Volume 21 -Number I • March 2004 s2.so ISSN8'750-1712 .. serving The OFF Road community Por 21 Years -.. covering the world of competit_io·n in the dirt ••• .... ~ ~ ~ -----~ ~ - - - -~----~ - - - - - ------------ ------------------•
HUGE KC Ci,ntingency Awards available for the 2004 racing season in the ,.,,. ·1011owing sanctioning organizations' events: 8 Inch Lights New ,c RALLY 800 8 inch diameter HID and Ha/ogiln lights are now available in competition long range and rally driving styles. · I 6 etvveen _ _/. ~ , Desert, RR, £ SNORE & va ~· rack crawl/. tingsn,:y gram, Celebrating our 34th year supporting OFF-ROAD RACING Checkout socalfab.com · tor KC HID systems for Atvs
Volume 21 - Number 3 March 2004 DlllliJlilDIIG Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham fl Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads · may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot · of the Month ... Remember the 1985 SCORE Parker???????????? Remember the cold and the snow???????????? Corky and Scott McMillin remember it w ell. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTI TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x l 0. will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge by Judy Smith ....................... 8 59th Rally Of Great Britain by Martin Holmes ............................. 18 Whiplash at Wickenburg by Mike Del Col ................................... 22 MORE Awards by Ann Donaldson .............. : ................... : ............. 26 Kamloops Off Road Racing ............................................................. 28 SNORE Awards by Sheryl t'annon ................................................ 36 72nd Rally Monte Carlo by Martin Holmes' ................................... 39 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ......................................................................................... 5 • Trail Notes .......................................................................................... 6 Goodies Galore .................................................................................. 31 CORE Report by Ann Donaldson ........... : ....................................... 32 MAG-7 Report by Stephen Stenberg ............................................. 32 Soapbox ................... : ......................................................................... 34 Good Stuff Directory ....................................................................... 43 Classified Ads ................................................................................... 50 Index To Advertisers ....................................................................... 51 on The caver What a weekend! Rao MacCachren, in his Bruce Fraley creation took the Class '1600 win with three minutes in hand then changed engine & trans and took the Class 1200 win by six minutes. Add to this he won the Laughlin Leap and the Pit Crew Contest. Whew!!!!!!!!!! Picture by - Trackside Photo Gary Dircks was fourth in his Ford Trophy Truck on Saturday, really poured on the power on Sunday and took the class win and that gave him the Trophy Truck class win, he won by 4 7 seconds! Picture by - Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com (?/vMe,ri,Je !IT'~ t,o, DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! .□ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name --------------------Address -------------------City --------------------St ate Zip ------------------Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon ·request Dusty Times March 2004 Page 3 ------------------------------
Page 4 March 2004 Dusty Times
2004 Happenin_gs ... May 1-2,.2004 Cal-City Off Road #2 June 19-20,2004 Cal-City Off Road #3 August 28-29, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #4 October 23-24, 2004 , Cal-City Off Road #5 Chris Powell E-Mail: milkmood@qwest.net May 7-8, 2004 E-Mail: milkmood@qwest.net May29,2004 Baldy Run Rallysprint Pete Morris 10K FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events sGJged at the dub grounds in Cleves. Ohio) A.MElucAN CusTOM WHEELS }EEPSPEED 1826N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX: 714-633-1724 April 3,204 Mojave250 Barstow, Ca June 5, 2004 -Baja500 Ensenada, BC, MX August 14, 2004 Wildwash250 Barstow, CA September25,2004 California 200 Luceme,CA December 4, 2004 las Vegas 200 State Line, NV A.MElucAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, !Ne. 3650 SoITTH POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHUN,NV89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 EMAIL: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED ThIALs SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857-24 HR HOTLINE-(714) 562-7742 EMAIL: bmark909@aol.com <www.atatrails.com> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVIl.ISMO SAM LAsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo42 ~SAN JosE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CliAMPIONSIDP DARRYL SMITH -19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CI.ASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADAH7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAl<Es!DE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA . BBMMARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING -4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (900) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT\ RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BoULDERHIGHWAY LAsVEGAS, NV 89121 -702-457-5775 E-MAIL: bitd@worldnet.att.net February 27 -29, 2004 Kawasaki Team Green Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles Motorcycles Only April 2-4, 2004 Pro Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles Only/Invitation Only April 23-25, 2004 Terrible'sTown 250 All Classes June24-27,2004 Vegas To Reno All Classes September 24 - 26, 2004 Baja Mex 300 World Championship All Classes October 15-17, 2004 Nevada, 3.00 Nevada December 3 -5, 2004 las Vegas 200 All Classes B.O.R.E. Dusty Times BONNEVILLE 0FFROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W2575N SUNSET, lTf 84015 801-773-1651 April 30-May 2, 2004 Wendover Express Weridover, lTf July 2-4, 2003 Jackpot200 Jackpot,NV September 3-5, 2004 Ely200_ Ely,NV BP MoTORSPORTS P.O.Box41 l WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365 760-578-6258n60-578-6259 . FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: bpmotorsports@earthlink.net AllEventsAtCalifomiaCity, CA March 13-14, 2004 Cal-CityOffRoad #1 December 18-19, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #6 BRIGlITON SPEEDWAY . R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVIUSTA/UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210GATEWAYEAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GAROA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Rall;aCalendar Ap · 3,2004 Desert Storm Rim Of The World Ray/Donna Hocker < www .rimoftheworldrally.com> July 10, 2004 T reeline Club.rally Pete Morris E-Mail: rallytaff@earthlink.net August 21, 2004 Gorman Ridge ClubRally Ray/Donna Hocker E-Mail: ray@rallyusa.com October 2-3, 2004 Prescott Forest Rally Michael Taylor E-Mail: taylor@northlirik.com December 10-12, 2004 Ramada Express Rally <www.rallyusa.com> R~sprintCalendar arch6,2004 Scott Bottomley E-Mail: ralmeister@cox.net April 3, 2004 Desert Storm Rallysprint Chris Powell E-Mail: rallytaff@earthlink.net October 9, 2004 Perforce Software Rallysprint John Dillon E-Mail: John@WidgetRacing.com November 20, 2004 Baldy Run Rallysprint Pete Morris E-Mail: rallystaff@earthlink.net December 12, 2004 Ramada Express Superstage Ray/Donna Hocker <www.rallyusa.com> Rally Schools February 29, 2004 Ridgecrest Rally School Ray/Donna Hocker E-Mail: ray@rallyusa.com TBA Thunderhill Rally School Greg Montgomery · E-Mail: MICP130@aol.com Seatember.18 2004 Happerrmgs contmui!d on page 6 INTRODUCING_ r =-. . 110 Watts of Power [ 160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Pr£?Ven "-1 was in Ensenada, and my crew in San OuinHn could hear me 150 miles away! I need these in ALL of my huci<?I" ---4. L~.,,.,,,, 12'#=LL/E:ta~ PROTRUCK WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 e best communicaHon we've over 15 years of off road racing!" -#it~.ltf;,...,,. ~ Remele Head opHon evallable. Call ro, detans. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 March 2004 Pages
Trail Notes ... SCORE RACERS - Please be advised that the fancy, go-with-your-car die cut decals will no longer be accepted for contingency prizes or monies. You must use the actual manufacturers decal on your car to be eligible for contingency prizes. If you have questions, please contact Charlie Engelhart, SCORE Contingency Director at 562-921-2838. BRENDAN GAUGHAN UPDATE-It's official, the press release from Penske Performance, Inc. announced that Kodak would sponsor Penske-Jasper Racing Company's #77 Dodge for the 2004 NASCAR Nextel Cup Series. The companies forged a multi-year agreement for Kodak to be the primary sponsor · of the #77 Dodge, which will be driven by Brendan Gaughan, the 2002 Rookie Of The Year in the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. Brendan won eight races over two full seasons and finished fourth in the Truck Series point standings for 2003. As of this writing Brendan is third fastest at the NASCAR Daytona tests. Our congratulations go to Brendan and we wish Brendan, Robby and Jimmy all the best for 2004 in their Nextel Cup races .. SCORE LAUGHLIN LEAP & PIT CREW SHOWDOWN -The $16,000 Laughlin Leap was a big success again this year. Lots of entries and they were really flyin'. In the Big Truck Class it was Mark Post and Jerry Whelchel flying their Ford 160', 6" and taking home $3,000. Second was Scott Steinberger in his Ford with a leap of 158' and Scott was $1,000 richer. The Small Truck Class saw Rick Taylor leap his Ford Ranger 120', 4", $3,000 in his pocket and Doug Siewert flew 110', 6" -in his Chevy. The Large Engine Open Wheel win went to Dennis Boyle, Lothringer-Chevy with a leap of 151 '. John Marking was second in his Jimco-Chevy, leaping 150', 4" and pockering $1,000. The Small Engine Open Wheel Class went to Rob MacCachrenin his Fraley-VW, 86', 10" and $3,000 in the bank. Second was Lorenzo Rodriguez in his Lothringer-VW with a leap of83' and $1,000 in winnings. The Pit Crew Showdown, jacking the car/truck up, removing and installing wheels, releasing the jack and driving away has two divisions: Open Wheel and Truck. The Open Wheel win went to the Rob MacCachren crew, Fraley-VW, with a time of 40.6 seconds and they took home $3,000 for their quick time. Second was the Rob Taylor crew, VW Baja Bug, 49 .5 seconds and $1,500 in their pockets. Third place went to David Kordonowy, 58.87 seconds and $500 for their trouble. The Truck Division went to the Alan Pflueger crew, Chevy Silverado, 1 minute, 2.93 seconds and $3,000 for the win. Second was Barry Karakas, Toyota Tacoma, $1,500 and third was Jeff Dickerson, Ford F-150 winning $500. OB MACCACHREN - Rob had a h~llofa weekend at Laughlin. He won the Small cd)pen Wheel Class in the Laughlin Leap, he and the Bruce Fraley rew took the win in the Pit Crew Showdown, Rob won the Class 1/2-1600 race, changed motors and went out and won the Class 1200 race and came in second in Gus Vildosola's Trophy Truck. Quite a weekend for Rob, in spite of some Class 1600 sore losers actually throwing rocks at him during the 1600 race. Nice job, Rob, ya done good! BARRY BEACHAM - Received a note from Barry Beacham with an update on his wife, Kristin. She wasn't able to attend the Laughlin races as she h3d a "minor setback" and had to go into the hospital for transfusions. Now there are only a few chemo routines left to do and they are certainly looking forward to the end of that. Barry and Kristin want ro thank everyone for their calls, letters and cards of support. Please keep Kristin in your prayers and make her the picture of health once again. • UUGHLIN RESULTS -When the times were added up for the two runs at Laughlin we s3w Gary Dircks taking the Trophy Truck win, Gus Vildosola as second and Mark Post was third. The Class 1 battle went to Troy Herbst, John Marking was second and Darnen Jefferies was third. Rob MacCachren took the Class 1600 win, Rick Boyer was second and Travis Fletcher was third. George Seeley won the class 5 conflict and Gerado lribe took the Class 5-1600 win, Jeffrey Sace was second and Brent Shermak got the bronze medal. The Unlimited Mini Truck class win went to Jason Jernigan, Hector Salazar was second and Barry Karakas was third. Dave Raimonde won class 8, Josh Klenske was second. Eric Fisher took the Class 9 win. Harley Lerner won Class 10, Charles l.athren was second and Mark Hutchins came in third. Class 1200 went to Rob MacCachren, Stan Potter was second and Tom Watson took third. Eric Solorzano took the class 11 win, Scott Pellerin was second. JeffDickerson took the Pro Truck win and Travis Walser took the Class8S win, John Griffin was second and Marc Stein was an unaccustomed third. Mark Grewe took Class 15. A blow by blow report on the Laughlin races and loads of pictures commences on page 8 ofthis issue. Enjoy! SCCA PRORALLY - Subaru of America, Inc. and the Air Force.Reserve have both announced that they will retire from SCCa ProRally Championship competition. Though not competing in 2004, both groups indicated their continued involvement inSCCA Performance Rally. "We reached this decision based primarily on the lack of manufacturer competition within the Open Class category for 2004" said Tim Bennett, Director of Marketing Programs, Subaru of America, Inc. "Subaru will remain the largest official contingency sponsor of the 2004 SCCA ProRally Championshipand contribute to the SCCA Partnership Bonus Program." Total potential payouts through the Subaru Championship Cup could exceed $102,000 and the contingency programs have been extended to cover the Production GT class along with some SCCA ClubRally events. Also, Subaru will provide a Subaru Rally Parts Support Truck on site at most ProRally events to offer competitors access to parts. CALIFORNIA HELMET -BILL -The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) announced that California Assembly Bill 1200 would allow adults 18 years of age and older to decide whether to wear a helmet"when riding a motorcycle. Let's see if the California lawmakers will enact such a bill. Stay tuned! OFF ROAD HALL OF FAME -The Off Road Motorsp6rts Hall Of Fame (ORMHOF) has sent 2004 Nomination Packets to the management of a variety of groups, associations, sanctioning bodies and event promoters who have a representative constituency in the Off Road community throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The ORMHOF has 21 original members, 16 inducted in 1976 and 5 more in 1980. Anyone interested in obtaining the fo~ necessary to nominate someone for induction to the ORMHOF should contact the management of whichever they are affiliated with. All applications must be distributed by these local groups and the finished nomination must be returned by March l, 2004 to the same organization, who will submit the top six nominations Page& Ridgecrest Rally School Mike/Paula Gibeault E-Mail: gibeault@earthlink.net CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O.Box400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O.Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O.Box332 FAIRHAVEN, Yr05743 (802) 265-8618 Cl.AraTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WEU.SVJu.E, OHI043968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course o/T Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CuJB AUToMovrusncA SANQuINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PATINO (01152 616-5-22-07) CuJB AUTOMO\'.IlJSTICO SAN VICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (0115261746834) RAM6N CAsrRo & RusEN ACEVEDO (61637n0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOmtoAD CODE Offroad USA P.O.Box 2328 Calexico, CA 92231-2328 • USA Phone 760-455-8069 Mexico Phone/Fax (011-52)686-553-4087 < www .codeoffroad.com.mx> April 24, 2004 Grupo T ersa BFG 200 Sanfilipe, BC, MX June 12, 2004 Accesorios Amado Night Race Laguna Salada, BC, MX July 31, 2004 ORW Lazo de Arnistad Gran Prix T ecate, BC, MX October 16. 2004 -Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada, Mexicali, BC, MX December 11, 2004 Rafce Ready Products 275 Ensenads, Mexicali, San Felipe, BC, MX COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PREsIDFNT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)ffi7-r.x327 H P.OBox8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXJco, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER Ol l-52-65-(,6-4458 CORR 2004 LUCAS OIL SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 317-272-2827/317-272-2900FAX May 29-30, 2004 Dresser, WI Pro/Sportsman June 12-13, 2004 Antigo, WI Pro/Sportsman June 26-27, 2004 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman July 10-11, 2004 Tq,eka,KS Pro & Sportsman August 14-15, 2004 Bark River, Ml Pro & Sportsman September 4-5, 2004 Crandon, WI March 2004 Pro & Sportsman September lS-19, 2004 New Berlin, NY Pro Series CORVA 1500 wm EL CAMINO, SuITE 352 SACRAMFNTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DA VE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERITT, WA98201 (206) 339-c:x:>79 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKARRALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AovENnJRES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautornotive@Yahoo.com DF.CATIJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECAruR, TX 76234 TOMAlliN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2200 EA.illBN()pp..RoAD RAaNo As9s. TOM DEI..AUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEU.SVJu.E, OHIO 43968 • (330) 532-4589 F.NsENADABAJAOfF RoAD RACING Av. REroRMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 01 l-52-646-1818989 EuSIO 0l l-52-646-1715230 AARoN Races for bu!{,."J'S & Motorcycles Esn:Ro BEACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT CouRSE RACING VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLoRTDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S Ass'N. JASON LEJBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Nov at Davidson Raceway FunPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. ELMONTE,CA91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX mdrracing@aol.com 2004 Racing Schedule March 14, 2004 March Madness Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes March 28, 2004 Tazamanik Plaster City East, CA ATVs -Bikes April 10, 2004 FRT200 Buggies - Trucks April 25, 2004 Kamakize Kamakize Wash, CA ATVs -Bikes May9,2004 Dez Sprint Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes May23,2004 Sweethearts Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes Date-TBD Off Road Warehouse Jacume, Baja, CA Buggies - Trucks October 9, 2004 C/M Nite Team Race Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes October 23, 2004 Superstition 250 XXI Plaster City, East ATVs -j3ikes -Buggies - Trucks November 6, 2004 . D-38 Reunion Plaster City, West, CA ATV-s -Bikes November 7, 2004 Notorious Dawg ATVs -Bikes December 5, 2004 Rudolphs Revenge_ • Superstitions, CA ATVs -Bikes -GORRA GEORGIA OPP ROAD JlACINGASS'OCL4TION 420HOSEAROAD l.AWRENCEVILI.E, GA30245 (404) %3-0252 GPORRA GREAT i'LANEs OFF ROAD RACING Ass'OCIATION PAUL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 All races are short course, stadium style. Classes -Sportsman Buggy, 1/215-16CX), Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska Raceway Park is just minutes westo/Omaha, NE <www.gporra.com> HIGH PLAINS OPP ROAD RACING 2000W. QUINCY AVE., #106 ENGLEWOOD, CA80110 PATRICK DRAPER 303-806-8062/303-781-0074 Fax April 25; 2004 May23,2004 June 13, 2004 July 11, 2004 August 15, 2004 September 12 2004 October 10, 2004 November 7, 2004 December, 2004 (Open) INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL,MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL JEEP CHEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 <www.Jeepspeed.com> E-MAIL: Jeepspeedcom@aol.com KAMLooPS BRONCO BUSTERS WmsPERING PINES SPORTS & RllcR.EATION CENTER P.O.Box465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZGSLZ DALENYESIB (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 3 76-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OmtoADEXPO (626) %1-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF EI.ROD (400) 926-0522 }IM ARlJTA (400) 247-4402 MAMARRITA Ow ROAD RACING Luis CARLOS AL VARFZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX Oll-52-1637-17<)() MICl:flGAN BUGGY BUIIDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 < www.buggybuilders.com> M!Cl:flGAN OFF ROAD CIIAMPIONSIDPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 }ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, A TVs and Pilots on/ MAORA Mio-AMERICA OFF ROAD AssOC!ATION P.O.Box 184 MATTOON, IL61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAn.: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com> Short Course Series** Endurance Series*** May 22, 2004** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Dusty Times
Casey, IL May 23, 2004*** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts -Park Casey, IL June 13, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL June 26, 2004** Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN June 27, 2004*** Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN July 17, 2004** Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL August 1, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL August 7, 2004*** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL August 21, 2004** Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN September 4, 2004** Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 19, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL October 2, 2004** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL October 3 2004*** Lincoln M;sprts Park Casey, IL MoJA VE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE Saum EL MoITT~ CA 91733 626-442-9320/626-579-(5()51 FAX E-MAIL: mdrracing@aol.com April 3, 2004 WildWash250 Barstow, CA Mayl5,2004 Ridgecrest 300 Ridgecrest, CA June 26, 2004 MDR400 · Lucerne,CA August 14, 2004 Mojave200 Barstow, CA September25,2004 California 200 Night Race Lucerne CA November20,2004 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. HIGH l>EsERT CliAMPIONSlllP P.O.Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 760-253-4453 March 2 7, 2004 Balls Out 250 Barstow,CA May29,2004 KarTek300 Lucerne,CA July 24, 2004 Freedom250 Barstow,CA September, 1~1 2004 Kar T ek Challenge Lucerne,CA December 4, 2004 Holiday200 Barstow, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVEBARRIT 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML,48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWFST WINTER TRIAIS SERIES BILI. MARKHAM (9()()) 860-1857 <www.ITStrials.com> · All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT.#l-Box380 . DAVE OR MARLENE RY AN PALATKA, FL32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BurcH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HAsnNos,MN 55033-1415 . (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 Dusty Times E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraofli-oadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcINGAssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2004 (626) 59<J-8622 OFF RoAD RAaNG AssoaA.nON V OLUNTEl!RED SERIES PRESIDEl'IT -GEOFF LEE 1243TRICEROAD UBANPN, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS RE~. - 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTI.AWREP. DoNPONDER . (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County >W Acres) OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO May 14-16, 2004 Orange County Fairgrounds FOR BooTH INFORMATION CALL: (714) 241-9055/FAX (714) 241-0821 Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN H1u.s ROAD S.E. NEW PHI!WJELPHLA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519}-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 0UTLA w SEVEN PICKUP. 9269 UMMEI.MAN ST. LoUis, MO 63123 , (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PlKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RAcING-CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT COREY GOIN. 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAILCOM April 3-4, 2004 SNORE - Primm, NV June 4-5, 2004 SCORE - Baja, Mexico • August 6-7, 2004 SNORE/MORE - Primm, NV December 10-11, 2004 SNORE - Cal City, CA PRoTRuCK RACING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 _ . (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 February 27-28, 2004 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja, Mexico April 23-25, 2004 T erribles Town 250 Pahrump,NV June 4-6, 2004 Baja500 Baja, Mexico June 24-27, 2004 Vegas To Reno September 12-14, 2004 Las Vegas, NV Primm300 Primm,NV November 18-21, 2004 Baja 1000 Baja, Mexico Ded~mber 3-5, 2004 Las Vegas 200 Las Veaas, NV PvRE ENERGY -PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck < www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DmGo OFF RoAD EXPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 RocK CRAWLERS AssocIATION OF AMauCA P.O. Box 1406 RlvERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SCCA PRoRALLv P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 < www.sccaprorally.org > April 17-18, 2004 Oregon Trail Hillsboro, OR April 23-24, 2004 Pirelli International Rally Gateshead, England May 7-8, 2004 Rim Of The World Palmdale, CA · May 15-16, 2004 Rally Of Wales -Wrexham, England May 22-24, 2004 Bighorn Rally Edson, Alberta, Canada May 28-30, 2004 Rocky Mountain Rally Calgary, Alberta, Canada June5,2004 Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA June 11-13, 2004 Scottish International Rally · Dumfries, Scotland June 11-12, 2004 Pacific Forest Rally Merritt, British Columbia, Canada June 24-26, 2004 Pikes Peak International Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO July 2-4, 2004 Jim Clark Memorial Rally Berwickshire, Scotland July 2-3, 2004 Rallye Baie Des Chaleurs New Richmond, Quebec, Canada July 30-31, 2004 Maine Forest Rumford, Maine July 30-August 1, 2004 Manx lnte~ational Rally Castletown, Isle Of Mann August 27-28, 2004 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 3-4, 2004 Ulster Rally Belfast, Northern Ireland September 10-11, 2004 Rally Defi Ste-Agathe/Duhamel Sainte-Agathe, Quebec September 16-19, 2004 Rally Great Britain Wales, England September 24-26, 2004 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 2-3, 2004 T rackrod Rally · Yorkshire, England October 16-17,2004 Lake Superior Houghton, MI October 20-24, 2004 Rally International de Charlevoix La Malbaie, Quebec October JO-November 1, 2004 T ernpest South Of England Rally . Aldershot, England November6-7,2004 Heart Of Dixie Pro Rally Preview and Awards Southeastern USA November 19-20, 2004 Rally OfThe Tall Pines Bancroft, Ontario Canada SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN RD., SuITEA CALABASAS, CA 91302 MORE Happenings-page 57 Marc.h 2004 Trail Notes.~. directly to the ORMHOF voting committee. A total of 9 inductees will be selected for 2004 and will be installed at the annual ORMHOF Induction Ceremony in Reno on June 26, 2004. For more information, contact George Thompson at 661-245-5010 BEST IN THE DESERT 2003 GRAND CHAMPIONS -BITD awarded the laurels to their 2003 winners at the Suncoast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Mark and Gary Weyhrich were the Class 1500 winners"and were the overall point winners in the car/truck divisions. Eli Yee was the Class 1000 winner, Kyle Taylor took the Class 1400 win, Marc Stein was the Oass 4100 winner, Malcolm Vinje won Class 7100, Greg Foutz took the Class 8100 win and Mike Falkosky was the Class 3100 winner. Class 7300 went to Aaron Dixon, Larry Roeseler was the Class 7200 winner, John Becker took Class 1200, Curt LeDuc was the Class 8000 wj.nner, Jeff Moore won Class 1100 and Kevin Graves was the Class 2000 winner. WE'RE GONNA MISS YOU -Malcolm Vinje, one of the last of the gentlemen racers retired his helmet and gloves after the BITD Las . Vegas 200. Malcolm, along with Mark Hansen and Jim Gilchrist were a disappointing fourth place in their Class 7100 racer. Malcolm and his wife, Michie have been contesting the desert for more than 30 years, Mark Hansen usually being the co-driver. Lately, Jim Gilchrist has been in the cab also and they sure have their: share of wins in a long and glorious career. The Vinje's have been faithful subscribers of Dusty Times since we opened our doors in 1983 and we thank them for that. We also thank them for their friendship over the years, many a laugh we've shared together and we've shed a tear or two as well. Hope you will still grace us with your presence every now and again as the younger generation continues trying ro beat the desert. BFG MOTORSPORTS PERSON OF THE YEAR -This new award by BFGoodrich recognizes a person who has made a significant contribution to racing, both on and off the track, shown a commitment to excellence and a passion for motorsports. BFG selectep Sal Fish as the first recipient of this award and Sal was truly flabbergasted when the award was given to him during the SCORE Awards banquet. DUTing S,al's tenure as president of SCORE, a position he has held for some 30 years, he has made the series into the# 1 off road series, it was the first to gain national 1V exposure and Sal has made the Baja 1000 event into a world wide activity. Congratulations from all at Dusty Times. 2004 BAJA COALITION -The Baja Coalition announces the launching of their new (5-1600) website. The coalition would like to thank the race organizers and 5/1600 racers for all their input to make the new website happen. Log on to www .bajacoalition.com /MDR 2003 POINT WINNERS -The "Superstition Championship Series ed on January 31, 2004 with the running of the Erik Baumgartner morial Dash at Plaster City, West. This was the last of the series under the FRT Motorsports banner. The 2004 series will be run under the sanction of Mojave Desert Racing, with the McMillin Companies continued sponsorship. The overall points leader was Class 9 champion Julie Kem with 1465, second in overall points was Class 12 champion Mark Gilliand with 1353 points and third overall was Class 1 champion Chuck Hovey with 1258. This was Hovey's seventh title in the series, starting in '96 and only mis$ing out in 2000. The top three in each class are: Class 1 -Chuck Hovey, Andy/Scott McMillin and Josh Waddell. Class 10 -Mike Belk, Smitty Smith and Reuben Wood. Class 5 ·-Joe Hegar, Jeff Searle and Robert Stemke. Class 1/2-1600 -Keith Naylor, Daniel McMillin and Paul Keller. Class 5/1600 -Crecenio cortez, Eric Dean and Mario Gutierrez. Class 7 -Geoff Milke, Hector Salazar and Jason McNeil. Class 7S -Jim Highly and Greg Zamarripor. Class 8 -Robert Wagner, Scott"Wilson and Jeff Norton: Class 9 -Julie Kem, Trey Sommers and Marty Prario. Class 12 -Mark Gilliand, Marcus Robles and Vic Bruckmann. Ctass 14 -Mario Gastelum, Ricardo Cons and Ray McKinzie. Class 18 -German Ramirez, Megan Allen and David Santa Cruz. The untimely death of"Fud" signaled the end of the Superstition Series and all the racers in valved should be quite happy that Patricia Williams and her crew are picking up the pieces and the low desert racing will continue, just 4nder another name. Congrats to all. · RAL FLAG • We are sorry to report the passing of Steve Bradford. Steve assed away during the MORE F&L Fuel 400 on January 31 in Lucerne, A. Steve was racing his Class 1 car, he pulled off the course on the fourth lap and had already expired when nearby pit crews and some drivers reached him. ·steve was a true competitor and a long time lover of our sport. SNORE 2004 PAYBACK -SNORE has announced their payback fo•r the 2004 Kar Tek Desert Championship. The overall points winner will receive at least $3500, a new Bunderson frame and free entry to all SNORE races in 2005. Second in points wilt receive at least $2500, one free race in 2005 and will be in a drawing for a new 250cc quad as will all the other winners. Third place will receive at least $1750, one free race and a draw for the quad. Fourth place gets at least $1200 and one free race. Fifth place will win at least $1000 and one free race. Sixth to 10th place will receive some cash and will draw forthe quad. 11th to 20th place will be in on the quad drawing. This particular quad is valued at $6200. There are six races in the Kar Tek Desert Championship and the best five races count for points. Check the SNORE race schedule in Happenings or check with SNORE at www.snoreracing.net ~ IACK W ALD;RON MEMORIAL - Bonfire Racing and the aarstow BLM are hosting the annual Jack Waldron Memorial Cleanup. Saturday, March 20, 2004. 9am at the OHV area off Hwy 15 at the Outlet Center Exit near rstow. Please bring shovels, rakes and gloves. Raffle prizes and donations are needed. There will be a free dinner for all participants after the cleanup, courtesy of the Slash X Cafe. For more info contact Bill Markel 661-943-1786 3819 W. Avenue K-10, Lancaster, CA 93536 · BITD PARKER QUICKIE -Chuck Hovey won the BITD las Vegas 200 overall in December and came right back and took the overall at the BITD Parker 400. The Dirks/Porter Trick Truck won their class, second overall and Curt LeDuc was third overall as well as the Class 8 winner. Look for the complete story and lots of pictures in the next issue. We are pleased to say that We heard nothing but good comments regarding BITD's Time Trials. All concerned think it is really a great thing to have Page 7
