin Felipe area. Itlooked as if the miscreants jection set too rich. Groff said it was a When they got to the Bay of LA, some who'dalreadyrolledhisJin1COChevyand had so many minutes on them. He had built a not-very-bigjump,so Myers "long day." They were 13th. Bobby 376 miles along the road, the lead be-tom off the roof, ran sixth. thought about the course up ahead of felt safe in just headil1g for it. But they'd Baldwin and Sandy Stewart, in a Porter longed to Martin Christensen in his In that section ToddJergensen fell out, hun, said, "Oh, s-t! I can do that - it's buried rebar in the dirt, and he tore up a Ford, were 14th. Baldwin had rolled the BMW powered Jimco. He had about 14 and so did Kory Scheeler in his Porter technical, that's mystuff!" So he poured tire. Later he blew a corner and flattened car early in the day and afrer that they minutes on second place Ron and Travis Chevy. Gary and Mark Weyhrich, who'd it on. He had 17 minutes at Mile 911. two tires at once. He lost a lot of time had ignition problems. If they shut it off Brookshire in their Honda Jimco. In third been second for a while in their Jimco McMillin, now hearing an ominous getting four good tires on the car again. it wouldn't restart. Billy Robertson, itwas George Erl in a To,otaJin1co. He'd Chevy, dropped out, and so did Alberto "clunk" u1 his transmission, was taking it Ninth place went to Cam Thieriot and Stewart Chase and Jerry Penhall teamed been battling a stuck throttle.And Willie Coppola and Tom DeNault in their "real easy." Marking, Harrold and Lofton Glenn Harris. The starter fell off their in Robertson's Penhall Chevy. Robertson Higman and his dad, Jerry, had arrived Marking Chevy. ran third, MarkMcMillin and Ewaltwere Gordon Chevy, and when they got to was stuck in Calamajue Wash, and he at the Bay of LA in fourth place in their Ar San Juanico thelead still belonged fourth and Brant and Boyle ran fifth. the finish Harris was sure something was also had a flat. Then Penhall had a bolt Honda Kreger, in spite of some trouble to McMillin and his dad, Scott. Ebberts' TI1e Ebberts team was changing a trans- "broken in the rear end." But otherwise shear off the rack and pinion while he in Calamajue Wash. Two airs were al-co<lriver, Ernie Castro, Jr., was second, mission. No one else had fallen out, they had few troubles. In tenth it was was in the nasty wash just before getting ready out. The Todd Pankratz, Craig and Herbstwas another 12 minutes back though some were havmg a hard tilne Hovey, who drove all the way. He'd had to the Bay of LA road He liI11ped to the Smith, Lance Hicks team had become a in third. Bob Lofton had taken over for moving forward. to replace twoc.v. bootsandanalterna- pits and then, with a lot of help from dnf,ndsohadLobsam Yee in his Honda Harrold in Marking's car, and they were At the finish it was Herbst and tor. Then he had a light fly off, and near others, managed to make a repair that Jimco. Yee reportedly lost his motor. fourth, while Brant's co<lriver, Richard Roeseler, winning with 36 nmmtes to the the end he lost part of his fuel injection, held. Robertson said it was a good thing Christe115e11' s codriver, Dave Mason, Boyle, was now fifth. Mark McMillin good. Andy and Scott McMillin took so he had only half throttle for the last it happened while Penhall was in the car, was in front at San Juanico, and he had (Andy's uncle), and his co<lriver, Brian second place, and Marking, Harrold and 100 miles. All in all he said, "ltwas fun." because he (Robertson), wouldn't have a littleover a halfhouron the Brookshires Ewalt, now ran sixth u1 their Jimco Chevy. Lofton, who reported no mechanical TI1e 11th place finishing team was known how to fix it. TI1e final finisher in at that point. Erl had got hung up in a And in this section the Porter Chevy of problems, were third. TI1ey'd been using Juan Cota and Valerio Gonzalez, u1 a Class 1 was Dale and Darren Ebberts tree for a while, when he bumped a car Jose de Jesus Flores, from the mainland more fuel than expected, but managed Junco Toyota. They said their front end and Ernie Castro,Jr. TI1eir Jimco Toyota he was trying to pass. He needed some of Mexico, dropped out. not to get themselves stranded In fourth was either broken or too soft. Twelfth was adorned with 17 of the big H.LD. help from some locals to get going again. Coming into Insurgentes, about Mile place it was Mark McMillin and Brian went to Corky McMillin, Ron Stacy and lights, mounted in every possible bit of He and co<lriver, Steve Myers, were not 7 80, Scott McMillin thought his trans Ewalt, who said he'd had trouble with Gary Arnold in a Chenowth Chevy. space on the franle. They had two alter-third, and the Higmans were fourth. Jerry was making a funnynojse. He was mess-the fog down around Insurgentes. He Corky (Scott and Mark's dad) got into nators, and hadn't had any trouble with had lost about five minutes when he got mg with the sllifter, kind oflooking down liked the course. Brant and Boyle were something early in the day and tore off a lights or alternators, but they'd dropped stuck in the silt. These folks had all run .---''---- ----~-..,......----- -=~==,,,.,...,==..,.,,,.==-,..., mtodarksomewherebetween the Bayof The Stock Mini class often has a hard time with the long races, but Kreg Donahoe, Kyle Williams, Doug Siewert and Mike Horner got their Toyota to the finish with a win. Chad Hall and Mike Winkel shared the driving in their H1 Hummer. and even with rear upper arm problems, took the win in Stock Full. Page 10 I.A and the (Xlvement, and would be in darkness almost all the rest of the way. Christensen had flattteneda tire when he dodged a truck on the highway and hit a boulder, and Mason had to have some steering parts welded, but other-wise they were havmg a clean day. They kept m<Ning steadily along and took their win in 18 hours and 32 minutes. The Higmans were second, about 45 min-utes later, also reporting a good day with no serious ttoubles. In third it was John Cooley, Dave Richardson and Tom Ridings, in the VW poweredAlumicraft. They'd got off to a bad start when Cooley lost a coil before they'd gone 60 miles, but then the car stayed healthy the rest of the way, except that they had no starter. Dave and Bill Gasper shared the driving evenly in their 5/1600 car, and except for They were a half hour behind the a couple of flats caused by nails, they had a good day and won the class. Higmans. In fourth it was Mark and C.J. Troy Herbst and Larry Roese/er had a really good day in the Smithbui/t Truggy, did some catching up at the end, and took first in Class 1 and first in the overall car and truck standings. January 2005 Hutcltlns in a Honda Junco. They'd got offtoaslowstartwhen, at Mile 75, they'd melted some spark plugs. They fixed it and then it happened again at San Felipe. TI1en they made a change in the fuel pres-sure, and that fixed it for good, but it cost them two hours. Mark did the first half and CJ. (his son) did the second half, wid1 dad ridmg along from d1e Santa Rita pit to the finish. Myers and Er~ who'd been third, had more trouble with the sticky throttle. Myers fought with it all the way in front d1e lighd1ouse to the finish, and d1eywere fifth, about 35 minutes behind the Hutcl1ins. In sixth it was Luis Wallace and Edgar Avalos u1 a VW Kreger. TI1ey were about four hours further back, and followed, four hours later, by Jim Ander-son, Guy Evans and Jeff Hunt in their VW Dunrite. They'd been third very Dusty Times
Dan Chamlee, son Tom, daughter Whitney and wife Laurie all drove and rode in their Class 7 Ford Ranger and eamed a great second place for the family. Dave Collier and Tony Steingraber teamed in their 5-1600 car, had a "nice ride" except for one malfunctioning c. v., and finished the day in third place. John Cooley teamed with Dave Richardson and Tom Ridings in his VW powered Alumi Craft car, and with only minor problems, the team took third in Class 10. early in the day but some major problem dropped them to seventh, the last official finishers. The Brookshires faded away after San Juanico, reportedly losing their motor at Mile 788. Another team got clear through Mile 911 and then never showed up at the finish line.1l1e drivers were Jay Culbertson, Ken Phillip.s and Elliott Forbes Robinson in a Toyota powered Chenowth. 1l1e Class 8 trucks started next, and they had 16 starters, all of whom got the first 120 miles of familiar roads done. Todd Le Due had the family Ford in the lead at that point. Before they got to the Bay of LA they'd lost Jose Canchola, and then Stanley Burns and his Ford, and Tom Bradley, Sr. and his Ford. Bra-dley has been racing in a series down near la Paz all year and was the season cl1amp there -maybe he'd worn the truck out. At the Bay of LA the lead belonged to David Sykes, who'd rolled his Chevy at Mile 90. He had about 14 minutes on Todd Wyllie in another Chevy, who was doing the la Paz run for the first time. Francisco Monroy, in a Dodge, and at ai?e 71. one of the senior citizens of the event, ran third, Dave Raimonde had his Chevy in fourth place, even though he ran on six cylinders for a while. And in fifth itwas Nick Vanderweyin hisGMC Sierra. LeDuc had rolled his truck and lost about four hours getting going again. There were now just 12 trucks running, but all of them n1ade it to la Paz, though it took some considerably longer than others. When they reacl1ed San Juanico, an-other 280 miles down the road, the lead belonged to Wyllie. So far his only prob-lem had come when he ran up on a stopped truck and hit it. It didn't seri-ously dan1age his truck, just mushed up the front a bit. Sykes' codriver, David Westhem, was now second, only 12 min-utes behind Wyllie. Raimonde's second driver, Jeff Geiser, was third, and Monroy's truck ran fourth. In fifth it was the team of Ramsey El Wardani (the hinee in Wyllie's incident) and Kurtis Kupiec in their Chevy. Wardani had gone off a cliff at Puertecitos, but landed on his wheels. He jacked the m1ck up to get off the rocks, and then "rock crawled" it out. At the finish Wyllie, who'd been driv-ing for 18 hours :mcl 4() minme,, s:1id, "I'm berternow that the sun came up! I wasn't even out to win this one!" Raimonde, Geiser and third driver Dan Sullivan moved up to second, in spite of the fact that their GPS had quit and they'd lost oil pressure and had to add six quarts. Not only that, their gas pedal fell off, but they were able to fix it while they replaced a flat. Said Sullivan, "We had a blast!" Sykes and Westhem lost their rear end at Mile 906, but still sal-vaged a third place. And Kupiec and El Wardani, after getting themselves unstuck from the silr, came in for a fourth. I twas Kupiec's first finish in a SCORE event. In fifth place it was the Monroy truck, and in sixth the LeDuc. Curt, after get-ting out of Post's Trophy Truck, had driven the Class 8 from San Ignacio to la Purisin1a1 and then son Kyle did the last section. He said they'd been having power steering problems" all day." In sev-enth place it was Sam Stahl and com-pany in a Ford. Nick Vanderwey drove the start and finish in his GMC Sierra, while Paul Dennis filled in the mid sec-tion. Vanderwey rolled and lost six hours on the first 113.lf of the course, but still got an eighth place. In ninth itwas the team of Chris Wil-son, Rick St. John, Dean Bayerle and Bob Bower, in a Ford. Bower, who's rid-den in many race trucks, including with Robby Gordon, had never got to drive in a race before. They didn't get off to an auspicious start, breaking a power steer-ing pulley in San Felipe, which sent them into a tree and flattened a tire. That cost the team about six hours. 1l1en, below Puertecitos they rolled the m1ckover, and lost more hours. They had to limp the truck to Crucero where their crew was waiting to fix it. lllat meant limping a datmged truck through Calamajue. Not muchfun.Afterthattherewas"nomore major smff", just bad brakes, and bad lights. Ultimately they made itto the fin-ish line in 27 hours and55 minutes. Tenth place went to Rody Amaya and Aurelio Perez, in a Chevrolet. An1aya is a name that should seem familiar to those who traveled south; his name's on billboards, fences and buildings everywhere -p.1 look He's running for govemor of Baja Sur. One of the local racers told us that ifhe wins the "1000 will go to la Paz every I" year. M:irkand Dan Floyd, in n Hummer, I Rick L. Johnson, Dane Cardone and Tony Vanilla had only a couple of flats and no mechanical trouble, and earned the first Toyota win in the Protruck series. Dusty Times were 11th, and Jeff Stowers and Rodd Fantelli got their Ford to the finish line in 12th place, in a time of 35 hours and 14 minutes and 13 seconds. They were the last Class 8 finishers. The Protrucks, with 14 starters, were next to take the green flag. They all got to Mile 120 within 20 minutes of one an-other, exrept Paul Perrizo, who was about 50 minutes down. lllat record doesn't include Mike Grover in #222 or Mike Bilek in #269, both of whom were non-fmishers, but the records don't indicate where they dropped out. When they got to Bay of LA., the lead was a close thing. Rob Reinertson and his Ford were just 24 seconds in front of Rick L Johnson, Dane Cardone and Tony Vanillo in their Toyota. lllird place belonged to Al Hogan, in a Ford and the Scaroni family (Steve, Man and David) ran fourth in their Ford. In fifth it was Joe Custer, Charlie Pelrzer and Darren York, in a Chevy. OtSter hasn'tl1ad mud1 time to race since he became part of Gene Haas's Busch team, but the Busch sea-son was over and he'd been unable to resist the call of la Paz. box and had no spare. At least, they had no spare with them. Rei.nertson was lead-ing by about a half minute, and the Toyota was in second place and the Scaronis in third place and Eric and Jared Hardin in fourth. Ron De Wolf and Paul Perrizo had their Ford in fifth place and Mike Voyles and Dwaine Walters had their Ford in the lead group some-where, but their time didn't get noted At San Juanico Hogan l1addropped out and so had Tom Koch and Bobby Neth in their Ford. They'd lost a steering Rolando Ho/mos and Edgar Sanchez, in a Jimco, got stuck in the silt for a while, but used a big hunk of rope to pull the car out, and finished the day with the Class 9 win. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations Bill Wingerning On Your Class 1 Victory At The MOR Mojave 200 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 January 2005 Page 11
Brothers Alejandro, Rodolfo and Santiago Diaz, who live in La Paz, Eric, Hiram and Evan Duran and Gerardo lribe make up a tough Bob Graham, Jeff Vance and Brady Helm raced their very big and lost an alternator, but finished the very close Class 9 race with team in Class 1600, and this time they drove their Neth to fourth spiffy looking Nissan Titan for the firsttime at the 1000 and finished in second place. place in the big class. second place in the Stock Full class. back. Voyles and Walters were fourth, 10:55 and 11:09, so they started to run team, Juan Avila, Mexica.neered it by Kyle and Nash, only seven minutes be-RobertsinaChenowth. They'dlo.51:their and De Wolf and Perrizo, who'd dealt into darkness before they got to the Bay making a new part with barbed wire and hind them. They'd had no brakes for the inner c. v. boots early in the day, and then withacoupleofflats,andthenheavyfog of LA area. Some must have run up a ball peen hammer. The car then ran final50 miles, but they said itwas "fun further down the road Roberts had felt near Insurgences, were fifth. In sixth it Calamajue Wash in the dark. £ne. otherwise." Tom Watson, Darren ill and was just kind of motoring along, was Custer, Peltzer and York. They'd At Bay of LA the lead belonged to Down at Mile 911, the lead belonged Hardesty and Tin1 Noe were fifth. Noe until a 5-1600 car passed him. That made rolled the truck at Mile 400, lost their Flavio Navarro in his Jimco. He had to David Callaway, who got back in to had been stuck in Calamajue and had him decide to "pick it up a bit." And it front lights, but kept it moving. Custer about four minutes on David Callaway do the finish stretch. His team had had a also hit a cow. Hardesty had a relatively cured whatever had been ailing him. Tito said, "It's tore up, but it drives gocxl." in his Dunrite. ln third it was Stan Potter sticky throttle cable, but no serious untroubled middle section and Watson Tapia, in an R & R chassis, was 10th, Gary Magness, Steve Knudson and Rob in a Jimco, and Greg Foster had his Por-nouble. ln second itwas Mile Belk, Drew's did the final section. In sixth it was Mitch and in 11th it was James Golden, Jason Kittleson brought their Ford to the fin.. ter in fourth place, followed by James son, and aside from a big hole in the Mitchell, Ernie Castro, Sr., Jon Kennedy Hatz and Steve Greinke in a Jimco. They ish line seventh after being stuck in Golden in a Jimco. Blaise Jackson was skidpan just in front of his pedal assem-and Brant Mitchell. This is a semi-exdu- said they had "some trouble." Victor Calamajue when they lost a driveshaft. the only one to fail to get there, in his bly, they had no problems. Potter and sive team, because all the members have Cessena, in a Prep by Jake, was 12th, and They also didn't like the early morning Meco. Worley were running third, and Worley to be over 60 years ofage. They had de-the final SCORE Ute to getto the finish. fog. Paul Perrizo, Greyson Smith and Before they got to the San Juanico pit was driving now, with Cervantes and cided to race just eight days before the His tin1ewas 30:01:03. Mike Frank were eighth in their Ford, area, Matt Drever and his Penhall had Navarro in fourth after losing about an event, and still got their act together well The 1600 class was next to go, and it giving Perrizo who drove in both this one dropped out, and Chuck Sacks, hour and a half with an electrical prob- enough to get a finish. They'd been stuck was the biggest group, with 25 starters. and the fifth place finisher, two top ten Chenowth, wasalsoadnf. But Navarro's lem. In fifth itwas Mark Kyle and Larry in Calamajue Wash and then had bro- They didn't all make it to Matias Pass. finishes. In ninth it was Tom Espy, Rob axiriver, Ernesto Cervantes, was still run- Nash in their Mirage. ken a c.v. and axle about 20 miles before Rick and Kevin Battey, brought their Kittleson and Jeff Calahan in a Ford. ning in front, with Callaway' s co-drivers, Callaway, Hanberg and Mapes took the finish. Potter and Worley dropped Jimco down from Oregon, and went out They said it had been, "all in all-a gocxl Max Hanberg and then Scott Mapes, in the win, saying their day had been to seventh, finishing with a broken left early in the day, as did Oscar Guzon, day." Kittleson drove in two vehicles, and second place. In third it was Drew Belle, "smooth, smooth, smooth." This was the front shock mount, which gave the car a who came over from Mazatlan, on the thus earned a seventh and a ninth. They taking over for Foster, and in fouttl1 Dan third time they'd won a la Paz race in rakish tilt. They drove that way for the mainland ofMexiro, to give ita try. Some were the final finishers in the class. Worley, taking over for Potter. The tean1 this car. They did it in '98 and '02 also. final six miles. local racers had early failures also: as Ed Fifteen SCORE Ute cars went off the of Matias Arjona, Matt Cullen, Bruce Beli<s and Foster, who just finished build-In eighth place it was Arjona, Cullen, Fernandez, Luis Guevara and Federico line next. Once again, everybody made it Conrad and Ray Bayley had brought ing their car a week before the race, fin-Conrad and Bayleywho'd been running Montes, and the team of Carlos and thefust:IZOmiles,andtheywereallwithin their Mirage up to fifth. TI1ey'd lost a ishedsecond24minuteslater.Navarro onthreecylinderssinceSanJavier.Atthe Ramiro Escobedo, and Ismael and 35 minutes of one another at that point. valve adjuster at Mile 40. It fell off and and Cervantes were third about 35 min-finish they said, "We need a new motor!" Rodolfo Rosales. But the rest of them These drivers went off the line between brokeinhal£Atalented member of their utes later.And theywere followed in by In ninthitwas Rob Martensen and Rich Continued on page 14 Dusty Times January 2005 Page 13
Willie Higman and his dad, Jerry, teamed in a Honda Kreger, had Eric and Jared Hardin, away from racing for a while, returned with a Ed and Tim Herbst, in a Ford Trophy Truck, lost their alternator and some trouble in Calamajue Wash, and in the silt, but still finished Protruck and finished in second place. also had a bad flat tire, but still finished fourth in the very tough class. _s_ec_o_n,_d_i_n,_C_la_s_s_1_0_. _______________ _ went on. Jeffrey at the wheel. He'd had one of his Shane Reed, who was now driving, were in ninth it was Brad and Travis Fletcher Kash Vessels, in Brian Jeffrey's Dunrite H.l.D. lights fall off. Boyer's au, with ei-in third place after some front-end prob- in their Jimco. They said they'd "had a was the one to chase from Matias Pass. ther Brad Maurer or Steve Roberts driv-!ems, another 11 minutes back. Then blast", and had no trouble. The tenth But he had less than a minute on Vic ing, was fourth, and the Wisdoms were came the Durans, who had Gerardo lribe place team was Juan Guevara, Ou-los Bruckmann in Rob MacCachren' s fifth, having lost their left rear wheel, cali-drive the middle section. TI1ey' d had c.v. Davila and Javier Robles in a Jorman, Fraley. When they arrived in the Bay of per and all. That cost them some time. boot problems, and their fuel hadn't got who'd had two early rear flats. In 11th it LA, about seven and a half hours into They also said they got a flat after losing to Juanico ahead of them. In fifth it was was Brent Parkhouse and his helpful co-the race, the lead belonged to the their spare, got hit and turned sideways Don Wall and Kenny Thatd1er in a driver, Perry King and Greg Shapiro, who Mac:Cadrren au, with Bruce Fraley now to the course, and then got hit again. Curry, and 4 2 seconds behind them it hadn't had any flats on their car. Brent driving. He had about ten minutes on BrentParkhouse'scodriver(either Perry wasl..eoandAlejandroNavarreteintheir was happy, saying, "I beat my brother Brian Burgess and Wayne Lacher in their King or Brent Shapiro), gave them a spare Jimco. (Brian) getting a finish in La Paz!" John Porter. In third place it was Scott and which let them move on again. Freemandidjustfmeforafirsttime ScharfandJin1Coatswere 13th in their Brady Wisdom in a Mirage, and fourth Parkhouse's au was sixth when they got La Paz racer, enjoyed the sunrise, and Lothringer, followed by David Caspino was held by Vessels, who'd been stuck for to Juanico. handed over to MacCadrren without in another Lothringer. In 15th it was a while. In fifth it was Rick Boyer, in a Bryan Freeman now took over the incident. MacCachren drove just the very another senior citizen, with Jim Fishback, Lothringer. He'd helped Vessels get him- driving in MacCachren's car, his first la last section, enough to be legal, and they Sr., age 70, Jim Jr. and Brian Holman. self unstuck.. Hiram Duran, in a Neth, Paz race. He'd pre-run a lot, but he said, took the victory. Jeffrey, Vessels and Early in the day a truck took a wrong ran sixth, and he had c. v. joint trouble. "You can't memorize 330 miles!" He had Pfankuch were second, 22 minutes later. turn then backed out onto the course Nobody else had dropped out. It was the au in the lead at Mile 911. Pfankuch In third itwas Burgess, Lad1er and Reed, into their car and broke a front shock. already dark for them, and probably had told Jeffrey to check his car's rear end about 18 minutes behind them. Then As they muddled around trying to get beensinceaboutCoco'sCorner. because of some dunking he'd heard. therewasagapofaboutanhourand20 things together again, one of Baja's Most of them did some driver d1ang-TI-ieydiscovered that the torsion housing minutes, and the Duran/Iribe team came "Green Angels" (the guys in the green ing and when they got to San Juanico it was ripped apart, and all that was hold- in fourth, followed by the Navarrete trucks who help stranded drivers) gave was a new cast. The Burgess au was in the ing it in was the torsion bar. So the BFG brothers in fifth. 1he Wisdoms were sixth, them a hand He did somedung111agic by lead, and Wayne Lad1er was probably at pit at Mile 788 (Insurgentes) did some less than two nunutes belund them, and taking the shock apatt, purring a dime in the wheel at this point. MacCachren's serious welding and glued dungs back to-another 33 seconds later, in came Wall it, and putting it back together. And it car was second, with Bruce Fraley still ged1er. Theywere a half hour down, but and TI1atd1er in seventh. Eighth place worked. The Fishbacksdidn't know why. driving and the Jeffrey car was third, with second, at Mile 911. Burgess, Lacher and went to Boyer, Maurer and Roberts, and They also had their headlights fall off. Page 14 January 2005 Janue Campbell finished 16th in his Chenowth, and Fernando Hoyos, Rodolfo Jiminez and Jenny Meza were 17th in a Jimco. In 18th it was Eddy Gonzalez and Victor Valencia, and the last 1600 to finish was the team of Dan Bradley, Bob Carnes and Ruben Rodriguez, in a Bunderson. Jeff and Mickey Quade and Tex Mitchell got through Juanico, but never got to the finish line. They rolled the car and broke the head The Class 5 cars were the first group to take off just 30 seconds apart, and there were only two of them. Bruce Anderson started in George Seeley's New Beetle shaped car, and besides the fact that the spares fell off the car, and they had a flat, he had no problems. Then Seeley got in and things seemed to be going well, but in the final 100 miles of the race he developed an electrical prob-lem he couldn't solve. Tiuscaused the car to stall repeatedly, and each time he had to find someone to give him a pull to get it going again. Seeley said the local people helped him cheerfully, and ifitwasn'tfor Continued on page 16 Dusty Times
11lhe Biggest & Most Exciting Off-Road Race in 200511 ffij ~maErn 3 ~l ~ ill'?@/ml~idNIJ ~ ~ 8LUEWATER RESORT I, CASINO ~ffi Gtl1nutiliID 00 fIDJlID ~ ID O 8 B ~©□ti {a (thm]j i{lJHili)JJ ~ 0 □ [lf.m ~@□ffil1lfi)ffifj DCZ[f'IJ=O@ fl::,{§@{§[j:[// D) fl::,~~ @[jf]DU Event will be televised on the GOOll/rEAII Outdoor Channel/SpeedZone on· ■ I y· Off. • 1 T k A.~NoRTHRIDGE 1c1a · ire 1c1a rue •~EQUIPMENT RENTALS aEs-r.Nc;;EDESERT 81/J'AITAII ---RACING ASSOCIATION · BEST.:;;1DESERT --RACING ASSOCIATION ~ For More Information: W 3475 Boulder Highway • Las Vegas, NV 89121 '!il.=:x-:-H~DA (702) 457• 5775 ~ (702) 641-2431 • Dusty Times ~anuary 200s Page 15
