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2005 Volume 22 Number 12 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 22 • Number 12 • December 2005 $2.50 ISSN8750·1732 se,ving The OFF Road communi~y 1=0, 22 Yea,s covering the world of competition in the dirt •..

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.. Don't wait another year to pR.BSBNTBD ..... BY M4n1 ~t/UU-¥'9 ~ 66% PAYBACK Pre-Entry $300.00 (belore 11/25/05) Post-Entry $350.00 • No membership required Park Admission • $10 I per adult • $5 / per child (6-12yrs) • Free for kids 5yrs & under ' ' f%P9rl nee the 88}~1000 ... race th ~ONS WANT TO HELP SPONSOR THIS EVENT? Contact: Lori Bryant, General Manager or Bob Beyer, Race Director at (909) 384-9342 or , 909.880.3090 WWW.Glen Five miles North of San Bernardino Follow the signs off 1-215 Freeway

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Volume 22 - Number 12 December 2005 D Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25 .00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be rerumed only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS1YTIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, 0\ 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, 0\ 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, 0\ 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, 0\ 91311. snapshot of the Month ... What a group: Rick Mears, Malcolm Smith, Bobby Ferro, Roger Mears and Kitty O'Neil all ready for a night of racing at a MTEG Coliseum extravaganza. DUSTY TIMES will feantre pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo rerumed, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES CORR Nissan Nationals lry Judy Smith ........................................................ 8 WRC Rally Japan lry Martin Holmes .................................... , ...................... 14 36th Annual Snore 250 lry John B. Calvin ................................................... 21 BITD Las Vegas To Reno lry Judy Smith .................................................. 26 Whiplash Snowflake lry Mike Del Col ........................................................ 34 2nd Annual Wish Ride lry J. Preston Bradshaw ........................................... 39 49th Tour De Corse by Martin Holmes ....................................................... 40 BFG Goondiwindi 400 lry Steve Hilton ...................................................... 4 7 MDR McMillin Superstition 250 lry J Preston Brll_fishaw ••..•...•...........•... 50 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............•.. ........................ ... . .... ........ ...... ....... ......... ..... .. ... ........ 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................ 6 FAIR News lry Lisa Kennedy .................................................................... 46 SCCA Rallycross lry Chuck Kitchen ........................................................ 46 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 56 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 6 2 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 63 ON THE COVER Cody Freeman beat out 20 other 1600 entries, flew to the class win and missed out on the overall win by three minutes at the 36th annual SNORE 250. Photo by -Trackside Photo Nick Baldwin and Jeff Lewis had a great run, they took the Trick Truck win as well as the overall win at BITD Vegas To Reno, seen here in their good looking Ford. Photo by-Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at dubscr.ibe :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 □3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ------------'---------City -......,,,.-=--------------------St ate ___________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 -year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times December 2005 Page 3

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FDR THE RACE ••• ~f]{Jifil) Dl1uTP • Designed to Provide an Outstanding Combination of Filtration and Performance • Allow High, Virtually Unrestricted Airflow While Maintaining Filtrati n Levels Critical to Your Engine • Fits Inside the UMP. Off-Road Air Box with 3" Outlet • Includes Sealing Gref3S8 and DryCharger® • Guaranteed Horsepower • Includes K&N High-flow, Washable/Reusable Air Filter that will Last up to 100,000 Miles Between Cleanings (Depending upon Driving Conditions) • Available in High Quality Finishes • Includes Powder Coated Heat Shield (Most Applications) • Easy to Install (in 90 Minutes or Less) • Street Legal in Most States ///IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Order Toll Free: 800.416.6079 Secure 24/7 Ordering: OJI1 lJlL!DW£3 • 1-lnch Nut Easy-On/Easy Wrench-Off • Drilled Safety Wire Holes for Racing • Heavy-Duty Construction • Premium Filter Media Provides Outstanding Filtration at High-Flow Rates • Anti-Drain Back Valve (Where Applicable) • Manufactured from a durable polyester material and pre-treated with a proprietary hydrophobic process • Designed to prevent splashes of water or mud from saturating your K&N air filter • Will also stop small dirt particles; yet add little restriction to the air flow of the filter DR THE ROAD. Rep, LAirFZ • Designed to Increase Horsepower and Acceleration • The Original High-Flow Air Filter • Washable and Reusable • Lasts Up to 50,000 Miles Before Cleaning i~ Required • K&N Million Mile Limited Warranty® • Available for Most Vehicles On and Off the Road • Over 800 Individual Part Numbers Available ® THE WORLD'S BEST AIR FILTER

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2005-2006 Happenings ... 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All esicnts staged at the club grounds in Ckws. Ohio) AMEuCAN RAu,y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUTH Po1NTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAx: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: AMEuCAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TR.w.s Sot.rrnERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE• (714) 562-7742 E MA11.: <> ASOCIACION EsrATAL DE AUTOMOVWSMO SAM I.AsELL, TECH lNSPECTOR AP-ro42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AusrRALIAN OFF RoAD CIIAMPIONSIDP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTI TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CL-\SS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANA™-H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Raus Are Night Raus AU Raus At Barona Ra.cewaz, Lawick, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKEr!NG 4344 VAUEY VIEW AVE. CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ~S (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN V AU.EY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Cl.AmTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROA.D WELLSVIUE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Cour~ off Road Racing At Harrison Counry Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CWB AUTOMOVWSTICA SANQulNTIN CAuE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QutNTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CWB AUTOMOVWSTICO SANVICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINl!NTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFROAD CODE OFFRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXICO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 011-52-686-553-4087 MEXICO December9-11,2005 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C. CoLORADO ffn.L CuMB AssoclATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-44 58 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 192 N. STATE ROA.o, Sum: 267 A\.ON, lN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax I •Night Race-Fridaz & Saturdaz night CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 FAx (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thunton Count:, ORV Park, Ol7mpia, WA) DAKARRAu.Y DARREN SKIL10N BAJA AuroMoTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 l>F.c.ATUR Happenings continued on p111 6 I NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY INTRODUCING_ I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457 577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 December 2-4, 2005 Henderson's Terrible 300 B.O.R.E. BONNl!VILLE OFF ROAD RACING E'.NTl!RPRISl!S 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May S-6, 2006 Red Garter 200 WendO\ler, NV June 30,July 1, 2006 Jackpot 200 Jackpot,NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WoooLANo H1us, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: AU Events At California Citz, CA BRIGHTON SPEIDWAY R.R.3 BRIGH10N, ONTARIO, CANA™-KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVIUSTA/UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RAu,y SERIES December 2-4, 2005 Ramada Express Rally -Coef 2,3&1 CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW Dusty Times byKEN\ y ~oooPREMIUM W~ PRODUCTS 110 Walts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumelic I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven u _, was in Ensenada. and my crew In San Quinlin could hear me 150 miles awayl I need these in ALL of my trucks!" -~ L.~.,.,,,, ,-,=«.. ltJEteiiiE::I« PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 "_The best communication we've ad in over 15 years of off road racingr -I-I~~.....-~ ,-CJ',~ _;:~ .. Remele Head opHon available. Call !or details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 December 2005 Pages

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Trail Notes ... Y1OUR HELP Is HELP NEEDED -Dezert People recently released a new DVD, a non-profit disc to benefit Steve Kurylca. Steve was burned in a helicopter accident on May 28m at the MORE Kartek 300 in Lucerne Valley. Steve was video taping the race when the helicopter went down. Fortunately, all aboard the craft survived. There has been overwhelming support for Steve, many companies have donated prizes for raffles and many people have donated to Steve's Recovery Fund. To donate and receive a DVD go to This DVD is a compilation of 10 producers edited sections. Remember, all the monies collected go to the Steve Kuryka fund. We thank you in advance for your help. 2005 TOYOTA TRUE GRIT AND MILESTONE AWARDS -Four of the five SCORE Desert races have been run and 18 of the tough competitors are still in the running for the Toyota True Grit Award. This is the 20th consecutive year that Toyota has made these awards, going to those drivers who finish every required mile of every race in the five race series. The $12,000 True Grit award will be split among the point champions in the non-factory supported classes of 1/2-1600, Class 5, Class 10 and SCORE Lite. "Toyota is proud to honor the worlds best desert racing drivers" said Les Unger, National Motorsports Manager, Toyota Motor Sales, USA. "For the past 19 years we have had the privilege of presenting the SCORE Toyota True Grit and Milestone Awards to the toughest racers on the planet." Still eligible are: Trophy Truck -Josh Baldwin, Bob Shepard. Class 1 -Mark McMillin. Class 1/2-1600 -Rob MacCachren, Caleb Gaddis, LJ Kennedy. Class 5-1600 -Marcos Nunez, Ernie Negrete. Class 7 -Victor Herrera, Jr. Class 7S -John Holmes. Class 8 -Todd Wylie. Class 9 -Eric Fisher. Class 10-Travis Brookshire. SCORE Lite -James Golden, Tom Watson, Jake Batulis, Mike Belk, Arturo Honold. We wish them all well. CORR CALIFORNIA DEBtrr A SUCCESS -Championship Off Road Racing's (CORR) recent debut in Southern California was deemed a complete success by CORR officials. The Nissan Off-Road Nationals, presented by Lucas Oil saw an attendance of near 30,000 for their debut and more than 30,000 for the Shoot Out the following weekend. There were more than 150 racers entered in the Pro and Novice classes. "We are at a crucial point with this series, which is poised for growth and ready to move to the next level" said Jim Baldwin, CORR's owner. "The 2006 season will have great racing, in some new venues, and will continue to have great racing in some existing venues" he continued. "It's truly an exciting time for Championship Off Road Racing. SCORE BAJA 1000 -November 17-20, 2005 are the dates, the course runs from Ensenada and back to Ensenada, covering 709 miles that will challenge each and every entrant. The list of 300 entrants come from 10 countries, competing in 27 Pro classes and 5 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATV's. The race will start in front of the Convention Center in Ensenada and will finish in the Ensenada Baseball Stadium. As the race is almost a festive holiday in Baja, an estimated crowd of 300,000 will watch the race, they will be spread around the entire course. Sal Fish, CEO of SCORE stated that this years course will have enough sand washes, narrow trails, mountain passes, a dry lake bed and some beach running to challenge every entrant. "It will be an incredibly technical course, racers will be tested to the limit of their abilities as well as the durability of their unbelievable racing machines" Fish added. You'll read all about it here in the next issue of Dust:, Times, lots of words and lots of pictures. F:NAL FLAG -Muhamed "Moe" Fakih passed away on October 11, 2005. Moe was only 64 years old when he succumbed to a massive heart attack. He heavily supported his son, Sam in his off road racing addiction here and in Baja. Moe is survived by his wife of 32 years, Firial, his sons Bassa and Wissam and his daughter Mirna. They all have a bright star shining down on them in the desert. Rest in peace, Moe. ALLY NEW YORK -The International Rally New York took place near Monticello, New York on September 30 -October 1, 2005. There were 20 ntries in the United States Rally Champion event and 8 of them made it to the finish. Taking top honors was Tom Lawless/Jason Gillespie in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo, second in was Seamus Burke/Brian Sharkey, also in a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo, Peter Workum/Chrissie Beavis were third in a Subaru Impreza WRX, fourth overall went to Daniel O'Brien/Stephen Duffy in their Subaru Impreza WRX and fifth place went to Emilio Arce/ Craig Thrall in their Subaru Impreza. Running within that rally was the Eastern States Rally Championship. There were 44 starters and 24 finishers. The top five: Seamus Burke/Brian Sharkey, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo, Peter Workum/Chrissie Beavis, Subaru Impreza WRX, Daniel O'Brien/Stephen Duffy, Subaru Impreza WRX, Jeremy Drislane/Barry Goodman, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo and fifth place went to Martin O'Flynn/Bernhard Obry, Mitsubishi Eclipse. You'll read more on this rail:,, see the story in this issue of Dust:, Times. CORR MANUFACTURER AND nRE FINAL POINTS -Points leaders, Vehicle manufcu:turus - Pro-4 - Toyota 228, Ford 222, Chevrolet 214. Pro-2 -Chevrolet 244, Ford 211, Nissan 13. Pro-Lite - Toyota 234, Nissan 224, Ford 189, Mazda 16. Tire Manufcu:turus -Pro-4 -BFGoodrich 280, Kumho 143, Toyo 130, Goodyear 115. Pro-2 -BFGoodrich 256, Kumho 173, Goodyear 166, Toyo 155. Pro-Ute -Goodyear 212, Kumho 205, BFGoodrich 193, Toyo 174. The racers greatly appreciate the efforts of the vehicle and tire manufacturers during the 2005 racing season. CRANDON INTERNATIONAL OFF ROAD RACEWAY STATISTICS - Fastest laps - (1. 75 mile course) Jason Baldwin, 2001, 1:24:50, Rob MacCachren, 2001, 1:24:56. Fastest Race -Curt LeDuc, 1998 12:58. Curt LeDuc, 2002 12.59. Top Dollars, BorgWarner Shootout -Rob MacCachren, 2000, $39,300. Rob MacCachren, 2001, $37,100. Most appearances in Shootout -Scott Taylor, 11. Scott Douglas, Curt LeDuc, 10. American Axle Jump Record -Jed Flannery, 1996, 165.4 feet. Crandon International Raceway has been in operation since 1970 and is the hub of racing in the area. 2006 SCCA HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES -SCCA announced the five individuals that will be enshrined into its Hall Of Fame in 2006. John Barnholdt • an SCCA Steward since the 1950's overseeing the Giant's Despair Hillclimb, SCCA Pro Series and the United States Grand Prix. John Page 6 FoUR WHEEL DRivE Cum DECAruR, TX 76234 ToMAu.EN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 ~~RAaNG~. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE Ro-.o WEUSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.Nmw>AB~AOFI' ROAD RACING Av. RER:>RMA 1136 ENsADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON for buggys & Motorcycles Esn:ao BFACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT CouRSE RACING VICTORIA GALINDO ENsENADA, BAJA CALIR:>RNIA, MEXIOO 0l l-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FloRIDA. OFF Ro,w DRIVER'S AssN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Ap,-, Ma:,, Noo at Davidson Racewa:, FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL Mot.TE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX rndrracing@aol.corn GORRA GEORGIA ()pp ROAD JlAaNG Ass:oat770N 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963.0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANEs ()pp ROAD RACING Assoc:IAnON TIM HOOOE (402) 991-6048 ScoTTMORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU raas are short cou~ stadium st:,k Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raawa, Park, Exit 420 on I.SO ~t-en Omaha and Una>ln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS ()pp ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLE\\00D, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 fax OOERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INn:R-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX:714-633-1724 December 2-3, 200S Best In The Desert Henderson, Nevada KAMl.ooPS BRONCO BUSTERS WHISPERING PlNEs SPORTS & ltEcREATION CENTER P.O.Box465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAs VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0mtOADExP0 (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.corn> <www. rncgashow .corn> LI.T.R.E. JEFF Euloo (408) 926--0522 J1MARtrrA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA Ol'l' RoAD RACING LUIS CARlos AlVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX December 2005 011-52-1637-1799 MlcmGAN Buoov BUUDERS DuNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.corn> MlcmGAN ()pp RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEOOE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Moton:zda, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onli MAORA MID-AMERICA ()pp ROAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MA11.: rnaora@peako.corn <www.rnaoraracing.corn Short Course Points Series Endurance Points Series MDRRACING CAIJFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP ()pp ROAD RACING SERIES 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL Mot.TE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2005 CaU(<,mia Championship Series MDR Productions 20(U.2(}()5 Superstition Clumpioasbip Series All at Plaster Cit:, OHV Area December 31, 200S The Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MOJAVE ()pp ROAD RACING ENmusIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARS10W, CA 92312 760-253-4453 December 3, ZOOS Barstow MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARICHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.corn> AU ewnts at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valk, with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l • Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BtrrCH CHAPIN MoroRSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.corn <www.Nooraoffroadracing.corn> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valk, Racewa:,, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valk, located 15 minutes from Spring Viill9) NORTHERN Omo OFP RoAD RACINGAsSN. GARYWULFF (724) 283-2678 ()pp ROAD EXPO 2005 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VoUJNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS" REP .• 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTu\W REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Raas at Wlwling in the Countz 900 Ac,es) OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO Omo OPP RoADERS INc. 1427 GosHEN H1us Ro-.o S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU raas held at Harrison Counry Fairgrounds. Cadi?. Ohio ONTARIO ()pp ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519).681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD OiAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www .usoff-road.corn> PIKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 Pim: BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS ()pp ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREY0olN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOlMAILCOM PRoTRuac 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 Pun: ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION ()p AMfluC.A P.O. Box 1406 RIVERlON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro TnlCl<s, Desert TnlCl<s, Buggies, Pilots, Tough TnlCk <www.snowbirdracing.corn> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRoRAu.v P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAx SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www .score-international.corn> SNORE SoUTHERN NEV ADA OFP ROAD 'ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAS VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERACING.NET SONS OP TlruNDER 4WHEELERs RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963.()252 MIKE MOORE• (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SoUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. Dusty Times

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P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528--9749 FAX <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFP RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTIARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AURaasat Eastba;z Raawa1, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 PARKIANDS, 2121 SoUTH AFRICA (011)788--5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 TovsFoR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADilLA V AlllY SPORTS CtNI'ER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 920 HILLCREST STREET PIACERVlLLE, CA 95667 530-622-03 70 VJONn:GuewloOH'ROAI>CwB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA Ol l-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WJ:'SI"mN OFF ROAD RAaNG~noo LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WE.SrFRN PFNNsnv ANIA WHFH. To WHFH. OFF RoAD RAClNG PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 Ao4.MSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE Attention Race&Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2005and 2006 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Trucks & Buggies WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688--5509 FIA WORID RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, Wl 54901 • ICEIIIBI LINE) o.-p,·r: I iM.A 1l!EUlnowSl'OWEIIS0ullCe-Z°TREME nRE CO. Nl:V Aeltt OFFROAO BUGGY T-SHRT SM-MEO-LRG-XXLRG ONLY $10.00 CROW ~ , . , I 11 . , •. l • <. ~-~ SOI n .. • .. HFRF WE CARRY A\I/IDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS ,t.1Jtc'1Jtc' 1/td. ..... CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 • LAS VEGAS, NV• 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-SPM (702) 871-5221 fax Dusty Times December 2005 Trail Notes ... Buffum - Biggest name in SCCA rally history. John won 11 National SCCA ProRally Championships. Most FlA Rally wins and SCCA National ProRally Steward for many years. Mark Donohue - Best known SCCA driver, won three Club Racing National titles and the Kimberly Cup. As a Pro, USRRC Champion twice, three times Trans-Am Champion and Can-Am Champion. Denise McCluggage -one of the first woman road racers and is a renowned motorsports journalist to this day. Grant Reynolds -Chairman of the Solo Events Committee. He integrated the gymkhanas that were being staged by various clubs into what is now know as Solo. Grant is still an active race steward. CORR CHUI.A VISTA CUP PAYOUT - Lots of Dollars were won at the CORR Grand Finale. Here are the monies won. Pro-4 - Carl Renezeder $30,000, John Greaves $5,000, Josh Baldwin $3,000. Curt LeDuc, Rick Huseman, Rob MacCachren, Kyle LeDuc, Todd LeDuc, Jim McKenzie, Jason Baldwin, Ed Herbst, Scott Douglas, Steve McCrossan and George Reiss, $1,000 each. Unlimited Desert Truck -Marty Coyne $30,000, Jason Baldwin $5,000, Tim Herbst $3,000. Matt Scaroni, Dale Dondel, Josh Baldwin, Todd Arthur, Chet Huffman, Jim McKenzie $1,000 each. Pro-2 -Scott Taylor $25,000, Evan Evans $4,500, Carl Renezeder $2,500. Dan Vanden Heuvel, Kevin Probst, Todd LeDuc, Ross Hoek, Jeremy McGrath, Steve Barlow, Josh Baldwin, Brian Cotham, Boris Said, Larry Roesseler, Jesse James, Scott Steinberger, $1,000 each. Pro-Lite -Chad Hord $15,000, Mark Krueger $6,500, Liam O'Donnell $4,500, Jim Kandel $3,500, Kyle LeDuc $2,500, Javier Sacio $2,000, Rodrigo Ampudia $1,500, Jeff Kincaid $1,500. Josh Hintz, Steve Federico, Art Schmitt, Mark Oberg, Jeff Huseman, Randy Eller, Marty Fiolka, $1,000 each. Unlimited Desert Buggy - Rob MacCachren $20,000, John Herder $4,000, Andy McMillin $2,500, Troy Herbst, Brian Ewalt, Dennis Boyle, Cameron Steele, Jeff Seifert, Rich Ronco, Pat Dean $1,000 each. Super Buggy Class 10/12 -Aaron Hawley $20,000, Steve Krieman $4,000, Larry Foddrill $2,500, Cameron Steele, Matt Kross, Gary Nierop, Scott Schwalbe, Jerry Whelchel, Corry Heynan, Bill Goshen, Jeff Elrod, Lobsam Yee, Chad Cummings, Jon Steiner, David Reyes $1,000 each. Single Buggy # 1 -Arden Dennington $8,000, Michael Seefeldt $2,500, Aaron Hawley $1,500, Terry Fitzgerald, John Huven, Andy Anderson, Kimberly Anderson, Heather Sullivan, Cameron Steele, Kelly Renezeder, Victor Orellana, Kristina Sullivan, Rodger Schank, Brian Jeffrey, Steve Borio, $1,000 each. Single Buggy #2 -Mark Steinhardt $8,000, Adam Pfankuch $2,500, Craig Forest $1,500, Larry Roesseler, Kevin Walsh, Kevin Graves, Cissy Baldwin, John Fotzgerald, Dave Collier, Rick Welch, Odie Munoz, Lupe Garcia, Jobes Reyes, Larry Negrete, Art Navarro, $1,000 each. Desert Truck 7S -John Holmes $8,000, Brian Cannon $2,500, Holly Hoffman $1,500, Ken Keegal $1,000, Perry McNeil Jr. $ 7 50, John Watson, Robert Real $500 each. Desert Truck 7 - Larry Roeseler $8,000, Broe Ross $2,500, Javier Sacio $1,500, Perry McNeil $1,000, Jason Jernigan $ 750, Hector Salazar, Paul Lafrenier, Billy Manfron, Dan Chamlee, Oscar Lara, Jason Mount, Willie Valdez, Barry Karakas, Matt Carter, Isidro Ochoa $500 each. Sportsman 2 - Mike Oberg $5,000, Greg Adler $3,000, Dan Baudoux $2,000, Ben Wandahsega, Josh Minor $1,000 each. If you add it all up, it comes ro $296,000, and that's a lot of money in anybody's book. Surely, the largest cash payout ever in off road racing. Congratulations to all the winners and our condolences to not so big winners. CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RA<":ING TO RELOCATE HEADQUARTERS -Championship Off Road Racing (CORR) announced today that CORR Corporate offices will relocate to Southern California. The new offices will be located in Newport Beach at 270 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100, Newport Beach, California 92660. Television production facilities will remain in the greater Indianapolis area. CORR Owner Jim Baldwin had this to say about the imminent move, "I would like to thank the outgoing staff for their efforts and realize that many of these individuals helped to make CORR what it is today." "Considering the recent success of the two recent Southern California events and the plans for the series to expand new markets, particularly the West, this move is intended to bring CORR's headquarters closer to the existing operations of our other businesses, added Baldwin. Although the Avon, Indiana offices close on December 16th, key CORR administrative and technical staff will be retained to insure the consistency of the sanctioning and race administration. lt is also CORR's intent to maintain a presence within the Midwest, an ever-important market for the entire series. Action-sports emergent icon, Piero Wemyss has been hired on as Chief of Operations in the new West Coast offices. His experience includes the management of an action-sports related event and television production company. "This is an exciting time for CORR and its constituents, including racers, sponsors and especially fans," said Wemyss. "We are creating a plan that will make this wonderful series a must-attend for fans and a must-participate for sponsors, racers, and team owners!" Inquiries regarding the CORR series may be directed to Piero Wemyss directly at For up-to-date info, please continue to visit NASCAR NOTES - It was a pleasure to see Robby Gordon taking a nice eighth place at Phoenix over the weekend, hopefully, those new engines from DEi will help him stay competitive next year. Also, Jimmy Johnson sits second in Championship points with one race to go. Let's hope Jimmy can best the #20 car and take the championship. Go Gu:,s! W WERE SADDENED and shocked to learn of the tragic death of ason Baldwin. Jason was a staunch competitor in the desert and n the CORR short course races and Jason won a SCORE Trophy Truck Championship and a CORR Pro-4 championship. Jason loved racing in the dirt and he was well liked by all those he competed against. Our profound sympathies go out to the Baldwin Families. Jason will be sorely missed by all. Vata con Dios, go with God ROTRUCK NEWS - ProTruck race schedule will include all Best In TI1e Desert and SCORE races. Also, one of the double points events will be the Pikes Peak Hillclimb, early in July. The 2006 Pro Truck Series champion will receive a minimum of $100,000 out of the current $150,000 prize fund. The 4th of July race to the clouds will be an exciting new element to the versatile Pro Truck Class. "Off Road Racing is at an all time high. I am more excited than ever to be part of the present and future of the business and excitement of off road racing" said Ivan Stewart, boss of the ProTruck operation. Page 7

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CORR·USCATING RAc1NG CORR Nissan Nationals By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Aaron Hawfey beat out 29 competitors, he took the win in both rounds in the Class 10/12 competition, seen here heading to glory. . With the season points battles over, and The way the winners would be deter-television screens in the infield. They used the 2005 CORR championships deter- mined was set up as if for a moto-cross 1V can1eras in other ways also. For example, mined, the racing at Chula Vista on the event. Points were awarded for each day's if there was a roll-over or a particularly second weekend was for the dollars. CORR finish position, then they were added and dramatic crash, they'd do a "replay" of the promised purses for first place from $20,000 the winner would be the racer with the ma;t event, to be sure no one missed anything to $30,000, with payback going down to the points. In the event of a tie, the racer with exciting. The "finish line" interviews with 15th place finisher. The winner in the 1600 the better finish on Sunday would be the the announcer were also filmed as they hap-class for example, would receive $20,000, weekend winner, and the recipient of the pened, so the first three finishers in each second place was competing for$3,000 and bigger check. event were shown bigger than life as they third would earn $2,000. Then everyone The program followed the same sched-took their bows. The only thing that didn't through 15th place would earn $7 50. It's no ule as on the f!I'Stweekend, with practice in work properly was the microphone they were wonder that 4 2 of the 1600s showed up for the morning, then eight races, each of them using. Most of the time the audience could the event. roughly 15 minutes long. The course was hear the announcer, but not the racer. The race track was unchanged for the laid out so that the audience could see virtu-There were two changes to the original second weekend's fun, but in the interest of ally everything on the one mile track. But announced payoff schedule. In the case of spectator safety and comfort, the Baldwins the longer track used for the Class 1 desert the Class 7 and 7S trucks, which raced at had put some finer screening on the inside cars and the Trophy Trucks, which was right the same time, but not against one another, of the catch fence in areas where the race at two miles long, dipped down into a val-they revamped the payoff. Originally it was vehicles' tires threw dirt and small stones. ley and curved out of sight for a few min-set as $20,000, $3,000, $2,000, $1,000, Some spectators would still get an occasional utes. The promoters covered that by send-$1,000 and then $ 7 50 .00 to everyone be-showerof dirt and dust, but as off road race ing a helicopter to hover over the leaders, low. But once they made the race a two class fans, they didn't seem to mind terribly. and showing the live action on four huge event, they changed it to $8,000, $2,500, Marl< Steinhardt was the big winner in SingleBuggy 1600 class, he took the win in both rounds, he's seen here practicing suspension compression. $1,500, $1,000, $750, and then$500toall the rest. So, some payoffs were considerably lower than originally expected (dropping from 20 thou to 8 thou). Class 7 had about 20 entries, but 7S had only six or seven. In the 1/2-1600 class, once they realized they had 4 2 racers on hand, they decided they couldn't run them all at the same time on their short course, so they decided to split them up, and have two races. They erred on the first day by having the first 1600 race in the morning and the second ne late in the afternoon, erasing all chances of simply lumping their times together and taking the three fastest and calling them first, sec-ond and third. Because the course was so degraded by the start of the afternoon event the times were considerably different, and that wouldn't have been a fair way to do it. In any event, when they made it into two races, rather than add another pot, they split the original purse down the middle. So the 1600s, some of whom towed out from the Midwest with an eye on the $20,000 purse, were now running for top moneyof$10,CXXl, although, of course, two racers would be eligible for that amount. Some of the 1600 racers were less than pleased with the changes. Smaller purses or not, the racers still drove the wheels off their vehicles. The rac-ing was close, exciting and fun to watch. At the daily drivers' meeting the racers were warned that there would be "no contact in practice", told to "have patience in Turn One", and "don't pass on the parade lap." Everyone, it seems, was a bit on the over-eager side. After the flat tires of the preceding week-end, when four Pro 4 trucks ran many laps as the tires shredded and bits of tire flew into the grandstands, they had decided that a driver with a tire coming apart would get the black flag and have to pit for a tire change. It was also announced at the driv-ers' meeting that in the Pro classes, that is Pro Lite, Pro 2 and Pro 4 there would be a mandatory yellow flag on Lap 9. The pace truck would come out and all the racers would line up single fJe behind him and tool around at 30 miles per hour for two laps. This, said Jim Baldwin, would clCR up any gaps and keep the racing interesting for the spectators. Some though that the plan was to give the tires a chance to cool down, and prevent those late-in-the-race flats. It had been reported that the flats the previous weekend were caused by a buried piece of scrap metal in the line used by the lead drivers. It had since been dug up and removed, according to reports. Some of the drivers took the idea of a mandatory yellow flag with cheerful unconcern; some obvi-ously didn'tlike the idea. The first race of the day was the com-bined Class 7 and Class 7S trucks, and it started with a four truck tangle that appar-ently included Barry Karakas and his Ta,,ota, which emerged from the first lap seriously crunched. Jason Mount had a right front flat, and by Lap 2 Larry Roeseler had his Ford in front, with Dan Vance in second place. But then Vance slid back through the pack and Broe Roos, in another Ford, m<Md into second place. Javier Sacio moved his Nissan into second place on the fourth lap, and they ran in that order to the finish. As the lead trucks crossed the finish line Biker Sherlock confused the issue by motoring across the line in reverse, having appar-ently lost his forward gears. He was dis-qualified for his trouble, as apparently what will work in the desert doesn't work in a short-course event. They announced at the drivers' meeting the following day that no one would be allowed to run on the course in reverse gear. So it was Roeseler, Sacio and Ross. After the previous week's racing, Roeseler had put some shorter tires on his truck, and liked the result. John Herder took a first and a second in the Unlimited Desert Buggy competition, he's seen here flying to the checkers. Cart Renezeder was a busy guy. second and first in Pro-4 and the overall win and a pair of sixth places finishes in Pro-2. In the 7S ranks John Holmes took the win in his Ford, followed in by Brian Can-non in another Ford. On Sunday morning these trucks were Aaron Hawfey ran in the 1600 races also, he finished fifth and third in Third place in the 2nd Class 1600 round went to Craig Forest, his Arden Dennington (broadside) recovered from this mess and went the first race and was third overall in points. fourth and third place finishes hard fought. on to take a second and a first in the first 1600 race. Pages December 2005 Dusty Times

