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2005 Volume 22 Number 11 Dusty Times Magazine

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volume 22 • Number 11 • November 2005 2.50 ISSN8750•17 2 .. 4~~ftj/' ttt-.: . . , ... t:•.•.· ... ~,~ .. -;.-, •·~.~,! ; C <'• • ,.: . . .... . . .,~· -~·•, ,,·/ti ·~, l(>'!!fll~ll)(lEJOllElElE~lEMlllEKlEIElEIOOO(lEIOllllllOO!lElElElElElElE5··fJif,I'f 9131i 2684 PKG 1 l)UHY TIMES OCT 2 SACK ot L0761 PUJl1MER ';1 6 2005 C.HR. ·1·r•na[l·rH i'·A· .-.. , . ' ,,.,J. 0 ~-1 .ll'l I) \, 1' .. L.... II ) ll1 I 1111, If 11111111 I I, 11 II ,I I l1II 1111111111 I I 11 Ii, 1111llll11, l -serving The OFF Road community Paraz Years _.,. covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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12-, 2006 Get dowa d c1trt1 With the SCOl&E neers they compete ht ff Pl'O &ad a spo au oJaqq lil a multt-dq event t the !Ith Annual Laqhltn Desen Challeqe .. \ Yt&rtlllfJl{lJN. rat /-t()()~l/N -

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Volume 22 -Number 11 November 2005 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul T immerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liabiliry for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS1YTIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No pan of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Some people think we're crazy, racing what we race, here is a great shot of real craziness at the Mickey Thompson Off Road Championships at the Los Angeles Coliseum in 1980. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, selfoddressed envelope. Only black &. white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Vegas Primm 300 !ry Judy Smith .............................................. 8 Rallye Deutschland !ry Martin Holmes ...................................................... 16 MORE Playtech 250 by J Preston Bradshaw ............................................ 20 MDR Mojave 250 !ry John Calvin ............................................................ 26 SNORE 250 1985 Revisited lry Jean Calvin ........................................... 33 61" Wales Rally !ry Martin Holmes ........................................................... 4 2 CORR Lucas Oil Season Ender !ry Judy Smith ....................................... 46 Personality - Roy Debhan -KarTek !ry Rod Koch .................................. 53 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................ 6 Checkers Report !ry The Big Wa/izoo ....................................................... 3 2 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 56 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 6 2 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 63 ON THE COVER Brian Collins and Larry Ragland made it look easy, they had a very fast trouble free run at the SCORE Primm race, taking the Trophy Truck win and the overall win as well in their Chevy. Photo by Xavier Hemandet - Trackside Photo Cesar Fuentes had a really great race, he soloed the SCORE Primm event and took the coveted Class 1 win with six minutes in hand, seen here in his good looking Porter Chevy. Photo by Byrle Moore - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at cSubscrL"he 7ocfay lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ RENEWAL Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times November 2005 Page 3

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FOR THE RACE ••• ~f]CfilJI) [lfJuTp • Designed to Provide an Outstanding Combination of Filtration and Performance • Allow High, Virtually Unrestricted Airflow While Maintaining Filtration Levels Critical to Your Engine • Fits Inside the UMP Off-Road Air Box with 3" Outlet • Includes Sealing Grease and DryCharger® • Guaranteed Horsepower • Includes K&N Hlgh-FJowf Washable/Reusal:>le Air Filter that will Last up to 100,000 Miles Between Cleanings (Depending upon Driving Conditions) • Available in High Quality Finishes • Includes Powder Coated Heat Shield {Most Applications) • Easy to Install (in 90 Minutes or Less) • Street legal in Most ·states //IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Order Toll Free: 800.416.6079 Secure 24/7 Ordering: ~ OJI1 lJU1Lrt..IB3 • 1-lnch Nut Easy-On/Easy Wrench-Off • Drilled Safety Wire Holes for Racing • Heavy-Duty Construction • Premium Filter Media Provides Outstanding Filtration at High-Flow Rates • Anti-Drain Back Valve (Where Applicable) • Manufactured from a durable polyester material and pre-treated with a proprietary hydrophobic process • Designed to prevent splashes of water or mud from saturating your K&N air filter • Will also stop small dirt particles; yet add little restriction to the air flow of the filter OR THE ROAD. • Designed to Increase Horsepower and Acceleration • The Original High-Flow Air Filter • Washable and Reusable • Lasts Up to 50,000 Miles Before Cleaning is Required • K&N Million Mile Limited Warranty® • Available for Most Vehicles On and Off the Road • Over 800 Individual Part Numbers Available ® THE WORLD'S BEST AIR FILTER

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2005 Happenings ... l OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All nient.s staged at the club grounds in Clnies. Ohio) AMERICAN R.All.Y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SolITH Po1NTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRw.s SoUTHERN CAIJFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE• (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <> ASOCIAaON EsTATAL DE AuroMoVll.lSMo SAM LAsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APro42 SAN Jes£ DEL CAeo BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICX) RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE Ao.-.Ms (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FA1R HAVEN, vr 05743 (802) 265-8618 CI.AmTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELI.SVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Countz Fair Grounds. Cadi~. OH Cum AuroMOVDJSTICA SANQuurrIN CALLE 6TA FRAoc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AuroMovrusnco SANVICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICX) USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT Cum P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOmtoAD CODEOmtoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXIOO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 01 l-52-686-553-4087 MEXIOO December 9-11, 200S Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C. CoLORADO Hlu CID.m ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719°'1187-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICX), CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR LuCAS On. SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, Sum 267 A-.oN, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax *Night Race-Frida., & Saturda, night CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 ' 1-800-42 CORVA ExT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All nient.s at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thunton Councy ORV Park, Olzmpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILlON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., Sum 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DEc.Arua Foua WHEEL DRIVE Cura DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 H1pp1nings continuld on page 6 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES Dfl J ~p· AurOCROSS QUEBEC 0FP ROAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENAl.o VAILLANOOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANAQ4. H7P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races AU Races At &rona RacewaJ, Lakeside, CA BBM MAfua:nNG PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKEr!NG 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NOROO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457 577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 December 2-4, 200S Henderson's Terrible 300 B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFF RoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N . SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 5-6, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV June 30,July 1, 2006 Jackpot200 Jackpot, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Events At California Citz, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHlON, ONTARIO, CANAQ4. KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVIUSTA}UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSfflP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES www October 29, 200S Las Vegas Rallycross IV December 2-4, 200S Ramada Express Rally - Coef 2,3&1 CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SourH DAKOTA Dusty Times ; 12'£:'lte.F"S -I! LOWRANCE • • ,.._ •.-'/,,--,✓,---, B00.869.5636 • Fax 562.''126.35B9 2888 Gull:Jr\j /Joie. Signal I« CA 90755 •PO...,,,NfTWM'O.UlitSc:icft~~•yo,1~,._ November 2005 ,: • stoll's Special Downloadable Ci - For all SCORE and BITD races - Plot lieils also a\mllable for MOR and SNORE -Available via e-mail or at conHngency • Differentiate Trail Colors -Race Course. Chase Roads, Checkpoints. and PU Locations • Danger Markers • Customize Your GPS Noles To Your DrMng Style • Display Features lndude: -Accurate Speedometer/Trfpomeler -Average/Max Speed -Time/Distance Traveled -Clock/Volt Meter • ExtTemely User Friendly PCI ~ecomme11ddtio11~: The most important consideration when adding GPS io any race vehicle Is ease of viewing -PCI recommends our 7" models for all race vehicle applications - Greater Visibility at High/Sharp Angles for both Driver and Co-Rider with Color Models -Globalmap 6000C - Large. Color Display -Globalmap LJOOOM -Same Great Features as 6000C. with Monochrome Display PO offers and stTongly recommends our Race Modiftcations -Keeps Your GPS Worl<lng In the Most Brutal Environment -Won't Vold Manuladurers Warranty Pages

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Trail Notes ... HAL FLAG -The off road world has lost a devoted racer, a great mily man and a terrific business man. Corley McMillin passed away ptember 22nd, 2005. He was hospitalized after suffering chest pains while he was competing in the SCORE Primm race. Corley was a strong off road competitor for many years, he won the Baja 1000 in Class 2, won the Baja 500 three times and won the SCORE San Felipe twice and we can't count his top f1Ve finishes. His sons, Mark and Scott and Scott's son, Andy, are all regular competitors in the SCORE Series as well as racing in the MDR Productions races in the lower desert, which the McMillin Companies help to produce. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to the McMillin family. Rest In Peace, Corley. HAL FLAG -We were distressed to hear of the passing of Greg rker, a dear friend and an old friend of off road racing. Greg, a ng time resident of Barstow, California left us on Monday, September 12, 2005. Greg was born on June 22, 1947, one offive children. Greg was a veteran of the Vietnam war. He was the owner/operator of A-1 Towing and Garage for more than 35 years. His loves in life were Metal Art, camping, ftshing, hunting, designing and building unique vehicles, off roading and off racing. Greg was the chief technical inspector for La Rana Off Road Racing for many years. Greg is survived by his wife and best friend of 35 years, Betty, daughters Sharon and her husband Lonnie Williams of Silver Lakes, Paula and her husband Brian Urban of Chicago, Illinois and Kristin and Kelly Williams, also of Silver Lakes and his grandchildren Kyrsten, Alysa, Kaeden, Kristin and Kelly and his sister, Vicki Pursell, of Barstow. Greg used to come over to the Barstow races driving his Stagecoach and talk off road with the guys. He was a likeable and knowledgeable guy, always with a smile on his face. He will be sorely missed by many. CORR PRO SERIES -The 13th and 14th rounds of racing took place on September 24-25 in Southern California. The CORR Lucas Oil Pro Series titles were up for grabs and we'll briefly give )'OU the winners here. In Pro-2, Dan VanDenHeuvel took the win in both rounds, Dan fmished second in points to Carl Renezeder by 19 points. Scotty Taylor was third, two points out of second place, Scott Douglas was fourth and Josh Baldwin was fifth in points for the season. In Pro-4, Johnny Greaves took the wins in both rounds, he also won the points with 222 in hand, Carl Renezeder was second with 203, Jason Baldwin was third with 192, Josh Baldwin was fourth with 176 and Curt LeDucwas fifth with 157. In Pro-Lite,JeffKincaid took the wins in both heats, he won the points battle with 193 earned, Chad Hord was second with 189, Steve Federico was third with 159, Mark Krueger and Kyle LeDuc were tied for fourth place with 147 points each. A complete story on these three classes as well as the other classes that raced, including Sportsman 2, Unlimited Desert Truck, Class 10/12, Single Buggy 1600, Desert Truck 7, Desert Truck 7S and Unlimited Desert Buggy will be found in this issue with lots of pictures. AiITENTION CLASS 1600 - Brad Inch is promoting a Class 1600 race to be run in conjunction with the MORE race scheduled for anuary 28th, 2006 at Lucerne Valley. If there are 30 entries for this 1600 class race, then they will have their own race, run either before or after the regular MORE race. Entry fee is $500, $400 of which will be paid back to the racers. All it takes rightnow is a $100 deposit and you're in. Call Brad Inch at 818-352-9035 for more particulars. ITENTION RACE AND RALLY PROMOTERS - Dusty Times needs our 2006 event schedules NOW. As you know Dusty Times compiles ll your schedules into a centerfold pullout in the January issue and it takes a lot of time to get this all pulled together. PLEASE, get your next years schedules to us as soon as possible. 'Nuf said. 3 6™ ANNUAL 2005 SNORE 250 - Hey folks, it was 1969 when the first SNORE 250 raced in the desert. They raced again on October 1st, and 79 cars and trucks made their way around a tough and dirty course. Ronny Wilson took the Class 1 win and was 1st overall as well. Terry Yoakum was 2nd in Class 1, more than 10 minutes in arrears. Class 10 honors went to Brian Freemal, Chris Wright was 8 minutes behind in second place. In Class 1600, Cody Freeman took the win, Cody was 2nd overall as well. Mike Malloy was second in 1600, a very close 2nd, only 11 seconds behind. The Class 8 win went to Andy Schifanelli, Bill Driggs was 2nd, some 7 minutes later. Glenn Dicton was the Class 9 winner, Kent Graves came in 2 minutes later. Gerado Iribe took Class 5-1600, Bill Gereghty was second, 13 minutes in arrears. Kenny Freeman took the Champ Car win, he was followed h by Danny Maurer, third generation Maurer racer. Jason Gubler took the Unlimited Sportsman win, Josey Martin was second. Bob Schreiner was the Sportsman Truck winner, Pete Claas was second. There will be a complete story in next months issue of Dusty Times with loads of pictures. The monies won at the SNORE 250 are: 1st overall, Ron Wilson, $5,000, Class 10, Brian Freemal $1,050, Chris Wright $350. Class 1600, Cody Freeman $4,000, Mike Malloy $1,500, Jeremy Harmon $700, Corey Goin $300 and Pat Glennon $125. Heavy Metal, Andy Schifanelli $900, Bill Driggs $150. Class 9, Glenn Dicton $2,000, Kent Graves $900, Brandon Hughes $300. Class 5-1600, Gerado lribe $2,000, Bill Gereghty $900 and Mike Simpson $300. That is a cash payoutof$20,475 for the 2005 SNORE 250. Keep that figure in mind next year, come to Nevada and enjoy a SNORE race. ~-ROBOTIC VEHICLES-A WINNER? -The Defense Advanced arch Projects Agency (DARPA) is putting on their 175 mile est in and around Primm, Nevada this Saturday, October 8. This is the second time the contest has been held, last year none of the computer controlled vehicles completed the course as they fought for a $1 million prize. This year the prize has been doubled to $2 million. 20 vehicles are competing and smart money says that the teams have made great strides since the last contest but most doubt that any of the vehicles will actually complete the 17 5 mile venue. The government created this test to hasten the development of Page& DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 &smlNC>ff,.RoADRAONG~. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEL!SVIUE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532..-4589 f.NsENADABAJA OFF ROAD RAaNG Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 EL1s10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Ra= for buggys & Motorcycks Esn:Ro BEACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT CoURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXl(X) 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FuJRJDA OFF Ro,w DRIVER'S A.s:sN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, A('r, Maz, Nov at Davidson Raawaz FunPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX rndrracing@aol.corn GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD JlACINGA~170N 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVIUE, GA 30245 (404) 963-025'2 GPORRA GREAT PI.ANEs OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scorr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short cou=, stadium si,k Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska RacewaJ Park, Exit 420 on l-80 between Omaha and l.inroln.) For latest info check <> HIGH Pl.AINs OFF RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 FAX October 29, 2005 November 2712005 INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WtNDF.S ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX:714-633-1724 October 29, 2005 MOR Superstition Series Plaster City, CA December 2-3, 2005 Best In The Desert Henderson, Nevada AAMLOOPS BRONCO Bu~1'as WmsPERING PINEs SPORTS & REcllEATION CENTER P.O.Box465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYF.STE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 I.As VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.corn> <www. rnegashow .corn> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JtMMUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAiuuTA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARI.Os ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHtH., MX November 2005 011-52-1637-1799 MicmGAN Buooy BUIIDERS DuNE BUGGY TRADE Snow (517) 543-7214 <www. buggybuilders.corn> MicmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSIUPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONF.S ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 MotOTC)ck.s, Quads, ATVs and Pilots on!1 MAORA MID-AMERICA ()pp RoAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: rnaora@peako.corn <www. rnaoraracing.corn Short Course Points Series Endurance Points Series MDRRACING CAUFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING SERIES 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2005 California Championship Series November 12, 2005 Stoddard 250 Barstow,CA MDR Productions 2004-2005 Superstition Championship Series AU Races at Plaster Cir, OHV Area October 29, 2005 Superstition 250 December 31, 2005 The Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MOJAVE ()pp ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 December 3, 2005 Barstow MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES B1u MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTSttials.corn> AU events at Perris RacewaJ (At Reed Va!kJ with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.corn <www.Nooraoffroadracing.corn> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Va!kJ RacewaJ, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (inunder Va!kJ loca:ed 15 minutes from Sp,;ng Vallez) NoRTIIERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcINGASSN. GARYWULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2005 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 Ol.JTL'.W REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the Countz 900 Acres) OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GosHEN H1us ROAo S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison Councy Faipounds. Cadit, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK T!CHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Ow Ro,w CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.corn> PncEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOlMAlL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-6252 November 17-20, 2005 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja, CA, Mexico PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF A.Mau:CA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, Uf 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONAI.S A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro T114Clcs, Desert T114Cl<s, Buggies, Pilots. Tough T114Ck <www .snowbirdracing.corn> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRoRAu.y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFrSMAN Ro., Su1TE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www .score-international.corn> November 17-20, 2005 lecate SCORE Baja 1000 BC,MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHuSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAS VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERACING.NET November 11-12, 2005 Western Desert Challenge SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERs RACE DMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 Dusty Times

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MIKE MOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCfA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, !Ne. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 5 28-62 79 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> SOtJTHERN SHORT CoURSE Ow RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastba:, Racewa:,, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 PARKIANDS, 2121 SoUTii AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADlll.A V AillY SPORTS CINrER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA VALLEY ()pp ROAD RACING AsSOCIATION 920 HILLCREST STREET PIACERVIUE, CA 95667 530-622-03 70 October 29-30, 200S Prairie City Short Course November 12, 200S Awards Banquet VJONm~OH'ROAI>Cu.JB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WF.STERN OH' ROAD RACNG AssoaAnON LARRY HENDERSON Dusty Times Attention Race&Rally Organizers List your corning events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2005and 2006 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUBliJli1moa 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTFRN PENNsvl.v ANIA WHFEL To WHFEL ()pp RoAD RA.ONG PA TRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 An.l.MSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Truclcs & Buggies WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN ()pp ROAD F'EsTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA Woaw RAu.v CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME OOJ!RNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 :z:r. PROMOTIONS RENEMONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 November27,200S GP de Campeones 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, W1 54901 November 2005 Trail Notes ... autonomous vehicles that can operate in a very dangerous environment without risking military lives. 40 some vehicles are competing in the elimination rounds and the surviving 20 will compete for the prize. DARPA has already announced that if there is no winner in this competition they will offer the contest again next year and double the winners prize to $4 million. FYI, the robotic vehicles use "drive by wire" technology, on-board computers control steering and brakes as well as other components. They also have sensors that pinpoirlt their location and they note obstacles irI their path and make moves to avoid them. There is also a three dimensional camera that lets the vehicle (computer) distinguish a boulder from a rock as well as deterrninirig whether a wash has walls too steep to navigate or to be able to find an openirig in a fence. The course to be run will not be revealed to the contestants until two hours before the starting time, DARPA will give the contestants a CD-ROM with OPS coordinates that chart the exact route. The contestants will feed that irifo irlto their vehicles computers and the contest is on. Stay tuned here irI Trail Notes for the results as they are released. Guess what, read further on in Trail Notes fr,r the DARPA results receiued before press time. Ed. SOME TIME NEXT YEAR - a friend of Dusty Times and a lover of off road racing is thinking of putting on a car show, perhaps two or three times a year in Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, to be exact that would display vehicles of any type, especially off road buggies and trucks. There would be a small entry fee to offset costs but the event would be for the education and enjoyment of blind children, 8 to 18 years of age. Blind kids would be the judges, feeling with their hands the entered vehicles and not at all impressed by the usual flashy chrome pipes and paint jobs. Can't see it, can't be used in the judging criteria. Anyway, if you would be interested in donating a bit of your time and your vehicle, please contact Sean Reinhardt at SCORE BAJA 1000 DRAWING -By the time you read this, the Baja 1000 drawing will be history. But, we just wanted to let you know that the drawing is really turning into an "Event!" The drawing will be held at the Lake Elsinore Casino. The festivities will commence at 3pm at a pool party, the drawing will be held at 5:30pm. After the drawing it's the Fabtech Pit Challenge where pit crews will compete for $5,000 in cash prizes. Also there is the $10,000 Lake Elsinore Casino Poker Tournament at 7pm. This year, the fabulous Baja 1000 will be held no November 17-20, start and finish in Ensenada. 300 entries are expected in the 27 Pro and 5 Sportsman classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and ATVs. As usual, ace reporter Judy Smith and a crew of photographers will be in Baja for the race, giving you the best coverage possible. Look for it all in Dusty Times. STANFORD WINS DARPA'S $2 MILLION -The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency declared a winner last weekend at Primm, NV as no less than four robotic vehicles completed the 131 mile course and the Stanford University entry, a Volkswagon Sport Utility Vehicle named Stanley completed the course in 6 hours, 53 rnirlutes, 58 seconds and the Stanford team took home a check for $2 million for their efforts. Last year, none of the entered vehicles were able to complete the prescribed course, irI fact, if memory serves me, only one vehicle made it past the seven mile mark. But, this year was different five of the advanced design robotic vehicles made it to the finish and there was a lot of elation goin' round. "This was absolutely iricredible" said Anthony Tether, head of DARPA, the race sponsor. "The technology of robotic vehicles is no longer a toy" Tether said. Stanley's average speed of 19.1 mph is in the range of speed that military convoys travel. Several of the teams have appointments scheduled with the army irI the corning weeks. Five teams completed the course which wound through the desert, over cattle guards, through tunnels and in and out of the mountains. "These vehicles haven't just achieved world records, they've made history" Tether said. The robots used their OPS to guide them over a programmed course revealed to the teams two hours before the contest began. Avoiding obstacles and hazards such as boulders, parked cars and precipices required the use of lasers, cameras and radar. It was up to the computers planning software to resolve conflicts and choose an appropriate route. Stanley, running on its five cylinder diesel engirie was able to cruise at 35 miles per hour on some parts of the course. Dus~ Times sends congratulations to the winnrn and to all wlw participated in the event RESULTS FROM THE 2005 NISSAN OFF ROAD NATIONALS -We're just going to give you the top two in each class due to space constrairlts but there will be a full story in next months Dusty T!ffies. Pro-4 - Carl Renezeder bested Johnny Greaves. Pro-2 - Scott Taylor over Evan Evans. Pro-Ute -Chad Hord beat Mark Kruger. Unlimited Desert Buggies -Rob MacCachren beat John Herder. Sportsman 2 - Mike Pberg beat out Greg Adler. Unlimited Desert Truck -Marcy Coyne won over Jason Baldwin. Single Buggy 1600 Race# 1 -Arden Dennirigton won over Mike Seefeldt. Single Buggy 1600 Race #2 - Mark Steirihardt over Adam Pfankuch. Class 10/12 -Aaron Hawley won over Steve Kriernan. Desert Truck 7 - Larry Roeseler beat Broe Ross. Desert Truck 7S -John Holmes won over Brian Cannon. BITD VEGAS To RENO -The looooong event was a howlirig success. Good weather and the most beautiful scenery you can imagine. Here are the first two finishers in each class, a full story with loads of pictures will be in the next issue of Dusty T!ffies. Clas.s 1400-1" Nick Baldwin, 2nd Brian Collins. Class 8000 - 1" Curt LeDuc, 2nd Christopher Gray. Class 1500 -1" Bud Feldkamp and Brendan Gaughan, 2nd Mark McMillin. Class 1200 -1" Gustavo Vildosola, 2nd Rick Johnson. Class 1000 - 1" Ken Rippin, 2nd Jim Dizney. Class 7200 -1" Larry Roeseler, 2nd Jonathan Swift. Class 8100 -1" Greg Foutz, 2nd Chad Hall. Class 4100-1" Josh Hall, 2nd Marc Stein. Class 7100 -1" Tim Braden, 2nd Tyler Henn. Class 3100 - Mike Falkosky, 2nd Rod Hall. Class 7300 - 1" Rob MacCachren, 2nd Jerry Fisher. Class 1800 -1" Dan Moore, 2nd Cory Sappington. Class 1700-l"Justin Mamer. Class 1750-1« Guy Alldredge, 2nd James Hunt. Class 5000 -1" Drew Belk, 2nd Scott Hewitt. Page 7

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1£9.\11 PRIMM 300 Collins And Ragland overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Brian Collins and Larry Ragland drove the "old" Trophy Truck with new driveline, a trouble free run and the overall win. Rob MacCachren and Bryan Freeman took the Class 1600 win in their good looking Fraley built car, surviving a hit and the loss of brakes. PRIMM (STATELINE) NV: Brian Collins and I.any Ragland teamed up in their old Chevrolet Trophy Truck to take the overall win atSCORE'sSep-tember Primm300. With a four lap time of 5:20:52, the team averaged a quick 55:35 miles per hour over four 74-mile long laps of Nevada desert. While SCORE kept the popular two race fomiat for this year's 10th anniver-saty event, the also popular short course section adjacent to the Buffalo Bill's µu-k-ing lot was gone. Thanks to the sale of some of the property in the area, certain sections couldn't be used this year, and this meant that the whole shebang had to move northeast a few miles, and start in the middle of Roach Dry Lake. SCORE's Sal Fish later said it had been vetydifficult to stand in the middle of the vast dty lake and figure out exactly how to lay out the complex setup of the access, exit roads, pit lane, spectator park-ing, timing and scoring and official park-ing, spectator viewing, start/finish, stag-ing, post race tech and post race parking. It was hoped they'd correctly predicted the direction of the notorious winds that sweep the area in September, and in that respecttheyweresucces.sful Forthemost part, the dust blew away from the area. But, it also blew into it as cars made their way along the access roads, so it was a dustysituation. Butthen, itwasdustyin some areas for the racers also. The spec-tators missed the grandstand seating and handy refreshment vendors that they'd become accustomed to when the race bordered the hotel parking lot And some folks missed the easy access to the hotel itself with its variety of services and com-forts for those who like an occasional break from the great outdoors. The ac-cess roads out to the dty lake from the hotel were usable by just about any vari-ety of vehicle, but some found it rough and slow going. Theydidn'tgetwatered either, so it was a dusty trip. The race still started just after sunrise, or about 6: 10 a.m., and the first group to head out onto the track consisted of Class 10, SCORE Lite, 1/2-1600, 5, 5-1600, 9, 11, Sportsman Buggy and Class 3. They did varying numbers of laps, but no one did more than four, and eveiy-one had an eight hour time limit. It was expected that most of them would actu-ally finish before the second group started at 1 p.m. That second group was made up of the Trophy Trucks, Class 1, the Protrucks, Class 8, Class 7, 7S, 7SX, Stock Full and Sportsman Truck. Again, they had an eight hour time limit, and only the fustestclas.5es were required to do four laps. Slower vehicles and those that had problems would run into darkness. The only pre-running allowed for this race was one lap of guided recon-naissance conducted on Friday morn-ing. The weather was fair, actually quite wonderful, with little threat of rain, and none materialized to change things. Wind was steady and blew pretty much in the same direction all day, causing no surprised. It blew hard enough to be noticed by some drivers in some areas, but wasn't a big factor. The first cars to take to the track were the Class 10s, with 22 starters, which did four laps.Adam Wile had his Honda poY1-ered Jimco in the lead, and had the fast lap for the class at 1:26:42. Adam was going Cesar Fuentes soloed in his Chevy powered Porter and was one happy fella as he Don Moss and brother Ken took the Class 3 win with ease, all their competition fell took the Class 1 win with six minutes in hand. by the wayside making it an easy win. ~':.-:..-:..-:..-:..:.-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..~':.-:..-:..-:..~:;,:,:;,~:;,:;,:;,:;,:;,:;,:;,~-;,:;,-:..-=,:;,:;,~-=-~~~:;,-:.,-:,,~~-:.-:,,,,-Tom Brown and Andy Megaw took the Class 5 win, after making repairs they were Ernie Negrete and Raul Solano were the big winners in Class 5-1600, but it was almost out of time at the end. _ct_os_e...:.., _th_e..<..y_w_o_n_b-<-y_2_5_s_e_co_n_d_s. ______________ _ Page a November 2005 to solo this event, although his wife, Bekki, had planned to drive half. But the pair had discovered, just two days before the race, that they are pregnant, and Bekkisatouttherare. Behind Wile Kash Vessels and Andrew Wehe had their Ta,ooi. Jimro tied ttthird with Phillip Finch and Tom Bryant in a Honda Cnno.vth.Arorunningwdlwere Lobsam YeeinaHondaJimcoandDave Richardson in John Colley's VW Alumicraft. There was less than three min-utes spread from first to fifth. Four teams failed to get around the first lap, including some highly competi-tive folks, and another four went out on the second lap, including Will Higman who broke a drive flange on his Honda Kreger. Higman decided it was probably a residual of a nasty mid-air collision that put him out of the Las Vegas short course event a month ago. Ar. the front of the µ Vessels and Wehe moved into the lead, and Wile dropped to second with Richardson third and Brian Freemal fourth in a Honda Jimco. Yee dropped tofifthafteraflat. He lostsomeofhis lug nuts and had to canni-balize to get moving again, then had to stop at his pit to get more lug nuts. Vessels and Wehe sta~d in front through the third lap, while another three cars dropped out, including Mark Weger, who lost the motor in his RPS. Wile held second, even after a flat, and now Yee was up to third place, but he hit the same rock again, and had another flat, this time hanging on to the lug nuts. John Cooley took over for Richardson and dropped to fourth thanks to a flat, while Freemal was now fifth. Only seven cars made it through the fourth lap, and Wik moved up to the front as Vessels and Wehe ground to a halt with a dead alternator and used up batteries. Wile said he "drove the wheels off the thing", not knOl>Jing ifVessels and Wehe were chasing, and he got to the fin-ish first in 6:04:02. Richardson and Cooley were second, and Cooley, who'd driven the last lap with no power steering. just wanted to sit in his car and rest. He said his arms felt "like rubber". Freemal was third, about 11 minutes behiro them, and in fourth it was Finch and Bryant, who'd had the fustestla.5t lap. Yee was fifth. In sixth it was Todd Pankratz and Lance Hides ina Hooda Jimro, 300 Joel Whitted 300 Travis Brookshire finished sixth, and last. as their Honda Jimco squeaked over the finish line just six minutes before the cut off time. Brookshire had done two laps with no brakes thanks to a bad mas-ter cylinder. Whitted, who started had dealt with alternator and battery prob-lems and an electrical fire, then had wor-ried while Brookshire made his brakeless wayaround The SCORE Lite cars had 21 start-ers, and they also did four laps. Only Randy Ra.s fuiled to get the first lap done, and Cameron Steele had his Stout in first place with a sizzling fast lap for the class at 1:27:09. Second place belonged to David Scaroni in Tom Watson's two seat Jirnco and he was six minutes back. Dusty Times

