volume 21 • Number 7 • July 2004 $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 serving The OFF Road communi~y Por 21 Years covering the world ofC::ompetition ill the dirt •••
HUGE KC Contingency Awards available for the 2004 racing season in the following sanctioning organizations' events: New KC RALLY BOD 8 inch diameter HID and Halogsn lights are now availablB In compstition long rang, and rally dr{ving styles. Best In The Desert, CORR, SCORE, $NORE & VORRA KC rock crawling contingency programs arallable. Celebrating our 34th year supporting OFF-ROAD RACING Checkout socalfab.com for KC HID systems for ATVs or a.org info. I ORBA MEMBER
Volume 21 -Number 7 July 2004 DllliJlilDIDB Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montafia Byrle Moore Troy Robinson · Jeff Straw . Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham fl Subscription Rate_s: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is· not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. .Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing.Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission fro~ the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new. address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... One of the winningest drivers in off road, Rod Hall with the ever faithful Jim Fricker attack the Riverside course in 1980 in their lethal looking Dodge. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each_ month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY· TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. -In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Baja 500 by Judy Smith ............................................................ 8 WRC Cyprus Rally by Martin Holmes................................................ 18 SNORE Dusty Times _Caliente 250 by John Calvin ........................... 20 MDR Ridgecrest 300 by Judy Smith .................................................... 26 VORRA At Prairie City by Cindy Monroe ......................................... 32 Subaru Rim Of The W odd Rally by Judy Smith ................................ 36 Whiplash Rock 2 Rock by Mike Del Col ............................................ 39 SCCA Desert Storm Rally by Scott Bottomley .................................. 44 M.O.R.E. Kartek 300 by Ann Donaldson ............................................ 46 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ...................................................... : ................................... 5 Trail Notes ........................................................................................... 6 CORE Report by Ann Donaldson ......................... ~ ........................... 35 ORBA News ...................................................................................... 35 Good Stuff Directory ......................................................................... 51 Classified Ads .. .. .. ... . .. .. ..... .. ..... ........ .. .... .. .. .. .. .......... .. ... .......... .. .... ... .. 58 Index To Advertisers ............ : ............................................................ ':I) ·on The Cover Hoods? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Hoods! Alan Pfleuger was su-per elated with his SCORE Baja 500 Trophy Truck win and, the overall win as well, seen here in his hoodless Chevy pickup. _Photo by Byrle Moore - Trackside Photo Rob MacCachren teamed with Danny Anderson at the SCORE Baja 500 and they had a great day, Danny drove the Bruce Fraley creation most of the race, they took Class 1600 and were a remarkable 14th overall. Photo by Art Eugenio - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com c:5ubscrr°be 7oda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 y~ar -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 .(no credit cards pleas~) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name -------------------Address ------------------City --------------------St ate ___________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars □ Trucks □ Motorcycles □ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times July 2004 Page3
2_004 ·Happenings ... October 2-3, 2004 Prescott Forest Rally Michael Taylor E-Mail: taylor@northlink.com December 10-12, 2004 Ramada Express Rally <www.rallyusa.ccm> Rallrs,,riat Calendar October 9, 2004 Perforce Software Rallysprint John Dillon E-Mail: gibeault@earthlink.net CANN1NG ATTRACTIONS P.O.Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW Short CouTSe off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CuJB AuTOMOVIUSTICA SANQuINTIN lOK FoUR WHEELERS P.O.Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Clews. Ohio) AMERICAN· CusTOM WHEELS }EEPSPEED 1826N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX: 714-.633-1724 August 14, 2004 Wildwash 250 Barstow,CA September 25, 2004 California .200 Luceme,CA December -4, 2004 Las Vegas 200 State Llne, NV .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GRoUP, INc. 3650 Sourn POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 EMAIL: roger@rallyusa.com A.ME:lucAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED 'fRIALs SoUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM - ·PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 EMAIL: bmark909@aol.com <www.atatmis.mm> ASOCIACION Es'fATAL · DE AUTOMOVIUSMO SAM LASELl., TECH INSPECTOR APTo42 SAN Jost DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSI"RALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AuSTRAUA DUSfY TIMES@bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF RoAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LA VAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Racewa1, I..ak£side, CA BBMMARlcETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPBCW, EvBNT MwarrlNG 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909)340-64 74 BEST IN THE DEsERT\ RACING AssoclAnoN. 3475 BouwERHIGHWAY l..As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775 E-MAIL: bitd@worldnet.att.net October 15-17, 2004 Las Vegas 200 December 3-5, 2004 Henderson's Terrible 300 Henderson, NV All Classes B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE 0FFROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 July 2-4, 2003 Jackpot200 Jackpot,NV September 3-5, 2004 Ely 200 Ely,NV BP MoToRSPORTS P.O.Box411 WOODI.A,ND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258n60-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net AU Events At Califamia City, CA August 28-29, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #4 October 23-24, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #5 December 18-19, 2004 Dusty Times Cal-City Off Road #6 BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY RR3 BRIGHTON, Ot,rr ARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOV1LJSTA]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD JlACING 7210GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0l l-52-16-l 7-45-42CESARFUENTFS CAmoRNIA RALLY SERiEs Rally c.Jeadar . July 10 2004 Treeline Clubrally Pete Morris E-Mail: rallytaff@earthlink.net August 21, 2004 Gorman Ridge ClubRally Ray/Donna Hocker E-Mail: ray@rallyusa.com E-Mail: John@WidgetRacing.com November 20, 2004 Baldy Run Rallysprint Pete Morris E-Mail: rallystaff@earthlink.net December 12, 2004 Ramada Express Superstage Ray/Donna Hock~r <www.rallyusa.ca:n> . Rally Schools TBA Thunderhill Rally School Greg Montgomery E-Mail: MICP130@aol.com September 18, 2004 Ridgecrest Rally School Mike/Paula Gibeault enmw. sou-m DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O.Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (Pn.ors AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O.Box332 ' FAIRHAVEN, VT05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE RoAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 . CALLE 6TA FRAoc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC,.MEXICO HERAOJO PATINO (01152616-5-22-07) Cum AUTOMOVIUSTICO SAN VICF.NTE SAN VICBNTB OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (01152 61746834) RAM6N CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOIOSPORT Cl.uB P.O.Box3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE'OFFRoAD CODE Offroad USA H1ppenin11 centinulll en 11111 6 .... INTRODUCING_ 110 Watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven o o@ "_I was in Ensenada, and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 150 mir awayl I need these in ALL of my trucks!" --"~.,,,,,,,, l""l='LL/E:DtE!~ PROTRUCK WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 +the best communicalion we've in over 15 years of off road racing!° -~~.,. ....... .,,~ ........ . . . ~ ,a,ca,we,r ..-~ Hable. Call ror details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 July 2004 Page 5 ·
Trail Notes ... F.A.1.R. - A press release from FAIR dated May 31, 2004 states: Effective May, 2004, FAIR has signed a contract with the Anaheim Park Hotel (formerly the Fullerton Radisson) to host the clubs twice monthly meetings for the remainder of 2004. The hotel, at 222 West Houston Avenue has been home base for the club dating back to 1978, _ enduring se\'eral name changes over the years. FAIR meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month, starting at 8pm. More information can be found at www.fairpits.com. CORR LUCAS OIL SERIES -Unfortunately for all involved, CORR had to cancel it's first race of the season at the Trollhaugen Ski Area in Dresser, Wisconsin. A steady_ rain began on: Friday night . and was forecast to continue throughout the weekend. Thus, roun s 1 and 2 of the 2004 season were cancelled and will be rescheduled in the near future. The opening rounds of the 2004 season will now be June 12-13 at the Langlade County Fairgrounds in Antigo, Wisconsin. We cer-tainly wish them much better weather for the rest of the season. AIN'T LOVE GRAND? -Dave Hatcher,.who's been working as a vol unteer for MDR for eight years (longer than anyone else) and has never missed a race, recently proposed to Lisa Wynkoop. The proposal took place at the top of the Cajon Pass, and yes, she accepted. Lisa is also an MDR volunteer, and has helped MDR for the past five years. Dave marks the courses, does the drivers meetings and moves around from place to place during the race. Lisa works staging before the start of the race. All the other folks at MDR think it's wonderful that these two found each other at their events. We hope tfiey tie the knot soon and that their union will be long and loving . . MACCACHREN/O'NEAL SEEKING DOUBLE WINS• Rob MacCachren is looking for a d~ubJe win i~ this years Baja 5~0, h~ is dr!ving a Trophy Truck with Gus Vildosola and he will dnve his own 1600 car with Danny Anderson, hoping to ~core a victory in both classes. Jim O'Neal,· motorcycle apparel manufacturer will be riding identical Honda XR650 motorcycles in both Class 30 and 40. Jim is attempting to win Class 40 for the fourth straight year and for the second time in Class 30. We wish them all the luck in the world chasing their dreams. . s CORE BAJA 500 · The 428 mile loop will commence in Ensenada and will end in Ensenada; the time limit for all contestants is 17 hours. For the fir~t time in several years the vehicles will travel in a counter clockwise direction after the first 52 miles_ of racing and this year will include a beautiful 90 mile race alongside the Pacific Ocean, then up to Mike's Sky Ranch, down to the Valle de Trinidad, back to Tres Hermanos and then back to Ensenada. It should be a beautiful run in, hopefully, beautiful weather. As of this writing there are 21 Trophy Trucks entered, Class Yi-1600 has more than 40 entries, 23 entries in Class 1, 18 Class 10 cars, 20 each in SCORE Lite and 5-1600. Stay tuned to Dusty Times for a complete story on the race and lots of pictures_ of your favorite drivers. BELATED CONGRATULATIONS -We want to wish Sal Fish a belated Happy Birthday, Sal celebrated his 65th by markint the Baja 500 course as he has done for the past 30 some years. How does Barbara get him his birthday present when he's way down· there in Baja????????????????? RALLY NEWS• Pat Richard finally entered the Susquehannock Trail Pro Rally; his name was absent from the list for a while. Pat will be going for his fourth consecutive win, a mark, tha· even last years champion, British Driver David Higgins couldn't achieve. More STPR news: Paul Choiniere, eight time overall SCCA ProRally champion will be driving a Mopar Dodge SRT-4, the first time ever he will be competing in a 2WD machine in over 20 years. Choiniere is very familiar with the roads in Pennsylvania; he has won the overall championship at STPR no less than'jseven times, including five in a row in the early l 990's. Paul is also scheduled to drive the car at the Pikes Peak International Hill climb, round #5 presented by Hot Wheels~. WRC UPDATE -Notwithstanding what you read in this issue of · Dusty Times regarding the WRC Cyprus Rally, both Peugeots were disqualified by the FJA after inspection showed they were · using illegal water pumps. So, Marcus Granholm, who won the rally and Harri Rovanpera, who finished in fifth place were stripped of their finish-ing positions. Sebastien Loeb was declared the winner and the ruling drops .Granholm from the lead in Drivers Points down to fourth place. · Loeb now leads Drivers Points, Markko Martin is second in points and Petter Solberg is third. Peugeot can appeal the disqualification but com-pany insiders say that won't hap.pen. CORR RESCHEDULING -The Cb RR opening round at Dresser, Wis consin was rained out due to the terribly stormy week that pre ceded the event. CORR has announced that due to scheduling conflicts at Dresser, the two opening rounds will be rescheduled else-where at a later date. We just received a note saying-that the first round will be made up at Antigo on the weekend of June 12 and 13. More on this as we get it. SKYJACKER SUSPENSIONS -Skyjacker announced a two year marketing partnership with Taylor Racing, aka, Scott Taylor. Skyjacker will be the lead title sponsor for the Pro-2 Ford F- 150 driven by 5 time and current CORR champion Scott Taylor. Scott, who has been racing Page& P.O.Box2328 Calexico, CA 92231-23 28 USA Phone 760-455-8069 Mexico Phone/Fax (01 l-52)686-553-4087· <www.codeoffioad.ccm.mx> July 31, 2004 ORW Lazo de Amistad Gran Prix Tecate, BC, MX October 16. 2004 Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada, Mexicali, BC, MX December 11, 2004 Rafce Ready Products 275 Ensenads, Mexicali, San Felipe, BC, MX CbLORADO lIIIJ. CLIMB Assoa:imoN BARB V AHSHOLTZ, I'REsIDINr (719) 531-3642W/(719)687-9827H . P.O Box 8286 . COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933-(719) 653-8449 ! CORP P.O.Box392 CALEXICO, CA 9223 2 HECTOR CERECER 0ll-52-65-fi6-4458 CORR 2004 LUCAS On. SERIES 192 N. STATE RoAo, Sum 267 . AVON, IN 46123 3 l 7-272-2827/317-272-2900FAX July 10-11, 2004 Topeka,KS Pro & Sportsman August 14-15, 2004 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September 4-5, 2004 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September lS.19, 2004 New Berlin, NY Pro Series OORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, Sum 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 l-800-42CORVAEXT42 FAX (818) 957-4435 O&T· PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Parl<, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RAu,y DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN.BLvo., Sum 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DECATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cura DECATUR, TX 76234 TO!,,!Au.EN (8CO) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 IlEsERT STEEL MoroRSPORTS 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 F...\sn'RN Ol'l'-ROAD RAciNG .As.<:N. TO!,,! DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP UNE RoAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.NslNADABAJAOH'RoADRACJNG Av. REfoRMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 01 l-52-646-1818989 EUSIC' 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Mowr9cles Esra«) BFAOIINrmNA.TIONAL SHORT COURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, NOii at Davidson Raceway FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320t959-579-6151FAX mdrracing@aol.com .2004 Racing Schedule Date-TBD • Off Road Warehouse Jacume, Baja, CA July 200~ Buggies - Trucks October 9, 2004 C/M Nite Team Race Plaster City, East, CA ATVs-Bikes Octob·er 23, 2004 Superstition 250 XXI Plaster City, East A TVs -Bikes -Buggies - Trucks · November 6, 2004 D-38 Reunion Plaster City, West, CA ATVs-Bikes November 7, 2004 Notorious Dawg ATVs-Bikes December 5, 2004 Rudolphs Revenge Superstitions, CA ATVs-Bikes GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING Assoc1,,ir10N 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PI.ANEs OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION TIM HODGE (40~) 991-6048 SCOTT MORROW (816) 792-2126 (All races are slwrt course, stadium style • Classes -Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5-1600, Sport Truck; Quads, Tough Truck Nebraska Raceway Park, Exit420on 1-BObetween · OmahaandUncoln.) For latest info check < www.gporra.net> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 22000 W. Quincy Unit B ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 Fax July 11, 2004 · . August 15, 2004 September 12 2004 October 10, 2004 , November 7, 2004 December, 2004 (Open) INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJo,,CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 .. }EEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL ' JEEP CHEROKEES 1826N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 <www.Jeepspeed.am> E-MAIL: Jeepspeedcom@aol.com KAMl.ooPS BRONCO BUSTERS WHISPERING PINEs SPORTS & REcREATION CENTER P.O. Box465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALENYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-9780L Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAs VEGAS SAND.SPORTS & 0FFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 · <www.prerunners.com> <www.rn.gashow.can> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIMARUTA (408) 247-4102 MAMAluuTA ()pp ROAD RACING · Lu1sCARLOSALVAREZO PANAMERICANAAVE #5105 Co. JuAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY Bun.DERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <www.buggyruilders.com> MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Motor9cles, Quads, A IVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF RoAD AssocIATION P.O,Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.rnaoraracing.com> Short Course Series** Endurance Series*** July 17, 2004** Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL August 1, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, 'IL August 7, 2004*** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL August 21, 2004** Stone City Ranch Bedford,IN September 4, 2004** Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 19, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL October 2, 2004** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park · Casey, IL October 3, 2004*** Lincoln Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL MOJAVE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/626-579-(5()51 FAX E-MAIL: mdrracing@aol.com A,~gust 14, 2004 Mojave200 Barstow,CA September 25, 2004 California 200 Night Race Lucerne CA November 20, 2004 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA · M.O.R.E. liIGH IlEsERT CliAMPION'SIUP P.O.Boxl231 · BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 7(5().253.4453 July 24, 2004 Freedom250 Barstow,CA Sepcember 18, 2004 Kar T ek Challenge Luceme,CA December 4, 2004 Holiday 200 . . Barstow, CA - · MSBA. MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AsSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506· (810) 730-9221 MOTOWFSI' WINTER TRIAIS SERIES BILLMARKHAM (90'J) Bfil.1857 . <www.ITStrials.com> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT.#1-Box380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA,FL32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HAsnNos,MN55033-1415. (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARYWULFF(724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> . Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) ([hunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) ' NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2004 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES Dusty Times
VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT - GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, 1N 37087 (615) 453-5830 C!ASSREP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP.-.~ & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW.REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-815X:> (All Races at Wheeling in the Ollmty OCO Acres) OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GosHEN H1u.s ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 }IMKENDEL (21{)) 339-4674 AU mces held at Harrison Councy Faitpuunds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AssoclATION RlcK TICHBOURNE, PuBuc RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMEI.MAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-~921 PACE MoroR SPORTS U.S. Ow Ro,w CIIAMP10NSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 5(,6..6100 <www.usoff-road.com> · PncEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRo 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAILCOM August 6-7, 2004 SNORE/MORE -Primm, NV December 10-11, 2004 SNORE - Cal City, CA PRoTRuCK RACING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 September 12-14, 2004 Las Vegas, NV Primm300 Primm.NV November 18-21, 2004 Baja 1000 Baja, Mexico Qecember 3-S, 2004 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O.Box50 RlacErrs, 11\ 51460 (712) 679-2221 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION Qp AMFluCA P.O.Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONAI.S A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tmcks, Desert Tmcks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tmck < www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRoRALLv P.O. Box 19400 ToPEKA,KS66619 800-770-2055 <www.sccaprorally.org> July 2-4, 2004 Jim Clark Memorial Rally Berwickshire, Scotland July 2-3, 2004 Rallye Baie Des Chaleurs New Richmond, Quebec, Canada July 30-31, 2004 Maine Forest Rumford, Maine July 30-August 1, 2004 Manx International Rally Dusty Times Castletown, Isle Of Mann August27-28, 2004 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji, MN September 3-4, 2004 Ulster Rally. Belfast, Northern Ireland September 10-11, 2004 Rally Defi Ste-Agathe/Duhamel Sainte-Agathe, Quebec September 16-19, 2004 Rally Great Britain Wales, England September 24-26, 2004 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 2-3, 2004 Trackrod Rally Yorkshire, England October 16-17,2004 Lake Superior Houghton, MI October 20-24, 2004 Rally International de Charlevoix La Malbaie, Quebec October 30-November 1, 2004 Tempest South Of England Rally Aldershot, England November 6-7, 2004 Heart Of Dixie Pro Rally Preview and Awards Southeastern USA November 19-20, 2004 Rally OfThe Tall Pines Bancroft, Ontario Canada SFX Mo-roRSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 5(,6..6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SuITEA CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www.score-international.com> September 10-11, 2004 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm NV 4 Wheel Cl~sses Only November 17~21, 2004 TecateSCOREBaja 1000 Ensenada To LaPaz Baja, California, Mexico Motorcycles/ATV's Included SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS . P.O. Bcix 270516 l..AsVEGAS,NV89127 (702) 452-4522 August 6-8, 2004 KCHilites Mi.dnight Special Primm.NV . October 1-3, 2004 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 12-13, 2004 · Western Desert Championship California City, CA December 10-12, 2004 Baja In Primm Primm.NV (Nan Points Race) SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERs RACE DIVISION KEITH STEW ART (714) 522-189() SODA SHORT CoURSE ()pp ROAD DRIVERS AssOCIATION TERRYWOLFE 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA,Wl53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVERuLE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKEMOORE-(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SCTA SOUTHERN.C ALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. P.O.Box 10 OROS!, CA 93647 (559) 528-6279 (559) 528-9749 FAX <www.SCTA-BNI.org> Au3ust 14-20, 2004 Bonneville Salt Flats 56th Annual Speed Week(Vehicle inspections begin August 13, 2004 October 13-16, 2004 Bonneville Salt Flats World Finals Vehicle inspections begin October 12, 2004) El Mirage Dry Lake July 18, 2004 September 12, 2004 October 3, 2004 November 13-141 2004 SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARJ< DRIVE TAMPAFL33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O.Box706 PARI<l.ANDS,2121 SOUTH AfRJCA (011)788-5138 . FAX (011) 880-2170 . TovsFo R TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS CENn:R P.O. Box5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 ((5()6) 965-8784/FAX: ((5()6) lX:>5-8784 < www.unadillamx.com> VORRA VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING AssN. 920 HIil.CREST ST. PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 (530) 622-0370 <www.VORRA.com> Short Course Races MORE Happenings-page 57 Trail Notes ... for 30 years, has the most wins in CORR history, of his 93 CORR starts, he has won·34 times, all of his wins in the Pro-2 class. As of now, Sky-jacker will have a sponsored driver in all three divisions of the Lucas Oil Corr Series. Currently, Curt LeDuc competes in Pro-4 in his Ford F-150, Kyle LeDuc, (Curt's son) competes in Pro-Lit~ in his Ford Ranger. We . wish them all a successful season. S EMA AND FORD • Ford Motor Company will be the featured Ve hide Manufacturer of the 2004 SEMA Show. "Ford has been, and continues to be a staunch supporter of SEMA and our industry" said Christopher J. Kersting, President and CEO ofSEMA. Jim O'Conner, Group Vice President Of Ford Motor Company said, "We know that the SEMA Show 2004 is an ideal showcase for our newly redesigned Mustang. The Mustang is a classic hotrod, sure to strike a chord with SEMA show attendees, taking them back to their automotive performance roots." In · addition to Ford, other OEM exhibitors at SEMA 2004 displaying con-cept vehicles and ways to modify vehicles include, American Honda, DaimlerChrysler, General Motors, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nis-san, SCION, Subaru and Toyota. S USQUEHANNOCKTRAIL PRoRALLY • Shane Mitchell won his first e-.:er SCCA ProRally victory as he simply avoided the attrition and pen alty points that beset most of the Susquehannock Trail entrants. Along with his co-driver, Glenn Patterson, put together one of the cleanest runs of the weekend in his Group N 2002 Subaru lmpreza WRX and this enabled him to claim his inaugural ·win. "The plan was to go for it", Mitchell said. "But, then Frank Sprongle came along with an Open class car and we were a bit afraid of that and we knew we'd have a battle with Pat Richard. Then Sprongle went away and when we saw him off, we knew we were going to get it, one way or another." Thomas Lawless was second in his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo, about two and a half minutes behind the winner. Paul Choiniere, with Cindy Krolikowski navigating was third as he masterfully drove the Group 5 Team Mopar Dodge SRT-4into a beau-. tiful third place, in two wheel drive, no less! Pat Richard came into the weekend hoping to keep his six rally winning streak alive, but, on SS6 he more TRAIL NOTES on page 57 PLEASE! DON'T FORGET TO 'SUPPORT THE _· ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! July 2004 Page 7
SCORE BAJA 500 Pflueger Flies To overall Win By Judy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo Troy Herbst and Larry Roese/er took the honors in the Class 1 battle, they missed the overall win by five minutes and change. Ensenaga, Baja CA, Mex. Alan Pflueger piloted his Chevro-let Trophy Truck to the four wheel overall victory· at SCORE's Baja 500 in Baja California, tak-ing the victory by a margin of five and a half minutes. This year\ event started in front of the Riviera Convention center as usual, after a long day of sign-up, contingency and tech, in the surrounding area. The course, once through the Ensenada wash and the maze of unpaved roads on the outskirts of town, headed up toward Ojos Negros as usual. When it reached the Tres· Hermanos area, however, rather than turning east, the trail· went westward, to Uruapan, then to Santo Tomas and out to the beach. For the first time in a long time the beach road was traveled in a southerly direction, all the way to Santo Domingo, south of Camalu. At that point the racers turned inward and began what was called the "bottom loop".Tuis was a 53 mile trip from Sta. Domingo, through Colonia Vicente Guerrero, Nuevo York, and back to within about 100 feet of the Santo Domingo turn at Race Mile 223. It meant that the pits down there could do double duty, but it also meant they worked hard, because the silt beds in the loop brought a lot of drivers to their knees. After Mile 223 the road climbed steadily north and up, crossing the San T elmo Road, then wandering to El Coyote, and onto Mike's Sky Ranch Road. Once through Mike's they ran downhill to Highway 3, where they turned left and stayed on the pavement to Valle Trinidad. At that point they climbed up the Goal Trail and joined the old race course, clear up to K 77 at which point they crossed the highway, ran over past Cerro Colorado, and at Mile 3 79 rejoined the outbound course for the final 60 miles or so to the finish. The total was 428 miles. At the end of the day most of the racers declared they'd en-joyed the course, some calling it SCORE's "best ever",·because it included a wide variety of terrain. There were three pavement sections and SCORE announced that the speed limit would be 60 miles per hour on the pavement, with absolutely no passing of other race vehicles. It would, they said, be legal to pass slow, non-race ve-hicles, in legal passing a.reas, as long as the passing speed didn't exceed 60 mph. The Mexican Federales wou·ld be out in force, with radar guns to monitor these sections. There was a lot of pre-race agitation about this develop-ment, but SCORE and the Mexi-can officials were firm. Disquali-fication would be the penalty for speeding or passing illegally. Contingency day ended on a sour note, as, with the raucous live bands of Tecate and Coca Cola resounding through the area, some customs officials descended on a couple of SCORE's vendors. As worried gringo businessmen tried ·to discern what was happening, most closed down their own dis-plays, sbme left, and the festivities were effectively over. With the biggest entry sin'ce 1988, SCORE's motorcycle racers began leaving the start line at about 6:00a.m., and after a break of two hours, so the. trucks wouldn't run up on the quads, the four wheeled vehicles were started beginning at about 8:45. They weren't through waving the green flag until 10:57 when the bright yellow Manxter of Bruce Meyers ·zipped off into the wilds of Baja. The Trophy Trucks went first, with· 21 starters who took off at 45 second intervals. The first section presented some serious challenges. It was tough just getting past the outskirts ofEnsenada and then up the short stretch of pavement and into the crowded area around Ojos Negros. Then, surprisingly, there was a tricky mudhole outside of .. Rob MacCachren and Danny Anderson were remarkable, they blew everyone's doors off in Class 1600 and were 14"' ·overall as well! Tres Hermanos, and some em-bankments to fall off of on the way down to Uruapan. Another stretch of pavement had to be negotiated, and then they had the fun ride down the beach, to the new bot-tom loop and the silt beds. When they got to the beach outside of Colonet, at Mile 132, the lead be-longed to Alan Pflueger in his Chevy. He had four minutes on Juan Carlos Ibarra in his Ford. In third it was Larry Ragland in his Chevy, and three minutes behind him was Jason Baldwin in another Ford. Jason had been stuck in the mud for a while. Fifth belonged to B.J. Baldwin, who was just about a minute behind Jason, in another Ford. Rick Geiser and Pete Sohren, Ford, were already out and so ~ere Roger and Bob Gray in their Chevy, as well as the Gary Dircks, Jim Nuckles and Jeff Dickerson, Chevy. Scott Steinberger had been stuck for an hour and a half, Tim Herbst was having power steering problems with his Ford , Gus Vildosola had a flat, and Mike Jakobson had some shock problems on his Chevy. But they were all still coming along. The next section was the only one that contained no pavement. It was about 120 miles from the _Colonet timekeepers in the BFG pit, to the BFG pit on the San T elmo Road where the racers were tracked again. And when they went through the pit it was still Pflueger in front, with Ragland right behind him and those two had left the rest of the class be-hind. Post ran third 15 minutes later, followed by Herbst, who pulled in here to get a new steer-ing box. Josh Baldwin had moved his Ford up to fifth place. B.J. Bald-win had stalled his truck arid dis-covered he had no starter. Jakob-son put his co-driver, Todd Sanderson into the driver's seat, and Nick Baldwin was seen on a tow rope. Bucky Strunk and his Chevy were now out, as was En-rique Legaspy in his Ford and late entry Marco Guzman also dnfd in this section. Now there were only 14 left running. From the San Telma Road they went up to Mike's and back down out of the mountains to Valle Trinidad where they had another section of pavement, about seven miles long. The BFG scorers caught them as they· arrived at J amau, just beyond the Goat Trail. Pflueger, who was having a great day, had 13 minutes at that point, and in second place it was Jerry Whelchel in Post's truck. Jason Baldwin ran third, another seven minutes back and Ibarra was back up to fourth. In fifth it was Josh Baldwin, 23 minutes behind the leader. The Herbst truck was run-ning again and Rob MacCachren . was driving Vildosola's truck. The air cleaner had fallen off and he had to stop and tape it back on. Jakobson was back driving his truck after giving Gerardo lribe a few miles of fun at the wheel. Travis Coyne, who'd taken over the family Ford from his dad, Marty, was uncomfortable with no helmet pumper motor, no water :).nd no radio. And two miles be-fore Mike's Ragland was parked, waiting for his crew to bring him a new V-drive. It had made noise, and then the truck quit. They were in for a long evening. The final section, from J amau Nick/Larry Vanderway and Curt LeDuc Pooled their talents and took home the The Class 7SX win went to Rich Severson, he drove his good looking Ford Ranger to the finish, included two short bits of pavement, and was about 108 miles long all told: It took Pflueger, who later said, "We , could have gone faster," just two hours and 11 ·minutes to complete that section and get to the finish. He hadn't had one problem all day, not even a flat tire. He did a jig on the roof of the truck, an-nounced that his day had been "Perfect, [and], thfs is just the be-ginning!" Post and Whelchel, who hadn't had any first gear for the final 100 miles or so, finished sec-ond. Whelchel complained that "Mark got all the fast parts!" Even without first gear Whelchel actu-ally beat Pflueger on the final sec-tion by just one minute. Jason Bald. win was third. He'd made a quick move early on to avoid Marty Coyne's stuck truck and had tweaked something in his steering. For the rest of the day he had trouble with right turns, which was partly the' reason for his early "stuck". He said he'd had no flats, ~nd a "lot of fun." there was some good-natured discussion in the post-race area between Post and Jason Baldwin. Post wanted to know why· Baldwin had been bumping him on the pavement sections. "Well", said Baldwin, "you were goin' so slow!" Post de-clared he was moving along right gold medal in the Class 8 contest at the Baja 500. _to_h_i_s_th_ifi_d_c_la_s_s_w._z_n_o_f _th_e_s_e_e_so_n_. ______________ _ Pages July 2004 Dusty Times
