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2003 Volume 20 Number 7 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 20 • Number 7 • July 2003 $2.50 ISSN87S0-1732 covering the world of competition in the dirt ...

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The Nation's Largest PLUS CUSTOM CAR & TRUCK SHOW Hi-Performance Automotive & Product Show Off-Road, SandSports, Street Domestics &' Imports, Trucks, 4x4, WaterSports, Bikes, Classics, Hot Rods, Racing .. SHOW HOURS · . Sat & Sun 9:00am - 6:00pm •••AUG. 9-10, 2003 • Anaheim Convention Ctr 800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA. 92802 •!• OCT. 18-19, 2003 Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA. 92014 ■ Retailers, Wholesalers, Custom Designers ■ Vehicle Displays & Trophies ■ Celebrity Drivers & Appearances ■ Seminars & Demos High-Performance/ After-Market Accessories, Cus-tom Parts, Powerful Engines, Tires & Wheels, Rac-ing Gear & Apparel, Helmets, Seats & Bumpers, Shocks & Suspension, Lights & Roof Racks, more. ■ 4x4s ■ Custom Street Imports ■ SeaDoos ■ Quads ■ Custom Street Domestics ■ Jet Skis ■ SandRails ■ Mini-Trucks, Pre-Runners ■ Boats ■ Baja Bugs ■ Motorcycles ■ Hot Rods ■ Karts ■ Cruisers, Desert Trucks Classics Anaheim Show Sponsors: l~~~I ~ -----PE PB O Y S' California Classic, Sept. 6-7 at California Speedway benefiting Make-A-Wish Foundation ftrestone Illll06ESTORE MEGA PRODUCT! ONS Page 2 July 2003 Dusty Times

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Volume 20 -Number 7 July 2003 Dlllil • li1DIIH {J-alifornia Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor · Johrr Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Par Caplan • Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham ~ • :His ~ . -¼.. Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this p\lblication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Talk about hoppin' mad! This guy is hoping he can pass the guy in front, ifhe can get at least a couple of wheels on the ground. Pie taken at the HDRA 1983 Nissan classic. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. Dusty Times July 2003 In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Baja 500 l:ry Jud) Smith ........................................................................... 8 WRC Rally Argentina b) Martin Holmes ............................................................. 20 Mojave Desert Racing Ridgecrest 300 l:ry Jud) Smith .......................................... 24 Rim Of The World SCCA Pro Rally b) John Rettie ............................................. 30 CORR Season Opener l:ry J. Preston Bradshaw .................................... , ............. 34 Baja Legacy Hall Of Fame l:ry Jud) Smith ............................................................... 39 Whiplash Point To Point l:ry Mike Del Col ........................................................... 40 M.O.R.E. Kartek 300 l:ry]. Preston Bradshaw ....................................................... 44 Teutonic Rocket b) Ed Jacobs ................................................................................ 48 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................... : ...................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ·················································•························································ 6 Pro Truck Racing Series ...................................................................................... 47 Good Stuff Directory ........................................................................................ 51 Classified Ads .................................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers .......................................................................................... 59 on The cover Cousins Kory Halopoff and Harley Letner took the Class 10 lead near Trini_llad, had a trouble free run and took the checkers in a very respectable sixth overall. Photo by Trackside Photo Marco Nunez and Norberto Rivera took the Class 5-1600 lead near Mike's had a few minor problems but the took the class win, besting 26 other competitors. Photo by Trackside Photo c5u6scri6e 7oda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name _________________ _ Address City State _____________ Zip ______ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Page 3

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• FIFTEENTH ANNUAL . JACKPOT 2003 Offroad Rac·e . July 5, 2003 8:30am Sharp! Jackpot, N~vada · FRIDAY, JULY .4th PRERUNNING 25MPH SPEED LIMIT REGISTRATION, TECH, INSPECTION AND CAR DISPI.AY 4-8PM at Barton's Club 93 Saturday, July 5th DR1vERS MEETING at 8:30am ' ' Specia.l '·Thanks to our 2003 sponsors · JACKPOT State Line Liquor ,,, . Barton's Club 93 Cactus Pete's The Horeshu · Sp~sh Gardens RV Park Uie Four Jacks Pony Express Casino HOSPITALI1Y and ENTERTAINMENT from the COMMUNI1Y ofJACKPOT. AWARDS·. SATURDAY EVENING ATTHE HORSESHu· ENTREE FEES: . PRO Racers • $245 • Class 9 & 5/1600 • $165 • Sportsman ~ $45. Insurance all Classes $100 • Use Fee $20 • Point F~nd $25 Caalas Pales R[S()J!T C.-IS!llU • l'.Clllm, Nt~\ll\ ~~AUTO ~PARTS p ~ Cactus Pete's Spanish Gardens Barton's The West Star and Horseshu RV Park Club 93 Four Jacks Resort 1-800-821-1103 (775) 755-2333 (775) 755-2341 (775) 755-2493 1-800-665-0643 BONNEVILLE OFF-ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Ph (801) 773-1651 • Fax (801) 773-9319 E-mail 341 West 2575 North Sunset, Utah 84015 Page4 July 2003 - Dusty Times

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2003 Happenings_ ... November 14, 2003 Tarline Clubrally (1) Monrovia, CA Pete Morris l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TwP. LINE Ra..o WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 CODEOFFRoAD CODE Offroad USA P.O.Box 2328 .AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SoLITH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521--0597 E MAIL: .AMERICAN TRlALs AssoclATION AMA OssERVEI> Thw.s SourHERN CAUR)RNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MA!ucuM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 · 24 HR HOTLINE• (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <> AsoclACION EsrATAL DE AuroMovnJSMo SAM l.AsEU., TECH 'INSPECTOR APro42 SAN Jos~ DEL CAllo BAJA CA!.1FORNIA DEL SuR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFP ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CAsHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500. Ausnw.IA DUSTY AurOCROSS QumEC 0FP ROAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENAw VAILLANCOURT· 3069 DAGENAIS WEST l.AvALQUEBEC, CANA!ll. H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. . P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At &rona Racewaz, Lakeside, CA BBMMARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EvENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY l.As VEGAS, NV 89lil (702) 457-5775/FAX (702) 641-2431 E,MA!L: August 22-24, 2003 Baja Mex 300 World Championship Baja California, MX December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas. NV BONNEVILLE OFP ROAD RACING E.Nn!RPRISES 341 w. 257 5 NORTl:I SUNSET, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651/(801) 773-9319 Fax July 4-5, 2003 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September S-6, 2003 Elv 200 Ely.NV BRIGIITON SPEFDWAY R.R.3 . . BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA./UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO. TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARClA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIFS SUE ROBINSON • DIR!;p()R 845 SCHOOHOUSE ROAD RAMONA, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 E,MA1L: BRAD Bou, SoPAc RALLY STEWARD (702) 303-5628 E,MA1L: Chris Bums (408) 394-4802 (Home) WEBSITE <> 200J CRS RA.UY CHA.MPiONSHIP *Count in WSRC for 2003 August 16, 2003* Gorman Ridge Club Rally(3*) Frazier Park, CA Dusty Times Ray & Donna Hocker October 3-4, 2003 (Tentative) Prescott Forest Rally (2,3) Prescott, AZ Michael Taylor November lS, 2003 Treeline Club Rally(•) Monrovia, CA Pete Morris December 12-14, 2003 Ramada Express Rally (2, 3, 1) Laughlin,NV Ray0Hoclcer 200J CRS RmYSPIUNf Owm<XVSHJP October 11, 2003 Santa Maria Rallysprint (1) Santa Maria, CA John Dillon . October 2S, 2003 Tombstone Paintball Rallysprint 11 (1) Corona, CA Gabe Pari CANNING ATIRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL Soum DAKOTA RACING AssoclATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE Ano.Ms ( AND J;\AJAS) (605) 224-9481 0oN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN V AI.LEY RACING AssociATION C.J. RICHARDS . P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Cu.lRTON lb-JACKERS Short Cotme off Road Racing At Hamson Count, Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AuroMOVWSTICA SANQuINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAcc Co. DE SAN QuINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC. MEXICO HERACUO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cw8 AuroMOVIlJSTICO SANVICENTE. SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENsENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT.(011 52 61746834) RAMON CAsno & RUBEN AcEVEoo (61637/7 OOH) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLtJB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690.3178 !:AX: (714) 367-1608 Calexico. CA 92231-2328 USA Phone 76()..455-8069 Mexico Phone/Fax 011-52686-553-4087 CODE Offroad Mexico Calle Bravo #l20B Zona Centro Mexicali, BC 21100 TeVFax 686-553-4087 www.codeoffroad com.mix August lS-17, 2003 . CODE/FRT/ORW Lazo de Amistad Jacume Tecate T~te. B.C., MX October 10-12, 2003 CODE Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada Mexicali, B.C., MX December12-14,2003 - CODE/Record Race Ready 200 Mexicali to San Felipe B.C .• MX CoI.ORADO Hru. INTRODUCING-· . . 110 Watts of Power., 160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec ·I Baj~ 1000 Proven "_I was in Ensenada, and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 150 miles away! I need these in ALL of my trucks!" -....:::111. L...:::111...,_, 12'#=LIL/E:L;;~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 "-The best communication we've in over 15 years ,of .off road racing!" · -~~~......-~~ G« T Tl-II«-r--'Cll~«...:#ir TClll;:'~~I Remote Head optton available. Call tbr details. 800.869.5·636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 July 2003 . ,I Pages

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Trail Notes ... 35™ ANNuAL SCORE BAJA 500 - Judy Smith does her usual excellent reporting job on the 500, starting on page 8 of this issue. For those of you who just want a quickie, here are the top three or four in each class for your rapid perusal. This years finishing ratio for the cars and trucks was 54.5% while the bikes and quads recorded a 77.5% finishing rate. Trophy Truck - 1" - Mark Miller and Ryan Arciero took the class in their Chevy Silverado, they were the ninth overall finishing vehicle. 2nd -Tim/Ed Herbst, Ford, 3,d -Gus Vildosola and Rob MacCachren, Ford, 4"' - Steve Sourapas, Ford, 5"' -Dan Smith/Dave Ashley, Ford. Class 1 - 1 "-Troy Herbst/Larry Roesseler, Smithbuilt Ford, First overall as well. 2nd - Danny Anderson, Jimco-Toyota, second'overall, 3,d -Dale Eqberts/Ernie Castro, Jimco Toyota, third overall, 4"' -Mark/Gary Weyhrich, Jimco Chevy, fourth overall, 5"' -Andy Myers/Ross Savage, Jimco Toyota, fifth overall. ½-1600 - 1" -Eric Allen/Adam Pfankuch, Jimco, 2nd -Dave Hendrickson/Camerob Steele, Dave-Co, 3,d - Sergio Gutierrez/Jorge Martinez, Tubular Design, 4"' -James/David Golden, Chenowth, 5"' - Brian Jeffrey/Kash Vessels, Dunrite. Protruck - 1" -Alan Pfleuger, Chevy, 2nd -Rick Johnson, Ford, 3,d - Brian Stewart, Ford, 4"' - Jeff Dickerson/Jim Nuckles, Ford, 5"' - Rick L Johnson/Reggie Dunlap, Toyota Tundra. Class 3 -no finishers. Class 5 - 1" - Joe Heger/Shawn McCallum, 2nd - George Seeley Jr. 3,,1 -John Holmes/Mike Petrullo. 5-1600 - 1" • Marcos Nunei/Norberto Rivero, 2nd -Mario Reynoso, 3,d - Ernesto Arambula/Octavio Zamora, 4"' - Jason Lakin/Todd Cunningham, 5"' - Rueben Guiterrez Jr./Victor Herrera Jr. Class 7 - 1" -Hector Salazar/Mario Hayans, Ford, 2nd - Perry· McNeil, Ford, 3,,1 -Craig Turner, Ford. Class 7S -no finishers. Class 7SX -Dan Fresh/Scott Henson, Jeep. Class 8 - 1" •Nick/Larry Vanderway, GMC Sierra, 2nd - David Sykes/Tony McCormack, Chevy Silverado, 3,,1 - Dennis Miller/Benny Canela, Ford. Class 9 - 1" -Eric Fisher, Garibay, 2nd -Arturo/ Abel Velazco, Chenowth, 3,,1 - Eliseo Garcia/Michael Crichton, Chenowth. Class 10 - 1" - Kory Halopoff/Harley Lerner, Henry Chassis, 2nd -Eli/Lobsam Yee, Jimco Honda, 3n1 -WilVJerry Higman, Kreger VW, 4"' -Martin Christensen/Dave Mason, Jimco BMW, 5"' - Steve Myers/George Erl, Jimco-Toyota. SCORE Lites - 1" -Brian Ickier/Brian Ewalt, Jimco, 2nd - Jerry PenhalVLJ Kennedy, Penhall, 3n1 -Matt Drever, Penhall, 4"' - Vic Bruckmann/Tom Watson, Jimco, 5"' - Ken Strolld/James Leichle, Jimco. Class 11 -Fernando/Mario Flores, 2nd - Eric Solorzano/Miguel Haro. Stock Full - 1" -John Griffin/Mike Sabbarese, Hummer. Jeepspeed - 1"-Barrie Thompson/Gavin Skilton, 2nd -Charlie/ Carrie Peltzer, 3n1 -Ray/Cody Currie. Motorcycles - Class· 21 - 1" - Joe Desrosiers/Ray Suit, Yamaha, 2nd - Eddie Zeller/Mike Martin, Yamaha, 3,d -Rick Moniot/Mike Mccarthy, Yamaha. Class 22 - 1" - Steve Hengeveld/ Johnny Campbell, Honda, First Overall Motorcycle, 2nd -Chris Blais/Chuck Dempsey, Honda, 3,d - Philip Zeiger/Fred Willert, Honda, 5"' - Jose Meza/ David Torres, Honda. Class 30 - 1" - Ricardo Malo/Greg Bringle, Honda, 2nd - Sergio Vega/Gerado Rojas, Honda, 3,d -Jim Ferguson/Todd Johnson, . Honda, 4"' -Shaun Hanson/Brad Yeckley, Honda, 5"' -Roberto Zapata/ Oscar Garcia. Class 40 -Jim O 'Neal/Tim Withers/Jeff Kaplan/Jon Ortner, Honda, 2nd -Sam/Gene Dempsey, Honda, 3,d -_Dave Simpson/Dan Closson, Yamaha. Class 50 - Richard Jackson/Bob Wadlow, Honda, 2nd - £izaburo Karasawa, Honda. ATV's - 1" - Earl Thigpen/Brian Pinard/Ceasar Lopez, Honda. Class 25 - 1" - Gilberto Santana/Ruben Martin/ Arturo Salas/ Arnaldo Ramirez, Honda, 2nd -John Gregory/Doug Eichner, Honda, 3,d • Mike/ Carmen Cafro, Honda, 4"' -Greg Row/ Anthony Rios, Bombardier. 5"' -Jacob Briones/Daniel Valdez, Honda. Sportsman - Sportsman Buggy -no finishers. Sportsman Truck -no finishers. Sportsman Motorcyi;le - .1" -John Kuhlken/James Bartnick/Mike Boyd/Tim Filer, Honda. Sportsman ATV - 1" .- Carlos Juarez/Joselito Muro, Honda. For the full story and loads of pictures, see page 8 of this issue. BLESSED EVENT x 2 - We are pleased to announce the birth of twins to Ben and Kim Schlimme. Arriving on June 1, 2003 were Ryan James, weighing in at 6 pounds and Braden Benjamin, weighing in at 7 pounds. Congratulations to the proud parents. May your children live long and healthy lives. DouBLE DuTY - Ryan Arciero won the l.Jltra Wheels Super Truck race and assumed the lead in the hotly contested points race. Ryan also used his off road skills in the SCORE Baja 500, where, driving with Mark Miller they took the coveted Trophy Truck win, covering the 450 miles in 10 hours, 41 minutes, 28 seconds. Dad must real!:, be proud. YouR SUPPORT Is NEEDED -We just heard that dear old friend Jud:, McDonald is dealing with cancer. She is undergoing a man:, month long treatment of chemotherap:, and surgery. She is facing this with here usual good humor and courage. Keep a good thought for Jud:, and a pra:,er wouldn't hurt. CRANDON INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY -Crandon Raceway is featuring the return of the Formula 4x4 race trucks. The Formula 4x4 is a hybrid class, incorporating Class 3 and Stadium Pro Tuff Trucks. Class 3 is a former SODA and current SCORE desert race vehicle. The Formula 4x4 race events for 2003 are: June 21-22 Potawatomi Brush Run Races at Crandon Raceway, July 12-13 at Bark River, MI August 9-10 at Bark River, MI and August 29-31, BorgWarner World Championships, Crandon Raceway. Crandon Raceway is ~cared in Crandon, WI, situated on 400 acres, there is a l. 75 mile track and a 1.25 mile track, surrounded by amenities ranging from spacious campgrounds to luxury skyboxes. Info on the Formula 4x4 racing is available at 888-611-6092 or bye-mail at U.S. GOVERNMENT SUED - A coalition of motorized recreation organizations filed suit against the Department of Interior, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Plaintiffs in the suit are the American Motorcycle Association, District 37 (AMA), Utah Shared Access Alliance (USA-ALL), Off Road Business Association (ORBA), California Off Road Vehicle Association (CORVA) and the San Diego Off Road Coalition (SDORC). They are claiming that the federal agencies failed to take reasonable steps to arrest the spread of Upper Respiratory Tract Disease, suspected to be the primary cause of the dramatic decline in the population of the desert tortoise. The desert tortoise, found in the Mojave and Colorado/Sonoran deserts of California, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizo_na was first listed as "Threatened" in 1989. Since then; the U.S. Government has designated more that six million acres, almost 10,000 square miles as critical habitat for the species and has spent more than $100 million on tortoise recovery. The plaintiffs are not seeking any compensatory damages in this action, they are demanding that these government agencies comply with their own regulations and take a good look at the millions of acres that have been needlessly closed to cattle ranchers, recreation seeking people and Page& Crn.m AssoclATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 Col.ORAOO SPRiNOS, co 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 A-.oN, IN 46123 (317) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 July 12-13, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, MI August9-10, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, MI August30-31, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Seria Crandon, WI Septembr 13-14, 2003 Pro Series Only New Berlin, NY CORVA 1500 WEST EL WMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA ExT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All tvtnts at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA ur Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKARRALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AlITOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DEcATIJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CuJB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMAilEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DFSER.T STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CtTY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 October 2S-26, 2003 Baja In Havasu Lake Havasu, AZ EAsrER.N OFP-RoAD RACING A~. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 F.NsfNADA BN"A OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AA.RON Races for buggys & Moturc:,cks EsrER.o BEACH INTER.NATIONAL SHORT CoURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLoRIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S A&s°N. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, Maz, Nov at Davidson Raceway FRT MoroRSPOR'J'.S 250 KENNEDY, #2 CHUIA VISTA, CA 91911 (619) 427-5759 E-MAIL: Buggies & Trucks August 1S-16, 2003 The Lazo de Amistad Tecate, B.C., MX October 17-19, 2003 Superstition 250 XX Plaster City East December 30-31, 2003 The Dash Plaster City West GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING A&s°OCIATION July 2003 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREAT PuNEs OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION PAUL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 All races art short COUTJe, stadium sty It. Classes • Sportsman Bugg,, 1/2/5-1600, Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska Raceway Park is jwt minutes west of Omaha, NE. <www .gporra.corn> 1 OK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All tvtnts staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) OOERNATIONAL ICE RACING AssoclATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMoTioNs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL JEEP CHEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 <> E-MAIL: KAMLooP.s BRONCO BusTERS WHISPERING PlNEs SPORTS & REcREATioN CFNTER P.O. Box 465 KAMI.OOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. CRAIG BYERS (250) 376-8466 September 14, 2003 October S1 2003 LAS VEGA~ SANDSPORTS & OFPROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <www .rnegashow .corn> L.I.T.R.E. ]EFFELROD (408) 926-0522 ]IMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAmu'I'A OFF ROAD RACING . LUIS CARI.Os ALvAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHtH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUilDERS lJuNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 . <> MICHIGAN ()pp ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 ]ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, A 1Vs and Pilots only MAORA Mio-AMERICA ()pp ROAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <www .rnaoraracing.corn> Julys, 2003 Short Course TBA July 26, 2003 Short Course TBA August 23, 2003 Short Course Bedford, IN September 27, 2003 Short Course Charleston, IL September27,2003 Short Course Casey, IL September 28, 2003 200km Endure Casey, IL MoJA VE DFSERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRNE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 FAX E-MAIL: August 9, 2003 California 200 Night Race Valley, CA September27,2003 Lucerne 300 Lucerne Valley, CA November22,2003 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. IIIGH DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 1231 BARSrow, CA 92311-1231 (760) 253-4453 July 26, 2003 Barstow, CA September20,2003 Barstow, CA December 6, 2003 Luceme,CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIAlS SERIE.S BILL MARKHMI (909) 860-1857 <www .ITS trials.corn> AU tvents at Perris Raceway (At Reed Valk, with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l -Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PAIATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.c~rn <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valk, Raceway, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Valk, located 15 minutes from Spring Valk,) August 24, 2003 Spring Valley Raceway Septemberl-4,2003 Spring Valley Raceway October 12, 2003 Spring Valley Raceway NORTHERN Omo ()pp RoAD RACING ASSN. GARYWULFF (724) 283-2678 ()pp ROAD EXPO 2003 (626) 599-8622 October 4-S, 2003 Los Angeles County Fairgrounds Pomona,CA ()pp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOLI.JNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, 1N 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN H1us ROAo S.E. NEW PHllADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 ]IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF RoAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC REIATIONS Dusty Times

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(519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 0UTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CIIAMPJONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PIKF.SPEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NY (856) 875-7591 Trucks-Buggies-Quads . July 12-13, 2003 November 1-2, 2003 Soutbwicb; MA September 7, 2003 October 26, 2003 Monster ·Truck Sbow August 9-10, 2003 York,PA PRoTRuCK RACING SERIFS 9409 ABRAHAM WAY. SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 . (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 July 10-13, 2003· Henderson's Terrible 250 SCORE August 29-31, 2003 . Crandon World Championships PRO ' ... · ·,. September.12-14; i~H ~ -· Primm 30() . SCORE ~ptember 26-28, 2003 Baja Mex 300 . BITD . October 11-12,2003_. .· . P.heienix .• · ; PRO Nt>ye~r-13-16,iQtn . . .Baj;i }000 SCORE . December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas ZOO · BITD PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONAIS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tnu:ks, Desert Tnu:ks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tnu:k <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION ()p AMflu:CA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 July 10-12, 2003 Cedar City, UT Ocotber 4-11, 2003 Fanningon, NM SCCA PRoRAllv SERIES SPORTS CAR Cum oF AMERICA P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 (800) 770-2055 · July 12-13, 2003 Oregon Trail Portland/Hillsboro, OR August 1-2, 2003 Maine Forest Rµmford, ME . August 22-23, 2003 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 6-7, 2003 Wild West Olympia, WA October .17-18, 2003 Lake Superior · Haughton, MI SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE Dusty Times SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 July 10-13, 2003 SCORE Henderson's Terrible 250 Henderson, NV September 12-13, 2003 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 13-16, 2003 Tecate SCORE Baj,i 1000 B.C.,MX SNORE SOUTIIERN NEVADA ()pp ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 July 26-27, 2003 KC Midnight Special Boulder City, NV October 4-5, 2003 Gold Coast 34th SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 22-23, 2003 Western Desert Championship Barstow, CA SONS ()p THUNDER 4 WHEELERs RACE DIVlSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT CoURSE ()pp ROAD l>RJvERs AssOCIATION TERRY WOLFE . 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, WI 53213 (414)° 453-SODA SoUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 3i3-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE -(Z24) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO . . MEGA PRODUCTION~· 3129 S. Hacienda Blyd. #322 Hacienda Heuthts. C'.A~174'i (626) 961-6522 August 9;10, 2003 Anaheim Convention Center · Anaheim CA October 18-19, 2003 Cal Expo Sacramento, CA SOUTHERN CAIJFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. 43807 40TH STREET EAsT LANCASTER, CA 93535 (MON-FRI 8:30 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.) (661) 946-0986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 · INTERNET: <> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WooTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at EastbaJ Racewa,, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box· 706 PARKLANDS,2121 SoUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 ToYsFoRTOTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADIUAVALLEYSPOR~CF.NTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www> VORRA Valley OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 920 HILLCREST ST. PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 (530) 662-0370 <> July 12-13, 2003 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Top Gun Raceway Fallon,NV August JO-September 1, 2003 Tentati<1e Off Road Desert Race Hawthorne, NV September 27-28, 2003 Short Course Race -Round 3 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA October 25,-26, 2003 Championship Short Course Race Round 4 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA November 15-16, 2003 Awards Banquet Reno,NV V1CENrEGUERRERo OFFRoAD Cwe PROFO. CENOV10 GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WFSrmN OFF RoAD RACNGA&'ilxJA1la-l LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 . WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WlSIDN PffiNsnvANIAWmn To Wmn OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ~SBURG,PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-37 30 Desert Tour Buggy & Truck Series August 30, 2003 -Snowflake 150. . Heber;AZ September 27;28 2003 PMP Gran Prix Pima Motorsports Park October 25., 2003 Vulrure Mountain · Wickenburg," AZ December 5, 2003 PointTo Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Cballeage Bike & ATV July 27, 2003. Camp Wood 100 Prescott, AZ August 31. 2003 Snowflake 150 Heber,AZ September 27-28, 2003 PMP Gran Prix Pima Motorsports Park October 25-26, 2003 Vulrure Mountain 150 Wickenburg, AZ December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Mini & Peewee Tour July 26, 2003 Camp Wood 100 Prescott, AZ August 30, 2003 Snowflake 150 Heber,AZ · September 27-28, 2003 PMP Gran Prix Pima Motorsports Park October 25, 2003 Vulture Mountain 150 Wickenburg, AZ December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX COP MotoX HoJidayB/owout October 27, 2003 Canyon November 3, 2003 Canyon November ·10, 2003 Canyon November 17, 2003 Canyon Fast Track Racing Sand Drags October 19-20, 2003 Canyon Raceway November 16-17,2003 Canyon Raceway December 14-15, 2003 Canyon Raceway . Pima Motorsports Park Moto X November 9-10,-2003 PMPPark November 23-24, 2003 PMPPark .December 14-15, 2003 PMPPark WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 W1scoNsIN OFF RoAD FESTIVAL ·July 2003 other groups whose livelihood depends on the desert. The desert tortoise will soon be extinct if the federal government does not radically change its recovery approach. Sta-y tuned! SEMA ACTS To CuRTAIL STREET RACING - Racers Against Street Racing (RASR), a grass roots enthusiast group· that promotes legal alternatives to illegal street racing will take its program to driver education classes around the country. They want to show the new drivers the dangers of street racing and aggressive driving stunts that put them, and others, at risk of serious injury or death. RASR is launching this program so that enthusiasts will take their racing activities to organized events at racetracks. The current program consists of a curriculum and video. Several professional drag racers are featured in the video. Around the country, many racetracks are offering "Street Legal Racing Night" These tracks provide a controlled environment for the drivers and their vehicles. For more information contact SEMA 909-396-0289 or or · BRENDAN GAUGHAN -Seems like Brendan owns the Texas Motor Speedway. He took his third straight Texas win at the NASCAR Truck O'Reilly 400k race. Brendan is third in points after seven ra<;es. He has I w_in, 4 top 5's and 5 top lO's for the season. Keep on tmckin' Brend,! SusQUEHANNOCK TRAIL RALLY -Make it three in a row for David Higgins. He and co-driver Daniel Barritt took the win in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. They took the win with more than six minutes in hand, unheard of in these days of trick machines and reliability. Second on the Open Class was Tim O'neil in a Ford Focus and Paul Choiriiere was finally back on the podium . with a third place finish in his Hyundai Tiburon. Canadian Peter Thompson took the Group N y.,in in a Subaru lmpreza, Mark Utecht was second Group N also in a SubaruJmpreza. Shane Mitchell was third in·yet another lmpreza. The Production GT class went to Eoin McGeough, Subaru lmpreza, second in Production GT was Valdermaras Maciukevicius in a, guess what, a Subaru ·rmpreza and Jim Larsen in a BMW 325. Chris Havas took the Group 5 win t1'I.. a VW Golf, Brian Vinson was second in a Dodge Neon and Dave Hintz was third in a Mazda-RX-7. Group 2-went to Eric Burmeister in a Mazda Protege, Brian Hourt was 13 seconds behind in his Acura Integra and Brian Scott was third in a Ford Focus. Patrick Brennan took the GT Class in his Eagle Talon. -The Production Class win went to Mike Halley in a new VW Beetle. Hopeful!,, a complete story and pies will make this issue or next months. · FINAL FLAG -We were sad to hear of the passing of Ed Pearlman, the founder of NORRA, the National Off Road Racing Association way back when. Ed put on the first Baja off road race, way back in:the 1960's and, well, the res_t is history. Ed originated the concept of modern off road racing, pitting motorcycles, buggies, four by fours and even stock cars and trucks against each other in lengthy contests of endurance. He conceived the Mexican 1000. the Stardust 711. the Baia 500 and the Parker Dam 500. I think it's fair to say that, without Mr. Pearlman, the off mad sport as we know it wouldn't , exist. A sizeable industry has grown and prospered since Ed took the bit in his mouth and with his co-founders, Pete Condos and Don Francisco they pui: a ball in motion, which still rolls today. Ed was always a low profile guy, he never looked for the limelight and he always put on a good race. Through his _ efforts the sport of off road racing grew into a giant. The 1968 Mexican 1000 had 254 entrants in eight classes. So, even way back then it was a sport that was well attended. Ed will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Our sincere sympathies to his family. RYAN ARCIERO - Ryan Arciero is certainly making.his mark in the racing world. In his first 29 oval races (Ultra Wheels, Super Trucks, Southwest Tour) he has won 11 poles, he has four wins, 10 top fives and 15 top ten finishes. And, he has two off road victories as well, the BITD Parker 4 25 and the SCORE Baja 500. What's next, we ask?? SCORE POINTS -Tops in points standings, by class, after the Baja 500. Trophy Truck -I.Gus Vildosola/Rob MacCachren, 200. 2. Tim/Ed Herbst, 182. 3. Mark Postljerry Whelchel, 149. Class 1 -1. Dale Ebberts/Ernie Castro Jr., 233. 2, Mark/Gary Weyhrich, 218. 3. Troy Herbst, 210. Class ½-1600 -1. Eric Allen/ Adam Pfankuch, 249. 2. David Hendrickson.Cameron Steele, 218. 3. James Golden, 210. ProTruck -Alan Pfleuger, 184. Class 3 -Donald Moss, 120. Class 5 - Joe Heger, 177. 2. George Seeley, Jr., 168. Class 5-1600 -I. Mario Reynoso, 195. 2. Brent Shermak, 194. Class 7 -1. Craig Turner, 151. Class 7S -1. Bob Land, 133. Class 7SX -1. Dan Fresh, 55. Class 8 -1. Dave Sykes/Tony McCormack, 161. 2. Nick Vanderwey, 155. Class 9 -1. Arturo Velazco, 141. Class 10 -1. Eli Yee, 232. 2. Steve Myers/George Erl, 201. 3. MORE TRAIL NOTES on page 57 TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRID RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL> 1863 COM.MANDER DRIVE LAKE f{AVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 July5,2003 ZR Night Race September 6, 2003 ZR Gran Prix November 30, 2003 Gran Prix de Campiones . 4x4 FoREvER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some ·fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 2003 schedule as soon as possible for listing i:n this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DllliJlilDIBS 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4404. Page 7 ,

