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2003 Volume 20 Number 4 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 20 • Number 4 • April 2003 $2.50 ISSN8750•1732 serving The OFF Road communi~y /:or 20 Years covering ~he world of competition in the dirt ...

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r Volume 20 -Number 4 April 2003 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Yance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be rentrned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA91311. snapshot of the Month ... Ah, the good old days! This was the team to contend with some 30 years ago. Scott McKenzie (L) Johnny Johnson behind the wheel an<l Don Arnett. The Sandmaster Team won a bunch of races·in their day. Don Arnett is no longer with us, we hardly ever see Johnny any more and Scott is living the life of a country squire. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes ·on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. Dusty Times April 2003 In This Issue ... FEATURES Best In The Desert Parker 425 by Judy.Smith ..................................................... 8 WRC Swedish Rally by Martin Holmes .. , ............................. .. ............................. 18 MDR Wildwash 250 by Tony Tellier .......................................... , ....................... 24 SNORE Avi 250 by John Calvin .......................................................................... 30 FRT King Of The Desert by Judy Smith ............................................................ 36 Whiplash Point To Point by Mike Del Col.. ...................................................... 40 , SCCA Sno*Drift Rally by J. Preston Bradshaw ................................................. 46 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ......................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ........................................................................................................... 6 American JeepSpeed Challenge· ................................................................... 48 F.A.l.R. News .................................................................................. .................. 49 Good Stuff Directory······················································:································ 51 Classified Ads ................................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers ........................................................................................ 59 on The cover Mark Miller and Ryan Arciero had some brake problems early in the race but they carried on and took the Trick Truck win at the Best In The Desert Parker 425 Photo by Trackside Photo Bryan Freeman had a trouble free run ar the SNORE Avi 250, he just circulated around and took the Class 1600 win by nine 111inutes over his younger brother, ody Photo by Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at c'5ubscr.ibe :Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years $55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ___________________ _ Address ____ .;__ ___________ _ City ___________________ _ State ___________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES' 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Page 3

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KCHiliTES For the 2003 racing season, KC contingency awards are available in the following sanctioning o~ganizations' events: Best In -The Desert, CORR, SCORE and SNORE Class Win Running KC HID Lights: $400 in Product or $200 Cash Class Win Running KC Halogen Lights: $200 in Product or $100 Cash 0111 MEMBER KC is a RCAA Sponsor. Contingency program available. ed contingency award tor ally events. See for more info. Check out for KC HID systems for ATVs

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2003 Happenings ... Treeline Club Rally(*) Monrovia, CA Pete Morris December 12-14, 2003 Ramada Express Rally (2, 3, 1) Laughlin,NV Pete Morris CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Counry Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRw..s SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7741, E MAIL: <> April?, 2003 Reed Valley/ ATA AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR A.PTO 42 SAN JosE DEL CAeo BAJA CALIFOR.>-JIA DEL SuR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4 500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CI.ASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QtJEBEC, CANADA H7P LT7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box l52l LAKESIDE, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races Al Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MAR!u:TING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING.& SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 8912[ (702) 457-5775/FAX (702) 641-2431 E-MAIL: April 11-13, 2003 Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motrrrc:,cles Only/Invitation On!, Apri125-27, 2003 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV June 26-29, 2003 Vegas To Reno August 22-24, 2003 Baja Mex 300 World Championship Baja California, MX December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 NORTH SUNSET, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651/(801) 773-9319 Fax May 2-3, 2003 Wendover Express Wendover, UT July 4-5, 2003 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 5-6, 2003 Ely 200 Ely,NV BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, 0 1TARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOM0VILISTA/UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, D< 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 01 l-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES SuE ROBINSON -DIRECTOR 845 SCHOOHOl lSE ROAD RAMONA, CA 92065 Dusty Times (760) 788-3809 E-MAIL: WEBSITE <> JOHN DILLON, SoPAC RALLY STEWARD E-MAIL: 2003 CRS JlAuy CHAMPIONSHIP. *Count in WSRC frrr 2003 May 2-3, 2003 Rim Of The World Rally (2, 3*) Palmdale, CA Mike/Paula Gibeault August 16, 2003* Gorman Ridge Club Rally(3 *) Frazier Park, CA Ray & Donna Hocker October 3-4, 2003 Prescott Forest Rally (2,3) Prescott, AZ Michael Taylor Novem.ber 15, 2003 Ray Hocker 200] CRS llALLYSPRINT CHAMPIONSHIP March 29, 2003 Seed 9 Rallysprint (1) Goodspririgs, NV Scott Bottomley April 12, 2003 Tombstone Paintball Rallysprint (1) Corona, CA Gabe Pari October 11, 2003 Santa Maria Rallysprint (1) Santa Maria, CA John Dillon October 25, 2003 Tombstone Paintball Rallysprint II (1) Corona, CA Gabe Pari November 14, 2003 Tarline Clubrally (1) Monrovia, CA CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAYE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHIARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON Hi-JACKERS 1.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 Twr. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 CLlJB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC CD. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HER.ACLI0 PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA )AN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CONTINENTAL M _OTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOmtoAD CODE Offroad USA P.O.Box 2328 INTRODUCING_ 110 Watts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumeric I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven "_I was in Ensenada, and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 150 miles away! I need these in ALL of my trucks!" -~ L..:::'fL,_, ~Jf=LL./E:GE:l«-PRQTRUCK WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 "-The best communication we've ad in over 15 years of off road racing!" -l.r~/E6,..,.. Eli~~,,.,., EiiE=T Tl-#•-,=-417~•-=-~ TtDl~~"J/Y"'I Remele Head opHon available. Call ror details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 April 2003 Pages

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Trail Notes ... SCORE SAN FELIPE -It sure looks like it's going to be a helluva show, this 17th annual Score San Felipe 250. As of Valentines Day there were 14 Trophy Trucks entered, 27 Class 1 cars, 18 Y2-l600's, 1 Class 3, 5 Class 5's, 12 Class 5-1600's, 5 Class 7, 4 Class 7S, 9 Class 8, 6 Class 9, 20 Class 10, 4 Class 11, 13 SCORE Lites, 2 Stock Full, 4 ProTrucks and 1 Sportsman Buggy. There are 2 Class 21 entrants, 6 Class 22, 4 Class 30, 2 Class 40, 3 Class 24, 4 Class 25, 10 Sportsman Motorcycles and 5 Sportsman ATY's. This amounts to 145 cars and trucks and 36 motorcycles and ATV's, a total entry of 181 vehicles and we're sure this will continue to grow until race day. The race should be a good one, as usual and we'll have complete coverage here in Dusty Times next issue, with lots of pictures for your enjoyment. · B EST IN THE DESERT -BITD announced that the Terrible's Town 250, scheduled for April 25 -27, 2003 in Pahn,1mp, Nevada has a guaranteed purse of $40,000. For this race, $10,000 will be awarded to the first overall car/ truck winner, $7,000 will be awarded to the first overall Pro motorcycle and $3,000 to the first overall Pro Quad to cross the finish line. The remainder of the prize money will be distributed for class payback. The race is a 250 mile loop, starting and finishing in Pahrump, 60 miles west of Las Vegas. This race has also been selected by the Pro Dirt Group and will bring more than 20 Cli1,SS 1 cars into action. The father and sons Herbst, Jerry, Ed, Troy and Tim are sponsoring an after the race BBQ in the parking lot next to their Terrible's Town Casino. Registration, tech and contingency will be on Friday, April 25th from 10am to 6pm. On Saturday, motorcycles and quads will start at 6am, cars and trucks at 9am. For more info contact BITD at 702-457-5775. TELLIER'S PICKS FOR SAN FELIPE -Here we go again! Tony Tellier has created his potential list of podium finishers for the SCORE Tecate San Felipe 250 and we print them here for your peru al. Let's see how close Tony will be this year. Trophy Truck-Dan Smith, Tim Herbst, Scott Steinberger. C lass 1 -Bob Lofton, huck Hovey, Dale Ebberts. C lass ½-1600 -Brian Jeffrey, Travis Fletcher, Eric Allen. C lass 3 -Don Moss. C lass 5 - Joe Heger, George Seeley, Sean Krepsz. C lass 5-1600 -Allan Gregory, Hector Garcia, Danny Ledezma. Class 7 -Craig Turner, Hector Salazar, Bruce Landfield. C lass 7S -Bob Land, Cody Swanty, Pete Sohren. Class 9 -Ken Tapert, Eric Fisher, Tim Hannah. C lass 10 -Eli Yee, Rick Ellison, Steve Myers. Class 11 -Eric Solorzano, Fernando Flores, Hector Sarabia. SCORE Lites - Vic Bruckmann, Brian Ickier, Gustavo Vildosola, Jr. Stock Full -John Griffin, Bobby Barrett. ProTruck -Alan Pfleuger, Chet Huffman, Rick Johnson. Sportsman Buggy -Tim Price. Class 21 -Eddie Zeller. Class 22 -Steve Hengeveld. C lass 30 -Kevin Ward. Class 40 -Jim O'Neal. Class 24 -Doug Reid. Class 25 -Mike Cafro. Sportsman -John Kuhlken. Sportsman ATV - Martin Ramirez. Tellier has been doing this handicap system for years, must have too much free time. Check the final results after the race and see how well Tony scored. FRT KING OP THE DESERT -Round 1 of the FRT/Corky McMillin Companies Superstition Championship Series was held on February 15, 2003 at the Lake Superstition course. A full race report is in this issue. Some of the winners were: Class 1 -Chuck Hovey, Gerg Hansen, Mark McMillin. Class 10 -Smitty Schmidt, Mark Gilliland, Drew Belk. Class 5 -Jeff Searle. Class 8 -Robert Wagner. Class 7S -Danny Street III. Class Vz-1600 -Daniel McMillin, Keith Naylor, Todd Cuffarc. Class 5-1600 -Eric Deen, Crentio Cortez, Arturo Gutierrc:z. Class 9 -Julie Kern. Class 14 -Megan Allen. Aaron Tuck was 1" overall and 1" Open Expert. Dewey Belew was 2nd overall and 1" Yet. 3'd overall and first ATV Pro was Doug Eichner, 4th overall and 2nd ATV Pro was Stretch White, 5th overall and 3rd ATV Pro was Danny Prother. Next race in the series is the FRT 200, April 19th, 2003 at Plaster city. WESTERN STATE RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP (WSRC) -The WSRC have selected seven rallies in 2003 that will earn points towards its year-end championship. It includes three events in the Pacific Northwest, three in southern California and one in Colorado. All seven are part of the SCCA "Clubrally" program. The championship will be decided on the best six out of seven results. The full 2003 calendar. follows with WSRC ev·ents marked with an asterisk. *Doo Wops I and II, March 1-2, Shelton, WA. *Rim of the World, May 3, Palmdale, CA. *Shitepoke Rally, June 7-8, Shelton, WA. *Oregon Trail, July 12-13, Hillsboro, OR. *Gorman Ridge Rally, August 16, Frazier Park, CA. Simpson Stages September 6-7, Shelton, WA. *Colorado Cog Rally, September 20, Steamboat Springs, CO. Prescott Forest Rally, October 24-25, Prescott, AZ. *Treeline Rally, November 15, Monrovia, CA. Ramada Express International Rally, December 10-14, Laughlin, NY. The series is designed for "Club Level" ralliests. The rallies are as simple and as fun as they can be. Trail Notes continued on page 50 Page 6 Calexico, CA 92231-2328 USA Phone 760-455-8069 Mexico Phone/Fax 0ll-52686-553-4087 CODEOffroad Mexico Calle Bravo #l20B Zona Centro Mexicali, BC 21100 TeVFax 686-553-4087 April 11-13, 2003 Grupo Terse BFGoodrich 200 San. Felipe, B.C., MX June 13-15, 2003 Accesorios Amado Night Race Laguna Salada Mexicali, B.C., MX August 15-17, 2003 CODE/FRT/ORW Lazo de Amistad Jacume Tecate Tecate, B.C., MX October 10-12, 2003 CODE Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada · Mexicali, B.C., MX December 12-14, 2003 CODE/Record Race Ready 200 Mexicali to San Felipe B.C., MX COLORADO Hn.L CLIMB ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-5 2-65-66-44 5 8 CORR CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING 192 N STATE ROAD, StJITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 (317) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 May 24-26, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Dresser, WI ' June 7-8, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Antigo, WI June 21-22, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Crandon, WI July 12-13, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, MI August9-10, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, MI August 30-31, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Crandon, WI Septembr 13-14, 2003 Pro Series Only New Berlin, NY CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAvEVAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AvE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events ac Hannigan race crack, Bellingham, WA or Thurston CounlJ ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 DECATIJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum _DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMAuEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 October 25-26, 2003 Baja In Havasu Lake Havasu, AZ EASTERN OFF-RoAD RAcING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 109) TOWNSHIP L.INE ROAD April 2003 WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 E.NsfNADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX Ol l-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles Esn:Ro BEACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT COURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 0ll-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSN. ]ASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Apr, May, Noo al Davidson Raceway FRT MOTORSPORTS 250 KENNEDY, #2 CHULA. VISTA, CA 91911 (619) 4 27-57 59 E-MAIL: Buggies & Trucks April 18-19, 2003 The FRT 200 August 15-16, 2003 The Lazo de Amistad Tecate, B.C., MX October 17-19, 2003 Superstition 250 XX Plaster City East December 30-31, 2003 The Dash Plaster City West GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACIN/:; ASSOC/A TION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963.0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION PAI IL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 AU races are shorr course, sllldium scyle. Classes · Sportsman Buggy, 1/2/ 5-I 600, Sparr Truck and Quruis. Nebraska Raceway Park is jusr minuces wesl of Omaha, NE. <www> 10K FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All events staged al clue club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING AssOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION YIEJG, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 JEEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL JEEP CHEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 · (714) 538-7434 <www> E-MAIL: KAMLooPS BRoNco BuSTER 4woCuJB P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA. VZG5L2 Bos (250) 374-7175 DAYS RANDY (250) 579-9621 EVES. WES (250) 351-2819 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <www> <> L.I.T.R.E. ]EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 J1MARIJTA (408) 247-4402 MAMARRrrA OFF ROAD RACING L1115 CARLOS Al.VAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. J11ARE1, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUIIDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MICHIGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 ]ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Moiorcycles,, A TVs and Pilots onl1 MAORA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD AssOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> May17,2003 Short Course Casey, IL May 18, 2003 200km Enduro Casey, IL June 1,2003 Short Course Charleston, IL June 21, 2003 Short Course Berryville, IL July 5, 2003 Short Course TBA July 26, 2003 Short ourse TBA August 23, 2003 hort Course Bedford, IN September 2 7, 2003 Short Course Charleston, IL September 27, 2003 Short Course asey, IL September28,2003 200km Enduro Casey, IL MoJA VE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 FAX E-MAIL: April 5, 2003 Mojave 250 Barstow, CA May 17, 2003 Ridgecrest 250 Ridgecrest, CA June 28, 2003 Kartek 400 Lucerne Valley, Ca August 9, 2003 California 200 Night Race Lucerne Valley, CA September27,2003 Lucerne 300 Lucerne Valley, CA November22,2003 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. lliGH DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 (760) 253-4453 March 22, 3003 Luceme,CA May24,2003 Lucerne CA July 26, 2003 Barstow, CA September20,2003 Barstow, CA December 6, 2003 Lucerne, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FUNT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoToWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <> At!evencs al Perris Raceway (Ac Reed Valle1 w,ch a school) NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. Dusty Times

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Rf #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcINGAssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2003 (626) 599-8622 October 4- 5, 2003 Los Angeles County Fairgrounds Pomona, CA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION V0UJNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT• GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DoNPoNDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 jlM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(5i9) 457-2913(W) OuTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LOIJIS, M063123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING SAND DRAG5, TuFF TRLCKS, 1JEsBrr SHORT COURSE TRlO<S, BUGG1ES & QuAI:6 (609) 660-0402/(609) 660-0066 PRoTRuCK RACING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 9207.1-2856 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 April 12-13, 2003 Guam PRO April25-27,2003 Terrible's Town 250 BITD May 30-June 1, 2003 Baja 500 SCORE June 26-29, 2003 Vegas To Reno BITD July 10-13, 2003 Henderson's Terrible 250 SCORE August 29-31, 2003 Crandon World Championships PRO September 12-14, 2003 Primm 300 SCORE September 26-28, 2003 Baja Mex 300 BITD October 11-12, 2003 Phoenix PRO November 13-16, 2003 Baja 1000 SCORE December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 BITD Dusty Times PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Bux 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 . (712) 679-2221 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <> (858) 571-5088 March 22-23, 2003 S.C.A.T. INc. MICHAEL R. lcING P.O. Box 277 MORRISONVILLE, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SAN DmGo OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 ROCI< CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 {801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 April 10-12, 2003 Reno,NV May 22-24, 2003 Moab, UT July 10-12, 2003 Cedar City, UT Ocotber 4-11, 2003 Farmingon, NM SCCA PRoRALLY SERIES SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 (800) 770-2055 May 2-3, 2003 Rim Of The World Palmdale, Ca June7,2003 Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA June 26-28, 2003 Pikes Peak International Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO July 12-13, 2003 Oregon Trail Portland/ Hillsboro, OR August 1-2, 2003 Maine Forest Rumford,ME August22-23, 2003 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 6-7, 2003 Wild West Olympia, WA October 17-18, 2003 Lake Superior Haughton, MI SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SuITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 May 30-June 1, 2003 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensendad, B.C., MX July 10-13, 2003 SCORE Henderson's Terrible 250 Henderson, NV September 12-13, 2003 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 13-16, 2003 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 B.C.,MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAsVEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 April 12-13, 2003 Buffalo Bill's 400 Primm,NV June 7-8, 2003 Dusty Times 250 Caliente, NV July 26-27, 2003 KC Midnight Special Boulder City, NV October4-5, 2003 Gold Coast 34th SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 22-23, 200.3 Western Desert Championship Barstow, CA SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS AsSOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE - (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 March 29-30, 2003 Del Mar Fair Grounds DelMar,CA August 9-10, 2003 Anaheim Convention Center Anal1eimCA October 18-19, 2003 Cal Expo Sacramento, CA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. 43807 40TH STREET EAST lANcAsTER, CA 93535 (MON-FRI 8:30 A.M .. TO 1:00 P.M.) (661) 946-6986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <http) /> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLAR.K DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2851 (AU Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 PARKLANDS, 2121 SotJTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 TovsFoa ToTs (619) 25·2.1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILLA VALLEY SPORTS ClNn:R P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA Valley OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. 920 HILLCREST ST. PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 (530) 662-0370 www.VORRAcom> March 22-23, 2003 VORRA Season Opener 1 Mile Short Course Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA April26-27, 2003 Short Course Race • Round 2 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA May 24-26, 2003 Yerington 300 Desert Race Yerington, NV July 12-13, 2003 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Top Gun Raceway Fallon, NV August 30-September 1, 2003 Tentative Off Road Desert Race Hawthorne, NV September 27-28, 2003 Short Course Race - Round 3 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA October 25,-26, 2003 Championship Short Course Race Round 4 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA November 15-16, 2003 April 2003 Awards Banquet Reno,NV VICENTEGUERRERoOFF RoADCwB PR0FO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WES'I'mN OFF RoAD RACJNG~TION LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WES'I'mN PmNsnvANIAWHEEL To WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING PATRICK McGu1RE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WIDPLASH MoToRSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 Desert Tour Buggy & Truck Series April 5-6, 2003 Tuscon Fool's Gold Pima Motorsports Park May3,2003 Rock To Rock Rocky Point, MX August 30, 2003 Snowflake 150 Heber,AZ September 27-28 2003 PMP Gran Prix · Pima Motorsports Park October 25, 2003 Vulture Mountain Wickenburg, AZ December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Challen e Bike & A TV April 5-6, 2003 Tuscon Fools GP Pima Motorsports Park May 3, 2003 Rock To Rock Rocky Point, MX June 1, 2003 Cinder Mountain 100 Flagstaff, AZ June 28-29, 2003 ALTO Pit Prescott, AZ July27,2003 Camp Wood 100 Prescott, AZ August 31, 2003 Snowflake 150 Heber,AZ September 27-28, 2003 PMP<Jran Prix Pima Motorsports Park October 25-26, 2003 Vulture Mountain 150 Wickenburg, AZ December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Mini & Peewee Tour April 5-6, 2003 Tuscon Fool's GP Pima Motorsports Park May 3,2003 Rock To Rock Rocky Point, MX May 31, 2003 Cinder Mountain 100 Flagstaff, AZ June 28-29, 2003 ALTO Pit Prescott, AZ -July 26, 2003 Camp Wood 100 Prescott, AZ August 30, 2003 Snowflake 150 Heber, AZ September 27-28, 2003 PMP Gran Prix Pima Motorsports ·Park October 25, 2003 Vulture Mountain 150 Wickenburg, AZ December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX COP MotoXHolidayB/owout October 27, 2003 Canyon November 3, 2003 Canyon November 10, 2003 Canyon November 17, 2003. Canyon Fast Track Racing Saad Drags October 19-20, 2003 Canyon Raceway Novemberl6-17,2003 Canyon Raceway December 14-15, 2003 Canyon Raceway Pima Motorsports Park Moto X November 9-10, 2003 PMPPark November 23-24, 2003 PMPPark December 14-15, 2003 PMPPark WISCONSIN MoToRSPORTs SHow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSIDP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 March 30, 2003 Gran Prix <lei Centenario July5,200J ZR Night Race September 6, 2003 ZR Gran Prix November 30, 2003 Gran Prix de Campiones 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2003 sched-ule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Page 7

Page 8

I l I ► i I I f I I I I I t I • i .. I t ► t t ► t t BEST IN THE DESERT PARKER 425 Ebberts And Castro Take The Win By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Dale Ebberts and Ernie Castro, winners, at Parker for this race. own class in order of their qualify-Jr. paired up in their Toyota pow-Many of them were racing again. ered Jimco to take the overall win A very nice display of some old at the revival of the old Parker 400. trucks and cars, including the Re-christened the "Parker 425", Walker Evans/Parnelli Jones truck and now promoted by the Best In that Herrick had restored, graced The Desert, the race was nonethe-the front of the Blue Water Re-less enough like the old Parker 400 sort and Casino, which was the to attract about 121 starters. The headquarters for this race. course was all on the Arizona side For those who hadn't visited of the Colorado River, and there Parker since '97, it was a huge shock were no motorcycles or quads rac-to drop over the hill and see the ing on the weekend. The last time sprawling new casino/resort where SCORE had a race there was in the homey old Blue Water Marina 1997, just long enough ago _to al-used to be. Acres of parking lot low racers to feel nostalgic appar-replace the old dirt hills, and a for-ently. There was plenty of that in lorn empty spot is all that's left of the air, and the BITD added to the original. But the new facility the atmosphere with a Thursday was a very comfortable and effi-night Press Party honoring the "Leg-cient headquarters for the race, ends" of off road racing. Some of with room for contingency, and the Legends were on hand, includ-tech in that parking lot, sign-up ing Walker and Phyllis Evans, inside and a flat, roomy finish line Parnelli Jones, Ivan Stewart, Bill area right next to the river at the Herrick, Manny Esquerra and edge of where the old building used Spencer Low. Of course, Esquerra, to be. a Parker resident, has been racing While most of the pre-race fes-continuously and would have been tivities happened on Friday, Thurs-ther:_e at any race, as would Rod day afternoon was reserved for Hall who was missing from the re- "qualifying". Those who wished to ception but very much on hand could elect to compete for the first for the race. Also not at the party. 20 start positions. Any number of was Jim Connor another true old racers could try out, and the top timer, who i.vas outside in the con- 20 would be seeded at the front of tingency area tending to business. .,, the start line order, in order of And, in fact, there were a lot of their qualifying time. Others old timers, even a lot of old Parker would start at the front of their ingtime. Everyone who participated in the qualifying seemed to enjoy it although some wished it had been scheduled for Friday rather than Thursday. The qualifying run was about four miles in length, down Osborne Wash, an old familiar part of the desert to those who'd raced here in the past. It was de-scribed as "whooped out", but fun. An observer with a radar gun re-ported that the fast cars were trav-eling at speeds of about 95 or 96 miles per hour. When the times were all computed Kyle Taylor and his Ford Trick Truck had taken the honors. But right behind him were Dale Ebberts, John Herder (in Jeff Darland's car) the '97 overall here, Jesse Jones in is own Trick Truck, and B.J. Richardson in John Gaughan's Bunderson. No real surprises in that group or in the names that followed. But the big buzz of the evening was the Class 10 Honda powered car of Eli -Yee, which finished in 17th position, guaranteeing him one of the top. 20 start positions at the front of the pack. Not only would the fastest 20 start at the front of the pack, but_ their start times would be 30 seconds apart. Every-one else would go off just 15 sec-onds apart and just that extra 15 Aaron and Ian Dixon had a series of problems with their Ford, but everyone else was in worse shape. The Dixons took the win in Class 7300. seconds could make a difference spectators" on the course. The in the dust level as they headed out BLM estimated that there were in-towards the rising sun. The BITD deed, 10,000 of them at Shea is usually more generous with time, Road alone. starting the cars a minute apart at Because so much of the area most of their long races. But this around the race course is not open time, since the start line was in the to vehicles, at least not on race day, middle of California St., the main there would be no acce,ss out on east/west artery for Parker, they the course. This meant that any were hustling to get it all done racer in trouble would have to quickly since their permit to close solve his problem with the help of the street was good for only one other racers, or, if he was very hour. lucky, with help from one of the The way the qualifying worked approximately 20 vehicles that was fairly complex. A total of 50 BITD had out there for that spe-cars and trucks took the BITD up cific purpose. This was a big plus on the offer. This meant that they here at Parker, where, thanks to a had 30 qualifiers who hadn't fit population that seems to be rich into the top 20. These guys would in off roaders, there were people be sorted out according to class, ·willing to volunteer ro spend the and then they would start at the day helping stuck and disabled rac-top of their respective classes. So, ers. Casey folks, the CEO of the if a racer was 27th qualifier, but BITD, said that at their other the first Class 7200, he was guar-events they usually have only two an teed to start at the front of his or three such teams available to · own class. And if the second Class help the racers. The BITD rules, 7200 qualifier was 39th, he'd still which prohibit 011-course help be the second starter within the from chase crews or spectators, class. All those who didn't try to specifically allow help from BITD qualify were given start positions assigned personnel. determined by a random draw The race got going at 7:30am within each class. Arizona time. After the 20 fast The course was approximately qualifiers left it was time for the 140 miles long, and there would rest of the Trick Trucks. Seven of be three laps. It visited a lot of fa-the 14 Trick Trucks had qualified miliar areas like Graham Well, the in the top 209. As it happened, neighborhood of Bouse, Shea · the Trick Trucks were a source of Road, the Goat Trail and Osborne wonder. As in: "I wonder where Wash. All the Pro classes ran three they are?" Out unofficial timers laps, and the Sportsmen did only were at the second pit, Midway, at two. At the end of the final lap a bout Mile 44. At that point on there was a little five mile section the first lap they were almost all that went through the old stuff and still running and Taylor, first to down to the river and turned left get the green flag, was in the lead onto the paved road and to the in his Ford. He had three minutes finish line. As always at Parker, the on Gary Dircks and Mark Porter BLM had rigid rules in force. in their Ford. In third it was Da-There were only three spectator men Jefferies, another Ford, about . areas, one at Shea Road where he two minutes further back, and just course made a little loop through over a minute in front of Jesse what used to be the main pit area, Jones in his Ford. Sean Cummings, another at Bouse, and still another in a Chevy, ran fifth. Ed and Tim betweenBouseandMidway,where Herbst had already run into the course pinched in together. All trouble when they collided with a the racers reported "thousands of Class 1500 car while trying to pass it, and had rolled over. They had got back on their wheels but the Ford was fairly battered. Mark Dye, in a new Chevy Avalanche, had slid through some markers and into the hole they marked, rolled over and broke a spindle. Or vice-versa. But in any case, it was the end of his race because he didn't have a spare. BITD sent a worker out to re-ribbon the area and another to stand there and caution vehicles around the spot for the rest of the day. Jasper Dyer drove his Baja Bug in the Sportsman 5/1600 class and did his two laps in the good time of 6:49:52 to take the win. Dale Ebberts made it two-in-a-row, winning Class 1500 at the Parker 425, with co-driver Ernie Castro, Jr., in their Toyota Jimco just three weeks after winning at SCORE's Laughlin event. Things looked different the sec-ond time they went through Pit 2. This was when people started won-dering what had happened to all the trucks. Jefferies had moved into the lead, and he had about a m.inute and a half on Dircks and Pages April 2003 Dusty Times