SCORE LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE Dircks Takes Top Honors At Laughlin By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Dave Raimonde and Jeff Geiser teamed in Raimonde's Chevrolet to win the Class 8 race in spite of some brake problems and a sticky throttle. . Troy Herbst became the only racer to have two Class 1 victories at Laughlin. He drove his Ford powered Smithbuilt Truggy · to the victory in spite of being stuck in fifth gear for a while. Laughlin, NV. Gary Dircks finished a weekend of breathtak-ing racing in his Chevrolet with his first Trophy Truck win. He was a scant 2 7 seconds in front of Troy Herbst, the vict0r in Class 1, for overall honors after 94.4 miles of racing. As always the mixed-medium race at Laughli:n, with about lQ and a half miles of desert racing and a bit more than a mile of spectator oriented infield short-course, sent the participants home on an adrenalin high. The warm-up for the ·race proper be-gan on Thursday night with the Laughlin Leap, a much enjoyed. long-jump contest, with fat purses donated by the Laughlin Cham-ber of Commerce. . The schedule called for two full days of racing on Saturday and Sunday, but the excitement started with Thursday's Laughlin Leap. With four divisions, and a total of $18,000 of cash waiting to be distributed, there was no shortage of entries. Each contes-tant got two tries, but for some reason most of the big jumps came on the first attempt. In the Big Truck division the winner was Jerry Whelchel, in Mark Post's Ford Trophy Truck, who flew 160 feet and six inches to earn the $3000 purse. He awed the crqwd because as he went off the jmnp the nose of.the truck gradually pointed up until it looked as if it ·would go over backward. Just at the final moment the truck would land, the bottom of the bed and the rear bumper digging·in , first, then the front end landing with a thump. He did it both times. Also giving the audience a thrill was the truck of Wayne Lugo and Craig Stewart which lit . off a brief but brilliant fireworks display just ·as i.t went off the ramp. The crowd went crazy with approval. In the small trucks it was Rick Taylor, in a Ford, who covered 120 feet and four inches for his $3000. The Open. Wheel-Large C.C. gtoup went to Dennis Boyle in a Chevy-powered Lothringer, with a jump of 151 feet even. And Rob MacCachren took the Open Wheel Small C.C. event, flying 86 feet 10 inches in his Fraley VW. Second place in each division went home with $ 1000. The Big Truck distance is a "new record", besting Larry Roeseler's previous flight of 140 feet four inches. Of course, tliis year's jump was very well laid out, apparently just per-fectly sloped to send a truck fly-ing. If they used the.exact same jump each year it would be more appropriate to talk ·about "records". · Friday was devoted to the busi-ness of rolling through contin-gency, seeing new products, meet-ing new manufacturers, and get-ting the proper stickers on the new paint jobs. It was also time to show off some very nice new race cars, introduce new racing partners and argue with the tech crew about obscure details. Course reconnaissance started at about 1:30 in the afternoon, and was limited to'35 miles per hour. When the course closed at about three thirty, it was time to start lining up for the Pit Crew Challenge, another event spon-sored by the Chamber. There were two divisions: Open Wheel Travis Walser had a great weekend, even after rolling his Stock Full Chevrolet Jeff Dick'erson and Gino Licitra made a good team in Dickerson's Ford, taking the twice he finished the two days of racing as the winner. win in the Protruck class with no problems. · John Griffin and Mike Sabbarese finished the weekend in second L...,_...::;;__ ____ ~__:__: ______ _,_ __ -----'--"----'"""'-' and Truck. MacCachren's team took the Open Wheel group, by changing four tires in a time of 40.60 seconds, a new record. In the Truck Division it was Alan Pflueger's team who won, chang-ing the Chevrolet's tires in· 1:02:93. That win netted each of the teams a purse of $3000 and second places were worth $1500, while the third place teams took home $500. The physical setup for the race · was the.same as in the past, with the Laughlin Special Events part (a vast empty space on the hill just west of town) completely made over into a short-course track with pits for the big teams along one side and bleachers and a V.I.P. tent on the other side, which also included the "manufacturer's midway" (those manufacturers who stayed on be-yond Friday), and some local con-cessionaires. Leading out of the west end· of the infield the course traveled into the desert on BLM land, closely watched by that agency, and closed to on-course pitting or spectating. The only spectator areas were clearly de-fined by the BLM, and the most popular was a ridge on the south-east· edge of the course that al-lowed a view of part of the desert course as well as the infield. The infield course contained three sweeper turns, some moguls, the flying jump right in front of the grandstands and a couple of smaller jumps. Also sitting in front of the grandstands was a giant television screen, showing the action on various portions of the desert section. The schedule called for seven races each day, commencing at 6:30 a.m., just when it was light enough for the drivers to see. The bigger classes raced alone, but the smaller classes were combined. Most groups ran four laps, and they had three limits of 65 to 80 minutes. A -few did only three laps·, and Class 11 ran only two . laps. Cars went1off the start line two abreast, with 30 seconds be-place in the Stock Full class with their Hummer, which, they say, Josh Klenske surprised himself at Laughlin by taking second place in Barry Karakas "drove like a grandpa" to be sure he'd finish in his needs a new motor. Class 8 in his Ford He said he didn't expect to do "so well." Toyota Tacoma, and ended the weekend in third place in Class 7. Page a March 2004 Dusty Times
Tommy Watson had no problems at all with his two-seat Jimco SCORE Arturo Honold hadra good weekend, with no serious trouble in his Lite car and finished a fine weekend of racing with third place in the Cain Smead and Ty Godde shared the driving in their two-seat Jimco, SCORE Lite Jimco, and took fifth place, although he's decided his tough class. with Jim Greenway ridfng, and they took sixth place in SCORE Lite. __ ca_r_is_·o....,ld_ . ....,.· ---=--=-----c-----=-------tween the pairs. There were no order having been determined by _ing hard behind him. Negrete much rougher, with deeper holes pace, hop into the passenger seat stop checks out on the course, but a drawing) finished well, he'd broke after two laps, and so did and softer sand. lribe had drawn and they were off again. Sack when the racers returned to the start up near the front again in David H~ndrickson, who rolled first off the line, which was po-didn't catch them but he closed infield they had one stop at the Sunday. While that might seem his car, crumpling ev·ery surface. etic justice of a sort since he'd up: Everyone else seemed to be start line, just in front of the tim-eminently fair to the racer who Although Hendrickson finished started 10th on Saturday. Sack having a good morning, coming ing and scoring team. The infield held that position, it was felt to the second lap, he didn't attempt started right behind him, so the around right on schedule. was well watered and dust free, be an u_nfair advantage. So a third. Steve Landis also rolled two leaders hadn't been shuffled Shermak and Moore were still but out in the desert the dust was SCORE decided that in the larger over, with less drastic results, and . very much by the drawing for re- third and fourth. heavy. classes, if there were at least 10 he kept on going. start positions. At the end of the At the end of Lap 3 lribe and There was one new twist to finishers, they'd scramble the re-At the end of the third lap first lap lribe had a nice big lead, Ventura had to go through their this year. It had been determined, start order by having a drawing Sack and lribe were tied for the but his clutch was going away. act again, and this time Sack in the interest of making things for re-start positions. lead. lribe had a little extra left Sack was second, Shermak third went past them. lribe went out of "more equital,)le" ·to change the , Racing started right on time on and l).e ticked off the fast lap for and Milt Moore had come up to the infield in hot pursuit. He ac- -format for restarting the cars on . Saturday morning with a mix of the group at 16:08, to move to the fourth. Garcia h.ad fixed his trail- tually caught and passed Sack Sunday. Last year they simply re- 5-1600, 9s, 1 ls and Class 5. All front and get the Saturday win. ing arm but he had a rear flat at somewhere out in the desert but started in the order in which they were to do four laps except the Sack was 40 seconds behind him, the end of the first lap. couldn't regain enough time, with had finished on Saturday. Thus, 1 ls who did only two. Sadly, and in third place it was Brent At the end of the second lap , no clutch, to retake the lead on it was as if an eight lap race was there was only one Class 5 cat, Shermak, with Marcos Nunez in Iribe still had a large lead (a corrected time. lribe finished first, simply stopped at the halfway the yellow New Beetle of George fourth. Ruben Garcia was fifth minute and a half) but now his but Sack got the Sunday win. point, then restarted the next day. Seeley. Seeley started last and with a broken rear trailing arm. clutch was gone. The crowd When the times were added up It was simple to keep track of the drove around all four laps, to get Ten of the 12 original starters got watched in sympathy as, after lribe had the weekend win by 24 leaders that way. This year ap- his Saturday finish. On Sunday to the finish, and that meant that stopping at the start/finish line, seconds. Sack was, of course, sec-parently the Class 1 and 1/2-1600 he came back and did the same their names would be put into a he unsuccessfully tried to put it ond, and Shermak finished third. racers had asked SCORE to "do thing to get a finish for the week-hat and their starting positions for into some gear. Finally his passen-Nunez was fourth for the week-something" about the restart. end, and a first place at that. Sunday would be determined by ger, Armando Ventura, hopped end, and Taylor came home fifth. They seemingly didn't like the In the 5-1600 ranks Jeff Sack · the luck of the draw. out, pushed the car to get it roll- Only three cars in this class failed fact that if a racer who started up led for the first two laps with Ger-When they went at it agaiQ on ing and Iribe found a gear. Then near the front on Saturday (that ar-do lribe and Ernie Negrete chas-Sunday the course had become Ventura ha·d to jog at a good Continued on page 10 ' Dusty ·rimes An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, caesars & Bally s Flamingo & The Strip 1 "888-227•2279 biYb11ryeoa&lc11S'AO,C0m The Place Las Vegans Gall Home"' West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 ·9.:-ldooub)ulno.=m March 2004 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-875-3287 cdsansca&i,o,com Ask About our Room & Gott Packages · Page 9
Blaise Jackson drove his MECO both days in the SCORE Lite class Stan Potter and Dan Worley are back, sharp as ever, and they took and when the times were added up he'd earned a terrific fourth place Last year's season point champ in Class 5-1600, Marco Nunez raced second place in the SCORE lite class in their Jimco ~in~l_he_bi,-=g_c/._a_ss_. ------,-,---------~~ his bug to a fourth place finish at the Laughlin Desert Challenge. to finish. led through the second lap also, morning went off the line at 8:05 On the second lap MacCach-area by tech people with tape Running in the same group, the but on Lap 3 Fisher recorded the a.m., right on schedule, with 28 ren recorded the fast lap for this measures, measuring the distance two Class 11 cars split the two fast time for the group at 17: 15, of the l/2-1600s. This was clearly heat, at 13 :55, and solidified his between front backing plates. A events. On Saturday Scott and moved into the lead. He going to be a good race, and the lead. The pack stayed close be- new maximum width had been Pellerin had problems right off the stayed in front to take the Satur-grandstands were filling up, as hind him. Rick Boyer, in a Loth-established and the tech guys line and lost a full lap to Eric So- day win by 55 seconds. Kern was was the hilltop across the way. ringer, was feeling the wind also. were in search of offenders. As lorzano who scooted around the second and Hanna finished in The wind blew steadily from the Craig Forrest, in a Mirage, had a far as the next day's racing: since cQUrse in about 21 and a half min- third place. northeast, chilling the spectators, slipping clutch because of a leaky there were more than ten finish-utes with no problem. Pellerin They started in that order on but looking great for th.e drivers main seal and Eli Yee was enjoy- ers, this group would be reshuffled actually had the fast lap for the Sunday, but now it was Hector who hadn't liked the calm ing his first race in a 1600 car. It for Sunday's start. MacCachren pair, at 20:38 on Lap 2, but it was Sarabia in Fisher's car, and Ray weather during Friday's pre-run. was a new one, a Curry. Brian couldn't spend a long time in too late to help. Solorzano took Neff in Kern's.' This time Sarabia They'd reported then that if there Jeffrey had his Dunrite. up in the post-race bench racing, because the Saturday win by 25 minutes. rolled on the first lap. Some offi-were no wind on Saturday it lead pack, and Lorenzo Rodriguez he still had two more races to do That meant essentially that be- cials helped him right the car, would be terrible out there. was there also, in his Lothringer. this day. He would drive Gus ginning on Sunday he had a lap and Neff went into the lead by Rob MacCachren put his MacCachren did another sub- Vildosola's Trophy Truck in the on Pellerin. 26 seconds. Neff, like Kern, had Fraley into the lead on the first 14-minute lap on the third loop, fourth event of the day, and at These two weren't noticeably never raced here before. Hanna lap, even though his car was "han- and held his lead. He was having 3:30 he'd be back in this car, now slower on Sunday. Pellerin got the was having transmission trouble dling funny off the jumps." It took no problems. Rob was the only with a 1776cc motor and a five-lead early, with 11 seconds on So- now, and lost about four minutes him a while to realize that it driver in this class to do a lap in speed transmission, for the lorzano. But it was to no avail. So-on Lap 1. handled "funny" because the stiff less than 14 minutes, and he did SCORE Lite event. He was going lorzano didn't push it on the sec-On the second lap Sarabia, wind was moving it sideways it two times. The cast of charac- to try for three class wins in one ond lap, knowing he had that big who did not wear a full-face hel-through die air. He wasn't the ters changed order behind him, weekend. His pit crew had a busy cushion. So, although Pellerin was met, and had collected a lot of only one who noticed the prob-but they were all within seconds time ahead of them. the Sunday winner, Solorzano got dirt in his eyes, went into the lead, lem. MacCachren had 34 seconds of him and each other. Someone with a radar gun was the weekend win in Class 11. in front of Neff by 21 seconds. on Travis Fletcher who ran sec-MacCachren stayed in front timing cars on Pit Row on Satur-The Class 9 cars ran with this They ran in the same order ond in his Baja Shop chassis. and took the win, and when day, and while it wasn't set up in group,, three of them, and they through the third lap and it was Third was in the hands of Cam- they'd done their sums the scor'- time for the first race of the day, had to do four laps. Julie Kern, in still a very close race. But on Lap eron Steele in a Lothringer, and· ing folks listed Steele as second, in the second group the fastest a Kernco, started Saturday morn- 4 Neff broke an axle and Hanna Brian Burgess was fourth in a Por- two minutes and 27 seconds back. few were Randy Jones at 68, Lor-ing in the lead. But Eric Fisher broke an axle tube. Neither fin- ter. Fifth place belonged to Randy Boyer was third, six seconds later, enzo Rodriguez at 67, Boyer and had his Garibay just 40 seconds ished. Sarabia (who is usually Jones in Bunderson. Five drivers, and Jeffrey was fourth, another MacCachren at 66 and Travis behind her. Tim Hanna had seen in a Class 11 car) finished five different chassis manufactur-23 seconds back.· And in fifth Fletcher at 65mph. rolled his car, but that wasn't his all four laps to take the win, and ers. The difference between first place it was Rodriguez another The Sunday start order for this problem he said. He landed on his secure the weekend win for him-and fifth place was 41 seconds seven seconds later. In all, the group was really reorganized by wheels and kept on going, but he self and Fisher. They've started and there were another six cars first ten cars finished within five the drawing. Brady Wilson and was having fuel line trouble that the year in good fashion. in the next 17 seconds. A hiccup minutes of the leader. And they Craig Forrest, who'd finished cost him a bunch of time. Kern The second race on Saturday could lose a position. were met in the post-race tech eighth and tenth, were the new first row, and in the fifth row, starting ninth and tenth, were MacCachren and Steele, side by side. Things were different for this event in that the course was rougher and there was almost no wind. But some things were the same. At the end of the first lap MacCachren had the lead. He had six seconds on Adam Pfank-uch in Jeffrey's car. In third it was Randy Jones, and Forrest was fourth in his Mirage, followed by Fletcher. Only 20 seconds sepa--rated them. Cisco Bio and Marcos Reyes, both of whom had failed to finish the fourth lap on Satur-day, had not started on Sunday, so the field was down to 26 cars. Jason Jernigan put together two third-place finishes in the tight Class 7 race and Donald Moss did all the driving at Laughlin, and kept the family Bronco in front of That first lap was a tough one for they added up to a weekend win in his Ford. the pack to earn yet another victory in Class 3. Cameron Steele who'd peeled off Rob MacCachren had the busiest weekend of all, racing in three classes. He won two of them and shared a second place in another. Here hes winning the SCORE Eric Solorzano brought his bright red Class 11 VW sedan to Laughlin again, and Lite class in his Fraley chassis. _w_en_t_h_o_m_e_w,_·th_l_'h_e_fi._rs_t'-pf._a_ce_ tra-"-,p_h~r_. --------------Page 10 March 2004 his left front tire as he went out of the infield. He did the whole lap without it. His front-end ad-juster was broken also. Brian Bur-gess ended the first lap parked in the infield, and never went around again, and·Miles Wyatt's car died just past the finish line, so he had to be towed away. On the second lap Pfankuch, who was third on the road behind Wisdom and Forrest, recorded the fast lap for this day's heat, at 14:59. MacCachren still led, but had only five seconds.on Pfank-uch Lorenzo Rodriguez "pogoed" his car this lap, and it went over, giving his passenger a black eye. He didn't get any more laps com-pleted. Mike Voyles also rolled over, in Chuck Sacks' car. He Dusty Times
=r • Brent Shermak, from Fort Mohave, Arizona, was the 5-1600 winner last year, and he tried to do it again, but had to settle for a close third Rick Boyer had a good run in his Lothringer chassis and finished the Cameron Steele had a flat tire on his Prep by Jake Lothringer, but nothing worse, and when the weekend had finished he was in 4"' place in the 1600 race. place this year. weekend with a nice second place in Class 1-211600. went over twice and landed on fifth it was Ron Dalke in his Sunday's event, and George Erl his wheels; so he 'kept moving on. Toyota Tatum. He'd had to in-was in the front line in Myers' car, At the end of the third lap stall a new computer box after his while C.J. Hutchins took over for Pfankuch and MacCachren were original one went dead as Ron his dad, and started next to Erl. tied, and Randy Jones was just accelerated towards the ramp in Bill Witt was in his car, starting eight seconds behind them. the long jump contest on Thurs-in Row 2, next to Eddie Gonzales Whereas on Saturday mo-st of the day night. in the car driven by Lobs am Yee drivers were recording laps in un-Letner upped the ante a bit, on Saturday. Kory Halopoff re-der 15 minutes, on Sunday the recorded a 12:35 fast lap and im- placed his cousin, Letner, and only one below the magic 15 was proved his lead on the second lap. started in the third row, with the Pfankuch's second. The dust was But Anderson and Christensen Saturday winner, Christensen in heavier and the course was much; also had sub-13 minute laps, and the row behind him. Most of them rougher . weren't letting him get too far had worked on their cars over-Mac C ach ren had a two-ahead. Both Dalke and Jeff Elrod night, and in some cases they'd minute cushion from Saturday's came to the end of the road on stiffened up their suspension af-win, so he didn't need to push this lap, but the rest were charg-ter discovering that the course quite as hard as the others did on ing hard for the most part. Justin was rougher than they'd ex-the last lap. Pfankuch, with a Lofton was having a tough time pected, and they knew it'd be 15:01 time, had the fastest last because his VW Jimco was stuck rougher yet on Sunday. · lap, and bumped himself into the in third gear and had been since Halopoff went into the lead on Sunday win. But he and Jeffrey, the first lap and Sam Berri who'd the first lap with Lathem 11 see-the owner of the car, were in brought his old Class 10 Mirage onds behind him and Bill trouble with the tech guys. Jones out to have some fun, lost his Hernquist third in Ellison's car. came in second and MacCach-power steering on this lap. Joel In fourth it was Travis Brook-ren was third, only 20 seconds Whitted, in Travis Brookshire's shire, and Witt was fifth. Martin behind Pfankuch. That meant Honda Jimco, found the suspen- Christensen was on the radio say-that MacCachren got the week- sion too soft. Will Higman, in a ing he had "no power" and end win. feffrey and Pfankuch, VW Kreger, had somehow lost an needed a tow vehicle. It wasn't who were told their front end was entire half-hour on the first lap, Christensen's· weekend. Jarrett 1/4" too-wide, were first looking so he was going to run out of time. Lemley rolled his car and lost at disqualification, then, after There was a lot of close racing about 18 minutes. Dalke had a much discussion, were given a for the final two laps and specta- rear flat and Berri got a slow start penalty that made them last. tors were hard pressed to know for some reason. Everyone made Then, after some time for calm who was in the lead. David Kor- the first lap except Christensen. consideration, the officials de- donowy and his Lightweight dis-Halopoff was the quicker car on the second lap, apparently having solved the problem of it sticking in third gear. C.J. Hutchins was looking very fast and running up near the front of the pack, and so was Lathren. Hernquist rolled Ellison's car, got it back on its wheels .and went a bit further only to have a rear trailing arm fall apart, so he was out. Lemley had a 35-minute lap and that was it for him. Ridings lost about five minutes, and Bran-don Aymer lost about 10 minutes on this lap. Everybody else was looking healthy and charging hard. · Halopoff got the fast time for the h_eat on Lap 3, at 12:51, and stayed in front. Hutchins and Lathren had a really tight battle going oehind him, and those three were all running less than 13-minute laps. Everyone else was at Continued on page 12 Eric Fisher and Hector Sarabia shared the driving in their Garibay Challenger Class 9 car and went home with the win in spite of a rollover. cided that the previous two op- appeared on Lap 3, but everyone tions hadn't been fair. They felt else got around. Up at the front it that it was a "confusing issue" and was still Letner, but he was stuck in Sal Fish's words "I didn't un-in third gear and was about 30 derstand the ramifications, and I seconds off his own pace. Chris-think it put the racers at a disad-tensen was only 21 seconds back vantage. There was a problem and moving at a slightly faster clip there caused by me." So for the and Anderson was creeping up weekend Jeffrey and Pfankuch on him also. It was going to be a were officially declared tied for tight finish. 1RANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. second place with Rick Boyer. The fourth lap was one too Travis Fletcher was third, a many for Yee, who lost his motor, minute back, Steele, very fast in and for Kordonowy who expired spite of the broken front adjuster, from unknown causes. Higman was fourth. Forrest went home ran out of time. Anderson might fifth, Jones was sixth and havegotthewin,butheflattened Altamirano was seventh. Only six a front tire halfway around the cars failed to get to the finish line. lap and it got flatter and flatter The third race of the morning as he neared the finish, robbing was for the Class 10 cars, and him of precious seconds. Chris-there were 25 of them. It was an tensen had a "good clean run" and awesome array of talent and ma- surged to the front to take the chinery. But some of the talent win. Letner was just six seconds ran into troubl-e early in the heat. back in second place and Ander-Mike Williams and his Meco were son, the tire just shreds and pieces out for unknown reasons, and as he crossed the finish line, was Rick Ellison's Chenowth became another two seconds back. He entangled with Eli Yee's car. watched the entire tread separate They radioed for help to get un- and roll ahead of him another 30 stuck. Yee eventually completed feet. Lathren, who said he had the lap, about four minutes down, no problems, was fourth, followed butEllisonnevergotalapin. Tom in by Steve Myers in his Toyota Ridings rolled his Mirage, losing Jimco, who said it "was a blast." about six minutes, but then found . Whitted was sixth, and in seventh himself in a dust-free pocket af- it was Mark Hutchins in a Honda ter that. Harley Letner put his Jimco, who'd flattened both a Honda Chenowth into the lead front and rear tire at one point. with 22 seconds on Martin Chris- Only 1 7 of them finished. tensen in his BMW Jimco and On the radar the quick driv-Danny Anderson, jn Bill Witt's ers were Lobsam Yee at 92, Honda J imco. Anderson and Lathren at 88, Aymar at 87, Eli Christensen were tied. Charles Yee and Whitted at 86, Aymar, l:athren was fourth, six seconds Ridings and Anderson at 85 mph. later, in a Honda Jimco, and in Twenty of them came back for Dusty Times SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations M.O.R.E. F&L 400 Wayne Nosala 1st Class 1 -1st Overall Mike Malloy 1st 1/2-1800 -2•11 Overall BIii Markel -Clan 1 - 4th Overall TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING , JEFF nELD 9763 V.ARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 March 2004 Page 11 -__ .............. - ~ ... _. ____ .._ __ • ..... ....... --··---______ .. _ • .., --► ----. ---
