Volume 22 • Number 10 • October 200s $2.SO ISSN87S0-1732 .C'~) r- r -1-, 2]05 91311 PKG 1 SAC!< 68 HI I 111 11 I I 11 I I 1111 I I,,, I I, I, I, I I,,, I I 11,,, I I,, II,,,,, I I If III I serving The OFF Road communi~y t:or 22 Years overing the world of competition in the dirt ...
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Volume 22 -Number 10 October 2005 DUGliY~lmBB Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham fl Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contnoutions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS1YTIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS1MASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... The year, 1980, the place, Riverside, the race, Pepsi Challenge of Champions, the driver, Bob Rodine. Bob went on to take a fifth place finish in the Challenge that year. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. Dusty Times October 2005 In This Issue ... FEATURES CORE Las Vegas Terrible's Cup by ]wJ:y Smith ............................................ 8 Treeline Rally by Scott Bottomley ............................................................. 15 SNORE KC Hi lights Midnight Special by John Calvin ............................. 18 55thWRCNeste Rally Finland by Martin Holmes ...................................... 24 MOR California 200 by Judy Smith ........................................................... 28 • CORR At Bark River by] Preston Bradshaw ............................................. 34 La Carrera Panamericana by ] Preston Bradshaw .................................... 40 CODE Tecate ORW Lazo de Arnistad by Byrle Moore ............................. 4 2 Gorman Ridge Rally by Scott Bottomley ................................................... 4 7 CORR At Crandon by] Preston Bradshaw ........................................ : .... 50 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ..................................... : ......................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................................ 6 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................. 56 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 6 2 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................... 63 ON THE COVER Larry Roesseler(704)won both heats in Las Vegas as well as the Class 7,7S, 7SX main event in his Ford Ranger, Larry raced all the way with Barry Karakas, Toyota, who finished second. Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo Rich Ronco drove his Chevy powered Tatum to the hotly contested win in the Class 1 main event; he's seen here taking the coveted checkered flag. Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com c5ubscr.ibe :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 □3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ---------------------Address --------------------• City --=--------------------. State ____________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Page 3
SUPPORTING OFF-ROAD RACING FOR 35 YEARS KC Contingency Awards are available in the following sanctioning organizations' 2005 events: Best In The Desert, CORR, MORE, SCORE, SNORE & VORRA KC also offers contingency programs for UROC, ProROCK and select rally events. Contact KC HiLiTES direct at 928-635·2607 for complete details. • 8 inch diameter polished or black stainless steel housings • Select from either competition long range or driving beam patterns • Available in super bright 130 watt Halogen or ultra bright HID models NEW KC FRONT END LITE BARS: • Bolts to existing factory holes -NO DRILLING REQUIRED • Mounting tabs for 3 or 4 eight inch dia. lights on truck bars; 2, 3 & 5 lights on Jeeps (depending on model) • Textured black powder coated finish • Applications for 4W0 (and some 2WD) Ford, GM, Dodge & Toyota trucks, H2 and Jeep Wranglers • UPS shippable • Made in the U.S.A. There's a great selection of KC HiliTES to light up your custom golf cart
2005 Happenings ... CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TwP. LINE Rcv.o WEUSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFPROAD CODE OFPRoAD USA P.O. Box 2328 CALEXIOO, CA 92231-2328 760-455-8069 USA 0l 1-52-65-66-4458 CORR LUCAS On. SERIES 192 N. STATE Rcv.o, Sum 267 A-.oN, IN 46123 317-272-2827 317-272-2900 fax September 24-25, 2005 Nissan Off Road Nationals OtayRanch l OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU nicnts staged at the club grounds in Ckves. Ohio) AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GaoUP, INc. 3650 SoUTH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRw..s SO!JfHERN CAUFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM· PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: bmark909@aol.com <www.atatTails.com> ASOCIACION EsrATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM WELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo42 SAN Jos£ DEL CAao BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXIOO AUSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSIDP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Cu.ss IO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANOOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Ni!!ht Races AU Races At Barona Raceway, l.akeside, CA BBM MAlu<ETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NoRoo, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457 577 5/FAX: 702-641-24 31 October 6-8, 2005 TSCO Vegas To Reno December 2-4, 2005 Henderson's Terrible 300 B.O.R.E. BONNEVll.LE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 May 5-6, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV June 30,July 1, 2006 Jackpot200 Jackpot,NV September 1-2, 2006 Red Garter 200 Wendover, NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box 411 WOODLAND H1u.s, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAx: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsport:s@earthlink.net All Euents At California Citz, CA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AVTOMOVIUSTA/UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES www .Californiarallyseries.com October 1, 2005 Las Vegas Rallycross Ill October 7-8, 2005 Tentative Prescott Rally - Coef 2&3 October 29, 2005 Dusty Times Las Vegas Rallycross lV December 2-4, 2005 Ramada Express Rally - Coef 2,3&1 CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL S0t.JTH DAKOTA RACING AssoclATioN P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE A0AMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Short Coum off Road Racing At HarriJon Countz Fair GTound.s. Cadi~. OH CuJB AUTOMOVIIJSTICA SANQm:NTIN CALLE 6TA FRAoc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN ~ QUINTIN, BC, MEXIOO HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AUTOMOVIIJSTICO SAN VICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXIOO USA ]AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 01 l-52-686-553-4087 MEXIOO www.codeoffroad.com.mx October 14-16, 2005 Mexicana Logistics 300 Mexicali, B.C. December 9-11, 2005 Race Ready 275 Ensenada-Mexicali-San Felipe, B.C. CoI.ORADO Hru, CID.m Assoc:IATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719-x,87~827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEX100, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER Chula Vista, CA October 1-2, 2005 Nissan Off road Nationals OtayRanch Chula Vista, CA *Night Race-Frida] & Saturda, night CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA ExT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. Happenings continued on p■g• 6 INTRODUCING_ 0YKENWOOD~~G~ 110 watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven u _1 was In Ensenada and my crew In San OuinHn could hear me 150 miles awayl I need these in ALL of my lruckslu -~~,_, ,-#=LL/E:O~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 • _The best communication we've ad in over 15 years of off road racingr ~~ .. .--o~~ ~T T##E: ,-c,,~~ TC.~I Remele Head opHon i,valleble. Cell for deteils. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 October 2005 Pages
Trail Notes ... CORE LAS VEGAS PRIMM -September 9-11 are the dates for the 10th annual SCORE Primm race. The drawing for starting positions was held on the 13th of August and there were a goodly amount of entrants. 28 Trophy Trucks, 37 Class 1 cars, 23 Class ½-1600 cars, 3 Class 3, 2 Class 5, 7 Class 5-1600, 4 Class 7, 4 Class 7S, 1 Class 7SX, 5 Class 8, 3 Class 9, 19 Class 10 cars, 20 SCORE Lites, 4 Class 11, 3 Pro Trucks, 4 Stock Full, 2 Sport Buggy and l Sport Truck. That's 170 vehicles, with more to come by race day, not a bad number. The number one starting position went to Gus Vildosola and Rob MacCachren. As usual, the race will be split into two groups: Open wheel and VW Baja Bug classes will start at 6am. The Trophy Trucks and Class 1 cars will commence their race at 1pm. First off the line will be Tom Ridings, Class 10 in his Honda powered Jimco. For more information contact SCORE at 818-225-8402 or www.score-international.com CORR HAS A NEW VOICE -Bob Jenkins, who has spent a distinguished career broadcasting the Indy Racing League, NASCAR, Formula l and drag racing will add Championship Off Road Racing to his resume, as he takes over the play-by-play duties for the CORR series. "Adding Bob Jenkins to the CORR Lucas Oil Series on Speed Channel will give viewers a new perspective on off road racing", said CORR owner Jim Baldwin. "We are thrilled that he will be a part of the S!!ries." "I am really looking forward to joining CORR," said Jenkins. "You can have a lot of fun on the air and CORR provides that. It is good, hard racing for the spectators." Speed Channel is the exclusive home for Championship Off Road Racing, with 84 hours of race coverage. For an updated television schedule of the CORR Lucas Oil Series, visit www.corracing.com or www.speedtv.com R RACE/CONCERT -MDR is producing the "Superstition Desert last" at the Imperial Valley Expo in Imperial, CA on Friday evening, October 28, from 6pm to 10pm. This show will feature the following three Acoustical Rock and Metal Rock bands: Lifeline;, Day Zero and Waiting For Decay. The concert will be held in the grandstand at the Expo in conjunction with the Contingency for the MDR Superstition 250 race, which is held in the north parking lot. Admission to Contingency Row remains free and admission to the grandstand for the Rock Concert will be $10. CORR TICKET PRICES FOR NISSAN WEEKENDS -Championship Off Road Racing (CORR) announced the ticket pricing tiers and the musical talent slated for the upcoming Nissan Off-Road Nationals, presented by Lucas Oil. The CORR Series only Southern California stops September 24-25 and October 1-2 at the Otay Ranch in Chula Vista, California, just south of San Diego features tickets priced at $30, $40 and $50 (depending on the designated bleacher seating and proximity to the track) with tickets for children under 12 at $15. CORR is also offering a $10 active military discount (with ID) and event parking is absolutely free! There are exceptionally priced°ticket packages -CORR Gold -$50.00 tickets for all four days of racing just $160.00, save $40.00 and CORR Silver $40.00 tickets for all four days of racing just $130.00, save $30.00. Tickets will be on sale atTicketMaster - call 619-220-TlXS (8497). In addition to two explosive weekends of ground pounding action and fierce competition, the Nissan Off-Road Nationals post-race concerts feature chart topping talent including country music sensation Phil Vassar on Saturday, September 24th and the smashingly successful San Diego based P.O.D. on Sunday, September 25th• Nissan Off-Road Nationals second weekend, October 1" and 2nd feature back to back performances by the ever popular rocking pop group General Public. One low ticket price includes race admission, complimentary parking, interactive Manufacturers Midway, freestyle moto demos, open pit areas and live concerts daily. Please visit www.corracing.com or call 1-866-501 CORR (2677) CORR - DIRECTIONS To 0TAY RANCH - FROM NORTH: 805 SOUTH -Exit Orange Avenue/Olympic Parkway, go east. 1 "Jarking entrance at Olympic Parkway & Heritage Road (south side). 2 parking entrance, continue east on Olympic Parkway, right on La Media Road, follow signs to parking entrance on the right. From South -805 North -Exit Orange Avenue/ Olympic Parkway to parking entrances as noted above. From East -West on Interstate 8, SR-94 or SR-54 to 805 South. Exit Orange Avenue/Olympic Parkway to parking entrances as noted above. From West -East on Interstate 8, SR 94 or SR-54 to 805 South. Exit Orange Avenue/Olympic Parkway to parking entrances as noted above. OFF ROAD Exro -Guy Peterson, Off Road Expo Producer has announced he addition of two more halls for the 2006 Expo. This will add 66,000 quare feet to the inside exhibit space with a total indoor exhibit space of more than 450,000 square feet. Also, another outdoor street will be added giving the Expo almost 12 acres of exhibit space. Aside from all the exhibitions within the show there will be a free style motocross demonstration and a rock crawling demonstration which will showcase the excitement generally seen only in remote desert locations. Attendance last year was over 40,000 and that is expected to be surpassed easily this year. The Expo will be at the Pomona Fairgrounds on October 7,8 and 9. Make plans now to attend the largest off road exhibition ever. SCCA RALLY NEWS -Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) has announced the hiring of Pego Mack as Rally Manager. Mack, of Manchester, CT, joins the SCCA's National Staff after having served the rally community in a variety of roles, including organizing event teams, SCCA New England Region Rally Chairperson, SCCA RoadRally Board Member and Rallymaster of more than 100 Time Speed Distance events since 1973. As New England Region Rally Chair, she coordinated all region rally activity, which included Rallycross, Performance Rally and Road Rally. She was also a senior organizing team member with the Maine Forest ProRally, which onl'.e ran as part of the SCCA ProRally Championship. The Rally Manager announcement was a highly anticipated one as it followed SCCA's announcement in July that it will hold the club's first, National-level RallyCross event October 14-16 in Hastings, Nebraska. Mack will assume full control of the program in Topeka beginning October l. LABOR DAY-CRANDON-CORR - A bunch of top name drivers in the CORR Lucas Oil Championship Off Road Racing Series are entered for the 2005 BorgWarner shootout at the Crandon International Raceway. 29 racers and their trucks are entered in the Nissan Motorsports-NISMO Time Trials for the BorgWarner Shootout. Time Trials are on Friday, September 2. The 11th annual BorgWarner Shootout for the $125,000 gold and silver BorgWarner .Cup and the largest available purse in off road racing for a single 10 lap event is Sunday, September 4. The entrants are: Johnny Greaves, Toyota, Pro-4, Rick Huseman, Toyota, Pro-4, Carl Renezeder, Chevrolet, Pro-4, Steve McCrossan, Page 6 EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA ur Thurston Councy ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AoVENTIJRES0 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DEc.AnJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 &s!DNOR'-RoADRACNG.AssN • . TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE Ro-\D WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.NsfNADABAJAOff ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX Oll-52-646-1818989 EL1s10 Oll-52-646-1715230 AARON Raas fur buggys & Moturcycles Es'I'ERo BEACH INn:RNATIONAL SHORT CoU/lSE RACING VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Ol l-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FwRIDA OFF Ro,w DRIVER'S AssN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Maz, Noo at Davidson Raceway FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX mdrracing@aol.com GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASS'OCIATION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PI.ANEs OFF ROAD RACING AssoclATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 Scorr MORROW (816) 792-2126 (AU races are short course, stadium scyk Classes . Sportsman, 1/ 2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nel,raska Racewa, Park, Exit 420 on I.SO between Omaha and Linroln.J For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINs OFF RoAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVENUE #B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 FAX October 29, 2005 November 2712005 INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O . Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMoTioNs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX:714-633-1724 October 29, 2005 MOR Superstition Series Plaster City, CA December 2-3, 2005 Best In The Desert Henderson, Nevada K.AMl.ooPS BRONCO BUSTERS WHISPERING PINEs SPORTS & RECREATION CENTER P.O. Box465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 October 2005 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAs VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <www .prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> L.I.T.R.E. )EFFELROD (408) 926-0522 )IMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA Off ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHtH., MX Oll-52-1637-1799 MxcmGAN BuGGY BUILDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MxcmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Moooi:,cles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onlz MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (21.7) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com Short Course Points Series October 8, 2005 Casey, IL Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Endurance Points Series October 9, 2005 Casey, IL Lincoln Trail Mttsprts Park 200km Enduro MDR RACING CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING SERIES 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH EL MONTE, CA91733 626-442-9320/FAX626-579-6051 2005 California Championship Series November 12, 2005 Stoddard 250 Barstow,CA MDR Productions 2004-2005 Superstition Championship Series AU Races at Plaster Cicy OHV Area October 29, 2005 Superstition 250 December 31, 2005 The Dash 200 M.O.R.E. MOJAVE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92312 760-253-4453 www.moreracing@earthlink.net December 3, 2005 Barstow MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 7 30-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.ITStrials.com> AU events at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valk, Raawa,, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Vallez) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2005 (626) 599-8622 OctoberS-912005 ()pp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - l/2-16QO BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLID. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Ram at Whuling in the Councy 900 Acres) OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS Ro-\o S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Hamson County Fairgrounds. Cadi~ Ohio ONTARIO OPP ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TtCHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 0UTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LouIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PAcEMOToRSPORTS U.S. OFF Ro,w CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AuRORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OPP ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOlNRACIN@HOTMAlL.COM PRoTRuCK 14402 BoND CoURT EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-390-625 2 October 6-8, 2005 BlTD Vegas To Reno Nevada November 17-20, 2005 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja, CA, Mexico Prnu: °ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMmlCA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, lIT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series fry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO Off RoAD EXPOSmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRoRAu.Y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <www.sccaprorally.org> SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX Dusty Times I '
SCORE SCORE INrERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-intemational.com> November 17-20, 200S Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 BC,MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENnruSIASTS P.O . Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 702-452-4522 www.SNORERAC1NG.NET October 1-2, 200S 36'h Annual SNORE 250 November 11-12, 200S Western Desert Challenge SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERs RACE DIVlSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963--0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 96Ui522 SCTA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (5 59) 5 28-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNI.org> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4 305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastbaz Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 PARKLANDS, 2121 SoUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (0ll ) 880-2170 ToYsFoR Tors (619) 252-ll97 /(619) 252-3093 UNADill.A V AillY SPORI'S CtNim P.O. Box 5ll9 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA VALLEY ()pp ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 920 HILLCREST STREET PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-622--0370 www.vorra.com October 1-2, 200S Prairie City Short Course October29-30,200S Prairie City Short Course Novemberl2,200S Awards Banquet VDNIEGuf.mmloOH' ROADCwe PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN Ow ROAD R.AaNG~llCN LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNsnvANJA WHEEL To WHF.Pl. OfF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 Af:IA.MSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 Dusty Times Trail Notes ... Chevrolet, Pro-4, Dave Christoferson, Chevrolet, Pro-4, Curt LeDuc, Ford, Pro-4, Jasonm Baldwin, Ford, Pro-4, Josh Baldwin, Ford, Pro-4. In Pro-2 the entrants are: Evan Evans, Chevrolet, Carl Renezeder, Chevrolet, Dan Vanden Heuvel, Chevrolet, Steve Barlow, Ford, Scott Douglas, Ford, Todd LeDuc, Ford, Jason Baldwin, Ford, Josh Baldwin, Ford, Brian Hinman, Chevrolet, Scott Taylor, Ford and Kevin Probst, Chevrolet. In Sportsman 2 the entrants are: Dan Baudoux, Ford, Ben Wandashega, Chevrolet, Gordon Zima, Ford, Mike Savage, Chevrolet, Ross Hoek, Ford, Michael Oberg, Chevrolet, Greg Adler, Ford, Ken Hallgren, Chevrolet, Bob Gersmehl, Chevrolet and Don Williams Ford. A full race report will be in next month's issue of Dusty Times. CORR SPORTSMAN -Crandon is the end of the line for the Sportsman classes in CORR. In Sportsman 2, Ben Wandahsega has the points lead with 162. Dan Baudoux is right there in second spot with 145 points and Mike Savage sits third in points with 129. In the Stock class Keith Steele has amassed 155 points while Dave Waldvogel sits in second spot with 145. Scott Beauchamp is third in points with 132 accrued. In Single Buggy it's a real dogfight, Mike Seefeldt holds the lead in points with 146 in hand, Mark Steinhardt is nipping at his heels with 143 points. In the Light Buggy chaseJeffVirnig is the man on top, he has accumulated 128 points, second place is held by Ben O'Connell, the defending champion, he has 108 points in hand. Craig Metz is right there with 106 points. With only the two remaining Crandon rounds to be run and 20 points available these races are real nail biters. Oh yes, the Super Buggy championship has already been decided. Aaron Hawley amassed 161 points to date and his runner-up, Corry Heynan sits second with 103 points to his credit. It all shakes out on Labor Day weekend at Crandon, look for the results here in Dusty Times next issue. JASON BALDWIN TAKES BORGWARNER SHOOTOUT - Jason Baldwin put in an amazing performance at Crandon on Labor Day Weekend, overcoming a mishap early in the race and passing everything that was running to take the coveted BorgWarner Trophy and the more than $25000 in cash and prizes. Jason's win put Ford back in the winners circle, Ford has won seven of the 11 BorgWarner Shootouts. Following after Jason are the rest of the top 10 finishers: 200 -Carl Renezeder, Chevy, 1" 2WD truck, 3.i -Dan VandenHeuvel, Chevy, 4th -Scott Taylor, Ford, 5th - Michael Oberg, Chevy, 6th• Brian Hinman, Chevy, 7th• Ben Wandahsega, Chevy, 8th - Mike Savage, Chevy and 10th was Chris Kaiko, Ford. There were 22 entrants in this years Shootout. INTERNATIONAL RALLY IN NEW YORK - Empire Resorts announced it will host the first United States Rally Championship (USRC) in the Catskill Mountains, beginning September 29th and running through October 1. Entrants <www.whiplashracing.com> Trucks & Buggies WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FEs11v AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INfERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 0ll-526-6225 u. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 November 27, 2005 GP de Campeones 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 Attention Race&Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2005and 2006 schedules as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 October 2005 representing the United States, Canada and Europe will be competing in the rally. The rally course will consist of 364 miles of Sullivan County roads with a mix of pavement and gravel. 102 of those mile will be special stages, run against the clock and the other 262 miles will be Transit Zones. A reconnaissance of the course will take place on September 29, where pace notes will be compiled. The cars will be compact sedans and sport coupes including Subaru lmpreza, Mitsubishi Lancer, Dodge Neon, Ford Focus, VW Golf and Hyundai Tiburon. The rally is sanctioned by the United States Auto Club (USAC). CORR POINTS AND MANllFACTURERS POINTS -The CORR season is over for the Sportsman classes in CORR and the Pro folks still have two more rounds to go, that will be in the end of September, out here on the west coast. In Pro-4, Johnny Greaves won twice at Crandon and leads the points 182-171 over Carl Renezeder. Renezeder also won both his rounds at Crandon and leads the Pro-2 class 173-158 over Scott Taylor. Chad Hord had a 1" and a 10th at Crandon and leads Pro-Lite 159-153 over Jeff Kincaid who had a 10th and a 1" at Crandon. In Sportsman 2, Ben Wandahsega took the points 192-173 over Dan Baudoux. In Stock, Dave Waldvogel took the season win 168-163 over Keith Steele. In Super Buggy, Aaron Hawley had it all sewed up a while back, he has 165 points and Scott Schwalbe is second with 137. In Single Buggy, Mark Steinhardt took the win 183-178 over Mike Seefeldt. In slight Buggy Ben O'Connell won with 148 points and Jeff Virnig was second with 144. CORR MANUFACTURERS POINTS -with two rounds yet to go in the CORR Lucas Oil Series the Manufacrurers Points are as follows: Pro-4 -Ford, 194 points, Toyota, 188, Chevrolet, 184. In Pro-2 Chevrolet leads with 204 points, Ford has 179. In Pro-Lite it's Nissan, 194, Toyota, 194, Ford, 170 and Mazda, 16. In the Tire races: Pro-4 • BFGoodrich, 240, Kumho, 130, Toyo, 110, Goodyear, 98. Pro-2 - BFGoodrich, 224, Goodyear, 157, Toyo, 136, Kumho, 133. Pro-Lite - Goodyear, 182, Kumho, 175, Toyo, 157, BFGoodrich, 153. FRESTONE/ANDRETfl = SAFETY - Firestone Tire and Mario Andretti have teamed up hoping to save lives with a new driver safety education program. The program includes a series of print and television ads stressing the importance of proper tire inflation and maintenance and urges drivers to check their tires every month. Andretti says, "Take care of your tires, wear your seat belt, drive alert and defensively and never consume alcohol before getting behind the wheel." We hope the message gets out and that the kids learn something from it. MORE 10111 ANNuAL PRIMM TRIVIA - Over 40 families will have multiple drivers in the SCORE Primm event, including the Herbsts, the McMillins and the Baldwins. Another branch of the Baldwin family, Bobby Baldwin and his son BJ, Marty Coyne and his son Travis, brothers Dale and Mike Dondel, Matt and brother David Scaroni, Larry Raglad and his son, Chad, Cameron Steele with drive with his wife, Heidi, Bekki Freeman and husband Adam Wik, and Bekki's nephew, Bryan Freeman and the McMillins; they have a three generation race team with five family members driving in four different vehicles. Husbands, wives, fathers, sons, brothers, grandsons, nephews and in-laws will team up in search of the elusive gold medal. Over 200 entries are expected, coming from the good 'ol USofA, Canada, Mexico, Japan and South Africa. Pardon us for leaving out some families but space dictates our capabilities. NEW DRIVER EXPECTED -Adam and Bekki Wik announced that Bekki is expecting. Not a new Class 10 car but a child. Another member of the Freeman/Wik clan will one day be behind the wheel of a race car in the desert. Congrats to :you both from all of us at Dust:y Time.s. SCORE PRIMM QUICKIE REsULTS -The four lap, 296 mile long Primm race went to Brian Collins/Larry Ragland in their Chevy Trophy Truck and they were the overall winners as well. Tim Herbst was second in his Ford TT, less than four minutes out of the win. Cesar Fuentes took the Class 1 win, BJ Richardson/John Gaughan were second. Rob MacCachren/Brian Freeman took the ½-1600 win, LJ Kennedy/Brian Burgess were second. DonKen Moss were the Class 3 winners. Tom Brown/Andy Megaw took Class 5. Ernie Negrete/Raul Solano won 5-1600, Rob Taylor/Jason Lakin were second. The Herrera's, Jr. and Sr. won Class 7, Dan/1bomas Chamlee were second. John Holmes/Scott Jones won Class 7S, Wayne Demonja was second. Noe/fony Sierra won Class 7SX, Jeff Lloyd/foby O'Mara were second. Class 8 went to Todd Wyllie/Mark Julius, Gary/David Srultz came in second. Eric Fisher/Hector Sarabia won Class 9, Sigal Greenberg/John Halla! came in second. Adam Wik soloed to win Class 10, John Cooley/Dave Richardson were second. James Golden/Jason Hatz took the SCORE Lite win, Tom Watson/David Scaroni came in second. Mark MurelVGary Helming won Class 11, Brian Thompson/Ed Osteen were second. John Griffin/Mike Sabbarese were the Stock Full winners and Jim Nuckles/Jeff Dickerson took the ProTruck honors. Brad Wilson/Colin Morris won Sportsman Car and Bobby Quarnstrom/Michael Tuba won Sportsman Truck. The whole story, with loads of pictures will be in the next issue of Dusty Times. CORR ANNuAL BANQUET -The date for the 2005 CORR Lucas Oil Series Banquet has been set for Sarurday, November 12, 2005. lt will once again be held at the Regency Suites & KI Convention Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin. You can contact the hotel for reservations at 1-800-236-3330. F:NAL FLAG - Rod Bush, president of KTM North America and a corporate member of the AMA Board of Directors, died the evening of September 12 after a brief illness. Rod was 50 years old. An avid racer, Rod guided KTM's U.S. Racing Program to several off road AMA tides, establishing the marque as a force in AMA Motocross and Supercross Racing. Rod was a veteran of the International Six Days Enduro, winning Gold, silver and bronze medals. Our deepest s:ympath:y for Rod's family. OF ROAD EXPO - Just got the official word that Guy Peterson has sold is Off Road Expo to Advanstar. The Off Road Expo was held in October f each year at the Pomona Fairgrounds and played to good sized crowds. We hope the show continues to draw large crowds into the world of off road. SCORE AWARDS BANQUET -The 2005 SCORE Awards Night will be on Saturday, December 10, 2005 at the Primm Valley Resort where SCORE will recognize their 2005 point champions and the Off-Roads man awards as well as awarding the Kartek $50,000 off road bonus. Call SCORE to get your banquet tickets. 818-225-8402. Page 7
1£..llll-' TERR1auts CuP 1 AT I.As VEGAS 13, Paid Spectators By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Larry Roese/er won both heats and the main event in his Ford Ranger. seen here on his way to the Class 7 victory in Las Vegas. SCORE'S first attempt at a short course race in many years attracted over 13,000 spectators for its two night stand at the dirt track at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Pages Braving the muggy heat, the spec-tators were savvy and biased, and expressed pleasure and displeasure with equal abandon. Clearly favor-ing the Las Vegas racers, they also knew a good piece of driving when they saw it, and approved noisily! It was all great fun. At least it was great fun for the spectators. Most of the racers en-October 2005 Marty Coyne flies high, he flew his Ford Trophy Truck to a Heat win and he took the Main Event as well. joyed the change of venue, but a few of them weren't thrilled with SCORE's first attempt here, though on the whole the event received good marks. In general, the Trophy Truck and Class 1 drivers thought the course was a bit too narrow in the turns. It was impossible for more than one car to get through at a time, and a lot of banging ensued. The event was a non-points race, open only to Trophy Trucks, Class 1, Class 10, SCORE Lite, 1/2-1600, 7, 7S, and 7SX, and the vehicle must have raced in at least two SCORE long course events within the previ-ous two years. Obviously, they didn't want any CORR trucks to show up and walk away with the purse. SCORE called the event a "limited field invitational", and there was no entry fee, although each entrant had to buy insurance. There was a total purse of $55,000 to be paid only to the Saturday night winners and run-ners up. They put some rules together which were aimed at preventing the teams from modifying their vehicles too severely. Minimum tire sizes were called out, and minimum wheelbase and weights also. The intent was to be certain that these would be desert cars. The dirt track at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, which was the site of the racing, was well suited to this purpose. A track was built both in-side and outside the perimeters of the dirt track, which totaled about a mile and a half, and included about eight turns, one of them a too narrow hairpin, one flying jump, some moguls, two long straights, a small length of pavement and a lot of K-rail. One of the turns, a tight right, also climbed up and over the wall separating the track from the outskirts. It made for some traffic jams, some sudden stops and hitting, and at least one roll-over, but occa-sionally an inspired piece of driving in that turn would amaze and amuse the spectators. Over on the so~th-east corner of the track there was a small grandstand set up for the use of pit crews and drivers not cur-rently racing - it was full for every event. Across the way, facing into the east, the main grandstands held ap-proximately 8,000 people. On Fri-day night the report was that there were 5,521 people in attendance, and on Saturday the figure jumped to 7,540. Those figures were for paying customers. From the main grandstands it was possible to see almost the entire course. The tight hairpin was a bit far to the left, and the audience had to stand and crane their necks to figure out who was hitting who, and who'd rolled over. And the paved downhill left sweeper into the park-ing area was out of sight to all but those who sat on the south end of the stands, or those across the way. Still, there was plenty to see during the daylight racing. There were lights on Friday night, to illuminate the long straight and the area of that tight hairpin, but they were not correctly placed, nor did they all seem to be working. Some improvements were made for Saturday night, because of course, most cars had no lights on them, and the drivers didn't like not being able to see. Saturday's lighting was better, but could have used some improvement still. The facility as a whole worked splendidly. There were acres of paved parking lot around the dirt track so a huge area was set aside for the pits, allowing the teams all the space they needed for motorhomes, trailers, equipment, awnings and so on. Not far from the pits there was a car wash area, with a couple of hoses, so the cars could be cleaned off be-fore the crew went to work on them. Another big area was set aside for race team motorhome parking, and still another was reserved for the contingency area. There were lights everywhere. About a quarter mile away, without having to leave the Speedway compound, there were gas stations, a convenience store and at least one restaurant, so it was pos-sible to refuel, take an air-condi-tioned break, and come back re-freshed, without having had to deal with Las Vegas traffic. There were concessions at the back side of the grandstands, selling everything from "western sausage" to Daiquiri spiked smoothies. Unfortunately, they didn't open until 5:30 p.m., so were no help to the folks in contingency on Friday. The schedule started with media events on Thursday, including a couple of laps on the course for all the cars. Then the big event was the Fremont Street autograph party, complete with posters depicting many of the racers, to be autographed and handed out. Thousands of enthusiastic fans at-tended, both for the "meet the driver" session, and the Pit Crew Challenge. There were also Trophy Trucks on display during the festivi-ties. The Pit Crew Challenge was won by the Herbst Trophy Truck team, which netted them a $5,000 purse, second place (and $3,000) went to Marty Coyne's team, and B.J. Baldwin's group took third place, and a purse of$2,000. Spec-tators were lined up "ten deep" to watch the fun. Friday's schedule included con-tingency and tech, practice, track maintenance, more practice, more track prep, and finally, at 5:30, the "Meet the Drivers" autograph ses-sion out on the track. The specta-tors flocked out into the infield to meet and greet the racers and get a Dusty Times