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In the 1600 second race it was Adam Pfankuch taking a pair of Tim Herbst drove hard and flew high but the best he could manage in A second and a third place finish in Desert Truck 7 went to Javier second places, he ended up second in points in that group. Unlimited Desert Truck was a 4th and a 3rd, 3rd in points. Sacio, he ended up third in points for the weekend. the lead off race again, with a combination the big winner for the weekend. Ross took Someone rolled over in Tum 4 and caused up through traffic. in front, Pfankuch had moved up to sec-of 2 7 trucks on the track. At. the start one second place and Sacio was the third place a yellow flag. On the white flag lap Seefeldt On the seventh lap Hawley had man-ond, and Fiogerald was third. Then Pfunkudi truck spun, and was left behind, not run-finisher. was in front and just barely holding off aged to get into third place, someone rolled and Steinhardt passed and repassed one ning, and Isidro Ochoa was out when his In Class 7S, where John Holmes went Dennington, who'd climbed to second. in Tum 3, and someone else gave up the another, Steinhardt ending up in front, right rear wheel and lire came offhis T(¥)01. into the race with only five cylinders, he Fitzgerald held third. struggle and parked at the to of Turn 2. while others less fortunate rolled over and By the second lap Ross was in front with nevertheless earned another victory, and Seefeldt took the win, with Dennington T rafficwas thinning. parked on the sidelines. Roeseler chasing him. A pair of racers got went home as the big winner. Brian Can-a close second and Fitzge1'2ld in third place. Dennington had a good lead by now, Steinhardt, Pfankuch and Rtzgerald held wide in the third tum and ended up on the non was second and second for the week-Cameron Steele was fourth and in fifth it and Seefeldt and Hawley were still running their positions. One car ran into James wrong side of the berm, losing many pre-ero. was Aaron Hawley, so the westerners had hard, but no one was moving up. At the T udcer, who'dgothiscarsidewaysandcaused cious seconds. Sacio chased Roeseler in The second race on Saturday was the made a good showing. finish it was Dennington, who had earned it to roll over hard, ending his race, and third. By the fourth lap the leaders were first half of the horde of 1600 cars. There When they came back on Sunday the the big payoff with a second and a first. maybe his weekend. Steinhardt, Pfankuch threading through the tappers, and it was were 22of them. Terry F~ ina CORR start was marred by a roll-over in Tum 1, Seefeldt, also with a second and a first, and Fitzgerald finished in the order in still Ross, Roeseler and Sacio. Ross built up shoncourse car, got the hole shot, and went and Sean Kennedy had his car parked on placed second because the Sunday race was which they'd run all 12 laps. a lead of nine seconds on Roeseler,. Karakas into the lead, with Michael Seefeldt, an-its side. Dennington emerged in front, with the tie breaker. Whoever had the better fin. The second race for the second 1600 developed some kind of trouble and left the other CORR racer, hot on his heels in sec-Seefeldt in hot pursuit, Fitzgerald third and ish on Sunday got the glory. Hawley fin-group was run earlier in the day on Sunday, track, his truck barely running. By the eighth ond place. By the third lap Seefeldt had Steele fourth. On the second lap Jeff Hantz ished third on Sunday, but had been fifth in fact, right after the first group's race, lap they were maneuvering through a lot of taken the lead, and Fitzgerald was second. rolled spectacularly onto his lid in front of on Saturday. which made a lot more sense. At the start it lapped traffic. Ross still had his lengthy Brian Jeffrey, in a desert car, took a bad the stands, his rear suspension all bent out The second 1600 group actually didn't looked like Saturday again, with Steinhardt lead, with Roeseler second and Sacio third. bump and ran into the wall in front of the of shape. Dennington and Seefeldt contin-race until after the Class 1 cars, or dead last in front. Fitzgerald second and Pfankuch Sacio' scar didn't work as well on the bumps grandstands, but he kept moving along. ued their dose duel, the spectators cheering in the schedule for that day. There were 20 third. There was a tangle when one car spun as the others, but he made up for it in the On the sixth lap Fitzgerald and Seefeldt wildly for their favorite. of them. Mark Steinhardt got the hole shot, and a couple others hit him, but most of comers and on flat stretches. were locked in a battle, struggling for the On the fourth lap as Dennington and and held on to the lead, with John Rtzgerald them got going with no problems. By the By the final lap, with seven dead trucks lead, and Seefeldt managed to keep it. But Seefeldt dueled, Kennedy rolled his car running second and Adam Pfankuch in end of the first lap Pfankuch had moved parked in various spots around the course, At.den Dennington, in a desert car, was again, and finally got the message that it was third place. Someone bicycled, traveled up into second place. Now it was Steinhardt, Ross held his long lead, and Roeselerand slowly gaining ground on them both, his too bent up to continue. Dennington was and over the berm on Turn 4, but held Pfankuchand Fitzgerald. Sacio followed him in second and third car longer and heavier, but he'd made some gradually pulling away from Seefeldt. Steele things together and popped back onto the Through the sixth lap they ran in the place. Roeseler, with a first and second place changes during the week, and it was work-held third place and Fitzgerald was fourth, course in a moment or two. same order, and then Pfankuch began to to his credit, had the higher score, so he was ing better than it had the first weekend. with Aaron Hawley slowly working his way By the fourth lap with Steinhardt still Continued on page 1 O Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adj~t to Be/lag~ C6esatS & Baity s The Plaee Las Vegans ca11 Home ... December 2005 A$k About Our Special IIMdl/Mr Show and • Room Packages West\& & AM 1-800-671-3287 ~ Ask About our Room & Golf P'ocl<ages Page9

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A pair of second place finishes in Unlimited Desert Truck went to A pair of third place finishes in Class 10/12 saw Larry Foddrill tied for A third and a second place finish in Sportsman 2 went to Dan Baudoux, Jason Baldwin, he finished second in points. ,.....,..,....,.....,_ second pace in points at the CORR Nissan Nationals. he ended up third in poin_t_s_fo_r~th~e~wi~ee_k_e~n_d~. -~~--~~-ro is car in onto t e gran tan , but he came out of the incident all right, and parked for the duration. Scott Taylor won both rounds in the Pro-2 contest, was the points leader, he's seen here flying high. dose up on Steinhardt. The two of them developed a huge lead as Pfankuch vainly tried for the pass. He never made it. In the meanwhile Fitzgerald developed some prob-lem and had to be towed off. Steinhardt took the win, with Pfankuch right behind him, and then after a big gap, Craig Forest was third. Steinhardt was the big winner for this half of the 1600 group. The third event on Saturday was the "Super Buggy Class 10/12" race. It was a mix of the CORR cars that approximate the desert Class 10s, about seven Class lOsand one SCORE Ute. There were also a couple of old short course cars belonging to Marty Coyne, driven by his sons, Brandon and Travis. Larry Foddrill also had his short course car here, and Jerry Whelchel was driving his new Hustler Concepts car. There were 26 race cars. They got through the first tum all right, and then, as they came through the "off road" section of the front straight, which had about five "whoopy" bumps in it, they were cheek by jowl, and one car got a bit sideways, and someone behind him bumped it a bit and started it rolling. On the first, fast roll, the driver's helmet flew out of the car. Very scary. Then he went over and over and over, finally stopping right in front of the grandstands, uµsidedown. Theracewas red flagged. The first aid folks on hand were obviously distraught and unable to fig-u re out how to help the driver, Joe Eustaquio, out of his vehicle. With the help of about a dozen course workers they very gently rolled it back onto its wheels, or the three that were left. But they were still un-Greg Adler took a win and a fifth place finish in the Sportsman 2 races, that gave him second place in points for the weekend. able to figure out how to get him out. It was obvious he was hurting. Finally, a big fire truck showed up in the infield (the fire station was adjacent to the parking lot of the race track}, and the paramedics with it had some kind of straps that they used to firmly tie Eustaquio to a back board, and then the hefty fireman slid him up and out of his car. Eustaquio was moving his arms and legs, and the audience sighed with re-lief. The ambulance took him off to the hos-pital where they put 14 stitches in his head and diagnosed a couple of cracked verte-brae, and a collapsed lung. The gutsy guy was back at the race course the next day, walking around gingerly, but apparently al-ready on the road to recovery. As far as that helmet flying out of the car, it seems that while he'd been waiting in the staging area, he'd just forgotten to cinch it up properly. As it flew off when he hit the first bump, he'd grabbed for the strap, and that he'd been the beginning of the accident. After a delay of 35 minutes the race restarted. They were without Vic Bruckmann, who'd been towed off during the excitement over the roll-over. Scott Schwalbe got the hole shot, and held on to the lead, with Steve Krieman chasing him and Jerry Whelchel in third place. By the second lap Aaron Hawley had moved through the traffic and into second place. On the third lap it was Schwalbe, then Hawley, and Krieman and Whelchel were dueling hard. A backmarker went up in smoke, and by the fifth lap the lead cars were into lapped vehicles. Mike Wright John Greaves won the first round in Pro-4, fell to eighth place in the second round Mike Oberg took a win and a third place finish in the Sportsman 2 contest, that and ended up second in points for the weekend. gave him the overall class win in points. By the ninth lap Schwalbe and Hawley were having a fierce battle, and then Hawley went past, and took over the lead. Schwalbe stayed second, with Krieman third until Whelchel moved up and overtook him. But then Whelchel flattened a rear tire, which shortly spit out its tube and then rolled off the rim. That left Whelchel on just the rim. Hawley went on to take the win, Schwalbe was second, Foddrill had moved up to third and Kireman was fourth. Whelchel was fifth, his motor smoking. On Sunday this group got through the first turn with no mishaps, and Jeff Elrod had the lead, with Gary N ierop in second place. Someone spun and hit Hawley, but it didn'tseem to bother him any. By the third lap, with Elrod still in front and Krieman second, Hawleywas third and Whelchel was fourth. Elrod and Krieman had a hard fight going, pushing so hard over the front bumµ; that Krieman's bumper was digging divots in the dirt. This time the excitement came when Rich Ronco endoed and rolled his car, and it was briefly on fire. Course workers tended to it quickly and Ronco was out of it with no injuries, although the car was done for the day. By the sixth lap the order was Krieman, Hawley, Whelchel, Elrod and Schwalbe. Then Schwalbe took a hit in Turn 2, and pulled outwith an apparent broken tie rod. Krieman, Hawley and Whelchel moved through lapped traffic, evenly spaced, push-ing hard, while Elrod faded with a rear flat. Someone got himself high-centered on the big bem1 offT um 4, and then on the 12th lap Whelchel went up in smoke. It turned into a big fire as he slowed, but the comer worker had a fire extinguisher that quickly put it out. Six or seven other racers were parked, unmoving, theirracingover. Hawley went on to take the win, skirting another roll-over in Turn 3, and followed in by Krieman and Foddrill. This meant that Hawley, with two wins, was the big money winner for the weekend. The first of the Pro classes went next, with the Pro 2 and Sportsman 2 com-bined. This was the first event that would have the mandatory yellow flag on Lap 9. There were about 16 Pro 2 trucks, and seven of the Sportsman 2s, which started behind, after a few seconds delay. Off the start Steve Barlow made it about 10 feet and his trans-mission gave up, so he was already out. In the meanwhile, Scott Taylor and his Ford Andy McMillin literally flew to a pair of third place finishes in Unlimited In the Pro-Ute conflict, Liam O'Donnell finished 10th and 5th in the Marl< Krueger finished third and second in the Pro-Lite rounds, that Desert Buggy, he ended up third in points. rounds but it was good enough for third overall in points. gave him the silver medal in the points battle. Page 10 December 2005 Dusty Times

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Curt LeDuc took a seventh and a third place finish in the Pro-4 Evan Evans finished third and second in the two Pro-2 rounds, that Holly Hoffman took a fifth and a fourth place finish in the Desert Truck 7S class, third in points for the weekend. rounds, Curt was fourth in points in Pro-4. put him in second place in the Pro-2 points. got the hole shot, with Jeremy McGrath, and VandenHeuvel ran fourth. Then they that was straightened out they did their 30 biker turned celebrity truck driver, hot on threwthernandarotyyellow.1berewassome mile per hour lap in order. It was Taylor, his bumper in a borrowed truck. The dust confusion fora while because the pace truck Renezeder, Evans, VandenHeuvel, Josh clouds were so thick on Turn 2 thatitwas slipped in line in front ofTodd LeDuc, Baldwin, Probst and Barlow, who'd fixed impa;.sible to seewhatwa5 going on, as some who had the same big Skyjacker emblem on his transmission problem overnight slid way up the banking, almost into the the side of his truck that Taylor had. Once When it went green again they took off, wall, where it didn't get watered so thor-oughly as the rest of it. When they com-pleted their first lap Taylorwa5 still in front, but now Evan Evans had his Chevy in sec-ond place, with Carl Renezeder in third in another Chevy. Josh Baldwin wa5 fourth in a Ford. On the third lap Evans got a bit off course and lost four positions, as Renezeder moved into second place, followed by Josh Baldwin, and then Kevin Probst in another Cnvy. Someone parked on the Turn 4 berm on the fifth lap, and for some reason they waved a black flag at Dan Cannon in his Sportsman 2 truck. Taylor held his lead. On the sixth lap they were lapping the slower cars, and on the eighth lap Renezeder was right up on Taylor. Then, on Lap 9 the yellow flag fell. Ar. that point it was Taylor, Renezeder, Josh Baldwin, Brian Cotham, Probst, Evans and Ross Hoek. For some reason Renezeder was given the black flag. Greg Adler chose to pit his Sportsman Ford at this point. They followed the pace truck around through the ninth and tenth laps, and they did dose up as planned. Then they charged off again, into their 11th lap, with Taylor, Josh Baldwin, Probst, Evans and McGrath leading the pack. Renezeder had lost six positi,ons with his five second black flag penalty. He was furious. On the 13th lap Josh Baldwin got past Taylor, but then he rolled over and landed on his lid. Taylor went on, nc,,v being chased by Probst, then Evans and McGrath. And at the finish it was Taylor, Probst, Evans, McGrath and Dan VandenHeuvel in fifth in his Cllevy. Renezeder was out of his truck in a hurry and on his way to have words with the officials responsible for that black flag. McGrath had really amazed the audi-ence with his talent Getting through one of the land rush starts that CORR uses, and then keeping up with drivers who've raced together for upwards of 20 years took an incredible amount of courage and talent. The man is sure to be racing a truck for real some time soon. In the Sportsman 2dassthewinnerwa5 Mike Oberg in a Chevy, followed in by Ben Wandehsega, in another Cllevy, and then Dan Baudoux in a Ford. On Sunday there were no black flags. Not only that, the mandatory yellow flags were held for just one lap, rather than two. Taylor got the hole shot again, with Renezeder right behind him. They went through the first lap that way, chased by Evans, VandenHeuvel and McGrath. Then someone rolled on the second lap, and an-other truck disappeared over that tall berm in Turn 4. But when the leaders came around again it was still Taylor, Renezeder, Evans and VandenHeuvel. On the fourth lap McGrath parked. Evans was dosing up on Renezeder, while Taylor stretched his bi Scott Steinberger, in a Chevy, lost his right front suspension and steering, and had some trouble getting off the course and out of the way. Taylor continued to lead, steadily building a cushion between himself and second place, while Evans held third Dusty Times December 2005 still in the same order. Then Josh Minor (a bade in. When they went past on Lap 13 it third generation racer) bumped Ben was still Taylor in front, but now Evans wa5 Wandehsega (both in the Sportsman class) second, then VandenHeuveLJosh Baldwin, and sent him into a big endo/ roll-over, Barlow and LeDuc. Renezederdropped back and out of the race. In the confusion to eighth. Probsttookanoddhopand was Renezederpulledoutalso,andthencame Continud on ,11112 Page 11

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A win in round 1, a second in the second round added up to a second pace finish in points for Mike St!efeldt. momentarily on the berm in Turn 5. Josh Baldwin went up in smoke and out of the race.Taylor took the white flag with Evans behind hin1, and Barlow and LeDuc having the best race for fourth place. Taylor won, Evans was second, VandenHeuvel third, Barlow fourth and LeDuc fifth.Taylor, with two wins, was the weekend winner. In the Sportsman class history was made as Greg Adler, in a Ford, got his fll'Stwin. He's in his first year of racing in this series, a California resident, showing some fine short course talent. Baudoux was second, and Oberg was third. That meant that Oberg was the big money winner in that class. The Pro Lite trucks were next to go, with 18 starters. A couple of desert racers, Rodrigo Ampudia and Marty Fiolka, were trying their hands at this new game. Ampudia had bought this truck in time for the previous weekend's racing, but Fiolka was driving a borrowed truck, and would presumably be writing about it later. Chad Hord got the hole shot in his Nissan, and stayed in front with Jeff Kincaid, Toyota, Page 12 and Art Schmitt, another Nissan, hot on his heels. Hord had no trouble staying in front, and Kincaid and Schmitt kept chas-ing. Ampudia ran about sixth place, look-ing good for a newcomer. Fiolka was back a ways, and for some reason earned a dreaded black flag, which meant five seconds in the penalty box. Once out of the penalty box he was perhaps a bit over eager about catching up, and rolled his truck. He didn't make it to the fmish. The order didn't change, and when the mandatory Lap 9 yellow flag came out they bunched up, and Kyle Le Due, in a Ford, had sneaked past Schmitt to run third. Af. ter the restart things became chaotic, and somehow Kincaid rolled over the Turn 4 berm, and another truck also went topsy turvey. By the 13th lap the lead was still Hord's, but now LeDuc was second and Schmitt third, with Mark Krueger in fourth place in his Nissan. At the finish it was Hord, LeDucand Krueger. On Sunday they all came back, and Fiolka had decided that he'd need to be Marty Coyne took the win in both Unlimited Desert Truck rounds, that put him first on the podium this weekend. "more aggressive". But he did confess that his body was hurting some. Right off the start there was a two truck crash, with one over on its lid, and Fiolka was part of the action. Steve Federico got the hole shot in his T C7y'Ota, with Kincaid, LeDuc and Hord following him. Schmitt pulled into the 'hot' pit, and seconds later a huge cloud of smoke rose over the area, signaling the end of the race. Federico, Kincaid and LeDuc led for several more laps, but by the sixth lap LeDuc was second, and then he began to edge up on Federico. The Toyota must have been suffering some problen1, because it began to smoke and LeDucwent by. When the man-datory yellow flag came out Federico went into the pit, and then so did LeDuc and Kincaid. When the green flag came back out the lead belonged to Hord, with Krueger second and Ampudia third. Fiolka devel-oped a rear flat and after a lap he went into the pit. Hord continued to lead, followed by Krueger, and Ampudia' struck took sick so December 2005 he pulled out Kincaid was steadily working back up through the traffic, and got to third place on the white flag lap. At the fmish it was Hord, Krueger and Kincaid. That gave Hord the weekend victory. The Pro 4 trucks were next to line up, with 14 starters. When they got just past the second turn Rob MacCachren was tagged by one of the Baldwins, and before he got straightened out again, the other one also ran into him. All three lost precious time. By Lap 2 the lead belonged to Rene7.el'.!er, with Rick Huseman in second place in his TC¥>ta, and John Greaves, also TC¥>ta, was third. Huseman and Greaves had a terrific battle, which culminated with Greaves in second place. On the fifth lap MacCachren pulled out Josh Baldwin, running seventh or eighth, got a black flag for some reason, and took a five second penalty. By Lap 9 the lead belonged to Greaves, with Renezeder second, and then the man-datory yellow flag came out and it all clumped up. ltwas Greaves, Renezeder, Husemai:i and Jason Baldwin. There was a lotoflapped traffic mixed in. They resumed the battle, and held their positions, but Ed Herbst, in a Ford, who'd been improving his technique with each event, stopped in Turn3,andwasout. Greaves stayed in front and took the win, followed in by Renezeder, then Huseman and Jason Baldwin. On Sunday the start featured a big crunch, which left Jason Baldwin parked with al:rolutelyno steering. Stl"Ve McCra&n was also out, parked in the infield, also with no steering. Curt LeDuc had been totally spun around and went backwards into Turn l at 65 miles per hour. He later said, "I didn't expect to salvage much after that." His truck was all "bent up and wobbly." Rene7.el'.!erwasleadingandMacCachrenwas in second place. Josh Baldwin was third. They ran that way through the fifth lap, with few incidents, and then Huseman bi-cycled, then slid up onto the Turn 4 berm, tipped up on his nose and landed on his lid. John Greaves had moved up into third place, and Rene7.el'.!erand MacCachren held first and second. By the time the mandatory yellow flag appeared, Greaves had moved into second, getting past MacCachren' s aged truck on that lap. They all closed up, and Scott Douglas pulled his Ford into the "hot" pit, and climbed out, with some permanent problem. As they climbed the slope on the start straight, coming toward the flagman for the "restart" Renezeder jumped the green flag, getting a good start on the rest of the pack. Still, Greaves and MacCach-ren ran behind him. But then Greaves rolled over in Turn 4, losing three places. And then his right rear bar broke, and the only thing holding things together was the shock. The axle pulled out, and he was out of the race. And by the 13th lap MacCachren was visibly slowing down. Dusty Times

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A pair of second place finishes in the Desert Truck 7S Class had The best Josh Baldwin could muster in Pro-4 was a 6th and a 2nd Steve Krieman grabbed a fourth and a second place finish in Class Brian Gannon second in points for the weekend. place finish, Josh ended up third in points for the weekend. 10/12, that put him second in points for the two rounds. N™' it was Renezecler,JoshBaldwinand Curt l..eDuc, still wobbly, but moving fast. Huseman was still running with body parts flapping, but traffic was decidedly thinning out. At the finish it was Renezeder, Josh Baldwin and l..eDuc, and Renez.ederwas the weekend's big winner. The Trophy Truck race, which ran on the long "desert" course, had only nine starters, but that looks like plenty when they do a "land rush" start. Dale Dondel got the hole shot in his Chevy, but then he spun and lost several places. Marty Coyne emerged in front in his Ford, with Jason Baldwin second, another Ford, and Matt Scaroni third in still another Ford. Coyne was having a perfect run, and was gradually building a longer and longer lead. His only problem was that he'd lost first and second gear on the second lap. He said he "held it wide open in third gear and hoped for the best." In Desert Truck 7, Larry Roese/er flew to a first and a second place in the two rounds, that gave him the points win in class. John Holmes drove his Ford to the win in both rounds of the Desert Truck 7S competition and that gave him the points win. On the fourth lap on the front straight, Scaroni took a bad hop and his truck did a sudden right turn towards the grandstands. His dad, Steve, standing right above him up at the top of the stands and working as his "spotter", calmly talked him through the incident, and got him settled down again. He didn't even lost a position. By the fifth lap Coyne had a nine sec-ond lead on Baldwin, and Scaroni was still third. And that's how they finished. It was Coyne, Jason Baldwin and Scaroni. On Sunday the same trucks came back, and Dondel b'{)t the hole shot again. Scaroni spun in Turn 2, and Chet Huffmamn got into the off road section and pulled out.' Coyne passed Dondel for the lead, and Jason Baldwin held third, with Tim Herbst in fourth place. Scaroni flipped up on his side in Tum 3, but then got back on his wheels and went on. Cc,,ne stayed in front, with Dondel sec-ond, but on the fourth lap Dondel went off course down in the" off road" section, and fell back to fourth. Baldwin was now sec-ond. Coyne stayed in front all the way to take the win, looking just beautiful as he screamed down the long back straight. That straight had two "jumps", which were more correctly called "drop offs", and his truck flew straight and true off each one, landing softly each time, as if on invisible tracks. It was great to watch. Coyne took the win, followed in by Baldwin and Herbst. Coyne, with two first place finishes, was the big winner for the weekend,. The Desert Buggies were next to start on Saturday, with 10 cars. They used the same land rush start as all the other classes, and Jeff Seifert rolled over and landed on his wheels, and was then hit by Rich Ronco. They did both keep moving.John Herder PIKES service center Baker, Callfornla Celebra~ing 60 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT/ Dusty Times had the hole shot in his Jimco, and Pat Dean was second in his Bunderson, but he had a frre blossoming at the rear of the car. Rob MacCachren ran third in John Marking's Jimco. Marking had tipped a Rhino over on its side and crushed his hand on Friday evening, so he was not going to be driving for a while. Herder had gone home between~ and donesomewodc on his car. It performed more to his liking this weekend. Herder held the lead throughout the race, with MacCachren, who'd driven the short course, but hadn't even had a look at the "desert" part of the course, in second. Andy McMillin had his Jimco in third place. Brian Ewalt had some kind of problem with Corky McMillin's car, and slowed. Meanwhile, they finally flagged Dean down, and when he pulled off the flames, which were pretty good sized by then, were doused by a corner worker. Herder built a good lead, and MacCachren was equally far in front ofMcMillin, and they finished one, two, three. On Sunday before the officials let the Class 1 cars start their race, which was the final one of the weekend, they actually brought out the big earthmovers and groomed the oourse.Apparendy no one had bothered to remind thecrewthatthesewere real off road vehicles. Or maybe they just needed to kill time for some reason. At any rate, Herder got the hole shot again, but he bicycled in Tum 3 and MacCachren, in Marking's car, took over the lead. Herder held onto second, but Pat Dean was right not known exactly where) and adding on his bumper and McMillin ran fourth. two weekends in the Los Angeles/Or-Deandisappeared on thethird lap, Mac-ange County area. They weren't able Cachren held onto the lead, Herder was to say which of the west coast week-firm in second and McMillin was third. ends would be in the spring, and which Nothing changed, and they finished in the in the fall, nor could they announce same order. MacCachrenand Herder had a precise location. In addition, there tied for points, but since MacCachren had will be two events in Crandon and the better finish on Sunday, he(andMark- one in Bark River, for sure, and an-ing)weretheweekend winners. other two, probably at Antigo and The consensus was that CORR rac-Bark River. But nothing was set in ing is a lot of fun to do and to watch. stone as yet. The Baldwins announced that they lnanycase, itshould prove interesting as would do it again next year, keeping things develop in temisoftheCORRsched-two San Diego weekends (though it's ule for 2006. · Chad Hord had a great weekend, he took the win in both Pro-Lite rounds and won the points handily, seen here in flight. ·--------------------------------· REDL!NE PERfoRfl\ANCE, !NC. LIi & N-ITAR PRE-RUN ft RACE PACIAGEI NORTHSTAR PACKAGES FROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND AND UNMATCHED REPRUTATION FOR CUSTORMER SATISFACTIONIII (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4531 EISENHOWER CIRCLE, ANAHEIM, CA 92807 ·--------------------------------· December 2005 Page 13

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I A r-::lc= RALLY JAPAN '-''-' .... Granholm/Peugeot Take The Win B-y Martin Holmes Photos: Mautice Selden Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautiainen drove their Peugeot 307 to the win at the Japanese Raiiy, seen here just staying on the course. For the second year running, Sebastien Loeb has won the World Drivers' Championship. After volun-teering to delay winning the title at the tragic event in Britain, he bided his time, eased his pace, fmished second overall and retained his title in Japan. About to be the winner for the second year run-Sebastien Loeb, with Daniel Elena, took the World Driver's Championship with a second place finish in Japan, seen here in their Citroen Xsara. ning on this event was Petter Solberg, who had been in the lead from the first morning, thatwas until two stages from the finish. Unhappily he met a rock in the road with his name on it, and a most surprise win came to Marcus Gronholm. Run as a world champion-ship qualifying event for the serond time, the usually narrow and fast stages were tricky, and previous experience of com-petitive driving on them paid dividends. Subarus led nearly all the way, last year's winner Solberg swopping the lead on the first morning with his teammate Chris Atkinson, who had the greatest previous experience of this event than any of the other top drivers, and who finished third and his best WCR result so far. With three rounds still to run, Citroen have now firmly established themselves as favourites to win the Manu-facturers' title, but still wide open is the PCWRCca~cywiththreedriverswk to clinch their title on the final round. Favourite now is Japanese driver Toshi Toshihiro Arai and Tony Sircomb took the PCWRC crown at the Japanese Rally, they're seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. Arai who gained maximum points on surfaces after the first runs, and while this event, ahead of Nasser AlAtriyah theconditionswerestillgood,howwra-and Marcus Llgato. A Subaru driver is sive theywould be. assured of this tide. The recently married Loeb was cool It was only possible for one World wout his chances of gaining his serond title to be settled on this 13th round of World tide on this event "For me this is the 2005 World Rally Championship, far more important than winning an that was for the overall drivers' series. individual event". Citroen was cool as Sebastien Loeb came to Japan 34 points well: team chief Guy Frequelin said, "I ahead of Petter Solberg, with four events simply want my drivers ro stay on the still to run. Citroen were 20 points in road and fmish ... " The post-Rally GB front of Peugeot and the Manufactur- Steward's decisions still rankled with the ers' series could go either way. In the drivers. This was the first FIApresscon-Production Car series, with just one ferencesinrethefatalacridentofMichael round left to run Nasser AlAttiyah was Park in Britain. Solberg said "The deci-one point in front of Toshi Arai with sion to force the competitors to con-Marcus Llgato only two points further tinue to the next Service Park opened back. A record 90 crews started the up a lot of problems. They should have event, ten of whom were PCWRC com- cancelled the rally after the stage, then petitors. This year the event (running as Marcus would have got his points and a world championship qualifier for the the championship would still have been second time), counted for the Produc- open". Peugeot's team manager Jean-tion Car WRC as its alternative ca~cy. Pierre Nicolas added, "We would not instead of the Asia-Pacific series last year. have told Marcus not to continue, there This meant all competitors ran to tl1e would have been none of the problem same rules. Most stages were the same as because of Loeb dropping back, none before but with three new stage venues of the problem of Loeb being ashamed closer to Obihiro, which reduced the to win the title in those conditions". vecy long distance of road sections expe--There were some technical novelties. rienced in 2004. Many of the stages had Mitsubishi had a fully active central dif.. been "tested" on the recent Hokkaido ferential operating on a gravel rally for APRC rally, but run in the opposite the first time, Solberg's Subaru had a direction. This eventwitnessed both the new design of rear subframe, which longest stage distance held so far this made him very happy, but not much season (a 50km stage run twice on Leg else in the WRC entcywas special, tech-1), as well as the longest ever distance nically. For Subaru this event was a between tyre changing points (82.68km major priority for them, following their on Leg 1). Only one tread pattern was victocy on home ground the year be-allowed all event. Conditions were fore. Peugeot had no chance to hurcy harder than a year ago, when typhoon their plans but after Michael Park's weather had softened up the stages con- widow told Jean-Pierre Nicolas that car-siderably before the event Now teams eying on was the best way to strengthen were worried wout degradation of the the memocy of her late husband, the Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from I I I I I I I Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Ranks Quality Products & Friendly Service VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • 15022 Parkway Loop, Su~e B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 14 December 2005 Dusty Times

