volume 20 -Number 2 -February 2003 ISSNB750·1732 - -serving The OFF Road communi~Y /:or 20 Years covering the world of competition in the dirt •••
The Nation's Largest HIGH-PERFORMANCE MOTORSPORTS Super Show! Hi-Performance Automotive Products Show Off-Road, SandSports, Street Domestics & Imports, Trucks, 4~4, WaterSports, Bikes, Classics, Hot Rods, Racing .. ALL SHOWS OPEN Sat & Sun 9:00am -6:00 pm •!• MAR. 29-30, 2003 Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA. 92014 •!• AUG. 9-1 0, 2003 Anaheim Convention Ctr 800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA. 92802 •!• OCT. 18-19, 2003 Cal Expo - Sacramento 1600 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA. 95815 ■ Retailers, Wholesalers, Custom Designers ■ Vehicle Displays & Trophies ■ Celebrity Drivers & Appearances ■ Seminars & Demos High-Performance/ After-Market Accessories, Cus-tom parts, Powerful Engines, Tires & Wheels, Rac-ing Gear & Apparel, Helmets, Seats & Bumpers, Shocks & Suspension, Lights & Roof Racks, more. ■ 4x4s ■ Custom Street Imports ■ SeaDoos ■ Quads ■ Custom Street Domestics ■ Jet Skis ■ SandRails ■ Mini-Trucks, Pre-Runners ■ Boats ■ Baja Bugl ■ Motorcycles ■ Hot Rods ■ Karts. ■ Cruisers, Desert Trucks ■ Classics MEGA PRODUCT! ONS ;--------------, I - .. 3/29- 3 /03 Del Mar I 1:-CN~ 8/9-10/03 Anaheim I . _ 10/18-19/03 Cal Expol I $1 OFF Admission I I Limit 1 coupon per person. I I 1 coupon for 1 discount only. I ADM: Adult $9, Child 10 & under FREE · .. _____________ .. 626-961-6522 www.SpeedSportsExpo.com
Volume 20 - Number 2 February 2003 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul T immerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Wo rsham Subscription ~tes: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY ' TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTYTIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... The 1985 Parker 400 was really interesting weather wise, it was freezing and it snowed! In spite of some icing problems in the dark, Makolm Vinje and Mark Hansen kept on moving and added another feather to their respective caps with a nice win, ld minutes ahead of their competition. DUSTY TIMES will fearure picrures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTI TIMES will pay $10 for the picrure used. If you wish the photo rerurned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to BxlO will be considered. • . In This Issue ... FEATURES Best In The Desert Las Vegas 200 by Judy Smith ................................................ 8 58d, Network Q Rally by Martin Holmes ................................................................... 16 FRT 2002 Dash by Judy Smith ............................................................................. 20 VORRA Fall Finale by Dennis & Bonnie Kordonowy ....................................... 26 Prescott Forest Rally by John P.M. Dillon ......................................................... 30 Whiplash Pima Debut by Mike Del Col ......................................................... 32 MDR Awards Banquet by Sheryl Cannon .......................................................... 36 Gorman Ridge Rally by John P. M. Dillon ......................................................... 39 SCORE Awards Banquet by J. Preston Bradshaw .............................................. 41 Tales of The Baja 1000 by Judy Smith ................................................................. 44 VORRA Awards Banquet by Dennis & Bonnie Kordonow:, ............................ 46 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ......................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ........................................................................................................... 6 Good Stuff Directory .... , .................................................................................. 47 Classified Ads ................................................................................................... 54 Index To Advertisers ........................................................................................ 55 on The cover Darnen Jefferies had a perfect day in his Trick Truck, never mind the missing glass, he took the class win and the overall as well and was more than happy with the result. Photo by Track.side Photo The Protruck winner was Al Hogan, he took the lead on the second lap, had a nice trouble free run and took the class victory with almost half an hour in hand. Photo by Track.side Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytjmes.com c5uhscribe :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 □ 2 □ 3 year - $2~.oo years -$40.00 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ----------------------Address City State ---------------------_____________ Zip ______ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks D Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian • 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times .. ; .February 2003--·, Page 3
JOIN US FOR THE EPIC SHORT COURSE SERIES OF THE YEAR 2003 1/ 1, . f '.f ·n SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE · \ ~) >\ . WINTERNATIONAL ,':) . \ CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES / / \ \ /-/ \~--.~~ . I • / \-,,\ FEB 1~2 AND MARCH 1~2 . -~-/ 2-TWO DA~~ENTS AT -THE WORLD FAMOUS CAJON SPEEDWAY tltLP ~~N~ SHO~T COU!?IJE. MCINq l3ACK TO Wff£!(t. IT !3Ec,h\/~ Awesome 3/4 mile tracl< / 2-15 Lap Races per class each day -.<, .~ -~ . '1~ '-~ ,1· ,. - I \ ---TRUCl<S, BUGGIES, CARS, SUPERLITES, TUFF TRUCl<S AND POWDER PUFF RACES $5,000 PURSE SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT RACING UNDER THE LIGHT 5,000 SPECTATOR CAPACITY PER DAV Please call for more information S.O.R.R. (Snovvbird Off Road Racing) 5663 Balboa Ave. Box# 416 San Diego, CA 92111 , ·· .-., .... 1.;' (8!58) 571~5088 Fax# (858) 878-2342 ' ' . ' 1M=-~;."• .. :== vvvvvv.snovvbirdracing.00111 : ~ EVENTS
2003 Happenings ... . Rim Of The World Rally Pro and Club Rall1 Palmdale, CA August 16, 2003 Gorman Ridge Club Rally Frazier Park, CA September 28,2003 Treeling Club Rally West Covina, CA October 3-4, 2003 Tentative CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION . P.O. Box645 PIERRE, SD 57501 HERACLIO PATINO (01152616-5-22-07) Cum AUToMoVILISTico SAN VICENTE AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 {702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRw.s SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: bmark909@aol.com <www.atatrails.com> . February 2, 2003 Reed Valley/ ATA February 23, 2003 Luceme/Plonkeers March 16, 2003 TBNVOTE April?, 2003 Reed Valley/ATA AsocIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH lNSPECTOR APTo 42 SAN Jose. DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXIOO AusTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSIUP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC ()pp ROAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANODURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races All Races Ai Barona RacewaJ, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NOROO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY I.As VEGAS, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/FAX (702) 641-2431 E-MAIL: bitd@worldnet.att.net February 7-9, 2003 Blue Water Resort/Casino Parker 425 Parker,AZ February 22-23, 2003 Adelanto Grand Prix Adelanto, CA April 11-13, 2003 Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles Only/lm,itation On!:, April 25-27, 2003 Terrible's Town 250 Pal1rump, NV June 26-29, 2003 Vegas To Reno August 22-24, 2003 Baja Mex 300 World Championship Baja California, MX December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 257 5 NORTH SUNSET, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651/(801) 773-9319 Fax May 2-3, 2003 Wendover Express Wendover, UT July 4-5, 2003 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 5-6, 2003 Ely 200 El ,NV BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGH1DN, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILJSTAfUARENSE DE Dusty Times CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0l l-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES SUE ROBINSON• DIRECTOR 845 ScHOOHOUSE ROAD RAMONA, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 E-MAIL: crsdirect@hotrnail.com . WEBSITE <www.califomiarallyseries.com> )OHN DILLON, SoPAC RALLY STEWARD E-MAIL: sopacrallysteward@hotrnail.com February 1, 2003 Annual Awards Banquet Pomona, CA March29,2003 Seed 9 Rally Sprint Goodsprings, NV May 2-3, 2003 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ October 10, 2003 Santa Maria Speedway Rallysprint Santa Maria, CA November 14-15, 2003 Tarline, Treeline Club Rallies Monrovia, CA December 12-14, 2003 Ramada Express Rally International Rall:, Laughlin,NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, D\ 90270 (323) 560-SHOW DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Cl.Am.TON lb-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 Twr. L1NEROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 4 3968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing Ai Harrison Count) Fair Gi-ounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUTOMOVIUSTICA SANQuINTIN CALLE 6TA FRAoc Co. DE SAN Qu1NTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXIOO SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXIOO USA JAN WRIGHT (01152 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O.Box3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE OFFRoAD BRAVO 120B .ZONACERTRO MEXICALI, B.C., MX USA PHONE (7 60) 4 55-8069 TEL/FAX (01152) 553-4087 <www.codeoffroad.com.mx> mail@codeoffroad.com.mx January JI-February 2, 2003 VW Autopartes 250 · Laguna Salada Mexicali, B.C., ~ ~ T-""C::I #I.'~ C:-•-~E:lllte:ll,!!/1;;, PCI Race Radios conHnues to lead Congratulates lhe. following champions. Thank you fora great 2002 season. We're. proud to be. a part of your winning efforts! .SC::~IE tt:111 ~IE~ LL · JF»tt:1/IIJIIIWT.S C-Jl#~A4JF»ltt:1/IJl#llrl.S Four Wheel: Troy Herbst Motorcycle: Hegenveld/Cambell Quad: Jimmy Stephensen the desert racing industry with the highest quality communication systems ever. EIITJIJ tt:1/l~IE~LL JF»tt:1/IIJIIIWT.S-C"Jl#~A4JF»ltt:1/IJl#llrl Four Wheel: Darnen Jefferies With over 2 5 years of experience in racing communicaHons. irs no surprise 9 out of 10 competitors rely on us to help get them to the finish line. In addition to our extensive racing communicaHon products. we also feature safety products from Bell, Shoei, Pyrotech, Mechanix Wear, and No Fear, as well as GPS systems from Lowrance. ,-c:, ~C-E= ~JOIICIIS'. Off Road's most winning communicaHons. 800.869.5636 562.~27.8177 • Fax 562i426.3589 W\r.lW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave.• Signal"Hill, CA. 90755 February 2003 A4JIJ~ tt:1/l~E"~LL JF»tt:1/IIJIIIWT.S-C"Jl#...:::.:'tr,,.A4JF»ltt:1/IJl#llrl Eric Hieden .S-Jl#llrl~E" r., "lllv'E'~ LL JF»tt:1/IIJIIIWT.S C-Jl#...:::.:'tr,,.A4JF»ltt:1/IJl#llrl.S Bruce Fraley/Rob MacCachren JF»~tt:1/IJIJI~ T tt:1/l~E'~LL #"'tt:1/IIJIIIWT.S C::Jl#...:::.:'tr,,.A,,,l,-»ltt:1/l/fllll,,/.S-Mike Julson/Bob Lofton ,r--~tt:111-ltt:1/I tt:111 "lllv'E"~~ LL JF»tOIIJIIIWT.S-C-Jl#...:::.:'tr,,./IMIJF»ltt:111,,,.,,, Steve Melton #"'~tt:111-IEii'tt:1/ltt:1/I tt:1/l~E'~LL T-1"Cll.#/fllll,,/T.S C-Jl#...:::.:'tr,,.A4#2'ltt:1/l/fllll,,/,S Bruce Fraley/Rob Mac_Cachren JF»#rtt:1/lll<L/C"I < tt:1/l~E'~LL JF»tt:1/11/fllll,,/T.S C::##~JIMl,r--ltt:111,,,.,,, Steve Barlow -'E"E'#"'S'#"'E"E?~'ll tt:111 ~E"~~ LL .r--'I/Dll/fllll,,/T.S- C"##...:::.:'tr,,.A,,1'#2'11/D1,,,.,,, Barrie Thompson -Pages
Trail Notes •.. BITD TELEVISION CoVEllAGE -BITD have announced that they have secured television coverage for five races in the 2003 Silver State Series. The events will be televised on The Outdoor Channel's SpeedZone, a channel dedicated to high speed, exciting sporting events. The filming will debut with the Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 425, on Saturday, February 8, 2003. The scheduled five events to go to.the camera are: Parker 425 February 8, Terrible's Town 250 April 26, Vegas To Reno June 27, Baja Mex 300 August 23 and i:he Las Vegas 200 December 6, 2003. Airdates and times will be announced at a later date. For more information contact Diane DeLaurer at 702-457-5775. FINAL SCORE POINTS - C.us AND TavcKS -Trophy Truck-1. Ed(nm Herbst, 2. Scott Steinberger, 3. Dan Smith/David Ashley. Class 1 -1. Troy Herbst, 2. Dale Ebberts, 3. Chuck Hovey. Pro Truck-1. Steve Barlow, 2. Alan Pfleuger, 3. Rick Johnson. Class½, 1600-1. Brian Jeffrey, 2. Jake Maness, 3. Kash Vessels. Class 3 - 1. Donald Moss, 2. Rich Severson. Class 5 - 1. George Seeley Jr., 2. Larry McCallum. Class 5-1600 - 1. Allan_ Gregory, 2. Rob Taylor, 3. Ruben Guitierrez Jr. Class 7-1. Craig Turner, 2. Perry McNeil, 3. Hector Salazar. Class 7S -1. Dan Fresh, 2. Doug Siewert, 3. Eric Hardin. Class 8 -1. Nick Vanderwey, 2. Joe Patelli, 3. Benny Canela. Class 9 - 1. Eric Fisher, 2. Arturo Velazco, 3. Tony Modica. Class 10 - 1. Martin Christensen, 2. Eli Yee, 3. Steve Myers. SCORE Lites-1. Ken Stroud, 2. Tom Ridings, 3. Jerry Penhall. Class 11 -1. Eric Solorzano, 2. Fernando Flores, 3. Garth Ankey. Stock Full - 1. John Griffin, 2. Kevin Conlin, 3. Chad/Rod Hall. Stock Mini -1. Bob Land, 2. Chris Bainum. Pro Motorcycles -Class 21 - 1. Eddie Zeller, 2. Joe Desrosiers. Class 22-1. Steve Hengeveld/Johnny Campbell, 2. Brian Pinard, 3. Jose Meza. Class 30-1. Kevin Ward, 2.JimO'Neal. Class 40-1.Jim O'Neal, 2. Sam Dempsey. Class 50 . -1. Richard Jackson. Pro ATV -Class 24 -1. Luis Navarro. Class 25 - 1. Jimmy Stephensen/Mike Cafro, 2. John Gregory. Sportsman Cars -1. Gor-don Frevel. Sportsman Trucks -1. Mark Floyd. Sportsman Motor• cycles Under 2.S0cc-1. Mitsuaki Kanazawa. Sportsman Motorcycles over 2.50cc -1. Bobby Black. Sportsman ATV - 1. Steve Willenberg. PaoTaucx Yua END-After a long and arduous season the last checkered flag has flown for 2002 and the awards ceremonies will be held in the San Diego area on January 11, 2003. Steve Barlow was the series champion, he amassed 882 points in his Ford in eight races and will collect a hefty $20,000 as his pr_ize. Second overall in points with 875 co his credit, Rick Johnson will collect $8,000 for his labors over the 2002 season also in a Ford. Third overall in points was Al Hogan again in a Ford and only four points out of-second, Al will receive $5,000 for his podium finish. Fourth overall went to Dan Hunt and a $4,000 cash payout goes with the position the only Chevy in the top five. Fifth place went to Rob Reinertson and Rob and his Ford will collect $3,000 for his efforts this season. Pro Truck points.are awarded based on the number of starters and the finishing position of the subject vehicle. Drivers are also awarded 20 points for starting the race and 10 points for finishing. You may throw out race out at years end, normally your worst one. Hoping all you guys have a safe and successful 2003 season. BITD FINAL POINTS 200.1 • The Best In The Desert points for 2002 are tabulated and here are the top three in each of the classes. Cars & Trucks - Class 1000 -1. Steve Strobel, 2. Jim Dizney, 3. Danny Ashcraft. Class 1100-1. Bruce Conrad, 2. Lynn Venier, 3. Tony Licitra. Class 1200 -1. Alan Hogan, 2. Dan Hunt,3. Rob Reinertson. Class 1400-1. DamenJefferies, 2. Kyle Taylor, 3. Dave Westhem. Class 1500 -1. Gary Weyhrich, 2. Sam Berr·i, 3. Bob Lofton. Class 2000-1. Kevin Graves, 2. Cortney Whipple, 3. Bill Lawrence. Class 3000-1. Hiro Matsushita. Class 3100-1. Mike Falkosky, 2. Anthony Napoleon, 3. Dave Turner. Class 4100-1. Rod Hall, 2. John Sunderland, 3. Marc Stein. Class5100 -1. Miguel Pabloff, 2. Mateo Pabloff, 3. Archie Negrete. Class 7100 -1. Ttm Braden, 2. Mike Warren, 3. Miguel Alvarado. Class 7200-1. Jason Jernigan, 2. Shawn Wanzek, 3. Kelly McNeil. Class 7300 - 1. Rob MacCachren, 2. Aaron Dixon, 3. Dr. McRae Glass. Class 8000 -1. Curt LeDuc, 2. Michael Ortiz, 3. John Dallaire. Class 8100 -1. Manny Esquerra, 2. Chad Hall, 3. Greg Foutz. Motorcycle Pros-Class 125 -1. Mike Healy, 2. Robby Bell. Class 250-1. Bryan Folks, 2. Gordon Keller, 3. Brent Harden. Class 4STK -1. Daryl Folks, 2. Bert Bradford, 3. Justin Drake. Class 0-30 1. Tom Willis, 2. Ricardo Malo, 3. Jonah Street. Class 0-40-1. Ron Lawson, 2. Ross Williams. Class Open -1. Destry Abbot, 2. Ty Davis, 3. Steve Hengeveld. Sportsman Motorcycles - 1. Class 125 -1. Jonathan Martinez, 2. Ben Amboy, 3. Justin Wray. Class 250 - 1. Tony Aguilera, 2. Jason Licitra, 3. Michael Tyner, Class 4STK -1. Brian Pinard, 2. Scott Clarey, 3. Damon Gill. Class IM -1. Rick Daniel, 2. Dan Lorenze, 3. Jet Peery. Class 0-30-1. Brett Marshall, 2. James Embro, 3. Brett Hoffman. Class 0-35-1. Rex Fleck, 2. Ron Purvines, 3. Bobby Owens. Class 0-40-1. Randy Blevins, 2. John Karell, 3. Dan Natal. Class 0-50 -1. Rob Beggs, 2. Howard Larson, 3. Tom Holmes. Class Open -1. Billy Hagan, 2. Scott Herwig, 3. Steve LaRoza. Quad Pros -1. Doug Eichner, 2. Jimmy Stephensen, 3. Allen White. Quad Sportsman - 1. Shiloh Strunk, 2. Shaun Moore, 3. Lynn Prosser. Dusty Times congratulates all the winners and near winners and we give a hearty thumbs up to all who competed in the Best In The Desert 2002 series. WollLD llu.LYING -Now ready for all you rallyists round the world, the Martin Holmes Pirelli book of World Rallying is available for your pleasure. Martin covers the world rally scene in great detail and the pictures are the best you'll ever see. Do yourself a favor and contact Rallysport, Inc. 5990 Kimberly Anne Way, Alexandria, VA 22310. 703-313-9098 Do it today! RED FACE DEPARTMENT -Our lead photo for the MDR Stoddard 250 in the January, 2003 issue denotes the Class 1 and the overall win went to Craig Ayers. We were wrong! In actuality, the Class 10 winner was the overall winner. Our sincere apologies go to Jim Anderson, Guy Evans, Inc. and Dalcorp Racing. Congratulations and we hope you have many more wins just like it! CAaL1SLE CUSTOM CoMPACI' NATIONALS -May 2-4, 2003 will be the third annual Custom Compact Nationals at Carlisle, PA. This year the SCCA will do on course driving demonstrations and they will conduct a driving school where advanced driving and racing techniques will be taught. On the final day of the show the SCCA will conduct a SOLO II competition on the Carlisle driving course. SOLO II will have classes for all cars and prizes will be awarded for the top three in each class. To compete on Sunday, the driver must attend and pass the· driving school on Saturday. There are many other competitions, static displays and something for every member of the family to enjoy. For mo_re information call 717-243-7855. OFF RoAD HALL Or FAME -Through the efforts of Rod Hall and Casey Folks and with the cooperation and generosity of Harrahs Hotel and Casino, Reno, Page 6 April 11-13, 2003 Grupo T erso 200 San Felipe, B.C., MX June 13-I5, 2003 KC HiLites Night Race Laguna Salada Mexicali, B.C., MX August 15-l 7, 2003 CODE/FRTORW Gran Prix Jacume Tecate Tecate, B.C., MX October 10-12, 2003 CODE Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada Mexicali, B.C., MX December 12-14, 2003 CODE/Record Race Ready 200 Mexicali to San Felipe B.C., MX COWRADO Hn.L Cm.m ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719)531-3642W/(719)687-9827H P.0Box8286 COLORAOO SPRINGS, co 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECIDR CERECER 011-52-05-66-4458 CORR CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 (317) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 May 24-26, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Dresser, WI June 7-8, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Antigo, WI June21-22, 2003. Pro & Sportsman Series Crandon, WI July 12-13, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, MI August 9-10, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, MI August30-31, 2003 Pro & Sportsman Series Crandon, WI Septembr 13-14, 2003 Pro Series OnlJ New Berlin, NY CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVAEXT42 FAX(818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston Count) ORV Park, O!-ympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AovENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 l.oNO BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DF.CATUR Fmra WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECAruR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 OF.SERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 October 25-26, 2003 Baja In Havasu Lake Havasu, AZ EASTERN OFF-RoAD RACING AssN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEUSVlLLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 f.NsENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX Oll-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-046-1715230 AARON Races for bugg;ys & Motorcycles EsrERo BFACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT CoURSE RACING YICTDRIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICX) February 2003 011-52-646-176-6230 Motorsicles, Qwu/s, ATVs and Pilots onli FORDA MAORA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S ASSN. MID-AMERICA JASON LEIBfN OFF ROAD AssocIATION (727) 3764176 P.O. Box 184 Mar, Apr, Ma:y, Noo at Davidson MATTOON, IL 61938 Racewa:y E-MAIL: maora@peako.com FRT MoTORSPORTS <www.maoraracing.com> May 17,2003 250 KENNEDY, #2 Short Course Series CHUL-\ VISTA, CA 91911 Casey, IL (619) 427-5759 MaylS,2003 E-MAIL: FUD9@cox.net 200km Enduro Buggies & Trucks Casey, IL February 14-16, 2001 Mike Turner: (217) 235-2473 The.King September 2 7, 2003 April 18-19, 2003 Short Course Series The FRT 200 Casey, IL August 15-16, 2003 September 28, 2003 The Lazo de Amistad 200km Enduro Tecate, B.C., MX Casey, IL October 17-19, 2003 Todd Ashworth: (217) 932-3216 Superstition 250 XX MoJA VE DESERT RACING Plaster City East December 30-31, 2003 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE The Dash S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 Plaster Ci!;y West (626) 44?-9320/(626) 579-6051 FAX GORRA E-MAIL: mdrracing@aol.com February 1, 2003 GEORGIA OFF ROAD Wild Wash 250 RACING AsSOCIATION _Barstow, CA 420 HOSEA ROAD April 5, 2003 . LAWRENCEVIILE, GA30245 Mojave 250 (404) 963-0252 Barstow, CA GPORRA May 17, 2003 Ridgecrest 250 GREAT l'l..ANES OFF ROAD RACING Ridgecrest, CA ASSOCIATION June 28, 2003 PAUL HUFFMAN Kartek400 (402) 2964349 Lucerne Valley, Ca JESS URWIN August 9, 2003 (402) 944-2193 California 200 Al! races are short course, stadium st:yle. Night Race Classes -Sportsman Bugg;y, 1/2/5-1600, Lucerne Valley, CA Sport Truck and Quads. September 2 7, 2003 Nebraska Racewa:y Park is just minutes Lucerne 300 west of Omaha, NE. Lucerne Valley, CA <www .g2orra.com> November 22, 2003 10K FOUR WHEELERS Stoddard' 250 P.O. Box36 Barstow, CA CLEVES, OHIO 45002 M.O.R.E. (AU events staged at the club grounds HIGH DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP in Cleves. Ohio) P.O. Box 1231 INTERNATIONAL BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 ICE RACING ASSOCIATION (760) 253-4453 P.O. Box8105 . March 22, 3003 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 !.,ucerne,CA May24,2003 STEVE BEDDOR Lucerne CA (612)937-3816/FAX474-2769 July 26, 2003 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS Barstow, CA PROMOTIONS, INc. September 20, 2003 Barstow, CA P.O. Box 2910 December 6, 2003 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 Lucerne,CA (949) 582-23 71 }EEPSPEED MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION RACING FOR STREET LEGAL DAVE BARRET /EEP CHEROKEES 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE FUNT, ML 48506 ORANGE, CA 92869 (810) 730-9221 (714)538-7434 <www.Jeepspeed.com> MoToWESI WINTER TRIALS SERIES E-MAIL: Jee12s~edcom@aol.com BIILMARKHAM KAMwoPs BRONCO BusrER (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.com> 4woCLlrn All events at Perris Racewa:y P.O. Box465 (At Reed Va!le:y with a school) KAMI.OOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 NATIONAL Mun RACING AssN. Bos(250) 374-7175 DAYS RANDY (250) 579-9621 EVES. Rr. #l - Box 380 WES(250)351-2819 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & PAIATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 OFFROAD EXPO NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> BUTCH CHAPIN MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS <www.megashow.com> 1404 WT 3RD STREET HAsTINOS, MN 55033-1415 L.I.T.R.E. (612) 437-2459 JEFF ELROD NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD (408) 926-0522 JIM ARUTA RACING AsSN. (408) 247-4402 GARY WULFF MAMAluuTA OFF ROAD RACING (724) 283-2678 Luis CARLOS ALvAREZO OFF ROAD EXPO 2003 PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 (626) 599-8622 Co. JUAREZ, CH1H., MX October 4-5, 2003 011-52-1637-1799 Los Angeles County Fairgrounds MxcmGAN BuooY BUIIDERS Pomona, CA DuNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW OFF RoAD RACING AssocIATION (517) 543-7214 VOLUNTEERED SERIES <www.bumbuilders.com> PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE MICHIGAN OFF RoAD 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 CHAMPIONSHIPS (615) 453-5830 M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 15529 JONES ROAD BRUCE MEYERS GRAND LEDGE, ML48837 (865) 453-1005 (517) 627-6200 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLm. Dusty Times
MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTIAWREP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races at Wheeling,in the Councy 900 Acres) Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 ]IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison Count) Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS AssocIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) 0UTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LouIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAx: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS US. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING SAND DRAGS, Tun: TIILCKS, lJF.sERT SHORT COi.JRsE TIILCKS, BUGCNS & QuADS (609) 660-0402/(609) 660-0066 PRoTauCK RAcING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM"WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 February 7-9, 2003 Parker 425 BITD March 14-15, 2003 San Felipe 250 SCORE April 12-13, 2003 Guam PRO April25-27, 2003 Terrible's Town 250 BITD May 30-June 1, 2003 Baja 500 SCORE June 26-29, 2003 Vegas To Reno BITD July 10..13, 2003 Henderson's Terrible 250 SCORE August29-31, 2003 Crandon World Championships PRO September 12-14, 2003 Primm 300 SCORE September 26-28, 2003 Baja Mex300 BITD October 11-12, 2003 Phoenix PRO November 13-16, 2003 Baja 1000 SCORE December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 BITD PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series by Snowbird Off Road Racing . Pro Tnu:ks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truck <www.snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 February·l-2, 2003 Bebruary 15-16, 2003 March 1-2, 2003 March 22-23, 2003 S.C.A.T. INc. MICHAEL R. lclNG P.O. Box 277 MORRISONVILLE, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA PR.ORALLY SERIES Dusty Times SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 (800) 770-2055 January 24-25, Z003 Sno*Drift Atlanta/Gaylord, Ml May 2-3, 2003 Rim Of The World Palmdale, Ca June7,2003 Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA June 26-28, 2003 Pikes Peak International Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO July 12-13, 2003 Oregon Trail Portland/Hillsboro, OR August 1-2, 2003 Maine Forest Rumford, ME . August22-23, 2003 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 6-7, 2003 Wild West Olympia, WA October 17-18, 2003 Lake Superior Haughton, MI SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Su1TE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 March 14-15, 2003 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, B.C., MX May 30-June 1, 2003 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensendad, B.C., MX July 10.13, 2003 SCORE Henderson's Terrible 250 Henderson, NV September 12-13, 2003 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 13-16, 2003 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 B.C.,MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 L\s VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 February 22, 2003 AVI 250 Laughlin, NV April 12-13f 2003 Buffalo Bill s 400 Primm,NV June 7-8, 2003 Dusty Times 250 Caliente, NV July 26-27, 2003 KC Midnight Special Boulder City, NV October4-5, 2003 Gold Coast 34th SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 22-23, 2003 Western Desert Championship Barstow, CA SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERs RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS AssOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, WI 53213 (414) 453.SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE - (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 March 29-30, 2003 Del Mar Fair Grounds Del Mar, CA · August9-10, 2003 Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim CA October IS-19, 2003 Cal Expo Sacramento, CA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & Boffl'.IBVnLE.NATIONALS, I.Ne. 43807 40TH STREET EAST LANCASTER, CA 93535 (MON-FRI 8:30 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.) (661) 946-6986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <http://scta-bni.org> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Ea.stba-y Racewaz, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 PARKLANDS, 2121 SOUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 . FAX (011) 880-2170 TovsFoRTOTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADILIA VALLEY SPORTS Cf.NIER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA Valley OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 920 HILLCREST ST. PLACERVILLE, CA.95667 (530) 662-0370 <www.VORRAcom> March 22-23, 2003 VORRA.Season Opener 1 Mile Short Course Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA April26-27, 2003 Short Course Race • Round 2 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA May 24-26, 2003 Yerington 300 Desert Race Yerington, NV July 12-13, 2003 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Top Gun Raceway Fallon, NV August JO-September 1, 2003 Tentative Off Road Desert Race Hawthorne, NV September 27-28, 2003 Short Course Race -Round 3 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA October 25,-26, 2003 Championship Short Course Race Round 4 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA Novemberl5-16,2003 Awards Banquet Reno,NV VICENTE GlJE'llRmo OFF RoAD Cum PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WF.STERNOFF RoAD RAONG AssooAnON LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRAP.O.Box 3241 SuMASWA98295 w'f,S'I"ffiN Pl'NNsnvANIAWHllL To WHF.EL OFF ROAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P:O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 Desert Tour Buggy & Truck Series March 1, 2003 Hayfield Draw 200 Camp Verde, AZ April 5-6, 2003 Tuscon Fool's Gold Pima Motorsports Park May3,2003 RockToRock February 2003 Trail Notes ... Nevada, it looks like the off roaders will finally have a museum of their own. The different forms of off road motorsport will include: 4 wheeling, motorcycles and quads, off road racing both desert and closed course, sand sports and other miscellaneous activities. Various types of vehicles will be on display. Inductees to be honored shall consist of: drivers, team owners and support teams, individual contributors, vehicle and tire manufacturers, aftermarket accessory manufacturers, promoters and other miscellaneous categories. The goal of the Off Road Hall of Fame is to honor those individuals and companies whose life-long contributions to off road motorsports has set a standard for others to follow. Although other automotive and motorsports Halls of Fame do exist in various parts of the country, none focus much, if any attention on the legends of off road. This is about to change. For more information contact Rod Hall 775-742-1503 or George Thompson 805-642-8541. Stay tuned here for more news on this exciting addition . to our sport. Final Flag -We were terribly saddened to hear of the passing of Stan Parnell, an old friend from way back. Stan was the founder and publisher of Off Road Action News and was an avid off road racer for many years. Our condolences to Joyce, Stan's widow and to all of the family members. We'll miss you. ZR PaoMOTIONS -Just received the ZR Promotions schedule for 2003. January 26, Mexicali Gran Prix. March 30, Gran Prix de! Centenario. July 5, ZR Night Race. September 6, 2003, ZR Gran Prix. Novembei 30, Gran Prix de Campeones . ZR Promptionscan be reached at P.O. Box 2122, Calexico, CA 92231 or you can call in Mexico at 686-564-6653. 2.0'" Yua-So, we've started our 20th year of publication. We do our best to get you, the reader, the best coverage available and we cover as many events as we can for your pleasure. Just for your information, Dusty Times reported on 111 events in 2002 and we published 1,739 photos within those srories. We aim to please, if there is something particular you would like to see in Dusty Times, give us a call and we'll see if we cari oblige. Trail Notes continued on page 53 Rocky Point, MX August 30, 2003 Snowflake 150 Heber,AZ September 27-28 2003 PMP Gran Prix Pima Motorsports Park October 25, 2003 Vulture Mountain Wickenburg, AZ December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Challenge Bike & ATV February 1-2, 2003 Hieroglyphic 100 Lake Pleasant, AZ March 2, 2003 Hayfield Draw 200 · Camp Verde, AZ April 5-6, 2003 Tuscon Fools GP Pima Motorsports Park -MayJ,2003 Rock To Rock Rocky Point, MX June 1,2003 Cinder Mountain 100 Flagstaff, AZ Jµne 28-29, 2003 ALTO Pit Prescott, AZ July 27, 2003 Camp Wood 100 Prescott, AZ August 31, 2003 Snowflake 150 Heber,AZ September 27-28, 2003 PMP Gran Prix Pima Motorsports Park October 25-26, 2003 Vulture Mountain 150 Wickenburg, AZ December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Mini & Peewee Tour February 1-2, 2003 Hieroglyphic 100 Lake Pleasant, AZ March 1, 2003 hayfield Draw 200 Camp Verde, AZ April 5-6, 2003 Tuscon Fool's GP Pima Motorsports Park MayJ,2003 RockToRock Rocky Point, MX May31,2003 Cinder Mountain 100 Flagstaff, AZ June 28-29, 2003 ALTOPit Prescott, AZ July 26, 2003 Camp Wood 100 Prescott, AZ August 30, 2003 Snowflake 150 Heber,AZ September 27-28, 2003 PMP Gran Prix Pima Motorsports Park October 25, 2003 Vulture Mountain 150 Wickenburg, AZ December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX COP Moto X HolidavB/owout October 27, 2003 Canyon November 3, 2003 Canyon November 10, 2003 Canyon November 17, 2003 Canyon Fast Track Racing Sand Drags October 19-20, 2003 Canyon R.iceway November 16-17, 2003 Canyon Raceway December 14-15, 2003 Canyon Raceway Pima Motorsports Park Moto X November9-10, 2003 PMPPark November 23-2~, 2003 PMPPark December 14-15, 2003 PMPPark WISCONSIN MoroRSPORTs SHow (414) 747-1711 · W1scoNsIN OFF RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRIDRALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO . P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 January 26, 2003 Mexicali Gran Prix March 30, 2003 Gran Prix de! Cemenario July 5,2003 ZR Night Race September 6, 2003 ZR Gran Prix November 30, 2003 Gran Prix de Campiones 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 Page 7
BEST IN THE DESERT LAS VEGAS 200 Jefferies Takes overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Gary and Mark Weyhrich had some computer problems in their Chevy powered Jimco, but still managed to stay in front of Class 1500 for the win. Darnen Jefferies had a lot at the Las Vegas 200, stayed out of trouble and took the overall win in his Ford Trick Truck. It was the BITD season finale, a three lap sprint in the neighbor-hood of the Jean dry lake -just east of the 15 freeway, 30 miles outside of Las Vegas. The BITD marked two courses, both of which started and finished on the dry lake, and let the bikes and quads run to the west of the dry lake while the cars and trucks went off toward the east. They uti-lized quite a bit of the same course that SCORE and SNORE use when they start their events down at Primm. The laps were about 77 miles long, with two stop checks each lap. In addition to the lengthy main pit area on the dry lake, there were two outlying pit~ on the car and truck course. There had been some rain about a week before the race and things were damp and non-dusty for the first lap or so. A forecast of rain for race morning didn't materialize, though the clouds continued to look threatening for most of the day. For this race the cars started only 30 seconds apart (rather than the usual full minute) and the Trick Trucks led the parade out into the desert hills. When they reached the second stop check, which was at Mile 33, the lead belonged to Kyle Taylor in his Chevy, but he had only a scant Jason Jernigan did all the driving in his Ford and did most of it with no rear brakes, and still took the victory in Class 7200. minute on Darnen Jefferies in his Ford and Chuck Harris in Gary Vosburg's Ford Protruck-turned-Trick Truck, who'd been first off the line. They were all enjoying close rac-ing thanks to a lack of dust. When they got back to the dry lake and the start/finish area, Jim Stiles, in a Ford, was hard on the heels of Har-ris as they rounded the last corner onto the flat. uddenly a center broke out of a wheel and with no warning at all his truck went over and over as the wheel rolled about a quarter mile away on its own. Jim was shaken, but seemed to have no serious injuries. His truck however was another story. There was no get-ting back into the race. lle'd been moving fast and the roll-over was a hard one. Midway through the second lap Taylor had two minute's on Jefferies and Jesse Jones, in Scott Steinberger's truck, was now in third place, about eight minutes down and having flat tires. But Taylor broke a dry sump belt in the next section and Jefferies, having a clean day, went into the lead. Dave Sykes, in the meantime, driving in Dave Westhem's Chase 8 Chevy-tumed-Trick Truck, had tipped the truck up on its side, blocking a narrow, hilly part of the course. He became everyone else's excuse for losing time. Jefferies had no flats, but changed tires each lap as a preven-tive measure, and continued to have a flawless day. He took the win by Darnen Jefferies had a great time in his Ford Trick Truck, enjoying the damp conditions that held down the dust on his way to the overall win. 21 minutes. Jones was second. He'd · driven all the way. He and Steinberg-er will be partners in 2003, and Steinberger wanted him to get some seat time. When Casey Folks, the BITD jefe, asked Jones how he liked the new section of the course (Beer Bottles Pass, an old familiar section to SCORE and SNORE readers) he said, "Well-I'm scared of heights, and that really bothered me ... " Tay-lor, who has a very speedy and skill-ful pit crew, got his repairs done in time to finish in third place. Harris was fourth, only two minutes later, puzzled over the suspension which was "not quite right". He'd also been stuck behind Sykes when he tipped over and lost time there. There were 20 Class 1500 cars (SCORE Class 1). But at the end of the first lap many of them had fallen way back. The Weyhrich Jimco came around right on time, with Mark at . the wheel, puzzling about some mo-tor problems that seemed to be caused by a faulty computer. He had about 11 minutes on Sam Berri, in a V4 powered Mirage, who was in second place. But at the first stop clock, at Mile 10, there'd been nine cars all virtually on the same minute and looking good. By the second stop check some had fallen way back thanks to flat tires and a variety of misadventur·es. Craig Stewart and Wayne Lugo's car had taken a tumble, and John Currier was seen rolled over way off the course, as if • he'd gone over many times. Berri had 15 minutes on the third place car at the end of that first lap, and that was B.J. Richardson, in John Gaughan's Bunderson. He was eight minutes ahead of the next car, the Jimco of Steve Croll, who had fallen victim to a flat, then lost a lost of time when the jack broke. There was no sign of the normal close racing usually seen in this group. At the second check on the sec-ond lap the Weyhrich brothers had the lead by 12 minutes. But they'd lost first gear and their computer was keeping the injectors open and they were using too much fuel, caus-ing them to need an extra fuel stop. Still - they had the lead. Berri was second, having lost a little time get-ting around Sykes in Westhem's truck. Richardson was third, but never finished the lap, because the transmission went away. Greg Hansen didn't get the lap done, nor did Michael and Kevin James in their Jimco. Robert Baldwin and Jay Shain, whose car.had sounded sick off the start line, were fifth for a while, but didn't get the all impor-tant last lap done. The Weyhrichs got their finish, and were second in the overall stand-ings, in spite of their balky com-puter. And Berri, who said he "had. a lot of fun" was second, and sixth overall. In third it was Croll who'd had another flat on the second lap and had to have help from his dad to change it because his own jack was broken. (His dad, Ray, was rac-ing in Class 10 -that kind of on_-course help is legal in BITD racing.) Ryan Stewart, in a.TCS chassis, had brake trouble, a flat and·some igni-tion problems, all on the first lap, but then moved right ~long to get a fourth place finish. And he was the last of the class to make it in. The Class 10 tars were next to take off, with 16 entries. All of them got the first 10 miles completed, and they were running pretty much in a tight group except for Terrie Tavis in her Lothringer, who'd started about seven minutes late and then lost another seven or eight minutes somehow, and Scott Webster in Jim Dizney'sJimco, who'd had a couple of early flats. At Mile 33 the lead belonged to Ken Stroud in his Jimco, but then he came to a bad end and was re-portedly "stuck on Beer Bottle Pass for a couple of laps." Behind him on the first lap was a close knit group consisting of Kory Halopoff in his Chenowth, Dave Sundquist in his Jimco, and Ray Croll in his Chen-owth. Then Steve Melton and John Herder, inaJimco, were on the same minute as Charles Lathrem in his Jimco. This class was having the very tight race that was expected. When they got around to Mile 10 on the second lap Lathrem had a minute on Halopoff, and he had a minute on Will and Jerry Higman in their Kreger. Croll was fourth and Melton and Herder were fifth, each a minute behind the other. Steve Myers and George Erl, coming off a fine win at the Baja 1000, lost the motor in their Jimco and didn't get through the second lap. Larry Nash and Justin Lacore bombed out in their Juston also, and Tavis never got to the check on the second lap ei-ther. Stroud was out permanently. Kory Halopoff and Harley Leiner shared the driving in their Chenowth and except One of the great things about off road racing is that vehicles and drivers can grow for a brief wait to get around a rolled vehicle had,no trouble, won Class 1000 by· old together. This old Dodge used to belong to Rod Hall, was driven here by Gale Webster drove hard and had Dizney' scar in the lead by two min-utes wen he went through the first nine seconds. Pike and his sons Noah and Matt. Page a February 2003 Dusty Times
Charles Lathrem drove all the way in his Honda powered Jimco, lost some time getting around a rolled truck, and finished a ve,y close second in Class 1000. Jesse Jones drove Scott Steinberger's Ford Trick Truck the full distance, and except that he had some flat tires, had a good race, finishing second. Dave Sundquist had some brake problems with his Jimco, but still managed to finish in third place in Class 1000. check on the last lap. Behind him Halopoffs cousin, Harley Lerner, was dukin' it out with Lathrem to determine who would run second and who would be third. They were on the same minute at the check. Sundquist, who'd had a couple of flats, was fourth, and in fifth it was Melton and Herder, who'd had a lot of little problems. They'd lost a throttle return spring, and had an alternator light come on for un-known reasons, but avoided flats. As they hit midway on the last lap Dizney's car was on a tow strap, something bad having gone wrong with the crankshaft. Lathrem led with Letner a minute back. Sun-dquist and Melton/Herder were now tied for third and fourth, a full 13 minutes behind the lead duo. And Hilfiker, in a Jimco, was an-other 14 minutes behind them. He'd had a flat and then his motor wouldn't start, so he'd had to get help from a course worker to push start it. Carlos Cortez and Jorge Rodriguez ran sixth in their Kreger, discovering that their jetting was Cortez and Rodriguez finished sixth wrong for the washes here. Croll followed in by Croll, McLaren and had had his exhaust mashed and then Steve Strobel. Strobel's Bund-when the car wouldn't run that way erson was·luckyto be moving. He'd had to stop to get it fixed. Then he'd broken a front shock mount, and, also stopped to help his son, Steve, determined to finish and cobbled with a flat. Tony McLaren was a bit together a repair that looked like a further back in his Toyota/Penhall, demented spider's work. He had he'd been stuck behind Sykes when wrapped and wound together a con-he tipped over and also had a flat glomeration made up of a spare and some ignition problems. throttle cable, some hose clamps and Lath rem crossed the finish line a speed-handle that he uses for a tire first reporting no flats, but some lost wrench. The result was ugly in the time getting past Sykes. Just seconds extreme, but the front end, which later the Letner/Halopoff car came had simply broken without him hit-in and it was too close to call. They ting anything (in this race anyway) also reported no trouble, beyond held together from Mile 30 of the some lost time getting past Sykes. last lap, to the finish line. He was They waited nervously for about 20 ninth and the last finisher in the mim,1tes for the officials to compute class. the corrected times, and when that There were five Protrucks for this was done Letner and Halo po ff had race and they went off the line next. taken the win by nine seconds. In They all got the first ten miles com-third behind Lathrem it was Sun- pleted, but then Chet Huffman and dquist whose list of problems in- · his Ford couldn't get to the next stop eluded lost brakes. Melton and check for reasons unknown. At that Herder were fourth, three minutes point John Becker had his Ford tied later and then Hilfiker was fifth. with Bruce Friedman's Ford, and An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's they led, but Al Hogan was only a nine minutes on Becker at Mile 33 minute behind them in his Ford. of Lap 2. Becker had rolled his And another three miles back were truck, and, while he'd luckily landed the Hunt brothers, Dan and Dave._ on his wheels, he'd flattened two Hogan, who said he ran the first tires, so had to make an on-course lap "as a pre-run", moved into the tire change. In third it was the Hunts, lead on the second lap, and he had Continued on page 10 Cortney Whipple said his day was "pretty near perfect" and he took the win in the 1600 class in his Fraley chassis. ~'--~'"'...,.,_,,,...o ~ Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages @~~. Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbarycoastcasino.com The Place Las Vegans Call Home™ West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 goldcoastcasino.com West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 orleanscasino.com Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages .TI Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 suncoastcasino.com
John Dallaire had a tenific day in his Ford Class 8000 truck, and didn't have a flat tire, but some other problems were quickly fixed by his crew. helping him get the victory. about another eight minutes back. Friedman lost about three hours and then didn't get the lap com-pleted. . Hogan said he "went for it" on the third lap, and with no problems at all, he took the victory by 29 min-utes. Becker was second, and in third Manny Esquerra did all the driving in this event, changed one flat tire, and ended the day with a victory in the 8100 (stock full size) Ford. another Aaron Dixon drove his Ford Class 7300 truck to the win with no serious trouble, and finished just 15 minutes in front of second place. it was the Hunts who'd lost a driv-eline and had brake problems. They were the final finishers of the class. The Class 8000 trucks were next to start, with four entries. They all got the first lap done, and it was Michael Ortiz, from Montana, in the lead in his Ford as they cautiously drove through the start/finish pits at the mandated 30 miles per hour. Behind him it was Curt LeDuc in David Bryan's Ford (with Bryan riding), and in third, Ron Wilson and Mike Stanton, from Oregon, in another Ford. John Dallaire was fourth, about a half hour behind the lead, after having an engine fire in his pit. His crew had put it out quickly, and then they'd found the culprit (a leaky o-ring in the distribu-tor) and changed that. He was run-ning well, but it continued to leak and they had to add oil. Neither Ortiz or Wilson/ Stanton made it to even the first check of the second lap. So now there were only two trucks running. Bryan took over for LeDuc, but they'd broken their oil pump drive and repaired it on course, timing it by ear. Dallaire, whose crew had changed the o-ring a second time, and more successfully this time, was now leading by 45 minutes. And at the halfway point on Lap 2 it was a full hour. Dallaire's truck, when healthy is a state of the art race ve-hicle, and Bryan's, while clearly a race truck, is more of a .vintage model. Dallaire had a couple of flats, but no other problems with the pesky o-ring, and went on to take the win. LeDuc and Bryan got their second place about an hour and 20 minutes later. Bryan, who hasn't raced in several years, and never be-fore with LeDuc, could only say, "I didn't know Curt talked so much!" Next on the grid were the two Class 7200 trucks, and this race was short-circuited early when Rick Taylor's Ford broke a timing chain · on the first lap. Jason Jernigan, in a Ford, lost his rear brakes when a rim shattered, but kept his truck moving along to go home with the victory. The 1/2-1600 cars were next to get the green light, and there were four of them this time. As they went through the first stop-check they . were in a close pack, but by Mile 33 Cortney Whipple, in a Fraley, and Kevin Graves in a new J imco were tied for the lead. Nick Tiedemann and Todd Cuffaro (who was racing for the first time) were about three minutes back in third in their Jimco, and Tom Dunbar, another Jimco, was fourth, three minutes further back. They were having fun on.the dustless course . Whipple, who lives in Las Vegas, was in t~e lead by just a minute at Mile 10 of the second lap. Graves ran second and Tiedermann was third about a half hour back. Dunbar, who comes from Kentucky, was about 50 minutes down. At the end of the lap they were holding the same positions. But Graves had flat-tened a tire. Whipple, who said his race was ,"pretty near perfect" and described the dustless early lap as "awesome", went on to take the win by 10 min-utes. Graves, very happy with his new car's performance, took second place. In third it was Tiedermann and Todd Cuffaro, who was racing for the first time. Each of them had set the car up on its side. But they got it to the finish line in third place, although about an hour down. And Dunbar also finished, in fourth Continued on page 13 ® The Suspension Company. Dusty Times ·; ; ~ :_rr=-1 s
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John Baker did all the driving in Mike Warrens Ford, to take second John Becker rolled his Ford Protruck on lap 2, but landed on his place in Class 7100 in spite of running out of gas. wheels and went on to take second place. Sam Berri avoided the most of the headaches, had a Jot of fun and finished the day in second place in aass 1500 in his V4 powered Mirage. side of the ledger, didn't get his sec-got the truck to the finish line in ond lap completed. . first place. Baker, who ran out of place, a long way back, but we didn't only one.minute on John Baker in mere two minutes, and it was still hear why. ~ Mike Warren's Ford, and Tim Baker in second place. Now Jim TherewasonlyoneClass 12car, Braden ran third in his Ford. Wimmer had moved into third in the buggy of Lynn and Jeffrey Ve-Holmes had some ignition problems, the only Toyota running, about nine nier, who had a very long first lap, but still hung on to the lead. At Mile minutes further back. Kevin Kavis, but then soldiered on rather slowly, 33 on the second lap he had a his luck holding firm on the bad to an even longer third lap and an eventual finish. They were the last official finishers. The Stock Full Size trucks (Class 8100) took the green light next, with six starters. Greg Foutz always a po-tential winner at these events, handi-capped himself and his Ford by start-ing about seven minutes behind his official start time, thanks to a prob-lem with a poorly fitting driveshaft which was discovered at about the time he was supposed to be getting into the staging line. Holmes avoided flat tires, and gas and lost 20 minutes, and also had no major problems, but he did had a broken shock mount for the lose his power steering for the final final 10 miles, finished in second half lap (about 40 miles). Still, he Continued on page 14 When they'd gone about half-way through the first lap the lead belonged to Chad I !all in his Hum-mer, but he had only two minutes on Manny Esquerra in a Ford. In third, another five minutes back, it was Darren Oliver in a Ford and Foutz was fourth still another four minutes back. He was 11 minutes Sway-A-Way Suspension Gets Yo~ Better Traction in the Desert behind the lead car. All of them completed the first lap, and then they all got through the second lap also. At Mile 33 on Lap 2 Hall had fallen back, after some flat tires and a non-function-ing air gun. Not only that, but the Hummer fell off the jack and broke it. Hall said it "was not fun." Esq-uerra moved into the lead, with Foutz now 10 minutes behind him in second place. Hall had dropped to third. Oliver lost a driveline and broke a tie rod and lost over an hour. Randy Merritt was now fourth in his Ford. Esquerra had one flat tire, which he had to replace on course, but nothing else went wrong and he went on to take the win. Foutz-got to within about three miles of the fin-ish line and realized he was running out of gas. He began switching from tank to tank hoping to siphon up every last drop. His luck held and he kept the truck moving to the check-ered flag. He was second, about 11 minutes back. In third it was Hall, still ticked off about that air gun. Oliver was fourth, saying he'd had fun, and in fifth place it was the team of Noah and Gale Pike in an old Dodge that _used to belong to Hall's father, Rod. T~ey'd had two flats, but no problems with the old truck. Randy Wilson was elated to get sixth place. He said it had taken his team two years to get a finish. They had wiped out their steering on a rock . and also had a major oil leak. In addition, the main rail of the roll cage inside the cab was broken clear through on each side. Unconcerned, Wilson said, "It's time for a new truck." Merritt didn't get to the fin-ish, the only one in the class to DNF. Class 7100 took off next with six trucks, all of which got their first lap completed. John Holmes had his Ford in the lead at Mile 33, with Dusty Times I >£ RilCf!.!fJ!!!lJllf-For over 25 years, Sway-A-Way has been developing better products that keep your tires on the ground. Our technology is state-of-the-art. Every component is designed to provide superior performance in the harsh environment of off-road racing. You can see our complete line of suspension components at your local off-road products dealer. • RaceRunner Shocks: 2", 2.5", 3" Emulsion, Remote Reservoir February 2003 and Bypass Shocks • RaceRunner Coil Over Springs • PowerBarz2 Torsion and Sway Bars ~ • Complete Line of VW Suspension Components Call for Our New· 2003 Products Catalog! Page 13