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Greg Foutz had a nearly perfect race in his Class 8100 Ford, with just one flat tire, so he took the win by almost an hour. · Porter. Ryan Arciero, in Mark 100 miles per hour and probably Miller's Chevrolet Protruck.turned should have been at 70. Trick Truck was third, after some Cummings was out with a broken brake caliper problems. In fourth axle. Steve Sourapas had got his it was Bill and Bucky Strunk, an-Ford to Mile 142 and lost his other 20 minutes back i~ their transmission (Sourapas is one of Chevy and Darren Skilton had his those old time racers, having won Kia Sorento in fifth place after los-here in Class IO in '92 and Class I ing an hour and a half when his in '87. It wasn't to be this time.) timing chain took a hit from a Glen Greer had tried to be a Good rock. He radioed his crew to come Samaritan and help Jones get back get him, but they said "No way!" on his wheels, but he just got him-They told him what to look for, self stuck. He had to abandon and then how to fix it, and he got them, and then he was done in by it going again. Taylor had rolled something a short time later. Ed his truck at Mile 88 of the first lap and Tim Herbst lost their trans-and spent about an hour and a mission and Jim Beaver, still in his half on his lid until one of the old Class 8 Ford instead of the BITD authorized vehicles came new Trick Truck, lost a ring and along and helped upright him. pinion in the far reaches of the He'd bent the front trailing arms, course. Even his local crew, surely among other things. Jesse Jones got familiar with the area, couldn't get to Mile 92 and crashed, and later parts to him soon enough to make said he was "driving too aggressive". it worthwhile to fix the truck and He also said he was going about carry on. The Herbsts, by the way, Dusty Times the "Main Pit" at Mile 136. There was a parallel road, so he wasn't exactly in the pits, and it didn't sink in, but it was a no-no. Sci af-ter some discussion, he became a DNF. In the meantime, Miller and Aaron Hawley finally had everything go right, and he took the win in Class 2000 by about a half-hour. · Arciero made it to the finish line to take the win with a time of eight hours and IO minutes. They were 13th in the overall standings. An hour and a half later Skilton took second place. And another hour and 45 minutes later Taylor was third, his car without body panels and not easily recognized as a Trick Truck. He reported that for the final 80 miles he'd been having se-rious tranny trouble. Scarla kept enough water in his truck to finish fourth and Jones with a total time of 12 hours and 44 minutes was fifth. He'd lost his forward gears on the final lap, and had driven about ten miles to the next pit in reverse. While struggling along, he'd come upon the disabled stock mini truck that was delivering a re-placement transmission and rear end to Rob MacCachren. It couldn_'t make it, so Jones took it on. At the pit he got some forward gears back, and managed to get his finish. In sixth place it was the Strunks, finishing on a flat rear and reporting an axle problem to add to their list of woes. Parker wasn't an easy race for the Trick Trucks. The consensus seemed to be that some parts of the course were really fast, but then a turn or hazard would come up suddenly, and they'd be in trouble. had been winners here in Class I in 1992. The survivors earned on. The third time they went through Pit 2 Jefferies had almost an hour on Miller, who was now driving his truck. They'd run out of fuel just before the driver change, having used more than they'd planned thanks to the course being softer than expected. In third it was Skil-ton, now having no problems with the Kia, but an hour and a half behind Miller. In fourth it was .Jones, another half hour back. The Strunks were still going, but they had front end problems, and somewhere along the line they re-built their transmission. Kyle Tay-lor was also moving again, but had lost an alternator and a shock had blown off. Robert Scarla, in a Ford, was having radiator cap trouble. He'd lost all his water early in the day when the cap blew An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's off, and it still not sealing prop-erly. In between Pit 2 and the finish, things changed again. Near the end of the 90 mile stretch Jefferies broke a crank. Despair set in. But then he thought he had a good idea. He was so close to the finish that he figured he could be towed almost to the finish line and then he and his brother, Casey, who was riding, could push it the final mile and over the line. By his under-standing of the rules, that would make a legal finish. He knew he had some time because al the other trucks had had trouble also. So he got his tow to within the final mile or so, and then he and Casey pushed it, and they thought they'd done it. Problem was the BITD rules say that a race car may be towed into a pit, but not out of the pit. And on the way to the fin-ish Jefferies had been towed past The Unlimited ope1fwheel cars, Class 1500, went off the line next. Continued on page 10 ....,_.__,,_....,_o""~ Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages @~tr Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 The Place Las Vegans Call Home"' West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 April 2003 West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~~ .. ~ Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 Page 9

Page 10

John Holmes bought himself a new Ford to race in Class 3100 and the first time out he went home with a first place finish. There were 20 entries and 11 of Troy Herbst was fifth ln his Ford. them were in the top 20 qualifiers. Two of them disappeared early: Kevin Colan's Chenowth waster-minally disabled in a collision, and then, to add insult to injury, the "spectators" who politely helped him at the scene, loaded his spare tire and wheel into their own truck and took off with it. Also out early was Mike Voyles who had a new Penhall powered by a Corvette LS 1 motor. Jerry Penhall himself was scheduled to help drive. Pen-hall was another past winner (1985, Class 2) who didn't get to make history again. After they'd done that first 44 miles, the lead lielonged to Jeff Darland, who had his Jimco just four seconds in front of Dale Ebberts in ,his Toyota Jimco. Bat-tling for third and fourth were Bob Lofton in a Chevy powered Jimco, another four seconds back, and B.J. Richardson in John Gaughan's Chevy powered car tied with him. In fifth place, just three seconds further back, it was Chuck Hovey in his Y4 powered Jimco. So 21 seconds separated the first five vehicles in this class. When they got around to Check 2 the second time, they'd lost Ryan Stewart and his TCS chassis and Tom Wood (brother of Rueben and Robert), in his Jimco. Now Lofton had taken over the lead, but he had only nine sec-onds on Darland. In third it was Ebberts, another minute and a half back, and followed by Hovey, and then Mark Weyhrich in his Chevy Jimco. Most of the rest were within catching distance, except maybe Pat Dean, who'd had seri-ous broken shock problems at Mile 19 of the first lap. Buddy Feldkamp was off the pace also, after losing the steering box of his Penhall. Herbst had tried a new kind of brakes and the rocks had broken the fittings, so by Lap 2 he'd been out of brakes. They'd stopped to change hubs and were now catch-ing back up. He was 24 minutes behind the lead car. Behind them another six cars were running hard. In the sprint to the finish Lof-ton held the lead, staying just in front of Castro, who, with a per-fect day was pushing hard. And then Lofton pulled to the side of the track and parked. The bolts in his pressure plate had broken and he was done, on the final five mile stretch. Castro soared on by to take the win for himself and Ebberts. They reported absolutely no problems, but their car was leaking tranny fluid while parked at the finish line. They were also first in the overall standings. This was not a new experience for Ebberts., who won Class 1/2-1600 in '92, Class 1 in '96 and a month or so before this race, he and his partners won the 250 Amateur division in the BiTD bike race. They Weyhrich brothers finished 17 minutes behind them in second place and second overall. They said their biggest problem had been passing all the trucks that started in front of them. They were glad to be "back at Parker -it was like old times!" In third and third over-all, it was Hovey, who'd had to weld up a bent A-arm on the last lap. He too, was happy to be at Parker, and was really pleased with the qualifying. Herbst, reporting three flats along with the brake trouble, finished fourth, and fourth over-all, and Rick Wilson and Jeff Quinn, who ran "pretty clean" all day, brought their six cylinder Jimco to the finish in fifth in class and fifth overall. Rick Romans was sixth (he was the Class 10 win-ner in '93) and Jim Tucker and Richard Boyle in Tucker's new two seat Chevy powered Jimco, finished Rick D. Johnson made his Ford Protruck fairly fly as he hustled to take the win, finishing just two minutes and 13 seconds ahead of second place. seventh. Sam Berri, in a Y4 pow-ered Mirage that ran at 300 de-grees all day was eighth. He said he stopped at every pit for water and was surprised the car was still run-ning. Behind Berri it was Stuart and Eric Chase and Billy Robert-son, who'd had a brake rotor shat-ter. And then Buddy Feldkamp was 10th, the last Class 1500 car to finish, after replacing the steering box. Buddy has never won at Parker. But his dad, Bud, was the Class 1 winner in 1975. Bud has probably got the record for the longest running agreement with the authorities over a ticket dispensed at a parker race. The Class 1000 cars were next to go, and in this group only one made it into the top 20. Eli Yee and Doug Fortin would start on 17th position in Yee's Honda pow-ered Jimco. Back in the pack Jim Dizney discovered water in his Honda's oil, so he withdrew from the race, and Charles Lathren ap- · parently found something equally awful, and he slipped away from staging also. Dizney is one of the old time winners, having won Class 9 in 1985. So here were 14 Class 1000s. All 14 got to the second pit on the first lap, and at that time Yee had the lead, but he was only a minute and a half in front of Rick Ellison in his Chenowth. Then came Steve Strobel in his Bunder-son, four seconds later, and six sec-onds behind him it was Bill Witt in his Jimco, followed by Ed Beard in a Beard with an 11 year old Toyota motor, another 18 seconds back. At this point the last car in the class was only 10 minutes back .. Hilfiker, Steve Brown,.Brian Bur-gess arid James Martin were all DNF for unknown reasons. But Yee was still in the lead, a bit over a minute in front of Ellison. In third it was now Witt, but he was 15 minutes down after a flat tire. Tony McLaren had his Penhall chassis just five seconds behind him, and he'd let the air out of some tires by hitting rocks also. Ed Beard had climbed out of the car and handed over ro his son Levi, and they were fifth and about 13 minutes back after a flat. Dick Weyhrich arid Jim Zupanovich were still running but were destined to lose their motor in the next sec-tion, meaning that Zupanovich would not get a second mention on the Parker winner's list. He'd been the Class 10 winner in 1990. Strobel was nearly two hours down to the leaders. He'd been stuck for a long time. On this lap as traffic thinned and the dust cleared the surviving drivers were discovering that there were upside down and wrecked cars "parked everywhere!" There was even a sec-tion of soft sand at about Mile 83 that had sucked in a whole passel of little trucks and others, some of which never made it to the hard ground again. Going through Pit 2 on the third lap Fortin was in the Yee car and he had seven minutes on Ellison and co-driver Bill Hernquist who was now at rhe wheel. They'd had a flat tire. Witt had put Ben Schlimme in for the last lap and they held firm in third place, with McLaren still coming along in fourth. He was finding the sand "tough" for his car. The Beards ran fifth, finding the traf-fic "bad", but otherwise having a "great day!" But then they have always loved the Parker races. Will and Jerry Higman, who had bro-ken a tie rod on their Kreger chas-sis early _in the day, were another 20 minutes back and enjoying it "very much." Strobel lost an alter-nator belt, broke a pulley, and had an inner c. v. go away in a big way, nearly setting the c·ar on fire in the process. He had to finally give it up and call it quits, not a thing he does easily. Yee and Fortin had no serious had no serious trouble, though they did lose an alternator. Fortin turned off the fans and helmet pumper mo~or just "to be safe", but it caused them no harm. He declared that the course was "dusty, typical Parker", but that the breeze helped clear the dust off the road. They took the win by 12 minutes. Ellison and Hernquist finished in second place reporting only "some trouble with traffic." Hernquist said the race was "So much fun - spectacular." In third it was Witt and Schlimme who'd had only one flat along the way. Schlimme is another past winner, having victories on bikes in Class 24 in '88, '92 and '93. McLaren was fourth about a half hour later. In fifth it was the Beards, happy as pigs in mud, and the Higmans were sixth and last to fin-ish. The Protrucks came next, and none of them were in the top 20 Continued on page 12 But when they went by Pit 2 the second time six of them had fallen by the wayside and they had really spread out. Danny Ashcraft had radioed for help on the course and then he never got any-further. Kory Halopoff had lost his transmission, but he'd given it a good try, spend-ing some time in a pit trying to find a way to keep going. And then Sam Mark Miller and Ryan Arciero split the driving in their Chevrolet Trick Truck and won the class, even thought they had a fuel problem midway through the race. The next lap was the end of the road for a bunch of racers. Ronny Wilson lost the clutch on his V6 Jimco, and Dean lost his transmis-sion. Richardson burned up the torque converter on Gaughan's car and Lee Patten hit something and wiped out an upper arm on Tom Koch's Jimco. (Koch has won the Class 1 race at Parker twice in the past, in '86 and '88.) John Herder took over for Darland and didn't get the lap done. (Herder's anotn : winner, no so old-timey, having won on a bike in Class 24 in '88 and '91, and in Class 1 in '97.) But Lofton held onto his lead. He had three minutes on Ernie Castro, Sr., who'd taken over for Ebberts. In third it was now Hovey, about seven minutes later. He was having trouble with his car popping out of gear. Gary Weyh-rich, who'd taken over for his brother, was in fourth now and Keith Moore rolled his Chevrolet Class 8900 truck early in the day, but once uprighted it ran just fine, and he took the win by 39 seconds. Hector Salazar had Porfirio Gutierrez riding along in his Ford Class 7200 truck, and they managed to keep it running well enough to take the win. Page 10 April 2003 Dusty Times

Page 11

PIRRUMP • NEVADA EST.1996 []3~~CCF11m 'itnH =I [ID~~~LJB7f RACING ASSOCIATION Presents ''The Richest Off-Road Race In Nevada'' 50% Payback of Entry Fee $40,000 Guaranteed Total Purse $10 ooo . · . Trucks Guardnteed for ALL cars Pro Classes , ..... .,,~:· · Plus Guaranteed · \ < ·,:~? . Purse · .. ,. ,,,.,·,{;;,:,t,,',,,/,',,,:\'..'!•Y: . \7i· .. _ ... ~-~f~'..'/r.<~.f-~·-·7"t"'~--. Purse To 1st Overall Car or Truck Official Truck r;;-)r.;!~ OF THI! ~~R~ ~ U Olli 'iit:1[3 ~ LJ RACING ASSOCIATION $3,000 Guaranteed Purse To 1st Overall Quad

Page 12

Rick Ellison and Bill Hernquist, Chenowth, always a tough team, Mike Falkosky had a good day in his Ford Explorer, only a couple of Toby Gaerin had his Jimco in front of Class t t 00 for a while, but made a determined challenge in Class 1000, but a late flat destroyed tire changes marred his day, and he finished second in the small S. U. carburetor problems and a flat tire late in the day cost him the lead, their chance to catch up. They were second. _V._c:.._la'-'s-"--s. _______________ ~~--_an_d_h_e_fi_in_is_h_e_d~sec_ o_nd_·~~---~~-------qualifying cars, but then, maybe a minute and a bit in front of Kevin had been throwing up before the by Chet Huffman in another Ford began to black out. He stopped none of them opted to try the McGillivray in John Becker's Ford. race, but was probably discover-and then Alan Hogan, Ford, and to let him out of the truck and for qualifying. There were eight of In third it was Rick L. Johnson in ing that a big shot of adrenalin can Jim Nuckles in Jeff Dickerson;'s a while the officials considered fly-them. Rick D. Johnson had his his Toyota, another 26 seconds cure most anything, for a while Ford_. Nuckles had a problem with ing him to the hospital, but he re-Ford in front at the 45 mile mark back, followed by David Scaroni anyway. Dan Hunt ran fifth three his passenger who evidently fused medical aid and was later on the first lap, and he was already in the family Ford. David was ill, minutes later in his Ford followed pinched a nerve in his neck and reported no worse for the wear. Super Cell Fits between the frame Toys Baja 1000 Desert Buggy Metal Mulisha, Baja 1000, LBZ, & Kawasaki Motorcycles Coming Soon: Bones® The best DZUS tool you'll ever own! -of ANY truck SCORE & FIA Legal Manufactured exclusively by Fuel Safe Trophy Truck & Truggy Custom Colors & engraving available Quanity Discounts race INhat Specialty Tools & Accessories Helmets & Kool Air™ Systems Communication Systems 1Ne sell" Mil-Spec Electrical Products Safety Equipment Racing Wheels Satellite Phones & GPS Custom Chevy VB Engines PARTICIPATINli DEALER§ B & R Buggie• 1523 So. Coast Hwy. • Oceanside, CA 92054 • 760-722-1266 Baja Racing Products -1040 South Main St. -Fallbrook, CA 92028 ~ 760-723-2117 Baja Shop Motorsports -264 Cypress St -Orange, CA 92865 -714-279-0778 H&M Motorsports -120 North Pacific St #H1 -San Marcos, CA 92069 -760-510-9586 Perry's Fab & Fiber -La Mesa, CA 91941 -619-463-1361 Page 12 Race Ready Products -103 Press Lane #4 -Chula Vista, CA 91910 -619-691-9171 RAC MOTORSPORTS a 3231-C Business Park Drive #318 Vista, CA 92083 USA 760-918-0777 Fax 760-918-0733 er ,c April 2003 As they headed into our timing spot the second time Rick D. Johnson was still leading, with Rick L. Johnson (remember -no rela-tion) in second place by less than two minutes. He was finding that his Toyota had plenty of horse-power and plenty of torque. In third it was McGillivray, who was about to put Becker into the driver's seat. Hogan was fourth and Hunt was fifth. Scaroni had been caught in that soft sand at Mile 83 and did a lot of shoveling . and pushing (his nausea probably came back). Huffman also got stuck, waited for help for an hour and a half, and when none was available, decided to call it a day and save the car for the San Felipe race. Nuckles rolled Dickerson's truck. He was driving in the dust • and his passenger was using the GPS as a guide. They thought the road went straight and it didn't. That cost them a half hour or so and after that they decided to de-pend on what they could actually see, rather than the GPS. Going into their third lap, when they got to the second pit it was still Rick D. in front, and he had exactly three minutes on Rick L. Becker and McGillivray were still third, and Hogan was fourth and an hour down after breaking a distributor gear. Scaroni was about eight minutes behind him, and Dave's father, Steve, drove the final lap. Hunt didn't get there, nor did Nuckles, who lost a pivot bolt and that was the end of the day. The two Johnsons went on to finish first and second, the Toyota only two minutes and 13 seconds behind the Ford. Becker and McGillivray were third, Hogan fourth and the Scaronis were fifth and the last team to finish. One of the J ohnsons is on the past winner list, having been the 1986 Chal-lenge class winner. It could have been both of them sinte they used to be a team in the old days. The Class 8000 trucks were next to take the green flag, and only one of them made the top 20. That was Curt LeDuc in Dick Sasser's VS. powered Jeep, a~ eld-erly vehicle originally built by Mike Lesle. LeDuc is part of Parker's winning history, having taken the Trophy Truck class in 1997. He was the 18th starter this time. All to-gether there were nine Class 8000s. LeDuc was doing the driving and Sasser was riding, and as they got to the second pit they had the lead by a little over a minute. In second it was Tommy Bradley in a Chevy, then John Dallaire in a Ford, Continued on page 14 Dusty Times

Page 13

'i1iEl!iffiEJ OFF-HD.iD ·coURSE 240 miles of Offroad Action PROy SPT: 2 laps of 120 miles CONTINGENCY & TECH INSPECTION Friday, April 11th, 2003. At Malec6n, San Felipe, from 3 to 9 PM START 8:00 AM Saturday, April 12th, at Los Arcos, San Felipe TIME LIMT: 9 hrs! LATE REGISTRATION Saturday, April 12th, from 6:00 to 7:30 hrs, Start / Finish Area ( $400 pesos fine to all that register after 7:00 am). PRE-RUNNING From Saturday April 5th; Do it with extreme caution [the course will NOT be marked before] R u p BFGaodrich T.AI& __________ ,_ i!OO SAN FELIPE, B. C. APRIL 11, 1.2 & 13, 2003 CLASSES PRO: 1,10,12, 8,1/2-1600,5-Open, 5-1600,9,7,?S,11 SPORTSMAN: Clase 14 (1.10.12. 1/2-1600, 5) Clase 18 (Open Truck. a. 7, 7S. 3) Clase 15 (5-1600, s. 11) Clase Safari DRAWING Wednesday, April 2, 2003, at GRUPO TERSA BFG, Blvd. Benito Juarez #2069, Mexicali; at 20:30, · fill out your entry-form and mail or fax it, or confirm by teleph_one AWARDS ROCKODILE, San Felipe, Sunday, April 13th at 12:00 HOST HOTEL HOTEL RIVIERA (686) 577-1185 COST PRO: $ 2,900 pesos''1 Sportman: $ 1,900 pesos''1 (1)/nc/uye $100 pesos Campeonalo lncluye $400 pesos Uso de Suelo ~~ COTUCO Mexicali -i>1h_.,. ,~~ ~ Son Felipe ~Mexicali {El pago en d61ares sera al Tipo de Cambio de/ dial CODE TECATE OFFROAD CHAMPIONSHIP TO THE WINNERS Trophy to the First Three places in each class plus Contingency prizes PRO: 60% of the entry fees to the first three places (60%, 25%, 15%) Must finish the race! SPORTSMAN: Entry fee reinbursement to first place (3 entries minimum, must finish race). Overall PRO: $500~ Comercio Organizado de San Felipe L.M. Equipment Sales ssoo-~,~-1st. place Class 5 CODE Tecate ACCESORIOS AMADO Night Race/ June 13-15 / Laguna Salada, Mexicali, B.C. Evita el exceso HOM~}\GA@ El REY DE LAS PUERTAS H MAa~v.1i,n110A ... 1 '\ ~ PIZZAS ,.,,.,.4 autopartes ~ F'_lBotica LJSanta Maria CODE Tecate FRT ORW Gran Prix / August 15-17 / Jacume, Tecate, Baja California CODE Tecate MANGIAMOS 300 / October 10-12 / Laguna Salada, Mexicali, B.C. CODE Tecate Record RACE READY 250 / Dec. 12-14 / Ensenada-Mexicali a San Felipe, B.C. -1f ~viq1j{MtJ . Mexicali IV 1/r' i ciU, DFF-RDaD ~ g i .,! a I I Bravo 120-8, Zona Centro., Mexicali/ From USA (760) 455-8069 / MEX (686) 553-4087 I P.O. Box 2328, Calexico, CA 92232-2328 USA ~

Page 14

The father and son team of Bob and Sean Graham got stuck and Brothers Kevin and Kent Graves had some flat tires with their Jimco Chad Hall had some half-shaft and c. v. bolt problems with his Hummer, needed a little welding, but at the end of the day they were second in and a brief off course excursion into a ravine, but finished the day and lost a little time, but still managed to finish second in the stock full Class 7100. ~seco_~n_d_i_n_C--'la_s_s_2_000 __ (,_1_6_00cc_-'-). ________ ~~~-_s,_ze---'-p~ic~k-'up'--c_la~s_s_,(._8_100---'-~-----~--~-------Keith Fontana in a Chevrolet and Chevy. He was another two hours There was a surprising number he'd found himself struggling to see fore the finish line. 'Kontilis went Jim Bosman, in another Ford. down, having replaced a steering of Class 1100 (comparable to through the dust in the rising sun. by as Gaerin limped in on a tire-They were all very close· and there box. SCORE Lire) with eight starters When they came to Pit 2 on the less rear wheel, and took the win. were three more trucks not very Bradley led almost all the way taking the green flag. They all made second lap Brownell had also Gaerin was second about two and far back. around to the finish, but then as it through the second pit on the fallen out, .so there were only five a half minutes later, a·nd Licitra LeDuc was still in front when his crew waited by the finish inter- first lap, and Toby Gaerin had his of them left running. Lerner now finished third about an hour and they came around the second time, view area, he disappeared. He re- Jimco in front there, but itwas·only had the lead, with Gaerin 15 min- 20 minutes later. with Bradley second, now 11 min-portedly suffered from "excessive by 54 seconds. Mike Williams was utes back, his carburetor loading The 7200 cars (comparable to utes back. Kurtis Kupiec, in a Chevy, oil usage." The tranny on the Jeep second in his Meco, and Mark up and stalling the motor. Moore's Class 7) went off the lin~ next, with ran third, Keith Moore was fourth was failing steadily, and LeDuc and Brownell had his Chenowth third, car was third, now with Kirk nine entries. In this group was in another Chevy and John Sasser kept adding fluid and were eight seconds later, followed by Kontilis at the wheel and less than Larry Roeseler, one of the Melsheimer was fifth in still ·an- stopping every 15 minutes or so to Harley Letner in his Bergdhal Spe- 1:hree minutes further back and winningest drivers at Parker, with other Chevy. Dallaire, Fontana let it cool. In addition they had a cial, another minute back. Will- Licitra, who'd blown his reverse six wins on a bike, starting in '76, and Bosman had all disappeared. couple of flats. Moore was creep- iams was another old winner, tak- gear, was up to fourth. In fifth it and two Class 7 wins, in '96 and LeDuc was having transmission ing up. And he caught up. LeDuc ing the 1/2-1600 class in 1990. In was Williams, who'd lost a couple '97. Shawn Wanzek, Ford, was in trouble, and that meant stopping and Sasser got to the finish line. fifth it was Jeff Moore in an M & of hours somehow and then com-front as they ran through Pit 2, to add fluid, as well as stopping to first, but then had a nerve-racking T RaceCars chassis, another eight pleted no more laps. but Roeseler, in a Ford, was only let the thing cool off. He lost the wait, because Moore had started seconds back. Corey Cook was Lerner led the third time the 35 seconds behind him. Eric and lead. Bradley·was in front from the a long way behind them, back in within striking distance in his Por-group went through Pit 2, with 25 Jared Hardin were third in their third time they came through Pit the Class 8000 bunch. It took the ter, but he rolled over a bit fur-minutes on Gaerin. In third, only GMC and Bill Masche ran fourth 2, and he had 14 minutes on official scorekeepers to figure it out ther down the road, and though six minutes back, was Kontilis, fol-in a Ford. In fifth it was Chuck LeDuc. Moore rolled over on the when he did come in, and when he got going again, he didn't get lowed by Licitra, a full hour be- Brechin and Dan Matthews in still second lap, but some of .those the numbers were crunched, into his second lap. Mitch Mitchell hind him. No one else was moving another Ford. Petty McNeil, in handy B ITD people helped him Moore had the win by 39 seconds. had already lost about 11 minutes by now. another Ford, had some early get back on his wheels and he was LeDJc was second. And with his Kreger, and apparently Lerner didn't make it to the fin-problems an·d got moving again, now third, an hour and 45 min-Ottersburg, who finished two lost the motor a bit later. Tony ish. Gaerin's car didn't run any only to fail b~fore he got all the utes behind LeDuc. In fourth it hours later, was third, the final Licitra was also about 15 minutes better, nor did it help that he flat- way around a second time. was Mark Ottersburg in another Class 8000 truck to make it. off the pace in his Chenowth, and tened a tire about three miles be- Continued on page 16 ;y•-; vv~!9.ti;9b~ropionship Off-R~ad Racer, Curt LeDuc, prove Skyjackers Platinum Series Coil-Over Shocks in · theSkyjack~r Ford F-150. LeDuc will compete in Championship Off-Road Racing (CORR, Pro-4) and Best In The Desert (BITD Class-8). Track Curt LeDuc's racing at .q --..111 I,® .._. __ =.., ------------'E/1/!ilDN. ____ _ Call 1.866. 4 A DEALER ext. 5003 or go to to locate the dealer nearest you. Page 14 April 2003 Dusty Times

Page 15

Page 16

---------Rod Hall had a tough day, with a rollover in his Hummer, and subsequent damage repair, but he still came to the finish line in second place in the big S. U. V. class. Eric and Jared Hardin, in a GMC Sierra, had a fuel vent problem, but Chuck Hovey soloed the Parker race in his V4 Jimco and, even with still finished second in Class 7200. · time for welding on his front end, he took third place and third overall. When they hit Pit 2 on the sec-ond lap the lead belonged to Roe-seler, who was in a brand new truck. Wanzek was second now, about six minutes back and his motor sounded unwell. In third it was Hector Salazar, in a Ford. Masche was fourth and the Hardins were fifth. They later said they were having "fuel vent" prob-lems. Going through Pit 2 on the third lap Salazar had moved into the lead. He had a few problems, but had Baja veteran Porfirio ''.Indio" Gutierrez riding with him, and he's handy with repairs. Masche ran second now, with the Hardins third and Brechin and Mathews up to fourth as Roeseler dropped out for unknown rea-sons. Wanzek wa~ also gone, and Jason Lernigan had lost a front Da•n Jefferies wins overall at Nevada I 000 on Team Gordon Wheels corner off his Ford early on the a Porter, were in the hunt, as was aged a second place finish. Merritt was moving along, only 40 first lap so he'd missed most of the Kevin Graves in.his Jimco. Russell In the 1600 Sportsman class minutes further back. The Henns fun. Winkler used up two hours and there was only one entry, Oscar had serious brake problems, and Salazar went on to take the win, 41 minutes to cover the 45 miles McClure, from El Paso, Texas. ran 30 miles with no stopping saying that compared to racing in and then was on the radio looking McClure, who used to live in power at all, but they were still Mexico, "It's different-we had to for parts. Apparently he didn't Parker and_ is a graduate of Parker coming on. fix it ourselves!" And whatever ever get the item (something to do High School, said he always wanted Foutz, who said he'd had a "per-went wrong, they did get it repaired with a link pin) because he didn't to race in the Parker race. It was a feet" day, went on to take the win, well enough to take the victory. get through a second lap. long haul over from El ·Paso, and saying he "cruised a little while", The Hardins finished second, say-The second time through Pit 2, during the race his shocks came on the way to the finish. He had ing they "love Parker", an Cody Hawley had eight minutes on loose and he had a steering prob-almost an hour on Hall, who'd Kruger, in another Ford, finished Graves, who had a couple of flat !em, but he was a happy race driver had that long repair job. In: third third, four hours after the winner, tires. McCool and Murphy disap- at the finish line. He drove all three it was Morrison, Esquerra and late, late in the evening. He was the peared so there were only the two laps, and finished in 12:24: 10. Rubio, who also said they'd had a last official finisher. lefr running. Hawley stayed in The 8100 class was next, with good day. As if he hadn't had The 1600 cars, Class 2000, was front, having no problems and no six entries. One of the most fre-enough trouble, Merritt also lost next to start, with four entries. flat tires. He took the win, saying quent winners at past Parker races, a fuel pump, but still managed a They all managed to get through it was "rough but fun", and he was ' Manny Esquerra, is in this class. fourth place an hour behind third. Pit 2 on the first lap, with Aaron happy to have his good finish hap-Starting in '76 he went on to And in fifth, last of the class to Hawley in front. He's had a long pen at Parker. Graves had his record wins in '78, '79, '80, '82, finish, were the Henns, who lost run of bad luck at desert racing brother, Kent, drive the second '84, '86, '87, '89 and '91, all in the front suspension on their and was looking for a good finish. half and he did a br'ief excursion Class 7 (7200 in BITD). Greg Hummer late in the day. They were John Murphy and Bill McCool, in into a ravine, but they still man- Foutz, Ford, who was leading at another hour down. Pit 2 on the first lap, had the Class In Class 8100 Sportsman a big Stock Mini win at the '97 Parker Ford looking suspiciously like a race. He had just a bit more than load of spare parts for the a minute on Chad Hall in his Sunderland .Class 4100 Bronco, · Hummer. In third place it was the with a driver of record named Dave Morrison, Manny Esquerra, Gary Sunderland, was the last car Tracy Rubio,· Ford, about a offthestartline.ltmayhavebeen minute and 40 seconds back, and the first car out of the race. At any followed by Randy Wilson in an-rate, it didn't make Pit 2, and was other Ford, all the way down from reported ro have blown a head Oregon for this race. Terry Henn gasket very early. (Ed. Note: It is, in another Hummer was fifrh. by the way, totally legal to enter a Randy Merritt, in a Ford, was hav- vehicle in the Sportsman classes to ing brake problems and had al- serve as a chase and spare parts ready lost a bout 40 minutes. carrier for your race car. It's done As they charged through Pit 2 fairly often at BITD races, but the second time, it was still close. unfortunately, these cars are ap-Foutz had a minute and 25 sec-parently so loaded down with onds on Hall. Then it was 14 min-spare stuff they often don't make utes back to Morrison/Esquerra/ it very far. Rob MacCachren and Rubio, who'd been stuck in the Steve Olliges have made it work a sand once. The Henns came along time or two. This might be the class next, another half hour down, of the future, the way the deserts and then it was Merritt, still an- are being closed to chase vehicles. other half hour back. Maybe more teams ought to take a Foutz was having what he called hard look at it. Off road racing a "great day", with only one flat to could have a Chase Truck class, fix for the entire three laps. He led something like the big truck class by just under an hour the third at the Paris-Dakar rally.) - 7 7" RG.O 1 race wheel available in 0 race lock or street lock for all Chevrolet and Ford truck applications time through the pit, and it was Class 7100 took off next, with still Hall in second place. He'd had six entries. Kevin Davis had the lead to replace a couple of half-shafts at Pit 2 with his Ford, but his string and some c.v. bolts. Morrison/Es-of bad luck remains unbroken, querra and Rubio were only four and he didn't get there on the sec-minutes behind him · now. And ond lap. Tim Braden had his Ford 15" RG.02 race wheel available in race lock or street lock for VW applications. 7" and 3.5" widths available. Specializing in Off-Road wheels*, · ~~!!'~1!nd steering systems. Page 16 Team Gordon 2980 East Miraloma Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone(714)632-0013 Fax (714) 632-0311 TEAMGORDON.COM April 2003 Marc Stein and Mike Mccomas had an early problem with a radio antenna, but they got that solved and then things went their way and they won Class 4100. Dusty Times