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A ve,y nice second place in PCWRC went to Fumio Nutahara and Satoshi Hayashi, seen here kicking up dirt in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. team asked Daniel Carlsson to drive in-stead of the still distraught Markko Martin. "I wanted to be back with Peugeot again, but hardly in these cir-cumstances". Skoda had a driver nov-elty - Mikko Hirvonen. He was their eighth driver of the season, selected be-fore the Wales Rally GB, where they would know if their seventh driver, O:>lin McRae, could bring them out of their results drought. PCWRC Champion-ship leader AlAttiyah, recent winner of the Middle East Rally Championship for the second time in three years, was absent from Japan, this being a rally he was due to miss, was ready for the shoot out to come on the final event in Aus-tralia. Elsewhere in Group N, this was to be the Championship debut of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX (homologated into Group N by the FIA on 1st Sep-tember) to be seen in the hands of Hideaki Miyoshi. This car is prepared by Tusk, the company responsible for running Fumio Nutahara. Rally Japan also saw the debut of the Daihatsu Boon model, known in some countries as Sirion. Two examples were entered in Group N while one was entered by the official Team OCCS driven by Ki)UYl.lki Onodera in Group A.. There was a surprise at Shakedown. Credited with fastest time was Chris Atkinson, a most impressive perfor-mance until the crew let it slip out that they had cut out one of the mandatory chicanes and their route was correspond-ingly less than other drivers'! Fastest true time went to Daniel Carlsson, 0.6 sec-onds in front of Petter Solberg, with Duval 0.2 behind. The Ceremonial Start in Obihiro was a little less flashy than last year but the crowds were all there, as were all 90 starters. As various drivers withdrew, so reserve entries were taken in and there were no unfilled va-cancies on Thursday evening. Leg 1 9 Stages, grave~ 163.26kms. Friday's weather was sultry, grey and Petter Solberg and Philip Mills led the rally from the start but a few stages from the finish mechanicals put their Subaru lmpreza out. overcast but dry and warm, and guess (50km long and where conditions were who topped the lists when the results mixed, some parts dry and some damp) of Stage 1 were published? It was that Loeb was up to fourth. That was al-Australian again, Chris Atkinson, the ready just one place behind where he first Australian ever to lead a world needed to finish, irrespective of how championship rally, who was on his his rivals fared, to clinch the title. The third rally in this area, more than any long Stage 3 was a nightmare for driv-other foreign professional driver. Again ers and murder for the tyres. Francois the crew came out honestly with an Duval had three punctures on that sec-explanation. "The track was completely tion alone, having to start Stage 4 with clear when we drove the stage (13th no air in two of his tyres. Marcus car on the road)" while the top drivers Gronholm lost a quarter minute, hav-spoke about a bed of deep pebble-size ing a puncture and another tyre badly stones right across the track. ltv-:as now worn, and his car was generally han-so much Atkinson who was impressive, dling badly on slower corners. Both but it was second car on the road Petter Gianluigi Galli and Armin Schwarz Solberg, who swopped the lead with spun-Schwarz'swasarealman'sspin, teammateAtkinsonthroughthemorn- in which the car ended up bouncing ing stages as the conditions dictated. off a bank and facing the wrong direc-Sebastien Loeb had a miserable time tion back down the track. Drivers new on the first stage dropping seconds and to this event found the stages generally lying 12th overall. "The problem was very tricky. Roman Kresta said "You the loose stones on the track, butl am can't read the bends at all", Toni taking a lot of care, anyway." Things Gardemeisteradded "A first timer like got better and after the long Stage 3 mefindsthiseventverydifficult."Mikko iiJiEiK ~ ,-1::::, IVI ~ ~·-Dusty Times December 2005 Hirvonen stalled at the start of Stage 3 and when spinning and stalling, found a huge rock in the road which he could not avoid. This smashed the hydrau-lics cooler, the hydraulics failed, and forced him to drive Stage 4 with no auto gearshifting facility. Gilles Panizzi (whose last event was Cyprus) found it took time to get a good feeling back again. At the midday service, Subarus were 1-2, Gronholm was next up, 19 seconds behind the leader and 6.0 sec-onds in front of Loeb. Harri Rovanpera, going cautiously, worried needlessly about tyre wear, was nearly a half minute behind in fifth. Daniel Carlsson had a strange intermittent transmission problem, caused by a driveshaft engaging and then discon-necting, which dropped him down to 10th and lost him the chance to get ahead of Hirvonen. Ford started off badly, eighth placed Antony Warmbold was the fastest driver of the team's four entries with the registered team cars 11th and 12th, while Dani Sola, in the second non-championship entry, had a couple of punctures and trouble with the mousse inserts. Sec-ond time round the morning's stages and the whole scene had changed. Pre-dictions that the roads would degrade and ruts would appear proved correct. On Stage 5, the first stage of the after-noon, and despite heavy wear with his Pirelli K-type tyres, Gronholm closed on Atkinson, Galli made fastest time, Solberg (using KP-type tyres) was now nearly a quarter-minute ahead of his teammate but Loeb was biding his time and taking no risks. Loeb's turn came on Stage 7 (the repeat of the long Stage 3) where he pushed hard and took over 10 seconds off Solberg and a quarter minute off Gronholm, leaping from Continued on page 16 Page 15

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Chris Atkinson and Glenn MacNea/1 had a pretty good run, and a Mikko Hirvonen tangled with a tree on the seventh stage, he lost, it great podium finish in their Subaru lmpreza. was an early retirement for the Skoda Fabia in Japan. Gianluigi Galli and Guido d'Amore went surfing in Japan, their Mitsubishi Lancer retired with suspension problems late in the rally. fourth to second place, 16. 7 seconds championship title winning position. ing over concrete bridges which were behind Solberg, whopuncrured. "This Rovanpera 's hopes of catching approached fromheavilyrutted traclcs. must be the first time I will be happy Atkinson were doomed when the Mit- "Suddenly you found you had to drive for another driver to win, so long as I subishi had brake problems on the long up to a concrete step. The fact the finish in the top three!" Loeb quipped, stage, while Atkinson was struggling clouds had descended and there was happy he had now.reached a potential with soft suspension, worn out by driv-fog on the stages made this dangerous." Warmbold' s moment of glory ended puncrure and bad traction. Hirvonen when he fell back with a broken front went missing on Stage 7, having crashed. differential, leaving Kresta the best This alarmed his team (Skoda) as it placed Ford, but after two flat tyres on happened in an area where communi-the long stage Sola retired on the ensu- cation reception was poor. Eventually ing road section. Fanizzi suffered a the story unfolded, Hirvonen went off - , / MOTORSPORTS ~"'~ ~ anuf @.~turer, h Qistribu~qr of an expand in~ and uniqu~ P,roduc~ line Qf motorsJ!ort\ erq4q~~s. 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Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135. 150. & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN ~-,::::Tool December 2005 the road and impacted hard on the underneath of the car at the front, presumably on a tree stump, and there was considerable damage - with pre-sumably the need to fit a new engine before Australia. There was no chance to start again here, and so ended the hopes for Skoda's eighth driver this season. Hirvonen later reported that it was two hours before he was found and rescued, which did not speak well about the events' rescue services! In PCWRC Fumio Nutahara with his Yokohama tyres led the category from the start, in front first off Marcus Ligato then Toshi ARai, but his oppo-sition fell into disarray on the long Stage 3 when no fewer than six of the 10 runners punctured, and had to stop to change wheels. At service the order was Nutahara, Aki Teiskonen (despite the engine not pulling well and conse-quently a minute behind) and Gabriel Pozzo, all of whom had puncture-free mornings, led by the puncrure brigade of Arai, Federico Villagra (no punc-ture but baulked by Hamed Al Wahaibi who did), Sebastien Beltran (no puncture but baulked by Ligato who did) and so on. The national driv-ers often proved faster than the PCWRC with Katsuhiko Taguchi (Pirelli-tyred Evo VIII) over a quarter minute in front ofNutahara (the only Yokohama driver in PCWRC), while non-championship Subaru drivers Cody Crocker (Subaru Japan car) and Takuma Kamada (Subaru Tokyo car) were behind. In the afternoon Teiskonen started catching Kamada while Taguchi ended his chances with a puncture on the long Stage 7 then he rolled on Stage 8. Arai set about catching Nutahara and closed the gap to just 2.8 seconds. Llgato lost a lot of time with a broken rear driveshaft. Beltran had to stop and change a wheel because of a flat tyre. Teiskonen fell back after a lot of minor problems which included a spin when driving in the dust of the car in front on Stage 7, while Ricardo Errani stopped with a prop shaft failure. Crocker inherited the lead in Group N after Taguchi' s demise but was then caught up in the PCWRC race between Nutahara and Arai, and fin-ished the day third in Group. Natalie Barratt plodded on unhappily: she was back chiving a Mitsubishi, having recently used a Subaru which she preferred. In the various two wheel drive classes, Guy Wilks was well ahead. Andersson went off on Stage 8 for a long time, "Fog, bad µi.cenotes, everything going wrong at the same moment", declared himself eligible for Five Minute Rule and was able to restart on Day 2. AT oyota was leading the small Group A class while a Daihatsu Boon was second in its Group N class. Overnight the class leaders were Solberg, Nutahara, Wilks (Swift), Nakamura (Starlet), Awazuhara - in a Group N lgnis, Ito (Daihatsu Group Dusty Times

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Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen placed fifth overall in their Toni Gardemeister and Jakke Honkanen slid into sixth overall in First finisher off the podium was the team of Francois Duval and Mitsubishi Lancer. seen here in a hard left hander. Japan, seen here making tracks in their Ford Focus. Sven Smeets in their Citroen Xsara. N Boon) and Sugiyama (front drive ter Galii's fastest time the day before, tion, and indeed the crew went help- puncture ("my first all event") and Gianiuigi Galli hit something, broke the Celica), two class leads for both Suzuki Rovanpera was best on Stages 9, lOand lessly into a ditch and travelled 100 drove to the end of Stage 18 on a flat left rear suspension and retired on the and Toyota. 12, which brought him past Atkinson mettes before they could regain the road tyre. Al Wahaibi decided his rally car road section from there back to service. Leg 2 and up to fourth. Loeb made a push Also second and third gears had become was suffering from some problem he Chris Atkinson made best time on the 12 Stages, gravel, 100.98kms. on the first two stages but then reek-very noisy. The Mitsubishis, lying fourth did not understand, and brought his second stage and got back in front of A fresher but damper day, after over-oned his tyre choice (which had to suf-and fifth, swopped position when car to service where the team took their Francois Duval, up to fourth place and night rain, with occasional rain on the fice for the next three stages as well) was Rovanpera had his main auxiliary lights time trying to work out whether there Rovanpera dropped 20 seconds or so stages, which were generally closer to not ideal and eased off to be safe, letting fail on Stage 20 (an ordinary stage held was any sense in restarting the rally for on the second stage after hitting the front Obihiro than the first day. There was Gronholm up to second. There were in the dark. .. ) Duval dropped a place the fmal day, leaving six of the original left of the car. The rally cars came back quite a lot of confusion about which bad ruts; Atkinson complaining that his behind Atkinson when they went, ad-10 PCWRC cars running in an ortho- to Obihiro for service and a final race drivers should or should not restart, but car was forever trying to jump out of minedly, too carefully on the nighttime dox way and a seventh (Errani) run- around the superspecial track, before in the end 80 cars lined up to tackle the the ruts. Sola found his car was very stage. Atkinson started a bad down- ning under the Five Minute Rule. Af. retiring to tackle the first two stages once second leg. After the mammoth run of unstable as well, while Carlsson was tty- wards slide from fifth, two stages later ter earlier difficulties Teiskonen was get-more. Marcus Gronholm was asked his 163.26km on stages on the first leg, ing hard but not finding the necessary he was seventh, caught by both Galli ting happier. "It's my first rally with tactics. "We are keeping up the pressure longer even than the first leg in Argen- speed. At midday service Solberg was then Duval Later in the afternoon Sola Miikka Anttila (normally co-driver to on Petter, you never know", he said pro-tina, this was a day of 12 short stages, 20.5 seconds in front of Gronholm, ended a most miserable event when he Jari-Matti Latvala) and it started really phetically, even if without conviction! many more than any World Rally has Loeb 24.5 behind the Finn. went off the road on a long tightening badly. A head-on collision with our On the penultimate stage it all went had before this season, a total of As the rally moved into the after- right-hander and overturned. When recce car on the first day, then on the wrong for the leader, finding a rock 100. 98km. The midges came out to en- noon, the talk among the crews con- other crews saw what had happened second corner of the rally we very nearly which had been pulled into the road by joy the rally to the discomfort of the cerned the ever rough conditions-and they all started wondering how long it crashed!" At the end of the leg, Subaru, an earlier running car, wrecking the sus-spectators, especially at the riverside Ser-the consequences. Philip Mills, Petter would take for them to get rescued, un- Suzuki and T (¥)ta cars were each lead-pension and ending his hopes for a re-vice Park close to Obihiro while the po- Solberg' s co-driver, commented that the til one co-driver realised there was a prob-ing two classes, while the Daihatsu peat victory. Gronholm was now over a lice were attracted by the tightness of the surfaces were now so degraded that it lem fur more serious. In that region huge Boon won the single small Group N minute in front, with Sebastien Loeb road sections and the obvious imµitience would have been completely in1possible wild bears had been seen during reccy... category. second and Atkinson having risen back of rally drivers on these. The problem for any orthodox vehicle to pass In PCWRC Arai pulled gradually Leg 3 up to third. could be identified by a slow moving through thP. stage. "So much for safety ahead of Nutahara who complained 5 stages, gravel, 87.94kms. In the PCWRC, Hamed Al road car with the long line of rally cars facilities! It IS really quite dangerous." about bad set-up, but Arai himself had Off for the final leg, this time to the Wahaibi's team discovered the only stuck behind Sola was suddenly become Solberg was holding a careful lead over problems with his water injection. north west region of Obihiro, went the problem with the car had been a flat-poorerwhen the police charged him with Gronholm, who struck transmission Fourth driver Pozzo went missing. He remaining 7 5 competitors. Conditions tened exhaust, so he started off again. the offence of not indicating when over-trouble. On the last four stages of the lost a wheel three kilometres from the were muddy, and the second stage, which Eight of the 10 championship cars were taking. Mitsubishis were on a charge. Af-day the car was snaking under accelera-end of Stage 14 at a bridge, and the was then repeated as the final stage, was still active. On the second stage, how-STH Rally Japan 30_0912_ 10_2005 Obihiro (J) WC rollld 13 PCVYRC round 7 police ordered him to retire from the very slippery. Fifth placed Harri ever, Federico Villagragot stuck off the WC points rally. Barran went off the road and Rovanperastalledatthestartofthefirst road and could not get back again, VYR WO went home. Nutahara lost his hopes stage of the day and dropped to seventh while Teiskonen finished third with a PC 1 (7) Marcus GRONHOLMfnmo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot 307 VYRC 962FRV75 (FJ 3Pi.25m.32.0s. 10 fO 2 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara VYRC 350CZM78 (F) 3h.26m.54.1s. 8 8 3 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subaru lmpreza VYRC AC54VYRC (GB) 3h.28m.12.0s. 6 6 4 (2) Francois DlNAL/Sven Smeets B Citroen Xsara VYRC 972DAM78 {F) 3h.28m.31.4s. 5 5 5 (9) Harri ROVANPERA/Rlsto Pietilainen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer VYRC KX05AUR (GB) 3h.29m.31.8s. 4 4 6 (3) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Jakke Honkanen FIN Ford Focus VYRC ET53UNY (GB) 3h.30m.04.3s. 3 3 7 (4) Roman KRESTNJan Tomanek CZ Ford Focus VYRC ET53URO (GB) 3h.31m.04.0s. 2 2 -ti (8) Oanief CAALSSOWMaffias Andersson S t>eugeol ~:i't VYRC 268PWX75 (F) 3h.32m.11.1 s. 1 1 9 (14) Antony Wannbold/Michael Orr DIGB Ford Focus VYRC EF04WB (GB) 3h.33m.11.3s. -10 (11) Armin SCHWARZIKlaus V'Jlcha O Skoda Fabia VYRC 383 1946 (CZ) 3h.37m.39.4s. -11 (10) Gille9 PANlZZIIHerve Pana:d F ~ Laneer VYRC KR53YPO (GB) 3h.39m.28.8s. -12 (31) Toshihiro Arai/Tony Sirallnbe J/NZ Sublwu lmpreza PCVYRC GMG332Nl..31 (J) 3h.46m.44.3s. - - 10 14 (34) FLmio Nutahara/Satoshi Hayasht J Mitsubishi Lancer Evo PCVYRC KNY301H08590 (J) 3h.48m.25.8s. - 8 15_ .. J~>-~-T~~ii\<ka~il~. F!~ _ Subaru I~ PCVYRC TGC300TSU1604 (J) 3h.53m.27.5s. - 6 17 (73) Guy Wlks/Phil Pugh GB Suzuki Swift S1600 JX0624 (H) 3h.54m.03.7s. -19 (36) M.-cos Llgato/Ruben Garcia RA PCVYRC EWM873 (RA) 3h.57m.31.3s. -20 (44) Sebastian Beltran/Edgardo Galindo lmpreza ~c EYC519 (RA) Mt.01m.2.4.!ls. 22 (69) Per-Gunnw + Jonas Andersson S S1600 JX0623 (H) 4h.07m.40.9s. (2) Subarulmpreza 5 RA Subaru : : 4' Suzuki Swift 45 (49) Hamed Al Wllhaibi/David Senior OM/GB Subaru lmpreza PCVYRC GNG300Hl5486 (J) 4h.35m.30.4s. (7) - - 3 47 (45) Riccardo ErranilStefano Casadio I Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII PCVYRC BH457ZG (I) 4h.42m.33.8s. (3) 2 90 (10 PCVYRC) staters.63 (7 PCVYRC) finishers. "PCVYRCIGROUP N winner. MANUFACTURER'S REGISTERED DRIVER (Missed Stages or Road Sections.) Wimer's average speed over st.ages 102.22kph. L&'a'dtng tetlremanta (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subau lmpreza VYRC MC54VYRC (GB) steering 24 (12) Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Skoda Fabia VYRC 57 49 (CZ) accident 6 Dusty Times 455 ofkeepingupwithAraiwhenhehada while on the next stage his teammate blocked gearbox. I.Aac: WCI B BBSIMESS OIi IIACE TEAM Drt,iog Soils• Crew UoHorms • Crew Shirts Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hals • Gear Hags IBI,,,,,,, IIEIIIIST MOTlll6SPllllll'TS • llllrlElll.JI a.Jll:IIRI • EIIIIIIIIIII 11.111:111111 liiRlllrl UIMIIIBI • 1:11111 ,.111111111B11S • II.Jlt:1111.JIIIF l'llllllllt:TS • 771.TIII# INUllll1II lfMPI.III 11111,w • IIII.IIIJII.JI &.JIBS a, l:III.IIIIUI December 2005 Page 17

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11h11 ANNUAL SNDRI! 250 iliffi; Wilson overalls B'J John B. Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Ronny Wilson took the Class 1 win and the overall win at the SNORE 250, he's seen here trying to save some wear on his tires. Tuweatherooulln'tlmt! beenbetrer, it was in thelowOO's, dv:Tewasabree-zenar:ci the day and e\ay competitor we talked to said they had a~ rare. This oourse, pms of which h:M: been used for many, many~ µut of the old Mint400oourse isratherdustybuttheview from the main ptareaencomµissesa lot of theoourseandit's nire to be able to see your car for more than a minute as it pisses by. There were 00 cars and trucks lined up for the stnt in 10 different clas.5es and 47 of Andy Schifanelli took the Class 8 win, he worlced his way to the front of the pack and was in front when it really counted. thaieenteredwouliseethedm<eredflagat clay'send. Brian c.ollins, longwreSNOREmem-ber and well knONO Trophy Truck racer graciously put up the $5,0CJJ award for the first overall finisher. Many thanks to Brian from all the SNORE members, rontestmts and their crews for his~. Tu Class 1 hi.tde was only a hi.tde for the runnersup as Ronny Wilson took the lead on the first lap and, much to the rest of the Class 1 racers, that'swhere he remained for the four required lap;.. When the first lap ended it was Wilson, Terry Yookum was in secondS{X)t,aboutthree minutes in arrears, Ron Brant was in third plare after suffering a minor problem and Rick Wilroxon was fourth. Kevin Colan was neversoored. As theycamearoundatthe end of their second lap, Ronny Wilson still led, Terry Yookum was still in the second spot, now ure=mim.Jlfsmim.Jlfsbehirxltheb:h, Ron Brant was still in third place, he was running quicker than the leader and Rick Wilroxon remained in thefuurthspot. Brian Freemal led the last three laps in Class 10 and he took the win with eight minutes in hand at the SNORE 250. Cody Freeman led Class 1600 all the way, he l'A?n by 11 seconds and he missed the overall win by a mere 3 minutes. Tu third lap came to an end and Rick Wikn, in h-Roony, wasstillleooing. W..tth out, here comes Ron Brant. he just set fast lap for the class and the rare and was now in second plare, only five minutes behind the leader, Tehy Yookum had dropped to third plare and Troy Johnson, naw in for Rick Wilooxon remained in fourth. Whentheycunearoondootrarfourth and final lap it was Rick Wilson taking the Class 1 honors and a $5,0CJJ prize as well. Tu Wilsoosreµ:rteda ~day.a trouble free run and they were a bunch ofhalV)' people. Tu second plare finisherwas Terry Yookum, he soloed the e\mf. said he got stuckforabitinthesoftstuffbutwasableto finallyrockitoutandTroyJohnsonwasthe third and final finisher, after having to re-plarea ~~i:unparxllM! through aooupleofflattires. Ron Brant~ cause unknown. Next up was the Class 10 contingro4 there were eight of them, all looking for a good race. They too had to run four~ for a finish and when they came around at the endofthefirstlapitwasCarbiConezin the lead, Brian Freemal wasserond, he was less than a minute in arrears, Chis WrightGUne along in third plare, T.J. Hores had a prob. lemarxl wasrunningavaylongwnh plare and Stuart Baxterwasa vay longfifih plare. Wesav,, J.C D2n oo thewrongendcia tt7.V rope, we understand he blew the motor. Michael Wichmann broke a rear hub early in the lap and was done for the day and Arthur &5ile never came around, his µub-lem unknown. When the second lapendeditwas Brian -----------_,,,.,.,.,,.... ___ ....,,,,.,,,.,..__,.,...,,.,....,.,.--,,--.....,_--. Chris Wright ran trouble free at the SNORE 250, he finished a nice Bill Driggs led Heavy Metal most of the race, a longer than usual last The silver medal in Class 9 went to Kent Graves, a nat on the first lap second place in Class 10, 18 minutes behind the leader. lap cost him plenty, he finished second in class. was expensive, he lost the race by two minutes and change. Billy Gereghty ran in the second spot all race long, when the checkers Danny Maurer had an extremely long last lap in the Champ Car Josey Martin and Ryan Thibault had a decent run, they were second flew he was 12 minutes out of the win in Class 5-1600. Class, but he kept on pushing and took the second place spot. in the Unlimited Sportsman class, seen here at touchdown. age 18 December 2005 Dusty Time

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Joe Bourland rolled his car but he got going again and ended up in Rick Wilcoxon fought a few ffats and power steering troubles but he Carlos Cortez only got in one lap at the SNORE 250, but it was the fast lap for the class, seen here ffying low. second place in the Limited Sportsman contest. sailed in for a third place finish in Class 1. Freemal in die Jead,righton his heek came When die checkrs flew hr ck 10 it around at the end of their first lap it was Cluist Wright, by our figures a mere ru was Brian Freernil~thewin,~receivro C.cxly Freeman in the lead, inseo:nd pbreit seconds behind and, guess what, that's all a check for $1,050 for his trouble free run was Mike N1ailc:,y,, 22 sewnc:l5 behind, Greg therewas Oirb,O:mz, T.J. fbresardStuart and Oms Wrightwon thesikrmedaland ~ was running third, ancther 11 sec-Baxrerfuiled toromplerethe lap, theirrrob-tookhome3.50bucks.Oui5,wh:>ransolo, ondshick,&yronneglerwasfounh,almoo: lems tow. said, "!twas just a lot of fun" two minutes out of third and Ed:lieAguiar OnthethirolapGml-Ian<on,wh:>was Cla.5s lfil:lwas rather~ there were came acral.5 in fifth place, less than three in for Brian Freemalopened up the lead,~ 21 of them waiting to rompere, but, alas, minutes behind the leader. In sixth place, it nc,,v had ruminutesandchangeoo Cluis oolynineofthem~canpleretheirru was Dan Bradley, Corey Goin was running Wright required laµ;. When they stnted to come inse\ffith,Jeff Carrwaseighth,Jeremy Evam was in ninth tfuandKenTarertwas IOih, 21st and finalspoc se\ffiminutesbehioothecmslea:ler.Reuben Tiie serond lap ended and it was still Wik>n was in the 1lthsix>t, Pat Glennon Cody Freeman showing the way, Mike was running 12th, Jay Shain was next, in Malloyremainedintheserondspot,justa 13th plaa; Laine KnechtWd.5in 14th plaa; bitshyoftwominuresbehind, CoreyGoin Frank Puglia was in 15th pbre and Femie had mo.ied up a few spots and was now Padilla was in 16th place. In 17th pbre itwas running third, Jeff OuTwas up four spots Odo Cac III, Tony Farshlerwas running intofomthand&yronZieglerwasrunning 18th, Tom Bums was in 19th plaa; Kevin fifth.InsixthpbreitwasEd:lieAguiar,Ken ~was 20th and Don "Wall was in the Continued on page 21 Jeff Carr only had one flat to slow his progress, he literally flew A very long first lap contributed to the third place finish of Brandon Mike Simpson was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 5-1600 around the course to take the bronze medal in the 1600 class. Hughes, seen here in his Class 9 buggy. contest, he finished third in the competitive cla_ss_. ____ _ \fl • • • • .. • " .. • • .. . • Dusty Times Congratulations Scott Taylor on Two Back-To-Back 1st Place Wins and • 1/f The Overall Victory at the CORR® Nissan® Off-Road Nationals Shoot Out! December 2005 '05 -'06 Ford Super Duty Skid Plate Skyjacker® has recently released a Heavy-Duty skid plate in addition to the 2"-8.5'' lifts for the '05- '06 Ford Super Duty. This skid plate is formed from a 1/8" thick steel plate and dimple dyed for added strength. The fully adjustable mounting brackets allow the skid plate to be raised or lowered for desired appearance. • Works With Lift Heights From 2"-8.5" • All Brackets Are Bolt-on Installation • No Cutting Or Drilling Is Required P~•E& THE BEAR OF !!iU!!iPEN!!ilON!!i To locate an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer call 1.866.4.A DEALER ext. 5033 or visit us on the web at Page 19

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2005 Series Sponsored by: 00 r§..':!J:f!!f ~

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2005 Series Sponsored by: 00!'§.':!.!:A!f ~

