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2004 Volume 21 Number 9 Dusty Times Magazine

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J ., ,. ,. r . f .. volume 21 • Number 9 • se $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 serving The OFF Road communi~y Par 21 Years covering the world of competition in the dirt .••

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HUGE KC Contingency Awards available for the 2004 racing season in ·the following sanctioning organizations' events: New KC RALLY 800 8 inch diameter HID and Halogen lights are now available in competition long range and rally driving styles. ~ Best I~ The Oesert, CORR, SGORE, SNORE & VORRA KC rock crawling contingency •· • programs ' available. Celebrating our 34th year supporting OFF-ROAD RACING nts. See om for more info. Checkout for KC HID If" systems for ATVs ORBA MEMBER

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T Volume 21 -Number 9 September 2004 DUllil . lil■II {JI~-- alifornia Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham ., ---~Mt Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882..0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS1MASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA91311. snapshot of the Month ... 22 years ago, Walt and Edna Lott and most of the High Desert Racing Association principles at the 1982 Frontier 250 awards. Photo compliments of Walt's grandson, Lucas. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. ... In This Issue ... FEATURES MORE Freedom 250 by Ann Donaldson .................................................... 8 5th Rally of Turkey by Martin Holmes ..................................................... 16 Off Road Motorsports Hall Of Fame by Judy Smith ............................. 19 SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Special by John Calvin ............................ 22 Dualsporting the Baja 500 by Pete Springer ........................................... 30 Rim Of The World Club Rally by Scott Bottomley ................................ 34 CORR At Topeka by J. Preston Bradshaw .............................................. 38 Bikers Across America by Judy Smith ....................................................... 4 2 24th Rally Argentina by Martin Holmes ................................................. 44 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .............................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes ............................................... : ............................................... 6 Good Smff Directory ............................................................................ 47 Classified Ads ......................................................................................... 54 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................. 5 5 On The Cover What can you say -Rob MacCachren is the man to beat, he put another notch in his win column with a resounding victory at the KC Hilites SNORE Midnight special, less than three minutes out of the overall victory. Photo by Trackside Photo Bryan Freeman came down to Barstow to win, and he did, Bryan was elated with a trouble free run at the MORE Freedom 250, he took the Class 1/2-1600 victory and was first overall as well. Photo by Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at !Iii + r: r1· ' oday lo ,STY TIMES HE FASTEST GRDWING,•wr -it¥ OFF ~DAD MONTHLY X IN tf;E COUNTRY!!., □ 1' year .:.O ~ □ Primary rnterest Cars CJ Trucks 0 Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES f· z,,. 6§1 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 > ~'··•· . . •. . ·'$ ,.,, o.oo US ■ Overseas subscription rates upbn req,uesr .~-,,, ... ;;.:. ...;; Dusty Times September 2004 Page 3

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Class f Racers Take Noll~el ProAm'sNew 934 Mld..Jloard FloaterHub Now Available! ... . ... .te>~;z::,~ SITD Vega 2 Reno OveraU Winner Damen,Jefferles . C'LA.SS 1 FRONT HUB FOR TROPHY TRUCK Rou111a a SPINDLE $QUA.Ra' PrNCH BuNGJI • .SrG 5 LUG PATTB-R.H AVAJLASU! "2.15" HOLL.OW IN •EiniiRAI. TAPERED SNOUT •irul ,.. VBNTED ROMR .. 4$ F'ISTOH ~rpga " At.L!fNONS HEL.L.A. Building a llardcore prerunoer truetc"I Pro.Am's New Rear Floater Trude Hubs Ask Dale Ebberts aboutour axlesl , GunDrlll«I SOOMAJCles tor 9SO, 9B4 S •s spline 9S4 CVs H.1.0. LIGttr& BALLAST MOUNT FOR f.5"TUBING s o,n s.s· & 6 on ~ .. 5"" lug DOCJIILE & 'TltJl"U BAJ.I.AS't MoUftfnl AVAi.LAB&.,£ pattems avallllble Weld-onre• ROIIW#tO 4~.JOdti , ...... pi!',.' ... ;-•~ .._,.~' , .. -.~'~: • , ,' ,4' \<w• •1.,,•.:, ~ / •~• •:. ,."' , ,9 R,A.C.E_-~ .. l(lOJ?HY rf!UCK ;eows~: , .. , #'l;iJ4t.J{~lfi.~~HT '" ~ILL~Tfl: ~ -HUB > $T££R~N~ RsSE:RVOIR " ·SPlNDL~ Ktr> . . FILT£ .~ · 1 R~gle Way Co~na, CA 92819·-f951J 7$2·7~2~ www.kartek:=.

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2004 Happenings ... E-Mail: December 12, 2004 Ramada Express Superstage Ray/Donna Hocker <> CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J,RICHARDS (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MoTOSPORT Cura P.O. Box 3187 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged at the club gTOunds in Cleves. Ohio) AMERICAN CUSTOM WHEELS ]EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX: 714-633-1724 September 25, 2004 California 200 Lucerne, CA December 4, 2004 Las Vegas 200 State Line, NV AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SouTH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521--0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSER.VED TRlALs SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIPS~ BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 EMAIL: <> AsOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVIUSMO SAM l..AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR A.PTO 42 SAN JOSE DEL CAilo BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS IO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races All Races At BaTOna RacewaJ, Lake.side, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEYVIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-64 74 BEST IN THE DESERT\ RACING ASSOCIATION 34 75 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775 E-MAIL: October 15-17, 2004 Las Vegas 200 December 3-5, 2004 Henderson's Terrible 300 Henderson, NV All Classes B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W2575N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 September 3-5, 2004 Ely200 Ely,NV BP MoTORSPORTS P.O.Box411 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258/760-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: All Events At California Cii,, CA October 23-24, 2004 Cal-City Off Road # 5 December 18-19, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #6 BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Dusty Times CLUB AUTOMOVJL/STA/UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Rall&; Calendar Octo r 2-3, 2004 Prescott Forest Rally Michael Taylor E-Mail: December 10-12, 2004 Ramada Express Rally <> Ral/ysprintCalendar October 9, 2004 Perforce Software Rallysprint John Dillon E-Mail: November 20, 2004 Baldy Run Rallysprint Pete Morris Rally Schools TBA Thunderhill Rally School Greg Montgomery E-Mail: September 18, 2004 Ridgecrest Rally School Mike/Paula Gibeault E-Mail: CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O.Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AssocIATION P.O.Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE Ant.Ms (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON Hi-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSV1LLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Hamson Couni, Fair Grounds. Cadi~. OH CuJB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22--07) Cum AUT0Mov1usT1co SAN VICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (0115261746834) RAMON CAsrao & RUBEN ACEVEDO . • Stoll's Spedal Downloadable· MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFROAD CODEOffroad USA P.O.Box 2328 Calexico, CA 92231-2328 USA Phone 760-455-8069 Mexico Phone/Fax (011-52)686-553-4087 <> October 16. 2004 Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada, Mexicali, BC, MX December 11, 2004 Rafce Ready Products 275 Ensenads, Mexicali, San Felipe, BC, MX CowRADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H Happenings continued on page 6 - For au SCORE and enn races - Plot liells also available for MOR and SNORE -Available via e-mail or at conHngency • Differentiate Trail Colors -Race Course, Chase Roads. Checkpoints. and PU Locations • Danger Markers • Customize Your GPS Noles To Your DrMng Style • Display Features Include: - Accurate Speedometer/Trfpomeler -Average/Max Speed -Time/Distance Traveled -ClockNolt Meler • Extremely User Riendly PCI ~ecommeoddtions: The most important consideration when adding GPS to any race vehicle is ease of viewing -PCI recommends our T models for all race vehicle applications ,:;;•.•~, ~~ ..... ~--~ • Greater Visibility at High/Sharp Angles for boltl Driver and Co-Rider with Color Models -Globalmap 6000C - Large, Color Display -Globalmap LIOOOM -Same Great Features as ; ,::.C:IGJl-»:s ~I! LOWRANCE • • .-.-z.-~z-~ BOCl.869.5636 • H!IX 562.426.3589 i:!888 G<..ndr\,I /Jaie.. Signal .. CA 90755 •PO_..,..t1D~bGPSa:ua~U..Scan.S.--~at-,a,a.r1,__ September 2004 6000C. with Monochrome Display PCI offers and strongly recommends our Race Modincations -Keeps Your GPS Working In the Most Brutal Environment - \Yon't Vold Manuladurers Warranty Pages

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Trail Notes ... MTORSPORTS HALL OF FAME· We are pleased to announce that Shav Glick, a sports reporter for the Los Angeles Times for over 60 years, 40 ears of which were devoted to motorsports will be inducted into the Motorsports Hall Of Fame on July 29th, 2004 in Detroit, Michigan. Honors are not new to Shav, he received the Jim Murray Outstanding Journalist Award and is among only five Lifetime Achievement Award winners in the 20 year history of the Motor Press Guild. The Eagle One Shav Glick Award is presented annually for distinguished achievements in motor racing by a Californian. Shav is the first daily print journalist to be so honored. Glick is one of seven who will be honored at the installation; he is the At Large inductee from a group that typically includes promoters, boat racers, off road racers and land speed record attackers. The staff of Dusty Times salutes Shav Glick for all he has done to spread the coverage of motors ports. Y:OUR HELP Is NEEDED• Dusty Times is missing some historical data. Does anyone in our readership have copies of the results from the Baja 500 for the years 1969 through 1973??????????????? Some of us who dabble in the history of our sport are handicapped by a lack of complete information for those particular years and we would love to get our hands on said results. If you do have a copy could you please make a copy of it and send it here to Dusty Times????????????????? It would be greatly appreciated. ACE 'TRACK SALE• We notea in the August Trail Notes that the Kentucky Lake Motor Speedway was to be auctioned, and it was! The speedway and he surrounding 259 acres were sold for $1.62 million. The high bidder was Sherri Heckenast, a second generation late model stock car driver from Frankfort, Illinois. Sherri intends to keep the racing going at the speedway and plans to make improvements as well as possibly change the name of the track. The speedway has been a popular place for open wheel, sprint and late-model racing. SCORE BAJA 1000 ON TV· SCORE announced that the 2004 Baja 1000 will be telecast on the new "Jeep World Of Adventure Sports" show on the NBC Sports Network. An agreement between SCORE and Aura360, the show's producers in association with NBC Sports, the show will air as a one hour special in December, 2004 on the new action-adventure sports series that debuted in April of this year. This 37th running of the Baja 1000 will start in Ensenada and will finish in beautiful La Paz. Over 300 entries are expected for the race. Some of the famous that have tried to beat the Baja are: Jim Garner, Steve McQueen, Ted Nugent, Rick Mears, Roger Mears, Parnelli Jones, Danny Ongais, Jimmy Vasser, Roberto Guerrero, Michael Jourdain Jr., Johnny Unser, Mike and Robbie Groff, Robbie Gordon, Jimmy Johnson, Brendan Gaughan, Mickey Thompson, and the list of the famous and the not-so-famous goes on and on. This year Rod Hall will go after another win (he has 17, one of them an overall) Larry Roeseler, he has 12 wins, and he will be sharing the ride this year with Troy H erbst. The race will air either on December 4th, 11th o r 19th. Check your local listing. SSELS To NASCAR? • Kash Vessels is going to give oval racing a try. Kash s going to drive in the NASCAR NAPA Auto Parts Super Truck Series his year. Vessels will be practicing in the #39 Pure Power Super Truck at Irwindale Speedway, coached by old friend Ryan Arciero. Ryan has broken the track qualifying record at Irwindale several times and his input should help Kash get the feel of the track and the truck in short order. We wish Kash all the best as he immerses himself in another racing venue. UCAS OIL DOLLARS FOR CORR SPORTSMAN • In an effort to show their appreciation for the Sportsman Series Drivers, Lucas Oil is offering a new ontingency program for the 2004 season. In addition to the product contingency, Lucas Oil will present a Hardcharger award. The new hardcharger award is open to all Sportsman divisions. One winner from each Sportsman division, placing from 4th finishing position back _will receive a $100 gift certificate. For a 1st place finish, Lucas Oil will pay $200 cash and a $100 gift certificate. A 2nd place finish will earn $100 cash and a $50 gift certificate and a 3rd place will pay $50 cash. To be eligible for the awards, a Sportsman driver must have a proof of purchase from the Lucas Oil product trailer along with two decals, one placed on each side of the race vehicle. "We are very appreciative of what Lucas Oil is doing for the Sportsman drivers," said CORR Contingency Director Jim Connor. "I know this will help the drivers tremendously." ELLER To SEMA HALL OF FAME· We were more than pleased to learn hat a dear friend, a fellow worker and an all around great guy, Bob Keller, ounder of Turbonetics, is to be inducted into the SEMA Hall of Fame. I met Bob in the early 80's and although our paths have often wandered in different directions we have always kept in touch via phone and lots and lots of lunches. Bob is a super-intelligent engineer and, if you want to talk turbochargers, he's the guy you need. Bob is fantastically loyal to his friends and employees and it has always come back to him, deservedly so. It is nice to see recognition come to someone who has really devoted his career to the art of perfection. It's good to see that SEMA shares this recognition. Congrats Robert! GLEN HELEN Is BACK!!!!!!! • After a five year layoff from off road racing, which included the off road trucks, off road buggies, etc., Glen Helen Raceway has scheduled the "Baja Cup Challenge" for November 27th, on a brand new course. The track will be approximately one mile long, with all types of natural terrain. The course will run around the perimeter of the facility, which will give the spectators an awesome view of the race. Bud Feldkamp, President of Glen Helen Raceway Park, Inc. is very proud to announce this new event at his racetrack. "This event will be unique, but similar to the Baja events. We will offer the natural terrain, high speed areas and a lot of challenges to the drivers and vehicles. It'll be exciting to watch for all the fans" Feldkamp said. The Baja Cup Challenge will include all off road trucks, buggies and quads. The format will consist of two hour racing for the Page 6 P.OBox 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR 2004 LUCAS OIL SERIFS 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 AvON, IN 46123 317-272-2827/317-272-2900 FAX September 4-5, 2004 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 18-19, 2004 New Berlin, NY Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-80042 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston CountJ ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BFACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590.7925 DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662..3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 E.Asn:RNOfF-RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 :roWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 E'.NsENADA BAJA OPP ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0l l-52,646-1818989 Eus10 0ll-52-646-1715230AARoN Races for bugps & Motorcycles EsrER.o BEACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT CoURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FWRIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Davidson Raceway FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA91733 626-44:Z..9320/959-579-6151FAX 2004 Racing Schedule Date-TBD Off Road Warehouse Jacume, Baja, CA Buggies - Trucks October 9, 2004 C/M Nite Team Race Plaster City, East, CA ATVs - Bikes October 23, 2004 Superstition 250 XXI Plaster City, East ATVs - Bikes - Buggies - Trucks November 6, 2004 D-38 Reunion Plaster City, West, CA ATVs - Bikes November 7, 2004 Notorious Dawg ATVs - Bikes December 5, 2004 Rudolphs Revenge Superstitions, CA ATVs - Bikes GORRA GEORGIA OPP ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION September 2004 420 HOSFA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OPP RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (402) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792..2126 (AU races are short course, stadium sr:,le Classes-Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck, Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit 420 on I-80 between Omaha and Lincoln.) For latest info check <> HIGH PLAINS OPP ROAD RACING 22000 W. Quincy Unit B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 Fax September 12 2004 October 10, 2004 November 7, 2004 December, 2004 (Open) INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, I.Ne. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL JEEP CHEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 <> E-MAIL: KAMI.OOPS BRONCO BUSTERS WHISPERING PINEs SPORTS & RECREATION CENTER P.O. Box465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & 0FFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. )EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 J1M ARuTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA OPP ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS ALvAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX 0ll-5:Z..1637-1799 Mi:cmGAN BuooY BUILDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE Snow (517) 543.7214 <> MICHIGAN OPP ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots only MAORA Mli>-AMERICA Qpp ROAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, lL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> Short Course Series** Endurance Series*** September 4, 2004** Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 19, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL October 2, 2004** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL October 3 2004*** Lincoln M~sprts Park Casey, IL MoJA VE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-44 2-93 20/626-579-6051 FAX E-MAIL: September 25, 2004 California 200 Night Race Lucerne CA November 20, 2004 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. HIGH DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-123 l 760-253-4453 September 18, 2004 Kar Tek Challenge Lucerne, CA December 4, 2004 Holiday200 Barstow,CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCJATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730.9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIAlS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www> AU events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. RT. #l • Box 380 0AVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT3ROSTREET HAsnNGS, MN 55033-L415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARYWULFF(724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Sp,-ing Valley) NORTHERN Omo OPP RoAD RAcING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OPP ROAD EXPO 2004 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOWNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP .• 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. • 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAwREP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Whuling in t~ County 900 Acres) OPP-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO Omo OPP RoADERS I.Ne. 1427 GOSHEN H1us ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races ~la at Hamson Counry Fairgrounds. Cadi~ Ohio ONTARIO OPP ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (5 l 9)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTI.A w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS us. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PIKEs PEAK P.O. Box6962 Dusty Times

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COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE B ARRENS ROUGH RIDERS O FF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM December 10-11, 2004 SNORE - Cal City, CA PROTRUCK RACING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 September 12-14, 2004 Las Vegas, NV Primm300 Primm,NV November 18-21, 2004 Baja 1000 Baja, Mexico December 3-5, 2004 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA51460 (712) 679-2221 RocK CRAWLERS AssocIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 SAN Diroo Qpp ROAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRo!lALLY P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> September 3-4, 2004 Ulster Rally Belfast, Northern Ireland September 10-11, 2004 Rally Defi Ste-Agathe/Duhamel Sainte-Agathe, Quebec September 16-19, 2004 Rally Great Britain Wales, England September 24-26, 2004 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 2-3, 2004 Trackrod Rally Yorkshire, England October 16-1 7 ,2004 Lake Superior . Houghton, MI October 20-24, 2004 Rally International de Charlevoix La Malbaie, Quebec October JO-November 1, 2004 Tempest South Of England Rally Aldershot, England November 6-7, 2004 Heart Of Dixie Pro Rally Preview and Awards Southeastern USA November 19-20, 2004 Rally Of The Tall Pines Bancroft, Ontario Canada SFX MoTORSPORTs GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> September 10-11, 2004 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV 4 Wheel Classes Only November 17-21, 2004 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Ensenada To LaPaz Baja, California, Mexico Motorcycles/ATVs Included SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHUSIASTS Dusty Times P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 October 1-3, 2004 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 12-13, 2004 Western Desert Championship California City, CA December 10-12, 2004 Baja In Primm Primm,NV (Non Points Race) SONS O F THUNDER 4 WHEELERs RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT CouRSE OFF RoAD DRIVERS AsSOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 w. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN Qpp ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKEMOORE-(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 9174 5 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN C ALIFORNIA TIMING AssocIATION & B ONNEVILLE NATIONALS, I.Ne. P.O. Box 10 OROS!, CA 9364 7 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <> October 13-16, 2004 Bonneville Salt Flats World Finals Vehicle inspections begin October 12, 2004) El Mirage Dry Lake September 12, 2004 October 3, 2004 November 13-141 2004 SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. . P.O. Box 706 PARKLANDS,2121 SOUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011) 880-2170 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILIA V AllEY SPORTS CfNTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA V AUEY ()pp ROAD RACING AssN. 920 HILLCREST ST. PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 (530) 622-0370 <> Short Course Races Prairie City, Sacramento, CA September 25-26,2004 October 16-17, 2004 October 30-31, 2004 Desert Races September 3-6, 2004 Bend,OR Awards Banquet November 13, 2004 Location TBA VIONIB GumRFllO Ow RoAo Cum PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA Oll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTERN ()pp RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRAP.O.Box3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESrERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF ROAD RAaNG PATRICK McGu1RE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 W HIPLASH M OTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, A7. 85022 (602) 971-3730 <> Trucks & Buggies September 4, 2004 Snowflake Heber,Al. October 2, 2004 PMP Extreme GP Tucson,Al. November 13, 2004 Vulture Mine Wickenberg, A7. December 4, 2004 Point To Point Rocky Point, Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, A7. 86403 (520) 855-RACE/ (520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 :tr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 4X4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE Sr. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don' t happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2004 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSliYlilHIBG 2076 1 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 Trail Notes ... trucks and buggies and a one hour event for the quads. There will be a legend race with past off road champions. The date is November 27, 2004. Mark your calendars now! For more information call the 24 hour hotline 909-880-3090. MAINE FOREST PRO RALLY • Tom Lawless and Jason Gillespie won their irst ever SCCA ProRally win after veteran Paul Choiniere was protested nd subsequently penalized 10 minutes for an illegal service on the final day at the Maine Forest ProRally. The penalty came after a protest committee heard the complaint issued by Lawless' camp and determined that Choiniere's crew performed maintenance on Choiniere's 2003 Hyundai Tiburon at a scheduled "Fuel Stop Only" break. The fuel only instruction was listed in the service route books, which were created by the event organizers and given to all competitors. After the final times were adjusted Lawless moved up from his runner-up position claim the victory in his 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII with an overall time of 1:32:53. Canadian Andrew Comrie-Picard slid into second spot (1 :33:59) in his 1999 Lancer Evolution IV, his highest finish in an SCCA ProRally and Matt Iorio earned his first spot on a ProRally podium in his 2001 Subaru lmpreza WRX, finishing third (1:32: 17). The penalty dropped Choiniere's time to 1:39:23, that erased his three and a half minute lead and dropped him to 11th overall, 8th in Open. Choiniere has appealed the ruling and is now awaiting a decision from the Performance Rally Court of Appeals. That decision may not be reached for many weeks. A protest also determined the Group N outcome with Jonathan Bottoms taking the win. Bill Bacon led for much of the rally, but after checking out of Saturday's mid-day service, prior to the final three stages, he returned for further repairs and that was against event regulations. A 10 minute penalty was assessed onto Bacon which dropped him to fourth in class, 20th overall. That decision will not be appealed. Otis Dimiters was 2nd in Group N and David Anton was 3rd in N . The Group 5 win went to Doug Shepard in his Dodge SRT-4. Shepard finished an amazing 6th overall, Mark Bowers was a long second in the class. Eric Burmeister was the Group 2 winner in his Mazda Protege. Robin Jones was 2nd in Group 2 in a '83 VW Rabbit. The Production GT win went to Greg Healey in a '97 Subaru lmpreza. Bruce Davis was 2nd in POT in his Subaru Impreza WRX. Jeff Field finished 16th overall and was quite happy with his Production Class win. Next on the SCCA ProRally agenda is the Ojibwe Forests ProRally, round 7 of the SCCA ProRally Championship. The event, based in Bemidji, Minnesota is scheduled for August 27-28. TIYOTA TRUE GRIT & MILESTONE AWARDS• 31 competitors remain ligible for the Toyota awards as they prepare to comest each other and 1e terrain at the SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300, September 10-12, 2004. For the past 18 years, Toyota has presented awards to the desert racers who finish every mile of every race in the 5 race 2004 SCORE Desert Racing Series. Among the survivors of the first three SCORE races in 2004, 19 drivers in the non-factory backed classes (1/2-1600, 5, 10 & SCORE Lite) remain eligible for the $12,000 SCORE Toyota True Grit award, divided equally among the class point champions in these four classes who are also SCORE Toyota Milestone Award winners. Stay tuned for a report after the SCORE Primm and see how many are still eligible. SMOKEY THE BEAR Is 60 YEARS OLD -The USDA Forest Service, National Association of State Foresters and The Advertising Council are celebrating Smokey Bear's 60th birthday. Smokey will be recognized for his contributions to wildfire prevention and for his role in empowering the nation to take steps to prevent unnecessary loss of life, property and valuable natural resources. Created in 1944, the Wildfire Prevention campaign is the longest running public service campaign in US history. No one figure is as recognized for his contribution to preventing wildfires as Smokey Bear. For 60 years, Smokey's message has resonated with adults and children, reminding us that we can each play a vital role in preventing wildfires. Go Smokey! SCORE CHASSIS/ENGINE BUILDERS POINTS • After tl1ree races and with two to go in the 2004 season the manufacturers points for chassis builders and engine builders are: Chassis• Jimco 562, Fraley 156, Dunrite 152, Smithbuilt 73, Garibay 45, Baja Shop 43, Chenowth 35, Lothringer 32, Porter 32 and Alumi Craft 23. Engine builders• Major Performance 242, Patton 213, FAT Performance 208, Home (HP) 99, Kroyer 84, Shavers 73, Wiks 63, Bonnerhawk 62, Brock 60, Auidiorac 45 and Jimenez 45. SCORE PRIMM 300 -The SCORE Primm 300 takes off early in September. Technical Inspection and Contingency will take place on Friday, September 10, from 2pm to 6pm at tl1e rear of the Buffalo Bill's Resort and Casino. The race, five laps for most car of the 63 mile course will be split into two groups, with the Open Wheel and VW Baja Bug classes starting at 6am. The Truck Classes and the Unlimited Class I cars will start at 1pm. The slower classes will more TRAIL NOTES on page 53 ·--------------------------------· R_EDL!NE PERf6R/1ANCE, !NC. LS1 & N-STAR PRE-RUN DR RACE PACKAGES I I I I I I I I I I NORTHSTAR PACKAGES FROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400HP I LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP I WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE I PROGRAMS AND AND UNMATCHED REPRUTATION FOR CUSTORMER SATISFACTIONIII I (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX 4531 EISENHOWER CIRCLE, ANAHEIM, CA 92807 I ·~----~~--~----------------------· September 2004 Page 7

Page 8

MORE FREEDOM 250 Freedom, Fireworks And Racing By Ann Donaldson Photos: Trackside Photo Bryan Freeman was a happy racer, he took the Class 1600 win at the MORE Freedom 250 and he took the overall as well. Freedom and fireworks can only eter was in triple digits. to keep the dust down, the impressive mean one thing; celebrating the 4th of The Pro ran six 40 mile laps. sounding V8 cars bogged. The first start-July. MORE added to the festivities by Other ran five or four laps. The ers had to dodge mud puddles until a holding its fourth race of a six race sea-start/finish line was full of people and right tum took the cars into the sand son in Barstow. vendors selling event t-shirts, hot dogs, wash.A slight breeze helped drivervisibil-Starting the race at 5 p.m. gave slight and much needed snow cones. ity. This event that had all the drama of relief from the heat, since the thermom-The starting line was watered down racing. Including a stock pick up truck '\)~-' Bill Markel was fast and consistent, he took the Class 1 victory and was second overall at the MORE Freedom 250. Mike Parr was the Trophy Challenge winner, he took the win in his neat car with eighteen minutes in hand at the flag. trying to cross the start/finish line while the fustcars were finishing. The truck was high-centered on the deep ruts for about a half hour while friends tried to get the truck off the course. The overall win and Class 1/2-1600 went to Bryan Freeman. Starting second in his single seat car, Bryan downplayed Bob Weiderhold had problems on the third lap but he still got a nice Second in Class 5-1600, Guy Savedra had problems on his third lap, Dave Ahles was second in Class 7A, he was a bit off the pace but still second place in the Trophy Challenge division. he was five minutes too late getting to the checkers. had a pretty good race weekend. r--------------------------------------~-~-~---~-~-~-~-~-~-~=-~-~-~--=------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service www RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkwav Looo, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Cata/OQ I I I I I I I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Pages September 2004 Dusty Times