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30nl ANNUAL SCORE BAJA 500 ·Herbst Arid Roeseler-Do It Again By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Eric Allen and Adam Pfankuch teamed up in a Jimco to take the win in Class 1-211600, one of thfJ biggest classes at SCORE's 30" anniversary Baja 500. Troy Herbst and Larry Roeseler teamed in Herbst's Smithbuilt Ford powered truggy to take the overall car and truck win at SCORE's Baja 500 for the second year in a row. This year there was a celebratory air surrounding the event, since it was SCORE's 30th 50 mile "Baia event and the 35th annual version of the race. NORRA produced the first Baja 500 in 1969, and after SCORE stepped in to promote the races, their first Baja event was the 1974 SCORE Baja Internacional, held in July of that year. Sal fish was at the helm. There were 30th anniversary T-shirts in the souvenir booths, 30th anniversary stickers to put on the race cars, a collection of old pho-tos in the souvenir program and even a big shiqdig at the local guest ranch in honor of the anniversary. The course itself didn't bear much resemblance to the old 500s, which used to run on Highway 1 and Highway 3, both of which were very rough dirt roads in the old days. This year the route included a little new territory and some old favor-ite stuff, and after 452 challenging miles the racer would arrive back in Ensenada. Leaving from in front of the con-vention center, the course wound through the wash, then up to Avenida Ruiz and out the end of it. Then it squirreled through the back-yards of the suburbs on its way to Ojos Negros, hitting the pavement for a few miles along the way. It went to and through Tres Hermanos, then turned southeast, to El Alama, then north to and across Highway 3, at K78. At that point it traveled a bit of road that was new to the racers, until it got over to Nuevo Junction and the Goat Trail (the last remnant of the old road in that area) and dropped down to Highway 3's pavement for a bit. Then the racers turned south--ward up Mike's Sky Ranch road, right up to and beyond Mike's, down toward, but not all the way to, San Telmo, before turning around and coming east and north-ward on the old road, and down into Simpson's Ranch, through the river, and back to the neighbor-hood of Valle Trinidad. From that point they went westward to cross Highway 1, loop through the agri-cultural area along the shore, and then headed north again, to and through Erendira. They headed northward and up into the hills then, to Santo Tomas, then up Highway 1 to Uruapan, where they went eastward again. The road in this section had been badly eroded by the winter rains, and there were many washouts. It was considerably tougher than in the past. They went back to Tres Hermanos, and then joined the morning's trail to El Alamo again, which meant a sec-ond trip through some very un-pleasant silt beds. Shortly after Alamo there was a fork in the road, heading left, or northwest, and looping through the shrubbery back to Tres Hermanos, or almost, and then turning right t9 join the morning's outbound course for the remaining 52 miles or so to the fin-ish. The time limit was 18 hours for everyone. The bikes and quads took off at 6:00 a.m., but the first trucks didn't start until 8:2.0 (two hours after the last quad left). Everyone went off the line single file, 30 seconds apart. The Trophy Trucks were the first group to take off, with 14 entries. Marty Coyne didn't get any distance at all in his Ford, but everyone else went at least as far as the Killiwas turnoff, at Mile 124. At that point · the lead belonged to Rob MacCach-ren in Gus Vildosola's Ford, but he had only a minute and 52 sec-onds on Mark Miller in his Chev-rolet. In third place it was Jerry Whelchel in Mark Post's Ford, and Dave Ashley was fourth in his Ford, followed by Tim and Ed Herbst in still another Ford. These guys had Eric Fisher drove all the way in his Class 9 Garibay chassis, and he added a lot of oil, but the effort paid off with his first solo win in the Baja 500. all made it through the silt beds just past Tres 'Hermanos, but now they had some water crossings, more silt, steep and rocky roads and some very technical sections. It wasn't the section where they shine, but most made it back out. It was 104 miles from the turnoff of Highway 3 un-til they came back around to Valle de Trinidad again. At that point Miller had the lead, with Ashley sec-. ond a minute ·and one second be-hind him. In third, a minute and 35 seconds later it was Whelchel and then the Herbsts were about a minute and 11 seconds beyond him. And then there was a gap. It seems that Steve .Sourapas blocked the whole thing up when the bolts fell out of the rack of his Ford pow-ered Porter and he came to a halt. He was still the fifth one in line when he finally got dow·n to Valle de Trinidad again, but he'd lost about an hour and 22 minutes. And all those behind him, in all classes, also lost time, the amount depending on when they'd come up against the blockage. Some never got that far, including Darren Skil-ton in his Kia. Richard Hoffman, who radioed in that he'd broken "trailing arms" in his Chevy and Brian Collins, another Chevy. Col-lins had broken a rear gearset, and although he had the necessary re-placement pieces with him was un-able to go on. It seems that a large piece of the ring and pinion was thrust into the axle tube and wedged in so hard between the axle shaft and the housing that no mat-ter what they tried they couldn't free it. After a few hours of trying they gave up and trailered the truck back in. Everyone else headed to-ward the beach. · Everyone likes that section be-cause there's some fast running and some good roads with entertaining turns. Miller's co-driver, Ryan Ar-ciero was in front as they came into Uruapan , a full 11 minutes on the Herbst brothers. Gus Vildosola was in his car, which had lost a track rod and that had taken out the sway bar. The team reattached the track rod, but could do nothing about the sway bar, which Gus was missing sorely. He said that with-out it the truck handled "really bad." He'd lost an hour and a half and ran .third. Sourapas was less than a minute behind him in fourth and Ashley's co-driver, Dan Smith, was now fifth. The bolts on their alternator had broken and the al-ternator fell off, bringing ·a lot of stuff to a halt. Things like power steering and water pumps. So they'd had to stop and fix it. Be-hind them Enrique Legaspy had fallen out, and Whelchel and Post's truck was seen parked in a wheat field before Erendira, and it never went any further. Now they worked their way through the washouts and rocky side hills on their way back to Tres Hermanos and the silt beds again. When the lead truck got to Uruapan they had another 110 miles to go, and it w·as about 3:30 in the afternoon as he arrived. The overall winning bike team of Steve Hengeveld and Johnny Campbell was just arriving at the finish. Since · the trucks had started just two hours behind the bikes, there was now a big guessing game going on at the finish line. Would the first truck arrive at 5:30? How much slower would they be than the bikes? Well, it turned out they'd be a lot slower. Arciero had a problem with fuel. He thought he was out of gas and limped in to a pit where he took on fuel, and then the truck ran well for a while, but then it started bogging down again. At 5:30 word came over the radio that "Arciero was just putting along. 11 Finally he was not running at all, and began the tedious process of trying to find the problem. While he worked, the Herbsts lost and replaced the rear end on their truck, and Vildosola lumbered along with no sway bar, finding it hard to keep the truck going where he wanted it to go. Alejandro Mendez, in Roger Mears' old Chevy, came to a halt in this section after running fifth at Uruapan. Scott Steinberger and Jesse Jones had lost the power steer-ing on their Ford while corning down out of Mike's, and they sat at Valle de Trinidad for three and a half hours waiting for their crew to bring ~he spare up from the beach pit where they'd chosen to stash it. Jim Beaver, still in his Class 8 Chevy, had been badly stuck early in the day, and was now having to deal with a lot of '.'slow traffic." Fernando and Mario Flores are a tough team in their Class 11 car, and they proved it by taking the win in 16 hours and 56 minutes. Dan Fresh did all the driving in his Jeep Comanche, and outlasted the competition to take the victory in Class 7SX. Finally, at just about 7 o'clock, Arciero crossed the finish line. He'd lost a lot of time, but so had every-one else, and he and Miller still had the Trophy Truck win though not the overall. The Herbsts limped in Pages July 2003 Dusty Times

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Danny Anderson soloed his Toyota powered Jimco to a close finish Tito and Adolfo Arambula were paired up in their 5-1600, the biggest Ron Brant and Richard Boyle had a vibration and some broken bolts in Class 1, missing the win by just 42 seconds. He was second and class at the SCORE Baja 500 and took third place in spite of alternator but brought their Chevy powered Jimco back to the finish line in sixth second overall among the cars and trucks. ,_p_ro_b_le_m_s_. ____ =---------~-------ap_la_c_e,-=s_e_111_e-=nt_h_o_111_e_ra_ll7. -------,=----=--=-- --~--sounding sick, smelling bad and re- they vetoed the idea thinking that stopped he was rear-ended with re- Myers and then Ron Brant in his _ now driving his Truggy, and enjoy-porting that they'd lost the rear end if anything went wrong the stress _ sultant serious damage to the pul- Chevy powered Jimco. ing his new manual _six speed se-again and had been adding oil. would be too much for a grandpa ley system of the motor. So Penhall Doug Fortin Jr. didn't make it quential gearbox (just like the one They were 48 minutes behind Miller recovering from a major heart at- flagged down his SCORE Lite car to that point, having broken a part in the family Trophy Truck). He and Arciero. In third it was Vildo- tack. So there were no McMillins in when it went by, evicted by passen-of his rear suspension just before said he decided to be "conservative" sola and MacCachren, only 13 min-the race. ger and hopped in for a ride to the Goat Trail. And Kory Scheeler, this race because he hadn't pre-run. utes later, and followed by Soura-There were also no Groff broth- Trinidad. in a new Kaiser that he'd never raced He had about 50 seconds on Ernie pas who didn't want to discuss that ers. Mike and Robbie had entered, When they got to Mile 124 the before, had broken his power ste~r-Castro, Jr. (Ebberts' co-driver) at traffic jam situ~tion. Smith and but since they'd switched to a V6 lead belonged to Dale Ebberts in ing box coming down out of Uruapan. Anderson was another Ashley were just three minutes be- Chevy and had not got the car com- his Toyota poweredJimco. He had Mike's. He created a sort of traffic 16 seconds back, his second gear hind him in fifth place and then pleted in time, they were non-start-about a minute and 15 seconds on jam, because the big car was so dif- st~rting to make some bad noises. about two hours and 40 minutes ers. And John Marking didn't start, Darnen Jefferies in Rick Roman's ficult to drive in that condition. In fourth it was Mark and Gary later it was Steinberger and Jones. also waiting for some new parts that VW powered Raceco. Danny Once he got down into Valle de Weyhrich, having a good day until Beaver was the last in the class to hadn't been finished on time. Anderson was third about 22 sec-Trinidad he was done for the day. right there at Uruapan, where their finish:, whipped after a 16 hour and Most of them got to the Killiwas onds later in his Toyota powered In the next section Stuart Chase shocks went away. Meyers was fifth 24 minutes day, but happy to have- turnoff, at Mile 124, but Randy Jimco, and in fourth it was Larry got no distance at all before losing just two minutes later. made it all the way. Wilson's Jimco lost its clutch at Mile Roeseler in Troy Herbst's Ford a cylinder, and Jose Flores disap-They all made it to the finish, Class 1 had a big entry this time, 23, and John Gaughan and B.J. powered Smithbuilt Truggy. An- peared as did John Herder and Jeff but got shuffled around a bit. with 25 starters. There should have Richardson were out at Mile 60 drew Myers ran fifth in a Toyota Darland in their Jimco. Rick Ro-Herbst and Roeseler were still in been 28, but on the Tuesday be-with a blown motor. Pat Dean dis- Jimco, another two minutes back. mans took over for Jefferies and he front, repeating their victory oflast fore the race Corky McMillin suf- appeared early and Bob Lofton got For the most part it took these got all the way to the good road year, completing the' race in fered a heart attack. Corky drove into a ditch trying to make a pass top drivers about two and a half going up to Santo Tomas. Then he 9:54:45 with an average speed of himself to the emergency ward at in the early miles and tore off the hours to do ·the next 104 miles. slid offi:he road and hit what they 45.6 miles per hour. But Ander-Scripps and was treated and hospi- right front corner of the J imco. He Roeseler had the lead when they got called the "best fence post in all of son, who drove all the way, finished talized with "very good" prognosis was bruised and sore, but nothing back down to Valle de Trinidad, Baja" (it was steel and cement) and close behind him and for a few min-for recovery. He wanted his sons, broke on him. Jerry Penhall started and Ebberts was second, a minute tore up his motor, putting the team . utes it was thought he'd beaten Mark and Scott and grandson, in Mike Voyles' new Penhall, but it and 20 seconds behind him) In out of the race. them. OnGe cooler heads did the Andy, to go ahead and race, but overheated in the silt, and when he third it was Anderson, followed by The rest went on, with Herbst Continued on page 10 Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's -..,.._,......,.._,,0,--....._ 0 ~ @~tr flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbaryc; The Place Las Vegans Call Home'" West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 July 2003 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~IT]~~TI • • Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 Page 9 -

Page 10

Vic Bruckmann and Tommy Watson had an uncomfortable ride down Martin Christensen and Dave Mason drove their BMW powered Jeff Dickerson and Jim Nuckles teamed up in a Ford Protruck, had the Goat Trail and wet electrics, but still finished fourth in the SCORE Jimco to fourth place in Class 10 even though they'd been stuck in a few flats and took fourth place. It was the first time Nuckles had Lite class. _th~e_s~il_t _an_d_s_t_u_ck_in~g~e_a_r.----:-------------,_e_ve_r,,...n_n_is-,-h_ed-=-a_5_00----:. =----=--.-------~--~----~ adding, it was discovered that he Wilson, who did the middle and a steering box and drove that way their oil. They finished in a cloud damage to internal parts, and it was second by 42 seconds. Ebberts Randy Wilson, who finished, had until they got to Ojos Negros on of odorous smoke. wasn't able to go on. This silt bed, and Castro finished third only three just one flat and were stuck for a the way back in to cannibalize parts There was a lot of hitting in this perhaps wrongly identified as a minutes later, reporting only one . while, and finished eighth. In ninth from Sean Sessa's car. They lost race, apparently because one vehicle "bed", was actually a trail in a nar-flat tire. And in fourth it was the it was Hovey who lost his "crank about an hour and finished 11th. would be stuck or slowed by the silt row canyon. It wasn't one of those Weyhrich brothers, who'd had an angle sensor" going up to Mike's. In 12th it was B.J. Baldwin, who or some other problem and oth- widespaceswherefollowingcarscan early flat and then the shock prob-He also fought a charging problem drive all the way. He had a big hole ers, coming up at speed, wouldn't go further and further out to avoid lems. Myers was fifth and Brant and all day, and was briefly stopped in his exhaust and the heat was know it until it was too late. Quite the traffic. There was no way Boyle finished sixth reporting some behind some stuck folks at the silt burning up his hoses, so he shielded a few had their day cut short by around. Photographer Jim Ober broken bolts and a bad vibration near Tres Hermanos. Todd it with his number plate. Dan Myers being rear-ended. Maybe they need who left that way after taking pie-in the front end. In seventh it was Jergensen had a busy day, and had drove all the way in his Chevy Jimco bigger and brighter yellow lights. tures, said he'll be "having night-buddy Feldkamp who did all the to cut his Cadillac powered Dun-and he had a wheel and tire come Class 10 was next off the line. mares about that place for some driving this time. He confessed to rite out of some barbed wire, then off when the lugs sheared. He lost a 19 strong. Perhaps the earliest to time to come." having fallen off the Goat Trail, had to get out and open a gate that lot of time cannibalizing lugs from go out was Mark Landersman, in At Mile 124 the lead belonged landing passenger side down, and someone had closed for some un- the other vehicles so he could get his Toyota Jimco. He was on the to George Erl in Steve Myers' losing about 10 minutes in the pro- known reason. He got stuck behind going again. he was 13th, and in pavement at about Mile 17 and had Toyota Jimco, and he had less than cess. Luckily, there are always spec-Sourpas' truck in the jam, and his 14th and last in the class to finish, just completed the act of passing ·a minute on Mike Williams in Mike ta tors and course workers at that air cleaner clogged up. Brian it was Coppola, Francisco some non-race traffic when another Sandoval's MECO. In third, an-point. Also luckily, he didn't fall Brown and Rick Geiser got briefly Zumaya and Tom DeNault in a competitor attempted to pass hiin other 16 seconds later it was Kory on ne of them -guess they're smart stuck in the silt in the morning, in brand new Chevy powered Mark-on the right. Tires touched and Halopoff in Honda powered Henry enough to stand down at the safe their Toyota Jimco, but then some- ing, which got hit early in the day Landersman did a big nose stand Chassis, and behind him came Will end. Buddy said his day was "long." one hit them from behind and and pretty well banged up in the and then bounced off the road and Higman in the VW powered The team of Brian Parkhouse, Rick knocked them out of it. They broke rear. Then, at Mile 395 they lost all down the embankment and into a Kreger. Rick Ellison was fifth in his Tfte Dlfferencel Page 10 Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204SD Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-0B30500 Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30503 Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30504 Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles For more information give us a call or visit us online @ July 2003 ravine. He held so firmly to his steer-Honda Chenowth, about 11 min-ing wheel that when he landed it utes later after being stuck in the bent. He was bruised and battered silt bed. and his car was too torn up to con-They they headed up toward tinue. Landersman wasn't happy. Mike's, through the mountains Sean Sessa and Jorge Mendez also south of the resort, and back down failed to get there, and so did Jim into Trinidad. At that point Halo-Dizney and Scott Webster in poffhad the lead, with about four Dizney's Honda Jimco. There were and a half minutes on Lobsam and several cars stopped in a silt bed, all Eli Yee in their Honda J imco. Eli Class 10s, as Webster came up, so · was driving now. In third it was he had to stop also, but the fellow Higman, another four minutes behind him didn't. He hit Dizney's back, and followed by Guy Evans, car hard enough to cause major Continued on page 12 John Griffin and Mike Sabarese are having a good year in their Stock Full Hummer. They got the win at the 500 and are leading the se,;es points. Kory Halopoff and Harley Letner drove their Henry's chassis Honda powered Class 10 car to the win with a -,,awfess• day, and were sixth overall in the car/truck classes. Dusty Times

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, Year-End Prize Money .. ,van St::ewari's Prot::ruicks0 Television Air Dates Laughlin Challenge 6/09/2003 11 pm Pacific I 2am Eastern Parker425 6/06/2003 1 Oprn Pacific/ 1 am Eastern 6/16/2003 11 pm Pacific/ 2am Eastern Terrible's Town 250 6/12/2003 7pm Pacific/ 1 Oprn Eastern 6/1312003 1 Oprn Pacific/ 1 am Eastern Baja500 6/19/2003 6"20/2003 6"2312003 6"26"2003 7pm Pacific/ 1 Oprn Eastern 1 Opm Pacific/ 1 am Eastern 11 pm Pacific/ 2am Eastern 7pm Pacific/ 1 Opm Eastern . • 619.390.6252 • 144-02 Bond Ct. El Cajon, CA 92021

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Matt Dreaver and Dave Wert had a flawless day in their Penhall Dale Ebberts and Ernie Castro, Jr. piloted their Toyota powered Jimco Rick Ellison had old friend John Penner driving with him again and the SCORE Lite car and ended the evening in third place with a time of to a third place in Class 1 and third overall, and now lead the Class 1 pair put their Honda powered Chenowth Millennium Class 1 O car into 11:34:19. ,_po_i_nt_s_s_e_rie_s_. __________________ s,_xt_h-'---p_la_c_e. ________________ _ in a VW Dunrice, who'd been stuck silt, handed his car to Tom Bryant. Uruapan, although some didn't brothers were second, and a liccle stuck in the jam coming down out in the Sourapas traffic jam. Behind Bryant got something wee in one of find it easy. Halopoff had his over a minute lacer it was the of Mike's. Before chat he'd been him was Ellison. Boch Dennis and the water crossings and the com- cousin, Harley Lerner, driving now Higman car, and now the dad, stuck in the silt. Dave Mason was Jason Hunter, in two different cars, purer brain failed, putting chem out and he was still in front, leading by Jerry, was driving. Behind him driving now. And in fifth Steve went out in•chis section, and Smitty of the race. about 25 minutes. He was chinking about 20 minutes came Martin Myers had taken over for Erl. There Schmidt, who'd been stuck i he Most of these drivers made it co the course was "awesome". The Yee Christensen's car chat had been were another five cars corning along Super Cell Fits between the frame of ANY truck SCORE & FIA Legal Manufactured exclusively by Fuel Safe Toys Baja 1000 Desert Buggy Metal Mulisha, Baja 1000, LBZ, & Kawasaki Motorcycles Coming Soon: Trophy Truck & Truggy Bones® The best DZUS tool you'll ever own! Custom Colors & engraving available Quanity Discounts race Specialty Tools & Accessories Helmets & Kool Air™ Systems Communication Systems at e sell Mil-Spec Electrical Products Safety Equipment Racing Wheels Satellite Phones & GPS Custom Chevy VB Engines PARTICIPATINli DEALER§ B & R Buggie -1523 So .. Coast Hwy. -Oceanside, CA 92054 -760-722-1266 Baja Racing Products -1040 South Main St. -Fallbrook, CA 92028 -760-723-2117 Baja Shop Motorsports -264 Cypress St -Orange, CA 92865 -714-279-0778 H&M Motorsports -120 North Pacific St #H1 -San Marcos, CA 92069 -760-510-9586 Perry's Fab & Fiber -La Mesa, CA 91941 -619-463-1361 Page 12 Race Ready Products -103 Press Lane #4 -Chula Vista, CA 91910 -619-691-9171 MDTDRSPDRTS a 3231-C Business Park Drive #318 Vista, CA 92083 USA 760-918-0777 Fax 760-918-0733 m m July 2003 after them. They stayed in the same order until the finish, with Halopoff and Lerner caking the win by 39 min-utes. They were sixth in the car/ truck overall standings, 10th if the bikes are included in the mix. They had little to say, declaring no prob-lems and not even any flat tires. They liked the course. The Yees were second, Eli a bit winded after driv-ing from Uruapan with no power steering. In third it was the Higmans, about six minutes behind the Yees. Will said it was a "chal-lenging course." And he wanted to point out chat the combined ages of him and his dad (41 and 65) was 106, compared to the com-bined age of Halopoff and Lerner, which added up to 39. Christensen and Mason finished fourth, glad to be there after being stuck in second gear for the last seven miles. In fifth it was Myers and Erl, who'd bro-ken an aicernator wire lace in the day and° lost about 50 minutes. Ellison and his old co-driver, John Penner, were teamed up again, and they finished sixth. Penner had shifter troubles all the way. He couldn't get third, and then after Uruapan was stuck in second gear for about 75 miles, but then he happened across Bruce Fraley who did something wonderful and made it work again. In seventh it was Ron and Travis Brookshire. Ron had been in an early crash in the silt, and he'd lost hours. By the time he was freed up (the cars had been stuck together) and moving again he was worn out, so his brother Travis took over from the K58 crossing to the fin-ish. They had no more serious problems. Mike Sandoval and Mike Williams were eighth, dropping back from their early second place with electrical and light problems all day long. The team of Jay Culbertson, Joe Harlan, Ken Phil-lips and Joe Baguio, from Oregon, cook ninth. They reported chat Baguio had sac in a culvert for an hour at Mile 255, and that their OPS didn't work all day. The navi-gator, apparently expected co re-place the OPS, had suffered a ma-jor lapse of some sore near the end of the day, and they'd been lost just outside of Ensenada. That wouldn't have been too difficult as many drivers reported no markers at all were left on the course in the final eight or ten miles. Indeed, they'd been in the hands of the lo-cal kids on Friday, in contingency, being autographed by the racers. Evans and his co-driver, Jim Ander-son had lost a seal in their trans-mission, so they'd pulled the mo-tor and replaced the clutch. They I Dusty Times

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Ruben Gutierrez and Victor Herrera last reverse ,IJear early, but still James Golden and Jason Hatz made a goad team in the! r Chenawth managed ta get out of their tight spats, and finished in fifth place in Pancho and Cisco Bia and Sergio Gutier,;ez teamed in -a Tubular 1600 car. They had an alternator prob/ram, but stiltfinished fourth. _C_1a_s_s_5/,,--16_00_. ----,---,---..,.,---,----..,....,-,---=-=--cc---Designs chassis, rolled it aver and still finished~ in Class 1-211600. were the final finishers, at 15:05:09. Nobody else fell away, and at. race, and they all made it to Mile Ken Stroud, soloing in his Jim<:o, after sliding off the Goat Trail on Next to take off were the Uruapan Pflueger had the lead by 124. At that point the lead be- was fifth. 1-:le'd already had an his skid pan, had got the car wet, Protrucks. Two drivers, Tom Espy 21 minutes. Johnson had lost some longed to Jim Greenway in Ty eventful day. He'd hit "some trees", stalled it and lost 20 minutes on and Gary Magness, both in Fords time on the road to Mike's when Godde's Moulton. He had about a and·pulled Smitty Schmidt out of the Mike's loop, and then got were out early with motor prob-he'd become stuck while trying to minute and 20 seconds on Toby the silt before getting to Mile 124. caught in the traffic jam. Bruck-lems, and Matt Scaroni and his go around a stopped quad. But he Gaerin in a Jimco. In third it was Then he'd lost fourth gear on the mann was trying to make up for dad, Steve, had electrical troubles was still five minutes in front of Brian Ickler in his Jimco, just un- way down out of Mike's and his lost time. In fifth it was Stroud still with their Ford. But the other six Stewart at Uruapan, Jeff der two minutes in front of Brian transmission was popping out of having trouble with his transmis-marched on. At Mile 1'24 RickD. Dickerson's co-driver, Jimmy Freemal in a Tatum. L.J. Kennedy first. sion. · Johnson had the lead in his Ford, Nuc,kles, was fourth and Rick L. was fifth in a Penhall, and only six For this race Ickler departed Ewalt and Ickler had no prob-but he was only eight seconds ahead Johnson ran fifth in his Toyota. minutes separated first place.from from the norm and instead of driv- lems beyond the two flats Ickler had of Alan Pflueger in his Chevy. Brian He'd lost his fan motor and been fifth place. A few were having seri- ing all the way, he installed Brian early in the day. They said their story Steward ran third, about .18 min- stuck a couple of times. ous trouble, like Luis Barragan Ewalt, who .usuaily shares the driv-was "interesting." And they took the utes later, reporting trouble getting It was Pflueger at the finish, de-who'd lost about an hour and 40 ing with Corky McMillin, into the win, finishing at 10:57: 10. Penhall around the stuck buggies. daring that he'd had an easy run. minutes in his Curry, and Arturo car. Veteran Ewalt has driven the and Kennedy were second, about On the road up to and around He said, we "pre-ran way harder Honold, who'd lost his Jimco's second half of more Baja 500s than 21 minutes later, followed in by . Mike's Al Hogan lost the transmis-than we raced." He was 27 minutes transmission and was having re-most apd he still held the .lead at Dreaver and Wert, who also had a sion of his Ford, and now th.ere were in front of Rick D. Johnson. In pairs made not far before the Goat Uruapan. Penhall, who'd bailed flawless day. In fourth it was Bruck-only five left running. When they third it was Stewart, another five Trail. He was down a full two out of the broken Voyles car early mann and Watson, only seven sec-arrived·back at Trinidad Pflueger~ minutes back, and a half hour later hours. in the day, wa~ now in his car, and onds behind them. Bruc~n said and Johnson were still battling for it was Nuckles and Dickerson, After they'd gone up into the in second place, 27 minutes behind he'd been chasing a Trophy Truck the lead, and Stewart, who was driv-who'd had a couple of flats. This mountains and come back down Ickler and Ewalt. Matt Dreaver, from Uruapan in, and had a hard ing all the way, was third. He had a was the first time Nuckles had man- again, Brian kkler had the lead. He· who'd taken over for Dave Wert in time getting around it, finally pass-problem with fuel, because_his "gas. aged to finish at the 500. Rick L. was 23 minutes ahead of Mark their Penhall chassis, was now third, ing it on the pavement about 17 guy" hadn't made it to his assigned Johnson was fifth, about two hours Fodor in a Chenowth, who'd al-about 15 minutes later, and fol- miles before the finish. Stroud, who spot and Stewart had to stop here -later. ready had a flat. In third it was lowed by Vic Bruckmann, in a soloed, lo~t tifth gear in that last and there and bum gas in order to Next to gdwere the SCORE Lite Kennedy just a couple of minutes Jimco, less than a minute.Jater. Tom stretch, so he was down to second make it to Valle de Trinidad. cars. Seventeen of them started the later. Then Gaerin was•fourth and Watson had started the car and Continued on page 14 . Dusty Times July 2003 Page 13

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Cameron Steele and Dave Hendrickson led part of the way, had Ed and Tim Herbst didn't have an ideal day in their Ford powered some brake trouble, and finished the day with second place in Class Trophy Truck. They lost the rec,r end, replaced it and then had more Will and Jerry Higman made a good team in their VW powered Kreger 1-211600. _tro~u_bl_e-',_b_u_t_s_til~1 _fin~ls_h_ed~s_econd_~ ·,---~--......,..----,,-----,--- Class 10 car, and they finished their day with a third place. and third, and then about 80 miles they crossed the finish lien theywere before he could go on. Now he Canela and Milner, and Raimonde problems except for the absent from the finish he lost his power 15 minutes over time. was a couple of hours down, and and Sullivan, finishing in a time of power steering. Not even a flat tire. steering. But_he took fifth place. The Class 8 trucks went off the hustling to stay ahead of the cut- 16: 24 followed them in. The They took the victory, McCallum Rick St. John and Dean Bayerle, line next. There were nine starters, off times at the checkpoints. The Cancholas ran out ofluck, got stuck saying he'd been "waiting for this a in a Kernco, had to replace a spark and seven of them got to Mile· 124. Canchola brothers, Jose Elias and after Tres Herma nos and lost a long time." It was his first Baja 500 plug and add oil, but they managed Kurtis Kupiec, in a Chevy, came Jose Alfredo were having throttle couple of hours. By the time they got victory. Seeley and Anderson were to finish sixth, exactly two minutes around a corner and saw. some cable problems and were a bit off to the finish line they were overtime second, about an hour and 11 min-behind fifth. And in seventh it was stuck Pro trucks. In an effort to the pace also. Javier Guevara by aboutfive minutes, and didn't get utes later, Anderson's hands sore ·Fodor and his co-driver, Tom Har- avoid.hitting them he got himself didn't get that loop completed, a finish. and tired from the long drive with-ris, who'd had a flat, lost a power stuck. He worked over an hour to nor did Stowers and Fantelli. Class 5 had four cars entered this out power steering. Holmes and steering pump and had ignition get unstuck, and then discovered When these folks came back up time, and they were the next group Veiria finished another hour back problems. At the finish.Harris de-that he'd left his ignition on with the coast and into Uruapan it was to go. All of them made it past the in third place, a good showing for cided that he was "too old" for this. fans and things running all that late afternoon and early evening. Killiwas turnoff, and at that point a new car. Wallace crossed the fin-Brian Freemal and Keith Basso, in time. The.battery was dead. By the At that point the Vanderweys and Joe Heger was in the lead, with 26 ish line, but was about 35 minutes a Tatum chassis, had lost 45 min- time he got going again he'd timed · LeDuc had about 35 minutes on minutes on David Veiria in a new overtime, and becomes a DNF. utes replacing a shifter and they also out and couldn't go on. Thomas, Sykes and McCormack. Another car which features an automatic Class 7, which started next, had had float bowl problems, which Glen and Bruce Greer, in their hour back came Canela and transmission but does I).Ot have a rough day of it. All but one got 'they solved by beating on it. They Dodge, also failed to get to Killiwas. Milner, having probJems with power steering. George Seeley, in an to Mile 124. That one was A.J. De-clogged an airfilter too. Blaise Jack-The Vanderweys, Larry and their radio communications. They old car that should have power steer-Nunzio and Mike Abbott's new sori and Morley Williams teamed Nick, with Curt LeDuc riding and were also without power steering ing, ran third, without it. His power •Toyota. When they neared Tres in a Meco, and although they drove driving also, were there first in their most of the time. Raimonde and steering had gone away at about Mile Hermanos and went through the off the side of a hill and ripped a GMC. They had about 12 minutes his co-driver, Danny Sullivan were 4·0. IN fourth place it was Luis water crossing, they got some part c.v. boot, they made it back in ninth on David Sykes and Tony McCor-another two hours back, but mov- Wallace._ of their fancy ignition wet and the place. mack in a Chevy. In third place it ing at a good clip, even a little After they'd gone up into the truck died. It took an hour to get it Jim Greenway and Ty Godde, was Jeff Stowers and Rodd Fantelli faster than the others, in their ef-mountains and made their way down dry and running again. They went after running second early on , in their new Ford F-150, and run- fort to stay ahead of the closing again, Heger had about an hour and on, but just past Tres Hermanos ripped the rack off their car when ning fourth was the team of Den- times. The Cancholaswere also still 54· minutes on John Holmes who'd saw a spectator truck coming to-the bolts broke. They had to re- nis Milner and Beny Canela in a moving along, but were nearly five taken over for Veiria, and was just wards ·them, backwards to race traf~ build it. They also added 13 gal- Ford. hours off the pace at this point. four seconds in ·front of Seeiey. fie, very fast. Apparently the driver lons (!) of trans fluid, and had the -The Vanderweys and LeDuc had The Vanderweys and LeDuc Wallace was two hours and 40 min-didn't notice them until it was way transmission tied in with a ratchet the lead after doing the Mike's loop, had alternator problems on the utes further back. too late, and even though A.J. strap. Arturo Honold and Gus and were now 13 minutes in front very late leg of the race, but held Heger gave the car to Shawn Mc-squeezed as far to the side as he Vildosola, Jr., in a"Jimco, did that of Sykes and McCormack. Milner on to get their finish and win. Callum, and he got to Uiuapan still could, there was no room to pass. · tranny replacement early in the day, and Canela ran third, about an Their crew greeted them with in the lead, but now he was almost A.J. was on the binders, but the but then had their floo1-pan peel-hour later, dealing with power steer- clanging cowbells and a gallon of exactly an hour in front. of Seeley's other guy wasn't. The end result was ing off, up under the driver's feet. ing problems. And Daye cold milk. This was their third Baja car. Bruce Anderson was driving the a near head on. The DeNunzio They kept trying to find ways to.tie Raimonde, in a Chevy, had rolled 500 victory in a row. Sykes and second half. Holmes was now third truck lost a lot of non-essential, but it on, or make it stay in place, but it down a hill at about Mile 19, and McCormack finished second, say-about 16.minutes later, and Wallace expensive stuff, and the impaired kept peeling back. They stopped landed on his wheels. He had bent ing their only problem was a bro- was still running. spectator wiped out his front end. many times to work on it, and when a trailing arm and it had to be fixed ken brake line. IN third it was Heger and McCall um had no · No one was hurt, but it took an Joe Heger and Shawn McCa.l/um have been trying for a win at the Baja 500 for a Jong time and they finally did it, even without power steering in their Class 5 car for a Jong way. r------------------"-----~-~ hour to get the trucks separated. Laffy Roese/er and Troy Herbst repeated last year's overall victory at the 500, taking the win by a very slim margin of 42 seconds in their Smithbuilt Tr-uggy. DeNunzio could have gone on, but · he ran out of time. In the meantime the others had progressed, and Eric and Jared Hardin had their GMC in front at Mile 124;""&.,ith three minutes on Perry McNeil in his Ford. Hector Salazar was another nine minutes back in his ford in third place, fol-lowed by Doug Siewert in his Chevy, in fourth. Craig Turner, usually at the front of the pack, had run his Ford into a bunch of stuck cars. That tore up his left front corner, then he got stuck and got rear-ended, and lost a bunch of time. After that he said he "just cruised." After traveling up to Mike's and back the lead belonged to McNeil, Contin_ued on page 16 Jason Lakin and Todd Cunningham crunched their good-looking 5-Brian Jeffrey and Kash Vessels had a broken·hydraulic line early in the Rick D. Johnson drove all the way in his Ford Protruck and finished 1600 car a little bit when they rolled it about seven miles before day, but pushed their Jimco hard and salvaged a fifth place in 1-2/1600. the day in second place, just 17 minutes behind the winning truck. finishing fourth. ----=-------:------------,-----Page 14 July 2003 Dusty Times