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----------------- - - ------------------------Glenn Barnes had a decent race, he finished third in the always popular Umited Sportsman Class, seen here at speed. Ron Brant got faster each lap, he set fast lap for the Class 1 group but mechanicals put him down on his last lap. T J Flores only got to finish one lap in the Dissemination car, major problems put him on the trailer early in the day. .. The big winner in Class 9 was Glenn Dicton, but was kinda close, his competition was only a few minutes behind him. inse.tnth place, in eighth it was PatGlennon, Laine Knechtwasuptoninth place and Tom Burns was running in the 10th p;liition. Frank Puglia had up ·into the 11th spot, Kevin lu.vers was up seven spots into 12th place, Orlo Cox was running 13th and Don Wall was up into 14th place. Boy, a whole slew of cars retired on the first lap, Greg Boyer, Dan Bradley, Jeremy Evans, Reuben Wilson,JayShain, Fernie Padilla and Tony Farshler were all · on their trailers. Third lap, over halfway home and Oxly heetnan still leads the µick, Mike Malloyisstillda;e byin thesecondSIX>t, still Page 22 les.5 than two minutes behind,JeffCarrwas up another spot into third place, C-orey Goingdroppedaspotto fourth and Richey Fernandez, who was in for Pat Glennon had ~ up into the top five. 1n sixth place it was Ken Tapert, EddieAguiarwas down a spot into seventh, Tom Bums was running eighth, Frank Puglia was up to ninth place and Kevin Powers was in 10th place. Ono Cocwas in 11th plareand Don Wall was 12th.Two more drivers were out oftherace,ByronZieglerandl.aineKnecht were off the charts. Last lap, lots of money and prestige on the line, when thedteci=;flewb-the 1fil> guys it was Cody Freeman taking the big win, he had led all the way. C.ody said he had some shifter problems and µuti.Cll-larlywanted to thank Mickey Thomp;on Taes. C.odyrollemd$4,<X1J fur his efforts, a veryhappy)Ollllgtnan. C.odywasamere threeminutesootcltheCMT.l!l.Mike~ was right behind him, he was only 11 sec-onds behind and very disappointed. Mike had a trouble free run, had problems with the dust and rollected $1,500 for his run. Jeremy Hannon was thirdaO'OS.5 the line, he drove a very short dismnce as driver of record, Jeff Carr doing all the work and rackingupa flat tire along the way, they got $700 rortheirtroubles. OxeyGoingeooed up in the fourth spot,· he said he had a steering problem throughout the race and Richey Femandezcameacm;.5 in fifth. This is only the third for Glennon/Fernandez and theyhavefinished~each time.Sixth place went to Ken Tapert, Eddie Aguiar finished seventh, we didn'tgeta chance to talk to Eddie, he went straight to his pit Frank Puglia came in eighth and Kevin lb.v-ers was the ninth and final 1fil> finisher. Not rompleting their final lap were Tom Bums, Orio Cocand Don Wall. There were six entered in Heavy Metal but only two of then1 would see the check-ered flag. They also had to get four laµ; under their belts for a finish The first lap results saw Bill Driggsrome around in first place, TammieGublerwasrighton his tail in serond place, onlysixseronds in arrears, December 2005 AndySchifunelli came along in third p!are, tmninalproblemsand was in his pit, out of two minutes behind the leader, Monte therace. Tibbetts came along in fourth place, Mark The third lap ended and Bill Driggs still Gorualezwas fifth and Richard Blunk was hd:l theclas; lead,AndySchifunellistillhd:l bringing up the rear. on in serond place, he was almost three Onthesecondlap,everyone'sp;liition minutes in arrears and Tammie Gubler changed, except the leader. Bill Driggs still remained in third place. Mark Goru:alez hd:lthelead,AndySchifunelliIUCM'.dupa wasoutoftherontestandRichardBlunk spot into second place,hewasbthan two wasoutwitha broken I Beam. minutes out of the lead, Tammie Gubler The checkers flew on the last lap and it dropped a spot and was now running in wasAndySchifunellitakingthegoldmedal, thirdplace,MarkGoru:alezwasupaplace alongwitha$900cashawardAndydrove into fourth and Richanl Blunk was up a the entire race and said he had no prob. spot into fifth place. Monte Tibbetts had Continued on page 22 A ittraR Spruc.-e i a worldwide distributor of quality products for the rac-ing indu:.try. Our product line of over 30.000 items i ~ of the mo 1 extensive from one single S()\lrCc. Our crvice has mnde u. the number one ·upplicr in a\•ia1io11 and i why over 350 r~e team:. ha\'C turned to u.-. a:-a trusted source: for racing componc:nlS! www I BEST SELECTION! LOWEST l'RICES! SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! AIRCRAU SPRUCE WEST 1.25 Airport Circle Coronb, CA 91880-2527 ph. 95J • .J11-'J5SS fax 95J-J71-0555 """'.., l1lff F111t1a11., ~ c,,_, 1-B77-4-SPRUCE .. .. • ¥ <t Dusty Times

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Corey Goin was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 1600 battle, he Rusty Ruby had a ho"endously long second lap but he carried on Bill Brady had a sort of unique race, he ran in fourth place for the entire race, he's seen here hustling towards the checkers. finished first off the podium at the SNORE 250. and came in fourth in the Class 9 fracas at SNORE. lermduringtheclay.BillDnm;,whoshared discbutshouJdbefineinashortwhile. Graves ran in fm.nth place and Ouist:o-the driving with Brad Wilkiruon, finished The Class 9 oontest was a good one. pher De Sousa Diaz came aaa;s in fifth in second place with only one flat tire to When the first of the required three lap; place. Brandon Hughes ran in sixth place, sbvthem TammieGubR:rdnf'd,shedida ended, it was Glenn Dicton in the lead, Jim Miller was a long seventh place after number on her back on the third lap, was G:ireyTorresransecond,aminutebehind, experiencing big troubles with the car, taken to the hospital with a compressed Rusty Rubywas next, in third place, Kent Amanda Dixon was in eighth place, Ret Dusty Times • • ~M D • 0 • @f~-01fflf@~ • • ooo ' •• o· December 2005 Thomaswasninthand]oe Fortewasrun- Hugheswasupafewspotsintofourthand ning 10th. Jim Miller was in fifth place. RetThomas Whentheserooolaperxleditw.i.5Corey was up three spots into sixth place, Rusty Torres in the lead, Glenn Dicton was sec-Ruby was running seventh and Joe Forte orx:larn:6.5theline,KentGrare;aurealoog was in eighth place. Chris De Sousa Diaz four minutes later in third place, Brandon wasoutwith a broken axle tube near ¼Iley Of Rre Rood and Amanda Dixon was out of the race, reason unknown. When thechecms &won the final lap it was still Corey Torres in the lead, Glenn Dicton camealoog in theserondspot, Kent Graves hell onto third place, lliug Ingram was in for Brandon Hughes, they were in fourth place and Rusty Rubywas the fifth and final finisher. Jim Miller, Ret Thomas and Joe Forte didn't oomplete their final lap. A late note, Corey Torres was disquali-fied in post race technical inspection, we don'tknowforwhatsothatgavetheClass 9 win to Glenn Dicton and Glenn ool-lected $2,CXX) for his troubles. Glenn had a flat on the second lap, no other problems, Graves was second, he had a 10 minute flat on the first lap but he did get $900 for his finish, H~werethirdafu:rfight-ing valve C011eT problems for a while and Rubywas the fourth finisher. They had a really good race in the Class 5-16(X) oontest. There were 12 cars entered and nine of them would make the three required lap;. Gerardo lribewas the leader when they finished their first lap, Bill Gereghtywasa few minutes behind in sec-ond place, in third it was Mike Simp;on, Gary Messer was running fourth and Ron Bradywas in fifth place. Chad Ma)'effiick ran in sixth place, ArtSavedra was back in !6fflth~ineighthitwas~. Bill Gutierrez was running ninth and Billy Worthing was bringing up the rear. Rich-ard Diaz and Anatollo Brac:uno never oompleted their first lap. up 2 ended and still Gerardo lribe led the group, nc,,v he had ~minutes in hand, BillyGereghtystill ran inserond place, Mike Simp;on remained in third spot, Bill Brady, who was in for Ron was up a spot into fourth and Chad Mayemick was in fifth place. Rick Gutierrez nl<Mrl into the sixth spot,Art~remainedinseventhplaa; Steve Alexander remained in eighth and Gary Messer dropped way back to ninth place. Billy Worthing dropped off the soor-ing chart. Four and a half hours after he started, Gerardo lribe took the checkered flag and a nice$2,CXX) JXize. Gerardo had no prob-lems, just sailed along for the win. Billy Gereghtywassecond, 14 minutes in arrears but the $900 bucks he won helped his mood. Billy's only oommentwas, "a flaw-lessday." MikeSimp;on came in thirdand oollected $300 for his day, Bill Brady was first off the podium in fourth place and Rick Gutierrez was the fifth place finisher. Chad Mayemick was down a spot into sixth place, Art Savedra was the seventh place finisher, SreveAlexandercameacross in eighth place and Gary Messer was ninth, suffering from a horrendously long second lap. There were three cars entered in the 0-iampCarfracas but one of them, Bryan Adams was never scored. Kenny Freeman led the first lap but he only had a minute and change on young Danny Maurer. Danny is a third generation off road racer, in fact, this scribe used to race on the same Continued on page 24 Page 23

Page 24

SheldonPauldidn'thavethebestofdaysbuthesailedontoadecent Pat Glennon was 12"' on the first lap of the 1600 contest but he Rick Gutie"ez drove his really good looking bug to a fifth place finish in the always hotly contested 5-1600 class. fourth place in the Limited Sportsman class. managed to work up to a fifth place finish when the checkers flew. -the..--seonl--...-bp,-some-~IM!-nun~. -ures~fuer~~than-his first lap and although Danny Maurer also picked up his µice, the lap ended with Kenny Freeman ooldingasixminute lead. When the checkers flew it was Tom Malloy, in for Freeman taking the win, Danny Maurer had big probbm on his last lap, he laid the car on its side, but he sok:liered on and came in for the second pace finish. In the UnlimitroPmninnT Blffi~ Tom Hood led the first of the three re-quired lap;,JeremyGubler came along in second place, some six minutes in arrears and Josey Martin came across the line in third place. Gerado lribe led the Class 5-1600 contingent all race long, he took the gold medal with his competition more than 10 minutes behind. Kenny Freeman and Tom Malloy had a great day, they ran trouble free and took the Tom Hood continued to lead on the second lap, he no.v had about 10 minutes on Jason Gubler, woo had taken <M!f fi:om his brother,Jeremyand Rq,,er-Thibault, in for Josey Martin still ran in third place. teain as Danny's grandfather. Kenny Freeman µeked up the µireon Page 24 Champ Gar Class win by over an hour. Jason and Jeremy Gubler had a great race, they took the Unlimited Pre-runner Buggy win with more than half an ho=u="~·n~h~a_n_d._~----------The Limited Pre-runner Buggy win went to Ed Mahoney, he had sixteen minutes on his competition when the checkers flew. Bob Schreiner had a couple of flats to brighten his day but he soldiered on and took - the win in the Pre-Runner Truck class. December 2005 Dusty Times

Page 25

Ken Tapert and Gary Stairs had a fun day, they raced their 1600 Chad Mayemick flew his Class 5-1600 bug to a sixth place finish, Eddie Aguiar had some problems on his third lap, cost some time and through the dust and finished sixth in class. he's seen here ready for touchdown. he slid in for a seventh place finish in Class 1600. The final lap came to an end and Tom BourlaMcame insecood,Joesaid&rolled had three 1aµ5 to run fora race and, unfor-srored. by 10 minutes on his final Japand he took Hoodwasna.vheretobesem.J:mn Gubler his car on the first lap but had no further tunately, only one of them would see the Bob Schreiner had a huge lead when the class win. Bob soloed the race and re-took the class win, reportingsomesuspen-problam, Glenn Barnes came in for the ched<eredflag.Attheendoftheirfirstlapit theseoondlapended, hewasallaloneout porredhetowedaguytoapitandhad no sionprobbmalongtheww.yandJa;eyMar-third spot on the podium and Sheldon wasBobSchreinerwithaveryshakylead, there in his class. Pete Claas and JC\5h mechanicalproblem.5toreport. tinwassecondtofinish. Pa.ulwasthefourthandfinalfinisher. Pete Claas was in seoond plaa; only 33 Hammanfoldedtheirtoes,nowheretobe And, so it ended, the 36th Annual There~~enteredintheLimited l..a.5t,butcertainlynotleast,thePreRun-seoonds behind andJC\5h Hamman was le:11. SNORE 250 is history. We'll be lcin' Pre-Runner class and four of them would ner T rudcclas; took to therourse. They too third a~ the line. Kyle Miller was never Schreiner bested his lX(MOlJS lap times for ya at the 37thAnnual in 2006. getintheirthreerequiredJars-JeffShiroky """""'"""""'"="""'""""""""""""""""""'.,,.,.,,;"""""'==,,,;.,..,......,.,.,.,=,,,,.,,,,.,==..,...........111;~ was the first lap leader,Joe Bourland came a~ in the seoond spot, some eight min-utes behind, Ed Mahoneywas a few more minutes back in third place, Glenn Barnes ran in fourth place, Richard Bradywas in fifth place and Sheldon Pa.ul ran in the sixth place. Billy Shapley never rompleted his first lap. When the second lap came toan end it was EdMah:meyin the lead,Joe Bourland still was in the seoond spot, nine minutes back, Glenn Barnes was up a spot into third, S~n Pa.ulwas upa few spots into fourth and Jeff Shiroky had big, big prob-lems and was in fifth place. Richard Brady was on his trailer. When theycamearoundforthecin ered flagitwas EdMahoneytakingthewin, Edhadnothingtoimpedehisrunandhe Terry Yoakum is a high flyer, he soared to a second place finish at the SNORE 250, Second place in Class 1600 went to Mike Malloy, after five hours of racing he had 17 minutes in hand at _the flag, Joe he's seen here in flight. __ ..... _____ ..,.. missed the class win by a mere 11 seconds. Dusty Times December 2005 Page 25

Page 26

~IDllll:D~ TSCO VEGAS To RENo RACING ASSOCIATION Baldwin And Lewis Take overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Bud Feldkamp and Brendan Gaughan pooled their talents and they took the Class 1500 win at the Vegas To Reno soiree. Dayton, Nev. Nick Baldwin 345 the race was almost entirely ley, to Lone Butte, skirted Beatty, and Jeff Lewis paired up in on a section of course used in last then Scotty's Junction and Cot-Baldwin's Fords Trick Truck to July's McMillin 1000. So those ton Tail. Goldfield was the next earn the overall victory in the who'd raced that event had a stop, then Tonopah, Redlieh, tough Best In The Desert Vegas small edge. Up at the northern Mina, Luning, Rawhide and Top to Reno point to point event in end of the course it was also fa-Gun. From there they went west, October. miliar to those who'd raced the into Weeks, and finally finished The race course was a long V to R previously, but it hadn't at Dayton. Chase crews could ac-496 miles that actually started been raced on for a year, and was cess most pit areas directly from just north of Pahrump, in the in good shape. The lower section, Highway 95, which was being little"ghosttown"calledJohnnie, on the other hand, was still heavilypatrolledbyvarioussher-and ended south of Reno, in the pretty much torn up from the iffs and the Nevada Highway Pa-suburb of Dayton. In between July race, since there'd been no trol, in an effort to hold down there was the usual assortment late summer storms to clean it up. the speeds. Everyone involved in of silty roads, silty dry lakes and Racers at the front of the pack this event put on a lot of miles. rocks. There were elevation found themselves in deeper silt Gas prices had jumped way high, changes as the racers moved up than they expected. and in some small towns were al-into the mountains, and late in It was, unavoidably, a tour of ready at $3.15 a gallon. the day many of them ran into a some of Nevada's old mining The BITD started the event cold rainstorm in the final communities, and a few broth-off with a day-before qualifying stretches. els. Starting with Johnnie, they run, which would determine the From about Mile 48 to Mile ran through the Amargosa Val-start order of those who went for Curt LeDuc and son Todd swept the 8000 Class, their Skyjacker Ford had almost M,:> hours in hand when the checkers flew. Nick Baldwin had a glorious race, he took the overall win as well as Class 1400, seen here on the long trek north. it. The way it works is that, of those who qualify, the top 20 become the first 20 to start the race, and the rest get to start at the front of their own class. The racers in the faster classes usu-ally like the idea, especially when they do well in the qualifying. This time the fastest qualifiers were the Unlimited open-wheel cars (Class 1500). The Weyhrich brothers, Gary and Mark, were first, and second in line was Pat Dean. Jesse Jones was third in his Trick Truck. Curt LeDuc, in a Class 8000 Ford, was 11th off the line, but all the rest of the front 20 were either Trick Trucks or Class 1500 cars. The BITD races typically in-clude bikes and quads as well as the cars and trucks, and as with SCORE events, they are always started early, wii:h a big gap be-tween the last quad and the first truck. It doesn't mean that the trucks and cars won't catch the late running quads and bikes, but it does mean that traffic will have thinned a lot by the time they do, and it's a whole lot safer for ev-eryone concerned. So, while the first biker started at 6:30 a.m., the first truck didn't leave until 10 a.m. There were seven Trick Trucks, and they all made it through the first 125 miles. But then the Jesse Rick Johnson and Dane Gardone gave it their all but they ended up Brian Collins and Larry Ragland had a mysterious malady that slowed Scott Webster. driving for Jim Dizney had major brake problems but in second spot in Class 1200, less than M,:> minutes out of the gold. them a bunch, they finished second in Class 1400. he got fixed and came in second in Class 1000. Marie McMi/lin and Brian Ewalt had an oil leak fire, had to get towed for Christopher Gray had a trouble free run, his Chevy ran well and he The Swifts and Andy Waters had some big troubles in their Class a bit but still took second place in Class 1500. finished in the second spot in Class 8000. 7200 Ford but they kept at it and took home second place honors. Page 26 December 2005 Dusty Times

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Chad Hall broke a halfshaft and ran out of fuel but he got it all handled Jerry Fisher had a terribly long day. he was the last official finisher in Steve Staats drove his Ford hard as he could but could only manage a third place finish in the Class 1200 battle. and finished second in the Class 8100 fracas. his Class 7300 Ford, seen here on the course. Jones/Scott Steinberger Ford couldn't get away from work. But Gaughan, and asked him "What and the Michael Voudouris Ford as he pondered those 496 miles are you doing tomorrow?" Hap-fell by the wayside. When they ahead of him, Feldkamp began pily, he had no plans, and his reached Mile 318, the second to think he'd be smarter to have current Craftsman Truck race stop-check, Nick Baldwin and some help. So, at 9:30 p.m., the schedule didn't interfere, so he Jeff Lewis were in the lead, but night before the race, he called jumped at the chance to finish the race in Feldkamp's car. He'd jured, but the car was finished. never raced in that part of Ne-Feldkamp's car, with Gaughan at vada before. the wheel, took over the lead, and they had just four minutes on Garron Cadiente and Ron Whitton in another Ford. Baldwin, who'd been in at the start, had been 17th off the start, thanks to a flat tire during his qualifying run. He had one flat during his first half of the race and was delighted to find nim-self about fourth on the road by the time Lewis took over. Lewis maintained the pace, with no problems beyond a flat about six miles before the finish, and had an hour on second place, which was Brian Collins and Larry Rag-land, in their new Chevy. They had some kind of malfunction that slowed the truck to five miles per hour part of the time. Cadiente and Whitton had lost over two hours when a mount that holds the axle in the car broke. They ratchet-strapped things together and limped to a pit for welding. At the finish it was Lewis and Baldwin, both earning their first overall victory. This was the first time they'd teamed, although they had planned to run SCORE's Primm race in Septem-ber, until Baldwin had decided that was too rough and rocky and he'd rather wait for the Vegas to Reno run. Collins and Ragland, disappointed about their mystery problem, finished second (they'd had a slight lead early in the day), almost an hour down. Bobby and B.J. Baldwin were third, an-other hour-plus back, in their Chevy. They had had a serious problem with steering. Cadiente and Whitton were fourth and Will Staats and Bill Varnes shared the driving in Staats' Pro Truck-turned-Trick Truck Ford and finished fifth after repairing a broken front A-arm. They were the final finishers in the class. There were 12 of the Class 1500 cars, and only six of them managed to finish. The only one not to make it through the first 125 miles was the team of Kory Scheeler and Larry Job. Then, only seven made it to Mile 315 and the second check. At that point there was a tie for the lead between Pat Dean in his Chevy Bunderson and Gary and Mark Weyhrich in their Chevy Jimco. Bud Feldkamp had driven the first half of the race in his Pen-hall, and now his co-driver, Brendan Gaughan, was holding firm in third place, while Scott Kincaid and Josh Lewis had their Porter in fourth. Feldkamp had intended to solo the race when his son, Buddy, who is his usual partner, Dusty Times LIST YOUR l'HOIIE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL A/ID ENBIIIE SIZE! Sain Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashiers check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.O. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Irie, is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Voncswaoen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. HOWE POWER STEER/NS 2.5 Power Ract .................. $1,100 2.5 Power RlCX with Control Yalve. ................. 1,465 Colltrol Valve • lnline ............. 300 Chirt,,llll Torque Generator ..•.. .295 Pon Block. Cllanynn ................. 30 Coupler, Cllarl','nn ...................... 18 Sweet U·Jolnts. lrorn ................. 56 Reservoir, Power StaerinQ ......... 94 Reservoir Vflh, Power Steering ................ 148 Reselbolr Bf1dlet ...................... 14 Power Steetino Pump._ .. ···-··160 Power Sleerino Pulley ................ 60 Pultey for Subaru ....................... 60 Pump B11ekets. frorn ................. 65 T DISC BRAKE$ '"" PIii Sp/Ni,, Ill C.,_ LIM Spll/lfn. Dile B!!Ua lor Sand Rails.. .... -..... .$600 IUetOiscBtalleS 1or Desert Raa,.,,_,_, •.••• 130 BILLET 51/W 111111$ 'II' Ill Clmbo t./llt lp/tlll/u. Pin Splndlt Hub klt._.$.135 ombQ llflk Spindle 1i1b klt..3-45 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMAIICE TIRES 11;.-t'r, ~ Tim E78 Mini Mag ...................... $92 30 X 7.00. 4-pl'f ....................... 114 33 t 9.00. ◄·P~ -···-·····-... 156 35 X 10.00. 4-ply ............... -... 160 MICKEY THOMSIIII BAJA BELTED HP 30 X 9,5-15 ............................ $120 31 i 10.5(>-15 ......................... 152 33 X 10.S0-15 .......................... 1.c& 10# 111/U.I.A. ............ $295 ................ 56 Flult#, Ht,,, o.,, 8/1111'11 'lllrt/111 CHIii. s,,clly Clip EM D< ,.It HIii EM Allflllblt l'-13' Llllf Ill r ltllnm1t11J. 6' or 6'/t' cable ........................ $28 1' or 7'1,' Clllle ..... _. ................... 29 8' or 8'/.' Cable ........................ 30 g· orw1,· ca1>1e .......................... s1 10-or tow cable ...................... 32 11' or 11'/t' table ................... 33 12· or 12w ca1>1e .................... :k 13' or 13'(,' cable ...................... 35 ,. Ail $6 ,0, 111tnltl Holil/llf • r~I 3z3 TRAIUNS ARMS t1 LATUT RAGE Wfl/111# '30 C'I Jill/It. KINS ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR FIii/ Ai}llsl/llf#l °"'' $p(l/lf ShoctllllllJ HO# uf Rmmlr. KioO 2" AdjUSliflle Shock. &-Hr 12· Strol(e ...... trom $495 KlnO 2 W Ad)uslable ShOCt, 12-14-18. Strolre ...... from 585 BIiiet Alllfflinlllll Ctamp·Ol! Reservoir Mount each ....... 35 Ur«hane Mount Pad. pair ............ 8 The Weyhrich car was first on had a fuH hour on second place the road when it was seen doing when he went through Mile 466. a terminal endo. No one was in-Co~tinued on page 29 •• RACE l'RE, 930 CVS Ffllrl 6ltmltl 1311s II 1/ac,pnp '30. German 930 OJ .................... $55 Chromol'J 930 cage .................. 45 Race Pttp 930 CV .................... HO HD'/, 930CV Bolt, 12 Polrll ......... 1 Boot And fbnge for 930 ........... 28 930 CHROMOLY CV CASE Allon Mdlliollll P/,o/Jfll Ill no C'I Jolol. $tr0Jlftr c,,. CIIIIICI II lrutltlf. 930 Chromo~ CV <:age, uch .. $45 HEIM JOINTS CJttomo,, 1111111 Jobllr l/lffllf Lrlr 1H Rlfht fund TllrHt •1,· x 'I• Heim Joint ................. $31 '/l X '/: Helm Joint .................... 38 W X ~•• HiOh MOIi Heim Joinf .. 49 w Jam Nut ............................. .2 'II Jam Nut .................................. 3 ¼" ~ '/J' X 'I<" Misalignment Specer .............................. 7 w X '/,' X '// MlsallQnment Spacer ................................... 7 'It t '/, X 'Ii MlsallQnment Spicu .................................. 8 'It x '/,' X 'H Misalignment Spacef ................................... 8 w Thfad Cllromoly rube Boss .a 'It Thread Chrornol',' Tube Boss .a 930 CHROMOLY STIJBAXLES& DRIVE FI.All6ES Stub Alclel tor 930CV, palr .... $HO Stub Aldes1or Bus OJ, •..• $140 DliYe flangs tor 930 CV, pair _.70 Ddve fllooes tor Bus CV, pa k ... 70 HEA,,ffu",'/Jl,JffUsmMANcvmmrs BIIQl8us Trans to AIID BOOTS 8-lle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug, cv Jolllt.-................. $42 BUg/811$ Trans to 9~ Alms. .... 130 Bug, CV Boal .................... , ......... ◄ BUglBus TtaMI03x3Arms BMs. CJ Jolnt ............................. 48 tor 930 CV s ............. -.-HO Bus, CJ Boot ....... --··-·"""""6 23' or2◄' Mes Jor930CVs • .260 930. CVJokll ......................... 55 24'•28' M300 tor 930 CV 3<IO 930, Boot ind Ranae ............... 28 CROW SAFETY BELTS a· Up""' r,1111 S,-./11 z· Ill 3• SIIOll/dtr lllntturl A,.IIIO/t llt3, 4, orlfhllllBlntOtGrty. 3" X 2" 3 Poilll ...................... .$68 3• X 2' ◄ Point ......................... 68 3• X 3" 3 Poinl ......................... 80 3• X 3" 4 Point ......................... 80 3• x 2· 3 Pt w/Shoufder Pad ... .88 3• x r 4 Pl wfSholllder Pad .... 88 3• xs• 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 3• • 3· 4 Pl w/Shoulder Pad .. 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS AJl/labft /or r Of;,• Shllu/d,r lllmt#, I/Id; Bl., Or Rrd. 2" Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. $2◄ 3· Shoulder Harness Pad$. pr .... 28 UM/TINS STRAPS Aralllb/t /11 OOllb/11 or Quads. ,,,,, trom 1' /." Nylon Wlbll/ng 11/111 II 5./)00, /lal/nf Ind 4130 SIHIBraitelJ. AJIJ/lblr '" 1r-20"L1111/h1. Double Limilino Strap .............. $18 Quad Limiting Str.ip ................... 2◄ AdjusUble Clevis. Slnole ............ 28 CENTERLINE WHEELS UL Sl'ORTSTER htJH A#mfllllll Mtrt/1 lllf#I l'rllllllrl Flilllll. 15-4 SVW,~.-· ........ $159 t5x5 svw ..................... 163 15x6 SVW .. - ......... ,.-... 163 15X7 51/W, .• ,-.... - ........ 166 1SX4 SWl.- ... -... ,_ .... 169 15X10 51/W"'""""""' ......... 176 Ot,/y 11"Wldel 11111 YOII C,111/R -fllliol/ Sr,IJ In llll"'rfll • ... • '"" C"1IIII,. AwiJfflf It,_,, /il9J. 46 Of 48" nide ............. ....,., LI Sportster Sul, Low-Baclc$16S BEARD SOPER SEAT L~-r1iaoWNS0 MOUl/1 KIT LlQhl 11\dY r. Down, 1•r: x6' SldelTII Comblnaioft •••.•••• ..$110 Slrap. 5.000I Ca!taci1Y ..... $16 SldflSlkw Combina!IOO Raldlll Tit Oown.. ~ x7' lorll Sponster ............... 125 SIJ1p.10.000,Cipiclty ...... 24 Blaliel and Side Moun! OnlV . .50 Aide Strw ._ ... ,. ......................... 10 December 2005 Page 27

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• • • • . Page 28 I • RT o-CASINO Goo•fiEAII December 2005 Dusty Times

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Sam Berri lost an hour with a broken spindle and a lost wheel and tire, he got fixed and finished third in Class 1500. Bobby and BJ Baldwin had steering problems, finally got to the finish Mike Alden and Robby Woolworth were third in Class 8100, they had some problems but soldiered on to the finish. in third place in Class 1400, seen here at speed. The Gustavo Vildosola's, Sr. and Jr. took the Pro Truck win, they're seen here at speed in their Toyota. Gaughan still had almost an hour when he finished, one rear tire slowly losing air. He was ex-cited to have his last minute ride turn into a Class 1500 win with one of the sport's early heroes. Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt, driving Corky's car, finished sec-ond, still using the new transmis-sion designed by Corky and brought nearly to production-ready just before he died in Sep-tember. McMillin had an oil line break, which caused a "big fire", which melted one of his fans. He and his passenger got the fire out, and then Jesse Jones towed them into a pit for help. They lost about an hour and 20 minutes with repairs. After that the car ran hot because it had one less cooling fan. Sam Berri was third. He reported that his Honda Jimco had broken a spindle and he'd had to "chase the tire down" before he could make repairs and get going again. It cost him over an hour. In fourth it was Kirk Kontilis, whose Foddrill had suf-fered three flats, lost its reverse gear and had been hung up in the trees for a while. Kontilis The Flippin brothers took the Class 1000 win in their Jimco, they were a nice sixth overall when the checkers flew. The Class 7200 win went to Larry Roese/er, he drove his BFG shod Ford to a nice victory,· a trouble free run is always nice. Dusty Times rove a t e way, an sai , I don't think I'm gonna do that again." Pat Dean was fifth, his car driven the final 17 5 miles by B.J. Richardson, whose own car had broken an input shaft. Dean had broken an A-arm after the second check and lost a lot of time. Sixth went to Scott Kincaid, who'd had a difficult day. He'd lost a transmission line, and had to wait for a spare to be brought out, and then later, while moving at about 80 miles per hour he hit a hole that he didn't see. That rolled him over, and cost him his lights. He was the final finisher in the class. Class 8000 had only two en-tries, and Curt LeDuc had as-sured a good start position by running his Ford in the Time Tri-December 200s a s. He ran near the front of the along with their Class 8000 win. pack, not having to deal with In second place it was Chris slower traffic much, and having Gray, in a Chevy, who enjoyed a a clean day. At Tonopah, his son clean run also, with only one Todd took over the driving, and flat, and took second place. continued to have a clean run. There were 10 Protrucks at the He was definitely in contention start, but they lost the Craig for a position high in the overall Smith, Jason Jernigan Ford be-standings. As they neared the fin-fore the first check. When they Jsh line LeDuc passed Lewis, reached Mile 315 Gustavo who'd been first on the road un-Vildosola, Jr., had the lead in his til he had that late flat. Lewis' Toyota and he had Rick L. hopes for an overall appeared to Johnson and Dane Cardone in be blasted, but LeDuc got only a the other Toyota, hot on his little way down the road and had heels. Steve and Ryan Staats, in not one, but two, flats, and while a Ford, were third, only a few he was replacing them, Lewis minutes back. They ran in a tight went by and earned his overall. group as usual, only Al Hogan, Once repaired the LeDucs were who'd broken his Ford's rear only about eight minutes behind end at the Cottontail pit, had Baldwin and Lewis, and took sec-suffered any appreciable down ond in the overall standings Continued an page 30 Page 29