Mike Falkosky had such a perfect day he was hard pressed to find anything to say at the finish line. He took the Small SUV (Class 3100) win with his Ford. place, 20 minutes later. In third it was Miguel Alvarado, in a Jeep, who said he "took it easy the first lap". He liked the course very much but thought it was a bit fast for his truck, which he says doesn't have "that much horsepower." Braden and his co-driver, Mitch Griffin, John Holmes was the winner in Class 7100, driving his Ford with no power steering for about half the race, and finishing 20 minutes in front of second place. SCORE ~ :'""'"'lloo-.OOS'!!!' ....... _..__",'!l .. Al Hogan, who travels from Montana to race in Nevada, took the win in the Protruck class with his Ford, finishing a half-hour in front of second place. were fourth, reporting that they'd Midway through the second lap driven 25 miles on a: flat. Wimmer Douglas had three minutes, and it lost a bunch of time on the last lap was Marc Stein and Mike McCo-and dropped to fifth and then mas in second in their Expedition. couldn't make it to the finish line. But from that point on the'ir race The big S. U.V.s were next to went downhill, and they lost their leave, with a six pack of racers. Scott rear suspension, a power steering Douglas, in an '83 Ford Bronco, hose, a control arm and a front was first around at the end of the half-shaft. Then the motor first lap, and he had just a minute dropped a couple of cylinders. on Rod Hall in a Hummer and Their crew fixed what they could John Sunderland, Jr. in another and sent them on their way, but Ford. John Sunderland, Sr. was in the motor gave out. The the passenger seat for the first time ' Sunderland Ford was in third since his racing career began in place, only five minutes behind the 1967. No one was sure how he'd leader. Running fourth was Hall, take to it. Everyone else for the first who'd had what he called "a little lap done, ;though Matt Pike miscue", and flattened a tire. And (brother of Noah and son of Gale) fifth belonged to Steve and Matt was a bit slower than most, gingerly Scaroni in their Excursion. But feeling his way along with only one they'd been having a lot of flats and shock on each corner of the Chevy also some motor trouble. The Pikes Blazer. And they were old shocks at were sixth, not having problems, that, he said they hadn't run them just taking \t easy. . since '94. Douglas had an uneventful day and kept his elderly Bronco mov-ing fast ehough to stay in front and take the win. He says there's a new Explorer coming for the 2003 sea-son. Hall moved up to finish in sec-ond place, winning the season championship also, with the Sunderlands and Buddy Crisp in third, only nine minutes behind him. The Pikes were fourth and last to finish as the Scaronis fell victim to some permanent problem. There were four trucks in Class 7 300 and at the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Aaron Dixon in his Ford. He had only a minute on Lance Magin in another Ford and the team of John Webster and Eric Tapley, a pair of hare scrambles bikers who were racing a truck for the first time, in still an-other Ford. Joel Stankavic, in a Ford that used to belong to Rob Reinertson, was out early. · Dixon wasn't having much trouble, except that the bolts hold-ing the steering box came loose and it became difficult holding a line, so he stopped to have them tight-ened up. He led by 16 minutes at the halfway point of the second lap. Webster and Tapley were second, with Steve Olliges, in another Ford in third. He'd broken a steering box on the first lap. He and his co-driver, Rob MacCachren, were try-ing to seal up their Class 7300 championship, so they needed to finish. Magin lost about 15 or 20 minutes partway through the sec-ond lap and then didn't get the third lap done. Dixon, meanwhile, had no seri-ous trouble. Webster and Tapley had a flat and lost a radius arm bushing, but continued to run ~~:~•~--1815 MASSACHUSEITS AVE • RIVERSIDE • CALIFORNIA • S2507,, • USA • PHONE S09/36S-5144 • FAX 909/36S-7266 • www.webcamshafts.com . - -~" "" -~, + , • Page 14 February 2003 Dusty Times
Greg Foutz started his morning about seven minutes late and tried Steve Croll was the solo driver in his Jimco, and also the solo tire changer, hard but just couldn't catch Esqueffa. He finished in second place in Rod Hall, just barely back from the Baja 1000, drove all the way in his which cost him some time, but still he got to the finish line in third place. _C_la_s_s_B_1~O_O_in_h_is_Fi_o_i_d_. _______________ Hummer to take second place in the Big SUV class (4100). smoothly. Olliges had handed the "it's something to keep me off the capped by the end of the year and truck racing schedule will start ule is familiar, with the April 25th truck over to MacCachren, who'd streets." awards presentation on the same in Parker, Arizona with the Parker Terrible's Town in Pahrump, the been running chase in a buggy en- This race is essenti;illy a sprint weekend, closing out 2002 and 425, a revival of an old and often June 26th Vegas to Reno race, the tered in the Sportsman division. (It and it was all over before sunset, heading into an expanded 2003 fondly remembered SCORE event. Baja Mex 300 on August 22nd and was Danny Anderson's two seater leaving time for a shower and quick season. This is a new venue for the BITD, finally the 2003 Las Vegas 200 on pre-runner with a roof rack, and nap before dinner. The season was The Best In The Desert 2003 car but the remainder of their sched-December 5th. ..·l'tw the rack was top heavy with spare tires and miscellaneous parts for the truck. This is a legitimate way for a team to chase a race vehicle in this series, and it's been done many times. Sometimes the "chase" ve-hicle runs in the same class, and sometimes it runs as a Sportsman.) When MacCachren got into the truck Anderson got into the buggy to continue as the chase person. He had his 14 year old son, Darin, riding along with him. Dixon went on to take the win, with 15 minutes on Webster and Tapley, who were delighted to do so well in their first attempt. Olliges and MacCachren got to the finish line about another half hour down, in third place. The finish cinched their points championship. There were no other finishers in their class. In the Sportsman buggy class there was only the two seater of Rob MacCachren and Danny and Darin Anderson. When MacCach-ren handed over to Anderson, Dau'ny did about a lap and then let Darin drive the final 30 miles. It was the first time he'd driven. Pe-riod. They got to the finish on good shape, and another off road racer has been created. In the small S.U.V. class, Class 3100, there were five trucks and it was a close race for most of the way. Everyone made it through the first lap, with Dave Turner taking the lead in his Ford. He had a minute on Anthony Napoleon in a Bronco II, and he was five minutes up on Mike Falkosky in his Explorer. Then the team of David and Eric Clay, from Utah, in still another Ford, were tied to the minute with Rich-ard Keller and Nick Crouch in still another Ford. But Keller and Crouch were destined to be the only team to DNF in this class. Halfway through the second lap the lead was still Turner's, and he had three minutes on Napoleon and five minutes on Falkosky. But Turner then lost a couple of cylin-ders, which slowed him consider-ably. Napoleon had a flat. Falko-sky had no trouble, and at Mile 10 on the third lap he'd gone into.the lead. And then he stayed there, and came in to the finish line first When asked if he'd had any problems or any excitement, he said he'd been thirsty and when he took a drink he got water on his visor and that made it a little hard to see. But he couldn't think of anything else.that had trov.bled him. Napoleon fin-ished in second place about seven minutes later, and Turner was third, about a half hour later. The Clay brothers were fourth, explain-ing that they like the racing because Dusty Time·s LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL ANO ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. Calttornia residents include 7 .50% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intl!nd a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. BEARD SUPER SEAT Suspension Seat constructed an •;.· Steel Frame, Vinyl Sides with Tweed Cloth Center. Arai/able in: Black Vinyl with Black Fabric; Grey Vinyl wHh Grey Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Ebony and Opal Fabric Combination. Low Back Super Seat.. ........... $180 High Back Super Seat.. ............ 190 BEARD.SUPER SEAT W/ADJ. HEAD REST Fabric Combinations Same as Super Seats. Low Back with Adjustable Head Rest ....................... $230 LIL' SPORTSTER Only 1!1" Wide! Now Yau Can Use Suspension Seats in Na"awer Chassis. Arai/able in Black or Grey. Lil' Sportster Seat.. ................ $140 OPTIMA BATTERY 800 Cold Cranking Amps. Optima Gell Battery ................ $120 ULTRA PRO SEAT Powder Coated Frame Uses a Tough Mesh Liner with Multiple Medium to High Density Foams far Superior Durability and Comfort. 5·Paint Harness Compatible. Vinyil Sides with Cfath Center. Arai/able in Black or Grey. Ultra Pro Seat ........................ $325 8' X 16', 2 10' X 30", 10'x40' .. Fuel Shut· Chrome St TIGER Bfack, Red, G arBfue. Ch, Release. 2 Sh 3 Point Ch TIGER 3x2 BELTS Black, Red, Gray, Yeflaw, Purple or Bfue. Ouick Laich Ref ease 3" Lap Belt & 2" Sewn Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Heavy Duty Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS Bfack, Blue, or Red. Shoulder Pads, pair ................. $10 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM lncfudes Adjusters. Wllf Use 930 CV Joint. Stock Width Beam with Trailing Arms, 3x3, pair ......... $235 8' Travel Towers ........... $140 5' Wider Beam with [SJ 8' Travel Towers ..... 165 S.,."'B 6' Wider Beam with • u1 10' Travel fowers . ....... 185 AXLES & Shock Mounting Hardware .. 18 O:'D/"'E Urethane Axle Bushings, set 4 20 n, r 1 . . "1 · Arai/abfe for Bug, !lf !f fvf _ Sold &change-$40 Core. Stub Axle, pair .. .. . $100 Dnve Flange, pair . . 90 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM SWAY-A-WAY AXLES Far 3 x 3 Tra/1/ng Arms. Far Use When Tap Shack Mounts are Incorporated in the Chassis. 6" Wider Beam w/o Towers .... $120 TRAILING ARMS 1 ½ x •t: Front Arms. set ol 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Front Arms. set ol 4 ..... 200 Link Pins. set ol 4 ........... : .......... 48 THRURODS For 5" Wider Beam with Lang Traref Arms. Thru Rods, pair ........................ $50 COMBO LINK SPINDLES Arai/able In Standard Height orRalsed3" Combo Link Spindles. pair ... $500 Bearing Kit. Set of 4 ................. 80 Heavy Outy Off Raad Use Or Larger Sand Rails. Off Rood Rack & Pinion ......... $132 U·Joint for Rack & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U·Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinlon .......... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY Mounts Steeripg Shatt ta Rack and Pinion. Kit Includes Billet Steering Bearing Ca"ier, 2 U·Jalnts and Steering Whee( Hub Caver. Billet Steering Bearing Kit.. .... $150 Billet Steering Bearing Carrier .... 60 U·Joint '/o" to 1/," Shaft .............. 50 U-Jjoint '/,' Shaft to Rack .......... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms. pr ... $170 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms. pr ..... 170 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms. using 930 CVs. pr ....................... 230 [~I KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Dual Spring Shock with Hase and Reservoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock, 8-10· 12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock. 12-14-16" Stroke .... from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp·On Reservoir Mount ................. 25 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal ................ $210 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................... 230 Ultra Slide Plate ....... 60 Ultra Slide Throttle Kit ............... 24 Ultra Slide Hose Kit.. .................. 45 JAMAR 4-WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Competition Pedal Assembly. fncludes Biflet Throttle Pedal, Brake Assembly, Clutch Assembly and Slave Cyfinder. Competition Pedal Assembly $375 Single Brake Assembly ............ 140 Tandem Brake Assembly ....... 215 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 140 [1] JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER Black Super Shifter .................. $82 Chrome Super Shifter ................ 95 Optional Shift Rod Kit ............... .45 February 2003 JAMAR REAR BIUET DISC BRAKES Long or Short Axt,. 4-Lug Billet Disc Brakes ......... $485 5-Lug Billet Disc Brakes .......... 495 5•Lug Billet Disc Brakes With Four Piston Caliper ... 615 er Hub with Th/cit Rotor. kes Callper .... $795 Singfe or Ouaf Handle Turning Brakes. ......................... $68 BILLET GOODIES Fits 1'/2" Tubing • Made in USA. Green Sticker Bracket .............. $17 GPS Bracket & Mount.. .............. 54 Brake Live Bracket.. ................... 16 Tachometer Bracket & Mount.. .. 31 3·Panel Mirror. 18' Long ........... 75 Cla1nµ·011 Mi1rur Brackets, µr .... 25 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Baja•Pro Performance Tires E78 Mini Mag ....................... $92 30 X 7.00, 4·ply .................... 115 33 X 9.00. 4-ply .................. 136 S5 x 10.00. 4·ply .................. 162 BAJA BELTED HP 31 X 10.50·15 ........................ $135 JAMAR FRONT BILLET DISC BRAKES l(Jng Pin Spindles or Combo Link Spindles. King Pin Billet Disc Brakes for Sand Rails ................ $645 King Pin Billet Disc Brakes for Desert Rails ................ 675 TRI MIL BOBCAT Stinger or U•Bend Coflector. 1 '/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............. $90 1'/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............... 90 1'/,' Chrome Bobcat... ............. 130 1 '/,' Chrome Bobcat... .............. 130 Baffle...... . .............. 8 Replacement Springs. set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Baked•On Coating, Wan 't Change Colar or Rust. 1 '/,' Jet Coat Bobcat ............. $190 1'/,' Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For Thick Flange and Polished Look Jet Coating an Any Tri Mil 1•;.• Stinger Exhaust Add $50. SS SPARK ARRESTOR Fits Bobcat :r Stingers & U·Bends. Spark Arrestor, 18' Length ...... $65 Spark Arrestor. No Bracket ........ 55 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 60 T·Bolt Clamp ................................ 5 · LAZER STARS 100 Watt Lazer Star, pr ........ $137 75.Watt Lazer Star. pr ............. 130 Billet Clamp·On Light Mounts .... 34 Micro·8 Lazer Star (Red). pr ... 125 Micro·B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red), pr ..... 175 Replacement Lamp, Spot, ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp. Flood. ea .... 24 Replacement Lens. ea .............. 18 Lazer Star Covers. pr ................... 5 Page 15
58TH NETWORK O RALLY Solberg-Subaru snag The Win Photos: Maurice Selden Petter Solberg and Philip Mills scored their first WRC win at the Network Q Rally, their Subaru lmpreza behaving beautifully. After an exciting battle in the later stages between Petter Solberg and Markko Martin, the Norwe-gian scored his first World Cham-pionship rally win and put him sec-ond in the World Ddvers champi-onship. In the earlier stages, the new world champion Marcus Gron-Simon Jean-Joseph and Jack Boyere were the highest placed Super 1600, seen cornering hard in their Renault Clio. ' holm pulled out a considerable lead but then crashed spectacularly when struggling to drive his Peugeot with a defective transmission. The final round of the WRC season was held in unusually clear conditions, but after recent rains the course was as slippery as ever. The final world championship title of the sea-son was won by Daniel Sola, who clinched the Junior Series crown, in which Citroen cars took the top three places. In the Makes champi-onship, only Hyundai out of the three also ran manufacturers were able to ·score points and that put them fourth in the series. The sea-son end brought speculation of the• careers of Kankkunen and Eriks-son, the end of Network Q spon-sorship, a new beginning with Solberg's first win, time moves on! The 14th and final round of the 2002 FIA World Rally Champion-ship was held in Wales, a tradition-Markka Martin and Michael Park drove their Ford Focus WRC to seconq spot in Wales, they were 24 seconds out of the win. ally wet, dank, cold and muddy lo- in a season. cation at this time of the year, where This was to be the last rally with some of the most splendid forest Ford for Colin McRae and prob-stages in England can be found. ably Carlos Sainz as well. With While the two main rally titles were Francois Duval engaged in the resolved two rallies ago, this time JWRC category for this occasion, the main highlight was to be the FIA this was Mark Higgins' second drive Junior Car World Rally Champi-for the Ford WRC team. At Mitsu-onship for which this was the sixth bishi, Alister McRae was again and final round. This was another found unfit to drive and his se'at smooth gravel event, run out of the was assigned to the Britain Super same services park each day. This 1600 champion driver Justin Dale. time the rally was run one week ear- This was to be the final appearance lier than before. To say the event of the Mitsubishi Ra'.lliart cars in was popular, this was the only event Marlboro colors. on the entire 2002 schedule in Subaru was enthusiastic. The which there was a full entry of 90 Network Q rally is home ground to cars plus a line-up of reserves wait- them, they have won the event five ing in the wings. times in the last eight years. The only Last year, Sainz' s car slid into a change for Skoda was a new co-parked marshal's car and some of driver for Roman Kresta, Milos the marshals were injured so this Hulka who was competed in seven year there were some major changes world rallies back in the two wheel in planning. For the top crews, all drive days. This was expected to be the forest stages were to be run in Kenneth Eriksson's last event with daylight or as close.as possible to the Skoda team. Citroen decided daylight conditions. One kilometer to officially participate in this event, of new road stage had been built to . they competed in 11 of the 14 provide for a spectator-viewing plat- events this season. form. Two drivers were eligible to win The main world championship the JWRC title, Andrea Dallavilla still attracted attention. No fewer from Italy and Daniel Sola from than six drivers could finish the sea-Spain. Andrea led Daniel by one son in second place and all three· point coming into this event. Cit-smaller world championship teams, roen was already assured of a 1-2 . Mitsubishi, Hyundai and Skoda placing in the series and hoped started the rally equal on points. Janne Tuohino would finish the Gronholm was going for a record series in third position as well. This attempt, shooting for his sixth win was the second gravel round of the (Didier Auriol holds the record of series. Juha Kangas had been test-six wins in a season), accomplished ing in Finland to estabtish ride in 1992. Peugeot was hoping to height settings for the Suzukis. A equal Lancia's record of nine wins personality driver was former For-Perforniance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 1 5 0 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Some Uses: • Non Corrosive Polyethylene • One-Piece Seamless • Pit Truck Showers & Washdowns • Heavy Wall Construction • Cooking & Kitchen Facilities • Extended Stay Water Storage Tanks • Bike Trailer Water Tanks • Car & Buggy Trailer Tanks · • Pressure Washing Storage Tanks • ·Custom Fitting Locations • New Systems • Auxiliary Systems • Replacements 0, E.M. Trailer & Van Mfc . I uires Are Welcome RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 9_?780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Catalog Page 16 February 2003 Dusty Times
First PCWRC and 21st overall, Daniel Sola and Alex Romani drove Stage 10, lots of spectators and we see Tomasz Kuchar joining Looking remarkably clean, the Skoda Octavia of Toni Gardemeister their muddy Citroen Saxo to a very sweet victory. Paasonen and Granholm at the crashed-dnf party. · and Paavo Lukander ended up 1 O" overall in Wales. mula 1 driver Mark Blundell in a wiselyretired. not. The car is almost not working. MG ZR Super lqOO. Stage 4 was cancelled due to spec-Solberg had pulled just ahead of undriveable, I can only make two On the final forest stage of the Reigning champion drivers en-tator troubles so drivers only had Martin and McRae climbed back good corners out of ten." Paasonen day the leading drivers passed tered were Patrick Richard from one stage before the next service, into eighth. Burns had a hydraulic went off the first corner of Stage 5, through in daylight and the two top Canada, David Higgins, Group N enough for Gronholm's lead to be leak. Loeb was going well in his Cit-went on but then had the clutch British drivers were charging back. British champion and SCCA Pro-increased to nearly 40 seconds! roen but teammate Radstrom was break. Schwarz's intercom was still Continued on page 18 Rally champion in the USA and Spanish gravel rally champion T xus Jaio. · Colin McRae explained the rally, "The main thing about the Net-work Q Rally is the weather. You really don't know what to expect, anything from dust to ice to snow. This is the only rally where you can expect such extremes before the event, but once the event starts the prevailing conditions normally con-tinue through the event. Most years it is wet and cold with a lot of muddy stretches. The route is very fast, which makes it very tricky when you come up to muddy sections unexpectedly. This is the event on which gravel note crews really earn their money,." Leg 1 -Six stages, gravel, 120kms. Shakedown was held in typically autumn Welsh weather, some sunny spells amid heavy show-ers. Ford was trying to make up time after long delays in·their pre-event testing work. Peugeot, who had done no testing for the event scored fastest tirrie of the morning with Gronholm 0.8 seconds faster than Petter Solberg and Rossi on one run was 38 seconds slower. True to form, the weather had changed since shakedown and for most of the day there was hardly a cloud in the sky. The sun was low in the sky and this caused great diffi-culties for drivers on the first two forest stages. Drivers complaining about sun on the Great Britain Rally, how tirnes have changed! Gronholm shot into the lead, which he was determined. to keep. The stages were quite different. Strange how two consecutive can be so different. Both.Colin McRae · and Richard Burns werit off the road. McRae went straight on af-ter a long sixth gear straight and needed help from spectators to get going again, while Burns spun off backwards and damaged the ex-haust. Dale was in worse trouble, he crashed and flipped his car. He had to retire due to damage to his roll cage. Makinen had a spin and stalled the engine and Rovanpera did the same. Gardemeister had mud all over his windshield and the washers weren't working. Kenneth Eriksson had a seat belt that came unbuckled and a stalled engine to boot. Schwarz had intercom fail-ure and was reduced to hand sig-nals for direction from navigator Manfred Heimer. Paasonen was _finding the gravel roads quite slip-pery. Meanwhile, Gronholm was serious, after the first two forest stages he was 29.5 seconds in front, with Martin and Solberg ahead of Sainz. Rossi's engine was misfiring and after running off the road he Dusty Times INTRODUCING_ ~ . ~ -by KEN-PREMIUM PRODUCTS 110 Walls of Power J 1so Channel Alphanumeric I Waler Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven "-1 was in Ensenada, and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 150 miles away! I need these in ALL of my trucks!" · -~ IL..:::'t..,_, l""'#=LL/E:C.E:.FI PROTRUCK WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SCIJRE BAJA 1000 " -The best communication we've ad in over IS years of off road racing!" Remote Head opHon avallable. Call for details. 800.869.5636 .562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Guridry Ave.. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 February 2003 Page 17 ... ~---. ., - ' ~,· -.-... -·~
Colin McRae and Derek Ringer finished fifth overall in their Citroen Xsara, just finishing a tight right hander. Seventh overall and two points richer, Harri Rovanpera and Risto Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets head their muddy Hyundai Accent Pietilainen drive their Peugeot 206 towards the finish. towards the finish, they were eighth overall in Wales. Also out of the event at this point 20.3 second lead. In clear co~di-with destroyed cars were David tions on the second stage Martin Higgins and Tomasz Kuchar. reduced this to 12.8 seconds, on Colin was now up to seventh and Burns was just behind him. Gran-holm was now 49.6 seconds in front and Solberg and Martin were only 2.2 seconds apart. Rovanpera had a spin and then a jump start pen-alty at the start of Stage 5. Garde-meister lost his dutch and joined Paasonen in his clutch trials. Eriks-son had brake troubles, the rear brakes weren't working and he was livid. It seems someone had failed to hook them up! Hirvonen had a misfire halfway through Stage 5 and examination detected a bro-This is the :;ystem run by inost off road race winners ken piston so they withdrew. In dropped well back with a rear wheel Group N the leader was the Swed-flat and that let T uohino back into ish Privateer Oscar Svedlund, the lead, with Dallavilla second. On ahead ofJames Thompson. the sixth stage the Junior drivers In the JWRC category Gwyndaf faced their first serious night stage Evans scored best time on the Su-since Monte Carlo. Sola was charg-perspecial stage then T uohino and ing and moved up from sixth to Sola went ahead but Tuohiµo fourth. Evans lost power steering slowed after hitting a very bad and dropped to fifth and Rowe slid bump. Duval's throttle became dis-off the road and did terminal dam.-connected and all the Suzukis dis- age to his car. Simon Jean-Joseph appeared within the first two stages. was the 1600cc class leader in his Kangas was upside down, Schelle Renault, leading the entire day. was on his side and Niwa was stuck Duval retired on Stage 6, stuck in off the road. Sola, the leader third gear. TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER Leg 2: Six stages, gravel, 117kms. For the second day running low sunlight plagued the drivers on the first stage. Armin·Schwarz's Hyun-dai caught fire, he stopped mid stage but the fire extinguishers didn't do the job. Next car along was teammate Juha Kankkunen, he stopped to donate his extinguisher and eventually Armin was able to carry on. With the rally now run-ning in reverse order the top driv-ers had much rougher conditions than the early runners. Makinen spun avoiding rocks in the road, both Sainz and Stohl had two flats each and many other drivers had at least one flat. Radstrom stopped with a hole in his engine and Pykalisto reached service, having to add water but soon retired with a blown head gasket. Another unhappy driver was the third it was back to 21.3 sec-Harri Rovanpera, he had a rear onds. Burns managed to get past wheel bearing fail which caused his Colin McRae into third place, rear brakes to fail. He had to drive . when Burns spun and lost time, two more stages with only front but on the next stage Burns went brakes and he lost a lot of time. off the road and was through for Solberg had the right rear shock the event. Loeb stopped with a absorber pump fail and the car was broken wishbone, retiring after an lurching badly, yet he was still catch-excellent drive, while Rovanpera ing up to Martin. After Stage 10 was delayed in his charge up the Martin was leading, just 3.5 seconds field with hydraulic problems, ahead of Solberg. Sainz was third, which put his car into two wheel within a half minute, and Burns drive and on the final stage he had come up to fourth, a minute jumped up two places, passing the behind. After the second run two Hyundais of Loix and Kank-through these stages Solberg had kunen. Solberg complained of rear climbed up to 1.8 seconds behind. end handling again but was able In the Junior series Haaf was to continue putting distance be-unable to start his car so he was tween him and Martin, eventually out. Then came the drama of Stage winning the rally with 24.4 seconds 8. Most of the top S 1600 drivers in hand. Txus Jalo was struggling opted to run with only one spare to the finish with a broken gear-tire. McShea, Tuohino, Evans and box, but he blocked the final stage Yalimaki all stopped to change and caused the stage to be stopped. flats on that stage and everything So Solberg ended the season on changed drastically. In one stage an amazing high. Martin fulfilled Sola jumped from fourth to first, all the promises that had been Baldacci from ninth to third. made about him and after them Lead~r Tuohino was down in sec-came a gaggle of the old school ond place, then to fifth when he drivers, headed by Carlos Sainz. had a bad vibration on the rear Daniel Sola had by now estab-suspension. Dallavilla went from lished himself in the lead of the second to eighth. Valimaki Junior category, some 88 seconds struggled into service after driving in front of Basso, but overnight two stages with only third gear. some absentees were evident. Foss Foss had clutch failure. On the re-was too late leaving service after run through the stages Valimaki changing the clutch and the gear-lost all but third gear a gain and box, Galanti reached the end of fell from thir-d to seventh. All of the previous leg with a broken that left Basso in second and driveshaft and couldn't get out of Baldacci in third. Jean-Joseph the pare ferme in the morning. momentarily lost the overall Su-Carlsson retired with a broken per 1600 lead when he had to radiator and an oil leak. Baldacci change the gearbox, but otherwise had electrical troubles which cost continued to be faster than the him 2m40s penalty at service. Junior category drivers. This let McShea up to third place. -•-• Now came the double loop of stages and the whole face of the event changed. After the first of these stages first time round Gron-holm had a lead of 68 seconds, then, on the run to the second his hydraulic pressure failed. As he drove the second stage the semi-automatic gear shift stopped work-ing and heJ1ad to use the manual fail-safe, and he crashed. "It was my fault. I was distracted." It hap-pened on a dangerous stretch of road, with lots of jumps, well known on local events. Paasonen came along, saw spectators waving him down, lost control on the slip-· pery s-urface and he to crashed! Delecour was the next casualty, just two kms later. "I tried to spin the car and hit some rocks, then we just went flying off the road." Leg 3 -Four stages, gravel, Then Basso had a flat on the pen-136kms. The final day promised a ultimate stage, which let McShea classic duel for the lead. Four into second place. Evans had a flat stages remained. The first was a on Stage 14 and he retired on 15 repeat of the 54 kilometer with broken rear suspension. Resolven Stage, the others all be-Chemin, in eighth and last, went ing 27km long and just as demand-off the road on tl:fe final stage and ing. The two final stages were held he was out. No Pumas finished at Margam Park. There was some the event, four of the six finish.-fog on the hills in the morning, ers were Citroens. Congratula-which encouraged Solberg, who tions to Petter Solberg and GO FOR Page 18 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED All the Mitsubishi Team cars had been destroyed.on the same event! passed Martin and pulled out a . Philip Mills. -58"· Network Q Rat/ or Great B11taln 1<1/17.11.2002 C.rdlff (GB) WC rO<rld 14 JCWRC rol.Wld 6 WC points WR 1 (11) Pelle< SOLBERG/Philip MIis !UGB Subaru lfr4)reZa WRC X9SRT (GBJ · 3h.30m.36.4s. 10 2 (6) MM<ko MARTIN/Michaet Per1< EEl'GB Fo<d Focu• RS WRC EK.51HYA (GB) 3h.31m.00.8s. 6 3 (4) Carlos SAINZ/I.UIS Moya E FonHocus RS WRC EX020BC (GB) 3h.32m.12.1s. 4 4 (10) Tommi MAKINEN/Kil Urmtrom FIN SUl>aN lmpreza WRC TM02SSS (GB) 3h.33m.13.9s. 3 5 (5) Coin McRAE/Dorok Ringer GB FOid Focus RS WRC EX020BB (GB) 3h.33m.37.9s. 6 (24) Mlll1< Higgins/Bryan Thomas GB · FOid Focus RS WRC EX51UAB (GB) 3h.35m.38.3s. 7 (3) Han1 ROVANPERMlisto Piolileinen FIN Peugeot 206 WRC 9'13NVB75 (F) 3h.35m.52.2s. 2 8 (18) Fred"J LOIX/Sven Slneets B Hyi,,dai Accent WRC X22HMC (GB) .3h.3!!1-n.52.3s. 1 9 (19) Juha KANKKUNEN/Juha Ropo FIN Hyi,,doi Accent WRC X23HMC (GB) 3h.36rn.05.5s. 10 (15) Toni GARDEMEISTER/Puvo Lukander FIN Skoda Ocuivia WRC MB072-24 (CZ) 3h.36m.39.3s. 11 (23) Gilles+HOM:Panizzi F Peugoot206 WRC 206NAP75(F) 3h.35m.12.6s.# -13 (14) Kemeth ERIKSSONfTine Thomer S Skoda Oct1\/i1. WRC MB09(H2 (CZ) 3h.41m.01.8s. 15 (16) Romen KRESTA/MllosHlllal CZ Skoda Oct1\/ia WRC MB072-25 (CZ) 3h.47m.02.4s. 19 (114) Simon Je""Joseph/Jack Boyere F Renai« CHo S1600 9025XG74 (F) 4h.02m.08.6s. • -21 (65) Dariel Solal,t,Jex Romani E Citroen Saxo JWRC !892NA52 (Fl 4h.03m.06.6s. 23 (52) Nial McShea/Mlchael Orr GB Opel Cena JWRC ~IIP307 (0) 4h.06m.05.9s. 24 (53) Giandomenco Basso/l.Ulgi Pirolo I Flat Plll!o JWRC SY579NX (IJ 4h.06m.26.2s. 25 (62) Jame TuoNno/Petri Vihavainon FIN Citroen Saxo JWRC F685 (FIN) 4h.07m.14.2s. 27 (56) Jussi Vol,makl/Tero Gerdemeister FIN Citroen Saxo JWRC LDT001 (8) 4h.06m.l4.4s. 28 (51) · Mdrea Ddo\/iia/Giovarvi Bemacchini I Citroen Saxo JWRC BX476PD (I) 4h.09m.26.8s. 85 (19 JCWRC) starters. 3& (6 JCWRC) finishers. •1st SIJper 1600. #Best rnanufactu,.,,.-supported er,t,y. MANUFACTURER REGISTERED ORNER. \Mme<'s awrage speed 01111r $!ages 104.6Sl<ph (racoru) .. 'wo JC 10 s: 4 3 2 1 10 6 4 3 2 1 February 2003 Dusty Times
