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2004 Volume 21 Number 1 Dusty Times Magazine

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.. Volume 21 • Number I • January 2004 $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 ser.ving The 0## Road community 1=0, a, Years covering the world of competition in the dirt •••

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I~~ ~ooucm~I 0) ~~ ~lllir RACING ASSOCIATION -U T■R IIEtOIIT & CAtlNG ~ :a§;:> Race Is On Saturday 2-7-2004 Las Vegas, Nevada Make your Hotel Reservations early, call (888) 243-3360 # -,, ii " "THE LEGEND LIVES ON" HONDA · RidersOJ,ef America February 6 I 7 I 8 I 2-004__..,,,,,,. SP0R1M010RCYCLES Time Trials on Thursday 2-5-04 GOOD)frEAR open to spectators. New locationl on· ■ I y· Race is spec;tator friendly~ ICl8 ire d . d I I ~aoo~~ es19nate spectator areas on y. RACING Assoc1Ar10N 4Cc=t3i~ ® BRJ'AITtal Official Truck· ~~!~ • ., re;")r,;:;.i~ OF THE~~~ RACING ASSOCIATION ~ LJIIlJ'utl{)[3~u RACING ASSOCIATION Ill!!' Please call for more information 11'71~ RACING BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION a.a,,FUEL:,,X. 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 • (702) 457-5775 • Fax (702) 641-243.1 •

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T Volume 21-Number 1 January 2004 Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith· Edirorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&.C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montaiia Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo An Director Larry Worsham Dusty Times Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. · C1assified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chacswoi:th, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, UC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chacsworth, CA 91311 and ac additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER, Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer Sc., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send co DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer Sc., Chacsworth, CA 91311. A Very Men, ChristmaS from all of us at Dusty Times to all our friends all om-the country and the world. Happy Holida1s January 2004 In This Issue ... l=EATURES SCORE Baja 1000 lry Jud, Smith .............................................................................. 8 45th Sanremo Rally lry Martin Holmes ................................................................... 14 SNORE Western Desert Championship lry John Calvin ................................... 26 Austtaia Goonwindi 400 lry Steve Hilton ............................................................... 30 SCCA Lake Superior Rally lry Tom Buchkoe ......................................................... 36 VORRA Short Course lry Bubba Ra1 Boudreaux .................................................. 38 47th Tour de Corse lry Martin Holmes ............................................................... 46 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .......................................................................................................... S Trail Notes ............................................................................................................ 6 Centerfold Calendar .................................................................................... 32}3 CORE Report lry Ann Donaldson ·····················································:················ 35 Jeepspeed Challenge lry Qi« Skilton ..................................................................... 35 Goodies Galore .................................................................................................. 44 Soap Box ............................................................................................................ 52 Demographic Report ......................................................................................... 54 Good Stuff Directory ........................................................................................ 55 Classified Ads .................................................................................................... 62 Index To Advertisers .......................................................................................... 63 on The cover Doug fortin, Jr. teamed with Charlie Townsley and they drove the great looking Chevy powered Jitnco to the overall win of che more than 800 mile SCORE Baja 1000. Picture by -Art Eugenio, Trackside Photo Mark Miller and Ryan Arciero had a great day, they took the Trophy Truck win in their sleek looking Chevy at the SCORE Baja 1000, they had almost no down time. Picture by • John Rettie, Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at cSubscrI°he <Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 .year -$25.00 years -$40.00 years -$55.00 □2 □3 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ----------------- - - -Address -------------------City State ---------~--Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian• 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Page 3

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. n ~.a • ee n ~~~~ BFGooc/rich Qi Al~~o,a Tires ValvoHne ~~----~~ GlJBEARDlil ~WT01'11 ■ -.0 JeepSpeed • The best value in desert racing today! • Minimum build cost for maximum fun • Up to 40 mph average speeds • Closely regulated vehicle specification • All points races only $360 entry fee • Double payout• JeepSpeed and race organizer • A drivers' class for everyone • JjJJ~JJJjJ J~..8J

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10K FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU .-nts staged ar 1~ club grounds inC~.Ohio) AMERICAN CuSTOM WHEELS }EEPSPEED 1826 N. WINDF.S ORANGE, CA 92869 714-538-7434/FAX: 714-633-1724 February 7, 2004 Blue Water Resort 425 Parker,AZ April3,204 Mojave 250 Barstow, Ca JuneS,2004 Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX August 14, 2004 Wildwash 250 Barstow, CA September 2S, 2004 California 200 Luceme,CA December 4, 2004 Las Vegas 200 State Line NV AMEllICANRAI.LY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TlUALs ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED ThlALs SOU'TlfERN CALJFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARl<UM • PRF.SIDENT (909) 86().. 1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MA1t: <....,..,> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AtrrOMOVILISMO SAM LAsELL, TECH INSPECTOR AP'ro42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CAulORNIA DEL SuR. MEX100 AUSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CH!.MPIONSlllP DARRYL SMITii 19 SoMERS ST. 0.SHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AIJS'TlWJA DUSTY AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OPP ROAD CIASS 10 CARS ONLY RENAw V All.lANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANAD". H7P 1n (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKF.SlDE, CA 92040 All Raus Are Night Raus AU Raus Ar &rona Raawaz, Lakeside, CA BBMMARKEnNG PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EvEN1' MAlu<BTING 4344 VAU.F:i VIEW AVE. NollCO, CA 92860 (909) 34()..64 74 BEST IN THE D ESERT\ RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 702-457-5775 E-MAIL: bitd@worldnetattnet January9-10, 2004 KTM Parker 250 Parker,AZ February 6-8, 2004 Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 425 Cars & Trucks Parker,AZ February 2 7 -29, 2004 Kawasaki Team Green Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles Motorcycles Only April 2-4, 2004 Circuit Nevada 200 TraU Ride Motorcycles Only/Invitation Only April 23-2S, 2004 Terrible's Town 250 AJI Classes June 24-27, 2004 Vegas To Reno All Classes September 24 -26, 2004 Dusty Times Baja Mex 300 World Championship All Classes December 3 - S, 2004 Las Vegas 200 All Classes B.O.R.E. BoNNEVILLE OPPRoAD RACING F'.Nmu>RisEs 341 W 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 April JO.May 2, 2004 Wendmier Express Wendmier, UT July 2-4, 2003 Jackpot 200 Jaclcpot,NV September 3.s, 2004 Ely 200 Ely,NV BP MOTORSPORTS P.O. Box411 WOODLA.ND H11.1s, CA 91365 76()..578-6258/76()..578-6259 FAX: 818-348-4648 E-Mail: AU Eurnts A1 California Cir,, CA March 13-14, 2004 Cal-City Off Road # 1 May 1-2, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #2 June 19-20,2004 Cal-City Off Road # 3 August 28-29, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #4 October 23-2.4, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #5 December 18-19, 2004 Cal-City Off Road #6 BRIGHI'ON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGKTON, ONTARIO, CANAo.-. KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVIUSTA/UARENSE DE 0£.wpJoNSHJP ~ROAD R.AaNG 7210 GATEWAY l!AsT EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CF.SAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES February 7, 2004 Rally Awards Banquet Chris Bums E-Mail: llAily Ca/eadu . April 3, 2004 Desert Storm Chris Powell E-Mail: May 7-8, 2004 Rim Of The World Ray/Donna Hocker <> July 10, 2004 T recline Clubrally Pete Morris E-Mail: August 21, 2004 Gorman Ridge ClubRally Ray/Donna Hocker E-Mail: October 2-3, 2004 Prescott Forest Rally Michael Taylor E-Mail:· December 10.12, 2004 Ramada Express Rally <> lu/JysprintCllleadu March 6, 2004 Scott Bottomley E-Mail: April 3, 2004 Desert Storm Rallysprint Chris Powell E-Mail: May29,2004 Baldy Run Rallysprint Pete Morris E-Mail: October 9, 2004 Perforce Software Rallysprint John Dillon E-Mail: November 20, 2004 Baldy Run Rallysprint Pete Morris E-Mail: December 12, 2004 Ramada Express Superstage Ray/Donna Hocker C:..«'4.......,,._, ~/Jllllli!» &E:T #~ INTRODUCING_ :..cswa byKEN\ y ~oooPREMIUM W, PRODUCTS 110 Walts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ~~.S ~~tl=~Z:,YY" E:/lllltiLIICIYl,_,teii T##E' ~~ ~ -"_, was in Ensenada, and my crew in San OulnHn could hear me 150 mil wayl I need these in ALL of my trucks!" -"""-~JIW 1F9,='ILL/E:O~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SCORE BAJA 1000 _The best communicaHon we've In over 15 years of off road racing!• ~~ISi ...... ~ GET T##C_ .r-c»~c-.:...r T~I Remele Head opllon ZM!lleble. Cett for delells. January 2004 Pages

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Trail Notes ... M ITSUBlSHl OUT OP COMPETITION -In a press release dated November 14, 2003, SCCA an nounced that Mitsubishi Motors, North America, the 2003 SCCA ProRally Manufacturers and Overall Drivers Champion, announced today that it is withdrawjng from all motorsports competition in 2004. The move comes as Mitsubishi Motors cited the need to focus its resources on continuing to grow its brand and build retail sales. In a statement released by Mitsubishi, "Racing enthusiasts saw the formidable capabilities of the Lancer Evolution which brings a new North Ameri-can chapter to Mitsubishi's impressive performance heri-tage." Steve Johnson, SCCA President and CEO said, "While we are disappointed that Mitsubishi will no longer be participating in the Championship, we recog• nize that factory backed efforts do no last forever, re-gardless of what type of racing is involved. The exist• ence of the SCCA ProRally Championship is larger than any one team, and it will continue with a solid schedule and strong contingent of teams for the 2004 season." BAJA 1000 HISTORY -Dominic Clark did a lot of homework on this years Baja 1000 and we thought we'd pass along some of his facts for your perusal. Veterans Rod Hall and Ron Bishop are the only two racers who have competed in all 36 SCORE Baja 1000 races. Rod will be driving a Hummer with sons Chad and Josh in Stock Full. Rod Hall has the most wins in the 1000, 17 in all! Ron has run all his races on a mo-torcycle and is competing this year with Stephen Doane in Class 50. He was recently voted into the AMA Hall Of Fame. In the Trophy Truck Division, eight of nine previous season point champions are entered and 47 of 61 class race winners are represented as well. Tim & Ed Herbst have a commanding points lead with 303 points in their quest to extend their season titles to four. They also have a record 11 race wins in this high profile class. Second is Gus Vildosola and 1994 class champion Rob MacCachren. Mark Post/Jerry Whelchel are third and Scott Steinberger/Jesse James are fourth. Racers from other venues include: Robby Gordoq (NASCAR Win-ston Cup), Brendan Gaughan (NASCAR Truck Series), Jimmy Vasser (CART) and Mike/Robbie Groff. Johnny Unser is racing with Bob Land, Supercross/Motocross rider Ricky Johnson will drive a bit with Matt Scaroni in ProTruck. The Baja Challenge Class are Michel Jourdain (CART), Roberto Guerrero, Pikes Peak record setters Rod Millen and Jeff Zwart, CART team owner Stefan Johansson and snowboard champ Tara Takides. It is a family sport, this years starting grid includes 88 brothers racing together, seven racing separately, also, there are 22 fathers racing with their sons and 13 fa. the"rs whose 15 sons are racing in separate vehicles. One family, the McMillins will have three generations in the race. Gorky McMillin, the patriarch, sons Mark and Scott and Scott's son, Andy will be dads co-driver. Some other father/son combos are: Larry Ragland & son Chad, Curt LeDuc & sons Mark and Kyle and Marty Coyne and son Travis. Other dad/son combos not rac-ing together include: Gus Vildosola and son Gus, Jr., Bob Gordon and son Robby, Dennis Hunter and son Jason, Bobby Baldwin and son B.J. and Perry McNeil and his son Perry, Jr., and, of course, the McMillins noted above. In 4-wheel competition, VW has produced. 12 overall winners, followed by Ford with 9, Chevy with 8, Pors.:he with 3, Toyota with 2 and Dodge with 1. Chas-sis winners, Chenowth has produced the chassis for 10 overall winners, Ford with nine, Chevy with 5, Toyota, Funco and Raceco have 2 each and Miller, Hi-Jumper, Dodge, Meyers Manx and Jimco each have 1 win. In Mo, torcycles, Honda has 13 overall victories, Husqvarna has 11, Kawasaki 9 and Yamaha 2. In it's 36 year history, the Baja 1000 has started 29 times in Ensenada and fin-ished 17 times in Ensenada. It has started three times in Mexicali, twice in Tijuana, once in Santo Tomas and once in Ojos Negros. It has finished 15 times in La Paz, twice in Mexicali, once in Ojos Negtos and once in Caho San Lucas. Lets hope this :year's race will be successful and safe. T ONY1S TOP TIPS -We received Tony's prediction s too late to get in the December issue, but we'll do a rundown on his picks, and how they faired in this issue. Stay tuned to Dusty Times for the latest on the Baja 1000. T OYOTA TRUE GRIT/MILESTONE AWARDS -The SCORE Baja 1000 is the final challenge for the 16 drivers who have finished the season's first five races and who are eligible for the Toyota Milestone Award and the seven drivers who are still eligible for the Toyota True Grit award. Toyota Milestone Awards Page 6 <> Rally Schools February 29, 2004 Ridgecrest Rally School Ray/Donna Hocker E.-Mail: TBA Thunderhill Rally School Greg Montgomery E.-Mail: September 18, 2004 Ridgecrest Rally School Mike/Paula Gibeault E.-Mail: CANNING ATTRACllONS P.O. Box 400, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CP.NT1tAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING AssoCIAnoN P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, so 57501 DAVE AD<,Ms (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (Bure,) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAJN V All.EY RActNo AssoclAnoN C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CumToN HI-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR · 1091 TwP. LINE Rcv.o WEU.SVU.LE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course offRoa,l Racing At Hamson Counr, Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CuJB AuroMOVILISTICA SANQuumN CALLE 6TA FAAcc Co. DE SAN QurNTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXIOO HERACUO PATINO (Oil 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AuroMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE SAN VICENT!! OFF RoAn ENSENAOA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CWB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOmtoAD CODE Offroad USA P.O.Box 2328 Calexico, CA 92231-2328 USA Phone 760-455-8069 Mexico Phone/Fax (011-52)686-553-4087 <> January 31, 2004 VW Autoparres 250 Laguna Salad, Mexicalli, BC, MX April 24, 2004 Grupo Tersa BFG 200 Sanfilipe, BC, MX June 12, 2004 Accesorios Amado Night Race Laguna Salada, BC, MX July 31, 2004 ORW Lazo de Amistad Gran Prix Tecate, BC, MX October 16. 2004 Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada, Mexicali, BC, MX December 11 2004 Rafce Ready Pr;;Jucts 275 Ensenads, Mexicali, San Felipe, BC, MX CoLORADO Hn.L Cmm AssoclAnoN BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDEITT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 0:>LOAADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXIOO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-5Ui5-66-4458 CORR 2004 LuCAS On SERIES 192 N. STATE Rcv.o, SUITE 267 AVON, lN 46123 317-272-2827/317,272-2900 FAX May 29-30, 2004 Dresser, W1 Pro/Sportsman June 12-13, 2004 January 2004 Antigo, W1 Pro/Sportsman June 26-27, 2004 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman July 10-11, 2004 Topeka, KS Pro & Sportsman August 14-lS, 2004 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September 4-S, 2004 Crandon, W1 Pro & Sportsman September 18-19, 2004 New Berlin, NY Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 5ACRAMENTO,CA95833 1-800-42 CORVA E>rr 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAl<ER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU aimts at Hannigan raa 'Tack, Bellingham, WA or 1lumton Counr, ORV Park, OlzmPia, WA) DAKAll RALLY DARREN SKIL10N BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AoVENTuRES 455 E. OcEAN BLvo., Sum 208 loNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAx: (562) 590-7925 l>ECAruR FoUB. WHl!EL DRIVE CLUB OECATIJR, TX 76234 ToMAu.EN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DFSERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 0:JMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, A2 86403 (928) 855-2208 ~Offi.RoADRAONGAssN. TOM DELAUDER. SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE Rcv.o WEU.SVlLLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENstNADAB.tJAOH'RoADRAaNG Av. REroRMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eusto 011-52-646-1715230 AARON . Ra= for bugg:,s & Motorczcks Esn:Ro BEACH INTmNATIONAL SHORT CoURSE. llA.CING VICTORIA GAUNDO ENsENADA, BAJA CAulORNlA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FwRIDA OFF ROAD IJRivER's AssN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Maz, Nov at David.son R=.iz F'uDPUCKER RACING Tl!AM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MoNTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959,579-6151 FAX 200,R•cfnB'. Schedule January 2S, 2004 Barking Spider Plaster City, West, CA ATVs-Bikes February 8, 2004 CheeseBurger Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes February 21, 2004 The King Plaster City East, CA ATVs -Bikes - Buggies• Trucks March 14, 2004 March Madness Plas~r City, East, CA ATVs-Bikes March 28, 2004 Tazamanik Plaster City East, CA ATVs -Bikes April 10, 2004 FRT 200 Buggies -Trucks April 2S, 2004 Kamakize Karnaklze Wash, CA ATVs -Bikes May9,2004 DezSprint . Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes May23,2004 Sweethearts Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes Date-TBD Off Road Warehouse Jacume, Baja, CA Buggies -Trucks October 9, 2004 C/M Nlte Team Race Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes October 23, 2004 Superstition 250 XXI Plaster City, East ATVs -Bikes -Buggies - Trucks November 6, 2004 0-38 Reunion Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes November7,2004 Notorious Dawg ATVs -Bikes December S, 2004 Rudolphs Revenge Superstitions, CA ATVs -Bikes GORRA GEORGIA Qpp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 . GPORRA GREAT Pz...wEs OFF RoADllA.CTNa AssOCIATION PAUL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 AU raas are short course, ,radium ,r,le. Claue, -Sportsman Buu:,, 1/2/5-1600, Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska R=.i, Park is just minute, wat ofOmaho., NE. <> HIGH PLAINS Qpp ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVE., #106 ENGI.EWOOD, CA 80110 PATRICK DRAPER 303-806-8062/303-781-0974 Fax OOERNATIONAL lcE RACING AssoclATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEOOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMonoNs, lNc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED llA.ClNG FOR STRE.ET LE.GAL JEEP CIIBROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 <> E.-MAu..: KAMI.oops BRONCO BuSTERS WmsPERING PtNEs SPORTS & REau!A.noN CPNTER P.O. Box 465 !<AMI.OOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAs VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OPPROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JeFFELRoo (408) 926-0522 JIM Alu.rrA (408) 2,47-4402 MAMAluuTA Ow ROAD RAaNG WIS OJu.os AI.VAPJ!:ZD PANAMERIC\NA AVE #5105 Co. JuARe:z, CH1H., MX 011-SZ..1637-1799 MionoAN BuooY BtmDERS IJuNE B UGGY TRADE. SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN Qpp ROAD CHAMPIONSIDPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Dusty Times

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MOIOrCJOOi Quads, ATVs and Pilots on!, MAORA MID-AMERICA ()pp R O AD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 &MAIL: <> Short Course Series** Endurance Series*** May 22, 2004** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park. Casey, IL May 23, 2004*** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park. Casey, IL June 13, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL June 26, 2004** Stone Cicy Ranch Bedford, IN June 27, 2004*** Stone City Ranch Bedford, lN July 17, 2004** Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, lL August 1, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL August 7, 2004*** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park. Casey, IL August 21, 2004** Stone City Ranch Bedford, IN September 4, 2004** Soggy Bottom Raceway Greenup, IL September 19, 2004** Charleston Speedway Charleston, IL October 2, 2004** Lincoln Trail Mtrsprts Park Casey, IL October 3, 2004*** Lincoln Mtrsprts Park. Casey, IL MOJAVE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoLTTH fa MONTE, CA 91733 626-44Z-9320/626-579-6051 FAx E-MA1L: February 7, 2004 Lucerne 250 Lucerne,CA April 3, 2004 Wild Wash 250 Barstow, CA May lS,2004 Ridgecrest 300 Ridgecrest, CA June 26, 2004 MDR400 Lucerne,CA August 14, 2004 Mojave 200 Barstow, CA Septe.mber 25, 2004 California 200 Night Race Lucerne CA November 20, 2004 Stoddard 250 Barstow CA M.O.R.E. HIGH l>EsERT CliAMPIONSJDP P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 760-253-4453 January 31, 2004 F /L Badlands 400 Lucerne,CA March 2 7, 2004 Balls Out 250 Barstow, CA May29,2004 KarTek 300 Lucerne,CA July 24, 2004 Freedom 250 Barstow, CA September 18 2004 Kar Tek Chillenge Lucerne,CA December 4, 2004 Holiday 200 Barstow CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 N1CHTINCALE OR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730.9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIALs SERIES B1u. MARKHAM Dusty Times (909) 860.1857 <> AU events at Prnis Raawa, (Ar Reed Valley with a school) N ATIONAL Muo RACING ASSN. RT. #l • Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TuFP TRUCK ASSN. BlJTCH CHAPIN MOTOIISPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET . HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucb, Quads (Spring Valley Racewa,, on rout~ 518, 20 minutes SW of Lubon, OH) (Thundc Valley locaud 15 minuus from Spring Valle,) N oRTHERN Omo OR R o AD RACJNGASSN. GARYWUI.R' (724) 283-2678 OPP RoAD Exro 2004 (626) 599-8622 OFF RoAD RAaNGAssoaAnON Vol.UN'TEERED SauEs PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TR!CE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - l/Z-1600 BRUCE MEYE!IS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Raw at Whee/mg in Int County 90() J\m.s) OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO May 14-16, 2004 Orange County Fairgrounds FOR BooTH INR:>RMATION CALI.! (714) 241-9055/FAX (714) 241-0821 Omo OPP RoADERS !Ne. 1427 GosHEN H1u.s Ro-.D S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 J!I\-I KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison Counr, Fai,xrounds. Cadit. Ohio ONTARIO OPP R OAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK T1CHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-081-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMEU-IAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE Moroa SPORTS U.S. ()pp ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PncESPE.AK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PlNE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OPP ROAD RACING CHATSWORrn, NJ (856) 875-7591 PRoTRuCK RACING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-0470 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICXETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 SAN Dn:Go SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tn«:l<.s, Desert Tnu:lc.s, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tn«:k . <> (858) 571-5088 SAN Drroo OR RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION ()p AMEm:CA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SCCA PRoRALLv P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS.66619 800-770.2055 <> January 30-31, 2004 Sno*Drift Atlanta,MI February 6-8-, 2004 Rally Perce-Neige Maniwalti Maniwaki, Quebec, Canada April 17-18, 2004 Oregon Trail Hillsboro, OR April 23-24, 2004 Pirelli International Rally Gateshead, England May 7-8, 2004 Rim Of The World Palmdale, CA May lS-16, 2004 Rally Of Wales Wrexham, England May 22-24, 2004 Bighorn Rally Edson, Alberra, Canada May 28-30, 2004 Rock.y Mountain Rally Calga.ry,Alberta,Canada June S, 2004 Susquehannock. Trail Wellsboro, PA June 11-13, 2004 Scottish International Rally Dumfties, Scotland June 11-12, 2004 Pacific Forest Rally MeTTitt, British Columbia, Canada June 24-26, 2004 Peak International Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO July 2-4, 2004 Jim Clark. Memorial Rally Berwickshire, Scotland July 2-3, 2004 Rallye Baie Des Chaleurs New Richmond, Quebec, Canada July 30-31, 2004 Maine Forest Rumford, Maine July 30.August 1, 2004 Manx International Rally Castletown, Isle Of Mann August 27-28, 2004 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 3-4, 2004 Ulster Rally Belfast, Northern Ireland September 10.11, 2004 Rally Defi Ste-Agathe/Duhamel Sainte-Agathe, Quebec September 16-19, 2004 Rally Great Britain Wales, England SepteJ.Dber 24-26, 2004 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 2-3, 2004 Track.rod Rally Yorkshire, England October 16-17 ,2004 Lak.e Superior Houghton, Ml October 20.24, 2004 Rally International de Charlevoix La Malbaie, Quebec October JO.November 1, 2004 Tempest South Of England Rally Aldershoc, England November 6-7, 2004 Hean Of Dixie Pro Rally Preview and Awards Southeastern USA November 19-20, 2004 Rally Of The Tall Pines Bancroft, OnWio Canada SPX MOTORSPORTS Ga.oUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <www> January lS-16, 2004 Laughlin SCORE Deserr Challenge Laughlin, CA 4 Wheel Classes Only February 27-28, 2004 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja CA Motorcycles/ ATVs Included Date To Be Announced MORE Happenings· page 61 January 2004 ar e presented t o all SCORE off Toad competitors in the professional four wheel classes who complete every re-quired mile in the s ix race desert series. Non factory backed competitor s in classes 1/2-1600, 5, 10 and SCORE Lites who finish every required mile in t h e six race series, and have the largest cumulative point total in each class, split the $12,000 Toyota True Grit Awa rd prize fund. Seven competitors remain eligible for the award. The awards w ill be presented at the SCOR E Awards N ight to be held at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino. (Call SCORE for banquet details) Eligible for the Toyota True Grit awards are: Eric Allen, James Golden a n d Brian Jeffer y in 1/2-1600, Vic Bruckman and Brian Ickier in SCORE Lites, George Seeley Jr. in C lass 5 and Steve Meyers in Class 10. Still eligible for the Toyota Milestone Awards are: Tim Herbst, Trophy Truck, Jason Lakin, 5-1600, John Griffin, Stock Full, Ron Brant, Dale Ebberts, Troy Herbst, Mark Weyhrich, C lass 1, Fernando Flores, Class 11 and Alan Pfleuger, Protruck. Dusty Times will announce the winners as soon as we hear it officially from Toyota. P ROPILE • L ES UNGER • Les Unger, National Mo torsports Manager, Toyota Motor Sales, USA has been in his position for 23 years and although those of us in the off road community think of Les, Toyota, Ivan Stewart all in one breath, but Toyota, and Les Unger are involved in so many race series and ven-ues that it almost defies description. Les oversees Toyota activities in the IRL, NASCAR Goody's Dash Series, the NASCAR Grand Am Series, the Pikes Peak Hillclimb, they were active in IMSA, CART, NHRA, the Mickey Thompson Stadium Series, SCORE, CORR, and the list goes on and on. Toyota is entering the NASCAR Truck Series in 2004. The Toyota Tundra is manufactured in Indiana and a billion dollar new plant is to be built in San Antonio in 2006, just to make the Tundra. Engin e design and developmen t is done by TRD, Toyota Racing Development , with a coupl e of hundred people in 125,000 square feet of buildings innovate the design, developmen t and manufacture of Toyota racing engines. And, guess what, Les Unger is involved with all these activities and is certainly a busy, busy guy. The off road community would like to thank Les for paying so much attention to the guys in the dirt and hope his career continues on the successful path it now enjoys. 0 UR Bovs I N NASCAR - The 2003 season is over and our three off roaders didn't have the best of seasons, well, one did, but even his could have been better. Jimmy Johnson fared best of all, second in point standings in Winston Cup, 3 wins, 14 top 5 fin-ishes, 20 top 10 f inishes and over five and a half mil-lion dollars in earnings. Robby Gordon had a decent season, 16th .in points, 2 wins, 4 top 5 finishes, 10 top 10 finishes and three million, seven hundred thousand in winnings. In the Craftsman Truck Series, Brendan Gaughan ended up fourth in points, t hat was a tragedy, Br e ndan had six wins, 14 top 5 finishes, 18 top 10 fin-ishes and Br endan won more than seven h undred fifty thousand dollars . Congrats to ou r three heroes and es-pecially to Brendan, we watched t h e last race on TV and , in spite of all the heartache, you s ir, a re your par-ents own ch ild, a class act. TONY'S TIPS REVISITED• Reading Tony's Tips a fe w weeks ago a n d checkin g his picks against the ac tual winne rs was a lon g and pleasant dive rsion . Here's h o w it stands: Trophy Trucks• Mar k Miller wo n , To ny had him listed at 3 to 1, a stro n g performe r. Class 1 • D o u g Fortin t ook the win, Tony h a d h im listed a t 4 to 1. C lass 1/2-1600 -Cameron Steele took t h e win, Tony h ad him listed at 3 to 1. Pr oTruck • Matt Scaroni won, Tony had h im a t 3 to 1. Class 3 • Don Moss wo n , To ny had him a t 4 t o 1. Class 5-1600 -Marcos Nunez, To ny had him a t 3 to 1. C lass 7 • Craig Turner took t h e win, To ny had h im a winner at 3 t o 1. C lass 7S • Bob Graha m won, Ton y had him a winner at 3 t o 1. Class 8 • David Sykes won , To ny pegged h im the winne r at 2 t o 1. C lass 9 • Eric Fisher won, Tony had him a winner a t 3 t o l. C lass 10 • Kory Halopoff won, To ny had h i m at 3 t o 1. SCOR E Lites• Bria n Ickie r won, To ny had him at 3 to 1. Stock Full • Chad Hall took the win, Ton y had him pegged at 2 to l. All in all, Tony, who puts in a lot of time on t hese predictions didn't do too bad, consid-e ring all the possibl e things that can and do go wrong on a long desert race. Keep it up Tony!!!!!!!!!!!! S CCA MAJOR ANNOUNCEMEN T • SCCA a n nounced on December 2 that Sue Robinson , who was a ma jor player for a long time in the California Rally mort TRAIL NOTES on page 61 Page 7

Page 8

36TH ANNUAL SCORE BAJA 1000 Fortin and Townsley Do It Again B, Jud, Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Steve Hengeveld, Johnny Campbell and Andy Grider fairly flew their Honda XR650R across the Baja terrain, to take the overall victory in a time of 16:39:52. that road became so silty that Chevrolet. Right behind Pflueger many thought it would be a traf-was Brian Collins in another fie jam in the race. Therefore, Chevy, and he was apparently the Fish had them tum inland about first to come to grief. In 10 miles earlier, at a fish camp, Pflueger's dust he missed the onto a road that led right back ramp up and out of the wash, got up to Highway 1 a few miles north all sideways and ended up hung of Catavina. Tha:t meant there up on the canal, "like a bill-was a 41 mile section of pavement board.• Eventually he was freed . down to Rancho Chapala, where up and went on, but some inter-they turned eastward again, to nal damage caused him to lose Coco's Corner, and the road to one transmission after another, Puertecitos. That was a very fast and so at Valle Trinidad, 118 section. After Puertecitos, it was miles and three transmissions north to San Felipe, up the old into the race, Collins was fin-well worn trails to the west of ished. Ken and Don Moss had some tough competition this year, but even with a broken spring and a broken axle they managed to bring their Bronco back as the Class 3 winner. Highway 5, then westward along Larry Ragland was also out Highway 3, onto the highway early in his Chevy. Ragland, his again at Matias Pass, and at the compression fracture (which oc-Goat Trail, back up to the out-curred in the September Primm bound trail for the final 105 race) apparently healed, was mo-miles. In general, the successful coring along feeling comfortable (finishing) racers liked the course until just before the Goat Trail, because it included a wide variety when he lost the left-front corner of types of terrain. There was of his truck. Bob Shepard had a Doug Fortin, Jr. and Charlie car with Buddy Feldkamp and jumps at the east end of T-shirt Townsley teamed their Baja know-Joh·nny Unser was set to pilot a how and fine honed driving skills Stock Mini truck with Bob Land. to bring their V4 Chevy powered In the Baja Challenge class the Jimco buggy to the finish line as "crossovers" included Rod the first overall in the car/truck Millen, Jeff Zwart, Roberto classes. Their time was 16:24:02 Guerrero, Michel Jourdain, St., for the 808 mile race. T hey were, and motorsports announcer Paul in fact, second only to the overall Page. Jesse James, the oddball fab-winning Honda of Johnny Camp- . ricator turned TV celebrity, also bell and Steve Hengeveld. drove on~ of the Baja Challenge This year's race was an as- vehicles. rounding event. There seemed to A nd as if all that wasn't be more of everything. There were enough to add excitement, Mario more miles than usual for a loop Andretti was named the Grand race, and then, because there was Marshall and he flagged off the. more silt than anyone had seen first several vehicles. ln addition for a while, a course change to that Andretti actually braved added even more miles. Sal Fish the crowds and walked through flew down just days before the the contingency line, graciously race was to start to scope out and chatting with fans and signing mark a way around the area the autographs endlessly. He was a big pre-runi;ters were complaining hit. about. The new section added 40 And there were more fans. miles, bringing the total to a helty Since Thursday, November 20th 808. was a national holiday, there was There were more celebrities, or no school in Ensenada. There was "crossover" racers. Since all the a huge parade, there were mas-other racing series had ended ear- sive traffic jams, and everybody lier in November, drivers from and his family came out for the other areas of motorspor.ts had parade and to see the race cars in time to try "the Baja•. Jimmy contingency. It was wall-to-wall Vasser was back to race in Class 1 people from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. with Mike and Robbie Groff, closing time. There was a live Robby Gordon had a new Tro-band up on a towering band-phy Truck ready to go. Brendan stand, and there were daredevil Gaughan was driving a Class 1 motorcycle riders making scary row. There was even more sunshine than usual. The typical morning Ensenada fog didn't materialize for the duration, and the warm sunshine added a glow to the ac-tivities. enough of everything to more or problem involving a sticky The course ran on old famil- less level the playing field. But it throttle on his Ford. and he was iar roads out of Ensenada, did seem as if the silt beds tipped out at Valle de Trinidad, choos-through Ojos Negros and Tres the odds against the limited cars. ing not to get involved in the Hermanos, crossing Highway 3 at There were silt beds between lengthy repair process that would K78, then past Jamau and down Santo Domingo and Arenoso, have been necessary. Also out very the Goat Trail to the highway. At and again right after coming off early were Marco Guzman, Steve that point it turned westward, the highway. Then as they worked Sourapas and his Ford and Mark through Valle de Trinidad aQd their way down to the beach there Ottersberg. But that left 17 trucks up to Mike's Sky Ranch, then were some small silt holes, and in still running. · over and down hill, always south-the area of Punta Canoa there Many of them had spent a few westward, past El Coyote, and were a couple of big ones, fol-frustrating moments stopped on after winding through the foot• lowed by another near the fish Highway 3 between race miles 12 hills, coming out on Highway 1 camp where the cars turned and 19. The local police, appar-at K168, near Santo Domingo. northward. So a racer who ently determined to prevent The racers then immediately avoided one trap could easily be speeding on this section of pave-turned eastward and headed back caught in the next one. Some re• ment, had set up all the accouter-up into the empty hills, on an ported being stuck several times. ments of a roadblock. They had entirely new section of race-Along with all the other extras several cars and at least one tow course. Eventually they came to at this event, there were more Tro-truck at the ready. As the Trophy the plateau where the boojums phy Trucks than had ever entered Trucks appeared on the scene the grow, and came out at Highway 1 before. A grand total of 24 of cops decided they were speeding again, at Arenoso. After a brief them took the green flag. But it and stopped them. All of them. pavement stretch, they turned off was a tough go for some of them. Ragland, who started 14th in the the.highway near Guayaquil, and They started at about 9:30 a.m., line-up came around a curve and ran out to the bench at Punta giving the bikes and quads a good saw all those stopped vehicles, Canoas. Then it ran south along head start (and about three more lights flashing, tow truck nearby the shore. Originally they went all hours of daylight than the rest of and thought there'd been a hor-the way to a road that would take the racers got) and Alan Pflueger rib le accident. The racers in-them into Laguna Chapala, but was first off the line in his new volved felt as if they'd been there ;;;.:...;:_;__:....::....~-=-=-=--..:....:...._...!.....;.:,:.:....::.....:....:... ____________ __, for 20 minutes to a half hour, but when their times are com-pared to others, it seems they must have been held no more than 10 minutes. And some were there even less time. Ragland thinks he lost only about three minutes -because he did stop also. When the cops were through doing whatever they did, they flagged all the vehicles off at the same time. Darren Skilton and his Kia had been among those Doug Fortin, Jr. and Charlie Townsley made "patience• their key word, had no Eric Rsher, Antonio Valenzuela and Isaac Chapluk, in a Garibay Challenger, had problems, beyond being stop~ by the police, and took the overall car/truck win only two flats and a broken bat/joint all day. and took the Class 9 win. in their v4 Chevy Jimco. -stopped, and since he'd forgot• ten his license had apparently roused the ire of the police. They parked their vehicle right in front of him, so that even when they let everyone else go, he was unable to leave with the Trophy Trucks, but had to wait for his chance Pages January 2004 Dusty Times