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,-.------------------------------------------------------· ---Page 30 December 2005 Greg Foutz had a perfect day, he ran trouble free, took the Class 8100 win and finished 15"' overall as well. time. Staats had towed him in from about 7 5 yards out, and dropped him off, not losing more than three seconds in the doing. Vildosola, who'd been horri-fied in July when he saw the Ne-vada silt beds for the first time, had apparently lost his awe of them, and just drove steadily to-ward the finish line He said, "Dane was puttin' the pressure on the last couple of miles -but we held him off!" He had only one flat during the trip and took the win finishing fourth overall. Behind him, Johnson and Cardone each had a flat, but otherwise said it was "all in all, a good race". They were only a minute and 43 seconds back in second place. In third it was the Staats, who also reported just one flat during the long day. They were1 about nine minutes further back. Alan Levinson had his Ford fourth, reporting two flats and a tire that fell off. In fifth it was Robbie Pierce, in his first race as a driver. Pierce, who manufactures Mastercraft seats, said he'd learned a lot about seats. He'd had only one flat, and called the race an "amazing expe-rience." Jimmy Nuckles was sixth in his Ford, reporting a "terrible day". He'd had an awful head-ache all day, and when he'd had a flat, there'd been no jack handle. Hogan, who'd lost that rear end, was the last finisher, four hours behind the winning truck. In Class 10, with seven start-ers, two were gone before they'd hit Mile 125. Most of the rest ran pretty close together, but Tony McLaren, Toyota Penhall, was an hour off the pace after a rear wheel had fallen off and gone 2000 -2003, 2005 CORR 6'w DIEGO PRo SERIES PRO • LITE WINNER / CHAMPION JEFF KINCAID / TEAM POTAWATOMI TOYOTA TACOMA POWER Dusty Times

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Josh Hall had some shock troubles but the problem was eliminated and he took the Class 4100 win with ease. "away". The lug nuts had broken. McLaren cannibalized lug nuts from the remaining three wheels, put on his spare and carried on. At the second stop check, Scott Webster who was doing the race solo in Jim Oizney's Honda Jimco, had the lead. Oizney had planned to race, but changed plans due to the death of his fa-ther-in-law. Cousins Kenny and Clay Flippin, driving their first BITD race, in a Jimco, were not far back in second, and Allen and Scott Gerber ran third in their Lothringer. But they were having trouble getting it to shift. Wade Kelson and Todd Bogh were over two hours down to the leader; their Toyota Jimco had broken its front end and had to be welded back together. The Flippins had problems with two of their c.v. boots, and had to fill them with grease at ev-ery pit. But nothing else went wrong and they motored on in good shape to take the win and finish sixth in the overall stand-ings Behind them, Webster lost time when he flattened a tire and knocked the brake caliper off. He had to stop and plug the brake line, which cost him about 20 minutes. He finished second, tenth in the overall standings, only 15 minutes behind the win-ners. The Gerbers were third and McLaren was fourth, with Kelson and Bogh fifth, just three hours behind the winning team. They were the last finishers in the class. Three of the 7200 truck started, and the race was close for a while. Larry Roeseler put his Ford out in front early on, and just stayed there. John and Jonathan Swift and Andy Waters ran second in their old Ford. They broke a front spring mount and the rear leaf springs fell off the car and had to be re-mounted. They have a new car coming, which they expect to de-but at Henderson. Roeseler, meanwhile, never got out of his seat. He had no flats and didn't get stuck. He said the silt and dust was "incredible". At the finish he took the win and was hoping he'd made it up into about 20th overall. He was open-mouthed with surprise to learn that he had come in seventh in the overall standings. The Swift/ Waters team got their second place almost two hours later. There were two Class 5000 Tim Braden and Mitch Griffin shared the wheel, they ran trouble free and took the Class 7100 win in their Ford. Mike Falkosky had a great day, he stayed ahead of his competition and took the Class 3100 win in his good looking Ford. Dusty Times HE • Slows forward motion in the event al a crash • Allows head movement • No cumbersome collar to wear • Quick, one-time adjustment • Does not hook into lap belt • Reduces neck tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, especially where driver changes are common TDP DRIVERS UTILIZING THE D•CEl George Seeley • Ed, Tim & Troy Herbst • Larry "LR" Roese/er Mark Post • Nick Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan PFiueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Ride, Randy & Ronny Wilson Mike Julson • Bob Lofton • Mark & Gary Weyhrich • Dave Ashley Dan Smith • Kyle Taylor • Gus Vildosola • Rob MacCochren I ~lf.lll.'!-f",.,,)jr.,rl 1.B00.7lJ0.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 (Baja Bugs) at this event, but Vince Wavra and his team didn't enter. In any case, it was not a good day for the class, as one team, Drew Belk and Marty Maine, used up eight hours to cover 315 miles and then disap-peared, while the other team, Scott Hewitt and Jeff Nutter, were gone before getting to Mile 315. The 1600 cars didn't fare any better. The team of Steve and Alison LaRoza, John Dupree and Andy Grider did it the easy way. Their car broke (it "just quit") about 100 yards off the start line and never went another inch. They didn't even get dirty. The other team, Buddy Rossorelli and Shannon Underhill, did cover the first 125 miles, but didn't make it to the next check. Lance Magin got off the start line late in his Ford Class 3000 truck, and then broke early, Continued on page 32 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of the Year congratulations Arden Dennington 1st in Class 1/2·1600 SCORE Terrible's Short course -Las Vegas TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 December 2005 Page 31

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Drew Belk and Marty Maine got to the 315 mile mark but were seen Marc Stein fought rear end problems for a long while, he finally retired Tyler, Blake and Terry Henn disappeared somewhere after the 300 no more, here is a shot of their Class 5000 car. from the Class 4100 battle after 300 miles of racing. never getting even to the first their Ford were out, and Dave he hit a ditch and broke a half check. • Morrison and his Ford also dis-shaft. A bit further on in the day The Stock Full Size trucks appeared,. Greg Foutz had the he was side-hilling along and the fielded eight entries, but they · lead from early on in his Ford. truck quit running. After fid-lost two before the first check.. Chad Hall ran second in his H 1 dling with it for a while, Hall de-Dave Turner and Bill Bunch and Hummer, after losing time when termined he was out of fuel. So Page 32 December 200s mile mark, their Ford pickup was seen no more. he dumped a couple quarts of filled with diesel, he had no fur-automatic transmission fluid ther trouble with fuel. into the tank, and the Hummer Ultimately, Foutz, who had a fired up and went on. When they "perfect day", took the win, fin-got to the pits he had to have ishing 15th overall. Hall was see-the lines blown out, but once re-ond, and in third it was the team of Mike Alden and Robby Woolworth, in a Ford. They'd bent a tie rod and had to stop to add brake fluid. None of the others finished. There were three of the 7100 trucks, but only one got to the finish line. Tim Braden and Mitch Griffin shared the driv-ing in their Ford. They said they "Just took it really easy, and just drove it." Behind them Mike Koenig lost his steering box at Mile 356 and put an end to a day already beset by a broken axle and fuel pickup trouble. Tyler, Blake and Terry Henn and John Herman also went out af-ter Mile 315, their Ford victim to unknown problems. Class 4100 fielded only two vehicles. Josh Hall had his HZ Hummer in the lead from early in the day, and Marc Stein, in a Ford, ran second. Hall had some trouble with a blown shock seal, while Stein was dealing with broken rear end parts. Ulti-mately, Hall got a replacement shock and went on with no more trouble, to take the win, while Stein faded away after Mile 315. Just one modified JeepSpeed came to race, and it was a long, hard run for Justin Mamer, Jon Johnson and Arthur Duran. The early part of their day wasn't too bad, but then they had front end problems and had to have some welding done. That set them back a bit. But they carried on, and as they headed for the finish line, in the wee small hours of the night, their panhard rod broke. The front end was then fairly uncon-trollable, and they were forced to a pace of about 10 miles per hour for the final 30 miles. Just to make their day perfect, the rainstorm that had blown in at about 1 a.m., caught them, and since they had no windshield or windows, they got soaked, and cold. But they did get a finish at the BITD Vegas to Reno race. The 7 300 class had three cars, all Fords, and all of them got through the first 125 miles. Carl Fitts had the lead early on, with Jerry Fisher in second place and Steve Olliges and Rob Mac-Cachren in third after replacing their transmission "in the morn-ing." When they got to Mile 315, Mac and Olliges were in the lead, the Fisher truck was second, by about an hour and Fitts was out. MacCachren and Olliges had no further trouble, and went on to take the win. The Fisher team was the last finisher of the whole Dusty Times

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j I race, coming across the finish line at about 5:54 a.m., with a time of 12:22:25. Precious few live bodies were still at the fin-ish line to welcome them home. Too bad. Class 3100, small SUV's, had two starters and one of the bet-ter duels of the day. Mike Falko-sky had the lead from early on, but Rod Hall had his new H3 Hummer only five minutes be-hind him at Mile 125. At Mile 315 Falkosky's lead had grown to eight minutes, as Hall stopped to have his torsion bars ad-justed. When they got to Mile 466, they'd been at it half a day and Falkosky still had only four min-utes. And when they got to the finish it was still Falkosky, only four minutes and 11 seconds in front. He said, "I murdered two tires -we've been busy, 'cause the Hummer was on our tail all day long." Hall, who dTove all the way also, never got out of his car. He said he'd missed a few turns and had one flat, which he had replaced in a pit. All told, he was pleased with his new truck's debut, but disappointed that he hadn't caught Falkosky. In the stock JeepSpeed class there were just two starters. Jim and James Hunt had the early lead, and were about an hour and a half to the good at Mile 315, but then fell out at Mile 412, at about 2 a.m. Radio re-ports said their trans was dead, and tranny fluid ran out as fast as the pit folks poured it in. Meanwhile, Guy Alldredge and Cale Wood kept moving steadily along. Well, maybe not steadily. They had a fuel pump problem, trouble with a crankshaft sen-sor, lot an ignition fuse, flat-tened a couple of tires, and got out onto a dry lake that sur-prised them by not being dry any longer. They eventually got to the finish, and took the win. There were three Sportsman class entries; a VW sedan driven by Garey and Tyler Leavitt from Pahrump, a nice two seater 1500 Arlia's Precision chassis driven by Dan and David Moore and a Rhino, entered by Cory, Jeanette and Darren Sappington. The Rhino had a Yamaha motor and had about four inches of travel, tires that were maybe 10 inches tall, and a yowling exhaust guar-anteed to deafen all those nearby after about a half hour. All three made it to Mile 125. The Moores had the lead there, but not by much. They'd rolled the car before Mile 77 and had lost some time in recovery and repairs. The Rhino was only 35 Rob MacGachren and Steve Olliges drove their Ford Ranger to the Class 7300 win, seen here with their dust cloud in hot pursuit. Justin Mamer, Jon Johnson and Arthur Duran had some major problems along the way but they soldiered on and took the Class 1700 win. minutes behind them at Mile 125. The Leavitts were about an hour and 15 minutes further back. Moore kept on going, and ul-timately made it to the finish line, at about 3: 10 a.m., for an-other finish. He's going to fin-ish this year as a Sportsman racer, and then start running in Class 1500 in 2006. The VW disappeared after Mile 125, and word came by radio that the Saggingtons had got almost to Tonopah, and had broken. It's a testament to their skill and stamina that they got that far in that vehicle. Once again, the BITD charmed the racers with an ex-citing and difficult race course, which adds the extra fillip of beautiful scenery, and close competition. It's also nice to be able to add a good finish in "the longest race in the United States" to a driver's resume. Next on the agenda is the sea-son-ending Henderson event, guaranteed to be tough, with 400 miles of southern Nevada desert to cover. Then the BITD starts it all over again with their Parker 425, on Feb-ruary 3, 4, 5, 2006. ~ Rod Hall had a flat and a few minor problems with his new Hummer, he finished in the second spot in Class 3100. Dusty Times December 2005 Dan and Dave Moore had a ball in their Sportsman vehicle, they led the class all the way. they're· seen here smoking the coarse. Guy Alldredge and Cale Wood had their share of troubles but they kept on going and took the win in the 1700 class. Page 33

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WHIPLASH SNOWFLAKE By Mike Del Col Caesar Wins At snowflake Photos: Nicole Del Col Charles Lathrem led all the way in the Class 10 contest at Snowflake, he's seen here airborne before some admiring eyes. The Pro 1-2 Class win and the overall went to Cesar Fuentes, he had eight minutes in hand at the checkers, seen here in his Chevy powered Porter. Whiplash put on a good race at Someguyinarobewascollectingwood betterbelievehedoes.Thistime,Cae-Bruce Bonestroo made it look kinda easy, he led the Pro B battle all the way and took the win with 15 minutes in hand. Snowflake this year. Snowflake is typi-talking about building a boat. It was a sar brought his beam car pre-runner With Caesar's Fox Motorsports cally Whiplash's biggest race of the sea-deluge. The floor of my tent was more to Snowflake just to have a little fun. car leading the charge in the Class 1 son, and 2005 was no exception. It like a waterbed. It was torrential. The He did just that, and collected an over-ranks, the remainder of the field was was an interesting race, with a good gathering animals and the water on the all victory by a margin of about six min- giving chase with all they had. Kevin turnout Snowflake attracted 79 en- course caused the Whiplash officials utes. Caesar ripped off five very quick McMullen ended up second in the tries mixed between Pros and Sports- to call off the sixth lap for the Sports- laps with an ET of just 2:25:30. That's Unlimited class in his big four seater. man taking the green flag. The original man racers, and to cancel altogether coo kin' folks. Caesar's beam car is no Kevin had multiple problems on the game plan was that the Pros would race the evening Pro race. Many of the rac-slouch however, with an LS 1 on tap day, including two sick co-drivers, and five laps in the morning, followed up erswere disappointed, but most were with400horsespushingthetwoseater a new 427 small block that broke a with six more laps after dark. The thankful and recognized that the wa- like a rocket ship. It also doesn't hurt rocker stud on Lap 4 that put him Sportsman racers would enjoy six laps ter, darkness, and some darn solid trees that Caesar drives the wheels off of the down on power to the field Kevin also in the afternoon. The weather was were likely a dangerous proposition, thing. So the big question, was it the mentioned that the dust was a huge great, with some nice cool weather, a and they were satisfied with the out- car, or the driver? Considering that factor, and he was quickly learning to few ominous clouds, and a sprinkle come. Caesar backed up his Snowflake win drive via GPS, until he slammed into a here and there. Race day was more of Caesar Fuentes comes to race Whip, with a Class 1 victory at the SCORE truck in the dust The issue of the sick the same, with just enough cool breeze lash all the way from Juarez, Mexico Primm event the following weekend in co-drivers also seems to be a common to keep the dust moving. That was Part and he always has an interesting story his Porter race car, -you have got to be-problem in the McMullen four seater. 1 of the weekend Part 2 fell apart rather to tel1 We all know who he is ... with an lieve that the man just plain knows how It has happened before -and this time quickly. In the afternoon, just about organized crew, spotless race car, and to drive. Faceit-whateverracecarCae- it was two seasoned racers. Must be midway thru the Sportsman race, the the man comes to race. If -you know sar shows up with at a Whiplash event some real swooshy motion going on in skies opened up, and the rains fell. It Caesar, you also know that he talks a -he is the man to beat. Looks like the that vehicle. The effort is sponsored by rained for nearly three solid hours... pretty good game. He talks the talk, SCORE guys had better watch their Metal Tech, and Kevin McMullen Rae-Animals were lined up two by two. but does he walk the walk? You had rearviewmirrorsaswelL ingTransaxles.JarrettLernleyfollowed ~-----------------------,,------------------------, the McMullen racer to finish in third position. Sand Trix owner Dale Steike was at the wheel for the morning con-test, and clicked off five very consistent laps. A scant eight seconds separated the second and third place finishers. Reuben Wood brought the Wood Brothers Hay Company Jimco across the line in the fourth position. Reuben and the crew had freshly converted the car from a self destructive Class 10 ma-chine to its current form in Class 1 by swapping the troublesome Toyota powerplant with an Adam Wiks Scat V 4. Reuben and the team are still work-ing out the bugs on the little motor, and it was not pulling as it should have been at Snowflake. Reuben had the displeasure of finishing first on the road, only to be beaten on time by the other guys. Never a good feeling. Mike Szlauho was another 10 minutes be-hind Reuben, and finished in the Rob Martensen took the silver medal in the Pro 10 race, he was just A nice second place in Pro B went to Jeffrey Bracale, he's seen here Second place in the Pro 7 contest, John McNeil drove his Ford a wee bit off the winning pace at Snowflake. s/ighffy airborne heading for the checkered flag. pickup to the silver medal at the Snowflake contest. Scott Mills makes a nose heavy landing on his way to a very close Jim Saraceno had the Sportsman Limited class won but a lengthy Ruben Federico was running well 'ti/ his long last lap, he finished second place in Sportsman 10 at the Whiplash event. fourth lap dropped him to second place on the podium. second in Sport Mini, he's seen here at touchdown. Page 34 December 2005 Dusty Times

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. I Jarrett Lemley was consistent and fast, he finished third in Pro 1-2, Todd Elam had a long fourth lap, he finished third in the Pro 10 fight, Mike Doherty sets up for a right hander, Mike drove to a decent third he was 8 seconds out of second, 8 minutes out of the win. _h_es_se ... e_n_h_e_re_i_n"7'g_ra_ce_fu_l..,fl~ig~h.,..t . ......,.-----.---.--=----.---:--.--place finish in the Pro 8 contest at Snowflake. fourth position. Craig Deck had his the previous owners that must have carbecamehookedfronttoback. The theincidentasoneofthoseracingdea!s. completing five laps in 2:44:38. Jeff pristinefourseatpre-runnercomplet- played on Billy's mind ... Hondo teamsworkedtogetherandhadtore-Hondo had been having problems BracaleandMikeDohertyfinishedsec-ing five laps to fmish in the fifth posi- Jimenez and Red Burgin hooked up move Red's front tires, jack and lower anyway with power steering issues very ond and third respectively. Jeff's tion. The Foddrill four seater carried on the course quite literally, and basi- cars, and took them over an hour to early in the race. Bracale Realty Ford lightning was likely Craig, his mother, and his 72 year old cally took each other out of the race. get the cars separated. Fortunately, all Bruce Bonestroo came out on top a little underpowered on this course, grandmother around Snowflake in Red went to tap Hondo before a pass, parties involved were gentlemen, no of the Class 8 fracas. Bruce's truck was but he hung in there finishing about fine style. Craig was fighting with an and thru a freak series of events, the hard feelings ensued, and everyone left sounding great, and moving very well Continued 1n page 36 intermittent fuel delivery problem, as the $2 fuel pump relays were heating up and shutting off. Interesting fact about this team• Craig's Grandma-ma is a long time off road racer, and her last co-driver was ... Ivan Stewart. The remainder of the 11 car strong Class 1 didn't fare so well, and fell short of the five lap mark. Justin Smith was the hired gun for the G&R racing team, taking the wheel for Ron Whitten who preferred the seat in the helicop-ter over the race car on this day. Justin was running very well until he clipped Todd Romano in car #126 with the right front when he blew a corner. Af. ter some jockeying• Todd got away with Justin in hot pursuit, only to watch him blow another corner and roll the car. After a few minutes to assess that Todd and his co-driver were all right, Justin continued only to break the right front tie rod somewhere down the road. Most likely the cause was the earlier im-pact. After taking lots of time, Todd Romano was able to fight his Tatum two seater. The process required jack-ing the car, and multiple McGyver-type actions to get the big car back on its wheels. Romano finished four laps. The other entries in Class 1 completed three or less, and were DNF. Charles Lathrem was up to his usual antics, winning Class 10 in his Major Performance Honda powered Jimco. Charles "in Charge" is always either winning or broke, and he ran flawlessly on this day completing five laps in 2:31:48 to finish second overall with the class win. Charles' Jimco is the color of the stealth fighter, and that's just how he seems to win. The man is sneaky fast. Rob Martensen finished second in class, with very consistent trouble free laps. Todd Elam was set• ting a very good pace, and was slowed on the fourth lap by about 10 minutes to change a flat tire. Funny thing was• the flat was caused by a nail picked up on the course, not one of the million rocks on the track. .. Todd recovered to finish in third position in the class. Loren Brown finished fourth behind Elam, some three minutes back. Loren also had a good run, with an extended Lap 2 that cost him some positions. The remaining guys in Class 10 failed to complete the five lap assignment. Scott Rhone got in four laps, spending lots of time trying to get his ill-running motor worked out. The team turned the carb thru the entire race but never really got the car working well enough to stay competitive. Ed Beard had a motor problem and a lack of tools cost him dearly, with an extended third lap. Ed timed out after completing four. BillyTsakaris had plenty of problems in his Chenowth Millennium car, Billy had brake problems, and is still getting used to the power band in the racer. That car also has had some bad expe• riences at Snowflake at the hands of Dusty Times Rubicon shown with optional lumbar 1 800 565 4042 Top Competitors in every Major Ofl Road Event Choose MasterCralt Seats and Restraints Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaronl Dave Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schwelsow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule December 2005 Page 35 i ' l • f I I I

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:#&, ~ ·,:.· SUPPORTING OFF-ROAD RACING FOR 35 YEARS KC Contingency Awards are available in the ·· following sanctioning organizations' 2005 events: Best In The Desert, CORR, MORE1 SCORE1 SNORE & VORRA KC also offers contingency programs tor lJROC, ProROCK and select rally events. Contact KC HiLiTES direct at 928-635*2607 for complete details. • 8 inch diameter polished or black stainless steel housings • Select from either competition tong range or driving heam patterns • Available in super bright 130 watt Halogen or u1tra bright HID models NEW KC FRONT END LITE BARS: • Bolts to existing factory holes -NO DRILLING REQUIRED • Mounting tabs for 3 or 4 eight inch dia. lights on truck bars; 2, 3 & 5 lights on Jeeps (depending on model) • Textured black powder coated finish • Applications for 4WD (and some 2WD} Ford, GM, Dodge & Toyota trucks, H2 and Jeep Wranglers • UPS shippable • Made in the u .S.A.

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Leo Nenortas had a pretty good day, he finished in third place in the Brett Randall drove his Jeep to a decent third place in the Pro 7 race, Mike Herrick only made three of the four required laps in Sportsman Unlimited, he's seen here flying straight and level. Pro 1/2-1600 class, he's seen here in nice level flight. another Randall generation takes to the desert. 15 minutes behind the leader. pable again in the Class 1600 battle. some 14minutesback. LeoNenortas, Doherty' s BF Goodrich sponsored VolksPower Jeff led eight cars to the Brent McKee, and David Pulley machine made a good showing, but checkers in 2:44: 17 and sixth overall in rounded out the top five finishers in had a long second lap due\o a broken his flaming single seater. Jeff looked the class. David had a good run going tie rod sustained in the man made in- comfortable from the get go, took the with the exception of a roll-over on the field section jumps. Fortunately, the lead on the first lap, and never looked fifth and final lap. Pulley is supported guys from the C&R Pit were on the back. (Thanks for the correction, Jeff.) by Poorboy Termites, and Foddrill Fab. spot with a welder, and got Doherty Young Derek Geiser piloted his two Despite some cheerleading by wife fused back together and on his way seater to second place behind Knupp Wendy, Dan Fann had a rough go in with about a 20 minute delay. Big thanks from the Doherty crew to the Whitten Plumbing Crew. How ironic-plumbers helping plumbers! Benny Fenn, Randall Racing, and the Ottersberg team were all DNFs com-pleting less than three laps. The Randall Racing team was sidelined by a broken driveline that punctured the transmis-sion pan. Repairs were made and the team soldiered on in two wheel drive, but was disappointed at the outcome. There was a great race in the Class 5 Unlimited ranks. JeffHustin held off a very hard charging Joe Bombardier to earn the win. Joe had a very long sec-ond lap, and played catch-up for the next three laps. Just about six minutes separated the two. Jammin' Jeff Knupp was unstop-Jeff Knupp was Mr. Consistency, 32 and 33 minute laps, led Class 1/2-1600 all the way and took the win with 14 minutes to spare. the race, blowing up his motor with- ter a collision with another car bent a out completing a lap. This race will spring plate, and trailing arm ending likely be his last in the older single seater, his day. as Dan has ponied up and is building a The Class 7 trucks put on a pretty new two seat McMullen 1600. Look good showing with three competitive for the car to debut next year in the entries doing battle. William SCORE series. Bill Janss came all the Dickinson brought his truck to the way from El Paso, TX to race a Snow- checkers with four laps completed in flake, and his effort was short lived af-Continued on page 38 Tim Wiley had a fairly easy race, he took the Pro 3 class win with ease, he's seen here patriotically heading for the checkers. 1ed Ei tested Stranger !lliiii----~~---Lighter Beadl,xks:-: ... ablue □black ... Dusty Times ther cast wheels emarket unter Pressure Casted Aluminum atin Smooth chine · · 4. 15x eadlac ig Patt n if!.D5m December 2005 □red . opal/shed• Page 37 ! . f I I I I I I

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Scott Cebu/ski finished third in Sportsman 10, a long last lap helped Brandon Nelson came up a lap short in the Sportsman Truck race, Charlie Brown only got in three of the five required taps in Sportsman to keep him in the bronze medal category. he's seen here flying his Ford towards the finish line. Umited, he's seen here at speed on the course. Marl< Fiske took the Sportsman 10 honors, but it was close, he took the win with only a minute, 10 seconds in hand. 2:45:45. Any race wouldn't be com-plete without a McNeil truck in the mix, and John McNeil finished sec-ond in the class, just six minutes in arrears. Brett Randall had his mostly stock jeep on the track. Class 3 fielded two entries at Snow-flake, with Tim Wiley as the man to beat in the class. Tim was a passenger in the morning run, with driver Steve Moe at the wheel. It was Steve's first time behind the wheel of the racer and he got to the line ahead of David Moore. Dave completed only three laps. Moore brought out his stock Ford Explorer racer out of mothballs to compete at Snowflake. He was bumped off the course by a Class 10 car, broke a bunch of stuff, and got a flat tire as a result. The team Explorer • POWERFUL • PRECl§E 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless,A/uminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE is typically a BiTD racer, and will be at the Vegas to Reno after repairs. Wren Martin had a short race in his Pro Challenger. Wren rolled the car at about the three mile mark, snap-ping the input shaft of the tranny end-ing his day. The Sportsman classes were up in the afternoon with six laps on the agenda. The morning weather tricked the racers into thinking it would be dry and dusty, and many were unpre-pared for the heavy rains they encoun-tered thru the race. Scott Zimmerman got a little lucky and took the win af-ter a blazing fast Richard Kosar broke on the final lap handing him the win. Zimmerman was the only entry in the Sportsman Unlimited cars to com-plete four laps. Kosar broke the drive (541)382-1573 . Page 38 Michael Kowitz each completed three to finish second and third in the class. Gator Stapley had a tough day after a bolt fell out of one of his front shocks in the rain. He had other ter-minal problems and completed just two laps. Eight entries turned out for the Sport Mini class. This may have been the best turnout of minis in Whip-lash history. Cody Calvelage was the class winner, with Reuben Frederico taking second place. Both trucks com-pleted five laps in the rain. Whiplash has committed to two more races in the 2006 season. Rac-ers will get to race "the pit" in Gila Bend in November. "The Pit" is an ft was a good race for Joe Weining, he drove his Ford pickup to the Sportsman interesting race course, that is about Truck win with 55 minutes in hand at the checkers. ..:..:...:::..::.:..:.....:..:..:.....:..:..:..c..:..._....:..:..:. _ __:._..:.c:.. r _-_-_-_'-'-_--'_-_'-'-_'--' _'--' _-'-_-'-_-_-_-_-_--' _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___ fi_ve_m_i~les long, very rough, and very clutch in the Arctic cat tight. It's an old gravel pit, powered machine. that really treats spectators MichaelKennedyhada since nearly the entire very long first lap after •■•IEJ!~~ course is visible from the breaking a stub axle. He edge. Whiplash racers will did recover to finish a be going back to Mexico in couple more laps. Mike December to finish out the Herrick had his single year. Additional details of seater running well. theseraceswillbeavailable Mike had a fresh junk soon. yard 4.3 litre Chevy Once again Snowflake powerplant in his car. lived up to its billing of The motor had a gentle "THE RACE". With some 150k miles on it before great racing, and some wild the race. The race car ........................ ..1 weather, there was some-ran well for Mike, with Neil Weaver came up a lap short in the Sport Mini contest, he's seen thing there for everyone -lots of power, but over- here nicely airborne, flying towards the finish line. racers and spectators alike. heated Mike called it a day. and she was the only entry in the class Stay tuned for details on the final two The Sport 10 class had a great turn- to complete five laps. Jim Saraceno races of the season and I'll see you at out, with 10 entries. Mark Fisk came got in four, and Charlie Brown and the next one! · out on Tom after a good battle with Scott Mills, and Scott Cebulski dur-ing the dry laps. Once it started rain-ing, sounds like it got a little hairy for all three dicing in the trees and on the powerline road. Cebulski commented about seeing a pile-up of several cars at the bottom of the big drop during the rain storm. He pushed past on his ray to victory, only to have his right rear tire come off just a few miles be-fore the finish. By the time he recov-ered Fisk and Mills got by to claim first and second positions. Scott was also handicapped just a little bit, since he elected not to wear his scuba gear. John Hart also finished all five laps, and really enjoyed the rain and the water on the course. His Toyota pow-ered Class 10 racer sloshed thru with no problems. The Myers/Mask rac-ing team and Russ Aorence each com-pleted four laps to earn the fifth and sixth spots in the class. The remainder of the field completed three laps or less. Keith Hughes had a good run going in his beautiful new Tatum car, but determined that the motor would not run under water, and he called it a day. Ty Loyd was on a blistering pace, but also did not finish the race and completed only two laps. Joe Weining and Steven Skinner finished first and second in the Sport Truck class. Steve wowed the infield crowd by flipping the truck right near the finish line. In the Sportsman Limited class, Krissy Sullivan splashed her way to vic-tory. The car was working very well, December 2005 The Sportsman Limited win went to the Sullivan/Anderson Team, they were the only one's in class to finish the 5 required laps. Literally flying to the Sportsman Mini win, Cody Calve/age took the win with more than 40 minutes in hand. Dusty Times T