Page 9

The second spot in the Class 9 contest went to Elizabeth Metzger, seen here at touchdown on her way to the checkers. Paul Keller chased the gold medal in Class 1600, but he had to settle Billy Robertson had some problems with his new car but he still for second in class at the MORE Freedom 250. mana ed a nice third in Class 1 for the debut. the three flat tires he suffered in order to rake the win. With an average speed of 44. 7 mph, Brian drove the entire race. A clash with another car bent some of his lights, making it tough to see in the dark. Bryan found the finish line and was happy, as was his family. Class 1 winnerwas Bill Markel in the Penhall V8. He had consistent lap times. Getting to the finish has been at about a 50 percent rate for the Bonfire Team. Bill also recorded the fast lap of the race on his first lap. Second in the Open class was Marty Melendrez in his two seat Jirnco. Rick Wilcoxson started the race in the driver's seat. After three laps Marty got in. Marty reported missing a couple of turns in the dark bu twas able to get on course. At the finish line a broken limit strap was discov-ered. Billy Robertson debuted his brand new V8 Penhall and finished third. Billy felt the shocks needed some compression so an unscheduled stop was made to change the front bypass shocks. On Lap 5 Stuart Chase and his son, Eric, got in the car. A rear flat was difficult to change Dusty Times Bob Schreiner had a nice day, he drove his good looking truck to the Class 1400 win, seen here at speed in the high desert. when the spare tire would not match up steering itto the finish line. A trophy and to the rear hub. After a group of specta-check awaited them at the awards. tors tried to help them for about 15 min- Jim Malinowski drove the Open car ures, theylimpedintoaChecker Pitwhere owned by Lee Finke.Jim'sson,Jesse, rode the flatwas finally changed. New car blues shotgun with him. It had been a tough struck the power steering on the last lap. year making the finish line. This time a Stuart muscled the car with Eric's help, few things slowed them down. The worst An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Be/laglo, Caesars & Ba11y s Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227•2279 b!Yb11rycoaslc:m;no,ccm Bob Wright drove his great looking Baja Bug to the 5-1600 class win, he had more than five minutes in hand at the end. was a flat tire stuck on the caliper that the FAIR Pits helped change. Daryl (No Brakes) Drake jumped into the driver's seat to bring the car to the finish line. Fifth place went to Dennis Boyle in the red two seat Lothringer. The team suffered quite a few flats on the way to the fifth place finish. Dennis was ex-tremely festive at the finish line. Mark Kyle was the last in the Open class to finish. The two seat car started first off the line and finished in sixth. Ron Brantwasonlyable to go three laps. Todd Continued on page 10 Ask About Our Special Head/Iner Show and .Room Pa.ckages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-6754267 cdeenacaliino,oom The Place Las Vegans Gall Home"' Ask AbOLtt Our Room & Golf Packages West Flamingo & Valley v~ 1-888-402-6278 ~t,1(;.t11ino.<a0m September 2004 Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 il,tll(>).;t.lcii,r;ho .. ccm Page 9

Page 10

Rich Clark gets ready for touchdown, he finished third in the Trophy Jeff Sack drove his super sanitary Bug to a decent third place in the A long second lap didn't help Kevin Kopitch's cause, he finished Challenge at the MORE Freedom 250. Class ~1600 battle, seen here at speed. third in Class 9, seen here ready for landing. Jergenson suffered overheating problems Class 10 had three entries, and all Wayne Nosa1a in the blue Jimco suffered a rollover before the race. Only the car covered a broken input shaft, but the and completed one lap. Todd did stop DNF. Jason Bantilan was able to go three motor problems and parked after com-was hurt. John Hayes in the purple and problem seemed to be a little more com-and help Pa.ul Smith flip his 5• 1600 Bug laps before calling it a day. Jason thought pleting one lap. yellow Baja was able to make two laps plicated than that. The bright orange car back overon the wheels. it was transmission problems, but it Clas.5 5 had three cars preentered but before calling it a day. John Griswell made was put on a trailer. Ryan Lesher wasn't able to complete turned out to be a broken c.v. Steve Mc-only two were able to make the start. it past the first checkpoint when he lost As already mentioned, Bryan Free• a lap. Mullin was only able to make one lap. Oui:s Bowman was unfortunate to have power to the transmission. The team dis-man took the Class 1/2-1600 win along LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, · MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card. money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50¾ pre-payment. S5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. HOWE POWER STEERING 2.5 Power Rack .................. s1.100 2.5 Power Rack with Conlrol Valve .................. 1.465 Con1rol Valve • lnline ............... 300 Chartynn Torque Generator ...... 336 Port Block. Chartynn .................. 30 Coupler, Charlynn ...................... 18 Sweet U·Joints. from ................. 56 Reservoir. Power Steering ......... 94 Reservoir with Filter. Power Steering ................. 148 Reserboir Bracket ...................... 14 Power Steerino Pump .............. 160 Power Steering Pulley ................ 60 PullC'/ tor Subaru ....................... 60 Pump Brackets. from ................ 65 Page 10 BIUET 5VW HUBS KP or Combo Llqk Splnd/11. King Pin Spindle Hub Kit... ... $335 Combo Link Spindle Hub Kit..345 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Bafa•Pro Performance n,., E78 Mini Mag ................ ,..... S90 30 X 7.00. 4-ply ....................... 110 33 X 9.00, 4·ply ....................... 130 35 X f0.00. 4·ply .................... 155 MICKEY THOMSON BAJA BELTED HP 30 X 9.5·15 ............................ $125 31 xl0.50-15 .......................... 145 COIL BEAM SUSPENSION •Made l11 USA -t Frotll&4ut.S"Wid1rtt/lb 111" roww,sfll_knptCo/JSlloca Wjlllo,d Modification and llldllm Ila« HI/ l'itfllHI Moan/, traiflng ArtBS.,. 0.0.M. Ma/wt, 2•;.· i.,,.r x ,. W/du At1d Ca• lh• Ellber Siad: KinQ l'ilr s,JM/a orC11tn/Jo Lina. Front Beam for Coil Shocks •. S250 Combo I.Ink Spindles ........... -450 Chromoly Front Beam for Combo Link Spindles, 3' ......... 465 Coil Shocks .•••.•.•.••.•.••...•. .300 King Shod( 2" Ad~ Bod-/ 0.0.M. Trailing Amis, set of4 .285 W/Reservolr, includes o.O.M. + 4· Trailino Ann.s (◄h.335 • • ~prings. eadl ................ 495 Thru Rods w/Nuts, palr ......... :_.,.50 =· Back Reselvolr Option ..... 65 Uretha111i Beam Bushings ......... .24 dQed rie Rods. Alum., pr .... 65 H.O. Link Pins •.•. -.................. 48 , . T-Rods. Cl!romoly, pr65 SACO HO RACK & PINION Bil/el Housino. Mads l11·U.S.A. Saco Rack & Pinion ............... $295 Sweet U·Joints. from ............. :56 ~CONTROL ~CABLES Flsxibl1. H,a~ Daty Sllieldttl Throttle Cables. Specify cti, EJut Or Bulk Head End Avallabld 6•-13• Lano In 6" Increments. 6' or 6'/i Gable ........................ $28 7' or 7'/i Cable ..................... .29 8' or 8'ii' Cable .......................... 30 9' or 9•1,· Cable ....................... 31 10· or I o·N Cable ...................... 32 11' or 11'/, Cable .................... 33 12' or 12'/I' Cable ...................... 34 13' or 13'/,' Cable ..................... .35 • Add ss for Threaded lloa$hte • ·1 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS WI RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Dual SpriaQ Shock with Hos, and Reurroir. King 2 .. fldjuslable Shock, 8·10· 12" Stroke ...... lrom $495 King 2 •1,· Adjusrabfe Shack. 12·14·16* S1ro1<e ...... 1,om 585 Bille! Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount. eacb ...... ..35 PiQgy Back Option, uch ........... .35 Urethane Mount Pad. pail' RACE PREP J3o CV'S FrM Genna• 930s t, Ra«,n, 930. German 930 CV ...................... SSO Chromotf 930 Cage ................... 45 Race Prep 930 cv ................... 12s HO 'h 930CV Boll. 12 Point.. ....... 1 Boot And Range For 930 .......... 28 . 930 CHROMOLY . CVCAGE Al/ftS A#lliotul l'mtillQ In gcv .,.,,,,_ Stn/11,,.,ea,. R,.,_Cllaaa of B,.11king. 930 Chnlmoly CV <:aQe. each .. $45 HEIM JOINTS a,,-,,HaitnJo/1111 s,.d/J ult ar RJ,i,t H1111d Tlltead '/," X W Heorn Joint . ............... $31 '/," X '/," Heim Joint .................... 38 'N X 'it High Angft lletm Joinl..49 'N Jam Nut... ............................. 2 WJamNuL ............................... 3 'I, x '/, x '// Misaignment Spacer_ ................................ 7 ~It ll 'I/' x 'it MisaGgnment Spacer .. -···-···· .... •.· ............. 7 W x w x 'l:t Misaliunment Spacer._ ... _ ....................... 8 'N X '7•• X 'i-t Misalignment Spacer ..... - ........................ 8 W Tltn!ad Chromoly Tube Boss .8 '/, TbtNd Chromoly Tube Boss .8 CENTERLINE.WHEELS Forged A/om/nm ltflffls wilt hliJlld Fltlilt. 15 x 4 5 VW .................... $HS 15 X 5 5 VW ................... _149 15x6 5VW ............ - ......... 1~ 15 X 7. 5 VW ............. --.. 151 15 X 8 5 VW.: ......... - •. -..... 1$4 15 X 10 5 VW .............. ·-·-·.161 1Sx3 ,,, 4 vw ..... ·--···· ... -UO 15X5 '1t 4VW ................ .,.178 15x7 4\IW .............. -.182 15 X 8 'h 4 VW .. -............... 187 930 CHROMOLY STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Stub Axli!s for 930 CV. pair .... $140 Slllb Axles for Bus CV. pair .... S140 Drive Flanges for930 CV, pair ... 70 Drive Flanges for Bus CV. pair ... 70 HEAVY DUTY AXLES GERMAN CV JOINTS by LA TEST RAGE Buo,11us Tra~ to AND BOOTS Beelle Trailer Arms .......... $120 Bug. CV Joinl.. ......................... $38 Bu~ Tr.ns to 3x3 Arms ..... 130 Bug. CV Boot ............................. .4 Buo/Bus Trans to 3x3 Arms Bus, CV Join!.. .......................... .40 for 930 CV's ..................... ,140 Bus. CV Boot ............................... 6 23" or 24' Axles ro, 930 CV's ... 260 930. CV Joinr ............................ 50 24·.2a-M300 for 930 cv·s .. .fr 340 930. Boot and Flange ............... 28 3" Lap Belts with Sewn-In r or J" Shoulder Harnesses Available In 3. 4. or V Point Black or Grey. 3" x 2" 3 Point ..................... $65 J" x 2· 4 Pcinl ......................... 65 3" x 3" 3 Point ........................ 80 3" • 3" 4 Point ........................ 80 3· x 2·· 3 Pl vtlShoulder P'dd .... 85 3" x 2" 4 Pl wiShoulder Pad .... 85 J" x 3· 3 Pt VI/Shoulder Pad .... 95 3" x 3• 4 Pt VI/Shoulder Pad .... 95 2 Crotch Srrap ........................... 12 CROW SHOULDER PADS Available for l" or 3" Shoulder Hamsss, Black, Blue Or Red. 2' Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .. S24 3· Shoulder Harness Pads. pr .... 28 LIMITING STRAPS Available in Ooubles or Ouads. Made from 1'/." Nylon Webbing with, 5.0001 Rating and 4130 Steel Brackets. Available In 12· • 20-Lenglhs. Double Limiling Strap... . .. S14 Quad Limiting Strap .............. 20 Adjustable Cl!!';is. Single ............ 25 ., Suspe on'/," Steel Frime, V, Tw,ed bit in: Black Vinyl with Gr 11bric; Grey Vinyl with Eb Combination. (Add ST). Low Ba 210 H~h 15 BENCHSEAT Special Order Width I Av11iiabls. 2•Pass.Bench Seat. Lit' SPORTSTER Only 19" Wide! Now You Can Use Suspension Seats in Narrower Chassis. Available in Black or Grey. 46" Wlde ........................ $380 Lil' Sportster Seat, Low·Back S150 Lil' Sportster Seat Hi·Back ...... 155 BEARD SUPER SEAT BEARD TIE DOWNS MOUNT KIT light Duty Tie Down. 1'/? x 6 Slide/Tilt Combination .......... $110 Strap, 5.0001 Capac,ty ...... S16 Slide/Slide Combination Ratchet Tie Down. 2· x 7· for Lil' Sportster ................ 125 Strap. 10,000# Capacity ...... 24 Bracket and Slide Mount Only •• 50 Axle s1,ap .................................. 10 September 2004 with the overall win. Sixteen cars started and eight finished. Less than three min• utes on his heels was Paul Keller driving his single seat silver flamed painted car. Paul drove the whole race and was very tired at the finish line. One flat and a broken header slowed him down. In third was Garrit Wallace in his gray single seat car. Matt Gumz was next in his single seat, averaging 41.2 mph. Pretty good for his first time racing a 1600 car. He had c.v. boot problems along with an oil leak, but a fourth place finish in this highly competitive class was a great start for an upcoming racer. Fifth place Nick Tiedeman started in the numberone spot in front of the class. Sixth place Bl)On Ziegler finished less than a minute behind Nick. Co-driving with Bryon was Jeremy Sundt. Jinuny Messick was flying around the course for his first two laps. A nasty roll over about a half mile after the start line had spectators and fellow racers running to help. The roll was violent. The car went over so many times that I lost count. Jimmy was taken out of the car and his father got in. Finishing the race, much less in seventh place, was an amazing feat. In eighth place was Jeff Cepielik as the last of the field to complete the re• quired six laps. Pre-runner trucks were off the start-ing line next. With three starting, only Rob Schreiner was able to drive four laps to the finish. Bob drove the entire race. He reported no problems and stopped to help a Baja Bug that rolled. Ccxlrivingwith hin1 was Roy Sn~er. It took them a total of five hours and 38 minutes to finish. They were happy to win. The Baja Bug Class 5-1600 had a good turn out with 12 teams starting. Bob Wright finished in first after driving the complete race. Bob reported he had a good time even after losing his Parker pumper right after the start. On the fourth lap the main lighting went out. He also lost his rear brakes. Guy Savedra, driving the now prin1er gray Bug, was only four minutes behind first place. His second place finish was celebrated, the motor was running hot and a front tire had to be changed. Guy drove three laps. Billy Worthing took the wheel for the last two laps. Sawyer Clark codrove the entire race. Jeff Sack was third driving Bill Gereghty's car. Jeff was pleased with the finish and reported no problems. Mike Wright finished fourth and drove the whole race. Mike Mortis was fifth, and David Stevenson finished sixth. Class 9 was off the starting line next with 11 cars. Doug Silcock made three stops all day, twice for fuel and once to help a friend Lorenzo Rodriguez in a 1600 car who rolled. Doug wants to thank his parents and wife, Vicky, for all their help. Llz Metzburger was second. Kevin Kopitch fini5hed in third in his white Continued on page 13 Dusty Times

Page 11

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Page 12

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Page 13

Gari! Wallace drove his super clean looking 1600 to third place in Jim Malinowski hustled to a decent fourth place in the Class 1 battle, Don Heinemann had a horrendously long third lap but he soldiered class, seen here saving a little tire wear. seen here ready for touchdown. on to take fourth place in the Trophy Challenge. two seat car. Ron Rash was fourth in his leak. After starting the second lap, a rim the class in the firsqX>Sition.1bis was his quired four laps solo. Bob Weiderhold, Two Class 11 cars started the race. single seat~owand black car. Beau Rash failure sheared off the axle studs. A sound frrstrace in Barstow. Perry Fleming drove driving an older Bunderson, had electri-Thomas Pittman, in his yellow and in his red two seat car crune in fifth. repair in the desert would be difficult the entire race. He lost second gear, had cal problems. Finishing less than a sec-purple Bug, was able to complete one Roger Byrd has worked hard to get and, therefore, the truck was parked. one flat. and dealt with =rheating prob-ond behind Bob was Rick Clark. Co-lap. Brian Thompson was not able to the 7S class out to the MORE races. His Steve Jacketti, who drove the whole lems and still managed to finish third. driving with Rich was JoeySmlzer. They complete a lap in his green and purple work paid off with eight mini-trucks at race with ccxlriver Nick Winkler in the Celebrating his birthdaywith a win in reported a problem free day. Fourth was bug. the start line. Even so, Roger's truck, with white Ford single cab truck, woh the class. the Sportsman class was Mike Parr. He Don Heinemann, who, on Lap 3 broke The fifth MORE race of the six race Ricky Crumb driving, was only able to He reported fuel problems bu twas able averaged 34 .9 mph and won driving a a stub axle that put him down two hours season is scheduled for Lucerne Valley, make one complete lap. The truck hit a to complete the required four laps. In ChenowthMiruMagpowered bya 600a: on time. He was just able to make the September 18, 2004. See you there. large rock, which caused the rear end to serond place was DaveAhles, who started snowmobile motor. He drove the re-time limit to complete the four laps. Additional Photos on page 14 Mike Wright was a few minutes off the winning pace in Class 5-1600, Ron Rash was doing well in the first part of the race but began Matt Gumz was just a few ticks off the winning pace in ½-1600, he he ended up fourth in the hotly contested class. slipping back later on and ended up fourth in Class 5-1600. finished in fourth place in his clean looking car. Dusty Times September 2004 Page 13

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Mike Norris had a very long third lap and it cost him, he finished in fifth Nick Tiedemann was only a wee bit off the winning pace, but the Angel Vinaja had a terribly long fourth lap, he ended up seventh in place in the Class 5-1600 contest. negatives add up in a hurry and he finished fifth in 1600. the Class 5-1600 contest at the MORE Freedom 250. Byron Ziegler slowed a bit mid race, picked back up again and Jimmy (The Knee) Messick had a long third lap, Jimmy ended up in Jeff Cepielik, the toy magnate was slow on the fourth lap, Jeff ended finished in the sixth position in 1600, 17 seconds out of fifth. the seventh finishing spot in the 1600 Class. up in the eighth finishing spot at the Freedom 250. The Class 9 win went to Doug Si/cock, he ran his five required laps in six hours for a decisive win. · Marty Melendrez gave it all he and the car had in the Class 1 battle but it just wasn't enough, he was second in class 1, 3 minutes in arrears. Dusty Times TIie Dlfferencet· Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders F.eatures steel ,pQdal with large .foot pad, nom-skid foot surface. and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance . ba~f for precfse' 'tro~t/rear1 pressure ratios.Standard pedallength is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-20450 Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers 0UN-0B30500 Heat Exchanger 0UN-0B30503.HeatExchanger 0UN-0B30504 Heat Exchanger 0UN-0B30612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's • MCK-0250-1, CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV· Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. 300m 930· Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles For more information give us a call or visit us online @ Sep.tember 2004 I · Page 15

Page 16

5TH RALLY OF TURKEY Lame Duck Loeb Wins By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen Xsara to the overall win in Turkey, even though they lost a wheel near the finish. After an extraordinary Sunday af-ternoon, Sebastien Loeb brought his three wheeling Citroen to the finish of the Rally of Turkey, extending the leads of both himself and Citroen in the FIA World Rally Championships after seven of the 16 rounds. He had a seized wheel bearing and he eventu-ally beat an empty crippled Marcus Gronholm who was suffering serious gear selection trouble, and running with.out undercar protection and ill from stomach troubles, by almost a half minute. The first healthy car to arrive was Petter Solberg's, who lost considerable time on the first day with damaged air intake system suffered in a water crossing followed by a spin. Carlos Sainz, who also had stomach problems on the second day, managed to finish fourth. Super 1600 series winner was Suzuki driver PG Andersson, who arrived with a bro-ken gearbox, beating teammate Kyosti Katajamaki by 6.4 seconds, after both of them were delayed by clouds of dust caused by teammate Mirco Baldacci when he drove with a flat tyre. There was hardly a dull moment as the Rally ofT urkey drew to an end ... This was Round 7 of the 2004 series and after the post.Cyprus upheaval and the results of the Acropolis Rally, the championship standings had begun to settle down. Citroen came to Turkey five points ahead of Ford with Subaru another ten behind, while Peugeot were smarting after the exclusions from Cyprus and were 26 behind Citroen. Mitsubishi were following their declated intent of finishing as often as possible this season in the points. In the Driver's series Sebastien Loeb was now five points ahead of Petter Solberg, with Markko Martin four behind Petter ... Despite his five minute penalty in Greece, Nicolas Bernardi was leading the JWRC series after two rounds. Only he and his Oreca teammate Larry Cols had scored on both rounds so far this season. There was a change of date, for the third year in succession, and a new cal-endar month in which the event was held. This time the event was held well into the Mediterranean hot season! In point of fact, the stages were run at me-dium to high altitude, so this was not such a problem for the crews, but there were still many steep uphill stretches, and the average speed was expected to be between those of Cyprus, the slowest Page 16 event in the series and Acropolis, the third event in this trio of rough, hot events 35 degrees were reported in the week before the event, however ... The conditions on this event were expected to be completely different to before. The first time the event was a world championship rallywas in March 2003, when conditions from a harsh winter meant the stages were rough, on account of frequent pre-event regrad-ing, and there was still snow beside the road in places. This year the tempera-tures promised to be much hotter than last year while the roads were smoother, bad news for Sebastien Loeb and Petter Solberg who were opening the road in conditions where loose gravel was ex-pected to be commonplace. What the crews discovered when they started recce was that though the roads in the early part of the route were the same, the dean wide lines made by the grader had in fact changed the style of the roads making them feel unnatural and less easy for a driver to "read." Along-side the hard roads for the stages re-mained the soft mud and rocks wait-ing to be thrown on to the rally roads by the World Rally Cars fitted with mousse inserts. Drivers found the pacenotes made last year were useless. The problems for Loeb and Solberg were due to increase as on the very long Friday there were no fewer than 83 km of stages being run for the first time with these drivers ahead of the field, only 65 being used for a second time. Set-up, tyre choices, engine mapping, everything was expected to be different, and this event counted as a "Non-European" event which meant that pre-event testing in the country was banned. Turkey was Super 1600 territory! Over the past two years, this has be-come an important category in the national rally championship, with up • tQ 15 such cars on each qualifying round.Two cars were due to make their world rallychan1pionship debut, firstly the two wheel drive Ford Focus Kit Car, a car designed for domestic competi-tion in Turkey, and the Citroen C2, two being entered privately outside the JWRC. One of the Focuses was entered by the Turkish importer as a two-litre Kit Car, featuring a six speed gearbox and 240bhp engine. As has become usual, there was a rush to process new rules and proce-dures. The FIA was only able to ap-prove the itinerary five weeks before the start. The big change here was the move from the five day to five and a half day format, which meant that, recce started on Tuesday afternoon rather than Wednesday morning and that Shakedown happened on Thurs-day morning not the middle of the day. There was another rule change: the SupeRally system was again tried out (retired cars allowed to rejoin for the runs on the Saturday and Sunday) but this time behind, not in front of the world championship crews. In Greece, . Peugeot had tried to use the opportu-nity to take advantage of sending Gron-holm ahead of the field in order to help Rovanpera who was running be-hind, an obvious loophole which needed to be dosed. Then there was a curiosity. Yves Matton was the new Citroen team manager, replacing Francois Chatriot who had been moved to con-trolling customer rally car activities, while with the end ofFord's Boreham competition programme the Super 1600 car was now run by the Astra Team in Italy, and already the Acropo-lis problems (deriving from the alter-nator) seemed to have been cured. The organisers seemed a little be-mused. Somebody discovered there was no rule to say the competition num-bers had to be on the official bonnet identification plates, so they assumed that (tradition not withstanding) it must be wrong to do this, and more alarmingly, almost half the field had their competition numbers changed. Everyone worried about the weather. There were severe storms on the days of Reconnaissance, and much pr~ent conjecture at how these would affect the condition of the roads. Markko Martin: "There could be some nasty surprises if it continues to rain. Already the way the roads are much wider than last year means our pacenotes have been a complete mess!" Peugeot drivers Gronholm and Rovanpera were also anxious, for another reason. "We have not nominated any tyres suitable for muddy conditions. If it rains, we will have to rely on cutting dry weather tyres," said Marcus. Panizzi said that it was not just water on the tops of the mountain passes but that ice was also falling and stayed beside tl1e road for some while. The extra half day was wel-come. Francois Duval's co-driver ad-September 2004 Per Gunnar Andersson and Jonas Andersson had a great rally, they took the JWRC win in their good looking Suzuki lgnis. mitted: "It gave us five extra hours be-tween recce and the start, time to settle down and be fresh for the start." Pre-rally Shakedown was dry witl1 some muddy patches, and close. Over a three kilometre route four drivers made times within a half second of each other, in three different types of car, headed by Marcus Gronholm with Francois Duval second. At the pre-event press conference, Gronholm was sad. "It hasn't been the easiest season. One momentwewere leading me cham-pionship by a point, then we were 19 points behind .. " Less open-hearted was Markko Martin, who did not want to comment on the Ford team's decision to replace his new engine with an old one. "Maybe the new one wasn't ready ... " Christian Loriaux, Ford's en-gineer confirmed "No, we did not have . enough experience from our durabil-ity test to be confident to use the new engine." Interesting days in Super 1600. Citroen's semi-official driver Guerlain Chicherit continued to use the Saxo, while the two non-JWRC drivers who had entered C2 S 1600 cars were told not to take part. Marcus Foss, a priva-teer from Norway was one of them. "I do not know me full reason, but I think it was because the engine was not reli-able", instead he drove a Saxo Chal-lenge car. Leg 1 . Immediately after the Thursday evening start in Antalya, cars went to a superspecial on the western outskirts, a different location from where the superspecial had been held last year. The surface was trickier than expected, witness the scrape marks from many of the cars, and there was one WRCar retirement, the Hyundai Accent of the Turkish driver Murat Ardilek who went off the road. Overnight there were two major rumpuses. Firstly Mich-elin had a problem with the barcoding of the tyres for their teams. The Clerk of the Course confirmed the prob-lem would not disrupt the running of the event but the teams were angry. At the start of the year there had been an agreement from the FIA that the tyre suppliers would be responsible for er-rors like this, not the teams -but the Stewards then issued USD500 fines on ... the teams! Then the Suzuki team asked for two, not one minute, inter-vals for their drivers, which the Stew-ards refused by the Stewards instead offered that their cars could start ahead of the other JWRC cars. 'fbis then caused a major fuss from Renault, and well into Thursday night the decision was taken to alternate the Suzukis and the Renaults at the head of the JWRC competitors, still at one minute intervals. Rain over Thursday night led com-petitors to suspect there would be a lot of mud on the stages, but early on the Friday the sun started drying out the roads, but not as much as most drivers assumed. The whole gravel note crew debate came back. Marc Marti, Carlos Sainz' co-driver "We have drivers and cars worth millions but nobody knows if we have the right tyres ... " Sebastien Loeb, running first car on the road, made best time on the first two proper stages bur most top drivers admitted to at least one spin in the treacherously decepti~ conditions. Mikko Hirvonen: "We were lucky. We recce'd Stages 2 and 3 in a storm so we knew where the most slippery places would be. Finding nasty surprises when racing along the edge of a mountain isn't funny." Harri Rovanpera's rally started badly. Two kilometres into Stage 2 and the rear differential hydraulic pressure failed. Henning Solberg lost his brakes for eight kilometres while his Bozian team-mate Daniel Carlsson went off the road after hitting a water crossing and re-tired. Gianluigi Galli had problems at the start of the rally including hitting me water in the water crossing on Stage 2 hard and broke the blades from the cooling fans. After Stage 3 (after over 50 minutes of rallying}, Loeb was 14.2 seconds in front of Marcus Gronholm with Petter Solberg third less than two seconds behind. Alister Ginley with-drew his Subaru when he arrived at service, after learn_ing that a member of his team had died in a road accident in the mountains that morning. Gilles Panizzi stopped and retired Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautiainen drove their Peugeot 307 to a nice second overall at the WRC Rally of Turkey. Dusty Times