Travis Brookshire and Joel Whitted teamed in Brookshire's Honda Steve Myers and George Erl raced Myers' Toyota Jimco to fifth place Jimco to take sixth place in the very competitive Class 10 race. in the Class 10 race, finishing only 20 seconds behind fourth place. 14 minutes plus. Lemley and Ed-went on to take the victory, Hell." In fifth place it was John seventh. The Trophy Truck race was, as always, exciting and very close. Tim and Ed Herbst brought their Smithbuilt Ford home in ninth after serious power steering problems on Saturday. die Gonzalez both disappeared on Hutchins, reporting a clean run, Cooley in his Alumicraft, with When the times were added the third lap and Ridings had was second, only 45 seconds later, Higman in sixth and Bill Witt up Halopoff and Letner had the some problem that cost him 10 followed in by Lathren 21 seconds who'd lost a power steering belt weekend win. Just a minute and minutes. behind him. Erl was fourth, say-on the first lap and did two laps 29 seconds beq.ind them was Halopoff had no problems and ing "these kids are faster than with no power steering, finished Lathren in second place, and C.J. Manufaqtur~r /, Qi~tributqr of an exP,andin~ and uniqu~ product line of mqtorsport~ P,rqducts. ,---/ . Pro Farce Air • Significantly outflows other 'blower type' helmets • eNOT a converted motorcycle helmet! \ -,, elightwe1ghl Composite Shell ~ ~2 9~ 9 • g· 9 eSnell SA-2000 Automotive Rated ..,, 1 eFire Resistant Interior Special wl FREE._---------• Helmet Bag I! LOWRANCE liPS fiyf,te,n• • B/1/-J & Color Displays •2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performanc Radio !iy■tem■ • 128 to 250 Channels .SO lo 110 Watts of T ransm1tting Power! .Alphanumeric Digital Display e3 Year Warranty • Exceeas Mil-Spec Standards . Page 12 19.i!I/ Cordle•• Impact Kit • ½"Drive • 216 ft-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! . .,, • Vehicle Holster Available Xcel/~~. 1:z:Toa/ March 2004 mMMlJNICATIDN !iDLIJTIDN!i FOR RACING& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN -Glob■l1tar!/ and Mark Hutchins took third, two minutes later. Witt and Anderson were fourth, followed by Myers and Erl in fifth. Only 14 of this class managed to get all eight laps completed. The fourth race of the day was the "main event" as far as the spectators were concerned. The grandstands filled up, people • climbed up on top of the big semis parked on pit row and the top of the hill across the way was cars from end to end, with spectators sitting snugly on the downside of the hill, out of the wind and en-j9ying the view. It was time for the Trophy Trucks. There were 23 of them. There were old trucks and new trucks; old, familiar drivers and·several new to this class. One or two hadn't raced here before, and Robby Gordon had brought his Chevrolet. In addition to Gordon, whose skill with a truck is usually breathtaking to watch, there was a full complement of the best driv-ers and equipment off road rac-ing has to offer. The spectators were looking forward to an.hour of excitement. And they got it. The drag race starts were worth the price of the grandstand tickets. And the rest of the racing was pretty terrific also. Rob MacCachren had Gus Vildosola's Ford in the lead on the first lap, but he was just 12 seconds in front of B.J. Baldwin in the ex-Darnen Jefferies' Ford. In third place it was Larry Rag-land in Brian Collins' Chevrolet, and Jerry Whelchel was fourth in Mark Post's Ford. Marty Coyne was fifth in his old Robby Gordon Ford. Gordon had a flat en that lap and lost about four_ minutes. Pete Sohren, in a new three-seater Ford, crashed and put an end to his race early, and Chet Huffman and his Chevy disappeared. Todd Gatrell had some kind of trouble that cost him about 35 minutes. On the second lap MacCach-ren still led, with 20 seconds on B.J. Baldwin. Whelchel was up to third, followed by Ragland and they had plenty of drivers just waiting for one of them to make an error. Gordon disappointed the crowd by not coming around this lap, a driveshaft problem put-ting him out for the day. Steve Sourapas, who had SCORE's 2003 Rookie of the Year, Brian Ickier, in the passenger seat, fell out on the second lap when the rear end gave out. And Gatrell didn't get the lap finished either. There were only 18 left. It was still very windy out on the course, but the trucks kicked up enough dirt to make it a very dusty race. Passing was difficult. MacCachren held his lead through Lap 3 but B.J. Baldwin disappeared, and so did Dan Smith in the Ford and John Dusty Times -•
,. Jerry Whelchel and Mark Post pushed their Ford Trophy Tmck hard =========c.-.-•'-'--~--' ..__ _____ -~-~~--------and at the end of the weekend had a good third place finish, only Bob Lofton drove his Chevy powered .Jimco to fifth place in the Class John Marking had his Chevy Jimco working very nicely at Laughlin seven seconds behind second. 1 race, in spite of an ignition problem that kept shutting the motor off. and the result was a close second place finish in Class 1. Herder. Ed Herbst landed his Ford an accomplishment since he for the Class 1 cars, and there and the competition was intense. car, which he said he has "sorted hard off the big jump and broke started in the tenth row and were 32 starters. As with the Tro-Gordon still led at the end of the out" now; and he recorded the his power steering, and Scott breeze or no, there was still heavy phy Trucks, this group had second lap, and he had 27 sec- fast lap for the class on the final . Steinberger had blown the power dust out on the course. He'd brought out some new cars also. onds on Ebberts. Glenn Harris lap, at 11:39, and went on to take steering on his Ford on the sec- · passed at least three trucks on his Excitement was high, and the -·moved up to third, another three the win. Herbst was second, just ond lap. Dale Dondel had discov- first 1 lmile lap. spectators looked forward to see-seconds back, and Herbst was 58 seconds later. He'd had a clean ered that his Chevy's suspension Dircks' first lap time, at 12:03 ing how Dale Ebberts and Ernie fourth, two seconds later and fol-run except for one brief stall, was too soft and Michael Jakob- was the. fast time for this heat. Castro Jr. fared in their new VS lowed by Dean in fifth. Only 51 which he said was because he's son round that his new Chevy's He'd been first on the road and Toyota powered Jimco or Darnen . seconds separated fifth from first. "still not used to the clutch". In suspension wasn't set up right ei- dust free. On the second lap Jones Jefferies in a VS Chevy powered Gordon had started in the seventh third it was Lofton, a'nother ther. Whelchel was 23 seconds duplicated that time, but Dircks, Porter. Cam Thieriot was signed row, so he'd had plenty of dust. minute and two seconds back, back in second place. MacCach-still first on the road, held the lead- up in his Robby Gordon chassis, Going through the infield his car followed in by the Lugo/Stewart ren was running the new 39 inch with Jones in second. Gray was also Chevy powered, and Rich- looked like some sort of big or- car. And John Marking had his BFGs and Whelchel had hoped third, Gordon moved up to fourth ard Boyle had a new RPS chassis ange insect, hopping from point Chevy Jimco in fifth place. Dean, that they "might hurt his gear-and Jason Baldwin was fifth, driv- with a Chevy motor. to point, barely touching ground, who'd looked slow completing his ing", but obviously they did not. • · ing with a bent driveshaft. Herder Troy ·Herbst had been lucky but moving forward aggressively. third lap, didn't get the fourth lap Marty Coyne was going a little was out, the only one to go miss-at the drawing and he sat in the It_ was great fun to watch. B.J. done, nor did Rich Ronco, or Lee faster each lap and was now third. ing so far,. front tow with his Ford powered Richardson and Rodriguez both Finke. Darland, after being third, Jason Baldwin was fourth and On the third lap Huffman, Truggy, next to Bobby Baldwin became dnfs on Lap 2. dropped to last thanks to the ig-Gary Dircks had moved his Ford Dondel and Gordon all failed to in a Ford powered Porter. This On the third lap things nition wires that came loose. up to fifth place. Dircks had elec-come arou.nd. Dircks, Jones and group went off the line about 20 changed some. Gordon still led, On the radar the fastest cars trified the spectators· at the start Baldwin still led, but they had minutes to one on Saturday, with now with 35 seconds on Herbst. in this group were Jefferies at 117, by getting the· hole-shot on Gor- only scant seconds and any error a stiff wind still blowing from the But the Wayne Lugo/Craig Stew- Lugo/Stewart at 115, Mark Mc; don and then staying in front of would cost dearly. Rick Geiser northeast. Attrition started early, art Chevy powered Stewart was Millin at 113, Marking, Gordon him all the way through the in- was driving Sohren's car today, and Dennis Boyle and Ronny in third now, with Bob Lofton in and Dean at 112 and Herbst at field. He later said, "That was and having "a little fuel injection Wilson were both out on the first fourth in a Chevy J imco and 111. worth every dime!" Ragland had problem.'' Mary Coyne was hav- lap. Robby Gordon had decided Dean in fifth. Darland had a 1 7-Only 29 of them made it back a rear flat and headed into the ing a "great day", and Bucky to drive Thieriot's car and he wa:s · minute la:p when a wire came out · on Sunday. Dennis Boyle, Lee pits at the end of the lap. Strunk, who'd never raced here tied for the lead with Dale ~berts ·of his ignition and he found him- Finke and Jesse RodriJZ.uez had Nothing went awry with before and confessed to being "a at the end of the first lap. They self running on four cylinde_rs. done terminal damage to their MacCachren's race and he went little scared" at the start on Sat- were just 11 seconds up on Pat Ebberts didn't finish the lap, vie- cars on Saturday. After the draw-on to take the victory, his second urday, was having a good time. Dean in a Chenowth. In fourth it tim of a shifter or transmission ing, the Sunday line-up had for the day. Whelchel, who re- · Jones didn't make it around for was Herbst another second back, problem that stopped him just be-Shawn McCall um and Steve corded the fast lap for this heat the fourth lap, nor did Ashley and and they'd all recorded laps un- fore the entrance to the infield. Melton in the front row. Melton on the fourth lap, at 11: 14, was Smith, or Sourapas. Dircks, who der 12 minutes. Jeff Darland ran Brian Parkhouse and Steve Sulli-had finished tenth on Saturday, second, only 22 seconds behind said, "everything was.good", too fifth in his Chevy Jimco four sec-van were another couple of dnfs. the first time he'd raced the car, him.'JasonBaldwinhadhisbest thewin,finishingaminuteand onds further back. Kory Gordonhadnotroublewithhis Continuedonpage14 lap on the fourth lap also, and 55 seconds in front ofJason Bald- Scheeler's Chevy Porter kept "dy: moved up to third, as Marty win. Gray was third, Post fourth ing in the corners", Jefferies found Coyne ran out of gas and failed and Vildosola fifth. Geiser, in his suspension too soft, and to finish. In fourth it was Dircks, Sohren's truck, was feeling Chuck Hovey, in a V4 powered and Dale Dondel was fifth. Roger mighty proud that he'd built Jimco said later, "I get my butt Gray, in a Chevy, concentrated Dircks' and Vildosola's trucks, as kicked going uphill." Gary Weyh-on getting to the finish this year, well as Sohen's. rich had too much bump steer on and took sixth. Ragland didn't Once they totaled up the times his Chevy Jimco, and hurt his finish, nor did Luis Wallace or Dircks had the weekend win by thumb ·on the steering wheel. Alan Pflueger, whose Chevy had . 47 seconds. Vildosola and Mac-Shawn McCall um, in a V6 lost second and third gears, and Cachren were second, Post and Toyota powered Jimco, found his after some lengthy pit_work, he'd Whelchel third, Jason Baldwin suspension too soft and his motor run out of time. The racing had fourth and Roger Gray finished wanting for power. Andy McMil-lived up to its expectations, 'tho fifth. In sixth it was Josh Bald- !in, in a Chevy Jimco, had his it was disappointing that so many win, followed by Michael Jakob- transmission popping_out of third of the potential stars had been son, a good showing for a new gear. Richard Boyle's front end unable to get to the finish line. truck. Eighth went to Bucky was too soft. And Jesse Rodriguez Twelve of the starters had failed Strunk and Ed and Tim Herbst finished the lap with a right front to finish. still, there would be an- were ninth, and the last truck to · flat. other race on Sunday. get all eight laps in. Whatever their.problems, they The radar said Gordon .and The fifth race on Saturday was didn't seem visibly slowed down, Steinberger were quickest at 116 mph, then Coyne at 115, Whelchel at 114, Josh Baldwin and MacCachren at 113 and, Herbsts, Ragland/Collins, Dondel, and Jason Baldwin all at 110. George Seeley didn't have anyone to play with in Class 5, but he did all his laps 3nyway and started his year off right with _a first place finish. The morning had been nearly dead calm on Sunday, but as the Trophy Trucks were lining up for their second go the breeze picked up. Jesse Jones, in Steinberger's truck, and Dircks had drawn the front line sta'rt for Sunday, with Roger Gray and Gus Vildosola be-hind them. At the end of the first lap Dircks had the lead, with Jones second (a nice way to cel-ebrate his 38th birthday) and Gray in third place. Vildosola was fourth and Gordon was fifth, quite Rob MacCachren used the same Fraley chassis in both 1-211600 and ,SCORE Cousins Harley Leiner and Kory Halopoff teamed in their Honda Chenowth to take lite. Here he's on his way io the 1600 victory. the victory in Class 10, even after being stuck in third gear for a while. Dusty Times March2004 Page 13
Hector Salazar and Indio Gutierrez came up from Bai.a to race at Ken and Andy Leavitt, cousins from Las Vegas, raced their Bronco to Craig Forrest raced his Mirage to· fihh place in the 1600 race, even Laughlin and finished the weekend with second place in Class 7 in second place in Class 3. Nice job considering it was Andy's firs{ aher having a slipping clutch on Saturday and clutch pedal problems their Ford race. _on_S_un_d.~'8=-'.Y· ________________ _ a Chevy J imco. He said he Richardson and Mark McMillin needed to adjust his rear suspen-better than on Saturday, was Truck. The Sportsman team was "thought about it all night long - were both done for the day on sion or get a "younger back." Pat sixth, and in seventh it was Rich- made up of Mark Grove and his what I had to do [on Sunday]". that first lap, John Gould had a Dean's suspension was "not right", ard Boyle, followed in by Hovey, son Keith, in a Ford, who usually Although the original plan had 45-minute lap, and Robby Gordon and Hovey was still wishing for then Lofton and Wik. enjoy racing in the MDR events. been for Thieriot to drive his car, had a 35-minute lap. The car still more power. His hands were get-At the finish line no one could They said this race was rougher plans changed and Gordon was looked quick and healthy when ting tired. figure who the weekend winner than those, but they had fun. On on board on Sunday. In general, it finally appeared, but then it The third lap was tough for was, it was too close to add up the radar they were recorded at almost everyone who drove Sat-never came around again. Herbst. His trans was stuck in fifth without a computer. When the 63 mph. They completed their re-urday drove again on Sunday, The second lap was a tough gear, not the gear of choice on timing and scoring people had fig-quired three laps both days with . except that Bekki Wik took over one for a herd of cars, and the this course. He headed for the pit· ured it out, Troy Herbst had the no problems, and went home with for Rick Wilson (she rode with Lugo/Stewart team went out, once he got to the end of the lap, victory, making him the first two- a win on their record. him on Saturday), and Brian along with Weyhrich, McCallum, but had held on to his lead, time winner in Class 1 at Laugh- Tb.e Protrucks had only two Ewalt took over for Corky McMil- Rich Ronco and Bobby Baldwin. though his cushion had dropped lin since its inception. Marking representatives at Laughlin, the lin. At the front of the pack Troy to two seconds. John Marking was was second, just a minute and Ford of Gino Licitra and Jeff Melton's long night of think-Herbst took over the lead after second now, Jefferies was third, four seconds later, with Jefferies Dickerson and the Chevrolet of ing must have given him the right recording the fast lap for today's Melton fourth and Darland fifth. in third, quite pleased with that Alan Pflueger. What should have answers, because he had the lead heat at 12:04. Melton was second, John Gould and Dale Ebberts finish for his new car. In fourth it been a good race on Saturday was at the end of the first lap, looking 16 seconds back; and John Mark- failed to finish the third lap. was Melton, then Lofton in fifth cut short on the second lap when very smooth and controlled. He ing and Darnen Hefferies were The fourth lap was tough for and in sixth it was Hovey. Rich-Pflueger crashed, injuring his had eight seconds on the Lugo/ tied, another 22 seconds back, Herbst also - because his pit stop ard Boyle took seventh place, back and earning himself an air-Stewart car, which ran second. battling for third place. Jeff did no good - he was still stuck in while Ron Brant was eighth, lift ride into Las Vegas. Dickerson -In third it was Herbst in the Darland ran fifth at this point. fifth gear. Marking moved up to Scheeler was ninth and the team went on with some very nice times Truggy, and Jefferies, who'd stiff- Lofton was having ignition trouble take the Sunday win followed in of Rick Wilson and Bekki Wik to get a finish. He said this was ened up his suspension a lot over- this heat and his mbtor kept shut- by Jefferies. Herbst salvaged finished tenth. his "favorite race of the year." night, was fourth. Gary Weyhrich ting off, Wik was having a hard third, a heckuva feat with only Saturday's sixth race was a Pflueger was said to have a com-ran fifth, only 41 seconds behind til)le because the steering wheel one gear. In fourth it was Melton, mixed bag of truck classes, in- pressed vertebra and spent the Melton. Dale Ebberts finished the kept whipping out of her hands, and Darland finished fifth. Ron eluding 8, Protrucks, 3, 7, 7S, 7SX, night in the hospital while his first lap on a left rear flat. B.J. and Scheeler was thi1:1king he Brant, his suspension working Stock Full and one Sportsman crew hunted up a driver for Sun-Page 14 ATTENTION RACERS! MICKEY THOMPSON IS POfflNG CASH CONTINGENCY FOR THE 2004 RACE SEASON! '$500 FOR 1ST, $250 FOR 2ND, $150 FOR 3RD SCORE, SNORE, MORE , BffD, & MDR ALL CLASSES! ALL EVENTS! NO CLASS MINIMUM! VISIT WWW.MICKEYTHOMPSONTIRES.COM/OFFROAD/ OR CALL TOM MOXLEY AT 909-587-0101 X120 FOR DETAILS. March 2004 Dusty Times
It was a close race all the way, but at the end Jeff Sack, from Mark Hutchins has taught his son, C. J. very well indeed, and the pair Travis and Brad Fletcher did a nice job with their Baja Shop chassis Huntington Beach, was second in Class 5-16(10, only 22 seconds teamed to drive their Honda Jimco to third place in the highly and brought it across the finish line in third place in the 1600 class. _ba_c_k.,.... ---------.,-----------=---=---,-_,co,....m--='{)e,---ti_.ti_ve-.,-C/._a_ss.,._,10_ra_c.,...e. ____ -=-___ ---=_-=-_~ day. And they found one -John Bronco, But he'd spun a drive- six entries, but one was ceremo- lead, with McCormack, who said two-truck race on Sunday. Jeff· Hoffman. The radar mavens had shaft and had only two-wheel nial. Joe Patelli had the old '57 he "missed a couple turns in the Geiser was driving Raimonde's timed Dickerson, in Licitra's drive. Moss took the win and Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and dust, and took down a fence" in truck, and the brake and throttle truck, at 94 mph, and Pflueger at Stone was second on Saturday. Sid Spradling entered as a sort of second. Todd Wyllie, in a Chevy, problems had been cured. Klenske 91. · On the radar Moss topped out at history lesson. He wanted to let didn't get his secop.d lap accom- was back in his own truck. They On Sunday it was Licitra's 78 mph, and Leavitt at 73. the fans see what kind of vehicles ·. plished. had a _good race, but this time turn to drive. He'd driven a They all came back for used to be raced (and success-The three surviving trucks Geiser led all the way, having no couple of races in the past, but Sunday's race, and Stone looked fully) in the early days. Every-had similar laps on the third go- problems at all. Klenske had no hadn't managed to get a finish, quick on the first lap, taking the . body made one lap, including around, and Klenske stayed in trouble either and got second so on Saturday he'd ridden with lead, with a little over a minute Patelli, but while the trucks were front. McCormack was still sec- place. When they added up the Dickerson with an eye to learn-on Moss. This time it was Andy running a bit over 15 minutes a ond, and Raimonde was third. But two-day times, Raimonde and ing just exactly what his truck Leavitt, Ken's cousin, in the other lap, the old Chevy took 50 min-on the fourth lap Raimonde put Geiser got the win by two min-could, and couldn't do. Appar-Bronco, and they ran third, while utes to get around. Unfortu-together the fast lap for the group utes and eight seconds. Klenske ently he paid close attention. Salvador Cervantes was having nately, so did Jeff Stowers, who at 14:35, and moved up to sec- was deservedly pleased with his Hoffman rolled Pflueger's truck fuel problems with his Bronco. was 55 minutes getting it done, ond place. Klenske got the win, second place. and didn't even get one lap com- Moss had picked up his speed and then didn't do any more laps saying "I never imagined I'd do Class 7 was the biggest group pleted. But Gino Licitra ran four a little to make a run at Stone, in his Ford. Tony McCormack this well." He said he'd had a flaw-in this heat race, with 10 entries. good laps for a finish, and a win but Stone stayed in front through went into the lead in Dave Sykes less race. Raimonde got second Rick Taylor, who'd won the for the team of Licitra and the second lap. But the suspen- Chevy, but he had only seven sec- place, only 16 seconds later, and Laughlin Leap in this division, re-Dickerson. sion gave up on Lap 3, and he onds on Dave Raimonde, in an-McCormack was third, another corded the class fast lap on Lap 1 Class 3 was part of this group, didn't get to the finish. Moss went other Chevy, who was having seven seconds back. The radar in his Ford at 14:06, and went into with four vehicles required to run on, having no problems at all, to brake and sticky throttle prob- timed Raimonde at 95 mph, Mc-the lead. He had 10 seconds on three laps each day. On Satur-take the win, with the Leavitt lems. Josh Klenske, in third, an- Cormack at 93 and Klenske at 82. Craig Turner in another Ford. In day Don Moss put his Bronco out cousins in second place. When other five seconds back, was en-Qn Sunday all except Wyllie third it was Hector Salazar in still in front on the first lap and stayed they combined the two days of joying his first SCORE race in a carrie back. Even the 57 Chevy. another Ford. Salazar's truck had there. Behind him Tyler Stone, racing, Moss had the weekend Ford. But this time the old Chevy didn't been late getting to Laughlin, be-in a Toyota, ran second and Ken win, and Leavitts were second. Klenske's second lap was get a lap finished, nor did cause it broke while testing in the Leavitt was thi"rd in another Class 8, also in this batch, had quicker and he moved into the Stowers or McCormack. It was a Continued on page 16 •Coilover, external adjustable bypass & smooth body models •2.5" & 2" dia. monotube shock bodies •10" thru 17" travel •Nickel plated •Rebuildable •Schrader valve and remote reservoir models •2" dia. monotube shock bodies •5" thru 14" travel •Nickel plated •Rebuildable 5150. SERIES •Race ,nspired fixed CrossFlow reservoir design •Available in 6.5" -14" travel •Patented digressive split valving •46mm working piston •Adjustable mounting allows reservoir to be positioned as needed 5100 SERIES •For lifted pickups & SUVs •Zinc plated shock body •Multiple valving available for specific applications •Split compression and rebound valving tuned for each specific application -BILSTflN'! .. the world leader in gas pressu~e shock absorber technology Dusty Times March 2004 Page 15
One very badly timed flat tire and some power steering trouble didn't Gus Vildosola, Sr. and Rob MacCachren drove their Ford to second Charles lathren, from Tucson, Arizona had a trouble-free weekend keep Bill Witt and Danny Anderson from a fourth place finish in their place in the crowd pleasing spectacular Trophy Truck event. as he hustled his Honda Jimco to a second place finish in Class 10. _H_on~d._ea_J._im_co_C=ta~ss_1_0~ca_r._. ~~--~~~~-----desert near Barstow and had to On Sunday there were only nine and took the win, followed in byGuti- in front, then Graham, then Winovitch Walser, who rolled his truck in the wait for parts to be run up from of them; Shawn Wanzek didn't come errez and Jernigan and then Stanley and Vasile. And Blangsted, having no first tum out of the infield area. It Ensenada, where he and his co-back. These drivers started in the or- in the S &Struck. When the two-day problems, ticked off another 20- went over twice and landed on its driver, Porfirio Gutierrez, live. J a- der in which they'd finished on Satur- times were added, Jernigan was the minute lap on his lastlap, to take the wheels, and he kept moving along. son Jernigan was fourth in his day. There were some changes. Jeff winner, withaboutfiveandahalfmin- win. Winovitchmoved up to second . Mike McComas had taken over for Ford. Shawn Wanzek didn't get Hoskins was in for Taylor, and Indio utes on Salazar and Gutierrez, who when Graham had a time consuming Stein, and he led this time, Walser his first lap completed, and Doug Gutierrez was in Salazar's truck, while were second. In third it was Karakas, problem on the third lap and lost 12 was second and Handley was third, Siewert had distributor trouble J.R. Stanley took over for Siewert. and none of the others finished. minutes. Vasile finished also, weary, with Griffin fourth. with his Chevy and had a long Hoskins recorded the fast lap for Class 7S had four entries, and on but gla~ to get across the finish line. McComas had major problems lap, then no more. this heat on Lap 1, at 14:58, and took Saturday Bob Land broke his Chevy When they added the two heats with his front suspension on the sec-Taylor continued to lead, with the lead. Jernigan ran second, and on the first lap and left just three run- together, the winner was Graham, by ond lap that cost him a full lap. Walser Turn er running second, while Karakas, not driving like a "grandpa" ning. Robert Graham had the lead in virtue of the fact that he was the only went into the lead, with Handley sec-Salazar broke a rim and dropped today, was third. Turner and Herrera his Toyota, with intermittent power onetocompleteallthreelapsbothdays. ond and Griffin third. On the third back. Jernigan moved up to third were first lap statistics, neither of them steering problems. His time, at 19:04 Hutter and Blangsted were second lap Griffin actually had the best time, place. Jason McNeil had a long getting around. was the fast lap for this class. Jason withfivelaps,MoncureandVasilehad but it wasn't enough to let him catch lap, losing about four minutes with On the second lap Jernigan went Hutter was second in another Toyota, four laps and Land and Winovitch had up. Handley had a brokeq leaf spring, some disaster. into the lead, with Hoskins second, and and Nick Moncure ran third in still only three. and he decided not to try for repairs, On the third lap it was still Karakas still third. Gutierrez was run- another Toyota. , Class 7SX, with three trucks, was but just ran on it, and Walserlost Taylor in front and Turner sec- ningfourth with no problems. On the OnthesecondlapMoncure broke alsointhisgroupandalsoranonlythree about 15.minutes with some problem ond, with Jernigan third. Dan third lap Jernigan lost a few seconds a U-bolt,someshocks, a brake line and laps. Rich Severson, ina Ford (anex- he never identified. Stein ran out of Chamlee had his Ford in fourth when he became impatient and for-a power steering hose. He was done McNeil truck) recorded the fast lap place. Barry Karakas, in a Toyota, getful and passed a slower vehicle in for the day. Graham stayed in front as for this group on his first lap at 21:03. later said he "drove like a the first infield tum, which was a "no Hutter had a really long lap. The third This is Severson's second race in the grandpa" just to finish. passing" zone. The flagman held him lap was their last in this group and Ora-truck, which, 'though experienced, is Taylor, who said, "It felt like forafewseconds.ltwasenoughtobe hamwentontotakethewin,andbe newtohim.CodySwantyransecond my brakes were on the whole disastrousinareallycloserace.ltgot the only finisher, as Hutter lost a inhisJeep,andToddRichardsdidn't time," took the win, not looking the point across very clearly. He'd ap-spindle. There was lots of work ahead get his first lap completed. Swanty then as if his brakes were on. Turner parentlyalsohadsomeotherproblem, for this class. .. failed to finish the second lap, and was second, and Jernigan finished because he'd lost about seven minutes Hutter had the fast time on the ra-S'everson was by himself. He ran three third. Victor Herrera didn't get already. Hoskins went back into the dar, at63 mph. Moncure was timed at consistentlapsand took the Saturday his truck to the finish line. lead. Karakas was second, Gutierrez 60 and they didn't record Graham or win. The fella with the radar gun was third and Jernigan was fourth. Land's times. The radar team timed him at 60 timed these trucks also. Turner ChamleeandJasonMcNeilbothfaded On Sunday all four trucks came mph,andgotRichardsat49beforehe was timed at 95 mph, Taylor at awayonthislap. back,threeofthemwithdifferentdriv- broke.Theydidn'ttimeSwanty. 90, Wanzek at 78, Jernigan at 76 On the last lap Hoskins came to ers. Graham was still in his. But Jim They all came back on Sunday, and Siewert and Chamlee at 7 4 grief, reportedly done in by a broken Winovitch took over for Land, Paul and once again, Richards had trouble mph. ring and pinion. Karakas held steady Blangsted drove Hutter's truck and Joel · and couldn't complete the first lap. Vasile was in for Moncure:"Graham Severson, who'd fine tuned his.shocks had the first lap lead but Blangsted a bit overnight, went into the lead was close behind him. Winovitch ran again, with Swanty seven minutes third and Vasile, with no power steer- back. Severson then went on to do ing because his crew had so much to two more laps, each a little quicker fix the night before they'd run out of than the one before it, but Swanty time, was fourth. couldn't get the third lap done. So Gerardo tribe employed all his skill and a lot of luck to take the win in the 5-1600 class after his clutch went completely away. Roger Gray worked hard on getting to the finish, and with his dad, Bob, riding along, did just that, finishing fihh in the Trophy Truck race. Page 16 On the second lap it was Blangsted Severson got the Sunday win also, and Gary Dircks went home from Laughlin with his first Trophy Truck win, aherdriving his Ford F-150 to the win in the very exciting Trophy Truck event. March 2004 the weekend win, starting his year off in fine fashion. Class Stock Full, also racing in this group, also did only three laps. There were four of them, but Mark Handley and his Ford didn't get to join in the fun on Saturday thanks to a broken dis-tributor gear. Travis Walser put his Chevy into the lead on the first lap, with Marc Stein second in his Ford. John Griffin's Hummer moved steadily along in third place. On the second lap it was Walser, recording the fast lap for this group, at 17:57, and building his lead. Then came Stein and Griffin. And that's how it went through the third lap. Walser took the Saturday win. ,, On the radar Stein had a speed of 76 miles per hour, Walserwasat74and Griffin, who's been saying his motor is tired, was timed at 59 mph. Sunday was more ex-citing. At least it was for time. Handley took the Sunday win; Walser was second and Griffin third. And when they added the two days together, the winner was Walser and Griffin was second. Stein and Handley were both non-finishers. The final event of the day was the SCORE Lite race, and the spectators who hung in to the end got to see some mighty fine racing, and really close competition. There were 20 of them, and this was Rob MacCachren's third race of the day. He already had two wins to his credit, and he wanted another here. His crew had removed and replaced the 1600 motor and trans, and they'd changed his rear tires, and generally smoked over the Fraley chassis to be sure he hadn't done any damage in the 1600 race. He started in the fifth row this time. And he had the lead at the end of the lap. Kory Halopoff was second in his Henry Chassis, and Brian Ickier was third in his Jimco, Tom-Watson fourth in his Jimco, and Arturo Honold was fifth in his Jimco. Jake Batulis was the only one who didn't make it around. On the second lap MacCachren · recorded the fast lap for this class, at 13: 21, and stayed in front. Halopoff held second, Ickier third, Watson . fourth and Rick St John, in a Kemco, moved up to fifth. Everyone else was still running. Watching this race was different from most of the others, be-cause the cars would all leave the in-field and be gone for about 12 min-utes, during which time the specta-tors could watch the action on the big screen TV out in the infield. Then the lead car would come in, and within about six minutes all 20 cars would zip past, except for one or two stragglers. It was impossible to be sure who was leading, because they were so close, and no one looked obviously faster than anyone else did. Great rac-ing. MacCachren led through the third lap and the rest followed in order. No one else had dropped out but Randy Ross had an extra long third lap and then didn't complete his fourth. MacCachren was wishing for more travel, because the holes were get-ting so deep that his car was "draggin' Dusty Times