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SNORE Drivers Make Wishes Happen By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Martee's Race Photos Don Wall, creator of the "Wish Ride" gets ready to take off with Josh Maze in the co-pilots seat. jor contributors this year was Jerry Herbst. A special thanks to Mr. Herbst. The monies raised will grant three children their wishes. It takes about $5,000 to fulfill one wish. This in-cludes transportation for the child and the family, hotel expenses and whatever the cost may be for the actual wish itself. There was a huge jumping inflatable for the kids to play on, there was rock wall climb-ing and a slide for their en-joyment. The children also made and decorated kites and, not to forget the food, over 200 hot dogs and ham-burgers were served under a huge tent. All the kids received check-e red flags, race posters, autographed pictures, lots of stickers, and, best of all, Jeff Cepelik, an old friend who races a 1600 car, donated 100 die-cast metal Trophy Trucks for the children. To say the drivers were envious would be an understatement. Everybody got a self portrait or two, compliments of Martee's Race Photos, Barstow, CA. Dusty Times would like to praise all those who contrib-uted their time, money and effort to make this annual event a huge success. If you would like to make a dona-tion to this worthy cause, send your check (made out to Wish Ride) to Dusty Times and we'll get it on to the proper people in Las Vegas. Special thanks to Don Wall, Maryetta Bowman and all the drivers who brought out their equipment ~or this The second annual "Wish Vice President of SNORE "Wish Ride" benefits chil-Ride", in support of the (Southern Nevada Off Road dren with life threatening ill-Make-A-Wish Foundation Enthusiasts) is the driving nesses and this year's event was held on Saturday, Octo-force behind the "Wish tripled last year's by raising ber 8, 2005, utilizing 10 Ride" which is put on by $15,000, all of which is do-miles of the SNORE Gold SNORE members, their fami-nated to the Make-A-Wish Coast 250 course. Don Wall, lies and volunteers. The Foundation. One of the ma-BillDriggsbpughthistruckoutfortheeventandgaveathrillridetoRogerOrtiz. Billy Shapley does a bit of helmet fastening for Jarod Bressler, who is Laine Knecht has Daniel Drugut in the passenger seat, Dan's father, Steve Alexander drives by a reminder of some of these kids problems anxiously waiting for his ride. Dorin Musat behind Laine and Nolin Brandt in the other rear seat. with Jace Tajon in the co-drivers seat. ittt ,., iii Kenny Freeman took McKay/a Johnson for a nice spin in his "Rhino". Class 9 ace Corey To"es takes off with Austin Dehay co-driving, Big John Phegley (not pictured) with Wish Kid T.J.Dehay, gets ready Is McKay/a having a good time? You bet!!!! Jeremy Sheehan and Justin Wilde bring up the rear. to roll, Jake Bowman and Glen Barnes check things out. Jeremy Gubler is going to make Alex Kelley a happy kid, Jeremy Jim Kirchefer has Damian Nunez in the front seat, Moe Seebeck (r) Don Wall, with 2nd year rider Christopher Duran on board, takes the introduced Alex to some of the fun of off roading. and Michael Nunez (/) ready for a trip to the food tent. checkered flag from John Pellessier. Dusty Times December 2005 Page 39

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l.l\lcC:: RALLEY DE FRANCE·49rH TOUR DE CORSE By Martin Holmes Loeb/Citroen Take The Win Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena won the 49th Tour De Corse in their Citroen Xsara, seen here at speed on a Stage. The agony for Citroen title in a C2 vanished when "Isle of Beauty" was the two continues! The one thing his car stopped with a sud-rally chassis rule, plus ral-they really hoped to achieve den electrical fault. But, lies on consecutive weekends on home ground was their there was no denying. No-plus paired engines! A chas-third successive Manufac-body in current day rallying sis in fact was defined as turers' title but it was not had ever won every stage, that part of the roll cage on to be. They were thrilled Loeb was clearly the top of which the FIA's chassis that Sebastien Loeb scored the class. On an unusually identification sticker was a most emphatic victory, dry Tour de Corse, the affixed. The rest of the car, and that they had, for the Finnish driver Toni engine excepted, could be first time, won this event in Gardemeister came second, changed at will,. Even the a World Rally Car, but the beating Petter Solberg. day before the start, the reality could be seen in the In 2003, the FIA broke rules about what and when team's faces, they were not fresh ground when they or-penalties should be applied entirely ecstatic. There was dered that Corsica and in Catalunya had not been last day disappointment Catalunya would be held defined, although the regu-when Francois Duval was on successive weekends. lations for Catalunya stated withdrawn after an acci-That did not happen in that failure to run the same dent badly damaged his car. 2004, instead in 2004 there chassis on both rallies This followed the disap-was more new ground, the "may" be penalised, whether pointment on the second FIA's revolutionary two or not the car finished in day when Daniel Sordo's rally engine rule! Now in Corsica. The two rally en-hopes of winning the Junior 2005 the novelty of the gine rule says the penalty Page 40 December 2005 Mirco Baldacci and Giovanni Bemacchini took the win in the JWRC competition, seen here in their Fiat Punto. for an engine swop was de-pendent on the car not re-tiring on the first event. The limitation, however, was not the restriction of components but the time available for doing any work on the car. Assuming the post Tour de Corse fer-ries from Corsica to the mainland were on time, there was only the guaran-tee of one day, maybe a fraction more, to work on the cars before Catalunya Rally. These things, how-ever, were not uppermost in the minds of the weeks be-fore the event. There had been some very determined industrial action on the is-land which threatened firstly to prevent teams and visitors from travelling to the island. And if they safely arrived, maybe it would threaten their depar-ture -and wreck the inno-cent Spanish event. Happily life on the island became more settled as the rally ap-proached and everyone ar-rived without problem. This was the setting for the 14th round of the full 2005 championship, and the penultimate round in the FIA's Junior world championship. Not much else was new, just a couple of stretches of road not used before and a series of promotional events aimed at entertaining the specta-tors and visitors. After Sebastien Loeb retained the World Drivers' title in Ja-pan, Ciuoen's main chal-lenge now was to try to win the Manufacturers' title. There was also a personal challenge for Loeb: he had never won his country's world championship quali-fier ... The independent OMV Citroen team ran only one car on this event, which was driven by Xavier Pons. For reasons of respect for tragic events in earlier years involving rally cars bearing the competition number 4, the organisers of the rally planned to revert to an earlier tradition of not using this competition number on this event. The competition number issued instead for Ford's number two driver, Roman Kresta, was 15, but number 4 duly appeared on the car. In their inimitable individual style, the door number plates on cars were the usual size, but the bold and proud name of the country where the rally was held was not there. The word Corsica measured exactly 7mm high! Following Markko Martin's decision not to continut Dusty Times

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• I( with Peugeot this year Nicolas Bernardi was in-vited to drive the number two Peugeot on the two re-maining asphalt events. There were four Skoda Fabia WRCs, three works cars and one entered by Eq uipe de France FFSA for Nicolas Vouilloz, to be run by First Motorsport. Mitsu-bishi had technical novel-ties, an underfloor fuel tank {like their Group N cars) which allowed a better RESTRICl:!.1 m: AACW1'JS ONLY Dusty Times layout of the boot area. Statistically it was getting close ... After Rally Japan, Marcus Gronholm and Sebastien Loeb had each won 18 world champion-ship rallies (but, of course, are some way behind the most successful drivers) while both Peugeot and Ford are equal with 48 wins, with only Lancia hav-ing a greater record of suc-cess. In the Junior WRC, the two drivers who elected to miss this event were the Suzuki Swift drivers Per-Gunnar Andersson and Guy Wilks. The British driver Justin Dale had entered a Ford Fiesta Super 1600 but that was cancelled. The weather was not very nice, warm and wet, the air was heavy with high humidity as the visitors arrived. On the Wednesday night there was a very heavy storm and wa-ter was everywhere when the crews started their Shake-December 200s down. By midday, however, the sun was coming out and the portside service park became a nicer place to be. The usual trio dominated the practice run. This time Loeb was in front of Gronholm and Solberg, with Panizzi joint third. The only other excitement at Shakedown was when Pavel Valousek rolled his Ignis. The city of Ajaccio mean-while became a traffic nightmare as a major road repair scheme got under way and contributed to Loeb committing the cardinal sin of being late for the FIA's Press Conference. Gronholm arrived in good time, but ruffled, after a high speed lift on a motor-cycle! Gronholm was pessi-mistic. Even though the sus-pension of the 307 has pro-gressively improved over the last months, he said "I will still be happy even if I fin-Continued DR page 42 Page 41 --

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Second place in JWRC went to Daniel Sordo and Marc Marti, seen here in their great looking Citroen C2. Third place in JWRC went to Kosti Katajamaki and Timo Alanne Stephane Sarrazin and Denis Giraudet comer hard in their Subaru heading for a stage finish in their good looking Suzuki lgnis. lmpreza, they finished fourth in the Corsican Rally. Toni Gardemeister and Jakke Honkanen were second overall in Corsica, seen here at speed heading for a stage finish. ish third". He was also en-vious of the success of Michelin on this event in re-cent years, confirming that they had tested the latest dry Pirellis but not the lat-est wet versions. Before the rally, Michelin were morti-fied that one of their all-conquering BTO gravel tyres had been stolen in Japan, a fate which Pirelli also suf-fered. There were some enjoy-able pre-event functions. Ford celebrated the 100th outing of the Focus World Rally Car, and hoped for the chance of their first World rally win since Catalunya 2004, nearly a year ago. Team chief Malcolm Wilson gave a little speech, confirm-ing they had now started testing work with the 06 car and described the anguish of a certain rally photographer who had travelled the length of England to take some scoop pictures, only to leave the test site a half hour be-he pulled further ahead by for the second lap had been fore the prototype actually the same margin. Marcus 99% dry. Duval had arrived! His drivers were Gronholm was second but changed the suspension and buoyant, Toni Gardemeister was being pushed hard by differential set-up for the said the one undisputed Toni Gardemeister, despite afternoon to obvious good thing about the current Fo-suffering a brake pedal that effect, as did Sarrazin on his cus was that it was at least felt unduly hard. Francois Subaru. Roman Kresta good on tarmac. Later, Duval was equally close be-struggled with his · co-Subaru had an open air bar-hind Gardemeister while driver's door forever coming becue for which the rain Petter Solberg was not far open. Harri Rovanpera had duly stopped and the sun behind. Not doing so well a broken mousse and a con-came out. were the Mitsubishis, all out tinuing gearshift problem. Leg 1 of the ten top at midday, Schwarz had power steering 4 Stages, asphalt, each of the three cars suf-failure. Panizzi had worsen-121.34kms. fering semi-auto gearshift ing brake problems, which Overnight the Stewards failure, their three drivers culminated in complete fail-had been at work . .It turned having to revert to manual ure on Stage 4. In the pri-out that it was not only shifting. Gilles Panizzi also vately run Fabia, Vouilloz Loeb who had missed the had a broken shock ab-had hydraulic failure which FIA's Press Conference -at sorber, Gianluigi Galli a affected the transmission. the trial JWRC conference, broken EMI mousse. Drivers First casualty in JWRC came Dani Sordo was missing as running a little further near the end of the first well! Penalty for the double back found a lot of gravel stage when Alan Scorcioni World Champion -Euros had been sprayed on the retired his Fiat Punto with 4000, for Sordo -Euro roads by earlier cars, a broken gearbox. The two 500. It was a dry day and Stephane Sarrazin, Jan Kronos C2 drivers were fast-the sun was out! On the Kopecky and Xavier Pons est, Dani Sordo ahead of a first stage there were a lot each spun near the start of frustrated Kris Meeke, of pfaces under the trees the first stage. One top pulled away from the oppo-which were still slippery driver was missing: Chris sition at more than 20 sec-while the second stage was Atkinson had what ap-onds a stage. Next best was virtually all clear. Sebastien peared to be clutch prob-Mirco Baldacci in front of Loeb zoomed into the lead, lems between Stages 1 and Urmo Aava. The recently ac-wi n ni ng the first stage 2. He struggled through claimed Finnish champion (32km) by 13 seconds then Stage 2 and with two more Kosti Katajamaki com-on the 27km second stage, stages to run (the "Five plained that the set-up on Minute Rule" relating only his lgnis was too soft. Luca to the number of individual Betti punctured near the stages, not their lengths), end of Stage 1 but was able his entry was withdrawn for to continue. Conrad the rest of the day. Eventu-Rautenbach spun. Several ally the Subaru mechanics drivers reported brake discovered it was, in fact, a problems on Stage 2, espe-driveshaft that had broken cially Meeke (they were ab-in an unusual way. Armin solutely gone for the final Schwarz had brake troubles 2km!), Betti and Martin on the second stage. Prokop. In Group N, Jari-INTRODUCES ln the afternoon, Loeb Matti Latvala pulled away by continued on his winning over a half minute a stage way and ended the day fast-from the Bulgarian Georges est on every stage. On Stage Tanev, both in Subarus. 3 Duval leapfrogged ahead Like Loeb in the overall clas-of the Finns Gronholm and sification, Sordo in the Jun-Gardemeister to lie second ior category won every stage (so it was another 1-2 situa-in the day. Aava fell from tion, as in Germany). On fourth to seventh when he Stage 4 Gardemeister then had to stop and change a got ahead of Gronholm by wheel because of a flat tyre 5.5 seconds when the on Stage 3, then he suffered Peugeot lost a gear on the power steering failure on stage, which dropped Stage 4. Betti had another Gronholm to fourth place. puncture, again at the end Gronholm then retired just of the stage with little time after the end of the stage loss. Luca Cecchettini had without tackling the long trouble making downshifts road section back to and the engine had bad re-Ajaccio. To compound sponse. Page 42 PRECISION LIGHTING PRODUCTS December 2005 Peugeot's woes Nicolas Leg 2 Bernardi, their number two 4 Stages, driver, ar.rived with what 124.88kms. asphalt, initially appeared to be a Another fine day, another missing gear, after failure at day of total domination by the start of Stage 4. It was Loeb, but not for Citroen. all an illusion though, as it Fifty-three cars took the re-was due to an independent start. Francois Duval had a hydraulic failure. Loeb ar-bad start to the day, with a rived at service with a punc-leaking brake caliper half-tured rear tyre but nothing way through Stage 5 and else to report. Conditions complete failure on Stage 6. Dusty Times

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Francois Duval and Sven Smeets are seen here in their Citroen Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen speed along the Mediterranean Xsara before an accident put them out of the rally. Sea. They finished 10th in their Mitsubishi Lancer. At midday service he was Schwarz arrived at the end Warmbold had complete hy-down to fifth. Loeb was in of Stage 5 with two tyres, on draulic failure, with telltale control at the head of the opposite corners of the car, oily streaks down the side of field and even a puncture completely bald, something the car, leaving him with no on Stage 6 did not stop him which defied explanation, differentials and a car he winning the stage! Toni and the team withdrew the said was "undriveable". Gardemeister was up to sec-car while Alex Bengue had In JWRC Citroen's for-ond. Jim Kopecky was the gearshift failure and re-tunes were again failing first driver on the road, un-verted to manual. Petter them. Kris Meeke damaged der the reverse order rules. Solberg had to stop on his front suspension and "It certainly feels very odd! Stage 5 because of a specta-had to rebuild this at the Behind him Nicolas tor in the road - a wild pig! side of the stage, losing a Bernardi had a spin which Dani Sola lost his brakes quarter hour or so, which involved a lot of maneuver-when lying sixth and went let Mirco Baldacci up to see-ing before he could continue off the road on Stage 5, for-ond. For the moment Dani again. Mitsubishi's fortunes tunately with little damage. Sordo continued to win ev-were not so good. Harri In the afternoon Loeb ery stage. Urmo Aava fell Rovanpera had more gear-stormed on and Duval right back firstly with a shift and central differential passed Stephane Sarrazin puncture and then, 8km problems. He locked up the into fourth place. Roman "from the end of Stage 6, a differential to tackle Stage Kresta was lying sixth, de-broken driveshaft. Pavel 6, but it was understeering spite a small off road excur-Valousek stopped for the so much it was very difficult sion and no fewer than three day with broken suspension. to drive. Panizzi had punctures. For Mitsubishi it Citroen met their disaster troubles which he could not was now Galli's turn to have when Sordo stopped on define. Only Gianluigi Galli trouble as on the final stage Stage 8 with an electrical was going well. Skoda's luck of the day fourth gear failed fault, letting Baldacci's Fiat was no better. Armin completely. Antony into the lead with Kosti Nicolas Bernardi and Jean Marc Fortin drove their Peugeot 307 to an eighth place finish at the Corsican Rally. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir=r========, Petter Solberg and Philip Mills drive their Subaru lmpreza before an admiring crowd, they finished third overall. Katajamaki second and Luca Betti third. Katajamaki was going better after changing the gearbox at the midday service park -there had been a differential problem in the morning, while Betti had • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DON T NIIVE IT: NO ONE DOES/ Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. meanwhile lost all his brakes on Stage 7 and spun on Stage 8. Jari-Matti Latvala was dominating Group N: leading all the way and fast-est on every stage so far, Continued on page 44 0 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 !!R.~~ (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing' s easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible Injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2005 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times December 2005 Page 43

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even on the final stage of the day, when his gear lever came completely away in his hand! Leg 3 4 Stages, asphalt, 95.46kms. Forty-six cars actually re-started but the car due to be first on the road, Gilles Panizzi's Mitsubishi, was missing. Panizzi's problem on the second day was traced to a faulty ECU, but the team decided to spend the Sunday refettling the car for Spain rather than continue in the forlorn hope of a point or two. Although there was no particular damage to Dani Sola's car the day before, Ford asked that it should not be put on the start list for the final day, preferring to keep the car intact for Catalunya. Getting closer to their re-maining title, Citroen started the day in exactly the position they wanted. Sebastien Loeb leading, Francois Duval in fourth place which would guarantee the company the Makes' title for the third year running, but hopes were dashed when Duval went off the road on Stage 9 and lost towards three minutes. This dropped him to eighth and they with-drew. No French celebra-tions, but when Loeb got to the end of the rally, having won every stage, it was a pretty special occasion. By general assumption between the teams, retirement on this event meant that there would be no penalty for ar-riving in Spain with a differ-ent chassis but officially the final word would rest with the Stewards in Spain. With this being the third dry day of the rally, drivers were running low on their avail-able registered stocks of dry weather tyres, but there were extra troubles. Harri Rovanpera had air pressure (not hydraulic with Mitsubishis!) problems with his transmission again, Gianluigi Galli also had gearshift trouble. Missing, again, was Chris Atkinson, this time his exit being pre-ceded by long black lines, with the car finally settling beside the road. Continuing well was Alex Bengue in the number two Skoda in sixth place overall. Just as hearts were sink-ing in the Citroen camp came a fresh glimmer of hope. Although Sordo had failed to finish the second leg and used the Five Minute Rule to restart, he had only fallen to fourth place and there was the pos-sibility he could still win the category here and be Cham-pion. At the mid morning service park Sordo had pulled up to second, ahead of Kosti Katajamaki, but there still remained around three minutes between him and leader Mirco Baldacci, with two stages to go. Baldacci meanwhile was calm, managed to keep Sordo at bay and gained for Fiat their first JWRC win for two years. Behind these two, Luca Betti went off the road and retired while Luce Cecchettini punctured and had to change the wheel on the stage, which let Conrad Rautenbach rise to fifth, despite a lengthy delay with a spin. Pavel Valousek re-ti red with electrical trouble, possibly a throw-back to his earlier accident. Not the rush was really on to get to Spain. Peugeot de-cided that they would revert to their 05 transmission sys-tems and take no more risks in that department. Mitsubi-shi opted to nominate Galli as their number two driver. Petter Solberg was gracious in defeat. "Loeb des'erved his win, I hope he enjoys all the successes he can get this year. Our car has recently im-proved a lot, but not enough!" ~ Worldwide benchmerk manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest . Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 1 00% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. MoTeC Engine Menegement and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systerns built to withstand extreme racing ar·,d pre-running punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446·9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 Page 44 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; co a nurnber! <= ="----------~ _,,,,;;;::~~<~-=~, IV10TORSPORT ELECTRONICS vve're rnaking connections ... December 2005 Rallye De France, 49th Tour De Corse 2003.10.2005 Ajaccio (F) WC round 14 JWRC round 7 WC points WR WO JC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara II.RC 583DEX78 (F) 3h.35m..46.7s. 10 10 2 (3) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Jakke Honkanen FIN Ford Focus ~c EG53AVD (GB) 3h.37m.38.4s. 8 8 3 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza 'ARC NC54WRC (GB) 3h.38m.28.7s. 6 6 4 (6) Stephane SARRAZIN/Denis Giraudet F St.baru lmpreza ~c CC54~C (GB) 3h.39m.20.9s. 5 5 5 (4) Roman KRESTA/Jan Tomanek CZ Ford Focus WRC EF04WBW (GB) 3h.41m.08.2s. 4 4 6 (12) Alexandre BENGUE/Csroline Escudero F Skoda Fabia ~c 4553381 (CZ) 3h.41m.14.5s. 3 3 7 (23) Xsvier Pons/ca-tos del Barrio E Citroen Xsara 'ARC 76CXN78 (F) 3h.41m.28.5s. - 2 8 (8) Nicolas BERNARDI/Jean-Marc Fortin FIB Peugeot 307 ~c 471PW..75(F) 3h.42m.18.8s. 2 1 9 (18) Gianluigi Galli/Guido d'Amore I Mitsubishi Lancer 'ARC KN04'AMC (GB) 3h.42m.24.5s. -10 (9) Harri ROVANPERA/Riato Pietilainen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer 'ARC KR05ZKL (GB) 3h.45m.09.2a. 1 Other important finishers 11 (22) Nicolas Vouilloz/Patrick Pivato F Skoda Fabia 'ARC S37 88E (CZ) 3h.46m.16.2a. -12 (19) Jan Kopecky/Filip Schovanek CZ Skoda Fabia ~C 458 9174 (CZ) 3h.46m.36.0s. -13 (14) Ant.orr, Warmbold/Mk::hael Orr DIGS Ford Focus ~c ET53UJP (GB) 3h.47m.33.8s. -14 (34) Mirco Baldacci/Giovami Bemacchinl RSIWI 'Fiat Punto J~C CE039'M: (Q 3h.56m.29.6s.* -10 15 (41) DanielSordo/MarcMlriE CitroenC2 JWRC NWY003 (B) 3h.5&n.58.2s. (1) 8 16 (67) Jari-Matti Latvala/Miikka Antilla FIN Suba'u lmpreza N CW338Al (I) 3h.59m.53.8s ... -17 (33) Kosti Katajamaki/Timo Alanna FIN Suzud lglis J'ARC IYY483 (H) 4h.00n.37.8s. - 6 19 (36) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Suzuki l(Jlis JWRC JFR212 (H) 4h.04m.48.5s. - 5 20 (40) Conrad Rautenbach/cart 'Nilliamson ZWGB Citroen C2 JWRC 7214ME52 (F) 4h.04m.54.3s. - 4 21 (39) Luca Cecchettini/Antonio Morassi I Fiat Punto JWRC BZ564ZV (I) 4h.06m.10.9s. - 3 22 (43) Martin Prokop/Petr Gross CZ Suzuki lgnis JWRC 1J77113 (CZ) 4h.06m.34.0s. - 2 25 (35) Kris Meeke/Glenn Patterson GB Citroen C2 JWRC NWY001 (B) 4h.13m.44.3s. - 1 ST (11 JWRC) starters. 40 (8 JWRC) finishers. *JWRC/SUPER 1600 winner. ""'GROUP N winner. MANUFACTURER'S REGISTERED DRIVER. (Missed Stages or Road Sections.) 'Ninner's average·speed over stages 95.01kph (record). Leading retirements Last stage Dusty Times

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• Ta The .Entire Off ~Raad Cornrnunity .We Thank Yau! It wa!i a liood Run... Yau made the Off Road Expo a !iucce!i!i. Without you and your !iupport. it would not have been pD!i!iible. We thank you for supporting us over these last six years. We thank every off-roader who bought a ticket and joined the fun. We thank every company that took the chance and bought exhibit space. We thank every advertiser that supported the Show program. We thank every volunteer who came to help make it happen. We thank all the wheelers, racers, crawlers, cruisers, owners, clubs, drivers, riders, inventors, craftsmen, designers, engineers, marketers, buyers, sellers, journalists, photographers, videographers, Mom's, Dad's, brothers, sisters, kids, flatbillers, pit tootsies, tool makers, tool users, and everyone who loves to do anything off road. Where the little guy was nat little .•• Where the big guy was part a-,: the -,:amily ••. 6 Pretty Darn liood Years Over ir!DD.000 Attendee§ 5~'11..n~ Exhibitors ' . ' j • i . ' ♦ ' . '