luck as the Trophy Trucks. When they went past the BFG pit at Colonet, the lead belonged to Buddy Feldkamp in his Chevy Penhall. He had 13 seconds on Larry Roeseler in Troy Herbst's Ford powered Smithbuilt Truggy. In third it was Mark McMillin in his Chevy Jimco, less than a minute back, and Ernie Castro, Jr. was fourth in his Toyota Jimco about two and a half minutes fur-ther. Running fifth it was Rich Ronco in a Chevy Tatum only 17 seconds further back. The dnf list already accounted for four teams including Kory Scheeler and Don Moss drove his Fo;d to the Class 3 honors, this Baja 500 was Don's third win of the 2004 SCORE series. The Baja 500 Class 7 win went to Craig Tumer, he drove his Ford Ranger to the checkered nag with Fabtech's help. ' Larry Job in their Chevy Porter, Brian Coneen and Mike Accordino in. a Porsche Chen-owth, Gary and Mark Weyhrich in a Chevy Jimco, and Richard Boyle and Ron Brant in their Chevy Jimco. Scott McMillin had his Chevy Jimco stuck in the same spot as Scott Steinberger. Stein-berger got out first, and then pulled McMillin out, but he lost about 20 minutes. Chuck Hovey had a sticky throttle on his Chevy Jimco, so he'd stopped to have an extra throttle return spring installed at Mile 120. Mike Julson was driving the Groff Chevy Jimco, and it quit when he sloshed through an early mud hole. And Chris Harrold, racing for the first time after back surgery, was in John Marking's Chevy Jimco. He said, "I screwed up.on the beach." He got stuck in a ditch and bent an A-arm. Stuart Chase was having flats on his Por~ sche Chenowth. He and Billy Rob-ertson had pla,nned to race Robertson's new car, but it hadn't at 58 mph according to his OPS, and said he wouldn't have dared go any faster because of the dq rule. Baldwin said, "No way - my OPS said we were only doin' 3 7 mph - we could have gone faster." Later, Gus Vildosola, who was just behind them and saw one of the incidents, reported that his OPS had said 58 mph at that time. Les-son learned - apparently all OPS programs do p.ot give the same mph readings. • Josh Baldwin, who also drive the whole race; finished fourth. He'd been right with his brother at one point, but had elected to stop for a new set of rear tire_s and dropped back a bit. He declared "This is the best sport in the world!" And · in fifth it was Ibarra, who said he'd had three flats and a "little prob-lem" with his motor. He also had a problem with the no-passing rule, apparently, because he was later Dusty t imes · disqualified for passing in a no- finished he sang another tune. was at the wheel for the final passing zone. That meant that B.J. He'd been high-centered in a silt stretch. They had the saddest Baldwin, who · survived his day bed at one point, and had obvi- story of all the finishers. After with no starter, took fifth place. ously done some serious digging they'd waited for delivery of their o ·an Smith and Dave Ashley, in and pushing. Then he had motor V-drive, and done the repairs, they their Ford, were sixth, Ashley up- problems. It.would quit intermit- fired up the truck and it still set about the way the highway tently and not start up again until wouldn't go. It turned out it rules didn't seem to work. In sev- about 30 minutes had gone by. He hadn't been the V-drive at all, but enth it was the Coynes, and Tim also had a couple of flats. At the the rear end. So they sent out for and Ed Herbst recovered for a finish line Smith was the dustiest, a third-member and sat there, still nice eighth place, after installing dirtiest finisher of the day. His two miles before Mike's, and once the new steering box. In ninth it mud-rimmed eyes gleamed red more watted for replacement parts was Vildosola and MacCachren, through a solid coat of Baja dirt. to be delivered. Once they got that who'd lost their transmission by His report: "That was the dirtiest, installed they went on with nose-Nuevo Junction and had to wait filthiest mess I've ever been in!" rious difficulties. Chad reported for the crew to get there with the He. was in a hurry to head off for that up until it broke his dad new one. Jakobson and Sanderson some comforting libations. Jesse "drove an awesome race." But he and Iribe were 10th, and in 11th it Jones.and Scott Steinberger were was happy that he not only got a was Jimmy Smith in Robby 12th, their Ford stuck early and chap.ce at the steering wheel, but Gordon's Ford. having had a transmission replace-he actually got his first Baja fin-In the morning, Smith, all clean ment later in the day. Said Jones, ish. and rested and excited, had said, "I'm preti:y damn lucky to come The Class 1 cars were flagged "Here I am, back where I belong!" down here and drive. these· off next, also at 45·-second inter-Clearly he was looking forward to trucks!" And in lucky 13th it was vals. There were 21 of them also. the drive. But by the time he'd Ragland, and his son, Chad, who They had about the same kind of Continued on page 10 -----='----------------------------------------, An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Bally s Flamingo & The Strip 1-888•227-2279 b.'Ybarycoaslol.lW'!O,c001 The Place Las Vegans Gall Home"' west Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 ~ftl)lliino,~ .July 2004 Ask About Our Special Head/Iner S/1ow and r... Room Packages West Tropicana & Ai'\lllle 1..S00-8754267 cdeanacal1ioo:oom Ask About Our Room & Gott Packages Page9
Second Trophy Truck, third overall was Mark Post and Jerry Andy McM(llin is a chip off the of' block, he and dad, Scott were The Stock Full gold medal went to Mark Handley, he outlasted h(s Whelchel, they ran hard and were 12 minutes out of the overall win. second in Class 1, seen here in their usual attitude. other class competitors; ·a long, hard fought win. quite got finished in time. Dan them made it to the_finish. Only lead belonged to Lobsam and Eli far he was having a good day, hav- was stalled also, nose up against Myers, in a Chevy Jimco, had a the James brothers disappeared on Yee in their Hond~ J imco. They ing been stuck just once for a short the rear cage of the other, with no run-in with a spectator car on the the final stretch. Herbst and Roe- had 30 seconds on Mlke Sandoval time. Will and Jerry Higman, in a starter. Between the two drivers beach, but no serious damage en-seler sailed home in first place, re-and Mike Williams in their Hon- lizard-skin Honda Keeper, failed they finally untangled themselves, sued. porting that their worst problem da Meco. In third place it was Kash to get this section done but all the and then the SCORE Lite pull-Now they finished the beach had been working their way VesselsinAndrewWehe'sToyota restwerestillmoving.Cooley'sco-startedChristensenandsenthim run and went through the silty through the dusty traffic from their Jimco, and fourth belonged to driver, Chris Westwood broke a on his way. In fifth place it, was "bottomloop",arrivingattheSan 18thplacestartposition.Thiswas Dave Mason in Martin tie-rodanddrovew.ithitthatway Evans and his co-driver, Jim T elmo pit with Roeseler in front. their third Class 1 win at the Baja Christensen's BMW Jimco. He had for about 40 miles, including the Anderson, who'd found the dust He ha·d 10 minutes on second 500 in a row. Scott and Andy a leaky pressure gauge that he'd twisty road coming. down out of onthelastpartofthecourse"hor-place, and now Troy hopped into McMillin were second, a half hour had to fix already. Fifth place be- Mike's. Tom Bryant and Philip rible." Bryant and. Finch were the driver's seat. Mark McMillin later. Andy said the only problem longed to Eduardo Gonzalez in a Finch (who'd driven the middle sixth, still with no rear brakes and had moved up to second place, he'd had in the final section had .Honda Dunrite, and he was only section) had no rear brakes and happy they had no further to go even with a lost fan belt, and been driving into the sun. Dan three and a half minutes behind were having trouble making _the because a rear trailing arm was Castro was third, three minutes Myers completed his solo run in the lead car. Of the 18 entries, turns in their Honda Chenowth. about ready toJall apart. Cooley behind him. B.J. Richardson had third place, and Mark McMillin only one, the rear start Honda As they headed westward to- and Westwood, tie-rod repaired, John Gaughan's Chevy Bunder-and Brian Ewalt were fourth. As Chenowth of Harley Letner and ward the finish the sun must have finished seventh, and Ron Dalke, son in fourth place and iri fifth it they sat in the post finish area their Kory Halopoff failed to get that been in their eyes, and the dust in a Toyota Tatum, was eighth. was Myers, recovered from his cell phone rang and it was Corky far. Scott Martenson and Justin was heavy. Vessels and Wehe Brookshire and Joel Whitted, who scary incident. Buddy Feldkamp McMillin, sidelined from this race Lacore, in a Honda Tat_um had .were the first Class 10 car to fin- said they'd been pull-started about had gone missing, and Glenn Har- because he'd had to have a couple been stuck in the mud hole at Mlle . ish, reporting a "perfect day." six times all together during the ris, who'd taken over for Cam of new stents installed on Tues- 50, and were also having flat tires. Then there was a long wait for the day, were amazed that they'd got Thieriot in his Chevy powered day, calling to see how everybody But everyone else was generally _second car which proved to be C.J. so lucky. There was always some-. Robby Gordon chassis, was out af-had done, where they'd all fin- · moving right along. Hutchins and just a couple of min-one with a truck and a tow strap ter his pulley tensioner broke. Jeff ished, and wanted a detailed re-Once they'd gone through the utes behind him were the Yees, nearby when they needed help, Darland and .John Herder port. Hovey was fifth, saying that silt beds and hit the pit at the San who'd splashed through a big they said. It had been d;uk for the dropped out in this section also, as other than the throttle body re- Telmo Road (race mile 250), the puddle and stalled their car. But a final 80 miles or so for them, and did Rick Romana in his Chevy placement, he'd had a "perfect lead.belonged to Vessels, with Yee post-race CRB action dq'd both he their lights gave them trouble by . Jimco. Now there were only 13 left day." Marking and Harrold were in second, five minutes behind WeheNessels car and the Yee turning off every now and then. running. . sixth, Marking happy because the him. In third place it was John team for illegal passing on the high- Gerardo· Limon, who drove all the After going up into the moun-"car knows how to find the finish Cooley in his VW AlumiCraft way. That left the Hutchins fam- way, said he'd just had one flat tains and back down, Herbst ar- line now." In seventh it was Ebberts then Mark Hutchins was fourth ily in first place. George Erl, who'd tire. He was 10th. In 11th it was rived at Jamau still .i_n front,. and and Castro, who'd had some kind in a -Honda Jimco and Gerardo started, and Steve Myers, the fin-Martenson and Justin Lacore. with 23 minutes on the Scott Mc-of cooling problem, in addition to Limon· and Monroy Ibarra in a ishingdriver, brought their Toyota They'd changed tires for the sec-Millin·car. Andy, Scott's son, was losing a fan. Ronco and Friedman Toyota-Castro ran fifth. Gonzalez Jimco back in second place, only ond half of the race, and Lacore · driving now, and he'd had a flat. were eighth, after Friedman rolled joined.the ranks of the non-fin- four minutes later. They'd lost an had no flats at all. Mark A minute and a half later and in at Ojos Negros and-lost about an 'ishers on this section, but the rest hour with a broken throttle cable, Landersman, in a Toyota Jimco, third it was his uncle's car, with hour. Pat Dean and Richardson were all still running. Martenson and then had an ignition problem ·was the last car to (ini~h, but was Brian Ewakat the wheel. He'd lost had actually finished eighth, but· was still having flats, and Travis · that caused the car to run on only overtime by 35 minutes and be-a little time changing the oil and° had withdrawn from the race im- Brookshire had got his Honda two or three cylinders every now ·came a dnf. He'd been caught up adding water after the tossed fan . mediately, reporting that they'd Jimco stuck in the silt and had no and then. But, "when it ran, it was in a traffic jam that involved a belt incident. Myers ran fourth, had help from their helicopter starter, while Guy Evans and his great!" reported Myers. They fin-stuck Trophy Truck and buggy .. about seven minutes later. And when they'd broken a front end VW Dunrite stuck in a tree for an· ished with zero oil pressure. In He tried to go around and slid off Michael and Kevin James had part in an inaccessible spot. In · hour and a half. Mason lost fourth third it was Ridings, who'd driven the edge of thediff and was there their Chevy Jimco up to fifth, ninth it was Bobby Baldwin who gear. Sandoval and Williams must all the way. He said his 50th birth- for four hours. No racer would. Ronco, who was having alternator said; "When you get stuck ·it have sneaked past the timekeep- day was coming up in a week and stop, but one of the BFG's heroes problems, had handed over to makes for· a long day!" Off road ers, because they didn't get re- a half and this was "my gift to came down and pulled him out. Bruce friedman, while Bobby ·. wisdom. Robertson and Chase, af- corded, although they showed up myself!" Outside of the one The Class 8 trucks started next, Baldwin had been stuck for two ter a _wiring fire that meant they ·on fime at the next pit. . "stuck", he'd had a flawless day. also in 45-second increments. hours, and finally got his Ford pow-had to re-wire all their lights, were At Jamau it was Wehe in front, · Fourth place went to Mason There were 11 of them. Right from ered Porter unstuck by ''putting· 10th, and the last finishers in the· with about 47 seconds on the Yee · and Christensen who'd almost run the start, Nick Vanderwey had trees· under the tires." Julson class. Julson and Groff broke about car~ Hutchins had put his son, C.J. out of luck near the end. Chris- his GMC Sierra in the lead, with handed the car over to Groff, and six miles from the finish, the crew in the car, and he ran third, al- tensen came around a corner and about eight minutes on Steve he had a flat and lost the power reporting i:hat it was .most likely a most 20 minutes back. Christensen braked just in time to avoid a seri- · Krieger in Chris Wilson's Stock steering, while Harrold had to clutch problem. had.taken over for Mason and was ous crash into the rear cage of a Full Ford wheri they got to have the damaged A-arm re-The next class to take to the fourth, but had bent his frame on SCORE Lite car that was stuck, Colonet. -(Wilson and Krieger de-welded. • road was Class 10, with 18 cars. At a big_ -rock. Tom Ridings, in a nose up tight against a tree, with cided to run in this class because Having got to Jamau, most of the first BFG pit at Colonet the · Toyota Jimco, was now fifth. So no reverse gear. Now Christensen there were more entries than in There were 23 starters in Class 5-1600, 12 finished and the fastest of the bunch was Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera. Page 10 . . The Class 5 battle honors went to George Seeley, this must be George's umpteenth win in the class, ever-a competitor. July 2004 Stock Full.) In third it was Dave Raimonde in his Chevy, but he was not having a good morning. His back was bothering him, he'd been stuck for a half hour after blowing a turn, and he decided it was time for Jeff Geisei: to get in and drive. Todd Wyllie's Chevy had stalled at Mile 40, and then he had to pull his plugs and "drain · the water out of the pistons." That took him about 45 minutes. After that he stopped to help other people, and somewhere along the way he lost all his belts. Ramsey El Wardani, in a Ford, had gone off course in heavy dust near Tres Hermanos. He was stuck for about an hour and a half, but then- Marc Stein, in a Stock Full truck, took pity and pulled him out. He then Dusty Times
Jason Baldwin was the third Trophy Truck across the finish line, he Dan Myers drove his Jimco Chevy to a decent third place in the Class Brian Jeffrey and Adam Pfankuch gave it their all in the 1600 skirmish, they were second across the line in class. drove his Ford to a very nice fourth overall 1 battle, seen here setting up for a tum. had to take out his windshield to drive on the street." Wyllie was just 27 minutes before cut-off time, get better airflow to his trans fourth, saying "what a ride!" Lo-it was Stowers and Fantelli. cooler, because his transmission pez and Ruiz finished fifth; tell-The SCORE Lite cars went off was overheating. Jeff Stowers had ing us this· was the first race for the line next, still at 45 second in-rolled his Ford at Mile 12, the same the truck. They said, "We'll be tervals. Rick St. John and Dean place he'd rolled it in pre-running better next time." And in sixth, Bayerle had the lead in their on Friday. All the panels were loose and flapping, so the crew stripped them off, took some red tape 1:1nd made big numbers on the side to identify the truck, and af -ter fixing the rear end and the steering, sent him on. Beny Canela and his Ford didn't get that far, nor did Roy Fantelli, brother of Rodd Fantelli, who co-drives with Stowers. The second Fantelli had come all the way out from Cincinnati to race, but a roll-over ended his day early. At Mile 250, near San Telmo, Vanderwey was still leading, with 20 minutes on Kreiger. Geiser had come up on a bottleneck of Protrucks with Raimonde's truck, and had to pull a couple of them out in order to clear a way for him-self. He was still third. Then it was Wyllie, now stopping here and there to help others, since he was already back a couple of hours . Stowers was still running, but was four hours down. El Wardani broke a rear end in this section and by the time they'd towed it to where they could work on it and installed a new part, they realized they'd timed out, and that was the end of their day. Gabriel Arce, in the 1949 Ford, didn't make it to San Telmo. It would be nice to see the old truck go all the way some time. And Dwayne Reinert, in a Chevy, also dropped out in this section after running fourth to Colonet. Most of them made it up and over the mountains, and then on to Jamau. Vanderwey's truck was still in front, but now it was Curt• LeDuc at the wheel, and they were having a "perfect" day. Chris Wilson was now in his truck, and still in second place, as Geiser dealt with a broken header and a flat on Raimonde's truck. W yllie slogged along helping people, and Carlos Lopez and Bobby Ruiz, in a Ford that had been stuck in the silt for a half hour, were thinking this was a "very bad road." Stowers gave his denuded truck to Fan-telli, and he motored on, function-ing well considering all it had been through, although it was running five and a half hours behind the lead truck. At the finish it was Vanderwey and LeDuc, still reporting a "per-fect day." This was their fourth Class 8 win in a row at the Baja 500. In second it was Raimonde and Geiser, who admitted to be-ing "whooped." Wilson and Krieger were third, reporting that the air conditioning and stereo still worked, but that they'd broken off both their side mirrors. Wilson· said, "It's nice to race something I can Dusty Times UST YOUR l'IIOIIE IIUMBER, YEAR, MODEL A/ID EIIIJINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. CENTERLINE WHEELS Forged Aluminum Wh11/s with Polished Finish. 5VW ....................... $143 5 vw ......................... 147 5 vw ......................... 148 5VW ......................... 149 5VW ......................... 1s2 5VW .......... , .............. 159 Suspension Seat Conslructed on •;.•Slee/Frame. Vinyl Sides with Tweed Cloth Center. Available in: Black Vinyl with Black Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Grey Fabric; Grey Vinyl wilh Ebony and Opal Fabric Combination. (Add $7). Low Back Super Seat... .......... $180 High Back Super Seat... ........... 190 Superior Cranking, Fast Charge Capability and Vibration Resistance • CA @32' (WxLxH) r x 6'/, x 5· Battery 925A ..... $140 6'/, x 7'/,x 7½8attery 1200A .. 175 Billet Aluminum Battery Box .... 110 Steel 925A Battery Box .............. 45 'X 16•. 2 10• X 30• 10•,40-', Fuel Shut-Chrome S Black, Red, Gray, Yellow, Purple or Blue. Quick Latch Release 3" Lap Bell & 2" Sewn Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Heavy Duty Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS Black, Blue, or Red. Shoulder Pads, pair ................. $10 lnclud,s Ad/uders. Stock Width Beam with 5• Travel Towers ............. $140 5• Wider Beam with 5• Travel Towers ............... 180 5• Wider Beam with 1 o· Travel Towers ............. 195 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushings. set 4 ... 20 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM For Us, When Top Shock Mounts ar, lncorporat,d In the Chassis. 5· Wider Beam for Thru Rods .. $80 5• Wider Beam for Leafs .......... 11 o • TRAILING ARMS 1 ½ x '/.' Front Arms, set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Front Arms. set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins, set of 4 ..................... .48 THRURODS For 6" Wider Beam with Long Travel Arms. Thru Rods, pair ....................... $50 COMBO LINK SPINDLES Available in Standard Height or Raised 3" Combo Link Spindles. pair ..... $475 Bearing Kit. Set of 4 ................... 60 Heavy Outy 011 Road Use Or Larger Sand Rails. Off Road Rack & Pinion ......... $132 U-Joint for Rack & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U-Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY For Wa"ior Beam with OIi-Road Rack. Includes Ends. Tie Rod Assembly, pair ............ $62 Mounts Steering Shaft to Rack and Pinion. Billet Steering Bearing Carrier .. $60 U-Joint '/,"to'/," Shaft .............. 50 U-Joint 'It" Shaft to Rack ........... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover... ...... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 July 2004 K.l.T. car at the Colonet pit, but Honold's Jimco, in third place, an-it was a near thing. Flavio Navarro, other two minutes back. Mike in a Jimco, was a minute and 43 Halliday and Bill Gasper had their seconds behind him. Then it was Jimco in fourth place and Matias Ricardo Malo, a biker turned Arjona was fifth in a Mirage. He SCORE Lite racer, in Arturo Continued on page 12 Trailing Arms, Steel, pr .......... $225 Trailing Arms, Chromoly, pr .... 295 STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Available far Bug. Bus & 930 CVs. Stub Axle. pair ....................... $140 Drive Range, pair ....................... 84 HEAVY DUTY AXLES For 3 x 3 Trailing Arms. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ... $130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ..... 130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms. using 930 CVs, pr .. ..................... 150 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Oua/ Spring Shock with Hose and Reservoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock, 8-10-12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock, 12-14-16" Stroke .... from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount ................. 35 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS King 2" Shock, 8-10-12" Stroke w/Res ... $225 King 2'/, Shock, 10-12-14" Stroke w/Res ... 295 JAMARBIUET PEDAL ASSEMBLIES Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal. ............. $215 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................... 230 Ultra Slide Plate .................. : ...... 60 Ultra Slide Throttle Kn ............... 26 Ultra Slide Hose Kn .................... 55 JAMAR 4-WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Compel/lion Pedal Assembly. Includes Billet Throttle Pedal, Brake Assembly, Clutch Assembly and Slave Cylinder. Competition Pedal Assembly $430 Single Brake Assembly ............ 155 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 230 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 170 JA-MAR FRONT BIUET DISC BRAKES King Pitt Sp/ml/,s or Combo Ullk Spindles. BIiiet Front Disc Brakes for Sand Rails ................ $670 Billet Front Disc Brakes ,.._ ___ __._......, __ ., for Desert Rails. ............... 710 BIUET 5VW HUBS KP or Combo Link Spindles. 5-1.ug Micro Stub Disc Brakes King Pin Spindle liub Kil. ..... $310 W/Four Piston Caliper .... $1,300 Combo Link Spindle Hub Kit.320 BILLET GOODIES Flis 1'/," Tubing. Green Sticker Bracket $10 GPS Bracket & Mount.. .............. 60 Brake Line Bracket... .................. 17 Tachometer Bracket & Mount.. .. 32 3-Panel Mirror. 15· Long ........... 82 Clamp-On Mirror Brackets, pr .... 32 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Ba/a-Pro Performance Tires E78 Mini Mag ...... .. ..... $86 30 X 7.00, 4-ply .................... 106 33 X 9.00, 4-ply .................... 125 35 X 10.00. 4-ply .................. 148 BAJA BELTED HP 30x9.5-15 ............................ $119 31 X 10.50-15 ..................... : .... 140 Slinger or U-Bend Collector. 1 '/, Unpainted Bobcat ............. $95 1'/t' Unpainted Bobcat ............... 95 1'/, Chrome Bobcat.. ............... 145 1'/,' Chrome Bobcat.. ............... 145 Baffle ......................................... 8 Replacement Springs. set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Baked-On Coaling, Won 'I Change Color or Rust. 1'/, Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1 W Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For Thick Flange and Polished Look Jet Coaling on Any Tri Mil 1'/," Slinger Exhaust Add $30. Fits Bobcat 2" Stingers & U-Bends. Spark Arrestor, 15· Length ...... S68 Spark Arrestor. No Bracket ........ 50 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 56 T·Bolt Clamp.......... .. .......... 5 L-.=;__ _ _J LAZER STARS Available in Spot or Flood. 100 Watt Lazer Star, pr .......... $144 75 Watt Lazer Star. pr .............. 132 Billet Clamp-On Light Mounts .... 36 Micro-B Lazer Star (Red), pr ... 120 Micro-B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red). pr ..... 175 Replacement Lamp, Spot • ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp, Rood, ea .... 24 Replacement Lens. ea ................ 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr ................... 8 Page 1, __
Ernie and Larry Negrete were the second finishers in the Class 5- Daniel Chamlee and Scott Brady had some troubles with their Ford Second place in class 8 went to Dave Raimonde, he drove his 1600 race, seen here at speed by the water. Ranger but they still managed the silver medal in Class 7. Chevy pickup to the flag, almost an hour down to the class winner. was having "brake issues" and had ~econds. He said, "It was like a When _they arrived at the San . in third. Malo was fourth now, and Bayerle. Also gone were Doug "fallen off a cliff." Tommy Wat-mirage." James Golden had bro- Telmo area Mile 250, Navarro, Rob Martensen ran fifth, even with Aleman and Hector Tapia. Only son had stalled his Jimco after a ken an ignition wire and every- who's from mainland Mexico, had a broken rocker arm. He'd driven 16 of the original 20 were still mov-water crossing, but suddenly there one went past his Jimco. And Stan the lead. Timmy Noe was second his Chenowth 70 miles on three ing. was Bill Varnes, who quickly got Potter and his Jimco had fallen in after taking over for Watson, and cylinders. Randy Ross had dropped Late in the afternoon, about him going again, so he lost only a hole upside down. Ty Godde had his two seat Jimco out and so had St. John and 5:30, they started to arrive at MOTORSPORT ~ ~ n ~XP,anding and uniqu produc\ line of m Pro Farce Air • Significantly outflom other 'blower type· helmets • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! • Lightweight Composite Shell • Snell SA-2000 Automotive Rated j '--.~9~9.9, 9 '1T ~ •Fire Resistant Interior Special wt FREE ..,...,..--...,-...--.-.---• Helmet Bag I! LOWRANCE &PS liytlltem• • B/W & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performance Radio Sy■tem■ e128 to 250 Channels •50 to 11 0 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards Page 12 19.i!I/ Cardle lmpactKit • ½"Drive • 216 ft-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available ,,..,,. ,1,· mMMlJNICATION liDLlJTIONli FOR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets •• Scanners e 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN ~ ,::::Taal -· Sat&il~~, July 2004 Jamau. Navarro's co-driver, Ernesto Cervantes, was now lead-ing, and Vic Brockmann had taken over for Noe and Watson and ran second. Kenny Stroud was third in his Jimco. Dave Richardson had driven the first half of the race for him. Jim Greenway had taken over for Godde and was fourth. He'd had a flat before Mike's and the car rolled off the jack, losing him some time, and in addition to that -he couldn't get it to stay in gear, and he had no rear brakes. Paul Eddy and Jeff Sherrill had brought their Moulton up to fifth place, and now Ton Thomas hopped in to do the final section. Gasper and Halli-day had dropped out and Bill Stoner and Paul Meyer, who'd been right in the mix in their Ta tum, were also gone riow. Malo had been hit by a Class 10 car, which broke the chassis of his car, so when Honold got in he spent some time getting it welded, with braces in place to make it last. Bruce Conrad had taken over for Arjona, and they still had brake problems, so Bruce had spent 45 minutes in a hole until a 4x4 with a winch pulled him out. Martensen's broken rocker arm was repaired at Valle Trinidad, and his co-driver, Rich Roberts, was having a much better drive. Jerry Penhall had bro-ken an ignition switch early, made a quick fix, then rewired it prop-erly at Ojos and had gone on with nothing more than a flat, to meet co-driver, L.J. Kennedy, who was now running just fine. Bruckmann didn't have any trouble with the last section of the course, and he, Watson and Noe took the SCORE Lite win, finish-ing a half hour before second place. That was Stroud and Richardson, who'd had just one late flat, and said it'd been a "good race." In third it was Navarro and Cervantes, who, it turned out, was the driver nosed up against the tree that Mar-tin Christensen had got tangled up with. They'd lost their lead, but still managed to finish in third. Their race day hadn't started well, be-cause Cervantes had discovered at some point that his suit and helmet had been stolen. Somehow, he'd connected with Bob Hummel, who dredged up Chris Harrold, who was by then out of Marking's car, and Cervantes showed up at the finish properly equipped in Harrold's gear. The fourth place SCORE Lite fin-ishers were Greenway and Godde, happy to be there after a long drive with no rear brakes. Matt Drever and Dave West, in a Penhall, were fifth, saying they'd both had "a great day." In sixth it was Sherrill, Eddy and Thomas, overjoyed to get Dusty Times