Second place in the Trophy Truck Main Event went to Jesse Jones, Cody Freeman had a good time in the Heat Events but he was only Barry Karakas was second in both heats and in the Class 7 Combined Main Event, seen here in his Toyota Tacoma. seen here pushing his Ford towards the checkers. able to grab the second spot in 1600 in his Wink-VW. dose up look at the cars, and some during a race. The 1600 cars were into two groups, and some ran photos of themselves or their kids weighed to assure they met with mini- mixed classes. Trophy Trucks and with the racers. Saturday's schedule mum weight requirements, but for Class 1 were given six lap heats and was nearly a carbon copy, except the most part tech was indistinguish- all the others ran only four lap that there was no more contingency able from tech at a desert event. The heats. In every heat that was too or tech to do, so in effect there was a rear-facing yellow lights were re- many laps for someone. long lull through the middle of the quired, and needed to be function-The first heat, half the Trophy day and many teams stayed at their ing here also. Truck field, got things off to a roar-hotels, avoiding the hottest time of The racing was kicked off by brief ing start. The racers were flagged off the day. speeches by Sal Fish, and Jerry and all at once, two-abreast on the long-Racing didn't start until 7 p.m., Ed Herbst, who were sponsors of est straight, which ran from south and by that time it had cooled down the event, and then the national to north outside the dirt track. They some, though it was still pretty warm. anthem was sung by an airman from funneled down into a broad left-The program started on time both Nellis Air Force Base (which is just hand sweeper that led into a nar-nights, and ran close to the sched- across the highway), and fireworks row short chute between K-rail, and ule, although Saturday's timing fell went off into the dusk. An absolutely then got even narrower into the behind thanks to some over enthu- splendid natural fireworks display sharp left hairpin. Out of that there siastic racing in a couple of classes. was occurring off to the east, as a was a cobby section that led to a A couple of oddball issues huge thunderstorm slowly moved right sweeper, and another long cropped up in tech, as for instance, from south to north, sending bolts straight ended by a very tight right when they insisted that Bryan Free-of lightning from under black hander up a dirt ramp that climbed man put a horn on his vehicle, and clouds down into the desert below. the wall of the race track. It was a Tom Ridings was made to put his The lightning show continued for real challenge to carry any speed wing back on. Freeman couldn't un-the entire racing period, making a through that tum. Then there were derstand how he'd be using a horn dramatic back drop to the racing a couple of jumps and a nice big left at this event, and Ridings thought action. hand sweeper with soft berms the win was a potential trouble Depending on how many entries around its edges, leading into a short maker, in the vent that it fell off there were, some classes were split straight up to the flying jump. Once AnmumateGemAdJacentto Bel/agio, C,esars & Bally s Rich Ronco didn't do too well in the heat races For Class I, but he took the win in the Main Event in his Tatum-Chevy. off the jump there was a right-hander that led towards the pave-ment incline down onto the edge of the parking lot, with another left turn, and then a left at the end of the pavement and back onto the long straight. Chet Huffman had the lead in his Chevy and held off the Herbst Ford for a while, but Jason Baldwin took over the lead on the second lap. Meanwhile, Jesse Jones stuck his Ford in the turn through the wall and lost some time, while Continued on page 10 Ask About Our Sf>etial Headliner Show and Room l'Jlckages West Tropic.91\l & Ar.rill& 1-800-875-3287 ~ 11te Place Las Vegans ca11 Home~ Ask AboUt our Room & Gdf Packages Dusty Times October 2005 Page 9
Another case of second place finishes, Bob Naughton took three of them in the SCORE Lite Class battles in his Fodri/1-VW. Third place in the Trophy Truck Main Event was Pete Sohren, seen Third place in the Class 1 Main Event went to Martin Christensen, here in his center drive Ford at Vegas. seen here making one of hundreds of landings during the race. The Class 112-1600 Main Event win went to Arden Dennington, his Fraley-VW performing quite well this weekend. Todd Wyllie, racing his Class 8 Chevy in tough company, spun out. Jason Baldwin then stayed in front as the others chased futilely, Scott Steinberger with his hood flapping so that his vision was obscured when-ever it rose up in front of him. Jason Baldwin took the win, saying that there were "a lot of concrete walls ... a very unforgiving course." With only a brief pause they moved on to the second heat made up of six Class 1 cars. John Marking got of course a bit in his Jimco Chevy, Rich Ronco spun his Tatum to get the victory. Dennington was and started the last lap Will Higman Chevy on the newly watered section, second and Greg Boyer had his Mi-was pushing hard in his Honda and Pat Dean stalled his Bunderson rage in third. Kreger, about to pass another car. Chevy briefly and dropped to last. The fourth heat was a mixture He actually got about two thirds of Marking and Quinn did some very of small truck classes, including Class the way past him as he took off into close racing, Marking spun out and 7, 7S and 7SX. Barry Karakas had the air, but then his car turned a bit Ronco went by. Brad Falin was find- his Toyota Tacoma in the lead off sideways and the other car touched ing that his new Bradleys Ford pow- the start, but Larry Roseler was chas-him (all still in mid air) and sent the ered all-wheel-drive car wasn't quite ing hard with his Ford. The two were Kreger rolling hard, over and over. set up for this game, but he'd been very evenly matched and put on a The rest of the pack was beyond him the only one to put screens in the show that had the spectators on their and well into their final lap before windshield hole, and thus, was the feet for four laps. Roeseler went into he and his passenger had crawled only one who didn't have to duck the lead, but Karakas kept trying to out of the car. They were unscathed flying rocks. Unfortunately, he get him back, and did pass him in a after their wild ride, but the left rear broke his steering. Quinn took the tum, but the Roeseler got him back corner of the car was torn off, and heat win, with Troy Herbst second and went on to take the win. Jeff that was the end of their racing for in the Ford powered Smithbuilt Lloyd won the 7SX duel with his the weekend. MacCachren went on Truggy, and Dean in third and Ford after holding off Billy Bunch to win the heat, with Travis and/or Ronco upside down. and his Jeep as he ran to the finish Ron Brookshire second in their By 7:40 p.m. they started the line. Honda Jimco. third heat, for the 1600s and right By now it was 8 o'clock and had There was a brief intermission off the start a couple of them got become really dark on the outer and then it was time for the Trophy stuck together while Arden reaches of the course. And it was Trucks again. Rob MacCachren, in Dennington put his Fraley into the time for the first Class 10 heat. There Gus Vildosola's Ford, was out in lead. On the second lap Cody Free- were seven cars, and after three good front right off the start, with Brian man, Bryan Freeman's younger tight laps, Rob MacCachren had the Collins second in his Chevy and Tim brother, moved into the hunt, and lead in Rick Paquette's Honda Herbst third in his Ford. The wind on the final lap Cody took the lead Jimco. As they headed over the jump suddenly shifted direction, and now I lllll'llllll'll ....... 1111'111111111111111"11111111"11111111"11111111"11111111"11111111"11111111"11111111"11111111"11111111"11~~~1111r Page 10 1/U/1"111&•~ SHOCK ..... .,...,nJCHNOI.OGY 774.530.8701 • FAX714530.B7al 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 'WtltNVJcl-corn October 2005 2.5" --€1!!!£1 Need coil springs? Coll King Shocks! We have wstom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times 7
,, In the Class 1/2·1600 Main Event it was Bryan Freeman taking the A third and a fourth place finish in the Heats and a third place finish in Tom Ridings took the bronze medal in both Heats and in the Class 10 bronze medal, he's seen here in his Fraley·VW. the Class 7 Main Event for Don Chamlee in his Ford Ranger. Main Event as well, seen here in his Jimco•Honda. the dust was blowing from east to In the SCORE Lite group, which The evening was working up to ond and Pat Dean was third. But he for Pat's dad. He caught the Truggy west, into the stands, and there was ran with them, Cameron Steele fin• its finale, with another Class 1 heat worked his way past Quinn and as they heated into the pavement an occasional sprinkle of rain mixed ished in front in a Chenowth, with (or the Friday Class 1 Main Event). started to chase Herbst down. Pat turn, bringing the audience to its feet in with it. Herbst gave Collins a shove Robert Naughton, in a Foddrill in Jeff Quinn started out in front with was driving an old Chevy powered again. Meanwhile, John Marking was and made room for himself to get second place. Vic Bruckmann ran Troy Herbst trying to catch him. He Bunderson that had originally been trying to get around Quinn to move past and take off in pursuit of Mac• third in his limco. did get by, and now Quinn ran sec• built for Troy to drivewh!!n he raced Continued on page 12 Cachren. Then Marty Coyne shot his Ford past Collins, who, with bad night vision, was having trouble see-ing out in the darker regions of the course. Coyne took off after Herbst. As they finished their fifth lap, with MacCachren solidly in front, Coyne and Herbst came into the infield side-by-side, bringing the spectators to their feet. Coyne slid past Herbst and then stayed in front of him. Mac-Cachren took the win, Coyne was second, showing off skills he'd learned years ago when he raced short course, and Herbst was third. The audience howled with delight. The next heat was a five car Class 1 grouping, and Martin Christensen put his BMW powered Jimco into the lead and stayed there. Dennis Boyle ran second in his Lothringer Chevy and Kory Scheeler had his Porter Chevy in third. They ran hard and clean and finished in the same order. · It was pushing 9 o • .:lock now, and time for the second 1600 heat. These four lap heats were over so quickly that the audience barely had time to figure out who was who (the num-bers were basically not legible from up in the stands, and then they got muddy), but the announcer had some help from down below, and also a set of binoculars, so he kept them informed. Cameron Steele went into the lead in his Prep-by-Jake, with Rick Boyer chasing hard in his Mirage. Brian Burgess, his SPF's motor not running well, pulled off track, but everyone else was running healthy. Steele took the win with Boyer still second and Rob MacCachren third in a Fraley. The small trucks were next, ready for their second go-'round. Roeseler got shoved into the wall by Dan Chamlee's Ford, and that set his hood to flapping, but didn't keep him from moving into the lead on the second lap. The hood then fell off. Karakas had a steering quirk, and it locked up at one point, aim-ing him around to the side of the jump instead of over it. He lost two positions while he frantically got thing under control again. That let Perry McNeil move his Ford into sec-ond place. Roeseler stayed out in front, and Karakas chased down McNeil and got back around to finish second. Dan Chamlee also moved up to take third. At about 9: 15 the SCORE Lites and Class 10 cars rolled onto the track, for their second heat. The wind was still blowing and dust was flying into the spectators' faces, but aside from wishing for goggles, none were too inconvenienced. MacCach-ren went to the front and stayed there, taking another win. Dusty Times LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card. money order or cashiers check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. S5 Handling charge on an orders. Calif01nia residents include 7.75% sales lax. Customers respoll3ible for an freight charges. Minimum order is S25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc, is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and VolkswaQen. Volkswaoen is a reOistered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. HOWE POWER STEER/NS 2.5 Power Ract .................. $1. 1()0 2.5 Power Rack with Control Vllive .................. 1.465 Control Viltve • lnline ............... 300 ChJrlynn Torque Generator ...... 295 Poll Block. Ch,nt,,nn .................. 30 Coupltlr. Cnarl'jnn ....... ,. ............. 18 Sweet U·Jolnts, trom ................. 56 Reservoir, Power Steenno ......... 94 Reservoir With FIiiet. Power Steerino ............... 148 Reserbolr 811ci<et ...................... H Power Steerifl(J Pump .............. 160 Power Steerino Pulley ................ 60 Pulley lor Subaru ....................... 60 Pump Brackets. from ................. 65 ET DISC BRAKES '"" 1'111 S,/tJ/11# tr C,mbe Lint S,1111111. Oise lk:ll<ls • tor $ind Rails. ... ., ...... .,.$600 Oise~ lo( Desert f\alll..••••m«•"••730 11.l.ET 5VW HlJB$ Ill'., c,m11o t.lltt """'"'· Pin Spindle Hub KL ... $335 Unk Spindle tilb KA..3-45 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES flap-Pro l'wtonllailft Tltwt E78 Mini Mao ...•..• ............... $92 30 X 7.00. 4-pl'j ....................... 114 33 X 9.00. 4·PI'/ ...................... 156 35 X 10.00. 4·ply ..................... 160 MICKEY THOMSON BAJA BELTED HP 30 X 9.5-15 ................. ,. ......... $120 31 X 10.50-15 .......................... 152 33 X 10.50-15 .......................... 146 COILBEAM SIJSPEIISION ,.,._hlllSA,. Fttltl &th m r W~,r Ill/It 11" 1-IIMffl/tCIIJS/llco WllltetMHlffatlttll,,,. ,,,,,.., R6a MIi ,.,._ """'-Tflilllll llrllll M D.O.JI. .,,,,,.,, 1'/,"Ufflt X 1" W1'1r Alld c,a IJu a. $18d llnf fkl$p/Ml#11COIIIINLIMI. Front Beam fol Coft ShockS •.• $250 Combo Link Spindles ........... ~ ChromolY Ffont Beam for COO\bO Link Spflldles, 3' ......... 465 COif ShoclcJ .................... .300 KlrlQ SIIOCll 2" Adj. Body-0.0.M. T11iln9Arms.setof4.265 w/Resetvolr .-def 0.0.M. ~ 4' Tr1ilin0 Alflls (4) .. 335 SprlnQs. eacll ................... 495 Tlllll RoOs w/Nuts, pair .... ~ .. , ..... 50 Plggy Back Rtllt!VW OpUon ..... 65 u,em,11e Beam 8ilshlflos ........ .24 s~ lit Rods. Alum. pr ••.• 65 H.D. Link Plns.··=·--·-····•-··--··48 Sweootd T·Rods, CllrOnlotf, pr65 SACO HD RACK & PINION 111111 Hllffi/lf. IIHt In U.I.A. 5aco Rack & Pfnloa .............. $295 Sweet U-Jolntl. lrom ................. 56 ~CONTROL ~CABLES Fluib#, Ht•., lhl,, Sb/t,-u Tlllt/1/1 C,b/11. Spwt, Clip EM Or 111/t H114 E/111 A-,/IU/1 l'-13' LOIII la I" /Mr1m,nm. 6' Of 6't,· Cable ...................... $28 r or 1'H Clbfe .......................... 29 s· or aw cable ........................ ao 9· or 9W cable ......................... 31 10-or 10•1,· cable ...................... 32 11' or 11W «:a.bte ...................... 33 12· or 12'1>' «:a.ble ...................... ~ 13' or 13't,· Cable ..................... 35 • Ml $6 for 11nl4ti HOlll/tlf • 1.....r.1 3x3 TRAIUNS ARMS 111 I.ATUT RAGE llflll llu 130 CV Joint. TraUinQ Arms. Sleet pair ...... $265 TraUing Arms, Stock, pair ...•... .240 TraUing Arm Bushings ............. 15 ~ KINS ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR FIii/ M/llllmtnt ON/ Spr//Jf Shon wltll HO# It/I R1umtr. King 2· AdjlJSl.lble Shock. a-10-12· Slroke ...... lrom $495 KlrlQ 2·'h" Ad)uslable Shoek, 12·1.C-16" Stroke ..... Jrom 585 Bhlet Aluminum Clamp•On Reservoir Mount. each ........ 35 Urethane Mount Pad. oalr ............ 8 RACE PRU !130 CVS Ft1111S-UO. • ,,.,.,,., I#. Germln 930CV .................... $55 Chromoty 930 cage ................... 45 Race Prep 930 t:N ................... HO HO 'I• 930CV 8otf, 12 Point ......... 1 Boot And flange For 930 ........... 28 930 CHROMOLY CV CABE Alton Ml/1/0tUI PIJOU/Jf In no t'I Join/. Snnf,r C•1• R1d11en Clltlltl of lrl•klllf. 930 Chromot, CV Gage, lli!Ch .. $45 HEIM JOINTS Clltomo/y Hllm Join/I SpH/1( L1/f or Rlfflt Ht/14 TllrHd 't,· x •,.-Helm Joint ........ ., ....... $31 'fl X '/.' Helm Joint ................... 33 ¼" X 1/•' High Angle Heim JOinf .. 49 w-Jam Nut ............................... .2 WJam Nut .................................. 3 •t,· x 'h' x 'It Mlsalignment s~ ................................. 1 't,• I 'It l 'I! Misalignment Space, .................................. 7 'N • '/•' x W MlsaliQnmen1 Spacet ................................ .8 'ft x '/, x W Misalignment Spacer .................................. 8 '/," Thltid ChromOl-/ Tube Bou .8 •tt Thread Chromoly Tul>e Boss JI CENTERLINE WHEELS F#JH Alrmlnllm WIIIIIII wtlll 1'11/flllff FIRlltl. 1sx◄ svw ...................... $159 J5x5 svw ....................... 163 1Sx6 SVW •• -.................. 163 1sx1 svw ................ ._.., •.. 166 15111 svw .................... ., .. 169 15X 10 5VW ..... so••·····•····· .. •·176 15 l 3 'h 4 VW ••..••.••...••••... 154 15 xS 'h 4 VW .................. 197 15 X 7 4 VW ............... - ... 200 15x8'h 4VW .................... 206 October 2005 930 CHROMOLY STUBAXLES& DRIVE FI.AJISES Stub AldilS !of 930CV, pair •••. $140 Stub Aides for eu,cv. pair .... $140 Dt1'ie Aallga tor 930 t:N, palr _70 Otive ~ tor Bus r:.t. pair ... 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES l!rDUHIC 111 I.ATUT RASE .i1;1111U1ff V JOINTS 8uQIBus Tra!IS to AND BOOTS Beetle T11ller Arms..-..•.. $120 Bug, CV JOIIJI ...... _ ...... _ •.••• S.2 8uQ/BIISTllM 10 3x3Arms. .•• 130 Bug. CV 8ool ............................ ◄ 8uQIBus TlllllS to 3x3 Arms Sus. fN Jollt ........................... 48 lo! 930 cva ...................... 140 Bus, cv Boot ......................... & 23' or 24' Aides for 930 CV s ... 260 930, CV Joli1t ...................... ..55 24"·28" M300 lot 930 CV s. . .lr 340 930, Boot and AlnQe ............... 28 CROW SAFETY BELTS a" up hllr r,/th Sttm-111 2• or 3• SIIOll/d,r Htmnu, Alfllltl/11 I• 1, 4, or V l'Oilll Bltek or Gtty. 3" X 2" 3 Point ....................... $68 3• X 2' 4 Point ......................... 68 3' I 3· 3 Poinl ......................... 80 3" X 3• 4 Point ......................... 80 3" x 2' 3 Pt w/Shoufder P3d ..•. 68 3" •• 4 Plw/Shoulller Pad .... 68 3• X s· 3 Pl w/ShDuldl!t P3d •• 100 3" x 3" 4 Pl w/Shoulder P.ld .• 100 2 Crotch Strap ........................... 12 low High CROW SHOULDER PADS AN/la/Ill /or Z-tr 3" ShOllltlf HitllUI, Black, 1/111 Or Rill. 2' Sllouldef Harness Pads. pr •. $24 :r Shoulder Hames$ Pads. pr .... 28 UMlnNS STRAPS Alflllab1-In Oorbltl OI Oistds. lltdl tram I'/," Nylon W1b/Jlng ffllh • 5./IDQ# Rtl/llfl 1114 4130 SIHI Bricteu. ANl/tb/1 In 12"·1D"Llllll/ls. Double LimliOQ Sllap .............. $18 ~ Limllino Slr.lp ......... _. ....... 24 Adjuruble CleVis, Slnole ............ 28 LIL Sl'ORTSTER Olllytrlll/41111011 Yo,Can/JR 111,Plfllkwl SIIIJ In IU"OWII , •, CM#lr. Ml/lull Ill BIMt If Grfr, 46 or 48" w.ie .......... ,. ...... oo Ut Sp0/1ster Saal LO'o't•Back $165 BEARD ~"PER ~r Jj T lll Sportster seai Hl·&ck ...... 110 -1 .,,_,. BEARD TIE DOWNS MOUIIT KIT LlQhl Duly Tit Oil-tin. w: x s· SlidelTII Combimifion ........ .$110 Sll1p. 5.000# <:apaelly ...... $16 $lidt/$lide Combin31.i0n RalCllel Tle Down. 2' X 7' for Li Spottster .............. 125 SIJap, 10.000# Cip.ilclly ...... 24 Black! and Slide Mount Only . .SO Axle Strip .................................. 10 Page 11
Rob Martensen took a fourth and a third in the Heat races, he finished Scott Steinberger didn't have the best of weekends, he finished BJ Baldwin was second in the second Trophy Truck Heat and he third in the SCORE Lite Main Event in his Chenowth-VW. fourth in the Trophy Truck Main Event. finished in eighth place in the Main Event. into third place. At the·finish Dean duded all the Trophy Trucks. There and then pulled out. MacCachren but Steinberger knew better, seein' As they came around the third and Herbst took the first two posi- were at least a dozen, a big crowd on passed Coyne fairly quickly, and as how he was parked in the middle time Herbst and MacCachren were tions. Dean said he'd "had a little a short course. Herbst started in the Steinberger rolled in the infield tum. of the infield sweeper turn. He got neck and neck going into the right motor problem" in the first heat, lead hotly chased by Coyne, Mac- Instructions had been for the driv-out as soon as the traffic had gone hand turn that led over the wall, and his crew had fixed it. Cachren and Jones. Cameron Steele ers to stay in their vehicles until by, and then his truck perched there MacCachren crowded Herbst a bit, The final heat of the evening in-banged on Pete Sohren 's Ford a bit safety personnel could get to them, for the remainder of the heat. and edged into the lead. Then it was Page 12 October 2005 MacCachren, Coyne, Jones and Herbst, and Jason Baldwin brought up the rear, his truck obviously un-well. MacCachren had no problems, and although he tried hard, Coyne couldn't get close enough to attempt a pass. Mac took the win, Coyne was second and Jones was third. Roger Gray's weekend was over, because not only had he lost his power steer-ing, but he'd also lost oil pressure and done terminal damage to his motor. On Saturday night the preludes to the racing were the same, includ-ing the national anthem and fire-works, and then a Trophy Truck heat started the racing with a roar. The course had been watered enough that the infield turn was slimy and caution was needed to keep the big trucks pointed forward for a couple oflaps. Pete Sohren amazed the au-dience by taking the wall turn wide and flying over the wall where there was no dirt ramp to land on. It seemed not to affect his truck, and he was in third place, behind Mac-Cachren and Jones. Cameron Steele was fourth, Collins was fifth. By the fourth lap MacCachren had a huge lead, being all the way through the pavement and on the long straight before the others were all out of the infield. He stayed in front, but .Sohren moved up from third to second after working on Jones for several laps. Then on the fourth lap MacCachren nearly lost it in the last hairpin, due to a dam-aged right front corner. Sohren was nearly close enough to catch him, and smelling victory, pushed hard. Too hard. He rolled over at the wall turn, and had to be lifted out with a big crane. In the meantime Mac-Cachren went on to finish with a right front wheel that wasn't roll-ing, in first place. Jones was second, Steel third and Jason Baldwin was fourth. Second to go was a group of just four Class 1 cars, including Troy Herbst, Rich Ronco, John Marking and Pat Dean. Dean started in front and stayed there, although Troy drove hard to try to catch him. Rich Ronco ran third, and Marking was fourth all the way, finishing on a right front flat. Saturday's third heat was the 1600s, with 16 cars on the course. Cody Freeman took off in front, with Rick Boyer second, and Arden Dennington in third place. Some-one rolled over at the start of the sweeper, and someone else was stopped on the southbound straight. Cody stayed in front to take the win, followed in by Dennington, then Rick Boyer and Greg Boyer. The action went back to the little Dusty Times T
Rob MacCachren won the first Trophy Truck Heat but a seventh Mike Tieman took third in the Class 1 Heat but only could grab a sixth Troy Herbst was second in one Heat but was relegated to a fifth place finish in the Class 1 Main Event. place finish in the Main Event was all he could muster. place finish in the Main in his Raceco-Chevy. ----,--c1.....,..,e...,,....,t,...,o-r-e--,-,.,..,...ag---.1t,...,_e----,-o-re...,..,t c---e--,.,1-rs~t It was a good weekend for Vic and Michelle Bruckmann, they took both Heats and the Main Event win in SCORE Lites. trucks next, with eight trucks on track. McNeil went off the line first, chased by Karakas and Roeseler. As they hit the jump Karakas sailed by McNeil in mid-air, putting himself into the lead. The next time they came around Karakas was still in front, but Roeseler was second and McNeil third. Roeseler went by into the lead out on the back straight, and then went on to win. Karakas was the bridesmaid again, and McNeil was third. Billy Bunch broke some vital part of his suspension and came to a premature stop. The Class 10 and SCORE Lite cars were next to start. These started in two bunches separated by a gap of just a few seconds. Not that they stayed separated. Someone got side-ways in the hairpin turn and there was a big jam up, clumping every-one into one big pack, with Mac-Cachren at the front. Darren Hardesty had his VW Alumicraft in second place, and Tom Ridings ran third in his Honda J imco. They ran in that order to the end, while oth-ers strung out behind. Someone in the pack was high-centered on the berm in the infield for a while, but otherwise it was a clean race. In the SCORE Lite pack Vic Bruckmann took the win, with his · wife, Michelle, riding along. Robert Naughton ran second in his Foddrill, and Rob MacCachren had his Chenowth in third place. It was intermission time again, and then they moved on to another Trophy Truck heat. Tim Herbst started out in front, and built a pretty good lead on Marty Coyne, with B.J. Baldwin running third. The back straight was dusty by now, and it looked pretty dim out on that back straight. They stayed in order through the second lap, but on Lap 3 Herbst missed a turn and Coyne, Baldwin and Huffman all went past him. Coyne then stayed in front to take the win, followed in by B.J. Baldwin. The Class l cars were next, this their second heat, with just four cars. Dave Mason shot to the front, tak-ing the lead in Martin Christensen's BMW Jimco. He had Dennis Boyle behind him, then Michael Tieman in a Raceco Chevy and Lee Finke in a Coyte Ford. Mason took the win, with Boyle in second place. Next on the agenda was the Main Event for the 1600 cars. This would be the only race that mattered, ulti-mately, because this time they were racing for the purse. Brian Jeffrey came off the start in front, with Cody Freeman second, Dennington third, Aaron Hawley, in a Bunderson, in fourth and Brian Burgess fifth. Jef-frey spun his car around, ended up Rob MacCachren made it look easy, he drove his Jimco-Honda to both Class 10 Heat wins and took the Main Event as well. Dusty Times Pat Dean took one Heat win and came in for a decent second place finish in the Class 1 Main Event in his Bunderson-Chevy. facing backwards, and lost about nine positions. Whoosh! They all went by. · Now Dennington led with Cody Freeman second, Burgess third, Hawley fourth, and Bryan Freeman in fifth place. He'd rolled in the first heat and done a lot of damage, and had just barely got the car repaired in time to start this heat. Rick Boyer developed a left front flat. Cody Freeman had briefly had the lead, but lost it when he co!-,lldn't get sec-ond gear. Dennington hung on to the lead and took the win, followed in by Cody Freeman, and his big brother Bryan. Hawley was fourth and Fernie Padilla, in a Bunderson was fifth. Second through fifth were all Las Vegas racers. Nineteen year old Cody Freeman liked the format, but said, "It could be a little longer!" The Main Event for the mixed trucks was next, and it turned into a comedy of errors. The officials de-lap was over for some obstruction on the course. (Maybe Billy Bunch, who had a broken left front corner, or maybe because McNeil had rolled in an inconvenient spot.) Apparently there was only one red flag on the track, in the possession of the finish line flagman at the big jump. All the others were yellow. The racers saw the yellows and slowed, and some saw the red flag in the finish line flagman's ~nds, and stopped im-mediately after the jump, but an-other one or two either missed the color of the flag, or misunderstood its meaning. They didn't stop. And, since they went on past the lead cars that caused them to put their ve-hicles in gear and give chase. The flag men in front of them vainly waved their yellow flags, but of course, that didn't mean "stop" to the racers, so they kept moving. It took a while to get everyone whoaed down, and what finally did it was for Sal Fish to walk out on the course and wave his arms and holler "stop!" The meaning of the flags had been ex-plained at the drivers' meeting, but it's hard to get one car to stop if another appears to be still racing. It was mass confusion for a while. Continued an page 14 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of 1'he Year congratulations Arden Dennington 1st in Class 112-1&00 SCORE Terrible's Short course -Las Vegas TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763V.ARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 October 2005 Page 13
Lers just say this, Jeff Quinn really prefers racing in the desert, he's seen here in his absolutely bitchin' car. Perry McNeil had a fifth and a third in the Heats and he finished fourth Jim Greenway placed well in the two Score Lite Heats and was first in the Class 7 combined Main Event. off the podium in the Main Event at Vegas. The race was restarted, com-pletely. By then it would have been impossible to know who'd done how many laps. Jeff Lloyd started out in front this time, with Roeseler and Karakas coming behind him. McNeil's car, having obviously been rolled over, ran last. Roeseler led by the second lap, with Karakas in sec-ond and Chamlee third. They went on in that order to the finish, McNeil, who dropped way back running on fewer cylinders than he'd have liked. The first words out ot Roeseler's mouth when he stopped for the fin-ish line interviews were "Why don't those guys know the rules? They were hitting me!" But he was grinning, and went on to say, "It was a little cha-otic!" He liked the event, and thinks it's a "positive thing for everybody." Karakas finished the weekend in sec-ond place, and Chamlee was third. At the end, all the trucks had been In the SCORE Lite ranks it was he slid to a stop. In the meantime throttle. Dirt and dust flew, tires lumped together to run for the same Cameron Steele, Vic Bruckmann in Rich Ronco had gone into the lead, smoked, the tractor tire was melting purse, so there was only one small hisJimco, and Ty Godde in a Henry chased by Mason in Christensen's under B.J.'s exhaust, th~ cars spun truck winner for the weekend. chassis. Jim Greenway who'd driven car, then Pat Dean, Mike Tieman, around in a circle with a tower of Next they lined up the Class 10s Godde's car on Friday was riding John Marking and Troy Herbst. dust climbing into the air, and the and SCORE Lites. Again, they were tonight Godde had ridden with him Herbst was last because his car had audience roared its approval. But in two bunches separated by a few on Friday. Naughton moved up and stalled right off the start line. B.J. didn't move. He was well and seconds. Right off the start the Class got past Godde, to take third, and The order was the same on the truly high centered. They tried it a 10 Brookshire car rolled, and be-in another lap, was second. He said second lap, but on Lap 3 it tight- couple more times, scattering pho-fore the second lap, he'd pulled out. later, "I couldn't quite keep up with ened up when Marking spun and tographers and officials and enter-MacCachren had the lead, followed Brockmann on the straights, I'd like Dean closed up. They had a tight ~ taining the crowd, but nothing came by Hardesty and Ridings. about 10 more la:ps." Steele faded battle going. Ronco, his VS Corvette of it. In the meantime MacCachren They ran in that order steadily away on the last lap and Brockmann powered Tatum looking and sound- pushed hard to catch Steele. through the finish, threading their took the win, followed in by. ing healthy, held on to his lead. Then they red flagged the race way through traffic. John White Naughton, and Rob Martensen who Mason stayed firm in second and again, and announced they'd go back rolled his Jimco on the third lap, moved up to third in his Chenowth. Dean was third, until the final lap, and do a second restart, this one in and dropped to last, but kept mov-The Class 1 Main Event was next, when Dean got past him. Ronco single file order. MacCachren didn't ing. At the finish, it was MacCach-with all the cars that could still run took the win, looking good all the get around. He thinks a rock from ren and Hardesty, who both said on the track at once. That meant way. Dean got second place, explain- Steele's rear tires got into his power they'd been able to take some weight seven cars. But it was shortly down ing that he'd "made a big mistake" steering belts. One broke and one fell of their cars and still maintain legal to six, because when Lee Finke landed on the firstlap when he went to pass off leaving him with no steering. weight, but Hardesty would have off the jump the first time, his right someone and got hung up in the bar- Steele dropped to the back of the liked a different transmission. rear wheel and tire snapped off and ricr, holding everyone up. Mason pack, and suddenly Coyne was in the Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the fines t Raychem System 25 cornponents, the industry standard for all professio n a l racing sanctions. Engineering, assemb ly, and comprehensive t e s ting perfo rmed 1 00% in-house. Cornplete harness assemblies and c ircuit contro l c o mponents a r e available t o suit your budget. finished in third place, and then it lead, Jesse Jones was second, Pete was Marking and Herbst. Sohren third and Scott Steinberger TheTrophyTruckMain Event got fourth. Coyne stayed right there to off the line at 10:25 p.m., some of take the win, with Jones second, them using their off-road lights. Over Sohren third and Steinberger by the hairpin tum Cameron Steele fourth. Steinberger fourth. Said rolled over and blocked the track, so Steinberger, "That's more excitement the heat was red flagged. These driv-than you have in a 1000 mile race!" ers all stopped promptly and neatly. Aptly said, and a fitting closing state-It took about eight minutes to get ment for the evening. Steele out of the way, back on his All told the racers had fun, the wheels and line up all the trucks for a promoters were pleased with the at-new start. Steele was back in front of tendance and the audience was ob-the line-up, so he came off the line viously enjoying it all. They stuck first agai~, with Rob MacCachren around 'til the very last lap. hot on his heels in Vildosola's truck. Sal Fish says that he was happy Chet Huffman pulled out when his with the racing, and thought it was power steering failed, and B.J. "the most spectacularracing I've ever Baldwin's truck took an old hop as it seen- I was blown away." He doesn't rounded the tum after the big jump, see a short course series in SCORE' s and he ended up parked on one of future, but thinks it's possible that the big tractor tires that marked the the Laughlin race might be reduced MoTeC Engine Managernent and Data Acquisit ion Systems course. All four wheels were off the in length in the near future, because ground. He was hung out to dry. of the way the government is selling Meanwhile MacCachren was try- off the surrounding land. It's always ing to get around Steele, and Coyne possible that it could happen to the was sneaking up on him. When the Primm race also. But there are no group came around the next time definite plans to reproduce the some pit crew person had radioed Speedway event out in the desert. to Baldwin's dad, Bobby, to give B.J. He did say he'd like to do another a push. Not knowing the exact cir- eventattheSpeedwaynextyear. But cumstances, Bobby gave it a try. He that's all to be decided in the future. came off the jump, came to a stop In the meantime, the Primm race and lined up his front end with B.J.'s is the next event for SCORE, and rear, then mashed his foot on the it's a desert race. SCIIE Robust 32- b it sequential fuel and spark control systerns built co w ithstand extreme racin g ar·,d pre-runn ing . punishment. Turn-key systems ava ilable for all popular off-road engine packa ges. D ig ital d ispla y ar,d data acqu is it ion system s for all ievels of c ompet;ition. E n gine a n d chassis dynamorne ter services a vailable. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714·446-9473 Fax: 714-446·9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com Page 14 High-Accuracy A ir-·Fuel Ratio M eters Lightweight, stand-alone system w orks with all ehgines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; co a number! « ="..._ ...... -~ ~~~<~-=~-::=.. IV'IOTORSPDRT ELECTRONICS vve're making connections ... October 2005 Darren Hardesty was second in the Class 10 Main Event, he took second place in both heats as well, he's seen here flying his AlumiCraft-VW. Dusty Times
TREELINE RALLY A Day In The Mountains By Scott Bottomley Photos: Moptorsports Memories Roger Hull and Sean Gallagher create a dusty landscape, they were 1st WSRC Gp 5, 1st CRS Open 2WD in their Plymouth Laser RS. Jamie Thomas, 1st overall, 1st WSRC PGT, 1st CRS GT, whew, Jamie is the first female to win overall and GT in CRS competition. especially when we struck a rock that must have been the size of (state) Washington on SSS that bent a con-trol arm. It didn't change my driv-ing all that much, we had been using first or second gear and that didn't change, but I did take it down a notch afterwards." While guarding her top position after the rock al--tercation she managed fourth on each of the last two stages while the others (Blake Yoon and Doug Robinson) were gaining by either winning the stage outright or finish-ing higher than her. At the rally's end scoring issues occurred when it was discovered, that during the rally changes in the timing method from seconds to hundredths and back to seconds happened, that, some felt, could have changed the final out-come. Some teams inquired but no formal protests I understand were filed; so results stood as posted. Par-taking in this historical event was This year's Treeline Rally was a little different from previous, for in-stance, an historical first, unusual high mountain temperatures and a closed stage that would have re-quired anger management classes at other events. But all prevailed when a cool tempered woman driver tamed the narrow, twisty mountain roads, and a field of drivers only glad to have their day shorten by one stage (Monrovia East -due to a roll that blocked the course) and a dusty heat that triggered the driver's competi-tive fire. By winning this year's rally by nearly a minute overall, Jamie Tho-mas became the first woman to win a California Rally Series (CRS) event. Seattle's Jamie Thomas says ocJ&.1Ctary ,-1t' -fJ.Sii1dlock -,-10" 9eadlack .. • Dusty Times she likes Treeline and always feel wel-comed, further adding, "Having competed in many rallies in the U.S., I like the rally's roads and think they are the most challenging in the coun-try." . Her near perfect day was not without incident, "My Pirelli tire shod Subaru WRX Wagon ran great all day; we incurred a few problems e I r/1/ed a tested Stranger i!iiii-_______ Lighter other cast wheels emarlfet unter Pressure Casted Aluminum • Satin Smooth Machine Finish x4. 1Sx aead/ack ug Patt n ?_DSmm .. ..... ~ 714.578.B25B October 2005 Jamie's navigator Matt Gauger, shar-ing their CRS GT class drive. Meanwhile Doug and Bret Robinson (VW GolO lead the Per-formance Stock class field by a nar-row lead of eight hundredths, after SS3 (Pine Mountain East), over the team of Mike and Linda Masano. It was a change to fresh rubber during service before the start of SS4 that enabled the Robinsons to take their slim lead and roll it up to 30 sec-onds after four stages. Doug ex-plains, "With new tires we were re-ally hooked up making time, and with the overall leaders within reach, our sights were set. But a two minute time penalty on the start ofSS5 for early arrival really killed us." The Masanos held on in their Toyota Corolla to claim second finishing second on each stage, the Robinsons won each stage and would finish with nearly a two minute margin. Continued on page 17 Beadl~ks:·: ·. ab/ue .:1 ob/ac/4 □red . opal/shed • • Page 15
·--·--- - ------------. . . .