Page 9

'I Spencer. Garty, Kelly and cart Beal, Brian Sherry, Craig Duke, and Ron Brant and Richard Boyle had an eventful day, including being Ernesto and Adolfo Arambula had the 5-1600 lead for a while, but a Brent Bates all shared the driving in this Class 3 Nissan Pathfinder. stopped for speeding, but brought their Chevy powered Jimco back broken torsion bar dropped them to third place. _Th_e'-'-y'--fin_is_h_ed_ th_i_rd_. ________________ _in_fi_ou_rt_h__,p'-l_ac_e_,_·n_Cl_a_s_s_1_. _____________ _ until the last of the Class 1 cars Mark Miller had to have some Ikuo Hanawa, from Japan, in his reason, the markings had gone Valle de Trinidad area when he left. Shortly after that his motor work done on his power steering good looking new V8 Toyota missing in some sections. They'd couldn't find markers. In fourth went down to three cylinders, and before Ojos. There was still a close single-seat mid-engine truck. probably been taken as souvenirs it was a very cold Ashley and Dan after a bit if quit. He worked on pack, and it was clear the race Robby Gordon had been stuck by the locals in the Valle· de Smith and then larry Job and B.J. it for a while and got it to run wasn't going to be won easily. in the silt in his Chevy, and so Trinidad area, and again, beyond Baldwin were fifth in Baldwin's again, but by then he was down By the time they'd done the had Travis Coyne in his Ford. Ojos Negros. It was hard for the truck. Job reported he'd had to over two and a half hours, and run along the beach and up to Scott Steinberger was having tired drivers to pick out the right stop in the area near the dump with another race coming up in a •the highway again, things had some kind of time-consuming roads. · at San Felipe and get medical help couple of weeks, decided to save changed. Then, from Catavina to problem that cost him a couple But they found their way back, for his passenger, Adam Wik, the truck for that, so he turned Puertecitos must have seemed like of hours, and his co-driver, Jesse and at just about 2 a.m., Ryan who'd been hit by a thrown rock. off toe course. pure fun. It was 42 miles of pave- Jones was trying hard to catch up. Arciero piloted Miller's Chevy Adam suffered serious injury to At Santo Domingo, 204 miles ment, and then about 100 miles They charged through across the finish line. They'd had his jaw, and at least one tooth, along the way, the lead belonged of very fast, good dirt roads with Puertecitos late at night, fighting a relatively clean day with just that but was reported to be recover-to Hiram Ibarra, in a Ford. He only a few laces that required slow-the wind, and then fought the early power steering trouble and ing nicely several days after the had less than a minute on B.J. ing down. At Puertecitos Marie terribly rough road up past San a couple of flats. Arciero said it Baldwin, in the Ford he bought Miller and Ryan Arciero had put Felipe to the point where the was "so roughn on much of his recently from Darnen Jefferies. themselves and their Chevy into course turned westward and section. Their time of 16:28:42 Jerry Whelchel was third in Marie the lead solidly. They had an av-smoothed out. They had a little wasn't enough to win the overall Post's Ford and Tim Herbst had erage speed for that section of 74 respite from the rough, but as truck and car standings, but it his Ford in fourth place, still un-miles per hour. About 24 min-they climbed westward and up-put them 59 minutes in front of happy about having been utes behind them ran Gus Vildo-ward the weather turned colder second place. That was Tim and stopped by the police. Gary sola, followed by Marie Post. Larry and colder. Ashley tried to adjust Ed Herbst, still fuming about be-Dircks was fifth in his Ford. Dave Job was next, in Baldwin's Ford, his radio and found his fingers ing stopped by the cops. They'd Ashley had already replaced a and then came Dave Ashley who had gone too stiff to work the also lost a driveline about mid-steering box and ram. on his could feel the strong winds trying dial. way through the day. Vildosola Ford, while Rob MacCachren to move his truck around on the The final 107 miles was the and MacCachren were third; Vil-had stuck Gus Vildosola's Ford road. By now Enrique Legaspy same as the first 107 on the out-dosola chagrined and disheart-in a ru.t for about 20 minutes. had dropped our and so had bound trip, but now, for some ened because he'd been lost in the Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bel/agio, Caesars & Baily's ~\,.,.11,,,,~l,,.J,.J,...o ~ @~1f Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 The Place Las Vegans Gall Home™ West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 January 2004 race. In sixth place it was Curt, Todde and Kyle LeDuc. Curt re-ported having been stuck in his · Ford on the beach for a while. In seventh it was Post and Whelchel who'd lost a driveline, and then in the whoops near San Felipe had the tops blow off their rear shocks. Eighth place went to Ibarra, whose brother Alberto did the middle section. Their truck, which used to belong to Continued on page 10 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and A Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 · Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~~ .... ,t.· ' Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 Page9

Page 10

Billy Bunch, John and Matt Kearney and Rich Mings shared the driving in their Jeep, which ran with the Class 3 cars and finished In second place. Brian Burgess had Dave and Bill Gasper help him drive his new Porter. and in spite of some odd problems, finished fifth in the competitive 1600 class. David Callaway, John Holmes and Scott Mapes teamed In a Dunrite, and even with a rollover. finished third in the SCORE Lite class. were about eight hours behind ev-day, thm found themselves back eryone else at Catavina, and then in very dusty traffic. Because of didn't make it to Puertecitos in that it had gone dark on them their Jimco Chevy. And Corky· before they got to where their McMillin, who'd already re-lightswerewaitingforthem.Near placed one transmission and was · the end of their trip the second way off the pace, now lost the re-trans was-slipping also, so they'd placement transmission and-had to baby it a bit. Daniel Fresh drove all the way in his Jeep Comanche, had to rebuild his front end after hitting a booby trap, and took the Class 7SX win. -Herzog, had radiator problems all day and for a while was stalled on the course. Nick Baldwin and Ryan Thomas finished ninth in Baldwin's Ford. They'd been stuck and had some flats. In tenth it was Travis and Marty Coyne, reporting being stuck and a bunch of flats. Marty was happy to finally be finishing a Baja 1000. Alan Pflueger, who had Dan Ragland driving the middle section , was 11th saying he was "disappointed" that they didn't do better in their debut race in this class. They'd lost both a trans-mission and a front end. But he said, they'd learned a great deal." Richard Hoffman stuck his Chevy a few times, and co-driver Jeff Hoskins stuck it also. The motor was going away towards the end, and they were having to add oil, but still finished 12th. Steinberg-er and Jones were the final finish-ers, 13th and a weary Jones, ex-plaining that they'd spent 14 hours working on a mystery mo-tor problem, said their troubles were "the worst kind - just de-mons." Gary Dircks got to within the final 102 miles and then didn't make it and Robby Gor-don did the same. He'd changed his rear tires, and either the nuts hadn't been properly tightened, or they'd been boogered some-how, with the result that they came off down the road and a wheel spit off also, tearing off a shock as it went. Class 1 enjoyed a starting field of24 cars also, but didn't finish even half. One of the top contend-ers for the season points, Chuck Hovey, was sidelined by what his crew called a "flu-like" ailment that had him flat on bis back. So he didn't even start. Of the bal-ance, most got through the first nasty 110 miles or so, except for Dan Martin in his J imco, Bobby · Baldwin in a Bunderson Chevy and Alberto Coppola in a Mark-ing Chevy. When they go to Santo Domingo Mark and Gary Weyh-rich had their Chevy Jimco in front by just about a minute. Dale Ebberts ran second in his Toyota Jimco, and in third it was Scott McMillin, in a Jimco Chevy, who'd lost a trailing arm bolt and part of bis power steering already. Doug Fortin, Jr. ratt fourth in his four cylinder Chevy Jimco, fol-lowed by Kash Vessels in Bob Gordon's Toyota powered Chen-owth. Gordon had decided not to race, so Andrew Wehe was scheduled to do the second half. But the car didn't make it to the next pit. At Catavina Scott McMillin's Mostly all from Oklahoma, the team of Jack Glazener. Carl and John Becker, Steve Grijalva, Reid Ehlenburg, Bill Painter, Randy Tabler, Raff McDougal and Marty Beale all drove their Mirage buggy to the Sportsman Buggy win and had fun doing it. Page 10 car was in front. His 16 year old son Andy drove part of the middle section. Fortin had moved up to second place. He lacer said he'd had a lot of traffic, and was just "tryin' to be patient." In third now it was Todd Jergenson's Cadillac powered Smithbuilt, and in fourth, Ron Brant in a Jimco Chevy. He'd been one of those stopped on the highway for "speeding", as had Fortin. Ebberts' co-driver, Ernie Castro, Jr. was now in fifth place, having had some lug nut problems. Weyhrich had dropped out of the race, for reasons unknown, and the team of Buddy Feldkamp and Brendan Gaughan in Feldkamp's Chevy Penhall, was also out. The Mike and Robby Groff Chevy J imco never made it to Jimmy Vasser, and Dan Myers' Jimco Chevy was also out. As was Jeff Darland's Jimco Chevy. Troy Herbst's Truggy b roke at about Mile 365, got a tow to a pit and was found to have a broken har-monic balancer. They radioed and phoned for parts and a chase truck took off to deliver them, bu t reportedly blew a motor about five miles in. The parts were handed off to one of the McNeil trucks (#74) who took a very long time to get there (possibly having been buried in the silt for a while). The parts were not quite identical to the broken ones, but they worked, at least for a while. Larry Roeseler, who was driving at the time of the breakdown, left the pit on Saturday morning at about 8 a.m., but he never checked in at Catavina or any-where else. At Puertecitos it was still the McMillins in front, but Fortin's co-driver, Charlie Townsley, had closed the gap a bit with an aver-age speed of 73.9 mph for the section. Mike Voyles, in Jergensen's car, was third, Rich-ard Boyle was fourth in Brant's car and Castro and Ebberts were fifth, and their OPS wasn't work-ing right. Mike Julson and Bob Lofton called it a day in his Chenowth Brian Parkhouse and Rick Chevy. Cameron Thieriot, driv-Wilson were eighth, and when ing the first Robby gordon chas-Rick took sick, his brother sis, powered by a Chevy, appar-Ronny, after finishing the stint in enrly had new-car problems, fell his car, got in to finish Rick's and back, and got to Puertecitos very Brian's car. About two miles be-late (probably his co-driver, Glen fore the finish some nasty specta-Harris, by then) but then didn't tors threw a coil of barbed wire get to Jamau on the return leg. at them. It coiled around their Townsley crossed the finish rear trailing arms and got all line at about 2:08 a.m., to take caught up in. everything at the first place for himself and For-back of the car. At the finish line tin. He reported that there'd it took them a half hour to cut it been a lot of dust, and in the late all out. John Marking and Danny stages, some fog mixed in. He also Anderson were ninth. Anderson reported missing.course markers had been stuck in silt for about on the late stretches. They'd had five hours. He did a lot of shovel-no mechanical problems at all ing and someone finally helped and he said he was ready "to go tow him out. Other than that another 200 miles." When the they had no problems and Mark.-timers/score-keepers had worked ing was really happy to get a fin-their formulas, it was discovered ish. Valerio Gonzalez and Juan that Fortin and Townsley had Cota paired up to place 10th in taken the car/truck overall by their Toyota powered Jimco. They four minutes. said they had lots of trouble, with Scott and Andy McMillin were tires, and being lost and stuck. second, just shy of an hour alter. And in 11th it was Stuart Chase In third it was the team of Dale and Billy Robertson, who had Ebberts, Ernie Castro, Jr., and lengthy problems late in the day. driving the final section, Darren Chase made the quotable quote Ebberts. About 11 minutes be-of the day, saying "the silt was hind them it was Brant and outstanding!" -Boyle. Boyle had lost a spark The Class 10 cars were next to plug, so set the idle up really high go. They didn't have as big a to keep it running, and conse- group, but the racing was intense. quently found it hard to shift. George Erl, in Steve Myers' Forty minutes later Jergensen and Toyota powered Jimco was the Voyles were fifth. Voyles said he'd only one to be out before the lost his rear suspension over by Goat Trail. The rest went through San Felipe, the roughest part of in good order with Kory Halo-the course. In sixth place it was poff, in his Honda powered Ronny and Randy Wilson in Henry's Chassis, in the lead. In their Chevy VS J imco. They'd lost fact his time war a hair better than about an hour and a half being the Trophy Trucks and Class I stuck, and said the drivers had cars (probably because of the fi-all helped each other get unstuck. asco with the cops on the high-The seventh place finishers were way). Eli and Lobsam Yee, in a Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt, Honda powered J imco, were in a'ChevyChenowth. They'd lost-three minutes back in second a transmission very early in the place, and Carlos Cortez ran third three minutes later in his Kreger Porsche. Fourth belonged to Will Higman in a Kreger VW, and in · fifth it was Dave Mason in Mar-tin Christensen's Jimco BMW. Kenny Freeman, driving his first Baja 1000, in a four seat pre-run-ner VW powered Bunderson, was ticketed for upassing over the yel-low line." At Guayaquil, in spite of tak-ing the wrong trail for six miles and having to double back, Halo-poff still led, now with nine min-utes on the Yees. In third place it was Jim Anderson and Guy Evans in a VW Dunrite, and in fourth it was the Higman car. Will's dad, Jerry, drove the middle section. Robert Graham and Mike Horner. in a Toyota Tacoma, had inconsistent power Rick Ellison and Bill Hernquisr steering, but managed to stay in front for the Class 7S win. had their Chenowth Honda up January 2004 Dusty Times

Page 11

Matt and Jim Christensen, David Hite and Marty F/Olka teamed in Martin Christensen and Dave Mason drove their BMW powered The father and son t88ITI of Rudy and Carlos Cortez piloted their this Baja Challenge car, were stuck in the silt for a long time, but still Jimco to fourth place in Class 10, atterlosing a lotoftime with trailing Kreger chassis car to third place In Class 10 atterrepalring a spindle managed second place. arm repair. problem. to fifth, about an hour behind left Anderson and Eva==n~s~i;..:n:!:t:ih:;.;e_--;C:::,:-o-=-co-::-,:'s-,:.C-:o:-:r::n--:e--::r-,--:a--::n:-d:,:-w::,hr-::-en=--'hi:"-::-er====--===========:::;;;;;;;;;;:;;a== the lead car. lead as they headed into the home-later came upon a chase vehicle In the next section, along the stretch, with about a half hour crosswise to the course, he found silty beach section, Halopoff had on Halopoff and Letner, who'd himself stuck.. A friendly specta-to struggle with a rock. suck in his come up to second. The Higmans tor towed him out, then released throttle for a while, and the Yees were now third, the Cortes faro- the tow strap and just tossed it went into the lead. And as they ily was fourth and Christensen into Bradley's back seat area. (Re-arrived at Puertecitos they were and Mason were fifth. member, this was a four seat pre-still in front, with about five min-Anderson and Evans came to runner, with the back seats re-utes on Anderson and Evans. grief in the final few miles. Their moved.) The tow strap bounced They had 40 minutes on Harley transmission was stuck in two around and ultimately dangled Letner, who drove the second half gears and nothing they could do outside the cage, got tangled up of the race with his cousin. In would free it up. They sat there in moving parts, and tore a c.v. fourth it was the Higmans, only parked an d frustrated and boot, ripped a brake line knoclc.ed four minutes back. Ellison and watched the rest of the class go off a valve cover and did various Hernquist were fifth. The Cortez by. Letner and Halopoff took the and sundry other damages. But car lost a lot of time when they victory, shivering from cold, but they got things repaired well lost a lower spindle bolt. And happy to get the'win. In second it enough to make it to the finish early in the day Christensen and was the Higmans, a little over an for fifth place. Mason had lost two and a half hour later. The Cortez team was The Protrucks were the next hours repairing their left rear then almost four hours later in group to take off. At the BFG pit trailing arm as they went through third place, and Christensen and at Jamau, Rick D. Johnson had Valle de Trinidad the first time. Mason were fourth. Last in the his Ford in the lead, but with less They said that "hauntedn them class to finish was Kenny than two minutes on Matt Sca-the rest of the way,. Freeman's car. Scott Smith and roni in another Ford. Rick L. Doug Granger and Richard Czerlau brought their Jeep down from Ganada, and with some help from friendly locaJs, took the win in the Sportsman Truck class. getting going again. The Yees lost their motos in Tommy Bradley had shared the Johnson had his Toyota in third, the next section, and Ellison and driving with him. Bradley had 21 seconds further back, and Hernquist disappeared also. That blown reverse and the clutch at Gary Magness, also a Ford, was fourth, just under a minute later. In fifth it was Dan Hunt, about eight minutes further back, in another Ford. Al Hogan, in still another Ford, had rolled over at Mile 30 on the pavement and lost about an hour and 40 minutes Rick D. Johnson lost his mo-tor in the next section and was gone for the day. But at Guayaquil, Mile 324, Scaroni had moved into the lead, with Continued on p191 12 ultimate long travel Get tl,e benefits ol Oflf Long Trav,I syst• and 3"' lilt spades, aeating 6" of lilt for /natdibl, groimd dearatKe. 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Dusty Times I / 8th' thldt plale and tubular Inner stnldunl. 1990-94 ford,,.,,., y · performance sustem Our exmuled radius anns are olfsel fw1her Inboard offm1ng in<nased tire cll!arance and 4' mon, whl!1!! traVl!l Dual Shodc System 2 shocks per fronl whee~ adds high perfonnancl! dampening. ext-"' ,.,,.s -s Our extended radius arms are of!set further Inboard for !ninased tire cleannca. Ranger models shown, which lndude new plVol IIUlllDls. 1991-.. '°" ,.,,,,,., z.s · performance sustem 2.5' of lift wHh a 2' ina'l!ase In wheel traVl!l 1913·81 ClO y • Jong travel sustem lilves you the needed cll!arance for 33' tall l1res. January 2004 angled spare tire mount Conslruded using I 1 / 4' smel tubing and MIG welded al the Johm In, long lasting strength and durability. ~ ---._/ flat 0 \ spare tire mount 1' stamped .'. ~ Ourv;!!:!01!:!'! ~ tabs simplify your fabrication needs. OR E-MAIL US AT Page 11

Page 12

Jeff Dickerson and Jim Nuckles were stopped by the police, stuck in the silt and had alternator trouble, but still took third in the Protruck class in their Ford. Brothers Hiram, Eric and Ivan Duran had a long, hard day in their Dale Ebberts and Ernie Castro, Jr. added Darren Ebberts to their Neth, but after electrical problems and getting lost they ended their team for this long event, and finished they day 3" in Class 1 in their about 30 minutes on Rick L. Johnson's Toyota. Jeff Dickerson and Jimmy Nuckles, in yet one more Ford, were third and Magness was fourth. Dickerson had lost about 20 minutes early day in sixth place. _To"""yo_ta""'po.___we.....,..."_ed__,,.J_im_co_ . ---~----------on when the police stopped him. some of the mid-section of the who'd been stuck and replaced a Trucks were stuck in the same Magness had a leaky radiator course, and also moto-cross ace driveshaft. He was over two hours area. Magness and co-driver, Steve hose and had been stuck once. Ricky Johnson (yep • the third in front of Dickerson and Knudsen, were still coming along Hunt disappeared for unknown Rick Johnson in this class-all un- Nuckles. Nuckles had been stuck. in fourth place, and Hogan was reasons. related). At Catavina they had in the silt, but said he "didn't feel also moving right along. Scaroni let his dad, Steve take about 20 minutes on Rick L., bad" because a couple of Trophy Matt Scaroni got back in to Pro Farce Air • Significantly outflows other "blower type' helmets --• NOT a converted motorcycle helmet• \. ~ e ltghl\Ye1ght Composite Shell "--" ~ .9 9. 9 9 eSnell SA-2000 Automotive Rated ~~ • Fire Resistant lntenor Sp•cial wl FREE ._ _________ ...,._ H•lm•t Bag ·I.! LOWRANCE liP!!i !iysteni• • BN-J & Color Displays • 2· to 10.4• Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performance Radio Sylltem■ e 126 10 250 Channels .so to 110 Watts of Transm1tt1ng Power! eAlphanumenc D1g11at Display e3 Year Warranty •Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards Page 12 19.i!V Cardle§§ Impact Kit • ½" Dnve • 216 ft.-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available 1l CDMIKLINICATION !!iOUJnON!i FDR RAClNli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base $talion Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135. 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options • BAJA PROVEN ~ 1:::Taol January 2004 do the finish stretch, stayed in front, and took the win. He had raced a night race in the Fud se-ries only a couple of weeks before for night driving practice, and said it had definitely helped. In second place, just 12 minutes back, were Rick L. and co-driver Nils Castillo. Castillo had re-corded an average speed of 64 miles per hour from Catavina to Puertecitos, the fastest time there for this class, but it hadn't quite closed the gap. Dickerson and Nuckles were third, four hours later, Nuckles saying "that's the longest time I've ever been in a truck!" In fourth it was Magness and Knudsen, followed in by Wally Hrdlicka, in a Ford. Sixth place went to Hogan, who soloed. When he crossed the finish line it wasn't immediately apparent what kind of vehicle it was, since most of his body panels were miss-ing after the early roll-over. He had a time of 29:13:24, a good job after a hard roll-over. The Class 8 trucks went next. Six of them started, but only two managed to get all the way around. David Sykes had the early lead in his Chevrolet, with about eight minutes on Ramsey El Wardani in Kurtis Kupiec's Chevrolet. In third it was Todd Wyllie, in another Chevy, only six minutes further back. Beny Canela and his Ford were out so early they didn't get that first 102 miles done. Ar Santo Domino Sykes still led and now he had 16 minutes on El Wardani, who'd had a brake problem. Chris Wilson had taken over for him. Wyllie wa$ still third. Jeff Broughton and Dan Knight, in a Ford, had also dis-appeared by now. And before they could get to another pit, El Wardani, Wilson and Kupiec were also out, victims of a bro-ken balljoint. At Guayaquil, Mile 324 things had changed. Jeff Stowers and Rodd Fantelli had their Ford in the lead, with only 11 minutes on Sykes who'd been stuck several times and also lost a brake fitting. Wyllie was still third but was now five hours down after sliding off the course in a sticky location. Stowers and Fantelli disap-peared in the next section and Sykes was back in the lead at Catavina, with Wyllie and his co-driver, Mark Julius a distant sec-ond. Sykes gave the truck to Dave Westhem, and he proceeded to drive steadily to the finish with no flat tires, no "stucks", and no problems at all. He said it was a long "boring" ride. They got the Dusty Times

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Jose Estolano, Mundo Fernandez and Daniel Gutierrez had a pretty Rod Hall and his co-driver, Mike Winkel, had some balljoint and brake lkuo Hanawa brought his new Toyota Trophy Truck over from Japan clean day in their Jimco, but got Jost and were also held up in a traffic line problems, but in general they had a good day, and were third in for its debut, and looked good for a while, but did not get to the finish jam caused by a chase truck. They were ?I in 1-2/1600. _S_toc_ k,-Fi_u-,11._--=---:----=----=----::---,,----,-----=----=-_lin-=e.,.... ----=--=-----,--,----:--=-----,---.__---win. W_yllie's co-driver also did a At Guayaquil Ickier was back Sandoval said it was "so fun -the the truck still moved along at a Neil in front with Lothringer and fine job, bringing the truck safely in the lead, followed by Honold's best 1000 course we've ever had!" good clip. Siewert second, about 20 minutes to the finish for second place. Ju-second driver, Jose Robles. Dave The Class 5 cars were next to When they arrived at back. Siewert got into the lius said it was "the best adven-Callaway and John Holmes, in a start. There were just four of them Guayaquil McNeil had taken truck. Turner had put Tim Cecil rure of my life!" Dunrite, were now third, while and all of them got through the over the lead, and he was 35 min-in his truck, and he ran third, The SCORE Lite cars were Mark Kyle and Larry Nash had first tough 102 miles. Joe Heger utes in front of Doug Siewert and while Herrera was fourth a half next to go, with 13 entries. Two their Mirage in fourth place. It was in the lead there, with four Jeff Lothringer in their Chevy. hour later. Dan Chamlee and racers came to serious grief early had already been rolled and minutes on Bruce Anderson, in They were fighting an alternator Scott Brady were fifth in their on the course. Both Vic Bruck- stuck, bur was still in good shape. George Seeley's car. It must have problem. In third place it was Ford, and Hector Salazar, Mario mann in his Jimco and Brandon Arjona, Cullen and Dizney were been fairly exciting, because Turner, who'd rolled at Mile 198. Mayans and Indio Gutierrez were Piorek, in Jake Batulis's car, hit still fifth. Greenway and Godde Heger rolled as he arrived at the He'd gone off a 10-foot cliff and fifth. the far side of a hole straight on. had disappeared, and so had pit. Happily, there were lots of landed on his roof. A group of Everything changed. McNeil Both hurt their backs. They called Drever and Vick. spectators and they sat him back locals, about 15 of them, worked disappeared and so did Chamlee for help, and first on the scene In the next section lckler's on his wheels in no time. In third to get him on his wheels and then and Brady. And Siewert and was Ivan Stewart with his helicop-shifter came apart and he lost it was Luis Wallace and Luis Soto, out of his crevasse and back up Lothringer came to a halt when ter, who landed to check out the about an hour an<;! a half. Then about 18 minutes back, and then on the road. He lost a bunch ·of the insides of a very rare style of incident, and then hung around he put Gus Vildosola, Jr. into the David Veiria and Mike Petrullo, body panels, and a bunch of time. distributor disintegrated and to direct medics to the spot. Both driver's seat to go to the finish. who'd already had some trouble, Chad McNeil, in a Ford, was run-they had no spare. Cecil motored were air lifted to Scripps in the At Puertecitos the lead belonged arrived after nearly seven hours. ning fourth here. But Medina and on in Turner's car to take the win, San Diego area and were diag-to Honold, Robles and their third They never got to the next pit. Ozuna were gone, as were Jared having no problems with his nosed with compression frac- driver, Alberto Medina. This car At Santo Domingo Heger led and Eric Hardin, in their GMC. share. Turner however, described tu res. At this writing, the report and lckler/Vildosola car were by about a half hour over Ander-So there were seven. his half as a "24 hour plane was that Bruckmann will be in a part of the same team as Gus's son and Seeley who'd had a flat, In the next section Perry Mc-wreck!" The Herreras, who've body cast for three months, and dad's Trophy Truck -which and Wallace and Soto were third, Neil held his lead. Siewert and been driving a 5-1600 car before Piorek will need some surgery. means they had excellent pit cov-about another 40 minutes back. Lothringer were second, but this, finished in second place in Apparently neither suffered any erage all around the course. But that was as far as they got, they'd come onto the road north spite of a seriously misbehaving paralysis, neither of their cars Ickier and Vildosola were second and from Guayaquil on it was a of Catavina using a couple of Mag distributor. Their exhaust was so went any further. at Puertecitos by neady an hour. two car race. Heger said he and Lites to find their way. A friendly hot it burned the paint off their Brian Ickier in his Jimco led Callaway and Holmes and their Shawn McCallum were running chase truck then followed them doors. They said they love Class the remaining cars, with about third driver, Scott Mapes, were a "conservative" race. He got down the highway with his high 7 and are happy they made the two and a half minutes on Jim third, Kyle and Nash, who were stuck in the silt once, but only for beams helping them to see 'ti! they change. In third, about 40 min-Greenway and Ty Godde in their both in the car the whole time, a few minutes. Seeley also had got into the pit and got a new al-utes later it was Salazar, looking Jimco. In third it was Arturo simply switching seats from time some trouble with the silt. ternator. Turner was back up to crumpled. They said it was a "very Honold in a Jimco, another 20 to time, ran fourth, and Sando-McCallum drove the middle third, and Victor Herrera, Jr. was hard race." No one else finished. seconds back, and he'd been val, the Williamses and Jackson section of the race, and kept ev-fourth in his Ford. His dad, Vic-The 1/2-1600 class was next stopped by the police for a while. were fifth. At this point Kirk erything together. Seeley, on the tor, Sr., had driven the first 235 to go, with 27 entries. All but one Fourth belonged to the team of Kontilis and Greg Burgin had other hand, had problems when miles, and Victor would go to the of them made it through Mile Blaise Jackison, Morley and Mike come to a halt in their Chenowth. some switches failed and messed finish. He'd been stuck in the silt, 102, and that one was one of Williams and Mike Sandoval, in No one else was moving. up the lights and ignition. He as had Turner. Baja's best teams, Pancho Bio a Meco, and they were followed Vildosola and Ickier pushed handed his car over to Rick At Puertecitos it was still Mc-Continued on P•I• 14 by Jim Vick and Matt Drever in a hard for the final part of the trip, Crump whose wife, Crystal, rode Penhall. There was just a five and managed to get by their team- along with him. Heger drove the minute spread between the lead mates to take the win. Honold final section and had no prob-car and fifth place, 11nd the rest Robles and Medina, who'd had lems. He and McCallum got the were coming along quickly also. to stop to repair their headers win by nearly five hours. Seeley, At Mile 204, Santo Domingo, after a hard hit, were second, only Anderson and the Crumps fin-the Jimco of Stan .Potter and Dan 37 minutes back. In third it was ished at about noon on Satur-Worley had disappeared, and Callaway, Holmes and Mapes day, in second place. now there were only 10 cars run-who'd rolled over and lost an The Class 7 trucks were next ning. The lead was in the hands hour and a half waiting for parts. off the line, with nine entries. All of Honold, who'd had a bag of Kenny Stroud and Tom Bryant of them.made itto Mile 102, and tools come apart, so stuff was who'd had a long day, were at that point Craig Turner had rolling around his feet. Ickier was fourth. Stroud had taken a hit the lead in his Ford, with about second, by three seconds, and that broke his power steering three minutes on Perry McNeil in Sandoval, Jackson and the Will-pump early in the day, then as he another Ford. In third place it iams were in third place, 12 min-neared the end Bryant got stuck was Jaime Medina and Rodrigo utes later. Greenway and Godde in a jam caused by a chase vehicle Ozuna, still another Ford, and were fourth another six minutes and trailer. In fifth it was Nash nine minutes back, while Hector back and Matt Cullen, Matias and Kyle who said they'd had a Salazar, in spite of a slow roll-Arjona and Jim Dizney were fifth great time, and the Williams, over at Mile 5, ran fourth. He'd Brothers Chad and Josh Hall said they drove their Hummer "through everything•, in their Mirage. Sandoval, Jackson team~w_a_s_s_ix_t_h_. _l_o_s_t _m_o_s_t_o_f_h_i_s _b_o_d_y_p_a_n_e_ls_,_b_u_t_=an=d==th=e~y_ -~we_ n;t _ha ___ m:::_e ___ wi:::·t_h __ -th:::e:::_c __ i_a_s_s:::_s __ t_ock:::::::::~:::u_l_l.:;-vi,...·_c_t_o~ry.:::. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::; Tim and Ed Herbst were one of the first teams stopped for "speeding•, The father and son team of Victor Herrera, Sr. and Jr., teamed in their Will and Jerry Higman shared the driving in their VW powered Kreger, broke a driveline, and said, "the course Is great". Their Ford was new Class 7 Ford, and even with their timing way off, brought ,t to the got their air filter plugged with silt, but took a nice second place in second in the Trophy Truck class. finish line in second place. Class 10. Dusty Times January 2004 Page 13

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Arturo Honold, Alberto Medina and Jose Robles, in a Jimco, were '------------------------' Jesse James, Chad McOueen, Marl< Richardson, and Ken Wilkes one of the teams stopped by the police. They had header problems, Wally Hrdlicka and Rob Kittleson, in a Ford, Protruck had an off-and-had electrical "issues"; got their Baja Challenge car stuck, and enjoyed repaired them, and were second in SCORE Ute. on day, but eventually finished fifth. themselves. They were fourth. and Sergio "Coyote" Gutierrez, in a Tubular Designs chassis. They lost their tr11.nsmission. Dave Gasper led the pack at Mile 102 in Brian Burgess' new Porter. He had just less than two minutes on Eric Allen in his Jimco. In third place it was Scott and Brady Wis-dom and Jerry Longo in their Mirage another minute back. Shane Reed and Wayne Lacher were fourth in their Neth, and the team of Max Hanberg, Don Johnson and Bernie Carr was fifth, another minute back. Tom Murray and Brian Mayindis in a Jimco held sixth place. They were within four and a half minutes of the lead car. Only three cars fell away in the next section: the Currie of Matt and Rick Sherard, the Hutchco of Richard Waszkiewicz and Garth Hutchison, and Pete Morquecho's unknown brand chassis. Everyone else was still moving. But the order of things had changed a lot when they got to Guayaquil, where it had al-ready gone dark for them. This meant they had to navigate the silt beds in the dark, a very worri-some thing. The dust thrown up by the racer's own car follows him in a haze, his visor is covered, ev-ery bump makes another cloud of dust rise up inside the cockpit of the car, and everywhere there are hazards to avoid, hazards he can hardly see. There are stuck cars, giant cactus, rocks, huge shrubs, and deeper silt holes. What a prospect." Lacher and Reed had the lead as they left Guayaquil, with nearly 20 minutes on Cameron Kory Halopoff and Harley Leiner were lost for a bit, and had throttle trouble, but in spite of everything they finished the day with the Class 10 win in their Henry's chassis. Steele in his Prep by Jake chassis. In third it was the Wisdoms and Longo, and Brady had already rolled the car. Steve Roberts, Kent Lothringer and Rick Boyer were fourth in their Lothringer while Mike Lorenzi, Dan Peacock and Bob Wright ran fifth in a Mirage. Now sixth place belonged to Jose Estolano, Mundo Fernandez and Daniel Gutierrez in their J imco. But it wasn't such a close race anymore - a half hour separated the lead and sixth place. That beach trip prov~d to be too much for a couple of cars, and Bobby Altamirano and Jeff Knupp faded away with their Bonner Hawk, as did Chuck Collins and Roger Ducharme in a Chenowth. Between midnight and one a. m. they started to arrive at Puertecitos. Lacher and Reed were still leading, even though they'd had two rear flats, one right after the other, on that rockr road coming in. They had a ful hour on the Wisdoms and Longo, who'd tipped the car up on its side along the way. In third place now it was Roberts, Loth-ringer and Boyer, only 12 min-utes behind second, and Estolano, Fernandez and Gutier-rez were just two minutes behind them. Steele had dropped to fifth after being stuck in the silt for an hour, and losing reverse gear while trying to get out. Fifteen seconds behind him was the Gasper, Gasper, Burgess team, and they were having some new car problems. Their radio didn't work and they'd had to weld in a new rear mount to hold the mo-tor solidly, and Bill G. had tipped it up on its side just for good measure. David Caspino and David Camarano didn't make it to Puertecitos. Brian Mayindis Do Nore Than Jus1 Nick Up Dllr1t Wini Wi1;h CL ryan1; A Joe Heger and Shawn McCallum decided to race the 1000 at the last minute, rolled the car early in the day and went home with the Class 5 win. and Tom Murray did, but then and Burgess nearly an hour back. didn't get to the next pit, at They'd had some flats, and their Jamau. jack didn't work properly. It was From Puertecitos to Jamau, still anyone's race, because disas-the course was mostly very rough. ter lurked in those final 102 And it was windy· while on the miles. gulf coast, but then turned bitter Lacher and Reed led for about cold up through the central part 90 of those miles, and then they of the peninsula. They started to spun a drum. They also had a arrive at Jamau at three a.m., af-leaky main seal and needed a ter the overall winning vehicles clutch. So, while Lacher and Reed had already finished. Lacher and headed into Ensenada for an Reed were still leading with a half auto parts store, everyone else hour on Estolano, Gutierrez and continued toward the finish line. Fernandez, who'd been caught in Steel, who'd had three flat tires a jam up caused by a stuck chase during his long day, took the vie-vehicle and trailer. The Wisdoms tory. His car owner, Clyde Stout, and Longo were 15 minutes be-had spelled him for about 85 hind them, in third, and in fourth miles, but otherwise he'd done all it was Roberts, Lothringer and the driving. ltwas close at the fin-Boyer. Bo?er had stuffed the car • ish line, and he was only three in a ditch, bend a tie rod, and minutes and 13 seconds in front lost about 20 minutes. Steele was of Esto la no, Gutierrez and fifth, six minutes behind him, and in sixth place it was the Gaspers Continued on page 16 800-399-4116 covering the western _States and Mexico -Including Pit Service! Page 14 January 2004 official sponsor I ,.-Y; ,,/· -,:, Fairplex - Pomona October 9 & 1 O Dusty Times

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CONGRATUlATIONS CRAIG TURNER! · & :;-:::st GT/Fabtech Motorspons Team on w1nn1nu 1111 8th oonsacuuva ChamplonshlP Tide & Iha BaJa 1,000-all on swav-A-Wav Shocls. m:::---" Race Runner. 8Y$WAY A ,WAY Shoclls: 2.0", 2.5", 3.0" Emulsion Remote Resenoir BnassShocks eo,1 over sarinus . Call for our ALL-NEW Product Catalog 20724 Lassen Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 PH (818) 700-9712 FAX (818) 700-0947 complete 110a 01 vw suspension Co01pone• Dusty Times January 2004 Page 15