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Seventh place overall went to Mikko Hirvonen, seen here cornering Plowing through the soh stuff, Conrad Rautenbach and Peter Marsh Carlos Sainz throws lots of dirt as he screams through a stage on the very hard in his Subaru lmpreza. drove their Opel Corsa to seventh place in JWRC. Turkish Rally, he finished fourth in his Citroen Xsara. on Stage 4 with an electrical problem Antony Warmbold was another who The long Stage 6 was difficult with Antony Warmbold, "Still we had dif-went off and retired. Natalie Barratt which at long range the team could lost hydraulic pressure. Through all this many top drivers admitting to making ferential trouble, the car was virtually went off the road and had difficulty in not trace. The big story of the after- water Loeb went calmly as did Rovan- a lot oflittle mistakes, even fastest driver only in rear-drive mode" and Henning restarting. An electrical problem was noon was the different nature of the pera and Sainz. Gronholm was be-Gronholm. Right up until the final Solberg, "Always the brakes failed at discovered, Barratt set off again, but stages. Stage 4 was a repeat of Stage 2, mused. last-year he had his second cata-mid-stage split time, Martin was vying the ends of stages. All our split times then the battery flattened and she had but this time the warm weather had strophic power steering failure on the with his Ford teammate Francois Duval had been fantastic!" Gilles Panizzi had to retire as well. Matthieu Biasion re-dried out a lot more of the road and road now used to go up to the start of for second best time but then the en-his Mitsubishi's ECU changed and the tired with a broken alternator pulley. the later drivers had the advantage. On Stage 4. This year at the same place the gine stopped. It took nearly 50 min- car was again like new, ready to start Chicherit led the category into the af-Stage 4 Rovanpera, running seventh, hydraulic pressure failed, making it nee-utes before he could get going again. under the SupeRallyrules on Leg 2. ternoon but Mirco Baldacci was re-and on Stage 5 Sainz, running sixth, essary to change gear manually and los-Finally the problem was traced to bro- Guerlain Chicherit in the old Saxo covering fast from his earlier delay. By were quickest. First car Loeb was fourth ing the effect of the differentials. Vari- ken wiring to the engine crankshaft sen-went into the JWRC lead but just be-Stage 4 he was up to third and after 5 quickest on both. There was a water ous drivers had brake trouble, includ- sors, after which it was fine. Despite fore the end of Stage 2 his engine he was second. Wilks was still driving splash near the start of Stage 4 and this ing Janne T uohino and Henning this delay he was only five minutes late mounting broke but he still led after carefully as was Kosti Katajamaki, caused havoc. Markko Martin hit the Solberg. The last proper stage of the arriving at the start of the final stage in Stage 3. Guy Wilks drove cautiously Nicolas Bernardi fought back from the water hard and damaged the air inlet, day was a repeat of Stage 3, a 34km the end, the repeat of the but wisely. Nicolas Bernardi, however, delay caused by his roll, but then on the water temperature went to 140 and marathon. Martin's rally became a There was a lot of trouble with dust rolled his Renault, he and his co-driver Stage 4 he had a rear suspension prob-the engine oil to 125 degrees. At the nightmare when the engine stopped af-clouds with one car blocking the vision having to exit the car personally to push lem. Andersson lost time with a spin. end of the stage they cleared away the ter a water crossing, and ultimately it of the car in the parallel course. Duval it back on its wheels while teammate Scorcioni' s problems continued with bodywork debris and freed the air in-was discovered the problem was a sen- said he had to slow down almost to a l.a.rry Cols retired with engine failure. a puncture which he changed on a stage, let system. Solberg suffered air starva- sor. He was eventually able to carry on, stop three times on account of the dust Kris Meeke retired with transmission then he had gearbox trouble but fi-tion as well, while Hirvonen had worse ninth best manufacturers' car and from Gronholm's car. At the super- faihireaftersufferingtroublewithhis nally retired with a lost wheel. Guy trouble. The engine misfired, the dutch hopelessly out of touch with the lead- special Gronholm ahnost rolled. "We brakes. Xavier Pons, P.O. Andersson Wilks was upset He was blinded by started slipping, the hydraulic pressure ers, but hopeful he would be in the misjudged how confusing was one and Luca Cecchettini all had to stop dust on the superspecial from Yazici's to the differentials failed and the ALS points if only a second team car aban- stretch, and we nearly crashed when and change flat tyres on a stage, Luca WRCar and went straight off the road stopped working. Galli also had doned. This tin1e it was Gronholm we slid into a ditch." Continuing Betti went off the road and broke the for a mandatory three minute penalty, trouble, suffering overheating and even who was fastest, Sebastien again fourth troubles were afflicting a number of · radiator. Alan Scorcioni had to stop dropping from third to sixth. stopping at one pofnt to clear away the quickest, and the Frenchman's lead was drivers. Mikko Hirvonen had all dif-and repair a broken steering arm and Leg 2 bodywork mess at the front of the car. now down to 6.5 seconds. ferentials permanently lqcked up, driveshaft on a stage. Luca Tabaton Continued on page 18 , .d i • HONDA Power Equipment POWEil UCER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Bonda Power Equipment Parts 8 Inventory IF WE /JON T NAVE IT: NO ONE /JOE9I Check Our Website: Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ::El:OND.A 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 GENERATOR& a PUMP& {323) 364-3936, 264-5858 • FAX {323) 264-2136 For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2004 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Dusty Times September 2004 Page 17

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Francois Duval was the first Ford to finish, unfortunately his Focus Gianluigi Galli starts down the mountain, he finished 10" overall in his Markko Martin and Michael Park had a troublesome rally, they finished in 24"' place in their Ford Focus RS. RS was the fifth official finisher in Turkey. Mitsubishi Lancer in Turkey. Overnight the organisers checked Loeb regained the lead on Stage 11 box mounting which made gear seiec-the control timing carefully. Super despite again stalling the engine but tion very haphazard, then he had to 1600 leader Chicherit had checked in Granholm had a most unpleasant in- drive four kilometres on a flat tyre. at the start of Stage 6 a minute early, cident. "I was driving over some rocks, Marshall lost all his gearbox oil and his penalty dropped him to sixth in the and suddenly my co-driver gave out a the car was stuck in gear; the gearbox category while Urmo Aava's three loud shout. I slowed down and found was changed at a 20 minute service. minute early arrival earlier in the day he was in great pain, undoing his Latvala was unhappy with his engine was finally spotted and he fell back one seatbelts to be more comfortable. In lacking top end power, maybe after the place. Alex Broccoli actually rose up the end he told to continue. We overheating the day before and a per-from fifth to third despite a broken thought a rock had punctured the sistent and temporary loss of power rear anti roll bar, but Bernardi was floor and smashed into the underneath low down was experienced as well, and still 11th and last behind Xavier Pons of his seat. It must have been awful for he retired for a second time at the start who had been delayed by a broken en- him." It later transpired that the dam-of Stage 11. gine mounting. age was probably caused by a metal More trouble came to Chicherit When the restart list was published, stake. On Stage 11 Rovanpera had on Stage 11, another gearbox mount-only one World Rally Car was sched- some gear selection trouble ("not seri-ing, and this time he held up three of uled to reappear under the SupeRally ous, and not the same trouble as the Suzukis who were queueing up on rules, the Milliubishi of Panizzi, while the plagued us earlier in the year"), while the stage in his dust. Wilks was the JWRC cars of Latvala and Barratt also Hirvonen had tyre troubles, the tyres first to be delayed, then Aava and then opted to continue. Latvala explained wearingcompletelythroughandarear Andersson. Baldacci escaped this his retirement the previous day, "We hit tyre exploding. He drove the final four problem but himself had two punc-a rock in the road, the sumpguard kilometres on three tyres. Sainz mean- tures and a broken anti roll bar, then twisted and punctured a radiator water while was looking(and feeling) terrible. Katajamaki had three punctures. hose. We stopped immediately and re-On the final two stages Loeb held his Baldacci and Katajamaki arrived with tired and overnight we re-routed the quarter-minute lead over Granholm missing tyres from the rear of their pipe and made the car ready to restart." but Solberg was pressing hard, making cars as also did Marshall. This was to Martin had the "honour" of running best times on the fmal two stages of the be the end ofBemardi's event He had first car on the road, and suffered prob- day. The rally lost Rovanpera on the a series of disasters. The failing sus-lems with the Al..S (anti lag system). final stage, the car having gearbox fail-pension made the car hard to drive, Many cars had brake trouble: ure, while both Martin and Wannbold he hit a rock which damaged the ra-Warmbold, Tuohino had a spin, overshot junctions and had to diator and air intake, and also the Henning Solberg lost the hydraulic pres-handbrake their way back to the course steering. The Oreca team tried to sureinhiscentraldifferentialwhileSainz again. change the steering rack but the (feeling unwell) also suffered unpredict- In S 1600 Baldacci continued to subframe was distorted and he had ablehandlingonhisCitroen.Thebattle holdtheleadhehadgainedtheevening to give up,. Eight JWRC cars re-for the lead intensified. Granholm felt before ahead ofKatajamaki with Broe-mained, all five Suzukis, a Citroen, a unhappy with his caron Stage 8 but on coli (Fiat) third and Chicherit fourth. Renault and Rautenbach's Opel. Stage 9 he made best time in front of Chicherit then had a repeat of his gear-With two stages to go, Baldacci was Duval, with Loeb 13.2 seconds slower. box mounting failure and fell back, as 26. 9 seconds in front of Katajamaki This in illielf closed Loeb's lead to 3.1 did Broccoli who had a broken drive- bur he had to tackle both stages with seconds. Then the officials announced shaft and then a broken gearbox cas-no brakes and arrived at the end of that Loeb had jumped thestartonStage ing and retired. Andersson was now the day 9.4 seconds in front of 9, incurred a mandatory ten seconds' up to third, with Suzukis running 1-2- Andersson. penalty, and this put Granholm 6.9 sec-3 and Wilks fifth. Wilks had a fine run Late on the Saturday night, the onds ahead. Citroen's new team man- through Stage 8 making best JWRC Clerk of the Course announced that ager Yves Matton explained, "In fact, he time, notwithstanding driving two Loeb's jump-start penalty would not jumped the start and the engine wasn't kilometres with a puncture and then take effect, which meant that Loeb had even working! The engine stalled when it discovered the sumpguard had almost been leading the rally from Stage 2. was on the start line and the car invol- fallen off. He stopped to tie this back Also, the Stewards met to discuss a cu-untarilyjumped about three centimetres and was 12 minutes late at the next rious incident concerning Guerlain ahead, enough to trigger the alann and control, incurring a two minute pen- Chicherit, followingrepom that Loeb's incur him the penalty!" Loeb also stalled alty, and then had to drive Stage 9 side window was found, unsecured, the engine near the finish of the stage as slowly as well. Cecchettini retired with inside Chicherit' s Saxo, on both ac-well. Galli started the day badly, again, front suspension problems then within counts a potential infringement. this time suffering a turbocharger fail- a few kilometres of each other, first Chicherit explained that he had, in fact, ure, though Panizzi had nothing new to Broccoli disappeared ten his Hi-Tee foiled a theft, after the window had report, except continued unhappiness teammate Pons retired with an over-fallen off the car as it left the service with the suspension. heating engine. Aava had a broken gear-area and had been "found" by specta-~---~-----------~~ ~-------~~ tors. He retrieved the property and in--\ Petter Solberg and Philip Mills drove their battered Subaru lmpreza to third overall in Turkey, seen here cornering hard. Page 18 tended to give it back to Loeb's me-chanics. The Stewards accepted the ex-planation and the S1600 driver was punished only by loss of sleep. In the meantime, Loeb had taken the big Chevron sticker off the roof of his car and used this to cover the hole in the side of the car. Peugeot later checked Rovanpera's car and found the gear-box problem was due to selector trouble, caused because a rock had damaged the underguard, nothing to do with earlier design problems of the transmission. Leg3 When the rally restarted at 0630 on the final day Loeb had an extra 10 seconds buffer in front of Granholm, not 15.9 but 25.9 seconds. The day was warm as before, air temperatures September 2004 around 34 degrees, in-car heat 55 de-end of the stage he removed the grees for most World Rally Cars. Sainz sumpguard and put this in the back of was feeling better although still very his car and drove cautiously. One weak after his sickness the day before, kilometre before the finish he punc-while in the remaining 307 there were tured and finished the stage on a rim. not one but two medically challenged Then Loeb had a wheel bearing fail at passengers. Co-driverTuno Rautiainen the start of the final stage, drove had severe bruising and found it very through to the end, and took off the uncomfortable to sit correctly in his right rear wheel for the road section to seat, while his driver Marcus Granholm the finish. was also suffering stomach trouble. In the JWRC, however, there was With only four stages to go there was more to play for. Suzuki announced no real chance of a fight for positions, there were to be no team orders, only however, and after two the situations an instruction that each car must fin-were unchanged. Granholm was five ish, at all costs. They started the day seconds closer to Loeb, Petter Solberg holding their 1-2-3-4 lead with 2004 was still exactly 34.5 seconds behind in cars, in front of Chicherit' s old Cit-third. With two stages to go Granholm roen Saxo and then Aava' s Suzuki was delayed for a quarter minute in 2003 car, but it wasn't quite so easy. midstageV{ithgearselectortroubleand Baldacci headed off down Stage 14 with one stage to go Solberg was 18.4 he had three other Suzukis following seconds behind. Petter's brother at one minute intervals, so when he Henning (carrying comp No.13), how-had a rear wheel puncture and de-ever, retired on Stage 16 with gearbox cided to carry on, he created a dust failure. Warmbold came through in storm behind him which predictably eighth place, the first time this 25 year slowed teammates Andersson, old had scored world championship Katajamaki and Wilks behind! points, a great pleasure for his patron Baldacci lost about 3m30s on this father Achim who personallywon two account, so it would have been much rounds of the world championship in quicker to have stopped to change the 1973. flat tyre, he fell down to fifth behind It all seemed so calm, but the most the Saxo losing Suzuki the success of exciting things were still to come. Gron- achieving the top four placings and hohn had a repeat ofRovanpera' s prob- unnecessarily narrowed the lead of his !em with a rock damaging the teammate. On the final two stages sumpguardandthegearselectionitwas Baldacci punctured once again, this designed to protect. Granholm was time having to stop and change the worried in case he should change gear wheel, while Katajamaki punctured in he would not be able to change back the final two kilometres, and in the again and did not attempt to change end was beaten by Andersson by 6.4 ear for the rest of the sta e. After the seconds. 1.ft.1c!C: 5th Rally of Tur1<ey 25126.06.2004 Antalya-Kemer (TR) WC round 7 JWRC 3 WC points WR WO JC 1 (3) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 173DAL78 (F) 4h.48m.26.8s. 10 10 2 (5) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot 307 WRC 952PRV75 (F) 4h.48m.53.0s. 8 8 3 (1) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC 555WRC (GB) 4h.49m.03.5s. 6 6 4 (4) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 176DAL78 (F) 4h.51m.16.1s. 5 5 5 (8) Francois DWAL/Stephane Prevot B Ford Focus RS WRC R55OTH (GB) 4h.52m.53.6s. 4 4 6 (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC SWT53SRT (GB) 4h.54m.27.9s. 3 3 7 (14) Janne Tuohino/Jukka Aho FIN Ford Focus WRC EX02OBD (GB) 5h.00m.11. 7s. - 2 8 (12) Antony Warmbold/Gemma Price D/GB Ford Focus WRC Y6FMC (GB) 5h.09m.42.1s. - 1 9 (16) Serkan Yazici/Can Okan TR Ford Focus RS WRC X7FMC (GB) 5h.10m.07.6s. -10 (10) Gianluigi GALLI/Guido d'Amore I Mitsubishi Lancer WRC KX53BKY (GB) 5h.20m.35.7s. 2 11 (45) Per-Gunnar Andersson/Jonas Andersson S Suzuki lgnis JWRC IYY482 (H) 5h.24m.56.2s.• - 10 12 (35) Kosti Katajamaki/Timo Alanne FIN Suzuki lgnis JWRC JCE520 (H) 5h.25m.02.6s. - 8 13 (33) Guy Wilks/Phil Pugh GB Suzuki lgnis JWRC JCE519 (H) 5h.25m.53.8s. - 6 14 {40) Guer1ain Chicheril/Matthieu Baumel F Citroen Saxo JWRC 9519NC52 (F) 5h.27m.54.9s. - 5 16 (32) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Suzuki lgnis JWRC IVG651 (H) 5h.28m.42.9s. -•. 4 17 (31) . Mirco Baldacci/Giovanni Bemacchini RSM/I Suzuki lgnis JWRC JCE518 (H) 5h.30m.31.9s. - 3 22 (48) Conrad Rautenbach/Peter Marsh "l)l,J/GB Opel Corsa JWRC S16TBR (GB) 5h.39m.27.0s. - 2 24 (7) Markka MARTIN/Michael Pari< EE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC ET53URO (GB) 5h.44m.58.7s. 1 28 (50) Oliver MarshalUCraig Parry GB Renault Clio JWRC BG51TRV(GB) 6h.03m.10.4s. - 1 65 (20 JWRC) starters. 32 (8 JWRC) finishers. •JWRC/S1600 winner. No Privateer Trophy entries. MANUFACTURER'S REGISTERED DRIVER. Winner's aver es ed over sta es 79.74 record . Dusty Times

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OFF ROAD MOTORSPORTS HALL OF FAME Dusty Times Founder Inducted By Judy Smith Judy Smith gave the introductory salute to Dusty Times Jean Calvin preceding Jeans induction into the Hall Of Fame. Reno, NV: Dusty Times' founder, Jean Calvin, was post-humously \nducted into the Off Road Motorsports Hall of Fame in a late June ceremony. There were six inductees all Herman Booy was inducted into the Hall for his lifetime of effort in the Sand Sport recreation area. told, and the ceremonies were held in the off road display area of the National Auto Museum in Reno. It was the first in what the Board of Directors of the Hall of Fame hopes will be a long line of such ceremonies. Rod Hall, who is the Chair-man of the Board, has resurrected the Hall of Fame that was origi-nally conceived and set up by the late Ed Pearlman, NORRA's founder. Pearlman had two induc-tion ceremonies, one in 1976 and another in 1980, and he inducted 21 off road icons in all. Hall, who bought the NORRA name a few years ago, spearheaded the effort Walker Evans was another inductee into the Off Road Hall of Fame, seen here with one of the vehicles on display in the museum. Carla Boucher receives her induction plaque from Bob Bower, Carta is an attorney and represents the off road interests. to find a permanent home for the Hall of Fame, in the National Auto Museum (The Harrah's Col-lection), and laid the groundwork for future growth and develop-ment. Jean Calvin was honored not only for her pioneering as an off road racer, but more importantly for her years of dedication to get-ting out the word about the sport. She began her writing career while she was racing sports cars, but when she switched to off road rac-ing in 1970 her allegiance was to-tal. She wrote for many different publications in the early part of her career, and then in 1983 founded the Dusty Times, which has been dedicated to reporting about off road racing wherever it's found, ever since. Jean's hus-band, Johri, accepted the honor. Another inductee, Herman H. PIKES .. . . ·· 1:RPRECISION.COM Booy, from San Jacinto, Califor-nia, was involved in sand sports beginning in the late 1960s. Not only did he build hillclimb and sand drag cars, but also he helped develop the familiar "paddle tire" that scooted them through the sand. He was instrumental in bringing the sand drags to San Jacinto, and helped standardize class rules for competition. He also built two Funny Cars and two Dragsters for Larry Minor, and was a mechanic for Larry and Roger Mears when they raced a Class 1 buggy in the NORRA Mexican 500 in the early 70s. Sand Sports would undoubtedly have a different history without Booy's influence. service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times 2865 Gundry Ave. 0 . 00 Neo SynthetA Performance A.-., ... WI .... F· '14. · · · ;1~,,· · · Rr ....... : .... September 2004 . nal Hill, CA 90755 562-427-2375 Carla Boucher, from Virginia, has been the Legislative Advocate for the United Four Wheel Drive Association for the last eight years. But her off road history started in 1981 when she drove her first four wheel drive vehicle. Along the way she became a lawyer, and has dedicated her knowledge and skills to helping in the fight to keep public lands available for off roaders. She has been pivotal in some big decisions that affect the rights of off roaders, and has helped keep countless acres of land open for recreational use. Everyone involved in any form of off road motorsports owes a debt of gratitude to Carla for her tire-less efforts in protecting our right to access public lands. Rally racer John Buffum, who wasn't able to be there in person due to a date conflict with the Pike's Peak Hillclimb, was de-Continued on page 20 Page 19

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Bob Bower greets John Calvin. John was on hand to accept the inductee plaque for Jean Calvin, founder of Dusty Times and long time desert racer. There were many invited guests at the Off Road Museum Hall Of Billy Robertson, (Robertson Honda) poses with one of the motorcycles Fame induction, the event was mc'd by Bob Bower. already on display in the Off Road Motorsports Hall Of Fame Museum. scribed as "a legend in the world of Rally Racing." From 1977 un-til 1981, he, with Doug Shep-herd as his navigator, dominated the SCCA PRO Rally series and the North America Rally Cham-pionship. Then in 1981, with "world's most successful rally ager for the Hyundai factory ways. Audi support, he started a long driver ever", with 104 national team and also builds and pre-Edward Dunkley learned to run of successful seasons. In championship wins. He retired pares rally cars at his shop in love Jeeps while in the Army Air 1987, with Toni Grimshaw as his after the '87 season and became Vermont. Buffum is still an ac-Corps in WWII and after retir-navigator, he had an undefeated the SCCA PRO Rally series man- tive force in rally racing, and con- ing from his civilian job he devel-season, and was seen as the ager. Currently he's team man-tributes to the sport in diverse oped himself to four wheeling full ROIi Hal~ Kyle Taylor, Chad Hall and Team Uohtroree's own Jevln Davis pusll tll8 ellV8lope season after season. Speeds that feel like Mach 3i barrel rolls, free falls, mld·alr collisions ... lighttorce's HID Blitz and variable-focus lights with our innovative filtar srstem translate to shatterproof lights that can time. He developed an interest in the history of the pioneer trails of Nevada and California, and became a recognized authority on the settlement of the American west. He also developed a passion for educating people on the im-portance of preserving the envi-ronment while enjoying all it had to offer. He was a pioneer in the development of several Jeep trails, and as he led people across the terrain he would narrate the his-tory of the area. Ed was "truly dedicated to conservation, edu-cation and responsible motorized recreation and had a major im-pact on four wheeling as we know it today." Walker Evans, who enjoyed a 35 year career as one of the "best off road racing drivers ever", was the final inductee. His recor·d in-cludes 142 victories and 21 cham-pionship titles in short course and desert events. Evans' career got its start in 1969 when he drove a Rambler sedan in the Baja 500 for James Garner's American Mo-tors Team. He later said, "I took a third place finish, and knew I had to get serious about desert racing, so I built my own vehicle, and began competing." He was the first driver to win the Baja 1000 overall in a truck, and he had vic-tories at the Mint 400, the Baja 500, the Parker 400 and the Fire-works 250. He competed in the Mickey Thompson Stadium Se-ries, the SODA Series, and the CORR Series. Evans retired from full time racing in 2000, but couldn't stay away completely. He began competing in RCAA rock crawling events, which he still does when time permits. 510□ CASH change color and beam patterns as fast as the terrain itself. The induction ceremonies were a pleasant jolt to the emqtions, taking the attendees back in years to the beginnings of their own off road memories. The ORMHOF Board hopes to be able to add new inductees every year, and would like off roaders to know how this is accomplished. If you'd like to suggest someone to the committee, it's possible to learn how, and to find the appropriate paperwork on the ORMHOFwthite: http-// ~mnv' Dusty Times + L~t:l□' ffl 'PBOfl CflOlCE ... v 7 U OF PAOOU[TS Visit UohlforeeUSA.oom to find a dealer near you, September 2004 .Oi.ckon "Nominations" then fol-low the instructions to find the necessary paperwork. Anyone may nominate a potential in-ductee. The museum itself, and the off road display are well worth a visit. Off roaders traveling in the neigh-borhood of Reno should allow time for a stroll down memory lane, and a chance to learn some off road history. =.. Page 20

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EPT~'2·5,2004 NIGHT RACE CLASS 725 • CASH 1ST $750 CASH 2ND $500 CASH 3RD $250 CASH CLASS.1450 • GIFT CERT 1ST $750 GIFT CERT 2ND $500 GIFT CERT 3RD $250 GIFT CERT ·································-=:::--::=~:::-::==-==:::-----, .., r:JF' F~ VW TRANSAXLES TOLL FREE 1 ~86,fsvo-o~ ~,3JUFF ·dr: 760~ 1J1 ffifsS78 t'HJ9*654-5U4 FAX 909-654-5787 OCEANSIDE / SAN JACINTO, CA. IDE.MJUL mUie@bu~rtrans .. com ········-·························· ·························································· ···························•··· DONAHOERACtJG $1,000 TRUE GRIT AWARD Year l!nd Award what have you gut to sayl MDR MESSAGE BOARD ... , www.■ THE CAlIFORNii/,. CHAMP. ONSHIP 2004 MDR RACE SCHEDULE SEPT. 25 CALIFORNIA 200 NOV. 20 STODDARD 250 LUCERNE, CA (Night race) BARSTOW, CA U.S. Forest Service approved spark arrestor and green sticker or license plate required on all race vehicles. *Entry form and fees due two weeks before the race date. **With 3 In class. Page 21 Entry fee for the driver only, no fee for co-drivers, support crew, spectators or the general public (Note: if the vehicle does not make the starting line, 100% of the entry fee is rolled over to the next race) FOR MDR RACE RESULTS/ INFORMATION: PHONE (626) 442-9320 FAX (626) 579-6051 1853 Parkway Drive So. El Monte, CA 91733 EMAIL WEBSITE MDR Tech info: ALL RACE TECH & SAFETY-Phone (702) 897-3583 EMAIL September 2004 Dusty Times

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SNORE KC HILITES MIDNIGHT SPECIAL It was Scheeler·s Night By John Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo First in Class 1, First overall, Kory Scheeler was a happy guy when the checkers flew, it was his first ever rright race. The day was hot, the night was influential ex-off road racer, the late as there were computer grem-cool, everybody we talked to had problem was solved, the start/fin-lins all over the place but finally a pretty good time and the ish and main pits were moved Don Dayton and his daughter SNORE KC Hilites Midnight Spe-eight miles north onto Clark found the right swatter and the cial was a rousing success. Not to County land not controlled by race was on. say that our dear friends, the Bu-the Airport Department and all There was only one Class 1 en-reau of Land Management didn't was ready, good to go. trant, Kory Scheeler and he was do their best to screw everything Technical Inspection and Con-really on a mission. It was his first up. SNORE and, we might men-tingency were in the usual spot ever night race and outside of the tion, SCORE have been using the within the vast confines of the Buf-wiring loom melting on the mo-BLM lands just north of the Buf- falo Bill's Hotel and Casino on tor early on, Kory drove his Chevy falo Bill Hotel and Casino for Friday night and the turnout was powered Jimco to the class win main pits and start finish area for good and the weather was beau ti-and to the overall win as well. many years. SNORE found out ful, nice and cool with a slight There were six entered in Class two days before the race that this breeze. 10, two of them, Brian Freemal little patch used for pitting, etc., There were 64 entrants all and Mark Brownell never finished was part of the 7000 acres the ready to battle the darkness and their first lap. When they finally BLM had just sold to Clark the 43 mile long course. Un for-got around to the end of the first County. So, start/finish was now tunately, 44 of the entrants never lap it was Rick Paquette in the on Clark County land, Division saw the checkered flag, a non-fin-lead, Mike Gaughan, Jr. was of Airports, and the Airport ishing rate of 69%. about four minutes in arrears, Bill people told SNORE they couldn't Our congratulations go out to Dickton came along six minutes race on airport land. So, after those who managed to beat the later and T.J. Flores came along much begging, pleading and a lot odds and finish the race. fourth after a terribly long lap. of help from an unnamed, very The race started half an hour Lap 2, and Rick Paquette was What can you say? MacCachren flies through the night, never puts a foot wrong, first Class 1600, 2"' overall, 32 minutes out of the overall. Winning Class 9 yet again, Corey Torres is fast becoming the man to try and beat in the small engine class in the desert. still in the lead, some nine min-utes by our reckoning Mike Gaughan was still running in the second spot, Bill Dickton was third in his black beauty and T.J. Flores was still losing time in fourth place. Surprise, at the end of the third lap it was still Paquette in the lead, this time by more than 25 minutes, Bill Dickton had moved into second spot after a couple of fast laps, Gaughan had dropped to third place with a longer than usual lap and Flores was still running fourth, now more than half an hour behind the leader. Changes started on the fourth lap, Rick Paquette disappeared from the scoring charts with a ter-minal ailment, Bill Dickton took the lead, 13 minutes slower than his previous lap, Flores was now running fast and had moved into the second spot, 13 minutes out of the lead and Gaughan was third, seven minutes behind Flores. Lap 5 ended and there was no Bill Dickton, he too succumbed to mechanical woes, Flores came in with the lead and Gaughan was right there in second spot, only three minutes in arrears. But, and there's always a but, neither Flores or Gaughan completed their sixth and final lap, ergo, There was no Class 10 winner, but TJ Flores went the farthest in the Michael Gaughan Jr. had two slow laps to contend with, he was Aaron Hawley and Kyle LeDuc had a decent race, they ran trouble least amount of time, ergo, he was the unofficial class winner. second fastest in Class 10, the entire class being non finishers. free but could only gamer the second spot in Class 1600. Kenny Thatcher lost his oil cooler during the dusty night but he A very close second place finish in Heavy Metal went to Monte Don Wall was debuting his new car this dusty evening and he was carried on and took second spot in Class 9. Tibbetts, his truck ran well, though it was a bit oil thirsty. happy with the result, a nice second place in Sportsman Buggy. Page 22 September 2004 Dusty Times

