serving The OFF Road community Po, 20 Years covering-the world of competition in th_. dirt ...
I ~ ~ ~ mDoo uc:a~ I OJ ~ §LITi] RACING ASSOCIATION ·U T■II ■EtOIIY & CAtlNJfil Race Is On Saturday 2-7-2004 Make your Hotel Reservations early, call (888) 243-3360 # ,r "Tl-iE LEGEND LIVES ON" HONDA RidersOubofAmerica February 61 71 81 2004,_,,,,., SP0RTM0T0RCYCLES Time Trials on Thursday 2-5-04 GOOO,JrEAR open to spectat_ors. New locationl on· ■ I y· -Race is spectator frien.dl_yi ICl8 Ire ~;~~~[lfil designated sp,ectator areas onlyl RAc1No Assoc1AT10N .4Cc=l=fli:!!) ® BHOITM Official Truck ~~l~ ---IP' ~~~ OF'THE ~~R~ RACING ASSOCIATION _ ~ u aoo urn~ ~Ll.s.u RACING ASSOCIATION Ill!!!' r.~ r&IJ Please call I or more information / 111'71./Jf ...-.-c.1...,c; BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION S.FUEL>» 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 • (702) 457-5775 • Fax (702) 641-2431 •
Volume 20 -Number 12 December 200~ Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Cah,in Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors-Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be renirned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. In This Issue ... FEATURES Whiplash at Snowflake by Mike Del Col... .................................................. 8 16th Telstra Rally Australia by Martin Holmes ......... , ............................... 14 VORRA at Hawthorne by Bubba Ray Boudreaux ..................................... 18 Off Road Expo by Judy Smith ................................................................... 23 FRT Superstition 250 by Judy Smith ............................................ : ............ 26 La Paz and The Pro Trucks by Byrle Moore ....................... _. ...................... 3 2 CODE Mangiamos 300 by Byrle Moore .................................................... 36 DE~MENTS ................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ................................................................................ : .............. 6 CRS Report by Branden Ushijima ............................................................. 31 FAIR Report by Wes Wisdom .................................................................... 31 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................ 4 3 Classified Ads ......................................................................................... 5 0 Index To Advertisers ............ : ................................................................. 51 C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula,.M'f 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub: lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. on The cover Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 9131 L CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... It was Barstow, it was 1980 and a very young Jeff McPherson, and a very, very young Glenn Harris and Gina posed for the camera. Note way in the back between Glenn and Jeff is the unmistakable countenance of Walt Lott-. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this· page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self. addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x 10 will be considered. Dusty Times December 2003 Ceasa•r Fuentes makes it look easy, once again he drove his Great looking Chenowth to the overall victory at the Whiplash Snowflake contest. Picture by - Track.side Photo Randy Miller picked up a bit of mud along the way but he had a great race and a great Class 10 win at Snowflake in his neat looking Chenowth. Picture by - Track.side Photo Visit Our Website at duhscrihe <Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 years -$55.00 □2 □3 □ NEW (no credit cards please) □ RENEWAL Name ___________________ _ Address City State ___________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 • Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 2076'1 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Page 3
Otis Fudpucker (Lee Odus Sieck) August 3, 1944 .... October 23, 2003 What do you say? I had just talked to Fud the prior day, and we were going to · communicate again the next day. But, it never happened; he ·slipped away to a better place. It seems like I knew him forever, this whimsical creature who certainly would pass n:,uster as a leprechaun. When you engaged him in conversation you always had his total attention, he would look into your eyes and you could feel him absorbing everything you said. I wasn't privy to many of the conversations he and Jean used to have so many years ago in a small bar in San Felipe. They would sit for hours solving all the problems of the off road world and be back at the same table the next evening for part two of-the conversation.· Fud was a racer for many years and he started putting on races in 1984 and the Plaster City area was his desert. rie promoted separate races for bikes, other races for buggies and trucks and he usually ran 25 races a year, or more. And, he did it all himself. He was out there forever, laying out the course and then driving stakes 'til it was too dark to see. In the stifling heat of summer or the bone chilling cold of winter, he never slowed down: he toiled from dawn to dark, always for the racers·. They were his whole life! Many others could eulogize Fud far better than I, but I thought he would like me to do it, we w~re old friend and we truly liked each other. I know I will miss him terribly and so will everyone who came in contact with him. Rest in peace Fud, God knows you deserve to. You took a little bit·of each of us · with you and you now dwell in a far better place. · Amen · From Jim Dizney: . . I have no idea where I first hear:d this but if seems appropriate. "They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an houir to appreciate them, a day to love them, but an entire lite to forget them." Fud W!lS such a person, I was privileged to know him and I'll never forget him. · · From Bill Thompson: / This has been a tough year tc,r some of our sport's finest members. There will never be another quite like Fud. He wa quite the individual and innovator. God Speed, Fud. We"'ll miss you. # I
r 2003-2004 Happenings ... E,.MA1L: CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION 'Chris Burns P.O. Box 645 (408) 394-4802 (Home) PIERRE, SD 57501 WEBSITE DAVE ADA.MS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AuroMOVILISTico SAN VICENTE 1 OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (All et1ents staged at' the dub grounds in Cleves. Ohio) AMERICAN RAu,y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: AMERICAN TRIAI.S ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRw.s SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HontNE • (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: · <> AsOCIACION EsTAT.AI; DE AuroMOVIl.ISMO SAM l.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSJUP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AurocRoss QUEBEC OFF RoAD CLASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT eoURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT\ RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89lil 702-457-5775 E,.MAIL: December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV January 9-10, 2004 KTM Parker 250 Parker, AZ February 6-8, 2004 Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 425 Cars & Trucks Parker, AZ February 27 -29, 2004 Kawasaki Team Green Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles Motorcycles Only April 2-4, 2004 Circuit Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles Only/Invitation Only April 23-25, 2004 Terrible's Town 250 All Classes June 24-27, 2004 Vegas To Reno All Classes September 24 - 26, 2004 Baja Mex 300 World Championship All Classes December 3 -5, 2004 Las Vegas 200 All Classes B.O.R.E. BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W 2575 N SUNSET, UT 84015 801-773-1651 April 30-May 2, 2004 Wendover Express Wendover, UT July 2-4, 2003 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 3-5, 2004 Ely 200 Dusty Times El ,NV BRIGHI'ON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHmN, ONTARIO, CANAD<\ KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVTLISTAjUARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP On:-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsT EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES <> (605) 224-9481 Z003 CRS llAUY CHAMPIONSHIP DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) *Count in WSRCfar 2003 (605) 224-4967 November 15, 2003 Treeline Club Rally (*) CHAMPLAINV ALLEY Monrovia, CA RACING ASSOCIATION SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC Pete Morris C.). RICHARDS December 12-14, 2003 P.O. Box 332 CONTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB Ramada Express Rally (2, 3, 1) FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 P.O. Box 3187 Laughlin, NV (802) 265-8618 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 Ray Hocker FAX: (714) 367-1608 Z003 CRS RAuYSPRINT CHAMPIONSHIP Cl.AmTON Hi-JACKERS November 14, 2003 I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR CODE OFFR.oAD • Tarline Clubrally (1) 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD CODE Offroad USA Monrovia, CA WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 P.O.Box 2328 Pete Morris (330) 532-4589 Calexico, CA 92231-2328 SUE ROBINSON -DIRECTOR Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison USA Phone 760-455-8069 845 SCHOOHOUSE"ROAD Count, Fair Grounds. Cadii:. OH Mexico Phone/Fax (011-52)686-553-4087 RAMONA, CA 92065 CANNING ATTRACTIONS (760) 788-3809 P.O. Box 400 · Cum AuroMOVIllSTICA December 12-14, 2003 E-MAIL: MAYWOOD, CA 90270 SAN QuINnN CODE/Record Race Ready 200 BRAD Bou, SoPAc RALLY STEWARD (323) 560-SHOW CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN Mexicali to San Felipe (702)· 303-5628 SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO B.C., MX ,----------------------------------~~-INTRODUCING_ 110 Watts of Power I ;60 Channel Alphanumertc I Water Resistant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Prov~n ~C:E'~.S ~L.~E"~~...,..... E::.JIIW,.JIC:1'...,.....l,.,,,ll:iii T##E: ,-,1£1'~~ ::;;:;;;,---"_I was in Ensenada. and my crew in San Quinlin could hear me 150 miles away! I need these in ALL of my trucks!" -~ L.~""'11 ,-lf=LL./tEDtE~ PROTRUCK WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAIA 1000 "_The best communication we've in over IS years of off road racing!" -~~~....-a~~ «.E'T T#lle· ...-..w~ T«.3'..«P..4'.>"# Remote Head optton avallable. Call for details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave. • Signal Hill, CA 90755 · .December 2003 Pages
Trail Notes ... 'l '-TE NEED YOUR ScmmUlE -TI1ose of you out there who promote races, rallies, VV trade shows, cars shows, etc., send your schedule in immediately for inclusion in the Dusty Times January issue centerfold calendar. Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! "'C'\NAL FIAG • TI1e off road racing world was saddened to hear o( the passing of r"Fud". Fud was the long time director and promoter of the Superstition Champi-onship Series, which he had been promoting since 1984. Fud was born in Wisconsin on August 3, 1944. Fud was an aerospace engineer by trade and he worked on the space shuttle during the Reagan administration. Fud was one of the good guys, he toiled night and day for the racer. We will all miss him. BAJA. 1000-Norn; • As of October 20 there are 222 entrants for the 36th Tecate SCORE 13aja 1000. TI1ere are a number of racers from other venues entered in the race, such as: NASCAR · Robby Gordon and Brendan Gaughan, CART• Jimmy Vasser and Micllael Jordain, Jr., Open Wheel • Mike and Robbie Groff, Johnny Unser and Sportscasters Paul Page and Cameron Steele. TI1ere are 24 Pro and 5 Sportsman Classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and A TVs. Alan Pfleuger, the Hont>-"lulu will be first to start in his Chevy Trophy Truck. Alan has already clinclled the Pro Truck title for 2003 and is moving up in class. Robby Gordon drew tl1e 20th and last starting position for the Trophy Truck class, Robby finished third in last years Baja l()(X). Otl1er entries in tl1e Trophy Truck class include, Tim and Ed Herbst, Dan Smith & Dave Ashley, Gus Vildosola and Rob MacCachren, Brian Collins, Darren Skilton, Mark Post & Jerry Whelcl1el, Mark Miller, Larry Ragland and his son Chad, Curt LeDuc, Scott Steinberger, Steve Sourapas, lkuo Hanawa and, last, but not least, Marty Coyne. First to start in tl1e Motorcycle Classes is John Morrison. John will race in Class 22 on a Honda XR650R. This is his first SCORE race although he is seasoned in cross country racing in New England. To date there are 28 entries in Class 1 and 24 in 1/2-1600. Starting first in Class 1 will be Ron Brant in his Jimco/ Chevy and first off in 1600 will be Jose Estolano in a Jimco/VW. Rod Hall will be driving a Hummer, his 35tl1 Baja l()(X) race, tl1at's right, he's raced every one of'em. The l()(X) this year is a loop from Ensenada to Ensenada and is over 750 miles of everything you can think of for a course. Dusty Times wishes all the competitor well. We hope they all have a safe and successful race. SCCA PRoRAuY • Lake Superior -It wasn't too much of a surprise, David Higgins and Daniel Barritt did it again! Round 9 of the SCCA ProRally Championship is in tl1e record books and Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution was on top of tl1e podium for tl1e umpteentl1 time this year. Ramana Lagemann and Micllael Orr were second in their Subaru Impreza WRX sci, a minute and tl1ree seconds out of the win. TI1ird in Open Class was Paul Hagstrom and Marko T askinen in another Subaru lmpreza. First in Group N and lOtl1 overall was Shane Mitcllell and Paul Donnelly, both from Ireland, tl1ey drove a Subaru Impreza WRX. Doug Shepard and Pete Gladysz were tl1e Group 5 winners in a Dodge SRT-4. 13tl1 overall and first Production GT was the Subaru lmpreza RS of Otis Dimiters and Peter Monin. The Group 2 winner was the team of Chris Whiteman and Mike Paulin in tl1eir Dodge Neon STX. Paul Choin• iere was fourth in Open class in his Hyundai Tiburon and Lauchlin O'Sullivan was fifth in Open driving his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. 'l TORRA FAu.oN 250 • Our apologies to many of tl1e racers at the VORRA Fallon V 250. Due to unexpected problems in tl1e photographic department we were unable to bring you many of the class winners as well as the second and tl1ird place finishers in tl1e various classes. We'll do our best to be better next times. "0:>R YoUR lNFoRMATION • A study released by tl1e National Highway Traffic Safety J. ~Administration indicates that its fuel economy program (Cafe) is even deadlier tl1an previously estimated. In 2001, a National Academy of Science panel concluded tl1at Cafe contributes to between 1,300 to 2,600 traffic deaths a year, by restricting tl1e production of large cars. NHTSA'.s newest study, however, finds that the effect of tl1is downsizing on safety is "substantially latger" than previously thought. The study con-finns previous findings that SUVs are more crashwotthy than passenger cars and tlut minicars are tl1e most dangerous class of vehicle. "NHTSA should be ashamed of once again ducking the CAFE/Safety issue in order to continue its attack on SUVs. As for _rollovers, the far more important issue is overall safety, on that basis tl1e agency should be singling out minicars for concern. Tut, however, would require putting safety before political correctness" said Sam Kazman CEI' s general counsel and fuel economy standards uepert. (From a CEI press release-Competitiue Enterprise Institut.e http://tW-W.cei.cnx) D ED FACE DEPARTMENr • In the CORR Season Finale story in the November issue, ~ur ace correspondent, J. Preston Bradshaw mistakenly put his son's name in where it didn't belong. Fourth column, first line should read: Tommy Bradley came in fifth. Our apologies to Tommy Bradley for this error. r"'ORR BANQOEr • CORR will celebrate the 2003 season with their annual ban \.....,quet in Green Bay, Wisconsin on Saturday, November 1. According to tl1eir press release the drivers in the 2003 CORR Series will collect over a million dollars in purse, contingency and year end monies. 76 out of 80 drivers in the eigh~ CORR Lucas Oil Series divisions will qualify fo.r the year end bonus purse. To qualify, a driver who finishes among the top 10 in the final points standings must compete i~ six of seven events. In 2002, 74 out of 80 drivers were eligible. Driver participation in the sixth season of Championship Off Road Racing reached 155 drivers in the eight divisions. Of the 155 drivers, 47 competed in the tl1ree Pro Series Divisions, while 108 drivers joined tl1e five Sportsman Divisions. Among the 155 drivers, 24 were rookies. The drivers in tl1e 2003 series represented 22 different states and Canada. F~lHER & SoN 1N THE BAJA 1000 • Larey Ragland is really excited. He has raced tl1e Baja l()(X) 23 times but this year Larry's son, Chad, will be co-driving with his father. TI1ey will be driving a Chevy Silverado and Larry will tum over the driving chores to Chad in the middle section of the race. They will pre-run the course six times before race date. Good luck to lA-rry and Chad. BEST IN THE DESERT · Casey Folks is reminding everyone tl1at the front starting positions for-tl1e Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 4 25 will be determined by Page 6 January 31, 2004 VW Auropartes 250 Laguna Salad, Mexicalli, BC, MX April 24, 2004 Grupo Tersa BFG 200 Sanfilipe, BC, MX June 12, 2004 Accesorios Amado Night Race Laguna Salada, BC, MX July 31, 2004 ORW Lazo de Amistad Gran Prix Tecate, BC, MX October 16. 