Larry Gross and Doug Young drove their Toyota Corolla to 3rd WSRC Andrew Sutherland and Amar Schmi drove their Dodge SRT-4 to 2nd Doug and Bret Robinson, VW Golf. 3rd overall, 1st WSRC Gp 2 and Gp 2, 2rd CRS Perl Stk, seen here at speed. in WSRC Gp 5, 3rd in CRS Open 2WD, a flat tire being ve,y costly. 1st CRS Perl Stk, late penalties kept them from a possible overall. win with two thirds despite Lars' fin-done attending Tim O'Neil's Rally McKittrick who were plagued by ishingsecondonthelasttwostages. Schoolinthefall.Bytheway,next problems which I didn't ask Roger had built up enough of a lead time, he says he'll ask others what he Mustafa what they were, he usually early on to hold the win by just 31 should expect at a rally that he is faster and consistent. seconds. Asked to describe Treeline, hasn't driven before. Watch out No rally is without an organizer · Roger had this to say, "It was hot those in Open 4WD! Anyway, for and this year's Treeline would not and dusty, the cool suite worked so- those keeping score, he finished sec- have happened without the efforts so, a floor plug came loose so we both ond overall, finishing either second of Pete Morris and his co-chair got out of the car looking like ghosts or third overall on each stage except Denise McMahon. This year's stew-from the dust. So with the gearing for Red Box East when he came in ard was Pat McMahon, and Chair-nor right for the course, it's all about 14th. Calling the shots from the right man of Timing and Scoring was staying on the road, and with notes side seat was Vartan Davdyan in Mike Gibeault and his assistant Paul as thick as a phone book, I think we .their Subaru WRX. Taking second Gibeault. ..-,lillr had that problem covered as far as place was Mustafa Samli and M. where we were going. ff The finishing order of the top three were: Hull, Wolfe and Sutherland, and back end of the field went like this. Fourth place went to Andrew Lockhart and R. Second overall, 1st WSRC Open, 1st CRS Open 4WD, a nice handful of wins for Lockhart (Honda CRX) who scored Blake Yoon and Vartan Davdyan in their Subaru WRX. a fourth on Red Box East and Pine The pack of Larry Gross, Mtn. West. Sarkis Mazmanian and Finishing a minute George Doganis fought behind was the team for positions three ;;:::,;:a of Greg Montgomery through five, with the and Chrissy Beavis, team of Larry Gross and Datsun 510; they Doug Young (Toyota Co- ,~_,;,;....,;,;;,....-....11 took fifth place on rolla) emerging in third Monrovia West, Lisa place. Fourth place went ............... -~ Klassen and Rebecca to Sarkis and his team- Greek in their Toyota mate M. Mazmanian Corolla finished the (Acura lntegra) who im-'""'"""'"'""' day in sixth place post-proved as the rally wore .....,...:;;;:;;;:;; ing a fourth fastest on on finishing third in the SS5. Erik Christian latter two stages, while and Amy Floyd, VW Larry fell despite holding == ...... -~~--~~=....;J GTi, landed in sev-on. Taking fifth place was The VW Jetta of Lars Wolfe and Scot Lan9ford finished 6th WSRC enth, while Dean Doganis and navvie Tom Gp 2 and 2nd in CRS Open 2WD, they had a slow start on SS 1. Schiingmann and Smith, Nissan Sentra SE-R; they im- SSS outright posting the fastest time Chip Doeden in their Suzuki Reno proved slightly when they finished over the entire field and took the stage took eighth with third place on SS 1 third on SS4 but couldn't maintain win on SS6 over the Open ZWD and 4 and a fourth place on Red the pace on Stages 5 and 6, finish- field. Meanwhile, Roger took the class Box West. Big time problems kept ing fourth and fifth. Remn and Pam Wyatt ~~~~~ ~~~~ theremainingthreeteams than ninth but by were Mike and Steven some miracle they fin-Taylor of Arizona in their ished first in class on Ford Ranger finishing SS3 and third overall. sixth, while J. As frustrating as Crowningshield and L. Andrew Sutherland's Sorenson finished seventh rally was in Open (VW Gol0 and last were ZWD, Blake Yoon's Jeremy Fry and Clay class win in Open Cullen (Toyota Corolla). 4WD was disappoint-This year's Open ZWD ing. Yes, that was cor-clash could best be remem- rect reader, it was a bered for, and by, Andrew disappointing day for Sutherland for his bril- the new driver (fourth liant drive and the flat tire Mike and Linda Masano, Toyota Corolla, were2nd WSRC Gp 2, 2nd rally) taking his new that kept him from the CRS Perl Stk, seen here taking swimming lessons. car out for the second class win. He had the fast- time. Not being famil-est accumulative time and iar with the car and a shot at the top three af-the rally, Blake had an ter two stages heading into awful event by his stan-SS4 when he lost time dards. Describing his (changing a tire) and the time in the car lead to Roger Hull and sounded similar to Sean Gallagher in their anyone new to the Plymouth Laser RS. Roger sport, "I drove off the won that stage by 14 sec-road three times and onds, his only one, over stalled the engine second place Lars Wolfe maybe six times, and and Scot Langford (VW J ng what to expect at drew with navigator Amar Tree line I was unable Sehmi in their Dodge to drive aggressively. ff SRT-4 bounced back and Chris Wilson and Martin Plumeri drove their Subaru Legacy to a 2nd Blake's abilities be-showed the field they were in WSRC PGT and 2nd in CRS GT, shown here at the Treeline hind the wheel should the ones to beat. He won carwash. improve after he's Dusty Times October 200s Page 17
6 SNORE KC H1L11ES MIDNIGHT SPECIAL } · LeDuc's Take overall By John Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Curt LeDuc and his son, Todd took the Heavy Metal Challenge with ease, they also took the overall win in their Skyjacker Ford. Technical Inspection and Contin-gencywere held in beautiful downtown Boulder City and it was a blast, lots of entrants and lots of spectator traffic en-joying the Friday night and all the ac-tion that precedes an off road race. The temperature was way up there, even at ten o'clock at night but enthusiasm was running high and all the drivers were looking forward to an in the dark con-test. There were 79 cars and trucks wait-ing for the 7 pm start time on Saturday night. The temperature was still hover-ing around the 100 mark and there wasn't a breath of air, flyingctitters were everywhere there was a light and you had to keep your mouth shut so some strange thing didn't fly into it. The race started at 7pm and the lone Class 1 entrant was first to leave the start line. Class 1 had six laps to go to make it a race and Terry Yoakum had a fast lap of 55 minutes, 33 seconds on his first lap, slid up to a longest lap of 1:24:58 and took the Class 1 win with a total time of 6:51:38. There were 10 Class 10 cars waiting for the green flag but it was not to be a good night for many of them, only four of them would see the checkered flag this night. As they came around on their first of six laps it was T.J. Aores in the lead, Ken Aippen and Mark Hutchins came around next, absolutely tied on time for second place, Bob McBeath was next across in fourth spot and Mike Wichmann was running fifth, just two minutes and change behind the leader. In sixth place it was Brian Freema~ sev-enth spotwent to Chris Wright, he came along 24 seconds later, Carlos Carter was in eighth place and J.C. Dean was a long ninth place after being plagued with troubles. Ryan Temple didn't complete his first lap. There were lots of changes on the second lap, T.J. Aores still held the lead, Mike Wichmann had moved up into the second spot, he was three minutes behind the leader, Chris Wrightwas now running in third place, Brian Freemal was up a spot into fourth place and Carlos Carter was in fifth place. Ken Flippen was a long time coming around, his four and a half hour lap a definite death knell. Missing; and presumed on their respective trailers were Mark Hutchins, BobMcBeathandJ.C. Dean. The third lap was full of surprises as everyone had some sort of position change. Mike Wichmann had moved up from second spot into the lead, Carlos Carter had ripped off a great lap and was in the second spot, only a few seconds behind the leader, Brian Freemal was up a spot into third place, Chris Wright dropped a spot and was now fourth and T.J. Aores had big prob-lems and was now running 50 minutes behind the class leader. Ken Rippin de-cided to call it a night and was out of the contest. The fourth lap ended, Mike Wichmann still led the way, Brian Matt Gumz was in 14th place early on in the Class 1600 battle, but when the checkers flew he was there to take the win. Corey To"es led the first lap in the Class 9 contest, slipped to second on lap 2 but he recovered and took the win. Freemal had moved up into second place, he was 11 minutes behind the leader, Carlos Carter dropped a spot to third place, Chris Wright still was in fourth place and T. J. Aores was still the fifth placed car. lap 5, and Mike Wichmann was still showing the way, Carlos Carter had re-gained his second place standing, Brian Freemal had dropped a spot and was now running in third place, Chris Wright wad still in fourth place and T. J. Aores was in fifth place. The final lap, about 1:30 in the am and Mike Wichmann was the first of the Class 10 machines to take the check-ered flag, Carlos Carter was second in, he was 22 minutes behind the leader, in third it was Brian Freemal, 17 minutes out of the second spot and Chris Wright was fourth, about 50 minutes behind the leader. T.J. Aores succumbed to the mechanical gods and didn't complete his final lap. Class 1200 only had one entrant, Corey Cook. Corey usually runs with the Class 10 guys but this race he de-cided to run in his real class. He only had to run four laps to make it a race and he just zipped around the course and turned in a time of 5:20:22 for his four laps for an average of an hour, 20 minutes per lap. OINiously, he took the class win. The Heavy Metal group was next off the line and they had to get six laps un-der their belts to make the finish. Curt Continued on page 20 Mark Gonzalez flies through the night on his way to a ve,y nice Jeremy Harmon led Class 1600 for a lap, a long third lap was costly, Brandon Hughes had a pretty good night, he took a great second second place in the Heavy Metal fracas, seen here at speed. he finished second in class, seen here near the start. pace in the Class 9 war, he's seen here at a beautiful landing. Ga,y Messer led Class 5-1600 for the first three laps, he fell back a Kenny Freeman/Tom Malloy had big troubles on their third lap, they Jason Gubler had really big troubles on his first lap, he rallied and bit near the end and finished in the second spot. finished second in the Champ Car contest. sped on to a decent second place finish in Unlimited Sportsman. Page 18 October 200s Dusty Times
COME JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT RACE HERDERSon·s TERRIIIE 400 DECEMBER 2-4 CO-PROMOTED WITH BITD IN BOULDER CITY, NEVADA lAS VEGAS DISSEMINATION TRUE GRIT $2,500 AWARD "STILL EUDGIBLE JEREM\' HARMON-1600 CORE\' GOIN-1600 EDDIE AGUIAR-1600 BRANDON HIGHES- 9 JASON GUBLER- UNLIMITED SPORTSMAN JEFF SHIROK\'-SPORTSMAN BUGG\' SHELDON PAUL-SPORTSMAN BUGGY Feb. 17-19 April 7-9 May 19-21 Aug. 4-6 Oct. 6-8 TBA SNORE'S 2006 Race Schedule Oasis Desert -Challenge Buffalo Bill's 400 Dusty Time's 250 KC Hilites Race Runner Midnight Special Gold Coast SNORE 250 Kartek Western Desert Championship Mesquite, NV Primm, NV Caliente, NV Boulder City, NV Las Vegas, NV For more information on SNORE go to the website www.snoreracing.net or call the hotline 702-452-4522 Dusty Times October 2005 Page 19
Paul Sheldon had plenty of candlepower on board, Paul finished a Robby Woolsworth led a couple of laps in the Sportsman Truck Carlos Carter had a very expensive fourth lap, it cost him dearly, he very nice second place in the Sportsman category. Class, big troubles on his last lap made him a dnf. ended up second in the Class 10 contest. LeDuc led the pack at the start and he lems, brought his Ford across in fifth spot into third place, Monte Tibbitts lap 3 ended and, guess what, Curt fourth place, Tan1mie Gubler still held ripped off fast lap for the class and fast place and John Phegleywassixth in af-was back up to speed and was now in LeDucwasstillleading, Rich Blunk was on in fifth place and John Phegley was lap for the entire race as well Second in ter a very long lap. fourth place, Tanlffiie Gubler had some still holding onto second place, he was running off his pace in sixth place. class was Rich Blunk. he was three min-The second lap saw no change in the mechanical problems and dropped two now 16 minutes behind the leader, Mark Past the halfway point, LeDuc was utes in arrears, Tanlffiie Gublerwas third lead, it was LeDuc running fast, Rich positions, she was now in fifth place and Gonzalez was still running in third place, still leading, now his son Todd was be-across the line, Mark Gonzalez was Blunk was still hanging on in second John Phegley was back up to speed, he he was 35 minutes behind LeDuc, hind the wheel, Rich Blunkwasstillhold-fourth, Monte Tibbitts, having prob- · place, Mark Gonzalez had moved up a was running sixth. Monte Tibbitts was still holding on in ing on in second place, Mark Gonzalez ~------------------------~ still running third, Tanunie Gubler Billy Worthing had a good night, he ran second in the 5-1600 contest for the first The big win in Champ Gar went to Bryan Adams, we believe it was his first race, he three laps but went on to take the win. _d1_·d_h_im_s_e_lf_,_p_ro_u_d_t_ha_t_h_o-'-t,_d_arl<_ n-"ig'-h_t. _____________ _ Page 20 October 2005 moved up a spot into fourth, Monte Tibbitts had more problems and dropped to fifth place and John Phegley decided to call it a night. There were no changes in position on the fifth lap, everybody ran around in proper order. The last lap had lots of changes, but not in the lead, Todd LeDuc had been getting faster every lap he drove and he took the checkered flag in Heavy Metal, a nice trouble free run for he and his dad. Mark Gonzalez came across the line in the second spot and he was the last of the Heavy Metal finishers. Both Rich Blunk and Tammie Gubler fell prey to mechanical woes and weren't able to complete their final lap. No less than 20 Class 1600 cars were chafing at the bit, ready to head out Dusty Times
Pat Glennon led three laps in the Class 1600 battle, he dropped six or Rusty Ruby raced through the night, when the checkers flew Rusty Sosh Hamman came out to race in his good looking truck, but, he seven minutes on his last lap, dropping him to third place. was sitting in third place, not a bad night's work. only got in two good laps before he was forced to retire. into the night. Only nine cars or 45% The fifth lap ended and the first sixth and Dan Bradley held the seventh and furious. When the dust cleared ished just off the podium and Orlo would get to see the checkered flag. The three remained the same, Glennon, spot. Eddie Aguiar was up into eighth and the checkers flew it was Matt Cox finished fifth. Eddie Aguiar came first lap was hot and heavy and as they Gumz and Harmon were still looking at place, Jay Shain was holding on to ninth Gumz taking a hard fought win. Jer-in sixth, Dan Bradley was the lucky came around at the end of their first of the podium. Aaron Hawley was still in place and Corey Going was in the 10th emy Harmon collected the silver medal, seventh fmisher, Jay Shain was eighth six lap; it was Cody Freeman at the head fourth place, Orio Cox was holding on spot Pat Glennon lost a few minutes and and Corey Goin was ninth. Aaron of the pack. Jeremy Harmon was sec-in fifth, Mike Malloywas upa place into The sixth and final lap was fast he dropped to third, Mike Malloy fin-Continued on page 22 ond in, he was 16 seconds in arrears, Corey Goin came across in third place, Aaron Hawley was a close fourth place and John Olson was fifth. Pat Glennon was running in sixth place, Paul Keller was seventh, Eddie Aguiar was running eighth, Kevin Walsh was ninth and Orio Cox was 10th across the line. In 11th place it was Dan Bradley, Tom Bums was in 12th place, Jay Shain was un-lucky 13th, ManGumzwaswaybackin 14th place and Kenny Thatcher was 15th. In 16th place it was Mike Malloy and Tony Farshler was 17th to finish the first of six laps. Don Wall, Kevin Powers and Jeremy Evans failed to com-plete their first lap. The second lap came to an end and now it was Jeremy Ham10n in the lead, Paul Keller was second, less than a minute behind, Pat Glennon had moved up into third place, Aaron Hawleywas still running fourth and Dan Bradley had moved up six spots into fifth place. Man Gumz had moved up eight spots and was now in sixth place in seventh place it was Kevin Walsh, Orio Cox was up to eighth, Jay Shain had moved up to ninth and Mike Malloy was up a bunch into 10th spot. Corey Goin had dropped a bunch of spots into 11th place, mechanical woes strik-ing him. Eddie Aguiar had dropped some spots into 12th place, Code Free-man added an hour to his lap time with mechanical woes and was now way back in 13th place, Kenny Thatcher was run-ning 14thandTonyFarshlerwasin 15th place. John Olson and Tom Burns were an10ng the missing. As they came around at the halfway mark, Pat Glennon had moved up into the class lead, Aaron Hawley was on the move and was about 30 seconds be-hind, Matt Gumz had now moved up into the third spot, Jeremy Harmon had dropped into fourth place and Dan Bradley was down a spot into fifth place. Orio Cox was up another place and now in sixth place, Mike Malloy was still moving fast and was up to seventh, Jay Shain was holdingst:eadyin eighth, Eddie Aguiar was in ninth place, Corey Goin dropped a spot into 10th place and Cody Freeman remained in 11th place. Four more racers bit the dust, Kevin Walsh, Paul Keller, Kenny Thatcher and Tony Farshler were out of the contest. Lap 4 ended and Pat Glennon is still the man to beat, Matt Gumz has moved up another spot and is now run-ning in second place, just a minute out of the lead, Jeremy Harmon is up a spot into third, Aaron Hawley was off his pace and dropped back to founh and Orio Cox was up another spot and was now in fifth place. In sixth place it was Dan Bradley, Mike Malloy was holding steady in seventh place, Jay Shain was in eighth place, Eddie Aguiar was ninth and Corey Goin was still in 10th place. Oxly Freeman decided to call it a night and he was on the trailer. Dusty Times Rubicon shown with optional lumbar 1 800 565 4042 Top Comp rs In every Major Off Road Event Choose MasterCraft Seats and Restraints ► Including: Scott Douglas Evan Evans Mike Julson Curt ·and Kyle Le Due Rob Maccachren John Marking Carl Renezeder Matt Scaroni Dave Smith and Dave Ashley Scott Steinberger Shannon Campbell Aaron Dusenbery Walker Evans Johnny G. Mitch Guthrie Joachim Schweisow Tracy Jordan Jason Paule www.mastercraltseats.com-October 2005 Page 21
Brian Freemal was working his way up in the pack but too long last Mike Malloy had troubles on his first lap, he soldiered on and took a Rick Poole was leading Class 9 when disaster struck on lap 3, he carried on and ended up in fourth spot in Class 9. laps dropped him into the third finishing position in Class 10. decent fourth place in the 1600 battle. Hawley had big troubles and failed to to second place, but not by much, three, Torres, Dicton and Hughes were complete his last lap. Glenn Oicton was still running third, still running one, two and three. Rusty There were an even dozen Class 9 Rusty Ruby was up to fourth place Ruby was still fourth, Rick Poole was cars pawing the ground and they sailed and Brandon Hughes was running up to fifth, Joe Forte remained in sixth off into the night for a good five lap fifth. Joe Forte was in sixth place, Tim and Tim Dixon dropped to seventh race, unfortunately, only half of them Dixon was up to seventh, Ret Tho- place. made it all the way to the checkered mas was running eighth and Paige When they came around for the flag. When their first lap ended it was Howard was ninth. Chris De Sousa, checkered flag itwas Corey Torres tak.-Corey Torres in the lead, but not by John Poling and Mike Boone were ingyet another Class 9 win, Brandon much, Rick Poole was second, he was somewhere off the course. Hughes was second, some 20 minutes only six seconds in arrears, Glenn Third lap and Corey Torres was behind, Rusty Ruby slid in to take the Dicton was running in third, Bran- back up in the leader's seat, Glenn last podium spot, Rick Poole was first don Hughes was running fourth and Dicton was up a spot into second out of the money, Joe Forte ended up Chris De Sousa was fifth. In sixth place, Brandon Hughes was up a few fifth and Tim Dixon came in sixth. place it was John Poling, Rusty Ruby spots into third place, Rusty Ruby Glenn Dicton had troubles and wasrunningseventh,RetThomaswas remained in fourth place and Tim didn'tfinishhislastlap. in eighth place, Joe Forte was running Dixon was up a few spots into fifth Loo kin' like the old days, there ninth, Tim Dixon was in 19th place, place. Joe Forte was still running sixth were 10 Class 5-1600 cars ready for Mike Boone was in 11th place and and Rick Poole was seventh. Ret Tho- battle. Unfortunately, some of them Paige Reeves was running 12th. mas and Paige Reeves were out of the· weren't too well prepared as only two The second lap is when the retire- contest. of them made it to the checkered flag. ments started. Rick Poole had taken The fourth lap ended and there They had five laps to run for their the class lead, Corey Torres was back was no change in position for the top race and the infighting was really good Page 22 October 2005 to see. When they completed their first flew and it was Billy Worthing taking lap it was Gary Measer in the lead, the win and Gary Messer took the sil-Billy Worthing was second, he was two ver medal. Fisher, Towles and minutes in arrears, ol' buddy Dee Simpson never completed their fifth Towles came along in fourth place and and final lap. Adam Fisher was fifth. Rick Gutierrez There were two contestants in the was running in sixth place, Mike Champ Car class and they had a go at Simpson was in seventh place, Art it on the first of their four required Savedra was eighth and Steve laps.Attheendofthefirstlapitwas Alexander was ninth. Tim Mills didn't Kenny Freeman, in the lead, Bryan complete his first lap. Adams was 25 seconds behind. When the second lap ended it was That all changed on the second lap still Gary Messer in the lead, Billy as Adams took over the lead, and Worthing was second, now seven min- Kenny tried to keep up. utes behind, Rick Gutierrez had moved On the third lap Adams just kept up three places into third, Mike Norris running along while Freeman had big was still running fourth and Adam problems, taking almost three hours Fisher was still in fifth place. Dee for the lap. Towles dropped three places to sixth, On the fourth lap their positions Steve Alexander was running in sev-remained unchanged, Bryan Adams enth place and Mike Simpson was took the class win and Kenny Free-eighth. Art Savedra was on the trailer. man cruised on in for his second spot. The third lap completed, there was There were six in Unlimited Sports-no change in position for those run-man and four of them would fall by ning, it was still Messer, Worthing, the wayside before the night was done. Gutierrez, Norris, Fisher, Towles, When the first of their four required Alexander and Simpson. laps was complete it was Jerry Stewart The fourth lap ended and in the lead, Tom Hood was 30 some everybody's position had changed. odd seconds behind, Rory Ward was Billy Wonhing was now in the lead, third and Jason Gubler was fourth Gary Messer had dropped to second after a horrendously long lap. Bob place, Adam Fisher was up two spots Gross and Jacob Bowman were on into third, Dee Towles was up two their respective trailers. spots into fourth and Mike Simpson On the second lap Rory Ward took was fifth. Gutierrez, Norris and the lead, Tom Hood remained in sec-Alexander decided to call it a night. ond and Jason Gubler was a long third The fifth lap ended, the checkers place. Jerry Stewart decided to call it a Tom Hood had a great night, he took the Unlimited Sportsman win, he's seen here with lights ablaze heading towards the finish. Jeff Shiroky led all the way in his good looking car, he took the Sportsman win with 18 minutes in hand at the checkers. Dusty Times
Chris Wright had a long third and fourth lap, he ended up fourth in the always competitive Class 10 battle. Orio Cox had a decent evening, he was a bit off the winning Class Joe Forte was well off the winning pace in the Class 9 contest, but he nig t. On the third lap Tom Hood re-took the first place spot, even though he had a very long lap, Jason Gubler moved into second place and Rory Ward went home to bed. The checkers flew and Tom Hood took the win, Jason Gubler came in second, his deficit now only 23 min-utes and that's where the story ends. Sportsman Buggy was next to race, there were four of them and only two would finish the race. They had four required laps to run and when the first lap ended it was Jeff Shiroky in the lead, Dan Maurer was second across the line, Paul Sheldon was third and Bryan Tapertwas a very loooong fourth place. Lap 2 ended and Jeff Shiroky still had the lead, Paul Sheldon was sec-ond and Bryan Ta pert was third. Dan Maurer was heading back to town. Laps 3 and 4 were run without any position changes, Jeff Shiroky took the class win and Paul Sheldon was second, he was 18 minutes in ar-rears. Bryan Tapert never completed 1600 pace but he came in for a decent fifth place finish. drove through the night and finished fifth in class. Terry Yoakum came over from Arizona to take the Class 1 win in his KC Hilites car, seen here early in the race. his third lap. Sportsman Truck class had six ve-hicles ready to battle but it was a worthless night as none of the contes-tants were able to finish their four re-quired laps. After their first lap it was Robby Woolsworth in the lead, Sosh Hamman was second and Kyle Miller was in third place. Dave Provost, Matt Farris and John Copitas failed to com-plete their first lap. On their second lap, Sosh Hamman was the leader by almost an hour, Robbv Woolsworth had a three Mike Wichmann took the Class 10 lead on the third lap, he had more than 20 minutes in hand at the end of the race. hour lap and was in second place and Kyle Miller disappeared from the scor-ing charts. The third lap had Robby Woolsworth in the lead while Sosh Hamman was out of the race. That's as far as anybody got this night, so there were no official finish-ers in this class. Next on the SNORE calendar is the 36th Annual SNORE 250, Oc-tober 1-2, 2005. We hope to see many of you there to run this long standing rare. ~ Eddie Aguiar had an expensive second lap, he ended up sixth in Dan Bradley's lap times were somewhat off the winning Class 1600 Class 1200 only had one entrant, Corey Cook ran his own race and Class 1600 when his six lap race was over. pace, he finished seventh in the highly competitive class. finished his four required laps in a bit over five hours. Dusty Times October 2005 Page 23