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Todd Jergensen and Mike Voyles teamed in Jergensen's Cadillac Rick L. Johnson and Nils Castillo had their Toyota up near the front of power Smithbuilt, and even with suspension trouble late in the day, the Protruck pack all day and with nothing more than being stuck for finis/:led in 5"' place in Class 1. a while, finished second. Marl< Kyle and his co-driver. Larry Nash, were both in the Mirage all day, simply switching seats when it was time for a driver change. They were· fourth in SCORE Ute. 1000 in a row. Their time was 27:39:58. The Baji Challenge cars were next to take off, and this year they had 11 entries. These cars are all alike, two seaters with retro look• ing fiberglass type fenders and Porsche motors. They all run the same equipment and they have a massive pit and chase organiza-tion that helps to get almost all of them to the finish line - though it's sometimes a close thing. At Mile 102 the first car along was the team of Ryan Thomas, Ryan Miller, Wally Fisk and Brian Ickier teamed with Gustavo Vildosola, Jr. for this long race, and 'tho the shifter fell apart and cost some time, the team took the SCORE Lite win in their Jimco. • David Sutton. They had about 11 minutes on the all girl team of Bekki Freeman-Wik, Kate Sut-Marf< Miller and Ryan Arciero led the race all the way in their Chevrolet Protruck-ton, Kelly Steinberger, Amy Tho-turned-Trophy Truck, to take the Trophy Truck win by over an hour. mas, Kelly Clement and Sue Mead. • Fernandez, who'd been lost com-ing in the last few miles, thanks to the missing markers. Roberts, Lothringer and Boyer were third, only eight min-utes further back. and 13 min-utes behind them were the Wis-doms and Longo, who'd had no brakes during their final 30 miles. The close finishes demonstrate once again what a great class this is, providing some of the most exciting racing available any-where. Burgess and the Gaspers were fifth and behind them came Hiram, Ivan and Eric Duran in their Neth .. They'd been lost and also had electrical problems. In seventh place it was Hanberg, Johnson and Carr, with a bro-ken front beam, no reverse gear and no brakes. They said, "fin-ishing is great!" The eighth place team was Lor-enzi, Peacock and Wright. Wright had had a close call on the Puertecitos road, when he'd driven off the edge. It's a long drop down to the gulf along there, and he was lucky that a big boulder stuck out and stopped his fall partway down. Then along came a yellow Hummer (Rod Hall and Mike Winkel) and pulled them back up and onto the race course. Wright was very grateful. Allen and co-drivers, Adam Pfankuch and Rick St. John fin-ished ninth. They'd had to install a new transmission at Mile 305, and Bret Maurer were 17th. further behind, Tyler and Julie In third it was Rod Millen, Jeff after blowing reverse in the silt, Their radio didn't work, and Henn and Austin Robison, in a Zwart and Bob Sutton, followed and they'd also had to adjust they'd lost reverse gear and sec-Ford. · by Michele Jourdain, Sr., Bernard their brakes at every pit. In tenth ond gear in the silt beds. Tito and The Henns and Robison ran Jourdain, and Jean Pierre place it was Brian Parkhouse, David Tapia, in a Chenowth, were out of truck, or time, in the next Jourdain. As you can see, with Chuck Sacks and Greg Ryan, who the final official finishers in this section, but Graham handed over people like Ryan Thomas, Rod was getting a finish in his first class, in 18th place, at 30:57: 14. to his co-driver, Mike Horner, and Ryan Millen, the Jourdains, Baja 1000. The 11th place fin-What a long day. and they were still leading at Bekki Freeman-Wik, and Jeff is hers were Jeff and Mickey The Class 7S trucks were next Catavina, now by two hours over Zwart, there was plenty of driv-Quade and Tex Mitchell. Mickey to take the green flat, and they Manjarrez and Bringas. ing talent and experience. had rolled their car but the big-had a good entry, with seven But after Puertecitos Horner The Millen, Zwart, Sutton gest problem was a valve cover trucks. But they lost Miguel Alva-had the road all to himself. They team moved into the lead at Santo that got knocked off by a rock. rado and Mike Colman and their weren't having a perfect day, be- Domingo, with Ryan, Millen, Fisk In 12th place it was the team Jeep before the first 102 miles had cause since the start their power and Sutton in second, only a of Renato Villalpando and been covered. Robert Graham steering had come and gone at minute and a half back. The Mauricio Ibarra in a J imco, who had the lead there in his Toyota will, making some sections of the women were in third place and lost a lot of time in the silt bed Tacoma, with just a minute on drive very tough. They kept mov-the Jourdains ran fourth at that area. James Golden, Charlie Wil-Gabriel Manjarrez and Martin ing along steadily however and point. The next section was Iiams and Jason Hatz were lucky Bringas in ·a Ford Ranger. Nick took the victory, their second Baja booby-trapped with the silt, and 13th, and they'd changed a trans-and Ted Moncure, in another .--------'--------'-----'----"-=------....;...~ mission at Mile 32, then later in Toyota, were third, but about 49 the trip, set the car up on its side. minutes off the pace. The 14th place finishers were At Guayaquil more entries Reed and Lacher, who'd had such turned up missing, notably Rob-a good race going for most of the ert Land, Jim Winovitch and way. It took them about 10 hours Johnny Unser in their Chevy S 10 to find the parts they needed, -they'd apparently had some make the repairs and then get on early trouble costing about three tothefinish.Theycrossedtheline hours and then didn't make with a right front flat tire. Santo Domingo, 204 miles along John Scharf, Jim Coates and the road. Also gone was the entry Ed Bonanni were 15th coming in of the Moncures and the Ford their Neth, reporting being stuck driven by Antonio Lomeli and in the silt for a long t.ime. And in Ricardo Castanon, already five 16th it was Carlos Davila and hours down, had given up the Jorge Sanchez in a Currie. They ghost. Just three trucks were left. did the last 100 miles with a seri-Graham and his Toyota were still ously broken transmission, and in fron.t, followed by Manjarrez Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera had almost no trouble, and credited their pit said at the finish, "no gears left!" and Bringas, now an hour and a crews with "getting them through" the race, and to victory circle for the 5-1600 Brian Jeffrey, Lorenzo R~o~d~r~i!g~u::ez:,_~h~a~l_:f _:b~a::ck~,!..!an~d~t~h::e~n~e~i~g.'...'.h.:t ~h~o'..'.:u~r~s _:_c=la=s=s=. :::::;~-;::::====================~ Roberto Jiminez and Mario and Francisco Reynoso a/I had flats, but Steve Roberts, Kent Lothringer and Rick Boyer. in a Lothringer. had Miguel Rosales, Luis Guevara and Federico Montes said they had no mechanical trouble, and they finished their day as fourth in 5- a small problem with a ditch late in the race, but took third place in all their trouble on the Pacific side of the course and finished the day 1600. Class 1-211600. _in_s_eco_n_d_.p'-l_ac_e_,_·n_C_la_s_s_5_-_16_00_. __________ _ Page 16 January 2004 Dusty Times

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Gary Magness and Steve Knudsen, in a Ford Protruck, had a leaky radiator hose and got stuck, and rescued the Class 8 winner and still Alex Melero and Sammy Martinez had recurring problems with a Scott and Andy McMillin, another father-and-son team, lost a trailing plugged fuel filter, but other than that it was a good day. and they arm bolt and had some power steering trouble, but were still second managed to finish in fourth place. finished fifth in the big 5-1600 class. in Class 1 at the end of the day. many, if not all, of these cars spent some time stuck. But eventually, most of them got to Catavina. At that point, things had changed again. Millen, Zwart and Sutton were in the lead, saying they'd been stuck for only "a few minutes.• They had four hours on the team of Jesse James, Chad McQueen, Mark Richardson and Ken Wilkes, who reported they'd had "electrical issues" early in the day. Thomas, Millen, Fisk and Sutton were now third and the team of Jim and Matt Chris-tensen, David Hite and Marty Fiolka, who said that Hite had been "stuck forever", ran fourth. The women's team had lost about' eight hours somewhere. By now two of the cars were gone. The group that includes Todd Clement, Roberto Guerrero, Rick Bolton and Jeff Scott hadn't been seen since Guayaquil, and the Matt Aullerson, Rich Kylberg, Bryant Martin, David Prokropek group had been missing since Santo Domingo,. When they'd been down to Puertecitos, up through San Fe-lipe and came into Jamau once again, the lead was still in the hands of Millen,"Zwart and Sut-ton. They'd blown some oil lines and been stuck for "a few min-utes", but according to James Derjaine, who rode all the way, every time they had trouble there was a handy pit crew right near Matt and Steve Scaroni, and Ricky Johnson made a good team in their Ford Protruck, avoided serious trouble and took the win by 12 minutes. by, or someone with a truck to tow them out. At Jamau second place belonged to Jeff Weipking, Jeff Rann, Jack Ryser and. Mark Gamble, who'd been stuck, but "got out better than most." They'd also been lost. Thomas, Millen, Fisk and Sutton were third, and Hite, the Christensens and Fiolka were fourth. At the finish line first it was Millen, Zwart and Sutton, with a time of 23:37:06. Then came Hite, the Christensens and Fiolka, re-porting they'd had a flat and their jack was broken. In third it was Weipking, Rann, Ryser and Gamble, who said they'd had three flats in the last 100 miles, and drove ten miles in on the last one, a front, shredded and balled up around the rim. McQueen, Richardson, Wilkes and James were fourth, and seemed to have had a great time. Then in fifth it was Bruce Chernoff, Keith Smith, Robert Jennings and Rofi Tahmazian. Sixth place went to the Jourdain family, and in sev-enth it was the women's team with a time just 17 minutes shy of be-ing coo late. Last in the class to finish were Paul and Brian Page, in 31:49:33. Thomas, Millen, Fisk and Sutton blew their transmis-sion about 500 feet before the finish line and didn't get a finish. Rod Millen, Jeff Zwart and Bob Sutton had some oil line trouble and got stuck for a while, but good chase crew worl< helped a lot and they took the Baja Challenge win. The 5-1600 cars were next, with 18 starters. Only one team, Javier Gonzalez and Jose Herrejon failed to get the first 102 miles completed, and the leader was Adolfo and Ernesto Arambula at that point, with about two min-utes on second place. That was Norberto Rivera and Marcos Nunez, with Nunez at the wheel. In third it was Mario Reynoso, who started, and his co-driver, Roberto Jiminez, who would drive later. Fourth place be-longed to Manuel Rosales, Luis Guevara and Federico Montes, who had only four seconds on fifth place. That was Todd Cun-ningham and Jason Lakin. Once through that first section they headed out past Valle de Trinidad, and up to Mike's Sky -,,:----,-r-:-,.,..,., Cameron Steele and Clyde Stout had several flats and got their Prep by Jake chassis stuck for a while, but still took the Class 1-2/1600 victory. Ranch, a long, hard road for this class. Past the mountains and down by the beach, the lead belonged to Nunez and Rivera, with less than a minute on Arambulas. In third place it was Reynoso and Jiminez, with Rosales, Guevara and Montes in fourth, followed by Carlos and Gustavo Avina in fifth. By now there were a few cars missing. Steve Landis and James Tedford didn't make it to Santo Domingo, nor did Juan Guevara and Gerardo Macaipan. The three man team of Ruben and Hector Garcia and Juan Diaz was also out of the race now. That left 14 cars still running. Through the hilly new section and up to Guayaquil, the lead changed again. Now it was the Arambulas, with Nunez and Riv-era in second place. Montes, Rosales and Guevara were third and Reynoso and Jiminez dropped to fourth, with Cun-ningham and Lakin back into fifth place. Carlos and Gustavo Avina disappeared in this section. From Guayaquil to Catavina the racers faced a bunch of silt beds. Some were just little "holes", but some were long and very deep. This is serious stuff for 5-1600, and it cost some teams a bit of time. After Catavina they blew out the dust with a nice long pavement ride, and then went up the road to Puertecitos. At that point the lead was still in the hands of the Arambulas, who had some problem with an oil leak. Nunez and Rivera said they'd had a "little trouble" with the silt, but they ran second, an hour back. In third it was Mon-tes Guevara and Rosales, who'd been stuck "several times", and also had a flat tire. Jiminez and Reynoso were fourth, and one of their drivers, Francisco Reynoso, drove in his first race, and they gave him the beach section. He did a good job. In fifth it was Alex Melero and Sammy Martinez, and they were three hours and 20 minutes behind the lead car. Cunningham and !akin had dropped out after Catavina, and so had Frank Sanchez and Luisa Morelos. Jorge Gavaldon and Gerardo Loshe hadn't got to Catavina. There were only 10 cars left running now. At Jamau the lead was back in Rivera and Nunez's hands, and they had 20 minutes on Rosales, Guevara and Montes. The Arambulas had broken a torsion bar and had to wait for parts, so they dropped to third place. And in fourth it was the Reynoso and Jiminez. Melero and Martinez were still fifth. They went on to finish in the same order. Rivera and Nunez, who each drove half of the race, said "all the pits were there. That's Continu■d on page 18 ' George Seeley. Bruce Anderson and Rick Crump co-piloted Seeley's Dan Smith and Dave Ashley. Ford, were sidelined with steering Marc Stein, Mike Mccomas, Marl< Handley and Travis Walser drove Class 5 car to second place, even with terrible electrical problems problems early. but battled back to a fourth place finish in the Trophy their Stock Full Ford to second place with badly scraped and dented midway through the race. Truck class. bodyworl< thanks to an incident with a tree. Dusty Times January 2004 Page 17

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Rob MacCachren and Gus Vildosola t881Tl6d in Vildosola's Ford Trophy Jeff Wefpking, Jeff Rann, Jack Ryser and Marl< Gamble were stuck, Arturo and Abel Velazco got their Chenowth stuck, and had some Truck. They had trouble with a rut, got lost late and finished the day had three flats and got lost, but took third place in the Baja Challenge ..=o=the.,;,,,r.;.trou~b=le~,=but==s=ti=-ll=fin=ished;;;,;;;,;,,;;;thei.;,.,;;·r=long;;;.;,;;,;da~y,;;,in=s=econd,;.;,;.;.;..:;pl.;.;,;a;;.;ce.;;.;;/n.;.Cl.;;;,;,;;;a;;;;ss;.;9;;.;.-=in=th='=·rd=pl.==ac:-e_. - ----.--:----:---:----:-----:---7""---=--_cl_a_ss_. ___________________ _ Dave Sykes rolled his Chevrolet and had trouble in the silt, but Dave Westhem had no trouble with his half of the course, and they took the Class 8 win. what got us through." T hey'd mechanical trouble at all, as had a small fuel pump prob-they took fourth place. Fifth lems, but had a spare on went to Melero and Martinez, board, and otherwise had no who'd had a fuel filter plug mechanical trouble, and no up several times. David. Hiriart flat tires. T hey won by about and Gabriel Garcia said a half hour. In second it was they'd had motor problems, Rosales,.Guevara and Montes, but everything else had been who said all their problems all right. They were sixth. In had happened on the Pacific seventh it was Bill Brady and side, there'd been no trouble James Buttermore, who'd ob-in the San Felipe side. In third viously rolled their car over, it was the Arambulas, with though they didn't stop to say their new torsion bar, an-how it h a ppe n_ed. Eighth other hour back. The place was the team of Larry Reynosos and Jiminez said and Ernie Negrete and Oscar that although everyone had Venegas and Daniel Dias, who one flat tire, they'd had no replaced a transmission very For Sale 2002 Kreger Fabrication Class 10 2nd Place Finisher 2003 Baja 1000 3rd Place Finisher 2003 Baja 500 2nd Place Pro-10 Points Champion 2002 Fully prepped and race readyl • • Wiks Racing 2000 cc Type IV Kreger Floaters and Hubs • King Shocks • Mendeola 5 Speed • In Dash Lowrance OPS • PCI Radio/Intercom • The Best Of Everything $65,000 Contact Will Higman Weekdays 714-848-8222 Email: Page 18 early in the day, losing four There were only two Stock utes. They reported two flats hours, bu t did not get stuck Mini entries, a Ford driven by and a broken balljoint. Abel in the silt. The nin th place John Holmes an d Matt and Arturo Valazco were sec-team was Fernando Montijo Hutchins and a Toyota driven ond, a bit over two hours later. and Alo nzo Sanchez, wh o by Kreg Donahoe and Dylan Class 3 was a surprise t his needed 30 hours and 25 min-Evans. Holmes and Hutchins time, with seven entries. utes to get back, while Kris and led as far as they got, which SCORE included the lone Jeep Ruben Gutierrez were 10th was through Guayaquil, but Speed car of Billy Bunch and and the last finishers in the that was it. Donahoe and John Kearney in thi~ group. At class, at 31:53:39, precari-Evans lost about three hours the first timing sport, at Mile ously close to cut off time. somewhere, and were report-102, the 1991 Nissan Path-Next off the line were the edly out when an axle broke, finder from Texas was in the Stock Full trucks, with six also after G uayaquil, but be-lead. This car was driven by starters. Chad and Josh hall fore Catavin a. So there were Spencer, Carter, Kelly, and put their Hummer into t he no finishers in Stock Min i. Carl Beal, Brian Sherry, Craig lead by Mile 102, with about Class 9 had only four en-Duke and Brent Bates. Bryant three minutes on their dad, tries, and one of them was out Hibbs, who usually does tech Rod, in the Hummer H-2. In before the first 100 miles were for the Protruck team, rode third it was the team of Marc done. Mike O'Donnell, Mike shotgun, made repairs, yelled Stein,. Mike McComas :tnd Kowitz and Brad Leaky were at the drivers and pointed the Mark Handley in a Ford, and parked early. But Arturo and way through the silt. Bunch, Noah and Matt Pike, Willie Abel Velazco went on, with the who had Kearney and his son Srroppe, Zack Churchill and early lead in their Chenowth. Matt, as well as Rich Minga as Mike Falkosky, in a Ford Ex-They had just over a minute on co-d r ivers, was second by pedition. Though it's a new Eric. fisher, Antonio about eight minutes. And in truck, it sports a paint job like Valenzuela and Isaac Chapluk third it was Ken and Don Moss the old Stroppe cars from 30 in their Garibay. In third, in their big Bronco. _ years ago -very nostalgic look-about 15 minutes further back At Santo Domingo it was ing. John Griffin and Mi'k:e it was Tony Modica and Tim still the Beals et al, then the Sabbarese were already weld-Hanna, in a Porter. Moss team, then Alejandro and ing on their Hummer, after a At Guayaquil the Velazcos Javier Cancino in a Ford Ex-crossmember broke at Mile 67. were still leading, with 18 min-plorer. Bunch had dropped to Terry Henn was reportedly utes on Fisher, Valenzuela and fourth, with a steering box having turbo problems with his Chapluk. Modica and Hanna problem. At Guayaquil the Hummer, and didn't make it had fallen to three hours Beals were no longer leading, to. the next pit. down. And then t hey didn't thanks to a broken torsion bar At Guayaquil the second make it to Catavina, leaving finger . They had to drive 70 generation Halls still led, with just the two lead cars on the miles with no left front suspen-about 52 minutes on Stein, course. sion, because the replacement Handley and McComas. The Abel Velazco ran ou t of part was with the chase truck. Pike team was now third, as luck in the silt, and was stuck Now the Moss Bronco was Hall Sr., and his co-driver, for an hour and a half. When· leading, with two and a half Mike Winkel, had lost first a the cars had made their way to hours on Bunch and his team. balljoint, and then a brake Puertecitos, it was Fisher, The Beals were third and the line. They were going again, but Valenzuela and Chapluk in the Cancinos were fourth. had lost a couple of hours. lead, with about an hour and They all got through Griffin was another two hours 45 minutes on second place. Catavina and down the pave-back, and then a bolt sheared And when they got to Jamau ment to Chapala, then up the in h is steering. At that point they'd built the lead to two road to Puertecitos. At that the team called it a day. hours as the Velazco had a point it was still the Moss Chad an d Josh were having problem with their spare tire brothers in front, with nearly a clean run, and they contin-mount. They used a tie down four hours on Bunch. The ued to lead through Catavina to secure it, but the tie down Cancinos had lost about four an d Puertecitos. But Stein, got into the fan and they had hours, the Beals were third, McComas and Handley were to make some repairs. and Chris Raffo and Dennis only 20 minutes back at that Fisher, Valenzuela and Chencharick were four th . point. Winkel had taken over Chapluk took the win, finish-These two have come out from for Hall, and h e ran third, ing in 24 hours and 27 min-Continued an page 20 with the Pikes, Stroppe, Falko-.---=-------------------------sky and Churchill on ly three · minutes behind them. In this section Winkel took the time to rescue Bob Wright and his 1600 car. Chad and Josh Hall just mo-tored along, sharing the d riv-ing and to quote them "we drove right through every-thing." They got the win, fin-ishing about three and a half hours in front of McComas, Stein and Handley who'd side-swiped a tree and done exten-sive body damage. Hall and Winkel were third, a couple of hours later, and the Pike, Churchill, Stroppe, Falkosky team was fourth, just 41 min-utes before cur-off time. January 2004 Craig Turner turned turtle early in the day and his Ford was well and truly stuck, but some timely help got him going again, and Tim Cecil drove the second half cleanly. to take the Class 7 win. Dusty Times

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Ronny and Randy Wilson drove their VB Chevy powered Jirnco to Brady and Scott Wisdom and Jerry Longo rolled their Mirage and Todd Wyllie and Mark Julius paired up to drive their Chevrolet to sixth place in Class 1. Along the way they were stuck but said the later tipped it up on Its side, and finished with no brakes, in fourth second place in Class 8. Julius called it the "best adventure of my drivers "helped each other out." ~pl_ac_e_,_·n_th_e_1600 __ c_la_ss_.______________ _life_._• __ :------:-...,..-::--::-------:::::-----:----=---=--=----=---Pe n nsy lvan ia and Illinois for about a half hour further this time, and no finishers. they'd all been on the road 123 Granger, who did the begin-the last several years, trying to back. Guillermo Ruiz started the day to 14 hours. And then none of ning and the end, had Richard get a finish. In the past they've Near the end the Moss in the lead, with two minutes them made it to Catavina. Czerlau and his wife Sabina in hardly got going before disas-Bronco broke a front axle and on Eric Solorzano and Miguel Maybe the silt proved too the truck for the middle sec-ter struck. This year things a rear spring. They fixed the Haro, then it was Mario and much for the little VWs, but • tion. They were stuck in the sift were going better in their Chevy axle, which cost them 45 min-Fernando Flores, another 10 usually these drivers can briefly, but some Mexicans Blazer. Chencharick, who was utes, but just left the spring as m inutes back, and 16 seconds handle silt all right. Word was· helped them out, and they driving the second half, had is. Then they went on to take behind them came Hector that they actually kept going went on to get the truck back lost his power steering at the win. Bunch, the Kearneys Sarabia and Ricardo Faetes. although they were getting to to Granger, who finished. They Coco's Corner, but that and Minga were second, a little They all got through Santo some checkr,oints after closing got a finish to be proud of, wasn't stopping him. . over four hours later. And in Domingo, with Ruiz still in the time. But there's no official and a victory. At Jamau it was still the third it was the Beals and their lead, and now the Flores team timing after the checks close, In the Sportsman Buggy Moss Bronco in front, and friends, only 27 minutes be-was second, two minutes later, so we don't know how far they class there was only one entry, Bunch, Minga and t h e hin d them. Raffo and and Sarabia and Faeces were actually got. It's too bad. They but 1'I: was an army unto itself. Kearneys were second, but four Chencharick, who said they'd third, less than a minute back. are a game group of racers and It was a VW powered Mirage hours down. They'd bit a dip r u n out of gas, lost their Solorzano and Haro had lost we hate to see the whole class driven by Jack Glazener, Carl and knocked their computer "brakes and been lost, were about 20 m inutes, but were fail to finish. Becker, Joh n Becker, Steve loose, which cost them a half fourth. Chencharick said still on the road. · Class 7SX went next, with Grijalva, Reid Ehlenberg, Bill hour. They also bent the front "hardest thing I ever did in my At Guayaquil the Flores just two entries. Daniel Fresh Painter, Randy Tabler, Raff end and had to fix it. The life, but it's gotta be the best -team was in front, with almost had his ieep Comanche in McDougal and Marty Beale. Beals were still third, only 11 righ t behind my family!" He two hours on Solorzano and front of Perry McNeil, Jr., in a Almost all of them are from minutes behind Bunch, and was a happy man. Haro, who were 36 minutes Ford, all the way. McNeil Oklahoma. They had no me-Raffo and Chencharick were Class 11 had four starters ahead of Ruiz. By this time started having trouble early chanical trouble, one flat tire or ~ "-· · . . Jwitlg a:i rp~uc~ · ,, "~i~ISert~ un"!~ to Floaters, Hubs, ana--: atJ1'ltX!9 oftOIP-fload Accessories.,We also provide vid ce , ·z~:.::~: :::j::,~'*-::i:~~ _.,, :;\;_ : passed ftace..f'rep';and· Set-Up ·Services. KREGER abrication is your one stop ·race shopt Give ~s a call for more information and experience the dif-ference a KREGER Car or Race Set-Up can make! Page 20 January 2004 and gradually dropped back. and tipped the car up on its At Puertecitos he was six hours side in the silt two or three behind Fresh, and then he went times, but they didn't get stuck. no further. Fresh got to just They said his was a "fun one!" south of San Felipe and hit a Their tcime to the finish was booby trap that tore his front 29:44:37. end apart. He had to go into The Legend class consisted town for parts and raw mate-of Bruce Meyers, his Manx and rials, so he could fabricate re-some co-drivers. He had Dave placement parts. It took abqut Dietrich, Dave Collier and six hours, but he got it fixed Rafael Navarro to drive after and went on, to take the vie-he did his stint. The car had tory. He's :i racer with the true some transmission problems Baja spitit! early with trouble finding the In the Sportsman Truck low gears, but otherwise ran class there were four starters, well for a long time. Collier but they didn't all make it. At rolled off a ledge, and lost the Mile 102 Mark Floyd had his lights, but it was righted and Hummer out front, with about went on. Unfortunately, as it · 10 minutes on Doug Granger was rounding the turn and in his Jeep. Luis Valdez and Juan coming back toward the finish, Batiz were third, another 20 the motor gave out in Valle de minutes back and Ivan Loomis Trinidad. had already lost three hours. And so the 2003 Baja 1000 Nobody but Granger got to the came to an end, and with it, next timing pit. Valdez and SCORE's season. The new year Batiz just disappeared as did of racing begins with the Laugh-Loomis, but word was that lin Desert Challenge, January Floyd rolled his Hummer and 15th through the 18th in Laugh-rendered it inoperative. lin, Nevada. SCIIE COMING NEXT MONTH *Best In The Desert Las Vegas 200 *MDR Stoddard 250 *Whiplash At Wickenburg *WRC Catalunya ·Rally And much, much morel. Dusty .Times

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The Corky McMillin Companies Superstition Championships Series Presents Sanctioned by MDR Productions, Inc. Mojave Desert Racing, Inc. --c:::J c:::) -JANUARY 1_2004 --P.LASTER C!TY WEST-35 Mile Course - 6 Laps for Pro's 3 Laps fer Sportsman - - - FOUR WHEELED CLASSES/sanctioned by MDR Productions~ foe. -FUD MEMORIAL RIDE JANUARY 1, 2004 11 AM AFTER AWARDS PRESENTATION $1,000 STARTING POSITION DRAWING DECEMBER 20,11AM-2PM •• ft' food, beverages, race car display, and door prizes Unique Metal Products 10728 Wheatland• A\lenue Santee, California $500 Overall Winner $500 g.t.J, u,,..aJlJI; METAL PRODUCTS <ffbriifsTia' -~~ $500 Winner class 1 /2 1 &00 Winner class 7 & class 9 each far 1st finishing Jimco framed cars in da■sea 1, 10 and 1/21600 2003 Dash I · Technical Inspector, Scoring/Tming and Review Board: Professional Techntca, Inspections by Bill Hammack Professional Scoring & Timing by Bob Patterson & Robert Patterson Independent Competition Review Board: Class 1 Dean Hovey; Class 8 J_ody Mason; Class 7 & 7s Rodd Fantelli: Class 9 Larry Kern: Class 1 /2 1600 Don E. Allen; Sportsman Dave Dietrich Contingency Sponsors: Major Motors $600, Chenowith Racing Products $500, Howe Performance Steering $400, Unique Metal Products $400, Fox Racing Shox $300, Jimco Racing Products $250, Race Ready Products $200, McKenzie's Performance Products $125 . ..J°'~'II(, Aaclvanceu\Vireless. Inc. OTT ROAD WA.J:UUIOU's.lC -~ •scOTTS 1111 garage '

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45TH SANREMO RALLYE D'ITALIA 2005 Sebastien Loeb/Citroen Take The Cake B-y Martin Ho!me1 Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena Drove their Citroen Xsara to a great win at the 45th SanRemo Rally. Ford and Citroen were easily the fastest cars on the Sanremo Rally but on the final two stages Gilles Panizzi's Peugeot swept up to second behind Sebastien Loeb's winning Citroen, and beat Markko Martin's Ford. It was an unexpected twist to a rally which had immediately settled in to a predictable form, in which Peugeot's 206 cars were showing their age ar,d Subaru's new active suspension lmpreza did not perform as expected. Rain on the final afternoon changed all that. After suddenly making a competitive time on the final stage, his first all event, Richard Bums finished seventh, took two points, and continued to lead the Drivers' champion-ship by just that margin. This was the first of three asphalt world championship rallies to be held in October, and sud-denly, with his third victory this year, Loeb is now a strong title contender. For the 11th round out of 14 in the 2003 FIA World Rally Champic-:uhip (the fifth round out of stven in the 2003 FIA Junior World Rally Champion-ship) the cars went to Sanremo for a fond farewell to a venue that has been a strong member of the international champion-ship for many years. Quite a nostalgic occasion. As usual it was an event with political un-dertones with doubts whether either the Hyundai or the Volks-wagen drivers would start the event. The rally itself was a classic European asphalt event, run• ning parts of some stages in each diit:ction (Stages 2/6, 7 / 10 and 11/13). The event had been won for the last three years by the French driver Gilles Panizzi, whose family lived in this region of Italy several generations ago. This was the first of an unprec-edented series of three world championship rallies all to be run in the same month and each on asphalt. It was also to be the final time this long established event was to be run as a world championship qualifier before it changes its name to Rallye d'Italia and is run on gravel roads elsewhere in the country. The same Service Park was used for all three days of the rally, with a different venue for the Shakedown. There were few ma-jor changes to the format of the event, although the most impor-tant new feature was the double run over a 52km section (Stages 7/10, run on Saturday), the longest stage in the history of the event. Pre-event championship sta-tistics all regular manufacturers nominated drivers had now scored championship points. Four of the six registered manu-facturers still had the chance to be cham_pton, whiie nine drivers couid still be champion as well. As for the teams, would it not be three but four? Not only did Panizzi have the chance to win this event for a fourth time in a row, but Drivers championship leader Richard Burns had fin-ished in third place on the past three rallies this season. This was Panizzi's 50th world cham-pionship event start. Peugeot team member Harri Rovanpera was absent but, since Australia, he had won the Costa Smeralda European Champion-ship Rally in Sardinia, useful ex-perience for the team in case the Italian world championship rally is held on this island in future. Citroen were the only team with four full works en-tries, the only asphalt world championship rally they had still not won. Ford and Subaru were the only teams with techni-cal novelties, for Ford, n ew transmission parts for their '03 version cars, including a light-weight bellhousing and a differ-Mirco Baldacci and Giovanni Bemacchini took the JWRC win at SanRemo in their Rat Punta and they were 16th overall as well. ent hydraulic system. Technical director Christian Lonaux: "The bellhousing helps to lessen the weight over the front axle, while the new hydraulic system enables faster response time and is something we have been wait-ing for time to develop. n In ad-dition, Cosworth had come up with an upgrade for integrating the engine controls, designed to improve driveability. The biggest surprise, however, came from Subaru, with a new active sus-pension control system on Petter Solberg's lmpreza, together with a whole new management system to suit. There was big news at Suba-ru concerning Luis Moya, the world's most successful and most experienced world cham-pionship co-driver whu retired from active competition at the end of 2002 and joined the team in the new position of Sporting Director. Moya is to work alongside George Donaldson, who continues his on-event work with the team. At Skoda, what goes around comes around. Toni Gardemeister who broke his wrist in a charity ice hockey match after Neste Rally Finland, finished a brave 11th on Telstra Rally Australia. His efforts in driving single handedly won him the USD5,000 inmersat "Star of the Rallyn award. Toni was happy to do-nate that prize directly to the charity. Of Hyundai there was no sign. O n the morning of scru tineering all the staff at MSD's headquarters at Milton Keynes were laid off, a sad end to an enterprising team. JWRC championship leader Brice Tirabassi was confident! The Oreca team, who prepare the Renaults, used newly ho-mologated shock absorbers, which Tirabassi had already used when winning the Cardabelles Rally in France. Su-zuki had made their first tests this year on asphalt, near Berga in Spain. Team manager, Risto Laine: "Salvador Canellas is our tarmac specialist and also took part in the Astunas Rally for experience. Our best news was when Peugeot invited Daniel Carlsson to join them for 2004. If a member of our team is asked to join the best WRC team in the world, we are thrill'ed!n At Top Run, Massimo Ceccato had a new car after his accident in Finland, while Marcos Ligato had a two day test before recce in the Cuneo region, but was using an old car. New to Italian asphalt rallying was Guy Wilks who had a familiarisation test before recce near Picve di Teco. "l know I must concentrate only on my efforts, and pay no at-tention to the times made by the other drivers, especially the lo-cal ones.'.' Beppo Harrach, how-ever, withdrew from the event, citing his on-going dispute with the team he had previously run with. Team Palmer, who runs Kris Meeke's Opels, had been re-structured in the hope of pro-jecting their excellent British championship results into suc-cess in the JWRC. Kris ... "I may be Irish, I am basically a gravel rally driver, but the car should be more reliable on asphalt. One thing we have learned from the JWRC: you have to work hard at it all the time." The two Bulgarians Dimitar Iliev and Krum Donchev (the latter now his own nation's champion), started with AutoSport Italia Peugeot 206s, with a celebrated teammate Pierrio Liatti. There was a new co-driver for Alex Broccoli, Giovanni Agnese: "Do not expect too much from me on this event. Don't.forget that for San Marino drivers gravel is our natural surface, not as-phalt. n Broc·coli also changed his Opel for a Clio for th~s event. Only Donchev and Meeke were still without points this year. The greatest dramas were reserved for the VW team driv-ers Kosti Katajamaki and Oscar Svedlund, after VW Racing boss Kris Nissen ordered the imme-diate end to YW's rallying ac-tivities. In the end the LMS preparation company agreed to fund Katajamaki's entry, which meant just 82 hours before the start they began preparation of the car. The problem was that half of it was in Finland and the other half was in Germany. Racing through the mountains, Gilles and Herve Panizzi Drove their Peugeot 406 Very close to the edge, Markka Martin and Michael Parle were third in their Ford · Among the other competi-tors there was the Czech driver Roman Kresta, who had scored a remarkable fastest stage time in Deurschland: "This is going to the silver medal at SanRemo. · Focus RS, less than a minute out of the win. Page 22 January 2004 Dusty Times