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l .. Tim Herbst was second across the line in his Trophy Truck, a couple Second place in Class ½-1600 went to LJ Kennedy and Brian Rob Taylor and Jason Lakin certainly gave it their all, they were of flats had him finishing some three minutes in affears. Burgess, they were some 14 minutes in affears in their Porter car. delayed by a slow car and lost the gold medal by 25 seconds. In third it was Dan Worley in another he flattened a rear, and just drove~:".::in~o:::-n_,_-;:;:tic::Ik;::ed;r::::o:affc--;thke~fas:::;t=-7la~p~fo~r-;:thke;:-;:Jclas.5:;-;.;-,-;a;;t---;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:,,,..,;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;:;;:;;;:;:;;:;;;:;:;;::::;:;:;:;;;:;;:;;;:;:;;:;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;:::;:;:;;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;; Jirnco, and then James Golden still an- it. He and Golden took the win, in 1:36: 11, and held onto the lead. Keller other Jirnco, was fourth. Kenny Stroud 6: 18:32, finishing only 19 seconds in front was stillserond, Boyer was third and now in his brand new Jirnco, ran fifth. ofScaroni and Waoon (who did a Mac-Kennedywas fourth, while Caleb Gaddis They all made it through the second Cachren and drove the last little bit -he's had moved into fifth place in his Curry. lap, but Steele lost a half hour, and nursing an injured back). In third, with Another five cars dropped out on the Scaroni moved into the lead. He had the fastest last lap, it was Worley and Pot-second lap. One of them, Mike Leung, about two minutes on Worley who was ter, still dealing with the sticky throttle. just pulled out, saying he had no brakes now second. Jim Greenway and Ty Greenway and Godde finished fourth, and was having a "bad day." Godde were up to third in their Henry, and Larry Nash, in a Mirage, was fifth. MacCachren had been hit bya Class newlyrepunted in Letner colors (it used He'd lost his power steering at the end of 10 car and the hit did some damage to his to belong to the Letner/Halopoff team), the second lap, and near the end was so brakes. When Bryan Freeman took over and in fourth it was Mike Belk in his tired that his pas.5enger had to take over for the last two laµ; he found he had to Porter. Golden, who'd had a flat, the job of shifting. He'd had two flats pump the brakes if he wanted to slow dropped to fifth place. It was still a very also. He did a remarkable job to finish so down or stop. No matter -he hung onto tight race at the front of the pack. far up in his condition. All told, 14 the lead, and amcentrated on being" ex-The third lap saw the demise of three SCORElitesfinishedtherace,amuch tremely, extremely careful through the teams, indudingSteele.Scaroniheld the better record than Class lO's. rocks." Boyerwasnowsecond,onlythree lead, but now Golden's axhiver, Jim Therewere251/2--1600carsandthey minutesbehindhim,andBrianBurgess, Anderson, who'dneverdrivenaSCORE also ran four laµ;. Only two bombed out who'd taken over for Kennedywas back lite car before, was up to second place. on the first lap, and Rob MacCachren into third place. In fourth it was Gaddis Greenway and Godde ran third, Worley's put Bryan Freeman's Fraley into the lead, and Keller ran fifth, orperhaµ; itwas reaxn-axhiver, Stan Potterwas fourth and try- withabout43secondsonP-aulKellerwho mateNickTiedemanndrivingatthisi:x>int ing to fix a sticky throttle. And in fifth it was second. In third it was L J. Kennedy in Freeman" cruised" through the fastest was Stroud, who found his new car to be a Porter, and Rick Boyer was fourth in a fourth lap time for the class, held onto the "the best car I've ever driven." Loduingcr. Rfthwasin thehandsofAaron lead, and secured thewinforhirnselfand Anderson drove around with no HawleyinhisBunderson. MacCachrenwithatimeof6:31:05.They problems until just before the end, when On the second lap MacCachren were ten minutes upon Kennedy and Bur-An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Qtesars & Bally s Victor Heffera and his father Victor Sr. led all the way in their Class 7 Ford Ranger, seen here at speed. gess, who thought it was a" great course." In third itwas Gaddis, who said it was the "roughest race I ever raced in my life." (Ed. Note: strange how different people see the same course so differently.) Keller and Tiedemann finished fourth, and fifth be-longed to David Caspino and Brad Inch, in a Lothringer, who'd had just one flat during their travels. All together, just ten of the 1600sgottothefinish. The final four lap class was the Baja Bugs, Class 5, with four starters. All of them completed the first lap, and Tom Continued on page 10 Ask About Our SpeclaJ H«Jdllner Sft()w and Room PAckages West Tropic.en& & An!iltf) 1-S00-171-3217 ~ Tbe Place Las Vegans (;all lbmtr Mk About OtJr Room & Golf Packages ~~ OPENING WINTER 200S Dusty Times November 2005 Alta &: Rampart 1-877-eT7-7111 l9UD00/lstC8l'IOA:om Page9

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Don and Tom Chamlee were second in the Class 7 battle, they had a Wayne Demonja had some steering problems and got stuck too, but In Class 7SX Jeff Lloyd and Toby O'Maram, Ford, fed the first tap, fell good race and were quite pleased at the finish. he came in for a nice second place in Class 7S in his Ford. to second pf/ace later on and finished about eight minutes in a"ears. 6:49:36. Greenberg asked officials about her inadvertent short-rut, and the deci-sion was that it was a non-event She was apµrrendy not the only racer who took the incorrect rum, and during the morn-ing there was radio traffic about it, but SCORE officials decided it wasn't a big enough job in the rood to make a issue of it. Fisher, who had to µ her a second time, might l1lM! been a bit distressed, but hewasn'tHeseemedtothinkitw.isfunny. There were six Class 11 rars, more than this race has seen for a while, and they needed to finish only two laps. Scott Pellerin put his car into the lead on the first lap, with a time of2:26:27. Behind him, Brian Thompson and Ed Osteen ran sec-ond, 23 minures later. In third itwasSean Malabanan, another 19 minures back. John Holmes and Scot Jones had to hustle in their Ford Ranger, they led all the Noe Sierra and his brother Tony took the win in Class 7SX, their Ford Ranger only Three of the Class 11 carsfuiledtogetthat way; ran trouble free and were elated with the win. had a small shock problem to slow their progress. firstlapdone,includingperennialwinner, Brown had the class fast lap at 1:43:57, to go into the lead. Chris Bowman ran second, about seven minutes behind him. On the seconds lap things flip-flopped. Bowman moved to the front as Brown dealt with replacing a power steering pump. Kevin Carr had his Bug in second place, Luivan Voelker was third and Brown was fourth and last. Bowman dropped out on Lap 3 and Voelker moved into the lead, with Carr second and Brown fourth. But every-one except Brown fell out on the fourth lap, so Brown went on to take the win in the time of 7 :56:50, only four minutes before he'd have run out of time. He said he really hurried through that last lap because he knew the Trophy Trucks were already on the course. Voelker did finish, but was about 26 minutes over-time, and Carr came in also, about a half hour beyond the cut off time. There were five Class 3 entries, and they had to run only three laps. Kirk Kovel, always fun to watch, failed to get his Bronco through the first lap, but Don Moss had his Bronco in front, and had recorded the class fast lap at 1:59:40. Chris Raffo had his in second place, just four minutes back. On the second lap not only did Raffo disappear, but Ken Leavitt and his Bronco were also gone. Mo;s handed his racer Oller to his broiher, Ken, midway through the lap, and they held on to the lead Their only problem was a little carburetor blub-bering and they said that all those cars with "big tires" made the ruts really deep, so their front differential housing kqxdrag-ging, and it kicked rocks upCM!r the hood and into the cab. "They go everywhere." But they didn't slow them down any, and theywere the only team to get to the finish line in Class 3, with a timeof6:34:37. The 5-1600s were another three lap class, and they had 12 starters. Three of them failed to get through the first lap. Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera had the lead, with six minutes on Rob Taylor, who'd had a flat In third place it was Ernie Negrete, who'd also had a got the win by 15 seconds. Their time Eric Solorzano who was said to l1lM! bro-flat, checkinginabouttwominures later. was 5:50:30 Lakin and Taylor were sec-kenafronttrailingann. He did eventually Brent Shennak ran fourth, only two ond. In third, 14 minutes later, it was getthecaruponfourwheelsandmadeit seconds further back. Ernesto and Tito Arambula, class vet-back to the finish area, but he was over-On the second lap things went well erans, but racing at Primm for the first time and hadn't even done ne lap, no for Raul Solano, who took over for time. They'd broken a rear adjusteron doubtabigdisappointmentfortheteam,. Negrete, and he recorded the fast lap the first lap, and also had brake prob-PellerinputGaryHelmingintothecar for the class, at 1 :51:56 to move up into lems, but still they said they liked the to do half of the second lap, and then the lead. But it was very tight, and Tay-course. Nunez and Rivera were fourth, Mark.Murrell did the balance. They had a lor and his co<lriver, Jason Lakin, were only 12 minutes behind them. In all, perfectday,andMurrelland Helming had less than two minutes behind them. In only seven 5-1600s got to the finish line, double cause to celebrate, because they'd third it was Steve Landis and James Class 9, another three lap class, had justboughtthecarfromPellerin,andliked Tedford, and in fourth, Shermak. One only three entries. Eric Fisher started out starting their team off with a victory. Th more car had dropped out. the morning with the class fust lap at ompson finished second, an hour later. They were already four hours into 2:05:33, to put his Garibay into the lead And in third it was Malabanan, who'd the race when they went into the third Behind him, Sigal Greenberg ran second had an eventful day. He' cl been lost once lap. Solano kept Negrete's car moving inherOtenowth,andHeathMitchell, in "offoourse",hesaidandhadtodrive"back along steadily, and although he found it a Mitchellbuilt, was third. around" and redo it on the right track. "veryrocky"with"lotsofsilt",hehadno FJSberheldontotheleadandmidway He'dalsobeenstuck,andoneoftheMo;s troubles and came on in to the finish through the second lap he gave the car to brothets had towed him out, and then he for the win. But for a while they weren't Hector Sarabia who kept itin front 1bey ran the final 15 miles of the race with no sure. Taylor and Lakin, who'd been had24minuresonGreenbergattheend leftfronttireandwheeLStill,hefinished "bottlenecked" behind a stuck Class 11 of the second lap. At.onep:,intGreenberg with 41 minutes to spare. car, were so close that they had to wait had inadvertently missed a section of the In the Sportsman Buggy class there for official word. Negrete and Solano course in some way due to missing mark-were three entries, but Tony Robles didn't SCORE Baja 1000 Pit Service ing;,andnsher, tohissurpcise,roundhim-get through the first lap. Barry and Cory self re-µissing her after having done it a Beacham tossed a belt, and lost a bunch few minures before. of time, and Brad Wilson, son of Class 1 FJSher and Sarabia had nothing be-racer, Ronny Wilson, ticked off the fust )Ond one flat tire to slow them dc,,.vn, and lap for the class at 2:03: 10. He was driving motored steadily to the finish line for the a Clas.51600 car, and this was his first race. win. They were 21 minutes up on 1heBeacharnshadtoretrieveWeger's Greenberg and her co-driver, Steve Class l0caronthesecondlap,andthey Costello. Mitchell also finished, another didn't~tofinish. But Wilson'scodriver, 16minures back, making this one of only ColinMonis, who is RandyWilson'sson-threeclasseswith perfectfinish recordsat in-law, also driving in a race fur the first this race. Rsherand Sarabia had a time of time, had a lap only two minures slower ~Q.\\tfi~~ . - p .. , ,.:: •.J • Let the HAG 7 Brotherhood help you In Baja/ HAG 7 Is the leading private pit organization In Baja, and we're ready to support your success in the upcoming Tecate SCORE Baja 1.000. We support all: ►Buggies ► Trucks ► Motorcycles ►Quads Mag 7 Pit Equipment: All Mag 7 pits are equipped with ► DryBreaks ► Dump Cans ► Welder Full Service: MAG 7 crews will transport your spares to the pits and back and fill you during the race with your desired fuel (high-«tane or pre-mix) from dry-breaks. dump cans. or jazz cans. Emergency Service: Already using BFG or Honda pits? Sign up with MAG 7 emergency support also to ensure you have help WHEN and WHERE you need it. We have more pits located around the race course than anyone else. It's inexpensive insurance for a fast finish. We Cover the Course: MAG 7 pits seem to be evel)Where! Located at ~o mile intervals up and down the racecourse. We11 be there when and where you need us. ► Shop Tools ► Expert Staff and Mechanics ► Multiple Race Radios ► Lubricants and Fluids ► Soda, Snacks, and Water ► First Aid Supplies Applications and prices are available at Emall: Phone: 619-518-5207, 3352 Juanita St. San Diego, CA 92105-3809 Page 10 November 200s Todd Wyllie had a few flat tires to slow his Progress, but he and his Chevy led all the way and took the Class 8 win. Dusty Times

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Ga,y Stultz drove his Ford to a decent second place in Class B, seen here getting ready for a hard landing. Sigal Greenberg and Steve Costello had a good race in their Class 9 Chenowth, they finished in second place at Primm. John Cooley and Dave Richardson gave it their all, they finished second in Class 10 in their Alumi-Craft, seen here at speed. than the first one, to demonstrate that they'd both been given some good driving lessons. They took the win, reporting no problems, and indicating that another rac-ing dynasty has apparently been born. As the last finishers of the first group were straggling in, the Trophy Trucks were taking off into the desert. They left at 30 second intervals for the most part, but occasionally would have a gap while another late finisher took the checkered flag. ltworked neatly. There were 28 Trophy Trucks, but three or four of them were apparently "chase" vehicles for real Trophy Trucks. Some were planning only to take the green flag and then go park in the first pit, wait-ing there until, and if, theywere needed. At least one started the daywitha sµire trans-mis.sion strapped into the pas.senger seat, just in case the team's race vehicle needed it. This is a ploy used at B.L T.D. events also, where, as here at Primm, no chase vehicles are permitted on oourse. The only way to get new parts to a daniaged race car is to have them sent outwith another race vehicle. That works only if there are avail-able racers willing and able to carry your µirts. On the other hand, if you have a pit vehicle already on course, and there le-gally, it can get help to the racer much more quickly. Some racers think this is a fair and efficient way to manage the prob-lem; others don't like it all TI1e Trophy Trucks were required to run four G.p;;. And four trucks didn't do the first lap. Of the rest, the lead belonged to Brian Collins, in his old Chevrolet with a new driveline installed. He'd recorded the fast lap for the clas.s, and for the day, at 1:17:39. In second place it was Alan Pflueger in his Chevro-let, two minutes and 16 seconds later. In third it was Tim Herbst less than a minute later, and in fourth Mark Post in his Ford. Pete Sohren was fifth in his Ford, another three seconds back. On the second lap three more trucks fell out. The Wayne Lugo/Craig Stewart truck rolled over to end its day. But Cameron Steele and Ed Quadewent'JYl'aY for unknown reasons. CollinsSlll.)OOfinnly in front of the µick. Tun Herbst was sec-ond now, Pflueger mird and P@ fourth while Sohren held fifth, in spite of flats. Collins got out and put Larry Rag-land into his truck, and he held on to the lead. He had about five minutes at the end of the mird lap, and it was still Herbst in second. AJ. Martin, who rides with hin1, liked the 50 mph speed limit along the long pit road. He said later that he thought they should do that at all the races. "It gives you a chance to relax, have a drink, tighten your harness ... " He was finnly in favor of it. Bob Shepard moved his Chevy up to third by now, he'd had a couple of flats, but timed them well so he could drive into his pits for replacements. Sohren was fourth, and he'd also had flats, and exploded a rotor. Fifth place belonged to Pflueger, who was "prayin' for rain." He'd liked the muddy condi-tions lastyearwhen he won the class. He had lost a driveshaft on this lap, and that cost him about 20 minutes. Ragland sailed on, untroubled by any-thing mechanical. Hethoughritwasa "won-derful race course -a little bit different." Dusty Times He and Collins had just taken five hours terview area. It took a while to extinguish, 20 minutes and52 seconds to complete butwasn'tabigthreat. Tunhaddrivenall the four laps. About three and a half min- the way because his brother, Ed, was still utes later Herbst finished, a sneaky little recovering from a broken collarbone. fire at his rightfiont c.v. joint causing a stir Their day had been pretty dean, with only among the spectators and press in the in-two flats and a small c.v. problem. November 2005 In third it was Shepard, who'd had after running well most of the day, had four flats all told, all fixed in the pits. another flat, and then when he went to FourthwenttoPflueger,whosaidhe'd restart, found he had a dead battery. had a "lot of fun." And fifth went to Passenger Ed Stout had to hike to a pit Bobby Baldwin, Chevy who, with just to get a battery, then walk it back out to one flat, called ita "perfect day." Sohren, Continued on page 12 Page 11

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Tom Watson and David Scaroni were second in SCORE Ute, they Brian Thompson and Ed Osteen didn't have too bad a day. they took missed the win by 19 seconds in their good looking Jimco. second place honors in Class 11, seen here heading for the checkers. Bob Shepard and Rick Geiser moved through the Trophy Truck pack and finished on the podium in their Chevy truck. Another nine cars fuiledtogetaround the serond lap, including Wilson, who'd been fourth. The lead still belonged to Wevhrlch, who now had about three and a half minutes on Cesar Fuentes in his new Clievyp:,wered Porn:r. His trotorwas mis-firingone cylinder, 9:> hewas a bitshorton horrqx,.ver, butodierwisehelikoohisnew car just fine. B.J. Richardson had moved his Chevy Bunderson up to third place, and Ebberts had dropped to fourth. Lee Patten, in a new Chevy Penhall, was now fifth and only nine minutes behind the leader. ltwasstillan}One'sgame. Eric Fisher and Hector Sarabia had only a flat tire to slow them as they took the win in their Class 9 Garibay. Adam Wik soloed in his Jimco Honda, he took the Class 10 win with 18 minutes in hand and was more than happy at the finish. But it wasn't Wevhrlch's game. He dropped out on the third lap. Herbst's co<lriver, Larry Roeseler, moved into the lead, with about 4 3 seconds on Fuentes. Fuentes lives on the mainland ofMexiro, in the state of Chihuahua. He's been rac-ing off road for many years, and rom-petes in a rouple of series on the main-land He's also raced sprint cars and stock cars. For the past rouple of years he's had trouble getting to the finish line in the SCORE events, but things were looking pretty good at Primm. Ebberts was now in third place, with Richardson fourth after changing a flat, and Mark.McMillin's car in fifth, and Brian Ewalt at the wheel now.Arouple more cars had fallen by the the race car. They dropped back to 11th. 1birteen of the Trophy Trucks finished, or less than 50 percent. There were 40 Clas.5 1 cars, and of rourse, they were to run four lap;. Mark Weyhridi started the day off rightwith the fust lapfortheclas.sat 1:20:28 in hisebevy Jimro, to take the lead. 1n second place it was Dale aberts in his TC7y001 Jimco, and then Troy Herbst ran third in the Ford Smithbuilt T ruggy. ln fourth place it was Ronny Wilson in his Chevy Jimco, and Omck H~ had his four cylinder Jimro in fifth place. Between first and fifth place there was a span of just two minutes and 11 seconds. Nine cars had gone belly-up on that first lap, including Michael James' new Cbevy Jimrowhich lost its transmis-sion. Others left high and dry were Srott Kincaid, Mike Bilek, Charles Rodrick, Brian Ickier, Danny Ebberts, his brother Darren and dad, Tom, Alan Levinson and Harley Letner. Hector Cuadras was also out, but he was basically functioning as a chase car for Srott McMillin, who'd tom off a trailing arm and needed Oiadras to bring it to him. At the end of the first lap one of the racers began the toughest fight ofhis life. Corky McMillin, who'd started the race in his Chevy Chenowth, got out and in-stalled Gary Arnold into the driver's seat Then, since he wasn't feeling quite right, Corley' steam decided they'd take him to the hospital in Las Vegas in their helirop-ter. Some back and forth conversation on the radio finally determined that the Fight for Life would be quicker because they already had the needed authoriza-tion to land at the hospital, which the McMillin heliropter lacked. So Corkywas hustled off to the hospital, sitting up, chat-TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of 1'he Year congratulations Arden Dennington 1st in Class 112-1&00 SCORE Terrible's Short course -Las Vegas TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIELAVENUE CIIA.TSWORTH, C.A 91311 818-998-2739 Page 12 November 2005 ting with people, and not appearing to be terribly ill But he'd had a mild heart attack, and at the hospital they did an angioplasty. In the meanwhile his family continued their races, Mark in one car, Srottinanother(teamedwithAndy)and Gary Arnold in Corley' s car. At the end of the race the family went to see him, and then moved him to a Scripµ; hospital close to him. He passed away about ten days later, surrounded by his family. He's been an integral partofoff road racing in southern California, Baja and Nevada for many years, and every-one in the racing rommunitywill feel his ah5ence. wayside. As Fuentes began to hope for a good finish, Roeseler' s hopes were fading. He was driving into the sun, in the dust, and hit a "mountain side", which flat-tened a rear tire. They got out and Jim Golden and Jason Hatz took the SCORE Lite win in their Jimco, but it was close, they won by only 19 seconds. Scott Pellerin, Marl< Mureil and Gary Helming made it look easy they took the Class 11 win with almost an hour in hand at the flag. Dusty Times T

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7 Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt drove their Jimco-Chevy to a third Galeb Gaddis said it was a very rough race, he finished third in ½· Ernesto Arambula and Adolfo Ambola (555) finished in a decent third place finish, a mere 22 seconds out of second place. 1600, he was just four minutes out of second place in his Curry. place in Class 5-1600, seen here overtaking a competitor. changed the tire and went on, but a Nuckles toured the course four times in third. Bany Karakas, usually a threat in class fast lap time of 2:08:35. He had and they also ran only three laps. Jeff short distance later the front also went his Ford, to get an official win. But at the his Toyota, spent five and a half hours only 23 seconds on Wayne Demonja, in Lloyd took the early lead with the class flat, thanks to a big cut in the sidewall. finish line he said, "It's no fun when)UU're getting the first lap done. another Ford. Behind them Joe Rice in a fast lap time of 2: 10:55. But both Tony And now they had no spare. LR had by)OU1'Sel£" His bump stops were broken Herrera maintained his lead, and was Tayota and Rodd Fantelli were both out Sierra and Rich Severson were within to limp along on three tires to a pit where and his shocks had gone away. He did the 40 minutes to the gcxx.l at the end of the before the lap was over. five minutes behind them. he could get squared away again. He four laps in 7:24:52. second lap. DanChamleewasinsecond JoneshandedthetruckovertoJohn Onthesecondlaptheleadbelonged lost about 20 minutes all together. Six trucks started the race in Class 8, place in his Ford. Hores had lost over an Holmes, and he kept it in front, but they to Severson, with l.k¥l second and Si-At the finish line Fuentes was first in but only four got the first lap done. This hour and Turner had a five hour second had to keep the pressure on, because erra third, but still all close enough that the time of 5:46:20. He made history by group needed to finish only three loops. lap when he broke his steering box and Demonja was only a bit over two min-one small problem would make thediffer-being the first Mexican national to win a At the end of the fust, Todd Wyllie had the carburetorwent bad. Not his best day. utes behind them. Mike Homer, in a ence. Noe Sierra took over for his brother, SCORE event in Class 1. He drove the his Chevy in front, and had the quick lap Herrera put his dad, Victor, Sr., in to Toyota, had lost about an hour and a and he had a problem with a front shock, entire distance, but said it was the "last time for the class at 1:26:27. Nick drive the last lap, and he held a steady half on the first lap, buthewasstillmov- but still managed the best last lap time, · time I'll do that!" Richardson, who Vanderweywassecond,aboutfourmin-pace to maintain the lead and give the ing,andTedMonrure,inanctherToo,ota, whichwasgoodenoughto~therntothe thoughtthecoursewasrough,finished utes later in his GMC, and Dave teamtheirwin.SaidtheSeniorHerrera hadalongsecondlap.However,bothof frontofthepack. Theytookthewinwith second, about six minutes back,. Mark Raimonde, in a Chevy, ran third. Gary at the fmish line, "This was a good, gcxx.l them faded away on lap 3. a time of 6:57:05. UC¥1, who had one flat McMillin and Brian Ewalt were third, Stultz, out for the first time in his new-to-race." Their time for the three laps was Holmes and Jones took the win with and one loose wire, had a scare at the end 22 seconds behind Richardson. Ewalt him Ford, ran fourth. This is Jimmy 5:07:43. Chamlee, who had his daugh-three very evenly paced laps, in a total of the day when he thought he'd lost his said it was "a lot of fun, but the fast parts Beaver'sok1Class8truck(theoneheused ter Stacy and son Tun riding along, fin-timeof6-33:16. Demonjahadsomesreer-Rallyl..ogger. ButitseerrntheRally Logger are getting rougher." Herbst and Roe-to run as a Trophy Truck). ished second, reporting no flat tires. He ing problems and also got stuck trying to people had just been so quick at removing seler salvaged a fourth place, a minute The Vanderweytruckdisappearedon said "Thatwas fun!". getaroundacoupleofstuckvehicles, but itthattheyhadn'tnoticed. lheyftnished and 47 seconds later, and in fifth it was theserond lap, and Wyllie, having no prob-Class 7S started next, with six entries, he was only 25 minutes behind the win-second, only seven minutes behind the Si-Kevin and Michael James, in their old lemsofar,heldthelead,withRaimonde alsorequiredtorunonlythreelaps.Scott nersinsecondplace. erras. And Severson, who'd had a rear Chevy Jin1co. As long as his new toy was second and Stultz third lben Raimonde Jones put his Ford into the lead with a Class 7SX:had three entries, all Fords, broken, Michael booted Kevin out of fellaway. the car after two laps, and he got in the Wyllie had a couple of flats and broke okl one to drive to the finish. Patten, with a front "J" arm on the last lap, and his Jerry Penhall as second driver, finished reµurscosthimabout20minutes.Hestill sixth, reporting no serious trouble, and got to the finish line in.time fora win, with Gary Arnold broughtCorky McMillin's a total time of 4:58: 14. Stultz also got a car to the finish line in seventh place. At finish, in second place. the finish line, obviously worried about There were six entries in Class 7, an-Corl...-y, he said, "I had to finish, for him!" other three lap class. Only five made it This wasn't an official Protruck points through the first lap, and in front it was event, so only four of them entered. And Victor Herrera in his Ford, with the fast only two showed up. Gus Vildosola, Jr., lap for the class, at 1 :34 flat. Craig holed his Toyota's radiator on the first Turner had second in his Ford, only lap, and sat out the day, while Jimmy four minutes back, then Raul Hores was John Griffin took the Stock Full win in his Hummer but he had many problems to overcome before he saw the finish line. Jimmy Nuckles had no problem taking t' • ProTruck win, he's seen here in his Ford ready for takeoff at Primm. Dusty Times •·••••·••s1zu .. ,,,., .. , .. ,.,. ... , ... , ••-cut .,.,., •••••• , •• ~-••tt II.I.II. ,,_,,, arl•lu/hn, .... l'au.ra .. .,.,., ........ , .. ,,. Call tar Pricing! November 2005 Continued on page 14 Page 13

