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2004 Volume 21 Number 2 Dusty Times Magazine

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$2.50 ISSN8750·1732 -serving.The 0## Road community Po, at Years covering the world of competi~ion in the dirt •••

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Volume 21 - Number 2 February 2004 Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw -Darryl Snµth Tony Ti;llier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copyright by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Remember those land rush starts at Riverside? Well, your editor took this shot of the Class I debacle getting .under way. We seem to remember that the unlucky guy was Jeff McPhearson. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be consid-ered. In This Issue.~. FEATURES Best In The Desert Las Vegas 200 by Judy Smith .......................................... 8 39th Rally Catalunya by Martin Holmes ....................................................... 16 MOJAVE desert Racing Stoddard 250 by Tony Tellier. ............................. 20 SCORE Awards by Judy Smith ..................................................................... 28 MORE Holiday 200 by j. Preston Bradshaw. ............................................... .30 S<:;:CA Lake Superior Rally by Jerry Winker. .............................................. .34 FRT tMDR Erik Baumgartner Memorial by Judy Smith ............................. 38 Cororia Sanjose 2003 by Byrle Moore. .......................................................... 44 Whiplash Point To Point by Mike Del Col.. ....... : ....................................... .48 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .. : .................................................................................................... .5 TrailNotes ..................... : ............................................. : ..................................... 6 Good Stuff Directory ..................................................................................... .51 Classified Ads ................................................................................................. .58 Index To Advertisers ...... , ............................................................................... 59 on The cover Chuck Hovey was the big winner at the BITD Las Vegas 200. Chuck drove his V 4 powered Jirnco to the overall win, stating that the course suited he and his car really well. Picture by-Trackside Photo• Eli Yee drove his brightly painted Honda powered J irnco to the class 10 win. This ~as his fifth BITD Class 1000 win this year, he's really lookin' good. Picture by-Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at (?/a6&e~e ~o-do:? to DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year □ 2 years □-3 years -$25.00 -$40.00 -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name --------------------Address -------------------City State Zip ------------------Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times February 2004 Page 3

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The Corky McMillin Companies Realy.Homes.Mo1tgage•Land Developmen~Commercial FUD MEMORIAL 200 OFF-ROAD RACE -FEBRUARY 21, 2004 PLASTER CITY EAST 17 CLASSES -INCLUDING STREET LEGAL PRO ENTRY FEE $360.00*-SPORTSMAN ENTRY FEE $200.00* 1 ST PLACE SPORTSMAN CLASSES RECEIVE $100.00 ENTRY FEE BACK~* 2004 MDR RACE SCHEDULE FEB. 21 -THE FUD 200 PLASTER CITY EAST APR. 10 -THE KING 250 PLASTER CITY WEST OCT. 16 -THE SUPERSTITION 250 PLASTER CITY-EAST DEC. 31 -THE DASH PLASTER CITY WEST Thanks to the follo.wing companies for their suppott of the first race of the MOR Superstition Championship Series. JIMCO ~~~ . Aadvancea Wireless. Inc_ u~ CU: ~-•e-.!.J. FAXu::.-s .. U.S. tfotest Service approved spark arrestor and green sticker or license plaje required on all race vehicles. *Entry form and fees due two weeks before the race date. **With 3 In class. l!ntry fee for the driver only, no fee for co-drivers, support crew, •1tectators or the general public (Note: If the vehicle does not make the starting line, 100% of the entrf fee Is rolled over to the next race) FOR MDR RACE RESULTS/ INFORMATION: . PHONE (626) 442-9320 FAX (626) 579-6051 1853 Parkway Drive So. El Monte, CA 91733 EMAIL lnfo@mdrraclng.coril WEBSITE MDR Tech info: ALL RACE TECH & SAFETY-Phone (702) 897-35D EMAIL

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. IOK FmJR WHEELERS P.O.Box36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All eventsstJgedat the dub grounds in Cleves. 0/w) .AMERICAN CusTOM WHEELS ]EEPSPEED 1826N. WINDES ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX: 714-633-1724 February 7, 2004 Blue Water Resort 425 Parker,AZ April 3,204 Mojave250 Barstow,Ca June 5, 2004 Baja500 Ensenada,BC,MX August 14, 2004 Wildwash 250 Barstow,CA September 25, 2004 California 200 Luceme,CA December 4, 2004 Las Vegas 200 State Line NV .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 Sourn POINTE CIRCLE, Sum 205 LAUGHUN,NV89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 EMAIL: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED ThIALs SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE-(714) 562-7742 EMAIL: ,<> AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM LASELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN ()pp ROAD CHAMPIONSlilP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBF.C ()pp ROAD CLASS IO CARS ONLY RENA!l) VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LA v AL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races AllRacesAt.Barrna Raceway, Lakeside, C4 . BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EvENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT\ RACING AssocIATION 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775 E-MAIL: February 6-8, 2004 Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 425 Cars & Trucks Parker,AZ February 27 - 29, 2004 Kawasaki Team Green Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles Motorcycles Only April 2-4, 2004 Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles Only/Invitation Only April 23-25, 2004 Terrible's Town 250 All Classes June 24 - 27, 2004 Vegas To Reno All Classes September 24 - 26, 2004 Baja Mex 300 World Championship All Classes December 3 - 5, 2004 Dusty Times Las Vegas 200 All Classes B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFFRoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W 2575N SUNSET, ITT 84015 801-773-1651 April 30-May 2, 2004 Wendover Express Wendover, ITT July 2-4, 2003 Jackpot200 Jackpot,NV September 3-5, 2004 Ely 200 Ely,NV BP MoTORSPORTs P.O.Box411 WOODLAND H111S, CA 91365 7©-57&-6258n©-578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: AJJEventsAtCalifomiaCicy, CA March 13-14, 2004 Cal-CityOffRoad #1 May 1-2 2004 Cal-CityOffRoad #2 June 19-20,2004 Cal-City Off Road #3 · August 28-29, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #4 October 23-24, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #5 December 18-19, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #6 BRIGHI'ON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONT ARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVTLIS'TAJUARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210GATIWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 01 l-52-16-l 7-45-42CESARFUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES February 7, 2004 · , Rally Awards Banquet Chris Bums E-Mail: Chris j_ · Rall!a Calendar Ap · 3, 2004 Desert Storm Chris Powell E-Mail: May 7-8, 2004 Rim Of The World Ray/Donna Hocker <> July 10, 2004 Treeline Clubrally Pete Morris E-Mail: August 21, 2004 Gorman Ridge ClubRally Ray/Donna _Hocker E-Mail: . October 2-3, 2004 Prescott Forest Rally Michael Taylor E-Mail: December 10-12, 2004 Ramada Express Rally <> R~spriD.tCalendar · arch 6, 2004 Scott Bottomley E-Mail: April 3, 2004 Desert Storm Rallysprint Chris Powell E-Mail: . May 29, 2004 Baldy Run Rallysprint Pete Morris E-Mail: . October 9, 2004 Perforce Software Rallysprint John Dillon E-Mail: November 20, 2004 Baldy Run Rallysprint Pete Morris E-Mail: December 12, 2004 Ramada Express Superstage Ray/Donna Hocker <www.rallyusa.can> Rally Schools February 29, 2004 INTRODUCING_ 6Yf<EN\ Y AQQDPREMIUM W ~ · · PRODUCTS J 10 WaHs of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ~C'EiF«'.S -""'~E°~,..... El"'tl,L.l.-,.YI.,...,.. 7'7l'#E' ~~ ,,..CJttsiii "-1 was in Ensenada, and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me ISO miles awayl I need these in ALL of my trucks!" -....:::11..L.....:::11...,.,,,, ,-#=LL/E:DE:I« PROTRUC~ WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 _The best communicalfon we've in over IS years of off road racingr -I«~~....--~ .,C-T T##EF ~Cl'W~ T~~I Remele Head opHon avalleble. Call ror details. February 2004 Pages

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Trail Notes ... You'RE IN THE ARMY Now - Many of you will remember Fidel Gonzalez, the personality plus photographer who shot.millions of pictures for T rackside Photo a few years back. Well, Fidel, wanting to answer his country's call, enlisted in the U.S. Army, is now going through training at Fort Benning, Georgia and is suppos-edly going to Special Forces school upon completion of basic train-ing. We ,all wish Fidel the hest and hope his career in the army will he everything he wants it to he. BEST IN THE DESERT - Casey Folks announced that Best In The Desert has decided to promote races exclusively in the United . States only. Therefore, the Baja Mex 300 will no longer be on the BITD schedule. There were many reasons for this: Safety; Ca-sey said "I cannot control a 300 mile race course in Baja like I can in the USA." "People throwing rocks and setting traps just isn't part of the BITD plan." Another reason is that many BITD racers prefer not to race in Mexico and these people have to be considered too. A replacement date will be set soon, most likely in October and as soon as that date is set it will be broadcast. Casey also added that Ford Motor Company will pay performance Awards for that race also. Stay tuned. SCORE AWARDS BANQUET-The SCORE awards banquet was held at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Tim and Ed Herbst took the honors in the Trophy Truck Division, they were the first four-time winners of the class and they also earned a Toyota Milestone award for finishing every mile of every race of the 2003 season and the Terrible Herbst Motorsports crew was voted SCORE Entry Sponsor of the year. To cap off their accolades, Crew Chief Mike Smith was voted SCORE Mechanic of the year. Dale Ebberts was honored as the Overall Point Champion, driving his Class 1 Jimco-Toyota to two wins and four more podium finishes. Steve Hengeveld and Johnny Campbell were the overall motor-cycle points champions as well as taking Cla~s 22 on their Honda XR650R. Mike Julson, of Jimco fame, took the honors as Original Buggy Manufacturer for 2003 and the Jimco cars won all four Open Wheel.classes in 2003. Brian Ickier, an 18 yearold was voted SCORE Rookie of the Year, winning 5 of 6 races in SCORE Lites. Engine Builder of the Year was Kenny Major, of Major Performance fame, Judy Smith was named Journalist of the year for the umpteenth time and Jim Ober, Trackside Photo took the honors in the picture department. BFGoodrich took the honors as SCQRE Contingency Company of the year as well as being named Pit Support Team of the Year. Herbst, Ebberts and Ickier were among nine racers who earned Toyota Milestone Awards for finishing every required race mile of the six SCORE races in 2003. Others were, Ron Brant, Eric Allen, James Golden, Brian Jeffrey, Alan Pfleuger and George Seeley. Allen, Seeley and Ickier also earned an equal split of this years $12,000 Toyota True Grit Awards for winning in their.non-factory supported class championship. Congrats to all the winners from Dusty Times. SCORE POINTS CHAMPIONS -The points winners for the SCORE 2003 season are: Trophy Truck • Tim Herbst, Gus Vildosola, Mark Post. Protruck -Alan Pfleuger, Jeff Dickerson, Al Hogan. Class 1 - Dale Ebberts, Ron Brant, Mark Weyhrich. Class ½-1600 -Eric Allen, James Golden, Brian Jeffrey. Class 3 -Donald Moss, Alejandro Cancino, Gerado Barragan. Class 5 - George Seeley, Joe Heger, Luis Wallace. Class 5-1600 - Marcos Nunez, Mario, Reynoso, Ruben Gutierrez, Jr. Class 7 - Craig Turner, Hector Salazar, Dan Chamlee. Class 7S - Bob Graham, Robert Land, Cody Swanty. Class 7SX -Daniel Fresh, Perry McNeill, Jr. Class 8 - David Sykes, Nick Vanderwey, D·ave Raimonde. Class 9 - Eric Fisher, Arturo Velazco, Ken Tapert. Class 10 -Martin Christensen, Steve Myers, Eli Yee. Class 1 •. -Fernando Flores, Eric Solorzano. SCORE Lites - Brian Ickier, Vic Bruckmann, Mark Kyle. Class 1 7 - Billy Bunch. Stock Full -John Griffin, Marc Stein, Mark Handley. Sportsman Truck -Ivan Loomis. Sportsman Buggy -Tim Price, Arthur Basile. The Overall Points winner was Dale Ebberts. BEST IN THE DESERT/FORD MONEY - Ford Motor Company will continue to support BITD racers with $350,000 with the 2004 Performance Awards Program. Ford is·posting $70,000 in per-formance awards per race. The awards break down by class in this manner: CLASS 1ST PLACE 2ND PLACE 3RD PLACE 1200 $1,500 $ 750 $ 500 1400 2,000 1,000 500 3000 1,500 750 500 3100* 7;500 3,750 1,000 4100* · 8,000 4,000 1,000 7100 1,500 750 500 7200 1,500 750 500 7300* 7,500 3,750 1,000 8000 3,000 1,500 500 8100* 8,000 4,000 1,000 *Year-End bonuses may be pa\d for Class Champions of 3100, 4100, 7 300 and 8100. Details will be announced at a later date. We suggest you contact Best In The Desert for more information on the Ford Performance A wards Factoring Matrix and the necessary require-ments to be eligible for the Ford awards. 702-457-5775, 702-641-Page& Ridgecrest Rally School Ray/Donna Hocker E-Mail: TBA Thunderhill Rally School Greg Montgomery E-Mail: September 18, 2004 Ridgecrest Rally School Mike/Paula Gibeault E-Mail: CANNING ATTRACilONS P.O.Box400 MAYWOOD, CA.00270 (323) 5(,()-SHOW CJ!NTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA . RACING ASSOCIATION P.O.Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) ((,()5) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) ((,()5) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIRHAVEN, Vf05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAiRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TwP.LINERoAD WEllSVILI.E, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUToMovrumCA SANQm:NnN CALI.E 6T A FRAcc Co. DE SAN Qu1NT1N SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACUO PA TINO (01152 616-5-22-07) Cum AUToMovrumco SANVICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (01152 61746834) RAM6N CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (6163?n0034) CMC CONTINENT AL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O.Box3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOmloAD CODE Offi-oad USA P.O.Box 2328 Calexico, CA92231-2328 USA Phone 7(,()_455-8069 Mexico Phone/Fax (011-52)686-553-4087 <> January 31, 2004 . VW Autopartes 250 Laguna Salad, Mexicalli, BC, MX April 24, 2004 Grupo T ersa BFG 200 Sanfi.lipe, BC, MX June 12, 2004 Accesorios Amado Night Race Laguna Salada, BC, MX July 31, 2004 ORW Lazo de Amistad Gran Prix Tecate, BC, MX October 16. 2004 Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada, Mexicali, BC, MX Decemh;er 11, 2004 Rafce Ready Products 275 Ensenads, Mexicali, San Felipe, BC, MX CoLORADOlhu Cw.m ASSOCIATION BARB V AHSHOL TZ, PREslDENT · (719) 531-3642 W/(719)/137-CX:,27 H P.OBox8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, co 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O.Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR 2004 LUCAS OIL SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 317-272-2827/317-272-2CXXJ FAX May 29-30, 2004 Dresser, WI Pro/Sportsman June 12-13, 2004 Antigo, WI Pro/Sportsman February 2004 June 26-27, 2004 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman July 10-11, 2004 . Topeka,KS Pro & Sportsman August 14-15, 2004 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September4-S, 2004 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 18-19, 2004 New Berlin, NY Pro Series CORVA 1500WESrELCAMINO, SuITE352 SACRAMENTO, CA.95833 1-800-42 CORVA ExT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAJCERAVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (2~ 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKARRAllY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OcEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAx: (562) 590-7925 DECATIJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 TOMAll.EN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 ~Off-ROAD RAaNGAssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEllSVILI.E, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 UISENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eusto 011-52-646-1715230AARoN Races for buggys & Motorcycles EsrERo BEACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT CoURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CAUFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FwRIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S AssN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Nov at Davidson Raceway FuoPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91 733 626-442-9320,-959-579-6151FAX 2004 Racing Schedule February 8, 2004 Cheese Burger Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes February 21, 2004 The King Plaster City East, CA ATVs -Bikes -Buggies - Trucks March 14, 2004 March Madness Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes March 28, 2004 Tazamanik Plaster City East, CA ATVs -Bikes April 10, 2004 FRT200 Buggies - Trucks April2S, 2004 Kamakize Kamakize Wash, CA ATVs -Bikes ,.,.May9,2004 Dez Sprint Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes May23,2004 Sweethearts Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes Date-TBD Off Road Warehouse Jacume, Baja, CA Buggies - Trucks October 9, 2004 .C/M Nite Team Race Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes October 23, 2004 Superstition 250 XXI Plaster City, East , ATVs -Bikes -Buggies - Trucks November 6, 2004 D-38 Reunion Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes November 7, 2004 Notorious Dawg ATVs -Bikes December S, 2004 Rudolphs Revengoe Superstitions, CA ATVs -Bikes GORRA GEORGIA OPP ROAD JlACINGA~770N 420 HOSEA ROAD LA WRENCEVIUE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT Pu.Nes OFF RoADRACJNG AssOCIATION PAUL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 All races are short course, stadium style. Classes -Sportsman Buggy, 1/2/5-16(X), Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska Raceway Park is just minutes westo/Omaha,NE <> HIGH PLAINs OPP RoAD RACING 2000W. QUINCY AVE., #106 ENGLEWOOD, CA 80110 PATRICK DRAPER 303-806-8062/303-781-0074 Fax INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O.Box8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL . JEEP CHEROKEES 1826N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714)538-7434 <> E-MAIL: KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTERS WmsPERING PINES SPORTS & ltEcREATioN CENTER . P.O. Box 465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALENYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. . Craig Byers (250) 3 76-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFPROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> • <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM ARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRrrA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARI.OS AL VAREZO PANAMERICANAAVE #5105 CD. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 M!cmGAN Buooy BUIIDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MicmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. . 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 · Motorcycles, Quads, A TVs and P11ots onl MAORA MID-AMERICA Dusiy Times

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OFF ROAD AssOCIATION P.O.Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> Short Course Series** Endurance Series*** May 22, 2004** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL May 23, 2004*** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL June 13, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL June 26, 2004** Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN June 2 7, 2004*** Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN July 17, 2004** Sog.,ay Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL Augwt 1, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL August 7, 2004***. Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL August 21, 2004** Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN September 4, 2004** Sog.,ay Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL . September 19, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL October 2, 2004** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL October 3 2004*** Lincoln Mr:.sprts Park Casey, IL MoJA VE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRJVE SOLJTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-44'2-9320/626-579-(,()51 FAX E-MAIL: February 7, 2004 Lucerne 250 Lucerne, CA April 3, 2004 Wild Wash 250 Barstow, CA May 15,2004 Ridgecrest 300 Ridgecrest, CA June 26, 2004 MDR400 Lucerne,CA Augwt 14, 2004 Mojave200 Barstow, CA September25,2004 California 200 Night Race Lucerne CA November 20, 2004 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. HIGH DESERT CIIAMPIONSlilP P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 760-253-4453 January 31, 2004 F/L Badlands 400 Lucerne,CA March 27, 2004 Balls Out 250 Barstow, CA May29,2004 KarTek300 Lucerne,CA July 24, 2004 Freedom250 Barstow, CA September 1~1 2004 KarTek Challenge Lucerne,CA December 4, 2004 Holiday200 Barstow, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATIO!'i DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIA1S SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> All events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valley with a school) Dusty Times NATIONAL Mun RAcING AssN. RT.#l-Box380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BtrrCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREIT HAsrlNGS,MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valley Raceway, on route 518, 20minutesSWo/Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from Spring Valley) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcINGAsSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF RoAD EXPO 2004 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RAONG .AssoclAnoN VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 C!ASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OtrrLAW REP. DoN PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County >U7 Acres} OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO May 14-16, 2004 Orange County Fairgrounds FOR BooTH INFORMATION CALL: (714) 24'1-9055/FAX (714) 241-0821 Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS.ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 J1MKENDEL (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, Pusuc RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 0UTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMME!MAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL (,()504 (630) 5(i6..6100 <> PlKEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Pao 1600 SHOOTOUT CoREYG01N 559-647-6132 GOINRACIN@HOTMAIL.COM January 15-18, 2004 SCORE - Laughlin, NV Jan 30-31, 2004 MORE - Lucerne, CA April 3-4, 2004. SNORE -Primm, NV June 4-5, 2004 SCORE -Baja, Mexico August 6-7, 2004 SNORE/MORE- Primm, NV December 10-11, 2004 SNORE - Cal City, CA PRoTRuCK RACING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 January 15-18, 2004 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV February 6-8, 2004 Parker425 Parker, AZ February 27-28, 2004 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja, Mexico April 23-25, 2004 T erribles Town 250 Pahrump,NV June 4-6, 2004 Baja500 Baja, Mexico June 24-27, 2004 Vegas To Reno September 12-14, 2004 Las Vegas, NV Primm300 Primm,NV November 1~21, 2004 Baja 1000 Baja, Mexico • December 3-5, 2004 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 RICKETTS, IA 514(,() (712) 679-2221 SAN Dmoo SHQRT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New-Series by Snowbird Off Road Racinu Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck • <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION ()p AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SCCA PRoRALLv P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-205 5 <> January 30-31, 2004 Sno*Drift Atlanta, Ml February 6-8, 2004 Rallv Perce-Neiee Maniwaki Maniwaki, Quebec, Canada April 17-18, 2004 Oregon Trail · Hillsboro, OR April 23-24, 2004 Pirelli International Rally Gateshead, England May 7-8, 2004 RimOfThe World Palmdale, CA May 15-16, 2004 Rally Of Wales Wrexham, England May 22-24, 2004 Bighorn Rally Edson, Alberta, Canada May 2~30, 2004 Rocky Mountain Rally Calgary, Alberta, Canada June 5, 2004 Susquehannock Trail Welliboro, PA June 11-13, 2004 Scottish International Rally Dumfries, Scotland June 11-12, 2004 Pacific Forest Rally Merritt, British Columbia, Canada June 24-26, 2004 Pikes Peak International Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO July 2-4, 2004 Jim Clark Memorial Rally Berwickshire, Scotland July 2-3, 2004 Rallye Baie Des Chaleurs New Richmond, Quebec, Canada July 30-31, 2004 Maine Forest Rumford, Maine July JO-August 1, 2004 Manx International Rally Castletown, Isle Of Mann August27-28, 2004 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 3-4, 2004 Ulster Rally Belfast, Northern Ireland September 10-11, 2004 Rally Defi Ste-Agathe/Duhamel Sainte-Agathe, Quebec September 16-19, 2004 Rally Great Britain Wales, England September 24-26, 2004 Colorado Cog MORE Happenings-page 57 February 2004 Trail Notes ... 2431, <> KC HILITES AWARDS - KC Hilites has announced a huge off road contingency program for 2004. For all of you guys and gals racing with Best In The Desert, CORR, SCORE, SNORE and VORRA here's th1t,peal. For racers using KC Hilites HID lights: $ 1000 in product for 1 place or $400 in cash! For racers using KC Hilites Halogen lights: $300 in product for 1st place or $150 in cash. For the CORR racers KC has increased their contingency program to award $1500 to a class champion at seasons end, $1000 to second place and $500 to third place. Racers may qualify for these awards by using two KC Daylighters and covers and displaying two KC Hilites decals. KC Hilites is introducing new 8" HID and halogen race lights with driving and long range beam patterns. For more information contact Jim Conner, Race and Promottonal coordinator for KC Hilites, Inc. 928-855-0912, 928-453-9641 fax or CL BRYANT/VP RACING FUELS -CL Bryant, the largest dis tributor of 76 Racing Gasoline's in the world announced that as of December 31, 2003, 76 Race Gas will no longer be avail-able. Reason? 76 race gas will no longer be produced. But, the good news is that CL Bryant and VP Racing Fuels could be delivered to all the valued customers across the western United States and Mexico. VP Racing Fuels, based in San Antonio, Texas is the Official Fuel of the NHRA, AMA, Shifter Kart USA, Toyota Atlantic Series, For-mula Mazda, IKF Region Seven, IJSBA, Formula One Prop Tour, ASA and Pro Truck. They have been producing championship win-ning race fuels since 1975. CL Bryant, based in Modesto, California is still one of the largest marketers of racing gasoline in the world.-They are also one of the largest commercial lubricants and bulk fuels marketers in California. If you have any questions about the CL BryantNP Racing Fuels contact Mitch Hart Qr Chuck Bryant at 209-53 7- 7 600. < mailto:mitchart@clbryant. com> SCORE LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE -By the time you read this, Laughlin will be a short term memory. There were 156 entrants in the drawing and Ed and Tim Herbst drew first off the line in the Trophy Truck Division. Troy Herbst got the #1 start-ing spot in the heavy duty Class 1 Unlimited fracas. At Laughlin, 16 different classes of cars and trucks are split into seven groups, each running as part o(one of seven races of two to five laos each over the 11 mile loop each day. Racing takes places from 6:30'am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday. Over $300,000 in prize money and contin-gency postings are up for grabs. At this time there are 23 Trophy Trucks entered, 28 Class 1 cars, 28 ½-1600 Cqrs, 3 Pro Trucks, 1 Class 3, 1 Class 5, 10 5-1600, 7 Class 7 trucks, 4 7S trucks, 6 Class 8 trucks, 3 Class 9 cars, 24 Class 10 cars, 12 SCORE Lites, 2 Class 11 cars, 3 Stock Full trucks and 1 Sportsman truck. Lots of entries, lots of spectators and lots of good racin' ! S EMA To Focus ON OFF-ROADING -SEMA (Specialty Equip ment Market Association)announced that they are rolling out a multi-faceted program to support the thriving off road mar-ket. Their first promotion will be unveiled at the SEMA Spring Expo 2004 in Indianapolis, IN, a trade show for auto and truck accessories March 5-6 with an off road proving ground. SEMA President Chris-topher J. Kersting announced, "we're focusing on off roading be-- cause we see immense promise for our members in this segment of our $27 billion specialty equipment market. Rock crawling and other extreme off road activities, sand sports and four wheeling are all becoming more popular and SEMA plans to respond to this growth surge to help our members cultivate new business opportunities. "We certainly hope that off road r,acing falls somewhere within their sight! FINAL FLAG - William (BHI) Newbury, former flat tracker and off road racer passed away on December 18, 2003. Bill was BC.years old. Bill's involvement with motorsports began as a flat tracker in the 1930's and he continued on as a co-driver for Malcolm Smith in Africa and Baja. Colorado 500 participants will remember him as Chase Driver Of The Year in 1989. Bill is grandfather to Class 1 driver Buddy Feldkamp and father in law to Bud Feldkamp, owner of Glen Helen Raceway. Bill was known to all as an all around good guy. He will be missed by all. BRENDAN GAUGHAN -We are happy to report that the youngest of the Gaughan sons will .be piloting a car for Roger Penske in the top NASCAR series in 2004. Brendan has proved himself to be a very good, heads up driver with a lot of horse sense. We wish him nothing but success in this next step of a hopefully long career. FRT/MDR ERIK BAUMGARTNER MEMORIAL DASH - After the un timely demise of Fud and the rapid· scurrying around to find someone to carry on his series of races, the Mojave Desert Rac-ing (MDR) group, under the direction of Patricia Williams stepped up to the plate and put on the last of the series races for 2003 and will continue to promote the balance of the FUD series in 2004. The · New Years Eve race went off well, the weather was good, 73 cars competed and all that attended had a good time. Read all about it in Judy Smith's story in this issue. Dusty Times congratulates the MDR crew for stepping in and helping to preserve a racing series. Well done! Page 7

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BITD LAS VEGAS 200 Hovey overalls season Finale By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo John Sunderland decided he needed a new racecar, bought this Ford (rom Marc Stein the night before the race, then went out and won Class 4100. The weather was very cold, but calm. Clouds obscured the sun for much of the day, and there was very little breeze. Seventy-five cars and trucks took the green light at JO-second intervals, with the Trick Trucks going off the line first. There were just three of them and Darren Skilton's Kit, first to go, spluttered and coughed and stalled jttst off the start. He got going again, but lost his first-on-the-rioad position. Strunk, who'd been repaired' and was running strong again. Taylor went on to take the class win by two hours, and Strunk took sec-ond place. Taylor said he really liked the course·, which ran in the reverse direction from the previ-ous two years. He particularly liked coming downhill in Beer Bottle pass as opposed to having to climb up it. He said it made the rough part easier. Eli Yee piloted his Honda powered Jimco to the Class 10 win at the season finale, and at eve,y other BID event in 2003. Kyle Taylor put his Ford into the lead, and at Check A -about Mile 23, he had three minutes on Skilton and Bucky Strunk, in a Chevy, who were tied. But at Check B, about 65 and a half miles along the road, he'd built his lead to ten minutes, and the Kia was in second place, while Strunk lost 'about an hou~ when he lost an A-' arm. Taylor's hood had started flapping up when a mount broke so he'd stopped at Pit 1 to have the hood removeJ anJ then he'd also had a flat on that lap. But the The 1500 cars (comparable to SCORE's Class 1), were next to go. Hovey had some exceedingly go'od luck, and although he started fifth, he finished the lap first on the road, because the others each had some problem as he caught up with them. Taylor had a flat, Strunk had that suspension prob-lem, the Kia wasn't running well and the Class 1 car·of Cam Thieriot and Glenn Harris, a Robby Gordon chassis, was also having trouble. So Hovey had easier passing than he had a right to expect, and then had a nearly dust-free second lap. Hovey had never raced on this course before, nor had he gone on the one lap pre-run, so he was happy for a little luck. Mark Weyhrich, chasing hard behind him, in his Chevy Jimco, was feeling a bit sick, al-though he was only a minute be-hind Hovey and tied for fourth with Michael James in his Jimco and Thieriot. Still, Weyhrich de-cided to stop and put his brother, Gary, into the car. Mark had good reason for being a bit under the weather. He'd become a first-time dad just four days earlier, and wasn't yet back tip to speed. Gary, on the other hand, was an experi-enced father, having celebrated his baby's birth five weeks earlier. Missing from the start line for this race was Pat Dean, whose wife was busy having twin girls that morn-ing. Prolific group. Chuck Hovey took the overall separate courses. The start/finish win in his Class 1500 V4 powered line is the same, and so it pit row, Jimco at the BITD season finale, but everything else is different. As the Las Vegas 200. they headed south the. cars and Sited on Jean Dry Lake, this trucks veered to the left, and the event is a bit of a departure for the bikes and quads veered right. The BITD folks, because it's not a car/truck course was 77 miles point-to-point, or one loop event. · -long, and the bikes and quads It's a three lap race, and the bikes covered 72 miles. The only time and quads take the green light at they were on the same track was the same time that the cars and as they went along pit row. It works trucks do. well, and makes for an event that The Best In The Desert folks can be run all in one day. The race have made good use of the desert starts just as sunrise and everyone just north of Jean, Nevada, off finishes long before dark. That Highway 15, by setting up two the official scorekeepers Dave and Don Blakely, from up north in Utah, have been off-road racers for many years, and their experience helped them get the Class 2000 win this time. Mike Coleman and Robert Hayley teamed in a Ford to take the win in Class 7100, after a close fight with the second place team. Pages time to figure everything out, and they are able to hold the award ceremony the same evening. It makes for a busy day, but an en-tertaining one. The course is made up of bits and pieces of Nevada landscape that's been raced on many times by many different organizations, starting way back with the WRA in the 70's. Some of the car/truck course was so chewed up and rougfi this time that a bunch of racers pitched in to have about five miles of it graded. They liked the results. . truck's handling was "fantastic." On the second lap the Kia dis-appeared after holding second through the first check and Tay-lor, who'd had another frat, was an hour and a half ahead of Mark Brownell drove his Chenowth to vic·tory in the 1100 class, for VW powered cars with VW suspension. Aaron Dixon figured he was just out there to get a finish in Class 7300 -stock mini trucks -but everything went right with his Ford and he ot the Win. February 2004 Hovey did his first lap in an hour and 12 minutes, which gave him the overall lead by three min-utes. Taylor, in the Trick Truck, was second, and only a bit over two minutes behind him on the course. Hovey, who'd missed rac-ing in the Baja 1000 because he'd been ill, was now feeling good and determined to get himself a win. Taylor had another flat and pretty much lost any chance of catching him. But then Hovey tore a c. v. boot. His crew decided he'd bet-ter stop and grease it at each pit. The Weyhrich car was running -well, but the unexpected driver change had cost them a few mo-ments, and they'd have to push hard to catch back up. The Tim Rockenbach Scott Kincaid Jimco was out before completing the first ,lap, but everyone else got into the second lap. Thieriot and Harris Dusty Times