Page 17

Rick L. Johnson has the first Toyota Protruck working very well Curt LeDuc drove Dick Sasser's Jeep in Class 8, and led for a while, Je;f Moore and Kirk Kontilis made a good team in Class 1100 indeed, and he chased hard all day to finish only a couple minutes out but serious transmission problems dropped them back to a very (comparable to SCORE Lite) and tqok the win in their M & T Race of first place. just 10 seconds behind him, and Bob Graham was third, another one second back. The Mark Hansen, Malcolm Vinje, Jim Gil-christ Ford was fourth, two min-utes later. They had a terrible run of luck the previous four races, so having got as far as 45 miles was something of a landmark for them. In this group Mark Hansen has two wins in Class 5 at Patker, in '75 and '76, and he and Vinje together have another, in '85. (Al-ways with champagne at the finish line.) Devin Goode, in another Ford, didn't even get to Pit 2 the first time. And Tom Giordano and Darryl Putman had a broken tie rod off the start. The second time they came around the Braden car was lead-ing, with almost an hour on Vinje, Hansen and Gilchrist, who each drove a lap. In third it was Gra-ham, who'd been stuck for an hour at the bad soft spot at Mile 83. Giordano and Putman wete fourth, .now struggling with shreds of their fuel cell in their fuel pump. They gave up the struggle after many hours with only two laps completed. The third time through the pit it was still Braden and now he had nearly two hours on Vinje, Hansen and Gilchrist. Graham had to have his frame welded. Hansen, Vinje and Gilchirst surged to the front of the pack in the late miles, and took the win. They were ecstatic, but the cham-pagne wasn't in evidence at the fin-ish line. In second it was Graham, whose won, Sean, did the final lap, driving in a race for the first time. Braden fell back when a wire melted and he lost his power steer-ing, but he got a third place, the last in the class to finish. The big S.U.V.s were the next class off the line, and there were five of them. This group included some serious history. Rod Hall, in a Hummer these days, had re-corded four wins in Class 3, start-ing in '74, and then beginning in '83; he had seven wins in Class 4. (Unfortunately, I'm missing data for '94 and '95, and so, some folks may be omitted from these histori-cal notes. Sorry.) In '78, when Hall didn't win Class 3, Gale Pike did. He was racing with sons Noah and Matt in a Ford in this class this time. When they reached the second Pit on the first lap the lead be-longed to Tim Lawrence, in a Ford. He had just under a minute on Rod Hall in that Hummer, who was about four minutes up on John Sunderland, Jr. and Sr., and Buddy Crisp, in their Ford Bronco. In fourth place it was the Pike family, in a Ford they've re-cently purchased. They were dis-covering that the front suspension needs work. Marc Stein and Mike McComas were in the mix also, in Dusty Times close second place. another Ford, but our unofficial I the P_ikes in second place. The . timers failed to write them down Sunderlands had some oil leaks, as they went past. and a couple of flats, while Hall Lawrence never came around rolled his Hummer (!), and, al-again. And on the second lap Stein though it landed on its wheels, and McComas were leading, with he'd broken two half shafts and Cars chassis. flattened two tires, which took a lot of time to sort out and repair. Additionally, he had only third gear, a problem that's plagued this car since the Baja 1000 in Novem-be·r. Stein and McComas still had the lead when they went by the third time, and they were about an hour and 20 minutes in front of Hall. The Sunderlands were Continued on page 18 New Logo, New Name, Same Great Transaxle Congratulations to the Series Winners 2002 Using The MDS Transaxle SCORE - CLASS 12 1 ST Ken Stroud 2nd Tom Ridings BEST IN THE DESERT -1 ST Steve Strobel 3rd Jerry Penhall CLASS 10 I AVAILABLE NOW FROM ALL AUTHORIZED •MENDEOLA DEALERS' 290 Trousdale Dr., Ste J Chule Vista CA 91910 April 2003 Phone: (619) 691-1000 Fax (619) 6913_24 Page 17

Page 18

Darren Skilton had to make on-course repairs to his timing chain, a lengthy process, but it paid off when he finished as the second Trick Truck in his Kia Sorento. Brothers Marl< and Gary Weyhrich teamed in their Chevy powered Jimco, enjoyed being back at Parl<er and took second place in Class 1500. Bill Witt and Ben Schlimme shared the driving in Witt~ Jimco, and with only one flat tire, finished the day in third place. third and the Pikes fourth. At the finish it was Stein and McComas taking the victory. Mc-Comas had a long story to relate about a pilfered radio antenna (he did the pilfering) for which he was offering up an apology. It's to be hoped that his apology was ac-cepted. In second place it was Hall, the Sunderlands and Crisp were third, finishing in a huge cloud of smoke, and the Pikes were fourth, at almost exactly 13 hours. The stock small trucks were next, with six entries. A couple of past winners, Rob MacCachren, who won Class 8 in '93, and Steve Olliges, winner in Stock Full in '96, were paired up in their Ford in this class. But it was Bruce Land-field, in Brian Lopez's Ford in front at Pit 2 the first time. He · ad only 18 seconds on Aaron Dixon, in anotht;r Ford, and he was just six seconds in front of MacCachren and Olliges. John Webster ran fourth in his Ford, with John Baker in fifth and Lance Magin sixth. Magin' s truck was only 14 minutes off the pace, so the field was very even for a while. Unfor-tunately, Magin was the first out, some sort of shock mount prob-lems apparently being the start of his downfall. When they arrived at Pit 2 the second time the Dixon car had the lead, and Aaron's brother Ian, was driving .. MacCachren and Olliges were only six minutes baek, Baker ran third, 23 minutes later and Webster was a minute behind him. Almost another hour back it was Landfield and Lopez with a whole litany of trouble. They replaced a shock, a rear leaf spring, an alter-nator, batteries, a steering box and had a flat. All of them except the Dixons broke in the next section. The Dixons managed to keep ~oving, but they weren't trouble-free ei-ther. They had a broken limiter strap that allowed a spring to break on Ian's lap, and then, with Aaron back in the spring popped out and ripped off the bypass lines for a front shock. That was at Mile 74, just about halfway through the fi-nal lap. They limped in the rest of the way with no front shock. But it paid off, because they got the win. Meanwhile Baker and Webster disappeared. And MacCachren and Olliges lost a transfer case and transmission. Their crew sent one out with Lopez and Landfield, but while they were in the act of trying Tfte Dlfferencef Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204SD Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-0830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-0830503 Heat Exchanger DUN-0830504 Heat Exchanger DUN-0830612 Trans Coorer w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's Page 18 00 MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles For more information give us a call or visit us online @ April 2003 to deliver it, their own transmis- called their team "Red Eye'' rac-sion went away and that was the ing. At Pit 2 the first time Tom and end of their day. Guy Lake had their vehicle in In the Small S.U.V. class, there .front, but it was only by 15 sec-were four entries. Here too, we onds. Behind him came Justin and found past Parker winners. Scott Emmett Brinkerhoff, and then Douglas won Class 6 back in another seven seconds later Jasper 1990, and Class 7 in '92 and '93. Dyer, and in-fourth, but just 18 This weekend he had his new seconds further back, Mike, Ray Ford and he was already having and Max Harris and Mike trouble by Pit 2. He'd broken an McConnell. They must have gone axle, and then he had what the through the pit area on each Ford engineers called "a trans-other's bumpers. fer case engagement problem." In The next time around the the meantime Mike Falkosky had Brinkerhoffs were gone. Dyer was his Explorer in the lead, but in front, but he was just five min-John Holmes, in another Ex-utes ahead of the Harris car. The plorer, new to him (it used to be Lakes had fallen back by a half Marc Stein's), was just three sec-hour, but were still moving then. onds back. Nicholas Crouch, Tim The Sportsman classes did only Barrigan and Richard Keller, two laps, so after going through racing for the first time in their Pit 2 the second time they ran Ford, were third, and they'd had down to the start area, past the a wiring problem. Main pit and jogged into the fin-When they returned to Pit 2, ish line. Dyer, who reported some the lead belonged to Holmes, and brake problems, was there first, Falkosky was nine minutes behind finishing in 6:49:52 to get the class him. He'd had to stop to change win. The Harris and McConnell a low tire. In third it was Crouch, team finished about 40 minutes Barrigan and Keller, as Douglas later, reporting that it was "fun!" finally go t his n ew-car blues But the Lakes didn't make it. sorted out and got moving again, In the Sportsman big S.U.V. nearly two hours down to the lead class, one entry, a Ford Bronco car. driven by Mike Brinkerhoff and The third line it was Holmes in John Helton, and part of the Red front, his only real problem the Eye group, did its two laps in fact that he'd ripped off a thumb-13:55:48 to get an official finish. nail just before the start, while try-They said it was "pretty rough", ing to buckle up his seat belts. In and their shocks faded a way the second it was Falkosky, followed last 50 miles. in by Douglas, about three hours All together there were 121 later, and Crouch, Barrigan and starters, and the success rate wasn't Keller were just 13 minutes later terribly high, with only 59 finish-reporting a late fuel re~ulator ers. But everyone seemed to enjoy problem. . the return to Parker, finding the Class 9000 was represented by course pretty much the same as just one entry, and interestingly he they remembered, even if the Blue was one of the old time winners at Water Marina had undergone an Parker. Back in 1976 Howard amazing transformation. Goldsmith was the winner in Class BITD next goes to Pahrump for 6. Unfortunately, he ran out of the Terrible's Town 250, then in luck after going through Pit 2 just June it'll be the Vegas to Reno one time and didn't make it to the event, followed by August in Es-finish this year. tero Beach for the Baja Mex 300. The next group was i:he Sports-Then they'll cap off the year with man 5-1600s; a group of mostly the early December Las Vegas 200. local folks in VW powered Baja Dusty Times will be there to tell Bugs, out to have a good time. They you about all of them. · Malcolm Vinje, Mark Hansen and Jim Gilchrist were back after a long spell of dnfs and this time their Ford performed flawlessly and they took the Class 7100 win. Dusty Times·

Page 19

How do you: Finish every race for three (3) years & Win five (S) of the~???? .•. With great parts and Sponsors!!!_ ••• Hawaii Racing Engine BFGTira Bilstcin Shocks Driveline Vista King Transmissiods Heat Shield Products Cone Enterprises KMCWheels National Springs Royal Purple Oil Chucks Custom Carbs 76:a.cingGas CL Bryan~ Inc Tri-city Tire Ford Radng Lee Power Steering WTB Mufflers Hwy 67 wrecking And only run BITD safe races! •••••• Thanu Casey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLUS HAVE VERY AWARE MECHANICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Victor Lievanos Derrick & Chuck Hartman Dennis and Mat Crowley Steve, Mat and Chase Borden Jan Sunderland Buddy Crisp John (boogie) & Bob Sunderland Keith (M & M) Lopp Brian Moritz Tim Danals Gary Sunderland '''''''''''''''''''''''''' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• THANK YOU ALL Sunderland Racing Also at Sunderland Racin2 is Al Hogan's Late Model F-150 Class 8100 Truck Get Your Share of the FORD prize money. In 2002 that was $10,000 for first and $5,000 for second, Plus $10,000 for years-end. That is $50,000 a year!!!!! Complete turnkey racing just bring your helmet and suit. Only the best parts: King shocks, Master Craft Seats, Currie rear-end, PCI Radio, Lowrance GPS, National Spring, 6 BFG tires, mag wheels, Parker pumper and aluminum . car-jack. Freshly prepped, BITD and Score legal with two of every part including engines, transmissions, rear-ends, parts, panels, radiators, electronic~ shocks and more. Also · included is a nice trailer. --$45,000 or best offer!!-See the car in Valley Center, CA at the Sunderland's Ranch -706-749 0076 or use or call Al Hogan at 406-321 4644. Dusty Times April 2003 Page 19

Page 20

52ND UDDEHOLM SWEDISH RALLY Granholm Grabs Glory By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Marcus Granholm and Timo Rautiainen drove their Peugeot 206 to the overall win in Sweden, Peugeot is delinitely back. Peugeot are back! Once again a red their drivers tackling the stages first cars nation, helped by starting far down the colored car had won a world champi-on the road on the first day, but, they field, it was an open event. Four differ-onship rally, but, unlike the Citroen came back, with Colin McRae finish-ent manufacturers gained fastest stage success at Monte Carlo, this time in ingflfthplaceoverall. Thistimethesec- times and five scored championship Sweden it was the Peugeot 206 of ond best cat was Subaru, with Tommi points. There was great excitement in World Champion Mateus Gronholm. Makinen back in form and achieving the opening round of the Production It was a classic Swedish Rally, with full his best result in over a year. Markko Cat chatnpionship category, with three snow all the way and snowbanks to Martin finished his second rally of the different drivers holding the lead on protect the too ambitious drivers. Cit- year in fourth place, best Ford driver. the final three stages. Victory went to roen had statted badly, suffering from Notwithstanding Gronholm's domi- Janusz Kulig, after recovering from a Goin' racin' again in Tommi Makinen and Kaj Lindstrom were second overall in their Subaru lmpreza, 50 seconds away from the top podium position. first stage spin, he rose to second place top placings) would work out in prac-when ToshihiroAri had engine trouble, tice. Three car teams seemed to have then challenged and overtook the vet-the points advantage over the two eat eran Stig Blomqvist on the final stage. teatnS, and when ford with their 10 The Swedish is the only :guaran- points had gained more than half the teed" winner event in the champion- score of Citroen (18) despite Citroen's ship, though in recent years the terrain rematkable walkover result, there was has often been clear of snow and cov-obviously a bunching-up effect so that ered by ice instead. It is only one of the consistency was more important than two World rallies in which studded tires outright performance. are permitted. The stages close to the Citroen were clearly confident af-headquarters town ofKatlstad have in ter their Monte Catlo success, the more recent years been moved further north so with number three driver Carlos to ensure more wintry conditions. This Sainz who had already entered the year the organizers need not have wor-Swedish eight times, finishing six times, ried, the weather in the weeks before and always on the podium. Ford's guest the event led to promises this would be number three driver, Mikko Hirvonen a classic event in climatic terms. There was given the freedom to attack on this was a single Service Area for the event, event, as he also will be given in Finland • Shakedown included, and there was and Britain. Cynics noted he had gone to be a new "sprint" (one at a time) off the road when under strict orders publicity stage. Now that the Monte to go slowly in Monte Catlo. The Swed-. Carlo had come and gone teams were ish had always been a happier hunting beginning to understand how the new ground than Monte Catlo for Peugeot, points system (best 8, rather than 6 who had won here for the last three BIGGER BOULDERS • BETTER BUMPS • BOUNTIFUL BRUISES PRO CIASS .. I" PRO CLASS .. ll" SPORTSMAN Best payment yet, plus the 1 /2 Unlimited Challenger For the Almost-. and a-race-car. it's lowest entry fees. 10 5/1600 run what you 1/2-1600 brung. Heavy/Mini Metal Help make B.O.R.E. bigger $25.00 point fund $25.00 point fund $25.00 point fund 45.00 and better, bring all racing 245.00 enby 165.00 entry 100.00 enby 100.00 100.00 lnSuraDCC lnSuraDCC lnSuraDCC 20.00 W1C fee 20.00 friends and new racers. 20.00 use fee $190.00 wie fee $390.00 $310.00 EXTRA: $20.00 off entry fee for early entry with $100.00 binder receive at least two weeks before-any race. ' Page 20 BONNEVILLE OFF-ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Attn: GEORGE CAIN 341 WEST 2575 NORTII SUNSET. UTAH 84015 (801) 773-1651 April 2003 ?t.teeu.-..,r-~ de4d~ July 5th . Jackpot, Nevada Ely 200 >,-►►♦4◄"""'e.-'4b tk dc~e q,-.t.-11 . September6 Ely, NV Dusty Times

Page 21

Richard Burns and Robert Reid were third overall, second Peugeot in their great looking 206. Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets lose the course for a few yards, they finished 10th in their Hyundai Accent. Juuso Pyka/isto and Esko Mertsaimi had an accident with their Peugeot 206, shown here in the Swedish snowscape. years. The Hyundai team, notwith-standing rumors of dire financial . straits, added Finnish driver Jussi Valimaki to drive an Accent. In the Production Car World Rally Championship category, drivers must specify in advance this year which six of the seven qualifying events they will en-ter. Strangely most of the more experi-enced Group N drivers opted to stay away, drivers like Trelles, Ferreyros and Manfrinato, to concentrate on the other six events. The reigning JCWRC champion, Daniel Sola did compete, this time as a privateer. One new rule this year is that the FIA have decided in advance how many tires drivers in the PCWRC will be able to use. For this event the limit is 30, which is only four or eight fewer than the absolute maxi-mum theywould be able to use. Reign-ing PCWRC Champion Karamjit Singh started the season with an Evo IV version Proton, the latest Evo VII would be available in mid season. It was calculated that spectators would have to wait nearly an hour to see the first of their local stars arrive. The organizers were confident of good rallying conditions, a recent continued spell of cold weather ensured a hard base to the special stages, while in the week before the rally there was snow on the tracks. It was expected to re-main cold in the Hagf ors region for the start of the event. The days before the start were full of rumors on two accounts. Firstly, the possibility that the Rally Of Turkey might not be able to run, because of the Iraq crisis, and secondly the eco-nomic crisis at MSD, who prepared the cars for the Hyundai World Rally Team. Leg 1 -Five stages, gravel, 94kms. The starting order for the first proper day of the rally reverted to the normal system, current championship posi-tions, and with the weather forecast now saying that warmer temperatures and snow falls were expected even as early as the Friday, Citroen's 1-2-3 championship places did not seem such a good idea. It was, of course, an un-usual occurrence not to see Gronholm heading the field. Whereas the Shake-down had been held in beautiful, even if cold weather, hovering around zero, the Friday dawned cloudy with the ther-mometers reading in the low teens and by the time the cars reached the regions of the stages around Hagfors there was a steady light fall of snow. It did not bode well for the Citroens. Sebastian Loeb made a great start, fastest time, despite being first car on the road on Stage 1, an unusual stage which is a closed public road, but, on Stage 2, with falling snow, the conditions were far worse for the first cars on the road. Colin McRae spun, snow entered the air inlet ducts, despite pre-event mods to prevent this from happening. The engine did not starve of air, but lost a lot of its power for the rest of the stage. Sainz found his car overheating unnervingly going into comers. Peugeot driver Gronholm started slowly, but by Stage 2 he was in the groove and Dusty Times had pulled into the lead. When the IO second penalty, the losttimewitha cars arrived in Service after Stage 2, long, uncontrolled spin. Kuchar's Ford Peugeot were in the top three places was mis-firing and \here was drama with Makinen's Subaru in fourth. neartheendofStage2whenAndreas Solberg wasn't happy, he had a run in Eriksson's Focus crashed and his co-with a course marshal and incurred a driver had to be cut out of the wreck-age. He was hospitalized and the stage than eight seconds faster, not from was stopped. · another Peugeot but from Makinen' s Now came the run at the fastest and Subaru. Makinen had driven two thirds longest stage of the event, where Gron-of the stage with a broken mousse and holm found his tires getting too hot was surprised he had risen from fourth and losing studs, but still he was more Continued on page 22 contingency $100cash 400product April 2003 Lightforce's new HID Blitz is the most powerful and efficient light in the off-road world. HID Blitz features a 9.5-inch parabolic reflector and draws the equivalent of a 35 watt bulb. Shatterproof, waterproof and lightweight polycarbonate construction ensures rugged durability from a unit weighing half that of competitors. An integrated ballast-the first of its kind in off-road-makes installation easy. Our trademark filter system allows you to change the color or pattern of the beam in seconds. The brightest light, most durable, m·ost versatile and . easiest to install ... This is no poser. HID _Blitz rocks! • (208) 476-9814 P.O. Box 9, Orofino, ID 83544 Page 21

Page 22

An accident ended their rally; Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen shown her~ in their Peugeot 206. Armin Schwarz and Manfred Hiemer drove their Hyundai Accent to 13th overall at the cold and snowy Swedish Rally. Petter Solberg and Philip Mills were sixth overall at the Swedish Rally in their Subaru lmpreza. to second. It was another bad stage for Citroen: both Loeb and Sainz had high speed, top gear spins, Loeb's a 720 de-gree affair. Best Citroen was Sainz in 13th place, Peugeot were 1-3-4-5! Au-riol went off for a while and Valimaki had bad understeer. · There were three stages left during the day and there was intermittent snow. Also, the temperature was steadily rising, itwas around 20 degrees in the afternoon. It was difficult to de-cide whether to use a snow or an ice tire, but to work well on the snowy Stage 5 the snow tire would be best. In the first stage McRae had another spin, had another on the second stage, Loeb stalled twice on Stage 6. Toni Garde-rneister had a gearbox problem on Stage 5 and Solberg was unhappy with the serup of his car. Five cars passed without delay, the Duval spun and damaged his suspension on his Focus so it could not be moved, causing nine crews to be delayed by this problem. With the blockage coming so close to the end of Stage 5, it seemed it would be easy for the organizers to give a cJas.. sification based on the times at the pre-vious split timing point, but no deci-sion was made for nearly three hours and when the announcement was made, it was a major surprise as they cancelled the timing on the stage alto-gether! There had been timing problems right from the start. The new ISC au-tomatic timing system was due to be used on this event but it was still not ready, so the organizers relied on or-thodox timing systems. Even by Stage 2 there were problems. Before the stage was halted due to Eriksson's accident, wrong times were p1:1-blished and some times were missing. So, canceling the stage meant that Granholm finished the first car on the road, Hirvonen see-the day 27 seconds ahead of Makinen ond and Valimaki third. This time with Richard Burns and Harri Rovan- there was no particular disadvantage pera still behind and Jusso Pykalisto an in running easily: Rovanpera made the excellent fifth in front of Skoda. All six best time, a half minute faster than when manufacturers in the points zone but the same stage was run the day before, this time Citroen was trailing all the indeed most top drivers were similarly others. Weather prospects? Well, it was faster, except for Gronholm, who was nowplusdegreesanditwasnotjustthe only 11.8 quicker. He had damaged impatience that was warming up his front suspension in a hole early on Non-championship driver Stig- the stage and was hardly able to turn OlofWalfridsson was the fastest Group to the left. Behind him, Makinen lost N driver of the day, but when Arai l0secondsorsowithstudscomingoff alone of the Group N drivers was given his front tires. anaG:tualratherthananartificialtime First casualty of the day was on Stage 2, Arai momentarily the lead Valimaki with clutch failure. Garde-before Waldridsson took it back. Arai, meister slid back a couple of places for however, went into the lead in the reasons he did not understand. Bums PCWRC. Champion Singh was the was engaged in a close fight with team-first car running at one minute inter- mate Rovanpera, who was now only .5 vals, and found snowbanks danger- second behind. Markko Martin got ously muffled the sound of his ap-ahead of Pykalisto into fifth place, proaching car, several times having to Solberg was up to seventh, adopting slow down to avoid spectators who had Makinen' s setup and found the car been forced to walk on the road sur- much easier to drive. face. Leaving service before Stage 1, Bad news, the Peugeot of Pykalisto Possum Bourne and Joakim Roman rolled on Stage 8 and the wreckage was were one minute (10 seconds) late. hit by the next car, the fellow Peugeot Janusz Kulig spun on Stage 1. Many of Rovanpera. l11is led to a blockage drivers hit snowbanks and lost pieces of the stage, more work for the stew-of the rear of their cars. Arai had ards and injury for Pykalisto. lllis time, trouble in the dark with faulty lights the problem was the blockage hap-and Singh was slowed because his wind- pened early in the stage, ergo, split tim-shield defroster wasn't working. Fabio ing opportunities did not exist. It Frisiero was delayed on the final stage seemed to be showing the problems with fuel pump problems. Arai was half aggravated by the reverse running or-a minute ahead of Blomqvist but der system. On Stage 8 Granholm Walfidsson was the leading Group N inched further in front, now more than driver. half a minute. Solberg was going much Leg 2 -Five stages, gravel, 122kms. better and Auriol was gradually im-Very low temperatures greeted the crews proving his car, he only had 30kms of as they headed north from Karlstad testing before the event. for the second full day of rallying. The Behind the race for the lead, the reverse starting order for the top 15 Citroen cars, delayed by their starting crews meant that Armin Schwarz was order the. day before started to regain lost ground. From 23rd alter the sec-PIKES ond stage McRaewas fifth after Stage 10. From 13th after Stage 3, Sainz was eighth. As Sainz climbed up he passed Freddy Loix's Hyundai,-outing the Korean company out of the points potential. And Loeb was putting up occasional good results. In the descend-ing gloom of the heavily clouded day the speeds were higher than ever. Stage 7 was won at a speed of 122kph, Stage 9 at 125. In the last group of stages tire choice was again critical. Loix and Solberg selected ice tires, Martin took snow tires and these were the best. Both T uohino and Warmbold were delayed on the final stage with throttle troubles and Makinen suffered a loss of power after a heavy landing. service center Baker, California Celebrating 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 22 While Walfridsson continued to lead the Group N cars, tu the PCWRC · Arai was again quickest. Bourne drove through a snowbank on Stage 7, Colsoul climbed up to 10th at the ex-pense of Patrick Richard who was los-ing studs on his right front tire. Trivino got stuck on top of a snowbank and needed spectator help to get going again. Group N cars missed Stage 8 altogether, then on Stage 9 Arai pulled further in front of his fellow Subaru driver Blomqvist. Richard reached the end of Stage 9 with no brakes and fell further back, but still, only Marini had retired. April 2003 Colin McRae and Derek Ringer drove their Citroen Xsara to fifth overall in the snows of Sweden. Arai took it easy on Stage 11 in the half light and Blomqvistwas driving hard as he could, not thinking to catch Arai but to prevent the fast charging Kulig from passing him. Baldini was stuck with only third and fifth gears and de Dominicis had no turbo pressure. Kuchar lost a minute off the road and Auriol had gearbox trouble on the final stage. Loeb started 10th in the morning but the Monte Carlo winner finished in seventh spot. In Group N, things were warming up. Walfridsson had been 24 seconds ahead of teammate Kenneth Backlund and looked safe to win, but then his engine failed and with two stages to go he was out of the vent. Constantine Aur retired after going off the road and damaging the gearbox and there was no time to change it. Holowczyc reached the end of the leg in sixth place, but he had changed a wheel in a no work zone and go_t himself a four minute penalty which dropped him to eighth place in the PCWRC cat-egory, but not as a normal penalty, but as a correction to his special stage time. Arai was still leading the PCWRC category, with two stages to go he was still 78 seconds in front ofBlomqvist, but then came trouble. Lots of smoke was coming out of his exhaust and on the road section the engine expired. Blomqvist now led the PCWRC con-tingent. Trivino retired in the middle of the final stage and Kulig started his attack. Starting the final stage he was 2.5 seconds behind the Swede, then at the end of Stage 17 he was 3.3 sec-onds in front. Mitsubishi had beaten off the Subaru challenge, but it was a Leg 3 -Eight stages, gravel, l 20kms. At the head of the rally, things seemed to be settling down. Granholm was on course for his third Swedish win and Makinen had really established hiniself with his times so far. Burns, however dis-ap-pointed he was at his performance still remained the only driver in a position to stop the Scandinavians from winning the event. Like the two previous days, the temperature was hovering. in the low teens and at the beginning of the Sunday leg there was some fog on the higher ground. In the first two stages, Makinen, despite enjoying himself, had not reduced Gronholm's lead. Then Tuohino went off the road and lost five min-utes in a snowbank. He fell from 11th to 19th. Schwarz was slowed with an engine problem and his teammate, Loix had slipped behind Loeb into 10th. Martin was in line to finish fourth for the second time this year, leaving McRae safely at bay. Henning Solberg, who had been driving with the central differential locked had head gasket failure and he retired. very near thing. -52ND International Swedish Rally 7/9 February 2003 Karlstad (S) WC round 2 PCWRC round 1 WC points WR WO PC 1 (1) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot 206 WRC 810NVT75(F) 3h.03m.28.1s. 10 10 2 (8) Tommi MAKJNEN/Kaj Lindstrom FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC SSOWRT (GB) 3h.04m.18.9s. 8 8 3 (2) Richard_ BURNS/Robert Reid GB Peugeot 206 WRC 624NZT75 (F) 3h.04m.46.0s. 6 6 4 (4) Markko MARTIN/Michael Park EE/GB Focd Focus RS WRC EX02OBB (GB) 3h.05m.13.9s. _5 5 5 (17) Colin McRAE/Derek Ringer 26CSP92 (F) 3h.04m.43.9s. 4 4 GB Citroen Xsara WRC 6 (7) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC S60WRT (GB) 3h.05m.47.2s. 3 3 7 (18) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 27CSP92 (F) 3h.06m.42.8s. 2 2 8 (15) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Paavo Lukander FIN Skoda Octavia WRC MBO90-41 (CZ) 3h.06m.47.3s. 1 1 9 (19) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E • Citroen Xsara WRC 20CSP92 (F) 3h.06m.52.3s. -10 (11) Freddy LOIX/Sven Smeets B Hyundai Accant WRC X23HMC (GB) 3h.07m.04.5s. -Other Leading Finishers Dusty Times