Jason Baldwin raced his Ford to a fourth place finish in the Trophy · Steve Melton had his new Class 1 Chevy Jimco at Laughlin, and after Damen Jefferies had his new Chevy powered Porter at Laughlin and Truck race, even though most of Sunday's driving was done with a Saturday's race thought a lot about it then went and poured on the once he'd stiffened the suspension some he and his brother, Casey, bent driveshaft. steam on Sunday to finish the weekend in fourth place _ea_m_ed_a_th_ili_d~p_1a_c_e_in_C_1a_ss--=-1_. ,----------=-----the bottom." But it didn't have much cause the lug nuts weren't tightened. Godde earned sixth place, and Mamer headed for home. It always seems to get the new season effect on his speed, and he ticked off He didn't finish the fourth lap. and Larry McCallum, Jr. placed sev- As usual, the Laughlin event was off to a rip-roaring start. another good lap to take the Satur- Once the two days' scores were to- enth. Six cars in this class failed to fin-a great weekend. The racing was ex-The next SCORE event is the day win - his third for the day. Halo- taled up the weekend winner was Rob ish. This group is so competitive and so citing; the program was full and ran San Felipe race at the end of Febru-poff finished second, Ickier third, . MacCachren. Potter and Worley were much fun to watch that it's a shame with no delays. There were no seri-· ary, and then there will be a gap of Watson fourth and Dan Worley second. Watson was third, Jackson theyarethefinalraceofthedaywhen ousglitchesandtheweatherwasbet- three months before the Baja 500 moved up to fifth in a Jimco. fourth and Honold fifth. Smead and many of the spectators have already ter than could have been hoped for. early in June. SCIIE On the radar, MacCachren was timed at 79 miles per hour, Halopoff at 76, Mike Halliday and Cain Smead at 74, and Blaise Jackson at 73. lckler, Honold, Mike Lehners, Bill Stoner and Worley all topped out at 72 mph. Everybody came back on Sunday, but they didn't all make it through the first lap. Randy Ross's car landed badly off the big jump and his passenger's back was hurt. He was taken off in the helicopter and the car didn't go on. And Harley Letner, who replaced Kory Halopoff, lost his motor at the second road crossing. . Overnight MacCachren's crew had disassembled his car, made it into a 1600 so he could race that event on Sunday morning, then, when he fin-·ished that, they'd disassembled it again, and made it back into a SCORE Lite. His crew was surely the hardest working group at this race. But they weren't having to do any dramatic repairs, because, so far, he hadn't been damaging the car. It looked similar to Saturday's race, with MacCachren in front at the end of Lap 1, followed by Watson, then Stan Porter, who took over for Worley, Ickier and Honold. Honold had de-cided his car is "too old, and it doesn't work right." MacCachren's time, at 14:02 was the fastest lap for this ses-sion. Steve Mamer, in a Jimco, had a really bad first lap, doing almost the whole distance with two flats on the right side ofl_tis car. · On the second lap it was Mac-Cachren, Potter and Watson, fol-lowed by Ty Godde in his Jimco two-seater, and Honold. Ickier and Mike Halliday both disappeared on this lap. MacCachren had restarted in Row 3 this time, and had only Watson in front of him on the second lap, but now he finally got around him and then his race was "pretty much" dust free. At the end of the third lap he still led, with 58 seconds on Potter. Watson was third,· Blaise Jackson moved up to fourth in his Meco, and Godde was fifth just a second behind him. Godde's'partner, Cain Smead had driven on Saturday, with a little less top speed, because he hadn't been able to find fifth gear. Godde wasn't having that problem. All four of MacCachren's laps were under 15 minutes, and he fin-ished the heat in first place. It was his fourth win of the weekend, out of five races. He said his car really like going fact and it was "like a little sil-ver bullet." Potter was second. Wat-son, who had no problems with his two-seater, was third, Jackson, who also reported no problems, was fourth, and Godde finished fifth. Rick St. John, who'd started out so well, re-portedly had a flat, pitted for a spare, · and then had the wheel fall off be-Dusty Times March 2004 Page 17
39TH WALES RALLY GB 2003 Salberg Wins Rally & Championship By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Petter Solberg and Philip Mills won the Rally of Great Britain and the Driver's Championship in their Subaru lmpreza. Petter Solberg won the Wales Rally GB and the World Drivers' championship! He took advantage of a bad tyre choice by his rival Sebastien Loeb on the opening day and then after Loeb was instructed by his team not to take any risk which might threaten Citroen's manufacturers' title challenge, led all the way to the finish. It was Petter Solberg's second successive world rally win in Britain in his Su-baru. The Junior World Rally Championship series ended with championship success for Brice Tirabassi who retired on the sec-ond day, the individual victory go-ing to Daniel Carlsson's Suzuki. This was another disappointing event for Ford and even more so fo: Peugeot whose driver Richard Burns had to withdraw before the start and whose replacement driver Freddy Loix was the only team Peugeot driver to finish. It was a dramatic end to one of the most dramatic seasons in the history of world championship rallying. The final rally of the 2003 World Rally Championship prom-ised so much. Three drivers vying for the title, separated by one point, another driver further back still able to be champion, the Makes' series still open for Citroen and Peugeot and the "Junior title still open for Brice Tirabassi and Salva-dor Canellas. A classic world championship rally, run as usual on smooth gravel forest roads, these days in south Wales. As usual con-ditions were varied and unpredict-able but the weather was not ex-pected to be particularly cold and wet. The event was again based at Cardiff but the stages were essen-• Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is our top-of-the-line racing cell that comes ready to super-tough, triple coated construction • 1 O year Bladde~ warranty • Safety loam battling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA·FT3, SCORE and SOOA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience Install and it's backed by a e . lull 10 year warranty. . l"or lllOre J.nt'o ca.l.l. or write to: Aircraft Rubber/l'uel safe UEL SAF 250 • · • · T,-. "vanue ~nd, OR t715f RadllgCds 100·03·652' SU-923-6015 · http://www.t'uel.■af'•.coa Page 18 tially located north and west of Swansea. Running under a new name this year, this was the same event in recent years nicknamed the "Network Q", before the "Lombard" and forever to tradition-alists the "RAC"! Among non-championship en-tries, Citroen Sport from Spain en-tered a works specification Xsara WRC for the 2002 Junior World Champion Daniel Sola, Bozian en-tered a works-built 206WRC for Gilles Panizzi, with their own cars for Roman Kresta and Jusso Pykalisto, who was to compete with Tommi Makinen's former co-driver Risto Mannisenmaki on his first big rally since his serious crash in Cor-sica 2001. There was a major race against time for team owner Rolf Schmidt, who entered Manfred Stohl. "Janos Toth crashed our car badly at Zemplen Rally in Hungary (same time as Catalunya). This car is the oldest surviving 206 and we want to be able to retire the car at the end of the season in glory!" This was chassis number 3, driven by Panizzi back on the type's debut in Corsica 1999. It never won an event in the hands of the factory team but since it passed to Schmidt's team in Austria, it has won no fewer than 28 rallies out-right. .. 2003 World champion Prod-uct Car driver Martin Rowe drove his championship winning Subaru. While five times British champion Jimmy McRae drove as a competi-tor on this event (in a Subaru from John Lloyd) his son Alister had to cancel his entry on account of not finding a World Rally Car to drive. In past years Colin McRae was twice British champion and Alis-ter once. Other withdrawals were Justin Dale and Niall McShea. Oldtimer revival! 1988 Lombard RAC Rally winner Pentti Airikkala made a comeback. He drove the same Mitsubishi Group A car in which his protege Jan-Matti Latvala, when 1 7 years old, finished 17th on last year's event. Something for fun. This was the final world r.ally on which a classic Mini could compete. The Mini was March 2004 Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena were second overall in their Citroen Xsara, seen here at speed. originally launched 44 years ago. 38 years ago a Mini Cooper S won the event in the hands of Rauno Aaltonen. The 20 year old Mini entered on this event had to carry 100g of ballast to comply with cur-rent minimum weight loss. Inciden-tally, Aaltonen's 1965 winning car is now owned by Phil Short, Ford's rally team sporting advisor. The Wales Rally GB received 64 entries of which 75 started. The kudos for being the world's most popular world championship rally therefore rested with New Zealand with 80 actual starters. The biggest pre-event shock came on the Suri.day before the rally. Richard Bums was driving to Cardiff in the late afternoon from London in his Porsche with Markka Martin as his passenger. When they were close to Newport Richard col-lapsed at the wheel, losing con-sciousness. Martin steered the car to the hard shoulder and Bums was taken to hospital. He was later re-leased and went on his way to Cardiff, but when they arrived at the hotel the same tli.ing happened again. He was then admitted to Cardiff hospital for tests, where he was advised not to drive and to can-cel his entry-on the rally. An an-nouncement was promised by the team when there was news about Bums' condition-. The organisers were contacted and asked if Freddy Loix could take over the entry, which was agreed and per-mission was also given for Loix to make a four hour familiarisation test after recce. News about Bums was then delayed. Peugeot man-ager Corrado Provera asked jour-nalists to give him some privacy, "even though he is a public per-son'', and that it was up to Bums to give information, if he wished. Burns for Peugeot was a business relationship which had come to a premature end, the team who were most worried were Prodrive for whom he was contracted to drive in 2004. For the public the longer the wait for news the more worry-ing was the situation. Leg 1 The pre-rally excitement was the race for the title, now down to a battle between three drivers. Most fans expected to see Petter Solberg make a second successive win on the event, and Solberg duly took the lead after the Thursday evening. superspecial in Cardiff. The rally proper started on Friday, and as soon as the event reached the forests it was Sebas-tien Loeb in front. True to tradition the event started with a series of bangs. First shock was the exit of Carlos Sainz on Stage 3 (second stage of the da'y). "As soon as we drove from service up to the first stage there was a smell of burning in the car. It was from the wiring for the on-board TV camera. I thought we could sort out the problem ourselves on the road section. Then when we turned on the ALS system at the start of the stage it became worse. We askeJ the marshal for time to sort it out, but they ordered us to drive on. I wasn't really con-centrating and when we came up to a long tightening bend I went off the road. It was my fault en-tirely, I cannot blame anyone else." As Carlos prepared to head off and forget the year, he confirmed he wanted to give rallying one last chance, in 2004. "I've been around long enough, but I would like to end up with one last good year!" End of the chance of title Number 3 for Carlos, just Loeb and Solberg now left. Shocks continued. Next was the exit of reigning champion Marcus Granholm. "I just touched a log be-side the road. I knew it was there. Unfortunately it-meant the lower suspension arm was pulled away from the frame. I finished the stage and started to drive back to ser-vice, but the police stopped me and they forced me to retire." Next came Markka Martin. "From half-way through the first stage (S2) the Daniel Carlsson and Mattias Anderson took the JWRC win in Britain, seen here in their good looking Suzuki _lg._n_is_. _______ -·· ·----------Dusty Times
Out of the rally on day 2, Brice Tirabassi took the JWRC Championship Third overall went to Tommi Makinen and Kaj Lindstrom, seen here in Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets were sixth overall, first Peugeot, seen for 2003 in his good looking Renault Clio. their Subaru lmpreza at speed. _h_er._e_in_th_e1.,...r .... b_ng.=r· fl_t-=--1y~c=o~lor._"ed~2,=06.,._. _· ~--~~~---~~ engine started losing water. At the meister who arrived at service hav- In Super 1600 the championship led on the superspecial, then Kris Traction was badly missing, driv-end of the stage we added water, ing lost over four minutes. "The battle was run well behind the front Meeke and Daniel Carlsson pulled ers found it hard to get a rhythm. but we had started Stage 3 with no two front driveshafts broke to- runners. Mirco Baldacci (with the ahead of him. Conditions were get- Alex Broccoli stopped to change a water. The engine temperature gether, then a rear one followed, benefit of experience of t_wo Brit- ting more and more difficult as the flat tyre and had an engine mis-rose to 135 degrees, the sensors and we finally got here with just ish championship rallies in forests gr.easy surfaces of the early morn- fire. Abdo Feghali found the sus-melted. It was a miracle we reached one wheel drive!" earlier this year} and Kris Meeke ing stages became almost glazed. Continued on page 20 service." There were more shocks. Mikko Hirvonen was out. "I dam-aged the rear left suspension and slid off the road. It was no more than walking speed but the car rolled over." So after two stages in the day, Loeb led Solberg by 3.8 .. seconds, the crippled car of Martin was third, the retiring veterans Tommi Makinen and Colin McRae were fourth and fifth. The tracks were slippery as usual, and getting more slimy with every passing car, but the weather itself was splendid, with no clouds in the sky. Harri Ro-vanpera had a puncture but held eighth place, Pykalisto had lost a minute off the road, Gardemeister was running with high engine tem-perature, "We stopped to add nor-mal water then we took water froni the w·indscreen washed reservoir," Jan Kopecky smelled burning be-neath the car, stopped to check the source and carried on. Solberg took over the lead on Stage 4, when Loeb chose tyres which were too soft. The battling veterans Makinen and McRae were not fully happy with their sus- . pension set-ups. Francois Duval had a hydraulic fluid lead from his differential, Rovanpera had a double front puncture (the mousses worked, however}. Didier Auriol had a strange handling experience which was suddenly rectified when he altered the setting in mid stage. Freddy Loix had a spin while Gar-demeister was running late. Many different problems had manifested themselves at the same time. The suspension had to be changed all round, then there was a loss of power. Within a minute of running too late to continue, Gardemeister set off again. On his part, the Finn admitted he had also had a spin, Kopecky had only rear-wheel drive in his Octavia. At the end of the day Alastair Ginley r.etired at the superspecial, with clutch failure. The last forest stage of the day was a re-run of the Stage 4. Loeb reckoned he again chose tyres too soft "my second mistake today" while Solberg had a tyre fall four kilometers from the end of the stage and drove the last three on a rim. As the rally then went back to Cardiff for the second superspecial, the Norwegian led the Frenchman by .6.2 seconds, while the next driver, Makinen was well over an-other minute behind. McRae was getting happier, while Rovanpera got ahead of Panizzi when the lat-ter spun and stalled. Duval had a mystery vibration and soft brake pedal. Loix was progressively get-ting more used to the Peugeot while the big drama was Garde-Dusty Times March 2004 Page 19
Francois Duval and Stephane Prevot finished fifth overall in their Second place in JWRC was the FIAT Punta of Mirco Baldacci and The last WRC rally that a Mini could compete in, carrying a lot of ballast to make the weight, the Burgess/Holder entry was cheered everywhere. Ford Focus RS at the Waies Rally of Great BritaifJ. Giovanni Bernacchini, seen here on an early stage. pension was not ideally set up. Luca Overnight Mitsubishi an-he was working on his car before Cecchittini had a puncture and his nounced their plans for 2004, en-the rally. Tommi Makinen was wheelbrace was broken. Oscar tering all 16 rallies with two World fighting to stay ahead of Colin Svedlund went off for five minutes, Rally Cars and two Group N cars, McRae for the remaining place on then twice his engine stopped on for the drivers Gilles Panizzi, the podium and holding his own. stages. In the second loop of stages Kristian Sahlberg, Daniel sola and McRae pulled only 0.8 seconds Tirabassi had very bad shock ab- Gianluigi Galli leaving out Jani back off the Finn in six stages. sorber fade, both Ville-Pertti Passonen. No more details were an-Manfred Stohl was now in the Teuronen and Canellas had sixth nounced, except that Panizzi points with his veteran 206WRC gear failures in their Suzukis. would be driving the WRC on ev-but had clutch troubles. Garde-Cecchittini lost time when his en- ery rally. No sooner had that been meister started to have gearbox gine stalled after a spin. Broccoli announced than Panizzi retired troubles, caused probably by the had a second puncture and again from this event and his days with malfunctioning differential. had to stop on a stage to change Peugeot had come to an end! In Super 1600 Carlsson contin-the wheel. Svedlund's VW was The day started with two laps ued to lead Meeke and Baldacci now running on only three cylin-of two stages in the northern end but they were all close together. ders. The first two retirements were of the route, where last year there Baldacci slid off the road on Stage for Feghali with gearbox failure, were a series of dramatic accidents. 9 and lost about a quarter minute then for Guy Wilks when pulley Crews had to choose the same set losing touch with the two in front became detached from the end of of tyres for both loops, and imme- while Meeke went off momentarily the crankshaft. Because Meeke diately Loeb realised the roads were on Stage 8. Tirabassi was still hav-was running well behind his rivals, more slippery than expected and ing shock absorber troubles, but his he was caught in the deceptive that his chosen tyres were too soft. championship rival Canellas was in half-light of evening on the last for-Petter Solberg's overnight lead of even worse trouble with his gear-est stage so that Carlsson was 8.2 8.0 seconds had increased by box. Broccoli was struggling along. seconds ahead and Baldacci an-lunchtime to 24. 7. The first shock "After my engine failure in Cata-other 5.4 afterwards. The Suzuki of the day was the retirement of lunya I had to fit a virtually stan-team were having dramatic Panizzi through gearbox failure, dard engine, and it goes just as troubles. At the service after Stage while Freddy Loix was now going slowly as a rental car. .. " After the 5 Teuronen was found to h_ave a well and passed Roman Kresta, now fourth stage of the day Canellas cracked gearbox casing and three into seventh place. Didier Auriol was stuck in fifth gear, and when drivers had gearbox changes at the slid off the road and lost two min-he approached the service park in same service. Then on Stage 6 · utes, Toni Gardemeister was hav- Felindre fifth gear failed as well. Carlsson also had gearbox trouble ing a miscellany of problems, nota- His car had to be pushed into ser-and Canellas had his second gear- bly with no hydraulic pressure. "It vice. Urmo Aava was .also having box failure. Tirabassi was now isn't funny, we are having t leave more gear trouble. Suzuki team happy with his suspension set-up. the service points every time with manager Risto Laine "It is all a Aava had a puncture as he was something still not working." mystery. There seems to be many leaving the previous service. In VW Kopecky was now going well again different failures with the gearbox. Katajamaki survived the. day with after his transmission trouble the There is no pattern to the problems. most of his braking at the rear, while night before, but he was still in It is weird." Oscar Svedlund had Svedlund finally had a stage with- trouble. The man who survived the more engine trouble, but suddenly out troubles! biggest rally car crash of the season missing was Tirabassi, the champi-Leg 2 had a broken nose, suffered when onship leader, stopped on Stage 11 PIKES. service center Baker~ California Celebra~ing with an electrical problem, caus-ing the team to wonder if this was a repeat of his Sanremo disaster. Then Katajamaki stopped. It seemed his steering failed, the car spun half off the road and could not carry on. · As things stood Tirabassi seemed safe for the S 1600 title, as Canellas was having to drive very carefully. "We changed back to our first leg gearbox, which didn't have any sixth gear. I just hope it lasts." But that would not be enough to' win him the title, he had to finish first or second JWRC driver. Ahead of Salvador at this time was Carlsson, Meeke, Baldacci, Teuroneo and Aava. Daniel Carlsson had the unusual desire that his two closest rivals Kris Meeke and Luca Baldac_ci would not break down, for if they did, then he himself stood at risk of be-ing asked to drop back to help Canellas rise to second place. Dur-ing the afternoon Max Mosley vis-ited the press centre at Felindre, and journalists asked ifhe thought it was sporting for Loeb to help se-cure Citroen's title. Little did he know the huge upheaval that could happen in JWRC. Waiting in the Service Park after the last forest stage of the day it looked like maybe the crisis had already hap-pened. Meeke arrived only just in time to check in, having lost 20 minutes on the stage, then stopped on the road section to repair a bro-ken throttle sensor. There were sighs of relief, but the delay for Meeke had given Carlsson a lead of 26.3 seconds, while Baldacci was another 36.1 seconds further back. T euronen lost a lot of time driving with a puncture but stayed just in front of teammate Aava. Leg3 There had been a long time promise of rain on the Sunday (surely not, for the fifth rally run-ning?} but the day was dry. Jan Kopecky could not restart in the morning. His Octavia's alternator belt failed at the superspecial on Cardiff and there was no service · until after a long road section in the morning. Then Rovanpera re-tired with transmission trouble. The fight at the head of the field died down. Loeb won the first two stages of the day but Solberg was rJ.Ot threatened. Nothing now seemed possible to deny Citroen the Manu-facturers' title. McRae started the final stage 10.2 seconds behind Makinen but he then punctured and stopped to change the wheel on the stage, still comfortable ahead of fifth driver Duval. It seemed a low key final day, until Solberg crossed the finishing line ofMarga]ll stage, the official finish SD YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR 59th Wales Rally GB 6/9 November (GB) Cardiff W.C round 14 JWRC round 7 of the event. All the emotions came pouring out. Petter hugged every-one in sight, he stood on the barri-ers waving his Norwegian flag, he put on a viking's hat for the occa-sion, there was scarcely a dry eye in the crowd. Loeb, the rival whose team told him not to fight for the driver's championship, sportingly congratulated the Subaru driver. In Super 1600 two retirements came early on the final morning,. Cechittini had an engine failure on his f:iat and Svedlund's VW retired with an electrical wiring problem, bu't those drivers did not affect the championship chal-lenge. Carlsson's worst nightmare came true when Meeke rolled on the penultimate stage. "I suddenly saw rocks in my line and I swerved to avoid them and went off the road." Meanwhile some of Suzuki's fears were eased when their driver Aava's car had drive-shaft failure on a road section af-ter the first stage, but that still left Carlsson and Teuronen wonder-ing what they were going to be told to do. The company's PR repre-sentative was adamant. "Abso-lutely there will be no team orders. We will be quite happy to win the JWRC category even if it means we do not win the· title." Not so many journalists felt so sure! The Vice President of Suzuki who was in Hawaii was then contacted for advice, and declared that T euronen had to be ready to drop behind Canellas but there would be no orders against Carlsson. If Baldacci was to remain in second place, Suzuki would be happy to have Carlsson win the rally. If the man from San Manno had trouble on the final stage, Suzuki would win both the rally and the title. Baldacci did what was necessary, Suzuki were content with wining their second JWRC event this year. What an end to the 2003 sea-son. All the World titles were von by drivers and a manufacturer who had not achieved these honours before and then there was the Mini, finfshing its final rally in last place and winning its class! lA.li:!C: WC poinb WR WO JC TRAVELING FRIENDS ••. THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours ·Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . (7) (18) (8) (17) (5) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills NIGB Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Tommi MAKINEN/Kaj Lindstrom FIN Colin McRAE/Derek Ringer GB Francois DUVAUStephane Prevot Subaru lmprezaWRC S600WRT (GB)3h.28m.58.1s. 1C Citroen Xsara WRC 20DDM92 (F) 3h.29m.41.7s. 8 Subaru lmprezaWRC S200WRT (G8)3h.31m.56.9s. 6 Citroen Xsara WRC 21DDM92 (F) 3h.34m.26.2s. 5 B Ford Focus RS WRC (2) Freddy LOIX/Sven Smeets Manfred Stohl/Ilka Minor A 8 Peugeot 206 WRC 206NLM75 (F) 3h.37m.04.6s. 3 Peugeot 206 WRC 206MWP75 (F) 3h.37m.46.Ss. - 2 (22) Roman Kresta/Jan Tomanek CZ Peugeot 206 WRC 3976XR69 (F) 3h.38m.00.7s. _ Juuso Pyk.alisto/Risto Mannisenmaki FIN Peugeot 206 WRC 4854YW69 (F) 3h.38m.51.7s. -Jari-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focus RS WRC X?FMC (GB) 3h.41m.23.4s. -March 2004 Dusty Times