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David Caspino and Brad Inch finished fifth in the Class ½-1600 Brian Freemal drove a good race in his Jimco Honda, he finished Troy Herbst and Larry Roese/er lost lots of time with a bad flat tire, they came in for fourth place in Class 1 in their Ford Truggy. class, seen here at speed in their Lothringer. third in the highly competitive Class 10 race. flat and a damaged brake on the last lap, fin said his recent improvements to the two entries, both Fords, and they had was third, eight minutes later. ltwasoneof car had really paid off and he'd enjoyed to run two laps. Carl Niemechek had the tighterraces. lbis class was one of just the "best racing I've ever had" with the first lap lead, with about 27 minutes threeinwhichallentriesgottothefinish. Handley. Griffin went on to take the on Mark Growe, who had the flu. The Stock Full cla5.5 was required to win, finishing in 5:40:00, and none of Bobby Quarnstrom took over for run only two laps, and there were just the others got to the finish. Niemechek on the second lap and re-four entries. All of them got through In the Stock Truck class there were corded the class fast lap, at I:57:44 to the first lap, and John Griffin took the lead, with the class fast lap time of 2:07:50. Mark Handley was second, an hour and 36 minutes later. He'd bro-ken an axle and the wheel, brakes and tire had gone flying out into the desert. He had a spare axle assembly and, of course, a wheel and tire, but no spare brakes. But it was enough to get him through the lap and into the next one. Meanwhile Bob Graham was about four minutes behind him in his Nissan, and Terry Henn lost the Turbo on his Hummer. hold on to the lead. In the meantime, So the lOthannualSCORELas Ve-Growe stopped to help Griffin, a buddy gas Primm 300 came to an end. of his. The Quarnstrom/Niemechek SCORE now has just its prestigious Baja team took the win, with a two lap time 1000 left on the 2005 schedule, and of 3:57:42, and Growe, just happy to thepointsbatdes,withKartek's$50,(XX) finish, was second lbiswasanotherclass purse at stake, will all be settled in No-with 1000,ti finishers. vember. SCIIE The second lap worked out differ-ently. Griffin lost a half-shaft, but the big problem came when the alternator went out and the batteries went dead. They got a batteIY from Mark Growe in the Stock Truck class, but still had to l:3obby Quarnstrom and Carl Niemechek drove their Ford Ranger to the Sportsman BJ Richardson and John Gaughan made their way through the large Class 1 finish with 110 lights, no mean feat. Grif-Truck win, seen here at work on the course. pack, they finished second in a hard fought battle. ltmB:t1 TRUFILTER OIL SYSTEMS Page 14 November 2005 Dusty Times

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f l Dusty Times BAJA1000 SPECIALS RADIOS INTERCOM GPS November 2005 Page 15

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l..n.Jc:!C:: 24TH OMV ADAC RALLYE DEUTSCHLAND 2005 Loeb/Citroen Win In Germany By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb's eighth win of the 2005 season came at the German Rally, he took the win by 37 seconds in his Citroen Xsara. "It was definitely a perfect rally", exclaimed Sebastien Loeb. "I fought very hard with out team-mate Francois Duval as he was driv-ing very fast. We gave it every-thing,." It was Loeb's eighth win of the 2005 season at Rallye Deutschland, but there was an even greater handful of accolades for Citroen who followed their 1-2 overall result with an impressive 1-2 in the Junior category with their C2 cars. Both the World Rally cars and the Junior cars were unbeatable on the stages until late on in the event when the pace of the rally eventually eased. Title of best-of-the-rest of the WRCs went to the Peugeot team whose drivers finished 3-4 overall, while best-of-the-rest of the Junior cars were Suzuki, whose Swifts finished 3-4 on their first appearance on as-phalt. Mitsubishi driver Gianluigi Galli drove a fine vent to finish fifth, a career best result for him, while Roman Kresta was best of the Fords in sixth place. Subaru had a terrible event, a transmis-sion failure thwarting any hope Petter Solberg had of a reasonable result. All three works Skodas, which had been running reliably, ended up off the road on an event closely observed by its top man-agement who were about to make decisions on future competition policies. What a change from the last event! Round 11 of the 16 event season was the first clear as-phalt event in the championship for seven months. Whereas Fin-land ranks as one of the most su-preme drivers' events in the series, the constant slow corners of the German Rally demand absolute traction and power from cars and pay little attention to driver skill, apart from the task of staying on the road. In the traditionally un-settled weather conditions found on this event, staying on the road however is not a foregone conclu-sion! Following the accidents last year, the organisers had given at-tention to greater selectivity of suit-able roads in the Baumholder re-gion, and also introduced some speed reducing chicanes. Against all the original cost saving inten-tions of the FIA, Germany wit-nessed the return of the Safety (Gravel Note) Crews, for the first time since Monte Carlo. This facil-ity was available to P 1 and P2 driv-ers while P3 drivers and privateers had a service provided by the organisers. This year the event counted for the Junior WRC, in-stead of the Production Car WRC, and was the sixth out of eight events in the series on which participation on all but one event Daniel Sordo and Marc Marti took the JWRC win with seven minutes in hand, see here in their Citroen C2. is compulsory. It was only the sec-ond time this year that all 13 regis-tered competitors had nominated themselves to contest the same event. Despite being called an asphalt rally, the Rallye Deutschland is far from being a conventional sealed surface event. The route includes narrow asphalt vineyard roads through the wine growing terraces of the Mosel, rutted and broken up concrete on the Baumholder military ranges, as well as closed public road stages on the final day. In addition, the variety of the stages makes Germany one of the most unpredictable events of the championship. Rain frequently makes the surface in Baumholder extremely slippery, putting trac-tion and grip at a premium. An-other hazard which the constantly changing weather can bring is to make correct advance tyre selection impossible. Among the works car ranks there were many brand new cars to be seen in Germany and some technical novelties, but not for Citroen. Germany has to be Citroen's most successful rally. They have won the last four events, the three occasions when the rally qualified for the world champion-ship and before that Philippe Bugalski's victory in the pre-cham-pionship rally as well. Loeb ran Chassis 31 on this occasion, win-ner of three previous World ral-lies including last year's event. Duval meanwhile was given permis-sion by the team to attack, and im-mediately showed his pace by tak-ing fastest time at Shakedown. Ford welcomed Dani Sola back to the team for the first time since Mexico, this time as a non-nomi-nated entry. Jan Tomanek was also back co-driving again for Roman Kresta, having missed 10 rounds of the season through illness. Kresta 's stand-in co-driver Jan Mozny, meanwhile carried out Safety Crew duties. After discov-ering the hard way the inherent problems of their revolutionary combined handbrake and emer-gency gearshift lever, Ford reverted to an orthodox emergency gear-shift system on two of their cars. Missing from the Ford team was Antony Warmbold. During the recce he had a road collision with a motorcycle in which he hurt his head. He opted out of the second day recce and withdrew from the event. Like most German drivers, this was billed as Warmbold's "home" event though drivers like Sebastien Loeb (France) and Francois Duval (Belgium) live closer to Trier than virtually every German driver on the rally ... Apart from their actual cars, noth-ing else was new with Mitsubishi but after contesting two "Formula 2 • only" rallies in the '90s, this event will be the 100th full World Championship Rally for Harri Rovanpera. He is the 15th driver, and the seventh Finn, to reach this level of experience. Like many teams, Peugeot's two rally cars are those previously used in Turkey. Neck and neck: after Finland, Peugeot's Marcus Gronholm and Citroen's Sebastien Loeb had now each won 17 World championship events and Peugeot are just one point in the lead of the Makes' championship in front of Citroen. Skoda had a three car team entry again, this time including Alex Bengue and Czech champion Jan Kopeck and were without their Finnish drivers. All in brand new cars! Bengue won the recent Eifel Rally in front of fellow Fabia na-tional champion driver Matthias Kahle, using a then-secret new five speed gearbox, which was then fit-ted to Schwarz and Bengue's cars for this rally. Subaru also had a three car team, with Stephane Sarrazin the second nominated driver. There was a new car for Petter Solberg and this was the first asphalt event for the WRC2005 lmpreza, which meant it was also the first asphalt event for a wide track Subaru. In the Junior WRC, Monster Sport Europe prepared two new cars for Andersson and Wilks. They carried out further tests on their Swifts the weekend before this event. On going to press Alan Scorcioni, entered in an lgnis, ac-tually appeared in an old Fiat Punto. No fewer than six non-championship Super 1600 cars were also competing here. Leg 1 6 Stages, asphalt, 119.38kms. After a wet Ceremonial Start Francois Duval tried to beat his teammate but it was not to be, he's seen here flying his Citroen Xsara towards the finish. on the Thursday in Trier, Friday was the vineyard day with three different stages tackled twice and in the stages with the straight dashes from one corner to the next, the works Citroens shot into Page 16 November 2005 Dusty Times I I

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Marcus Granholm drove his Peugeot 307 to the bronze medal in Manfred Stohl was an early retiree, he broke a driveshaft on his Annin Schwarz and Klaus Wicha went into forced retirement after they had an accident with their Skoda Fabia. Gennany with the wine country as a backdrop. Citroen Xsara and was forced top call it a day. the lead. Duval explained that he On Stage 4, Duval stalled at the were tricky. Gronholm complained had freedom to drive as he pleased start of the stage, due to a clutch he was never braking late enough, on this occasion, was happier than problem, and this let Loeb take Sarrazin spun and slid into a ditch, we had seen him recently, but was back the lead. Kresta spun and this and baulked Sola. Sarrazin ac-diplomatic. "Sebastien and I are let teammate Gardemeister pass cepted spectator power to get go-fighting the opposition not each him into fifth place. Conditions ing again. Schwarz complained of other." Although there had been a lot of rain the day before, the conditions were certainly not un-duly hindering the top runners. There were still some damp patches under trees and the inside of curves were often muddy, especially after the leading cars had passed and cut the corners. On Stage 3, however, there was initially a pow-dery dust which progressively cleared away as the rally passed. This problem caused first car Loeb some understeering and enabled Duval (running over a quarter hour later on the road) to inch ahead into the lead, momentarily. Already almost a quarter minute slower after Stage 1 was Marcus Gronholm, another quarter minute in front of Kresta and Martin. Solberg had a half spin and lost time, while his teammate Chris Atkinson started off badly. Just two minutes before the start of Stage 1 the boost failed and this affected the work of the ALS, prob-lems continued through the day in-termittently. Stohl and Galli each spun and stalled. Kresta fell back on Stage 2 when he slid into a bank letting Martin up to fourth. On Stage 3, however, Martin hit a curb with a rear wheel, the tyre deflated and immediately flew off the rim and he dropped down to eighth. At the first service halt, therefore, Petter Solberg (who had a half spin on Stage 1) was up to fourth in front of Kresta and Gardemeister. Gardemeister had survived an ad-venture when he went off the road on the first stage but lost surpris-ingly little time, but it was a scary moment. "I was driving through these tall, vine plants and could not see which way the road went. The windscreen was covered with crushed grapes." Sarrazin was ly-ing sixth in his Subaru when his handbrake mechanism failed on Stage 3, and he had to drive round most of the stage's 11 hairpins with-out any aid to swing the rear of the car round. Of the P2 cars Stohl had throttle trouble and this even-tually resulted in him going off the road and finally being stopped by a bramble bush. This cost nearly five minutes while Bengue followed him off the road and stayed there. Although Bengue's car was little damaged and was driven back to service, the entry was withdrawn as there was little to learn for the two following asphalt events if he had carried on. Rovanpera was driving cautiously, this was his first big attempt at an asphalt event in a WRC for three years, Galli the same trying to forget the memory of Finland. Dusty Times November 2005 fuel problems early on but was now Gronholm third, almost a minute happier.-Happy all the time in 13th behind the leader. Gronholm, place was Jan Kopecky, cheered on when asked how the rally was pro-by thousands of Czech supporters. gressing commented, "I am in a AttheendofthelegLoebwas 11.7 rally of my own, far behind seconds ahead of Duval and Continued on p111 18 Page 17

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Markko Martin and Michael Park were first out of the money in Mirco Baldacci and Giovanni Bemacchini struggle with their Fiat Chris Atkinson and Glen Macneal/ drove their Subaru lmpreza to an Germany. they were four minutes out of the win in their Peugeot 307. Punto, they were seventh in JWRC, 22"' overall. 11111 place finish in the German rally. Citroen, a long way in front of the In the afternoon, Per-Gunnar and about 40 surface changes Their leading driver Toni heating and had to retire from the others." And how are you doing? Andersson was slowed by a bro-between asphalt, concrete, pave Gardemeister lost over 20 minutes rally at service. With Skoda's "I'm winning!" Even in a helpless ken catalytic converter which lost and gravel. The top 15 cars re-on Stage 8 with electrical prob-policy board meeting on 5th Sep-position, the 2000/2002 cham-engine power. Aava rolled a sec-started as usual in reverse order, lems which turned out to be a re-tember, the retirement here, on pion still held his humour. After ond time but continued, only to so it was strange to see the first lay failure on the master switch. their perceived home event, an almost trouble free day, Solberg be ordered not to restart because two cars on the road were the of-The crew bypassed the relay and through crashes by both nomi-was only fourth. One good thing, of excessive damage to the roll cage. ficial Subarus of Chris Atkinson eventually got going again, but was nated drivers did not bode well it was dry all day, but good for Sordo had a right front puncture (on his first major asphalt event) now down to 35th place. So be- for the team's future prospects, whom? The Pirelli teams had losing a handful of seconds. On and Sarrazin, each making up for hind the top three drivers the rally though Kopecky in the No.3 car prayed for rain ... ! Citroen went the final stage Martin Prokop lost time on the first day, but on had quite a different face. was going fine. Because his team-into the lead also in the JWRC. stopped with a broken rear axle this rally the roads get dirtier with Markko Martin was up to fourth, mate momentarily went off the "My car feels fine, which is more but was allowed to carry on. Sordo every passing. In fact, on Stage 7, behind teammate Gronholm, de-road and had overheating brakes than I do", exclaimed Dani Sordo. led Me eke by 16.6 seconds, then Stephane Sarrazin made second spite going off the road at the start Loeb increased his lead, to just un-Suzuki driver Guy Wilks was ini- came the two Swift drivers. best time. At least Petter Solberg of Stage 7. Gianluigi Galli was up der a half minute over Duval. Be-tially second but then Sordo's Leg 2 was in fourth place overall, but to fifth while Dani Sola had hind the two Citroens and the two teammate Kris Meeke passed him, 7 Stages, asphalt, 145.94kms. that was not to last long. On Stage passed Ford teammate Roman Peugeots there was quite a fight leaving the two Swifts third and On the second day the rally 8 he had a hydraulic gearshift Kresta into sixth when the Czech for fifth position. Sola got ahead fourth. The Ignises of Kos ti headed to the military area of problem, checked in nine minutes spun off the road. Despite a vi-of Galli, when the Mitsubishi had Katajamaki and Urmo Aava then Baumholder and again the con- late (lm30s penalty) as he tried bration problem with a tyre bad vibrations from a broken followed. Aava went off and rolled ditions were dry. After the domi-to carry out repairs. He removed Armin Schwarz was up to eighth, mousse on Stage 10. On Stage 12 during the pre-event Shakedown nation of the Citroens and the the sumpguard on a road section but then he had problems. He Sola had a hydraulic problem and missed the Ceremonial Start endeavours of Gronholm, meant in order to manually select one went off the road after a heavy which affected the gearshifts, Galli while mechanics fixed the car, no other driver achieved even a gear, third, in order to carry on. landing in a dip and the radiator spun and then stalled at a hair-ready for the official start the fol-top three time, Saturday looked He finished Stage 8 with the car was damaged by the fan. He dam-pin and suddenly Kresta had lowing day. Alan Scorcioni was an like a replay if the weather stayed stuck in gear, dropping him to aged the clutch when regaining the jumped up from seventh to fifth early casualty with engine failure dry. The classic stage of the day 12th place. A gearbox change at road, unaided by spectators but despite having two punctures and on the first stage, Mirco Baldacci called Panzerplatte, was tackled service made the car good again. without him realising the engine tackling the Superspecial stage at lost two minutes with a puncture. twice. If featured 81 junctions Then problems came to Ford. was also damaged through over- St. Wendel with no air in one tyre. Page 18 _~ ... --· ... iinEC ■ IE:: IVI ~ .-; --November 2005 Dusty Times

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Luca Betti and Giovanni Agnese were 1!1" overall in the German Gianluigi Galli and Guido d'Amore drove their Mitsubishi Lancer to a Rally, seen here in their Renault Clio landing hard. very decent fifth overall in Germany. Jan Kopecky and Filip Schovanek were put out of the running when an accident altered their Skoda Fabia. Sola finally finished the day in back 50 metres"), then it was the Sarrazin. Sarrazin was asked his eighth place, behind Sarrazin. turn of Wilks ( 1 m40s off the tactics and said he could "control" Sola's car had not been fitted with road), which let Andersson back the cars behind him, but one sus-the handbrake modification so he up to third. After that Andersson pected that Prod rive had the could not use this on the Super-had a puncture so that Wilks was chance to elevate the Norwegian special, which lost him ore time. back to third. Prokop had eter-one extra place, in any case. In fact Manfred Stohl retired for a sec-nal brake problems as well as con-it never came to that because ond time when he hit a stone and tinual rear axle problems which Sarrazin lost time on Stage 17, broke a driveshaft but the lead- his team could not resolve and he with a broken driveshaft, which ing OMV team car remained Pons retired. Conrad Rautenbach had elevated Solberg. On the second in 12th place, behind Kopecky. It a nasty off and his co-driver Carl stage eighth placed Sola went off was all quiet at the top, 27.9 sec-Williamson was taken to hospital into a field and got stuck in a ditch ond gap between the Citroens, with badly bruised ribs. He had as he tried to drive back to the but Solberg was determined to hit loose gravel at a flat out left road. This partially blocked the progress. At the end of the day he hander, slid on to grass, where rally route and the following driver was ninth, 3.0 seconds behind there was a hidden ditch. Markko Martin had to nudge the Sola and 17 .0 seconds behind his Valousek had a broken driveshaft Ford out of the way with the front Subaru teammate Sarrazin. and also suffered brake troubles. of his Peugeot. No sooner had he Nicolas Bernardi retired on Stage Sordo finished the day 11. 7 sec-had climbed up to ninth place 11 when his Bozian Peugeot hit a onds in front of teammate Meeke, than Kopecky, in the remaining "hinkelstein" concrete block Andersson 20.3 in front of team-Skoda, went off the road 2km Guy Wilks and Phil Pugh were a very decent third place in the JWRG category, here setting up for a right hander. alongside the track which caused mate Wilks. from the end of Stage 16 and re-a lot of damage to the car. Leg 3 tired with a broken left rear sus-Sordo and Meeke continued at 6 Stages, asphalt, 90.08kms pension. As the pace eased at the the head of the JWRC category. Another dry and often sunny front of the field, a non-Citroen Despite his Northern Ireland day, this wasn't true Rallye made the first scratch stage time background Meeke claimed this Deutschland weather! Third day of the event, Markko Martin be-was only his 10th ever asphalt was the public road stages day, sec- ing fastest on Stage 16, then Galli rally. "Remember, this is Sordo's tions popularised by the Saarland and Solberg did this on the next 10th asphalt rally this year Rally. Forty-four cars restarted. two stages. Kresta started testing alone ... " For the second day run-On the first stage Solberg spun and tyres ready for the two remaining ning Andersson overshot a junc-stalled which delayed his return asphalt rallies this year (today's tion ("yesterday I came to a cor-back up the field. He was now al- stages being far more relevant than ner at 120kph, and had to reverse most 40 seconds behind teammate those run earlier), but this cost 24th OMV ADAC Rallye Deutschland 25128_08_2005 Bostalaee-Trier (O) WC roood him time and let Galli rise to fifth 11 ~C round 6 WC points WR WO JC 1 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena FIMC Citroen Xsara WRC 584DEX78(F) 3h.27m.13.2s. 10 10 2 (2) Francois DWALJSven Smeets B Citroen Xsara WRC 945DGC78 (F) 3h.27m.50.6s. 8 8 3 (7) Marrus GRONHOIJNTimo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot '307 WRC 952PRV75 (F) 3h.29m.18.0s. 6 6 4 (8) Markko MARTlNJMichael Park EE/GB Peugeot 307 WRC 967PRV75 (F) 3h.31m.22.6s. 5 5 5 (10) Gianluigi GALLI/Guido d'Amora WRC KR05ZKJ (GB) 3h.32m.16.Bs. 4 6 (4) Roman KRESTA/Jan Tomanek ET53URO (GB) 3h.32m.25.5s. 3 3 Mitsl.t>ishl Lancer 4 CZ Ford Foc:ua WRC 7 (5) Petter SOLBERGIPhilip Mills N/GB Subsu lmprez.a WRC NC54WRC (GB) 3h.35m.01.3s. 2 2 8 (6) Stephane SARRAZIN/Denis Giraudet F Slbaru lmpn,za WRC CC54WRC (GB) 3h.35m.◄7.3s. 1 1 9 (19) X8vier Pons/Cslos Del Banio E Citroen Xsara WRC 559DHK78 (F) 3h.36m.22.◄s. -10 (9) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer WRC KR05ZKL (GB) 3h.36m.24.Bs. -Other important finishers · 11 (15) Chris AlkinsonlGlenn Maawall AUS SubaN lmpn,za WRC EC54WRC (GB) 3h.37m.46.2s. • 12 (14) Dani SolalXavier Amigo E Ford Focus WRC EN02UCT (GB) 3h.43m.56.3s. -13 (41) DanielSordolM.-cMatiE CitroenC2 .Tv\RC NWV003 (B) 3h.43m.56.3s.• • 10 14 (35) Kris MeekelGlem Patterson GB Citroen C2 .Tv\RC N\W001 (B) 3h.48m.24.2s. - 8 15 (32) Guy Wilks/Ph~ Pugh GB Suzuki Swill JWRC JX0765 (H) 3h.50m.53.9s. - 6 16 (31) Per-Goonar AnclerssonlJonas Andersson S Suzuki Swift ~C JXD76◄(H) 3h.51m.44.1s. - 5 place overall. Rovanpera was beaten in the run to the finish by the OMV driver Xavier Pons who annexed ninth place. Victory for Loeb brought more changes to the record books, this time driving Chassis 31 into its fourth World rally win, just as Chassis 12 had done a few years before, and it was the first time for seven years that one driver had won the same event four years running. Records all the way. In JWRC Kris Meeke punc-tured, stopped and changed a 17 (3) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Jakke Honkanen FIN Ford Focus WRC ET53UNY (GB) 3h.52m.50.2s. -• stffk And High PerfOrmfmefl 1'la 18 (67) Hermann Gassner/Karin Thannhauser D Mitsubishi Lancer Evo N 3h.53m.06.9s ... -19 (33) Kosti Katajamakilrimo Alame FIN Suzuki lgnis ~C IYY483 (H) 3h.53m.07.7s. - 4 20 (38) Luca Betti/Giovanni Agnese Renault Clio ~c CB655VD (I) 3h.57m.20.3s. - 3 22 (34) Mifco Baldaoci.lGiovanni Bemaochini RSM/I Fiat PI.Klto JWRC CE039WE (I) 3h.59m.03.8s. - 2 23 (42) Pavel Valousek/Pienngelo Scalvlni CZ/I lgnis JWRC PUS001 (H) 4h.00m.41.Bs. ~ 24 (39) Luca Cec:chettiii/Massimo Daddoveri .Tv\RC Bl.564ZV (I) 4h.02m.04.8s. -Suzukl 1 Fiat Punto 27 (21) Stepan \/ojtech/Michal Ernst CZ Peugeot 206 WRC 1L3 7766 (CZ) 4h.09m.45.1s. -• Pactol7·Tralned Afendeola Builder and AuthorlZed Dlsttlbutor _ • so Vean eomblned Experience • UnSUl'flOSsed Rellttblllty • High OUallty I Low Price wheel, but still held second place in the category but was now far behind teammate Sordo. All re-maining nine competitors reached the end, all remarkably having completed all the route. Sordo now has a good grasp on the championship. He has both the two remaining JWRC events to tackle, and although he equals Wilks on points, Sordo has tack-led one event fewer and has three wins against one in the category for Wilks. IAr.!!C: Sh/pp/Ilg from our TWO cal/fom/a tocatlons! 57 (13 JWRC) starters. 32 (9 .Tv\RC) finishers. • JWRC/SUPER 1600 winner. **Group N wimer. MANUFACTURER'S REGISTERED DRIVER. (Number of missed stages or road sections) Winner's average speed over 1.866.1/W.STUl=I= • f.866.897.BB~~ Dusty Times November 2005 Page 19

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M.O.K.B. PLAYTECH 250 "-°"~~wi·1coxon Wins overall By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Clint Fisher led Class 1300 all the way, he ran his four required laps in 3:19:30, almost a 48mph average. minutes in arrears and Mike Pacewiczh was the brorue medal winner, still suffer-ing from that long third lap. The fourth lap ended, Clint Fisher had led all the way and he took a nice win, Chris Paarwas second, he had been running a bit off the winning pace and was half an hour in arrears, Michael Kanuch hung on for third place and Michael Paar was a long fourth. There was only one entry in the Ultra Truck class, Giti Gowland and Giti cruised around for his four required laµ; at a bit over an hour a lap and was the unoontested class winner. Rick Wilcoxon had a great race, he took the Class 1 win as well as the overall win, he's seen here at speed. There were eight contestants in the Trophy Challenge and they had to run four laµ; for their race. Unfortunately for some of them, only half of the cars would see the checkered flag. When they finished their first lap it was Clint Fisher showing the way, Greg Crew was second in, he was less than a minute behind the leader Rick Waszkiewicz was third across the line, Oms Paar was running in fourth place and Michael Kanuch was in fifth place. Michael Paar was in sixth place and Matt Frick was seventh afrer a three hour lap. Gene Wilson neveroompleted his first lap. Class 5 had only three entries, they had six laµ; to run but only one of them would see the checkered flag. John Criswell ripped around the course, was first on the lead lap and had five minutes on second place, Tom Costa was second to cross the line and Erik Earnest was third to finish the lap. MORE put on their penultimate race of the 2005 season, in beautiful down-town Lucerne Valley. fur the first time in many months, the temperature was not in the three digits and it was a welcome relief for all the drivers and crews who had battled the heat these past few months. So, with good weather, you'd think the racingwould be good also, and it was! All concerned said they enjoyed themselves and that's a big part of off road racing. The Class 1 guys were off first, they had six laµ; to run for their race and they didn't waste any tin1e pouring on the horsepower. At the end of the first lap it was Rick Wilcoxon in the lead, second across the line was Tony Murray, two seconds later it was John Gould in a very oose third spot, Mike Pacewio:h was run-ning fourth and Jennifer Clemison was in fifth place. 'Ol buddy Billy Robertson was never scored on his first lap. When the second lap ended it was still Wilcoxon leading the pack. John Gould had moved up a spot and was now running second, Tony Murray was now in third place, Mike Pacewiczh still held on in fourth place and Jennifer Clemison held on in the fifth spot. On the third lap there was no posi-tion change in the first three cars but Jennifer Clemison moved up a spot into fourth place and Mike Pacewiczh had a long lap and dropped to the fifth spot. At the end of the fourth lap Rick Wilcoxon still held the class lead, John Gould was still the second car, he was ~KERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90755 ~ r,n. t/Coo, Driving Suits Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OJI Pedormance Plumbing l~IWiFK~. 562-427-2375 --•-~rI•l&!I•J --~ .. Page 20 now a little over two minutes behind the leader, Mike Pacewiczh had moved up into the third place position and Jennifer Oemison still hek1 on in fourth place, less than two minutes out of third and Tony Murray disappeared from the scoring charts. The fifrh lap ended and now there were three. Rick Wilcoxon still holding the Class l lead, John Gould was now a mere minute and small change in arrears in second place and Mike Pacewiczh re-mained in the third spot. When they can1e around for the checkers flag at the end of the sixth lap it was Rick Wilcoxon taking home all the marbles, a nice win for him. John Gould can1e in for the silver medal, he had slowed a bit on the last lap and was five The second lap ended and Oint Rsha-was still leadingthew.r;, Rick Waszkiewicz had moved up a spot into second place, Chris Paar was now up into third place, Michael Paar was up two spots into fourth place and Michael Kanuch was still in fifth place. Greg Crew and Matt Frick were among the missing. The third lap came to an end and Clint Fisher still led the way, he led with 27 minutes in hand. Chris Paar moved up another spot and he was now in the second spot, Michael Kanuch was up two spots into third place and Michael Paar was still holding onto fourth place and Rick Waszkiewicz was among the missing. Giti Gow/and was all alone in Class 3, he averaged an hour and 10 minutes a lap for his four required laps. John Criswell's Class 5 competition didn't last long, he led all six laps and finished in less than five hours. November 200s When the second lap ended it was still John Criswell leading the class, Erik Earnest was now in second place and Tom Costa was on the trailer. The third lap ended and John Criswell still led, in fact he was the only car running in Class 5 as Erik Earnest had retired. Criswell finished his remain-ing three laµ; in fairly quick time and the Class 5 win went to John, who finished his six laµ; in 4:55:37, not too shabby. Class 5-1600 had eight cars chafing at the bit and they were off in a cloud of dust and glory. They would have to oom-plete five laµ; to make their race. They lefr the start line in a cloud of dust and when they can1e around it was Gerado Iribe in the lead, Ricardo Cordova was next in, 10 seconds later it was Tiffi Sanchez in third place, Guy Savedra can1e along an-other 10 seconds later and Stephan Evenson was fifth. Ken Tolbert was the sixth place finisher and Chad Ma~ck came in seventh. Bill Gereghty never ap-peared on the scoring charts. Lap 2 ended and Iribe continued to lead, he now had six minutes on Cordova who remained in second place. Guy Savedra was up a spot into third place, Ken Tolbert was running fourth, he was about nine minutes behind the leader and Evenson remained in fifth place. Mayeniick moved into sixth place and Tiffi Sanchez had dropped to seventh place after major problems slowed his progress. Lap 3 was over and Gerado Iribe oon-tinued to lead the pack, he had a bit over 10 minutes on Guy Savedra, Ricardo Cordova was in third place, Stephen Evenson was up a place into fourth and Ken Tolbert had dropped a spot and was in fifth place. Chad Mayernick re-mained in sixth place and Tlm Sanchez wasseventh. Thefourthlapwasarepeatoflap3, there were no position changes and ev-eryone can1e round in good order. When the checkers flew it was Gerado lribe taking the win, he had led all the way and had about 14 min-utes in his pocket at the end. Guy Savedra was second, Ricardo Cordova took home the bronze medal, Stephan Eavenson was first off the podium and Continued on page 22 Dusty Times