Page 23

In Memorium It has been six years since off road racing lost it's greatest booster. Jean Calvin dedicated much of her life to pro-moting the benefits of off road racing to the world. She was a racer, a co-driver, a lousy mechanic and a not too interested push the car through contingency person, but, did she ever love this sport and the people that participated in it. We feel that Jean was a large factor in making our sport as big as it has become. When you read this, put in a good thought for Jean. We know she still loo~ over us and she is missed by her family and all her friends. A Little Dissertation About Jean Calvin, Off Road Icon, Idol and Hero Jean was skating in Europe when a dashing young Air Force man swept her off her feet. Returning from Europe she and John were married on September 22, 1956 and made Jean Calvin's last checkered flag came on March 31, 199 7. A slip and fall ended the ca-reer of an outstanding lady whose presence had an influ-ence on everyone associated with off road racing. Jean was the distinguished editor/pub-lisher/gofer/writer/ad seller of the bible of off road racing, Dusty Times. While she fo-cused on the buggies, cars and trucks, she had the utmost re-spect for the A TV and bike racers. When I first started to at-tend the SCORE races, it was· to party and to find out to what awful inaccessible spot Morgan Malocco was sending me to pit for him. At that time Jean was the editor of SCORE News. Morgan made sure I knew who she was. Of course, I was so knowledgeable that I didn't even know what SCORE News was, however, if Morgan said I should know who Jean was, I paid atten-tion. Over the years our friendship grew and grew and while we would only see each other at the races, I always looked forward to seeing her and her husband John. While Jean had the latest in racing news, John had some of the weirdest, funniest jokes I had ever heard. When I called Jean one day back in 1989 and told her I was having a 24 hour race, she promptly informed me that she and Judy Smith had won the first one Walt Lott of HDRA had organized. An-other scoop down the tubes. Jean had seen it all but wished me well. Later, when we started running a 24 hour for the cars, she made sure she was in attendance, and John complained the whole time. A great time was had by all! They came back year after year, Jean having fun and their home in the San John asking why are we here? Fernando Valley. I am led to And we laughed and laughed believe they spent their hon-· and laughed. eymoon racing but that is un-A few years ago, Jean was substantiated. Soon Jean was really excited, she was going kicking butt in SCCA races to go racing again. She had and loving every minute of it. accepted a co-driver ride at Everything she touched the SCORE Baja 500 and was turned to gold (except John). delighted beyond belief. From Peterson Publishing hired her the top of the ladder to the as an associate editor on bottom in one bad bump. She Sports Car Graphic, she free-hit her head (she was wearing lanced for Hot VW's and some an approved helmet), and it 15 years ago the off road in-was downhill from there. dustry was blessed with an as-Brain surgery was necessary to set we may never see again, save her, she lost a leg due to Jean Calvin, and after some poor circulation. The off road thrilling races with Les community was shocked, Choate and family, Jean was funds were raised to get her a hooked and the rest is history. state of the art prosthesis and Not only did Jean drive and you know what? She never win, she wrote herself into our missed a race! Never! I re-lives. If you weren't in Dusty member Laughlin last year, Time_s, you must have not Jean was not in the best of competed. All the current, health, but damn the torpe-about to be and wanta be leg-does, there was a race and she ends beat a patch to her door-had to be there! step. The goal was the same Suddenly she has joined for all; Jean, will you mention Walt Lott, Claude Maynard, me? And, you know what, Floyd Hudson, Danny Hamel anyone who talked to her got and many others for the great their name in Dusty Times. off road races in the sky. It was Jean, many will follow in only then that I realized that your footsteps, however, none I had never really gotte·n to will ever fill them! know her. How did she be-Thank you forever, come so devoted to a sport? When did it happen? How did she convince her husband John to go along with her ob-session with off road racing? It turns out that Jean was an accomplished athlete from the git go. Sit down, because this will blow your mind. Jean was a professional ice skater, skating with Sonja Henie and Holiday on Ice. She went from ice cold to triple digit heat, from thousands in the arenas to a few hearty pit crews in the middle of nowhere. From world wide travel to events at El,Centro and Stateline and she loved every minute of it. Fud Mental Images Whenever we hear words or phrases, our mind sorts through its' infinite data base and displays the image chat r·epresencs what we heard. As if by_ magic we have in-scant recall of the events that have made impressions on our mind. One of the bits of information chat has made an indelible impression on my mind, is chat of Jean Calvin. For those of you chat did not have the opportunity to know her as I did, chis is the image chat my mind brings up for me to remember. le was che running of the 25th SNORE 250 in Jean, Nevada. A. J. and I decided to enter chat race fo r ics' historical significance. to talk to, and that was the first When the race was over, all of the of a lot of conversations. For one fin!sher_s were gathered around the thing, we were both racers at a finish line for post race tech and time when there weren't many inspection. Along with the racers women driving off road, so we there were the race officials, the had a common basis fo r our talk. media, and hundreds of spectators. We could trade horror stories It was quite im~ressive. T hen, from about bathrooms and one-piece out ~f the parking area, I s~w Jean d riving suits and getting lost. walking towards the mulutude of For a time, in the late seven-people chat had converged upon ties, she had her office in the the finish line. The parking area same building in which I worked. was on the opposite of the race We often took lunch together. By course, so Jean had to negotiate the then I was writing also, and of-burms and ruts that had been cen for Jean. She taught me a lot ~ar_ved out by the race cars. T hat, about the craft and the industry. in Itself, was no easy task for her, And I also co-drove with her in because she had lost half of her her race car. We ran in Class 9, suspension _sys~em and needed a and then moved up to the 1-2-cane to mamtarn balance. As she 1600 class. The racing was great, approached the first burm, she the fr iendship was terri fie. took it at an_ angle, pausing at the When she starred the Dusty top. Proceeding at an angle, she re-Times she moved from our office peaced the process. Down the face building, but I was writing for of the burm, pause, up the face of her regularly, and we talked to the middle of the burm, pause, each other often. Then in '94 she down the b_urm, pause, up the last moved back to an office adjacent burm and she was across. You to mine. she was by then dealing might say to yourself, why didn't with the loss of the lower part of you help her? Well !'11 tell y~u why. her left leg, as well as che near con-she would have h1t me with her stant pain from the places and cane! Jean was very independent. screws that held both legs together. As she approache1 the throngs of Still, her indomitable will took her people, her face l1t up and pale~ to work seven days a week, and to the afcer~oon sun_. She loo~ed as if as many races as she could fit in. she had JUSt achieved a life long Sh b k h h' I f dream. I said to myself, what's she e ro e e~ 1P a coup e 0 ·1· t' Th · d d years ago and missed only a week sm1 mg a . en 1t awne on me. k d h h • she didn't look at the crowd as a at wor ' an w ens e had a slight bunch of dirty tired racers . She stroke about a year ago she had to perceived them as conquering war- be persuaded to leave _the office to riors returning from some distant se~ he~ doctor. Her gr~t and deter-campaign. To her they were all he~ min~uon were astonishing. The roes. She wasn't there because she paper had to be got out. She set an had co interview them, she was example for all who saw her pace· there because she got to interview slow and her body grow ever more them. frail as she continued to work, con-Off-Road racing has lost one of tinued to get it all done. its' champio1_1s, and I hope that Jean was a tough old bird, your 1?ental image of Jean para!- · stubborn, 'critical, loyal and hon-leis mine. est. She never failed her friends Herman De Nunzio or the spore she loved. I miss her, but at lease I know she's not in I've lost a friend. Much more· chan chat: Jean was a mentor, a sponsor, a critic, a co-worker, and an employer. She was all those things to me, but a friend most of all. I met Jean in 1971 at a BRA race when I introduced myself and told her I'd admired an ar-ticle she'd written. She was easy pain any Jo·nger. JudySmith

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MDR W ILDWASH 250 By Tony Tellier Keith Tao cunning For Wildwash Photos: Trackside Photo George Seeley had no trouble taking the Class 5 laurels, he ran very fast and won with all sort of time in hand. Running fast and consistent, Keith Cunningham took the Class 1 honors as well as the overall title at the Wildwash 250. "We were somewhere around not "have a nice day." A typical Bar- Race day dawned clear and dry Barstow on the edge of the desert ... " stow event: not for the faint of heart. with nary a hint of moisture, except MDR's traditional season Pat Duffy and her team of for the dead soldiers around the this race." So exactly who did fin-ish? Well, to shed some light on who proved best and all the rest, it's Race Recap Time. · Ken Bunn; Class 100, led the parade of vehicles off the starting line. At the end of Lap 1, two of Bunn's classmates, Dennis Boyle and Ben Schlimme, shared the lead. Boyle was actually the first one to complete the opening loop and held a narrow "on track" lead entering Lap 2. Schlimme, however, led "on the clock" after posting a torrid 41:48 opening loop. Schlimme's sen-sational clocking earned him Class 100 fast lap honors and ultimately proved to be the race's fastest lap. Unfortunately, a short time later Schlimme had a close encounter of the unpleasant kind. Ben "On Lap 2, virtually without warning, the car suddenly pulled hard to the right, grabbed, and rolled." Schlimme wasn't the only one who exited on Lap 2. Three of his classmates also became "trailer bound" during Loop 2, reducing the number of "100" competitors from eight to four. One of the highlights of Lap 2 was the 44:51 lap time posted by Guy Petersen: his hasty tour 'round the Barstow course earned him opener, the "Wildwash 250", was flatbillers - 20 degree, right-hand campfires. Of course, that was hardly held, where else, in Barstow on Feb- clocking, please -laid out a counter-unexpected as· the southwestern ruary Fools Day-· 2/1/03. I doubt · clockwise cou.rse and finishing off deserts were -and are - in a pro-if the actual "Wild Wash" was the Outlet Center area with a run tracted period of drought, even for named for off road racing but the past such cultural icons as the Slash the Mojave. (However, recall that name is ap: "JUMPS> X, the University of Barstow, and was cold and rainy lastyear ... )The BUMPS> WOO PS", as the on-line the infamous "Mile of Danger." Big result was gnarly, dusty terrain which MDR flier so correctly stated. The cars were supposed to do six laps, grew increasingly brutal with each name is derived from an old mining lls, 1400s, and 1750s four and the successive and successful lap. Post-complex -one word, no hyphen. others five turns. Eight hours were tech sounded like a kennel with yelps From a pre-entry total of 102 en- allotted for the daylight race. And, of "Rough, rough, rough". Or as one trants, 88 racing cars and trucks took for a number of cars, that was not insightful runner-up stated, "You the green flag, 46 of those would quite enough. were a winner if you just finished ~---- -='-----'-- ---=~-------------, Steve Jacketti was another who had no troubles taking his class win, he did his six Josh Klenske was really haulin', he drove his six required laps in less than seven required laps in just over seven hours. hours for the Class 8 win. -------------;..,,-.,,..-~-~-------~ _--;:;_r;_z_cz_m_:-_________ _ It only took five hours and one minute for Shawn Croll to take the Class 10 title at Class 11 only had to run four laps and Scott Pellerin was fastest of the class and the Wildwash 250. _too_ k_th_e_iM_in_e_a_s_ily.'-_____________________ _ Page 24 April 2003 Class 500 fast lap honors. And, like Schlimme before him, Petersen also suffered the "Curse of the Fast Lap" when he, too, exited the race on the following loop. Ditto for Jeff Lloyd of Class 725 and Shawn Pagett of Class 1400. Lloyd bid adieu shortly after earning fast lap honors -and two extra race points -with a 59:29 second loop clocking; a similar fate befell Pagett after the completion of his 1:28:32 first lap. Craig Reynolds, Robert Mauritzen, and Charlie Peltzer had no such tough luck after each posted his division's fast lap times during Lap 2. Reynolds' time of 49:47 proved best in Class 1300, Mauritzen's (52:04) was tops in 1600, and Peltzer's 1:03:40 was the quickest recorded in Class 1700. In addition to Schlimme, another half dozen rac-ers also set fast lap times on Lap 1. Mark Dee jumped out to the early lead in Class 5-1600 with a fine 56:14 opening loop. Despite racing unopposed, Josh Klenske turned in a fast 59:25 in Class 800. Bob Miller put away Class 1200 rival Chris Bainum with a 1:23:18 first loop. Eric Wehn posted the best clocking in Class 1450 (1:01:44) on Lap 1. Steve Ghamari's 1:12:22 proved quickest amongst the Class 17 50 en-trants. Lap 3 was relatively uneventful. Keith Cunningham turned in the best lap, a 44:02 beauty that cata-pulted him into both the Class 100 and overall lead. Todd Jergenson and Bunn raced just behind the new leader as the field continued past the halfway point. Incidentally, loop numbet three did produce one class best lap time. Credit for that achieve-ment goes to "King Dave" Hendrick-son, who earned Class 1100 fast lap honors with a time of 1:21:56. The long jam on the front end contin-ued through Lap 4, with no less than four racers vying for overall. After Dennis Boyle had worked his way back into contention all of the Fast Four hailed, not surprisingly, from Class 100. Lap 4 also represented the final loop for entrants in Classes 1100, 1200, 1450 and 1750. On the pre-vious lap, the aforementioned Scott Pellerin had virtually placed the Class 1100 victory under lock and key. Pellerin simply added to his one hour lead during ·Lap 4 and went on to win easily in 5:52:00. CLASS 100 Keith Cunningham didn't have much breathing room on his way to the Overall in his Class 1. From the drop of the flag the pace was hot. Ben Schlimme cut a 41 :49 pass compared with Dennis "100 C" Boyle's trailing 42:24 - however, Boyles was first on the road. Freight-trained behind were Ken Bunn (first off the line), Todd Jergenson (101), and the ever-cunning Keith Cun-Dusty Times

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from? I thought they were extinct. Well, no, and just to show how evo-lution moves forward George See-ley (534) "The Pride of the Check-ers", once again showed that he is no couch potato, finishing an excel-lent fifth place in 4:48. His nearest competitor, John Criswell (500), got the Checker's flag at seven-oh-three. That margin gave George plenty of time for Up-Time and a chicken eating ice cream (Slogans found on George's new Bug race car). Bob Miller had an easy day, his competition dropped by the trackside and he just cruised around for the class win. Chris Parr had no problems at the Wildwash 250, he ran fast and well and won his class by more than 20 minutes. "We basically had to get on it at the first lap. With Criswell and Pe-tersen running really hard, we had to race full speed right from the start and for all six laps. I only stopped for fuel on Lap 3, I had no flats. At one point, Petersen roosted me with a rock that hit my visor so hard it knocked me back into my se at." John Criswell (500) "had an axle ningham. How fast might have Ben made a lap with rare air? We will, unfortunately, never know, as trouble reared its ugly head on the end of Lap 2. Cunningham (136) was lucky: "No flats. I phtyed it cool for the· first three laps. Then I felt pressure from Todd and had to pick it up a little bit. I passed him and had to pit a couple of extra times because I sucked more gas than Todd, so I had to stay ahead of him. I ran a pretty clean race all day long. The last four racers, I've been unable to finish because of transmission problems. I got rid of my previous transmission guy and, with this new transmission, I finally was able to finish a race." Todd Jergenson complained that "my car was too s.oft, I need to stiffin it up for the next race: the 'Wild Wash' is the roughest course that I've driven in a long time. But we had a no real problems. The Cadillac Northstar motor ran. per-fect." Third place finisher in the Big Car class was Tony Cassetta (104), who reported· a great race: "Ken Bunn -who did not roll - drove the first half and I drove the second. We just motored around and did our best with this older car. No prob-lems, though I thought that I had a flat on one point ... but didn't." On the opposite side, A.J. Rod-riguez (138) had an eventful race: "We sheared the bolts off of the steering tack. I had a flat on Lap 3 and discovered that I lost my spare. Well -something -punching a hole through the oil cooler for the trans-mission, so I had to jumper around it to the other cooler. Overall, the rack is what took us out of the race. I drove three laps and my brother, Jesse, drove the last lap. This is the first time we've raced the car. Plus, we got here late and didn't have time to pre-run the course." Luck reared its head -bad and good -when Ben Schlimme lost the Danny Anderson "117" car through the "Mile of Danger". Virtually with-out warning the car suddenly pulled hard to the right. "When it hap-pened, I tried to counter-steer but it grabbed the right side and I was just along for the ride." The single seater cartwheeled into a spectator area (bad luck), vaulting over an occu-pied playpen (good luck), finally coming to rest against the door of a motor home (Small Claims Court)! A rear hub had shattered during the gymnastics and the final resting place was decided by ballistics, certainly not the driver. . With Schlimme out, and eventu-ally Bunn getting dropped out of the equation, it was a second-order differential equation as Jergenson consistently stepped up the pace to put the squeeze on Cunningham. As the two cut virtually the same lap times - example, Lap 4 45:45 to Dusty Times 45:55, respectively-it was, basically, who could keep their speed through the lappees. Cunningham, with his lead being ever-nibbled away, was, still, able to keep the right foot down and take the Overall by 51 seconds. LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.50% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a airect connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. Suspension Seat Constru&led on •;.• Steel Frame, Vinyl Sides with Tweed Cloth Center. Available In: Black Vinyl with Black Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Grey Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Ebony and Opal Fabric Combination. Low Back Super Seat... .......... $180 High Back Super Seat... ........... 190 BEARD SUPER SEAT W/ADJ. HEAD REST Fabric Combinations Same as Super Seats. Low Back with Adjustable Head Rest .. ...... ....... . ..... $230 LIL' SPORTSTER Only 1!1" Wide! Now You Can Use Suspension Seats in Narrower Chassis. Available in Black or Grey. Lil' Sportster Seat... ............... $140 OPTIMA BATTERY BOO Cold Cranking Amps. ULTRA PRO SEAT Powder Coated Frame Uses a Tough Mesh Liner with Multiple Medium to High Density Foams for Superior Durability and Comfort. 5-Pofnt Harness Compatible. Vinyl/ Sides with Cloth Center. Avallab/B In Black or Grey. Ultra Pro Seat ........................ $325 8' X 16', 2 1o·x 30', 10-x40- .. Fuel Shut-Chrome S TIGER 3x2 BELTS Black, Red, Gray, Yellow, Purple or Blue. Quick Latch Release 3" Lap Bell & 2" Sewn Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Heavy Outy Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS Black, Blue, or Red. Optima Gell Battery ..... $120 Shoulder Pads, pair ................. $1 O WARRIOR AXLE BEAM Includes Adjusters. Stock Width Beam with 8' Travel Towers ............. $140 5· Wider Beam with a· Travel Towers ............... 165 6' Wider Seam with 10· Travel Towers ............. 185 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 1 B Urethane Axle Bushings, set 4 ... 20 l~ I WARRIOR AXLE BEAM For Use When Top Shock Mounts are Incorporated in the Chassis. 6' Wider Beam w/o Towers .... $120 TRAILING ARMS 1 't, x '/, Front Arms, set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Front Arms, set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins, set of 4 ..................... .48 THRUROOS For 5• Wider Beam with Long Travel Arms. Thru Rods, pair ........................ $50 Heavy Duty OU Road UsB Or Larger Sand Ralls. Off Road Rack & Pinion ......... $132 U-Joint for Rack & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U·Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY BILLET STEERING BEARING KIT Mounts SteeriRg Shaff to Rack and Pinion. Kit Includes Billet Steering Bearing Ca"ier, 2 U-Joints and Steering Wheel Hub Cover. Billet Steering Bearing Kit... ... $150 Billet Steering Bearing Carrier .... 60 U-Joint 'lo" to'/," Shaft .............. 50 U-Jjoint '/," Shaft to Rack .......... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 April 2003 CLASS 500 Eight big Bugs were at Wild Wash, where do these things come Continued on page 26 Wilt Use 930 CV Joint. Trailing Arms, 3x3, pair ......... $235 Jlfff & OR/VE FLANGES Available for Bug, Bus & 930 CVs. Sold ExchangB-$40 Core. Stub Axle, pair ....................... $100 Orive Flange, pair ....................... 90 SWAY-A-WAY AXLES For 3 x 3 Trailing Arms. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr. .. $170 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ..... 170 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, using 930 CVs, pr ....................... 230 r~ I KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Dual Spring Shock with Hose and Reservoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock, il-10-12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 '/,'' Adjustable Shock, 12-14-16" Stroke ... .from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount ................. 25 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS King 10-12-14 Shock with Reservoir ......................... $295 JAMAR BILLET PEDAL ASSEMBLIES Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal. ............... $210 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................... 230 Ultra Slide Plate ........................ 60 Ultra Slide Throttle Kit .............. 24 Ultra Slide Hose Kit... ............... .45 JAMAR 4-WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Competition Pedal Assembly. Includes Billet Throttle Pedal, Brake Assembly, Clutch Assembly and Slave Cylinder. Competition Pedal Assembly $375 Single Brake Assembly ............ 140 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 215 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 140 . JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER Black Super Shifter ................. $82 Chrome Super Shifter ................ 95 Optional Shift Rod Kit ............... .45 Long or Short Alie. 4-Lug Billet Disc Brakes ......... $485 5-Lug Billet Disc Brakes ......... .495 5·Lug Billet Disc Brakes With Four Piston Caliper JAMAR FRONT BIUET DISC BRAKES King Pin Spindles Heavy Duty Brakes. or Combo Unk Spindles. 4130 Chromoly Cen/,r Hub w/111 King Pin Billet Disc Brakes 10 Bolt Hub. •,4• Th/cit Rotor. for Sand Rails ................ $645 5-Lug Billet Disc Brakes King Pin Billet Disc Brakes With Four Piston Callper .... $795 for Desert Rails ................ 675 JAMAR STEERING BRAKES g/eorOuat Handle rnlng Brakes. ............... $68 BILLET GOODIES Fits 1'/2" Tubing • MadB In USA. Green Sticker Bracket... ........... $17 GPS Bracket & Mount... ............. 54 Brake Live Bracket... .................. 16 Tachometer Bracket & Mount....31 3-Panel Mirror, 18' Long ........... 75 Clamp-On Mirror Brackets, pr. ... 25 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Baja-Pro Performance Tires E78 Mini Mag ....................... $92 30 X 7.00, 4-ply .................... 115 33 X 9.00, 4-ply .................... 136 35 X 10.00, 4-ply .................. 162 BAJA BELTED HP 31 X 10.50-15 ........................ $135 TRI MIL BOBCAT Stinger or U·Bend Collector. 1'/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............. $90 1'/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............... 90 1'/,' Chrome Bobcat... .............. 130 1'/o" Chrome Bobcat... .............. 130 Baffle ........................................... 8 Replacement Springs, set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Baked-On Coating, Won't Change Color or Rust. 1'/, Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1'/,' Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For Thick Flange and Polished Look Jet Coating on Any Tri Mil 1'/," Stinger Exhaust Add $50. SS SPARK ARRESTOR Fits Bobcat 2" Stingers & U•Bends. Spark Arrestor, 18" Length ...... $65 Spark Arrestor, No Bracket .55 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket ........ 60 T-Bolt Clamp ............................ 5 LAZER STARS Available in Spot or Flood. 100 Watt Lazer Star, pr. ......... $137 75 Watt Lazer Star, pr. ............. 130 Billet Clamp-On Light Mounts .... 34 Micro-B Lazer Star (Red), pr ... 125 Micro-B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red), pr. .... 175 Replacement Lamp, Spot , ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp, Flood, ea .... 24 Replacement Lens, ea. . .. 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr... . ...... 5 Page 25

Page 26

pop out of a c.v., so I was down for a while. We got it back together and other than that, no problems. Con-gra.tulations to George." Guy Peterson (504) immediately excused himself with: "This was my first race since the 'Kartek 400' two seasons ago." And well he might, as his report "suggests" that "I got lost on the first lap so I was passed by Seeley and was following him." Fol-lowing? What's this "following" stuff? Pass 'em! Anyway , by the end of lap 1 Guy was physically up front but in second on the Timex by seven ticks. This changed to a two minute lead by the next round then "Gloom", a lower arm broke, taking two shock shafts with it "which took us out of the race. The 'Off Road Expo Spe-cial' worked excellent, it took no time to get used to it", although, he admitted, "I did bicycle it twice, in soft runs." Peterson had the Fast 5 lap in a blistering 44:51. What a guy! Jon Krellwitz also had a great day, he took the class win with 45 minutes in hand at the checkers. James Golden took the surprisingly small Class 1600 win, his· laps were very fast and he did his race in 5:24.20. CLASS 5-1600 Winner Mark Dee (572) started third and took the lead during the first round and led all the way. He had a flat on lap 3, pulled in, got that replaced and still led by nine This is the ~ystem run by most off road race winners minutes. "I slowed it down the last couple of laps, but still got another flat, this time a rear. The Lucas Oil-oiled motor ran perfect; I drove the whole way, the course was excellent." (Ed: Perhaps he should speak to Tony Modica!) Paulden Hepler (551) said that the race was "Ex-hausting. Car 552 rolled over right away and we almost hit him. Other than that bit of excitement every-TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 198-t-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER ,, ---~. Page 26 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED thing went smooth" for Second Place. Danny Drake (552) was forced to report that "after the first two miles, we were on our roof; we were down about 25 minutes. We got going again and just kept plugging away. It's been two years since I raced - I drove the whole thing -but a Third is a good way to (re)start." Bill Amadon, the co-dog for Guy Savedra's 569, reported mixed sig-nals: "It was my first ride and it was fun, but I got my brains shook out of me" on the way to Fourth Place. (Ed: Co-riders are not noted for lots of brains, anyway, particularly in 5-1600s.) CLASS 700 The only big small truck entry, Joe Morels, did not complete the six laps within the time limit, in fact houred out after his fifth. CLASS 725 Steve Jacketti (749) had no pithy quotes, no deep insights into the event:."! had no problems at all, it was just dusty." Second Place Jason Walker (752) kept it going in spite of his troubles. "I had a little side-swipe with Doug Petterson (733), but, hey, xxxx happens. My brother, Nathan, drove the first lap, Dennis Chadwick drove the second one, then I drove the last three laps. We had to adjust the torsion bars three times; the front shocks went away; and we did it with no power steer-ing ... be cause we have none!" Doug Petterson (733) had a very eventful race - in addition to that sideswipe. "The truck blew a shock; I set the car over, on the fifth lap we busted off our left front shock. We got going again and we finished." The "Wild Wash" was Sean Fincher 's first time race driving. "Petterson drove every lap except the last one, which I drove." CLASS 800 The only Class 8 -Josh Klenske (804) -"damned near rolled the truck, twice. A 10-car hit a huge rock and ripped the front end off (Clare Ross, perhaps?) and I tried to whip around it and caught the same rock with the rear side and bent the wheel so bad that I couldn't get my lug wrench on the nuts! Then I broke the uniball off the power steering ram and had to drive at about 20% speed," ... 33.2 mph total race aver-age. CLASS 900 Five Challengers took the "Bar-stow Challenge" -and flunked. Three "finished" over the eight hour time limit and the other two could not complete the required four laps at all. Kim Wright (900) ran one lap a The American Jeepspeed Challenge went to Charlie Peltzer, he ran six quick laps and finished with 11 minutes in hand. · Bill Frey had a good day, he ran hard and fairly consistent and took the class win with 15 minutes in hand at the end. April 2003 second under a full 60 minute hour - admirable -but that was his final one! Shows what a man under pres-sure can do! Their car had cap and distributor troubles on lap 1 and it took three hours. (Ed: A new "009" unit can be had for sixty bucks -$20 hour.) Kevin Kopitch drove the first three laps and Kim drove the final ones and reported, "the last lap went perfect." Tony Modica (901) "DNFed" four minutes back and Tom "Keeno" Steeno trailed by another quarter of an hour. A good try, anyway, + 10. The true DNFs were Mike Nixon ( ... NOT a crook, by the way !) and Steve "Big" Johnson. Modica's only downtime was 20 minutes for brake drums. "I think it's ridiculous the '900' cars have to do six laps", Tony expounded. "I've got $4,000 worth of damage (Ed" What is "900" worth!?). 1 spun two drums. They say I timed out." CLASS 1000 Well, the Croll family now has THREE generations racing off road: Ray, Steve and now Shawn Croll ( 1030), who snapped up Sixth Over-all and decisively defeated a nine car class of screamers. Croll laid down six consistent laps, varying only slightly, from 49 to 52 minutes. Doesn't look as if he stopped for any gas at all. It was a perfect intro-ductory race for the 15 year old: "I had no flats," Croll said and added the obvious that "It was a pretty · good day. I'm happy for my first race. Yeah, it was a rough course and there was a lot of traffic, but I had no real problems." Ryan Lesher (1047) had a flat rear tire on lap 2 and ran on it for ten miles. On the third lap they did a driver change and a splash of fuel. They lost the power steering 25 miles out of Main, and got that fixed and changed drivers back for the next lap. Lesher, however, had the Fast 1000 lap of just under 48 minutes and was generally lapping quicker than Croll, except for the 56 minute fuel stop lap, which cost him and lost him the race by ten, make that ten seconds. Hmmm, he can easily remember a ten second bobble, somewhere. Ryan: "I drove five of the six laps and my father, Richard, drove lap 4. The dust in the begin-ning was a nightmare. I hit some-thing and tweaked my back so 1 wanted to get out and take a break, but my father got beat up from driv-ing the last 25 miles without power steering so I had to get back in. In Third was Terrie Tavis who was fairly consistent, just slower by half an hour or so but was happy with her day: "We had a good run. The car ran great. It was a real good day, · other than I had a flat." Terrie's been giving some driving lessons to a gent from Ozzieland; he talks kinda funny. Blaise Jackson blazed the first lap at Dusty Times