Steve Myers and George Erl drove their Jimco-Toyota to a nice Second place in the SCORE Lite contest went to the team of Ken Matt and Steve Scaroni drove 1heir Ford ProTruck to a nice second second spot in class 10, just four minutes out of the class win. Stroud and Darrel Denlinger their Jimco seen here airborne. spot in Baja, seen here ready for touchdown. their first Baja 500 finish. They'd about three hours off the pace. Johnson and Yanillo were next, in longed to Dwaine Walters, in a barely finished the Trophy Truck had just one flat, and stopped to Rick D. was in his own truck for sixth, followed in by the Knudson, Fraley, driving in his first Baja 500. in time to do it, since it had needed add oil. Seventh place went to the second half, and as he came Kittleson, Espy team, and then last, Lorenzo Rodriguez was fifth and late work. So Anderson and Mac-Blaise Jackson and Morley Williams down the hill toward Valle de in eighth, Rob Reinertson and Rick the Bio car was sixth, and Cisco Cachren took the win, finishing in a Meco, who didn't stop to talk, Trinidad he was running out of gas. D. Johnson, only45 minutes ahead Bio was driving now. In seventh it 28 minutes in front of second place and in eighth it was Mark Kyle, Hehadtoswervethecarfromside ofthecutofftimethankstoalotof was Edmundo Fernandez, and thanks to their flawless day. who'd started, and Larry Nash, in to side to get fuel to the motor. And repair work. John Scharf was eighth in a Loth-Anderson said, "Finally, I won a a Mirage. They'd been stuck in a he,got to Jamau still in front. Steve The 1600 cars were next off the-ringer. Baja 500 - I've been second so silt bed, but still said, "that was Scaroni lost a rear bump stop along line, the biggest class in the event, At].amau, Mile 325, Anderson many times!" And then he an-fun." In ninth place it was Honold here somewhere, but got to Jamau with 39 starters. Fourof them didn't still led. The plan was for Mac- nounced he was off to "drink a lot and Malo. After the welding in second place, with Dennis get the first 132 miles done, includ-Cachren to get in the car and do of beer!" Second place went to Honold had broken an oil line and Durmas, who took over for Hogan, ing Cameron Steele, first off the · the finish, but they weren't sure Jeffrey and Pfankuch, who'd had to wait for his crew to get there in third place, still stuffing stubs line, who was rear-ended hard by where that would happen. He was blown a shock in the dust and had . to make repairs. He went on, and into odd places. Steve Knudson was a truck at Checkpoint 1. Also out driving the Vildosola's Trophy to drive about 100 miles at 35 mph. then an electrical fitting that had fourth at this point in a Ford that were Chuck Collins, Juan Gue·vara Truck also, and it was not having a In third it was the Walters broth-been hurriedly put back together, Tom Espy had done the first sec- and Rick and Jeff Battey, from clean run. Adam Pfankuch had ers, reporting they'd had a flat, a came apart. It did that a couple tion in. They weren't having any Grants Pass, Oregon. Of the ones taken over for Jeffrey, and ran sec- sticky throttle, and had "learned more times, making his last section trouble, but their team car, driven who got there, Danny Anderson ond, and Rob Walters was in for a little bit about Mexico" in their of the trip take much longer than by Gary Magness and Rob Kittleson had Rob MacCachren's Fraley in. his brother, Dwaine. He had a first 500. Rodriguez and Maurer he'd hoped. Arjona, Conrad and had already had a couple of flats. first place, with about four and a sticky throttle. In fourth it was Ro-finished in fourth place, six min-Matt Cullen, who was the last They also had an electrical prob- half minutes on Hector Garcia in. driguez and Maurer, and fifth was utes later. In fifth it was the .Bios, driver, were 10th, apparently not lem and at one point Sam Cham-· his Curry. Lorenzo Rodriguez and held by Cisco Bio. Keller's co- only 20 minutes later. fallinginanyholesoroff anycliffs bers was working on the ignition Brett Maurer were third in their driver,JohnKrempp,hadrolledthe Sixth place went to the in the last section. Golden and Ja- when Magness absent-mindedly Lothringer, while Paul Keller ran car just after the Goat Trail, and N avarretes, Leonardo and son Hatz finished 11th. They'd had tried to fire the motor. He fired up fourth in a Jimco. In fifth it was dropped to sixth place, while Alejandro, who'd had no more that early broken wire, and were Chambers, sending a jolt of elec- Brian Jeffrey in his Dunrite, and in Federico Montez, who took over for problems with their spring plate. thendrivingbackinslowertraffic. tricity up one arm and down the ' sixth it was David Caspino in a Fernandez, was driving without Eleven minutes later it was Golden had come up on a rolled other. Tony Vanillo had taken · brand new Lothringer. Seventh power steering, which went away . Fernandez and Montez, whose over truck, and while he waited over for Rick L. Johnson, and he place was held by Hiram Duran, in up by Mike's. He was seventh. Jose hands were tied after driving from another SCOR~ Lite tried to go · ' had stopped to have a broken trail- a Neth, and in eighth, it was Brian Reyes and Brian Burgess had both Mike's to the finish with no power around it and also rolled, and ing arm welded, losing a bunch of Burgess in a Porter. Panc~o Bio had dropped out in this section. steering. Keller and Krempp took Golden's day had gone from bad to hours. rolled his Tubular Design car and Anderson pressed on, tired and eighth, less than two minutes later, worse. Shepard and Rick D. Johnson smashed the lights, and Alejandro wondering when MacCachren that roll-over having cost them In 12th place it was Potter and took the win, with Rick saying he'd Navarrete had rolled his Jimco at would show up to get in the car. It dearly. Max Hanberg and Bernie Dan Worley, who'd recovered from been worried they "wouldn't make · Mile 15 and broken his spring late was very late in the ride, in the Carr, reporting only ~ flat tire, being upside down in that hole, and it" because the carburetor was so bolts. He cannibalized two from the outskirts of Ensenada before he were ninth, and John Scharf, Jim . then Martensen and Roberts, who'd bad until the final 40 miles when it other side and went to Ojos, where was finally there, to hop in and do Coates and Ed Bonanni, Lothring-had a flawless drive once they were mysteriously cleared up so the mo- he made more permanent repairs. the crucial finish distance .and er, running only their sixth race, on four cylinders again. Penhall and tor ran fine. About 14 minutes be- Renato Villalpando rolled over at over the finish line. He had just Continued on page 14 Kennedy never did get t_o the fin- hind it was the Scaroni family in Mile 60 and lost 20 minutes. But ish line, L.J. disappearing some- second, third driver David Scaroni for the most part, they moved where in the final stretch. saying he'd "hit a few trees" on his steadily on. Any number of cars The Protrucks took off next, to section. Hogan and Durmas were could move up into the top ten if a man, unhappy about starting be- third and Durmas and his passeri- luck went that way. hind the SCORE Lites. SCORE of- ger were last seen scrambling In the section between Colonet ficials said the reason for that was around in the cab looking for stubs and the San T elmo pit, Garcia that the SCORE Lites are faster and asking, "How many are we dropped out, and so did Carlos Es-than the Pro Trucks at the Baja 500. supposed to have?" Tom l(och's cobedo, but all the rest were still There were nine of them. Ford, with Bob Neth at the wheel, moving. Anderson was still in front, Steven Staats didn't get his Ford was next to finish, but there was a but now Keller was in second place, to Mile 132, but all the rest did, potential dq hanging over their 19 minutes behind him. Anderson with Rick L. Johnson in the lead ii) head, for hitting anoth{;!r race ve-was liking the course, and later said his Toyota, just 32 seconds ahead hide. At press time it has still not it "was a good 1600 course, I was of Al Hogan in his Ford. Bob been resolved. In fifth it was reelin' in Class 10s and Class 12s in Shepard ran third in Rick D. Magness and Kittleson, reporting the tight stuff in the bottom loop." Johnson's Ford, about four minutes nothing more than some flats and In third it was Jeffrey, who said his back after being high centered for the scary near-electrocution of brakes weren't good and he kept a while early on. Matt Scaroni ran their riding mechanic. Rick L. "sliding off corners." Fourth be-fourth, three minutes further back, after a flat tire. At San T elmo it was Shepard in the lead, now with 14 minutes on Rick L. Johnson. Scaroni had handed over to his dad, Steve, who was third, followed by Hogan, who'd somehow lost his check point stub can. They were putting the stubs in the tool bag and vari-ous other places as they went along. Back at the rear of the pack was Rob Reinertson's truck, which Rick D. had driven to Mile 80. Then Reinertson had rolled it at Mile 100, scraping off the antenna. Locals helped him get back on his wheels again, but then he had only first "B.nd third gear. So they re-placed the transmission, and when Eric Fisher and Hector Sarabia were the Class 9 winners, they beat a rather small he went through San T elmo he was _fie_ld_ o_f fi_o_ur_fi_or_th_e,_'r_m_ed._a_l_. -----------------Dusty Times July _2004 CGmpeUtton Bir System the budget racer in mind. Converted bg the pro's a Parker Pumper to deUuer maximum air flow, this HJC helmet is Snell m-rated, and is available in sizes S-MHHL tstartingat1s249 00/S]49 00 ■ ■(Wired] ~ cl/Jfm1ete MPER source"lor race,s NElMFrS andCrews 1.B00.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 13
The fifth place Trophy Truck finisller was BJ Baldwin, seen here Fourth place in the Class 1 category went to Mark McMillin, seen Brothers Rob and Dwaine Walters had a decent race in the 1600 class, they were only 11 minutes out of the silver medal. flying past a very appreciative crowd in Baja. • here in flight at the SCORE Baja 500. reported that this was their sixth then Cesar Cons did the middle it was nice to get a finish. In 24th finish. That's a terrific record. section and Alvarez got back in to it was Bob Altaruirano who had In 11th place it was Miguel finish. They had brake problems, some barbed wire get tangled in a Mexia and Fernando Flores, in a shifter problems and clutch brake drum: The wire peeled off Mayoral, who reported only a flat trouble, but finished 17th. And in the brake bleeder and he lost all tire to slow them down, and in 12th 18th it was Renato Villalpando and his fluid, and brakes, and then he it was Brad and Travis Fletcher. Mauricio Ibarra. Villalpando rolled rolled over and blocked the course They'd had a hard day. Travis lost early and Ibarra went into a ditch at Mile 210. That cost him about the brakes, and the clutch arm on three miles before the finish and 20 minutes. Then his shifter fell the transmission fell off, costing blew a tire. The 19th place fin-. apart when a set screw broke. him an hour. Then, at Mile 228, is her was Victor Bussey, Jim Augie from BFG gave them a hose when Brad was driving, the car Tucker and Roger Lord, in a Loth- clamp to fix that, and then they was high-centered on a rock in the ringer. They'd broken a front plugged up an air filter. His co-silt. He did some digging, putting shock, had some flats, and they'd driver, Jeff Knupp, spent some time more rocks under it, 'til he finally had to bolt their floorboards back being stuck also. It was a long day got free. But they said they didn't on after they fell off. for that team. have any flats. In 13th it was Rick In 20th place it was Jeff Quade In 25th place it was Dave Boyer and Steve Roberts, in a and Tex Mitchell in a Fisher. Caspino and Kent Lothringer, in Lothringer. Roberts had been Quade had two flats with just one a Lothringer. Their big problem stuck in a grid lock in the Santo spare, and drove 40 miles on the had been three flats all at once. In Domingo loop for an hour, and flat, getting stuck in the silt in the 26th it was the team of Art Na-they'd each had a flat tire. process. Mario Gastelum and Lupe varro, who started and finished Charles and Jon Cone finished Garcia finished 21st, saying "ev-and Leonard Perez, who did the 14th, and in 15th it was Jim erybody got lost at Ojos." In 22nd middle. Perez rolled the car. Scott Fishback, Sr. and Jim Fishback III, it was Fernando and Eduardo Ulrich, who also drove, got stuck in their Neth. Grandpa Fishback Orozco and Cesar Gutierrez. They for 45 minutes. This was the first started and Jim III, driving in a finished with no left front tire and race for all of them, and they'd race for the first time, did the sec- wheel, and reported they'd driven just bought the car three weeks. ond half. They said they had just five miles that way. The 23rd fin- before the race. Luis Martinez fin-one flat, and that it was a "good ishers were Richard Cassey and ished 27th, and Hiram Duran was course." In 16th it was brothers Bill Krug, who'd had an oil seal go 28th. Twenty-ninth went to Pete Manuel and David Cruz, who re-out in the first 90 miles. They Morquecho, Jose Lopez and Ruben ported no problems. Edgar Alvarez added oil all day, about 10 quarts de la Fuente, who'd been lost in started the race in his Mayoral, in all. It was Cassey's first 500, so the last section for an hour and a TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. . SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations M.O.R.E. F&L 400 Wayne Nosala 1st Class 1 - 1st Overall Mike Malloy ·1st 1/2-1800 -2•11 Overall BIii Markel -Cl••· 1 - 4111 Overall TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763V.ARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 14 July 2004 half. They'd had no mechanical and a half on Karakas, who was a trouble, but had been stuck four bit over 20 minutes in front of times on the new part of the course Chamlee, who drove the second and before Mike's. The last car to half. He'd been having an alter-finish was Todd Cuffaro's, but he nator problem and needed a new was eight minutes over time, and one at Valle Trinidad. They goes into the books as a dnf. didn't carry one with them, so The Class 5 ~ars were next off went looking for an au·to parts store the line with only five entries. in Valle de Trinidad. But there's Mike Callaway and Enrique Ruiz no such thing. A local mechanic both dropped out before covering took pity on them however, and the first 132 miles, but George directed them to a grocery store Seeley's car went on, and he had that stocks alternators, and they a 20 minute lead over Juan Trujillo had what Chamlee needed in at the Colonet pit. then Trujillo stock. Sci they were soon on their had problems and lost about two way again. hours while Seeley and his co-driv- T umer had no problems all day ers, Bruce Anderson and Dwight and ran clean to the finish. He Forrell continued to move at a said he thought the bottom loop steady pace. They rolled it as they "sucks" - it was "too silty." He got neared the final check, but didn't the victory with two hours to damage the running gear, and as spare. Chamlee and Brady, on the Trujillo dropped out, Seeley, otherhand,stilllisteningtothreat-Anderson and Forrell went on to ening tranny noise, said that it was get their finish and the win. This a ·"really fun course", as they took was Seeley's fourth Baja 500 vie- second place. Hector Salazar, who tory. drove the second half in his truck, The Class 7 trucks were next, had got around Karakas right near with 11 starters, but before they'd the end, but then, in the dark, covered the first 132 miles they lost came upon some concrete barriers Rick Taylor, Jason Jernigan, Perry that SCORE or Ensenada had put McNeil, Carlos Dominguez and_ out to slow down the finishing rac-Jason McNeil, all in Fords. Craig ers. He slammed on his brakes, but Turner put his Ford into the lead, still slid into one, flattening both and he had nine minutes on Dan front tires and damaging his front Chamlee in another Ford, at suspension. Karakas went by to Colonet. Victor Herrera ran third take third place; glad to be there in still another Ford. Chamlee, because he'd been lost in that sec-who'd started with a "bad trans- tion somewhere and said it was the mission", was hoping it would last. "worst thing I've ever done." Even-As they got to the silt Turner came tually Salazar got things sorted out, upon stuck vehicles that he had put on his one spare and limped to to pull out before he could go on, the finish for fourth place. He said thus clearing the course for those it was a "pretty hard race." behind him also. Indio Gutierrez, Class 7S took off next, with four in Hector Salazar's Ford, broke a · trucks. But it wasn't their day. rear trailing arm and had to have Kenneth Browne and Darrin it welded. Walts, in a Ford, Bob Land and In the next section Herrera Jim Winovitch in a Chevy, and dropped out and so did Norman Nick and Ted Moncure in a Ceserta. Now there were just four Toyota, were all out before Mile trucks running. T umer led at San 132. Bob Graham and Mike Homer Telmo, wit_h 2 7 minutes on got their Toyota through the San Chamlee, whq had a half hour on Telmo pit, but didn'rmake it to Barry Karakas in his red Toyota. Jamau, and thus, the class had no Over an hour back was Gutierrez, finishers. after the repair job. Class 7SX, which went next, At Jaman Turner had an hour did a little better. There were Mark and CJ Hutchins took the Class 10, they had a mer~ four minutes on the second car in class but the gold medal was theirs. Dusty Times
Dave Collier and Mike Baldwin drove their good looking 5-1600 to a The bronze medal in Class 7 went to Barry Karakas, seen here in his Third place in Class 8 went to Chris Wilson and Steve Krieger, seen decent third place finish at the Baja 500. keen looking Toyota Tacoma at speed. here nicely airborne in their Ford pickup. three trucks, but Perry McNeil, Jr., and Ernie Negrete was fifth. He'd on to the finish line to win in broke he went into a wall. So he were tangled together, and got in a Ford, was out in the first sec- had tw9 flats at once and drove 35 13:47:05. They were a half hour in used some vise grips for a steering them loose and on their way. Then tion. Eduardo and Jose Gonzalez, miles on one before he got another front of Larry and Ernie Negrete wheel, and got the car going again, all the others gradually cleared the in another Ford, went into the spare, which he borrowed from Milt and Mario Reynoso, who drove the but lost his grip and fell into a ditch. obstacles, including Handley, and lead, with two minutes on Rich Moore and Eric Pavolka. Four more final section._Another 18 minutes It took a little while to get going · off they went, after about a half Severson, in .still another Ford, teams disappeared in this silty sec- · later it was Collier and Steingraber, again, but he finally made it to the hour of waiting. And when he got who ran third. When they got to tion, including Felix Cervantes, who said he'd been high-centered, finish, for seventh place. _to Jamau he was still in the lead, San Telmo their positions were Rodolfo MartiQez and Jose Garza, and had driven 25 miles on-a flat. In eighth it was Rascon and Kroeker and Stover having reversed and Severson's co-driver, Steve Landis and Danny Ledezma. Steingraber also said that "the high- McAndly, who reported no prob- dropped out somewhere along the Eddie Everett, led by two minutes The road from the San Telmo way thing (no passing) was cciol - lems, and were just.three minutes way. over the Gonzalez team. (Everett's pit to J amau included all of the no one passed." In fourth place it behind lribe. The ninth place team In the last section they experi-name will be familiar to old-timers mountainous section which is al- was Sammy Martinez and Alex was Gabriel Garcia and David enced a few moments of frustra-as the driver of the popular Edsel ways· tough. One racer reported Melero. Martinez had lost a wheel Hiriart, who'd been fourth for a tion when one of those very slow that race din the '70s.) They con-that there were nine 5-1600 cars early in the day, but got it replaced, while, but had some problems and Mexican trucks had a_ whole line tinued their close race all the way stuck at one pofnt, before they got and then they'd had no further me- dropped back. In 10th it was J.A. of traffic down to about two miles to Jamau, still with Severson, now to Mike's. He said that was about a chanical problems, but Melero had and J.C. Covas, who'd hit some- per hour on the highway, in a no-back in the car, in the lead. At 20m minute time loss. But at the been lost after Ojos on the way in·. thing early in the. day, and then passing area, but it mattered not, this point he had three minutes front of the pack, and not stuck, Virtually everyone who finished in had a broken muffler and a c.v. because unknown to Handley, he and JS seconds, for one of the bet- was the Avina car, now with an the wee hours reported being lost, joint in the later sections. J.A. said, was the only Stock Full truck still ter races of the day. Unfortu-hour and three minutes on Collier's or at least confused, because by "It's-a fun race, I like this." Adolfo moving. He also got lol!t briefly on nately, the Gonzalez team faded co-driver, Tony Steingraber. In then the souvenir hunters had re- -Aguilar and Troy Gilson were the his way through the last dirt sec-away in the final section, while third place about 13 minutes later moved most of the signs and ar- 12th finishers, reporting that they'd tion, but made it to the finish line Severson went on to take the win. was Norberto Rivera, co-driver for rows that should have been there been stuck. They were the last to in good shape to take the win, in The 5-1600 cars 'Yere next to Marcos Nunez. They'd had an el~c-to point out the way back. The driv- make it in this class. the time of 14:44:00. take off, with 23 starters. This is trical short and lost about a half ers in this class also repqrted that The Stock Full trucks took off The Stock Mini Trucks were such a competitive class, with equal hour, but things were working well some spectators, no doubt having next, with just four entries. As-next to go, with just two entries. cars and lots of talented drivers, now. In fourth place it was Gerar- imbibed too freely during the long toundingly, the first one out was Kreg Donahoe and Dylan Evans, that positions changed again and do lribe, who went into a ditch up day, were pointing the way, but the big white Hummer of John in a Toyota,"had the.lead at Mile again. But atthe very front it stayed by Mike's, hard enough that he pointing the wrong way, so if a Griffin and Mike Sabbarese, 132, but then they didn't make it the.same for a while. Gustavo and probably did some damage to his driver didn't really know the area which disappeared befo.re getting to the next BFG pit at Mile 250. Lucio Avina had the lead at steering shaft. His father, Carlos, well, he'd be led of course. It was a to Colonet, a most untypical oc- And their competitor, Karl Wong, Colonet, with four minutes on Gar-had driven from Mile 134 to San fairly stupid game they were play- . currence. Marc Stein, in Mark in an unknown brand of truck, los Rascon and Mark McAndly. In Telmo, negotiating all the silt.with ing, and potentially dangerous. Handley's Ford (which he used to , didn't make it to the first pit. So third it was Danny Ledezma, just his years of experience, arid the first Fifth place went to Hector and own), was first on the road, and this class had no finishers. seven seconds back, and Rob Tay-driver, Javier Hernandez had Ruben Garcia and Juan Diaz, 44 minutes in front of Kent The JeepSpeed vehicles took lor and Andrew McKercher were driven from the start of Mile 134. who'd run the last 150 miles with Kroeker and Robin Stover in a off next, five strong, all Jeep_ fourth, while Marcos Nunez ran AtJamau Larry Negrete arrived in no brakes. They said,. "It's hairy Dodge. In third, just six minutes · Cherokees. They all made it to fifth: All but two of them made it fifth place, after struggling with with no brakes." They were only later was Todd Truelson and Mile 132 and at that point Billy through the Colonet area, and brake problems, which he had re- 10 seconds behil).d fourth place. In Bernardo Miranda in a 1969 Ford, Bunch' had his Cherokee in the most of them were si:ill in pretty paired at Valle de Trinidad. An-sixth it was the Arambula brothers, reputed to be a winner here in days lead, with 25 minutes on Clive good shape. The two who didn't other four teams dropped out be- who'd broken a bearing late in the past. . Skilton and Steve Thomasson. In · get there were .Eric Pavolka and tween San Telmo and Jamau, in- day and lost a couple of hours ma~- Stein had no problems beyond third, another 34 minutes. back it Milt Moore, and Miguel Rosales. eluding Taylor and McKercher, ing repairs. Seventh place turned a couple of flats, and got to his was Ricardo Ramirez, then Chris Coming into the San Telmo pit Manuel Delgado, Jeff and John out to be Javier Hernande~ and the driver-change at Mile 223, in good Amrein, and in fifth, Barrie Th-area, the lead still belonged to the Holmes, and Roberto Escobedo and lribes. Gerardo had got the car up shape and still in front. Kroeker ompson, who'd lost his clutch and · Avina car, which was now 18 min- Alonso Angulo. It's a tough drive near the front of the pack, and as and Stover were now almost three was at Erendira pulling his trans-utes in front of second place Hee- through ~hatsectiori, and it should his dad paced the finish line, he hours down, in second, and mission to install a new one. tor Garcia. Hector and his co-driv- be remembered that this group failed to show. Carlos asked each Truelso_n and Miranda had disap-In the next section both · ers, Juan Diaz and Ruben Garcia, started so late that even the lead finishing car had they seen Gerar- peared. Skilton's car and Amrein's disap-were using the recently allowed cars got caught by sunset before do, and got a variety of answers. Handley took over for Stein, peared. Now it was still Bunch in disc brakes for the first time, and they got past Mike's. They reported him lost, they said and gqt a very short distance the lead, but Thompson was sec-he said, we "had our problems." Disaster of some form struck he had hit a wall, and they said he when he came upon a traffic jam, ond, 23 minutes in front of Ramir-They also broke a throttle cable. In . between Jamau and the finish, and was in a ditch. It turned out he caused by a couple of stuck bug- ez, who'd obviously had some third place it was Dave Collier, ·after leading all day, the Avina wasn't lost. But, about four miles gies. It was a nan:ow silty section, problems. who'd hit a car in the silt and got team disappeared. Nunez and Riv- before the finish line he'd broken with very big boulders. After a When they arrived at Jamau, stuck. He said the silt was "very era, always backed up by" a fine pit/ his steering shaft. He thought it was while the.co-drivers in some of the Bunch's co-driver, Dave Turner, deep." David Hiriart and Gabriel chase team, had no problems after probably the result of that hard hit waiting cars got out and walked was leading, with 57 minutes on Garcia were fourth at this point, that electrical short, and motored in the ditch up by Mike's. When it up to the first two vehicles, which Thompson. But in the next sec-tion Turner had a couple of flats, and then broke a panhard bar, and had to tape things back to-gether.· Then he. had to "take it pretty easy" for the last 100 miles, and Thompson, with a healthy, car, and no flat tires, went sa_iling past him. Thompson took the win, finishing about 45 minutes in front of Bunch and Turner. They were the only finishers. · Class 9 followed th~ JeepSpeeds off the line, with four entries. Luis ·and Alejandro Guevara had the lead at the Cplonet pit, with five minutes on Troy and Jim Tubbs in their T-Mag. In third it was Leo Martinez and Raul Aguiar, abovt an hour and 15 minutes later, and Tom Watson and Tim Noe were first to the finish line in the SCORE Lite category, There were only three starters in the Class 11 contest and the winner, you guessed · fourth was ·Eric Fisher and Hector they beat out 19 other class contenders. it, Eric Solorzano and Felipe Ortega. Continued on page 1s Dusty Ti~es July 2004 Page 15
Tom Ridings finished third in Class 10 at the Baja 500, he was celebrating his 50" birthday with a nice °solo run. Flavio Navarro and Emesto Cervantes drove their Jimco to third place Third place in the Pro Truck contest went to Al Hogan and Dennis in SCORE Lite, they were a mere three minutes out of second spot. Durmas, seen here at speed in their Ford F-150. Sarabia in a Garibay. They'd had fore. two flat tires and had broken two The Class 11 cars were next off balljoints. His morning had been the line, with three entries. This spent with repairs. group always knows that they They ran in roughly the same have to hustle, and will need an order through the San Telmo area, almost perfect day just to stay but then the Guevara car dropped ahead of checkpoint closing times out before getting to Jama1,1. At - not to mention getting to the fin-that time Fisher's co-driver, Hee- ish. All three made it the first 132 tor Sarabia, was in the car, and miles, and at that point Jorge Rod-running strong, catching up as the riguez and Humberto Sarabia had others had their share of problems. the lead, with 19 minutes on Eric And he caught all the way up. Solorzano. The third car was just When they crossed the finish line, another four minutes back; driven Fisher and Sarabia were the win-by Gonzalo Jiminez and Eduardo ners, just 15 minutes in front of Gutierrez. They were practically second place Martinez and running in each other's dust. Aguiar. The Tubbs team didn't But Solorzano was the only one make it all the way. to get to the San Telmo pit. And · The Class 3 trucks were next then he kept moving along to go, with two entries. Don Moss steadily, or almost steadily. They had the lead in his Bronco at had some problems along the way. Colonet, while Gerardo Barragan, They lost a fuel pump, lost a spark in a Land Rover, ran second, about plug wire, flattened a tire and got a half hour down. In the bottom stuck. But a BFG truck pulled loop, which Moss called a "night-them out, so "it wasn't major" ac-mare", he pulled one truck out of cording to Solorzano. the silt three times, and put a When they got near the finish rolled-over 5-1600 back on its they decided to put Roman wheels. And he continued to lead, Peyreyra in to drive that last sec-with about 40 minutes on Barragan tion because he knew it well. Ro-when they got to the San Telmo man wasn't quite ready, and still pit, hadn't tied his shoes, but he Ken Moss got in for the second jumped in anyway, shoelaces drag-half, and somewhere in there they ging. Even with his familiarity with broke a rear axle housing and had the area, he got lost for a while, to have it welded. But by then it and he must have found the only didn't matter too much, because kindhearted spectators in that sec-Barragan had dropped out. The tion, because a couple of them Moss brothers then went on with showed him the right way to go. no more problems to get their fin-They finished the race at about isi1, and the victory. They were 3:25 in the morning, with a half particularly happy, because they'd hour to spare. They had a big dent never managed to finish a 500 be- in their deck lid, souvenir of a late-Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is our top-of-the-line racing cell that comes ready to ins/al/ and it's backed by a tu/110 year warranty. • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, 'lrip.le coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved . • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience r~ r more info cal.l or wz:i 1:., to: Aircr~t Rubber/ru.l Sa:fe 250 S.E.. TilaDer Av~u• Redmond, OR 97156 800-433-6524 54,1-923-6015 http://www.fu.l.saf"e.com running Class 8 truck, but it victory. In fact, his time was very At Mile 337 they ran out of energy ·hadn't hurt anything, and they good. He beat the JeepSpeeds, the all together. And they were in a were so happy with the win they Sportsman Buggies, Class 3, Class hole at the end of a long downhill weren't complaining. · 5, Class 5-1600, Class 9, 7SX, the section, and the battery was so flat The Sportsman Buggies were Class 1 ls and the Stock Full class. that the radio wouldn't transmit. next to take off, with three start- He'd have been second in Class 7. They had to climb back up to the ers. All three got to Mile 132, and Must be an interesting Street Le- top of the hill to direct oncoming at that time the lead belonged to gal class in the MOR series. Then traffic around the Manxter. Once James Marquez, who had 29 min- he was going to drive home in the the traffic slowed they became· utes on the five man team of Bob same truck, on his, now, balding aware of circling coyotes, so they Carr, Luis Rivera, Kevin Carr, BFGs. built a bonfire for comfort. About Tony and Genaro Robles, · in a The last car to take to the trail three hours later they managed to 1776cc VW powered Gatco chas-was the Manxter of Bruce Meyers. get a weak radio message out, tell-sis. Just eight minutes behind them Bruce wasn't driving at the start, ing their crew where they were and was the team of Ray Files and but was planning to get in for the that they were "enjoying their hon-Brian Lind, so it looked like a good, triumphant last section, when he fire." In the way of all things Baja, close race ·developing. would come across the finish line. that became garbled, and the word But in the next section the He looked a little bereft as his fa-went out that they were possibly Marquez car and the team of Files vorite toy scampered around the on fire: (That kind of garbled mes-and Lind quietly disappeared. first corner on Saturday morning,. sage h~ happened before - to yours That left the five man team out in The team, consisting of Rafael truly, back in 1976.) They were front. They carried on even with Navarro, Sr. (of Pete's Camp rescued at dawn, happy to be back a broken drum and two_ flat tires, fame), John Castillo, Dean Wat- inEnsenada, but disappointed that to get to the finish line in good kjns and Dave Dietrich, in .that they'd disappointed Meyers and shape. When asked if they'd had order, kept it moving right along. hadn't brought his car back far -any trouble negotiating the sec- They reported that the bottom loop enough so he could get his finish. tion where so many had become was in horrendous shape when they Now they're looking forward to the lost, tl?-ey said that they'd pre-r1Jn got there with boulders, silt and lots 1000. "very well" and knew it so thor-of water. But the car made it But first SCORE will have to oughly they didn't care that the through just fine. They had a small go through the Primm race, sched-markers were missing. They fin- shifter problem, and finally got the uled for September 10th and 11th ished in 16: 17: 11, almost 45 min- car to Dietrich atJamau. When he at the Buffalo Bill's hotel right on utes before the cut-off time. got in he discovered some kind of the border of California and Ne-The Sportsman Trucks toqk off electrical gremlin, and the lights vada. Then they'll close the 2004 next, and this class had three en- started to dim. He shut down the season with the Baja 1000, which tries also. And they all made it to big lights and ran on just three small will go all the way to La Paz this the BFG pit-at Mile 132. At that ones, but even those started to dim. year. =~----- SCIIE point the lead belonged to Luis Valdez and Marco Maclish in a Ranger. They had 38 minutes on Austin Farner in a Toyota. Ricardo Castanon and Antonio Lomeli, in another Ford Ranger, ran.third, 14 minut~s later. Only Farner made it to the San Telmo pit. He had quite a story. On the 15th of May Farner drove his Toyota in the MOR race at Ridgecrest, and took the Street Legal class win. He came through it in good shape, and headed to Lake Havasu the next weekend, just for a pleasure trip. Then, with an empty weekend looming, he decided he'd go down to Ensena-da to see what the Baja 500 was all about. He got all carried away by the excitement and decided to enter. He was finding the course "a lot different from Barstow!" and so different in fact, that there were water crossings, a situation you don't find often in a high desert race. His truck stalled at every one of them. But it started running again each time and he kept mak-ing progress. . Castanon and Lomeli dropped out before San Telmo, but Farner and the Valdez/Luis trucks both went through. Farner lost a motor mount, but a friendly Mag 7 team welded it up for him and he went on. He was having no flat tires, which was a good thing, since he doesn't have a big stockpile. Eventually, he was the only one running, and he made it to the fin-ish in plenty of time to take the July 2004 There were 9 Pro Truck entries, 8 of them finished and the fastest of the finishers was Rick Johnson, a Barstow native. The Class 17 win went to Barrie Thompson, his Jeep Cherokee finished the race in 15 ½ hours, a long pull for a nice win. ,Dusty rimts
7 > THE PRE-BUILT PRE-WIRED NO-HEADACHE QUICK-MOUNT LIGHT SYSTEM < Dusty Times July 2004 l If; I ri.ri :3 r l: 1™ LIGHT-SYSTEM by~~ Page 17