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WHIPLASH AT WICKENBURG Ron Dalke Claims overall . . . Victory At Wickenburg By Mike Del Col Photos: Kim Cook David Turbyfill drove his Dodge truck to the Pro 1-2 win at Wickenburg, seen here emerging from the tundra. Ron Dalke likes to win, first in Class 10 and first overall, seen here powering through the soh stuff. Wickenburg is one of those race ing goes, it is the roughest race vived, but he smoked to the over-courses that has a way of separat- track on the Whiplash circuit, by a all and Class 10 victory completing ing the tough guys from the not so long shot. Ron Dalke came to Wick- five laps in just under three hours Luis Wallace was the only Class_ 5 entry but that didn't keep him from haulin' freight tough guys. As far as Arizona rac- enburg this year, and not only sur- at 2:25:38. The guy is just plain fast. -th_ro_u~yh_th-e_Wi_i_ck_e_nb_u~rg_ o_u_tba_ck_. ____________ _ His single seat Class 10 Tatum car, was up to the challenge at Wick-enburg as well, in a race where only five Pro cars made it all the way from the green to the checkers in one piece. David Turbyfill is racing one of Glen Greer's ex-Walker Dodge trucks and was the winner in the Unlimited car/truck class. He has just a few test miles under his belt and decided that Wickenburg is where he would debut the Trophy Truck. David was a little nervous after the poker pre-run the night before the r~ce, and was concerned that the big truck wouldn't even fit thru some spots on the course, but appar,ently it did. He has been Larry Ayers led the ½-1600 class all the way, seen here in his good looking car on Richard Franklin drove his powerful Jeep to the Pro 7 win, seen here churning up around racing for a long time . even . his way to the checkers. th~ dirt on the way to the checkered nag. back in the pre-Whiplashj ADRA r-------------------------------------------------------~ Performance Proveri for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service www.ronco-plastlcs.com RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com •·. 15022 Parkwav Loco, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Cata/oq I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~---------------------~---------------------------------~ Page 22 March 2004 Dusty Times
Bruce Johnston was the only Sportsman limited entrant but he drove Neil Weaver took the Sportsman Mini win, he had to go looking for Jarrett Lemley finished a close second in Class 10 having some minor problems on the last lap at Wickenburg. hard, had some problems, but was declared the winner. the missing fiberglass after the checkers flew. days, but admits he's never been in rough course got the better of him, other right out of the competition, a vehicle with this much horse-and Ed turned the car over to son breaking within sight of each other power before. He and his team Levi, who raced the CV's right out I on the first lap. Scott and Todd were a little unsure about getting of the car. Todd Elam and Scott were duking it out, with Scott over-lumped in with the Unlimited bug- Martenson were also competitors in shooting a tum, striking a cactus, gies in the first race in the truck, Class 10, and nearly raced each and breaking a spindle. It ended but it all worked· out. He w.as overdriving early in the race, bicy-cling the truck big time on more than one occasion, and hitting a ditch so hard that it opened his vi-sor, and chucked dirt and rocks straight into his face. Despite all of the challenge, a couple flat tires, and some nerves, he ran a great race and earned the win complet-ing his assigned five laps in just over three hours at 3:02:02 for second overall. David's company, OT Products sponsors the truck. Rich Ronco, Mr. Tatum, survived only four laps in his Unlimited buggy, earning second place. David and Rich had some good racing·going till Rich broke. Steve Labrie had the # 123 two seater running well until a broken lower arm on the front suspension ending his day during Lap 2. Wickenburg tears some stuff up. Tom Wood had his single seat Jimc;:o running well, and turned one of the fastest laps of the day before breaking a shifter fork on the Hew land gearbox. Tom lost both first and second gears at the same time, ending his day. Tom had a new co-driver for the race, in Bill Atsenhoffer, who came all the way from Edna, Texas to partake in the fun. Bill declared that he would be back to Wickenburg for sure, and with his own driving suit in hand next time around.Tom is sponsored by Woods Crop Dusting. The overall and Class 10 win-ner, Ron Dalke, had a great race, with no problems to speak of. Ron's car was running flawlessly, and the new Toyota powerplant is dialed in. He's struggled with it all year long, but seems to have found the sweet spot now. Jarrett Lemley fin-ished in second place in Class 10 · with five quick laps in 3:15:38. Jarrett's got a new partner, dale of Sand Trix in Gilbert. Dale has the experience to get the car tuned and running right on race day, and the improvement in the car's perfor-mance has been noticeable. Jarrett had to bump past nearly every car he encountered on the course due to'a broken horn, that went on the first lap of racing. Some folks he had to bump twice to get their at-tention. He also had a flat during Lap 5 that likely took our his power steering belt with it. He finished the race without power steering. Jarrett would like to thank Adrian at Renegade Seats for all of his sup-port, and Geiser Brothers. The Ed Beard team fimshed four laps be-fore calling it a day. Ed was trying out his new full face helmet, after his mishap in Snowflake where.his mirror gave him a close shave at high speed during a violent crash. Ed was on a missio0. early, but the Dusty times LIST YOUR l'HO#E #UMBER, YEAR, MODEL A/ID E/16/#E SIZE! Sales lnfonnatlon: Payment may be made by credtt card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted wtth 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimtted, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. CENTERLINE WHEELS F11111tl Alrmlll#m W/)ff/a 11111/ l'olahld FJIIWI. 15x4 5VW~ ....•....•........... l143 1s x s s vw_ ............. ·-•··-•·147 15 X 6 5 I/W ................ _ ... _ .. 148 15x 7 svw ... , ..................... 149 15x8 svw .............. , ......... .152 15x10 .'iVW ......................... 159 Susp•nslon Seat Constructed on •;.• Sise/ Frame, Vinyl SldH with Tweed Cloth Center. A'lllllabl• In: Black Vinyl with Black Fabric; Gray Vin,/ with Grey Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Ebony Ind Opal Fabric Combination. (Add $7). Low Back Super Seat... .......... $180 High Back Super Seat .............. 190 Superior Cranking, Fast Charg• Capability and Vibration Rss/stancs • CA @32' (WxLxH) r x 6¼' x 5· Battery 925A ..... $140 6¼' x 7'/,x ?'/,Battery 1200A .. 175 Billet Aluminum Battery Box .... 110 Steel 925A Battery Box ............. .45 End or C•ntsr FIii. 5• X 16'. 24', 30', 33• ............... $78 10• X 30', 33• ............................. 85 10' X 40• .................................. 112 Fuel Shut-off Valve for Tanks ....... 6 Chrome Straps, pair ................... 25 TIGER 2x2 BEUS Black, Rsd, Gray, Y•llow, Purple or 8/u.. Chrom• A•latlon Style R,,.,,.. 2· Lap Belt and 2· Shou/d,r Straps. 3 Point Chrome Release .......... $35 TIGER 3x2 BEL TS Btadr, R•d, Gray, Y•llow, Purpt• or Blu•. Ouidr Latch R,1.,,-3" Lap 8•11 & 2" S...n Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Heavy Duty Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS Black, Bia., or Red. Shoulder Pads, pair ................. $10 Includes Ad/ust•rs. Stock Width Beam with 8' Travel Towers ............. $140 6' Wider Beam with 9· Travel Towers ............... 180 5• Wider Beam with 10' Travel Towers ............. 195 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushinos, set 4 ... 20 WARRIOR AXU BEAM For Us. Wh,n Top Shock Mounts are lncorporat•d In th• Chauts. 6' Wider Beam for Thru Rods .. $80 5· Wider Beam for Leafs .......... 1.1 0 • TRAILING ARMS 1 '/, x '/.' Front Arms. set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Front Arms, set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins. set of 4 ...................... 48 THRUROOS For Ii" Wld•r B.am with Long Tra••I Arms. Thru Rods. pair ........................ $50 COMBO UNK SP/NOUS A'lllllabl• In Sllndard H•lght orRalad3" Combo Link Spindles, pair. .... $475 Bearing Kit, Set of 4 ................... 60 OFFROAOR&P Hs1vy Duty Off Road Un Or Larg•r Sand Ralls. Off Road Rack & Pinion ......... $132 u-~oint for Rack & Pinion .........• 20 Chrome U-Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY For Wa"lor BHm with Off-Road Rack. Includes Ends. Tie Rod Assembly, pair ............ $62 BILLET STEERING BEARING CARRIER twountl SIHrlng Shan to Rack and l'fnlon. Billet Steering Bearing Carrier..$60 U-Joint '!," to '/," Shaft .............. 50 U-Joint '/," Shaft to Rack ........... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 March 2004 his day. Todd continued for a short teams runs well, and has had some distance further where his CV's let nice finishes this year in places like go, giving him a DNF in the race. San Felipe, and Primm. Scott complained .that he can't Luis Wallace completed his five BUY a good finish at a Whiplash lap assignment, even with a long race for some strange reason. The Continued on page 24 REAR TRAILING ARMS WIii Us• 930 CV Joint. Trailing Arms, Steel, pr .......... $225 T railino Arms. Chromoly. pr .... 295 STUB AXLES& OR/VE FLANGES A'lllllabl• /or Bug, Bus & 930 CVs. Stub Axle, pair ....................... $140 Drive Flange. pair ....................... 84 HEAVY DUTY AXLES For 3 x 3 Tra/1/ng Arms. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ... $130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ..... 130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms. using 930 CVs, pr ....................... 150 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Adfustm•nt Dual Spring • Shock with HOH and RH•rvolr. King 2" Adjustable Shock. 8-10-12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock, 12·14-16' Stroke .... from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp-On Resei<Joir Mount .............. :.35 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS King 2" Shock. . 8·10-12' Stroke w/Res ... $225 King 2'/i Shock. 10-12-14" Stroke w/Res ... 295 [)BJ JAMARBIUET PEDAL ASSEMBLIES Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal. ............... $215 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................... 230 l'ltra Slide Plate ......................... 60 Ultra-Slide Throttle Kil ............... 26 Ultra Slide Hose KL. .•............... 55 J JAMAR 4-WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Competition P•dal Ass.mb/y. Jn,tadH Bl/Isl Throlll• P•dal, Brat. Asumbty, Clutch Ass.mbty and Sia•• Cyllnd•r. Competition Pedal Assembly $430 Single Brake Assembly ............ 155 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 230 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 170 JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER Black Super Shifter .................. $90 Chrome Super Shifter·········-··· 105 Optional Shift Rod Kit ............... 48 JA·MAR BIUETD/SC Long or SIi 4-tug BIiiet Oise B 5-LugBille!DlseB 5-Lug Billet Oise B JA•MAR MICRO STUB BRAKES 5-tug Micro Stub Disc Braltn W/Four Piston Calil)er •.•. $1.300 JAMAR STEERING BRAKES Singl• or Oual Handl• Taming Brak•s. Turning Brake .......................... $78 l'otished With Chrom• Handin. Upright or Angl•d. Single Handle Turning Brake ... $95 Dual Handle Turning Brake ........ 95 BIUET GOODIES Fla 1'/," Tubing. Green Sticker Bracket $10 GPS Bracket & Mount... ............. 60 Brake Line Bracket... .................. 17 Tachometer Bracket & Mount....32 3-Panel Mirror. 18" Long ........... 82 Clamp-On Mirror Brackets. pr. ... 32 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Ba/a•Pro Psrtonnanc• Tires E78 Mini Mag ....................... $86 30 X 7.00. 4-ply .................... 106 33 X 9.00, 4-ply .................... 125 35 X 10.00, 4-ply .................. 148 • BAJA BELTED HP 30x9.5-15 ............................ S119 31 X 10.50-15 ......... ~ .......... : .... 140 JA•MAR FRONT BILLET DISC BRAKES King l'fo Splodtn or Combo LIRk Sp/mil••· 8lllet Front Disc Brakes for Sarni Raits_····-·····:.ss10 Billet Front Oise Brakes for Oesel1 Rails ................ 710 SIU.ET 5VW HUBS Kl' or Combll Link Spl/J11tn. Kino Pin Spindle Hub Kil ..... $310 Combo Link Spindle Hub Kit..320 TRI MIL BOBCAT Stlng•r or U·B•nd Coll•ctor. 1 W Unpainted Bobcat ............. $95 1'/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............... 95 1 W Chrome Bobcat... .............. 145 1'/,' Chrome Bobcat... .............. 145 Baffle ........................................ , .. 8 Replacement Springs. set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Bated-On Coating, Won't Chang• Color or Rust. 1 '/," Jet coat Bobcat • .............. $190 1 '/,' Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For Tb/ct Flange and Polish•d Loo/r Jet Coating on Any Tri twii 1'/o" Slino•r Exhaust Add $30. Fltl Bobcat 2" Stingers & U./Jsnds. Spark Arrestor, 19· Length ...... $68 Spark Arrestor, No Bracket ........ 50 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 56 T-Bolt Clamp ................................ 5 ~= ~Spot or Flood. 100 Watt Lazer Star. pr .......... $144 75 Watt Lazer Star, pr .............. 132 Billet Clamp-On Light Mounts .... 36 Micro-B Lazer Star (Red). pr ... 120 Micro-a Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red), pr ..•.. 175 Replacement Lamp. Spot , ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp. Flood. ea .... 24 Replacement Lens, ea ................ 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr ................... 8 Page 23
fifth lap. Luis was running a great race when a problem with his fuel pickup caused him to "run out of gas". There was actually plenty of gas in the tank, but none of it was making its way to the motor. Luis was trying out his new four cylin-der Porsche motor in the bug, and was absolutely scooting. · Gear One Dude Larry Ayers earned another victory in Class 1600 and fourth overall with his nice five lap race in 3:38:19. Larry's Chenowth ran in the front of the pack all day, and he stepped it up when needed to hold off his competition. Ricardo Sanchez was pushing for the lead, when unknown problems ended his day after just three laps. The Bill Krug/Scott Bachelor en.try had some bad luck. Scott was handling the driving chores on this day, and had a rock pierce his oil cooler on Lap 1, showering him with oil, and draining the car. Scott was able to McGeyver a bypass of the leaky cooler, fill the crankcase, and continue, but got in only four laps. The Krug/Bach-elor Entry is sponsored by Geiser Brothers Racing. The Milt Moore Team drove a good race, seen here on their way to the Class 5-1600 win at Wickenburg. The Milt/Moore teams comes all the way from beautiful Tellu-ride Colorado to race. Milt was shining in Class 5-1600, complet-ing all of four laps with no prob-lems to speak of. The new Fod-drill car now has three races on it, without a single DNF Milt/Moore Construction help the guys pay the bills. Milt built the motor himself, with Rich Roberts of the Phoenix area building the bus transmission. Look for this team to make some noise in SCORE next year, as the team is going to try to run the en-tire season, and make a run at an elusive points victory. Jack Farmer had a good day, he took the win in the Sportsman 10 class with half an hour in hand at the checkers. Richard Franklin's red #303 Jeep is one of the cleanest trucks in the desert, Richard scored an-other victory at Wickenburg in his experienced Jeep. With his wife riding shotgun, the team had a good race, with just one flat tire to slow their day. The team was lucky enough to have it happen near the end of a lap, and their pit crew changed the tire for them. Rich-ard did give them both a scare by hitting a "fall away" ditch at speed that nearly did them in early in the race. Look for this team to show up at the Parker BITD race next season, looking to continue a tradition at Parker that started with SCORE, and then Whiplash. John Winn was giving Richard a run for his money in his Class 7 truck, but was only able to com-plete three laps of the required DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6.5 $135.00 $145.00 & up Centerline Wheels 1 5 X 3.5 & 15x 6 ·$129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Page 24 (702) 247-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX four. Todd Wyllie had his Class 8 Chevrolet running well in the class, but had a broken spindle on the first lap. The Geiser Brothers were able to make a field repair, welding both front spindles to be sure, but the truck destroyed the tranny one lap later. Ty Lord dominated the Sports-man Unlimited class, winning with a blazing time of 2:31:27 for his four lap assignment. Ty's car is a ·proven winner, and sure knows its way around Wicken-burg. Ty did have an interesting side note at the race, when the top bar of the roll cage fell out after the event, with Ty climbing out·of the car. The car has a few miles on it, with Ty putting a bunch of them on, and Ed Beard doing the same before him. Maybe time to check the car over a little closer. .. Ty's brother-in-law, Hondo Jimenez, was the run-ner-up in the class. Hondo said that this is three straight races of finishing second to his brother-in-l~w. Always a bridesmaid, neve·r a bride ... Hondo had a tough day, with a roll-over at only three miles into the course, which took nearly 45 minutes to right March 2004 •'"' ~" «>l,-t "' Ty Loyd made it look easy, he literally new to the Unlimited Sportsman win, seen here at speed at Wickenburg. Tim Wiley drove his handsome Jeep to the Sportsman Sport Truck win at Wickenburg, seen here at speed. the car. He followed that feat with a series of flat tires that con-tinued to slow the team. Hondo is proudly sponsored by Dos Grin-gos,.and A.J. Tile Company. Char-ley Williams was also running in the 'Sportsman Unlimited class, but was out after the first lap. Jack Farmer led the way in the Sport 10 category, getting in three laps in 2:19:58. Jack has owned his car for quite a while, but the McMillin racing team was the original owner of the machine. It's not always the fastest car on the playground, but it is almost always at the finish line. The car is an ex-Class 1 race car, retrofitted with a Toyota 4AG powerplant, and a stout Pat Hughes Bus Transmis-sion. Jack had a good race going, and was following Bill Stoner by several minutes, until he found Bill broken with just about 10 miles left to the checkered flag. Stoner did eventually get moving again, but his long third lap relegated him to the second place spot. Ja-son Cornell was another Wicken-burg victim, and did not finish a lap in the class. Tim Wiley hammered out two laps to earn a win in the Sport Truck class over Shaun Davis. Shaun had a great time, but was somewhat unprepared for the rough course. His S 10 is a lot of fun, but was no match for the tough.Wickenburg track. He was not able to finish a· 1ap. Bruce Johnston continued his winning ways in the Sportsman Limited ranks. Bruce had a very long sec-ond lap, but was able to make re-pairs to get a finish. Neil Weaver and Adam Lucas battled it out in the Sport Mini class, with Neil getting the nod. Neil was able to survive for two laps and earn the win. The Wickenburg legend lives on for another year. As usual there were many more cars at the green than at the checkers. This course has been tearing up people and machines for years, and this year was no exception. Congratu-lations again to Ron Dalke for his overall win, and dominating per-formance. The next opportunity t0-shine is in December in Rocky Point. The Cervezas will be cold, the weather will be nice, and the racing is guaranteed to be excep-tional. Hope to see south of the border. Dusty Times
Dusty Times • SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 **Seven in tern Americans say they have experienced depression since the attacks. **Entertainers Rosie O'Donnell and Sandra Bullock each donated$ 1 million to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. **The airline industry lost $5 billion from September 11 to September 30 and requested $24 billion in aid from the federal government. **The National Football League bought 1 million small American flags for spectators when games resumed on September 23. **The Salt Lake City Olympic Organizing Committee unveiled a $5 red, white and blue Olympic pin with th~ words "United We Stand" on September 17. By the next day 60,000 orders had been received. **44 passengers and crew members died on Un.ited Flight 93. That is one fifth of the population of Shanksville, PA, where the jet crashed. **More than $5 million has been sent· to the White House by school children for America's Fund For Afghan children. **America's Blood Centers, a network of CJrnrnunity banks collected 251,370 ·units, nearly three times the normal intake, in the four days after September 11, 2001. **The New York City fire Department has received more than one million pieces of mail related to the September 11 attack. The mementos fill two large warehouses. March 2004 · Page 25
-- -----------• Don Heineman holds his trophy for winning the Limited Sportsman Diego Lopez took the class 7 championship, he is drilling the Fay Mike Norris was the Class 6-1600 class winner, he thanked his dad Class, Jim Clements aims the mic. Family Ford in the MORE contests and doing quite well. for all the chasing he's done throughout the season. 2DD3 MORE Awards By Ann Donaldson showing his great photos from throughout the past season. The trophies were high quality. All had a pic-ture of the winning car laminated on the top along with the class champion-Photos: Trackside Photo ship won and name en-graved. Class 1 championship was won by Bill Markel in the Penhall A-Arm, Toyota-powered two seat car that is owned by Scott The Mojave Off Road Enthusiast (MORE) awards ceremony in Barstow at the famous Rosita's Mexican Restaurant at the end of January, "family picnic" feeling with a casual, friendly atmosphere. A self-serve buffet provided all the Mexican food you could eat. AT RIGHT: Above -Bill Markel (R) took the MORE Class 1 championship, seen here sharing the honor with car owner Scott Martin. Jim Ober from Trackside Photo put on a slide show, AT RIGHT: Below - Bob Weiderhold was a happy guy, he took the Unlimited Sportsman honors for the MORE 2003 season. Tfte Difference, Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise fronUrear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204SO Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-D830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830504 Heat Exchanger 0UN-D830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan Page 26 2-pc Aluminum Drums · Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles For more information give us a call or visit us online @ www.mckenzies.com March 2004 Martin. Scot·t met "Bill at the 1997 SCORE Fireworks race in Barstow at a FAIR pit where Bill worked on his car. Bill and Scott formed a friendship. Chris is a quadriplegic and not able to drive, Bill does all the driving. Scott is able to ride for half the race and then Donald Harper jumps in for co-driving duties. This racing team deserves kudos for a positive out-look on life and taking the championship with their effort. They plan on racing with MORE in the 2004 season. Richard Lesher took the Class 1.0 championship. Ri-chard manages to run many different series in· the car. He is always racing. Class 1/2-1600 trophy was taken by Greg Blake-man and Matt Cullen with their two seat, F&L Fuel sponsored, Suspension Un-limited chassis car. This team finished every lap of every race along with tak-ing the overall champion-ship points for 2003. Jeff Rucker and John Woddel co-drive this car. They plan on racing selected races this year with MORE along with other promoters. Class 7 Sport champ was Diego Lopez who has taken over driving duties of the Greg Blakeman was the.big winner in the 112-1600 Division, the happy family and crew reflect his elation. Dusty Times
Class 9 honors went to Harry Dunne and son Chris, FAIR supported John Criswell (R) was the Class 5 honor recipient, he had some help Joe Westhoff claimed the silver medal in the Class 5-1600 battle, he sure got the attention of the attendees. their efforts and the Dunne's never miss a race. from Steve Griffen throughout the season. Fay Family Ranger. S tac y fro m Co s t a M e s a . D o n em on y and nice t ro.p hies . and sister Kathy are long thanks the other drivers for Don would like to see more time off road legends in racing clean, since he is people out there with their both short course and aware he's driving a slower Limited cars to provide d e s e rt r a c in g . Th e y b o t h c a r. H e a l s o t h a n k s J im m o r e c o m p e t i t i o n . H e now have put driving on Clements for the great cer-drives an old Chenowth the back burners of life, opening the door for Diego who jumped into the seat. Diego, along with Jim Fay, were going to test the Ranger after the awards. They both have put in long hours on this ride. Taking the championship, the ef-fort was· well worth it. Look for the white Ford Ranger at any of the MORE races. Class 8 Sport was won by. Larry Watson. We would love to see more Class 8 trucks out in the desert. It brings back the great memo-ries of the. roar of the V8 echoing through the valley. John Criswell took the Class 5 championship. With an overall win at the Kartek 300, the bright or-an ge open Baja Bug is hard to miss. Steve Griffen helped out with this racing effort,. pla n s o n racing se-lecte d r a ces this coming year. John is a n off road veteran who has sound ad-vice for any racer "Get as much seat time as you can." John always looks good out in the desert, so maybe his advice is some-thing to t ake to heart. Class 900 is the competi-tive class in which Harry Dunne with his son, Chris, co-driving took home the trophy. Relying on a Desertdyanatic chassis, they did not miss a single race with MORE. FAIR helped out their efforts, and both plan on racing· the upcoming season. Unlimited Sportsman was won by Bob Weiderhold, who drove his single seat Bunderson 1600 car. Bob wants to thank his brother, "Wild Bill", and girlfriend Anne for helping him out. He plans on rac-ing again with MORE this com in g season . CO/LOVER & BYPASS SETUP WITH 4WD! two seat car with a "tired" never seen so many racers 1776 VW motor with six 2.0 who said only good things Fox shocks, and he spon: · about a promoter." All rac-sors his own racing effort. ers planned to race again One person quoted at the the 2004 season with c e r e mo n y s a i d " I h a v e MORE. !!!&~ GET MICROSTUBS! 934 PRO VERSION Now IN STOCK! ~ PErformancE ~ el SuspEnsion 99-0~ filVE/lADO COilOVE/l KIT NO MORE BALLJOINTS! NEW UN/BALL KIT AVAILABLE! LIST --·- --.--,,.,~ ~Ua~ ADVANCED SUSPENSION 4WD ,IUPERDUTY lIFTKIT,1 3" TO 12" AVAILABLE! Cla ss 5-1600 champion was Mike Norris. H e tha-nks his wife, Sharon, a n d his d a d , w h o is 65 year s old, and has bee n chasin g Mike from pit to pit for the past season . Also, a big thank you t o Joseph Westhoff who w_as second in points. There is a team effort between the two 5-1600 c ars t o help each other out. WE STOCK MORE PARTS THAN ANYONE/ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 909.737.RACE (7223) MajorACc';:~~e~3rd5 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 ... ;v,SA 1 =--J DISC VER Limited Sportsman cham-pionship was won b y #1333, Don Heineman Dusty Times March 2004 Page 27 - '
~~-=----i::::-__ --... ac:----111;.:.~•~----.. CQa!IIJlll ____ ,ac..~"'-.c;...;;;;:;:-=:"."'-.. 11:;:.._---.. c.:::::-.-::::::--11110--•----·-•---e::::--"1::...;a.=:;•.•--•--c...:::.:1.:=--:::e,'■.'!JR'1""'-----■azr----■~==;;::_".lllll~----st. .. :::.-••9• KAMLOOPS, B.C. ,_ DH Road Racing -Not Just Any Sunday Drive Steve Edgar took the Sportsman Truck win for the 2003 season, seen here taking off in his Ford pickup. The track was built in the season began in May 2002 with finish line competition like the spring of 2002 by a few local approximately 40 cars and trucks, spectators had only seen on T-V. Kamloops racers who needed a proving the need was real. The The racers gave the new track place to do some serious short racers were broken into three the.ir blessing and the spectators course racing. Without much buggy classes and two truck classes responded with a big thumbs up more than a few phone calls word for several hours of paint swapping, after the first race in May. The spread like wild fire and the first roll over action, and head to head spectators have continued to bring Page 28 March 2004 The Pro Truck winner was Broe Ross, from Deer Island, OR, seen here in Right in his slightly battered Ford. their friends out to each of the fol-lowing race dates in 2002. This was enough proof that the community needed a shot of adrenalin and there was definitely a need for some more heart pumping enter-tainment, so season two pushed ahead loud and proud! The K.O.R.R.B.C. 2003 off road racing series was divided into two m_ini seasons this year, with the suc-cessful season opener on May 25th and the last race before that leg-endary Kamloops heat sent us all to the lake, scheduled for June 15th. The second round of heads up off road action was scheduled for September 14th, but the ex-treme fire seas.on forced resched-uling of the September race to fol-low the October 5th race date on October 19th and the stage was set for a wild no holds barred wind up, which sent us all home with great expectations for the 2004 season. For those of you who are unfa-miliar with wheel to wheel racing, it can best be described as a stock car race on a motocross track. An entire class of thunder trucks or super buggies complete three heats throughout the day and race for 8-15 laps around a dirt track loaded with multiple big air jumps, drag race straight stretches, and hard corners that would and do swallow the occasional race car. If you watch stock car races for the speed and the occasional crash, motocroiss for the big air, or demo derbies for the contact, you have got to get out to Kamloops or the nearest wheel to wheel action available so you can get your h~art pumping again. All four races started out much the same from where I stood. The pits were moderately full at 9:00 am with racers talking shop, the track crew spraying water on the Dusty Times