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,, Sam Berri had too much brake ·and not enough front Tim Braden and Mitch Griffin had a nearly clean day in Kevin Davis and Steve Lang got a new motor and got a suspension, but his Jimco was still plenty quick enough for their Ford, but a driveshaft gave them some trouble. They rare finish this time, and third in Class 7100, and thanked a third place finish in Class 1500. _w_e_re_ s_e_co_n_d_ in_ C_la~s~s_ 7_10~0_. __________ ~ their •meticulousn crew ohief Kevin Robberts. were nearly 20 minutes off the second and third overall, just less second lap, about 142 miles into two and a half minutes back. He was a happy car owner, be-pace by then, and did not com-than 10 minutes behind him. In the race, McGillivray had gone Staats finished fourth, and Rick cause this was his first season with plete Lap 2. third it was Berri, and none of the into the lead. He'd done some sus-L. Johnson was fifth, and last to the truck and he'd finished every Hovey was still first on the road others finished. pension work on his truck re- finish, about 40 minutes later. race he started, which he figures at the end of the second loop, with The Pro trucks were next to cently, and said it "felt right", but He'd run out of fuel and broken a· is a big accomplishment for a new five minutes on the Weyhrich car, start, and they had a pretty good that the motor was "tired." Jeff · steering box, but got things to-teani. He raced all but one SCORE which was second. In third it was sized group, with eight starters. Dickerson and Jimmy Nuckles gether and made it to the finish. Continued on page 10 Sam Berri in his new Jimco with a Only seven of them completed the were now second in their Ford, five Scat V-4 motor. Berri had already first lap, and the lone dnf was the minutes behind him, and in third lost fifth gear, and he'd discovered team of Al Hogan and Tony it was Becker, another four min-that the front end was too soft, and Licitra, in Licitra's Ford. (Hogan utes back. They were all still mov-he had way too much front brake. had seriously wounded his own ing. · Other than that he was liking the truck at the 1000). All the others Things changed on Lap 3. new car. Behind him about four went through the first checkpoint Dickerson and Nuckles didn't get minutes it was Kevin and Mich~el in exactly the same time -25 min-the first 23 miles of this lap done, James in their Jimco, but then they utes. But the next 42.5 miles made and neither did Rick D. Johnson. didn't get very far into the third a difference. John Becker had his McGillivray stayed in front, with lap. _ Ford tied with Rick L. Johnson in a 14 minute lead at the first Hovey kept stopping to grease a Toyota, and Rick D. Johnson in check, and 20 minutes by the sec-that c.v., and his dad, Dean, fret- a Ford. And they had just one ond check. He stayed there, hav-ted at the finish line, but no one minute on Kevin McGillivray in ing no problems, and took the win caught him. He took the victory, his Chevrolet. The rest of the by 22 minutes. He said "the ve-finishing in 4:23-:42, about seven group had fallen five or six min-hide was flawless, the pit crew and a haif minutes in front of Tay- utes back. Steve Staats had put was flawless, and I didn't do too lor for the overall win. He said the his· Ford on its side, and David bad ... " He described the course as "course suited me and the car re-Hunt had flattened a tire on his "good fun." Hunt, who'd had a l Mike Falkosky said he ran a "good pacen in his Ford, but at the end, a ly well." The Weyhrichs, who Ford. second flat tire, finished second, "had to pick it up a little bit.n He got the Class 3100 (small SUVs) win by reported no problems at all, were At the second check on the while Becker was third another a minute and seven seconds. --------------====================. Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellaglo, C8esatS & Ba/Jys Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 balb1iryc:oa&li;BH10,COOI The Place L~ vegans Gall Home ... west Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-8278 g~ii,1lli\$lno.=tt! February 2004 Ask About Out Special Headliner Show and Room Packages west Tropicana & Al'Vllle 1-800-875-3287 cdaenacaliilo.oom Ask About our Room & Golf Packages Alta &. Rampart 1-877-677-1111 ~t,te.;$ho.<:ctn • Page 9

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Alan and Scott Gerber had just one flat and lost a c. v. boot, and brought their Jimco to the finish line in second place in Class 2000. John Holmes had a fairly good day in his Ford, but some small problems and a broken shock that holed a wheel, held him to second place in class 3100. Curt LeDuc had to do some welding on a broken flange early in the day, but the Ford held together and he was third in Class 8000 at the finish line. event, and all BITD events. Class 1000 (SCORE's Class 10) was next to start, with four entries. They were all within two minutes of one another going through the first check, but by the second check on the first lap they'd al-ready lost Steve Strobel and his brake problems. He was about 10 Bunderson. Eli Yee had his Hon-minutes off the pace. da Jimco in front at that point, just Yee, who'd already won four one minute ahead of Steve Brown BITD events this year, held the and Randy Knutson in a Jimco. In lead through the second lap, hav-third it was Tony McLaren, in a ing no problems and finding the Toyota Penhall, who was fighting course "fast and nice". Midway through the second lap Brown and Knutson fell out, and McLaren moved up to second, still fighting his brake problem. He said.he de-cided to "cool it", in order to get to the finish. Yee had .no problems all the . way, and took the win, finishing fifth in the overall standings also. Only Hovey, Taylor, Weyhrich and McGillivray were in front of them. McLaren took second place, coming in about a half hour later. Gre_g Foutz had "no sad stories" at the end of the day. Both he and his Ford truck performed well, and he was the Stock full size pickup (class 8100) winner. The Class 8000 trucks went off the line next, with eight starters. Ron and Randy Wilson, from Or-egon, didn't get their Ford even to the first check, but everyone else went on. John Melsheimer, also from Oregon, had his Chev-rolet in front at that point, but only Page 10 February 2004 by two minutes. Keith Moore was second, also in a Chevy, and in third it was Rick Harrah and Greg Becker, in a Ford. Ed Lazzari and Todd Galli were fourth in ·their Chevy. Curt LeDuc, Ford, was welding on his rear end. It had been making noises, so they'd checked it, and it checked out okay, so he went on. But then the flange broke and Curt had a lengthy repair to make. He was last. At the second check on the first lap it was Melsheimer, then Andy Schifanelli in a Ford, then Moore, who'd lost about 10 min-utes. When they got to the first check on the second lap Moore was in front and Melsheimer was digging himself out of some silt, and not happy about it. He lost 20 minutes and dropped to second. Schifanelli was third and LeDuc was fourth, about an hour down to first place. Moore stayed in front through the lap, with Melsheimer second, and Schi(anelli third. Barry Burich and Gil Perry, from Florida, were running fifth in their Ford, but nearly three hours down, and Lazzari and Galli had fallen to last, nearly another hour behind them. Moore led for about three-quar-ters of the last lap, but about 50 miles before the finish he los this brakes. Melsheimer gradually caught him, and as they went through the final check, only 10 miles from the finish line, he was only a minute back. He went into the lead in that last stretch, and took the win, finishing a minute and 19 seconds in front of moore. LeDuc came in a half hour later, in third place, saying, "I can't be-lieve we finished." Not only that, but he won the class points for the year. None of the other trucks got to the finish line. Class 7200 (modified mini-trucks) started next, with five en-tries. They had a good race. Jason Jernigan started the morning in Continued on page 12 Dusty Times

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CONGRATULATIONS CRAIG TURNEii & Illa '1stG·11·~1-b· ·t1Cb' 1· ···11·1,sp· ·1n·s , •. 111· WI 1 · th lllhl ri ! . . , . . . • .· ·.. . ID .. no DI . I 8111 IDIS88DIIV8 lhllDIIIODSblP TIU& & ma BIia 1,000-811 on S■av-1-wav Shoals. Dusty Times February 2004 Call for our ALL-NEW Product Catalog Page 11

Page 12

Shane McFall and Tim Fitzpatrick, both previously bike Tony McLaren had some brake problems with his Toyota Randy Merritt had ignition problems in his Ford all day and Iacers, enjoyed their first truck race, had no trouble with Penhall, and a stuck throttle, but still managed to finish it cost him over an hour, but he still took second place in their Ford and took second in Class 7300. second in Class 1000. Class 8100. ---.,.......,--.----.----.-,------.------.--------,---.,-,-------.--~-~ the lead, but he was only two min- in the silt. At the second check running well by then. 1000_ and hadn't had much time lost about a half hour and dropped utes ahead of most of the rest of Shawn Wanzek had his Ford lead- Going through the first check to prep in between. This event was to fourth. The lead switched the pack. Mike Ruane, in a Ford, ing, only a minute in front of on the second lap Jernigan had a "payback" for Indio, who'd done hands by the time they got to Mile lost about 45 minutes in the first Jernigan, who was now four min- seven minute lead on Salazar'.s co-the entire race prep all year for 65 on the second lap, when Guti-23 miles when, because the truck utes in front of Hector Salazar in driver, Porfirio "Indio" Gutierrez. Salazar. David Burns, from New errez was in front, but only by wasn't running well, it got stuck another Ford. Ruane had his truck They'd raced their truck in the Mexico, was third. Wanzek had three minutes. Jernigan was sec-I! LOWRANCE &PS liu-tem• • BNv & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping I "-'" 1/erteK !'it:andard V rte. High P rform nc Raitla • m11 • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 110 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mit-Spec Standards Page 12 Pru Farr:e Air 111.BV Cardle•• Imp r:tKlt •½"Drive • 216 ft-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available February 2004 ttlMMIJNll:ATIDN liDl.lJTION FDR RACINB& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones 1 Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets 1 Scanners I 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN Glollali # ~, ond, followed by Burns, then Wanzek and Ruane. Ruane, after losing so much time early in the day, was now "just cruising." Gutierrez led through the first check on the last lap, with seven minutes on Jernigan, but then he lost his brakes when he had rear caliper trouble. Jernigan passed him back and went on to take the victory. Salazar and Gutietrez were second, about 17 minutes later, followed in by Burns who reported no problems and no flat tires. Wanzek disappeared on the last lap, and Ruane moved up to finish fourth. In Class 1100 (SCORE Lite) there were just two starters. Mark Brownell put his Chenowth into the lead and stayed there all the way. He said he blew a turn and got himself high-centered on some rocks, but some nearby checkpoint people helped him off and he lost only about five minutes. He went on uneventfully to take the win. Behind him Jeff Moore wasn't so lucky in his MIT. He followed Ruane, in the little truck, into the silt, and got stuck behind him. He also lost about 45 minutes, and then played catch-up. On the sec-ond lap he had a flat, and since he had no spare (he'd been trying to run "light") he'd driven 15 miles on the flat. For the last lap David Cyr did the driving and at the fin-ish line they said that other than their problems they'd "had fun." They were second. · · There were five 1600 cars (Class 2000), starting right behind the 1100s. Todd Cuffaro didn't even get his Porter to the first check, so the field was down to four early in the morning. The first three were close together, with Dave and Don Blakely tied in their Meco with Allen and Scott Gerber, in Jimco. Both teams are from Utah, and they were here as one team, pitting together. Tom Dunbar, R.T. Axton, Clay Cralle and Milton Cooper, who call them-selves the OBFM (Old Bald Fat Men), were only two minutes be-hind them in third. And in fourth, it was Kevin Graves, in a Jimco uncharacteristically 15 minutes down already. . The Blakelys pulled ahead of the Gerbers by a minute by the end of the lap, and the OBFM team stayed firm in third, but Graces made up some time on them and was just three minutes behind them nearing the end of the lap. As they cleared the first check on Lap 2 the Blakelys had a four minute lead and the Gerbers were • tied with Graves for' third place. Dusty Times

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Keith Moore had to change a driveline and lost his brakes 50 miles before the finish, but still took second place in Class 8000 with his Chevy. Hector Salazar and Porfirio "lndion Gutierrez teamed in Salazar's Ford and took second place in Class 7200 after some serious brake problems late in the day. Bucky Strunk lost a big chunk of time early in the morning when he lost an A-Arm, but after repairs was able to salvage a second place in the Trick Truck class in his Chevy. The OBFM team had somehow got stuck under a trestle and thought momentarily they'd bro-ken a c.v., but it turned out to be a shifter problem. They also were hit by_someone, and that inverted their power steering belt, losing them a few moments again. Nearing the end of the second lap it was the Blakely car in front, with five minutes on the Gerbers, who had 20 minutes on Graves per, who are all from Kentucky, second and Merritt third, but all were third, a little over a half hour so close it was anyone's race. As later. Graves didn't get to the fin- they headed out into Lap 2, Foutz ish. picked up some time, and had four Class 8100 came next, with minutes at the first check, with seven entries. But Charlie Merritt in second, and the Henns McDowell and Chad Cola, in a had dropped back a bit, and were Ford, didn't get any distance at now 21 minutes behind Merritt. all, ri.or did Chad Hall, in a Hum-Morrison ran fourth nearly three mer, who had a broken shock fit- hours later and Handley ran an-ting such a long way from a pit, other hour down. that the team decided to call it a Foutz was having a perfect day, through the first check, and at that already had to deal with some point it was a tie between Mike small ignition problems and had Coleman and Tim Braden, both lost a few moments. This was a in Fords. Kevin Davis, Ford, and historical race for Vinje's truck, Jim Gilchrist, in Malcolm Vinje's since it was the last time Vinje Ford, were also tied, for fourth only planned to race. He was retiring three minutes back. Gilchrist had Continued on page 14 ··-who was third. The OBFM car was struggling with its inverted day at Mile 19 rather than try to without flats, and held the lead. ,. drive the distance with no front He later said he'd stopped twice suspension. . in the pits to "take a leak", but • belt.',.... . The Blal<elys, who've been in-volved in off ,roading for many years (Don says· .he pre-ran the SNORE 250 in his '1hassinet" when he was three weeks old,_with his dad, Jim) stayed in front now all the way to the finish, to take the win. Behind them their friends, the Gerbers, had to tape up a c.v. when they lost a boot, and also had a flat, but they finished only 13 minutes behind in second place. Punbar, Axton, Cralle and Coe>_:_ Dusty Times Greg Foutz, meanwhile had his had no mechanical trouble at all. Ford tied for the lead with Eric He took the victory by an hour and \ and Terry Henn in their Hummer. a half. Merritt fought ignition prob-They had two minutes on Randy lems most of the way, and on the Merritt in his Ford. Eight minutes second lap he changed a coil and further back it was Mark Handley, ignition box. He was second, and in a Ford. And over two hours be- the Henns, who'd been second for hind him came Dave Morrison in a while on the last lap, took third a-Ford, obviously having had some about 15 minutes behind Merritt. severe problems early in the morn- Morrison and Handley both ran ing. out of time. Foutz led by about a minute at Class 7100 (7S) started next, the end of the lap, with the Henns with six en.tries. They all made it Cf!uck Hovey drove his V4 powered Jimco to not only the Class 1500 win, but also the overall first place, with a nearly trouble-free ~ -!!141® The Suspen.sion Company. February 2004 Page 13

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immediately upon finishing the race. Miguel Alvarado was fifth, in his lone Jeep, and Ron Isaacson ran sixth in his Nissan, and then didn't go to the second check, making him the only dnf in the class. Coleman was leading by the end of the first lap, and he stayed in front until partway through Lap· 2, when Braden took over the lead. At that point he had two minutes on Coleman. Vinje was in his own car now, and was in third place, with Alvarado up to fourth and Davis, who had a new motor for this race, was in fifth. It was still very close, with only a half hour separating first and fifth. Coleman put Robert Hayley into his truck for the final lap, and he continued to lead. Braden's co-driver, Mitch Griffin, was still sec-ond, but had lost a driveshaft, and lost about 20 minutes. Davis' co-driver, Steve Lang, was six min-utes behind him in third. Mark Hansen was now in Vinje's truck, and they were fourth. They were not racing, merely concentrating on getting. a finish in their last event as a team. Alvarado had a flat and lost his brakes and dropped back about 10 minutes but ran fifth having a "fun day." • Dave Hunt had two flat tires on his way to the finish line in his Ford Protruck, and ended the day in second place and eighth overall. So Coleman and Hayley got the win, saying they'd had a "good race" with Braden and Griffin, who were second. Davis got a rare fin-ish, in third, and says the new mo-tor will make a difference in the future. Vinje, Gilchrist and Hansen were fourth in their swan song event, and Alvarado was fifth. The Vinje team had a sort of retirement party at the Ford motorhome, <;omplete with bal-loons, snacks, their traditional champagne and lots of memories. Vinje's wife, Michie, who raced with him in his Baja Bug many years ago, and has always been a major force in the team, had put together a video for Malcolm, full of old photos, old videos, and many brief appearances by friends, com-petitors and team members, wish-ing fyialcolm well in his retire-ment. There was not a dry eye in the crowds at the end of the video's showing. An era has ended. Only one Class 3 vehicle showed up for this event, and that was the Jeep of Randy Sorenson. Unfortunately, he couldn't get the first lap completed, and was a dnf early in the day. There were four starters in Class 4100 - the full size SUV s. At the r f'I. first check the lead belonged to John A. Sunderland, in his Ford. But he had only two minutes on Marc Stein and Mike McComas in their Ford. And another minute back it was a tie between John R. Sunderland Gohn A. 's father) , in a Ford and Josh Hall in his Hum-mer. It was a little hard to tell the players this race because the night before the race the elder Sunderland had dickered with Marc Stein and ended up the owner of Stein's yellow flamed Ford. So it didn't look like a Sunderland vehicle, which is more or less a plain wrap job. The young Sunderland had the lead at the end of the first lap, with Hall in second place and Sunderland pere in third. Stein and McComas had lost about an hour and 20 minutes and were last. Hall continued to lead through the second lap and he had 10 min-Best I sen Class aooo , Year-End Chamalon en you1re a Cham1ton you don't have to ,brag, Jus glVe the factt/and tet your track record prove lt. curt l drove the Stcyfacker foul F·150 hard and fast through grueling mile of the coarce. He notonly finished, he · .. Shocks and Rock Re Page 14 February 2004 Jason Jernigan drove two laps with the right side of his Ford's front end collapsed, but he still took the win in Class 7200. utes on.the elder Sunderland who'd moved into second place. Sunderland the younger was third and Stein and McComas ran about 40 minutes later, in fourth place: On the third lap Hall was mo-toring along in good shape when all of a sudden there was a loud explosion from the front of the ves hide and "smoke" began billowing out from under the hood." They stopped and extinguished the fire, and discovered that it was burning oil from a crushed oil filter. Basi-cally, it was all caused by the fail-ure of a belt that was part of the suspension system. Its failure had sent things flailing around, caus-ing the oil to spew and the flames to start. The Hummer's day was over. The elder Sunderland went into the lead and stayed there to get the win. At the finish Sunderland said, "The old guy strikes back!" (He's 61.) He had 52 minutes on his son and Buddy Crisp in the other Ford. Stein and McComas were third, about 55 minutes later, and they were the last to finish. In the stock mini-truck class· (7 300) there were seven entries,· all Fords. The early lead belonged to Rob MacCachren, who had about a three minute lead at the end of the first lap. Ian Dixon ran second, with his brother, Aaron third. Lance Magin, after some early problem, was unable to get that first lap com-pleted. On the second lap John Baker disappeared before getting to the first check, so there were only five trucks left. And then Ian Dixon was out of the race before that lap was complete. MacCachren still led, with an hour and 20 minutes on second place Aaron Dixon. Webster was 11 minutes behind him in third. Dusty Times •

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John A. Sunderland raced the family's old Ford this time and finished second in the big SUV class behind his dad. The grand finale. Malcolm Vinje, Mark Hansen and Jim Gilchrist all drove the Ford this time, and after solving ec1rly ignition trouble, cruised to fourth place in their final race. The 've retired. Mark and Gary Weyhrich shared the driving in their Chevy Jimco, and took second place in the 1500 class. Both are new fathers, congratulations to the families! Kevin McGillivray reworked his Chevrolet Protruck's suspension before this race and he liked the result. He had a clean day and won the class, finishing fourth overall. In the next section MacCachren's motor ran out of water, got hot, lost the head gasket and was mortally wounded. It turned out that the reason was the failure of a small fitting on a water line. Now there were only three trucks left. Aaron Dixon was hav-ing no problems, and he sailed clearly to the finish to take the win. Behind him second place went to Shane McFall and Tim Fitzpatrick, both ex-bikers, in their first race in a truck. They said they had a lot of fun, had no trouble at all, just a "banging noise in the rear end." None of the other trucks finished. The small SUVs, Class 3100, were next to start. There were five of them, all Fords. They all made it through the final lap, and they were in a: close grouping with Scott Dou-glas and Nicholas Crouch tied for the lead, and only four minutes in front of John Holmes. Then came Anthony Napoleon and Mike Fal-kosky. Crouch didn't get even the first half of the second lap completed and Douglas went into the lead, with 10 minutes on John Holmes, who was nine minutes up on Na-John Melsheimer, from Oregon, got his Chevrolet stuck in the silt, which made him unhappy, but after digging out he found himself winnin Class 8000. Kyle Taylor had a couple of flat tires on his Ford, and also lost a hood mount, but he still took the Trick Truck victory. Dusty Times po eon, w o was seven minutes up on Falkosky. No one was having any problems. Douglas led through most of the third lap, but behind him Falkosky had closed up on Holmes and they had a battle going. About six miles from the finish Douglas lost an up-per A-arm mount in the rear, and it blew a tire and broke an axle. He was at a loss for a way to fix it, so he lost a lot of time cobbling things together so he could finish. His 14 minute lead disappeared. Falkosky, who said "we ran a good pace, and at the end had to pick it up a little - bit", was dueling hard with Holmes. Holmes wasn't.having a clean day. He'd lost some shift linkage, lost a radiator hose and more trouble loomed. As they got to within five miles of the finish a front shock broke on o mes truck, and its shaft 8000 Sportsm:fil. vehicle, a Ford, punched a big hole in tne nearby but he was unable to complete the wheel. All the air went out of the first lap. tire very quickly, and Holmes still Juan and Eduardo Gonzalez had had five minutes to go. He elected a Class 9000 buggy running, but to drive in that way. Falkosky had, had major problems on the third in the meantime, taken over the lap, and didn't get to the finish. lead, and he went on to take the The race was over by about win by a minute and seven seconds. quarter to six, just as the sun started Holmes was second, and Douglas to create a beautiful sunset over the was third 25 minutes later. No one · mountains to the south. It was a else finished. nice ending to the 2003 BITD sea-Jason Tyler entered as a Sports- son, finishing things on a positive man in the Chevy Class 8000 note, since nearly everyone was truck that his brother Kyle used happy with the course and the to drive in the Trick Truck class. event. He was there to perform chase For their next season, which duties for Kyle if needed, and had begins February· 6th through the instructions from his father that 8th, in Parker, Arizona, the BITD he wasn't to do any racing. He did has elected to drop their one Mexi-two laps and then parked, because can race, and they will, instead, Kyle got safely to the finish line. add another event in the Las Ve,-Todd Zeucher also had a Class gas area. ~ Tfte Dlfferencel Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204SD Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-D830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830504 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ For more information give us a call or visit us online @ February 2004 Page 15

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39TH CATALUNYA·COSTA BRAVA RALLY DE ESPANA 2003 Panizzi/Peugeot Prevail By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Gilles and HeNe Panizzi fly into a right hander on their way to the overall victory in their Peugeot 206 at Costa Brava. For the fourth time running, completely new this year. The 150th entry in a world champi-last day rain had a major ef-third and s"ixth stages were run onship rally. He is the only feet on a world championship past La Pobla de Liller; which driver -to attain this achieve-rally. This time Gilles Panizzi's is at high altitude (1174 ment, after Juha Kankkunen Peugeot pulled ahead of the metres) and passed a ski cen-and Carlos Sainz. Citroen of Sebastien Loeb on ter. There was a new Service For the first time since the the final stage of the event, Area on the west side o"f Vic, third round of the series, Tur-and with one event still to go, operating on the three days of key at the end of February, turned the -championship the rally, and which suffered ther~ was a new championship around. Four drivers are still in badly in the very wet weather leading driver, Carlos Sainz, tine for the title with one point before the event. though Loeb and the earlier between the top three, while The new date meant it had leader Burns were close be-Citroen's hope of pulling well been 18 months since the last hind. In the Makes series it was ahead of their rivals Peugeot Catalunya Rally. Without the now a race only between Cit-fell flat; with five points now chance for rally spectators to roen and Peugeot. Sainz com-between the two. From the be--go to the event in the peting on home territory was ginning to the final day it Tarragona region, further at-guaranteed to bring out the en-looked like Loeb was going to tention was paid to spectator thusiasts in great numbers. It take his fourth win of the year movements. This year there was also the penultimate round and that Carlos Sainz was go-were strict controls as to the of the JWRC series. "Brice ing to move further ahead in areas where spectators could Tirabassi held a three points the World Drivers' series. But stand. lead in the championship, and it was not to be. Last day rains Traditionally, Spain has al-was in high spirits after his out-in the hills behind the Costa ways been the French company right win in the Rall ye du Brava ended those expecta-Citroen's "second home" both Touquet. His car was one of tions. The only plan that went commercially and also in sport> three Clios on this event pre-as expected was that Brice It was here the company won pared by Oreca. Tirabassi pulled further ahead its first ever world champion-Different teams had an-in the Junior world series, and ship rally (1999, with the two-nounced changes. From the is now a strong favorite to win, wheel drive Kit Car, in the Suzuki team, the Finnish driver with Spaniard Salvador hands of Philippe Bugalski), Ville-Pertti Teuronen had a Canellas the only driver still two years later the WRC ver-new co-driver, Mikki able to beat him. sion of the Xsara made its de-Markkula, for here and Brit-This was the last asphalt rally but. Peugeot had a two edged ain, also the local Suzuki im-. of the year, a classic event run pressure, trying to keep up with porters had asked that the cars on closed public roads in the Citroen in the championship of Carlsson and Canellas be hinterland of the Costa Brava. tables but also trying to press painted white for this event In order to reduce the length ahead with testing for the 307 (not yellow), their corporate of the road sections and to have for next season. For the latter colour scheme. The continued a single Service Park, the route reason the entry for Harri Ro-absence of Marcos Ligato, Top of the rally was more compact vanpera was cancelled. Run only had one car to run on than before. This·meant that Ford came to Spain anx-this event, the. Pun to of without the abrasive roads used iously awaiting news as to Ceccato. No fewer than ten in earlier years to the south of whether there would be any drivers could still mathemati-Barcelona, the character of the complaint about their use in cally win the title. Several surfaces was more constant Corsica of the revolutionary air leading non-championship Su-through the event. Further-accumulation system and were per 1600 crews were present in more, completely different cli-relieved to hear there was not, Clios, notably Simon Jean-Jo-ma tic conditions were ex-but that the FIA promised to seph, Nicolas Bernardi and Per-pected this year, because of the ban the system when the most Gunnar Andersson while the rally now being run in the au-regulatory bulletin was issued, PCWRC driver Ricardo Trivino tumn. before the Rally GB. Markko from Mexico also took part. There were distinct differ-· Martin: "This is the last chance Unfortunately Sola, now regis-ences for the tire companies at we have to win an asphalt rally tered in the PCWRC will not · Catalunya this year. All the this year. After all the hard be taking part. It is an FIA rally was held therefore in the work carried out by the team regulation that a Junior World region to the no.rth or northeast to make this car so good on rally champion cannot con-of Barcelona. Some stages "Lere tarmac, it will be such a shame tinue competing in that cat-used in both directions. Three if we don't." Ford's last asphalt egory. Three Spanish drivers stages which are in the region rally win was Catalunya in are registered for FIA rally between Ripoll and Berga, were 2000. This was Didier Auriol's championships this year, Car-Page 16 February 2004 Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena rocket through a comer in their Citroen Xsara, they were second overall, only 12 seconds out of the win. los Sainz, Daniel Sola and Sal-ture. vador Canellas in JWRC. Grey skies notwithstanding, Canellas is rated by the Suzuki huge crowds greeted their hero team as their star asphalt Carlos Sainz, but there was drive-r. He is the son of the only a total of six Spanish driv-former SEAT world champion-ers on the event! The roads ship team driver (also Salva-were dry for the next group of dor) in the 70s. . stages and Sainz was enjoying Leg 1 himse If. "This is the type of The day begun in a curious fight I like. The only thing -way. Vic was under fog as the you will have no hope of sue-cars started to arrive after their cess if you make even the run up from Lloret de Mar. The slightest mistake." Loeb was fog lifted but there were the re-holding a lead of around ten mains of overnight dampness seconds over the 'Spanish vet-everywhere in the area. Teams eran while Markko Martin was ·calculated the immediate around another ten seconds be-weather prospect and con-hind. Martin was still feeling eluded the temperatures would the effect of his third and final gradually increase and the crash five d·ays ago in Corsica. dampness would disappear at "Its OK on shorter stages, but I the same time. As it transpired, lost concentration on the the temperatures shot up far longer ones." faster than most people ex-Solberg incurred a 50 sec-pected and team after team ond penalty when he· was five complained they had chosen minutes late leaving service tyres far too soft for the first after Stage 3, because the al-group of thre~ stages. Sebastien ternator broke. Comment from Loeb was one of the few driv-the Norwegian optimist. "It ers to make a satisfactory was very lucky in fact, I could choice of tyres, finding them easily have stopped on a stage too hard for the first stage with that problem ... " He was (which Solberg won) and ideal 11th when he set off for Stage for the other two. Actually 4. After Stage 5 he was 10th, Loeb hit a stone on Stage 3, five seconds in front of Gron-which spun the car round and holm. The World Champion damaged the left rear of the was fed up. "Now we have bodywork -but he still made some handling problem, the car best time. tries to spin on every left At Peugeot, Marcus Gron-hander.-" Colin McRae contin-holm and Gilles Panizzi were ued in his unhappiness with his angry. The Finn: "Our tyres brakes and lacked confidence. were not suitable even for one "We hit the barrier under the metre of. those stages." The famous viad~ct when we did Frenchman: "Yes, everything not judge our braking prop-went exactly as we expected. erly." Panizzi was finally happy A complete catastrophe!" Hav-with · -his tyres but ing· led after the first stage Gardemeister's car was still be-Petter Solberg dropped back to having strangely. "We have sixth on Stage 2 when he had a tried the small details, maybe front right puncture but after now we must be a bit more Stage 3 was back up to third. drastic." Auriol had a loose Several drivers reported hit-wastegate pipe. Hirvonen could ting rocks. Francois Du.val bent not trust his brakes. Bugalski the sfeering on a stone on still felt unhappy with the car. Stage 1, then had a problem Panizzi was back in form, mak-with his launch control on ing fastest times on Stages 6 stages 2 and 3, causing the and 7. '.'The car has not been clutch to slip at the start of the the problem, only the tyres." stages. Mikko Hirvonen, not Sainz fell back a bit when he completely confident after be-could not· get a good feeling. ing given equal fastest time in Loeb confirmed the far north Shakedown with Martin ("We stage (3/8) had been difficult actually think the time was because it was new. Gronholm wrong ... ") was really happy -now had another handling untiltherearendsnappedout problem with his car and of lien on a fast left hander and struggled to get back to 10th it was a miracle he kept the car but he overtook Solberg who on the r6ad. "We hit the back was struggling on roads which of the car on a bank and flat-were now quite dry. }?urns went tened the exhaust and had to off near the start of Stage Z on.-drive 8km with no power." For cold tyres. "J was:_lucky we Skoda, Toni Gardemeister had didn't roll. Anyw·ay we· lost-a strange handling sensation most of our time wheh the en-while teammate Didier Auriol gine would not immediately had to drive 8km with a punc-restart." Both the Skodas had Dusty Times