Page 46

,,,--B-y Lisa Kenned-y The First~ of Indepen-dent Racers (FAIR) offers desert off road pit support for its members all over Southern California, Nevada and Mexico. FAIR consists of its members and volunteers working together as a team to fun fully operational pits at all FAIR races. FAIR strives not only to be a race club, but also to include family and friends in enjoying and promoting the interest in off road vehicles and off road races, protecting our desert and natural resources, and organizing recre-ational outdoor activities for all mem-bers. Currently, FAIR is planning the an-nual Christmas party, to be held on December 9th at Cafe Tu Tu Tango in Orange, California. The party will be-gin at 7:00 p.m. and last until closing. Dinner tickets can be purchased at FAIR functions and meetings for $60.00 per person, which includes dinner. FAIR is also hosting a Christmas Raffle with prizes including $1,000.00 from MORE paid ennyfee to one MDR race, $250.00from WickedPreRunners, two filters from Five Star, Golf for four at a private resort (donated by Brian Geer), dinner for four at Cafe Tu Tu Tango, ten DVD movies from Dirt Core, two 22xl4 prints from Trackside Photo, paid enttyfee to one SNORE race, two 13xl9 photos from Photoahead, Six Flags Magic Mountain tickets, two Dusty Times yearly subscriptions, donations from McKenzies, PCI, Kartec, King Shocks, Prowler's of Santa Clarita. Raffle tickets are on sale at all FAIR functions and meetings. More informa-tion about the Ouisonas Dinner, Christ-mas raffle and FAIR in general can be found on the website: WIWl.fairpitcom FAIR members entered 13 cars in the MORE Playtech 250 on Septem-ber 17, 2005. Three of those members sped in for victories in their classes. Driv-ing in the 5-1600 class, Gerardo lribe finished in first place. Joining him on the podium were Guy Savedra in sec-ond and Ric Cordova in third place. Ken Tolbert followed them in finishing the race in fifth place. Frank Wagner, driving his new 9 class car, gained a first place finish. Frank stated after the race. "Itwasagreatrace. Thanks to JFK Race Cars, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have won." Second place in the 9 class was attained by Ron Rash, and follow-ing him in were Cody Rash in seventh place and Christopher Dunne in 11th. Also taking a first place finish was Girl Gowland in his Jeep Speed. Jennifer Clemison had a fourth place finish in her Class 1 car and Curt Geer came in eighth in the 1/2-1600 class. Rick Waszkiewicz and Greg Crew took fifth and sixth place finishes respectively in the 1300 class. During this race, Clas.5 9 driver Frank Wagner gave Pit A quite a show on his first time through. He landed into Pit A after bouncing through the whooµ; full throttle. When he finally came to rest, his helmet was skewed sideways and he was unable to see. After correcting his helmet, he sped through the pit giving evef)Qne a big thumbs up. On September 24th FAIR members raced in the MDR Mojave 200. Girl Gowland and his co-rider Jeff had a rough race, but ultimately were able to finish. He started the race with a fuel leak in his Jeep Speed, but decided to race anyway. Girl ended up having to change the fuel line and clamµ; during the first lap after it burst six miles into the race. During Lap 2 he came into the Main Pit to replace a snapped clevis bolt and front limit strap. After the repairs were completed, the Jeep was checked over, refueled, and theywere off for Lap 3.1.ap 3 lead to another set back when he heard a loud thud under the Jeep and figured it must have been a rock hitting the frame. The steering was fine, so he just backed off a bit until he was able to pit. As they pitted, the crew checked over the car and gave Girl the "sliced throat signal"; the upper track arm on the driver's side was gone! Much to evet)Qne' s amazement, he decided to · forge on and tty to at least finish. He figured ifhe had driven 14 miles with it gone, what was another 40? The lap was painfully slow for them, but they did in fact finish the race. It was quite a day for Girl Gowland and his crew. FAIR has had an exciting year over-all, supplying pit support at the SCORE Laughlin races on January 13th thru 16th,MORE'sSuckltUp400,alsoin January, the SNORE Battle at Primm on February 19th, the San Felipe 250 put on by SCORE, the MORE Balls Out 250 in March, SNORE's Buffalo Bill's 500 on April 9th, the MORE Kartec 300 on May 28th, and the Free-dom 250, also put on by MORE in July. FAIR has seven members racing in the SCORE series, including Scott Wis-dom, Rick Boyer, Chuck Sacks, John Landis, Malcolm Smith, Brent Parkhouse, and FAIR President, Chris Bowman. Chris Bowman is currently the points leader for SCORE in Clas.5 5 Unlimited. Racing in the SNORE series are FAIR members Billy Worthington, Art Savedra and Mark Gonzales. Billy is leading in points in this series in the 5-1600 class. The MORE series has the largest vol-ume ofFAIR members racing, number-ing 22. There are currently four FAIR members as points leaders in this series. The points standing for FAIR members are as follows: Jennifer Clemison is the points leader in Class 1. Curt Geer, driv-ing in the 1/2-1600 class, is the points leader following by Dan Folts in seventh, Ron Weddle in 16th, Rick ~in 20th, Rick Waszkiewicz in 22nd, and Ryan Schank in the 25th position. Gerardo Nebraska This off road business nas been under construction for 5 years and is now for sale and ready for business. Includes: • motorcross track • flat track • fencing • tractor • land • signs • mower • scraper • camping hookups • bleachers • water wagons • look out towers • irrigation well • drag strip with MPH, ET, and reaction time. • many off road tracks and trails for trucks, buggies, and 4-wheelera Page 46 Total Price Only $270,000 I will mall or emall pictures. For additional lnfonnatlon call Chuck Wubben at 402-750-4163 or email Chuck at December 2005 lribe is the points leader for Class 5-1600, close behind him is Guy Savedra, and then Ken Tolbert in third. Ric Cordova is in sixth place in the points, Billy Worthing holds 15th, and Cory Geer had the 17th position. G iti Gowland is the points leader in the Jeep Speed class. Class 9 has a high participa-tion level, with seven members in points contention. Cody Rash is in second, with Christopher Dunne close behind, and then Ron Rash in fourth. Rodger Schank holds 13th and Frank Wagner 14th, and Rob MacDonald brings in the µick in the 27th pa;ition. Greg Crew and Rick Waszkiewicz, racing in the 1300 class, holds the third and fifth pa;itions respectively. The FAIR schedule for the remain-der of 2005 includes the MDR Stoddard 250 on November 12th, the SCORE Baja 1000 on November 17-20th, the MORE Holiday 200 on De-cember 3rd, and the annual FAIR Christmas Party on December 9th. FAIR would like to welcome Malrolm Smith as a new member in 2005. Malcolm has been quite a figure in the off road community since the 1960's. He is known as one of the best, if not the best, motorcyclist of his time, and has won numerous Baja 1000 races driving in Class 1. He also started an orphan-age in Valle De Trinidad for Mexican orphans. FAIR is proud to have Malcolm as part of the club. FAIR would like to extend a special thank you to Art "The Tech Duden Savedra for allowing FAIR to use sµice at his booth at the Off Road Show to sell raffle tickets and advertise the club. FAIR also thanks all its members and volunteers for all the hard work through-out the year to make it a functional and """""'1 pittmg club. ~ s~ ,~~kKi<,hen The Battle At Hastings All last week there was an unmis-takable buzz surrounding the SCCA RallyCross National Challenge -the club's first ever national level RallyCross competition. As it turns out, the pre-event buzz was well war-ranted as the 85 competitors (from as far away as California and Massa-chusetts), who took part in the inau-gural event this past weekend at Motorsports Park Hastings (MPH) in Hastings, Nebraska were privy to a fantastic weekend full of dirt flying action. The weather cooperated, as ex-pected, only threatening rain early on Sunday but never producing. So, as the Saturday .6 mile and Sunday .8 mile dirt courses remained dry, driv-ers in each of the 10 classes show-cased their off road talen ts in front of thousands of spectators, challeng-ing for the right to call themselves the first ever Winners of a RallyCross National. Tim Chevalier made the 26 hour trek from his North Grafton, Mass. home well worth it as he left the heart-land as winner in the Rally Prepared 4WD class. Driving a 1992 Volkswagen GTi, Chevalier turned the fastest time both days, eventually taking the win by 6.629 seconds over Nathan Conley of Monument, Colo-rado, who drove the Redline Pipe-line 1998 Volkswagen GTi. Shawn Whitney, Littleton, Colorado, was third, almost 10 seconds behind Conley. "The course was awesome n Cheva-lier said. "Competition was fierce, to say the least." The battles in all of the classes were very close. In (Rally Pre-pared Two Wheel Drive), we went into Sunday with four cars within 1.3 seconds of each other. From what I heard, the other classes were just as tight. "It was an awesome event. The support the town threw behind the event was fantastic. I'm already look-ing forward to next year's event. n Marek Gorecki, of Palo Alto, CA and Peter Cowan, Fremont, CA drove countless hours to take part in the ground breaking event, and by the end of the six accumulated run times, only .505 seconds separated the two in Rally Modified 4WD. Gorecki, sharing the Team Go Big 2004 Subaru WRX Sri with Cowan, earned bragging rights between the two drivers, taking the win with a blis-tering time of 104.367 (1 minute, 44.367 seconds) on his next to last run Sunday. Cowan tried to answer, but fell short on his last attempt, post-ing a personal best, 105.821. Ben Sagenkahn, Woodland Park, Colo-rado, finished third in his 1992 Subaru Legacy, 8.978 seconds be-hind Cowan. Cole Ones, Golden, Colorado, overcame a first day, two second defi-cit in Rally Street Front Wheel Drive and took top honors with a win in his 1985 Chevrolet Spectrum. Ones wound up taking the class by 3.304 seconds over Scott Cannon of Lisbon, Nebraska, who led the class for most of the weekend but couldn't wrap things up late in his Market Street 2000 Ford Focus ZX3. Can-non hit a cone on his final run, giving him a five second penalty, thus a run time of 114.602 and a total time of 593.136 seconds. Without the cone, Cannon would have had a 109.602 and a total time of 588.136, which would have beat Ones 589.832. Chad Ones, Pueblo, Colorado, finished third, but barely. Sharing the 1985 Chevrolet Spectrum with his brother, Chad finished with a time of 593.146, just .010 seconds behind Cannon. Ken Cashion, Denver, Colorado, earned two honors over the weekend. Driving a 2000 Audi S4, Cashion handily won the Street Stock All Wheel Drive class by 14 seconds over John Kunkle, Ceresca, Nebraska. Cashion then proceeded to beat out seven others in the Spady Auto Deal-ers RallyCross shootout, which brought the winners from each class together for a single run. Cashion's time of 72.212 was nearly two seconds better than run-ner-up Cole Ones, who finished .166 seconds ahead of Scott Leonard of Carbondale, Colorado. SCCA RallyCross W inners: Street Stock Front Wheel Drive - Jan Gerber, '95 Dodge Neon. Street Stock Rear Wheel Drive -James Wood, '02 Chevrolet Camaro. Rally Street Front Wheel Drive -Cole Ones, '85 Chevrolet Spectrum. Rally Street Rear Wheel Drive - Dale Lind, '91 Toyota MR2. Rally Prepared Two Wheel Drive -Tim Chevalier, '92 Volkswagen Gfi. Rally Modified Two WheelDrive-MarkAnton, '95 Ford Probe. Street Stock All Wheel Drive - Ken Cashion, '00 Audi S4. Rally Street All Wheel Drive -Scott Leonard, '05 Subaru lmpreza WRX. Rally Prepared Four Wheel Drive - · John Huebbe, '04 Subaru lmpreza WRX. Rally Modified Four Wheel Drive -Mark Goreci, '04 Subaru lmpreza W RXSTi. .. -,llfW Dusty Times

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BoRDER TYRES BFGooDRICH G00Nn1w1Nn1 400 Shannan Rentsch Wins Race & Australian Championship Text & Photos: Steve Hilton . . The Class 2 winner was Keleb Schmidt, he's seen here in his Rimco Schmidt built buggy at speed on the course. Kittle sponsored Toyota Jimco of David Fel-lows, a cam shaft had broken and it looked as if his chances to gain points for the overall cham-pionship were gone. Danny Auricht his team-mate in the To-,ota powered)im:o, had prologued well, but decided that after the shootout they would take out the cam shaft from his engine and replace the broken shaft in Fellows' en-gine, this would allow Fellows to still run in the event and give him a chance to score some points. In Class 2 the 1650cc Buggy class Chris Coultard was the leader followed by Keleb Schmidt in the Rimco Schmidt buUt buggy. The race belonged to Shannon Rentsch, his Chenowth, with Nissan power triumphed and he was declared the Australian champion. In Class 4 Unlimited truck and Baja class Matthew Coleman in the Chevy powered Ro-deo was untroubled and led the class. Class 5 Limited 2WD, Jason Telford in a Chevy powered Holden Ute had control with his closest rival Darian Smith in a Toyota in second place. The Queensland round of the champion-ship held again at the country town of Goondiwind~ this round would deooe the win-ner of the closely fought championship between Rentsch who was holding a small two point advantage over Burrows, not far behind these two were Bentley and Fellows, all with a chance of winning the championship title. The race schedule was a Saturday prologue, top t.en shoot out and the race to commence with three laps of the 40 kilometre course, then on Sunday another section of three laps, a break and then another three laps to the finish, the Sunday sections were to have double points available to competitors and would decide the champion-ship. The Goondiwindi showgroundswas the Fri-day night venue for the safety and tech inspec-tion and all vehicles paraded through the in-spection area where the crowds oflocals could get up dose to the vehicles and crews. Saturday morning and an overcast sky greeted everyone, there was a possihUity of rain later in the day or overnight. The track condi-tion for the morning prologue looked bad, no rain had yet fallen to settle the very dry land on which the prologue and race would be run. A very small crowd of spectators and crew lined the hill to watch their cars compete in what would be a very important prologue to decide starring positions for the race. Prologue It all went Jason Telford's way, he drove his Holden with the Chevrolet powerplant to the Class 5, Limited 2WD win. Shannon Rentsch with his Nissan turbo powered Chenowth was first to finish with a very fast time over the six kilometre course, the Jimco ofBurrows was second fastest, two sec-onds behind Rentsch. Another Jimco, Danny Aurichtwas third followed by Bruce Chapman in founh in a Subaru turbo powered Jimco, fresh from his outright win in the Warialda event two weeks early. Joe Bulmer, the local in another Jimco with a Mazda turbo engine was fifth followed closely by Svenson in the VB Toyota buggy and Bentley in the very impres-sive Chevy Jimco. Broken out on the course was the Peter Class 7 Factory4WD, the Mitsubishi Pajero of Geoff Pickering was the only one in the class, so had no worries and went about getting a fast time which would put him closer to the front of the field. Class 8 Unlimited 4WD was to be con-tested by only one competitor, that of the Jeep of Colin Hunter, here to show his sponsors Jeep Australia a good result. Class 9 Unlimited single seat buggies and the current champion of this class Trevor • st«k And High Pel'formanteJflVTIII • Fflf:t:Ory•f'ralned Mendeola Builder and Autllorl%ed Distributor_ • so rears combined Expettence • Unsurpassed llellllbllltY • High ouallty / Low l'llce Copeland in his Jimco held a small lead over Brad Prout in another Jimco. Tip Ten Shoot Out After the times had been posted for the prologue the fastest ten would line up for an-other pass over the course to try and improve their starring positions. Again Rentsch was fast-est, the dusty conditions made it harder for the following cars and this showed with Burrows second again with a time six seconds slower, Chapman moved up one position after Auricht had a lose dose to the finish, foutth was Bulmer followed by Svenson and Bentley, Terry Rose had some electrical problems in his V6 turbo Honda Jimco and crossed the line to record a time which would give him seventh position for the statt of the race. Section 1 -Three Laps The race was scheduled to statt at 12.30pm and still no rain, the dark overcast sky still looked as if rain wasn't far away, little to no wind to blow the very thick dust off the course, Rentsch up until Lap 2 had a dust free run until he caught up to the slower vehicles in the field, he managed to pass most of the slower vehicles, is first lap of three was quick leaving Burrows with a thick blanket of dust on nearly all sections of the course, Chapman was suffer-ing with the same problem and was slow, bunch-ing up the very fast field behind him, Bulmer was quick but could not find a place to pass Continued on page 48 atthew Coleman, seen here in his Chevy powered Holden, took the Class 5, Unlimited 2WD win with apparent ease. f.866.1/W.STUl=I= • f.866.897.BB~~ usty Times December 2005 Page 47

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,--------------------------------------~ --·--- - -------- -- ----Class B, Unlimited 4WD had only one entrant, but Colin Hunter didn't Marl< Bu"ows gave it all he had this race but had to settle for the The Mitsubishi Pajero of Geoff Pickering was unchallenged this race, take it easy. he ran rather quickly on the course. silver medal this time, he's seen here in his Jimco. Jeff sped around the course and took the Class 7 gold medal. Chapman and followed in his dust over the the Chevy, Pickering Mitsubishi cbely on their fourth, he also had not passed Chapman but his won the championship with some consistent This gave the win and championship to three laps, as did Svenson and Bentley. Terry tail, Smith in the Toyota Class 5 was next with time was also quicker, Bentley followed for wins at the other rounds of the championship. Shannon Rentsch for the second year run-Rose held seventh position in front of Schmidt David Fellows hotly in pursuit, passing many fifth position and Chapman settled for sixth. Overnight the heavens opened up and the ning, Burrows had to settle for second with in the Class 2 buggy, Coultard had stopped on in the field trying to catch the leaders. In Class 2 Schmidt had won the class easily black soil around this area is noted for its Hayden Bentley third in the overall Australian the course to change a rear flat tyre allowing Positions after the three laps raced on the as did Coleman in Class 4. Class 5 was taken impassable condition after heavy rain. In the championship. Roe and Spokes to move up behind Schmidt, Saturday, Shannon Rentsch was the leader foi out by the Holden Ute of Jason Telford, morning the organisers looked at the pit area The season opener for the 2006 season will Colin Hunter in the Class 8 Jeep was next on lowed by Marie Burrows, Laurence Svenson Pickering took the win in Class 7 and the and some parts of the course and found the be back to Hyden in Western Australia in the road followed cloocly by Prout aoo Copelaoo who had not passed Chapman on the road but Australian championship for that class. Hunter condition of the track impassable, and were April, this event means travelling long dis-in the single seat class. Coleman's Chevy Rodeo had caught up and set a faster time over the also takes the win in Class 8 as well as the left with no option but to call the race run and tances for the east coast competitors and hope-lead the Campbell Porsche and Tony Byrnes in three laps finished third, Bulmer moved to championship. Prout won Clas.5 9 but Copelaoo won on Saturday's times. fully a good start to the Championship season. Laurence Svenson is all business as he negotiates the course, he Class 9, Unlimited Single Seat belonged to Bead Prout, he's seen The Bentley Buggy. seen here churning up the dirt and dust ended ended up third outright, he's seen here tending to business. here at speed in his good looking Jimco. up third outright in the Australian Championship. ® The Suspension Company. Page 48 December 2005 Dusty Times

Page 49

d;ool) DFF-HD.iD Shawn & Larry_ McCal!um lm12erial Ca. Overall Mexicana Logistics Evita el exceso ~Ci OFF-ROAD SERIES -J.~9-YAif?xW/avarrete . -. -. Max,calt B. C. • ./2 ...1st class 112-1600~ ... Mexicana Logistics 2005 Ensenada-San Felipe: December 9, 10 & 11, 2005 Dusty Times s700 Overall CARS PRO .00 dlls. OVERALL M/C PRO N15 f TAUTO WRECKERS s300-~1~-.Eco Pacific Foods [ Motorsport I 1 st. place 7s Host Hotel Ensenada: San Felipe: San Nicolas (646) 176-1901 El Cortez (686) 577-1055 Riviera (686) 577-1185 ;e=~~"-(From USA dial 011-52 + telephone number) SAN FELIPE Comte de Tutsmo V ConvencionesdeMe>dc:Oli (686) 553-4087 (760) 455-8069 BRAVO 120-8, ZONA CENTRO, MEXICALI, BC., MEXICO P.O. BOX 2328, CALEXICO, CA 92232-2328 USA December 2005 • juego de muelles l er. lugar close 8 0 COFOTURE Un Mexicali paratodos. REC?Cl.RD OFF-ROAD SERIES TEL y FAX (Mexico) (646) 176-16-37 Page 49

Page 50

i -~ CoRKY McM1LLIN SuPERSTITION 250 Shawn Mccallum Takes It overall By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Shawn Mccallum ran second for three laps, took the lead on lap 4 and went on to take the Class 1 win and the overall as well. The 2005_ Superstition 250 place and Hector Salazar was in Hector Salazar was running in drew a good sized entry, there were the seventh spot. Josh Waddell fourth place. Scott Young was out 74 cars pawing at the ground and, failed to finish his first lap. of the race, so was Greg Hansen win, lose or draw, all concerned They finished their second lap and Jeff Seifert also was gone. said they had a good time down in and Todd Cuffaro still led the At the end of the fourth lap we the lower desert. There was an as-pack, Shawn McCallum was still had a new leader, Shawn tonishingly good 55% finishing in the second spot, less than four McCallum was the pathfinder, rate, always good for the statistics. minutes behind, Greg Hansen had Brent Miller was in second place, The Class 1 group was first to moved up a spot into third place, some 20 minutes in arrears and start and when they came around Brent Miller was up into the fourth Hector Salazar was running third. at the end of their first lap it was spot and Jeff Seifert was running Todd Cuffaro was off the scoring Todd Cuffaro in the lead, in fact, fifth. Hector Salazar was sixth and charts. setting the fast lap for the class for Scott Young was in seventh place. Shawn McCallum still led at the the race. Shawn McCallum was The third lap of six finished end of the fifth lap, Brent Miller next, just over a minute in arrears, with Todd Cuffaro still showing was second, he was 24 minutes be-Jeff Seifert was running in third the way. Shawn McCallum was still hind the leader and Hector Salazar place, Greg Hansen was in fourth chasing, he was now about five min- was still in the third spot. place and fifth place went to Brent utes in arrears, Brent Miller was And so it ended, Shawn Miller. Scott Young was in sixth up a spot into third place and McCallum took the Class 1 win, Bill Nissley had a great race, he led three of the four required laps and took the Class 3 win with half an hour in hand. The Class 5-1600 win went to Richard Garavito, he led the last three laps and won the class with eight minutes to spare. Brent Miller took the silver medal, he was some 20 minutes behind the leader and Hector Salazar won the bronze medal. Next up were the Class 3 con-testants, they only had four laps to run for their race and when that first lap ended it was Giti Gowland in the lead, Bill Nissley was right on his heels in second place, a mere two seconds in arrears, B.J. War-ren was in third place and Paul Cruz was running in the fourth spot. Robert Buchanan never completed his first lap. Big doings on the second lap, Bill Nissley came around in the lead, B.J. Warren moved into sec-ond place and Giti Gowland dropped to third place, thanks to major mechanical woes. Paul Cruz failed to complete his second lap. On the third lap Bill Nissley continued to lead, Giti Gowland was running in second place, but he was a long way back and B.J. Warren dropped off the charts. .,,,..-~--,...,..,..,,,..,.,,,..-==,..,......,..,,=...,,....-,,,,..,...,.,....,.,,,...,,,,,,,_,,.,.,.,,.,,,,..~..,.,..,.,._.....,...,,...., When the checkers flew it was Bill Nissley taking the class win, Giti Gowland remained in second place, and although he had re-gained a lot of time he was still half an hour behind. Rick McCarty led all five required laps in the Class 9 contest, he took the class win with eight minutes in hand. Ken Stroud led the Class 10 gaggle from the start, he took the win with nine minutes in hand, seen here in flight. The Class 5-1600s were next to start. There were only three of them but they had a good race for their six required laps. When their first lap ended it was Jim McGinley in the lead, setting fast lap for the class, Richard Garavito was sec-ond, three minutes behind and Kris Schulz was a long third place. Lap 2 ended and Jim McGinley still led the class, Richard Garavito was still second, a close second, less than a minute behind and Kris Schulz still held on in third. Third lap, Jim McGinley still held the lead, Richard Garavito still second, still very close on time and Kris Schulz remained in third. The fourth lap ended and now Continued on page 52 Jason La Fortune drove fast and well to take the Jeep Stock win, he A good second place in Class 1 went to Brent Miller, he's seen here Giti Gow/and had big problems on his second lap, he finished the was four minutes and change in the lead at the checkers. at speed heading for that coveted checkered flag. Class 3 contest in second place, seen here flying home. Page so December 200s Dusty Times

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Page 52

Jim McGinley Jed the first three laps, slipped a bit on lap four and Jim Miller hung in there in second place for the last three laps, when Scott Beale literally flew around the course, he ended up with the ended up taking the silver medal in Class 5-1600. the checkers flew he was only seven minutes in a"ears. silver medal, eight minutes out of the gold in Class 1 O. dropped to fourth. Lap 3 ended and Rick McCarty still held the lead, Jim Miller moved up into the second spot, Chris Hancock dropped to third place and fourth place belonged to Rudy Ludeke. On Lap 4, all the positions changed, except for Rick McCarty, who continued to show the way. Jim Miller was running second, about 13 minutes behind the leader, Chris Hancock dropped to third, not very far behind second place and Rudy Ludeke was stuck in the fourth spot. At the end of the fifth and fi-nal lap, Rick McCarty took the class win, Jim Miller came across Kiri< Kontilis was the fastest of the Class 1300 group, he's seen here flying towards 1400 was a big class but Matt Torian led it all the way, Matt is seen here heading for in second place, he had just set fast the checkered flag at Superstition. that glorious checkered flag. lap and had made up six minutes it was Richard Garavito with the bit in his teeth, Jim McGinley slipped to second place, he was 10 minutes behind the leader and Kris Schulz was on the trailer. On the fifth lap McGinley made up four minutes on Garavito and when they completed their sixth and final lap, Richard Garavito took the class win and Jim McGinley got the second spot, he was about seven minutes behind the leader. Class 9 was next up, they had to complete five laps for a finish and all but one of them made it to the flag. At the end of their first lap Rick McCarty had the lead, Chris Hancock and Rudy Ludeke were in a dead heat for the second spot and Jim Miller was running 'OCK ntCHNOI.OG 14.530.8701 • FAX714530.B7~ 2842 JOY STREET GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 NINW COIII Page 52 December 2005 in third place. Donny Ames failed to complete his first lap. The second lap ended and Rick McCarty still led the pack, Chris Hancock was running in second place, Jim Miller was running in third and Rudy Ludeke had 2.5" --€'!!!!£~ on the leader, Chris Hancock came across in third place, less than three minutes out of second and Rudy Ludeke was the fourth and final finisher in Class 9. Class 10 always has a good race and this time was no exception. Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have wstom and produdion coils in stoclc, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times

Page 53

Polo Ramirez ran third most of the race, moved into the second spot Steve Artim chased first place all race long, alas, he ended up in the Nick Tiedemann set fast lap on lap 1, had some problems on lap 2 but on the last lap and went home with the silver medal. second spot in the Class 1400 battle. he persevered and finished second in Class 1600. Ken Stroud led the first lap, Rod nal finisher in Class 10. There was a good size mob lined still in third place, Richard Reeves dropped three spots to seventh Smith was eight seconds behind in There was only one Class 11 car up for the Class 1400 battle and was up two spots into fourth and place, John Santa Cruz was locked second place, Scott Beale came entered, Allen Bucher. Allen got some of them really worked hard Shawn Giordano remained in into eighth place, Roy Garcia was along a minute later in third place, in three of the four required laps, at winning. They all screamed away fifth place. Bryan Castro dropped still in the ninth spot and Steve Jeff Moore was running fourth and he had a horrendously long third at the green flag and when they two spots to sixth place, Joe Belt Looney was running in the 10th Paul Green was in the fifth spot. lap, almost five hours and Allen came around it was Matt Torian was up a couple of spots into sev-spot. Darryl Varnado and Kyle Conlon was seen no more. with a nice five minute lead. Jim enth place, John Santa Cruz was At the end of the fourth and failed to complete their first lap. Class 1300 had five laps to run Ederer was the second place run-still eighth, Roy Garcia was up a final lap it was Matt Torian, who The second lap ended and Ken for a completion. At the end of ner, Steve Artim was running in spot into ninth and Steve Looney led all the way, taking the win. Sec-Stroud continued to lead, Scott the first lap it was Kirk Kontilis in third place, Bryan Castro was was in the 10th spot, he set fast lap ond place went to Steve Artim, Jim Beale moved into the second spot, the class lead, Ryan Williams was fourth and Shawn Giordano was for the class on this round. Peter Ederer took the bronze medal, Rod Smith dropped a spot into in second place, two minutes be-running fifth. In sixth place it was Scully and Pat Sutalo were out of Shawn Giordano was first off the third while Jeff Moore remained hind the leader and Polo Ramirez Richard Reeves, Patrick Sutalo ran the race. podium and Joe Belt was the fifth in fourth place and Paul Green re- was third, 10 minutes behind the in seventh, John Santa Cruz was The third lap ended and Matt place finisher. Bryan Castro took mained fifth. leader. eighth, Joe Belt was running ninth Torian still led the way, he had the sixth spot, Richard Reeves The third lap ended and there It was musical chairs on the sec-and Roy Garcia was 10th. Pete about an 18 minute lead, Steve came in seventh, John Santa Cruz was no change in position for ond lap, Ryan Williams moved Scully was 11th and Steve Looney Artim had moved up into second cruised in for eighth place, Steve leader Ken Stroud and Scott Beale, into the lead, Kirk Kontilis was the 12th finisher. place, Jim Ederer had dropped a Looney was ninth and Roy Garcia who remained in second. Jeff dropped to the second spot and At the end of the second of their spot into third, Shawn Giordano was the 10th and final finisher. Moore moved up a spot into third Polo Ramirez held on to his third four required laps it was Matt was running fourth and Joe Belt The 1600 boys had a pretty good place, Paul Green was up into place spot. Torian still at the helm, Jim Ederer was up a few spots into fifth, Bryan battle going for a while. When they fourth place and Rod Smith Musical chairs again on Lap 3, was still second, eight minutes be- Castro was still hanging on in sixth completed their first of six required dropped to fifth. Kirk Kontilis moved into the lead hind the leader, Steve Artim was place, Richard Reeves had Continued on page 55 Lap 4 ended and Ken Stroud once more, Ryan Williams dropped still led the pack, he had just set into the second spot and Polo fast lap for the class, Scott Beale Ramirez remained in third place. was second, Rod Smith picked up Lap 4 and Ryan Williams a few spots, he was now third, Paul moved back into the class lead, Green remained in fourth place Kirk Kontilis was back down into and Jeff Moore was nowhere to be second place and Polo Ramirez seen. was still haniing on in third. Laps 5 and 6 saw no position Fifth and fin al lap, Kirk changes, Ken Stroud took the class Kontilis moved back to first place win, Scott Beale came along in sec-and took a nice win, Polo Ramirez ond place, some nine minutes took home the silver medal and back, Rod Smith was third and Ryan Williams was nowhere in sight Paul Green was the fourth and fi-at the finish. Joe Laff was fast and consistent, he took the Class 1600 win with 21 minutes in hand, seen here saving some tire wear. Mike Barnett was the Jeep Pro winner, he led all the way but the margin was close, just two minutes on the competition. Dusty Times ... December 2005 FDR A FREE CATALDG CflLL I •BB8-MSD-RIICI!, EXT. 271 a Page 53 ;,

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,---------------------------------- ------ -----c~ ~ · ~·~ ·~~ Rabble Pierce and Masi.ere, aft §eatsl ~/a£/ to 4ee 11ou-t t:heann co,ne Ptue, fhank4 Tut he(f7bgf H4 ove1,. (he ,µau 1ea~ out o,vn t/leaJ?n .. l .. ->l11P fflotm4potB -?~ 11'fofot4potf4, DA VE CORREA RACING Driver: Greg Swiston --Co-Driver: Dave Fasbender Special Thanks to the CORREA FAMILY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE SEASON Greg's My Mechanic inc. Robert R. Dylla Sr. C.P.A. Robert Bosch Magnetic Occasions & More Boncosky Oil Company And our Friends at: The Locker Room MobilD PVROTECT BFGoodrich~ -----J¥,·~ CHECK US OUT ON THE WEB AT - TEAM PAGES - DAVE CORREA RACING For More Information Call Greg At (630)-898-9778

Page 55

Charlie Peltzer had a slow first lap, he was unable to make the time Tim Jeffus set class fast lap on lap 1, slowed for a few laps and Hf:Ctor Sal~a! was a bit off the winning pace in Class 1, he flew to a · · · finished second in Jee Stock seen here at s ed. Chris Hancock flirted with second and third place all race long, he Rod Smith ran as low as fifth place after problems but he came back Jim Ederer ran in second place, troubles on the third lap dropped him ended up in the third spot in Class 9. to win the bronze medal in the Class 10 fight. to third place, five minutes out of second in Class 1400. laps it was Nick Tiedemann in the lead, he had just set fast lap for the class, Paul Keller was in the second spot, about a minute behind, Joe Laff was running third, Jeff Calhoun was in fourth place, Arturo Gutierrez was running fifth and John Olsen was in the sixth spot. As they finished their second lap it was Paul Keller in the class lead, Joe Laff was up a spot into second, Nick Tiedemann had dropped to third place, Jeff Calhoun remained in fourth, Arturo Gutierrez stayed in fifth and John Olsen was still running sixth. Lap 3 ended and Paul Keller still held the class lead, Joe Laff re-mained in second, he was six min-utes behind the leader, Nick Tiedemann held on in third place, Jeff Calhoun was still in fourth place and Arturo Gutierrez was still in fifth place. John Olsen had dis-appeared from the race. Lap 4 ended and Joe Laff had place, Charlie Peltzer ran in fourth ond place, he had been closing the was fourth and Mike Silverson was taken the lead, Nick Tiedemann place, Chris Amrein was in fifth gap and finished two minutes in fifth. Kevin Eastlake and Caesar had moved up into the second spot, place and John Coleman ran in the arrears, John Coleman took the Arias never finished their second lap. he was about four minutes behind sixth spot. bronze medal, Chris Amrein took Lap 3 ended and Jason La For-the leader, Jeff Calhoun was up a Secondlap,MikeBarnettstillled the fourth place spot and Steve tune still led the group, Guy spot into third and Arturo the pack, Charlie Peltzer moved up Ghamari was the fifth and final fin- Alldredge was in second place now, Gutierrez was running fourth. Paul into the second spot, Chris Amrein isher. about 10 minutes out of the lead, Keller was out of the race, reason was up to third place, John The Jeep Stock class also had Tim Jeffus was down a spot into unknown. Coleman was running fourth and four laps to run for their race and third, Mike Silverson was running There were no changes in posi- Steve Ghamari was down to fifth when they citme around on Lap 1 in fourth place and Bill Frey was tion on the fifth and sixth laps. Joe place. Ricky Lee was nowhere to be it was Jim Jeffus in the lead, Kevin fifth. Laff took the Class 1600 win, Nick seen. Eastlake was in second place, a mere Final lap, around they came and Tiedemann was second, some 20 The third lap came to an end 17 seconds in arrears, Caesar Arias Jason La Fortune took the win, Tim minutes out of the win, Jeff and Mike Barnett still held the lead, came along in third place, Jason La Jeffus came in second, some four Calhoun took the last spot on the Charlie Peltzer still ran second but Fortune came across in fourth minutes behind, Guy Alldredge was podium and Arturo Gutierrez was he was closing in as he set fast lap place, Bill Frey was fifth in, Guy third in, six minutes out of the win, the fourth and final finisher. for the class, he was now five min- Alldredge took the sixth spot and Mike Silverson was fourth in and In the Jeep Pro class there was, utes behind the leader, John Mike Silverson was running seventh Bill Frey was a long fifth place. as usual, some good racing. It would Coleman was up a spot into third in class. Rex Lair never completed What's next for the MOR Mc-take four laps to make a race and place, Chris Amrein was down to his first lap. Millin Series? Well, New Year's Eve they were all rarin' to go. As Lap 1 fourth place and Steve Ghamari At the conclusion of the second is next on the list. If you really want ended it was Mike Barnett in the was fifth. lap we now had Jason La Fortune in to have a great New Year's Eve, con-lead, Ricky Lee was next across the Final lap, checkers flying and the lead, Tim Jeffus has dropped to tact MOR and get ready for some line, less than three minutes in ar- Mike Barnett came in for the win. second place, Bill Frey moved up really great racin' as we go into rears, Steve Ghamari was in third Charlie Peltzer came across in sec- into the third place, Guy Alldredge 2006. See ya all there! l!lllJU, """""""""='"""-'=============,,.,.,,,"""""' Jeff Calhoun finished in the third spot in the Class 1600 fracas, he's John Coleman ran consistent lap times, he was a bit off the winning Guy Alldredge had a fairly slow first lap, got it all together and finished seen here heading for the checkers. pace and finished third in Jeep Pro at Superstition. a decent third place in Jeep Stock. Shawn Giordano ran well in his good looking truck, he was first off Arturo Gutierrez had a decent six laps, he gave it all he had this race Joe Belt was a bit on the slow side on his first lap, he got it going and the podium in the Class 1400 contest. and ended up first out of the money in Class 1600. ended up taking fifth place in the Class 1400 contest. Dusty Times December 2005 Page 55