TI ---. · ~ ----......... JI :, . . . . . -· .. ~--····-··--~.··:·· ----·, ..... ,.~---·:~\-r~~ .. ~-~'t{ ~-== ·1!!!§ t' 6J ) DtstRT cttflt'\DIOnsttus---1 · · '" 1600 ust have 10 cars in class '" 10 Must have 1 O cars in class l/#9 Must have 1 Ct cars in class -Fl'iday 14th Fun run 11 am-3pm Registration 4:30pm-8:3Opm Tech inspection Spm-9pm .· Drawing 9pm _ BAJA PAO CUP . Saturday 15th Race Starts 9am SNORE HOlliNE 702-452-4522. Sunday 16th Awards9am . I
FRT 2002 DASH Havey Does It Again By Judy Smith Photos: Tracks ide Photo Chuck Hovey won the FRT New Year~ Eve Dash for the third year running; driving his V4 powered Jimco to the finish in 2:10:28 for the 140 miles. For the third year in a row, Chuck Hovey has run away with the FRT New Year's Eve Dash. Driving his V4 powered Jimco, Hovey had smooth sailing for his final race of the season and ticked off his laps like clockwork. This year was the inaugural Jimco Challenge event at the Dash, and a special purse was on the line for the winner of the race if he was driving a Jimco. So Hovey had a little extra incentive, and went home with some extra dol-lars in his wallet. The race started and finished at Plaster City West, and was a 28 mile loop considered fast by the unlimited cars. The limited class drivers had less flattering things to say. The weather was perfect, with clear skies and warm sunshine all day, and even enough breezes to blow away the dust. There were literally hundreds of motorhomes and campers parked around the perimeter of the course as folks came over from Glamis and out from San Diego for the day to watch the fun. Everyone would run five laps except the Sports-man drivers, who would do only three. The motorcycles and quads raced in the morning, so the cars and trucks didn't line up until noon. they went off the line one at a time, 20 seconds apart. And Hovey, because of his win the pre-vious year, was first in line. His first lap was the quick lap of the day, at 25:11. Behind him John Marking's V8 powered Jimco ran second, only 31 seconds slower. And in third it was Scott McMil-lin in a V8 powered Porter, fol-lowed by Shawn McCall um in his 3.5 liter V6 Toyota powered Jimco. Marty Coyne ran fifth in Robby Gordon's V8 Ford pow-ered Trophy Truck. Robby had TRANSAXLEENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year Con .... tula:li 1s Tod ike Grabows 1st Overall -1st Class 1 · MDR Lucerne 300 TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 20 February 2003 Brian Ickier drove his Class 12 Jimco to victory in class and at the same time finished seventh in the overall standings after a perfect day. · been playing at Glamis, as he usu-the gap between the fan shroud ally does this time of year, and he and the fan. As the fan revolved came over with the race car be-one of the plastic blades hit the cause Coyne had rented it. Gor-antenna and broke, and then that don finished as part of his pit piece of fan got shoved against crew, though he also did some test the radiator and poked a hole in driving in it to get the set up right it. The noise had alerted John that for the course. something was wrong, so he Hovey came around right on stopped long before the motor time at the end of the second lap, was ruined. Still, it was the end of still leading, but now Scott Mc- his day. Millin was second, about two min-Also gone was Tom Wood of utes back .. Third place belonged Arizona, who came over with his to Coyne as he became more fa-brothers Rueben and Robert to miliar with the truck, and in have some fun now that the hay fourth it was Greg Hansen in a was cut and dry and safely stored Nye Frank chassis (which used to away. We never saw them again to belong to Nick Baldwin -but not find out what happened. And the 4x4) which was powered by a Mark McMillin was also out after 5.3 liter Chevy motor. In fifth it just one lap in his Porsche pow-,. was Ben Schlimme in Danny ered Chenowth. The McMillins Anderson's Toyota powered had been camped in the desert for Jimco. Schlimme had hit a hole several days, and it had been the and ruined a tire on the first lap. weekend for their annual day out He said he'd been "maybe for the employees. (Employees overdriving a little." Marking had Appreciation Day) About 400 of fallen victim to a disaster never their people had come and they'd before heard of by anyone. He'd given over 200 rides in their vari-gone under the trestle just like ev-ous cars, so maybe they'd just erybody else, and his antenna had worn out the one that Mark was bent down and backward, just driving in the race. like everyone else's. But his an-Rob Archibald was also gone, tenna had been just long enough his car leaking oil and suffering a that the tip of it worked itself into Continued on page 22 Eric Allen and Adam Pfankuch teamed up to prep Allen's 1600 Jimco and then to drive it also. They had a flawless race and got the victory. Jason Jernigan drove the whole thing in his Ford truck, avoided any problems, and went home with another victory in the small truck class. Dusty Times
The Corky McMillin Companies erstition Cham ionshi Series Presents 4 Wheel and Motorcycle Off Raad Desert Races ..----------~~,e~ . . February 14 15 16 -·o•~ (i~\l \O Lake Superstition 5 .Ti111es Around a 80 Mile Course· ~ [83cn)rnrn~ ,--a~m-ali ner ar, uggy or ruck Aadvanced WirBless. Inc. •• , ~~~ ~ ~.~9Jl ~ 1600 r-------Hlind Draw · February 6, 2003 See 'website for Results www.fudrace.com IIVIC ROAD R~,c::•C IIIISCOTTS 111111 garage FRT M0T0RSP0RTS PROMOTIONS WWW.FUDRACE.C0M 619.427.5759 ·~ UNIOl.EI\.IIETALPl=OOlJCTB
broken header and broken shock, and Tommy Koch, down from Ridgecrest to see what this low desert racing was all about, had tried to pass someone in his Jimco, and hit a ditch. He later said he hadn't pre-run enough. He did a big endo and did enough damage to his A-arms that he was done for the day. Tommy himself was just fine. . At the end of the third lap Hovey was still right there, now with not quite five minutes on Andy McMillin, Scott's son. They had dumped some fuel and made the driver change at the end of Lap 2. In third it was Coyne, only 33 seconds later, and Hansen ran fourth, with Schlimme in fifth. Still running were Scott Young in a brand new _homebuilt Truggy with a 347c.i: Ford motor in it that was having fuel pump trouble and Josh Waddell in his V8 pow-ered TLR Truggy that was appar-ently having some trouble also. And Shawn McCallum had burned up his widng, and already had a couple of flats. He needed his crew to help with,l:he wiring disaster. One really good thing abut the FRT courses is that since they're ovals or circles, there's nearly always a convenient access road to take the crew legally from the pit area to wherever the race car is broken in only a few mo-ments. At the end of the fourth lap Hovey still led. He took a splash of about four gallons for security, and went out on his final loop. McMillin was running second, with Travis Coyne, who'd taken over for his dad, now in third Julie and Becki Kern and Ray Neff shared the driving in Julie's Class 9 Kernco, had an untroubled day, and went home with the win. place. Hansen was still fourth and Schlimme ran fifth. He was not real sure the car had a whole 140 miles in it, since all they'd done after the Baja 1000 was fix the brakes and change the oil. He'd had to stop at the end of the third lap to have·his shifter mechanism lubed. Young and Waddell were also still running, and McCallum was back at full strength, but he'd lost an hour. Hovey said that by the last couple of laps the course was re-ally chewed up and dusty, which made it hard to pass. Still, the last lap, which was his slowest, was only . a minute and 11 seconds slower than his first. And his crew had told him to "take it easy." He also thought his clutch was slipping a little bit. He took the win by six minutes and 20 seconds. Andy and Scott McMillin were second, reporting "not a single problem." And in third it was Hansen, elated to finish in his third try. The Coynes were fourth. Travis had flattened one tire, but otherwise they'd had a relatively problem free day and they'd enjoyed their ride immensely. Schlimme finished in fifth, and in sixth it was Young, happy to get a finish in the first race for a new car. Waddell fin-ished seventh and McCallum was eighth after one more flat. The Class 10 cars took off right behind the Class ls, and George Smith had Smitty Schmidt's Honda V-Tech powered Chen-owth in the lead at the end of the first lap. He was slightly handi-capped, because the five speed tranny was missing its fourth gear. In second it was Charles Lathren in a Jimco, and then came Steve Mamer in another Jimco. His was actually a SCORE Lite car (VW type suspension) but it had a Steve Mamer had to make an on-course repair to his Jimco, but still managed to take the win in Class 10. Class 10 motor in it. On the second lap Lathren (who hadn't raced down here be-fore this) recorded the fast lap for the class, at 27:53, and moved into the lead. Smith and Schmidt were second, only a minute and seven seconds back, and Matt Loiodice, in a )imco, had moved up to third as Mamer broke a bolt on his steering ram. He had to fix it by himself on course and lost about eight minutes. Blake Reed, in a Rabbit powered Reedco, was al-ready gone, for unknown reasons. But everyone else was still running, and seemed to be in good shape. At the end of the third lap Lathren was gone and we never learned why. Smith and Schmidt were back in front with nearly five minutes on Mamer who'd moved up to second. (But the motor in Schmidt's car was sounding un-well as he finished the lap.) And John Cooley, who hadn't raced for five years, was now in third in · his Alumicraft (that's his com-pany) with a two liter VW motor. Loiodice had a problem that felt like something electrical and they were trying to figure it out. Ulti-mately they found a plugged fuel filter, but he lost a lot of time fid-dling around with it. At the end of the fourth lap Smith and Schmidt were gone. It was now mamer in front by 10 minutes, with Cooley in second place. He'd made his only §_top, to dump fuel, at the end of that lap. And Loiodice, who had his brother, Tim, riding with him all the way, was now fixed and back up to speed, but he'd lost 48 min-utes or so. Mamer went on to take the vic-tory, finishing 13 minutes in front of Cooley, who was really pleased to be racing again. He said, "that's ultimate lono travel ford lono travel system Get the benefits of our Long Tra11el system and 3" lilt spindles, creating 6" of lift for incredible ground clearance. [je@ £P @ll ■ 3' lilt spindles ■ Upper Control arms ~~~WY ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 3-mau adjustable-sflocFf absorber 0J;;■' touota long travel system Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van Dao' long travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off raaders out there. Page 22 custom i beams Olfroad bullet pro□! design provides maximum strength with 4130 Diromaly steel l /Bth' thick plate and tubular inner structure. w .. YIBII 1990-94 ford ranger ., .. performance sustem Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard offering increased tire clearance and 4' mare wheel travel Dual Shock System 2 shacks per front whee~ adds high perlannaace dampening. B' Suspension System used in a racing application with coil over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration • cycles out at 19' of wheel travel. fiberglass e e !!.fiber:!!! include front fenders, bedsides and hoods. The front fenders aad bedsides ~-----~ are flared with wheel travel in mind. extended radius arms Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard far increased tire clearance. Hanger models shown, which include new pivot mouats. 1998-on ford ranger z.s " performance sustem 2.5' of lilt with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 ClO Y" tono travel sustem Gives you the needed clearaace far 33' tall tires. angled spare tire mount ~ Constructed using 1 1 / 4' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints far long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount Over 25 Styles stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment of stamped steel tabs simpll!y your fabrication needs . wwwJatJtechmotorsports.com DR E-MAIL US AT info@fabtechrnotorsports.com February 2003 Dusty Times
John Cooley hadn't raced in five years, but he still looked good as he drove his Alumicraft Class 10 car to second place in Class 10. Greg Hansen drove all the way in his Nye Frank chassis with a 5.3-liter Chevy motor, to take third place in Class 1. Kevin Graves rolled his Jimco 1600 car on the first lap, but recovered well enough to go home with second in the class. too fun!" Loiodice was third, the anxious faster car. last survivor in the class. There were three Class 8 trucks After the Class 10 cars started -sort of. One of them was the it was time for the Class 12s, or Protruck of David Scaroni, which SCORE Lites. But this was a very · technically doesn't belong in the sort race. Dean Bayerle, in Rick class since it's built on a tube St. John's Kernco, rolled over and frame. But at the FRT races the tore a corner off the car on the rules are a bit flexible sometimes first lap. No one was hurt, but when a vehicle doesn't really fit the car was not fixable. So the exactly anywhere. race was down to just one car, the At the. end of the first lap Rob-Jimco of Brian Ickier, who's just ert Wagner had his 350 c.i. Ford recently moved up from the 1600 in front, but Scaroni was only a class to this class. He said it's second behind him in second "easier to drive", and he looked place. Robie Faulkner, who had good, did a fast lap of 30-49 on the only Chevy, didn't get the lap Lap 4, and had no trouble at all, completed and was never seen not even an oil leak as he proudly again. pointed out. He was seventh in Scaroni ticked off the fast lap the overall standings at the end for the class on i:he second lap, at of the day, a very nice finish. 29:35, and moved into the lead, Class 5 had only one entry, the with only 26 seconds on Wagner. Baja Bug of Carlos Ayala, who But on the third lap it changed runs a 2800cc motor. But he did again, and Wagner was back in only two laps and then never came front, with three seconds on Sea-around again. . roni. They were entertaining the There were three 5-1600 cars, spectators with their back-and-but not for long. They all got the forth duet. first iap done, but it took Victor Wagner made a fuel stop and Gasca and Javier Lacarra, a Scaroni was back in front at the couple of new drivers, over two end of Lap 4, now with two min-hours to do it. They had a fairly utes and 21 seconds. He then went awful trip. First they found they on with his perfect run, having no couldn't back shift to first or sec-problems. It was his first time to ond gear. Then they were hit by driv.e the truck (he's raced in the another race car, and unknown 1600 class in the past) and he was to them that took off a valve pleased, saying "I didn't break cover. Then they got stuck, and anything." Wagner finished sec-while some spectators helped them ond only three minutes and 35 someone noticed the missing valve seconds later. cover. So they sent to their pit and The 1600 cars went next, and got a replacement from a friend. it was a good, competitive group. They put it on, finished the first All but one finished the first lap, lap and went out on their second, and that one was an oddball. It but then the motor started to seems that Larry McCallum, who make "some metal noises and that changes cars the way other people was the end" of their day. Jose change socks, was in need of an-Garcia did a fine first lap, but other car for this race. He had then his second lap was a bit long, his son, Shawn, racing in Class 1, by about a half hour, and he never but another son, Larry, Jr. came around again. That left only wanted to go racing also. So Mc-Tony Steingraber and Telly Philo Callum was shopping. At the last to carry on. Steihgraber did the moment, no less than an hour first two laps and Philo finished before the race was due to start, up the race. Their fast lap was he and Tom Watson struck a deal. 42:03, on Lap 2, and they had Watson's Jimco, a fine, champi-no problems beyond a rude tap onship-winning car, was suddenly on the rear cage from some over-McCallum's car. Watson and David Scaroni drove his family's Ford Protruck in a race for the first time and after a close battle ended the day with a win. Dusty Times Matt Scaroni had been entered in the race, planning to drive the buggy, but they were suddenly out of a ride and McCallum, Jr. was suiting up. As luck would have it the ring and pinion went away on the first lap, but McCallum said his son liked the ride as far as it went. Of the rest of the class, Eric Allen in his Jimco held the lead, and he had a minute and 49 sec-onds on Steve Reynolds in his Bunderson. Victor Orellana, driv-ing a buggy for the first time (he's been racing 5-1600 for some time) had his new Jimco in third, while Kevin Graves ran fourth after rolling his Jimco over. He said he'd tried to catch someone on· an inside line, "but there was no line." Some spectators helped him get uprighted. Fifth place be-longed to Nick Tiedemann who'd Allen did another good lap, rolled his Jimco two times on that and had seven minutes and 52 lap. He'd been first in the start seconds on Graces at the end of line-up and had been determined Lap 3. Reynolds was now third, not to let any of the other drivers but he'd had a broken exhaust. catch. him. After the second roll-Some spectators had wired it to-over he decided, in his words, that gether well enough for him to get "I was drivin' like an idiot", so he to his pit, but then he had his crew made a driver change and put in weld it together permanently. The Todd Cuffaro, who was racing for Orellanas were fourth, and in only the second time. fifth it was still Campbell. Allen ran the fast lap for the Allen got out and put Adam class on Lap 2, at 33:57, and Pfankuch into the car, and he firmed up his lead. Now he had held on to their -lead. They were three minutes and 44 seconds on six minutes up on Graves at the Reynolds. In third it was Graves, end of Lap 4, and Campbell was followed by Orellana, who'd up to third, having a trouble free stopped to change passengers. His run so far. In fourth it was son, Victor, Jr., had ridden the Reynolds and the Orellanas first lap, but he got out to let his dropped to fifth after another younger brother, Danny, have a driver change. Victor, Jr. was now ride. Jamie Campbell was now at the wheel. fifth in his Lothringer. Continued on page 24 BilBtein . Sway A Way Eibach · HM · QA 1 · CNC Sparca • PRP • Fuel Sate Ran Davis Radiator, Setrab Oil Coaler, Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear February 2003 Page 23 ·
., Roberto Romo and Julian Machado came up from Mexicali to run Tony Steingraber and Telly Philo had no problems with their 5-1600 their Class 9 Jimco. They led for several laps, but a late shock car, and finished the day with another win on their record. problem put them back to second. Kent Graves went into the Class 9 lead on lap 4 with his Jimco, and finished first, but was dq'd for technical reasons later. Pfankuch had another good moved back up to fourth and said times, and they were sixth, while lap, and in fact their whole race they were really happy with their John Manring ran out of gas in was flawless. Allen and Pfankuch new car, and found it to be a "lot his good looking Raceco just 100 tookthewin•withacushionof22 faster than a 5-1600". Kevin yards before the finish. He radi-minutes. Graves was second, hav-Walsh and Chuck ·Guy, another oed his crew, added fuel and took ing lost about 15 minutes when paid of veterans, were fifth. Guy his finish. He had thought h_e his throttle cable came unat-had rolled it over on the second could do the entire race without tached at the pedal. In third it lap and needed spectator help to a fuel stop. Jamie Campbell was Reynolds, and at the finish get going again. Walsh got stuck thought the same thing, with the when he was asked if he'd had any in the silt on the fourth lap and same result except that he ran out other problems he'd said, "Yeah got out and pushed, also with a bit earlier and it cost him about [I need] about 20 years off me!" spectator help. Tiedemann and 20 minutes. He was the eighth and He is one of the senior drivers in Cuffaro had trouble with a spark last finisher. the class. The Orellanas faJnily plug wire falling off a couple of The small trucks were the next group to start, with five entries. Your car S181s here! 934 MicroDisc Hub Assemblies ff you're rooking for the best In off-road braking, look no further. Kartek now makes the top-of-the-line MicroDisc assembly. Perfect for Big Horsepower Prerunners! Built by the people who know off.road racing! {Jear up {or {Jfamisl There were four Fords and one Datsun. One of the Fords, Jason Jernigan's, had the lead at the end of the first lap. He had about five minutes on C h arlie McNeil. McNeil's son, Perry Allen McNeil, was running fourth in another Ford, and Ryan Ingham, the final Ford, was fifth. eini an was findin van• fast and fun. He had a lead of He then had to radio for some-nearly 13 minutes at the end of one with a taller jack to bring it Lap 2, and now Yee, who'd had a out to him. Bignell did three laps flat tire, was second and McNeil and then Rodd Fantelli got in. He was third. And at the end of the · was having trouble getting gears. third lap it was the same order, It either wanted to run in low and Jernigan had recorded the gears or high gears, but not both. fast lap for the class, at 32:38. When he came up to "Pesky His lead was now 19 minutes. Perch", a very steep hill with a Ryan Ingham got through only the checkpoin-t on top _of it, he had third lap, and then disappeared. to do circles at the base of the hill The rest made it all the way. until the truck would finally go Jernigan did all the driving in into first gear, otherwise he his truck, and he had 23 minutes couldn't make it. on Yee at the end of the fourth Jernigan, whose only stop was lap. It was another 16 minutes for fuel, went on to take the•win. back to Perry McNeil, Sr., who was Yee was second, and the Bignell/ now in his truck and discovering Fantelli team moved up to finish that the front suspension was bro-third. They said they'd had a ken, and getting worse. The Dat- "good day." The McNeils' front sun was fourth, not having an end problems caused some wires easy day. Bignell had a flat, and to tear loose, and someth ing discovered the jack was too short. knocked a hole in the radiator. He tried to use it anyway and it They finished, but "very slowly", fell over and smashed his thumb. according to Perry, Sr., in fourth • , ... ta.1ce Chair. ProSeat Mandated by 800 565 4042 place. After the little trucks it was Class 9, with six entries. Roberto Romo, in the handsome Jimco that used to belong to Poncho Lacarra, started the day with the fast lap fo r the class at 4 2:26, and he had a lead of 31 seconds. Wally Palmer was in second place in Trey Sommers' Jimcb, and in third it was Kent Graves in his Jimco. Becki Kern ran fourth in Julie Kern's Kernco, another minute · and 25 seconds back. Romo kept his lead through the second lap and had 41 sec-onds on Palmer. Graves was still in third and now Ray Neff was in Kern's car, and he held fo urth. Rod McCain, in a Chenowth ran fifth, but had lost about 20 min-utes on his first lap somehow. William Prario and Dave Lytle, in a J imco, had used up two hours and 28 minutes for their first lap, and then another 45 minutes on Lap 2, and then they didn't come around again. Paddles Auto meter Gauges www.mastercraftseats.com At the end of Lap 3 it was still Romo in the lead, and now Graves had moved up to second, only 33 seconds behind him. -~,rL;' . . . . ~ . Beadlocks Lazer Star Lights Fuel Systems Come Visit our NEW Superstore! 91 Freeway @ McKinley In Corona 2871 Ragle Way-Corona, CA 92879 OPEN 7 DA VS A WEEK! 909.737.7223-www.kartek.com Page 24 • l{c:DL!JJE PER[o/ll1ANCE, !NC. lS1 & I-STAR PRE-RUN OR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONH (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX "531 ESl!'NHOW211 CHtCLI! ANltHl!'JM, CA. H807 February 2003 Dusty Times