Brian Jeffrey, Adam Pfankuch and Kash Vessels, stellar 1600 drivers John Marking, Chris Harrold and Bob Lofton, in a Chevy Jimco, Andy McMillin had not only the Class 1 lead, but led overall for a while all, brought the Dunrite back to the finish line second, earning enough didn't get the gas mileage they'd expected, but still took third place in• in his Chevy Jimco. But dad, Scott, who did the second half, had points to take the season overall championship. the Class 1 race. transmission woes that slowed them to second. them he'd never ha~ finished. Ultimatdy, them, and everyone got through San must have looked like a freeway at one struggled with a sticky throttle in their lead, with nine minutes on Michael SeeleyandAnderson becamefmishers, Matiaso.k.,andalsothroughPuertecitos point, with many, many stuck vehicles. Ford throughout the race. They also Jourdain, Sr. and Jr., and Bernard taking the victory with a margin of an and on down the road to the Bay of LA Barry Karakas had his Toyota in third tipped the truck over at one point, but Jourdain (Sr.'s brother), and Jean Pierre hourand35minutes.Secondplacewent At. that point it was the Perry McNeil place. got some timely help from Chamlee. Jourdain. In third place it was Robert to Tick.McClintick, Terry McClintickand Ford in the lead, witli an houron Victor At. Mile 911 the Chavez team was still Barry Karakas was fourth, and Hiram Sutton, Jeff Zwart, Rod Millen and Paul Vince Wavra, whose car is powered by a Herrera in another Ford. In third place in the lead, having "mas or menos" and Carlos Ibarra finished fifth in their Newman. Newman, who was racing off weary Type I motor. They ran well until it was Francisco Chaw:z, Pedro Velasquez, troubles, and no tire problems. They had Ranger. In sixth, and last in the class t road for the first time, had done the sec-about Mile 100 when they started to lose Ruperto Agundez and Miguel Catballo an hour and a half on the Chamlee who finish, it was Nonnan and Jose Cesena, lion from Valle de T tinidad to San Felipe. power. By the time they reached Crucero, in still another Ford. were second, and Karakas was third; an- in another Ford Ranger. They said, "The (Millen said, "We wanted to give him a about Mile 300, they were down to two McNeil's truck went away in the next other hour and ten minutes back. Craig rear end gave up." TI1ey were the final smooth section.)" The fourth place team cylinders. A two hour repair job got them section, and Hector Salazar and his Ford Turn er and his Ford had characteristi- finishers in the class, in 36 hours, 04 min-was made up of Danny Sullivan, Roberto going again, but it was a very low rpm also disappeared, as did Victor Herrera. cally fallen out, and Herrera was gone utes and 39 seconds. Guerrero, Kim Anderson and Oriol motor from then on. And it guzzled oil Now the Chavez, Velasquez,Agundezand now too. The B;ija Challenge class went off the Servia. Servia, whose father has been rac-• By the time they reached lnsurgentes they Carballo truck took over the lead. They The Chavez team, whicl1 has one of line next, with 12 identically prepared ing the Paris to Dakar rally for many were stopping every 50 miles to add two had about 4 5 minutes on Dan Chamlee the biggest fan clubs ever seen, took the Porsche powered two seat cars .. These are years, said his dad had told him to "drive quarts of oil. But they made it in for a in his Ford. Chamlee did the first 800 win, finishing nearly two hours in front all raced on a rent-a-car basis. They're the car at 65 percent -no more thap fine second place.And once d1ey' d cro,.5ed miles of the race, and his son, Tom was to of the next truck. That was the Chanuee owned by the Wide Open Baja tour com- that." In fifth it was Jim Wasson, Michael the finish line and turned it off, the car do the balance. His 15 year old daugh-family, very pleased with their long day's pany, which does guided tours through Wright and Dave Creagan, and they were refused to restart. ter, Whitney rode, as did his wife, Laurie. outing. ln third place it was Scott Brady, Baja in these same cars, or some just like only 4 5 minutes behind the lead car. All Class 7 went next. TI1ere were ten of They'd been stuck in Calamajue, which Sam Vanness and A.J. DeNunzio who them:Ofren, tour customers become so of the Challenge cars had made it this enthused by the concept that they b·uy far, but the last place teain, of Ricardo into the race program also. For a fee, Diaz, Matt Ford and Dean Sharpe had Wide Open Baja provides the car, all beenslowedseriouslysomehow,andlost amenities and the pit support. Tilis year, about four hours. The best guess would thanks to their exclusive use ofBFG tires, be Calamajue Wash. Tfte Dlfferencel Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise fronUrear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204SD Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-D830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 · Heat Exchanger DUN-D830504 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits . • , _ Race Prep'ed CV 's • MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles / For more information give us a call or visit us online @ Page 16 January 2005 the pit support was provided by BFG, At.SanJuanicotheywereallstillcom-with d1e stipulation that Wide Open pro-ing, and it was still David Sutton, Millen, vide one of the pits, available for all BFG Fisk and TI10mas in front. TI1ey had 50 racers, as it the usual deal. Many of the minutes on the Jourdain family. But the "crossover" racers entered in the event Jourdains had come up on the Chris were driving in this class. They race only Jacobs, Tracy Jordan, Buzz Wiepking, dlis event, almoughoccasionallyd1eyfind Myles Kovacs car which was stopped and they have enjoyed the racing enough that had run into it, severely damaging their they start shopping for a car of their own. own front end. It took some welding to When they got to the Bay of LA pit, get the Jourdain front end back together the team of David Sutton, Ryan Millen, again. In third itwas Robert Sutton, Fisk, Wally Fisk and Ryan TI10mas had the MillenandTI10mas,followedbySullivan, Michel Jourdain, Sr. and Michel Jourdain Jr., and Bernard Jourdain thought the course was "really, really fast. They took first place in the Baja Challenge group. Jason Lafortune, Dean Schlingmann, Kurt Young and Jon Krellwitz shared the driving in their Jeep Cherokee, enjoyed their first race in Mexico, and won the Sportsman Truck class. Dusty Times
Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt, in a Chevy Jimco, thought it was a "good course", ran into some serious fog in the wee hours, and took fourth in Class 1. Leonardo and Alejandro Navarrete, from Mexicali, drove their Jimco Flavia Navarro, from mainland Mexico, and Ernesto Cervantes, from to fifth place in the close 1600 race. They were only eight minutes out La Paz, piloted their Jimco to third in SCORE Lite after serious of fourth. electrical problems. Anderson, Guerrero and Servia. And in fifth, Wasson, Creagan and Wright. The Millens, by the way are all one family -Rod, whom offroaders know from his short course days, and his sons, Rhys and Ryan. And they all kept coming. At Mile 911 the Jourdains had moved into the lead. They had 13 minutes on Sutton, Millen, Fisk and Thomas, who were only two minutes in front of Sullivan, Ander-son, Guerrero and Servia. NOI.V the team of Vitor Meira, Rhys Millen, Bert McReady and Sebastien Bourdais had moved up to fifth, just a minute behind fourth place. They were having a great race. At the finish it was the Jourdains, who'd all done their share of driving. Michel Sr. said, "It was really, really fust." But then, he first raced in Baja in '72 and '73 when cars were less sophisticated. He apparently really enjoyed the pavement section, or someone on his tean1 did, be-cause a chase vehicle from a regular SCOREclasshappenedtoseehimgoby and wondered just how fast he was trav-eling. Whenhecaughtupwithhimand paced him, his speedometer said he'd been running at 88 miles per hour. Ei-ther tl1e Jourdains had missed the bit about the 60 miles per hour speed lil'nit on the pavement, or it was just too tempt-ing. in second place it was Sullivan, Ander-son, Guerrero and Servia. Servia had some problems with lights. All but one of tl1em quit, and for a while he had to follow another car, using their lights, to find his way. He said he hadn't been able to follow his dad's advice bout driving at Bruce Fraley, Bryan Freeman, Vic Bruckmann and Rob MacCachren, in a Fraley, had almost no trouble, and won the 1600 class, the biggest group in the event. "65 percent." Kylberg, followed in by Ricardo Diez, in mird place it was Bourdais, Meira, Dean Sharpe and Matt Ford. Their time RhysMillenandMcReady,andinfourth, was 28:48:24. From first to 12th there Robert Sutton, Zwart, Millen and was a spread of eight hours. It was an Newman. Sutton had got stuck on the incredible feat to prep and pit mat many goat trail, a memorable experience {~o identical cars, fit them with a ·borae of matter how you look at it. He thought mostly not too experienced off roaders, the race was "just awesome." Fifth went and get tl1em all to the finish with no to David Sutton, Fisk, Ryan Millen and serious laggards. As you might guess, be-TI10mas. insixth it was Jim Christensen, hind the scenes there's some serious off Minga, Goggin and Matt Christensen. road talent and experience at work. The seventh team was Wasson, Creagan Class 7S came next, with four start-and Wright, and seven minutes behind ers, all of whom got to San Matias. But them itwas Bruce Chernoff, Brian Coats just beyqnd that point the Ranger ofBill and Rafi Tahmazian. Tim Vargo, Mark Rodriguez and Jesus Luna gave up, with Herrington and JeffRann finished ninth, Luna driving. He left his navigator in the and Chris Jacobs, Tracy Jordan, Buzz · truck,andstartedwalking,eventuallyget-Wiepking and Myles Kovacs were tenth. ting back to Trinidad, where he settled in In 11th if was MattAutterson and Rich with some buddies in the police station. =========-:c--------------Mark Miller and co-driver Ryan Arciero said they had a "fairly uneventful" day, just some tranny temperatwe "issues", and took the Trophy Truck win in their Chevy. Everyone else went on, and got to the ald1ough the Moncures, Weal and Vasile Bay of LA. didn't have full throttle as they neared At mat point itwas John Holmes and the finish. in fact, they got stuck, and Bob Scot and Broe Jones in front in their Graham pulled them outwith his Stock Ranger. They had two hours and 20 Full truck. Land and Winovitch got minutes on Nick and Ted Moncure, Matt nearly to the end, passing through Mile Weal and Joel Vasile in their Toyota 911 in just over 33 hours, but didn't Tacoma. They'd already had a problem make itto the finish. Whata disappoint-with getting fuel to the motor. in mird it ment. The Moncures, Vasile and Weal, was Bob land and Jim Winovi.tch in their on the other hand, got their first finish of Chevy S-10. They were another two the year, and with it, a La Paz win. Their hours back. timewas31:40:15. AtSanJuanicoitwastheMoncures, Class 7SX had three entries at this Weal and Vasile in front, with Weal driv-time, and started out with some close ing nc,,.v. And the 1..and/Winovi.tch team racing. Jesse Rodriguez got his Ranger to ran second, about an hour and 17 min- Matias first, but Luis Valdez and Jairo utes bellind them. Hohnesand me Joneses Omelaswereonlyaboutsixminutes back were gone. in their Ranger. Jeff Lloyd and Milo · The other two trucks kept moving, Brown, on the other hand, had already lost about two and a half hours. Rodriguez broke a shock, but got the truck to Crucero, where the crew fixed the shock and his dad, Pepe, hopped in to do the rest of the race. Jesse headed north and went home. The race stayed close.At the BayoflA Rodriguez had only 23 minutes on Valdez and Ornelas. But Lloyd had major problems, which turned out to be unsolvable, and he was done for. Brown, on down the course, never saw the truck. Brothers Nick and Ted Moncure and their cousin Joel Vasile, teamed in their Toyota Tacoma, and got their first finish of the year, and a win in Class 7S. Brothers Don and Ken Moss, in a Ford Bronco, finished their season·with another win, giving them 100% for 2004, as they won Class 3 and the season points for the class also. · Rodriguez, who's 66 years old, was having a good race. At Juanico he had a lead of a little over three hours, and at lnsurgentes, where he ran into some an-noying fog, he had four hours. He had never raced with a OPS before, and de-cided it was great stuff. He had no flat tires, and didn't even put on a new set, Continued on page 18 Mark Post and Curt Le Due shared the driving in Post's Ford Trophy David, Matt and Steve Scaroni shared the driving in their Ford Truck, and with a late flat taking up some time, finished third, only 43 Dave Raimonde, Jeff Geiser and Dan Sullivan teamed in their Chevy, Protruck, had some serious brake problems, and finished third in the seconds out of second place. ran on six cylinders for a while, but still took second placlf) in Class B. _cl_a_ss_. ____________________ _ Dusty Times January 2005 Page 17
Dave Ashley and Dan Smith, in their Ford, said they •never put a wrench on the car", and finished the ride in second place in the Trophy Truck class. Danny Sullivan, Kim Anderson, Roberto Gueffero and Oriol Servia lost some lights on their Baja Challenge car, but sill were quick enough to finish second. David Sykes and Dave Westhem teamed, rolled the Chevy in the early part of the day, but had few problems, and finished with third place in Class B. just kept moving on down the trail Ulti-mately, Rodriguez got his longed for win in la Paz, finishing five hours in front of the second place terun. TI1e 5-1600 cars started next. There were 14 starters, and three of them didn't get even the first 120 miles done. Annando Garcia and Marcos Robles were out early, and so was Jose Angulo. And, surprisingly, the team of Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera came to a stop early in theday. l.astyear'schampi-ons, they're usually finishers. Eleven cars went on, and at the Bay of LA pit, the lead belonged to Emesto, Adolfo and Alfredo Arambula, brothers, who've been racing for many~. Second place was owned by another set of brothers, also veterans: Bill and Dave Gasper. Dave had already had two flats, from nails picked up running through the San Felipe dump area. Enrique and Ernesto Zazueta were third, about a half hour back, and five minutes behind them came Gerardo, Fernando and Hector Montijo. TI1is class is really family ori-ented. They all moved through the dark-ness, and got to San Juanico, except for Steve Landis, Ray Regan and James Tedford, who disappeared for good in that part of the course. At Juanico the lead was in Gasper's hands, and the Montijos ran second. TI1e Zazuetas were third, 18 minutes further back and in fourth place it was Dave Collier and Tony Steingraber. Not brothers, but an-other set of veterans. The Gaspers and the Arambulas raced close and hard all through the night. At Mile 911 the Gaspers had the lead by 24 minutes. The Arambulas had broken a throttle cable. In third it was the Montijo brothers, and less than three minutes behind them were the Zazuetas, and another 2 4 seconds back were Collier and Steingraber, who'd lost a c.v. The race was still, anybody's to win, de-pending on how the final section went. TI1e Gaspers took the win, with the Arambulas, who couldn't make up the time lost with the broken throttle cable, in second place. Collier and Steingraber made up a little ground and finished third, saying that except for the broken c.v. it was a "nice ride." The Montijos were fourth 17 minutes later, followed in by Miguel Rosales and Roberto Green. In sixth place it was the Zazuetas, who dropped back two positions in that final section. TI1eywere nine minutes behind fifth place. ln seventh it was Enrique and Mario Troncoso, about three hours behind the rest, and they were followed in by Armando Macia, Jose Aguirre and Juan Pinelas, who'd had major problems before Juanico. They used up over 35 hours to get to the finish. The Stock Full trucks were next to take the green flag, with ten starters. Terry and Eric Henn and Austin Robison had a return of their 2004 bad luck, and didn't get their Hum-mer to Matias, while Richard Czerlau and Doug Granger, all the way down from Canada, also failed to make it that far. But the rest thundered on. At the Bay of LA. the lead was in the hands of Mark Handley, Marc Stein, Mike McComas and Travis Walser in their Ford. TI1ey had about five minutes on Rod and Josh Hall in their H2 Hummer. In third, another three hours back, was the team of Bob Graham, Brady Helm and Jeff Vance in a Nissan Titan. And Mike Winkel was fourth, only 11 minutes behind them, in his H 1 Hummer. John Grif-fin, in another H 1 Hummer, was hav-ing fuel problems. At San Juanico, which was 656 miles into the race, the lead truck was Kent Kroeker's Dodge Ram. He had 13 minutes on Winkel's co-driver, Chad Hall. Graham, Helm and Vance ran third, about 40 minutes later. Josh Hall had rolled the H2, which landed on its wheels, but needed a little TLC. As they went through Insurgentes and past the final pit at Mile 911 with Hall and Winkel up in front. They had over three hours on Kroe~r, and •1:1 8 BBSlltlESS OIi IIACE TEAM Dr/ring Soils~ Crew Unffllrms • Crew Shirts Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • Gear Bags JWWW #Eal!IST MOTIIIISPIIIITII • lllrr#EaA IUll:RWII • m IUIClll#I &allrrl Ullllll!IDI • &IHI , •• WIIIIIIS • IIAl:E IIIAIIY fllllllllll&TS • nl.7i rrl IIIILA.,.,, E'MPIRE IIIUIIRIIIIE • IIIIIBIA l:AIIS 0, COIRIIIA # 61/llmlll 7111111 IIIJl!llll:Jm NUU/1/11/IDJ I ,_ .. .,.,_~ ~~-IIIIC_,.,., r t•:: ·::;71.,,, VF,r 3/GH WJ/cker 1/rire Nin /111/J/l CA 111752 -------m• -----· , _ _ .,. __ Page 18 January 2005 his co-drivers, Robin Stover and Sara Mae Kroeker. Graham, Helm and Vance were third almost another hour down. Handley, Stein, McComas and Walser lost their motor fn that section, and Kevin Conlin and Dave Simpson, who'd been about three hours down all along, also went away in that part. Winkel and Hall went on to take the win. At the finish line Hall said, "That was fun -that's four in a row!" Meaning he'd now recorded four wins in La Paz races. Graham, Vance and Helm finished second, a good finish for a new truck. In third it was the Kroekers and Stover, about 15 min-utes behind the Nissan. Rod and Josh Hall were fourth in the H2, about five hours later, and in fifth it was Griffin and Mike Sabbarese, who lost all their power and had to rewire the Hummer. They had half-shaft bolt problems, and caliper problems also. They made the next checkpoint by just 30 seconds, and then managed to stay ahead of the closing times. Sixth place went to Juan Peralta and Juan Peralta R., in a Ford, who ran fifth most of the day, and then apparently had even more trouble thap the Hummer, and dropped a position. TI1e Stock Mini class was next off the line, and this was just one vehicle, the Toyota Tacoma ofKreg Donahoe and Dylan Evans. They motored along smoothly, finishing in 28 hours, two minutes and 55 seconds, which would have been good for a win in 7S or sec-ond place in 7SX. Inanycase, theycan be proud and pleased to have made it all the way. Class 9was next, with six entries. And all six made it all the way. At the Bay of LA the lead was in the hands of Eric Fisher and his co-driver, Antonio Valenzuela in their Garibay. They had 34 minutes on the second place team of Alejandro, Santiago and Rodolfo Diaz, all from La Paz. In tl1ird it was Eliseo Garcia, Juan Mayoral and Ramon Manuguez in another Garibay. But right there Valenzuela, who'd got in at Crucero, ran out of forward motion and knew he'd broken the transmission. He decided to go to sleep-it was about 9:30 at night when he got there. Everybody else went on and at Juanico Rolando Holmos and Edgar Sand1ez had their Jin100 in the lead. They were heading for Cabo and home. In second place it was Santiago, Alejandro and Rodolfo Diaz, all from La raz. TI1ey'd had alternator problems, and were about 52 minutes back. Our un-official timekeepers missed a car in here, and he may have been third. Tut was Steve Barry and Johnny Castinelras in their Chenowth. And meanwhile, Valenzuela woke up, it was daylight, he got a look at the car and realized it wasn't the transmission that broke, he'd spun a drum. And there was a spare drum in the car. So Valenzuela made hasty re-pairs and took off, now seven and a half hours behind the lead car. But he was well rested. At Mile 911 Holmos and Sanchez still led, even though they'd been stuck near Constitution. They'd tied a big long rope to their front bumper and the two of them had pulled the car out. Then, rather than untie the rope, they simply wrapped it arnund and around the bumper, and tucked the end in, so it would be handy if they needed it again. TI1e Diaz brothers were second, and only four minutes behind them, and in third itwas Barry and Castinelras, only three minutes further back. They were so close a hiccup could decide the race. And somethingjustassillyalmoscdid.Alength of that rope got loose from its wrap-pings, got into the front wheel and stopped Holmes and Sanchez. But they didn't lose much time. And they got going again quickly enough to save their win. The Diaz brothers finished at the same time they did, but on corrected time had second place by just two sec• onds! In third, seven and a half minutes later, it was Barry and Castinelras. TI1ey'd had two flat tires, and at one point an excited Sportsman buggy had bumped them and that sent them off the course and they ended up high-cen-tered on a cactus. They said it took 15 minutes to get going again. In fourth place it was Garcia, Maycral, and Manuguez, ahnost exactly four hours later. Fifth place went to Fisher and Valenzuela and Hector Sarabia, who drove me last part. Once the new drum was installed they'd had no problems, and finished seven hours behind the lead car. Tony Modica and Suheil Kardosh, Jesse Rodriguez started the race, but his dad, Pepe, age 66, did most of the driving and got his Ford to La Paz with a win in Class 7SX. Dusty Times
~-,.,..,,.,. .. ·✓•//t.c· -~-, Yuki Watanabe, a paraplegic from Japan, started and finished the day and with help from Toshi Kato and Masaki Urano, got the Isuzu to the finish for fourth place in Class 3. Vince Wavra, Terry McClintick and Rick McC/intick were down to Todd Wyllie decided to solo his first La Paz race in his Chevrolet, and two cylinders for a while, but some good repair worlc got them going with nothing more than a crunched front end to mar the trip, took the again, and they earned second place in Class 5. victory in Class 8. in a Chenowth, were sixth, the last ones to finish, four and a half hours behind Fisher and his buddies. The next class to take the green flag was Class 11, with just two entries. Early in the day, at Matias, the team of Javier Gomez, Gilberto Rivas and Ruben Camacho had about49 seconds on Eric Solorzano, but then they fell back, and when the two cars got to Mile 516, they were in the other order. Now, however, Solorzano and Roman Peyreyra and Miguel Haro had a seven hour lead over the Gomez, Rivas and Camacho teain. Solorzano' steam had some steering box problems, and kept stopping to tighten it. Finally, down around Juanico they replaced it so Haro, who drove that section, was in good shape. The whole team was in good shape, and they got to La Paz one more time, to earn their fourth La Paz victory. Their time was 31: 10: 19. Camacho, Gomez and Rivas weren't recorded again after Mile 516. The Class 3 cars started next. There were six of them and everyone got through the first 120 miles. Don Moss was in front at that point and he and his brother Ken kept their Bronco in front for the rest of the trip. Most of them cleared Matias within an hour of one another, but not Yuki Watanabe. Watanabe is a paraplegic who lives in Japan. He's done some racing there with hand controls in his car, and in 1997 he came over to visit with Jon Snyder, who also uses hand controls when he races. Jon hadn't raced in a long time, but through Ikuo Hanawa, he got to know about Watanabe, and invited him to come see the '97 1000. So Yuki did that, and was immediately bit by Baja fever. Now he had a dream• to race the Baja 1000 to La Paz. As it happens, after Hanawa built his Tro-phy Truck, he had a nice little Isuzu for sale (one he'd raced with some success over here several tin1es). So Yuki, who's a writer in real life, bought it and con-verted it to hand controls. A couple of racer friends helped him with prep and setup and then came over with him. Snyder and his step-dad, Mike Schwellinger, served as chase people, and Snyder signed on to drive the bottom half of the race. Yuki was the starting driver, and when he got about 30 miles down the road he hit a puddle, got a little sideways and rolled the car. There Schwellinger came in and windm them were lots of Mexican spectators nearby out {getting himself stude in~ proress). and they got hin1 back on his wheels in a Finally, he got the car to the pavement big hurry, but Yuki had hurt his head and put Yuki back in for the last sec-and his shoulder (and maybe his self-tion. The trans was on its last legs and confidence) and he wasn't certain he Jondidn'tthinkitwouldmakeitandhe should go on. Finally, he mov~ into was worried at the prospect of not hav-the passenger seat and let his co-driver, ing two able bodied people to push it Toshi Kato, do the driving. The car still across the finish line it need be. Yuki has the foot pedals so it was no prob- decided to take the chance, and appar-lern. Kato drove to Crucero. ently the transmission had cooled Meanwhile, Kelly, Spencer and Karl enough while they made the driver Beal, Craig Duke and George Hover change and discussed it all, so it worked were driving their Nissan and were in the full distance and enough to get the second. They'dbrokenafronttorsion truck up on the trailer. So Yuki bar adjuster just before the goat trail Watanabe, in his first try at the Baja and Bryant Hibbs, who rode all the way, 1000, went home a finisher. With wasn't real happy about going down fourth place. that bit of nasty road with no suspen-ln Class 17, Pro JeepSpeed, there sion, but they made it and then headed wasonlyoneentry. ItwastheCherokee for repairs at their pit. They were still of Ricardo Ranurez. He made steady second to Moss when they got to Bay of progress down the peninsula, and got LA, and in third it was Ed Griffin and all the way to somewhere past Mile 911, Bill Viering in another Bronco. Chris but didn't get to the finish line. He had Raffo and Jeff Dolan, in a Blazer, were plenty of time left, so he must have had fourth, only seven minutes back. But catastrophic problems of some sort. then Raffo and Dolan didn't make it to In the Sportsman Buggy division, the next pit, at Mile 516. there were six vehicles. All of them got At Juanico the Moss brothers were through the first 120 miles, and Tony still leading, even though they'd cl1a11ged Mclaren, Lloyd Kruse and Phil Dean an alternator. They now had almost had their Chenowth in front of the four hours on the Beals, who weren't group, leading by about an hour. The having any more problems. Chuck and rest were all within about 20 minutes of Jason Atkinson and Patrick Scanlon, in one another. But then Guy Ruse and another Bronco, were third, and Carl and John Becker, in their Mirage, Watanabe's-other co-driver, Masuki didn't make it to Puertecitos, nor did Urano, who hadn't pre-run, and in fact, McLaren's team. That left only four of hadn'tplannedtodrive, wasatthewheeL themstillrunning. He's a racer in Japan, so at least he was Joe Bednarandhiscodriver, George at home in a race vehicle. Griffin and Peters, sta)'ed in their Corvette powered Viering never got to Juanico. Sand Car Unlimited the whole way, The Moss brothers said they'd had switchingseatsevery 120miles. lheywere trouble with chase trucks on the race intheleadatSanJuanico,thenextplace course, but they didn't have any me-where we have good times on the class. chanical woes, and went on steadily to They had about an hour and 4 5 min-take another win.Two and a half hours utes on Bob Carr, Gerardo Robles and behind them the Beals also went on Kevin Carr. Ray Files ran third, another steadily, with no problems, and finished couple of hours back, and then Lee in second place. The Atkinsons and Finke was fourth, two and a half hours Scanlon were third, about five hours further back. later. And six hours further back, it was Bednar and Peters weren't having any the Watanabe team. Snyder, who hadn't mechanical problems, but they got hit raced in nine years, had got in at by an impatient Trophy Trude which Insurgences. He said the steering was didn't honk first. They kept things to-sloppy and the rear sway bar was bro- gether, kept switching seats and lllO\IOO ken. They had to stop and have an idler right along, to take the class win in 26 ann fixed, and they got buried in the silt hours and 57 minutes. Behind them for about an hour and a half. But came Ray Files, in second place, about four hours later, and in third place, the Carrs and Robles, using 33 hours and 29 minutes to get there. None of the rest finished. In the Sportsman Truck class there were three entries. At Puertecitos, 235 miles into the race, the lead belonged to Jason Lafortune in his Jeep Cherokee. lt was a JeepSpeed legal vehicle, but they decided to enter it in the Sportsman class. This was the team's first race in Mexico. In second, only three minutes behind them, it was Matt Vogler and Ollie Penkillakfu in another Cherokee, and in third, Ricardo Castano. He was an hour back and then he didn'tgetto theBayofLA Eric Solorzano, Roman Peyreyra and Miguel Haro, ace Class 11 drivers, teamed to bring their VW sedan to La Paz as a winner again. Vogler and Penkillakfu moved into the lead for a while, but by race Mile 516 the Lafortune team was bade in front, though by only four minutes. Dusty Times January 2005 George Seeley and Bruce Anderson had some puzzling electrical problems very late in the race, but still managed another win in Class 5 in their "New Beet/en. Dean Schlingman had driven a section, about the last vehicle on the road, when and now Kurt Young got in to drive to they got to the final silt beds they were Insurgentes. Vogler and Penkillakfu horrendous. ltwas dark, only one light didn't make it to Juanico, leaving the worked, the OPS was broken and so Lafortune guys the only ones moving. were all the gauges. There were other Jon Krellwitz got in to do the final problems also, but it was the pushing section to the finish ai1d everything went and digging that finally did them in. They like clockwork. They had a "clean run" didn't make it. But Meyers is ready to and finished their first Baja 1000 to La try again. And, while he waited for the Paz with a class win. They said it was car to get to him at the BFG pit at Race "definitely an experience." Mile 911, he had occasion to use their Last to startwas the Meyers Manxter, homebuilt outhouse. The pit members which had a crew that included Dean and guests were being encouraged to Watkins, John Castillo, Dave Dietrich decorate the interior of the outhouse and Bruce Meyers himself. Meyers, 78, with a verse or two, should the muse was to do the final section, so he waited strike. Meyers said he was "inspired." at the BFG pit at Mile 911 for the oth- Andweleaveyouwithhispoem, which ers to bring the car to him..The car ran we feel is a fitting way to close this story. well early on, but then it lost ai1 alterna- Bruce Mey;!f' s Poem: tor and for some reason they had to It's good to report, double back to San Felipe to get one. It If you looe this sport, cost them four hours. They got the car That you owe your thanks to Meyers and he got in, but being just To the Meyrn Manx. PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing SCIIE 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••. THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 19