2004 Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada, Mexicali, BC, MX December 11, 2004 Rafce Ready Products 27 5 Ensenads, Mexicali, San Felipe, BC, MX CowRADO Hn.L CLIMB AssocIATION BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR 2004 LUCAS OIL SERIES 192 N. STATE ROAD, Sum 267 A\<ON, IN 46123 317-272-2827/317-272-2900 FAX September 13-14, 2003 Pro Series Only New Berlin, NY May 29-30, 2004 Dresser, )VI. Pro/Sportsman June 12-13, 2004 Antigo, WI Pro/Sportsman June 26-2 7, 2004 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman July 10-11, 2004 Topeka, KS Pro & Sportsman August 14-15, 2004 Bark River, MI Pro & Sportsman September4-5,2004 Crandon, WI Pro & Sportsman September 18-19, 2004 New Berlin, NY Pro Series CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SurrE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ex-r 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE V Af.j DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events ac Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Tiwrston Count, ORV Park, Olzmpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE AovENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 llix::ATIJR Foua WHEEL DRIVE Cura DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 ~OFF-RoADRACING~. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEUSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 f.NsENADABAJAOFP RoAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-5Ui46-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Mocorcycks Esrmo BEACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT COURSE JlACING VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 December 2003 FORDA FloRIDA OF!' RoAD DRTVER's AssN. JASON LEIBIN (72 7) 3 76-4176 Mar, Apr, Maz, Noo ac Davidson Racewaz FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 1855 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 626-442-9320/959-579-6151FAX 2003 Bikes & Quads December 7, 2003 Rucolph's Revenge December 31, 2003 The Dash 2003 Buggies & Trucks December 30-31, 2003 TI1e Dash Plaster City West 2004 Racing Schedule January 25, 2004 Barking Spider Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes February 8, 2004 CheeseBurger Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes February 21, 2004 TI1e King Plaster City East, CA ATVs -Bikes - Buggies• Trucks March 14, 2004 March Madness Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes March 28, 2004 Tazamanik Plaster City East, CA ATVs -Bikes April 10, 2004 FRT200 Buggies - Trucks April 25, 2004 Kamakize Kamakize Wash, CA ATVs -Bikes May9,2004 Dez Sprint Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes May23,2004 Sweetl1earts Plaster Citv, West, CA ATVs -Bikes Date-TBD Off Road Warehouse Jacume, Baja, CA Buggies - Trucks October 9, 2004 C/M Nice Team Race Plaster City, East, CA ATVs -Bikes October 23, 2~4 Superstition 250 XXI Plaster City, East ATVs -Bikes -Buggies -. Trucks November 6, 2004 D-38 Reunion Plaster City, West, CA ATVs -Bikes November 7, 2004 Notorious Dawg ATVs -Bikes December 5, 2004 Rudolphs Revenge Superstitions, CA ATVs -Bikes GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSVCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963--0252 GPORRA GREAT PLANEs OFF ROAD JlACING Assoc/AT/ON PAUL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 AU raas are short course, stadium sr:,k. Classes • Sportsman Buggy, 1/2/5-1600, Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska Raaway Par~ is jusc minutes west of Omaha, NE. <www> HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING 2000 W. QUINCY AVE., #106 ENGLEWOOD, CA 80110 PATRICK DRAPER 303-806-8,062/303-781--0974 FAX December 7, 2003 INTERNATIONAL lcE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDOOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 OOER.-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 JEEPSPEED JlACTNG FOR STREET LEGAL /EEP CHEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 <www> E-MAIL: KAMl.ooPS BRONCO BUSTERS WmsPERING PINES SPORTS & llEcREATION CFNTER P.O. Box 465 KAMI.OOPS, BC, CAf.lADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. Craig Byers (250) 376-8466 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFR.oAD EXPo (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 ]IMAfUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluurA OFF RoAD RACING LUIS WR.LOS Af.VAREZO PAf.lAMERICANA AvE °#5105 CD. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUIIDERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543.7214 <> MicmGAN OFF RoAD CIIAMP10NSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 ]ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Mocorcycks, Quads, A TVs and Pilots only MAORA MID-AMERICA · OFF ROAD AsSOCIATION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: <> MoJA VE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE SoUTH ELMONTE, CA 91733 626-44 2-93 20/626-579-6051 FAX E-MAIL: November22,2003 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA February 7, 2004 Lucerne 250 Lucerne, CA April 3, 2004 Wild Wash 50 Barstow, CA May 15,2004 Ridgecrest 300 Ridgecrest, CA June 26, 2004 MDR400 Lucerne,CA August 14, 2004 Mojave 200 Barstow, CA September 25, 2004 California 200 Night Race Lucerne CA November20,2004 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. . HIGH DESERT CliAMPIONSIUP P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 760-253-4453 December 6, 2003 Luceme,CA January 31, 2004 F/L Badlands 400 Lucerne, CA March27,2004 Balls Out 250 Barstow, CA May29,2004 Kar Tek 300 Lucerne, CA July 24, 2004 Freedom 250 Barstow, CA Dusty Times i
September 18, 2004 Kar Tek Challenge Lucerne,CA D~cember 4, 2004 Holiday 200 Barstow, CA MSBA MICHIG,.'\N SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARJ<HAM (909) 860-1857 <> AU e11ents at Pems RacewaJ (At Reed VaUe, with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL <> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring VaUeJ RacewaJ, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder VaUe, located 15 minutes from . °Spring VaUe,) NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2003 (626) 599-8622 Ow ROAD RACING Assoc:IATION Vr", ""'1'T"'l:~J;"fl SF'RlF.S PRESIDENT - GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. - 9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTLAW REP. DON PONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acre.s) OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO November 22-23, 2003 Outdoor Sports WorldOntario Convention & Expo Center May 14-16, 2004 Orange County Fairgroui1ds FOR BOOTH INFORMATION CALL: (714) 241-9055/FAX (714) 241-0821 Omo OFF RoADERS !Ne. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Hamson Councy Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-081-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS . U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-0100 <> PIKE.SPEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, co 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Trucks-Buggies-Quads November 1-2, 2003 Southwich, MA Dusty Times Monster Truck Show PR.oTRucK RACING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-0252/FAX: (619) 449-0470 . PRO November 20-23, 2003 Baja 1000 SCORE December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 BITD PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series fry Snowbird Off Road Racing Pro Tnu:ks, Desert Tnu:ks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Tnu:k <> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOsmoN (888) 836 7918 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION ()p AMERICA P.O. Box 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SCCA PRoRAu.Y P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 800-770-2055 <> January 30-31;2004 Sno*Drift -Atlanta, MI February 6-8, 2004. Rally Percc-Neige Maniwaki Maniwaki, Quebec, Canada April 17-18, 2004 Oregon Trail Hillsboro, OR April 23-24, 2004 Pirelli International Rally GatPshParl. Fnubnrl May 7-8, 2004 Rim Of111e World Palmdale, CA May 15-16, 2004 Rally Of Wales Wrexham, England May 22-24, 2004 Bighorn Rally Edson, Alberta, Canada May 28-30, 2004 Rocky Mountain Rally Calgary, Alberta, Canada June 5,2004 Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA June 11-13, 2004 Scottish International Rally Dumfries, Scotland June 11~12, 2004 , Pacific Forest Rally Merritt, British Columbia, Canada June 24-26, 2004 Pikes Peak International Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO July 2-4, 2004 Jim Clark Memorial Rally Berwickshire, Scotland July 2-3, 2004 Rallye Baie Des Chaleurs New Richmond, Quebec, Canada July 30-31, 2004 Maine Forest Rumford, Maine July 30:August 1, 2004 Manx International Rally Castletown, Isle Of Mann August27-28, 2004 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 3-4, 2004 Ulster Rally Belfast, Noriliem Ireland September 10-11, 2004 Rally Defi Ste-Agathe/Duhamel Sainte-Agailie, Quebec September 16-19, 2004 Rally Great Britain Wales, England September 24-26, 2004 Colorado Cog Steamboat Springs, CO October 2-3, Z004 Trackrod Rally Yorkshire, England October 16-17,2004 Lake Superior Houghton, Ml October 20-24, 2004 Rally International de Charlevoix La Malbaie, Quebec October JO-November l, 2004 Tempest South Of Ei1gland Rally Aldershot, England November6-7,2004 Heart Of Dixie Pro Rally Preview and Awards Soutl1eastern USA November 19-20, 2004 Rally Of111e Tall Pines Bancroft, Ontario Canada SFX MoToRsPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-0100/(630) 556-0180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 <> November 13-16, 2003 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 . B.C.,MX January 15-16, 2004 Laughlin SCORE Desert Challenge Laughlin, CA . 4 Wheel Classes Only February 27-28, 2004 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja CA Motorcycles/ ATVs Included Date To Be Announced SCORE Henderson's Terrible 250 Henderson, NV 4 Wheel Classes Only June 4-6, 2004 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja CA Motorcycles/ ATVs Included September 17-18, 2004 SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV 4 Wheel Classes Only November 18-21, 2004 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja, California Motorcycles/ ATVs Included SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF · RoAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 1.As VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 February 13-15, 2004 Avi 250 Laughlin, NV April 2-4, 2004 Buffalo Bills 400 Primm,NV May 21-22, 2004 Dusty Times 250 Caliente, NV Augwt 6-8, 2004 KCHilites Midnight Special Primm,NV· October 1-3, 2004 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 12-13, 2004 Western Desert Championship California City, CA December 10-12, 2004 Baja In Primm Primm,NV (Non Points Race) SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERs R,\CE OIVJSJON KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD . DRIVERS AssOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE - (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-0522 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING AssocIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. 43807 40TH STREET EAST u.NCASTER, CA 9 3 5 3 5 (MON-FRI 8:30 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.) (661) 946-6986/FAX:(661) 946-0483 MORE Happenings-page 49 December 2003 Trail Notes ... time trials. Time trials will determine me starting position for me race and the top 20 car and truck entries will start in me order in which tl1ey placed in me time trials. The day, time and location of the time trials will be announced at a later date. It is not mandatory to· compete in the time trials, but, if you do not you will be· placed in starting order by a draw, by class. The race will start in downtown Parker, Arizona on Saturday, February 7 and will finish at me Blue Water Resort & Casino. For more information contact Diane DiLauer at 702-457-5775. SCCA PRoRAu.Y RErlREMENT • Tim O'Neil, driver of me Air Force Reserve spon sored 2002 Ford SVT Focus in me SCCA. ProRally Championship announced his retirement from competition on October 21, 2003. The five time United States and North American Rally Champion said mat his retirement and move into an advisory role with me Air Force Reserve Rally Team will pave me way for me program to maximize me potential for me Open Class Focus. DACE READY PRooucrs • Race Ready is now a name sponsor of an off road race in 1'Baja, Callfomia. The race is promoted by CODE, out of Mexicali and record, outofEnsenada. The event takes place on December 12m-14m, 2003. The race will start in me Ensenada area, me course will go east, men north to Mexicali and will finish in San Felipe. For more information call Race Ready at 619-091-9171. D OBOilC GROUND VEHICLES -The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency J. '°(DARPA) will !\old a press conference at me SEMA show in Las Vegas. Entrant's are looking at the $1,000,000 DARPA Grand Challenge, presented in association with SCORE International for me accelerated development of autonomous robotic ground vehicle technology for military applications. The actual event is scheduled for March 13, 2004 and will cover a course of approximately 150 miles, running from Barstow, California to Las Vegas, Nevada. More than 100 teams from me automotive industry, desert racing, defense, me robotics industry and a variety of oilier field have entered me contest. Stay nmed! . BEST IN THE DEsERT • Casey Folks announced mat Tube Specialties Company, (TSCO) will again be me title sponsor for me 2004 Vegas To Reno off road race. The Vegas To Reno race is scheduled to run on June 24-27, 2004. The race is over 500 miles in length, leaving Las Vegas, going mrough Beatty, Goldfield, mrough ilie Silver Peak Mountain Range, mrough Mina, Silver Springs and Fallon, finishing near Reno, Nevada. Pre-race festivities will be held at tl1e Suncoast Hotel in Las Vegas on June 24th. Spectators are welcome! For more info, contact Diane Del.auer at 702-457-5775. T MPER!AL SANO DuNES RECREATION AREA· After a recent announcement by tl1e U.S. 1Fish & Wildlife Service that the mreatened Peirson's milk-vetch plant may be removed from the Endangered Species Act protection at tl1e Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area, the Center for Biological Diversiry is now focusing it's attention on a 10 year old, f1awed study to list the Andrews Dune Scarab Beetle. According to Roy Denner, President of me Off Road Business Association (ORBA), "this move is little more tl1an an attack on off highway vehicle users and has little to do witl1 the actual population dynamics of tl1e species in question. The petition does not indicate how many beetles exist or whetl1er meir numbers are growing or declining. Further, the petition provides no evidence tl1at off highway vehicles affect population trends one way or tl1e oilier." VC HI LrrEs CORR AwARDS · Three time defending CORR Stock champion ..{'-Mark Kleiman won the 2()93 KC Hilires Championship Award, taking home a. $ 1200 check from KC Hi Lites for his efforts this year. Three times Single Buggy Champion Mike Seefeldt finished second in KC Hi Lites and took home $900. Mike Oberg, the 2001 Sportsman 2 Champion took home $400 from KC Hi Lites for finishing third in their standings. KC Hi Lites (Pete Brown) has been supporting off road racers around the country for more than 30 years. Thanks for your support Pete. -.:,lT SurERSITIION SERIB.s-Well, Fud may have left us for a better place but it looks l.~like me Superstition Series will go on. Patricia Williams of Mojave Desert Racing fame announced mat she and her loyal crew will be promoting me Superstition Series in 2004. TI1ere are still some details to be ironed out but it looks like me Series racers will still have a venue in tl1e low desert. Hopefully, all me Fud racers will get behind me MOR folks and keep that great series going. If you have questions we suggest you contact MOR at 626-442-9320. SNORE• The SNORE Western Desert Championship was a howling success. The race ran in perfect weamer and mere was lots of close racing. Bill Witt took tl1e win in the combined Classl, Class 10 event, John and Brendan Gaughan were less than four minutes behind. Bruce Fraley and Rob MacCachren took the crowded .Class 1/2-1600 win, Cody Freeman was five minutes in arrears, Jeff Carr took third and Day Gang was fourth. A really great race! Rob Walters took the Class 9 win, he has won every Class 9 rac.e this season! Rick Poole was a whole second behind in second place! Don Kelly was third and Jeremy Evans cam in fourth. The Heavy Metal class win went to Michael Licari, Joe Ferrara was a long second place. Mike Ault took the 5-1600 win and Kevin. Powers was the Unlimited Sportsman winner. Sports-man Buggy win"went to Greg Frechette, the hard charging Courtney_ Collins· was a scant minute and a half behind, Eric Shepard came in third and Don Wall was fourth. Look for the story and lots of pictures in the next issue of Dusry Times. · ~ NaIES • The California Rally Series recently put on a pair of SCCA sane ~tioned rally schools. TI1e schooling was conducted in Ridgecrest, CA on Sep-tember 13tl1 and 55 students attended.Two weeks later anomer school admitted 63 srudents in Willows, CA.. Interest in rallying continues to grow and tl1e sport is gettil).g more and more coverage witl1 every passing year. Full story in next months Dusty Times. more TRAIL NOTES on page 49 Page 7 ..