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Dusty Times September 2004 If.,,...._ '.'lZ $2" 000.00; 1D = C'UM1J 9 AND 5-1600 MUST HAVE 'f fl CARS IN CLASS Page 23

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Bill Dickton was running well but, like the rest of the class 10 Rob and Dwaine Walters had a decent evening, they finished a George and Chris De Sousa had a decent race, they cruised through contingent, he too succumbed to mechanical woes. decent third place in the dark and dusty class 1600 contest. the night to a nice third place in the Class 9 contest. there were no finishers in the Class all headed out into the twilight very close third, Cody Freeman was seventh, Nick Tiedman was the cumhed to the dust and the dark-10 contest. and when they came around on just a tick behind in fourth place eighth car, Dan Bradley came ness, namely the ever vivacious The 1600 class was a large one, their first lap it was Aaron Haw-in his brand new car and Bryan along in ninth place, Ken Ta13ert Day Gang, Joe Wilson, Brian there were 16 entrants chafing at ley leading the way. Rob Mac-Freeman was fifth across the line. was 10th across the line and Chad Burgess and Paul Bailey. the bit, but the dark action swal-Cachren was second, 30 seconds Corey Goin was sixth across the Shupp was 11th. Four of the The second lap saw a few lowed up a bunch of them. They in arrears, Dwaine Walters was a line, Dave Hendrickson came in 1600 group had already sue-changes in position, but the leader NSW PRODUCTS FOR THE NIS$ANTITAN . .. CSTawD l..CJNa TIIAVIU. KIT .; CST 2WO 8" l.JF"T • CST 4WD IS" LIJl'T • Ft8ERGLA$$ FENDERS • DEA.VE.R LEAF SPRINGS ALL IN STOCKI 41A4'a.l 1v·1111a FABIIICATIIJN 951.737.2999 WE $10CK~·MRJ$' THAIIAIIIY'Olllil OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEKI 2871 Ragle W•y Co1a1w, CA 1128711 Page 24 September 2004 remained at the head of the class, Aaron Hawley was flyin', Bryan Freeman was pourin' on the coal and was now in second spot, Nick Tiedman was just a whisker away in third place, MacCachren was in fourth after having to drive for miles on a flat and Dwaine Walters had dropped a few spots and was now running fifth. Cody Freeman dropped a few spots and was now sixth, the Hendrickson/ Shermak car was seventh, Garit Wallace was running in the eighth spot, Corey Goin was ninth, Ken Tapert was 10th in class, Dan Bra-dley was running in 11th and the Shupp brothers were 12th, they were fighting shifter problems. Lap 3 saw some more changes lead, MacCachren was back in the hunt, he moved up from fourth to second, Bryan Freeman was still haulin', he dropped a spot to third but was right there, Cody Freeman was back up into the fourth position, Nick Tiedman dropped a few spots, he was back in fifth and Dwaine Walters had dropped a spot into sixth place. Garit Wallace moved up a spot into seventh, Corey Goin was up into eighth place, Ken Ta pert was also up a spot into ninth place, Dan Bradley had dropped a few spots, now in 10th place, the Shupp boys had moved up a spot into 11th and Dave Hendrickson had dropped a bunch of spots, now in 12th place. The fourth lap saw many changes, MacCachren kept turn-ing up the wick and now had the class lead, Cody Freeman was en-joying the heck out of his new car and was running in the second spot, Aaron Hawley added 10 minutes to his lap time and fell to third place, Bryan Freeman fell another spot, he was now running in fourth place and Dwaine Walters moved up a spot into fifth. Garit Wallace was now in sixth place, Nick Tiedman fell a bit into seventh place, moved up two spots into ninth, Dan Brad-ley was in the 10th spot and Corey Goin dropped three spots into 11th place . When the fifth lap was com-plete, MacCachren was still num-ber one, his lead was now 12 min-utes, Aaron Hawley had given up his seat and Kyle Le Due was now piloting the car, in second place, Cody Freeman dropped a spot into third place, Rob Walters was in for Dwaine and he picked up another spot, he was now in fourth and Garit Wallace was running in fifth place. Nick Tiedman picked up a spot, he was now sixth, Ken Dusty Times

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The bronze medal in the Sportsman Buggy class went to Brian Cody Freeman's brand new car ran really well, a near tragedy on the last Clint Braun had a good race, he ran well in the dark and ended up in Collins,(the younger) he had a trouble free race. lap slowed him a bit but he still took a decent fourth place in 1600. the fourth spot in the Class 9 battle. Milo Torres was fourth in the Sportsman Buggy conflict, he finished a Ken Tapert had Briana and Debi riding with him, he ran trouble free Courtney Collins was a bit off the pace this night, she finished in fihh mere 16 seconds out of a podium spot. and was fihh in Class 1600 at the checkers. place in Sportsman Buggy, just 50 seconds out of fourth. Ta pert was up into the seventh little changes, MacCachren still led, smacked a stuck, blacked out race Shupp guys, Chad and Aaron fin-The Class 9 contingent had five spot, the Shupp boys were up to he took the checkers in 5:53: 17, car a few miles from the finish, high ished sixth, a great achievement laps to make a race and there was eighth place, the Bradley Sutton not too bad for six laps in the dust centered and took some time dig-considering the shifter problems lots of action all night long. At the crew were up to ninth and Corey and the dark. Kyle LeDuc was next ging out, Ken Tappert was next in, that kept them in the pits for a end of the first lap it was Corey Goin was in 10th. Bryan Freeman in, a nice second spot for the Haw- a nice fifth place, his power steer- long time and Nick Tiedman was Torres in the lead, he had just less had terminal tranny problems and ley car, Rob Walters was next in, ing ram had terminal troubles. Ken the seventh and final finisher in than a minute in hand but he curled up on the roof of his car, he lost the power steering so his had Briana Bradley as a rider for the 1600 group. Not seeing the would hold his lead all through the awaiting long coming rescue out third place was not too bad, Corey some laps, her first time in a race checkers were Garit Wallace, Dan night. Kenny Thatcher was the sec-on the course. Freeman dropped to fourth, he car and she later gave way to Ken's Bradley and Corey Goin, all gone ond car in, Mike Wichmann was The sixth and final lap had lost a throttle spring then he wife, Debi for the last few laps. The by the wayside on the last lap. C.ontinued on page 26 Thanks-to: . Bruce, Dawn, R<!Jn, Dad & Morth ... F., Mom & Dad A., G·· · · · ·ntltif · · ·. · . · >. . d . :' · · · -~ ~~ . t»-;1 .. ;:•~"'"' Dusty Times September 2004 Page 25

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Chad and Aaron Shupp had lots of pit time and it cost them, they Nick Tiedman and crew had a good race going until a long last lap Rick Paquette led the first three laps in the Class 10 conflict but he, ended up in the sixth spot in the Class 1600 melee. dropped them into the seventh place finishing position. like all Class 10's never saw the finish line. third across the line, Brian Benson running ninth and Tom Martin was was still Corey Torres in the lead, Kenny Thatcher had dropped from Tom Martin remained in 10th came across in fourth and Chris 10th. Ron Rash came in 11th and Chris De Sousa had moved up into second to fifth. Joe Forte remained place. Damon Gill was the 11th and De Sousa came along in fifth place. Jim Neal was 12th. Neither Bran- the second spot, he was six minutes in sixth place, Clint braun moved final car on the lap, Cody Rash had In sixth place it was Joe Forte, Da-don Hughes or Craig Lusk finished in arrears, Mike Wichmann was up two spots into seventh, Ron called it a night. nion Gill was in seventh, Cody Rash the first lap. still in third place, Brian Benson Rash moved up to eighth, Jim Neal Guess what, third lap was over was in eighth place, Clint Braun was At the end of the second lap it was still running in fourth and was up a few spots into ninth and and Craig Torres was still show----ing everyone else the way home, • \....sni99~·.,,,,.,,,.·99 Pro Force Air • Significantly outflows other •blower type' helmets "½. / MDTDRSPORTS ~',. ~. ~ 19.i!V Cordle• Impact Kit • ½" Drive • NO1 a converted motorcycle helmetl-• 216 ft-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • lightweight Composite Shell • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available ' • Fire Resistant Interior Special wl FREE ._ _________ ..,, Helmet Bag l! LOWRANCE &PS !!iy.ten1• • B/W & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping I ""~ 1/erteM !!itandard Vertex High Performance Radio !iy■tem■ • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 110 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards Page 26 COMMLJNICATIDN !!iOLLJTION!!i FOR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets · • Scanners JlmtlliJ,. • 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage '!:~t( • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options 'j (1 · • BAJA PROVEN ~-1::z:Tool September 2004 Mike Wichmann had moved up into second place, Chris De Sousa dropped a place to third, Kenny Thatcher was up a spot into fourth and Joe Forte was up a spot into fifth. Clint Braun was up into sixth place, in seventh it was Ron Rash, Jim Neal was up into eighth, Tom Martin was ninth and in 10th place it was Damon Gill. Brian Benson fell off the scoring chart. As they came around for their next to last lap it was still Corey Torres in the lead, he now had about 14 minutes of cushion, George De Sousa was in for Chris and he had moved up another spot and was not running second, Kenny Thatcher was in the third spot, Clint Braun was up to fourth place, Jim Neal was up three spots into fifth place and Tom Martin was also up three spots into sixth place. Mike Wichmann was out of the race, Joe Forte was out, Ron Rash was on the trailer and Damon Gill was out of the race also. The final lap and Corey Torres took yet another checkered flag, taking the Midnight Class 9 race with 20 minutes in hand. Corey had a trouble free run, his only complaint was the dust. Kenny Thatcher moved up into the sec-ond spot, his only problem was losing his oil cooler. George De Sousa was third, thanks to a long last lap and Clint Braun was the fourth and final finisher. Jim Neal and Tom Martin failed to finish their respective final laps. Seven trucks showed up for the Heavy Metal contest but only a few of them would see the checkered flag after their five required laps of rac-ing. Curt LeDuc led the first lap, Monte Tibbetts came around in sec-ond, less than two minutes in ar-rears, Kenny Wartluft was third across the line, John Phegley was fourth in his tall wagon, Ed Geoffroy was fifth to finish his first lap and Regen Gubler was a terribly long sixth in his sleek looking Ford. Their truck started throwing belts and overheating. Regen got out half way around, wife Tammie got in and she spent many hours nursing the vehicle back to the finish line and thence to the pits. Tom Coon was lost somewhere in the darkness. At the finish of the second lap, Monte Tibbetts had turned it on and he now had the lead with a six minute cushion. In second place it was Kyle LeDuc, in for dad, Kenny Wartluft was still holding on in third place, Ed Geoffroy was up to fourth place and John Phegley Continued on page 28 Dusty Times

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lhy$senKrupp 8ilstein of America 1-300-537 .. 1085 • Dusty Times September 2004 Page 27

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Garit Wallace worked his way up to fifth place in the Class 1600 Not a good night for Ron Rash, he only got three dark and dusty laps Brian Benson had two good laps, he was running fourth in class 9 but battle but !Je never finished his last lap in before putting his car on the trailer. car stopping troubles let him go no further. Cody Rash had big troubles early on, he was eighth in Class 9 on the We have no idea of what happened to Craig Lusk, he never received Kenny Wartluft ran third in Heavy Metal for the first three laps of the first lap but, his first lap was his only lap this race. a time for the first lap, we assume mechanicals downed him. race but Kenny fell prey to the mechanical monsters and dnfd. had dropped to fifth with a hor- rears. Kenny Wartlufrwas out of the the race. There were five required Toby Kalkowski still held the lead known to the writer. rendously long lap. The Gublers race. laps to be run and Toby Kalkowski after the third lap was complete, Class 5-1600 had only three cars were on the trailer. The checkers flew on the Heavy was the leader as they came around Rich Plunk was second, he was now in the wings and it was a sad night At the end of the third lap Monte Metal contest, it was Todd I..eDuc after the first lap, Rich Plunk was 10 minutes behind and Jeff White for all of them. When the first lap Tibbetts still held the lead, Kyle taking the class win, their only prob- second, six minutes off the pace, was still third, 38 minutes behind was over it was Laine Knecht with a I..eDuc was second, he had cut his lem was a flat on the last lap. Monte Tom Giordano was running in third the leader. very large lead, Steve Alexander was deficit to three minutes and Kenny Tibbetts was second in his North and Jeff White was fourth across the The fourth lap saw a big change second but he was over three hours Wartluft was in third. Nowhere to Dakota truck, less than two minutes line, having major brake problems. as Rich Plunk took over the_ class in arrears and Mike Blanks never fin-be seen were Kenny Wartluft and out of the class win. His only prob- Lap 2 ended and Kalkowski still lead, Kalkowski had a terribly long ished the lap. John Phegley. lem was the addition of three quarts held the class lead, Rich Plunk was lap and dropped to second spot Laine Knecht still led on the sec-Lap 4 ended and we now had of oil into his steed. second, 13 minutes in arrears and while Jeff White remained a long ond lap, his remaining competition, Todd LeDuc, in• for brother Kyle in There were four lined up for ac-Jeff White was running third. Tom third. Steve Alexander was on the trailer the lead, Monte Tibbetts was sec- tion in the Mini Metal class but only Giordano silently went back on the At the end of the fifth and final and the race was virtually over. ond, less than two minutes in ar-one of them would see the end of trailer. lap there was only one man stand- Laine got out, Bob Dejuraniec TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year We are celebrating our 25th ANNIVERSARY Thanks to all our dedicated customers, winners and future winners Free car mag with transmission service for the rest of the 2004 racing season As Always -$200 contingency for class win -credited to your next transmission service Thanks for letting Transaxle Engineering help you TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 28 September 2004 ing, Rich Plunk. He was very happy was in the car and he soldiered on with the win, he had a trouble free for two more laps, both done at a race and was glad to see that check- reasonable pace, but he was unable ered flag. Kalkowski and White were to finish his last lap and he too was out of the conflict, problems un- yet another dnf. Curt leDuc, sons Kyle and Todd all shared the driving chores, they took the Heavy Metal win in the desert darkness. Richard Plunk ran fast, consistent laps all race long and he was the big winner in the Mini Metal challenge. Dusty Times

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Tammie and Regen Gubler's new toy decided that tossing belts in Jeff White was up to third place on the penultimate lap in Mini Metal Tom Giordano had a decent first lap, he was running third in Mini the dusty dark is lots of fun, the Gublers certainly disagree. but he never made the last lap. Metal, but he failed to finish another lap. Adam and Kim Fisher don't have any luck at all, they never got a lap in at the SNORE Midnight special Paul Bailey was ready to race but the night, the dust and the desert Mark Brownell must have aggravated the race gods, hours of prep had other ideas, he never got a lap completed in 1600. time were wasted, Mark never got to complete his first lap. Unlimited Sportsman had only three entries, two of them failed to navigate their four required laps. When the first lap was over Eric Shepard was in the lead, Trevor Scherrer was a long second place and Jeremy Gubler never made the first lap. Eric Shepard still held the lead after the second lap, Trevor Scherrer was still a long second, an hour and ten minutes out of the lead. Shepard was out of the car, Tom Hood was in and he was turning nice fast laps, he did the third with ease but Scherrer had disappeared. Tom Hood was the only one run-ning on the last of the four required laps, he took the checkers stating they had run a trouble free race, just lots Lots of changes on the second Wall moved up a spot into second, ported a trouble free run, Milo of dust to give you problems. lap, Pellissier turned a hot lap and Brian Collins was up to third place, Torres was fourth, just off the po-Sportsman Buggy had four re-took the class lead, Orio Cox re-Courtney Collins was still holding dium and Courtney Collins came in quired laps to run and there were mained in second, Don Wall re- down fourth place, Milo Torres was for the fifth place finisher, she re-11 combatants all ready for the fray. mained in the third spot, Courtney still in fifth and Chris Deloe had ported a trouble free race. Chris Alas, only five of them would see the Collins moved up two spots into moved up a spot into sixth. Orio Deloe failed to finish his last lap. end of the race. When the first lap fourth and Milo Torres dropped to Cox disappeared from the race. So it ended, a long hard race was over it was Milo Torres in the fifth place, problem unknown. On the fourth and final lap Billy that saw half of the competitors lead, just a few seconds later it was Brian Collins was running in sixth Shapley got into his car for Pellissier fade in to the dust. Next up on Orlo Cox in second place, Don Wall place and Chris Deloe was still in and cruised around forthe class win. the SNORE schedule is the wasrunningthirdinhisbrandnew seventh. Don Wall held on for the silver Gold Coast SNORE 250, first car, John Pellissier was in fourth Pellissier was on fire, he turned medal, he had a few minor prob-weekend in October. This is a spot, he was fighting a balky alterna- another fast lap and opened his lead lems with his new car, Brian Collins race you really don't want to tor, Brian Collins was 20 seconds up to more than 20 minutes, Don took the bronze medal home he re-miss. See ya there! c/ih behind in sixth and Chris Leloe was in seventh place. Todd Bauman, Kevin Powers, Evan Dixon and Adam Fisher failed to negotiate the first lap. CROW ISIJUtEIJWDIJlll>a\ Tom Hood and Eric Shepard had a trouble free night in the desert, they took the Unlimited Sportsman win with ease. R/\rTEfUFS NcVAOA OFFROAOBUGGY T-SHIRT SM-MED-LRG-XXLRG ONLY $10.00 WE CARRY AWIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK Billy Shapley and John Pellissier made it look easy, they cruised around for four laps and took an easy win in Sportsman Buggy. Dusty Times 1llE UU1N.VS flOWEa SOUllc.E• ZTREME TIRE co. TABS A,,41/t.d 11(.d 1/toee ..... GIVE US A CALL FOR ALL YOUR OFFROAD & SAND NEEDS CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax September 2004 Page 29

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Dualsporting The ··aaja sacr· By Pete Springer My normal stress had been build-ing up to a bursting point, the Baja was running, and Dee (my wife) was out of town. Those are indicators that I will soon be out of town. I finished up my last chores for my boss, Larry, Friday morning. As I re-call, Larry said, "Go forth young man, and enjoy yourself." Well, he didn't re-ally say 'young man' or 'enjoy yourself, but I am pretty sure he did say 'go'. So by 10am I'm on the freeway headed for Margaritaville. About 10 miles out, while gassing up, I noticed my camera pouch is empty ... Darn, I forgot the camera. I decided to go back and get it, and I can get the maps I had forgotten as well ... oh, oh ... and I can get a flashlight too. Ten miles wasn't too much to sacrifice for all that. I was back underway some 30 min-utes later, the sun was breaking through the clouds at places, and I was thinking good thoughts while mulling over my strategy. I figured that the starting line would be a mad house, so I decided to bypass that, and head straight for the race course south ofEnsenada at Santo Tomas. Ensenada is 110 miles south of my home in Oceanside, CA and Santo Tomas is 20 miles farther to the south. , That's quite a few street miles for an enjoyable dualsport ride, but I figured to take it easy and enjoy the sites. My mouth was beginning to water at the thought of 50 cem fish tacos Page 30 and goat burritos served with refried beans and homemade tortillas. On a trip like this you really have to pick care-fully where you are going to eat, after all, you are only going to be hungry a few times, and you have to make it count. Did I mention that I'm on my dualsport DR350? Supplies are my bed roll, and a back pack carrying drinking water, energy bars, and a jar of survival paste (peanut butter). I fig-ure that covers the essentials, and I can mooch the rest from good samaritans of which there are many. Baja is plum full of generous folks both Mexican and gringo. As I ride south, enjoying myself (al-ready not enjoying the seat), I am really beside myself as to just where to go to watch the race. There are so many good places to go, but with many of them you will get trapped on the race course and can't leave till the race has passed, which could be hours. Then you can't get to a Cafe for food. Hell, I might even have to eat some of that peanut butter. While at a traffic light in Tijuana I think I see a good picture ahead. I whip out the camera thinking I can get a pic-ture in while waiting for the light to change. Humm ... I adjust glasses ... ah, nowicansee ... 'NOCARD ... damand double dam ... When I had the camera card out that morning bragging about my trip and cleverly posting a picture to the internet list, I had left the card in the card reader. God will get you for being smug, and he had just whipped up on me. Oh well, I can buy a card in Ensenada, I thought to myself. I was looking forward to taking pic-tures of the beautiful coast line before you get to Ensenada. The sun never broke through along the immediate coast so there was no loss of good pic-tures there. With a few inquiries in Ensenada folks sent me to Office Club for a Compact Flash Card for the cam-era. I found the Office Club fairly eas-ily, and found a 256mb card to cost $125, which is more than double what they cost on Ebay these days, so I had to pass on photos for the trip. There will be more trips to Baja. With all my screwing around with cards and gas stops and such, it was about 3pm as I approached the begin-ning of the dirt road at Santo Tomas. I hadn't eaten anything yet today so Santo Tomas was a last resort or I would be reduced to eating from my back pack. That would be okay in an emergency, but this was no emergency. I picked out the nicest taco stand, and sat myself at the two stool counter. The menu that was painted on the wall had the usual items, but I decided on 'Berria Res'. I knew Berria was goat, but couldn't remember what 'res' was. Oh well, I bet it would be good. In about September 2004 10 minutes she served me a delicious goat stew with both flour and corn tortillas as well as two plates of frijoles. And it was tasty. I'll stop there again. While I ate, several of the town's school kids came and bought flavored ice packets for cheap. TI1ese kids were all polite to me. One 10 year old girl had noticed my backpack fall on the ground, and she tapped me on the shoulder to point it out to me. I was impressed as I always am by Mexican children. I finished up and paid the $3.50 for the meal, and left her a 50 cent tip. That was probably over tip-ping, but I just couldn't help myself. Now here is where the race course starts into this beach section of the course. It's 15 miles to the beach, which resembles the Bug Sur Hwy 1 area. The coast is mostly rocky with short stretches of sand beach, and there are some places where the mountains fall into the sea, mountains that are too rugged to build a dirt road over, so they have to go a mile or so inland to get around that part. Always the road (not any-thing like the Big Sur Hwy.) comes back to another section of enchanting sea-scape where you can fantasize about spending the rest of your days in soli-tude, and wonder how you would fare on a fish and bean diet. The road was rugged at times, but overall pretty good. I dropped down to a one mile long seacoast section where there was a gated rancho with several buildings. It was located between two sections of impassable hills on both end. This piece of coastline was half sandy beach and the rest was rocky where the waves break against a 30 foot natural barrier. I imagined that I could spend eternity in this idealic setting. I found a road back to the main road on the south end of this paradise. As I approached the top of some fairly rug-ged climbing, I came to a stalled pickup in the roadway blocking my path. I could go tl1e couple miles back the way I had come in, or ... it looked like I could get around one end of the truck with some judicial climbing with the bike. TI1atworked out okay, but I knew that I had to be careful, because an acci-dent here could be disastrous if you broke an arm or· leg in a silly getoff. Riding alone has it's own extra haz-ards, and deserves extra considerations. It was nearly 5pm as I once again was riding south. I'd traveled another 10 miles along the coast, being amazed by all the race spectators who had come here to enjoy the beautiful camping as well as the race. Even with all the camp-ers that were there already, there were still many places to camp. At one place I stopped to ask if anyone was charging for camping here. I was told, no, by a Mexican group, and they offered me a spot some 20 feet away, to settle for the night and the race. I declined, bu twas again impressed at the friendliness of the Mexicans once you get away from the border towns. At last year's Baja 1000 race I camped next to a Mexican group like this. There were three of us who had been gone all day on our dualsport bikes. When we came in from riding, these camping neighbors came over with a big plate of came asada and tortillas for us. It doesn't get much more generous than that. I pressed on and soon I was at Coy-ote Cal's hostel near Erendira. ltwasn't far to an old friend of mine's place so I stopped in at Castro's Camp to see if he was home. I hadn't seen this guy for years, and I didn't know exactly where he lived, but soon I was talking to a neighbor who knew him. Thisguywas Dusty Times 7

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60 years old and wanted to show me his place, and workshop and talk. He was over friendly from spending too mud1 time there alone, I suspect. A hell of a nice guy though. My friend wasn't there, and I could feel this fellow was going to offer a night's accommoda-tion. I told him that I had another des-tination for the night, and was again pounding down the road. I'm working on the last hour be-fore the sun hit the horizon. The sun made a beautiful picture as it fell below the layer of clouds that had hidden it all day, which framed it between the sea below and overcast above. It was a spectacular, just awesome, evening sun-set There were more campers south of Erendira along the beach. I was going totrytomakeSanAntonio Del Mar. I have another schoolmate who has a house down there. Again I don't have a due as to whether he would be there or not. As I ride south I see that the racers have been short cutting the cor-ners of the Mexican road. Usually that is the best way for me to go since my suspension can handle that sort of thing. At one such short cut I rode up to the edge of a virtual cliff, before real-izing that, not this time, do I get to take the short cut. Much to the disappoint-ment of the campers/ spectators on the far side, I dragged the bike backwards so that! could go back to the 'chickens' roads. The sun had gone south by the time I arrived at San Antonio Del Mar. SADM is a couple of mile stretch of sandy beach with even a few sand dunes. I haven't been to Roy's (actually his name is Gaylord Oddle, can you imagine that?) place in five years, but I was able to locate it in the twilight. There was a house in front of Roy's with a couple of guys in the front yard so I thought I would ask of Roy's presence at his house. Turns out one of these guys is Roy. TI1ey are happy to see me, it seems, and invite me in. Roy's friend is Dick Savage. I was amazed the world's worst name and the world's best name were located on the same beach in Baja. Go figure. -Mooching begins. Dick is just pull-ing steak shishkabobs off the barbe-cue, and wants me to help eat it I hardly have time to get the top off the Foster's beer that has been thrust upon me be-fore a plate of food. Dick, who's about 50 years old, and his wife Bunny are great folks. Dick has been following.I pit crewing on Baja race teams for many years, and we got down and dirty with many Baja tales. A six pack goes by, and the hours pass. I real-ize finally that I have to rest. Dick of-fered accommodations inside, but I prefer the stars. Dick is definitely in the running for my new best friend. Roy is a piece of work all by himself. He is a reclusive type, and has lived ex-clusively down there for 25 years. A name like Gaylord Oddle explains a lot. He was a year behind me in high school so I didn't know him then, but over the years I've known of him and later have gotten to know him. When he graduated from High School he bought a brand new 1959 Corvette. He still has thatvette in running condi-tion under a tarp on the beach down there. For years he struggled every year to come up with the $600 a year for the rent on the land that his house sits on, but now that he's collecting Social Security, he is in tall cotton down there. I envy him his simple life. Saturday, 'Race Day' is always ex-citing. I awoke with dew in my face and the sounds of Dick's FM walkie talkie bringing the ever present voice of the 'Weatherman' who handles the radio organization of all the communications for and about the race. Radio duties are a tremendous job/ responsibility. Dusty Times He monitors positions of 250 entries through eight checkpoints or more, all traffic control, as well as any kind of assistance from injury to breakdown that an entrant might have. One year he maintained communication from an airplane that he leased so that he could cover the whole of Baja. If he stays on the ground most of his info is relayed around the course from other base stations. Anyway, Race Day started with the first motorcycles off the line at 6am. It would be some three hours before the first bike would get to us at Mile Marker 132. Dick loaded up his truck with roolers, barbecue chairs, and was ready to move out at 8am. Roy showed up in time to get aboard. Our watch point was a 3ft. deep ditch that the course crossed about two miles away. I discov-ered when it was time to leave, that the tail light wires had pulled out of my bike's tail light, and somehow had elimi-nated my electric starter. So it would be push starting, for me, the rest of the day, bummer. I cursed dual sport bikes that are electric start only. We all got to the junction where we picked up Bill Steel with his Ford van, so that we could caravan to the obser-vation race ditch. Once at the ditch it required some cactus clearing to make parking far enough off the course to be safe from endoing race cars. We hadn't been there for a half hour when Johnny Campbell's entry came through on his famous XR650. He was a half hour ahead of our estimate and 15 minutes ahead of the next bike. We enjoyed a couple hours of quads and bikes hitting that ditch. Most were in complete contro~ while others were surprised by it. Although no one lost it on that hazard, there were a few that did the flying W with legs in the air. Those would usually look over at us a little embarrassed, then whoop a bull CARRERA UGHT SYSTEM 'flfBAJADESIGNS > THE PRE-QUILT PRE-WIRED __:_ Tel/ (760) 560·2252 rider's holler, after that, nothing but throttle as they looked for the next date with disaster. Kids ... scheesh. TI1ey actually have an over 50 year old class for motorcycles. I say if you haven't quit being a kid by 50, then there may be no hope for you. On the other hand, if you've become 50 and can still do this stuff, then more power to you. The fast cars started the race at 8:4 5am. They like to keep the cars from racing with the bikes. The cars took about 10 minutes longer to get to us than the bikes did, which was nearly three hours after the first bike arrived. We could see a small ribbon of road some three miles away. We couldn't see any dust when an MC passed over that section, but there was no doubt when one of those 700hp trophy trucks got to that piece of road. Watching those fast cars up close like we were doing today was always a ······ fax/ (760) 560-0383 bajadesigns · Web! 185 Bosstick Boulevard Email/ San Marcos. CA 92069 September 2004 maximum thrill. Roaring and snort-ing like a herd of buffalo is how I de-scribe these vehicles going by. With wheel travel from 35 to 45 inches they can eat up tremendously large plan-etary irregularities. I can't figure out why they don't do better in the Paris Dakar race. At noon Dick pulled out the BBQ and started a load of charcoal, cooked up on the spot. Bill, I learned is a con-struction super at some developments in Baja. He's a few years older than I. His wife died 10 years ago and since then he has taken a Mexican wife. His marriage to her has given him a lot more rights in Mexico. like, he can own property down there, among other things. And he does have 22 acres near there with all the lots on sea front prop-erty. He is currently building houses there. With Bill was an 11 year old boy named Josh. He said that his wife's sis-Continued an page 32 < Page 31