Marty and Travis Coyne rented Robby Gordon's Ford Trophy Truck Scott McMillin drove two laps and his son Andy drove three, in their In the Sportsman division Megan Allen and Josh Griffiths, in a Class again and had a lot of fun. They finished fourth after flattening one VB powered Porter, and they finished the day in second place in 9 car, finished the day as the winners after a trouble-free race. _re_a_r_ti_re_. ___________________ _C_1a_s=--s_1..,... ----,=-=--------=-----:---=------,,,.......,,.......,..-----,------,-,,..-----,:--Palmer, who'd broken a couple set and the important business of date and the generally fine ruary 15th with the King of the Baja California. The October of throttle return springs, was seeing the old year out and the weather that can be expected in Desert event at Lake Superstition. 18th Superstition 250, a night third and Neff ran fourth. new one in was able to get under-that part of the world on New Then on April 19th it's the FRT . race, is another favorite, and McCain held fifth. way right on time. The FRT rac- Year's Eve. 200 at Plaster City West, followed · they'll end the season as usual with Graves moved into the lead as ers particularly like this race for This year the FRT will have a on August 16th by a race co-pro-the New Year's Eve Dash on De-Romo put his co-driver, Julian the happy combination of the five race season, starting on Feb- • mored with CODE, in Jacume, in cember 31. ... -.... ,.. Machado, in for his turn. The driver change cost them a few minutes and Graves now had about six and a half minutes. Julie got into her car and moved up to third as Palmer also made a d river change and put Sommers into his own car. They were fourth, followed by McCain. Graves, who had no trouble, moved along smoothly and fin-ished first. Kern, who also had no problems, said she "didn't see any-body in the class" until the end of the last lap, finished second, fol-lowed in by Machado and Ramos, who'd lost the reservoir on a front shock, which made the front end too soft. Sommers , who said it was the "most fun I've ever had", finished fourth. McCain never got the last lap finished. After Graves had gone through post race tech and been told he could leave, he was called back so the tech crew could weigh bis car. Graves, who had been light at a past race when he omit-ted to carry is spare, had since carefully checked his weight by taking the car 'to · the tech inspector's home and having him weigh it a couple of times. There, it was legal. But when weight at the race, on the dirt in the post race area, it weighed 13 pounds light. He had been told to remove his jack and tire tool. Graves was dq'd. Graves and his crew feel that the uneven site at the finish line area may have done something to the calibration of the scales. His car has a 60 pound ballast under the driver's seat, it has lead in the front bumper and an extra-thick skidpan, all put on in an effort to bring it up to legal weight. He is considering an appeal. • The dq meant that the two Kerns and Neff got the win. Romo and Machado got second place and Sommers and Palmer moved up to third. In the Sportsman class there were only two vehicles. One was the Class 9 car of Josh Griffiths and Megan Allen, with Cera Lindsey riding. This. Kernco, which started life with no reverse gear, now has that important luxury and they had no problems at all. They finished their required , three laps in 2:43: 10, besting Steve Scaroni in his big Excursion. Sca-roni was changing passengers ev-. ery lap, in order to give payback rides. Since he has a third seat in the Ford, it takes a while to get two people out and the next two in, and his laps were lengthy. But the passengers seemed to be en-joyipg their jaunts. The racing was all over by sun-Dusty Times New Logo,·New Name, Same Great Transaxle Congratulations to the Series Winners 2002 Using The MDS Transaxle SCORE - CLASS 12 . 1 ST Ken Stroud 2nd Tom Ridings BEST IN THE DESERT 3rd Jerry Penhall - CLASS 10 1 ST Steve Strobel • AVAILABLE NOW FROM ALL. AUTHORIZED •MENDEOLA ·DEALERS' 290 Trousdale Dr., Ste J Chule Vista CA 91910 www.mendeolatransaxles.com February 2003 Phone: (619) 691-1000 Fax (619) 691324 Page 25
VDRRA Fall Finale BJ Dennis & Bonnie Kordonowy Photos: Steve Brosz No wonder he won both heats, Scott Peterson flew all the way and took the overall win in his good looking Class 10. The final event of the VORRA rac-remember. Their devotion to the sport Saturday's events centered on tech-ingseason was a weekend of fun for the of off road racing and their superb abil-nical inspection, registration, tire chang-entire family. Whether it was the crew ity to promote, schedule and set-up the ing and time trials for starting positions tire changing, the lady's tire changing, most demanding, safest courses for the for the adults, while the kids wielded the pumpkin carving contest, the RC race teams will be remembered as they their knives in the pumpkin carvingcon-car race, the trick-or-treaters, the final turned over the reigns to Rich and test. The VORRA crew spent the after-race of the season that determined over-Danny Klein of the California Rock noon BBQing huge quantities of meat allpointsfortheyearorthemechanic's Crawling&OffRoadChampionship for the evening feast provided for all and powder puff races. Dennis and Series. Rich and Danny will be promot- competitors as the voice of Garland Bonnie Kordonowy and the VORRA ing VORRA next year and Dennis will Dyke permeated the air over the PA sys-crew had once again made it a year to be returning to competition. tern. Approximately a dozen cars and I > The Class 9 battle was a good one but Steve Souza persevered and he won both heats. teams participated in a multiple elimi-nation tire changing with the team of 1049 Sam Berri Racing emergingvicto-rious. The women of Sam Berri and Battle Born Racing pulled together two teams for the ladies tire changing. Heidi, Kirsten, and Cristina worked on the 1049 and Debbie, Ashley, and Cassi 1#4-1#;; 2&¥-:illi-CO■ATIATIIS BPS! l&.1'1~11111:bllics of lbe Year-212 Page 26 February 2003 Dusty Times & Ii rm>WLS.J»rs ::::n:rn. ;; Si 5551 . S ---
Ask Miles Berghold how much dust he ate as he took a third and a first in Pilot Class and that gave him the overall. · David Kordonowy had a second and a third in the heats and that No question who's driving, Bill Hart took a sixth and a first in the heats ave him third spot in Class 10. and that earned him second overall in Semi-Pro took care of the borrowed 17 car of Tavis Racing. At the end of the event, 1049 once again dominated but only by one lug nut and the ladies walked away with $125.00 donated by the spec-tatnrs. We start them young in VORRA The jack ladies and tire carriers were Cristina and Cassi, eighth graders at Dillworth Middle School in Sparks, NY. · Time trials were on an expanded two mile course based on a single lap time. With the land rush start, the starting position gave the competitor with first choice a better shot at the narrow first turn off the starting line. The fast and furious yielded the following# 1 starters in each class Billy Manfroy(7217) Class 7; Fred Calosso (777) Class 7S; Steve Bradford (08) Semi-Pro class; Steve Souza (921) Class 9; Dennis Kordon-owy (1004) Class l; Bruce Fields (858) Class 8 and Scott Peterson (27) Class 10; Class 7, 7S, Semi-Pro, 9, and 8 raced eight laps, while Classes 1 and 10 raced seven. The Pilots raced 10 laps on a half mile course for both heats. Two firsts in Class 1 gave Sam Berri the overall win, Sam was second in Class 10 Doug Seymour's Ford lands hard on the way to the overall victory in the Class 8 as well. battle. Patty Hayos (769) and Matt Taylor (754) dominated Class 7 as Patty de-fended her overall position for the year in class. Ending the day with a first and a first, Patty appeared to have taken the Class 7 championship. Mattworked dili-gently to defeat Patty but ended the day with a third and second giving him a second for the day. Oscar Lara (764) pulled out a second in the first heat but finished the second heat in third three laps down with a third for the day, while Billy Manfroy resigned himself to a fourth for the day after mechanical fail-ure in the first heat. Class 7S was domi-nated by Fred Calosso (777) in both heats with a first/first giving him a first for the day. Mike Koenig (722), who we have seen infrequently on the short course, held off the charge of Jeff Matlock (707) for a second place in hoth · heats giving him a second for the day. Jeff finished the day's events in third. Class 9 had a substantial tum out with Steve Souza (921) putting down the charge of his other three competi-Patty Hayos takes no prisoners, she took the win in both heats and thus ihe overall victory in Class 7. The Class 7S battle went to Fred Cafasso, shown here driving his Ford to victory in both heats. Dusty Times ----------------------------tors. Steve dominated both heats for a first, with Eric Steiger' s charge in the 956 Damen Jefferies wins overall at Nevada 1000 on Teani Gordon Wlleels keeping him on his toes. Eric completed the day with a second/ second and a sec-17" RG.O 1 race wheel available in 0 race lock or street lock for all Chevrolet and Ford truck applications 15" RG.02 race wheel available in race lock or street lock for VW applications. 7" and 3.5" widths available. Specializing in Off-Road wheels*, ~~~~~,2nd steering systems. Continued on page 28 Team Gordon 2980 East Miraloma Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone{714}632-0013 Fax (714) 632-0311 TEAMGORDON.COM ~----/j February 2003 Page .27
Eric Steiger had a brace of second places in the heats and that made Dale Smith comes in for a landing on his way to a pair of seconds in Bruce Field's Chevy was only able to garner a pair of second places him second overall in the Class 9 group. ond overall m class. Rich Steiger (931) and Vanessa Cannon (955) were un-able to complete all laps due to mechani-the heats and a nice second overall in Class 1. • in the heats, good for second overall in Class 8. calproblemsandendedthedayin third turnout of the event Twelve vehicles end of the second heat, only five had pieced theeventwiththeirfirsteverfust and fourth respectively. staged at the starting line, all with the finished all of the required 16 laps. BJ place after placing second in the first The Semi-Pro class had the largest intention of a win for the day. By the & Tristan Butcherinthe'89buggycom-and second heats.Second place for the · day in class went to Bill Hart (1604) after a sixth place finish in the first heat and a first in the second heat. Jason Sacks • (15) ended the day in third place after a roll-over in the first heat relinquished him to a fourth with a solid third in the · second heat. The 1063 of Kenny Ott picked up a fourth for the day with a third/fourth finish in the heats and fifth place in class went to Steve Bradford (08) with a first and a 10th. Class 8 was the story for the day. After'blowing an engine in the last short course race, Doug Seymour in the 872 had installed a real "junk yard" motor provided by Sam Berri. For Doug to maintain the first position in overall points, he had to complete both heats in the same lap as Bruce Fields (858). In Heat 1, Lap 7, Bruce pulled off the track with broken front suspension as Doug sputtered around the track for his eighth lap. With both crews working on the 858, Bruce was unable to participate in the.second heat relinquishing the first place for the day to Doug Seymour and Battle Born Racing. Sometimes iuck is better than skill. Dennis Kordonowy, the race pro-moter, had pulled his 1004 car out of mothballs for the last race of the season in Class 1. Dale Smith in 1044 was also entered with Sam Berri in 1049-and Arden Dennington in 04. Heat 1 Den-nis provided serious competition as Sam pursued. In Lap 4, the transmission in 1004 failed and Dennis was out of com-petition for the day. Heat 1 ended with 1049 and 1044 first and second. Heat 2 found Berri and Smith in the same finishing position for the heat and the day in Class 10. Arden had a bad day mechanically and finished the day with a fourth place. Class lOwas as competitive as ever as nine cars took to the track not only to determine this race's results but also fin-GET 0lJR BRAND NEW KARTEK T-&11/RT FOR ONLY $t5 • ishing positions for the year in class. Scott Peterson (27) appeared to be the man to beat in his ultra light stadium racer, and David Kordonowy (1022) was as aggressM: as ever, with Sam Berri (1049) in hot pursuit. Finishing for Heat 1 was 27, 1022 and 1049 with Bill Minteer (1025) in fourth place one lap down. The second heat was just as demanding as the first Scott dominated all seven laps with Sam moving into the second position and David in third.Jeff Elrod moved into fourth but having not com-pleted the first heat left him with a fifth for the day. Fourth place for the day went to 1025 as he finished the second heat in seventh. Wild Wash 250 February 1-2 Mojave 250 April 4-6 Ridgecrest 300 May 16~18 The Kartek 400 June 27-29 California 200 August 8-10 Lucerne 300 September 26-28 Stoddard 250 November 21-23 2003 RACE SCHEDULE Laughlin Desert Challenge January 16-19 San Felipe 250 March 14-15 Baja 500 May 30-June 1 Henderson's Terrible 250 July 10-13 Las Vegas Primm 300 September 12-13 Baja 1000 November 13-16 • Parker 425 February 7-9 Terrible's Town 250 April 25-27 Vegas to Reno June 26-29 Baja Mex 300 August 22-24 Las Vegas 200 December 5-7 Kartek Off-Road -2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 .. 909.737.7223 Page 28 February 2003 The Pilots provided the excitement the spectators have come to expect. Clint Wolsey (7) set the pace in the first heat and completed the heat in the first posi-tion followed by Paul Franklin (5), Miles Berghold (16) and Jason Paul (37). At the drop of the green flag for the sec-ond heat, it appeared the results were going to be the same until Clint devel-oped a flat tire and the competitors took advantage of it. Mile Berghold moved in to the first spot around Paul Frank-Dusty TJmes
Paul Franklin (L} battles with Clint Wolsey. Paul managed a pair of Matt Taylor maQaged a third and a second in the heats and thai gave Mike Koenig drove his great looking Toyota to a pair of second seconds and second overall in the Pilot Class. him the silver medal in the Class 7 conflict. places and second overall for the weekend. lin. At d\e end ofthe second heat, it was strapped themselves into vehicles that For the final demise of the vehicles and gain some knowledge of driving volunteered their vehicles for the com-Miles in first place, Paul Franklin sec-were totally unfamiliar. Probably to for the season, drivers turned over their the vehicle. It appeared that working petition with Dennis the promoter, ond, Clint Wolsey third and Jason Paul their benefit was the fact that there high dollar investments to the people on them is definitely not the same as Garland the announcer, George the fourth for the day in class. were no turn signals and the brakes that had supported their efforts all year. driving. At the completion of the com- chief steward, and Casey the flagman. Now that the serious racing was didn't need to be used. After one test The mechanics race pitted the wrench petition it was Ron Hart who domi_-Since Dennis has previous race expe-over the cars were.readied for the la-lap for the drivers, the competition turners for each team against each nated in vehicle 27. rience, he was required to start fac-dies (powder-puff) race. Here the car began. Four laps later it was Susan other in a single race regardless of class. With the mechanics and ladies out ing backward on the track. As the owners and drivers placed their ve-Crawford in car 1677 in first place. The 10 mechanics competed on the of the vehicles, VORRA officials day drew to an end, it was a Casey in hides in the hands of friends, wives, Amazingly enough, damage was mini-one mile course for four laps after only climbed into the Pilots for a brief first plac~ followed by George, Den-girlfriends and mothers. Nine ladies ma.I. one lap to get familiar with the course competition. The Pilot drivers had nis and Garland. · Jason Sacks IQw rider plowed through the mud to take a fourth and Bill Minteer lands hard on his way to a fourth and a seventh place in Up the grade comes Kenny Ott. Kenny took a third and a fourth in a third, third overall in· the Semi-Pro Division. the heats, fourth overall for the weekend. competition which put him fourth overall in Semi-Pro. Skyjacker is proud to be the Title Sponsor of Curt and Kyle Leduc for the 2003 CORR and Best In The Desert Series. For an added surprise, Curt will be participating in the Rock Crawling Arena driving a Skyjacker sponsored v~hicle this season. Keep your eyes peeled for what promises to be an exciting off-road season. For further product information and event scheduling call 1.866.4 A DEALER ext. 5001 or check out skyjacker.com Dusty Times February 2003 Page 29
PRESCOTT FDRIE:S I RALLY -/DIiion Take nae overall By John P.M. Dillon Photos: Motorsport Memories Leon Styles and John Dillon were the big winners at Prescott Forest this year, they took the overall win, besting competition and the weather. The awesome roads from Mingus Mountain to the Verde Valley once again hosted the Prescott Forest Rally, this the 15th running of the event. Event organizers Bill Barfoot, Michael Taylor, and Jeff Hendricks faced a formidable challenge this year. With this entry count down and the rally starting on the first day of hunting season, there was a se-rious collection of issues to ad-dress. After delays on the start of the first stage, the first stage was transited at the request of the competitors. Some of the more experienced drivers used the transit to make pace notes for subsequent runs for the next day. First on the road was Pete Lahm, followed by George Pisek. Both had new co-drivers in the car. Pete's girlfriend Ursula Kramer picked up the route book for him, her first time playing the part of co-driver, while Aaron Laeng rode with Pisek. Third on the road was points leader Leon Styles with John Dillon working the Terratrip, just ahead of Roger Hull and Sean Gallagher in their PGT Eagle Talon. Next out was Andy Brown who CDMPlflflDN All . SYSTEMS BY PARKER PUMPER pumaer helmets stlln:,ngat $249l!!!,DO(Mred) · The complete MPER sour~ tor racers HELMETS . an crews 1.BDD.7D0.235D fax: 9D9.36D.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 30 heads µp the AV Sport opera-tion that helped David Higgins win the U.S. championship. Brown erilisted the aid of vet-eran co-driver Alex Gelsomino, campaigning an Open class Su-baru. After the transited first stage, the teams continued at speed down to the Drake ser-vice area along the Witty Tom South stage. There it was, Brown who set the fastest time, about 12 seconds ahead of Pisek, Lahm and Styles. Be-cause only a single stage had been raced, the organizers de-cided not to reseed the group. Once again Pete Lahm initial-ized the pack, but a broken dif-ferential at the stage start fin-ished his weekend with only a single time listed on his scorecard. This time Plsek's Mitsubishi outran the Subaru of Brown and the Audi of Styles. The gauntlet thrown down, Andy Brown proved once again to be a formidable com-petitor by setting the fastest time on the night's final stage, demonstrating that his over-seas experience worked well in the U.S. This time he was fol-lowed by Styles/Dillon, then the Group 5 team of Jay Streets and Ole Holter, then Plsek/Laeng. When the scores were tallied for Friday's coefficient. two event, the podium looked like this: Brown/ Ge Isom ino, Plsek/Laeng, and Styles/Dil-lon. Fourth overall went to Group 5 winners Streets/ Holter, followed by the Group 2 winning Volvo of Bill Malik and Amity Trowbridge. Brian Scott and Dave Hackett claimed PGT honors after Hull and Gallagher retired with en-gine failure due to a dropped cylinder. Terry Stonecipher and Chrissy Beavis took the Production win just eight sec-onds ahead of Paula and Karen Gibeault. February 2003 First in Group 5 was the.flying Volvo ·740 of Jay Streets and Ole Holter, seen here just before touchdown. Despite the smoothness of the roads, especially as com-· pared to years past, a few cars failed to finish the first night. Piers O'Hanlon purchased Ron Woods' famous Audi but man-aged to execute a triple barrel r9ll on the second competitive stage. Neither O'Hanlon nor co-driver Chris Powell were hurt. Bill Hoffman and Matt Lovell failed to get their Mazda RX-7 across the finish line, as did Tony Chavez and Eddie Cardenas. Roger Hull dropped a cylinder on the third stage, leaving the others to pick up the podium. Perhaps the toughest retire-ment happened before the rally even started. Drew Goldsmith entered, drove all the way down from Colorado, then discov-ered a head gasket problem. He failed to visit even a single stage. Day 2 started early with a competitive run down First View. Styles and Dillon, who used the Friday night transit to pace note the stage, were sec-ond quickest behind the in-domitable Subaru of Brown and Gelsomino. The Audi suf-fer d a flat tire on one of the big jumps, but "fared better than another team that had written notes the night before. Gabe Pari and Paul Nelson, racing a Production Nissan Sentra with stock struts, failed to capture the off-camber na-ture of one of the jumps. Upon landing they blew out their sus-pension, then porpoised down the stage until they ran out of road and stuffed the car into a berm. Pari fears that his rally-ing career may be put on hold for a year or two while his wal-let recovers. "Never ever rally with stock struts," he advises. Meanwhile, it was Coleman, Streets, Scott and Pisek behind Styles on· the day's first run. Next up, the Witty Tom stage, saw Brown ·once again set the pace, with Styles and Pisek hot on his heels. At this juncture in our story, the weather moved in to pound the teams. Service crews struggled to repair equipment in the goopy mud brought on by an icy rain and hail storm. Pisek discovered that a differ-ential had broken on his Evo and punctured the fuel tank. With safety in mind the car was loaded onto the trailer, leav-ing the overall lead a battle be-tween Brown and Styles. The next pair of stages were by far the ·roughest of the rally, shortened versions of the fa-mous Limestone Canyon tests of years past. This time the hail-storm complicated things, with standing water in the road's many ruts causing unwary com-petitors to hydroplane danger-ously. Brown absolutely whooped everybody on these two stages, picking up almost a minute over Styles on each leg. The crews returned to ser-vice, then reversed their way out of Witty Tom before head-ing on to the smooth, flowing Perkinsville Road stage. The northbound running of Witty Tom claimed the pickup truck of Jim Pierce and Adrian Lengsfeld. The truck went off the road with a hard hit, trans-mitting much of the impact force to the crew. Lengsfeld was okay, but Pierce suffered a broken ankle in the crash. Witty Tom North served as the warm-up for the famous Perkinsville Road stage, a fast, flowing section of gravel that made the whole rally worth-while. Everyone enjoyed, except for perhaps the seemingly in-domitable Andy Brown/ Alex Gelsomino. About half way into the stage Brown took a corner a little wide, damaging the .right front suspension.· They limped out..of the stage, · but had to call it a night after inspecting the damage. With Friday's winner out of the picture, Styles and Dillon shifted strategy for the last two stages. "We had several minutes over Jay," said Styles, "so I drove a lot more conserva-tively. It was a good thing too -we blew the turbo hose about halfway through the last stage." The last stage was supposed to be First View North, but Mother Nature had other plans. When the weather proved even more dangerous at the top of Mingus Mountain near Jerome, the organizers proved quick and responsive by changing the rally's last stage. Instead of charging up First View through hail and snow, the teams were treated to a re-run of Perkinsville. Addition-ally, the final stage time con-trol doubled up as the end of the rally, eliminating the timed transit back to the hotel. When all the points were fi-nally tallied, Saturday's po-dium looked like this: Styles/ Dillon won overall, with Group 5 winners Streets/Holter fin-ishing second and PGT winners Scott/Hackett rounding out the top three. Malik/Trow-bridge reprised their Friday Group 2 victory ,while Stonecipher/Bruett did the same for Production. oustv Times
I I Terry Stonecipher and Chrissy Beavis roar through the night in their Bill Malik and amity Trowbridge drove their Volvo 240 through the Andy Brown and Alex Gelsomino were first overall on Friday but Toyota. They took the Production Class win. blackness to take the Group 2 honors at Prescott Forest. Saturday evening they withdrew with suspension damage. The Prescott Forest Rally perhaps the toughest event the smoothest roads ever in-nizers overcame many ob-ready working hard to make has 15 years of tradition and ever from an organizational eluding the classic stacles to make the two day the 2003 Prescott Forest challenge behind it. In chis, perspective, featured some of Perkinsville Road. The orga-event a success, and are al-Rally even better. · Brian Scott and Dave Hackett were the Production GT winners, George Pisek and Aaron Laeng were second overall on Friday but a Bruce and Pat Brown drove their Subaru lmpreza to first in CRS GT shown here with their Dodge Eclipse in flight. punctured fuel tank put them on the trailer on Saturday. on both days of the rally. -HONDA Power Equipment POWEil TO-EB6500 HONDA Power Equipment Dusty Times RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • -WELDERS• WATER PUMPS •LAWNMOWERS• LAWN TRACTORS - . • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source for Bonda Po~er Equipnient -Parts and Inventory IF WE DONT HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check Our Website:: ... __ www .Kawaguchlhonda.com Kawaguchi Honda Corp. . , . 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 Nothing S easier. (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a tr<!nsfer de_vice to avoid .possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. · ©2002 American Honda Motor Co, Inc. • 4-20-01• 2_108 February 2003 Page 31
WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS Pima Motarsports ParkDellutl By Mike DeZ-Col Photos: Trackside Photo Ron Dalke flew high and long as he took both heats at the Pima Park in Tucson for the Class 1 O win. Over the years Whiplash Racing has found new and interesting places to race in the Arizona desert. Some have come and gone, and a few stay on the schedule. This year Whiplash brought racing to the Pima Motorsports Park in Tucson, Arizona. The park has a lot of land, and Whiplash is in the process of developing it into a true desert play-ground. The Pima Motorsports Park is a great venue for off road racing, with a combination CORR type track, with some tethnical desert type terrain thrown in. The racers enjoyed two days of racing, with all classes represented for cars, trucks, and bikes and ATVs. Every-one at the races had a great time, and had rave reviews of the track. Whiplash has the park on the schedule for two races next year, and hopefully more racers will come out to enjoy the action. The race of the weekend was be-tween Class 10 veteran Ron Dalke, and Steve Labrie in his Class 1 screamer. The two had tight racing all day for the overall wins, with Dalke getting the overall title. In Class 1, Steve's #123 car finished both days, ad earned the winning trophy in class. Steve wanted to thank sponsors Aeroclip, Heavy Truck Salvage and Silverstruck. Ron Dalke's Class 10 Tatum OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15x6.5 $135.00 -$145.00 & up Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15x 6 $129.95 $135.95 15x 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. La$ Vegas, NV 89102 Page 32 (702) 247-126.6 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX entry was tough and fast, and earned him the class victory. Dalke reported that the course was to his liking, with plenty of technical stuff thrown in with the stadium action. Dalke's winning time was 31: 16. Dalke thanks Tatum Motorsports and Bob Materials Supply for their support. Finishing second in Class 10 was Red Burgin in his beam 12 car. Red had good races, and sec-ond place finishes in both motos. Red managed to finish just 1:47 behind Dalke. ·Earthworks Land-scape, Callan Oil and Foddrill Fab-rication all sponsor Burgin. Mark Brownell ended up with a third place finish, after an off course ex-cursion into a tree, rolling his car. He was a DNS in Heat 2. The Pro 8 contest had three strong competitors. Benny Fenn found himself holding the tall tro-phy and earning the win with fin-ishes in both motos. Benny had a close call getting both rear fenders trimmed off, and a flat tire in an off course rrtishap. Benny was play-ing catch-up for much of the race, but his second place in Heat 1, and a first place in Heat 2 were enough fo1 the wil). Thunder Truck pilot Don Kolt managed a second place with a win in Moto 1 and a DNF in Moto 2 with unknown problems. Bucky Strunk had the Predator truck running well, but electrical gremlins put him out of the race in both motos. Bucky later determined the case to be a crank trigger mal-function. Guaranteed that will be rectified before the next race. RW Strunk Excavating sponsors Bucky. Joe Bombardier was the lone entry in his #501 Class 5 entry. Joe had solid finishes in both motos and earned the win. In the Class 1/2-1600 contest, the Bill King entry got the win for the weekend with a second place finish and a first place finish in the races. Bill really liked the racing and the course, and can't wait to do it again. Kruggy is sponsored by Gei-ser Brothers, RD I and Stan Fence. Mike Leung pulled out a second place fo_r the weekend in the class with a third place in Moto 1, and February 2003 Steve LaBrie had no competition in Pro 1-2, but that didn't mean he was stroking it, he ran quick as a rabbit for the win. second place in Moto 2. Mike's Dunrite car is sponsored by McKey Motorsports, and Don Johnson racing engines. Bill Stoner had a tough weekend. Bill was the winner in Moto 1, but was a DNF in Moto 2 to earn third place in the class for the weekend. Not sure what sealed his fate. Woods Off Road sponsors Stoner. The dynamic Krissy Sullivan had a good race go-ing, but broke her transmission during Moto 1 and was unable to compete in Moto 2. • The Sofa City Class 7 truck had a good outing at the Pima Motor-sports Park. The Brechlin/Gilbert team finished both motos, and earned the win. In Class 5-1600 Michael Harris had the Red Eye Racing machine dialed in and earned solid wins all weekend long. Andy Ripberger ended up with a DNF in Moto 2 to earn second place in the class. .. Continued on page 34 The Brechin/Gilbert entry (left) took the Pro 7 Category win with a first in each of the heats. Flying high, wide and handsome, Todd Elam took the win in both heats and the Sportsman Unlimited title. Dusty Times
~@bOOfu --· ~ Ml&~•.........., ............