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The JWRC win went to Brice Tirabassi and Jaques Renucci drove their Marl<ko Martin and Michael Park had a good run in their Ford Focus RS, Seventh overalf went to Carlos Sainz and Marc Marti, seen here in their Renault Clio to the JWRC win at Costa Brava. third place, less than a second out away from the silver medal. great looking Citroen Xsara. problems, Gardemeister's was Salvador Canellas (Suzuki) gear lever came adrift. Ville-into the "-s-ec_o_n_,.d-},;;,W,......R"C,-;----sl.--o_t _ _ ..,,.L_e_g_,2.....-- -------unstable in the corners and and Guy Wilks (Puma). San-Partti Teuronen "Very nearly while Wilks was delayed by a It rained overnight but Sat-Auriol had more wastegate remo winner Mirco Baldacci had a terrible accident" when high speed spin on Stage 5. On urday dawned dry and soon troubles. retired· with engine failure, he discovered Svedlund's the final stage of the day the sun was in the sky. Subaru In Super 1600, even though Urmo Aava was cautiously dis-crashed car half on the racing Bernardi stopped to change a were depressed. They had good he only moved to Renault at covering the art of corner cut-line, while Abdo Feghali w~s flat tyre, so now Jean-Joseph times over short stages, but Sanremo, Nicolas Bernardi, the ting for the first time while in also cautiously learning corner was top Super 1600 driver while most of the stages were long! It former Peugeot driver was fifth place was Alessandro cutting as well. "In Lebanon, Tirabassi was still top JWRC seemed that on ly rain would ahead of Simon Jean-Joseph Broccoli who had power steer-we dare not cut the corners .. . " driver in front of Meeke and gran t them their wishes, and an d the young driver ing trouble on the Shakedown. Bomb, or rocks? "Well, both I Canellas who had gear selec-there was no immediate sign of Emmanuel Guigou, all in Clios It was good to see Oscar suppose!" While the non-cham-tion trouble. Wilks went off the that. and all ahead of the top JWRC Svedlund in his VW again ("I pionship Clios of Bernardi, road and rolled and was 15th Reverse order was imposed driver Tirabassi in another think VW's attitude has eased Jean-Joseph and Josep and last in JWRC, while as usual, this time providing Clio.· Tirabassi was unhappy a bit"} but then he went off the Membrado w_ere uncatchable, Dimitar Iliev got ahead of Broe-more of a neutralising effect as with the set-up of his car on the road on a patch of gravel on Tirabassi had got ahead of coli and was fifth in the cat-the surfaces got dirtier each greasy and gravelly surfaces, Stage 3 and lost 20 minutes. Guigou, who was on his first egory, despite a heart stopping time the earlier cars cut the but he was ahead of the oppo-Krum Donchev's Peugeot was world rally. Kris Meeke had fi-moment when the engine in-corners. Loeb started the day sition led by Kris Meeke (Opel), stuck in second gear when the nally got the better of Canellas explicably misfired. Continued on page 18 HONDA Power Equipment . EB6500 POWEil .RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS •· OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS! WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • :LAWN TRACTORS' • RI.DiNG .MOWERS• TILLERS··· California's Largest Source for Ronda Po~er· Equipment· . Parts a_nd Inventory IF WE OONT HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check Our Website::&--WWW HOND.A Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 E~st 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA ·90063 Nothing's easier. GENER ATORS & PUMPS Dusty Times (323) 264-3936. 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 For optimum perlormance nnd sntety. we recommend you reao the owner s manual betore ~peralmg your Honda Power Equipment Conneclton of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid poss1hlc injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified elecmc,an. 10 2004 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. February 2004 Page 17

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Francois Duval and Stephane Prevot ran to fourth overall in their Ford Focus RS before the admiring crowd. Huge crowds of spectators enjoy the high speed driving of Philippe Buga/ski and Jean-Paul Chiaroni in their Citroen Xsara. Petter Solberg and Philip Mills drove their Subaru lmpreza to fifth place overa/f at the Catalunya rally. 26. 2 seconds ahead. Sainz made some drastic changes to the anti roll bar setting and this made the car worse than be-fore. From second place over-night he dropped to fourth, 46.4 seconds behind Loeb. More changes were made at service after the next three stages and a slight improvement gained, but after five stages he was 53.4 seconds behind. Martin started a fight for second place with Panizzi but found his painful neck was still taking away his concentration on longer stages. Gronholm was a little less un-happy saying now the wor:se trouble was judging where to cut, judging by how easy it. would be to lose control on loose dirt when you regained the road. Auriol retired the moment they started Stage 9. The clutch began slipping and this started an underbonnet fire, forcing the crew to with-draw. Duval had a bad vibra-tion which was related to the brakes. Burns found the set up of his car was not ideal for the ultra fast Stage 9 (winners' av-erage l 18kph) but kept his sixth place. Antony Warmbold struggled with complete loss of hydraulics. After the {).ext group of three stages Tommi Makinen reported he was twice frightened by a sticking • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE throttle. Gardemeister re-a steady lead in JWRC, just un-ported his anti roll bar had der a minute in front of Kris again broken. Martin was back Meeke, but with Salvador in second place 0.5 seconds in Canellas holding his place in front of Panizzi. Sainz's back-the top five the JWRC title ward progression was bad for his would go down to the Rally GB. championship chances. As Canellas was actually running thing stood now he was run-third, despite having an engine ning only one championship cut problem all day which point ahead of Loeb. meant that he had to change By half distance only four gears with the clutch. The ever cars had retired from the event, buoyant Daniel Carlsson was two JWRCs, Auriol and Trivino heartened at making the same who crashed his Group N Mit-speeds on the stages as his Su-subishi. In the final group of zuki teammate "asphalt special-stages of the day both Loeb and ist" Canellas, not realising the Sainz suffered brake problems handicap under which the but Loeb still finished the day Spaniard was drivi9g, The day 20.8 seconds in front of Martin. started with Broccoli, the other Duval had a ten second penalty San Marino driver, retiring -at service after the team once again with engine failure. changed the pedal box to over-Luca Cecchettini stopped on come inconsistent feel in the Stage 12 to change a flat tyre. brakes and clutch. McRae's Simon Jean-Joseph continued in brake problem continued but the overall Super 1600 lead, us-the team discovered it was re- ing the same control tyres as the lated to the water cooling sys-JWRC cars, while Tirabassi was tern. second and the Spaniard Gronholm was finally happy Membrado third, all in Clios. with his car -and then on Stage Bernardi slipped further back 15 he went straight off the road when he lost three minutes with into a field. "Marcus then a broke problem. Abdo Feghali talled the engine, but he had had gearbox failure, with oil the presence of mind first to leaking onto the tyres. Meeke have spun the car round so he had a frightening moment when could start off in the right di-the throttle pedal was trapped rection, ... ", explained Timo beneath the floor stop·. The end Rautiainen! Gardemeister spun of the leg was very disappoint-on gravel. Brice Tirabassi held ing for the Super 1600 Clio driv-ers. Both Bernardi and Guigon retired when they went off the road, P.O. Andersson from Swe-den with engine problems. . Pirelli crews (lying 10th and 11th) prayed for rain to come overnight, but maybe it -..yas a little too late to make the dif-ference for them. Only six stages to go, the championship was still wide open. Leg 3 (541)382-1573 The rains came as promised on Sunday. The Service Park at Vic became a nightmare, but it made a most excitif).g final day! Stage 1 7 saw the Pirelli drivers Solberg and Makinen make the fastest two times. On 18 Roman Kresta, running sec-ond car on the road, made the fastest time of all in his Peugeot. He started tlie stage-just before heavy rain started to fall. In three stages, Solberg rose from tenth to sixth. Panizzi passed Martin into second. Loeb in-creased his lead to almost 50 seconds and Burns went off the road and retired with damaged steering. Martin found the slip-pery wet roads were less an ag-gravation for his neck injury, but he had brake problems and this caused him to slip back. Hirvonen also had brake prob-lems. Carlos was still in fourth place, looking tC> hold a one point lead over Loeb in the Championship as the season Page 18 February 2004 moved towards Britain, with Solberg and Rums sti:ll able to win the title. Now came the fi- . nal loop of three stages. The preparations were frantic. For the first loop of stages most of the Michelin runners chose tires that were an average cold weather compound, and were mortified at the speeds of the Subarus and their Pirellis. Dur-ing the service break most of the teams softened up their sus-pensions and fitted tyres suit-. able for even colder conditions, but Loeb used tyres which were the same as before. Going into the final loop Loeb had a lead· of 49. 7 seconds, but after the first two sho·rt stages his lead was down to 31.0s. His tire choice mistake was to cost him dearly. All that remained was the fi-nal stage, a repeat of Stage 19 and 39km long. It was a disas-ter for Citroen. Carlos had his personal ideas of what to do, a ·soft compound tyre without cuts, which was quite-against the advice of Michelin. Things were going splendidly for him until the engine cut out, within sight of the thousands of spec-ta tors, including his wife and family, at the famous viaduct ... The 50 seconds he lost there, was a disaster, the split times showed he was up to second in mid stage, his chance of pulling ahead in the championship had gone, he dropped from fourth to seventh. Markko Martin meanwhile was sizing up his chances. "We had the best tyres, but then between Stages 20 and 21 we had hydraulic trouble, and this meant we had to revert to manual systems which slowed us. Once again we lost our chance and we fin-ished third ... Without that prob-lem I am sure we would have won." Panizzi was 44 se·conds' faster on the final stage and jumped ahead of Loeb, Then Solberg went from sixth to fourth. Then on the road sec-tion to the finish Sainz' engine stopped again, and despite a fu-rious drive to the podium he in-curred a one minute (ten sec-onds) penalty, happily without changing his position further. These were the reasons for the sudden and final turn about in Panizzi's rise to fame on his fi-nal full works drive for Peugeot. Victory was a good way for him to leave! Going to Britain Loeb and Sainz are equal on points, Solberg is one point behind and Burns (five points behind) was still in the hunt. For Cittoen the disaster of Stage 22 meant that one stage dropped their points lead from 11 to 51. In JWRC 12 cars were left running. Then on the final stage Svedlund retired wtth dif-ferential problems. Down to 11 finishers in the category. Only two drivers (Tirabassi and Canellas) can now win the title, Meeke gained points for the first time all season. l.ftJ'i:!C: 39th Rally Catalunya-Costa Brave 23126 October 2003 (E) Lloret de Mar WC round 13 JWRC round 8 WC points WR WO JC 1 (3) Gm .. PANIZZVH•rv• Panizzi F Peugeot206 WRC 945NVB75 (F) 3h.55m.09.4s. 10 10 2 (18) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 18DDM92 (F) 3h.55m.22.4a. 8 8 3 (4) Mar1<ko MARTIN/Mlchael Patk EE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC EK52NWN (GB) 3h.55m.23.0s. 8 6 4 (5) Franoois OUVALJStephane Prevot B Ford Focus RS WRC E003XYG (GB) 3h.56m.04.8a. 5 5 5 (7) Petter SOLBERG/Phlllp Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC S400WRT (GB) 3h.56m.20.2s. 4 4 8 (1) Marcus GRONHOLM/TlfflO Rautiainen FIN Peugeot 208 WRC 334NQZ75 (F) 3h.56m.38.5s. 3 3 7 (19) Car1os SAINZ/Marc Marti E . Citroen Xsara WRC 39CSP92 (F) 3h.56m.42.4s. 2 2 8 (8) Tommi MAKINEN/l(aj Lindstrom FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC S30WRT (GB) 3h.57m.04.5s. 1 1 9 (17) Colin McRAE/Derek Ringer 1400M92 (F) 3h.58m.24.6a. -GB Citroen Xsara WRC 10 (20) Philippe Bugalskl/JewH'auJ Chlaronl F Citroen Xaara WRC 27DOM92 F() 4h.00m.23.0s. -12 (15) Toni GAROEMEISTER/Paavo Lukander WRC 3$31949 (CZ) 4h.01m.07.6s. -13 (22) Roman Kresta/Jan Tomanek 3076YW92 (F) 4h.01m.18.9s. -CZ FIN SkodaFabia Peugeot208 WRC 14 (6) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS · WRC EX020BE (GB) 4h.04m.15.3s. -16 (101) Simon Jean-Joaeph/Jaoques Boyere Clio S1600 872AMC83 (F) 4h.14m.38.6a.--F Renault 17 (61) Brice Tirabassi/Jacques-Julien Renucci F Renault Clio JWRC 871AMC83 (F) 4h.16m.33.7s. • -10 19 (74) Kris Meaka/Clvia Patterson GB Opel C~ JWRC GG-VT506 (D) 4h.18m. 06.2s. - 8 21 (69) Salvado.-Canellas/Xavier Amigo E Suzuki lgnis JWRC IVG650 (H) 4h.1 Bm.41 .8s. - 6 22 (52) Daniel Carlsson/Matti8$ Andersson S Suzuki lgnis JWRC IIM720 (H) 4h.20m.40.2s. - 5 24 (71) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikl< EE Suzuki lgnis JWRC IVG651 (H) 4h.23m.08.1s. - 4 25 (64) Ville-Pertti Teuronen/Mikko Mari<kula FIN Suzuki 3 lgnis JWRC IVG649 (H) 4h.23m.14.2s. -27 (65) Abdo Feghali/Joseph Matal' RL JWRC EX02PXL (GB) 4h.27m.21.3s. -29 (63) Massimo CeccatolMitia Dotta I JWRC CE078WE (I) 4h.30m.58.7s. -31 (73) Krum Donct)ev/Rumen Manolov Ford Puma 2 Flat Punto 1 BG Peugeot 206 Dusty Times

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f JimcoRac PeltcanP mike Jam mcRenzie' King Shocks RftCE Wint TH E81D RT THE BfST fUfOTS ID 28 SCORE laugbliD Jan" 15-1 SCORE san Felipe 250 mar .. 26-BITD Terrible•stown 258 ftpr. '23• BITO Ueoasto Reao ~une 24 SCORf Primm 380

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MDR STODDARD 250 Flatbillers FIY At Stoddard By Tony Tellier Photos: Trackside Photo Joe and Justin LaCore had it all their way, they swept the Class 10 battle and took the overall as well at the MDR Stoddard 250. The Class Tens charged to positions first through fourth, within 14 minutes of each other, at the final Mojave Desert Racing event of 2003 as the Joseph and Justin La Core Junco ran a nominal-but-hot 52. 7 miles per hour for the Overall. Shawn Croll was a few minutes back at 51.8 mph, followed by the buggies of "Flyin"' Bryan Walsh and "Tryin'" Ryan Lesher. Justin is an artist at TIG Welding ... a Rembrandt (not to be confused with Ron Brandt. Ed.). El Picasso de Jimco! The brothers are "unknowns" -even after winning the SCORE Primm in 2003: ''Who ARE those guys?" The top three "l" cars finished fifth on down: Marty Melendrez, "Chino" Wayne Lugo, andJangarrd Stephen. Lugo was on the pipe, as it were, but a triple-long second lap set hiin back out of the hunt for the class win by 78 seconds. His last lap was at 37:34 = 61 mph over the always-rough 38 mile "B" course. The big cars did six laps for a total of 228 miles. MORE hot dogs Garit Wallace (#164) waseighthOAand the Class 1600 winner. Paulden Hepler (VW "Kafer") was a surprising ninth and Mike Campbell's souped up "Ten" car was tenth. Hepler, #651, is the 2003 MDR overall points champion. Shawn Croll (#1030) was second OA and Mark "My Words" Dee (#572) was third, garnering 307, 302 and 300 points, respectively. Close quarters, huh. Winter finally made its belated appearance and the MDR racers at the "Stoddard 250" certainly noticed it. The cooler air "helped some motors produce tons of power; the rain from a week before made for dust free conditions." In fact there Shawn Croll led Class 10 for the firstlap but the lead slowly slipped away and he was only able to grab second spot second overall · The Class 1 win went to Marty Melendrez, he ran six good, fast laps and took to the podium with less than two minutes in hand. was mud here, and there, to foul the "para brisas"'1,£ some trucks. "MDR was running the same course for the third time this year which caused a lot of damage on race cars", according to JeepSpeed racer Steve Ghamari. Some people did not care ... "It was cold, but we still wore shorts!" reported Ar Tech." Many teams had on their "Championship" faces, unwilling to race for the win but simply to drive to the finish. Ninety teams signed up, 81 started and 48 finished. They had nine hours to complete the required number of laps on the 38 mile loop. · CLASS I 9 Starters - 5 Finishers While class winner Marty Melendrez was busy edging out Wayne Lugo's brilliant Stewart · Race Works truggy, Tommy Koch-The Checker Pride of Ridgecrest -made a cameo appearance, put in four strong laps, and then retired. Guess that Big Marty being in Baja chasing for Brant was the deciding factor to head back to the Sierra Recycling Centre. Dennis Boyle raced the "1000" on Friday/Saturday with Ron Brant and Richard Boyle (The "Motion" is "Motion Pro") then hauled ass back to Barstow to work the points for top position. Although Dennis ( # 111) was a DNF, contender Andrew Gaston could not get the necessary position to displace the V8 guys. Chris Bowman was the only 5 car entered, he had a tenibly long third lap but did his required six Mark Dee had a couple of slow laps, set fast lap for the class and took the checkers with over laps and finished 21" overall an hour in hand. · Frank Hines - Boyle's co-driver (as opposed to co-passenger) "Man, it was cold; I raced with two thermals, my fire suit, and a jacket and it was still cold. We were third off and the first car we passed was the first car off, Marty. That was right around Check 1. We could see Lugo but it took past Pit C to get close enough to try a pass. Right when we caught him there were three lanes. Pauk/in Hepler had a great race, hf! took the gold medal for his win and had over an hour in hand when the checkers flew. ---------------------·--------Page 20 The Class 7S win went to Jamie Campbell, with some help from George Rosenbaum, seen here saving a bit of wear on the rubber. February 2004 · He went right, we went left, which was a better line, and we were able to make the pass. Well, this must have (irked) hiin off because he passed us back at RM3. The course was pretty rough and this time there were no sign of Dennis who was supposedly coming back from Mexico (with a fourth in Class 1), so we just ran a pace that we thought would get us to the finish. We got a 'wave' that Lugo was two minutes ahead. He had some problem because w~ caught him again, at Start/Finish, and we had not upped our pace. On the second lap I was busy just getting around Continued on page 22 Dusty Times

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Wayne Lugo's long second lap dropped him into the silver medal category in A couple of slow laps hindered Wayne Gereghty's progress, he finished second Tom Bo/ha was a wee bit off the pace st the Stoddard 250, but he soldiered on and took second place in Class 6. Class 1, less than two minutes out of the win. in Class 5-1600 st the Stoddard 250. convincing win over Bill Gereghty, 6:01 to 7:38, while the other three entries fell by the· gnarly wayside. Guy "Zilla" Savedra, #569, lost #3 cylinder due to a vacuum leak around RM15 ... had the "The Tech Dude" running around in the desert. All their usual pit support guys were in Baja! Guy knows what the checkered flag looks like - he's seen 'em in pictures. Seldom in real life, however. CLASS600 5-1600 w/fypes 1, 2, or 181 Stub Axles. 6 Starters - 3 Finishers Mike Nixon had no problem in the terribly small Class 9 battle, he cruised around with some minor troubles and took the gold ring. Class 11 only had to complete four laps and Scott Pellerin made short work of his, he took the gold with almost an hour in hand Hepler was a narrow winner over Tom Bohle (#656) as the third place team was shooting blanks! Mike Blanks (#675). "King Dave" Hendrickson (#679) withdrew from the SCORE "Baja 1000" 1600 ranks to try his hand at Stoddard Wells-to no avail. Stephanie Lozano ( #680) went "shopping", again, and overstayed her time on the course, houring out at 9: 11 :55. lapped traffic without hurtiI}g us, or them. I stopped for fuel at the start of the third lap -that VB sucks the fuel -and it was pretty much the same thing on the third lap. · As we passed Start/Finish at the end of Lap 4 we were radioed that Tom Koch was getting close, but we stayed to the game plan. There was no word from Dennis and we would have had to pull over and wait for him to finish for points, so why fight with Tommy then pull back over? Tom caught us just before Check 1 and made the pass. At the end of Lap 4 Tom did a driver change and we caught him at the Start/Finish line. We also had to stop for fuel this lap. I took off from the Start/Finish line and when I went from first to second we lost all gears but revt!rse. We towed it to the pits and called it a day. After we got to the pits I called Dennis to let him know but he was just pulling into the gate. He had gotten out of the Brant/Boyle car at 0430 and left Ensenada at 0530 to get there. · Thanks to everyone that helped us this year, all the friends that come out to pit, Lothringer, King Shocks, Rancho Trans, Kar Tek, The Checkers ("A Few Good Men"}, BFI, PCI, and McKenzie's. Next year we will go to Laughlin and see how· we hang with the big boys." Probably pretty damned bueno, I'd wager. Other notable DNFs include Ray TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations Johnny Bums 21111 In Class 9 Points - 7th Overall In SNORE 2003 Points Co-Drivers - Bob Depew, Darren McGuffln, Todd Craig TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING 9763VARIEL AVENUE JEFF nELD CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 22 February 2004 Croll. CLASS 500 1 Starter - 1 Finisher Chris Bowman (#515) had no challenges ... except for the course. A three hour lap and a handful of slow tours "gave" him an eight hour elapsed time and 'the 21st six lap finisher - the last full Pro. Quite a struggle for the green-flamed "Kar Tek" kar. CLASS 550 5-1600 w/Micro Stubs 5 Starters - 2 Finishers Mark Dee drove the multi-hued Hummer "572" like M.A.D. to a CLASS 7. 1 Starter - 0 Finishers Barry Karakas (#796) was the lone starter in the big small truck class and was the lone DNFer. CLASS 7S 7 Starters - 2 Finishers Jamie Campbell took some time off from building Billy Robertson's LS I/Fields car down at Penhall's to Mike Dill had a great race, no mechanical woes to hinder him, he took the Class 12 checkers with a bit less than an hour lead Greg Crew squeaked in a Class 13 win, he took the gold medal with only two minutes to spare at the Stoddard 250. Dusty Times

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Second place in the Class 7S fracas went to Jeff Lloyd, he finished a bit over 10 Cory Vandemark had to slow laps to hinder him and he·ended up in the second Clare Ross set fast lap for Class 13 but a slowdown on laps 4 and 5 relegated, minutes in arrears. spot in the Class 11 battle at the Stoddard 250. a missing roof held them in second place. • · defeat seven other mini-trucks. and #4 cylinder exhaust runners up longer than the normal dual port unusual instance, it was a hindrance. attending drop in temperature as it Campbell's consistency was thwarted to the carb flange. Well, Wayne's intake setup effectively isolates the The very act of carbureting speeds up through the throat. If the by a long second lap when an engine runs the ultra-trick carb from any heat source. Under requires a drop in pressure thrqugh ambient conditions are right, that Electromotive coil jarred loose and Bonnerhawk/f ool isolated plenum usual desert racing conditions, this is the venturi- to "suck" in the gasoline temperature drop of a few degrees the engine dropped a couple of intake and the fact that the desirable to prevent float bowl -andBernoulli'sEquationforcesthat will be enough to precipitate the cylinders. "We got to a check and individualcylinderrunnersaremuch heating and percolation. But in this air/fuel mixture to experience an Continued on page 24 figured it out. and 'stole' a bolt off · another coil and then zip-tied the open holes. We went back to fifth place but moved back to second behind Jeff Lloyd." They reeled Lloyd in when he had his own 1:30 lap. He got a flat toward the end of the first lap but was able to hit his pits without getting out. "I run35xl2.50/ 1 7 Goodyears -on Alcoas - and I usually bend a rim before I lose a tire. I am pretty careful around rocks, with my motorcycle background, but, hey, it's Barstow!" Campbell says that Greg at FAT built an "awesome four liter stroker motor. It's got 290 horses and works great! 'King Dave" hooked me up -a 'friend-of-a-friend' deal." Jamie drove the first three laps then pal George Rqsenbaum did the middle two and Campbell brought it home. "George is a bike i::ider and an old buddy, plus he helps pay the bills!" Five other trucks were DNFs: champ Doug Petterson, devilish Jeff Angel, Darrell Herman, Ron Smith and Steve Jacketti. CLASS8 1 Starter - 0 Finishers Mark Shoaff had a couple fast laps in his truck -00:48 -then disappeared. Championship pickin'. CLASS STOCK FULL 1 Starter - 0 Finishers A lonely Justin Miller (#860) ate up almost five hours (4:32) to complete only two (2) laps. CLASS9 2 Starters - 1 Finisher AT ale of Two Mikes: M. Nixon ( #909) waltzed around the course for the win while M. Ward's first lap in "973" was an interminable 6:46:49 and his second a quicker (! ?) 2:16:47. Phwew. Tough day. CLASS 10 8 Starters - 6 Finishers Mark Weger (#1097) blew a brand new Adam Wik motor in a first race two-seater, chassis unknown. Pit A undercover spies -CORE (Babe Jones/Jerry Lawless) -were quoted as saying 1hat "(The engine} was toast." Wayne Nosala and Ann Donaldson brought out their new old Brian Sturgess beam car ( # 1064) for their inaugural event. While the suspension worked great - "I was passing the other '10" cars (i.e., A-armed) with three cylinders - the suspension is perfect" - the engine had what appears to be environmental issues. The coQlbination of the chilly 0700 start and the lingering humidity from the desert showers apparently caused carburetor icing. Most race VW engines have scrapped the stock. style of intake manifold heat, e.g., that silly 3/8" tube that runs up from the aft #2 Dusty Times Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. BEARD SUPER SEAT Suspension Seat Constructed on •;.· Steel Frame, Vinyl Sides with Tweed Cloth Center. Available In: Black Vinyl wllh Black Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Grey Fabric; Grey. Vinyl with Ebony and Opal Fabric Combination. (Add $7}. Low Back Super Seat... .......... $180 High Back Super Seat .............. 190 Superior Cranking, Fast Charge Capability and Vibration Resistance • CA @32!' (Wx/JtHJ 7" x 6¼. x 5' Battery 925A ..... $140 6¼' x 7'/,x 7½Battery 1200A .. 175 Billet Aluminum Battery Box .... 110 Steel 925A Battery Box .............. 45 Black, Red, Gray, Yellow, Purple or Blue. Quick Latch Release 3" Lap Bell & 2" Sewn Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Heavy Duty Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS Black, Blue, or Red. Shoulder Pads, pair ................. $1 O Includes Adjusters. Stock Width Beam with 8' Travel Towers ............. $140 6" Wider Beam with 8·Travel Towers ............... 180 6' Wider Beam with 10' Travel Towers ............. 195 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushings. set 4 ... 20 For Use When ·Top Shock Mounts are Incorporated In the Chassis. 6' Wider Beam for Thru Rods .. $80 6' Wider Beam for Leafs .......... 110 '", .. us ..... 1"• TRAILING ARMS 1 '/, x •1: Front Arms, set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Fcont Arms, set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins, set of 4 ..................... .48 THRURODS OFFROAOR&P Heavy Duty Off Road Use Dr Larger Sand Ralls. Off Road Rack & Pinion ......... $132 U·Joint for Rack & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U-Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY Mounts Steering Shatt to Rack and Pinion. Billet Steering Bearing Carrier..$60 U-Joint '/,"to'/." Shaft .............. 50 U-Joint '/." Shaft to Rack ........... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 February 2004 Will Use 930 CV Joint. Trailing Arms, Steel, pr .......... $225 Trailing Arms, Chromoly, pr .... 295 STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Aval/able /or Bug, Bus & 930 CVs. Stub Axle, pair. ...................... $140 Drive Flange, pair ....................... 84 For 3 x 3 Traff/no Arms. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ... $130 Bus Trans to 3x3 arms. pr ..... 130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, using 930 CVs, pr ....................... 150 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Dual Spring Shock with Hos, and Reser10/r. King 2" Adjustable Shock. 8-10·12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock, 12-14· 16" Stroke .... from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp·On Reservoir Mount ................. 35 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS King 2" Shock, 8-10-12" Stroke w/Res ... $225 King 2'/i Shock, 10-12-14" Stroke w/Res ... 295 Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal. ............... $215 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................... 230 Ultra Slide Plate ......................... 60 Ultra Slide Throttle Kit ............... 26 Ultra Slide Hose Kit... ................. 55 JAMAR 4·WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Competition Pedal Assembly. Includes BJ/let Throttle Pedal, Brake Assembly, Clutch Assembly and Slave Cyflnder. Competition Pedal Assembly $430 Single Brake Assembly ............ 155 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 230 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 170 Fits 1'/," Tubing. Green Sticker Bracket $10 GPS Bracket & Mount... ............. 60 Brake Line Bracket ..................... 17 Tachometer Bracket & Mount .... 32 3-Panel Mirror. 15· Long ........... 82 Clamp-On Mirror Brackets, pr .... 32 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Baja-Pro Pertimnance Tires E78 Mini Mag ........... $86 30 X 7.00. 4-ply .................... 106 33 X 9.00, 4-ply .................... 125 35 X 10.00, 4-ply .................. 148 BAJA BELTED HP 30x9.5·15 ............................ $119 31 X 10.50-15 .......................... 140 JA-MAR FRONT BIUET DISC BRAKES Kin, Pin Spllf4/ff. or Combe Link Sp/ndln. BIiiet Front Disc-Brakes lor Sand Raifs ...... _.,,, .... $670 Billet Front Oise Brakes for Oe&ert Rails .............. .710 BIUET 5VW HUB$ Kl' or Combo Link Spl/1411$. King Pin Spindle Hub Kil. ..... $310 Combo Link Spindle Hub Klt:320 Stinger or U-Bend Collector. 1 '/,' Unpainted Bobcat... .......... $95 1'/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............... 95 1'/, Chrome Bobcat ................. 145 1W Chrome Bobcat... .............. 145-Baffle ........................................... 8 Replacement Springs. set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Baked-On Coating, Won't Change Color or Rust. 1'/, Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1 '/• Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For Thick Flange and Polished Look Jet Coating on Any Tri Mil 1•;.· Stinger Exhaust Add $30. Fits Bobcat Z-Stingers & U-Bends. Spark Arrestor, 15· Length ...... $68 Spark Arrestor, No Bracket... ..... 50 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 56 T-Bolt Clamp........ . ...... 5 LAZER STARS Available in Spot or Flood. 100 Watt Lazer Star, pr. ......... $144 75 Watt Lazer Star, pr. ............. 132 Billet Clamp-On Light Mounts .... 36 Micro-B Lazer Star (Red). pr ... 120 Micro-B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red). pr ..... 175 Replacement Lamp. Spot • ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp, Flood, ea .... 24 Replacement Lens, ea ................ 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr ................... 8 Page 23