Page 56

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RACE FUELS OFFICIAL FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 1902 McGaw. Irvine. CA 92614 A Member of Pankl Racing Systems CRITICAL ~~m.tuur...s: ' ... ,,,, ---.. . ·-.. 3043 Oak street Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phn (714) 957·1215 Fax(714)957-1567 □ · ULTRASONIC CLEANING Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, OH Tanks, Radiators, Lines, Fittings □ CRACK INSPECTION All Components ... SuspP,nsion, Engine, Gear Box, etc. □ NONDESTRUCTIVETESTING Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Ultrasonic, l!'::ldy Cumint, X-Ray □ CNC MACHINE SHOP USAC STATION •s ...... FAA STATION .wll7R2AI ~ for Your Protection' •• ffiOCK • FULL RACE • TRANSFER CASES (CIDfillu.allllll ® 9 § Jlli.mtce:liilll~ TIPcfil.l.11l~J]]lli].§~TI. ® illl~ 18273 Grand Ave. #6 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (909) 678-1669 STEVE MatthewScl.n'IOke 1280 N. JQrlNSON AVE., SUITE 101 • EL CAJON, CA 92020 TEL: 619.449.5611 • FAX: 619.449.5713 MATTHEW@CUSTOMOECALCOM a---" ......... .....__.r'-'---=r-L...:ll....-."--11 Specializing in ... Bua Box•• Swingaude. Hewland Fortin N-deola ND4S Nagnum44 lltrebler Automatie Paru U Machine Shop Serric:es A"11.Hable li1 c:i c:i D ~ t:::J El '/a ~©P· ~-: EJc:1 ii-;;;;! ....... ~-=·~--•, /_/ / DEREK NYE __ ,.,)_/ · . ..,,,.,r: ~ 755 West 11'1' st. Unit E Costa Mesa Ca <n.627 _/ ~ tel: 9'19.5'18.8533 lax: 9'19.5'18.853'1 e-mell: dereknue 111 Team Bagz P1lvate Label Custom Bag Des'.gns -0 , @ . sting • Protective & Decorative Coatin 1835 John Towers Ave. #A (61 ~, 449.393 2 El Cajo!)7 CA 92020 , ~ Fax (619) 448-3662 Get The Word Out About Your Business, Big Or Small. Put Your Business Card Ad In The Good Stuff Directory. lb.a PEBl'ORMAICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend RA<:111:(i EN<ilNE.'i, TRANS~IISSIONS AND OFFROAO PARTS ·· _ ,-Sendor-~I forour11cw'catalog SS.00 _· " 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 http://v.ww. Fandl.corn 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 RAY BAYLY (562) 432-3946 {714) 540-5535 CELL (562) 833-2804 FAX {562) 432-7969 619-449-3633 619-t-49-366! fax Doug Fortin THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Sale's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~ .L call (8~0) 433-6524 ~ Call or write for our FREE Catalog Racecars Pre-runners Dualsport Fabrication & Race Preparation 8843 Wintergardens Blvd. • Lakeside, CA 92_040 Office: 619.390.9055 RACING HEADS 1U6·f 10. IANIA fl AV£.• VIII TOLL FREE (888) 3 PH/ FAX (760) 7l7-112 HONDA (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 $SUZUKI sen..• BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE . NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91601 HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde Highway 80 • Suite E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990

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HLJSTLE:E:~ conCEPTS E.J,EAJA SHOP PAE ALJnnEAS ALLJmnum LUCJAH SPECALIT'-T' Jesse Rodriguez PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 71◄ N Lemon St, Orange.CA, 92867 (since 1967) ' IMPACT CUSTOMS BOORE NHRA BOCA RACE !JPEO ROLL OAOEB, TUBE OHAB!JIB, OU!JTOM BUBPEN!JIONB, AIR BAOB, BODY DROPB, BHAVE, BUIOIDE, PRE-RUNNERB, BAJAlJ, LONO TRAVEL, RACE PREP, CUBTOM WIRINO, FABRICATION AND METAL WORK 661.298. 7079 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· ~•II I I•~~~~ I~ ll~LLU11 U Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN ,061 E La Jolla St Ill Anaheim. C'ahforn1a 92X06 (714) u32-I240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email. Jgtrans@pacbell.nc1 www Mike Julson 9426 Wheatlands Court Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax .Lt z George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol RACING ENGINES COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 JON KINNE AUTO ELECTRIC 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., PJa<;entia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 T RO) J OHNSON ,(951) 779-9395 2061 Third Street. Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 Specializing in custcm off road race trucks, • P1 erunnE-r~ • Sai.d ca15 • Raily car£ , Cu:S~-r:m Fab:1cctir.:·n • .£:rJ1cnc::d Su~r~ns10n T~~r-n ;og"{ • R~S'c&l .:I·. 8 CF E!r,pn;;;n1 KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~-:;;:"'~"v--i.;--.--Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 -----8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ART KAWAGUCHI 1 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323-264-5858 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 FX: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON. STREET SUN VAUEY, CA-91362 FAX(818)788-2687 (818) 788--0371 A full line of Power Steering gears, pumps and accesaoriea for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chassis •Race Prep •Aluminum Work •Welding •Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~.RC.HAFT. Ra=e p~ www.m•"""'''"'"""·'°"' Seat1 • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951 )817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA 8966 Benson Ave., Suite D Montclair, CA 91763 JOHN MOSELEY 909-949-8161 Owner/Fabricator Fax 909-949-8162

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RACE CARS PRERUNNERS SAND CARS JIM MOULTON '2231 6TH STREET WEST 1201 LANCASTER a4 #M.J4 661-974-7961 MSD" ar.:J;flL Jr.,:'* •1,-;f ! , ...... ,!. YOUR COMPLETE IC3NITION SOURCE -■ AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 HENRY BRENNAN DR. , EL PASO, TX 79936 (915) 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE !915) 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-725-2B76 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS-WELD IN BUNGS-TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS IN STOCK· READY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE ~~ 1-888-755-5900 ~ We co.ri Beo.dlock ~a..:.~ YOUR RIMSH '-..._~ ... ~ ~ ) Sizes to fit most ATV ~~~~ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - {951) 354-8272 WWW .QMfPERfQRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 R"R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS ~1,--c1 · -\ .-Iralcv s Pl'rfonnancc Engineering ' • All Type• ol Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube • Alwain-fJ Steel W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work ~All Types of Race Cars 48S1 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, mi 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-36S-9055 ,_.,,.~,,, :;:::;:;::-.-::k~· 3055 Westhaven St Ph 714-283--3537 Orange, CA 92865 Fax 714-283--4757 E-MAIL ~ 1~~~©,f1 PLATIECH John Gould SAFETY EQUIPMENl FABRICATION MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRil'IIG FOR RADIO.&/OR l!\'TERCOM STILL ONLY S125. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • S62-4:it7-8177 I 800-869-5636 w • .-. • Why? Why isn't Your ad Here? For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 DUSliJ~lfflBS '!f:'ENHRID ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock, Building B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX (9491650-4721 w-.p• Jeffy Penhall 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E. Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 F,ix: (714) 238-1183 Pre,ision Alloy, lid. Todd Francis 25805 N.E. 46,h Ave. Ridgefield, WA 98642 Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el:619-390-6252 Fax:&19-390-6470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021

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Joe oav111an Par:· 8l8•94S-N'IS Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety• Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: r RACING ENGINES~ Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadwa~ Chula Vista. CA 91910 .PEIFDRMANCE• TRANSAIL ES Southern CalHomla's largest Distributer ol Mendeola Transalles PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 ~C_TRANS ~ 1111 get JOI IA gear SWilg axle, ••s, •ewlaad, M04S 3455 S. POURIS #5 LAS VlliAS, IIEYADA 89102 JOHN 0.0. HllllIDII (702) 221-4383 (702) &87-9724 VALIIE TRAIN PRoaucrs • CusroM HEAD WoRK 760/94B-469B • FAX 760/94B-4B56 ILllnNliV. RDVALVESPRIIVG. conn Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 A Tatum Distributor Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85743 520-850-3693 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L«.Y METAL PROCESSING 5921 WUmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMlTH LARRYSMJTH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BA~INEAS • \WIDOW LffiEPl',G • C.\R lETTERltlG • GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MAAGIE COATS 5101 Ga::12y Circ!e • Hunt.ngco~ Be2ch CA 92'649 (714) 897-0075 • F2\ [714i 694-9567 CJ. PERFORMANCESPECIAL/Sn,5 ~-I U/IJVIIIECM SA/ABT P£8FIIIAIIK&£ I 1-800-MY MUFFLER ~ Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 Fmc, 619-449-?6711 Cell: 619-726-8891 I Fabrication & Race Preparation Santee, CA 92071 · Sales & I I I I 9419 Abraham Wr¥,J ~ I I~:;;;~-::;~~:, Service 1 ~----------_.,, ___ ______ I RACE FUELS (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTER N D IVISION Oakdale, California 95361 ~UNSEj:)} ~ii'<.~2.r De'!lgn Fabrication lnstailatlon (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1215 POMONA ROAD• SUITE E • CORONA, CA 92882 ,,._, C,CMPUTERIZEO VINYL GRAPHICS & LETTERING l•I 1,1 I VISA I ,,._, LO-COST /3LOGSIGN5{ALT. PROCESSES) -'"' i,~~f;'i~';"QUSPELAOE~= .. s ,,... RACING GRAPHIC&> -~ ..,._,.,, ;.., FLEET VEHICLE&> r-- HI-QLJA.LfTY /3ANNER5 ;..,MAGNETIC&> ,... LOGO REPROOUCTONS ,..,_ RE,'\L EST,'\TE .-LOGO & GRAPHIC DESIGN ,,... OECAL5 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Peiforrnance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289

Page 61

~,g--....--. . RACING BATTERIES lt<E9n Pearlz:ea MIiitary Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 - -~ - -.G.l S..P.l /.: * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena \lls1a St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 Fa: 951-654-2375 See a list of our produds at oar web site: http:/ /• 1HistiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD · (818)_998-2739 NS WEST 9763 Varlet Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 PERFORMANCE TRAN SAX LES Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310.782.3772 ti:11 ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER STOCK & CUSTOM SAND * STREET * RACE ERIC LAUNDRIE 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 [UMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 W_HEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 Taxes Group & Individual Health Real Estate Loans John 0. White, CPA, MBA 866 887 5556 3190 Calle de Marejada Camarillo, CA 93010 Cell 805 844 4665 It's about what you keep! W! (619) 596-8033 1 000 w . Bradley. Unit a El Cajon, CA 92020 Fax 805 830 1590 Carlos CPA 36032E, DRE 760373, Doi bD48458 ~~ Failpl<:,x -?qmo,-:o October 9 & 10 CL 8L~t.L~l~l-t;U,lt .. ~S,H .. 4/L7'(i" CLBRVANT.COM VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTOR RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.L DE C.V. CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MMORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, 0.C TEL.: (66<) G<7 9222 FAX: (66~) G07 14<0. E-MAIL: Advancing the Science of Motor Sports Ray Gastelum GERENTF. Df VcNTAS Mobil : 664 648 2882 Nextel Radio: 152 * 133577 * 1 Call USA to Mexico dial 01152 "Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports* Wehsite · VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To · complete Engtn&a 3675 w. Teco Ave. Unll I . LM V.oa&. NV 89118 702-n7-2522 Fron1 & Rur Trailing Arms • Spindlts Susptnsion Specia.liil • Cu$lorn !Qc:e & Pl;ry Buggy Chassis A-Ann front End~ • Bttm Front E-ruk 9608 N. 2tst Or. Photni,c, AZ 8S02t Jack Woods 602-242.0017 Fax <,Oi-242•7183 z-o .Rodriguez ~'M -~ ~ ~ • • Nimn· 'TCJfOll&-Hond& · ·~ CA 910 l~{626) 914«8147 .wtt -~, '?,O'SAACC >;'.~ . ..,,, plC'!!Ha!II •BU&&IES •SnnDCRRS •SHOCHS RRCE PREP SHOP • TRUCHS • PRE·1l!lllflERS • ffiBiUCRTIOn 818) lf2G·Z260 World Leading Motorsport Transmission M~nufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja aass 1/10 sequentlalTransaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

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I I t t I ! i t I t l Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before h f •fi ·t . . . ~-------~--------~-AfUT Otv10T1Vb. FOR SALE: 7S Ford Ranger race Truck. V.6, C4, TC'S, Fox Shocks, Ron Davis, Auidyne motor & tranny cool-ers, PCI Radio & intercom. 9" Wilwood, BFG projects, CNC, Deaver, 10 tires & wheels, prepped and race ready. $25,000.00. Call Darrell @ (619) 454-1014 or (760) 789-7663. FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seat race car or pre-runner. UMI LSI VS, fresh automatic, NEW front end, rear end, trailing arms, Kartek hubs, brakes, axles, 934 CV's, King Kong spindles & front arms, Water-oil coolers, dash, autometer gauges, wir-ing, 2 spare set up, dual batts, Kings coils & by-pass, complete chassis powder coated & paint job, Howe steering, halogen fire system, PIAA light bar, skit plates, K & N filter, 30 gal Fuel safe cell, 4" filler neck, runs on pump gas, Dual parkers, Mastercraft, PCI set up w/inter-com, SACO rack w/ram TCS con-verter, Centerline & ultra wheels, on BFG's, all NEW parts. Com-plete car built by Foddrill Fabrica-tion, very fast and super reliable $59,000.00. MUST SELL For more info call Cesar Fuentes @ (915) 726-3823. FOR SALE; '04 RPS 2 seat Class one. 500hp LS-6. King 4" 50 gal cell, Albin 5 speed, Fortin rack. TCS rear hubs, PCI, Gordon wheels, $110,000.00 Richard (760) 375-3423. FOR SALE: Class 8 Ford, New 514 CI Crate Motor, 625hp,3' King Coilover/Bypass. 2.5 in King Bumps all around, C6 Mogi tranny & spare (both new) Mastercraft seats, Parker pumper, Lee steering, CN brakes, 85 gallon Fuel Safe Cell, PCI Radio, OPS, 5.0 gears, Crisman 10 ¼ ring, Cone axles and hubs, Tube works, Housing by LeDuc, new Dave Ashley extra cab body, Suspension by Dave Clark! All the right stuffl $100,000.00 OBO Call Rick at (702) 303-2883. FOR SALE: Class 1 Truggy, 850hp aluminum motor, Culhane C-6, Cone 9", Bilstein Shocks, Ultra 17" Beadlocks, Fuel Safe, $35,000.00. (858) 748-7167. FOR SALE: 2004, Custom built 30', Gooseneck trailer, air hitch, full bath, a/c, generator, heater, micro, internet Sat. dish, Direct TV, 109 gal. fuel station, 109 gal. water tank, stor-age boxes, ultimate toy hauler or pit support, much more, $23,900.00 OBO., (520) 236-9612. FOR SALE: Class 1 Smithbuilt single seat 4 speed Fortin fully prepped ready to race Baja. New high performance Northstar 400hp dual disc clutch, OPS, PCI, Flame-out Fortin Hubs, 35CV's, Gun Drill axles, and (The most impor-tant part The Smith Shocks. The shocks alone cost $24,000.00 new.) Enough spares and spare tires to race the Baja 1000 this year. Jump in and win. $85,000.00. Todd Jergensen (760) 792-0955. FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger, 4.0, caged bumper to bumper brand new custom PreRunner. 3-linked, King shocks, H & Long Travel kit, 17" front Travel, 29" rear travel. Goodyear Wranglers, must sell for motorcycle road racing, $29,000.00 Call Chad @ (661) 904-7077. FOR SALE: Porter 4 seat Class 1 PreRunner, Ultimate desert car. Best of everything: King Kong Shocks, 6 HID's, windshield, roof rack, rear light bar, Powdercoat frame & panels, Parker Pumpers, 140 W radio, large color OPS, Intercom, Redline, LS-2, 600 H.P.,427ci, Fortin4speed w/con-verter. Brand new-pick your colors, $165,000.00. (562) 756-9231. FOR SALE: 7S or 7100 Ford Ranger, 04 Class Champion, Esslinger dry sump, Rancho Trans C4, All the best parts & spares, Need to sell. $35,000.00 OBO. Call Mike, San Di-ego (858) 453-4768. FOR SALE: 4 seater. Best of everything. Redline LS 1, Fortin 4 speed, roof rack, windshield, King shocks, Roof HIDs, front HID, large color OPS, Parker Pumpers, Radio, Intercom, Onboard camera, billet Beadlock wheels, 24x23 traveL Fuel ce!L like new. $98,000.00. (562) 756-9231. FOR SALE: 2005 Porter Class One. Porter Race cars built, Nils Castillo 151, King Kong shocks, OPS 140 w radio, intercom, HIDs, Best of Every-thing! Like New-6 hours on car. $165,000.00. Why wait 6 months. (562) 756-9231. FOR SALE: Darnen Jefferies Porter Race Car. Best of everything, fast, De-pendable, 600hp SB Chevy, Fortin w/ converter, King, Pro Am, BFG, Mastercraft, 48 gal "usuable" Fuel Cell, Light Bar. Available after the Baja 1000. Prepped or not-prepped. $160,000.00 (760) 948-2898. FOR SALE: Chenowth two seat A Arm car. 3.5 twin plug elec-tronic fuel injected Porsche with Jeff Fields automatic. Fox by-pass front and rear, rears are new. New Goodyear tires, RO wheels. Clean, race ready, excel-lent PreRunner MORE/MOR racer. PCI radio & intercom OPS. Email for pies. $49,000.00. (818) 841-2316 or Email ChaseZ7 FOR SALE: Lothringer 7S built in 2001. Has all the best. 225 HP 4 cyl, Culhane, TCS, Deaver, Cone, PCl, Goodyear, King Shocks and Fox bumps, A very good spares package. Fresh Frame up Prep & rebuild on everything. $40,000.00 O.B.O. (626) 893-4178. FOR SALE: 2003 "A" Arm Two seat Pre-Runner. Ken Major type IV Dual Carb, Fortin 5 speed, Tom Bryant Aluminum, PCI Radio, 2 way com box with headphones, Autometer pro comp gauges, C.N.C., Mastercraft seats and nets, Fox shocks, McKenzie floater hubs, Auidyne oil cooler, win Holley red fuel pumps, TCS Gundrilled axles, Bums stainless, REF headers, CV products, Fuel Safe 50 gals., Crowe, Fortin power steering rack, 120" wheel base. Justin La Core built chas-sis. Car is wired for water cooled and may be raced in Class 10. Comes with spare parts, wheels and tires. Less tan 1000 miles. $65,000.00 OBO. Call (949) 498-9250. FOR SALE: Class 8 Truck, has fresh F250 body not show. This truck has a list of wins and finishes. Built of the fmest Kacim parts, Leon Patton mtr, Cohean trans, Crisman axles gears, and hubs & nock offs. CNC, Currie. All spares & semi & trailer down to the hehnet and suit. 140K. (702) 592-1993. FOR SALE: Baja Prerunner, 2110 Motor, WR Racing Trans, Wright Beam, Steering, Spindles &Arms, Bilstein Coil Over shocks. 3x3 rear trai~ ing arms w/ Dual Fox Shocks, & Res-ervoirs. Beard seats, Deist 5 point belts, Centerlinesw/Yokohama Trres, 22 gal alum tank. Roll cage, frame & Pan are Powder coated. Lots of extras. $7,000.00 Call Dick (626) 963-1445. FOR SALE: CORR Super Buggy, 4AG Toyota Engine, 5 speed Mendeola Trans, Fox Shocks, 2-2.5" Bypass, 2-2.0 EML, 2-2.0 HIR, 2-2.5 Coil, $14,000.00. Completeorwillpartout. Call for details. (715) 573-7386 or (715) 449-3518. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE . REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ___________________________________ _ Address City--------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUG~JGilBG 2005-06 ISSUE DEADLINE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • January06 Dec 9, 05 • February06 Jan 13, 06 March06 Feb 10, 06 • • • • • • • • • • • ------------· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 62 December 2005 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: 2 seat Class 12 Bunderson. Fresh complete re-build 1974cc Type 1, 091 trans, 430 cv's, Carr brakes, Charlyn P/ S, Woods Arms & spindles. Lots of spare parts including tires and wheels, $20,000.00. (208) 884-4622. FOR SALE: Grant Fab Chassis, 2.3 turbo fuel injected Ford En-gine. King Shocks, Disc Brakes, Beard seats, Powder coated Frame, custom paint job, great pre runner, or sand car. 930 CV's 14.5 paddles tires, Saco rack, nice car. $18,000.00 (360) 508-0593. FOR SALE: 1969 Baja, Com-plete 1 ½ " tube chassis, 1776 en-gine, 044 heads, Weber 40, Cameo, Exhaust 002 trans, 930 CV's, 3x3 rear arms, air bag rear, Centerline wheels. Too much to list. This is a rear nice Baja. Bright Orange. One piece front hood. $7,000.00 (360) 508-0593. FOR SALE: 2.5 Liter ' 04-05 Subaru WRXSTI engine. Brand new in shipping crate, 300hp, min. Does not include turbo or intercooler. Private party, no sales tax. $6,800.00. Call James (714) 240-5381. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 Baja Bug. Ready to Race. Best of all com-ponents includes Bilstein 4way by-pass shocks and disc brakes. Trailer included $18,500.00 OBO. Call Jeff (408) 515-2806 or So. Cal Mark (951) 676-3175. FOR SALE: 1998 Ford Expedition, Ford Class 4100 BITD Legal, New motor and transmission, Runs very strong, dual Kings all around, 80 gal-lon Fuel Cell, Radio, Light Bar, Ready to Race or PreRunner. $38,000.00 (602) 300-9867. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 2000 Porter Class 1, 4.5 liter Ford V6 with Audi Automatic build by RDE. 4 n King Kong Rear 3 n King Front. Fortin Rear hubs, 934 CV's, CNC front brakes, radio, Inter-com, OPS, 50 gallon Fuel cell. Car comes with many spare parts. $90,000.00. (619) 336-3771 Brian. FOR SALE: 2004 Custom 2 seat Pre Runner A-Arm, 4130 Chassis, Boxed lower Anns, Jimco 2" spindles, Fox 2.5 bypass/C/0 Shocks, Chevy4.3 300hp V6, VW / Audi ManuaV Auto, Tes/MogVFluidyne. (6) BFG 35n Projects CL Beadlocks/CNC/Ron Davis Radiator/Mastercraft .seats/25 gal Fuel Safe CelV Autometer/Hella Lights/Ready to Pre Run Baja. $45,000.00 OBO. Call Greg (858) 279-2943, email m:w59@sbcglobalnet. FOR SALE: 1999 Ford F350 Lariat Super Duty Crew Cab long bed. $26,000.00. 4 Wheel Drive, 7.3 Turbo Diesel, 80,000 original miles, Air con-ditioning, power steering, power win-dows, power door locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, AM/FM Stereo Cas-sette, Single Compact disc, Premium sound, ABS, Leather, Power Seat, slid-ing rear window, Running boards, bed liner, 5d, wheeV gooseneck Towing pkg, airbags, tool box, Alloy Wheels, Over-size Off-Rd tires, Dual Rear Wheels. After market performance from Banks Power Pack, Ex-haust brake and trans lock. Contact Guy Petersen office (626) 357-3873, cell (626) 523-15 3 8. FOR SALE: 1993 Competitive Gooseneck Race Hauler. $26,000.00 Separate living quarters, Queen size upper bunk, lower dinette converts into sleeper, 3 burner stove top, refrigera-tor/freezer, am/fm stereo cd player, dual a/ c, forced air heating. Micro-wave, 6.5 Onan Generator. Garage with rear ramp door, extra large side door, bulk head door separating living area from garage, 2 fold up sofa beds, large workbench & storage cabinets, lots of overhead storage, race radio, solar battery charger, Satellite Dish. Contact Guy Petersen Office (626) 357-3873, Cell (626) 523-1538~ FOR SALE: 1990 Extra-cab Ranger 4x4 Prerunner w /late model glass. 4 .0 Art Carr shifter, Caged, 3 link, ex-tended beams, Fox 2.5 coil overs, 35 gal tank, Ford 9n. Disk brakes, 33n BFG' s. Crow 5 points, street lega~ never Off-Road. Built by McNeil, RGR & Alumicraft. Extras, $21,000.00 Spen-cer (619) 922-6742. FOR SALE: Race Ready BITD Class 8 legal Dodge 4x4 100 % tig welded chromoly by Velocity Fab. King shocks w/hydraulic bumps, Deaver Xover Howe steering, Summers Bros., Mastercraft, MSD Ignition, radio, in-tercom, Parker Pumper, Borla, Wilwood, Autometer, Fuel Safe, Fluidyne, Edelbrock Heads & Intake. $30,000.00 or trade for SCORE legal 2/1600 car. Call Mike (530) 269-0965 or email I b.tv1PLOYtv1b.NT Customer Service. Needs knowledge of all forms of offroading including off road racing, Sand cars and street trucks. Call for in-terview. King Shock Tech-nology (714) 530-8701. , ~16Cb.LLANb.OU6 FOR SALE: Utility Trailer 4'x7' w/sides. 2n tongue, has tail light harness. $300.00 (310) 989-6029 - (818) 360-6593. NOTE FOR NEXT·I~~UE! There has been a change in the Production and Contributors Schedule. For the January 2006 Issue, the revised dates are: Space Close ................................ Dec 9, 2005 Camera Ready ......................... Dec. 14, 2005 On Sale .................................... Dec. 22, 2005 , INDb.X TO ~ AD\lb.R-Tl6b.R-6 Aircraft Spruce ............................... 21 Best In The Desert ......................... 28 BTR Racing Wheels....................... 37 C&R Racing .................................... 21 Coast Casinos................................... 9 CODE .............................................. 49 Competition Air.............................. 44 Congratulat_ions Mastercraft ......... 54 Dave Correa Racing ....................... 54 E&J Wireworks .............................. 63 Eibach Springs................................ 48 Fabtech .......................................... 41 Fuel Safe ........................................ 30 Glen Helen ........................................ 2 ISCO ............................................... 38 K&N .................................................. 4-Kartek ............................................ 11 Kawaguchi Honda .......................... 43 KC Hilites ...................................... 36 King Shocks ................................... 52 Laughlin ........................... Back Cover M astercraft .................................... 35 McKenzie Performance Products... 29 MOR Productions ........................... 51 MSD Ignition .................................. 53 Nevada Off Road Buggy ................... 7 Off Road Ranch .............................. 46 Pacific Customs ............................. 27 Parker Embroidery......................... 17 Parker Pumper ............................... 31 PCI Race Radios............................... 5 Pike's Service Center ..................... 13 Pro Dirt ..................................... 20, 21 Racer X .......................................... 16 Race Ready Products ..................... 42 Radflo Suspension Technology ..... 24 Redline Performance ..................... 13 Ronco Plastics ................................. 14 Sakata ........................................... 44 Skyjacker Suspensions .................. 19 So Itek light Systems..................... 15 Stevens Off Road ........................... 40 Stuff Transaxle .............................. 47 Sway-A-Way .................................. 32 Team Gordon Race Wheels ........... 25 The Bower Group ........................... 45 The Fab School .............................. 22 Transaxle Engineering ................... 31 Turnkey Products .......................... 41 Ultra Filter...................................... 33 Valley Performance ....................... 12 Web Cam ....................................... 30 Wired to· Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting December 200s When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 28 Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) Page 63 ...

Page 64

.... -2006 Get do\VD and dirty With th SCO they OOlllp t in 17 pro and 2 cl e in multJ-d y ev nt at th 12th Annual L u hlin Deaert Challeng&. SCIIE WJ!j.'l.'lftTdfll,'Ati Wf'l-llT(Mkf70NN..COl1 l-818-22S-l'I02 12THANNUAL Y/Sl11JV{ji{I./N.CO/f 1-600--'H.NIC,illlN