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John Gould ran second most of the Class 1 race, a longer than usual Guy Savadra drove his good looking Class 5-1600 car to a nice Noe Sierra had troubles on his third lap, he was second to finish in last lap cost him plenty in time and he took home the silver medal. second place finish, seen here heading towards the checkers. the Class 7A contest, seen here haulin' freight. Ken Tolbert finished fifth. Sixth place over a minute later and Ken Keegal was Perry Heming had increased his lead to Siem remained in the second spot, talc-grinding and they were pretty close on went to Tim Sanchez and Chad inthirdplace. 15minutesoverNoeSiem,whohada ingtheflagsome20minutesbehindthe theirfirstlapbutsoonspreadoutastime Mayernick was the seventh finisher. Aeming had three minutes on Sierra slow lap this time around and Ken Keegal leader and Ken Keegal remained in third went by. When the first lap ended it was The three Class 7 trucks had four at the end of the second lap and Keegal remained in third place, he was now half place, he was half an hour behind the Doug Silcock showing the way, six sec-laps to make their race. Perry Heming was eight minutes behind the leader in an hour in arrears. class winner. onds later Frank Wagner came along, had the class lead after the first lap was third place. Heming continued his good lap times There were 13 Class 9 cars ready for five seconds later Brian Benson crossed completed, Noe Siem came along a bit When the third lap was completed, and came in for the checkered flag, Noe their five required laps of bumping and the line in third, Steve Johnson came in fourth, a minute and a half behind the leader and Ron Rash was fifth, he was only two seconds behind Johnson. Rick McCarty came in sixth, Michael Ward was seventh, in eighth place itwas Brian Omrchand C.ody Rash was ninth. Carlos Topete came across in 10th place, Chris Dunne came in 11th and Steve Knothe was the 12th and final finisher. Cory Torres, a many time Clas.s 9 winner failed to complete his first lap. As theserondlapended, Brian~ had taken over the lead, Steve Johnson had moved up into second place, Ron Rash was up two spots into third, Frank Wagner had dropped two spots and was running fourth and Brian Church was up three spots into fifth place. Michael Ward had moved up into sixth place, Gerardo tribe led all five laps, he had 14 minutes in hand when the checkers flew, Perry Fleming likes to fly. he won the Class 7 A contest with ease and had 20 Rick McCarty had dropped a spot into he's seen here in a typical attitude. minutes in hand at the end of the fourth required lap. seventh, DougSilcockhaddroppedway -ICIIVG=:e~CXOGY 714.530.8701 • FAX714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 INW'W'.lcingshodcs.corn Page 22 November 200s 2.5" - -61/4~ Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times

Page 23

Ron Rash ran close to the lead in Class 9, he ended up in the second John White had a good race, he took the silver medal in the Class 10 Second place in Class 11 went to Anne Maso, she's seen here in her spot, he's seen here saving tire wear. contest, he's seen here racing towards the checkers. good looking car on her way to the checkered flag. backintoeighthplaceafterafewprob-WhitedroppedaspotintofifthandJim up a spot into fourth place, Mike lems slowed him down, Cody Rash still Gledhill remained in sixth place. Deardoff had big problems and was held on in ninth place and Carlos Topete Lap 5, Andy Wehe still showing the now running fifth and Jim Gledhill held remained 10th. Chris Dunne came in way, John White jumped up three spots on in the sixth spot. 11th and Steve Knothewas on his trailer. into second place, Mike McGee was up Last lap, Andy Wehe talces the win When the third lap was over we had a spot into third, Craig Dillon was also with ease.John White takes a nice second a new leader, Frank Wagner had moved into the lead, Steve Johnson held on in second place, Brian Benson had dropped to third place, Ron Rash was running in fourth place and Doug Silcock had moved up three spots into fifth place. Rick McCarty was up a spot into sixth place, Brian Church had dropped two spots and was running seventh, Cody Rash was up a spot into eighth and Michael Ward had dropped three places, he was now running ninth. Carlos Topete was in 10th place and Chris Dunne was 11th. The race was 80% complete and Frank Wagner still held the lead, Ron Rash was up two spots into second place, less than three minutes in arrears, Doug Silcock was up two more spots into third place, Rick McCarty was now in fourth place and Brian Church was up into fifth place. Steve Johnson had dropped four places into sixth place with a long lap, Cody Rash was up another spot into seventh, Brian Benson dropped five places into eighth place, compliments of an almost two hour lap and Carlos Topete was up a spot into ninth place. Michael Ward ran in 10th place and Chris Dunne brought up the rear in 11th place. And,guesswhatfolks, therewereno position changes on the fifth and final lap so the finishing order for the Class 9 group was as shown in the paragraph above. Next up was the Class 10 contin-gent, there were 10 of them and they had a pretty good six lap race. When they came around at the end of their first lap, it was Andy Wehe in the lead (haven't seen Andy in a long time), Michael Deardoff was second, a mere 23 seconds in arrears, Craig Dillon came along 20 seconds later in third place and Nathan Ortiz was fourth, two sec-onds out of third. John White was in fifth place, Joey Gladish was the sixth place runner, Mike McGee was seventh, Jim Gledhill came in eighth and Keith Hughes came in ninth. Steve McMullin wasn't scored. Lap 2 ended and Andy Wehe was still leading, Mike Deardoff was still run-ning second, Craig Dillon was still hold-ing down third place and Nathan Ortiz held on in fourth. 1n fifth place it was John White, Mike McGee was in sixth place and Jim Gledhill was up a spot into seventh place. Joey Gladish and Keith Hughes were among the missing. Andy Wehe still held the lead after the third lap was completed, Mike Deardoff was still second, a bit over two minutes behind, Craig Dillon still was third and John White was fourth. Mike McGee was up a spot into fifth and Jim Gledhill was running sixth. Nathan Ortiz had retired from the fray. Not too many position changes on the fourth lap, Wehe, Deardoff and Dillon remained the first three, Mike McGee was up a spot into fourth, John Dusty Times Ru/Jlconsho with optional lum/Ja 1 800 565 4042 November 2005 place finish, Craig Dillon moved up to their race. There were two contestants third place, Mike Deardoff finished first and they both finished. Steve Patton out of the money and Jim Gledhill was took the lead early on and he led both the fifth and final finisher. Mike McGee laps. Anne Maso ran second both laps failed to complete his final lap. and took home the silver medal Steve Class 11 only had to run two laps for Continued on pag, 24 s er raft Seats and Restraints Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dave Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule Page 23

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Lorenzo Rodriguez led the Class 1600 battle for the first four laps, then Mike Pacewiczh makes a nose heavy landing, Mike finished in third Michael Kanuch was a bit off the winning pace in Class 1300 but he he fell to second ace and finished 59 seconds behind the leader. place in the Class 1 battle in the MORE Playtech 250. still managed a podium finish, taking home the bronze medal. Third place in the Class 7A contest went to Ken Keegal, he's seen Doug Si/cock led the first lap, eighth on lap 2, then climbed Third place in the Class 10 race went to Craig Dillon, he's seen here here in his really great looking truck heading for the flag. back up to finish in the third spot in Class 9. in his great looking car headin' for home. finished the first lap with four minutes in Sn}'ders was eighth, B.J. Proct=o-=-r m=ov::-:ed:::r---,B:i"".J'.nPr.:::oct=o=r=was-='.:" -p,,;...,;;;ii,;;,;;-,.,,,;;;;,ii'iii,i,~;;;;;;a,.,;;;;,.;;;;;;;;;;~,;;;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a,.,;;;;,;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""'"'-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-hand and when the checkers flew he was up a spot into eighth place and Curt There were no position changes on 15 minutes to the good. Geer was up a spot into ninth place. the fourth lap but Andy Neal was dosing The 1600 contingent also had six RobSnyderswaso11toftherace. thegapbetweenfustandsecondplace. laps to run for their race and they had a After the third lap was completed, lap 5 ended and Andy Neal was run-good tussle. When the fust lap ended it Lorenzo Rodriguez continued to lead, ning fast, he took the lead and that was Lorenzo Rodriguez in the lead, Andy Neal was still in second place, some dropped Lorenzo Rooriguez into second young Andy Neal was in second spot, two and a half minutes in arrears, Jeff place,JeffKnuppremained in third place, about a minute and a half in arrears, Knupp was up a spot into third place, Cameron Steele still held fourth place CameronSteelewasinthirdplace,Jeff Can1eronSteelehaddroppedaspotand and fifth place still belonged to Jeff Knupp was running fourth and Jeff wasinfourthandJeffCepielikremained Cepielik.MikeMeehanmovedupaspot Cepielik was in the fifth place position. in fifth place. lan Jameson was in sixth into sixth place, Ian Jameson dropped In sixth place it was Ian Jameson, Mike place, Mike Meehan remained in seventh one into seventh and Curt Geer was still Meehan was running seventh, Rob andCurtGeerwasupaspotintoeighth. runningeighth. www. n evad aoff ro adbu ggy. com CROW , . ' . I 1J • , I ' ' • ~,=r SOI I) •. • .· HFRf ncur.nw. PoWD Soulla· NEVA°' OFFROAO BUGGY T-SHRT SM-MEO-LRG-XXLRG CN.Y $10.00 WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK ZTREME TIRE co. TABS Page 24 ,t.1Kc'1Kc'~ ..... CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax November 2005 Frank Wagner was in fourth place on the second lap but he took the lead on lap three and there he stayed to take the Class 9 win. Andy Wehe led Class 10 all six required laps, he had 26 minutes in hand at the end and was less than five minutes out of the overall. Class 11 only had to run two laps for a finish, Steve Patton had 15 minutes on his competition at the checkered flag. Dusty Times

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Jeff Knupp ran fourth for a while moved into third place and that's A terribly long first lap for Michael Pa" was ve,y expensive in time, Stephan Eavenson finished first out of the money in Class 5-1600, where he finished in the Class 1600 battle. Michael finished fourth in the Class 1300 tussle. he was only a minute away from a podium finish. Rick McCarty was the fourth place finisher in Class 9, his really good lookin' car is seen here hunting the checkers. Mike Deardoff ran second in Class 10, had big troubles on the fifth Cameron Steele ran third for a few laps, fell to fourth place on lap 3 and there he stayed, finishing fourth in Class 1600. lap and ended up first out of the money. .~~ i:~ Andy Neal ran in second place for four of his six laps, took the lead on lap five and won Class 1600 by 59 seconds. Chris Pa" lands hard on his way to a nice second place finish in Class 1300, he ran as low as fourth place. Ricardo Cordova ran second early on in 5-1600, fell to third place on his third lap and he took home the bronze medal. Dusty Times The sixth lap came to an end, Andy Neal screamed across the finish line to take the gold medal, Lorenzo · Rodriguez came across the line in sec-ond place, 59 seconds out of the win, Jeff Knupp was third to finish, was the eighth and finalfinisher. Cameron Steel came in fourth and Soitended,goodtoseeAndyWehe Jeff Cepielik was the fifth place fin- behindthewheelandspecialcongratula-isher. Ian Jameson finished sixth, Mike tions to 18 )'ea{ old Andy Neal Meehan was seventh and Curt Geer See ya at the races. !'l,Q,R.E: /,,ff,.,.. ' ', " . , . ·: , ' : . . . / ,, / ,, / MoTeC Engine ManagerT1ent and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built co w ithstand extreme racing ar.,cl pre-running punishment. Turn-key systen7s available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display ar,d data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynarnometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 November 2005 Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest . Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering. assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 1 00% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works w ith all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel in jected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exacc/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; co a number! « ~ ~---~ ,,,.;;;=~...a..<..&!!ll...'ii:::..&!111..' l'v1DTDRSPDRT ELECTRONICS vvara making connact1ons ... Page 25

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~MOJAVE250 • etner Takes overall By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos : Trackside Photo Harley Letner led the first lap, was second on 2&3, retook the lead and there he stayed to take an impressive Class 1 win. What more could you want, the andtheydidn'twasteanytimeassaulting Onthesecondlapl.etneradded12 weather was nirelywarm, not boiling hot, the track. When they came flying around minutes to his time and dropped to sec-there was a bit of a breeze and, as usual, at the end of the first lap it was Harley ond place, James was consistent at 41 the racers were all chafing at the bit to get l..etner in the lead, he had just set fast lap minutes for a lap and he moved into the backoutthere, burytheirrightfootand for the race at 36.28. Mike James was lead,Letnerwasinsecondplace,twomin-let it all hang out more than four minutes in arrears and utes in arrears and Hamann picked up The Class 1 folks had six laps to run Kimberly Hamann, who had some her time quite a bit but was 38 minutes on the apprnximately40 mile long course troubles was running in third plare. behind the leader. -Lee Orr led all the way in his good looking Ford, he's seen here nicely airborne on his way to the Class 300 win. Darrall Clifton had a few slow laps at the MOR 250 but he soldiered on and took the Class win, seen here at speed. Third lap, Mike James still held the lead butitwasn't by much, Harley l..etner was about 10 seconds in arrears and Kimberly was still a long third plare. ,------------------------------, On the fourth lap the lead changed again, now itwas l..etner leading and Mike Jan1es, who had a bit of trouble this lap was 20 minutes behind and Han1ann remained in the third spot. Barry Karakas led all the way in Class 700, he's seen here letting all his rear suspension hang out. Page 26 The final two laps in Class 1 saw no changes in position. Letner continued to run 39 minute laps, James was running in the mid 40' sand Han1ann remained in the third finishing spot. Letner's aver-age speed for the race was 54 .8 miles per hour, pretty damn quick. Class 300 only had three entries, Lee Orr, Giti Gowlandand Kurt I.armeewho ' failed to start the race. At the end of the first lap Lee Orr had a 20 minute lead on Giti Gowland. On the second lap Orr opened up his lead by another two minutes while Gowland picked up his pace by 15 min-Tyler Fox took the Class 7S lead on the fifth of the six required laps and he literally utes after a very slow first lap. leapt his way to the checkers. Continued on page 28 November 2005 Dusty Times

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Brian Thompson led the last MO of the four required laps, he took the Mike James led a few laps, had a longer than usual fourth lap and Giti Gowfand was off his feed, he ran a long second in the Class 300 Class 1100 win with more than an hour in hand. finished in second spot in Class 1. battle, seen here nicely in flight. Eric Tadeja was a wee bit off the winning pace in Class 7S, he took Jason Gutzmer set fast lap in Class 1100, he was leading the class Terry Wyrembek was a bit off the winning pace this race, he finished the silver medal, he was 20 minutes in a"ears at the finish. but troubles on the third lap dropped him to second place. 20 minutes behind the winner in Class 1300. On the third lap, Orr continued to was short lived. As they cam::-e :;ar;::;o:;-:u-;:nd::r;:;at;:---7:ba::;;ttlr.;e:--;an::::idr;tht::ey:,ha~dr:a::-p:::r:::e:;:;:tty:::;:good;::::ro~n~e:-~==;;;;;.,._=====_,,;;;;;;..;.;;.,;.;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;..;;;==:::;;:;;;; runintheonehour,sevenminuterange theendofthefustlapitwas&myKarakas althoughonlytwoofthemwoukJseethe while Gow land was running 10 minutes in the lead, St George was about a checkered flag. When the first of their six slower. minute and a half in arrears in the sec-laµ; ended it was, no surprise, Noe Sierra As they finished their fourth and final ond spot. in the lead, Eric Tadeja was in second lap, Lee Orr turned an hour and 10 sec-When the second lap ended it was place, only 12 seconds behind, in third ond lap while Gowland, who was obvi-still Karakas in the lead but he now had a place it was Tyler Fax, some nine minutes ously having troubles ran an hour and a mere 20 seconds on St. George. in arrears, Jeff Rigel was running fourth half on his last lap. The win went to Orr On the third lap Karakas slowed just and Chuck Foreman was a terribly long and Gowland was a very longserond place. a minute or so and St George failed to fifth place after a two and a half long lap. In Class 5, itwas only Darrall Clifton come around. Advantage: Karakas. Joe Rice failed to complete his first lap. and, with no one to run against he just There were three laµ; yet to run to The second lap came to a dose and cruised around and did his six required make a race and Karakas motored now it was Eric Tadeja in the lead with a laµ; for the class win. around in the middle fifties, cooling it a slim, less than a minute lead over Noe The Class 700 contest saw Bany bitwithnocompetitiontowonyabout Sierra. TylerFax:remainedinthirdplace, Karakas pitted against Shawn St. George and took home the gold medal. more than 10 minutes down, Jeff Rigel and they had a good scrap going, but it There were six trucks in the Class 7S was still in fourth and Chuck Foreman ~~ _· : -~¥ .. ~-~:.~· ~.,.:.» -.· -~ 619.420.2233 r.miTiill I RACING lll11!1!Q ENGINES Victor Herrera Sr. & Jr. con~dentlq drove our 7 Open svo Race Package to win their 1st ever SCORE race. --.::·_ ';:;:-~ ; .. ~ ... ~~,...,~;_.,,~ . ,_._,*-,,_:..:;,we.. ~ Page 28 November 2005 Joe Pate/Ii took the Class B lead on the second lap and there he remained, taking the class win with ease. Javier Avila had no trouble taking the Class 1200 win, he's seen here just after takeoff, heading for the checkers. Terry Ingold led all five required laps, he won his class with almost 20 minutes in hand when the checkers flew. Dusty Times

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Bob Anderson ran third most of the race, he moved into second spot Terry Tolbert finished second in Class 1600, a terribly long sixth lap Kimberly Hamann drove her mean looking Class 1 car to a third on the last lap, 13 minutes out of the win. didn't help, he was an hour and a half away from the win. place finish at the Mojave 250, seen here at speed. remained in fifth place. along in seamd place, some 20 minutes trants failed to start the race. When the and Frank Vernola was fifth. Kevin finish the fustlap. In 12th place it was Sty Lap 3, and Sierra still held onto the later and Laura Clark was third, 10 min- dust cleared at the end of the first lap it Knight was in sixth place, Steve Ruddick 1bayer, Eric Fiorino was 13th and Jon lead, he had about five minutes on utes out of the silver medal. was Matt Torian leading the pack, Steve was seventh across the line, Jesse Ware McClintock was the 14th finisher and Tadeja, Tyler Fax was still third, about There were 20 players in the Class Looney was a scant minute and a half was running in eighth place, Eric Hamp-BeldenAliviowas the 15th and final fin-10 minutes down,JeffRigel rernained in 1400gameandtheyneededtooomplete behind, Bob Anderson was running ton was in ninth and Muquis Polido isher. Brandon Chavez, Chris Greeley fourth place and Chuck Foreman was four lap.5 for the race. Two of the en-third, Frank Thing was in fourth place ran 10th. Cole Whitcher was 11th to Continued on page 3D still bringing up the rear. Noe Sierra continued to lead on the fourth lap, Tyler Fox set fast lap for the class and moved into the second spot, Eric Tadeja dropped a spot into third, Chuck Foreman moved up a spot into fourth and Jeff Rigel dropped to fifth place. On the fifth lap Tyler Fox moved into the class lead, Eric Tadeja was up a spot into second place, Chuck Foreman was running third and Jeff Rigel was in fourth place. Noe Sierra was nowhere to be seen. The sixth and final lap was a night-mare for some. Tyler Fox held onto his lead and took the class win, Eric Tadeja was second to cross the line, some 20 minutes behind the leader. Jeff Rigel and Chuck Foreman were unable to finish their final lap. Class 8 looked like it was going to be a good battle but it fizzled out before it really got going. When the first lap ended itwas Steve Herrera in the lead, Joe Patelli was second, less than four minutes in arrears and Raul Flores had mechanical troubles and was running a long third in class. Guess what, the oontestwas now over. Both Hores and Herrera failed to com-plete their second laps. 1batleft Joe Patelli with all the glory, he just cruised around for his remaining lap.5 and took the Class 8win. Class 11 only had a brace of cars en-tered but both of them finished their four required laps. When the first lap ended it was Jason Gutzmer in the lead, Brian 1h-omp.50n was four minutes behind. On the second lap, Gutzmer oontin-ued to lead, Thomp.50n was now 15 min-utes behind the leader. On the third lap Gutzmer had major problems and Thomp.50n took over the lead with lots of minutes between him and his oompetition. The fourth lap came to an end, Brian Thompson took the win with over an hour on Jason Gutzmer but they both finished. Class 1200 only had one entrant, Javier Avilla. Javier had a ball, without any opposition he still ran his four re-quired lap.5 in four and a half hours, happywith his unoontested gold medal. There were three entries in the Class 1300 battle and they had to get five lap.5 undertheirbeltsfurafinish. We'rehappy to report that all three of them made it to the finish line. Terry Ingold was the first lap leader, Laura Clark was in sec-ond place and Terry Wyrembekbrought up the rear. lap 2 ended and there were no posi-tion changes to report On the third lap Terry Ingold re-mained in the lead, Terry Wyrembek moved into the second spot and Laura Clark dropped to third place. The finish was set These three drivers remained in their respective positions for thefinaltwolap.5oftherace. Terry Ingold took the win, Terry Wyrembek came Dusty Times November 2005 Page 29

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2005 Series Sponsored bg: 00 P§.1=.!J:f!!f ~

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The third place spot in the Class 1300 race went to Laura Clark, her Steve Looney ran in the second spot for three laps, he fell to third Frank Vernola was a bit off the winning pace in the Class 1400 race, he finished first out of the money this time. clean looking bug seen here on the way to the nag. place on the last lap and took home the bronze medal. and Pat Kapko failed to complete their was Matt Torian taking the win in 3:21:30, i.5her. Marquis Polido and Steve Ruddick first lap. Bob Anderson moved up a spot to finish were unable to finish their final lap. At the end ofthe serond lap, Matt in second place, Steve Looney grabbed There were only two Clas.5 1600 cars Torianrontinuedtolead.Sreo.el.ooney the final spot on the podium, Frank racing at Barstow. They had six laps to held on insocond place. BobAnderson Vemolawasfustoutofthemoneyin hn-th run for their race and the eventual out-was still third, Frank Vernola remained place and Jesse Ware finished in fifth pace. come was decided on the first lap. Joe in fourth place and Frank lhingwamin-Belden Alivio was the sixth and final fin.. Jeffrey took the lead on the first lap and ~infinhpke. KevinKnightremained in the sixth spot, Sreo.e Ruddickwassev-enm, Jesse Ware was eighm, Marqui.5 PulidowasninthandCa! Whin:m-was 10th. BekJenAliw:>was 11th ID finmthe socondlap.JonMcOntock,Stu~, Eric Hampton and Eric Fiorino failed toromplete their second lap. On the third lap Matt Torian contin-ued hi.5 leading wa)'S, Steve Looney held on in second place, Bob Anderson was third, 10 minutes out of the lead, Frank Thing was up a spot into fourth and Frank Vernola was down a spot into fifth. Jesse Warewasuptosixth pace, M:nquisPulido wasuptwo~into~ Bd:lenAlivio was up three spots into eighth and Steve Ruddick was down two spots into ninth place. Kevin Knight and Cole Whitcher were on their respective trailers. Coming in for the checkered flag it Matt Torian led all the way at the MDR Mojave 250, he had 13 minutes in hand when the checkered nag was thrown. never surrendered it, Terry Tolbert gave had one entty, Ricky Lee. Rickywent out it a good fight, alway.; three or four min- and turned fast lap on hi.5 first lap, then utes behind the leader but on the final he just cruised for the rest ofhi.5 required : lap Tolbert had big troubles and he fin.. lapsandwenthomewithhi.5goldmedal i.5hed an hour and a half behind the And so it ended, a good weekend for · leader, in second place. most, di.5appointment for many. See ya Last but not least, Clas.5 1700 only atthenextone. t!f.Q&I. Joe Jeffrey was fast and consistent, he drove his Class 1600 car to an easy win, he's seen here gently landing his buggy. ied Ei tested a Stranger ~----------Lighter Bead/CJl!ks:·: □blue □black Dusty Times other cast wheels he market unter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish 4. 15x Beadlack '9 Patts n f!.D5mm - - -714 .B25B S cel'ft/a Ave November 2005 □red . □polished• Page 31

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This column ma:y, from time to time, contain adult language. We herelry request an:yone under the age of 18 to stop reading this immediatel:y · and get some adult supervision before continiteing. ed "The Straight Poop" from the BIGWAHZOO SORRY for my absence in the last Dusty Times, but family problems unexpectedly popped up which demanded my atten-tion. This, along with a number of other pressing issues caused the ol' Wahzoo just to flat out run out of time to write our Checkers' column last month. SAL FISH -The head of SCORE International showed up Wednesday, August 24th just as he promised for his 'Annual Checker Roast'. Sal is no str.anger to Checker meetings, and I'm sure he's rightfully left a number of times wondering "what the hell do I keep going· down there for?" But, over the years, as he's visited us count-less times, he's learned that the best way to deal with the Check-ers is not to try to 'salesman' us. When backed into a corner he would just sometimes try to ma-neuver around the intetroga-headed down to Baja straight tion, but when really pressed from our meeting to work on ·he's more than once told the the 1000 course. Sal, on behalf crowd in frustration "damn it, of the Checkers, thanks for it's my business and I'll run it your informative visit ... not the way I want to". The Check-quite as tough as the old days, ers are seldom satisfied with but no cake walk either. that answer, but they do reluc-As an aside, since there are tantly admire the Checker-like. so many new members in the answer, let him off the hoot,...,_ ·Checkers now, let me take a and begrudgingly go onto an-· ·moment to. blow a little smoke other subject. This visit saw Sal up Sal's ass regarding the ion-only lightly touch on this year's gevity ·of our sport's longest 'Parking Lot Baja 500 race', but reigning-off road race pro-go into depth regarding moter. The first time I remem-SCORE's new race vehicle in-her him back running the old spection program, the problems Riverside races where he was with laying out the Primm race taking over the nuts and bolts course, and the upcoming Baja · of runn1ng SCORE for Mickey. 1000 course. He spent a lot of Here it is, almost 2006, and Sal. time with us answering ques-Fish is still going strong as our tions, was very friendly, frank, sport's premiere off road race. and typically never lost his cool. promoter. I've always said that When he finally left, he was dealing with off road racers was ibutor of an xpandi g and uniq • Significantly outflows other ' blower type' helmets ... • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! ~ • Lightweight Composite Shell $,2,9 9 9 • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated • Fire Resistant Interior Speci I w/ FREE ._.-----------Helmet B I! LOWRANCE • BiW & Color Displays • 2· to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Perf rmance -Radio !iy•tem • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 110 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards Page 32 19.~I/ Cardle s Imp ctKit • ½" Drive • 216 ft.-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger Only 6.6 lbs._! • Vehicle Holster Available November 2005 • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets Scanners • 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN like herding a bunch of cats ... well, I think most everyone defi-nitely would agree that Sal is the best 'cat herder' of them all! He's out lasted all the other long time off road race promot• ers. He left a good job with Peterson Publishing, where if he had stayed would surely be making a lot more money, to go · out and pound stakes in the desert. And he has clearly proven over the years that he honestly loves our sport as much or more than anyone. Over the years a number of Checlcers have taken a stab at race promotions, and have clearly-found that it's _not anywhere as easy as it looks and have folded their tent. Per-sonally, I've often chewed on your ass, Sal, during your an-nual visits down to the Checker meetings, and Lord knbws I've raked you over the coals many times as the Big Wahzoo in our Checker Column ... but we've still remained friends. As my time as an actively involved Checker winds down I would like to say, on behalf of both the Checkers and myself, "Well done, Sal, and keep it up!" PRIMM RACE -198 start-ers, leaving in two groups, ran on a partially rearranged course because of the new soon-to-be huge cargo airport in the area (hey, what about those poor little tortoises?). But, according to those in attendance, it was a great race as usual. Whether or not SCORE can pull off an-other race in that area next year is seriously questionable ... but don ;t be surprised if Sal finds a way. The Checkers sent six race ve-hicles up to this race to do battle in the silt and rocks of the Ne-vada desert with varied results. The team of John Murphy & Billy McCool had a shitty day, losing the motor in John's 1/2-1600 buggy after only going about three or four miles off the starting line. Gary Stairs, Ken Tapert, and Ed Jahn also lost a motor, but it did last till about mid-race. Jim Campbell brought his Class 12 SCORE Lite Buggy up from Alpine, CA, to manage a respectable 10th place finish in that competitive class. Long time veteran Jim Greenway also fin• ished in his SCORE Lite ride, with a fine fourth place finish and 17th overall. But our best race of the day was between prospective member Milo Brown and Arizona resident 'Stretch Severson in their Class 7SX trucks. Three of these trucks ran the entire race just a few minutes apart the whole day, with Milo's truck in the lead. But victory was not to be. During the last section on the last lap, with what seemed robe a winning lead, Milo's truck suffered a flat tire. The second place non-Checker truck caught them while they were just finishing up putting on their spare, paused for a moment to see if they were OK, then charged on to the finish line for the win. Milo's truck quickly got back on the trail and chased after the guy, but sadly had to settle for a sec• ond place finish. Stretch was right behind him to collect the third place position,. Exciting racin', guys! Three Checker pits supported our guys, with Rever-end Roy the Captain at Checker Main, Big John Files in charge at Checker Pit# 1, and Josh Gilliam, Continued on page 63 Dusty Times