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Steven Michael was driving hard, he gave it his all but was only able to grab the Jeff Hantz got off to a slow start and it cost him, he was able to take the silver Ray Currie heads for the douds in his Cherokee, Ray came in second in the second spot in the Class 14 contest medal in the Class 1600 competition. Jeepspeed contest at the Stoddard 250. ~~~-~~Y-Ji""~'J71~30()nn""---'-----• 8 Starters - 3 Finishers Greg "Too Live" Crew's #1302: "After last race's DNF we had to redo the rear end and anns, we had broken the torsion tube off of the chassis. Javier Valenzuela at Henry Arras Welding and Machine and myself did all the work with some engineering from Troy Johnson. The rear end came out bulletproof. We knew going into this race that we had to finish up front in front of Clare "The Bare Bear" Ross, #1309, by four cars (nine '1300' cars started; four finished) to take third place as she had 12 points on us. Myself and co-dog Leonard Perez (Mailman Motors) ran the whole race." Mark Gonzalez gets set for a kinda rough landing as he heads for the checkered nag and a win We'll bet Dan Vance really felt this landing as he drove his good looking truck to the Class 1450 Oddity: Terry Wyrembek (# 1397) and Chris Parr ( # 1301) both finished the race in 5: 19:05 in the Class 14 contest. _v,_"ct_ory-'--. _______________________ _ water from the air and form ice -choking the intake tubes and throttle one, or more, cylinders. In addition, the fuel might drop out of suspension and form liquid droplets along the inner walls of the intake tubes. Liquid gasoline does not bum, of course, only the vapor. Therefore, we have a choked intake flooded not-easily-combusted liquid fuel. This surely results in an overlean condition on any, or all, of the cylinders. Soft sand washes and lean air-cooled motors do not mix. Wayne could run with the big dogs over the rough but the engine laid down in the soft stuff. Understanding the issues, Nosala wisely parked the car for further review. "We want to run a 'back-to-back' dyno pull test also using a FAT dual-port manifold under reproducible conditions." A review of the fuel quality is an option that will also be explored. Post Mortem: "#4 cylinder was starting to eat the piston. Stopping was a good thing. Saved the motor. Rings fine. Babe Jones is going to redo the heads, add an 02 sensor, and dial it in. We're also building a bigger one to Class lO"rules. Want to keep the parts from this one, since we'd like to have a 1776cc for SCORE races." According to reliable sources the LaCore car had "unknown problems at Pit B. Wayne kept up with him on three cylinders." (Sounds serious for a Primm winner to be laying down that low!) "LaCore stopped, yelled at his crew, went off with nothing done to the car, got back on course. Have no clue what that was about." CLASS 11 5 Starters - 4 Finishers Scott Pellerin's domination of the little car class continued as he beat Cory Vandermark by an hour and was summarily crowned "El Campeon" by seven points over Chuck Deck (fourth place) -OK, not a "dominating" domination but worthy of a crown, anyway. CLASS 1250 3 Starters - 2 Finishers The "12s" were light with three starters and two finishers. Mike "Sherkin" Dill took the full measure of Bob "Molinero" Miller - who now carries the coveted "1200" plate for 2004. Tyler Stone had fast lap and second-fast lap and a DNF. Related? "Redline Robert" Miller # 1299: "After two and a half weeks of hell getting the truck done, and people telling me there was too much to get done to make it to the race, we did it. At the start I knew that Dan Vance was behind me but co-driver Pete kept me off the gas and just let him get past and 'We'll catch him later'. The rest of the lap was pretty smooth. He honked as we passed DV changing a tire and knew he would be on it once he got it fixed. We had to pit first lap because we had no idea how much gas we would Do Nore Than ·Jus1 Hick Up ·Dirt! Wlin! Wj1:h CL Bryant & use. The little four cylinder tool< almost ten gallons afterone one lap. My second lap was pretty smooth till Frank Hlnes passed us and busted my PIAAs". Frank Hines: "Ifl rocked you, I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to. We are always in a hurry (Class 1 mentality: Ed.). I don't even remember passing you; on our second and third laps we probably passed 50 cars. I have no problem in replacing your lights. Just let me know what kind they are." Miller continues: "I got around Lap 2 without power steering and tried to fix it while we did a co-driver change ... but no luck. I made it to RM26 when our center link broke. We had no choice but to wait for our crew to get in with a welder. We cut the bedside mounts for tubing to sleeve in the center link, hammered it together, welded it up, and we were running a lap down. It was best to just get the truck to the finish line - rather than kill it trying to make up a lap." "The Lucas Oil car ran great the whole time, the only problem we had was a rear flat on the ridge run to Hodge Road; that cost us 20 minutes. Rioss was running faster than us all day, but I kept my pace going hoping to catch them on the fifth and final lap. We passed them at RM33 to. take the win as they dealt with problems. Clare says: "The 'UffDa Special' went off the line first and maintained that position until the fifth lap. On the fourth lap the pop rivets came out of the roof and it went haste la bye-bye. I did not know it was illegal to run without a roof. Check 2 stopped us and told us that we could not · continue until we got a roo£ He finally let us go when he was told that we were in First and he was costing us that position. We had told him we knew where the roof was and would put it on when we got to it. He finally said, "Go ahead." 800-399-4116 covering the western States and Mexico -Including Pit service! Page 24 February 2004 Oflicial suonsor Fairplex - Pomona October 9 & 10 Dusty Times

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Second place in the Jeepspe_ed Sportsman class went to Steve Ghamari, he Mike Blanks was doing just fine 'ti! major problems dropped him to third place in Brian Walsh was just a tick off the Class 10 pace, he ended up in third place.just was a mere five minutes out of the win. • the Class 6 competition. a few minutes out of second. Check3 stopped us and told us, . the Lucas Oil Contingency; $350 Of course, the "toss out one" rule #1460 Red .. li_n_e_t-ru-c'k-.'H..--e_w_a_s_t'h_e __ p_a_s-se-dr,-b-d.,...o_r_e_t,..h_e_r-:ig~h~t~h-a-n~d-er-at once more, that we could not run will be giv:en back to some of these requires a season final points only turbo entry in the class and I RM0l. The hammer went down. without a roof. He let us go ahead racers at the MDR awards, and we adjustment as the low score is was the nnly one running a We passed the remaining trucks by to the roof. We found the roof and will be having the Lucas Oil pitched. Class competitors need to supercharger." (No NOX? Ed.) "I RM05. Everything was going smooth stopped a chase crew and asked for contingency next year. . keep an Excel spread sheet for all knew he would be fast, but since until RM25 where he picked rhe tape or wire. One of the guys took Another plus was the Orbital entries at all races, with potential we were starting 15 seconds apart, I wrong line to pass a 5-1600 and blew his shoe laces off and helped tie on Battery drawing, thanks to Exide finish positions and DNFs caught himgoingthroughMainand Continued on page 26 the roof. During this time Crew TechnologiesofCorona. We will be continuously tracked real-time. ,-,,;-;;:-,;,;=---===== passed us and we finished second doing some more adjustments to the James Frost (#1428) was not so hot to him again. Co-hound Jimmy Lucas Oil car with the help of Mike with a 7:34 finishing time. All four Delaney took the fast lap and we Arthur (shocks), Leonard, Perez entries DID finish, however held onto third place in the points. (Mailman Motors), Rick Wright Gerardo Barragan (#1439) was tail-The pir-support has been fantastic (Wright gearboxes), Javier end way back at eight hours. andJimmyisthebestprepguyand Valenzuela and Henry Arras Barragan was racing an orange co-dog a girl could ask for. Couldn't Welding. Thanks to Lucas Oil Range Rover. Stop it! They actually a done without him. This year has Products, GCR Truck Tire Center, entered this year's San Felipe 250 had its ups and downs, but we had Exide Technologies of Corona (CA, and Baja 500. Game. a living ball. Thanks MDR." not the cerveza), Kartek, Save-a- CLASS 1450 Crew continued: Bug,MDR,andalloftheTeamDirt 9 Starters - 5 Finishers "Congratulations to Clare, Racing." Dan Vance: "It started off Wyrembek, and champ Chris Parr CLASS 1400 different than usual with the Racing. This was not a particularly 4 Starters - 4 Finishers starting order; we were in almost-good year for us but we managed to Once again the class appeared random order. We were bunched get two firsts and a third with a to be a "Save the Championship" up between a few JeepSpeeds, '10' tough four D NF s and ended up even as Steve Michael ( # 14 2 7) lost cars·, and a few other trucks. When fourth in the class. the battle -to Mark Gonzalez we took the flag a few of the trucks Some great things did get going ( # 14 38) -but won the points war, in my class weren't even in staging. In spite of problems on the third lap, Garit Wallace drove to the Class 1600 victory with 40 as we had 15 racers jump on board 80 to 72. Sort oflike a "slow race"? We started right behind the minutes in hand. • ultimate lono travel ford lono travel system Get the benefits of our Long Travel system ond 3" Ifft spindles, aeoting 6" of lilt for incredible ground clearance. (F!@v@I ■ 3' lift spindles ■ Upper Control arms ~l'i'l@W)' ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 3-wau adjustable shocR absorber ~4 touota long travel system Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 'Ivan Dan' long travel system. Built ta satisfy all the serious off raaders out there. Dusty Times custom i beams Olfroad bullet proof design . provides maximum strength with 4130 Chramaly steel l /Bth' thick plate and tubular Inner structure. 1990-94 ford ranger 'I;: performance system Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard aHei:iflg increased tire clearance and 4 • mare wheel travel Dual Shock System 2 shacks per front wheel, adds high performance dampening. a racing ' application with coil aver shacks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' al wheel travel e f1 e Mberf!! ! include front lenders, bedsides and hoods. The front fenders and bedsides '-------~ are flared with wheel travel in mind. extended radius arms Our ext.ended raiJ_ius arms are offset further inboard far increased tire clearance. Hanger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on lord ranger 2 . S " performance system 2.5' of lift with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 C10 ., .. lono travel system Gives you the needed clearance far 33' tall tires. angled spare tire mount ~ Constructed using 1 1/ 4 • steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints far long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount Over 25 Styles stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment al stamped steel tabs simplify your fabrication needs. DR E-MAIL US AT February 2004 Page 25

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Brian Thompson had a really long second lap, he ended up in the third place Major problems on the third lap dropped Christopher Parr into a third place position position in the Class 11 contest in the Class 13 contest Jim Frost had big problems on his first lap, well over /KO hours, he finished third iP Class 14 at the Stoddard 250. Charlie Peltzer drove his Jeep Cherokee to the Jeepspeed class victory with four beautifully consistent laps. a front tire. We ~ulled over to fix it and my jack decided not to work. Within ten minutes we were passed by all the other cars in our class. It took almost half an hour to change the tire with the broken jack. We also noticed we were losing a power steering line. We called Pit C and told them we were coming in with a bad line. We were there for four minutes while they fixed the line and loaded a spare. When we got back to the Main we pulled in for our scheduled stop, switched co-drivers, and fueled. I am amazed that the truck was getting ten miles per with a supercharger. It didn't even·get that good of mileage without it! When we left the pit we had a 27 minute split. We decided it was early enough in the race to go for it, and try to real 'em in. By the end of the lap we had made up almost 20 minutes and were in second place. Page 26 00: the third lap the times kept dropping until we found the leader, the (divine) Devine Housh# 1460 truck, along the course with a broken center link. Once we were in the lead we just cruised to victory. One thing that I feel bad about. (Uh hun, sure ... Ed.) My buddy (Bob Miller) that races the '1299' truck (Toyota ofHB) was in front on my last lap; when I caught them I was going to give them a little love tap since i! was the last leg of the last race of the year. We were going about 70 and they were doing almost 60 when we caught them. I was going to come in nice and easy to just tap them, but they dropped the brake pedal as I lined up with them. It was a lot harder nerf than I planned, so for that I'm sorry, guys. Next race ... the beers are on me! The "1460" trucks had a number Bill Frey tooklhe win in the Jeepspeed Sportsman class, seen here saving a bit of wear on the tires as he heads for the checkers. of struggling racers {four) ... Matt Torian (#1481) ate up 8:45:07 for his seven points. Three others did not even get 38 miles for their $200 entry fee: Matt Langan (see a pattern here?) , Henry Medina, and T arek Karam. The Matt T. Report: "Our third race is in the books with a big DNF. We started work on the truck right after the 'Lucerne 300' and were still working 'til midnight every night right up until race day. The first two miles were great until the rear wheel decided to come •off and roll a hundred yards, passing us. It's not a good thing to see your rear tire roll past you three times {!) in one day. {Dynamics Lesson: When the Instant Center of rotation transfers from the spindle to the contact patch the conservation of angular momentum results in the wheel rolling twice as fast as the vehicle. February 2004 Making it difficult to recover, or even find!) We spent the majority of the day waiting for the chase Bronco to find us then as they took a trip to Autozone in Apple Valley for axle studs. We finally fixed the truck at 1500 and finished the first/last/only lap with no other problems. It was a fun weekend and we are planning on racing the entire '04 season. Carolyn Hines ( # 14 77) started the race and everything was going OK 'til just before Pit C where she lost a radiator cap and almost all of the coolant. She stopped where they added water, tied a rag around it, and sent her to Main where it was really repaired. "After that the only problem she had was her bad fenders. She had to stop and take them off before they ripped off. We are still missing ne so if anyone found it please let me know. She finished third and will end up second overall in her class for the year." From RDC: "Frank, I have Carolyn's bedside. I found a white Ford Ranger fender leaning against a bush just before RM29 when I was picking up the course Sunday. It has a couple small cracks but it still looks usable. PM me so we can figure out how to get it to you." Wow, woulda thunk that it woulda ended up on eBay! CLASS 1600 3 Starters - 2 Finishers Garit Wallace's "Concrete Paving Contractors, Inc." single-seat Leighton ran a strong pace for five laps; the third was a half hour longer. No matter, he was the class of the class. Look for Garit to be a player in the Big Picture. Jeffrey Hantz (#1812) drove two easy laps just to say that he actually "races", but still had a flat that took 20 minutes to fix. "I turned rhe car over to Myles Richardson my 16 year old son, who drove the final four laps with no problems. It was his first time racing, ever! Needless to say, I'm quite proud of the kid! He said he had a blast and can't wait to race again." Chuck Durbin (#1628) took a drubbing with a two-lap DNF. CLASS 1 700 JeepSpeed 7 Starters - 5 Finishers Charlie Peltzer ( # 1716) had a close battle with Ray "Hot" Currie (#1714) - never one to curry any favors -but his one minute-per-lap margin was enough for the five minute victory margin. Bob Ganzer (#1744) motored the course to fourth place in order to guarantee his championship over Peltzer by five slim points. Dusty Times

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Third in the Class 1450 battle was Carolyn Hines, shown here on the way to the Barrie Thompson was the highest Ryer at the Stoddard 250, he finished third in Bob Miller scooted across the desert to take a nice second place in the Class 12 checkers at the MOR Stoddard 250. . _th_e_Je~e~p-=sp=ee_d~co_n_te~sl_. --~~---~~--~~~~ race at the MOR Stoddard 250. · . statements are from Steve's PR had to settle for a second place 7, 2004." Thirty "l" cars and no season which make for an even 1. Currie got a flat in first five reflect the JeepSpeed series. The finish. ~ "No Nerf' rule ... ought to be more competitive year." miles that cost him the MDR results site lists Frey as the Their 2003 record now stands "interesting" - enlightening! JeepSpeed has Steve Ghamari championship. 2003 'class champ, 242 to 200. From at two firsts and three seconds with "The competition is getting as "Sportsman JeepSpeed Rookie 2. Thompson broke a brand new the JeepSpeed web site: "Bill Frey no DNFs. That guaranteed them faster each race and we need to of the Year" and Bob Ganzer as front axle each lap that cost him got faster every lap and Steve the 2003 JeepSpeed 17.50 class keep up with them. We anticipate "Pro JeepSpeed Rookie of the the championship. Ghamari slowed every lap to get championship and Rookie of the an even larger field of Jeeps next Year." ~ • 3. Bob Ganzer endoed (in a Bill the Sportsman trophy." So Year award. The JeepSpeed series Cherokee! - Ed.) and finished.. much (or tactics and strategy! The championship, combined with 4. T&J (?) broke a front caliper, JeepSpeed championship is Steve's Rialto. Off Road Series put it on its side, then finished the separate from the MDR series. Short Course Pre-Runner race. . Sorta like "Pro 1600t" but not. championship tie, made for a very CLASS 1750 By the midway point of the race, productive rookie season. Sportsman JeepSpeed Steve ( # l-?77) was leading the Steve Ghamari thanked his "909 4 Starters - 2 Finishers class but after witnessing such a (!) Production crew, particularly Coming off his two wins in as high rate of early DNFs, Ghamari's · Drew Kelty for building such many races, the strategy for Steve strategy· shifted to an even more reliable and strong race car." He Ghamari's fifth and final rate of his conservative second and third lap. thanked D.J. Safety, True Flow rookie year was simple: Drew "The Jeep ran flawlessly until Filters, Eagle Eye Lights, National Kelty, his crew chief, reminded him midpoint oflast lap, where, at the Springs, Rubicon Express to "Just put in the required laps and narrowest section of the course, a Suspension, Currie, BFG, pick up the ("J eepSpeed" front flat tire brought the Cherokee American Racing Wheels, and championship and "JeepSpeed" to a halt. Myself and co-driver Valvoline for believing in the team Rookie of the Year) awards." The Randy Thio pushed the car to the and supporting them all year. first lap was his fastest lap of the side to keep from blocking the The team is currently building day, although Bill "Trey" Frey cut course." Changing the tire under a new Jeep for '04. The new car's the quickest on his lastlap. such dangerous conditions set first event will be the Best in the Second in the Class 1450conffictwas Bob Quarnstrom, heliteral/yllewintosecondspot six These "championship" them back five minutes and they Desert "Parker 425" on February _m_in_ut_e_so_u_t_of_th-e-~_in_. ________ ___________ _ Dusty Times .,,,,,. .... I'!!!!!!. SHOCK ....... ._,~HNO&OGY 714.530.8701 • FAX:714530.B7~ 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 . 'tlf!W'IK,lci-~1 . February 2004 2.6" --€'hi!5.I Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have wstom and produdion coils " in stoc~ and ;l,e experience to get fO't what you need. Call today! Page 27

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2003 SCORE AWARDS MCMillin And J.ulson T~ke rap Honors By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Martin Christensen, Dave Mason, Adam Pfankuch, Eric Allen, Brian Ickier, Emie Castro, Jr., and Dale Ebberts wlth his daughter Madison, (from left) all points winners, display Jimco jackets awarded by Mike Julson. Oscar Ramos and Sal Fish (first & third from left) congratulate Gorky McMillin and Mike Julson (2"' & 4" from left) on sharing Person of the Year honors at SCORE's year-end banquet. For the first time in the history entrant in this year's Baja 1000 and of SCORE's annual awards, there he's also the patriarch of the three-was a tie vote for the prestigious generation McMillin racing team: honor of Person of the Year. So that includes his sons, Mark and SCORE awarded twin trophies to Scott, and grandson, Andy. The Corky McMillin and Mike Julson, McMillins have been racing since naming each as the season's Per- the early 1970s. son of the Year. Julson is a regular SCORE racer McMillin, at 74, was the oldest in Class 1, and has been racing since he was a teenager. His Dale Ebberts, accompanied by his daughter, Madison, thanks his sponsors as he Jimco open-wheel desert cars are accepts the award for the overall final points Championship of 2003. currently the most proll\inent in the award has been determined by he stepped i~ now and then to say the sport, winning all four open a points system. Julson started what a few words. wheel classes in the 2003 SCORE he hopes will be a tradition, by When the Overall Season Points Desert Series. Jimco won the 2003 awarding handsome jackets, em- winners, Dale Ebberts and Ernie SCORE Original Buggy Manufac- broidered with the-Jimco logo, to Castro, Jr., were announced, a video turer point championship by a wide each of the season points winners 1,\'.as flashed on the screen introduc-margin. This is the first year that driving a Jimco car. ing the two drivers and their entire -~=..,,.====--...... --,---.,,....,....,....,,,,,..,,...,,,:;.,,.., There were some crew. Some excellent onboard other departures from camera footage of their car in pur-the norm at this year's suit of others entertained the audi-awards ceremonies. For ence hugely. Ebberts appeared on one thing, attendees screen thanking all of his sponsors didn't get to hear much and his family for their support. It from Sal Fish. He was was a nice way to make the tradi-recovering from sur- tional acceptance speech, without gery, and still feeling a having to stand in front of the au-bit underpowered, he dience and do it. had Oscar Ramos, But some of the acceptance SCORE's legal eagle, speeches had their moments also. do almost all the an- Notably Ivan Loomis, points win-nouncing. Sal and his ner in the Sportsman Truck cat-Steve Hengeveld, winner of the Pro Motorcycle overall season i-....-....-............... _,c-.. _______ ___: wife, Barbara, were egory. When he came up to the championship, makes his acceptance speech as Oscar Ramos stands Sal Fish accepts the surprise BFGoodrich Tires Motorsport Person of there for the entire podium to receive his trophy, he in the background. the Year award from Gary Enterline, Ught Truck Manager for BFG. evening, however, and said "I've yet to finish a race . I r-----------------~-------------------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & . off-Road Use 150. Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkwav Looo, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free CatalOQ I I I I I I I I I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Page 28 February 2004 · Dusty Times

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JudySmithreceivestrophyforJournalistofthe Year Ernie Castro, Jr., who shared the season points Frank DeAngelo, who accepted the BFGoodrich from Cassy Lamensky, who performed trophy- overall championship with Ebberts, is seen here Contingency Team of the year award, displays the dispenser duty throughout the evening. making his acceptance speech. trophy for the camera. ;;;;';;;;::::::::=;::::=:==:::::::;::;:;::::;;:;;::::::::::;:;;::==::::::::::::::;:::; Dave Mason and Martin Christensen smile for the camera after receiving the trophy for their Class 10 season points championship. Adam Pfankuch and Eric Allen pose with Ms Lamensky after receiving their check and trophy for winning he season points championship in Class 1-211600. Jeff Cummings accepts the award to BFG Tires for the Pit Support of the year as Oscar and Cassy look on. hope to do that one of these days." He then went on to thank his credit card companies for their.assistance. The audience gave him a big hand. trophy, which will· reside in Greenville, South Carolina. went to Judy Smith of the Dusty Times. The points champions (listed elsewhere in this In addition to the surprise twin winners in the main category, BFGoodrich Tires had a surprise of their own. They introduced a new annual motorsports award, called the BFGoodrich Tires Motorsports Person of the Year award. The re-cipient is going to be chosen from among the various racing series that BFG is involved with. In the fu-ture, the racers as well as media will vote on the annual recipient, but for this inaugural year, BFG wanted to present the award to Sal Fish in recognition of his 30 years in off road racing. Gary Enterline, the hew Light Truck Manager for BFGoodrich tires made the surprise presentation. Sal Fish was obviously surprised and touched as he re-ceived the handsome trophy-cabi-net sized replica of the perpetual Like the Chassis Builder, the Engine Builder of the Year was de-termined by points for the first time this year also, and was won by Kenny Major of Major Perfor-mance. Awards determined by a vote of the SCORE membership in-cluded the Rookie of the Year, won by Brian "lckler, who was also the SCORE Lite s~ason points cham-pion. BFGoodrich Tires went home with the trophies for both the SCORE Contingency Company of the Year and SCORE Pit Support T earn of the Year awards, while the Terrible Herbst Motorsports T earn was awarded the title ofEntry Spon-sor of the Year. And Mike Smith, Crew Chief for the Herbsts, was voted the Mechanic of the Year. Trackside Photography was voted the off road Photographer of the Year, and the Journalist award Brian Jeffery shows his Toyota True Grit award to his sons, who are an important part of his crew, as Oscar Ramos and Cassy lamensky look on. Dusty Times February 2004 After accepting the Rookie'of the Year award, Brian Ickier makes his thank-you speech as Oscar Ramos, who stood in for a convalescing Sal Fish, listens. issue) were awarded their trophies and checks as photos of their race vehicles appeared on screen behind them, livening the process a little especially when they didn't quite match up and the person in charge would begin switching through the shots in search of the right one. For the first time in many years, the award banquet took place at Michael Gaughan's Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas. Gaughan and the Herbsts co-hosted the pre-dinner bar, a treat greatly appreciated by the attendees. The food was plentiful and tasty, and service was efficient and friendly. Gaughan didn't make an appearance, being busy with one of the final nights of the Rodeo, which was also in town. The casino at the Gold Coast was· a virtual sea of cowboy hats, with giant belt buckles flashing in the lights. So SCORE's busy season came to an end on a high note. The racers were already plan-ning for t·he first event of the 2004 season, and Ebberts and Castro's new Jimco, on dis-play just outside the doors of the casino, was a focal point for some post-banquet bench racing. 2003 had barely ended, and 2004 was already underway. SCIIE rs acars Page 29

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M E HOLIDAY 200 c rt Geer ·Takes 1&00 Win En . Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Matt Gumz had a great run in class 9, he ran trouble free all day and took the class win with more than 5 minutes in hand. · Curt Geer took the 1600 win at the MORE Holiday 200, but he had to work for it, his win margin was a mere 8 seconds! MORE held their final race of the 2003 season in the sometimes beautiful, always dusty Lucerne Valley, there was a de<;:ent turn-out of cars and all who partici-pated gad a good time, almost as good a time as the winners had. Class 1 had eight laps to run for the flag and although there were only five entrants in the Un-limited class they had a good battle for the win. Todd Jergensen had the lead after the first lap, a 25 second pad between he and Rick Wilcoxen, who was running a close second place. Bill Markel was running third, nearly three minutes off the pace, John Criswell was fourth in his Class 5, run in Class 1 car and Craig Reynolds had massive problems on the lap, almost an hour in ar-rears. Jergensen still led after the second lap, Wilcoxen was 23 sec-onds out of the lead, Markel kel was the bronze medal winner, dropped another couple of min- dropping 25 more minutes of the utes, still in third, Criswell was last lap. running a few minutes off the The Unlimited Sportsman pace in fourth and Craig Reynolds class only had three contestants Skimming across the tetTain, Todd Jergensen went on to take the Class 1 victory, had disappeared from the scoring and there was a good race going seen here in low and level flight. charts. for a few laps hut only for a few completing his fifth lap and the Jergensen continued to lead laps. Bob Weiderhild took the win went unchallenged to Bob on the third lap, Wilcoxen slipped lead on Lap 1 and had four min-Weiderhild who finished his re-a bit and fell further back, still in• utes on Don Heinemann on the maining laps in good time. second place, Markel was still first lap. Chris Underwood was There was not a lot of compe-dropping three or four minutes a third, a long third. titian in the Limited Sportsman lap and John Criswell had slowed Lap 2 saw Weiderhild with a c;:ategory. Chris Haney led the anotherminutealap. seven minute cushion over firstlap,RonKellmanwasseven Criswell didn't complete his Heinemann and Underwood minutes behind. fourth lap and the running order never completed his second lap. On the second lap Haney remained the same, Jergensen, Weiderhild had big problems on opened up his lead even further Wilcoxen and Markel. These the third lap and he dropped to and now led Kellman by more standings held 'til the end of the the second spot, 16 minutes be-than 20 minutes. race, ToddJergensen never drop-hind Heinemann. Heinemann Haney had a terribly long ping from the lead, Rick continued to lead the fourth lap, third lap, but, no matter, Wilcoxen took the silver medal, W eiderhild had taken back a Kelmann was out of the running some six and a half minutes out minute of the time he lost earlier so it was just a nice cruise for of first place, he lost five of those on. No matter, Heinemann dis-Haney to take the checkered minutes on the sixth lap and Mar- appeared from the charts, never flag. · ~----_;;;_;;___ _______________ --, There were four Class 5-1600 cars and they had a good race but only for a few of the required seven laps they had to run. Mike Norris was the first lap leader, Joe Westhoff was second, 30 seconds in arrears, Scott Boyd was third and Chris Moreno was-running fourth. At the end of Lap 2 Westhoff continued to lead, Boyd had moved up into second spot, Mike Norris had dropped to third and Chris Moreno was nowhere to be seen. On the third lap Boyd took the lead, Westhoff was right on his tail and Norris was still in third and losing ground fast. The Umited Sportsman win went to Chris Haney, problems on the last Matt Towery was ready to run hard in class 8 but, alas, one fast lap Second place in Class 1 went to Rick Wilcoxon, he was just five lap didn't keep him from the checkered flag. was all he was able to get under his belt. minutes away from the gold medal at Luceme. Joseph Westhoff drove his clean Baja Bug to a very nice second Diego Lopez was just a bit off the leaders pace in Class 7, he finished Second spot in Class 9 went to Rob Walters, he finished some six place finish in the Class 5-1600 skirmish. a nice second in his good looking Ford. minutes behind the winner, not his usual spot. Page 30 February 2004 Dusty Tirries