Dale Nyeste, from a long time off road racing family was second in Saving lots of tire wear, Shane Daly flew his Ford to second spot in Scott Hawkings churns up the Kam/oops dirt, he was second in _A_ro--..--Tru_ck---.'-po_in_ts.....-----fo_r---.th_e_200---.-'3-_s_ea_s_on_ . .----~--,------.---.-points for the 2003 Kam/oops season. track to keep the dust down, and at racing speed, which. makes While every race this season the tech committee climbing in, sense I guess. I believe two bug- was entertaining enough to keep over, and through all of the race gies rolled in the first practice then bringing the spectators back with vehicles. I decided to walk the drove to the pits for adjustments truck loads of their friends, the track with a few volunteers, cor-and that was our introduction to October 19th race was, without ner workers, and photographers in wheel to wheel racing back in. question, the knock down, drag an attempt to locate the best photo Kamloops. It was 11 :45 before I out, winner takes all event it was locations. With the exceptioh of a looked up from my camera again advertised to be. The racers took half dozen jumps and great sweep-and now the pits were full of rac- a bit longer than usual to clea·r ing corners the track didn't look ers, and the line of cars and trucks the pits after this race as they too menacing. loading onto the property ap-went away talking about the in-By 11 am more racers had peared to be endless. tense competition, the pass that pulled into the pits and the prac-I have raced competitively in went sour, the hole at the North tice laps were about to start, but many forms of motor sports and sat end of the track, and of course the spectators were still few and in the stands at even more, but I there were autographs to be far between. Each driver is offered have never seen so much emotion signed. Ya, autographs, most au-two hot laps so they can feel out running through the spectators lap to graphs were signed on the the track and while I was expect-after lap for an entire race day at trader cards and 8xl0 glossy pho-ing a pretty calm, cool, and col- any other event. I swear some of the tos that were scattered through-lected program for the "practice" spectators felt like they were racing out the facility, but also on the laps we had to set our cameras up themselves as I was constantly lis-competitions body damage. This right away as the dirt was flying tening to deep moans and groans, has become a right of passage in and the cars were grabbing mas- followed by a multitude of fans the pits as dents are signed with a sive air immediately. All this air around me asking, "did you get black sharpie felt pen by whom-and the show hadn't even begun that", usually followed by a brief de-ever belongs to the new color yet, but we weren't going to tell scription of what they have seen pasted on the damaged panel. the racers. These guys obviously throughout the day, and the big Intense racing, great attitudes, wanted to get the feel of the track question, how can we get involved. and a blossoming relationship be-_ points in the Sportsman Buggy division. tween the racers and the specta-relationship. We expect to see tors will definitely bring more reg- little red and yellow buggies run-istered racers and fill the stands ning around the pits next season. for a successful 2004 season. The #27 car was sold during the Limited buggy was dominated summer break giving Tim some all season by Ken Ewert of breathing room, but it came back Chilliwack, B.C., as his little sil-with a new driver in October and ver buggy just never missed a beat. Chris has promised his return be-While the Limited buggies were · hind a new and improved car for not the fastest cars on the track the 2004 season so keep your throughout the day this is defi- heads up boys. . nitely a stepping stone for anyone Scott Hawkings ran Guy with the desire to compete and test Harrison's big yellow Baja (always the waters without breaking the a crowd favorite) hard throughout bank. The 2004 season will see a the 2003 season. Every race saw an stock truck class either added to increase in Scott's confidence be-the schedule as a stand alone class hind the wheel as this overweight or run them with the limited bug- desert car managed to make the gies for increased excitement. most of his competitors hard luck The Sportsman buggy class while he stayed in the points battle found Tim Clark ( #7 50) in his right to the end. William Friedt red MR2 Toyota powered car from brought his Sportsman buggy into Kamloops, B.C,. and Chris Kamloops from Edmonton, Alta Boutcher (#27) in his yellow with Clark Woolford (the new Mazda rotary powered car from owner of the # 2 7 Sportsman Langley, B.C. so close to each_ buggy) to see what all the fuss was other on the track that their bu_g- about. The first lesson was actually gies had developed an unnatural Continued on page 30 ultimate lono travel · ford lono travel system Get the benefits al our Lang Travel system anti 3" lilt spindles, aeating 6" al lih far inaetlible ground clearance. IF@Vct!J ■ 3' hit spindles ■ Upper Control arms · ~~@\V~,, ·::t•·'\} 8' Suspension System used in a racing ' ap pllcati□n with coil aver shacks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this c □nligurati□n cycles out at 19' □I wheel travel. .. ■ LoweF Control arms .IT ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 3 -wau adjustable shock absorber ~~ touota long travel.system Dur Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van □an• long travel system. Built ta satisfy all the serious □II r□aders out there. Dusty Times custom i beams e !! f!Jllibe!!! ! include !rant lenders, bedsides and h□□ds. The !rant lenders and bedsides □f!road bullet pr□□! design provides maximum strength with 4130 Chr□m□ly steel 118th' thick plate and tubular inner structure. ~-----~ are flared with wheel travel in mind. 1990-94 lord ranger ., .. performance system Dur extended radius arms are offset further inboard offering increased tire clearance and 4' mare wheel travel Dual Shock System 2· shacks per !rant wheel, adds high performance dampening. extended radius arms Dur extended radius arms are -offset further inboard for increased tire clearance. Hanger models shown, which include new pivot m□u□ts. 1998-on lord ranger z.s .. performance system 2.5' □I lilt with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 Cl O . ., .. long travel system Gives you the needed clearance l□r 33' tall tires. March 2004 angled · ~ t/!/!e[,! 1 f!~~rub'J1anl/~'!.t . · · .. _-· . · . at the_i□ints lo~ long lasting strength and dur;ibility. '.( 1:%!~e tire mount " f f Over 2S Styles stamped steel tabs Dur vast assortment □I stamped steel tabs simplify your fabrication needs . wwwfabtechmotorsports_com DR E-MAIL us· AT inf□@fabtechmotorsports.com Page 29 .... ....._
--Third. in Pro Truck points was Don Endean, who seems to have Dan Barrett's Cor:vette bodied Ford pickup is the hit of the younger Darin Mydonick didn't have the best of seasons with his Toyota, but deposited some fiberglass elsewhere on the course. .set of fans, but Dan's season was not a good one. there is always 2004 and watch him-then. ~=;;;;;;-,~====;;:===;;:=--=====;;;:;;;=;==:;;;;=:,_-Bn::ye::::r:.:s:--:w::-ch::o::se~se::a::t:--:t::im=e:--:c::o::n::s::is::t::-s-=o-:if Shane Bouret (L) puts a move on Grant Baylis. Shane took the Pro Buggy season win, but it was nip and tuck all the way. one of those old lessons we forget every now and then "never judge a book by its cover". William's car looked to be easy pickings with its relatively short wheel base and Ze-bra stripe paint job, but were we ever wrong as he passed eight com-petitors for a third place season points finish with only two races under his belt. The Pro buggies· were very competitive for the first two races until Shane Bourel's ( # 1055) bright green Fat Toyota 1Jowered car from Richmond, B.C. finally removed the block of wood from under his accelerator and let the rest of the pack fight for second place behind him. Shane is one of those calm, cool, and collected guys until he sees the green flag go up. You would be hard pressed to find another racer who attempts and gets away with more oµtra-geous stunts on the race track. Call for special Ba on HID's, Clear Le other quality Hella Page 30 While Shane has rolled over a few times he lands on his wheels more often than not and it surprises me that his sponsors haven't requested their logos on the floor pan and roof as he shows it all to the spec-tators at both the K.O.R.R.B.C. & V:O.R.R.A. events he enters. The race between Grant Baylis' ( # 17) green rotary powered car from Langley, B.C., Phillipp Hoefler (#187), and Max Mayberly (# 186) in their blue buggies, both of Victoria, B.C., was more than impressive as it is always a test of skill keeping these cars on all four wheels. Grant is another one of those long distance racers who just wants more seat time as he pushes the envelope every race. For a car that outweighs all of his short course competitors I can only · imagine what he would do with a true short course car, anyone out there need a driver? Tim Clark took the Sportsman Buggy win for 2003, seen here in his mud spattered charger just at takeoff. The Sportsman truck class was definitely the talk of the show as the competition just keeps grow-ing from race to race. The stron-gest contingency of Sportsman trucks are definitely from the Kamloops area, but trucks are com-ing in from as far away as Vancouver, B.C. and Calgary, Alta. The truck to catch this year was driven by Steve Edgar (#33), a relative newcomer to off road wheel to wheel racing and he means business in his old black Chevy. Shane Daly drove like a man possessed in the last race of the season, which made some of us wonder who was driving in the other races this season. In Shane's defense he did roll his truck dur-ing the first race of the season, but Steve never cut him any slack when it came to stacking up points for the year end championship. Dan Barrett is definitely the crowd favorite among the young people at the track with his Corvette bod-ied Ford F-150. The big Corvette looks good and runs great, but he just couldn't take that checkered flag this season as flat tires, an un-cooperative drive shaft, and some questionable contact sent him to the showers early. ently a ride with Broe is a ride with no dirt in your lap until you catch the lapped traffic. Darin Mydonick appears to have most of the 2002 gremlins worked out, his suspension tuned, and the engine is breathing fire. Darin changed his paint scheme from a dark blue to a silver with red stripes, but we only saw the full body pan-els for the first heat as some serious competition found more than just paint flying across the track. Chris Pace, in his green Ford Ranger, had everyone in awe as his truck pounded around the track just waiting for someone to make a mis-take as he .maintained a firm grip _on second place until the final event. It seems that holding your steering wheel with thumbs inside can be rather painful when the wheel comes back on you. Dale Nyeste in his#316 Bronco took the first two races of the season to sort out some issues that arose over the winter months, but when it all came together he was a pleasure to watch maneuver around the track. Now that Dale has the truck run-ning just right he has sold it to one of his sponsors so he can build a new truck for the 2004 season. Don Endean continued to bring his big F-150 distance truck ·out to every event this season provi~g that steady can win some races. Craig the 2003 season events has not only kept everyone working for their position, but he pulled off a first place finish for the October 19th main event. Now that's the stuff dreams are made of, think he'll be back next year? Like Craig, there are several of these drivers (most in the Sportsman class) who are proving that anyone with a will to race and the desire to compete can get out and have a blast. The Kamloops race track was approximately 5/8 of a mile with an expansion planned to create close to a one mile surface for the 2004 season. The new track is ex-pected to offer several single roller jumps, a rhythm section and a table top jump. The entire track can be seen from the spectator stands, the pits, and the beer gardens. The pic-tures with this article may be worth a thousand words, but they just can't touch the excitement these events offer a community in dire need of motorsports entertaimnent. If you are looking for a place to cut loose and get down to some serious off road racing with a great buncb of guys you better get your ride pre-pared this winter, because spring is right around the comer. The Pines will be thunder struck when the sound of ground pounding compe-tition arrives· once again in the spring of 2004. Where will you be when the green flag starts the races next May? In the stands or in the Drivers Seat! For anyone who wants to help us promote this awesome motorsport by bringing a race team or planning a holiday around our 2004 events Kamloops is a short four hour drive from the Wash-ington border. Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tony for more info (250) 554-9780 or e-mail Bruce: extremeimaging@shaw.ca or check out the action at www.extremeimaging.net and link to the www.offroadaction.8k.com site where you· will find the Kamloops racers board. The Pro truck class became a very serious place to be as 2003 found seven trucks fighting for the Pro title with an additional four trucks showing up just to make things interesting at the last race of the year. The racing has been so close in Pro class that just about every truck can claim they have taken the checkered flag in at least one heat this season. Some of the Pro trucks that stood out this year made a showing last year, but had obviously organized their 2003 cal-endar around the K.O.R:R.B.C. Off Road Race Series. The truck to catch this year was Broe Ross' red, white and blue Ford Ranger from Deer Island, OR,. and man he had everyone on his tail. The track boss, Tony Caputo went out for -the October 19th main event with Broe and we are still trying to get the smile off his fate. Appar-Just one point out of the Pro Buggy win, Grant Baylis gave it his all, seen here in true level flight. March 2004 Dusty Times
Goodies Galore ... Crane Cams, Inc. Quick Flow Power Spacers Significantly Improved power up to 22 rear wheel horsepower and increased fuel economy are the primary benefits of the new line of highly effective carburetor/throttle body spacers now offered by Crane Cams. Computer designed to provide Maximum air flow for each application. Offered for all popular carburetors, from 2 barrels to Dominators, as well as EFI systems used in most trucks and SUV's. The Power Spacers come in_ many part numbers Covering Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford, Hummer, Jeep and Toyota. Crane Cams 530 Fentress Blvd., Dept. DT Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386-258-6174 Pro-Werks New High Misali~ent Bushings Pro-Werks introduces their High MisAlignment Rod End Bushings for Link. Age connections and front and rear Suspension applications. Precision CNC machined out of 304 stainless Steel, they increase the misalignment Angle of rod ends. Available in a Large Selection of sizes. Pro-Werks Dept. DT 1931 N 24th Ave. Mears, MI 49436 231-873-9252 I Page 31 Prestone Wheel Cleaner Prestonee has developed a Wheel cleaner that requires Less Labor and keeps wheels cleaner, Longer. Pres tone Wheel Cleaner & Dust Repellant Reduces brake dust buildup and Makes wheels easier to dean next time. Available in most auto stores now. Keiler & Co. 860-677-8821 Aftermarket Telescopic Trailer Tow Mirror Schefenacker Vision Systems popular Telescoping Trailer Tow Mirror is Expanded for 2004. It now-fits most Popular Ford, GMC, Chevrolet, Cadillac and Dodge Ram trucks and SUVs, offering installers and distributors virtually 100% coverage of Most trucks today. The mirrors are designed for a clean, Aerodynamic, factory-fitted appearance. They replace the original mirror and They slide easily up to 4-1/ 2 inches of Outward adjustment, allowing most drivers to see past loads 102 inches wide. The mirrors also fold rearward and forward for tight spaces. Schefenacker Vision Systems Dept. DT 17515 W. Nine Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48075 248-424-8625 RedArt Superstrap The smartest recovery strap to Hit the Off Road Industry. RedArt, manufacturer of Beard Super Seats and Trust Me Tie-Downs introduces the SUPER STRAP recovery strap. Available In 20', 25' and 50' lengths is made of high quality nylon webbing. It allows you to attach to any vehicle, without tying knots or using hardware, The unique construction allows you to weave loops at any point in the strap, adjustable to a minimum strap length of 18 inches. 10,000 pound capacity webbing, 8,500 pound woven strength. Strap can be easily doubled for 20,000 pound capacity. RedArt, Inc. Dept. DT 2267 Burton St. Anaheim, CA 92806 714-77 4-2244 Advanced Engine Mgmt AEM Gauge-Type Wideband VEGO Controller, the first controller and gauge In one unit. This unit does not require a Laptop for monitoring air/ fuel ratios, since it is the first available VEGO gauge to include a built-in Air/ Fuel Sensor controller! AEM's wideband VEGO Controller is an essential Tuning tool for monitoring AFR on Heavily modified high-performance Engines. Advanced Engine Mgmt., Inc. Dept. DT 2205 126' 11 Street Hawthorne, CA 90250 310-484-2322 ext 229 by_,..,.,_lauW ~ <it« g.i ~----. ""'-... ... ---~-Jeep Rehuilders Manuals Bentley Publishers announces the Publication of the newest Jeep Books By acclaimed Jeep expert, Moses Ludel. The books take you through the rebuilding process, one sub-assy at a time, with extensive pictures and illustrations. The two manuals, 1946-1971, 1972-1986 are available from Bentley Publishers at $39 .95 each and there are Mopar numbers P4510077 and P4510078 Bentley Publishers Dept. DT 1734 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 617-547.4170 Battery Backup Garage DoC\r Opener March 2004 The Chamberlain Group, the worlds Largest manufacturer of garage door openers and accessories introduces a new garage door opener ~ battery backup system to help ease homeowners minds, should a ·power failure occur. The Evercharge battery backup system model 475LM, created to work with the Liftmaster Estate Series 2500DC opener, will keep the Garage door opener, wall control panel, Remote control and keyless entry Running for up to two days in the event of a power outage. Chamberlain Group, Inc. Dept. DT 845 Larch Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126 630-279-3600 Dusty Times
p/t /IIIP"'' By Ann Donaldson The SNORE Western Championship in November brought out one CORE car to race. Johnny Bums has been racing his 9 car for points this year and needed to finish this race. Even though it was not an "Official CORE Event", CORE members, Brad Inch (25mm), Randy Jones, Babe Jones and Tom Foudy made the trek to Las Vegas to help Johnny with much needed pit support. Brad Inch manned a checkpoint for an extra 50 points. Johnny, early in the race, rolled his single seat Transaxle Engineering sponsored car. The crash was caused by a rolling turn that resulted in some front end damage. The break was repaired as good as possible in the pits, but we all know how that is. Perfect repair is r,ot pos-sible in the middle of the desert. Tom Greig took over driving duties from Johnny half way through the 250 mile race. A mere five miles from the finish line, the repair to the front end came back to haunt the team. Tom said, "I don't need four wheels to get to the finish line." With quick thinking, he took off the left front suspension and wheel. Of course, in do i n-g this, the brake fluid drained out. Thus, without brakes Tom drove to a ninth place finish. Johnny Burns finished the year in 10th place in Class 9. Good job, we know Class 9 is very competitive. Todd Jorgenson took on the adventure of racing the SCORE Baja 1000 with his Mike Smith built Class l car. Todd took time away from his construction 6usi-ness and finished fame in his class, an amazing sev-enth overall for four wheel vehicles. Great job, Tod.cl. Also, another mention is Kenny Freeman, who ran the Baja 1000 in his new 4 seat buggy in Class 12. Taking out the two rear seats, Kenny finished 26 after starting. But, it did cost him a generator and compressor, which were stolen. After buying a Class 12 car a few months ago, Wayne Nosala and I (A&W Racing) brought our single seat Jimco out to the MDR Stoddard 250 for the debut. The CORE pit club showed up in force to help us out, even though we were the only car to pit for. After testing, we felt the car was ready to rock and roll. Much to our surprise, the next morning, the motor didn't care much for the cold weather. Barstow temps were in the low 20's at start time. After three laps, motor problems in-creased. Wayne said, "I had visions of increasing doll11r signs and decided to quit", and the car went on the trailer. Better to quit than to regret it later, when you see the bill. Still wearing his driving suit, Wayne lit the BBQ, making burgers for all who helped out. We have to thank Tom Singer for roving. His driv-ing skill got him to each pit before Wayne pulled in. Thanks to Sheryl Cannon and Tim Baker for making record time trips with parts from the main pit to outly-ing pits. Brad Inch, Randy Jones and -fath..er Babe Jones, Jerry Lawless, Bob and Allison DePew, Gary Hall, Tom Foudy and crew. We never could have pulled it off without your help. On December 2, 2003 CORE held the monthly meeting along with club elections for the coming year. Each position is held for a year and voted on by the members. Brad Inch is again President, along with Tim Taksey as Vice Presi-dent. Bob DePew is ser-geant at arms. Davy Girdner is-Treasurer. Tom Foudy, along with Wayne Nosala are Race Directors. Tom Foudy is also taking on the job of Secretary. Driver representatives are AUTOMOTIVE & PERFORMANCE I 47.ZS E • .Z.Z:n.d Street • '.ru.cso:n., Ar•zo:n.a 5.20-747-0563 "~6~ Z,y6cctoh P6rtf6cctoh" Stand alone programmable management • •simple Dlgltal Sy•t•m• \,VHY TUNE A CARBURETOR, \,V#-l'EN YOU CAN PUSH A BUTTON I Sales•lnatallaUon•DyDotuninf $ Carb11tttor to EFl convenlom • ECU up-fl'ldes ~ ECU up-fl'lda • Turbo and Supercharslnc In'jectors • Surge tanb • l'llel a:,mm componenta Cuatom intake and Turbo ezh&Ult fabrication for Race or Pleas11tt . ~ Desert, Sand/Dunes &Pre-nmnen ~ ~-...... www.toyo'taper-E.orma~ce.com . ~:ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc:c:: --.Page 32 again Randy Jones and Johnny Burns. Thanks to all for taking on a pretty much thankless job. Don't forget that on January 6, 6:30 pm at the famous Mulligans Restau-rant in Valencia, CA CORE is again having the year end awards and party. Raffle prizes, along with the three separate member awards are presented. The three CORE members who have shown outstanding performance for the past year will be awarded. The awards are for Pit Person, Driver and Member of The Year. The winner of each award receives a black jacket with their name em-broidered on it. The din-ner has always brought out a fun atmosphere. On Thanksgiving week-end, CORE had a good turnout of members, friends and family in Luc-erne Valley. The only events planned were to play, pre-run and eat. CORE Pit Club isn't only about pitting. As a club we try to do other .activities in the desert we love so much. 2004 is already on the mind of the CORE club. A "Lets c I ea n .the CORE trailer" is going to take place a weekend before the race season starts. After a year of the trailer going back and forth to the races, it is time to organize for the coming year. CORE is plan-ning on pittihg all the Pro-1600 races. The club will also attend other races, de-pending on the need. Three cars are required to make a race a club event. If you need pit support, call Wayne Nosala call at 818-703-1971 or Brad Inch at 818-352-9035. CORE will be.present at the SCORE. Laughlin race, come by and say hello. =.11111 Pit Support &Race Team By Stephen Stenberg Hello Racers and Race fans alike! The Magnificent Race Team launches into it's 35th year of racing and pitting racers. Our first race of the year will be the San Felipe 250 in February. We will be running three pits, one every 50-55 miles. As is usual for Mag 7, we will be pitting all classes of vehicles, bikes and quads. That goes from Class 1 to Class 25 and all Sportsman classes as well. You can find us on the Internet by going to http://mag ?race. com.· Our current application for pit support and membership is on line and can be downloaded for you to fill out. We accept checks, money orders and Pay Pal. You can fax or mail your applications to us. Mag 7 is also racing and pitting the Baja 500 in June (witl;i pits 50-60 miles apart) and the long Baja 1000 to Cabo San Lucas in November . e coma, source"far ra • Driving Suits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats •·GearBags dCre NOW FEATURING: In-Hause Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos (with pits 50-60 miles apart). Mag- 7 started its service to racers pitting cars and buggies back in 1969 and added bikes and three wheelers (later quads) in the 70's. At my first race with the team, the 197 5 Baja 1000, we were pitting Ron Bishop on his Rokon 340 in Class 22 (there were no Sportsman classes or Class 30, 40 or 50 back then). Every race since the 1969 Baja 1000 we have pitted for all classes at the races we attend. What is especially true, is that we treat our racers like· Kings. If you sign up with Mag 7 for pit support and another competitor in your class pulls in for help, we won't help him until you have either passed that pit or been declared officially out of the race. This is the support we feel you deserve, being a Mag 7 member. We also won't leave you sitting at the pit after we close down. If you need a ride to the road to meet up with your chase crew or a ride back to the start/finish line, we will transport you back with us when the pit closes down. That is what team members do for one another. When you are with Mag 7, we won't be helping your competition beat you out, unless they themselves are Mag 7 members as well. Just the case in Class 21, when the two front runners were both• Mag 7 members. Each got equal service, as would be expected. · January was our membership month to join Mag 7. Our membership runs January 31st to January 30th of the following year. Thus is for renewals and new members to join us. We hold 1.B00.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wac~er Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 March 2004 Dusty Times
monthly meetings here in San Diego on the first Monday of each month. You can go to our web page to find the location. At the San Felipe 250, we hold our annual ,Mag 7 party for both members and non-members alike. Members eat and drink for free. Non-members pay a small nominal fee to do the same. The location is Pete's Camp at the south end of the beach. This is one way we show our support for our members. Just look for the Mag 7 signs on the beach. Mag 7's President, Terry Walsh, is planning on having several more member activities including some more campouts, a bike ride this summer to Mike's Sky Ranch and a few barbecues. You can alway"s find us on our web page at http:// mag7race.com. Or you can · contact our Race Director (Kevin Walsh) directly at (619) 917-6725. His e-mail is Racedirector@Mag7race.com. Mag 7 is always looking for new members and families to join up with us . Mag 7 is a proud race team. with a rich history dating back to the late 60's in off road racing,. Back when names such as the Mint 400, the Parker 400, the Mexicali 300, the Baja 300 (Santo Thomas BC) Barstow to Vegas, NORRA and HYDRA were all fresh in our minds. Mag 7 now goes back several generations and has always been a family affair first, where guys got together to race and support each other. We welcome new racers and members alike into our team. We know how to have fun before the race, · during the race and after the race has finished. Our main help comes from our generous sponsors. We ·endorse their products and ask you to shop with them as well. They are in no certain order, SKS Valvoline (Steve Fair), IMS Products (Steve Murray), OffRoad Warehouse Kearny Mesa (Steve Sherman), VP Fuels with C.L. Bryant (Mitch Hart and Bill Rodriguez), GPR Products (Randy), Red -D-Arc Welding, Kearny Mesa store (Jeff Berry) and Cycle Parts West, San Diego store (Rocky). Please shop these businesses as they all support off road REDUJIE PE/l..FOR.i1AIICE, !NC. LS1 6 ■-STAR PRE-RU■ OR RACE PACKAGES NOR'TltSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPL£TE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONH (714> 777-5758 PHONE (714> 777-5759 FAX 4531 EISl!NHOW'l!R CIRCLE ANAHEIM, CA. 92107 racing. Please stop by at either the races or when you see us camping in San Felipe, out on a race course somewhere, or the Imperial Valley and San Die o Count . Be safe and drive sm·art this season. Too many racers getting injured in what is supposed to be a fun sport to belong to. se·e you in San Felipe then for the San Felipe 250!. .. Mag 7 Race Team. ~ liBMSavPi Parker Pumper developed the Competition fllr System with the budget racer in mind. Conuerted bg the pro's at Parker Pumper to deUuer maximum air flow, this HJC helmet is Snell m-rated, and is auailable in sizes S-HHKL f [Startinga11s249 OO/SJ49 op -_____ ■ ■ (Wired) The . MPER comqJ,.ete H £ /. M £TS SOUrcB race,s an11crews 1.BOIJ.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 ';'U" . . . l&tll"IIIA..~SHOeK· · .,... • .,,._,,nECHNO&OGY 714.530.8701 • FAXT14.530.BT02 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 -w,NW'.Jd-co,11 Dusty Times March 2004 ·2.6" --€'hi!£~ Need coil springs? Coll King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Page 33 ....