48TH RALLYE DE FRANCE Tour De Corse 2DD4 By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Markko Martin and Michael Park fly past an appreciative crowd in their Ford Focus RS, on their way to the rally win at Tour de Corse. Two titles were settled in Corsica, Sebastien Loeb cruised to second place behind Markko Martin to be- • come the first French rally champion for ten years, while Citroen won the manufacturers' series for the second year running ... The Corsica weather was classic in style, conditions chang-ing not so much by the day or hour, but by the minute, and it was a testi-mony to the team's weather checking work that few drivers made a disas-trous tyre choice. It was also remark-able that in simulations of unexpected dampness, lying water or sudden changes of conditions, there were re-markable few drivers who left the road.Two rallies remain, in Catalunya and in Australia, and each of them will decide one of the two remaining World titles. Round 14 out of the 16 in the 2004 WCR series was held in Corsica, the Mediterranean island which in the sport has come almost to define the meaning of asphalt rallying, but there was one major shift in emphasis, this year. There were only six separate stage locations, each done twice, only 12 special stages in all. No other world championship event outside Africa has had so few high speed sections or such a high average length of special stage (over 30km per stage). This is also the shortest ever Tour de Corse in tern1s of competitive distance. The shortage of individual stages was bad news for spectators and photogra-phers, but an interesting challenge for Page 20 the tyre producers, who struggled not only to achieve long lasting character-istics but consistency of behaviour of their tyres from the start to the finish of stages. The other major challenge concerned the unpredictable nature of the weather and the emphasis on correct tyre choice. The short total distance of the stages and compact-ness of the route meant it was feasible to revert on this rally to a five day format. The maximum distance be-tween tyre change points was only 60km. Other changes surrounded the decision to use a centralised headquar-ters venue at the Palais des Congres at the port of Ajaccio with the Service Park alongside. Breaths were held as to whether the local traffic patterns in the town would make this decision workable, and the space available in the Service Park for the teams was much reduced. An experiment for 2005 was also held, in which teams had to seal the engines used on Corsica and then use them for Catalunya as well. This system was left vague at this ti"me, with the Stewards given power if they wanted to impose a 20 second penalty on a team that changed the engine before Catalunya. The teams were allowed, of course, to change the chassis ... Although the FlA has decided to abandon the "experi-ment" with the SupeRally system for 2005 in favour of a time penalty for missing controls it was continued with here although only one driver used this to restart on the second day. On a human level, there was excite-ment that this was twice world cham-pion Marcus Gronhohn's 100th world championship rally! For this special occasion a most special cake was prepared, on which four edible mod-els of Peugeots were mounted! The Peugeot team reacted by providing for their most experienced driver the old-est 307WRC around, chassis 2! The day before the start the FIA's World Council met, nonnally to sanc-tion various changes (already well publicised) to be made, but this time also to decide what to do about pos-sible fonnula changes. Would Super 2000 Rally be the World rally for-mula in 2006, or would the FlA in-stead insist on detuning World Rally Cars (a sort of WRC2 formula)? Well, no decision was taken except to ask the FIA's General Assembly to sanc-tion a late decision to change the rules in two months' time ... The Commu-nique told little that was not already known or expected however, the long search now began instead to find the small print, to discover what was never expected! Would Sebastien Loeb become champion this time? Would he try to win his home event (which he had never won before) or cruise for fifth place which would be enough to give him the title? Statistics were in his favour. Traditionally where Citroen's Xsaras won rallies, it was never just one rally but two. Three times previ-ously Loeb had won rallies in cars in January 2005 Xavier Pons and Oriol Julia were the PCWRC winners at Corsica, seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII. which he had also been victorious pre-viously. This time he was to drive the car (chassis 31) in which he won this year's Deutschland. And if he did that, there was nothing Petter Solberg nor anyone else could do to deny him the title. Would Petter Solberg seek to emulate the achievements of Loeb's countryman 1994 World Champion Didier Auriol and try to win four ral-lies running? Hard questions! All 16 PCWRC drivers due to con-test this event turned up, including Thomas Kuchar after his team's pre-Deutschland tragedy. Niall McShea's engine blew up on the roads in Ajaccio and a spare Impreza engine had to be fitted, both Gianluigi Galli and Daniel Sola had state-of-the-art, underfloor fuel tank, Evo Vllls. Shakedown, held after a half hour delay, saw Francois Duval make a time one-tenth of a sec-ond quicker, over a seven kilometre course, than Granholm, with Loeb third -and Solberg over four seconds slower in seventh place. Daniel Carlsson had a drama when his en-gine overheated and immediately the Bozian mechanics set about changing the engine in time for the rally proper. Citroen embarked on an ingenious promotional campaign, explaining they had already become World Champions, based on the premise that if Solberg beat Loeb to the title, that would ·already give them the Makes' title -and vice versa. In Sardinia, a massive ferry boat was requisitioned to act as a hotel for marshals, this time another ferry boat was requisitioned to act as -a floating car park ... Leg l 4 Stages, asphalt, 12lkms. Someone started the rally with a deep rooted sense of confidence. Markka Martin. Not since Monte Carlo had the Estonian been allowed, by the regulations, the luxury of a gravel (sorry, now called "safety") crew and it showed. His old mate Henrik Lundgaard was in charge of this work for him, the old team was back in business. Second on the opening stage behind teammate Francois Duval, Markka was 12 seconds faster than anyone on the second stage. Halfway through the opening day the closest the opposition could get to the Fords was 29.5 seconds, which was Sebastien Loeb's Citroen. The first two stages covered 60km, the longest distance the tyre companies felt an asphalt tyre could be trusted to last with the cur-rent equipment. Conditions were mostly dry but with some damp patches, especially on the opening stage while the skies contained their rain. For later competitors there was a lot of mud on the road, where earlier running cars had cut the corners. Petter Solberg said he had chosen tyres a little too hard, and after two stages was already a minute behind. His Subaru teammate Mikko Hirvonen was well behind, he had not done any testing for this event and it was his first asphalt event in the 2004 car. Of the Peugeots Freddy Loix was having dif-ficulty with the rear end of the 307 that was loose, "I am having to catch the car all the time" while Daniel Carlsson was going well with his dif-ferent engine, firsttime in Corsica, first orthodox rally on asphalt, and Cedric Robert had chosen tyres too hard. Nicolas Vouilloz (Peugeot) retired with an overheating engine, seemingly the same trouble as his Bozian teammate Carlsson had suffered the day before, while Stephane Sarrazin had a mis-fire oh his Subaru. After all this ex-citement it was time to relax a while. There was ahnost an hour to wait out-side the In control before service after Stage 2 (another similar wait was to come later in the day), before the same two stages were tackled again. There were four hours between Stages 2 and 3, quite a change from the traditional 24 hour non-stop event of 20 years ago. Off again and fully refreshed, the rain still held off but the stages were now much dirtier than first time through. Markko chose softer tyres and Duval harder ones and it made the difference. The stages were drier than expected, Martin dropped over a half minute on Stage 3, Duval was in the lead by nearly a quarter minute. ,,,,, Second overall went to Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena, seen here in their Citroen Xsara on the Corsican Isle. Dusty Times
Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen weren't particularly pleased Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets haven't had the best of years, they Francois Duval and Stephane Prevot were out of it on Stage 8, a blown en ine in their Ford Focus RS was the culprit. with their fourth place finish in their Peugeot 307. finished seventh overall in their Peugeot 307. 1 he Citroen teammates Carlos Sainz · ished the day not far short of two min- spite the weather getting more and and Sebastien Loeb were swapping utes in front of McShea who had more mercurial. Rain started to fall positions every stage, but at the end of joined Pons in being supplied with at Stage 7, just ten minutes before the the day it was the Frenchman in front new, secret version Michelin tyres. cars arrived. Duval made best time of the Spaniard by a quarter minute. Leg 2 despite hitting a rock and dislodging a Solberg was doing his best but it seemed 4 Stages, asphalt, 154kms. front tyre beading from the rim, then that this was a day for Michelin, not Only one driver ( Geradzhiev) re-on Stage 8 Martin made best time de-Pirelli, with Hirvonen only a little started under SupeRally rules. The spite the car catching fire four more than a minute behind. Armin weather was expected to be much the kilometres from the end of the stage. Schwarz (Skoda) said his tyres went same for the second day. As the crews "We just hurried on", explained Mar-off towards the end of Stage 4. He started Stage 5 there was light rain tin, "so I could see as soon as possible had been hoping for rain but it came but by the time they reached the fin- what the problem was ... " When the too late-as the crews were driving back ish of the stage there was heavy rain, power steering failed on the road sec-to the Service Park! and even hail stones! Finally tion to service, he had a pretty good In PCWRC, asphalt king Xavier Warmbold was running fine, once idea. Alex Benque went missing, he Pons, using development tyres from again being first car on the road un-had damaged the rear suspension of Michelin, disappeared into the dis- der the reverse order system. The steer- his Peugeot, so the only remaining ranee. He was 23 seconds ahead of ing pump belt failures had been due driver from the three car junior Mark Higgins after two stages, Higgins to a leak on the transfer housing which French team was Stephane Sarrazin. having to pump his brakes constantly. could not be repaired until the end- Stage 8 was typical Corsican weather, Brake troubles afflicted many drivers. of-day service, but even so they were torrential rain but only for the first Marcos Ligato only had his hand six minutes late leaving. half dozen cars on the stage, then aqua-brake working for the second half of This was the day when crews could planing territory for the next 20km. Stage 1. Fabio Frisiero said his brakes change tyres between every stage. Most Carlsson, "Unbelievable, the rain was were spongy. Sergio Fombona lost a had expected more rain than there so heavy the wipers could not move half minute when his engine stalled was and had taken tyres which were fast enough." on a patch of lying water. Sebastien too soft. Near the start of the first In PCWRC Xavier Pons contin-Vollak lost his brakes, when a pipe stage (5) Cedric Robert aquaplaned, ued at t~e head of the category (with broke, near the end of Stage 1 and spun and jammed his 307 across the his non-championship RAC team-had to drive all of Stage 2 with none, road, blocking the road for Marcus mate Daniel Sordo in second place in when all the fluid had escaped. He Granholm and Carlos Sainz. Even-Group N) while Alister McRae, with was then stopped by the police driv- tually the road was cleared, Robert the advantage of a gravel (sorry, iug back to service, for speeding. retired, these other drivers were given "safety") crew, the only PCWRC driver Gianluigi Galli disappeared on the an interruption time (based on an- with such a luxury, was pulling back first stage with engine failure, "All we other complication calculation as in and got past Nasser Al-Attiyah. After saw was smoke coming out from the Sardinia), but those behind held a 26 Stage 5 Niall McShea was 0.6 seconds bonnet, then it stopped." His team-minute delay at the start of the stage, in front of McRae, after Stage 6 they mate, in the semi-official Ralliart car, enough seriously to cool down the were 0.2 apart. Many drivers had Daniel Sola not only retired on Stage tyres, by by the time they passed, the punctures. Tomas Kuchar fell behind 2, with gearbox failure, but also lost rain at the end of the stage had long Ricardo Trivino when he had to drive his hopes of a title this year. Tomas stopped. The Fords made two best 10km on a flat. Sebastien Vollak Kuchar had his gear linkage collapse times, Francois Duval falling behind stopped to change a flat on Stage 5. on Stage 1 and then had brake Markka Marrin when he twice slid off Sergio Fombona had three punctures trouble after that but carried on. the road and stalled. Martin pulled and was lucky still to be in the event, "I In the afternoon, more trouble out more time on Stage 6 by making hadn't had any punctures in all the came to Top Run. Ligato broke a best time despite a puncture. Most championship this year until now!" front driveshaft and retired on Stage people expected the stage to be wetter On Stage 6 Vollak had to stop again 3 while Higgins broke a rear driveshaft than it was. Armin Schwarz lost a to change another flat tyre. Catching and struggled to finish that stage. minutewhenthegearshiftsystemfailed up after troubles on Leg 1, Higgins Higgins dropped only two minutes to after 10km forcing the driver to use was up to fifth, a half minute behind his rivals, "llocked upthediff, turned manual shifting. And then the hy-Fumio Nutahara, despite having off the boost and cruised along," fall-draulics failed so the central differen- troubles with spectators in the road. ing from second to eighth. Alister tial did not work. Loeb, the cham- Al Attiyah for this first time was rally-McRae made a bad choice of tyres, pion elect, was now almost one minute ing on wet weather tyres -and also in selecting ones which were far too soft behind Marrin. falling rain. Niall McShea made his and this dropped him behind Niall There was no minute on this event attack. On Stage 7 he was nine sec-McShea. Fabio Frisiero had more which was boring. Marrin held his own onds faster than Alister McRae, then brake trouble as did Vollak. Pons fin- during the two afternoon stages, de-on Stage 8 he took an amazing 43 seconds off the Scotsman. This aston-ished McRae, and demoralised him when he realised that he was also over a half minute slower than Higgins. End of the day saw 11 drivers still active, Pons towards three minutes in front A mean looking sky looks down on Carlos Sainz, he was third overall at Corsica in his Citroen Xsara. Dusty Times ofMcShea, who was 33 seconds ahead of McRae and Higgins fourth, now in front of Nutahara. What was striking about the whole event had been the lack of any seri-ouslywrong tyre choices and in some of the most treacherous conditions imaginable, how few drivers had made driving errors. The weather started to get even more extreme. Lightning crashes were terrifying, but at l@ast it meant that maybe there would be some change in the weather for the final day. In the height of the storm, which came just after mosr of the com-January 2005 Niall McShea and Michael Orr were second in the PCWRC contest, they were 14"' overall in their Subaru lmpreza WRX. petitors had finished their end-of-day servicing, one luckless mechanic drove his car over the edge of the quayside into the dock, happily without injury. Leg3 4 Stages, asphalt, 11:Zkms. When the rivers of water had flowed away, so the weather improved. Still the perils of the cramped service area continued, one spectator tripped and fell on to Martin's car passing through on its way to the Out con-trol, again happily without injury. The first stage of the day was, for a change, mostly dry and abrasive. Sud-denly, and far too late to do any good, Pirelli came on stream and Petter Solberg won the opening stage of the day, but it was business as usual for Michelin on Stage 10, where it was damp and humid and where Markka Martin was fastest once more. On Stage 9 Francois Duval stopped with engine failure, shortly after the start of the stage, and this meant his teammate's lead increased to 71 sec-onds, and increased still further to 94 seconds when Sebastien Loeb eased right up on Stage 10. The only drama in the closing stages was when Daniel Carlsson went off the road on the fi-nal stage, damaged the suspension and lost five minutes. The excitement for France was real as Sebastien claimed the World Drivers' title, the first French champion for ten years, and Citroen for the second rime the Manu-facturers' championship. In PCWRC, Pirelli were momen-tarily back on song, Alister McRae {like Solberg) winning Stage 9 (fin-ished third) but it did not last. Michelin drivers Niall McShea won the next two stages (finished second), and Xavier Pons' non-championship teammate Daniel Sordo the final stage. Now only Australia is to come in the PCWRC and a most exciting finish is in store. Jani Paasonen leads Pons and McShea by two points, McRae by three, Pons is now unable to win and the fourth driver still able to take the title is Toshi Arai who did not compete here. 1AJ2C: 40TH Tour de Corse 15/17.10.2004 Ajaccio (F) WC round 14 PCWRC round 6 WC points WR WO PC 1 (7) Mari<ko MARTIN/Michael Pan< EE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC ET53UJP (GB) 4h.11m.51 .4s. 10 10 2 (3) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 23DDM92 (F) 4h.13m.53.4s. 8 8 3 (4) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 970DAM78 (F) 4h.14m.46.7s. 6 6 4 (5) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot 307 WRC 952PRV75 (F) 4h.15m.20.5s. 5 5 5 (1) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC RT53SRT (GB) 4h.16m.57.7s. 4 4 6 (22) Stephane Sarrazin/Patrick Pivato F Subaru lmpreza WRC S800WRT (GB) 4h.19m.00,5s. - 3 7 (9) Freddy loilc/Sven Smeets B Peugeot 307 WRC 471PWL75 (F) 4h.20m.12.6s. - 2 8 (12) Armin SchwarzJManfred Hiemer D SkodaFabia WRC 384 5611 (CZ) 4h.20m.59. 7s. - 1 9 (11) Toni Gardemeister/Paavo Lukander FIN SkodaFabia WRC 384 5612 (CZ) 4h.21m.26.7s. -10 (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC YT53SRT (GB) 4h.23m.49.6s. 3 Other important finishers 11 (20) Daniel Carlsson/Mattias Andersson s Peugeot206 WRC 814NVT75 (F) 4h.29(n.55.4s. -12 (47) Xavier Pons/Oriol Julia E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII PCWRC 2096CZG (E) 4h.37m.17.9s.* - 10 14 (34) Niall McShea/Michael Orr GB Subaru lmpreza WRX PCWRC GMG300NO9071 (J) 4h.38m.16.7s. - 8 15 (39) Alister McRae/David Senior GB Subaru lmpreza WRC PCWRC WR04RED (GB) 4h.39m.00s.2s. - 6 16 (42) Mar1< Higgins/Michael Gibson GB Subaru lmpreza STi PCWRC GF736BP (A 4h.42m.10.7s. - 5 Uitm thbthi I Ar,r.QT Page 21
MDR STODDARD 250 Last Race Of The season By Ann Donaldson Photos: Trackside Photo Randy Wilson Jed from the get go, he took the Class 1 honors with a bit more than 20 minutes in hand at the checkers. Jamie Campbell had a pretty good race, he won his class with ease and was ninth overall in the final standings. Mojave Desert Racing held the last race of the season in Barstow. Clear skies and cool weather greeted the crowd. Later in the evening after the race, snow, yes, snow fell all around the high desert. The local area was covered in the white stuff. Heavy rains and flooding hit other areas in South-ern California. The drivers' meeting began at 6 a.m. The race at 7. A number of racers were confused about how many laps their class was running, which is why attend-ing the drivers' meeting is not only recommended but mandatory. The course was a 38 mile loop. The number of laps ranged from ·four to six, depending on the class. Technical inspection was set up across from the start/finish Sam Suhr has lots of fun with his Bronco, he also took the Class 3 honors at the MOR Stoddard 250 race. \' " . ~-_ ... t' :'!'~ Paulden Hepler had a great run, he led all six laps, ran trouble free and had almost an hour in hand at the end. line. Red Longacre was in charge of technical inspection since Art Sevada was in Mexico for a race. Red inspected race· vehicles for safety along with Bill Markel, Lorenzo Lorenzana, Donald Harper and Lenore White. Randy Wilson,_driving his two seat J imco, did a repeat of the last MDR race, raking the overall win along with winning Class 1 win. Randy had the fast lap of the race at 38 minutes. He also finished the race in a smoking hot time of four hours. Co-driving with Randy was Charlie Gioffredi. Randy and Charlie reported a trouble free race. Randy's laps had an average speed of 56.9 mph. No one was even close to him. Ronnie Wilson, also driving a two seat Jimco, finished 22 min-utes behind brother Randy. Co-driving with Ronnie was Randy Beck. On the last lap of the race, the race radio wiring caught fire, forcing them to stop to put the fire out. They were able to quell the fire before any real damage was done. Long time racer and Alpine, California resident Mike James fin-ished in third place. Mike drove a Jimco powered by a Chevrolet V6 cranking out 560 horsepower, with a Fortin 4-speed transmission to send all that power to the wheels. Mike drove three laps be-fore handing out the wheel to son Jeremy, who drove the last three laps. Mike said, 'The Wilsons were so far ahead of me that all l could do was try to keep up." A flat tire on the last lap just two miles past the start/finish line slowed them down ... The James family finished less than two minutes after Ronnie Wilson despite the tire change. Matt Towery blew everyone away in Class 8, he was fast and consistent and he ended up 15"' overall as well. Thomas Byma drove his wedge shaped car to the Class 9 victory, in spite of a very long third lap. McKenzies Performance owner Jeff Quinn brought out his new Jimco buggy. Jeff's racer sported Continued on page 24 ,, Mike Barnett was all alone in his Jeepspeed class, he ran his six Giti Gow/and is back! He literally flew to victory in his Jeepspeed Ronny Wilson was right in there for the Class 1 win but a long sixth required laps in five and a half hours. class, seen here saving a bit of wear on the tires. lap dropped him to a distant second place finish. Page 22 January 2005 Dusty Times
,l1IICl,~II, 2111 = ;:. ~ < > • : =· ■ ..---....... < --February 5,2005 LUCERNE CA, THE 2005 CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES April 2, 2005 May 14, 2005 June 25, 2005 August 13, 2005 September 24, 2005 November 12, 2005 . ,,~---==-"a.=.A'--ISTRIBUTING JIMCO ~a«'Je9 A~ DVANCED 2005 RACE SCHEDULE FEATURING LONGER COURSES - w···················•·································· JRELESS, INC. Mar. 5 Fud Memorial 200 Plaster City West Apr. 23 The King 250 Plaster City East June 11 Coyote Wash 200 Plaster City West (Night Ra:e) Oct. 29 Superstitution 250 Plaster City East (Day RaceJ Dec. 31 BUD LIGHT DASH Plaster City r:rSTUFF~ VW TRANSAXLES TOLLPllft 1-86f.;)ll«:.\\T,UFF . __ .· 760-72~-8878 909-G~ -.. FAX 909-654-5787 OCEANSIDE I SAN JACINTO, CA. EMAIL &v-.~ (',11, . .-, f'!(.~.. M"!.....,., St:,,.,,,~,. IW~f'b.:,c.a l'llk.-:..Jdc(»r4~ ♦'XH.AA.eNN¥,.,.._ •t."-»sM ,Jla(M\WlrC"L !o111tf<MWil -~Y..!.?X!'----1t41.11:!?M flUlt.lfl? :1:11U.™'C.2tl.1 U.S. Forest Service approved spark arrestor and green sticker or license prate required on all race vehicles. *Entry form and fees due two weeks before the race date. "'*With 3 In class. Entry fee for the driver only, no fee for co-drivers, support crew, spectators or the general public (Note: if the vehicle does not make the starting line, 100% of the entry fee Is rolled over to the next race) FOR MDR RACE RESULTS/ INFORMATION: PHONE (628) 442-9320 FAX (626) 579-60511853 Parkway Drive So. 1!!1 Monte, CA 91733 EMAIL WEBSITE MDR Tech Info: ALL RACE TECH & SAFETY-Phone (702) 897-3583 EMAIL .... . ...... ) .... . ······················································•·•···•···· .. ,, ..•. The Corky McMillin Companies{:1,,~ .. ancl O....·,,~lnr,1ncnto(:.>mmcn:inl
Stephan Eavenson was a bit off the winning pace in Class 5-1600, he Lee Perfect wasn't perfect this weekend, he finished a long second in Cory Vandemark had Class 11 won but a very long third lap dropped him into the second spot at the Stoddard 250. finished in second place, an hour out of the win. . the Class 1000 fight, seen here at speed. 25 inches front wheel travel with in the race with a car covered in cumulate the highest number of 27 inches rear travel and powered mud thanks to a puddle at Mile points for the class and won the A full size Chevrolet with an A-brothers brought the truck in for arm front end and powered by a a sixth place finish. by a Chevrolet V8. Jeff finished Marker 33, Bill drove four laps class championship. the required six laps in fourth before handing over the car to Bringing out their new truck place. first time driver Danny for the first time to race were V8, the truck guzzled more fuel Nine Class 10 buggies made the than anticipated. They ran out of trip to Barstow. Driving an orange gas on the fourth lap. With an RPS chassis, single seat buggy pow-average speed of 46.8 mph the ered by a Honda motor, Joseph Bill Wingerning finished fifth Wingerning. Bill was able to ac-brothers Rubin and Rudy Arzate. LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TD THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. King Pin Spind/11$ or Cami/a Link Spindles. Billet Disc Brakes for Sand Rails ......•......... $690 ..._._ ______ _. Billet Disc Brakes tor Desert Rails ............... .730 2.5 Power Rack .... 2.5 Power Rack with Control Valve .................. 1,465 Control Valve • lnline ............... 300 Charlynn Torque Generator. ..... 336 Port Block. Charlynn .................. 30 Coupler, Charlynn ...................... 18 Sweet U·Joints. from ................. 56 Reservoir. Power Steering ......... 94 Reservoir with Filter, Power Steering ................ 148 Reserboir Bracket..... . ....... 14 Power Steering Pump ............. 160 Power Steering Pulley. . ... 60 Pulley for Subaru.......... . ..... 60 Pump Brackets, from..... . .... 65 Pag.e 24 BILLET 5VW HUBS KP or Cami/a Link Spindles. King Pin Spindle Hub Kit.. •... $335 Combo Link Spindle Hub Kit..345 Ba/a-Pro Performance Tires E78 Mini Mag ...................... $90 30 X 7.00. 4-ply ....................... 110 33 X 9.00. 4-ply ....................... 130 35 X 10.00, 4-ply ..................... 155 MICKEY THOMSON BAJA BELTED HP 30x9.5-15 ............................ $125 31 X 10.50-15 .......................... 145 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION •Made in USA• ant Ends are 6" Wider with 10-Towers to Accept Coil Shocks Without Modification and eludes Rack and Pinion Mount. Trailing Anns are 0.0.M. aterlat, 2•;.· urger x 1• Wider nd Can Use Either Stock King Pin Spindles or Combo Links. Combo link Splndles .............. .450 Combo Link Spindles, 3· ......... 465 .........• 300 King Shock 2' Mj. Body t of 4 .285 w/Reservoir. includes (4) .. 335 Springs. each ................... 495 ............ 50 Piggy Back Reservoir Option ..•.. 65 .......... 24 $wedged lle Rods, Alum., pr .... 65 ..........•. 48 Swedged T·Rods, Chromoly, pr65 Billet Housing. Made In U.S.A. Saco Rack & Pinion ............... $295 Sweet U-Joints, from ......... 56 ~CONTROL ~CABLES Flexible, Heavy Duty Shielded Throttle Cables. Specify Clip End Or Bulk Head End Available 6'-13' Long In 6" Increments. 6' or 5•1,· Cable ........................ $28 7' or 7•1,· Cable..... . ........ 29 5• or 8'/,' Cable.. . ........ 30 9• or 9•1,· Cable.. . ....... 31 10· or 10•1,· Cable ...................... 32 11• or11•1,• Cable... . ............. 33 12· or 12•1,· Cable ...................... 34 13· or 13•1,· Cable ...................... 35 • Add $5 for Threaded Housing • KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Dual Spring Shock with Hose and Reservoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock. 8-10·12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock. 12-14-16" Stroke ..... .from 585 Billet Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount, each ........ 35 Piggy Back Option. each ............ 35 Urethane Mount Pad. pair •• RACE PREP 930 CV'S From German 930s to Raceprep 930. German 930 CV ....................... $50 Chromoly 930 Cage .................. .45 Race Prep 930 CV .................... 125 HD'/, 930CV Bolt. 12 Point.. ....... 1 Boot And Flange For 930 ........... 28 930 CHROMOLY CV CAGE Allows Additional Pivoting In 930 CV Joint. Stronger Cage Reduces Chance of Breaking. --ll30 Chromoly CV Cage, each .. $45 Chromoly Heim Joints Specify Left or Right Hand Thread ¼" x '/," Heim Joint .................. $31 '/." x '/." Heim Jomt .................... 38 ¼' x ¾" High Angle Heim Joint..49 W Jam Nut ................ 2 'I• Jam Nut ................... 3 't." x ½" x 1/: Misalignment Spacer ................................... ? '/," x 1/? x 'h" Misalignment Spacer ................................. 7 s1: X 1h" X 1n Misalignment Spacer... . ............. 8 11: x 5/," x ½" Misalignment Spacer ................................... 8 ¼' Thread Chromoly Tube Boss .8 ¾" Thread Chromoly Tube Boss .8 CENTERLINE WHEELS Forged Aluminum Wheels with Polished Finish. 15x4 5VW ....................... $145 15 X 5 5 VW ......................... 149 15 x6 5 VW ............••....•....•. 150 15x7 5VW ......................... 151 15x8 5VW ......................... 154 15x10 5VW ....•....•............... 161 15 X 3 '/, 4 VW ..................... 140 15 X 5 '/, 4 VW ..................... 178 15 X 7 4 VW ..................... 182 15x8 '/, 4VW ..................... 187 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axles for 930 CV, pair .... $140 Stub Axles for Bus CV, pair .... $140 Drive Ranges for 930 CV. pair ... 70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV, pair ... 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LATEST RASE Bug/Bus Trans to ANO BOOTS Beetle Trailer Arms .....