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Steve Vatter drove his good looking Class 10 car to a nice second The Class 1600 battle was a good one, Frank Wagner was second, Third place in Class 1 went to Bill Markel, seen here making a perfect spot, seen here at touchdown at Lucerne. a mere eight seconds out of the win after 4 hours of racing. four point landing, a long last lap didn't help. Boyd opened his lead up quite Annand was still seventh and was third, nine minutes out of the Matt Gumz led the fifth lap as Proctor and Jeff Cepielik called a bit on the fourth lap, Westhoff Dunne was relegated to eighth. lead, Richardson moved up a spot well, Rob Walters was nine min- it a day and were in their respec-was now six minutes behind and Matt Gumz added another into fourth, Cepielik dropped a utes behind, Jim Richardson was tive trailers. Norris was 19 minutes out of the minute to his pad as he led Lap 4, spot to fifth, Rash was still in sixth, now in third, Ron Rash was up to Things didn't change much on lead in third place. B.J. Proctor was still holding on Annand was in seventh and fourth. Scott Annand was fifth the sixth lap, everybody held At the end of the fifth lap, to the second spot, Rob Walters Dunne was eighth. and Harry Dunne was sixth. B.J. Continued on page 32 Boyd had a commanding lead, Westhoff was now 15 minutes ' behind. At the end of Lap 5 Boyd still had 15 minutes on Westhoff but on Lap 6 that had grown to a · 30 minute margin as We~thoff had a few slow laps and when the checkers flew it was Boyd taking the win, still holding about a half an hour on the sec-ond placed Westhoff. Class 7 had six laps to run for a race and there were only two entrants in the class. Diego Lo-pez took the lead on the first lap, Mike Diorio running a minute behind. Diorio cut more than four minutes o(f his lap time on the second lap and Lopez was a few minutes slower on his second lap so Diorio led after the second lap by seven minutes. Diorio was picking up about seven minutes a lap on Lopez and by the time they finished their fifth lap there was half an hour between first and second place. Diorio dropped eight minutes ion his last lap but he still had 20 minutes over Lopez, who claimed the second spot. Class 8 only had one entrant, Matt Towery. Matt ran a nice first lap, 41 minutes but that's all he got in. We don't know happened but it obviously was terminal. Class 9 had nine entrants and they had a pretty good tussle for a while as they ran their seven required laps. When they came around to finish their first lap it was B.J. Proctor at the helm. Rob Walters was second across the line, 20 seconds behind the leader. Matt Gumz was running a close third, Ron Rash and Jeff Cepielik were tied for the fourth spot, Jim Richardson was running in sixth, Scott Annand was sev-en th and Harry Dunne was eighth after a horrendously long lap. Kevin Kopitch did not get a lap complet~d. At the end of the second lap it was still B.J. Proctor in the lead, Matt Gumz had moved up a spot into second, Rob Walters had dropped a spot to third, Jeff Cepielik was now in sole posses-sion of fourth place, Ron Rash was in fifth, Jim Richardson dropped a spot into sixth, Scott Annand was down to seventh and Harry Dunne was eighth. On Lap 3, Matt Gumz moved into the lead. B.J. Proctor was four minutes back in second place, Walters was still third, Cepielik was still in fourth, Rich-ardson was up a spot into fifth, Ron Rash was now sixth, Dusty Times GET MICROSTUBS! 934 P R O VERSION Now IN STOCK! u NEA SPECIALIS T TUND/lA4WD lONO TllAVEl ~---~-~ CO/LOVER & BYPASS SETUP WITH 4WD! ~PErformancE l:::::c) U Suspension 99-03 J'IlVE/lADO COilOVE/l KIT WE STOCK MORE PARTS THAN ANYONE/ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 909.737.RACE (7223) 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 February 2004 lIFTKITJ' Major Credit Cards Accepted I v,DJ ~ DISC VER' . , ,,,. Page 31 ......

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...... • Jim Richardson was just a smidge off the winning pace in Class 9, he Steve Dodd gave it his all but the best he could muster this race was Ron Rash was off a bit this race, he ran as hard as he could and ended up with the bronze medal at race end. third place finish iii the Class 1600 contest. finished fourth in the Class 9 contest. their positions except for Harry good one, and there wasn't too was fourth and Garit Wallace was Andy Rusich was 12th. Blakeman was up a spot into Dunne who moved into fifth and much room for error in the top fifth. Mike Malloy was in sixth Keller continued to lead on eighth, Murphy was in ninth and · Scott Annand dropped to sixth. two when the race was run. At place, Tom Craig was seventh, the second lap, Geer was still sec- Rusich had moved up into 10th Matt Gumz took the checkers the end of Lap 1, Paul Keller was eighth was Jerry Longo, Greg ond, Wagner still in third, Malloy place. Garit Wallace dropped way in Class 9, Rob Walters was sec-in the lead, Curt Geer was sec- Blakeman was in ninth and John was in fourth and Craig was in_ back to 11th place and Scott Wis-ond less than six minutes behind, ond, only six seconds back, Frank Murphy was 10th. Steve Dodd fifth. Longo was up to sixth, Dodd dom had dropped back to 12th. Jim Richardson was another eight Wagner was third, Scott Wisdom was running in 11th place and moved up four spots .to seventh, There was no change in the minutes back in third, three min- " utes later it was Ron Rash in fourth, Harry Dunne was fifth, still almost an hour out of fourth and Scott Annand was the sixth· and final finisher. . There were three Class 10 cars, Brian Walsh, Steve Vatter and Mike Halliday. Walsh led the first lap, Vatter was second and Halliday brought up the rear . Positions remained the same on the second and third laps. On the fourth lap Walsh was still lead-ing but Vatter and Halliday had exchanged places. On Lap 5 things went to nor-mal, Walsh still led, he took the checkers, Vatter was second and Hallida was third. The Trophy Challenge victory went to Bob Weiderhild, his competition retired so Scott Boyd had a trouble free race, he new around for his seven required laps and The Class 1600 race was a he just had a nice cruise for the win. _too_k_th_e_S_-1_6,_0_0_w._in_b_,_,y_h_a_lf_a_n_h_o_ur._. ____________ _ ~---:.■i • • /f,ELl[lilFJ'41JlE~jll[g A NUESTROS CAMPEONES MARCOS NUNEZ / NORBERTO RIVERA REC0NOCIDO COMO EL MEJOR MECANICO DE TRANSMISIONES DEL ANO POR (4ta. VEZ) ■ . FOURTH TIMES TRANSMITION MECHANIC OF THE YEAR !I OE COMPETENCJA CLASS 5-1600 TRANSMlnON & MOTOR CLASS II TRANS/WT/a.I SCIIE INTERNATIONAL OFF ROAC RACING lti.lll/liltAfl!.IYAr!iml/sJ TO OUR CHAMPIONS MARIO FLORES/ FERNANDO FLORES UNICO DISTRIBUIDQR AUTORIZADO EN MEXICO THE ONL:Y AUTHORIZED DEALER IN MEXICO ~SMIT10N & MOTOR - - \ . . IB~~\ fSIJJRl (l!lilW'P.10/VSf.llHJ <eoob-OFFRDAD-RACINCil OFF ROAD -~ . / ~ o,,HoAD-: FARAON S BIA #108 COL. BENITO 01152 646 178-6048 E EXICO • ~ ' ' I ' • -._\__ Page 32 February 2004 • Dusty· Times

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rr Greg Blakeman ran consistent lap times, just a bit off the winning Fifth place in the large 1600 group went to John Murphy, he had a Scott Wisdom had problems on laps three and eight, Scott finished in pace, Greg finished fourth in the 1600 battle. minor problem on his last lap which probably dropped him a spot. _th_e_s_ixt.~'h,.....,_pos~it_ion_,~'n~L~u_cern_e_.~~~~~-----~--lead on the third lap, Keller still phy was in 10th. Rusich was down was still in eighth, Wisdom was the top nine remained in position, Garit Wallace was up to third led, Geer was still in second, to 11th place and Wisdom brought up to· ninth and Craig had Jerry Longo was up to 10th and place, Steve Dodd was still in Wagner was third, Malloy was in up the rear. dropped back to 120th. Longo was both Craig and Malloy had fled fourth and John Murphy was fifth. fourth and Craig was still running On Lap 4 the top four re-in 11th place and Malloy had the scene. Greg Blakeman was in sixth, Scott fifth. Longo was sixth, Dodd still mained the same, Wallace was up dropped way back to 12th with a Lap 6 and Curt Geer had Wisdom was seventh and Keller, in seventh, was eighth, to fifth, Murphy was in sixth, Ru- long hard lap. moved into the lead, Frank Rusich and Longo were on their Wallace was in ninth and Mur-sich was in seventh, Blakeman On the fifth lap, once again Wagner was up into second place, respective trailers. Mike Diorio ran fast, consistent laps and it paid off, he took the gold medal in the Brian Walsh ran hard and fast and it paid off for him, he took the win in Class 10 in Class 7 contest. _h,_s-=good~_loo_k,_'ng~ca_r._. __________________ _ NGIN Dusty Times February 2004 .. Lap 7 and Geer still led Wagner, but not by much. Dodd was now in third, Murphy was up another spot to fourth and Blake-man was up to fifth. Wisdom was in sixth, the last car running as Wallace was gone. So, as the eighth lap ended, Curt Geer took the win, Frank Wagner took the silver medal a mere eight seconds out of the win and the bronze medal went to Steve Dodd. Greg Blakeman took a nice fourth place, John Murphy came in fifth and Scott Wisdom was the sixth and final finisher. So it ended - MORE's last race of the 2003 season. Check the cal-endar and be sure you get out there and race at least a few MORE races this year. !!!:.Q:!L~ Page 33

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SCCA PRORALLY • LAKE SUPERIOR David Higgins· Mitsubishi Wins In Close contest Text & Photos: jerry Winker David Higgins and Daniel Barritt did it again! They put }Jet another notch in their b<Jlts driving their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. Eight out of ten times this sea-son David Higgins, along with co-driver Daniel Barritt, won an event in the SCCA PtoRally se-ries. The Mitsubishi driver had a great stroke of luck again though as his car limped through the final stage with the transmission stuck in third gear and smoking to the finish. Again he had to get a pull from teammate Lauchlin O'Sulli-van back to the ceremonial finish in Houghton/Hancock, Michigan after two days of grueling rallying, a virtual repeat of his win at Ojib-we Forests ProRally in August. He was challenged heavily by Subaru USA teammates Ramana Lagemann and Pasi Hagstrom all weekend long as it looked as though SL1baru could be the team to beat at this finaf event of this year's series. Going into this round Higgins had pot only won the driver's championship, but had also helped to clinch the Manufacturer's Cup for Mitsubishi. Teammate O'Sul-livan had locked up second in the driver's championship at Wild West, the penultimate event. Pasi Hagstrom, winner at Wild West, and Ramana Lagemann were try-ing to close the final points gap for the end of the year and wanted win number three for the team this year. The other win for Subaru was by the late Mark Lovell at Pikes Peak. Subaru Team Canada had Tom McGeer on hand as well trying to lock up a win for the North American Rally Champion-z ~ F-~ . _,,. _ . z , ea· YNe -~~-• Slows forward motion in the euent of a crash • Hllows bead movement • no cumbersome collar to wear · • Quick, one-time adjustment . • Does not hook into lap belt • Reduces neck tension bg 45-70% • Great for all tgpes of motor racing, especially where driuer changes are common 1.BIJIJ.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 34 ~:::,..;=~.:::.....::...:::...;;.;;...;;;:...;;;J February 2004 Doug Shepard and Pete Gladysz took the Group 5 win at Lake Superior in their Dodge SRT-4, seen here at speed. Mike Halley and Bill Montgomery drove their neat looking bug to an uncontested Production win at Lake Superior. ship Cup. Other privateers that had a chance were Paul Choinere · and John Buffum in the ex-fac-tory backed Hyundai Tiburons, the Air Force Reserve Focus of Tim O'Neil, and the Mitsubishi Evo 6.5 of Seamus Burke. Although the main Open class championship had been decided much earlier this season, three championships were up for grabs. Mark Utecht and Shane Mitchell had been battling all season long for the Group N championship in their Subaru WRXs. They were both on hand and a slip-up would cost a driver the championship in the end. Also, Mark Nelson was back in the Subaru WRX that had been campaigned by both Julian Reynolds and Jonny Milner ear-lier this season. The race for the .Group N win would be a close battle indeed! Production GT was still unfin-ished business, as well between The winners in the Group 2 category were Chris Whiteman and Mike Paulin, seen here throwing lots of dirt in their Dodge Neon SXT. Ramana Lagemann and Michael Orr comer hard in their Subaru lmpreza WRX on their way to a very nice second place in Open. Dusty Times

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Paul Choiniere and John Bennie were fourth in the Open category, Eighth in Open was fl?e Ford Focus of hard charging Tim O'neil and Third place in Group 5 went to John Daubenmeir and Stan Rosen ir, their high Dying Chevy S10 pickup. seen here at speed in their Hyundai Tiburon. Alex Gelsomino, seen here chuming up the course. Valdemaras Maciukevicius in a back, Doug Shepherd was no 8, respectively. Pasi Hagstrom Subaru Impreza 2.SRS and Bruce stranger to the roads of Michigan grabbed the lead early on, with Davis in a Mitsubishi Eclipse. in his Dodge SRT-4. He almost David Higgins and Ramana These two had been flip-flopping won this event overall on three Lagemann just behind. Paul back and forth for the champion- previous occasions in the Open Choinere was doing a great job in shipleadallseason.Thiswouldbe Classinthenineties.Hewasthe the Hyundai in fourth. Tom a good battle to watch as well. Otis one who'd be tough to beat here. McGeer was next in the Subaru Dimiters in a Subaru 2.5RS would Josh Jacquot and Tom Young were Canada entry with Lauchlin be another·one to watch as he'd also present in their Dodge SRT- O'Sullivan just a few ticks behind. been fast at the Maine Forest Clu- 4's as well as Bryan Hourt in his Tim O'Neil, who announced that bRally earlier this year. This was -Acura Integra and John he was retiring from rallying after his first Pro Rally event. Daubenmeir in his Chevy S-10 this event, was holding down sev-In Group 2 there was still un- pickup. enth. finished business between old col-The only entrant in the Pro-In the Group N battle, Mark lege roommates, Eric Burmeister duction class was Mike Halley in Nelson had an engine go sour dur-in his factory-backed Mazda Pro- his VW Beetle. All that Halley re- ing the evening and retired leav-tege and Chris Whiteman in his alistically had to do was to start ing the battle for the win and factory-backed Dodge Neon SCT. the event to clinch the champi-championship between Mark The two long-time friends would onship and take it easy. That was Utecht and Shane Mitchell wide be rivals in the dusty roads of the exactly what he did. This was the open. Utech's car popped out of Upper Peninsula of Michigan all same car that Karl Scheible took ge_ar several times and stalled for weekend. Local hotshoe Jake to the Production class champion- about 15 seconds during Stage 3. Himes who had been running his ship back in 1999 as well. He had to work hard to keep the Nissan Sentra SE-R in Production During the first three stages of gap close. class earlier this year, also proved the event, Irishmen Seamus Burke The other championships were to be.a threat. and Thomas Lawless were both getting close by nightfall of the Although Group 5 had its out with off road excursions and first night. In Production GT, champion crowned several events minor damage to their Evos 6.5 and Bruce Davis lost a considerable Dusty Times February 2004 amount of time to Valdemaras penalties. David Higgins was then Maciul<evecius and Otis Dimiters, the leader going into Day 2 with which pretty much ended his Lagemann behind by just 50 sec-hopes for a championship. Also, in onds. Choinere, McGeer and Group 2, Eric Burmeister forgot to O'Sullivan rounded out the over-secure the hoodpins on his Mazda all top five positions. Protege, which was the reason his In Group N, Shan~ Mitchell hood .flew up mid-stage. He did had just over a minute on Mark finish the stage without stopping, Utecht but Mark had won his pre-but lost a minute plus to Chris vious championships in Group 5 Whiteman. By trying too hard to (2000) and Production GT (2201) catch up on Stage 5, Eric rolled by smooth driving on the second the car and had considerable day of this event. Not so this year. amount of damage, but the car still About three miles into the first drove straight albeit over five min- stage of Day 2 Mark clipped a utes behind Whiteman, the class bank, which flipped the car and leader. did extensive damage. He drove In Group 5, Doug Shepherd has his wrecked WRX to the end of built a substantial lead over Josh stage and parked it ending his Jacquot and Tom Young all in fac- chance of a third different cham-tory Dodge SRT-4's. On SS5, pionship. At this point Mitchell Young rolled his car and lost over had a large enough lead to take it _ five minutes of time, but contin-easy for the Group N win and ued off the pace. championship plus a bonus check At the end of the first day, Pasi from· Subaru for $25,000 for his Hagstrom had the fastest overall effoi:;ts over the season. time on the stages, but was as- Also, during Day 2 Ramana sessed over three minutes of road Continued on page 36 Page 35 -c:: -

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-Pasi Hagstrom and Marko Tasinen comer hard on their way a nice John Buffum and Stephen McAuley didn't have the best of days, third overall in Open ilJ their Subaru WRX they were eighth overall in their Hyundai Tiburon. Tom Young and Mike LeBeau throw lots of dirt as they head to fourth in Group 5 in their Dodge SRT-4. Lagemann and Pasi Hagstrom running of the Gratiot Lake stage. for backing up, he chose to blast were absolutely flying trying to At the midpoint spectator point-, through the tape. Hagstrom was. make up time on the field. he braked too late going into a still trying desperately to reel in Lagemann would potentially have delta mode of banner tape and the front-runners and was consis-been the winner of the event if rather than take a penalty and tently the fastest on all but three not for a slight mistake on the first possible exclusion from the event of Day 2's nine stages. He did have a hairy moment on SS9 where he swapping stage times! Page 36 slid off the road and stalled the Going into the final stage, car briefly. He was still second fast- Higgins had about a two minute est on that stage and only one sec- lead over Lagemann who was as-ond off Lagemann's time. All day sessed a one minute and ten sec-long the t9p five fastest cars were ond penalty for the banner inci-Roll Hell; Kyle Taylor, Chiu! Hall and Team Ughtforce's own Kevin Davis pusti 1118 envelapa season after season. Speeds that feel Ilka Macft 3. 111ml mlls, free falls. mid-air caltisions ... lightforce's HID Blitz and variable-focus lights with our illnovativl llltar s,stllll lrallSlate to shattBrproof lights that can change color and beam patterns as fast as tke terrain Hself. Visit Ill find a dealer near you. February 2004 dent. Then the transmission woes hit Higgins again just like at Ojib-we Forests ProRally on the final stage. Higgins still made it to the finish and ultimately won the rally. If Lagemann had not had the in-cident with the delta he would have won it by just a few seconds. If Hagstrom hadn't been assessed his time penalty on Day 1, he would have been the victor. His hard efforts still netted him a third place and wound up beating Choinere for the position three stages from the end. Lauchlin O'Sullivan took home fifth, fol-lowed by Tom McGeer, John Buf-fum and Tim O'Neil. Doug Havir in a Subaru WRX netted ninth . with Shane Mitchell in his. Group N WRX rounding out the top ten and taking that class champion-ship. Doug Shepherd won Group 5 and took the class by almost seven minutes over Josh Jacquot. They finished 11th and 12th re-spectively. In 13th was Otis Dimiters in his Production GT class winning Subaru. Valdemaras Maciukevicius was a finisher sev-eral positions back and won the GT championship for the year. Fourteenth and 15th were both Group 2 cars. Chris Whiteman won the series championship for that class and also won the class here at Lake Superior over Jake Himes. After the event, it was stated that Kurt Spitzner would be step-ping down as the head of Perfor-mance rally with the Sports Car Club of America. It was an-nounced on December 2 that Sue Robinson, who successively di-rec.ted the California Rally Series from 1999 to 2002 would fill that position. Also, a new series spon-sor is on its way according to SCCA president Steve Johnson. The new· sponsor was to be pre-sented at the SEMA show, but it was decided to hold off on an-nouncing that decision until De-cember 5th. Mitsubishi also made a decision in late November to cancel its rally program after win-ning the championship this year to everyone's amazement. The Air Force Reserve Ford Focus is up for sale as Tim O'Neil is retiring and the team needs for a television package to be in place before they can commit to running a car for anyone. Subaru has not at the time of this article made a state-ment about its 2004 plans. Need-less to say, with all of the changes going on it appears that-the 2004 series will be interesting. It all gets underway January 30-31 with the Sno*Drift ProRally in Atlanta, Michigan. ~ Dusty Times

Page 37

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Page 38

FRT/MDR ERIC BAUMGARTNER MEMORIAL DASH Hovey Ends The Year ln·Front By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Paul Kellers day started slowly, with a rollover, but got better and he finished as the winner in the 112-1600 class in his Mirage. For the fourth time in a row, in possession of BLM permits does, and this year it was even Chuck Hovey finished the FRT (albeit in the wrong desert) and more special. All along the race season with a rousing overall insurance, it was possible for had been planned as a memo-viqory, closing out not only the them to travel south (without rial to Erik Baumgartner, a Fud 2003 racing year, but also the impossibly long delays} and use racer who died in an auto acci-decades long presence of the the date previously reserved for dent in 2002. Baumgartner had FRT in the Superstition Desert. the final FRT race of the sea-earned his first win at the 1999 With the death of Fud (Lee son,. It wasn't as simple as it Dash, in the 1/2-1600 class, so Odus Sieck) just days after the sounds, but, with everyone pull-the race meant something spe-Supe·rstition race in October, ing to get it done, the race was cial for his parents, Bonnie and the FRT Superstition Series a go. Ken Baumgartner. They de-came dangerously close to the The year-end Dash event is. cided to sponsor the event this end of the line itself, but the always a favorite with the rac-year, and to enter his car with Mojave Desert Racing folks ers in the San Diego and Impe-Brian lckler and Bill Pate, both were able to step in and save the rial Valley areas, incorporating friends of Erik's, as the drivers. season. Since they were already the holiday celebration as it Fud's death also tugged on the Joe Heger and Shawn Mccallum decided at the last minute that they'd like to race the Dash, washed their 5 car and took the win. heartstrings of his racers and friends, and the event just metamorphosed into a double tribute. Both Erik and Fud would be honored. The day before the race fea-tured a race car display, the Race Ready Pit Stop Competi-tion, and a "Race Fan Appre-ciation" barbecue sponsored by Aadvanced Wireless, Inc, Al-pha Site Logistics and Watson Electric. Pit row and the sur-rounding area was packed with motorhome-s and campers as racers and their families crowded in for the final FR T event. And when the green flat waved for the start, there were 7 3 race vehicles heading out into the desert. Mark Gonzalez had only one poor lap in his street legal class racer, and he took the victory with a 9 minute cushion after the four required laps. Flawless southern desert weather greeted the racers, with perhaps not quite enough breeze, but perfect spectating comfort. The only fly in the ointment was the length of the course. When the proposal wa·s sent in for the Dash originally, it was planned as a 40 mile loop, one that had been used previ-ously several times. When the crew marked it out this·year and submitted the map to the BLM (a standard procedure), an ar-chaeologist took a look at it and declared that one section of it was too close to an area that was potentially archaeologically significant. The race folks. pointed out that the course had been mapped out and in use for some time, but it mattered not. Apparently there is a new ar-chaeologist in the local BLM of-fice. She would have to check it out before it could be used as a racecourse again. And, she was too busy to do that in time for this year's event. So the race folks had to regroup. They dug out the maps for the April 2003 Fud 200, and marked it, with the blessings of the BLM. The big drawback was that it was only about 24 miles long, and they wanted a longer racecourse for the expected heavier entry. They shorter course meant the traffic would be heavy, dust would be thick, and the start would be tricky. They got only 4 7 of the 73 cars started at 30-second intervals before Hovey · came around at the end of his first lap. At that point they crowded the remaining starters to one side of the wide double-lane start area, and simply held them as each successive car fin-ished the first lap. It worked out fine, but was surely a bit hairy for the timing/scoring folks and the flag lady. After the 1600s -had left the start line the re-maining cars were flagged off at 20-second intervals. The MDR, which will promote the series for all of 2004, has pledged to lay out longer courses in the future. This was a six lap race for most· entries, with a start time at noon. The time limit was five and a half hours, and no one would be per-mitted to start a new lap after five p.m. For the most part the racers would not notice the difference between the old FRT set up and the MDR rules, but there was• one major, very big, difference. Whereas the FRT had used roll-ing checks (that is, no one had to stop at the checkpoints), the MDR requires everyone to come to a full stop at every check and at the start/finish line. It'• a ma-jor difference, and there was some worry that long-time Fud racers might forget, but the · checkpoint markings were clear and different enough that they should catch the eye and re-mind them. There were no re-ports of flagrant violations, and no one rear-ended anyone in the checks, so apparently they all managed to remember. For the fourth year in a row Chuck Hovey drove to the overall win at the Dash, this time in his V4 powered Jimco. Ray Neff and Julie Kern are the team to beat in Class 900, once again they brought their Kernco two seater to the finish line in front. This course was laid out in the OHV area west of Plaster City and it was described as . rough by nearly everyone who raced it. It stayed to the north of Evan Hewes Highway (old Highway 8) all the way and it took Hovey just 22:33 minutes to complete his first lap and that turned out to be the fast time of the day. Eleven Class 1 cars had started the race, but two of them were sidelined on the first lap. Neither Tom Wood in his 302 Ford powered Jimco or Craig Stewart in Wayne Lugo's SRW0l chassis made it around. Dale Ebberts and Ernie Castro, Jr. had their new V8 Toyota powered Jimco there for its first run, and they ran into some k°ind of suspension woes that gave them a first lap of over two hours. They didn't bother go-ing out a second time appar-ently. Scott McMillin ran sec-ond at the end of Lap 1, about a minute and a half behind in his V8 Chevy Jimco with a Fortin 4-speed. Scott's son, Andy, who's had some success at the Fud races, including one over-all win wasn't racing this time, having injured a knee playing basketball. He'd had surgery early in December and faces four months of therapy. Mark McM"dlin ran third another minute back, in a V8 Chevy powered Chenowth with an au-tomatic trans. In fourth it was Tom DeNault in Alberto Coppola's V8 Chevy powered Page 38 February 2004 Dusty Times

Page 39

J Chris Cortez and Jesse Lopez teamed in their good looking 5-1600 Cisco Bio drove his bright orange Tubular Design chassis all the way Carlos Gaya usually rides in the big Scar011i Excursion, but this time Bug to take the victory in spite of a body crushing rollover early in the and finished the day with a close fourth place. he drove in the street legal class and took second place. _da~,y_. --c---------=------------Marking. Josh Waddell ran fifth cushion, and thanks to his cold, had handed over to Coppola, who had some carburetor prob-the line next with 15 entries. in his V8 powered TLR. feeling washed out. He was still who lives in Cabo San Lucas, at lems and some suspension woes, The first car out of the race was Hovey was ill with a bad cold only three and a half minutes the halfway point. They took finished seventh . . Accordino the good-looking Honda Jimco or the flu, and wasn't too sure slower than the first lap. As he third place and at the finish rode the first three laps and that Jimmy Slaughter and Matt he'd hold out, but he zipped hopped out of the ca.rafter tak-they were agreement that they drove the last two. They were Loidice were teamed in. Every-through the second lap with no ing the checkered flag, he said, need higher gearing, but other-the last finishers in Class 1. one else made it around and at problems and kept his lead, al-he "didn't have a lot left physi- wise they like their new car. It's The Class 10 cars went off Continued on page 40 though he slowed as he met up cally!" He'd-stopped just once more powerful than either has ,-----------------------------, with traffic. Still, he had almost for a splash of fuel and to have raced in the past. Coppola said three minutes on Scott McMil-his tires checked, but other he "almost flipped", but also said lin at the end of the lap. Then than that it was "pretty much a that this was his "first time rac-it was DeN a ult, beginning to perfect run. 11 He was using a ing here -I'll be back! 11 get a feel for the car and the new motor, just picked up on Fourth place went to Corky course, which he hadn't raced Sunday (this was Wednesday), McMillin and Brian Ewalt, who in about 20 years, and in fourth, and it performed as expected. also had no problems. It was, Brian Ewalt, who'd taken over Hovey declared that the course they said, "rough and dusty." In for Corky McMillin, who was was rough. · · fifth it was Josh Waddell who feeling a bit peaked, in their V8 Scott McMillin said the race said it was the "dustiest race I've Chevy powered Chenowth with "went great" and that Hovey every been in -and rough." He an automatic transmission. "got around me fair and had no spare at the finish, but Through the third and fourth square." He'd expected the said he hadn't used it, so it must lap they held the same relative traffic to be horrific, but said it have fallen off. The Scaroni positions, and no one else wasn't too bad. Scott had stalled brothers, Matt and Dave, drove dropped out. his motor off the line, and re-their Ford Protruck in Class 1 In fact, they stayed in that pofred that he'd done it "a mil- (it doesn't fit any of the FRT or order clear to the end. Hovey lion times" during the race, and MDR truck classes) and fin-did slow a bit on the last lap, assumed it was something to do ished in fifth place, while Brian Charles Lathrem had the fast laP_ for Class 10 at 25:40 and kept his Honda Jimco knowing he had a pretty good with the rev-limiter. DeNault Coneen and Mike Accordino, _m_fi_ra_n_t _at._i_th-e_w._a~r_t_o _ta_k_e_th- e_v,_ct_ory_,_. ______________ _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • : FUD MEMORIAL : • • • • ■ ■IM4~ • : TIie Riil ■1•erta1wa eSlllllllsllell •-P•dJ Percr • 1--,,1.2114. •••"• • •• : ■ Wll■SIIW ... lllllls■e.,.......1111raat1nceslerlllaca□m.,■□aa ■ ■ anm11111111111e1a■1111Wllowur■a1ar1ert11a1Ne. ■ : lleSIIIIP~e.Fllll. : • • ■ --........ • • • ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ ■ • • • ■ . ---~ . ■ '""""'-~..... .. • • ~-ar' • • 1 • . --~ . ■ • ■ • ■ ... ■ ■ ~ • • ■ ■ ■ ... ~ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .. • ■ -~4;~~~& , • • • ■ • • ■ .. ~ • ■ , ■ ■ • ■ r ,. • ■ . \: . . -----------~-• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dusty Times February 2004 Page 39