• WHIPLASH SNOWFLAKE Fuentes Muscles His way To Victory By Mike Del Col Photos: Trackside Photo There was no stopping him, Caesar Fuentes great and nasty looking Chenowth ran fast and trouble free to the overall at Snowflake. Caesar Fuentes once again comes all the way from Juarez, Mexico to earn an overall victory at the Whiplash Snowflake. Cae-sar is still the man to beat ip. Whip-lash, and pounded his message home with a dominating victory at Snowflake. Caesar's overall win-ning time to the checkers was 2:29:04. Caesar's yellow Chenowth is a beast, and ran very well all week-end. Class 1 had some quality en-tries, but attrition ·kept anyone from challenging Caesar. Pakio Trans, and Fox Motorsports sup-port Fuentes. Reuben Wood was close at times, dueling with Caesar for three laps, fighting a pesky ig-nition problem the whole way. Reuben's Ford 302 powered Jimco would run well for a while, and then completely shut off without warning. Reuben's crew wrestled this problem for several laps be-fore calling it quits. Geiser Broth-ers, Wood Brothers Hay Com-pany, and Wood c;rop Dusting sponsor Reuben. Mike Williams was able to complete a lap, before his Mazda powered Meco also had electrical problems, putting an end to his day. The R:1cing Vesterdahl brothers also had a tough day, breaking all of the bolts off of their steering box, and spending a good chunk of the afternoon watching the race from the cool pines of the course. They were unable to make repairs and finish. Steve Labrie got TRANSAXLE. ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations Todd Jergensen First Overall TRANSAXLE EN6INEERING JEFF FIELD -SNORE 250 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Pages December 2003 Randy Miller was first off in class 10 and he and his handsome Chenowth were first to the checkers in class, second overall as well. Mark Ottersberg drove his Chevy hard and it paid off, he bested the other eight entries in Class 8 and was fourth overall to boot. a surp~ise on Lap 1, while follow-ing Vesterdahl and Williams. Steve was the third car in the train when he got "punted" off the course by the hard charging Fuentes. The im-pact was so severe, it crushed the rear cage to the water pump, and ended his race by sending him off coorse, and thru the trees. Luckily Steve and his co-driver were unin-jured. Keep an eye on the Wood Brothers. They recently acquired Sean Sessa's Jimco Class 10 ma-chine, and will likely campaign both cars wherever they go. Randy Miller earned a victory in Class 10, and second overall in his air cooled Chenowth complet-ing his task in 2:35:42. The Miller/ Mills Team drew the first starting position in the class, had;a trouble free day, and used it to their ad-vantage never looking back, and never conceding the lead in the class. M&M Portable Toilets, Gei-Continued on page 10 Class 5 was hard fought but when the checkers flew it was Tom Brown taking the win, if only by a minute. First place on the podium in Class 1600 went to Mark Milne, seen here at speed at the Snowflake contest. Dusty Times l
SNORE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING. . COMPANIES FOR HELPING MAKE YEAR 2003 A SUCCESS! ________ · . LttlJw ·. . ..... :ti . . ... . CNC ~ ..--...r=r= ~~ «-> · · = . ~ -BUNDERSON RACING · . /WA.STE HCHA~ . ... ·. -~ FREEMAN'S CARPET SERVICE ~7;.c,,e. /?-zr.,<.u.a~<Co -SWAY-A-WAY~NC. ROCKWAY PRECAST ~ ........ ~ ,Y£~ AHERN RENTALS A SHOCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY . _· . . . . . . RSC RENTALS-.................... . C:-~iJJ-DISCOUNTFOREIGN bm~~··M=~~ sti~~~ml;~NEERS . ~~J{ai~}l~~q!1' ADS :::~:ft~~=~~HINE . l .11 . INCORPORATED . . · PITCHIT RACE RADIOS . PATRICK SIGNS · Engineering · -IMPERIAL IRON -_ BFGaadrich. I .. ti T7 T:nPff T IT 7 ;;n,rr,es .....•. DDlliJli11111 . ~ '" -.· ptJHf . • • Dusty Times December 2003 Page9
Jon Lucas took the Sportsman Mini win, seen here in his good Reuben Woods Jimco ran well for a while but a faulty ignition system Second in Class 10 was Ron Dalke, he said he was a bit underpowered but he was able to take the silver medal. looking truck on the way to the checkers. finally caused them to abandon ship. coilovers, and 37" tires : and ei-ther or both of those factors may have caused the failure. The Randall Racing team also had some tough luck. The Randall boys had their oil pressure fall off to zero, and the temperature sky-rocket on the second lap. They shut it down, and called it a day,. Richard Franklin literally flew his Jeep to the combined Class 317 win at the Whiplash Snowflake, he won by 20 minutes. Milt Moore was the only 5-1600 to take the green. The new Foddril built car ran very well, just out of the garage, so to speak. The Pro Class 5 guys had a great turnout with Tommy Brown leading them to the checkers. Seems nowadays you can't find a race with more than a couple cars in Class 5 but Snowflake brought five of them to the green flag. Tommy had a good race, and squeaked out a win by just over a minute with a five lap time of 2-:43:23. It was fast enough for a fifth OA position as well. Tommy was chased hard, and Matt Engstler brought up second place, and was the only other car in the class to finish all five laps. Engstler was good· for sixth OA as well.. Tommy Brown. wanted to thank EMaxx Energy Drink, Geiser Brothers, BFG, and Foddrill Fab-rication for their support. Engstler thanks "Dude" at Gear One for his support. ser Brothers, and Bruce of the Wood Brothers support the Miller/Mills team. Tucson resident Ron Dalke chased Miller the en-tire race, but was unable to run him down. Dalke mentioned that . his Safari Landscaping sponsored Tatum was very underpowered, and really suffered in the tree sec-tions racing from corner to cor-ner. Despite that fact, "Donkey" raceq to second in class, and third overall. Miller's air cooled powerplant was just that much better suited fo the technical course. Jarrett Lenley snuck up on the competition with his quiet Class 10 machine for a fine third place fini;h. The rest of the class didn't fare so well. Ed Beard was on a mission early, and was the Class 10 leader on corrected time when disaster struck. While pass-ing Class 1600 veteran Bill Krug, Ed's Toyota powered machine made contact with Kruggy, acciden-tally driving over one of the front wheels on Krug's car at high speed. Ed went for a wild ride, violently rolling several times before com-ing to a stop. His crash sent him over a barbed wire fence, and back several rolls later without touch-ing the fence. Ed's race was over, but fortunately, he received only relatively minor injuries in what could have been a catastrophic accident. He received a broken wrist, a concussion, and a cut on his face that required several stitches. Taking every precaution, Ed was air-lifted to Scottsdale for treatment. Get well soon Ed, and hopefully we'll see you in action again when you recove·r. Other no-tables in the class were Todd Elam, who was racing a "new to him" Jimco. Charles Lathrem also made a rare appearance at Snowflake, but was sidelined with computer failure within a few miles of the start. The usually zippy Ja~es Mar-tin, fresh off of his big Mexico win, was out by Checkpoint 1 with un-known "problems. There was some great racing in the C lass 8 ranks, with Mark Otters berg racing to victory over a Page 10 quality field of fast trucks. Mark was fast enough to earn the fourth OA position in the race as well with his blistering five lap effort of 2:43: 15. Mark had a fairly trouble free run in his Chevy truck, recently acquired from Jesse Jones . Hon* Amotive, sponsors Ottersberg. Newcomer Bruce Bonestroo wa-s several minutes back in the class, earning second place in his machine. Bruce's truck runs and looks great, and will be a force in Class 8 going forward. Benny Fenn had a pretty good race in his white Ranger truck. Benny makes a long trip to race Whip-Todd Wylie was competing in his lash, and ended his race with his first ever off road event, and put fastest lap of the day. There was a his new truck on its lid on Lap 1. high attrition rate in this class, with He was able to continue but only ·mostoftheentriesnotfinishing. completed three laps. Mike Michael "Voudouris completed Doherty had his newly updated four laps before a friend alterna- Chevy running very well, and Mike tor, and a fire ended his day. For- was feeling pretty good after a tunately, he was able to save the great finish at the SCORE Hen-BFG and Amsoil sponsored truck. derson race back in July. Unfortu-The Dircks/Porter team was rac- nately, Mike broke a spindle on ing their pre-runner, saving the lap 3, and was unable to continue. trophy truck for the SCORE He doesn't even have a spare, si11ce Primm race later this month. Their he hasn't broken a spindle in entry had been running very well, about 12 years of racing a truck. but only completed four laps. The newly updated truck has Mark Milne finally ·caught a break, of the "good" variety. Mark blasted hfs way to a victory in the 1/2-1600 class at Snowflake with a very nice four lap race in The Pro Challenger Class 9 win went to Stuart Baxter, somehow he won with a The Sportsman Unlimited class victory went to Ty Loyd, he literally flew arounp the course in his great looking car. broken ring and pinion. Cody Calvelege makes a non too pretty landing, no matter, he took the win in the Sportsman 10 call contest. December 2003 In the Sportsman Limited Class Mike Leung took the win, maybe his "bad luck" has flown away, we'll see. Dusty Times
Bruce Bonestroo, new to Class 8 racing stayed right on track and In the1/2-1600 battle it was Bill Stoner taking second spot on the In Pro 7, William Dickinson to a nice second place despite "no oil pressure" hanging over his head for most of the race. came in second in the Class 8 contest. podium, he was 10 minutes out of the class win. 2:20:46. Mark turned the two fast- nice second place in the class. theu team. a;=:========, est laps in the class, and had a 10 Dickenson was hesitant to run the Stuart Baxter earned a victory minute margin of victory over Bill race, since he finished the truck in the Pro Challenger Class 9 com• Stoner, HPS Engines sponsor. just before the race, and had no petition, finishing the race with a Stoner's Woods Off Road spon-oil pressure. Figuring the motor broken ring and pinion. It seems sored entry had a fairly unevent-would have to be torn down any• to be a "prep" item at the rate that fol race, turning very consistent way. the team raced the truck, and Stuart is breaking them. He is spon-laps en route to his second place finished strong despite the by J& W Janitorial. Mike finish. Bill Krug had a long fourth lem. The team credits Lucas Oil O Connell was a close second place lap after his incident with Ed Stabilizer for getting them to the in the class. Beard, but finished a very respect- checkers. Mark Wright completed In the Sportsman Unlimited able third place in the class. Bill three laps in the class, after stop- class, Ty Loyd had a great race had a severely damag_ed front end, ping on Lap 2 to repair a broken earning a four lap victory in a blaz- ' and had stopped for a while to give motor mount. The team was rac-ing 2: 11: 16 with a fast lap of aid to Beard after his violent crash. ing in a short course truck de- 32:44. That car sure knows its way Brent McKee had a good showing signed to compete at PMP, but fig-around Snowflake, and Ty turned this year, finishing all four laps, and ured Snowflake wasn't all that dif- some of the quickest buggy laps of taking the fourth spot. Brent ferent than PMP in many ways. the day ... Dave Cookman was just thanks Don Johnson for his help. The team is sponsored by BFG, having fun in a "borrowed" car. It Richard Franklin put the hurt Gunnells Tire, and Vital Fab. was a little dicey for Dave at times ... on the Class 7 /Class 3 field with a Milt/Moore debuted their new he just isn't used to having so much 20-plus minute margin of victory. Foddrill built 5-1600 at Snow-horsepower on tap. Always nice to Richard is driving the super clean flake. Too bad they couldn't scare borrow a car that is a little zippier red CJ that Tom Swanson com-up any competition. The team than the one you own ... Cookman peted in for so many years. The n.~rned some great laps, and the wanted to thank DOC 01' Jeep still knows her way around car worked very well "out of the powdercoat, and Woods Off Road Snowflake ... William Dickenson box". Co-driver David Weiser, and for their support. Ty and Dave put his truck on the podium for a Milt Moore Construction support were the only four lap finishers of An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's It was a war of attrition but Bobby Russell hung in there and took the Sportsman 4-2 Seater win, seen here saving tire wear. the race. Another notable face in the class was Richard Kosar. Rich-ard runs that little two seater Arc-tic Cat powered rocket car. Rich-ard ended up tearing the rear off his car after a nasty crash at the "big drop" on the powerline road. Looks like both driver and passen-ger were OK-since they were seen videotaping the carnage after the crash. Kosar thanks ATV Racing, and Yellow Dog racing for th~ir support. Continued on page 12 0 0~ Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages Dusty Times @~tr Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 The Place Las Vegans Call Homer,• West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 December 2003 West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~~ 'Ill ., ... _ ... Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 Page 11 .. .. -•• •• ••••••••••••••• -•• .. •• .. •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••-•ea • ••••••••••• .. •••
Dave Cookman took the silver medal in the Sportsman Unlimited Paul Meyer's beautifully painted car took a second place in the Bruce Johnston gave it all he had in Sportsman Limited but he was Class, driving a "borrowed car" for the event. Sportsman 1 0 class, seen here ready for touchdown. only able to grab the silver medal at Snowflake. Cody Calvelage sneaked out a Joe's sponsored car was just a few the new car, but it was not to be Wilson's sponsors TUF Off-road., a win. Mike's finishing time was win in the sport 10 class with a more minutes back to earn the at Snowflake. and Olde English Creations. 2:23:46 over Bruce Johnston. nice four lap time of 2: 24:08. third spot. Mike Herrick had his David Fenn ran hard in the One of the biggest classes of the Bruce took the checkers in second The margin of victory was less first DNF in the class after hav-sport truck class, earning a win day was in the Sportsman Lim: place with a very nice finish, just a than tw9 minutes over Paul ingsomegreatracesearlierinthe over the very popular blue itedclass,where"Mr.BadLuck" coupleofminutesoutofthelead. Meyer. Chad Cornell's Coyote year. Mike has run very well with Bronco of Grant Wi.lson. himself, Mike Leung, emerged with Woods Off Road Products and Mc1nqfaq~qr11r / Qi~~il!IJ.~qr ,t @n_ ~•P,andint and uniq.u~ produc~ linq_ of mq,(qrs~or~ irqc!qq,t!• ,.. ...... ~ -->~ ...,..,. ·, IG·FORCEl .-c•••--1 Pro Paree Air • Significantly outflows other 'blower type· helmets • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! • lightweight Composite Shell • Snell SA-2000 Automotive· Rated • Fire Resistant Interior I! LOWRANCE fi-ps !fiyn:em• • BN.J & Color Displays • 2" to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping 1/ertex Hfgh Perfannance Radio !iptem• • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 110 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards .:.Page 12 IS.ill/ Cardle•• lmpactKlt • ½" Drive • 216 ft-lbs. Torque • Cacying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available December 2003 CDMMIJNICAffDN !iDUJTIDN!i FDR RACINS& RE'l:REATIDN • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW' Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners • 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • Lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter'Options • BAJA PROVEN DOC Racing and Powdercoat helps keep Bruce's racer looking good. With the grand prix finish, Mike and Bruce were the only four lap finishers of the class. R.J. Newton completed three laps, but was taken out by possible motor problems. Other class competi-tors were Don Johnson, who com-pleted two fast laps before suc-cumbing to unknown problems. Dean Randell had his orange Baja Bug on the track -and this was Dean's first race. The team had a great time, learned a lot, and can't wait to do it again. In the Sport Mini class, Jon Lucas earned a win with three nice laps. Tim Hayosh had his new JeepSpeed at Snowflake for a shake down test. Tim had mo-tor problems that were not cor-rectable at the track, and he com-pleted just one lap. Bobby Russell beat our four other racers in the 4 two-seater class. Bobby _wasn't the fastest guy of the bunch, but he was the most durable. Bobby knocked out two laps to earn the win. Geiser Brothers and Foddrill Fabrication sponsor Bobby's machine. ..-,lfW Jarrett Lemley put in five good laps in the Class 10 contest and he took the bronze medal at the Whiplash event. Bill Krug finished third in Class 112-1600, he had a long last lap when he was involved in an accident and stayed to help the other driver. Taylor Robinson didn't have a good day, as evidenced here, a slight altercation put him out of the race early. Dusty .Times