•.... $120 Bug. CV Joint... ........................ $38 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms ..... 130 Bug, CV Boot .............................. 4 Bug/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus. CV Joint... .......................... 40 for 930 CV's ...................... 140 Bus, CV Boot ............................... 6 23" or 24" Axles for 930 cv·s ... 260 930, CV Joint .............•.............. 50 24'-28' M300 for 930 CV's .. .fr 340 930. Boot and Flange ...............• 28 CROW SAFETY BELTS 3" Lap Belts with Sewn-In Z" or 3" Shoulder Harnesses Available in 3, 4, or V Point Black or Grey. 3" x 2" 3 Point... .................... $65 3" x 2" 4 Point... ...................... 65 3" x 3" 3 Point....... . ... 80 3" x 3" 4 Point.... . ... 80 3" x 2" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 85 3" x 2" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 85 3" x 3" 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 95 3" x 3" 4 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .... 95 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Available for 2" or 3" Shoulder Harness, Black, Blue Or Red. 2· Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. $24 3" Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .... 28 I~ ~~: LIMITING STRAPS Availallle in Doubles or Quads. Made from 1•;.• Nylon Wei/bing with a 5, 0001 Rating and 4130 Steel Brackets. Available in 12"-20• Lengths. Double limiting Strap .............. $14 Quad limiting Strap ................... 20 Adjustable Clevis, Single ............ 26 Susp on 'I•" Steel Frame, ~ Twe Ille In: Black Vinyl with allric; Grey Vinyl with Ell ombination. (Add $7). Low Ba 210 High 15 Only 19" Wide! Now You Can Use Special Order Widths Available. Suspension Seats in Narrower 2-Pass; Bench Seat. Chassis. Aval/able in Black or Grey. 46 Wide •·•···•·················$380 Lil' Sportster Seat. Low-Back $150 BEARD SUPER SEAT u1:sportster Seat. Hi·Back ...... 155 BEARD TIE DOWNS MOUNT KIT light Duty Tie Down. 1'1<" x 5· Slide/Tilt Combination .......... $110 Strap, 5.000# Capacity .•.... $16 Slide/Shde Combination Ratchet Tie Down, 2" x 7' for Lil' Sportster ................ 125 Strap. 10.000I Capacity ...... 24 Bracket and Slide Mount Only .. 50 Axle Strap .................................. 1 O January 200s Lacore reported a trouble free race. Joseph wanted to make sure Ryan Arciero was thanked for use of his shop to prep the car. Finishing in second place, Lee Perfect drove an older Chenowth buggy using a Fat Performance motor. Lee drove three laps be-fore turning over the wheel to Dave Baeskens. Lee also managed to finish four points ahead of the competition for the Class 10 championship. When asked, Mark Weger said: "We like to say the color of the car is Highlighter Yellow." The two seat RPS chassis buggy was defiantly bright. Although they suffered three flat tires, Mark and co-driver, Mark Newton brought the car home in third place . Electrical problems plagued the Gledhill family but they managed to pilot their orange buggy to a fourth place finish. Jim and Bill Gledhill divided the driving duties, three laps each. Jim commented, "The course was marked well." Rounding up the last of the class to finish was Brent Loughren, who suffered a very long third lap. Brent did manage to finish fifth. Class 8 attracted two trucks, but only one was able to complete the required six laps. Matt Towery drove his red Ford to the finish line in six hours and 39 minutes. Raul Flores, driving a green Chevrolet step-side truck, was only able to complete three laps before calling it a day. Although two Class 9 cars were entered, only one would see the finish line. Thomas Byma, driv-, ing his two seat car,. finished five laps in seven hours and 38 min-utes. Mike Ward was unable to complete a lap. One vintage (or early) Bronco made the trip to Barstow. It was a reminder of the early days of off road racing. Sam Suhr drove it the required four lap distance for the Class 3 win. The Open Baja Bug Class 5 had two starters, but no finish-ers. Jeff Nutter went three laps before calling it a day. Scott Hewitt was able to go four laps before parking his car. Limited Class 5-1600 Baja Bugs had a 100% finishing rate. Three cars entered and went the total race distance: six laps. Driv-ing his red Bug, Paulden Helper made it to the checkered flag first with a total time of six hours and 18 minutes. Finishing more than an hour later was the vivid green Bug driven by Stephen Levenson. Ron Craft drove his bright blue Volkswagen to become the third Dusty Times
¥£..i'il!l"Mil: A two and a quarter hour second lap relegated Mark Hammes to a Christopher Pa" was just a few ticks off the winning pace in Class Obviously, Matt Torian was serious about winning, unfortunately he missed the gold medal by a bit over two minutes. second place finish in the Class 1200 tussle. 1300, he finished second in his great looking car. finisher in the class. his CORR truck. Javier drove the class. Creg Crew used this race to Johnny Campbell won the mini whole race and had a couple of give rides until he saw the class win truck Class 7s, along with the cham-unplanned pit stops to tighten the in his sights. He then hammered pionship for the class and the over-upper ball joints. Javier plans on down on the gas pedal, aiming for all points championship, Johnny, racing the 2005 season. the finish line. Creg drove the re-who has won quite a bit this past The Sportsman Buggy class win-quired five laps in a total time of year, drove a Ford Ranger. Johnny ner also won the points for the four hours and 37 minutes. only had one problem at this race: a spark plug wire came off. With that repaired, he went on to be the only finisher in his class. At an MOR race, Class 12 is a stock mini truck class, not a buggy class. Fo.ur different types of trucks were ready to compete against each other. Driving a single cab Ford Ranger, Larry Ehrhardt finished the required four laps in four hours and 39 minutes. Finishing almost two hours later for a second place finish was Mark Hammes driving his extra cab Ford Ranger. New to racing Javier Avila, brought out his 1986 S-10 two wheel drive truck and finished third. Paralysed from the waist down, Javier uses a hand control set up similar to what Evan Evans uses in Dusty Times Joseph Lacore ran very fast and trouble free, hetook the Class 10 honors with ease and ended up fourth overall. January 2005 Christopher Parr, who drives an thinking he would have to sit this orange Chenowth Mini-mag, had race out. Eddie Yarros of Bug to cope with two front flat tires and Builders silved the day by offering one rear flat. Christopher said the to rebuild the 2332 fuel injected course was dusty but fast. VW motor. Terry was back in the Suffering a seized motor after game. His lap times were consistent his last race had Terry Wyrembek Continued on page 26 Brian Thompson took the Class 11 lead on the third lap and he went on for the win, seen here headin towards victo . Page 25
Jack Clinkenbeard had a two and a ·half hour second lap but was B,yan Rogers had major problems on his second lap, he was unable Mike James has a hard touchdown on his way to a third place finish in Class 1, he was less than two minutes out of the second spot. able to salvage a great second place in Class 1600. to finish his last lap at the Stoddard 250. · Lar,y Ehrhardt heads for the clouds in his neat looking truck, he took the Class 1200 win with ease at the MOR Stoddard 250. even though he broke a rear limit-ing strap on the fourth lap. Mike Rauls co-drove the entire race that Terry said was "dusty and rough." Terry also said, "I was racing Parr, but I had to slow down after I broke the limiting strap." Terry fin-ished a little less than two minutes after Parr for third place. Kathy Ingold wanted crown molding for her home. She has yet to see it. The money went to-wards a set of new King shocks instead. She put her dreams of ,..,.,.----....... ..-~--~,........,...,-~~""'""~~~.,,.,.., ing, a 1914 Fat VW motor and, of course, the new King shocks. Everyone who helped out got a ride. A fourth place finish was the reward. The lngolds, father Terry and son John will, be racing the vintage car next year. Four Class 1/2-1600 buggies set up to battle it out in Barstow. Archie Floyd won both the class and took the points champion-ship. Driving his white two seat Lothringer, Archie finished six laps in five hours and 31 minutes. First time co-driver was Chad Carny. Chad commented on his ride, say-ing it was a "blast". In Class 1300, Greg Crew drove his Lucas Oil car to the class win, seen here at speed on the way to the finish. Jack Clinkenbeard suffered down time and was able to finish a little over two hours later. Jason Wagstaff had a rough race with lap crown molding on the back burner so her son, John, could race,. In 1978 the Ingold family bought a two seat Funco from Bob Shindler. The car sat for years. It was moved from the ga-rage, to the backyard and then to a storage facility. John and his times over an hour each. He was friends, Shawn Powell, Steve able to complete the race in seven Snowden, and Justin Montoya, hours and 36 minutes. spent long evenings building the Class 11 is one of the most re-car. Finishing it took less than a spected classes to race. Driving a year. Doing a complete rebuild, stock VW across the desert takes they installed new torsion hous-courage - a lot of courage. Three ....,.,..,,,,_~_,.,,,,,,...,.,, _____ ~""""=,,,,,....---Mark WegersetfastlapforClass 10, he was exactly In Class 1300, Terry Wyrembeck was fast and two minutes away from the silver medal, seen here consistent but he was only able to grab third place Third place in Class 1400 w~nt to Mark Sabol, seen Jason Wagstaff was the third place finisher in Class here heading for the checkers and ready for a nice 1600, he was only a few minutes out of the second at speed. in the hotly contested class. landing. ~sp~o_t_. _______________ _ Page 26 January 2005 Dusty Times
Jeff Quinn had a reasonable day in his great looking car, he had a couple of slower laps and ended up in Jim Gledhill had a couple of slow laps to hinder him, Matt Helton gets the award for graceful flyer, Matt Bob Schreiner's GMC touches down, Bob set fast he ended up in the fourth spot in the Class 10 finished in fourth place in class at the MOR Stoddard lap for his class, but a long last lap put him in the the fourth spot in Class 1. contest. 250. fifth finishing position. cars entered and three finished. Brian Thompson got to the finish line first. Driving his bright blue and yellow Bug, Brian took six hours and 18 minutes to see the checkered flag. Second place went to Cory Vandemark, who finished 20 minutes later. Third place was Robert Henderson driving a red, white and blue Bug. On the last circuit, Rob-ert had the fast lap for the class at one hour and five minutes. Rob-ert also took home the champion-ship for this class. Two separate JeepSpeed classes raced. Mike Barnett was the sole entry in the modified class, and he went the distance, five laps, for the win. Mike also took home the championship. If you need time off to race, hav-ing your boss as a co-driver is a good plan. Jeff Zimmerland co-drives with Giti Gowland and also is his boss. Giti drives his JeepSpeed to work. Unless he is prepping it, he uses it on a daily basis. Finishing Austin Farner took the Class 1400 lead on the third lap, held on to it the last lap and won the class with 26 minutes in hand. in first in the stock JeepSpeed class, Giti said, "I had an excellent race." He also commented that the rear end on the Jeep "wasn't right", so he had to nurse the truck to the finish line. Taking second place was Bryan Rogers, a little less than two hours after Giti. Bryan did win the cham-pionship for this class. Third place went to Jim Hunt driving his red JeepSpeed. The most entries went to Sportsman pre-runner class with Archie Floyd led all the way'in the Class 1600 battle, he ran trouble tree and won with two hours in hand. 16 entries. Winning the class by a slim two minutes, Austin Farner took the checkered in his white Toyota. Austin also won the cham-pionship for the class by seven points. He is unsure if he will race in 2005. Matt Torian finished in second place. Third place went to Matt Sabol. MOR will have a seven race schedule for 2005 with locations including Barstow, Ridgecrest and Lucerne Valley. tlf,}6,,1 IUiTEIN® THE WORLD ·I.EAom IN o:ruBE GAs PRESSURE '·'!I.-...;_ : OFF ROAD SHOCK . ABSORBER TECHNOLOGY --~ .<, -,,·· _-:--;,: ~-j >.-. ' y -$:, . c..»~ . 'i-j_ --.......:, " NEIN Congratulations to lhe 2004 ,hampions of the Desert and BtJJa 1000 Winners Riding on.Bf/stein Shocks ... . t9J, . 300 SERIE. l .=e, Bilstein's racing performance is legendary. And every·shock we build is tilled with· th~ lmowtedge we've. gained from over three decades g,t cr~ssing theJinish line first. Bilstein was first to unleash the fncredible , performance advantage of monotube gas presstlfe ' shock absorbers-over 50 years ago and still,leads: the way today. Bi/stein •.. Advanced Technology, Winning Performance, Superior Selection. Dusty Times Bigge tronge ighte Coale • The only thing that can rival ils revolutionary performance, is its radically innovatlve de,;ign .-,..,,,,,,.... SCORE Champions: ""Tliiin Je(f;ey-• 4·Wheel Vehicle Overall Points • Plus Class 1!2•1600 Champ Eric Solorzano-Class 11 Matt Scaroni -PJolfiick- . "'.,~ 'Besttn The DeserfC~amptees:' . preg routr·-C/ass-8100 ~ '\~~ ..... ,z, $ Marc Stein -Class 41ou,·· ·-2:<"'"' Jonathon Swift -Class 3080 '·y.,'¥. Matt Scaronl -Prolruck - r -t ¥ ~ ~ $CORE Baja 1000 Winne15:,'"' . ~ ""'Mark Miller -Trophy Truck . "·· ~ • • • ; \ Martin Christensen-Class.JO, , /fl-tech open classes to restflcted /1m1ted classe~ -Eyt,S9{orzano-Class 11- 1 1· \,. 7 count o~ the winning performance ol\Bil~lfinl~ickJ.. Johnson-Prolfl!c( "-; .. For more information on Bilstein's compJete line ~· off-rn}o~hock ab~;rbersi.~C 11 otiisil ;ur weltsite. ~W""""'" j • \. ••. ,;, ;ir January 2005 Page 27
SNORE WESTERN DESERT CHALLENGE Gaughan cets The Gold By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Michael Gaughan Jr. and JC Dean were the big winners in Class 10 and they were the overall winners as. well. SNORE put on their last race of the 2004 season on November 13th and it was a good race, fairly well attended and certainly hotly con-tested. The weather was good for a race, nicely cool, not really chilly, overcast for most of the day and enough of a breeze to get the dust off the course. A lap was 45 miles in length. Classes 1, 10 and 1600 had five laps to complete for the race, Classes 9, 5-1600, Heavy Metal and Mini Metal had to make four laps Flyin' high, Tammie Gubler's Ford behaved well and she drove it to a very nice first for a finish and all the Sportsman place finish in Heavy Metal. were required to complete three laps his first lap. for their race. The second lap saw some major The first class off the line was the changes, Bryan Freemal really Class 10 contingent and most of turned in on, he took the lead by them had a really good, competitive setting fast lap for the class, Steve race. When the dust cleared after Brown was down to second place, the first lap it was Steve Brown in just a few minutes away from the the lead, Clay Flippin was next in lead, Mike Gaughan moved up a line, he was less than two minutes spot into third place, just a few min-down, Bryan Freemal came along a utes out of the second spot and Kelby few seconds later in third place, Mike Pepper was into the fourth spot. The Gaughan, Jr. was running fourth, a Flippin boys never completed their few minutes more in arrears, Kelby second lap and T.J. Flores decided Pepper was running in the fifth spot to call it a day and was on the trailer. and T.J. Flores didn't appear for a The third lap was sort of a re-few more hours, having major re- peat of the prior lap, Bryan Freemal pairs done on his very long first lap remained in the lead, that lead now Corey Torres led the whole way in the Class 9 battle, seen here coming in for a and Bill Dickton succumbed toter-was in the seven minute area, the _l~a-=-n-=-d_,_·n~g-=-i_n ___ th-::.e-::.-::.N-::.e-::.v_a __ d_a-::.-::.d-::.e_s_e-::.rt-::..-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-=,-~::::::::::~ __ m_in_a_l_p_ro_b_l_e_m_s_a_n_d_d_id_n_'_t c_o_m_p_le_t_e __ G_a_u_g'-h=a~n crew moved up another spot in the second place, Steve Brown dropped a spot into third place and Kelby Pepper was still run-ning fourth. They came around to finish the fourth lap and Bryan Freemal was still in the lead, about seven minutes in hand, Gaughan/Dean were hold-ing onto the second spot, Steve Brown was still hanging on to third place and Kelby Pepper was a long fourth. The final lap saw a major change, Bryan Freemal broke something in the outback and he disappeared from the scoring charts; that let the Gaughan/Dean combo take the Continued an page 32 Steve Brown led the first lap in the Class 10 fight, he ended up in the Bryan Freeman was quick, not quick enough, he finished second in Mike Wichmann gets ready to touchdown, Mike finished a very nice second spot when the checkers flew. the hot Class 1600 battle, seen here at speed. second place in the Class 9 fracas. r ---i Steve Alexander and Mark Pettit were slow on the two middle laps, Jeff Shiroky was second in Sportsman Buggy, but not by much, he Kelby Pepper lost a lot of time on his first lap but he managed to pull they still grabbed a second spot in Class 5-1600. lost the gold medal by a mere 25 seconds. out a very decent third place in the Class 10 battle. Page 28 January 200s Dusty Times
.-.-~R,,,d --;» /)~i~tt c,A,,,f'4~,.~~4r OFFICIAL TIRE OF SNORE Dusty Times SPaw. 11fAMm 10 KC HI..ITES FOR 1NEIR YEN5 OF SUPPORrWG SNORE January 2005 DAYBOF *MUSI' HAVE l O GARB IN CLASS ;'#,;,(!' .,. ,. ,,.,_,"': /~f-~~~ ~.,. . ., ' . t ,. . :~•-. ....,........_ Page 29
Baker Cylinder Heads Flowbench Testing Custom Porting Performance Machine Shop & Parts 800-564-1510 Web-Cam Performance Camshafts Automotive-ATV-Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 951-369-5144 QS 1-369-7266fax WWW. w e beam shafts .COM VP Racing Fuels C. L. Bryant, Inc. Serving Western States And Mexico Mitch Hart 800-399-4176 MitchHart(tj; www .CLBRY ANT .com US Wheels Repair & Polish 619-596-8033 B & R BUGGIES VW AND OFF ROAD PARTS & ACCESSORIES 1523 S. Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 760-722-1266 WIKS Racing Engines 3675 W. Teco Avenue Unit 8 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 1 2 3 CORR -TBA· 01 a addition I event Jan Feb Mar BTI Performance Products Innovative Billet Products For The Off Road Enthusiast 9525 Pathway St. Santee, CA 92071 619•562~3071 e-mail - California Pre-Fun 39067 Orchard Street Cherry Valley, CA 92223 951-845-8820 Products In Stock Boatec Fiberglass-Dimple Dies Tubing Benders-Bypass Valves & Tubes-Sway-Bar Arms SHERYL< Yourll Let Me Ht Your Rae 536 S. Se Covina, 626-6 626-6 Sheryl@MWera Dusty Ti11 2005 Off Road Compet1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 1 BITD-an 7-8 -A ~uel In The Desert· M: & Quads ~nly iCDRE/PRI - Jan 13 ~6 · l BITD/JEEF PRO -Fel 4·6 · Blue Water Res, rt & Casin Parker 4~15 CODE -Feb 4-6 · 1 W Autopa1 tes 250, M xicali, B.C , MX CRS - F ab 5 · Aw rds Bangu 1t MDR-Feb 5 · Lui erne 300, ucerne Va lay, CA BITD-Mar 4-6 -I awasaki l eam Green Laughlin U S. Hare St ambles CRS -l~ar 5 -Goo springs R llysprint • ~oef 1 MOR -Mar 5 · Su1 erstition Snits· Fud 100, Plaste City WHIP -1 eb 11· 12 • iulture Mi 1e, Wicken urg, I Apr BITD -Apr 1·3 · I ro Circuit Mevada 20 Trail Ride CRS - ,pr 2 · Desi rt Storm Rally-Coef • MDR -Apr 2 · Wil~ Wash 251 , Barstow, CA VORRA-Apr 2-3 · ~rairie Cit, Short Cou se CRS-,pr 9 · Las ~•gas Rall cross I SNORE-Apr 8-10 · Buffalo Bil's 400, Pri ~m. NV ------------- -----t------r---;-----,i----t---+----+----+----+----+---+----i---+----+---+----t--TRACKSIDE PHOTO OFF ROAD PHOTOGRAPHY SINCE 1970 WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO 805-578-3470 www. Tr;i.cksldi;phctQ_.C9_!11 TCS Performance Specialists In The Most Advanced Transmlasion Products For The Off Road Industry 2180 College Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-453-4020 877-627-8852 Sway-A-Way The Finest Suspension Components 20724 Lassen Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-700-9712 818-700-0947fax www.Sw,1y.1wdy com May Jun Jul BITD/PRO -Apr 29-lhy 1 · Ter ible's Town 250 CODE -Apr 29-M y 1 · Grup1 Tersa San Felipe 200 San Felip , B.C., MX VORRA -Apr 30-~ ay 1 · Prai ie City Sh ,rt Course CRS --~ ay 6-7 · Ri ~ Of The W~rld Rally Coef 2&3 )CORE/PHI - Jun 3-5 Tecate SI DRE Baja! DD, Ensena~a. BC, MX RACS-~un 4 · Sus quehanno, k Trail, We lsboro, PA BORE - Jul 1·2 · J; ckpot 200 B TD/JEEP/FRO - Jul 6 10-Mc Mi lin Nevada 1000 BORE -May MOR-May· CORR-Jun 11-12 Antigo, WI· Pro & Sportsrr MDR -Jun 11 • Superstition teries · Coi ote ~ VORRA- July 1-3 · Oesert Rae , Lovelock NV CORR- Jul 8-9- T peka, KS· Pro & Spor sman WHIP - Jul TBA Midnight I asis, Rock, Point, M) Aug Sep Oct CODE -Aug 5-7 · I RW Lazo d Amistad C ran Prix, J 1cume Tee, te, B.C., M ~ CORR-Aug 13-11 -811 MDR/JEEF -Aug 13 Cali! BORE -Sep 2-3 · I y 200 )CORE/PHI -Sep 9-1 ~·SCORE I as Vegas P imm 300, l>rimm, NV VDRRA-Sep 2-4 • 1 eurt Race Hawthorr e, NV CORR -Sep 3-4 · I randon, W · Pro & Sp~rtsman WHIP -Sep 3 · Sn1 wflake, H1 ber, AZ CRS -ct 1 -las\ egas Rally ~ross Ill SNORE-Oct 1-2 · 3 ith Annual SNORE 250 VDRRA-Oct 1-2 · F rairie City Short Couiise BITD/PRD-Oct 6-8 TSCO Vegn To Reno CRS-bet 7-8 Ten ative · Pt, scott Halli · Coef 2&: WHIP-Oct 8 · Wi cox, Wilco , AZ CODE -Oct 1, SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES Nov MDR PRODUCTION MDR-Nov 12 · S oddard 251 , Bai SNORE Nov 11-1, · Western Desert Cha Ieng, VD RRA -Nov 12 -~ wards Ban ~uet 5RACESIN PLASTER CITY OHV AREA 626-442-9320 De C B TD/JEEPtPnD-Dec -4 · Hendeison's Terrible 300 CRS-Dec 2-4 · R, mada Expr~ss Rally· oef 2, 3&1 MORE-Dec 3 • Ba stow WHIP-Dec 3 · Pont To Poin , Rocky Pont, MX S.N.O.R.E. Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts If You Really Love Racing 702-452-4522 RACER X MOTORSPORTS RACE READY PRODUCTS Radio & Intercom Systems G-Force Helmets GPS & SAT Phones Toys, Collectibles & Videos XcellT" by Fuel Safe Full Floater Race & Prerun Rear Ends 760-727-8301 Competition Proven High Performance VW Equipment Specializing In The Off Road Market 103 Press Lane -Suite 4 Chula Vista, CA 92010 800-656-3376 e-mail CODE -Dec 9-11 -hce Readi 275, Enser ada-Mexic~li-San Fehite, 8 BCC-ec 9-11 • Glen Helen, A Pro Wire Quality Race Car Wiring 13411 Dronfield Avenue Sylmar, CA 91342 818-943-9473 P.C.I. RA: PYRC Radios-Int Shoei Race Pumper Moto1 Satellite Phi In-Car 562-427-8177
~.ANNON, CPA t,acing CPA ~Jlp You Sort Out iing Paperwork ~ond. St. Ste E CA 91723 f53-2023 f53-2024fax .com nes CONE INDUSTRIES HEAVY DUTY DRIVETRAIN COMPONENTS 2055 Hanging Tree Lane Templeton, CA 93465 805-239-2663 ltion Calendar Jim Conner Racing 2169 Daytona Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-855-0912 928-453-964 lfax e-mail Legend: enunzio Racing Products 59B Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 nr,A ~=•••"'"' ,-,r..,,.n1nr.r= ,::c.,-. -1,11-1 ovv-v-G,,c,-v:,.J:, / ov.J-uo.J-..1..c:. J. J. 805-683-8187fax FAT PERFORMANCE Off Road Racing Engines, Parts and Dyno Services Centerline Wheels & accessories SCORE Engine Builder Of The Year For Many Years 714-637-2889 CRS • Califunia Rally Sarin, Website· MORE• M1jave Off Rud Racing Enthu1i1111, P.O. < > Box 1231, Barstow, CA 92312 -760-253-4453 CODE• CODE Off Rud USA, P.O. Box 2328, Calexico, CA < > 92231-2328 -USA 760-455-8069/Mexico 011-52-686-553-4087 PRO • PnTruck, 14402 Bond Court, El Cajon, CA < > 92021 • 619-390-6252 BCC = Baja Cup Challenge, 909-880-3090, CORR• CORR 2004 lucu Oil Seriu, 192 N. State Road, RACS • Rally America Champi1n1hip Series < > Suite 267, Avon, IN 46123, 317-272-2827/Fax: 317-272-SCORE • SCORE l1ternati1nal, 23961 Craftsman Road SITO• Beat In The Desert Racing A111ciatiu, 2900 Suite A, Calabasas, CA 91302 -818-225-8402 3475 Boulder Highway, las Vegas, NY 89121 · JEEP • Jeep Speed, 1826 N. Windes, Orange, CA 92869 • < > 702-457-5775 /Fax: 702-641-2431 714-538-7434/Fax: 714-633-1724 SNORE• S1uthen Nevtda Off Rud Enthu1i11t1, BORE= Btnneville Offrud Racing Enterprises, MOR• MOR Racing/MOR Pnductitns (Supentititn P.O. Box 270516, las Vegas, NY 89127 -702-452-341 W. 2575 N, Sunset, UT 84015 · 801-773- Series), 1853 Parkway Drive, South El Monte, CA 91733 4522 < > .-,----,-----.-----,.-----,----"""T"-----.L...-,.......:.:16:,;;,51.;__--"T ___ ..----r-----r---·.::62:,;;,6-4..:,4;.:2..:::·9:.:32.::0l.:..:Fa:::;x:..;:;62=.::6..:::·57:.,::9..:::·6:.:D5:.:.,1 ~--...----. YORRA • Valley Off Rud Ricing A111ci1ti1n, 920 Hillcrest St. Placerville, CA 95667, 530-622-0370 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 < > WHIP • Whiplash M1ter1put1, 2325 E. Kings Ave. Phoeni,, AZ 85022, 602-971-3730 < > ;ugh in SCORE esert Cha enge, Lau hlin, NV SNORE Feb 19-20 Avi 250 CODE Mar 18-2 Luis 200, San Lui WHIP • cox, Wile x, AZ an 29-Luc rne Valley MORE an 28-29-no"Drift, Atlanta, MI-RACS lyCross CRS-eb 26 · Rid ecrest Ral y School CRS - b 27 -Rid ecrest Ra CORE/PRO-Feb 25-6 · Tecate CORE San Felipe 25 1, San Felipe, BC, MX MORE/JE P-Mar 26-Barstow -RACS Apr 9-May 1 · Terrible's own 2 0/BITD Apr 29-ay 1-Gru o Tersa S Felipe 2 , San Feli e, B.C., ODE Apr 30 · s Veg cross I -CHS MOR-pr 23 -Su erstition eries -Ki Of The D sert, Apr 30-y 1 · Pra A r3 -Rock To 114-1 -Red Gart r 200 SNORE May 20-2 -Dusty Ti es Calien e 250, Cali nte, NV 114-Ri gecrest 2 0, Ridgecr st, CA May 7-30-Des t Race, Ye ington, N -VORRA _,-;---+-:-:--:-=--t---:---:+----t---t---t----+---+----+----+---+----l---l----+----1r" CODE Jun 17-19 Accesorio Amado Ni ht Race, CRS -un 17 -Ens nada Mex co Rally· C ef 3 riash 00, Plaste City CRS -ul 16 · Tre line Rally Coef 3 MORE-Jul23-Ba stow Jul 28 0 · SCOR Las Vegas Terrible's up, Las V gas Moto Speedway SCORE Jul 29 31 · KC Hi ites Midni ht Special SNORE Jul 29-30, aine For st Rally, R mford, ME RACS DAVE FOLTS TRANS Geared To Serve You 562-694-5591 FORTIN RACING, INC. -DRIVE TRAIN INNOVATION-TRANSAXLES, REAR HUBS, CV CAGES & CV BOOT FLANGES, POWER RACKS & SEALED SHIFTERS 1941 #E FRIENDSHIP DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92020 619-449-3633 FAX 449-3665 www.FORTINRACING.COM Howe Power Steering 619-561-7764 Michael E. James Insurance Agency Insurance specialists To The i'-,_R"".'"iv-t-r,-:-M:-:-1"".'"-P:-r-01:-:S:-p-or-ts-m-t-n----t-----1r--C:-R-:S,---tu-g,-,_2-,0---:-G-o t-m_a_n_R-id-ge+R_a_ll_y_-C-o-+3----+---1---RA_C_S-+-Au_g_2_6_-2_7+-0-j-ib_w_e-Fo-+-es-t-s,-B-em-i+-J-'i,_M_N_-+-----I Off Road 1ndustry tdJrnia 200, Barst w, CA 4-16 · jC.,M c:E RADIOS •-TECH :4"rcoms-GPS 1 Air Helmets ~ -Helmets Wired c,111es-Black Box <:ameras 800-869-5636 Sep 17-1 -New Berl n, NY· Pro Only Sep 17 · L cation TB Sep 17-18 Colorado og, Steam oat Sprin s, CO MOR -Sep 24 · M jave 200, Lucerne, C RACS-ct 21-22 · Lake Supe ior, Hough on, Ml Oct 29 • as Vegas R llycross I -CHS Parker Oil VP Race Fuels 928-669-261 7 Oct 29 Superstiti n Series• Superstiti n 250, Pia ter City -JEEP/MOR Oct 9-30-Pr irie City Sh rt Course VORRA OFF ROAD EXPO October 8-9, 2005 Fairplex, Pomona, CA Show Info/Exhibiting 626-599-8622 ash 200, M.O.R.E. 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Sammie Ehrenberg was fast and very consistent, he took a nice Monte Tibbetts had big problems on the first lap, finally got it going third place in the hotly contested Class 1600 contest. and finished an unaccustomed third in Heavy Metal. lead, just when you really want to his work this day. The third spot were fairly close it was, guess who, take the lead, on the last lap! The went to Kelby Pepper, happy with Rob MacCachren leading the entire happy crew took the Class 10 win his under five hour finish. five laps. He came around at the end with just under 14 minutes in their The Class 16 combatants were of the first lap in the lead, Bryan pocket. Steve Brown came along next next off the start line and, although Freemal was second just a bit over a glad to take home a silver medal for the contest was spirited and the times minute behind, Garit Wallace was Brandon Hughes had big troubles on his first lap, got it going and finished a decent third place in Class 9. Page 32 running third, a mere three seconds Ault was running in ~eventh and out of the second spot, Sammie Cody Freeman was last to come Ehrenberg was in fourth place, less around, although Code was only than two minutes out of the lead three minutes behind the class leader. and Corey Goin was running fifth. As Lap 2 was completed, R6b In sixth place it was Ken Tapert, Mike MacCachren still held the lead, Rob Hall, Kyla Taylor, Chad Hall and Team Lightlorce's own Kevin Davis pusll Ille envaklpe season after seasOII. Speeds that feel like Mach 3, barrel rolls. free falls. mid-air collisions ... Lightlorce's HID Blitz and variable-focus lights witll our illllMtiva ftltar system translate to shatterproof lights that can change color and beam patterns as fast as the terrain itself. Visit ta fiml a dealer near rou. January 2005 helped a bit by setting fast lap for the class, Bryan Freeman was still running second, almost two minutes in arrears, Garit Wallace was still third, he was some thirty seconds be-hind Freeman, Sammie Ehrenberg was still in fourth place, he was less than five minutes out of the lead and Cody Freeman was up three spots into fifth place. Ken Ta pert remained in the sixth spot and Corey Goin had dropped into seventh· place. Mike Ault, Jr. was our of the race, the cause unknown. As they came in to complete their third lap, MacCachren still led, Bryan Freeman was still running in second place, two minutes out of the lead, Garit Wallace remained in third, still less than a minute out of second, Sammie Ehrenberg re-mained in the fourth spot, just un-der three minutes our of third place and Cody Freeman remained in fifth, he was IO minutes behind the class leader. Sixth place belonged to Ken Ta pert and Corey Goin was still running in the seventh spot. The 1600 group finished their fourth lap, it was still Rob MacCachren in the lead, Bryan Free-man was still running in second, he was now four minutes behind the leader, Sammie Ehrenberg moved up a spot into third place, he was seven minutes behind the leader, Garit Wallace dropped a spot into fourth and Ken Ta pert was running in the fifth spot. Corey Going was in the sixth place and Cody Free-man disappeared from the fray, brake failure the supposed culprit. The checkered flag flew for the 1600s and Rob MacCachren once more took the win, we don't know how many he's had, Bryan Freeman came along next, still in second place, he was less than three minutes be-hind the leader, Sammie Ehrenberg was third, he took home the bronze medal, fourth place went to Garit Wallace, he was less than seven min-utes behind the leader, Ken Tapert was fifth, he was down some 20 min-utes from the leader and Corey Goin was still hanging on in sixth, just three minutes out of fifth. The Heavy Metal contest was a good one and this time we had a new winner. They only had to run four laps for a finish and this class had a 100% finishing rate. When the first lap ended it was Tammie Gubler first across the line, John Phegley was next in, he was less than five minutes in arrears and third was Monte Tibbetts, he was more than an hour behind the leader, thanks, or should we say no thanks to a bro-ken spindle on his Ford. Tammie set fast lap for the class on this lap. Lap 2 had Tammie still in the lead, she now had about seven min-Dusty Times