Page 40

Tom DeNault and Alberto Coppola brought their Marking out to for ............... -.=--=.:.....;;-'--"----'-"'-"-'-.=-"'"'-"'="'-"'-"""'-~~~==~~-' the first time and had some fun in their new car. They were 3" in Class Dave Dorworth and Tim Lawrence paired up in Dorworth s Mirage Bill Pate and Brian Ickier, friends of the late Eric Baumgartner, ran his 100. and found themselves in fifth place at the end of the day. 1600 Jimco to take third place, dedicating the race to Eric. the end of the lap the lead be-running, but on the third lap lap it was Lathrem, McCallum, minutes in front of third place Shawn McCallum, and neither longed to Charles Lathrem in Aymar dropped out. Robles, Watson and Rueben Robles, who said he'd had no had any trouble at all, and they his Honda Jimco. His lap time. Lathem was finding the Wood. Jim Mamer, who'd lost six problems. In fourth it was Wat-took another win. of 25:40 was the quick one for course "rough as can be" and or-seven minutes on the fourth son, in another SCORE Lite, The Class 8 trucks went off the class. Kenny Stroud ran his transmission was popping lap, dropped out on Lap 5. about two minutes behind Rob-the line next, with five entries. second in a Honda Chenowth, out of gear, but he held his lead They pretty much stayed in les. Fifth place went to Mills, At the end of the first lap the and in third it was Brandon through the third lap, although order on the sixth lap1 except who was just less than two min-lead belonged to Robert Aymar in his Honda powered it was close. He had only a that Whitted dropped out and utes behind Watson. Wood fin-Wagner in his Ford, but he had Elite. Larry McCallum, Jr. ran minute and a half on McCal-so did Stroud, who probably just ished in sixth place, .less than a only two seconds on Jeff Norton fourth in a beam car (SCORE lum. Whitted was now third, ran out of time after that long minute later, and a little over a in another Ford. Sam Stahl was Lite) that his dad had just and Tommy Watson, in another third lap. Lathrem went on to minute after him it was Potter third, another minute and 50 bought from Danny Anderson, SCORE Lite - a VW Jimco -was take the victory, saying "it went and Worley. John Cooley and seconds later.' But Wagner and in fifth it was Javier Robles up to fourth. Bruce Mills was great!" and ahead of second Chris Westwood were eighth in didn't survive the second lap, in his Jimco. fifth in a car that was new to place by just a little over five their Type IV Alumicraft car. and Norton moved into the Lathrem held on to his lead, him (it used to belong to Steve minutes. That was McCallum, They'd had tarly trouble when lead. Stahl hung on to second with Stroud in second place, but Melton) and was "trying to get who'd had two flats at once, a tie rod bolt broke and they lost now six minutes back. Josh Mi-now McCallum moved up to used to it." Aymar disappeared both on the right side. He'd about 10 minutes getting things -nor, in an elderly Ford, dropped third, and Joel Whitted was now on this lap and Stroud had a lap stopped on course where Rue-fixed. Westwood, who'd never out on the second lap, leaving fourth in his Raceco. In fifth it time of an hour and 51 minutes, hen Wood was parked and raced a car before, did two good just three trucks running. Scott was the team of Stan Potter and and fell out of contention. Wood had changed the rear, laps on the chewed up course. Wilson was third, only two min-Dan Worley and they were just On the fourth lap it was Lath_-and then McCallum drove on Mike Deardorf was ninth, ·and utes back. seven minutes behind the lead rem, McCallum, Whitted, Rob-the front flat to a pit for a new the finai car to finish in this -On the third lap Wilson dis-car. All but one car were still les and Watson, and on the fifth front tire. He was about four class was Mark Gilliland, in a appeared also, so it became a Raceco SCORE Lite ca,r. · two truck duel. Norton stayed Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications. MoTeC Engine Management and Date Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential flJel and spark control systems built t;o withstand extreme racing ar·,d pre-running . punishment. . Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynarn'ometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electron1cs, inc 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446-9475 Fax: 714-446-9247 Page 40 Utilizing the finest Rayct,am Systam 25 components. the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness as~emblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lig htweig ht, stand-alone system works witt, all engines and a lternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the d e d icated engine tuner w h o needs to know exact;ly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a n urnber! «-~ ------~ ~~ ,., c..,i,.,. .::..,i,.,., "'1CJTCJASPCJAT ELECTRONICS vve're making connecttons ... February 2004 After the Class 10 cars they in front all the way, stopping flagged off the Class 5 racers. only for fuel, two times. He There were only two of them, thought the course was "kinda both old relics, reeking of history. rough", but kept making steady Joe Heger was driving the Mc- laps. Stahl stayed steady also, Callum car, which has had a mul-but he did lose about five min-titude of owners but was origi- utes on his last lap. Norton took nally built by John Cooley, they the victory, and Stahl was sec-working atJimco, for Mike James. ond, about 18 minutes later. It won more than its share of The 1600s went off the line championships back then, and next, and if they'd been paying has since been owned by quite a attention at the drivers' meet-few teams, and the McCallums ing, they thought they'd go at and Heger have been having ter-15-second .intervals, But the rific success with it for the past MDR folks were watching as several years. The other car, the Class 1 cars came around, driven by Mike Belk, was also and they decided that the built at jimco, for Lisa Dickerson. 1600s could go at 30-second in-It was the top of the line at the tervals, and as the early starters time and is still an excellent car, anived they'd just move things 'though Belk usually uses it for a over. Surely the 1600 drivers pre-runner. He had planned to could benefit from a little more race in Class 10 but had some last separation from the dust of the minute trouble with his 10 car so car in front of them. Eighteen decided to run in Class 5 with 1600 cars started, but only 16 of the Baja Bug. He said that the them made the first lap. Miles Bug actually handled better on Wyatt and Steve Reynolds, the rough course than his 10 car. both regular FRT racers, disap-Unfortunately he had a c.v. prob-peared in the first 23 miles. And lemon the second lap and lost so David Hendrickson and Cam-much time with repairs that he eron Steele took the lead, with had no chance of catching up, or nearly two minutes on Paul even finishing in the time limit. Keller in his Mirage. Keller had Heger shared the driving with got his day off to a shaky start Jason McNeil nursed his Ford around for 6 laps, trying to keep it cool. He even removed the front skidpan. He took the win in Class 700. Dusty Times .,

Page 41

John Kremp drove his Jimco to :Jd pace in 1600, his wife Jennifer Larry McCal/um, Jr. drove the family SCORE lite car in the Class 10 Gorky McMillin and Brian Ewalt were one fourth of a McMil/in fleet of rode all the way on the very rough course. race and came home second, his only problem a blown amber light. racers. They finished fourth in their VB Chevy powered Chenowth. by rolling the car. He'd ended ery check" rule and on his sec-lap also, but Jernigan had closed actually removed the front and landed on his roof. He got up on his side, and some hardy ond lap made a late stop, hur-up a little bit. Then on the third skid pan to get more air to the spectator help and went on, but spectators had righted him very riedly backed up to the start/ lap Milke disappeared and .motor. It was probably a good his roof was seriously squished quickly. ick Tiedemann was finish line, got the red flag, then Jernigan went into the lead with thing, because while he sat at and he was last. third in a Jimco, followed by the green flag, and went on_. the fast lap for the clasi, at 30:57. the finish a pit crew person They held the same position Cisco Bio in a Tubular Designs Happily his reverse gear sur-He was just a bit less than three stuck his head in under the through the second lap, and the chassis. In fifth it was Daniel vived the crisis. Bio was fourth minutes up on Mcneil, whose fender and discovered that the third, but Lopez was within McMillin, in a Jimco, another still and Lawrence and truck was still running warm. fan wasn't working at al~. Prob-catching distance of Praytor 18 seconds back. And the rest Dorworth still held fifth place. Jernigan led through Lap 4, ably hadn't been for most of the then, two minutes out. of the field was close, only John None of these teams were hav-but on the fifth lap he lost about day. But they got a win, even Praytor, who was driving in just Manring, Raceco, had some ing any problems. seven minutes and McNeil, who with all their troubles. his second race, had to learn. problem, and his lap put him Keller's car held together and is the nephew of Perry McNeil, The 5-1600 cars went next, fast. He lost a coil ,wire twice, about 15 minutes off the pace. he took the win, finishing a and understands about keeping with four starters. They had a and his fuel pump had a short. Hendricl<son and Steele had little over ten minutes in front a race vehicle going forward, good race. Ron Plunkett started Still, he was doing better than ticked off the fast lap for die of Ickier and Pate who were went into the lead. Both had the afternoon by recording·the he might have. expected, be-class at 29:45. happy to get a nice finish in longish last laps, but Jernigan's quick laps for the class, at 41:32, cause the motor was a bit of an Hendrickson and Steele held their memorial ride in was longest .. McNeil took the ~nd putting himself into the antique, having last raced in the lead through the next two Baumgartner's car. Erik's par--win by ten minutes. At the fin-lead. Dan Alvarez and Ismael the 1986 Mint 400. when he laps, with Keller staying close ents, Ken and Bonnie ish, as he explained about his Sanchez were second, about resurrected it Praytor did noth-in second place even though his · Baumgartner were there at the overheating problem and some three and a half minutes later. ing more than change the oil car was "blubberin' a lot". At finish to congratulate them. power steering problems, he Nick Praytor ran third. Jesse and adjust the valves. the end of Lap 3 he was a Kremp was third, reporting no tried to keep the truck running Lopez lost about 15 minutes on On the fourth lap Sanchez got minute and 24 seconds back. problems along the way, and so the fan would cool it. They'd his first lap when he rolled over Continued on page 42 Tiedemann was still third, and enthused that his wife had rid-John Kremp had moved up to d_en the entire distance. She, on fourth in his Jimco. Kremp was the other hand, was not en-enjoying the fact that his wife, thused, and said she'd never Jennifer, was riding and ridethatparticularcourseagain planned to go ail the way. T1m -it was rough and she'd. oeen Lawrence, in Dave Dorworth's battered for six laps. Mirage, ran fifth. All the rest Bio was fourth, reporting that were still running, except Pete it had been "real dusty." And Morquelho who'd dropped out in fifth it was Lawrence and on the second lap. Hendrickson Dorworth, Dennis Green was and Steele were still in front at sixth, Daniel McMillin finished the end of the fourth lap, and seventh and in eighth it was Keller, grimly hoping his car ' Billy Skinner. Ninth place went would stay together (he'd led to Tiedemann who'd lost ten his last two races only to have minutes on the fifth lap, and in catastrophic mechanical woes tenth it was Jamie Campbell, put him out), hung onto second who'd gone down a lap on the place. Tiedemann held third, fourth lap. Joe and tim Laff fin-Lawrence and Dorworth moved ished 11th, reporting a broken up to fourth and Kremp dropped throttle cable_,-and also a stop to fifth, still only nine minutes to tighten up a loose wheel. In behind the lead car. 12th it was Arturo Gutierrez, Things changed on the fifth and Keith Naylor was 13th lap. Hendrickson and Steele while Manring was the 14th and disappeared. Keller went into final finisher in the class. the lead and Kremp moved up The Class -700 mini trucks to second. Now Brian Ickier was were next to start. Geoff Milke third in the Jimco that belonged had the first lap lead, with a to Eric Baumgartner. The first little over four minutes on Ja-two laps had been driven by Bill son Jernigan's Ford. Jason Mc-Pate, who hadn't rac-ed for Neil ran third in another Ford. about eight years. He was, as it It was the first time out for his happened, the only driver who truck, and it was running warm. forgot about the "full stop at ev- Milke led through the second Jeff Norton had a good day in his full size Ford Class 8, and when the racing was don, he was the winner. · · · Dusty Times Fabrication is your one stop rac~ §~Qp!IGive ti§lj call for'more information and exp~~iiht~ the dif-ference a KREGER Car or Race S_et-Up can make! February 2004 Page 41

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Scott Mcmillin fl,ad to drive all 6 laps himself, son Andy recovering from knee surgery. Scott was second in Class 1 in his VB Chevy Javier Robles drove 6 very evenly paced laps in his Jimco Class 10, Ismael Sanchez and Dan Alvarez said they "Got Lucky" this time, Jimco. and finished the race in third place, 9 minutes off the lead. and finished the race as the second place 5-1600 car. Sam Stahl ran a good steady pace all day, lost 7 minutes on the last Troy and Buster Tubbs lost their alternator late in the day and Just Greg Zamaripa struggled with his handsome, but very stock looking lap and finished second in Class 800. barely made it to the finish in their T-Mag, second place in Class 900. truck, and couldn't Quite get all six laps finished. out and put Dan Alvarez into the motor, and he took third, an-In fourth, less than three min-Eve, and that was Jonathan that he'd recovered nicely, he'd driver's seat, and he went into other four minutes back. And utes further hack, was Ricardo Roberts, who sadly did not com-had enough. the lead. Praytor was second only 14 minutes later Plunkett Fierro. A good race was devel-plete even one lap. There was one Class 11 car. now, and Chris Cortez, who took limped in. By now it was full oping. But Jose Victoria, who Class 725 (Stock production Ma.rk ·Green's nice looking over for Lopez, was third, only 30 dark. He'd fully expected to became a dnf on the first lap, mini-trucks) -which is compa-Volkswagen had a tidy chrome seconds behind him. Plunkett finish the race before sunset, so was not to be a part of it. rable to SCORE's 7S, fielded tip on its exhaust and observers had a really bad lap and lost he'd had no lights on the car. Neff finished his second lap two entries, and one of them, were wondering just how long about 20 minutes when he broke The broken drum had erased with a rear flat, out it didn't Jim Highley, started about six that would last on the choppy a rear drum. He was now last. that possibility. And then, just seem to have slowed him down minutes late. Still, Highley course. Unfortunately, no one On the fifth lap it was to cap off a horrible day, he much. He still led, with five managed to take the lead from knows, because the car didn't Alvarez still in front, with broke a torsion bar or torsion fin-minutes on second place the first lap as Greg Zamaripa even complete one lap. Cortez now only 29 seconds be- ger on the final lap. He limped McCarty. Iri third it was still tooled around carefully in a The last FRT race went into hind him. Praytor was third, six in, feeling his way in ?he dark. Tubbs. At the end of the third very stock looking truck. the history books as a good one. minutes later and Plunkett was Towards the end some friendly lap neff sported a lead of jus·t Highley led all the way, record- Lots of entries, lots of close rac-only 16 seconds behind him. It people in a golf car got behind under seven minutes and ing the best time for the pair on ing and no problems. Even the could go any way. And it did. him and-let him use their lights, McCarty was still the second Lap 4, at 43:32. Zamaripa didn't weather stayed nice clear up to On the last lap Cortez poured so he got to the finish line place runner. Tubbs was five get his fifth lap completed, but the witching hour. on the steam and had the best safely for last place. He should minutes further back in third. Highley did, and the sixth as For 2004 the MDR will pro-last lap time for the bunch, and be proud to finish at all when so Neff got out and Julie Kern well, to take the victory. mote the series, using, wherever catapulted his car to the front. much was going wrong. took over, and McCarty and Another MDR class, Class possible, the FRT dates that had So Cortez and Lopez, wrinkled There were six Class 900 cars Fierro both failed to finish the 1400, is the Pro Street Legal already been piped into the sys-roof and all, got the win,. and they went off the line next. fourth lap. Kern held on to the class, and enjoys a lot of entries tern. They hope to attract a Alvarez and Sanchez, who had Ray Neff was in Julie Kern's lead, now with 19 minutes on up in the high desert. Here there larger entry, and plan to develop no problems, and said, "we got Kernco and he ticked off the Tubbs. He stopped at the end were four of them, and this class some longer courses, but other-lucky this time!" v.rere second fast lap for the class at 39:31, of that lap to put Buster Tubbs had to run only four laps. Mark wise will be using the area fa-about four minutes and 230 sec-and gave himself~ three minute in for the final two laps. Trey Gonzalez went i to the lead with miliar to and beloved by the onds later. Praytor was also cushion. Rick McCarty ran sec-Sommers was now running a lap time of 38:29, the quick long time FRT racers. Patricia lucky, finishing with that old ond, and Troy Tubbs was third. third, about another 15 minutes lap for the group, and he had Williams, CEO ·of the MDR was · back, driving all the way this eight minutes on Carlo Caya, in pleased with the way the first Call for sped on HID's, Clea other quality . Page 42 time, and both Trey and the the big Scaroni Ford Excursion. race went and admired the care were tired. Trey had Caya usually rides with them, level of racing she saw at the started the morning with a bro-and this race it was his turn to Dash. She reported no problems ken steering shaft, and lost drive. In third it was David with the few things that were about 10 minutes while Martin Santa Cruz, in his Ford Ranger different, and is looking forward Christensen welded it up for pre-runner, who'd come to have to an int.eresting season in 2004. him. a day of fun with his family. John On New Year's Day a group Kern had no trouble and led Coleman didn't get his first lap of Fud's friends numbering· through the next two laps, to completed. somewhere from 250 to 500, got take the win. At the finish she Gonzalez led all the way, but together for a Memorial ride. declared that it was rough, and had some problems on the third They traveled out to the it "hurt." No one would doubt lap and lost about 16 minutes. notable landmark on this course, that. The Tubbs team, with Caya was within seven minutes a nasty little hill called "Pesky Troy _riding those last two laps, of him then but couldn't make Perch" and there installed a although he said "I didn't want that up. Gonzalez took the win, monument to Fud. When they to", barely made it to the fin- finishing about nine minutes in mixed the cement for the monu-ish, after their alternator went front of Caya. Santa Cruz, grin-ment, some of Fud's ashes were out, but they took second place, ning hugely, was third, another included, so he's forever a part about 20 minutes back. And half hour back, and still having of Pesky Perch. They also ·in-Sommers, his motor very tired, fun. eluded a can of Coors Light finished third, glad he didn't Class 1200, stock mini-truck, Beer, Fud's preferred beverage have any more laps to do. fielded only one entry, and he after a long day of course mark-The MDR brings some new didn't really have a good day. ing or course clean up. Then and different classes to the After twcYiaps word came various friends took the rest of southern desert, including Class someone in the truck (it was un- Fud's ashes and scattered them 1300 which is a "pre-runner known if it was Richard Keller, on the course. Said Brian Saasta, buggy", or non-classed open the driver), had developed a his long time friend, "I know he wheel buggy. Up in the high hole in his pumper helmet hose is happy and will rest in peace." desert these guys have a l~t of and had inhaled carbon mon-It seems a fitting end for his long fun and perhaps they'll learn to oxide and become ill. That was career as a race promoter who enjoy the low desert races also. the end of the day for his team made friends on a wholesale Only one came for New Year's although the medics reported level. . _-.,.., February 2004 Dusty Times

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corona San Jase 2DD3 By Byrle Moore Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex Rodimiro Amaya and Paul Lopez Were the only Class 8 entered but that didn't stop them from giving it their all to win the class. Michael Quade had a great race! He happily took the checkered flag after big problems and was the overall winner as well. This was my second trip, a long way south of the border, in the last three weeks. The first was to La Paz, the finish of many a Baja 1000 race, this time it was Caho the finish of the Baja 2000, we all remem-ber that little piece of racing history? Anyway, Caho San Jose is one of the many Cabos at the bottom of this beautiful pen-insula. Last time I drove, this time I flew, one hBur and 50 minutes versus 16 to 17 hours, but either way it's a trip worth the making. As with all races there will be lots of stories to tell for the next year or so. This time the conversation might dwell on the conflict brought• out in Class 9. As I begin this s.tory, they are still trying to sort out the protests. Third-place pro-testing first-place, first-place responding with one of their own, and second-place pro-testing the other two. A lot of these Class 9 guys are the ones who usually get off work Fri-day afternoon, head for the garage/patio at home, to put the final touches on the car, they will take it to the course, spend two days in heated competition, and then when the dust and protests have settled, take it home. In this case, however, some of the Roberto Arauz and Pedro Velasque bested the other competitors in SCORE lites, they were very happy with their win. Ruben Sandez took the Class 1600 win, it was close in the six car class but the win was even more sweet. Page 44 cars have been impounded by the race tech persons/com-mittee until.the protests have been sorted out. Hopefully it will be settled by the time I submit this to John? Or, in time for the next race? Martin Avendano literally flew to the Trophy Truck victory, he was only 10 seconds out of the overall win. The area in and around Caho is still showing signs from the hurricanes of Sep-tember. Major clean up is still being done, new replacement construction is evident every-where you look. It will prob-ably take another year or two to get everything back to nor-mal, but it always remains a choice port of call for racers and tourists alike. Hey, they even ended a sail boat race out of Los Angeles down here this week. The BAJA-HA-HA, ever hear of it? Contingency, for this race, was conducted Saturday af-ternoon and evening. It was held in a large parking area adjacent to the baseball sta-d'ium and there was even a carnival with rides and stuff right next ·door. A great way to get the people out and they The coveted Class 5 win went to Victor. Cesena, he was as much in the air as he was on the ground during his race. Was Enrique Zazueta happy with his Class 5-1600 win? That checkered flag should tell you the answer, He was! February-2004 were out in droves. Fifty thou-sand might be a conservative estimate as to size of the crowds. Registration and tech inspection started at 4 p.m. and was just wrapping up an hour before witching time. One hundted and fifty driv-ers and riders entered the ten classes for this short course spectacular. The registration and in-spection took place in front of the many sponsors. There were several old time racers and a few retired racers that were introduced and, of course, the younger fans sought autographs from as many of the current and the bygone drivers as they could garner. The contingency was well organized and well run by the promoters of this par-ticular race, the Auto Club of San Jose, A.C., under the di-rection of Sam Lasell and his crew. The weather was almost perfect for off road racing. · Blue skies, mild temperatures and some slight breezes. All in all, a great day, for racing. The short-course, which is lo-cated about five miles off the end of the International Air-port at San Jose Del Caho, was well designed and groomed. Set into a small canyon, man and Mother Nature have con-.structed a course with just enough technical and still enough spots for speed, and all the fans and entrants seemed to· enjoy the day's outing. There were 21 bikes and quads and 97 cars registered at the start of the race on Sunday. With everything and everyone set up, "let the races begin." First away under the green was the Class 22 bikes. Terry Curtis all the way down from Dusty Times

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Second in the Trophy Truck Division was the bright red vehicle of Alfonso Riecke Manriquez took a nice second place in Class 5- Luis Ramirez Payen got the silver medal for his second place in the Norman Cesena, seen here after its mud bath. 1600, seen here in flight on the backside of the course. hotly contested Class 1600 battle. the states took the early lead Class 11 was the first group of six centered in this group and Each driver drove a mostly de-Cesena. It was a very close and maintained it for about cars to take the track. Four-Jose Maria Carballo outlasted fensive race and when the race. three laps. Then the Class ·22 teen drivers hit the green and the field of bump and run, for -dust settled Enrique Zazueta After a sho.rt break, while point leader, Alejandro since this class is pretty much the gold. Francisco Diaz Vaca had the win. Juan Car-the track was sprinkled, Class Vizcaino charged to the front determined by engine size, stayed in there for second los Pinales went second and 5 took the track. Only five during Lap 4 and never gave even types of suspension and spot and third went to Rigoberto Guerrero was third. starters, but here again, a the lead back. The entire transmission, it is always very Florencio Mendoza. Antonio Class 1600 had six entries hard fought battle ensued. race was fast and furious, but closely contested. Usually the Cazarez got.bumped so many and the word was out that it The lead changed hands, when the checkered .flag winner is determined by the times that he almost rolled it was going to be close. The several times, between Victor dropped, Vi_zcaino crossed drivers' skills· or whether ev-twice. He was fourth. Ricardo word was right. On this tight Cesena and Abraham Espin-first, Curtis held on for the erything holds together. In Betancourt was running third dusty course there were only oza, with each leading at least silver and the third spot went this outing, the final spots until the white flag when a two or three pla'ces to pass and two laps. Meanwhile the to Sonny Irvine. were determined by the tech flat tire forced him to the if you were in the wrong lace other three drivers were in an-Motorcycle Class 21 was off committee. sidelines and out of the race. at the right time the passes other close fight for the the line next. Another emo-During the ten lap race ev-There were three entries in were not accomplished. Any-bronze. Here Alfonso Riecke, tionally contested round eryone took their turn in the Class 8 and they finished the way, when the checkered Guadalupe Ramos and wherein Alberto Ross, also lead for a while, but when the ten laps ju,st like they started. dropped after the ten laps Luis Alejandro Diaz went at each known as the devil "Diablo", checkered dropped, Angel Ulises Fragosa first, Martin Ramirez Payen barely headed other until Diaz broke some-by his fans at this end of the Adrian Diaz was first, Hora-Valle second, and the third Ruben Cota for first. Cota thing on his· car just before peninsula, took the lead and cio Cota Montano was sec-spot went to Adolfo Sandoval. took the second spot and third the straightaway. Because the held on to ~t for the ten laps. ond, Noel Huerta third, Juan 5-1600 had a total of ten went to Cesar Romero car was hidden in the dust, Meanwhile three other hard Carlos Pinales fourth, and starters and much like Class Zatarain. Fourth went to Rob-Ramos wasn't able to get chargers were contesting sec-fifth went to Juan Carlos Mo-8 there was very little position erto· Palacios fifth to Sergio around Diaz and he hit him ond place. Araben Agundez, rales. Comes now the tech. change bver the ten lap race. Ojeda and sixth to Domingo Continued on page 46 Eduardo Morales and Sergio Since there are a lot of restric-Perez, went at each other for tions in this class they go the entire race, then on the through an immediate tech final lap Agundez made a last before the results are final. In minute pass for sole second, this case five of the 14 failed but lost control, was thrown for one reason or another, and from the bike and suffered a our final outcome was; Noel broken clavicle and a minor Huerta first, Juan Carlos Mo-neck injury. The final out-rales second and third spot come had Alberto "Diablo" was awarded to Jossio Ross in at firs·t, Eduardo Mo-Agundez. Like many things in rales second and Sergio Perez life. "It ain't over, till it's taking the bronze. Ross just over." missed the overall time for the Class 9, you remember bikes, relinquishing it to Class 9, well about a month Vizcaino the winner of Class and a half later they finally 21, above. awarded the trophies/cash. Next out, were the quads. Guess what? When all the This class normally has a large smoke had cleared and all the n_umber of entrants, but only various protests settled it was six showed up for this race. just as it had been on the day Javier Garza took the lead fol-in .question. First through lowed closely by Alfonso third place was the same. The Ledesma ·and Jose alberto gold went to Edgar Flores Urias went third. There were Zazueta, Silver to Ruben no lead changes and the six Cortes Arteaga, and the pretty much did ten laps as ·bronze to Jose Luis Martinez. they started. Very little pass.-Class 6 as stated in an ear-ing, hardly any changes in po-lier story from this end of the sition. And at the finish, it peninsula, runs what appear to was gold Garza, silver be stock cars with improved Ledesma, and the bronze to suspensions for the dirt; and Urias.' as usual it was' a rock-um, Remember all those "bugs?" sock-um_ affair. There were Francisco Diaz Sanchez spent most of the race in the air, he took the Class 6 win in front of an enthusiastic crowd. Dusty Times r CIW II! I OU. NR Ill YOUIOURvdD Nll!Dt 1-888-755~5900 fill TOll ,a11 CV CENTERS HARDENED 9 UNDERSIZED CV BALLS NEV.ADA OffR0/0 BUGGY T-9-!iRT SM-MID·LRG-XXLRG ONLY $!000 FOR ADDmCNAL 'CLEARENCE MSD IGNITIONS -= WE CARRY A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV• 89102 HOU RS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax February 2004 Page 45 411/ti