16TH TELSTRA RALLY AUSTRALIA 2003 Salberg Takes Australia Photos: Maurice Selden Petter Solberg and Philip Mills drove their Subaru lmpreza through every obstacle to win the Telstra Rally Australia. Unstoppable! Richard Burns has pulled further ahead again in the lead for the 2003 World Rally Championship. For the third time running he finished third overall, but this time behind Petter Solberg and Sebastien Loeb, who had carried out an incredible battle for the lead until the final day. Citroen finished with three cars in the top five and have drawn level with· Peugeot at the head of the manufacturer's series. Burns apart, Peugeot had a dis-appointing event·, starting with a major political argument before the start. World champion Mar-cus Cronholm had pulled into an early lead but then inexcusably slid off the road and witkdrew on account of the long delay. It was a remarkable rally for vehicle reli-ability: no factory car retired for reasons of mechanical trouble or driver errors. The PCWRC cat-egory was won by Martin Rowe who inherited the lead when Page 14 transmission trouble struck Marcos Ligato at the end of the first full day. Championship leader Toshihiro Arai started badly and retired on the second day, leaving only Arai and Rowe able to clinch the series at the fi-nal round, in Corsica. The tenth round of the 2003 FIA World Rally Championship was the final long-haul rally of the season. Considered a "smooth gravel" event, there were many de-tailed changes thi:s year, but essen-tially the character of the event, which is speed over uniquely dif-ficult driving coaditions created by ball-bearing type stories which proliferate the stages, remained unchanged. The event was held on a new date, the first weekend in September. A major organisation upheaval after last year's event meant there was a new Clerk of the Course and Chairman of the Organising Committee. Adrian Stafford, previously Deputy Clerk, assumed the posi:tion pre-viously held by Garry Connelly. There was a new rally headquar-ters at the Gloucester Park sta-dium, not 'the Sheraton Hotel. There was a new superspecial stage location, also at Gloucester Park, not Langley Park. Every stage but one was either new, changed or run in the opposite direction. There was, for the first time, a single service park location, there-fore no more servicing in Perth. The rally route was more con-tained than before which meant more stages could be run twice than previously, and to make this feasible special preparation work had been carried out on the for-est stages. This year the route did not go east to Muresk or down south to the Wellington or Brunswick stages. There were a to-tal of four superspecials run, once on the Thursday and Friday and then a double special stage on the Saturday evening, all at Gloucester Park. Sin<;e the last event, the drive~ December 2003 market had moved. First an- Ligato). Only Arai could clinch nouncement was the retirement of the title on this event. Top Run Tommi Makinen from rallying at confirmed their PCWRC team-the end of the season. The World mates in Germany, Frisiero and Champion is 1996 through 1999 Ligato, both retired because of a had won 24 rounds of the world faulty supply of clutches. For this championship, a record only event they sent only one car, an beaten by Colin McRae and Car- Evo VII for Ligato. Three drivers los Sainz and equalled by Juha had withdrawn for medical rea-Kankkunen. This was followed by sons. Colsoul because of ligament the championship leader Burns injuries suffered playing football. deciding to leave Peugeot and re- Holowczyc due to sinus difficul-turn to Subaru, then for Peugeot ties, whilst Giovanni Manfrinato to announce a five driver team for was under medical supervision 2004. Also Peugeot announced for a heart ailment. There was to the longTumoured new 307WRC have been a new team for Janusz and Mitsubishi that Peugeot's Kulig but in the end he had to joint number three driver Gilles cancel his entry and Errani did Panizzi will join them. This was to not appear either. There was a new be Citroen's first time here with a co-driver for Swedish driver full works team entered for this Joakim Roman. Tina Mitakidou event and their cars seemed to be had annol\nced her retirement so as reliable as ever. Only two out Roman was accompanied by vet-of 29 entries can be said to have eran-co-driver Ragnar Spjuth, resulted in retirement for genu-who had not contested a world ine mechanical failures. rally for eight years, while Ana The ban on testing at long haul Goni had to withdraw due t'o a rallies meant that Ford did their back problem an,d her place pre-event testing in spain in mid alongside Stig Blomqvist was August near Vic. This was the first taken by New Zealander Rob rally on which the alternative Inic Scott. Roman rented a local Evo transmission system was used on VI while his Evo V was being re-the Skoda Fabia on gravel, but paired after an accident on an with the three Mediterranean as-autobahn, returning home from phalt events coming soon, the Deutschland. Peruvian Ramon team have meanwhile been carry- Ferreyros drove the Evo VI recce ing out tarmac testing instead. car of his Nocentini teammate The Skoda team had driver wor-Daniel Sola, but for budget rea-ries. After Finland, Didier Auriol sons he had to miss his home had an operation to alleviate his country's legendary "Road to the shoulder discomfort, while Gar-Incas" road race this year, one demeister broke a bone in his week· after Australia. For wrist playing ice hockey. There was Constantin Aur time was too tight a rush to mend both drivers be-to take his Deutschland car to fore the journey to Australia, and Australia, so he borrowed the ex-finally both reported fit, though Al Wahaibi Evo VII from his Gardemeister had to wear a plas-team, Stohl Racing. One team ter. Hyundai's hopes to run guest had always planned to be absent, works drivers Manfred Stohl and this was Calm Competicio from Justin Dale were cancelled and a Spain. Their drivers decided be-sign of the team's uncertain fu- · fore the season this would be the ture was· the resignation of Senior · event to miss. For the David Sur-Event Engineer Graham Moore. ton team (rowe and Blomqvist) Eleven PCWRC drivers sta·rted there was a big rush! Sutton "Af-the event. This was the sixth and ter Germany, we had to re-pre-final event in the series for Singh pare the cars from asphalt spec and Holowczyc. Five drivers still to gravel, and then drove over-in the championship nominated night to La Spezia to catch the this as the event they would miss: boat, but we eventually did it!" Geradzhiev, Frisiero, Richard, De This is an event where local Dominicis and Trivino. Six driv-drivers were .. expected to be very ers were still mathematically able competitive against the PCWRC to win the title (Arai, Rowe, championship regulars, this was .Singh, Blomqvist, Sola and notonlybecausetheywerefreeof Dusty Times
Martin Rowe and Trevor Agnew drove their Subaru lmpreza WRX to the PCWRC win, they were 15'1' overall as well. Richard Bums/Robert Reid fly through the red dirt country, 3rd overall the last three rallies and he leads the drivers points by a bunch. the regulations on the competi-tion limits with numbers of tyres and mechanics, but also because Group N is the premier formula in national championship events. Good performances were ex-pected from Ordynski in Mitsubi-shi and Crocker and Herridge in Subarus although Evans can-celled his Subaru entry so as to concentrate on the next round of the Australian series. The two of-ficial Subaru drivers were Crocker, who drove an 03 Suba-ru here for the first time, and Herridge who drove Bourne's championship winning 02 ver-sion. A strong privateer entry was from Juha Kangas, the Finnish driver who last year contested the JWRC and this year has been con-testing the Australian national se-ries in a privately run car Simon Jean-Joseph drove a Group N car (for the first time in his life) sim-ply to "discover" the rally. "I am just hoping to learn, I won't check my times, and I am going to drive like a farmer!" This comment was disparaging. The most successful international driver in Australian rallying is still Andrew Cowan, and back home in Scotland he is a farmer ... This was the Nocentini car due to have been rallied by Manfrinato. It was ironic there were no full world championship Mitsubishis on this event. Austra-lia was the first foreign cour;_try in the world wher.e Mitsubishi went rallying, nearly 40 years ago, and one man who saw it happen, 74 year old Doug Stewart, who has recently retired from his Presi-dency of Ralliart Australia, has this year celebrated his personal half century in motor sport. He asked to be excused from attend-ing this year's Telstra Rally Aus-tralia. "I will have just ·got mar-ried and I will be on my honey-" moon: It .was in Western Australia that tyre suppliers developed their technique or tread cutting, an art which became even more impor-tant when rules limiting the num-ber of available tread patterns were introduced. Both Michelin and Pirelli now have standard methods of cutting out blocks, thereby reducing the amount of rubber which will be in contact with the ground. A Michelin spokesman explained "the aim is to increase the weight of the car on the points of impact, thus help-ing the tyre clear away the little stones on the surface". In addi-tion, each of the Michelin teams nominated the ZE pattern ryre, a pattern which is altogether nar-HONDA Power Equipment EB6500 .··WEil RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS-•· OUTBOARD ENGINES . -• GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • ·LAWN· TRACTORS, • • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS -California's Largest Sou_rce for Bonda Po~er· Equipment Parts and Inventory IF WE DONT.HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check Our Website:. WWW rower and which teams require for Sotico stages held on the Sun-day. Pirelli explained there were two challenges, firstly to find the grip and secondly also to have tyres which enabled the driver to place the car with precision. Their base tyre for this event was the KM type. This was the first time the rally had been run at this time of year, and teams had to nominate their tyre supply despite the unknown factors concerning the weather. It was not only a matter of knowing whether it would rain or not, but also how humid the air would be. Hu midiry overnight would make the ground stickier, and red uce the ball-bearing effect, signifi-cantly reducing the disadvantage of running first car on the road. There was increasing tension before the rally with the news that the FIA had decided to bypass their World Rally Championship Commission and asked the World Council members to vote on their package of measures for 2004, notably 16 rallies, reduced time frame and three half-day rather than full day events. A blanket vote for all the p.roposals, not piecemeal decisions. Return date for fax vote Monday after the _ event. These measures had been opposed by all the teams except Citroen, who had inserted at the last moment a clause that only two Continued on page 16 HONDA. Kawaguchi Honda Corp. . , . - . 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA ·90963 Nothing S easier. GENERATORS & PUMPS ·f 3231 264-3936. 264-5858 • FAX 13231 264-2136 For Optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owners manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company peraonnel. Consult a qualified electrician © 2003 American Honda Motor Co., Inc ◄-20-01 • Z-1 08 Dusty Times December 2003 Page 15
' Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena piloted their Citroen Xsara to second overall in Australia, seen here in flight. Fourth overall was the Citroen Xsara of Colin McRae and Derek • Tommi Makinen and Kaj Lindstrom flew their Subaru lmpreza_ to si~h Ringer, seen here in controlled flight. · overall in Australia, seen here in normal flight attitude. drivers should be nominated for makes' points. This· was appar-ently an unconstitutional step and angered the other teams, most of all their stabie mates Peugeot. Corrado Provera, Peugeot's team director was furious, especially as bly lead to endless team orders, I shall probably be fined for say-three." A position which doubt-this was only discover~d wheri the and above all it showed that tp.e ing that but it had to be· said". less endeared him to the FIA. team,s reached Perth. He ex-work of the WRCC was useless. Citroen chief Frequelin was un-· Leg 1 plained this was very negative for "This rule in particular was never moved. "Our position is that we The event started in a rush of media, .emphasizing a lack passed to the WRCC for consul-want 16 rallies wit_h two drivers floodlit excitement at Gloucester of rule stability, it would inevi.ta-tation. That is unconstitutional. each. Cheaper .than 14 rallies with Park trotting track, where a re-LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBER, YEAR, MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card. money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre·payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. 'CENTERLINE WHEELS Forged AJumiRllm WI/eels with Polished Finfsh. 15x4 svw::, .... ,~ ............. $143 15xs , svw ........ :,, ............. 141,. ·15X6 . 5VW ........... : ............ J48 1sx1 svw ......................... 149 15x8 svw .......... i ............. 152 15x1o svw ......................... 159 BEARD SUPER SEAT Suspension Seal Constructed on •;.• Steel Frame, Vinyl Sides with Tweed Cloth Center. Available In: Black Vinyl with Black Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Grey Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Ebony and Opal Fabric Combination. (Add $7). Low Back Super Seat... .......... $1 BO High Back Super Seat..... . .... 190 DRY CEU BATTERIES Superior Cranking, Fast Charge Capability and Vibration Resistance • CA @32" (WxLxH) 7' x 6'/,' x 5' Battery 925A ..... $140 6'/,' x 7'/, x 7'/,Battery 1200A .. 175 Billet Aluminum Battery Box .... 110 Steel 925A Battery Box .............. 45 Page 1&· ' X 16". 2 10'x30". 10'x40" . Fuel Shut· Chrome S TIGER 3x2 BELTS Black, Red, Gray, Yellow, Purple or Blue. Quick Latch Release 3 • Lap Belt & 2· Sewn Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Heavy Duty Belt.. ......... $52 Crotch Strap .... :...... .. ... 8 SHOULDER PADS Black, Blue, or Red. S_houlder Pads, pair .... $10 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM Includes Adjusters. Stock Width Beam with 8' Travel Towers ........... $140 6' Wider Beam with 8' Travel Towers .............. 180 6" Wider Beam with 10· Travel Towers ........... 195 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushings. set 4 ... 20 For Use When Top Shock Mounts · are J~corporated in the Chassis. 6' Wider Beam for Thru Rods .. $80 6' Wider Beam for Leafs , ......... 110 TRAILING ARMS 1 ½ x ¼' Front Arms, set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2½ x 1 Front Arms, set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins. set of 4 ..................... .48 THRURODS Heavy Duty Off Road Use Or Larger Sand Rails. Off Road R~ck & Pinion ......... $132 U·Joint for Rack & Pinion; ......... 20 Chrome U·Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY For Wa"ior Beam wilh Off·Road Rack. includes Ends. Tie Rod Assembly. pair ............ $62 BILLET STEERING BEARING CARRIER Mounts Steering Shaff to Rack and Pinion. Billet Steering Bearing Carrier .. $60 U·Joint '/,"to'/, Shaft .............. 50 U·Joint '/," Shaft to Rack ........... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shatt ..... .. ... ,22 Will Use 930 CV Joint. Trailing Arms. Steel. pr .......... $225 Trailing Arms. Chromoly, pr .... 295 STUB AXLES& · DRIVE FLANGES Available /or Bug, Bus & 930 CVs. Stub Axle, pair.... .. .... $140 Drive Flange. pair..... . ......... 84 For 3 x 3 Trailing Arms. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms. pr ... $130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ..... 130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, using 930 CVs, pr ....................... 150 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS.w/ RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Oual Spring · Shock with Hose and Reservoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock. .8·10·12" Stroke .... .. from $495 King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock, 12·14·16" Stroke .... from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp•On Reservoir Mount ................. 35 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS King 2" Shock, , . 8· 10· 12" Stroke w/Res ... $225 King 2'/,Shock, 10·12·14" Stroke w/Res ... 295 Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal ........ Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Peqal .................... 230 Ultra Slide Plate............... .. .. 60 Ultra Slide Throttle Kit ............... 26· Ultra Slide Hose Kit.. .................. 55 Competition Pedal Assembly. Includes BIiiet Throttle Pedal, Brake Assembly, Clutch Assembly and Slave Cylinder. Competition Pedal Assembly $430 Single Brake Assembly ............ 155 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 230 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 170 ......... $90 ............. 105 ........ .48 Rts 1'/," ·Tubing. Green Sticker Bracket $1 O GPS Bracket & Mount.. .............. 60 Brake Line Bracket ..................... 17 Tachometer Bracket & Mount.. .. 32 3·Panel Mirror. 18' Long ........... 82 Clamp·On Mirror Brackets, pr .... 32 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES E~a8~~;~:;~~--r~~~~8..~W6 30 X 7.00, 4·ply .................... 106 33 X 9.00, 4·ply .. .................. 