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OOC3~CCr1m1,m I ;1 [[)[§~[§OOv RACING ASSOCIATION Presents Off-Road In Mexico,, -- ---· ' 'CHAM SHI ~ . msen ~~~~~~-~~-•~ Motorcycles Quads Cars Trucks ' , ' -~ . ,.. " -~ w~~~ Pre-Running Begins Aug 9th A1.1g1.1~~ 22. -23 -24!1 2003 TIMED EVENT Drawing For il Starting Positions ~ August 1, 2003 GOOO,.,EAR Official Tire ~lmfflm~ RACING ASSOCIATION Dusty Times July 2003 · Page 15

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Perry McNeil led Class 7 for a while in his Ford, but lost a driveshaft Bruce Meyers drove his Manxter in the SCORE Legend Class, but Dennis Milner and Beny Canela had power steering problems with their Ford but still took a nice third place in Class 8. and had other adventures, and finished the day in second place. the silt proved too much for it, and he ran out of time. who had just 16 seconds on linenext.Jhiswasabiggroup,with and there were 428 more hard Salazar. Now Turner was third, an 26 starters, but some of them had miles to cover. On the road up and hour and a half down, and none very early problems. Steve Roberts, around Mike's Shane Reed, David of the others made it. McNeil led Bob Altamirano and Chuck Col- Caspino and Pedro Morquecha all . through Uruapan, with only four lins were all sidelined before cov- fell by the wayside. But that meant minutes on Salazar, who'd had ering the first 124 miles. Of those that there were still 20 cars mov-only one flat tire so far. Turner that made it, Cameron Steele had ing. cruised along in third. the lead in Dave Hendrickson's When they'd made it back McNeil lost a driveshaft and got Dave-Co, and he was almost five down to the power station near stuck in the silt and had a flat. minutes in front of Alejandro and Valle de Trinidad, or Mile 227, Salazar moved to the front and Leonardo Navarrete and Carlos Steele was still leading. He'd been tuok the win. He said he'd done a Davila in a Jimco. A minute later stuck in the Sourapas traffic jam, lot of pre-running, and that it was Eric Allen in hisJimco, and but as the first car on the road "made the difference." McNeil, John Scharf and Ed Bonnani, in a (he'd started seventh) itmeant only who also drove all the way, was Lothringer ran fourth, with Travis that those chasing him got to only 15 minutes behind him in sec-and Brad Fletcher in fifth in their crowd up a little closer. Sort of ond place. Turner was. another Baja Shop chassis. In sixth place it like a yellow flag at a NASCAR two and a half hours back, but still was Jose Robles and his uncle, also race. At least in this class the lead-recorded a third place. None of Jose Robles, and they were another ers didn't get a 40 minute freebie the others made it. four minutes back. There were lots the way it happened in a couple of The 1/2-1600 cars went off the more pushing hard behind them, others. Now Allen was second, HONDA Power Equipment only six minutes back, in spite of eluded the run up the beach, and having no rear brakes all the way for many, it was time for the sec-down out of the hills. Pancho Bio, ond driver. Adam Pfankuch took and his i;on Cisco, were third, an- over for Allen, and he went into other six minutes back in their the lead. They had disassembled Tubular Designs chassis. Fourth the rear brakes and adjusted them, place belonged to James Golden but the alternator light was an an-in a Chenowth. Golden was driv- noyance. They kept stopping to see ing with a dislocated shoulder, and what was wrong, but couldn't find he was ready to get out. The the culprit. There was also a prob-Navarretes and Davila had flat- lem with the ram, which kept com-tened a tire, but dropped only to ing loose, and they had to stop and fifth place, and the Fletcher broth-adjust it every now and then. It ers were sixth, having trouble with was about 5:45 when he got to their ignition, which quit in the Uruapan, and he had 110 miles to water holes. There were a lot of go. water crossings on the way up and Hendrickson took over for down from Mike's area and wet Steele and arrived at Uruapan just electrical stuff was a problem for · 26 seconds behind Pfankuch. Guti-many drivers. errez and the Bios ran third now, The next 110 mile section in-another six minutes back, and .. , POWEil . EB6500 HOND.A GENERATORS & PUMPS Page 16 RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS-•· OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE. ENGINES •WELDERS! WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • _LAWN-TRACTORS' • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS·· . California's Largest Source for Bonda Po~er· Equipment· -Parts a_nd Inventory IF WE DONT HAVE IT, NO ONE ·DOES! ~heck Our Website::&--· www Kawaguchi Honda Corp. . , . . 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angel·es, CA ·90063 No~ S easier. 13231 264-3936. 264-5858 • FAX 13231 264-2136 For Optimum performance and safety. we reoommend you read the owners manual before operating your Honda Power Equ.,ment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possi>le injury to power <Xlf11lllllY personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. © 2003 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 4-20-41 •Z·108 July 2003 Dusty Times

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Charlie Peltzer raced in Baja for the first time in his JeepSpeed = ....... -.._.......c._....::__...:~'------'-----------' Cherokee, and went home with second place, only a rriinute and Jerry Penhall and L. J. Kennedy teamed in a Penhall to take second eight seconds behind the winning car. ,_pl_a_ce~in_t_h_e_S_C~O_R_E_L~ite_cl_a~ss~-~~---~~---~~ Mario Reynoso and Roberto Jimenez, Jr. ran with their old, tired motor and worried about it, but it worked well enough to help them get second place in Class 5-1600. Golden's co-driver, Jason Hatz, and had been playing catch-up Jimco from Mile 280 to the finish, in a Mirage, also got to the finish was three minutes further back. he ever since. They also had brake but earned 12th place. Seven min- line, but he was about 16 minutes also had an alternator light that problems, but they still managed a utes later it was Roberto Romo and overtime and it didn't count. was buggin' him. The Navarretes nice fifth place finish. The Fletcher Victor Lugo. Romo started the day Class 7S was next to go. There and Davila ran fifth, another 12 brothers had one flat besides the by rolling the car at Mile 5, and were three trucks and Pete Sohren minutes back, and the Fletchers. ignition trouble, and finished sixth. they also had a flat and had to and his Dodge led for as far as he were still sixth, four minutes later. In seventh it was the Robles, have their front torsion adjuster got. He was over an hour in front In this section they lost two more nephew and uncle, who'd tipped welded. of Bob Lund and Jim Winovitch entries with the demise of Fran-the car on its side late in the day. In 14th place it was Hiram and in their Chevy S-10 when they went cisco Pacheco and Bill Stoner. Now The Navarretes and Carlos Davila Eric Duran in a Neth, and in 15th, through Check 4 at about Mile 93, there were 18 still moving. had an easy day up until the last Bill Hanson and Francisco near Catarina. Schren then went Pfankuch finally decided that a section. Then they peeled back the Fernandez in a Mayoral. The 16th through Check 5, which was past bad ground must have caused the front skid pan, and in order to finisher was the team of Brent Mike's but not to Simpsons. He alternator light, and he just ig- keep the entire thing from coming Parkhouse and Todd Huffaker. never got all the way out of the nored it from that point on. He off, they'd wr·apped a come along Huffaker holds the distinction of hills. Land and Winovitch were out still had the loosening ram, but and tie-down completely around having rolled their Mirage two sepa-somewhere after Catarina, and nothing else went wrong, and he the car, anchoring it on the top rate times, and he was also stuck the third truck, the Toyota of Bob avoided flat tires, to get the win somehow, to preserve most of the in the silt. The last finisher was the Graham and Mike Horner, was for himself and Allen. Hendrick-pan. Still, driver and co-driver had team of Mike Leung and Brent uncharacteristically out before get-son, with bad brakes after he went open space beneath their feet. They McKee in a Dunrite. They came in ting to the first check. through Uruapan, ran off the said they "finished like the with no right front wheel and tire, Class 7Sx started next, almost road a time or two, but still main-"Flintstones." throwing sparks and not stopping indistinguishable from the 7S tained a good pace, and earned In ninth place it was Bill to talk about it. Carlos Escobedo, group they used to be a part of. second place for himself and Lawrence, Ramon Aguilar, who Steele. In third it was the Bios and rolled over four times, and Al-Gutierrez, who admitted to roll- fonso Varo, only five minutes out ing the car over at Alamo. He said of eighth. Scharf and Bonanni he lost about four minutes. They dropped back to 10th. while were six minutes behind second Mickey and Jeff Quade, who'd lost place. In fourth it was Golden and two hours with broken spring Hatz. Hatz had tried to fix his al-plates on their Mirage, made it ternator problem, and he said his back in 11th place, in spite of day was "long". Brian Jeffrey and Mickey putting the car on its side Kash Vessels, in a Dunrite, had about three miles before the fin-broken a hydraulic line at about ish. Jose Estalano and Daniel Guti-Mile 100, before the Goat Trail. errez had water in their distribu-They' d lost an hour making repairs tor and had bad brakes on their Brian Ickier picked veteran Brian Ewalt as a co-driver for this race and the two took the SCORE Lite win in their Jimco. Mark Miller and Ryan Arciero had the overall lead for most of the day. but fuel pump problems cost them a lot of time and they dropped back, still getting the Trophy Truck win in the Chevy. • Dusty Times Damen Jefferies wins overallatNevadalOOO on Team Gordon Wlleels 17" RG.O 1 race wheel available in 0 race lock or street lock for oil Chevrolet and Ford truck applications 15" RG.02 race wheel available in race lock or street lock for VW applications. 7" and 3.5" widths available. Specializing in Off-Road wheels*, ~~~Y.,!'~~!,!md steering systems. July 2003 There were only two, and Perry McNeil, Jr. in a Ford, dropped our before Check 1. Daniel Fresh, one of the more determined drivers we've met, drove his Jeep Comanche the entire distance, get-ting stuck, doing some shoveling and pushing and repairing a bro-ken track bar. He made it in for the win, in 17 hours and four min-utes. Good job. The biggest class in the race was the 5-1600 with 27 starters. They seemed to go on forever. But some of them hardly went at all. Hector and Ruben Garcia were out be-fore Check 1, and so was Eduardo Orozco, but the rest of them went on. At the Killiwas turnoff the lead belonged to Alan Gregory, last year's champ. He had three min-utes on Danny Ledezma who ran Continued on page 17 Team Gordon 2980 East Miraloma Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone(714)632-0013 Fax (714) 632-0311 TEAMGORDON.COM -! Page 17

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Jose Robles and his uncle, Jose L. Robles, had their car tipped over Dave Ashley and Dan Smith ran near the front in their Ford for a while on its side at one point, but held things together for a seventh place George Seeley and Bruce Anderson teamed up to take second but when the alternator fell off they had to make repairs. They were finish in 1-211600. · place in Class 5, driving from Mile 40 with no power steering. fifth in the Trophy Truck class. second. In third it was Marcos about an hour off the pace. a throttle cable at Ojos Negros, way down -to- t-;h_e_p_o_w__,e_r-=--s-ta-t-,-io- n--m-a1-· o-r- t-ro- u7b..,.le- . ..,.M--,--,ik=-e- S=-a-cb:--a-re_s_e Nunez and Norberto Rivera, an-Now they headed down out of and they had a flat rear tire, but near Valle de Trinidad with the car drove the second half, and as he other minute back, and in fourth the hills toward the cooler beach they moved along at a good rate in that condition. They made re-neared the finish line he said he it was Jason Lakin, already having weather. That was a two and a half and took the win, finishing at pairs there and went on, his cousin "drove i~ circles" because all the some brake problems. Fifth place hour trip if things went well, and about 10 after 10 p.m. with a time Mario Ledezma driving, and then markers had been removed. But belonged to Miguel Rosales and as long as four hours if something of 12:31 : 14. In second it was broke an axle. They also had a flat. he did finally find his way in. They RobertoGreen.Andinsixthitwas was not quite right. Nunez and ReynosoandJiminez,pleasedthat They finished their day in tenth got the win, with a time o f Carlos Rascon another four min- Rivera had the lead at Uruapan, the old spare motor had worked place. 17:24:18. utes back. Bill Gereghty, who used still fussing with their carburetor. all the way. They were just 15 min- In 11th place it was the team of Class 9 started next. There were to wave the green and checkered Reynoso' s co-driver, Rob i no utes behind the winning car. The Dave Collier, Ed Fries and Dave six entries, but only five made it flags at SCORE races, didn't make Jiminez, Jr., was now driving and Arambulas were third, 11 minutes Harris. Collier had rolled the car, through the first four checkpoints it to Mile 124, and was feeling a he held on to second place. They later, followed in by Lakin and and did a pretty good job of mess-and on to Mile 124 where our un-little discouraged. He's been rac-were hoping their motor would Cunningham, who lost a position ing it up. Their time was 15:31. In official timers kept track. Luis Gue-ing his car for about a year and a hold out. It seems they'd blown when they rolled the car about 12th it was Arnulfo and Aron vara and Federico Montes, in a half now and hasn't finished yet. their good motor on Friday, and seven miles before the finish. Valenzuela, and -then Carlos Tubular Designs chassis and usu-He says he has a lot more respect had to install the "old, tired spare." They'd hit a bit of soft sand while Rascon was 13th. Brent and Chris ally there at the finish, were miss-for these racers than he used to. So far it was running well. In third making a turn, and gone over. Shermak spent 16 hours and six ing. Eric Fisher, in a Garibay, was Hector Garcia didn't make it to it was Lakin's co-driver, Todd Cun-Happily, there were spectators minutes getting to the finish, and leading with about five minutes on Mile 124 either. ningham, still fighting brake prob-there to help them right the car. Greg Ferruzzo and Steve Landis Tim Hanna and Jeff Van De Veere, It took this group anywhere !ems. Ruben Gutierrez and his co-They were only a minute and 13 were just seven minutes shy of 17 in a Porter. Arturo Velazco ran from three hours to four and a driver, Victor Herrera, who was seconds behind the third place car. hours. In 16th place it was En-third in his Chenowth about an-half hours to get up past Mike's now driving, had moved into In fifth it was Gutierrez and rique and Marco Troncoso, and other six minutes back. and back down again. When they fourth. Gutierrez had been hit by Herrera. Herrera reported being the 1,;istfinisherwasAlonsoAngulo Hanna and Van De Vee re arrived it was Nunez and Rivera in a Protruc_k and his back had been stuck several times, and with no re-and Fernando Montero, who didn't make it through the moun-the lead, even though they were injured. It also got him stuck, and verse it had been hard to get out. came close to the deadline, with a rains, and when the group came having carburetor problems. In sec-in trying to get out he'd broken He said his navigator had to get finish time of 17:49:08. back around the Velazco car was ond it was Mario Reynoso who'd reverse. Robles was fifth now, only out and push. They were only ten In the Stock Full class the two in front about 11 minutes ahead already been stuck a couple of 30 seconds later, and Tito and minutes behind fourth place. entries both got through the ofFisher,whowassoloingtherace. times. He was six minutes back. Adolfo Arambula, who drove the Rosales finished sixth, about a Killiwas turnoff, and at that point He had to add oil, and he'd also Then came Lakin, another four middle section, ·were now up to half hour later, followed in by the Mark Handley, Ford F-150 was been stuck. Now Eliseo Garcia was minutes down, followed by Rosales sixth. They'd had alternator prob- Robles, just a minute and 28 sec-· about 34 minutes in front of John third, about 50 minutes down, in in fourth place and then Rascon !ems, and a total of three flat tires. onds further back. In eighth place Griffin in his Hummer. Griffin had a homemade chassis. Tony Modica in fifth. Marcos Robles ran sixth. Jesse Lopez, Jose Garcia and Allan it was Daniel Lopez, with a time of already had a flat, which is a ma-ran fourth, almost another hour He was a little more than a half Gregory all failed to make it to 14 hours and 23 minutes, and he jor problem with a Hummer. down. hour behind the leader, and there Uruapan. was followed by Enrique Gamboa, At Race Mile 174, or Check 5, Fisher kept moving right along, were 15 cars behind him still mov-These folks had been on the Roberto Avajos, who rolled the Handley had almost an hour on and by Uruapan he was back in ing along. But Maria · alazar didn't road upwards of nine hours by car, and Alberto Avalos. Danny the Hummer, but then he never the lead. Experience counts for a get back down, nor did David now, and it was rapidly becoming Ledezma, who'd been second for a got to Check 6. The Hummer lot in Baja, and he's got years of Hiriat. And Allan Gregory, who'd dark. They had 110 miles to go. while, had broken a spring plate sailed on, occasionally welding racing down here. Also luck. Abel had such a good start, now ran Nunez and Rivera had to replace . up near Mike's and drove all the their cracked A-arm, but with no Velazco rolled his car on the beach, and while he didn't lose much time, thanks to the specta-tors, he did lose all his top lights. Garcia and his co-driver, Michael Crichton, had a halljoint prob-lem, but held third place, and Modica was now within 20 min-utes of them. Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera had carburetor and throttle cable trouble with their 5/1600 car, but still managed to take the win in the biggest class of the race. Alan Pflueger did all the driving in his Chevrolet Protruck, went into the lead by Check 3 and just stayed there to take the class win by 17 minutes. Fisher moved steadily ahead and took the win, having used seven or eight liters of oil along the. way. He was only 20 minutes in front of the Velazcos who finished second. In third it was Crichton and Garcia. Garcia, who is the Director of COTUCO, Baja's Convention and Visitor's Bureau, is the son of the gentleman who was the Delegate of Tourism in the NORRA days and was directly in-strumental in bringing off road Scott Steinberger and Jesse Jones lost the power steering on their Eric Solorzano and Miguel Haro broke a spindle and lost a lot of time, Steve Sourapas and Rod Muller had a serious problem with the front Ford Trophy Truck, and had to wait for the parts to get to them. They but still took second place in Class 11. of their Porter Trophy Truck, but after repairs they finished fourth. _fin_,_.sh_ed __ s,_)<_th_. __________________ _ Page 18 July 2003 Dusty Times

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l Dave Sykes and Tony McCormack had only a broken brake line to Brian Stewart did all the driving in his Ford Protruck, had some mar the day in their Chevy Class 8 truck, and they took second Arturo and Abel Velazco drove their Chenowth Class 9 car to second trouble with stuck traffic, and finished his day third. ,._pl_a_c_e. _______________ ~~---~-place in spite of rolling it on the coast. · racing to Baja. It's nice to know ken driveshaft. Baja veterans Billy suits of his first race in Mexico, had When they headed down to-through the first checkpoint at the family still enjoys the sport. Bunch and John Kearney were beaten third place by an hour and ward the Pacific shore, Haro had Mile 39, but didn't make it to Mile Tony Modica didn't make it to the running about fifth, not as well as . 40 minutes. The Curries were next taken over for Solorzano, and 52. finish. expected; though we never learned (Cody, at age 17, probably the maintained their · lead into The final car to take the green Class 3 started next, and why. At this point the Currie fam- youngest Jeep Speed racer), talked Uruapan, where they had 45 min- flag was the second generation fi-though there were only two trucks, ily, brothers Ray and Cody, and about their problems but still said utes on tne Flores/Mexia team berglass bodied Manxter driven by the race was a good one. Alejandro cousin Brandon, had broken a they'd enjoyed it. Thomasson and who'd had three flat tires. its designer, Bruce Meyers. At 77 Cancino, in an Explorer, got an fuel line with a rock, and they were Skilton were fourth, the last team But just past Uruapan Haro years of age he was certafoly the early lead and stayed in front of also having computer problems, to finish, just 40 minutes shy of broke a spindle, and that cost him most senior person on the entry Gerardo Barragan and Mark and were down on power. the cut off time. an hour and a half. The Flores/ list. Unfortunately, the Manxter Benoit in their Land Rover. But it They all made it back through In Class 11 there were five start- Mexia car went on by towards the got seriously stuck (the silt must was a lead of only a few moments. Valle de Trinidad, and Thompson ers, but Hector Sarabia and finish. They found the final section have been really deep by the time One flat or one "stuck" and things still led, with nearly 50 minutes on Esteban Ruiz, who usually go all to be very dusty and tricky, and he got there) and in order to get would change. Unfortunately, Peltzer, who'd been stuck up be- the way, didn't even get to the first were stuck in a creek about a mile out he tried backing up, then both cars are recorded as never hind Mike's. The Curries were checkpoint. Another early DNF before the finish, but made it in to ended high-centered on a rock. getting to the sixth checkpoint at third, another hour down, fol- was Colt Meling, part of the illus- take the win. Solozano and Haro, With no one coming behind him M Ile 2 7 6, though they went lowed by Frey, then Thomasson trious family from up in the moun- now with bad brakes, came in sec, he was probably shonof help. At through Check 5, Mile 174, up and Bunch and Kearney. rains, who got through the third ond, only 27 minutes down. They any rate, he ran out -of time, and past Mike's Sky Ranch, within 16 Heading for the beach, some checkpoint, but not to Catarina said they'd had good radio com- his waiting co-drivers, Dave Diet-minutes of one another. So Class ran into trouble. Frey and the at Mile 93. Jorge Rodriguez got munication all day, and that had rich, John •castillo and Rafael 3 had no finishers. Bunch/Kearney car never got through Catarina but was out of helped when they needed parts or Navarro were all sorely disap-The Jeep Speed class is new to there. But Thompsc;m was leading time before he reached the next repairs. As always, the Class 11 pointed. Meyers would like to have SCORE, although they've been by almost an hour as Peltzer checkpoint, although he kept go- teams demonstrated terrific driv- more of these cars join in the fun, competing in Southern California knocked a brake line off. The Cur- ing., He went through the Power ing skills, knowledge of the penin-and make a SCORE class out of events for a couple of years. They des were still having computer Station area near Valle de sula and a fierce determination to them for future Baja races. usually have two divisions, one Pro problems, but still thought the Trinidad at about eight p.m., way get to the finish. SCORE's next effort will be the and one Sportsman, but for this race was "so fun." And . too late to even imagine a finish Nextto go were the Sportsman Henderson race in Henderson, race they were all lumped together. Thomasson, who'd lost a steering being possible. trucks, both Fords. Luis Valdez Nevada on the 10th of July. There They're all Jeep Cherokees, street box at Mile 150 and a motor But Hernando and Mario and Ricardo Castanon both made will be no bikes and quads there legal, and the differences between mount at Mile 170, felt that he'd Flores and Miguel Mexia had a it all the way through Check 5, at this year, just cars and trucks, and the Pros and Sportsmen are not spent a lot of time on repairs, and good race with Eric Solorzano and Race Mile 174, but neither of them the word is that the race is planned great. A few had raced in Baja in ran fourth, and last. Miguel Haro. It was Solorzano in got back down to Valle de to start in the pre-dawn hours to their Jeeps in other classes, so they Thompson lost time in the last front at Mile 124, with. 18 min-Trinidad. Castanon had gone intQ try to avoid the worst of the hot weren't all rookies. Eight of them section and Peltzer didn't. At the utes on the Flores/Mexia team. So-the lead by·Check 3, with jusr a weather. started, and one of the first to go finish it was so close they had to lorzano reported a flat and a minute on Valdez and had gradu- After that there will be just two out was the sad case of Scott wait for the scorekeepers to print loose shock as his only problems. ally moved out until he was 26 SCORE races left in the season: VanBoerum, who'd driven his Jeep out the official times before they He was still in front when they minutes in front when they both the Primm 300 in September and all the way out from New Jersey, could tell who'd won. It ~as Th- came back down out of the moun-disappeared. the Baja 1000 in November, which stopping here and there on the way ompson by a minute and eight sec- tains, four and a half hours later, There was only one Sportsman will start and finish in Ensenada to pick up parts or have things in-onds. Peltzer; pleased,with the re-but now he had only five minutes. Buggy, and driver Bob Carr got this year. · stalled. He still had a lot of work to do when he got here, and the rest of the competitors all helped in various ways to get him ready for the race. He was very excited and a total rookie, never having raced at all, not to mention in Baja. Unfortunately, he didn't even get to the first checkpoint, which was at Mile 39. Sad story. The rest of them all went on. At Mile 124 Barrie Thompson had the lead, although he'd been stuck in the silt for an hour and 50 min-utes. Apparently most of them had some trouble with the silt. In sec-ond place it was Clive Skilton and Steve Thomasson, about 23 min-utes back, followed by William Frey. Peltz~r was another 25 min-utes back after repairing his bro-.. .. :,,,:-Barrie Thompson drove all the way in his JeepSpeed Cherokee, and took the win by only one minute and 8 seconds. Nick and Larry Vanderwey and Curt LeDuc made a great team, bringing their GMC Sierra truck back to the finish line as Class 8 winner for the ~ time running at the 500 . Gus Vildosola and Rob MacCachren had the lead in their Ford Trophy Mark and Gary Weyhrich had shock problems late in the day, but for Lobsam and Eli Yee shared the driving in the Honda powered Jimco Truck for a while, but a broken track bar cost them in several ways. the most part their day was clean and they finished fourth in their and although they had no power steering part of the way, they finished They finished third. Chevy powered Jimco. _in_s_ec_o_n_d~p_la_c_e_in_C_la_s_s_10~·--------------Dusty Times July 2003 Page 19

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WRC RALLY ARGENTINA Gronholm conquers south America-B-y Martin Photos: Maurice Selden Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautiainen ford a water crossing on their way to a great victory in their Peugeot 406 in Argentina. After the disappointment of having his win at last year's Ar-gentine rally disallowed Marcus Gronholm produced an incred-ible drive following a broken sus-pension problem on the fitst day. Having been lm, 22sccs behind· leader Carlos Sainz, Gronholm went on to win the rally, his third win of 2003 and his 15th WCR victory. Sainz lost the rally through a strange misunderstand-ing at a time control between himself and his co-driver and was penalized a minute, making Gronholm's win a lot easier. This 44th WCR win for Peugeot puts them ahead of Toyota a!}d Ford. Richard Burns finished third, even though he had an unlucky final day, but he still leads in points for drivers. Ford was all pumped up when Markko Mar-tin held the lead on the final morning, but he was forced to re-tire. With Toshihiro Arai winning the Production Car category, and with Gronholm winning overall for the second consecutive rally, there was a. feeling of deja vue to the rest.Its in Argentina. This was a gravel Special stage event run on hard sandy surfaces at high altitude. The special char-acteristics of this event are: in the mornings, in or after wet condi-tions, a lot of water crossings, and, in poor conditions, chances of fog on the higher stages. After considerable pre-event rains, the route, which should not nave been as rough as expected, was to be just as bad as before, with rocks in the roads expected to be a haz- . ard. Based at Villa Carlos Paz, a lakeside r.esort on the western edg::-of the pampas, this was the only 2003 WC rally to run in the Americas. It was also the first rally this year to have received an entry of over 90 cars. All the stages were to be run north of Villa Carlos Paz, but there was also to be a return to the fast stages in the south, last used in 1997. The no-testing rule in this country had made most teams come up with an alternate testing site that would be close to Argentina's conditions. Peugeot did their testing in Portugal, Cit-roen was also ready to test there but heavy fog caused them to move to Spain for their testing. Ford had also tested in Portugal while Subaru tested in Spain. The Production car teams had really big problems getting their cars from New Zealand to Argen-tina. Air freight was finally ar-ranged, thanks to the NZ orga-nizers. However, instead of a 747 freighter, the plane was an Air-bus 340 and the cars wouldn't fit, they were too big for the plane. So, the cars were made smaller by cutting out the rear bulkhead for the flight and then welding them back again on ar-rival. New Zealander Possum Bourne, three time Asia Pacific Rally Champion was seriously in-jured in an accident before the Race To The Sky hill climb and was hospitalized with badly bro-ken legs and head injuries. The injuries were found to be more serious than first believed, and sadly, he passed away on April 30. As the crews gathered, it was incredible how much emotion was shown over the Bourne tragedy. There was a one minute silence at the pre-event press conference in memory of Bourne. Peugeot driv-ers wore black arm bands and the FIA granted a simple, but delight-ful sticker to be carried by all the PCWRC drivers, saying that Pos-sum was a "Great Kiwi Bloke"! The Subarus carried a caricature . of a Kiwi on· the doors and the end plates of their rear wings. Gardemeister was off to a bad start. On the way to recce the first stage the engine quit. on his Skoda. Back to base for the spare car. Then, the spare car broke the motor mounts, no spare cars for him to use. He went and rented a Carlos Sainz and Marc Marti pushed hard in their Citroen Xsara but second was their lot, 26 seconds out of the win. car, a Deewoo Lanos. ·He asked the Marshals if there would be any objection to running the stages without the required OPS system. They said they would al-low him to run but they would have to report the situation. As a result, he received a one minute penalty before the event even started. Leg 1 -Thirteen stages, gravel, 17 5kms. The weather was nice and it promised to be clear for the next three days. First of all there. was a group of foui: stages which had not been used for many years and there was a lot of trouble right from the start of the rally with Marshals who were badly trained. Suddenly, the face of the rally turned sour. There were lots of wrong times and con-siderable discontent among the top drivers. The times of the stages were ·checked by the co-driv-ers· and hardly any of them were a·ccurate, some being off by 10-15 seconds. Burns did the first loop with no difficulty, Gron-holm had no trouble either. Sebastien Loeb had no problems. Colin McRae had a bad start to the first stage, the car didn't stall but it took a long time for the car to pick up cleanly. Both Markko Martin and Tommi Maki-nen suffered flats on the first stage. Mikke Hirvonen's car lost power and was vibrating heavily. Shortly after the start of Stage 5 Petter Solberg slid off the road on a fast bend and ended up bal-anced across the road, the car on its side. Some spectators ran down to help them right the car and he continued on, sans truck lid and rear wing. Sainz had power steering problems and Freddy Loix stopped on Stage 6 and lost a lot of time. Seems a sensor had failed, causing the en-gine to run in the wrong mode and the engineers decided to with-draw the car. Rovanpera had a flat on Stage 3 and started Stage 6 with absolutely no air in one of his tires. Auriol was having severe shock absorber troubles. For Stages 7-9, the competi-tion moved more to the south. Gronholm was leading Sainz by 14.9 seconds and was pulling away. But, by the end of Stage 7 Carlos was in the lead. Gronholm hit a rock on Stage 9 and broke the left rear suspension, continu-ing with the suspension collapsed. On Stage 8, Auriol hit a rock, the steering wheel flicked and hurt his hand. His co-driver had to change gears for people. Firstly for M_akinen, on Stage 8. On the very same corner where his gear-box broke last year, the gearbox broke.again ahd he had to drive to the end of the stage, and through Stage 9 stuck in second gear. McRae sm_elled something burning, smoke was coming from the transmission tunnel. He pulled over and put out the fire. He restarted and the same thing happened again. They again put. the fire out and walked back up the rally course to warn other competitors that the car was parked there, but, the car was not as well parked as they thought, because it started to move across the route of the rally. It was Armin Schwarz who had the shock of finding h~s route blocked by a pilotless burning Citroen crossing the road ahead of him. The car came top a halt · and completely burned itself to the ground. Sainz spun on Stage 9 but continued to hold the lead. · To conclude the day, the first loop of four stages was repeated. The stages had not gone away as much as was expected but there were still a lot of stones on the course. Burns came through, rear window smashed, rear wing miss-ing, making the handling of the Peugeot quite difficult. Gronholm's mechanics had re-paired the rear suspension but the car was really not going· straight-and it was getting worse, waiting for a full· repair that evening. Martin w_as climbing up the charts, sixth on Stage 4, fifth on Stage 5, sixth on the fourth stage, third on the seventh stage, fastest on Stage 10 and after Stage 13, he had risen to second place, de-spite gearbox troubles on Stage 9. Through the water, Richard Burns .a.nd Robert Reid were third overall in their More water, Toni Gardemeister and Paavo Lukander sailed their Skoda Octavia to P~ugeot 20(?,,the.ir__g,r_e-twp fi,:,ish spojJed.~ • .;;,·. ·> '"· • __ , .• . • s.ever,tb. Rlace ori•tfle.Afgentine rally,_'·~:..·_; . · :': :.... ·• . . ,,:.._-~ • .-c:• Solberg was also pulling up, by Stage 8 he was up to 11th place and_ was in seventh place after Stage 10. Then he had a major scare on Stage 13, ·n the middle of a-flat out, sixth gear. section they came across a boul-der in the middle of the road, clearly put there by spectators. "It was the size of a suitcase" said Phil Mills.-"and, unless they can 1