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DUSTY TIMES NOVEMBER 1985 • 16TH ANNUAL SNORE 250 You ·can Go Home Again To Did Style Desert Racing B:y Jean Calvin Photos: John Calvin Jerry Leighton was first on the road on the first lap, led all the way and took the Class 10 victory and the overall too! ltistheoldest,continuousrun~ ers. The entry in the SNORE 250 daymorningisFREEtoalldrivers,pit desert race in America, and it has had shrank accordingly. crews, workers, the whole cast of char-its ups and downs since the inaugural This season the SNORE club mar- acters involved in the SNORE 250. running of the SNORE 250 in Sep-shalled all their energy to put on a This~SNOREretumed-therace tember of 1970. Then the race started SNORE 250like the old days, furnish- to a course oflong standing, south of in a gravel pit off Tropicana Road, ing all the exttas that were common 15 Las Vegas. Harking back to the past, which is now covered with houses, and years ago. How long has it been since the start/finish line was also adjacent it made two rounds of a giant 125 mile drivers received a large bag full of good-to a gravel pit, but this one was about loop through the then uninhabited ies at a major race? All kinds of useful 20 miles south of the city, freeway close desert. In later years it changed format things were given to each entrant at the . and approximately midway between to a multiple lap event on a shorter 1985 SNORE 250 registration. Plus, thetinyhamletsofSloanandJean. The course. In recent~ the SNORE 250 nowhere in the sport is there an awards course held many familiar trails, head-has had to compete for its traditional banquet of the magnitude of the ing south on a winding route to September date with other race orga- brunch put on by the sponsoring Holl- Stateline, then rurning east over the nizers, and SNORE's own points races day Inn & Casino, Center Strip in Las famous Beer Bottle Pass to traverse were dominated by local Las Vegas driv-Vegas. This sumptuous feast on Sun- some mountains and valleys, and then heading north to the finish line. The total distance was about 4 2 miles the lap and six laps were scheduled for all classes. Early pre-runners raised dust on the dry lakes and in the washes, but the day before the race thunder show-ers had put some puddles in the ruts. The registration, tech and contin-gency inspections all happened at the hosting Holiday Inn. Registration was in the air conditioned comfort of the hotel, while the tech inspection and a well populated contingency row were set up in the parking lot facing Las Ve-gas Blvd. It all started at the civilized hour of three o'clock in the afternoon. While it had rained off and on during the week, race day was clear and the puddles were generally gone from Checkers President Gregg Symonds did the number on Class 2, taking the big win the course. With 7 5 starters on a and finishing second overall as well. shorter than usual course, it got dusty fast and stayed dusty for all six laps. First in lrne at the 9 a.m. start on Sat-urday were the 14 Class 10 chargers, and it was a field heavy in potential overall winners. Kerry Mitchell was first away, followed every 15 seconds by another race car, and the pace in the desert was fast and furious. . Co-defending overall champion Jerry Leighton was going solo in an at-tempt to defend the title. Jetty was fourth off the line and first around with a keen 4 3.02 lap time. Although several cars were between them on the road, Dennis and Steve Casagrande, Mirage, tied Leighton's time exactly on the first lap. About a minute back came Jimmy Krumme, who crashed to a DNF on the next lap. Only seconds Jim Madison and Jim Mortenson had to fight all the way. they won the six lap tussle further back was the ORE of Steve in Class 5 with a seven minute margin. Dusty Times November 2005 The Raceco was brand new, but Tom Koch's skills were well honed. Tom took the Class 1 honors and was third overall as well. Tetrick and Fred Ronn, and all 14 start-ers covered the first lap. Leighton held his lead on the road and on time after two rounds, and had a minute on Casagrande with a 41.39 lap. Tetrick/Ronn were another three minutes back, tied on time with Randy Black, and a horde were in the next minute or so. Tetrick was missing at the halfway point, the Casagrande Mirage had a drive train disaster, and local favorites Ron Ellenburg and Mike Spina were in trouble, none finishing the race. Leighton was in command now, hold-ing about six minutes on Randy Black, who was about 1-1/2 minutes ahead of Jim Sumners, and Jim was just a minute ahead ofDatyl Mead and Mark Milleron. No one else was really close here. Continued on 11111 34 Page 33

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Of the half dozen challengers in Class 10, Jim Sumners was second Nick Nicholson and his unique Outlaw came within an eyelash of Pushing hard all day. Cam Theriot and ORE builder Greg Lewin got best, he took the silver medal home from the SNORE race. winning Class 1, he was dropped to :!HI place after a penalty. the sleek 2 seater home second in Class 2, sixth overall. The early 1600 leader, Brent and Jim Bell were very quick the last Brad Inch and Randy Jones were :!HI in 1600 until fan belts started Missing the win in 5-1600 by five minutes, Port and Newt Campbell few laps allowing their Bunderson to take second place. popping off, they finished fourth in their Bunderson. were second in their TUF Off Road Baja Bug. After four rounds Leighton led Daryl Mead struck a checkpoint worker way to the Class 10 win, and so swift for the first three overall and first gets McBride were now only half a minute Sumners by nine minutes and Black in the blinding dust, and stopped for was his pace that he won the SNORE the bonus of$2,000.00, presented by further down. Three more cars were was fixing a broken shock tower. There several minutes to be sure the man was 250 overall with total time for six laps the donor, the Holiday 1nn in the form out after half distance, including Bunty were a lot of collisions with rocks and OK, which happily he was. of 4:22:25. Unlike most desert events, of a wheelbarrow full of 2000 silver with electrical woes. Midway, Symonds, other cars in the heavy dust. Meanwhile Jerry Leighton never faltered on his the SNORE 250 has bonus money dollars. Close in the wake, Jim Sumners with a trio of 4 3 and change laps, had Page 34 November 200s kept a consistent pace and took sec-a good lead, almost six minutes on ond in Class 10 with a time of 4:34:37, Thieriot/1.ewin, who were about 20 running alone in the two seat Raceco. seconds ahead of McBride. Richey/ Running strong all the way Kerry Baker dropped back but held on in Mitchell and Vane Newmire arrived fourth. about 11 minutes later for third in After five laps, 64 year old Gregg class. Symonds had the absolute overall lead, Daryl Mead's ET of 4:46: 18 would by 40 seconds over Leighton. But, on have placed him fourth in class, but the final lap Symonds nailed a flat tire Mead was docked a position for the and stopped for the change. While checkpoint incident, giving him an offi- Gregg won Class 2 by well over eight cial fifth. Randy Black came back strong minutes, he had to settle for second for the official fourth in the time of overall and the $1,000.00 bonus 4:51:46. In all, nine Class 10s fmished money from the Holiday Inn. Cam the dust cloud run. Thieriot and Greg Lewin got the ORE Class 2, 15 strong, was next away, home a clean second in Class 2, sixth and a bunch of heavy hitters were out overall. Richey and Baker whipped off hunting the wheelbarrow full of silver a 44 .17 on the last lap to climb into dollars. First around was Jim Bunty third, another six minutes out. witha43.41,butrightinhisdustwas McBride lost 15 minutes on Lap 5, such happy competition as Gregg but came back with a 43 fmal round Symonds,44.37,TomandSteveMar- to claim fifth in class. KJ. Howe's tin, 44.46, Cam Thieriot/Greg Lewin, Raceco, driven here by his brother 44.53, and Bob Richey/Tom Baker, Sandyandvariousfamilymembers,ran 45.27. What a close battle this was! steadyalldayforacleanfourthinclass, Missing was Danny 1.etner in the just six minutes away from third. Den-Porsche powered Raceco, and three nis Lee/Mark Ordoqui were the sixth more vanished on the second lap, in-and final finisher in Class 2. eluding the Martins, with serious en- Though only nine at the green flag, gine trouble. the Class 1 field was potent. Still, the At one third distance, Symonds, Raceco of Frank Snook/Eric Arras with Warren Miller riding all the way only went a few miles before parking, in the Raceco, had a minute lead on as did Tom Bradley, Sr. Jack Johnson Thieriot/1..ewin, who had half a minute got in just one lap before losing a c.v. on Richey/Baker, and Matt and Don Centinuld en p111 38 Rob MacCachren had a great run, he took the 1600 lead on the second lap, took the gold medal and was ninth overall too. Dusty Times f,

Page 35

.,, COME JOIN u·s FOR OUR NEXT RACE HEftDERSon·, TERRIIIE 400 DECEMBER 2-4 CO-PROMOTED WITH BITD IN BOULDER CITY, NEVADA LAS VEGAS DISSEMINATION TRUE GRIT $2,500 AWARD *STILL EUDGIBLE JEREMY HARMON-1600 COREY GOIN-1600 EDDIE AGUIAR-1600 BRANDON HIGHES-9 JASON GUBLER- UNLIMITED SPORTSMAN JEFF SHIROKY- SPORTSMAN BUGGY SHELDON PAUL- SPORTSMAN BUGGY Feb. 17-19 April 7-9 May 19-21 Aug. 4-6 Oct. 6-8 TBA SNORE'S 2006 Race Schedule Oasis Desert Challenge Buffalo Bill's 400 Dusty Time's 250 KC Hilites Race Runner Midnight Special Gold Coast SNORE 250 Kartek Western Desert Championship Mesquite, NV Primm, NV Caliente, NV Boulder City, NV Las Vegas, NV For more information on SNORE go to the website or call the hotline 702-452-4522

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,, 66% PAYBACK Pre-Entry $300.00 (before 11/25/05) Post-Entry $350.00 • No membership required Park Admission • $10 / per adult • $5 / per child (6-12yrs) • Free for kids 5yrs & under WANT TO HELP SPONSOR THIS EVENT? Contact: Lori Bryant, General Manager or Bob Beyer, Race Director at (909) 384-9342 or 909.880.3090 Five miles North of San Bernardino Follow the signs off 1-215 Freeway

Page 38

Despite troubles on the course, Larry and Grant Garban were the First off the line, Kerry Mitchell and Vane Newmire drove hard and Randy Black had a good race going in Class 10, but a close encounter broke a shock tower which dropped him to 41ti place. second place finishers in the Challenger Class. finished third in the tough Class 10 battle. joint on the Chenowth, which appar- Dave Head/Kirk Cartwright were just earlier and had the milder motor in ently ate the axle as well, and he was seconds later as was Nick Nicholson in the tail, ran a faster lap and was only done. On the first lap Kenny Krumme the Outlaw. 4 3 seconds back. Nicholson was third came around quickest, with a 44.17, Krumme held the lead atone third here by mere seconds over Bob but Nicholson turned a 41.02, fast lap what was now a three horse race. but to the rear, and not far to the rear, distance, but Koch, getting the feel of Leighton. of the day, and was now less than two After four rounds Tom Koch was minutes back. Krumme had serious tire within seconds ofleading overall when woes, dropping half an hour, and he he came through the finish line waving was out of the hunt. Leighton was the shifter in the air, having run some about three and a half minutes back in distance in third gear. Luckily Raceco Tom Koch, in his brand new Raceco, his new racer, that blew its new engine Midway Koch moved into the lead, LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sain lnlormation: Payment may be made by credit card. money order or cashiers check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. S5 Handling charge on ah orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is S25. The use of Voll<swagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc, is for descliptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. HOWE POWER STEERIIIS 2.5 Power Rack .. -............ $1.100 2.5 Power Racll with Coofrol Vatie-................ 1,465 Control Va!Ve • lnllne ... - .... -•• 300 Cllart,M Torque Generator ..... .295 PolT Blocl<. Cllartfnn ... _ ........... 30 COupler. CllarlyM .............. -..... 18 Sweet U·Jolnts, lrom ................. 56 Reservoir, Power Steerin(I ......... 94 Reservoir with Aker, Power Steering ................. 148 Reserbol! 811cket ..................... 14 Power SleerlflO Pump .............. 160 Power s1eer1no Pulley ................ 60 Pulley for Subaru ....................... 611 Pump Brxkels. from ................. 65 Page 38 T DISC BRAKES ,.,,,, 1'111 S,ltli,,. w C.,,,,_ LIIIII Splnln. llilc&ala for Sand Rails.. ..... -..... s$690 Oisc8tal«IS 1or Desert RalS ................ 730 IUET 5VW HUB$ Ill'., C1mllo Llllt S,Wllt. Pin Sjllndle Hub Klt .... .$335 llnk Spindle i.Jb Kl.MS MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES .. /H'TO~Tlm E78 Mini Mao ............ -....... S92 30 X 7.00, 4"PII' ....................... 114 33 i 9.00, ◄·pf'/_ ............. - ... 156 35 X 10.00. ~ ....... -........... 160 MICKEY THOMSOII BAJA BELTED HP 30x9.5-1S ........................... $120 31 x 10.50-15 .... -................... 152 33 X 10.50-15 .......................... 1◄6 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION •lla#l#US'A• Ft0/11 El!n,r, rw11w wltlt 1r T..,m to kff/lf C'1l $/lld1 WlttlHt MollffutltNl ut 111ri.m R6u 11111 Pllilott MOIHII. 11111/111 Artllf M D.O.Jll. Mlftml, 2' t,• ur,,r 11• W'/Ut NII Can /Ju E/flw $Ifft KJnf 1'111 $p/tldl11 or CO/llllf Lilltt. Front eeam for eon ShOCkS ••• $250 Combo Link Splndles ........... .$4<40 ChrornolY Ffont Beam for Combo Untc Sl)lndles, :r ... -... 465 Coil Shockl ..................... 300 King $lloclt 2' AiJl. Body 0.0.M. Trlilino Arms. set OH .2115 WIReseMlll' . Includes 0.0.M. + 4• TraillnO Arms (4) .. 335 SJ)rlnQ$. 8ilCll .............. -•. 495 Tiuu Roos w/Nu1s. pair ............ 50 PiooY Back R911t11/0lr Opllon ..... 65 Urethane Beam Bllshlnos ......... .24 s-ioeci re Rods. Alum., pr .... 65 H.O. Uni< Plns ............................ 48 S~ T-Rod$, CllrOmot,. pr6S 1 .. 1 SACOHD •• RACK & PIN/OIi 1111,1 Ht#llillf ...... u.u. RACE PREP 930 CV s SilCo Rack & Plnloa ............... ~ FfM S1ttu11 tJIII s-U•Jolnts. from ................. 56 111 Rarepr,p w. German 930 OJ ...................... $55 ~CONTROL ~CABLES Fluli#, llel'10.,, Sh/1/Hd 11lroltf1 Clbln. SPfflly Clip EM 0( 111/k HIid E/14 AJ1l/ab/1 l'-13' Len, 14 ,■ 1Mr1m111,.. s· or 6'/, Cable ........................ $28 7' or 7'h' cable .......................... 29 s· oraw Cllble ......................... 30 9· or gc1, cable ......................... 31 10' or 10'/i' cable ...................... 32 11• or 11•1,• cable .................. 33 12· or 12w cable .................... 34 1J'or19'1,'callle ...................... 95 • Ml $6 for Tl,tlllld HOIII/IJf • KINS ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR FIii/ Al}nlmtnt ,,.,, Sprl/lf Shld wltll HO# ui Rn,m/r. Klno 2· Adjustable Shock. a-10-12· Slroke ...... trom $495 KlnO 2 •t,• Ad)uslable ShOCII, 12-1..,.111· Stroke ..... Jrorn 585 BIiiet Aluminum Clamp·O0 Reservoir Mount. eacil ........ 35 Ute!haoe Mount Pad, pair ........... 8 Chromoly930Cige ................. 45 Race Prep 930 OJ .................. 1<40 HO'/, 930CV Boll. 12 Point ....... 1 Boot And Flange For 930 ........... 28 930 CHROMOLY CV CAGE Allon Mti/llMll l'INll/11 Ill no c11 Jo/nl. ,,_,., c,,. Rmrn Clllnce If lmk/nf. 930 Chromoly CV C., iuoh •. $45 HEIM JOINTS Clltomoi, H•lnl Joint, $pft;lfy LIii if Rlf/lt HIIII Tlnld 1/," X '/• Heim Joint ................. $31 'ft X '/: Helm Joint ................... 38 'le" X 'I•' High MOie Heim Joint .. ◄9 w Jilm Nut. .............. _ ............. .2 'fl Jam Nut .................................. 3 '/•" X '/J' X '/l Mlsalignmef!! s~ ..................... -. ........ 1 '/•" X '/, X 'II Misalignment W x ~~ .. Misalignment .......... 7 Sl)ICtf ................................. 11 '/," X W X W MISaliQnment Spliter ............................... 11 WTllradChromolyfubellou .8 '/•" Thread CflrornolY Tube Boss .a CENTERLINE WHEELS FltfH Alllllltralll .,.,_.,,,,, "'Ill/# Fllflllt. 15 X ◄ S WI .. _ ............. -.$159 15 x 5 S WI.M ................... 163 1Sx6 SWl ... -..... -........... 163 1s x 1 s vw ........................ 166 1sxa svw ............... =··· .. 169 1sx10 svw ................... ~ .. 176 15 X 3 ¼ ◄ Wl ..................... 154 15x5'h 4Wl ............. -.. 197 15X7 ◄VW ..................... 200 15x8'/, ◄VW ................... 206 930 CHROMOLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE FLANSES Stub Alcles for 930 Cl/, palr .... $140 Stub AJdes tor Bus OJ, pair .... $140 Driwl Flanges tor 930 CV, palr ... 70 Oflw flallges for Bus OJ. pak ... 70 H£A,,fiu'lfll ,4fjU GERMAN CV JOIIITS Bt1Qi1lus Trans to AND BOOTS Beetle Trailer Ar,nL ...... $120 Bug, OJ Jolpt._ .................... $42 Bt1Qi1lus Trans to 3)(3 Arms. .... 130 Bug, OJ Boot .............................. ◄ Bt1Qi1lus T11ns to 3x3Atms 8us. Cl/ Jolnt ............................ 48 tor 930 CV • ................. _. 140 Bus. Cl/ Boot .............. -........... 6 23' or2◄• Mes for930Cl/$.,260 930, CV Jolnl ........................... 55 2◄·•28" M300 tor 930 Cl/ s ... lr 340 930, Boot and Ranoe ............. 28 CROW SAFETY BELTS a• Up,.,,. with s-tn 2• or a• SIIOll/dlf Hlrnnlll A1t1lilb/1 In a, 4, ar II l'0/111 I/Ht or 6t11. 3" i 2· 3 Poilll ....................... $68 3• X 2' ◄ Point ......................... 68 3• X 3" 3 Point ............. - ..... -.80 3" X 3" 4 Point ......................... 80 3• x 2· 3 Pt w/Shoulder Pa,L.88 3" • 2" ◄ Pl W/Sh~ Pad .... 88 3• X 3" 3 Pt W/Shoutder Pad .. 100 3" x 3• ◄ Pl w/Shoulder Pild •• 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS AJ1/llb/1 /or r or a• 81oou1',r Hanllu, I/let, Bl•• Or R1r/. 2" Shouldef Harne&$ Pads. pr .. $24 :r SbOulder Harness PaOS. pr .... 28 UM/TING STRAPS Alfllil/JII "' OOllblff OI au,,. 1111u flam t't,• Nylon w,11111n, llll/laS.OD#Ralln,a/14 4130SIHI Btlcbl!J. AJ1I/Hl1 l11 1Z--20" !11111/11. Double Umlllno Strap_ ........... s1s Ouad Limllino ~p ................. 24 Ad)UsUble CleVis. SiflOle ........... 28 UL SPORTSTER 0,q 11'!WIIII #IW Yo, Cln U,, -tllllotl s.111 "'lttftOlllf •s· , .. Wi"'-.. '"" Qnlll. _,,,.,,"' ,,,_ "/inr. • Of..., ................. ....,.. LI Sponster $81~ Low-Back$165 BEARD SI/PER SEAT LBEARD~IEDDWNS Motll/T KIT LlQIII Duly Tie Down. w: x 6' Side/TV! Comblntlion ...... ...$110 Slt1p, 5.000ttapdJ ...... $16 $lide/Slide Combillallon Ralehlt lie Dow°' 2"x 7' for LI Sportster .......... _,.,125 SIJap, 10.000I Capicity ...... 2◄ 8,acialandSlldeMountOnly . .50 Ax!eS111p ........ - .................... 10 November 2005 builder Dave Kreisler was in the nearby Checkers' pit, and he had Koch shift-ing again with a time loss of only six minutes. After five laps Koch's lead had dwindled to a mere 20 seconds and Nick Nicholson was pushing hard. Bob Leighton was still close, within three minutes, and it was a charge all the way around on the last lap. Finish line spectators saw Koch flashing through the home stretch, make the last tum clean and stop at the finish line, the first Class 1 there. But, only a few seconds later Nicholson appeared, but he spun his car just be-fore the left hand tum to the flag, then charged into the finish, overshooting by a few feet. Apparently misunder-standing the flagman, Nicholson headed for the impound, was chased down and told to go through the fin-ish line again, and stop, before the clock stopped. This procedure, amply cov-ered at the drivers' meeting, put Nicholson second in Class 1 by just under a minute and fourth overall. Koch, along with the class win, garnered the Holiday Inn bonus of $500 for third overall. Bob Leighton ran swift and steady into third in class, about three minutes behind Nicl1olson. Roger Lord/ Alan Nocita were a good dis-tance back in fourth, and Kenny Krumme recovered to finish fifth, the last one home in Class 1. The biggest class at 23 starters was 1/2-1600, fourth off the line. The re-stricted engine bunch ran in tight for-mation over the rocky hills and silty dry lakes. Starting fourth, young Brent Bell was first around on the road and first on time with a swift 48.20 in the family two seat Bunderson. But, Vegas star Rob MacCachren had his Valley Performance single seater around just 24 seconds slower, from his 15th start-ing spot. Brad Inch was just another 54 seconds behind in his &5 Bunderson, and a host of contenders had times in the early fifties. MacCachren turned up the wick on Lap 2 and moved into the lead, holding just over a minute on Brent and Jim Bell, while Inch was closing and had the gap to Bell down to 4 3 sec-onds. All but three 1600s went at least half way in this sturdy class, and half of them were close enough to the leaders to take advantage of any mishap. Midway MacCachren had what is a good lead in this class, three minutes, 45 seconds, and Inch was now second with a skinny five seconds in hand over Bell. Inch handed over to Randy Jones and Bell also made a pit stop, as did MacCachren, who was going solo. After four rounds the order was the same, but Rob now held five min-utes on Inch/Jones, who had 57 sec-onds on Bell. Some other challengers were having problems. Rob MacCach-ren never wavered on the final two laps, Dusty Times II

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Co-defending overall champ at the SNORE 250, Bob Leighton drove Class 2 winners at the last two big desert events, Bob Richey and Sandy Howe and a few friends drove K.J's Raceco to its best finish in some time, they were fourth in the Class 2 contest. hard but he had to settle for third place in Class 1. Tom Baker finished in third place in their Raceco. andhewhippeddowntheiastmilesto 1.38 back. However, Parnell's Bug rounds, then trouble struck, but not finish with a great time of 4:4 3: 16, good locked in gear as he left on the second enough to cost him the lead. After six for ninth overall on a course that de- lap, and there was no fixing it without hard laps for a 5-1600, Taylor and manded more horsepower than the a major teardown. The other two car-Toler won the class with a keen time average Nevada run. ried on a see saw battle for all six laps,. of 6: 19:09. It was a great victory for Thecontestwasforsecondplaceas AftertworoundsMadisonhadjust young Taylor, who said that Jim Jones lost a fan belt in the Inch over a minute lead, then dropped a Sumners had been a big help in pre-Bunderson, some distance from a pit. couple of minutes. Schmidt led mid- paring the Bug. Sumners, remember, Brent and Jim Bell turned a pair of 49 way by over two minutes, and Schmidt started winning races in a 5-1600. and change laps to take second in the led through four laps. Then he lost Taylor was chased all the way by a pair big class with total time of 4:54:56. about 15 minutes on the fifth go, and ofBugs from T.U.F. Off Road in Tue-Taking advantage of the Inch car's that was the race. Both Bugs finished son, Arizona. At the flag port and down time, Jack Short moved in chal- six laps, and Jim Madi.son and Russ Newt Campbell were only five for third, and he was just five Mortenson took the win home to utes back in second. Chuck Edwards seconds back starting the final lap. Parker,Ari.zona, by over seven minutes. and Larry Weiser were flagged in af-Short did the lap nearly two minutes The 5-1600s turned out in force ter five laps, solid in third place. faster than Jones to snag third place for the SNORE 250, six at the start, The final group off the line was a money, while Inch and Jones were and two of them finished. Mike Tay-mixed bag of five vehicles in five di.ffer-fourth. Driving a steady pace, Jack lor/RoyTaher led the first lap by less ent classes, combined for the purse. Kruger and Stan James took fifth, and than two minutes over Tom Walker, First away was the Class 9 of Bob Kenny Freeman, Jr. was sixth, the last Jr./Mike Peterson and Chuck Edwards, who was to seen again. Next to win money. A hefty 16 l/2-1600s was less than a minute more behind. In was the Challenger car of Larry and finished all six laps in good time. fact, all six were close on Lap 1. But Grant Garban. Willie Valdez had his TherewerethreeClass5sintherace, James Herbold did not come around 7S Ford Ranger away next, followed and they had a ding dong first lap. Stan again, and Walker was out after two by David Strum in a 7 4x4 Isuzu, and Parnell led Gary Schmidt/John rounds. a Class 4 Dodge, driven by Randy Dewalt by a mere 54 seconds, and Jim Mike Taylor carried on out front, Ward and Robert Christensen. The Madison, formerly of Class 6, was just gaining time on the field through four Dodge was seen with a boiling radiator Dusty Times November 2005 at Check 1, and that was that. Strum utes down time on Lap 3, and Valdez was down and under tow on the first took the lead for good. This pair were lap also. waved into the impound after four laps, After one round Garban led Valdez and Willie Valdez was the winner with by a slim 31 seconds, and on Lap 2 4:14:21 for four laps. The Garbans Valdez had closed the gap to just 15 were not far behind with 4:32:28 for seconds. Garban had about ten min-Continued on p1g1 40 It was close but Mike and Roy Taylor led all the way, their first victory in their Class 5-1600 bug, seen here at speed. Page 39

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Jack Short saw a wheel fly off his car, but he got it handled quickly Home town racers Jack Krueger and Stan James had a good day, Kenny Freeman, Jr. survived the dusty running in the two seater, enough to finish third in the 1600 class. their four laps. The race was over with plenty of daylight left; in fact, Jerry Leighton fin-ished at 1:30 p.m. After a vote by the restricted class drivers to cancel any post race inspections, the area was clear and everyone was back in Vegas in time for the proper cocktail hour. The next morning the horde poured into the Holiday Inn Showroom for a brunch that included both break-fast and dinner delights, the best, gazed at a keen ice sculpture spelling out SNORE 250, and many out of state entrants said in awe, "How long has this been going on?" Sixteen years, gang! The organizers gave their thanks to the event sponsor and brunch host, the Holiday Inn, their points series sponsor, Yokohama, and to Bud Light who supplied all the tro-phies and plaques. Since it was the 16th edition of the event, the empty wheelbarrow award went to Kenny Krumme, then listed as 16th over-all. Along with the two grand in sil-they were 5"' in ½-1600 and took home a few bucks as well. Ken was sixth in ½-1600 when the checkers flew. ver dollars, Jerry Leighton took victory, and Tom Koch took home places. Californians took top back its former support in entry home the Class 10 winnings of $1,445.00 for his efforts in a nine honors in Classes 10, 2, 1, 5-from all over the southeast. The $1,190.00, bringing his total take -sar class. 1600 and the combo. Rob Mac-sponsors stated that the race to $3,190.00, well bearing out the This year the majority of the Cachren was the lone Nevada would be bigger, better and new slogan of "SNORE, where it SNORE 250 money went to out class winner, and Jim Madison richer in 1986, so plan ahead pays to race." Gregg Symonds col-of state drivers, who scored won Class 5 for Arizona. Truly for a September jaunt tn thP. lected a total of $2,330.00 for his many first, second and third the "Racers' Race" is getting SNORE 250. It was a seesaw battle for a time in the mixed bag class, but the Ford Ranger of Willie Valdez was the money winner. Heading for the finish line, Chuck Edwards and Larry Weiser scored a keen 3rd place in 1600 in their TUF Off Road big. VP VVest T: (951 )674-91 67 F:(951 )674-7367 email: vppa.c::ific(g>a.ol.c::om vvwvv _ v pr a.c:: in g f u e Is_ com Page 40 November 2005 Dusty Times