Benny Fenn garnered a second and a first in the heats and he Bill Krug was the Pro 1/2-1600 winner, he took a second a first in the Red Burgin had a fairly good day in the Pro 10 battles, he picked up literally flew to the Pro 8 class win. heats and that gave him the title. a pair of seconds and that gave him the silver medal. Joe bombardier needs some flying lessons, he ran alone in the Pro 5 category for the gold medal. The Challenger Class win went to Nolan Blackwell, Jr, he won both The Sportsman 10 title was won by Deanne Bosley, a second and a heats for the coveted gold medal. • _fir._s_t=g_a_ve_ h_im_th_e_ho_n_o-rr._. --=-,------,---,aa---,--~~-Noilan Blackwell earned a victory in the Challenge Class 9 contest over Brad Leakey. Nollan really enjoyed the racing and the win. Marana Carpets, and Short Fused Motorsports sponsor Nollan. Brad Leakey had a good race, but was unable to push past Nollan. Todd Elam continued his winning ways in the S-portsman Unlimited fracas. Elam com-petes in a tandem chassis car that works and runs great. He is al-ways tough to beat. Todd is spon-sored by T&R Ironworks. George Rude's TUF powered entry finished second in the class. Deanne Bosley was the happy winner in the Sport 10 race. Deanne seems to be turning into a short course specialist, and very much enjoys the Pima Mo-torsports Park. Deanne's 1979 chassis racer ran good all week-end, but she admits that getting the win was pretty lucky. Scott Page 34 Bachelor seemed to have things the Pro 1600 class. Shivers is Look for more races at the Point race, in Rocky Point, well in hand when an off course sponsored by Fann Contracting, Pima Motors ports Park next Mexico. Get those cars prepped incident pushed him into the and gives a special thanks to year, with things getting even and ready to race. There are sev-second place spot, and gave Mom and Dad. Bruce Johnston better. The weekend was a big eral season points champion-Deanne the victory. finished in second place, after a hit with racers and fans. Next ships hanging in the balance -In the Sport Truck division, DNF in Moto 2 put him out of stop ·on the Whiplash Desert and it's winner take all in Oran t Wilson had the Olde En-the running. Don Johnson was ~T~o~t~1 r~is~th~e~D:.e:.c~e::_:t~n~b~e~r....:5~P~o'.!.i~n~t~t~o:__~M:::..'.:e.xxo~·~.:· ____ .:..._ _ _,_.1•~• glish Blue Bronco running well. competing in a borrowed 1600 Grant seems to like the desert racer from Mike Leung and fin-and the short course format ished third after destroying a c.v. equally, and always punishes in Moro 1. Don is a local Tue-that little Bronco. Jonathan son racer who is making quite a Moreno had second place fin-name for himself by building ishes in both motos, and earned winning motors, and reliable second place for the weekend. race prep. Mike Shivers had it going his Attrition was the name of the way in the Sportsman Limited game in the Sport Mini class. race. Mike was running his car Kyle Green earned a victory for for only the second time, and the weekend, even with a broken was very pleased with the out-transmission cooler in Moto 1, come, winning each moto and· and broken suspension parts in the class win. Mike did enjoy the Moto 2. The short course for-Pima Motorsport·s Park, but mat is fun to watch, but hard prefers the desert. He earned his on the equipment. Tom Fisher win, coming from rear starts in had his ranger in Tucson for the both motos. Look out for the contest, and was a DNF in Moto Shivers' racing effort next sea- 2 and earned second place for son, when they will step up into the weekend. February 2003 Ready For Launch was Grant Wilson. He took ·a pair of firsts to win the Sport Truck title in Tucson. Dusty Times
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> MOJAVE DESERT RACING, INC. 2DD2 awards •n111uet By Sheryl Cannon Photos : Trackside Photo Mike Harvey was the 1600 champion, he put together a first, three seconds and a fifth to win by 122 points. MOR held its season-ending away. "State of the Sport" pre-served recognition included Jesse awards banquet Sunday, Decem-sen cations made by guest speak-Kiefer, David Hatcher and his girl-ber 8th, at the Double Tree lnn ers from the California Off Road friend Lisa Wynkoop, the Kevin in Rosemead, CA. Prior to an- Vehicle Association (CORVA) Fenton family, the Richard Mo n-nouncing and rewarding the top and the Coalition of Off Road tana family and also Randy and three finishers in each division, at-Desert Racers (CORDR) were Claire Ross and their family. Art tendees enjoyed a sumptuous meal also part of the evening festivities. Savedra, the club's expert Safety of filer mignon, twice-baked po- And, of course, capping off the and Tech Director was also rec-taco and steamed vegetables. gala event was the awards cer-ognized, as were Flagman Wally There was a very nice turnout, emony itself. Kelly and his wife Laurie, who despite the fact that several of the MOR President Patricia Will-along with daughter Heidi Kelley class champions were unable to iams began the ceremony by iden-and her friend Alexis Garza, attend. Jim Williams did a splen- tifying and thanking the many handle MDR's time keeping du-did job as emcee of the event. In dedicated men and women who ties. addition to firs t class wining and regularly volunteer their time and After guest speakers Paige dining,therewerealsodozensof servicesascourseworkers.Those Donahoe (CORDR) and Ed really terrific raffle prizes given individualsreceivingsomewellde-Waldheim (CORVA) offered Page 36 February 2003 (L to R) Chris Parr. Greg Crew and Michael Parr finished third, second and first respectively in the hard fought 1300 Class. thanks and pleas for continued support, Jim Williams returned to the podium. But before honor-ing the top three finishers from MDR's 15 d,ivisions, Williams turned matters over to Clive Ski!-. ton for presentation of a hand-ful ofJeepSpeed-themed awards. The first award handed out was the Skyjacker Memorial Trophy, a newly created special achieve-ment award established in honor ofSkilton's late father Gene, who passed away in 2002. That award went to Mike and Tom Barnett for their many outstanding con-tributions to both the sport and the JeepSpeed movement. The next award presented by Skilton went to Charlie Peltzer, who fin-ished the 2002 season in third place and was honored as the JeepSpeed "Rookie of the Year." Skilton's final two awards were presented to the year's overall first and second place finishers. The 2002 JeepSpeed Challenge winner was Barrie Thompson, who made it back-to-back cham-pionships by successfully defend-ing his 2001 title. Runner-up honors went to the immensely tal-ented Currie family. Appropri-ately enough, Skilton summoned Ray Currie to the podium to join sons Casey, Brandon and Cody as the team was presented with their award. Next, it was time to begin hand-ing out the MDR awards. The first group to be honored was Class 500. MDR's 2002 Class 500 winner was John Criswell, of theJ.E.T. RacingTeam.John, Tim and Ernie Criswell combined their talents for two wins and two second place finishes from six starts. George Seeley was the run-ner-up in Class 500, despite matching Criswell's record of two first and two second place finish-ers on the year. The difference was Seeley made five starts (rather than six) and earned 18 fewer points. Jeff Nutter ended the sea-son third in 500, posting one win and two third place finishes from four starts. Next up was Class 550, where there was no question who was best. Jeffrey Sack claimed the 550 championship by a whopping 111 points. Sack started in each of MDR's six races, finishing first four times and third twice. His rather awesome 320 total points placed Sack third overall. Joey Hoerr earned 550 runner0up honors and Mark Dee finished the season in third. Class 1000 was next on the program. In that division, peren-nial champ Whit Courtenay again proved a runaway winner. Cour-ten:,i.y raced to his fourth MOR C lass 1000 championship in 2002, defeating his nearest rival by a massive 128 points. Mr. Courtsistency started in all six races, winning three, finishing sec-ond once and third twice. Some-how, his incredible 328 total points was "only" second best for the year. Jim Anderson and Rich-ard Lesher were the respective sec-ond and third place finishers in Class 1000. Anderson nabbed second by a mere eight points, af-ter a season which saw both driv-ers post one win and one runner-up finish. In 1600, Mike Harvey was an-other decisive winner. Harvey cruised to the 2002 Class 1600 championship by putting 122 points between himself and his nearest classmate. The fact that Harvey posted just one win on the season was of little consolation to his outclassed rivals. That's be- · cause the result of his other four MOR starts were three second place finishes and a fifth. Garit Wallace earned 1600 runner-up honors by posting one win from three starts. Wallace edged third place finisher Robert Mau ritzen by eight points, when the latter's season ended with one win from two starts. ::---......,.,. Eric Heiden made it look easy, he won all six of the races he entered and took the Class 8 honors with relative ease. Dusty Times
+ The Class 500 champion is John Criswell, two wins and two second The Class 550 honors went to Jeffrey Sack, he finished first in four Casey Currie was the Class 1700 winner for 2002 and the whole place finishes put the laurels on his head. races and twice he finished in third place. The next group making their the year. Pittman also started four went to Randy Ross for his ex-way to the podium was doing so times, recording one first and one pert managing of MD R's commu-for the second time on the second.MattShuss'bestracewas ni~ationsduringthe2002season. evening. The top three finishers a third place effort, which also After father and daughter in Class 1700 were honored next, happened to be where he finished traded positions, jim Williams and three points was all that sepa-in Class 1100 for the year. · honored the top two finishers in rated the winner from the run-Moving next to Class 1200, MDR's street-legal Pro Class, ner-up. Officially, it was Casey there was a pretty lively battle for 1400. Steven Jones claimed the Currie taking MD R's 2002 Class that division's top spot. Nicholas championship with 165 points. 1700 Championship. Currie Beall and Mike Dill started in all Jones wound up winning two of emerged with a thrilling 298-295 six races, and between them the his four 2002 starts. Ed Moore decision over 1700 runner-up duo came away with five wins. Dill also won half of his four starts, Barrie Thompspn. Charlie Peltzer wound up with the better record, while earning 1400 runner-up took third place with a solid 285 three wins and two runner-up fin-honors for the season with 136 points. Between them, the trio ishes. However, Beall emerged· points. won five of the six races. Thomp-with the Class 1200 champion-Class 1450 was up next. Craig son scored three wins and a sec-ship, despite winning twice and Pearson had a terrific year, accu-ond from his half dozen starts, finishing second three times. The mu la ting 282 points to capture while Currie and Peltzer each won final tally read 263-224 and both the Class 1450 championship. one of their six. In the end, how-drivers finished with one DNF. Pearson started all six MDR races ever, tenacity and some rather re-Despite being outscored for the in 2002, placing first twice, sec-markable consistency proved the top spot, Dill at least finished a ond once, third twice and fourth deciding factor. Evidence the clear cut second. Bob Miller once. Michael Licari finished sec-points stemming from the Currie wound up third in 1200 for the family's two second, one third and season, 52 points in arrears. family readily accepted the award. ond in 1450 with 235 points. finisher. Ayers made two starts, Licari also started every race, plac-finishing with one first, one see-ing one time each in second, third, ond and 150 points. fourth, fifth and sixth. Mark There was no doubt regard-Growe was the division's third ing who was best in Class 900 for place finisher. Growe wound up the year. Kevin Kopitch made a with a pair of victories, three run-complete shambles of that divi-ner-up finishes and 209 points. sion, capturing the title by an as-Class 100 was honored next. tonishing 160 point margin. Richard Boyle had a magnificent Kopitch made six starts, which season, placing first in four of his resulted in three wins, one sec-five starts and winning the Class ond, one third, and 276 total 100 championship by 49 points. points. Dan Folts won both of Boyle, who amassed a total of.248 his 2002 starts to earn 116 points, finished first overall in the points and Class 900 runner-up 2002 Wild Wash 250, Ridgecrest honors. Dan Owen finished the 300, Kartek 400 and California season third in 900, after post-200. Andrew (A.J .) Gaston ing a pair of third place finishes claimed Class 100 runner-up hon-from three starts. ors for the year. Gaston recorded In class 700, Jeff Richardson a pair of third place finishers and stood head and shoulders above one fourth from five starts. Craig his rivals. Richardson's four Ayers was the division's third place Continued on page 38 two fourth place finishes. The The top three finishers from "Big 3" also did themselves proud the Class 1300 were honored in the season points chase, where next. There was a close three way. the Class 1700 1-2-3 finishers fin-battle for the title in this competi-ished 4,5-6 overall. tive division. Ultimately, it was Tfte Dlfferencef Next was Class 725, where Michael Parr who claimed the Doug Petterson claimed the sea-championship. Parr outscored son championship by a healthy 1300 runner-up Greg Crew 282-81 point margin. Petterson placed 271 to reign supreme. MP's six first in three of his six starts, with starts yielded a win, two runner-the other three resulting in one up and fourth, fifth and sixth third and one fifth. Ron Smith place finishes. Crew's half dozen finished second in 725 and Steve starts resulted in one second, two Jackson took third. Smith started thirds, two fourths and one fifth in all six races, recording one first, place finish. Christophe.r Parr fin-one second and one fourth. Jack-ished third in Class 1300, after etti, who made just three starts, converting five starts into 242 finished the season with one first points. and one third. . Next, there was a brief time-Class 1100 was the next group out while Lisa. Williams handed podium-bound. Before moving out three "sp.ecial awards." The on to greener pasture s (Class first went to the aforementioned 1700) perennial champ Dennis Art Savedra and his talented Sletten picked up one final 1100 A.R.T.S. Tech Inspection Team. championship. Sletten bid fare-Savedra received a handsome well to his classmates from a dis-plaque in appreciation of his and tance, 62 points to be exact. Af-his tech team's contributions to ter an undefeated season, in which the successful 2002 season. The Sletten registered four wins from second award went to Kartek for four starts, there's really not much its i_mmense support of the MDR to say other than "Good luck series. Kathy Criswell graciously Dennis." Thomas Pittman earned accepted on behalf of Kartek. The Class 1100 runner-up honors for third and final "special award" Charlie Peltzer was thrilled as Clive Skilton awarded him the Jeepspeed "Rookie of The Year" award. Dusty Times Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204SD Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-D830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830504 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits .. Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles For more information give us a call or visit us online @ www.mckenzies.com February 2003 Page 37
< Doug Petterson took home all the marbles in the Class 725 tussle, he Nicholas Beall took the Class 1200 glory, he had a pair of wins and Art Saavedra accepts a Special Award on behalf of his hard working won three of the six races he entered. · was second in three of the races. tech crew. starts res'ulted in three wins, 209 won the battle for second place Class 800 each time. Heiden's and to ever_y_o_n_e_a_s_s_o-c1,...·a-t-ed-,-w----:-it'h-------;-M---.--..D-'""R=-,c-s-c2cc0cc0cc2:-----points and the Class 700 cham-67-63, leaving Shoaff to settle for perfecta translated into 335 to-Mojave Desert Racing, Inc. Top 15 Overall Season pionship. Steve Lucena finished third. The best anyone in Class tal points, which made him MDR's 2003 series consists of Points Earners: adistantsecondin700andMike 800 (Ismail and Shoaff in-MDR's 2002 overall season sevenraces,withthecraditional 1.E.Heiden,335;2.WCourtenay,328; Becker placed third. eluded) could do was finish sec-points champion. season opener, the "Wild Wash 3. J. Sack; 320; 4. Casey Currie, 298; 5. B. Last, but certainly not least, ond, thanks to a certain Mr. Eric A few raffle drawings later, 250!', slated for February 1st in Thomp,on,295;6.C.Pel=,285;7.B.Bunch, the top three finishers in Class Heiden. Heiden won the Class MD R's 2002 Awards Banquet Barstow. Hope to CU there. In 283; 8. M Parr (Tie), 282; 8. C fl=on(rie), 800 were honored. Mike Ismail 800 championship by a mind-was over. It was a great year and closing, here's one final look at 282; 10. KKopitch,276; ll.G.Crew,271; 12. and Mark Shoaff claimed the boggling 268 points. He started a great night. Congratulations to the year's top 15 overall finish-D.fureoon(Ii.e),263;12.N.Beall(He),263;14. division's minor awards. Ismail in all six races and placed first in all the 2002 season champions ers. M.Bamett,254, 15.R.Boyle,248. · Kathy Criswell accepts an award from MDR on behalf of Kartek for Randy Ross was awarded by MOR for his tireless effort maintaining Barrie Thompson accepts his winners award from Clive Skilton, it their tremendous support of Mojave Desert Racing. the MOR communications systems. was his second consecutive Jeepspeed championship. Page 38 February 2003 Dusty Times -f
h 2m,2 Gannan Ridge Rally By John P.M. Dillon Photos: Motorsports Memories The Widget Rally Team of Leon Styles (Mission Viejo, CA) and John Dillon (Thousand Oaks, CA) won. the Gorman Ridge Rally on August 24, 2002. Racing a car prepared by George Pisek, Sr. of Tato Motorsports, they finished 36 seconds ahead of their Tato teammates George Pisek, Jr. and Alex Gelsomino. Pisek and Gelsomino led the later stages of the rally until the · final course when brake prob-lems slowed the duo's new Mitsu-bishi Lancer Evo VI. Stephe~ Verdier and Allan Walker com-pleted the podium racing a ven-erable Mazda 323 GTX, less than a minute behind Pisek/ Gelsomino. "We drove a conservative rally during the daytime stages at the Hungry Val!.ey park," reported Styles. "After the dinner break we turned it up a· notch in the for-est stages, then turned it up an-other tick for the last two stages after dark." The Widget team set fastest time on the last four tests and bested a 1999 record for the Maxwell stage. Coincidentally, the previous record was set by Anton Mus~v and John Dillon on their way to that year's overall victory, racing a 220-HP Audi Leon Styles and John Dillon were the overall winners at the Gorman Ridge Rally, seen here in the nasty looking Audi Quattro. 4000. Said M usev later, who -----,...,....,,..,------, happened to be at the stage's finish line, "I didn't even realize we · held the record, but it's okay. Nothing lasts forever." (By the way, Pisek set a new stage record on North Boundary.) With two stages remaining, Styles and Dillon were only 24 seconds be-hind Pisek and Gelsomino, poised for success if Pisek's Evo George Pisek, Jr. and Alex Gelsomino corner hard in their Mitsubishi Terry Stonecipher, with Jeff Bruett riding shotgun drove the Toyota should falter: on their way to second overall at Gorman. pickup to a nice win in Production. The event, head-everything you need ta build. 111aintain and PRECISION operate a racecar 2865 6undry Ave, Signal Hill. CA 9D755 800.959. 7757 562.427.2375 Fax: 5Eii!.4i!Ei.5i!94 5pal Fan!!i quartered at the Best Rest Inn in Frazier Park, began with several teams pushing hard for the over-all lead. Doug and Sue Robin-son, in their first rally of the year, brought out their old Mazda 323 GTX. Proving that time away from the steering wheel hadn't slowed his performance Robinson set top five quick ties on the first four stages. Trans-mission failure cut their rally short about a half mile into the fifth stage. It was this same stage that cost Tony Chavez several minutes in road penalties when his Mitsubishi Galant refused to start, even with co-driver Eddie Cardenas and several spectators pushing the car. During the din-ner service they discovered a faulty fuel pump had caused the delay. Chavez. actually led the rally on after Stages 2 and 3 b~-fore Pisek blipped ahe:i<l hy j11st one second on Stage 4. overall and in SCCA's Open class and third in CRS Open 4WD. (SCCA's ClubRally classes do not include Gro·up N.) "It was our first time navigating by route book so I was a little nervous," reported Lin, "but I adapted pretty quickly." This is their first year of U.S. rally and their only events so far had been with stage notes or pace notes. "Julie started getting sick on the forest stages," noted Hoeck. "Still, she soldiered on and refused to quit. We're very happy to have finished as well as we did." p·roduction class winner Terry Stonecipher teamed up with Jeff Bruett in his rally truck, finish-ing over four minutes ahead of Gabe Pari and Paul Nelson. In her first rally as a co-driver, 16 year old Karen Gibeault sat in the ballast seat with Doug Whited, earning a second place Group 2 trophy in the process. Veteran driver Bill Malik, with equally veteran co-driver Amity Trowbridge alongside, proved their past successes_ were no fluke by winning the Group 2 category almost three minutes ahead of Whited. People joked with Stonecipher and Whited that they should swap co-drivers: Each of Karen's older sisters first co-drove (at the age of 16) with Stonecipher behind the wheel. Dave Coleman and Ryan Cavalier struggled through much of the rally with mechanical is-sues, unable to keep all the cylin-ders firing, but proved that a "rally on" spirit can get you to the top. The crew kept "adding n<;w gum and tape to the appro-priate engine pieces," according to Coleman. They took their Nis-san Sentra to a Group 5 win, fin-ishing sixth overall, just behind PGT-winners Roger Huii and Sean Gallagher. First-time driver Julian Masters, who heads up Winning Makes, teamed with Steve Lawrence to finish seventh overall in his Mitsubishi Mirage with all the cool Evo bits. Second in Group 5 was awarded to Jim and Michelle Pierce, with husband Jim behind the wheel of a Ford Ranger. Michelle is another first time co-d river. Initially nervous about the twisty challenges ofGorman's roads, she proved equal to the task and enjoyed the ride. . Coleman remarked: "The stiff-est competition was supposed to come from the office next door. (The two drivers write for a popular car magazine.) Josh Jacquot drove Robert Garcia's two wheel drive turbo Eclipse ... Josh's car is an overpowered moi-1ster, but like most Eclipses, it doesn't like to turn. On the tight, narrow roads of Gorman, nimhleness is often more impor-Continued on page 40 Fire 5y!!itl;!rn!!i Wolfgang ~-------------------~ BieFFe Helrnet!!i 51/icane Turba Ha!!ie Aeraquip and 5tainle!!i!!i Braided Ha!!ie Ii. Flttlng!!i Longacre Iii lntercamp 5cale!!i Ii. Alignment Equiprnent Neo 5ynthetic Lubricant!!i High Perf'ormance Batterle!!i Moma and 5parco 5eat!!i, 5tf!erlng Wheel!!i, 5uit!!i and 5aFety Equipment Aurora, NHBB and FK Rad End!!i 5etrab, Long and Flu/dyne OIi Caaler!!i Cu!!itarn Brake, UII, Fuel and Power Steering Line!!i Crow Belt!!i and Harne!!i!!ie!!i see our CDITlplete anline catalog at www.bakerprei:isian.can, Dusty Timesi .} Februar.y 2003 Hoeck and Julie Lin bro u g.h t their RMR-prepared Evo VII to t h e Gorman party. Fresh from t h e i r Group N victory at Pike's Peak, they fin-i s h e d fourth Dave Coleman and Ryan Cavalier overcame adversity and drove their Nissan Sentra to the Group 5 win and they were sixth overall as well. Page:39.
Bill Malik and Amity Trowbridge churn up the dirt as the Volvo powers towards the Group 2 victory at Gorman. The Hu/I/Gallagher duo had a good run, they took the coveted Grand Touring win at the Gorman contest. The winner of the California Rally Series Grand Touring title was the Verdier/Walker twosome. tant than power." Jaquot and Chrissy Beavis challenged Cole-man/Cavalier for much of the day, the two teams swapping Group 5 fast times, but when J aquot' s wheel fell of the car on· Stage 9, Coleman was handed the "Sport Compact Car editor" aging finish after a promising bragging rights. start. They and Malik/Trow-Other teams had problems bridge swapped fast times in the too. Mike and Linda Masano Group 2 category before they fell nudged an inside berm and gen-out of the race. Scott Harvey tly flopped their Toyota Corolla and Bo.b Gough suffered an-FX16 over on Stage 10. a discour-other roll-over iust after the fi-nal Ffnish Time Control. They managed to· return their 1971 Dodge Colt to the upright posi-tion and successfully completed the rally despite the damage to the historic vehicle. Coleman just· about dupli-contingency Lightforce's new HID Blitz is the most powerful and efficient light in the off-road world. HID Blitz features a 9.5-inch parabolic reflector and draws the equivalent of a 35 watt bulb. Shatterproof, waterproof arid lightweight polycarbonate construction ensures rugged durability from a unit weighing half that of competitors. An integrated ballast-the first of its ki_nd in off-road-makes installation easy. Our trademark filter system allows you to change the color or pattern of the beam in seconds. The brightest light, most durable, most versatile and easiest to install ... This is no poser. HID Blitz rocks! $100cash ~ ~-. {":'.' .. ··}- - ' - . _· . Page 40 ttj#&~us, · www.lightforce.com • (208) 476-9814 P.O. Box 9, Orofino, ID 83544 February 2903 cated Harvey's roll. Reported the driver, "The same thing almost happened to me in the same c9r-ner. Ryan was already congratu-lating me when l slid into that berm. I told him ... Tm not done yet!' Luckily the Sentra's a little wider." Don Shreyer and Ken Tooker took a decreasing corner a bit too wide and buried themselves into a soft berm. The two struggled for several minutes to dig out their second-generation Mazda RX7 before continuing. Co-driver Tooker reported "I wished I had a shovel in the car - I would've whacked Don with it!" Co:drivers recognized a lot of the rally volunteers at the check-points. In addition to the many regular workers like Larry Scholnick, Jeanne English and Scott and Toni Dicks, who are always so indispensable, several competitors chose to support this rally when they didn't have cars ready. Amongst the lot were Jay Streets, Ole Holter, Tom Bier, Neal Gaborno and several oth-ers. It was wonderful to see all the enthusiastic support from regular workers and racers alike. Mike Moyer and Mark Traylor tried to earn the "Rookie Double DNF award" in a Mitsu-bishi Eclipse but learned too late· that such a title doesn't exist. It was Moyer's first rally on CRS roads - he last rallied three years earlier in Minnesota. Reported Moyer, "We were pretty excited to drive. In fact, a bit too ex-cited. Due to a mystical series of events (aka driver error), we popped a c.v. joint a mile into SSI, right before the large, sandy hill. I apparently high-sided it a little too much, and yanked the c.v. apart. Horrible noises en-sued, and we pulled off in the sand and checked for broken parts." Though officially out of the rally, the organizers let Moyer/Traylor affect repairs and "fun run" the rest of the day to get some valuable seat time. Their second DNF of the night came on the last stage.when the co-driver's ball joint broke. Rally legend has it chat it's al-ways the co-driver's fault! In years past, lateness penal-ties were waived in the supple-mental regulations. Competitors abused the option so this year there was no such variation. As a side benefit, the rally stayed on time throughout the event -only the awards ceremony started five minutes late. Next year's Gorman Ridge Rally is already in the works and will be the fifth event on the new Western States Rally Champion-ship calendar. The Widget Rally Team, chis year's winner, plan·s to be there. You should plan to be there too. . _ . .,.., Dusty Times I
SCORE AWARDS BANQUET Troy Herbst IS overall Points Champion· B:;]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Track.side Photo Troy Herbst and clan celebrate winning the Overall points award as well as the Class 1 honors for 2002. SCORE held their annual recipients whose awards are deter-properly. Congrats. Taking the awards banquet on December 7 mined by ballot. Sal Fish, man in Class 1 honor as well as the Over-at the Primm Valley Resort at charge at SCORE took on the all points leader was Troy Herbst. beautiful, downtown Primm, Ne-chore of Master of Ceremonies Troy, youngest of the tribe has won vada (aka Stateline). The top three and Sal did a hell of a job, every-the Class 1 title for an unbeliev-in points in each class were hon- thing went per schedule and 99% able six years running and he has ored as were the Off-Roadsman of the names were pronounced won the overall points champion-Frank DeAngelo (L) and Jeff Cummings (Center) accept the award on behalf of BFGoodrich for Contingency Company and Pit Support Team of 2002. Martin Christensen was recognized for a great win in Class 10, a long tough season is over. ship four times! Quite an accom-plishment, and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. His co-driver, Larry Roesseler ain't too bad a sho·e ei-ther. Troy and his Smithbuilt Ford are already looking forward to the 2003 season. Second place in Class Continued on page 42 ♦ ♦ ca s::: Q) Q ♦ Q) .................... ·tw·,nner S -=•• E 200'} t True Gn · IIJSL"F:JRAei~ .. x.sissa . < Baja 2002 Toyo a •2 1-2 16N CIJus Cllll■pbl tooo 111· e, 0 Q) . 'IIJIJer (!) Congratulations to our Teammates a_nd Associates for our 2002 Championships! : BFGaadrich :i --------·,.,. i IDAlt;J& Ota ♦ ~ ca ...J ♦ Q) ::, tr ~ •• PBIIP"GIIJIIAIICB ~iveS~Bo~~ H.W. Hunter. Inc. · This season has been dedicated to our father James Jeffrey jr, -Cabinets BILSTEIN 1:A:RH ifJ _,,. tulMOEN' Buy tt for looks. Buy It for IHe. ♦ Al ♦ Doug ♦ Brett ♦ Mark ♦ Adam Jeffrey ♦ Dave ♦ Roger Lord ♦ Mr.Bill ♦ ~ ~ t:J 0 . (Q ♦ f ::, s::: !!. ♦ ::0 ..... (') ::r, ♦ Dusty Times February 2003 Page 41
The Class 9 honors went to Eric Fisher who was quite ready to Good guy all around Jerry Herbst accepts the award for Terrible The Class Stock Full award for 2002 was joyfully accepted by John Griffin, his Hummer ruled the desert. accept the honor after a year of hard work. Herbst as Entry Sponsor Of The Year. 1 went to Dale Ebberts, his Jimco-berger, also in a ford F-150 and Pfleuger and his Chevy Silverado Toyota 38 points in arrears. Third definitely one to watch next year. and in third place it was Rick in Class 1 was Chuck Hovey, driv-Third in Trophy Truck was the Johnson in a Ford F-150. The ing his Jimco-Chevy. The hotly con-Dan Smith/David Ashley duo, 1600 honors went to Brian Jeffrey testedTrophyTruckclass was.won also in a Ford F-150. The andhisVWpoweredLothringer. by more Herbs ts, Ed and Tim Pro Truck contest was a close one Jake Maness was second, driving a drove their Ford F-150 to the class but the honors went to Steve Bar- Jimco-VW and third place went to win as well as being second overall low, his Ford F-150 besting the Kash Vassels in his VW powered in points. Only three points behind bunch. Second in Pro Truck and Chenowth. The Class 3 pointswin-was the hard charging Scott Stein-only nine points behind was Alan ner was Don Moss, Ford Bronco and second spot went to Rich points for the year. Craig Turner Severson in his Jeep Cherokee. was the winner in the Class 7 con-George Seeley, Jr. was the Class 5 test, driving a Ford Ranger, sec-winner while second spot went to ond lace went to Perry McNeil, Larry McCallum and Michael ]a-Ford Ranger and the third spot kobson was third. Class 5-1600, went to Dan Fresh, in a Jeep one of the larger entry classes was Comanche, Doug Stewert was sec-taken by Allan Gregory, Rob Tay-ond in a Chevy S-10 and third lor was second in points and spot was taken by Eric Hardin in a Ruben Gutierrez was third in GMC Sonoma. Class 8, 'member • ■nerBeria Page 42 IJlll"I//II&.•~ SHOCK ..... "1/11""'1ill' ..CHIVOI.OGY 714.530.B701 • FAX 714.530.B702 ~ 1RA$KAV£., UNIT A• GARDEN GROVE;. CA 9.::!843 111NtftN'.kingshocks.oo,n February 2003 '; 2.5" 2.6" --€1!!4/J Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and production coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times· 7