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Todd Jergenson almost had the Class 1 win, he took the silver Another close call, Ryan Lesher was second in the Class 10 debate, Steve Ruddick got off to a slow start but he was able to take the medal, only a minute and half away from glory. just 10 seconds out of the win. . _sec~o_·n_d...;.p_la_c~e~~-in_is_h~,~·n~c_la_s_s_. ~~~-~~~------49 minutes then the fires were car, but at RM14 they lost the fan and had to tow the Lucas Oil car in 20 ponies right there!), and the Seeley's, and shock upgrades on an banked back to 57 minutes. He belt coming down from the college for the first time in 18 (!) races. "So electrics repaired," Crew threatened. coil-over front end, and front clip pickedupthepaceonthenextlap andthegreenwarninglightdidnot closebutsofaraway." The Crew car is an "old two-seat built by Javier Valenzuela from but was shortchanged by 30 min- come on. "We could not repair the "We'll be ready for the next race Raceco (Ed: Aren't they all?! They 'Henry Arras Welding' -Henry re-utes of downtime. They moved the hole in the head -a~r was pushing with a new motor, power steering, a last forever!) with Carr disc brakes, tired last month." car into "Finish Mode" for Fourth out between the plugs, no HP" - new Lucas Oil paint job (Ed: Worth 1.5-by-4 rear arms that used to be Continued on page 28 Place - an hour off the winner. CLASS 1100 "Great Scott" Pellerin took his second win in a row with strong run over three other Stockers. He played his hand right away with a 90 minute lap, 22 fastern Cory Vandemark, 40 over Chuck Deck, and, well three hours before Tom Pittman, a DNF. Scott eventually ran an 81-er, averaging 26 mph for the four laps. Vandemark would hit the trailer and Deck, was stacked into second. Scott's two-tone VW was once owned by "King Dave" Hendrick son. True. In fact, the "King" himself was behind the wheel for this event and told his side of it! "The fact was perfect. No problems. We just kicked their butts. I drove Laps 3 and 4. Scott drove Laps 1 and 2." Queen Christine and Rob-bie -The Crown Prince -took lap times. Chuck Deck (1122) drove lap~ and Bob drove two. "The course was rough with lots of rocks. You were a winner if you just finished this race." CLASS 1200 Winner Bob Miller had a day "without incidents, no flats ·on '1299', and no mechanical prob-lems. The course got rougher each lap. I drove two laps and John Foret drove the other two." Mike Dill got himself into a pickle right away: The motor in #1249 went away real quick. We tried to correct everything the night before and then decided to give it a go and run it as is." DNS/ DNF. The l(its of"Jerky Boyz" Chris 8ainum did not get one lap in, ask Chris for a free poster! CLASS 1300 Winner 1301 -Chris Parr - was driving brother Michael's car. "We brought out mine and his car. But mine wasn't running right (not up to par?), so we ran this car all day. Our only problem, with this one, was that the clutch broke. Out pit crew changed it, and after that it ran good the rest of the day." Craig Reynolds (1325) "ran a pretty smooth race, up until the fourth lap. I sheared off all my c.v. bolts, so I had to redo all my c.v.'s . Then it had an overheating problem." In spite of this, Craig was third. The Lucas Oil car of Craig Crew ( 1302) "was running good all day", OK, make that almost all day. "We went into the lead on Lap 3 when Craig Reynolds (1325) had prob-lems. We then had the lead by 30 minutes on Chris Parr (1301), but a small electrical problem on 'Four' that cost us 'twenty '. Some loose connections under thi;: dash cost, lost power to the coil -and the light? -my fault." Their fifth and final lap started out great, leading by four minutes over eventual winner Parr's Dusty Times Sway-A-Way Suspension Gets You Better Traction in the Beser~ $500SCORE Contingency Prize for 1st Place Finishers in ALL CLASSES (Must Use RaceRunner Shocks Exclusively). Look for the Sway-A-Way Mobile Tech Trailer at the next Day In The Desert testing session.-Here's Why: • New O-Ring Sealed Hoses and Schrader Valves Eliminate Pipe Threads for Superior Sealing and Servicing • 100 HP Dyno Tested for Long Life Performance _k lfaceaunner. /Jiw.~ • New Rust Resistant Cadium Finish ·and Big 1 0comT Bearings for Extended Life • 200Ibs of Nitrogen Eliminates Aeration for Fade-Free Performance • All Springs are Chrome Silicon Shot Peened, Preset, and 200 Hour Salt Spray Powder Coated - Lightest Weight and Longest Travel on the Market. Call for Our New 2003 Products Catalog! April 2003 Page 27 •

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• Barrie Thompson led the first lap, but he slipped to a second place finish when the day was done. Steve Ghamari had a long second lap but he wasstill able to grab second in class when the flag fell. Third place in Class 10 went to Terry Tavis who was less than half an hour out of the class win. "I've been running a stockish VW , motor - except for rocker shafts, pushrods, and cam -by Leonard Perez: Mailman Motors - 'for those swift completions of Greg's ap-pointed rounds'. The tranny is built and maintained by Rick at Wright Gearbox in Riverside." Greg does the other race prep with help from co-drivers: fabber Valenzuela -"We split the wheel time"; Dan "Smokey" Stover - right seat and back up for Javier; and co-dogs Mike Welch, Evan McCoy, Brian Crew, Merle McGee and Melissa Crew. "I've put together a Lucas Oil contingency for the MDR series." Cars that have already signed up are Tech Art (5-1600), Mark Dee (5-1600), Parr Racing (1300), Mark Kelsey(1300), Brian Burgess (1600), Jeff Sack (5-1600), John Criswell (500), and Steve Ruddick (1450). "I've been sponsored by Lucas Oil for five years. It started by knowing a friend in the office, and then I met the owner and the VP. Those guys are reat the do so much for mo-Page 28 torsports, from NHRA to the MDR change co-dogs each lap, to give ev-racer. I run all their products in my erybody a ride, but now that the car; Mark Dee does, too. Perez says '1300' class has grown; to stay in run ZOW-50 racing oil-we use their the running we only stop one, maybe grease on the c.v.'s and bearings; in two, times." the trans I run one quart Lucas Oil "The Best Pit Per son? All of them Stabilizer with two quarts 80-90 gear - Jay McCoy, CC, Merle, Wayne, oil." butch, gas, the Welch family, Crew elaborated on the Lucas Rhonda Day (on radios), my wife deal: "For 'product', you have to run Kathy, Radio Bob, and Larry. We 12" stickers on the car, display ban- have four cars in 'Teaqi Dirt Rac-ners whereverpossible, and promote ing': Steve Ruddick (1451), Mark product. If you finish in top three Dee (572), new mark Kelsey (1306), in your class you receive a 20%-off and myself." The team got a win certificate for next purchase." (Dee), a second place (Ruddick) and "Every time a racer buys $50 or two DNFs. Crew, who works for the product, $5 goes into the MDR con- State as a Stationary Engineer tak-tingency fund, and the racers get a ing care of a forensic lab, recited ticket. We will draw at the year-end their enviable MDR Class 1300 re MDR awards in $100 lots (the pot /cord: 1999-lst: 2000-2nd, 2001-should grow to $1,000), this way the 2nd, 2002 -2nd. "We have to win money is shared, not just for the this year!!!" points champs. It's up to the racers Mark Kelsey (1306) was a DNF now to see how far Lucas will go in after he crushed a push-rod tube on the future." the second lap around RM6. Clare Realizing that a happy crew is a "The Bare Bear" Ross (1309) ad-good crew, Crew takes along some- mitted to "Driver Error. On the sec-bod from the pit crew. "I used to ond lap I was passing a 9 car and . April 2003 the earth dropped away into a ma-jor whoop. The car broke about 10 miles from the Start, hut I wasn't sure what was wrong. I thought it might be a flat tire. We made it back to Start/Finish and then retired to the pits. Damage List: Broken driver's side shock bolt, which caused the shock to ultimately come apart; bent driver's side tie-rod, possible bent beam on the, you guessed it, driver's side, bent right from shock shaft and, other than that, the car is great. We hit that whoop so hard that neither of us thought to say 'UFF DA'! Sue Shannon fractured a vertebrae but she will be ready to go again in June. Sue was hurt on that whoop, but she is one AWE-SOME grandma. She was going to stay in for the third lap. It is a good thing the car.couldn't make another lap. The new car is great and we plan to live up to your expectations the rest of the season." CLASS 1400 None of the two "1400" cars could complete the race, only Ger-ardo Barragan did even the first one. . CLASS 1450 . John Krellwitz (1456) said what every winner says: "I had a great race, no problems." Then he amended that: "OK ;-one flat. Dan Keifer from 'Duffco' did one lap for me (Lap 2) - 'Duffco'. built the entire Toyota. The course was nasty, espe-cially on the fourth lap. It was way rougher than it was, for this race, last year." They had a flat on the . first lap and a loose bolt in the front suspension that had to be tightened ·a few times during the third and fourth laps. Runner-up Andy Stix (1456 -remember that camo "1600"?) agreed that it "was a rough course, I drove the last five laps and DoR Steve Ruddick did the first: "The truck felt good and was really dialed-. " m . Third place Jerry Zaiden (147 5), who drove two and a half laps, said that it was rough in his new car. "We began building it the first of Novem-ber and tested it for the first time Dusty Times

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Ken Bunn had a decent day. he ran trouble free and was third in Jerry Zaiden had some troubles on his second lap, and it was Class 1, only nine minutes out of the class win. expensive, he finished third in Class. Terry Wyrembeck led the class the first two laps but he ever so slowly dropped to second place at the MDR Wildwash. for about 20 minutes last Tuesday. race on Saturday?" Craig'll pay for The Pro JeepSpeed jockeys there are 130,000 miles on the stock that trick.for years! turned out nine strong to work their engine and it made it across the fin- Sixth place Mark Growe (1452) four-liter unibodies to the bitter ish line." The only problem was with thought that "the race was fine 'til end. A tightly controlled spec class the ball joints, which are all worn the last lap, a bout RM6, when the such as this, in fact this class, does out. Jason Campbell drove and "hit center bearing, the driveshaft bear-not allow for much sandbagging something pretty hard with the left ing, popped out. So I just greased it and the 33% finishing percentage wheel and got a little sick from it. up and had to go half speed the last back that up: "Go or blow". Billy We had an hour downtime and we lap. I drove the entire race and it Bunch, the scourge of the class, had lost by 56 minutes." was a rough course, we just wanted a most inauspicious start, taking Eric Wehn (1487) suffered a little to come in and finish." Behind Mark almost four hours for his first lap. overheating problem on a cold day. was Tareck Karam (1458) who was Que lastima! For comparison, a "At about six miles into Lap 3 the troubled by "small stuff-we blew a hot "vuelta" would be a bit over an car lost third AND four gears on shock reservoir, a leaf spring flew hour: 1:03:40 by winner Charlie the trans. l drove the final two laps off and a fuel pump went out." Ja-Peltzer. in second gear, revvin' the hell out son La Fortune (1455) thought that Peltzer's day "went great, perfect, of the motor. l broke the frame a it was a really rough race, but the not a problem. I started second, got little bit." truck ran great. No flats, a few mi- passed by Steve Thomasson, but Mike Horner (fifth place) drove nor problems." then we saw him along the side of the last three laps in #1450 and re-ClASS 1600 the road. The course was great", cited a litany of hardware woes - Only three restrictor cars started Steve said, as winners often do. Sec-Craig Pearson drove the first three. -everyone must be Barstow-burned-ond place Barrie Thompson (1700) "We had to replace a center support out by the previous Pro 1600 hoo-had this to say at the finish: "We started first. Peltzer was right behind us when I got a flat around Check-point 2 -he passed us. I got a second flat, changed it, and, later, hit a big, choppy hole and lost third gear. It was rough racing without third: I drove the entire way. Finishing sec-ond after having two flats and los-ing third gear? I would still call that a pretty good day." Battern being at work! The third and final finisher was Bill Quitrneyer (1711) -not a quit-ter, either) who spoke into the mike: "W.e had an awesome day. We were doing well until seven miles from the finish line we broke a spring hanger and so we had to limp in at, like, ten miles per hour. This is our first po-dium finish, we we' re very excited. I drove the last three laps and Mat-thew Carney drove the other two." Jared Prindle (1734) broke the bearing on Lap 1, then lost a fan rah? Newbie Jim Golden (1611) used clutch on Lap 2 and also welded up the gnarly rock garden to study for a couple of shock mounts. We also the coming "San Felipe 250." And lost an axle seal and rear brakes and he excelled in his lessons, indeed, the rear window broke out, so I'm with an Eighth Overall. Golden ad-still kind of high from a bit of car- mitted that this was only the second hon monoxide poisoning." (Where race I've ever driven. The car was is the DEA when you really need . prepped and raced at Laughlin; we them?). "We had at least an hour of dusted it off and came out here with downtime." TO Racing's Pearson the fa~ily to have some fun. Jason celebrated the birth of his fourth Hertz, whose father, Don, preps the daughter on Wednesday, at 8:49, motor, drove Laps 5 and 6: "We by asking his wife, at 9:00, while she were never passed the whole day!" was still heavily sedated: "Can l go ClASS 1700/JeepSpeed ::--~~-, Bilstein • Sway A Way Eibach · HM · IIA 1 · CNC Sparca • PRP • Fuel Sate Ran Davis Radiators Setrab Oil Coolers Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear Marl< Dee started the year off right, he took the 5-1600 win with 17 minutes in hand at the checkers. Pauldin Hepler had a fairly good day. he was second in the Class 5-1600, less than a minute out of the win. Dusty Times April 2003 tranny mount at RM21. "l just kept on going, and pulled into the pits, but couldn't find a spare one so we just strapped it down. We snapped the motor mounts about four miles later and that's where it is." The team came all the way from Lewistown, Montana for this race. That's over 1300 miles -one way. Winner Bill Frey was nine miles out when the exciter wire .got ripped off the 1756 car's alterna-tor. "We had to borrow a battery from a spectator, and got it jump started. They gave us gas, too." See, spectators CAN be useful - once in a while. Runner-up Steve Ghamari "lost" 1777's driveshaft" ... and had to baby it all the way back. l had about an hour of downtime, but no flats". Where were those parts-supplying spectators when Steve needed them, huh? .. -.. ClJ Page 29 1

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SNORE AVI 250 Ken and Clay Pace The Field By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Eric Record 1} Ken and Clay Flippin gave it their usual combination of skill and determination and they took the Class 10 win as well as the overall at the Avi 250. The Start/Finish had to be moved because of the recent heavy rain but move it they did and, as . usual, the racing was very competi-tive and all the teams who competed seemed to have a good time, win, lose or draw . Class 1 was first to start and Mike Rob Walters rolled on the first lap but he just got right back in there and took the Class 9 honors with seven minutes in hand. Voyles took the lead on the first lap and there he and his teammate Jerry Penhall remained. They were out with a brand new car and thev made some adjustments here and there and basically had a trouble free run. The battle was close but they perse-vered and took home the first place honors. Todd Jergenson gave it all he had for his six required laps but when the checkers flew he was sec-ond in the Class 1 conflict, some three and a half minutes out of the Class 1 win, thanks to some brake problems and a flat tire. Bill Markel failed to complete a lap as did Mike Accordino, both their pre-race ef-forts being in vain. The Class 10 conflict took off like a house on fire but it turned into just some smoldering ash be-fore the day was over, Michael Gaughan, Jr. was fastest in time to the flag on the first lap, Ken Flippin was in second spot, only a minute Bryan Freeman had a great day, he took the Class 1600 win with nine minutes to spare and realized a long standing dream. behind and Bill Witt was holding third, only 13 seconds out of the second spot. Fourth was Brian Freemal, less than two minutes slower than the lead car. As they completed the second lap it was still Mike Gaughan at the front, some two minutes in hand at the start/finish. Flippin was still run-ning in the second spot, about two. minutes off the lead pace. Bill Witt was still running hard, he was in third and only three minutes behind the first place car. Brian Freernal was still in fourth, he was now seven min-utes behind the Class 10 leader. As they completed their third lap there were quite a few changes to consider. Bill Witt had taken the lead, with half a minute on the next car. Second to hit the start/finish line was Flippin, just seconds behind, and, well, that's all there was. Michael Gaughan had disappeared from the scoring charts and so did Brian Freemal. Now the race was down to two tough competitors. The fourth lap saw a shift as Flip-pin took the lead, Witt was in sec-ond place by about two minutes. As the fifth lap came to end there was only one still standing, the Flippin boys were the only ones running in Class 10 but they showed no sign of slowing down. They turned a 57 minute lap on five and the Witt team were nowhere to be seen. On the last lap the Flippins slowed a bit and finished their six laps with an elapsed time of 5:45:21. They reported a flawless day, no problems at all and they raved about their Mickey Th-ompson tires. Another win for the Continued on page 32 Perforniance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Some Uses: • Non Corrosive Polyethylene • One-Piece Seamless · • Pit Truck Showers & Washdowns • Cooking & Kitchen Facilities • Extended Stay Water Storage Tanks .• Bike Trailer Water Tanks • Car & Buggy Trailer Tanks · · • Pressure Washing Storage Tanks • Heavy Wall Construction • Custom Fitting Locations • New Systems • Auxiliary Systems • Replacements 0. E.M. Trailer & Van Mfc . In uires Are Welcome RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco .. 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a free Catalog Page 30 April 2003 Dusty Times

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=---The Class 1 battle was close, Todd Jergenson finished the day just three minutes out of the class win. Cody Freeman loved the dust free running so well he ended up in the second spot in the Class 1600 fracas. Some carburetor icing slowed him some but Bryan Anderson hung in and ended up third in a hard fought Class 1600 battle. brothers. The 1600 battle was the largest of all and there was more racin' and swappin' of places and it went on for almost six hours. There were 20 teams going for the gold but, alas, only 11 of them would see the check-Third was Scott Smith, less than a ered flag. minute behind Freeman, fourth was Rob MacCachren took the lead . another Freeman, Cody, youngest on the first lap, followed closely by son of Kenny who was sharing the Bryan Freeman who was only 17 sec-ride with John Pelissier. Half a onds behind at the start/finish line. minute later came Randy Jones who was haulin' freight and then came her two seater. Richard Boye_r was Jeff Carr, running sixth and in sev-another four seconds back in ninth enth place it was Brian Anderson. and Patrick Fullmer was running Running eighth was the ever com- tenth. In 11th place it was Cisco Bio, petitive and slightly gorgeous Day Chad Shupp was running 12th, Gang, who is now running alone in Charlie Sutton was running 13th · and Brian Flores was in the 14th position. Russ Winkler was 15th, he broke a throttle cable shortly after the start, then it came loose and he had to stop again to tighten it. Todd Bauman was 16th, Don Johnson was running 17th on time, Sammie Ehrenberg was trying to recover from a first lap disaster, a roll-over, running 18th. Unable to get the first lap completed were Kurt Geer and Aaron Hawley, the reason for their demise unknown to us. . The se·cond lap saw some posi-tion changes but the lead still be-longed to MacCachren. Bryan Free-man was still running in second, about a minute and a half out of the lead. In third it was Cody Free-man, up a spot on this lap, fourth was Bryan Anderson, Jeff Carr was up a spot to fifth and Ms. Gang had moved from eighth into the sixth spot. Richard Boyer was up into sev-enth, Cisco Bio had moved up three positions into eighth and Chadd Shupp also had bettered his posi-tion, he was now running ninth. Russ Winkler went from 14th up to 10th place, Don Johnson was up to 11th, Todd Bauman was into 12th and Sammie Ehrenberg moved up from 18th to 13th. Brian Flores was still in the 14th position, Charlie Sutton was 15th and Randy Jones had dropped from fifth to 16th with a major disaster. The third lap saw a dramatic shift in leadership as MacCachren had a broken stub axle and dropped to 14th place. Bryan Freeman took the lead, happily, we might add, and he was followed by brother Cody in second, Bryan Anderson was up to third, Jeff Carr moved up another notch into fourth and Richard Boyer moved up two spots into fifth. Cisco Bio also moved up two spots in-to sixth even though he rolled the • . . . ~ GET OOR BRAND NEW KAl<1EK T-&11/RT FOR ONLY $15 · car. Russ Winkler came up from 10th to seventh and Chad Shupp was into eighth in spite oflosing the power steering belt. Day Gang lost 20 minutes and dropped from sixth to ninth,.Todd Bauman was up two spots into 10th and Don Johnson remained in 11th place. Sammie Ehrenberg came up another posi-tion into 12th and Brian Flores was 13th. MacCachren was running again, in the 14th place and Randy Jones was 15th and Charlie Sutton disappeared from the charts. Wild Wash 250 February 1-2 Mojave 250 April 4-6 Ridgecrest 300 May 16-18 The Kartek 400 June 27-29 California 200 August 8-10 Lucerne 300 September 26-28 Stoddard 250 November 21-23 2003 RACE SCHEDULE sea■ ,~Elic~B~'l'q Td~p1~~, Laughlin Desert Challenge January 16-19 San Felipe 250 March 14-15 Baja 500 May 30-June 1 Henderson's Terrible 250 July 10-13 Las Ve9as Primm 300 September 12-13 Baja 1000 November 13-16 Parker 425 February 7-9 Terrible's Town 250 April 25-27 Vegas to Reno June 26-29 Haja Mex 300 August 22-24 Las Vegas 200 December 5-7 Kartek Off-Road -2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 -909.737.7223 Page 32 April 2003 On the fourth lap the top five remained the same, it was Bryan Freeman in the lead. brother Cody in second, Brian Anderson in third, Jeff Carr fourth and Ri~hard Boyer in fifth. Russ Winkler moved up a spot into sixth, Cisco Bio dropped to seventh and Aaron Shupp, who was in for Chad remained in the eighth spot. Don Johnson picked a Dusty Times

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Day Gang had a great run, running solo in her IM/0 seater she is Chad and Aaron Shupp had a good day, they ran fast and hard, had Cisco Bio didn't have the best of days, he rolled the car twice but steadily climbing the charts and will get her win one of these days. a few problems but still managed a fifth place finish in 1600. hung in to take sixth place in the Class 1600 contest. couple of spots and was no~ ninth, Day Gang dropped another spot to 10th and Ehrenberg moved up an-other spot into 11th. Bruce Fraley was in for MacCachren and he picked up two spots, now running 12th, Brian Flores was 13th, Randy Jones was up to 14th, and Todd Bauman was on the trailer. Lap 5 went into the record books and the top five still held their posi-tions, Bryan Freeman, Cody Free-man, Bryan Anderson, Jeff Carr and Rick Boyer. Aaron Shupp moved up two spots to sixth place, the viva-cious one moved up three spots into seventh and Cisco Bio dropped an-other spot when he flipped the car for the second time. His rider, Ser-Jasper Dyer had a fun day, no troubles, no flats and a nice win in the 5- Dave Cookman tore off a tire on a big rock on the third lap but a new tire and he gio Gutierrez wasn't impressed. Don 1600 class. was on his way to the Unlimited Sportsman win. Continued on page 34 HONDA Power Equipment . EB6500 POWEil TO-RACER· & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS-•· OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE. ENGINES • WELDE:RS ~ WATER PUMPS • LAWN .MoV\fe:Rs.• ·LAWN·TRAcToRs • RIDING .. MOWERS • TILLERS··. · Californi~'s Largest Source · for Ronda P~-wer· Equipment · · · . Parts and. Inventory IF WE OONT HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! • Check Our Website:,& . H:OND.A Kawaguchi Honda Corp. . . , . 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA ·90063 Nothing S easier. GENERATORS & PUMPS 13231 264-3936. 264-5858 • FAX 13231 264~2136 ·For Optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owners manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power req~ires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician.© 2003 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 4·2IJ.-01 •Z-108 Dusty Times April 2003 Page 33

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Rick Poole is wondering how he tore off the wheel and how he was Saving some tire wear out on the course, Brandon Hughes literally Chris and George Desoust had a great time in their first race, they drove hard, flew well and finished fourth in a very competitive Class 9 field. brought the car across the line for a was third, just three minutes out of great second spot. John reported a second place. Bryan had some car-trouble free day, "Cody drove a solid buretor ice problems and lost quite race. At one point there were a few a bit of power until it thawed. Day tools flying around, complimtnts of Gang took the fourth place finish. an open tool box." Bryan Anderson Her only problem was when she put still able to take the silver medal in the Class 9 race. flew to a third place finish in the Class 9 battle. Johnson held position in ninth, Russ after replacing a broken throttle of sweat and determination saw Winkler dropped four spots to 10th cable. MacCachren was still in 12th, Bryan Freeman take the coveted Class having to replace a bad coil. We Brian Flores was 13th and Randy 1600 win, a happier guy couldn't be thinkitwas this lap thatSt~ve Down, Jones had to park his car, out of the found. Bryan reported no problems, ing got in for Saminie Ehrenberg race. · he said, "I just drove around, but I and they remained in the 11th place And so a great contest ended, lots drove real hard._" Cody Freeman •• , , .. 11:: l'IIE tL / /11111,/EI/Ellx I o o©a PCI Race Radios conHnues lo lead the desert racing induslry with the highest quality communi(;:alion systems ever. With over 2 5 years of experience in racing communicaHons,. irs no surprise 9 out of 10 competitors rely on us lo help get them lo the finish line. In addiHon lo ouf extensive racing communicaHon products, we also feature safety p ts from Betit Shoei. Pyrotech anix Wear, and No Fear. as as Gl?S systems from Lq_ ,=-c::1 ~ C::-E=, Off Road's most communicalfon Congratulates lhe following champions. Thank you for a great 2002 season. We're proud to be a part of your winning efforts! SC:~tl'E IC1I ~IE~ LL ,-,C,IJIIWTS C:##~JIJMIT-"'ltDIJIIWS Four Wheel: Troy Herbst Motorcycle: Hegenveld/Cambell Quad: Jimmy Stephensen /EillTJc:'1 tDI ~tl'E~ LL ,=-c,1,_,TS' C:##~JIJMl,=-ltCJI,_, Four Wheel: Darnen Jefferies JtMll:ll#il IDl~tl'E~LL ,=-1t:111,..,TS' C:##~11Jw1,=-1c,,_, Eric Hieden 3/i.,_,tDll-«E" tDI ,V---tl'E~ LL T-"'tDll,_,TS C:##..:::::!ta.JIJMIT-"'ltDl,_,S' Bruce Fraley/Rob MacCachren ~tDIJc:'111-«T tDl,v'E"~LL l2W:IIIJIIWTS C:##~ltMIT-"'ltDIJIIWS' Mike Julson/Bob Lofton «~0-ltDI IDl~tl'EI-«~ LL ~,,..,.,-s c:##..:::::!tJ..A,,1,=-1c,,.., Steve Mellon T-"'~tDI-IEiiitDNCJI tDl~E"~ LL l2W:IIIJIIWTS C:1-1..:::::!ta.JtMIT-"'ltDIJIIWS' Bruce Fraley/Rob ~acCachren,: _ltl'Etl'E,=:-ST-"'E"IIE!l 'II ·«:,, r--tDIIJ/11111,/7: Page 34. April 2003 the car on its side in a hairpin turn, but fortunately Brian Coll.ins was nearby and helped right the car. Aaron Shupp finished in fifth, Cisco Bio moved up a few spots to sixth and Don Johnson took seventh. Don drove solo, had some fuel pump prob-lems and thought the course was a bit on the rough side. Russ Winkler also moved up two spots to finish eighth, even though his air cleaner came loose and had to be taped on. Sammie Ehrenberg also picked up a few spots and he was ninth. Jeff Carr had problems that dropped him from fourth to 10th place and Mac, Cachren picked up one spot to fin-ish in 11th. Rick Boyer and Brian Flores weren't able to get the last lap completed and retired to their respec-tive pits. Class 9 had 19 cars and drivers ready to battle and these small en-gine guys only had to complete five laps for their honors. The first lap was some sort of a surprise, Glenn Dicton had the lead, he had almost a minute on Rob Walters who was running second. Seems Rob pulled a dumby and rolled his car really early in the lap. Corey Torres was in third place, Rick Poole was in fourth, Brandon Hughes was fifth, Chris Desoust was sixth and Drew Kelty was in seventh. In eighth place it was Kent Graves, Don Kelly was a few minutes behind in ninth and John Burns had the 10th position. Den-nis Poling was running in 11th place, Mike Shimp was in 12th, Joe Forte was 13th and Kenny Thatcher was a terribly long 14th. Already on the trailer was Roger Schank, Jay Dunca_n, Jim Neal, Ken Tapert and Sid Schickling. Lap 2 saw a lot of changes. Rick Poole moved himself from fourth to first, Walters remained in the sec-ond spot, Bran don Hughes moved from fifth to third, Kent Graves went from eighth to fourth and Chris Desoust moved from sixth into fifth spot. John Burns made a big move from 10th to sixth, Dennis Poling moved from 11th to seventh 'and , Don Kelly moved up a spot into eightb. Joe Forte moved up four spots into ninth and Mike Shimp rounded out the top ten. Actually, there were only 10 left as Glenn Dicton, Corey Torres, Drew Kelfy and Kenny Thatcher all retired from the fray. As the third lap came to a close, what a surprise, Rob Walters ·had taken the lead. Rick Poole had dropped to the second spot and Brandon Hughes was still holding third. Kent Graves was still lying in the fourth spot and Chris Desoust was still in fifth. Rick Lance was in for Don Kelly and he moved up from eighth to sixth, John Burns had Dusty Times

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Kent and Kevin Graves finished fifth in Class 9 even though a broken Don Kelly and Rick Lance had some seat belt problems to fight but Losing lots of fan belts wasn't a lot of fun but Billy Shapley soldiered torsion bar took away some of their fun. the came away in the sixth place in the Class 9 struggle. and took second spot in the Sportsman Buggy category. Major repairs, an hour and a half on lap 1 slowed Eric Shepard down The steering needs some help said Rudy Suriano, shown here in his Bill Witt led the third lap in Class 10, ran well all day but disappeared on the last lap, cause unknown. but he wasn't out, he carried on and took Third in Sportsman Buggy. neat looking Chevy, first place in Sportsman Truck. dropped a spot to seventh and Joe race, and, to be honest, itwasn'tmuch first lap. Forte had moved up a notch to of a race. Brent Shermak took the On the second lap the running eighth. Dennis Poling dropped a lead on the first lap, Jasper Dyer was order remained the same, there was couple of spots and was now in about a minute behind in second no change in any position. ninth. Mike Shimp was listed as yet place and Mike Ault was another few As the third lap ended Frechette another retiree. minutes off the pace. still had a sizeable lead, Shapley was The fourth was sort of a ho-hum On the second lap Dyer took the still holding second place in spite of lap, positions one through seven re- lead, Audi moved into second even throwing five, count 'em folks, five mained the same, Dennis Poling though he posted a three hours lap fan belts. Shepard had moved into went from ninth to eighth and Joe and Shermak disappeared from the third as third place Collins dropped Forte dropped a spot into ninth. scoring sheets. out of the race. Kevin Graves took over from Kent, There was no change in position When the checkered flag flew it not having been in a race car for a on the third and fourth laps and in was Greg Frechette taking the win, few years. Bob DePew was in for the fifth and final lap Dyer took the he said it was an easy race, one stop John Burns for the last two laps. checkers. He thought the front end for gas, no problems and no dust. Dennis Poling gave his seat to John was going to come apart on the last Billy Shapley had a nice second place, for the last two laps. lap, it was making so much noise but the car was great on the first two The fifth and final lap of the it all ended well, no problems, no laps, Lap 3 was a bummer and he Class 9 conflict saw only one change flats and a win. Ault never made it said MT tires were great. Eric in position, evidently everyone had to the finish line. Shepard was a long third, thanks to found their groove and stayed in it. Unlimited Sportsman was easy to his almost three hour first lap and, Chris Desoust moved into the score, Kevin Powers never completed to add insult to injury, his oil filler fourth finishing position, he and his first lap and Dave Cookman just neck broke off 15 miles from the George had completed their first cruised around for the four required finish, which allowed lots of dirt into race and were just happy to finish. laps and took the win. Well, actually, ·the engine - need to say more. They had a trouble free race, no he didn't just cruise around, he hit a Sportsman Truck only had one mechanicals and no flats. Kevin rock on the third lap and tore off entry, Rudy Suriano and he only had to run two required laps for a steers like a brick!" Nuf said. finish. And, run them he did, a 1:26 Next on the SNORE calendar and a 1 :41 gave him his class victory. is the very popular Buffalo Bill's He said he only stopped once to help. 400, early in April at beautiful, upright Cisco Bio's car he had no downtown Stateline, Nevada. See problems but did say "This truck ya all there. · The Sportsman Buggy win went to Greg Frechette, he harl a trouble free day and took the class win with ease. Graves dropped a spot to fifth. the right front tire. ------------------------------------------------Kevin said he was starting to get com-He had no spare, fortable in the car after a long spell drove on the rim for of not racing. He broke a torsion 10 miles, the_n Valley bar on the last lap but continued Performance loaned on to the finish. So, Rob Walters him a wheel and, took the honors over a stellar field, with no power steer-even though he was lacking in the ing either, he contin-brake department most of the race. ued on for the win. Rick Poole finished seven minutes S p o r t s m a n behind in second. Rick hadn't raced Buggy had to make for a year or so and he finished the four laps for a fin-race on three wheels, tearing the ish and some of wheel off about 10 miles from the them fell short of finish. Brandon Hughes was third, that goal. Greg just a minute and change out of the Frechette was the silver medal. His rear suspension was leader on the first set up a bit too soft, but, all in all, lap, Billy Shapley not to bad a day. Rick Lance was was five minutes the sixth place finisher, he had to and change behind change a ball joint on the fourth in second, lap but had no other problems, hot Courtney Collins even a flat tire to hinder them. Bob was running third, DePew held on in seventh, the only Eric Shepard was a problem during the race was losing long fourth thanks their sheet metal lid, no other hin-to a broken spring drances. John Poling took eighth plate that was very place honors and he was just glad to costly in time. Don finish where they did, they fought Wall was fifth after tie-rod ends most of the race. Joe a four hour lap so Forte brought up the rear, ninth he wisely decided to and final finisher. retire. Orlo Cox, Jr. The 5-1600 ranks were a little thin and Joe Bourland at Avi, only three cars showed up to failed to make their Dusty Times s APril 2003 Page 35 - 4