32ND WRC CYPRUS RALLY 2004 Granholm Grabs Gold were almost ready to run but Mitsubi-shi needed time to replace suspen-sion units, further to ordering new equipment after their pre-event test-ing, so, despite arriving in time for the rescheduled Shakedown, more work had to be done on them. Then, when they were ready, the Shakedown was halted because stones from a rally car hit and injured a spectator. On the stage, however, it was situation nor-mal, Granholm was quickest with 5m48.8s for the 6.13km section, typi-cally slow for Cyprus, with Petter Solberg 1.9 seconds slower, and the two Citroens next. The interruption of the Shakedown meant that driv-ers had to stay longer before heading back into the mountains to continue their recce. By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautiainen took the win t the Cypros Rally, seen here in their good looking Peugeot 307. The delays accumulated and meant that there was going to be no time for Marcus Gronholm, Carlos Sainz and Petter Solberg to attend the FIA's Drivers' Press Conference, normally a most grave offence. Bad winter weather meant that the con-ditions were going to be very rough. Many drivers said it looked as if there had been no chance for the roads used last year to be regraded. Crews were well aware that Cyprus was unique. Although the country is now safely inside the European political union, the FIA count this, together with Turkey, as a "long-haul" event, which meant that pre-rally testing in the country was banned. T earns had hoped they would find comparable stages in Spain, but the weather and the temperatures were completely unrepresentative .of Cyprus and the two ensuing hot weather events. Cit-roen brought along for Loeb the same On a wing and a prayer, Marcus Granholm brought his fragile Peugeot 307 WRC to its debut victory in Cyp us. Still running with four speed gearboxes while the intended five speed units are being developed, both he and teammate Harri Rovanpera had worries about the transmission of their cars throughout the rally. Ro-van pera had more transmission changes than he could ever recall! The effort was worthwhile however. Granholm has risen to the top of the Drivers' championship tree while a consistent run by Markko Martin left Ford still top of the Makes' series in front of Citroen. Citroen were bugged ~y tyre-related issues through the event, while last year's winner Petter Solberg lost his chances of winning the event when he had dirt block his radiator on the first day. This was the first of a series of rough gravel events, an important test for Mitsubishi who were running in the points when both cars retired with failure of an engine sensor, at half distance. After months of bitter confrontation between the teams and the sporting authorities, it looked as if a semblance of calm had begun in the sport. The weeks before Cyprus were marked by major concessions to pro-posed and current rule changes, born out of considered thought, being made by the international authori-ties. Relationships in the sport were gradually stabilising. This was indeed the first rally in 2004, for example, in which no new rules were introduced at all! Various procedures were still being evolved, it was the third rally with flexi service, and the third time with specially devised time cards. But it was unusual in one respect, it was the first world championship rally under current rules in which there was no supporting event counting for an alternative world championship. It was still easily the slowest rally in the championship, every year won at 64-67kph average speed. Sebastien Loeb: "You rarely get out of third gear on this event, you are always holding yourself back. It isn't the most excit-ing of events, but it has a bit of every-thing." Championship leader Markko Martin said "It can be quite frustrat-ing. There is often the feeling of not driving fast enough. If you push too hard, you risk sliding off the line and losing time." For the first time, under the new tyre limitation rules, tyre wear (with the limit of 60 types per crew for all the event) was likely to be an issue. Cyprus Rally was run to the "2 + 3" format, as in Mexico, but as stories emerged from the closed commission meetings, it seemed that this might in fact be the last event run to a five day format, before the newly conceived 5.5 day format is introduced! For the first time the whole route was based on loops of stages each being r~n twice, and for the first time this year the cars were run at three minute in-tervals. There were no fewer than seven drivers with World Rally Cars listed with Priority 2 status (against Prodromus Prodromou drove his Mitsubishi Lancer to the Group N win at Cyprus, he finished a very respectable 13" overall. Page 18 one in Cyprus the ye~r before), a number matched recently only by Sweden. This became a splendid chance for non-works drivers to get a result in the points, for privateers to be located in the Service Park close ·co the professional crews and to be seen by spectators before they moved away to see the top runners on their next location. Carlos Sainz, the most successful world championship driver currently active in the sport: "This is the toughest phase of the champion-ship, with the roughest roads." Last year's event was run five weeks later, . well into summertime temperatures, and saw a series of engine and fuel feed problems. This year it is the tum of Turkey to be held in the highest Mediterra-· nean temperatures. Just as it seemed that things might be going smoothly, the boat ·bringing equipment from Europe was delayed. Instead of arriv-ing on Sunday night, ready for· off-loading first thing on the Monday, it did not arrive until 0300 Thursday. The boat caoied every team's infra-structure, plus all the recce cars, plus the rally cars for every team, except for Citroen and the private Hyundai of' Jussi Valimaki, which had been flown to Cyprus instead. ,There was near panic. Under the FIA's five-day format, recce had to start W ednes-day morning, with virtually no time to spare. The Shakedown was de-ferred, so that teams had more chance to make their rally cars ready once they had been received. Most cars car he had driven to success at Monte Carlo and Sanremo last year, now re-registeted so as to confuse. Ford brought the substantially rebuilt car crashed by Markko Martin in Cor-sica, which had earlier won · both Acropolis and Finland. Peugeot were using air conditioning on the 307 for the first time and for the first time the 04 Subarus had roof scoops. Gradu-ally the event was reverting to sched-ule. Meanwhile Mitsubishi were re-ally worried whether or not their cars would be ready to take the start and tentatively asked the Stewards if they could be excused attendance at the ceremonial start, although the c~s in fact did finally make the appoint-ment. Jussi Valimaki had so many problems with his Hyundai that the car had to be towed back, forcing the drivers to make the official apologetic walk over the start line. Pre-event dramas were still not finished. The Stewards authorised 38 cars to start but only 3 7 were there. The German privateer Edith Weiss had hoped to take part with a Skoda Octavia Kit Car but arrived in person to report that, even though her ship-ping agents promised the boat with her car would arrive at 0500 Friday Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena brought their Citroen Xsara in for second overall at Cyprus, seen here at a landing. July 2004 morning, the car was still on the ship, at 0926, the time she was due to take the formal start. Present, however, was Valimaki, a spare transmission trans-fer housing having been imported at 0445 that morning, after the main bearing had seized. Leg 1 The day was warm and sunny, and at last the Cyprus Rally 2004 was running on time. The organisers had finally been able to regrade the stages, but the surfaces were still rough and now there was a greater covering of gravel on the surface. This means that stage cleaning would happen and that front running Markko Martin and Sebastien Loeb could expect a slow morning's rallying. So it transpired. At the end of the first loop of three stages fifth running driver Petter Solberg was leading, in fron~ of third running Marcus Gronholm and ninth running Harri Rovanpera and sixth running Carlos Sainz. First running Martin was fifth in front of second running Loeb. The day began dramatically for the World Champion. The opening stage was 38km long and Petter finished 1.8 seconds ahead of Rovanpera, but his fastest stage time was achieved in a car with air in only one of its four tyres, the other three tyres having punctured and retained their shape by virtue of their EMI mousses. Only one spare tyre was allowed on this event, so the Norwegian had to start the remaining two stages with at least one tyre witli no air inside. Most of the top drivers had at least one punc-ture. Loeb said he found the stages rougher than he had expected. Sainz had the semi-automatic gear selector fail on the first stage and drove that stage manually, using the clutch; but then was able to fix this before Stage 2. Mikko Hirvonen (Subaru) found . the XR tyre difficult to drive. Gilles Panizzi found the Mitsubishi's suspen-sion was bumping a lot, while team-mate Kristian Sohlberg had his sump guard fall off but he was happy to reach service without damage. The ·biggest disappointment came for Francois Duval, whose Ford lost a wheel towards the end of the first stage and he had to retire. After the first three stages Petter was 4.9 seconds al:iead of Granholm with Rovanpera another 10.8 seconds behind. Valimaki was out before the first stage with a repetition of over-heating transmission on his Hyundai which had caused drama the day before. Also on the first stage the Greek privateer John Papadirnitriou disappeared with troubles after hit-ting a rock, the shock of which flexed the sumpguard and jammed the power steering pulley and dislodged the belt. The impact also damaged the hydraulic pipe to the central dif-ferential, and all the fluid was lost. Miguel Campos had the rear right damper punch its way through the bodywork of his Peugeot and he stag-gered to service having lost about 20 minutes on the stages. Glory for the Norwegian came to an end as he was driving through Stage 4. The front bodywork of his Subaru became dis-torted so dust and stones became embeqded into the radiator and caused the engine to start overheat-ing which immediately invoked the automatic safe-mode system. Gradu-ally the engine temperature rose and the power ebbed away. Eventually he reached the end of the stage but lost some four minutes. Co-driver Philip Mills, "On every third comer, or so, the cat would lunge into the muck on the road. We could see a constant stream of rocks being thrown into the air and then bouncing up our windscreen. The conditions were unacceptable." Petter Solberg was Dusty Times
. Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen flew their Subaru lmpreza to seventh overall at Cyp111s, seen here in flight. Markko Marlin and Michael Park were third overall at Cyprvs, seen here in their good looking Ford Focus. Kristian Sohlberg and Kaj Lindstrom were the unlucky ones, they lost an engine in their Mitsubishi Lancer, out of the fray. down to eighth-place. In more trouble Leg 2 was Sohlberg with a slipping clutch The stages on Leg 2 were quite after just 10km of the 38km Stage 4. different. Miguel Campos was open-He switched the engine to road-mode ing car on the road in his Peugeot and cruised to the finish of die stage, 206WRC, "Today was completely · lost around eight minutes and con- different. Extremely slippery - but fi-tinued to the end of Stage 6 like that. nally, not rough!" Marcus Gronholm Gronholm gained the lead ahead of held his lead at around 20 seconds teammate Rovanpera by 30.7 sec- through the first loop of three stages onds, who was only 0.6 second ahead but each time there was a different of Sainz, and was happy. One punc- driver chasing him. Firstly lµs team-ture was the extent of his trouble in mate Harri Rovanpera, but on the see-the afternoon. Sainz had a good time ond stage he lost second gear, critical on Stage 4 (lying third) but at the on this event, and slid down the expense of the tyres. Just like in the placings firstly to fourth then to fifth. morning, the tyre wear at the rear of Rovanpera had a face of despair, "It's his Citroen was not acc.ountable. On always one thing or another ... " Stage 5 things got worse for the World Markko Martin took up the chase but Champion. This time he even had to on Stage 9 the -Estonian bent a steer-stop in the stage for the air inlet to be ing arm which aropped him behind cleared away and he was down to Sebastien Loeb. Loeb meanwhile was tenth. Now Gronholm had a scare. having difficulties of his own not be-He reported that although the car was ing able to select first gear through driving fine the clutch was not work-the normal semi-automatic system. ing properly, his main worry was how This was not Mitsubishi's day either. he would start Stage 5 and 6, and After changing his clutch Kristian then drive the road section back to Sohlberg set off with high hopes, but Limassol. "Happily, after we had re- then the engine stopped in the middle fueled we did not have to stop once." of Stage 8 for no apparent reason. Martin had a blocked .front differen-Then one stage later the same thing tial through both.Stages 5 and 6 and happened to Gilles Panizzi who had then on the road section to service been up to seventh after Stage 7, but the power steering broke. Janne then on Stage 9 he had a similar en-Tuohino_. with just one spin to report, , gine problem to his teammate, this was now seventh ahead of Gilles time worse, the car coming to a halt . Panizzi. between the flying finish and the stop Panizzi spent the day learning how line. When he eventually_ managed much he could push the car and es- to restart the engine Panizzi could not pecially the tyres. "Now I have a lot raise the revs, but he managed to drive more confidence in how hard I can the car to the regrouping control in drive. Today it was necessary to be Pafos. Eventually the problem was conservative." Henning Solberg sur- traced to faulty sensors controlling the vived having to drive two stages with turbocharger air by~pass, and the im-a terri.bly bad sounding rear differen- possibility for the team to be able-to tial while Bozian teammate Luis trace the fa1,1lt from far away, leading Compano drove all three stages with in both cases to the cars going beyond a broken intercooler and had to re- time limit. With only seven makes' vert to safe-mode. Gronholm sur- . cars still running, everyone had points vived, his lead in front of Rovanpera to gain by finishing. now down to 10. 7s, but both Citroens Petter Solberg made fastest time were closing and were within 10.3 on the first two stages but overshot a seconds of second place. At the end turning on Stage 9, losing a quarter of the leg Peugeots were lying 1-2 with minute. Sainz continued to struggle four French cars in the top five and with his tyres, the problem this time . only Markko Martin intruding. that when the teams had to nomi-Chris Armetia had the Group N nate the tyres (Cyprus counted for lead, the top three alt being this purpose as a European event, Mitsubishis. In the small car catego-which meant deciding nearer the ries there were three Suzukis, a 1.8 event} they still wondered if it would and a 1.6 Baleno and a 1.3 Ignis, be wet, so nominated half their GW the Ignis leading its class. dry weather tyres and half the Zs which are far better for the wet. "We needed to decide what to do, so we drove the first loop today on Zs, keep-ing the GW s for when the surfaces would be cleaner and more abrasive." Many of the Michelin runners re-ported that tyres were being prised off their rims on the long Stage 8. Martin said it happened to three of his tyres on that stage, yet he still made second best time. Mikko Hirvonen continued to drive steadily, "Learn-ing all the time how to drive to con-serve the tyres." The Bc>Zian team had a panic when Campos' suspension failed on the first leg (a similar failure to Henning Solberg's in NZ) and had flown in by private plane a set of tita-nium top mounts, which had been fitted to the three cars they ran at Friday night's service. Not much help for Compano, however, who on the first stage on Saturday went off the road and lost a wheel. So Henning was the only Bozian driver having a good run, and something fun for him, he was leading brother Petter! The meat of the second part of • the leg should have been Stage 11 (a repeat of the 30km Stage 8), but this had to be interrupted due to specta-tors who closed onto the track after the safety officials had left the scene. After two cars had passed the yellow flags came out. Drivers who had not entered the stage were diverted by an emergency route, and the first run-ning cars waited at the start of Stage 12 forthe event to regroup."Warmbold went off the road and retired, before he had seen the yellow flags. Gron-holm maintained his edge through to the end of the day despite a major attack by Loeb towards-the end of the leg. Campos' honour, of running first, meant that he and Ginley both wore out their tyres unnecessarily on Stage 11 so that they were disadvan-taged compared with their rivals on Stage 12. Ginley had rear differential failure on the stage as well. Petter got ahead of brother Henning (who had a lot of intercom trouble}. Rovanpera was three minutes late leaving ser-vice, after changing the gearbox, rear differential and front suspension then suffering some power steering trouble later in the leg. Loeb lost time on Stage 10 when he stalled at a hair-pin. It had been a Father slow after-noon (25km of competitive stages since midday) but the pressure was mounting-for the final day. Leg 3 . Cyprus has historically had a sting in its tail. Would it be the same again this year? Once again there was a dif~ ferent type of stage. Smooth, less hilly, but most incredibly slippery. First car on the stages, for the second day run-ning, was Campos. "It was incredible. We were going sideways even along the straights._ Absolutely no traction!" It seemed that Gronholm had clinched the rally on the first stage of the day, taking 17.5 seconds off Loeb · and extending his overall lead to 40.4 seconds. Gronholm eased up on Stage 15, "We haven't rallied on that stage before, so we did not know if there • would be any nasty surprises." Behind the leaders Martin and Sainz had no troubles to report, but fifth placed Ro-vanpera was still struggling. After the morning of the second day when his gearbox had lost second gear, gearbox two was fitted. At Saturday evening's service that was removed, so the me-chanics could work on it overnight, and they put it back on Sunday morn-ing (another 30 second penalty) but as the rally started off again it was still leaking fluid, and then on Stage 15 the central differential failed as well. Hirvonen went off the road due to· a pace note mistake and damaged the steering. Co-driver Jarmo Lehtinen: "On the second run we'll find out how the mistake happened ... " Janne T uohino hit a rock and went straight on at a junction, letting Petter Solberg rise to seventh place, with Hirvonen now less than one minute in front of him in sixth. Henning Solberg had a problem with the rear transmission, which caused him to spin twice, while Ginley also had some rear differential problem. Petter Solberg's relentless chase of Hirvonen continued apace and with· two stages to go he swept past into sixth place, but brother Henning had a last minute disappointment when he had electrical problems at the start of stage 1 7 and could not fire up the engine, so now only one Bozian car remained, the 206 of Campos. Peu-geot were desperate.to get Rovanpera to die finish. They put the original gearbox, still with only three working gears, back into the car and sent him gently to the end. What was not well known was how nervous leader Gron-holm was, in case the same problems afflicted him. "Every time I change gear, I think 'was it necessaryf I have never changed gear so gently in my life before!" Petter cruised to the fin-ish in sixth place, his only alarm being when a lone spectator put a line of rocks across the road in front of them. Hirvonen had his steering rack changed and headed on. Lehtinen disclosed the earlier problem was ... his! Sainz had to use Z-tyres because his allocation of Gs had run out, and had a double puncture on Stage 16. So Proveras' anxieties were coming to an end. Gronholm proved he was indeed the boss, and tensions in Peu-geot were a little eased. "I am still not happy", he said "There is still a lot we at the team have to do. Reli-ability is paramount in this year's championship." The Group N Hartoupaolos led froin early Satur-day until Sunday morning when he retired on the first stage of the day with rear transmission trouble. Now in line to win was fellow Mitsubishi driver Chris Armeftis, but then he retired after the end of the final stage with the same problem, so the even-tual surprise winner was Prodromos Prodromou. lA.faC: 32nd Cyprus Rally 1,4116.05.2004 Limasaof (CY) WC round 5 we point• _WR vvo 1 (5) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo R.autiainen FIN Peugeot 307 WRC 468PWL75 (F) -4h.58m.44 S.. 10 10 2 . (3) S•baatien LOEB/Danl•f Elana F/MC Citroen Xsara VVR.C 723CZF78 (F) 4h.59m.38.5a., 8 8 3 (7) Mart<ko MARTIN/Michael Park EE/GB Fort:f Focue RS VVRC. EO03YRJ (GB) ◄h.S9m.53.6s. 8 B -4 (4) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E Citroen X&ara WRC 72SCZF78 (F) 5h.02m.02.5s. 5 5 5 (6) Harri ROVANPERA/Rlsto PtetHalnen flN Peugeot 307 VI/RC 471 P'WL.7S (F) 5h.05rn.53.5a. <4 . ◄ 6 (1) Pett.er SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmp,rwza VVRC L TS3SRT (GB) 5h.09m.07 .S.. 3 3 7 (2) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarrno L•htlnen FIN Sut:>en.., lrnprez.a WRC CT53SRT (GB) 5h.09m.19.4a. 2 2 8 (11) Janne TuohinolJ!--fkka Aho FIN Ford Focus WRC EX02OBD (GB) 5h.12m.5S.2s. - 1 . 9 (15) Ali9Ulir Glnley/RO<y Kennedy GBIIRL Subaru lrnprwza \NRC S400WRT (GB) 5h.26m.22.3s. - -10 (16) Miguel Carnpo.,Nuno Sliva 206ND075 (F) 5h.38m.40.7s. - -p "Peugeot 208 WRC 13 (66) Pn::,,dromoa Prodrornoul"'Rockya•• CV Mileubl.,...i Lancer EvoVI N HAN091 (CY) 6h.15rn.31.1s.-""' -37 starters·. 21 flntahera. Not qualH'ylng fcx-PCWRC or .JWR.C. -1 at In Group N . No Privateer Trophy entries . . MANUFACTURER'S REGISTERED DRrvER. WlrvllM"'s averao-, ap,eed ov.r stages 65.S1kph. Carlos Sainz and Marc Marti tried real hard but were only able to Eighth overall went to Janne Tuohino and Jukka Aho seen here in The good looking Peugeot 307 of Harri Rovanpera and Risto catch a fourth overall in their Citroen Xsara. their neat looking Ford Focus at the Cyp111s event. Pietilainen was fifth overall at Cyprus, seen here at speed. Dusty Times July 2004 Page 19
\ SNORE DUSTY TIMES CALIENTE 250 Bryan Freema.n ·cets His Win By John Calvin Photos: Track.side Photo The coveted Class 1600 win went to Bryan Freeman, he had a trouble free run in his near new car and he was ecstatic with his victory. · About 150 miles north, slightly northeast of Las Vegas sits the pic-turesque community of Caliente, Nevada, home of the ever popular SNORE Caliente 250 race, sponsored for many years by Dusty Times. The racers who run here love the course and, if you've never been to Cali-ente, you'll love the 55 mile· loops through the trees, over the railroad bridges and through the sometimes numerous water crossings. It's a chal-lenge for driver and car and the scen-ery is out of this world. Forty-seven entrants appeared for the 2004 race and there was an as-tonishing 75% finishing rate. The weather was perfect, there were lots of high clouds, the temperature was moderate and all we talked to, win, lose or break the cat: trying to finish were happy that they had come to town and entered the race. Class 10 was first' off the line, there were five entered and they all man-aged a finish. Forest Creasy had the lead at the end of the first lap, T.J. Flores was second, less than five min-utes in arrears, Bryan Free~al was in third place, 10 seconds out of sec-ond, Kenny Freeman, Jr. was run-ning fourth in his four seater, with three people buckled in and Mike Gaughan, Jr. was a very long fifth place after losing a battery and wait-ing for a good Samaritan (Steve Shimp) to come along and offer a battery to the Gaughan car. Mike ended up with almost a two and a half hour lap. · Lap 2 saw Forest Creasy still in the lead, T.J. Flores still in second place, Kenny Freeman moved up into third place (Ken was just out cruisin' in his almost new car), Freemal had dropped a spot into fourth place with a fairly long lap and Gaughan was still in fifth, suf-fering badly in time after the ex-tremely long first lap. The third and fourth laps saw no position changes as the guys kept on motoring around. Bill Dickton was in for Creasy and continued to lead the .race, T.J. Flores was having a solo ride in the mountains and was some 10 minutes behind the class leader. Kenny Freeman was still in third, his young and good looking co-rider, Audrie Tschanz was buck-led in for her first race and was en- • joying every minute of her four lap ride, Freemal was still circulating, eight minutes out of third and the Gaughan car was still fifth, not able to recover from Lap 1. As the checkers flew for Class 10, Bill Dickton crossed the line, he re-ported a ho-hum day, no problems with the car and extremely happy with their win. Flores remained in second place, some 19 minutes out of the gold medal, his car was jump-ing out of gear for a good portion of the race. Kenny Freeman was third, Bill Oickton ieamed with Forest Creasy and their combo really worked, they took the Class 10 win with almost 20 minutes in hand. Corey Torres had a nice solo drive, he had a few Rats to contend with but he took the large Class 9 laurels by more than half an hour. 19 minutes out of second but grin-ning from ear to ear, having a ball with his new toy and reporting no problems during the race. Freemal finished in fourth place, he had two long laps, the second and the fourth, · which didn't help his finishing place and the Gaughan group was a disap-pointing fifth place. The Class 1600 battle saw 11 competitors take the green flag but only eight of them would complete their four required laps, a finishing rate·of73%. When the.y came around at the end of the first lap it wa~, guess who, Rob MacCachren in the lead, 32-sec-onds later came Bryan Freeman, then came the. vivacious Day Gang, de-termined to take the win, Dan Bra-dley was runnj.ng in fourth.place and Aaron Hawley was in fifth spot, five minutes off the lead. In sixth it was Mike Boyd, he had laid the car on it's side, but got upright again, Chad Shupp was in the lucky seven spot, having a flat tire to contend with, Jeff Carr was well off the pace at this time, running eighth place, in ninth place it was Ken T apert and Cody Freeman was way down in the 10th spot. Jeremy Harmon failed to nego-tiate the first lap, having a major slide off the course and was unable to ex-tricate his car. As they came down the mother of all hills to finish their second lap, Continued on page 22 Mike Wichmann and don Kelly shared the drivers seat, they had some Ken Leavitt drove his Ford around for his 3 required laps, had some Tom Hood and Eric Shepard co-drove at Caliente, they took a nice front end trouble on the last lap but still managed 2nd place in Class 9. problems but still managed a 2nd place in Heavy Metal. 2nd place in the Unlimited Sportsman category. Billy Shapley and John Pellissier shared the drive in Sportsman Buggy, Kenny freeman had a ball, he cruised around in his four seater with Chad Shupp and Russ Winkler had a couple of Rats to contend with had one front Rat and came home in second place. three people on board, had no problems and was 3rd in Class 10. but stil(took third place in.the Class 1600 battle. .· J_µly 2op4 Dust_y, Ti~es - I
--· ·~· .· ·· OCTOBER 1sr ¥ -FUN RUN 12NOON SIGN UP AT GOLD COAST HOTEL 5PM • 9:30PM TECH INSPECTION AT GOLD COAST 5:30PM • 10PM NfA!lcDATORY D~S MEETIN<J AT GOLD ~ .fO,w -· __ :. -Dusty Times · July2004 .RACE OF ~F~fL._. CffAMplC» $2500.00 TO :t Cl.lllS 10 AND 1600 MUST HAVE 10 CARS IN Cl.ASS . $2000.00 10 R::J.N Ct.MS 9 AND 5-1600 MUST HAVE 10 CARS IN CLASS lNJl~r~JI: =1fl111'!j~ ~ f-:fl ~~ft~t=,J Page 21
Joe Forte and Sam Zuranti drove their brandnew car to a very nice third John Phegley drove his very tall and fast wagon to a nice third place place in the Class 9 contest, they had no problems during the race. in Heavy Metal, seen here at speed. · Dave and Chris Deloe had a good day, in spite of a sticky throttle they took the bronze medal in Sportsman Buggy Class. it was still MacCachren in the lead, dropped a spot and was down to fifth up a spot into ninth and Ken Tapert Bryan Freeman was right on his heels, place. Jeff Carr was rolling now and was down a place into 10th. only a minute behind, Aaron Haw-he moved up a few places into sixth, Down the hill again for the end ley was picking up th~ pace and had Mike Boyd dropped a spot in to sev-of the third lap and Bryan Freeman moved up to third spot, Day Gang enth, Chad Shupp dropped a spot had the lead, MacCachren was in had dropped a spot and was running into eighth, Chad had his second flat second place, a minute and a half in in fourth and Dan Bradley also tire _of the day, Cody Freeman was arrears, Ms. Gang had reclaimed her third place standing, Russ Winkler was in for Chad Shupp and he had moved their car up into fourth place, picking up four spots on the lap and Jeff Carr picked up a another spot into fifth in spite of having to drive many miles on a flat tire. Corey Go-Monte Tibbetts had only a broken radio to hinder his driving skills, he took the Heavy Metal win with ease at Caliente. Surprisingly, Laine Knecht was the only Class 5-1600 entrant, but he ran his three required laps in good time. Page 22 July 2004 -----------. ing, who was in for Mike Boyd, imi-tated Boyd by laying the car on its side, just like Mike, still moved up a spot into sixth place, Dan Bradley dropped a couple and was running seventh after running aground on a large rock in the water and losing 15 minutes extricating the car and Ken T apert was running in eighth. Aaron Hawley ·and Cody Freeman suc-cumbed to terminal problems and were off the scoring charts. The last lap in the 1600 battle and everyone gave it their all. As the crowd watched the top of the hill it was Bryan Freeman first in sight and down he came to take the checkered flag and a hard fought victory, he had a flat tire on this lap to mar a perfect run. Day Gang was not far behind, she came in for a very nice second place in Cali-ente, she had a trouble free run this day. Russ Winkler came in for a nice third place, Jeff Carr had picked up another spot and was first off the po-dium, MacCachren was fifth, he broke a c.v. and spent some 30 minutes get-ting back on the road again, his only Dusty Times
Bryan Freemal was the first off the podium finisher in Class 10, seen. Jeff Carr endured a very long flat tire on his run, he salvaged some of Bill Bass, with son Bob in the right seat had big problems with the steering column, they still managed fourth in Class 9. here heading for the finish in Caliente. it and finished in fourth place in Glass 1600. problem during the race. Corey Going in second spot, Rich Blunk was third, final vehicle to cross the line, major, came in sixth, Dan Bradley was lucky 12 minutes out of first and Toby major problems forced him into a five seventh and Ken Ta pert was the Kalkowski was in fourth place. Bib hour lap. Ed Geoffrey failed to com-eighth and final finisher in class, his John Phegley was in fifth place in his plete his first lap. faithful companion Fred Rahm rising always recognizable station wagon When the second lap ended it all the way with him. and Jeff White was the sixth and was still Monte Tibbetts in the lead, Class 9 had 11 entries also, seven of them made it to the checkered flag for a finishing rate of 64%. The class only had to run three laps, but, for some of them it was the three laps from hell. The first lap ended with Corey Torres first across the line, Mike Wichmann was second in, he was seven minutes in arrears, Joe Forte was third, he was 11 minutes · away from first place, Bill Bass was fourth in, 12 minutes out of the lead and Brandon Hughes was fifth, 12 minutes and change out of first place. In sixth place it was Justin Evans, in seventh was Hope Benedict, Clint Braun was eighth, he had major prob-lems on his first lap and Tom Martin was ninth, he too had serious prob-lems on his first lap. Failing to com-plete their first lap were Kenny Thatcher and Jim Neal, their prob-lem unknown to us. The results of the second Class 9 lap saw no changes in the top four places, it was still Torres, Don Kelly was in for Mike Wichmann, then Joe Forte who had Kimberly Skarda in the right seat and fourth was Bill Bass. Clint Braun turned it on and rose from eighth to fifth place, Ever-ett Evans, in for Justin, remained in sixth and Hope Benadict held her seventh place position. Brandon Hughes and Tom Martin failed to complete their second lap. his lead had grown by leaps and White was running in fifth place, bounds over Ken Leavitt, who was cutting almost three hours from his in second spot and John Phegley had first lap time. Toby Kalkowski was risen from fifth place to third. Rick unable to complete his second lap. Blunk dropped a spot and was now When the checkers flew for the running i-n fourth place and Jeff Continued on page 24 GET MICROSTUBS! 934 PRO VERSION Now IN STOCK! There were no changes in order on the third and last lap. Corey Torres, driving solo came across the finish line, took home all the marbles, reporting he suffered two flats during the race, but had no other problems and was quite pleased with the· car's perfor-mance. Don Kelly was happy with s_econd spot after having major front end problems on the last lap. Sam Zuranti was in the driver's seat for Joe Forte and he reported that they had no problems and were quite pleased with the performance of their brand new car. Bill Bass finished in fourth place, his son Robert rode all the way with him. Bill literally had a very shaky steering column, which kept his at-tention for quite a while. We missed Clint Braun at race end but it seems he had all his problems on the first lap. Jeremy Evans was the third driver fHEEK US OUT ONLINE fa, WWW.KJIRTEK.COM in the Evans car and he was quickest I of the trio. The Evans boys reported they had clutch, front end and brake problems that hindered them all race long. We didn't see the Hope Benadict car in the impound area so we have no idea of who else drove the car or what problems they had. Seven entrants gathere0d for the t Heavy Metal fracas and four of them made it to the finish line after their three required laps, a 57% finishing rate. As Lap 1 ended it was Monte Tibbetts first to the line, 11 minutes later it was Ken Leavitt coming across Dusty Times &. .,. t;,,-'' t¾J PAEFIUNN A SPECIALIST WE STOCK MORE PARTS THAN ANYONE! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! ~PErformancE ~ • SuspEns/on 99-0~ .IILVE/lADO COILOVE/l KIT 909.737.RACE ( 7223) 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 July 2004 --·- --~-, NI::.. l::..Ul::II::.. ADVANCED SUSPENSION 4WD .IUPE/lDUTY LIFT KIT.I 3" TO 12" AVAILABLE! Major Credit Cards Accepted _, .., ... _v_,:.11~ -, ~ DISC VER Page 23