125 35 X 10.00, 4·ply .................. 148 BAJA BELTED HP 30x9.5·15.... .. .... $119 31 X 10.50·15... .. ...... 140 December 2003 Stinger or U·Bend Collector. . 1 '/,' Unpainted Bobcat.. ........... $95 1'/,' Unpainted Bobcat ............... ·95 1'/,' Chrome Bobcat.. .............. 145 1'/,' Chrome Bobcat.. ............... 145 Baffle ........................................... 8 Replacement Springs. set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Baked·On Coating, Won't Change Color or Rust. 1 '/,' Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1'/o' Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 J'or Thick<Flange and Polished Look Jet Coating on Any Tri Mil 1'/," Slinger Exhaust Add $30. SS SPARK ARRESTOR Fits Bobcat 2" Stingers & U•Bends. Spark Arrestor, 18' Length ...... $68 Spark Arrestor, No Bracket.. ...... 50 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 56 T·Bolt Clamp ................................ 5 L-..::::::::::;.._...J LAZER STARS Available In Spot or Flood. 100 '1,/att Lazer Star, pr .......... $144 75 Watt Lazer Star. pr .............. 132 Billet Clamp·On Light Mounts .... 36 Micro·B Lazer Star (Red). pr ... 1-20 Micro·B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red), pr ..... 175 Replacement Lamp, Spot, ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp. Flood. ea .... 24 Replacement Lens. ea ................ 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr .................. 8 verse-order superspecial was held. Tickets for spectators were sold out at around the 11,000 mark, sideshows holding the attentic;m of the crowds for several hours. The spirit was just as good as was customary at the old Langley Park venue. Fastest drive of the evening came from Petter Solberg overall. Marcos Ligato h eaded the PCWRC category while local Perth driver Dean Herridge was quickest overall in Group N. Overnight there was rain, not heavy but eiough to dampen the forest tracks and substantially re-duce the emphasis on the running order. "I still have to clean the roads" explained Richard Burns,· "but the disadvantage is not so bad. I am lying fourth overall, behind three other drivers for whom it is vitally important to win!". He was more concerned with the little time allowed .for cov-ering the road sections, "We did not have time. to change tyres round between.stages, and we had to go over the speed limits not to lose time·at the controls". Gron-holm, third car on the road, started off on the attack. After Stage 3, ·the second forest stage, he was 10.8 seconds in front! Solberg had a puncture on Stage 2 but o·nly dropped a second be-hind Gronholm, while Sebastien Loeb held on to fourth place de-spite a spin on Stage 3. Markko Martin was not so happy. "We.are havirig a lot of trouble with our notes. You need to enter this rally a _.lot of times to get your notes perfect." On Stage 3 he overshot a junction and reversed out. Schwarz. also started off. unhap--pily. "The car is snaking all over · ·the road, not as badly as it did in Finland but bad enough", while. teammate Loix had a spin. Rovans pera was unhappy with overheat-ing brakes. So after the first group of three stages Gronholm led by 10.3 seconds from Solberg, then came Loeb nearly 25 seconds be-hind the leader. In the -next group of three stages the sun came out, the tem-perature ·rose and the surfaces became drier. Good for Loeb who was on the attack and passed Solberg, bad for Burns who came back now 20 seconds behind third place Solberg. Gronholm was more than a quarter minute in front, despite a puncture on Stage 5. Martin was saying that all his notes were on e gear too slow, ·ex-cept for one. Here he overshot the bend at high speed, and only re-gained the road after driving into a tree (fortunately a small one) and over the top of it. McRae was Dusty Times
Carlos Sainz and Marc Marti drove their Citroen Xsara hard in Armin Schwarz and Manfred Hiemer didn't have the best of rallys, Mikko Hirvonen and Jarmo Lehtinen were ninth overall in their Ford Focus, first Ford to finish the rally. Australia. Carlos is second in drivers points. they finished 13'• in their Hyundai Accent. in trouble with brake problems, Blomqvist held his sixth place de-stage detour before getting back having an inconsistent feel. Both spite driving with no brakes for to the route again. Co-driver the Skodas had handling difficul-more than one stage because of a Marc Marti remembered their ties, while Hirvonen had a big broken caliper. PCWRC runners similar escapade in New Zealand. jump on Stage 5 and said the car were down to nine when Aur had Makinen fell back with a slightly did not feel the same again after-the rear suspension collapse, out of line rear right wheel, a ca-wards. Makinen found the suspen-which delayed him, and he arrived sualty of sliding into a sand bank sion of his Subaru was too soft at service four minutes beyond beside the track. It cost them just and between stages he stiffened up maximum lateness. Nine left. In-enough time to be passed by both the shock absorbers. suit to injury came later. He was Martin and McRae. Burns eased Off for the next two stages forced to see the stewards of the his pace on the last twb stages of Gronholm was full of confidence meeting because he drove in ex-the day when he sensed the frolir -and then it happened. It was an cess of the legal limit on the road suspension was out of line and uphill hairpi.n left with a deep section. Ligato was still in trouble denying full precision when he en-ditch in the middle. "We did not when he discovered the broken tered bends. attack the corner fast enough, the driveshaft had damaged his rear Things were desperate for car stuck in the ditch and slid differential, and this problem Ligato. As soon as he drove away down into the_ hole." Surely the came to a head at the superspe-from the 45 minutes service after first time a world champion had cial when he lost a lot of time. Stage 9 it was clear the centre dif-crashed going too slowly? Anyway, Leg 2 ferential had suffered. On the start he lost nearly ten minutes and the Nice clear skies but not too line for the superspecial stage the car was withdrawn at the ~nsuing warm. Running order was re- car was working only in rear wheel service. Sainz meanwhile had also versed for the top 15, as usual, so drive mode. He completed the gone off the road, being blinded privateer Antony Warmbold had s~ge, and on the 100 metre drive by sudden low sunlight but held the road sweeper's work to do. to pare ferme the drive failed com-his fifth place. McRae's brake Schwarz tried a different suspen-pletely. The car was pushed into trouble persisted, Makinen drove sion setting but the car did not the park. Just like on Sola's car, a stage with stiff power steering, feel much better, while Carlos the differential stopped transmit-while Solberg had a scare when it Sainz also felt uneasy with his car. ting its power when the fluid got seemed the oil pressure had failed. Colin McRae for once was happy hot and worked again when it was He was comforted when he heard with his brakes and began making cooler. Ligato's car stopped on the the problem was a sensor, not the regular top six times. Auriol had freeway down to Jarrahdale on the engine. So after the final stage of a memorable moment, crashing Saturday morning, eventually the day, another race round the through trees in top gear before started up again, arriving late at Trotting Track in Perth, Loeb was regaining the stage road, but the service. Top Run mechanics ran the leader, 3.9 seconds ahead of focus of attention was on the race out of time trying to replace the· Solberg who was a half minute in for the lead. Burns was lying third unit. Another driver in Saturda.y front of Burns. Gronholm was the and unhappy. "If I had been morning trouble was Stefano only works driver to be missing,. cruising along and was lying third, Marrini, who was found with non-· while Benik from Hungary had re-I'd have been happy, but I have homologated seatbelts and was tired early on when his Focus was been going as hard as I could. excluded from the rally. Down to stranded on to of a sand bank. Petter and Sebastien have been un- seven. With Ligato gone, the fast-1 n the PCWRC category beatable." Solberg admitted hav-est Group N cars were now the Marcos Ligato started .out full of ing a few dodgy moments but nei- local drivers running with unlim-confidence. "Actually I have had ther had any troubles. From an ited number of mechanics and tyres some brake trouble since the overnight gap of 3.9 seconds, and especially with engines that shakedown but otherwise had no Solberg had pulled level for the were more powerful thanks to problem." Behind him was Mar-lead after two stages, in the third specification as opposed to FlA tin Rowe and after three stages and fourth stages Loeb had re-controlled fuels: While Ed came Ramon Ferreyros in his bor-gained a lead of 2.1 seconds. Ordynski was steadily ahead in rowed recce car, but then on The race· for the lead intensi-Group N, Rowe adjusted his style Stage 4 he had electrical trouble fied during the afternoon. Three of driving. "On these stages our which put him out of the event. of the four stages were the same cars have a lot of brake trouble He reached the service park and as those held earlier in the day.' due to heat soak when there is only withdrew. Eleven starters down to After Stage 15 Loeb's lead was 1.1 a short gap between stages. But ten. Arai admitted he was sleep-seconds, then 2. 7 and 3.0 but on worst of all, it is the pressure of ing a bit in the morning but when the final stage Loeb pulled out to not having anyone close behind he got going he found the car had 5.4 seconds when Solberg had a us." His teammate Blornqvist also a lack of top end power. Sola was half spin. This effort was very had problems with his "brakes, in big trouble. The front differ-meaningful so far as Loeb was which was cured when he fitted a ential failed on Stage 2, then on concerned. With the next three different design on rims. McShea S 3 h b d I k Id h 11· h' tage t e gear ox starte ea -wor C amp10n ra 1es on lS dropped back when the rear dif-chose an older construction tyre, ferential failed, and then came which proved a mistake. McRae news that Arai had stopped on was engaged in a fierce battle for Stage 14 with a broken clutch and fourth place with his teammate was out of the event. Only six, now. Sainz and lost hardly anything After the first group of four for-when he flew off the road, 'through est stages, Rowe was 41.9 seconds undergrowth, and regained the in front of McShea and Singh an-track less his front bumper. For other 8.1 further back. Sola was the final two stages the conditions now going better but really far be-were different. Rain had fallen, hind. Minds were turning towards there were puddles on the ground, championship chances. Ligato's re-the tracks were clearly slippery. The tirement was the end of his title competition was over. Loeb tried chances. If things continued like different tyres to his two Citroen they were, Blomqvist, Singh and teammates, McRae and Sainz fin-sola would also be out, leaving just · ished the final stage 1st and 2nd. Arai and Rowe in with a chance Loeb was nearly a half minute of the title. slower, Solberg came to the finish Leg 3 with a 26.6 second margin. Solberg It wasn't all over yet, by far. The had never stopped pushing and it first drama was when the stewards was this which won him the rally. met and excluded Markko Loebadmittedhehadeasedupon Martin's Ford, which followed an the final stage because the condi-apparently remarkable series of tions were treacherous, and the misunderstandings by the team. A loss of two points by coming sec-rock was seen to have been loosely ond was not serious compared carried inside the rear of the car, with the risk of gaining none at all. and officials considered this to For Solberg it was a near escape have been illegal unsecured ballast, every second. Co-driver Phil Mills: although the weight of the car was "It was getting more and more slip-in any case well over the required pery for each passing car. The fi-minimum. According to Ford, the nal eight kilometres of the last crew innocently placed the rock to stage was like driving on the snow secure the spare wheel, following a in Sweden on slick racing tyres ... " problem with its housing mecha-Hirvonen survived a sticking nism. A rival team, however, were throttle. on the final stage, Sainz suspicious of a series of circum-tried hard but McRae beat him to stances around the removal of the fourth place. rock. While that scenario was be-In the PCWRC Rowe's com-ing unravelled, the remaining com-fortable lead increased when petitors were heading southeast to McShea stopped to change a flat the famous forest complex, origi- tyre, so now Singh was second. nally called Bunnings. Despite Blomqvist also punctured but held black skies and rain falling around on to fourth place. Overnight the region, the first two stages Dean Herridge took over the over-through "Bunnings" were dry and all Group lead when Ed Ordynski Solberg and Loeb were hard at it. had a spectacular roll on the The Norwegian took 5. 7 seconds Gloucester Park special stage and off the Frenchman so Loeb's over-retired, but come the first stage night 5.1 second lead was now on Sunday, Rowe passed Solberg's 0.6 second advantage. Herridge and held the lead to fin-Three stages now to go. Solberg's ish first in both the PCWRC and lead was then lost when he slid wide Group N. Blomqvist hit a tree on a couple of corners and lost stump which damaged the body-some time, just enough to give Loeb work but happily not the suspen-the lead of 1.3 seconds, with two sion. Delays earlier in the event stages to go. All else paled into in-with brake problems held him up significance. Auriol lost hydraulic and denied him the chance to pressure when a stone punctured stay in the race for the title. Only the fluid radiator, Makinen Arai and Rowe are now able to slipped behind McRae when he win the championship. 1.AJaC: ing oil. He lost time topping up favourite surface asphalt, domi-18'" TIISUI Raly AJltralia 4/T September 2003 PMh (AUS) WC round 10 PCWRC round 6 WCpoinll with lubricant, then on Stage 4 nation by Loeb on gravel was WR WO PC the transmission ceased working something special. With only I (7) l'ltllr SOU!l:RGoffillp Milla troll Si.llllrulmjreza WRC S600WRT(G6) 311.32111.07. 1s. 10 10 . 1 (18) Slblllien LOE!Warliel Elena FM(; Cigger,Xlwa WRC ~(F) 3h.32m.33.71. 8 8 altogether for a few minutes till it Gronholm retiring out of the ! (21 Ridl.-d BURNS/Robert Riki GB f'lllglloln WRC 810NVT75 (F) 311.3'm.00.1 •. 8 8 cooled down. Then it went again! world championship, and then I (17) Cclin McAAE.Oenlk Ainge.-G8 WRC 1800Mi2(FJ 311.34m.37.8s. 5 5 At service they changed the front with a car well intact, the reliabil-~ (1Q) CMlcl SAJNZhhte MIIII E ~Xsara WRC 29CSP!l2(F) 3h 3,Cm.44.3a. ' . I (S) TorMi MAK!NENll<aj l..indllrom FIN Subaru~ WRC S200WRT (GB) 3h.36m.08.6s. ' 3 differential and he left on his ity of the cars was notable. Skoda I (3) Hlffi ROVANPERAIRilto Pietillincn FIN Peugeot206 WRC 81'NVT75 (F) 3h.36m.11.0.. 3 2 . maximum permitted lateness. In was still having minor troubles, :, (11) fr9llly LOIXIS-SmNlt B Hyundai ~ WRC X26HMC(08) 3h.39m.07 .8a. 2 1 the second group of stages Sola with handling on Auriol's car and : (6) Miltko HIRVONEN/Jarmo l.11\Unen FlN Fon!FocuiRS WRC EX0208C (G8) 3h.38rn.17.71. I was running at the back of the cat-a slight power loss on that of Gar-10 (5) Frrocai& CllVAL/Slephr,e PNNol B fa,d FDCII& RS WRC E003YWC(G8J 3h.39m.53.3s. . 11 (15) Toni GAROEMEl$TER/Pwlo 1.11iano1r FIN Sltoda f abi; WRC 3531~7(CZJ 311.42111.17.Js · egory on the road and still the car demeister. McRae. finally was 12 (1') O'del AURJOL/Denis Giraudel F Skoo,Fabia WRC 3S319'C8(CZ} ,i.,3m.15.2a was not working well, with the much happier now that the brake 13 (10) Amii:, SCHWA~td Hierr.r D Hy~Act«lt WRC X27HMC(GBJ 3h.-46m21.5s. gears jumping out of mesh. Ligato problem had been resolved - by 15 (551 M.r.ill Rowefl'reYOr /.fPM OB SobaNlmprazaWRX PCWRC X20SC(G8 3h.5'4m.17.11.· . 10 17 (SI) ~...-jil Singh/Allen Oh MAL PtllklnPert PCWRC WU02XFA (GB) 31\.5&n.1'.1s. . 8 drove nearly two stages with a completely replacing them! Team-18 (e0J Niall t.lcShealChlis Patterson OB Mit5llbishi Lancer El'O VI PCWRC X564YBO (08) 311.56111.~ ,. 8 broken driveshaft, keeping the mate Sainz went off the road Is (eel Stig Blanq'llst/Rd:J ScoN s..M'. Sublru lllllQZI WRX PCWRC X10SC (Ga) ,h.D.lm.55.Ss. 5 PCWRC lead but falling behind again, this time after a tightening :0 (52) 0¥llel Solai,'Jex RomanJ E Mi!IUbiahl l..aflol( El'O VII PCWRC BW666PS(IJ 4h.04m.21.61 4 Ed Ordynski in the Group class. bend, and he had a major off 16 (64) Joalt,rn Rllman/Ragnar s MilluOlahi LMOel E110 V: PC'NRC XL0973 (NSW,AUS) 4h21m588s 3 Dusty Times December 2003 Page 17
VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Hoedown In Hawthorne Text & Phows: Bubba Ray Boudreaux Sam Berri goes out for another lap, Sam won the Class 10 contest and the Class 1 battle and the overall as well. Once upon a time in this vasJ land of ours, men and women explored an unknown land against unknown odds. For most of them, this challenge was a success. In the spirit of the men and women who opened up the west, VORRA promoter Rich Klein spent a lot of sweat and I'm sure shed a little blood in his attempt to open up a new race course in the Hawthorne, Nevada area. Labor Day Weekend, 2003 marked his triumph over the challenge laid in front of him. Yes folks, the Valley Off Road Racing Association made their way Page 18 into Hawthorne, Nevada. The El Capitan Casino in Hawthorne was the gracious sponsor of the .300 mile battle on the dirt, in the silt and over the rocks. A new addition for Hawthorne was the entry of quad racers. While not an official race, but more of a test for VORRA, the quads were given two laps around the approximately 60 mile course to prove they were worthy of competing. With names like Troy Robinson and Class 7 legend Mike Koenig riding, this was a no-questions asked success. When the quads started out at 6 a.m., it was still fairly dark so they had to run with the lights for the first few miles. With the early starting time, this gave them plenty of time to make the attempt at the course cause at 9 a.m. sharp, they were done to make way for the trucks and buggies. In the end, the test proved to be a success. and the quads will be racing in VORRA in the future. As noted above, 9 a.m. was the start time for everyone else. All the quads had made the finish line and were off the track and it was now Ill l'di Dill or cers acers December 2003 Greg Hosman gets the green for another lap at Hawthorne, Greg took the Class 7 win with over 20 minutes in hand. Joel Melsheimer had a trouble free run in his Ford and swept the Class 8 contest at the Hawthorne outing. time to see what the 4-wheelers with sheet metal could do. The most talked about area of the course was the first 20 miles. Racers spoke volumes about this :irP.:i :is the silt covered most of it and for a lot of time, it meant a long hard day in the cockpit as they got slowed and bogged down by the bearing eating sand. After that, the course turned into somewhat of a race track with one Class 7 driver who races a Class 7S legal truck stating that in one set of rollers, he could get upwards to 70 miles an hour. CIASSl The lightning fast Class 1 cars were the first ones off the line and off into the vast desert. The points leader, the ever-present and quick Sam Berri led the charge of racers off the line with Mike Lehners pulling out a mere 30 seconds behind Berri. The Chevy-powered beast of Steve Sullivan was next, with Mike Haas, veteran Dennis Kordonowy and Ryan Sargent bringing up the rest of the field. The first lap proved to be real competitive as Lehners was able to wrestle the lead away from Berri, who fell to third behind Kordonowy. Less than two minutes separated the three cars and Sullivan was only about a minute behind Berri. The second lap proved to be crucial as Sullivan slowed considerablv. losing an hour to an unknown malady. Somewhere along the way, Kordonowy also fell victim to a mechanical failure which proved to be race end for him. Berri was a model in consistency as his second lap was only 13 seconds slower than his first, which enabled him to close to within 30 • seconds of the leader, Lehners. Ryan Sargent though was having problems. He fell behind far enough that he w~mld become a non-entity in the race and his only goal was to finish the four laps. Lehners was able to open up the gap between himself and Berri on the third lap. Haas was also falling back to the point where he would not be able to close the distance on the leaders and Suilivan, even though he was able to get back up to speed, he had lost too much time to be a contender. Lehners and Berri raced down to the wire on the last lap. Berri's lap time was a mere 22 seconds faster than Lehners and when the Continue~ on page 20 First place in the Class 9 contest went to Steve Souza in spite of a ve,y long second lap, he soldiered on to the win. Dusty Times
Oscar Lara drove his Toyota to a second place finish in the Class 7 contest with three good lap times. Don Moss ran four good laps in his Ford Pickup and that gave him Sigal Greenberg only got two of the three required laps in but a the silver medal in the Class 8 competition. technicality got her second spot in Class 9. total times were added up, Berri had been able to squeeze out a 4:20:54 finish while Lehners turned a 4:21:12. WOW! Just a mere 18 s·econds was the deciding factor between first and second. Berri became the overall winner go out to Steve Sullivan and Ryan Eight cars entered into the fray Bill Minteer, Jason Sacks and Dale of the Hawthorne 300, but Lehners Sargent who finished the race for the Class 10 batcle. As usual, Smith. tore off the fast lap time-of the time under the time limit. With a total Sam Berri was doing double duty I guess I can skip the with a 1:02:29 on the first lap. Mike of six cars, only one did not finish and he was joined by Mike Haas preliminaries on this one since you Haas was able to claim the third the race. Good job! also. The other ·competitors in the can already figure out that with his spot coming in at 4:40:51. Kudos CIASS 10 class was Terrie Tavis, Kenny Ott, win in Class l·and the overall win, GET MICROSTUBS! 934 PRO VERSION Now IN STOCK! NL/ll W.ICJIRTEK.CDM Berri easily claimed the Class 10 win also. His closest competitor was · Haas, who came in almost 20 minutes behind Berri for second in class. Elrod Racing came in third with a time of 4:52:29. The class saw three DNF's with two drivers unable to complete the first lap due to unknown problems. CIASS8 The field of Class 8 trucks this year in VORRA competition usually been something that was barely note worthy with only two entries in Yerington and Kaile Vierra being the lone contender in Fallon. Ac Hawthorne though., the story was different as a total of six trucks made the field and almost became seven with a fancy First-Gen Chevy that wasn't quite ready co go. What made the battle of the big trucks even more exciting was the fact that Randy Wilson was entered in a C lass -Stock Full Ford an~f Don Moss was running his old school, straight axle, Class 3 Big Bronco. Along_ with those entries was the beautiful blue Ford of Battle Born Racing, finally making their first appearance in VORRA chis year. There was also the really sweet Chevy of Joel Melsheimer. I can't remember where they came from, either Washington or Oregon, but the fact was they drove a really, really long way to race. The last two racers of record was Ron W ilson in a hot red yellow Ford and current points leader Vierra in his flat black Ford with a new grille. At seven minutes after the official start, Doug Seymour and his Battle Born Racing Ford was off the line and wandered off into EFIUNNEFI SPECIALIST · the desert. Melsheimer fo llowed with Vierra third off the line; Ron Wilson fourth, Randy Wilson fifth and the already at a disadvantage Moss the last racer in the class to leave the line. All six trucks successfully conquered the desert on their first lap. Running only a few minutes behind most of Class i, yet faster than most of Class 10, Melsheimer found his place with the fast course and his built-up Chevy. Melsheimer posted a 1:09:05 lap time and his closest challenger was just over six minutes behind him; that being the Ford of Vierra. The surprise was Moss in the Bronco. Moss was in third, just three second~ in front of Seymour. CO/LOVER & BYPASS SETUP WITH 4V✓D! NO MORE BALLJOINTS! NEW UN/BALL K IT AVAILABLE/ WE STOCK MORE PARTS THAN A NYONE! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 909.737.RACE (7223) 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 Page 20 December 2003 -· ·-__ .... __ I ,-, I:.. l::.LJl:II::. ADVANCED SUSPENSION 4WP .IUPEIIDUTY LIFT KIT.I 3" TO 12" AVAILABLE! Major Credit Cards Accepted ...;:. ; VISA I C::-J DISC VER The second lap proved to be the lap that showed the desert was going to outmatch its challengers. The first truck out was Ron Wilson; but the field still had five trucks running going into.the third lap. Melsheimer was continuing to open up the lead, running six Dusty Times
Second spot in Semi-Pro went to Wes Harbor in spite of a rather-The Elrod family tackled the new Hawthorne course and registered Seqond in Class 1 was Mike Lehners, he gave it his all but he came lengthy last lap at the .VORRA Hawthorne meet. a third place in Class 10 for their efforts. · in 18 seconds away from the class win and the overall. minutes slower than his first lap. dwindling a little bit in the entry Harbor. to racing for three laps around the catch sight of Hatch. Moss was able to slip into second, category as only five cars took to Finally on Lap 3, Harbor showed Hawthorne area.. · Unfortunately on the final lap, but he was 16 minutes behi_nd the line. Points leader Wes Harbor, signs of slowing down and Paul At 16:30 . after the start, · Greenberg's car gave up the ghost Melsheimer. Seymour and Vierra second-in-points J oho Gurney, . began catching up. P·au l's Greenberg was off the line with on her and her day was done. Hatch fell off the pace and Randy Wilson third-in-points B.J. Butcher along consistency finally paid off on the points leader Creiglow, Hatch and stayed on top of the go-pedal and was able to slide into third. with Dan Keefer and Everett Paul final lap as Harbor, who was Souza in that order. Once again, was the first across the line with On Lap 3, Seymour was the next rounded but the entry list. _tearing off laps at an guesstimation the rookie team from the Creiglow Souza posting a second place finish victim to mechanical gremlins and At ten minutes after the hour, average of 1 :23 ended up running entry was rapidly ascend_ing to the and Greenberg woul9 have been in ·Vierra was able to solve his Paul lead the class out into the Qver the two hour ~1ark on Lap 4. leader's position by running a the third spot. problems and pic_ked up the pace. desert> for battle, with Gurney, Paul converted this into an almost 1:28:35 first lap. Souza was just a But wait,-! have a little post race The story didn't ·change on the Butcher, Keffer and Harbor in that 44 minute victory, running a touch under two minutes behind controversy to share with the ra.cing fourthlap.Melsheimercontinued order. 5:27:40 to Harbor's 6:11:57. Creiglow, with Hatch and public.BeforeHatchmadeittothe to reign in the desert and with a Unfortunately, Mr-. Murphy Gurney also was befallen to trouble Greenberg running about ten finish, the Creiglow team was seen difference of a . mere 31 second quickly found his way into the fray on the final lap, but was able to· minutes behind them. · at the VORRA trailer filling out difference on: the last three laps, he as Keffer and Butcher went out keep his car out of the DNF yard Finally on the second lap, paper work and Ed Robinson brought_ home the class victory in early on the first lap. At the line and .c~me home in 7:29:04. With disaster struck the Creiglow team pulling out the SCORE rulebook. 4:55:10. The big Bronco of Moss though, Harbor had just a this race, Harbor moved up to over unmercifully. Apparently an engine Well folks if you ain't guessed it yet, served it's driver well as he came minuscule 19 second lead over Paul ·a 100 point lead in class over gasket failed and the engine lost all Creiglow filed a protest on Hatch home to a surprising, yet very and Gurney was ten minutes behind Gurney going into Prairie City. of that wonderful oil that is so and Creiglow did not need some deserved second lace finish in them. CLASS 9 necessary in it's operations. With legal dream team to prosecute the 4: 17:53. Then to add insult to The race between the three Only four Class 9 cars arrived Creiglow out, Hatch was able to case for him. injury in the technology field, drivers proved to be the battle of in Hawthorne. Points leader Lee move into the lead and posted the So when Hatch came in, Ed Randy Wilson drove the Stock Full the day. On Lap 2, Harbor opened Creiglow and team was riding back class fast lap at 1 :27: 11 on the Robinson gathered the principals truck into third place at 6:40:40. up his lead on .Paul by almost six to back wins at Yerington and second lap. Greenberg moved into of the crew, and an impartial judge Vierra was able to gain in his season ·minutes and Gurney slid back and Fallon. Tom Hatch, Sigal second and Souza was still running, who was very knowledgeable in the points lead by finishing fourth. added about four minutes to what Greenberg and Steve Souza made but with a 3:32:21 lap, he had miles ways of Class 9 and the festivities SEMI-PRO wa~ already proving to be a long up the rest of the field. The and miles -and even some more commenced. · The Semi-Pro class was way between him and the leader . hardcore limited class was relegated miles to make up before he would Continued on page 22 Dusty Times . December 2003 Page 21
Patty Hayos had her race go away with a terribly long third lap, she Randy Wilson's big Ford awaits the green flag, Ra(ldy had problems Jon Gurney is ready on the line, he finished third in the semi-Pro class, suffering an hours delay on the last lap. still took third in Class 7 but the lost hour really hurt. on the last lap and finished third in Class 8. Robinson kept the hearing on a no hard feelings over the incident from a back injury and a wedding very professional level as he read and the hot new rumor out of Class and second-time in a desert race Jeff off the protest filed by Creiglow, 9 is that the JeepSpeed series has a Matlock in his C lass 7S legal then referred to the SCORE new team making their debut next Ranger. ' rulebook; which if I may digress for year. Hosmann was the first off the a second, I have just got to know, • CLASS 7 line with Matlock, Taylor, Hayos, was that book written by the same The small trucks saw a massive Clement, Lara, Koenig and lawyers who write our laws? turnout of eight trucks entered. Manfroy in behind him. The small Anyway, the impartial judge made The class has seen a very tight points trucks had a total of three laps to the interpretation of the rule, then race form with Billy Manfroy, Patty complete. examined the evidence, which was Hayos and Greg Hosmann doing Two time defending class a non-stock aluminum valve cover battle for the top spot. Self-champion Hayos was the first one on Hatch's engine and ruled in favor described "fastest YORRA Class 7 back out of the desert, therefore of Creiglow. in the desert" Matt Taylor was there claiming the leader's spot on the So with the protest being instylewithnewtiresandwasready first lap and also claimed the fast upheld, this knocked Hatch out of to see if it was possible to keep them lap time with a 1 :21: 11. Hosmann the race with a disqualification, on the ground for the whole race. fell in behind Hayos by just over Souza was declared the winner, Mike Koenig, only running the three minutes and Clement was Greenberg second and Creiglow desert this year and having ripped behind in third by only a mere 30 retained his points lead in class by off wins in the last two races was seconds. Dezert dawg Koenig was getting knocked up to third place. ready for action along with Ron off the pace at 1 :56:43, but he A post race (i.e. a month after Clement, first-time in a desert race invoked the "Off Road Spirit" the incident) revealed that there are Oscar Lara, who was returning when he found Matlock's Ranger ·Tfte Blfferencel Page 22 Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise fronUrear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-20450 Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-0830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30503 · Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30504 Heat Exchanger DUN-0B30612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's. MCK-0250·1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits, 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles . For more information give us a call or visit us online @ December 2003 stuck in the nasty silt. Feeling like RECAP his front bumper was looking a The Hawthorne race was little ugly, Koenig used it to push declared a double points race, so Matlock out of the silt. while racers like Sam Berri and Wes Keeping with the storyline, the Harbor were able to open up second lap proved to be the killer insurmountable leads, the Class 7 as Matlock went out, which proved points race was tightening up like a to be his last race of the season. new pair of underwear going into Being out of the points race, but Prairie City. Class 9 was also closed· having accomplished finishing his up with the post race controversy. first desert race at Yerington, EventhoughClass8trucksaregun Matlock is currently starting a shy of short course racing, it would rebuild of the Law Dogz Ranger so be a mystery to see if anyone would he can return with a vengeance next make the trek to Prairie City. year. Wonder if his ·employer would Late into the afternoon, a wind sponsor him in the engine storm on par with a western department... Oklahoma breeze came out of Clement also found a terminal nowhere and at several times, the problem on the second lap and was start/finish was under brown out out of the running. Manfroy's conditions but all the racers were engine, having been run on the able to return safety without ragged edge all year, was ready to incident. give up the ghost and he slowed A grand total of 37 entries were down, but continued treading silt. recorded for the Hawthorne race Koenig finally found some speed and there was a 65 percent and began a hard run towards the finishing rate. The best rate of the front, but somewhere out in the year for VORRA. A lot of good Nevada desert, Hayos had found things were said about the speed and was rapidly losing the Hawthorne and with the competition behind her as mix of the 20 mile long silt bed with Hosmann had lost a few minutes the high speed areas, it will prove himself. Lara, with what could be to be an attractive race for the called possibly the "most beautiful future. paint job in YORRA" was making That evening, the awards up ground while Taylor was stuck ceremony was held in the conference running in the two hour lap range. room of the El Capitan. Rich Klein On the third lap, Taylor's truck went over the details of opening up decided it did not want anymore the area and the crystal ball says of the desert so his day was done. that. YORRA has a winner with Koenig also had problems and was Hawthorne as a race town. out of the running to three-peat the So with that, VORRA returns desert races and he was only in it to back to Prairie City at the end of finish. Manfroy also was relegated September for gut check time. to just trying to bring the truck in Thanks goes out to the Nevada while Hos111ann and Lara kept up Highway Patrol in Hawthorne for the pace to place. Unfortunately, their diligent work. And last, but an unknown problem struck Hayos definitely not least, a very special on the final lap and got bumped thanks goes out to the staff and out of the leader's position. management of the El Capital When they came in for the Casino. Not only did they host the checkered flag, Hosmann came festivities, but without their flying in for the victory at 4:23:25. assistance, Hawthorne would not Lara not only completed his first have happened. And for the food race in the desert, but was fast critics out there, the restaurant at enough in his Toyota to claim the El Capitan, has in myo~n, well-second just 23 minutes behind traveled opinion the best darn Hosmann and Hayos was bumped burger ever served. It's a must have. down into third. Se y'all next month! ~ Mike Haas drove his great looking car to a second spot in Class 10 and a third place in Class 1 at the VORRA meeting. Dusty Times