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Tommi Makinen and Ka/ Lindstrom cut one of many comers ve,y Fourth place at SanRemo went to Garlos Sainz and Marc Marti, seen Kris Meeke and Chris Patterson were running well In their Opel Corsa but an accident on Leg 3 put an end to their efforts. short, they finished 10th in their Subaru /mpreza. here in their Citroen Xsara, cornering hard right here. to be a really important rally for what they want, but I warned 206WRC from Bozian. Petter me, it could even shape the fu. them that it was too aggressively Solberg was enthusing about his ture of my career. I have a good written to be effective. If they new active suspension with his car from Bozian, I just hope it sign that letter, for sure there colleagues, and then gave a great all goes well." Oreca were run• will be no gravel note crews at display of bouncing his suspen-ning three Renault Clio Super all next year." There were sion up and down in front of 1600s, for Simon Jean-Joseph mounting rumours that Ford's the ecstatic crowds. and rhe FFSA supported-driver programme was about to be The ceremonial start itself Nicolas Bernardt, in addition to curtailed. M-Sport chief Mal-was held that evening on the sea JWRC driver Tirabassi. The big colm Wilson said the team was front at Sanremo. Of the 63 welcome, however, was reserved already looking to reduce bud-entries 54 cars were at the start, for Piero Liatti! Nowadays he gets by 30%. "The problem is including 16 in the Junior cat-has retired from regular rally-that so many major factors still egory. Suzuki were present again ing in order to work as test have to be settled, we cannot in full force, all their four driv-driver for AutoSport Italia but make budgets even now, let alone ers with new cars. In the five competed with a Peugeot 206 have them confirmed by ford." world championship rallies held Super 1600 on this event. Piero Every-day journalists were horn-so far this season, the team had was the last Italian driver to win ing in to the event looking for used 14 different cars! Kosti the Sanremo Rally, but his the fight for the titles, but for Katajamaki was amongst those greatest claim to fame was to be background about what they at the start, ending a major the first ever driver to win a rally sensed was a shrinking sport. struggle by the LMS team, in in a World Rally Car (Subaru, How many teams would still be which the team's anger against Monte Carlo, 1997): "This is in business in 2004? Would the new VW Racing management the last Sanremo Rally as we Skoda continue when they was increasingly intense. In fact, know it. I just wanted to sample realised chat without Hyundai the Finn's car was no~ his cham-the feeling of the event one last they could only come last in the p ions hip car, it was Oscar time!" championship? Would there be Svedlund's! Svedlund was sum-Main pre-event technical dis-more than three full size teams moned to meet the Stewards and cussion concerned, for a variety still active? Were chev being de-left to explain his absence from of reasons, the long stages, but terred by late decisions about the rally was no wish of his own. in fact the sections were not ex-rules, or about the reluctance Also absent was Y-Man, the VW peered to be coo stressful on the of the top teams to down-scale prize-driver winni:r. Bt!fore the tyres. Michelin spokesman: "The their operations in times of fi. rally the Stewards met, heard long stage is not particularly nancial drought! that Svedlund had been told he abrasive, and at this time of On a more human ftont could onty have his car if he year and at the time of day these Sainz had been to hospital for paid YW El30,000, and it was will be run, the temperatures on an operation in Spain to remove agreed it was fair for him not to them is not expected to be very kidney stones on the Saturday. start. Also Y-Man and Beppo high. Tyre selection remained He then flew to Italy but still Harrach were excused. critical only as regards the felt unwell. Italian medical Leg 1 length of time between leaving people released him to start the Looking up at the hills at Service Park and reaching the recce, but said if he was still dawn told of highly changeable end of the stage (up to two unwell on Tuesday morning they conditions to come. In fact the hours). Not only could the would tell the organisers he first two stages were dry, with weather change a lot at short could not start. The Spanish slippery sections as cars tried to notice, but also the tempera-"Iron man" declared himself fit slow on the downhill stretches tu res as well." Pirelli agreed: already, just a little weak ... On and with patches of low cloud. "For us the main thrust of our Thursday afternoon he was at Brakes gave trouble for nearly development work for this rally the FIA Press Conference. "Ac-everybody. Loeb made a big at-has been to make the tyres main• tually I think I'm lucky. This tack, and it showed. After two tain consistent performance problem is medically quite un-stages he was 16 seconds ahead, through a stage." predictable. It could have hap-but damage marks on the front The angry passions seen in pened at a much more inconve-left and the rear right told of Australia before the start were nient time!" Carlos' luck was moments en route. Markko Mar-less evident in Italy but there was not complete, because the Stew-tin lost what seemed to be a lot still an undercurrent of uncer-ards discovered he had driven of time when leaves were caught tainty as to what was going to through an 80kph zone at 105, in the radiator grill, causing the happen. Crews had heard that and this cost him Euros 1200. engine to overheat and revert to the WRCC still had not settled Before this event every team "safe mode". Gronholm was the working schedule for 2004, listed the changeability of the cautious, "The brakes started to with the next World Council weather as the main challenge of go soft before the downhill only two weeks away. Various the tally. Markko Martin talked · stretch started, before we had drivers led by Markko Martin about the long state. "I h:we to drive on the leaves and in signed a letter addressed to the never been lucky on this event. the fog." Solberg had the front FIA President pointing out the Five times started, only once ever suspension top mount collapse problem caused by the 'no finished. Actually the long stage towards the end of Stage 2 but gravel note crew' rule. The main sums it a 11 up. Every ten he was still in eighth place. Sainz issue was that gravel note crews kilometres or so we come to a reported his brakes were snatch-before the second runs through place where we have been off the ing. The steering on Francois stages were crucial, and no pro-road in the past!" Shakedown Duval's Focus was out of line vision was made for this. Sainz took place, for the last time, at after cutting a corner. Toni saidthereweresomeevents,es-the river valley village of Gardemeisterwentofftheroad pecially Monte Carlo, where Borghetto d'Arroscia where and retired. Ford's cadet driver gravel note crews were para-Martin was over a second faster Mikko•Hirvonen was lying 13th, mount to safety. Citroen chief than Sebastien Loeb, 0.6 sec-his co-driver saying they were Guy Frequelin, a strong sup-onds ahead of Solberg and a just going carefully. All they porter of the 'no gravel note surprised, Francois Duval. Fast-wanted to do was to get another crew' and '16 rally' plans, ob-est non-works driver again was 1000km of rally experience be-served. "My drivers can sign Roman Kreste in an old model fore the end of this season. Dusty Times January 2004 For the second group of two Ford ahead. Burns looked and stages Martin was in full form, sensed it was hopeless. He had fastest on both, climbing from no idea why he was fifth to second, but he was also uncompetitive. • I really do not lucky. On Stage 3 a wheel know why I cannot get into a started cracking around the rhythm." Lying in 11th place was studs holes, "I noticed a vibra-strange for a world champion-tion near the end of the stage ship leader! Carlos Sainz, al-and when we checked it after-though beginning to fed physi-wards we found it was a miracle cally weak, was quite the oppo-the wheel had not flown off. site. He was now up to fourth Behind the pace makers both place. Subaru was in big trouble Richard Burns and Gilles Panizzi when Solberg stopped on the were unhappy with the handling road section in to the final ser-of their Peugeots, changing set-vice halt, reportedly with no ups as often as they could to fuel, and Makinen slowed when make the cars nicer to drive, he had a vibration with a bent only Gronholm was not com-wheel after cutting a corner. plaining, apart from feeling the The fog was an enemy for every-car was not as fast as the one. Citroens and Fords! Kresta In the Super 1600 class, the dropped nearly a minute be-Renault Clio of Nicolas hind his Bozian teammate Bernardi was fastest on the Cedric Robert, when he had a opening stage but then Simon lot of brake trouble. Three Jean-Joseph, in a similar car, kilometres before the end of went ahead. Jean-Joseph held Stage 4 Hirvonen's '02 Focus 'this lead until Bernardi just got came to a stop when the cambelt in front of him again on Sra11e tensioner failed. 6. 0 The last two stages had quite In the Junior championship, contrasting conditions, Stage 5 Brice Tirabassi (Clio) was fast-was clear all the way, Stage 6 est on the opening stage but then had patchy conditions where it he lost his brakes on Stage 2, was very slippery, and for a long slid off the road, stalled the en-wa'Y there was ground level fog. gine and lost 12 minutes Before Loeb increased his lead to over the engine would restart. a half minute as Martin struck Marcos Ligato (Fiat) was in troubles. He had a puncture on worse trouble. It seemed he Stage 6 and then hit a stone on touched a guard rail, the steer-his line through a corner. Gron-ing broke and he lost almost 20 holm, however, could not capi-minutes, then more at service talise despite driving as hard as-afterwards. San Marino driver he could, he could not match Mirco Baldacci (Fiat) took over the pace of the Citroen or the Continued on page 24 • Custom Pro Cell Bladders wilh seamless super-tough, triple coaled construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam battling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA·FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433·6524 lechnical hotline • Over 25 years experience Page 23

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Colin McRae and Darak Ringer ware sixth overall In tha/r Citroen Francois Duval and Stephane Prevot ware fifth overall at SanRamo, An accident put Marcus Gronholm and Tlmo Rautiainan out of tha Xsara, seen hara at spaad at SanRamo. seen hara in their Ford Focus RS. SanRamo rally. saan hara in their Peugeot 206. the lead. Guy Wilks (Ford) was continue. Finally, on the road gear slide, and I only just man• Cecchectini had a broken ing. Didier Auriol bad some vi• in trouble, however. "On the section ion the way out of aged to regain control in time handbrake and slid right down bration troubles and also then first stage we punctured after lmperia, the JWRC leader Brice to brake before the next cor-from third to fifth. Wilks suf-stalled his Fabia at the start of 5km then when the tyre dropped Tirabassi's Renault stopped with ner!" The Estonian was fastest fered fuel surge and then came Stage 12. Then the rain came. off the bead we spun and an electrical problem. on every stage of the day. Sainz the long stage again. Baldacci was Alone of the top drivers Panizzi stalled. Only when spectators Leg 2 was happy in fourth place. "Ev-quickest in front of Meeke, and chose wet weather tyres and in pushed could we get going again. This was the day of the long eryching is fine. Me and the car now led by over two minutes. two stages rose from fifth to sec-I thought it was a faulty starter stages, although there were to are feeling fine." Burns rose Feghali had a bad vibration ond. On the final stage Burns motor but on the next stage we be only four stages all day. The from tenth to ninth, at the ex• caused by the beading creeping climbed from tenth to seventh. discovered we had a flat battery. longest stages first and last, with pense of Makinen, just still out-round a tyre that had dislodged Gronholm went off the road Fortunately, I was able co free- a group of two in between. It side the world championship on its rim. Iliev did all the stage three kilometres into the final wheel co the end of the second was a bad morning for Martin. points zone. Makinen was again without a clutch. The remaining stage and retired. stage." Kosti Katajamaki was Shortly before the crew were having a terrible rally. "All I can Suzukis of Canellas and In JWRC there was drama struggling on three cylinders on due to leave service they made complain about was having a Teuronen had brake problems. when Kris Meeka missed his , his VW. Vitte-Pettti Teuronen their nornfal trial restart, and slipping clutch for a while." Cecchettini had a puncture af-braking point, tried to hand-had alternator charging prob-immediately the engine cut out. Colin McRae had a spin. Burns ter only 600 metres and the time brake his Corsa in an attempt !ems. The only driving missing It was necessary to change the had some brake trouble to-lost changing the wheel dropped to spin it round, hit a wait and was Krum Donchev who had main ECU, and this made the wards the end of th~ long stage. him another two paces, and two bounced immovably back into slid off the road. crew three minutes late leaving Loeb's overnight lead was now more cars went missing. Ceccalo, the road. A queue of cars built As the day progressed and a .30 second penalty en-43.2 seconds. No top retire-after his astonishing best time on up unable to pass. Now there Baldacci kept his lead in front sued. This incident dropped ments all day. this stage in the·morning, went were eight! This caused a long of Carlsson. Meeke and Canellas Markko back to third and gave The day was marked by a off upside down into the trees, blockage and resulted in both were in a close fight for third Sebastien Loeb a lead of nearly meeting for the journalists with causing Top Run to admit it had Stages 11 and 12 being can-place. Wilks had overheating 50 seconds over Gronholm, Shekhar Mehta, the President of been a most terrible rally for celled for Super 1600 cars. Kosh shock absorbers which created who was now up to second. the World Rally Championship chem, while Broccoli tried to cut Katajamaki broke a driveshafc understeering. Abdo Feghali had First time through Martin and Commis~ion, who con fir-med a corner but the suspension 500 metres into Stage 11. Even an in-car vibration which made Loeb finished within a second the widely proposed changes for opened up and he also retired. though this stage was then can-it impo~sib!e -to hear the co• of each other. Gronholm was 2004 were on course, with only Nine crews were left. celled and knowing that they driver's instructions. Ligaco's ter-ddayed by soft brakes towards the two-driver rule substituting Leg 3 would not suffer penalties. ribie raiiy continued when the the end of che stage and was the original three driver con-There were no overnight sur-Katajamaki and his co-driver rear suspension collapsed after more than a quarter minute cept. He. admitted that the prises, but a change in the Jani Laaksonen could not gee the he cut a corner on Stage 4. Rules behind, so Markko was back co WRCC were accepting app.lica-weather had arrived with high vehicle mobile again. Abdo dictated chat JWRC drivers second, but 61. 7 seconds be-tions from organisers for waiv-winds flattening the hospitality Feghali had a broken clutch and could only use a total of 20 tyres hind Loeb. Philippe Sugalski ers from various aspects of the tents at the lmperia Service incurred 50 seconds in time on this event, meaning from time was gaining confidence and rules, if these were submitted in Park. White horses out at sea control penairi.::"S but th.ere was co time they had to use the same passed Tommi Makinen, while a way which could be justified. warned of changeable weather a dispute about what happened set for two consecutive groups of Cedric Robert was now ten th. David Richards was in the Ser-to come. Hot morning sunshine at a time control of the cancelled stages. Kris Mee ke did th is It was interesting to see the cars vice Park, and explained chat he on the coast contrasted with Stage 12 and at this time he has straightaway dropping back as a after the end of the first long foresaw the situation in which black clouds over the moun-been given a 15 minute penalty, result. Dimicar Iliev had bad vi• stage. The tyres showed no signs teams would withdra_w from the tains. The final day comprised which dropped him to seventh. bration from his brakes. Urmo of wear, though many tyres championship and enter only two loops of the same two New championship Aava found it difficult to decide were visibly creeping round the such events as they chose in the stages. Sebastien's troubles at favourites had begun to emerge. how to preserve his brakes, espe-rim, the tyres on several cars d,ays of pre-registration. the end of the second leg proved Burns kept his Drivers champi-cially on the more narrow roads. had shifted more than a quar-Sounded like a confrontation to be nothing to do with the onship lead with just a iwo On the final stage Aava retired ter revolution. Few drivers had was on its way. engine, but something instead to points advantage over Loeb. with a broken driveshaft allow-problems. Didier Auriol felt Bernardi took advantage of do with the suspension. The Cit• Citroen are now four points in ing Feghali to move to fifth. Iliev the Fabia handled better. Bu• Jean-Joseph's continuing brake roen team changed everything front of Peugeot in the Manu-changed his brake discs and the galski sensed he had preserved troubles to maintain his lead in they could find (in time-facturers series and, with the car was better and he rose to his tyres for too long before the Super 1600 category. Mirco honoured fashion) and happily, retirements in JWRC of both sixth. Carlsson had a gearshift going flat out. Burns felt his car Baldacci continued on his win-whatever was the problem, was Brice Tirabassi and Daniel problem. Canellas suffered punc-was incapable of hand Ii ng ning way in JWRC. "It is my third cured. Gron ho Im had more Carlsson, Salvador Canellas cures and had to change a wheel properly. Panizzi was given or-San re mo, in three different brake troubles towards the end has moved up to within three on the stage. Luca Cecchittini ders co try alternative sec-ups types of car, and our Fiat is go• of the stages while Sainz was go-points of series leader had clutch trouble and planned with the remaining asphalt ral-ing well." Daniel Carlsson had ing far better than he was feel-Tirabassi. 1.J1J2C: to change his gearbox. Ligaco lies in mind. Sainz was feeling a puncture and tried to drive on had more trouble, suffering even tired after yesterday's exertions the flat tyre to the end of the more delay! Fourteen JWRC cars but was now happy with the stage, but just before the finish were still running! brakes, "It took a while to be he hit a rock which bounced the Between the final stage of the sure I could trust them!" Duval car into the middle of the road. day and the arrival back in San-hit a bank and buckled a wheel. Having the road blocked caused remo that evening, and end of Little happened on the two Dimitar lliev to stop and help the leg, three of the remaining interim stages. Gronholm had a remove the car to get past. The 46 crews withdrew! First retire-puncture but the mousse kept Swede bad already angered ment was Petter Solberg. Even the tyre intact. Loeb went cau-Abdo Feghali, who was stuck the following morning the team tiously on Stage 8, "There were behind the slow moving Suzuki were unsure exactly what hap-many drainage ditches beside the earlier on the stage, causing him pened. "It might have been a mis-road and I did not want to risk to drop three places down the calculation, but we do not think catching the wheel in these. It order. Both the rwo remaining so. We added five litres to Petter's meant driving on the dirt in the Suzukis were slowed by brake car for luck, or a change in driv-road and losing some time: By problems towards the end of the ing style, but the datalog does their return to service Loeb's stage. Guy Wilks still had han-not show that. We do not think lead was down co 50 seconds. dling troubles, and also a punc-the fog was bad enough to have then on the final long stage Loeb cure. Kris Meeke was now up co made the problem," said Suba-felt the engine start to lose second. Luca Cecchettini third, ru Technical chief David power. "It created a lot of un-while Salvador Canellas, in one Lapworth. When the Top Run dersteer, it seemed like the en-stage, jumped from eighth co team checked Marcos Ligaco's car gine was holding rhe car back." fourth·. they discovered that the chassis Martin made a big attack on the Feghali had a camshaft sensor was bent, making it no point co final stage. ~I had one long sixth leak oil all over the engine. Page 24 January 2004 54 (16 JWRC) starters. 36 (7 JWRC) finishers. •JWRc winner. -1st S1600. MANUFACTURER REGISTERED DRIVER. Winner's average si-<I over stages 90.59kph. Leading retirements completed Last stage (1) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautialnen FIN Peugeot206 WRC 206NOQ75 (F) accident '13 • (6) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EX02OBE (GB) camshaft belt 3 (7) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC S500WRT (GB) fuel 6 (15) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Paavo Lukander FIN Skoda Fabia 3S3 1947 (CZ) accident 1 (52) Daniel Carlsson/Mattias Andersson S Suzuki lgnis JWRC IVG648 (H) accident 6 (54) Kosti Katajamaki/Jani Laaksonen FIN VW Polo JWRC H-RM495 (0) driveshaft 10 (58) M8/'00s Ugato/Ruben Garcia RA Flat Punto JWRC BY579N.X (I) withdrawn 6 · (61) Brice Tirabassi/Jacques-Julien Renucci F Renault Clio JWRC 871AMC83 (F) elecitics 6 (63) Massimo Cec.cato/Mitia Dotts I Fiat Punto JWRC CE078WE (I) accident 9 (67) Alessandro Broccoli/Giovanni Agnese RSM/I Renault Clio · JWRC BW326KT (I) steering 9 (71) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Suzuki lgnis JWRC IVG651 (H) driveshaft S WRC Dusty Times

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SNORE WESTERN DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP Witt Wins western 8:, John Calvin Photos: Track.side Photo The Fraley/MacGachren juggernaut just keeps on goin', fast consistent lap times, only 1 flat and they took yet another win. Witt taking the honors. Bill drove spot, he rolled the car but did no solo and had to replace a power· major damage, Fernando Padilla steering belt on the first lap, the ex-was running in seventh, Chad tent of his troubles. Second on the · Shupp was in eighth, the absolutely podium were the Gaughan broth- vivacious Day Gang was running ers, they had no problems to report, ninth and Dan Bradley was the 10th just a lengthy driver change and they place runner. Ken Tapert was in 11th were very happy with their silver spot and Aaron Hawley made it an medal. We might note that Brendan even dozen, Aaron rolled his car, and had 'ol buddy Billy Holbrook riding broke the steering wheel, which had along with him all the way. Corey to be replaced. BIii Witt led the first lap, drppped to second on laps 2 and 3, then took the lead back and came on in for a nice Class 111 O win. Cook was another solo driver, Leg 2 ended and things had Corey's only problem was one flat changed a lot. MacCachren was now tire during the race. T.J. Flores was running in front, Jeff Carr had• fourth in and the final car in the moved up to second place, just a few class. TJ had one flat and suffered a minutes off the pace, Cody Freeman broken header on the last lap but had made a nice move up into third was happy with his finish. The Flip- place, in spite of rolling the car. For-pin brothers and Bill Dicton sue- tunately, they landed on the wheels cumbed to some ailments on their and just kept right on goin'. Greg last lap and never took the check- Boyer moved up two spots into ered flag. fourth and Day Gang had moved The SNORE Western Desert Championship took place on No-vember 8 at the Nelson Hulls venue and it couldn't have been a more perfect day, weather wise, that is. The sun never poked it's head through the solid overcast skies, the tempera-ture was in the mid seventies and there was just enough of a breeze to blow some of the dust off the course. Contingency and Technical Inspec-tion were held on Friday evening at the Boulder Creek Country Club, Nevada. A nice parking facility, ad-equately lit and, surprise, tempera-tures that required only a sweatshirt. All in all, a good evening. The race was scheduled to start at 9am, five laps for the big guys, four laps for Class 9, Heavy Metal, 5,1600 and three laps for all the Sportsman entries. A total of 50 entries were lined up waiting the 9am start and, at race end, all declared that they loved the course and were really glad they en-tered. The first class to leave the line was Class 10. John Gaughan was run-ning his Class 1 car in this class and Corey Cook and Jeff Moore were running their Class 12 cars in this combined effort also. When the Class 1 cars came around on their first lap it was Bren-dan Gaughan in the lead, Bill Witt came along 28 seconds later, the Flippins came along a few minutes later and Corey Cook was fourth to cross the line. T.J. Flores was run-ning in fifth, Mark Hutchins was in sixth, Michael Gaughan, Jr. was sev-enth and Bill Dicton was running eighth. On the second lap, Brendan opened up a slight lead on Bill Witt, the Flippins were still running in third, Corey Cook was fourth, T.J. Flores was still running fifth and Bill Dicton had moved up two spots to sixth. Mike Gaughan, Jr., Mark Hutchins and Jeff Moore were out of the contest. The third lap saw a little change, Brendan was still leading, Bill was PIKES service center Baker, California CelebNl~lng 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 26 second, still just a slight bit behind and Corey Cook had moved up a spot into third place. The Flippins dropped a spot to fourth place, T.J. Flores was still in fifth place and Bill Dicton was a long sixth after troubles on the first two laps. The fourth lap saw Bill Witt tak-ing over the fLISt place position, John Gaughan was in for brother Bren-dan and had slipped back to sec-ond, third place was regained by the Flippin car and Corey Cook dropped a spot and was running fourth. T.J. Flores must have been getting bored as he was still running in fifth and Bill Dicton was running well, although still in sixth. When the checkers flew it was Bill • There were an even dozen 1600 up a few spots into fifth place. Corey cars and there was a lot of position Goin dropped two spots and was · shuffling before it was all over. running sixth, Dan Bradley was mov-When the smoke cleared and the ing up, he was now in seventh place, boys, and girl, came in at the end of Ken Tapert moved up four positions the first lap it was Bryan Freeman in into eighth place and Aaron Haw- . the lead, Rob MacCachren was right ley had really come up the ladder behind him, 18 seconds behind, to and was running ninth. Chad be exact. Coming in third was Jeff Shupp dropped a few spots to 10th, Carr, ·corey Goin was in fourth Bryan Freeman had dropped all the place and Cody Freeman was run-way back to 11th, the result of a bro-ning fifth. Greg Boyer was in sixth ken stub axle, followed by a flat tire, all on the same lap. Fernando Pa-dilla had dropped to 12th with _ major problems out on the course. Rob Walters ran solo, had one flat to contend with and squeaked out the Class 9 The third lap had a few changes in the running order, MacCachren was still in the lead, Cody Freeman had moved up into second place and was equaling MacCachren on lap times, Jeff Carr had dropped a spot to third, afrer locking horns with a Sportsman car. Fortunately, some-one came right out and threw cold water on them and they went their separate ways. Jeff wanted to get in a thanks to Dave Folts and Adam Wik for their fine work. Corey Going had moved up into fourth and Day Gang was holding her own in fifth place. Greg Boyer was down to sixth place, Dan Bradley was in seventh and Aaron Hawley had moved up another spot and was now eighth. Ken Ta pert dropped a spot to ninth, Bryan Freeman moved up a spot into 10th and Padilla was running in 11th. Chad Shupp had terminal problems and was on the trailer. win with one second to spare. Michael Licari took the Heavy Metal win, he had one flat and finished his four required laps in less than five hours. Januarv 2004 Things were stabilizing on the fourth lap. MacCachren was still showing everyone the way, Cody Freeman was about five minutes down from the leader, Jeff Carr was another four minutes back from Cody, Ms. Gang had moved up a spot into fourth place and Greg Boyer was now up to fifth place. Mark Bunderson was in for Aaron Hawley and had moved up a few spots and was now running in sixth, Ken Ta pert was now up to seventh place, Padilla had moved up three spots and was now in eighth, Corey Dusty Times

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Cody Freeman rolled on the second lap but you'd never know it from Rick Poole had a flat on the second lap and it cost him dearly. he was his lap times, he was second in 1600, five minutes out of the win. second in class 9, he lost BY ONE SECOND/ Joe Ferrara's long second lap was costly, he finished second in Heavy Metal, just 10 minutes out of the win. Goin had dropped way back to place runner. Justin Evans moved and still held on to eig~th place. ninth place and Bryan Freeman was up three places to sixth, Greg Wat- John Burns picked off two spots and still running 10th. Dan Bradley and kins moved up three spots to sev- was now in ninth and Corey Torres his crew had called it quits for the enth place, in spite of a flat tire and had dropped to 10th place. Chris day. losing second gear somewhere, De Sousa was running in 11th place The fifth and final lap saw no Randy Ward was in for l_(evin Mattes and Glenn Dicton had called it a position changes of any note. Bruce Fraley got in for MacCachren, as usual and they took the class win, only suffering one flat tire which was changed in their pit. Cody Freeman was second across the line, just five minutes out of the lead, third was Jeff Carr, a few more minutes back and Day Gang was first off the po-dium in fourth place. Day's right arm was exhausted as she was fight-ing her shifter all race long. Dreg Boyer rounded out the top five, Aaron Hawley finished in sixth place, Ken Tapert took seventh, he had to put up with a sick engine most of the day, Fernando Padilla and crew were eighth and Bryan Freeman kept on running after his disasters and was ninth to finish. Corey Goin called it a day and never got to the checkers. There were 13 Class 9 cars ready for action, but in spite of anything anybody could do it was Rob Walters taking the win, he's won ev-ery Class 9 SNORE-race this sea-son! The first lap was a quick one,• Rob Walters came around in the lead, Rick Poole was 27 seconds be-hind in second place, Corey Torres was running third, Brandon Hughes was in fourth and Justin Evans was in fifth. In sixth place it was Ron Rash, Glenn Dicton was in seventh, Don Kelly was running eighth, Kevin Mattes was ninth and Jared Benson was 10th across the line. John Bum s came around in 11th place, Chris De Sousa was 12th and Jim Neal was running in 13th spot. ~ -Fl&FI TVNDllA4WD lONO TllAVEl --; , .-ra•. COILOVER & BYPASS SETUP WITH 4WDf day. As they came racing to the check-ered flag it was still Rob Walters and he took the Class 9 win. Rob only had to contend with one front flat all race long. Right on his butt, and I do mean on his butt came Rick Poole, he was only ONE SECOND behind after almost four hours of racing! Coming in for the third spot on the podium was Don Kelly, up Continued an p1g1 28 GET MICROSTUBS! 934 PRO VERSION Now IN STOCK! WW.KJIRTEK.COM SPECIALIST 99-03 IIlVEllADO COilOVER KIT TH£ £iJG£ ADVANCED SUSPENSION 4WD IVPERDUTY lillKITI 3" TO 12" AVAILABLE! The second round saw some po-sition changes but not in the top spot, it was Rob Walters doing what he loves best, leading! Brandon Hughes had moved up a few spots and was now in second place, Rick Poole had dropped a spot to third, having to take care of a flat tire somewhere out on the course. Ron Rash had also moved up a few spots and was now running in fourth place and Mike Wichmann, who was in for Don Kelly had moved up from eighth to fifth. Glenn Dicton moved up a spot to sixth, Corey Torres dropped four spots to seventh place, Kevin Mattes came up a spot into eighth, Justin Evans went from fifth to ninth place, the cost of breaking a ball joint and Gregg Watkins, who was in for Brian Benson remained in 10th. John Burns was still in 11th place, Chris De Sousa was waaay back in 12th place after major prob-lems and Jim Neal was on his trailer. They were still trading laces on the third lap. Walters was still leading, of course, but he was now being hotly pursued by Rick Poole, Brandon Hughes was running third, Ron Rash was still in fourth place and Mike Wichmann was still the fifth WE STOCK MORE PARTS THAN ANYONE/ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 909.737.RACE (7223) r MajorACc';:~~e~3.rd5 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 ~ !!m ~ DISC VER" Dusty Times January 2004 Page 27

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Young and good looking, Courtney Collins drives like her father, hard L-'"'---~---'----------~---......_ _______ __, charging, and she was second in Sportsman Buggy. a minute out of Corey Cook drove solo, had one flat all day and finished a not too Jeff Carr had a fairly good race, he finished third in the 1600 fracas the win. .shabby third place in the Class 10 battle. and is all ready for the 2004 season. Don Kelly and /mike Wichmann had a trouble free run in Class 9, they Eric Shepard ran some fast and consistent laps in Class 9 and that Fourth place in Class 1 O went to T J Flores, he had a few problems finished a nice third in the Class 9 contest. got him the bronze medal at the Western Championship. but came on in for a first out of the money. two places from the prior lap, Jer- 10th and final finisher in Class 9. emy Evans was in for Justin and was Brandon Hughes had major prob-up two spots into fourth place and !ems and was on the trailer. Tfte Difference, Page 28 Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-20450 Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-0B30500 Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30503 Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30504 Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. 300m 930 Race Axles For more information give us a call or visit us online @ January 2004 Brian Benson, who was in for Greg Heavy Metal was next off and Watkins was up two spots also into when they came round for the first fifth place, in spite of rolling the car lap it was Joe Ferrara in the lead, near the finish, Cody Rash was in Michael Licari came along in second for his father, Ron, and he dropped spot and John Phegley was third in a few spots and finished in sixth the tallest race car in the world. Eric place. Cody lost a ball joint halfway Gremm didn't complete his first lap. round the course, finally pulled off On their second lap, Licari had the right front wheel and came in to moved into the lead, Joe Ferrara was the finish. Randy Ward picked up a very long second after major prob--one spot into seventh, Randy lost !ems on the course and John Pheg-his left front tire on this lap and ran . leywas still hanging on in third place. the last 15 miles on three wheels. After completing the third lap, Chris De Sousa was up three into Licari was still in the lead, Phegley eighth, John Burns remained in the had moved in the second spot and ninth spot and Corey Tones was the Ferrara had dropped to third place. Kevin Powers took the Unlimited Sportsman win, he ran his three required laps in less than six hours. The hotly contested Sportsman Buggy win went to Greg Frechette, he had no problems and did his three laps in less than three hours. Dusty Times

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Day Gang had shifter problems all race long but you wouldn't know Don Wall opened the day with a rollover, he recovered and went on Fifth place in the 1600 battle went to Greg Boyer, in spite of a rollover it from her lap times, she finished fourth in 1600. to take a decent fourth place in Sportsman Buggy. and having no brakes for a lap. The checkers flew after the The Sportsman Buggy contest The third and final lap saw no fourth lap and it was Michael Licari was well attended, nine cars ready change in the lead, it was Greg taking the win. Mike only had one for the fray. At the end of the first Frechette taking the gold medal re-flat tire to slow his progress. Joe lap Greg Frechette had a bit over porting a trouble free run to the Ferrara had moved back into the two minutes on Courtney Collins. flag. Courtney Collins came in for second spot and, woe is us, John · Eric Shepard came along next in second place, she also reported a Phegley disappeared from the scor-third place, Evan DLxon was run- trouble free run and a mere minute ing charts. Amen. ning fourth and Don Wall was in and 40 seconds away from the win. There was only one entry in Class fifth place after rolling the car some- Eric Shepard got the last spot on 5-1600. That was Mike Ault and al-where out on the course. In sixth the podium for his third place fin-though Mike got in two good laps place was Chris Deloe, Billy Shapley ish. Eric lost the power steering belt that's all he got and he was an un- was running in seventh and Bert twice and thought his rear suspen-fortunate dnf. Schneider was in eighth place after sion was a bit soft. Don Wall came The Unlimited Sportsman cat• breaking a left rear shock mount. in for the fourth place finish. Fifth egory was limited to two cars. Jason Orio Cox had big problems and was place went to Chris Deloe who had Gubler took the lead on the first of off the scoring computer. to contend with a leaking power the three required laps and Kevin. As the second lap finished it was steering pump. Bert Schneider was Powers came along in second spot. still Gregg Frechette in the lead, the sixth and final finisher, he took The second lap had the same stand- Courtney Collins was still in second the checkers sans his left front wheel. ings, Regen Gubler was now in for but a bit closer to lead, Eric Shepard Evan Dixon succumbed to terminal Jason, but the margin was much was still holding on to third place, problems on the last lap and Billy greater now as Kevin Powers had Don Wall had moved up a spo(into Shapley called-it a day after the sec• major troubles and was down for a fourth and Evan Dixon had ond lap. • long time. The third lap saw the droppedaspottofifth.ChrisDeloe • And so it ended, the final Gubler car disappear with Tammie was still sixth, Bert Schneider moved SNORE race of the 2003 season. at the helm and Hope next to her up a spot ro seventh and Billy Congrats to all, win, lose or draw. and the class win went to Kevin Pow-Shapley was eighth after a horren- Everyone we talked to had a great ers. dously long lap. time and most are chafing at the bit selection of Suspension Kits and Systems for the '89-'99 Jeep Cherokee XJ. Dusty Times January 2004 John and Brendan Gaughan shared the drive and had a ball, they ran trouble free and were a mere four minutes out of the Class 10 win. for the 2004 season to begin. ship. The phatogi-ap~r we had con-'1h. tracud with to supply t~ pictures left -i1.fitor's Note: us hanging high and dry with no regard The pictures used in this article have for Dusty Times nor for t~ SNORE been collected from many different racers. races. None of them are from the Sorry for the inconven-SNORE Western Desert Champion-ience. ~ Page 29

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QUICK FIT GooNDIWINDI GOO • RoUND 4 AUSTRAILIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP Milton Moves Quickly Text & Photos: Ste11e Hilton . -The Mi/tons, Brett & Bonnie drove their great looking Rodoo/Chevy to four wins at Goondiwindi, seen he;e at speed in the outback. Brett and Bonnie Milton in the Chevy powered Holden Rodeo Class 4 made history in winning this round of the championship, this was the first outright winning position for any truck competing in the Australian championship, some credit must go to truck chassis builder Richard Bennett from South Australia, now also fighting his own battle with cancer. The Championship for 2003 was won before the runl)ing of the Quick Fit Tyres Goondiwindi 400, Mark Burrows and his navigator Colin Hodge have taken the title again, it Page 30 seems ironic then that his absence at this event leaves open a contest for the rest. The race this year as in the past was held over two days, Saturday competition comprising of the prologue run over a tough 15 kilometre course, a break and then Section l, three laps of the 45 kilometre course in the afternoon, Sunday's race would be two sections each of three laps. Goondiwindi situated in the mid south west of Queensland has been in the middle of Australia's worst drought for a long period, but over the last few . weeks has seen some rain ensuring a track that would test all 44 competitors. PROLOGUE • The Ford powered Jimco buggy of Brad Zacka set the field a real challenge. His time over the 15 kilometre course was 0: 10:56, Svenson followed 26 seconds behind, then the Chenowth buggy of Shannon Rentsch another three seconds behind. PROLOGUE TIMES: Class 1 Unlimited Buggy: Brad Zacht 0: 10:56 Laurence Svenson 0:11:22 IIDIIIID diaon uiltfor acers acers January 2004 • Travis and Garry Conrad KOn four gold medals at Goondiwindi, and they also took home the .overall Class 3 championship. Shannon Rentsch 0: 11 :25 Lake in the southern state of Victoria Class 2 1650cc Buggy: were second five minutes behind, Andrew Ryan 0: 12:02 Brett Milton in the Rodeo now third Shannon Irvin 0: 12:08 after clipping a gate post with the left Matthew Coleman 0: 12:38 front wheel, luckily only two Class 3 1300cc Buggy: kilometres from the finish. Local boy Travis Conrad 0:12:51 Michael Napier in the ex-Terry Rose Robert Moore 0: 13: 10 buggy powered by a V6 turbo Honda Andrew McKay 0: 13:25 was fourth, followed closely by Class 4 Unlimited 2WD Trucks another local in a VB field after a & Baja: flat rear, also a long way back Brett Milton 0: 12:03 Shannon Rentsch suffering fuel Greg Gartner 0: 12:04 pressure problems in the Nissan turbo Greg Campbell 0: 12: 26 powered Chenowth. Gartner in the Class 5 2WD Enduro: Ford Courier Class 4 was sixth on Stephen Muhling 0: 13:47 the road at the end of the day despite Anthony Chaffey 0: 14:02 some fuel problems, he was followed Class 7 Production 4WD: by the very quick Andy Ryan in. the Geoff Pickering0:13:12 Class 2 buggy. Conrad held the lead Rod Graydon 0:15:18 in Class 3 and was 11th outright. Class 8 Unlimited 4WD: Muir in the Class 8 Nissan led Bruce Muir 0: 13: 19 Pickering after losing the front wheel Errol Younger 0: 14: 13 drive on his Mitsubishi Pajero. Class 9 Unlimited Single Seat SECTION 1 TIMES: Buggy: Class l: Shane Hutt0:12:52 Brad Zacka 1:38:36 SECTION 1 DavidSimpson 1:43:41 Zacka and Turner in the Jimco Michael Napier 1:45:23 set a blistering pace over the three Class 2: laps turning the sky above into a haze Andrew Ryan l :46: IO of dust, the wind had stayed allowing Matthew Coleman 1 :48:07 the rest of the field reasonable Mark Andrew 2:03: 14 visibility in the open paddocks. David Class 3: and Malcolm Simpson from Sea Travis Conrad 1:51:02 Michael and Karen Napier were the Class 1 winners and they were second overall in their Raceco/Honda V6 Turbo. . .2~ .. I ---_.. f-· Bruce Muir took home all the marbles in the Class 8 contest, he won the Prologue and all the sections in his Nissan pickup. Dusty Times