Fourth place in Heavy Metal went to the Blunk Boys, an hours worth Steve Shimp lost a battle with a tree on the first lap, soldiered on and of problems helped to keep them out of the money. took the 4th place finish in Sportsman Buggy. Rob MacCachren had the Class 1600 lead for three laps but a broken cv cost him half an hour and he ended up in 5th place. Heavy Metal group it was Monte Thanks for coming Monte and we're Heavy Metal. Jeff White failed to Tibbetts still in the ,top spot, he took glad you won. Ken Leavitt was sec- complete his third lap. his gold medal after a nice trouble ond although he was a long way back The 5-1600 class consisted of only free run. His only problem was an after a long second and third lap. one car, Laine Knecht, who went a inoperable radio. Monte trailers his John Phegley came in third and Rich bit faster on each of his three re-truck all the way from Pine Ridge, Blunk and the rest of the Blunk clan quired laps and he took the honors South Dakota, a long, long haul. were the fourth and final finishers in in six hours 11nd 25 minutes. There were three Unlimited Sportsman at the start and two of them got in their three required laps. A finishing rate of 67%. As the cars flew down the super steep hill into Caliente at the end of the first lap it was Jason Gubler in front, Tom Jason and Jeremy Gubler had no problems in their Unlimited Buggy and they took the class win with 18 minutes in hand. Orto Cox and Eddie Frehner shared the driving chores and they drove to a nice win in the Sportsman Buggy class. •Collover, extemal adJustabta bypass & smo.oth body models, .· •2.S" & 2'' 4ia. monotu•e sflbck bodle1 •1011 lhru 17" travel · , ~. •Niekel platelf , •RebUifdable Page 24 ♦"· er ~Ive and reawte l'Qtrvoir models t" dia. m ~ock blldles ti!. el p ebui • Race nspired fixed Ctt>siFlow reservoir design shock at au affordable price •AvaitabJ@jn 6.5"~-14~ travel • Patented digressive split valving •46mm working piston -•Adjustable mount allows reservoir to be positioned as needed July 2004 • Fm lifted pitktlps an4 SU • lfnc plated shock boJly • Pateutea digressfve va~ imantly reacts tp cban nr:Jac~ ~ntlitltns tot maximum comfort & c • pressf&11 ani reboun vatvlnt tonu each specificappftcatfl Hood was second, less than 10 min-utes behind and Trevor Schorrer was a long third place after problems held him to a two and a half hour lap. Jason, or was it Jeremy Gubler still held their lead after the second lap was completed. Eric Shepard was now in for Tom Hood and they were still in second spot, some 21 minutes in arrears and Trevor Schorrer was a terribly long third after encounter-ing additional problems on his sec-ond lap. The third and final lap saw the Gublers taking the Unlimited Sportsman win, four hours and 20 minutes total time for their three laps. They were very happy with their trouble free run. Shepard came along for the second finish-ing spot, a mere 11 minutes out of the win. He and Hood had some of the foam in the fuel cell come loose and end up in the fuel pump. Trevor Schorrer finally called it a day and was unhappily on the trailer, never completing his third lap. Sportsman Buggy had nine teams Dusty Times
Fifth place in Class 9 went to Clint Braun, he had 40 minutes worth.. of Tim Millis had a fun day, he drove solo in his Sportsman entry, ran Corey Goin and Mike Boyd each laid the car on it's side on their first trouble on the first lap and it was very expensive in time. three consistent laps and finished in 5th place. laps, they still managed a pretty good 6th in Class 1600. Jeremy, Justin and Everett each drove a lap, they had a few problems Dan Bradley losl a battle to a hidden rock in the water, cost him a Eighth place in 1600 went to Ken Tapert, Fred Rahm rode all the to mar their passage but still managed q 6th in Class 9. bunch of time, he finished 7th in Class 1600. way, a steering problem hampered their progress. ready for battle. Eight of them saw lead, Pellissier was a minute in ar- tered no problems on their three lap in fifth place, he reported no prob-on their third lap adding many extra the checkered flag, a very nice 89% rears, Chris Deloe was still in third, run through the trees. Billy Shapley !ems and was happy enough with his minutes to their overall time. finishing rate. As the· cars came losing some time on this lap, Steve was driving his own car, Pellissier was day. We missed Courtney Collins at So it ended, .a great ·weekend in down the hill, ending their first lap it Shimp was still in the fourth spot and · out and Billy came in for a nice sec- race end but we know she had prob- Caliente for some, some others al-was John Pellissier in the lead, Orio Tim Millis had moved up a spot into ond place, all they suffered' was a !ems on the second lap and we know ready hoping they will do better next Cox was second in, four minutes out fifth. Dave Beeman had dropped a front flat on the first lap. Dave Deloe the competitive young lady would year at this venue and some merely of the lead, Chris Deloe was third, place into sixth, Kevin Powers also was in for Chris, they finished in third h~ve been very unhappy with her going home to the shop to get the Steve Shimp was in fourth place af-dropped a spot and was now run- place, a sticking throttle adding a bit ·sixth place finish. Kevin Powers four wheeled child ready for the next ter having a slight argument with a ning in seventh and Courtney Col-of excitement to their day.· Fourth wasn't happy with his seventh place SNORE event, the Midnight. Spe-tree and Dave Beeman was running !ins also dropped a place, she was run- place went to Steve Shimp, he was a finish, he had to fight fouled spark cial, running in beautiful, downtown in fifth. Tim Millis was running in ning eighth. Don Wall succumbed good Samaritan, giving a spare bat- plugs and fuel pump problems on his Primm, Nevada on the 7th of Au-the sixth spot, Courtney Collins was to terminal problems and was on the tery to Class 10 Mike Gaughan, who first and third laps. The Beeman clan gust. Be sure to come out for a great running in an unaccustomed sev- trailer. was dead in the water on the first wasn't too happy with their eighth night race on a terrific course. Se ya' enth place, Kevin Powers was in The third and final lap for the lap. Tim Millis finished his solo drive place finishing spot, major problems all there at the races. ~ eighth and Don Wall was a terribly Sportsman Buggy group saw few long ninth place .after fixing major changes in the running order. Eddie problems. • Frehner, in for Orio Cox came across When the second lap came to an to take the win, 11 minutes in hand ~ end, Orio Cox now held the class at the finish. He and Orio encoun-Day Gang had her best finish in a long time, she cruised around the Caliente course problem free and took a very nice second in 1600. T J Flores had a fairly good race, he had a tranny that kept jumping out of gear but he still managed a nice silver medal in Class 10. Dusty-Times www.nevadaoffroadbuggy.com 1ltE UI.TtMJS POWEii Souai:e• ZTREME nRE co. NB/A°' OFFROAO BUGGY T-SHIRT SM-MEO-LRG-XXLRG ON.Y $10.00 • CROW WE CARRY A\I/IDE · ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS A'"'~~~ ..... GIVE US A CALL FOR ALL YOUR OFFROAD & SAND NEEDS CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON.FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871•5221 fax July 2004 Page 25
MDR RIDGECREST 300 Perfect And .Baeskens overall By Judy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo Jamie Campbell and George Rosenbaum teamed in Campbell's Ford to take the Class 725 victory, even with a misbehaving carburetor. Lee Perfect and Dave Baeskens transplanted their pre-nm motor into their Class 1000 Chenowth and then went out to win the MDR Ridgecrest 300 overall. Lee Perfect and Dave Baeskens had a terrific day in their Class 10 Chenowth, and surprised themselves by taking the overall win at the MDR Ridgecrest 300 in mid-May. The desert near Ridgecrest, just off the Trona Road, was enjoying spring-like weather for this event, complete with breezes to dear away the dust for most of the day. This was the third event in the MDR's seven race line-up for the Barstow/Lucerne/ Ridgecrest area. This year they're also doing four races in the Superstition Series (what used to be Fud'sdomain) down in the Plaster City area of the low desert. The Ridgecrest course was a 33 mile loop, described generally as rough, and since it took a good Class l car somewhere in the neighborhood of 42 minute~ to do a lap, that was prob-ably an accurate description. The faster classes were required to do eight laps, while the slower classes did six loops and some did only four. The first cars went off the line at 7:00am, one at a time, 30 seconds apart. There was a gentle breeze at that time, but for a while in mid-morning all breezes stopped and the dust was blinding. The Class l cars were first off the line, with four entries, and one way or another they all came to a bad end. Dennis Boyle and Frank Hines had their Lothringer with the carbureted Chevy V8 in it, and their motor went away about 17 miles into the race. Andrew Gaston, on the other hand, got the first lap done, but then never completed Lap 2. Will Akwari got a string going, with two laps, but then he disappeared also. And the team of Richard Boyle and Ron Brant, in a new RPS chassis with a fuel injected LSl V8 motor, came to get a good test under their belt. Brant was drivin~ and he was the first car off the line. They got eight laps in, and their car was handling just fine, so they were happy with their test. It was a good thing, because on that first lap, within the first mile, Brant missed a right tum and inadvertently cut off a three mile loop. When he got out of the car at the end of the fourth lap he reported it to the offi-cials, and as he expected, they were , disqualified. So Class l had no legal finishers. Class 10 had seven starters and it looked as if there might be some good close racing,. But then it seemed that most of them were having a tough time putting two good laps together. The course was apparently littered with Class l O cars under repair at any given moment. But Perfect and Baeskens had done their repair work the night before when they discov-ered a cracked case in their Chen-owth and replaced their race motor with a tired pre-run motor: Mark Weger had the first lap lead, but was just 51 seconds in front of Mike Deardorff. And third place was held down by Brandon Aymar in his Honda powered Elite. But all three of them ran into serious troubles on the second lap and Perfect wet}t into the lead. Robert Nuckles disappeared completely on the second lap, and Greg Crew did all the driving in his 1835cc-powered Raceco, and went home with Austin Farner and Dan Vance shared the driving in their Class 1450 Toyota. They the Class 1300 victory. had no mechanical problems and took the win by 15 minutes. Robf}rt Henderson did all the driving in his Class 1100 VW sedan, and with nothing Paul<Jen Hepler had the course all to himself after the first lap, but he kept moving worse than a blinking oil light, took the win. at a good pace and went home with the Class 550 win. Page 26 July 2004 Aymar, even ·with his problems, moved into second place, 20 minutes behind the lead car. Deardorff was another 14 minutes back, in third place. AU expectations for a close race were gone. Deardorff and Weger fell out on the third lap. Perfect, who was run-ning steady times, moved into the lead, with Aymar second, 18 minutes back. Jim Gledhill was third, another 26 minutes off the pace. And in fourth it was Steve Vatter, three minutes further back. But then Vatter lost 20 -minutes on the fourth lap to fall even further behind. At the end of Lap 4 it was Perfect, Aymar, Gledhill and Vatter's co-driver, Matt Wright, and a&er the fifth lap the order was the same, but now Dave Baeskens had taken over for Perfect. On the sixth lap Aymar dis-appeared, and both Gledhill, who lost over two hours, and Wright, who lost , a mere 25 minutes, had problems . . Wright was being bedeviled by un-solvable ignition problems. Baeskens and Perfect now had an hour and a half lead. And they were havirig no mechanical trouble at all. They sailed on to the finish to take the Class 10 win, and to their own• surprise, the overall victory as well. Wright and Vatter finished second an hour and 22 minutes later, followed in by Gledhill, who was over two hours fur-ther back. This was only the fifth race for Wright and Vatter, who'd been, respectively, a stock car racer and a biker. They came to this race a year ago to watch some friends. It was the first off road race they'd ever seen, and a week later they owned their own race car. There was only one Class 5 car and it didn't have a particularly good day. Kelly Boyle and team spent two hours and 53 minutes in getting Lap l completed, then did a fine 51-minute lap, and followed it up with another good time. But then there were no more laps for the Class 5 car. Three Class 800 trucks were next to start, and a couple of them had the best race of the day for a while. Justin Miller lost an hour on the first lap, in his Ford, so he wasn't a· contender, although when he had a good lap his time was in the right bracket. It was just that he had only one good lap, in between two very long ones, -and then didn't make it to the finish. Josh Klemke was the first lap leader, in his Ford, but he was only seven seconds in front of Mark Shoaff, in another Ford. On the second lap Shoaff. recorded the fast lap for this class, at 43:08, and moved himself into the lead, with just two seconds on Klenske, who's a good friend of his. Hut on the third lap Shoaff hit a rock and flattened a tire, and Klenske pulled ahead by about 15 minutes. Sadly, the fourth lap was the end for Klemke, who threw a rod through the block at the top of the pipeline Dusty Times
II Mike DeFelice and Gavin Wallace co-piloted their Dodge truck to '-'---="--'-------'---=-""'------'---'--'--'-----'------"----' Mark Growe drove his Ford truck all the way in the Class 1450 race, third place in Class 1450, with only a little ignition trouble to slow them Jim Gledhill lost about two hours and 20 minutes on his seventh lap, and with no problems except an old and tired motor, went home with down. but still managed to salvage a third place in Class 1000. _cc:sec,----:oc-cn_d-':p_la....,c=-e_. -:----,-------,--:-----,--,--~-~~~---road. From then on it was Shoaff all was 16 minutes over the time limit, also hopped out, and put Darrell Her- since Mike Ward had a four hour and and shoulders. In third place it was by himself. He ticked off five more and thus, was a non-finisher. man in to do the final four laps. six minute first lap. But, the grim luck Christopher ParrinhisMiniMag. The evenly paced laps, and took the win, Next to start were the 700 trucks, They continued on in order, with spread to Gonzalez, who had a three teenager had to hustle, because he finishing on a shredded front tire that with six entries. Jamie Campbell had Lloyd losing more time in.the pits. But hour and 48 minute second lap, and needed to finish early so he could get had been flat for about the final mile his Ford in the lead with the fast time the fifth lap proved to be the last one then didn't complete any more. Ward home on time to head for the school of his race. His time was good for a for the class, at 49:56, at the end of for Fox, and now it was down to three did three more laps, all on the long prom that night. · second place in the overall standings. the first lap. Second place belonged trucks. Campbell and Rosenbaum side, so he must have been struggling, On the second lap Heine ticked The 1600 cars went off the line to Tyler Fox, six minutes back. In third held the lead, with Winter and Her- and after eight hours and 23 minutes off the fast lap for the class, at 45:46, next, with just four starters. Archie it was Matt Winter, in another Ford. man in second, and Lloyd, struggling he'd done only four laps, and then and went into the lead, now a little Floyd had the fast lap time for this The second lap was the end for with his power steering, ran third a completed no more. So this entire lessthanfourminutesaheadofCrew. class on hiss first lap, land led by eight Eric Tadeja in ·his· Toyota, and Jeff long way back. Campbell got back in class was a dnf also. Behind them, Parr ran third, another minutes over Gary Stairs. Mike Ward Rigel, in a Ford, used up over five for the final lap, and in spite of the · The 1300 cars, open-wheel cars five minutes back with his small mo-was third, another nine minutes later. hours getting all the way around, and poorly performing carburetor, went that fit no other category, went next. tored car, and Terry Ingold, in a two-Chuck Durbin had some kind of then was done for the day. Campbell just.fast enough to get the victory for For the most part, these are pre-run- seat Funco was fourth. Terry had major trouble, used up six and a half continued to lead, with Fox in sec- himself and Rosenbaum. Winter and ners. But some are old racers that owned his car since 1985 (when he hours to get around one time, and ond place and followed by Winter in Herman, who said, "we tried like Hell don't fit other classes neatly any more, bought it from Bob Schindler, a name then parked his car. third. They ran in the same order to catch Campbell, but came up a little and one or two are really nice four-familiar to old racers) and had de-Floyd lost his motor on the second through the third lap also. Jeff Lloyd short", finished just two minutes and seat play buggies. There were six of cided to either get rid of it or put it lap, and that left Stairs in the lead, was having power steering trouble 32 seconds behind them. Lloyd was them,.and they were required to do back together. He'd lost a little time with abo·ut an hour and seven min- with his truck, and made some stops third, another hour and a half later. six laps. Greg Crew put his 1835cc this lap when a front tire took off into utes on Ward, who'd had a lap of al-in.his pit for work. The Class 900 cars went next, just .VW powered Raceco into the lead the desert. Then, when he stopped to most two hours. From that point on it At the end of the fourth lap Camp- three of them, and required to run on the first lap, with 41 seconds on replace it he discovered that he'd was Stairs all the way. He ran consis- bell continued to lead. He put George only six laps. It turned out to be a black second place Jim Heine in a very wide burnt up a distributor also. tent times in his Dunrite, thinking it Rosenbaum in to do the next three day for this group. Randy McCluskey one-seat Chenowth with a two-liter On the third lap it was still Heine, was "so rough" out there. Stairs took laps. They were having trouble with didn't even get his first lap completed, Rabbit motor. Heine, who's six feet with just four minutes on Crew. Parr the 1600 win, a good start to his first the carburetor, which didn't like the so it was a two car race early on. Juan eight inches tall, and nearly as broad, was third-and JenniferClemison, in a season in off road racing. Ward man- rough sections of the course. Fox was Gonzalez had the fast time, afl:06:49, needs the width just to keep from two-seat A-arm caT, was fourth. aged to complete all eight laps, but he still second, and Winter was third. He which put him three hours in the lead, banging the roll cage with his elbows Continued on page 28 Dusty Times ·July 2004 Page 27
Jim Heine and Matt Nelson co-drove in their Class 1300 2l Rabbit powered Chenowth, and except for a lost shock bolt had a good day. They finished second. In Class 725 Darrell Herman and Matt Winter shared the driving in their Ford, and took second in class. only two minutes behind the winning truck. In a Funco that was older than one of its drivers, Terry and John Ingold and William Callen, survived some problems and finished the day third in Class 1300. Ingold had got out and put William Callen in for a couple oflaps and they were fifth. Richard Wood, in a one-seater beam car with one shock per comer, was sixth, and-e:,ch lap had gone longer than the one before it. Wood didn't make it to the finish. · Parr was gone the next lap, with a hole in his motor, but it probably meant he got to the prom on time. Matt N el-son had taken over for Heine, and he was still leading, with Crew just ten minutes back. Clemison was third, two hours later and Callen was nearly another hour down in fourth place. Nelson was running steady times, and continued to lead through the fifth lap, now with 12 minutes on Crew. Callen had the old Funco mov-ing along steadily in third now as Clemison dropped to fourth, ten min-utes behind him. On the final lap Nelson lost a front shock bolt. He tied up the front arm and limped to a chase truck for re-pairs. He lost his lead. Crew motored steadily on, none of his lap times more than three minutes different from one another, and took the victory. Nel-son and Heine, their shock back to-gether, finished second, 15 minutes behind them. Ingold's son,John, drove the last lap in the old Funco, and they finished third, happy to finally get a finish. Clemison, whose last three laps were long and apparently trouble-filled, including some blown fuses, fin-ished fourth, in nine hours and 20 minutes. There were only two 5-1600 cars, and they were required to run all eight laps. Kevin Self couldn't get the first lap completed, so ic was a one-car show, and Paulden Hepler went all the way. His fast lap was on the third, at 1:00:36, and he reported only one flat and a torn c. v. boot on his way to the win. Three JeepSpeed cars came out to Ridgecrest, and they had to cover only four laps. But it wasn't easy. Bryan Rogers was the first lap leader, with Andrea Gow land second in her battered Cherokee. In third it was Jonathan Gymer, but he'd had prob-lems early. He needed a part and someone had gone into Ridgecrest to TIie Dlfferencel Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure . ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204$D Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-D830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830504. Heat Exchanger DUN-D830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan Page 28 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles For more information give us a call or visit us online @ www.mckenzies.com July 2004 find a replacement, but when they got back to the pit with the part, it didn't fit. So that was the _end of their day. Rogers, meanwhile, went on. Gowland, on the other hand, spent much of her day in the pit having the front end welded up. Part of the prob-lem was that the welder was too small for the big job, and they had to keep waiting for it to cool down before they could go on. Gowland had damaged her car the day before, when·pre-run-ning. She'd missed a tum at speed and rolled over. The crew had patched things together for her, but missed something in the front end. After about four hours in the pits, her husband, Giti, who hadn't raced in about 13 years, got in to do the sec-ond lap. Rogers had been going around and around in the meantime, having no serious trouble. He'd had a flat and broken a track bar bolt, but that was it. He took the victory in 6:05:4 7. Gowland pulled off at the end of his two-hour second lap, knowing he didn't have enough time left to finish four laps, so they ended the day as a dnf also. But, in spite of their prob-lems, the Gowlands enjoyed them-selves, and plan to keep racing. Class 1400 went off the line next. These are street legal trucks, with some additional safety equipment. There were eight of them. On the • first lap Bob Schreiner had the lead, with a minute and 40 seconds on Dan Vance in his Toyota. In third place it was Carolyn Hines in her Ford, and Mark Growe ran fourth in his Ford. In this class every one of them made it through the first lap, and the sec-ond lap. On the second lap Schreiner had the fast time, at 52:50, and built his lead to nearly eight minutes. Vance was still second, followed by Hines and Growe. But on Lap 3 Schreiner disappeared. Now Vance's co-driver, Austin Farner, who'd been the pas-senger for the first two laps, was driv-ing and went into the lead, followed by Growe, and then Mike DeFelice's co-driver, Gavin Wallace, in a Dodge, and Mark Sabol, in an overheating Toyota, about 53 minutes off the lead time. Hines had rolled her car (in the same spot where Gowland rolled the day before), and it took a while to get it back on its wheels and going again. Farner, who'd stopped to move a desert tortoise off the course on the third lap, had no mechanical prob-lems and no flats, and no more wild-life. He went on smoothly to take the victory. Growe, who said it was "rough out there -but fun", had enjoyed play-ing tag with Hines until she rolled over. He had no problems either, just that his stock motor, which has 150,000 miles on it, won't keep up Continued on page 30 Jeff Lloyd had lots of problems with his good looking Class 725 truck, but when it was working it looked good. He finished the day in third place. Bryan Rogers drove all the way in his JeepSpeed Cherokee, and recorded the quick lap time for the class, at 1:21:51, to take the win. Dusty Times
I J f what have you uot to sayl MOR MESSAGE BOARD ·····----.. , www.mdrraclnu.com THE CA/.IFORNI4- . CHAMP. ONSHIP SERIES •·~,.·· .· rav••· ltA~•A. -M. BARSTOW, CA. START/ FINISH OFF OUTLET CENTER DR. RACE STARTS AT 7:00 AM 18. CLASSES• INCLUDING STREET LEGAL PRO ENT.RY FEE $360.00* SPORTSMAN ENTRY ·FEE $200.00* 1 ST PLACE SPORTSMAN CLASSES RECEIVE $100.00 ENTRY FEE BACK** [-·-· · · .. ~iif,&b-hil·l/-tMt&E ~r=TW&f=I AWAR.DING $1,500 04 RACE 2004 MDR RACE SCHEDULE BARSTOW, CA UG. 14 . OJAVE 200 SEPT. 25 CALIFORNIA 200 NOV. 20 STODDARD 250 LUCERNE, ·cA (Night race) BARSTOW, CA Stuff will be hosting a free bbq at The Superstition 250, . 004 c:1rSTUFF,, VW TRANSAXLES www.bugtrans.com TOLL FREE 1 ~86R-VW.ATUFF (1-8&1-l9~-8T3fl •-·· .... 780-721-8878 909-654-5844 FAX 909-854-5787 OCEANSIDE / SAN JACINTO, CA. EMAIL mlka@bugtrans.com C -----RACING TRUE GRIT AWARD Year End Award U.S. Forest Service approved spark arrestor and green sticker or license plate required on all race v~hicles. *Entry form and fees due two weeks before the race date. **With 3 in class. Entry fee for the driver only, no fee for co-drivers, support crew, spectators or the general public (Note: if the vehicle does not make th starting line, 100% of the entry fee is rolled over to the next race) . FOR DR RACE RESULTS/ NFO ATION: PHONE (626) 442-932 FAX (626) 579-605 1 53 P rk rive o. El Monte, CA 91733 EMAIL info@mdrracing.com WEBSITE www.mdrracing.com MDR Tech info: ALL RACE TECH & SAFETY-Ph ne (702) 897-3583 E IL wat r @ •
.. r Steve Vatter and Matt Wright shared the driving in their Toyota Justin Miller managed to get only three laps done in his Class 800 Mark Sabol did some fine flying in his Class 1400 truck, and at the powered Jimco, and in spite of some persistent ignition trouble, took Ford, and two of them were troubled. He was a DNF at this event. end of the day he was fourth in the popular class. second place in Class 1000. ------,----,------,----:-----,,----------with some of the others. In third it 6:42:32. about it, but nothing happened and Brian Thompson, on the other their day also. was De Felice and Wallace. They'd There were three Class 100, stock he went on to take the win. Heather hand, didn't even get his first lap com- So another MDR Ridgecrest 300 had an ignition failure about a quar- VW sedans. Robert Henderson drove Brobeck rode with him and was sup- pleted. And Andy Williams and Leif went into the record books. The ter mile before the finish. Their ra- all four laps in his sedan, and he had a posed to drive the final two laps, but Christensen were able to do only three MDR folks move on to Lucerne for diator was packed full of creosote flickering oil light, which caused him she said, the "oil light was an issue." laps, stopping then because the front their June 26th event, and then they bush, but they said they'd had no flats. to stop to add oil. Since the light con- Their fast lap was the last one, at torsion springs were broken. Williams will be in Barstow for the ~t Mark Sabol and Danny Meeler, rinued to flicker, he continued to fret 1: 16:57. had bent a tie rod in the early part of 14th Mojave 200. who'd driven the last two laps, were fourth, saying they'd had no flats, but had struggled with the overheating all day. Hines finished fifth, saying she'd lost about a half hour with the roll-over. The truck still ran fine af-terwards, and she'd had no other problems. Jason Cagle, who'd started the day with a two hour first lap in his Toyota, was sixth and Matthew Langan, in a Ford, finished seventh, about two and a half hours behind the lead truck. There was only one Class 1200 (similar to SCORE's Stock Mini class), and it was Bob Miller in his Toyota. He had to run four laps to get a legal finish, which he did, recording a fast lap of I: 1 7 :43. He had one troubled loop, the third time around, but made In Class 800 the racing was hot and heavy for a while, but Mark Shoaff was the Gary Stairs drove his Dunrite all the way, and in spite of being "beat up' by the it through his four laps in a time of only one who got all the way to the end. He drove his Ford to the win. rough course, took the win in the 1600 class . Page 30 •• •• •• •• . . . •· :• :•:•:•COMPACT DESIGN -1000's OF USES AVAILABLE IN 20' -25' -50' LENGTHS PATENT PENDING 10,000lb. Capacity Webbing 8,500Ib. Woven Strength su,e 1ra11.cam ., 714.114.9444 July 2004 · Dusty Times
i J what-have you got to say! MOR MESSAGE BOARD RACE -OCT 16, 2004 CITY ~AST SSES - C ·-· DING STREET LEGAL ..,_,.,,_ NTRY FEE $360.00* SPORTSMAN ENTRY FEE $200.00* E .SPORTSMAN CLASSES RECEIVE $100.00 ENTRY FEE.BACK** 2004 MDR RACE SCHEDULE OCT. 16 • THE SUPERSTITION 250 PLASTER CITY E DEC. 31 • THE DASH PLASTER CITY WEST JIMCO ~adlt9 ~44««4 [IIIP) U'I CU: t,..♦ET.AJ.. FFCCU;rr'S-rest Service approved spark arrestor and green sticker or license pl~t~ required on all race vehicles. *Entry form and fees due two weeks before the race date. ~*With 3 in class. Entry fee for the driver only, no fee for co-drivers, support crew, spectators or the general public te: If the vehicle does not make the starting llne, 100% of the entry fee is rolled over to the n~xt race) · FOR MDR RACE RESULTS/ INFORMATl9N: PHONE (626) 442-9320 FAX (626) 579-6051 1853-Park'way Drive So. El Monte, CA 91733 -EMAIL lnfo@mdrraclng.com WEBSITE www.mdrracing.com · MDR Tech info: ALL RACE TECH & SAFETY-Phone (702) 897-3583 EMAIL wattarush@aol.com -... ...., .• ~ -'-CJ -
VORRA APRIL RACE McAdon Takes Prairie City By Cindy Monroe Photos: .High Desert Photography ->-m'1er7 the dust had deared it was Glen McAdon, seen here in perfect Right, taking the Class 10 win. It was a hot day at the OHVP (Off most exciting races to watch as ahnost Chere I..ehners was out of town on per-Highway Vehicle Park) at Prairie City anything can be run provided the ve- sonal busines.s. Jon and Dan Gurney in near FoLsom, CA. The second race in hide meets tech and safety standards. the #40 car battled it out with Lionel the VORRA series had begun with 1bis class h~ build interest by allow-Borba, car #(fJ and Tristan Butcher in weather, engines, crews and some very ing the racers with smaller purse strings car #89. A few minor problems in the hotracingbythedrivers. orles.sexperiencedrivingtogetthefull-#40 car were repaired after the first After late tech and registration, and bore racing experience. moto allowing the Gurney brothers to a short practice; the first moto started With the Oklahoma land-rush start, complete the race with a third overall outwiththesemi-pros.Formerlyknown thefieldofsevencarstookoff.Missing for the day. Lionel Borba's new car, astheSportsmansclass,thisisoneofthe was the Lehners' car as havingreplacedlastyear'sahnoststock Steve Sullivan Rew his steed to the Class 1 victory, he beat some very tough competition on the way. The coveted Class 7 win went to Oscar Lara, he took the gold but he really had to fight for it. bug; finished with a well earned sec-ond. The second set of brothers, B.J. and Tristan Butcher in the #89 car, won thevic-tory of first foi: the day despite the prob-lems of loose steering. Sidebar to this problem: Yesterday in qualifying dad Brian, who announces, and had never Flying high, but not flying fast enough, Matt Kross landed in the The silver medal in the Class 1 squabble went to Wes Harbor, his A veritable tiger behind the wheel, this time Patty Hayos was only second spot in the hotly contested Class 10 duel. efforts to win were in vain this race. able to grab the silver medal in the Class 7 conflict. r-------------------------------------------------------~ Performance Pfoven .for Desert & Off-R0ad Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage·& Waste.Tanks R.V. Tanks uality Products Friendly Service · www.ronco-plastla.com 1 R NCO PLASTICS, I • 714-~59-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com I 15022 Parkway Loop, Sui e B ushn, C 92780 · • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Cata/OQ ~---------------------------------------------------~ Page 2 July 2004 Dusty Times