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ter had had a chance to move to the US and Bill sensed thatshedidn'twant to take the boy along, so he informally adopted the boy. There had been no children with his-present wife, so this was a solution that fit his wife and him to a tee. I talked to the boy who spoke English with no accent. He was a good kid. Mexico usually has a very practical solution to problems of this sort. Anyway, I mooched a couple of pieces ofBill' s chicken, and shortly de-cided that since all the fast vehicles were past this point, that I had better get underway, and cross the peninsula to catch the fast racers coming back as they race back to Ensenada. Bill, Dick and Roy all went out of their way to invite me back. What's wrong with those guys??? I don't think any of these guys could actually afford to adopt me. But maybe the three of them together could ... hummmm. They even had to help push me to get me started. I said goodbye, and was feeling really good about my fellow man. I carefully picked my way to the road that goes to Colonet and Hwy I. That is always a little touchy, but shortly I was making good time toward the Calentura Trail This trail is some 40 miles of dirt road that goes to Valle Trinidad from just south of San Vincinte. VT is a farming valley that is at about 2000ft elevation between Ensenada and San Felipe. After asking a Mexican in a pickup where that road was, I made the correct tum, and was on myway. There were quite a few four wheeled vehicles that were doing the same thing. I passed 10 to 15 vehicles in that stretch. Passing vehicles on a one lane dirt road is always a ticklish task. Almost any stockish four wheel ve-hicle is slower than I am, on a bike. I am probably a four on a scale of ten where bike riding skill is being mea-sured. At one point I noticed some headlights way back there. Then a minute later they were closer. I wasn't dealing with a normal vehicle, I could tell. It turned out to be a well-prepared pit chase truck. He caught me on a section of narrow sandy road. If I were stopped as close to the edge of the road as possible there might have been 18" to two feet clearance between us. I tried to keep going but just before he passed my rear wheel slipped off the road, and I was turned a bit sideways. I thought that surely I had used up my clearance, but as he roared and snorted by he had found some extra space somewhere. Whew ... I silently thanked that driver's skill. These scenarios work themselves out regularly in Baja. It's eight hours to medical help from where I was, but as it turned out, it was a moot point? I cleared that 40 miles of dirt road in an hour and 15 minutes with only about 10 'oh shits' all of which turned out for the better. Another issue that I had to deal with was running out of gas. My gas tank is split like nom1al, but gas in the right side doesn't get to the left side, where the gas pickup is located. Nor-mally you might run out of gas then stop and lay the bike down to transfer gas. You would hit the starter to fire up, and be on your way. But if the starter isn't working, it takes some ad-ditional management to make sure that doesn't happen. I was running at 150 miles when I got to Valle Trinidad. I hadn't had a gas incident because I stopped earlier, and did the fuel trans-fer thing just to be safe. I gassed up in VT and then went to look for the race course. I rode over to the first guys that I cam to. It was a pit member and a bike racer sitting in the back of a pickup. I asked if any racers had come past here yet and was told by the pit member that, yes, lots of bikes and one trophy truck. The biker wasn't very talkative. I asked how he was doing, thinking tl1at he must have ridden the first half with his relief rider on the bike now. He told me that their entry had broken somewhere and that they were just spectators now. The tone of his voice said it all. Poor bastard. I had been there a long, long time ago. I wished that I could change something for him. I was on my way shortly to get on up the road toward the finish line to catch them ahead of even the first truck where the race course crosses Hwy 3 at Independence. When I got to that road crossing some 20 miles away, there were two four wheelers that had passed. I was now running a straight line on pave-ment while they were traveling a crooked road in the dirt, and I'm getting far-ther from catching the leader. I gave up the idea of ever seeing the fast guys again. I decide to take a nap as I was get-ting tired. I found a spot in the shade of some sagebrush and nodded off for 15 minutes using my pack for a pillow. I could have used some coffee, but there was none available. The nap would have to do, and it had helped. I felt a bit renewed. I had left the Dick and Roy show at about 1:30, now as I left this road crossing itwas five o'clock. I decided to leave the race behind and head for home, and chose a course through the pine trees country, which would put me across the border at Tecate. There was another 22 miles of pave-ment before I got to the dirt road that -ICIIVGII:cJ<O&OGY 714.530.B701 • FAX714.530-B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 'WtNW'.kingshoclcs.a,,r1 Page 32 September 2004 turned north toward the Sierra Juarez National Park and the Tecate border. That road was about 80 miles long to the paved road that goes to Tecate from Mexicali. After about six miles of riding north, I started seeing smoke in the dis-tance when I could get a glimpse far-ther north. I wondered if that would cause me any trouble up the road. Remember, I had no tail lights and I wanted to get to the US border be-fore dark. I set out on that dirt road trying to make time, but at the same time being always on the alert for on-coming traffic. I was clicking off one landmark after another, the first of which was the old 'gas lady' of Aceradero (sawmill), next was Dry Lake Hanson, then came the new cafe just north of Lake Hanson. I was mak-ing pretty good time. The Laguna Han-son park area has been cleared up over the past five years. There was a whole bunch of school kids camping out near the dry lake. It was so nice up there in that pine tree paradise that I wished that I could stop for the night. Did I tell you that I wasn't very happy with my bike's seat? My butt hurt after the first 30 miles on the trip south the day before, and never let up. The guys that design those seats surely never had to ride on one, or their rear ends are a tad bit smaller than mine. )I had noticed for the last 20 min-utes that I was getting closer to that forest fire. There was lots of smoke, but the source seemed to be fairly con-centrated. I kept heading towards it, and it worried me some, but as an-other 10 minutes past, the fire went by my left side a couple miles away at the most. I did pass a fire crew out there, but people don't do much down there about fires, except to get out of the way. 2.5" --€!'14~ Soon the fire was in the past, and I was on my way to La Rumorosa where the dirt road met pavement once more. Somewhere out there in the wilderness a pair of armed militarios jumped out of the bushes and stopped me. I couldn't believe my eyes as I slid to a stop. They wanted to make sure I didn't have any guns or drugs so he asked me, "Do you have any guns or drugs?" I said "No". He looked in my back pack and then told me to go on. I had put my kickstand down before I put the bike in neutral which shut the engine off, but to my relief, the bike started on my first push start attempt. Cool. There were no more incidents in the next 20 miles to the pavement and none for the next 40 to Tecate and the border. Once across the border I stopped again for gas, and to hook up a flashlight with a red rag over the end of it to fashion a tail light. That worked pretty well. I still had some 70 miles to go before I would be home in Oceanside, CA Once under way at highway speeds, I ran into some cold air pock-ets that took my breath away. Riding without a windshield is new to me on the street at 60+ mph, and the cold was getting to me, but I was dropping altitude from 3000 to sea level. Once I turned north from the westerly direction that I had been traveling, and lost the headwind ele-ment of the wind chill factor, it was again tolerable. I got home at about 10:15. I im-mediately took a hot shower, then sat in my easy chair and reflected on a damed good couple days of riding. I thought, also, about my new best friend ... and, a little, about the next ride to Baja... ~ Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times

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what have you got to sayl MIR MESSAGE IOARD OFF-ROAD RACE • OCT. 16, 2004 PLASTER CITY EAST TECH, REGISTRATION & CONTINGENCY OCT,. 16~2004 9:00AM TO 1 :00PM IMPERIAL VALLEY EXPO FAIRGROUNDS IMPERIAL, CALIFORNIA 18 CLASSES· INCLUDING STREET LEGAL PRO ENTRY FEE $360,00* SPORTSMAN ENTRY FEE $200.00* 1 ST PLACE SPQRT.SMAN CLASSES RECEIVE $100.00 ENTRY FEE BACK * * 2004 MDR RACE SCHEDULE OCT. 16 • THE SUPERSTITION 250 PLASTER CITY EAST DEC. 31 • THE DASH PLASTER CITY WEST JIMC6 "'4~1' 'l),J4tf«~t4-~ ............ ---... . , ., ... ADVANCED WiRELESS, INC. MMWV [t1~.o !:l(lljotl flC:trtlffJ .sc..,n~ .WIMM'tlf l)(iHPl.\,A :2!1.ANt.nid.\f~ Al5N_M.,,htt1Aw, $93l~A..~tflld, ,"'9COt'f!/O/ C\. t..10UoidtN f.0-H~·lJIO 140:7061™: 6}9;)66·2810 WHP·«m 8U·6SA:J◄SCi 760:291·· Stiff WIii ·• •11t111 I frH ••• It n, 11ur1ut111 HI. Ill. ti, UH rrSTUFF,:> VW TRANSAXLES TOLL Fm 1-86f-:aJ·~&TUFF 760..72~ .ls7a 9 e"ll~k-5844 FAX 909-854-5787 OCEANSIDE / SAN JACINTO, CA. EMAIL U.S. Forest Service approved spark arrestor and green sticker or license plate required on all race vehicles. *Entry form and fees due two weeks before the race date. **With 3 In class. Entry fee for the driver only, no fee for co-drivers, support crew, spectators or the general public (Note: if the vehicle does not make the starting llne, 100% of the entry fee is rolled over to the next race) FOR MDR RACE RESULTS/ INFORMATION: Dusty Times PHONE (626) 442-9320 FAX (626) 579-6051 1853 Parkway Drive So. El Monte, CA 91733 EMAIL WEBSITE www.mdrraclng.coin MDR Tech info: ALL RACE TECH & SAFETY-Phone (702) 897-3583 EMAIL September 2004 Page 33

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CRS RIM OF THE WORLD RALLY Friday And Saturday Club Cars By Scott Bottomley Photos: Motorsports Memories Leon Styles and John Dillon took the Open Class win on both days at Rim in their Mitsubishi Evo VII. The 21st running of Rim of the World was nothing short of the usual excitement. Unlike last year's mud bog, this year was compara-tively dry for the 40 club rallyists who started Friday's four stages. Leon Styles and John Dillon, Open 4WD, started their exceptional week-end with a stellar performance, sweeping all four stages without a hint of trouble. They finished the evening with nearly a minute lead overall going into Saturday's stages. Returning from a two year hia-tus didn't bother Peter Workum, his skills were sharp enough to come in second in Open 4WD. Assisting Pe-ter was Alex Gelsomino in their Su-Page 34 barn STI; he helped them to stay in the top four all night, finishing a minute and a half behind in class. Next, in Open, was Bill Malik, no longer competing in a Volvo or driv-ing a Group 2 class car. Bill has taken up driving the blue star crested Subaru in Open. Calling the direc-tions from the right side was Amity Trowbridge, who kept the team in the top five through the first three stages, slipping to eighth on Stage 4. Meanwhile, in POT class, Stephan Verdier and Allan Walker, took the win with a great performance, after Mt. Gleason he was only seven hun-dredths behind Styles and Dillon. He fell back a short ways on Stage 3 (Messenger Flats) and gave up sec-ond place to Paul Eklund (Open) on Magic Mountain, Stage 4. Sec-ond place in class went to the sixth seeded team of Victor Kuhns and Abel Villesca in their Subaru RS, they finished the night nearly two minutes down to Verdier. Fighting for second position in class was Tan-ner Foust and Scott Crouch in their WRX, they shared the podium with Stephan each taking two second places and two thirds. Running just outside the top three in POT was Jamie Thomas and Matt Gaugher; they finished fourth in class in their WRS Station Wagon. Taking the Group 5 class win with an electrifying performance in his Ford Ranger Truck was Jim Pierce and Adrian Lengsfeld. Things were going so well for them they nearly drove their way to a top five finish on Mt. Gleason, finishing sixth, while on the Special Stage and Magic Mountain, they came in seventh each time. They completed the night with a strong sixth overall with a premo-nition of Saturday's successful top ten run. Second place went to the newlywed team ofJim Wright and Lourna Barnett in their Suzuki Swift. Jim is membership chair for the California Rally Series when not competing. They had a good run fin-ishing their first Rim of the World event. Group 2/Performance Stock class is always a fun division to watch and this year's contest was a hoot. Marc Brown and Ole Holter (VW GTI) started slowly, finishing with a win on Magic Mountain (Stage 4) to take the class win by nearly 30 seconds. With a slim chance of win-ning the class, Craig Hollingsworth and J. Grahn (VW Jetta) held the lead by five hundredths entering the final stage, SS 4; unfortunately they succumbed to rally gremlins finish-ing nearly 45 seconds off the class pace while taking the 15th spot over-all. The silver medal in this class went to Brooks Freehill and Sean Elliot in their VW Jetta, they started strong with a second on SS 1 but fell to fifth on Mt. Gleason, and then they picked up the pace again on SS 3 September 2004 Stephan Verdier and Allan Walker took the Friday and Saturday PGT wins at Rim in their Subaru lmpreza WRX and SS 4 finishing third and second respectively. They finished the night 12th overall. National Champions Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson looked like the team to beat after SS 1 and Mt. Gleason, they held nearly a 15 second lead until the rally gods denied them anymore podium finishes. They fell off the pace the last two stages finishing third in class and 13th overall. Continuing on with their winning ways, father and son team of Dick and Tim Moser (VW Golf GTI), picked up where left off at SEED 9 RallySprint where they won the Pro-duction class, this time they took the class win again by 18 seconds over a competitive field of eight teams. By winning three of the four stages they were able to hold off the hard charg-ing Bill Feyling and Greg Montgom-ery, the final margin of victory was less than a half minute. Bill kept it close on Mt. Gleason and Messen-ger Flats but Magic Mountain was the decisive stage to end any chance of catching the Mosers. Not far be-hind were the team of Brian and Nicholas Hudson in their Toyota Corolla, they surprised the field with an awesome time on SS 2 taking the stage win. They ran consistently the remainder of the night finishing third in class, and 23rd overall. Pres-cott organizer Michael Taylor and his son, 16 year old Steven, making his first Rim appearance as a com-petitor finished the night fourth in class, 34th overall, they posted the second fastest time on SS 1. Fifth place went to Jun Andrada and Al-lan Marasigan in their Toyota Co-rolla. Just a reminder to those who have made Rim, known by many as an annual event on their motorsports entertainment calendar, all would not have occurred without the Rim of the World Committee. This year's event was chaired by Ray and Donna Hocker; Sporting Director - Paula Gibeault; Timing and Scoring- Mike Gibeault, Clerk of the Course - Pat McMahon; Chief of Volunteers -Denise McMahon. Without their efforts and dedication months be-fore leading up to race day, none of this would have been possible. The culinary delights enjoyed by rally fans, families and teams were made possible by Hot Wheels, this year's title sponsor for the SCCA Pro Rally, and Subaru West Region. Sunday's awards breakfast was pre-sented by Chad DiMarco and the staff at Sube MotorSports. Serving up the mid-rally Chili Cook Off and Jim Pierce and Adrian Lengsfeld drove their good looking Ford Ranger to the Group 5 win both days at the Rim. Mark Brown and Ole Holter took the Group 2 win on Friday but Saturday fared a lot worse, they were 8" in their VW GTi. Dusty Times

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Tim and Dick Moser took the win on Friday in their VW GTi, Saturday, Mike and Linda Masano were 5" in Group 2 on Friday but they took Third in Open, 4"' overall on Friday, Bill Malik and Amity Trowbridge well, we don't want to talk about it. an impressive win on Saturday in their Toyota Corolla. Tri-Tip BBQ were "Habitat for Hu-their efforts to second overall but seeded seventh were the team of manity", a non-profit organization hardly affecting their Club Rally Roger Loeffer and Mike Quinn in that builds low cost housing times. Second place in Open went their Subaru lmpreza, stage times throughout the United States. to Peter Work um and Alex improved forthis group as the rally Generating excitement for rally Gelsomino, in their Subaru GTI; progressed, taking the fifth spot on fans was the availability of real time they had a fine day finishing in sec-the last five stages. Piers O'Hanlon, scoring presented at Antelope Val-ond on all stages except for SS 7 2003 Rookie of the Year, and Neil ley fairgrounds along with Rally and 13 when they dropped to third Smith, finished sixth in class, finish-Radio, an FM station presenting and sixth in Open class competition. ing fourth on SS 12. Rim of the World to fans around Third place finisher and sixth over- Taking the Group 5 class victory the world in Europe and Asia. all, were the seventh seeded team of were Jim Pierce and Adrian Day 2 - A day of tortuous sur-Randy Dowell and Scott Radar, in Lengsfeld, turning in yet another vival for the finishers and unmerci-their Subaru lmpreza, they ran a fantastic performance, winning the were mechanicaled out of the running on Saturday. takmg the SS 8 wm, decreasmg their on SS 9 mcreasmg their lead. I he slim advantage by two hundredths. advantage was now to the Hudsons SS 9 was the turning point for Bill in their Toyota Corolla after SS 9 by and Greg in their Toyota P/U when a margin of 35 hundredths. Even they fell prey to the rally road gods stage victories on SS 10 and 13 didn't and finished in third place, mean- help their cause, Bill and Greg fell while the Hudsons took the top spot Continued on page 36 _ ful attrition for those who didn't solid trying to stay with the leaders. title in their Ford Ranger finishing finish on Saturday. It's said that if Running in the top three all day they tenth overall. Jim's competition fell you survive Friday's stages you'll slipped out of that position only by the wayside on Stages 10, when have a chance to finish Saturday's twice on SS 6 and 8. Emil Krastev Dave Coleman and Amar Sehmi in ten, car pounding, stages. That trutl1 and Roman Parouchev were on their Nissan Sentra dropped out. held for the three repeat class win-their way to a top four finish, in Jim Wright and Lourna Barnett's • ners from Friday, while two new their Audi Quattro, when the gods day ended on SS 12, in their Suzuki champions were crowned. denied them their placement. They Swift. Saturday was a continuance of succumbed on SS 10 when trouble Saturday's Club Rally Production , ; .,., the blistering pace they set the night struck, pushing them way back. It race was the closest finish of all, with before, for Leon Styles and John reared its ugly head on SS 13 and two teams dueling for the top spot. Dillon. They took first on all the again on SS 14. The accumulative Holding their biggest lead after SS 7 Club Rally stages, nearly winning ilie time lost was too much to regain with of 12 hundredths, Bill Feyling and event outright until a turbo hose on fewer and fewer stages remaining. Greg Montgomery couldn't keep SS 12 became a nuisance curtailin Ninth overall, fourth in class, and Brian and Nicholas Hudson from RESTRICTID I FOR RACE FANS ONLY Dusty Times September 2004 Brian and Nicholas Hudson were jd in Production on Friday, but they took the class win on Saturday in their Toyota Corolla. Page 35

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The Hollingsworth/Grahn duo took a 4"' and a jd in the Group 2 Victor Kuhns and Abel Vi/fesca drove their Subaru RS to a nice 2"' in Tanner Foust and Scott Crouch were 3" on Friday, 2"' on Saturday in PGT, seen here at speed in their Subaru WRX category each day in their VW Jetta Gli at Rim. PGT on Friday and a 3" place on Saturday. steadily behmd hmshmg m second self-imposed exile LS over for the tac- grow to 85 hundredths after SS 8, over a minute in arrears. Next in third tory teams (we hope shortly), those but fate was not on their side, they was Patrick Rodi and Jonathan in the know will spread the word of lost that cushion with a 90 hun-Schiller, they ran in the top three, his talents. Stephan won all of dredth turnaround, finishing fifth on takingastagewinonSSSwhiledriv-Saturday'sstagesexceptSS9, 13and SS 9 and surrendering the lead to ing consistently all day, only twice did 14, those wins went to Tanner Foust Mike and Linda Masano. SS 10 was they fail to finish in the top three, on and Scott Crouch in their Subaru not kind to Freehill and Elliot, a flat SS 7 and 14 they came in fifth and WRX. A great performance over- tire dashed all hopes of turning it fourth. Fourth in Production went shadowed by the giant at the front of around and they would eventually to Joshua and Michael Milos, seeded the field, they ran second all day. Sil- finish in seventh in class. 8th, and driving in their VW Golf ver medalist Victor Kuhns and Abel Back at the front, the Masanos GTI. They came through with a stage Villesca ran in the third spot only seized the opportunity left to them, on SS 11, a good day for a new team. twice taking a fourth on SS 7 and by remaining in the lead winning Fifth went to the father and son team 10. Fourth place in POT went to Stages 10, 12 and 13. Not succumb-from Arizona, Michael and Steven Jamie Thomas and Mart Gauger in ing to the threats, in their Toyota Taylor, they ran in the fourth spot their Subaru WRX Wagon, running Corolla, of qthers in the class, the all day, also taking a stage win on SS less consistently then the others they car survived the high attrition tak-14. did take third place twice on SS 7 ing hold of the field. The others, who Dominating the POT class with and 10. Fifth went to Bruce and Pat could have easily grabbed the lead, another bravo performance was the Brown driving his Subaru lmpreza. were Justin Hill and Chris Navarro team of Stephan Verdier and Allan It was a mighty fight in the Group in their Eagle Talon they ran either Walker, in their Subaru WRX. 2 showdown with four teams vying second or third in class, their only fourth place was the team Iony De hve times and took the stage wm on La Cuesta and E. Cardenas, in their SS 14, but it wasn't enough for them Toyota Trueno GTS, while fifth to keep up with the front pack. In place went to Matt Leavitt and Scott the eighth and final spot was Sameer Reid (VW GolO. Friday night's vie- Parekh and M. Hoche-Mong, they tors in Group 2, Mark Brown and completed the rally in their VW Ole Holter, landed in the third spot Scirocco. . ."# ilFb Stephan Verdier is fast and he con- for the top spot. Leading right out of stage win came on SS 11. Waiting to s; ~~ .,,.,, tinually goes faster each outing which the box over the eight team field was pounce were the team of Craig ' • would not surprise many who have Brooks Freehill and Sean Elliot, set-Hollingsworth and Jason Grahn, watched his progressive improvement ting the quick pace, they lead in their they took the stage win on SS 7 and over the short time he has been rally-VW Jetta by a soft margin of 37 hun- finished in second lace three times ing with the CRS. Maybe when the dredths on SS 5. That margin would in the six remaining stages. Taking CONGRAnlLATIONSI TO RECENT WINNERS ON M/T TIRES: SNORE KC HEADUll:S MIDNITE SPECIAL: Aaron Hawley 1600 RACE/ wtNNERS: Cl.ASS PLACE Corey Torres 9 Kenny Thatcher 9 MORE fREB>OM 250: BiYMFreemaiJ 1600 Ov9fall Bryan~ 1600 1st PaulKeller 1600 2nd Richanl Plunk Mini Metal Tom Hood Unlimited Sportsmatt Billy Shapley Limited Sportsman Don Watt Umited Sportsman Gantwatface 1600 3rd GuySavedra 511600 2nd .Jeff sack 511600 3rd .-ePan' 1300 1st Richetark 1300 3rd Class10 1st 1600 2nd Page 36 September 2004 Bill Fehling and Greg Montgomery were 2"' in Production both days in their good looking Toyota pickup. MOR~ Mark Gonzalet Dennis Dunn Bruce l.anfietd Robert tlendeteon Mask Hammes GregCrew Garlt Wallace 1 511600 7s 11 1200 1300 1600 2nd 1st 3nl 3nl 1st 2nd 1~ Dusty Times