A ve,y happy Bar,y Beacham accepts his award recognizing him as The Motorcycle• Manufacturer Of The Year award was happily The Toyota True Grit and Milestone Award winners are all smiles the SCORE Mechanic Of The Year. accepted by the American Honda team. accepting their awards for 2002. Brian Jeffrey was quite happy as he accepted the award for winning Class 1/2-1600 on the SCORE trail. Dick Landfield was honored by SCORE for all his years of contributing to the off road community. Nick Vanderwey accepted his award for taking the Class 8 win for 2002 in his GMC Sierra. · those big honkers that used to rule the desert? Well, this year the points win was taken by Nick Vanderwey in a GMC Sierra, sec-ond place went to Joe Patelli in a Chevy Blazer and third was taken by Benny Canela, driving a Ford F-150. The Class 9 award went to Eric Fisher, driving a Garibay-Challenger, second was Arturo Velazco in a Chenowth and third was Tony Modica in a Chenowth, Ciass 10 was taken by Martin Christensen, driving a Jimco-BMW, second went to Eli Yee Jr. in a J imco Honda and third was Steve Myers in aJimco-Toyota. The SCORE Lites winner was Ken Stroud in a VJ! powered Jimco, second was Tom Ridings in a Mi-rage VW and third was Jerry Pen-hall in a Penhall VW. Class 11 was no surprise as Eric Solorzano took the win easily. Fernando Flores was second and Garth Akney was third. Stock Full points winner was John Griffin in a AM General Hummer, Kevin Conlon was sec-ond in a Ford F-250 and third . were Chad/Rod Hall in another AM General Hummer. The Stock Mini class went to Bob Land in his lzusu Rodeo, second was Chris Bainum in a Kia Sportage. In the Pro-Motorcycle classes, Eddie Zeller took Class 21 on a Yamaha, Steve Hengeveld/Johnny Campbell · took Class 22 on their Honda and Kevin Ward took Class 30 on his Honda. Class 40 went to Jim given to SCORE· before _his un-O'Neal on a Honda and Class 50 timely death late last year. Gil had was taken by Richard Jeckson on been working checkpoints since a Honda. In Pro ATV, Class 24 1978. Dusty Times congratulates went to Luis Navarro on a Hon-all the winners, the runners-up and all those who race, ride and support our sport. For those who didn't win, keep trying and even-tually you will be recognized for efforts. Sal handled the evening as a true professional and the curtain fell at a reasonable hour, much to everyone's relief. Good luck to all during t~e 2_£03 season. da, Class 25 went to Jimmy Steph-ensen/Mike Cafro on a Honda. In the Sportsman classes, the car award went to Gordon Frevel in a VW Baja Bug af\d Mark Floyd took the Truck class in an AM General Hummer. Further in the Sportsman classes, Under 250cc motorcycle went to Mitsuaki Kanazawa, Over 250cc went to Bobby Black on a Honda and Steve Willenberg won Sportsman ATV on his Honda. The Off Roadsman awards were: Contin-gency Company Of The Year, American Honda was named Mo-torcycle Manufacturer Of The Year and the Buggy Chassis Manu-facturer Of The Year went to Jimco. The Engine Builder Of The Year was Dave Bonner and Barry Beacham was named Mechanic Of The Year. Entry Sponsor Of The Year was the Terrible Herbst Group, Journalist Of The Year was Judy Smith and Photographer Of The Year was Trackside Photo. Rookie Of The Year honors went to Hawaii's own Alan Pflueger, and last, but certainly not least, Jeff Quinn was named Person Of The Year. A special award was given to Rosie Orozco commemo-, rating the many years of service that Gil Orozco, her husband had MoTeC Engine Management and Data Acquisition .Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel end spark control systerns built to withstand extreme racing and pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for, all professional racing sanctions. Engin,eering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assernblies and circuit control components ere available to suit your budget. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis ,dynernometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 699 S. State College Blvd, Suite F Fullerton, CA 92B31 Tel: 714-446-9473 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters· Lightweight, stand-alone systern works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner vvho needs to know exact;!y what ·their engine is doing. No flashing. lights -just the facts ... Nail i-C Co a number! Dusty Times own Judy Smith was named Journalist Of The Year for the umpteenth time, recognition ve,y well deserved. Fax: 714-446-9247 vvvvw.sakatarnotorsport.com Dusty Times February 2003 Page 43
-Tales Of The Baja 1 By Judy Smith Photos: Nick Gaughn & Steve Malcolm Steve Malcolm ready to go "Up The Hill' to the BFG Communications Center, 4000 ft. altitude, 90 miles southeast of Guerrero Negro, inaccessible except by four footed animals. The Baja 1000 is always a long outhouses. As you can imagine, the and difficult race, but when it travels presence or lack of some kind of toi-all the way south to La Paz, its diffi-let facilities can make all the differ-culties are multiplied. There's never ence in the comfort of the personnel room in the race reportage to get all at a given pit. They might be on site the stories in, and of course, we don't for four days or more, depending on always hear all the stories before the their locations. The pit locations be-paper has gone to print. So this year ing determined by the fuel mileage we thought we'd bring you a couple expected of the race vehicles, there is of the tales that we missed earlier. no option to put them near a handy There was the matter of the BFG public restroom. Hence - there's a _ The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! MENDEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. Page 44 need for some sort of facility. For many years it had been the nearest handy bush. A less than attractive op-tion in many cases. Some years ago Pro Pit's Jack · Sypolt hit upon the idea of a prefab-ricated outhouse. He went to his lum-beryard and bought the materials; plywood and some studs, and then built himself an outhouse. With all the accouterments, including seat and · February 2003 Nick 'Gaughan starts up the hill for a long stint at BFG Communications, finally able to cover the a rea between Bay of LA and San Ignacio, a benefit for the racers. lime, it's doable for about $100 ap-parently. Once knocked-down the outhouse travels easily, and can be packed into a big pit vehicle with little trouble. The outhouse was an instant hit, raising the comfort level of Sypolt's Pro Pit crew to new heights. It took no time for the other pit crews to pick up oG the idea. Soon every BFG pit had its own outhouse in the background, each with its unique esthetic touches. According to Jeff Cummings, of BFG, the.first electric lights were installed in about '98, eliminating the need for a flash-light. Though the various pit crews never saw each other's efforts, Cummings, Dan Newsome and F:rank DeAngelo would cheerfully critique each design, and describe them to the other pits. A sort of com-petitive spirit began to develop. This year Frank and Jeff began stirring the competitive juices well before the race. They wondered aloud which pit would have the "fin-est outhouse". Since Frank and Jeff were going to have guests from Michelin's corporate office_s with them on their tour of the BFG pits, they told the crews they were expect-ing their best efforts this year. · Thus, when they left San Diego to head south and set up tl1eir pits, each crew had a load oflumber, a set of instructions and visions of glory. Plans were cooking furiol!sly. Cummings reported later that ev-ery· pit followed the specs precisely and all the outhouses were perfect gems of comfort and utility. Each had some individual touch to distinguish it from the others, and a few were standouts. As Cummings and DeAngelo shepherded their guests from pit to pit, they visited each out-house with an eye to declaring a win-ner. But that proved almost impos-sible to do. Function, was of course, a major consideration, but it was "too close to call" according to Cummings. So they took photos back to headquarters to conclude the judging. Herb Johnson, the Director of Motorsports for BFGoodrich Tires, helped make the final decision. And the winner was Pit #6, the Insurgences crew. Bob Oliver was the pit boss at that location, and his crew's winning effort featured holiday lighting, a drink holder, a-coat hook and a well lit and marked path. Johnson was reportedly a little concerned about the idea of a drink holder in an out-house, but concluded that in the spe-cial circumstances of a Baja race it probably made sense. There was a skull on the door, and a ra.ce poster autographed by drivers. The maga-zines provided were suitable for gen-eral audiences. The local folks seemed to think this whole idea was pretty wonderful also. The outhouses became replace-ments for the well-used and fragile units in their back yard. The BFG people don't disassemble them and · take them home. They're left for the use of the locals, who simply load them onto their pickups and take them home. Sometimes they're mov-ing out before the crew has left the area. Lest our readers think it's all fun and games with the BFG pit people, we'd like to remind everyone that these folks tend to the needs of racers in every class. This means that they're on duty from early on, as the lead Trophy Trucks pass by, until the last of the slower classes, often a stock truck or Volkswagen, makes its way past that point. This can mean being open for business anywhere from 24 hours to 40 or 50 hours. They work some terrible shifts. Another behind-the-scenes facet of the Baja 1000 was the highly orga-nized and very busy BFGoodricll Mo-tors ports Communication Team. These are the people who work from the moment the first green flag flies until the last checkered flag waves some finisher in. They pass along the car numbers as each vehicle goes past a BFG pit, recording the time they drove by as well. They keep track of who made it to the finish, and when, and in the interim they help chase people locate their wandering racers. They pass messages from racers to chase crews and stationery pit crews, and they help with emergency situa-tions by getting the word to the per-son who can do something about the situation. It takes a big staff,.including some-one in an airplane usually, to make it all work. This year the manager of the group was Dave Walker, who perched in his motorhome in La Paz, feeding numbers and times into his computer. He was teamed with Brad Molinari, who, in addition to punch-ing numbers in, also makes coffee and sandwiches at a prodigious rate. In the aircraft it was Bruce Erickson, who worked as a roving re-lay station, but only during the day-light hours, since flying at night is un-safe in Baja. Then some folks were situated on .a series of high points, with radios, batteries, generators, tall antennas and lots of coffee, also to function as relay points. Marvin Munster was at the Observatory, Winn Deen was at Puertecitos, Glenn Whittford camped in El Chinero and W ild Bill Wiederhold was at San Isidro on a dormant vol-cano. Bill's brother Bob was also in the mix somewhere. In San Carlos, at about race mile 860. it was Ellen Utschig and Steve Malcolm was at a point called "Central Baja". It's Steve Malcohn we need to talk about. He was about 90 miles south and east of Guerrero Negro near a small town called San Francisco. On a hill. Walter had been trying to pro-vide good communications between the Bay of L.A. area and San Ignacio for years. But the big problem is that Dusty TJmes
T most racers travel through that sec-tion during the night, and BFG Air is grounded at that time for safety reasons. So for 12 years they've tried various locations, none of which worked quite right. When the BFG team was pre-running this course, set-ting up their OPS and locating access roads and potential pit areas, Walter found a spot that looked promising. The only problem was that it was not accessible by any type of vehicle. So he asked Steve if he'd like to work that point. Walter says that when he first asked him ifhe would like to do it, Steve "laughed for about 10 minutes, until he realized that I was serious. Then he was like a kid waiting for Santa Claus." Steve, it seems, has not only had a lot of sur-. vival training, but is a survival instruc-tor himself. He was ideally suited for the job. It took a lot of planning. Nor-mally Steve uses a truck to ferry all his equipment and food supplies to his assigned perch. This time it turned out the motive power would be sup-plied by burros so he'd have to pack light. Steve thought they'd have six or eight of the hardy creatures to carry him, his assistant Nick, a guide and all their stuff up the hill. Ricardo from the Rice and Beans restaurant in San Ignacio was enlisted to make the arrangements. Steve got a generator for starters, then acquired a 12V Optima bat-tery to run the radio, a can of gas to run the generator, a Sat phone, and included his 20-foot long antenna among the necessities. He went out and bought a new tent for this ven-ture, and allowed himself and Nick minimal sets of clothing. Each would have one set for riding up and back down on the burros and another for use while working during the race. They were to have two ice chests, fru-gally packed. Instead of crushed ice he froze many small bottles of water, which served to keep the frozen food cold, and then turned into drinking water as it thawed. There was also a one burner stove for cooking their food and a sleeping bag for each. Steve got himself and Nick and all their gear to San Ignacio, where he parked his truck at the Rice and Beans restaurant for safe keeping, not knowing exactly where he was going to wind up. Then they transferred their stuff into a vehicle belonging to an employee of the restaurant and he took them the 45 miles or so out to San Francisco and dropped them. They unloaded all their gear and the Mexican gentleman, Cuco, who was the "mayor" of San Francisco, and also the owner of the burros, looked at it and declared that he had only four burros, which could carry only 50 pounds each. Now Steve had some quick decisions to make, and he decided that since he was the titular "boss" of this expedition and it had been his error, his sleeping bad and clothing would be left behind. He also left his brand new tent behind, but took along a small cargo parachute to use as a shelter, something he learned from his survival training. Another gentleman would walk up the hill with them, carrying the an-tenna. It was a two hour climb up the hill, on a rocky trail that couldn't be called a road. There was a small building up at the peak, but it held batteries for a repeater site and was full of battery acid fumes, and they were not able to use itas a shelter. So they carried their own from the parachute, and Nick gathered firewood, which was plenti-ful. Steve said they found some sheet-metal to use as beds (in preference to the many small rocks that littered the Dusty Times site) and "cozied in for the night." They were at an altitude of about 4,000 feet and the temperature dropped to about45 degrees. Steve, with no sleep-ing bad, was "cozied" in his insulated coveralls, and they kept a fire going all nightlong. They'd had time to get completely set up on Wednesday afternoon af-ter the climb, so Thursday morning was restful and calm as they waited to hear from their first racers. Steve managed the radio and Nick was working the satellite phone sending data to BFG central in.,La Paz. By about 1:30 p.m. they started to hear their first racers. From then until about 12:30 Friday afternoon they were constantly busy, getting no sleep at all on Thursday night. In fact, it was about 6 p.m. Friday before tl1ey turned in. The effort had been worth it, be-cause Steve had "an incredible range", and was able to hear racers from as far away as Bay of L.A. to the north-east all the way down to Ellen Utschlig's site at San Carlos (west of Ciudad Constitucion) at approxi-mately Race Mile 860. One of the calls he got was from the racers from Israel, all of whom are disabled and get around in wheelchairs. They were running late, the checkpoints were closed, but they wanted to try to get to La Paz anyway. Their problem was that they needed a Type N flex plate. Steve said it was so late that most of the pits had already left the San Ignacio/f ablon area, so he felt sorry for the Israelis. "It really touched me" he said, "I threw it out on the air to see if somebody could help 'em." But he's fairly certain that never got the needed part. Another call came from a racer who'd somehow become lost after turning toward El Arco. His chase crew was in the area looking for him, and Steve was able to help talk the racer back onto the right trail and out to the highway. Steve says the town of San Fran-cisco is a "neatlittle town". He tells us there's a school there and a total of about 40 children. The town is the point from which people set out on the famous burro tours to see the ancient petroglyphs. He and Nick knew they were in the area, but he said, they were just too tired to take advantage of the opportunity. When asked if he'd do this stint again, Steve didn't hesitate. "Abso-lutely -in a heartbeat" he said. He's already planning to take some juice back for the local kids, and he says that next time he'll just park his ve-hicle right there in town. It wasn't exactly a budget trip. The burros cost $40 qch for the jaunt, and the guide was an additional $50 a day, so they spent close to $300 going up tl1e hill and back down. And they gave the cargo 'chute to the guide also. To most of the racers who had occasion to use "BFG Relay" during the race, it was just a friendly voice · forwarding a message or transmit-ting some information. But behind every one of those voices there was a person who drove (or rode a burro) many hours, endured various degrees of discomfort, worked a full day at last with no sleep, and did it all cheer-fully. There were surely other advan-tages worth telling about. Keep all these people in mind: the ones who build the outhouses and man the pits, and those who crank out the radio and Sat phone mes-sages through many long hours. Without them many a racer would not have reached La Paz. They're an integral part of the race effort, and demonstrate very clearly that it's a team sport. . _ . .,._,_ NIOTDRSPORTS Super Cell Fits between the frame of ANY truck SCORE & FIA Legal Manufactured exclusively by Fuel Safe Toys Baja 1000 Desert Buggy Metal Mulisha, Baja 1000, LBZ, & Kawasaki Motorcycles Coming Soon: Bones® The best DZUS tool you'll ever own! Trophy Truck & Truggy Custom Colors & engraving available Quanity Discounts "1"'e race II Specialty Tools & Accessories Helmets & Kool Air™ Systems Mil-Spec Electrical Products Safety Equipment Communication Systems Racing Wheels Satell1te Phones & GPS Custom Chevy V6 Engines PARTICIPATING DEALER§ B & R Buggie -1523 So. Coast Hwy. -Oceanside, CA 92054 -760-722-1266 Baja Racing Products -1040 South Main St. -Fallbrook, CA 92028 -760-723-2117 Baja Shop Motorsports -264 Cypress St -Orange, CA 92865 -714-279-0778 H&M Motorsports -12'0 North Pacific St #H1 -San Marcos, CA 92069 -760-510-9586 Perry's Fab & Fiber -La Mesa, CA 91941 -619-463-1361 Race Ready Products -103 Press Lane #4 -Chula Vista, CA 91910 -619-691-9171 lilACE~ MDTDRSPORTS ® 3231-C Business Park Drive #318 Vista, CA 92083 USA 760-918-0777 Fax 760-918-0733 www.RacerXm .com February 2003 Page 45
.... VORRA Awards Banquet By Dennis & Bonnie Kordonowy A dynamic wrap up to a suc-cessful year of racing was held at the Casino West in Yerington, Nevada. First on the agenda was the annual drivers and promot-ers' meeting where all the race teams had the opportunity to voice their opinions about the previous year and made recom-mendations for the upcoming season. The highlight of the meet-ing was the official announce-men t that Rich and Danny Klein of the California Rock Crawling & Off Road Championship Se-ries would be taking over VORRA for the upcoming year with the assistance of Dennis and Bonn ie Kordonowy, this year's promoters and Ed Robinson, VORRA's owner and promoter for 25 years. Dennis and Bonnie will be returning to competition in VORRA and possibly some other desert series next season. Rich promises to continue im-proving the sport of off road rac-ing as well as add his extensive knowledge of marketing to VORRA www.VORRA.com will carry all the details. Cocktails began at 6 :00pm with over 150 drivers, crews and VORRA staff in attendance. Sto-ries of the year's events passed around the banquet room in-cluding the "I could have if...", "we might have if .. .", and "next year we'll..." The Casino West prepared a buffet that exceeded the standard of previous years and the crowd gathered to show their appreciation. Steve Souza adorned every table with fine wine for the dining. The awards presentation commenced with the freshly fed crowd gathered around their team tables anxiously awaiting receipt of their a.wards for the hard work during the season. Dennis (coordinated by his lovely wife Bonnie) began the cer-emonies with presentations to his crew who had spent the ma-jority of their free time for the past two years setting up race courses, providing all of the racer support and taking down and cleaning up after the events. Plaques portraying their special functions were presented to each of the staff of 26 devoted volun-teers that made the year a suc-cess: Additionally, a special thanks was expressed for the sponsors who had provided sup-port, services and products for the past year including Pro-Pit, Trick Fuel, SNARS, Alansons, Fibercraft, Scudder's Perfor-mance, Gillespie Graphix, Trail-ers Plus and Casino West. Desert series awards were next. These awards were pre-sented to those racers who faced the grueling 200 plus miles of the three desert races for 2002. The numbers of positions awarded were based on the number of par-ticipants in each class. Class 1, Todd Denton took a well de-served first place with Sam Berri receiving the second place tro-phy. Class 10, first place went to Sam Berri, second place to Jeff Elrod, third to Tony McLaren, fourth to Richard and Ryan Lesher, and fifth to John Tavis. Class 8, Doug Seymour's consis-tency paid off with a first place, followed by John Dallaire in sec-ond and Bruce Field in third. Class 7, first place went to Matt Taylor and second to Patty Hayos. Class 7S; James Fuhs went home with the first place trophy. In Class 9, Eric Steiger edged out Forest Creasy for first. Semi-pro ended the desert series with Kenny Ott in first, John Lucacey in second and Tom Kruse in third. In the Pilot Class it was Mark Christenson in first and Clint Wolsey in second. VISI U T EEISITE Page 46 \NVII\N. oc:li:!ICliifl uggy.com :YCVGREASE , 0GEAROIL -#212-#201 { ASELOi 11 GALLON DUMP C)\NS WOOVEN BRAKE SHOES '), DUTY ·ee . GER RIMS .• :·._' ·1 _,; E%~T.h ~W-PRJE:E .9!5EtCH~. ~11~~~, I . 4-.860 · .· NG&P IN · N USAM ·.· .. OFFRO , • ,-- • tu~•S D,LRG,X , ~ G ~ - I -YOKOHAMA SUPERDIGG 33X10.50 L OLL·FRaE •· · 5-5100 VALLEY • LAS VEGM. NV• 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9-"'M-!5PM (702)871-5221 FAX TS February 2003 Overall awards were pre-sented to those teams who com-peted all year in both the Desert Series and on the Prairie City short course for a total of eight events. In Pilots, Mark Christenson took the first place trophy after a year of hard com-petition with Clint Wolsey in sec-ond. Jason Sacks managed to hold onto his point lead for 1st in Semi-Pro followed by Ryan Sargent, Kenny Ott and BJ & Tristan Butcher. Class 9 ended with Eric Steiger in first followed closely by Steve Souza in second. James Fuhs was dominant over Mike Koenig in Class 7S. Class 7 was a points battle all season with Patty Hayos finishing # 1 and Matt Taylor in a close #2. Doug Seymour edged out Bruce Field in Class 8 in a battle that was decided at the last event of the season. Class 10 competitors finished the season with Sam Berri first, Jeff Elrod second, David Kordonowy third and Bill Minteer fourth. Todd Denton and Sam Berri provided fierce competition in Class 1 with Sam taking the # 1 slot. Dennis provided a new award for the year. A perpetual trophy was presented to the driver who finished the year with the most points overall. It was Sam Berri and his crew, Team Margarita, who walked away with the cov-eted prize. Dennis promises that he will be after it next season. Eric Steiger was also presented with a Sportsman of the Year perpetual trophy provided by the Class 9 team for his efforts in making all the races this sea-son with minimal crew support. Ryan Sargent and his lovely wife were the winners of the Hawaii trip provided by VORRA. Con-gratulations to all the winners. At season end it is the crews and drivers who owe Dennis, Bonnie and the VORRA crew a salute for the competitive, challenging, safe races for 2002. . _ . .,, • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is our lop-of-lhe-Une racing cell that comes ready lo super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam ballling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience install and it's backed by a e for more info call or write to: lu/110 year warran/y. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe EL SAF 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, Oregon 97701 . RadngCals ,(541)386--0203 · . , .. · (541 )386--0307 fax httpJlwww.fuelsafe.com PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING . FRIENDS .•• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT!
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! ... ~ ..• ' / - · .~--· ..... _ ~~· .. ,·~~ Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Chaals Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 7'~7 174S9Li1acSt#E Hesperia CA 92345 canddfabworka@aol.com 11111111 IIAt:EIS RI IEIIIIII ,_E IUT HAIPION BEADLOCI RACING WHE.£.lS ll .S.A. WHEELS/ CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MILAN qARRETT Ul71 N. BRAWLIIY AVE. FRESNO CA 83722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ ~--~~ --=---...::....:wwi,w,.champlonwh .. l. CHENOWTH t '.;ICING PRODVCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com OCNC:J' Ma,ulact"~•°' . . : •~•• aod .tl""h Pedal 1wi . Master Cylinders _ Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. Cutti"lig and Sta~ng Brakes Hydraulic Throttlhs . T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories, ,1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA'921'10 ' ), s ~ ~ E ~ = --I I I (6 J 9) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Cataloa FLOATER REAR ENDS·• f-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS '805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 .RACING GASOLINE TORCO RACING FUELS CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-·ao0-54-COSBY COSBY '?'L COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA CRITICAL□ ULTRASONIC CLEANING Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, Oil Tanks, Radiators, LiMS, Fittings o~~• □ CRACK INSPECTION AH Components ... Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etc. !i ~ --=I I ~ 3 -I = I 3 ~ I 3 I 3043 Oak Street □ NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Ultrasonic, Eddy Curran~ X-Ray Santa Ana, CA 92707 Phn (714) 957-1215 □ CNC MACHINE SHOP CROWN -,-,,,,.,.,,,.,,.,.,_.,.,., .. .,., . ., -,~ . . IIIUUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED AEROSPACE. HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL HOSES 6: FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER DR .. SUITE G • VISTA. CAI.IFORNIA 92083 [I DE rJyr:g1Q]] HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 B Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 www.denunzioracing.com 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 a-';...&...&..11 .... iir"--■L.:r-L:1....._.!.4 Specialisial ia.-•---•• Swiasmd•• Rewlaad Fortin N-d-laND4S Nagaum44 Kreisler Automatie Parts 8 MadlibeShop S.errices AYallable _ BltffWRS~,~~ ~~~· /DEREK NYE -y }~ ..#1]1. · ~· . '-- ./ ,/" / ·. ,;: ns·w. l~_heet -unit H Casie Mesa. CA 92627 , ':_,, 1e1:.9_'19.5'1B.B533 rax: 9'19.5'18.BS]q .~ www.DIRTBAGZ.com e-mall: dereknuelllaol.com ~' . • -· ~ Tum B1111z r.~~===,~ ' . . • •>5->/ Prlvllll! Lllbl!I ~<;,;;..:;;;..::-·. -~c Custom B1111 Dl!slgns l)llfl, 11'1~1U{S OFF-ROAD DESIGN & FABRICATION RACE PREP PRE RUNNERS SUSPENSIONS ROLL CAGES. TUBE BENDING WELDING LIFT KITS BILL SCOTT . (909) 520-0064 Fax (909) 520-0078 E:mail·: DlrtWerks@sbcglobal.net 12321 Sampson Av~ .• Unit I Rfv.ersld&, CA 92503 DUKES ROLLCAGES EST.1975 Bajas -Buggies • Pre-Runners Sheet Mtl • Tube Work• Fabrication MIG -TIG -Gas - Arc Welding Plasma Cutting www.Dukesrollcages.com Fu (714) 957-1567 USAC STATION •s .W. ---'-'-----~-u_n_A_n_°" ____ _:___:::'u,t 18333 Harley John Rd Riv. CA 92504 909-780-6408 "Cnrat forYourPt'Otl«:tlon:__ _____ _!enyWyrembek 1835 John Towers Ave. #A • El Caj?!1; CA 92020 (61~) 448-3932 Fax (619) 448-3662 ~iiiiiiiiiili.iii~--■liiiiiiii;~-=-----::.;;';;iiiill'::G-lllliiii_,._...~ EMBROIDERY DE Janice Christensen Digitizing & Embroidery 619 749-2133 eedesign®aol. com Crest, CA. Company Logos • Personalized Gifts ~ Custom Worlc • No Minimum Ord~r • Plclc•up & D~/iuery i =------= ~-..::: ~ ~ ~----= -~ FORD RACIN6 PARTS: ltAN6ER2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALm' SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 P6.. CATALOG PHONE. (626) 444-4919 HM POTRE.RO FAX (626) 444-3046 SO. El.MONTE, CA. JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets FRESH AIR SYSTEMS IECHNOLOGIES, INC, • Interior Revisions 81 O A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 jill@fasthelmets.com 1-888-466-RACE www.freshairsystems.com 1-84 7-259-381 O www.fasthelmets.com Fax 1-847-259-9705 "THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS" Ota PIBl'ORMlllCE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend RA<:INC, [Nl,INfS, TRAN\~IISSIONS AND OFFROAO PARTS Send or-crul for cmr new catalog SS.00 . ········ .. ·---·-····· .................. J RAY BAYLY 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 http://www.dionandsons.com brian@mail.dionandsons.com BRIAN GRIFFIN (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 FOREMAN --.:....--;.e'~ OFF-ROAD RACE TRUCK ENGINEERING / FABRICATION RACE PREP/ CONSULTATION TOP CAUBER PRE-RUNNERS THRU TROPHY TRUCKS 19-659-3538 CHARLIE FOREMAN 619-659-3638 fax 4550 Carveacre Rdj 'Alpine, CA 91901