OFF ROAD EXPO _Fourth Annual Show "osts Big crowds By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo An overhead shot of a crowded aisle gives a good idea of just how busy the Off Road Exp<P was for the duration of the show. Arcadia, CA: For the fourth see how to lift his vehicle, reshock it, and a good selection of race vehicles straight year off roaders of all types install bed liners, change the seats, ·to look at also. Inside, many of the headed for the Pomona Fairgrounds stiffen the ride, soften the ride, improve exhibitors had race vehicles using their in early October. Once again the Off the cornering and turn it int<;> a race products on display, and once again, Ro~d Expo drew them in with car.Thereseemedtobenolimits. itwasaterrificchanceforapersonin promises of wonders of all types. There Someone who plays around on two the midst of a project to scope out were toys for off roaders of all wheels in the dirt had·a wide rimge of how it was done on a vehicle that was persuasions. equipment and accessories to choose already fi~ished. People took photos, For the serious shopper it was a from also.And Four-wheelers must have took'notes. climbed in, on and unde.r chance to compare similar products been in four-wheel-heaven. There seemed the display vehicles, and just generally without having to spend days driving no end to the goodies offered for the had a terrific time doing it. Often tin1es allover California. Ifa person wanted 4x4 bunch. From a complete the vehicle owner or builder was accessories for an off road vehicle, it replacement aluminum body, to a stout standing nearby, ready and willing to was there to be seen on the display fold-up go-anywhere tent-in-a-trailer, if answer questions. And, to top k off, countersofmorethanoneexhibitor. therewassomethingabodywantedto many of the drivers had photos or Merely bywall<ing through the show a do with a four-wheeler, there was a way posters to autograph. shopper could compare prices on a . to do it at the Off Road Expo. Rodney Hall, Larry Minor and huge range of items. There were ties, This year the Expo folks nearly Brian Chuchua were there, explaining lights, exhaust systems, all kinds of doubled the space they had last year. about the n~wly formalized Off Road engine mods, seats, wheels,· shock There were three buildings and all the Motcirsport Hall of Fame in Reno. absorbers, rear ends, transmission and space around the·m was used for They had a neat poster with some old trailer hitches. Just to name a few. · display also. The outside area included race photos, and as they autographed A beginner in the sport, looking to the big rigs of several pit support teams them Hall explained to the young learn aboutwhat:was possible, would as well as a nice array of individual recipients that if they'd just hang on • be overwhelmed with ideas. He could cars. There were lots of play trucks, to the poster 'til they were his age, Interested folks are having a look at the enticing Tentrax fold-up trailer tent campers that drew a lot of attention at the Exp<P. they'd be "worth a fortune." They ~ere announcing their first forn1al induction ofhonorees, scheduled for Jun·e 28th, in conjunction with the BITD Vegas to Reno race, next year. Jeff Quinn, from McKenzie's, had his not quite finished Chevy VS J imco on display, and Billy Robertson was talking about his new car, which is not as far along. Pete Sohren had a new Geiser Brothers chassis, not quite finished, on display in their booth. Dean Hovey, Chuck's dad, was talking about their new TLR truggy, due to debut just a couple of weeks after the Off.Road Expo. There was lots to see and plenty to talk about. Doug Fortin, Sr. wa·s .worrying abo_ut next year's calendar. · He says that the first couple ofBITD races are so close to the rescheduled SCORE events that his shop will have a· problem getting ·everyone's transmission done in between races, and he thought other shops would be in the same boat. He was hoping for a longer stretch between the major events. SCORE racers were trying to pry the exact course of the upcoming Baja 1000 out of Sal Fish, but he wasn't talking. We talked to some of the.folks who had displays, ~d among them, Mike Cohen from Racer X. Cohen explained that this was his second year to display at the show. He said he's a wholesale distributor, and doesn't sell retail, but he comes to the Off Road Expo to help build brand recognition and to get a chance to talk to dealers he might not otherwise meet face to face. Cohen said that coming to the Off Road Expo is "educational" for him. Continued on page 24 The fourth annual Off Road Expc:P filled the aisles almopt from the moment of opening its doors. This year, with more space, the aisles were a bit wider and easier to navigate. r-------~-~---------------------------------------------~ I I I I I I Performc:Jnce Proveri for Desert & Off-Road Use J_SO-Heavy o·uty Sizes to Choose from Detail & Pressure,Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R~V. Tanks Qµality Products & Friendly Service RONCO PLASTICS, INC~ • 714-259-1385 ~ FAX 714-259~0759. • wwy, 15022. Parkwav Looo, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE-or FAX Us to ·Receive a Free Cata/oq I I I I I I I I ~-----------~------------------------~-----------~------~ Dusty Times December 2003 _Page 23
"I learn about rock crawling and all that kind of stuff." He had his line of toys and collectibles on display along with the latest in fuel cells, OPS systems, . fire suits and other safety items. He says that displaying at the Expo brought him in touch with many potential new dealers, as well as being an enjoyable way to spend a weekend. Mike's exact words were "I love this show." Among the display of race and pre-runner parts, and beautiful cars, trucks, bikes and quads to enjoy in the great outdoors, there were also displays explaining the political aspects of the sport. Every association or organization that has ever worked to keep public lands open for off roaders was represented. Some had prize drawings to encourage membership, some had their best tcalkers there to help Off Road Expo attendees understand the politics of off roading, and all were hoping everyone would join up to help the fight. Amids( all these hard working folks we found a Ranger from the Los Padres National Forest who was trying to explain the necessity for the -• unpopular "Adventure Pass." He did have a nice map of the California OHV areas to hand out. We stopped at the RPS exhibit, where Barry &acham was enjoying his first year as an exhibitor. He said he was having a '------.....i.~JIIL..::.... ........ z......c...!:.3'-.._--" "really good" show, and There was almost as much to see outdoors as indoors. Here some was getting a lot of show goers study the display of one of the outdoor exhibitors. "positive feedback." Barry had one of that would hold it firmly (it had the niftiest little items for sale at the even been "roll-over tested" he show -a new type of fire extinguisher said) and still release with a mount. Instead of using the old quick one-handed action on the familiar zip-tie to hold the fire spring-loaded handle. He was extinguisher in your racer or pre- pleased to report that he'd runner, he had a good looking mount already sold 40 of them, and had a potential for many orders. He was excited that show attendees had already given him some new ideas for different versions, and different applications of the mount. Happy truck lovers climb into and under a CORR race truck, trying to learn the secrets of its construction. booths with amazing goodies to study. A company called Clamp Tite had an ingenious little gizmo that they said would "clamp anything, any size, any where." They were doing a demonstration as we walked by and had drawn a goodly crowd with their tool, which seemec;I to live up to its promise. There was a jewelry display called "Tiny Bits of Silver", which showed off an enticing collection of earrings, pendants, zipper pulls and other forms of personal adornment in the shape ofJeeps, buggies, and bikes. With Christmas coming up their products looked like a natural for stocking stuffers. The Four X Dr. booth, with its display of rock crawling related items, attracted an interested crowd eager to learn more about the fast growing facet of off-roading. At the Geiser Brothers booth, Rick told us that they've displayed their wares every year. They like to bring a different vehicle each time, and this year it was Sohren's Ford Trophy Truck. It's a three-seater, with the driver in the middle, and expects to debut in the early part of 2004, maybe at Laughlin. Geiser said their reason for coming, besides "having fun", is to get their name out in front of people. There were all kinds of small · T-shirt booths are one of the more popular stops for off-road folks visiting the show. Here we see a bunch of wise shoppers preparing to add to their wardrobes. · We saw a camp trailer with a "submersible waterproof deck", and a solar panel. The solar panel seemed like a slick idea, not too sure about the submersible deck. · And there was an all-terrain trailer with a fold-out tent that sleeps two in a snug little canvas shelter with a screened window and door. This ultimate lono travel ford lono travel system Get the henelits of our Long Travel system and 3' lilt spindles, aeating 6' of lilt for inaedible ground clearance. [ie@v<t! ■ 3' lilt spindles ■ Upper Central arms (Mi'.cl~W)' ■ Lawer Cantrel arms ■ Cail springs ■ 3 way !rant shacks ■ Performance rear shacks ■ Rear kit 3-wau adjustable shocR absorber_ .......... ______ _ /' -7?RBTECH:. (,_tl .-.. n,.onm,anca SHOCKS touota lono travel system Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van Dan' loog travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off roaders aut there. Page 24 custom i beams OHroad bullet proof design provides maximum strength wtth 4130 Diromoly steel 1/Bth' thick plate and tubular inner structura. 1990-94 lord ranger .,. performance sustem Our extended radius anns are offset further Inboard offering Increased tire clearance and 4 • more wheel travel Dual Shoclc System 2 shocks per front wheel adds high performance dampening. a· Suspension System used In a racing ' appllcation with cotl over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of wheel travel extended radius arms Our extended radius anns are offset further Inboard for Increased tire clearance. Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on ford ranger 2.s-performance sustem 2.5' of lift with a 2' increase 1n ·wheel travel l:11 ►£ I -~_;,,¢~ ~ ~~ •• ~,.¥' , A 1913-81 C10 .,-long travel sustem Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires. December 2003 angled fiberglass e !! e 1/fibe!!! ! include front fenders, bedsides and hoods. The front fenders and bedsides are flared with wheel travel 1n mind. spare tire mount ~ Constructed using 1 114' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount stamped steel ta"t,s Our vast assortmeot of stamped steel tabs simplify your fabrication ne~ds. DR E-MAIL US AT Dusty Times
GU¥ Peterson, President of Petersen Events Corporati9n, the The trams ferried people from the parking lot to the ticket booths in a The Mastercraft exhibit had some racing seats on display and one of producers of the Off Road Exp<P smiles for the camera as he keeps steady stream all day. These folks are lined up for tickets, waiting them proved to be a temptation to a footsore visitor at the show. _an_e,_ye_o_n_th_in_,g"-s_. ----------~~-----. their chance to get inside where the goodies were. company, called Tentrax, also sold a selection of tents and fold-out Motocross Show. Each day of the open tofolksattendingtheshow. For the Off Road Expo offered, there tent-outhouse, a very handy piece of camping units was huge, and enough Expo a crew of freestyle bikers put on a reduced fee of just $3 O~ Road were the traditional t-shirts and hats equipment that looked as if it could to make anyone think about taking a a half hour demonstration of a variety Expo visitors could enjoy the Wally to suit every taste and size. enhance a pit set up in the wilds of trip out into the boonies. of daredevil stunts, topped by a 100 Parks Museum which was featuring a Once again, the Off Road Expo was Baja, or even the wilds of Johnson Among other things the outside foot jump lengthwise over the PCI salute to the career of Parnelli Jones. a huge succeslj. Nearly 40,000 people Valley, if need be. displays included a nice RC car off trl!-ctor-trailer. It was a big hit, drawing Many of his famous race cars were on came to see the clisplays and make their Another fold-up tent camper was road race track, with many turns and large crowds for every performance. display, including the Baja 1000 wish lists. And they'll do it all over again made to perch on top of your S.U.V. flying jumps. It had a gaggle of . And, as a special treat, the NHRA winning"BigOly" Bronco. nextyear. Thej:)ateisalreadyset,somark It came complete with a ladder for youngsters thoroug~ly entranced. Motors ports Museum, in a building And, along with all the biggest, your calendar for October 9th and easy ingress and egress. In fact, the Another extra was the Freestyle abutting the outside display area, was best, 1atest, strongest and fastest that 10th, 2004. · The outdoor displays were as inviting as those indoors. This picture The JeepSpeed exhibit featured one of their race vehicles and a lot Rod Hall, Brian Chuchua, Dave Ashley and Larry Minor (from left) shows Ivan Stewart's Toyota Tundra Protruck in the background of of information about their race series, which has attracted more worked at the exhibit for the Off Road Motorsports Hall of Fame in one of the outdoor exhibits. racers each year. Reno, a concept that Hall has brought into fruition. ~ .-,..._..,~,.,,,-~-~-'',,.,.,_w"""""""' ... "";;-1-"""'l!o-l""'""""'..,, ~==~=:r::Zt~~~::ttri1.!~-~ -a \"Skyjaclfef'offe'rs'a'wide selection of Suspension Kits and Systems for the '89-'99 Jeep Cherokee XJ. Dusty Times December .2003 • Page 25 •