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CORR AT TOPEKA Baudaux Takes Three Wins By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photography Dan Badoux drove his BFG shod Ford to three, count 'em folks, three victories at Topeka in the Sportsman 2 Division. The faithful gathered at Topeka for the two scheduled rounds of racing and for an additional makeup round from the rained out Dresser date. Topeka is normally hot in July and this weekend was no exception, it was hot and it was humid but the racers made the most of it and the racing was certainly good for the watching and most of the competi-tors had a good time. TI1e Pro-4 contest for Round 6 was really no contest as Johnny Greaves took his third consecutive win, a very happy man. Carl Renezeder, who has only had one win this season took the second spot in Round 6, Steve McCrosson had his best finish of the season with a nice third place, Jason Baldwin was not too happy with his fourth place finish and Scott Douglas was way off his usual pace, fin-ishing fifth. Josh Baldwin took sixth place, Curt LeDuc had his worst finish of the season, a seventh place, and he is none too happy with that. Round 7 and the Pro-4 boys were at Dusty Times it again. Johnny Greaves likes the feeling so he once again took the win, his fourth of the season. Renezeder took another second place finish, Jason Baldwin was getting with it and he took the third spot, Curt LeDuc moved up a few spots into fourth place and Steve McCrosson was fifth. Dave Christoferson took sixth place and Josh Baldwin had to settle for seventh and Scott Douglas was non too happy with an eighth place finish. Round 8 saw Jason Baldwin take his first win of the 2004 season, Johnny Greaves wanted his third win but had to settle for second spot this round, LeDucwas getting better, he took third this round, McCrosson took a nice fourth place and Josh Baldwin had moved up a few places into fifth. Scott Douglas was still off the pace, finishing in sixth place, Christoferson was seventh and Renezederwas well out of the chase with an eighth place finish. With six rounds yet to go, Johnny Greaves has the Pro-4 point lead with 124, Jason Baldwin is second in points, only four points out of the lead, Carl Renezeder is in third with 112 points and Curt LeDuc and Scott Douglas are tied for fourth place with 99 points each. The Pro-2 battles were hot and heavy this weekend and saw some first as the weekend progressed. TI1ewin in Round 6 went to Steve Barlow, his first win in his CORR career, Scott Taylor was not far away, finishing second, third place went to Dan VandenHeuvel, Kevin Probst was fourth and Carl Renezeder was the fifth place finisher. Brian Hinman had his best finish of the sea-son, a sixth place,Josh Baldwin came in seventh, Evan Evans was an uncomfort-able eighth place and Paul Seidler was ninth. Round 7 in Pro-2 saw Evan Evans taking his first win of the 2004 season, and well deserved, we might add. Scotty Taylor took his second second place of the weekend, Dan VandenHeuvel was September 2004 Kyle LeDuc drove his Skyjacker Ford to a pair of first places and a second place, Kyle leads Pro-Ute in points. Johnny greaves drove his Potowatomi Toyota to a pair of firsts and a second in Pro-4, John leads the points in Pro-4. third again, Kevin Probst took another fourth place and Brian Hinman was a nice fifth place finish. Carl Renezeder came in sixth, Josh Baldwin took his second seventh place of the weekend, Paul Seidler can1e in eighth and Steve Barlow was a long ninth place in this round. The third round in Pro-2 saw Evan Evans taking another win and he was quite pleased with that Scott Taylor took his third second place of the weekend, he certainly is consistent, Kevin Probst was able to take the last place on the podium with a third place finish, Josh Baldwin picked up his pace a bit and came in fourth and Dan VandenHeuvel was the fifth place finisher. Sixth place went to Steve Barlow, Paul Seidler came in seventh, Brian Hinman was eighth to finish and Carl Renezeder was a long ninth, his worth finish of the season. In Pro-2 points, Scott Taylor has a big lead with 135 points, Evan Evans is second with 103 points, Dan VandenHeuvel is third with 100 points, Carl Renezeder is fourth in points with 99 and Kevin Probst is fifth with 93 points. Pro Lite is always hard fought and these three rounds were no exception. In the first round, Round 6, Kyle LeDuc took the gold medal, his fourth win of the season. Steve Federico came in for a nice second place finish, Art Schmitt took the third place spot, Jim Kandel came in fourth and fifth place went to Rick Huseman. Mark Oberg had his best fmish of the season with a sixth, Brian Cavitt had a seventh place finish, his best of the season, eighth place went to Don Ponder, his best finish of the year, Chad Hord had his worst finish Continued on page 38 Page 37

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Scott Taylor took three second places in Pro-2, his Skyjacker Ford Jason Baldwin took one win, a 3d and a 4th at Topeka, Jason leads Rick Huseman's Fabtech Ford took a first, a second and a fifth place finish at Topeka, Rick is second in Pro-Lite points. has a big lead in the Pro-2 points battle. the Pro-4 points but only by four points. oftheyearinninthplaceand 10th place third place, Chad Hord moved up in eighth, Mark Oberg was ninth and went to rookie Josh Hintz. the standings with a fourth place finish Randy Eller came in 10th. Round 7 in Pro-Llte went to Rick and Shayne Pagles had his best finish of The last round in Pro-Llte saw Kyle Huseman, his second win of the year, the season with a fifth place. Sixth place LeDuc taking yet another win, his fifth Kyle LeDuc was right on his heels for went to Mark Krueger, Steve Federico of the season and it also gave him a nice second place, Art Schmitt took another came in seventh, Jim Kandel came in lead in the points race. Rick Huseman stayed in form by taking the second spot, year. Mark Krueger took a nice third place Round 7, Badoux took the check-finish, Jeff Kincaid was back in form and ers again, Mike Savage had a nice finish took the fourth place finish and Art insecondplace,RossHoecktookanice Schmitt came in fifth. Sixth place went third place, Mike Oberg took another to Chad Hord, Steve Federico took an-fourth place and Ben Wandahsega other seventh place finish, Shayne Pagles came in fifth. Sixth place went to Don finished in eighth place, rookie Ja;h Hintz Williams, Sam Konitzer was way down was ninth and Brian Kavittwas the 10th in seventh place, Ken Hallgren came in place finisher. eighth and Bob Gersmehl was the ninth 1n points, Kyle has a decent lead with and final finisher. 121 points, Rick Huseman is second The fmal round in Sportsman 2 saw with 104. Chad Hord is third with 96 Dan Badoux take his sixth win of the points, Art Schmitt is fourth with 93 season,SamKonitzerwentforthegold points and Steve Federico is fifth with but came up short, in second place, Mike 88 points. Savage took a decent third place, Mike Sportsman 2 is starting to look like a Oberg took his third fourth place of the runaway, Dan Badoux is on a winning weekend and Don Williams was fifth. streak, he's taken the win in six of the Ken Hallgren took his second sixth place eight rounds this season. In Round 6, of the weekend, Ben Wandahsega took Dan took the win, Sam Konitzer was yetanotherseventhplace, BobGersmehl second, his best finish of the year, Don came in eighth and Ross Hoeck took Williams was third to finish, Mike Oberg another ninth place. finishedinfourthandMikeSavagecame In Sportsman 2 points, Dan in fifth. Ken Hallgren was the sixth fin-Badoux has a big lead with 14 7 points isher, Ben Wandahsega crune in seventh, in hand, Mike Oberg is a long second Bob Gersmehl took eighth and Ross with 105 points, Ross Hoeck is third Hoeck was ninth, his worst fmish of the with 91, Don Williams is in fourth with i .. ~~........ . • Re-buildable • Internal Reservoir • Proven Performance • Mounts In Any Position Skyjacker's Platinum Series BIG GAS Shocks have Proven Performance. They've been put to the test by race champions such as Curt LeDuc, Kyle LeDuc, and Barrie Thompson in some of the most rugged off-road races and CORR tracks imaginable ... and finished in the winner's circle Page 38 w % • The Biggest You Can Get time & time again. ~ 411 Popular Applications . • Massive 211A.D. Piston Bore • Race Inspired Wafer Valving • Position and Velocity Sensitive • External Poly Bump Stop on Shaft . To get the BIG GAS Shock that's right for your application call 1.866.4.BIG.GAS 1.866.424.4427 September 2004 The Skyjacker Motor Sports team continues to dominate with top five standings in CORR Pro-Lite, Pro-2, Pro-4, JeepSpeed, and Best In The Desert. To get more info visit Dusty Times

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Keith Steele is second in Stock points, he recorded a first, a third and Curt LeDuc (L) dices with Jason Baldwin, Curt recorded a 7", a 4'h Art Schmitt is tailed by Jeff Kincaid. Art had two 3d place finishes and a sixth at Topeka, seen here in flight. and a 3d at Topeka, he is 4"' in points with his Skyjacker Ford. a 5" place finish in his Nissan, 4"' in Pro-Lite points. Steve and Randy Oman dueling at Topeka, Steve definitely fared Jeff Schulze took the win in Round 6 at Topeka, he followed that win In Single Buggy, Steve Socha took the win in the first round, followed better than Randy in the Light Buggy battles. with a sixth and a fourth in Light Buggy. that with a fourth and a second place. 90 points and Ben Wandahsega is fifth second place finish, Rhonda Konitzer eighth, Geny Manion came in ninth and cross the line, Scott Powell came in place, Hennan Barnum dropped to with 88 points. took another third place, Tim Konitzer Scott Beaudiamp was the 10th finisher. fourth and Herman Barnum came in eighth place, Tom Schwartzburgwas in There were 18 contenders in the came in fourth and Gerry Manion was The quest for points isn't over in this fifth. Todd Crump was sixth, his best ninth place and Scott Olson was the Stock battles and when all was done fifth. Rod Wells took sixth, his best fin-class yet, Mark Kleiman has the lead with finish of the '04 season, Todd Wallace 10th finisher. there is no clear-cut points winner with ish of the year, Bob McDennid, a rookie 123 points in hand, Keith Steele is sec-can1e in seventh, Ryan Mulder was a long Super Buggy Round 8 went to Steve four rounds remaining. In Round 6 took the seventh finishing spot, Scott ond in points with 117, third in points eighth place, Craig Blesik had his best Krieman, Scott Schwalbe took another Mark Kleiman took his third win of the Beaucl1an1p, anotherrookiewas eighth, is Rhonda Konitzer with 113, Dave finish, a ninth place and Jack Haenlein second place for the weekend, Scott season, Dave Waldvogel took a nice sec-Al Konitzerwas in ninth place and Don Waldvogel is in fourth place with 96 was the 10th place finisher. Powell came in third, Ryan Mulder was ond place, Rhonda Konitzerwas right Demenywas the 10th finisher. and Don Demeny is fifth, he has 84 Super Buggy Round 7 was a repeat fourth and Craig Blesik was fifth, his there with a third place finish, Scott TI1e third round in Stock saw Mark points. for Aaron Hawley as he took his second best finish for the season. Sixth place Beauchamp, a rookie took fourth and Kleiman taking his fourth win of the TI1erewere 22buggiesreadyto race win of the season, Corry Heynan got went to Tom Schwartzburg, Todd Don Demeny came in fifth place and season, Rhonda Konitzerwasaverynice in the Super Buggy class and race they back in the saddle with a nice second Wallace took another seventh place, sixth place went to Keith Steele. Al second place (Rhonda has finished in dud! When the dust had cleared after place finish, Scott Schwalbe was third Corry Heynan came in eighth, Ray Konitzerwasseventh, Tun Konitzercame the top five every round in 2004), Keith the first round it was Aaron Hawley across the line, Steve Krieman came in Rayeski, a rookie, took the ninth finish-ineighth,Jason Bortwas ninth and Rick Steele came in third, Rod Wells was in taking the gold medal, his first of the fourth and Todd Crump came in fifth. ing place and Paul Bort had his best of Hinman can1e in 10th. for fourth place and Don Demenycame year, in the second spot it was Scott Sixth place went to Craig Blesik, Ryan the season, a 10th place finish. The second round in Stock had in fifth. Sixth place went to Dave Schwalbe, Steve Krieman was third to Mulder moved up a spot into seventh In the season points race a Super KeithSteelecakinghissecondwinofthe Waldvogel, Tim Konitzer was in for a Continued on page 40 season, Dave Waldvogel took another seventh place finish, Al Konitzer was Mark Kleiman recorded a pair of wins at Topeka, Mark leads the Stock points after eight rounds of racing. Evan Evans got out of the doldrums at Topeka, he took two first place finishes and is now second in season points. Dusty Times September 2004 Page 39

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Dave Waldvogel took a pair of second place finishes and a sixth, Rookie Mike VanDenHeuvel is just a bit off the course, he had an lJh Brad Erickson had a good weekend, a fJh a win and a !JI' place finish that puts Dave in fourth place in Stock points. and a pair of 11" place finishes in Light Buggy. at Topeka, he is !JI' in Single Buggy points. Buggy, Corry Heynan has the lead with second place, MarkSteinhar=dr:t-==cam~e:cin::-1111it6c, S~teve~Socha~c;is:-:thir:c:'.· d~wi:::::i·thkl80<S:°:po=:in::ts:--, r=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=:;;;;;;:;;~;;,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;,=~======:==========='iioii,,==; 112 points, Ryan Mulder is in second third, Steve Socha dropped to fourth Adam Guberud is one point behind spot with 93, Steve Krieman is a close and Adam Guberud came in fifth. In with 85 and Brad Erickson is fifth with third with 91 points, Scott Schwalbe is the sixth spot it was Terry Fitzgerald, 82 points. fourth in points with 88 and Scott Alan Plawtnan came in seventh, Dustin There were 29 entrants on tap for Powell is in fifth with 71 points. Gray was eighth, Cissy Baldwin took the Light Buggy contest. Jeff Schulze had There were 23 eager challengers in another ninth place and the 10th fin-his best run of the '04 season, taking the Single Buggy and when the checkers flew ishing spot went to Tracey Crump. win in the first round, it was his first win for the first round it was Steve Socha The Single Buggy third round was ever with CORR Matt Gerald was close taking his second win of the season. Mark won by Mark Steinhardt, Steve Socha by, taking the second spot, Greg Stingle Steinhardt recorded a second place fin-stayed up there with a nice second place, was last man on the podium, Ben ish, John Fitzgerald took a nice third Adam Guberud took a great third place, O'Connell was the fourth finisher and place finish, Adam Guberud came in Allen Plawman fmished a nice fourth, Steve Oman came in fifth. Jamie fourth and Mike Seefeldt was the fifth his best finish of the season and Brad Kleikarnp was the sixth finisher in Light finisher. Sixth place went to Brad Erickson came in fifth. Terry Fitzgerald Buggy, Chad Dewall came in seventh, Erickson, Terry Fitzgerald came in sev-took a second sixth place, Mike Seefeldt M. VandenHeuvel was the eighth fin-enth, Allen Plawtnan was the eighth fin. was way down in seventh place, John isher, Tracy Peebles came in ninth and isher, Cissy Baldwin, a rookie was the Fitzgerald came in eighth, Lisa Grint, a Kevin Huth was the 10th place finisher. ninth finisher and Tracy Crump came rookie came in ninth and Mark Morton In the second round, #7, it was Ben in 10th. took the 10th fmishing spot. O'Connell taking his second win of the The second round for Single Buggy Mark Steinhardt leads the Single season, Greg Stingle stayed right there had Brad Erickson taking his frrst win Buggy points with 123 in his pocket, with a second place finish, Steve Oman oftheseason,MikeSeefeldttookanice MikeSeefeldtissecondinpointswith came in third, Todd Lemke came in Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications MoTeC Engine Management end Date Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systen-1s built t;o w ithstand extreme racing ar·,d pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display arid data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446·9473 Fax: 714·446-9247 Page 40 Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components. the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering. assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 1 00% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweigr1t, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact:ly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it: t:o a number! ,c: ~ ,,,,.fi=;:>~<~-= ~ l'V'IDTDRSPDRT ELECT,RDNICS vve're making connecttons ... September 2004 Steve Barlow took the win in the first round at Topeka, Steve and his Ford are sixth in season points in Pro-2. fourth and Randy Oman came in fifth. Jeff Schulze dropped down to sixth place, Tracy Peebles moved up a few spots into seventh, Mike Tikkanen came in eighth, Craig Rabe came in ninth and Tom Virnigcamein 10th. Finishing the weekend in Light Buggy, it was Craig Metz taking his third win of the season. JeffVimig had his best fmish of the year with a nice second place, Chad Dewall was third, also his best of the year, Jeff Schulze took the fourth finishing place and Steve Oman was the fifth place finisher. Sixth finishing place went to Ben O'Connell, Tracy Peebles took a second seventh place, Greg Stingle finished in eighth place, Matt Gerald finished in ninth place and Todd Lemke fmished in 10th place. The Light Buggy points leader is Ben O'Connell with 109 points, right on his heels is Greg Stingle with 108 points, Craig Metz is third with 98 points, Steve . Oman is fourth with 80 points and Matt Gerald is fifth in points with 74. CORR takes a short and well de-served break in their race schedule, their next ra.ce is in the rriiddlt of Au-gust at Bark River, Wi~consin. Hope-fully the weather will hold and we'll have a report for you in Dusty ;rimes as soon as it is available. .,. Aaron Hawley took a pair of wins at Topeka, he moved himself up into the sixth position in points in Super Buggy. The start of a race is always a great sight, here the Single Buggy contingent heads for the first turn at Topeka. Dusty Times

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r BIKERS ACROSS AMERICA seeing America on Dirt Roads By Judy Smith Photos: The Crew Kutt Carlson, Jennyfer Carlson, Keith Wallace, Wally World, Jessii Carlson and Craig Carlson (I to r) pose for a quick snapshot just before taking off on their epic joumey. Hesperia, CA: When Kurt Carlson spotted a long, winding dirt road from his seat high up in the airplane, the germ of an idea began to grow. And it grew until this last June, when it blossomed into the adventure of a lifetime for two Hesperia families. Carlson, who'd been traveling back and forth across the coun-ny to visit family in Maine, started daydreaming about doing it all on d-irt roads. He was part of a group, including "Wally World", who'd recently been riding their dirt bikes from their homes out to the races at Laughlin and Primm, using dirt trails all the way. TI1ey all loved those trips, and he decided to see if his wild hair idea was possible. While he was still just noodling around with the idea, a cousin of his died, and then a young friend of his kids died. The double tragedy convinced Kurt that if he didn't do it now, he might miss his chance forever. He started doing serious research. He got topographical maps of the states they'd ride in. Kurt's 18 year old son, Craig, was all for the idea and so was Wally. At first it looked like a three man trip. But then Kurt's girls, Jessii, age 17 andJennyfer, age 15 decided they wanted to go also. Their mom, Melissa, wasn't too keen on the idea, but she was gradually won over. Then Wally's son, Keith, also 15, was added to the list. Now they had six riders. Carlson spent hours plotting courses. He had a hard time finding a route through Colorado, so he called some of his Hon-• Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • safety roam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA·FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years eiperience Dusty Times da buddies who lived up there and they helped him locate a good course. And in another area, when he called a local official to ask about the condition of the road, the official didn't call back for a couple of days. When he fmallydid, it turned out he'd gone out and driven the road, rejected it and found a better way, a way that would be more fun for the bikers. In general, Kurt found that folks were intrigued by the idea of their trip and happy to help any way they could. All the while they were planning. They knew they'd have to have backup, and for that they enlisted Mel-issa and family friend, Mary Ashby. The two women would drive the Carlson's shortbed Dodge pickup, towing a trailer. They didn't even own the traileruntil a week before they left It was a good, used 14-foot double axle enclosed trailer, and they equipped it with new tires. Wally and Kurt had OPS units on their handle-bars, and Melissa and Mary had one in the truck, which they had nicknamed the "chuckwagon." The bikers didn't carry any paper maps; they were going to trust the OPS units. Wally's was a Garmin and Kurt had a Magellan, which was more sophisticated and his maps were so detailed they even showed the names of the dirt roads they were traveling. There was a laptop in the chuckwagon. Kurt, Wally and Keith were all on KTMs-Kurt's a 950, Wally's a 625 and Keith's a 450, Craig was on a HondaXR650,Jessii rode a Honda XR 400 and Jennyfer had a Kawasaki KLX300. Theywereall four-strokes, but they didn't all have mufflers. Jennyfer's had the smallest gas tank, too small for wme of the days they had planned, so Kurt carried extra fuel for her, or siphoned some from his own big tank if needed. Inside the trailer they stuffed 18 spare tires for the bikes and one for the trailer itself. There were four five gallon gas cans, various spare parts for their three brands of motorcycles. There were gear bags for ev-eryone, luggage for the two truck drivers, a supply of food, cases of water, cases of Gatorade and first aid supplies. Their departure date was June 17, the weather had turned hot and they headed for Hen-derson. Kurt said, "The first day I was ready to call this whole thing off." It didn't bode well for the trip. As they neared Kelso, Craig blew a seal and lost all his oil. The plan had been to meet Melissa and Mary in Hen-derson, so the ladies had barreled on down the 15. They were out of range of their cell phones, and couldn't get in touch. So they had to limp the bike in. Craig rode it up the hills and then coasted down the other side. They tried to tow it, but that didn't work, they'd dropped it. They ran for about 40 miles that way, the bike chugging along with no oil. Finally they got to a hill big enough to let them call Melissa and have her come back to meet them. They waited two hours for the chuckwagon to get back to them in 100 degree weather. TI1ey ran out of food, ran out of September 2004 The four teens, Jennyfer, Jessii, Keith and Craig (L to R) motor up a Colorado road through some of America's loveliest scenery. water, and they said the "fun factor" had pretty much gone out of their first day. But as it turned out, that was the only time they had to come back to rescue the bikers. That day they put Craig in the truck and the bike in the trailer. The other five riders stuck to the plan. It turned into a wonderful day, because they were following a rain-storm and the freshly watered desert was dust free and cooler, making up for the miserable early part of their day. When they reached their hotel that evening, Craig told them that there was also something wrong with the front wheel of his bike. Upon inspection they discovered that the bearings were gone. So they called Mary's husband, Rod-ger, who gathered up a spare wheel and brought it the next day to their over-night stop at Beaver, Utah. Bydintofa heroically long drive, he'd managed to arrive there just an hour before the bikers did, and they all worked on the bikes until about midnight that night. Craig, for the second day, had to ride in the truck. Keith's bike started acting up the second day, and became hard to start. From that day on they had to tow-start it every time. On the third day Keith's bike "puked its forks", get-ting oil all over the brakes. So for the balance of that day he had no front brakes, and for the balance of the trip he had no front suspension. Wally oc-casionally took pity on him and switched bikes with him to give him a _ break. Meanwhile, the dirt roads were wonderful. The routine was to get to the hotel, unload, check the bikes and service them and then have supper. Sometimes they walked to a handy res-taurant, sometimes they barbecued in the parking lot of their hotel. Every night after supper, Kurt would down-load the next day's pre-planned trip from his laptop into the OPS units on the bikes and he'd print out maps for Melissa and Mary to take. Their maps showed where they were to meet for lunch and what time. On the fifth day the laptop died and he lost his pre-planned routes. From that point on he had to build the next day's route every night, using the spare laptop. They watched the weather channel seriously, and planned each route to avoid on-coming stonns. They passed up what they thought would be some "good stuff" in eastern Utah because there was a storm forecast for the area. And the storms that had gone ahead of them caused them their big-gest problems as far as staying on route. They kept coming up on bridges that Continued on page 42 One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to Niagara Falls in New York. Here (L to R) Mary Ashby, Keith, Jennyfer, Jessii, Melissa Carlson, Craig and Wally enjoy. Kutt took the photo. The kids, (L to R) Craig, Jessii, Jennyfer and Keith, motor uphill out of a Utah forest, along one of the state's fine fire roads. Page 41

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This stand of aspen, in Colorado, stretched a great distance and Utah had good dirt roads and they went through some of the most The group finished one day's ride at the set of the film, "Field of impressed the riders with its beauty. (L to R) Wally, Craig, Jessii and spectacular landscapes. Here Jessii, Kurt, Jennyfer and Craig (L to Dreams~ here they sit on grandstands in front of the house used in Jennyfer enjoyed the good roads in Colorado too. R) stop for a breather in Goblin Valley. the movie. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;::============== Utah and Colorado both surprised the riders with roads meant for the pleasure of bikers and quad riders. Here Jennyfer and Jessii enjoy the ride in Utah. In this shot, Kurt, who's already been down once, is trying to get through the mud puddle that enveloped the whole road. He didn't The teenagers, :Jennyfei; Jessii, Keith and Craig (L to R) head uphill toward their dads, riding through some of Colorado's beautiful forests. had been so recently washed out no repairs had yet been made. Thi& often meant some serious backtracking. But the longest backtrack they had to do occurred when a planned road turned out robe on pri,vate property, and they had to find another way around, add-ing aboµt 20 miles to that day's jaunt. They learned to look for "level B" roads, which ·were not ·maintained. Berause they were riitted instead of dead smooth, they were more fun to ride. In many areas they rod~ through miles amhniles of cornfields. Since it was early in the season the corn was still less than knee high, so there were no blind intersections. They never had a close make it. · call with a vehicle. Some days they never Kurt redid the route to include it and even saw a car or truck. they were all happy they'd gone that The bikers saw a variety of animals way, even though it did include some including coyotes, antelope, deer; exciting weather. The date was June 21st, pheasant, fox, porcupines and rac- the first day of summer, but the eleva-coons, while Melissa and Mary, in the tion went to 12,500 feet, above the · truck, saw a couple of moose. But the_ timberline. They had rain, sleet, hail most exciting sight, they agreed, was.a and snow, and temperature dropped trio of buffalo lumbering across a field ~ to 32 degrees. as they went by. · ' Thatwasn'tthe only "sight seeing" For the most part they had good they did. In Dyersville, Iowa they weather, but on one memorable stretd1 stopped to see the set for the movie, they got a little of everything. The owner "Field of Dreams", and considered that of their hotel in Colorado, after lean,- a highlight of the trip. They also saw ing what they were doing, told them it the lewis and Clark trail, the Mormon would be a mistake not to go through Trail, the California Trail (which was the Cumberland Pass the next day. So in Nebraska and Iowa), the top end of 7CI B BBSIMESS OB BACE TEAM D.ri,iog SoHs -Crew UoHorms -Crew Shirts Poto Shirts -Team Jackets • Rats • Gear Bags 1HJHIBls NEaaST MOTOJIIUallll/llTS • llilREIIIA ~ • EIIIIIIIIUI IIACIIII& IIBIIVE UIMIIBI • t:IHI , ... .,,,,,,,,. .. RJl&E IIEJIIIF ll'llllllllt:TS .. mrDII IIIIUI.IBI EMPIIIE IIIUVEUIIIE • IIOIIIIA 1:A#S 11/F CIIIIIIM.II -# .. ,.,. 7,.,. IJ911::',. NUHPLIPUJ 7 ,_ .. .,.,_~ ~.,-1111/C.,IIII., C ·:: ::··:,;.,, .. .,.,. 31134 Wilcker 11/"i,e II/Ira Jlllllll, &A 111752 -· -.-•-,.,.. _____ .,,,. __ .,. __ Page 42 September 2004 the Appalachian Trail, Lake Michigan and Niagara Falls. They crossed Lake Michigan on a ferry, an experiencenew to all of them. In some areas it was impo~sible to avoid pavement. If they had to use a freeway or other type of major high-way, the kids were relegated to the truck. None of the parents wanted the1ndeal-ing with heavy traffic. But an oc~ional two-lane road, as they entered the towns where they stayed each night, was all right. TI1ey were all wearing their stan-dard dirt-bike apparel, very colorful stuff, and their bikes were all bright colors, so they created a bit of a stir as they rode into some towns. Wally and Kurt said the midwestern U.S. appar-ently hasn't seen many dirt bikers, and most people think of Harley riders, all in black, when they think of bikers at all. So they drew a lot of attention. In one town they were asked if they were the clowns for the upcoming parade. They saw so many lovely and inter-esting things on the trip that they had a hard time deciding what most im-pressed them. They were in agreement that a stand of Aspen they rode through in Colorado was just terrific, and at the top of Utah, before Bicknell, they said the landscape was "really beau-tiful." Nebraska was, they said, cattle and farms and very green, "like a golf course." Utah and Colorado had the best dirt roads for riding, although one canyon in Utah had some deep silt. Wally said, "I never knew therewas·that much corn." Before this trip Wally had never been ea-st'Of Colorado. · The bikers were agreed that they couldn't have done the trip without the chuckwagon and its two drivers. Mary and Melissa did all the parts runs, bought fuel, shopped for food, and did a lot of laundry. On the 15th day they. rode into Maine and stopped at the home of the Carlson family. Their relatives sur-prised them with welcome signs and "finish line" signs lining the road to their home. It was an emotional and wonderful way to end their epic ad-venture -When pressed to say what they thought they got from the trip, Wally declared he'd made a "better boJ).Cl with my son." The two men hadcte-scribed themselves as "two daddy du.cks with the ducklings in the middle" as they made their way cross-country. Kurt said he felt a sense of accomplishment and was pleased to learn that he could stay calm and fig-ure a way out of any problems that arose. Melissa was amaz'ed at how kind people were across the United States. Jennyfer said, "It makes me proud." And Jessii said, "I got a new respect for the country. I didn't know it was so pretty, or there was so much oµt there. It was a big accomplish-ment, made me more confident. I think it'll help me in sports -it taught me to keep going. II Both ooys, Craig and Keith, are ready to do it again. And for that matter, so are their dads. Kurt saved all the maps from this trip, so he's got a good beginning on the next one already. ~ Deep green forests contrasted against the brighJ blue waters of lake Champlain which has s!Joreli11es in both New York and Vermont. . · Dusty ·Times 7