1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax Doug Fortin See your local Fox dealer or call 831-768-1100 THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer call (8~0) 433-6524 Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manufacturina. Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Berni, OR '37701 USA ph(541) 388-0203 b(:>41)388-0307 GERHARDT GEAR CO., INC. ·MITCH GERHARDT Production Manager . mitch@gerhardtgear.com MANUFACTURERS OF PRECISION-GEARS CNC GEAR CUTTING & BROACHING ISO 9002 ANO as 9000 CERTIFIED 3060 N. California ·Street Burbank, CA 91 ~04-2004 FAX (818) 842-1458 Phone (818) 842-6700 ·www.gerhardtgear.com GIBBS PENETRATING OIL GET ANYTHING UNSTUCK! -MONEY BACK GUARANTEE-USED BY PROFESSIONALS IN ALL FIELDS ANYWHERE RUST IS THE :ENEMY! CLEAN, PROTECT & PAINT OVER IT ! Packaged in aerosol can containing 16 fl. oz. .. •+--· ___ __,;G;;....;L;;..;.AS'7":'S--:W~O---:-R_K--:S • Unlimited Design Carbon Fiber R & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fabrication Off-Rood Style Fenders 7522 Sloter Ave. #114 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Bart Grande OWNER 612 South Tremont St Oceanside, Ca 92054 bart@teamgodspeed.com teamgodspeed.com N33" 11.313' W117" 22.465' TIM GEAWATOSKY (714) 375-5992 Phone: 760.433.0086 Fax: 760.433.0089 -Hti:ntmes Bros. Rating Engines Baja Proven . ' CUSTOM .SUILT TO YOUR SPt:CS 760 .. 724-2038 WWW.HAMMESkAtlNG;;COM ~-,,'l ff&M) .................. v ,. ........,_,_J~ Buff & Kevin Owners/ Fabricators p. 760.510.9586 • f. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific· St.# J-1 • San Marcos, CA 9i069 www.handmmotorsports.com Legal Power 215-E Denny Way• El Cajon, CA 92020 Jim Horne 619 448-2228 HONDA \id@1■1■f j; PERSONAL WATERCRAFT --BILL ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (323) 877-7272 FAX (818) 753-6005 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 (619) 561-7764 20 Years of Off Road fax 561-4834 Racing Experience tl@l,4lsl.i ~£ifOll~~t£ . We Service & Sell Jeff Howe Char Lynn, Sweet, 12476 Julian Ave. Pumps, Gears & Lakeside, CA 92040 Power Ra_ck & Pinioi, ~ Irene's Baja Services 6 _______ J Ensenada Beachfront Homes with private SECURITY and C0NOERGE for rent short or long term. A great way for your family and friends to spend the time while you pre-run for the Baja off road races. Lee (011-52-646) 154-2551 or 188-1312 www.bajaplaces.com Email: bajairen@telnor.net (114) 522-4600 (114) 522-4602 FAX (114) 522-0123 Service Technician rl/}Jlll1Ef V. W. Service • Porsche • Audi • BMW• All VW • Toyota • Nissan • Honda • Street Strip and Sand Off Road • 6291 B Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, yA 90621 West of Beach Blvd. · James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Coiq,lete Race Vehicle Development Design. Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 23332 Cajalco Rd Perris, CA 925 70 James M. Hall Owner-Driver 909-940-7 403 909-940-5884fax JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner-~~· .. ·~•Ir•■~ •~■Tllll~IIW Quality Racing Tra_nsmlsslons JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Used by enthusiasts in racing, shooting, rebuilding +----------------~-1----------------------1 Machine shops. Anywhere rust is a problem. Adrian or Fidel NRA Museum-and Smithsonian are users. rl EJ.\I) ft O ,,v BUY from local dealer or call us direct. Prices include UPS shipping & handling J~\J.\S'"f £RS 1 Can - $15.00 2 Cans - $24.00 4 Cans - $40.00 RACING 6 Cans - $55.00 Case of 1.2 $90.00 CYLINDER HEADS . 800-555-3167 www.gibbasize.com & ENGINES WWW .machines-more.com for our 2466-F S. Sonia Fe Avenue• Vista, CA 92084 other great products1 ! pt:~ (760) 727-1827 Mike Julson Off Road Race Cars : Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories • Race Preparation : :10965 Hartley Rd. . Sl!ite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619/ 562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' : e.mail jimcorace@aol.com . www.jimcorace.com
J_l.-.eN.eZ RACING ENGfN£g COMPLETE ENGINES • DYNO SERVICE George Jimenez T ROY J OHNSON (909) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 . 5 35 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714.535.5116 Specializing in custom off road race trucks • Prerunner5 • Sana cais • Rally cars • Custom Fabrication • Advanced Suspension Technology • Research & Development KAL OFFROAD RACING www.KALoffRoad.com Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions Kurt Larmee (805) 466-4101 ---8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www .Kawaguchihonda.com 3532 EAST 3RO ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 Derail Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACEPREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLLCAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320AAROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service SUspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076 POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11681 PENDLETON&TREET-SUN VAU.EY, CA 91352 FAX (818) 7118--2687 (818) 788-0371 A full One of Power Steering gears, pumps and acceuories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~'''!!F(::zW CHA.FT. ·7.R~P~ www.mastercraftseats.com Seats• Nets • Limit Straps• Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 Promoting Your Business here is only $35 a month llllt/JiL4lll (818) 886-4446 (818) 772-6470 fax www.mckenziesontrack.com 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 .offroad .AoadColne .Orag Racing .oval Track .Fabrication ■Welding ■Ch~sand Suspension • Specialisl YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SP_ECIALISTSI www.mckenzies.com PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHOAPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA lilllMfililllli'llllii& COIIPOHEtffS F.OJl CHASSIS FABRICATJOH -~~·~~•-~!1!t9-~~ Slwbr"Moim. Cil&WaterBotllettoldens 399 .E • .HanisoP UnitD Corona, CA 92879-1313 Todd Dwyer (909) Z12.4272 www~.com 43455 Business Park Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext 156 www.mickeythompsontires.com 619-562-5533 Off-Road & Drag Racing Fabrication Specialists Chassis-Cage-Suspension-Tin work Part & Accessory Salrs (805)522-4499 LanctFull<r 2280 Shasta Way #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 www.motonports-plus.com Jim Moulton -·,.,,,,_ __ '-- - -28355 INDUSTRY DR. 1412 Vlllencla Ce 91355 661-295-0253 •r.3 ,,, Jr.,'* •4,-;14 t••4,•J4·• YOUR C:CJIYIPLETE IGNITION SOURCE AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY B RENNAN DA. , EL PASO, TX 79936 1915) 857-520n • TFr.H LINE 1915! 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msdignition.com TUBE BENDERS ¼" ·ro 3" o.o. Capacity ·Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 · (619) 691-1000 ~ .#., ., 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 www.m c.'EC1 iSUppl,Y.COffl 4B0-726-ZS75
www.orbanet.org O'R13A OFF-ROAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, Inc. P.O. Box 1339 Lakeside, CA 92040 Ph: (559) 322·1242 Fx: (559) 322-9017 Kim Kammer District Manager Klmposslble@ATTBl.com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 MPER (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 HE,MFTS PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS ,~~(gJ1rT~@7tl SAFETY EQUIPMENT Mi\XON, MOTOROlA, ROADMASTER, \IERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMHS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR ll'lo'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12">. -. 2888GUNDRYAVE. -SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 , 562-427-8177 I II00-869-15636 ""' • .A. R : Fraley s Pc-rformancc Engineering ' TEL (949)650-3035 fHH (9119)650-4721 • All Types ol Steel U Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Benclinc • Ahmlinum CJ Steel W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars ...-851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodlgy.net Tel: 619-39CHi252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 You must have more business than you can handle if you are not advertising in Dusty Times 818-882-0004 Joe Daillllan Par: 323.340.om FIX: 818.361.4641 ----------13411 oronlleld Ave. Svlmar. CA 91342 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension •Safety• Driveline • Accessories Mike Cohen (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM ~ p;;=a lnJ[ lllflJ -~-Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 2£: • ~ · Fax: (602) 493-0975 ,EHFORMANCE•TRANSAILES Southam CalUomla"s largest Distributor of Mendeola Transaxles PH: 714.680.6137 • Fl: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO TRANSMISSION Building automatic transmissions for winners Jefferies Racing McMillin Racing TRD From our long lisl of clients, just to name a few With our own CNC maqiine shop, we specialize in Circle Track, Southwest Tour Racing, Off-Road Racing and Automatic Transmission Sand Buggies 27598 Commerce Center Dr. Temecula, C A 92590 (909)676-6569 TITANIUM SPRINGS 40-60"/4 lighter Won't Rust • longer Cycle Life • Superior Ride • . More Travel Now used in Suspensions for Mountain Bikes, Formula I, Motorcross, ATY's, Pro Stock Dragsters, and Snowmobiles. Contact: John Pucella-Ph 714-401-5572, Fx 714-960-7751, E-Mail -Pucella@aol.com,.www.coilspring.com C TRANS . will get you in gear SWilg axle, ••s, bewla1d, MD4S 3455 S. POlARIS #5 lAS HGAS, NEVADA 89102 JOHN 0.0. HllllmN PD2J 221-43&3 (702) 8B7·9724 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON. CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE (6191 443·2480 -~,--f
Jr' ..... ~-.-:;;~---. ,,,,.,. ~~ ,. . .. ... ,.r .. +1rr;4::r.:£;!3;,?,-.;;..-,-Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 Parkway Loop, Suite D. Tustin, CA 92780 raceprepservices@aol.com NISSAN OFFROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BODY FIBERGLASS »AND MORE SPENCER LOW RACING .com I Specializing in: 7 FRONTIER PATHFINDER XTERRA HARDBOOY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 t-----------------------.!=====================:..!6~3150 Riverside Or. Parker, AZ 85344 S. B~ ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 A'ltRACING ~GASOLINE .. --~-._.,. -~-i....11--~■L~L• IIIL■ I Fairplex - Pomona Oclober5 8:6 Western US and Mexico CL BRYANT, INC. 800-399-4176 !!!!!!!41 lfl!J SANDERS SERVICE. INC. A1ETAL PRflf.ESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 {'.-1'.nl 583-2404 FAX (3'.:3) sn-3<)65 SANDBL,\ST-GLASS 1lEAD-MAGNi:fflC PARTI<:LE FLOURESCENT INSPF-.CTlON Larry Smit1, TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • \WIDOW LETTEP.11,G • CAR LETTERING • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Gal Nay Circle • Hunt:ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa\ [7141694-9567 I Stl/wa/"t i ~e}w Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners i619) 449-9?28 fAX (619) 449-2678 941_9 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 ..57""'..R....T~7""' L ~ -~-TfW V•tt eat Of OHroad ~•.Parb. Fabl'lc.ttioft And lnstalation. W. Cllllt!J: RCO • BFG Filbt«ft • kin§ Sltoclcs AndMllf'!IMcwt. Why haven't you tried advertising in Dusty Times? SUNDRY METAL SPINNING Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928~778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS RACE FUELS 6831 Swa Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 Cieos9e R, Tuompsotl 9..+@sLV'\l"'ise91"'01A.p.coM ~tAnrise Cons1Altin9 Management and Comm<-<nications . 3875 Te.le9eaph Road, .A-144 Ve"t ... ,o, CA 93003 Photle, 805,642.8541 Fax, 805,642.7873 {(ljUNSEf:} ~s-na:; '2,. .. You• Qu..u.nv SIOH Cow,AHY" Design Fabrication lnstailatlon Darren Ebberts (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '2 1 S POMONA ROA0 • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 .,.,. a:MPUTEKIZEO VINYL Gf/:.APHICS & LETTERING Ml Iii I l'J'SA I .,.,. LO-COST &DGSIGNS(AII. P~CESSES) -.,.,. TRADE SI-OW otSP.LA'rS ,,..,. RACING GRAPHICS .,.,. OETAILEO & LN/QUE DESIGNS ,,..,. FLEET VEHICLES .,.. HJ-QU,4.UTY 61'\NNERS ,,..,.MAGNETICS .,.. LOGO REPfiVOUCTONS ,,..,. REAL ESTATE .,.. LOGO & ~APHIC OESIGN ,,..,. OECALS ~ ~ SUSPfNSIQNS : UNLIMITED . ~ ~ OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WRDI\G • FABRICATOV • Q\CRASM<I Q.J1TJ/'.G • FfUVTENDS • FEAR TRALIIGARMS RACT:OIASSIS • ffEFIUVl'ERS • FDXRACINGS>OX • S/WD&G,ES 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM, C4 92807 LARRY ROSEVEAR PHONE/714)6304482 FAX {714)630-4548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles• • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TI.R Peiformance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. Suite D El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 llii,I. Buena Vista St., Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:lwww.off-roadfiberglass.com I lafflSAXLE ENCilNEE~NG JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 0 C Cll -i C ~ (/) o--n m ffi )> (") (/) X )> C/J I\'.) ~~ ~ -1:> ii3 (J1 ::, (/) () 0 _ll> C (") s-~ z ~o 0 ~ 3 3 - -Ill D> ::, c:o a. ~ a;· 0 )> ~ < !1> 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311
1/i:ll ransworks · . ~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES AUTHOR-IZED MENDEOLA DEALER STOCK & CUSTOM SAND * STREET* RACE www.transworks.biz ERIC LAUNDRIE 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3135 [uMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH • REPAIRS SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Complete Engines Race Cars RIIC/NtJ .... Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts -Service - Welding V.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota -Honda Baja Bugs 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 www.wrtrans.com ( <o)..<o) !::,OSt2.ACe ~ f;l~]f -] Jerry Lowe · Sales 4082 Lincoln Boulevard, Marina del Rey, California 90292 tel: 310 306 7906 fax: 310 306 6122 www.layamaha.com BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Orozco 619.S96.8033 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837•2522 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-928-427-3551 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 Yarnell, AZ 85362 ~~ 00~~~ Front & Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends Kelly Maler, Owner (909) 551-2920 BF.IUCE HENDEL Regional Manager M-F 9-6 VP Racing Fuels, West Coa!',f P..O. Box 1.319 ·34283 'Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 20620 Grand Avenue Wildomar, Ca. 92595 Phorie: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 NEW On lloAo COMPLEX -A story in the San Diego Union Tribune was brought to our attention by Ben Shepard. The Manzanita Indian Band is pursuing an ambitious plan to tum their remote east county reservation into a magnet for gamblers, dirt bikers and off road enthusiasts. It is unlike any project undertaken by a California Tribe, both in it's aims and the fact that it has been launched with little or no public exposure. The Manzanita Band intends to open two small casinos as part of an outdoor recreation development that will surpass Glamis. The plan includes four motorcross courses, a 1,000 acre off road park, a 250 space RV park and a shotgun target range, all located 55 miles east of San Diego. Gambling, an RV Park, a 50 acre shooting range and all sorts of off road activity could attract 14,000 to 20,000 people a month said the tribe's managing partner. Stay tuned for further developments. FRT/McMn.Lllf DASH - FRT put on their New Years Ever annual bash, closing the racing season for the year. There was a good turnout and ace reporter Judy Smith will put pen to paper for your reading enjoyment, hopefully later in this issue. In Class 1, it was Chuck Hovey taking the win, Scott McMillin was second and Greg· Hansen was third. The Class 10 winner was Steve Mamer, John Cooley was second in class. Brian Ickier won Class 12, Carlos Ayala took the Class 5 win, Tony Stringraber took 5-1600 and Dave Scaroni took Class 8. Eric Allen was the ½-1600 winner, Kevin Graves was second and Steve Reynolds took the bronze. Jason Jernigan was the Class 7 victor, Eli Yee was second across the line. In Class 9 Julie Kem took home all the marbles and Jose Machado was second. Steve Scaroni took the Class 8 Sportsman win and Megan Allen was the Class 9 Sportsman winner. The first five of the 40 entered motorcycles were: Dewey Belew, Steve McCollough, Eric Carnes, Doug Eichner and Wayne Matlock. Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 Motorcycles • KTM Dealer for over 20 years • Stock parts • Supports top riders suspension • Accessories . . Tires/knowledge Open • 12pm··6pm M-F Various ~-Saturdays -714•449-1271 * 714-449-1374 Fax SPORTMOTORC YCLES www.KTM-Zracing.com MoaE Ibo FACE - A statement from Casey Folks - Best In The Desert. "Due to a scoring error by Best In The Desert, there is an amendment to the 7200 Class points and to th~ year-end Class Championship. Shawn Wanzek and Jason Jernigan are Co-Champions in Class 7200. Jason Jernigan has chosen to keep the race vehicle number7213 and Shawn Wanzek will be racing under 7201 for the 2003 racing year. We sincerely apologize for this error. We apologize to the Wanzek and the Jernigan race teams, to the families, friends and sponsors of these two teams and also to their fellow Class 7200 competitors. We try very hard within Best In The Desert not to make any mistakes and again, we make no excuses for this error but only our sincerest apology to the Wanzek and Jernigan teams. Sincerely, Casey Folks, Director, Best In The Desert." SCHAEna•PEUNO Aw.ARD -SNORE conducted their annual awards banquet early in January at the Coast Resorts Gold Coast Hotel and Casino and the room was filled to overflowing with drivers, pit crew members and family. We'll be running a full story on the banquet. We had to mention the coveted Schaefer-Perino Award vvhich is given for many years of meritorious service to the off road community. This is the 26th year the award has been given and it is only awarded once to a person. This year Bob MacCachren had that amazed look on his face as Denny Selleck announced the honored person. Bob has been actively involved in off road for a lifetime and all concerned were thrilled with Bob's acceptance. Congratulations Bob, welcome to a very select group. Moas Ba, l'&cs -Our first screw-up of the new year. In the January centerfold calendar, the Speed Sport Expo ad has an incorrect phone number. The correct phone number is (;26-961-6522. The Fax number is correct. Our apologies to Edwin Kwong and his organization. Dusty Times February 2003 Page 53
!;A Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE; 2002 Jimco Class 10. Best of everything. 2 seat. FAT. Fresh fuel injected 1750, King Shocks, Fortin DON, 934 CV's, Mastercraft, 38 gal Fuel Safe. This car works excellent and is a fin-isher. Must see. With spares. $80,000.00 obo. Call Dave@ 602-300-7688. FOR SALE: Jimco 2000 Class 1, Two seater Fox, Fortin, 935 C.U. only the very best in parts. No motor, no trans, $55,000.00 OBO includes spare set arms (front & rear) everything ready to go. OR $85,000.00 includes: Do&,e/Horn SCAT motor & new Fortin 5 speed. Contact Mike James (619) 445-1245 or (619) 985-2198. · FOR SALE: 4 seat Raceco AC-CORD v6. New 091 CVs Stub's completely prepped, Fox's, Foddrills, Summers Bros., P/S. Fresh Air, CB wired for helmets. $21,500.00. Brad (702) 568-6975. Trailer not included. Mc-Millan call me!! FOR SALE: 2002 BSR Class 10/ 12 Single Seater. 1915 Dry Sump motor. Less than 100 miles on car, King Shocks, CNC Micro Hub 930cv, 32 gal Fuel Safe, 10 wheel tires, lots of spares. $18,000.00. (775) 425-3409. FOR SALE: Pro 1600 Bunderson frame, Single Seat. New Foddrill Spindles, Mastercraft seat. New Centerlines & Tires. 930 Stub Axles. SCORE & MDR legal. Less Engine & Trans. $6,800.00. (909) 845-3259. FOR SALE: 68 Pre Runner, Hot VW's Cover Car Dec 2002, Feb 2003 Calendar, Chromoly tube chassis, A-Arm front 21" trave l, 6x6 Rear 19" Travel, Coilover and bypass Bilsteins, Wilwood 3" splind hub w/gland nut, CNC Brakes Front, Bus Box 4:57 R&P Hewland gears, 2105 Dual 44, Weber, MSD Ignition, Momo, Carbon Fiber Dash, UMP Power Steering, Power Windows, Parker Pumper, 33 BFG front, 35 BFG Rear, RGR Bead lock & Rims, Street legal, $57k OBO (619) 444-2275. The most trick and wild class 7 available. This like new 2001 Ford Ranger Edge has only 350 test race miles. Complete fiber-glass body. Top of the line Bil-stein shocks(2 per wheel) APP wheels, CNC disc brakes, 20" front travel, 28" rear travel, Full Force race transmission. Radar Machine 402 V6. Fuel Safe Cell. MSD ignition. Carbon Fiber in-terior. Beard, Crow, Momo, Autometer. Extremely pro built. Ready to race $95,000.00 or no motor $80,000.00 (firm) Ref #859. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www.bajaconcepts.com. FOR SALE: PreRun/Race 5 Class, Fox 2.0 Coilover front 6 Fox rear, PCI intercom, Majors 2332 170 miles, Beard 4130 thruout, 22 gal Fuel Safe. All Glass, pumpers, many spares. Wont last at $15,000.00 or best. (619) 843-4557. FOR SALE: Class 5 4130, King Shocks, coilovers, 4 wheel disc, 091 trans, Major Perf. Type 4. Micro stubs, Raced very little, many spares, $22,000.00 or best (619) 843-4557. FOR SALE: Weitzel, Motor-sports, "New", built, silver, Ranger, SB, C6, 9" spool, com-plete, 4130, tube, chassis, 2.5 Swayaway, bypass, 3-tube, 24" front, 30" rear, 3-seater, power, everything, Vintage-al, HT-def, Pro-Wire, Howe, Ron-Davis, Rad, Fluid-Dyne, Cooler, Fuel-safe, Auto-meter, Hella, Aerquip, Hoses, An-fittings, 2-Optima, Beard, Deist, Art-Carr, Sony, Dynamat, $80,000.00. (661) 201-2825. Doug Mendez. FOR SALE: 98 Mirage Class 1 single seat, Mid Engine, 2 complete Toyota V-6 Fuel injected motors, 2 Jerico 4 speed trans, 2 Fields differ-entials, spare parts and tires. Best of everything, professionally main-tained, $60,000.00 OBO. Brian (562) 619-9686 . FOR SALE: MiggieMotorsports Sale: l.Featherlite Gooseneck Trailer: Full living quarters with queen-size bed also includes kitchen with microwave, fridge/ freezer combo. Stove top full size sink. Dual air conditioning with full bath. Includes 30ft of shop space and complete wiring for 110 volt with aluminum siding. This trailer included all options of purchase. Mint Condition, used 6 times over the 2 year pe-riod. Onan generator included. 2.0THER SALES OF INTER-EST Two Steve Cohain C6 Transmissions (fresh). Walker Evans Trophy Truck Parts. 2 ma-chine dynamic spindles complete with knock off hubs. 2 ¾ tons spindles for Ford I-Beam with cone hubs and rotors. Upper an d lower Control arms. Ford 460 Fontana Long Block (parts). Krespin 3rd member 40 spline rear end housing complete with hubs .. Set of new Beards seats. 4 BFG new Mud terrain 35/18. 80 thousand pound newmatic H press. SERIOUS inquires only. Please call for pricing @ (805) 386-1243 (Mike) or (760) 632-0335 (Todd). FOR SALE: F150 Trophy Truck/ PreRunner-Chevy, 500 hp, Street legal. Chromoly 1.75" Chassis. First Class throughout, loaded with all the good stuff, fully prepped all brand new. 0 miles. Ready for race, street, or Mexico. Call for details, $120,000.00 (619) 972-7209. FOR SALE: 4 Race Trucks, 3 Ex-Walker Evans Dodges, 2 "Trophy" Trucks with 750-790hp Big Blocks, $125,000 ea., 1 Class 8 Dodge with 725 hp Big block $80,000.00., 1 Unlimited truck with 600hp Big Block Chevy $50,000.00., 53' Transport Trailer with generator, welders, tool boxes, ramps & work benches $40,000.00. Or package for $400,000.00. Call Glen (520) 544-8933. Very fresh Bunderson Cl 1 or 10 single seater A-Arm. 3.0 type 4, Field automatic, new Summer hubs, 935 axles and CV's, CharLynn power steering, 32 gal Fuel Safe Cell, Beard, MasterCraft, Parker Pump, CNC, Howe. Com-pletely rebuilt in 2001. Prepped ready to race. Lowered to $29,500.00 Ref# 850. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www.bajaconcepts.com FOR SALE: Trophy Truck 406 Ford Dry Sump, transprows c6 Dual MSD 3" King Coilover & by-pass, Summers 9" Howe R& P, 55 gal Fuel Safe, Mastercraft, Fluidyne, CNC, Willwood, Ultra Goodyear BFG, Never raced $100,000.00 Call Randy at For-tune Fab (909) 687-6416. FOR SALE: 1988 Yamaha Rally Car-Raced one time by Rory Chen-owth in the Baja 1000. 4 Wheel drive, Hellebrand rear ends, inde-pendent suspension, (10) Yokoha-mas on double headlock with Cen-terlines, TIO welded chromoly. Very custom body with original molds. No motor or tranny. Cost Yamaha 500k to build, would make beautiful PreRunner. Asking $25,000.00 (619) 469-0400. HOT AND WINNING Class 12 single seat Chenowth, Major mo-tor, King Shocks, New Fuel Cell, Hella HID, Disc Brakes, PCI radio, Mastercraft, UMP, Howe PS. Fresh race prep, new Foddrill arms, new torsions, new axles. Ready for the 2003 season. Invested $49,000.00 will sell for $19,500.00 OBO. Ref # 807. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www.bajaconcepts.com. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : .. Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • ■ • • • • .-• • • • • • DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5'-'x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER . Enclosed is $ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name _________ ....,. Address _____________________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTYTIMES Phone ---------------~--------------20761 Plummer Street Classified Ad Deadlines 2003 ISSUE DEADLINE March Feb 7, 03 April Mar 7, 03 May Apr 11, 03 June May 16, 03 July Jun 13, 03 August Jul 11, 03 September Aug 15, 03 October Sep 12; 03 • November Oct 10, 03 December Nov. 7, 03 January Dec ???????? • ■ • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • ■ • • • ■ • • City ______________________________ Chatsworth, CA 91311 • • -• State . • . 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FOR SALE: Team Powell Class 10 two seater, 2.0 liter Type 1 Plenum Engine w/911 style fan, 22" front travel w/Fox 2.0 coilover, 23" rear travel w/Fox 2.5 triple bypass and 16" coilover, full Howe steering sys-tem, fresh Fields 091 4 spd, 930 CV's and full floaters, PCI ra-dio and intercom, Beard seats, PIM lights, 22 gallon Fuel Safe, Mastercraft, CNC, Willwood, YOO, 6 spare Centerline wheels, 8 spare EFG/Yokohama tires, 6 pit boxes of spare parts, 110V Mig welder, jack, 3 nitrogen bottles w/impact, two 11 gal dump cans, $26,999.00. ALSO PACE 22' enclosed trailer w/aw-ning, $4,999.00, call work (503) 685-4307, cell (503) 913-3619. Class 8 Ford F-150 prepped ready to race! Originiowned by Frank Vessels. 4 Y-8 (0 miles), dual MSD tr nic ig-nition, 44 gal fkell, Beard, Autom t · , PCf radi . " C in fr · nd A 6" tr er! $32 11 FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco 2000, 4 TIME CHAMPION Marcourt Racing owns 2 win-ning race cars, a Single Seat and a Two Seat. First one to sell goes. Both have all the best. Toyota motors by FAT, King Shocks, Fortin 5 speed, BFG, 934 CV's. Single Seat $69k/ Two Seat $ 7 9k. Both cars lo-cated in Las Vegas, call Whit@ (502) 551-2013 or e-mail whit@marcourtracing.com. FORD Pro-Truck-Ready to race! Fresh Hammes Brothers 358 ci (450++HP). 40 gallon Fuel Safe cell, Crisman rear end, Bilstein, CNC, fresh Mogi Turbo 400 trans, PCI radio equipment, Flame Out system. Lots of spares including 10 tires/ wheels, fresh trans, complete body, 3 full pit boxes, etc. $85,000.00 Ref #861. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. Dusty Times,. Support the Advertisers that Keep Dusty Tiines Reporting The Off Road NeJVs! FOR SALE: Riviera Racing Class One Car. Nye Frank Suspension, Fresh 5.3 Liter Patton Chevy V-6 (450hp), Jeff Fields 3 speed Auto Transaxle, Best of everything. Winner of the 2002 Laughlin Desert Challenge and Laugh-lin Leap. $65,000.00. Call Jerry Whelchel for Details (949) 472-2024. FOR SALE: 2000 J imco Ciass 1, Myers Racing single seater, or can be converted back to a two seater, Toyot'a Camary Y-6, 3.2 liter, 320hp, with fresh spare motor, Motec ignition w/digital dash system, Fortin 5 speed tranny, rear hubs & steering rack, 934 CV's & ax-les, King Shocks, 42 gallon Fuel Cell. Best of Everything, very clean and well main-tained, $85,000.00 call An-drew at (949) 294-9034. FOR SALE: Class 7S PreRunner-Fresh 210 HP 22R, 9 inch rear, Discs, YOO gauges, Flameout etc. $30,000.00 to build. Asking $10,000.00. (619) 469-0400. FOR SALE: Pre Runner Bronco II 4x4, 4.0 motor, Auto trans, 4:56 gears, 9" with disc brakes, 33" BFG's, full cage fiberglass fenders, Hezco Seats, Bumpers, Lights, 23 gal tank. Built by Perry McNeil. Must sell $10,200 OBO. (619) 593-2146. FOR SALE: Jimco 2 seat-1600. Multiple SCORE Win-ner-Many Spares including RaceReady spare engine & Transmission. Ready for Laughlin $25,000.00. Contact Brian or Kurt Ickier (858) 451-1167 or (858) 486-1585. FOR SALE: PRO-LITE Toyota built in 2000. Top of the line parts. G-Force, Goldstar, Ford 9" Chromoly rear end, Fox Shocks, Spare motor, 2 sets headlocks, new spare body, asking $32k. Two 14" and two 12" by-pass shocks $300/set, modified C-4 transmission , plus spare $500, two Ford race motors 2.5L & 2.7L with Electromotive ignition $2k for both. Call Steve for de-tails at wk: (402) 443-4117, hm: (402) 625-2802. email steve@fnbwahoo.com. FOR SALE: Chenowth Class-1 1995, Race Ready YW Type IV. 2.8L and For-tin, 5 speed; Asking $35,000.00 ALSO VW Type I 1776cc Major $4,500.00. Call Carlos Rivera. Mexico 011 52 (818) 396 2494. FOR SALE: 125" Raceco, Class 1, two seat, Scat mo-tor with 5 spd Fortin, Bil-stein shocks, Summers Brothers, race safe, Hella lights. This car has all new parts and is ready to race, 3 pit boxes, 5 radios and base station. $22,500.00 or best offer. 30', 3 axle fully en-closed trailer with 6. 7 Onan generator $6,000.00. Call Pat at (209) 785-4143. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • Dusty Times Classi.ied Pages -• • • • • • • • Mere Your Ad Reaches The Readership You~e Loo.king For • • ·······························~· ... february 2003. • • • • • • • • fvll6C. FOR SALE: FAT Performance Toyota Y-6 3.2 liter, Triple Webers, Complete air cleaner to adaptor, Last receipt from FAT $7,200.00. Reliable 260hp $8,500.00/ offer. (619) 469-0400. BOOK FOR SALE: THE OFF ROAD RACER (1976). This is a mint condition copy of the hard-back book "The Off Road Racer" (1976) written by Norman Johnson and Gordon Grimmis. It is a 271 page hardcover book that docu-ments the beginning history of how off road racing began from 1968-1976. The articles are about the MEXICAN 1000, BAJA 500, BAJA 1000, MINT 400, RIVER-SIDE RACEWAY, STARDUST 7-11 AND OTHERS. It has articles about the beginning of NORRA, SCORE, SNORE, .HPRA and WRA. There are many driver pro-files including Mickey Thompson, Parnelli Jones, Rod Hall, Walker Evans, Ivan Stewart, Jim Conners, Rick Mears, Malcolm Smith and many others. There are may black and white photos of race vehicles, drivers and even old course maps. This book was printed in Decem-ber 1976 and is the first printing. IT IS IN MINT CONDITION. If you ever wanted to read about the history of how off road racing be-gan from 1968-1976, this is the book. Each copy is $43.00 each including shipping. I accept money orders, personal checks, and paypal. Payment .address: Mike Szabo 5416 Auckland Ave. North Hollywood, Ca 91601 WWW¼ UW□CJIOC.D&UWWWUik&UlliW'..&WWW ...... ., .. :n INDb.X TO ADVb.12. Tl6b.R.6 Baker Performance .................. 39 Best In The Desert ..................... 33 Bilstein ..................................... 38 Camburg Engineering .............. 23 Coast Resorts ............................ 9 Fabtech ...................................... 22 FRT Motorsports .................... 21 Fuel Safe .................................. 46 Herbst Racing ........................... 12 Jeffery Brothers Racing ........... 41 Kar Tek Off Road .............. 24, ·28 Kawaguchi Honda ................... 31 KC Hilites .................................. 11 King Shock Tech ...................... 42 Light Force Engineering ........... 40 Mastercraft .............................. 24 · McKenzie Performance Products ............................... 37 Mega Productions-Speed Sports Expo ................ 2 Mendeola Racing ..................... 25 Nevada Off Road Buggy ......... 46 Pacific Customs ....................... 15 Parker Pumper .......................... 36 Parker Pump.er/ . Competition Air .................... 30 Parker Pumper/ Eibach Springs ................... 10 PCI Race Radios .................. 5, 17 Pike's Service Center ............... 46 Race Prep Services ................... 26 Race Ready Products .............. 34 Racer X Motorsports ................ 45 Rancho Performance ................ 44 Redline Performance, Inc ........ 24 Ronco Plastics .......................... 16 Sakata ....................................... 43 Skyjacker Suspensions ............ 29 SNORE ...................................... 19 SORR .......................................... 4 Sway-A-Way ............................. 13 Team Gordon Race Wheels ..... 27 Toyota Motorsports. Back Cover Transaxle Engineering, Inc. ... 20 Tri-Mil ....................................... 18 Valley Performance .................. 32 Web Cam .................................. 14 Pagess
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