1.A.Jc:!C: 55TH NESTE RALLY FINLAND 2005 Granholm/Peugeot Win In Finland By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Marcus Granholm took the win in Finland, his home turf, he's seen here in flight on his way to the win for the fifth time. "We came very close to retiring after I hurt my back. There was no magician whorouldhave made mewalkagain that evening. I owe our win to the doctor who gave me the strength to canyon." ltwas codriver Tuno Rautiainen, not his driver Marcus Gronhohn, who gave the low-down on Peugeot's first win of the 2005 WRC season and only their second win for the 307 WRC. Sebastien Loeb, in the unaccustomed position of not win-ning, was gracious. "I was already being beaten even before Marcus was forced to slow down because of the pain Tunowas suffering." Loeb's codriver Daniel Elena also suffered back trouble at the same jump as Rautiainen, happily not so arutely. While Loeb became more and more serure in the Drivers' champion-ship, the neck-and-neck battle for the Makes' series is as dose as ever. After ten rounds Peugeot are just one point in front of Citroen. Of the remaining six events in the championship, three of them are on asphalt, the first of these (Germany) being the next on the calen-dar. Citroen are unbeaten in Germany ... The tenth round of the 2005 WRC reverted to a Thursday evening start this year, followed by the superspecial stage held that evening at the Killeri trotting track course to the west ofJyvaskyla City. There were signs of change, however, be-cause this was the final year under the existing contract to run the event in Jyvaskyla, and there were changes at the head of the event The narure of the event was similar to before, with attention not to overuse stages which degrade badly. The fumous Ouninpohja stage had been split into two, for serurityreasons. ltwas an event in which spectator involvement was paramount Bearing in mind the huge traffic jams experienced in the past, there had been a new trend to follow the event on two not four wheels (despite the unpredictable weather) and this year there was a novelty, a new vehicle pass system -for bikers! The weather was very much in pre-rally minds. Thiswasoneofthe AA'.sspecial "on~ tread" events which, although the teams had until the Wednesdaybefure the ~nt to decide which pattern theywanted, still resulted in a gamble, as the weather f~ cast was changing day by day! Once again this was the season's fastest champion-ship rally. The surfaces consist of hard and compacted gravel which could be as smooth as a motorway. While Sebastien Loeb continued to extend his lead in the World Drivers' series, Citroen them.5elves were still leading the Makes' series, but closely followed by Peugeot The gap be-fore the event was just six points. Ford entered five cars -the newcomer being Mikko Hirvonen, who had {briefly) led the Rally Acropolis, and who was nomi-nated for this event as the official num-ber two driver. The day before the start, presentation of a new project took lace, a one make championship Group N H-esta, to be driven as a course car by racing driver Mika Salo. This was Mitsubishi's He had six straight wins, but this time Sebastien Loeb had to settle for second place in his Citroen Xsara. Page 24 16th anniversary ofits first world cham-pionship rallywin by the current Ralliart/ MMSP team, and the company's first such win outside Africa. This time their engines had new electtonicand material changes, aimed at improving torque and power. Skoda had used Tempere Rally as a p~ent test for this rally. Although Jani Paasonen only managed to finish third on the Tempere, former Mitsubi-shi team driver Kristian Sohlberg scored the first outright rally win of his long rally career. On this event Peugeot had a third . 307 WRC, as in Sweden, this time for the team's rest driver Sebastian Lindhohn. His was a private entry but serviced by the official team. Skoda also had a three car entry,just like in Greece. New throtrl~ by-wire, floor mounted pedal bcoces, as tested in Argentina, were used, but the team were increasingly nerwus as a mid-September future team policy decision was expected. Subaru used ex:.C)'lnlScars: this event was the 12th anniversary of the debut of the lmpreza World championship rally car during which time it has won 4 5 WCRevents. Although he was entered in a Subaru Impreza WRC hopes that reigning PCWRC Champion Niall Mohea would return to theworldcham-pionship series were put on hold This would have been his fustworld champi-onship appearance this year, although he had a short and unlucky outing at the recentAzores Rally. Other non-starters: Jusso Pykalisto (03 Focus said not to be fast enough but in reality it was decided to keep the available budget for use on national championship events), Mark Higgins (Acropolis damage could not be repaired in time) and the two Olsbergs cars were withdrawn after a severe testing crash badly damaged the car for Johansson and which caused the team ownertowithdrawCarlsson'sentryand rethink the whole team project.A knock.-on-effect of this news was the large num-ber of Swedish fans that contacted their travel agent seeking to cancel their trips and seeking refunds! The weekend be-fore the rally the Tampere test rally was run but the dramas had started even ear-lier. Guest test driver Hannu Mikkola wrecked a Skoda. Seven times winner Mikkola's )'l'.)unger son Vesa who was competingwitha Group N Honda T ~ R, said that the crash was, for his father, October 200s Daniel Sordo drove his Citroen C2 to the JWRC win in Finland, he's seen here soaring towards his ve,y nice win. the second most severe in all his career, surpassed only by a crash he had in Fin-land over 30 years earlier. This was the first rally in the second half of the eight-round PCWRC series. Twelve entries out of 13 registered con-tenders were entered by Alan Scordoni did not start He had hoped to run a Renault prepared in Cz.ech Republic, but the car was crashed on a rally the week-end before. To honour his JWRC obli-gations Scordoni borrowed a Punto from Luca Cecchettini, who had nomi-nated this as his missing event, for Scrutineering but did not attempt the event itself. This event saw the debut of the Swift Super 1600 for Per-Gunnar Andersson and Guy Wilks. Apirtfrom a different model base, the mechanical improvements are now independent rear suspension and include a different power steering system. Various independent us-ers were still running lgnis cars. Citroen driver Kris Meekewas codriven by Glenn Patterson, a fellow Ulsterman but no relation to his previous codriver Chris Patterson. Interesting entries in the non-championship category saw the arrival of the next generation. T wentyone year old Anton Alen, )'l'.)unger son of six times "l(XX) Lakes" winner Markku, oompeted in a Mitsubishi Group N, Registered PCWRC drivers taking time out to enter this event in private Group N cars in-cluded Natalie Barratt, Angelo Medeghini and Aki Teiskonen. Italian Gentleman driver Fabrizio de Sanctis ar-md in Jyvaskyla to make his 20thsucx:es-si:ve appearance as a" l(XX) Lakes" driver. A total of 84 entries were accepted. En-gines used here also had to be used in Germany so nobody started with this worry behind them, Prognostics dictated that Marcus Gronhohn was favourite, helped because Loeb had to start num-ber one on the road-a bad indicator for the World Champion ifitwasdry, but if it rained the conditions could work in the Frenchman's favour. Jyvaskyla suddenly dried out on the Wednesday before the event and sun-shine made the lakeside city loolcwdrom-ing after days of rain. The Ma)'l'.)r invited guests to a Welcome Party and made polite noises saying he hoped to see every, one again in 2006, but in fact after 55 years there was a major chance the rally might shift host dries before then. The increasing speed of cars and the speed in which they could cover the roads in the region was an ever present topic. One well experienced codriver said that the rally was in some way to blame. Strong suspension and mousse inserts meant that corner cutting was an increasing plague, not the least because it encouraged the local road maintenance authorities to widen the roads, which exacerbated the problem and made them faster. The organisers had already taken care not to doubl~ stages which degraded badly. AseconddrydayinSUCXl!S.5iongreeted the crews as theywentto Shakedown on the Thursday morning. The WRCars went out at 0800 and Gronhohn con-firmed pre-event speculations by making best time, butonly0.2 second in front of Toni Gardemeister with Petter Solberg next. Last time or not, the roads into Jyvaskyla were thronged as the start ap-proached. Already thousands were presentatd¥! Rallysoowwhere teams were introduced, and surreptitiously the TommiMakinenRacingComµmygave Europeans a firstglimp;eof the first 2006 lmpreza with its special double rear wing and undercar diffuser at the rear. l.egl 9Srages,graveL 144.27kms. Would Loeb push ahead for yet an-other win? Not if Citroen boss Guy Frequelin had his way. "However much this is a legendary rally, we must not for-get this is only one of 16 events in the championship.At.this {X)intin the cham-pionship, we will be quite happy if Loeb finishes second every time and does not win another event" There was dampness in the air as the crowds moved across to the Superspedal stage at Killeri and the promised rain for the rally became real. The Thursday evening Superspedal was a miserable affair, cold, dark and drizzly, and was won by Petter Solberg. On Friday Finland tried to show its nicer side. The rains had bedded down the surface and Loeb's fear oflosing time on the first six (uncleaned) roads came to nothing. Gronholm damaged a wheel on the opening stage of the day (Day 2) and the vibration cost a few seconds, so Loeb was momentarily ahead but Gronholm was in front after Stage 3. Petter Solberg was third, in front of Markko Martin in fourth place who was unusually high up in the placings for this point in an event Martin: "Actually we are happier now with the car. The cus-tomer specification shock absorbers for usaremuchnicer".Anearlycasualtywas Chris Atkinson who damaged the sus-pension rutting a corner while he was lying just in the points' zone. Harri Rov.mpera was struggling a bit in seventh place while his MMSP teammate Gianluigi. Galli slid off the road and dam-~hissuspen.5kxt. Thisfotred Paasonen in the Skoda to go off the road trying to drive past the Mitsubishi losing time straddled on a roadside rock. Roman Kresra, on his fusttime here, was bemused in 14th place. "This is Formula 1 in the forests", he uttered. Manfred Stohl' s co-driver Ilka Minor, also here for the first time, was stunned at the speeds and the concentration with which co<lrivers had to followtheirnores. Many drivers found it hard to settle into a decent rhythm. Sebastien Lindholm, in the third Peugeot, had a terrible start, a brake pipe broke and he then also lost time on a road section trying to rebleed the brake fluid As the daygotwarmer and drier the sur-faces stayed damp and this continued to play into Loeb's hands. Drivers tackled over 90km of virgin stages before they came to any repeats. On the first stage out of the midday service drivers faced a long stage which was new and untested. 13km into the stage there was a deceptive crestwhich launched cars into the peak of another jump, creating an unpleas-Dusty Times
Markka Martin comes in for an unattractive landing in his Peugeot High flyer award in Finland goes to Petter Solberg, seen here in flight Mirco Baldacci and Giovanni Bemacchini drove their Fiat Punta to a 307 in Finland, he's fourth in drivers points. _in_h_is_S_u_ba_ru~lm....:.p_re_z_a·~---~~~-~~~~-fifth place finish in Finland, seen here at speed. antly heavy landing. Many co-drivers has been quite the most µlinful thing in lost over five minutes before he could Swift when he went flat out over a jwnp had caught out Andersson. After six reachedtheendofthestageinaruteµun. mylife." continue. Conrad Rautenbach lost and crashed off the road. He ended stages Meeke was almost a minute Gronholm said T uno Rautiainen coukl There was a second stage drama in over 10 minutes off the road on Stage up facing the wrong way round beside ahead of fellow CZ driver Dani Sordo not read the notes for another ten JWRC for the new Swift of Guy Wilks. 3. Meanwhile Kris Meeke was pulling the track. Mirco Baldacci lost four min-with Urmo Aava, in an old lgnis, third kilometres. Daniel Elena (codriver to He punctured, stopped to change the ahead in his Citroen. Anders.50n found utes off the road while Rautenbach Meeke lost a lot of time on the final Loeb) said he had severe pains round his wheel but could not detach it easily and the limit of the handling of the new then went off at the same jump which Continued on page 26 ribs, Cato Menkerud (Henning Solberg) admitted he was incapacitated with pain at the time and was extremely sore even when they finally reached service. Sven Smeets (Duval) was one of many who confessed they were very stiff. It would have been interesting to know how many co<lrivers avoided neck injury through wearing the compulsory HANS device! For a while it was undecided whether the rally leader, even though he had retained his lead, could carry on. Rautiainen was examined No sign of imminent damage was found, but it was in agony that he and Marcus set off for the final three stages of the day. Janne T uohinoskidded 100 metres along a ditch after a heavy landing, the impact of which winded his codriver. Paasonen's run came to an end when he left the road after a jump and the front suspension collaµ;ed. Mikko Hirvonen was slowed with a bad vibra-tion after damaging a wheel on a land-ing. Annin Schwarz stalled three times because the handbrake mechanism in-terfered with the launch control system. Xavier Pons had an impact with the rear left suspension after a jump and this broke a shock absorber. The two last stages of the final loop were repeats, before the rally returned to the Killeri Superspecial Gronholm managed to inch further ahead and he ended the day 5.8 seconds in front of Loeb. On Stage 8 Petter Solberg had a fright-ening moment when the rear boot lid, together with the rear spoiler, wrenched itself away from the car and all the downforce was lost. In the last two stages both Martin and then Gardemeister managed togetaheadofhim,soSolberg finished the day fifth overall 52 seconds behind the leader. Kresta, in an old '03 Focus, had a bad time losing 10 minutes on Stage 7 when the engine stopped, a problem onlyrectified when he changed all the engine coil Clf-6. On the same stage Antony Warmbold had a throttle-by-wire failure on his Ford team Focus and had physically to connect the system up manually. "This was a great pity, as we were just getting the better in our great battle with Kristian Sohlberg". Harri Rownpera pinpointed his poot times to having an overall gear ratio which was too long, a problem that he had to ac-cept for all the event. Tuohino had an-other heavy landing which gave his co-chivera severe readachewhile Lindholm's codriveralso hurt his back. In the evening the local hospital received two Peugeot codrivers. Tuno Rautiainen, he was de-clared as being injured only in a muscu-lar sense and given permission to carry on. For teammate Tomi Tuominen (Llndholm's co-driver the damage was found to be a compressed vertebrae, ini-tially considered to be aggravation of an old injury, and he was forbidden permis-sion to carry on. T uominen however was adamant, "It can't have been an old in-jury. I don't knowwherethatstorycame from. I would have known about it. This Dusty Times Toys For Tots ID f. 33--0576145 OFF-ROA1> POKeR RUH October 29th & 30th - A Two Day Even.--t ~ -~~-,,.-_-o:,::._.___ ALL PROCEEDS GO TO HELP BARSTOW CHARITIES ~0~sc~~ VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.barstowpokerrun.com 3 BUREAU g;-~~~~GEMENT ~~ ~'t-* POKERFUN* Two loops approximately 25 miles each, one for 4-wheel vehicles and one for motorcycles and ATV's. Families and groups may ride and drive motorcycles, ATV's and 4-wheel vehicles together on the same track after notification and approval ofevent officials. Twelve ( 12) Best poker hands from each day win prizes. You can enter Saturday, Sunday or both days as many times as you wish. Sign-up and go from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. MUST COMPLETE COURSE BY 1 :30 p.m. Any type Off-Road Vehicle can enter; however, all California Off-Road Vehicles must have a "Green or Red Sticker''. All off-road vehicles must have an approved spark arrester (exempt if equipped with a muffler). THIS LAW WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED! I I Helmets required for ATV & motorcycle riders. No riding double onATV's. $25.00 entry fee or $20.00 and a new unwrapped toy. Each rider/driver goes twice for single entry fee. New motorcycles must present registration at Tech Inspection if Green or Red Sticker is not available. FREE hats to the first 250 entries Saturday -150 on Sunday. T-shirts. hats & sweatshirts available for purchase at the start/finish area. * SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER 5:00 p.m. - Slash X Cafe AD-you-can-eat BBQ/Dinner ~ Chicken, Rib,, Beam, Vegetable and Bread • 812.00 + tax per plate ~ * FACILITIESANDCAMPING . ~ Portable Jollns, Trash Dumpster & Lots of Open Desert for Camping Bring your own water and firewood. No Pallets or wood with naila allowed in the desert per B.L.M. NO FIREWORKS R.AF}rLE Lota of PRIZES to be given away each day -2:00 p.m. AWARDS 'lwelve (12) Best Hands fr,om the Poker Run will win Prizes each day - 2:00 p.m BBQ Hamburgers, Bot Dog1 and Refreshments available.at the event aite 10:00 a.m .• ??? Rolla & Coffee • Haut, Bacon or Sausage & ~ Breakfast Sandwich • Saturday morning - 7 a.m •• 9 a.m. Ham, Bacon or Sausage & Egge Breakfast Sandwich • Sunday inornnq; - 7 a.m. TO GETTO THIS EVENT Go 12 milea eoullt of Banww on Hwy 247 (Bnratow to Slauh X Cafe) For more ~ormation cnll the Sluh X Cafe at (760) 252-1197 or Mal & Connie Wencl at (760) 252-3095 PLEASE DON1T DRINK AND DRIVE October 2005 Page 25
Toni Gardemeister took a nice sixth place in Finland, he's seen here flying his Ford Focus on a stage. Manfred Stohl and Ilka Minor were out of the rally on Stage 10 due to an accident in their Citroen Xsara. Francois Duval and Sven Smeets were eighth overall in Finland, they're seen here in their Citroen Xsara. loop with a loss of power and finished the day 25.3 seconds in front of Sordo. Willes staggered in with a loose suspension bearing. Pavel Valousek maintained his fourth place after spend-ing two minutes in a ditch. Luca Betti was fifth despite losing a lot of time in the day with brake failure while Mar-tin Prokop had a puncture after a heavy landing and had to change the flat tyre. In the non-championship Group N category, the leader was a 21 year old Swedish driver Patrick Aodin in an Evo VII, who had never rallied outside his home country before! He was only 14 seconds in front of Anton Alen, while Aki Teiskonen was only an-other 9 .3 seconds further back. Early leader was Juha Salo retired when a rock smashed his rear differential. Leg2 8 Stages, gravel, 144. 76kms. Lindholm was the only declared restarter not to appear so the second leg started off with 70 competitors. Mikko Markkula, Janne Tuohino's co-driver still had a very sore neck. In the WRC category Atkinson and Galli were back again, as were Baldacci and Katajamaki in the JWRC. Among the top Group N crews Salo stayed at home but Jukka Ketomaki (who had retired on the Fridaywith transmission problem)was back again. The sun came ou4 spectators (maybe aware that there might not be such a major top level turn out in the future) were present in unprecedented numbers and still the cars kept going off the road. Kristian Sahlberg, in his cherished lmpreza (the car Petter Solberg used to win in Japan in 2004), rolled one corner from the end of the first stage and was out of the event. On the same stage Stohl went missing. He slid off into a tree and dam-aged the front part of the chassis too badly to carry on. Gianluigi Galli was back on form, for a while. He made second best time on the second stage of the day, then on the third stage he cut a corner too fine, lost control and ended up in the trees on the other side of the road. Second day, second crash. Galli, "This time I lost control over a jump and as I approached the next corner the car went into the tree. I have never gone off like that before." The chassis was too badly damaged for the team Two more stages remained, the to contemplate restarting on Sunday. penultimate stage of the day being, at Roman Kresta slid off the road into a 40km, the longest of the rally. Gronholm mud hole, the car was undamaged but was 6.3 seconds faster than Loeb and he lost nine minutes before he could with one stage to run was exactly a half get going again. Armin Schwarz was minute in the lead. Gardemeister had a already regretting his tyre selection and disastrous puncture having to drive for tackled the first group of stages on tyres 13km on a flat front tyre, and this cost used the day before. Today was the day him nearly two minutes, dropping him of the really famous jump, from fourth to seventh. "I discovered Ouninpohja, which was tackled twice. we had the puncture as we came to a Granholm was going flat out, but ad- 160kph right handed bend, and only mitted he eased up when he came to by using the handbrake did we escape this place. Rautiainen said "I was cop- going off the road. I don't want that ing this morning, until we arrived at experience again ... " Atkinson (running Ouninpohja. Even though Marcus under the Five Minute Rule was far be-eased right up to spare my discomfort, hind) crashed on the second day run-my back started hurting again at that ning and stopped again. Also far be-moment" The brave driver this mom-hind was Kresta who continued to have ing was Toni Gardemeister. "I drove power steering problems and lost an-the jump flat out just like Martin did other~ minutes on the long stage alone two years ago, never again. The car was while Antony Warmbold never survived completely unstable when it landed ... " the stage at all, retiring when he went off It also cost him time, seven seconds the road on a fourth gear comer. This down on the stage winner Granholm. has traditionally been his unlucky rally Loeb confessed he lost time on Stage and the tradition continues. On the fi-10 when he overshot. Other problems: nal stage Loeb landed heavily on a rock Henning Solberg had a broken starter which tore a huge section out of a front motor, Hirvonen was cautious, "I have tyre, this in turn allowed the mousse to never got as far as these stages in a escapeandhelostahalfminute,sowhen WRCar before because I have always Granholm came back to Jyvaskyla he retired too early!" was now 67 seconds ahead. By midday the rally had settled Gardemeister meanwhile had some re-down. Gronholm was putting in a se-venge: he made fastest time on Stage 17. ries of fastest times, and was over 20 Schwarz lost his hydraulics and had to seconds in the lead while second place use manual gearshift and lost the con-Loeb was towards a minute ahead of trol of his differentials. Martin, lying third, who was himself Big news in JWRC was that Meeke moving away from Gardemeister who, had stopped. He went off the road and in turn, was distancing himself from ended up partly on the road but with Petter Solberg. T uohino still held ninth two wheels missing on his C2. Next place despite finding the brake pedal along was Sordo, one minute behind, unexpectedly go soft. In bigger brake who paused to check all was well and trouble was Petter Solberg. Not con-then carried on with his battle with tentwithnearlygoingendoverendata Aava. On stage times, Aava was only jump the day before when he was un-6.1 seconds behind the Spaniard, but aware he had no rear wing, today he added to this the Estonian also had a came into a bend and suddenly found 20 second time control penalty due to he had no brakes. "For the second time a co-driver error after the final stage. this rally, I have been very lucky ... " Wilks was flying, three fastest stage Granholm was driving fast bu4 in con- times, and in third place, but lying sixth sideration for Rautiainen, was going was Baldacci. "We didn't roll once, yes-carefully over the jumps. Kresta had terdaywe rolled twice! Mechanics did a more trouble, finding the power steer- fantastic job overnight putting the car ing had failed and then lost the semi- back together again. So far the Punto automatic gearshift forcing him to stop rolled over six times on this event, but on a road section and engage manual curiously the only part of the car that gearshift systems. never got damaged in all this was -the A nice third place in JWRC went to Guy Wilks, he's seen here in his Suzuki Swift before an appreciative crowd. roofl ... " After the midday service, Sordo had to drive half a stage with no intercom and unusually the remaining JWRC drivers were driving reliably. Seven of the drivers had completed all the route so far, the only Five Minute Rule running drivers were Baldacci (sev-enth) and Katajamaki (so far, still last) ... Going well but outside the champion-ship was the Suzuki driver Peter Zachrisson at the wheel of an lgnis ly-ing third Sl600 driver. On the long stage and it all changed! Aava punc-tured, changed the wheel on the stage in less than two minutes, kept second place but then fell well behind Sordo, Prokop stopped on the stage with an engine problem, Rautenbach went off the road backwards while Katajamaki had more gearbox problems and stopped for good. Zachrisson, who was Page 26 October 2005 lying third in the class, found he had gine manifested a problem which was an oil leak on his Ignis and had to miss thought to have originated from the the final stage. previous day's accident and the car was In Group N, Teiskonen was catch- withdrawn after the first run through ing up after a puncture the day before, the day's stages. He had retired on all and went up to second place behind the legs of the event Gardemeister im-Aodin when Alen fell back with differ- mediately recovered one place by pass-ential problems, then Alen' s gearbox ing Rovanpera but that was the only developed an oil leak and he had to change at the top of the field. There start missing some stages. Aodin fell was a last moment bid for fourth place back with a ten second jump-start pen-by Hirvonen but he stalled at the start alty during the day and after Stage 15 of Stage 19 and Solberg's place was Teiskonen was only 1.5 seconds behind. secure ahead of his 2004 teammate. At the end of the long stage the In JWRC Valousek stopped when Teiskonen was ahead ofAodin, by 0.1 the oil pressure on his lgnis failed. Guy second, then on the final stage Aodin Wilks continued a long impressive series was again in front! Teiskonen had bot-of fastest stage times even though he and tomed heavily near the end of Stage 16 teammate Andersson before him com-and broke the front differential and plainedatalackofmiddleandtoprange went carefully through Stage 17. In powerfromtheirengines.Citroenhad third place had been the Finn Jamo dominated the category leading Kinnunen but he lost time on the long throughout firstly with Meeke and then stage so at the end of the day that place with eventual winner Sordo. In second was held by the Italian Angelo placewastheignisofAavaaheadofthe MedeghinL Swift of Wilks in third. Leg 3 In Group N Teiskonen fell back with 4 Stages, gravel, 66.56kms. more transmission problems leaving All 56 drivers on the official restart Flodin to cruise to victory or so it listwerepresentandheadedoffforthe seemed. On the final stage, however, remaining four stages. It had been hard Aodin had a puncture. He continued work for the Subaru team. Atkinson's driving on a flat tyre and with a broken car needed new body panels, new lower wheel rim, but then had a gearbox prob-suspension units, radiator, clutch (dam- lem with two gears being selected at the aged when trying to drive the damaged same time. In the end Aodin dropped car out of ditch) and more. over 20 minutes and finished fifth in Warmbold's car did not need so much the Group. So Teiskonen won in the attention, while JWRC drivers Prokop, Subaru supported by the Japanese Tein Meeke and Rautenbach were back suspension company and Tahko got again. All the work on Atkinson's car ahead ofMedeghini to take the vacant came however to nought when the en- second place. lAJ2C: 1 (7) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot 307 WRC 468PWl..75 (F)[AF9836J 2h.54m.11.0s. 10 10 2 (1) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 173DAl..78 (F) 2h.55m.17.7s. 8 8 3 (8) Mari<ko MARTIN/Michael Park EE/GB Peugeot 307 WRC 471PWL75 (F) 2h.55m.46.6s. 6 6 4 (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mins N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC HC54WRC (GB) 2h.56m.19.0s. 5 5 • 5 (4) Mikko HIRVONEN/Janno Lehtinen FIN Ford FOaJS WRC EF04\tWW (GB) [AN4633] 2h.56m.24.6s. 4 4 -6 (3) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Jakke Honkanen FIN Ford Focus WRC EG53AVD (GB) [AR2981) 2h.57m.43.4s. 3 3 7 (9) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer WRC KN04WI.Z (GB) [AN4367] 2h.5&n.38.9s. 2 2 8 (2) Francois DWAI./Sven Smeets B Citroen X.sara WRC 976DAM78 (F) 2h.59m.21.4s. 1 1 -9 (15) Henning Solberg/Cato Mriarud N Ford Focus WRC ET53UJP (GB) [AR2982l 2h.59m.56.8s. -10 (17) Jame Tuohino/Mikko Markkula FIN Skoda Fabia WRC 352 3102 (CZ) [AP4m) 3h.00m.53.3s. -Other Important Finishers 11 (11) Armin SCHWARZ/KlaJs Wlcha D Skoda Fabia WRC 3S4 5611 (CZ) 3h.04m.28.5s. -12 (19) Xavier Pons/Carlos Del Barrio E Citroen Xsara WRC 559DHK78 (F) 3h.04m.55.1 s. -14 (65) Aki + Miil<a Teiskonen FIN Subaru lmpreza N AN4652 (FIN) 3h.15m.37.8s.- -15 (41) Daniel SordolMarc Marti E NWY003 (B) 3h.20m.17.8s.* -Citroen C2 JWRC 10 16 (36) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE JFR210 (H) 3h.21m.50.4s. - 8 Suzuki lgnis J'NRC 18 (32) Guy Wlks/Phil Pugh GB Suzuki Swift JWRC JXD623 (H) 3h.24m.07. 7s. - - 6 21 '(~8) Luca Betti/Piercarlo Capalongo I JWRC CB655VD (I) 3h.29m.54.1s .• 23 (14) Roma, Ktesta/Jan Mozny CZ EJ02KMV (GB) 3h.32m.20.6s. - -Renault Clio 5 Ford Focus WRC 28 (34) Mirco Baldac:ci/Giovami Bemacchini RSM/I Fiat Punto JWRC CM501HS (I) 3h.41m.32.6s. - 4 36 (43) Martin Prokop/Petr Gross CZ Suzuki lgnis JWRC 1J7 7113 (CZ) 3h.52m.52.5s. (3) 3 39 (35) Kris Meeke/Glenn Patterson GB Citroen C2 JWRC NWY001 (B) 3h.55m.07.7s. (7) 2 40 (40) Conrad Rautenbach/Ca1 Wlliamson 'ZW/GB Citroen C2 J\i\RC 7214NE52 (F) 3h.56m.54.6s. (3) 1 Dusty Times
M/l_ll,! CA~FORNIA 20D Whitton Takes overall By]udy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Lee Orr had a nice trouble free run at Lucerne, he took the Class 300 win with 12 minutes to spare, seen here at takeoff. Ron Whitton had a great evening, he ran his good looking ca,r to first place in Class 1 and took the overall win as well. wandered its familiar route to the east and then north, roughly paralleling Bessemer Mine road, then cr055ing over and coming back to the start/finish at Tyler Fox had a great race, he took the Class 7S win in his good looking Ford the edge of Soggy Dry Lake, which was truck, he's seen here flying in the desert. soggy with the remnants of recent sum-LS6 powered Sidewinder, ran five min- old, is enjoying his first season of racing, mer stonrn. Classes 100, 1000, 800, 700, utes behind him. 1n third it was Danyl declaring that "lt' s something I've always 1600and725didfourlaps,Sportsman Freeman in a Chenowth, and Mark wantedtodo."Wegerdideventuallyfin-trucks, Sportsman buggies, Class 3, Class Gonzalez was fourth in a truck. ish, his fourth lap a very respectable 53 1200 and the JeepSpeeds did three, and Gonzalez didn't get the second lap minutes in the dark, to earn second place Class 11 dicl only two laps. The course done, and Weger held the lead, running in Class 100. was interestingly described as fast and almoo:the same lap time as Whitton who The Class 1000 cars were next off the smooth, and very rough, depending on was second Freeman lost about 20 min- line, with just three entries. In this group who was talking. lt was dusty, but the utes, finished that lap with the scent of Mark Newton, in his RPS chas.5is, had prevailing winds ketx itlllO'ving at least, so motor oil hovering behind him, and then the early lead with the quick lap time for itdidn'tbecomeamajorproblem. didn'tcomearoundagain. the class, at 49:33. Craig Brabant, in a Startingat6:00p.m.,thefasterclasses OnthethirdlapWegerhadamajor two seat Dunrite (which is actually a Steve Herrera had a smooth run this night, he cruised in to take the Class BOO win · and he was quick, third overall in the race. got at least one full lap in daylight to fa-problem, which cost him an hour and SCORE Ute car which means it has VW miliarii.ethemselveswiththecourse. They 35 minutes. Whitton ran a bit slower suspension) was second, and Guy Cor-wentoff the line single file, heading north- now that it was dark, and took over the don ran third only a minute behind him L«:e,ne Valley, CA: Ron Whitton enjoyed a pleasant evening drive in the desert, and when he crossed the finish line in his Sidewinder Chassis, he had a first place overall win on his record. 1be MOR event, sited on Soggy Dry east, against the wind. When they came lead. For the fourth and final lap in another two seater. But once that first Lake just east of Lucerne about 15 miles, back around again Mark Weger had re-Whitton slowed down, knowing that lap was completed, Brabant was by him-attracted some hardy souls who like driv-corded the fast lap for the day, at 44:07, Weger had lost irretrievable amounts of self. Both the others dropped out, and ingafterdarlc, when the weather's cooled and he had the overall and Open class time, and motored sedately around to _ he went on to take the win, finishing first down a few degrees. The 50 mile course lead in his RPS. Ron Whitton, in his take the win. Whitton, who's 61 years in Class 1000 and second overall. =---~--=--=~-~--------Barry Karakas showed off his rear travel, he ran his Toyota to the Marl< Weger led the first two laps in class 1, troubles put him way Giti Gowfand was a few minutes a lap off the winning pace, he was Class 700 win, in spite of fuel pump problems in the dark. back in time and he finished a long second place. the silver medal winner in the Class 300 battle. The Sierra brothers started their race late, raced hard with too much Jason Gutzmer had big problems on his first lap, he recovered and Larry Gross took the Class 1200 win, he had major problems on his rebound but carried on to take home the silver medal in Class 7S. drove on to a decent second place finish in Class 11. second lap but carried on to take the gold medal. Page 28 October 2005 Dusty Times