Orio Cox had three fast and consistent laps, he was third in Sportsman The Deloe guys, Chris and Dave ran fairly fast, they finished first out Fourth in Class 1600 was Garit Wallace, he was only 39 seconds out Buggy, just two minutes out of the class win. of the medal count in the Sportsman Buggy contest. of the third place finishing position. utes on Phegley and Tibbetts was Tammie cooled it just a bit, but she There were only five Class 9 en- after a disastrously long lap. The De Corey Torres maintained his lead running faster than the leader, still still took the Heavy Metal win with trants and three of them were able Sousa clan never completed their on the third lap, Mike Wichmann running in third. ease, once more in love with her to finish their four required laps. first lap. was still second, still about 11 min-Lap 3 ended and, guess what? It truck. John Phegley held his own in The first lap was led by Corey Torres, At the completion of the second utes behind and Brandon Hughes was still Tammie Qubler in the lead the second spot, glad to see him run he set fast lap for the class on this lap it was still Torres in the lead, he was still a long third place. and loving every minute of it, she virtually trouble free for a change lap, Mike Wichmann was second, now had a little over 10 minutes on When the checkers flew it was now had over 20 minutes on John and, last, but certainly not least was less,than two minutes behind, Clint Mike Wichmann and Brandon Corey Torres taking yet another Phegley and Monte was still in third Monte Tibbetts, but this race he had Braun was running in third place, Hughes had moved into third place Class 9 win, Mike Wichmann was place, well over an hour behind. no checkered flag to take back to four minutes out of second and and Clint Braun was among the second, he was 15 minutes in arrears On the final lap was think South Dakota. Brandon Hughes was in fourth place missing. Continued on page 34 Rudy Suriano flies his Ford truck straight and level, Rudy only got in Courtney Collins was a bit off the pace this race, she ended up in the Fifth car to finish in the Class 1600 battle was Ken Tapert, he was a two of his required three laps. fifth finishing position this race. bit off the lead pace, but ran trouble free. To locate an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer near you call 1.866.4 A DEALER ext: 5022 or visit us on the "'."eb at Dusty Times January 2005 Page 33
Kevin Powers had troubles on his second lap, he finished in the sixth The Corey Goin crew had a slow second lap in the Class 1600 Milo Torres had big troubles on his third lap, he ended up taking a spot in the Sportsman Buggy contest. conflict, it was a sixth place finish this race. seventh place finish in the Sportsman Buggy Class. and in third it was Brandon Hughes, a super long way back thanks to his almost three hour long first lap with more than major problems. There were only two Class 5-1600 cars entered and they really didn't have much of a battle. Lanier Knecht took the lead on the first lap, opened up 20 minutes on Steve Alexander and completed the first lap with a nice lead setting fast lap for the class in the process. The second lap saw no change in the running order, Lanier ran a fairly quick lap and Steve had an exceptionally long lap, he was now over an hour behind the leader. The third lap was more of the same, Knecht was a few minutes off his pace but still led Alexander by a Lanier Knecht had a great race, he ran fast and took the Class 5-1600 gold medal The win in the Mini Metal Challenge went to Richard Blunk, seen here on his way lar~e mar_gin. at the SNORE West em Desert Challenge. · _to;:::::v_i_c...,,t_o;:ry:::_'-·n:::h:::i_s __ ~g_ood __ -_-_1_00:::_k_,_·...,n __ g~_-tru:::_c __ k_·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-_ The fourth and final lap and Knecht eased off a bit more but still took an easy win while Steve Alexander cruised in for the second spot, well off the winning pace. Mini Metal had a pair of entries also, Richard Blunk came around at the end of the first lap in the lead, Jeff White had some problems and came around almost 40 minutes be-hind the leader. The second lap was unev·entful for Blunk, he did set fast lap for hi_s class, but it was disastrous for Jeff e AT RIGHT: Jeremy Gubler and crew were the big winners in the Unlimited Sportsman category. seen here saving wear on his tires. White, he disappeared from the some six minutes behind the leader. scoring charts, never to be seen again. Gubler still led after the second Unofficially the contest was over, lap, he now had over 20 minutes on Blunk cruised around for his two Tom Wood some of which he gained remaining laps and took the check- by setting fast lap for the class. ered flag, having a lot of fun on the Gubler was still leading when the way. third and final lap for the class was The Unlimited Sportsman also completed, he needn't have hurried had two entrants, Jeremy Gubler as Tom Wood had big problems and had the fastest car and he led the never completed his rhird and final first lap, Tom Wood was second, · Continued ·on page 51 coma_, source tor lei dCre • Driving Suits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hals • GearBags 'IIOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 34 January 200s Billy Shapley and John Pellissier had a great race, they led all three laps and took the Sportsman Buggy win by only 25 seconds! John Phegley had a real fun race, trouble free in the desert and he finished a nice second in Heavy Metal. Dusty Times
.. 2004 ARIZONA DESERT POINTS CHAMPION CLASS 8 We would like to thank the Moen Faucet Co., Ferguson Plumbing Supply, and the following businesses that helped us to win our fourth Class 8 championship. Chevrolet, Doherty Plumbing, Whiplash, B.F. Goodrich Tires, Art Carr Transmissions, ProAmp of Tucson, Arnold Auto Center, GRG Construction, United Services Pest Control, Larry's Engine and Marine, DIX Motorsports, King Shocks, ADS Machine, Wahl Bros. Truck Salvage, Ultra Performance and "The Cheeze." _ --.... ~. ,.,.,. ,...,,,_ - Ph~to by Carrera .... We would also like to thank all of our friends and family that helped our team this year. Ellen Doherty, Shawn Doherty, Alex Gilkerson, Steve and Sheri Smith, Paul and Renee Doherty, Mark Diebert (Poelman) and family, Jerry Hinkle (Junior) and family, Mark Dorman, Sally Brittain, Don and Jake Kalt, George Herman, Kevin Patrick, Tony, the Klein family, Robert Sowinski, Robert Weideman, Scooby, Tony Tellier, Billy Robertson, Checkers, and Bob Bower. ,,,
PRESCOTT RALLY Split Decision Two overall winners, one new, one a vet-eran, a club rally (the last with By Scott Bottomley Photos : Motorsports Memories SCCA) and an unprecedented Jim Pierce and Adrian Lengsfeld were 1st Group 5, 1st Open 2WD on Friday, Saturday 1st overall, 1st Group 5, 1st Open 2WD, quite a weekend. · finish order, summed up this year's Prescott Rally. Winning Friday's stages overall (sched-uled for four with three being run due to Roger Hull's Tony Chavez and Sue Robinson were 1st Production, 1st CRS mishap) were Performance Stock on Friday, 1st Production on Saturday. George Pisek and Jeff Burmeister in George's Lancer EVO complet-ing three stages in 22.49 min-utes. Finishing second without much of a threat to George's win was Bill Malik and Alex Gelsomino in his Subaru Tim & Dick Moser, VW Golf were 1st Group 2 on Friday, :J"d lmpreza; he fin- overall, 1st Group 2, 1•• CRS Performance Stock on Satµrday. ished the course in 24: 10. Off to a good start on Friday Ryan Lord and Chris White took their Plymouth La-ser to the PGT class win. Unfortunately he couldn't complete the sweep, he rolled out the next day on the third of eight scheduled stages. Winning all stages on Day 1 were Jim Pierce and Adrian Lengsfeld in the mighty Group 5 Ford Ranger. Second place med1anical problems to finish the night in second place just 23 hundredths bai:k. 1hrd place finisher Tim Moser couldn't beat Tony's fast stage times but finished second on SS2/3. Next in fourth were the Masanos in their Toyota Corolla, Mike and Llnda could do no better than fourth fastest on SS2/3. Fifth went to Don Shreyer and Ken Tooker in Don's second genera-tion Mazda RX-7; in sixth place was Patrick Rodi in his Mazda RX-7 and in the seventh spot was Brian and Nick Hudson in their Toyota Corolla. Cable and Tyler Rhodes, Mazda RX-7, they drove their bright red Bill Malik and Alex Gelsomino were second overall, second Open wentto Cable and Tyler Mazda to a nice second overall on Saturday. 4WD on Friday at the Prescott Rally. Rhodes in GS, despite his Day 2 saw the Friday's front run-ners succumbing to problems with Plsek out with a worn sm1t and mechanical problems sidelining Bill Malik's efforts, the finish was wide open for an all front wheel drive parade. After Ryan Lord's mishap, Jim Pierce explained being first out, "With no dust and first car out we cruised all the way, with lots of cam-ber dialed in and our Pro Comp tires working great we overcame the rocky, Page 36 Indianapolis, Indiana 3 . 4 1 0 0 i n g . CO m r.c,,.__/IA[IN/i ~~NCOHPOHATED January 2005 not liking night driving they still finished in the top 10 seventh overall but a minute and a halfback of Jim's fourth. A competitor in this event 12 times Production winner Tony Chavez (Golf GTI) knows just what it takes to win. Taking "professional co-driver" Sue Robinson along, they swept all stages Friday, their nearest ri-val Patrick Rodi and Jonathan Scl1iller finished 15th overall. Eighth overall first in Group 2 were the Mosers, Tim and Dick drove their VW Golf GT! to a 30 second· win over Mike and Linda Masano in their Toyota Corolla. Winning the Performance Stock show-Ryan Lord and Chris white were 1st Production GT, 1st CRS GT on Friday in their great looking Plymouth Laser. down taking two of the three stages with a time of 25:35 was Tony Chavez, follow-ing on the heels ofTonyand tak-ing the early lead after SS I was Jay Streets and Ole Holter (Pirelli shod-Dodge Neon) who overcame a multitude of Varian Samuelian and M. Harders drove their Subaru WRX to a nice 1st Open 4WD on Saturday at Prescott. Dusty Times
Jay Streets and Ole Holter drove their Dodge Neon to 1st Open on Bruce and Pat Brown drove their Subaru lmpreza RS to a very nice George Pisek and Jeff Burmeister were 1st overall, 1•1 Open 4WD on Friday, a blown strut kept them out of the money on Saturday. Saturday, they finished sixth in the Friday event. 1st CRS GT win in the Saturday contest at Prescott. rough sections; and for a linle drama began to unravel with mechanical woes nine hundredths. Fourth went to Mike we smacked a bridge siding on the last prevalent for Jay in the laner stages. By and Linda Masano who couldn't im-stage." Nothing could stop the Group SS 11 with a slim lead of one hun- prove on their finish from the night 5 overall winner, hewonalleightstages dredth, Tony caught him on the final before, meanwhile fifth went to the by a comfortable margin of two min- stage with a faster time of 8:30 com- Hudsons who took third on SS7. Doug utes over the gallant fight by Cable pared to 8:40 resulting in a MOY of Robinson and Wendy Robinson-Nakamoto drove to a sixth place tak-Scon Clark and Marie Boyd took see-ing the fifth spot on SS5, 7 and 11. ond place honors in GT. Taking the CRS GT trophy home Thank you from all who partici-were the team ofBnice and Pat Brown pated to the organizing staff and work-in their Subaru Impreza, they finished ers of Prescott Rally and a special thanks 15th overall, fourth in Open, while to Michael Taylor for his efforts. tcca, Rhodes. Never satisfied with yesterday's equipment, Jim has since sold his Ford Ranger and is looking to do a collabo-rative effort with a rival engine manu-facturer for next year. Driving with no notes and a new car Cable did all he could to stay with the speedy Pierce. A four year hiatus from rallying only in-creased his hunger to compete; doing his own prep work he fined the daily driver in two months and drove a flaw-less rally. Eighth overall and third in 05 were Jim Wright and Lourna Barnett in their Suzuki Swift. Group 2 driver Tim Moser con-tinued his winning ways on Saturday but not without a great fight from Brian Scott and David Hackett in their Ford Focus SVT. After SS8 Tim had built a small lead of three hun-dredths, he increased it to 28 hun-dredths by SSlO. The tension was mounting for both when things quickly changed on SS 11/ 12 to Brian's advantage, he carved off 20 hundredths off and nearly took the win. A meager eight hundredths -the final margin of victory - separated these two indicating just how well this pair had driven. Meanwhile, six time winner of this event Tony Chavez along with Sue were on the winning track raking the Pro-duction class win. Explaining why he does so well here "I know the charac-. ter of the stages and may be hard to believe but all the turns as well." Indi-cating how comfortable he is doing this event "We drove in third gear to-day·which I think surprised Sue, most drive in a lower gear." Second in Pro-duction were the Hudsons, Brian and Nicholas, in their Toyota Corolla. They took the stage win on SS7 but couldn't loosen the grip the front run-ners had on the field. Last in the parade of front wheel drive cars to finish in the top six were two time Prescott winner Jay Streets and Ole Holter, he took the class win on a combined score in Open. Vartan Samuelian and M. Harders in their Subaru WRX were going to make it easy for Jay, they won SS6, 7 and 10 and were knocking on the door at the end of SS 10 bur Jay doubled his mar-gin on SS 11 and increased it on SS 12. Doug Chern is and Alan Perry aboard their Subaru WRX STI tied for the fastest time on SS8 with Jay while man-aging two second place finishes on SS6 and SS9 to finish the day in third in Open. Eight started Day 2 of the Perfor-. mance stock fracas with Tim Moser Friday's third place runner-up emerg-ing from the pack taking the early lead from the start. Clearly the team to beat they won all eight stages raking the class win by nearly a two minute margin. Ir was the fight for second that was the one to watch with Jay up by 42 hun-dredths over Tony after SS9 that things Dusty Times i;u~o,,,~ • M&.a11;1111i!,11M •1::aO CIKIIOMOt.Y •TIO~ -~·~ ....... ~TI> ~'ft:. ~ -ICQl!JM.U:N•fff ........... ., KING 'fl'IN I._ ■t1>91Dl..llla •CJla-&80VEK IITWZRINA wilw09d ~ BIP.H' MIIA-0 1 .• Ne;;W PRODUCTS FOR ..,.,HE N ISSAN TITAN • CST 2.WD LONCi TRAVl!L KIT ~ CST' 2.WD 8" l.JF'T' • CST 4WO 6" LIFT • F1at::R;G L.ASS rf::NDER$ • DE.AVER LEAF SPRJNCiJS A.LL IN STOCKI ~J='ORtJRANG~ ~T-oN 41..INK KJT ...... -+a.."nt.ll.YIIL •MAl:J&l"'IIOM 4130 Gffl!OMOLT , .. tOOM.Ml..'N»t.r -~~HOi,as..._ WDIIK •~WllaWfl'la:Lcm.J. 6 FDRD 9•A)ta.&' 96-04 TbYOTA TACOMA 2WD LONG TRAVE.L Krr NOW' IN STOCKI ~ Ii ::,(;;; . ~ . ., -••JIiii. -~:.. ' ,:-...... _ _ (.. , .... . ' Fox 2.s ... 2.·TUl!IJE BYP.AAS $HOX PERFECT FOR PRERUNNERS! Wfi ITOCK IKJR£ P~ THM ANYOllfil OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEKI 951.737.2999 MtJot Credit Cal'.'dtl A.ccit-2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 DISC VEll January 2005 Page 37
M.O.R.E. FREEDOM 250 Night Ride With The Coyote By "No Brakes" Drake Photos: Donna Whiting Our intrepid reporter, Daryl "No Brakes" Drake, seen here before he drives his first race in the RaceShock Ford Coyote at the MORE Freedom 250 back in July of this year. Your humble scribe recently had the opportunity to drive a Class l Unlimited off road race car. It was at the M.O.R.E. "Freedom 250" just outside of beautiful Barstow, California. I'd been wanting to do this since I was knee-high to a mar-ried grasshopper (Wampuskitty days), but like the saying goes: "If you gotta ask ... " So I felt like I'd won the lottery when Mr. RaceShock himself, Lee Finke, told me I'd be driving his Ford SHO V-6 engined Coyote. I've known him for 20 years, since he first competed in his bone-crush-ing black Baja. I took a ride in that thing with Lee way back when and Page 38 man, did it hurt. Just to see the next ditch coming. But the modern day car rides better through the rough than my Buick Roadmaster does on the northbound carpool lane of the 405. Long travel suspension, just like it did in bikes a quarter cen-tury ago, has entered a phase where tunability is paramount. It's not how long you make it, it's how you make it long. So I've been fortunate to attend a lot of test sessions with Finke as he moved out of the type IV VW Class 10 ranks and into the Class 1 Ford program this year. He's always re-fining different setups re: valving, bypass tubes, nitrogen pressures, etc., for different conditions but had the car in its stiffest configuration yet for this race, 24 2 + miles over the most chewed-up, whooped-out, boulder-strewn chuck of California real estate that Jim and the gang at M.O.R.E. could put together. Aside from a few co-driving stints in both short and long course cars, I hadn't raced since 1984, when I finally realized how dangerous my Husqvarna 250 desert bikes were -to my pocketbook. But Lee has gra-ciously let me drive the car at quite a few test sessions, giving me ample op-portunity to terrify each and every member of the team in the process. So it was with some trepidation that the assignment was given and received. Would I be able to do it? Would I break something big? Like my head? Would the car last under me? A week before the race, we were out testing and making final adjust-ments to our complement of vari-ous KC Hilites and 1 really blew one corner, sliding out into the weeds. But the northwest Phoenix test "fa. cility" is forgiving, without the moon rocks and ravines of the Stoddard Valley OHV area. And the team's luck this season had been: hit at Laughlin, three laps in, DNF, rained out at Buffalo Bill's (I mean come on, I was there, it was wet and cold, nothing to learn), why take it off the trailer DNS; and sus-pension malfunction at Lucerne, DNS. We met at car owner Finke's Phoenix home Friday afternoon before the race, loaded up and headed into the setting sun and the rush hour traffic of westbound I-10. Gambling on the prices, we held out 'ti! we reached Parker, where we filled up the race car and a pair of dump cans with premium unleaded pump gas at $187 per gallon. This is a limited budget Class 1 effort, so it's great having a motor that doesn't swallow expensive race gas. Regular was $2.63 at our next stop. You guessed it, Needles. We arrived at the Barstow Motel 6 around midnight, just behind the police. Luckily, order and the air-January 2005 The RaceShock crew in all their glory, (I to r) Lee Finke, Rick Franklin, Jim Malinowski, Daryl Drake and Rich Trotti celebrating their fourth place finish in the Barstow dirt. conditioning had just been re-stored. Early Saturday morning, we were out at the pits and making those final adjustments that never seem to get done until race day and it was hot and getting hotter. We retreated to our rooms for a brief midday respite, but were back at it by three. We cleared tech just a little before the 4pm driver's meeting, where Bob Wright was the most vociferous, and funny, heckler. The team had me request last off in class. I saw 113 on the thermometer. Jim Malinowski and his son Jesse were first to drive the racer. Malinowski is Finke's chief partner-in-crime re: the Coyote project but hadn't had a seat to race in since the '03 BB400. His luck turned at Barstow. Despite a flat tire, a bro-ken limiting strap bolt, and stop-ping every lap for extra water, co-driver changes, etc., he ran a smooth, consistent three laps and turned the car over to me right around dark. He was all smiles, say-ing the car was working the best it ever had. I took forever to get situated, strapped in and hosed up then took off down the course, only to lose all but the fog lights in the first quarter mile,. I then noticed my crotch and seat were wet. Seems my water tube had bounced into my lap and a siphon had been crated, thereby emptying most of the con-tents of an icy cooler of cold, cold water. I soldiered on. My co-driver, Rich Trotti, was calling out the course markings the best he could and trying to get the lights working. Occasionally we would be rewarded with a flicker-ing Daylighter. Aerial fireworks along the way were beautiful, but did nothing to help me see. The cres-cent moon helped me keep my sense of direction. OPS? We don't even have a compass tonight. I just cruised, unable to see very far ahead on a course now littered with broken race cars. The Coyote's suspension soaked up the terrain, and the steering was quick and pre-cise, letting me avoid obstacles at the last moment. I felt better every mile, but was still apprehensive. Could I take it? Three young mo-torcyclists liad succumbed to hyper-thermia in the last week, one 30 years my junior. Nevertheless, I be-gan to pick up the pace, and passed a truck or two easily, finding an-other open Jane over a mountain or across a valley. When I saw the light of the Tanger outlet center, I was relieved to find I'd made my first lap. We pitted back at Main, fueled and chapged co-drivers. I only needed a sip of water as I had hydrated my-self as thoroughly inside as out. The light problem was traced to the light bar quick-connect and we were <;>ff again. Rick Franklin was now riding shotgun as we both became more confident and started going a little faster. I even put it in high gear. Really. I was having fun now and we were racing. Then Bill Markel passed us like a-freight train past a donkey. We were getting lapped. That growing light behind us was soon a cloud of dust ahead of us. Even with the ex- • cellent performance of our KC clear fogs, it was difficult to see much past the front of the car as we felt a slight nudge, Marty Melendrez had caught us as well. Looking for a way out of the dust, and his path, I darted left through a gap in the scrub. The dust cleared, just in time to reveal two hapless 5-1600 racers, out behind their broken Baja. I jerked the wheel to the left and nar-rowly avoided them, hoping my pursuer would do also. About this time we got a pretty good tap from behind. I yielded at the next wide spot and he was soon gone, chasing after Markel. My apologies, Marty! More and more of the cars we came upon were not moving. I passed them easily enough. The course continued to deteriorate, but were enjoying ourselves now, just one 40.4 mile lap to go. We pitted for a final sip and looksee, and headed out for what would be my quickest lap, just 8:40 slower than class win-ner Markel' s • slowest. About 2/3·of the way around I saw some lights slowly closing from behind. I picked up my pace and put them out of sight for a while, but they were soon closing in again. And it wasn't long before Frank Hines, playing catch up after his long first lap, reeled me in, passing in a red blur on my left. But I was feeling great now, though the seat was starting_ to feel like plywood. What great fun it is to drive a vehicle where the driver is the limiting factor. More accelera-tion, more brakes, more suspension than I have the capability to use! It IS the most fun you can have with your pants on! I was ready to run three more laps! Few markings were left on the trail for the last few miles, but fi-nally, to my relief, the lights of the start/finish line appeared. I choked up a bit thinking of Jean Calvin and all the confidence and inspiration she had shown me as I proudly earned 111y first finish. Finke and my beloved Donna were waiting just past the finish line. We'd finished fourth. After 20+ years on the other side of the nets, it was surrealistic to be in-terviewed for Dusty Times by an-other of our intrepid reporters. Jean WAS there. ~~Q~& Dusty Times I'
SCCA LAKE SUPERIOR PRORALLY Burke Beats The Winner By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Tom Buchkoe In spite of the weather and the water. Seamus Burke and Brian Sharkey were the Open Class winners in their Hyundai Tiburon. Friday: Rally veteran Tim O'Neil, back in action for the first time since re-tiring prior to this season, leads the Lake Superior Pro Rally by 22 sec-onds going into the final day of the year's final SCCA ProRally Cham-pionship. Weather conditions for this penultimate round went from nearly perfect to treacherous as rain and high winds moved into the area by the third Special Stage. Once the rains began, the rural road quickly took on water and became very slip-pery, more than a few cars taking an early exit, as O'Neil only seemed to get faster in his Subaru lmpreza WRXSTi. Seamus Burke, in his 2003 Hyundai Tiburon didn't suffer a dnf, but after leading early on, he fell back to second place, 22.6 sec-onds vehicle O'Neil, who won the last two stages of the evening by more than 35 seconds. Among those whose weekend came to an early end was Dennis Martin, who rolled his Mitsubishi lancer Evo on Special Stage 7. That incident led to Doug Havir calling it quits early, as he had to avoid Martin and he went off the road into the trees in his Subaru STi and the score was: Trees 1, Havir 0. In all, eight of the 29 ProRally entrants dnfd on Day 1, seven stages were scheduled but only six were run. Group 5 champion Doug Shep-herd and his Dodge SRT-4 is lead-ing the Group S category and is ~KERPRECISION.COM 28_65 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90755 562-427-2375 'f!.PFan OJ/Coolers Driving Suits Rod.End Boots Neo ·synthetic Oil Performance Plumbing c==i~ Flt~~--. c::::J~ .-.~~--,.&--~~I•laler•➔ ----@) Page 40 Sefal, ~ running in the third spot overall, competing quite well with the Open class. Right behind Shepherd is Open class competitor Matt lsorio, he is sitting in fourth overall in his Mitsubishi lancer Evo VII, third in the Open category. Jonathan Bottoms is leading Group N in his 2002 Subaru WRX and is fifth overall in the event, less than six minutes off the leader's pace. Locked in a tight battle for the overall co-driver's point champion-ship, both John Dillon and current point leader Natalie Richard had to find different rides in order to compete. Richard, who came into. the weekeqd with an 89-86 point advantage over Dillon, teamed up with David Anton, while Dillon fm{nd a ride with Patrick Moro. Dillon's chances at overtaking Richard are much better, heading into the final day as Anton/Rich-ard were one of the unfortunate first day dnfs, after going off on Special Stage 6. With Richard out, Dillon needs to finish eighth or bet-ter to win the championship. Cur-rently, Moro/Dillon.are in 13th place in Moro's Production GT 2002 Subaru WRX, one minute and 33 seconds behind eighth place Eric Langbein. The final day will commence at 10:30am and will finish in Hancock, Michigan at 7pm. Weather condi-tions are not expected to improve much as showers and wind are fore-cast to continue for much of the day before giving way to fog during the afternoon. Saturday: It didn't matter that Mother Nature tried her best, cool tem-peratures, wind and rain, to steal the spotlight for most of the Lake Superior ProRally, the ninth and final round of the 2004 SCCA ProRally championship. No mat-ter what She tried She was forced to take a back sear to the epic battle waged for first place between Seamus Burke and Tim O'Neil. Fifteen stages and nearly 120 Special Stage miles almost weren't enough to determine who the top man was this weekend. But Burke, with co-driver Brian Sharkey, was January 2005 Like a Malibu surfer. Doug Shepherd and Pete Gladysz ford the water in their Dodge SRT-4, 1st in Group 5, 4111 overall. Flying through the forest, Jonathan Bottoms and Carolyn Bosley finished first in Group N, fifth overall. amazingly good on Saturday in the Hyundai Tiburon, taking five of the final eight fast stage times and beating out first aay.leaaer O'Neil by a final margin of 3.3 seconds. Matt Isorio and co-driver Philip Ho made it a complete podium sweep for the Open class as they fin-ished third in their 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII, though more than seven minutes behind the top two spots. The lead changed hands more than a few times this day, both driv-ers refusing to back down as O'Neil, with co-driver Martin Headland, claimed the other three fast stage times, including Special Stage 15, where he chopped five seconds off of Burke's lead. "We were both just trying really hard," O'Neil said, "and I was hoping that if I could get Seamus [Burke] to start trying even harder, then maybe I · could force him into a mistake." However, O'Neil admitted he i@ ' ii, Matthew Johnson and Marc Goldfarb drove their Subaru WRX to a great 1" in Production GT, a fantastic fJf> overall. With 8 lights at the ready. Mark Brown and Ole ofter flew through the dusk into 1st place in Group 2, 15"' overall. Dusty Times