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r Toshihiro Arai and Tony Sircombe drove their Subaru lmprefa to the Petter Solberg and Philip, Mills drove their Subaru lmpreza to fifth Didier Auriol and Denis·Giraudet fly across a stage on their way to a win in PCWRC and a powerful f1I' overall. overall in the Argentine Rally. _ sixth place finish at the only WRC rally in the Americas. control the spectators somebody ing. Frisiero was the last of the the category. clusion was that the official das-ers. Gronholm had an official is going to be badly hurt." Maki-runners, he lost-time with over-Leg 2 -Six stages, gravel, sification at the end of the first change of time for Stage 7 and nen had his gearbox changed but heating (forgot to shut off the 98kms. The second day started leg was not far from the truth, that meant that he had in fact had lost too much time to ever fans for a water crossing), but a with a lot of concern into why but it certainly was not an exact been leading on both Stages 7 be competitive. So, at day's end, broken rear suspension piece re-the timing· problems had hap-representation of the perfor-and 8 before he had his prob-Sainz led Martin, then·came Ro-tired him; eight runners left in pened the day before. The con-mance of the cars and their driv-Continued on page 22 vanpera and Loeb. · · The Production Car category witnessed a serious thing when Al-Wahaibi never turned up at the restart. His co-driver was waiting for him but there is still a mystery as to exactly what caused Al-Wahaibi to stay in the hotel and then leave Argentina quickly. Ligato took an early lead in front of his home crowd. Singh hit a rock on Stage 5, placed there by spectators and several drivers landed very heavily after a jump on Stage 5. Ligato lost the lead and although he managed to reach the start of Stage 6, his engine quit and would not fire, so he was forced to retire. Ferreyros retired with a broken radiator. Arai took the lead in his Subaru. McShea had a flat on Stage 6 and a broken brake line as a result. Patrick Richard had to change a gear-box before he started, his car jumping out of gear on the Su-perspecial. Matrini lost turbo pressure, then his engine quit and he withdrew. · Arai maintained his lead through the second loop of stages. Geradzhiev retired with engine problems on Stage 8. Singh's mechanics were able to get quite a lot of repairs carried out on his damaged Proton af-ter his earlier accident, but then he lost time on Stage 9 with over-heating. Trivino lost three min-utes when his car stopped, pre-sumably with an electrical prob-lem, and could not be restarted. Spectators pushed him and even-tually it did start. By the arrival at the next Service Park, of the 16 PCWRC contenders V:,ho had started, only nine were still run-ning. Singh said that for the last group of stages, the car was about 80% repaired,-but the steering was still out of line. Arai suffered cracked brake discs when he went through a water crossing. McShea broke his gear-box on Stage 13 and arrived at service with only third and fifth gears left, but-he had still man-aged to climb up to second place in the category because Daniel Sola had to drive all but two ki-lometers of Stage 13 with a flat rear tire. Manfrinato dropped back one place, to fourth, after a couple of flat tires. Errani was having engine overheating prob-lems and in fact had stopped in the middle of a stage to add wa-ter but the head was changed at ser.vice and all was_ well again. Singh was going well and Trivino .hit a-rock.and damaged the ·steer-contingency $100cash + $400 product . Lightforce's new HID Blitz is the most powerful and efficient light in the off-road world. HID Blitz features a 9.5-inch parabolic reflector and draws the equivalent of a 35 watt bulb. Shatterproof, waterproof and lightweight polycarbonate construction ensures rugged durability from a unit weighing half -that of competitors. An integrated ballast-the first of its kind in off-road-makes installation easy. Our trademark filter system allows you to change the color or pattern of the beam in seconds. The brightest light, most durable, most versatile and easiest to install. .. This is no poser. HID Blitz rocks! www.lightforce.~om • (208) 476-9814 P.O. Box 9.-Orofino. ID 83544

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'i I r I Splashing to an eighth overall finish is the Ford Focus RS of Francois Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen pass some gauchos in their Karamjit Singh and Allen Oh Mal, last years PCWRC champion had Duval and Stephane Prevot, it does keep the car clean. Ford Focus RS, they finished 1 fJI' in Argentina. to settle for third in category in their Proton Pert. lems on Stage 9. Makinen and explained to the journalists that the road. Manfrinato's engine lem. Burns went into second In the PCWRC on the first Loeb also had some minor ad-the timing problems which had wouldn't start due to electrical place on this stage when Sainz group of stages Singh had a flat justments made to their times. been encountered had been in problems and he incurred a 20 lost a few seconds with misfiring and dropped back behind Sola. Corrado Provera, the Team prin-the initial training of the mar-second penalty. On Stage 17 De after a water crossing, but then On Stage 23, McShea retired cipal for Marlboro Peugeot To-shals, a routine exercise carried Dominicis hurt his left rear sus-on the final stage there was a when the intercooler was dam-tal was very angry. He said there out a month or so before the pension, had a flat tire and problem with his Peugeot's fresh aged after a bad landing. Arai had been far too many mistakes event, hindered in this case be-broke a brake caliper. Arai con-air system, which lost boost pres-cruised to the finish someway on this rally already. That Mar-cause training equipment was tinued on his winning way. sure and a very angry crew ar-now ahead of Sola with Singh, cus had a wrong time on 3 and 7 held up in Argentine customs and Leg 3 -Six stages, gravel, rived back in third place. Gron-the reigning champion, in third and that everybody had bad not available for the training. l05kms. The day started with a holm eased his pace on the final place. . times on 6. He also said that the The event continued, almost two surprise as Tommi Makinen did stage. Duval got to the final ser-At the post event press con-crews were very upset. hours late with a group of three not go to the restart. He calcu- vice park with the oil pressure ference there was a feeling of re, Then as the second leg tarted, stages at the southern end of the lated that being he was in 15th alarms ringing in the car, and lief that the misunderstandings more difficulties arose. Three route. Gronholm passed team-position he had no chance to also suffering with hydraulic of the earlier part of the rally drivers, Hirvonen, Makinen and mate Rovanpera, who was hav-climb into a points paying posi-problems as well. The Ford team had been cleared up. Provera Gardemeister went through ing power steering problems, tion. It was later discovered that discovered that the alarms were said, "The organizers must be Stage 14 (the opening stage of originally thought to be a gear-he was heading home to eel- false and he safely reached the congratulated on the way they the day), and then the stage was box problem. The box was ebrate the birth of another son finish. Solberg, in the now last succeeded in keeping the event cancelled on the advice of the changed after Stage 16, then it to the family. Martin was lead-remaining Subaru, on the fi:nal together and in a correct length." FIA Safety Officer. He could see became clear this was not the ing by 15.2 seconds and Gron-stage lost his brakes. When asked if he could have what was happening as the re-problem. Gardemeister was hav-holm was thinking it shouldn't The events of the final day, beaten Gronholm, Carlos said, verse order of the event was tak-ing hydraulic pressure problems, be too difficult to pressure Mar-however, must have made bad "Gronholm is in terrible form ing effect. This meant that the his teammate Auriol said that his tin into a mistake. Guess what? reading for Tommi Makinen, and he is unbeatable in this car, spectators who were in well shock absorbers were seizing. Martin came to a stop on Stage whose decision, which seemed so but remember this is only our placed positions for the slower Martin was trying to keep up with 21 when the oil light came on safe to abandon at the end of third gravel rally with the Cit-drivers would move, and as Sainz. On Stage 18 he hit a berm and the engine started to lose the second leg proved disas-roen, we are gaining a lot of ex-faster drivers were coming, start that pulled a tire off and on 19 power. So Gronholm inherited trously wrong and Subaru lost a perience and we are optimistic to edge forward, ignoring the he had gear selection troubles the lead with Sainz now doing point as a result. But, let's not for the future." Strangest of all warnings of the police. So three and at the end of the loop he his best to fight off the challenge be too harsh. It's not every day was that the winning margin of drivers made Stage 14beforeit was 32 seconds behind the byBurns. thatyourwifegivesyouasecond 18secondscouldwellhavebeen ·,;as stopped. Then came Stage 15 leader. On the first group of two son and no doubt Tommi will be · only eight seconds but for the in-md eight drivers ran through The organizers had decided stages Duval had gearbox back with more fervor in the ter~ention of the new Peugeot this completely before it was can-how to rearrange the rally and it troubles and started to fall back. near future. team manager Nie Gullino, who celled. In the case 9f Stage 14 the was on account of approaching He arrived at service with only Two private drivers did well to challenged the organizers on a organizers cancelled all timing, darkness that Stages 21 and 22 first and second gears still re-finish. Gabriel Raies celebrated wrong time and had access to in-but in the case of Stage 15, they were not to be run as scheduled maining. The big debate with the end of his career on his 45th car video proof that he was gave Gronholm's fastest time to on the Saturday night but in-three stages left to run was birthday after 27 years in compe-right. Also, the misunderstand-all the WRC drivers who had not stead the cars were going to re-whether or not Burns would be tition in 10th place in his Toyota ing with the FIA's Safety Officer tackled the stage and the other start earlier than scheduled on able to pass Sainz for second Corolla WRCar, as well as being about the security of the stages seven drivers had their real and the Sunday morning. Those miss-place. On the final group of the best Argentine driver at the was a terrible disappointment slower times. Not a realistic situ-ing stages would be run at that three stages Armin Schwarz, run-finish. Antony Warmbold drove for the spectators, but fortu-ation. One curious effect of the time instead. The cars went to ning comfortably in the points his Ford Focus to 11th although nately the rally eventually all artificial times on Stage 15 was service before Stage 20, now the zone, stopped near the end of he had some electrical problems came good for the competitors that Solberg (who did not tackle final stage of the second leg, and 0S,:;:ta~g:,:;e;..;,2:!,4_;w:.!.!it!!h~an~e;!n!!gi.!i!!n.;e..Jp~r~o:.!b:-_~o!!n..!t!!h.;e~s,;ec~o~n~d~d;:a!y.:.... _____ _:;,:th:,:e;!m!!!se:.!l!v.;es~.------·•----~!lt the stage) rose to seventh, ahead Sainz entered the service area one r of Duval (who did take the minute early by mistake. He was ;,tage). More debate happened as awarded a one minute penalty to whether Stage 16 could be which dropped him to fourth run, and, in the end it started a place, giving the lead of the rally little under two hours late. In to Martin, but by the end of the the end, 16 was run, safely. day he had risen past Burns into Gronholm finally managed to third place. move up a place into fifth, Loeb The final stage of the day was falling back to sixth. The only very dusty and it was a contin-top driver with troubles was Gar-ued chance for Gronholm to demeister who drove the stage pull back more time. Martin had with a broken right rear drive-a clear run and at the end of the shaft. Gronholm arrived at ser- leg Gronholm led by 15 seconds. vice after 16 with a broken wind-Duval's brakes locked up and it shield and a trailing sump guard. wasn't long before he had no General opinion in the Ser-brakes at all. vice Park was that the organizers In the PCWRC the top posi-were becoming increasingly un-tions remained unchanged. lucky on this event. The gravel Singh now had a car with which note crews who had passed the he was happy and in one stage stages an hour and a half before he had jumped from fifth to the rally cars reported that they third, passing Sola who was hav-saw nothing which gave them any ing transmission problems and cause for safety concern. And, was also down on power. De Hirvonen, and the other two Dominicis was down on power, drivers who had done all three Trivino was running on three cyl-stages, none of them felt there inders and Errani reported a was a security problem. Armin successful engine repair over-Schwarz noted that in all the night, but smoke was coming into years he had been competing in the car. Some of the stages were this rally, never had the specta-quite rough and Arai went care-tors been so well behaved. fully but McShea had some As the cars eventually left for bending of the rear- suspension the second loop of the day it was as a result of the pounding from Page 22 23RD Rally Argentina 8/11 May 2003 Villa Carlos Paz (RA) WC round 5 PCWRC round 3 WC points WR WD PC 1 (1) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot206 206NDQ75 (F) . 4h.14m.45.0s.• 10 10 2 (19) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E 36CSP92 (F) 4h.15m.11.6s. 8 8 3 {2) Richard BURNS/Robert R-etd 206NLM75 (F) 4h.15m.57.8s. 6 6 Citroen Xsara ·WRC GB Peugeot206 WRC 4 · (3) Harri ROVANPERA/Risto Pietilainen FIN Peugeot206 WRC 206NLL75 (F) 4h.17m.04.3s. 5 WRC 5 . (7) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC S90WRT (GB) 4h.17m.56.4s. 5 4 6 (14) Didier AURIOUDenis Giraudet F Skoda Octavia WRC MBN15-48 (CZ) 4h.22m.43.5s. 4 3 7 (15) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Paavo Lukander FIN Skoda Octavia WRC MBO90-41 (CZ) 4h.23m.18.7s. 3 2 8 (5) Francois DUVAUStephane Prevot B' Ford Focus RS WRC EJ02KMU (GB) 4h.26m.40.3s. 2 1 9 (54) Toshihiro Arai/Tony Sircombe J/NZ Subaru lmpreza GD PCWRC GMG300NO9070 (J) 4h.34m.46.7s.• ._ 10 10 (33) Gabriel Raies/Jorge Perez RA Toyota Corolla WRC not registered (RA) 4h.34m.48.4s. -July 2003 Dust-Y Times

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The Corky McMillin Companies Superstition Championships Series Pfmnts FRT Motorsports Promotions August 15 Jacume, 17, 2003 Mexico (eoaE) IIFF-Rll-811 80 mile races finish) T-WO . d from 1st race d inverte starte each (2nd race Reconstructora MACHADO $100 dlls ol 1 erlugar Clase 9 A Accesorios A Mado Overall PRO $500 dlls ~-- ft'inner ..,1/91&oe LM. Equipment Sales $500 dlls al !er lugar Clase 5 3 1aps Mangiamos Pinas $500 dlls $50 dlls a cada !er lugar PRO Botica Santa Maria $100 dlls Yee Racing $500 dlls al I erlugar Clase 9 al lerlugar Clase 10 .. - . . . .. .. " . ;.. ......... -::~~-, .. :~ _,_-· ~.J-; . lilimiJWnlmlnc. · 11!,iJU Race Starting Position Drawing Info: Date: Location: Activities: Saturday ... August 9, 2003 llam-2pm Off Road Warehouse . 645 N. Citracado Parkway Escondido, California Barbeque sponsored by Allways Racing $1.00 donation to San 'Diego OffRoad Coalition Race Cat Display* Off Road Vendor Display .1 . FREE Drawing For Door Prize OPEN TO THE PUBLIC -COME ONE COME ALL! L ~ FRT MOTORSPORTS FEATURES • PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL INSPECTION, TIMING AND SCORING visit at

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MDR RIDGECREST 300 By Judy Smith vessels And Martin Take overall Photos: Trackside Photo Tim Rockenbach saved a lot of tire wear as he literally flew to the first place position in Class 1 . . line, Tom Koch was unable to get his first lap done after he broke a rear suspension component (observ-. ers reported various things wrong with the car), so the race was down to four cars. Dennis Boyle had the lead in his Corvette powered car, but he had just a minute and three seconds on Tim Rockenbach in a V4 poweredJimco at the end of Lap 1. Boyle's time, at 43:35, was the fast lap time for this class. Bill Wingerning ran third in a Jimco with a Ford midget motor, about three and a half minutes later, fol-lowed by Andrew Gaston, who'd lost a coil and had to install a spare. First in Class 10, first overall at the MOR Ridgecrest 300 was the ve,y fast car of Kash Vessels, seen here at speed. He'd also fueled and then discov-Dan Martin and Kash Vessels ously "inventoried" in this area. The survive was the "turtle sweep" on ered the crew had left his gas cap teamed in Martin's Porter 1600 car presence of the mine meant that the Saturday morning, and then the race hanging, so he had to stop and cover to take the Class 10 victory and along roa_d leading to it would have to be was good to go. up. He was di:iving a Sandhawk with with it, the overall win at the MDR classified as an "historical" road, and The course at the Ridgecrest race a 2180cc VW motor and bus box, Ridgecre;t 300 in mid-May. therefore, it couldn't be used for always includes plenty of tight and and was down by almost a full lap The MDR had a 36-mile loop racing. technical terrain, and it wouldn't be already. . laid out for th£ pleasure of their So the MDR folks were faced easy for some to finish in the 10 hour Through the second lap they racers, and it included a short new with un-marking an eight mile sec-time limit. Classes 1, 10, 1/2-1600, held their positions, but on the third section that they liked very much. tion of the desert, searching out a 5-1600, 7 and 7S all had to do seven lap, although Boyle stayed in front, The BLM keeps close watch on the new trail to replace it, and marking laps. Class 9 was to run six laps only, he now had nine minutes on courses used for racing, even when that. Happily there were already while 1300, 1400 and 1700 would Wingerning, and Rockenbach had they're being held in OHV areas. some racers camped in the area, and run only five laps. Classes 1100, dropped to third after losing about This means a quick run around the the Tavis and Lesher teams helped 1200, 1450 and 1750 had to do 20 minutes. But the fourth lap course just before the race. They had with removing all the stakes and ar- only four laps. The timing and scor- spelled the end for Wingerning, who a look at this course on Thursday rows from the verboten section on ing team has to be on their toes to came across the fini:ih line with no night. As luck would have it the ar- Thursday night, and then helped keep the flagman informed about power, and couldn't figure out what chaeologist who goes with them on with marking the new section on who gets the white and/ or checkered was wrong. He was finished. Boyle these tours of the course, spotted Friday. Once all that was accom- · flag at any given time. went out on a fifth lap, but never an old mine that hadn't been previ- plished, all the MDR folks had to In Class 1, which was first off the came around again. l George Seeley is always a force to be reckoned with and at Ridgecrest it was no exception, he took Class 5 and was second overall as well. ,-----------------------------, Jeffrey Sack drove his good looking bug to a nicefirst in class in the 5-1600 battle at Ridgecrest. · So, at the end of Lap 5 the lead belonged to Rockenbach, and he had over an hour on Gaston. He had another fine lap and finished with the win, an hour and 17 min-utes ahead of Gaston. The next group to take off was the Class 10 cars, with. a starting field of nine qrs. Vessels and Martin, who'd come to the event prepared to run in Class 1600, had decided to run in Class 10 because only one other 1600 had showed up. Martin had never raced here before, bot he'd been able to pre-run, and Vessels had raced here last year, and was familiar with the territory. At the end of the first lap they had the lead, with 28 seconds on Shawn Croll, the 16 year old son of Ray Croll, in a Chenowth. It was his third race. In third it was Sam Berri in Terrie Tavis' Lothringer, which had lost its power steering. Matt Klenske ran fourth, another second back, but then he didn't get his sec-ond lap finished. Brian Walsh moved his Honda powered car up to second place on the second lap by recording the class fast lap at 45:08, after having lost about five minutes on Lap 1. Croll fell to third and Berri was fourth. Blaise Jackson was out, unable to get any laps completed. On the third lap Walsh had moved into the lead, with Martin second only a minute and a half be-hind him. Remember that Martin ·was in a legal 1600 car, restrictor plate, limited suspension and all. Croll was still third and Ryan Lesher was fourth another five minutes back in a Honda powered Lothring-er. He'd had a flat on the first lap and when he stopped at a pit for another spare, there wasn't one for him. So he'd had to make another stop to pick up his new spare. Walsh didn't get the fourth lap done, and never showed up again. At Pit C, half way around the fourth lap, Martin got out and Ves-sels got in. Since Martin is taller and bigger than Vessels (he outweighs him by about 100 pounds), the driver change isn't simple. They have to move the seat up, change the steer-Andy Gaston had troubles on the first lap, got it all going and took a Chris Bowman flew to a ve,y nice second place in class 5, in spite of Tom Bohla really gets up in the air as he heads for the finish line, a nice second spot in the class 1 battle. major troubles on the last lap. nice second place was waiting for him. Page 24 July 2003 Dusty Times ,_

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Doug Petterson flew his Toyota well, but a few slower lap times Shawn Croll gave it his all at Ridgecrest, a slow fourth lap didn't help, A long third lap help to relegate Thomas Pittman to the second finishing committed him to second spot in Class 7. · he finished second in the Class 1 O conflict. spot in class 11 at Ridgecrest. ing wheel to one with a different off-set, and change the seat belt setting. Still, they were back in the lead at the end of the lap. Of course, Walsh wasn't there anymore. Croll was sec-ond, Tavis, who was driving her car herself now, was in third and Scott Kincaid was fourth. Lesher was fifth and no one else was running. From this point on nothing changed much. Vessels ran four evenly paced laps and brought the car to the finish line in first place, and first overall. Croll was happy with his second place, reporting two flat tires along the way, one of which he and his navigator had to change by themselves. In third it was Tavis and Berri, who never had repaired · or replaced that power steering. Kincaid finished fourth and Lesher was fifth, less than a minute behind him. Pauldlin Hepler took the class 6 win at Ridgecrest, besting his competition by more than 10 minutes at the finish. Daffell Herman lets nothing grow under his truck, he rocketed to the Class 7 victory at Ridgecrest. The next group to take off was -the Class 5 car. They didn't have one of their better days. Both Kelly Boyle and Scott Hewitt disappeared on the first lap. Hewitt's demise oc-curred when he hit a wash at 80 miles per hour and destroyed the front beam of his car. And Kevin Loggins had a first lap of four hours 41 min-utes and 41 seconds. It seems he took a misstep somehow, and sent his car cartwheeling three times. Lots of stuff was damaged, but Loggins and his passenger, Jay Palemo, were unin-ju red. They eventually got it running again, and gave it to Jim Barts who'd been patiently (not not) waiting for his turn to drive. Sadly, Berri got only part way into the second lap and the transmission "broke apart." Somehow, that's not a big surprise. In the meantime, George Seeley had a lead of 30 minutes at the end· of the first lap, and 40 minutes at the end of Lap 2. Chris Bowman, running second, kept coming around, but towards the end of the day his laps got longer and longer. Seeley took the win by a margin of three hours. Bowman did finish in Dale Schaub had a great day. he took the Class 9 honors with ease at the MOR Ridgecrest 300 race. ,. The good looking car of Chuck Deck took the Class 11 honors at Ridgecrest, he won by more than half an hour. Dusty Times time for second place. James Golden teamed up with Jimmy Hook's 1600 car, and they had no one else in their class. Hook did the first three laps and aside from being momentarily hung up on a stalled Class 5 car, he had no· serious trouble. Golden, driving a single seat for the first time, also had relatively untroubled laps, and they finished with a time that would have earned them third place in Class 10 if they'd taken the same route that Vessels and Martin did. On the other hand, they would have been second in Class 1. They got a lot of good driving experience, and had a lot of fun on the popular Ridgecrest course. The Class 7 trucks were next, with two entries, but Steve Lucena was out before the first lap was com-pleted. Shawn Wanzek, in a Ford, did three good laps, all in the 54 minute range, and then bombed out on the fourth lap. He didn't get back to the finish area to let us know what happened to his truck. The 5-1600 class is suffering some transition pangs this year and it showed up in this race. Some of the cars were taking advantage of new rules that allow using micro-stubs and other high techs, non-VW parts and some, the purists, were not. So the class was split. ln the non-micro-stub class there were four cars, and in the group using them there were two. Continued on page 26 ............ ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year nga,atulali s Shirle ergensen SORR Safari Class TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763V.lUUEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 July -2003 Page 25

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Mike Dill had the class won, but great difficulties on the last lap Terry Wyrembek was a bit off the pace all race long and that put him Garolyn Hines was off by five minutes a lap and that added up to second spot in the Class 14 contest at Ridgecrest. dropped him into the second spot in class 12. into second finishing spot in the Class 13 contest. Guy Savedra decided that although group first, except that Jeffrey Sack blindside them and sneak up on he didn't have micro-stubs, he'd run started late. He took off seven min- them to beat them. This mayor may against the guys who did, because he utes behind the others, back behind not be a feasible theory, but he was was opposed to splitting the class on the Sportsman open wheel cars. His • able to put it into action bec;mse what seemed to be philosophic stra~egy, as he later explained, was MOR doesn't penalize racers who grounds, and the micro-stub group that if you don't start right with your don't start with their class as other had the traditional 5-1600 numbers class, your competitors will "think promoters do. In any other group on them. The other guys had num-they can relax" and won't ·pay he'dhavebeengivenhisassignedstart - hers that started with 6. proper attention to how you'.re do- time, and would thus have an extra They started the micro-stub ing, and you can more or less seven minutes added to his first lap . . It's a very effective way to make rac-ond lap also, recording the fast lap ers line up in a timely and orderly for the group at 54:56, and then fashion at other events. had a problem on the third lap and At the end of the first lap Save: disappeared on Lap 4. Sack drove dra was out with a bad transmis-fi".e laps and co-driver Ben Blank sion. He might have made repairs; took over for Laps 6 and 7, and but the driver and crew voted to call they got the win. it a day. That left Mark Dee in the Jh 1henaun, 1he lead, with two and a half minutes fus:lp1B:iwent1D<EflBo~who on Sack. Dee led through the sec-Continued on page 28 The Class 17 win went to Bob Ganzer, show here in his good looking Stephanie Lozano didn't have too bad a day. third place in class puts Ron Smith had it won 'ti/ lap 4, but long time troubles cost him dearly Cherokee on his way to the checkers. you on the podium and that's a good thing. and he finished third in class at Ridgecrest. ® The Suspension Company. Page 26 July 2003 Dusty Times

Page 27

For the 2003 racing _season, KC contingency awards are available in the following sanctioning organizations' -ev_ents: Best In The Desert, CORR, SCORE and SNORE Class Win .Running KC HID Lights: $400 _ in Product or $200 Cash Class Win· Running KC Halogen Lights: $200 in Product or $100 Cas~ ORBA MEMBER KC is a RCAA Sponsor. Contingency program · available. cyawar, . See more info. Check out for KC HID systems for ATVs

Page 28

Terrie Tavis was just a bit off the Class 10 pace but she pulled in for Marl{ Kelsey stuck to it, big troubles on three laps didn't dampen the JC Andrews good looking truck was only able to grab a fourth pace a nice bronze medal amongst some stiff competition. ' desire to finish, he came in third in 1300 class. finish in class 7, seen here in action. · -==================~========a;-----:-:it_w_as_nr't_u_n_til,.-. 7thre_t_e_m_p_g_o_t_u_p_p_r_e_tty_ Bob Miller made it look easy, fast consistent laps gave him the Class 12 win in his good looking truck. had a minute and three seconds on Dennis Sletten who ran second. Bolha's time of 58:39 was the fast lap for the group. Jasper Dyer didn't get his first lap done. On the second lap Sletten went into the lead, now four minutes up on Bolha. Through Lap 3 they ran in the same order, though Bolha made a driver change and put Tom Bolha in for the next three laps. He closed up a bit. He then moved back into the lead on the fourth lap, and had two minutes and 16 seconds to the good. Stephanie Lozano as running third, but her first and fourth laps were extra long, indicating some kind of mechanical problems. She fell back by a full lap. Sletten and Bolha's car continued their right duel. The Bolhas had Steve Jones, who'd never driven the car before, take the final two laps. And Sletten got out and let Paulden Hepler take over for Laps 5 through Page 28 7. He kept moving at a torrid pace, and put the car back into the lead on Lap 6, and then stayed there to take the win. So Hepler and Sletten got the non-micro-stub win by 11 min-utes over Bolha, Bolha and Jones. Lozano was third, two hours later. The first non-micro-stub car beat the first micro-stub car by two minutes and 47 seconds. Justin Miller was the only entry in the Stock full sized pickup truck class, and he failed to get even the first lap completed. The Class 9 cars went next, two of them starting on time, and one tak-ing off late. Tom Steeno's first lap went away, and.took him very close to five hours to complete, which gave hijll a big problem, since the time limit was 10 hours. This class needed to complete six laps. Austin Hemingway went into the lead in his Hadley chassis, and he had three minutes on Mike Nixon at the Chris Paff had everything his own way at Ridgecrest, he took the 1300 Class win by almost an hour. end of Lap 1. But then Nixon never came around again. Hemingway did two more laps in good time, and then put Dale Schaub in for the last three loops. They were having a wonderful day. This was only their second race and everything was going flawlessly. Meanwhile Steeno did another lap in a much better time but then, with only two laps complete and six hours and 24 minutes gone, he got no further. Hemingway and Schaub went on to complete all the required laps in very consistent fashion, earning them-selves a win on their second try. They reported that they had also won their first race. Looks like they are the team to beat in Class 9 right now. Class 1300 -open wheel buggies, a sportsman group - took off next. Greg Crew and his group, usually in at the finish, disappeared on the first lap. That left five cars running, but not for long. Christopher Parr had his Mini Mag out in front, a minute and 16 seconds in front of Clare Ross, and in third it was Terry Wyrembek in a homebuilt VW beam car (built by Wyrembek) with a 2010cc VW motor. Wyrembek had forgotten to turn on the oil fan, and The Class 1400 win went to Dan Vance, seen here at speed heading for the checkers at Ridgecrest. Very strange, James Golden was the only Class 1600 at Ridgecrest, he ran fast and was fourth overall at the flag. July 2003 high that he remembered that little detail. This group was going to run only five laps. Ray Suzow disappeared on the second lap, and Parr, who was in a hurry because he had t go to a prom later that evening, built his lead to six minutes. His little Yamaha snowmo-bile motor was just howling. Ross held on to second, and Wyrembek was still third. In fourth it was Mark Kelsey, already an hour and a half off the pace. They held the same position through the third lap, but Ross didn't get the fourth lap completed. So now it was Parr, Wyrembek, and Kelsey and that's how itwentto the finish. Eric Jacobus did the final two laps in Wyrembek's car, and kept up a good pace except for a flat on the fourth lap. Parr took the win by just under an hour, Wyrembek and Jacobus were second and three hours plus in front of Kelsey. Next to get the green flag were the small trucks (equivalent ofSCORE's 7S) with ten entries. Nine started on time and one started late. They had to do all seven laps. Quite a few of them didn't make it, starting with J a-son Walker, who disappeared on the first lap. But Ron Smith went into the lead, with three minutes and six seconds on Darrell Herman. In third it was Steve Martz, another minute and a half back, and then Jeff Lloyd ran fourth. Smith enhanced his lead by re-cording the fast lap for the class at 1:02:07, and he had six minutes and 13 seconds by the end of the second lap. It was still Herman in second, but now Roger Byrd had moved up to third. Doug Petterson was fourth now as Lloyd fell to fifth. lap was the end for Byrd who never came around, no.r did Jeff Rigel. There were only seven trucks left. Smith still held the lead, with Her-man second, but Lloyd moved into third and Jim Highley came up to fourth, followed by Petterson who'd had a problem and lost about 25 minutes. On the next lap Martz fell by the wayside, leaving only six racers on the course. · Herman finished the fourth lap in the lead, with Petterson bouncing up to second and J.C. Andrews mov-ing into third as Smith lost a full lap and dropped to fourth place, fol-lowed by Highley, who also lost a bunch of time, and dropped to fifth. Lloyd lost the equivalent of about two laps and was now sixth, and the last one running. · Herman held onto his lead, with Petterson second, about 24 minutes later, then Smith, Andrews and Lloyd followed in order. Highley never got the fifth lap done. On the sixth lap it was Herman, Petterson, Smith and Andrews, as Lloyd dropped out, and that's the way it went to the finish. Herman: took the win by 56 minutes, with Petterson in second place. Smith was third about 27 minutes later and Dusty Times