Terry Wyrembeck was just a few minutes a lap off the winning pace Bob Schreiner took the win in Class 1450, he led all the way. had a Eric Chase had severely long third and fourth laps, he ended up with the silver medal in the Class 1600 fracas. in Class 1300, he was 10 minutes in arrears at the finish. trouble free run and happily took the gold medal. lap completed. After that Karakas' everungdidn'tgoassmoodilyashe'd have liked. He had serious fuel pump prob-lems, and finally "ended up making a home made regulator". He also tore a fender off on a huge rock, but that didn't hurttherunnin' ofitany. Karakasgotall four laµ; completed, took the victory, and was ninth in the overall standings. The two 1600 cars went off the line next, and they came back around the course nose-to-tail after a hard fought first lap. Eric Chase had the lead in his second-hand Raceco, but he had just 17 seronds on Joe Jeffrey in his Dumire. On the second lap theywere still nose-to-tail, and had both run 58:09 minute laµ;, tying for class fast lap honors. Sop Chase Craig Brabant, took the Class 10 win with ease, he was second overall and still had 17 seconds. considering this was only his third race, watch out! On the third lap Chase lost a fuel line Brabant, who was racing in only his third didn't manage to get the all-important (it came off the carburetor) and when he race, said he'd had an "awesome" run, first lap done. went to zip-tie it back on he discovered with just one flat tire along the way. And Patelli didn't get the serond lap that he had no zip ties in his tool bag. He Next off the line was the lone Baja done. He loaded the truck on the trailer radioed for his chase crew to bring him Bug of Darrell Clifton. He had a time of and headed for home, leaving Herrera some, and Joe's brother, Brian, took off 1:06:34 on lap 1, but then didn't get out there in front, and Towery, who into the lead in theircar. any more laµ; in. · started an hour and 45 minutes late, in Brian and Joe had no flats and no The Class 800 trucks were next, and second. As Herrera went into his third problems, and found that the wind there were four of them, but only three lap, Towery ran up against some insur-cleared the dust away pretty well, so they started on time. Matt Towery had discov-mountable problem, and he didn't get had a good time. They took the win by ered a starter problem, and then found his first lap completed. That left Herrera 43 minutes, finishing fourth overall. that his spare didn't quite fit the truck. all alone, to run another good lap and Chase had no further trouble, took sec-While his crew was making the difficult finish with the win. He was third overall ond and sixth in the overall standings. replacement, the other trucks got the after a smooth run. The 7S trucks started next. There green flag. This was a four lap class also. Two Class 700 trucks were next to were five of them, but one, Noe Sierra, Brian Thompson took the Class 11 win, he had some severe problems on his last lap but managed to get going and take the win. started 15 minutes late. Tyler Fox had his Ford out in front with the fast lap for theclass,at 1:05:23. Thatgavehimjusta little over a minute on Eric Tadeja. Jeff Rigel ran third, about six minutes later, and the late starter, Sierra, was fourth, another minute back. Karl Stokes couldn't get the first lap completed. On the serond lap Rigel dropped out, and Tadeja tied that fast lap time, but since Fox was also very quick on lap 2, he stayed in the lead, only a minute and 11 seconds ahead ofTadeja. Sierra was third, 19 minutes behind them, and find-ing his truck hard to drive because he had too much rebound. He'd also got dust in his eyes, and was having trouble mn& Fox continued to run smoothly, and built a good lead. Sierra put his brother, Tony, in to drive the last two laµ;, while Tadeja dropped out of the race. Fox, having "not one problem", knew he had a good lead, so he slowed dramatically on the fourth lap and went on to take the win. The Sierra brothers had a good fourth lap and took second place, while . none of the others in the class were finish-ers. Continued on page 30 Steven Herrera ticked off the fast time go, with two entries. Barry Karakas had a for the class at53:52, and went into the good frrstlapin his Toyota, at53:31, but lead, with Joe Patelli running second a it was a moot point, because his competi-little under five minutes later. Raul Hores tion, Shawn St. George, didn't get the ·--------------------------------· 3636 Meade Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89102 15x4 & 15x6.5 Non-Beadlocks 15x4 & 15x6.5 Beadlocks w/Rlng & Bolts $149.95 $199.95 15x4 - 1 3/ 4 Rear Spacing 15x6.5 - 2 34 Rear Spacing 702-247-1266 Discount Foreign Car Parts· Dusty Times I I I REDL!NE PER_fc,R_f1ANCE, !NC. LSI & N-STAR PRE-RUN DR RACE PACKAGES I I I I I I I I I I NORTHSTAR PACKAGES FROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400HP I LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP I WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE 1 PROGRAMS AND AND UNMATCHED REPRUTATION FOR CUSTORMER SATISFACTIONIII I (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX I 4531 EISENHOWER CIRCLE, ANAHEIM, CA 92807 ·--------------------------------· October 2005 Page 29
John Coleman was a bit too slow for the class win but he did take Second place in JeepSpeed Stock class went to Guy Alldredge, Guy Salvador Cervantes had a long night, but his six and a half hour race second place in the JeepSpeed Pro contest. set fast lap for the class and was only three minutes out of the win. garnered him a third place finish in Class 3. dass 14 50, the highly popular Sports-becoming more and more sophisticated half minutes ahead of Matt Torian. In failed to finish the first lap. FrankThing in fifth place. All told, eight man truck class introduced here at and less and less sporti;manlike as thenuck third place itwas Bob Schreiner, followed Leader Vance disappeared on Lap 2, trucks dropped out on the second lap. MOR, was the next group to start, with owners learn how to build tough off road by Robert Anderson in a Ford Ranger, and so did Torian. NowSchreinerm<MXi Running the only sub-60 minute 27 starters. This group was required to vehicles. The first lap lead belonged to and in fifth it was Frank Vernola and to the front, with Vernola/Bromner sec-third lap, Schreiner cemented his lead run only three laµ;, and some of them Dan Vance, who had the fast lap for the Steve Bromner in a Ford F-150. At the ond, Andersson third, and Steven and took the win by 11 minutes. Behind made pretty good work of it They're class at 54:37, and was about two and a back of the pack only four teams had Looney moved into fourth, followed by him Andersson moved up to second place, reporting a "flawless" run. In third it was Looney, and Vernola/Bromner were fourth, reporting no problem be-Page 30 October 2005 yond dust, and the fact that they didn't have enough lights. Fifth place went to Larry and Ryan Hasbrouck whose TCYyOta had a flat on the first lap, ~ut ran steadily afi:er that In all, 13 of the Sports-man trucks finished their required three laµ;, which amounts to a 650% finish rate. There were four Class 300 cars in this event, one of them being Giti Gowland in a JeepSpeed with non-amforming tires, so he couldn't run in that class. These folks ran only three laµ;. Lee Orr got the first lap lead in his two wheel drive '96 Bronco, with a 1:11:59, which was the fast lap for the class. Gowland ran sec-ond, followed by Salvador Cervantes, and then Bill Nissley, who had a lap of four hours and 51 minutes and then didn't get around again. Orr stayed in front, leading by 11 minutes at the end of the second lap, and Gowland was still second, with Cervantes steady in third And the third lap was more of the same, with Orr, who had Bryan Porter riding, having a good run. They had no problems at all, except that their horn stopped working and they lost a headlight They made only two stoµ;, one for fuel and one for fresh, cooL drink-ing water. Gowland, who said his trans-mission was stuck in drive all the way, and thus had no passing gear, was second He had a particularly hard time on the hills. He also reported a spectator stuck on the rourse at Mile 27, making something of an obstacle. In third itwas Cervantes, about two and a half hours later after a long and arduous drive. The next group was the" pre-runner buggy" class, with just two entries. They were required to run three laµ;, and they had a good race. Bill Callen started to run three laµ;, and they had a good race. Bill Callen started in his 1914a: VW pow-ered 1975 Funco twoseater, and had the lead with the class fast lap, of 1:00:26. But Terry W~mbekwas onlythree and a half minutes behind him in a Suspen-sions Unlimited two seater. Callen put John Ingold in to drive the second lap, and with another smooth lap they held their lead, now with about nine minutes on the second place car. And their third lap was more of the same, this time with Terry Ingold at the wheel The team stopped for nothing but fuel (and driver changes), and reported a perfect run. They took the win with just 10 minutes over Wyrembek, who must have also been having a good run. The JeepSpeed class was next, leading off with the modified, or Pro, group. There were seven of them, and they were required to run only three laµ;. Some of these cars carried a blue light at the rear, a left-over from when they ran ina BITD event and were required to carry them, to warn faster cars coming up from the rear that these were "slow" vehicles.Actu-Dusty Times
Bob Anderson took a decent second place finish in Class 1400, he's Mike Barnett had a long first lap and it cost him, he ended up taking In JeepSpeed Stock, Rex Lair lost some time on the last lap and it seen here flying his favorite toy at speed. ally, it'snotsomuchthatthey're "slow", which they're not. Buttheydorequirea little more time to find a place where they can pull off to let the faster crrs past. They're so stock that they can't just go bounding off through the rocks and shrubs. The blue light was to remind the faster crrs to have µi.tience. Maybe it works. No one commented one way or another. Charlie Peltzer ticked off the fast lap for the class on Lap 1, with 1:06:12, and led over John Coleman by about nine minutes. In third place it was Steve Ghamari, another 10 minutes back. the bronze medal in the JeepSpeed Pro contest. dropped him into the third finishing position. Peltzer held his lead through Lap 2, but Ghamari disappeared, becoming a DNF, along with Chris Amrein. Coleman, who had a new rear end in They had a good race in Class 1300, Terry Ingold took the win in his neat looking Joe Jeffrey had a good run, he drove to the Class 1600 win with ease, ran trouble Continued on page 32 car, seen here at launch. _f~_ee_th_rou~g~h_th_e_n~ig_h_t. ___________________ _ Steve Looney was fast, just not fast enough, he took third place in Ricky Lee was the fourth place finisher in the JeepSpeed Pro class, Fifth place in JeepSpeed Stock went to John Louis, he was only one Class 1400, he was only 28 seconds behind the silver medal. seen here flying with lights ablaze. minute out of fourth and two minutes away from the bronze medal. Charlie Peltzer took the JeepSpeed Pro win, he ran trouble free, evidently unburdened by his For Sale sign. Jason LaFortune ran trouble free in the Stock Jeepspeed class, got lost for a few minutes but went on to take the gold medal. Dusty Times October 2005 Page 31
,. Frank Vernola didn't have too bad of an evening.he was first out of Bill Frey was the fourth place finisher in JeepSpeed Stock, he was Jim Hunt was sixth in the JeepSpeed Stock contest, he was three . the money in Class 1400, seen here in flight. just a few minutes out of third place. seconds out of 4th _and less than a minute out of 3rd place. hiscarandhadn'thadachancetotest difficulty, and used up almost three hadnoflashlightonboard(inanight Eventhoughhe'dlostalotoftime,he MDR had a 50% finish rate for the itatall, was still second, and Mike Barnett hours completing his fust lap. race!) so he had to wait for his chase still took the win, because Gutm1er's first event, demonstrating that it was a well moved up to third. On the second lap Thompson lost crew to arrive so he could use their head- lap had been so long. Gutzmer did fin- designed course, suitable for all levels of Peltzer's race was trouble free all the the c.v. bolts on the inboard side, and lights to see what he was doing. He got. ish also, in second place, at just over five racing. lbeynowtnCNeon to their Mojave way,andhetookthewin,finishingabout lost an hour getting going again. For four of the broken bolts out, and re- hours. 250 on September ?4th, at the Outlet 18 minutes in front of Coleman, who one thing it was dark by then and he placed the axle assembly and went on. With 88 entries and 44 finishers, Center Drive in Barstow. -11/lJ.U also reported no problems. He said it was a" good course, very, very little dust." Barnett was third, another four min-utes back and followed in by Ricky Lee, the last finisher in the class. In the stock JeepSpeed class there were 11 entries, also required to run three laps. They had one of the closest races of the day, demonstratingwhythe class keeps growing. They're having a lot of fun, with cars that are relatively easy to come by, and very close racing within the class. At the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Tun Jeffus, who had about 43 seconds on Rex Lair who was second. In third it was Jason Lafortune another 16 seconds back, and Guy Alldredge was fourth, five seconds be-hind him. So there was exactly one minute between fustand fourth place. That's good racing. And all 11 finished the lap. On the second lap the lead changed hands as Jeffus lost 10 minutes. Now Alldredge moved into the lead, with 3 2 seconds on LaFortune, who was two seconds in front of Lair. Jeffus was fourth, but now he was nine minutes back. Two teams dropped out on the second lap. Lafortune, who said he drove "ham-mer down the whole race", and "got a little bit lost" when the co-driver misin-terpreted the OPS, took the win by two minutes and 39 seconds. Alldredge, who shared the driving and riding with Oile Wood by the simple expedient of switch-ing seats, reported that "this was the easi-est course". They said it was fast, and that they liked the night driving because then they didn't become distracted by stuff off to the side. In third it was Lair, about 14 minutes back after apparently losing that much time on the last lap. All told, nine of them got to the finish line, all in a period of 4 3 minutes. The 1200 cars (stock mini trucks were next to go, with just three starters. Nicholas Beall had the lead on the fust lap, with the best time for the group at 1:06:09. he had a full 23 minutes on Lany Gross, who ran second. And Bryan Rogers was third, another two and a half minutes down. Beall held his lead through the second lap, although he' cl slowed by some 26 minutes. Gross had lost a little over an hour and dropped to last. Beall now had 40 min-utes on Rogers, and Gross ran third. But on the third lap both Beall and Rogers dropped out, and Gross, with a lap almost identical to his fust one, took thewin. The Class 11 cars were the last to start, with just two competitors. They had to run only two laps, and even that would prove difficult. The course was rough for these guys, with a lot of cross washes that were tough to take on their nearly stock suspension. Brian Thomp-son had the lead at the end of the first lap with a quick time for the class of 1:34:02, while Jason Gutm1er had some Dusty Times -·. / MOTORSPORTS ./"' \. ~ /' G·FOR(~ ~ IIACIN8IIEAII Pro Force Air • Significantly outflows other "blower type' helmets • • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! . __,, • Lightweight Composite Shell \..... $,29*9• 99 ::~:'~!:::~1:~~:otiveRated Special wl FREE ---~--------Helmet Bag I! LOWRANCE • B/W & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performanc Radio Syatem■ • 128 to 250 Channels e50 to 11 O Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards October 2005 19.~I/ Cordless Impact Kit •½"Drive • 216 ft-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available COMMUNICATION !iOLIJTION!.i FOR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN Page 33
CORR AT BARK RIVER John Greaves/Kyle LeDuc/ Aaron Hawley All Double By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photography Johnny Greaves displays his winning form in Pro-4, he took the win in both heats and is 10 points in arrears in the championship. Rounds 9 and 10 of the 14 round CORR series took place at Bark River, Michigan and the points chase is getting hot and heavy in many of the classes as the season begins its downward spiral to-wards the four San Diego rounds that will cap the 2005 CORRseason. The Pro-lite contest gets closer and tighter every round. Chad Hord leads the points with 133 in hand,JeffKincaid is a mere one point behind and Kyle LeDuc, alter a double win at Bark River is only nine points away from repeating his 2004 class win. In the first Pro-lite round Kyle LeDuc, Skyjacker Ford took the lead in Turn 1 alter the green flag waved and there was no catching him. Jeff Kincaid made a val-iant effort but his Potawatami TCl')Uta was destined to finish in second place. Chad Hord, in his BOSS Nissan also tried for a win but he was relegated to third place this round Mark Krueger, Nissan, came in first off the podium, Randy Eller, Chevy, finished in fifth plare and Mark Oberg, Ford, was the sixth plarefinisher. Seventh place went to Javier Page 34 Sacio in his Nissan, Stacy Pike, Ford, was eighth,Alan McMillan, a rookie in a Ford fmished ninth and Josh Hintz, TCl')Uta, rounded out the top 10. Don Ponder, in his Ford was the 11th finisher, Jim KandeL TCl')Uta came in 12th, 13th place went to liam O'Donnell in his Nissan, Steve Federico, TCl')Uta, came across in 14th place, he was the fmal finisher in Pro-lite. Art Schmitt was DQ'd for an infraction. In the second Pro-lite round, Lee O'Donnell led for the first four laf6, Steve Federico took the lead on the fifth lap and here came LeDuc, he moved on by on the fifth lap and went on to take the checkered flag and his fourth win of the season. Jeff Kincaid was second once again, Steve Federiro came in third, Mark Krueger was fourth yet again and Chad Hord finished ftfth. Sixth place went to Jim Kandel, Mark Oberg came in sev-enth, eighth place went to Liam O'Donnell, Rodney Howe, a rookie came in ninth and Randy Eller was the 10th finisher. Beventh plarewentto Joo Hintz, Javier Sacio came in 12th, Art Schmitt was a long 13th, Alan McMillan came in 14th and Don Ponder was the 15th and final finisher. Chad Hord leads the Pro-Ute points with 133 earned, Jeff Kincaid is second with 132, Kyle LeDuc sits in third place with 12 4 points, Steve Federico is fourth with 118 and Art Schmitt is fifth with 104. The Pro 4 battle rages on, still dose in points as the season winds down. Johnny Greaves was slow starting this season but he has four wins under his belt now and is coming on fast. In the first round at Bark River Greaves, driving his T Cl')Uta rollected his third win this season, Jason Baldwin, Ford powered, came across the line in second place, brother Josh, also driving a Ford slid in right behind for third place, Steve McCrossan came in fourth in his Chevy and Curt LeDucwas fifth in his Skyjacker Ford Al Drews, also driving a Ford, was the sixth truck to finish and Carl Renezederwas way back in seventh plare in his Chevrolet pickup. Round 10 saw no change in the win-ning form of Johnny Greaves as he October 2005 Evan Evans hasn't had the best of seasons, he did grab a coveted first place finish in the second round of Pro-2. Kyle LeDuc took a pair of wins in Pro-Lite at Bark River, four wins in a row ain't to be sneered at. notched another win, Curt LeDuc, who led for a few lap:; was the second place finisher, Rick Huseman came in for a nice third place finish, Al Drews finished first out of the money and Carl Renezeder came across the line in fifth place. Sixth place went to Josh Baldwin, Jason Baldwin came in seventh, his worst finish of the year and Steve McCrossan was the eighth and final finisher. Carl Renezeder leads in the Pro-4 points with 152, Johnny Greaves is in a strong second place with 142, Jason Baldwin sits third with 141 points, Josh Baldwin is fourth with 125 points and Curt LeDuchas 115 points to his credit. In Pro-2 racing it was Kevin Probst taking home the first round win in his U.S. Army Chevrolet, Kevin has been winless the last two years in Pro-2 compe, tition and it sure felt good to be back on top of the podiwncrowd. c.atl Renezecler was ache second plare and Josh Baldwin came in for the bronze medal. A decent fourth plarewentto Brian Hinman,Steve Barlow came across in fifth place, Scott Taylor was the sixth finisher and Scott Douglas was seventh across the line. In eighth place it was Todd LeDuc, Dan VanDenHeuvel had his worst finish of the season, ninth place, rookie Scott Peterson finished in 10th place and Evan Evans was an unhappy 11th. The second round of the Pro-2 con-flict saw some major changes. Evan Evans srored a nirevictory, his second sinreway back at the 1-% Speedway second round and greatly welcomed by Evans, Carl Renezeder came right back with another second place finish, Scott Taylor held on for the third finishing spot and Scott Douglas took first out of the money. Brian Hinman came acro55 in fifth plare. Sixth place went to Josh Baldwin, Steve Barlow was seventh and Kevin Probst was way back in eighth place. Dan VanDenHeuvel garnered another ninth place finish, Scott Peterson was 10th yet Dusty Times
Mike Seefeldt took his fourth win of the season in Single Buggy, he Jaime Kleikamp took his second win of the season in Light Buggy, A fifth and a second place finish were all that Curt LeDuc could leads the points in that class, but just by a few. he's seen here heading towards the wonderful checkered flag. muster this weekend, Curt sits fifth in Pro-4 points. again and Todd le Due came across in place finisher in his Chevy truck, Jim the 2005 season, Mike Oberg came in came in eighth, Bob Gersmehl was the Wandashega leads the pack with 162 in 11th place. Wrobleski, Olevy, was 10th in, Ross Hoek for a nice second place, Mike Savage was ninth place finisher, Rhonda Konitzer hand, Dan Baudoux is second with 14 5, ThePro-2 pointsbatdeisn'toveryet, came in 11th in his GMC and Bob the third place finisher, Dan Baudoux was down in 10th place, llthplacewent in thirdplaceit'sMikeSavagewith 129, Scott Taylor leads the points with 14 5 in Gersmehl was the 12th finisher in his slipped to fourth place and Gordon Zima to Greg Adler, Jim Wrobleski came in Ross Hoek is fourth with 119 points and hand, Carl Renezeder is serond with 133, Chevrolet. was the fifth place finisher. Sixth place 12th and Chris Kalko was the 13th and Mike Oberg is fifth with 111. Josh Baldwin is third with 123 points, The second round in Sportsman 2 went to Ben Wandashega. Don Williams final finisher. The Stock Division, as usual, put on Dan VanDenHeuvel is fourth with 114 saw Ros.5 Hoek taking his second win of took another seventh place, Ken Hallgren 1n the Sportsman 2 points battle, Ben Continued on page 36 and Kevin Probst sits in fifth place with 112. Sportsman 2 is starting to look like the season has been decided, Ben Wandashega leads the points by 17, but, it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings and we have four more rounds to go. ln the first round, Dan Baudoux, Chevy, got back into his winning form and took the=-eted gold medal. Gordon Zima, who hasn't raced much this year came in for the silver medal in his Ford and Ben Wandashega, furd, was the brom.e medal winner. Rhonda Konitzer, in her Ford, was first out of the money in fourth place, Greg Adler, in another Ford, came across in the fifth spot and Mike Savage came in sixth in his furd pickup. Seventh place went to Don Williams in his Chev-rolet, Mike Oberg came in eighth in his Ross Hoek literally flew to the Sportsman 2 win in the second round at Bark River, Al Konitzer took his first win of the season at Bark River, his red dodge did him well furd pickup, Ken Hallgren was the ninth seen here flying toward the finish line. _th_is_w_e_e_ke_n_d_in_th_e_S_toc_k_cl_as_s_. _____________ _ . Dusty Times ' From The Track to the Street ... This LeDuc is Making it Happen! Kyle LeDuc takes to the track for Skyjacker® Suspensions in the CORR Pro-LITE division where he hopes to repeat his amazing rookie Championship season from last year. When he's not behind the wheel of his race truck he drives a 2WD Ford F-150 equipped with a Skyjacker® 3" suspension as his daily driver. To locate an Authorized Skyjacker® Dealer call 1.866.4.A DEALER ext. 5032 or visit us on the web at skyjacker.com October 2005 Page 35
Aaron Hawley wn both heats at Bark River. He has locked up the points title in the Super Buggy contest, seen here at speed. a great show and saw a couple of first to Don Demeny in his Dodge and T1m time winners. In the first round Al Konitzer was fifth in the first of the Ford Konittet, Dodge,hadhisfustwineverin nucks. Jason Bott, Chevrolet, was the the Stock Division, boy, was he elated. sixth finisher, Eric Ruppel, Ford, came KeithSteeleslidintoasecondplacefinish in seventh, eighth place went to Dave in his Chevy, Scott Beauchamp, also in a Waldvogel in his Ford, ninth place went Chevycameinthird,fourthplacewent to Rod Wells in his Chevy and J.R. Page 36 Rick Huseman hasn't had a good season, he took a decent third place in the second round after a dnf in round 1. John Fitzgerald took the win in the first Single Buggy round at Bark River, he's third in Class points. Wagnerwas lOthinhisChevyttuck. 1he second Stock Division round saw Eric Ruppel taking his first win of the 2005 racing season, Rod Wells came in for a nice second place, Dave Waldvogel finished in third place, Al Konitzer was the fourth place finisher and Tim October 200s Konitzer took another fifth place finish. Sixth place went to Jason Bott, Keith Steelewasw.ry back in seventh place, Scott Beauchamp slipped way down to an eighth place finish and Don Demenywas down into ninth place. The poinlll race in Stock for the top e is as o ows: Kei Stee e ea wi 155 poinlll, Dave Waldvogel is second with 141 poinlll, Scott Beauchamp is third with 132 poinll!, Don Demeny is fourth with 111 and Eric Ruppel is fifth with 94 poinlll. Super Buggy is always a crowded field, normally 25-30 cars competing in each round. It is also very competitive but this • year Aaron Hawley made it look easy. He won both rounds and Bark River for a total of four wins, three second place finishes and two third places. Im-pressive. It locks up the Super Buggy Championship for Aaron. In the first round Scott Schwalbe followed Hawley home, Corry Heynan came in third, fourth place went to Mike Geiser and John Mason came in fifth. Sixth place 'M!nt to Scott Peterson, Herman Barnum had his third seventh place finish in as many races, Paul Bott came in eighth, ninth place went to the Olson boys and Tom Schwartzburg came in 10th. Elev-enth place went to Todd Wallace, Llsa Grintaunein 12th,JonSteinerwas 13th, 14th place went to Jack Haenlein and Todd Crump was the 15th finisher. Dusty Times I ,