Michael Merl:Jach and Jeff Feldt were the big Production winners, Tim O'Neil and Martin Headland save some tire wear on the way to Lights ablaze, Henry and Cindy Krolikowski drove to a great 2'd seen here swimming towards the finish in their Volkswagen Jetta. 2nd in Open, ~ overall in their Subaru lmpreza WRX STi. place in Group N, B'1' overall at Lake Superior. was the one who made the mistakes Stage 2 on Friday and were forced Holter topped off a fantastic year by For the 2 0 0 5 schedule d a r in this issue of Dusty this weekend. "I preach to my stu- into a dnf. Two other entries, David earning their third class win over the see the Cen terfo Id Ca len-Times. ~ dents all the time that when you Anton/Natalie Richard and Otis last five events in Brown's 1987 come into a junction, you slow it Dimiters/Christian Edstrom also saw Volkswagen Golf GTI. Second place down earlier, get it squared away early exits. When the smoke cleared, finisher Eric Burmeister/Dave and get the job done" the rally driv- the husband and wife team of Henry Shindle, actually posted better times ing instructor said, "Don't come in and Cindy Krolikowski were second in their 2003 Mazda Protege than too fast, and that's what I was do- in the class and eighth overall, about Brown/Holter, butwereassessednine ing all weekend." seven minutes behind Bottoms/ additional minutes, leaving them six Domination might not even be the Bosley. Russell Hodges/Mike Rossey minutes behind the class winners. right word to use in describing the finished in third place. The ProRally field's lone Pro-season Doug Shepherd and co-driver Matt Johnson took his first win in d,uction entry, Michael Merbach Pete Gladysz had in 2004, capped his first non-2WD ProRally event and co-driver Jeff Feldt, finished off by another top five finish overall with co-driver Mark Goldfarb, they 17th overall in their 1990 (their third) and Group 5 win were in a 2003 Subaru WRX. They Volkswagen Jetta. (Shepherd's sixth) in their Dodge took the victory by over two and a As has been a long standing tradi-SRT-4. The only other Group 5 en- half minutes over Eric Langbein/Jer- tion in U.S. Rally, the 2005 National try, another MO PAR Dodge entry emy Wimpey, who finished 10th over-Championship schedule was an-with Chris Whitman/Mike Paulin all. Behind them, in 11th place was nounced at the Lake Superior was knocked out of action on the Production GT driver Pat Moro/ ProRally. Eight of the nine events first day on Special Stage 3. John Dillon in Moro's 2002 Subaru from the 2004 SCCA ProRally cal-Jonathan Bottoms, with co-driver WRX. With the overall finish, Dillon endar are back in 2005 under the Carolyn Bosley, earned his second earned one point towards his Over-Rally America banner. "Negotiations FIA Group N victory of the year, talc-all Co-Driver point championship are still in progress with the Subaru ing fifth overall in the process. Attri- total, leaving him two points short of Rim Of The World Rally and we tion was the story in this class as early the championship winner, Natalie hope to have the organisers of Rim leaders Mark Utecht/Jeff Secor suf- Richard. · join the series" said Rally America fered engine problems after Special Group 2's Mark Brown and Ole President Doug Havir. Dusty Times January 2005 Baja 1000 Winners! Martin Christenson Billy Gasper Thanks For Choosing Us! 'lhtal Power battcrK..--s arc hand made ro rigorous military smn< Providing su1">Crior vibration and shock rcsi:mmt.-c, non-spillablc design, and deliver up co 1500 Cranking Amps in a lightwcibrht battery you <.".In <.'<>1mt on. Call us now for more information. I VISA i Phone: 168.134..1618-Fax: JGIJK.1323 Page 41
,;1Rep0rl ~ By Ann Donaldson The CORE Pit Club ended the year with a large showing in Barstow for the MORE Holiday 200 race. Five club cars were entered. The decision was made to set up six pits. That would keep the pits close together. CORE had one person roving between pits and the main pit. Tim Lindsey brought his newly ac-quired Class 1 car. A two seat Chenowth, A-am1 buggy, Tim and brother, Jeremywere excited to have a chance to race it before the year was over. Tim had little seat time in the cat but was ready to hit the course. Tim was second off the starting line. He had a trouble free first 38 miles.Two miles from the start/finish line, with-out hitting anything to cause it, the left rear of the car dropped. Some-thing was wrong, something serious. The rear pivot box broke, separating the suspension from the chassis,. A very extensive repair would be needed. Not something that you can repair in Page 42 the desert on the side of the race course. Tim called into the main pit explaining what happened. A trailer was sent to pick them up. Tim will be back with the car in the 2005 season. Wayne Nosala started second to last in the A& W Racing single seat Jimco Class 10 car. Since his last race, Wayne spent many hours tuning the motor. A Fat Perfonnance cam made a huge difference in the way the VW motor runs. Wayne had no troubles until Lap 2 where a rear flat slowed him down until he could drive to CORE Pit B. Thom Singer came to the rescue. Thom d rove a spare time out to replace the one that went flat. One stop was made in the main pit for a quick dump of fuel on Lap 3. Wayne was ahead of the class on lap time. No troubles until the last lap Wayne drove past the outer Hodge pit, after he passed the pit and went over the hill towards the fmish line, he got another rear flat. He turned around to drive back to the pit. He radioed in that he was coming. The pit crew was ready and changed the tire in record time. He made it to the finish to win the class and the Class 10 championship. The 30 blue two seat 1600 car was making great lap times. Tim Craig drove the first two laps in a time of 51 minutes. Tim had a flat tire on Lap 3. He got out on Lap 4 and turned the wheel over to his father, Tom. The overall would be close. Tom had a flat on the fifth lap and then the clutch let go, ending an excellent run. Bryon Ziegler set up a large main pit. He also sent a couple of people to help at a CORE pit. Driving his black two seat car, he started seventh. Bryon had a flat at Mile 10 on the first lap that cost him some time. He ran a consistent time of 53 minutes on the second and third lap. A change of drivers was made on the fourth lap. Another 53 minute lap was made on the last lap for a fourth place finish. Starting last in Class 9, the Metzger and Proctor two seat car had to com-plete four laps. A rollover resulted in a loss of fuel. The fuel loss came to light when they ran out of fuel on the course. They finished in third place and the Class 9 championship. Main Pit: This was a large pit with Tim Lindsey's friends and family, Bob Depew, Don Johnson, Tim Baker, Bob Nosala, Thom Singer. Thanks to Bob for bringing out the CORE trailer. Only one fuel stop was made when Wayne stopped for a splash on Lap 3. Don and Tim made an excel-lent fuel stop. Bob Nosala searched the car over for damage. Bob Depew ran the radio and kept lap times. Thom Singer roved between pits. Pit A: Rick Clark S. and Jr. ran this pit, deciding to sit out racing their 1600 car. They called in lap times con-sistently and had a slow pit day. Pit B: Dave Girdner and friends ran this pit. They changed a front tire on Bryon's car. This pit also <;hanged • a rear tire on Wayne's car. Pit D: Brad Inch, Gary Hall and Josh Thunnan were located at this pit. Inner Hodge: Randy Jones, Johnny Burns and Larry Altolff were legendary for its performance and durability; the Rallye 4000 series con• sisten1Iy lights the way to the winners circle in off-road endurance events. And now, in addi-tion to our popular halogen and xenon products, Hella's Ralo/e 4000 series Includes compact, blue, and CELIS light ring models. When you really need to light it up, Hella ·s got all the perfonnance you're looking for. HeUa, Inc. 1 •877-224-3552 -""'-today/or the of tomom>w January 2005 situated at the Hodge plateau. The crew changed a tire for the Craig 1600 car. Outer Hodge: Todd Jergenson brought out people to help with this pit. Here they changed a rear tire on Wayne's car along with pulling out brush that had the throttle stuck open. Being part of a pit club can help your racing effort. A pit club will haul spare tires, spare parts or fuel to any pit you desire. A pit club will keep track of your lap times as well as your loca-tion on the race course. Come on out and join the fun. Meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at the famous Mulligan's in Valencia, 8pm. If you have any ques-tions, please contact Wayne Nosala at (818) 703-1971 or via e-mail at or visit CORE on the web at http:// . _ . .,, r4etl' By Wes Wisdom 2005 looks to be a stellar year for the First Association Of Inde-pendent Racers (FAIR), with the official announcement that FAIR will be offering pit support to it's club members for the entire six race SCORE Desert Racing Series. Founded in 1972, FAIR has been offering best in class pit sup-port to our off road racing mem-bers for close to 33 years. Back in the early days of the sport, with fewer races and even fewer race pro-moters, FAIR had to impose a limit of 45 member race cars per event. Race teams that did not plan ahead or last minute entries often were placed on a waiting list for pit sup-port. Times have changed, over 40 race dates and seven different race pro-moters fill the 2005 off road rac-ing calendar. Racers will have plenty of choice as to where and when they race in the coming year. FAIR just finished a very busy year, 155 racers, competing in 22 events, winning 26 times, with 79 top five finishes, earning three class championships in 2004. That ex-ceeds the 19 events and 20 wins FAIR members had in 2003. Founded in 1973 by the late Mickey Thompson, headed by President Sal Fish since 1974, the SCORE Desert Racing Series is the. premier off road racing series in the world, drawing entries from around the globe with races taking place in the Southwest USA and Baja, Mexico. SCORE has agreed to have marked, designated FAIR pit loca-tions for the club at upcoming races so FAIR pit crews have the adequate space needed to service club mem-bers race cars. Pit locations will be one less thing FAIR members have to worry about on a race weekend, allowing club racers to focus on the task at hand, winning. With recent Baja 1000 TV cov-erage on CNBC and the upcoming release of the movie "Dust To Glory", 2005 looks to be an excep-tional year for off road racing. Committing to the SCORE Series along with FAIR's continued first class pit support at local races en-sures that FAIR members will be the winners you see standing at the top of the podium. . .. affW J B1 Clio, Skil<on I want to extend special thanks to everyone for his or her support in 2004. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back in 2005, as. well as some new teams. Due to the continued expansion of JeepSpeed we are proud to an-nounce the appointment of Michelle Nelson as our Operations Manager. Michelle will be the key person regarding all communica-tions and administration with our members, sponsors, race organizers and media. We cannot thank her enough for taking on this much needed task. She will be a great as-set. You can contact Michell at: e-mail: - Phone 909-289-5731. P.O. Box 1608, Crestline, CA 92325. e-mail is the best way to contact Michelle, she will monitor e-mail throughout the day. ~ Michelle has just completed a new, updated database of all regis-tered race teams. WE HAVE 62 RACE TEAMS with issued numbers. 30 Pro Class and 32 Stock Class (5 are JeepSpeed East). Commencing Janaury 1, 2005, our annual regis-tration requirement is changing. All teams will be required to complete ·a new registration form and liabil-ity waiver. New members will be charged $100 initial fee and a yearly renewal fee of $50 will be charged to current members to keep their permanent race number in force. This will enable us to have im-proved communications with rac-ing teams and will ensure that num-bers are only issued to bona fide teams. The new forms are now avail-able. Congrats to our winners at the BITD Henderson race. Pro - 1", Charlie Peltzer, 2nd, Mike Barnett, 3,d John Coleman. Stock - l ", Jon Gymer, 2nd Bill Frey, 3,d George Gowland. Howe Steering Rookies Of The year - Pro -John Coleman. Stock -Jon Gymer. We will publish a full table of results asap, as we now have a new webmaster redesigning our website for 2005. We wish to recognize the follow-ing: Michelle Nelson for all her lo-gistical, preparation and radio help. Dave Munsterman for giving a spare wheel to John Copitas, then losing his personal race with the Hunt family by 16 seconds. Mike Barnett, who towed Barrie Thomp-son over the mountain pass when he only had high gear available. Curt LeDuc who thanked all the JeepSpeed drivers for running a smart race with some of the fastest cars in the U.S.A. Ray Currie, who sponsored and organized the pit stop contest on Friday night. Bud Pico of the Henderson Tourist Board who pre-sented every driver and co-driver with Henderson/Jeepspeed sweat shirts. Casey Folks and all his per-sonnel for a great race. . _-.,, Dusty Times
•r;JINO OTRUCI< RACINO OROANIZATIO.N When you hear the word Baja, many people remember the shop-ping trip to Tijuana, a day spent in Ensenada buying trinkets, San· Felipe's shrimp and fish tacos, or maybe Loreto, La Paz, or even Caho San Lucas and the fishing. It is a place where time seems to stop as you watch the sun come up over the Gulf of California. But, for some, it's the visions of racing through some of the tough-, est, most desolate and beautiful deserts and mountains God has given us. For those who have a need for speed, adventure and ul-timate challenges, the Baja 1000 proved to be the perfect setting. A record 14 Pro Trucks entered this years Baja 1000 to take on the 1,016.3 miles from Ensenada in Baja California to La Paz in Baja California Sur. This was also the first official race on Yokohama Tires. The top three manufacturers were Toyota, GMC and Ford. We would like to congratulate Rick L. Johnson who drove his Milgard, RevTek, Sign Methods Toyota ProTruck into victory circle. Rick's winning time was 19:36:40 with an average of 51.68mph, that also gave him a 19th overall finish amongst all four-wheel vehicles. Rick shared his driving duties with Tony Vanillo. Rick also won this years Baja 500 back in June. Second place went to the Hardin duo of Jarred and Eric Hardin, driving their GMC Pro Truck with a finishing time of 20:07:45. This was their first of-ficial ProTruck event. They proved to be worthy contenders within the Pro Truck class. Third place went to the supe-rior SMD Team of Matt Scaroni and family, driving their Ford Pro Truck, with a finishing time of 20:50:53. With ·a strong third place, Matt Scaroni secures the ProTruck Championship. SMD proved all year that they were the best team out there. Congratula-tions go out to Matt and the en-tire SMD Team. Other finishers were: 4th - Mike Voyles, Ford, 5th -Ron Dewolf, Ford, 6th -Joe Custer, Chevy, 7th -Gary Magness, Ford, 8th -Paul Perrzo, Ford, 9th -Rob Kittleson, tord. · For those of you interested in photos of the winning trucks, ProTruck hired Trackside Photo to be at the finish line to take some great shots of the trucks. You can reach Trackside Photo at 805-578-3470. Congratulations to Mark Miller who took home the victory in the Trophy Truck Class driving his modified C hevy ProTruck. Mark has won the last two Baja lO00's in the Trophy Truck divi-sion. · 11!,h ince Off Road Equipment 0 --"' - -Ai. RaceReatiy ~bel~in aftllnloonmillketiogapproatti wfttl ataige, well-stOcf<ed 5howtoom. We.ireconstantly expanding our produtt.fme. as weir M <k!Ye!Opfng In-house proJatr, Our }ales staff lt <:ommlted to ffle.phik,sophy-f!lat~ is firrtprlority. Wecany~ from the belt suppfiers in~~-We WOfl< very hard at getting our Mt0ll'lgS 1he best value in eoJerY purch;;ue, .... Pro Truck Racing Organization is supported by the finest manu-facturers in the industry: Yokohama Tires-Magnaflow Ex-haust-Mastercraft Seats-Bilstein Shocks-MSD Ignition-AFE Air Filters-VP Racing Fuels and Wells 6f9.69f.9f7f • J', . lldS.ann ro• tws. ,..,,., Sdft.4 • CINlla V&u, CA 9r,ro / ---------~ Cargo Trailers. · • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL P URPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T HAYE 17: NO ONE DOE$/ Check Our Website: www. Ka wag uch i Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 0 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 :H ND.A N h. ' . GENERAToRa. PUMPa (323) 364-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 ot 1ng s easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible if1jury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2004 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times January 2005 Page 43
40TH RALLYE CATALUNYA. COSTA BRAVA Martin/Ford Takes The Win By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Nicolas Bernardi and Jean-Marc Fortin drove their Renault Clio to the JWRC win, they were 141ti overall as well. driver), who was leaving the sport at the a Clio, the Opel driver Kris Meeke to a end of the rally to concentrate on his C2 and Conrad Rautenbach, who had timber business back in Finland. already driven a Puma, Corsa and lgnis Mitsubishi were back again, their first so far this year, to a Saxo. Meeke nearly rally since Germany, with a three car missed the Ceremonial Start after dam-team and the lancer WRCs now fitted aging his car at Shakedown. Neither with in-house suspension dampers. Ford, Luca Cecchittini nor Mathieu Biasi on Skoda and Subaru had planned to run appeared. with the same cars as they used in Corsica There were various entries in Group but in the end Ford swopped Francois N including PCWRC contender Duval's,theenginefireonthatrallyhav- Ricardo Trivino, and a curious entry ing been found to have damaged the was from Mattias Ekstrom (DTM cham-electrical wiring. Peugeot's chief Corrado pion and Group N winner of the Swed-Provera made his usual interesting state-ish), who seemed incongruous down at men ts at the team's pre-event press con-number 72! The other curiosity of the ference. His c~ic this time was talking rally was the high speed of the liaison about Marcus Gronholm and his apti- sections, being anything up to 74kph, Markko Martin and Michael Park were the big winners in the Catalunya Rally, seen here in their Ford Focus RS. tude at making good times at Shake- making this insomewaysthefastestrally It all came good again for Markko in succession had been reliable. much this was down to this being Carlo.5 downs, although this time he was only in the championship! Martin. The right people retired. He was lberewere few changes since lastyea.r. Sainz' s last rally in Spain was difficult to third fastest "If the FIA ever paid atten-Leg 1 correct with his tyre choice, on an event For the organisation, the main change say. Even in hours before Shakedown tion to Shakedown times, we would have 6 Stages, asphalt, 115kms. where it was easy to make mistakes, and was that Scrutineering was now at Vic, was due to start on the Thursday mom-been champion again this year, long ago!" Clouds hung over the hills to the he won comfortably. The right people close to the Service P-ark, not back in ing, the public car parks were filling up He continued his defence of the trouble- west of the Vic plain. There were three were the newly crowned World Cham- Uoret de Mar, while more stages were fast. Carlos told the pre-event FIA Press some 304WRC, "That car still has huge stages each run twice, firstly in the mom-pion Sebastien Loeb, who retired while run in both directions. Whereas Legs 1 Conference about his decision to retire. potential We have a very innovative car ing then later in the day. Fords were leading, and Martin's teammate and 3 were virtually unchanged, most "We have jumped from 12 to 16 rallies, but out ideas have notyetµ us back." again the main rivals for Citroen, Francois Duval, who went out while ly-of the changes happened on Leg 2, re-and the amount of time spent testing Gronholm spoke about asphalt rally-Francois Duval leading after the first ing second in front of Martin, both as a moving sections of the route which in has not reduced. It has been an extraor-ing: "I don't like asphalt, you are always stage but damaging the rear wing of the result of cutting corners. It was a rally 2003 had been deemed too fast, but dinarilydifficultseason. The amount of fighting to keep the car on the road and car at the end of the stage on a yellow where gravel note crews were allowed essentially on roads which had been used .time it has demanded has really hurt me you are always a little bit afraid, and I warning board sign and suffering from and, as in Corsica where they were also for many years. The only rule change a lot. I had thought seriously about re-don't like rain on asphalt at all." Marcus the tyres rubbing on the wing, this cost allowed, the rally was free of predictable was the potential for a 20 second pen- tiring earlier but was persuaded to wait has yet to win an asphalt rally, but he him a quarter of a minute which accidents. It was a rally full of happiness alty for a manufacturer's entry (which and see what would happen. We waited said his luck would change in Australia, dropped him to fifth, and then it was for Per-Gunnar Andersson who alsoappliedtoSkoda) if an engine was to see the FIA's calendar for 2005 and a rally he liked, whichwasbackongravel backontheattackfortheBelgianagain. clincl1ed the FIA's Junior World chan1-changed after finishing in Corsica, but found they had not listened to pleas to In championship terms, attention Sebastien Loeb in tum lost a quarter pionship. But for Carlos Sainz it was that did not happen at all. reduce the series. And that is when my was focused on the JWRC, for which minute on Stage 3 when he spun and not such a happy affair, his final rally in This was the40thanniversaryof the decision to give up was made." A year this was the final round. Three Suzuki stalled, so that at the end of the first Spain, "We were not happy with our rally but like at Rally GB, there were no ago, Colin McRae was driven out of the drivers ( Guy Wilks, Per-Gunnar loop of stages the new World Cham-tyres. But it was a special event for me. I commemorative celebrations, though sport bya twocar rule. Now the world's Andersson and Kosti Katajamaki) all pion led Duval by just 1.0 second! The felt emotions this year that I have never the event brought out quite as many winning-most rally driver was going, be-had the chance of winning the title, so conditions had been difficult to antici-felt before." Anotherhappypersonwas spectators as ever. Hundreds arrived causeoftherules.Anotherfucewasalso longastheycouldfightoffafourthcon- pate. Most competitors assumed the Gronholm finishing second with with organised travel tours, thousands to be seen for the last time, that of Paavo tender, Nicolas Bernardi, in his Renault three stages would still be damp in the his Peugeot 307WRC, which two rallies came from all over Spain, though how Lukander (Toni Gardemeister' s co-The Fiat driver Xavier Pons changed to morning, but in fact only Stage 3 was r------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks· Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkwav Looo, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Catalog ~--------------------------------------------~----------~ Page 44 January 2005 Dusty Times
Toni Gardemeister and Paavo Lukander drove their good looking Skoda Fabia to a ninth place overall in Spain. Sixth place in the Catalunya Rally went to Daniel Sola and Xavier amigo, seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. Guy Wilks and Phil Pugh didn't have the best of times, they were out with an accident in their Suzuki lgnis. damp, and during the first passage sixth. drizzle and then rain started to fall Most There were three different leaders in ers in his Fiat Punto, run by N Tech-nologies, the official Fiat team. By Stage 3 it was Suzuki as usual in the JWRC: drivers had the right tyres for Stages 1 the first three stages in JWRC, with the and 2, and tyres too hard to Stage 3. added attraction that Giandomenico Per-Gunnar Andersson was happily lead-ing the championship category in front of Xavier Pons' Clio, Mirco Baldacci's Petter Solberg had a difficult morning, Basso (winner of the ECR Mille Miglia having intercom failure for Stages 2 and Rally) was_ ah_ead of all th~C driv-3. Carlos Sainz said the car was under-steering too much. Marcus Gronholm was meanwhile a lot more pleased (mean-ing, less displeased) with his car then he had been in Corsica. A big revelation was the speed of Gilles Panizzi's MitsubishL Before the start he was asked how much the car had been improved by the recent suspension work. "I guess this gain will have halved the amount by which we were slower than the leaders." Anyway, he was sixth on Stage 1 and third on Stage 2. On Stage 3 he suffered badly from misjudging the weather con-ditions and fell back. "ltwasn't just the tyres, the car also suddenly became ner-vous." In the other team cars, Freddy Lobe was missing on Stage 2 when the alternator on his 307WRC failed and the car stopped when the battery power was exhausted. Toni Gardemeister had a water pump fail on his Skoda and this stopped the water injection working, losing him power and time. Antony Warmbold made a tyre error in the opposite sense, he was happy with his speed in the wet Stage 3. Armin Schwarz lost a lot of time on Stage 3 when the central differential started to deliver too much torque to the frontwheels. As the rally continued so Stage 3 became wet• ter. Daniel Sola, running a half hour behind the leaders, reckoned itwas now wet for all except five kilometres of the ~ -Off again for the second lap and Duval made best time on Stage 4, and was back in the lead in front of team• mate Martin, but on Stage 5 Loeb made best time and got ahead. By the end of the leg the Frenchman lay 2.0 seconds ahead of not Duval but Martin. Duval was out of the rally, "I cut a fast corner in the usual way, and wrecked the sus-pension. I do not know whether this happened off the road or when I came back on the road again, it was all too quick." He struggled on to the end of Stage 6 but had to retire as he could not drive back to service. Martin made best time on Stage 6 despite breaking a wheel seven kilometres from the end of the stage, which created a bad vibration. "The force was so strong it knocked the steering wheel out of my hands." Most drivers expected the conditions would be worse than theywere. Panizzi and Sainz both expected wet-to-damp conditions and made mistakes with their tyre choice. Loeb was glad not to lose more time after selecting tyres which were too soft. The pace of the rally was un-abated. "It is Go, Go, Go all the time", exclaimed one cO-Oriver. "Unless you break the speed limits you cannot reach the controls on time." Kopecky finished his rally four kilometres from the end of Stage 6 when he hit a stone and went off the road. Schwarz was back up to speed after his transmission unit was changed. By the end of the leg Gronholm had risen to third, Sainz was fourth, Solberg fifth and Stephane Sarrazin was up to Dusty Times (G-l?Oft(;EI IIACIN8 -...1} Pro Farce Air • Significantly outflows other •btower type' helmets ':jt • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! . ...-,,, e lightweight Composite Shell "-._ ·~ 9 !) • 9 9 • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated ~~ • Fire Resistant Interior Special wl FREE ._ ____ .,._ ... __ _. Helmet Bag I! 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Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available COMMUNICATION !!iOLUTION!i FOR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW' Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135, 150. & 235 CFM Models Available • lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN 1111!/ s Page 45