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24TH ARGENTINA RALLY Sainz Wins For Citroen By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden .. Carlos Sainz celebrated his 2f1h WRC win, he drove his Citroen Xsara to the win and added to Citroen's points total. Citroen scored their fifth win of the season but few people noticed that fact. Carlos Sainz's 26th World Championship rally win, 14 years after his first, attracted far more attention. For once Sebastien Loeb's perfection slipped. He had alternator and handling troubles and could not match the amazing consistency that his elder teammate could deliver. For a long time it seemed that Peugeots were finally going to gain their first 307WRC victory, but a stray and unan-nounced rock in the road ended that hope and caused even deeper frustration for Marcus Gronholm. Page 44 Engine troubles ended the promis-ing start for Subaru and Petter Solberg, and a horrendous crash ended the hopes for Ford and Markko Martin. At half way point in the championship it seemed that however promising the efforts of their rivals, Citroen are building up results which could well take them through to another world title for the French manufacturer. A happy Group N victory and a world cham-pionship point went to local driver Gabriel Pozzo, three years after he had scored a championship point in a Group N car in Kenya. Vic-tory in PCWRC went to 2002 Jun-ior world champion Daniel Sola, after Pozzo's fellow Argentine driver Marcos Ligato retired. In fact, Span-ish speakers won all the three main categories. "At last a return to humanity", exclaimed Gilles Panizzi. Finally the five day format had disap-peared and it was back a year to a six day format, with two full days of recceing. "At least we can pre-pare ourselves properly and co-drivers do not have to start the event already exhausted." This was the most important and univer-sally welcomed change evident in Argentina among more detailed September 2004 Daniel Sola and Xavier Amigo sailed their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII to the PCWRC win, seen here at full sail changes. There was again one cen-tral Service Park, but this time alongside the lake at Villa Carlos Paz for all the rally. At the start of the season, when all the rallies had been expected to run to the in-tended Mille Pistes format, the organisers in Argentina had envis-aged this as a chance to revert to a traditional layout, visiting areas to the south (St. Rosa de Calamuchita), west (Mina Clavero) and north (areas adjacent to the Punilla Valley) of Villa Carlos Paz. This ambitious plan was encour-aged by the FIA when they asked the organisers to experiment with a full day of rallying between service points. Two months before the event was to be held, however, the manufacturers explained that their 2004 evolution cars had not been designed for such extended running without service, so the route had to be reshuffled to 1nake middle of the day servicing possible. To encourage spectators to see the event away from the Sierra Hills the Pro-Racing superspecial sta-dium, outside Villa Carlos Paz, was visited three times during the event, each time for two runs. Being held during the winter holidays more spectators than ever were expected to watch the rally, and the weather was expected to be colder than in recent years. There was one com-pletely new stage (Valle Hermoso-Casa Grande), held south of La Falda at an alternative venue to the always-heavily attended La Falda stage. The finish reverted to the tra-ditional location, the Cordoba Sta-dium in the Chateau Carreras re-gion of Cordoba, with a huge ca-pacity for spectators. This was the fourth round of PCWRC series, currently being led by Daniel Sola, one point in front of Toshi Arai and Jani Paasonen. Three drivers opted to give this rally their "miss", Joakim Roman, Alis-ter McRae and Tomasz Kuchar. There were new co-drivers for Niall McShea (fellow Ulsterman Michael Orr), Marcos Ligato (Diego Curletto) and Jani Paasonen (Jani Vainikka). The weather was unusual. Now back in July for the first time since 1996, mid-winter in the southern hemisphere and the dry season in Argentina, its countryside was drier and warmer than ever before. There had been no rain since March. The unpredictable climate, the various alternative conditions during the stages, the unknown ef-fect of the dry winter, had all em-phasized the problem of nominat-ing the correct tyre choice, as re-quired under the rules, a long time ahead. Coupled with the ban of gravel note crews, there was ex-pected to be a degree of lottery in tyre choices. The stages were not at their best, some drivers said that even before the rally the surfaces were like the rally had already made one pass! Normally there is wind in the air, so usually dust was not ex-pected to be a problem. There was another anniversary; this rally one year ago (actually held months be-fore) was former double champion Marcus Gronholm's last world championship rally win. After his bout of post-Cyprus depression, Peugeot chief Corrado Provera was back in fighting form again. "We are fed up this year with the word almost". Words could not speak clearer than the Shakedown times when the two 307 s were fastest with Petter Solberg, Carlos Sainz and Francois Duval (all in different makes of car) within a half second of the Peugeots, over the 4.3km sec-tion. The rally seemed again to be an open scene. Ford driver Markko Martin had been a potential win-ner in the last two rallies and he had a slightly improved engine on this occasion, but not the full job he had wanted. Shakedown saw a rash of crashes. The private driver Antony Warmbold tipped his Ford Focus WRC over, sustaining damage which was repairable before the Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena were the second Citroen Xsara to finish, second overall to their teammate in Argentina. Dusty Times

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Fourth overall went to Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen, seen Petter Solberg and Philip Mills only completed nine stages before here in the wet of the "DRY" Argentine winter. they were forced to retire with engine troubles. Toshihiro Arai and Tony Sircombe had to abandon their Subaru lmpreza, seen here after the ball was over. official start. "The first time I have day. There was no evidence of dis-ond. It seems the car went end over rolled since a crash I had when I advantage for front running driv-end after a fast jump and landed first started rallying years ago." The ers on this event, but Loeb ·was roof down. The crew appeared to car was okay, but there were other plagued by an alternator problem. be unhurt but badly shocked, an_d problems. He drove on the wrong This not only reduced the power were taken for medical attention. road from the Service Park to the of the engine but also affected the Warmbold had hydraulic problems stage, got upset with local officials, operation of the central differen-with his differential, but after the and suffered a USD2000 fine. tial, so second on the road Solberg second stage of the morning he Leg l extended his lead. After the first two solved the problem taking tele-12 Stages, gravel, 168kms. stages of the day Solberg was 12.l phone advice from his mechanics. The rally started on the Thurs- seconds in front of Martin with Then he had bad windscreen mist-day evening at the Promo Race cir-Marcus Gronholm lying third. ing and the engine was not giving cuit with Petter Solberg fastest on Solberg reported a strange vibra- full power. Harri Rovanpera had the opening superspecial stage and tion from his front right hub which troubles with the handling and brak-Markko Martin on the second. was rectified at the early morning ing during the afternoon stages Kristian Sohlberg stalled his service, but on Stage 5 the car was when the differential was locked up Mitsubishi's engine on the start of slowed after a water crossing and by an electronic failure. He also suf-the first superspecial, not yet used went into safe mode for the rest of fered power steering failure ... to the revised driving technique re-the stage dropping him behind In PCWRC, Paasonen, in one quired for starts, following recent both the Citroens into fourth place. of the OMV Mitsubishis, was hap-rev1s 1ons to the software Gronholm went into the lead, de- pily wearing a bright red hat given programmes. The surfaces started spite, like other drivers, thinking the by his new sponsor, Red Devil, to cut up and form ruts. Arai got midday temperatures would be which he was ordered only to wear his PCWRC lmpreza caught in the warmer, and consequently choos-when he was leading and winning ruts on the first s~age, damaging the ing tyres which were too hard. It (the PCWRC category). Marcos radiator. He opted to miss the sec- was indeed a quite unexpectedly Ligato was now his main challenger ond lap (incurring a three minute cold day. Carlos Sainz had a in the Top Run Subaru. The cars penalty) and drove carefully back handbrake problem. Duval was were running at one minute inter-to Villa Carlos Paz where he arrived struggling having lost time over- vals which meant as soon as any-without overheating the engine. shooting on the first stage of the one was forced to drive slowly, the The next morning the car was half- day, which rattled his confidence, following car suffer~ from dust. way back to normal and running --but he was-in front of Mikko ToprunningPCWRCdriverDaniH fire but the crew arrived at the con- Hirvonen who lost nearly a minute, Sola rolled his car which landed on trol with only one minute to spare stopped after a water crossing, just its roof and then back on to its (another 2m20s penalty)! The like his teammate. After so many Karamjit Singh rolled at the super-months of dry conditions it was special, this time pushing the ra-curious that so many of the water diator into the turbocharger, crossings were full of water! wheels, losing virtually no time, but then had to drive slowly because the windscreen in front of the driver _ was badly grazed. This affected Paasonen on Stage 5, which (to-gether with the chance to drive that stage with the benefit of a three minute gap because of the delay after Martin's accident) let Ligato momentarily ahead. Arai was go-ing amazingly well driving his bat-tered blue car, fitted hastily with a bonnet taken from a white Suba-ru. On Stage 6 Gianluigi Galli made best time, four different drivers made best times in consecutive stages. Manfred Stohl was close be-hind, having no problems but headed by the first non-champion-ship driver on the event, the local driver Gabriel Pozzo in a Subaru, who was 8.2 seconds behind his old adversary and teammate Ligato. Mark Higgins was gradually re-covering from the effects of filling his car completely, deceived by a faulty fuel gauge. Nasser Al-Attiyah fell back from fifth to eighth when both rear wheel bearings failed, "1 then saw flames in my rear view mirror so I had to stop to put out a fire. But I am happy for a special reason,. I have been chosen again to represent my country (Qatar) at which involved too much work for On the last two stages of the the ten minute Service Park, first morning Loeb made fastest time. thing the following morning so he The race for the lead after six stages was forced to retire. Further down was amazing. Gronholm was 1.6 the field more drivers were caught seconds in front of Sainz, after out by the tricky blind bends in more than an hour of rallying, who the circuit and were tempted to in turn was 1.1 seconds in front of cut corners, which always seemed Loeb while Solberg was seemingly to mean hitting the banks, but the far away, 8. 7 seconds back! Gilles organisers had put high protection Panizzi reported that the usual sus-between the inside and outside pension problem was troubling him tracks, and this year there were no "The reaction is affected, and after complaints of stones and dirt from a jump the landing is very hard." the cars on the inside track damag- Teammate Sohlberg, under strict in-ing those running alongside in the structions to finish this event, said, other track. "That was an odd thing for Gilles e camn_, source far ra Overnight the Norwegian held to say. We were both given orders a lead of just 0.2 seconds, but it absolutely not to jump ... " Big news was Sebastien Loeb who again of the morning was Martin's crash opened the roads for the first full on Stage 5, when he was lying sec-dCre • Driving Suits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos the Olympic Games (for a shooting discipline) and the FIA has allowed me to miss Corsica instead of Deutschland as I had originally nominated." Fabio Frisiero had a front transmission problem. Sebastien Vollak hit a stone and stopped to change a flat tyre. Ricardo Trivino had a broken shock absorber. Fumio Nutahara stopped to change a flat tyre then drove slowly with a bad vibration. Georgi Geradzhiev started the rally with a very bad handling. Niall McShea had a handbrake problem which made driving through the many sharp bends difficult. Galli lost a half minute having stopped after a water crossing. Higgins went off and damaged the front of his car. The three Calm-prepared RACC Mitsubishis of Sergio-Lopez Fornbona, Xavier Pons and the non-championship driver Sordo all had trouble with a broken sen-sor after the water crossing, the first two suffering such a long delay they withdrew from the event, but got ready to restart the following morn-ing, while Fornbona escaped a de-lay but earlier had three times stopped with a broken fuel line. Geradzhiev had a central differen-tial problem caused by a faulty Continued on page 46 Francois Duval and Stephane Prevot kept Ford in the game, they finished third overall in their Ford Focus RS. 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Dusty Times September 2004 Page 45

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Harri Rovanpera had a fairly good rally, he finished fifth overall in Gilles and Herve Panizzi were seventh overall in their Mitsubishi Marcus Granholm was forced to retire after the 1/J" stage, his Peugeot 307 suffered terminal engine problems. Argentina in his good looking Peugeot 307. Lancer, seen here performing for a record crowd. handbrake mechanism, also a punc-Solberg became the first driver to tack but, in fact, it was not quite ture which he stopped to change win a special stage on a world cham- like that. "I used nine compound and then damaged the suspension pionship rally after he had officially ryres in the morning and these were after hitting a rock. retired, on the first stage of the too soft, then I turned to eight Leg 2 morning, but on the second he compound and suddenly we were 9 Stages, gravel, 129kms. heard a strange noise and his team much faster." At that moment, In the end there were few takers told him to retire and preserve the Granholm had run out of eights for restarting under the SupeRally evidence. Carlos Sainz continued a and had to turn to nines. Mean-system. Subaru jumped at the most amazing record of second fast- while Loeb lost 20 seconds at ser-chance to run Petter Solberg. For a est times. Of the 12 stages run to vice when an alternator bracket start, testing is banned in any coun- date, he had been second fastest on needed repair. He then had a han-try outside Europe and in any case six, he was third (with Solberg in dling problem, which took the edge all testing is banned on stages actu-front) on Stage 13, when he had a off his speed, and all the time Car-ally used on rallies. The only limit puncture and a broken rim and was los, no longer worried about his to what they could achieve was that second quickest on the next three teammate, was catching Granholm tyre testing was restricted as stages of the morning. Marcus as Loeb fell relentlessly back. Team SupeRally competitors still had to Granholm was pressing on, "But manager Yves Matton said there was fit their already nominated tyres. still we cannot really shake Carlos not really any need for a definition Another championship restarter off." Carlos was on a mission. Not of "tactics." The gap against Gron-was Xavier Pons. For the organisers since Finland, almost one year ago, holm started to come down, three one of the major problems was the had he beaten his teammate seconds, one second on the next, chance to recover cars stranded on Sebastien Loeb and Loeb was not then Granholm was out of the rally. stages, let alone allow the time nee-showing much sign of amusement Peugeot PR announced he had essary to repair them, and the at the way things were going! "Well crashed into a bridge but actually organisers could not extend the at least it's a good position for the it was dramatic in another way. He time for applying for restarting in-championship,." Mikko Hirvonen hit a rock in the middle of the road, definitely, so while Solberg and had a near-miss at the end of a long a driveshaft snapped and did a lot Pons were in, Sebastien Vollak was fast straight but finally all came of damage, ultimately including the denied the chance to run on Satur-good. Francois Duval's car was still cambelt which stopped the engine day for that reason. A major rule handling badly but better than the and his rally. Carlos in fact did not change for just two championship day before. Granholm had a near- have everything his own way. In the drivers! miss when he hit a rock in a dip morning he nad actually had a dif-Gilles Panizzi was given under the and the shock of the impact on the ferential sensor break which had reverse seeding order the job of already compressed suspension sent blocked the central differential... running first car on the road and the car out of control. Fortunately Panizzi was gradually recovering found the conditions were not as Granholm collected it all up safely. from his gearbox and turbo disadvantageous as feared. His gear- It now looked as if Carlos had troubles, eventually climbing up box had been changed before the planned it all, that this was the to eighth (where he had been be-superspecials, the turbo afterwards. moment he would make his big at-forehand) after a trouble free day, OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6~5 $135.00 $145.00 & up Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 x ·10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Page 46 (702) 247-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX but then teammate Kristian Sahlberg stopped with transmis-sion trouble on Stage 19 after holding fifth place for over a day. All these disasters put Duval up to third behind the Citroen 1-2, Hirvonen fourth, Rovanpera fifth and the privateer Luis Perez Compano sixth. In the PCWRC category Nasser Al-Attiyah had to change a broken hub at service which was accomplished within the ten minute allowance. Marcos Ligato ignored the temptation to chase Gabriel Pozzo for Group N honours and tried to be content to be 50 seconds in front of Manfred Stohl, but all the same he went off the road and retired. Stohl lost the chance to take over the lead when he was slowed by a loose steering rack. This immediately let the two Ralliart works Mitsubishis of Daniel Sola and Gainluigi Galli go in front, with Stohl and Paasonen - all four in Mitsubishis -behind and in front of the first PCWRC Subaru, Al-Attiyah, who had been off the road on Stage 14 for a half minute. Niall McShea was upset, because the engine seemed down on power, although he was now in the points. The two works driven Mitsubishis continued to play in the lead. They were just under a minute in front of Paasonen with Stohl fourth. Galli took the lead on Stage September 2004 17 when Sola heard a funny sound and eased off. Sola fought back on Stage 18 but then slipped behind Galli on the last orthodox stage of the day. A wheel nut gun had bro-ken and Sola was terrified of hav-ing to stop and change a flat tyre. Another "no need for team orders" warning was issued, this time by MMSP. "Our drivers are sensible enough to stay on the road!", said Group N Project Manager David Ewles. The only problem at the end of the day came for PCWRC leader Galli. Mechanics had trouble refit-ting the undercar protection and he left service six minutes late (in-curring a one minute penalty). This restored the lead to Daniel Sola though it was already decided that Gianluigi Galli would be the first PCWRC car on to the stages on the final day, and now Jani Paasonen was only 4. 7 seconds be-hind. Niall McShea finally received news he had assumed but never knew, that the engine was under-powered, "It is a relief to know the problem wasn't me!" Leg3 5 Stages, gravel, 85kms. The SupeRally phenomenon arose again. Mitsubishi had hoped to run Kristian Sohlberg, whose retirement on Saturday had in fact been .due to engine rather than transmission problems, but when it was known that a permanent re-pair would not be possible in the time available the car stayed behind. No retired top driver reappeared. Among those who restarted the event again were the PCWRC driv-ers Xavier Pons (whose retirement on Saturday was a broken differ-ential casing), Fumio Nutahara (who had stopped on Day 1 with water ingestion) and Sebastian Vollak, the cadet driver from OMV. Pons had a strange dilemma. He wanted to finish the day, but if he didn't, he would go into the record books as the only driver ever to have retired three times on the same world championship rally ... Mains tory of the morning was the scratch time for Mikko Hirvonen on Stage 24. "I had al-ready made a scratch time in Cor-sica last year, on asphalt. Good to be known back home as a fast driver also on gravel..." Sebastien Loeb had some adjustments made at service but too late, his car was not handling fine again. Carlos Sainz admitted he was spending his time "Driving slowly, safely and avoiding all the rocks." For him the last two stages were worrying, "Mina Clavero (Giulio Cesare) is the roughest, but while El Condor is not quite so bad, that was where we overturned our Celica in 1990. While Daniel Sola cruised to vic-tory in the PCWRC, overcoming the memory of his roll on the Fri-day, Gianluigi Galli stopped on the first stage of the day with shearnd wheel studs, so now there were eight PCWRC drivers, Stohl had a punc-ture on Stage 22. The next PCWRC round is in Germany, but on that occasion Sola plans to drive in the world championship team instead. Carlos cruised to his historic vic-tory, careful not to repeat the de-bacle when he crashed a Toyota on what this year was the final stage of the event, following the example of all the drivers to reach the finish safely. As for Sainz, rumours were flying around about his future ca-reer intention, but Citroen compe-tition chief Guy Frequelin said "I just hope that Carlos will have more victories to come ... " ~ 1 (4) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 53CXN78 (F) 4h.23m.11.0s. 10 10 2 (3) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 976DAM78 (Fl 4h.24m.43.5s. 8 8 3 (8) Francois DWAL/Stephane Prevot B Ford Forus RS. WRC EK52NWN (OB) 4h.27m:34.5s. 6 6 ·' 4 (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC L T53SRT (GB) -4h.31m.38.7I. 5 5 ~ 5 (6) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen FIN Peugeot 307 WRC 966PRV75 (F) 4h.33m.10.9s. 4 4 6 (61) Luis Perez Companc/Jose Maria Volta RA Peugeot 206 WRC 4854YW69 (F) 4h.39m.35.9s. - 3 7 (9) Gilles PANIZZI/Herve Panizzi F Mitsubishi Lancer WRC KN04WLZ (GB) 4h.40m.50.0s. 3 2 8 (65) Gabriel Pozzo/Daniel Stillo RA Subaru lmprez.a STi N EJJ633 (RA) 4h.43m.49.8s.-- 1 9 (11) Antony WatmboldlGemma Price DIGB Ford Focus RS WRC Y3FMC (GB) 4h.45m.28.4s. -10 (33) Daniel Sola/Xavier Amigo E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII PCWRC GG-RA97 (D) 4h.45m.34.6s.• -10 11 (41) Jani Paasonen/Jani Vainikka FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII PCWRC W60625N (A) 4h.46m.43.7s. - 8 13 (40) Manfred Stohl/Ilka Minor A Mitsubishi lancer Evo VII PCWRC OF222 BF (A) 4h.49m.16.5s. - 6 15 (44) Nasser AI-Attiyah/Chris Patterson QA/GB Subaru lmpreza STi PCWRC OY53ZWC (GB) 4h.57m.26.11. ... ... 5 17 (34) Niall McShea/Michael Orr GB Subaru lmpreza WRX PCWRC GMG300N09070 (J) 5h.10m.54.3s. - 4 18 (49) Sergio lopez-Fombona/Guifre Pujol E Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII PCWRC 1155CFZ (E) 5h.15m.04.1s. - 3 19 (38) Georgi Geradzhiev/Nikola Popov BG Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VIII PCWRC BYY643 (NZ) 5h.18m.49.4s. - 2 20 (45) Fabio Frisiero/Giovanni Agnese I Subaru lmpreza $Ti PCWRC GF737BP (A) 5h.21 m.24.4s. - 1 Dusty Times

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 ~ ! crD •1-1,=,; 1--:~:; .. u =rnAO"-' G,= ·rE-.-OlO< r>QY f Stainless Hard Line . / 23BB E. 0rangw,arpe '"'"· Performance Plumbing ! A.'WJMim. CA 92806 / ~ 714-441-CD3D /::;::,;::.. Forbes I::,::::•:::; A1·s RACING WILDOMAR CA. Toyota IFS 1uapen1lon 1pecl1ll1ta Long tr.ave/ kit• and rac. trim packaga for 2wcl. & 4wd. Pick-Up, Tacoma, Tundra, 1·-100 and 4-Runner 'i!J.iW .ATSRACING,com (909)471-2418 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Sante· . CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 'Sfllll~RDOF_PEIFIBMIINII. Sliver Faced LFG's Liquid-Filled Gauges· from Auto Meter are notorious for being the to.1.1gt:iest .• on the market. Combine that with the fact Auto Meter also is known for it's reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. ~ · Y, Send $4.00 for a catalog to: Auto Meter Products, Inc. , _ e Dept. ouoo • 413 w. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL 6ll178 • (815) 895--8141 ~ /VA. -CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN ~ ~ 39067 ORCHARD ST. , J~J ~ -r ~ = s ? ~ Ft. -r s CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 , -BAND BUGGIES • PRE-RUNNERS • RACE CARS M FABRICATION & ALUMINUM WORK (,.,,.. St. • Orange, CA 92865 2 8 • fax (714) 279-0945 11],; Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 e-mail: BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3:107 "MFR. OF PERFORMANCE PARTS Custom V~hicle Shifter FOR INDUSTJlY LEAOINa RACE CAR BUILDERS - Spindles, f loating Huhs - 5 spd. Shifters (fits Mcndcola trans & others) - :\'orthstar Airbox Adapten & more!! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 -CACTUS RACING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson · Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914 PH#. (909)845-8820 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication Boa.tee Fiberglass Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short CoUl'Se trucks Bypass valves+tubes Paris-Dakar trucks · Sway-bar Arms ACCOUNTING -INCOME TAX• CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT 536 S. Second St, Suite E 626-653-2023 626-653-2024 Covina, CA 91723 Fax Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Chasis Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication '110-ka-S,01 17459 lilac St #E Hnperla CA 923415 IIILT IOI DCEIS WHO OEMJ#O THE BEST HAMPION BEADlOCll ~C!ING WHEE.LS lJ.5.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 15" 16" 17" M.fLAN GARRETT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 93722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ CHENOWTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiFl.ACING PRODVCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 OCNC:J' MomAact•m• of . : ~ B,oke o"d _Cl"1,h Podol AHi Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders - Cuttihg and Stowng Brokes· Hydraulic Throttlbs T~rottle Pedals CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA'"921'10 (619) 275-1663 . Send $3.00 for Catalog

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J FLOATER REAR ENDS'• i-"RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree,Lane • Templeton. CA 93465 Continental Land & Investment Corp. ; • - ,.,r1h II\, , 9.;; t ,11-..c lt.\\.i,u C11, \7 >.6-Hl--1 , ... ._..__ CELL: (928) 486-9145 OFFIC'E: (928) 764-:<261 lJm.eiu ha, ;1-,u-, J-,t com LANCE CRAMER l\ssuciate Broker• RACE FUELS OFFICIAL FUEL OF NASCAR 1 (800) 54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA PIBTCJr--JS Shelf and Custom Pistons Available. CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 1902 McGaw. Irvine, CA 92614 A Member of Pankl Racing Systems CR'TJC' AL □ ULTRASONIC CLEANING ft Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, :o::E::!::!:=~:!:::::i~~:!_TP' Oil Tanks, Radiators, Lines, Fittings ~□~••n~~ · .... ''·· All Components ... ·-._ Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etc. ~ □ NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Magnetic Particle, Liquid P-tran~ Ultrasonic, i!'l"ldy Cunent. X-Ray 3043 Oak Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 □ CNC MACHINE SHOP Phn (71") 957•1215 USAC STATJOII •s · - · Fu (714) 957-1567 fAA STATJOII .wB7R211J ----'---------------' l'r1r Your ProtedJon• .• filOCK • FULL RACE• TRANSFER CASES CC1IillThHlllIIll ® 9 ~ Iffi.allCE:fi.Illl~ PJrIPfillllll~JlilllJ1.~~:fi. CID Illl~ 18273 Grand Ave. #6 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (909) 678-1669 STEVE MatthewSdimolce 1280 N. JOHNSON AVE., SUITE 101 • EL CAJON, CA 92020 TEL: 619.449.5611 • FAX: 619.449.5713 MATTHEWOCUSTOMDECALCXJM --=~.....__.,.,:;-..... ....,...L.,.J--~ Specializing in ... 59 B Depot Road ............ Swtncme. Hewland Fortin Jlleadeola JIID4S Jllagnum44 Krebler Automatie HERMAN De NUNZIO Goleta, CA 93117 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 ..• ~;·" ,,.-----...,., ! i' , // /DEREK NYE /J / • .,,/ ,. ,. •' IJ -~ / TIS w~17th st7ee1. unll H Coslll Mesa. CA 92627 -' , ... ~ 9419.5~8.8533 lax: 9419.5418.85341 e-m11II: dereknue Teem Begz Prlvele Lebel Custom Beg Designs l)llfl, ll1l~lll{S OFF-ROAD DESIGN & FABRICATION RACE PREP PRE RUNNERS SUSPENSIONS ROLL CAGES TUBE BENDING WELDING LIFT KITS BILL SCOTT (909) 520-0064 Fax (909) 520-0078 Email· 1 ·2321 Sampson Ave., Unit I Riverside, CA 92503 IJ@•m-~@&JWIM@ astlng • Pr?tective & Decorative Coatings 1835 John Towers Ave. #A • El Cajo_f CA 92020 (61~) 448-3932 Fax (619) 448·3662 ;ll"r■warR■ @!:m ~ u:Al.ifi..4D · race vehicles • hot rods secur1ty · buggies • bghttng mar1ne · O\.Jd1o 7b0.738.9'i73 (WlREl · JIJ i#t1'd:J• Purchasing/R & D Position Available 4411i! Z ® The successful candidate will be self-motivated, detail oriented and able to multi-task, must have a minimum of 5 years of experience, strong negotiations skills, knowledge of inventory control techniques, MAP principals and proficient with Microsoft Office, VW aircooled experience is preferred. Please send resume c/o Erica C. HR Department at or fax 714-446-9793. No phone calls please. JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets FRESH llR SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, INC • Interior Revisions 810 A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 1-888-466-RACE 1-847-259-3810 Fax 1-847-259-9705 ''THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS" Ota PBRFORMAICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recom11111nd RACING ENCilNfS, TRANS-r.llSSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS · , St!ndo~lfor-i1urncw·cata1ogSS.00 _·_ -., RAY BAYLY 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 BRIAN GRIFFIN (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 Tm FLAIIIE LRDea_ja Bros. FlflE-llUlffAIIT UNDagJl/11~ FOR DaETIT RACERI WWW.BAJA8ROI.COM 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 619""49-3633 619--149-3665 fax / Doug Fortin

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THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or -exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~.L Call or write for call (8~0) 433-6524 ~ · our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manulacturina. Inc. 63257 Neis Anderson Road Ben<!, OR ~770·1 USA ph(541) 388-0203 fx(:>41 )38S-0307 -----,, '\ g~Jj) Buff & Kevin Owners / Fabricators ,. --I ..J.,) p. 760.510.9586 • ,. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific St. # J-1 • San Marcos, CA 92069 • $SUZUKI seo..•.aaa I I l I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE . NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91601 (619) 561-7764 20 Years of Off Road fax 561-4834 Racing Experience 11@1f!1li ptQ~OQIA~~ We Service & Sell Jeff Howe Char Lynn Sweet 12476_Julian Ave. Pumps, G~ars & ' Lakeside, CA 92040 Power Ra_ck & Piniof'I HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde Highway 80 • Suite E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990 IMPACT CUSTOMS SCORE NHRA tJCCA RACE SPEC ROLL CAGES, TUBE CHAlJBIS, CUSTOM SUSPENSIONS, AIR BAGS, BODY DROPS, SHAVE, SUICIDE, PRE-RUNNERS, BAJAS, LONG TRAVEL, RACE PREP, OUSTOM WIRING, FABRICATION AND METAL WORK 661.298. 7079 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" ~II IO -~~Tl ~ •~ L~ I•~~•~ I I Quality Racing Transmissions JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Mike Julson President 10965 Hartley Rd., Suite R Santee, CA 92071-2893 619 / 562-1743 Fax 619 / 562-3379 e.mail J_!m~e,....z George Jimenez RACING ENGINES COMPLETE ENGINES • DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714.535.5116 TROY J OHNSON (909) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 Specializing in custom ottroad race trucks • P1 erunner& • Sand car5 • Rally ca1s • Cu;tc,rn Fabrication • Advanced Suspension Ti;chnology , Resea1ch & [1evi;l0pmsnt KAL OFFROAD RACING www Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions Kurt Larmee (805) 466-4101 ---8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www 3532 EAST 3RD ST. .ART KAWAGUCHI 1 Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-6858 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 Kevin Summers owner 15346 Bonanza RD. # C Victorville , CA . 92392 KS Motorsports offroad fabrication and race preps Phone:760-241-5441 Fax:760-241-5383 C760) 7gg-09a3 SUSPENSION - PERFORMANCE - SAFETY EQUIPMENT & MORE! DESERT - ROCK - SAND & RACE WE. ARE YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR OFFROAD NEEDS POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO .. 11681 PENDLETON. &TREET SUN VAUEY, CA.913152 FAX(818)788-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of Power Steering gears, pumps and accesaories for any type of racing. Magnaftux and Zyglo facilities available.