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Brad Zaclca won the Prologue and Section 1 but major problems Andy Ryan ran his Toyota powered Funco to first in Class 2 in all four Geoff Pickering won the Prologue, Section 1 and Section 3 in his mean looking Mitsubishi Pajero, s88n here at speed. labeled him a dnf for the second and third section. events, seen here just before touchdown. Robert Moore 1:53:01 Rod Graydon 2:11:09 Todd Lawrence 2:24:21 David Cannell 2:03:51 Cl.ass 8: SECTION 3: Class 4: Bruce Muir 1:48:23 Brett Milton with no other performed without fault to finish second outright and first th roughout the event and now in Class 1. Svenson pushed hard but looked good for the outright and the dust and time difference was too class win. Napier even with problems much, still finished a creditable third kept up a good pace and withstood outright and second in Class 1. Brett Milton 1:45:04 Errol Younger 2:02:15 problems other than the flat front Q,eg Gartner 1:45 :36 Class 9: tyre in Section 1 left the start line Paul Grant 1:58:28 Bill Hall l :54:58 confident of a win, the truck had the pressure put on him by Svenson C,ntinud on P•I• 34 Class 5: Anthony Chaffey 1:59:33 Stephen Muhling 2:02:53 Paul Richey 2:19:13 Class 7: Geoff Pickering 1 :52: 11 Class 8: Bruce Muir 1:52:05 Errol Younger 2:00:40 Oass9: Shane Hutt 1:47:28 Bill Hall 2:02:27 Todd Lawrence 2:17:44 SUNDAY, SECTION 2: An early start and luckily the wind was blowing in a favourable direction, Zacka starting first pulled to the side of the track 200 meters from the start, his gearbox had jammed in first gear, this left David Simpson with a dust free first lap. He improved his position on the road over Napier who was in a battle with Ken Cameron for second place. Passing the halfway mark in the lap and Simpson was outwith a broken front shock mount, Cameron at this stage had passed Napier who was on the side of the road with a transmission problem. As the laps progressed Cameron pulled out of the event with power steering failure, he said later he needed his navigator to assist in the steering of the buggy when turning left, this allowed Napier to again take hold of second position. After the three laps Milton had a lead of just oven;ix minutes, Napier who was still suffering automatic transmission problems was second, he was closely followed by Svenson who was now pushing hard to make up time lost with the flat tyre in Section 1, his V8 Toyota powered Stealth Predator buggy running strongly. Gartner was one of many not to finish Section 2, his Ford while still driveable, was out with a differential failure, he would change it in the break, ready to race the last section of the day. . SECTION 2 TIMES: Class 1: Laurence Svenson 1 :37:45 Shannon Rentsch 1:41: 11 Michael Napier 1:41:36 Class 2: Andy Ryan 1 :43: 13 Matthew Coleman 1 :46:50 Randall Kilner l :54: 18 Class 3: Travis Conrad 1:47:42. Andrew McKay 1:54:39 David Cannell 2:04:59 Class 4: Brett Milton 1:39:39 Paul Gram 1:52:33 John Moore 1:57: 14 Class 5: Stephen Muhling 1:55:42 Ai:hol Wilcox 2:09:48 Paul Richey 2:22,05 Class 7: Dusty Times LIST YOUR l'HIJIIE #UMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND EIISl#E SIZE/ Sales lnfonnatlon: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50o/, pre-payment $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. ~inimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimned. Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is tile name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimned. Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademar1t PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. CENTERLINE WHEELS F.,,..A/nlltllllR lnNlt ,,,,,,hllt/Mtl F/Jllrll. 5 VW _, ................. $143 5 vw ... -................. 147 5 VW---·- ... 148 5 VW ................... ..... 149 1h8 SVW ....................... 152 15 X 10 5 VW ...................... 159 OIi S.1t C-,,,,ct,d on • SIHI frltH, V/1111 Sldn wltll •td Clotll C.lllu. Arnl1bl1 /11: BIid: Vllly/ rrllt l /adt F1brk; Gi.r Vllly/ w/tfJ Grr, F1//tfc; rr, V/q/ . ,,,, ao,,, '"' 0,.1 /Irle Comt/Ntlo•. (Alld $1). Back super Seat ............. s1ao UL• Sl'ORTSTER Daty tr W/111/ Now Yo• Clo IJu S.S,.MIOIJ S.1ts In Narrow,, Clltslll. A'1/U#,. flt BIid/ or &rr,. UI' Sportst« Seat. Low-Bad< $140 LH. Sportster Seat. Hi·Back ...... 150 DRY CB.L BArrER/ES S•ptrlor Cnaklng. Fut Char,, C,p1blllt, ,nd Vlbrition Rnldl-,CA 032'(Wxl.xH) r x sw x 5· Battery 925A .... .s140 &/,x 7'/,x 7'/,Battery 1200A .. 175 Billet Aluminum BatteiyBox .... 110 Steel 925A Battery Box .............. 45 ALUMINUM TANKS EIJllorc.ntMFIII. 8' X 16', 24•. 30', 33" ............... $78 10' X 30'. 33• ............................. 85 10' X 40' .................................. 112 Fuel Shut-off Valve tor Tanks ....... 6 Chrome Straps. palr ................... 25 TISER 2x2 BELTS BIid, RH, Grr,. Ytllofl, hr,/1 llf IIH. Cllromt ArlllitHt Styi. ,,.,_. z· u, B,tt ,111 z· Sa/Hr Slrl/ll. 3 Point Chrome Release .......... $35 n&ER 312 BELTS Blldt. RH. Gny, Yellow, Pwp/t or Bin. 0./ct 1.111:/J I/al-3• u, ,.,, • t· s,.,, Sbolllm $hp. 3 Point Heavy Du1y Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ............................... 8 SHOUWER PADS Bladt, Bia,, or Rtd. ShOulder Pads, pair ................. $10 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM lnelMdn Ad/lllm. Stock Width Beam with 8' Travel Towm ............. $140 6" Wider Beam with 8' Travel Towm ............... 180 6" Wld<!r Beam with 1 O' Travel Towe,s ............. 195 Shod< Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushings, set 4 .. .20 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM For 11ft Wlllfl T,p Shod/ MIUII ,,. ln<0rpor11fd I• !IN CMals. 6" Wider Beam for Thfll Rods .. $80 6" Wider Beam for Leafs ......... 110 TRAIUIIG ARMS 1 '/, X '/," Ffont Arm$. set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2•1, x 1 Front Asms, set of 4 ..... 200 Unlc Pins. set ot 4... ................... 48 THRURODS For 6" Wldtr B11m r,/th Long Tri.,IAnm. Thru Rods. palr ........................ $50 COMBO U#K SPINDLES A.,11,blt In Sllndlrd Half/II orRt/ud3" Combo Link Spindles. pair ..... $475 Bearin',l Kit. Set of 4 ................... 60 OFF ROAD R&I' H.,.,., 0/tly Oft Ru d IJu Or Llr,11 S,114 Ralls. OIi Road Raclc & Pinion ........ .$132 U.Joint for Raclc & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U.Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mounttor Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY For W1nior ,,.m d Oft-Rud Rut. 1/IC/odn Ends. lie Rod Assembly. pair ............ $62 BIUET STEERING BEARING CARRIER 111-,,, 8'Nr/11f SU/I lo RMt ind Pinion. BiUet Steering Bearing Gamer • .$60 U.Joint 'lo" to 'lo" Shaft .............. 50 U.Joitit '/," Shaft to Raclc ........... 58 Steenng Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shalt .............. 22 January 2004 REAR TRAIUl/6 ARMS WIU IJu 931 CV Jol•L Trailing Arms. Steel, pr ... ., ..... $225 Trailing Arms. Chromoty. pr ... .295 STUB AXLES& DRIVE RANGES A.,t1,bl1 tor B•I, Bn & 930 cv,. Stub Axle. pair.. ..................... $140 Drive Flar1Qe. palr ....................... 84 HEAVY DUTY AXLE$ For$ ,r $ Trillln, Anm. Bllo Trans to3 x3 arms. pr ••. $130 BllsTrans to 3 x 3anns, pr ..... 130 Blls Trans to 3 ~ 3 arms, ~ng 930 CVs. pr ....................... 150 r~ KIIIG ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR F•II Adfull1n1111 On/ Sprl111 Shod/ rift/I H-tnld Rntmlr. King 2" Adjustable Shock, 8-10-12· S1roke ..... .from $495 Kmo 2 .,,. -Adjustable Shock, 12·14-16" strol<e .•• .from $585 BIiiet Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount ................. 35 SHOCKS FOR TORS/OIi BARS King 2" Shod<, 8·10-12" Stroke w/Res ... $225 King 2'/iShock. 10-12·14" Stroke w/Res ... 295 JAMAR BILLET PEDAL ASSEMBUES Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal ............... .$215 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................... 230 Ultra Slide Pim ......................... 60 Ultra Slide lhroftle Kit .............. .26 Ultra Slide Hose Klt .................... 55 [ffl JAMAR 4-MIEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Com,ffltloo l'tdll A#lmbly. l11Clad•• B/1111 T/Jnlll/t l'tdll, Bntt Assembly, Clltldl Au1mbty 1nd s,,., C,1/nd,r. Competition Pedal Assembly $430 Single Brake Assembly ............ 155 Tandem Brake Assembly ........ .230 Clutch Assembly w/Slave •......•. 170 JAMAR SUPER SHl"ER JA-IIA/l REAR 11/UET IHSC BRAKES LMf•SHrl.41#. 4-IJJO 8"'81 Oise Brabs. ..... ..$495 5-1.uQ lldlel DlscBrakes ......... 515 5-Lug 8tllet Oise Brakes With Foor Piston Calll)er ... 640 JA•MAR FBOIIT SIU.ET DISC BRAKES IC,., Pitt st,/1111/a or CMIH Llllt s,/1111111. Billet Front DISC llr.ikes for Sand llait$. .......... _ .$670 Billet Front Oise Bralces .._JA_•_MAR_...a;.Mi_'/CIIO _ __, tor Desert Ralls. ... - . _ ... 710 SIU.ET 5~ HIJBS STUii IIRAICES ""Com/lo u,,u,111••· MicntSlub Oise Bram King Pin Spindle Hub Kil. ... ..$310 W/Foor P!ston{:afjper ••. $1.300 Com!Jo Link Spindle Hub Klt..320 JAMAR STEERING !'::=I Hindlt Taming Brua. Turning Brake .......................... $78 rna ~BRAKES Polldlttd Wit/I Clrtam1 Handin. Upr//lhl or An/II#. Single Handle Turning Brake ... $95 Dual Handle Tumino Brake ........ 95 :::::;,.,.r-::: . - , ~;. BILLET SOOD/ES F/111' /," Td/llf, Green SticMf Bracket $10 GPS Bracket & Mount ................ 60 Brake Line Bracket .................... .17 Tachometer Bracket & Mount .... 32 3-Panel Mirror, 18' Long ........... 82 Clamp-On Mirr01 Bradce1S. pr .... 32 MICKEY THOMl'SOII PERFORMANCE TIRES Bl/1-Pro htform,_ r,,.• E78 Mini Mag ....................... $86 30 X 7.00, 4·ply ................ -.106 33 X 9.00, 4-pfy .................... 125 35 X 10.00, 4-ply .................. 148 TRI MIL BOBCAT Sllng,r or IJ-611111 ColledlH. 1 W Unpainted BolJcat... .......... $95 1'/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............... 95 1•1,· Chrome Bobcat.. ............... 145 1'/, Chrome BolJcat.. ............... 145 Baflle ........................................... 8 Replacement Springs. se! al 4 ..... 8 JET COATED /Jlnd·OR Colling, Wo• 1 Ching, Color or Rm. 1'/,' Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1'/,' Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For Tllldt Flin,, 1114 Pol/llltd Loot J,t Collin, on Any Tri MIi 1'/," $1/llflr Ezlllt#I Md $31. SS SPARK ARRESTOR Fl# llobc:II 2" Sli,,,,rs & U·Blndl. SpartcArrestor. 18' Length ...... $68 Spartc Arrestor, No Btacket ........ 50 Spartc Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 56 Hott Clamp ................................ 5 ~=-~SpolorFlood. 100 Watt Lazer Star, pr.. ........ $144 75 Watt Lazer Star. pr .............. 132 BIJlet Clamp-On Light Mounts .... 36 Micro-B Lazer Star (Red). pr ... 120 Micro-II Lazer Star D1Jal Alament (Red). pr ..... 175 BJaci< super Shltter ................. .$90 BAJA BEL TED HI' Chrome Super Shiller .............. 105 30 x 9.5-15 ............................ $119 Replacement Lamp, Spot. ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp, Rood, ea ... .24 Optional Shitt Rod Kit ................ 48 31 x 10.S0-15 ......................... 140 Replacement Lens, ea ................ 18 Lazer Star CoYers, pr ................... 8 Page 31

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ARC Paint BORE B&RBUGGIES Califon Bonneville Off Road BTI Performance Products 390670r Custom Painting ,Rac~g Enterprises VW AND OFF ROAD PARTS Innovative Billet Products For Cherry Va: Race Trucki Car raneis George Cain/ Glenn Cain & ACCESSORIES 'The Off Road Enthusiast 909-8 Helmets, Wheels 341 W-2575N 1523 8. Coast JUahway 9!525 Path-y St. Santee, CA 92071 Product. www Sunset, UT 84015 619--662-3071 Boatec Fiber1 619-562-5902-Santee, CA 801-773-1651 Oceanside, CA 92054 e-mail! 1'1lbing Bend, 80 l-773-9319fax 760-722-1266 &Tubes- Swe VP Racing Fuels Web-Cam C. L. Bryant, Inc. Performance Ca.D\s.hafts Dusty Tir Serving Western States Automotive-ATV-Motorcycle And Mexico 1815 Massachusetts Avenue Mitch Hart Rivenide, CA 92507 800-399-4176 909-369-5144 2004 Off Road Compet MitchHart:@, 909-369-7266fax 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~4 1 BITD- January! -10-KTM '•rker 250 Parker, ll 1 SC US Wheels Jan Repair & Polish BITD:-ebruary 6 8-BlueW ter Resort & Casino I arlml25 Cars & Tr icks-Park 1r,AZ FRT-1bruary 8 ChuseB1 ger-PIH er City, W1 st, CA-AT ~s. Bikes 619-596-8033 Feb MDR/JEEF -Februar • 7 -Lucern • 250-Luc 1rne, CA SCCA- ebruary 6 8-Rally P 1rca-Neige ,.,niw1ki M1niw1k1 Quebec, ( anad1 CRS-1 1bru1ry 7 Rally Awa ds B1nqu1 t SNORE-F■bruary 3-15 WHIP-1bru1ry 7 Gila Ben1 GP-Gila I end,AZ SCORE-Ii ~nth/Date BA-SCOI E Hender, n's Terribl • 250-Hin l1rsan, NV -4 Wheal I lasses Onl FRT- 1 ~arc-TRACKSIDE PHOTO Mar CRS-1 arch 6 • R1 llysprint ' BPMS-~arch 13-1 ~-Cl OFF ROAD PHOTOGRAPHY SINCE 1970 BITD-April 2-4-ircuit N1v ,d1 200-T ail Ride -I otorcycle1 Only/lnvit 1tion Only FRT-Apri110-F U200-B1 ggies, Tru ks \\'HEN O~Y TP&E BEST WILL DO MDR/JEEI - Aprill Wild Wash 250-Bus ow.CA 805-578-3470 Apr SNORE-April 2-4-auttalo Bil s 400-Pril "m,NV CRS-pril 3-De art Storm ~ally &Ra ~ysprint WHIP- lpril 3- PI P Extreme GP-TUCH ",AZ -BORE-.llpril30-M 1y2-Wem over Expn ss-Wend1 ~er, UT FRT-May 9-De ~ Sprint -P aster City, East, CA-TVs, Bike1 TCS Performance BPMS-May1-2-C al-Cit' Off load 12 ~CCA/CRS ~ May7-8 · Rim Of Tl a World -f ~lmdale, C~ II May WHIP-May 1-Ro k To ock Rocky Poi 1t, MX s Speciallats ID The Most Advanced TransmlNlOD Product. For The Off Road Industry . 2180 College Drive FRT-Mo1 th/Date TE D-Off Roa IWarehou1 e-Jacume Baja, CA -Buggies, T ucks CORR- June 12-1 3-Antigo, VI-P SCCA-Jun, 5-S squehann ckTrail-1 Vellsboro, >A SCCA-June11-1 ~ -Scotti st lnternatio alR Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 Jun SCCA- June 11-1 ~ -Pacific or11t Rall · Ml 928-453-4020 877-627-8852 SCORE-June 4-6 -Tecatt SC RE Baja51 0-Ensena a, Baja Cl! -Motorcyc ~es/ATVs Ir eluded MAOR- June 13-har~ JEEP-une 5-Te at, $CORI Baja 500 -Ensenada, a•i• cl CODE- June 12 · ,ccesorios Ame. SWAY-A-WAY BORE-July 2-4-ackpot201 I-Jackpot, NV CORR-!July 1 D-11 -Topeka, I S-Pro & ~ portsm1n SCCA July 2-4-~im Clark I ~•morial R illy -Berw ckshir1, S otland CRS- , uly 10 • Tr 1eline Clul Rally The Finest Jul SCCA July 2-3-~allye Bail Des Chile rs-New~ chmond, ( uebec, Car ada Suspension Components VORRA ,..July 2-4 H1wthorn1 ,NV 20724 Lassen Street Chatsw~, CA 91311 SCCA-July 30-Au •ust 1 -I/la "x lntunat on1I Rally Castl1tov n, Isl, Of I ann CORR-Aug, 818-700-9712 SNORE-August&· · KCHilitt Midnight Sp1ci1I-P1 mm,NV MDRIJEEF -Ai 818-700-0947fax Aug MAOR-Au1ust 1 • tharleston Speedway Ch1rlesto l, IL VORRA-August 7- -Fallon,~ V (Tentatil ~, www MAOR-August 7 -incoln Tn I Mtrsprts Park, Cu, ~. IL BORE-Sept1mb1 3-5-Ely 2 10-Ely, N, SCCA- Septembe1 10-11-Ra y Defi Ste Agathe/Du ~•m• STRICTLY PERFORMANCE Sep CORR-S1ptembe 4-5-Cran on, WI-P1 o & Sports un Off Road Vehicles SCCA-Septembe 3-4-Ulst1 Rally-B1 fast, Nort ern Irelan VORRA ,..Setpemb ,r 3-6-Ben • OR . Lift Kita, Shocks, MAOR-eptembe1 4 -Soggy ottom R■c IWIY, Grtl nup, IL Wheels & Tires WHIP-:eotemller 4-Snowfl ake-Hebe1 AZ Custom Fabrication SCCA-October 2 13-Trackro ~Rally-Yi rkshire, Er gland FRT- 1 ctaber 9 · '/M Nite T1 am Race-I laster Cit1 , Eest, CA-~TV Newbury Park, CA Oct SNORE-October 1 3-Golrl Co •st SNORE ~50-Las V gas, NV VORRA-October 9 10-Short ourse · Pr irie City, l acramento CA CRS- 1 ctober2-3 Prescott I orest Ran, CRS-1 ctober 9 -'erforce S ftwan Ra lysprint 805-480-3556 MAOR-October 2 3-Lincoln !Trail Mtrs1 rts Park, C asey,IL - .strictli: WHIP-October 2 PMP Extri m1GP-Tu ~on,AZ FRT- bvemberl -D-38 Rei nion-Pl1s er City, W st.CA-AT h , Bikes S.N.O.R.E. Nov FRT-Movember -Notorio1 s D1wg-A Vs, Bikes WHIP-~ovember 13-, SCCA-October 30 November 1-Tempes South Of ngland Ra ly-Aldersl ot, Englin Southern Nevada SCCA-November 6-7 -Heart IOt Dixie -F ro Rally Pr 1view and ,wards-S ~uth11st11 nUSA Off Road Enthusiasts SNORE-Novembe 12-13-W ster If You Really Love Racing BITD-December 3-5-Las V1 gas 200-II Classes SNORE Decembe 10-12-Ba a In Primn · Primm, N 1/-(1 FRT- 1 hcember ~ · Rudolph1 Revenge -$uperstiti~ ns, CA-AT ~s. Bikes 702-452-4522 Dec MORE-December 14 · Holiday 200 -Bars ow,CA CODE-December 11-Racel eady Prod els: JEEP-December 14-Las Veg •s 200-St t, Line, N\ CRS- 1 ecember 1 2 • Ramada Exp1 WHIP-becember •· Point To Point -Roi ky Point, ~ X CRS -ecember 1 b-12 -Ram da Expres Rally ., !<ACER X MOTORSPORTS RACE READY PRODUCTS Pro Wire P.C.I. RACE RADIOS Par] Radio & Intercom Systems Competition Proven G-Force Helmet. High PerformllDce VW Equipment Quality Race Car Wiring PYROTECH GPS & SAT Phones Specializiug In The Off Road Market Radios-Intercoms-OPS Toya, Collectibles & Videos 103 Preas Lane -Suit e 4 13411 Dronfield Avenue Shoei Race Air Helmets 928-6 Xcell™ by Fuel Sllfe Chula Vista, CA 92010 Pumper Moton -Helmets Wired Full Floater Race & Prerun Rear Enda 800-656-3376 Sylmar, CA 91342 Satellite Phones-Black Box . 760-414-1600 e-mail Bob@RaceReady 818·943-9473 In-Car Cameras Parke www .RacerXms:com - 562-427-8177 800-869-5636

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lia Pre-Fun chard Street ijey, CA 92~23 ~-8820 sin Stock w,an-Dlmple Dies ers-Bypua Valves r!•Bar Arma nes SHERYL CANNON, CPA Your Rachi& CPA Let Me Help You Sort Out Your Racing Paperwork 536 S. Second St. Ste E Covina, CA 91723 626-653-2023 626-653-2024fax Canu.onCP aribUuk uet CONE INDUSTRIES HEAVY DUTY DRIVETRAIN COMPONENTS 2055 Hanging Tree Lane Templeton, CA 93465 805-239-2663 Legend: JEEP• A1Hric11 Cuti•• Wllula Ju,s, .. ~. 1826 N. Windes, Orange, CA 92869 • 714-538· 7634/Fn: 714-li33-1724 Jim Conner Racing 2169 Daytona Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 928-855-0912 928-453-9641fax e-mail IPMS • BP M1l1n,erll, P.O. 801 411, Woodland Hins, CA 91365 • 760-578-62851760-578-6259Jfax: 818-348◄648 CRS • C1liflr1i1 R1lly Sarin, Website· < > CODE• CODE Off Red, Phone/f11: 011·52-686-553◄087 < > CORR• CORR 2004 L•cu Oil Seriu, 192 N. State Raad, Suite 267, Avan. IN 46123, 317-272-2827/F11: 317-272-2900 enunzio Racing Products 59B Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 800-622<};:}g / 305-683-1211 805-683-8187fax MOR• M1jawe Duert ll1ci11, 1853 Parkway Drive, Sauth El Monte, CA 91733 • 626-442-9320 MORE• M.O.R.E .. Hi1h Demi Che■,i111hip, P.O. 8011231, Barstow, CA 92311-1231 -760-253◄453 ORE • Off Rede.,,. 626-599-8622 SCCA • SCCA Pr1ll1lly, P.O. Box 19400, Topeka, KS 66619-800-770-2055 SCORE• SCORE l1t1111tiuel, 23961 Craftsman Raad Unit A. Calabasas, CA 91302 · 818·225-8402 :ition Calendar BITD • hat I■ The Duert R1ci11 Aanci1ti11, 3475 Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89121 · 702-457-5775 FRT • Fud,achr Reci11 T1ui, 18~3 Parkway Drive, S. El <> BORE• 81111will1 Offred Rui11 h111,ri111, 341 W 2575 N, Sunset, UT 84015 -801-773-1651 Monte, CA 91733, 626-442,r Jlfa1: 626-579-6051 SIORE • S .• . O.R.E., P.O. 801 270516, Las Vegas, NV MAOR • Mi. A■11ice Off Rad Auecietiu, P.O. 801 184, 89127-702◄52◄522 Mattoon, IL 61938, 217-235-6528 < > VORRA • Valley 011 Rnd Raci11 A111cilli11, 920 Hillcrest 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 st, CA · A Vs, Bikes MORE ta,MI SCCA Jan ary31 -V MX CODE en Laughl n U.S. Ha • r e I g -Plaster ity East, A - , r c ebruary 2 -28-Tecat SCORES n Felipa 2 0 -San Fe pe. Baja C • Motorc cits/A nc u 1 -ORE Ila ch 28 • T t, CA -TVs, Bikes FRT March • CA -IIORE Marc 27-28 · Cours -Prair Sacra ento. CA VORRA SCCA- pril 17-18 Oregon T ail -Hills II ro, OR May 21-2 · Dusty Ti es 250- C liente, NV SNORE 1tt-ay 15-R gecrest 3 0-Ridgec est, CA i:;A May 15-1 -Rally Of tits -Wr xham, Eng and SCCA-FRT - ay23-•• CA MORE ay 22-24 -Bigh CRS MAOR May 22 • y. Alber a, Can Ma 2 31- Y ~/Sp sman 11y • umfries. S otland 1r·itt, ritish Col mbia, Can da 1ton peadway, h1rl11to IL BPMS June 19-2 Cal-City ff Road 13 ilJ-.llig t Race, LI una Salad , Mexicali BC. MX MAOR -uly 17 -S ggy Botto Raceway, Greenup, I MORE-edom 25 -Barstow. A HS rando , WI -P 400-L cerne, I Hill C imb · C one Ci Ranch July 30-3 · Maine Fo est· Rumf rd, Maine -Manx I ernational Rally -Cu letown, Is Of Mann 1, ORW L zo de Amis ad Gran P x -Ttcata BC, MX SCCA SCCA CODE CRS -ugust 21 -Garman Ri 91 ClubR1 ly MAOR-ugust 21 Stone Cit Ranch, Be ford. IN SCCA-Cal·City orests -B midji. MN ; . Sai te-Agathe Quebec CORR Septembe 18·19-N MORE Septemb 18 -Kar CA BITD pionship All Clu Septembe 16-19- R lly Grtat B itain-W SCORE Septemb r17-18-S OREln MAOR Septambe 19-C SCCA Night Ra • -Luce SCCA Springs, 0 • NV· 4 hHI Cla nly ay. Ch eston, I ORRA Septemb r 25-26 Course• Prairie C - . s,Bik FRT ctoller 2 perstiti n 250 XX -Plaster Ci y, East• A Vs, Bikes , • u CODE October 1 · Mangi1 as 300 -L guna Sala a, Mex O tober 30 ember uth Of E glanli Rall Aldersh , gland SCCA SCCA Octobe ternatio al de Ch ix• L bee ctober 2 -23 • Lak erior I Oc ober 23-2 BPMS Octob rt Course Prairie Ci • Sacram nto, CA MDR 250 -Ba stow, CA ,.,11ur Mine· Wi ken berg, Z SCCA Novemb, I Pines -an croft, 0 tario • C SCORE November 8-21 · Te aja, Cali ornia • Mo orcycles/ lnclu d 1 Des Champi ornia Cit CA CRS - aldy R n Ral.lysp int idn Po nts Race) BPMS-December 8-19 • Cal- ity Off Ro d 16 115 · E senada-M xicali·Sa elipe. BC. MX -iss S perstage allysprint ~er Oil 1~9-2617 Jl' OFF ROAD EXPO October 9-10, 2004 Fairplex, Pomona, CA Show Info/Exhibiting 626-599-8622 M.O.R.E. Off Road Racin& If You Want More . Call M.O.R.E. 760-253-4453 MOJAVE DESERT RACING (MDR) California Championship Off Road Racing Series In Barstow, Lucerne & Ridcecreat 18S3 Padcway Drive S. El Monte, CA 91733 626-442.9320 - St. Placerville, CA 95667, 530-622-0370 WHIP • Whipluh M1t1rs,ert1, 2325 E. Kings Ave. Phoenix. AZ 85022,602-971-3730 < > FAT PERFORMANCE Off Road Racin& Engines, Parts and Dyu.o Services Centerline Wheels & acceuories SCORE Engine Builder Of The Year For Many Years 714-637-2889 · DAVE FOLTS TRANS Geared To Serve You 562-694-5591 FORTIN RACING, INC. -DRIVE TRAIN Il'fNOVATION-TRANSAXLBS, RltAR HUBS, CV CAOBS & CV BOOT FLAI'IOBS, POWER RACKS & SEALED SHIFTERS 1941 IE FRIENDSHIP DRIVE EL CAJON, CA 92020 619-449-3633 FAX 449-3665 - .Jl'ORTINRACINO.COII Howe· Performance Power Steering 20 years of off road experience 12476 Julian Ave. Lakeside, Ca 92040 619-561-7764 619-561-4834fax Michael E. James Insurance Agency Insurance specialists To The Off Road Industry 619-445-5797 619-445-9297fax LEE POWER STEERING Go With The Best Gean, Pumps, Pulle:,s, Tana, Servos, Cylludera EverythiDg You 1'eed For Your Steering System 818-768-0371 818-768-2687fax -· Tom(,i; McKenzies Performance Products Off Road Is Our Business 2366 E. Orangethorpe Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 714-441-1212 714-441-1622 fax vnnr --

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..... A third, a second and a third place finish in Class 4 gave Paul Grant A third in the Prologue and three second place finishes gave Matthew the silver medal at the Goondiwindi meet. Ccleman the silver medal in the Class 2 conflict. Second in the Prologue and two wins in the Sections gave Laurence Svenson second in Class 1, third overall. Andy Ryan in the Toyota powered Garry Conrad, this win also gave managed to finish the event 11th Funco took the win in Class 2 and them the overall championship for outright, he has still some bugs to fourth outright, fifth outright and the class, Bruce Muir finished sort out in the new Chenowth. Paul second in Class 2 was the buggy of seventh and the Class 8 win. Grant in another Bennett built Matthew Coleman. Sixth outright Shannon Rentsch had what could truck, with the paint still wet, and first in Class 3 was Travis and only be called a dismal race but still finished ninth outright and second in Class 4. Bill Hall was the only Brad Zacka, who in the break competitor in his class to complete repaired the gearbox selection all laps in the three sections, and problem, set about putting in some with that he took the win in Class 9. fast times. It could be said the only Gartner in the Ford Courier was luck the Zacka team has is bad luck, out of the event with fuel problems. a brake rotor on the Jimco exploded Page 34 Rob 11111; Krta Taylor, Chad Hall ali Team Ughtforce's own Kewin Daris pllSII 1111 enma,e saa attar seas1111. Speeds that 1111 like MICtt & lmrll 1111s, frl1 fatls. mid-air ~sions ... lightfen:e's HID Blitz au veriable-focus liVhlS lilll 11111' ilHlomiv8 flllBr system translate to sbattarprnof lights that can chnge color and beam patterns as fast as tH terrain Itself. Visit UghtforceUSlcom 18 fi11d a lllaltr • you. January 2004 and forced the team to retire the <;ar. Again a remarkable win for Brett and Bonnie Milton, this was only the second race for the truck. Outright: 1st: Brett and Bonnie Milton. Class 4 Chevy powered Rodeo. 5:02:49. 2nd: Michael and Karen Napier. Class I Honda V6 Turbo Raceco. 5:04:51. 3rd: Laurence and Janelle Svenson. Class 1 VS Toyota Stealth Predator. 5:07:50. "SECTION 3 TIMES: Class l: LaurenceSvenson 1:37:10 Michael Napier 1:37:52 Shannon Rentsch 1:38:00 Class 2: Andy Ryan 1:45: 14 Matthew Coleman 1 :46:58 Randall Kilner 1 :56:08 Class 3: Travis Conrad 1 :48: 16 Andrew McKav l :54: 12 David Cannell 2: 13:57 Class 4: Brett Milton 1:38:06 Greg Campbell I :49:49 Paul Grant 1:53:31 Class 5: Stephen Muhling I :55:34 Athol Wilcox 2:00:46 Paul Richey 2:22:18 Class 7: . Geoff Pickering 1 :48:20 Class 8: Bruce Muir 1:54:07 Errol Younger 1:58:37 Class9: Bill Hall l :57:50 A tough and expensive season, the Australian Off Road Championship finishing 2003 with Mark Burrows and his Jimco Honda winning the tide again, Class 2 won by the reliable Andy Ryan in the 1650cc Fuoco, Travis Conrad in a 1300cc Southern Cross buggy finishing on top in Class 3. Oreg Gartner in a Ford Courier takes the Class 4 title, Harley Cooke Class 5 winner in a VS powered Ford Ranger, the Mitsubishi Pajero of Geoff Pickering could not be beaten in Class 7, the same for Bruce Muir in his Nissan VS, he was the Class 8 winner. Hayden Tatnell, driving an ex-stadium Chenowth did enough in the events he participated in to take Class 9. The Championship for 2004 will start in May with the running of the Sunraysia 500 in Mildura followed by in June the Finke Desert Race, Alice Springs, the Pines at Millicent in July and Griffith is Round 4 and has set August for the running of their event, last Goondiwindi will again be run in October. All this makes up a busy schedule for all competitors and crew alike. .."#fW Dusty Times ... ··---·-. -·-········· .. ········-.. ·····---······ .. ·•·•·•······ .... ········-·· . ... ...... . .......... ··-·-············· ....................................... -................... . II

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f • B-:, Clive Skilton In today's ultra sophisti-cated off road racing envi-ronment, the expression "Speed costs Money" is con-sidered the rule rather than the exception. But, happily, for many desert enthusiasts, that is not always the case. Now entering it's fourth year of competition, the American Racing JeepSpeed Challenge has proven that adhering to a strictly regu-lated competition and truly lowering the cost of partici-pating can have a very posi-tive upside. Created in 2000 by veteran Baja racer and former Jeep Dealer Clive S kilton, the J eepSpeed idea was to "create a Jeep off road competition club for safe, affordable and reliable Cherokee XJ models, with rules of vehicle specifi-cations designed to create equality and durability while keeping the cost to a mini-mum." Trust us, that is easier said than done, but Skilton's original brainchild seems to be working out perfectly for those who want to race on a lower budget. Any Jeep Cherokee XJ model produced from 1984-2002 is a candi-date for the series, including 2dr, 4dr, 2wd or 4wd. For • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 180° Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE 2004 JeepSpeed competition has been separated into both Pro and Stock categories, with the later confirmed to using complete stock power train and rear end and non by-pass shocks. Unlike desert racing's "stock" classes, which can become surprisingly pricey and complex due to making production items withstand the abuse of the desert, the JeepSpeed suspen-sion and performance modi-fications are eQough to pro-vide impressive levels of both duration and performance. "Even after years of desert racing, all of us involved in the JeepSpeed program are still surprised at the average speed we are seeing at our JeepSpeed events", explained Skilton. Interested in building a JeepSpeed vehicle? The pro-cess is simplified 'iia an autho-rized list of approved vendors and the support of such se-ries supporters as American Racing Custom Wheels, BFGoodrich, Yalvoline, Sky-jacker and Currie Enter-prises. Skilton estimates that the cost of Pro modifications run around $ 15,000 (plus the cost of the vehicle), with the sportsrpan version around $5,000 less. Consid-ering that used Cherokees can be had for as little as $2,500 in today's used car market, the entire proposition begins to look very e nticing. In fact, the series has al-ready issued around 30 Pro and Stock numbers for 2004, and a new "JeepSpeed East" organization is forming to bring the concept to a group whose off road motor sports park is located in Pennsylva-nia. Once again, the JeepSpeed Series will run pri-marily at the lower cost Mo-jave Desert Racing (MDR) se-ries of events, with an invita-(541 )382-1573 Dusty Times tional run at t h e .SCORE Tecate Baja 500, and two races with Best"in The Desert. As icing on chis off road cake, there is even a $20,000 prize and contingency pack-age available to help make the whole deal even better. This, in addition to prize money paid by the race organizer. What could be better? Double payout in a desert racing class, the cost only half the normal price. Ann Donaldson The SNORE Western Cham-pionship in November brought out one CORE car to race. Johnny Bums has been racing h is 9 car for points this year and needed to finish ·chis race. Even though it was not an "Of-ficial CORE Event", CORE members, Brad Inch (25mm), Randy Jones, Babe Jones and Tom Foudy made the trek to Las Vegas to help Johnny with much needed pit support. Brad Inch manned a checkpoint for an extra 50 points. Johnny, early in the race, rolled his single seat Transaxle Engineering sponsored car. The crash was caused by a rolling turn that resulted in some front end damage. The break was re-paired as good as possible in the pits, but we all know how that is. Perfect repair is nbt possible in the middle of the desert. Tom Greig took over driving duties from Johnny half way through the 250 mile race. A mere five miles from the fin-ish line, the repair to the front end came back to haunt the team. Tom said, "I don't need four wheels to get to the finish line." With quick thinking, he took off the left front suspen-sion and wheel. Of course, in doing this, the brake fluid drained out. Thus, without brakes Tom drove to a ninth place finish. Johnny Burns fin-ished the year in 10th place in Class 9. Good .i,ob, we know Class 9 is very competitive. Todd Jorgenson took on the adventure of racing the SCORE Baja 1000 with his Mike Smith built Class 1 car. Todd took time away from his construction business and fin-ished fame in his class, an amaz-ing seventh overall for four wheel vehicles. Great job, Todd. Also, another mention is Kenny Freeman, who ran the Baja 1000 in his new 4 seat buggy in Class 12. Taking out the two rear seats, Kenny fin-ished 26 after starting. But, it did cost him a generator and compressor, which were stolen. After buying a Class 12 car a few months ago, Wayne Nosala and I (A& W Racing) brought our single seat Jimco out to the MDR Stoddard 250 for the debut. The CORE pit club showed up in force to help us out, even though we were the only car to pit for. After test-ing, we felt the car was ready to rock and roll. Much to our sur-prise, the next morning, the motor didn't care much for the cold weather. Barstow temps were in the low 20's at start time. After three laps, motor problems increased. Wayne said, "I had visions of increas-ing dollar signs and decided to quit", and the car went on the trailer. Better to quit than to regret it later, when you see the bill. Still wearing his driving suit, Wayne lit the BBQ, mak-ing burgers for all who helped out. We have to thank Tom Singer for roving. His driving skill got him to each pit before Wayne pulled in. Thanks to Sheryl Cannon and Tim Baker for making record time trips with Ptrts from the main pit to outlying pits. Brad IQch, Randy Jones and father Babe Jones, Jerry Ll!wless, Bob and Allison DePew, Gary Hall, Tom Foudy and crew. We never could have pulled it off without your help. On December 2, 2003 CORE held the monthly meet-ing along with club elections for the coming year. Each posi-tion is held for a year and voted on by the members. Brad Inch is again President, along with Tim Taksey as Vice President. ·sob DePew is sergeant at arms. Davy Girdner is Treasurer. Tom Foudy, along with Wayne Nosala are Race Directors. Tom Foudy is also taking on the job of Secretary. Driver represen-tatives are again Randy Jones and Johnny Burns. Thanks to all for taking on a pretty much thankless job. Don't forget that on Janu-ary 6, 6:30 pm at the famous Mulligans Restaurant in Valencia, CA CORE is again having the year end awards and party. Raffle prizes, a long with the three separate member awards are presented. The three CORE members who have shown outstanding perfor-mance for the past year will be awarded. The awards are for Pit Person, Driver and Member of The Year. The winner of each award receives a black jacket with their name embroi-dered on it. The dinner has al-ways brought out a fun atmo-sphere. On Thanksgiving weekend, CORE had a good turnout of members, friends and family in Lucerne Valley. The only events i,h.nned were to play, pre-run and eat. CORE Pit Club isn't only about pitting. As a club we try to do other activities in the desert we love so much. 2004 is already on the mind of the CORE club. A "Lets clean the CORE trailer" is go-ing to take place a weekend be-fore the race season starts. Af-ter a year of the trailer going back and forth to the races, it is time to organize for the com-ing year. CORE is planning on pitting all the Pro-1600 races. The club will also attend other races, depending on the need. Three cars are required to make a race a club event. If you need pit support, call Wayne Nosala call at 818-703-1971 or Brad Inch at 8 18-35'2-9035. CORE will be present at the SCORE Laughlin race, come by and say hello. Attention Pit Teams Send us your pit tales, whether they be of success or woe and they will be featured on these pages (space permitting). Although publication dates vary monthly, m aterial received by the first of the month will generally be considered for the next issue. Submit all material to: DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 REDL!Nc PERf6RM.AIICE, UIC. I.St & I-STAR PRE-RUI OR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1. PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPt.ETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AIVD AIV UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTJONU (714> 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX 4531 l!JSl!NHOIRII ClltCLI! ANAHl!IM, CA. H807 January 2004 Page 35