Page 29

Scott Kincaid gets airl:Jome as he heads to a fourth place finish in the Troubles on the fourth lap at Ridgecrest put Ryan Lesher into fifth They promised me pit support, where is it? Raina Carter peers into the distance from Ray Suzow's car. Class 10 group at Ridgecrest. place in Class 10, seen here raising a little dust. Andrews earned fourth place. Deck was having no problems, and On the last lap Deck was annoyed There were only two of the Jeep held his lead through the third lap, by a seat full of gravel and he started Speed Cherokees running at this driving very consistently. He now had having some leg cramps as he neared event, Bob Ganzer and Bill 33 minutes on Torrey and his co-the end, but the car was performing . Quittneyer. Ganzer started the mom- driver, Thomas Pittman. Thompson perfectly. He took the victory with a ingwith the quick time for the class, was nearly another full hour down. half hour to spare. Pittman and Torrey followed alohg in second erne Valley on June 27th and place, and an hour later it was Th-28th. It's four laps on a 62 mile ompson in third. Class 11 started course for most classes, and ac-three cars and.finished three cars. c_ess will be from Camp Rock The next event on the MDR Road. it would be a good one to schedule is the MDR 400 at Luc- go out and watch. __ . .,.., at 1:22:29, to put himself into the lead. He lost about 25 minutes on the next lap, but Quittneyer had lost a couple of hours on the first lap, so he didn't catch up. On the fourth lap Ganzer had a two hour and 17 minute lead, and then Quittneyer failed to finish his fifth lap, leaving Ganzer to go on by himself to take PERFORMANCE 101 the victory. There were two Class 1200 trucks, which are roughly equal to SCORE's Stock Mini class. Bob Miller went into the lead on the first lap, with just under three minutes on Mike Dill. But on the second lap Dill had the fast time for the class, at 1:19:37, and that put him into the lead, with about 10 minutes to spare. He held onto the lead through Lap 3, but it all went downhill on Lap 4, when he lost about two hours. Miller sailed at a steady pace to the finish line to get the victory, with Dill finishing second an hour and 32 minutes alter. The Sportsman street Iegal trucks were next, with five entries. Matt Langan couldn't get Lap 1 finished, so that left only four trucks moving around the track. At the end of Lap 1 the lead belonged to Dan Vance, who'd recorded the fast lap time for the group, at 1:06:36, and had also replaced a driveshaft on his Toyota. He had nearly six minutes on Carolyn Hines, who was nine minutes up on Mark Growe. In fourth, after losing nearly an hour, was Steve Ruddick. This class was required to run only four laps. The same order held through the second lap, and again, Ruddick had some time consuming problem. He · was now about two hours off the pace. On the third lap Ruddick dis-appeared, as Vance and his co-driver, Austin Farmer, held their lead. Hines was having no problems with her Ford and stayed firm in second place, while Growe, who had his son, Keith, drive laps 3 and 4 in their Ford, took it easy, since they hadn't pre-run. Vance and Farmer took the win by 21 minutes, with Hines in second place. The Growes were third and the last in the class to get to the finish line. There were three Class 1 l cars, and they were required to do four laps. Chuck Deck went into the early lead with the fast lap for the class, at 1:34:25. He had less than three min-utes on Brian Thompson who was less than a minute ahead of Dan Torrey. Deck had never raced on this course before and he was finding it "pretty challenging in spots for a Class 11 ", but he held on to his lead. He had just over two minutes on Torrey at the end of the second lap. Thomp-son had dropped to third place after losing about 50 minutes. Dusty Times SUBJECT: Race winning technolouv/equipment . IA'-. m:::..---'~ RaceRunner Shocks: 2.0". 2.5", 3.0" Emulsion Remote· Reservoir Bnass Shocks Coil over Springs Craig Turner FACTORY PIiot Seven time Champion All on #ifCP'~~ Call for our NEW 2003 Products Catalog 20724 Lassen Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 PH (818) 700-9712 FAX (818) 700-0947 Complete line of vw suspension Components www .. July 2003 Page 29

Page 30

RIM OF THE WORLD SCCA PRORALLY 2003 By John Rettie Higgins Hust-es To The Win Photos: Trackside Photo It came as no real surprise, David Higgins and Daniel Barritt did it again in their Mitsubishi Evo I, a great drive in foul conditions. KREGER Fabric~ti~:Jric~••Prjd~l:/iS~lf .iti1 providing race re@~Y knqw~hot; fri tfi,::~~;p;t,tive r·acer as well a~i:th&. d~lrt. enthusiast. For over 10 years KREGER ·Fab., oos'".~een offering a wide raog~ 9f products;Jrom Cust~m. .. Quitt Desert Cars,a~d-Pf~: Runners to. Floaters, Hub·s, and . an extensive.::11tie<-• ... · ........,....._-""'"--------. of Off~Road Accessories. We also provide unsur-passed Race-Prep and Set-Up Services. KREGER ~-Fabrication is your one stop race shop! Give us a call for more information and experience the dif-ference a KREGER Car or Race Set-Up can make! Page 30 July 2003 Through the muck and mire comes the Subaru lmpreza of Shane Mitchell and Paul Donnelly to take the Group N win, 7th overall. Hot and Dusty. Sorry, wrong headline. Cold and Muddy. That's better. Believe it or not, and the Brits cer-tainly didn't, the 2003 Rim of the World SCCA ProRally had condi-tions as bad as anyone has ever expe-rienced. Indeed, I've been covering rallies on and off for 35 years and this was the wettest and muddiest I've ever experienced even compared to rallies in Scotland and Wales which are notoriously muddy. Normally the Rim is known for hot and dusty conditions with roads that make it the roughest event in the ProRally season. Despite this it's always a fa-· vorite with drivers. Not this year. By the middle of the second day every-one had had enough. Even seasoned veterans such as Mark Lovell in the brand new Subaru rally Team USA WRX STi was saying conditions were worse than he'd ever experienced. Friday morning during the media preview test stage everything was nor-mal, but the forecast was for rain. It start~d raining just an hour or so before the rally began on Friday evening and it did not let up for 24 hours. No big deal you say, rain is not supposed to affect rally drivers as they are used to competing in all weather conditions. That's part of the allure of rallying. True, the previ-ous round of the Pro Rally series had been in Atlanta, Michigan where deep snow greeted the competitors. But rain in the Los Padres national for-est just north of Los Angeles is not normal. Palmdale, where the rally is headquartered brags that the city gets 350 days of sunshine a year. It was just bad luck that the sun chose the day of the rally for one of those no-sunshine days. The problem was that rain in these graded forest roads turned the normal dµst and silt into a sticky gooey slushy mud up to six inches deep. What's more it made the surface underneath very slippy. Slippy. It's the word used by rally driv-. ers to describe slippery conditions and it got used a lot in the Rim. • You know its bad when the Brits are complaining about the condi-tions. Anyway, the end result was that conditions deteriorated so badly that the last five stages of the rally had to be cancelled as the roads had become impassable for even the event orga-nizers in 4WD vehicles. Apart from the slippy conditions the other major problems that seemed to affect many people was misting up of windows. And fog. Yes, just to add to the misery, foggy con-The Production GT win went to the good looking Audi TT of Eric MaCaire and Urmas Kask at the Rim contest. Scott Fuller and Jeff Call had a good rally, they took the coveted Group 2 win at Rim, shown here in their VW Golf Gti. D_usty Times ,,

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.. Covered in mud, Mark Utecht and Jeff Secor drove their Subaru Second place in the Production GT Division went to Bruce Davis and Ralph Kosmides and Jimmy Brandt take a hard right on their way to third place, Group N in their Subaru lmpreza. WRX to a great second spot in Group N at t e muddy Rim. Lee Sorenson in their muddy Mitsubishi Eclipse. itions were a ecting some stages at tion. Roe a ing o the hillsides in vain to push the car back on the higher altitudes. Poor visibility and and fog seemed to be the main prob- road. Jonny Milner, a British driver slippery roads meant slow driving for lem for drivers. When the teams in a privately entered Subaru kindly many. started to arrive back at service the stopped and towed Lagemann back The 20th anniversary of the Rim overall leader was Mark LovelVSteve onto the road. His act of goodwill of the World Rally saw a new start Turvey in the latest Subaru WRX cost him a minute and about four area on a newly made soccer field in STi built and rut). as always by positions in the final results. nearby Polona Vista Park. If it weren't Pro drive in the UK. Raman a After about a dozen Club Rally for the soggy grass it would have been Lagemann in the second Subaru and competitors had run the fourth stage . an ideal location as there was plenty David Higgins/Daniel Barritt in the when emergency crews had to drive_ of room for vendor's display tents factory Mitsubishi Evolution VIII onto the stage from the wrong direc-and owners of tuned cars to show were running neck and neck just be- tion to attend to Pat McMahon, a off their pride and joys. Oh and there hind Lovell. It was shaping up to be a long time course worker who was suf-was plenty of room for all the rally competitive rally. In the Club Rally fering from hypothermia. Because of cars to be parked for the consider- portion of the evening's proceedings the delay and the miserable condi-able crowds of fans to see them close Leon Styles, the New Zealander liv-tions it was decided to scrub-these up. The main service area was also ing in Mission Viejo, California, put last two stages for club competitors. located here in the parking lot, which up fastest time on each stage which None of them were particularly dis-was far more suitable than the was good enough to place him in appointed to be able to get back to cramped area at the nearby Holiday fourth position overall by the end of their hotel rooms early. If the truth Inn, which had been utilized for many the evening. Lovell's lead disappeared be known few competitors were re-years. What was missing was a specta- in the next two stages as he chose the ally enjoying the event. After all, most tor stage at the start. Instead the wrong tires for the sloppy conditions, competitors have ripped out heaters · teams headed straight off to the first which allowed David Higgins to move and ventilation systems from their three stages in the mountains south into the overall lead. Ramana rally cars. They were not normally of the 14 freeway. As it had.only been Lagemann slipped off the road on needed on the Rim or any other raining for a few hours the roads were Stage 4 and lost eight minutes while Southern Californian event. Most at least in passably acceptable condi- Michael Orr, his Irish navigator tried competitors were having to run with their windows open in order to try Higgins was easily the fastest on and minimize the misting up of wind- this long stage with a time of 11 :88. shields. Even the factory prepared Perhaps it was because the conditions cars were suffering from this fate to were so bad but only 10 cars failed to some extent. Of course, one result of finish the stage and all but five cars the shortened evening and mucky finished within 10 minutes of Higgins' conditions was that more competi- time.As always, DelSurwasrunagain tors than normal were classified as in the opposite direction as the next finishers. Indeed, out of 59 entrants stage. Because the road surface had in the club event only 10 were offi- deteriorated the finish had ·to be dally retired at the end of the event. moved further back up the hill from Everyone woke on Saturday where the start of the previous stage morning to a dark grey sky with more had been located. Also on the return rain falling pretty relentlessly. Rumors run a good percentage of the stage is were flying that stages were being can-nm down from the mountain ridge celled due to impassable roads. Even- to the valley below. Despite the stage tually the day's proceedings started being shorter it took the fastest driv-an hour late and the cars left for Del ers two minutes longer tu run the Sur South, the first stage of the day. stage. BasicaUy it was so slipperycom-The beginning of the stage is normally ing down the track that everyone had on a steep incline but it was so slip- to go at a much more moderate pace. pery that the stage start was moved In the end it was Jonny Milner who further up to a more level area. Like-set fastest time (14:42). He was fol-wise the end of the stage also had to lowed by a fast charging Lagemann be moved back some distance as the (14: 70) and Higgins (14:82). By now roads were becoming too treacher- the road was so chewed up and there ous even before any rally cars came was inches of oozing mud at the sides through. Continued on page 32 Championship Off-Road Racer, Curt LeDuc, prove Skyjackers Platinum Series Coil-Over Shocks in Skyjacker Ford F-150. LeDuc will compete in Championship Off-Road Racing {CORR, Pro-4) and Best In The Desert (BITD Class-8). Track Curt LeDuc's racing at .q v..~~-,. -~-'ENlilDN& Call 1.866. 4 A DEALER ext. 5003 or go to to locate the dealer nearest you. Dusty Times July 2003 Page 31

Page 32

Running to the bronze medal in the Open Class, Lauchlin O'Sullivan Still nice. and clean, Leon Styles and John Dillon drove their Mitsubishi Second in Group 2 and still neat and tidy, Chris Whiteman and Mike and C. Edstrom comer hard in their Mitsubishi Evo 1. Evo 1 to a fourth place in the open Division. Paulin drove their Dodge Neon SXT to a nice finish. of the road that cars were throwing his Nissan Sentra said that it took to bunch up. Near the end of the liquid mud over windshields going two tries at dry cleaning to get his stage it was not unusual to have two, through corners making it impossible driver's suit deaned up after the event. three or even four cars coming along to see out at times. Mud was getting Not surprisingly many of the two at the same time. A look at the stage into cars through open windows. For wheel drive cars got stuck on some of times shows now impossible it had example, Dave Coleman driving in the uphill sections, which caused cars become for this to be a normal rally. No less than 30 cars were more an i e a marat on o roa race an a 10 minutes slower than Milner's time. fast and dusty rally. In fact, it took many of them over One had to really feel sorry for half an hour to complete a stage they Paula and Mike Gibeault, the popu-would normally have completed in lar organizers of the Rim. For 20 half that time. It was becoming more years the worst that has affected the LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENSl#E SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.50% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZ!NE COVER DATE. Suspension S1at Construet,d on •;,•Sier/Fram,, Vinyl Sides with Tw11d Cloth c,nt,r. Arallab/1 In: Black Vinyl with Bla&k Fabri&; Grty Vinyl with Grty Fabri&; Grey Vinyl with Ebony and Opal Fabri& Combination. Low Back Super Seat... .......... $180 High Back Super Seat .............. 190 BEARD SUPER SEAT W/ADJ. HEAD REST hllr/& Combinations Sam, as Sup,rSHa. Low Back with Adjustable Head Rest ....................... $230 LIL' SPORTSTER Only 111" Wide/ Now You Can Us, Susp1nstoa s,aa in Narrow,r C/Jass/1. Aral/ab/I in Bla&k or Gr,y. Lil' Sportster Seat... ............... $140 OPTIMA BATTERY BOD Cold Cranking Amps. ULTRA PRO SEAT Powd,r Coat,d Fram, Use, a Tou11h Mish L/n,r with Mult/p/1 Mid/um to Hl11h o,nslty Foams for Sup1rior Durability and Comfort. 5-Point Hamiss Compallb/1. Vinyl/ Sides with Cloth C1nt,r. Arallab/1 In Bladt or Grty. Ultra Pro Seat ........................ $325 TIGER 312 BELTS Bladt, Rid, Gray, YIIIIIW, Purp/1 or Btu.. Oulu Latch R1/1u, 3• up B,n & 2" SIWII Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Heavy IJuty Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS Bla&k, Btu,, or Rid. Optima Gell Battery ................ $120 Shoulder Pads, pair ................. $10 Page 32 tn,tud,s Ad/ust,rs. Stock Width Beam with 8' Travel Towers ............. $140 5' Wider Beam with 8" Travel Towers ............... 165 6" Wider Beam with 10" Travel Towers ............. 185 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushings, set 4 ... 20 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM For Us, Wh1n Top Sho,t Mounts art lncorporat,d In th, Chassis: 6" Wider Beam w/o Towers .... $120 · TRAILING ARMS 1 '/, x 'I<" Front Arms, set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Front Arms, set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins, set of 4 ..................... .48 THRURODS For 5" W/d,r Bram with Lon11 Trar,I Arms. Thru Rods, palr .. , ..................... $50 COMBO U#K SPINDLES Aral/ab/I In Standard H1/11/rl orRa/11d3" Combo Link Spindles, pair ..... $500 Bearing Kit, Set of 4 ................... 80 OFFROADR&P H11ry Duty Off Road Uu Or urg,r Sand Rall,. Off Road Rack & Pinion ......... $132 U•,loint for Rack & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U-Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY BIUET STEERING BEARING KIT Mounts SIHritlf Shafi to Raek and Pinion. Kit tn,tud,s BIiiet St11rlng Blaring &atrl,r, Z U✓olnts and SIHrinll W/J11/ Hub Cow,r. Billet Steering Bearing Ktt ...... $150 Billet Steering Bearing Carrier .... 60 U·Joint '/,to'/, Shaft .............. 50 U·Jjoint '/, Shaft to Rack .......... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 Trailing Arms, 3x3, pair ......... $235 STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Arallab/1 for Bu11, Bus & 930 cv,. Sold Ex&han11.-$40 Cort. Stub Axle, pair ....................... $100 Drive Flange, pair ....................... 90 SWAY·A•WAY AXLES For 3 113 Trallln11 Arms. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ... $170 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ..... 170 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, using 930 CVs, pr ....................... 230 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Oual Sprin11 Sho,k with Hos, and R,s1rrolr. King 2" Adjustable Shock, 8-10-12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 ½" Adjustable Shock, 12·14·16" Stroke .... from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount ................. 25 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS King 10-12· 14 Shock with Reservoir ......................... $295 JAMARBIUET PEDAL ASSEMBLIES Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal... ............. $210 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal ....... -........... 230 Ultra Slide Plate ......................... 60 Ultra Slide Throttle Ktt ............... 24 Ultra Slide Hose Ktt .................... 45 JAMAR 4-WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Comp11/1/on P1dal Assembly. ln&/1111,s B/11,t Thran,, P1da/, Brat, Assembly, Clut,h Auambly and Siar, Cyllndrr. Competition Pedal Assembly $375 Single Brake Assembly ............ 140 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 215 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 140 JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER Black Super Shifter .................. $82 Chrome Super Shifter ................ 95 Optional Shift Rod Ktt.. .............. 45 July 2003 JAMARREAR BILLET DISC BRAKES Loilf or Shott AJ:/1. Hug Billet Disc BraJ<es-.: ...... $485 5-Lug Billet Oise Brakes .... ., .... 495 5-Lug Billet Di~ Braless . With Four Piston Caliper ... 615 JAMAR FRONT BILLET DISC BRAKES Kl"II Pin Spind/11 H,ary 0utr Brakes. or ta/Qt/ Llllk Sp/nd/1s. 413B Chromoly C1111,r H#/J with King Pin Billet Disc Brakes 10 Bo/lHHb. ',4"Thit:k Rotor. for Sand Ralls. ............... $645 5-Lug Billet Disc Braless King Pin Billet Disc Brakes With Four Piston Cal!per .... $795 for Desert Rails ................ 675 JAMAR STEERING BRAKES 111,orouat Hand/I Ing Brakss. .............. $68 BIUET GOODIES Fla 1'/Z" Tubing • Madi In USA. Green Sticker Bracket .............. $17 GPS Bracket & Moont... ............. 54 Brake Live Bracket ..................... 16 Tachometer Bracket & Mount .... 31 3-Panel Mirror, 18' Long ........... 75 Clamp-On Mirror Brackets, pr .... 25 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Baja-Pro P1rtorman&1 nrts E78 Mini Mag ....................... $92 30 X 7.00, 4-ply .................... 115 33 X 9.00, 4-ply .................... 136 35 X 10.00, 4-ply .................. 162 BAJA BELTED HP 31 X 10.50·15 ........................ $135 Stln11,r or U·B1nd Co/11etor. 1 '/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............. $90 1'/,' Unpainted Bobcat.. ............. 90 1'/• Chrome Bobcat... .............. 130 1'/," Chrome Bobcat.. ............... 130 Battle ........................................... 8 Replacement Springs, set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Bak•d•On Co1t1n11, . Won't Chang, Color or Rust. 1 '/i Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1'/,' Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For Thl&k Flange and Pol/lhld Look J•t Coating on Any Tri MIi 1'/," St1n111r Exh1u1t Add $50. SS SPARK ARRESTOR Fla Bobcat r Stln111rs & IJ.B,nds. Spark Arrestor, 18' Length ...... $65 Spark Arrestor, No Bracket ........ 55 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 60 T-Bolt Clamp ................................ 5 LAZER STARS Aral/ab/I In Spot or Flood. 100 Watt Lazer Star, pr .......... $137 75 Watt Lazer Star, pr .............. 130 Billet Clamp-On Light Mounts .... 34 Mlcro-B Lazer Star .(Red), pr ... 125 Micro-B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red), pr ..... 175 Replacement Lamp, Spot ;ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp, Flood, ea .... 24 Replacement Lens, ea ................ 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr ................... 5 event has been some snow. Ironi-cally last year, one week after the rally a mammoth brush fire had swept through the area and burnt much of the vegetation. No danger of fires this year! The roads to be used for the fi-nal five stages of the rally had be-come impossible to use so there was talk of using the two Del Sur stages for a third and fourth time. How-ever, one look at the surface there showed that would be impossible. Anyway, the course workers were not in a mood to stay out in the rain and cold any longer. Even the faithful were getting fed up with the conditions. So it was that the rally was . brought to a finish after the · completion of Leona Ridge (Stage 8). Compared to the previous sage (Del Sur North), this one was pretty uneventful for most competi-tors, as it had nit gotten too badly chewed up. Higgins cementecfhis victory by setting fastest time (15:65), which was half a minute faster than Lovell. Lauchlin O'Sul-livan, Higgins' teammate in the sec-ond factory-entered Mitsubishi Evo VIII finished third overall, a posi-tion he had maintained through-out the event. Leon Styles also main-tained his strong showing with a fourth position overall just ahead of Tim O'NeiV Alex Gelsomino in the newly built open class Ford Fo-cus sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Reserve. Lagemann finished in sixth position overall, he was sec-ond fastest overall 6n Saturday's three stages which was enough to pull him up from 11th position af-ter his costly off road excursion on Friday. Once the results were published there was little change from the day before. The ClubRally portion is run as two separate events, which of which ended up being only three stages long! Only one class saw a dif-ferent winner on Saturday from Friday. That was Group 5. On Fri-day it was won by Jim Gillaspy/Mick Kilpatrick, both-from Durango, CO in a 1984 Mazda RX-7. They did well finishing right behind four Open class cars. On Saturday Dave Coleman/ Amar Sehmi in a 2000 Nissan Sentra SE-R took the tro-phy. Coleman, who is the engineer-ing editor of Sport Compact Car, lives in Orange, CA while his co-driver is a real local, living in Palm-dale. Leon Styles, as mentioned ear-lier, took the Open class on both days with a fine drive in his 12995 Mitsubishi Evo VI. His navigator was John Dillon from Thousand Oaks. One of the most unusual cars, a brand new Audi TI driven by Eric MaCaire from New York Dusty Times

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Trevor Donison and David Weiman took the Production laurels at Doug Shepherd and Pete Gladyz drove their great looking Dodge Mike Halley and Bill Montgomery had a bad day, their great looking Rim, their Acura RSX Type S seen here looking surprisingly clean. _S_R~T4_to_a_n_u_n=fo_rt~una~te_dn_f._. ~~~~~-~----,---~ VW Beetle failed to make it to the finish at Rim. and navigated by Urmas Kask from the Production GT win as he was Barbara and Hakan Okcuoglu Acura ASX Type S. normal. The Rim of the World Naples, FL, was the fastest car in entered in both the ClubRally as from Laguna Niguel in their 1987 With the rally coming to a pre- rally has always been described as Production GT on both days. well as the ProRally segment. Like-Mitsubishi Starion. Finally the mature end there were actually a being most like the famous The Group 2 winner on both wise Scott Fuller captures the Production class was captured by far higher number of finishers than Acropolis WRX rally in Greece. days was Scott Fuller from Eugene, Group 2 win. Group 5 in the Trevor Donis on (Vancouver, usual. Cars were covered in mud This year it was more like a Safari OR and Jeff Call from Kirkland, Pro Rally event was taken by WA) and David Weiman (Hous-but they had not gotten broken, rally in Kenya during one ofits no-WA in a 1996VWGolfGTI. Lastly Murat Okcuoglu from Santa ton, TX) in a brand new 2003 asspeedsweresomuchslowerthan toriouslywetyears. ,-t· ,-., the Production class was won by Mark Taylor (Bend, OR) and Kevin Poirier (Rainier, OR) in their 1991 Nissan Sentra. In the main ProRally part of the event scores from both days count together and the entrants managed to run eight of the scheduled 13 stages as none were cancelled for them on Friday. For the second 2003 ProRally in a row the Open class was won by David Higgins (Llenwnog, Wales) and Daniel Barritt (Burnley, En-gland) in the factory 2003 Mit-subishi Lancer Evolution VIII. A seventh place overall gave Shane Mitchell and Paul Donnelly both from Yonkers, NY the Group N victory in their 2002 Subaru lm-reza WRX. Eric MaCaire took • Dusty Times Murat Okcuoglu and Hakan Okcuoglu drove their -Mitsubishi Starion 2 through the elements to the Group 5 win. July 2003 Churning up some rare dust, Mark Lovell and Steve Turvey drove their Subaru lmpreza to a nice second place in Open. MDR RIDGECREST 300 ClvERALL IMNNER Ct.Ass2-1SOO THE l<AsHINA.TOR & Maw;o NIAN {AKA KAsH VESSElS & lJJw MAlmvJ 11W PatNER BY LEONARD OF NIAJuww MaroRs Page 33

Page 34

CORR SEASON OPENER Greaves conquers ·At Dresser By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photo Johnny Qreaves took no prisoners, he drove his Toyota to the checkers in both rounds at the CORR Season opener. What more could anyone ask for crowd was good and the racers tum-the CORR season opener, and a a season opener? The track was chal-out was fantastic. 124 cars and trucks great time was had by all concerned. lenging, the weather was great, the descended on Dresser, Wisconsin fo_r The roughly half mile long track MoTeC Engine Management and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built to withstand extreme racing and pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of _competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 699 S . State College Blvd, Suite F Fullerton, CA 92B31 Tel:" 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 Page 34 Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem Systerr, 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -car,bureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a nurnber! «: ='-..__ #::> -'" <~-= ~ "'1CJTCJASPCJRT ELECTRONICS \N'e're making connect1ons ... July 2003 The Pro 2 contest was hard fought but a first and a second place gave Dan Vandenhuevel the points lead. at the Trollhaugen Ski Area in Dresser, Wisconsin took a good bit of driver concentration to navigate it properly and it certainly created a lot of excitement with lots of eleva-tion changes and was a challenge to all who took to the track this week-end. The Pro-4 contest is always the crowd favorite and it is never with-out lots of action as 'lots of horse-power fight to get to the front. This opening race saw Johnny Greaves drive his Toyota Tundra to the front of the field in both heats and start off the 2003 season with a bang. In the first heat, Steve McCrossan took the second finish-ing spot, Scott Douglas was third, first off the podium was Curt LeDuc, Josh Baldwin was fifth, Ja-son Baldwin came in sixth, Al Drews was in for seventh spot and Carl Renezeder was eighth. The second heat in Pro-4 saw Johnny. Greaves again taking the gold medal after a not too swift start at the green but he was unstoppable this day and he leads the Pro-4 points with 40 in hand. Scott Douglas moved up a spot in this heat into second place and he's second in points. Curt LeDuc also moved up a spot in his Skyjacker Ford to fin-ish third and Curt is third in points. Josh Baldwin was fourth, Carl Ren-ezeder was fifth, Steve McCrossan dropped to sixth, Jason Baldwin was seventh and Al Drews didn't finish the second heat. Pro-2 had 12 entries and they too had some great battles ia both heats. In the first heat Dan Vanden Heuvel took the coveted gold medal He also became the first Pro-2 truck to win on Kumho tires. Second to • the checkers was Carl Renezeder, followed by Scott Taylor in third place. Scott is chasing his fifth con-secutive Pro-2 championship in his BFG clad Ford. Fourth went to Evan Evans, Paul Seidler was fifth; Larry Goudie was sixth and R. J Flan-agan was seventh. Chris Hansen, a rookie was eighth, Kevin Probst was ninth, Tommy Bradley, another rookie in this class was 10th, Steve Barlow, yet another rookie was 11th and Andy Wald was 12th. In the second round, Taylor took the checkers, Vanden Heuvel was next across the line and Carl Renez-eder was third to finish. Evan Evans finished fourth again, Tommy Bra-dley picked up five spots to finish fifth, Kevin Probst took the sixth fin-ishing spot and R.J. Flanagan was again seventh. Larry Gou~lie Marl< Kleiman took a first and a second in the Stock Class, shown here at speed in his good looking Ford. Super Buggy was hotly contested but Las Vegan Aaron Hawley took a gold and a silver medal and the class points lead. Dusty Times