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l.n.12C: &1sT WALES RALLY GB 2005 By Martin Holmes Solbea,J/Subaru Win Tragic Rally Photos: Maurice Selden Aki and Miika Teiskonen drove their Subaru lmpreza to a nice first place in the PCWRC division. Petter Solberg and Philip Mills took the honors in the 61st Rally Wales, seen here just into the mud in their Subaru lmpreza. • One tragic moment and it was Much was the same in recent the end of the event, ifhe won and ~!z::iiw'·•';;ji·ku~=-.......:......i all for nothing ... Sebastien Loeb years but there were some specific his rivals did not score enough Francois Duval and Sven Smeets drove their Citroen Xsara to second overall in was on course for yet another vie- variations. The headquarters were points ... After Germany he held a Wales, seen here before an admiring crowd. tory and also inching closer to a no more in the classic and power- 3 2 point lead over Marcus the official reconnaissance. The Skoda however, the promotional second title. Peugeot were doggedly ful City Hall, instead the rally had Gronholm, 38 over Petter one major technical novelty were message was very beneficial con-holding on to their hopes for the moved its base to the Millennium Solberg, and 40 over Markko Sachs dampers on Martin's sidering there are no British driv-Makes' title, then in a flash the Stadium, where a special stage, Martin. After Wales Rally GB, Peugeot: Peugeot still had a strong ers who are regular participants second Peugeot driver Markko surely the shortest stage in the there are four events still to run. chance of the FIA Manufacturers' at the top.level of the sport these Martin was off the road and in world at only 1.0km, on a con-Citroen had never won this event, title starting just six points behind days. McRae was Skoda's trump the impact with a tree his co-driver, crete surface finishing inside the and Loeb's self confidence must Citroen. The personality novelty card. No Skoda driver this year Michael Parek, had died. The rally arena was to be held on Saturday have been a little on edge after was the return to world champi-had finished higher than ninth, hardly mattered any more. Loeb night. It was possibly the final time rolling a car off the track during onship rallying for Colin McRae meaning none of the previous six took a time penalty to demote the rally will be held as a late-sum-testing. Ford were there in to the WRC! The 1995 World works drivers featured in the Driv-himself to third, unable to face the mer fixture before reverting to its strength, no fewer than eight Fo-Champion had been invited as ers' championship tables so far. thought of winning the rally and traditional November fixture for cus WRCs were on the start list, guest driver for Skoda and is the These were days of mixed emotion also the title in circumstances like 2006. The rally counted for the including the four official cars. seventh driver entered by the team in the Production Car World these. It had been 12 years since PCWRC rather than the JWRC This was the first major rally tack-on world championship rallies Championship. world championship rallying had for the first time, while although led by Ms port chief Malcolm this season. The last world cham-Of the 11 entries that had faced a moment of such grief, a the FIA allowed the total number Wilson's son Matthew after his ac-pionship event Colin contested nominated to compete here three moment to reflect on what really of entries to be increased from cident on the Rally of Wales in was the 2003 Wales Rally GB. It failed to run up (Joakim Roman mattered in life. The record books regulatory 90 to 120, in fact only April, and the first actual drive was going to be interesting to see and Brice Tirabassi for medical will record that Petter Solberg 87 entries were received of which on the British world champion-how current rally technology had reasons, Karamjit Singh's Proton won his fourth successive Wales 80 started. There was excitement ship event for Mitsubishi driver changed in that time, and how entry presumably for financial Rally GB, a feat from which he around. Sebastien Loeb COULD Gianluigi Galli, though on two much McRae would have to adapt problems), thereby ensuring that will take no joy. become 2005 world champion by previous occasions he has made his technique to match. For all eight starters would score r-------------------------------------------------------~ I I I I Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage &Waste Tanks . R.V. Ranks Quality Products & Friendly Service -RONCOPLASTICS,INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX714-259-759 • ~ 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~ I I I I I I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 42 November 2005 Dusty Times

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I' Marcos Ligato and Ruben Garcia were less than a minute out of the Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena were third overall, a mere .5 of a Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen were only 12 seconds off the podium in Wales driving their Mitsubishi Lancer. PCWRC win in Wales, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. second out of second place in their Citroen Xsara. points simply by finishing! In the ond time in three years, and who tor Martin Prokop. Another end the Mitsubishi importers' sensed a second title was in the former champion down at No. 93 team driver David Higgins took offing. Andrea Medeghini was was co-driver Luigi Pirollo, FIA over the entry for Singh and ar-making his debut PCWRC ap-Group N Champion Co-driver to ranged a quick swop of the badges pearance in a Subaru. There were Alex Fassina in 1993. on the car. In minutes the Proton two more interesting entries for It was tipping with rain during was converted -into a Mitsubishi! British fans. Reigning PCWRC Shakedown, when Petter Solberg Absent, on account of selecting World Champion Niall McShea was an impressive 1.5 seconds this event as one of the two events made his return to the WRC, this faster than anyone else, ahead of which by regulation they must time as a privateer at the wheel of Marcus Granholm, while a sur-miss, was championship leader a Group N Subaru. The JWRC prise was Manfred Stohl, fourth Toshi Arai. Of the six South contender and Colin McRae pro-quickest overall. The main inci-Americans entered in the series tege Kris Meeke was driving an dent was when Markko Martin slid only Marcus Ligato came to Brit-Impreza WRC on loan from off the road and he lost a lot of ain. Third placed championship Prodrive but run by RED team, testing time while the car was re-contender, and highest placed which previously had run the covered. As usual, Suzuki drivers Mitsubishi driver, Xavier Pons had Olsbergs team. For old timer fans Per-Gunnar Andersson and Guy been scheduled to compete in Brit-an interesting entry in a Group N Wilks made private entries at the ain but he had already obtained Subaru was made by Harold wheel of their Swift Super 1600 dispensation to withdraw from Morley, who was national road cars, the first time these cars have the series. Of the two British driv- rally champion in the early 70's. been run outside the JWRC cham-ers in the series, Mark Higgins had Current fans noted that the pionship. nominated this as "pass" so he Swede Patrik Flodin, who nearly Leg 1 could drive a World Rally Car for won the Group N category on 6 Stages, gravel, 136. 74kms. the Stobart team. Quietly assess-Neste Rally Finland, had also en-For a moment it looked like ing the situation was Nasser Al tered this event. There were few there was a battle to come. Attiyah-who recently became the Super 1600 entries, but those Granholm finished the first stage winner of the MERC for the sec-present included JWRC competi-4.6 seconds ahead of Loeb with Petter Solberg 0.8s behind, but it all lead at that point. Solberg was was all a false alarm. The first and pleased that he wasn't as far off second stages were very slippery, the pace as he had earlier feared, the conditions on the first two slip-but-he had lost ten seconds when pery stages were in conflict to what he spun on Stage 2. "At lease we was good for the third, drier are not so far off Loeb's pace here stage, so there was a strange set of as we have been on some other results. Rovanpera made fastest rallies", which after the end of the stage on Stage 2, by which time first group of stages, Rovanpera Loeb had settled down at what he was still third. Going well was is best doing, leading a world cham-Atkinson in fifth place. "These pionship rally. For a moment long fast corners are very difficult." Granholm had high hopes but The slippery conditions of the then on a road section to Stage 2 morning in fact had led to count-a brake caliper started to leak. By less driver errors. Galli (straight the time they were on the start line on at a junction and a spin later for the stage the brake pedal had on), Higgins spun and stalled, and gone to the floor. From first some drivers were just unhappy. place, the Finn dropped to 19th Sixth placed Martin: "The Sachs by the end of Stage 2. He was able shock absorbers are fine but I am to stem the flow of liquid on the not at all happy with the set up of road section to the start of Stage the differentials." And seventh 3, which he tackled with three placed Gardemeister: "bad times, working brakes, but it was pretty and I just don't know why." Pons desperate stuff. Loeb's progress had three punctures in as many was not incident free. He spun and stages. Schwarz was in trouble, he punctured on Stage 2, but none-stalled on Stage 1, no intercom theless he was able to take the over-Continued on page 44 UCING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNDIS Dusty Times NORTH CAROLINA -NASCAR Employment opportunities available for experienced fabricators, me-chanics, gear/transmission specialist and brake specialist. Must be well organized, willing to follow specific direction, and work as a team player. Must be willing to relocate to Charlotte, North Carolina. Please e•mall resume and salary requirements to No phone calls please. CALIFORNIA -OFF-ROAD Opportunity available for an experienced mechanic/fabricator. Must be able to TIG weld aluminum, stainless steel and chromolly. Must have some machining and mechanical experience. Must be self motivated and possess the •drive to win.• Professional appearance required. Please e-mail resume and salary requirements to No phone calls please. November 2005 Page 43

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Six points for a third place finish in PCWRC went to Nasser Al Attiyah Fifth place overall went to Manfred Stohl and likka Minor. they are and Chris Patterson, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza.'--'t::...:he.:..i_r .:..C.:..itfi..:.oe.::.,n,.:....:,·___,~-------,---=--~~= Roman Kresta and Jan Tomanek finished sixth overall, they were the first Ford Focus to cross the finish line. on S2 and driving 8km on a flat of the Pirelli teams, except for pass and demanded a quite dif-the PCWRC cars, but then he lost tyre on a stage. Some were just Atkinson, were happy although ferent driving style to the morn-time with a puncture, then Niall being patient. Sarrazin: "This is the Australian, still in fifth place, ing. McRae was however lying McShea went ahead until he had my first rally on MUD, and of threw a tyre tread on the final 13th overall, exactly 1.0 second a pacenote problem on Stage 3 course my first time in a forest." stage of the day. Gronholm, how-in front of his protege Kris which let Al Attiyah in front of Colin McRae at ninth was build-ever, was storming along, fastest Meeke. Matthew Wilson lost all the Group N cars. In the non-ing up his confidence. driver of the afternoon, catching nearly two minutes with power championship 1600cc category Leaving the midday service, up time. By Stage 6 he was up to steering failure. Bernardi Andersson was already almost Loeb misjudged the time neces-fourth place. "I reckon Loeb and struggled home despite complete five minutes in front, but Suzuki sary to cross the service park and Solberg are too far in front for brake failure. Star of the teammate Wilks retired for the arrived at the Out control just us to expect to catch them but PCWRCwasAki Teiskonen, lead-day because of suspension too late, so despite immediately before the end of the event we will ing after two stages before being troubles and Prokop's lgnis the pulling 9.5 seconds out of try to catch Rovanpera" (39.6 slowed by a central differential same, after going off the road. Solberg on Stage 4, Loeb's lead seconds in front). Rovanpera was problem on Stage 3, which let Teiskonen continued to forge overall remained still around ten on a miss ion however. Nasser Al Attiyah into the lead. ahead but had a flat tyre for 4km seconds. On Stage 6 however, Contractless after the end of the Hamed Al Wahaibi admitted he on the final stage of the day but Loeb fell right back, losing 10.5 season, he was fighting for his ca- was "struggling with self confi-kept his lead. McShea suffered a seconds against Gronholm, the reer as well as the honour of put-de nee". Andrea Medeghini bent steering arm. Flodin, the star fastest driver, on account of dis-ting Mitsubishi in a top three dropped to eighth and last of the of the Neste Rally, had a very bad appearing rubber from his tyre. place. While Stohl was runners after driving 15km on a start when he went off the road "The afternoon's stages were troublefree, teammate Pons had flat tyre, while Ricardo Errani on the opening stage of the event. much more dry than we had ex-another puncture as well as a diff was slowed by a slipping clutch. Big news at the end of the day pected, so our tyres were too problem. Schwarz found his Natalie Barratt was delayed by a was the exclusion of Toni soft." Overnight therefore Loeb Skoda was jumping out of line spin, then a puncture having to Gardemeister for being under-was 9. 9 seconds in front of while teammate McRae, unaccus-drive 8km on a flat tyre. Local weight at the end of the Leg. The Solberg. Although most of the tomed to running 19th car on the Group N cars were proving com-Ford was weighed five times, three Michelin teams reported using road, found the surfaces were petitive. After the first stage times 4kg under twice 5kg. No tyres which were too soft, most badly degrading on the second David Higgins was in front of all other car was involved, indeed the HONDA Power Equipment Pow• UCER & SPECTATOR DIICDUNTI • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE DOIi T HAVE IT: 110 ONE DOES/ Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. car complied with the rules when weighed with the crew inside. Happily, it had been an uncon-vincing day already for Gardemeister, for reasons they could not understand, and he had been lying ninth overall, but good for Ford Motor Company was that the Fiesta ST Group N project car in the hands of Chris Harris was still running strongly and leading its class. Gardemeister apart, there was a remarkable degree of reliability among the top runners. Every Pa, P2 and P3 driver reached the end of the leg, making the overnight Pare Ferme quite a crowded place! Leg2 6 Stages, gravel, 102. 76kms. Another dry day greeted com-petitors, and how many there were! Loeb continued to pull in front of Solberg, but Gronholm was catching Rovanpera with a vengeance. From a 39.6 second gap overnight, it was down to :1-1:0ND.A 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 . , . a■NEAATaR■• PUMP• (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 N oth1ng s easier. For optimum per1ormance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2005 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Page 44 November 2005 Dusty Times - t

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First of the Super 1600 cars, Per-Gunnar and Jonas Andersson Colin McRae and Nicky Grist were seventh overall in their Skoda Chris Meeke and Glen Patterson challenge the water and mud in their Subaru lmpreza, they were ninth overall in Wales. were 22"' overall in their good looking Suzuki Swift. Fabia, seen here before an appreciative throng. 24.2 after a couple of stages, and wich of Gronholm and Martin, Galli slowed with a loose left rear the McRae/Meeke thing did not stalled at the start of Stage 7. wheel. Henning Solberg, who had die down. After two stages the 1.0 Martin had his differential map-spun and damaged the rear of his second gad had come down to 0.8 ping changed overnight and was ear earlier now found the engine then 0. 7 seconds! Atkinson went immediately happier. Out of the felt flat. Martin had changed the off the road on the first stage of points zone were especially hard, Sachs shock absorbers on his car the day, then one stage later his as they had been in Mexico. So for Ohlins and found it was a Subaru teammate Sarrazin did far Loeb had won all three stages, bad move. Latvala now found his the same. Latvala only just got then the cars went back to Egypt form and put up some top six going at the restart. The alterna-for a rerun over the same sec-stage times. Stohl was in the tor did not work on his Focus tions. Loeb continued his winning points, just. McRae was tenth, and this was changed but still streak, and won the next three! one place behind the best result there was a problem. Within two By now the pace of the rally had this year put up by other Skoda minutes of going over the time considerably eased. Solberg was drivers. The final section of the limit the team boosted the power three-quarters of a minute behind day was the 1.1km stage partly input and he set off again. After Loeb and the same distance in held in the Millennium stadium the third stage Gronholm was front of Rovanpera. Rovanpera in Cardiff, after which the crews 17. 7 seconds behind Rovanpera, meanwhile suddenly suffered made their way back to the over-who was delayed by a bad vibra-gearbox trouble when he lost night halt in Swansea. The one at tion when a mousse insert broke third gear on Stage 12 which let a time special stage at the Millen-up. Meeke was 0.9 in front of his Gronholm up to third place, niumStadium ended the day with mentor while McRae was delayed which he was about to do in any artificial excitement, but it was with a gearshift problem, having case. The conditions were com-good for the crowds, and actu-to use manual shifting. pletely dry and despite a cool ally of some consequence, because The stages were now drier than breeze the sky was blue. McRae's Mark Higgins made fastest time most teams dared to expect and problem was found to be electri-in his Eddie Stobart Focus WRC, several drivers reported having cal, but the team changed the bringing him into the top ten tyres which were too soft. Kresta whole transmission as a precau-placings in front of Colin McRae. dropped back when he went off tion, and he got back in front of The use of Millennium Stadium for a short time.but then reverse Meeke when Meeke spun and as the headquarters for the event, gear would not engage. Duval, the needed to make a lengthy series instead of the charismatic City meat between the Peugeot sand-of turns before restarting again. Hall met with a mixed response, 61$t Wales Rally GB 16/18.09.2005 Swansea-Cadiff (GB) WC round 12 PC'v\RC round 6 WC points WO PC 1 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC but the excitement of the special stage watched by over 20,000 spectators was undeniable. Still all eight PCWRC drivers were given an interruption time, remained in the action. Aki except for those who had com-Teiskonen had a small steering pleted the stage earlier, of which problem and this let McShea get one was Gianluigi Galli who had ahead of him in the overall lost time also off the road. What Group N rankings. Al Wahaibi came afterwards was understand-suffered a loose wastegate for a able but also confusing. Fellow couple of stages. No change to the Peugeot drivers Marcus Gronholm top of PCWRC during the after-and Nicolas Bernardi withdrew noon, in fact a quarter minute and did not drive to the finish. had separated the top three Loeb told his team that he could Group N cars with Teiskonen not face winning the rally and the leading both categories but titleincircumstancessuchasthese Ligato's puncture then dropped (to which Citroen concurred) and him some 20 seconds. Barratt hit he worked out that a two minute a rock and damaged her rear'sus- early time control penalty would pension and had to stop for the demote him to third place, behind day in Stage 11. At the end of the Solberg and Duval, giving him the day, Teiskonen led PCWRC and chance to win the title in happier McShea Group N. circumstances another day. These Leg 3 events had their consequences fur-2 Stages, gravel, 56.Slkms. ther down the field. Colin McRae There was little for the com- rose to seventh place overall, two petitors to gain as they headed for places higher than any Skoda the final four stages on the Sun-driver had done before this sea-day, but as Markko Martin and son, while the battle for the best Peugeot discovered, a lot to lose. privately run British driver was On the first stage McRae retrieved fascinating. Higgins finally beat tenth place back from Mark Meeke by 1.2 seconds! Natalie Higgins. Then on the second came Barratt restarted the rally but like news of the terrible crash. The rally all the Group N drivers only tack-ended there and then, except for led one stage but finished {like all the run from service back to the PCWRC drivers) in the Cardiff. The top drivers, who points, in her case for the first time were running in reverse order, all year. lAl2C: LC54WRC (GB) 2h.45m.57.Bs.• 10 10 2 (2) Francois DUVAL/Sven Smeets B Citroen Xsara WRC 76CXN78 (F) 2h.47m.15.2s. 8 8 - ENGINE CON1ROL I"" I DAT. $~TEMS POWERING THE OVERALL WINNERS OF THE BAJA 1000 3 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 97 4DAM78 (F) 2h.47m.15. 7s. 6 6 4 (9) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer WRC KN04111.t.1D (GB) 2h.47m.27 2a. 5 5 5 (18) Manfred StohUllkka Minor A Citroen Xsara WRC 3980LP78 (F) 2h.48m.32.8a. - 4 6 (4) Roman KRESTA/Jan Tomanek CZ Ford Focus WRC EF04WBW(GB) 2h.49m.15.1s. 4 3 7 (12) Colin McRAE/Nicky Grist GB Skoda Fable WRC 352 3102 (CZ) 2h.49m.28.2s. 3 2 8 (17) Mark Higgins/Bryan Toomas GB Ford Focus 'v\RC EK52LNP (GB) 2h.<49m.38.7s. - 1 9 (23) Kris Meeke/Glen Patterson GB Subaru lmpreza WRC YT53SRT (GB) 2h.49m.39.9s. -10 (14) Heming Solberg/Cato Menkerud N Ford Foa,s WRC ET53UP (GB) 2h.50m.18.3s. -Other Important finishers 11 (20) Xsvler Pons/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara WRC 5590HK78(F) 2h.51m.17.1s. -12 (15) Antony Wannbold/Mlchael Orr DIGS Ford Focus WRC EG53BDU (GB) 2h.51m.26.6s. -13 (10) Giank.ligi GALU/Guiclo d'Amore I Mitsubishi Lancar 'v\RC KP53GXY (GB) 2h.55m.38.7s. 2 14 (11) Armin SCHWARZ/KlaJs Wiehe D Skoda Fabia WRC 4553380 (CZ) 2h.55m.51.2s. 1 15 (19) Matthew WIison/Scott Martin GB Ford Focus WRC 1 ES (GB) 3h.00m.33.1 s. -18 (50) Aki+ Miika Teiskonen FIN Subaru lmpreza PCWRC TGC300TSU1604 (J) 3h.04m.03.5s. - 10 20 (36) M8r00S Ligato/Ruben Garcia RA Subaru lmpreza PCWRC EY J380 (RA) 3h.04m.45.8s. - 8 21 (33) Nasser Al Attiyah/Ctria Patterson Q/GB Subaru lmpreza "Spec C" PCWRC OU54PW (GB) 3h.05m.05.4s. -6 22 (67) Per-Gunnar+ Jonas Andersson S Slm.lki Swift S1600 JXD764 (H) 3h.05m.19.0s. -26 (49) Hamed Al Wsnaibi/David Senior OM/GB Subaru lmpreza PCWRC GNG300Hl5488 (J) 3h.09m.28.9s. - 5 35 (38) Fabio Frisiero/Glovanni Agnese I . Subaru lmpreza WRX PCWRC CW338AN (I) 3h.16m.49.9s. - 4 36 (43) Angelo Medeghlnl/Bart>ara Capoferri I Subaru lmpreza "Spec C" PCWRC OU0SLW (GB) 3h.16m.50.1s. -3 38 (6) Chris ATKINSON/Glenn Macneal! AUS Subsu lmpreza WRC BC54WRC (GB) 3h.23m.15.2s. (7) 41 (41) Natalie Barratt/Kaj Lindstrom GB/S Subaru lmpreza "Spec C" PCWRC OU050UO (GB) 3h.27m.51.5s. (3) Dusty Times ____ ...--rl:IE eH0 eE ~ et1JAMe/0NS ENGINE CONTROL Standalone Enfine Managementfor4-12 cyl engines Sequentia ltjectionax/Distmutor-lessiglition Internal Logging with clos«:Uoop lambda mapping Custom hamesses made for,}Q6'app/ication Comple(esystans from $5000 DATASYS1EMS Data Loggers with up to 128MB of memory PowemJ software to colectaxla,Jciyzedata Stee,ing wheel ax/dashboard cfsplays StfJl)Oltavailable for SCORE and BITD Made in the USA. November 2005 EA Technology Inc. 4025 Spencer St #-102 Tona~ CA90503 Tel (310) 793-2505 Fax (310) 793-2514 Page 45

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I .. ,,. I CORR LUCAS D1L SERIES season Ends on High Note By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Johnny Greaves literally flew his great looking Toyota to the win in both rounds, he took the Pro-4 Championship with two wins for a finale. · Chula Vista, CA: For the first to come out, and they rented a few climbed another long hill and then time in its history, Championship Off trucks and enticed some celebrities charged back into the short-course Road Racing (CORR) held its sea- to drive them, to help fill up the en- area on a long straight that had the son finale in Southern California. try list. Trophy Trucks and Class 1 cars mov-ln his first year as owner of The Baldwin family business is ing at about 110 miles per hour. To-CORR, Jim Baldwin wanted to find construction; specifically, housing. tal length of that course was esti-a way to bring the excitement of They had not only the land, but much mated to be right at two miles. short-course off road racing out to of the equipment necessary to level a The track was up and function-California. He had a piece of land in big hill, create a race course, adj a-ing about a week ahead of the racing Otay Ranch, just east of Chula Vista, cent parking, flat spots for grand- weekend and there was plenty of time that wasn't being used at the moment, stands and snack stands, and roads for media events, and several sessions so he built a temporary facility and in and out. They rented equipment of practice for the racers. A fair num-moved the season finale out there. from the Long Beach Gran Prix, and her of desert racers had either bought Attheofficialopeningceremonies set up seating for 27,000 people. It orborrowedshort-coursetrucks,and for the first weekend Baldwin dedi- was a handsome facility, with ample they badly needed practice. They cated the event to Corley McMillin, parking for all those big haulers and found out fairly quickly that CORR one of SCORE's most revered rac- motorhomes that are such an inte- racing is not the same as desert rac-ers, who had died just the previous gral part of the off road racing scene ing. week. these days. They laid out a course that The first day of real racing was on The three Pro classes; Pro-4, Pro- was a mile long, and added a long, Sunday, September 24th. CORR has 2 and Pro-Lite were to finish their wide straight start area, so it was pos-eight classes, and five of them had season in Chula Vista, which took sible to indulge in those breathtaking finished their seasons on Labor Day the place of their season-ending New land-rush starts. Trucks could be weekend at Crandon, Wisconsin. But York event of the recent past, which flagged off the line 13 wide, and still the three headliners, Pro-4, Pro-2 had been the final points race. Other allgetthrough the first tum. In addi-and Pro-Lite, were to run 14 classes were invited to come for the tion to their short course, the "rounds" (on seven weekends) rather fun, and for the $332,000 in purse Baldwins laid out a "desert" course than the 12 rounds run by the money posted for the racing on the which dropped off a hill and skirted Sportsman classes. The final two weekend of October 1 and 2. CORE the edge of the parking area, rounds (13 and 14) would happen paid tow money to encourage teams dropped in and out of a gully, at Chula Vista, one on Saturday and Carl Renezeder was :Jd and 11th in Pro-2 but it gave him the championship. In Pro-4 he finished 2"1 twice and was second in points in his Chevy. one on Sunday. So, with the season points to be decided and a $332,000 purse up for grabs the following weekend, the racing was certain to be exciting. The first race of the weekend was a mix of desert Class 7 and 7S trucks, and, although they were desert rac-ers, they ran only the shorter track, the promoters figuring this would keep them together and make the race more fun to watch. The track fea-tured a big banked left-hand sweeper at the start, then a left hand hairpin, a sharp right-hander with a grabby, soft berm on its outside, another left hand hairpin, and then a tricky right-left with a little off-camber surprise in the middle, and theywere headed back toward the first big sweeper. There were some fairly chunky bumps in the front straight, some hardly noticeable bumps in the middle straight. There was no big flying jump. The races were scheduled to be 15 minutes plus a lap. In their need to keep the dust level down, the offi-cials had allowed the track to be over watered a bit for the first event, so it was really slippery. With 17 trucks on the course there was a good deal of bumping and shoving, and some of them went sliding all by themselves. Roll-overs were the result, with five or six of them, and many yellow flags flew, to slow down the overall speeds. In the end Larry Roeseler had the Class 7 win in Mike Ruane's Ford, the same one he drove with such suc-cess atSCORE's short-course event in July. Dan Chamlee, in another Ford, was second, and Oscar Lara, in a Toyota, finished third. In Class 7S, which had five en-tries, John Holmes put his Ford into the winners' circle, followed by John Watson in another Ford, and in Jeff Kincaid won both rounds in Pro-Lite and he took the championship by 4 points in his mean looking Toyota. ·'

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Biker Sherlock took an eighth and a first in Desert Truck 7, he leads Chad Hord took a second and a third in Pro-Ute at San Diego, he In Sportsman 2, Greg Adler took a third and a second in his Ford, he the class points by 2 with another two rounds to go. finished second in points for the season. sits second in points with two rounds to go. third, Holly Hoffman in a Toyota. It CORR cars. All VW powered, the in his CORR car, and ran in front Vic Bruckmann's car stopped when place. was like watching a three-ring circus, desert cars ran with their normal all the way. He was hotly chased by Todd Stemmerman somehow parked Moving right along, the Super to try to keep track of two class lead- restrictor plates, and the CORR cars Michael Seefeldt, in another CORR his Class 5 car on Bruckmann 's Buggies came next, paired with desert ers, especially since many of the trucks had restrictor plates also, which were buggy, and Adam Pfankuch, the first bumper. Class 20s and SCORE Lite cars. had numbers that were impossible a bit smaller. The difference was in desert car on the road. On about the They had lapped traffic by the There were 26 of them and they to read at a distance, or worse, the weight of the cars, the amount of fifth lap Mark Steinhardt, another sixth lap, and Fitzgerald couldn't be started their event with a big three knocked off the truck in the roll- suspension,andthewheelbase. Desert front runner, touched wheels with caught. HetookthewinwithSeefeldt car crash in the first turn. Scott overs. cars were longer, heavier, and stood Pfankuch and rolled over, bending second, Pfankuch third and Aaron Schwalbe in a Toyota powered car The 1600 cars ran next, and this up taller. There were 26 all told. his spindle and trailing arm so the Hawley, who races the CORR series went into the early lead, and Cory was a mix of desert 1600 cars and John Fitzgerald got the hole-shot car wouldn't steer right after that. in their Super Buggy class, in fourth --....-,:-------, In Class 10/12, Jerry Whelchel took a fourth and a third in the rounds, In Single Buggy 1600, Aaron Hawley (white car) is tied for third in A second and a fourth place finish went to John Watson in Class 7S, he sits third in class with two rounds to go. points, he's 10 points out of the class lead. he's second in points in the class. • • • • .. .. • • .. Dusty Times '; .. -"",-~Congratulations Scott Taylor on Two Back-To-Back 1st Place Wins and The Overall Victory at the CORR® Nissan® Off-Road Nationals Shoot Out! November 2005 ur ' '05 -·05 Ford Super Duty Skid Plate Skyjacker® has recently released a Heavy-Duty skid plate in addition to the 2"-8.5'' lifts for the '05-'06 Ford Super Duty. This skid plate is formed from a 1/8"thick steel plate and dimple dyed for added strength. The fully adjustable mounting brackets allow the skid plate to be raised or lowered for desired appearance. • Works With Lift Heights From 2"-8.5-• All Brackets Are Bolt-on Installation • No Cutting Or Drilling Is Requi~d To locate an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer call 1.866.4.A DEALER ext. 5033 or visit us on the web at Page 47 ......