Vanessa Carius took on the Steiger family in class 9 and she beat two Lionel Borba saves a bit of tire wear as he Ries towards the checkers, Kenny Ott had a decent weekend, he took the bronze medal at Prairie City in the Class 10 contest. of them to take the silver medal. he was second in the Semi-Pro contest. driven the car before.found himself out Troy Edwards, #3 5, my favorite T exeiras' experience on the technical on the track where the steering wheel freestyle rider, landed in fourth place, courses put him in first. hadcoml!offrightinhishandsduetoa beaten by Stan Seifert, #25, on his-In the Expert class Adriano loose nut. He managed to put it back bright orange ride.Jason Sparks, # 11, Texeira, #8, came out on top followed on and complete the lap with a good was a no-show due to racing in Pah-by #56 of Nathan Melendez and qualifying lap time. However, there rump. None of them gave an inch but #45 ofBill Baier. Another 7 car class were many comments in the pits later about the "loose nut behind the wheel" During all this excitement the "Poor Boyz" car #&5 had some oil spill on the hot exhaust starting a small fire. Luck-ily the driver, Alex Prescott, was able to use the fire extinguisher inside the ve-hicle and put it out with little damage to the vehicle or driver. The little truck that could, #71 drive by Frank Keefeer, wound its way around the track taking a very respectable fourth. Next up was the Class 1 race; an-other great race despite the falling out of the Quick & Brite Coor stadium truck (due to transmis.5ion) #27 driven by Larry Goudie and Dan Cannon's Class8#851 (due to engine problems). Steven Sullivan, # 128, in his V-8 and Arden Dennington, #4, in a staqium built car, zipped by, with passing and repassing ~ing on until the # 128 car of Steve Sullivan was able to take the lead, although best efforts by Wes Harbor in the # 129 ''Miss Piggy" car were in vain. Wes was able to capture a second over -all for the day. Class 9 was the third race of the day with little surprise. It was another family feud, with brothers Ri~ Steiger in the #931 car winning first and sister Carol Steiger in the #980 car taking third. Brother Eric Steiger in his old faithful #956 took fourth. The little surprise there was involving car #955 taking second. This car was normally driven by Vanessa Carius, but I later heard this was not the same car. Rumor has it that this car was purchased in Arizona and I have no information on the driver of record as yet. The points are being car-ried at this time under Jim and Vanessa Carius. Next race up was one of the most exciting races of the day the Class 7 mini-trucks. While Brian Cannon took the lead during the first couple of laps, problems forced him out. The battle then began between Patty Ha)qS, #769 and Oscar Lara, #724. Bumping and grinding their trucks around the curves, Hayo.5 and Lara fought to the finish with Lara taking the overall for the day. Not to be outdone John Chapman, #768, managed to get a close third. These trucks are definitely not your father'~ work truck. Motos 5 and 6 were the quads. I eagerly awaited this race as the turn-out was very large. The pros and ex-perts were first off. Although I am just getting to know some of the riders, this proved to be a race well worth the an-ticipation. Lewis Lazenby on his bor-rowed #86 bike went head to head with Ed Texeira on the # 31. Both Lewis and Ed have much experience in off road racing as Lewis raced with Kenny Ott in the #HX:i3 carinBITD's 2(X)() millennium race as well as with motocross on the quad and VORRA's quad races last year while Ed was last year's quad champion with BITD. Dusty Times July 2004 which proved to be very exciting these these guys are out here to have fun. quad guys were riding and jumping Although thi& class gives trophies fast and furious. only I see many future experts and Moto 6 was amateur quads. I pros_amongthem. Thisclassismainly counted nine vehicles in this race for those riders who want to gain alone. I have to give it up to them, ~•l!finued on P•tl~ 3_4 __ _ R8ll Hal~ Kyte Tavlor, Chad Hall and Team lighttorce's own KftlR Davis puslt tile 811¥8111118 season altsr season. Speeds that fie! lib Madi ,, blmll mils, free falls, mid-air colllslaas ... Ugbtterce's HID Blitz amt variable-focus IIQl!ts lillt oar laavltilt ftllar lfS1IIII traaslate to shattBrproof ligllts that can Page 33 -
, -.r The gold'medal for the Pro Quad fracas went to Ed Texeira, shown Kenny Burton, Jr. had lots of stiff competl1ion, but he persevered and They had lots of fun and lots of competition inthe Bantum Quad Division, Nathan Lemieux took the gold medal home. here in his usual pose, in the air. was able to take the gold in Amateur Quad. # 1020, who worked half the night to get his engine working, veteran Kenny Ott, #1063, who hasn't missed a race, #4 Arden Oennington who also races Class 1, and newcomer to Class 10, Tony Bond, #1007. Class 9 was a family affair, three Steiger's in the fray but when the smoke cleared it was Rick beating his brother and sisrer. . Tristan Butcher, with brother BJ were the big winners in the Semi-Pro race, seen here on the way to victory. At the start Dennington, #4, and McAdon, #1076, were bumper to bumper, thenMcAdongained the lead and never looked back. The #8 carof Kross took a solid. second place in a great showing of his abilities in his firs( VORRA race, followed by #1063 of Kenny Ott and Bill Minteer, # 1025. Dennington, #4, had problems and was also beaten by Berri, #1049 and closely followed by #1055, Shane Bourel who also had problems. Kordonowy's # 1020 engine problems reoccurred, along with Tony Bond in the #1007 effectively putting them out of the competition. racing experience. Although I don't know them well yet, I will enjoy watching them in the years to come. First place was taken by #4 Kenny Burton, Jr., who also won the March VORRA race. Second was taken by #22 of Scott Fredricks fol-lowed by the #11 of Derek Foster . • Any relation to Ron Foster who used to race the #1036 car? Dan Patterson, #7121, carrying Mike Koenig's truck numbers came in fourth followed by Don Sutton on the #51 who used to run the sport-• • Driving Suits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags vet Class 8 truck complete with flame thrower. Next up was the Bantum Quad class. This class is the future of quad racing. Comprised of riders in the age group of 7 -14 these kids are showing the experience and coach-ing of their parents in awesome riding form. First place went to #3 of Nathan Lemieux, winner oflast month's race, followed by Danny Seifert, #126, on his bright green quad, and Shane Lemieux, #6. Is this yet another set of brothers? It NOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos must be true that racing runs in fami-lies. The next race was the Pilots, a class which had dissolved last year due to work obligations and the death of Ri-chard Woolsey (our sympathy to the family), who drove the 7x Pilot. Son Clint driving the #7 Pilot reunited with Paul Franklin, #5 and Miles Berghold, #16 along with newcomer Timothy Compton, # 1 showed just what these little cars are made of. In a no-hold-barred race, Miles # 16, took first place for the day followed by Timothy, #1, 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 .. Page 34 July 2004 in second and Paul, #5,' in third. Clint, having some tire problems, ended up with fourth. I enjoyed the action of this four car field, despite the comment from the child in the spectator area, "Look Mom, baby cars." The last scheduled race of the day was Class 10. An outstanding race and show was put on by Glen McAdon, # 1076; newcomer, Matt Kross in his bright red #8, Sam Berri, #1049, who had also raced Pahrump yesterday, Shane Bourel, # 1055, all the way from B.C. Canada, Bill Minteer, #1076, who at 68 is one of the oldest but best driv-ers out there. Davis Kordonowy, During lunch hour we had a race of the Peewee quads. Although not listed on my results, I heard one of the Texeira sons won. Peewees are ages 4-7. The three riders ran a three lap race. These little guys raced their hearts out. Quote by Glen McAdon, winner of both short course races "Rocky's got my motor singing. What a fun weekend being fast qualifier and winning both races, I can't wait until September, Sam sent a message the last race says he's coming, sounds like fun." Hope. everyone had a great time. See you in Yerington. • ~ The Expert Quad class spends most of it's time in the air, Adriano Texeira is no exception, taking the class win. Always a great class to watch, the Pilot class this race was dominated by Miles Berghold, seen here in level Right Dusty Times
■■■■■■■■ The Off Road Business Asso-ciation (ORBA) has filed a for-mal request with the Office Of Administrative Law (OAL) to in-validate recently adopted regu-fations by the California State Department of Parks & Recre-ation (State Parks). ORBA be-lieves that these regulations too heavily emphasize the expendi-ture of OHV funds for "restora-tion activities." Once an OHV area or trail is closed by State Parks, restoration of that area means, quite simply, the return of former OHV areas and trails back to their original condition before OHV's were there. Al-ready, State Parks has set aside 7 .6 million dollars of OHV funds to be spent exclusively on resto-ration activities during the 2004/ 2005 budget cycle. In addition, State Parks re-cently announced that the bal-ance of funds from the 2003 grant cycle that were earmarked for restoration but remained un-spent were to be "rolled over" and added to the money to be allo-cated for restoration during the following grant cycle. With the unmet balance being rolled into the following grant cycle year after year, it is not hard to imag-ine that most of the money ~n the OHV fund will be set aside for closure and restoration of OHV lands, leaving little, if any for operation and maintenance. activities. State Parks also failed to con-sider the impact these regula-tions will have on the many small businesses that depend on OHV use for their living. According to State Parks own figures, the number of OHV's in California has more than doubled in the last 20 years. Since 1980, their has been a 48% decrease in the acre-age available for OHV recre-ation. Clearly, the emphasis should be on expanding OHV recreational oppo'rtunities, not restricting them. Nevertheless, State Parks claims that because grants are only awarded to cit-ies, counties, districts, non-profit institutions and federally recog-nized Indian tribes, the regula-tions would not impact small businesses. State Parks fails to recognize that additional clo-sures of OHV lands to the public will hurt OHV dependant busi-nesses. ORBA bases it's chal-lenge on the grounds that the new regulations violate Gover-nor Schwarzenegger's November 17, 2003 Executive "Freeze" or-der (S-2-03). This Executive Or-der directed all state' agencies to immediately cease and desist processing proposed regulations for adoption, pending further re-view, unless an exemption was obtained through the California Department of Finance. Dusty Times Prior to the executive order, in August 2003, State Parks implemented a series of emer-gency regulations which signifi-cantly altered the manner in which funds from the Off High-way Vehicle Trust Fund were to be allocated and spent. State Parks then opened a period for public comment in order to make the emergency regulations per-manent. ORBA submitted com-ments protesting the language of the proposed regulations and em-phasizing serious deficiencies with the language of the regula-tions. After the November 13 Executive Order, State Parks went ahead and adopted the pro-posed regulations in December 2003, leaving the text of the regu-lations virtually unchanged. However, ORBA's attorney, Joshua Mackenroth learned that State Parks did not obtain an ex-emption from the Department of Finance as required by the Ex-ecutive Order prior to adopting the December 2003 regulations. Thus, ORBA contends that the regulations violate the Executive Order's prohibition on new regu-lations, and therefore constitute illegal "underground regula-tions." 'it 911p11rl p, By Ann Donaldson The CORE club spent a Satur-day in May cleaning the pit trailer and eating good eats at Wayne Nosala's house. It wasn't as bad as you think to clean. The equip-ment was put to the test at the MORE Lucerne Valley race. The welder was used and all race ra-dios sent out to pits. I must make mention of buying a Honda generator from Billy Rob-ertson of Robertson Honda in North Hollywood for a good guy price. The club can't thank you enough and we are amazed how great it works. It's so quiet you can hardly hear it is running. For the third race of the sea-son, MORE brought out a good crowd in Lucerne. CORE was very prepared for the race and set up four outlying pits along main. CORE was the only pit: club with this many pits and CORE pitted for seven cars. The club signed up Guy Peter-son of the Off Road Expo fame at the last minute. Guy racing his open Class 5 Baja, after the car has sat for over a year. Guy not only won the class but never needed to stop in any of the CORE pits. Guy used the Geer main pit for fuel and had a fairly trouble free day, aside from losing his front brakes. Guy was very happy with his win and regretted not picking up his rather large trophy when he saw it was not just another plaque. CORE member Wayne Nosala (1064) won Class 10 and took home money that was combined from Class 10 _and 1 along with a trophy and a driver's side bet, money that MORE matched. CORE Pit D changed flats for Wayne on the first and second lap. Another flat on the third lap sent Wayne into Pit A for another tire change. After four laps in the car, Wayne had enough and radioed ahead for Tim Baker to get in on Lap 4. Tim lucked out with no flats and was on his way to the finish line ahead of all the Class 1 and 10 cars. While he went past the last hill on the way towards the main pit, the motor made a "pop" and "rattled on two cylinders". Since he had a large lead, Tim got out of the car, investigated, he could see nothing obvious wrong. Tim got back in and limped the last 1/4 mile for the win. Another note for Main Pit since we were again spoiled by Tim's mother June Baker and her great cook-ing. She not only again made din-ner but made sandwiches for Thom Singer to take out' to Pit C. Davy Girdner car (1616) was running a freshly installed Babe Jones motor. The team was thrilled with the performance. The driver who started was Jeremy Creig and Tim Greig co-driving. They drove three laps during which the oil pressure gauge went to zero. They were horrified to think they might have blown up a new motor (having blown many in the past). It turns out that the gauge failed. Lap 3 Davy drove with Kent Hazelbaker co-driving. They had no problems and brought the car home for a fourth place finish. Don Johnson (1695) had trans-mission mounts break several times during the race requiring Main Pit to weld them back on. Brad Inch welded on the fabricated gussets onto the transmission mount. One of the last finishers of the day, Don, finished in seventh place. Ron Ingalls (1624), driving a single seat car had a bad day with a transmission gear breaking right after the starting line. The driver parked the car at Pit A and helped change·a tire on Wayne's car. Elizabeth Metzger (965) fin-ished in seventh place. Pit B changed a tire for her and she made it to Pit C with front end damage. She got out when she nursed the car to the Main Pit. After repairing the front end, off the car went with a complete driver change. Main Pit gassed and Wayne changed front tire. The car was a bit worse for the wear but made it to the finish line. For his second race, Rich Clark (1355) brought out his newly painted 1600 car to race in Sports-man class. He felt that he would be a bit slower than the fast class of 1600 cars and wanted to get more seat time in his new ride. After his first race was earlier this year, he worked out the bugs and brought it out to Lucerne. Rich installed GPS and kept a pace that brought him to a second place fin-ish. Rich was very happy with his trophy and check. Rich was voted a full member on June 2 and CORE is happy to have him on board. Brad Inch brought out his 1600 car but felt it was not up to par. He worked on it for some time before parking it on the trailer and withdrawing 'from the entry list. He plans on being at the next event and I am sure by then, he will have all the bugs worked out. MAIN PIT: This pit had the Baker clan in one comer and the Donaldson July 2004 clan in-another. Myself, Eric and Jill Donaldson along with Tim, Ed and June Baker and Wayne Nosala made up one part of the Main Pit. Bob Depew (without his better half Alison), towed the CORE trailer out. Bob and Brad handled the race radio duties, gassed Wayne's car, and helped with the driver's change. Both spent time working on Don Johnson's car. The Girdner clan was also set up in Main along with Metzer/Procter group. PIT A: Bryon Ziegler, Jeremy Eck, Keith Shawn and Rich Clark, Sr. were the crew at this pit. This crew changed a tire for Wayne on Lap 3. This crew also got to watch a 1600 car miss the same tum four times in a row. They also changed a tire on a nine car that was loaned out by Don Johnson. That was nice of Don. Things like that make our day in the dust a little nicer. PITB: Three people were in this pit,· Randy Jones, Larry Altof and new to the desert, Asim Yokohama, who was brought out by Randy. It is always fun to have someone who is watching their first off road race. Asim had a blast and Pit B was a good place to watch the 1600 and 9 cars swap side by side from a large hole on the track. They changed a rear tire on Car 965 on the first lap,. On the last lap this crew watched a 1600 roll from the hole on the course. The car stopped at the CORE pit and asked for a "shovel". Randy was puzzled as to why he needed a shovel. Then Randy looked into the car and saw that the driver had accumulated enough dirt and rocks to completely submerge the pedals. The CORE pit removed the side panels in order to clean it out, and off the car went. Randy Jones and all his years in the deser• said "he has never seen that many rocks and sand inside a car be-fore." PITC: This pit was the Greig fainily of Todd, Mary and Brandi (who was elected Pit Captain), along with Thom Singer. Thom said this pit was full of action. On the first lap 965 came in, they repaired it as well as they could. Non-CORE car (999) came into the pit with steer-ing problems and rear flat. Thom and Todd pulled off their spare, mounted it and sent them on their way. Another non-CORE car (l094) had a record change flat by the pair of about a minute. It seems that the car "landed" in their pit, they pulled the tools out and went to work. PITD: Gary Hall, Don Hartzler, Frank, Issac and Jasmine Montoya a-Long with Tim Lindsey worked this pit. Changing tires for Wayne and roll-ing over two cars was the work of the day. Baja Bug (585) a non-CORE car, sent this team running to help this car after it rolled in front of them. They were surprised to see that no fluids.were leaking and checked the driver and co-driver and off they went. The driver, Angel Vinaja has thanked the crew through an e-mail to me. I want to pass on that information to all who helped him out. Another non-CORE car (999) rolled and parked by this pit, the day before. This crew also changed a rear tire on Don Johnson's car. · CORE and all who use the ser-vice must remember that it takes a crew out there waiting for the last car to go by until they can pack it up. We all have been stuck out there waiting for a race car to ei-ther time out or go by for the last lap of the day. It is hard to thank you for this service. But I would like to take a second and thank all of you who spend time out there in the heat and dust. CORE will be out in force at the MORE night race, July 24 in Barstow. If you're in need of pit support for this event or want to have back up in case you may need help, CORE for only $50 will cart your tires out to any pit you want them at, along with keeping track of your times past every pit. CORE has experienced personnel at every pit. CORE will also have good lighting at each pit. If you have any questions, please contact Wayne Nosala at (818) 703-1971 or e-mail him at Wnosala@aol.com. See you in the desert. PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! · RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil~ SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST Page 35 .,,
CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Richard Wins Subaru Rim Of The world Rally ' By Judy Smith Patrick Richard and Natalie ran tq honors in Group N. Patrick Richard drove his Subaru lmpreza WRX to victory at the Z 1st run-ning of the CRS Rim of the World Rally at Lancaster, California on Mother's Day weekend. The rally moved to a new home this year on the grounds of the not-qujte-finished Antelope Valley Fairgrounds in Lancaster, California. The beautiful new facility included acres of parking, a huge paved service pit area, a 7 500 seaE grandstand and a 45,000 square foot indoor showroom which housed ~ Rally Expo. Photos: Track.side Photo 1" overall at Rim in their Subaru lmpreza WRX as well as taking the top Festivities started on Friday with the Rally Expo, an indoor manufacturer's midway with cars and goodies to enter-tain and educate the spectators. Or they could wander through the paved ser-vice area, to watch the crews at work doing the final tuning on their race cars. The grandstand seats looked down upon a 7 /10th of a mile European-style side-by-side "Super Special" stage truck. It started with a long straight that ran up onto a jump right in front of the grandstands. Then the cars ran through a big right-hand sweeper out into a dusty chicane on the far side of the track, then a left hairpin, a long straight, a wide left tum into a water hole, and a straight to the finish. Everyone had, theoretically, four opportunities to run chis stage, and they'd be switched so each driver would run each track twice, thus evening out any inequalities. The Special Stage was the first stage for the event, taking off on Friday evening at about 7:15. Then there were three . mountain stages before everyone called it a day. On Saturday the fun started with Stage 5 out in the mountains again, 71:I B BIISIIIESS IIR RACE TE.IIM Dri,iog Suits-• Crew UoHorms • Crew Shirts Poto Shirts• blam Jackets •Hats• Gear Bags .,.,.,.,.,, ..,,,..,. MIIT...,...,,ntt • IUrllBIUI IVU:O'RII • ,..,,,,,,, ••c•• rl LIIMIIIII • &IHI RI..,,,.,,. • ••&1 IKIIIIY 1111111111,11;,S • TII.Talll IJIIUl#II EMPIRE IBUlrEUIIIIE • IRll8HI &AIU,; II# Cllllll#A # _,,.._ ,._._ 4911:r._ P.IU'U/II.I/HIJ : 7 ,_.,.,.,_~ ~~-111/C_,.,., c·::· ::· 7J11 th1r 383# Wllcker llrire Alii"II /1111111, &A 111752 -· ·--·-,.,,,. ____ ,,._.,.,,,_ Page 36 July 2004 Leon Stiles and John Dillon took the Open Class win, but they were 40 seconds out of the overall in their Mitsubishi Evo VII. The win in Production GT went to Stephan Verdier and Allan Walker, seen here in their Subaru WRX they were !JI' overall. turned around and did Stage 6 on the same route, then went to the Fair-grounds for service and then anoth<;t Super Special stage. They headed back out into the mountains again for Stages 8, 9 and 10, and then it was back to the Fairgrounds and service, and then the Super Spe-cial stage again. After that there were two more mountain stages, these in the dark, and another round of service and the final Super Special stage, which was the finale of the rally, and the deciding factor in some cases. The schedule was a good one for spectators, who could enjoy some rac-ing up in the mountains, then come back to the Fairgrounds for another look at the car shows/expo which stayed open the full time, or to wander around watching the crews inake repairs. Then they all hustled over to the grandstands to whoop and holler for the racers as they tore around the two lane track. At a couple of points out in the An-geles National Forest, there were Well armed with lights, Doug Shepherd and Pete Gladysz drove their Dodge SRT 4 to the Group 5 win at Rim. Churning up the dust, Mark Tabor and Kevin Poirier drove their Acura RSX. Type S to the gold medal in Production. Dusty· Times
Just visible in the muck, Ramana Lagemann and Michael Off were Second place In the Open Division went to Peter Workum and Todd and Raymond Moberly had a pretty good rally. they secured a 2W in Group N. 3" overall in their Subaru lmpreza Sti. Allesandro Gelsomino their Subaru Sti seen here at speed. nice second place in Production GT in their Subaru WRX shuttles or buses to take spectators into thin:[ Burke/Bradley emerged still in front, Super Special also, and now had the deck lid was open and flapping in the areas near the course where they could Saturday started off with the delSur with Styles/Dillon 1. 76 behind them. lead as they headed north for Stage 8. breeze due to failure of the latch.es, but safely watch, but wouldn't be able to stage, which ran first south and then 'The Richards ran third and Ramana The Richards were second, l.agemann/ nothing was amiss or missing at the rear park. All the amenities (port-a-potties north and gave the drivers a chance to Lagemann/Michael Orr, Subaru Im-Orr were third and Pastrana/Edstrom of the car. Shepard.,Gladysz ~d they and refreshment stands) made this a stretch their legs with the fastest sec-preza, STi, had come up to fourth, with were fourth. _ haa a "little leak" and were adding comfortable way to get a look at some tion on the rally. But the fickle wind teammates Travis Pastrana/Christian Styles kept his momentum through water to the radiator one 16-ounce very fine driving. Sadly, thanks to the had done another turnaround, dead Edstrom,Subaru WRXSTi,nextinline. the eighth stage, where he said, the bottle at a time. Their Group 5 com-careles.snes.5 of spectators in the past, calm greeted the teams as they lined They headed back to the Fairgrounds "car's workin' great• we're delighted!" petitors, Jim Pierce and Adrian there were no places where spectators up for the fifth stage, and once they for service and then another go at the Ofcourse,he'd had no dust, but with a Lengsfeld, in a Ford Ranger, were also could· simply walk in and watch the were on the road their progres.5 could Super Special Stage in front of the steady breeze, there hadn't been much overheating after crushing their radia-show. The promoters are hoping they easily be followed from miles away by grandstands. on that stage for anyone. Between 8 tor when they landed hard off a jump. will be able to solve that problem in the the billows of dust rising straight up into Styles and Burke, as the leaders, and 9 there was a refueling statiori, with They reported an electrical gremlin also future, but until they do, it's the buses the calm air. Broke/Bradley and Styles/ headed out onto the twin tracks side by the requisite tarps on the ground to pre-and their fans weren't working. Havir/ or the grandstand seats. Dillon led the stage, with Patrick and side, but when Styles got to the jump vent fluids from spilling onto the soil. Putnam, who'd rolled their Subaru ear-On Friday night 72 cars (and Nathalie Richard, Subaru lmpreza he backed out ofit a bit, and made a This was a choice viewing area also, lierintheday,andhadcollectedatime trucks) started the rally with an enter- WRX, moved up to third. Chris Havas/ good landing on the other side. Burke and spectators who'd been bussed in penalty when they broke a half-shaft, taining show for the spectators as they Dave Kean, VW Golf, leading Group 5 on the other hand, never let up, and could walk uphill a bit in one direction were now leaking power steering fluid charged around the Special Stage. The at the close of Friday's running, had landed hard on the front end of the or another to see the end of Stage 8 or and decided it was time to pack it in. wind came up and was alternately a hardly started Stage 5 when their trans- car. It was the end of his day. Some- the beginning few turns of Stage 9. It They headed for the highway,and back bles.5ingand a curse as,dependingupon mission· went south. And Pisek/ thing in the transmission let go on im-was a busy place. to the Fairgrounds. which track a driver was on it either Burmester had bombed out on Stage 4 pact, and he was sidelined. Styles!Dil-Pastrana/Edstrom finished on a left And Brandon and Bruce Keller, in blew the dust away or directly into his when they broke a front wheel off three lon, who'd had the best times on Stages front flat, having driven that way for their Toyota Celica painted to look path. The water truck had been work-miles from the finish, and were now 5 and 6, had the quick time on the about five miles, and Lagemann's rear Continue~ 1n ,,,, 38 ing for hours, but the super fine silt running the Club Rally, "just hangin' baked dry quickly and billowing dust out; havin' fun" he said. Doug Shepard/ wasanintegralpartofthestage.George Pete Gladysz, Dodge SRT 4, on the Pisek and Jeff Burmester, Lancer Evo, other hand, were hoping to make up emerged from the fun at the head of time lost part way through Friday's fun the list, with Leon Styles and John Dil-and games when they broke a half. Ion, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII, just one shaft. The crew "rebuilt everything" 100th back. overnight. Three night stages brought Friday By the time they'd all completed evening to a close, and ended with Stage 5 and got turned around to head Seamus Burke and Charlie Bradley, back in the other direction on the same Mitsubishi Evo 8, leading, with Styles/ road, the wind had picked up a bit, and Dillon second and Doug Havir and if the timing was right a driver could do Scott Putnam, Subaru WRX Sti, in the entire stage in a dust free pocket. Seen here saving tire wear. Jim Pierce and Adrian Lengsfeld-Dew to second place in Group 5 in their Ford Ranger. Craig Hollingsworth and Jason Grahn drove their VW Jetta GL/ to the coveted gold medal in Group 2, seen here at speed. Dusty Times MoTeC Engine Management and Data Acquisition_ Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel end spark control systems built to withstand extreme racing ar·,d pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Worldwide benchmerk manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for ell motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, end comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies end circuit control components are available to suit your budget. Digital display ar.d data acquisition-systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Bectronlcs, Inc 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K FUiierton, CA Tel: 714-446·9475 I fax: 714-446-9247 www.sakatamotorsc,ort.com July 2004 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with ell engines and alternate fuels -cerbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exacc/y what their engine is doing. No fleshing lights -just the facts ... Neil ,c Co a number! Page 37
--., Happy to grab a second spot in Group 2, Marl< Brown and Ole Holter Third in Group N, 4" overall in the rally was the Subaru WRX Sti of Ready for touchdown, Brooks Freehill and Sean Elliot went on to :J" in Group 2 in their VW Jetta at Rim. drove their Volkswagen GT/ hard towards the finish line. Travis Pastrana and Christian Edstrom. like a Yellow Cab, reported that their the wind was blowing hard through- Edstrom said they'd had a "little sus-brakes got hot and caught fire, which out the area, and when it was cross- pension trouble", and Pierce and melted their odometer wires and left wise to the Super Special Stage all was Lengsfield said that even without their them without a rally computer. As the well, but in a couple of corners the fans the truck wasn't heating up ex-traffic died down, Jonathan Weigley, drivers were hard pressed to feel their cept while they sat in line waiting to navigator for Bob Pendergrass, in their way through it. The running order start. Plsek said he was still "goin' slowly Chevy Blazer, hoofed it into the refu- held through the 12th stage, but then and staying out of trouble" as he eling area to report that the Blazer had Styles had a hose come loose, and al-headed to the final stage of the Club just made it past the end of Stage 8 though the Richards had some brake Rally. Tanner Foust and Scott Crouch, when either the rear end or the trans- problems on Stage 13, they neverthe- in a Subaru WRX, were enjoying their fer case had gone belly up. 1n either less emerged at the top of the heap. first Rim, but said they'd had a "con-case, it was now an immovable object. Now it was Richard, Styles, l.agemann stant problem with dust." They'd also At the peak of all the busyness in and Pastrana as they headed for the run about a mile and a half on a flat. the area, a lone hikef, walking the Pa- final stage, one last charge in front of Mark Nelson and Chrissie Beavis, Mit-cific Crest Trail, which parallels the the grandstands. subishi Evo VI said they'd bottomed rally route, was seen, backpack on his In the meantime, Sheperd and out too often and ruined their radia-shoulders and walking stick in hand, Gladysz, who'd been adding water af-tor. staring· at the confusion and activity ter Stage 8, had had a new radiator The crew for the Richards' car re-with an uncomprehending look be- installed. Their crew reported that ported that they'd been busy. They'd fore he disappeared back into the for-they'd been busy since Friday, replac- changed a differential, a strut, eight est. ing two half shafts, a tie rod and a steer- pairs of brake rotors and 16 tires. They Through Stage 9 the order re- ing rack, before they got to the radia- said one wheel was "write off', there mained the same: Styles, Richard, tor. Don Jankowski and Cindy was a cracked crossmember, and l.agemann and Pastrana, and they fol-Krolikowski, in another Dodge SRT 4 · "there's a crack in the rear differential lowed in order through Stage 10. Then had had a throttle mount repaired, but going into the last stage." At one point it was back to the Fairgrounds again, then broke two half shafts within 30 they'd "cooked 'the fluid out of the another Service and another go at the seconds of one another coming off radiator because it was caked with infield Super Special Stage. By now Stage9,anddidn'tfinish.Pastranaand mud and ran very hot", and they'd shredded three tires on course. for a second, then apparently discov-T odd and Raymond Moberly, in a ered that he could see the edge of the Subaru WRX said they'd started off track out the side window, and put his "spectacularly", but then bent two up-foot in it. The hood never budged, and rights, a shock and a lower control arm Freehill completed the stage with no as well as three wheels. Things, they further problems, to receive the big-said, "began to self destruct." They'd gest hand of the night when he got to had a flat. They reported that the the finish. The saddest case of the middle three stages were "brutal." And evening was Pisek, whose car gave up said they just "nursed it home." They the ghost about halfway through the pulled into the Service area without a last stage. After spending all day try-clutch, but said they thought that as it ing to "stay out of trouble", it up and "cooled off' it would work.for the final bit him in the final quarter of a mile, stage. They said the problems were and he had to walk in from the Super "self inflicted" because they didn't Special Stage. · have enough travel on the car. Once again, Styles had the best For the final stage the cars were time for this stage, but it wasn't enough inverted, with the slower cars starting to move him up in the finish order. first. The wind blew and the audience, The Richards took the victory, Styles now wrapped in blankets and wearing and Dillon we(e second, l.agemann warm jackets, hollered and cheered and Orr third and Pastrana and Ed-for their favorite drivers. The VW Jetta strom finished fourth. of Brooks Freehill and Sean Elliott, The CRS reports that they've got wearing a Thule roofrack (theirspon- the Rim of the World Rally sched-sor} which somehow gave it a special uled to run out of the Antelope Val-appeal, won the audience's heart when ley Fairgrounds for the next two the hood blew up in front of the wind- years. It's an entertaining way to shield just off the jump. Freehill slowed spend a weekend. . .-. SW ,.J<'. ' " . . ~-~-> ,,-, look-eas.y -~-::.~::/; The Skyjacker® Motor Sports Team Gets oft to a Great Start for the 2004 Season.~;{ making it Page 38 Barrie Thompson raised the bar in the Baja 500 with another 1st place win in his JeepSpeed class on June 4th-6th. Curt LeDuc also battled the Baja 500 again and came out victorious. Kyle LeDuc won an impressive 3 consecutive races and as of now is undefeated in the Pro-Lite division during the first three rounds of CORR racing that took place over the weekend of June 12-13th in Antigo, WI. Kyle now has an 18 point lead over 2nd place. Scott Taylor jumped into the lead overall with a 1st place and two 2nd place finishes in his new Skyjacker• Pro-2,ford F-150, ,,.. ,,... 5 f · t Way T'o ur-o \!.7-U.Y · July 2004 Dusty Times !