.,,... .... soap Box ... The Laughlin SCORE Off Road Challenge has to be the "Greatest Show on Earth". The two days of racing with multiple laps makes desert racing a spectator friendly sport. N ASCAR could not fill its grandstands if its cars came by the spectators one time in a race. What SCORE did by grouping its classes together creating seven divisions or seven races in a day for two days of racing puts off road desert racing into a true spectator sport. Now desert racing has a controlled crowd. Admission to the races, · concession s.tand income and above all, a true marketing mecca for sponsorship for both the sport and its competitors. The cost of off road racing is not cheap for both the competi-tor and the promoter. On a one lap 100-plus mile race or a long point to point race the competi-tor must put a large support crew together just to chase its race ve-hicles several hundreds of miles. Not counting the days of course inspecting setting up pit crews, p.arts throughout the entire course and then getting every-thing back after the event is over. As for the promoter the days, weeks and months of putting the coµrse together, marking the course, taking the course mark-ers down, grading the course af-ter the event {yes, this is a B.L.M. requirement), getting the E.P.A. reports, B.L.M. permits, paying the B.L.M. fees plus every time you want to change a course the promoter has to get an all new E.P.A. report that sometimes costs several thousands of dollars, and no spectator revenue. Its getting harder and harder to put on long course desert races. Especially with all the environ-mentalists and tree huggers fight-ing us all the time. The sport as we know it, we all must start thinking towards the future. Closed course desert racing, con-trolled spectator crowds, grand-stands, multiple laps, two day rac-ing formats, one main pit area, and above all a marketing/big • sponsorship program to bring more spectators into the sport. More spectators means more competi-tors and above all more money into the overall purse for both the racer and the organizers of the sport. Think about it. Congratulations to SCORE and all of its people for bringing us a "truly great spectator show at its 10th annual SCORE Laughlin Off Road Desert Challenge. ~ Please support Dusty Times advertisers .. When you purchase from our advertisers be sure to tell them you read . it all in Dusty Ti111es HONDA Power Equipment EB6500 HONDA. POWEil ··RACER ·&SPECTATOR. DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS-•· OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWJS:RS ·• ·LAWN-TRACTORS. • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS· ·California's Largest Source for Bonda Po~~r· Equipment Parts and Inventory ---•o IF WE 00111 HAVE IT, NO ONE ·DOES! Check Our Website:. www .Kawaguchihonda.com Kawaguchi• Honda Corp. . , . . 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA:90063 Nothing S easier. GENERATORS & PUMPS (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Page 34 For optimum performance and c;alery. we recommend you reaa me owners manual bCtore operating your ·Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a genc!rator to house power requires a transfer device to a.void poss1hte injury to power comp,my personnel. Consult a qualified electrician.© 2004 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. March 2004
CONGRATUlATIONS CRAIG TURNEii . . & :-:..r:stGT/Fabtech 1111rs11ns 11111 on Winning Ille 8th eonsecuuva OhamolonshlP TIUa & Iha Bala 1,000-111 on swav-A-Wav Shocls. .....,,,, rzt::~ . Race Runner Shoclls: 2.0", 2'.5", 3.0" Emulsion Remote Resenolr Bvnass Shocks Coil over Springs Call for our ALL-NEW Product Catalog 20724 Lassen Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 PH (818) 700-9712 FAX (818) 700 0947 comp1a1a 11na 01 vw suspension eomponents www.swayaway.com Dusty Times March 2004 Page 35 - ) ...
2003SNORE Awards Banquet ,, By Sheryl Cannon Top Man in points was Rob Walters, much to the joy of Class 9, he has moved on to 1600 class racing. 2003 produced some of the fiercest competition in the desert in years and Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts (SNORE) was one of the participants. After en-joying a hosted bar for happy hour and an in-ternational buffet con-Mike Aul( piloted his submersible Class 5-1600 car to a very nice fourth in points for the SNORE 2003 season. Page 36 sisting of all types of entrees, luscious side dishes and followed by quite a selection at the dessert table, SNORE and local Las Vegas rac-ing residents started the party! Current SNORE President Reagan Gubler quickly passed the Emcee position to past president Kenny Freeman. Thanking pe-rennial sponsors; Coast Resorts and Michael Gaughan,· Kartek and Mickey Thompson Tires the show got on the road. Kenny's wife Carey' Freeman was trophy girl and presented each Champion with his or her trophy and oversized check if they won their class within certain .. March 2004 Bryan Freeman"had a good year in SNORE, he took third place honors in points for 2003, seen her in his favorite seat. qualifications. Most speeches were thanking family, sponsors, team personnel and selfless volunteers that take each and every event through to completion. In "the j::ity that never sleeps" Las Vegas residents, the Freeman family occupied over three ·tables; headed by family Matriach Marion Freeman. Grandsons Bryan and Cody Free-man brought home fin-ishing positions of third and sixth respectively. Not to be outshined, the beautiful Day Gang brought home the family's third top ten, finishing position with a hard earned fifth pl ace. In reverse order that presented Overall and Class 9 winner Rob Walters had a lot to say, a lot of people to thank and a lot of guts to compete in such a competitive and rough riding class. Apparently by the discussions heard be tween crowd favorite Rob MacCachren and prevailing class cham-pion Walters, it was a tight race all year long for the coveted overall position. They spoke of passing each other, Dusty Times
... Not known for being shy behind the wheel, Day Gang is a real Cody Freeman is a youngster, bur behind the wheel of his 1600 he John Bums, another Class 9 racer had a pretty good year, he finished competitor and she was fihh in points in her 1600 charger. shows many years of experience in the desert. in the seventh spot in 2003 points. · Mike Gaughan, Jr. had a lot of mechanical ailments in 2003 and his Rick Boyer loves to race and he had a decent year, finishing in the Taking the 10th overall spot in the SNORE 2003 point race, TJ Flores had a decent year, but he's looking forward to 2004. .finish eighth in points is a tribute to his talent. nifl(h spot in the 2003 SNORE point race. back and forth through finish. the lovely Pat Caplan the harsh, hot and un-Special awards were and both had to stay forgiving Southern Ne-presented to racers, home. After the awards vada desert. In the air sponsors, volunteers and had been distributed and this night was the feel-others. Nearly everyone the bench racing had ing of completing a long was in attendance to ac-shifted into high gear, desert race and being cept their awards, except the DJ took over· and able to sit back, relax, for our editor who was SNOREnthµsiasts par-talk with friends and kind enough to share his tied the night away in enjoy the finish, to the flu with his girlfriend, grand Las Vegas style! ', Cl. w; 1101"1te bes,n Class aooo ,,, Yea'..-Enll Champion en YJHt're a Champion you don1 hate to brag, Just glve the faQ,11 tnd let your,track recont ,prove it. Curt ~eou drove the SkYfacka:~FarJI F-150 bard arid fast lhrough e •· · _ mile of 111! ~urse. He nottnly finished, he Jacker Platanum Satilf'Sho ·· pto,mrtolJltacl .... Qusty Times March 2004 A recap of the top ten 1600; 6th Place: Cody positions follows: Freeman, Class 1600; 1st Place: Rob 7th Place: John Burns, Walters, Class 9; 2nd Class 9; 8th Place: Mike Place: Bruce Fraley, Gaughan, Jr., Class 10; Class 1600; 3rd Place: 9th Place: Rick Boyer, Bryan Freeman, Class Class 1600; 10th Place: 1600; 4th Place: Mike T.J. Flores, Class 10. Ault, Class 5-1600; 5th See you on the dance Place: Day Gang, Class floor next year... rlftJ, Page 37 . ...
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I, 72ND RALLYE MONTE CARLO 2004 By Martin Holmes Loeb/Xsara Win The Monte Photos: Maurice Selden Cornering hard, the Ford Focus of Markko Martin and Michael Park heads towards a nice second overall at the Monte Carlo Rally. Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena drove their Citroen Xsara to a great win at the 72nd Rally Monte Carlo Rally. The 2004 season took a long time getting off the ground. Provera said the conversion of the standard 307CC Cabriolet into a World Rally Car had proved to be a far harder job than originally en-visaged. And a surprise. The en-gine of the new 307WRC was ex-actly the same _as the engine used by Citroen in their Xsara WRC! Peugeot had one special trick, how-ever. A four-speed gearbox! Kept secret for a long time, the Peugeot had homologated both a four and a five speed unit, and after back-to-back testing decided to start the rally with the four speed. Mitsubi-shi produced the other new World Rally Car, the Lancer WRC04 in absolutely basic technical configu-It looked so easy. Sebastien Loeb place and only ten eligible cars ascending 0the north face of the may seem a straightforward guy, able to start each event, there was Col de Bleyne. the Xsara World Rally Car a quite a disincentive for drivers to straightforward car, and, put them take risks! This was the debut together and they are unbeatable event for the new FIA Privateers' these days at Monte Carlo. For the Trophy for drivers with their third year running Loeb was the WRC2 cars, but nobody had en-fastest driver on the wintry, moun- tered. The FIA changes in format tainousspecialstages in the south- · (1000 Pistes or "2+3"), bringing east of France and now for the sec- with it the flexi service idea are ond time he had won. Run partially still to come, but one novelty under the new regulations, this was which had particular relevance on the first rally in which only two this event concerned the rule lim-drivers were eligible to score points iting the total number of tyres for th~ir team and with only five available for each competing car -teams registered, the rally seemed a total of 90 on this occasion. At a little bare. This was enhanced Monte Carlo, because of the wide when the treacherous conditions variety of possible conditions no caused 23 retirements from the 43 fewer than four basic patterns and starters, notwithstanding the in- sizes are allowed, compared with creased importance for the teams the usual two, but the total limit to bring their drivers to the finish. was just the same. Later in the sea-The rally had become a tactical son a system of "bar-coding" tyres game. Ford brought their cars home which cars could use would come in second and third places, winning into effect. Another novelty for more points than the overall win- 2004, due to t_ake effect in New ner Citroen. Peugeot were the only Zealand - Round 4, will mean that other team to do this with their new no last minute change in available 307WRC, which led initially but numbers of tyres can be made. was delayed by gear selection Once again Group N cars are troubles. banned, to help limit the total Most of the new FIA changes number of cars to 60. For the rally for 2004 were in operation. For route there was a general similar-world championship points, teams ity to previous years. Further south, could only nominate two drivers, the well established Aiglun and still with two cars scoring points. Toudon stages ·were run in the With points going down to eighth opposite direction, ending with I Nicolas Bernardi and Denis Giraudet took the JWRC title at Monte Carlo, seen here in the snow in their Renault Clio. Page 39 Fabrication is your one stop race shop! Give us a :i call for more information and experience the dif-ference a KREGER Car or Race Set-Up can maker March 2004 radon. It was good to see Mitsubi-shi back in full world champion-ship competition, if only at a very basic level. Gilles Panizzi had left Peugeot to head their team, revert-ing to a big car. "I made my WRC debut in a big car here five years ago, now I am back againl" The third new car was the Suzuki lgnis four-door, used by four of the five Suzuki drivers in the 2004 Junior World Rally Championship. Suzuki proudly presented themselves be-fore the rally. "In 2002 we started the competition and scored two scratch times in]WRC. In 2003 we scored 56, six podium finishes and two category wins. We have·high hopes for our drivers in 2004." Continued on page 40 Dusty Times --.....
-Urmo Aava and Kuldar Sikk drove their Suzuki lgnis to a great Francois Duval and Stephane Prevot drove their Ford Focus to a second place in JWRC, 12th overall on the Monte. nice bronze medal at the Monte Carlo gathering. Kicking up some of the snowbank, Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautiainen drove to a decent fourth overall at Monte Carlo. Five teams had registered for ficult to be precise about when Marcus had to cut a comer, glanc-the championship: Hyundai was . and where bad weather might ing a blow off a tree to slow the out, Mitsubishi replaced Skoda. arrive. Another classic Monte car down to stay o·n the road, and Not so many drivers made was about to start. then finding the car stuck in changes. Mikko Hirvonen to Su- Leg 1 . fourth gear on the ensuing road baru, Gilles Panizzi and Gianluigi Shakedown times told few lies. section. His lead at the second Galli to Mitsubishi -and that was After the first stage was cancelled, Service Park was down to 8.1 sec-all. More noticeable was the ab- because of excessive spectator po- onds. Three stages run, a differ-sence of many former world cham-sitioning alongside the stages, ent fastest driver in three differ-pions. Didier Auriol, Colin McRae, Gronholm won Stage 2, the first ent types of car on each (Gron-Tommi Makinen, Juha Kankkun-to be held, and was leading the holm, Martin and now Loeb). Loeb en and Richard Burns - all sadly event ahead of Markko Martin, rose up to second, Fords were missing from the entry list. This Sebastien Loeb, Francois Duval fourth and fifth, and Kresta was was to be the final appearance for and Petter Solberg, the top five still sixth in his private Hyundai. the Citroen Saxo and the Ford drivers the day before. Solberg Panizzi claimed his Mitsubishi Puma in the JWRC category, be-spun and stalled and arrived back was unstable, undriveable. Galli fore respectively the C2 and the at service 16.5 seconds behind the meanwhile had another spin and Fiesta come on stream in time for leader, furthermore both he and stalled the engine again (same the second round, Acropolis in Carlos Sainz (who was lying sev- stage, different corner) and was . June, but Citroen have now de-enth) had chosen narrow studded now lOO seconds in front of the cided to give the Saxo two more tyres which were not as fast as the unhappy Panizzi. Hirvonen had rallies. Proudly co-driving the wider studded versions. "It was started carefully on his ~ubaru de-Saxo of Christian Chicherit was incredibly slipper", Gronholm ex-but and was gradually gaining Michel Perin, recently manager for plained: "The track was too nar- confidence. Peugeot's mechanics the Citroen WRC team, who had row to be able to throw the new changed Gronholm's gearbox and co-driven with Patrick Macaud on big Peugeot around, and I felt sure fitted again a four-speed unit. the WRC debut for the Saxo back our wider tyres were the wrong They examined the broken unit in 1997. Stories abounded in the choice, but they weren't!" An im- and found the problems were with campus. Armin Schwarz, dropped pressive sixth was the Hyundai of the selection and this was easily by Skoda after the end of the 2001 Roman Kresta, while the new Mit- rectified ready for refitting later season, had been taken back for a subishi of Gianluigi Galli was go- in the event if necessary. Solberg two year contract restarting at the ing well, despite a spin and a stall. passed Kresta into sixth place and Acropolis. Gravel note crews had Teammate Gilles Panizzi was cau- the Czech then fell back when his been allowed to work at this event, tious and was a half minute be- engine lost power. "I hope it is only one of few which the FIA allowed. hind Galli. Off the rally went an electronic problem, I just don't Once again things were hard again, to make another lap of the know." Main story was the loss of work for all concerned. Crews first two stages, this time being run a half minute for Gronholm on the found they could hardly cover without interruption,. It was obvi- final stage of the day. He lost the the reconnaissance within the ous which problem caused Stage lead for a variety of reasons, mainly time allowance, heartily thank-1 to be cancelled, the huge con-an undergearing on the fast ful that the weather had been centrationof spectators at a place stretches on Stage 6 which pretty kind. As the start loomed where it was critically slipper. dropped him to third and let Loeb closer so the weather became all Gronholm held on to his lead, but in front. Martin rose to second, the more fickle. It was freezing it was touch and go. Three despite brake trouble. His co-in Gap, it was raining in other ar-kilometresbeforetheendofStage• driver was unnerved at the eas, the meteo men found it dif- 4 the gearbox stuck in third, and Estonian's speed. "We had a lot of trouble with the brakes. Markko spent all the stage pumping up the brakes with the handbrake, and we only lost a quarter minute to Loeb!" Panizzi was not much hap-pier. "Maybe it is the differential, I cannot tell." His pressure was eased when his teammate Galli went off the road, the only top driver to abandon. Miguel Cam-pos, in the B-team Peugeot, on the final stage of the day, touched a rock but drove on despite a vibra-tion in the tyre. The br.akes were failing and then he came to a bridge with his name written on it. The Portuguese confirmed this was his first ever rally on ice. Riccardoi Errani retired his Skoda Octavia with engine failure. Last year's winner Loeb led as the rally left the Gap region for Monte Carlo by 18.3 seconds. In the JWRC, Suzukis got off to a flying start holding the top three places (Per-Gunnar Andersson, then privateer Urmo Aava, in his 2003 car, and Kosti-Katajamaki). Jari-Matti Latvala was stuck for nearly 20 minutes on the first stage, Luca Cecchiniti went off the road for two minutes. Most drivers seemed to have been. unhappy with their tyre choices, whichever choices they made! Af-ter the second lap Andersson still led but now second was Nicolas Bernardi in a Renault, who had made a slow start. Conrad Rautenbach, the Puma man whp had never rallied on snow before, crashed into a bridge. Driving clesely behind and hoping to over-take him was the Italian Luca Betti, whose Fiat followed the Ford to destruction and retirement. · fota Performance~~ Dusty Times · erfonnance Parts Specialist er: upto 118 Horsepower* & 119 lb .. fttorque* •4.7l v..a. Power Jna~edepencsenton eppllcaUon Available Superorunger Appllentions Land Cruiser and lX470 (1998~2003, 1995-1997*-6) 4Runner(2003 V~, 1996-2002 V-6) Tundra (2000-2003 V'"81 2000-2003 V-6) Sequoia (2001-2003 V-8) Tacoma (1997•2003V-6) Other models:· Matrix, Corolla, Camry. Sotara Smog Legal (50 states), Full tQt includes.ECU add-on, 12 Month WatrantybyTRO (when tnstafled by Cabe Toyota) Secure Shopplng Cart and Er.cl.vsive Low Pricing! . perforrnance. com -· March 2004 Natalie Barratt retired when she went off the road, reporting that the wheel studs had sheared. An-other Fiat driver Alan Scorcioni retired after the end of Stage 4 when a gearbox mounting failed. On Stage 5 Andersson slid off the road, "We were only one metre off the road, but the car was en-snared in a fence. This let Aava in the 2003 Suzuki into the lead but on Stage 6 his brakes began to overheat again as they had done on Stage 3 and he finished the day ten seconds behind the new leader, Suzuki teammate Katajamaki. Five stages, three different Su-zuki leaders. Punctures were the talk of the afternoon, mostly caused on the clearer stretches where the World Rally Cars had thrown rocks on the road from the corners which they had cut. Kris Meeke had two, Mirco Baldacci had two, as well as a broken ex-haust. Bernardi had one on the more wintry Stage 5 which caused him to tackle Stage 6 with an un-balanced tyre layout. Cecchittini had one, as did Mathieu Biasion. Guerlain Chicherit again had mis-firing which caused bad under-steering, so instead oflying second as in the early stages he was now ninth. Guy Wilks slid off the road and retired, as did Abdo Feghali, who hit a wall and pulled off a wheel. Chicherit abandoned after the final stage, his misfiring traced to ineffective pick-up pipe in the fuel tank. The team wanted' to change the fuel tank at the long service but there was a problem. The refueling facility had by this time to leave and set up on the route Page 40
Gilles and Herve Panizzi drove their Mitsubishi lancer to sixth overall Per-Gunnar Andersson and Jonas Andersson led JWRC for a while Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets drove their Peugeot 307 to a fifth at Monte, seen here on the ice/snow covered course. but a confrontation with a boulder sidelined their Suzuki lgnis. overall finish at the Monte Cerio Rally. back to Monte Carlo. Officials al- the Finn had a spin and went off with his Puma, Xavier Pons went thronged the Turini on the final broken driveshaft which dropped lowed a small amount to be added the road. Kresta was also out with off the road. Larry Cols had power day, and had hoped for fun with him from fifth to seventh. Team to the new tank, not enough to transmission failure, but Loeb went steering problems which contrib- cars on the snow. The rally made orders told Duval to ease up and keep going, so he was out. through it all without trouble. Lo- uted to him going straight off the ·two laps of firstly T urini ( 1607 let Martin pass him intt> second Leg 2 cal knowledge? "No, not at all. road, but he continued with a metres high) then the lower level place. On the final stage Lobe had The second leg started badly. This time we drove the stages in badly damaged front end of the Col de St. Roch stages and apart his Peugeot's gearbox blocked in Inthefoothillstothesouthofthe the opposite direction to what I car.Ontheonlystagetoberunon from Freddy Loix, who was or-gear, a similar problem to Col du Turini, Vouilloz, the VTT knew well." Josef Beres, proudly the final loop of two stages, dered by Peugeot's management Gronholm's earlier experiences. champion who had been lying 10th driving his Hyundai and being the Katajamaki, when lying third, and to take a lightly studded mixed In JWRC Aava had a puncture overnight crashed towards the end first Slovakian driver to run in a the English privateer Oliver Mar- weather tyres, all the other driv- and drove to the finish of Stage 12 of the stage. Yellow flags came out top ten WRC placing, had a mis- shall, when lying next to last, went ,ers set off on their clear asphalt on a flat tyre, Latvala hit a barrier all over the place and drivers fire which caused engine overheat- off the road so only ten JWRC cars tyres. There wasn't much fighting and deranged the front suspension. slowed down, some stopping to ing, but he r~ached service where were left running. There was then for position. Solberg made a big Andersson (the original JWRC check that the crew were safe, the problem was rectified. a major rush as the cars came to attack to see whether he was ca- leader who was now, thanks to which they were. Many crews re- Stage 10 was abandoned be- Monte Carklo, delayed by traffic pable in his car of making a good Latvala, in last place on the rally) ported, curiously, that the French cause of the volume of spectators which did not help the cause of time, which he was. Gronholm hit a rock and damaged the rear drivers were told at the start line so only one stage remained to run. Meeke who arrived with no clutch went carefully to secure points for suspension. Mathieu Biasion, who that the stage would be stopped, Loeb pulled out another ten sec- working .. Bemardi was 24 seconds the team with the new car, Duval had struggled all Saturday with Citroen team also told their drivers onds advantage on the stage where in front of Aava who was driving stalled at a hairpin tum. On the damaged suspension, now had his by radio to slow down,. Hopes for he made such a good time in the the old model Ignis. final pair of stages Antony car in good condition butthen lost the Stewards to award mid-stage 2002 Monte Carlo Rally, but that Leg 3 Warmbold skidded on an unex- time off the road and was lucky to interval times were therefore im-was in the usual opposite direction. Clear ·conditions were a disap- pected patch of gravel and went finish, albeit ninth in JWRC and mediately dashed. The rally then Stages 9 and 11 finished with the pointment for the fans who off the road, while Solberg had a last on the rally. IAJaC: proceeded westwards to the other uphill passage over Cold de side of the River Var for a repeat of Bleyne, which Bemardi's co-driver two classic stages, but this time run Denis Giraudet said had not been in the opposite direction to usual. used since 1981. The bad fog On the first there was fog and a lot which had plagued Stage 7 of drivers went off the road. Loeb (which became 9) then shifted up dramatically increased his lead, in Stage 11 (whicb. had been 8) and two stages his lead increased by was just as nasty as before. more than a minute. Second placed In the JWRC there were two Martirreased off considerably, un- immediate changes. On the first settled by the fog and by a big scare stage Katajamaki decided to go on an unexpected patch of ice. carefully in the fog and dropped Gronholm slid wide and reversed 42 seconds to the fastest driver out, but then could not disengage Meeke, when on Stage 9 Bernardi, reverse gear, losing well over a half who lives at Sospel did an extraor-minute, dropping from second to dinary time nearly 45 seconds fourth. Gradually Panizzi was get- faster than the next Super 1600. ting the hang of the Lancer, mak- Meeke was upset at the start of the ing fifth and sixth best times, de-abandoned Stage 7, when the spite complaining about the reac- timekeepers warned all the French tion of the mechanical components drivers that the stage was to be of the car that would have been cancelled, leaving the foreign driv-more easily handled if they were ers to wonder why so many rivals active units. Loix continued, still appeared to be going unnecessar-MoTeC Engine Menegem-9nt and Data Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for ell motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. finding the handling giving unin-ily slowly on the stage. The spirit of Acquisition Systems tentional understeer. Duval was old days at Monte Carlo continue: going well despite a spin and a stall, Alex Broccoli had tyres which were Solberg slid into a wall and had to too wide, Baldacci had a puncture reverse away, while both Sainz aqd and had to stop to change the Hirvonen had gone. The Spaniard wheel, as did PG Andersson, had tom a wheel off his Citroen, Latvala had power steering trouble 11.1.P. JA5UN HUNTEII A good friend and a great racer. You strived for the best in everything. You will be missed by all. Godspeed, Jason. Your friends at Kartek Page 41 Robust 32-bit sequential ft.Jet and spark coritrol systems built t;o w ithstand extreme racing ar·-d pre-running . punishment . . Turn-key systems available for all popwlar off-road engine packages. Digital display ar.d data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714·446-9473 Fax: 714·446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com March 2004 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate" fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;ly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a nurnber! ,<: ~ ~--~ ~~...a.. <:...a..-= ...a.., l'V1DTDRSPDRT ELECTRONICS vvere rneking cannect-1ons ... Dusty Times