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Macey ( Corky) McMillin January 14, 1929 - September 22, 2005 Family Man - Business Man -Off Road Racer '!fk'Jn/Ub. ...... ,. Corky McMillin, a contractor who became a force in Southern California real estate has passed away. Corky succumbed to heart failure, he had been hospitalized since suffering chest pains September 10 during an off road race in Nevada. Corky started his construction business in 1960 and it grew from developing small tracts of homes to building master-planned communities and commercial structures. The company branched into real estate and mortgage financing into markets in Central California and Texas. Corky was known for his philanthropy, a $1.5 million donation to San Diego State and was well known to thousands of off road racers as a competitor and as a gentleman. His passion for off road racing was shared by his sons Mark and Scott. Corky raced as often as-possible and the Baja 500 and 1000 races were his particular loves. Corky is survived by his wife, Vonnie, sons Mark and Scott, daughter Laurie Ann Ray, a sister and eight grandchildren. Via con dios, Corky

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Larry Roese/er had a first and a second in the two rounds, he sits Steve Federico drove his Toyota to a sixth and a second in Pro-Lite, second in points in Desert Truck 7. he ended the season third in points. Dan Chamlee took a second and a seventh in Desert Truck 7, he's seen here in his Ford just before touchdown. Heynen, also Toyota, ran second, with flag (for being too aggressive on re-up on each others' tires, Heynen went Aaron Hawley in third. The desert entry) and 15 seconds in the penalty up in smoke, and Foddrill slowed drivers clearly had to learn a lot. At box. and pulled off the course. Schwalbe one point Hawley was up on two Larry Foddrill got his Toyota took the win, Hawley was second, irate wheels, after a hit by another car, bi- powered car, an oldish short-course about the black flag, and Steve cycled off course, and quickly came car, up into the lead, dueling fiercely Krieman, another CORR racers, was back on. That earned him a black with Schwalbe. Drivers were running third. After a break for Opening Cer-emonies, which included the Red Bull paratroopers making a smoky land-ing on the front straight of the race track, the racing re-convened, with the Pro-2 trucks. These are the big two wheel drive trucks that are seen Dan Baudoux won both heats in San Diego in his Ford, he took the Sportsman 2 Jason Baldwin took a 1st and a 3rd in Unlimited Desert Truck, won the class, he win with 10 points in hand. _fin_,_.sh_e_d_~_in_P_ro_-4_fo_r_t_h_e_s_e_as_o_n_. _______________ _ FQ; RACE FANS ONLY Dusty Times November 2005 regularly on television. By now things were better organized, and all the Spotters had showed up in their des-ignated comer of the grandstand. Every vehicle was required to have a spotter on the radio, ·co pass along any pertinent information to the race driver. They were to tell them when they were being given the black flag, or the blue "move over" flag, and also could give them any information or reassurance they needed about their vehicle. They were an important and effective part of the race effort. The Pro-2 drivers were racing for the season points championship, and this was the second to last event of the points chase in three classes. Go-ing into this event Carl Renezeder had the lead, Scott Taylor was second and Scott Douglas was third. Taylor could get the season championship, but he'd have to win the race. There were 22 trucks, The staging area was about a quarter mile from the first tum, and at the drop of the green flag they charged the tum, astounding specta-Page 49

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Andy McMillin took a fifth and a second place at San Diego, he sits Kyle LeDuc finished 14th and 16'1' in his SkyJacker Ford, he tied for Lobsam Yee took a sixth and a seventh place in the Class 10/12 rounds, he sits fifth in points with two rounds to go. third in points in Unlimited Desert Buggy. tors who'd never seen one of those starts in person. There's nothing quite like the sight of 22 trucks trying to get onto a track that'll permit only three abreast. They don't lift from the green flag through the first turn, until they get to Turn 2, and speeds right in front of the grandstands are about 100 mph. Whew! Their course used an alternate front straight which had no bumps, and which was closer to the grandstands. The Sportsman 2 trucks ran at the same time, start-ing in the back row, with six entries. Kevin Probst got the hole shot with his Chevy, while Dan VandenHeuvel was second in his Chevy and Scott Douglas was third in a Ford. Todd LeDuc parked his Ford early with ignition trouble, and VandenHeuvel moved into the lead, with Probst second and Dou-glas third. Taylor, his hopes for a seventh championship season dashed, was parked early with a broken oil pump drive. Three of the celebrity drivers were entered in this race: Jeremy McGrath, moto-cross· ace, and Roberto Guerrero, open wheel racer, and Boris Said, sports car and NASCAR driver. McGrath looked good for a beginner, but Guerrero got caught up in a wreck and bent some tubing. Scott Douglas spun fourth place in the Pro-Lite contest at San Diego. out, and Probst lost his power steer-Art Schmitt in his Nissan and ing and ended up parked on the Kyle LeDuc in a Ford dueled for Turn 3 berm. Josh Baldwin's rear the hole shot, and Schmitt ended shocks went up in smoke. Boris Said up in front. LeDuc took over the couldn't dodge a tire and wheel lead on Lap 3, and then Schmitt that rolled past him, drove up on spun and couldn't get the truck re-it, high-centered and then realized started, falling back to seventh it had been his. The wheel studs place. Ampudia looked pretty good broke. through the start, but got too heavy Ultimately, VandenHeuvel took footed in Turn 2, and ended up the win, with Steve Barlow second off course with his nose jammed and Renezeder third. It was a big into a piece of K-rail being used to blow to Taylor's hopes for another protect flagmen. He couldn't find championship. In the Sportsman reverse for quite a while, and fell class, Dan Baudoux took the win in way back. his Ford, followed in by Mike Oberg LeDuc led for about four laps in his Chevrolet. They weren't run-then developed a left.rear flat. Jeff ning for points, just for fun. Kincaid, in a Toyota moved to the The next event was for the Pro front as LeDuc dropped way back. Lite trucks, CORR's version of mini Kincaid took the win, with Chad trucks. This was another points Hord in second place in a Nissan, chase, and it was almost entirely and Mark Krueger third in another CORR racers, with one surprising Nissan. Kincaid closed up on the exception. Rodrigo Ampudia, who season points championship with used to race in the desert in a 1600 his victory. car, and who briefly tried a Trophy The Pro-4 trucks rumbled out Truck, had a new toy. He went to into the staging area next, with 14 Crandon to watch the races this Sep- starters. These are four wheel drive tember, and went home with a Ford trucks, and another points cham-Pro-Lite. He'd had only a few laps pionship was at stake. Going into of practice, and no experience at all this event John Greaves led and with the land rush starts. In the Renezeder was second. There were points battle Chad Hord was in 15 trucks, one of them Rob front, with Jeff Kincaid a close sec- MacCachren's old Ford, which was ond. made illegal about four years ago HAC/Nli 7/NCOHPOHATED Formerly Performance Drivetrain, Inc. (PDI) presents another innovation in drivetrain technology ... .•. . . };;,:. · The BB-1 TRANSMISSION SdEd) ~ r'_a__HACIK5 ~KCOKPOHATED 169 Guoline Alley Suite 5 • Mooresville, NC 28117 704.799.0955 • 704.799.1191 fax Page so • Center Support -Stabilizes the input and counter shafts keeping them from flexing and moving out of alignment, allowing gears to mesh at optimal levels. • Splined Connection -The splined lever allows the shift cam to connect directly to the shift lever allowing for smoother and continuous shifting. The direct connection insures optimum efficiency thereby reducing stripping and breakage. The entire transmission spins easier and requires less horsepower. •Flexible-The innovative design allows for installation of the car's shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission. • Slifer -The option to locate the shifter on either the left or right side of the transmission allows for installation of the driver's seat further from the left door. Increasing the distance between the driver and point of impact reduces the risk of injury in a driver's side collision. • Li&hter-The streamlined construction reduces the weight ofthe unit by 7 pounds ( as compared to similar models). • Oeaner - 0-rings located on the shift cover, midplate, bellhousing, and front bearing retainer eliminate the need for sealer. 0-rings are not only better protection against potential leaks they allow for quicker and easier adjustments and cleanup. • Longer Wear-The design of the gear teeth and the stability of the center shaft support both reduce the wear on gears thereby extending the life of the transmission. Th0/118sUetts -·. Visteon CAA--.KAC/K5 ~KCOHPOKATED 6950 Guion Road • Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 317.293.4100 • November 2005 In Class 10/12, Aaron Hawley took a second and a first, tied in points with Scott Schwalbe at the first San Diego weekend. and hadn't been raced since. CORR made a special dispensation to allow MacCachren to race here this weekend. Ed Herbst was driv-ing a newly acquired truck pur-chased from Steve McCrossan, and all three LeDucs, Curt, Kyle and Todd were entered,. Off the line Curt LeDuc broke his input shaft, and that was the end of his race. Renezeder got the hole shot in his Chevy and went into the lead with Jason Baldwin hard on his rear bumper in a Ford and John Greaves, in a Toyota running third. Renezeder and Baldwin went in for some heavy bumping, and Greaves took a hit from Baldwin that sent him off course. Herbst ended up parked on the Turn 3 berm when his truck lost a belt and everything stopped. Kyle LeDuc took a·hit and that made his truck turn sharply right, into the wall in front of the grandstands. It stoop up on end, spun and flopped over. LeDuc was jarred, but restarted it and drove off course when it was clear. He was all right, but the truck was sidelined for the weekend. Renezeder stayed in front through the 12th lap or so and then Tied for the class lead with a first and a second place finish, Scott Schwalbe flies his Class 10/12 buggy to the flag. In Single Buggy 1600 Michael Seefeldt took a second and a first place finish and he is tied in points for the lead. Dusty Times

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Fifth place in Single Buggy 1600 went to Eli Yee, his sixth and ninth Oscar Lara drove his Toyota to a third and a sixth place in the Desert Fifth overall in Unlimited Desert Buggy went to Brian Ewalt, he's seen place finishing positions have him 19 points behind the leader. Truck 7 rounds, he is fourth in points. here in his mean looking machine. Josh Baldwin finished fourth in the Pro-4 contest and fifth in the Pro- Art Schmitt had a fourth and a 13'1' place finish, he ended his Pro-Lite In Pro-Ute, Randy Eller was relegated to a 1 'l'1' and a 14111 finish and he ended up seventh in points in his Chevy. 2 battle, he's seen here flying towards the checkers. season in sixth place in his Nissan. developed a left rear flat. Greaves, ished. Their race, on the much longer lack of experience, and some made who'd been catching him gradually, course, was only seven laps long. plans to change various things about moved into the lead and took the The final event of the day, at 4:30, their cars. But, not only were they win. Renezeder finished second and was the Class 1 race, also on the having fun, but some were seriously Jason Baldwin was third. desert course. There were 11 cars. considering becoming a part of The next event was the Trophy John Marking took the early lead in CORR racing. Some who had just Truck race, the first event to run on his Chevy Jimco, with John Herder watched were already trying to find a the long, "desert" course. Jerry second in another Jimco and Jeff way to buy a truck. Whelchel, driving Chet Huffman's Siefert third. Troy Herbst, in the Overnight Barlow's team pulled Chevy, got the hole shot, but then Smithbuilt Truggy, missed a shift off the motor and put his little one in to losthissteeringwhenaserpentinebelt the start and got a bad start. Pat replace it, costing him about 50 broke, and Jason Baldwin moved into Dean was fourth in his Bunderson. horsepower. the lead. Dale Dondel, his Chevy now With Marking in front, Herder, On Sunday morning it was time a rear engine four wheel drive truck, who felt down on horsepower, sec-to start the whole thing over again. parked it while still on Lap 1. ond and now Dean in third they ran The schedule was the same, and for Baldwin stayed in front. Matt in order through the final lap. Andy the most part, so were the drivers. Scaroni, thinking he had a flat, drove McMillin, who'd had good lap times The first event, the 7 and 7S desert his Ford into the "hot" pit. Then, in practice, got a bad start when a trucks started with a crash that left because he left the pittoo quickly and fuel pump went out right off the start, one truck on its lid and was red threw rocks, he got a black flag that before he reached the first tum. He flagged. When they restarted it about netted a time out. Whelchel's ride was salvaged a fifth place. Marking took 18 minutes later, Roeseler got the hole smoking, so he pulled out. Jason the win, Herder was second and Dean shot, with Biker Sherlock second in a Baldwin had built a long lead over finished third. Ford, and Billy Manfroy third in an-Josh Baldwin, Ford, who ran second. At the end of the day the consen-other Ford. There were 15 trucks. Marry Coyne was third in another sus was that everyone had enjoyed Roeseler held the lead, and Ford. And that's the way they fin- the racing. Many bemoaned their Sherlock followed in second with Dusty Times November 2005 Manfroy in third for most of the race, rear bumper, bu twas unable to pass but when they got into some lapped him before the checkered flag fell. traffic, Sherlock found an opportu- Sherlock took the win with Roeseler niry and got past Roeseler. Roeseler second. Sherlock said, "I didn't care gave chase, and closed right up on his Continued on page 52 Tied for the lead in Single Buggy 1600, John Fitzgerald flies his car nicely during the 1" San Diego weekend. Page 51

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Mark Krueger finished his Pro-Lite season with a third and eleventh Not a good weekend for Evan Evans, his worst two finishes of the Jason Mount took a fourth and an eighth in the Desert Truck 7 place finishes in the rounds, fourth in points in his Nissan. 2005 season, he finished ninth in points in his Pro-2 Chevy. competition, he's fifth in points going into the last weekend. if I destroyed this truck• I was racing -~~·, ·~ Larry Roeseler!" In the 7S truck, Holmes was again the winner, with Brian Cannon second in a Ford. In the 1600 event, Fitzgerald got the hole shot, and Seefeldt was close behind him, with Hawley in third. They started threading through lapped traffic by the sixth lap, and Pfankuch was moving up. On the ninth lap a car rolled in Tum 5, and hit Steinhardt, breaking his tie rod, and putting him out. At the finish it was Seefeldt, Fitzgerald, Hawley and Pfankuch. In the Super Buggy/Class 10/ SCORE Lite event, Gary Nierop got the hole shot in his Toyota powered car, with Schwalbe running second. By the fourth lap Hawley had moved up to the lead, with Nierop second and Schwalbe third. Krieman got his car hung up on the Tum 3 berm, and a couple laps later someone rolled over just past Tum 5. John Holmes (left) won both rounds at San Diego, he leads the Desert Truck 7S class with 12 points in hand. Hawley went into the lead on Lap 8, and as they threaded through lappers, Nierop and Jerry Whelchel, in a Hustler Concepts car built ex-pressly for this race, were having a fierce battle. Whelchel moved into third on the 10th lap. Now it was Hawley, Schwalbe and Whelchel. On the 12th lap Nierop pulled over and parked, but he wasn't alone, as there were dead cars parked in several areas of the infield. Hawley, Schwalbe and Whelchel held their positions through the finish, to take first, second and third. The second Pro-2 event was next, and this race would determine the points championship. Boris Said was not running because of a fuel pump problem in his car. He said he felt like a kid being uoffered a banana split and having it jerked away just as his spoon hit the whipped cream!" Scott Taylor got the hole shot, and Barlow was second, with Renezeder right on his rear bumper. Ed Herbst took a fourth and a first in Unlimited Desert Truck, he's two points out of the lead with two rounds to go. Marc Stein, who had a ride this time, spun out in Tum 3. Josh Baldwin got a black flag. On about the sixth lap as Taylor still led, with Renezeder second and Barlow in third, three cars tangled in Tum 2. Then Brian Collins was towed off, his truck seriously smashed, but he was all right. Baldwin got the black flag several more times, but ig-nored it. They also waved it at a couple of other cars, including Renezeder and someone else. Watch-ing from the grandstands it was nearly impossible to tell who had the black flag, and it made the spectators won-der how the drivers could tell. But it turns out that there was radio com-munication between the officials and those spotters, who were told which driver was being black flagged. The spotters were then supposed to tell their drivers. On about the 10th lap, with Tay-lor, Renezeder and VandenHeuvel still leading the pack, Josh Baldwin nearly came to grief on the front straight. Then Taylor developed a left rear flat. On the white flag lap VandenHeuvel went past Taylor, and so did Barlow. Renezeder fell back somewhere. VandenHeuvel took the win, his second of the weekend, Barlow was second, and Taylor dropped to third. Renezeder finished 11th. But his third place the day be-·--------------------------------· : REDL!NE PERfoRMANCE, !NC. 1 1 LIi & I-STIR PRE-RUN DR RICE PACIAGEI ! ===!m~~ ""1· I I I I I I NORTHSTAR PACKAGES FROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP 1 WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE I PROGRAMS AND AND UNMATCHED REPRUTATION FOR CUSTORMER SATISFACTIONIII (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX I 4531 EISENHOWER CIRCLE, ANAHEIM, CA 92807 ·--------------------------------· Page 52 November 2005 Dan VandenHeuvel (front) leads Steve Barlow. Dan took the win in both rounds in Pro-2, he finished ~ in class for the season. fore had cinched the 2005 Pro 2 MacCachren moved into second Points Championship for him. place. Renezeder, Mac and Baldwin In the Sportsman 2 race had a good battle, and meanwhile Baudoux again took the win, while Rick Huseman went out in a cloud Greg Adler finished second and of smoke. On about the eighth lap Oberg was third. MacCachren started to slow, and The Pro-Lite race was next to start then pulled off. Now it was and Steve Federico had his Toyota in Renezeder, Baldwin and Josh front right off the line. Kincaid ran Baldwin. Jason got up right behind second, followed by Kyle LeDuc, and Renezeder and they dueled for a then Hord. On the second lap couple oflaps. Then both Renezeder Federico tangled with Kincaid, went and Baldwin came around with right wide and got passed, with lots of bang- rear flats. ing going on. Kincaid emerged in the Renezeder and Baldwin kept mov-lead on Lap 3, with LeDuc second, ing, neither wanting to stop for a tire Hord third, Schmitt fourth and change. Josh was third. Then Jason Federico fifth. spun and parked in Tum 4, with Kincaid and LeDuc had a great something broken at the back of his race for about five laps, but then truck. Renezeder kept moving, his flat LeDuc tipped up in Tum 3 and beginningtospitpiecesofrubberoff, landed on his side. When they and now Josh Baldwin, who was sec-uprighted him the truck wouldn't ond, had a right rear flat. Greaves start right away because it was hot. was third. Baldwin pulled into the Kincaid went on in the lead with hot pit, and Greaves moved up to Hord in second, but Federico was second, and then he developed a right chasing hard. At the finish it was rear flat. Kincaid, then Federico, who'd come Greaves charged past Renezeder, back a long way, and Hord, who'd flat or not, and took over the lead. slip up onto the Tum 3 berm, was Curt LeDucwas third now, and Josh third. Kincaid had earned himself the Baldwin came back out with four Season Points Championship with good tires, but a lap down. the victory. Greaves and Renezeder raced on, Next to go were the Pro-4 trucks both flinging rubber, and went on again. Renezeder got the hole shot, to take first·and second place, the with Jason Baldwin second and Rob audience cheering wildly. LeDuc was MacCachren, who'd had his tires re-third. Greaves took first in the sea-grooved, in third. By the third lap Pat Dean took a pair of third place finishes at San Diego, he sits second in points in Unlimited Desert Buggy. Dusty Times

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IIUGliJfillDRH INTERVIEW WITH: RoyDebhan, CED of Kartek By Rod Koch Photos: Trackside Photo Roy shows Rod Koch the Pro-Am (KARTEK) Trophy Truck caliper, they feel ifs the best one going. Roy Debhan, Chief Executive Officer of KARTEK stands inside the KARTEK Store, most anything you need is in there somewhere. When John Calvin asked if I would be interested in interview-ing and writing a story about Roy Debhan (pronounced Debahn), the CEO of KarTek, I accepted right away. I had known Roy and his two cousins, Mike and Marc, since the late 1980's when they were running a VW service and parts store in Chino, CA. Over the intervening years it was with con-siderable interest to see KarTek grow and develop into the major off road parts and engineering business it is today. For those who have visited KarTek's store in Corona, it is al-most visual overload. You will find just about everything needed to build or finish an off road racer, pre-runner, or sand/play car. However, the best item you will find at KarTek is the staffs enthu-siasm and willingness to help a cus-tomer, whether you're buying a simple toggle switch for a pair of Hellas or 25 grand worth of Class 1 suspension components. Walking into KarTek, I see Mike working behind the counter of the newly refurbished showroom,. I am greeted with a "Hi Rod". I re-sponded, "Hi Mike, is Roy around?" I find Roy in the huge back inventory area, working with some employees and talking on his cell phone. We talk about the up-coming SCORE Primm 300 race and then schedule a lunch inter-view for the week after the race when Roy is less busy. As CEO of a company that expects to gross 16 million in 2005, Roy is always a very busy guy. Over lunch Roy tells me that he, Mike and Marc began KarTek in 1983 in Chino as a VW repair shop. They started the business on $4,000.00 borrowed on a credit card. They also did repairs on other makes of cars and began to sell VW parts and accessories. Al-though they started all on their own, Roy wanted to mention sev-eral close friends, Nick Gula, Mike Grabowski and Darnen Jefferies who were instrumental in helping with the business over the years. In the mid and late 1980's KarTek be-gan building custom VW motors for customers to be used in sand buggies and off road race cars. Roy had told me on one previous oc-casion that his engineering back-ground, plus his unique ability for accomplished improvisation, had resulted in his re-engineering a VW motor into a two cylinder steam engine for one customer! He also re-engineered VW motors for ex-perimental aircraft in both two and four cylinders, and for air-boats as well. Roy has always had a passion for innovation and re-Mike and Roy spend time with a customer in the KARTEK store. Dusty Times engineering, that is, making an item better, stronger and more reliable. As KarTek's parts inventory grew, so did Roy's interest in the off road racing scene. By the early 1990's KarTek was involved in helping sup-ply parts and also prep work on various customer's race cars in-cluding Andy Diaz's successful Class 11 VW. Roy and KarTek were also getting more involved with sand rails and buggies. Roy even did a stint as a co-driver in a Class 5 car owned and driven by Roy talks with Roger Allison, President of American Rally Sport Group in Pro-Am's CNC machine shop. Nick Gula. It was around this time that he, along with his partners made the decision to drop the auto repair aspect of their business and con-centrate solely on off road and sand vehicle parts and accessories. This proved to be a sound deci-sion as the constant expansion of their Chino store demonstrated. Roy, Mike and Marc wisely decided at an early stage in their business e camn_j source far ra dCre • Driving Suits • Crew Uniforms • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hals • GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-Hause Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos to accept modest salaries and to put the majority of profits back into the business. A philosophy which has now paid off very well. As for personal interests, Roy men-tioned that he is married and has two children, a daughter aged 12 and a son 14. Family activities in-clude Colorado River outings, dune buggies and, of course, the off road races. Sounds natural as Continued on page 54 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 November 2005 Page 53

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-off road racing and the sand buggy sports have always been a family oriented activity. In 1998 KarTek began the manufacturing side of its business with in-house products. Their first item was a heim-joint extension for tie rods. By 2001, Pro-Am racing products began with in-house ma-chining. Hub and spindle hous-ings, axles, specialized brake systems comprising of rotors, calipers and caliper mounts, were being turned out. Under Roy's insight and in-novative way of thinking, these components were always an im-provement on existing designs. Around this time Roy began look-ing into locations to house KarTek's expanding business and inventory. He convinced his part-ners that they were better off to buy a building than to continue leasing. Four years ago he spotted an interesting building right off the 91 freeway in Corona just east of the McKinley Street turnoff. It was located in an industrial complex on Ragle Way. After a somewhat frustrating time finding the owner, offers and counter offers were made, but in the end, Roy's keen sense of business prevailed and KarTek had a new home. With the continued growth of KarTek and the Pro-Am racing products machine shop, by 2004 the new building was getting crowded. Early this year, Roy ac-quired another building just one block away and has now success-Page 54 fully moved Pro-Am's machine shop there, including the nine Haas CNC machines,. Roy cites three words that describe Pro-Am rac-ing products, "innovation, re-en-gineering and product quality." On a tour of the machine shop after lunch, Roy showed me Pro-Am's Trophy Truck aluminum rear hubs that allow for a quick change of damaged rotors during a race. A very unique design. He then showed me custom caliper mounts that were obviously a much better and stronger way of mounting cali-pers to hubs. These items alone demonstrated the innovative ideas that Roy and Pro-Am have come up with. I would call such items the racers' edge. The difference be-tween winning and not finishing. Pro-Am operates five days a week with two ten hour shifts. Currently KarTek employs 35 people. Along with nationwide shipping of KarTek and Pro-Am components, they also ship worldwide to Aus-tralia, South Africa, Europe and South America. Pro-Am racing products has also been involved with at least one NASCAR team, Robby Gordon's, in supplying improved brake and suspension compo-nents. Although Roy finds the NASCAR phenomenon interest-ing, he is really a big fan of For-mula 1. Some day he would like to, in some way, be involved with a Formula 1 team. "Even if it's just pushing a broom", Roy laughs, showing his humorous side. He also has an interest in the World Rally Championship events, finding the tight, twisty rally stages, run on dirt, more ex-citing to watch on TV anyway, than any round-de-round pave-ment racing. He would like to see a round of the WRC come to the U.S. as it recently has done suc-cessfully in Mexico since 2004. In 2004, KarTek became one of the sponsors of the Laughlin Interna-tional Rally put on by the Ameri-can Racing Sports Group. If it's professional racing on dirt rods, Roy is definitely interested. Roy said that KarTek's involve-ment with off road racing organi-zations such as MORE, SNORE and SCORE have been of mutual benefit and he feels it has helped to strengthen the sport. The KarTek Off Road Series with MORE has been in existence for three years and this year SCORE will benefit from a $50,000 KarTek prize fund to be distrib-uted to the top three finishers. Roy talked about some day build-ing and driving his own open-wheeled off road race car, possi-bly next year. He admits, however, that it is something he has wanted to do for about four years now but just can't seem to find the time. If he does find the time, whatever class of car he builds, will be awesome, and will no doubt be as innovative and successful as KarTek and Pro-Am. __ . .,,. November 2005 CORR at San Diego ... from page 52 son points for his efforts, while Renezeder was second. The Trophy Trucks started next, with just six trucks. Tim Herbst got the hole shot and was followed by Jason Baldwin and Marty Coyne. These trucks looked just beautiful as they roared along the long straight, flying off the gentle jumps, without ever lifting at all. On the second lap Baldwin shortened the turn a bit and took the lead as they dropped down into the desert course. Now Herbst was second, Coyne third and Josh Baldwin fourth. Whelchel had dis-appeared. On the fourth lap Scaroni had a flat and tried to get around to the hot pit, but appar-ently ran too hard in some gear, and cooked his transmission, so the truck quit moving forward. Although the desert cars dropped out of sight, the specta-tors were able to follow the leaders fairly well through the eye of a cam-era on a helicopter that chased them. The action was shown on three or four big television screens strategically placed in front of the grandstands. By the white flag lap Herbst had closed up on Baldwin, and as they made the turn down into the desert part of the course, his front bumper touched Baldwin's rear quarter panel, and the bump sent Baldwin up in the air, into a com-plete roll-over, and then he landed on his wheel. But in the meantime, Herbst was back in front. The au-dience loved it, and cheered wildly. Herbst went on to take the win (af-ter the officials had a quick look at a replay of the action on TY), with Coyne second and Baldwin third. The Class 1 cars were again last on the agenda. They got down into the narrowest part of the first turn and five cars got tangled up. Herder went on in the lead, with Andy Mc-Millin, in his Jimco, in second place. Dave Mason, in Martin Christensen's car, had the right ~ i~ran Spruce is a worldwide distributor of quality producu ror the fDC· mg mdustry. Our product tine or over 30.000 items is one of the mo t c,ciensi\'C from one single source. Our service has made us the number one 'I.IJ)plier in aviation and is why over 350 t'liCC ICitlltS have turned to us as a truslod sou~e fur racing coinporn:11b! www 0 ~ ~,, All""""'•...., ,,.,...,..,.,, ..,,._K/fi,Wllill# ......... u,w,. ,.,..._,..._ U-.lllltdC.... "*"'111fn BEST SELECTION! LOWEST PRICES/ SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! AlBCBAU SPRUCE WEIT 'l2S Airport Cum Cor""", CA 91880-2527 plf. 9$J.J12-9.U5 fax 9SI-J7U55J ....... EBfl hltrbt/., .,.,,.em,,,, 1-B77-4-SPRUCE • • • ~ • I Dusty Times

Page 55

front corner torn off in the tangle of cars, and John Marking lost an entire trailing arm assembly. Herder continued to lead with McMillin chasing and Pat Dean in third. They ran that way, at a speed Herder called ~scary fast", to the finish. Herder took the win and Mc-Millin was second, with Pat Dean finishing third. The weekend was over, but there was another weekend coming up. The locals were looking for ways to make their cars more short course worthy, and some folks were look-ing for ways to get a ride for the next weekend. All the racers liked the set up, the course was fun to drive, there was room to pass, and the competition was terrific. After a week's respite, it would all start all over again. . _·,11rrw PIKES service center Baker, California Celebrating GO YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times ® The Suspension Company. November 2005 Page 55