A fourth and a third place finish at Bark River have Greg Stingle tied Scott Beauchamp finished third and eighth in the two rounds at Bark Mark Steinhardt took home a 2nd and a 4th at Bark River. Mark is a ve,y close second in the Single Buggy points contest. for fifth place in the Light Buggy contest. River. Scott sits in third place in the points. A nice win in the first round of Light Buggy, Chad Dewall sits fourth in class points, seen here in his good lookin' car. great weekend with a second place fin-ish, Steve Socha was third again this weekend, Mark Steinhardt came across in fourth place and Brad Erickson rounded out the top five. A nice sixth place went to Heather Sullivan, Terry Fitzgerald was lucky seventh once again, Tracy Crump was the eighth place fin-isher, Mark, Morton had his second ninth place finish of the weekend and Bob Blaney came in 10th. John Koran took the 11th finishing spot, Cissy Baldwin came in 12th, Bruce Power was the 13th finisher, Kelly Renezeder was 14th for the second time this week-end and Brett Ellenson came in 15th. Sixteenth finishing spot went to Jamie Monson, Adam Guberud was way back in 17th place, Don Whittier was 18th, again, Allen Plawman was 19th, again and Jason Janusz was 20th to cross the finish line and Len Lindquist was the 21st and final finisher. Stephanie Krieman came in 16th, Gary Nierop came acros.5 in 17th place, Jim Kandel was 18th, Craig Biesikand Ryan Mulder was a long 20th. The second round of Super Buggy saw Aaron Hawley taking his fourth win of the season anc.f a lock on the champi-onship. Scott Peterson had a very nice second place finish, Scott Schwalbe came across the line in third place, the Olson boys were first out of the money and Nierop came in fifth. Sixth place went to Todd Wallace, John Mason was seventh, eighth place went to Todd Crump, Stephanie Krieman came in ninth and Tom Schwartzhurg had his fifth 10th place finish of the season. Ryan Mulder came in llth,JonSreinerwas 12th, uaig Biesikwas unlucky 13th, MikeGeiserwas way down in 14th place and Jack Haenlein was 15th in. Sixteenth place wenttoChrisHaenlein, 17thplacewent to Llsa Grint, Paul Bortwaswaybackin 18th place, Corry Heynan was an unac-customed 19th place, rookie Greg Peterson came in 20th, John Frana was 21st to finish and Jim Kandel was the 22nd and final finisher. 1n the Super Buggypointsrace,Aaron Hawley has won the points tide with 161 in hand, Scott Schwalbe is second with 107, Corry Heynan is third with 103 points earner, Todd Wallace is fourth with 95 points and Gary Nierop is fifth with 94 points. 1n Single Buggy the battle goes on be-tween Mike Seefeldt and Mark Steinhardt, they are only three points aµrrtwith just two more rounds to go at Crandon. In the first round, John Fitzgerald took his second win of the sea-son, Mark Steinhardt followed him in for the second place honors and Steve Socha was the third place finisher. In fourth place it was Mike Seefeldt, Brad Erickson came in fifth, Adam Guberud was the sixth finisher, Terry Rt:zgera]d was lucky seventh place, Tracy Crump came in eighth, Mark Morton came in ninth and Cissy Baldwin was the 10th place finisher. In 11th place it was Tracy Crump, 12th spot went to Leonard Lindquist, Dan Martin came in 13th, rookie Kelly Renezederwas 14th in and Eve Baldwin was the 15th finisher. Six-teenth place went to Heather Sullivan, Brett Ellenson came in 17th, Don Whittier came in 18th and Allan Dusty Times Plawman was the 19th and final finisher. The second round of Single Buggy saw Mike Seefeldt take his fourth win of th~ season. John Fitzgerald made it a After 10 rounds of Single Buggy rac-ing, Mike Seefeldt leads to points chase Kevin Probst took his first win of the season in Pro-2, he's seen here in his U.S. Anny C(levy at speed. PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 60 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS .•. THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobir SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT/ October 200s with 146 in hand, Mark Steinhardt is Gihne came in eighth, Steve Schuch right there with 143 points, John was ninth and Nick leIJ1ke came in Fitzgerald is third with 127 in hand and 10th in his first race of the year. Elev-Steve Socha and Brad Erickson are tied enth place went to Randy Oman, Tom for fourth place with 119 points each. Virnig came in 12th, Adam Behm was Last, but certainly not least on our unlucky 13th, Brian Bloomquist came agenda is the Light Buggy contest. They in 14th and 15th spot went to Tom too usually have around 30 cars in Thomas. In 16th it was Carol combat each round and put on quite Gunderson, Stephanie Paid was the a show. In the first round at Bark River 17th finisher, Brad Arndt was 18th, Chad Dewall took his first win of the Steve Oman was 19th and Mike 2005 season, JeffVirnig was right be-VanDenHeuvel was the 20th finisher. hind him in second place, Craig Metz Jim Muller was the 21st finisher, John was the third place finisher, Greg Bauman was 22nd, Matt Gerald was Stingle was first off the podium and the 23rd finisher, Mike Tikkanen was Tra-c Aeischman was fifth in. Sixth the 24th car in and John McDonald place went to Todd Lemke, Tracy was 25th across the finish line. Ben Peebles was in seventh place, Brian What more can you ask for? As racers, we understand the ins and outs of Off-Road Racing and can assist in revving up an insurance program specifically for you. 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Marl< Krueger finished fourth in both heats at Barie River, Marl< and Scott Schwalbe garnered a 2nd and a 3rd at Barie River, he sits Jeff Kincaid, Toyota, grabbed a pair of 2nd places at Barie River, he's just 1 point out of the lead in the Pro-Lite points. his Nissan are seen here cornering hard. second in Super Buggy points, seen here flyin' high. O'Connell was way back in 26th place 23rd and Barry Wahlen was 25th to is second with 108, Craig Metz is third andCraig~bewasthe27thandfinal finish. The 26th finisher was John withl06,ChadDewallisfourthwith93 finisher. McDonald, Mike VanDenHetNel,Jeff and Matt Gerald and Greg Stingle are The second Light Buggy round was Virnigwas way back in 28th place, Steve tied for fifth place with 89 points each. won by Jaimie Kleikamp, his second win Schuch was the 29th and final finisher. Pro-4, Pro-2 and Pro Ute have four of the season, Matt Gerald came in sec-Jeff Virnig leads the Llght Buggy rounds )'et to go to complete the official ond, his best finish of the season, Greg points with 128 in hand, Ben O'Connell 2005 season: two rounds at Crandon and the last two rounds, #'s 13 and 14 Otay Ranch(San Diego)races,Septem-willberuninSan Diego. The remaining her 24-25 and October 1-2, and, if you classes, Sportsman 2, Stock, Super Buggy, haven't seen these CORR cars in action Single Buggy and Light Buggy only have you'd best get out there and spectate. thetworoundsatCrandon to complete For ticket information visit their 2005 season. www.comu:ing.com or phone 1-866-501-Spectator tickets are available for the CORR (2677). · Stingle was third on the podium, Mike Tikkanen was up a bunch into fourth place and Ben O'Connell recovered from the first round and finished fifth. Chad Dewall was the sixth finisher, Brad Arndt was a decent seventh place, Craig Rabe finished in eighth place, Tracy Peebles came in ninth and Tra-c Fleishman was the 10th place finisher. Todd Lemke dropped a few spots to 11th, John Bauman was up quite a bit into 12th, Steve Oman came in 13th, Brian Glime came in 14th and Adam Behm was the 15th finisher. The 16th finisher was Randy Oman, Tom Tho-mas came in 17th, Nick Lemke was 18th, Tom Vernig came in 19th and Craig Metz was a long 20th place finisher. In 21st place it was Brian Bloomquist, Stephanie Paid came in 22nd,Jim Miller Dan Baudoux took his fourth win of the season in Round 1 at Barie River, Dan is Eric Ruppel flew his Ford to the second round Stock win at Barie River, Eric is fifth was 23rd, Carol Gunderson came in second in points in Sportsman 2. _in_t_he_cl_as_s~po_in_ts_ra_ce_. _________________ _ another rh® '/4--1 The Suspension Company. Page 38 October 2005 Dusty Times II
,, 250 Oct -29th Plaster City East race starts at 8:00am FIRST ANNUAL SUPERSTITION DESERT BLAST 3 LIVE BANDS FEATURING DAYZERO LIFELINE WAITING FOR DECAY FRIDAY OCT. 28 6PM TO 10PM IMPERIAL VALLEY EXPO GRANDSTAND ADMISSION $10.00 BONUS MONEY CLASS 1600 $1000.00 1st PLACE $500.00 2nd PLACE CLASS 1000, 900, 300 1st PLACE $500.00 OVERALL $500.00 TECH AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY OCT 28TB AT IMPERIAL VALLEY EXPO-NORTH PARKING LOT IMPERIAL BLVD, IMPERIAL CA 4:00 PM TO 8:00 PM FREE ADMISSION TO TECH AND CONTINGENCY OFFICIAL TIRE COMPANY OF MDR U.S. Forest Service approved spark arrestor and green sticker or license plate required on all race vehicles. •Entry form and fees due two weeks before the race date. 0Wlth 3 In das1. Entry fee for the driver only, no fee for co-drivers, support crew, spectators or the general public (Note: if the vehide does not make the starting line, 100% of the entry fee is rolled over to the next race) FOR MDR RACE RESULTS/ INFORMATION: PHONE (626) 442-9320 FAX (626) 579-60511853 Parkway Drive So. El Monte, CA 91733 EMAIL lnfo@mdrraclng.com WEBSITE www.mdrraclng.com MDR Tech Info: ALL RACE TECH & SAFETY-Phone (702) 897-3583 EMAIL wattarush@aol.com 4'"'· . ~il ,~, . . · A DISTRIBUTING Dusty Times October 2005 .\\ The Corley McMiJlin Companies Rml;,1~0-..__ . ~ · •... ·. ~ .., ..... ,r-._ . . , ., _ . K H. 'IE ; ...... . ···.·~~ Page 39
LA CARRERA PANAMERICANA DH Raaders Take Ta Mexican Highways Text & Photos:]. Preston Bradshaw The Kennedy/Maurer '54 Uncoln won four stages and finished a ve,y respectable third place in the Original PanAm Class. We received a nice note and a few pictures from Jon Kennedy the other day, giving us a thumbnail sketch of their trials and tribula-tions on the 2004 La Carrera Panamericana. Well, much to our chagrin, the article they sent us was pigeonholed somewhere and just now surfaced, a mere 10 months in hiding. Therefore, better late than never, we give you the Kennedy/ Maurer short version. The famous Page 40 Mexican Road Race of the 50's that generated world wide attention and ultimately safety concerns that caused its demise in 1955 was res-urrected in a Pro-Rally format in 1988 and had had a strong follow-ing ever since. Off Road racing lov-ers, Jon and Midge Kennedy first raced the 2000 mile classic in 2003, but constant brake problems made the effort a lot less than satisfying. Teamed with Jack and Beth Photos: Kennedy/Maurer Team Maurer, the 2004 effort netted just the opposite re-sults; four stage wins and a resounding third overall in the original PanAm class. The seven day, seven stage race, run each Octo-b er begins in Tuxtla Gutierrez, just north of the Mexico-Guatemala border and passes through Oaxaca, Pueble, Morelia, Zacatecas before finishing in Nuevo Laredo. The stages are designed either "Transit" or "Special". In the Transit stages, the rac-ers intermingle and flow with daily traffic, while the Special stages allow the en-tries to race against the clock. The Kennedy/Maurer 1954 Lincoln Capri exceeded 130 miles per hour during these open high-way racing stages. Gaining in popularity year by year, the race is again attracting an international field and such spon-sor heavyweights as pharmaceuti-cal giant Pfizer and Corona Beer. With numerous classes, entrants can take the race as serious as they want, treating themselves to a lei-surely tourist-style 2000 mile cruise up the entire length of Mexico in October 2005 The exuberant crew, Jon and Midge Kennedy and Jack and Beth Maurer, their efforts in 2004 were well rewarded. near "Stock" cars or investing huge sums in 600 horsepower 50's clas-sics and hanging it out as racing leg-ends did, almost 50 years ago. Never far from the dirt, the Kennedys made it back in time for the Baja 1000 where their team fin-ished sixth in Class 12. · Seen here racing north in Mexico, the big Lincoln made a more than respectable showing in the 2004 La Carrera Panamericana. Dusty Times
COURSE 103 mile laps October 14, 15 & 16 2005: Laguna Salada, Mexicali SIXTH RACE OF THE CODE TECATE 2005 OFFROAD SERIES PRO, 2Iaps Class 14, 15 Class 11,18 1 laps Safari MIC, Quads 1 lap PRERUNING From Saturday October 1st.. Remember, do it with extreme CAUTION START MIC & Quads: 6:00 AM Cars & Trucks: 9:00 AM At 30 second Intervals. (Km. 28 Mexicali - Tijuana Highway) ,----- ----------... : ~~-! Welcome : , •~.~ 5-1600 Coalition: ' ~ Special Prizes at: , 1 www.bajacoalition.net , . --------------, DRAWING Wednesday, October 5th, at 8:00 pm at MEXICANA LOGISTICS, Km. 6, Mexicali -San Felipe Hwy. Fill out Your entry form and mail or fax it in. AWARDS TIME LIMIT 9 hrs! I CONTINGENCY & TECH INSPECTION Friday 14th at Plaza la Cachanilla from 4:00 to 10 PM. Sunday, October 16th at 12:00 noon at Molcajetes Bar & Grill"; Mexicali MOLCAJETES RACE FUEL HOST HOTEL ...... 11§11111 ~ From USA 1-800-437-2438 (686) 556-1312 Mexico sin costo 01-800-02-65-888 Mexico sin costo 01-800-02 66 300 From USA 1-800-lucerna B.-GnllaPnmSklp Remember it is not allowed to cross race fuel through the US-Mexico Border, there will be Fuel available Friday and Saturday at the race. l11P. Porfirio Gutierrez \V-5J, (646) 174-3124 (646) 117-0306 i,, Ray Gastelum \V-ii!;, (664)647-9222 Vpmex@hotmail.com ~ Marcos Azuela (646) 174-0204 (646) 174-0188 5.:•+ ','A <e_ooo mail@codeoffroad.com.mx www.codeoffroad.com.mx P.O. Box 2328 autopartes ~ OFF-RO.dD Calexico Ca.92232-2328 l'"'""-Un Mexicali paratodos.. 1>::J7 l 1, 1(~-COTUCO ~de!Ubmoy CorMn:::iones de Meldc0I
~oo-i, Tecate ··oRw de DFF-HD.D.D Amistad Gran Prix By Byrle Moore and Victor Gasca Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex Javier Robles was the big Class 10 winner, he also took the overall honors, he's seen here beautifully in flight. The first race conducted in the known as "Fud" to whom this race is Mighthavemadeittotripledigitsin the Jacume/Tecate area was the second race dedicated Fud and everyone else had a late afternoon, but still manageable. It produced under the cooperation of greatweekendoftop-notchracing. wasagreatweekendfornotonlyracing, CODE and the guy we will always re-The weather was typicalBaja desert-and race watching as welL This is one of memberas"Fud".lnoticedthesttength East county August weather. Hot thoseraceswherethe2lplusmilecourse of the spirituality of the area, back then. enough to sleep on top of the sleeping not only challenged the drivers but pro-That spirit, is of course still there, now bag but not so hot as it was, and has vided lots of viewing opportunity for joined by the racing spirit of the man been, in the last part of the month. the fan too. One hundred and twenty-iii. .. Barry Blue and Jess Clark drove their lethal looking Class 1 car to the class win, seen here taking off towards the checkers. seven cars and trucks hit the trails Satur-day and 69 bikes and quads followed suit on Sunday. Meanwhile hundreds of fans made use of the area for over-night camping and several thousand more showed up for the two days of racing. The course was almost exactly the same as last year. There were a few mi-nor changes brought on by Mother Nature and the summer rains. Slight alterations around wash outs, etc. All in all, a technical, but still a quick course. There were the usual treacherous washes and gullies, rocks, and sand, but there were those sections where )OU amid use the horsepower you brung too. Only 50 of the 127 cars and trucks completed all six laps consisting of three laps in the morning and three more laps in the afternoon, of which the combined total times decided the various place fin-ishes, in class. Well sometimes six. Sev-eral of the top three in some classes weren't able to go all 126 miles. Remember, stuffbreaks. Saturday dawned as Saturday's will, and right at 6:30a.m. the first laps were started. Theywentoutwithseveralclasses mixed together. For example, the larger horsepower persons went at each other and the smaller rigs went out together. This kept things moving all day and for the most part kept the various cars at least a few feet apart, instead of a few inches. Well, most of the time. Still, I know, there were probably some nerfing and some close passing encounters throughout all those heats. Barry Blue debuted his Class 1; Baja Shop built T ruggy, during this race and had no problems, but then he had no competition either. Hewas the only Class 1 entrant. Blue and co-driver Jess Clark went out very quickly in the morning and finished the first three laps at 1:22: 10. I suppose, knowing they were all alone in class, they saved the new car a little, in the afternoon and took a lei-surely trip of a little over an hour and a A close second place in Class 10 went to David and Marcos Reyes, Second in Class 8 was the Westwood/El Wardani duo, hey were 19 A nice second place in the Class 5 contest went to Luivan Voelker they missed the class win by only 25 seconds. minutes out of the first place honors. and his son, Luivan Jr., their good looking car seen here in flight. r-------------------------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding &Water Tanks Bulk Storage &Waste Tanks R.V. Ranks Quality Products & Friendly Service . VISA RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Sutte B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX us to Receive a Free Catalog ~---------------------------------------------~---------~ Page 42 October 2005 Dusty Times
,. In Class 7 it was Rafael Reyes and his son Rafael Jr. taking a very Lots of father and son teams, here we see Julian Patron and his son Seven minutes out qf the Class 9 win, Daniel Reyes and Julian Rivera had to settle for the silver medal this race. nice second place, seen here in their great looking truck. Julian Jr. heading for second place in Class 5-1600. half in the early evening. Anyway, a the earlier by just enough to hold Reyes' 2:40:44. Reyes was in at 2:41 :09 for 2:56:36 total time for the win. Welrome first place finish time, in the afternoon second. Let some of those Roundy to the Baja guys. off. Reyes pas.5ed Robles on the second Rounders try to compute 30 seconds Juarez CH who came to race in his inaOODEevent. lhey,alongwithDoug Kreger VW powered chassis. Avalos de-Aleman, who is the Class 12 points veloped some alternator problems and leader, made up the field of three. Smith didn't even get to start the second heat. won both the morning and afternoon Class 10: As anyone who has ever lap of the second heat and Robles devel-of corrected time, in a 130 mile race, in competed as an off road racer well oped some minor power steering prob- the dirt. Okay, I'm off my soapbox for knows, it's the unexpected that's ex-lems bu twas still able to take the fastest the day. The third character in this little pected You don't always have black- combined time of the day with his saga was Ariel Avalos over from Cd. Class 12 had a couple of new faces heats easily. Cortez, who was also en-in the form ofRodney Smith and Chris tered in a 1/2-1600 car took two sec-Cortezwhowerebothfirsttimeentrants Continued on page 44 top, laid down just for racing, and well banked rums, and all of the most recent computer equipment, to help you go from green to checkered. Mother Na-ture decides on the percentage of bank on the turns, she also makes the final decision as to roacVtrack conditions. Then there are always those other driv-ers, in all those other classes, that you have to learn to deal with. (Political com-ment made to deal with Roundy Round Racing?) I guess. Am;way, Class 10 was a classic off road racing shoot out. In this case the shooters were points leader Javier Robles in his VW powered Jimco and David Reyes, who showed up in his new (for him) Elite Chassis powered by a Honda V.:fech engine. Actually there were two shootouts, the first at about high noon and the Jose Soto and Javier Reyes took the gold medal in the Class 8 competition, their The Bruckmann's, Vic and Michelle were the big Class 5 winners, they took the win second, just about sunset. Javier took clean machine won with 19 minutes in hand. in their great looking car with 12 minutes in hand. Dusty Times RACING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNfflES NORTH CAROLINA -NASCAR Employment opportunities available for experienced fabricators, me-chanics, gear/transmission specialist and brake specialist. Must be well organized, willing to follow specific direction, and work as a team player. Must be willing to relocate to Charlotte, North Carolina. Please e-mail resume and salary requirements to ncjobs@teamgordon.com. No phone calls please. CALIFORNIA -OFF-ROAD Opportunity available for an experienced mechanic/fabricator. Must be able to TIG weld aluminum, stainless steel and chromolly. Must have some machining and mechanical experience. Must be self motivated and possess the •drive to win." Professional appearance required. Please e-mail resume and salary requirements to cajobs@teamgordon.com. No phone calls please. October 2005 Page.43
Noe and Tony Sierra had a pretty good race, they took a nice second Roberto Rabago and Luis Corona didn't get all their miles completed Jose Lopez and Humberto Sepulveda gave it their all this race but place in the Class 7S contest, seen here at speed. this race but still show as second place in Class 11. the best they could muster was second place in Class 14. Leonardo and Alex Nava"ete took the honors in the Class 1600 division, they only had a few minutes in hand at the checkered flag. ond places, spending a lot of time stuck aged to take the lead. Josh Westwood, in traffic, and Aleman only managed to who had been running third most of finish two of the morning laps. the weekend followed Soto in for a sec-Class 8 was one of the larger classes ond place finish. This definitely tightens at this event. There were some old faces up the race for the points champion-and some new faces. Notice I said old ship. The third spot was awarded to faces and new faces, not old faces and Jamie Ramirez who had stopped to young faces, right Beny? When all was check on Soto. Two races left and it said and done, after the afternoon heat, looks like it's going to come down to the the class winner turned out to be Jose wire for the Class 8 championship. J.C. Soto who had been running in second Lopez, Beny Canela and Noah Ostanik place all day behind Juan Carlos Lopez. only managed to complete a total of five When Lopez lost his tranny in the final laps during the morning and afternoon mile of the last afternoon lap Soto man-and fmished fourth through sixth re-~~;;;;;;;;;;;;=....,,;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;----i1a=ps=--.---'-------The always hotly contested Class 7 win went to Perry McNeil and Vincente Dominguez, seen here flying towards the finish. spectively. ·"rookie~" only managed a couple The Class 8 contingent although miles during the first lap of the second large, was plagued with problems all day. heat. Llke Arnold and/ or Douglas said, Iban Rubio lost another axle like he did "I'll be back" or "I shall return." at the night race a couple of months ago The Michelle and Vic Brockmann only this time it was the left side that duo continued with their winning way.;. went away. Canela only finished two laps Michelle won the morning heat and Vic in the morning and three in the after- came back after some dicing with Luivan noon. Ruben Ledezma could only fin-Voelker who was entered in his water-ish two laps in the evening and Ostanik cooled VW, Lalo Mayoral Class 5 rolled his ride during the second lap of Beetle. Voelker had a flat tire during the afternoon. Mike Dohertyall the way the morning laps, but managed a sec-overfromArizonaCityhadsomeprob-ond place finish against the lems, to include some self described Bruckmanns. The bronze went to Genero Robles and Sara Ramirez who could only finish five of the six required Class 1600 was another heavily en-tered class. Seventeen starters and nine of them fmished the required six. Leo and brother Alex Navarette shared the driving chores. Alex took the wheel in the morning and Leo brought the # 1600 car home through some traffic, in the afternoon, with a time of2:49:47. This was their first win of the season. The silver went to Jose A Soto and Luis Martinez. Luis took the #1601 car out in the morning, lost about five minutes with a coil wire problem but Jose ran a very sttong race in the afternoon. Their time was 2:53:34. The third place fin-ishers were the team of Victor Lugo and Mike Chaµi. Mike started in the morn-ing, had a wheel-to-wheel roll-over dur-ing the first couple of miles. Victor took the wheel in the afternoon and the team pulled out a 2:57:59. The rest of the 1600 cars each had a story of their own. Hiram Duran ran a clean race with no real problems, just not quite fast enough to be in the top three. Arturo Zavala went out sttong in the morning but had a flat and did a lot of damage to a rim. Victor Gasca, who provides a lot of the color, for these CODE stories, helped change a tire. Amazing what some of these CODE Officials can accomplish in their lines of duty. Jorge Vargas and Eric Mueller were having their own problems. They were late for the green and started in the back of the pack in the morning, then Mueller ====-=-===--=--~~---. Jesse and Tania Lopez had a great race, they took the Class 5-1600 honors with nine minutes to spare, seen here on a rough landing. . · • 7f • II00.86.DJ ·. ,03 Aess~ Suff.e/14 • OU, lllsta. C'A 9lflO ~ .~ · · . , · ..,,,,.,_,ace,eadyprodlld$.co,n Eliseo Ga;cia,. and Ramon Manriquez beat out the other 13 Class 9 entrants, .._ _____________________________________ __. they're seen here in their great looking car. Page 44 October 200s Dusty Times
Arnulfo Pena and Damian Sanchez drove their good looking Class 15 car to the second finishing spot, seen here at speed. Letting all his suspension hang out, Ricardo Martinez and partner Arce Arturo Rossette failed to complete the required distance this race but drove their truck to second spot in Class 18, 25 seconds too slow. was still credited with a second place finish in Safari Class. put the 1614 car onto its site in the after-noon. Car and drivers fine, sixth place. Edgar Alvarez had a roll-over in the morning. Had to stop for fuel and oil plus he got stuck at the first hill climb. Armando Rios spent a lot of time up-side down both morning and afternoon. He rolled it once in the morning and twice in the afternoon. All of this in a brand new car. Bill Hansen rolled his 1648 car at Mile 14 and was out for the day. Joe Laff was the fastest car d~ng the morning sharing the driving with brother Tim. They blew out a rear hub so didn't finish. Hear more about the Laffs in the Class 14 report Francisco Fernandez blew an engine and Jose Machado blew a tranny ergo, both of them were out for the day. Perry McNeil headed Class 7 Open. McNeil, who had rolled his Perry Jr. sponsored truck at the Terrible Town 250 made this CODE race a mission. That mission being, to get into the thick of the Class 7 points race. Perry won both morning and afternoon heats with his time of2:49:26. Rafael Reyes was the only other 7 truck to finish six laps. His time was 3:00:34. Jesus Mendez had a clean nm in the morn-ing but ran into some electrical prob-lems in the afternoon. Something about the fuel pump wiring? Mendez was awarded the bronze. Gelacio Beltran had a clean morning but rolled during the second lap in the afternoon. Alex Almaraz had a collision with a The Albelardo/Malok entry ended up winning the Class 7S conflict by six minutes, seen here taking off in their good looking truck. chase truck in the morning and radia- time of 3: 10:57. Even though Roberto tor problems in the afternoon but was and Jose Rabago spent a little time with able to save his Class 7 points lead. Last the shiny side down CODE officials year's Class 7 champion Rene Cuevas and some fans got them righted and had a bad day. He overheated in the they managed a 3: 11 :03 for the bronze. morning and was a dnf. Alberto RubenGarciawastheonlyotherdriver Gonzales and Matt Carter both lost to complete all six laps. His fourth place transmission and were also dnf s. time was 3: 17 :08. Ernesto Arambula Class 5-1600, Class 9 and the 14 ran clean in the morning but suffered class went out together. Jesse Lopez two flats in the afternoon run. headed the 5-1600 contingent with a Eduardo Pena blew a tranny in the last Gonzalo Jimenez and Arturo Castro easily took the Class 11 win, all their competition fell by the wayside. lap of the morning. Jose Gutierrez broke a spindle in the morning but ran clean in the afternoon. Mario Reynoso broke a front-end torsion bar and was only able to complete two laps in the morning. Meanwhile Arturo Cervantes could only finish one lap all weekend after destroying some rear ann bearings. Eliseo Garcia, the points leader, in Class 9 took a first place in the mom-ing and a second in the afternoon. His time of 3:05:38 helped him hold onto his points lead. Daniel Reyes was slow in the morning and fast in the after-noon, but not fast enough to catch Garcia. His time was 3:12:27. Juan Mayoral and Francisco Villarreai had some carburetor problems in the morn-ing heats and fought dust and traffic in the afternoon but pulled out a third Continued on page 46 time of3:01 :51. Father and son, Julian and Julian Patron, Jr., had a three sec-ond lead after the morning heat. Dad got caught up in traffic in the after-noon but held on for the silver with a www.nevadaoffroadbuggy.com CROW ' ' I I l t! . ►• I ' l,.• ~-- -- -SOI I) • • .· HFR!-' So many classes were so close on time, Jake and Tim Laff took the Class 14 win with only five minutes in hand at the flag. 0-:P i T: / ,M:A RAfTERlf-~ NEVAD\ OFFROAD BUGGY T-SHIRT SM-MEO-LRG-XXLRG ON.Y $10.00 WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WElD ON TRICK Carlos and Rolando De Los Palos drove their great looking Class 15 car to the class win, they're seen here in flight. Dusty Times 1ltUIUIIMrl PltM:II 500.:e• ZTREME nRE co. TABS Ac 1/td 1JtMd ~-, , . , CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax October 2005 Page 45