WHIPLASH RoCK TO ROCK Brian Brown Races To overall Victory By Mike Del Col Photos: Kim Cook Brian Brown had a great day, he took the gold medal in Pro 1-2 and was the overall winner as well at Rock To Rock. Whiplash Motorsports has seen mile race, and provided "SNORE- a great day of racing was enjoyed a steady decline in entry numbers like" bonuses for 10 or more en-by racer and spectator alike. Brian as of late, but you wouldn't know tries per class. This recipe works, Brown and his single sea-ter Jimco it at the 2004 Whiplash Rock to and Whiplash pulled off a very took on all challengers, was first Rock race. Whiplash was able to successful race with no major in- in Class 1, and the overall winner come up with plenty of new miles c:idents or hiccups. With some last to boot. Brian was on a mission this of track this year, promoted a 250 minute heroics to save the course, time, and was fast and steady all Scott Martenson was a bit off the overall win pace but he took the honors in Class 10 with 11 minutes in hand. the way to the finish. Brian prob-ably deserves some credit on a day where all but 13 of the other pro racers watched the race from bro-ken vehicles scattered over the course. Brian's time of 4:31:22 to cover the course was good enough for the win. Brian reported no prob-lems, except for some starter wires that had wiggled off, and pre-vented him from restarting the car after a stall. That problem was quickly remedied, and he never looked back. Brian's Jimco is a real screamer, powered by a FAT per-formance Toyota V6 mated to a Fortin tranny. This machine moves very well. Brian is sponsored by FAT, Fortin, Family, BFG, and Geiser Brothers. As always - some of the more interesting stories of the race were not of finishers, but of the guys who didn't make it all the way. In the Trophy Truck competitors, none of the trick trucks made it more than one lap. Mr. Speedway himself, Pete Sohren, had the Gei-ser Brothers built Speedway Cart Racing truck in Rocky Point, and was leading overall by a long shot when his Leon Patton motor let go. The post race teardown in-cluded a broken piston, followed by the connecting rod. Looks like the block is reusable. That was the only good news from the Speed-way camp. Desert dude Tony Tellier was along for the ride on the first lap, and exclaimed after his exit from the truck ... "EVERY-ONE needs one of these!!" Tony was very impressed with the plush ride, adding that "it wouldn't even shake up your beer!" it was so smooth. Top speed was 105 on the GPS. Sounds like he had a good ride. Bucky Strunk took a hard tumble in his truck, with lots of Continued on page 40 In Pro 3, Adam Crowley was the only finisher, his almost three and a half Pete Sohren only got in one lap, it was the fastest lap of the race for Rich Ronco was 2""' in the Pro 1-2 class, he was some twenty minutes hour lap was a {Jflleling one. his Pro Unlimited Trock. _in_a_m_e_a_rs_a_t _th_e_c._h_ec._'k_e_red __ na~,g~·------------Dusty Times July 2004 Page 39
Mark Brownell was a few minutes off the leading pace in Pro 10, his Brent McKee led the 1st lap in ½-1600, dropped some time on lap 2 Scott Zimmerman had a fairly slow lap in Spott 10 class but he still second spot finish was still a good one. ____ _ and finished 2'tl in class at the Rock. managed a 2'tl place finish in the battle. checkered flag. There were 15 thinking by the all-star pit crew leaking out. The car didn't go far starters in the class with five fin- probably saved the motor from se- after that. Kevin was racing in the ishers. Tatum guy Rich Ronco had rious damage. A fast diagnosis by four seater, and ended up calling his Tatum chassis LS 1 Chevy run-the hobbled Jeff Darland identi- it a day with a cooked motor. The. ning very well. With the wife fied the problem as a sticking ther- McMullen brothers are in the pro-riding shotgun, the team screamed mostat that was not allowing fluid cess of building a new Trophy to the second place spot, finishing into the overcooked motor. With Truck, and hope to debut the new with an ET of 4:55:22 and earn-both Steve Melton and John truck in Snowflake this year. Tom ing the third overall position in the Herder taking turns pouring wa- Wood had several problems, one race. Ronco is sponsored by ter into the radiator, the motor was of them right off the start. Tom Tatum, and MAC Tools. Tommy finally burped, and the team was found the car jammed in gear, Brown had his powerful Class 5 on their way after a lengthy stop. and would not shift. It was a bug running with the Class 1 guys, Steve Labrie had a difficult day, lengthy delay to start the day. It and piloted the bug to third in the and with some lengthy delays, fin- ended with a blown motor. Mark class and fourth overall. Tom ran ished fifth in the class. There was . Acuna had his Northstar backup consistent laps to get to_ the finish. lots of bad luck to go around in motor in the car, and had a blown The Melton family racing Jimco Rocky Point, and many of the head gasket within 30 miles. The was running extremely well early Class 1 guys found their share. The team put the car on the trailer. in the race, and ended up finish- Whitmoyer racing Mazda did not Cesar Fuentes had Enrique ing fourth in the class and fifth run well all day, and finally quit Bujanda running solo in the overall with a long second lap. The about eight miles from the finish. PISMA/Fox Motorsports entry, Melton nephews were piloting the Ross suspects that overheated fuel and started 14th in line. The team buggy in Rocky Point, and had it was one of the problems on this was moving well and wa-s up to not been for an overheating prob- very hot day in Mexico. Both Mc- fourth behind Brown when the lem, would have been a challenger Millin racing teams found similar ste.ering went south. Bujanda for the overall victory. The team bad luck, with Albert tearing a oversteered the car so badly that made a lengthy slop along the rail- hole in one of the tranny seals, and the bolts broke off of the hydrau-road tracks, where some quick having all of the precious ATF lie shaft, and the team was forced Todd Wyllie really poured it on at the Rock, he literally Rew around the course, 1st in Pro 8 and a very nice 2'tl overall. damage to report when the drive-shaft broke at high speed, cata-pulting him end over end five times. The crew walked away. Luis Wallace's truck was running well, but the older chassis broke apart, with the rear of the truck Page•~ coming apart before the comple: tion of the first lap. The Mark Ottersberg entry was also out early with motor issues. Class 1 fared much better than the Trick Trucks, with Brian Brown leading all the way to the July 2004 Dusty Times
The third place finish in Pro 1-2 went to Tom Brown, his laps were Todd Elam had a great 1" lap, was well off the pace on his second Larry Ayers had two horrendously long laps but still dragged on in to nicely qonsistent but a wee bit off the pace. lap and that finished him 3" in Pro 10. take third place in the 1600 battle. to call ft quits. Robert Wood in his ex-S'e~a-n'S'e-s-sa--.T~o'd'd"'s-srh-a-rp_o_r_a_n_g_e-;C;-srh-e_v_ro-.lre-:-t-====--===========================-.; Bad luck followed the racers in Class 10 Jimco. Robert got stopped motored to a finish in 4:36:29 for Class 10 we well. Scott Martensen in some heavy dust near a fence, a win in the class, and second over-avoided the hex, and had his blue and when he backed out of a tight all finisher. Todd was unaware Tatum chassis machine running spot, was blasted from the rear by that he was so close to the overall very well, and earned a victory in another car in the heavy dust. The lead. The truck was flawless all the class and sixth overall. The rearofthecarwasdestroyed,with day -and Todd was pumped Martensen racing team had a solid damage to the· cage even reach- about how the truck handled the run finishing the course in 5:25:28. ing under the driver's seat. It was whoops. He could have used a few Mark Brownell earned a second quite an impact. Ed Beard com- more ponies pulling the truck on place finish, some 17 minutes in plained of an ill running motor, the flat sections of the course. arrears. Brownell is sponsored by and did not complete a _ lap. David Binns was the only other the J.R. Tuttle Company, and the Charles "in charge" Lathrem was truck in the class to complete even Bolt Brokers. Todd Elam's T&R off of his usual blistering pace, but a single lap, and he retired after a Ironworks Jimco entry was the had.some sort of transaxle prob- very long first lap. The Randall third place finisher in the class. lems, and was out without com- racing family had their Jeep in James Taggart had a very long first pleting a lap,. Jarrett Lemley had Rocky Point, but broke a front lap, but did finish the race in the a similar fate going only 60 miles knuckle at about the 20 mile mark fourth place spot. Ron Dalke's - into the track before a motor went and called it a day. Mike Randall Safari Landscape Tatum car was south. Jarrett is building a new car, was piloting the truck this time running ell, but was heating the so watch for this team to show up around, and was happy to be back· c.v.'s right off the car. The carlost with a new ride very soon. John in the driver's seat for the race. two c. v .son the first lap, and Ron Gardener also had motor problems Mike Doherty had his Chevrolet decided against trying the second in his Abusa powered machine. in the mix, but went out early with lap. This reporter did try chasing James Martin was also dealt a bad a broken A-arm. The truck was a Dalke down the Caborca High-hand in Mexico, breaking in the last minute entry to the race, but way, but was outrun by the desert, and getting a tow to the theteamhadagreattimedespite screaming Dalke. My Jeep TJ was Caborca Highway. His racer was the DNF. able to keep pace at about 40-50 involved in a traffic accident with In the Class 1600 ranks, there mph when Ron was in the rough, a local vehicle while still on the were 10 starters with Bill Krug but when the track smoothed out, two strap. The car was impounded, teaming up with Scott Ba_chelor Dalke was gone in a cloud of dust. and returned over the weekend to earn the win. "Wild" Bill ran a After the race Ron explained that with some help from Ed and Bar- slid race, and outlasted his com-the car was in fifth gear, and push- hara Beard, and Jay with Whip-petition with only three finishers ing the rev limiter on that stretch lash. to ·report. Brent McKee was run-of road. That's better than 120 Todd Wyllie was the lone fin-mph on the dyno! Bad luck struck isher in the Class 8 truck ranks. Class 112-1600 only had a 30% finishing rate but it didn't deter Bill Krug, he took the -class win with 13 minutes in his pocket. In Pro 7, Chris Keller @n/y got in one terribly long lap, he was the only one in class to complete a lap. Dus_ty _Tiroes Sportsman Unlimited dass went to Bob Myers, he had a fairly uneventful day and was ve,y happy with his win. ning well early, but lost second gear before finishing Lap 1, and decided to press on without it -·completing the second lap with-out it. They lost 20 minutes on Lap 2. Gear One "Dude" Ayers had a steady race in his 1600, and fin-ished third in the class. There were plenty of motor problems in this class, with Erik Jones, Bruce Johnston and Nollan Blackwell all out without completing a lap. Mike Leung was qut early with a broken steering rack, even with "Good Luck Charm" Mark Milne riding shotgun in the car. Chris Keller got the job done in the Pro Class 7 race, outlasting Jamie Des Roche to the checkers. Chris put on a solid run together to win in the class. Adam Crow-ley did the same in Class 3, beat-ing Tim Wiley to the finish. In the Sportsman Unlimited class, Bob Myers raced his # 1200 racer to the checkers with no prob-lems to mention. His teammate, Continued on page 42
Steve Melton led the 1" lap in Pro 1-2 but a three hour second lap Big troubles on the first lap, a faster, but still well off the pace second Steve LaBrie had a slow 1" lap, picked up quite a bit on the 2'd lap dropped him into the fourth finishing spot. lap resulted in a ,fh place finish for Jim Taggert. Steven Craig didn't fare so well, the day. The cactus impaled both Whiplash tech guy Tom Fisher with a rocker cover gasket giving Hondo and his co-driver, and to the finish line. Bobby Russell way, and letting much of the oil they required several minutes of powered his super cool four leak out of the motor. Steven was needle extraction before continu-seater to the finish ahead of Jay a DNF. Richard Kosar came a long ing their race. Hondo's brother-Williams in the four seater class. way to race, but went only seven in-law, Ty Loyd, had a new mo- Bobby's car was sounding very miles before transmission problems tor let go shortly after the start. strong, and was working well all took out the Yellow Dog Racing In the Sport Truck class, Ryan day long. T earn. McCoskey had his ultra cool Jeep The Whiplash 2004 Rock to and finished 5" in Pro 1-2. pesert Tour to be the biggest race of the year in Snowflake. It never disappoints -year after year. There is talk that the nine miles of course lost to the fire several years ago may again be available · to race on! If you've never at-' ) tended a Whiplash race - come to this one. With Whiplash's new bonuses, a great track, and some cooler weather on Labor Day, there will be plenty of entries and some great racing. See you Labor Day Weekend! · The Sport 10 class had a great Cherokee running well, until di- Rock was a tremendous race. number of entries, with Ariel saster struck. Somewhere on the Whiplash really did a great job_ Esparza leading the charge. Ariel last leg of the lap, Ryan hit a with some brand new race course, turned a very quick lap with a patch of whoops carrying too some good sponsors, and some bo-2:48:48 to earn the win. Scott much speed, breaking the steer- nus money for the racers. The Zimmerman finished second, ing and sending him into a vio- new course was a real test, as was with Hondo Jimenez bringing lent roll. Ryan and his wife were evident in the number of finish-home third place. Hondo's ma-stunned, and put out a small ers of this race. Special thanks go chine ran very poorly all day, but ATF fire after exiting the truck. to Ta-tum Motorsports, The was good enough to cover the With a little help from the Cesar Desert Oasis, Marana Carpets, track to the finish. Hondo's luck Fuentes crew, they righted the .FAT Performance, Safari Rae-has been turning, as last year he truck and drove out to the high- ing, Kartek, Kevin McMullen finished very few races. In fact, way for recovery. Looks like the Racing, Sullivan Builders, PCI, this was his first finish Jn Rocky Jeep is a total los.s, and Ryan is and many others for helping to Point in eight outings. Hondo's looking for a new shell to repair encourage more entries at this trip was not without some pain, the damage. event. The racers appreciate your as he had carburetor problems to Scott Edwards was the win- support. All in all, it was a great start his race, and center ner in the Stock Mini class, beat- day in the Mexican desert. Look The big Sport 10 Class win went to Ariel Esparza, he won handily with almost an punched a cholla cactus later in ing both Francisco Moreno, and for the next stop on the Whiplash _hou_r_in_h_a_nd_a_t t._'he_fin_i_'sh_. -----------------HONDA Power .. .. ~ Equipment · POWEil· UCEI & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WELDERS • WATERPUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS Calilornia's Largest Source lor Honda Power Equipment Parts 8 lnvento·ry IF WE DON T NAVE IT: NO ONE DOE$/ Check Our Website: www. Kawaguchi honda.com Kawaguchi Honda Corp. :HOND.A · 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 ~o ----GENERATORS a PUMPS (323) 364-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 For optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2004 American Honda Motor Co., Inc .. Page 42 July 2004 Dusty Times
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- . _.,.,.. SCCA DESERT STORM RALLY Hull/Gallagher Win The Inaugural By Scott Bottomley Photos: Motorsports Memories Roger Hull and Co-Driver Sean Gallagher won the inaugural SCCA Desert Storm Rally in their Eagle Talon, they took 4 of 6 stages. · • Desert Storm Premieres Quartzite, organizers Chris was simple, a plan that Opening day jitters, a few Powell and John Sundelin equates a successful rally -butterflies, and off it went, explored the area completely to break even financially, the newest event on the and found some dynamite give the teams the amenities California Rally Series cal-roads (no kidding, the si.te that they need including endar "Desert Storm" Stage is an old military r"ange). nearby hotels and service ar-Rally. Held in Arizona, near The. aim of the organizers eas plus good roads and short transits. Afterwards, Chris judged his own event, by grading himself, "A Low A or a High B". . Twenty teams showed for the scheduled 55 stage mile event held over six stages on Bureau of Land Management property. A road blockage on a transit forced the. orga-. nizers to use one stage four times, which I understand no one complained about since the roads were of good qual-ity and fun to drive. Open 4 WD Driver Ken Cassidy and Chris J annasch in their Lancer Evo took the early lead winning Stage 1. Tied for second on the same stage were Roger Hull and Brian Scott followed by Tony Chavez in fourth. Ken Cas-sidy would go on to have a consistent day by finishing in second place four times un-til Stage 6 when he fell nine minutes off the pace even-tually finishing 11th overall and second in class. Niel< Korpal and Eric Schleicher, Stage 2 winners, got it right taking the win by a narrow margin ove'r the tight pack again of Ken Cassidy, Roger Hull and Brian Scott. Nick's stage win would be his only, despite finishing in the top four on the remaining stages he had a good day finishing third overall and first in Open ·4wD class. It wasn't until Stage 4 that CRS GT pilot Roger Hull and co-driver Sean Gallagher (Pirelli shod-'93 Eagle Talon) really busted loose and started slowly pull-ing away from the pack. Ad-mittedly, he says, "I'm not a fast starter, and I've got no strategy in mind before the rally". Roger further stated that, "It usually takes me at least three stages to get the feel of the car". His interpre0 tative skills really paid off when he found the car's groove on the third stage, winning the stage, and then going on tQ win the remain-ing three stages finishing with a total time of 51.20. Second place in CRS GT went to Robert Brinkhurst and Mat Stokes in their Su-baru Legacy, the finished the day sixt)l overall nearly five minutes in arrears. Bruce and Pat Brown finished the day seventh overall, third in CRS GT just 37 hundredths behind Robert Brinkhurst. Close behind Roger plac-ing second overall finishing in the top four in all six stages was Open 2WD Brian Scott and co-driver Dave Hackett of Phoenix in their Ford Focus. Next in Open 2WD, rounding the top five were the couple from Palm Springs, Richard Byford and Fran Olson in their' BMW 2002. Richard and Fran broke into the top ".five on Stage 6 but otherwise fin-ished nearly three minutes behind Brian Scott . • Third place went to the Seed 8 team of Brad Morris and. Ryan Gutile in their Mitsu-Open 2WD class winner Brian Scott and David Hackett, seen here Las Vegas' Nick Korpal and Eric Schleicher takellle Open 4WD win National Champions Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson took the in their Ford Focus SVT finishing 2nd overall, 1" in dass. in the Mitsubishi Evo 6.5, they ran in the top 4 all day. Performance Stock Class winintheirVWGolfGT/bynearly5minutes. Smog Legal (50 states), Full l<it includes ECU add-on, 12 Montfl WatrantybyTRO (When Installed by Cabe Toyota) ~re Shopping Cart and Ex.cluSive I.OW Pricing! · · · pei;formance.com Page 44 July 2004, Dusty Times
r The rookie team of Brad Moms and Ryan Gutile finished their first rally IJh overall, :Jrl in Open 211-'D. bishi Lancer. First in, finishing 14th overall and seeded eighth were Chris Watkins and Jeff Watkins in Mazda RX-7. Running in the top five all day driving a Perfor-mance Stock class car, National Champions Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson paired up again and took the class by nearly five Silver medallists in Performance Stock K-ere Patrick Rodi and Jonathan Schiller, they finished !7' overall in their Mazda RX-7. min u t e s i n t h e i r Satge 1 winners, Ken Cassidy and Chris Jannasch had trouble on V W G o 1 f GT I . Stage 6. They were 11" overall, 2"' in dass. the RallySprint held on Stages 1 and 2. Part of the California Rally Series RallySprint Calendar, Round 2 had seven teams running for points. Winning the Sprint with a time of 14.41 in their Open 2WD Ford Focus SVT was the team of Brian Scott and David Hackett. In sec-ond with a time of 15.43 were the Patrick Rodi and Jonathan pared Ford Ranger truck. Schiller took the silver in Fourth in class went to Nick Performance Stock in his Hudson and co-driver Craig Mazda RX-7. Patrick fin-Bishop, who usually has his ished ninth overall. Next in dad beside him doing the P-Stock was the Prescott navigation duties. They fin-Forest Rally Organizer and ished 15th overall in their Prescott resident Michael Toyota Corolla. Taylor co~driving with Also part of the inaugural Steven Taylor in rally" pre-Desert Storm weekend was Browns in their CRS GT Subaru lmpreza·, the · bronze .. medal went to Rob-ert Brinkhurst and Matt Stokes in their Subaru Legacy, Robert and Matt fin-ished third overall and sec-ond in the CRS GT class. Fourth overall, first in Per-formance Stock class IIUl"IIII&•~ SIIOCK ..... ..,,,._,n«:HNOI.OGY 714.530.8701 • FAX714.530.B702 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 WWW'Jcingshodcs.CJOnl . Dusty Times July 2004 • • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Sinai/ Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541 )382-1573 www.tubeshark.com Patrick Rodi and Jonathan Schiller, fifth place went to the new team of Brad Morris and Ryan Gutile in their Mitsubishi Lancer (Open 2WD), while Scott Harvey and Bob Gough came in third in Open 2WD. Seventh in the group, fourth in Open 2WD was Jon Rood and Gabr:ielle Sharp in the_ir Ford ,_ ___ _, __ 2.5" --€''ti!£~ Need coil springs? (all King Shocks! We have custom aild produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Page 45 ..
MORE LUCERNE VALLEY Another Win For Both Malloy And· Nosala By Ann Donaldson Photos: Track.side Photo Guy Petersen piloted his great looking Class 5 to the class win, he had 17 minutes in hand at the end. The combined Class 1 and Class 10 race went to Wayne Nosala, a trouble free run put him first on the podium. The third race of the six race season was held in Luc-erne Valley off of Camp Rock Road. Racers again made the trip to compete with each other and against a rough and punishing course. MORE held tech and contingency at the Lucerne Valley High School the Friday before the Saturday race. New contin-gency sponsors were out there, including Suck-It-Up Racing Apparel. They had a large variety of different color t-shirts and hats -and for the girls, tank tops and underwear with their logo. They must be pretty nice, since I saw lots of people and Sportsman doing four. wearing their shirts and put-The race started at ting their stickers on their 8:30am with a good turn out race cars. of 7s trucks. Thanks to the A 40 mile per la course hard work of Roger Byrd, who was laid out with four outly-also raced his truck in this ing pits. The weather was class. Mike Malloy took the better than expected for . ov«:rall win along with the June. The crowd w~lcomed 1600 class win. The course the wind keeping the silt was rough in some places and blowing away from the main high speed in others. Between pit for most of race day. Af-Pit C and Pit D was a canyon ter the race, that evening that if you got a flat you had MORE and race teams held a to keep going. chili cook-off and the awards Class 1 and 10 again com-were given out. Pro classes bined for the purse. Four rac-were required to complete e rs put up a side bet ·of seven laps with Classes 5-1600 and 9 completing six laps DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6~5 $100.00 with the winner tak-ing all between Class 5, 1 and 10. MORE matched the money for a total of $800.00. Wayne Nosala won and walked away with almost $2,000.00. Winning two out of three races with MORE this year; Wayne preps the car, a single seat Jimco with Fox shocks himself with Tim Baker's help. Wayne said "My beam suspension, VW powered car sure looked small next to the larger A-arm, V8 cars at this race but I was planning on the prep work and consistency to bring it home." It worked. He e·ndured three flats during the first three laps. Each flat was in a remote area. The car had to be nursed to a CORE pit where the flats were changed in record time. Wayne got out on Lap 4 and Tim Baker got in. T;m had no troubles until the last two miles before the finish. He heard the motor making an: odd noise and lost two cy.lin-ders. At this point he had about a 20 minute lead, so he got out of the car. He could $135.00 $145.00 & up Jeff Sack took the win in the 5-1600 battle, his trouble free run gave him a cushion Centerline Wheels 15x3.5 & 15x·6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Pag~ 46 (702) 247-1266 ·we Now Do. MAGNA FLUX of 40 minutes over his competition. Corey Torres is on a winning streak, he took his second in a row at the MORE Kartek race, seen here at speed. July 200~ see nothing wrong so he nursed it to the finish line. Tim was thrilled to not only win but his father, Ed, handed him an ice cold beer. Mike Deardorff in his two seat beam Jimco came in next at a total time of six hours and 10 minutes. Mike drove the entire race and experienced fuel problems all day. Ryan Lesher was a DNF with more transmission troubles that have been plaguing him all season. On the first lap he had a flat tire about 10 miles after the start. Five miles into the second lap he lost fourth gear. On the third lap he lost fifth gear and parked the car on the trailer. Class l was a combination of trucks and buggies. All in the class experienced troubles. Many 1600 cars and Class 9 cars "finishe,lbe.fore any in Class l showed up. Mark Gonzalez made it to the finish line in six hours and 32 minutes in a very built pre-runner type Ford. Bill Markel started first off the starting line. Bill ·was driving a VB powered Penhall and had power steering 'troubles this. race. The power· steering completely failed the last 30 miles of the race. Bill drove it to the finish line without power steering. The rest of the class was DNF. Marty Melendrez in his A-arm, V8 powered two seater was thankful to FAIR Pit C for repairing a fuel problem. Marty said "Thanks to the limited cars for mov-ing over for me". He was look-ing good until he had to call it a day on Lap 4 with a bro-ken axle. Greg Blakeman and Bob Schreiher were DNF in their open buggies. Bob Schreiner driving a GMC also called it a day on Lap 4. Heath Mitchel in his home built Ford Class 8 truck re-ported no problems for the first three laps. The team dis-covered that the set up the suspension a bit too soft for the rough and rocky-course. On Lap 4, Warren Messick jumped in behind the wheel and found where the batter-ies and cross member broke taking out the electrical and brakes._ They could not get the truck to start again and parked it. Class 5, Open Baja Bugs had a total of five starters and three £inishers. After his car sat for over a year, Guy Peterson bought it out for this race and took ·home the win. Dusty Times
Mike Oeardoff gave it all he had, but a slight problem on the first lap John Hays wanted the Class 5 win, but not this day, he was only able Angel Vanaja was a bit off the winning pace, ended up second on relegated him to second spot in the Class 1110 battle. _to_t_ak_e-,---th_e_s_il_ve..,..r_m_ed._al_ho_me_. -=--,--:-,=--=---,--=-- -----:- the Class 5-1600 podium at the MORE Kartek event. The front suspension settled boot problem but reported no they were a DNF. Erik Ear-painted single seat but took on the first three laps, due to other problems with his car. nest started in his pretty blue the overall trophy home too. installing new springs. When· Racing a new car for only the bug but _was unable to com-Total time was five hours and he stopped for fuel on the third time was Chris Bow-plete a lap. He was out with 31 minutes to· complete the third lap, adjustments were man. Jerry Longo started the a blown motor. On the Friday required seven laps. Mike made. He also lost h"s front race with Tom Sobray as his before the race they cracked flew in from a trip to New Jer-brakes and managed to plant co-driver. About 30 miles af- a piston, by 9pm parts came sey (wo·rk related) and ar-the front end on the back of ter the start, Jerry rolled the from their shop in Torrance rived around lam Saturday a 7s truck. The Bug received car. The car was not that bad to the Main Pit. At 3:30am morning. He wanted to pre-a free tow for about 100 feet off considering. A broken they had the motor back to-run, so at 5am race morning until the truck hit a hole and throttle cable, bent tie rod, gether. Right after the start, he jumped on his motorcycle broke loose his car. After the flat tire, body damage and the motor blew apart result-· to run a lap. This was not to race, Guy and the driver of some pride, Jerry brought the ing with a hole in the case be since Mike had to nurse a the truck had a good laugh car to the FAIR Main Pit for and sending shrapnel flying. flat tire back to the Main Pit. about it. At one point of the repair. Sobray got out and This, of course, ended his On that Httle sleep, Mike race, Guy almost t-boned-a · Matt Melendrez got in. Half day. Erik was .in good spirits drove the entire race solo. A spectator's car, a brown car way through the race, Chris ·despite this and wanted to flat tire and ripped c.v. boot with purple bead locks. He Bowman got in and with thank other teams in Class 5 slowed him down but he said "I came out of a·turn in Matt's help tried to pick up for their help. He plans on brought the car to the finish the dust and almost hit that the pace. After bicycling at being back in the desert as eight minutes ahead of the car. I was able to correct be-one point, he got the car soon as he can. When you competition. fore I hit him." Guy walked home for the finish. consider how hard some Pa·ul Keller finished sec-off with a two grand pay-Last year's class champion people like these work just to ond in his single seat car. check and trophy for his ef-for Class 5, the bright orange get to the starting line -the Mike Malloy's crew changed fort. .. Bug of John Gri~well got lost race might seem like the easy two flat tires for him. How John Hays came in second on the first lap. They in-part. many sports can you have the with his purple and yellow formed MORE of this. By Lap Mike Malloy not only won same crew for two winning Bug. He had a flat and a c.v. 4 the car was parked and Class 1/2-1600 in his brightly cars? Paul also drove the en-• tire race solo with Garit Wallace finishing one minute and 14 seconds behind him. Garit was slowed down by a plugged fuel vent Line on the car. When his crew tried to fuel him, the plugged fuel line would only let them get about five gallons in at a time. At a very slow rate, Garit was forced to stop many times to refuel. Garit said "A lot of time was wasted in the pits trying to fuel the car." David Girdner was running a new Babe Jones motor in his homebuilt two seat car. Jer-emy Creig started the race in the driver's seat and Tim Greig co-drove. They drove three laps during which the oil pressure gauge went to zero. They were horrified to think they might have blown · up their new motor. It turns out that the gauge had Cuntinud un page 48 -.--.
....., Rick Poole wanted a win in Class 9 but he was only able to take a Chris Bowman survived major problems on the first lap, got it all going Guy Savedra was in great shape 'tit the last lap when mechanical troubles bit real hard, he ended up third in Class 5-1600. second place finish, less than 10 minutes out of the win. again and managed a decent third place in Class 5. failed. On the third lap David who is a go-kart racer from ing raced motorcycles for a drove with Kent Hazelbaker England. This was his first off decade, Jacques Cole made co-driving. They had no road race that he has been to. the trip from Phoenix, Ari-other problems and brought Scott mentioned that having zona with his car only to dis-the car home for a fouqh Neil for a co-driver was en-cover the California desert place finish. tertaining since his dry sense was a bit harder than he Mike Boyd and his Ameri-of humor was apparent. Sug-thought. He was unable to can flag painted two-seat car gestions from Neil included complete a lap_ and said "I came in for a fifth place fin-"You might want to steer never fathomed a course so ish 10 minutes later. Don around that large rock." consistently rough. Bravo. I Johnson suffered with trans-"Good suggestion, thanks," destroyed pretty much every-mission mounts breaking sev-was Scott's response. The· thing on my .car, but I will be eral times throughout the two had a good time for the back." race. This required down first four laps. At the end of Class 9 was off the start-time to weld together. Gus-the fourth lap, they turned ing line next. The class was sets were fabricated at the the car over to Brady Wisdom required to complete six laps. CORE Main Pit and welded and son, Jacob. Five miles Two SNORE regulars took on. Don finished in seventh from getting in -there was a first and second with Corey place after completing six short in the electrical fuse Torres taking the first place laps. Greg Boyer and brother, box resulting in the battery trophy with Rick Poole in Cory, were able to complete failing and that ended the second. Corey won the four laps. After the race they day. SNORE Caliente race just packed up for the Baja 500 Curt Geer went three laps the week before. He said "I to help their dad race. before rolling the car and changed the beam bushings -Drawing the last starting calling it a day. Ron Ingalls and tightened up anything position in this class was was able to nurse the car to loose I could. That was about Scott wisdom. Scott along Pit A where a blown trans-all the prep I did." Corey also with co-driver, Neil James, mission ended his day. Hav-won quite a bit this year with SNORE, winning the Buffalo seat. Allen was quite tired Bill's race and came in sec-after being in the car that ond at the Avi race. Rick long but brought the car to the Poole has been right on his finish line. Ron Rash was next heels though. Coming in in fourth place driving his about 10 minutes after yellow car finishing in s_ix Corey, Rick has been a good hours and 32 minutes. Eliza-finishing rate also. Rick came beth Metzger came in next in third at the Buffalo Bill's after front end problems after race and won the Avi. Rick hitting a rock on the first lap. had a front flat that slowed First time driver, Chris him down. These two cars Dunn finished in seventh have shown that 9 cars are place. He said "Thanks to all like the Timex watches of the the other drivers being pa-off road world. They take a tient with me." Chris had the licking and keep on ticking. help of his father, who drove Doug Silcock came in two laps. Chris said thanks to third. Doug drove the first Tom Mangione and his three laps, along with his dad, daughter, Mindy for taking Allen Silcock co-driving. over the car for a lap and a Doug earlier in the week cut half. He started in 15th place his palm at work resulting in and finished in seventh. a bunch of stitches. Since one Chris was very happy to bring of the requirements of Class the car home to the check-9 is no power steering, Doug ered with no reported prob-drove as long as he could. He lems. gotoutonLap3andAllen Car #977, Ron moved over to the driver's Winterbottom fin'ished next ultimate long travel ford long travel system Get tH Nllflits of oor to,,g Tnwel syst,., """ 3• 1ft spit,les, a,oti,,g 61 of lilt for irlaedi61e grow,/ deanirtc,. !f!!~V<t! ■ 3' lift spindles ■ Upper Control arms ~~~W)f 8' Suspension System used in a racing ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit shock toyota /ono travel system Dur Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van Dan' long travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off roaders out there. Page 48 custom i beams Ollroad bullet proof design provides maximum strength with 4130 Chromoly steel 118th' thiclc plate and tubular inner structure. 1990-94 ford ranger Y " performance sustem Dur extended radius arms are offset further inboard offering ,increased tire clearance and 4• more wheel travel · Dual S/roclc System 2 shoclcs per front whee~ adds high performance dampening. I applicatinn with coil over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of whe!!I travel extended radius arms • Dur extended radius arms are offset further inboard for increased tire clearance. Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on lord ranger z.s · performance sustem 2.5' of lilt with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 (10 y · long travel sustem Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires. July 2004 anoled fiberglass e f1 !!Jlfibe!!!! include front lenders, bedsides and hoods. The front lenders and bedsides are flared with wheel travel in mind. spare tire mount ~ Constructed using 1 1 / 4' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability . flat spare tire mount Over 2S Styles stamped steel tabs Dur vast assortment of stamped steel tabs simplify your fabrication needs. www.fabtechmotorsports.com OH E-MAIL US AT inf□@labtechm□torsp□rts.com Dusty Times