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FRT KING OF THE DESERT Hovey once Again By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Chuck Hovey crosses the finish line with the overall win in his Raceco at the FRT King of the Desert race. Fud waves the checkered flag. Chuck Hovey outlasted some strong competition at the Febru-ary KOD event, .to take the overall win in his Raceco. The race, scheduled to be started and finished on the Super-stition Dry Lake, was moved off to the side a bit after a sudden down-pour a couple of days before made much of the "dry" lake anything but. What had been planned as a 30-mile loop, was shortened to a 20-mile loop in order to avoid the soggiest section. All but the Sports-men did six laps. While it was cold and rainy else-where in Southern California, at Superstition Dry Lake it was balmy and sunny on race day. T-shirts and shorts were the order of the day, with temps in the mid ?O's and a faint breeze to help move the dust. The race cars went off the line one at a time, 20 seconds apart. The Class 1 cars went off first, with Hovey leading the pack in his 2800cc powered Raceco. But be-fore they got to the end of the lap Brian Ewalt, driving Mark McMillin's 410 C.l. Ford powered Chenowth, had powered by him. He had Hovey by 47 seconds. In third it was Greg Hansen in a Nye Frank chassis with an automatic transmission and a 5.3 liter V6 Aluminum block Chevy motor. Rob Archibald was fourth in a Chevy powered Jimco and Scott Young had his homebuilt 347 C.l. Ford powered car in fifth. Less than three minutes separated first from fifth. Brent Miller had planned to run this event, but he broke his crank in practice on Fi:i-day and became a spectator. Ewalt ran another good lap, and had a minute and 10 seconds on Hovey at the end of Lap 2. The rest followed in order, spreading out a little, but it was still anyone's race. At the end of Lap 3, when Ewalt had recorded the fast lap for the day, at 20:05 for the 20 miles, it looked just the same. But Young pulled off into the weeds shortly after going past the start/ finish area, when the center broke out of a wheel. His crew jogged over from the nearby main pits and found the wheel, but couldn't lo-Page 36 care enough lug nuts to hold it on properly, and either didn't want or didn't think of cannibalizing some from the other intact wheels. At any rate, he parked the car. Archibald disappeared on the fourth lap, but no one seemed to know what happened to his car. Ewalt hopped out of McMillin's car and Mark got in to drive to the finish. He'd had Ewalt start be-cause he wanted to watch the first few laps of the 1600 race since his son, Danny, was racing for the first · time. McMillin still had the lead at the end of Lap 4, but the driver change had cost a few seconds and Hovey had closed up a bit. Hansen's car, with Albert Bartolini now driving, was still third, but about 13 minutes back after Batolini got lost for a while. On the fifth lap Hovey re-corded his personal best at 20:27, and tightened things up just a little bit more. But it really didn't mat-ter because McMillin got no dis-tance at all into the sixth lap and. lost his transmission. Hovey went on to take the win, and Hansen· and Bartolini were second. Hovey said he had not stopped for any-thing, not even fuel. He had a great time, but then he got the win and that's always fun. Hovey drives a 19 year old Raceco with a Type IV motor at these events, but still gen-erally manages to out last or out drive the competition. Hansen, who did three laps, was hurting after hitting something hard and compressing his back. Bartolini, who'd had a double her-nia fixed only three weeks before the race, reported no problems with either his body or The Class 10 cars were the next to go. What should have been a three car fight turned into a two car duel when John Reed rolled his Raceco on the first lap and put it out of commission. Smitty Schmidt, however, was having no trouble with his Honda Chenowth and he had the lead by just under two minutes at the end of the first lap. Greg Foster, in a Lothringer, ran second. Smitty did all the driv-ing in his car, while Cory Brewer, who rides with him, kept him headed in the right direction. Smitty took the win, recording his quickest lap the fourth time around, at 22:30. At the finish he said, "My ears are really ringin'." He also said he thinks he'd better get some good glasses, because he was having trouble focusing his eyes on the "bumpy fast stuff." (This is a common complaint from · people with aging eyes.) Foster, who did all the driving in his car also, finished second, after losing his power steering a half-lap before the finish. . At the end of the fourth lap Keith Naylor got out and put his cousin, Dan Naylor, in to finish. They had owned the car for only a couple of weeks and this was their first race in it. Things weren't go-ing too smoothly. They'd had fuel pump trouble and had to switch to the spare. They had to fix a plug wire, and they'd holed a c.v. boot and stopped to get a rag to tape around it. They also tossed a power steering belt. On the fifth lap McMillin, who is 15 years old, turned his car over. There were no spectators around, so he had to get back on his wheels by himself, and it cost him seven minutes; and a lot of oil. Except. for a dent in the roof, he did no serious damage and at the end of the lap he had the lead, because the Naylors were also having prob-lems. They were just 21 seconds behind him in second place and Cuffaro and Tiedemann were third another 15 minutes back. Mark McMillin, Danny's dad, was excited. Danny kept moving at a good pace, had no more problems and took the win in his very first race. At the finish line they said that it was the beginning of a new tradi-tion. It seems that Mark had got his car upside down in his first race also, back in 1976. (Though he claims to have gone end-over-end.) The Naylors got second place, only nine minutes later and Tiedemann and Cuffaro had two really good laps and almost caught up. They were only 15 seconds behind the Naylors, in third. ' In Class 9 only Julie Kern and Ray Neff were there, in their Kernco. Neff started and Kern fin-April 2003 Eric Deen and Barry Gedman, shown here going past the start/finish line took the win in their 5-1600 car with a flawless day. ished and they declared that their Deen' s car. In third it was Arturo day was "uneventful." But it gets and Gilberto Gutierrez, but they them a finish/win in the points were actually running as a Sports-standings. · man car, so would do only three There were four 5-1600 cars, laps. but not for long. Nick Praytor and Lopez and Cortez continued Allan Perrault didn't get their first to lead through the second lap, lap finished. Jesse Lopez and and had a minute and 42 sec-Crecencio Cortez had the lead at onds on Gedman. By now the the end of Lap 1, with two min-Gutierrez team, who had serious utes on Barry Gedman in Eric Continued on page 38 Paddles Your Car Stops here! -934 MicroDisc Hub Assemblies ff you're looking for the best in off-road braking. look no further. Kartek now makes the top-of.the-line MicroDisc assembly. Perfect for Big Horsepower Prerunners! Built by the people who know off-road racing! .Autometer Gauges Beadlocks Lazer Star Lights Fuel Systems Come Visit our NEW Superstore! 91 Freeway (i) McKinley In Corona 2871 Ragle Way-Corona, CA 92879 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 909.737.7223 Dusty Times

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Mark Gilliland drove his Raceco SCORE Lite all the way, had no trouble, and finished the day with a win. suspension issues, were an hour down. And that was all for them. They didn't get any more laps done. Nor did Cortez and Lopez, who were never seen again. Gedman gave the car to Deen after halfway, and he went on ticking off evenly paced laps, his sixth being the fastest for the team at 31:12. So Gedman and Deen went home with the 5-1600 win. Hector Fonseca. They made only one 37-minute lap and then didn't come around again. There was also only one Class Julie Kem and Ray Neff split the driving in their Kemco, had what they called an "uneventful" day and took the Class 9 win. 8 truck, the Ford of Robert about ten minutes on the second Wagner. It looked good early on, lap. Unfortunately, he didn't get and recorded a quick lap of the sixth lap finished, and never 22:55 on Lap 3, · but also lost came back to the finish area to report on his race. The father-son team of Danny Street, Sr. and Jr., entered their Class 7 Ford Ranger this time, and they ran a good steady pace, losing about five minutes on the second lap. Ultimately they got to the finish in the time of 3:37:45, recording a win for their 2003 season. The 1/2-1600 class had five entries, and a good race devel-oped early. Paul Keller was charg-ing hard in his Mirage and he had the lead at the end of the first lap, with 28 seconds on Todd Cuffaro in Nick Tiedemann's Jimco. In third it was Keith Naylor in a Raceco. In fourth and racing for the first t" was Danny McMillin in his Jimco. The car hadn't been raced be fore, but McMillin had pre-run the Baja 1000 in it, so it wasn't exactly brand new. Steve ~-------------------------~ Next to take the green flag was the lone SCORE Lite car of Mark Gilliland. He did all the driving in his 1776cc Raceco, and, except for having it "up on its nose once", he had no prob-lems at all. His fast lap was his first one, at 27: 18, and he went home with a win on his record and a fourth in the overall stand-ings. There was only one C lass 5 car, the entry of Jeff Searle and Danny McMillin, racing for the first time, rolled his Jimco, but was able to continue and took the 1600 win in a ve,y tight race. Smitty Schmidt did all the driving in his Honda powered Chenowth, and Jed all the way. He won Class 10 and was third in the overall standings. another !!f!sl)® T_he Suspension Company. Page 38 April 2003 Dusty Times · 1

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,. Greg Hansen and Albert Bartolini shared the driving in their Nye Frank chassis, 5.3 liter V6 Chevy powered car and finished the day Paul Keller was very quick in his Mirage and led the 1600 cars for Keith and Dan Naylor had all sorts of trouble with their 1600 Raceco, · second in Class 1. several laps before disappearing. He never did finish. but still managed to get it to the finish line in second place. Reynolds had started in his he had four and a half minutes Naylor, who'd moved up to sec- 4, when Keller disappeared. Now • 4:00 p.m., and there was still day-Bunderson, but he never came on Cuffaro. Naylor was still ond. And McMillin ran third, as it was Naylor in front, with Mc-light to let chase crews go out and around at all, a very unusual oc-third and McMillin was fourth. Cuffaro stopped in his pit for· Millin in second and Tiedemann, find their wounded racers. The currence for Reynolds. Things changed on the third lap, repairs after breaking a rocker who'd now taken over for awards presentation was held early At the end of the second lap, except that Keller was still lead-arm shaft. He lost 35 minutes Cuffaro, in third, a half hour off the next morning and that left on which Keller recorded his ing, with another 24-minute lap. with that, or more than a lap.. the pace. Sunday for a leisurely drive home, quicktimeforthedayat24:46, He now had six minutes on ThingschangedagainonLap Theracingwasalloverbyabout orforsomegreatoffroadingin .-=----------'-----------------~ r=--=73Tif,,,-,==;;;,..,...,,.,_.l:"1'""""""""'11ll~""""'=.,,,..,~=":iF,.....===-=......., the warm and sunny weather. Danny Street, Sr. and Danny Street, Jr. teamed up in their Ford Ranger to go the distance and get a win in the Small Truck class. The next event. for the FRT folks will be the April 18th and 19th FRT 200 at Plaster City West. Remember that these races are held on OHV territory, and thanks to that, there is pre-running al-lowed the day before the race. After the April race the FRT will co-promote an event with the Mexican promoters, CODE, in Jacume, just south of the border on August 15th and 16th. Then its back to the Superstition area again, with the Superstition Night Race on October 18th and 19th, and they will close out the season with the very popular Dash at Plas-ter City West, on New Year's Eve. Robert Wagner'.s Ford truck looked good most laps, had some small troubles, and Dusty Times will be there to tell finished the day with the Class B win. you about them. . _ .• flw 1B15 MASSACHUSErrs AVE.' RIVERSIDE• CALIFORNIA• 92507 •USA• PHONE 909.369.5144 • FAX 909.369.7266 • www.WEBCAMSHAFTS,COM Dusty Times April 2003 Page 39

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WHIPLASH POINT TO PolNT Jeff Darland overall In Grand Finale By Mike Del Col Photos: Kim Cook Jeff Darland had a few minor problems to keep him worried but he literally flew across the desert and took the Class 1 win as well as the overall. The Whiplash Point to Point race is the grand finale of the Whiplash racing season. It covers a wide vari-ety of terrain, from rocky, craggy mountain stretches to sandy dunes and whoops for. as far as the eye can see. It also has the distinction of de-ciding the fate of many teams vying for season points championships. It starts just south of Sonoyta and fin-ishes at the Oasis RV Park -just north of Puerto Penasco. This year, ,--------------------~ some 47 entries showed up to make the run, with nearly 70 percent of the combatant.; making it to the fin-ish line. Jeff Darland had his Class 1 Jimco screaming and earned the title as the fastest guy at the Point to Point Stan Steele drove his good looking truck like the wind, he took the Unlimited Ti"uck Class win and was less than three minutes out of the overall. · · James Martin took the Class 1 0 win with more than eight minutes to spare at the point to point race. with an overall win, Jeff completed his run in amaz-· ing 2:28:27 to earn the overall vic-tory, and bested three other finish-ers in Class 1. Jeff had a trouble free run, except for some pesky plug wires that kept popping off of the distribu-tor cap. Quick pit stops early in the race allowed his crew to duct tape then to the cap- and solved the prob-lem allowing Jeff to earn the win. Darland's sponsors are BFG, Gei-ser Brothers, and C has Roberts Racing. The McMullen Brothers had their two seat rocket-ship in Mexico for the Point to Point and earned second place in the class. The McMullens are sponsored by Mc-Mullen off-road racing Transmis-sions. Tom Wood had a nice finish earning the third place spot, and Steve Labrie had the Supersonic Banana fiishing fourtl1. The Class 5 win went to Joseph Bombardier, seen here at speed in the outback, he finished in 3:11.53. Hector Garcia had a good run, he took the Class 112-1600 win with 18 minutes to Stanley Steele earned the second overall in his unlimited truck. Stan-ley had a flawless race with an ET of just 2:31:22 -just about three min-utes out of the overall win. S&S spare, seen here at a road crossing. · Page 40 April 2003 Dusty Times

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The Sportsman 4-2 Seater Class went to Jay Williams, seen here The McMullen brothers came in second in the Pro 1-2 class, they Ed Beard passes Red Burgin on his way up the hill, Ed finished ready for touchdown in the desert. Engine and Machine sponsor Steele. Glen Greer had a good race going in another unlimited truck, but grenaded a transmission just 30 miles from the finish. It was tough luck for the Greer team. James Martin was back in the winner's circle - this time in Class 10. The Class 10 battle was a good one, with the Martin, a.k.a. the Texas Tornado, completed his assignment in 2:42:08 and earned a third over-all position to boot. This was Martin's first race back in Class 10 -after a stint in Class 1. He found that the big V6 was really hard on parts in Class 1, and replaced the powerplant with a -proven combi-nation of a carbureted Toyota 4AG mated to a Mendeolo five speed. That combination with a light car is a great formula for success - as proven at the Point to Point. MSD, RaceShock and Weddle Engineer-ing all sponsor Martin. James had a great race going with Tucson's own Ron Dalke, until Dalke had a prob-lem that seemed to be a broken were nearly 45 minutes out of the class win. second in the Class 1 0 conflict. · The Class 5-1600 win went to Michael Harris, hisgood looking Bug came in with a time of 4:32.03. transmission. As it turned out -it was only a broken c.v., but Dalke didn't learn the true failure mode until teardown revealed a broken center star with the rest of the c.v. intact. Without knowing that the "terminal" failure wasn't actually ter-minal - Dalke called it a day. Class veteran Ed Beard flew to the sec-ond place in Class 10, and a nice sixth overall in his racer. Ed opted to run Yokohamas in this race, af-ter having some success and failures with dedicated sand tires. Ed had a few issues on this run, having to add oil on a couple of occasions, and The Pro Challenger win went to Nol/an Blackwell, Jr., he took the class with only 23 seconds in and. getting stuck with a rear start in the class. Mark Bromnell teamed with "Jeffro" Wells to earn third place in Class 10. Earning a fourth place in class was Jesus Lechuga followed by Red Burgin in the fifth spot. Red wrapped up the Class 10 season championship with his finish. He shared the driving duties with Kurt, and his father of 78 years young enjoyed the ride from the right seat. Red had a good run -and is prepar-ing to swap powerplants to prepare for Class 12 in 2003. Robert Fall-ers was the last finisher in the class, Continued on page 42 ultimate lono travel ·ford lono travel system Get the benefits ol our Long Travel system and 3" lilt spindles, ueating 6" of lilt lar inuedilile ground dearance. [i!!(i) v@l ■ 3' lift spinrlles ■ Upper Control arms (Mi'l'l~W)' ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Hear kit 3-wau adjustable shocR absorber 0 llt$ ( touota Jong travel system Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, s• 1van □an• long travel system. Built ta satisfy all the serious off raaders out there. Dusty Times custom i beams Offroad bullet proof design provides maximum strength with 4130 Chromaly steel 1 /Bth" thick plate and tubular inner structure. a· Suspension System used in a racing 1 application with coil over shacks. Using F ab tech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19" al wheel travel 11111•c :ual+i · . ,. extended radius arms Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard far increased tire clearance . Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1990-94 lord ranger ., .. performance system Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard offering increased tire dearance and 4 • mare wheel travel. Dual Shock System 2 shacks per front wheel, adds high performance dampening. 1998-on ford ranger 2.s .. perform ance sustem 2.s• al lift with a 2• increase in wheel travel 1973-87 C10 'l"·long travel sustem Gives you the needed clearance far 33• tall tires. April 2003 angled fiberglass e e !!Jiber(!! ! include front lenders, bedsides and hoods. The front lenders and bedsides are flared with wheel travel in mind. spare tire mount ~ Constructed using 1 1 / 4 • steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. Flat spare tire mount stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment al stamped steel tabs simpllly your fabrication needs . wwwfabtechmotorsports_com DR E-MAIL US AT info@fabtechrn□t□rsp□ Page 41

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Second place in the Pro 8 category was Dave Raimonde, just four minutes out of the class win. Second in the Class 5 contest was Matt Engstler, a few minor problems hampering his run to the checkers. Bill Stoner ran fairly well all day but the best he could muster was second spot in the 1/2-1600 division. and spotted the rest of the class about 40 minutes early in the race with a failing shifter. Seems Robert lost a snap ring in the shifter at about Mile 3, and was stuck in first gear for several miles until he made it to the curio shop where a fix was made. Robby Fallers was on the gas in Class 8, earning a win with a nice finish. Robby had a great day-other than a brief mix-up with his crew which was quickly worked out. Robby had no problems to report. Dave Raimonde was the runner-up in the class, and fourth overall in the race. Dave had a really good race, but was unable to run down Fallers. The CWl truck had no problems during the race. Dave is sponsored by Concrete Works, Inc., and Geiser Brothers. Bucky Strunk had the Predator in third place in Page 42 class, followed by Keith Moore fin- the class that he knows is way around ishing in fourth position, just a few • the course down there in Rocky more minutes back. This was the sec-Point. Pacho has a real knack for ond straight finish for Keith. Mac winning in Mexico, and does it of-Randall was running strong in the ten. Pacho turned the course in class, but a burned up transmission 3:09:53 to earn the win. Tecate spon-ended his day. sors Garcia. Bill Stoner had a good Pro Class 5 had two entries at run in his machine, and earned sec-this race, with Joseph Bombardier ond place in the class with a 3:27:33. earning the victory in the class. He Steve Long earned third place, de-had a great day -other than a flick- spite a flat tire that cost him several ering oil light, and a quick stop for minutes. Steve had some good Sa-some oil. Matt Engstlerwas chasing maritans replace his flat tire with Joe for much of the day, but had one of their own, but they put the several issues to slow him to second tire on backwards, and it was rub-place. Matt had low oil pressure to bing on the shock and promptly blew contend with, as well as stops to re-up a few miles down the road. Steve pair a broken alternator belt and was forced to throw a front tire on power steering belt. Matt's crew was the rear for traction, and contin-on the ball -and made quick repairs · ued the race to a pit of his own, to keep Matt in the race. where the tires were replaced, and In the 1600 class, it was Hector he continued his race. The Sullivan/ "Pacho" Garcia once again showing Barrett team finished fourth in the April 2003 Sportsman Unlimited went to Todd Elam, he finished in 4:13.39 and was the only finisher in his class. · class, despite a roll-over early in the Class 5-1600. Mike's 4:32:03 was a race. R.J. New ton finished fifth in good pace, and Mike was the only the class, with "Wild" Bill Krug as finisher in the class. The Point to the last official finisher in the class.· Point was tough on the 5-1600 class. Kruggy ran solo at the PZP, and had Don Johnson returned to the class some electrical troubles and a rear in Ric Sanders' car, and had a tough flat tire to slow him down. A no- day. Don had a mishap just about table DNF in the class was a hard five miles into the race, and the en-charging Mike Leung. Mike was run- suing endo took a tool on Don and ning strong and near the front until his passenger Diana Jones. Theim-he hit the "rock pile" on the high- pact of the crash caused both pas-way section a little too enthusiasti- sengers to break their face shields cally, and stuffed the car into the on the steering wheel, and the "oh-hill after the jump. The-impact broke shiaaat" bar as the car did a com-the oil cooler, and engine failure was plete flip, and landed back on the just a couple of miles down the road wheels. The pair continued to race, for Mike. and repairs were made, but reports Michael Harris and the Red Eye of Diana being sick, and Don being Drinking crew earned the win in Continued on page 44 Seen here crossing the highway, Bruce Johnson went on to take the Sportsman Limited win. Kyle Green left a lot of fiberglass out in the desert, but he soldiered o~ and took the Sport Mini Class win. Dusty Times

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Page 44

It was a heart breaker for Brad Leakey, he was second in Pro Chad Come/I was second to finish in the Sportsman 10 class, he Tom Wood flies high, wide and handsome, he drove to a third place Challenger by just 23 seconds after a four hour run. was just less than 15 minutes behind the winner. finish, obviously having some problems along the way. Mark Brownell (r) flew up the hills but in spite of some great driving he In Pro 8, Bucky Strunk was able to grab the third place finish in the Third place in the 1/2-1600 fracas went to Steven Long, seen here was only able to grab the third place in Pro 10. _P ... ro_ B_c_la_s_s_. _____ .--c=---.--=----------.---.---accelerating away from the road crossing. loopier than normal caused the without rear brakes since they were sports, and Brad Leakey is spon- slowly coming off, and a shifter that Jay Williams was the winner in the course marshal to black flag the en- soaked with transmission fluid that sored by the Phoenix Fire Depart- was going away. Sportsman 4-2 seater class with a try and end their race. It was a good was leaking. Brad had more troubles ment, Geiser Brothers and Renegade Four competitors m,ade it to good race and an ET of 3:46:46. Jay decision, as neither driver nor co- early when he smacked a tree, caus- Products. compete in Sport 10, with Ty Loyd is sponsored by Metro Motorsports. driver was in any shape to continue. ing a blowout, but no suspension Todd Elam had his yellow tan- leading the charge and earning the The Point to Point was another Nollan Blackwell had an un-damage. Brad had to go 22 miles to dem racer running strong, and win. Three out of the four were fin-great race in Mexico for Whiplash eventful race in the Class 9 Chai- get the right spare, and was down earned a finish and a win in the ishers for the class. -and decided several of the season lenger class, and won the battle, but on time due to the flat. He had an Sportsman Unlimited class. Dave Bruce Johnston had a very good champs from the "chumps". As al-lost the war. Nollan did capture the additional flat later in the race that Cookm1m had his baja in Mexico race in the Sportsman Unlimited ways, the course took its toll on win at this race, but Brad Leakey he had to change in the silt, and for the race, but encountered the class, with a 3:45: 10 and a win in many of the racers, but guaranteed sealed the season championship with made a stop with his crew to get a same ditch that got Don Johnson the class. Bruce has a slick 1600 class everyone had a great time. Con-a finish-which he did. Leakey earned fresh spare just a couple of miles and the impact caused lots of obvi- racer, and it might De 1:Ime to step gratulations to all of the class win~ the finish by getting his car prepared from the finish. He ended up just ous and hidden damage to Dave's into the Pro classes. Bruce's ET ners, finishers and the season cham-just minutes before the start, after 23 seconds out of the win-even with car. The obvious stuff was a missing would have been good enough for a pions. Congratulations to Whip-having trouble with his transmission all of the distractions. Nollan skid plate, broken shock, and some nice finish in the Pro classes. Bruce lash on a great season of racing in in the days leading to the race. Brad Blackwell is sponsored by Marana bruised passengers. The not so obvi-is sponsored by Woods Off-road 2002. Whiplash has a full season did make the start line on time, but Carpets, and Short Fused Motor- ous stuff was a floor pan that was Products ·and TLT off road. lined up for 2003, beginning in l'Mll of a ffllSh • n laws heiNI me •Do cum ·ck, • •Does • &reitl:foril espec· tty wllere d a on 1.BOD.700.2350• Fax 909 361J.043li 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 44 April 2003 Kyle Green· had a great run in his March at a new course in Camp Nissan at the Point"to Point, earn-Verde -near Phoenix. Get those ing a win in the Sport Mini class cars ready for a great 2003 season! whh a 3:48: 13. See you in the Dez! · Ty Loyd comes across the finish line to take the Sportsman 10 class win, his 3:32 run was quite quick. Robby Fallers was the big winner in the Pro B category, he took the class win with four minutes in hand. · Dusty Times

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· 1nenti1n IUSIJ TilDIS Subscribers Please re■e■ber-v1u WIii rec11n a 111d 111llln1 1ran11 pest card In vaur ■all' b1x when v1ur silbscrlpU1n Is ab1ut t1 ex11re. This will be the entv 11dc1 vou will receive regarding v1ur subscrlpU1n. If VII 1111( at the label II VII paper vaur 1x11rau1n Will bl ShlWI II tll8 l&rrllht ., tlll ·1abll lllt: &/03 axprrn-1un~ 2883l Please 1111111 the b1n1■ 11rt11n as r11u1st1d and return with veur ch1cll 1r ■IIIV 1rd1r II Dustv Tl■es IS-SIii as PISSlbll. 1st. Annual CHIHUAHUA . CO.JUAREZ JULY 19th. and 20 th. 2003 -;. 1 , Registration Info Yvonne Hemandez (915) 593-35-91 l An event sponsored by The Department l1t!fJlllll_.,__·chihu-ahua ..rlA..~ GOHIER!\O DEL ESTADO Secretaria de Desarrollo Comercial y Turistico of Tourism of Chihuahua and Ah Chihuahua! Tourism and Conventions D a! TECMIE Ph.: 011-52-656-638-13-94, 044 656 638-13-94 •, e.mail:

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SCCA SNO*DRIFT RALLY Higgins/Barritt/Mitsubishi Take The Gold By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Tom Buchkoe David Higgins and Daniel Barritt came from across the pond to drive their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution to the Gold medal at the Sno•Drift rally. The season opening round of the SCCA Pro Rally Championship was launched late into January with a near record setting field of performance rally cars and drivers from the United States, Canada and abroad. As is rap-idly becoming a Sno•Drift tradition, the entry list includes an impressive number of overseas competitors, in-VISIT US AT OUFI \NEBSITE BEL RAY CV GREASE SWEPCO GE.AR OIL #203 -#212 -#201 10% OFF CASE LOiS HE.AVYDU,-Y CHALLENGER RIMS 930 CV'S A,:- A LOW PRICE $4-4-.95 EACH OR BUY 4-Ai 39.95 EACH NEW 4-.86 002 BUS RING & PINIONS USA MADE NEVADA OFFROAD 1-SHIR1S SM,MED,LRG,XLG,XXLRG 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WOOVENBRAKESHOES OWEL BALL JOINTS HELLA H - I - D LIGHTS PIAA HIGH -LOW LIGHTS YOKOHAMA TIRES SUPER DIGGER Ill 33 X 10.50 X 15 SaHIE/SNURE APPIIIIVE■ 1-CAIIIIS aaa.•u WIBLE THEY UISTI CALL TOLL FREE Page 46 1-B18-755-5900 21054 S . VALLEY VIEW #1210 • LAS VEGAS, NV• 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702)871-5221 FAX April 2003 Mark Utecht and Jeff Secor drove their Subaru WRX to a ve,y nice win in the Group N division. eluding 2002 SCCA overall driver champion David Higgins with co-driver Daniel Barritt, making their debut with the Mitsubishi Rally team. Also returning is the 2001 SCCA overall driver champion Mark Lovell and co-driver Nicky Beech with the Subaru Rally T earn. 2002 British rally champion Jonny Milner, with Duncan · McNath alongside starts his "Two championships in two countries" bid and British Rally regular Tapio Lauk-kanen and Ilkka Riipineri of Finland will be getting their first impression of American style winter rallying. Mitsubishi launches their all new team, with all new cars, featuring David Higgins in the # 1 car and 2002 Woodner Cup (Overall 2WD) champion Lauchlin O'Sullivan. They will be driving all new Lancer Evolu-. tion cars. This year will also see the first Ford Focus to be seen in SCCA Open Class. Sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Re-serve and driven by veteran Tim O'Neil, this Focus is a unique beast, looking very much like a WRC car . and housing potent and proven Ford Escort Cosworth mechanicals. Unlike the last few years, this year the Sno*Drift will live up to its name, 10 inches of snow has fallen in the last few days and it is bitterly cold, the highs expected to be 15 degrees. The fresh snow, combined with existing hard pack ice on the roads and the Pro-Rally long time ban on studded tires will create a driving experience unlike any other winter rally event. Nearly 70 rally cars took to the snow for the first days running. Spec-tators braved the icy weather and even the local elk watched the slipping and sliding as the cars wound their way through the first day's route. Michigan's lower peninsula was a true challenge for the rallyists and the com-petition was quite good. Seamus Burke and Charles Brad-ley, the two Atlanta, Georgia based Irish men quietly moved their Mitsu-bishi Lancer Evolution VI tl1rough the impressive field of independent and factory teams and finished the first day of rallying 15 seconds ahead of the Prodrive Subaru piloted by Mark Lovell and Nicky Beech. With the snow gently falling on the lower peninsula the rally finally lived up to its name. Gone were the deadly combinations of mud, water, gravel and ice, replaced with eight inches of fresh snow which gave the teams a con-sistent surface to drive on and made tire selection a bit less of a compro-mise than in years past. Tapio Lukkanen found the snow, The Dodge Neon of Don Jankowski and Peter Gladysz took the win in the Group 5 competition at Sno•Drift. Christopher Whiteman and Michael Paulin drove their Dodge Neon to a nice win in the Group 2 category. -Dusty Times