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;;.-. SCCA PRORALLY CHAMPIONSHIP• RoUND 9: LAKE SUPERIOR Lucky #-7 For Higgins, Subaru Finishes 2nd, 3rd Text & Photos: Tom Buchkoe David Higgins and Daniel Barritt did it again. They '""1 yet another rally overall, here flying their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo to the checkers. Houghton, Mich.• There wasn't much that Team Mitsubishi Motor Sports America driver David Higgins hadn't faced in earning six victories out of the first eight SCCA ProRally Championship events. He had survived various mechanical problems at times. He had skillfully maneuvered a multitude of differ-ent road surfaces throughout the country and toiled through inclem-ent weather at every rally. In fact, about the only thing that had managed to stop the Brit-ish driver from finishing an event in the 2003 Championship was the flu-induced upset stomach of his co-driver, Daniel Barritt, which caused the team to retire after Daniel couldn't go aoy further than the first few stages at the Wild West International Rally. Aside from his teammate's bout with sickness, Higgins face every one o£those other challenges at the 2003 Lake Superior Pro-Rally and he succeeded as he wrapped up an amazing year that cam11_lld source for ra andCre • Driving Suits • Crew Unifonns • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-House Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos saw the back-to-back ProRally Overall Driver Champion win push his win total to seven. So when he had to be towed to the finish by his teammates, Lauchlin O'Sullivan and Christian Edstrom, and then push his car across the line. Higgins simply took it in stride. "We were having some problems with the transmission and the rear and center cliffs," Higgins said. "We had problems, then Pasi (Hagstrom) had his problem. It re-ally seemed like no one wanted to 1.BOIJ.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 36 January 2004 Rarriana Lagemann and Michael O" flew their Subaru lmpreza to a nice second overall on the upper peninsula. The coveted Group N win went to Shane Mitchell and Pat I Donnelly. seen here in their Subaru lmpreza on the way to victory. win this rally." 2004 Subaru lmpreza WRX Sti. Subaru Rally Team USA's "My school boy error may have Ramana Lagemann ran perhaps his cost us· the win here, but thar's best rally of the year with he and rally," Lagemann said, who in-co-driver Michael Orr finishing sec-curred a 1: 15 penalty for the cut ond behind Higgins/Barritt, (he finished 1:03 behind Higgins). matching his best finish in an event "We had expectations that faltered since finishing second ar the one- a bit this year, but we did finish the stage sprint at Pikes Peak. Lagemann season strong and that should get grabbed the second spot overall us ready for next year." even though he was given d1e lowest Lagemann 's teammate, Pasi Pro Rally entry time on SS 10 after Hagstrom, finished third, giving he cut through the chicane in his Team Subaru two spots on the po-• Doug Shepherd and Pete Gladysz piloted their Dodge SRT-4 to a nice win in the Group 5 classification. · The Production Grand Touring gold medal went to Otis Dimiters and Peter Manin in their Subaru /mpreza. Dusty Times ....,._._..,. ___ ·---··----------.....,_,..---·-·--· ........ --··---II

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The silver medal in PGT went to the Maciukevicius/Bogoseviicius Last on the podium in Open class was the Subaru lmpreza WRX Third in the Group 5 conflict was the Chevrolet S10 of John Daubenmier and Stanley Rosen, seen here at touchdown. duo, seen here in their Subaru lmpreza. ;;;=;.===;;;;aw==;; piloted by Paul Hagstrom and Marl<o Tasinen. In Production GT, Otia Dimiters claimed the event tide in his 2000 Subaru Impreza 2.5 RS, but it was Chris Whiteman and Mike Paulin drove their Dodge Neon SXT to a nice win in the Group 2 classification at Lake Superior. dium, but it was bittersweet for the Finnish driver. His cumulative stage times were cumulatively l: 17 faster than Higgins', but Hagstrom and co-driver Marko Taskinen were as-sessed three minutes and 48 seconds of road points after a mathemati-cal mishap at the final main time control Friday, Special Stage Eight, left the Finnish duo checking into the time zone 19 minutes late. "lt was my fault," Taskinen said. "I wrote the wrong number in the wrong spot and I take full responsi• bility for it." While both were visibly disap-pointed with what had transpired, Hagstrom's smile remained. · "We would have liked to fight with Higgins like we did yesterday," Hagstrom said. "After the time er-ror, it made us go down a big emo-tionally, but we had to keep on with the rally." Eight time overall champion Paul Choiniere finished fourth in his 2003 Hyundai Tiburon with co-driver John Bennie and Lauchlin O'Sullivan/Christian Ed-strom wound up in fifth. With the finish, O'Sullivan wrapped up sec-ond position in the Woolf Cup standings, while Edstrom did the same in the Whitaker Cup ranks, meaning Team Mitsubishi swept the top two spots in both the overall driver and co-driver champion-ships. In FIA-Group N, Ireland's Shane Mitchell forced Mark Utecht to push from the start of Day 1 as he jumped out to a large lead early, while problems with Utecht' s trans-mission surfaced during the first eight stages. Utecht, wanting to push early, make up part of the time deficit and put pressure on Mitchell, rushed out 11th on the road going into SS9, but his day and rally ended there when his 2002 Suba-ru Impreza WRX went off course and rolled at least twice. "We were going into a right three over crest," Utecht said, referring to the stage note description of the road where he flipped. "I was car-rying too much speed into the rum and the car just kept going." Dusty Times The incident was an expensive one for Utecht as Mitchell drove a solid rally the rest of the way, fin-ishing 10th overall and winning the $25,000 prize given to the top Su-baru competitor in Group N. Utecht walked away with the sec-ond Subaru contingency prize check worth $12,500. In Group 5, there was no ques-tion who the best car belonged to this weekend. Mopar Dodge's Doug Shepherd stormed his way through the field, staking a lead of almost seven minutes after Day 1 and never looking back as he claimed the win and the Group 5 championship in his SRT-4. "We pulled it out this year," Shep-herd said,. "Group 5 looked abys-mal at the beginning of this year, but a bit of determination and some luck got us some wins and those put us where we needed to be." Josh Jacquot, who was also in a Dodge SRT-4, finished second be-hind Shepherd in Group 5 for the event. Mopar Dodge's third entry and the only one in Group 2, Christo-pher Whiteman, who came into LSPR three points behind his former Michigan Tech roommate, Mazda's Eric Burmeister, posted a time of2:13:29 in his 2003 Dodge Neon STX and took advantage of the weekend that befell Burmeister. Burmeister began the weekend in good form, opening up a 30-sec-ond lead in his 2002 Mazda Pro-tege after the first two stages. But soon after, a series of incidents, in-cluding the hood flying open on-course, an off-course roll and get-ting high centered, effectively ended any chance to catch Group 2 · Champion Whiteman. Mike Halley's Volkswagen New Beetle only had to cross the start ramp in order to win the Produc-tion class championship and it did just that. After claiming the win, Halley spent most of the remaining event coasting, posting respectable times, but not really pushing. "This is a good one to get," Halley said. "You're looking at a couple of guys who hadn't won · Lithuanian Valdemaras Maciukevicius who capped off his season with a championship effort as he and pre-event, class point leader Bruce Davis battled through-out Friday. Davis' Mitsubishi Eclipse experienced trouble with its rurbo for most of the early stages, widen-ing the door for Maciukevicius' tide hopes. On Sarurday, Davis' ride fi. nally limped to the finish, about nine minutes behind Maciukevicius' 2000 Subaru Impreza 2.5 RS, which allowed Maciukevicius to claim the championship. Mike Halley and Bill Montgomery were very pleased with their Production win, seen here in their Volkswagen Beetle. The SCCA ProRally Champi-onship will next fire up after the new year when the 2004 Champi-Montgomery and himselO. That onship heads to Atlanta, Mich., for makes this one pretty sweet." Sno*Drift, Jan. 30-3L toCA ,.....,. anything in their 30 years of com-petition (referring to co-driver Bill MoTeC Engine Management and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built t;o withstand extreme racing ar·-d pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynarnometer services available. Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for ell motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for a ll professional racing sanctions. Engineering. assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and c ircuit . control components ere available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. Sakata Motorsport Elec:tronlcs, inc. 689 s. State Collage Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446-9475 Fax: 714-446-9247 January 2004 For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exactly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it to a nurnber! Page 37

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-VORRA AT PRAIRIE CITY SVRA PARK The Return By Bubba Ray Boudreaux Photos: Stepahnie Baxter Wes Elrod flies his goop looking Class 10 to the gold medal in the second heat at the short course round #3. After spending three weekends start of the festivities. Keeping drivers were the tire changers of over the span of three months with a successful program started record for both cars. over in the west-central Nevada in the spring; they held tech, Now it was kind of confusing area fighting the native spirits of registration, practice and the for th e spectators, but _the the desert, the Valley Off Road infamous tire c hanging Kordonowys took down Sam . Racing Association returned to competition. Berri with David's car, while they the mile long short course track A total of five crews and six fell to the Elrod crew in the semi-at Prairie City outside cars were entered in the tire final using Dennis' car. So with Sacramento, CA. While several changing competition. Sam Berri, that, David and Dennis got classe·s had already crowned a Bill Minteer, Matt Taylor, Dale revenge and captured the title season winner during our stay in Smith and Wes Elrod had their with David's car. For the record, Nevada, several other class battles rides getting jacked. Oh wait, am this was David's second win in the were heating up to white-hot I forgetting someone? Why, yes I contest. conditions. am. The Clan of Kordonowy, Practice saw the powerful Saturday, the 27th of Dennis and David had both of monster Class-! car, commanded September was the date for the their cars entered and both by Steve Sullivan grab some TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations Johnny Burns ,-----------=~ .,,,,..,--,.,..,..----,----.--,:i,-.,..,,--,~ ......... 2nd in Class 9 Points - 7th Overall in SNORE 2003 Points Co-Drivers_- Bob Depew, Darren McGuffin, Todd Craig TRANS.AXLii ENGINEERING 9763VARIEL AVENUE JEFF FIELD CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 38 January 2004 Finishing second in both heats gave the top podium position to Mike Lehners, seen here in his good looking Class 1 car. serious air coming up the hill into the westside turn. Unfortunately, after a few air outs, Sullivan was relegated to repair duties as the right rear suspension and mechanicals came apart upon landing. No biggie with Sullivan, the first driver, gained a vast amount of experience throughout the season fighting rear-end problems, yet remained competitive. Sunday the 28th saw the return to race action on the track and for fans and racers alike, there was going to be some twists and turns that even the track couldn't match. SEMI-PRO The Semi-Pro class saw the return of the famous Desert Tortoise driven by Randy Miller. After a two year layoff, I guess Miller decided it was time to make his return to race action. Points leader Wes Harbor had built up a sizable lead with Jon Gurney in that so far away second spot. With Vince the flagman high in the tower and Tim the starter down on the line, they lined up the cars. The engines rewed, the crowd went silent and the flag dropped for not a "Gold Rush", but for the infamous Oklahoma "Boomer Sooner" Land Rush Start. Miller ran off with the· lead and Harbor kept his second spot. Prescott began to smoke, which rumor had it was only oil on the exhaust, but he didn't let it phase him any. Dan Keefer in the little Dodge D50 rolled on the backstretch on Lap 6, but was quickly righted and he kept on trucking. Somewhere along the way, Gurney lost the left rear tire which hurt his chances at placing in the heat. When the checkered flag dropped, it was the same running order as the start with Miller, Harbor and Prescott. The start of the second heat saw more swapping than down at the local drive-in on a Saturday afternoon. Chere Lehners claimed the holeshot with B.J. Butcher second and Miller third. Nevertheless, in a blink of an eye, Miller slipped into first with Lehners dropping to third and Butcher stayed in third. By the time the cars made the run up the hill, Harbor had slipped by Lehn er s and then went by Buecher coming out of the westside turn. By Lap 4, Harbor was letting ·Miller know chat he wasn"t the points leader by laying back. The two drivers did battle for just about the rest of the race, but by the time the final flag for the Semi-Pro class dropped for the day, Miller had made a clean sweep for the day. Harbor took second while Gurney was able to slip into the third soot. CLASS 1 Throughout the season, Sam Berri had gained a steel-like grip on the points lead with Steve Sullivan looking in with binoculars from second and Dennis Kordonowy just behind him in third. To throw chaos into the mix, Berri showed up to Prairie City with a "new" car. He definitely has ways to mess with the minds of his fellow competitors. When the green flag dropped, Sullivan was nowhere to be found on the track, so Mike Lehners took the holeshot, with Kordonowy, Ryan Sargent and Berri with him in a jumbled up mess. Berri though was able to move up into third place. By the time Berri and Kordonowy made their way up the hill, they were fighting for second place with Sargent falling off the pace. Finally, Berri made the pass out on the eastside turn and didn't look back. Sullivan was able to get out on the track to After a long layoff, Randy Miller was back in action af)d he took first place in both Semi-Pro heats at Sacramento. Dusty Times I I

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Glen McAdon is beautifully airborne as he heads for yet another third Sam Berri won the first heat in Class 10, but major mechanicals put A first and a second in the Class 9 battles gave the silver medal tc place in class 10, it gave him second in class for the two heats. him out of the running in the second heat. Rich Steiger, seen here in wonderfully level flight. grab some points, but his car was tum and flew up the hinll-:t-o-c"Tla""'i,...m-----;;S-:-tr-a--=i-=g,h--:-t'f'r-o-m---:-trh-e-v--:i,-c-:-t1,-. m-, "B'e_r_r7i--,===~~====a======================~===, just not right for racing at the first. Lehners placed second and stated that he should have moment. Kordonowy claimed third. backed off to clear his vision, but The westside turn had The second heat saw the got caught in the heat of the somehow turned into a dirt slip-return of Sullivan to the start moment and soldiered on. n-slide as the cars could not find line. At the start, it was the Berri Unfortunately he ran off the any traction. On Lap 5, Berri and Sullivan show. It was the track at one point and ripped began making up ground on experienced off road racer having up the left rear suspension which Lehners, who had been running to use skill to compete with the took him out of the battle. like a robber. Berri finally caught horsepower of Sullivan, who runs Sullivan was able to keep the Lehners on Lap 6 and they a Chevy block that breathes fire lead and not only did he take the bumped out on the eastside. to power him around the dirt. checkered flag, but it was Nevertheless, both drivers quickly Lehners was left out of the game Sullivan's first victory and only recovered and went back to sitting back in third. had third gear during the race. racing. Sullivan and Berri had a hot With the adversity Sullivan faced On Lap 7, Lehners and Berri and heavy battle for most of the during the season, it was a well cameoutofthewestsidetumand race. Sullivan would use his deservedvictory.Lehnerswasable Lehners had found horsepower advantage, racing to pass up Berri for second, and approximately 10 tons of loose, down the straights to keep Berri Berri brought the crippled car dry dirt and went hammer down. behind him. Finally, somewhere home for third. Don Moss drove his four wheel drive Ford to a win in both heats, that gave him the About9.5 tonsofthatdirtended past halfway, Sullivan's CLASS 7 _Cl_a_s_s_B_,g._lo_ry....._fo_r_th_e---'1¥'-e_ek_e_nd_ · _______________ _ up blasting Berri and for a horsepower gave him another The battle of the small trucks the drop of the flag, it was Greg second, Berri was lost but was able advantage. A rock the size of a has turned out to be the hottest Hosmann. Two-time and current to recover and began tracking small, domesticated animal was points race in YORRA this year. series champion Patty Hayos and Lehners down for revenge. thrown up by Sullivan which Best guess estimates has it that by Billy Manfroy though had taken Berri's revenge came on the impacted on Berri's helmet, the return to the track, four up positions right behind finallapwhenhewasabletoget alongwithamassamountofdirt, drivers had held the lead Hosmannanditwasanyone'sball by Lehners down at the eastside which got into Berri's eyes. sometime during the season. At game. Class 10 Winners aja 500 Baja 1000 letner Racing ~ To add a little more heat, Brian Cannon had come up in a fancy Ranger to see what YORRA was all about, but unfortunately he blew the transmission and rear end during practice and didn't Continued an page 40 Harley Letner Driver Kory Halopoff Driver Chenowith 8. F. G. Mendeola Trans Ultra Wheel Sign Tech Converter Shop JJ. Industries ~a~st Fortin Trans• Dusty Times Henry BergdahlChief Mechanic Rusty Lee Co-Driver Mike Eads Co-Driver Pit Crew Web Cams Fodrell Fab King Shocks Bonner Hawk Engines Ron Brant Chuck Rogers Tom Oliva Electrical · Fischer Balancers . Greg Saavadra, Bill Ray. Jeff Cormers, Brandon Cormers, Frank Hughes, folly, John Corbone, Bob Yamasaki, Steve Lee, Randy Poe January 2004 Page 39

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Steve Souza racked up a second and a first in the heats and that gave him the class 9 win in Round 3 of the short course races. Broe Ross garnered a first and a second in the Class 7 heats and that gave him the win for the short course weekend. take th e line. Nevertheless, another sharp looking truck, belonging to Broe Ross had shown up and had made some waves during practice. When the starter gave the signal, Hayos with a refreshed engine was able to get off the line first with Ross, Hosmann, and Manfroy in the mix. By the time they came up to the hill,. Ross was leading and Hosmann went wide into the turn, enabling Manfroy to grab second and kicking Hosmann to third .. On Lap 3, Hayos and Hosmann was engaged in battle and the Toyota of Hayos went into third past Hosmann. Manfroy wa·s flying around in second place and though his truck sounded like a night out with the cowboys with all the backfiring, Manfroy let it be known that it was only a hole in the exhaust. Finally, when the checkered flag dropped, Ross had made a statement with his first place finish. Manfroy was second and Hayos was third. Points leader Hosmann was in fourth. Well now, how was that for a first heat? Now the points leader has lost ground on his lead. We got a newcomer laying down his own law and Hayos and Manfroy was making a show out of the whole ordeal. The second heat began just about the same way with Hayos and Ross rocketing off the line with Oscar Lara bringing his Toyota into the game. The pack went into the eastside turn with Ross leading, Hayos second and Manfroy third. Nevertheless, this time, Ross was not going to have a cakewalk to desert . the finish. The second and third place trucks closed the distance while at the same time engaging in their own battle of who was going to be the class of the class. Hayos and Manfroy came into the westside turn on Lap 5 door handle to door handle. It was utterly amazing that the not-so friendly confines, the two drivers did not make co~tact through the turn. So I guess you are wondering what happened to Hosmann during all of this? Unfortunately, race tragedy struck as a spindle broke on Hosmann's truck. This not only ended Hosmann's race to the championship, but Hosmann had let it be known that if he fell out of the points championship race, he would take early retirement since his 10 year old truck was getting retired in favor of a new ride. It was his , :HIIIIJ;B~IW'li Olll_HUIIIIUIRB_r C Re1Jsb1e magnel/c pickup Is not affectsd by heat ordebtls. . time to play cheerleader for his fellow racers. On Lap 7, Hayos was riding in second place with Manfroy wanting to take it away. They came up the hill and Manfroy had to lay on the brakes and the result was just enough of a nerf to make noise. It's truly amazing how clean and the level of sportsmanship this class has when they race. A person could eat off their displays, that's how clean they race. Ross fell off the pace and his enabled Hayos and Manfroy to slip by and now it was time for the two drivers to kick the tires and light the fires. Unfortunately, the bad luck that struck Hosmann struck Manfroy as he lost the left rear tire. This enabled Hayos to take home first, while Ross came back up and grabbed second and Manfroy c Easily set up a mechanical advance t:u111B ta mstch your engine's specs. c A sealed baU bearing guides a IJPIJ coated steel shaft for stability st high rpm. MBIIJIIA#lllf/lBM . ' ' '' 'caNHl~T"'"lifDll!Ja~ Page 40 o Models a11allable with dual pickups for redun-dant Ignition systems. ~5mmBUIIE«-~~..--'HiJ'& 'IIIIIREBJ ::Ift==;;.,; • • C c uss than 50 ohms resis-tance per foot fol' Increased energy dellllery. c Special core and winding proce,h8 produce high EMI suppression capabllltles. c The strongest wire Ctimps and locking tennlnals for secure sparlt plug connec· tlons. For a Catalog, Send $3 to: MSD lgnttion 1490 Henry Brennan Dr. B Paso, TX 79938 Phone: 915-857-5200 Fax: 915·857·3344 - ' ~~:;,, ~ 0 High output, fuD power spades af any rpm ensure complets combustion. c Mull/pie sparlc series promotes quick throttle responss and smooth Idle. o Weathertlght cannBCtors ptOllide sealed anti lat:lced connections. c Circuits an encased In silicone for u-tra llibratlon prote~on. Wot legal for sale or use on pollution controlled vehicles. January 2004 claimed third. Hayos was able to slip into the points lead by 23 points over Manfroy going into the last race of the season and well folks, that's going to be antlther story y'all will be reading about next month. CLASS 8 What? Class 8 at Prairie City? Yes folks, there was some big truck action going down on the track. Points leader Kaile Vierra in his nicely done up, flat black 2WD stepside Ford came out to put the clamp down on his lead, while Don Moss caught wind of the action decided to bring out the old school 4WD Bronco to do battle with Mr. Vierra.Vierra had approximately a 70-point lead before the day began. While that kind of distance seems like a "lock, there was a chance for Vierra to lose it if he no-showed. Now before I begin, there will be no complaints filed regarding a two truck race. Sounds boring, but once the green flag dropped, it was a battle. Moss, running in 4WD, used the extra traction to beat Vierra off the line and grab the lead. It appeared Vierra had the power, but with power only to the rear wheels, he was at a distinct disadvantage going through the turns. Moss used this to run the gauntlet to the checkered flag, but Vierra was on the gas not too far behind. The second heat had some more excitement. Moss again grabbed the holeshot and Vierra came to a stop about 100 yards past the start. My assumption was Moss wanted competition cause Dusty Times

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A third and a first gave Patty Hayos second overall in Class 7, s99n L88 Lazenby was the Quad Pro winner, s88n here at one of the few The amateur Quad title went to Stu Padusso, s99n here winging his here with the Toyota in full flight. times his quad was actuali on the ground. way towards the finish line at Sacramento. when he came up to the eastside entered the eastside turn, Souza grabbed t e fioleshot with Enc CLASS 10 Kordonowy repeated his off turn, he slowed considerably and came into contact with another Steiger and Hatch claiming the Now lets talk about the largest course antics, but again showed by the time Vierra was back car and Creiglow moved into next two spots. field of the day, Class 10. There that he has skills and made a underway, the Bronco held second and Eric Steiger grabbed The battle between Steiger and was a total of 11 cars entered. quick recovery. Glen McAdon almost a quarter mile lead. third. Hatch turned up the burners as Points leader Sam Berri was again and Dale Smith had come Vierra though put the hammer Souza quickly recovered as he Steiger grabbed third up on the doing double duty. Wes Elrod together, but ·they quickly down and ended up sliding off took away the third spot from westside turn, but then they made his return to racing at separated. the course coming out of the Eric Steiger down at the eastside traded spots again going down Prairie City and with.the longest During practice the day prior, eastside turn, but quickly turn; then Souza continued the backstretch. haul award, Shane Bourel came Bourel showed those in recovered and again, began the marching on grabbing second. Hatch then entered a little down from Richmond, British attendance that the bright green chase. Hatch had moved into third fracas with another Steiger, Eric Columbia, Canada to show the machine he piloted had speed and By the time Moss got to the while Creiglow was letting him to be exact as they got into each Americans that Canada doesn't the wing wasn't there for the finish on Lap 8, Vierra 'had not know that the points race was not other going through the eastside only have some of the finest bling bling factor. The only thing only closed the formidable gap, going to end peacefully. turn. beverages, but they also have some he was missing was an FM flight but came in about a whole three Going down the backstretch, Finally when the checkered folks that like to hammer down clearance. However, since this was truck lengths behind Moss. Creiglow grabbed third place flag dropped, Souza claimed first in the dirt. his first time down to Prairie CLASS 9 from Hatch and Rich Steiger was while Rich Steiger took second Now before I begin; I must City, his unfamiliarity with the The rookie team of Lee able to move into the best spot, and Hatch was able to bring state the obvious. Trying to pull track was showing as he spun on Creiglow came out of the desert out of the dust and leading the home third. off a perfect play by play of this the westside turn on Lap 2. with the points lead, but Steve pack. Class 9 also saw the second class without the benefit of video Kordo-0owy disappeared Souza was banging on the door. The Creiglow team largest field in the car classes with replays is a task deemed somewhere along the way. Tom Hatch was next in line and unfortunately ran into problems eight cars doing battle. It also saw impossible, yet hopefully y'all will Berri stretched out his lead. the Steiger family finally returned somewhere along the way and as the last race for the Creiglow team learn that this action is the hottest With so many cars racing, keeping to racing after having taken some the checkered flag dropped, it was in the class as I was informed in the off road world. tabs on who was doing what at time off. Rich Steiger, Souza and Hatch during a little chat with Lee that Berri raced out into the lead the same time unfortunately was The flag dropped and Souza claiming the top three spots. they were moving into JeepSpeed off the line, with Ardon impossible. quickly grabbed the lead, but was The second heat would next year, but would not be Dennington and Elrod in the Bourel continued his show battling Rich Steiger. As they provide as much action as Souza leavingVORRA. mix. High-flying David Continued on P•I• 42 Dusty Times January 2004 Page 41

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when he rolled down on the eastside turn and the only damage done was to the wing, which came apart. On Lap 7, Dennington stalled. Berri continued leading and Elrod was making a successful return as he held second. Finally at the finish when the first round of chaos was over; Berri was the no-surprise winner with Elrod raking second and McAdoo claiming third. The second heat had a little different turnout. If you remember from the Class 1 battle, Berri had an unfortunate incident and missed the start. So with that, th~ man from Canada, minus wing grabbed the holeshot with Elrod second. Elrod though passed Bourel for the lead before they came to the finish line on Lap 1 and McAdoo was second with Kordonowy third. Bill Minteer and Jason Sacks met up in the westwide turn, but both drivers were able .to get back underway quickly. On Lap 2, Kordonowy was able to move into second with the wild Bourel chasing him dow·n. O n Lap 3, Bourel showed some faster than lightning reflexes. Upon taking to the air off the finish line hill, the buggy started to come around on him in midair. When he landed, the nose of the car was pointed at the guardrail. Bourel quickly recovered though and was able to slide through the westside turn. O n Lap 4, Kordonowy went MIA down the hill somewhere enabling McAdoo to grab third. Finally, when the chaos settled down and the checkered flag waved, Elrod claimed first while the .Canadian brought home second with water blowing from the engine and a promise to return to the October race and McAdoo third. WOW!!!!!!!!!!! QUADS Starting with the Hawthorne race over Labor Day weekend, VORRA began running quad races. The Hawthorne race was a successful test, so they were invited to come out to the short course for more racing. The quads were not running for points, but for glory and trophies. Three classes were divided up into the Pro, Expert and Amateur sections. A total of niRe racers brought out the four wheeled rockets to do battle. In the Pro class, Lee Lazenby was able to claim first. In the Expert class, Andy Fisher took home first and last, Stu Padusso took home the Amateur title. FINAL STANDINGS Semi-Pro l. Randy Miller 2. Wes Harbor 3. Alex Prescott. Class 1 1. Mike Lehners 2. Sam Berri 3. Steve Sullivan. Class 7 1. Broe Ross 2. Patty Hayos 3. Billy Manfroy Class 8 I. Don Moss 2. Kaile Vierra Class 9 I. Steve Souza 2. Rich steiger 3. Tom Hatch Class 10 1. Wes Elrod Out of tfle money in the first heat, Steve Su/Irvan took the second heat win in class 1 and second in class for the weekend. 2. Glen McAdoo 3. Sam Berri FINAL RACE PREVIEW The VORRA crew returned to Prairie City for the last dance of the season with the Halloween Party Saturday night and the racing Sunday. As you can see, several points races went down to the wire and I assure you, there will be some surprises when you read about it. ~ OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6.5 $135.00 $145.00 & up Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15x6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 . (702) 247-1266 ·we Now Do; MAGNA FLUX 167 RACERS 19 EVENTS 20 WINS 9CHAMPIONS 101 TOP S"s Dale Ebberts SCORE class 1 Bill Markel MORE class 1 Diego Lopez MORE class 7 Chris Bowman MOR class 5 John Criswell MORE class 5 Ryan Lesher MORE ciass 10 James Golden MDR 1/2-1600 Greg Blakeman MORE 1/2-1600 Harry Dunne MORE class 9 FIRST ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT RACERS Special thanks to our supporters: I=~~ ,1r.tl4@«!@UI ~~, !li:'j'Trackside p h <> t <> ~o~ ~ lllfrAR 7IEilrtr ~c:::>;=;= ~c:::>A,"IJ ~ ~An""CA&..U-,OAQS.COH u: ., l1 Page 42 January 2004 M.O.R.E. Mojave Off-Road Racing Enthusiasts MDRJJ MOJAVE DESERT RACING ~=~~~~=> ""811',___,_...,........,., W=[iliJl[=t([l]]J!£ii; ?1 :f~ I&~~ Dusty Times

Page 43

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Page 44

Goodies Galore ... PCI Products Distributes "Ahzorh Oil Mat" PCI Products has the Abzorb Oil Mat for your garage floor. Like a sponge, the 3'x5' mat will absorb more than one gallon of oil and other fluids over time. The mats are charcoal gray in color and are available in.3'x3', 3'x5' and 3'x8'. Ranging in price from $15.95 to #31.95, plus shipping from: PCI Products Co. Department OT, 4195 Chino Hills Parkway #360, Chino Hills, CA 91703. (800) 869-9633. Brute Force Intake Systems from Advanced Engine Management Advanced Engine Management introduces its Brute Force intake sys-tems for '98-'02 Dodge Ram Cummins Turbodiesel, '03 Dodge Ram 3500 Cummins Turbodiesel, '01-'03 Chevy Silverado HD 6.6L Duramax Diesel and '99-'0l Ford Super Duty Pickups 7.3L Power Stroke Diesel. Brute Force delivers more torque and horsepower. Get more info from: Advanced Engine Management, Inc. Department DT, 2205 126th St., Hawthorne, CA 90250. (310) 484-2322. 2004 Catalog Now A vailahle from FL'!18ola Performance Systems 888 Wost Quoon SL • Southington, CT 06489 Toll Free: 866437•2739 • Fa;c: 860..G21-1431 www.fra laporlorm.anccsystem~,com Fragola Performance Systems, the newest manufacturer of perfor-mance plumbing products announces their new 2004 catalog. A 1000 different AN fittings anchored by Fragola's one piece billet hose end. These ends, unique to the industry are manufactured without the tradi-tional "leaky" braze joints. New this year, are Teflon lined hose assem-blies. Contact: Fragola Performance Systems, Department DT, 888 W. Queen Street, Southington, CT 06489. (866) 337-2739 or J&J Market-ing, Department DT, 17924 Redwood Avenue, Bellflower, CA 90706. (562) 920-7440. Page 44 Exhaust Studs & Bolts from Automotive Racing Products Automotive Racing Products has the best in Exhaust Studs and Bolts, fine thread stainless steel and chrome moly bolts and polished stainless steel and black oxide finished chrome moly steel in standard and Nyloc (self locking) configurations. For info: ARP (Automotive Racing Products) Department DT, 1863 Eastman Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003. Call: (805) 339-2200. Quarter Master ~ounces 5.5 V-Drive Gutcb Quarter Master announces the 5.5 V-Drive clutch, super successful in NASCAR Racing along with a new Ford/Chevy dual-purpose lightweight steel bell housing. They also offer quick change gears for the budget minded racer, where limited horse-power is used. Contact: Quarter Master Industries, Department DT, 510 Telser Road, Lake Zurich, IL, 60047. Call 888-CLUTCH-l. N~w Line Of Automotive Fastening Systems rrom 1fartwell Dzus Hartwell Dzus, the sole manufacturer of genuine dzus fasteners is introducing a completely new line of quick access panel fastening systems, designed specifi-cally for motor sports. Dzus 1/4 turn fasteners have been used in racing for many decades. These fasteners are not re-purposed aircraft types, they have been designed from the ground up to satisfy the high shock and vibration of racing. For more info: Hartwell-Dzus, Inc., Department Dusty Times, 950 South Richfield Road, Placentia, CA 92870. (800) 441-0327. Opfim, Inc. - Greatest Mechanic's Diagnostic Tool Optim, Inc. announces the great-est mechanic's diagnostic tool. The Autoflex, an internal fiberoptic viewer is a flexible internal viewer designed for the rugged shop envi-ronment offers clear, live views from inside the engine, transmission and car body cavities directly to your eye without disassembly! Insert the 1/ 4 inch distal end and you can illuminate and scan a wide area by turning a thumbwheel to remotely bend the tip 240 degrees. Made here in the USA. Contact: Optim, Inc., Department OT, 64 Technology Park Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566-1262. (800) 225-7496. January 2004 EK Motorsports Whole Line of OffRoad Accesso.des EK Motorsports manufacturers a whole line of accessories for the racer and the just plain off roader. Flashlight holders, Grab Handles, Time Keeper Wristwatches, Anti Fog Lens Cleaners and lots of fetch-mg attire for the female contingent. For more information: EK Ekcessories, Department DT, 575 W 3200 St., Logan UT 84321. (800) 338-2030. Dusty Times