There were 16 Class 9 entries, and when the dust cleared, it was Gari! Wallace was the third place finisher in 1600, just a minute and Doug Si/cock taking home the bronze medal. change out of the second spot. Bill Markel flies across the desert on his way to a fourth place fini~h in the combined Unlimited/Class 10 race. in eighth place. Kevin home second placefo .,..-r~th.--e.,...ir---.Wwr-e-s-t.-h-o-,.ff-r-c-a_m_e----,-i_n_n_e_x_t_w_1,.....t,..h--o-n---.l-y-t-o---.discover an air bubble Kopitch and Kim Wright had effort. a total of four laps. Also out in the radiator was the cause. a long last lap but did get the Third place was a Bug that after four laps was Jeff Bolha They lost no coolant when car to the finish line. Kevin was still a little beat up from with transmission troubles. they bled the system. At the started the race and encoun-the last race. The Savada Five Class 7 A (7s) trucks end of the second lap, they tered no problems for the first team of Art and son, Guy, entered and when the dust found the left rear brake was lap and a half. A flat tire still had the American flag settled, only one made it to dragging, slowing them down slowed him down when he paint job but it was a little the finish line. Roger Byrd some more. After Guy Peter-had to return to the Main Pit worse for the wear after the has spent a lot of time work-son attached his car to the to change. At the end of the last race in Barstow, where ing on getting this class big-rear of their car for a "free third lap, Kim Wright got in. they rolled the car. The team ger and working on rules. It tow" (something that was One more flat tire and an ig-put the car back together. A seems that some of the rules laughed about later that nition failure slowed them great finishing rate this year for this class are over 20 years evening), the team figured down. Kim said "Not one of after some problems in the old and in need of an update. the day would not hold a win our better days of racing." Ed past. Art said, "We found the Also working with Roger are for them. But, consistency Depina was the last of the of-finish line and we liked it." Ken Kregal and Perry again showed it's domination ficial finishers. Some problems encountered Fleming to have a set of rules in this sport, along with a Starting last out of six cars, this race, a broken fuel filler the teams can agree on and "never say never" attitude. Jeff Sack driving his yellow neck, a flat, broken rear race with. The whole idea of They were the only team to Baja Bug came in first in the shock mount and in trying to any limited class is to keep make the required five laps. 1-2 5/1600 class. By the end repair it, they overextended an even playing field. MORE (And if they ever develop a of the first lap he had passed the c.v. joint thus shattering (Jim Clements) is working "Towing Capable Class" all the competition in his it. Last but not least, the with this class to have a good these guys are a shoe in.) class. Jeff said "It's all about team borrowed an axle from set of rules. What is the pay-The white Fay Family knowing when to push or just car # 565 to make it to the back you ask. The teams are Ford with Diego Lopez driv-bringing it home." He thanks finish line with minutes to looking to bring more mini-ing was only able to complete his sponsors for all their help, spare before it closed. The truck racers to this promoter. four laps. Roger Byrd was Haas Factory Outlet, Dave team wanted to thank Jeff Team Scribbler started running in first place for Foltz and Mickey Thompson Bolha for the axle and to first in the class and brought three laps. Starting his fourth Tires. Angel Vinaja and Rick FAIR for the great help and it to the finish first. Perry lap, the transmission let go Cordova come in second using the welder to make re-Fleming driving his Ford ending his day. He said "The / Ta-ce. Even after rolling the pairs. Belonging to a pit club Ranger did encounter a few racers in the other classes car on the third lap, they suf-can have its advantages. problems. Overheating on the were really cool with our sl'ow fered no major damage. They David Stevenson was only first lap slowed them down, trucks in-the rough. They ac-lost their radio but managed able to complete five of the to keep it all together with-required six laps making a out using it. They brought fourth place finish. Joseph tually gave us time to move over rather than slam us." Look for Roger at the next event in his brightly painted Ranger. George Lamonte com-pleted three laps als.o before dropping out of contention. The Blue Coyote Racing team had the new truck blues. Starting the race with only 15 miles of shake down on the truck, they ended their day on the first lap. Driver Ken Kreegal and co-driver, John Addison, hit the rough roller section after Pit B, Ken got some air, after landing, found the steering wheel ~_as pointing upside down. Not good. Stopping the truck, he saw the tire was not.at a good angle. The right side ball joint almost broke off along with bending one of the bypass tubes. They wisely called it a day. Sportsman class was re-quired to run four laps. Only one team was not able to fin-ish. The winner was Jim Heine. Newc~mer to off road, Rich Clark did an excel.lent job and took home second pl-ace. This Conti1111ed on page, 50 -umnum Mike Malloy literally flew to the Class ½-1600 win, he won by eight minutes and, surprisingly, was the overall winner as well. -Paul Keller readies for takeoff as he heads toward a second place finish in the Class 1600 fracas. Dusty Times July 2004 -a 111 s uiltlor Racers 111acers HAC/Nfi 'INCO/lPO/lATED Page 49 ..... ◄ ·-
► A decent fourth place finish was all that Ron Rash could manage at Sorry Dave, the only pie we had of Mr. Girdner was this one, he Jim Richardson had big troubles on the first lap.and it cost him, he MORE Lucerne, seen here taking to the air. finished fourth in Class 1600 at Lucerne. finished fifth in Class 9, not too happy. Mike Boyd was quick, but not near fast enough this race, he ended Elizabeth Metzger needed a few more laps, she was faster each time Jeff Cepielik was a wee bit off the pace this race, he ended up taking sixth place in the hotly contested 1600 class. up fifth in the very competitive 1600 race. she came around and ended up sixth in Class 9. was only his second time to MT crew and FAIR changed walked away with $100.00 for race and Rich fe!t he needed the tire and Don was back on her efforts for second place. more seat time in his 1/2-1600 course. Dofi said, "The ordeal Third was Ryan Shank with his car so he looked to Sportsman. was 30-plus minutes." Don did chiii and $50.00 from MORE. Rich had a trouble free day and bring the car around for the All the chili judges I spoke held a pace he was comfortable required four laps to finish in with had fun. Jim Clementes with. He was delighted to re-fourth place. Phillip Ferree had picked good ones, since they all ceive a check from MORE a long day with a total time of looked hungry and ready to along with a trophy for his ef- seven hours and 48 minutes. He eat. fort. did finish the laps and before Racers helped this even hap-Rick Waszkiewicz came in the course closed. Bob pen with Jeff Sack bringing hot third place. Don Heinemann Weiderhold was able to com-dogs (200) and when those ran had troubles on his first lap plete one lap, but no more. out, other people donated ham-that took about 30 minutes to After the race, MORE burgers. FAIR also was a key repair. Suffering a flat tire be-hosted a chili cook-off. Money part of this event. David fore Pit B sent Don looking for was paid by MORE for first Baringer brought out his his chase crew. He could not through third place. Chili win-Webber BBQ. It brought out find them so Don drove back ner was Leon Batanain who the BBQ envy in some of the to the Main Pit. He stopped at took home $200.00 for his ef- guys. He cooked along with the Mickey Thompson Tire forts. Sharon Norris, who was David Huereque, who volun-trailer. Without hesitation, the also celebrating her birthday teered to help when he saw the ~ WWW. rJIKERPRECISION.COM 2865 Gundry Ave. Signal HIii, CA 90755 562-427-2375 line forming. David also pro-vided hamburgers and buns. The event was a success with a large number of p·eople show-ing up. There was plenty of chili and vats of baked beans. Chips were also there. If you needed a free meal, this was the place to get it. There was plenty to go around thanks to all who provided their time and food. rude behavior. It was very un-$700.00 purse to the six racers SPORTSMAN-like. I would who were in the class. The pay-hope that people who have back of $100.00 per car with an their own issues would show extra # 100.00 MORE tossed in some c1ass and wait for people to make the purse. There was to receive their trophy first. It nowhere saying that the win-was hard to hear anyone mak-· ner of the class would receive in g an acceptance speech. $ 100.00 per car. As a rule, all They tried to cast a dark paybacks are split between the shadow on the event, .but it higher placing cars. The win-didn't work. MORE had a stack ner does not "take all". I hope of die-casts that were passed that helps some of you out. out to the kids. The kids were The next MORE race will be thrilled to receive the gifts. at night in Barstow. July 24 is If you need the payback sys-the date, 250 miks is the race tern made clear, let me try. The distance -with only a sliver of Sportsman class this past rac·e, moon. that night to light. the for example, had a payback of way,. · ~&~ After some time was spent e~ting and talking about the race, the awards got under-way. Sadly, a group of people tried to ruin the event for ev- Third place in the combined Unlimited/Class 10 contest went to Mark Gonzalez 'Hl'i ans , DI/Coolers Driving Suits Rod End Boots Neo Synthetic OJI Penormance Plumbing 1-.\.,~I ~ FK~ -~;I•r«•l Page so Qfal, eryone else, with their loud and _an_d_h_is_m_ce_loo_ki~ng~FOli_ d~p_>ic_ku~'P_· --------------• --------------------------------• REDL!NE PER_fc,R_f1ANCE, !NC. LSI & N-STAR PRE-RUN OR RACE PACIAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES FROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP I I I I I I I I I I I I WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE 1 PROGRAMS AND AND UNMATCHED REPRUTATION FOR CUSTORMER I SATISFACTION Ill · - ____ ~!.4l. llZ=~~ .!!!21'!.E _ .il.!.4.l. z..1z.-~~ _F,!~ _ :_ ___ ! July 2004 Dusty Times
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.. POWER E S.TEERING THOMAS£LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETOK&TAEET SUN-VALLEY, CA-91352 FAX (818) 798-2681 (818} 788-0371 A full line of Power Steering gears. pumps and acceuoriea for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. •custom Chassis *Race Prep *Aluminum Wort! *Welding *Magnaflul! FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX · KENT LOTHRINGER p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Ae-t~.NC.NA.F.T. /<=e.JC'~ www.mastercraftseats.com . Seot.; • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite e Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 MtioJi .ottroad .Road Course .Orag Racing .OVal Track .Fabrication ■Welding .Chassis and (818) 886-4446 (818) 772-6470 fax www.mckenziesontrack.com 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 Suspension Specialist YOUR OFF-ROAD -Catch us o_n the Net! SPECIALISTS/ www.mckenzies.com PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE-; ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 .#iM.lfillllil - . COIIPONEN1'S F.OR CHASSIS FABRICAflOH -~~•~~•.R~.t:A~ stifterMolm • 01 &'Waterfk>tlle Holdenl 399 .E • .HaniBon .UnitO Corona, CA 92879-1313 Tom Moxley {909) Z12..A272 www.wfV1lfab.com 43455 Business Park Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext.120 W'NW.mickeythompsontires.com .. 619-562-5533 .. ~ y . @ M~~\I PONTIAG• ffiE ,,,,,, ... 0RENO wALLEY ---. ,., PONTIAC•GMC•BUICK l.J63()Mmi.1R W.tY • IIJ,JIUNO VA.UEY, Gt 91555 AsKJlOR CHUCK FOREMA,;,"'l $,Iles & leasing Consultant ('.all For App<Ji11t1nent --~·· .(909} 142-UH (800) 480-5501 FAK C909) 212;u99 \ lll-(:9()9) 89!)-5397 I D F F R D A D E N C3 I N E E R 1 N ,a Pre-Runners • Race Cars &: Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Way_ #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 www.motorsportsplus.com . . MOTOR WORKS INC. 1490 ISLAND AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 619-233-8875 800-841-1014 FAX 619-233-4137 motorwrk@adnc.com MOroRCYa.E MACHINE WORJC. STRF.ET OR OOMPETITION BORINO, SLEEVING. OUIDE ltEPLACEMENT, llESUU' ACINO SEAT RF.PLACEMENT, CRANK OIUNDING, HEAT TREATING AND MUCH MORE Jim Moulton TRIE::HJTClns • WIRES • REV CONTROL AUTOTRONIC •CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR .. EL PASO. TX 7993E 1915) 857-52nn • TFr.H LINE 1915) 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msdignicion.com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-726-2B75 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E .. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253
7 I R"R (909) _360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 ~ · HAROLD NICKS -,~~(Q)V[:;j©7:fl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROlA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL,0SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS 1·N STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11\'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S 125. -2888 GUNDRY AVE.. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 W a A R ~tl--(1 - -1 .-Fralcv s Pc-rformance t_nginee,·mg j TU (949)650-3035 fRH (9119)650-4721 * All Type• of Steel U Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Bendinc • Ahaainum U Steel W.ldinc • Custom Machine W.ork • All Types ol Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda 14 Lu Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 Pre,1s1011 Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com ·,PRO PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Emall: protruck@prodigy.net Tel: 619-390-6252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 Joe Dau111an Par: 323.340.om teJ#,909-616-6,U~ FIX: 811.361.4641 fax #,909-676-1 t 41 21598 Commerce Centet Dr Temecula, CA 92590 ---13411 Dronfield Ave. svlmar. CA 91342 Hi-Performance Equipment . Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com Get The Worcl Out About Your Business, Big Or Small • Put Your Business Card Ad In The Good Stuff Directory. Call Dusty Times For Details 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM 118 ·=· ~ Suspension Components For Racing And Recreatlonal Applications Shock SerYice Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 i'E.IFD.IMIKCE• T.11.NSIIL ES Sellthern ca1nom1a·s taraest Distributer or Mandeola Tnnsules •H: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave_ Unit G Anaheim, CA 92806 nt,.nn<.~om CTRANS will get · you i1 gear SWilg axle, ••s, •ewlaad, MD4S 3455 S. POURI #5 lAS IRIS, IOIDA 89102 .IIIN D.D. IIIIUDN (702) 221-4383 (702) 117-9724 --~If~:9 ...,-... = ti t-1-it:i: i Z .:.,Jf-!? ~ii 2&~~----_ Barry Beacham 27231 Burbank Ave. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 Office 949-837-4388 Cell 949-466-4781 barry@raceprepservices.com www.raceprepservices.com fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. L?l,!/ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 ~~"A"f /IF :s;.~,,--: ~ {I~ --·~• ~g ....,,,. Ir .... ----------.RACE LETTE.R/~G JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • \WlDOW lffiERlt,G • CAR LETTERltlG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MAAGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt;ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fe\ 1714) 694-9567
'I# ££ :road £ab:rica:t;io:n._ C> ·t • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kt s . • Custom Paint• Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program Sam Puleri (323) 563-2224 fax(323) 563-2227 NISSAN OFF ROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS , SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BOOY FIBERGLASS »AND MORE 1 Specializing in: 7 FRONTIER PATHFINDER XTERRA HARDBODY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 6350 River9ide Dr. Perie..-, AZ. 85344 = PERFORMA 5 ==_,,. 'Dll~Vlf !£CM SJIIIT Pf8F88JIIICf I 1·800-MY MUFFLER I_~ Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 Fmc, 619-449-76711 Cel~ 619-726-8891 I I. Fabrication & Race Preparation I I I . 19419 Abraham WCI#/ Santee, CA 9:zon u••• .... et.J.~-•-......._,"LT I craig@stewarbraceworltJ.com ~ --Sales& I Serviee I Tf9e V•u ltnt 0, OHr~ PtrfcnMltc•. Pwts. Pe,lcaffon >.nd '"5talatioft. W. C.ry: AC() • SFG F-,t«t, •k#!§ Snodcs >-ndMMi,Uote. Spedali:itt5 itt Clotl1itt5 for tl1e Offroat>er Sawl attt> Tami V.uq14e: S-6l-6ll-8808 www.s1-tckintpra~i~5.com SUNDRY METAL SPINNING Phone 562-801-1090 F~x 562-801-1645 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS 7930 Paramount Blvd. Pico Rivera, CA 90660 JOHN AVALOS OWNER RACE FUELS (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX [209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 <(!UNSET)> c:f'z:h:t: .. ~3! ~? Design Fabrication lnstailatlon H YoucGluAuTVSIOH~AHY" {909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 5 POMONA ROAD • SUITE £ • CORONA. CA 9'288'2 /'-, ~l"VTEKIZEO VINYL GfY\PHICS & LETTEKING jtll•I I wu j /'o.lL>-COST t,L.OGS/GNS{-"'II. P1fOCES6ES} -/'-. T/IV\OE SI-OW OfSP,_,..'rS ,,.._ fl!,,._CING GflU',.l"'H/CS /'-. OET-"'ILEO & LN/QLJE OESIGNS ,,.._ FLEET VEHICLES /'-. Hf-au,..LJTY MNNEl{S ,,.._M,,..GNET/CS /'-. WGO ~EnfOOUCTONS ,,.._ fl(.E,11\L ES,,,..,E /'-. LOGO & ~-"'PHIC OES/GN ,,.._ OEC,A,.LS .... SUSPENSIONS UNLIM/tED · ~ lo.. • OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS l'\,RDI\G • FABRCATUI/ • O,.CPIASMAQJTTN, • FFUI/TE/11]5 • fEARTRAIUVGAf/MS RACEOUlSSIS • PFERUVIERS • RJXRAQf,GSHJX • SANDBt.GGES LARRY ROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM, C4 92807 PHONE(714} 6304482 FAX (714/63()4548 Get trae word out about your business, Big or Small! Put your business card In the ••GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY•• and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $45.00 per month. (818) 882-oacM JUST A SMALL AD HERE CAN INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS A BUNCH 818-882-0004 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! · TLR Peiformance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 "e,u~-:n:;; . . " ., SP..51f:~/ST.Y-_ _' * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford,,Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 9094,54.7334 Fax: 909~54-2375 See a list of oor products at oor web site: http:/wwW .off-roadfiberglass:com I itiiNSirLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818}_998-2739 0 C OJ -, C ~ en o-"Tl m ~ ► o en X )> en waow ..... 0 ..... sss --.J .is --.J a, w a, I\) u, I\) WbN --.J .is .is --.J .......... I\) a, w I\) o' ~ ~ .is i:il u, :::i en 0 0 5D C () ::r ~z =.; 0 0 ~ 3 3 - · Q.) Q.) :::, CD C. ~ ro· 0 )> ..... < co 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 li:tl ransworks ~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES . AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, A 91916 SAND * STREET *. RACE www.transworks.biz (619) 445-3135 / REBUILD YOUR CURNUTT SHOCKS CALL FOR PRICING 760-401-0412 &,tit1~~ www.trickracingproducts.com (UMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 (619) 596-8033 1 000 W. Bradley, Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco
1 ---------CLBRYANT.COM Fo~plex - Pomona October 9 & 10 ~~. oo~flluW)rnmnmm Front & Rear Trailing'Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoeni.x, AZ 85021 Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 VP RACING FUELS INC AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTOR RR AUTOSPECIAL PARTS, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Advancing the Science of Motor Sports Ray Gastelum GEREN!E Df VEN)AS You must have more business than you can handle if you are not advertising in CALLE PRIVADA FRAY MAYORGA 17026 ZONA INDUSTRIAL GARITA DE OTAY TIJUANA DC TEL.: (GG<) G<7 9222 FAX: (6G~) G07 1«0 E-MAIL: vpmex@hotmail.com Mobil : 664 648 2882 Nextel Radio: 152 * 133577 * 1 Call USA to Mexico dial 01152 Dusty Times 818-882-0004 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER MfJ/IJl..lf41INIJ OF THE YEAR Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Burs 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Compl~te Engines Transmissions • Pam • Service - Welding V.W - Porsche - Nissan • Toyota - Honda 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 www.wrtrans.com C ~)..<p) ~S?.!Ke more Trail Notes ... lost his rear brakes. An inspection revealed a cracked caliper, this resulted in a 9 minute lat check-in, effectively removing him from contention. Sprongle, the early leader was looking very good until the motor exploded on SS5. The Susquehannock Trail Rally will be shown on Speed Channel on Saturday, July 17. Next on the agenda is the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. MDR SUPERSTITION SERIES POINTS -With the season half over, the Corky McMillin Companies Supersti tion Championship Series shows most of the classes still up for grabs. With the exception of Class 1, there are still many batt!es·to be fought. The points standings by class as of this date are: Class 1 • Andy McMillin 56, Chuck Hovey 17, Scott Young, 15. Class 500-Todd Stemmerman 54, Bob Stemke 51. Class 700 • Jon Kay 40. Class 725 - Dave Ahles 41. Class 800 - Jeff Norton 60, Mark McMillin 56. Class 900 - Chris Faulkner 54, Julie Kern 49, Rick McCarty 42, Jose Victoria 42, Matt Arnold 40. Class 1000 - Sreve Mamer 89, Tom Watson 54. Class 1300 -Rick Sanchez 38._ Class 1450 • James Ederer 76, David Santa Cruz 74, Scott Wilson 33. Class 1600 • Billy Skinner 99, Joe Laff80, Nick Tiedemann 64, Ed Stout 50, Daniel McMillin 47. CORR/LUCAS OIL SERIES• The series finally got started after being "weathered out" at Dresser, Wiscon sin. So, Antigo became the first rac·e of the season with one makeup race from Dresser thrown in. Here's a quickie on the top few in each class. Light Buggy • Matt Gerald won the Dresser race, Greg Stingle won Round # 2 and Ben O'Connell won Round #3.Sportsman 2-Mike Oberg took the makeup race, Ross Hoek won Round #1 and Dan Badoux won Round #3. In Stock it was Keith Steele taking the makeup race, Rhonda Konitzer won Round #2 and Mark Kleiman won Round #3. Pro-4 had Carl Renezeder taking the Makeup race, Scott Douglas doubled up and won Rounds #2 and #3. lnSingle Buggy Mark Steinhardt took the makeup race, John Fitzgerald won Round #2 and Steinhardt came back and won Round #3. lnSuper Buggy it was Corry Heynan taking the makeup race, Steve Krieman won Round #2 and Ryan Mulder won Round #3. Pro-Lite was no contest as Kyle LeDuc took all three races. GO KYLE! In Pro-2 it was Scott Taylor taking the makeup round, Dan Vandenheuvel took the win in Round #2 and Carl Reneieder won Round #3. MICKEY THOMPSON TRAGEDY UPDATE -On June 8, 2004, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office announced that Michael Goodwin, the former business partner of Mickey Thompson had been charged with the murders of Mickey and his wife, Trudy. They were shot in front of their Bradbury home in March, l988. Goodwin was charged with two counts of murder with the special circumstances oflying in wait and multiple murders. The District Attorney's Office will decide whether to seek the death penalty when the case is closer to trial. The case was filed as an arrest warrant for Goodwin, currently in custody in Orange County, where he is being held without bail. His arraign-ment date in Pasadena Superior Court has not yet been determined. Goodwin faced similar charges in Orange County, but that case was recently overturned on jurisdictional grounds by the California District Court Of Appeal. Mickey and Trudy were gunned down outside their home as they were leaving for work ea.rly on March 16, 1988. Two men on bicycles were seen fleeing the scene and as yet have not been identified. More on ihis as it surfaces. -SCORE POINTS AFTER THE 500 -Trophy Truck• Post/Whelchel 189, Jason Baldwin 176, Josh Baldwin 159. Class 1 • Andy/Scott McMillin 190, Marking/Harrold 183, Hovey 170. Class ½-1600 -Jeffrey/Pfankuch 226, MacCachren/Anderson 206, Travis/Brad Fletcher 200. Class 3 • Moss 155, Class 5 • Seeley 145. Class 5-1600 • lribe/Hemandez 165, Collier/Baldwin 146. Class 7 - T umer 141, Karakas 107 . Class 7S • Graham/Homer 120. Class 7SX - Severson 155. Class 8 • Raimonde 157. Class 9 - Fisher 155. Class 10 - Mark/] Hutchins 173, Anderson 165, Myers/Erl 164. SCORE Lite• Watson/Noe 176, Potter/Worley 165, Golden/Hatz 157. Class 11 • Solorzano 155. Stock Full - Griffin 101, Handley 101 (tie). Pro Truck - Rick Johnson 74. Stock Mini - Baker 55. Class 17 • Thompson 70. Leading the points chase overall we have Brian Jeffrey in the lead, 1/2-1600 with 226 points. Second overall is Rob MacCachren, also 1/2-1600 with 206 points. Travis Fletcher is third, also 1/2-1600 with 200 points. Rick Boyer \s fourth, also ½-1600 with 193 points, Andy McMillin is fifth, Class 1, 190 points. Mark Post is sixth, Trophy Truck, 189 points, Leonardo Navarette is tied for sixth, 1/2-1600 189 points, John Marking is eighth, Class l, 183 points, Jason Baldwin is ninth, Trophy Truck 176 points and Tom Watson, SCORE Lite is tied for ninth with 176 points. With only the Primm race in mid-September and the Thousand in November, it will be an interesting season. Dusty Times July 2004 MORE H,ippu.1MG5z •• Prairie City, Sacramento, CA September 25-26,2004 October 1~ 17, 2004 October 30-31, 2004 Desert Races July 2-4, 2004 Hawthorne, NV August 7-8, 2004 TBA September 3-6, 2004 Bend, OR Awards Banquet November 13, 2004 Location TBA VIC»mGueumloOH' ROADCws PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA Ol l-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WfSl'mN Off ROAD LONG .Asc.oc:IAnON LARRY HENDERSON ((,()4) 538-0>92 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTF.RN Pfl'INsnv ANIA WH.EEL To WHEELOfll RoAD RACNG PATRICK McGUIRE P.O.Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (002) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> Trucks & Buggies September 4, 2004 Snowflake He!X!r,AZ October 2, 2004 PMP Extreme GP Tucson,AZ Novemberl3,2004 Vulture Mine Wicken!X!rg, A7 December 4, 2004 Point To Point Rocky Point, Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FFsrIV AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 0sHKa;H,WL54901 (414) 688-55()1) FIA WoRID RAu.v CHAMP10NSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDERDRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACF/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 :z:r. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXIOO, CA 92231 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about yqur event, if they don' t happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 2004 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUBliJlilDIIG 20761 Plummer St.-, ·chatswQrth, CA 91311-50Q3-Page 57
Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appro-priate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Raceco Racecar, 3 race radios, ·1 base antennae, 2 Bell helmets, wired for radios, 2 race suits-fire suits, 2 dump cans, gas pump for 50 gal drum, extra tires, Type 4 motor, 2666cc built by FAT. $24,000.00 OBO (626) 575-3547 Ext 0. FORSALE: Class3Jeep"77",401, 550 Hp AMC, Turbo 400, Dana 60 rear w/spool, Dana 44 front, Swayaway shocks, Parker Pumper 34- gallon cell, BFG Baja Terrains, Quadratrac, Autometer, Art Carr, remote trans cooler, lights, radio, lots of spares, race ready! Just Reduced. $22,500.00 OBO (623) 566-4828. FOR SALE: Ford Pro Truck, Fresh Motor, Prepped & ready to race. Spare trans, rear end, susp parts, many more/Spares H.I.D. Lights in car camera, Color gps. Winner of 2004 Parker 425, Baja Mex 300, BITD 2003 Champion-ship. John (661) 259-4845. FOR SALE: 2002 Kreger Fabri-cation Class 10. Proven finisher with excellent Handling charac-teristics. 100% finishing rate at the Baja 1000 & Baja 500 2 years in a row. Fully prepped and race ready! Wiks Racing Engine, Kreger Floaters and Hubs, King Shocks, Mendeola 5 speed, In Dash Lowrance OPS, PCI Radio/ Intercom. The Best of Every-thing. $59,000.00 OBO. Con-tact Will Higman Weekdays (714) 848-8222. email: whigman@rwli.net. Killer legal pre-run truck, 1972 Ford with late model body (smog Ex-empt) alum dash, Fox Coilover and bypass rear, on a four link system with Ford 9" inch, fully caged, awe-some condition, car show winner. This real pre-run truck has a 390 ci Ford with C-6 fully built trans, all top of the line parts, excellent at-tention to detail, very dependable and fun to drive, prepped and ready, also has 6 disc CD, NC, four wheel disc alum radiator. $29,500k OBO. Ref# 897. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www .bajaconcepts.com. FOR SALE: Jimco 1/1600 1" 2003 SCORE Points and True Grit. 1" Laughlin, Laughlin Leap, San Fe-lipe and Baja 500. New FAT mo-tor, CNC disk brakes, PCI, FOX, Mastercraft. Prepped and race ready. $19,000.00. Spares available. Call Eric Allen (760) 497-5669. kitracer@cox.net. http:// www. race-dezert.corn/trader/eric. FOR SALE: 28" Ultra Hauler Trailer, full bath/kitchen, king bunk, 3 couches/beds w/tables, race interior, Onan 7K genera-tor, 2 Gas tanks 60/30, 2 15K A/ C's W /Heat, dual Thermo win-dows, satellite, Awnings, Hy-draulic Brakes, M.T. Wheels, l0pl. tires, for all toys! $25,995.00 OBO (909) 721-1890 or (909) 244-4051. FOR SALE: Pre-Runner for sale. Street legal Baja 105" long, 2.4 Type 4 engine.: 7 /8 Bilsteins & Fox Coilover shocks. Radio. Totally built stout and for en-durance. Over $25,000.00 in-vested, asking $10,000.00 Call 949 697-6123. FOR SALE: 1998 Class 10 Lothringer, 2 seat A-Arm. Great finisher! Season Champ! Professionally maintained after every race by Lothringer Engi-neering. WIKs type 4 motor, Mendeola 5 speed, Fortin shifter. Mastercraft, 33 gallon fuel cell, Fox shocks, engine roll cage. OPS, PCI radio, in-tercom, Flameout. Duel Parker Pumpers, batteries & coils. Many spare BFG's. Ultras and Centerlines. Spare body panels, safety gear: complete pit boxes with tools, spare parts and flu-ids. Jacks, fire extinguishers, dump cans, on board too.I bags, much more! Includes flatbed trailer. $38,000.00 Contact Terrie Tavis. (909) 335-1175. FOR SALE: Groff Motorsports Toyota Camry V6 3.2L MoteC M48 Multi-port Fuel Injected Race engine, FAT Performance prepared, (incls. Exhaust Head-ers, complete Mgmt Sys. & Har-ness.) A Class 1 Carbureted ver-sion of this engine won the 2003 SCORE Championship. $12,500.00 (818) 349-5861. FOR SALE: Featherlite 48' Show trailer. Sleeps four, refrigerator, stove, full bath, two roof A/C units, 6500 Onan generator, 40ft. awning with sides. Large shop area with numerous cabinets. $39,900.00. Also 2003 Chevy Crew Cab, loaded. 12K miles, $40,000.00 (920) 843-1224. Appleton, WI. FOR SALE: 2000 Jimco Scorelite. FAT 1835cc.Dry Sump, Electronic ignition, Fortin Trans. Summers Bros. hubs/axles. CNC calipers. Lowrance OPS. Mastercraft, King Shocks. Fast competitive car. 0 miles on mo-tor. Prepped and race ready. (760) 271-6258. FOR SALE: 1991 Raceco 091 Bus Trans 1835 VW Fox Shocks, BFG tires, UMP Air fil-ter, Class l00r 12 14"oftravel front, 20" travel rear, radios and dump cans, $8,000.00 or best offer. Michigan. (248) 685-1156. FOR SALE: 1985 Ford Fl50 ex-tended cab, 3 seat, only 350 prerun miles since rebuild on motor, trans, new drive axles, new Heims, new paint, new dash & rewiring, 21" front travel, 24" rear travel, Custer coilover &. by-pass shock ea. wheel, air bumps, 4 link, equal length I beams, center swing steering, 408ci small block, 500hp, Mogi C6 trans, 4 wheel disc brakes, re-mote power brakes, PCI race ra-dio, AM/FM/CD, A/C, 55 gal fuel cell, much to list, call for more info, very fast, $40,000.00 OBO Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: 1999 Chevy Protruck-$80,000.00. Winner of the 2001 Baja 500. Stewart's Raceworks built and maintained. Modified to run in Trophy Truck. Have most or all stock Protruck parts. Spare parts include motor, tranny, third member, 14 wheels and tires and much more. Thad (760) 212-2241. FOR SALE: Class 10 BITD Champion Race Car, 98' Bund-erson "A" ARM, Single Seat, VW 180 HP, Mendeola 5-speed, King Shocks. All spare parts, complete prep, nµmerous new and used tires and wheels. $38,000.00. Call Steve @ 308-548-2264 or email scuisteve@clarks.net. FOR SALE: Class 7 Toyota Truck. 3.4 lt HODC Toyota En-gine & trans, King Coilover shocks, disc brakes, 3 link rear 9", BFG 35" TA's, Mastercraft seats, Auto meter gauges, Parker Pumps, tig welded chromoly, $29,900.00 (626) 966-6146 . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in OUGlil=== : : DUSTY TIMES. iiiiiiii lilllUG : : Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. • REMEMBER~ CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED • IN A TIMELY MANNER . • • • Classified Ad Deadlines • 2004-2005 • ISSUE . DEADLINE • • August, 04 July 9, 04 • • Sept., 04 Aug. 13, 04 • • October, 04 Sept 10, 04 • • • November, 04 Oct 8, 04 • • Enclosed is$ ____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ------------------------------Address -----------------------------times December, 04 Nov 12, 04 • • January, 05 Dec 10, 04 • • February, 05 Jan 7,05 • • • Mail to: DUSTY TIMES Phone -----------------------------20761 Plummer Street March, 05 Feb 11, 05 • City ____________________________ Chatsworth, CA 91311 • State ____________ Zip . ._ ____________ _, • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page sa July 2004 Dusty Times
Mirage 1-1600 super nice, ex-tra clean, very very competi-tive, Saco R-P, Fox Shocks, Foddrill arms and spindals, Sway-A-Way axels, and bars, Mirage CV's stubs and brake drums, Dave Folts transmission, Adam Wiks top of the line mo-tor, MSD ignition, Beard Seats, some spare parts included, new beem, new torsion housing, new wiring, car is fresh and ready. 17k OBO Ref #899. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www.bajaconcept~.com. Ex-Robbie Gordon tractor trailer, 49f t trailer, Sta in less cabinets, work benches, full FOR SALE: MOR Overall winning Class 1 Car. V-6 Chevy Bowtie racing engine, (New heads & Carb). King Shocks, 35" BFG's on Ultra Beadlocks. Jeff Fields Auto Tranny.Ready to Race. $55,000.00 Call Keith at (714) 746-1999, (714) 633-9994, awning,SnapOnToolboxes, FOR SALE: 1983 Ford huge belly boxes, hydraulic lift Bronco Pre Runner -gategenerator,aircondition-$35,000.00. 4x4, 351 ing, work lights, end mill, 1989 Windsor, Bilstein shocks, 4 Peterbuilt, 18 speed, 150k link, Currie rear end, main-miles on tractor, refrigerator, tained by Stewarts water tank, under floor stor-Raceworks. 3 seater. Blue age, 120k OBO Ref #896, pho-exterior and interior. Excel-tos are on website. Call Baja lent workhorse for Brokers (760) 723-2117 or prerunning. View on line at check us out at www.ejrracing.com. Thad www.bajaconc.ts.com. ~760~ 12-2241. ·-----------------· I Red Face Department I I I I Last month we reported in the I I CODE/Tecate Grupo Tersa San Felipe I I I I 200 that Josh Waddell was the I : overall winner. We were in error, : I Josh won Class 1 but the overall I : went to Tim Noe and Tommy Watson. : I They were set down a spot at the I : fiiiish for failing to come to a : I complete stop at the• finish line. I I I I This penalty only applied to I I their class position and not to· I I I I their overall position. Thus, I I they ended up second in class 10 I I I I but still took the overall. I : Sorry for the confusion. : a--------------------• Dusty Times FOR SALE: 1999 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner, Factory TRD Super Charger, Headers, Full roll cage, Front & Rear Fi-berglass fenders & hood, Custom Arm's. Ford 9" Rear end, King Shocks. Call Marvin cell (818) 731-5614. (818) 248-9040. $19,500.00 OBO. FOR SALE: Raceco Buggy-$15,000.00. Stewarts Raceworks maintained, Type 4 motor, Hew-land trans, super fun and fast! Too old to be a competitive Class One but makes a great prerunner. View online at www.ejrracing.com. Thad (760) 212-2241. DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! July 2004 FOR SALE: 2386cc VW Engine. Built by Geoff Hart. Weber carbs, Custom heads and MSD Igni-tion. Very reliable and very clean. Used 5 times at Clamis & never raced. Yellow & chrome in color. $3,750.00 OBO. (714) 306-6717. FOR SALE: 5-1600 Fresh race motor, spare race motor, fresh transmission, fully prepped, Pumper, combo spindles, new seats, lots of spares, have brand new rear arms, Fox shocks, Fuel Safe Cell, with newer dual axle trailer, ready to race. $10,000.00 OBO. (949) 290-5412. SHORT COURSE, Tatum Chas-sis, Beam front suspension, Fox air shocks, Honda racing engine built by Major Performance, 5 link rear suspension, Excellent car. Centerline Wheels, disc brakes, Beautiful paint job with custom flame flags, Mastercraft nets, Top of the line. Attention to detail throughout. Excellent short course car, $25K OBO. Ref #902. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out on the web. www.bajaconcepts.com. FOR SALE: LETNER RACING: 2 seat Class 10, Bonner Hawk, Kings, Fortin, Race Ready. $65,000.00. Many wins including Baja 500, Baja 1000, 7 total wins. ALSO: 2 seat Class 12, Brand new Bonner Hawk, Kings, Men-deola. Many wins including over-all Parker 400, 11 total wins. $40,000.00. Call Henry or Danny. (714) 633--0030. These are the only 2 cars left for sale. Both cars are race ready. Lots and lots of spares. Fantastic Class-1 Car super clean, totally custom built, awesome handling Chevy V -6 500 horse power patent engine,·Nye Frank suspension, Nye Frank Shocks, originally built for Riviera Rac-ing, Super fast and clean, fully prepped with spares, 65K OBO. Ref# 901. Photos are on website. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www.bajaconcepts.com. Sell Your Car, Pre-Runner, Partsor Bits & Pieces RightHere ... Dusty Times Has The OHRoad Readership You'J-e Looking For. Only$25 for up to 45 words plus $5 with photo. See Form onPage58 FOR SALE: 1999 Ford Ranger Pro Lite, Geiser Brothers Chassis, Esslinger Tall block & head, dry sump, Howe P/S, King, Beard, Cone axles, 10 bead locks & tires, extra body, etc. Ready to race. $19,900.00OBO (623) 512-0196, (623) 332-0959. FOR SALE: 1996 Ford F150, 392 CI Windsor motor, aluminum heads, custom headers, Alumi-num radiator, aluminum tranny cooler, rear 4 link 24" travel, Currie 9 inch, Mogi C6 tranny, custom Sway bar, Tig welded chromoly cage by James Gang Racing, AutoFab fiber glass, Beard seats, Crow seat belts, cus-tom beams and radius arms 16" travel. $35,000.00 OBO or painted to your spec for t Con-tact Casey (714) 270-8783. FOR SALE: '88 Jeep Cherokee. Jeepspeed class. Bilstein 91 00's. A.T.L. 32 gal cell. FORD 9" Fully sorted w/spares. Race Ready. Currently 4th in Championship. #1739. Hate to sell. Deep in debt! $19,000.00 OBO. Call for details. (619) 440-5323. INDb.X TO ADVb.12. Tl.:>b.12..:> Baker Performance .............................. 50 Bilstein ................................................ 24 C&R Racing .......................................... 49 Cabe Toyota .......................................... 44 Carrera Light Systems ......................... 17 Coast Resorts ......................................... 9 CODE ................................................... 43 Fabtech ................................................ 48 Fuel Safe .............................................. 16 ISCO ..................................................... 45 Kartek ................... · ............................... 23 Kawaguchi Honda ................................ 42 KC Hilites .............................................. 2 King Shock Tech .................................. 45 Light Force Engineering ....................... 33 McKenzie's Performance Products •...•. 28 MOR Productions ................................. 31 Mickey Thompson Tires ....................... 22 Mojave Desert Racing .......................... 29 Nevada Off Road ................................... 25 OMF ..................................................... 59 Pacific Customs ................................... 11 Parker Embroidery ................................ 36 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ........... 13 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs Back Cover Parper Pumper ..................................... 34 PCI Race Radios ...................................... 5 Pike's Service Center ........................... 35 Race Ready Products ............................ 41 Racer X ................................................ 12 Red Line Engineering ........................... 50 Ronco Plastics ..................................... 32 Sakata .................................................. 37 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................ 38 SNORE .................................................. 21 Super Strap .......................................... 3 0 Team Gordon Race Wheels .................. 40 T ransaxle Engineering ......................... 14 Turnkey Products ................................ 39 United Pre-Runners ............................... 4 Valley Performance .............................. 46 Wally World .......................................... 47 Web Cam .............................................. 27 Page 59 ...
.... Page 60 NIUI /1/UI/I& P&ti~1 Pumper/BSR '!Jest hos the ;;pt1rlg5 you need in siock and ,esdy to be deJhtered · to you, doorstep. Oeafef Inquiries welcome, rJ'IIIHI/' I .BOO. 700.2 3 5 a • www.parkerpumper.com July 2004 Dusty Times l