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I Martin Valle drove his neat looking Ford to a nice second place in the Second place in the 14 car Class 9 battle went to Ruben Cortes Class BS battle, seen here at speed. Meaga , seen here is his really good looking buggy. Abraham Espinoza flew his Class 5-1600 car beautifully, he went on to take third place _in the highly competiUve race. knocking him into the fence, fore the start of the sixth lap and Alfonso Riecke the which gave Riecke the undis-he managed to move to the bronze. puted third spot. Back to the front where he stayed till the Class 7 was next up. After lead. Cesena had been close black and white. Victor a parade lap the trucks were to the rear bumper of Espin-Cesena took the gold lined up for their grand prix oza for five laps and just be-Abraham Espinoza the silver, start. It was a hell of a start! This course has a long meters. Andrea Tomba and straightaway with a hard 180 Paceno Chavez went at each at the end. All 11 drivers tried other then Martin Avendano to make the turn at almost the made a move and came up on same time. In fact, the bump Tomba and Chavez just be-and go started in the fir-st 200 fore the turn and came in con-In 2003, virtually every JeepSpeed class in every series was dominated by Currie equipped XJ's. Because winning is everything, professional and sportsman teams seek out the best components in the market. We are honored that the top competitors in the field choose Currie suspension, axles, rearends and components. Taking the checkered flag at the end of a grueling event means more than just winning. It means that Currie products .-have been race tested and Baja proven not only for Jeep Cherokee's but every type of off road vehicle, from rock crawlers to trucks. These-are the same products available to every off-reader whether you race competitively or just want the ultimate i~ off road durability and performance. All products are listed in our latest catalog. Order yours today! Charlie Petzer · 1480 North Tustin Ave,. 1st place Pro JeepSpeed Challenge*, Charlie Petzer • Currie Suspension &Axles 2nd Place Pro JeepSpeed Challenge*. Team Currie • Currie Suspension &Axles 1st place Sportsman JeepSpeed Challenge*, Steve Ghamari • Currie Suspension 200 place Sportsman JeepSpeed Challenge*, Bill Frey • Currie Suspension CURRIE JEEPERS CATALOG $4.oo Anaheim, CA 92807 ENTERPRISES CURRIE REAREND CATALOG $4.oo *For information on JeepSpeed Challenge events, go to: Page 46 February 2004 t act with. Chavez better known as "Pazguato" which flipped him over. Still trying to regain cootrol Avendano also did a spectacular flip. Since this was the first lap the other drivers came on around, but when they saw the two rolled trucks all the other drivers stopped their vehicles and without even removing their helmets made their way forward to check out the driver condition of the rolled trucks. Everyone was fine. The trucks were righted and everyone returned for another green flag try. This time Tomba took the lead, which he held for about six laps un-til his tranny gave up the ghost. and Martin Aguirre took the lead with Antonio Calderon in second. Miguel Carballo was following and for the next three laps it stayed pretty much the same. Then on the last lap Calderon had problems of his own, withdrew leaving the top three spots to Martin Aguirre, Miguel Carballo and Roberto Osorio in that order: Class 12 also known as Score Lite, was next up. Six drivers again went at each other in another closely con-tested class. Victor Cesena Jr., Francisco Villagomez, Sain Lasell (the promoter), Robert Arauz, Salvador Cota and Robert Camarillo were the combatants here. The lead changed hands several times between Cesena and Villagomez but it was all for naught. Both cars had me-chanical problems and were ultimately forced to retire. This left the win to Robert Camarillo second to Salvador Cota and the bronze to Rob-erto Arauz. Seven drivers in Class 1 conducted their parade lap and they then conducted their own little battle. Mike Quade, who is current points leader moved to the front fol-lowed in second by Jose Flores. · The other seven drivers were involved in a fierc·e contest for what would be the second and third place finish. Robert Galvez, Patricio Byan, Ron MacRae, Antonio Landa, Jorge De Alba, Valerio Gonza-lez, Bill Ballaster, and Robert Galvez, all went at each other for several laps. Ballaster and Galvez were fighting for third until Ballaster's car broke something and Galvez had Dusty Times

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Third in Class BS was the great looking Ford of Ulises Fragoza Sosa, Javier Garza was the big winner in the Quad dass, seen here ready Fourth place in the Class 2 contest was Terry Curtis, seen here in he was certainly one of the high flyers. third locked up. In .the sev-enth lap Flores was attempt-. ing to pass Quade when he lost power and was forced to drop back to try and save his en-gine. The top three places were a full lap out front of the others but during the final lap Flores' car gave it up, just 100 meters from the flag, which cost him second spot. The fi-nal results had Mike Quade first, and he was also sitting on the overall lead. Roberto Galvez was second and Patricio Byan took third. The Class 8 truck of Rody Amaya joined the Trophy Trucks since he was the only Class 8 entered. Amaya just needed to make an appear-ance to lock up his season Class. 8 championship. The other three trophy trucks were going after not only the class win but that overall money too. Martin Avendano took his number 20 truck to the front followed by Ernesto Cervantes in his number 28 and Rody Amaya's 8 truck and Norman Cesena's number 51. . ·While the three trophy trucks were going at each other Amaya was simply con-serving his e nergy and his ride. Cesena broke his Jeep and was out for the day. Then Avendano and Cervantes took it too each other while Amaya cruised along at his own pace. Cervantes then blew his transmission and that left Avendano and Amaya on the track. Even though Avendano had no competi-tion he was, in fact, trying for the overall time held by Quade in Class 1. As hard as he drove and as hard as he tried he came up l 0 seconds short, but still took the Tro-phy Truck win. Amaya took Class 8 and locked in his points win for the season. Thus the close of another race in the southern Baja. Awards and moneys were handed out and thanks were extended to all the fans, the drivers, and the volunteers' who helped make the race a success. The final race of the sea-son was held at the Port of Loreto in the middle of De-cember and we are still wait-in g for those results and maybe that story. Happy New Year an d see you somewhere on the Baja in 2004. My thanks, again, also go out to Cynthia Murillo, CYMA Racing for her help with results and notes, in this story. Thanks Cynthia. For everyone else, via con Dios. ..-.. CU Dusty Times for a landing on the neat course. · flight on his way to the finish line. ~~-====;;;;;;;j .... jijiiiijil~=r=i The neat looking class 9 car of Edgar Flores Zazueta easily took the largest class of the race weekend. Saving wear on his tires, Angel Adrian Diaz literally new to the Class 11 victory, seen here in flight. DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP \ 1181.Ylil■BI REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Parker Pamper developed tile Competition Bir System with the budget racer in mind. Conuerted by the pro's at Parker Pumper to deUuer maximum air flow, this HJC helmet is Snell m-rated, and is auailable in sizes S-HHHL (Starting at) S249. 00 / S]49.!fli . The camRlete 'MPER source tor race,s HELMETS amJCrB'WS 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 February 2004 OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6.5 $13filD $14500&l4) Centerline Wheels· 15 X 3.5 & 15x 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 -Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 247-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Page 47 •

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--WHIPLASH POINT TO POINT Ron Dalke Collects second Straight overall By Mike Del Col Photos: Kim Cook "'t'~, xi"" It;;~· ,.:..c.:t~H<-Ron Dalke is fast, too fast for his competition. Ron took the Class 10 win and the overall win as well at the Whiplash Point To Point. Ron Dalke stormed to his second straight overall vic-tory on the Whiplash scene, conquering the Point to Point in an amazing 2:33:47. Ron's day wasn't without some challenge, as is the usual tale from overall winners. Ron started fo·urth in the class, and chased down everyone bt. fore his ignition coil pack fell off. He coasted to a stop, and had to hike up course to fi r d the parts that were now partially buried in the sand. Fortunately, his crew was close by, and helped secure them to the car as Ron buck-led back in. The mishap cost him about four minutes, and it gave the lead to James Martin, who was cooking along. Martin also had some · bad luck, with two flat tires including one at the last road crossing, where he had 20 miles to go, and a lead on Dalke. James' flat slowed him · just enough that he had the pleasure of finishing first, but The Ross Whitmoyer Team took the Pro 1-2 Class win with ease, Ross was fihh overall as well at the Whiplash race. Page 48 lost the overall and Class 10 title on corrected time. A tough way to lose a race. Martin's 2:35:09 was good enough for a second overall position. Safari Landscaping and tatum Motorsports spon-sor Dalke. Ron also bested a quality group of Class 20 cars that had seven starters and six finishers. Ruben Wood was fast enough to earn a third place in Class. 10, and fourth overall with a 2:42:45. Ruben is piloting the Jimco single seater previously raced by Sean Sessa, and is still learning to drive the limited horsepower Class 10 car.• Jared Lemley brought home fourth place, with a flawless day with the exception of a dented rim. Fortunately, it held air, and got Jared to the finish line.• Scott Martensen earned fifth place, and Todd Elam finished in sixth. Ed Beard was the lone DNF in the class, with a broken steer-ing .shaft. Ed broke the shaft very near one of the u-joints, and suspects that this is dam-age left over from his crash this-summer at Snowflake. He's probably right. Ed was running well, but was a little ~iJD.r~ fiJ.Wf~OO~ wml~ February 2004 Luis Wallace took the Unlimited Truck win at the Point To Point, seen here early on, all bright and shiny. down on power in his single seater. Luis Wallace was the quick of the quick in the Unlimited Truck ranks, with a 2:37:34 and third overall. Luis was piloting his new to him Trophy Truck, and was running alone in the class. Luis had a great run, with no problems to speak of. Ross Whitmoyer and team had a very good race in the Unlim-ited car class, earning the win with a 2:54:14. Ross' 13 year old daughter, Hayley, was riding shotgum for the last 70 miles of the race, and had a great ride. Ross had some last minute issues with the raspy Mazda, having to swap out the fuel injection for a Holley carb due to plugged injectors. Ross complained that the Mazda burbled a little in the rough, but other-wise ran like a champ. Cae-sar Fuentes was the only · other finisher in the class, getting the finish. Caesar was just having some fun at this race, competing in his ex-Baldwin Porsche powered pre-runner. This super zippy pre-runner makes 317 horse-power with a Porsche 911 mo-tor, and was qujck enough to run down the other Class 1 entries with ease in the soft sand. Caesar did have to tap and pass a couple of the other cars, but had several issues to slow his pace. He was deep into Tom Wood's dust when ·Tom missed a turn. There was nearly a collision as Tom flipped a U-ey. As-Caesar was trying to avoid contact, he pounded through a hole just off the course launching the car into the air. .The damage was done, and a: magnesium Ultra headlock was destroyed. The team lost several minutes removing the damaged wheel. The same impact was likely responsible for ignition problems that plagues the team for much of the remainder of the race, With the car misfiring badly, they soldiered on only to have more problems. They had some steering problems with the dampener and the steer-ing box interface, which cost them much more d,owntime. The team ·finished after a long day All of the other competitors in the class went DNF, including Steve Labrie in the SuperSonic Bananna, and the racing Vesterdahls in their V4 powered Chenowth. The Vesterdahls had some interesting failures breaking an axle shaft on the jetting loop, and then breaking the replacement during the race. It is an unusual failure for them, and curious that both broke on the same side. Mark Clay was another DNF, and is back to racing after a long time away. Mark has an older car, and shelled the ring and pinion very early in the race. Mark is partnered with Mr. Speedway Racing -Pete Sohern. Dave Raimonde had a great run in the Class 8 con-test. Dave's only trouble was a detour from the course that cost him lots of time, but had. no other problems. Dave had great fun as always. Concrete Work_s Inc., sponsors Dave's team. Mike Doherty had ter-minal problems initiated by a flat tire at Mile JO-something. Mike had veteran racer, and off road icon Bob Bower riding shotgun, and the dy-namic duo had the shredded BFG unwra'pped from the axle, and changed in a flash. Problem was that they had shut down the true k lo change it, and there wasn't 1 r Dave Raimonde hustled around the course to take the Class 8 win in his very good looking Chevy. Dusty Times 7

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Jay Williams crosses the highway on his way to the 4-2 Seater Class win at the Point To Point contest. Caesar Fuentes powers away from a road crossing, he was second James Martin climbs away from a road crossing. Jim was second in in Class 1 after a long troublesome day. Pro 10, less than two minutes out of the win. enoug juice int e atteries to re-fire the truck. They were also in a very remote section of the course, and were unable to quickly get help. Luckily, "The Pool Man" was able to get in there eventually and give them a jump start, but enough time had elapsed that the team was unable to get to the checkers before sunset, and tim e d out. Michael Voudouris had a tough day, breaking a motor mount just after the start, which sheared off all of the oil cooling lines from the motor. They were out quickly. • Joe Bombardier was unable to finish , getting stuck early in the race, and had un-known problems ending h is day in Class 5. Krissy Sullivan had a flaw-less race, and picked up a very nice win in the 1600 class. There were eight other cars in the class, and Kriss y's steady pace got her thru the desert and to the checkers. Krissy's problem fre_e race in-cluded plenty of dicing with the other 1600 cars. Sullivan Builders sponsor Kr issy. R.J. Newton brought his TUF racer to the checkers in sec-ond place, completing a very nice run. Caesar Molina raced Krissy hard, but was only able to manage a third p lace in the class j us.t about four minutes in arrear s . Steven Long had a huge lead during the day, but blown shocks caused h im to h ave to limp to the finish for his fourth place finish . The Bill Krug team earn e d fifth. Bruce Johnston was in the fray in t h e pro classes, and was running well until a bro-ken fan belt, and the ensu-ing smoked cylind e r h ead ended his afternoon. Paul Meyer also had termin al prob-lems, with a hole in a piston just five miles from the start. Brent McKee was also run-ning very strong, but loose oil connections were the cause of his demise. Mike Leung was up to his sometimes usual antics, breaking the trans-miss ion on the jetting loop. Mike was very disappointed, since he wasn't the pilot that killed the t ranny, and never got the chance to race ... Jerry Des Roche brought his truck to the checkers to earn the win in the Pro 7 ranks. His competition was Rich Severson. Rich is a long time rac e r , ·who is getting back into the sport and was using the Poin t 2 Poin t as a sh akedown run in his n e w truck. Rich purchased on e of Dusty Times ~~~;;;;;:,~~~==~-====:== .;;;;~========~ .• ,. The 1/2-1600 win went to Krissy Sullivan, she drove a great race and took the win with 13 minutes in hand. the McNeil rangers, and was learning the ·truck at the same time. The team spent lots of time digging after get-ting stuck on two different occasions. The team also had a curious failure, after the truck started chugging badly after their fu e l st o p . The team changed the computer, and the fuel pump in exer-cises in futility in the desert. They were not easily discour-aged, and continued to _work until the problem was found. After disassembling the fuel coil, and dissecting the fuel pickup, the tea m found a third piece of duct tape that had been sucked into the pickup tube. It h ad clearly been there for a longtime, and was pure bad luck that it chose to get sucked up at that very moment. The team sol-diered on, and actually fin-ished under the cover of darkness, long after the course workers had gone off to party, and the race had ended. They needed the practice anyway ... Three competitors all failed to finish in the Sports-man Unlimited class. Hondo Jimenez went just a few miles when his tranny gave up. He spent nearly four hours in the desert waiting for his crew to find him. Ty Loyd was also done early, with an over-heated motor giving up after Check 1. Scott Zimmerman h a d a very nice win in the Sport 10 class with a very nice finish. .PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ... THANKS! RESTAURANT Op_en 24 Hours THE BEST IN M. ··bil® 0 . . SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE DESERT! February 2004 The Des Roche Team, looking a bit the.worse for wear took the Class l ·win in their slightly deranged Ford. The class had three other competit9rs that were unable to finish the race. Grant Wilson had his fa. miliar blue Bronco in Mexico, and was able to get to the checkers ahead of Tim Wiley. Adam Lucas was the lone competitor in Sport Mini, and failed to finish . Jay Williams had a great race in the four seater class, with a finishing time of 3:20:35. Ron Dalke once again proved that he is the man to beat at Whiplash, and he did it again, but not without a fight. James Martin gave him a great race, made him earn it on this day. Mexico is al-ways tough on cars, and this race was no exception. Mexico got the best of most of the racers, with more cars breaking than finishing, and some of them not making it more than just a few miles. A s the Whiplash season comes to a close, congratula-tions to the winners, and the season points champions. Whiplash has a complete schedule in 2004, and look to repeat lots of the racer's fa-vorite courses. UNLIMITED TRUCK WALLACE, Luis. #44, lLap. 2:37:34 PRO 1-2 WHITMOYER/Team, Ross #124, 1 Lap. 2:54:14 FUENTES, Caesar. #127, 1 Lap. 5:26:10 WOOD, Tom. #110, 1 Continued on page 50 • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers Fuel Sale 's "Pro Cetris · • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline ~;;,'::,·1°;ii;:;~•;:;;;;:o • Over 25 years experience instail and it's backed bya e · • full 10 year warranty. ror more i.nLo c.11 or write to: Aircraft Rubber/l'ual Safe El SAF 250 s . E . 'l'.unl:>er Avenu. Rladmond , OR 97751 .: Racing(,eQs ' ::~::~!=!~i: . '• ' http://www.fUU•af• . com Page 49

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The Wood Brothers Team, always contenders, had to settle for the Ray Newton took a nice second place in 112-1600, seen here heading Third place in the hotly contested 112-1600 class went to Caesar Cons Molina, seen here in his good looking car. bronze medal in the Class 10 contest. out into the wilds at the Whiplash Point To Point. ap. LABRIE Team, Steve #123, 0 Laps. VESTERDAHL, Steven # 134, 0 Laps. CLAY, Mark # 182, 0 Laps PRO 10 DALKE, Ron #1011, 1 Lap. 2:33:47 MAR TIN, James #1024, 1 Lap. 2:35:09 WOOD BROS, Team, Reub #1000, 1 Lap. 2:42:45 LEMLEY, Jarrett #1013, 1 Lap. 2:57:60 MARTENSON, Scott #1005, 1 Lap. 4:09:07 ELAM, Todd Scott Zimmerman had a fun day, he took the Sportsman 10 win with ease, see here at a road crossing. #1052, 1 Lap. 5:39:20 ATTENTION SCORE RACERS For The 2004 SCORE Race season, no die-cut decals of contingency manufacturers will be honored. Only, ONLY the manufacturers authorized decals will be honored for prize monies or awards. Any questions -contact Charlie Engelhart, SCORE Contingency Director at 562-921-2838 • Page so Thanks for your cooperation. R.EDL!JIE PEl(f6/ll1ANCE, !NC . LS1 6 ■-STAR PRE-RUN OR RACE PACKAGES NOR'TMSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS ANO AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONR (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX "531 l!",Sl!"NHOWl!lt CfltCLI!" ANAHl!"flllf, CA. t2807 February 2004 The Sport Truck win went to Grant Wilson, seen here piloting his steed towards the road crossing. -----------·-----. BEARD Team, Ed . #1016, 0 Laps. PRO 8 RAIMONDE, Dave #804, 1 Lap. 4:07 :05. VOUDOURIS, Michael Da #83 1, 0 Laps. PENN, Benny #821, 0 Laps. DOHERTY, Mike #809, 0 Laps. PRO 5 BOMBARDIER, Joseph #501, 0 Laps. PRO 1/2-1600 SULLIVAN, Krissy #1602, 1 Lap. 3:26:22 NEWTON, Ray "RJ" #1588, 1 Lap. 3:39:32 CONS MOLINA, Cesar #1606, 1 Lap. 3:43:07 LONG, Steven #1660, 1 Lap. 3:59:23 KRUG Racing Team, Bill #1698, 1 Lap. 4:21:27 JOHNSTON, Bruce #1623, 0 Laps. MEYER, Paul #1630, 0 Laps. McKEE, Brent #1699, 0 Laps. PRO 7 DES ROCHE Team, Jerry #711, 1 Lap. 4:56:18 SEVERSON, Rich # 724, 0 Laps. UNLIMITED LOYD, Ty #1275, 0 Laps. FELDMAN/HARDEN Team # 1244, 0 Laps. JIMENEZ, Alejandro (HC) #1208, 0 Laps. KOSAR, Richard #1202, 0 Laps. SPORT 10 ZIMMERMAN, Scott #1200, 1 Lap. 4:43:17. CORNELL, Chad #1279, 0 Laps. STONER, Bill #1277,0Laps. CORTEZ, Hector #1249, 0 Laps. SPORT TRUCK WILSON, Grant #1550, 1 Lap. 4:33; 13 WILEY, Tim #1567, 0 Laps SPORT MINI LUCAS, Adam #1717, 0 Laps. 4-2 SEATER WILLIAMS, Jay #1818, 1 lap. 3:20:35 LAMBRECHT, Rick # 1802, 0 Laps . .. -,lfW AUTOMPT:IVE & PERFORMANCE 472.5 E. 2i.~:ifld Street • 'Tucson, Arizona. 520-747-0563 "~et' I,yecctoh "Pertfecctoh" Stand alone p~ra~mable management • "Slmple Dlgltal Syatam• IN'H·.Y TUNE A CARBURETOR, IN'HEN-fOU CAN PUSH A BUTTON I / :_: Salea • lnatallatlon • Dyno ~ g ~uretor to EFI conftrwlo11.1 • ECU up-crada ~ ECtl up-,rada • Turbo and Supercharslnc Custom~.:;=: ::SU:. ~~==uc:::::ee:~Pleasure. J ~ Desert, Sand/Du.nea Ir Pre-numen ~ ~-· ...... www.toy0taper'£ ~CO OQ C Q QQC Q: o,e QC O QQ QQC Q Q QQC QQQQC Q: CC: 0 o-o<: Dusty Times 7

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GOOD.STUFF DI.RECTORY 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 0~ 'ie~i!l~. BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BATrERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 . (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • BJBX AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 QUALITY PAINTING Race Truck Helmets Race Car John Kurtz Sm-e Kurtz Panels Etc. Panels ~ij/) Affordable Prices 619-S62-S90i 10925 Hartley Road Suite F Santee, C!-92071 A1.SRACING WILDOMAR CA. _Tc>yota. IFS 1uapen1lon 1peclallsta Long tr.1vel kits and race trim packaga for 2wcj. & 4wd. Pick-Up, Tace>ma, Tundra, 1'-100 and 4-Runner m,w.ATSRAC!NG,com (909)471,-2418 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ford Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels .... . .;,.-' OOD@o Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 · e-mail: ·s11ol-PRl8F l'EIIFIB-11. ' · Sliver Faced LFG's . : :·.·. . . . Liquid,Filled Gauges·fron,i Auto Meter are notorious for being the to~gl)es), . on the market. Combine thai with the fact Auto Meter also is known for it's reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. ~'O.,·•·· t., . ', ,. ~-'. ,, • . " ; J~ ~ r ~ - $ ? ~ R 7 S i 8::4ND1~UGGIES • PRE-RUNNERS • RACE CARS ' ftJM FABRICATION & ALUMINUM WORK • Orange, CA 92865 tax (714) 27~5 Reach New Customers. Good Stuff Directory .Ads Are Merely $45 Per Month 818-882-0004 · SPEOALIZING IN PRE-RUNNER BUILDS TO RACE CHASSIS DESIGNS· · FROM BOLT ON LIFTS TO FULL BL(111N QJSTOM SUSPENSION · • FIBERGLASS-·CUSTOM BUMPERS· ·SHO(l TCM'ERS-·INTERIOR ROLL CAGES· ·BED CAGES-·COIL·Ol'ER SET UPS-·WIDENED FRONTENDS· -CUSTOM A-ARMS & I-BEAMS-670 PROFESIONAL AVE_ #402 HENDERSON. NEVADA VIIVIIW_BIACKMARKETFAB_COM 4584 Columbus Rd. Macon, GA 31206 4 78-4 7 4-9292 FREE Catalog BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V~hicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3::107 T 'P. D'-,:rn::::;.;:~:e;;::d5~:;:,. ' V.-:::, · FREE Catalog!! ~ru~~ ~we'd~~ ·•"~ -9525 Pathway St.• Santee, Ca. 92071 "MFR. OF l'nFORMANCE PARTS FOR INOUrTRY LE.40/Na RACE CAR BUILDE'Rf - Spindles, Floatinl! Huhs • 5 spd. Shifters (fits Mendeola trans & others) • "lorlhstar Airhox Adapters & more!! .'..rl: e-mail: (619)562-3071 CACTUS RACING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson · Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914 ·CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN · 39067 OR CHA.RD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA.. 92223 PH#. (909)845-8820 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication. Boatec Fjberglass Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valves+tu.bes P,ms-Dakar trucks · Sway-bar Arms

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ACCOUNTING -INCOME TAX• CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT 536 S. Second St, Suite E Covina, CA 91723 Fax 626-653-2023 626-663-2024 Offroad to Street. Prerunner to Race --Chaals Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 16~1 17459 Lilac SUE Hesperia CA 923415 lllfT IOI IIACEIS WHO IEMMl 11E BEST HAMPION BEADlOCK 24C!.fNG WHEE.LS U.S.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MILAN qARRITT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AYE. FRESNO CA 83722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ CHENOWTH I.ACING PRODlJCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 OCNC;J' Man,lactu,e" of . = · B~ke and _tl,l<h Pedal A,q Master Cylinders . · Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. ·1221 West MorenatJvd. San Diego, CA''921'10 (6J9) 275-166~ Cuttihg and Stawng Brakes Hydraulic Thro~s T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. . Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS'• r-'RONT HUBS• AXLES _BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS Sandy Cone (805) 239-2663 2055 Hanging Tr~e,Lane Templeton, CA 93465 ' . ~i!'ARACING I E ~ GASOLINE 1 . !i TORCO RACING FUELS ·I CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR i 1-800-54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY. SANTA FE SPRINGS CA • • • ~ - •.., I PISTC=>r--JS Shelf and Custom Pistons Available CALL TODAY! PH: 949.567.9000 1902 McGaw. Irvine. CA 92614 A Member of Pankl Racing Systems CRITIC' AL □ ULTRASONIC CLEANING JIii Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, ~ Oil Tanks, Radiators, L(nes, Fittings ---~- - - : □ CRACK INSPECTION · '' ·· All Components ..• Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etc. (I ~ □ NONDESTRUCTIVE T,ESTING Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetran~ Ultrasonic, Eddy Curren~ X-Ray 3043 oak Street □ CNC MACHINE SHOP Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phn (714) !157-1215 Fax (714) !157-1567 USAC STATION •s .W. __ ...;.• ______ F_M_ST_A_n_ON_rM11R211J ____ 'e-~ for You, Plota.tlon' CROWN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED AEROSPACE, HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL HOSES & FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER OR., SUITE G • VISTA. CAI.IFORNIA 92083 You must have more business than you can handle if you are not advertising in Dusty Times 818-882-0004 CULHANE RACING TRANSMISSIONS ••wt: 1"'1"'10VA.Tl:- "'10T IMITA.TI: .. lntroducina The ~Ol1161N4.L SUVl=l1 Sti4.f'T?m OYCulhane Biggest In the Business From Wild to Mild Billet Extension Housings-Valve Bodies Customer Loyalty is Ill 18273 Grand Ave #6 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 909-678-1669 MatthewScl-.molce 1280 N. JOHNSON AVE., SUITE 101 • EL CAJON, CA 92020 TEL: 619.449.5611 • FAX: 619.449.5713 MATTHEW@CUST0MOECALCOM Specializing in. .. Bu.Bo:a:e• Swing axles Hewland Fortin Jllendeola 111D4S Jllagnum44 Krebter Automatie [I DE rJ!!~IQ]] HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 B Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 f!IJMWJJ§r:,: ---.... -,:✓ ri' DEREK NYE ~.,,i_,./ _,;:: " ; ""' ' / /" 775 w~l7J!!.~lreet-unit H Costa Mes11, CA 92627 _.,. .. lei: 9'19.5'18.8533 lax: 9'19.5'18.853'1 e-m11II: dereknue I a T•nm Bngz Prlvnt• Lnbtl Custom Bng Dtslgns l)llfl1111l~lll{S OFF-ROAD DESIGN & FABRICATION RACE PREP PRE~UNNERS SUSPENSIONS ROLL CAGES TUBE BENDING WELDING LIFT KITS BILL SCOTT (909) 520-0064 Fax(909)520-0078 Email· 1 ·2321 Sampson Ave., Unit I Riverside, CA 92503 @rmJ [flQ)•m ~@~fiJJ[M@ ~~sive Bl~stlng • Protective & Decorative Coatings Set'vlflg San Diego County Since 1970' 1835 John Towers Ave, #A El Cajon, CA 92020 JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets • Interior Revisions -I:>. ... ~•~ ~-(619) 448-3932 Fax (619) 448-3662 FRESH lift SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 810 A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 1-888-466-RACE 1-84 7-259-381 0 Fax 1-847-259-9705 "THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS"

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fliJl PBRFOIIM.IICE-1ss8 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend RA< ll'.I, ['1:1,INf.'i, TRAM"\IIS\IONS ANI> OFFROAD PARTS Send or-roll for-our-new catalog SS.00 r. .................................. .,.,.. .......... ,., .. .-,. .. , ...... , .. ,, ............. N' ..... .-.-,.,..; .. .. RAY BAYLY 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. BRIAN GRIFFIN (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax Doug Fortin ,.,,..,,_,..,,., ~ """"'"''" call (lll_l0) 433-6524 ~ our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manafacturin1. Inc. • • 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR ~7701 USA ph(s-41) ~203 61(541)388-0307 . Adrian or Fidel ~I EJ.\D fl O ,,v JV\J.\S~f ERS RACING CYLINDER HEADS & ENGINES 2466-F S. Santo Fe Avenue • Vista, CA 92084 p~::~ (760) 727-1827 ----'--,,'\ g~Jj) ~ --_, '...r ,, l:luff & Kevin Owners/ Fabricators p. 760.510.9586 • ,. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific· St.# J-1 • San Marcos, CA 91069 HONDA (818)766-6134 . (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 $SUZUKI s&~• BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 )lllst A Small Ad Here Can Increase Your Business By A Bunch. Call Dusty Times For Details 818-882-0004 (619) 561-7764 fax 561-4834 Jeff Howe 12476 Julian Ave. Lakeside, CA 92040 20 Years of Off Road Racing if" nee ,gQ s,££i\llG t1CI p011• We Service & Sell Char Lynn, Sweet, Pumps, Gears & Power & Pinior, HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde Highway 80 • Suite E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winne,-~Tl~-~ I I llrl~ ~ I I I I•~ I LI I•~ Quality Racing Transmissions JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Mike Julson President 10965 Hartley Rd., Suite R Santee, CA 92071-2893 619 / 562-1743 Fax 619 / 562-3379 e.mail J_;, ,.ue N.ez RACING ENGINES COMPLETE ENGINES • DYNO SERVICE George Jimenez TROY J OHNSON (909) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714.535.5116 Specializing in custom off road race trucks • P1erunners • Sand car5 • Raily cars • Custom Fabrication • Advanced Suspension Technology • Research & Development KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 ----8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Ka~aguchi Honda Corp. www 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI 1 Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-6858 -Derek Kreger PH: 714.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867

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Kevin Summers owner KS Motorsports offroad fabrication and race preps 15346 Bonanza RD. # C Victorville , CA . 92392 Phone:760-241-5441 Fax:760-241-5383 CT••> 7!2!2-09&3 SUSPENSION -PERFORMANCE-SAFETY EQUIPMENT & MORE! DESERT - ROCK - SAND & RACE WE. ARE YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR OFFROAD NEEDS POWER E STEERING THOMAS.£ LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 11681 PENDLETON.&TREET· SUN VALLEY, CA-91352 . FAX(818)798-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line ot ~ Steering gears, pumps and acceuories tor any type of r■cing. Magnatlux and Zyglo tacllities available. •custom Chassis *Race Prep *Aluminum Work *Welding· *Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE P({EPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER . Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~RC.RA.FT. R=e ,P~ SeatJ • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suit; B santee, CA 92071 _619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 (818) 886-4446 (818) 772-6470 fax • 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 .otfroad .Road Course .Oreg Racing .OVal Track .Fabrication ■Welding ·' .chassis and~ Suspension Specialist YOUR OFF-ROAD. Catch us o_n the Net! SPECIALISTS/ ·. PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 WORK GUARANTEED DEADLINES KEPT ,_J!fc2u-ee/l !ZJotOf!jj.Je qJeBf!JN, !kc. Fli°6t!{'9/a,iw ,%0/i,l!J, Sfluc/.i• am/{llepai,• MIKE M CQUEEN OFF ROAD BODIES SINCE 1972 BY APPOINTMENT FAX (310) 379-8633 (310) 374-8669 E-MAIL: MPD@MAKATAK.NET HTTP:/ /WWW.MAKATAK.NET MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 ----COIIPONEfff.S FORC.HASSIS FABRICATlOH Prp-Ql!l_.,,_.,,•~~•R~.M~ stifterMolm • 01.& Walerflotlle tloldcers . II 11--11-·, -----=-= -=--·.·.·.•.-.■ -DFFRDAD ENGINEERING Pre-Runners • Race Cars & Trucks • Long T{avel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts·• Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller . · 2280 Shasta Way_ #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Moulton Racing FaPrication • Race Cars _ · 1 • Prerunners ,.~"-· "' • Sand Cars ' ;. H"' •• ~ •::,., , Jim Moulton MSD •t.l ,,, Jr.,'* •As~/. t••1,•,,. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNI flONS • DIS.TF~!BUTO . -AUTOTRONIC ·CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO. TX 7993E 19151 857 -5200 • TFr.H LINE m15l 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. ·Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY-TUBE BENDERS •. PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SA'!'JS • ABRASIVES 399£.JiamsonllnitO Corona, CA 92879-1313 (909)Z72A2n 4B0-726-2B75 Todd Dwyer 43455 Business Park Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253

Page 55

I PFR (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 383-4 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 !51? HAROLD NICKS ,~~(Q)'1['@©7fl SAFETY EQUIPMENl MAXON,-MOTOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX Ri\OIOS ' . . BELL, 'sH-OEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR l,._'TERCOM STILL ONLY S12'>. -. 2888 GUNDRY AW. • . SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 W a A R . . . - -. ~t--(, .--\ .-Fraley s . Pl"rf ormance . r:ngineering ' TEL (949)650-3035 FIIH (949)650-4721 * AD Types of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication •Tube Beadinc • Allan-(J St.NI W.ldinc • Custom Machine W.ork • All Types of Race Cars ·4ss1 w. Hacienda #4 Laa Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 Pre,,s,on Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 ,PRO PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec V8 Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class· Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: Tel: 619-390-e252 Fax:61~1C> 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 JaeDaUlllaR Par: Fax: 111.381.4641 -------~------------ --------+------13411 Drontield Ave. Svlmar. CA 91342 Hi-Pet'fonnance Equipment Suspension •Safety• Drive/ine·• Accessories· (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane; Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: Get The Wor~ Out About Your Business, Big Or Small: Put Your Business Card Ad In The Good Stuff Directory. 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.;coM ~ p~~ lnX JlilMJ -~-Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Appllcations Shock Service Available on all brands ..•. Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affonlably-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy Fax: (602) 493-097S Soutben1 ca1norn1a·s Largest Distributor 01 Mendeola Tnnsules ' PH: 114.680.6131 • FX: 114.680.3110 ~-Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 CTRANS will _get yo1 i1 gear SWllg axle, ••s, nwlad, Ml4S 3455 I. PIIURIS #5 UIBIS,IOIIIA 88102 • D.D. IIIJUDN (7D2) 221-4313 . (102) 117-ffl4 Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030. PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV,89048 (775) 372-5335 -~RACING ~GASOLINE ,•.-■Yrl5JV-h•,lr,Yll, Western US and Mexico OWoiAI f~ ,t CL BRYANT, INC. ,tQJ.,g!i, 800-399-4176 ~~ 81/J'AITAW October 5 ll 6 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 91re,111 :t;-~~':H ~ f....111.,. ,,:. .L!,1-----~ACE LETTE~/~G JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • \\INDOW LETTEP.lf,G • CAR LETTERltlG. • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt,ngto1 Beach CA 92'649 (714) 897-0075 • F2~ 17141 694-9567 ......