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RALLYE DE FRANCE • 47TH ANNUAL TOUR DE CORSE By Martin Holmes Solberg -Subaru score In Corsica Plwtos: Maurice Selden Niall McShea and Chris Patterson took the PCWRC win at Corsica, seen here in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI. were all located together outside . At Peugeot, Marcus the Airport, as last year. There Granholm' s last stage crash in were many new detailed changes Sanremo had severely dented his to the stages, no stages were exactly title hopes, and resultant back the same length as before. For the pains lost him two days of testing first time the event had a in Scotland with the team after Ceremonial start on the Thursday Sanremo. Part time works team evening in the town (Place Foch). driver Harri Rovanpera was to There was a change of date, 19 drive in an HF Grifone entered months since the last Tour de car here and in Spain, with the Corsica, only once had the event aim of gaining greater experience been held so late in the year since of asphalt events, but missed 1980. The change of date was Corsica and will now miss made to make transport between Catalunya because of the pressure successive world championship of test work with the 307. Citroen 10.-!!!!l!li!!!!"!!illf:...I rallies events easier. again ran a four-car team, as The two full world usual for asphalt events, and like .... Petter Solberg and Philip Mills drove their Subaru lmpreza to the overall win at the Corsica Rally. championships are hotting up. In other teams they had done all Petter Solberg scored his third going off the road and Didier on the final stage. Sainz now leads the Drivers' Series, Sebastien their testing for the asphalt rallies world championship win of the Auriol for an electrical fault. the Drivers' Series by three points Loeb's victory in Sanremo, together. Markko Martin had the 2003 season in great style. Having Daniel Sola was easily the from Solberg and Burns. together with his proven asphalt same 2003 Focus in which he had crashed heavily on the Thursday fastest Production Car driver but Compared with other classic talents as a driver and his Citroen won Acropolis and Finland. morning at Shakedown, Prodrive later in the event he suffered a asphalt events, Corsica has a car, plus the fact that two of the Malcolm Wilson, "We are going and local mechanics worked series of misfortunes, culminating different style. Notwithstanding last three rallies in the 2003 season with the same specification as in through the night before the start in a rear differential failure. The the sight of the imperious are on asphalt, marked him out Sanremo. Actually we are quite to repair it for Solberg to use Group N category was won mountains which dominate the as a major threat to series leader happy with the way that similar again. From a gentle start in overall, for the second successive island, the roads themselves are Richard Burns. There was also events have been bunched eighth place he gradually rally, by the private Subaru of seldom particularly steep, and the continued tension in the air together, it is a quite convenient increased his pace until he was in British driver Mark Higgins, while roads tend to be forever changing before the rally, as Wednesday, arrangement." Subaru decided to third place late on Saturday the PCWRC category was won by direction. The roads have changed October 15th was the day when revert to passive suspension for evening. The final stage that day Niall McShea, despite gearbox character over the years. The the FIA's World Council both cars for this event after tests was heaven-made for his Pirelli troubles and a lack of suitable traditional narrow bumpy announced · the detailed by Solberg in Italy to determine tyres. He took a lead he kept until tyres. The World Production Car surfaces have in recent years given regulations for the 2004 World whether to use the "roll control" the end of the rally. It was a rally title was won by Martin Rowe way to smoother and wider roads, Rally Championship, and also the suspension system. This meant of fast changing fortunes, often (who finished third), run by David and a change of date brought new restructuring of the decision-that Solberg had to use a brand coupled with the success or failure Sutton Cars, the same team that requirements on account of making authorities. The new car for this event. in prejudging the weather gave Ari Vatanen his world title sudden climatic changes. uncertainty, fueled by admissions The reason for Toni conditions. Five different drivers in 1981... In the main world There was a new Shakedown made by David Richards that he Gardemeister's accident in in three different makes of car championship fight, the new location, to the west of Ajaccio, was prepared to walk away from Sanremo in his Skoda had been he Id the lead, and despite leader is not Sebastien Loeb, as with a special Service Park nearby, his interest in rallying if his powers discovered. Left foot braking in frequently treacherous slippery expected after his Sanremo result, used on the Thursday. For the rest were further restricted, caused the fog had overheated the brakes conditions only two top drivers or Richard Burns, but Carlos of the event the Service Park widespread alarm, particularly and damaged a caliper seal. He failed to finish, Markko Martin Sainz, who snatched second place headquarters and media centre among the workers in ISC. tried using the handbrake to slow r-------------------------------------------------------~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 1 SO Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks ., Quality Products & Friendly Service lw~I RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • •·. 15022 Parkwav Looo, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free CatalOf:1 I I I I I ~------------------------------~------------------------~ Page 46 January 2004 Dusty Times

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11 · had a new car for this event, fitted with a new type ofbodyshell which has recently been designed by Fuji heavy to be stiffer than earlier competition bodyshells. T he Top Run team prepared two Evo Vlls for Marcos Ligato anp for Fabio Frisiero, while their customer Wakujiro Kobayashi ran an Evo VIII. Daniel Sola had a left hand driver Evo VIII (converted Evo VII) from Nocentini. Rally, the first major vic;tory in Europe for a Mexican rallyman. Carlos Sainz and Marc Marti drove their Citroen Xsara to second Corsica, 36 seconds out of the win. There was a sensation when information was leaked from Australia. After the Telstta Rally, the Stewards declared that the absentees Krzysztof Holowczyc, Janusz Kulig and Bob Colsoul were to be not only fined but also they would be suspended from FIA. championship rallying until 2004. ln~fact there had been a massive confusion. The Stewards thought they had ordered the ~uspension until the end of 2004, and in the confusion the notices were not put on the official notice board and the drivers were never told! In the end the FIA announced that the penalties would not be enforced. The next crisis came for Marcos Ligato who had gone home to Argentina after Sanremo for a few days, and fell off a mountain bike and hurt his arm. Also absent were Holowczyc, Georgi Geradzhiev and Titi Aur. Ricardo Trivino arrived proudly after his win on the Cantabria Among the other top runners Mark Higgins, elder brother of twice American champion David, and former British champion, who won Group N at Sanremo Rally in his R-E-D team IMpreza, competed again on this event but this time against much stiffer competition. Not only were there the ?CWRC competitors on the entry list but also seasoned and successful Tour de Corse Group N specialist drivers Jean-Marie Santoni, Philippe Rognoni and Jean-Paul Ayme as well as candidate Mitsubishi works driver Gianluigi Galli. An old friend came to Corsica now famous for a new reason. This event saw the debut of the Renault Clio Ragnotti Group N car which is considered lighter than the standard Clio, driven here by Jean-Pierre Manzagol and Eddie Mercier Manzagol, a veteran Tour de Corse competitor, has twice finished fourth and came third once in the '70s, and has entered the 'large majority of Tour de Corse rallies (more than twice the number for Auriol). Jean Ragnotti, whose name is given to the new car, twice won the Tour de Corse and once the Monte Carlo as a driver. Brice Tirabassi, current JWRC leader, who was due to be driving a third similar down but hit a wall. This was teammate Didier Auriol's 17th Tour de Corse, an event he has won six times. Hyundai, sadly, was again absent. The two top contenders for the French asphalt championship met here on neutral ground. The Tour de Corse did not qualify for the series, but the series favourite Alexandre Bengue drove his Yacci-sponsored 206WRC and Benoit Rousselot the ex-Solberg Cyprus winning lmpreza, the first 2003 lmpreza WRC in private hands. Technical novelties were few. Skoda had water cooled front brakes, Ford placed the side mirrors further back because the old location was in the line of sight for the low-seated drivers on the approach to comers. This was the final round of the 2003 FIA Production Car World Rally Championship and only two drivers could win. Martin Rowe and Toshihiro Arai. The David Sutton Cars team, who run Martin Rowe and Stig Blomqvist, came to Corsica with anxious but high nopes. Sutton "Martin Rowe only needs another four points (equivalent to fifth place in the category) to be champion, so we have built the strongest and most reliable car we can for him!" Arai HONDA Power Equipment . EB6500 POWER .RACER & SPECTATOR. DISCO.UNTS •GENERATORS-•· OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS . . . -• LAWN MOWERS .• -~ WN · T.RACTORS . • RtDiNG .MOWERS • TILLERS ... c_.tifornia's Largest Sou_ree for Bonda Power· Equipment· Parts and Inventory IF WE OONT HAVE IT, NO ONE ·DOES! . ~l)~ck Our_ \V~l:>~_ite:!a, __ car, withdrew his entry the week before the event. Not man y people still remember the days when the Tour de Corse was regularly an autumn event, but Peugeot's Team Director Jean-Pierre Nicolas did. "It was often foggy and humid, with the roads covered with fallen leaves and crushed chestnuts -tho.,µgh not so much in the region where the rally will run this year. However, I can safely predict that the weather will be ... unpredictable! O n the same day it can be like summer, then heavy rain. Once again tyre choices will be critical!" (When Nicolas won the event in December 1973, much of the route was cancelled because of snow.) And there were special challenges due to the pressure of the different rally calendar. Michelin tyre chief Aime Chatard "This means it is very difficult for us to react to the requirements from one rally to the next. We know this is a once-only factor because of the tight calendar this year, and in this instance also because next year there will be fewer asphalt events." The weather forecast was not so sunny. Rain was due to fall on Saturday, the day of the longest stages, but Friday and Sunday promised to be nice and dry. Continued on page 48 HONDA Kawaguchi• Honda ·Corp. . , . . 3532 East 3rd st. • Los Angeles, CA ·90063 Nothings easter. GENERATORS & P UMPS 13231 264-3936. 264-5858 • FAX 13231 264-2136 For Optimum performanoe and safety. we reoommend you read the owners manual before operating your Honda Pow8' Equ~menl Connection of a generator 1o house power requires a transfer device to avoid possi>le injury to power 00IT1)8ny peraonnel. Consult a qualified electriciao. 0 2003 American Honda Motor Co., fnc. Dusty Times January 2004 Page 47 41/1( \

Page 48

I,.... Second in P<:;WRC was the Subaru lmpreza WRX of Toshihiro Arai Francois Duval and Stephane Prevot were third overall in their Ford Martin Rowe and Trevor Agnew were third in PCWRC in their Subaru and Tony Sircombe, seen here at hard right rudder. Focus, seen here leaping into space. lmpreza WRX, they took the Class title tor 2003. Manfred Stohl presented a car was retrieved from the stage which applied in the control area him from first to seventh, and he allowed McShea to regain third moment of nostalgia when he at 1230. By 1400 Prodrive had he could not switch into manual set out to make up.for lost time. place. Alfredo De Dominicis entered his private 206WRC, found a bodyshop in Ajeccio able gear change mode. He had to retire. He was fastest on Stages 5 and 6 retired with a broken transmission which was chassis 3, the car that and competent to help. The On the first stage Carlos Sainz was and by the end of the day was up shaft. Joakim Roman went off the Panizzi drove on debut of the type engine, gearbox and suspension less than a second quicker then to fifth, 18.5 seconds behind the road for a half minute. Ramon in Corsica in 1999. The car is now were stripped off Solberg's Richard Burns. On Stage 2 Burns new leader Loeb. Loeb was finding Ferreyros drove 10km on Stage 1 run by the Austrian Rolf Schmidt. damaged car, and 13 people set found the car was not so easy to his confidence with great style. with a flat tyre. Stefano Marrini "Thefactoryranthiscaracouple aboutalongnight'swork.There handle,hesensedhewaslosingtime Bumshadsettledintosixthplace had to stop and change a of times then they let me have it. was bodywork damage to the left and he dropped to sixth while and was now dangerously close to punctured tyre. Fastest Group N Since then we have entered the car rear body, wheel arch and sills. Sebastien Loeb, Marcus being out of the leadership slot in driver, however, was the Italian 53 times and it has won 28 events. The front chassis legs were bent Gronholm and Francois Duval the championship. The weather Gianluigi Galli but Sola was close I hope Manfred looks after it ... !" and the engine damaged. It was moved ahead. This was the first remained dry and in fact the behind. Missing already was Jean-Shakedown turned out to be necessary to fit a new rear door, time Loeb had driven a competitive clouds were higher than before, Pierre Manzagol, the doyen of the eventful. Markko Martin and two bumpers, front wing, boot lid World Rally Car on this event and but rain was promised before the Tour de Corse. His 34th Tour Francois Duval were the two and spoiler, and the whole was finding his way. By the first next day. Second now was Duval, ended on the first stage when a quickest drivers, with Marcus radiator package, not to mention service point he was up to second, having climbed at the rate of a wheel broke and came off his Clio Gronholm third in front of Colin a replacement engine! Until 2100 with Markko Martin leading and place a stage through the Ragnotti. McRae, all within 0.8 seconds over the damaged bodywork was being Sainz in third. Petter Solberg was afternoon. Gronholm was third in In the second loop of stages, a course of almost 7km. Then worked on. At 0030 the engine going almost fine. "There was a front of Sainz. Bugalski's throttle Sola maintained his lead in the came drama for Petter Solberg. and transmission were reinstalled gear selector problem on Stage 1 problem was solved and he rose to PCWRC category, being fastest on "I slid off the road on a patch of and the work of re-fitting began. which god worse on the next two tenth. Makinen was struggling with every stage of the day, despite gravel about 1500 metres into the By 0400 the car was ready to be stages," but he was still running an intermittent ALSs problem and another spin this time on Stage 6. stage. Luckily, there was a road tested. The car was then seventh. Duval was sixth, despite was 12th, 14 seconds behind Gilles The Canadian Patrick Richard telegraph pole just there and I hit taken to the Service Park. At two broken EM Is (mousses), Panizzi who was unhappy all day was lying ninth. "The first day in it with the rear side of the car." 0700 a replacement service crew causing considerable vibrations. with the handling of his car (shades the championship I have covered Why lucky? "If 1 hadn't hit the took over, at 0745 the car was re-Colin McRae, the only Citroen of Sanremo) while Toni without any trouble, fingers' telegraph pole I would instead scrutineered. Petter and Phil were running with big rear brakes, Gardemeister had no troubles crossed." Galli, meanwhile, was have gone down a 200 metre able to set off on the rally at 0900. found it difficult to select a good with his Fabia and was 13th. Best ahead in his non-championship drop!" The car was thought to be From here on, could the rally brake balance front to rear while privateer was Alexandre Bengue. Group N car. McShea continued too badly damaged to be repaired hope to be as interesting? Philippe Bugalski (in a fourth, Overnight the Stewards had in second place in front of Kulig, before the start and the team Leg 1 non-nominated, works Xsara) had considered the absences of Arai and Bob Colsoul. Rowe was made plans to bring a replacement Looking up at the grey skies, at rhrottle trouble. "The throttle was PCWRC drivers Marcos Ligato, driving carefully in sixth place, car to Corsica overnight from the start of the day, it looked like sticking up unpredictably, ir was Georgi Geradzhiev and Giovanni going in the right direction for the Banbury, and went to look for the excitement was just around the very dangerous." Benoit Manfrinato. This time the feeling title. Ramon Ferreyros retired on Stewards to gain their consent to corner, but in fact the clouds were Rousselot, in his 2003 Subaru, was kind and their instances were Stage 4 when the engine suffered a miss the ceremonial start. The high. All the drivers set off on dry found the engine was overheating considered "force majeure". Daniel piston failure. Arai had a puncture Stewards did not care for the weather tyres and it staye~ that way and he eased the turbo pressure. Sola went into an immediate lead near the end of Stage 4. idea. It would enco\Jrage t4e use for nearly two and a half hours. Stage 4 saw another change of in PCWRC ahead of Janusz Kulig, Leg 2 of spare cars, so the team set down The first sign of trouble came for overall leader. Martin spun on a despite a spin in Stage 3. Niall Welcome to a very long day! to try to repair the crashed car, Didier Auriol when he could not corner and was stuck with the rear McShea was third on Stage l but There were again six special stages, ready for the restart on the Friday start Stage l. Overnight, water had wheels off the road. He powered then had to tackle the next two but this time the local stage morning. leaked from the cooling system on his· way out of the hole but stages on the same tyres, as the jack distance was to be 190km, almost There was drama once the to an ECU and short circuited the damaged the Focus' front after on his Mitsubishi broke. They as long as the marathon first day Stewards had made their decision system. Didier found he could not hitting the bank on the other side could not rotate the wheels, and at Monte Carlo this year. So far it known, and the action began. The select first gear without stalling, of the road. This mishap only cost dropped back. Toshihiro Arai had had been a good two way battle crash had happened at 1100. The and under "pare ferme" rules about 20 seconds but dropped understeering troubles which between Citroen and Ford, but Page 48 January 2004 Dusty Times

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Fourth overall was the Peugeot 206 of Marcus Granholm and Timo Richard Burns and Robert Reid were eighth overall in their Peugeot Ninth overall was the Citroen Xsara of Philippe Bugs/ski and Jean-Rautiainen, performing for an appreciative audience. 206, seen here on their way out of town. the Peugeots were not so far did the stage it was heavy rain on competitive performance, but then behind, thanks to Gronholm. and off all way." It was the same he was quickest! "They changed a Duval's fast and reliable pace was for everyone else ... This was to be whole lot of different things and a revelation. The promised rain fell · a turning point not only for the suddenly we were on the pace. The overnight and as the dawn arrived rally but maybe also for the car was back to normal." Duval over the Service Park there were championship as well. Loeb went was seven seconds slower but eked still angry black clouds to be seen. off and was stuck beside the road out another second's lead over Within a few minutes, however, on a bank for ten minutes, down Sainz. Panizzi was lucky here with there were some deceptively to 18th place. Martin understeered the rain, suffering only on the last enticing streaks of blue in the sky into a rock face, smashed a front few kilometres while rivals spent over the area where the first two wheel and stopped to change this. progressively longer in the storm. stages were to be run, and a lot of The damaged wheel was difficult Burns stalled at a hairpin and drivers took this ro be a good to remove, and five minutes had slipped back two more places, to omen, and made their tyre choices. gone, dropping him down to 14th eighth, while Loeb had not given How wrong can you be? On the position. "The penalty of late up trying. He was second quickest opening stage Bengue ended his braking ... !" When he arrived at on the stage nearly 50 seconds event with suspension damage, Service the car was weighed and faster than Bums, up from 18th Martin leapt up to second place, was found to be 3kg underweight, to 17th, but Martin was being now 9.6 seconds behind the leader with only a small remaining piece careful, anxious not to lose any Loeb. Gronholm slipped to fifth of the wheel and no sign of the more time unnecessarily. The when Sainz and Martin went past wrecked tyre. The scrutineers took dangerman at half distance in the ("having the soft tyres and the the spare wheel from Duval's car rally was Sainz, not only for suspension setup I had chosen, I to check what should,have been victory but maybe also for the title. had no confidence in the car"), and the true weight for Martin's ~ar At the start of the second leg, if Burns (•bad tyres for the stage") and found it was comfortably in the event stopped then the title to eighth when McRae and Solberg excess of the legal minimum, but leader would be Loeb six points got ahead, Solberg was up to sixth, the crews were summoned to meet ahead of Burns and seven in front quite a tribute considering what the Stewards later that evening. of Sainz. If the rally stopped now, had happened to his car in the The leader now was Duval, 10.6 the championship leader would previous 48 hours! Makinen, seconds in front of Sainz. "A bit be Sainz, three points in front of however, punctured (but the EMI strange. At the start of the Stage 1 Burns! worked). Alistair Ginley retired stalled the engine twice and lost Back to the morning's stages with engine failure, after losing about 15 seconds. By the end of again and in the damp conditions time with power steering trouble the stage we were leading the rally". Solberg was on the attack. he made the evening before. Solberg had "a big spin" but fastest time on both Stages 10 and The fund really started, jumped up to third. Stage 7 (and 11 despite a puncture on 10. By however, at the start of Stage 8. 10) were long• at 38km • but Stage Stage 11 he had passed Sainz and Mikko Hirvonen noticed it had 9 was (with Stage 12) the longest the Subaru was now up to second, started spitting with rain as he of the event, at nearly 41 km, and 3.2 seconds behind Duval who had started the stage but then it was on account of several stretches of a lot of rain on Stage 10. McRae clear all the way. He was on his broken tarmac and potholes, the passed Gronholm (who had slid way to his first. world bumpiest of the event. First time off the road) into fifth, Burns championship scratch time! through saw a revolution in the passed Bugalski (who fitted tyres Behind him at the start was Cedric fortunes of Panizzi. All rally long too hard) into seventh. Behind the Robert "As soon as Hirvonen left he morosely assumed the 206 was leaders Cedric Robert lost boost it poured with rain, and when we now beyond any hope of pressure which let Martin up to Dusty Times January 2004 Paul Chiaroni seen here rushing through the countryside. 12th. Gardemeister was just "undriveable",whileMartinRowe outside the top ten, slowed by a had good tyres and was happy. broken anti-roll bar. The 12th and Ricardo Trivino and Pat Richard final stage was one of the worst of were both curious. Neither had the day. One driver said "The most ever rallied on wet asphalt before! difficult conditions imaginable. Kulig was delayed ten minutes at Mud, wet, dry, the surfaces were service Om40s penalty) having his always changing, quite gearbox changed, which dropped unpleasantly. A tyre adviser for him behind Arai. The earlier one of the teams tyre advisers said, overall Group N leader Gianluigi "These damp cool conditions are Galli crashed on Stage 7 when his where Pirelli are unbeatable. screen misted up and Sola was When it is dry, Michelins reign now leader in PCWRC and in supreme, when it is wet, Pirelllsand Group N again. On Stage 9 Michelins are equal, but not here! Richard retired when a Solberg and Makinen were ahead transmissioh on shaft failed. and Solberg took the lead of the Twelve cars were left in the rally. The best Michelin driver category. Sola was in magic form (Martin) was more than a quarter but _as he went into Stage 10 he minute behind. From a destroyed realised that a lead to the car to leading a world alternator had become detached championship rally in just three and lost seven minutes (l m 10s days, what a story! Gardemeister penalty) reattaching this. On the continued to have hydraulic 38kmstageSolawasontheattack, problems, too much pressure in beating the second quickest the steering, not enough in the PCWRC driver by nearly 40 differentials. Panizzi said "What a seconds, and retaining his lead in_ lot of mistakes. Every stage this the category. Then came more afternoon we had wrong drama. He had a puncture 3km information," the Peugeots were into Stage 11, drove on for a while well out of court, on the final stage and then stopped to change the Gronholm fastest-with ninth best wheel. He set off again at full time! McRae was up to fourth speed, and at the end of the stage overall. Which way the title chase, ( 15km) he was only l m46s slower now? As things stood overnight, than the fastest Group N driver, Sainz was one ahead of Burns and McShea. Stefano Marrini stopped Solberg, with Loeb three behind. on Stage 11 to trace the fire that In PCWRC all surviving 13 was filling his car with smoke, but drivers made the first two stages could not find the source so drove without major drama. Daniel Sola to the end of the stage. Joakim slightly realigned the rear Roman had a very bad vibration, suspension and was baulked by while Fabio Frisiero went off the Loeb driving after his excursion. road and retired. Down to 11 Janusz Kulig broke his gearbox. drivers. On the final stage Kulig Toshihiro Arai had the wrong went of the road for over three tyres, he explained the car was Continued on page 50 Page 49 ..... ....

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minutes, dropping from fourth to seventh, which let Rowe up to one place behind his title rival Arai. Leg 3 What a curious event. Just like in Formula 1, the championship interest was focused on a driver fighting for eighth place, the last available place to give you a point! The weather was just as much a threat as ever. Clouds were fairly high at the Ajaccio Service Park when virtually all the drivers fitted dry-weather "slick" ryres for the first group of two stages. Within an hour the rain at Ajaccio was torrential, but in fact Petter Solberg extended his lead, the stages were only damp. Sebastien Loeb continued at a winning pace even though after two stages he was still stuck in 14th place. Markko Martin took life easily and was still 12th. At the same point Carlos Sainz was only 0.1 seconds behind Francois Duval, while Marcus Gronholm had moved back up to fourth; ahead of Colin McRae. Richard Burns had to stop momentarily after Stage 13, when both crew members felt ill, "We felt better after that ... " while Duval, new to the Sunday stages, found he was having to fight hard to keep Sainz at bay. • Second time round, the top crews went on intermediate ryres to be safe. What was good for Stage 15 was bad for 16, as Duval found out, allowing Sainz to slip by on the final stage into second position. Mikko Hirvonen spun as he finished the final stage, which co-driver, Jarmo Lehtinen, assumed was for the spectators' benefit! Tommi Makinen also spun on 16 while Gilles Panizzi was still Continued' on page 52 Rallye de France46th Tour de Corse 17/19 October2003 ~ (F) WC round 12 PCWRC round 7 WC points WR WO PC 1 (7) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC S700WRT (GB) 4h.2Qm.15.3s. 10 10 -2 (19) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 19DDM92 (F) 4h.20m.51.9s. 8 8 3 (6) 1-rancoi& DUVAUSt~ Prevot 8 Ford Focus RS WRC EJ02KMU (GB) 4h.20m.57.0s. 6 6 4 (1) Marcus GRONHOUNTimo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot 206 WRC 952NVB75 (F} 4h.21m.24.5s. 5 5 5 (17) Colin McRAE/Derek Ringer GB Citroen Xsara WRC 26CSP75(F) 4h.21m.41.3s. 4 4 6 (3) Gilles PANIZZUHerve Panizzi F Peugeot 206 WRC 2e3NNN15 (F) 4h.22m.14.0s. 3 3 7 (8) Tommi MAKINEN/Kai Lindstrom FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC 890WRT (G8} 4h.22m.41.1.a. 2 2 8 (2) Richard BURNS/Robert Reid GB Peugeot 206 WRC 286NNN75 (F) 4h.22m.52.0.s. - 1 9 (20) Philippe Sugalski/Jean-Paul Chiaroni F Citroen Xsara WRC 36CSP92 (F) 4h.23m.02.1 s. 10 (6) Mikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EX02OBC (GB) 4h.24m.10.7s. 1 ~:: M~ ,1n,onm11nc1 sus,1ns1ons ~~,r BFGoodrich Ttres ICll1'ROS CUSTOM LETTERING Page so AUTOMOTIVE & PERFORMANCE 4725 E. 22nd Street • Tucson, Arizona 520-747-0563 "?ie&f £,Y&ettoh P&r/&etto11," Stand alone programmable management• "Simple Digital System" WHY TUNE A CARBURETOR, WHEN YOU CAN PUSH A BUTTON Sales • Installation • Dyno tuning Carburetor to EFI conversions • ECU up-grades ECU up-grades • Turbo and Supercharging Injectors • Surge tmb • Fuel system components Custom intake and Turbo exhaust fabrication for Race or Pleasure -Desert, Sand/Dunes & Pre-runners www. toyotap erformance .com GT Motorspons would lllce to tllanlc our Sponsors and all the people that made our eighth Cllamplonslllp and second BA.IA 1000 win possible. Ifill.II Of=F-ROAC RACING 2003-2002-2001 January 2004 Dusty Times

Page 51

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Page 52

.... . .,,,,,.. After attending the Baja 1000 for the first time I thought the magnitude of the event was just totally awesome. My hat is o f f to SCORE and all the personnel that worked so ha r d t o p u t the event on. BUT, I am wri t ing this letter m The fact that I could not believe the mess the off road racers left in Baja. After the race was over we left our pit and followed the course several miles out to highway 1, about mile marker 440. This is where we came along at least a one mile stretch of big rocks painted with huge letters announcing a pit area ahead for a tire company. These rocks were painted every 100 yards or so all the way to the pit area. Upon arriving at the pit area at the highway I was shocked about all the garbage everywhere. I'm not talking small areas, this area was at least a city block big with garbage everywhere, and not a person around. This mess was just left for eyeryone that drove the main highway through Baja to see. I know the Mexican people would be concerned but the main concern i s the fact that everyone, including all of those envi-ronm~ntali~ts, greenies and just plain tourists travelling in Baja would see what kind of people participate in off road racing. -Come on, people, we must pickup after ourselves. You haul it in, you haul it out, it' s just that simple. I don't care who you are! It is our sport and if we want to continue racing in the desert we had better start taking care of it! KEEP THE DESERTS OF AMERICA AND BAJA CLEAN! ! ! ! ! ! -···~ ........... ._,..,..,,. -14'~~ ~-' '~W •••• Clft II! A Ol.l NR All YOllt6i!i!ROID NIID! 1-111-755-5900 ,att TOll ,111 CV CENTERS 0 ~ UNDERSIZED CV BAI LS Page 52 NEVk;A OFFROtO BUGGv r 9·-i'Ri Stv1 "'1£D L~ XXLRG ONLY $•0"0 MSD WE CARRY A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK . TABS January 2004 I (!J!lj"(JJ'liNIDl r.wmimn t-1 rn t=1 m ~flm>~ Wl!lla~ tmnl~ Tour De Corse ... from Page SI angry• every time mistakes, every time wrong types". Solberg had no troubles and came triumphantly through to victory "I haven't slept for all the tally, I. have been so worried. I just wanted to win for aLI the effort those guys did before the start. What an effort, what a memory. This is for them!" In Group N there was drama. Daniel Sola, leader of PCWRC, had to stop on Stage 13 to reconnect a turbocharger pipe, letting Niall McShea ahead, and his fellow Spaniard Xavier Pons into overall Group N lead. Then on Stage 14 Xavier Pons stopped with engine failure to his Mitsubishi. Sola had his rear differential fail and lost a lot of time because the clutch failed as a result and he had to wair for th'e clutch to cool down. He eventually stopped on the road section back to Ajaccio, leaving the British driver Mark Higgins leading Group. Joakim Roman staggered through the final Saturday stage with a puncn re and a failed wheel bearing, then had a broken· driveshaft, but continued. Toshihiro Arai was lying second, while haunting him was Martin Rowe in third~ waiting to take the title. McShea, who had suffered all event having to run without interim weather Michelin tyres, now had difficulty to engage gears properly, had no time to do anything about it, and set off for the final two stages with his fingers metaphorically crossed. McShea struggled through suocessfully to win the PCWRC while Martin Rowe took the tide. Bob Colsoul and Ricardo Trivino both punctured. Ten • PCWRC reached the finish, but ahead of them all was Mark Higgins, for the second rally running the winner of Group N in the private R-E-D run Subaru Impreza. As the world championship circus rushes to Spain, with two rallies to go, the Manufacturers' champiop will be a red car, either Peugeot or Citroen, and the Drivers between six men: Sainz, Solberg, Bums, Loeb, Gronholm and Martin . . EMS BY PAR Parker Pumper developed the Competition flir System with the budget racer in mind. Conuerted by the pro's at Parker Pumper to deUuer maximum air flow, this HJC helmet is . Snellffl-rated,andis auailable in sizes S-XXXL (Startlngat)s249 00/SJ49 00 ■ ■(Wired) n.e cam11..lete MPER source tar race,s andCTeWS 1.BDIJ.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Dusty Times T

Page 53

. I Speclii1Ttran1cs--to: Dave Bufe John Gengler Kerm Rima ....... Thanks Also to: -~"""""---Wiks Racing Dave Folts Transmissions 1214 N. Parker unit #3 Orange, CA 92867 Tel: 714.289.9048 Congratula-tions Serr~ ~..;::,:;=:-----~ acing! Mercu d·Car F-inishes in ~ Driver: Stephen Jangaard Co Driver: Jed Krause CoDriver: Ed Lalonde Jr. • • 250 · Jangaard Engineering thanks the following supporters: Bud@ Champion Frames, Don@ Foremost Enameling, Gary @ Padormance Paint, Pat @ Porter's Alignment, John and Ed (we miss you Ed) @ John Lane Racing Motors, _Jon @ l~ral Products, Luis @ America's Tire Co., Tim @ House Of Stainless, Jim @ Jim's Tap E~racting, John @ ~arles Electric, Jeff @ Myers RV, Pete @ About Time Auto Sales, Jim @Advanced Muffler, John@Ace (Woods) Hardware, Tom @Jonicho Graphics, Tony @ Revchem, Nate's Tools, Seth @ Dunn and Associates Accounting, Kelly @ Custom Metal Finishing, John @ Powerhaus, and Don Nixon. Special Thanks to Cliff @ Andrew Martin Company, Dan @ Collins Brothers Roofing, and Steve @ G. Serrano Compa_ny VW Parts, Dennell, Mom and Dad~ . t • ,.~, . .. ----------------.,.. -· -· _.. ............ . ..... : _...,,. . _,,. -.. -· . _.......---~_.,,._...,,_.,_,,.,, . ., ... ,__ ---····--.........

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Demographic study Results Thanks to all of you who responded to our demographic Inquiry for 2003. The findings are set forth below and give you the data on the average Dusty Times reader. PERSONAL ANNUAL EXPENSES 1. sex - 94% Male - 6% Female 2. Average Age - Male, 47 - Female, 43 3. Married, 68% - Single, 18% - Divorced, 14% 4. self Employed, 53% -W-2 Earner, 47% s. Annual Household Income, $129,000 6. own Home, 90%, Rent, 10% 7. Number of Children, 2.1 a. Number In Household, 4 people 9. Read Dusty Times, 1.6 10. 4 Year College Degr_ee, 57%, 2 Year Degree, 18% Masters 4% Doctorate, 6%, High School Grad, 15% ' ' , . 11.spouse 4 Year College, 53%, 2 Year Degree, 30%, Masters, 4%, High School Grad, 13% 12.TV sets In Home, 3.4 13.Watch TV 17.8 Hours Per week VEHICLES 1. Dollars spent Annually on Race car, $19,111.00 2. Dollars Spent Annually on Travel, etc., $4,391.00 3. Dollars spent Annually on Tobacco Products, S500.00 4. Dollars Spent Annually on Alcohol, $235.00 5. Race car Tires, S1,293.00 6. Race car Fuel, S1,911.00 7. Repair/Maintenance on Motorhome, $1,458.00 a. Repair/Maintenance on Tow Vehicle, S723.00 9. Repair/Maintenance on Trailer, S312.50 1. street licensed Vehicles·, 4.2 - Average of 2 cars, 2 trucks, 1.8 tratlers, .25 motorh6mes, 1.s motorcycles and 2.3 auads. 1a.Tires - BFGoodrlch 69%, Goodyear, 13% the remaining 18% is spHt between Pirelli, Michelin, Dunlop and Toyo. 2. compete Off Road, 62%, Drivers, 62%, co-Driver, 19% Now that you can see what you're dealing with, It's a good time to get an ad In Dusty Times and either buy or sell another toy that your wife hates. 3. own A Race car, 59%, Pre-Runner, 38% , 3a.Tires used - BFGoodrlch, 77%, Dunlop, 18%, Goodyear 5~ 4. Events competed In, 7 s. support Othe_rs, s 6. co TO Watch, 3 1 •••••••••• ·····--·························· ··-········ LOCATION 1. state Live In, California, 62.5%, Nevada, 19%, Arizona, 10%, Elsewhere, 8.5% 2. Population -over 100,000, 59%, - 50,000, 160/o - 25,000, 14%, s,ooo, 5%, Rural, 6% • -···· .. ·-··· ..•...... . ···-· .......•• t. JllUU■ull lllll 01H11lUi nuuuu1111111l. 11U11U t!.H . . !.!!; ------------------------

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY. 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 ' -0~ ;e~8~ BATIEAIES FOR ALL Of YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BAITERY SALES UNLIMITED 861 East AJosta A~ue I_ Glendora, CA 91740 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • aJ·ax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-608-6043" QUALITY PAINTING Race Truck Helmets Race Car Jolla Karu Sm-. Kurtz' Panels Etc. Panels <lliiiP Afforcbble Prices 619·562-590i 10925 Hartley Road Suite F Santee, Ct-92071 •ROAO ,u., c•&&S 44 Gal. 1o, $444.00 SCORE • CORR • SOOA AORA • PRERUHHERS , ,.. ... ,.. .. -144 RALLY • ETC. JR-«-»-. atlfu•lc•ll•.com ~~ B00-526-5330 • ~ A1·s RACING WILDOMAR CA. Tt>yota IFS IU11pentlon apecltllatll Long tr.Ivel kn. and rac. trim paclcas,a for 2wd. & 4wd. Plck-Up,-T1com1, Tundra, 1·-100 and ~unner ~,w,ATSRAC! • (909)471-2418 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabricatjpn Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension.& Roi! Cages For~ Truck Specialist • 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels Phon.e: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 · e-mail: ·sHIOl.ftllf PEIFIIJIUII: - - -Sliver Faced lFG's ' ... :·- . - . '· , Liquid.filled Gauges Iron:, Autd M'eter • . ,,, · • are notorious for being the t9ijgl)es~. 4IQ-SO ✓--. on the market. Combine that with ...,...,-..._ • the fact Auto Meter also is known for ifs reliabllity and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. , ~ £ ~ ~ = ·r £ . ,, ' l . 'J"°r".-• • I • • jJ-ilo f!UG_~IES • PRE-RUNNERS • RACE CARS ~ FABR1cAno11 & ALUMINUM WORK· .J .oom --Reach New Customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads Are Merely $45 Per Month 818-882-8004 • 51'EOALIZING IN fltE·RUHNER lll!ILDS 10 RACE CHA5515 ll£SIGl6 · • FR<M 60ll ON LflS 10 FULL 6~ QJSlOM SU51'ENSl(Jl-. f16Wil"5S-·CUSTOM 6UMl'EltS--SH()(l 10!\US-·INTEJ:~ ROLL CAGES-·6£0 CAGES-·COIL-MR SET UPS-·WIDENED FRONT ENOS-·CUST<M A-ARMS & 1·6EAMS-&70 PROFESIONAL AVE. #402 HENDERSON. NEVADA IIIIWVII_BLACKMARKETFAB.COM . ~obbf s ~u99ies 4584 Columbus Rd. Macon, GA 31206 478-474-9292 BRANDWOO"D CARS FREE Catalog Custom V43hicle ShifJer for mld-en--glnes i ·and other appllcatli>ns .. S02-437-3:1P7 "Innovative BIiiet Products for the Off-Road Enthusiast" Pr~ H25 fl'athway St..-Sa!'t••• Ca. 12071 "Mm OF "'1tFftMANCE ,A.TS F'1tf ltn>UmY tEAOIH IACE C.Clt SUILDEU -Spindlts, Floating Huhs - S spd. Shirtcrs (fits Mcndcol• trans & others) • Northstar Airbox Adapter~ & more!! url: e-mall: (619)562-3071 CACTUS ~CING Racea_ir Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 619-482-6700 708 Rocking Horse Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91914 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY V ALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (909)845-8820 products in stock Race Proven Filbricati.on, Boatec Fiberglass Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valves-+tube,, Paris-Dakar trucks · Sway-bar Arms ....