Jaime and Jesus Ramirez drove their truck to a bronze medal finish The third place finisher in the Class 1600 contest was the team of in the Class B competition, seen here in flight. Victor Lugo and Nike Chapa, seen here in their good looking buggy. Roberto and Jose Rabago finished third in the Class 5·1600 battle, the were only six seconds out of the second spot. place finish with a time of 3:17:21. fiveminutes.JuanCarlosandPhilippe andAngelGomestookthebronz.ewith Hector Perezwent3:26:47 andAlonzo Paramo forgot to heck the morning a 3:21:59. Gilberto Moro and Jaquez and Andreas Rubio went and afternoon split times, and ended Guillermo Gonzalez went 3:26:44 for 3:34:50. There were nine other entries up in third place by only nine seconds. fourth. that could only manage from zero to Jason Landman, Rodrigo Obeso, Hee- Seven entries in Class 18 and three five laps. Tough race. tor Pimentel and four time winner Jose of them made it to the final checkered. Remember the name Laff from Luis Sanchez, all had problems and Jorge Rivas reported a clean race and Class 16?Well, this time it was brothers didn't finish their six laps. encountered no problems on his way Joe and Tim who had a very good day Thirteen entries in Class 15 and to a 3:26: 14 and the gold. Ricardo M. under the Class 14 banner, winning four finished all the required laps. Lariosreportedacoupleoftirechanges withacombinedtimeof2:57:10.Jose Carlos and Roland de Las Palos fin-and some shifter problems and just Lopez ran clean in the morning, broke ished with a 3: 12: 12 for the gold. missed the lead finishing 25 seconds a rear drum in the afternoon, but was Arnulfo Pena and Damien Sanchez back at 3:12:39. Third spot went to still able to take second by just under went 3:21: 15 for the silver and Javier Gabriele Lara and Genaro A ln:raft Spruce iu worldwide distributor of quality prQducts for the rac-ing industry. Our product tine or over 30.000 jtems is one uf (he mo~, extensive from one single source. Our SCt\'icc has made us the number one ,upplier in aviation and is why over 350 race 1cams have turned to us as a lrUSled liOUM: for racing COltlponcnlS t www.aircraftspruce.com . '1'~ .. ,, • II ti Mr Filter, BEST 8EtECTIONt LOWEST PRICES/ ft SAME DAY SHIPMENT! Visit Our Corona, CA store! AIRCRAFT SPRUCE WEST 125 Airport Circk Corona, CA 91880-2527 pit. 9SJ.JT1*9555 fax 95I-J1UJ5SS lntoOalrcrattspruce.com 1-B77-4-SPRUCE . . ~ ~ . Page 46 Comaduran with a time of 3:39:43. Carlos Heraldez, Sergio and Luis Javier Salgado, Miguel Angel and Maurico Jimenez, and Jesus Miranda were un-able to complete all six laps. Class 7S had five starters and three of them managed to finish the required six laps. Abelardo Grijalva went super fast in his inaugural CODE race. He led all the laps in both heats and turned in a time of 3:08:58 for the win. Noe and Tony Sierra had a good day, they just weren't quick enough to Grijalva. Their time was 3: 15:01. Third spot went to Enrique Loam in with a 3:39:11. Gonzalo Jimenez pulled the hat trick of the day by being the only Class 11 driver to go all six laps. His time was 3:47:58. Roberto Rabago, who had a good battle going on with Miguel Mexia but was forced out with rear torsion and a bent tie rod during the afternoon heats. J. Ramon Rodriguez didn't fair much better. He finished all three laps in the morning but after getting stuck was only able to com-plete two afternoon laps. Mexia, class points leader, had a super morning winning that heat easily but again the afternoon heats were too much for the 1 ls. Miguel broke a c.v. joint on the second hill climb and was forced into the pits. Last but never least we have the Sa-fari class. In this case Luivan Voelker in the Heriberto Chavez car, went out quickly and finished strong. In fact, these guys were the only drivers to fin-ish the six laps. Guess it helps to have two runs at the course to study its intri-cacies. Right Luivan?1heirwinning time was 3: 16:21. Arturo Rossette and Lorenzo Dojaquez were awarded the silver after completing five laps and Luis and Ernesto Jordan managed four of the six and copped the bronze. On Sunday the bikes and quads went at it on a shortened course and two, five lap heats. Rodolfo lribe and Francisco Real were the overall win-ners with their time of2:37 :41. Just four seconds back were Carlos Casas and Noe Ibarra with a 2:37:45 and Tony Ayala and Chris Villalobos took the bronze, in with a 2:4 3:28. This was the Class MC pro group of which there were six entries. The MC Sports class was headed by Adolfo Arellano Rojo withhistimeof2:45:34. TonyGomez and Manuel Rochin were second with a time of2:46:46 and Humberto and Jose Luis Ayala were third with a time of2:53:18. These guys headed a class of24 entries that was the second larg-October 2005 Talk about close, Jorge Rivas and Gilberto Arreola took the Class 18 win by a mere 25 seconds in their good looking truck. est amount of entries in any field in CODE history. Thirteen starters in the ATV Pro class; Miguel Bastidas and Gilberto shared the ride to a winning time of 2:50:53. Just two minutes back the three man team of Nick Oestoud, Cesar Lopez and Nick Nelson, in with a 2:52:45. Ismael and Ezequiel Lopez were first across the line in Class ATV Sport. Their time 2:54: 15. Jerry Ruiz and Rodrigo Merino crossed second with a 3:03:42 and Ricardo Lopez and Gilberto ~mirez were third with a time of 3:04:52. There were 27 en-tries in the ATV Sport class and this set the record for largest entered field in a CODE race. · This cross border race just grows and grows. I'm sure Fud has a big smile on his face. The CODE folks again want to thank everyone for their par-ticipation dri\'ers and volunteers and fans alike. This is the kind of weekend that only helps further the off road cause on the Northern Baja. Again thanks to all. CODE's next race will take place back at Laguna Salada the third week of October. Contact CODE for information, and we will see you someplace on the Baja. Come on Down! (Thanks Vic). · The Safari Class win easily went to Heriberto Chavez and Luivan Voelker, all their competition failed to finish the race. Jose Soto and Luis Martinez just missed out on the gold medal in Class 1600, they finished less than four minutes out of the win. Dusty Times
Garman Ridge Rally By Scott Bottomley Photos: Motorsports Memories Alan Musev and Piers O'Hanlon drove their Audi Quattro to 1st overall, 1st WSRC Open and 1st CRS Open 4wd, not bad for a 20 year old driver. Ask any rally organizer and he or she will invariably tell you changes to rally roads at the last minute are not encouraged by the organizer. (See under U.S. Forest Service.) Needless to say this year's Gorman Ridge was different and only the second time in 16 years. From those I spoke with they thought it was a blast!! It was really a rally of "lucky tires", new experi-ences, failed motors (see under what might have been category) and of being misinformed. Open 2WD results might have looked a lot different had early and late retirements not occurred changing the leader board through-out the day. Dramatics shadowed this group even before the rally be-gan. Jeff Rados and Guido Hamacher in their Ford Ranger established the pace quickly taking first place in class on all stages right up to the service after SS6. At the half way mark, Jeffs thoughts were turning to a possible overall win, and with Amy Berbervanzo (Mit-subishi Open 4WD) in second place by 16 hundredths, he felt the im-possible could be· done. But Jeffs bid for overall supremacy ended on SS9 when a freeze plug killed his chances. Jeff summed up his feel-ings about the truck and his spouse, "The same engine meltdown oc-curred at Treeline while we were leading, but you wouldn't believe we couldn't shut down the motor even after we got back to service, only when we cut the fuel off did it stop running, but my wife said to go ahead and rebuild it (laugh)." Rotten luck again. Meanwhile, the pack behind Jeff were struggling to stay close, Mark Tabor and Ben Bradley (Acura RSX) at the time the leader went out were three-plus minutes be-hind, fortunately for them they didn't have to make that time up. But at the start of SS8, they were holding second place by a narrow margin of just 18 hundredths over Andrew and R. Lockhart (Honda CRX). After SS9, the lead shrunk again to 12 hundredths. On Stages 10 and 11, Mark managed to put dis-tance on the Lockharts, gaining in time increments of 21 and 81 hun-dredths, pulling away to win the class. Meanwhile the Lockhart's rally ended on SS 12 when their Honda yielded to rear suspension failure of the lateral link thus sur-rendering any chance of winning. They finished seventh in class. Tak-ing advantage of all this was the team of Dean Schlingmann and Chip Doeden (Suzuki Reno) who held third position in class in the closing stages. On SS9-ll, they fin-ished third, first and second in that order. They fell off a bit on SS12 to sixth but were classified second Mark Tabor and Ben Bradley took 1st in WSRC Production and 1st in CRS Open overall in class. Third place went to 2wd, their good looking Acura RSX performed well. Jose Mercado and Shea Burns in their Toyota Corolla, their highest finish was early on, finishing third on SS2. Jon Rood and Tim Hayosh, Ford Festiva, took fourth place, while Rem Wyatt and Pamela took fifth place with a fourth place on SSl and 6. Sixth iri class, first in Group 5 in WSRC, were Lisa Klassen and Rebecca Greek in her Toyota Corolla. Next were the ii Lockharts in seventh and in eighth were the Milos Brothers in their GMC Sonoma followed by Marco Pasten and Jennifer Imai in their Toyota Corolla, who finished third on SS3. With advice from Tony Chavez and the no fear attitude of his newbie navigator father-in-law Ed Amy BeberVanzo and Alex Kihurani were 2nd overall in their Mitsubishi Evo, 2nd VanDerPas (he hang glides off El WSRC Open and 2nd in CRS Open 4wd. Capital for kicks), Mike Masano Dusty Times October 2005 First WSRC Group 2, 1st CRS Performance Stock honors went to Mike Masano and Ed VanDerPas, seen here in their Toyota Corolla. George Doganis and Tom Smith drove their Nissan Sentra to 2nd WSRC Group 2 and 2nd in CRS Performance Stock. undoubtedly had the confidence he needed to win Performance Stock class. But it was the Mosers, Tim and Dick (VW Golf GTI) who unknowingly responded to Tony's recommendations to get a huge lead early before service that foiled Mike's early chances. Press-ing on as much as he could Mike hung close to the leaders, never losing sight of them, by the end of SS4 he was 30 hundredths behind, and by SS5 he was six hundredths behind. On this day the rally gods were not granting protection of suspension failure, unfortunately the Mosers broke a strut mount on Power Line North l and gave the lead to Mike and Ed (Toyota Corolla) for good after North Boundary East 2. By now the huge lead that Mike rallied to gave him enough breathing room (four stage wins and second place fin-ishes) over second place George Doganis and Tom Smith (Nissan Sentra SE-R) allowing him to cruise to a class win by 30 seconds. Facing the challenge of catching Continued on page 48 Page 47
--1- ENGINE CONTROL ........ & -· J DATA$VSTEJIS POWERING THE OVERALL WINNERS OF THE BAJA 1000 THE€HOIOE OF CHAMP/0NS ENGINE CONTROL Stand alonQ En!;jneManagementfor~12 cyl engi,,es Seq.lel1tial lrjeclionandDistnbul.or./essifption •rtema1 Logging with cJosed.loop lambda mappM'l!J Custom harnesses madeforyoi.rapplication Complet.esystems m,m $5000 DATASYS7EMS Jeff Rados and Guido Hamacher were leading overall in their Ford Ranger when the engine let go, an unfortunate dnf. Data Loggws with up to 128MB of memo,y Powetfu software to collect and analyze data Steel'il'l!J wheel and dashboard dsplays SLJ1'x)rtavailable for SCORE a,cJ BITD Made in the USA. HONDA , Power EA Technology Inc. 4025 Spencer St. #102 Tona,ce, CA 90503 Tel. (310) 793-2505 Fax (310) 793-2514 www.elitechnology.com the leader with a 7 5 second lead, George gave it his best shot win-ning the last four stages eventually closing the final margin to 30 sec-onds. Meanwhile, Larry Gross and Doug Young (Toyota Corolla) ran in the top three in the later stages of Gorman, posting a win on Power Line South 2. Sarkis Mazmanian and M. Mazmanian took the fourth spot in their Acura lntegra, grabbing second place on same Stage SS8 and 11. Fifth place went to the Taylors, Mike and his son Steven (Ford Ranger), who typically finish higher up the leader board and from appearances didn't have a great rally but as always had fun doing so. Sixth and final place went to newcomers Kristopher Marciniak and C. Wittish (Dodge Neon) who I assume are seeded eighth having the distinction of starting last• they both started the Equipment , POWEil UCER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE /JON T NAVE /T, NO ONE /JOE9/ Check Our Website: www.Kawaguchihonda.com Kawaguchi Honda Corp. day with a tie for fourth on North Boundary West 1. Position does have its advantages if the truth be told for Chris Wil-son in CRS GT. From the fifth starting spot he launched to a class win with Jeff Dubrule in their Subaru Legacy. An impressive ride riding on lucky tires; that only go flat after stage competition and a catlike approach to the numerous water bars. He swept all the stage wins but the first running of North Boundary East 1; Mike Moyer and Eric Olson snuck in and took that win in their Mitsubishi Eclipse. This team of Mike and Eric perhaps had the best chance to make the rally closer, but for reasons unexplained they did not post times on SS5 and 6 taking a DNF for their efforts. Chris explained his rally, "With Lucky Tires and a guarded ap-proach to water bars, today was a fantastic rally." :1-1:0ND n. 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 a■NliRATORa a Pu~ (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Nothing' s easier. For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2005 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Page 48 October 200s Dusty Times
0 .,.. ··" Christian Edstrom and Alex Gelsomino switched seats to check Third overall, 3rd WSRC Open and 3rd CRS Open 4wd honors went Chris Wilson and Jeff Debrule drove their Subaru Legacy to 1st each others skills, they finished 2nd WSRC PGT. 2nd CRS GT in to Chad Davies and Tim Sardelich in their Subaru lmpreza. WSRC PGT and 1st CRS GT. seen here ready for touchdown. _th_e_ir_E_a=-g_le-=--T._a_lon--=--. -=:------~----------~ For the rest of the small field, it lem contributed to the slow start, third in class with solid second the fifth spot in Robert's Chevy courage to continue on with was Christian Edstrom and Alex but once I found my rhythm we place finishes on SS2, 5 and 6. Blazer. In the sixth spot were Adam Gorman when choices could have Gelsomino in the second spot in were good to go!" Fourth place went to Robert Ullevig and Eric Bolton in their easily dictated a lesser event or per-their Eagle Talon TSi who, crank-Meanwhile Chad Davies and Tallini and Terry Stonecipher in Subaru. haps none at alL Thanks to all who .ingoutsecondandthirdplaces,fin-· Tim Sardelich in their Subaru their Mitsubishi Eclipse. Robert Thanks to Ray and Donna gavetheirtimetomakethisevent ishes in the later stages. Nick lmpreza STi placed sixth overall, Pendergrass and Jon Weigley took Hocker for their undiminished the best it could be. ..-lfiU Hudson and Allie Haleluk soldiered on for a third in their Toyota Co-rolla, finishing second on Power Line North 1. Bruce Brown and Steve Vukas rounded out the five finishers in his Subaru lmpreza. Amy Berbervanzo got almost everything right except winning. Actually she drove her Mitsubishi Evo 8 to an impressive second place in Open 4WD and overall -with the help of a time control . offo:ial who wrote the finish time in the elapsed time space of the card of Alan Musev. "So much for being mature" said Amy after her celebration was cut short upon completion, when it was revealed by the team's co-drivers, that whc\t she thought was a 44 hundredths lead going into the start of SS 12 was actually a 3 hundredths. "I drove conservatively on Stage 12 thinking I had won, but did I learn a lot of this experience. It was also the first time I got to start a rally, I was the first car on course twice!" exclaimed Amy of her weekend with Lily (her car's name). Not to blame, Alan Musev's co-driver that victory was really theirs. ( Near f{liss -A Cali-fornia Rally Series history first; two women pilots winning back to back rallies.) For Alan Musev it was a cerebral thing, "I had to change my mental approach for the second half, I was too excited and I had to calm down, and in doing so it worked, I felt myself get smoother." With Alan's psyche in the right place he found himself down 28 hundredths to Amy after Jeff Rados dropped out on Power Line South 2, he also said, "I pushed harder in the later stages and drove my best on Power Line, driving ten tens, a beautiful stage." Amy didn't give in, she returned the favor on the next stage, North Boundary West 4, she won it increasing the lead to 46 hundredths. Alan found the water bars on SS9 not to his lik-ing when his engine cut off, but on the other hand Amy flew home with the win. But the final three stages were another story, Alan won all three and found himself just 3 hundredths behind before the start of the last and final stage, North Boundary East 4, he knew it was his event to win or lose. As for Alan he was very happy with his win, relaying this story afterwards, "Sometime dur-ing the early stages our gear lever kept popping out and Piers held it in place so it wouldn't pop out, while turning the pages of the route book." He summed up his win, "I hadn't rallied since Desert Storm and the gear lever prob-Dusty Times October 2005 Page 49
CORR AT CRANDON Greaves/Renezeder/ O'Connell Double At Crandon By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photograpy John Greaves swept both rounds at Crandon in his Toyota, he leads Pro-4 by 11 points with two rounds yet to go in California What can you say, fourth win in a row, Jason Baldwin was the second Crandon is Crandon. The Baldwin, pushing his Ford place finisher, Curt CORR folks always put on hard, followed him in, LeDuc was third once a good show, no matter Curt LeDuc took the more, Jason Baldwin where they are racing but bronze medal in his Ford slipped to fourth place, at Crandon, it seems all pickup, Josh Baldwin, Carl Renezeder was having the stops are pulled out also in a Ford was first a baaaad weekend, he fin-and the racing is always out of the money, fifth ished fifth, sixth place better than ever. And, place went to Toyota driv-went to Rick Huseman, that's the way it was this ing Rick Huseman, Steve Steve McCrossan came in past Labor Day weekend, McCrossan came in sixth seventh and Al Drews was the racin' was great, the in his Chevy, Al Drews eighth. Note: Jason spectator crowd was enor-was back in seventh place Baldwin was the winner of mous and loud and we in his Ford and Carl the BorgWarner wouldn't even venture a Renezeder had mechanical Shootout, besting a field guess as to how inuch beer troubles with his Chevy of top drivers for the and brats were consumed. and finished in eighth honor. In the Pro-4 contest it place. As they head to San Di-was Johnny Greaves taking In the second Pro-4 ego for the final two the win in both rounds, round Johnny Greaves rounds of Pro-4 racing, he widened his lead in the once again passed every-Johnny Greaves holds the points as well. In the firs t body on the track to take points lead with 182, round Greaves drove his his fifth consecutive win Carl Renezeder is second Toyota to the win, his of the 2005 season, Josh with 171, Jason Baldwin ------Wired to Win! Wiring Going To Make It Another Season? Auto electrical experts Specializing in custom off-road wiring Race vehicles & dune buggies Communications and custom lighting www.enjwireworks.com Page so When it's gotta be Wired Right! e&j Wireworks 2865 Progress Place Ste 28 Escondido CA 92029 760-738-WIRE (9473) October 200s In Pro-2, Carl Renezeder swept Crandon in his Chevy, he has a 15 point lead and he's second in points in Pro-4. is third with 169, Josh Baldwin is fourth with 153 and Curt LeDuc is in fifth place with 143 points. In the first round of the Pro-2 conflict it was Carl Renezeder taking his third win of the season in his Chevy, Scott Douglas, Ford, came in for the sec-ond spot, Dan VandenHeuvel was third to the checkers in his Chevy truck, Jason Baldwin, making his debut in Pro-2 came in fourth in his Ford pickup and Kevin Probst, Chevy, came in fifth. The Chevy of Evan Evans was the sixth finisher, Steve Barlow came in seventh in his Ford, Art Schmitt was eighth, Todd LeDuc was back in ninth place in his Ford and Chris Hansen, Ford, came in 10th. Rookie Scott Peterson, Chevy, was the 11th place finisher, Josh Baldwin was way back in 12th place in his Ford, Brian Hinman was unlucky 13th in his Chevy and Scott Taylor, only getting in four laps, was the 14th and final finisher in his Ford. In the second Pro-2 round, Carl Renezeder took the lead on the fourth lap and he w ent o n to take his second win of the weekend, his fourth win this year. Scott Dou-glas just minded his own business and took another second place finish, S cott Taylor had some contac t early in the race but h e charged back to take the third place finish, Jason Baldwin took another fourth place finish and Brian Hinman finished a decent fifth place. Steve Barlow was sixth across the line, Todd LeDuc came in seventh, eighth place went to Chris Hansen, Scott Peterson came in ninth and J osh Baldwin was the 10th place finis h e r . D a n VandenHeuvel was un-happy with his 11th place finish, Evan Evans was Chad Hord took one win at Crandon in his Nissan, his six point lead is tenuous as they head to California for the final rounds. Ben Wandahsega took a second and a third in his Ford, he took the Sportsman Championship with 19 points in hand. Dusty Times
Scott Taylor is 15 points in arrears going into the last two rounds in Dan Baudoux had five wins in Sportsman but he was only able to Scott Schwalbe took a third and a second at Crandon, he ended the grab second place in the points championship in his Chevy. season in second place in Super Buggy. Pro-2, seen here flying his Ford. way back in 12th place and Kevin Probst was· the 13th and final finisher. In the Pro-2 points fight, Carl Renezeder leads with 17 3 in hand, Scott Taylor is second with 158, Scott Douglas moved way up into third place with 138 points, Josh Baldwin and Dan VandenHeuvel are tied for fourth place with 133 points each. Note that Scott Taylor has won the Pro-2 points battle each year since 1999 and he may be looking at his first second place points finish in six years. Pro-Lite, always hard fought, put on their usual good show for the Crandon fans. Chad Hord, Nissan picked up his fourth win of the 2005 season, Kyle LeDuc was right on his heels in Dusty Times the second spot in his 15th and Jeff Kincaid, place went to Stacey Pike, came in third, Gordon Ford, Steve Federico, Toyota, made a valiant ef-Alan McMillan took an-Zima came in fourth in Toyota, was also close on fort but was slowed by other 14th place and his Ford and Rhonda his heels for a third place mechanical problems and Randy Eller was a long Konitzer, she too in a finish, Nissan driver Mark finished 16th. 15th place finisher and Ford, was fifth. Sixth Krueger came in fourth In the second Pro-Lite rookie Glen Grint was the place went to Mike Savage, and Randy Eller finished round, Jeff Kincaid took 16th and final finisher. also in a Ford, Ken in fifth place in his Chevy. his second win of the sea-Heading out to Califor-Hallgren was seventh in Sixth place went to son, Art Schmid helped nia for their last two his Chevy, Dan Bandoux Shayne Pagles, another himself with a nice second rounds, Chad Hord leads was eighth in his Chevy, Toyota Driver, Liam place finish, Mark the points with 159, Jeff Bob Gershmel, Chevy was O'Donnell was lucky sev-Krueger took a very nice Kincaid is six points back the ninth finisher and enth in his Nissan, Javier third place finish, fourth in second place, Kyle Greg Adler was 10th in his Sacio, in another Nissan p_lace went to Shayne LeDuc sits in third with Ford. Ross Hoek, GMC came in eighth, Mark Pagles and Jim Kandel was 144, Steve Federico is was the 11th finisher and Oberg, Ford, was the the fifth place finisher. fourth with 133 and Mark Chris Kaiko, Chevy was ninth finisher and Josh Mark Oberg came in sixth, Krueger is fifth with 128 the 12th and final fin-Hintz came in 10th in his Josh Hintz took seventh points. isher. Toyota. Don Ponder, long place, eighth place went In the Sportsman 2 Di-In the second round of time Ford driver, came in to Don Ponder, Liam vision, Mike Oberg, Ford, Sportsman 2, Dan 11th, Stacey Pike, also in O'Donnell came in ninth finally got his win, first Baudoux captured his a Ford came across in and Chad Hord came of the year, Ben fifth win of the season, 12th place, Art Schmitt across in 10th place after Wandahsega, also in a Mike Oberg came in sec-was way back in 13th tangling with Kyle LeDuc Ford, finished in the sec-ond, Ben Wandahsega was place in his Nissan, Alan early in the race. Javier ond spot and that gave third in, Mike Savage McMillan, a rookie came Sacio was ·down in 11th him the Sportsman 2 took a nice fourth place in 14th in his Ford, Jim place, Kyle LeDuc was way Championship for 2005, and Rhonda Konitzer was Kandel, Toyota, came in back in 12th place, 13th Don Williams, Chevy, Continuedonpage52 October 2005 Page 51 '
Dan VandenHeuvel drove his Chevy to a 3rd and an 11th place finish Steve Socha and John Fitzgerald are battling for position in the race Scott Douglas hasn't had the best of years, he is currently third in at Crandon, he's current/ tied for fourth in Pro-2 points. as well as in the Single Buggy points. points in Pro-2 in his good looking Ford. Art Schmitt had a 13th and a 2nd at Crandon, he'scurrently sixth in In Super Buggy, Ryan Mulder had Mp fifth place finishes at Crandon, Curt LeDuc's season, don't ask, Curt scored a pair of third place finishes at Crandon and is fifth in Pro-4 points. Pro-Lite standings with two rounds left to go. he's seen here flying his good looking car to the finish. the fifth place finisher. Ken Hallgren came across 12th and Ross Hoek came Sixth place went to Greg in ninth place and Chris across in the 13th spot. Adler, seventh went to Kaiko came in 10th. Jim In the Sportsman 2 Don Williams, Bob Wrobleski came in 11th, points battle, Ben Gershmel came in eighth, Gordon Zima was a long Wandahsega took his first .......... s,zu .. ,,,., .. ,.,.,.,. ... ,, .. , 0111-cut ..., ... ••••••• ~-••tt II.I.II. ,._,. •rt•t-.J••n --•• ,..,,,,,. • ..... ,.., . ., ...... , •.. ,,. Call tar Pricing! Page 52 October 2005 ever championship with Konitzer t aking the win in 192 points earned, Don his Dodge, Rod Wells, Baudoux, who has ruled Chevy, was right behind this class for years was him in second place, Rob-second in points with ert McDermid, Chevy, 173, Mike Savage was came in third, Tim third with 151, Mike Konitzer, Ford, came in Oberg was fourth with fourth and Dave 147 and the fifth spot Waldvogel was fifth in his went to Don Williams Ford. Sixth place went to with 132 points. Don Demeny in his Dodge The Stock class contest truck, Scott Beauchamp, was also going right down Chevy, came in seventh, to the wire. Keith Steele eighth place went to Jason had the points lead going Borr, he too in a Chevy, into the weekend but ev-Keith Steele was way back erything went wrong. As in ninth place in his they came in to finish Chevy, J . R . Wagner, also their first round it was Al in a Chev)'. was 10th and Dave Waldvogel leapt into the Stock championship in his Ford pickup, thanks to two good finishes at Crandon. Aaron Hawley took the Super Buggy championship by a huge points margin, he's seen here heading to the checkers. Dusty Times
Chad Dewall took a pair of fifth place finishes at Crandon, he ended Todd Lemke pocketed a third place finish at Crandon, he finished Al Konitzer took a first and a third place finish at Crandon, he finished fifth in the Stock championship points chase. up in third place in the points chase in Light Buggy. 15th in points in the Lights Buggy championship run. Eric Ruppel, Ford, was the big winner this year. Super Buggy saw Gary the 11th and final fin-The opening round was Nierop take his second isher. taken by Corry Heynan, win of the season, Scott The second Stock his third win of the year, Schwalbe finished in a round saw Scott in second place it was nice second place, Mike Beauchamp taking his sec-Gary Nierop, Scott Geiser came in for third ond win of the season, Schwalbe came in third, place, John Mason was Dave Waldvogel was next fourth place went to John fourth again and Ryan in, and that gave him the Mason and Ryan Mulder Mulder was the fifth place class championship this was fifth. Sixth place finisher. Sixth place went year, third place went to went to Tim Lemons, to Tim Lemons, again, Al Konitzer, Rod Wells Craig Biesik took the sev-Scott Peterson came in came in fourth and Don enth pos1t1on, Todd seventh, Todd Wallace was Demeny came across in Wallace came in eighth, eighth, Craig Biesik was fifth place. Tom Konitzer ninth place went to ninth and Herman came in sixth, seventh Herman Barnum and Barnum was the 10th place went to Robert Chris Haenlein was the place finisher. Eleventh McDermid, Jason Borr 10th finisher. Stephanie place went to Tom came in eighth, Rick Krieman, a rookie, was Schwartzburg, Jon Steiner Hinman was ninth in his the 11th finisher, John came in 12th, Aaron Chevy, Eric Ruppel was Steiner came in 12th, Lisa Hawley was 13th, 10th and J.R. Wagner was Grint was unlucky 13th, Stephanie Krieman was the 11th and final fin-Scott Olson was the 14th 14th and Don Olson came isher. finisher and Jim Kandel Dave Waldvogel claimed came in 15th. David the Stock Championship Staples came across in with 168 points earned, 16th place, Aaron Hawley Ke i t h Steele was second was 17th, but who is with 163, Scott counting, Mike Geiser Beauchamp c ame in third came in 18th, Scott with 161, fourth went to Peterson was 19th in and Don Demeny with 132 Greg Peterson, a rookie, points earned and fifth was 20th. Tom place went to Al Konitzer, Schwartzburg was a long he had 124 points. 21st, Tim Christensen was Super Buggy was ready 22nd, John Frana came in to race their two rounds, 23rd, Jack Haenlein was although their champion-the 24th and final fin-ship had already been de-isher. cided, Aaron Hawley was The second round of • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 18lP Bends Steel. 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Rou11d, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541 )382-1573 www.tubeshark.com Dusty Times October 2005 in 15th. Sixteenth place points. went to Paul Bort, Tim Single Buggy has been a Christensen was 17th, battle all year, Steinhardt David Staples was 18th, and Seefeldt both deter-Greg Peterson was 19th mined to take the crown. and Lisa Grint was the In the first round Mark 20th finisher. Chris Steinhardt took the win, Haenlein came in 21st, and the advantage, Mike Bill Goshon was 22nd, Seefeldt came in second, Jack Haenlein was 23rd, Steve Socha came in Jim Kandel came in 24th third, Brad Erickson came and Corry Heynan was in fourth and John the 25th and final fin-Fitzgerald was fifth. Bret isher. Ellenson came in sixth, The Super Buggy points seventh place went to champion is Aaron Heather Sullivan, Adam Hawley with 165 earned, Guberud came in eighth, Scott Schwalbe is second Cissy Baldwin came in with 137, Gary Nierop is ninth and Terry third with 130 points, Fitzgerald came in 10th. Corry Heynan is fourth Eleventh place went to with 124 and Todd John Koran, Allan Wall ace is fifth w it h 111 Cantinued on page 54 Page 53