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Second ov_era/1 went to Tapio Laukkanen and 1/kka Riipinen in their Lauchlin O'Sullivan and Marl< Williams were fourth overall in their The Grand Touring gold medal went to Jonathan Bottoms and Eric Subaru lmpreza, less than two minutes awa from the win. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. Dahlgren in their Subaru lmpreza. Shane Mitchell and Paul Donnelly were second in Group N in their Subaru lmpreza WRX. Eric Burmeister and Ole Holter drove their VW Golf Gti to a nice second place in Group 2 at Sno•Drift. The silver medal in Group 5 went to Robert Olson and Conrad Kettleson, they slipped and slid their way for two hard days. with a lack of sruds not to his liking, he found a tree and bent some sus-pension parts but it never phased him, he won Stage 3 and tied on winning time with David Higgins on Stage 4. Tapio found srudless running wasn't too bad, after a bit of experience and was looking forward to the next day's run. David Higgins' debut of his Mitsu-bishi Lancer Evo was going quite well, with two fastest times on stage and finishing the first day third overall with teammate Lauchlin O'Sullivan running in the seventh overall posi-tion. Tim O'Neils' Open Class debut came to an abrupt halt on Stage 5, he slid himself into trouble on the icy road. He had been as high as third overall on this first day. Mark Utecht and Jeff Secor were running very well in Group N, lead-ing for a while but evenrually they had to give way to Shane Mitchell, who ended the first day ninth overall, hold-ing the Group N lead. · Scott Harvey, Jr., with Kent Gardham won the Hard Charger award for Day 1 in their Eagle Talon. They gained 24 positions in six stages. They made much of their advantage from a smart tire choice and a lot of patience to finish the night with a com-fortable lead in the GT class, a minute and a half lead over Valdemaras Mad ukevici us and Arunus Salkauskas in their Subaru Impreza. In Group 2, Mazda pilot Eric Burmeister made a last minute car change. With electrical woes sidelin-ing his Mazda, Eric borrowed his father's VW Golf, to earn as many driver's points as possible. Eric was leading Group 2 at the end of the day. Matt Johnson, who ran quite well in 2002 had a series of encounters with heavy shrubbery (tree) on the sec-ond stage and retired with severe sus-pension and steering problems. Chris-top her Whiteman, debuting his Dodge Neon SXT was second in the Group 2 category. So ended the first day. Tomorrow it all ·begins again at 0800. There are 10 stages to run and the first cars are scheduled to finish in the early evening. Light snow is forecast to fall all night and throughout the second day with a five inch accumulation expected. Saturday, the first truly Dusty Times "Sno *Drift" rally concluded in was former Toyota Supra driver Brian weather challenging to even the most Vinson and Richard Beels. hardened rally participant or fan. If the above news sounds like David Higgins, with Daniel Barritt in Dodge is back, they are! After a five the co-driver's seat kept the boost di-year absence from official involve-ment Dodge has rerurned to SCCA The SCCA ProRally Champion-Performance Rallying and iliey hope ship goes on a three month hiatus, to bolster their presence in a sport roaring back at the Rim of the World that is currently dominated by off-Rally in Southern California in early shore manufacturers. May. __ -.,, fU aled back and drove a cautiously com-petitive rally, knowing that Lauk-kanen, from Finland was using all of his winter rally experience to earn their first SCCA Pro Rally victory. However, the delays caused by a tree-tapping ex-perience and an unrelated flat tire on the first day proved insurmountable and Higgins coasted home with an impressive two minute margin of vic-tory. Mitsubishi could not have hoped for a more perfect debut for their new rally team. While pre-event shake-down time on the all new cars was minimal, the Lancer Evolutions per-formed perfectly. In Group N, Mark Utecht and Jeff Secor also had a perfect launch to their 2003 season, driving a very smart .rally, staying just ahead of thei:r near-est challenge_r, Shane Mitchell. Over-all, Group N (and Subaru) had a great weekend, with 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th place overall positions. British ·Rally Champion, Jonny Milner announced that the balance of his ProRally sea-son would be in Group N. If it wasn't for the all Subaru sweep of the Group N class, this weekend was a disappointing one for the manu-facturer. In addition to retiring both rally cars at Monte Carlo, both works backed entries at Sno*Drift retired as well, Lage~ann sruck on a snow bank and Lovell suffering a turbo failure and a subsequent under the hood fire very late in the rally on Sarurday. In Group 2, Chris Whiteman and Richard Beels earned their first in-class win in their new Group 2 Dodge Neon SXT, Eric Bermeister was some 4 2 seco"nds in arrears in second place in class. In third were multi-time One Lap of America class champions Kevin Wesley and Richard Ehrenberg in their Dodge Neon ACR. In Group 5, a similar sweep by Dodge Neons, this time with rurbo-charged SRT-4 models, bracketed tl1e second place finish of Robert Olson in his Porsche 911, which may have been the most challenging drive of the weekend on the icy roads. In first place was the familiar Neon of Don Jankowski and Peter Gladysz, in third ' ' . - , ..._ __ ,../ . .,. .,,. ·, ' -· .... ' ,, MoTeC Engine Management and Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built to withstand extreme racing and pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit . your budget. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition . . Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 699 S. State College Blvd, Suite F Fullerton, CA 92B31 Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 April 2003 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight_. stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;ly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a nurnber! Page 47

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opener. There were 13 J eepspeed entries at this Mojave Desert Racing event on February 1" in Barstow, CA. : • • • • • • • • • • •••••••.••wild Wash 250 , • • • •....• • • •. • • • • .• : • • • • Official race results Mojave Desert Racing • • • • . I . . . ,-,tttJ' -,11" ~ By Cli11e Skilton The weather was ,a perfect 70 degrees for the race on Saturday, but Friday night tech inspection, held at the Outlet Center Shopping Mall was a little chilly. The race course was a combination of fast sections and some very rough sec-tions . . • t t t Place t • 1 • t 12 t ' t3 ' ' ' '11ace ' 1 i Name -~r~;_ Pdm::r · Thomusoli ,ru ,-. ._;.-:.-l Nuae BillF:rev Feb. 1st, 2003 • PRO ~-5 LAPS Time SCartPts J'mialaPa FutestLaD Toull'Cs S hrs. 32 min. s 40 s so 5hrs.44milt s 32 -37 51Hs;58miu. ~ 24 -29 SPOllTSMAN CLASS-4LAPS n.e SmtPta FiailllPD li'•testLa11 Tml:Ns 6 his. 5 min. s 20 -25 2003 first race enthusiasm got th·e better of· many con-testants as they pushed their Jeep Cherokees to the limit on the first lap, trying to es-tablish a top spot in the run-ning order. :~ $1eve Glamal:i 6bn.. 20 min. s 16 s 26 MDR Wildwash 250 : l3 1$rvaa .... 6 hrs. 26 min. s 12 -17 ··~-,.J ·-- ····· ... Of the nine Pro Class entered, only eight started as the T&J Performance entry a no show. : NEXT '.RACE· MOJAVE 250, BARSTOW., CA..APBJL 5TIL : ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The American Racing. der was Peltzer, Prindle, Quitnieyer, Ganzer, Thomasson, Currie and Billy Bunch. These were followed by the Sportsman entries of Steve Ghamari, Bryan Rog-ers, Bill Frey and Dennis Jeepspeed Challenge 2002 Rookie Of The Year, Charlie Peltzer, continued his win-ning ways by taking the vic-tory at the 2003 season The 2002 champ, Barrie Thompson had the pole po-sition and ran away from the field with a 1 hour, 3 minute ·lap. The reast of the start or-Page 48 REDl.JdE PcRf6~/1ANCE, we. LS1 6 ■-STAR PRE-RU■ OR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE OYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONn (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX ~31 ESl!NffOWl!lt ClltCLI! AHAHJ!IM, CA. 92807 oers acers April 2003 Sletton. Second on track after one lap of 38 miles wasCharlie Peltzer in 1 hour, 5 minutes. Bill Quitmeyer was fourth at 1 hour, 9 minutes. Sur-prisingly, the Sportsman en-tTies of Ghamari and Rogers had passed some Pro cars and were 5th and 6th in theoverall order, followed by Prindle and Ganzer (pro), Frey and Sletten (Sports-man). Missing in action were Billy Bunch with broken transmis-sion and Steve Thomasson with snapped front 2 wheel drive axle. Both drivers swapped out their broken parts but were unable to finish inside the time limit of 8 hours. Charlie Pelzer ripped off a 1 hour, 3 minute second lap that beat Barrie Thompson's first· lap by 16 seconds, to take fastest lap of the day and to gain the lead from Thompson. Barrie had bro-ken a tooth off 3rd' gear, but purposely stripped the gear, and continu·ed with the parts in the bottom of the transmission housing. Quitmeyer moved up to third position as Currie had minor problems, and Jared Prindle returned with bro-ken transmissi6n and motor mounts. Ganzer was still moving along, with Thomasson and Bunch at the rear. The sportsman cars were all still in the race at this time, the order being Rogers, Frey, Ghamari and Sletton. Third lap Pro order was Pelzer, Quitmeyer, Thomp-son, Currie and Ganzer, the Sportsman, Rogers, Frey and Ghamari with damaged driv-eline. Sletton dropped out with problems unknown to us. Fourth lap fro Pros was unchanged except that Thomasson and Bunch re-tired. The fourth, and final lap for Sportsman saw Bryan Rogers side lined with steer-ing problems, dropping to third place from first. Ghamari put in a quick lap to finish second. This was Frey's first tro-phy and prizewinner's check. Fastes lap for Sportsman was posted by Ghamari, 1 hour, 12 minutes. The fifth and final lap for the Pro cars saw both Currie and Ganzer retire on this rough and difficult Barstow course. The three survivors • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 1 O year Bladder warranty • Safety foam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is • (BOOf 433-6524 technical hotline :;r,'ffai0!t'::;!1'::a1:~:g • Over 25 years experience install and it's backed by a e for more Info call or wnte to: tu/110 year wa"anty. Ai<craft Rubber/Fuel Safe • · EL SAf 63257 Nels Anderson Road . Bend, Oregon 97701 RadngCells · (541) 388-0203 · (541 )388-0307 fax Dusty Times

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were winner Pelzer, 5 hours, 32 minutes, 2nd Thompson, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 3,d, Quitmeyer, 5 hours, 5_8 1~n-u tes. ,,,-By Wes Wisdom There haven't been any races s ince the last column but F.A.l.R. has still been pretty busy. Our new Presi-dent, Tom Sobray, and the Board are b ringing an in-fectious enthus iasm to the clu b a n d our meetings that is heading in t h e right direc-t i on. All of u s are agai n looking forw a r d to every meeting and race so we can lear n new "speed secrets" a n d s hare t h e great camar a-derie t h a t is F.A.l.R. W e wan t to thank C h e ryl Canno n for being a guest speaker and explaining the ins and outs of working with the IRS. The topic sounds dull but anytime you can learn how to save money legally you ought to listen. Cheryl really knows her stuff and all of us came away with a better idea of how we might save on some taxes. If you are needing some tax advice, give her a call at Miller & Cannon, (626) 653-2023. Art Savedra was " In t h e Spotlight" this month . He made the t rip from Las Ve-gas to give us the rundown on who he is and he is a very interesting guy. Check out t h e ful l story on our website: http:// We were surprised to find out he has been inspecting race vehicles since 197 2 and has worked a ll the major venues in Cali-fornia, i.e., R iverside Race-way, the Long Beach Granp Prix, Laguna Seca ... and you t hough t Art was just into off road ! The story of his street motorcycle acci-d e n t is horrifying and in-spiring a t t h e same t ime. T hanks go to Art for com-ing and speaking at our meeting. We a lso had Scott Stein-berger of PC! make a sur-prise visit. And, since h e was there, we grilled him on some problems F.A.I.R. has had recently with radio communications. Even though we took advantage of him, he was very gracious in letting us "pick his brains." Everyone there learned a lot about how to make their radio systems work properly and to their max. If F.A. I. R. fo !lows h_is suggestions, maybe our problems will, be solved. When someon e asked Scott about t h e new Kenwood radio t hat PC! is offering, he gave us a full description of its capabili-ties. It sounds awesome, un-believable range, just what a ll racers want. Pricey but it may well be worth i t if you are stuck in the middle of the desert somewhere. Thanks Scott for all the info you gave us·. W e prom-ise not to i n u ndat e you so much the next time you make a meeting. A big topic of discussion over t h e past few meetings is the upg rading of t h e p i t equipm ent. By the time you read this there may be a n ew welder/generator and maybe even a new 5 ' x 8' e nclosed trailer. These have been needed for a while now and we are all looking forward to taking delivery. F.A.I.R. Performance Engine Builder Exhaust Systems Prototype Fabricator The leading aftermarket power systems manufacturer, Gale Banks Engineering, is seeking an Engine Builder to assist our Engineering R&D group in the development of racing and street high-perf onnance engines to improve gasoline and diesel engine power and efficiency. Must have high performance engine building and blueprinting experience; machining skills including surfacing, boring and honing; a familiarity with engine and chassis dynamometers; a knowledge of turbocharging and supercharging; a knowledge of race engine tuning; an understanding of diesel engines and an enthusiasm for automotive technology. We are also seeking an Exhaust Systems Prototype Fabricator to design and build prototype exhaust systems and tubular exhaust manifolds for both diesel and gasoline applications. Must have a I-year certificate from a college or technical school and a minimum of 3 years experience fabricating tubular products, or an equivalent combination of education or experience. Gale Banks Engineering is an Equal Opportunity Employer that offers a competitive · salary and benefits package in a pleasant and profess.ional working environment. Explore Gale Banks Engineering at For immediate consideration, please send your resume with salary history and current salary requirements to: Dusty Times Miche1e Beaver, Human Resources Recruiter E-mail:, or fax (626) 691 -2179 546 Duggan Ave. Azusa, Ca. 9.1702 April 2003 prides itself on being the best prepared pit club in off-road racing and this equipment will keep us at rhe forefront. No F.A.I.R. member will ever lose a race because of pit equipment or manpower. The next two races will be over when this is printed but F.A.I.R. will be at each. There will be three pits at the SCORE San Felipe 250. Lenny Holder will be Pit Captain at RM 79.7, the Morelia Junction. Jerry Longo is Pit Captain at RM -I! Pcner,-..-Compditilnftir budget rcicer in min erted by 1he pr 'S er'o r lllilxlmum illr w, this HJC helmet s Snell m-UYuJwule 155.6, at the top of Matomi Wash. And Tom .Mangione will Captain a pit at RM 182 where the course comes out of Mato mi at the Puertocitos Road. So far we have Brent Parkhouse taking his stable of 1/2-1600 cars, Tom Rid-ings in SCORE Light, Dale Ebberts in his Class 1 and Sc:>tt Steinberger with his Trophy Truck. And we expect to pick up some more cars by race day. Continued on page 50 [Stirlln S249. 00 /S349.2~ di TIie canralete sauii:iJ""l,ji raters am1crews 1.BIID.700.2350• Fax 909"'360 .. 0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Lo'maJ CA 91752 DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6.5 $135.00 $145.00 & up Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 247-1266 We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Page 49

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All of these racers are very competitive and their pit stops could be the difference between winning and losing. T hat is why F.A.I.R. chose these pit loca-tions. They are where help is most urgently needed to main-tain competitiveness and all of the pi tters a re excited about F.A.I.R. returning to Mexico after a couple of years of not being a part of these races. A week after San Felipe is t h e M.O.R.E. race in Lucerne Valley. At the last F. A .l.R. meeting a show o f hands has Greg Bla k e m an, 1/2-1600, J erry Longo, 1/2-1600, H arry Dunne, C lass 9 , Frank Wagn er , 1/2-1600 and Craig Reyn olds, S p ortsm an going to t h e race. Those ar e only the ones I could remember b u t there were a lot more hands than that. If it is a typical M.O.R.E. race, F.A.I.R. will be handling 10-12 cars. F.A. I. R. 's race schedule is pretty ambitious. We will be pit-ting at all the SCORE, MDR, and M.O.R.E. races. We'll also be at two SNORE races. That's 20, count 'em, 20, races! If you want to be part of the fun, join us at our meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. The meetings are at the Radisson Hotel in Fullerton and they start at 8:00 p.m. All racing enthusi-asts are welcome! .. -#llf The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! • 2° Ca , 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect tor the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541 )382-1573 MENDEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. Page so April 2003 Trail Notes ... P ROTRUCK S ERIES -In a release from Ivan Stewart, it states that the Protrucks will be on the telly on four different occasions. The races to be shown are the Laughlin C hallenge on April 3, the Parker 425 on April 10, the Terrible's Town 250 o n May 22 and the Baja 500 on June 26. All t imes are 7pm Pacific. Check <> for further a ir dates. U GOTTA SEE THIS -The Defense Advanced Research Projects A gency (DARPA) is issuing a challenge for an auto nomou s r o b o t ic ground challenge vehicle for a planned 2004 run a cross the desert. DARPA invited a wid e range o f poten t ial p ar ticipants, including advertisers and corporate sponsors , artificial intellige·nce developers, auto manufacturers and suppliers computer programmer s, futurists, inventors, motor sports enthusiasts, movie producers, off road racers, remote sensing developers, roboticists and other trail blazers. The meeting attracted a diverse mix of disciplines and t hat reflects the spirit of the Grand Challenge Program. An area of particular interest was the nature of the course, which will include a combination of off and on road terrain that will be cleared of interfering vehicles. The route is still being finalized , and to develop the course DARPA is drawing on the Expertise of Sal Fish, who is leading route development efforts. Scheduled for March 13, 2004, the robotic ground vehicles will cover a course of approximately 300 miles between Los ANGELES AND Las Vegas, and the team that most quickly completes the route in less than the prescribed time will receive a cash prize of $1 million. The challenge is intended to spur the accelerated development of autonomous robotic ground vehicle technology for military applications. Pre-event activities, including a special qualifying session for participating teams will be held Friday, March 12, 2004 at the California Motor Speedway in Fontana, CA. The actual route will not be announced until two hours before the start of the competition, March 13, 2004. DARPA is the central research and development organization of the United States Department Of Defense. Stay tuned! BEST IN THE DESERT -The longest race in the US of A is scheduled for June 26-29, 2003. Get ready for 500 miles of off road adventure through the state of Nevada. The race begins in Las Vegas, travels through Tonopah, through the Silver Peak Mountain Range, through Hawthorne, Silver Springs and finishes in Reno, some 500 miles of racing. The hot drivers should cover the route in 10 hours with the last finisher expected some 23 hours after the start. The Suncoast Hotel will host the Registration, Technical Inspection and Contingency Row on Thursday, June 26, 2003, beginning at 10am. The host hotel in Reno is the Reno Hilton. For more info contact BITD at 702-457-5775. 0 FF ROAD POKER RuN -Just in over the transom, the Off Road Poker Run to be held at the Slash X Cafe April 26 and 27 has a wonderful addition. This year they will feature live entertainment following the dinner by Team Cocktail Racing's rock band. Don't miss the big event, Saturday evening at the Slash X Cafe. For your info, Team Cocktail competes in a Class 11 car in the MDR series. FYI -Grand Prix Tours is adding another venue to it's list of travels to Formula 1, Le Mans, Daytona by offering an inaugural trip to the Acropolis Rally, near Athens, Greece on June 5-9, 2003. The trip includes 4 nights hotel, all airport race and hotel transfers, the Petter Solberg Preview Party and Farewell dinner, and much more. Prices start at $1,995. For more information call 800-400-1998 or <> MORE BITD -.Best In The Desert announced that they now have a title sponsor for their Vegas To Reno race. Tube Specialties Company, TSCO will be the title sponsor for _the 2003 Vegas To Reno race, to be billed as "TSC Vegas To Reno" "The longest Off Road Race In The United States." Tube Specialties manufactures tubing products and is a supplier of tube bending and fabrication ser.vices for a variety of markets, including automotive, heavy duty truck and medical industries. With plants in Oregon and North Carolina TSCO is strategically located to meet global needs of customers in North America, Europe, Africa, China and Australia. You may look in at TSCO on <>. DEPLOYED S ER VICEMEN -If any member of your family has been called to active duty or is presently in the regular military and has been deployed to the Iraq area, please send us their name, unit, APO/FPO number and we will put them on the Dusty Times mailing list post haste. A one year free subscription will be sent to them commencing with the next regular mailing. The least we can do for those who serve our country and remain on the bottom of the pay scale. ►►►►►►►►►►► Dusty Times

Page 51

GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY 6QFCO,nc. Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions P.O. Box 117 Ely, NV 89301 (702) 289-6708 • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 A1·s RACING WILOOMAR CA. Tc>yota IFS 1u1pension speclallsta Long tr.1vel k,lta and race trim packagea for 2wcl. & 4wd. Pick-Up, Tacoma, Tundra, 1·-100 and 4-Runner '!!J.fW .ATSRACtNG,com (909)471-2418 , -o~_ ';e~g,~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS . BA'ITERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue / Glendora, CA 917 40 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • aJax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 -ROAD FUE& CE&&S 44 Gal.·for $444.00 SCORE • CORR • 8/TD y, y" IIDR • PROTRUCH Ys'A-144 PRERUIIIIERS • ETC ..J$M*M-W -. atl , ~ ~ 800-526-5330 p Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 SIICI-PRDOFPEIFIIMIIICE Silver Faced LFG's Liquid-Filled Gauges from Auto Meter are notorious for being th·e to4gt)est .• on the market. Combine that with the fact Auto Meter also is known for it's reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. traA"Uido . Y, 8 Send $4.00 for a catalog to: Auto Meter Products, Inc. . . - e Dept. OUOO • 413 W. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL60178 • (815)895-8141 co E i ... co E 0 QI "' M ~ { QI 0 ~ a-0 ... '-"' a;-u ~ IIO .,; a-.g g C '-< ~ M QI QI C "' u u i C ·;. u M ..... ©) C j ~ :I: "' 0 .:,l ..... s .. u .s: u ... ~ u .,; 0 s ,0 ~ ·;;; j i: 0 e ,0 !:::, ... .&J I ~ :e !:::, ] ·;;; I ~ .. .&J < u.. t lAN~-BUGGIES • PRE-RUNNERS • RACE CARS ftJM FABRICATION & ALUMINUM WORK (( ~"CyprtlH St. • Orange, CA 92865 ph a. ~79-;0778 • fax (714) 279-0945 ~moto, . . . . ~~, ~ (J)BEARD Cl) t-<C LU Cl) Limiting !!!iitraps & Tie-Doa,,a,n!§ ReclArt-cc,m/cltc ph. 714. 774.9444 fx. 714. 774.2244 A Division qf e. RED~ • Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels ,, . ····-~ ,,. adATEjZO(ru(~o ,=1al~A~s -Re1NFQJl'lf:ec PL.AST1cs ~------~ Phone: 920/833-7266 • fax: 920/833-9505 e-mail: e,obb-{ s e,u99ies 4584 Columbus Rd. Macon, GA 31206 4 78-4 7 4-9292 FREE Catalog BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V~hicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 T ~ ·to. "Innovative Billet Products a,·;_ · 7 for the Off-Road Enthusiast" l!Jjv.-:;; ;~ ' FREE Cat a Io g ! ! ' w. . ·" .. ~ru©~ ~roo~t§ ·· ·,i· 9525 Pathway St.-Santee, Ca. 92071 'MFR. OF PEJlF<IRMANCE PARTS FOR INDUnRY LEADING RACE CAR BUILDERS - Srindlcs, Floating ll11hs · 3 Sfl(I. Shifters (lils \lcuclcol~ tn111s <'< others) · -.:orlhslar .\irho, ,-\claph·r, S, 111on· '.I url: e-mail: (619)562-3071 ~-~-----CACTUS RACING Raceair Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 51 S3 Bowden Ave. San Diego, CA 92117 - 858-279-2509 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (909)845-8820 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies • Tubing _Benders . Bypass valves+tubes Sway-bar Arms Pre-Runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks ACCOUNTING• INCOME TAX· CONSUL"f'.ING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT 536 S. Second St, Suite E Covina, CA 91723 Fax 626-653-2023 626-653-2024

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'J' ,.-. , . ~ ~~~ ~ Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race Design -Race Prep ·-All General Fabrication 76~7 17 459 Lilac St #E Hesperia CA 92345 BlllfT IOB RACERS WHO OEMJ#O THE BEST HAMPION BEADLOCI J?ACJNG WHEELS lJ.5.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MILAN GARRETT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 93722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ CHENOWTH f UCING PRODlJCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax '(619) 449-7103 www.chencwt) OCNc::l Mo,ufoct•re• of . ~ ~ B,oke o,d tlo1<h Podol Au1 Master Cylinders ., Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging· Brakes Hydraulic ThrottU!s Throttle Pedals CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena fl)vd. Sun Diego, CA.9211'10 (6J9) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS·• r-RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS ( 805) .239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Trl;le Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 • RACING~ ! GASOLINE ~-~ ~ ~ ,es: I i =i TORCO RACING FUELS CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-54-COSBY COS.BY OIL_~OMPANY, SANT~ ~E SPRINGS, CA CRITIC' "L □ ULTRASONIC CLEANING JIii Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, o ~p·rlf'A ·T·1·C> N 5· Oil Tanks, Radiators, Lines, Fittings . -~·... ,,,':::--.. . □ CRACK INSPECTION All Componenls .. .. Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etc. (I ~ . □ NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, 3043 Oak Street Ultrasonic, Eddy Current. X-Ray Santa Ana, CA 92707 □ CNC MACHINE SHOP .Phn (714) 957-1215 U5AC STATION #S Fax(1_1_•>_9_57~·-156_7_..,:_ ___ ,_M_ST_A_n_ON_rNB....:...7R211J..:.:.:.:._~-"C111Ck r. far Your Ptotec:tlcM• CROWN •1-,,,, .... ,.,..,..,_.,,. ........... -1, ..... . . INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED AEROSPACE. HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL HOSES & FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER DR., SUITE G • VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92083 ; • HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 B Depot Road 800-622-3939 805-683-1 211 FAX 805-683-8187 Goleta, CA 93117 For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 Specializing in ... Bua Box•• Swing axles Newland Fortin Jlleadeola J11D4S Jllagaum44 · Kreisler Automatic, Part:s 8 Machine Shop Services Available c.,..,--/ . / DEREK NYE ..,, ,· If. ,. / , ,,,...~-/" ,.. .. 775 w: I1n:i Street -unit H Costa Mesa, CA 92627 _,, 1£1: 9Q9.5QB.8533 lllx: 9Q9.5QB.853Q e-mail: dereknye I !ill Team Bagz Private Label Cuslom Bag Designs l)lll'I, ll1l~lll{S OFF-ROAD DESIGN & FABRICATION RACE PREP PRE RUNNERS SUSPENSIONS ROLL CAGES TUBE BENDING WELDING LIFT KITS BILL SCOTT (909) 520-0064 Fax (909) 520-0078 Email: 12321 Sampson Ave., Unit I Riverside, CA 92503 DUKES ROLLCAGES EST. 1975 Bajas -Buggies • Pre-Runners Sheet Mtl • Tube Work• Fabrication MIG -TIG -Gas · Arc Welding Plasma Cutting 18333 Harley John Rd A. A Terry Wyrembek ~ -· Riv. CA 92504 90~•780-6408 t'.'@(gfflfJ{§J'iWJ@&rtd ~@~'lff]~@ Abrasive Blasting • Protective & Decorative Coatings 'Setving San Diego County Since 1970' 1835 John Towers Ave. #A El Cajo_n, CA 92020 (619) 448-3932 Fax (619) 448-3662 FORD RACING PARTS: AAN6ER 2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS lN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 PG. CATALOG PHONE (626) 444-4919 143~ POTRERO FAX (626) 444-3046 SO. El.MONTE, CA. JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets FRESH IIR SISIEIIS IECHN0L081ES, INC. • Interior Revisions 81 O A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 . 1-888-466-RACE 1-847-259-3810 Fax 1-847-259-9705 "THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS" 0ta· PERFORMAICE-1sss No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend RACIN(i ENGINE.~, TRAMl\llSSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS · ·<. ;' Seaidc1~1'for.«'iur11L'W'cataJ11g SS.00, -;'.'-:~:-: (i RAY BAYLY BRIAN GRIFFIN laL IM}'l!#. 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 FOREMAN ______ . ;&:::"-OFF-ROAD RACE TRUCK ENGI:'\EERfNG / FABRICA110N RACE PREP/ C ONSULTATIO;'I; TOP CALIBER PRE-Rl:N1'ERS THRC TROPHYTRl'CKS 19-659-3538 CHARLIE FOREMAN 619-659-3638 fax 4550 Carveacre Rd. Alpine, CA 91901