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. l'orrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS 44 Gallons for $444. SCORE • CORR • SODA MAORA • PRERUNNERS RALLY• ETC www. atl fue/ce 11 s. com Toll Free: 800-526-5330 e-Mall: j\.UTOFJ\6 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 ;,~ • - ) I \ • ., The Ultimate_ in Off Road -· ~ . ·•.JI '/ (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 ' --. " # ( , .. ,.. f, ':"I Wl -..t7✓1i4,:1l-79.O945 ':A..-.,,·~ \...',I; 264 N. cfpress St.• Orang www.BAJASHOPMOTOR 800.564.1510 702.257.2300 C ~:.; 1111■1■ ■ CYLINDER HEADS • CUSTOM PORTING FOR ANY APPLICATION • • 11 SUPERFLOW 1020 FLOW BENCH • • PERFORMANCE • MARINE • Off: ROAD • MOTORCYCLE • 145 GIBSON RD, SUITE B •HENDERSON• NEVADA• 89014 BRANDWOOD, CARS for mid-engines ~ and other applications 602-437-31 ()7 Custom V~hicle Shifter f ~ •n·,,' "Innovative Billet Products I . ,llfllllf'1 --• _ " ~ for the Off-Road Enthusiast" --v,::; · -if, FREE Catalog!! I ~a ~~od~~ -~,=~ 9525 Pathway St.-Santee, Ca. 92071 'M~. OF 'PERFORM~NCE PARTS FOR INOUST11.Y L~OIN(; RACE c.411 BUILOE'RS - Spindles, Floating Huhs - 5 spd. Shifters (fits Mcndcola trans & others) • '<orthstar Airbox .-\daptcrs S, more!! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call Fo'r 818-882-0004 IIUSliJ~IIBS CACTUS RACING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson · Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914· CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN· 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (951)•845•8820 products in stock · Race Proven Fabrication ~tee Fiberglass Pre-Runners . Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tubes · Sway-bar Arms Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks ~-' . -,' -~ -~ . rs Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Cha.sis Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 76~7 17 459 Lilac St #E Hesperia CA 92345 canc; 1111'1 IDB IIACEIS WHO OEIIMII TIE BEST HAMPION HEADLOCK 24C!.tNG WHEE.LS ll.5.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 1 O" 11 " 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MILAN qAf<f<fTT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 93722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'=ttACING PRODl/CTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 OCNC:J' Ma""'°""~ .... . = B,ake a"d .tl,Kh Pedal A,~ Master Cylinders ., . Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Stawng Brakes· Hydraulic CNC, Inc. T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA'921'10 (6J9) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS'■ i-'RONT HUBS■ AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFJ;C HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tr!;!e,Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 Continental Land & Investment Corp. .B 17 l\'orth H,\ y. 95. Lake Hd, a!su City. AZ Ro40-l , ____ _ CELL: (928) 486-9145 OFFICE: (928) 764-5263 lance(ct havasus I LANCE CRAMER Associate Broker'

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RACE FUELS OFFICIAL FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA Sbe:f anc Custom Pistons Available CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 1902 McGaw. Irvine. CA 92614 A Mewber of Pankl Racing Systems 3043 Oak street Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phn (714)957·1215 Fax (714) 957-1567 ' □ · ULTRASONIC CLEANING Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, Oil Tanks, Radiators, Lines. Fitting• □ CRACK INSPECTION All Components ... Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etx:. □ NONDESTRUCTIVETESTING Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Ultrasonic, i!'ddy Cum,nt X-Ray □ CNC MACHINE SHOP USAC STATION •S .flat. FAA STATION .WS7R2AJ '9 for Your Protection' ,,MOCK • FULL RAClc • TRANSFER CASES CC1nllll11®.Illl ® 9 ~ lffi_lfllce:li Illl~ PfrIPllllll1l~J11Illil~~ft CID TUl~ 18273 Grand Ave. #6 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (909) 678-1 669 STEVE MatthewSctin'IOlce 1280 N. JOHNSON AVE .. SUITE 101 • EL CAJON, CA 92020 TEt: 619.449.5611 • FAX: 619.449.5713 MATTHEW@CUSTOMDECAL.aJM ......,c..L......,..,r=-LA-.;.,iL.:1--...!.4 Specializing in ... Bus Box•• SwiacaxJes Hewland Fortin N-deola ND4S Nagnum44 ltrebler Automatle e-mell: derekn!,je 111 Tum Bogz Prlvolr Lobel Custom Bog 0rslgns ~[fJ IJ@-0 . 0 Abrasive Blasting • Protective & Decorative Coatings • .f!Mn9 San Diego County Since 1970' .~ 1835 John Towers Ave. #A El Cajo~7 CA 92020 (61 ~) 449.393 2 Fax (619) 448-3662 Do You Need To E X p A N D Your business Horizons? For Lots More Exposure Call 818-882-0004 flta PBRFORMAICE ' 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend RA<:IN(; ENGINFS, TRANSl\llSSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS · . · Send o~lfor-our new catalog SS.00 _-_ -·· • ,. ••·••••·•••••-•••-•••·•·•-'-"•"·"•"• .-.·.-• .... ,•.·•·• •••·•··••-··.•.·•v•·•·••····•·•.-,•.•.-,·.·•••.•.•·•u.-........ _. ..... j •• •.·,·-·••••••• ... • • •••• .,-• • •••• 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 RAY BAYLY (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 CELL (562) 833-2804 FAX (562) 432-7969 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~.L call (8~01433-6524 ~ Aircraft Rubber Manufactu RACING CYLINDE HEADS & ENGINE 14bH 10. IANTA fl AVE.• VISTA, CA 91034 TOLLFREE(888) 340-8979 PH/ FAX (760) 7l7,1827 :i!l! = 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax / Doug Fortin HARED TUBES S99,00 A SET HONDA (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 $SUZUKI sen..•.aaa BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91601 HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde Highway 80 • Suite E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990

Page 58

t -t-------,-_ =-- ~--=--=-=--=--~--=-=-=--===---,·--==----~---,..--------------------.....---------------------t HUSTLE~ concePTS g.,£:AJA SHOP (since 1967) Ai=:IC::e c::s=iRS We've moved!! i=iLumr,um UJCJAH j sPeC::ALIT'-T' VeHCLe~ PH: 714-997-0701 Fax:714-997-0758 714 N Lemon SI, Orange.CA. 92867 IMPACT CUSTOMS BOORE NHRA BOCA RACE SPEC ROLL OAOE9, TUBE OHAB919, CUSTOM BUSPENBIONB, AIR BAOB, BODY DROPS, SHAVE, BU/0/DE, PRE-RUNNERS, BA/AB, LONO TRAVEL, RACE PREP, OUBTOM WIRING, FABRICATION AND METAL WORK 661.!298.7079 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~~·····~·~~-~ •~•~ •~ IILI I I Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla St. #I Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Email: Mike Julson 9426 Wheatland& Court Sant-, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax J_'ln~cwez George Jimenez Se Hob/a Espanol TROY J OHNSON I (951) 779.9395 206 1 Third Street, Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 RACING ENGINB COMPLETE ENGINES • PARTS & DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 Specializing in custom off road race trucks • Prerunners • Sand cars • Rally cars • Custom Fabricati0n • Advanced Suspension T6chnoiogy • ResEar ch /l [,ev61opment KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~ Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 --8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR • SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. ..ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5868 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 BLACRilbw,aaw ~------------Derek Kreuer PH: Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON.&TAEET· SUN VALLEY, CA-91352 FAX (818) 788-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of ~Steering gears. pumps and acceuoriea for any type of racing. Magnaftux and Zyglo facilities available. If Your Business Needs A Boost Let Dusty Times Help You Get The Word Out To The Racers Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 Engineering *Custom Chassis *Race Prep *Aluminum Work *Welding *Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~RC.HAFT. .R~P~ Seat.; • Nets • Urnit Straps • Bags 11433 \\'oodside Ave. Santee, CA 921_;7 i 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us o_n the Net! SPECIALISTS/ . PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX:(714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHOAPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom 8966 Benson Ave., Suite D Montclair, CA 91763 JOHN MOSELEY 909-949-8161 Owner/Fabricator fox 909-949-8162 DFFRDAD E NGIINEERINGI Pre-Runners • Race Cars &: Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta War #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065

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RACE CARS PRERUNNERS SAND CARS JIM MOULTON 42231 6TH STREET MEST #201 LANCASTER C4 /05'4 661-974-7961 Mso· Mf.3:l1L Jr.1 l■ •1,-;, ! t••1,•,,. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNITIONS • DISTRIBUTORS • WIRES • REV CONTROL AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN OR., EL PASO, TX 79936 1915) 857-~?nn • TFr.H IINE rn151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE www msd,grnuon com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-726-2B75 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS - WELD IN BUNGS - TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS IN STOCK· READY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE ~" 1-888-755-5900 ~ We can· Beadlock ~.-.~ YOUR RIMS!! '-...._~...-~ ~ ) SizestofitmostATV ~~~ & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone - (951) 354-8272 WWW .QMf PERf QRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 R"R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 ~ HAROLD NICKS ,~W~(.g)Lf'@3@7tl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, HOADMASTEH, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, 'sHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS 1·N STOCK . WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11'1.'TERCOM STILL ONLY S 12'>. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 , I 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 W a .A R Why? Why isn't Your ad Here? For A Few Bucks You Can Increase Your Productivity 818-882-0004 DDSliJli1mos r.JENHRID ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock. Building B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 1949) 650-4721 Jerry Penhall .-rralcy's J , PC"rformance i(ngineermg ' • All Types of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Benclinc • Aluminum fJ Steel W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Laa Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley , 702-365-9055 PLATIECH FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 John Gould Pre,ision Alloy, lid. Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fox: 360.887.7279 PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: Tel: 61~2 Fax:819-390-6470 14402 Bond Cowt El Cajon, CA 92021

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I r I Joe oau111an 13411 oronlield Ave. Svlmar. CA 91342 · Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) I I I 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: 'RRCING ENGINES .. Building SCORE winning engines 619.420.2233 45 Broadrnaq Chula Vista. CR 91910 Sltllthem CalHomla's Lan1est Distributor DI Mendeola TransUles PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 T◄ ny Selva Jr. tel #909~616-6569 fax #;909-676* f I 4J ,v,hnf:rnn<.com.L 21598 Commerce Center Or Temecula, CA 92590 CTRANS will get yo1 ii gear SWilg axle, .IS, •ewllld, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 USIIGIS,IIYIDA 89102 .IIBN D.D. IIIJUDN (702) 221-4313 (702) 117-9724 Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 520_850_3693 Tucson, Az 85743 fl1l} SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING . 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeies, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARK SMITH LARRY SMITH For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOQTU HCR66, BOX 11030. PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV,89048 _ (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 , . JOB SITE SIGNS • B.\NNERS • \WIDOW LITTEP.11,G • CAR LETTERIIIG • GAAPHICS SC3UEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt1ngto1 Beach CA 92B49 (714) 897-0075 • Fa\ [7141 694-9567 = PEIIFOR. 1ALIS7"5 ,-··-~ I I SJIIIT P£8,l/8JIIKC£ I 1-800-MY MUFFLER ~ Craig Stewart Phone: 619-449-97211 Fmo 1119-449-?11711 Cell: 619-726-8891 Fabrication & Race Preparation 19419 Abraham WCPJ ScmtH, CA 92071 I ~•.•-•..!.!.!te-~-e-~--hs.~~"n Sales& Service RACE FUELS (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 24B • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 <@uNsE""i;)> ~~ ~ .. Youa: GluALnY 610H COMrAHY .. Design Fabrication /nstailatlon (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 S POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 ,.... (XMPUTEJ/?.IZEO VINYL G!i:,<4,PHICS & LETTEKING 1,11,1 I YI. I ,..._ LO-COST t3LDGSIGNS(l'.tr. PFVCEseES) ..,& ;: ~~if;'i.%.f,'Jf/~~S ,_ RACING GRAPHICS ,..._ HJ-QU,,l.UTY 1¥.NNERS ~~i:~~'c!iLES ,..._ LOGO REPfi!OOUCTONS ,-REAL ES, ATE ,...LOGO & GR/4.PHIC OESION ,-OE.CALS 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TIR Peeforma,nce Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 4:47-1289

Page 61

~" .............. RACING BATTERIES ll<E9., Pa=-rlz:a=-Military Grade Batteries • Battery Boxes • Battery Chargers Custom Battery Cables • Misc. Electrical Accessories 2046 Fairhope Loop, Vista, CA 92081 Business (760) 734-1678 Fax (760) 734-1323 * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet ca. 92543 PII: 951-654-7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 See a list of our pnNluds at our well site:• 1RANSAXLE ENGINEF~NG JEFF FIELD 9763 Varlel Ave. · (818) 998-2739 Chatsworth, CA 91311 Kevin Pirtle 22545 South Normandie Ave. Torrance, California 90501 310.782.2413 fax 310. 782.3 772 ;;;:aj ransworks ~.Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENUEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE SUITE #A SANTEE. CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 ooo w . Bradley. Unit a El Cajon, CA 92020 t49t&t Carlos Orozc-------------· Fou p/6x • ?Qmo,ao October 9 & 10 LL lll(t-ftl~l" t;l!-lt--1~H--4.,1.7' U CLBRVANT.COM VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTOR RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.L. OE C.V. CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MAl'ORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, DC TEL.: (664) G<7 9222 FAX: (66~) G07 1440 E-MAIL: Advancing the Science of Motor Sports Ray Gastelum GER[NIF Of Vcl\'lAS Mobil · 664 648 2882 Nextel Radio: 152 * 133577 * 1 Call USA to Mexico dial 01152 "Quality Fuels & Products lor Motorsports• Website· VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar,.CA 92595 KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: Taxes Group & Individual Health Real E~tate Loans John 0. White, CPA, MBA ·866 887 5556 3190 Calle de Marejada Camarillo, CA 93010 Cell 805 844 4665 It's about what you keep! Fax 805 830 1590 CPA 36032E, DRE 760373, Doi bD48458 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEAR 994, 1998.,.1999,2000 From Parts To complete Engt.,.., 3'75 W. Teco Aw. Unit I, LMVeQU. NV 19111 702-8S7-2522 ~ . ~~~~-.-.-.--From. & Rear Jr.tiling Arms • Spindle, Suspe:ruion Specialnt • Custom Race & Pby Buggy Chasm A•Arm front Ends • Front &\ck 9608 N. 2lst Or. Phocnhc, AZ 8S021 Jack Woods 602-242--0077 fax 602·242·7283 Buggie$ L-orenzo Rodriguez ~-hit$. SaVl(;e.~ ~ --~. N-,-TCJfl)Q-Handa &SOS,, A.lta ~ A~. Monrqvii\. CA 91fH6{626) 914814'7 • www.w .~ n,).'=>J :,0sAAce II •BU&&IES • SffQOCffRS •SHOCflS RHCE PREP SHOP • TR:iCNS • PRE·RUIIRERS • FRBiUCIITIOn 818) lf2Ei·Z26U ~v-".; ~ ~ _ ., ~ .. 7,-~ .-,.--'_:l-, . {I ;,/-;, • '383' Baja aass 1/10 seq World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally Victories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: Tel: (317) 472 2454 'ff'ansaxle Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers

Page 62

Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before h f ·f ·t . . . -------------AfUT OtvlOTI\I!;_ FOR SALE : 7S Ford Ranger race Truck. V-6, C4, TCS, FoxShocks, Ron Davis, Auidyne motor & tranny cool-ers, PCI Radio & intercom. 9" Wilwood, BFG projects, CNC, Deaver, 10 tires & wheels, prepped and race ready. $25,000.00. Call Darrell @ (619) 454-1014 or (760) 789-7663. FOR SALE: 1994 F150 4WD PreRunner, widen 8" front/ rear. 3" Kings 19" travel, full fiberglass, all Fab is 100°/4 chromoly, tigwelded and bolt on engine cage, bedcage w/spare & hitch, Currie rear end, 9"w/spooLAlcoa 17"wheels w/2 spares, 351engine, very dean, fresh build, highway and dirt ready, too much to list. Must sell $25,000.00 OBO. Aaron (562) 394-2074. FORSAlE: Class 10 2 seat Lothringer Fox, Majors Performance Honda, Mendeola 4 speed, Parker Pumper, PCI Radio & Intercom in car camera sys-tem linked to radio, Micro stub from Kartek 930 CV, prepped $45,000.00. AS IS $40,000.00 Frank Omboli, se-rious inquires only. OMBOLI@AOLCOM. FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seat race car or pre-runner. UMI LSI VS, fresh automatic, NEW front end, rear end, trailing arms, Kartek hubs, brakes, axles, 934 CV's, King Kong spindles & front arms, Water-oil coolers, dash, autometer gauges, wir-ing, 2 spare set up, dual batts, Kings coils & by-pass, complete chassis powder coated & paint job, Howe steering, halogen fire system, PIAA light bar, skit plates, K & N filter, 30 gal Fuel safe cell, 4" filler neck, runs on pump gas, Dual parkers, Mastercraft, PCI set up w/inter-com, SACO rack w/ram TCS con-verter, Centerline & ultra wheels, on BFG's, all NEW parts. Com-plete car built by Foddrill Fabrica-tion, very fast and super reliable $59,000.00. MUST SELL. For more info call Cesar Fuentes @ (915) 726-3823. FOR SALE: Class 8 Ford, New 514 CI Crate Motor, 625hp,3' King Coilover/Bypass. 2.5 in King Bumps all around, C6 Mogi tranny & spare {both new) Mastercraft seats, Parker pumper, Lee steering, CN brakes, 85 gallon Fuel Safe Cell, PCI Radio, OPS, 5.0 gears, Crisman 10 ¼ ring, Cone axles and hubs, Tube works, Housing by LeDuc, new Dave Ashley extra cab body, Suspension by Dave Clark! All the right stuff! $100,000.00 OBO Call Rick at (702) 303-2883. FOR SALE: Class 1 Truggy, 850hp aluminum motor, Culhane C-6, Cone 9", Bilstein Shocks, Ultra 17" Beadlocks, Fuel Safe, $35,000.00. (858) 748-7167. FOR SALE: 2004, Custom built 30', Gooseneck trailer, air hitch, full bath, a/c, generator, heater, micro, internet Sat dish, Direct TV, 109 gal. fuel station, 109 gal. water tank, stor-age boxes, ultimate toy hauler or pit support, much more, $25,900.00 OBO., (520) 236-9612. FOR SALE: Class 1 Smithbuilt single seat 4 speed Fortin fully prepped ready to race Baja. New high performance Northstar 400hp dual disc clutch, OPS, PCI, Flame-out Fortin Hubs, 35CV's, Gun Drill axles, and (The most impor-tant part The Smith Shocks. The shocks alone cost $24,000.00 new.) Enough spares and spare tires to race the Baja 1000 this year. Jump in and win. $85,000.00. Todd Jergensen (760) 792-0955. FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger, 4.0, caged bumper to bumper brand new custom PreRunner. 3-linked, King shocks, H & Long Travel kit, 17" front Travel, 29" rear travel. Goodyear Wranglers, must sell for motorcycle road racing, $29,000.00 Call Chad @ (661) 904-7077. FOR SALE: Penhall Diablo 4 seat Pre Runner, Redline 510 HP en-gine, Mendeola S4, Kartek hub's and 934 micro stubs, Fox coilover internal bypass front, Fox coilover airshock and 3" bypass rear, 4 Hella HID's, Lowrance OPS, Vertex ra-dio and intercom. BFG Projects on chrome Robby Gordon Wheel. Too much to list $100,000.00 (714) 891-0165. Serious inquiries only. FOR SALE: 03 F-150 Super Crew, BFG, Axis Wheels, PCI Radio, glass works front fenders and rear bed sides, King dual rate coil over shocks front, National Springs rear with King shocks and rear bed cage. $30,000.00 (402) 426-5275, leave message. FORSALE: RacecoClass 1/2carex-cellent history. Wick 2276 stroker. Pump gas. CNC disc, JG Trans, Sumners Bros. Wright Combos, Foddrill long arms, Howe P /S, Bilstein 7100 reservoirs, 930 CVs Parker,ADI 7 SW radio PCI intercom, Beadlocks, 25g Fuel Safe. Completely updated, fast ultimate PreRunner. Plus new 18' Big Tex Ultra wide tandem car hauler. $22,500.00 (760) 774-0401. FOR SALE: Porter 4 seat Class 1 PreRunner, Ultimate desert car. Best of everything: King Kong Shocks, 6 HID's, windshield, roof rack, rear light bar, Powdercoat frame & panels, Parker Pumpers, 140 W radio, large color OPS, Intercom, Redline, LS-2, 600 H.P., 427ci, Fortin 4 speed w/con-verter. Brand new-pick your colors, $165,000.00. (562) 756-9231. FOR SALE: 7S or 7100 Ford Ranger, 04 Class Champion, Esslinger dry sump, Rancho Trans C4, All the best parts & spares, Need to sell. $35,000.00 OBO. Call Mike, San Di-ego (858) 453-4768. FORSALE: DuneBuggy.com4seater. Best of everything. Redline LS 1, Fortin 4 speed, roof rack, windshield, King shocks, Roof HIDs, front HID, large color OPS, Parker Pumpers, Radio, Intercom, Onboard camera, billet Beadlockwheels, 24x23 traveL Fuel cell, like new. $98,000.00. (562) 756-9231. FOR SALE: 2005 Porter Class One. Porter Race cars built, Nils Castillo LSl, King Kong shocks, OPS 140 w radio, intercom, HIDs, Best of Every-thing! Like New-6 hours on car. $165,000.00. Why wait 6 months. (562) 756-9231. FOR SALE: Darnen Jefferies Porter Race Car. Best of everything, fast, De-pendable, 600hp SB Chevy, Fortin w/ converter, King, Pro Am, BFG, Mastercraft, 48 gal "usuable" Fuel Cell, light Bar. Available after the Baja 1000. Prepped or not-prepped. $160,000.00 (760) 948-2898. FOR SALE: Chenowth two seat A Arm car. 3.5 twin plug electronic fuel injected Porsche with Jeff Fields automatic. Fox bypass front and rear, rears are new. New Goodyear tires, RO wheels. Clean, race ready, excellent PreRunner MORE/MOR racer. PCI radio & intercom OPS. Email for pies. $49,000.00. (818) 841-2316 or Email ChaseZ7 . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in • Cl,ssified Advenising rate U only $25 fo, 45 w!?a. ~~~t !~~~=d,e,s ,nd phone numbe,. Add $5.00 fo, use of 000515111s ~ • • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum si.te 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. • REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED 2005-06 : IN A TIMELY MANNER. • Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name __________________________________ _ Address-----------------------------------------------------------City --------------------------------------------------------------State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 • ISSUE DEADLINE • December05 Nov 11. 05 January 06 Dec 9, 05 February 06 Jan 13, 06 March06 Feb 10, 06 • • • • ___________ _. . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 62 November 2005 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: Lothringer 7S built in 2001. Has all the best. 225 HP 4 cyl, Culhane, TCS, Deaver, Cone, PCI, Goodyear, King Shocks and Fox bumps, A very good spares package. Fresh Frame up Prep & rebuild on everything. $40,000.00 O.B.O. (626) 893-4178. Sell your vehicles, equip-ment and bits and pieces right here! Dusty Times has the readership you're look-ing for so fill out the form below and get your ad in our next great issue. "The Straight Poop" from page 32 Pit Captain at Pit #2. Josh also served double duty at this race by hauling the Honda bike and Yamaha Quad up to contingency and sold EXPO raffle tickets and t-shirts on behalf of the Club. Todd Starks ran the Checker ra-dio relay and got rave reviews for his effectiveness. And thanks to all the other Checker members who went up to this race and worked the pits to support out guys! OUT SPORT SUFFERS A BIG LOSS . Corky McMillin ex-perienced what initially appeared to be a minor heart attack early during the running of the Primm race. He was treated at a local hospital before being flown and hospitalized at the Scripts Hospi-tal in La Jolla. Then sadly, he passed away from complications 12 days later. He was 76 years old. The Checkers all send their sin-cere condolences to the McMillin family. FOR SALE: BAT Racing Single Seat · Car 2005. LSI, 450 HP, 5 speed se-quential Fortin transmis.5ion, ATL Fuel Cell, Fortin Hubs, Pro Am front hubs, Axles, CV's Stack dash Fuel Gauge, Carbon dash, full carbon Kevlar body, Robby Gordon wheels, Fox Shocks, Very fast, spares, Call Brandon (949) 355-5157. Price$ llOK FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 Baja Bug. Ready to Race. Best of all components includes Bilstein 4way bypass shocks and disc brakes. Trailer included $18,500.00 OBO. Call Jeff (408) 515-2806 or So. Cal Mark (951) 676-317 5. NEW MEMBERS . W ith our Club rolling right along we re-cently voted th ree guys into the Checker brotherhood. Con-gratulations to James Connolly, Brian Potts and Milo Brown , who all recen tly got through the dreaded black ball process to be voted into the Club as fu ll mem-bers. Ricky Lopez was also voted in as a new Prospective Member. M.O.R.E. RACE . This 250 miler in Lucerne saw five Checker cars take the green flai at about 8:30 in the morning for six laps over a 40 miles course. Two of our cars only went one lap. The Chase/Chase 1/2-1600 buggy DNFed with unknown problems and Billy Robertson/ Steve Holladay sheared all the bolts off one of their spindles in Billy's Unlimited Class 1 rocket ship. Mike McGee, in his Class 10 buggy, suffered just enough problems to drop him back into the sixth place spot at the finish. Craig Dillon & Randy Spahr had a better run in Craig's Class 10, with fewer problems, but they caused them to have to settle 3636 Meade Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89102 15x4 & 15x6.5 Non-Beadlocks 15x4 & 15x6.5 Beadlocks w/Rlng & Bolts $149.95 $199.95 15x4 ~ 1 3/ 4 Rear Spacing 15x6.5 - 2 34 Rear Spacing 702-247-1266 Discount Foreign Car Parra Dusty Times • PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECl!!iE 2" Capacity, 1811' Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541 )382-1573 for a very respectable third place fin~h. G oodshow,Gu~. The bright spot for the Check-ers at this race came from a Pro-spective Member who is too young to drink, was only running in his seventh race, and competing in the most competitive class with a kind of a weak suck motor. .. but obvi-ously a young man with some tal-ent! Starting in the back of the pack with a good 1/2-1600 class, and having to battle his way up through the dust all day, Andrew Neal had the guys in the pits on their feel all race long cheering him on. But, while fighting for the lead, a problem was spotted by an ever observant Checker pit crew at a gas stop ... a crack was developing in the tranny mount. SHIT! "Send him out, and we'll check it later to see if it gets any worse" was the decision. All the guys around the course watched him continue his pace with their fingers crossed, as he took over the lead. The decision was made Manu~ac:tured B l!iCO to have Andrew stop on the last lap for a quick look to see if the crack was growing towards termi-nal. Everybody in the selected pit got ready for a really quick stop-and-go, to see if this kid was as lucky as he was fast. He slid into his mark. Hook checked the crack and gave a thumbs up and he roared off! The crack had not gotten any worse and our hero went on in to take the checkered flag fo r a big well-earned victory for both himself and his team-mates. An impressive First Place finish for Andrew Neal in Class 1/2-1600. Way ta go, Dude, ya made us all proud! .. ·af ,W D usty T imes welcomes contributions from all pit teams. Send your stories early so that they may be conisdered for inclusion in our next is sue. Mail your tales to: Dusty Times,20761 P lummer St . , Chatsworth, CA 9 1311-5003 INDb.X TO AD\/b.Q. Tl6b.R.6 Aircraft Spruce .................................... 5 4 Baker Precision .................................... 20 Best In The Desert ............................... 29 BTR Racing Wheels .............................. 31 C&R Racing .......................................... 50 Coast Casinos ......................................... 9 Competition Air .................................... 16 E&J Wireworks .................................... 63 EFI ........................................................ 45 Eibach Springs ..................................... 55 Fabtech ................................................ 49 Fuel Safe .............................................. 5 5 Glen Helen ........................................... 37 H & M .................................................. 41 ISCO ..................................................... 63 Jimco/McMillin .................................... 36 K&N Filters ............................................ 4 Kartek Off Road ................................... 11 Kawaguchi Honda ................................ 44 King Off Road Racing Shocks Back Cover King Shock Tech .................................. 22 Laughlin ................................................. 2 Mag-7 ................................................... 10 Mastercraft .......................................... 23 McKenzie Motorsports ......................... 15 McKenzie's Performance Products ...... 13 MOR Productions ................................. 27 Mickey Thompson Tires ...................... 39 MORE ................................................... 21 Nevada Off Road Buggy ...................... 24 Pacific Customs ................................... 38 Papas & Beer ........................................ 14 Parker Pumper ..................................... 53 PCI Race Radios ..................................... 5 Pike's Service Center ........................... 55 Pro Dirt ................................................ 30 Race Ready ............................................ 7 Racer X ................................................. 32 Rader Racing Engines .......................... 28 Radflow ............................................... 54 Redline Engineering ............................. 52 Rhino Off Road ..................................... 26 Ronco Plastics ..................................... 42 Sakata ................................................. 25 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................ 47 SNORE .................................................. 35 Soltek Light Systems ........................... 18 Stevens Off Road ................................. 51 Stuff Transaxles .................................. 19 Sway-A-Way ........................................ 17 Team Gordon ........................................ 43 Transaxle Engineering ......................... 12 Turn key Products ................................ 46 Ultra Filter ........................................... 34 Valley Performance .............................. 63 VP Racing Fuel ..................................... 40 Yokohama Tires ................................... 33 \lirewaras m.:u;=:o:n,,t • I I . • ~ Ji Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting November 200s When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 2B Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) Page 63 '

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