Page 56

--r SPENCER lOW RACING .com NTSSAl\l OFFROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BODY FIBERGLASS »AND MORE 1 Specializing in: 7 FRONTIER PATHFINDER ><TERRA HARDBODY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 0£:f :road :fab::rica-tio::n.. • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kits • Custom Paint• Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program CJ, Sam Puleri (323) 563-2224 Fax (323) 563-2227 'PERFORMA ruJIJVITUGM -SJIIIT PflFIIJIIICf I ~-BOD-MY MUFFLER Craig Stewart I Phone: 619-449-9728 Fnx, 619-449-?67R Cel~ 619-726-8891 I Fabrication & Race Preparation I I 9419 Abraham WCPJ Santee, CA 92071 ~•.!..•J.J..!t.e-~~.,_~~"?'! ~ mo,~ Salea& I Service 11W V•1t ltnt Ot OHroatl ~IC •• Parts. Fabtlcdan And ~talatioft. W. C.ty: IKO • 8F6 Filbt«tt • klnG Sttodc5 AndMMi,Uor._ --. ~dali%itt5 itt Clotl1itt5 for tl1e Offroabff Sawl attb Tami V.uqwei S'6l-6ll-8808 SUNDRY METAL SP1NNING Phone 562-801-1090 F~x 562-801-1645 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS ~ 7930 Paramount Blvd. Pico Rivera, CA 90660 JbHN AVALOS OWNER RACE FUELS (209) 847-228 1 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 Design Fabrication lnstailatlon (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '215 POMONA ROAD• SUITE [ • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 ,..m,,,PUTERIZEOVINYLGfVo.PHICS&LETTER/NG 1·11·11 WSA I ,../..0-CVST t,LDGS/GNS(l'III. PROCESSES) -,.. TfVo.OE SI-OW OfSPL/'l'rS ,,..,, ~,,._CING 0~,,._PHICS ,.. OET~/LEO& LN/QLJE DESIGNS ,,..,, FLEET VEHICLES ,.. HI-QLJl&.UTY MNNEJ!t5 ,,..,,M,,..0NETJCS ,,._ WGO ~EPfil!OOUCTONS ,,..,, RE.,,'\L EST.11\TE ,,._LOGO & GR/'IPHIC DES/ON ,,..,, OECI\LS ... ~ SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED .... OFF ROAD RACING SPE£/AL/STS WRDIN3. FABRICATC11/. avcPr.ASMAwmm. FFrNTENOS. REAR7RAI/.JMJARMS RACECHASSIS • PFEFIUW\ERS • FOX RAC/1,X,SHJX • SANOBUGGES LARRY RDSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. PHONE {714) 6304482. ANAHEIM, CA 92807 FAX (714)6304548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 _Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! IlR Performance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 ~~3-.... Experienced Fabricators Needed. (619) 447-1289 Trans Am, Trophy Truck or Class 1 experience preferred. Excellent welding skills required for MIG and TIG with all metals. Must be a team player, with a great attitude and able to follow direction. 714.632.0013 2980 E. Mlraloma Ave. Anaheim CA 92806 * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654•7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:/www TrailerWare™ Trick Gear for Your Rig $99.00 Free CA Shipping Offer Ends 12/31/03 949•347•7091 Double Helmet & Gear Shelf .090 Aluminum 10 1/2"H X 28 1/2"W X 15"0 1UinxLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818)_998-2739 · 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatswortti, CA 91311 0 I\) C OJ --t C ~ ~ ~ (J) ~ .I>, o-iiJ 01 .,, m ~ ::, Ul (") 0 )> 0 Ul _!1> C X )> Ul 0 s-woow f!!.z :::;; 0 ~o~ 0 ~ .s.s.s 3 3 -· Ill -..J .!>, -..J Ill ::, co (;) co <O a. I\) 01 I\) 0 iii" l>6r(J 01 )> -..J .!>, .I>, s < -..J ~ ~ ~ I\) a, (;) lfr:l/ ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES '& AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 .(uiP] UNIQUE METAL PROOUCTS 10729 WHEATl,..ANOS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING •··-• , YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH • REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q . El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco 619.596.8033 -- - --------,~~ Foirplex • Pomona October 9 & 10 CL ~L~tLth~l" sua~3:,£H---4:,L7tr CLBRYANT.COM 7

Page 57

ttr~~fll Front & Rear Trailing,Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends i"e BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on our suspension ==~=-=--PA/Nr """aMJlNGS«CR~,C;111 J,(JG(}f} * •~ rtJ !:Ad MAJN!ENANCF• Sf'lll/YN)..-J,J/f/RIN&• Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 ' ECONOMICAU,Y PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview -~ ,7(>0-949-1220, 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 1-928-427-3551 P.O. Box 845 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER ~ OF THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Compl~te Engines Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding Y.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota - Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 C <c)..lo1 ~S~ACe Get the word out about your business, Big or small! Put your business card In the ··coon STUFF DIRECTORv·· and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $45.00 per month. (818) 882-GOCM 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 MORE 2004 HAPPENINGS ••• Steamboat Springs, CO October 2-3, 2004 Trackrod Rally Yorkshire, England October 16-17 ,2004 Lake Superior Houghton, MI October 20-24, 2004 Rally International de Charlevoix La Malbaie, Quebec October 30-November 1, 2004 Tempest South Of England Rally Aldershot, England November 6-7, 2004 Heart Of Dixie Pro Rally Preview and Awards Southeastern USA November 19-20, 2004 Rally Of The Tall Pines Bancroft, Ontario Canada SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN RD., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 < www> February 27-28, 2004 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja CA Motorcycles/ A TVs Included Date To Be Announced SCORE Henderson's Terrible 250 Henderson, NY 4 Wheel Classes Only June 4-6, 2004 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja CA Motorcycles/ATVs Included September 17-18, 2004 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 . Primm,NY 4 Wheel Classes Only November 18-21, 2004 TecateSCOREBaja 1000 Baja, California Motorcycles/ A TVs Included° SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF RoAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 Dusty Times (702) 45.2-4522 February 13-15, 2004 Avi250 Laughlin, NY April 2-4, 2004 Buffalo Bills 400 Prirnm,NY May 21-22, 2004 Du1ty Times 250 Caliente, NY August 6-8, 2004 KCHilites Midnight Special Primm,NY October 1-3, 2004 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NY November 12-13, 2004 Western Desert Championship California City, CA December 10-12, 2004 Baja In Primm Primm,NY (Non Points Race) SONS OP THUNDER 4WHEELERs RACE DIVISION KEITH STEW ART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT CoURSI! OFF ROAD DRIVl!RS AssOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NORTH A VENUE WAUWATOSA,Wl53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OPP ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 M1KEMOORE-(224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 " (626) 961-6522 SoUTIIERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, I.Ne. 43807 40m STREET EAST LANCASTER, CA 93535 (MON-FRJ 8:30 A.M. TO 1 :00 P.M.) (661) 946-6986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTIARK DRJVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box706 PARKLANDS, 2121 SOUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3()<)3 UNADIUA V All.EY SPORTS CfNl'ER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX:·(606) 905-8784 <> VORRA V All.EY OFF ROAD RAaNG Ass-l. 920 Hll.LCRESr ST. Pl.ACER.Vlll.E, CA 95667 (530) 622-03 70 <> Short Course Races Prairie City, Sacramento, CA March27-28, 2004 April 24-25, 2004 September 25-26,2004 October 16-17, 2004 October 30-31, 2004 Desert Races May 28-31, 2004 Yerington, NY July 2-4, 2004 Hawthorne, NY August 7-8, 2004 TBA September 3-6, 2004 Bend, OR Awards Banquet November 13, 2004 Location TBA VnNIE~Off' RoADCuJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESi-mN OFF RoAD RAaNG As.<!oaA.nON LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 January 2004 WESI'mN PENNsnvANIAWHFE.. To WHEE.. OFF ROAD RACING PATRICK McGu1RE P.O. Box376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WmPLASH MoTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 < www> Trucks & Buggies February 7, 2004 Gila Bend GP Gila Bend, AZ April 3, 2004 PMP Extreme GP Tucson,AZ May 1,2004 Rock To Rock ! Rocky Point, Mexico September 4, 2004 Snowflake Heber,AZ October 2, 2004 PMP Extreme GP Tucson,AZ N~vember13,2004 Vulture Mine Wickenberg, AZ December 4, 2004 Point To Point Rocky Point, Mexico WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF RoAD FESnv AL TERRY OR BEV fRJDAf' 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 OSHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5500 FIA WoRID RALLY CHAMJ'IONSlfiP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRJVE LAKi: HAVASU Cm, AZ 8640,3 (520) 855-RACE'/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 :z:r. PROMOTIONS RENEMONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2004 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: IUSliJi.1■es 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Page 57

Page 58

.. Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 1978 Two wheel drive Blazer with late model front clip, 350 motor, 700 R4 trans, Shock hoop front and rear, A-C, Power Win-dow, &doorlocks. $4,800.00. (760) 947-6319. · FOR SALE: 2002 Jimco 2 Seat-top car:_in Class IO-Major Perfor-mance Honda Brand New Men-deola 5 speed, All Fox (just di-aled in by Fox), Howe P/S. CNC, BT! Hubs w/935's and gun drilled axle's, digital dash, 30 gal Fuel Cell, Very clean, Profession-ally maintained, fast!! $59,000..00 Ron 619-279-4258/ Joel619-279-4253. FOR SALE: Chenowth Class 9, Fresh motor, Fields tranny, Beard, CNC, Fox, 300m torsions, Wright rack, PIAA, Crow Belts, BFG, Cactus Pumper, Race Ra-dio, intercom, Spare motor, trans, tires, wheels, arms, spring plates, etc. $7,500.00 or Best offer. (909) 849-1002. FOR SALE: Nye Frank Chassis, Class 1 Single Seater, 5.3 Litre V-6, 500 hp, Jeff Field Auto, Howe Power Steering, Mastercraft, UMP, Parker Pumper, Good racing his-tory, fast and smooth $75,000.00. (619) 659-9112. Ask for Albert. FOR SALE: Raceco Racecar, 3 race radios, 1 base antennae, 2 Bell helmets, wired for radios, 2 race suits-fire suits, 2 dump cans, gas pump for 50 gal drum, extra tires, Type 4 motor, 2666cc built by FAT. $24,000.00 OBO (626) 575-3547 Ext 0. ' FORSALE: 98'Chenowth2-1600 FAT Motor, Fox Shocks, Ump air cleaner, Weld Wheels, 1 set of Wheels, tires, 20' enclosed trailer with spare tire rack, workbench, lights. Won MDR 300 2003. $20,000.00 car, $$3,000.00 trailer. $23,000.00. For Package. Call (760) 559-4503. FOR SALE: S-10, Class 7 or Pre Runner, Ex-Ragland, Clive Smith built. F. I. V-6 4 speed auto, Bilsteins, BFG, Taylor seats, CNC pedals. 9" rear end, 40 spline axles, knock off hubs, Custom headers. 4 link rear w/ leafs, 23" rear, 18" front. $25,000.00 OBO. (623) 780-4019. 45' Kentucky Trailer$7,500.0000BO. Championship Class 3 Score legal early Bronco. Excellent condition, race ready, Fox Shocks, Dana 44 front end, Ford 9", 35 spline axles. C4 transmission all built up! Art Carr Chifter, National Springs, 13" wheel travel, 304 cubic inch mo-tor, dependable and fun with 250 horse power. Fuel Safe 32 gallon cell, MSD ignition, BFG tires, Lee custom steering components, Beard seats, Autometer gauges, $9,200.00 Ref# 894. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www Super competitive! Extra Clean! 5 car. Fast and reliable with a record to prove. Featured Aug '02 Hot VWs. All4130chassis, big beam, Foddrill's best arms and spindles; CNC brakes, King shocks, 934 mi-cro stubs, Fortin trans, powder coated chassis. 250 miles on com-plete rebuild and prep. FAT Type 4 3 ltr. 230 HP. MoMo, PCI, Dry Sump, BFGs Beard. Must see! $38K Ref #888 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at FOR SALE: Ford ProLite race truck CORR series, standardized chassis, King Shocks, 9" rear end, new Boatec Body, exceptional alu-minum work. HPV ignition , Auto-meter Dry Sump Scot crank, Carrillo Rods, JE Pistons, Engine and aluminum head by Sellin per-formance. Dual 48 webers. G-Force 5 speed with Long shifter. Gold star clutch. A TL Fuel Cell. Strange alum carrier, Howe steering, Wil-wood Brakes. Everything like new. · Raced 1 season.$35,000.00. Ready to Race. (402) 750-4163 . FOR SALE: 4 seatJimco, 2800 cc Type IV, Foltz Trans, Coilover, Howe Power Steering, Beard Seats, Roof Rack, HID KC HiLites, Cen-terline, King Shocks, Disc Brakes, Aluminum Body, Awesome Pre-runner. Call after 6:00 pm. (661) 298-4351. $30,000.00. TRACTOR TRAILER PACK-AGE: Freightliner tandem axle-air ride, Big cam 350 with a fresh bottom end. The trailer is a 1980 air ride Great Dane 45' with a 15" drop deck. Right side has 2 separate 3 ½' doors with double doors on the left that open to 8' with steps that hide away. Huge awning and enclosed canopy with roll up windows. Six 4'x8' belly boxes. The inside has benches, shelves, cabinets, 50016 wench, tool boxes, 110 lights, air compressor, generator (diesel). **Must sell! Best Offer!** $30K (or less without trailer). Ref# 863 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevy, Dale White Truck, zero time on ground up rebuild, 428 dry sump s/b, Braswell, Dual MSD, Mogi TH 400, BORLA, CNC 6 piston, Lee PS, 55 gal Fuel Safe, Optimas, Bilstein ex-ternal Coilovers, New body, new, spares. $60,000.00. Call Mike@ (408) 835-4921. FOR SALE: Ready to Race FORD Trophy Truck w/ lots of spares. 100 miles on full prep 442 Patton Motec EFI Turbo 400 85 gal Fuel Cell w/dry brake Hella Hid Kenwood llO_Air Jack 6 lug Fluidyne Beards steal at $195,000.00 (623)780-4019. '94 Jimco single seat 1-1600. Up-graded in 1997 by Jimco. UMP, CNC, Sway-A-Way, Fox 12" x 7/ 8" shaft fronts, Fox rear shocks all· dialed in, 930 CV's and axles, 091 box, 30 miles on a freshly rebuilt motor. Race Ready, Kennedy clutch, Fresh Fuel Cell, BFG fronts, Yokohamas rears, PC! ra-dio and on board fire system. Awesome finishing record. Excel-lent condition!! $12,500.00 Ref #8887. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at Top of the-line 2 seat beam car. Built by Dave Bonner, Type 4 motor, 32 gallon fuel cell, Fortin 5 speed tranny, Wilwood rear brakes, Sum-mers outboard hubs, 934 CV's, headlock wheels, King coilovers and bypass all four corners. Flameout system. Fodrill beam, spindles and arms. Complete front end all new ('05-'03). Completely prepped, super fresh and race ready. Spares = tires, pit boxes, pit radios, wheels and much more. Freshest car around! $32,400.00 Ref #890 Call Baja ·Brokers (760-723-2117 or check us out at FOR SALE: Great first car or pre-runner. Larry Raglands Class 1 single seat. 3.4 Porsche Ulland tranny, power steering, Fox and Bilstein shocks, lots of spare parts, tires and wheels. Everything to go racing. $12,500.00 OBO Rob (928) 636-0123. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. DISliJlillllS • • • • • • Classified Ad Deadlines • 2004-2005 : ISSUE DEADLINE • March, 04 Feb 6, 04 • • April, 04 Mar 4, 04 • May, 04 April 9, 04 • June, 04 May 14, 04 : July, 04 June 11, 04 ■ August, 04 July 9, 04 • Sept., 04 Aug. 13, 04 : Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) October, 04 Sept 10, 04 • Please run ad tim Name______________________________ es November, 04 Oct 8, 04 • Address_____________________________ Mail to: Delember, 04Nov 12, 04 : Phone DUSTY TIMES January, 05 Dec 10, 04 • 20761 Plummer Street February, 05 Jan 7,05 • City _____________________________ Chatsworth, CA 91311 March, 05 Feb 11, 05 : S.tate ____________ Zip-=----,-=-=-c,-,,--=-,-----------.,~ ............. ---------' • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 58 February 2004 Dusty Times

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FOR SALE: 115" Wheel Base Single Seat chassis, combo spindles, Wright Rack-n-pinion,Fresh 1600 single port, driver air system, 18 · gallon fuel cell. $9500.00 OBO. www or call Chuck at (254) 44 2-1683. FOR SALE: Bob Shepards win- FORSALE: 1/1600Raceco. 2003 ning Pro Truck for sale. Just prep FUD points champion. 1 race on highly maintained complete setup Volker eng. Fresh Bus Trans, King ready to race. Spares, transmission, Shocks, Saco Race, UMP Air drivelines, rearend, axles, shocks, cleaner Beadlocks Compufire ig-w.heels, balljoint_S, steering box,~- nition, Fast. $13,000.002 axle trailer d1ator, ~umpcans, too much to Ust. • w/brakes. $1,000.00. Call Doug@ Everythmggoes. $110,000.00. Call (619) 933-7015 Foddrill Fabrication. (623) 582-::::::=======·===========: FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seat 10-12 car, 2275 cc, dual 44 Webers custom intake UMP, Mendeola, Fox Coil overs and triple bypass, Foddrill arms, Mastercraft, Howe, Diab lo, oil cooler MSD dual coil & MSD system, Hella &K.C. 32 gal-lon fuel cell $21,500.00. Call Mike @ (909) 244-4757 or (909) 721-29(:IJ. FOR SALE: FORD Pro-2. CORR Series, 451 BBF Drysump 680hp, Magi C-6, Christman 9", 4 30 Standardized chassis, Ron Davis Radiator, Setrab coolers, Aii Sway-A-·~Tays, Mastercra(t, Lee P.S., Fuel Safe, Optimas, Dynomax, CNC, Wilwood, 17" Ultra Wheels, Champion Bead-locks, MSD, Autometer. $45,000.00 OBO. Call Chris@ (262) 770-9342 or (262) 878-4886. FOR SALE: Baja PreRunner, Street legal, registered, full roll cage. Very Safe. Not fast yet very reliable. $2,500.00. Trailer$ 700.00. Brian (310) 505-0626. 249'). FOR SALE: Trophy Truck. 406 Ford Dry Sump Transprows, C6 Dual MSD 3" King Coil over & Bypass, Summers 9", Howe R & P 55 gal Fuel Safe, Mastercraft Fluidyne, CNC, Willwood, Ul-tra Goodyear, BFG, Never Raced $95,000.00. Call Randy at Fortune Fab (909) 687-6416. FOR SALE: Class 10, 2001 Millen-nium, Rear Engine Toyota 4AG 'Mendeola 5 spd, Kreger Hubs, Flame Out, CNC, King Shocks (new), BFG Bajas, Ultra Beard, Centerlines. $53,000.00. Call Ka-sey (602) 531-1550orTodd.(928) 274-0158. FOR SALE: Toyota V6 Camary 3 liter motor, Cat 6" Chevy rods, Ross Pistons, to-tal seal rings, Web Cams, electromotive lMZ injection, TRD springs, CUJ)S & retain-ers, 8 qt oil pan, 325 bp, fresh rebuild, $5,000.00 Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: Chevy V-6 Alumi-num Block dry sump P# 101343 71 $3,400.00. 18* V6 heads part # 10134359 $1,250.00. Valve covers part# 12480057 $150.00. All brand new. Call Steve at (602) 206-7830-(623) 386-3449. ATTENTION SCORE RACERS For The 2004 SCORE Race season, no die-cut decals of contingency manufacturers will be honored. Only, ONLY the manufacturers authorized decals wiH be honored for prize monies or awards. Any questions contact Charli_e Engelb•rt, SCORE Contingency Director at 562-921-2838 · Thanks for your cooperation. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 2 seat 2000 Jimco, 2003 SCORE Class 1 Champion, Laughlin and Parker overall win-ner, FAT Toyota V6, Fortin w/ big diff., Fox Shox, Jimco alumi-num spindles, big radiator, two fans, wrap-around FuelSafe cell, BFG Projects, Mastercraft, P.C.I., CNC, spares (spare engine and trans available) - $95,000 Call Dale 909-453-9420 FOR SALE: 2 seat Chenowth ½-1600, 20k+ spent upgrading in 2001. Fox bypass shocks, Bonner engine, Howe Diablo rack, Sweet, Prowire, Kartek hubs, FuelSafe, MT Tires, Ultra, SAW, Wright, new body, seats, skid plates, etc., car is capable of beating the best -$25,000 Call Dale 909-453-9420 FOR SALE: 2-1600 Dunrite. All new components-less than 350 race miles on parts. All the best stuff including FAT motor, Dave Folts 091 tranny with aluminum diff, Fox Shox all around, Kartek drums, MSD, CNC, Howe, Fod-drill arms, Saco rack. See http:// $22,000.00OBO. Mike (480) 861-5719. FOR SALE: Class 3 Jeep "77", 401, 550 Hp AMC, Turbo 400, Dana oO rear w/spool, Dana 44 front, Swayaway shocks, Parker Pumper 34- gallon cell, BFG Baja Terrains, Quadratrac, Auto-meter, Art Carr, remote trans cooler, lights, new 5 pts, radio, lots of spares, race ready! Class champion. $28,500.00 (623) 566-4828. February 2004 FOR SALE: Ford/Mazda Pro-Lite. Chromoly chassis, King Shocks, 9 inch rear-end, Electromotive HPX Ignitions, Autometer, Howe Steer-ing, Boatec bodies, Goldstar clutches, Esslinger 2700cc Tall block with 5 tower head Webber side drafts, Esslinger exhaust. 2500 spare G-force/long shifter., Best of everything with many spares. Call Matt for details. (262) 719-0229. (262) 965-4993. FOR SALE: Raceco Class 1/10 2 seat, type4 2800cc Fat, 935 OB cv's. Summers bra's hubs, Foddrill arms, Fresh Hewland 5 speed. Parker Putnp, Sway-A-Way triple bypass, Fox Coilover, 4x disc, ps, Baja T A's polished Centerlines clean. Over 60k inv. Mustsell$19,500.00OBO. (949) 496-3155 I (949) 678-2208. FOR SALE: 2002 Kreger Fabrica-tion Class 10. 2nd place '03 Baja 1000, 3rd place '03 Baja 500,2nd place Pro-10 Points Champion '02. Fully prepped and race ready. Wiks racing 2000cc TypelV, Kreger floaters and hubs, King shocks, Mendeola 5 speed, in dash Lowrancw OPS, PCkadio/inter-com, the best of everything. $65,000 OBO Will Higman week-days 714-848-8222e-mail~ FOR SALE: 1985 Ford F150, Ex-tended cab 3 seat, fully caged, Coilover & bypass shock on each wheel, air bumps, 4 link, equal length I beam w/center swing steer-ing, Heim ends on pivot points, big spindles & disc brakes, 408ci small block, SCAT crank, Probe pistons, SVO- heads, Holley, 500hp, Magi trans, Summers rear end w/new drive axles & disc brakes, recent rebuild on motor, trans, & diff, power brakes, new custom dash w/ pro comp gauges, completely re-wired, AC, Am/Fm/CD, PCI ra-dio, new paint, all it needs is inte-rior to finish, great Pre-runner. $45,000.00 Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: A photo will not do this 516 Justice. Built like a Trophy Truck. Tig welded Chrome Alloy. All the good stuff. 2001 Extreme Champion, 2rd in Safari, 3rd in Rally. This is one of the Best, no BS. $15,000.00 OBO. (310) 459-(:1)77. FOR SALE: TSCO Motorsports' Aluminum Chevy V-6. Built by HP Engines, w/Lethal Dose fuel injection, this engine has 500+hp. This is a complete package, including electronics. We were going to upgrade our Class 10 car to Class 1, but that car is being sold. $20,000.00. Call Mark at 1-800-547-2414. FOR SALE: Normal aspi-rated 3.6 litre Porsche Rac-ing engine. Less than 350 pre-run miles after Andail rebuild. Twin spark plug, long stroke crank, big bore pistons. Two PMO carbure-tors with K&N filters, twin perma-tune electronic boxes. Custom build headers. Ran on VP 110 only. Dyna at 317 bhp. Delivered. Call Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823. IND6-X TO AD\/6-Q Tl66-Q6 Best In The Desert .................................. 2 Bryant, CL ............................................. 14 C&R Racing ........................................... 30 Coast Resorts .......................................... 9 Fabtech ................................................. 11 Fair ......................... m ............................ 42 Bonfire .................................................. 33 C&R Racing ........................................... 29 CL Bryant .............................................. 24 Coast Resorts .......................................... 9 Currie ..... ,, ... ,.,., ..... ,., .................. = .......... 46 Fabtech ................................................. 25 Fud Memorial ........................................ 39 Fuel Safe ............................................... 49 lsco ....................................................... 18 Kartek .................................................... 31 Kawaguchi Honda ................................. 17 KC Hilites ............................................... 2 King Shock Tech ................................... 27 Kreger .................................................... 41 Light Fore!' Engineering ........................ 3 6 Mckenzie Performance Products .......... 15 MOR Productions .................................... 4 Mojave Desert Racing ........................... 21 Montes Tires ......................................... 32 Nevada Off Road Buggy ......................... 45 OMF ...................................................... 48 Pacific Customs .................................... 23 Parker Pumper ...................................... 34 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ............ 4 7 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ............. 13 PCI Race Radios ....................................... 5 Pike's Service Center ............................ 49 ProDirt ................................................. 19 Race Ready Products ............................. 42 Racer X ................................................. 12 Red Line Engineering ............................ 50 Ronco Plastics ...................................... 28 Sakata ................................................... 40 Skyjacker Suspensions ......................... 14 SNORE ................................................... 37 Sway-A-Way .......................................... 11 TCR ....................................................... 50 Team Gordon Race Wheels ................... 10 Transaxle Engineering .......................... 22 Turnkey ................................................. 26 Valley Performance ............................... 4 ;• Weyhrich .................................. 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thank: uou sponsors, crew and ~mlly. we couldn't have done It without uour support and dedlcaHon. . i '