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I• 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax / Doug Fortin THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~ call(Bt:I0)433-6524 ~ Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber ManufacturinQ. Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR ~7701 USA ph(541) 388-0203 fx("41 )388-0307 Gibbs Penetrating Oil Free frozen engines. Protect from rust. Guaranteed to Work ! As Seen on TNN's TRUCKS! 800-555-3167 Used by fabricators, rebuilders, museums the world over! Try it NOW! Design Carbon Fiber A & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fabrication Off-Aoad Style Fenders 7522 Sloter Ave. #114 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 GLASSWORKS Unlimited TIM GERWATOSKY (714) 375-5992 Bart OWNER @SpfiiHJ DYNO WORKS 612 South Tremont St Oceanside, Ca 92054 N33' 11.313' W11 T 22.465' Phone: 760.433.0086 Fax: 760.433.0089 Hammes Bros. Racing Engines Ba.fa Proven CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR SPECS 760 .. 724-2038 WWW. HAMMESRAC ING;;COM ----'--,,'\ ~-) Buff & Kevin Owners I Fabricators . ,._-r.J.) p. 760.510.9586 • f. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific St. # J-1 • San Marcos, CA 92069 Legal Power 215-E Denny Way • El Cajon, CA 92020 Jim Horne 619 448-2228 Get the word out about your business, Big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $35.00 per month. 818-882-0004 HONDA l'/;I :, Jel: f ;I Adrian or Fidel ~I EJ.\D f LO ,,v J'J\J.\S~f ERS RACING CYLINDER HEADS & ENGINES 2466-F S. Santo Fe Avenue • Visto, CJ. 92084 p;::~ (760) 727-1827 ld3¥i·t·t & PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ......-BILL ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (323) 877-7272 FAX (818) 753-6005 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 (619) 561-7764 20 Years of Off Road fax 561-4834 Racing ience "@tl,.Jl!IRIMG ~£QJOQIAlMC£ · We Service & Sell Jeff Howe Char Lynn, Sweet, 12476_Julian Ave. Pumps, Gears & Lakeside, CA 92040 Power Rack & Pinioi, Pf,: Irene's Baja Services l:J · Ensena~a Beachfront Homes with private SECURITY I and CONCIERGE for rent short or long term. A great way for your family and friends to spend the time while you pre-run for the Baja off road races. (011-52-646) 154-2551 or 188-1312 Email: James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Corq,lete Race Vehicle Developirent Design. Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 23332 Cajalco Rd Perris, CA 92570 James M. Hall Owner-Driver 909-940-7 403 909-940-5884fax JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" ~£1NNh~ Quality Racing Transmissions JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, California 92806 Mike Julson (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-122~ · Off Road Race Cars : Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories • Race Preparation · ·10965 Hartley Rd. : Suite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619 / 562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' · e.mail : J_l,..urN-ez George Jimenez TROY J OHNSON (909) 779-9395 2061 Thira Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 RACING ENGINES COMPLETE ENGINES • DYNO SERVICE 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714.535.5116 Specializing in custom off road race trucks • Pterunni:-rs • Sand cars • .Rail'{ cars • C ustc,111 F abnceti0n • Pd·1anced Su~pfnsic,n · Tfchnoiogi' • R~s~a1 ch & [,e,t!0pn-oent KAL OFFROAD RACING www Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions Kurt Larmee (805).466-4101 ---8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422

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t HONDA . .. . Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www 3532 EAST 3RD ST. ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 BLAcR~~ ,IIIE: Darell Kreger PH: 714.289.9048 Fil: 114.637.1854 1214 N. Parker Unli #3 Orange, CA 92861 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER . LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING --MAGNAFLUX Service SUspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON. STREET SUN VALLEY, CA-91352 FAX(818)788-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of Power StNring gears. pumps and accesaories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 .. ~~RC.HA.FT. -.,R=-e.P~ Se::it:; •Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 (818) 886-4446 (818) 772-6470 fax WWW 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 .offroad ■Road Course ■Drag Racing ■Oval Track ■Fabrication ■Welding ■Chassis and Suspension Specialist YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ : PHONE:(714) 441•1212 FAX:(714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 ~r Fax (619) 691-1324 Promoting Your Business here is only $35 a month #ifllfl·IIMlllM'iift eotlPO.NEtffS F.OK.C.HASSIS FABRICATION ~~ • ~~ ~~ • ij!l~M~ Stifter Moina • OI .& Water 8o1lle H.olders 399 .E •. Harrison Unit D .(909) 'Zl2..-4272 Corona, CA 92879-1313 Todd Dwyer 43455-Business Park Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 OFFROAO ENGINEERING Pre-Runners • Race Cars & Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal · Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Way_ #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Moulton Racing FaPrication • Race Cars , . '. ~ Prerunners ~-4;;~_,~ :_'--_: • . ~-Sand Cars ' . , · ~~ ~"".l • . -~ -~ -~-) ,<i ,1 : ~ .. Jt~,,~~~ ,.~-28355 INDUSlRY DR #412 ' Valencia Ce 91355 Jim Moulton 661-295-0253 Mso· atJ ,,, J t. , ,. ■1,-:,1 t••1,•,1 • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE c~NITl(JNS • [)l<-)TR'BI 1T(J~~-; • \/Vlf1t ') • qf--:-V C(JNT~l(JL~-:; AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRE NNAN DR . . EL PASO. TX 7993E 1915) 857-S?nn • TH'.H I INE 1~1SI 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE· www msd, TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-726-2B76 ORBA OFF-ROAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, Inc. P.O. Box 1339 Lakeside, CA 92040 Ph: (559) 322-1242 Fx: (559) 322-9017 Kim Kammer District Manager Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253

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(909) 360-5906 , FAX (909) 360-0436 MPER HELMETS PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 ~ HAROLD NICKS 1~w~C9J'1r'~@7:f') SAFETY EQUI_PMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, RO.4OM.4STER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIU ONLY S12';. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 , I 562-427-8177 ' 800-869-5636 w • .A • --'tl--(11.. . -\ : fralcy's J Pc-rformancc EnJ.!ineet·lng ' T£L (949)650-3035 fHI! (9119)650-4721 • All Types of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Bendinc • Ahmunum Cl Steel W.lclinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 485! VI. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 Pre,,s,on Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 562-529-3991 p 562-529-3992 r i~l~•l!>ld,(iprl'J)Sll.t'<lln 9024 Jd"fS1rce1 Bellflower CA 90706 www WO ROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: Tel:619-390-6252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 oertormance wire llarnesses Joe-Dav111an Pur: Fax: 818.361.4641 13411 Dronfield Ave. Svlmar. CA 91342 You must have more business than you can handle if you are not advertising in Dusty Times 818-882-0004 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories Mike Cohen {619) 691-9171 {619) 691-9174 {619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM 118 Pboenix,Arizona !!If e=a,sw· --· Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 PERFIHMIKCE• TRINSIKL ES Southern CalUamta·s ta111es1 Dlslrlbulor of Mendeola Tnnsaxles PH: 114.680.6131 • FX: 714.680.3110 Toll Free: 'I00.304.8726 UfES•AMUdit:J-Mfi1®1fl·t®1iJl11i+IJPJ:111d RANCHO TRANSMISSION Building automatic transmissions.for winners Jefferies Racing McMillin Racing TRD From our long list of clients. just to name a few With our own CNC machine shop. we specialize in Circle Track. Southwest. Tour Racing, ot1: Road Racing and Automatic Transmission Sand Buggies 27598 Commerce Center Dr. (909)67~-6569 Temecula. CA 92590 ~cwil~~f~! SWilg axle, ••s, le~la1d, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 LAS VIGAS, NEVADA 89102 JOHN 0.0. IIIJLmN (702) 221-43&3 (702) &&7-9724 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON, CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE 16191 443-2480 Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax I 5031 Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 LAURA RICHARD S. 8. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT,, HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 . . J!l'ARACING ~GASOLINE ;w;w.vo.~Jl_J!. .. ~ Western US and Mexico CL BRYANT, INC. 800-399-4176 Fairplex - Pomona Oclober 5 8r 6 !!!!!f~!tfil

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fiii/ SANDERS SERVICF:. JNC. /!!JJ lt1ETAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (3'.Ul 583-2404 FAX (323) 5c3-3<l6:, SANDBL\ST-GLASS rrnAD-MAGNBTlC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT Il'!SPF.CTlO~;/ Larry Smitl, TIM CECIL 849 Lambert (714) 447-3581 • Brea, CA 92821 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BAIINERS • \\11100\V LITTERl1,G • LlR LETTERlflG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 510 1 Ga: :1ay Circ!e • Hunt:nglo, Be:,ch CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa, [714l 694-9567 SPENCER LOW RACING .com NISSAN OFF ROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BODY FIBERGLASS »ANDMDRE I Specializing in: I FRONTIER PATHFINDER ><TERRA HARDBODY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 .__ _________ 6350 Riverside Or. Parl<er, 1'Z 85344 I Stl/wOJ"t t . ~ Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners i619) 449-9728 FA>.. (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 ST'.RJ<='T'LY-----~~ _P-E'R' .F"OJq' A#~_.d ~1' Ttte V«y 811st Of Offroad , . -~ Pt!rformanc.. Parts, ' Fabrication And lnsta&ltion. · WE Catty: RCD • BFG Fabtech • l(ing Shocks _AndMatl!IMore. SUNDRY METAL SPINNING · Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS .. 6831 Suva Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER RACE FUELS [209) 847-2281 [800) 527-6090 FAX [209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 9)""" 3875 Tele9,aph Road, A-144 Ve"tu,o, CA 93003 · Pho"e' 805.642,8541 Fax, 805.642,7873 ~UNSEj)> De~lgn Fabrication /nstailatlon Darren Ebberts ,.co~s-a~2r •• You• QuAuTV S,aH CoMrAH'Y,. (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1215 POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 92882 ,. CCMPUTERIZEO VINYL GRAPHICS & LETTERING 111 I ·I I YJ'SA I ,.,__ u:>-COST BLOGSIGNS(AU: PROCESSES) -,.,__ ~'ili~:ff;'i%5:'aus~~~/GNS ,.... RACING GRAPHICS ' · ,,_., FLEET VEHICLES "H~QLJ4,UfY. MNNERS ,,..,MAGNETICS -LOGO REPRXJOLK:TfJNS ,,_., REAL ESTATE -... LOGO & GRAPHIC DESIGN ,,_., DECALS Why haven't you tried advertising in Dusty Times? ~ ~ SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED . · ... .,,j OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WELD/M, • FABRICATUV • C/1.CPIASMAQffTING • FRDVTENOS • REARTRAIUNGARMS RACE OfASSIS • PFERLJN/\ERS • FOX RAONGSI-CJX • SANOBUGGES LARRY ROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM, CA 92807 PHONE {714) 6304482 FAX [714)6304548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) . Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Performance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 I'll. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See·a list of our products at our web site: http:/www I Hi&LE ENGl"EE'(INCi JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 0 C CD -I C ~ (/) o-,, m ~ )> 0 CJ). X )> C/J woow ~a~ .8.8.8 -.J ·.I>, -.J CD W CD I\) (,11 I\) w 6"' -.J .I>, .I>, -.J ~ ~ I\) O> C,) ti:l/ ransworks ~Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND * STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 Introducing THE Tube Spider The "Must Have" fabricating tool for every Chassis builder! For the perfect fit. The Right bite, 1 sr time, Every time 1" 1 ¼" 13/8" 1 ½" 15/8" 1 ¾" 2" 800-555-3167 As Seen at the PRI SHOW 2002 (UMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH• REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco 619.596.8033

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tr Do You Need Ti EQand YourHorlZons? Adam Wik. . SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR Call 818-882-0004 For More Exposure 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Complete Engines Jerry Lowe Sales 4082 Lincoln Boulevard, Marina del Rey, California 90292 Kelly M1ler, Owner (909) 551-2920 BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager M-F 9-6 VP Racing Fuels , West Coast P,.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista . Wildomar, CA 92595 20620 Grand Avenue Wildomar, Ca. 92595 · Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 f 3675 w. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 ttr~~!II Front & Rear Trailingc:::;;:;:s Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends 960B N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 Dustv Times Has World Wide Circuladon 818-812-0004 wp Racing Gears _,.,_ Ultra High Quality Gears with Race Proven .... · ·. m__ Strength and Performance. Available for VW ,"1 j""}\-. , C~ -) Type 1, Type 2, 091 Bus, !it,.~~ .;•tT..!?b 094, MD4S. and 5-speed •. ·• ,,... -. .._ ......---,-.,. \\\\\\.s ..• -transaxles. Huge selection tel: 310 306 7906 fax: 310 306 6122 i\\e BUM-P STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this adv <;~ Jmmn ,o;to s stem. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 1-928-427-3551 Motorcycles • KTM Dealer for over 20 years • Stock parts • Supports top riders suspension • Accessories . . Tires/knowledge Open 7(' PA/KT /INPC04TING1S"'-t;RAPIIICS* J,(JG{Jf) * ·~=..=..c..=ro~~ MAINTeNANCI•S".{)bY!W ... Jlh"IRING-* : ., ,:• ~ ; , o·· · of ratios in stock. ~~>_; .. :"}.f --:.--~ . !,. . ·:f FREE CATALOGUE . . . . --~ . ~-. ~ (805) 696-9665 _,... .::i ~ · • 12pm ·6pm M-F Various -Saturdays -714-449-1271 * 714-449-1374 Fax ,,·-760-949-1220, Weddle Engineering• P.O. Bo~ !075 • Goleta, CA 93116 :ifl&VR RIICINIJ ~,... ,... ■ Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez ' Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding VW. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota · Honda Baja Bugs 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 ( ~)..<.,) ~·3?.AC:e Dustv Times Subscribers S POR Tl,/ 0 TOR C rel ES Need More Moner.a WhV lsnl Your Ad Here? Please remember -vou will receive a good looking orange post ' . card in vour mail box when vaur subscriplian is abaut ta expire. This will be the onlv notice VDU will receive regarding VDUr subscription. If VDU look at the label on vou paper vour expiration will be shown on the tar right of the label lie: 6/03 expires June, 20031 Please till out the bottom portion as requested and return witJI · vour check or monev oustv Times as soon as possible.

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.,...,. Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: 2002 Jeepspeed Chal-lenge Champion's race car. This big-gest money earner in the series. Raced · and maintained by Barrie Thomp-son. The fastest and most developed car in Jeepspeed. The right driver only needs a helmet and suit to win the J eepspeed Championship again in this car. Reliable and affordable to maintain. For sale with Jeeptricks race motor, Currie 9" rear end, and all the very best pieces for Jeepspeed ProClass at $27,500.00. Will install stock motor and stock drive train to run Jeepspeed Sportsman Class at $22,500.00 Call Jeepspeed at (714) 538-7434 or Barrie Thomp-son at (760) 559-3193. FOR SALE: 68 PreRunner, Hot VW's Cover Car Dec 2002, Feb 2003 Calendar, Chromoly tube chassis, A-Arm front 21" travel, 6x6 rear 19" travel, Coilovers and bypasses Bilsteins, Wilwood 3" splind hub w/gland nut, CNC brakes, Bus Box 4:57 R & P Hewland gears, Webers, MSD Ignition, Momo, Carbon fiber dash, Ump power steering, power windows, Alpine CD, 33 BFG front, 35 BFG rear, RGR Bead lock rims, street legal, 52K OBO or trade (619) 444-227 5. email FOR SALE: Team Powell Class 10 two seater, 2.0 liter Type 1 Plenum Engine w/911 style fan, 22" front travel w/Fox 2.0 coilover, 23" rear travel w/Fox 2.5 triple bypass and 16" coilover, full Howe steering system, fresh Fields 091 4 spd, 930 CV's and full floaters, PCI radio and intercom, Beard seats, PIM lights, 22 gallon Fuel Safe, Mas-tercraft, CNC, Willwood, VDO, 6 spare Centerline wheels, 8 spare BFG/Yokohama tires, 6 pit boxes of spare parts, 110V Mig welder, jack, 3 nitrogen bottles w/impact, two 11 gal dump cans, $26,999.00. ALSO PACE 22' en-closed trailer w/awning, $4,999.00, call work (503) 685.-4307, cell (503) 913-3619. FOR SALE: 2002 2 seat JFK 1600 .. Tig welded, chromoly chas-sis, axles-torsions, front pins all 300m. Fox bypass, Kartek rear drum assy. WR trans, Wright arms and combos, Suspension Unlim-ited rear arms, radio & intercom, magnum rack, Charlyn unit. No expense spared. $25,000.00 (760) 961-2490 or (760) 240-4373. HOT AND WINNING Class 12 single seat Chenowth, Major mo-tor, King Shocks, New Fuel Cell, Hella HID, Disc Brakes, PCI radio, Mastercraft, UMP, Howe PS. Fresh race prep, new Foddrill arms, new torsions, new axles. Ready for the 2003 season. Invested $49,000.00 will sell for $18,500.00 OBO. Ref # 807. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at FOR SALE: 1990 Chevy Stepside. PreRunner Ford 1 Beam Front End, 19" travel professionally in-stalled. Dual Bilstein Fat body rac-ing shocks, National Springs, locker rear end with shock hoop. New 35" mud terrains, Master-craft, CD, Air, spare Ford 9". $8,500.00 (619) 466-5600. -~ -~ FOR SALE: 1988 Yamaha Rally Car-Raced one time by Rory Chen-owth in the Baja 1000. 4 Wheel drive, Hellebrand rear ends, inde-pendent suspension, (10) Yokoha-mas on double headlock with Cen-terlines, TIO welded chromoly. Very custom body with original molds. No motor or tranny. Cost Yamaha 500k to build, would make beautiful PreRunner. Asking $25,000.00 (619) 469-0400. FOR SALEi Loaded 96 GMC SLE 3 seater with Vortec engine. 6" lift, 9 leaf rears, 10 shocks, Dana 60 Locker strange axles roll cage. Truck shortened 9" 2 spares. Price includes shipping to Salt Lake. $14,900.00. 1 403-703-7702. Check out www. FOR SALE: Jimco Class 10, FAT Toyota, Fortin trans, 934 CV's, Iqng Shocks, Pro 10 LLC Champion, Many wins and Championships. Best 10 car out there, Lots of spares. 60K obo. Call Steve Melton (602) 206-7830 or (623) 386-3449 . Killer Class 8 '72 Ford! 20" front travel, King 3" shocks-coil over and bypass, Wilwood disc. 20" rear travel, with rear coil mounted Canalever, 9" rear end. Strange mid-section, 5.14 RP, Cone 44 · spline, Corvette brakes and Cone hubs. _Sweet fabrication done by H & M Motorsports, C-6 auto trans, 351 c.i. Windsor, 500 est.HP. 17" wheels, BFG Projects, Master-craft sets, PCI radio and intercom, 65 gallon tank. $29,500.00 firm. Ref #872 call Baja Brokers (760) 723:2117 or check us out at Super hot 1976 Chevy Pre-Runner. Built by Wienermount and Porter. A-Arm front 19" travel, coilover, discs, Henry's ball joints-top and bottom, rear 4 link 23" travel, Summers Bros, 35 spline spool 9", Steve Culhane turbo 400 trans, fresh Shaver motor 350 c.i. 47 5 HP on Dyno. 32 gallon fuel cell, Ron Davis radiator, Pioneer stereo, • Autometer, Race Radio, 35" Good-years, lights, skid plates, street regis-tered, 4 corner fiberglass, alumi-num dash. Very solid truck. $22,500.00 Ref# 873. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us our at FORD Pro-Truck-Ready to race! Fresh Hammes Brothers 358 ci (450++ HP). 40 gallon Fuel Safe cell, Crisman rear end, Bilstein, CNC, fresh Mogi Turbo 400 trans, PCI radio equipment, Flame Out system. Lots of spares including 10 tires/wheels, fresh trans, complete body, 3 full pit boxes, etc. $85,000.00 Ref #861. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. Bronco, 15" wider, 4x4, De-troit locker, 4:56 r, New351 in-jected Ford Factory mot New trans, Currie 9" i illitt Willwood calipers, 1 ' r ravel, Dual Fox, Bilstein bun , Beard seats, Roadmaster, cage, Penhall built. $33,000.00 in receipts. $25,000.00 firm. Must see, Handles great. Ref #869 Baja Bro-kers call (760) 723-2117 or check us out at FOR SALE: 125" Raceco, Class 1, two seat, Seat motor with 5 spd Fortin, Bilsr-ei n shocks, Summers Brothers, race safe, Hella lights. This car has all new parts and is ready to race, 3 pit boxes, 5 radios and base station. $20,000.00 or best offer. 30', 3 axle fully enclosed trailer with 6. 7 Onan generator $6,000.00. Call Pat at (209) 785-4143. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Dunrite. All new components-less than 350 race miles on parts. All the best stuff including FAT motor, Dave Folts · 091 tranny with aluminum cliff, Fox Shox all around, Kartek drums, MSO, CNC, Howe, Foddrill arms, Saco rack. See http:// $25,000.00 Mike (480) 861-5719. FOR SALE: 1990 GMC Topkick Box truck/sleeper, 39,800 mi on total chassis reman 3116 Turbo Cat Allison 100 gal fuel. Stretched frame 5' sleeper 24' box, 16' fold-ing ramp rear gate, 4.5k gen, full belly boxes 40" side door. Much more $27,500.00 (815) 485-7223 IL. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • ■ • Sell or swap yaur extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name Address Phone City Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, C:::A 91311 • DUSliJlilfflGS • • • Classified Ad Deacllines 2003 ISSUE DEADLINE May Apr 11, 03 June May 16, 03 July Jun 13, 03 August Jul 11, 03 September Aug 15, 03 ·• ■ October Sep 12, 03 • November Oct 10, 03 • ■ December Nov 7, 03 • ■ January Dec 5, 03 • • • February Jan 9, 04 • State-~-----------Zip _______ ~--------._ ___________ _. ■ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 58 April 2003 Dusty Times l

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r FOR SALE: Groff Motorsports Class 1 Toyota Camry V6 3.2L MoTeC M48 Multi-Port Fuel In-jected Race Engine, FAT Prepared, thorough re-build before the Baja 1000, (incls. Mgmt Sys. & Harness) $24,900.00. (818) 349-5861. FOR SALE: Jimco Class 1 or 10. Fortin DGN, 934 C.V. Summers hubs, CNC brakes, Fox, Ump, MasterCraft, 1915 Type l. $42,000.00 O.B.O. (909) 237-2745. FOR SALE: PreRun/Race 5 C lass, Fox 2.0 Coilover front 6 Fox rear, PCI intercom, Majors 233 2 170 miles, Beard 4130 thruout, 22 gal Fuel Safe. All Glass, pumpers, many spares. Wont las t at $15,000.00 or best. (619) 843-4557. FOR SALE: Lerner Racing (714) 633-0030, Henry or Danny. (2) Fresh Henry C has-sis, one never ran, SCORE Lite Class 12. Best of Everything, Bonner Hawk engines, King Shocks, Mendeola, $49,000.00 each. ALSO New Dyna Only 2 Lite r Bonner Hawk, $10 000.00. FOR SALE: Probst Laser Short course car, Rabbit, 091 Bus 930 CV. SB Stubs and ax-les, Bilsteins, 2 sets beadlocks, Beard, Pumper, CNC, UMP, spare trans & more. East coast $9,000.00 OBO. Call Bob (7 3 2) 814-4044. FOR SALE: Jimco 2000 C lass 1, Two seater Fox, Fortin, 935 C. U. only the very best in parts. No motor, no trans, $55,000.00 OBO includes spare set arms (front & rear) everything ready to go. OR $85,000.00 includes: Dose/ Horn SCAT motor & new For-tin 5 speed. Contact Mike James (619) 445-1245 or (619) 985-2198. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 98 Mirage Class 1 single seat, Mid Engine, 2 complete Toyota V-6 Fuel in-jected motors, _2 Jerico 4 speed trans, 2 Fields differ-entials, spare parts and tires. Best of everything, profession-ally maintained, $55,000.00 OBO. Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: Suspensions Un-limited 2 Sear-12/10 car, Fad-rill 4" front arm 3" off set combo's, 4WDB, Power Rack, fresh Mendeola MD4, New CV's and Axles, 32 Fuel Cell, Pro Wired, Flameout Summers Outboard Hubs, Bonner Hawk 1835 Ultra's-BFG, More $27,500 OBO (702) 897-6251 or (702) 604-1139. FOR SAl E: C lass 8 Chevy. 500 miles on 425 hp 350 VS, Same on T400 tranny, 44 gal Fuel Safe, Autometer, CNC, Fox w/bypass, 4 link, travel, 23/31. Ultra, Goodyear, Howe, Parker 40 spline, Currie, Wilwood, Taylor, ex-tras, $35,000.00. Call (619) 851-4304. ,,~ a ~·_ ~-~ · FOR SALE: Chenowth Class-I 1995, Race Ready VW Type IV. 2.8L and F-or-tin 5 speed; Asking $35,000.00 ALSO VW Type I 1776cc Major $4,500.00. Call Carlos Rivera. Mexico 011 52 (818) 396 2494. FOR SALE: Ford Ranger, Fresh Far performance Motor, Steel rods, Aluminum Head, C-4 Auto Chromoly cage, Beard Seat, Leduc Lightning rod shocks, Aluminum 9" floater. Fuel Safe, Race Ready, 12 Beadlock with tires plus lots of extras. 1996 Pace 25ft trailer $22,000.00 for the whole show. Will sell truck separate. Call (608) 845-9354. Kirk. Central time. FOR SALE: Class 5 4130, King Shocks, coilovers, 4 wheel disc, 091 trans, Major Perf. Type 4. Micro stubs, Raced very little, many spares, $22,000.00 or best (619) 843-4557. FOR SALE: Jimco Class 5 car. New MD-4 Trans, Fox coilovers and bumps, Flame-out, Master-crafr, Wright, Ump, Fuel Safe, Sum-mers, TCS, CNC. Perfect race or Pre-Run. CA street licensed. Ex-Dickerson car. Call Sean (909) 237-2745. $24,000.00 OBO. flL_ ,-~~ FOR SALE: Class 7S PreRunner-Fresh 210 HP 22R, 9 inch rear, Discs, VOO gauges, Flameour etc. $30,000.00 to build. Asking $10,000.00. (619) 469-0400. For Sale: 2003 4 seat A-Arm PreRunner Howl Rack, Power steering, 5 sp Mendeola 934 CVs Chevy4.3, V 6 Fuel injected. The best money can buy. $55,000.00 (520) 400-6668. 749-5446 FOR SALE: Class 12 Raceco. Semi Tractor Trailer - 1985 Freightliner random axle Air Ride, Big cam 350 with a fresh bottom end. The trailer is a 1980 Air Ride Great Dane 45' with a 15" drop deck. Right side has 2 separate 3 ½' with double doors (8' opening) on the left. Huge awning and enclosed canopy with roll up windows. Six 4' x 8' belly boxes. The inside has benches, shelves, cabinets, 500016 wench, tool boxes, 110 lights, air compressor, generator (diesel). $30,000.00. Ref # 863 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or FOR SALE; 2002 Jimco Class 10. Best of everything. 2 seat. FAT. Fresh fuel injected 1750, King Shocks, Fortin DGN, 934 CV's, Mastercraft, 38 gal Fuel Safe. This car works excellent and is a finisher. Must see. With spares. $80,000.00 obo. Call Dave @ 602-300-7688. FOR SALE: J imco single seat Class 12 or 10, Complete rebuild by Pen-hall Fab in Sept 2002. Cost over $30,000.00. New everything, Fox coil and bypass each corner. Men-deola 5 sp, BFGoodrich, Beadlocks. Howe Steering, PCl Radio, spares, Trailer, New Plenum motor. Brian (909) 721-1349. $30,000.00 OBO. FOR SALE: 1983 Chevy ½ Ton 4x4, New paint & interior. 94 5. 7 liter motor conversion w/50k mil. Needs exhaust & wiring completed. Beautiful truck over $7,000.00 in-vested $1,995.00 (760) 774-5967. SS. FAT Motor, Fortin, King ~ .. Bypass with Coils, Foddrill Arms, CNC, 38 gal. Fuel Safe, BFG's on Centerlines, UMP Power Steering, Parker Pumper, PCl, $20,000.00 OBO. ALSO Hallmark 24' enclosed trailer, Air, toilet, Spare Rack, $7,500.00. David (928) 220-2291, (928) 567-0347. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Single Seat New Foddrill Spindles, Mastercrafr Seat, New Centerlines & Tires, 930 Stub Axles. SCORE & MDR legal. Less Engine & Trans $6,500.00 (909) 845-3259. Super Cool 4 seat A-arm pre-run car. Spencer built 4130, roof rack, heater, windshield and wipers, ra-dio, UMP steering, 22" front travel and 24+ " rear travel, CNC, Kuster shocks, Fodrill spindles, Fodrill rear arms, Wilwood disc. 230HP Dodge 3.5 motor, 24 valve injected, 22 gal-lon cell. Turning brake. Bose sound system. Automatic transmission, Ultra wheels, BFG tires and best of all -street legal in Arizona! $32,000.00 Ref# 874 Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at April 2003 FOR SALE: Great first car or pre-run-ner. Larry Ragland's Class 1 single seat. 3.4 Porsche Ulland tranny, power steering, Fox and Bilstein shocks, lots of spare parts, tire and wheels. Every-thing to go racing. $14,000.00 OBO Rob (928) 636-0123. FOR SALE: FAT Perfor-mance Toyota V-6 3.2 liter, Triple Webers, Complete air cleaner to adaptor, Last re-ceipt from FAT $7,200.00. Reliable 260hp $8,500.00/ offer. (619 469-0400. Best In The Desert .......................... 11 Bilstein ............................................. 28 Bonneville Off Road ........................ 20 C&R Racing ...................................... 48 Camburg Engineering ...................... 29 Chihuahua Off Road 500 ................. 45 Coast Resorts ..................................... 9 CODE ................................................ 13 Fabtech ............................................ 41 Freeman .......................................... 35 FRT Motorsports ............................. 37 Fuel Safe ......................................... 48 Gail Banks Engineering ................... 49 ISCO ................................................. 50 Kar Tek Off Road ...................... 32, 36 Kawaguchi Honda ............................ 33 KC Hilites ........................................... 4 King Shock Tech .............................. 43 Light Force Engineering .................. 21 McKenzie Performance Products 1. 18 Mendeola Transaxles ...................... ·,17 Nevada Off Road Buggy .................. 46 Off Road Sand & Speed Expo ............ 2 Pacific Customs ............................... 25 Parker Pumper ................................ 44 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ..... 48 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ....... 38 PCI Race Radios ......................... 5, 34 Pike's Service Center ...................... 22 Pro Truck Racing Org ....................... 15 R & B Off Road Design .................... 42 Race Prep Services ......................... 43 Race Ready Products ...................... 40 Racer X Motorsports ....................... 12 Rancho Performance ....................... 50 Redline Performance, Inc ................ 48 Ronco Plastics ................................. 30 Sakata ............................................. 47 Skyjacker Suspensions ................... 14 SNORE .............................................. 31 Sunderland ...................................... 19 Sway-A-Way .................................... 27 Team Gordon Race Wheels ............. 16 Toyota Motorsports .......... Back Cover Tri-Mil .............................................. 26 Valley Performance ........................ 49 Web Cam ......................................... 39 Page 59

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