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Engineering •custom Chassis *Race Prep *Aluminum Work *Welding •Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 KENT LOTHRINGER (909) 596-5497 FAX Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~.RC.HA.FT. ,Ra=e ,P~ Sent1 • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags ... · 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 YOUR! OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . #iimBllrli'llliil/L (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 COIIPONEfffS FOJICHASSIS FABRICATION -~~-~~*.R!l!ti!>M~ stifblrMolm • 01 &Walefflollle Holders 399.E . .Han:ison UnitD Corona, CA 92879-1313 Tom Moxley .(909) 272,,42n 43455 Business Pa!1< Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext 120 619-562-5533 For Very Few Dollars A Month Your Ad Here Can Increase Your Sales By A Bunch Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 Off Road Fabrication and Design • Sand Cars • Trucks • Race Cars • Prerunners • Rally Cars • Custom Function/Strength/Safety/Pride Made by f{and in the USA 8966 Benson Ave .. Suite D Montclair, CA 91763 JOHN MOSELEY 909-949-8161 Owner/Fabricator Fax 909-949-8162 OFFROAD ENBINEERINB Pre-Runners • Race Cars &: Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Way_ #ll5 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 MOTOR WORKS INC. 1490 ISLAND AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 619-233-8875 800-841-1014 FAX 619-233-4137 \10TORCYCLE \ IACHl'.\:E \\'OR1'- STREET OR C'O\IPETITIO" Bll!ll'-li. '- I 1-~\"IV; (;I jl\~ !l~P! \("F\IF'-T. !I~'-' "!IF.\C!'·" SE.-\T REPL\CE\IE'sT. CR . ..\.'\1' GRI:"\Dl~G. HE.-\T TRE.Hl:"\G , ,:n '-!! ·nr -.,, ,,n-RACE CARS PRERUNNERS SAND CARS JIM MOULTON 42231 6TH STREET K'EST #201 LANCASTER C4 M6M 661-974-7961 MSD Mt.3 fJL Jr.1 f• •4e-;11 t••1.,•J1 • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNtllDN[_; • fJISTRIBUTfJFlS • AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 14!30 HENR Y BRENNAN D R .. EL PASO. TX 7!3!33E 19151 857-5200 • TEr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼'' TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-7E5-2B75 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 PFR (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 383-4 W~cker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS

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,~W(g3(9)V§@'v'I SAFETY EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, 0SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS 1·N STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR l!\'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12'5. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 l . 800-869-5636 W a A R ,.. ~-~p' •. ,, ,f!ENHRID ABRICATION, INC 1660 Babcock, Building B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 TEL I949I 650-3035 FAX 1949) 650-4721 Jeny Penhall • All Types of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Beaclinc .-Fralcy's J Pc-rf ormancc Enginee1·mg . • Ahmdnum fJ Steel W.ldini • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 ,PRO PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: /el: 619-390-6252 Fax:619-39<MS470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 nertormance w1re narnesses Joe oav111an Pur: Fax: 811.361.4641 13411 Orontield Ave. sv1mar. CA g~ Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM ~ Pboenix,Am.ona l¥'m ~ C;(~--~.,;. Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Around II Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably -Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 ,f'£JTFIIIIKCE• TIIKSIII ES SOUlham Calnomla's Laraas1 DISlrlbUlar al Mandaola TnnsUlas PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 h - Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim, CA 92806 tel . 'Te lo, CA 92590 CTRINS will get yo1 i1 gear SWilg axle, ••s, •ewlald, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 lAS IBiAS, IEYADA 89102 Barry Beacham .IIBN D.O. atmN [702) 221-4313 (702) 117-9724 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 fili/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV,89048 (775) 372-5335 f-fJJllildliil TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • l'.IIWOW LITTERll,G • C,\R LETTERIIIG • GMPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt,ngto1 Beach CA 92B49 (714) 897-0075 • F2~ [714] 694-9567

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off :road • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kits • Custom Paint• Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program Sam Puleri (323) 563-2224 Fax (323) 563-2227 = ,.ERFORMANCiECIALIS1"5 <=,.:;;;;;..._,,. 'UIIJVIT f£GI!) SAIIIT Pfl,IIIAIIICf I 1-BDD-MY MUFFLER •---~ Craig Stewart I ,..Jd;az t~i:1 ,- Fabrication & Race Preparation I I I 19419AbrahamWOJ ~ I Santee, CA 92071 s5a8rvleeice& I u■,■U !teo.•....t•M<:-•--M-_c_craig(i_" _st_ewartsrac ___ ewo_rll_J._<o_m _______________ l 57""'..R....T~~L::Y---~· . .E!f!.E'R'FO,B~ ~ n.. V•y llat Of OH, , i Perio,111a,,n Pwts. H,-illili_oollliiii~, .... - . Fabf'ication And mtaiat W. Clllt',J! RCD • SFG Fabt«h • JC#!§ Snocks And Many Mot•. Spedalizitt5 itt Clot'hitt5 f o,-t'he Offroabff Sawl attt> Tami V.uqwu S'6l-6ll-SSOS RACE FUELS [209) 847-2281 [800) 527-6090 FAX [209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION ~-<A-=-'-""--.::.°';.. 'if:ZEG:. '2 '? .. You11t QuALnv S10H CoM,AHY11 Oakdale, California 95361 Design Fabrl:::atlon lnstailatlon (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 121 S POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 92882 ,,._ m.APUTERIZEO VINYL GIV\PH/CS & LEITER/NG l•I Iii I I ,,._ W-C:OST BLOG SIGNS(AII. P/i!OCESSES) . .=. ;.: I,~2=il~~';'Jfl~IGNS ,,... ft!ACING Gft!APHICB ,,._ HI-QU,,..UTY lY\NNERS ,,._ FLEET VEHICLEB ,,._ LOGO REPftOOUCTONS ;::_~~Ng.:-5,.~E ,,._ LOGO & ~/\PHIC OES/GN ,,._ OECALS 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Peiforrnance · Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (6i9) 447-1289 If Your Business Needs A Boost Let Dusty Times Help You Get The Word Out To The Racers Call Dusty Times 818-882-0004 ~~t::.v~ -"'.;,',BE./i'GL.AS-!f" SPECbU./STS ' * OH-Road and Boll-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:/ 1USnnE ENGINEEIING JEFF FIELD (818). 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 0 C OJ -I C ~ (/) o-"Tl m ~ ► () (/) X ► C/l I\) ~~ ~ ~ iii 01 :::, (/) (') 0 _!D C () s-~ z ::;; 0 0 ~ 3 3 -· Ill Ill :::, co a. 0 cii" 01 ► ~ < ~ ;;:&J ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENUEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 [uMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 W_HEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W . Bradley, Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 ---------~~ Carlos Oroz:co Ofi<"_I f..,/•5 titif~ Folrplex - Pomona October 9 & 10 C-L Ll:l\'.tfH{l" Etl-Ui~2S,H-~4:.L7\.r CLBRYANT.COM VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTOR RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.L DE C.V. CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MAYORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA, 0 C. TEL.: (GG<) G<7 9222 FAX: (66~) GO? 1«0 E-MAIL: Advancing the Science of Motor Sports Ray Gastelum GERENTE Df VENTAS Mobil : 664 648 2882 Nextel Radio: 152 * 133577 * 1 Call USA to Mexico dial 01152 •Quality Fuels & Products for Motorsports* Website · VP Racing Fuels, Inc. West Coast Region P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 KELLEY HENDEL Regional Manager Office: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Email:

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=~~~PAINT 1WPaJ477NGS~GRA/W.c;11<' MGOS * •~ rtJ~ MAIN!E~J'• 51~/IYAC~tlfflRJNt:-• Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER ~ OF THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Compl~te Engines _;_ 760-949-1220, 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522. RIICIM ..... Front & Rear TrailinlArms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs more Trail Notes ... 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 run three or four laps. Bring lots of sun-screen, lots to drink and see it all at Primm, Nevada. FINAL FLAG • We were devastated to hear of the passing of Wauna Selleck, devoted wife of Denny for 50 years. Wauna passed away in her sleep on July 29, 2004. Wauna was a native of Victorville, CA, moved to Las Vegas in 1959 with husband Denny where they originally operated a gasoline station at Lake Mead and Nellis Blvds. Wauna is survived by her five children, Denise and Donna, David, Darryl and Daniel, 12 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Wauna will be sorely missed by her children and her husband Denny and by the off road community, of which she was a member for almost forty years. We were friends of Wauna for almost forty years and were guests at the Se!lecks home many times. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Denny and all their children. She will be sorely missed. Via con Dios, Wauna. SCORE I.As VEGAS PRIMM · As of August 6, the entry for the SCORE Primm race was very healthy, Sal was pleased at the drawing and we have here the number of cars/trucks entered as of this date. Trophy Trucks• 21, Class 1 • 34, Class 1/2-1600 - 31, Class 3 -l, Class 5-1600 • 7, Class 7 • 5, Class 7S • 2, Class 7SX • 1, Class 8 • 4, Class 9 • 2, Class 10 • 17, Score Lite • 12, Protruck • 6, Stock Full• 1, Stock Mini • l, Sportsman Buggy• l, Sportsman Truck • 2 The entry of 21 Trophy Trucks is a new record for the class. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate on race weekend and Dusty Times wishes all the racers a safe and trouble free race. ROD FOR THOUGHT• Rummaging through the archives I chanced upon the Race Program from 1e 7th Annual, 1976 SNORE 250. There were no less than 36 contingency donors and they were offering in various forms $35,680 in cash and product to winners and placers in various classes. To our knowledge, only 12 of these companies still exist, you wonder what happened to the rest of them. There were 126 entries in the race, 37 of those entrants were in Class 9, 30%, quite a husky number. Some of the Class 9 entrants included Cal Wells, Chuck Trickle, Bob Goerke, Ron Brant, Larry Watson, Rolf Tibblin, Stan Parnell, Frank Snook, Jean Calvin, Bob Rodine, Chris Cox, Kit Trenholm, Dick McCool, Jerry Lawless, Jerry and Bob Leighton and Jeff MacPherson. Quite an impressive group, don't you think? Some other names entered in different classes are: Jim and Mark Temple, Bob MacCachren, Russ Butow, David Sauers MD, Rick Mears, Gary Leupold, John Sunderland, Drino Miller, Gene Hirst, Bobby Ferro, Ed and Levi Beard, Bryce Whelchel, Bob Rhine, Greg Heinrich, Buddy Ferrell, Doug and Don Robertson, Hal Harris, Johnny Johnson, Lenny Newman, Michael Gaughan, Rick and Mike Paquette, Judy Smith, Spencer Low, Don Roundtree, Art Pipkin, Bert Vaughan, Russ Job, Bob Gordon, Orio Cox, Carroll Ditson and Rex Riggs. It's quite an impressive list of some of the folks who helped make off road racing into the sport it is today. Some of them have gone on to meet their maker, others have long ago hung up their driving shoes and, some of them, 28 years later are still doing the thing they love best. We say God bless all of them, may they continue to race in the desert and still have some fun. CORR AT BARK RIVER· Mid August and CORR was racing at Bark River. Just a highlight here, the full story will be in the next issue of Dusty Times with lots of pies. In Pro-4 Carl Renezeder won the first round and Curt LeDuc finally got the win that's been avoiding him all season. In P ro-2, Evan Evans won both rounds and is now only 10 points out of the class points lead, in Pro-Lite it was Jeff Kincaid taking the wins in both rounds, but he's way, way down in the points chase. In the Light Buggy contest Jeff Virnig took the win in both rounds, Jeff is 30 points out of the class lead, in Sportsman 2 Ross Hoek won both rounds, Dan Badoux was relegated to a 3rd and a 2nd. In Single Buggy John Fitzgerald took his second win of the season and Mark Steinhardt took a win and holds a 16 point lead in the class. In Super Buggy it was Aaron Hawley taking the win in both rounds, Aaron is 27 points out of the season lead. In the Stock class Keith Steele took the first round and Mark Kleiman took the second round, he leads the class points by 10. Jack Woods 602-242-0077 . Fax 602-242-7283 Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V.W - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota -Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 C "=,J."=,) ~SRACe Bud Feldkamp Is HaVing A Race I You are all inVited Ifs a one mile course at Glen Helen, Ifs for desen cars and trucks. The race will run on November 21 at Glen Helen Racewav. A two hour race, with mandatorv Pit stops for tire changes, etc. Don1 tear vour car down aner the Baia 1000, here's vour chance to let vour Pit people get behind the wheel. Stav tuned to Dustv Times as more Information emerges. Dusty Times September 2004 Page 53

Page 54

Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 2003 MOR Class 500 Championship car. This car has been com-pletely rebuilt during the 2003 racing season. There has been no expense spared at all, and can be verified by calling the numbers listed below. This car has been completely race prepped and is ready for racing, and, or pre-run-ning. Many spare parts will be included, ie, torsion bars, front trailing arms, tires, bearings, etc. Pay your entry fee and go rac-ing. 2003 Baja Motorsports chassis, built July, 2003 Type 1, 2276cc, new July 2003, 091 trans by Dave Folts (prepped after each race), new 930 cv's, new torsion bars, new PRP seats, new hardtop body, 2 ½ Fox coil-over fronts, 2 Y2 Fox bypass fronts, 3" Fox bypass rears, new July 2003, new 5 point racing belts (August, 2003) all new link pins, shims, trail-ing arms -upper and lower. Selling price $22,500.00 Any questions, please feel free to call me any time. Chris Bowman Home 909-982-2890, Cell 909-743-6568 Baja Shop Motors ports 714-2 79-077 8, Dave Folts Tranny 562-694-5591, Dyno Shop (Jim Be-hrens) 626-443-5691, Mike Arthur (shocks) 909-208-4298 FOR SALE: 2002 4 Seat Chas-sis, 934 Midboard rear hubs w/ brakes & rotors, rear 3 inch Kuster CoilOver shocks. (No by-pass shocks). Front A-Arm sus-pension (no shocks), 2 inch front spindle stubs & CNC Hubs w/ brakes & rotors, 32 gal F.C., win-dow nets, completely wired, dash & gauges, Beard Seats, Parker Pumper air system, Howe Steer-ing rack w/ Charlyne & steering lines, no eng/trans. $21,900.00, Jim McMullen (623) 521-0450. FOR SALE: Raceco Buggy-$15,000.00. Stewarts Raceworks maintained, Type 4 motor, Hewland trans, super fun and fast! Too old to be a competitive Class One but makes a great prerunner. View online at Thad (760) 212-2241. FOR SALE: Class 10, Hon-da, Mendeola, Fox, Kartek, All the good stuff, very fast, very clean, ready to race, car has lots of wins, $40,000.00. $45,000.00 w/ enclosed trailer. Call Frank. (909) 685-6517, (909) 838-2823. FOR SALE: Penhall Class 12 Tibaron; 122" wheel base, all 4130, Front wheel travel 14", 4" Foddrill front arms, Fod-drill drop spindles, CNC 4 piston caliper, front brakes, 2 Y2" Fox Coil over, 2" Fox position sensitive. Howe Oi-ablo rack and pinion and control valve. 26 gal fuel cell, Beard Ultra race seats, Car-bon fiber dash, 4130 plate trailing arms, with Kreger mid board hubs, Fox 16" travel, 3" body, 4 tube bypass shocks, Fox 14" travel, 2" body, coil over shocks, Rear wheel travel 20", Hi Torque starter, Large setrab oil cooler with fan, Mendeola 5 speed trans, 930 CVs with 30 spline axles, 16" front Center-lines BFG tires. 33" Baja TA tires on Centerlines with headlocks. The car will be sold race prepp~d, less engine for $33,000.00 incl some spares. Call Jerry @ (949) 650-3035. FOR SALE: Raceco Racecar, 3 race radios, 1 base anten-n ae, 2 Bell,helmets, Fire Sup-pressant on board, wired for radios, 2 dump cans, gas pump for 50 gal drum, extra tires, Type 4 motor, 2666cc built by FAT. 22,000.00 obo (626) 575-3547 Ext 0 . FOR SALE: Street Legal-197 3 Ford Fl00-Class 8 Le-gal Chevy 350 Motor-2 Bil-stein shocks w/bump stops per wheel-$40,000.00. (619) 203-1112 . FOR SALE: 85 Chevy S-10 4x4 Rally Truck. Fiberglass hood, fenders & bedsides. 22 gal cell. Independent rear end, coil springs & air bags. Disc brakes all around. Dual Mas-ter Cylinders with bias bar. Auburn limited slip rear differ-ential. Oil coolers with fan. 4.3 V6 with forged pistons and stiffer valve springs. Carter AFB carb. Turbo 400 trans with sequential shifter. Mas-tercraft seats. Many spares. Asking $10,000.00. Two axle trailer with brakes all wheels. Tool Box, tire rack. Three spares, gas can racks. Asking $1,200.00 Ken Stewart. Grove, OK (918) 786-2961. FOR SALE: Ready to Race Ford Trophy Truck. All the best, Patton Motec Inj. 442 Cl/7 50 HP, T-400 Tranz, King Shocks, Chrisman, 6 lug, PCI 110 watt, OPS, BFG 37 Projects, Sparco, Momo, 80 ga l w/quick fill, Fluidyne, Lots of Spares, a steal @ $185,000.00 OBO. Call Rick for list. (623) 780-4019 Gei-ser Bros. FOR SALE: Suspension Un-limited 2-seat Class 10/12 Bonner Hawk 1835 New Men-deola Axles and out board CV's, PCI, Summers, Foddrill Arms, Dual Fox on front. King by pass on Rear, 4 WDB Power Steering, flame out dual oil coolers Pro Wired, interco1n, two extra set's pan-els. Car is in Las Vegas. $19,950.00. (702) 604-1139. FOR SALE: 2002 Kreger Fabri-cation Class 10. Proven finisher with excellent Handling charac-teristics. 100% finishing rate at the Baja 1000 & Baja 500 2 years in a row. Fully prepped and race ready! Wiks Racing Engine, Kreger Floaters and Hubs, King Shocks, Mendeola 5 speed, In Dash Lowrance OPS, PCI Radio/Intercom. The Best of Everything. $55,000.00 OBO. Contact Will Higman Weekdays (714) 848-8222. email: FOR SALE: 2-1600 (Code 1400 Champion) Bus Trans, 930's, Fox, Wright Box, Ump Power steering, Jamar, Thing Drums, SAW Axels, Spring plate & tortion bars, front adjusters & rear King Kong adjuster, Beard Seats, gauges, no n1otor, $6,000.00 or best offer. (760) 353-7489 or (760) 455-6608. FOR SALE: Shaver Ford 488ci EFI, complete with all accessories, alternator, power steering, pump all pulleys oil pump, oil pump drive motor plate $28,500.00 (714) 841-0563. Ask for Mike. FOR SALE: Class 3 Jeep "77", 401, 550 Hp AMC, Turbo 400, Dana 60 rear w/ spool, Dana 44 front, Swayaway shocks, Parker Pumper 34-gallon cell, BFG Baja Terrains, Quadratrac, Autometer, Art Carr, remote trans cooler, lights, radio, lots of spares, race ready! Just Reduced. $22,500.00 OBO (623) 566-4828. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUGlil : DUSTY TIMES. ==: lilDIBB : Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ______________________________ _ City _________________________________________ Zip ___________ . _____ _ Addres __________________________________________________________ _ Phone Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 2004-2005 ISSUE DEADLINE • • • • • October, 04 Sept 10, 04 • • • November, 04 Oct 8, 04 • • • December, 04 Nov 12, 04 • January, 05 Dec 10, 04 February, 05 Jan 7,05 March, 05 Feb 11, 05 • • • • • • • ■ • • ■ ■ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 54 September 2004 Dusty Times

Page 55

FOR SALE: *Street Legal and registered* Pre-Run or Fun, Full Roll cage, Beard Seats, 5 point harness, Fuel Cell, Saco Rack. Safe-Safe-Safe. New Motor and Trans. The most reliable Pre-Run-ner you will find. Ready to go. $3,300.00 Trailer $700.00. Call Brian (310) 505-0626. FOR SALE: GroffMotorsports Toyota CamryV6 3.2L MoteC M48 Multi-port Fuel Injected Race engine, FAT Performance prepared, (incls. Exhaust Headers, complete Mgmt Sys. & Harness.) A Class 1 Carbureted version of this engine won the 2003 SCORE Championship. $9,500.00 (818) 349-5861. FOR SALE: Cli.aparral Class 10/12 single seat 1776 motor, Bus trans coilovers 3" bypass, 4 wheel disc brakes, spare tires, parts, new fuel cell, p.s. too much to list. $11,000.00. (623) 327-0290. • PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 180° Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE FOR SALE: 1983 Ford Bronco PreRunner-$35,000.00. 4x4, 351 Windsor, Bilstein shocks, 4 link, Currie rear end, main-tained by Stewarts Raceworks. 3 seater. Blue exterior and interior. Excel-lent workhorse for prerunning. View on line at Thad (760) 212-2241. FOR SALE: 1992 Ford F-150, Built 302, Art Carr Transmis-sion Fab-Tech Lift, Fiberglass Body, Fully Caged, 5-Point harness Seats/Seatbelt, Alu-minum Dash, $9,000.00 OBO (714) 915-1503. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 10/ 12 Single Seat, Ory Sump Wiks/ Jimenez Type-1 1776, Fox Shocks and Summers Disc for all four cor-ners, Woods Front Arms, Saginaw Power Steering, Willwood Pedal assy. Some spare parts. Many wins. Car and motor $20,000.00 OBO (no trans). Contact Robert Harman (310) 214-8770. (541)382-1573 Dusty Times FOR SALE: Chevy Pro truck-$ 80,000.00. Winner of the 2001 Baja 500. Stewart's Raceworks built and maintained. Modified to run in Trophy Truck. Have most or all stock Protruck parts. Spare parts include mo-tor, tranny, third member, 14 wheels and tires and much more. Thad (760) 212-2241. FOR SALE: 5 First Place Fin-ishes-12 Top 5 finishes. One of a Kind-Hand Built Jimco. Y4-Fortin 5 speed-EFI Tech-nologies Fuel Injection Cus-tom internal ByPass Shocks, EFI Dash $95,000.00. Fortin Racing, Inc. (619) 449-3633. FOR SALE: Chenowth A Arm single seat Class 10. New 1915 Stroker VW. New Mendeola 4 spd, New Axle, Kuster Coilovers bypasss. Too much to list. Spare parts $17,500.00 OBO. (623) 327-0290. FOR SALE: Fresh Toyota Powered Class 10. Always well maintained and up to date. To much to mention. Excellent as sportsman class or Pre Runner. $8,000.00 Call weekends at (661) 965-6512. FOR SALE: Baja proven Stock-Mini Ford Ranger program. 2000/2001 SCORE Champions w/nu-merous wins and only 2 DNF's in 4 years (9000 miles)! Fast and durable, 4WD Supercab. Best of the best including King, Deaver, Transpros, BFG, etc. Huge spares package also available separately-$25,000.00. Dr Macrae Glass at (928) 716-2225. FOR SALE: Shaver Ford 44lci EFI, complete with all accessories, alternator power steering pump, all pulleys oil pump oil pump drive motor plate, $26,500.00. (714) 841-0563. Ask for Mike. Sell Your Car, Pre-Runner, Parts or Bits & Pieces Right Here ... Dusty Times Has The Off Road Readership You're Looking For. Only $25 for up to 45 words plus $5 with photo. Form on Page 53. DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP DDlliJlilllG REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! September 2004 FOR SALE: 5-1600 Fresh race motor, spare race motor, fresh transmission, fully prepped, Pumper, combo spindles, new seats, lots of spares, have brand new rear arms, Fox shocks, Fuel Safe Cell, with newer dual axle trailer, ready to race. $10,000.00 OBO. (949) 290-5412. b.tv1PLOYtv1b.NT Looking for apprentice and professional fabricators. To work in the desert racing in-dustry. Must have a hard work ethic. Wages depend on experience and attitude. Shop is in Rancho Santa Margarita. Call (949) 635-2297. For more info. ACREAGE FOR SALE: 20 acres of pine trees and Joshua, high up in the Tehachapi Mountains. Within the borders of a huge ranch, locked gates en-sure your privacy. Two building pads exist with view of the entire Antelope Val-ley. Call Don evenings at (661) 268-1644. INDb.XTO AD\/b.12. Tl6b.l<.6 Baker Precision .................................... 19 Bilstein ................................................... 27 C&R Racing ............................................ 39 Carrera Lights ...................................... 31 Coast Resorts ........................................... 9 Fabtech ................................................... 35 Fortin Transaxles ........................... 14, 43 Freeman .................................................. 25 Fuel Safe ................................................ 41 ISCO ........................................................ 55 Kartek ........................................................ 4 Kartek ..................................................... 24 Kawaguchi Honda ................................. 17 KC Hilites .................................................. 2 King Shock Tech .................................... 32 Light Force Engineering ...................... 20 McKenzie Performance Products ....... 15 MOR Productions .................................. 33 Mickey Thompson Tires ....................... 36 Mojave Desert Racing .......................... 21 Mojave Off Road Enterprises ............. 11 Nevada Off Road ................................... 29 OMF ......................................................... 38 Pacific Customs ..................................... 10 Parker Embroidery ............................... 42 Parker Pumper ...................................... 45 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ........ 34 Parker Pumper/ Eibach Springs .................. Back Cover PCI Race Racios ....................................... 5 Pikes Service Center ........................... 19 Race Ready ............................................ 44 Racer X ................................................... 26 Redline Engineering ............................... 7 Ronco ......................................................... 8 Sakata .................................................... 40 SEMA ...................................................... 12 Skyjacker Suspensions ....................... 38 SNORE ..................................................... 23 Sway-A-Way ........................................... 30 Team Gordon .......................................... 13 Transaxle Engeneering ....................... 28 Turnkey Products ................................. 37 Valley Performance ............................. 46 Page 55

Page 56

NIUI JI/II/I& rJ'IIJUI/' IHTIIIA It. 6'1HT.A _ ic:'A 1r_ 11m,m,_ 7116'-.2':Brll!i,6' smd' and ready ro oe delivered to your doorstep. 1.800.700.2350 •