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POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE Dennis 775-224-1327 Cell ·Engineering LEE MFG. CO. . . 11661 PENDI.ETOM &TREET· SUN~. CA.91352 FAX(818)798-2887 (818) 788-0371 A full line of Power St-ing gears, pumps and acc:e■.>riea for any type of l'lleing. · Magnaflu11 and Zyglo tacllities available. Jim Fax775-359-9628 •custom Chassis •Race Prep •Aluminum Worll •Welding •Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~HCHA..F"T. ~ ,;::,~ www.mastercraftseats.com SeDtJ • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 (818) 886-4446 (818) 772-6470 fax www .mckenziesontrack.com 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 ■Offroad ■Road Course .Orag Racing .OVal Track .FabricatioQ ■Welding .Chassis ana Suspension · Specialist YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ www.mckenzies.com PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 I WORK GUARANTEED DEADLINES KEPT ._, ffc2aeu1 !ZJcoto[yj.Je 0esi9✓1~ .9nc. .:::Jioer9la.iw .%olt;l<J, !f!a✓'f,i• amll/l<fJm;, MIKE M CQUEEN OFF ROAD BODIES SINCE 1972 BY APPOINTMENT FAX (310) 379-8633 (310) 374-8669 E-MAIL: MPD@MAKATAK.NET HTTP:/ /WWW.MAKATAK.NET MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 #MfllfiRflllfitJl!,-~ FOR CHASSIS FABRlCATIOH -~'"-"' • ~ ~~ • R!t~ _t,t~ stiller Molm • 01 .& Water flotlle ttolders 399 E . .Harrison Unit 0 Corona, CA 92879-1313 (909)Z1u.2n www.wrighlfab.com Just A Small Ad Here Can Increase Your Business By A Bunch. 81 8-882-0004 Tom Moxley 43455 Business P'ark Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext.120 www.mickeythompsontires.com 619-562-5533 OFFRDAD ENGINEERING Pre-Runners • Race Cars & Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Way_ #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 www.motorsportsplus.com Moulton Racing FaPrication • Race Cars ~~I\~ • Prerunners -.. , ~- ·_:.,,: · · t{ .. • Sand Cars · ,. _.., •· •rij,, -·~· ' /i ~J '., ~ ··~:-;· ~ * .... - " :· - --28355 INDUSTRY DR.1412 Valencia Ca 91355 Jim Moulton 661-295-0253 MSD a r.l. f I L J f. 1 :' ■· •1,~,, 1111.•,! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE • • - = • RS • WIRES • REV CONTROL AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR .. EL PASO. TX 7SS3E 19151 857-5~00 • TFr.H LINE rn15J 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE www msd1gn1t10n com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity ~odels Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-7Z5-ZB75 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253
P£R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS ,~~lQN'c~@"itl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRil'IIG FOR RADIO &/OR 11\'TERCOM STILL ONLY S12'5. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 ~ ■ A R TEL (949)650-3035 fllH (9119)650-4721 * All Types of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Benclinc .-Fralcv s Pl'rf orniance Rngineering ' • Almainum CJ St.NI W.ldinc • Custom Machin• Work ~ All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Laa Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-36S-90S5 Pre,,s,on Toad Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com PRO PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Perfor.mance Spec VS Race Truck Series · "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodlgy.net Tel:61~ Fax:619-390-64.70 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 Joe DaVlllan , Par: 323.340.om tel#909~fi16-6S69 FIX: 818.367.4641 f'1X f;,909-676-t I 41 2159B Commerce Cented)r Temecula, CA 92590 ----13411 Dronlield Ave. s111mar. CA 91342 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane; Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com Get The Wor«. Out About Your Business, Big Or Small • Put Your Business Card Ad In The Good_ Stuff Directory. Call Dusty Times . For Details 1-800-929-4360 ~ww.RACESHOCK.coM ~ p;;;~~ lnX ~ -~ Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably -Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy Fax: (602) 493-097_5 l'EHFIIJIIIKCE• TJIIKSIII ES southem CalHomla's lal'II0st Distributor of Mendeola Tnasules PH: 114.680.6131 • fX: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 CTRANS will get yoa ii gear SWilg axle, ••s, •ewla1d, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 LAS BAS, NOADA 89102 .II N D.D. lllllfflN (702) 221-4313 (102) 117·9724 Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 raceprepservices@aol.com liii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLO~SCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT., HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 "Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS• \\IIJOOW LITTEP.11,G • CAR LETTERING• GRAPHICS SQUEAK _& MARGIE COATS 5101 ·Galway Circle • Hunt1ngto1 Beach CA 92'649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax [714] 694-9567
NISSAN OFF ROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BO0Y FIBERGLASS »ANO MORE SPENCER LOW RACTNG ,com 1 Specializing in: 7 FRONTIER PATHFINDER ><TERRA HARDBODY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 of£ :road.. £ab:rica-t:io:r1.. • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kits • Custom Paint• Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program Sam Puleri (323) 563-2224 Fax (323) 563-2227 CJ. PERFORMAM ESPECIAL/S1"5 '--"-'---' 'Ull~Vlf fl'GM SIIAl/f Pfll,IIIIJIIICf I 1-800-MY MUFFLER I~ I. -· Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 !'me, 619-449-?6711 Cel~ 619-'726-6891 I I I Fabrication & Race Preparation 19419 Abraham WOIJI Santee, CA 920-n 1 ...... 1.•J..'.!te--=t=~-'-~C~"n craig@stewartsrac*worlu.com ~ Salee& IJ,,,.J~ Service ._._ I I I I ..5--::T' ...RI~ 'I""" ..Ly--~- . IJ!!_E'R'F'OJq... . 41 ~ ni. V•u an, o, OH, " ~,. Pa-ts. Fabllcatioft A.nd fnstalat We C.ty: JfCO • BFG Faot«t, •King Sl!odt5 C A,n,d MM!I Uo,1. Spedalizit15 itt Clot'1it15 for the Offro~ Sa'41 attb Tami Va,qMet 562-611-SSOS www.swckitupr~itt5.com SUNDRY METAL SPINNING Phone 562-801-1090 F~x 562-801-1645 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM _• STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS 7930 Paramount Blvd. Pico Rivera, CA 90660 JOHN AVALOS OWNER RACE FUELS (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 Design Fabrication lnstailatlon (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 5 POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 ,.., COM PUTEKIZE0 VINYL Gf(.,'\f'H/CS & LEITER/NG l•I I 1J I W.M J ,-. LO-aJST BLDGSIGNS(Atr. P//!OCESSE5) -,-. Tf(.,'\OE SI-OW OISPLA"rS ,-/li::;",,C/NG G/li::;",,PHICS ,-. OETAILE0& LN/QUE OESIGNS ,,._ FLEET" VEHICLES ,,.__ Hf-<2U'ILJTY MNNERS ,,._M;",,GNET"ICS ,,.__ LOGO REPfi!DOUCTONS ,,._ fli::E;",,L EST;",,TE ,.., LOGO & GRAPHIC OES/GN ,,._ OEC;",,LS ,. SUSPENSIONS , UNLIMITED .... OFF ROAD RACING SPECIAUSTS ~ ... IMUlllG • FABRICATOI/ • a,x:Pt.ASMAWTT¥\G •ffOVT8\/0S • FEARTRAI/..IVGARMS RACEOfASSIS • ffERUV/IERS • FQXRAOM,SHJX • SANDBl.£GES LARRY ROSEVEAR 4050 LB. VERTON CT. ANAHEIM. C4 92807 PHONE [714)6304482 FAX {714)6304548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Performance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. Suite D El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 ~~~~=~-:,..,,... Experienced Fabricators Needed. Trans Am, Trophy Truck or Class 1 experience preferred. Excellent welding skills required for MIG and TIG with all metals. Must be a team player, with a great attitude and able to follow direction. 714.632.0013 2980 E. Mlraloma Ave. Anahfllm CA 92806 * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" ,Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-ti54-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:/www .off-roadfiberglass.com TrailerWare™ Trick Gear for Your Rig ~ $99.00 Free CA Shipping Offer Ends 12/31/03 949•347•7091 www.trailerware.com Double Helmet & Gear Shelf .090 Aluminum 10 1/2"H X ,18 1/2"W x 15"0 I RtffliniLE. ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 0 C CD -I C ~ en o-,, rn ffi ► () en X "J> en woow ~o~ .s.s.s --.J.:. --.J ex, w ex, I\) O> I\) WON --.J.:..:. --.J ~ ~ I\) CJ) w I\) ~~ ~ .:. @ (.11 :J en n o _CD C: () 5' !!!.z :::;; 0 0 ~ 3 3 - · w w :J co a. ~ m· 0 "J> ~ < !"I> ;;:a/ ransworks· ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 www.transworks.biz (619) 445-3135 (ujP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM . POLISH• REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco 619.S96.8033 -------------·-----·--------CLBRYANT.COM follplex • Pomona Oclobef 9 & ,o
~~ 00~~1fililIDJlij§ Front & Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends i"e BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension • I =='.l'=-<-PJI/Nr""" ('.tl1JlNGS«G.R~..c;11r J,(JGOfJ * •~ WJMC; M4/NIE~l'•t!bll¥M:.,.J,,Jr/RINC,* Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 ECONOMICAILYPRICED AT 319.90 PER.PAIR. _; 760-949-1220, 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-928-427-3551 102 Crestview P.O. Box845 Yarnell, AZ 85362 SCORE . ENGINE BUILDEP OF THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Complete Engines ~R RIICIIIIJ PB:~ ... Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions • Parts - Service - Welding V.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota - Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 www.wrtrans.com '<c)..<o) ~S~ACe Get the ward out about your business, Big or small! Put your business card In the ··coon STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Goad stuff Directory Ads are merely S45.aa per month. (818) 882-000C 3675 w. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 MORE 2004 HAPPENINGS ••• (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 < www .score-intemationaLcom'> February 27-28, '2004 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, 'Baja CA Motorcycles/ATVs Included Date To Be Announced SCORE Henderson's Terrible 250 Henderson, NV 4 Wheel Classes Only June 4-6, 2004 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja CA Motorcycles/ A TVs Included September 17-18, 2004 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV 4 Wheel Classes Only November 18-21, 2004 TecateSCOREBaja 1000 Baja, California Motorcycles/ A TVs Included SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAS VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 April 2-4, 2004 Buffalo Bills 400 Primm,NV May 21-22, 2004 Dusty Times 250 Caliente, NV August 6-8, 2004 KCHilites Midnight Special Primm,NV October 1-3, 2004 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 12-13, 2004 Western Desert Championship California City, CA December 10-12, 2004 Baja In Primm Primm,NV ._ (Non Points Race) SONS OP THUNDER 4WHEELERs RACE DIVISION KEITH STEW ART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS AssOCIATION TERRY WOLFE Dusty Times 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA,Wl53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313.-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKEMOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SoUIHERN CAIJFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, I.Ne. 43807 40rH STREIT EAsr l..ANcASTER, CA 93535 (MON-FRI 8:30 A.M. TO l :00 P.M.) (661) 946-6986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <http://scta-bni.org> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD R.AcING AssN. 4305 WOOTIARI( DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O.Box706 PARICIANDS,2121 Soorn AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011) 880-2170 Toys FoR TOTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADillA V Aill:Y SPORTS CFNTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTOI, NY 13335 ((,()6) 965-8784/FAX: ((,()6) 905-8784 < www.unadillamx.com> VORRA V AllEY OFF ROAD RACING AssN. 920 Hll.LCREST ST. P!.ACERVIll.E, CA 95667 (530) 622-0370 <www.VORRA.com> Short Course Races Prairie City, Sacramento, CA March 27-28, 2004 April 24-25, 2004 September 25-26,2004 October 16-17, 2004 October 30-31, 2004 Desert Races May 2S-31, 2004 Yerington, NV July 2-4, 2004 Hawthorne, NV August 7-8, 2004 TBA September 3-o, 2004 Bend,OR Awards Banquet November 13, 2004 Location TBA VllNIEGt.lmBaoOH' ROAI>Cum PRoFO. CENov10 GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-o P.M.) WtSI'mN OFP RoAD RAaNG~TIOO' LARRY HENDERSON ({i04) 538-CXi92 WORRAP.O.Box3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WtSI'mN PtNNsnv ANIA WHFl'.L To \VHFJ1.L OFP RoAD RA.ONG PATRICK McGUIRE P.O.Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WmPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KlNGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <www.whiplashracing.com> Trucks & BG§fies April3,2 PMP Extreme GP Tucson,AZ May 1,2004 Rock To Rock Rocky Point, Mexico September 4, 2004 Snowflake Heber,AZ October 2, 2004 PMP Extreme GP Tucson,AZ November 13, 2004 Vulture Mine Wickenberg, AZ December 4, 2004 Point To Point Rocky Point, Mexico WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHow (414)747-1711 March 2004 WISCONSIN OPP ROAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 1665 DELAWARE'ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 1/ 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH,WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRID RALLY CliAMPIONSlilP XTREME OOERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CAWOCO, CA 92231 4x4 FoREVER, LTD. Attention Race & Rally Organizers: List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to-be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 2004 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally s_chedule to: Dusty Times, 20761 Plummer·St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 You're Invited Jack Waldron Memo..-ial Cleanup . . * Saturday, March 20, 2004 9am -Outlet Ce_nter Drive on Highway 15 -Barstow *Bring gloves, shovels & rakes Raffle Prizes and Donations. are needed -Please help. *Free dinner after the cleanup Compliments of the slash X Cafe For .info: Bill Markel 3819 W. Avenue K-10 Lancaster, CA 93536 661-943-1786 Page 49 ry
Classified .. -. Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate · local or state authorities for infor-mation before purchase of any spe-cific item. FOR SALE: 1981 Ford F150 2wd. AutoFab fiberglass 1996 front end. Roll cage, Bear seats, Art Carr shifter, 460 engine, 650 Holey carb, Headers, Mild cam, Baja TIA 35" Tires, American Rims, Ford 9" dif, Detroy locker, 4.56 gears, 4 wheel disc brakes. $8500.00 OBO. (760) 357-6707. (760) 357-0855. Luis. FOR SALE: MDR Overall win-ning Class 1 Car. V-6 Chevy Bowtie racing engine, (New heads & Carb). King Shocks, 35" BFG's on Ultra Beadlocks. Ready to Race. $60,000.00 or make a real offer. Call Keith at (714) 746-1999, (714) 633-9994, or Dave at (714) 633-3635. FOR SALE: Gordon F150 Xtracab . fiberglass body kit w/carbon fiber rear duct. $2000.00. Ex-~imon/Si-mon Steve Culhane 300m C6 T ro-phy Truck trans. $5000.00. Chrisman 5 lug rear hubs w/300m · 40 spline drive plates. $1000.00 (6) BFGoodrich 35x12.50 x 15 Baja T/A's. $900.00 (2) 3" Sway-A-Way RaceRunners 16" travel w/coil kits $950.00. (2) Mastercraft low back w/lumbar support race seats $750.00. Call Foreman Fabrica-tion at (619) 659-3538. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 SCORE legal. Fat Motor, Mendeola transaxle, Fox Shocks, PCI Radios, Centerlines, Parker Pumper, SACO, chromoly frame, very light competitive car. Buy it all or may be willing to part out. Make rea-sonable offers. (415) 586-7972 or (925) 518-3881. . Tatum Motorsports built '99 Tahoe 2 door/4 seat. Street legal with only 835 miles! Full tube chassis, plate A-Arms, race truck style suspen-sion. Front dual A-Arm, 21" travel, Sway-A-Way shocks, (2 per wheel), Cone spindles, CNC. Rear trailing arm 3 link with 24" tra.vel, Eibach springs, Sway-A-Way (2 per wheel), CNC, Cone. Mogi T uro 400 trans, Dana 60 rear. Castillo Motorsports 400 ci. Engine, 15" Champions with Beadlock, BFG Baja T A's. A/C, stereo, PCI radio, Beard, Crow, Autometer, Halo.n Fire System, on board welder, por-table air. $180K. Ref #895. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out · at ·www.bajaconcepts.com. TRACTOR TRAILER PACK-AGE: Freightliner tandem axle-air ride, Big cam 350 with a fresh · bottom end. The trailer is a 1980 air ride Great Dane 45' with a 15" drop deck. Right side has 2 separate 3 ½' doors with double doors on the left that open to 8' with steps that hide away. Huge awning and enclosed canopy with roll up windows. Six 4'x8' belly boxes. The inside has benches, shelves, cabinets, 5001b wench, tool boxes, 110 lights, air compressor, genera tor (diesel). **Must sell! Best Offer!** $30K (or less without trailer). Ref# 863 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us FOR SALE: Class 3 Jeep "77", 401, 550 Hp AMC, Turbo 400, Dana 60 rear w/spool, Dana 44 . front, Swayaway shocks, Parker Pumper 34- gallon cell, BFG Baja Terrains, Quadratrac, Auto-meter, Art Carr, remote trans cooler, lights,· radio, lots of spares, race ready! Class champion. $28,500.00 (623) 566-4828. FOR SALE: International toterhome with 40' drop deck · trailer. Setup has a stove , mi-. ·crowave, fridge, sink, shower, toilet and can sleep 4 persons. 2 FOR SALE: 1968 Ford PreRunner/ Race. 351CCobraJet Ohrs. Art Carr C-6 Currie Rear 5. 14 w/steel spool Wilwood. 2.5 Sway-A-Way front. W /air bumps. 22" Travel. 2.5 Fox rear: W/ai"r bumps, Sway Bar 25" rear, 3 link. 2".120 chassis, 32 gal cell, Simpson, Aeroquip, CNC, much more. Kurt $12,500.00 OBO .(909) 672-7406. Super competitive! Extra Clean! 5 car. Fast and reliable with a record to prove. Featured Aug '02 Hot VWs. All 4130 chassis, big beam, Foddrill's best arms and spindles, CNC brakes, King shocks, 934 micro stubs, Fortin trans, powder coated chassis. 250 miles on complete rebuild and prep. FAT Type 4 3 ltr. 230 HP. MoMo, PCI, Dry Sump, BFGs Beard. Must see! $38K Ref #888 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www.bajaconcepts.com. FOR SALE: 4 seatJimco, 2800 cc Type IV, Foltz Trans, Coilover, Howe Power Steering, Beard Seats, Roof Rack, HID KC HiLites, Cen-terline, King Shocks, Disc Brakes, Aluminum Body, Awesome Pre-runner. Call after 6:00 pm. (661) 298-4351. $30,000.00. FOR SALE: 1982 Mack Box van/ car hauler with 40' awning, Die-sel, 5 speed, diamond plate for, belly boxes, overhead cabinets, work bench with vise, compressor, lift gate, tire rack, TV & VCR. $15,000 obo. (562) 682-2226. FOR SALE: 4 seat Desert Dynam-ics PreRunner, Beard, Parker Pumpets, Radio, intercom + 4 wired helmets, CNC's, 4-speed Mendeola, Northstar, Fuel Cell, Howe Steering, 934 CV's, HID's, BFG's w/Beadlocks, 100 mph & much more. Ready for Mexico! $78,000.00 OBO. CallJasonor Joe. (714) 549-7011. . FOR SALE: Class 10, 2001 Millen-nium, Rear l;ngine Toyota 4AG Mendeola 5 spd, Kreger Hubs, Flame Out,.CNC, King Shocks (new), BFG Bajas, Ultra Beard, Centerlines. $53,000.00. Call Ka-sey (602) 531-1550orTodd (928) 274-0158. generators, 2 year old 20x40 FOR SALE: TSCO Motorsports' FOR SALE: 1990 Ford Ranger black canopy, air compressor, Aluminum Chevy V-6. Built by FOR SALE: 98' Chenowth 2-1600 · Class 7S. Deaver Springs, Fuel Safe :..........._;:.:;...;;:_...:1• overhead tire/storage rack, 12 HP Engines, w/Lethal Dose fuel FAT Motor, Fox Shocks, Ump afr fuel cell, Perry's Fab n' Fiberglass, FOR SALE: 2000 Geiser Built A- new tires, new paint in 2002, injection, this engine has cleaner, Weld Wheels, 1 set of C-4 Auto Trans, Currie 9 inch rear Arm 4 Seater Jimco. Front suspen- could be setup to haul 2 vehicles. 500+ hp. This is a complete Wheels, tires, 20' enclosed trailer end, King Bypasses, Beard Seats, sion, Howe Rack, CNC hubs, King Tractor has a 350hp. Detroit, 13 package, including electronics. with spare tire rack, workbench, GPS, Hella lights, Autometer shocks, Summers rear hubs, 930- speed, licensed as a •~RV", no We were going to upgrade our lights. Won MDR 300 2003. gauges, TIG Welded Chromoly, CVs, Major Type IV, Fuel Cell, CDL needed!. Serious inquires Class 10 car to Class 1, but that $20,000.00 car, $$3,000.00 trailer. Baja Shop Motorsports built. $29,500.00Charles (520) 975-0456, only please. $39,000.00 OBO . . car is being sold. $20,000.00. $23,000.00. For Package. Call $28,000.00 (714) 2_79-0778. (520) 579-0456. · · Call Jeff at ( 414) 630-6254. Call Mark at 1-800-54 7-2414. ~<7_60~)_5_59_-4_5_03_. ____ _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • .. • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in · DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE . REMEMB.ER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED . IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ ____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ------~-----------------------Ad cl res s -----------------------------Phone City -----------------'---------------Please run ad times --_- , Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUS&JlilHIII Classified Ad Deadlines 2004-2005 ISSUE DEADLINE April, 04 Mar 4, 04 May, 04 April 9, 04 June, 04 May 14,.04 July, 04 June 11, 04 · August, 04 July 9, 04 Sept., 04 Aug. 13, 04 October, 04 Sept 10, 04 November, 04 Oct 8, 04 December, 04Nov 12, 04 January, 05 Dec. 10, 04 February, 05 Jan 7 ,05 March, 05 Feb 11, 05 • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • •· • State ____________ Zip_________________ ., __________ __. • ··················································································~········ Page so March 2004 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Chenowth Class 9, Fresh motor, Fields tranny,• Beard. CNC, Fox, 300m torsions, Wright rack, PIAA, Crow Belts, BFG, Cactus Pumper, Race Ra-dio, intercom, Spare motor, trans, tires, wheels, arms, spring plates, etc. $7,500.00 or Best offer. (909) 849-1002. FOR SALE: S-10, Class 7 or Pre Runner, Ex-Ragland, Clive Smith built. F. I. V-6 4 speed auto, Bilsteins, BFG, Taylor seats, CNC pedals. 9" rear end, 40 spline axles, knock off hubs, Custom headers. 4 link rear w/ leafs, 23" rear, 18" front. $25,000.00 OBO. (623) 780-4019. 45' Kentucky Trailer$ 7,500.000 OBO. FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevy, Dale White Truck, zero time on ground • up rebuild, 428 dry sump s/b, Braswell, Dual MSD, Mogi TH 400, BORLA, CNC 6 piston, Lee PS, 55 gal Fuel Safe, Optimas, Bilstein ex-ternal Coilovers, New body, new everything, spares. $60,000.00. Call Mike @ ( 408) 83 5-4921. FOR SALE: Ready to Race· FORD Trophy Truck w/ lots of spares. 100 miles on full prep 442 Patton Motec EFI Turbo 400 85 gal Fuel Cell w/dry brake Hella Hid Kenwood UO Air Jack 6 lug Fluidyne Beards steal at $195,000.00 (623 780-4019. FOR SALE: FORD Pro-2. CORR Series, 451 BBF Drysump 680hp, Mogi C-6, Christman 9", 4130 Standardized chassis, Ron Davis Radiator, Setrab coolers, All Sway-A-Ways, Mastercraft, Lee P.S., Fuel Safe, Optimas, Dynomax, CNC, Wilwood, 17" Ultra Wheels, Champion Bead-· locks, MSD, Autometer. $45,000.00 OBO. Call Chris @ (262) 770-9342 or (262) 878-4886. FOR SALE: Great first car or pre-runner. Larry Raglands Class 1 single seat. 3.4 Porsche Ulland tranny, power steering, Fox and Bilstein shocks, lots of spare parts, tires and wheels. Everything to go racing. $12,500.00OBO Rob (928) 636-0123. FOR SALE: Baja PreRunner, Street legal, registered, full roll cage. Very Safe. Not fast yet very reliable. $2,500.00. Trailer $700.00. Brian (310) 505-0626. FOR SALE: A photo will not do this 516 Justice. Built like a Trophy Truck. Tig welded Chrome Alloy. All the good stuff. 2001 Extreme Champion, 2rd in Safari, 3rd in Rally. This is one of the Best, no BS. $15 000.00OBO. 310 459-6077. FOR SALE: Nye Frank Chassis, Class 1 Single Seater, 5.3 Litre V-6, 500 hp, Jeff Field Auto, Howe Power Steering, Mastercraft, UMP, Parker Pumper, Good racing his-tory, fast and smooth $75,000.00. (619) 659-9112. Ask for Albert. FOR SALE: 4 Seat "A" Arm PreRunner "Alumicraft", Com-pletely street legal and currently licensed and insured. Fox Bypass. Mendeola 5 speed Crate Vortex V-6, Two Car show l" places, PCI radio, 2 sets ofCenterlinc;_,Wheels and Tires, mostly street miles, 20 gal Fuel Cell, much more. Com-(lle.te set of photos upon request. $50,000.00. (775) 266-3772. FOR SALE: 115" Wheel Base Single Seat chassis, combo spindles, Wright Rack-n-pinion,Fresh 1600 single port, driver air system, 18 gallon fuel cell. $9500.00 OBO. www.carlotservices.com/db.htm or call Chuck at (254) 442-1683. FOR SALE: Chevy V-6 Alumi-num Block dry sump P# 10134 3 71 $3,400.00. 18* V6 heads part # 10134359 $1,250.00. Valve covers part# 12480057 $150.00. All brand new. Call Steve at (602) 206-7830-(623) 386-3449. FOR SALE: Chenowth, single seat, Fox, Beard, Lots of spares in-cluding nice tandem trailer, 2~d points M.D.R., Class 9 $3,500.00 Kory Halopoff work (714) 633-0030, home (714) 921-9845. FOR.SALE) Jimco Class 1, HP Scat V4, Fortin Trans, & Hubs, King Shocks, 100 miles on new engine. Best of everything, $85,000.00 Race Ready. Lots of spares. CallLobsam Yee (619) 279-0360. PLEASE! DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP DllliJ~l■IG REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Dusty Times March 2004 FOR SALE: 1/1600 Raceco. 2003 FUD points champion. 1 race on Volker eng. Fresh Bus Trans, King Shocks, Saco Race, UMP Air cleaner, Beadlocks, Compufire ig-nition, Fast. $13,000.002 axle trailer w/brakes. $1,000.00. Call Doug@ (619) 933-7015. FOR SALE: Jimco SS Class 12, Completely Rebuilt in 2003. New Major 1776, Hewland, Fox, Coilover/Bypass Flameout, Beard, Micro Stubs. Very Fast, Ready to Race. $32,000.00. Call Mike @ (909) 660-6999. Dusty Times Classified Pages -MereYourAd Reaches The Readership Youre Looking For FOR SALE· Toyota V6 Camary 3 liter motor, Cat 6" Chevy rods, Ross Pistons, to-tal seal rings, Web Cams, electromotive lMZ injection, TRD springs, cups & retain-ers, 8 qt oil pan, 325 hp, fresh rebuild, $5,000.00 Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: Letner Racing. All cars race ready: Bonner Hawk engine, Kings Shocks. and Best ofEverything. 2-SEA T Class. l 0-Chenowth, Fortin, Honda, $75,000.00 (Many Wins); 2 SEAT Class 12-SCORE Lite Class Henry Chassis, Mendeola 1835 V.W., $49,000.00 (Many Wins); 2 SEAT Class 12 SCORE Lite Class Henry Henry Chassis, Mendeola 1535 V.W. $49,000.00 (Race Ready); 2 SEAT PreRun Raceco, Mendeola ·2180 V.W. $18,500.00 (Best ofEverything). For More Information contact Henry or Danny at (714) 633-0030. FOR SALE: 1985 Ford F150, Extended cab 3 seat, fully caged, Coilover & bypass shock on each wheel, air bumps, 4 link, equal length l'-beam w/center swing steering,· Heim ends on pivot points, big spindles & disc brakes, 408ci small block, SCAT crank, Prope pistons, SVO-heads, Holley, 500hp, Mogi trans, Summers rear end w/new drive axles & disc brakes, recent rebuild on motor, trans, & cliff, power brnkes, new custom dash w/pro comp gauges, completely rewired, AC, Am/Fm/CD, PCI radio, new paint, all it needs is interior to finish, great Pre-run-ner. $45,000.00 Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: Toyota 3.2 Race Eng. Professionally built. Carrillo Rods, J.E. Pistons, TRD Valve Springs, Caps, Retainers. Race Belt assem-bly. Custom headers. 360hp with mild tune. Call Nick at (619) 336-3771. 8AM-5 PM PST. $14,900.00 OBO. FOR SALE: Susspensions, Un-limited 2-1600. All new or fresh Wik's engine, JG Tranny, Fox,· Bypass front and rear. New Ax-les, CV's, torsion bars, spring plates, front beam etc. New body and paint, loaded and race ready. 99% finisher. $19,500.00 Call (619) 972-7209. J FOR SALE: Three 85 Honda Odyssey's, $3,500, $4,250, $5,000. They are all equipped with side Nerf Bars, side nets, front skid plate, and 3 inch belts. Different extras on each Odysseys. Rang-ing from New Motor, Tranny, Work Shocks, Dougless Rims, Tires and Jetting Packs. Lenny (707) 523-1330. FOR SALE: Ford 4.5 Race Eng. AU the Best Race patts, Dry Sump set up. Set up for carb or fuel in-jection. 460-490 HP. $12,000.00 Call Nick (619) 336-3771. 8 AM-5 PM PST. IND6-X TO AD\/6-R Tl-=>6-R-=> Best In The Desert .............................. 21 Bilstein ................................................ 15 C&R Racing ......................................... 38 Cabe Toyota ......................................... 40 Coast Resorts ........................................ 9 Fabtech ................................................ 29 Fuel Safe ............................................. 19-ISCO .................................................... 38 Kartek Memorial····················--··········· 41 Kartek ..................................... v ........... 2 6 Kawaguchi ... .' ...................................... 34 KC Hilites ............................................. 2 King Shock Tech ................................. 33 Kreger .................................................. 39 LeDuc Swap Meet ............................... 17 light Force Engineering ...................... 19 · McKenzie .............................................. 26 Mickey Thompson Tires ..................... 14 Nevada Off Road Buggy ....................... 38 OMF ············································••v .... 24 Pacific Customs .................................. 23 Parker Pumper .................................... 32 Parker Pump~r/Competition Air .......... 3 3 Parker Pumper/ Eibach Springs ................... Back Cover PCI Race Radios ..................................... !i Pikes Service Center ........................... 28 Race Ready Products ........................... 38 Racer X ................................................ 12 Redline ................................................ 33 Ronco .................................................. 22 Sakata ................................................. 41 Skyjacker Suspensions ...................... : 37 SNORE ................................................... 4 Sway•A·Way ........................................ 35 TCR ..................................................... 32 Team Gordon Race Wheels ................. 28 Transaxle Engineering····-···········--· 11 Turnkey ............................................... 36 Valley Performance ·-·-···················· 24 Waldron Memorial ............................... 4 Page 51
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