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Rick Huseman made it all pay off for him, he took a fifth and a first in Mike Oberg drove his good looking Chevy to an eighth place and a Mike Savage won the first round in Sportsman 2, finished eighth in Pro-Lite and he leads the points as well. first place, he's second in points in the Sportsman 2 division. the second round, tied for second in points. dropped to eighth in this r~und, · place, Brian Hinman finished ninth place, Ben Wandahsega moved up place .finish, Hoek/Kleiman were Konitzer is next with 27 points. Steve Barlow was ninth, Chris and Adam Daffner finished 10th. to fourth place and Adam Daffner ninth and Brian Hinman tailed to In the Stock class there were 14 Hansen finished in 10th place, Paul In the second round Mike Oberg took the fifth place finish. Dan Bau- start the round. In points it's Don combatants and they all did their Seidler dropped way back to 11th took the coveted checkered flag for dowc had a sixth place finish, sev-Williams on top with 30, Mike best to claw their way to the front. and Andy Wald was last man on the the win, second spot went to Sam enth place went to Bob Gersmehl, Oberg and Mike Savage are tied for No surprise here as two time defend-totem pole again. Van'den Heuvel Konitzer, Don Williams took third Mike Savage dropped to an eighth second with 28 points each and Sam Continued on page 36 leads the points with 36, Scott Tay-lor is second with 34 points and Carl Renezeder is in third with 30 points. There was 20 Pro-Lite contes-tants and the action was certainly fast and furious. The Round 1 win-ner was Rod VanEperen, making his fifth career start in Pro-Lite and happily taking his first win. Jeff Kincaid was off to a good start, tak-ing the silver medal and Chad Hord was third. Don Ponder was fourth in his Ford, Rick Huseman was fifth, Les O'Donnell was sixth, and Joe Wutke III was seventh. Eighth place went to Mark Krueger, Donnie Rob-erts was ninth and Jim Kandell, a rookie, was 10th. Ted Wubben came in for 11th spot, Shayne Pike, an-other rookie was in for 13th and Kyle LeDuc was 14th across the line. Yet another rookie, Brian Cavitt fin-ished in 15th place, Steve Federico was a long 16th, Art Schmitt an unusual, for him 17th place, Randy Eller was 18th, Tom Hoppock took the 19th place and Chris Menard, another rookie brought up the rear in 20th place. The second round of Pro-Lite saw lots of changes in position. The gold medal went to Rick Huseman, Art Schmitt moved way up into sec-ond place, Chad Hord added an-other third place to his credit, Joe Wutke III moved up to fourth place, rookie Stacy Pike bad a nice fifth place finish and rookie Shayne Pagles finished in the sixth spot. Sev-en th place went to Ted Wubben, rookie Jim Kandel finished eighth, Ron VanEperen dropped to ninth place in this round, rookie Brian Cavitt was 10th and Jeff Kincaid dropped way back to 11th place. Sreve Federico moved up a few spots to 12th, Don Ponder fell way back to 13th, Lee O'Donnell was 14th across the line and the 15th finish-ing spot went to Mark Krueger. Rookie Chris Menard took the 16th finishing spot, Kyle LeDuc finished a disappointing 17th, Tom Hoppock was 18th, Donnie Rob-erts was 19th and Randy Eller didn't start the second round. Rick Huse-man is leading the points with 31 in hand, Chad Hord is second with 28 points and Rod VanEperen is third in points with 27 accrued. There were 10 competitors in Sportsman 2 and a bunch of the regulars were setting their sights on the class championship. In the first round Michael Savage took the first podium position, Don Williams came in second, Dan Baudowc was third across the line, fourth went to Bob Gersmehl and Sam Konitzer was fifth. The Hoek/Kleiman duo came in for sixth place, Ben Wandahsega was seventh across the line, Mike Oberg an unusual eighth Dusty Times ~ ~,,, ~ GET OIJR BRAND NEW KAklEK T-SIIIRT FOR ONLY $ts MD&Jt MOJAVL Dt...s&::R~AL-NG Wild Wash 250 February 1-2 Mojave 250 April 4-6 Ridgecrest 300 May 16-18 The Kartek 400 June 27-29 California 200 August 8-10 Lucerne 300 September 26-28 Stoddard 250 November 21-23 2003 RACE &CIIEDIJLE ,l_&J&II Laughlin Desert Challenge January 16-19 San Felipe 250 March 14-15 Baja 500 May 30-June 1 Henderson's Terrible 250 July 10-13 Las Vegas Primm 300 September 12-13 Baja 1000 November 13-16 Parker 425 February 7-9 Terrible's Town 250 April 25-27 Vegas to Reno June 26-29 Baja Mex 300 August 22-24 Las Vegas 200 December 5-7 Kartek Off-Road -2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 -909-.737.7223 July 2003 Page 35 r

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1. Keith Steele put together a fourth and a first in the Stock Division, he and his Chevy are second in points. Really up in the air, Brad Erickson was only 1(11> in round 1, took the win in the second round in Single Buggy. Scott Schwalbe dnf'd in the first round but a win in round mo put him fifth in points in his Toyota powered buggy. ing champion Mark Kleiman started on the pole and went on to take the checkered flag and his 21st career Stock victory. Second across the line was Jeff Lutzow, rookie Randy Rundhaug came in for third, Keith Steele was fourth, Rhonda Konitzer took fifth, and rookie Dave ish, Jason Bort was 12th, the Tim/ Waldvogel was sixth. Rod Wells was John Kontizer pair were 13th and the seventh finisher, Al Konitzer Gerry Mannion was the 14th and came in for eighth, ninth place went last finisher. to Victor Anderspn and rookie Seco.nd round finishing had Don Demenywas the 10th place fin- some major changes up front. Keith isher. Rick Hinman was 11th to fin- Steele was first to take the checkered flag, the 13th time he has won. Mark Kleiman dropped to the second spot, Rhonda Konitzer moved up to the third place spot, Jeff Lutzow was fourth, Rod Wells moved into fifth and rookie Randy Rundhaug was sixth across the 'finish line. Vic Anderson finished seventh, Tim/ John Konitzer moved up to eighth place, rookie Dave Waldvogel came in ninth and Al Kon:itzer was 10th to finish. 11th place went to rookie Don Demeny, Jason Bort remained in the 12th place, Gerry Mannion took 13th while Rick Hinman failed to make the start. Scott Taylor and his Ford had a pretty good weekend, a third and a first in Pro-2 Mark Kleiman leads the points with 36 in hand, Keith Steele is sec-ond with 32 points andJeffLutzow is third with 28 points. has him second in points. · The Super Buggy Division had 20 combatants and there was a lot Scott Peterson made it two third of scrambling before the weekend place finishes in a row, Tim Lemons was over. In the first ·round, 'ol came in for fourth and Gary Nierop buddy Aaron Hawley took the top made it two fifth place finishes for position OI\ the podium, Tim Lem-the weekend. The Kreimans gained ons came in for second spot and a few spots up to sixth, David Scott Peterson was third. In fourth Johnson moved up to seventh, Paul place it was Scott Powell. Bort moved up one spot to eighth, Gary Nierop came in for fifth, Tom Schwarzburg dropped a place Ryan Mulder was sixth, seventh went to ninth and Ryan Mulder fell to to Tom Schwarzburg, James Lair was 10th in this round. In 11th place it eighth, ninth went to Paul Bort and was James lair, Todd Wallace was the Kriemans were 10th to finish. 12th across the line, Corry Heynen David Johnson was the 11th place racked up another 13th place fin-finisher, John Steiner was 12th, ish, Don Olson was 14th and Tim Corry Heunan was the unlucky Christensen was 15th again. Jon 13th, Todd Wallace came in 14th Steiner finished this round in 16th, and Tim Christensen was 15th. Iri Jack Haenlein was 27th, Herman the 16th finishing place it was Casey Barnum came in 18th while Scott Johnson, Herman Barnum was Powell took the green but was a dnf 17th, Jack Haenlein came in 18th and Casey Johnson didn't start the and the unwanted dnf's went to second round. Scott Schwalbe and Don Olson. The Super Buggy points leader is In the second round for the Su- Aaron Hawley with 36 points, Tim per Buggy Division, Scott Schwalbe Lemmons and Scott Peterson are went to the front and there he stayed-, tied for second with 28 points each taking the coveted win. Aaron Haw-and Gary Nierop is next with 22 ley held on for a nice second place, Continued on page 38 ◄ « t: tit=IZ'; 1#27#; i ~&=f. ~ ~ GOIRATUlATIIS RPSI · 1&J~~I Mech■ics i le Year-212 Page. 36 July 2003 DU$tY Times

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'IJ it! -P/2£1-/600 event f f>ONU6 l6T IN Cl t\61* f>()NLJ6 T() 16T ()Vb..lZ.ALL Dusty Times ftJIZ MOiZ.t tNftJfZ.MATlllN • ' -PTrJ \\I\~~~ 702 ~ ~ . ~r•v.."' CA25 Ill~ .. July 2003 • Page 37 ,

Page 38

Rod VanEperen drove his good looking Toyota to a win in round 1, !11' In Ught Buggy, Greg Stingle just keeps it upright, he took a first and Third in Light Buggy Points is Ben O'Connell, he had a ninth and a first and obviously he's a bit rear end heavy. in round 2, he's third in points in Pro-Lite. an eighth and he's second in points. points. and Bob Bla~ey came in fifth. J. place went to Matt Gerald, Ben There were 19 contenders in the Shubert was the sixth place finisher, O'Connell finished an unusual Single Buggy class and in the first Tracy Crump was seventh, Mike See-ninth place and Josh Hintz came in round itwasnocontestas defending feldt dropped back to eighth place 10th. Todd Lemke took the 11th champion Mike Seefeldt took the this round, Allen Plawman came in spot, Carol Gunderson came in· checkered flag. Steve Socha was sec-ninth and Terry Fitzgerald was 10th. 12th, Tom Virnig, a rookie was ond to cross the line, Mark Stein-Dan Martin came in 11th, Mike Rau 13th, John Bauman was 14th and hardt was third, Bob Blaney came in was 12th, Wade Schubert was 13th, Craig Rabe was f5th to finish. Tom fourth and John Fitzgerald came in Heather Sullivan moved up to 14th Thomas, another rookie was 16th, fifth. John Svanda came in sixth, Ja-and John Fitzgerald was 15th. John Jeff Schulze took the 17th position, son Janusz was the seventh finisher, Svanda dropped to 16th, Jason the Omans, rookies were 18th and TracyCrumpwaseighth, Terry Fitz-Janusz dropped way back to 17th, Chad Dewall finished 19th. · gerald came in. ninth and Adam Scott Morrow was 18th and once In the second Light Buggy round, Guberud was the 10th place finisher. again, Todd Crump failed to start. Ben O'Connell took the win, his sev-J. Shubert finished in 11th place, Steve Socha leads the points with enth in his career, Tracy Peebles took Allen Plawman was 12th to finish, 32, Mike Seefeldt is second with 28 the second spot, Matt Gerald moved Mike Rau was 13th, Dan Martin was points and Mark Steinhardt is third up to third place, Chad Dewall 14th and Wade Schubert \\'.as 15th. with 26 points. moved up a bunch into fourth place Brad Erickson was the 16th finisher, The Light Buggy class was hotly and rookie Craig Metz finished a nice Scott Morrow was 17th, Heather contested, as usual and after the fifth for the second time. Steve Sullivan was the 18th finisher and smoke had cleared on the first round Schuch dropped from second to Todd Crump failed to start. it was Greg Stingle taking his fifth sixth place, John Bauman was a se-ln the second round Brad career Light Buggy win, Steve rious seventh, John Huven was Erickson took the lead and there he Schucli was second to finish and eighth, Kevin Huth was ninth and stayed to take the win. Steve Socha Tracy Peebles was third. JeffVirnig J.R. Wagner was 10th. Jeff Virnig dropped to 14th place and rookie is second with 28 points and Ben Tom Virnig finished 15th. Todd O'Connell sits in third with 27 Lemke was 16th, the rookie Omans points. were 17th, Craig Rabe was 18th and · This race will be shown on the Jeff Schulze was 19th. . Speed Channel, Thursday, July Tracy Peebles leads the points 10th, 10pm Eastern Daylight with 30 on the board, Greg Stingle Time. --.,_,.""" · finished second in this round also, came' in fourth, rookie Craig Metz dropped to 11th, Carol Gunderson·~ . . --~. . -... ... _ =~ Adam Geberud moved up to third was fifth, J.R. Wagner came in sbfth finished in 12th again, rookie Tom Flymg stra,g~t an<:1 le~el, ~,ke Seefeldt won the first round, was eighth m round place, Mark Steinhardt was fourth and Kevin Huth was seventh. Eighth Thomas was 13th, Josh Hintz _two_, _sec_ o_nd-,n~po_m_ts_,_n_S_m~g_le_B_u~g=g~y. _____________ _ ■ Page 38 . 11111"111//&•~ SHOCK IIIYAll.'f//1..,,, FECHNOI.OGY 714.530.B701 • FAX 714.530.8702 1040!211lASKAVE., UNff A• GARDENGROV£. CA 92843 W'W'flV.ldngshodcs.oorn July 2003 2.5" --6'!!!£~ Need coil springs? (all King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. (all today! Dusty Times

Page 39

Legacy Hall .Of Fame By Judy Smith In the spirit of the 30th anni-versary of SCORE's Baja 500, a group of folks involved with a nearby guest ranch decided to kill two birds with one stone, and introduce themselves to the off road community in a big way. The Horsepower Ranch, an attractive and comfortable resort just eight and a half kilometers up the Ojos Negros Road, was the site of what was sort of fol-low-up to the 1000 Miles to Glory night at the Peterson Mu-seum a few years ago. At that event most of the attendees said they wished such a reunion could happen more often, and PR ma-ven, Marty Fiolka took them se-riously. Fiolka, who works with the Wide Open Baja folks, decided that the Horsepower Ranch would be a good place to hold the second such event, and he timed it to occur two days before the Baja 500. In addition, since they'd recently refurbished the Mad Dog's Carrera Cantina on the premises, it would be a good opportunity to introduce a po-tential vacation spot to the off road public. Another project that's near-and dear to Fioika's heart, is a collection of Baja racing photog-raphy and memorabilia that now hangs in the cantina, and the newly organized Baja Legacy Hall of Fame. The central purpose of the event became the induction of a list of off road luminaries into the Hall of Fame. Most of them were there to receive their awards, and to enjoy an evening of reminiscing. Those inducted included Sal fish, Bruce Meyers, Doug Rob-ertson, Ron Bishop, Corky Mc-Millin, Dick Landfield, Drino Miller and Malcolm Smith. Un-fortunately, Corky was in the hospital recovering from a heart attack and couldn't attend, and Landfield had other commit-ments, so Dave Ashley spoke on his behalf. The 'producers of the · event also created some "Baja Legacy Hall of Fame" artwork, which, now autographed by the recipients, hangs in the cantina. There were also many old off road race cars on display for the evening, including the Bisltein Baja -Bug, the original Old Red Meyers Manx, the Macadu Por-sche Chenowth from McMillin Racing, the original ~aja Boot and the 1968 race winning Stroppe Bronco of Rod Hall and Larry Minor. The ranch is now owned by Jim Christensen and Todd Clem-ent and Wide Open Baja lease space to use as a shop and as Ensenada' s headquarters for their tours. Malcolm Smith has also used the place for his bike tour groups. The ranch will be available at a later date for pri-vate parties, and it'll be open dur-ing pre-running for the Baja 1000. It will also be used as race headquarters for the W ide Open Baja racers during the 1000, and will be the site of a pre-race party. Fiolka expects the event to be-come an annual one, and indeed, those present enjoyed themselves immensely, especially liking the opportunity to visit with some old friends. Because it was two days before the race there was a fairly relaxed atmosphere and the party went long into the night. There were an estimated 600 people in attendance, all enjoying a fine Mexican barbe-cue dinner and libations for a lib-eral fee, and the T-shirts that were handed out will be trea-sured souvenirs. . _ . .,,., PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF. SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil~ SERVI_CE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times The United States Government has offered a reward of up to -$25,000,000 paid for by the Rewards For Justice Program, for Information leading to the apprehension of Osama bin Laden. r_~ ~~,rec rn. •1 AUTOMOTIVE & PERFORMANCE 4725 E. 22nd Street• Tucson, Arizona 5 2 0-747- 0 5 6 3 Stand alone programmable management - "Simple Digital System" WHY TUNE A CARBURETOR, WHEN YOU CAN PUSH A BUTTON Sales•Installation•Dynotuning Carburetor to EFI convel'Sions • ECU up-grades ECU up-grades • Turbo and Supercharging Injectors • Surge tanM • Pael system components Custom intake and Turbo exhaust fabrication for Race or Pleasure -Desert, Sod/Dunes & Pre-runners www.toyotaper£ SHOCK & A WE EM! Ford POWERSTROKE E-xcursion BITD Stock Full SUV Legal Spare Powerstroke engine Spare Trannys, Rear Ends, Containers of Spare Parts Prepped and Ready to Race! This unique vehicle will sell fast call now! Ford ProTrucfi Spare Patton Engine, 3 Trannys, Rear End, Plus many spares f' ord 4x4 Supercab Prerunner A/C, All the right stuff, Patton Stroker, King, 4 Link, Sat Phone, XM, Baja Tough! 42' KentuckvHauler Lift Gate, Generator, Air Please, Serious Inquiries only! (760) 352-3080 ****** ***** July 2003 Page 39 ·-

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WHIPLASH PolNT TO PolNT James Martin Does It Again By Mike Del Col Photos: .Kim Cook James Martin flies towards his second overall win in the last three years at the Whiplash Point To Point race. BilBtein . Sway A Way Eibat:h · HM · QA 1 · CNC~---Sparca • PRP • Fuel Sate Ran Davis Radiator, Setrab Oil Coaler, Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear Rick Randall ad a great race, he drove his good looking truck to a nice first place . in Class 8, seen here at speed. The Whiplash Point to Point race is a grueling soft sandy course that really gives fits to a lot of folks, but not "l11e TexasTornado",JamesMartin. l11ere's something about James Martin, and Mexico. The question is -does James like Mexico, or does Mexico like James? Make this two overall wins in the last three years at this race, and that pretty much swns up James' accomplishments down there.Two finishes out of three is something to be proud of, but two overalls out of three? Wow! In the Class I fracas it was the Vesterdal brothers earned the second overall position with their run, anq earned a first place in the Unlimited Class I ranks. Steve and Al had an oil leak that required a stop at the half way point for a temporary fix, and still made the finish in 3:09:02. Their SCAT V4 powered Chenowth makes lots of horsepower -and ran very well down in Mexico in that soft sand. The Vesterdals were challenged much of the way by the Whitmoyer Racing Team, To the cheers of his crew and under the watchful eye of the awman, Hector Garcia heads for the class 1600 win. The class 10 win went to Todd Ford, his problems on the second lap only slowed him down, didn't put him out. · ..:

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Ross Whitmoyer had some problems on the second lap /:Jut still Second in Class 10 was Ja"ett Lemley leaping across the highway, Throwing sand for quite a few yards, David Binns high tails it towards managed a nice second place in the Class 1 battle. _it~IM~a_s_two __ lo_n~g'-,-l_a~p_s_to~th_e_~_in~is_h~----~-~~~--~~ a nice second place in Class 8. with their Mazda powered screamer. car in the lead for much of the race, his unlimited after a very long layoff ET of 3:03:5.,6~. "Ccrlas-s --,,10;.rh~ad.--:-jus_t_tw_o_""""'Whi=--c.p-.las,--.-h_se____,ri-es-,-o-n~ly-to-go~h-om-e~dis-~-Ross complained only of an ignition before a broken steering box caused a caused by some back injuries suffered finishers, with James Martin leading the appointed with an early exit after his module that may have been going bad, high speed roll-over, and a DNF. The in Mexico a couple of years ago. It's way and Jarrett Lemley getting a nice motor failed. Hope to see him back in that was causing a little miss, and the McMullens turned the fastest lap of the good to see Steve back behind the wheel finish. Jarrett pushed his quiet little two Whiplash in the near future. rotary powered car to be down on race with a 1:23:40 on their first pass. Unfortunately, a locked up Fortin seater to the finish, a feat not easily Rick Randall got the job done in power just a little bit. Also very much When that car runs, it's a screamer. transmission spelled disastrous for his duplicated. Class 10 regular Ed Beard the Class 8 ranks earning a nice win in in the running was the McMullen Tom Wood was also very much in the racing bid. had a good race going, but had all the Mexico. Rick turned the fastest lap in brothers team and Tom Wood. The running until a roll-over of his own James Martin led a quality group of bolts sheeroff ofl:iis flywheel to end his the class in his four wheel drive Jeep McMullen brothers brought the real caused a DNF. Another notable in the racers to the finish in his Class IO day. Tough oreak. Scott Martenson Honcho truck. He ended up losing his race car this time, and Albert had the class was Steve Kuker, who was back in Toyota powered racer with a bilstering made his # 1022 racer debut in the Continued on page 42 Second place in class 5 went to Luis Wallace, his good looking Bug Larry Ayers gave it all he had but had to settle for second place in the Albert McMullen charges across the desert in his mean looking literally flying out of the dip. · 1600 clash at the Point To Point. class 1, unforlunately he didn't finish his second lap. ultimate lono travel ford lono travel system Get the benefits of Oflf Long Travel system and 3" lift spindles, aeoting 6" of llft for inaedib/e groilnd deorance. !iii~v..J ■ 3' lift indles ._ IS ■ Upper~ontrol arms <Wee~wy ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit touota lono travel system Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van Dan' long tral'el system. Built ta satisfy all the serious □ff readers out there. custom i beams Dllroad bullet pr□□! design provides maximum strength with 4130 Chrom□ly steel 1 /Bth' thick plate and tubular inner structwi!. 1990-94 lard ranger y -performance sustem Our extended radius anns are offset lw1her inboard offering increased ttre clearance and 4' mare wheel travel Dual Shack System 2 shacks per front whee~ adds high performance dampening. ~.o,('H•,L..,.;t,;,,.~.•"\-,r~-;-,_ \.-,.~•...r;~ C' :•<► 8' Suspension System used in a racing 1 application with coil aver shacks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this c□nligurati□□ cycles out at 19' al wheel travel extended radius arms Dur extended radius anns are · offset lw1her inboard far increased tire clearance. Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on lord ranger i!.s-performance s ustem 2.5' □I lilt with a 2' increase in wheel travel I ]lliiiaiP:.r I . --r.t;,~-1 ·, ;~< ·,' . '-Y~,;~ ~"i$11!..-... ~-~4·,:a 1973-87 C10 y -long travel sustem Gives you the needed clearance far 33' tall tires. .fdl¥:-0 ~ angled Fiberglass e !! e Vfibe!!! ! include front lenders, bedsides and hoods. The front lenders and bedsides are flared with wheel travel in mind. spare. tire mount ~ Constructed using 1 1/4' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints far long lasting strength and durability.· t i flat spare tire mount stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment al stamped steel tahs simplify your fabrication needs . , DB E-MAIL US AT ' . -~ ~-~

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power steering late in the day, but muscled the big Honcho to the finish line and the win over a rompetitive field David Burns was just a few minutes behind at the half way point, and may have had the "Triple 8" Ranger in the lead when ari overheating problem cost him some down time, and the race. Benny Fenn was another finisher in the class in his white Ranger, but a very long second lap put him well out of the race. Hector "Pacho" Garcia is another one of those guys who really likes to race in Mexico. Hector did it again at the Point of Point, earning another vic-tory. Hector had a great race going.with Bill Stoner, and was leading the way at the halfway point by a slim 36 seconds. Hector ended up running away from the pack on Lap 2, only to drop a cyl-inder with about 50 miles to go, mak-ing the race much tighter than he would have liked. Larry Ayers was in the prime pouncing position on Hector but couldn't close the gap and finished in second place just about six minutes back. This was a very good race for Larry. The venerable "Wild" Bill Krug ended up finishing in third place, and was also very much in the hunt coming down the home stretch. Bill was slated with the close finish, and thought the race could have been much closer. Bill ended up getting a flat tire that cost him about 20 minutes of down time Matt Engstler is nicely airborne as he heads for the victory in Class 5 in his great looking Bug. -r while summoning his crew to make the change. Bill finished just about 12 min-utes out of the lead Bill Stoner claimed fourth place, sharing the driving duties with Orrol Myers behind the wheel for The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! the second lap. Carol unfortunately , got stuck about five miles into her as-signment, and spent 30 minutes-plus digging out Fireman Mark Milne came all the way from Colorado to compete in Class 1600. After a frustrating day with an ill performing motor, Mark finished a disappointing fifth. Other notable in the class, Steven Long broke a torsion bar and·was a DNF. RJ .. Newton ran out of gas to end his race. RJ's ~r should have made the trip around the course, and there is some wonder if some fuel was stolen during the night, that may have caused him to run out Ron Dalke was also all revved up to race down in Mexico, but a bro-ken crankshaft in testing prevented Ron from making the start line. The Pro Class 5 cars were next with MENDEDLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on th_is latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. Page 42 . . just three entries. Matt Engsder~ lead-ing a tight race, but only mustered one lap. Luis Wallace was right on his tail, but neither could finish the serond time around. Kyle Green was able to complete a lap in the Class 7 pro ranks with a very respectable 2:06:44. He did not tum a second lap, but neither did his compe-tition. . Richard Franklin got the job done, and hammered out two good laps in his Class 3 racer. His time of 4:47:01 was a good pace to a well earned finish. In the Class 9 contest two brave souls challenged the Point to Point, with Mike O'Donnell setting a com-fortable pace to a win. O'Donnell fin-ished in jl!St under six grueling hours, and turned two very consistent laps to July 2003 Only missing a few bed panels, Kyle Green rushes to the Class 7 win at the Whiplash Point To Point. Richard Franklin drove his redder than red Jeep to a nice win in Class 3, seen here at a road crossing. earn the win. Paul Mathews teamed with Jim Mansfield but they had a bro-ken transmission early in the race and were unable to finish. In the Sportsman contest, Erik Jones had his four seater back to the checkers the fastest of the bunch. Erik's 1:53:11 was good enough for a win over Jay Williams in the class. Mike Herrick led the way in his "Rat" car, turning a very respectable 1:58:24 in the Sport 10 category. Mike beat out some good cars in that class, including Hector Cortez, Jason Cornell, and Todd Ford. Todd had his new (to him) Chenowth Millennium on the race track after a complete re-do of the car. A broken c.v. cage cost him mucho downtime. · Tim Smith made his way to Rocky Point all the way from Florida,. and again wins the farthest traveled award. Tim's little Jeep took more than three hours to make the race course, but it was a well deserved finish. Bruce Johnston won another race Mike O'Donnell finished his two required laps in good, consistent form and took the class 9 title with ease. The Class 1200 winner was Ty Loyd, seen here at the road crossing on his way to victory in the Point To Point. Dusty Times

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I I The Class 1800 win went to Erik Jones, shown here in his void of decals plain wrap car. in the Sportsman Limited class. Bruce's little 1600 is a runner, and Bruce loves the Sport Limited class. Brent McKee couldn't match his lap. And last but not least, Francisco Moreno was a winner in the Sport Mini class after a 6: 13:30 lap. That must have been quite a journey. KREGER Fabricatiof't woufd like fo extend a IWCh deserved congratulations to Will & Jeny Higman for piloting their 2002 KREGER Class 10 (available in any engine, any trans) to a 3rd place finish over 500 miles of the toughest terrain this planet has to offer. Congrats Guys!!! !KREGER FLOATERS ON THE PODIUM AT THE 500 :\ A special mention to the fellas in Class 12 running : KREGER Floaters ... Making us proud!!! '.. 2nd place Class 12 -Jerry Penhall/ L.J. Kennedy !\• 3rd Place Class 12 -Matt Dreaver KREGER ... FABRICATION THAT GOES THE DISTANCE. 1-n,1111ou111,11'!11lff ti1iiUHD&IUE:tiHi:-I The next rare fo, Whiphsh R= : :; rare;,""°"• ,nd prnmis<s pin<s of nonh,m Adron,. Looking ing is the Snowflake race in the cool to be bigger than ever this year. This forwara to seeing everyone there and pines of Heber, Arizona in August. course is fast, fast, fast, and twists and having a very good time. Get those It's historically the best attended Whip- turns its way thru the meadows and cars ready! . _ .• .., ~ON~RATULATIONS WINNERS SNORE Duso/ "'fimes 250 Walters Brothers Racing MOR Ridgecrest 300 Dan Martin/Kash Vessels 1st Overall 2-1600 Porter Race Car 1st Class 9 Avi Resort 250 - 1st Class 9 Buffalo Bill's 400 Paulden Hepler/Dennis Sletten 2nd Botha. Bros. 1st Class 600 3rd Stephanie Lozano JG TRANSWERKS '"'"Go Wltll A Proven WnlEr'-' •••••••••••••• •-••·········· . ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA • 714-632-1240 www Shaub/Hemingway 1st Class 9 JG Transwerks does not guarantee in any way, written, verbal!)' or otherwise express, that your limited class racer will "Overall" the next race. Your results may vary. WARNING: Off Road Racing is considered-extreme fun and is addictive. JG Transwerks assumes no responsibili!)' for large smiles, sun burn, sore aching muscles and depleted bank accounts. Please race at your own risk. Dusty Times July 2003 Page 43

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Steve Vatter gets nicely airborne as he heads to a second place Flyin' high, wide and handsome, Mike Malloy made a run for the 1600 Harry Dunne had to settle for the silver medal in Lucerne, he took finish in the combined 1, 10, 500 class at Lucerne. class win, but second was where he finished. second in class 9, about 20 minutes out of the class win. M.O.R.E. KARTEK JDG . . Criswell conquers LUcerne By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Track.side Photo John ,Priswe/1 really gets up there as he heads to the overall win at the MORE Kartek contest in Lucerne. • PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECl§E 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop •Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541)382-1573 Page 44 The M.O.R.E. Kar Tek 300 went off as scheduled in the usually windy and very dusty Lucerne Val-ley. There was some very fast and furious racing, but, then, there al-ways is and although everyone wasn't happy about where they fin-ished in class, they all stated that they had a good time, it was a good race and they are already getting ready for the next M.O.R.E. event. Classes 1, 5 and 10 were combined for this event and it was Bill Markel who was first off the start line. Bill led the first lap by roughly half a minute, slowed a bit on the second lap where he dropped to third place and, unfortunately Bill was never seen again. Second to start in the com-bined class was Shad Kennedy and he ran in the second spot on the first lap. Shad turned another fast lap on Lap 2 and took the class lead. Once again, disaster struck and Shad too, disappeared from the scoring charts. Next off the line was John Criswell and he completed his first lap in third place. John moved into second place on the second lap, took the lead on Lap 3 and there he remained for the mandatory 10 laps and cruised in for the checkered flag with a total time of 5: 16: 10, an average speed of 52.8 miles per hour. The fourth car to start in this class was Steve Vatter and although Steve was a bit off the pace all race long, he hung in there and finished his required laps, only 22 minutes behind the class winner. Ri-chard Lesher was the other starter in this class but he didn't finish his first lap. July 2003 The 1600 class belonged to Timothy Craig, he won in a squeaker, only 21 seconds in front of his competition. There were 18 Class 1600 cars ent-ered and they all took the green flag. Mike Malloy took the lead on the first lap but there were 17 other cars right on his heels. Tim Craig came along in second spot, then Dan Martin just a tick behind in third, Byron Ziegler was fourth, Craig Forrest tame across in fifth place, Greg Blakeman was sixth. Paul Keller seventh, Frank Wagner was in eighth place, Garth Hutchi-son was ninth and Jerry Longo was 10th across the line. On the second lap there were lots of changes. Mike Ml!-lloy still held the lead, Tim Craig moved up a spot into second, Jerry Longo moved up from eighth to third place, Craig Forrest moved into the fourth spot, Garit Wallace moved up from 10th to fifth place, Dan Martin dropped to sixth place, Paul Keller held his own in seventh place,_ Brad Inch moved up a spot to eighth place, Frank Wagner dropped a spot to ninth and Garth Hutchison dropped to 10th place. Mike Kennedy retired from the fray. On the third lap things were be-ginning to level out. Mike Malloy still held the lead, Tim Craig was still second, Paul Keller had moved up a way into third, Craig Forrest was still running fourth, Frank Wagner was up to fifth, Dan Mar-tin was still holding sixth, Garit Wallace dropped to seventh place, Jerry Longo had dropped back to eighth place, Brad Inch was back in ninth and Curt Geer had moved up into the 10th spot. 17 cars were still running! On the fourth lap, the first five cars held their positions. Brad Inch moved out of the ninth spot into sixth, Dan Martin dropped into seventh place, Garth Hutchison moved up into eighth place, David Dorworth was now in ninth place and Don Johnson moved up into the 10th position. On the fifth lap, the halfway point, Malloy still led, Tim Craig was still in second, Craig Forrest was running third, Garit Wallace was fourth, Dan Martin was run-ning fifth, Curt Geer was in sixth, Brad Inch was running in seventh spot, Frank Wagner was down to eighth place, Jerry Longo was up into ninth place and Hutchison had dropped to 10th place. Paul Keller failed to complete his fifth lap. Into Lap 6, the first three re-mained unchanged, Dan Martin was back up to fourth place, Curt Geer was up to fifth, Brad Inch was back into sixth, Frank Wagner was up to seventh, Jerry Longo was up to eighth, Hutchison was back into ninth place and Jimmy Hook was into 10th. Jeff Cepielik had disap-peared from the scoring charts. The Class 9 battle went to Dan Folts, he ran fast and consistent and had 22 minutes in hand at the checkers. Dusty Times ,I