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ACCOUNTING• INCOME TAX• CONSULTING' , IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT 1136 S. Second St, Suite E 621>-6113-2023 Covina, CA 91723 Fas -621>-6113-2024 Offroad to Street, Pren.inner to Race -Chula Dnis,n -Race Prep -AH General Fabrication ~.1 17489 Lilac SUE H..,,_rta CA 92348 ~clfabwOf' .. ,,...,.,_...,,._, HAIPIIN BEADLICI eACfNQ WHEE.LS U.S.A. WHEELS/ CONVERSIONS a••• 10-11• 12• 13• 111• 1•• 11• 1'1.f LAN qARRITT 1871 N. 811AWLff A,,._ l'MSNC) CA 0722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ CHENOWTH utCING PRODVCTS. INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 ~ C N(l' Ma;~:."::~:;'C~ot<h Pedol A,,) ~ !!J Moster Cylinders • Slove Cylinders Cutti'hg ond StoQing Broke$ Hydroulic Throttliis Tl)rottle Pedol$ CNC, Inc. ond all of our accessori1:1s. 1221 West Morena.,vd. San Diego, CA '921'10 (6J9) 275-1663 ~end $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS • i-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS Sandy Cone 2055 Hangi('lg Tr~e,Lane • • (805) 239-2663 Templeton, CA 93465 ~ ~RACING ~GASOLINE TORCORACINGFV~ CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-54·COSBY: COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, vA . . ~ . .. .. -. . 1906M • 14 PH: 949.567.9000 WWW. C istons. com A Member of Pankl Racing Systems . I CRITICAL O g;=::i= g-~· □ =~-·- Suspension, Engine. Gear (lo)c, etc. 3043 Olk Street Santa Jina, CA 92707 ,... (714) 157•1215 Pa (714) 157·,1567 CROWN □ NON0£STI{UCTIVE TESTING Magnetic Pal&a, Uquid Pennant. lJllrNcri:, Eddy Cu,-t. X-Ray □ CNC MACHINE SHOP . UUC STA11DN H MASTA11DN.__ INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IIICORl'ORATED AEROSPACE, HIGH PERFOIU,4ANCE. INOUSTR~ HOSES & FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER OR., SUITE G • VISTA. CAIJFORNIA 92083 CULHANE RACING TRANSMISSIONS 1ntrooucina The omGINAL suvm SliAf'T:!!! OyCulhane Biggest lo the Business From Wild to Mild Billet Extension Housings-Valve Bodies Customer Loyalty is #1 18273 Grand Ave 116 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 909-678-1669 MatthewS..molce - = ... -~~~~7-~;:::;;-;;;"!==~~~:'." 1280 N. JOHNOO\I AVE., SUITE 101 • EL CA.n-J. CA 92020 TEL: 619.449.5611 • FAX: 619.449.5713 MATTl-EWCICUSTOMCH:ALCOM # ....,...._.~•=--~~=i...11t.:!...■ Specialwag ha. .. ......... Swtasm•• Newland Wfftla •-•-aalll>4S Jbpum44 Kreuter Automatie [I DE rJ!!~•Q)] HERMAN De NUNZIO 39 B Depot Road Goleta, CA 931 i 7 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 l)lll'I' llTJ~IU{S OFF-ROAD DESIGN & FABRICATION RACE PREP PRE RUNNERS SUSPENSIONS ROLL CAGES., TUBE BENDING WELDING LIFT KITS BILL SCOTT (909) 520-0064 Fax (909) 520-0078 email· 1 -~321 Sampson Ave., Unit I Rlvfrslde, CA 92503 ~~~~ :Abrasive Blasting • Protective & DecQl'ative Coatings 'SeMng San Diego County Since 1970' 1835 John Towers Ave. #A El Cajo~, CA 92020 (619) 448-3932 · ,.,, Fax (619) 448-3662 FORD RACING PARTS: -RAN6£R2.3 PINTO 2.0 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PARTS IN STOCK. .STOCK. 2.3 so P6. CATALOG PHONE (6!6) 444·4919 143a POTR.~O FAX (.626) 444-3046 SO. EI.MONTE, CA. JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets fftESH AUi STSJUIS fECMNOlOliilES, INC • Interior Revisions 810 A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 1-888-466-RACE 1-847-259-381 0 Fax 1-847-259-9705 "THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTSn

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llta PIBFORMIICB We use & l&commend 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 RA<.li\l, E:>.<,INE.\, TRAM"\11~\IONS ANI> OFFROAO PART\ Smd or call for our new catalog SS.00 RAY BAYLY 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 . 1941 tE Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 BRIAN GRIFFIN (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 619-M9.3&33 619-449-3665 fax Doug Fortin Adrian or Fidel rt EJ.\D ft O ,,y JV\J.\s·rERS RACING CYLINDER HEADS & ENGINES _2,66-F S. Santo Fe AverKJe • Vis!o, CJ.. 9~ p~::" (760) 727-1827 ----'-''l g~J.i) Buff & Kevin Owners/ F1brle<1tors . ,. -....,_,_,1~ p. 780.510.9586 • ,. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific' St.# J-1 • San Marcos, CA 91069 HONDA ,.,,,I~' ;f: J;I $SUZUKI sen..• I I ~ I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. ' 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 Just A Small Ad Here Can Increase Your Business By A Bunch. Call Dusty Times For Details 818-882-0004 (619) 561-7764 fax 561-4834 HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14~68 Olde Highway 80 • Suite E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990 • JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" ~laYl,1l6\1Ni Quality Racing Transmission• JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 ,-Ill~/ Mike Julson President 10965 Hartley Rd., Suite R • Santee, CA 92071-2893 619 / 562-1743 • Fax 619 / 562-3379 a.mail • J_lnurN.Cz RACING ENGIN~ COMPLETE ENGINES • DYNO SERVICE George Jimenez 50.NFABIU TROY J OHNSON (909) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 · 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714.535.5116 Specializing in custom offroad race trucks • Prerunners • Sand cars • Rally cars • Custom Fabncation • Advanced Suspension Technology • Research & Development KAL OFFROAD RACING . \ Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions Kurt Lannee (805) 466-4101 --840.8 K El Camino Real. Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment · OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp~ 3532 EAST 3110 ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI 1 Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-6868 BIAZR~WU!Jl!f I : IIE: Derek Krager PH: n4.289.9048 n: n4.&31.1a54

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.. -.., Kevin Summers owner KS Motorsports offroad fabrication and race preps 15346 Bonanza RD. # C Victorville • CA . 92392 Phone:760-241-5441 Fax:760-241-5383 CT6o> 7!a!! www SUSPENSION • PERFORMANCE • SAFETY EQUIPMENT & MOREi DESERT· ROCK - SAND & RACE 'NE ARE YOUR t1 SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR OFFROAO NEEDS POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON.STREET" SUN VALLEY, c.t.11• FAX (818) 7'18-2817 (818) 7e8-0S7'1 A full line of Po-,S~g..,._ pumps ■nd ■cclll■c)lla for any type of racllfO. M■gnaflux and Zyglo facllitlet available. •custom Chassis *RacePrep *Aluminum WOltl *Wtldlng Engineering . *Magnat1ux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320AAROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 KENT LOTHRINGER (909) 596-5497 FAX Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 www.masteroraftseats. SeatJ • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 IJ!lfllit..ll!t (818) 886 4446 (818)n2-6470fax 18641 Parthenia St. ~ridge. CA 91324 ~ ~ec... .DragRaclng .c)\,llfrad( aFillbik.lllco f>' .Weldlng ; -t .ctiu..~, ,Sulpelwkll'I . Sped■llll YOUR. OFF-ROAD Catch us ~n the Net/ SP_ECIALISTSI ·. PHONE: (714) 441•1212 FAX: (714) 441•1822· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806, . WORK GUARANTEED DEADLINES KEPT J~v flJ.ot<>f!jpe, {l)e&(gn~ .9iw. E7i'h~/as,s· .9'"oolt,l9• !L!arl.s· aml{ MIKE MCQUEEN O FF ROAD BODIES SINCE 197 2 B Y APPOINTMENT FAX (310) 379-8633 (310) 3748669 E-MAIL: MPD@MAKATAK.NET HTTP: / /WWW.MAKATAK.NET MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, SUite I & J . Chula Vista, CA 91910 ' #'1§1J'J'111,Wf/llfliB (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 eotlPONEfffS FOil CHASSIS FABRICATION .~l'.l'-Pf·~~·.~ -~ stffl#Molnl • 01.&~8olllettoldm OFFAOAD ENGINEERING Pre-Runners • Race Cars & Trucks • long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Way_ #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Moulton Racin Fabrication • AaceCara • Prerunners • Sand Canr Jim Moulton '.--28355 INDUSTRY OR. 1412 Vllenda Ca 91365 661-2.95-0253 MSD •r.3 ,1, Jr.,,■ ... ~,, 1111,•1• • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE IC,hJIIIIIN', • IJl',IHIIIJlllH' , • WIHI ',•HIV l:{JNHHII ~. AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 HENAV BRENNAN OA. , EL P ASO, TX 7SB3E 1915) 857-5200 • TS:H LINE 1915) 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE www msdigr1t,oncom TUBE BENDERS ¼'' TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY ' TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROL~ERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 399£..Hlaiaoa.lJnltD Corona, CA 92879-1313 -~m.;:: 4B0-726-2B76 Todd Dwyer 43455 Business Park Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 ·~ @ MORENO VALLEY ' PONTIAC. rm3 °"'""" PONTIAC•(iltlC • BlJIClt MiJb Jf(]l'o/1 U'Af • JI.Qllf~YJ l'AlUY, C.l 9JS55 , A.sK~rn · CHUCK FOREMAN Sales 6> Leashu[ C.011SUltalll Call For APJ><!l11tme11t (909) 2'f.Z.·tl23 (800) 480-S501 FAx (909) .242-ll99 <:'.w. (909}~S397 • Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New 'Iiuck Acc. Dept Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-125.3 MPER (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 HEiMETS PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS

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!51!: ,~~~©7tl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, 'su~OEI, SIMPSON HELMETS iN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12';, -2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 56::1-4::17-8177 I 800-869-5636 w ■ A • , PEAK PRERUNNERS Bumpers · Roll Cages · Suspension · Welding · Machining Computer Aided Suspension Design · Custom Metal Fabrication · Custom Accessories A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Emall: Tel: 819-39CM25:2 Fax:81~70 14402 Bond Cowl · El C.Jon, CA 92021 ........... Dennis Rotim 661-373-6176 Par: Fu: 111.381.4641 -(,~i -· . "\ .-Fra cv s Pl'rf onnance ~:ngineering TB. (949>650-3035 FIii! (949)650-4721 • AU Type• of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication •Tube Beeclinc • Alumin-u Steel Weldin& • Custolll Machine W«k • All Types of Race Caa-1 4851 w. Hacienda t4 Lu Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 Pre,ision Alloy, lltl Todd Francis Phone: U0.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 PBEPSEBl'/CES UIJIL/AI/TED 562-529-3991 p 562-529-3992 f 9024 JcfTStreet Bellflower, CA 90706 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline·• Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM ~ Pboc■11,Arhona wm_ iliill'l.J ~ --~-Suspension Components For Racing And Recrutlonal Appllutlon1 · Shodt Service Available on Ill brand1 •... Fnt Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vthlcle Suspension Affonlibly-Utlllzl119 Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 SNUtenl ca1non11a·s lanlnt DISbfllutor .. ■eMHla TrUsUln PH: 114.680.6131 • FJl: 114.680.3110 ~ Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 ' f/lA05ml55/005J 21598 Commerce Center Or Temecula, CA 92S90 CTRINS will get yo1 ii gear swllg alle, 11s, nwlad, 1141 34551. PUii #5 lAIBAl,IRADA 89102 .IID D.D. lllllJD~ (7D2) 221-4313 (182) 117-8724 -~ ,;· ... ,·,. ,_ • 4 ~ ~::,._ .... BaITy Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 fiii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. /!l!J METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMJTH LAURA LARRY SMITH ~ -~ RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (TTS) 372-5335 l!'ARACING ~GASOLINE -----···••}'~• LIILlrJW~JJ !!!(JlfJ-=:.--J Western US and Mexico otfo'·J f..J ,t CL BRYANT, INC. &/}jJl? 800-399-4176 Foi'plex- Pomona C)dol:-,51:6 !!~!!ff/ TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle· • Huntmgto'l Beach CA 92B49 (714) 897-0075 • F2\ 17141 694-9567 ""·

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NISSAN Off ROAD PERR>RMAIIICE . PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS •• BOOY RBERGl.ASS »AND MORE SPENCER LOW RACING .com 1 Specializing in: 7 FRONTIER PATHFINDER XTERRA HAROBODY Ova~ 37 Yeara Of Nissan Petiormance Experience 928.667.4757 8350--0...-.i'Z. 85344 -0£:f :road. :fa.b:rica.--tioxi • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kits • Custom Paint • Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program Sam Puleri (323) 563-22i4 Fax (323) 563-2227 CraigS~ I Phone: 619-449-9721 F-6\9-449-?6711 c.• 619-726-1891 I Fabrication & Race Preparation 9419 Ahl'aham WOJ Santee, CA 92071 wi.-•J.Ut~~ ~ 11W V.Wa.t Of or,,~ ... foMMc .. Parts. jlfabri(affaft And hlblatioft. W. ~~ ACO • S,C6 Fa,t.dl • klnt Shodrs Atwl..,Uore. Fifi$ --5~ ... ,,ac ~T ~ .. .,IP Racms Appanl Spedaliims m C1otltms for tke Offroaber Saw1 a~ Tami V.uqwei f61-6ll-SSOI www.AtckiNpradt15-com SUNDRY METAL SPINNING Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0na METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL · • BRASS • COPPER • STAl~LESS 6831 Suva Street Bell Ga'dens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER I RACE FUELS (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 P.O. Sox 248 • 5~4 N. Sierra f>Ne. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 Dealgn Fabrication ln•tailatlon {909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 121•, f'OMON~'lrr,, HOl',D • •,111rf l • CC)r,l()NA (A <J'}HH'} ""a:Ml"UrEICJZEO VINYL Gf(,11.n«:;S cS I.EITEl(./HG IAiiiiii) ~ ""L0-0,5T tN.DG SIGNS{I\II. f'flOCES6ES) ~ ~ ""Tltl\OE SI-OW ~1.1\"I'!, .,.. ~ING Gil!;'\~ ""OETAILEO& """2t1E. OESIGNS .,.. FLEET VEHICLES ,...,_..QJ'\l..l'rY MNNl!l(S .,..M;l'l,GNETICS "'WOO ltEntl)OCJCTONS .,.. IC-/.. E!:ST ./\TE ""LOGO cS ~ PE-SIGN ,... OEO"</..S "'I SUSPENSIONS· 1 UNLIMITED . ... . -~ OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS ~ • F~Ta>I • OVCPIASMAQ/T1PG • ffUVTE/\tlS • 1£ARTRAU\GARMS RACE(J,{A55JS • Pl8J.N\ERS • FUXRACINGSIO< • SAI\CJSUiGES LARRYROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM, C4 92807 PHONE/714)630-4482 FAX {714)6304548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • HI Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Performance Fabrication Tnn Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 . ~$?b5; Experienced Fabricators Needed. (6i9) ~7-1289 Trans Am, Trophy Truck or Class 1 experience preferred. Excellent welding skills required for MIG and TIG with all metals. Must be a team player, with a great attitude and able to follow direction. 714.632.0013 2980 E. Mlraloma Ave. Anaheim ~A B2BOB :»« * Off-Road and Jll)lt-On lo Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks-• Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St., Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list.~ ~r pr~ucts at oor web site:, ,, TrailerWare™ Trick Gear for Your Rig $99.00 Free CA Shipping Offer Ends 12/31/03 Double Helmet & Gear Shelf 949•347•7091 .090 Aluminum H> 11rH x 2s l/2"W x 1s-o ti&RAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818)_998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 I\) ~ ~ iil O'I ::, (/) 0 0 _a> C: () :f !!!. z ::;: 0 0 ~ 3 3 -·"' "' ::, :g 9: O'I (l) 0 )> _. ~ lia\l ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER . ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET• RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH • REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 ~~ tL la;bt ·'At~l ., ~3,g;Sk4t t.1<.; CLBRYANT.COM Carlos Orozco 619.S96.8033

Page 61

SCORE ENGINE BUILDER~ OF THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Complete Engines 702-837-2522' ~~~· 00~~1fillllil!(ffl ·1· t S • di Front & Rear Tra1 mg Arms • pin es Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 Du~e Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 Baja Bugs Transmissions - Parts -Service - Welding V.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota - Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8 147 , lo).<o) !:,OS ti.A Ce Get the word out about your business, Big or small! Put your business card In the .,GOOD·STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $45.0D per month. (818) 882-GOD4 ~"e BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension · umn 11;to s s te m . ECONOMIC.ALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. Yar n ell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 Yarnell, AZ 85362 1-928-427-3551 MORE 2003•2004 HAPPENINGS ••• Yerington, NV July 2-4, 2004 Hawthorne, NV Rocky Point, Mexico W1scoNS1N MoTORSPORTs SHow (414) 747-1711 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DE!AWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 SCORE Henderson's Terrible 250 Henderson, NV 4 Wheel Classes Only June 4-6, 2004 Tecace SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja CA MocorC)'cies/ ATVs Included Sept.ember 17-18, 2004 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV 4 Wheel Classes ·Only November 18-21, 2004 Tecat:c SCORE Baja 1000 Baja, California Mocorcycles/ATVs Included SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OPP RoAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 v.s Vro,.s, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 February 13-1S, 2004 Avi 250 Laughlin, NV April 2-4, 2004 Buffalo Bills 400 Primrn,NV May 21-22, 2004 Dusty Ttmes 250 Caliente, NV August 6-8, 2004 KCHilices Midnight Special Primm,NV October 1-3, 2004 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 12-13, 2004 West:crn Desert Championship California City, CA December 10-12, 2004 Baja In Primm Primm,NV (Non PoinrJ Race) SONS OP THUNDER -4 WHEELERs RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS AssOClATION TERRY W0L"E 7839 W NORTH AVENl'E WAUWATOSA,"Wl 53213 (414) 453-SODA Dusty Times SOUTHEASTERN OFF R OAD C HALLENGE STEVE Ruu: (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272,5400 S PEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 SounmtN C AUFORNIA TIMING A SSOCIATION & BoNNEVD.LE NATIONALS, !Ne. 43807 40TH STREET £AsT i...ANCASTER, CA 93535 (MoN-FR1 8:30 A.M. 10 1:00 P.M.) (661) 946-6986/FAX;(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE Qpp ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WOOnARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AURaasat . &ud,az Racewaz, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 PARKJ.ANDS, 2121 Sol.JTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 Tovs FoR Tors (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 U NADlllA VALLEY SroRTS Cnm:lt P.O. Box 5ll9 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA V AllEY OFF R OAD RACING AssN. 920 HILLCREST ST. PIACERVILU:, CA 95667 (530) 622-0370 <www.VORRAcom> Fe~uary 13-1S, 2004 Shore Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA April 24-2S, 2004 Short Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA May 28, 31, 2004 August 7-8, 2004 Fallon, NV Taita1iuc September 3-6, 2004 Bend, OR Sept.ember 2S-26, 2004 Shore Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA October 9-10, 2004 Shore Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA October 30-31 Shore Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA VJ.aNTEGtleumloOH' RCW>CuJB PROFO. CENOVloGAMBOA 011-5Uil6-6-21-91 (Ui P.M.) WJ:'S'l'mN OFF R OAD RAaNG AssoaAneN LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WJ:'S'l'mN PENNsn.vANIA Wmn To WHEEL OFF R OAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 Aol.MsBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 <www> Trucks & Buggies February 71 2004 Gila Bend GP Gila Bend, AZ April 3, 2004 PMP Extreme GP Tucson, AZ Mayl, 2004 RockToRock Rocky Point, Mexico Sept.ember 4, 2004 Snowflake Heber, AZ October 2, 2004 PMP Extreme GP Tucson,AZ November 13, 2004 Vulture Mine Wickenbcrg, AZ December 4, 2004 Point To Poinr January 2004 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FEsnvAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA W oRID RAu,y CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 0ll-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICQ. CA 92231 Attention Race & Rally Organizers : List your com-ing events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, bur mail your 2004 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: Dus ty Times, 20761 Plummer St ., Chat s worth, C A 9 1 3 1 1 -500 3 .more Trail Notes ... Series has been named Manager of Performance Rally for SCCA. Sue joined the SCCA staff in November 2002 and had been a director of CRS from 1999 to 2002. Sue ran her first SCCA rally in 1982, the Reno International Rally and has been involved ever since either as a competitor, an instructor, an organizer and a stage worker. Steve Johnson, President of SCCA said, "Sue Robinson is what the per-formance Rally Program needs as it moves into the future. She brings experience, a great attitude, overall leadership and th e understanding of what our members need fro~ our rally program." That goes double for us here at Dusty Times. Y ou'RE NEVER T o o OLD -Just heard from a thou sand different sources that Bill Krug, lon g time Whiplash racer had been nominated for "Sports Illustrated/Wrangler Five Star Athletes" of the year. The official word came from New York on December 2 that Bill had been chosen and will appear in the December 22 issue of Sports Illustrated. Bill remarked "If l would have known I would have so much fun at 75, I would have lied about my age earlier." Congratulations to Bill and Linda on a great honor. S CORE SCHEDULE CHANGE -SCORE announced rhar the race ·usually held in Henderson in July i~ can celled for the 2004 season. A suitable date conld not" be worked our in the cooler months but we arc ad-vised that the Henderson race will occur in 2005. Page 61

Page 62

..... Classified ••• Some of the items adv~rtised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Protruck, chassis #SS-1-026, raced 7 times, BEST OF EVERYTHING, rebuilt and race prepped! OPS and In Car Camera, 2 Engines, 2 trannys, 2 rear ends & axle housings, 2 drive shafts, 2 steering boxes, 3. PS pumps, 2 dampeners, tons of spares, many wheels & tires. Two trailers, one flatbed, one enclosed TPD. 87 ranger prerunner. Sale price $125,000.00 for all or $90,000.00 for truck only, $105,000.00 for truck and all spares. Call Stiles Racing for de-tails. (707) 374-6814. Super competitive! Extra Clean! 5 car. Fast and reliable with a record to prove. Featured Aug '02 Hot VWs. All 4130 chassis, big beam, Foddrill's best arms and spindles, CNC brakes, King shocks, 934 mi-cro stubs, Fortin trans, powder coated chassis. 250 miles on com-plete rebuild and prep. FAT Type 4 3 ltr. 230 HP. MoMo, PCI, Ory Sump, BFGs Beard. Must see! $38K Ref #888 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check· us out at'aconce '94 Jimco single seat. Upgraded in 1997 by Jimco. UMP, CNC, Sway-A-Way, Fox 12" x 7 /8" shaft fronts, Fox rear shocks all dialed in, 930 CV's and axles, 091 box, 30 miles on a freshly rebuilt mo-tor. Race Ready, Kennedy clutch, Fresh Fuel Cell, BFG fronts, Yoko-hamas rears, PCI radio and on board fire system. Awesome finish-ing record. Excellent condition!! $12,500.00 Ref #8887, Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at FOR SALE: 2 seater PreRunner, Fox coilovers all four comers, Links Engine management system. 3.8 V-6 Supercharged motor, Transwest 091 Box, Saco Rack, Howe Power Steering, 930 CV's. Sway-A-Way 300 axels, Autometer, Beard, Fuel Safe, Hella,$15,000.00 (562) 714-9013. FOR SALE: Baja PreRunner, Street legal, registered, full roll cage. Very Safe. Not fast yet very reliable. $2,500.00. Traller $700.00. Brian (310) 505-0626. FOR SALE: Pre Runner/Race Top of the line 2 seat beam car. Truck. 1989 Team Mazda Frame & Built by Dave Bonner, Type 4 Cab, Completely tubed out, Fiber-motor, 32 gallon fuel cell, For-•fl~;!!~;;:::=:::c:;"J glassfnt&Rear,Chevy350engine tin 5 speed tranny, Wilwood .t approx 450 HP, Hughes Perfor-rear brakes, Summers outboard L~~!!!!!!!!!!!lg•"""'!fflll't':"""-mance Turbo 400 transmission w/ FOR SALE: Bob Shepards win-ning Pro Truck for sale. Just prep highly maintained complete setup ready to race. Spares, transmission, drivelines, rearend, axles, shocks, wheels, balljoints, steering box, ra-diator, dumpcans, too much to list. Everything goes. $110,000.00. Call Foddrill Fabrication. (623) 582-2499. FOR SALE: 2 seat Cbenowth ½-1600, 20k+ spent upgrading in 2001. Fox bypass shocks, Bonner engine, Howe Diablo rack, Sweet, Prowire, Kartek bubs, FuelSafe, MT Tires, Ultra, SAW, Wright, new body, seats, skid plates, etc., car is capable of beating the best -$25,000 Call Dale 909-453-9420 FOR SALE: 4 seat Jimco, 2800 cc Type IV, Foltz Trans, Coilover, Howe Power Steering, Beard Seats, Roof Rack, HID KC HiLites. Cen-terline, King Shocks, ·oisc Brakes, Aluminum Body, Awesome Pre-runnei-. Call after 6:00 pm. (661) 298-4351. $30,000.00. FOR SAI.E: 2-1600 Dunrite. All new components-less than 350 race miles on parts. All the best stuff in-cluding FAT motor, Dave Folts 091 tranny with aluminum cliff, Fox Shox all around, Kartek drums, MSD, CNC, Howe, Foddrill arms, Saco rack. See $22,000.00OBO. Mike (480) 861-5719. FOR SALE: Class 12 Jimco 2 seater. New 1835cc w/ Alum case, CB Comp-eliminator heads, MSD, Autocraft, Pauter, Fresh Mendeola MD4 w/ new ring/pin-ion. New TCS axles/CV's. Fox coilover front/rear, new Foddrill arms w/King Kong spindals, CNC, Centerlines, BFG's, Howe, Vertex, CompCom, Beard, De-ist. Tons spare parts/tires, pit boxes, w/trailer, $36,000.00 OBO. Toby (619) 232-8490. FOR SALE: 2000 Class 9, 2 Seat Chromolly Chassis-SNORE Class Champ, 01, 02, 03 Overall Champ 03. King Kong Adjuster, JG Trans w/Rhino case, FOX, Mastercrafc, PCI Radio & Intercom, Adjustable Seat, No Motor, Spare race trans, Spindles, Shocks, Torsion Bars, Drums. Etc. $11.500.00 Days (909) 453- 0874 even (760) 751-1058. hubs, 934 CV's, headlock ==---=== 3000 stall torq conv, /aluminum wheels, King coilovers and by-FOR SALE: FORD Pro-2. CORR radiator, MSD dist, two coils/two pass all four corners. Flameout Series, 451 BBF Orysump 680hp, 6" boxes, tranny & motor oil system. Fodrill beam, spindles Mogi C-6, Christman 9", 4130 cooler. Air bumps, front, 2.5 Sway-FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seat 10-and arms.-Complete front end Standardized chassis, Ron Davis A-Way coilovers front, Rancho by-~ -....-- 12 car, 2275 cc, dual 44 Webers all new ('05-'03). Completely Radiator, Setrab coolers, All Sway-pass lightning rods front. Rear 6 Fox ____ .;...._ _ ____. custom intake UMP, Mendeola, prepped, super fresh and race A-Ways, Mastercraft, Lee P.S., Fuel 2.0 four link rear Cone Industries 9 FOR SALE: 1982 Mack Box van/ Fox Coil overs and triple bypass, ready. Spares -tires, pit boxes, Safe, Optimas, Oynomax, CNC, inch full floater. 4 wheel disc brakes, car hauler with 40' awning, Diesel, Foddrill arms, Mastercraft, Howe, pit radios, wheels and much Wilwood, 16" Ultra Wheels, Cham-32 gal Fuel Cell. Full Autometer 5 speed, diamond plate for, belly Diablo, oil cooler MSD dual coil more. Freshest car around! pion Beadlocks, MSD, Autometer. gauges, Pumpers, Radio, Intercom, boxes, overhead cabinets, work & MSD system, Hella & K.C. 32 $32,400.00 Ref #890 Call Baja $45,000.00 OBO. Call Chris @ Hella Lights, M/T 34xll.50 17 (4) bench with vise, compressor, lift gallon fuel cell $21,500.00. Call Brokers (760-723-2117 or check (262) 770-9342 or (262) 878-17x8 Alcoa Wheels. $26,000.00 $ate, tire rack, TV & VCR. Mike @ (909) 244-4757 or (909) us out at 4886. (915) 593-4848. $161000 oho. (562) 682-2226. .:.72;;.;l;:..•;;.;29;:..6;;..;0;.;.. _______ _ ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DIUlil : : DUSTY TIMES. \11DIG : • Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED · IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) • Name _ ____________________________ _ • Address ___________________________ _ _ : Phone • City • Please run ad __ times Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 Classified Ad Deadlines 2004-2005 ISSUE DEADLINE February, 04 Jan 9, 04 March, 04 Feb 6, 04 April, 04 Mar 4, 04 May, 04 April 9, 04 June,"04 May 14, 04 July, 04 June 11, 04 August, 04 July 9, 04 Sept., 04 Aug. 13, 04 October, 04 Sept 10, 04 November, 04 Oct 8, 04 December, 04 Nov 12, 04 January, 05 Dec 10, 04 February, 05 -Jan 7,05 March, 05 Feb 11, 05 • • • • • • • • • • State _____________ Zip ________________ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 62 January 2004 Dusty Times -~-................... ---...

Page 63

FOR SALE: Trophy Truck. 406 Ford Dry Sump Transprows, C6 Dual MSD 3" King Coil over & Bypass, Summers 9", Howe R & P 55 gal Fuel Safe, Master-craft Fluidyne, CNC, Willwood, Ultra Goodyear, BFG, Never Raced $95,000.00. Call Randy at For-tune Fab (909) 687-6416. FOR SALE: A photo will not do this 516 Justice. Built like a Trophy Truck. Tig welded Chrome Alloy. All the good stuff. 2001 Extreme Cham-pion, 2nd in Safari, 3rd in Rally. This is one of the Best, no BS. $15,000.00 OBO. (310) 459-6077. FOR SALE: TSCO Motorsports' Aluminum Chevy V-6. Built by HP Engines, w/Lethal Dose fuel injec-tion, this engine has 500+hp. This is a complete package, including elec-tronics. We were going to upgrade our Class 10 car to Class 1, but that car is being sold. $20,000.00. Call Mark at 1-800-547-2414. FOR SALE: Lemer Racing. Choice of 1835 or 2 liter. All cars race ready: Bonner Hawk engine, Kings Shocks and Best of Everything. 2-SEATClass 10-Chenowth, Fortin, Honda, $75,000.00 (Many Wins); 2 SEAT Class 12-SCORE Lite Class Henry Chassis, Mendeola 1835 Y.W., $49,000.00 (Many Wins); 2 SEAT Class 12 SCORE Lite Class Henry Henry Chassis, Mendeola 1535 V.W. $4?,000.00 (Race Ready); 2 SEAT PreRun Raceco, Mendeola 2180 V.W. $18,500.00(BestofEverything). For More Information contact Henry or Dann at (714: 633.0030. FOR SALE: 2003 Truggy Rolling Chassie only, Krugger front up-rights & 2" Spindles, Mittler Broth-ers 9" rear end, TCS Axles, CNC 4 piston front Brakes, Willwood 4 piston rear brakes, 30" rear travel 20" front. All Sheet metal. Instru-mentation, wiring, needs, power train, shocks, rack, seats. Perfect for Prerunning or Glamis. $10,000.00. (562) 714-9013. FOR SALE: 2 seat 2000 Jimco, 2003 SCORE Class 1 Champion, Laughlin and Parker overall win-ner, FAT Toyota V6, Fortin w/ big diff., Fox Shox, Jimco alumi-num spindles, big radiator, two fans, wrap-around FuelSafe cell, BFG Projects, Mastercraft, P.C.l., CNC, spares (spare engine and trans available) • $95,000 Call Dale 909-453-9420 TRACTOR TRAILER PACK-AGE: Freightliner tandem axle-air ride, Big cam 350 with a fresh bottom end. The trailer is a 1980 air ride Great Dane 45' with a 15" drop deck. Right side has 2 separate 3 ½' doors with double doors on the left that open to 8' with steps that hide away. Huge awning and enclosed canopy with roll up windows. Six 4'x8' belly boxes. The inside has benches, shelves, cabinets, 5001b wench, tool boxes, 110 lights, air compressor, generator (diesel). **Must sell! Best Of-fer!** $30L. Ref# 863 call Baja Brokers (760)723-2117 or check us out at·aconce FOR SALE: 1/1600 Mirage. Saco Magnum Rack, Fox 2.0 shocks, Charlyn Power Steering, CNC pedals, Jacobs ignition, BFG's on Centerlines, Maxon Radio, New Parker Pumper, Fuel Safe Cell, New Side Panels (white powder coat), New Front Beam Bushings and adjusters. Many spare parts. $11,500.00. Optional 27' Charmac trailer $7,000.00. Roger (801) 546-6118. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Dunrite-Still New, Built in 2000 and only raced twice. All the good stuff. King By-pass front and rear, Field Trans, Rifle motor, Fuel Safe, Howe, PCI, Parker Pumper, ETC. Prepped and Ready for Pro-16. $25,000.00 OBO Dave (760) 985-3628. FOR SALE: Class 3 Jeep "77", 401, 550 Hp AMC, Turbo 400, Dana 60 rear w/spool, Dana 44 front, Swayaway shocks, Parker Pumper 34-gallon cell, BFG Baja Terrains, Quadratrac, Auto-meter, Art Carr, remote trans cooler, lights, new 5 pts, radio, lots of spares, race ready! Class champion. $28,500.00 (623) 566-4828. PLEASE! Dusty Times DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWSI January 2004 FOR SALE: Mirage Class 12 single seat, complete fresh prep, new FAT 1776 Type 1, Folts Mendeola 4 speed, new rear arms, axles, and CV's. FOX shocks, Summers Broth-ers, rear hubs. Car is very reli-able and has over 30 wins. $27,000.00 Contact Jeremy at (702) 496-6847. FOR SALE: 1982 4x4 Bronco, 96 Fiberglass front & Rear, 15" front Auto Fab custom vent beams, Fab-ricated coil buckets with shock hoops, 2 front Rancho bypass Llghming rods, 7000 series Rancho race shocks front and rear, Bump stops, 9" rear with Air Lockers, 455 gears 460 built, C6 Race transmis-sion, Art Carr Shifter, Racing seats, All Alcoa Wheels, 36 Baja Kings. Asking $28,000.00 Call (915) 593-4848. FOR SALE: FORD Bronco BITD 4100 Race Winner. 550 HP 420ci, Built C6 Trans, 57 Gal fuel cell, 2-3" shocks per wheel, 3 7" B FG with Bead Locks, KC Hids, 40 spline, Summer Brothers axels, AutoMeter gauges, all the best of the best equip-ment. Lots of spare parts. Only raced 5 times. $39,500.00. Email addresses: or Serious inquires only. FOR SALE: Ford/Mazda Pro-Lite. Chromoly chassis, King Shocks, 9 inch rear-end, Electromotive HPX Ignitions, Autometer, Howe Steer-ing, Boatec bodies, Goldstar clutches, Esslinger 2700cc Tall block with 5 tower head Webber side drafts, Esslinger exhaust. 2500 spare G-force/long shifter., Best of everything with many spares. Call Matt for details. (262) 719-0229. (262) 965-4993. Photographer with digital experi-ence in Las Vegas area. Familiarity with off road racing and rallying a big plus. Contact Trackside Photo at (805) 578-3470. FOR SALE: Normal aspirated 3.6 litre Porsche Racing engine. Less than 350 pre-run miles af-ter Andail rebuild. Twin spark plug, long stroke crank, big bore pistons. Two PMO carburetors with K&N filters, twin perma-tune electronic boxes. Custom build headers. Ran on VP 110 only. Dyno at 317 bhp. Deliv-ered. Call Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823. W'ANTb..D Wanted: Information leading to the return of stolen F.A.I.R. pit equipment, 3 PCI Roadmasters, 1-12 volt power supply, 4 modified floor jacks, air guns, regulators,, hand tools, 2 welder/generators, 8 spare tires. (818) 406-8702. INDl:_X TO AD\/l:_Q. Tl..:>b_Q...:> Best In The Desert .................................. 2 Bryant, Cl ................................... : ......... 14 C&R Racing ........................................... 30 Coast Resorts .......................................... 9 Fabtech ................................................. 11 Fair ........................................................ 42 FRT Motorsports ................................... 21 Fuel Safe ............................................... 23 Herbst ...................................... Back Cover Higgman, Will ........................................ 18 ISCO ...................................................... 35 Jangaar ................................................. 53 JeepSpeed ............................................... 4 Kartek .................................................... 27 Kawaguchi Honda ................................. 47 King Shock Tech ................................... 43 Kreger .............................................. 20, 53 Leiner, Danny ....................................... 39 light Foret Engineering ........................ 34 McKenzie Performance Products .......... 28 MSD Ignition ......................................... 40 Nevada Off Road .................................... 52 DMF ...................................................... 52 Pacific Customs .................................... 31 Parker Pumper ...................................... 36 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ............ 52 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ............. 43 PCI Race Radios ....................................... 5 Pike's Service Center ............................ 26 Race Ready ............................................ 48 Racer X ................................................. 12 Redline Engineering .............................. 35 Ronco Plastics ...................................... 46 Sakata ................................................... 37 Skyjacker Suspensions ......................... 29 SNORE ................................................... 25 Sway-A-Way .......................................... 15 TCR ....................................................... 50 Team Gordon Race Wheels ................... 41 Transaxle Engineering .......................... 38 Turner, Craig ......................................... 50 Turnkey ................................................. 49 Valley Performance ...........................•... 42 Web Cam ............................................... 19 Page 63

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