Larry Cols had a series of misfommes including having wrong tyres on the rear of his car and then suffered when the rain arrived just as he was waiting on the start line of a stage and had differential problems in the wet. Jari-Matti Larva la spun off backwards into a guard rail. Guerlain Chicherit started a rally he would regret when the engine stopped three rimes on Stage 2 and 3. Luca Berri spun off and lost two minutes. Luca Tabaton did likewise and again lost two minutes. On the second loop the big story was the exit of Pons after having taken the JWRC lead from.Andersson. TI1e Sµm-iard lost a wheel and blocked the route, causing the yellow flags to come out. Pons later explained, "We damaged the sus-pension curring a comer, we carried on but the brakes failed as we came to a bend and we crashed into a guard rail. While Basso stayed in front of the Super 1600 clas.s, Baldacci inherited the JWRC lead from.Andersson who had fitted in-tennediate tyres to the rear of his car, found it oversteered and lost rime. Bernardi rose to place third, despite a rear puncture for seven kilometres. Larvala had a broken driveshaft on Stage 6 but managed to reach service ald1ough he had fallen behind Wilks. Wilks and Katajamaki were two of many to cl10ose wrong tyres while Natalie Barratt aban-doned when her brand new Renault Clio stopped with a broken alternator belt, so her season ended with her being the only driver in the series to have contested every round and scored no points at all. Chicherit impaled his C2 into a tree on Stage 4 and retired. Interesting conunents came from the Group N leader Ekstrom. He was driving on his first ever non-win-ter, and first ever asphalt, rally. "You can-not imagine the mess on the roads caused by the cars in front of us tutting comers. I never realised this was a gravel rally ... " Second overall at Catalunya was the Peugeot 307 of Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen, seen here before an admiring crowd. Leg2 7 Stages, asphalt, 130kms. There were four separate stage loca-tions, eacl1 nm twice, with the firstvenue being a repeat of the second stage held on leg 1, butthis time done in the op-posite direction. Big drama came at the end of the first stage, rally leader Sebastien Loeb retired with a huge pool of oil beneath his car, victim Gust like in Mexico) of comer cutting. Everyone moved up one place and Markko Mar-tin acquired the lead, over 40 seconds in front of Marcus Gronholm, Gilles Panizzi had more handling troubles with his Mitsubishi.. TeanunateGianluigi Galli was happy, passing Mikko Hirvonen into seventh place, but Daniel Sola, af-ter changing the transmissions because of gear selection trouble, found the new unit put too much torque on the rear axle. Annin Schwarz, however, was sud-denly on song, making third fastest on Stage 8 while teammate Toni Gardemeister had a puncture, soft brakes and a strange tendency for the Skoda to pull to the left. TI1e11, for the thousands of fans at the most spectacu-lar spectating location at the famous bridge stage, Stage 10, there was disap-poinnnent as the stage was cancelled due to a variety of reasons. Firstly a large quantity of slurry had been dumped on the stage, whether by accident or malice nobody knew, and then because of spec-tator pressure on the side of the road. Well before dawn they had gathered on the brid,,oe waiting for the drivers to come at 10:43. They would not now see the rally until the end of the afternoon ... While Martin sought to control his lead Gronholm was going better, scor-ing best rime on Stages 9, 11 and 13. TI1e surprise of the rally, however, was the progress of Stephane Sarrazin, now up to fourth place overall in his private Michelin-tyred Subaru. Sarrazin had a mystery, at the same place first time and then second time round, his ALS temporarily stopped working! Last year's winner Gilles Panizzi continued to be unhappy, "Something is wrong and we do not know what it is." The car was difficult to drive. He changed back to the previous day's competitive settings but it was still no better. Daniel Sola and Petter Solberg both spun. On the final stage of the day Martin continued to control his speed, the route being a repeat of the 32km Stage 10 whicl1 was cancelled in the morning and was, therefore, still in clean condition. In the • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless JWRC cat-egory, the day started with the reap-pearance of Xavier Pons, this rime nm-ni ng under SupeRally rules. Mirco Baldacci led after Stage 7 but then lost Fuel Salt's "Pro Cell" is our lop·ol-the·line racing cell that comes ready to super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety loam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience install and it's backed by a e-/ull 10 year wa,r;Jnly. l'or more inro call or wxi t:.e to: Ai.rcra:ft Jwbber/J'ue.l Sa:fe EL SAF 250 S.E. 'l'imber Avenue lwdmcnd, OR 97756 Radngulls ooo-433-652' : , 5'1-923-6015 ' 1 http://www.f"ue..ba1'•.ccm Page 46 two minutes on Stage 8, driving on a flat tyre. Such was the competitiveness of the battle that this dropped him to eighth JWRC driver, letting Nicolas Bernardi into the lead, less than ten sec-onds in front of Per-Gunnar Andersson. Series leader Guy Wilks was going bet-ter, ahead ofKosri Katajamaki who had punctures on both Stages 7 and 9, while by Stage 9 Jari-Matti Larvala was up to fifth overall. Conrad Rautenbach suf-fered on all three of the first stages of the day with power steering failure. Luca Tabaton broke his exhaust. Larvala's problems were eventually identi6.ed. TI1e perceived problem of d1e differenrial was, in fact, caused by the driveshaft not hav-ing been properly refitted. He restarted this morning with no worries but then five kilometres from Vic the whole thing started again. TI1e differential was over-heating because one driveshaftwas not working. TI1eywaited for it to cool down and got to Vic on time and the drivesl1aft was realigned again. TI1en he set about regaining lost time. By Stage 11 he was up ro fourth. Non-championship driver Giandomenico Basso, not constrained to using control tyres (in fact also using Micl1elins), continued to lead the Super 1600 category while Manias Ekstrom was virtually two minutes ahead of the next Group N driver. The Junior title was now heading towards the Suzuki drivers Guy Wilks and PG Andersson. If they maintained their positions Wilks would be one point ahead of his teanunate and three in front of the Renault driver, but one puncn1re could cl1ange everything. Cols had to stop and change a flat tyre, Katajamaki had handling prob-lems and could not trace what it was. At service in the 1niddle of the day the rally lost Um10 Aava, out of rime when the team had to change the gearbox mounting support. On the final stage of the leg, Wilks complained that short cuts were getting progressively rougher when stages were run second time round. Bernardi knew that the only way to keep alive his championship hopes was by .winning and he got ahead of Basso, the overall Super 1600 leader. Alan Scorcioni fell back from his excellent seventh place when he punctured and had to change a flat tyre. Oliver Marshall went off the road and had to retire, but still 14 of the 18 starters remained. leg3 6 Stages, asphalt, 106kms. Once again there were two loops of stages. This time eacl1 loop had three stages. Overnight rain had left pools of water all over the first stage which was won by Stephane Sarazzin's Michelin-tyred Subaru with wet weather equipment, but as the morn-ing dried out these were progressively less suitable. The pressure was off at the top of the field. Markko Martin was driving to a steady rhythm, his lead staying around the 40 second mark. low sunlight on the second stage troubled drivers. Marcus January 2005 The good looking Subaru lmpreza driven by Petter Solberg and Philip Mills finished in fifth place at Catalunya. BELOW: Carlos Sainz drove his Citroen Xsara to the bronze medal, he was not too happy on his last rally in Spain. · Gronholm had tyre trouble. Gianluigi Galli and Daniel Sola were going well with their Mitsubishis but Gilles Panizzi was srill trying to identify the cause of the troubles which afflicted his car. Tactics started to become fascinating in JWRC. On the first stage Guy Wilks went off the road and could not continue. · Although Wilks still led the champion-ship he was powerless to stop Nicolas Bernardi and Per-Gunnar Andersson exceeding his points total. With Bernardi leading the category on the rally the only way the French-man could become cl1ampion was to stop Andersson gaining so many points. In third place now was Bernardi' s team-mate Larry Cols and if Larry could overtake Andersson, Bernardi and Andersson would end up on the same points total, but Andersson would take the title on account of his three wins earlier in the season. TI1erefore so long as Andersson stayed in front of the fourth placed driver Kris Meeke, Andersson would be home and dry. But dry it wasn't, there was instead heavy rain! In fact, it all sorted itself out when Cols and Meeke were delayed by punctures. Latvala, who had been up to fourtl1 earlier, went off the road and broke his bumper and struggled through the final three stages. So the · driver who did not deserve still to be in the event finished up ninth and out of the points. Luca Betti was delayed go-ing to Stage 19 and finished too late to be classified. Luca Tabaton went off the road and retired while Alex Broc-coli incurred a five mi.Jmte penalty when he admitted using two too many tyres on the event, so ten cars finished in tl1e JWRC category. It was happiness all the way for Andersson. Exactly 20 years sincce: his fellow Swede Stig Blomqvist won the World Drivers title with Audi, and 18 since Kenneth Eriksson won the special World Group A Drivers title. 1..ft..12C: 40TH Rally Catalunya-Costa Brava 29/31.10.2004 Uoret de Mar (E) WC round 15 J'NRC round 8 WC points 'NR 'ND JC 1 (7) Mar1<ko MARTINn.1ichael Pan< EE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC . ET53UJP (GB) 3h.40m.43.8s. 10 10 2 (5) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot 307 WRC 984PPQ75 (F) 3h.41m.07.0s. a· 8 3 (4) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 76CXN78 (F) 3h.41m.21.5s. 6 6 4 (18) Stephane Sarrazin/Patrick Private F Subaru lmpreza 'NRC SBOOWRT (GB) 3h.43m.34.2s. - 5 5 (1) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC RT53SRT (GB) 3h.43m.50.5s. 5 4 6 (10) Daniel Sola/Xavier Amigo E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 'NRC KR53YPP (GB) 3h.44m.39.5s. - 3 7 (14) Gianluigi Galli/Guido d'Amore I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 'NRC KN04V,.,U (GB) 3h.44m.49.7s. - 2 8 (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC YT53SRT (GB) 3h.45m.15.5s. 4 1 9 (12) Toni Gardemeister/Paavo Lukander FIN Skoda Fabia 'NRC 3S4 5612 (CZ) 3h.45m.21.4s. -10 (17) Nicolas Vouilloz/Denis Giraudet F Peugeot 206 'NRC 282NNN75 (F) 3h.45m,28.8s. -Other important finishers . 11 (11) ArminSchwarz/ManfredHiemer' D Skoda Fabia WRC 3S4 5611 (CZ) 3h.46m.10.8s. -12 (9) Gilles+ Herve Panizzi F Mitsubishi Lancer Evo WRC KR53YPO (GB) 3h.47m.31.8s. -13 (16) Antony Warmbold/Gemma Price D/GB Ford FOOJs RS WRC Y6FMC (GB) 3h.49m.49.1s. -14 (39) Nicolas Bernardi/Jean-Marc Fortin Clio J'NRC 872AMC83 (F) . 3h.58m.08.7s. -15 {64) Giandomer,ico Basso'Mitia Dotta I FIB Renault 10 Fiat Punta Dusty Times
Don't Forget -You can still run your Thank You ad in the BFGaadricl'i Carner BFGoodrich Tires claimed its 19th consecutive overall victory in the granddaddy of off road races, the SCORE Baja 1000. With the overall victory in the four wheel category, BFG continues to reinforce its position as the tire of choice for Baja 1000 win-ners and off road enthusiasts. Troy Herbst and Larry Roeseler drove their Class I Truggy to the over-all four wheel vehicle SCORE Baja 1000 victory on BFGoodrich Baja T / A KR tires. More than 280 teams en-tered the37th running of the Baja 1000. 18 of the top 20 finishers used BFGoodrich tires. Tires "This was a major victory for BFGoodrich Tires and sets the stage for next year when we begin toe pur-suit for 20 straight wins." Said Tom Peebles, Brand Director for BFGoodrich Tires. "Congratulations to all of the winners and to SCORE for holding one of the most challeng-ing Baja 1000s ever." Here is a list of the class winners on BFGoodrich Tires in the Baja 1000. Class I and overall - Troy Herbst/ Larry Roeseler, Trophy Truck - Mark Miller/Ryan Arciero, Class 3 -Don Moss, Class 5 - George Seeley, Class 7S - Nick Moncure, Class 7SX - Pepe Rodriguez, Class 8 - Todd Willie, Class 10 - Martin Christiansen, Class 12 - Dave Calloway, Full Stock -Chad Hall, Baja Challenge - Michel Jordain Jr., Mini Stock - Kreg Donohoe and, Class ½-1600 - Rob MacCachren. For only the second time in the history of the SCORE Baja 1000, multiple teams raced on the company's new 39" Baja T/ A KR race tire. Gus Vildosola and Rob MacCachren , Ed and Tim Herbst , Pete Sohren , all in Trophy Trucks and the overall four wheel champion Troy Herbst, Class I all used the new tire. Next issue of Dusty Times Dusty Times is always looking for dealers_. Call us at 818-882-0004 You can have Dusty Times on your counter And sell it for a profit or even give a copy to We're ready when you are! Your favorite customers. Call Dusty Times for details 818-882-0004 TM ---1 llf:---------. 1-----ri..ri~-H---,-----1 ---= 1 LIGHT SYSTEM by ~•lesi!JDS ., ~bullt Cila3wired a:0headache C-l•) C3 :(mount • Dusty Times ., Tig welded chromoly frame - For strength and durability Individual Quick Adjusters - Lights are adjustable four ways Premium glass optics - Provide the best light dispertion possible Pre-mounted Generation 4 ballast - Smaller size, lower weight, more reliable, greater safety Rubber mounted - Vibration isolated lamps - Eliminate the tendency for the lamp to vibrate out of position Light Weight - Single weighs 4 lbs. 10. oz. - Bars are 2/3rds the wieght of competitors lights alone January 2005 \ Page 47
17TH TELSTRA RALLY AUSTRALIA 2004 Loeb Loves Australia By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen Xsara to a great win in Australia, his sixth win of the season. Sebastien Loeb won his sixth rally benefit from this change was the sub- fied at the combination of the trees by of 2004, equaling Didier Auriol's stantial reduction in road section dis-the tracks and the unpredictability of record from 12 years ago, and cruised ranees, some 370km shorter than last the grip in the wet, coupled now with to the finish of the final round, com- year. TI1e headquarters were back at the ban on gravel note crews. "If it is fortably in front of Harri Rovanpera the traditional site, the Sheraton Ho- wet, this would be the most dangerous and Francois Duval. Mikko Hirvonen tel, and Langley Park was not used for rally in the world championship. Ever." in fourth place continued his record these formalities this year. TI1e super- It rained during Shakedown and this of reliability, scoring points for his team special stages, like last year, were held at prediction was demonstrated when for the tenth time this season. Telstra Gloucester Park, and there were five in Petter Solberg spun and jammed his Rally Australia, however, although all. Although there were some general car between two tree-trunk thick !X>Sts organised to perfection as usual was a simplifications to the route, notably and blocked the road. One post im-shallow event, with only four teams that instead of having four substan- paled itself into the front right-hand competing, and only four top drivers tially different stages on the last day's suspension of his lmpreza, and when reaching the finish. But despite the dis- section in Sotico Forest, one of them the car swung round, the rear bumper appoinnnent in the world champion- was run twice. TI1ere were many differ- was jammed solidly against the other ship activities, it was a rally run and ent configurations of stages compared post. with great excitement for the PCWRC with previous years, and many late de- It had been quite a momentous competitors. At the start of the final cisions about the programme. TI1e days week since Catalunya. TI1ere had been day four drivers could still win these-on which Shakedown was held were three major developments in the sport. ries, but finally the Irish driver Niall changed then, after the event's initial Firstly, Ford announced that they were McShea came to have his name written route details were published, the finish persuaded by the FIA'.s assurance of in the record books, although wasmovedfromSoticoforestbyabout fururedecisionsaboutthesportwhich Toshihiro Arai won the category on lOOkmbacktotheothersideof Perth, wouldsubstantiallyreducecostsforrhe the event. TI1ere was to be one big dis-to a location which overlooks the city. participating teams, and that they appoinnnent. Carlos Sainz was mak-The event itself was held two wouldcontinuetobeactiveintheworld ing this event the final rally in his ca-months later in the year than in recent championship for the next four years. reer, but he crashed in reconnaissance years. It was the first time the WCR TI1is meant they would go ahead with and had to withdraw from the event season had finished outside Europe development of their wider Focus after crossing the line at the Ceremo- since 1980, at the Bandama Rally in model, and that they would have no nial Start. the Ivory Coast. But would the later plans to develop a car for Super 2000 TI1ere was a lot of changes to this date, closer to the Antipodean mid- Rally. So, it seemed sure there would year's event, the most important being summer, produce warmer and nicer be six top teams at every world cham-the decision to have one central Ser- weather? Not necessarily. TI1ere had pionship event in 2005, Citroen, Ford, vice Park in Perth itself, at Gloucester been occasional rain on recent Rally Mitsubishi, Peugeot, Skoda and Park, and for the first time in the cham- Australias and there was more rain Subaru, which was good news for the pionship the use of daily Remote Tyre than usual in the days before the event. FIA Zones. TI1ese RTZs were based in the TI1e weather forecast, certainly up to Big drama came on Tuesday mom-centre of the regions where most of the the time of the first leg of the rally, was ing, two days before Solberg's little ad-stages were being nm that day. The main for rain! One team engineer was horri- venture. On the first day of recce, on ·--------------------------------· REDL!NE PERfoRP\ANCE, !NC. LS1 & N-STAR PRE-RUN DR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES FROM $ 7500.00 COMPLETE 400HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROGRAMS AND AND UNMATCHED REPRUTATION FOR CUSTORMER SATISFACTIONIII I (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX 4531 EISENHOWER CIRCLE, ANAHEIM, CA 92807 . ·--------------------------------· Page 48 January 200s The overall Group N winner was Chris Atkinson, with Glen Macneal he drove his Subaru lmpreza WRX to fifth overall. Stage 3, Carlos Sainz, preparing for what was to be the final rally of his career, crashed his ·recce car. His co-driver Marc Marti explained, "We were sliding round a bend and suddenly the rear of the car stopped sliding, and this flicked the front of the car off the road, and straight into a tree." Marc was un-hurt but Carlos badly hurt his neck, to such an extent that doctors said it would be very unwise for him even to try to start the event. Carlos agreed he would go to the parade lap at the Cer-emonial start and bid his farewell to the sport from there. Carlos' absence meant there were only seven registered world championship cars left on the event, fewest since 1997, and if the treacherous conditions continued, one wondered just how high a Group N car could finish. Although both the premier World titles had been won previously, both in Corsica, this was to be the venue where the PCWRC title would be decided. Four drivers, a Finn, a Japanese and two British drivers had the title in their sights, three of them in Su barns and one in a Mitsubishi. In PCWRC two drivers failed to arrive, the Swedish pri-vateer Joaquim Roman and the Polish driver Tomasz Kuchar, both on medi-cal grounds. Kuchar provided plenty of evidence, Roman did not and was fined USD 5,000. Leg 1 9 Stages, gravel, 133kms. On a rally where only eight regis-tered world championship drivers were active, the last thing you needed were early retirements. Telstra Rally Austra-lia were unlucky. No sooner had Carlos Sainz made his parade lap at Gloucester Park, around the first special stage, than he withdrew and went to watch the event. TI1en Markko Martin reached the end of the special stage (in sixth place) with an ominous noise from the engine, smoke everywhere and only three cylinders working. TI1e car went into overnight pare ferme and in the morning he was pushed into service, where a quick inspection showed the extent of the internal damage to the engine and the car retired. An unhappy .r\ end to a career at Ford for the driver who had brought them five worl_d championship wins within a period of 16 months. Then Petter Solberg went off the road. By midday on the first full day of rallying, the eight had been reduced to five. Only Peugeot had an intact team. Not good. TI1e Timrsday night superspecial was held in between showers of rain, but the excitement was there all the same. Crowds applauded Carlos, the favourite driver who had four times won in New Zealand but never here. Granholm took an immediate lead on the superspecial and held this through-out the first day. First car on the road was Sebastien Loeb, but this time it was no disadvantage because the humidity on the ground meant the stages were not cleaning in their traditional way. TI1e weather began to clear up on the Friday, the first full day, and specta-tors began waving in the usual Austra-lian way (nor for the passing cars, but because of the flies!), but the lack of top level activity became badlyevidenr. As the day warmed up the stages be-came drier, but still there were hazard-ous stretches, especially in the two Murray Pines stages (4 and 5) which are always n·icky, where very slippery comers have a habit of appearing with-out warning. One had Solberg's name on it. It took the team a long while to discover the problem. It transpired he had cut a corner and clipped a rock with the steering. TI1e steering was bro-ken without the driver knowing it, and suddenly the Subaru was off the road and out of the rally. TI1e two final forest stages of the day saw Mikko Hirvonen losing his brakes but he stayed in front of Antony Wannbold, the last of the World Rally Cars. But there was a surprise. TI1e Stewards introduced a new rule after the organisers asked if Solberg, for the sake of the crowds, could re-enter the rally, under SupeRally rules for the two final superspecials of the day. The Stew-ards agreed, and surprise, surprise he scored best time on each! Everyone could sense that the teams whose driv-ers stayed in the event could not have Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen churn up the dust as they flew to a very nice second overall in their Peugeot 307. Dusty Times T
Second in PCWRC and a very impressive ninth overall was the Subaru lmpreza WRX of Niall McShea and Michael Orr. The high flyer award goes to Francois Duval and Stephane Prevot, third overall in their airborne Ford Focus RS. to realise how slow his pacenotes were. "I did not realise just how fast the tracks would be. Much faster than you might expect." Warmbold continued, mak-ing no errors, detennined to crown his season with a fifth place. Cody Crocker, Australian Champion 2004, was driv-ing steadily, avoiding mistakes and over-coming any problems with a "bit of Bush Mechanics". There was media cu-riosity whether Loeb was going to win and thereby equal the record of six wins in one season ( 1992, when tl1ere were fewer events) scored by fellow French-man Didier Auriol. It seemed a rather unbalanced comparison given that Auriol did not even become champion that year! It was quiet day by world championship standards. !twas in the PCWRCwhere excite-ment could be found. Four drivers starred the day with hopes of being the champion, but there was a long series of dramas. Singh, lying second, with (at that time) a commanding position in the championship because he was dividing McRae and Paasonen, had a heavy landing and burst a tyre. He was aware the contender Paasonen was the next car coming, so he pulled to the side, changed his wheel and waited for the Finn to pass before setting off again. Only the next car was a long time coming, and it was McShea. Paasonen had also punctured, then got going before hitting a rock and damaging the suspension. The Finn then l1ad the sus-pension collapse on the ensuing road section, and with the help of his team leader Manfred Stohl, running behind him (in a SupeRally capacity), was able to get going again, but arrived at the next stage over the pennitted time al-lowance. I le was not, however, out of the title race even now, so long as great been too pleased at the publicity avail-able for a retired driver, especially as SupeRally originally provided for cars only to be able to restart on the follow-ing day after retirement! In PCWRC, Fumio Nutahara made good use of his Yokohamas in the conditions and took the lead in both the category and overall Group Nat the opening Superspecial. "Luck-ily for me it was just before the heavy rain began," but come the Friday stages a big battle began between two of the four championship contenders, Toshi Arai ahead of Alister McRae, Niall McShea and Jani Paasonen. Arai briefly took tl1e lead on Stage 2 but then it was McRae ahead for the first and sec-ond days. Marcos Ligato had a terrible time. Before the rally his Subaru had to have an engine change, then when he reached the end of the initial super-special stage smoke was coming from the engine which was losing oil. Like Martin, Ligato had his car pushed into service the following morning and the Top Run team discovered oil leaking from a camshaft seal and he retired. McShea had started badly, making a poor tyre choice for tl1e first two forest stages, then his engine lost its edge. Manfred Stohl was not confident and on Stage 4 went off the road for good. Mark Higgins went off the road for eight minutes. Daniel Sola retired with overheating, believed to be due to an alternator belt failure (the belt also op-erating the water pump after earlier noticing the power falling off). Gianluigi Galli, lying second, went off the road and crashed, so botl1 semi-official Mitsubishis were out, while McRae was viewing with concern how many of his rivals were retiring. For McRae to be champion, he had to fin-ish the rally more than one place ahead of series leader Jani Paasonen. The day started well, with Galli, Higgins, Arai, Sola and and Singh at various times between them, a useful buffer for McRae, but all of them fell back or retired except for Singh, so at the end of the first day McRae was on line for the title if only Singh stayed where he was! But this became less likely as Galli crashed, Higgins w~s delayed, off the road, Sola had engine overheating, and Arai punctured and lost time chang-ing the wheel. Leg2 10 Stages, gravel, 127kms. The weather became kinder. The roads were drying out and the terrors of the cleaning surfaces became mani-fest. It was disappointing for the organisers and the crowds that such a high proportion of top drivers were out of the event, it was a major indict-ment of this year's two-car rule, and there was worse to come. On the first stage of the day rally leader Gronholm was out. "It was strange. It was on a stage we had driven yesterday. It was travelling down the same track, at the same speed, in the same part of the road as before, when suddenly the springs compressed, the sumpguard dug in and spun the car round into a tree. In the impact the guard jammed the alternator belt and I had to cut the belt off to restart the engine and drive off the road to safety." Each team had now lost one car, just four World Rally Cars plus Warn1bold's Focus were left, a disaster for everyone. TI1e stages were now all based in and around the Mundaring Forest, and with Gronholm out the steam had gone out of the world cl1ampionship event. Loeb took the lead which he was to hold comfortably and unchallenged to the finish. Rovanpera and Loeb both con-fessed to having overshot junctions. Duval went 70 metres off the road, crashed through a plastic barrier in order to make a nirn to retrieve his steps, but had to wait a while as he found the track full of dust, his own dust. Hirvonen was gradually getting a good feeling out of his car, and starring --, I a•; 4". __ rsen ICIIVGtlJ::CJ<CXOGY 714.530.B701 • FAX714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 'tN'W'W".lcing.shoclcs.«»n Dusty Times January 2005 ·;-2.6" 2.5" --6'!:!£~ Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Continued on page 50 Page 49
Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen went out with an accident on Antony Warmbold didn't have the best of rallys, he eventually ended Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen were a ve,y respectable fourth overall in their Subaru lmpreza in Australia. Stage 9 in their Peugeot 307, seen here at speed. up in 14"' place in his Ford Focus WRC. misfommes struck the other three driv-onds ahead of the first PCWRC driver conflicting opinions. Hirvonen, often ers. At the bottom of the PCWRC list Alister McRae, others behind were just running first car on the road, said that the two rei'naining Top Run drivers as close. Second and third PCWRC the conditions were nicely cleaned. Mark Higgins and Fabio Frisiero were drivers were McShea and Arai. Arai Duval pointed out the clean lines were battling for- last position! Higgins had was finally able to start catching those cleaned by Group N cars which a puncture but later passed Frisiero, McShea, but despite the gaps, the real-took different trajectories through the but then the engine of the British ity was that all four drivers could still bends. Solberg said it was very difficult driver'sSubarustartedtooozeoil,and be champion, and even a puncture todrivewithsomuchdustintheairin later in the day Top Run withdrew could sway the results. the cockpit because of the low sunlight. Higgins' entry. Singh went no further. ug 3 The PCWRC driver Alister McRae He had been driving on a flat tyre and 6 Stages, gravel, 127kms. talked about the strobe effect of the damaged the suspension on his Pro- Sebastien Loeb started the day 80.5 low sunlight shining through the trees, ton, and when the mechanics looked seconds in front of Harri Rovanpera especially on the faster stretches, which at ·the car at the RTZ they told him it and Francois Duval just over another was very unnerving. Rovanpera tack.-was pointless continuing. End of a sea-minute behind, with Mikko Hirvonen led the first two stages with tyres which son for the Malaysian and, he feared, and Antony Wannbold following on. were too soft and Loeb's lead extended maybe the end of his career for the And true to fom1 there was again a to nearly two minutes. Running under 2004 APC champion. first stage disaster, this time when SupeRallySolberg rattled off stage wins At the end of the day there were Wam1bold's turbocharger failed and on the last four stages, throughSostico growing gaps between the to competi- he lost considerable time, eventually he Forest, gaining 11 wins in all, every one tors, the only drivers close to each other finished 14th. The day started with a scored after he had retired from the were in Group N. Dean Herridge, the repeat of two stages in the Mundaring rally. Going hard in the unique op-overall leader of Group N was 6.8 sec-Forest, which were the object of quite portunity to go testing on Australia's Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for ell motorsport applications MoTeC Engine Manegernent and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systerns built co w ithstand extreme racing ar·-d pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road er,gine packages. Digital display ar,d data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamorneter services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714·446·9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 Page so Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 1 00°,,6 in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. ,: I 9.1..f I r-u[ High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Ligr1tweight, stand-alone system works w it h a ll engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a nurnber! <::: ="----~--~ ~~~<...a....-=...a....~ IV1DTDRSPDRT ELECTRONICS vve're making connections ... January 2005 17th Telstra Rally Australia 11/14.11.2004 Perth {AUS) WC round 16 PCWRC round 8 WC points WR 1M) PC 1 (3) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 976DAM 78 {F) 3h.39m.46.8s. 10 10 -2 (6) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen FiN Peugeot 307 WRC 994PTA75 (F) 3h.41m.41 .9s. 8 8 3 (8) Francois DWAUStephane Prevot B EK52NWN {GB) 3h.43m.27.0s. 6 6 -Ford Focus RS WRC 4 (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC JT53SRT {GB) 3h.45m.47.2s. 5 5 -5 (61 ) Chris Atkinson/Glenn Macneal AUS Subaru lmpreza WRX N C29168 {QLO, AUS) 3h.56m.42.4s.- - 4 6 (47) Xavier Pons/Oriol Julia E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII N 2096CZG {E) 3h.57m.22.9s. - 3 7 (62) Cody Crocker/Greg Foletta AUS Subaru lmpreza WRX N SRTA {NZ) 3h.57m.30.1s. - 2 -8 (31) Toshihiro Arai/Tony Sircombe J/NZ Subaru lmpreza STI PCWRC TKT300YA6663 (J) 3h.59m.19.1s.* - - 10 9 (34) Niall McShea/Michael Orr GB Subaru lmpreza WRX PCWRC GMG300NO9070 (J) 3h.59m.42.5s. - - 8 10 (69) Mirco Baldacci/Giovanni Bemacchini RSM/I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI N X564XBD (GB) 4h.02m.43.1s. -12 (48) Fumio Nutahara/Satoshi Hayashi J Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII PCWRC KNY300YA8289 (J) ·, 4h.06m.17.8s. -6 13 ( 44) Nasser AJ-Attiyatv'Chris Patterson QNGB Subaru lmpreza WRX PCWRC OY53ZWC (GB) 4h.09m.49.3s. -16 (50) Sebastian Vollak/Michael Kolbach D Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII PCWRC GF745BP (A) 4h.16m.37.2s. - 4 19 (45) Fabio Frisiero/Giovanni Agnese I Subaru lmpreza STi PCWRC GF738BP (Al 4h.22m.17.0s. - 3 _ 5 roads was Gronholm but he crashed heavily on the penultimate stage and for safety was airlifted to hospital where he stayed tl1e night. In PCWRC McRae was settled in the lead, ahead of McShea but Arai was catching him fast. Arai, however, admitted he had been lucky. "Four wheels off the road, if there had been a tree, we would not be here." Frisiero had cooling fans fail and the engine temperature was high, but happily it was only a broken engine fan. For the championship, Niall McShea had to finish ahead of Alister to be cham-pion, even if Arai got ahead of Niall. If both retired Arai would be cham-pion -and if all three retired, it would be Paasonen! Not such stupid projec-tions, for Alister did retire, four stages • POWERFUL • PRECl!!iE 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Smail Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541)382-1573 Dusty Times
OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6!5 $135.00 $145.00 & up Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15x6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 247-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX from the end his rear differential broke. So now McShea was in the lead, and was the driver most likely to be champion. Whatever Arai did, McShea needed only four points, fifth place in PCWRC. Although Arai eventually did get ahead of McShea on the penultimate stage, it made no difference to the calculations. The Subarus seemed sure to succeed ev-erywhere, but the overall Group N leader Dean Herridge had engine fail-ure and the overall Group N went to Chris Atkinson, who had clutch trouble all.through th_e final group of stages. For McShea it was a dream result for the driver who even two weeks before the event knew he had no funds to contest the final rounds and who drove the 2003 car of his closest rival Arai. Guess there will be some party back in Northern Ireland on his return. l.ftJc!C: Dusty Times SNORE western Desert Challenge from page 34 lap. There were 11 · cars entered in Sportsman Buggy, they were re-quired to run three laps but only 63% of them would see the check-ered flag. They were required to run three laps and as they came around at the end of the first lap it was the Billy Shapley/John Pellissier car in the lead, Orio Cox was in second, less than two minutes behind, Kevin Powers was in third place, six sec-onds behind Cox, JeffShiroky was in fourth place, 38 seconds out of third and Milo Torres was in the RAfTERIFS ZTREME nRE co. NEV AD4. OFFROAO BUGGY T-SHfRT SM-MED-LRG-XXLRG ONLY $10.00 ' ' '.' I I J I ; • \ ' " • ' ~ : l • . -~ - . - -- .-SOI D •. • ,. HFRF WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS ;/d"llt.d"llt.d1/t«e ..... GIVE US A CALL FOR ALL YOUR OFFROAD & SAND NEEDS CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 • LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM fifth spot. Chris Deloe was running in the sixth spot, Courtney Collins was running in an unaccustomed sev-enth place and Evan Dixon was run-ning in the eighth place after a really disastrous lap. Brian Flores, Adam Fisher and JeffFarshler didn't com-plete their first lap. At the end of the second lap it was still Pellissier in the lead, Jeff Shiroky had moved up a couple of spots into second place, Orio Cox had dropped a spot into third place, Milo Torres was now running in the fourth spot and Courtney Collins was up two spots into fifth place. Chris Deloe was still in sixth January 200s (702) 871-5221 fax place and Kevin Powers was in the seventh spot. Evan Dixon was on the trailer. The third and final lap came to an end and it was Shapley/Pellissier taking the win, Jeff Shiroky was sec-ond a mere 25 seconds in arrears, he set fast lap for the class on this lap, Orio Cox was third, he was a bit over two minutes out of the lead, Chris Deloe was the fourth place finisher and Courtney Collins was the fifth place finisher. Kevin Powers and Kenny Thatcher finished sixth and Milo Torres was the seventh and final finisher in the class. Rudy Suriano was the only en-trant in the Sportsman Truck class, he was required to complete three laps for a finish but he only got two laps under his belt before re-tiring from the course. And so it ended, the last race of the year for the SNORE troops. Time to retire to the shop and start getting ready for the 2005 season which commences on Valentine's Day at the Avi 250. See ya all there! P.S., don't forget the SNORE Awards Banquet at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino, January 8,2005 . rJJw Page s1
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Pre,ision Alloy, lltl Todd Francis 25805 N.E. 46rh Ave. Ridgefield, WA 98642 Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: ,el: 619-390-6252 Fax:619-3~7~ 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 oertormance wtre llarnesses Joe Davlllan Pgr: 323.340.0277 Fax: 818.361.4641 13411 Dronfield Ave. Svlmar. CA 91342 Hi-Pertormance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: ,PERFORMANCE• TRANSAK I ES Southern CalHornla's Largest Dlslrlblllor of Mendeola Transallles PH: 114.680.6131 • FX: 114.680.3110 tel #,909~616-65$ ftt)( #90'1:.6 76:. I I 41 ~nrhnt-rnn<-.eom. Tony Selva Jr. · 11598 Commerce Center Or Temecula, CA 92590 CTRANS will get you in gear swi1g axle, blS, bewlaad, MD4S 3455 S. POlARIS #5 LAS mas, NOADl 89102 .IJHN 0.0. HllllIDN (702) 221-4363 (702) 117-9724 Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 fili/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. l!.l!) METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARK SMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA DUSliJ~lfflBS YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE ONLY $45 PER MONTH 818-882-0004 RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • \WIDOW LmERll,G • CAR LETTERlllG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Gai:1ay C1rc!e • Hunting,o~ Beach C.<'\ 921349 (714) 897-0075 • Fa\ (714) 694-9567 of:f road. :f • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kits • Custom Paint• Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program Sam Puleri (323) 563-2224 Fax(323) 563-2227 = ,-ERFORMANCE SPECL4LIST.S-~--UKJVlff£CM SJIAIT Pfl/F88JIIICf I 1-800-MY MUFFLER I . ,.,d ~ I . - - •· Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 Fm<, 619•449•?67R . . Cel~ 619-726-6891 I I Fabrication & Race Preparation I I I I 11 ~;EEE:_~ rft~ [J(jjp ~::c: ! ,,,,__ ~------------------i 5~ .. .,,CK ~T ~ .. .,,P Racitt5 Appard Spccialititt5 itt dothitt5 for tl1c Offroat>cr Saul attb Tami Vasque: 562-622-8808 RACE FUELS [209) 847-228 1 [800) 527-6090 FAX [209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 <@:UNSET)} c£n~.sar ..,Zi;C'2'J' .. You111 QuALn"Y S10N CoM~AHY" De'!lgn Fabrication lnstailatlon .,.._COIAPUTERIZEDVINYLGRAPH/CS&LETTERING ltSl·l1 II/SA 1 .,.._ LO-COST BLDG SIGNS(AIJ'. PROCESSES) -,.._ TRADE SI-OW DISPLA'rS r-. RACING GRAPHICS ,,._, DETAILED& u-JIQUE DESIGNS r,. FLEET VEHICLES ,,.._ H~QLV\.LITY 13A.NNE/?.S r,.MAGNET/CS ,,.._ LOGO /?.EPF/'OOUCTONS r,. REAL ESTATE ,,.._ LOGO & GRAPHIC DESIGN r,. DECALS
2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Peiforrnance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. Suite D El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 • Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks • Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds -1261 N. Buena Vista St. , llelllet ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 See a list of our produds at our web site:• JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 0 C CD --1 C ~ (/) o-"Tl m ffi ► 0 (/) X ► C/J woow ~a~ .s.s.s -..J ~ -..J ex, t,J ex, I\) 0, I\) w6N -..J ~ ~ -..J ~ ~ I\) 0) t,J I\) ~ ~ ~ ~ iii 0, ::, (/) C'l 0 _<1> C: 0 :T ~z :::;; 0 0 ~ 3 3 - · Ill Ill ::, <D a. g cii" o ► ~ < ~ 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 lfml/ ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES 11& AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER STOCK & CUSTOM SAND* STREET* RACE www ERIC LAUNDRIE 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 (UNP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 ooo w . Bradley. Unit 0 El Cajon, CA 92020 ~~ Carlos Orozco Foil pJ6X - ,"'omor.O October 9 & 10 rL lll~\'Ltl{r Etl U,,..£~H .. 4_,-L7 U CLBRYANT.C0M VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTOR RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. OE R.L DE C.V. CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MAYORGA 17026 ZONA INOUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, D.C TEL: (66<) 6<7 9222 FAX: (66~) G07 1«0 E-MAIL: Advancing the Science of Motor Sports Ray Gastelum GERENTE Of VcNlAS Mobil : 664 648 2882 Nextel Radio: 152 * 133577 * 1 Call USA to Mexico dial 01152 If Your Business Needs A Boost Let Dusty Times Help You Get The Word Out To The Racers Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 nus1iJli1mus VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 "Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports" Website KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: r---?!=~..;..-PNKr eeCtJ4.TINIJS «GRAPIICS•·WJllOS, •IY<'..F TOMa M4/Nll~~.A'ltf).,.J,/ITJRIHt:-• --:::~ 760-949-1220, Taxes Group & Individual Health Real Estate Loans John 0. White, CPA, MBA 866 887 5556 3190 Calle de Marejada Camarillo, CA 93010 Cell 805 844 4665 Fax 805 830 1590 It's about what you keep! CPA 36032E, DRE 760373, Doi bD48458 Adam Wik SCOAE ENGINE BUILDER Of THE YEAR 994.1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To comp~t& Engines 3&75 w. Teco Aw. Unit I, LasVeaa&. NV 89118 702-837"'25~ ~ ~ oo:immm~ Front. & Rear Tramn/~e, Susptn5,ion Specialist • Custom hc:e & Play Buggy Chassis A•Arm Front f ndl • BHm Ftonl Enck 9608 N. 21st Or. Phoeni , AZ 85021 Jack Woods 602-242--0077 Fax 602·242•7l83 NVIBIIC/118 • ftace Cars Du~e Buggfes 8aja Bugs Lorenzo Rodnguez ~-hm. ~. w.Minc VW, -P~ • N,_,.. -Ta,ootA-~ 8SOS. Alta Vrsta Ave., Monrovia. CA 91016 {626} 914-81-47 WWW.wt'ttan$,(A)(O ( (a).bJ o,OS'AAc:e
Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Ready for Preftm. Smog legal 4 liter V6 low miles. 96 Glass body. C4 Art Carr trans, big Setrab cooler. Currie 9" locker 31 spline, 5/8 wheel studs. Willwood disks. King bypass, air bumps, Deaver racepacks, Howe steer-ing box with quickiner. Swingset tie rods. Baker spindles. 4130 Radius arms. Dual fuel tanks. 4130 cage. American alloys, BFG Bajas, Beard, Crow, Momo, Autometer, Custom dash, lcom 2100. Factory NC heater. Super clean Professionally built. Ask-ing $19,000.00 OBO. Dave@(949) 642-5158. FOR SALE: Pre Runner/Race Truck Chevy ZZ4 350 with alu-minum heads. Manual shift TH 400 3000 Stall, Ford 9" 4:88 spool. 28" travel with Racer Runner remote reservoir shocks. Includes trailer with 800016 winch. $22,500.00 OBO Steve @ (509) 585-2122 In Havasu Oct 3-10 (509) 430-7733 cell. FOR SALE: 2005 Porter Class 1 car. New-never raced. Completed at Hen11an Motorsports. 500 HP LS 1 motor, Fortin 4 speed with converter, King Shocks, 4" in rear, Fortin Steer-ing, Kartek Hubs, Spindle.s, Axles, Brakes & Boots, Kenwood radio, Mastercraft, BFG's. Race Ready! $165,000.00. Darnen Jefferies. (760) 948-2898. FOR SALE: Toyota 4-runner Class 3 or 1450RaceTruck. Tota!Chaosrace front Uniball system w/ 12" of travel. Tube Works 4 link chromoly rear. 1 ¼ vended rotorsw/Oudaw 2 brakes. TCS 300111 axe ls. Strange alum. Diff. T ru-track locker. 16" of rear travel. King bypass and coils all corners. King front bumps. Fuel Safe 45 gal cell. Noligy plugs, wires, coils. 3.4 V-6 motor. Trans Werks 4 sp overdrive trans. Beard seats. PCI intercom, radio. Art-Carr shifter. Hella 4000 lights. BFG 33 Baja's on America Racing Wheels. Race jack. Dual spare tire mount. Large parts box. This truck has won all MOR races entered. Took 7d, overall at 200 night race. Run fastest lap in class in SCORE. $30,000w/allspares. Have rear camera system, OPS, HID lights. Will sell everything $35,000.00 in· truck. (562) 714-9013. FOR SALE: Chenowth Millenium. Fresh EFI Nascar V6 500 HP, Fresh T ransaxle auto, Foddrill, CNC, Howe, Fox coil & bypass, Mo tee digital dash, MSD, PIAA, Hella Hid, Halogen fire system, PCI setup, Parker, Mastercraft, 30 gal cell w/ quick fill, BFG projects, Ultra wheels, New paint job, lots of spare equipment too much to list. Prep by Foddriil Fab & Fox Motorsports, Very fast & reliable, Top finisher, $59,000.00. Call Cesar Fuentes @ (915) 726-3823. FOR SALE: 2000 Suspensions Mercruiser V-6 300 HP, Dead Re-liable. Type 2 Bus by Folts, 930, 300M Axles, A-Arm 21" front 19" rear chromoly frame, removable rack, car can be brutal Pre-Run-ner or sand rail. All tires for dirt and sand inc. Many spares. PCI intercom, roadmaster, stereo MP3 hookup, 30 gallon cell 400 mi range. Sway-A-Way 2.5, full cir-cuit breaker dash. 102 MPH. A must see for The Baja and Glamis Group. Both pies are the same car. $72,000.00 build cost. Yours for $47,500.00. Call Jim for info (818) 974-8977 , (661) 299-9200. FOR SALE: 1985 Ford F150 ex-tended cab, 3 seat, fully caged, coilover, bypass & air bump at each wheel, 4 link equal length I beams, center swing steering, 4 wheel disc brakes, 408ci, small block, slot crank, probe pistons, SVO alum heads, 500 hp. Mogi trans, Sum-mer Bros rear end, new dash & Pro comp gauges, new paint. Only 350 miles since complete prep, NC, Fuel Cell, $38,500 OBO (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: BITD C lass 4100 or SCORE Stock Full 1999 Ford Expedition, Fox, King Bypass, 5.4 l VS, Mogi Trans, Currie Rear end, Lee Steering, Hellas, Crow belts. All the best. Reduced to 30K. Race Ready now!! Con-tact Matt Pike (949) 633-0773. FOR SALE: Truggy Pre-Runner 3 Seater 130wb, 88" track, all l" ¾. 120 chromoly, King coil over/bypass each wheel, travel 24 "/28". Fresh 5. 7 400 HP, Tom Face headers built TCI th400, Winters shifter, Howe radia-tor & 2 tranny coolers, 3 link gusseted 9" rear 35 spline spool, Superior ax-les, Willwood disc, FK bearings/heims, K&N, CNC, Momo, Autometer, PRP, Crow,Acro, OMFbeadlocks, 37" BFG KRs. Plumbed by G&J and profes-sionallywired. Chassis dimensions will allow body to fit. Hardly driven. All bugs worked out. Tears up the desert and the sand. Dave (909) 938-5460. $48,000.00. FOR SALE: 2003 Class 1 or 1300 T ruggy 2 seater, 400hp V-6 Chevy built by Leadfoot racing, super t-10 Richman 4 sp, Mcloud twin disc clutch, imi starter, custom 4 gear billet V<lrive built by Leadfoot racing, Fuel Cell, Aeromotive Fuel pump system, Howe 2.5 rack. Demon race carb built by C & J w/Scavinger system. 3.0 triple by-passes and 2.5 coils on rear w/30" of travel 2.5 coils on frontw/22" of travel, Cone 2" front spindles, 4 piston CNC brakes, Uniball and hym. Chromoly A-Arms on front, Mittler brother Chromoly housing w/4 piston Willwoods and vented rotors, 9" mod cliff. TCS 300111 axels. PCI intercom, Pumper, Hells Beard, VDO, this car ran in the MOR Stoddard 250 and took fast lap in class, race or prerun. $42,000.00. (562) 714-9013. FOR SALE: 2 seat Sportsman/ PreRunner, 116" wb, 2275 Type 1, close ratio 091 trans, Fox coilovers, CNC disc brakes, Beard seats, UMP P /S, extra motor & trans, lots of spares. $10,000.00 firm. (626) 337-9343 or (303) 598-0117. FOR SALE: 2000 Chenowth 4 seater dual sport A-Arm car. Mendeola MD4S trans, Major performance 2.6 rype 4, Fox shocks, Howe steering, in-tercom Race Radio, MSD ignition, roof rack, new tires and more. $37,500.00. Call Bill Reams (858) 204-9860 for details or email FOR SALE: Class 12 or 10, New 0 mile, Mirage front end, Fodrill Big arms, Dual Sheer steering, Fox coilovers, Monohan, Rear end, Woods arms, Lightened 934 C/ V's, 300111 Gundrilled axles, Fox's w/bumps, Mendeola trans, CNC disc brakes, too much to list, less motor $20,000.00. contact Keith (714) 931-7302. FOR SALE: ASA Speed Truck-Series full TV coverage. Ready to race w/all spares, specialry tools-22 practice wheels/rubber, 8 new wheels, distribu-tor, fuel pump, MSD, trans, shocks, suspension comp, alternator, 14 gear sets, 5 radios, headsets, scanner, etc, $29,500.00 or trace for offroad prerunner/racecar. Ron (619) 279-4258 FOR SALE: Ford F150 PreRunner-Geiser built, 3 seat, Patton big block, Rancho C-6, King, CNC, 37" BFG, Gordon Wheels. Best of everything. Fast and reliable. No trades. Call Kory (702) 477-7575 or email ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■••················································ : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in : DUSTY TIMES. DDSliJi.lUIGG ■ ■ Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of 2005 black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED ISSUE DEADLINE IN A TIMELY MANNER. February 05 Jan 7, 05 Enclosed is$ ____________ _ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ____________ _ ___________________ _ Address-----------------------------------------------------------City -----------------------------------------------------· _______ _ State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 March 05 Feb 11, 05 April05 May 05 June 05 July05 August05 Mar II, 05 Apr 8, 05 May6,05 Jun 10, 05 JulB,05 September 05 Aug 5, 05 October 05 Sep 9, 05 November 05 Oct 7, 05 December 05 Nov I I. 05 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Page 58 January 2005 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: 2 Seat Jimco Class 1 Unlimited. 4.9 Liter ChevyV-6, 540 HP by H.P. Engines, with E.F.I. en-gine management control and data system. Fortin H.D. 4 speed, big ax-les, C.N.C. brakes, 46 gal fuel safe cell floor mounted, Hella HID lights, Fourteen forged Jessie Jones wheel, P.C.I. Kenwood radios, Lowrance color G.P.S. many spare parts. Prepped and Professionally main-tained by Jimco Racing. $95,000.00 Howard Groff (818) 349-5861. FORSALE: Chenowth 1-1600short course car. All Chromoly, Wright, ft control anns and combos, 930's, Sway-A-Way, Summer Bros, Fox, $3,800.00. (702) 324-3816. FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger, 4.0, caged bumper to bumper brand new custom PreRunner. 3-linked, King shocks, H & Long Travel kit, 17" front Travel, 29" rear travel. Goodyear Wranglers, must sell for motorcycle road racing, $39,000.00 Call Chad@ (661) 904-7077. FOR SALE: Street Legal PreRunner. Tube chassis w/96" wb. Manx style body. Bus trans, 1906 VW. Fox Shocks, Beard seats, Wright Rack, Yokohamas on Centerlines. $8,500.00 or make me an offer!! (951) 735-7617. FOR SALE: Race Ready BITD Class 8 legal Dodge 4x4 100% rig welded drromoly by Velocity Fab. King Shocks w/Hydraulic bumps, Deaver, Xover Howe Steering, Summers Bros., Mastercraft, MSD Ignition, radio, in-tercom, Parker Pumper, Willwood, Autometer, Fuel Safe, Fluidyne, Edelbrock Heads & Intake. $35,000. Call Mike (530) 269-0965 or email mike@dirtrace FOR SALE: PMC Racing Ford F-150 Class 8,652 HPV8, 100% Chromoly Ttg welded chassis, Kuster/King Shocks, Mogi trans, Summers Chromoly 9", CNC brakes, Brand new custom made Chromoly I-Beams & trailing arms, This truck won the last time it raced Class 8 in SCORE. Race prepped $55,000.00. (928) 669-2291. Dusty Times FOR SALE: TSCO Motorsports' 4x4 Bronco Pre-Runner. With sus-pension by Curt LeDuc and finish work by Stewart's Raceworks, this is a truly awesome machine. King Shocks, GPS, Hella Lights, CD Player, AC, PW, PDL, PCI Radio. Truck is immaculately maintained by Stewart's Raceworks. 100k. Dan Eslick. (503) 618-8823. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Suspension Un-limited Race Car. Fresh FAT Motor, 0 miles on T ransaxle trans. Good looking car & works good. Call for more info. (909) 288-0147 cell or (909) 350-2700. FOR SALE: Fraley 1/1600. Great Shape, 0 miles on Wiks Motor, 0 miles on Folts Transmission, Micro Srubs, New axles, New 3.0 Fox Shocks, New Disc brakes-rear, New rear arms, All parts magged-Best of everything! Very fast car-$24,000.00. Call Clay Carr. (702) 234-7421 or (702) 367-3585. of everythin t y powder coated with p. Car has oneofd1e in SCORE. Micro-s ) es front and rear. Zero 1 on engme and transmis-sion overha . $29K OBO. (702) 298-1112 or 928 8-2 18. FOR SALE: Class 7 Toyota. 22R motor, LC Engineering. 255 horse-power. 17" front, 16" rear travel, Bilstein shocks and bumps, Willwood brakes, rear disc, Mastercraft seats, Centerforce Clutch, MSD, 32 gal tank, PC! intercom roadmaster radio, Cone 40 spline rear-end, drromolycage, with spares. $14,500.00 OBO Must sell. Steve (562) 508-7965. FOR SALE: Best of everything!!! PreRunner/Dune car-LS 1 V-8, radio, Mendeola S-4, 300 miles, GPS, Fuel Cell, Fire system, Dual oil cooler, Cir-cuit breakers, Intercom, Hehnet blower motors, Power steering, Trans pump/ cooler, 5 sets safety belts, Elect fuel pump, 2nd sets of dune tires and wheels. Bobby Chalfa (619) 292-7905/(619) 57 2-4221-$79,000.00. FOR SALE: Fat Performance Toyota V6 3.2 Liter with Mote CM 48 Multi-Port Fuel injected race engine, includes exhaust headers, complete Manage-ment system and harness. A Class 1 carbureted version of this engine won the 2003 Score Championship. $6,500.00 OBO. Howard (818) 349-5861. FOR SALE: ExRivera Class 1 single seat. Laughlin, San Felipe & True Grit ward winner. 500HP Patton V6 Chevy, Fields auto tranny, Nye Frank Shocks, Very fast and competitive. Very Clean. Motivated seller. Todd (619) 807-7372. $35Kobo. FOR SALE: Ford Ranger Pro-Lite. CO.RR series. Everything fresh. For-merly owned by Jimmie Crowder. Best of everything! $29,000.00 OBO Ready FOR SALE: Chenowth PreRunner-Ex Class One 2 seat: FAT Porscl1e dual plug, fresh Auto transaxle, new King bypass shocks, new axles, zero miles on prep. Fast and reliable. $25,000.00 Car is in Las Vegas. No trades. Kory. (7 0 2) 477-7575 or email FOR SALE: Class 1 Jimco-2000 Se-ries mid engine 2 seat chassis, fresh Relds Auto trans, Fox shocks, completely prepped and race ready. Currently 1 center seat serup but can be converted back to 2 seat Best of everything. $80,000.00. Car is in Las Vegas. No trades. Call Kory (702) 477-7575 or email FOR SALE: Porter 1600 2 seat. Wiks motor, King by-pass, CNC disks, Mastercraft. Best money can buy. Super clean and fully prepped. Todd, (619) 807-7372. $30Kobo. FOR SALE: 1979 Chevy Blazer, two wheel drive, 1989 Front clip, front shock hoop, 33 inch tires, 350 engine, 700 R4 trans, power windows, AC, power doorlocks, $3,000.00 (760) 617-6511. January 2005 FOR SALE: 2004 Chev body, H.P. 350 motor, Ready to Race with trailer $12,000.00 (661) 373-2482. FOR SALE: Raceco Racecar, 3 race radios, 1 base antennae, 2 Bell helmets, Fire Suppressant on board, wired for radios, 2 dump cans, gas pump for 50 gal drum; extra tires, Type 4 motor, 2666cc built by FAT. 22,000.00 obo (626) 57 5-354 7 Ext 0. FOR SALE: Baja proven Stock-Mini Ford Ranger program. 2000/2001 SCORE Champi-ons w/numerous wins and only 2 DNF's in 4 years (9000 miles)! Fast and durable, 4WD Supercab. Best of the best in-cluding King, Deaver, Transpros, BFG, etc. Huge spares package also available separately-$25,000.00. Dr Macrae Glass at (928) 716-2225. CLASS 7S Race Truck, Toyota 4x4, green stickered, harnesses, full roll cage, long travel suspension, 33" tires, locked rear end, Mukuni Cargs, headers, fuel cell. Serious Only$9,500.00 (661) 547-4570. FOR SALE: TSCO Motorsports En-gine Sale: 2 FAT Toyota V6 racing en-gines. These are the engines that won the SCORE Class 1 Championship in 2003; $7,500.00 each ($30,000.00 new). HP Engines Chevy V6 that won the 2001, 2002, and 2003 BITD Class 1500 Championships; $10,000.00 ($38,000.00 new). Dan Eslick (503) 618-8823. Sell your vehicles, equipment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the readership you're looking for so fill out the farm on the oppo-site page and get your ad in our next issw:_. FOR SALE: Class 1 Jimco-2000 Se-ries rear engine single seat, fresh Wiks V6 aluminum Chevy, fresh Fortin HD 4 Speed, King shocks, big axles, com-pletely prepped and race ready. Best of everything. $70,000.00 Car is in Las Vegas. No trades. Call Kory(702) 477-7575 or email FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum, VW Rabbit, Fox air shocks, Wright anns/ spindles, CNC, Summers Brakes, Car is fast and fun. $13,500.00. Call Arden (209) 321-5792. WANTED: Enclosed Trailer. Interior 14'x7' with 7' high rear door. (505) 438-2603 peteboyd68" INDb..XTO ADVb..12. Tl6b..Q.6 Baker Precision ............................... 40 Best In The Desert .......................... 15 Bilstein ............................................. 27 C&R Racing ...................................... 36 Carrera lights .................................. 47 Coast Resorts .................................... 9 Doherty ............................................ 35 Fabtech ............................................ 41 Fuel Safe ......................................... 46 Hell a lights ...................................... 42 Herbst ............................... Back Cover ISCO ................................................. 50 Kar Tek Off Road ............................. 37 Kawaguchi Honda ............................ 43 King Shock Tech .............................. 49 Laughlin ............................................. 2 light Force Engineering .................. 32 long Beach Racers ............................ 4 Lucas Oil .......................................... 25 McKenzie Performance Products .... 16 Mojave Desert Racing ..................... 23 Mojave Off Road Enthusiasts ......... 39 Nevada Off Road Buggy .................. 51 OMF ................................................. 20 Pacific Customs ............................... 24 Parker Embroidery .......................... 18 Parker Pumper ................................ 34 Parker Pumper/Competition Air .; ... 38 PCI Race Radios ................................ 5 Pike's Service Center ...................... 19 Protruck ........................................... 12 Race Prep Services ......................... 35 Race Ready ...................................... 43 Racer X ............................................ 45 Redline Performance ....................... 48 Rhino Off Road ................................ 26 Ronco Plastics ................................. 44 Sakata ............................................. 50 Skyjacker Suspensions ................... 33 SNORE .............................................. 29 Team Gordon Race Wheels ............. 13 Total Power Racing Batteries ........ 41 Transaxle Engineering .................... 11 Turnkey Products ............................ 51 Valley Performance ........................ 51 Web Cam ......................................... 14 Page 59
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