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I I Old buddy Brad Inch had a not too bad race, he took the bronze medal in the Class 1600 battle at the MORE Lucerne race. Ray McKenzie didn't have the best of days, he ran quite fast for three Ron Rash was going well in the Class 9 battle, but he only got six laps under his tires before he was on the trailer. laps and then disappeared from the scoring charts. Diego Lopez had some problems on his fourth lap, but, no matter he soldiered on in good time and took the Class 7 win. Lap 7, and the top five held their positions. Now Garit Wallace was back into sixth place, Frank Wagner was still holding down sev-enth place, Brad Inch was back to eighth, Hutchison was still in ninth place and Jerry Longo was running in 10th. Don Johnson retired from the race. On the eighth lap the front four remained in their respective places. Frank Wagner was into fifth place, Brad Inch was up to sixth place again, Garit Wallace was in seventh, Hutchison was up to eighth place, Jerry Longo was in ninth and Jimmy Hook was back into 10th place. Curt Geer failed to complete his eighth lap. On the ninth lap, Tim Craig took the lead, Dan Martin moved up into the second spot, Garit Wallace moved up to third place, Mike Malloy relinquished his lead and dropped to fourth place, Brad Inch moved up to fourth place, Jerry Longo took over sixth place, Garth Hutchison was up a spot to como_j source farm dCre • Driving Suits • Crew Uniforms • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags NOW FEATURING: ln-H0U$8 Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor-Logos . seventh, Dave Dorworth was up to eighth, Greg Blakeman had moved into ninth place and Jimmy Hook was still holding down the 10th spot. Both Craig Forrest and Frank Wagner disappeared from the fray. The 10th and final lap saw Tim Craig taking the win and almost $3000 in cash for his drive. Mike Malloy was in for second, just 21 seconds out of the class win. Brad Inch came along a bit later for a nice third place. Jerry Longo ended up in fourth place, about six min-utes behind Inch. Dave Dorworth, a late bloomer finished in the fifth spot, Garth Hutchison came in sixth, Greg Blakeman picked up a few spots for a seventh place finish, Jimmy Hook came in eighth anc1 Byron Ziegler was the ninth and last finisher in the 1600 battle. Both Dan Martin and Garit Wallace oni~ got nine laps under their respectiv~ belts before retiring from a great race. Class 9 had to complete nine laps for a finish and, in this ·class, the attrition was unusually high. Seven of these guys took the green flag but only one of them was around at the checkers. Drew Kelty took the lead on the first lap, Dan Folts was second across the line, Steve Johnson was running in thir.9, 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Dusty Times July 2003 Mike Norris was fourth, Harry Dunne was fifth, Joel Peel was in sixth and Ron-Rash was bringing up the rear. The secQnd lap was uneventful, everyone remained in the same po-sition as on the first lap. On Lap 3, the first three re-mained in their respective slots, Harry Dunne moved into fourth, Joel Peel moved up a spot into fifth, Ron Rash was up to sixth and Mike Norris had dropped from fourth to seventh. · On the fourth lap Dan Folts took the lead, Drew Kelty had dropped to second place, Steve Johnson remained in third, Harry Dunne remained in fourth and Ron Rash was in fifth. Joel Peel and Mike Norris didn't complete the fourth lap. Lap 5 was dramatic also, Dan Folts ·remained in the lead, Ron Rash moved into the second spot, Harry Dunne was in third and Steve Johnson and Drew Kelty were out Continued on I e Your car s111s hanil 934 MlcroDlsc Hub Assemblies If you're looking for the best In off-road braking. look no further. Kartek now makes the top-of.the-fine MicroDisc assembly. Perfect for Big Horsepower Prerunners! Bullt by the people who know off-road racing! {iear uf for {ifamisl Paddles Bladlocks Lazer Star Lights Fuel Systems Come Visit our NEW Superstore! 91 Freeway@McKlnley In Corona 2871 Ragle Way-Corona, CA 92879 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Page 45

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Jerry Longo ran some fairly quick and consistent laps but this time it First out of the money, fifth place in Class 1600 was David Dorworth, Garth Hutchinson is also a flyer, he flew to a sixth place finish in the was on/ ood enough for fourth place in 1600. seen here nicely airborne on his way to the checkers. Class 1600 fracas; only 24 seconds out of fifth. Only 20 seconds out of sixth place, Greg Blakeman took the lucky Coming in for an eighth place finish, Jimmy Hook gave it all he had in In ninth place at the finish of the Class 1600 battle at Lucerne was seventh place in the Class 1600 race at Lucerne. _th..,..e=M,-O,--R_E_C_la_s_s_1_,600 __ ba_tt,_t_e.,----=---=----=-----,--Ron Ziegler, seen here in launch mode. of the race. . The seventh lap still had Folts in on the eight lap and on the ninth certainly a triumph for Dan Folts. mained unchanged but on the On Lap 6, Folts remained in the the lead, Dunne in second spot and and final lap, Dunne failed to ap- Class 7 only had one entry and fourth lap, McKenzie disappeared lead, Dunne moved up into second Rash calling it a day and getting on pear. Diego Lopez raced around the and that left the race to Don spot and Rash fell to third with a the trailer. So, the Class 9 race was over, only course for his required six laps. He Heinemann. He completed his six horrendously long lap. There was no change in position one finisher out of seven, starters, had some problems on the fourth laps in less than five hours. We would like to thank all of our advertisers for their support. We would also like to thank all of our subscribers for their support over the years. We will continue tp bring you he best people, writing the best stories for your enjoyment and we hope you will support the advertisers that utilize our pages. Page 46 July 2003 lap but he soldiered on an·d took In the Limited Sportsman Baja the checkered flag in just over five Bug class Mike Norris was the sole hours. entrant. He ran his required six laps In the Unlimited Sportsman in five and a half hours to take the • Buggy, there were six required laps win. to run and it was Ray McKenzie tak-Ron Kellman was the only en-ing the lead on Lap 1, Bob Wieder-trant in the Limited Sportsman hold was secon d and Don Buggy and Ron only got in one lap Heinemann was third. before calling it a day. Onthesecond lapMcKenziehad So it ended, everyone said a big lead, Heinemann was second they had a great race, win, lose and Wiederhold had disappeared or draw, and they're all waiting from the race. for the next one so they can do On Lap 3 it all again. . .. -... lk Don Heinemann ran his six required laps in good time and took home the Unlimited Sportsman Buggy trophy. Some problems on his second lap didn't deter Mike Norris from taking the win in Limited Sportsman Baja Bug. Dusty Times I' I

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2003 PROTRUCK POINTS spectators estimated at over 100,000 by Mexico tourism offi-cials. Nine anxious Protrucks drew into competition, eager to prevail the 452.93-mile course in the rug-ged terrain of the northern part of Mexico's Baja California pen-insula. Rank 0,,-.ofRecord Laughlin Parlclar San Guam Terrtbl-Bal• Tolal Fell,_ Town 500 1 Rick D Jolvlson 180 22G 0 22G 0 21G 848 2 JerffDickerson 230 184 0 190 "22e 202 M2 3 Al Hnnan 210 200 0 0 214 185 110 4 RlckLJot-nson 0 214 0 0 200 198 112 & O.,Hunt 192 182 0 206 0 0 SID I Alan Pl,.-200 0 125 0 0 228 553 7 Brian Stewart 0 0 0 214 0 208 422 I John Beckl8r 0 206 0 0 194 0 400. • Chet Huftnan 204 180 0 0 0 0 314 1D Ta:n Es-0 0 0 196 0 182 371 11 S---Barlow 218 0 11 g 0 0 0 SS7 12 DawidScar01'1i 0 198 115 0 0 0 311 13 Rob Rein■rtson o · 0 0 0 206 0 2DI 14 Brian Pine 0 0 0 200 -0 0 200 1S G,_,.,.,Smlt, 198 0 0 0 0 0 111 11 Tony UclTa 196 0 0 0 0 0 191 17 Jin Stiles 0 0 0 0 196 0 1N PFLUEGER RACING WINS 35TH BAJA 500 Alan Pflueger "The Flyin' Ha-waiian" of Honolulu, Hawaii man-handled his-1255 Pflueger Racing Chevy into the top position, best-ing the eight other Protrucks. "We didn't come to race, we came to -win!" exclaimed Alan, living by his known motto. "Our team did ex-ceptionally well, we ran flawless. I'm very impressed with the new MagnaFlow exhaust systems, and Goodyear Tires get 10 starts across the board!" the only flat Alan got was a mile and a half from the fin-ish line due to an infamous "booby trap" made by locals. They had a hard time getting the wheel off, and then the lug nuts finally gave way-he says "that's when I was about to hit the panic button." He finished in an impressive time of 11:11:01. 11 Bruce Friedman 194 0 0 0 0 0 1M ,. SamChambef-5 0 0 0 1M 0 0 1M 2D Ta:n Koch 0 0 0 1112 0 0 192 21 0-Hunt 0 0 0 0 11112 0 112 22 Matt Scaroni -0 0 0 0 0 184 114 23 GmvMaanass 0 0 0 0 0 180 180 Hawaii Conquers Baja Second across the finish was Rick D. Johnson of Barstow, CA in the #243 RJR Ford. Rick says "it went pretty gopd, we got stuck trying to carefully pass a quad up by Mike's Sky Ranch, it was real narrow and then we got a flat. Other than that it was a great run." He finished 11:28:30. • If_ complri'l>r competed In both 1he Guam went and Temble's Tow,, he can choose only one of tie two ra086 for PRO pac . e sai t e true ran goo , we just had too much downtime." After getting stuck a few times and getting out of the truck to change flats, he finally got going and fin-ished in 11:33:53. The 35th annual Tecate Baja 500 lived up to pre-race hype, the celebratory atmosphere honoring the 35th anniversary ofSCORE's first race in Mexico saw the most starters in 15 years. The desert clas-sic, fifth on the Protruck Series schedule of events massed 260 rac-ers competing for cars, trucks, mo-torcycles and ATVs in front of ex-About five minutes behind him was Brian Stewart, in the Herzog Racing Ford #213. Brian drove solo and was anxious to beat the Fourth to the checkered was the dynamic duo of Jeff Dickerson and Jimmy Nuckles of Brawley, CA. They also battled with the silt, getting stuck a few times and help-VISI T US AT OUR \NEEISITE www.nevac:lao'f' BEL RAY CV GREASE SWE~CO GEAR OIL . #203 -#212 -#201 10% O F F CASE LO,S HEAVY DUTY CHALL~NGER RIMS 930 CV'S Ai A LOW PRICE $4-4-.95EACH O R BUY 4-A i 3 9.95 EACH NEW 4-.86 002 BUS RING & PINIONS USA MADE NEVADA OFFROAD, -SHIRiS SM,MED,LRG,XLG,XXLRG 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WOOVEN BRAKE SHOES OWEL BALL JOINiS HELLA H - I - D LIGHiS PIAA HIGH -LOW LIGHiS YOKOHAMA ilRES SUPER DIGGER Ill 33 X 10 .50 X 15 SCGRE/ SNDRE APP-VEIi 1■aa1:a11as · aaa.aa EA WHILE THEY LAST! CALL TOLL FREE Page 47 1-888-155-5900 :3054 S . VALLEY VIEW #1:30 • LAS VEGAS, NV• 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • S A T 9AM-5PM (702)871-5221 FAX • July 2003 mg teammates c . o nson get unstuck. After several quick fixes, they raced to the finish in 11:08:45. s: Al Hogan #226 lost a transmis-sion. Matt Scaroni #227 had elec-trical problems. Gary Magness #250 and Tom Espy #240 both had motor problems. Fifth place went to the #236 Toyota Tundra of Rick L Johnson. Just like his competitors, Rick also battled with silt beds and getting stuck. "It was a good race, and it was awesome to have other Protruck drivers help us get out of the silt." *Look for this race and other Protruck racing events on the hit TV series "Ivan Stewart's Protrucks" on the Outdoor Life Network. ..·.lfU DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISER WHO KEEP DUSliYli111os REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is bur top-of.the-lint racing coif that comes ready to • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SOOA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience install and it's backed by a e for more info call or write to: /ul/ 10 year warranty. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe EL 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, Oregon 97701 R.adlrgc.ds ·,(541) 388-0203 · · . (541 )388-0307 fax ·htlp:// Dusty Times

Page 48

TEUTONIC ROCKET Porsches warp-Drive Hotrod SUV Not visible anywhere on the outside is the •Porschew name, Cayenne Turoo is the only visible identification. output to 450 hp @ 6000 rpm, with a whopping 457 lbs. ft. of torque on tap from 2500-4750. Both have an Aisin-made six speed Tiptronic automatic transmission, coupled to full-time four wheel drive. function sunroof. There are dual sun visors on both sides, and there's even a small shade that flips down to fill the gap above the rear view mirror. The power exterior mirrors, by the way, rotate down when you back up and can be folded in at the touch of a knob ·for extra close quarters. The Porsche Cayenne Jooks rather mild in stature but it's performance is absolutely awesor71e, looks can be deceiving. They also share much of their suspension systems with double control arms up front. The S couples them with struts, coil springs and shocks. The Turbo has an air ride system, which uses air springs and integral shocks, plus Porsche's Active Suspension Management System and variable rate shock damping. Both have multi-arm independent rear suspensions. As at the front, the S pairs them with the coil springs and shocks, while the Turbo has air ride. Active Suspension Management and variable damping. The standard tires are high performance 255/55R19 radials, but 19-and 20-inch sizes also are available. The between-seat console is a dual compartment, over and under affair with room and spaces for a variety of items, plus controls for the air ride, variable rate shock absorbers and four wheel drive low range. There are also two cup holders. Unfortunately, they won't accommodate large water or soft drink bottles, or really large soft drink cups. Five years ago, if you told someone you were going to buy a sport utility that could comfortably carry five adults -with all their "stuff"·-tow a sizeable boat, out-handle many sports cars, go 165 mph and eat most muscle cars for breakfast, they'd have looked at you as though you'd just landed from Mars. If you had told them that it was going to be a P che, they'd have figured it was eptune (or maybe that you'd been growing some things in your garden that wouldn't exactly have gotten Betty Crocker's ~eal of approval). That was then, though. This is a different century and a different world. Today, you can waltz down to your local Porsche dealer, plunk down a couple buckets of tasteful black-and-green portraits of dead American presidents and drive away in a vehicle that will do all those things with remarkable-style and grace. The Cayenne is definitely an SUV, but it's also definitely a Porsche. It even comes in two flavors. At 340 horsepower, the more moderate choice, the Cayenne S. YFJJ!lfjJ{f !l!J!JU!lfJl!JI!Jj 9YSnlEtl S BY PARKER PUMPER Parker Pumper developed the Competition Air System with the budget racer in mind. ... Conuerted bg the pro's at Parker Pumper to deliuer maximum air . flow, this HJC helmet is Snell m-rated, and is auailable in sizes S-XXKL (startinga11s249 OO/SJ49 op ■ ■(Wired] nie camn_lete . MPER source tor race,s ~-HELMETS andCre-ws 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 48 offers roughly a hundred ponies more than its rivals from Acura, Lexus, Toyota and Honda. It will embarrass just about any pickup, sport utility or pseudo-truck with its quickness, not to mention its nimbleness in the twisty sections. The other, the Cayenne Turbo, the sophisticated 450-hp warp-drive brute of the pair, will do all that and suck the chrome off their bumpers as it storms by. The Cayenne both is and isn't Porsche's first real sport utility. On one hand, it is the first SUV to carry the Porsche name. On the other hand, Porsche has a century-long history of designing vehicles for the German military, including their current main battle tank, the Leopard. So vehicles with off road capabilities really aren't anything new to Porsche. Even though it's the result of a massive Porsche engineering effort, the Cayenne isn't truly Porsche's alone. The all new chassis was actually developed in conjunction with Volkswagen, which will use it for their new sport ute, the Taureg, which has just entered the US market. The two vehicles are radically different, though. The engines, transmissions, suspensions, drivettains, four-wheel-drive systems and sheet metal are all different. About the only visible part they have in common is the steering column. Cayennes are powered by an all-new, water cooled, 4.5 liter, dry sump, DOHC, four valve per cylinder aluminum V-8 with individual ignitions and sequential electronic fuel · injection. In the "S" model it's naturally aspirated and puts· out 340 hp @ 6000 rpm, with 310 lbs. ft. of torque available from 2500-5500 rpm. The fire breathing Inside, creature comforts and amenities are what you'd expect in a premium vehicle. The Turbo gets a leather interior, accented with titanium-look brushed aluminum trim. The front seats are 12-way adjustable, with "bun warmers" and multiple driver and passenger memory settings. The steering column is also power adjustable, for both tilt and telescoping, and the heated steering wheel gives you both shift button:; for the Tiptronic transmission and controls for the 350-watt, 14-speaker Bose audio system. Headroom and leg room up front are as good as you'd expect in an SUV. Overhead, there's a small console with map lights, a sunglasses holder and the rotary control switch for the multi-The controls for the individual driver and front passeQger climate control systems also are located on the console, but don't look for the fuel filter door or rear hatch release buttons there. They're on a panel at the rear of the driver door map pocket. In typical Porsche style, the ignition key is on the left of the dash. Also typical, the instrumental panel has a large analog speedometer and tach. However, there's also a digital speedometer between them. These are supplemental by gauges for oil temperature, water temperature and fuel level, plus one for information about the trip computer and audio system. The Turbo also gets a boost gauge. -The multi-function computer/navigation system sits in the middle of the dash, and has no fewer than 51 knobs,-switches and buttons. Above it, at the base of the windshield, is the proximity warning system, which uses· sensors around the exterior of the ~ vehicle and a series multi-colored LEDs to warn you when you're.getting close to something. It turns all red when you're very close. Back seat passengers aren't treated like second-class citizens. They, too, get bun warmers, plus side curtain, airbag protection and all kinds of head and kneed room. Front room under the front seats is a little restricted though. On the plus side, they get multiple air vents on the center console and "B" pillars. Tur b o has t w in This often seen stretch of road on TV commercials turbochargers and a big wc:1s made for the Cayenne, almost zero body roll intercooler, which jump the -as it is put through it's paces. They also get a cigarette lighter/power point and two cup holders on the rear of the console, map pockets on July 2003 • Dusty Times -t

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Much of the Porsche 911 Turbo has been incorporated into the Cayenne, giving it a ve,y elegant appearance. the front seats, storage pockets in the doors, map/reading lights and grab handles with coat hooks above the doors. (The driver and front passenger also get grab handles.) The rear seats have height-adjustable headrests and are pretty comfortable, although not nearly as contoured as the fronts. Other nice touches include stainless steel scuff plates on all door sills and carpet mats that match the floor carpeting. Way back, there's plenty of room to haul stuff. With the seats down there's 62.5 cu.ft. of space available. Long items, such as skis, easily fit via the pass-through hatch in the 60-40 fold-down rear seats, and several chromed cargo tie-downs are dispersed around the back. A cargo net corrals loose items that might roll or slide around and a window shape style roll-out security cover keeps everything out of sight. Other niceties in the back include two power points, storage cubby holes in the side panels behind the wheel wells, brushed stainless scuff plates on the bumper and cargo area sill, and, of course, the mandatory anchors for child seats. The CD changer , jack and (on the Turbo) air tank for the air-ride system are neatly tucked away under the rear floor. The rear hatch opens at the touch of a concealed microswitch, and has a power-closing feature like that seen for years on Cadillacs. Although you normally woulcfn't seriously consider towing with a Porsche, you can with this one. With the standard hitch it can easily tow in excess of 7 500 pounds -just in case you want to show off a little for friends and neighbors. Normal under-hood servicing should be easy. The dipstick is right on the front of the engine, although it's a little hard to remove, due to its seals and retention clips. The oil, radiator and washer fluid fillers are all easy to get to. There's also a remote positive battery terminal access point. Other than that, you pretty much can't see anything else; it's all covered by shields and shrouding. As nice as all the creature comforts and amenities are, the real experience is in the driving. It may surprise some folks, but there really isn't much that needs to be said about that, though. That's because the Cayenne is -and does -just about exactly what DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15x3.5 & 15x6.S $135.00 $145.00 & up Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15x 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 247-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Dusty Times Sunroof and Roof Rack (not mounted here) are standard, tire options are 18", 19" and 20• in performance, all season and off road flavors. you'd expect from a Porsche. 450-hp bruiser. It's quick (bloody quick in the At this point, a word of advice case of the Turbo), stable and may be in order for those responsive, and surprisingly tempted to "run" a Turbo at a nimble for a big vehicle, with stoplight. tenacious cornerfng and Don't. powerful brakes. It can steam At 5200 pounds, the Turbo away from the competition with may be a big lump, but it can a satisfying V-8 roar and track stomp most muscle cars. Unless through the corners and almost you have a Viper, Z06 Corvette snake-like grip, or it can cruise or the like, you're probably going along serenely and coddle you in to wish you had minded your own luxurious comfort, while it business. Porsche says the Turbo serenades you with concert hall can do 0-100 km/h (62 mph) in sound. Your choice. just 5-6 seconds, and I see no The driving position is really reason to doubt it. good, and the multi-adjustable Cayennes have huge brakes, seats stay comfortable for long which are extremely powerful and stretches. Their high position effective. However, they're so gives you a good view of the road powerful that they tend to be ahead but unfortunately, not of kind of sensitive. It takes a little the front of the hood, which getting used to how little force is slopes away abruptly from the needed for normal stops. driver's view. That never became Unlike the BMW X5, which a problem though. BMW says isn't really intended to Based on thousands of miles go off road, the Cayenne has true in two of them, the Turbo will off road capabilities. Both give you about 17 mpg in real models have full time four wheel world combined city and highway drive with a low range. However, driving. That may not be great in if you 're really serious about the grand scheme of things, but getting off in the dirt, Porsche has it's damned respectable for a a special optio~al off road package that's just become available. Clearly, all this performance will come at a not inconsequential price. For the S, figure on numbers around $55,000 or so. For the Turbo, first take a deep breath. Then think more along the lines of $90,000. Steep? Yes, but so is a Viper, and you're not going to get five people in one of them. Neither · are you going to tow a boat with one of them either. Specifications: 2003 Porsche Cayenne S Cayenne Turbo Body type: Four door with rear hatch, monococque, steel. Drag coefficient: 0.39 Engine: 4.5 liter alloy V-8, water cooled, DOHC, four valves per cylinder (hydraulic), ·sequential fuel tnJection, individual coils (S and Turbo), twin turbochargers with intercooler (Turbo). Bore, stroke: 3.66 in. x 8.27 in. (93 x 83 mm). Displacement: 4511 cc (275 Power: 340 hp @ 6000 rpm (S), 450 hp@ 6000 rpm (Turbo). Torque: 310 lbs. ft. @ 2500-5500 rpm (S), 457 lbs. ft. @ 2250-4750 rpm (Turbo). Compression ratio: 11 :5: 1 (S), 9:5: 1 (Turbo). Output per liter: 76.5 hp (S), 99. 7 hp (Turbo). Lubrication system: Dry sump. Fuel: Premium unleaded, 98 octane (ROM). Drivetrain: Front engine, permanent four wheel drive. Transmission: Six speed automatic, Tiptronic. Torque split (normal, rear/ front): 62/68. Final drive ratio: 4:1:1 (S), 3: 7: 1 (Turbo). Continued on page 50 a· ia on Uiltlor aeers 1Racers July 2003 Page 49

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Suspension, front: Double control arms, struts, coil springs, shock absorbers (S); double control arms, air springs with integral shock absorbers. Porsche Active Suspension Management system with on-demand, infinite damper force control (Turbo). Suspension, rear: Independent, multiple arm, coil springs, shock absorbers (S); independent, multiple arm, air springs with integral shock absorbers. Porsche Active Suspension Management system with on-demand, in fin ire damper force control (Turbo). Brakes, f/r: Six 450 horsepower and fantastic 'cornering ability put the Porsche Ca enne Turbo hi h on the enthusiasts wish list. Wheelbase: 112. 4 in. (2855 mm). Length: 188.2 in. (4782 mm) (S); 188. 3 in. (4788 mm) (Turbo). Width: 75.9 in. (1928 mm). Height: 66.9 in. ( 1699 mm). Track, front/ rear ( 18-inch wheels): 64.8 in (1647 mm); 65.1 in. (1662 mm). Minimum ground clearance: 8.54 in. (217 mm). Cargo capacity (rear seat down): 62.51 cu.ft. (1770 liters). Maximum load: 6746 lbs. (3060 kg) (S); 6790 lbs. (3080 kg) (Turbo). Towing capacity: 7716 lbs. (3500 kg). Top Speed: p i s to n a 1 u m i n u m The Cayenne Turbo is distinguished by the massive air inlets, also 150 mph (242 km/h) (S); 165 mph (266 km/h) (Turbo). ca 1 i p e rs , 1 3 . 7 8 ducting air to the intercooler and brakes. inc. (35'0 mm) vented discs; 55Rl8, radial. four piston aluminum Tires, optional: 275/ calipers, 13.00 in. (330 mm) 45R19 or 275/40R20. vented discs. Curb weight: 4949 lbs. Wheels: 8.0 x 18, alloy. (2245 kg) (S); 5192 lbs (2355 Tires, standard: 255/ kg) (Turbo). Page so Acceleration (0-62 mph/ 100 km/h): 7.2 sec. (S); 5.6 sec. (Turbo). Standing kilometer (0.621 miles): 27.3 sec. (S); 25.2 sec. (Turbo). . .. "SW ~ ~ ~\l!lr~ Wl!Ifs.5:l~ emn}~ July 2003 -. . This is the i;ystem run by inost TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME off road race winners GO FOR 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Dusty Times

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY 6':ECO,nc. Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners P.O. Box 117 Ely, NV 89301 (702) 28!H>708 • • Suspensions • "custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 A1.SRACING WILDOMAR CA. Tc>yota IFS 1uapen1lon 1pecl11!1l8 Long tr.ave/ kits and rac. trim packegea for 2wd. & 4wd. Pick-Up, T1com1, Tundra, 1·-100 and 4-Runner ~,w.ATSRAC!NG,com (909)471-2418 ';e~~~~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BAITERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • BJBX AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 0 F-IIOAD ,u1L CILLS 44 Gal. for $444.00 SCORE • CORR • BffD IIDR • l'ROTRUCII ~ sA-144 l'RERUNNE/15 • ETC. ..4*M-W -, atl l11•lc•ll•.co111 ~ ~ 100-526-5330 ..,'ONdfcWilltrne~net p Off Road Trucks . Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 s•o1-n11F PEIFII•■· Sliver Faced lFG's Liquid-Filled Gauges from Auld Meter are notorious for beir,g the to_4gl)es),. on the market. Combine that with the fact Auto Meter also is known for it's reliab'ility and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. ~ · Y, Send $4.00 for a catalog to: Auto Meter Prodoots, Inc. . . • 0ept. OUOO • 413 W. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL 60178 • (815) 895-8141 JUST A SMALL AD HERE CAN INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS BY A BUNCH. CALL DUSTY TIMES FOR DETAILS. 81 8-882-0004 f~$~ I_ BAND BUGGIES • PRE-RUNNERS • RACE CARS Onlnfle, CA '2865 Your #1 Source.For Fiberglass Body Panels Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 · e-mail: 4584 Columbus Rd. Macon, GA .31206 4 78-4 7 4-9292 FREE Catalog BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 J , Custom V~hicle Shif,er ''Innovative BIiiet Products for the Off-Road Enthusiast" FREE Catalog! "" o n · _~~$ 9525 Pathway St.-Santee, Ca. 92071 'MFR. OF PE'RFORMANCE ,ARTS F01l lNOUST1lY LHDING RACE CAR BUILDERS - Spindles, Floating Huhs - 5 spd. Shifters (fits Mcndeola trans & others) - '\1orthstar ,\irbox Adapter~ & more!! url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 CACTUS RACING Raceair Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson · Blower systems & cool boxes 5153 Bowden Ave. San Diego, CA 92117 • 851-279-2509 , _

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CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (909)845-8820 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tubes · Sway-bar Arms ~Runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks ACCOUNTING• INCOME TAX• CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CAN~ON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT 536 S. Second St, Suite E 62~53-2023 -62~53-2024 Covina, CA 91723 Fax Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Ch&;ala Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 'NM49-S,07 17459 Lilac St IE Hesperia CA 92348 IIIITflllAl:flSBIIDfMIJlf 1ST HIIPION BEIDLOCI RAC!ING WHEE.LS U.S.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MILAN GARRETT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AYE. FRESNO CA 83722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX ~76-2365_ · CHENOWTH [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena~vd. San Diego, CA'·cnl"IO (6 J 9) ·275-1663 l.A.CING PRODIJCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass) Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg ~nd Stawng Brakes Hydraulic Throttlbs Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. .. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS • FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tr!;!e_ Lane Templeton, CA 93465 . . I i!'ARACING ,~ i!! V.,, GASOLINE ~ !le TORCO RACING FUELS ' I . CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR i 1-800-54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANT~ ~E SPRINGS, CA CR'Tlc~L □ ULTRASONIC CLEANING . Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, Oil Tanks, Radiators, Li.-, Fittings ac~:2~: Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Ul1ralonic, Eddy Current X-Ray 3043 Oak Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 Plln (714) 957·1215 Pu(714)957~1567 "oad' CROWN □ CNC MACHINE SHOP UUC STATIOII •s MASTAnOll.w97R211J for YOW' l'l'«»Cllon" l#DUSTRIAL PRODUCTS l#CORl'ORATED AEROSPACE, HIGH PERFORMANCE, INOUSmlAL HOSES A FITTINGS HIGH PERFQRMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FfiX. (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER OR .. SUITE G • VISTA. CAUFORNIA 92083 [( DE rJJ:!~IQ)] HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 B Depot Road Goleta, cA 93117 www.denunzioracing,com 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 . FAX 805-683-8187 Specializing in ... ·---·· Swiacmdea Hewlaad Fortin N-deola IID4S Napum44 Ka-elater Automatle P.uv 8 Machlbe Shop Services A rallable l)llfl1 ll1l~IU{S OFF-ROAD DESIGN & FABRICATION RACE PREP PRE RUNNERS SUSPENSIONS ROLL CAGES TUBE BENDING WELDING LIFT KITS BILL SCOTT (909) 520-0064 Fax (909) 520-0078 Email: 12321 Sampson Ave-., Unit I Rlversld&, CA 92503 DUKES ROLLCAGES EST. 1975 Bajas -Buggies • Pre-Runners · Sheet Mtl • Tube Work• Fabrication MIG -TIG -Gas • Arc Welding · Plasma Cutting 18333 Harley John Rd ~ Teny Wyrembek Riv. CA 92504 909· 780-6408 ~ ... ~ : :., ,.. .~ .. .., ✓ ,;; .. ,. . 1835JohnTowersAve.#A • -~~,:~ J&19J448■3932 El Cajo,!17,CA 92020 .. • · Fax (619) 448-3662 TAKE YOUR BUSINESS OFF-ROAD mark11ting o advertising o communication 702-253-1565 E NTRO PYG ROUP.COM ~;o;:_~;::;~ER ~ \______~ ENGINEERING , FORD RACING PARTS: RAN6.RR2.3 PINTO 2.0 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PAlffS IN STOCK. -STOCK 2.3 80 Ni". CATALOG ' PHONE (6.26) .\.\.\-.\919 143a POTRERO FAX (626) .\.\.\-30.\6 SO. El.MONTE, CA. JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets FRESH AIR SISIEMS IECHNOLOGIES, INC. • Interior Revisions 81 O A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 1-888-466-RACE 1-847-259-3810 Fax 1-847-259-9705 "THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS_" nta· PERFORMAICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recomfl1!1nd RACIMi ENlilNf.S, TRANS~IISSIONS ANI> OFFROAD PARTS Sl:nd or-mll for our new catalog SS.00 , · -• I