A seventh and a ninth place finish at Crandon, not too bad for Heather Rhonda Konitzer took a pair of fifth place finishes at Crandon, Rhonda Gary Nierop took a second and a first at Crandon, Gary finished Sullivan, she ended the season 9th in ints in Sin le Bu finished seventh in points in Sportsman in her Ford. third in points in Super Buggy. here heading for the flag. Corry Heynan won the first round at Crandon, Corry finished the Marl< Krueger took a 4th and a 3rd at Crandon in his Nissan, he is ScottBeauchamp'sblue Chevy took a 7th and a 1st place at Crandon, season fourth in points in Super Buggy. currently 5th in Pro-Lite points with two rounds to go. Scott finished third in points in the Stock Class. Plawman was 12th, Mark pionship. Mike Seefeldt in 15th. John Huven was fourth with 147 and Brad Peebles was 10th. Steve Morton came in 13th, Eve was second again, too 16th in, Kelly Renezeder Erickson was fifth with Oman came in 11th, Tom Baldwin came in 14th and little, too late, Steve was 17th, Eve Baldwin 143 points earned. Virnig was 12th, Steve John Huven came in 15th. Socha came in third, Brad was 18th, Rick Welch was In Light Buggy, Ben Schuch came in 13th, Jeff Bechinski was 16th, Erickson came in fourth 19th and Jason Janusz O'Connell was working Brian Bloomquist was Luke Zoetmulder came in and John Fitzgerald was came in 20th. Brett hard to defend his 2004 14th and Tom Thomas was 17th, Dan Martin was fifth. Terry Fitzgerald Ellenson came in 21st, title. In the first round 15th. Nick Lemke came in 18th, Tracy Crump came took sixth place, Tracy Mike Notary was 22nd Ben took the win happily, 16th, Randy Oman came in 19th and Kelly Crump was seventh, Cissy and Bruce Powers was the Jeff Virnig was right on in 17th, Barry Wahlen was Renezeder was 20th. Sam Baldwin came in e ighth, 23rd and final finisher. his heels for second 18th, Stepha n i e Pait! was Pace came in 21st Michael Heather Sullivan came in In the Single Buggy place, Todd Lemke was a 19th and Craig Metz was Notary was 22nd, Bob ninth and Allan Plawman points, Mark Steinhardt nice third place, Jaime 20th. Carol Gunderson Blaney was the 23rd and was 10th. Eleventh place defended his 2004 cham-Kleikamp was fourth and came in 21st, John final finisher. went to Mark Morton, pionship with 183 points, Chad Dewall came in McDonald came in 22nd, In the Single Buggy sec-Bob Blaney was 12th, Mike Seefeldt was second fifth. Sixth place went to Craig Paitl was 23rd, Jim ond round, .Mark Luke Zoetmulder was with 178, John Fitzgerald Greg Stingle, Brian Glime Miller was 24th and Adam Steinhardt took another 13th, John Koran came in third with 149 was seventh, Brad Arndt Behm came in 25th. John first lace and the cham-14th and Sam Pace Steve Socha was came in eighth, Craig Bauman was the 26th fin-Page 54 October 2005 Rabe was ninth and Tracy isher and Mike Marl< Steinhardt won Poth rounds at Crandon and it gave him the Single Buggy championship, he's seen here at speed. In Light Buggy, Ben O'Connell won both rounds at Crandon and he took his second championship by just a few points. Dusty Times
Jeff Kincaid ~n one round at Crandon, he's second in Pro-Lite points in his Toyota, seen here in level flight. VandenHeuvel was the 27th and final finisher. In the second Light Buggy, Ben O'Connell was working hard to defend his 2004 title. In the first round Ben took the win happily, Jeff Virnig was right on his heels for sec-ond place, Todd Lemke was a nice third place, Jaime Kleikamp was fourth and Chad Dewall came in fifth. Sixth place went to Greg Stingle, Brian Glime was seventh, Brad Arndt came in eighth, Craig Rabe was ninth and Tracy Peebles was 210th. Steve Oman came in 11th, Tom Virnig was 12th, Steve Schuch came in 13th, Brian Bloomquist was 14th and Tom Thomas was 15th. Nick Lemke came in 16th, Randy Oman came in 17th, Barry Wahlen was 18th, Stephanie Paid was 19th and Craig Metz was 20th. Carol Gunderson came in 21st, John McDonald came in 22nd, Craig Paid was 23rd, Jim Miller was 24th and Adam Behm came in 25th. John Bauman was the 26th fin-isher and Mike VandenHeuvel was the 27th and final finisher. In the second Light Buggy round Ben O'Connell took another win anq. the Light Buggy Championship. VandenHeuvel came in sec-ond, Steve Oman came in third, fourth place went to Greg Stingle and Chad Dewall was fifth again. Steve Schuch came in sixth, Craig Rabe came in sev-en th, Tracy Peebles was eighth, Brian Glime was ninth and Craig Metz came in 10th. Mike Tikkanen came in 11th Randy Oman was 12th, Brian Bloomquist came in 13th, Jaime Kleikamp was 14th and Barry Wahlen was 15th. Sixteenth place went to John McDonald, Nick Lemke came in 17th, Adam Behm came in 18th, Carol Gunderson was 19th and Tra-c Fleischman was the Josh Baldwin handles a bad landing, Josh finished 4th and 2nd at Crandon, he's currently 4th in championship points in Pro-4. Dusty Times 20th finisher. Stephanie Paitl was 21st, Bryan Holtger came in 22nd, 23rd place went to Matt Gerald, Jim Miller was 24th again and Tom Thomas was 25th. Twenty-sixth place went to Tom Virnig, he was the final finisher. In the Light Buggy Championship, it was Ben O'Connell taking his sec-ond championship with 148 points, Jeff Virnig was second with 144, Chad Dewall was third with 115, Craig Metz was fourth with 113 and Greg Cl RESTRAINT · • Slows forward motion in tire event al a crash -------• Allows head movement • No cumbersome collar to wear • Quick, one-time adjustment • Does not hook into lap belt • Reduces neck tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, especially where driver changes are common TIP DRIVERS UTILIZING THE D-CEl George Seeley • Ed, Tim & Troy Herbst • Larry "LR" Roese/er Mork Post • Nick Baldwin • Jerry Whelchel • Alan PFiueger Jason & Josh Baldwin • Rick, Randy & Ronny Wilson Mike Julson • Bab Lofton • Mark & Gary Weyhrich • Dave Ashley Dan Smith • Kyle Taylor • Gus Vildosola • Rob Mac(achren I Nf!!l~1:i,-.,,.I 1.B00.71J0.2350 • Fax 909.360.IJ436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 October 2005 Stingle was fifth with 111 points. That concluded the sea-son for the Sportsman classes, the Pros have two more rounds to run and that will be covered in next month's edition of Dusty Times. · SQa Page 55
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RACIN HEADS 1466-f 10. IAHTA HAVE.• VII TOLL FREE (8881 3 PH/FAX (760) 727-182 HONDA FIIBID TIIBIS S99,00A sn $SUZUKI se~•..aaa I I ~ I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91601 HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde Highway 80 • Suite E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990 , HLJSTLE~ i conCEPTS ~ ge:f ,~~OP , I I Rl=ICE Cl=IRS !PRE RLJnnERS li:::1L-umnum w□RH We've moved!! I SPECs:::IL-IT'-r' VEHC::L-ES •..,t.,1--.i I i PH: 714-997-0701 i I www.h~s!lerconcepts.com I I Fax:714-997-0758 71◄ ~ Lemon SI, Orange.CA. 92867 IMPACT CUSTOMS 9CORE NHRA 9CCA RACE SPEC ROLL CAOES, TUBE CHA!J919, CUSTOM 9USPEN9/ON9, AIR BAOS, BODY DROPS, SHAVE, 9U/CIDE, PRE-RUNNERS, BAJAS, LONO TRAVEL, RACE PREP, CUSTOM WIRINO, FABRICATION AND METAL WORK 661.Q98.7079 JG TRANSWfRKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~~~ •~~■■■~IT~ L~ I IL~~J~ II Quality Racing Transaxles Mendeola Dealer Off Road - Sand Specialist JOE GIFFIN (714) <>32-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Mike Julson 9426 Wheatlands C~urt · Santee, CA 92071 619-596-3360 619-596-3364fax www.Jlmcorace.com George Jimenez Se Habla Espanol 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel: (714) 535.5116 Fax: (714) 535-5816 Specializing in custom off1 cad race trucks, • P1erunners • Sand C815 TROY J OHNSON (951) 779-9395 • Raily ca1:: • C u;tc,m F abric2t:0n , .Ad·1oncs:d Sus~fnsic,n 2061 Third Street. Unit A Riverside, CA 92507 If Your Business Needs A Boost Let Dusty Times Help You Get The Word Out To The Racers Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 DU81il1;11os KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication ~-:::-,~.....,.::=a--~ Custom Suspensions www.KALoffroad.com Kurt Lannee (805) 466-4101 306 I E. La Jolla St irt Anaheim. California 92806 Email: jgtrans@pacbell.net ---www.JGTranswerks.com 8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawagucbibonda.com ..ART KAWAGUCHI I 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323-264-6858 BLACK~~ Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fl: 114.631.1854 1214 N, Parker Unli #3 Orange, CA 92861 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. ~O. 11661 PENDLETOMSTREET SUN VALLEY, CA-913152 FAX(818)788-2687 (818) 798-0371 A full line of Power StNring gears, pumps and acceuoriea for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chassis •Race Prep •Aluminum Work •Welding Engineering •Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER . p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~HCHA.FT. ,RLXCe ,P~ www.mastercraftseats.com Seat.; • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ . www.mckenzies.com PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 I
MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 Todd Dwyer 1900 Compton Ave. Suite 101, Corona, CA 92881 Phone (951)817-0101 Ext.156 www.mickeythompsontires.com 619-562-5533 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • R~lly Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by Hand in the USA 8966 Benson Ave., Suite D Montclair, CA 91763 J~HN MOSELEY 909-949-8161 Owner/Fabricator Fax 909-949-8162 11 11--11--O F F R O A D E N G I N E E R I N _G Pre-Runners • Race Cars & Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Way_ #ll5 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 www.motorsportsplus.com RACE CARS PRERUNNERS SAND CARS JIM MOULTON 42231 6TH STREET MEST 1201 LANCASTER C4 63534 661-974-7961 Mso· .,., ,,, Jr.,'* •4w;14 t••4,•J& • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE . - . -. AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNA N DR., EL PASO. TX 7993E 1915) 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE 1915) 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE www msd1gn1bon corr TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-725-2B75 NORB offroad superstore HEIM JOINTS - WELD IN BUNGS - TABS BUSHINGS - JOHNNY JOINTS HIGH MISALIGNMENT SPACERS ,, IN STOCK· READY TO SHIP WORLDWIDE/~~ 1-888-755-5900 ~ We con Beodloc~-- --.-----,,, YOUR RIMS!! l . · f. t ATV PHWJR//t/4,ta ~~ Sizes to ,t mos . .. ., .. , & AUTOMOTIVE applications POLISHED & COLORED FINISHES SCALLOPED OR CONVENTIONAL Reinforcing Rings Also Available Phone -(951) 354-8272 www .OMfPERf QRMANCE. com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 MPER (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 HELMETS PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS :!I? ,~~tgJV@j©lfl-sAFEn EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL,'SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK wmiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11'1.'TERCOM STILl. ONLY S 12c;. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. ~ SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 ' I 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 ~ • .-. • f!ENHRID ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock, Building B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 TEL 19491 650-3035 FAX 19491 650-4721 www.penhallfab.com penhallfab@aol.com Jerry Penhall • All Type• of St.HI Cl Aluminum Fabrication • Tube &.adinc • Almmnum CJ Stael W.lclinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley . 702-365-9055 PlAYTECH John Gould FABRICATION 3031 E. Coronado St. Suite E, Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone: (714) 238-1179 Fax: (714) 238-1183 www.playtechfabrication.com
Pretisio11 Alloy, lid. Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com r,pno PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodlgy.net Tel: 61~2 Fax:619-390-6470 14402Bondeourt El Cajon, CA 92021 oertormance wire llarnesses Joe oaulllan Pgr: · 8l8-94S•9471 ------------=""""' 13411 orontleld Ave. sv1mar. CA 91342 · Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com Southern CalHomla's largest Distributor or Mendeola Transalles PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 •. Toll Free: 800.304.8126 tel #,909~6 7 6-1,569 fax #909-676--1141 ~,,,.i.ntrnn< rom1_ Tony Selva Jr. 27598 C<>mmerce Center Dr Temecula, CA 92590 ~CTRINS ~ will get yaa ii gear swi1g axle, ••s, •ewlaad, MD4S 3455 S. POURI #5 LAS IDiAS, IOADA 89102 Barry Beacham .111 0.0. IIIJLmN (702) 221-4313 (102) 181·9724 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com A Tatum Distributor )..,::i .__ .... -"' ~ - . :. ... ~ -R.DH.:halke-Specializing in Off-Road Racing & Driving For Over 21 Years 'k/uuw,."' ..,~ ..,_ Q,,,;i 2000-.2001 • Pl.u 9 ~ o/ e~'kluu Mig Welding • Tig Welding Upgrades & Repairs Baja-Proven Equipment 5294 N. Casa Grande Hwy • Ste 102 Tucson, Az 85 7 43 520-850-3693 Lonely Long Advertising Term Space Relationship Looking Call For 818-882-0004 fl1l} SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING . 5921 Wil_mington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 t323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLA. T -GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARK SMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOTu HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV .89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGl6 • B~NNERS • \WIDOW LffiEP.1~,G • C,\R LETTERl~IG • GR,IPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Ga:·:1ay Circle • Hunt:ng,o~ 8::3Ch CA 921349 (714) 897-0075 • F2, (7 4i694-9567 tOHJVlfffCM SJIIIT PflFIIRJIIK&f I 1-800-MY MUFFLER Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 Fem 61'1-449-76711 Cel~ 619-726-6891 I I Fabrication & Race Preparation I I I I ~ Sales& I Service , RACE FUELS --[209] 847-2281 [800] 527-6090 FAX [209] 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 <CfuNsEj:), ~s,. it'£i9:. '2 '? .. You" Gu"'11Ltrv S10H CoMrAN-r" Design Fabrication lnstailatlon (909) 340-4684 JAX {909) 340-4689 1 '21 5 POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!!
TLR Peefonnance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, C~evy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1261 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 951-654-7334 Fax: 951-654-2375 See a list of our produds at our web site: http://www.off~berglass.com I RdNstiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD · (818) 998-2739 0 C OJ ....; C ~ (/) o-"11m~ )> 0 (/) X )> C/J wo,w ~o~ 999 -..J -I>--..J (X) w (X) I\) CJl I\) W 6 I'\> -..J -I>--1>--..J ~ ~ I\) 0) w I\) ~ ~ ~ f;, :::, (/) n o :I' C 0 5' ~z :::;; 0 0 ~ 3 3 - · OJ OJ :::, <O a. ~ m· 0 )> ~ < (t) 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 ~/ ransworks ~Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED ME DEOLA DEALER STOCK & CUSTOM SAND * STREET* RACE www.transworks.biz ERIC LAU ORIE 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 (UMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE. SUITE #A SANTEE. CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W. Bradley, Unit O El Cajon, CA 92020 ~~ Carlos Orozc-Fo11 pl6x - ?omor:.o October 9 & 10 C-L lil~\'Ltl{l" Ellll, .. 3SS. .. 4.-l.7 U CLBRYANT.COM VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTOR Advancing the Science of Motor Sports RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. OE R.L. OE C.V. Ray Gastelum GERENTF Of 'cNTAS CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MAYORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA. 0 C TEL.: (GE<) E<7 9222 FAX: (6G~) GO? 1«0 E-MAIL: v;,mex@hotmail.com VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Mobil · 664 648 2882 • Nextel Rad 10: 152 * 133577 * 1 Call USA to Mexico dial 01152 "Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports" Website· www.vpracingfuels.com KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email: vppac1fic@aol.com Taxes Group & Individual Health Real Estate Loans John 0. White, CPA, MBA 866 887 5556 3190 Calle de Marejada Camarillo, CA 93010 Cell 805 844 4665 It's about what you keep! Fax 805 830 1590 johnowhite@hotmail.com CPA 36032E, DRE 7-60373, Doi bD48458 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OFTHEYEA.R 994.1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To complete Engine, 3675 w. Teco Ave. Unit a. LM Veaa&. NV 89118 702-837-2522 Fron1 & R~ar lr.iilini; Anns • Spindles SuspMsion Specialill • Cuslom bt:e & Play Bug&y Ch.usis A•Arm Front Ends • Bc-.am Front fnck 9608 N. 21st Or. Ph0ttnix, AZ 85021 ftace Ca.rs Do ~e Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Jack Woods 602-242-0077 f.ix 602·242·7283 Baja Bugs ~ • l':arts • Sc:mce. Vkld'm,; Wt-P~-N,ssan-Ta,oi;a -Honcu i 850 S.Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia. CA 91016 (626} 914-8147 ; WWY1.wruans.com ~ "),."l =:,0sAAce RHCE PREP SHOP • BUlililES • SIIUDCllRS •SHOCHS • TR!JCH:. • PRE·1WIH1ERS • FifBiUCRTIOn 818) lf2Ei·2Z6U PRAC World Leading Motorsport Transmission Manufacturer 11 Dakar Rally V-ictories 17 World Rally Victories 6 AMA MX/SX Championships Xtrac Inc 6183 West 80th Street Indianapolis IN 46278 email: andrew_heard@xtrac.com Tel: (317) 472 2454 '383' Baja aass 1/10 sequential Transaxle www.xtrac.com/inc Trophy Truck solutions available for Lead Customers ! , I
Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state . authorities for information before h f . ·f ·t I I. ------------AfUT OMOTl\lb. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 Baja Bug. Ready to Race. Best of all components includes Bilstein 4way bypass shocks and disc brakes. Trailer included $18,500.00 OBO. Call Jeff (408) 515-2806 or So. Cal Mark (951) 676-3175. Jeffreytholmes@comcast.net FOR SALE: Lothringer 7S built in 2001. Has all the best. 225 HP 4 cyl, Culhane, TCS, Deaver, Cone, PCI, Goodyear, King Shocks and Fox bumps, A very good spares package. Fresh Frame up Prep & rebuild on everything. $40,000.00 O.B.O. (626) 893-4178. FOR SALE: 4 Seat PreRunner/Race Car UMI 1S 1485 hp, King, Mendeola .;4, Fuel Cell, PS, Robby Gordon Nheels, BFG, All brand new, never raced. $85,000.00 (951) 733-9311. Spirit Racings Multi-Championship Stock FulVClass 8 Race Truck FOR SALE -Top of the line components, includes tons of spare parts, rims, tires, etc. $40,000.00 or best offer-Call Jer-emy Spirkoff (619) 561-2913. FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seat race car or pre-runner. UMI LSI V8, fresh automatic, NEW front end, rear end, trailing arms, Kartek hubs, brakes, axles, 934 CV's, King Kong spindles & front arms, Water-oil coolers, dash, autometer gauges, wir-ing, 2 spare set up, dual batts, Kings coils & by-pass, complete chassis powder coated & paint job, Howe steering, halogen fire system, PIAA light bar, skit plates, K & N filter, 30 gal Fuel safe cell, 4" filler neck, runs on pump gas, Dual parkers, Mastercraft, PCI set up w/inter-com, SACO rack w/ram TCS con-verter, Centerline & ultra wheels, on BFG's, all NEW parts. Com-plete car built by Foddrill Fabrica-tion, very fast and super reliable $59,000.00. MUST SELL For more info call Cesar Fuentes @ (915) 726-3823. FOR SALE: 1994 F150 4WD PreRunner, widen 8" front/rear. 3" Kings 19" trave~ full fiberglass, all Fab is 100% chromoly, rig welded and bolt on engine cage, bedcage w/spare & hitch, Currie rear end, 9" w/spool, Alcoa 17" wheels w/2 spares, 351en-gine, very clean, fresh build, highway and dirt ready, too much to list. Must sell $25,000.00 OBO. Aaron (562) 394-2074 . FOR SALE: Short Course Cen-ter Cockpit Class one Truggy, 850hp aluminum motor, Culhane C-6, Cone 9", Bilstein Shocks, Ultra 17" Beadlocks, Fuel Safe, Motorola radio, BFG's, Many spare parts and tires, $55,000.00. (858) 748-7167. FOR SALE: Alumicraft 2-seat Pre Runner-LS 1 block with af-termarket rods, pistons, cam, Weiland manifold, big throttle body, etc. Approx 450-500hp. Tilton carbon fiber clutch, Bil-let flywheel, Tilton starter, Fox bypass all four corners, dual limit straps, BFG projects on Robby Gordon bead locks, Fortin hubs, Fortin gun-drilled axels, Fortin CV's, Fortin 4-speed, BTI front spindles, big brakes all four corners, flame-out fire suppression, all braided coolant/fuel lines, Mastercraft 30 seats, Crow belts w/sterum straps, Mastercraft custom side storage bags, OPS, PCI Kenwood race radio, PCI race intercom, eight (8) Hella HID lights. Profes-sionally maintained w/1500 to-tal miles. $85k (760) 787-1737 or email at mark@tyrmotors.ports.com. FOR SALE: Class 10 2 seat Lothringer Fox, Majors Performance Honda, Mendeola 4 speed, Parker Pumper, PCI Radio & Intercom in car camera sys-tem linked to radio, Micro stub from Kartek 930 CV, prepped $45,000.00. AS IS $40,000.00 Frank Omboli, se-rious inquires only. OMBOU@AOLCOM. FOR SALE: Chenowth two seat A Arm car. 3.5 twin plug electronic fuel injected Porsche withJeffFields auto-matic. Fox bypass front and rear, rears are new. New Goodyear tires, RG wheels. Clean, race ready, excellent PreRunner MORE/MDR racer. PCI radio & intercom OPS. Email for pies. $55,000.00. (818) 841-2316 or Email ChaseZ7 l@aol.com . FOR SALE: 2000 Suspensions Mercruiser V-6 300 HP, Dead Reli-able. Type 2 Bus by Folts, 930, 300M Axles, A-Arm 21" front 19" rear chromoly frame, removable rack, car can be brutal Pre-Runner or sand rail. All tires for dirt and sand inc. Many spares. PCI inter-com, road master, stereo MP3 hookup, 30 gallon cell 400 mi range. Sway-A-Way 2.5, full circuit breaker dash. 102 MPH. A must see for The Baja and Glamis Group. $72,000.00 build cost. Yours for $39,900.00. Call Jim for info (818) 974-8977 , (661) 299-9200. FOR SALE: 2004, Custom built 30', Gooseneck trailer, air hitch, full bath, a/ c, generator, heater, micro, internet Sat. dish, Direct TV, 109 gal. fuel sta-tion, 109 gal water tank, storage boxes, ultimate toy hauler or pit support, much more, $25,900.00 OBO. bajaracer500@yahoo.com, (5 20) 236-9612. FOR SALE: Jimco single seat Class 10, Major Honda, 5 speed Fortin trans, 934 drive train, King Shocks, Howe p/ s, Mastercraft, Fuel Safe. This car is in excellent condition with low miles and no rust. $60,000 Charles Lathrem 520-975-0456 or 520-744-4566. FOR SALE: Class 1 Smithbuiltsingle seat 4 speed Fortin fully prepped ready to race Baja. New high performance Northstar 400hp dual disc clutch, OPS, PCI, Flameout Fortin Hubs, 350,I' s, Gun Drill axles, and (The most important part The Smith Shocks. The shocks alone cost $24,000.00 new.) Enough spares and spare tires to race the Baja 1000 this year. Jump in and win. $85,000.00. Todd Jergensen (760) 792-0955. FOR SALE: 2003 "A" Arm Two Seat Pre-Runner-Ken Major Type IV Dual Carb, Fortin 5 speed, Tom Bryant Aluminum, PCI Ra-dio, 2 way cam box (with head-phones), Autometer Pro comp gauges, CNC, Mastercraft seats and nets, Fox Shocks, McKenzie floater hubbs, Fluidyne oil cooler, Twin Holley red fuel pumps, TCS Gundrilled Axles, Burns stainless, Ref headers CV Products, Fuel Safe 50 gals, Crowe, Fortin Power Steering, rack, 120 in wheel base. Justin LaCore built chassis. Car is wired for water cooled and may be raced in Class 10. Comes with spare parts, wheels and tires. Less than 1,000 miles. $85,000.00 OBO. Call (949) 498-9250. FOR SALE: 2001 Ford Ranger, 4.0, caged bumper to bumper brand new custom PreRunner. 3-linked, King shocks, H & Long Travel kit, 17" front Travel, 29" rear travel. Goodyear Wran-glers, must sell for motorcycle road racing, $29,000.00 Call Chad @ (661) 904-7077. FOR SALE: 04 Penhall Diab lo 4 seat Pre Runner, Redline 510 HP e n gine, Mendeola 54, Kartek hub's and 934 micro stubs, Fo·x coilover internal bypass front , Fox coilover airshock and 3" bypass rear, 4 Hella HID's, Lowrance OPS, Vertex radio and intercom. BFG Projects on chrome Robby Gordon Wheel. Too much to list $105K (714) 891-0165. Seri-ous inquiries only. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in === : Clmifi,d Advmi,ing m, i, only $25 fo, 45 w~ ~ ~!!, !~~~;d,,,, and phone numbet. Add $5.00 fo, use of ous~,51•mu0 ~ black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum site 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. U : REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED 2005-06 • IN A TIMELY MANNER. • Enclosed is $ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ___________________________________ _ Address Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES City---------------------------------------------- ----------------20761 Plummer Street State _____ Zip __________________ Phone ______________________________ _ Chatsworth, CA 91311 ISSUE DEADLINE November05 Oct 7, 05 December05 Nov 11. 05 January06 Dec 9, 05 February06 Jan 13,.06 March06 Feb 10, 06 • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 62 October 2005 Dusty Times
•. --t, ' ~ ~.,,... .~:~~:., w-.· FOR SALE: 1967 VW Manx Type. New 1835. Blueprinted. Best parts, built like a race motor by Johnson's Bug Machine. New re-built long axle trans, Bus drums by l.T.S. KC Lights, Custom seats, aluminum wheels, Needs assembly and wiring. Licensed $4500.00 OBO. (619) 445-9973. FOR SALE: 03 F-150 Super Crew, BFG, Axis Wheels, PCI Radio, glass works front fenders and rear bed sides, King dual rate coil over shocks front, National Springs rear with King shocks and rear bed cage. $30,000.00 (402) 426-5275, leave message. FOR SALE: Raceco Class ½ car excel-lent history. Wick 2276 stroker. Pump gas. CNCdisc,JGTrans, Sumners Bros. Wright Combos, Foddrill long arms, Howe P/S, Bilstein 7100 reservoirs, 930 CVs Parker,ADI 75W radio PCI intercom, Beadlocks, 25g Fuel Safe. Completely updated, fast ultimate PreRunner. Plus new 18' Big Tex Ultra wide tandem car hauler. $22,500.00 (760) 774--0401. There has been a change in the Production and Contributors Schedule. For the January 2006 Issue, the revised dates are: HELP WANTED: Fabricator -Busy Rancho Santa Margarita shop look- Space Close .................•........................................•.......•.. Dec 9, 200 5 ing for skilled fabricator to build race vehicles and pre--runners. Mechanic -Ca1t1.era. Ready ............................................................... Dec. 14, 2005 Busy Rancho Santa Margarita shop looking for skilled mechanic to prep On Sale •............•..............•.......................•.................... Dec. 22, 2005 race vehicles and pre-runners. E-mail resume to Jerry@wideopenbaja.com or fax resume to 949-635-3186 Support INDb.X TO AD\/b.Q. Tlbb.Rb Aircraft Spruce ................................ 46 Alpha Performance ........................ 29 BITD Henderson ............................... 30 A D V E R T I s Dusty Times E R s Dusty Times FOR ~LE -OUTLAW RACING"!! CIA~~ ONE JIMCO 2--!!EAT -2003 Modgl Thisi car hasi alwaysi bggn profosisiionally maintaingd and prnppgd by Jimco. • Jim Hom HP V6 cmging -560 HP • Fortin 4--!:pgod • Fox 3.5· 1hook&t • G.P.~. - PCI Radio - 2 light bar1 • Fully prgppgd and roady to go -~ 125.000 • ~ 140.000 with a fro1h siparg V6 • Too much to lid: only tho vory bod I Call Mika or Kavin Jamosi at 619--445-5797. or call Mika Julsion at Jimco. October 2005 BTR Racing Wheels ......................... 15 C&R Racing Radiators ..................... 54 Coast Casinos ................................... 9 CODE ................................................ 41 CORR ................................. Rack Cover E&J Wireworks ................................ 50 EA .................................................... 48 Fabtech ............................................ 51 Fuel Safe ......................................... 31 ISCO ................................................. 53 K&N Filters ....................................... 2 Kartek .............................................. 12 Kawagucki Honda ............................ 48 KC Hilites ......................................... 4 King Shock Tech .............................. 10 King Off Road Racing Shocks ........ 55 Mastercraft ...................................... 21 McKenzie Performance Products .... 52 MOR Productions ............................. 39 Michael James Insurance ............... 37 Mickey Thompson Tires ................. 20 Mojave Desert Racing ..................... 27 MSD Ignition .................................... 8 Nevada Off Road Buggy .................. 45 Off Road Expo .................................. 32 Off Road Poker Run ......................... 25 Outlaw Racing Class 1 For Sale ...... 63 Pacific Customs ............................... 11 Parker Pumper ................................ 55 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ...... 47 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ...... 38 PCI Race Radios ............................... 5 Pike's Service Center ...................... 37 Race Ready Products ...................... 44 RacerX ........................................... 33 Radflow ........................................... 22 Redline Engineering ........................ 29 Rhino Off Road Industries ............... 23 Ronco Plastics ................................. 42 Sakata ............................................. 14 SEMA ............................................... 16 Skyjacker Suspensions ................... 35 SNORE .............................................. 19 Soltek Light Systems ...................... 40 Sway-A-Way .................................... 49 Team Gordon ................................... 43 Transaxle Engineering .................... 13 Turnkey Products ............................ 34 Ultra Filter ....................................... 53 Valley Performance ......................... 29 Web-Cam ......................................... 36 Yokohama Tires .............................. 17 Page 63 .. ...
-Jer Mc No Overnight Camping Information: corracing. com 866-501-C0RR (2677) NISSAN .c . Hear the power and feel the thunder, when the mos intense side-by-side off-road racing in the world storms into Chula Vista, California, just south of San Diego ... See Seven-Time Supercross Champ Jeremy McGrath and Trans-Am Champ Boris Said · take on CORR Race Truck Stars Scott Douglas, Rob MacCachren, Evan Evans, Curt LeDuc, Carl Renezeder, Jason Baldwin, Johnny Greaves, Scott Taylor, Josh Baldwin, Kevin Probst, Kyle LeDuc, Steve Barlow, Todd LeDuc and Art Schmitt. Live entertainment both weekends featuring performances by: (included with admission) Free Parking ticketmaster.com 1-619/220-TIXS (8497) Phil Vassar September 24th September 25th October 1st & 2nd ~ BFGoodl"k:lj Cl i§K!W!ll?./ Wc @[f)~ .... ~. ~