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RAY BAYLY 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 BRIAN GRIFFIN (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 FOREMAN ---;:E"-OFF-ROAD RACE TRUCK ENGr:NEERING / FABRICATION RACE PREP/ CONSULTATION TOP CALIBER PRE-RUNNERS THRU TROPHY TRUCKS • I 19-659-3538 CHARLIE FOREMAN 619-659-3638 fax 4550 Carveacre Rd. Alpine, CA 91901 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-3633 619-449~665 fax Doug Fortin THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~ · call(~)433-6524 -~ Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircraft Ru~ber ManufacturinQ. Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR >l7701 USA ph(541) 388-02031'(:i41)38S-0307 ----~ ""\ ff:~M) ,. ---r..J~ Buff & Kevin Owners/ Fabricators p. 760.510.9586 • ,. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific St.# J-1 • San Marcos, CA 91069 HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde Highway 80 • Suite E • E_I Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990 Adrian or Fidel rl EJ.\D Fl O 'JV J'I\J.\S~f ER S RACING CYLINDER HEADS & ENGINES 2466-F S. Sonto Fe Avenue • Vista, CA 92084 . (760) 727-1827 Get the word out About your business, Big or small. Pu~ your business Car ad in the "Good Stuff" directory and reach new custom.ers. Good Stuff Directory • ads Are merely $45 per month. 818-882-0004 HONDA $SUZUKI se~•.aaa I I ~ I ! I I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 (619) 561-7764 20 Years of Off Road fax 561-4834 .djjrience "Ei2W1111tlllC p£QJORMl1'C£ p We Service & Sell Jeff How~ Char Lynn, Sweet, 12476 _Juhan Ave. Pumps, Gears & Lakeside, CA 92040 Power R~ck & Pinio11 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" ~I~• ■,a I ■ IIT■ ~ I I LU~ ~LI I~• Quality Racing Transmissions JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, California 92806 Mike Julson (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 · Off Road Race Cars : Complete Shock Service . Parts &-Accessories • Race Preparation · :10965 Hartley Rd. : Suite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619 / 562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' · e.mail µ : J_l,weMez RACING ENGIN~ COMPLETE ENGINES • DYNO SERVICE George. ~imenez TROY J OHNSON (909) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714.535.5116 Specializing in custom off1 oad race trucks • Prerunners • Sand cars • Rally cars • Custom Fabrication • Advanced SuspEnsion Ti;chnology • Research & [1€~clopment KAL OFFROAD RACING Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom. Suspensions Kurt Larmee (805) 466-4101 ---8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES. CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 . Derek Krager PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N, Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867

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• CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (90~) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER . LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING ·MAGNAFLUX Service suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076, POWER· E STEER.ING THOMAS£LEE LEE MFG. CO. . 11681 PENDLETOM&TAEET· SUN VAU.EY, CAt1352 FAX (818) 788-2817 (818)7e8-0371 A full line of Power Steering gears. pumps and ~ for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facllltlN available. Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~HCHAF.T. -,Rax= p~ · Sent1 • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags .10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 (818) 886-4446 (818) _772-6470 fax 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 .ottroad ■Road Course ■Drag Racing ■Oval Track ■Fabrication ■Welding .chassis and Suspension Specialist YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us o_n the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· . 2366 E. OAANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 W O RK GUARANTEED . DEADLINES KEPT ..,,Kc.2uee/1 !i!J.otof!jpe ~esi!f ✓1:, !Ync. .:Pi"6tt{_'<//a,m• ,?;j_olt✓w, Sf>£uv.~· am/[/l_e/J<lt/' MIKE M CQUEEN OFF ROAD BODIES SINCE 1972 BY APPOINTMENT FAX (310) 379-8633 (310) 374-8669 E-MAIL MPD@MAKATAK.NET HTTP:/ /WWW.MAKATAK.NET MIKE MEN0EOLA MSD • r.l l J L J f .1 :l ■ ■1,w.;11 tll4"J! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION $0URCE AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 14!30 H'=NRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO , TX 7!3!33E (915) 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE l915J 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.90!!!! M-TECH. SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 4S0-7Z5-2S76 • #iM.BNli'lllii& COIIPONEfffS FOJl CHASSIS FABRlCATIOH ~ -.,_..•~~•.R.dP.~ stillwMolsfll • 01 & Wmrflollle tlaldln 3118£..Hmilon.lJnitD Corona, CA 92879-.1313 Todd Dwyer {909)~ 43455 Business Pillk Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (009)587-0101 Ext 156 • 619-562-5533 OFFROAiC> EN81NEEAIN8 Pre-Runners • Race Cars &: Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies <:;ustom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Wa)'. #US Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Moulton Racing FaPrication • F.lace Cars ' ,\ J.& • Prerunners ~1.4 < ~ -;:-~-Sand Cars ~ .... .:r: ' ... ·4'··· __ , .... • /w:: , ,· • ... # ,:-Jim Moulton ~-. •. ,9oil'.alL.. -- - -28355 INDUSTRY DR. 1412 Velencla Ca 91355 661-295-0253 www O'R'BA OFF.-ROAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, Inc. P.O. aox· 1339 Lakeside, CA 92040 Ph:.(559) 322-1242 Fx: (559) 322-9017 Kim Kammer District Manager . . . Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 (909) 360-5906• FAX (909) 360-0436 PFR . PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS ,~~(g)V§©Lf) SAFETY EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS t'N STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11\'TERCOM snu. ONLY S 12'5. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 562-427-8177 · 800-869-5636 •

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.-Fraley s . Pl'rf onnance Enginee1·ing ' TEL (949)650-3035 FRI! (9119)650-4721 · . • All Type• of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Bencliac • Aluminum fJ Stael W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work ~ All Types of Race ear, · ·4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley . 702-365-9055 · TetJSI0/1 Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 . PBEPSEBJ'/CES UIVLMTED 562-529-3991 p 562-529-3992 f 9024 Jeff Street Bellflower, CA 90706 A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Emall: Tel: 619-390-6252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Cowt El Cajon, CA 92021 Joenaun1an Par: 323.340.0m Fal: 818.361.4641 ----------~----------13411 Dronlield Ave. Svlmar. CA 91342 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension •Safety• Dri11Sline·• Accessories Mike Cohen (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane; Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: You must have more business than you can handle If you are not advertising in Dusty Times 818-882-0004 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM · 110 Pboeoix,Ari7.0oa '1lf : . == Cz//gyi/1. --· Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 49J-3700 Fax: (602) 4~3-0975 ,EIFQIIIKC.£• TIIKSIIL ES Southam CalHomla's largest Distributor of Mendeola Transules PH: 114,.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO TRANSMISSION Building automatic transmissions for winners . Jefferies Racing McMillin Racing TRD From our long list of clients, just to name a few With our own CNC madtine shop, we specialize in Circle Track, Southwest Tour Racing, Off-Road Racing and Automatic Transmission Sand Buggies 27598 Commerce Center Dr. (909)676-6569 Temecula, CA 92590 C TRANS wi~I get yoa ii gear SWilg axle, ••s, •ewlald, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 LIS IIGAS, IEVIDA 89102 JJBN 0.0. IIIILJDN (702) 221-4313 . (702) 111·9724 Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 Parkway !-,<>op. Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 l!'ARACING ~GASOLINE ~•NJ51YN,h•...,,_fl_i Western us and Mexico Fairp/ex - Pomona October5 &6 CL BRYANT, INC. 800-399-4176 !!!!!!!If! flii/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. · L?l!/ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246

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§.ir~IIF ·4;•kf~1:~ ~~ ... ~~!-~ RACE LETTER/~G JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS• \\IIWOW LITTEP.11,G • CAR LETTERIIIG·• GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt;ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa, [7141 694-9567 Art Velasco [3::':3) 563-2224 t::.,J:1J 563-2225 ['.~:.:!d) 563-2227 Fax 3029 E. Centu1'y Blvd. Suutt1 Gate, CA 90 280 SPENCER LOW RACING .com NISSAN Off ROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS , SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BODY FIBERGLASS »ANO MORE I Specializing in: 7 FRONTIER PATHFINDER ><TERRA HARDBDDY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 6350 Riverside Or. Pal'l<er, AZ 85344 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks · Buggies • Pre-Runners i619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Sanl!:e, CA 92071 • W• C•t!J: RCO • SFG Filbttclt • ltln§ Sltoc:Jcs And Many Mor,. · SUNDRY METAL SPINNING · Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS RACE FUELS 6831 Swa Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER (209) 84.7-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale. California 95361 c;"-""9"' R. '1:hompson &unrise Consulting 1'v\ana9ement and CommL<nications 3875 -r..le9,aph Road, :A-144 Venh..,o, C:A 93003 Phone, 805,642,8541 Fa)(, 805.642.7873 QjUNSET)> Design Fabrication lnstailatlon c:£'n:~¥ ~r Darren Ebberts " Youa11 Qu.,,,.a.,.,..,.. S.aH Co,,.,,,,ANY" {909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 S POMONA ROAD• SUITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 .,... CCMPUTEJl!.IZEO VINYL Gf/Uo.P'H/CS & I..EITEJl!.ING ldl 1,1 I WSAI I .,.._ 1£>-CL)ST t,t,_rx; SIGNS (,I\II. Pfi!OCES5E5) -,,... Tf/Uo.OE 51-0W Ol5PU\'r5 ,-. ~ACING GT'U".f"'H/CS .,._ OETAILEO& LN/QUE OESIGNS ,-. FLEET VEHICLES .,._ HI--QU-.UTY MNNEKS ,-.MAGNETICS /'<o LOGO f(EPF!OOIXTONS ,-. ~EAL ESTATE .,... I..OGO & Gf(APHIC OESIGN ,-. DECALS ~ ~ SUSPENSIONS UN/LIMITED OFF ROAD RACING SPEQAL/STS IMl.Lll\G • FABR/CATO,/ • C,,CPI.ASMAQJT71/\G • FFCNTEMJS • REAR11lAU\IGARMS RACECHASSIS • PFERU\11\ERS • FUXRACN3SHJX • SAND&GGES LARRY ROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTVIV CT. ANAHEIM. CA 92807 PHONE/714)6304482 FAX [714)6304548 De, •• Neell To EQIRII Y1urH1rtzonsil Call 111-112-1114 Fer Mere EQ111re 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! Tl.R Peifornuince Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. Suite D El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 ~££H __ WQDL/L~c ~,S~H. '£4.S.S SPECbll/9 .TY * Ott-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks *· Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 112_1 1111. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:/ 1VNSfixLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD {818)_998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 '--0 C CD -IC ~ (J) o-,, m ~ )> 0 (J) X ► (J) Cr:&/ ransworks ~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 SAND* STREET* RACE (619) 445-3135 (uMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLAN□S AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH • REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Kell-, Miler, Owner (909) 551-2920 B8UCE HENDEL Regional Manager M-F 9-6 VP Racing Fuels, West Co~t P..O. Box 1319 '34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Carlos Orozco 619.S96.8033 20620 Grand A\'enue Wildomar, Ca. 92595 Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 Ti

Page 57

7 1 ==r~P/1/Nr 11111PC04TINt,1S«GRAP/IC,'1t J,,(JG(Jf} -•~ ro bfC.I MAJNT£NANCF• fx~IIYAO~J,Jf/lRINt:-._ 760-949-1220 BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this ad ~ l;!umn ,;top system. . -,IjE:,i,.o;-.., __ Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V.W. • Porsche - Nissan - Toyot.i • Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 C <oJ.<ol ::,OSil.ACe SCORE ENGINE BUILDER Why haven't ·you friea OFTHEYEAR l■SlVTIIIISHIS 994, 1998, 1999,2000 aqvertising In Wlrlll WIIII Cll'Cllldll From Parts To Compl~t& Engines Dusty Times? 111-112-1114 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837•2522 ~~- --18/li oo~~oomruim. ~-~ Get the word out about your busl_ness, Big or small. Neell ■•re ••••V? · Front & Rear Trailing'Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends Put your business card In the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers Good Stuff Directory Ads WIii 1111 Year Ill Here? Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283· are merely· $35.00 per month. 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 . -818-882-0004 mare Trail Notes ... Martin Christensen, 197. SCORE Lite -1. Brian Ickier, 221. 2. Vic Bruckmann/Matt Major, J82. 3. Ken Stroud, 175. Class 11 - Fernando Flores, 184. Stock Full -John Griffin, 184. Motorcycles - Class 22 -1. Steve Hengeveld/Johnny Campbell, 132. 2. Christopher Blais, 116. 3. Jose Mesa, 101. Class 21 - (Tie) Eddie Zeller/Greg Fountain, 119. 1. Joe Desrosiers/Ray Suit, 119. Class 30 -1. Ricardo Malo/Greg Bingle, 128. Class 40 -1. Jim O'Neal/Tim Withers, 126. Class 50 -1. Richard Jackson/Bob Wadlow, 70. ATV's - Class 25 -1. John Gregory/ Doug Eichner, 138. 2. Gilberto Santana, 134. Class 24 -l. Earl Thigpen/Brian Pinard, 125. NEW VENUE -NEW RACE - Protruck is bringing you a new, unique event to add to the one-of-a-kind Protruck Racing Series. In conjunction with the city of La Paz, the La Paz Tourism Department and race promoter El Pato Rojo (The Red Duck) Off Road Racing, there will be an awesome new event in La Paz, Baja, California on September 25-28, 2003, with lots of winnings! The City of La Paz will provide the Pro truck teams with: Round trip airfare from Tijuana to La Paz for three people, 2 double hotel rooms at the host hotel, $ 1000 appearance fee. Also, there will be $20,000 available in prize money! The race will feature lots of off road racing classes and the Protrucks will be the main event. This race will be a Pro points event and will be televised on OLN. Stay Tuned! GREAT AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE Exl'ERIENCE - For motorcycle enthusiasts, this is truly the ultimate game. Boyd Gaming will sponsor a fast paced motorcycle extravaganza featuring everything on two wheels. From dirt bikes and Supercross to Cafe Racers, customs and cruisers, it will showcase the entire motorcycle spectrum from Harley Fat Boys and Honda Gold Wings to exotic American, Japanese and European sport bikes. The event debuts September 17-21, 2003 on the 1400 acre grounds of the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. The weekend will include 10 styles of racing competition: flat track, motorcross, freestyle and drags, Supercross, sidecar, speedway and road racing. Also there will be a five mile Grand Prix desert race for pro and amateur classes. Total purse and contingencies are expected to exceed $300,000. There will be vendors with machines and clothing. There will be daily concerts, fireworks every night and a Long Jump challenge. Tickets are available through th~ LV Motor Speedway 800-644-4444. Daily tickets are available through Ticketmaster 702-474-4000. Information is available at the GAME offices 866-202-8832 or visit the GAME web site at SMOKIN' WHEELS ON TV - ESPN and Arrow Productions announced that ESPN will debut television coverage of the Smokin' Wheels. event. Unfortunately, by the time you read this the show will have already run. Coverage was increased to one hour and was aired on June 21 and 23. The previous Smokin-' Wheels races, 2001 and 2002 were aired a total of 40 times last summer on ESPN. Hopefully, they will frequently run the 2003 version numerous times so we all can get a peek at the action out there in our far-flung outpost. Stay tuned! SCORE HENDERSON -Get ready for the 2nd annual SCORE Henderson's Terribles 250 desert race. July 9 -12 are the dates. Drawing for starting positions will be on Thursday, July 10, 6 to 10pm at the SCORE-Henderson's Terrible 250 bar-b-que at Terribles Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas. Tech and contingency will be on Friday, as well as the pit crew challenge. lt will all happen on Water Street in downtown Henderson, adjacent to the Henderson Convention Center. Driver registration will be from 10am to 5pm, tech and co"ntingency will run from 5pm to 10pm, the pit crew challenge will ruJl from 6pm to 7pm. There is a $10,000 bonus to the first overall finisher and for all Pro Classes with a minimum "Lucky Seven" starters, the winner in each class will receive an additional $1,000 and the runner-up will receive an added $500 from the bonus purse. See Ja all there! OFF ROAD MOTORSPORTS HALL OF FAME -The Off Road motorsports Hall Of Fame will be formally dedicated on June 28, 2003 in Reno, Nevada. The Off Road Motorsports Hall Of Fame was envisioned by NORRA president Ed Pearlman more than 30 years ago and now, with the prompting and perseverance of Rod Hall the dream is coming to fruition. lf you would like to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony after the completion of the Best In The Desert Vegas To Reno event we suggest you contact George Thompson at 805-642-8541 or FINAL FLAG - Vic Hickey, an old time hot-rodder and early pioneer in the off road and off road race industry passed a.way on June 13. Vic designed and built the famous "Baja Boot" four wheel drive race buggy that was driven by Steve McQueen and Bud Ekins in the early NORRA Baja races. In 1967 Vic worked with Ak Miller and Ray Brock on the pickup truck they ran in the first NORRA Mexican 1000. Vic also designed and built the "Trail Blazer", a 4x4 vehicle. He worked with Ed Cole at GM on a 4wd vehicle which culminated in the Chevy Blazer. Vic served in the US Navy during WW II. He founded Hickey enterprises in the 70's, designing and building a variety of off road products for Chevy and Ford pickup trucks. He was one of the first to build steel grille guards, light bars, axle trusses and retractable steps for off road trucks. He designed and built the first hidden winch that sat behind the fro~ bumper. Vic was an automotive genius and a very dear friend. He joins Jean and many others in that great off road world in the sky. Thanks to Bil! Sanders for this info. · BAJA MEX 300 -The Baja Mex 300 will start in Ensenada, Mexico on August 23, 2003. An exciting and challenging course traversing the wilds of the Baja peninsula and going through or nearby to El Alamo, Uruapan, Independencia, Valle de Trinidad, then west through Llano Colorado, Colonet, Erendira, then back up the coast to Punta San Jose and finally to the checkered flag at the Estero Beach Resort. The Baja Mex 300 will be run under the same rules as any Best In The Desert event. Registration, Contingency and Technical Inspection will be held in downtown Ensenada on MORE TRAIL NOTES on page 59 Dusty Times July 2003 Page 57 <...

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Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Ford F-150 Pre Run-ner, Race or Street legal, Chevy 450hp Mogi Turbo 400, C & D Fabworks. Chromoly chassis. Less than 100 miles on complete truck. Loaded with everything. Call for details. $89K. (619) 972-7209. FOR SALE: Class 10 two seat, 2.0 liter Type 1 Plenum Engine w/911 style fan, 22" front travel w/Fox 2.0 dual rate coilover, 23" rear travel w/ Fox 2.5 triple bypass and dual rate coilover, Howe 2.5 RAM steering sys-tem, fresh Fields 091 4 sp, Fascrrack full floaters, PCI radio and intercom, Beard seats, PIAA lights, 22 gal Fuel Safe, Mastercraft, CNC, Willwood, VDO, 6 spare wheels, 8 spare tires, lots of spare parts, $21,900.00. Call Doug (503) 913-3619. FOR SALE: Class 10 Single Seat A-Arm. Car Powered by Suzuki. GSXR 1100 130 H.P. 11,700 RPM, 110 + MP~. Weighs 1,100 lbs. 103" wheel base, 81" wide 20" rear travel, 17" front travel. All Chrome alloy 300m Axles. Fox Shocks & Much more. Super fast, great for play, race or PreRun. $14,000.00 OBO, with trailer. (909) 789-2683. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Chenowth 2000 Laughlin winner, recently used as Pre Runner, Recently prepped with about 150 miles on it. Foxes, WR Trans, WR motor, BFG's or Yoko-hamas. 2110 motor in car for PreRunning. Hatz 2-1600 race mo-tor available if wanted to race it. Some spares. $13,000.00 OBO Brian Jeffrey (661) 810-3462. FOR SALE: 1972 FORD Bronco . Pre-runner, Class 3 racer, 4WD, Hammes Racing 351 Windsor, 475hp, Trans Pros C4, four wheel discs, 14" 3" Kings, air bumps, lim-iting straps, four linked rear, three linked front, quarter elliptical rear springs, racing seats, 32 gal tank, custom fiberglass, see at (310) 412-6942. FOR SALE: 72 Ford Class 8, 3x FRT Class Champion, lx FRT Overall Champion. Fresh 408 stroker, 600HP, New Edlebrock Alum. Heads, Demon, Duel MSD, Wood C6, Summers 40 Spline, Lee box, Howe pump, Setrab Coolers, ATL cell, Taylor, Mastercraft, PCI, BFG, 1 ton beams, Cone hubs, Cross-over steering, 4-link, 1/4 -eliptic, National Spring, Kendall rac-ing shocks, FOX bump stops, Wilwood Brakes, Flame-out, Current reg. w/tags. Fully prepped. $53,000.00. (619) 443-8060. FOR SALE: 5-1600 Score winning points car 2001 & 2002. New Ken Major mo-tor, fresh 091 Ledezma ti-ans. Fox Shocks, 300M torsion bars, bus arms, 4 KC HIDs, Road Master 2 race radio & intercom, 2 lcom 2100 chase radios, 5 spare BFGs on Centerlines, spare trans. Lo ts of spare parts. Prepped and ready to RAC E. Gas & Go. Contact Allan@ (619) 279-1312. email allan. FOR SALE: 2003 Baja 500 Win-ner. Jeepspeed Class 1700. Also winner of 2001 and 2002 Jeepspeed Challenge. All Chrome moly cage and boxed frame. 33 gal Fuel Cell. Howe Performance steering. Currie 9" rear end. 5 speed trans, Bilstein 9100 remotes and Hydraulic Bump stops. Sky-jacker heimed front suspension. Deaver Rear springs. Beard seats, much more. Race Ready $26,500.00 obo. Call Jeepspeed (714) 538-7434-email www.jeepspeedcom @ This car has won over $20,000.00 with Jeepspeed, a reliable well prepped car. FOR SALE: 1974 Ford Bronco 400hp, 392 Stroker motor, brand new everything, 12" Sway-A-Way's air bumps, four linked rear, Mercedes vinyl racing seats, padded cage, custom all over, built to pre-run or crawl, see at (310) 412-6942. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Dunrite. All new components-less than 350 race miles on parts. All the best stuff including FAT motor, Dave Folts 091 tranny with aluminum cliff, Fox · Shox all around, Kartek drums, MSD, CNC, Howe, Foddrill arms, Saco rack. See http:// $25,000.00 Mike (480) 861-5719. FOR SALE: 4 seat Jimco, 2800 cc Type IV, Foltz Trans, Coilover, Howe Power Steering, Beard Seats, Roof Rack, HID KC Hilites, Bead-locks, Centerline, King Shocks, Disc Brakes, Aluminum Body, Awesome PreRunner. Call after 6:00 pm. (661) 298-4351. $36,500.00. FOR SALE: Jimco 5-1600 Race Car, SCORE & BITD legal, Ma-jors motor, Mendeola trans. Flame out BFG's , FOX shocks, Parker Pumpers, 22 gal Fuel Safe, new seat belts, wired for intercom & radio. You can win in this race ready car. $14,000.00 John days, (760) 352-771-1 evns. (760) 427-1076. FOR SALE: A four seater PreRunner FOR SALE: Chenowth, Single w/o miles. 2900 cc type 4 motor. Seat, FOX, Beard Seats, Lots of TCS auto floater hubs. All 4130 tig spares, including nice tandem weldedFoxShocks. Fodrillarmsand trailer, second in points MDR spindles. Super clean. $38,000.00 Class 9 $6,500.00. Cory Halopoff FOR SALE: BITD Legal Class Pleasecal1Rustyfrom8:00to5:00at (714) 633-0030 (work) or (714) 4100, 8100, 3000, SCORE Le- (928) 453-4020. 921-9845 (home) ' gal Class 3, 8100, King Shocks FOR SALE: (2) Rebuilt 4 AGE FOR SALE: Letner Racing, (714) ~t FOR SALE: 1977 Ford Bronco Rear, Kus·ter Shocks front, motors- 1 small port, JE Pistons, 633-0030 Henry or Danny. 2 Seat FOR SALE: 2002 SCORE 1600 Pre-Runner 351 Windsor, auto, New 350 Crate motor, Sum-Pqtter Rods Performance Head, Raceco, 2180 Dual Carbs, Pre-Run Championship&TrueGritwinner2 fourwheeldiscs,14"Kingsallfour mers Bros. rearend, new Na- WebCams,RacingBuckets,guides orRace$18,500.00. 2SeatChen-seat Jimco. Fully prepped & tested comers, air bumps, limiting straps, tional Springs, Auto Meter springs, ported 12.5 comp with fuel owth, SCORE-Lite 1835. 2 Seat ready to race. HatzmotorWR Trans, four linked rear, three linked front, gauges, Dual batteries, Art inj. Manifold-$5,000.00, 1 BIG Henry Chassis SCORE-Lite Big Bilstein Bypass front & rear, radiio, three racing seats, 28 gal tank, cus-Carr shifter, Mogi trans, Port, TRD pistons, Potter rods, Type 4 or 1835. All Cars Bonner intercom. This car has no dnfs in 3 tom glass, almost all new, see at Wynch, Beard seats, Fuel Safe Web Cams, 11.5 comp fuel injec- Hawk Engines, Mendeola, Best of years. $25,000.00 OBO. Some (310) 412-C501g1al Fuel ~ekll. $(9199,5)0603.030 tion manifold $3,500.00 (520) Everything. Many wins and ready spares. Brian Jeffrey(661) 810-3462. 6942. a Matt P1 e 4 - 519-0241. to race . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.1-1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • Sell or SUJap your extra parts and pieces in DU lil=IIII : DUSTY TIMES. 11i111os : : Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of Classified Ad Deadlines : • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 2003 • • REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED • IN A TIMELY MANNER. ISSUE DEADLINE : Enclosed is$ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name ___________________ _ _ _ ________ _ Address _____________________________ _ Phone City ______________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 August Jul 11, 03 September Aug 15, 03 October Sep 12, 03 November Oct 10, 03 December Nov 7, 03 January Dec 5, 03 February Jan 9, 04 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • State ____________ Zip_________________ ------------• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page ss July 2003 Dusty Times

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more Trail Notes ... Friday, August 22. The Start/Finish will be at the Estero Beach Resort. Drawing for start positions is August l, pre-running will begin Saturday, August 9. The event dates are August 22-24, 2003. There will be six designated pits along the course and this is a points race for all cars, trucks, bikes and quads. Awards will be on Sunday, August 24 at Estero Beach. For more info contact BITD at 702-457-5775, 702-641-243lfax or b itd@world net. att. net, FOR SALE: 2001 J imco Class 10, Toyota ZZ -1, Moree Fuel injection, Fortin trans, rack & hubs, 934 C.V. 's, new Fuel Cell, King Shocks, Lots of spares. Car is fast and very competive. 5 8 K o bo. Call Sean .Sessa. (602) 757-3270 or (623) 581-5932. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Mirage. Wiks built engine. Folts trans 091, Fox shocks all ·around, Fuel Safe, Beard Ultras, BFG's Fresh Custom paint. Good reliable fast car, Great for Pro-16. Call Ruben or Art (323) 563-2224 B-4 5:00 or leave mes-sage. FOR SALE: 98 Jimco look-a-like. 2 seat 1600, Fox Shox, Howe steer-ing, CNC, PCI Radio & Intercom, Diablo rack, power box motor & trans, Centerlines, Compufire ign. 930 CV's, Bus drums, 300m tor-sions, Fodrill arms, Many wins and finishes. 6th place Pro 1600 series. $18,000.00 ready to race Call Mike 1 (760) 434-7986. FOR SALE: 98 Mirage Class 1 single seat, Mid Engine Toyota Fuel injected V-6 Jerico 4 speed trans, Fields differential, Fox Shocks, 934 CV, Professionally main-tained, new upgrades on computer and injection system, PCI Race radio, Very competitive car. $45,000.00. Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: Groff Motorsports Class 1 Toyota Camry V6 3.2L M9Tec M48 Multi-Port Fuel In-jected Race Engine, FAT Perfor-mance prepared, (incls Exhaust Headers, complete MGMT Sys. & Harness). A Class 1 Carbueted ver-sion ofthis engine won the first 3 races this year. $21,500.00 (818) 349-5861. Sell Your Car, Pre-Runner, Parts or Bits & Pieces Right Here ... .. R.c:DL!NE Pcll.f O/ll-,AIJCE, !JIC. 151 , I-STAR PRE-RUN OR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONn (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX FOR SALE: Class 8 Race legal Pre-Runner. All new 406 w Art Carr Converter & trans. Mastercraft seats, Simpson Belts, AutoMeter gauges, 16" front, 18" rear 32 gal-lon cell, 35" Bajas, very clean, very straight, must sell, no space, $5,000.00 OBO Call or email for photos (775) 867-3674. Call for more details. FOR SALE: Jimco Class 10, FAT Toyota, Fortin trans, 934 CV's, King Shocks, Pro 10 LLC Champion, Many wins and Championships. Best 10 car out there, Lots of spares. Re-duced, $SOK. Call Steve Melton (602) 206-7830 or (623) 386-3449. FOR SALE: Roger Mears Chevy Trophy Truck. San Felipe Score 250 winner. Gesman rear end, CNC, Radio Equipment, 6 tires/ wheels. Fresh trans, motor, and King Shocks. Ready to race, all you need is your helmet and suit . $95,000.00. Call (619) 482-4311 /(858) 602-1730. · tv116C. WANTb.D Wanted head and piston for 1985 Honda ATC 350x 3 wheeler. Call Larry Bridgewater (619) 460-6818. INDl:.X TO AD\11:.Q. Tl61:.Q.6 Baja Bros. ............................................ 28 Best In The Desert .............................. 15 Bonneville Off Road Enterprises........... 4 C&R Racing ......................................... 49 Camburg Engineering .......................... 40 Coast Resorts ........................................ 9 Fabtech ................................................ 41 FRT Motorsports ................................. 23 Fuel Safe ............................................. 47 ISCO .................................................... 44 JC Transwerks .................................... 43 Kartek Off Road........................... 35, 45 Kawaguchi Honda ............................... 16 KC Hilites ........................................... 27 King Shock Tech ................................. 38 Kreger .......................................... 30, 43 Light Force Engineering...................... 21 McKenzie Performance Products ........ 10 Mega Productions ................................. 2 Micky Thompson Tires........................ 13 Nevada Off Road ............................ ·-··· 47 OMF .................................................... 50 Pacific Customs .................................. 32 Parker Pumper .................................... 45 Parker Pumper/Competition Air .......... 48 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ..... ::.... 26 PCI Race Radios ..................................... 5 Pike's Service Center.......................... 39 Pro Truck Racing Org .......................... 11 Race Prep Services .............................. 36 Race Ready .......................................... 50 Racer X Motorsports ........................... 12 Rancho Performance ........................... 42 Redline Engineering ............................ 59 Ronco Plastics .................................... 59 Sakata ···············································-34 Sky Jacker Suspensions ..................... 31 SMD Motorsports ............................... 39 SNORE ................................................. 37 Sway-A-Way ........................................ 29 TCR ..................................................... 39 FOR SALE: MUST SELL Lexus Team Gordon Race Wheels ................. 17 V8 by FAT Performance. 4100cc, T M B kC 2 C W b C b oyota otorsports ................ ac over 1 : 1 ompression. e er ar s. Dyno Only, NEVER Installed. Tr~ns~xle Engineering ........................ 25 Over 420HP $30,000.00 new. Tri-Mil··········································-····· 50 Make Offer. (602) 791-8307 or Valley Performance ............................. 49 4531 l!rsl!NHOW'elt CfltCLI! ANAHl!IM, CA. 92807 Web Cam ............................................. 33 r---------------------------------~wwwwwwwww~----------~ I I I I Per~ormance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use .... 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Stora e & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Se,rvice RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • 15022 Parkwav Loco, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Cata/or::, I ~-------------------------------------------------------~ Dusty Times July 2003 Page 59 ..,._

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