FRT SUPERSTITION 250 · FUD'S LAST RACE Hovey Hustles To Win· By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Ra~e Photos Chuck Hovey drove his Raceco to the overall win as well as the Class 1 honors but he had to work for it, he had less than a minute at the end. · Chuck Hovey drove his Type IV powered Raceco to victory at the FRT Superstition 250 in mid-Octo-ber, not realizing he'd taken the checkered flag from Fud for the last time. Just five days later, Fud collapsed and died, victim of a massive heart attack. His death shocked the South-ern California off road community where he'd been universally admired for his commitmenr to rhe sport, and in particular, to his grassroots series. (Ed. Note: read more about Fud elsewhere in this issue.) The Superstition evenr, a night race, took place at the Plas-ter City East OHV area, on a 23 m ile long course. It was a fast truck, but a lack of wrnd let the dust hover, and slowed things down ·from time to time. Hovey had planned to debut his new TLR Truggy at this event, but an incorrect mixture of chemicals caused his fuel cell to delaminate and it leaked. So he decided to drive the Raceco, which he had there to pre-run with. The Class 1 cars started first with the 4 p.m. green flag, and Hovey, as last year's winner, was first on the road. His first lap turned out to be the quick rime of rhe day, at 20: 10. And when he came back around he was just eight seconds in front of Brian Ewalt, who was driv-ing Corky McMillin's V8 Chevy powered Chenowth. In third it was Andy McMillin, Scott's son, in his new-to-him V6 Toyota Camry pow-ered Jimco, recently purchased from the Myers family. He was only 12 ~-■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■J"i -- ~·-1-■· -ii! ■: LAST :: ■, '11111 1 I ~ •i C:HANCE !-■I !, 1 ! (:LOSE OUT!! I ~ ■: 1■ ■ ALL 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, II , , SCORE and Best In The Desert I■ ■. SPEEDVISION Desert Racing Scri~s 1' ' ■ OFF ROAD RACING VIDEO'S I~ Clost: Out Price $10.00 each 1 • ■ I~ , (PLUS TAX AND SHIPPING) ;_ -All 41-0ne Hour Shows ~ ■ SHOEMAKER !-■ PRODUCTIONS INC. :-■ '1• , Phone 949-361 9681/FAX 949-361 8166 ~ ■ P.O. Box 5198 San Clemente Ca. 92674 i-■ G·REA'f CHRISTMAS Gifts :~ ■1 .•.• --~ LJC■.11 ■ ■ •-·•···· --~ Page 26 seconds behind Ewaf t. In fourth it was David Scaroni, racing the family's Ford Protruck in Class 1, and just a minute back. Missing for unknown reasons, was Tom Wood (brother to Reuben and Robert), who didn't start with his Ford pow-ered Jimco, even though he'd been there and running just a short time before the start. They came around a little slower on the second lap, as they ran into limited class cars and their dust, but were still in the same order, and still close. On the third lap it was still Hovey in front, and Ewalt second, but now Josh Waddell and Craig Corda had moved their TLR rruggy into third place, about 10 minutes back, and Andy McMillin had lost a lap with a fuel fi.lter problem that caused the car to quit. Scaroni had also lost a lap, and ran fifth, about eight minutes behind McMillin. Brent Miller had completed only .two laps and dropped out, his Ty IV powered Raceco sounding un-well. And Scott Young in his good-looking homebuilt truggy was also out after completing only one lap. Things looked the same at the end of the fourth lap, and there was just a minute and seven seconds separat-ing Ewalt from Hovey. They stayed just as close 1:hrough the fifth lap, and it was dark now. On the sixth lap Hovey lost his power steering. He also discovered that he'd forgotten to remove a bag of spare parts that he'd car-ried during his pre-run. He remem-bered it when it came apart and spare parts began rolling around under his feet. But the power steer-ing was what sent him into his pit. They couldn't fix it, but they cleared out the worst of the spare parts. At the end of the lap Ewalt led by four minutes, and Hovey was second. Corda and Waddell were third. McMillin fourth and the Scaroni truck fifth. Matt Scaroni was driving the dark laps. He had never raced much in the da:rk and wanted some practice in prepara-tion for the upcoming 1000, and he was also more or less checking our his recently lasered eyes. On rhe seventh lap Ewalt had a flat, and as he worked to replace it, Hovey went past him. That was the December 2003 " • I As usual, the 1/2-1600 class was hotly contested all the way but the gold medal went to Nick Tiedemann in his good looking Jimco. Mark McMillin drove his Ford to the Class 8 win, with daughter Macy making her debut, he took Class 8 by half an hour. first Ewalt knew about being in front of Hovey. It was so dusty on the course in the final three laps or so, because the wind died down, that virtually no one could see anything. So Hovey was back in front at"the end of the seventh lap,. He was, he. said, hitting "lots of things" because of his steering problem. But he kept the car together, and took the win, finishing just 54 seconds in front of Ewalt who made a determined charge on the last lap, but couldn't quite catch him. Waddell and Corda were third, about eight minutes later, and McMillin, saying his new car needs "more power" (he's been driv-ing his dad's V8), was fourth. In fifth ir was the Scaronis. In Class 5 Robert Stemke finished just six laps, running good consis-tent times all the way. Jeff Searle, a late entry, was apparently running in the same class, although for some reason he had a 5-1600 number on his car. In any case, since Searle com-Hector Salazar ran his Class 7 against the big engines in Class 8. He took the silver medal in his good looking Ford. .. The Class 10 win went to Brandon Aymar; he was one of the high flying group and he finished fourth overall. Dusty Times
Second in-Class 1, a mere 55 seconds in arrears was Brian Ewalt, JR Mccallum gave it his all but this time it was only good enough for David and Matt Scaroni land a little hard on their way to a fifth place driving a McMillin Chenowth, second overall as well. second spot in 1/2-1600 and he was sixth overall. _fin_i_sh_in_t_h_e_C_la_s_s~1 ~co_n_t_es_t_. -~--~~~-----~ pleted only four laps it was not his Kern's Kernco. He'd recorded the a lap before they got to the cutoff veloped serious motor problems and it was still Whitted in second day. Actually, it wasn't Stemke's day fast lap for the class, at 30:35, and time. So he waved the white flag at during pre-running the day before place. Now Mike Belk was third in either, since he did just six laps, but he had two seconds on Rod McCain all the Class 9 racers before they and Eli and Lobsam Yee had.rn.isun-his Lothringer. On the third lap he surely had the Class 5 win. and David Gardner who ran sec-anticipated it. derstood the start time. and arrived Aymar recorded the best time for In Class 8 the early lead belonged ond in their Chenowth . .In third Sommers and Mow took the win, in plenty of time for a 6 p.m. start, this group, at 22:04. They ran in to Hector Salazar in his Class 7 Ford. place it was Troy and· James Tubbs reporting no problems with their- horrified to discover that the lead the same order through the fourth He'd decided he didn't want to race in their T-Mag. car at all. They had five minutes on cars were already on their fourth lap. lap and at the end of the fourth lap by himself, so he ran with the bigger Neff held his lead through the the Tubbs team, who also said they They spectated. Joel Whitted got out and his boys. He had five minutes on Mark second lap, but McCain and had no trouble. But, "Buster", who But the remainder of the class brother, Kyle, hopped in. He went McMillin in an F-150 Ford-a fam-Gardner dropped out so that the drove the first three laps then rode had a good race. In first place at the five miles and his shift linkage broke. ily pre-runner. Mark was giving his Tubbs team moved into second the next four, could hardly climb end of the first lap was Brandon Tl-iat cost him 50 minutes. teenaged daughter, Macy, her first place. Trey Sommers and Tim Mow out of their car. Neff and Kern were Aymar in his Honda powered Elite. Aymar went on with no prob-ride in a race. In third it was Jody were now third in their Jimco. Neff third and a lap down, thanks to the He had 58 seconds on Joel Whitted !ems at all, followed by Belk, and his Mason, in another Ford, but he'd kept his lead through Lap 3, and he long stop for the battery replace- in a Raceco, whose motor wasn't co-driver, Marty Maine. Aymar lost about 20 minutes already, which had 18 minutes on second place. ments. getting enough fuel on the top end. hadn't raced at night before, and was unusual for him. They had just five minutes on the There was only one Sportsman In third it was Reuben Wood and he didn't much like the combina-On the second lap Salazar re-third place car. ·class 9 entry. Jose Victoria did five Steve Melton, in Wood's new Class tion of his lights and the hanging corded the fast lap for this group, At the end of the fourth lap, when laps around the course, with a best 10 Toyota Jimco. Unfortunately, dust, he slowed visibly, but not at 23: 12, and now he had 12 min-Neff got out, he'd built his lead to time of 37:05 on his first circuit. His they didn't get any more l~ps done. enough to let anyone catch him. He utes on McMillin. Mason had run a 30 minutes, while the Tubbs car was final lap was a long one, and then Rich Beck didn't even get the first took the victory by·ll minutes, fol-good lap, and was looking good, but still just four minutes up on he didn't make it around again. lap done: lowed in by maine and Belk who re-it didn't last. he was unable to com- Sommers and Mow. Kern took over In Class 10 they were two cars · Aymar had a minute and two sec-ported that their only problem had plete the third lap. to drive the final four laps. She held short. Smitty Schmidt's car had de- . onds at the end of the second lap, Continued on page 28 Salazar continued to lead the lead, but now Sommers and through the third lap, but on Lap 4 Mow moved up to second with just he lostabout45 minutes, which put eight seconds. on the Tubbs car. him more than a lap down. McMil-Then things went downhill for Kern. !in was now the lead truck, and Macy It was full dark by now and her got out and his son, Luke, climbed battery gave up. So Kem lost a full in to ride the final four laps. Macy hour waiting for her crew to bring said she'd loved her ride, and "!twas help, as Sommers and Mow went a lot faster than pre-running!" into the lead, putting eight minutes It was the McMillin truck the rest on the Tubbs car. Sommers was driv-of the way, although Salazar ran ing the se~nd half of the race, and good laps and would have been right he was a bit quicker each lap, prob-with him if he hadn't had the down ably more familiar with tht! course time. The McMillins took the win by than the Tubbs team . . 35 minutes. Mark said, "I feel like But none of them got all the laps I've been in there two days!" Appar-done. Neither of the two lead cars ently he's not ready to switch to Class had any mechanical trouble, it was 8 racing. just a matter of too much racecourse Class 9 didn't have wh t _you'd and not enough time. Fud had an-call a successful day. But they had a nounced that no one would be al-good race. At the end of the first lap lowed to go out if they'd reached a the lead belonged to Ray Neff in Julie point where they couldn't complete PIKES service center Baker, California Celebrating sa YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open-24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE . Every Day Year Round THE BEST. IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! MENDEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for au compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. December 2003 -Page 27 . --.-.:
Taking the second place in Class 10 was Mike Belk, seen here A nice third place in the 1600 conflict went to Danny McMillin, seen Third place in the Class 1 battle went to Josh Waddell, seen here in landing his Lothringer after a small chasm leap. here in his good looking Jimco. · his very good looking TLR Trugg_v. also been dust. The Whitteds were In the Sportsman Truck class giving up the ghost early. But of the Dave Dorworth and Tim Lawrence Dorworth and Lawrence were third about a half hourlater.] only David Santa Cruz was entered, 11 who went on, the lead belonged in a Mirage. fifth. They held that order In class 1200 (SCORE Light) in a Ford. He managed to do only to Nick Tiedemann, in a)imco, who On the second lap the Naylors through the third lap, and mere was only one entry, the Raceco four laps, ending his evening's fun had 3 2 seconds on second place. disappeared. Tiedemann had the Tiedemann built his lead to almost of Mark Gilliland. He did seven laps, about 8:35 p.m. That was Keith and Danny Naylor, fast lap for the class at 25:08, and exactly two minutes. with a fastlap time of 27:21 on the The 1/2-1600 group was the who were five seconds in front of now had a lead of about a minute At the end of Lap 4, Tiedemann first lap. He lost his second gear on biggest at this race, with 12 start-Todd Cuffaro in a Porter chassis. and a half on Cuffaro. McCallum had six minutes on McCallum, me second lap, and at the end of ers: Unfortunately, Adrian and In fourth it was J.R. McCallum in a ran third, and in fourth it was who'd moved up to second. the seventh lap decided that was Victor Orellana didn't get their first Jimco, another minute and 13 sec-Danny McMillin in his Jimco, an- McMillin's co-driver, Brian Ickier, enough. lap done, their Jimco apparently onds back, and in fifth place it was other minute and a half back. Continued on page 30 Billy Skinner drove his good looking Jimco to a fourth place finish in Andy McMillin drove the really handsome Toyota powered Jimco to a Dave Dorworth drives his Mirage into the setting sun. Dave finished the 1/2-1600 contest, seen here at landing. first off the podium finish in Class 1. in fifth place in the 1/2-1600 class at the 250. ® The Suspension Company. Page 28 December 2003 Dusty Times lan..-11••·-······· I ...... n•••11• a a Ill W •• •• ••••••• :• ... •• ······••u■•.1.• I •• 11,a • 111• Ill •• II I I
·sanctioned by ~ .• -:-~.--.,,,;· ~~ :~7~ -~~ MDR ·Productions, Inc. . . . -Mojave Desert Racing, Inc. DECJ:MBER 30✓31_2003 -JANUARY 1_2004 PLASTER CITY WEST - - FOUR WHEELED CLASSES/sancti~ned by MOR Productions; Inc. STARTING POSITION . DRAWING-DECEMBER 20 ,11·AM-2PM . t-1-. I f~ food, beverages, race car display, and door prizes Unique Metal Products 10728 Wheatlands Avenue Santee, California (yjw_e) IJ",,/lt JI Ml !Al µi...i{;fHILI'., · 000 . i '\ 0 N'J !}.f'.OS ~~fos to ~ !!:'~~<:== ,ss1~,+, $500 Overall Winner @.Ms;~§) $500 2003Da■h Technical 1 .. pector, Sc:aring/Tming and Reuiaw Board: Professional Te9~nical lr:ispections by Bill l:elammack Professional Scoring & Timing by Bob Patterson & Robert Patterson $1,000 I $500 each for 1■t fini■hing Jimco Independent Competition Review Ejoard: framed care in cl..... Class 1 Dean Hovey; Class B Jody Mason; Winner cl••• 1/2 1600 Winner clau 7 & clau 9 1, 10 and 1/21800 Class. 7 & 7s Rodd Fantelli; Class 9 Larry Kem; . Class 1 /2 1 BCO Don E. Allen; Sportsman Dave Dietrich --: .. - - - - - ,_ - - ·-Contingency Sponsors: Major Motors $600, Chenowith Racing Products $500, Howe Performance Steering $400, Unique Metal Products $400, Fox Racing Shox $300, Jimco Racing Products $250, Race Ready Products $200, McKenzie's Performance Products $125 . ..J\e:,"" \N\N\N.fudrace.can, Aadvanced Wireless. Inc. OFT ROAD WAME.uOvsE ' ......... .. ~H!lrtTf!!~~ !
was now third, and Chuck Collins had moved into fourth place, fol-lowed by Dorworth and Lawrence in fifth. Cuffaro had lost about an hour and 15 minutes with a·broken torsion bar. At the end of the fifth lap it was still Tiedemann in front, and now he had three minutes on McCallum, who was six minutes up on McMil-lin and ickier. Billy Skinner and Carlos Cordero, in the Jimco that used to belong to the Vildosola team, were now fourth, and Dorworth · and Lawrence were fifth. Miles Wy.att disappeared on the sixth lap, and so did Cuffaro, who was now car sick in addition to be-ing down over an hour due to the repairs on the car, and he'd had enough, so he parked. Through the sixth lap they ran in the same clump but on the sev-enth lap Dorworth and Lawrence dropped a few minutes an:d Collins came up fifth. At the end of the pack it was still Tiedemann and then Mc-Call um, and in third it was Ickier and· McMillin. McMillin rode two laps with Ickier, with an eye to im-proving his own skills. Ickier, who's moved into SCORE Lites this year and is leading the points in the SCORE series, has been a friend of McMillin 's for years, and started his racing career at the Fud races. He was now the fastest 1600 car on the course. Skinner and Cordero were still fourth. Tiedemann took the win, by less than three minutes. McCallum was second, his dad and brother beam-ing with pride, and McMillin and Ickier were third, just 23 seconds later. In fourth it was Skinner and Cordero. Dorworth and Lawrence were fifth, followed in by Collins, and in seventh it was John and Robert Manring and Todd Wilcox, in their Raceco, saying they'd been lost and "doin' circles" in the dust. Jake and Joe Laff were the last finishers in their Chen-owth, in eighth place. In Class 5-1600 the only entry, the team of Crecencio Cortez and Jesse Lopez were leading the season points at the s.tart of the day, but ran afoul of a Class 1 car in the dust and that ended their day with only two laps completed. The racing was all over by nine o'clock, and Fud gathered up his flags and retired to his van. The next morning they had the usual "break-fast" award ceremony, with dough-nuts and coffee and lots of bench racing, before everyone headed for home. It was the last time most of them would see Fud. Five days later he collapsed while chatting with a neighbor, and he had died before the paramedics arrived. The McMillin Companies, spon-sors of the series for the past year, are currently working hard to assure that the year-end Dunaway Dash will take place as scheduled. This popu-lar race has alway~ been a favorite with the Fud racers and many once-a-ye:ir teams come out for it also. They've determined to have it as usual if at all possible. If it' can't be done, there will be some kind of in-formal memorial to Fud, either on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. To be sure, please check the FRT website ( where they will post all the pertinent infor-mation about the schedule for New Year's Eve. -Rest in peace, Fud. •Slows firuHnlllOtklrlnile event of a crash • Hllows head mouement • no cumbersome collar to wear • Quick, one-time adjustment • Does not hook into lap belt • Reduces ne~k tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, · especially where driuer changes are common . . '';-2.S" . 2.6" --, IJUlll'lll&..~SHOC'K · ..... .,._,,ffiCHNO&OGY 714.530.8701 • FAX714530.B70!2 / 6h41 Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 wtNW'.lci-COlff what yau need. Call today! · Page 30 December 2003 Dusty Times .
t , . Santa Maria, CA -October 11, 2003. Twenty-four rally cars and 30 street cars met at Santa Maria Speedway for the Inaugural Perforce . Software Auto Sport Association, (NASA) as part of the California Rally Series (CRS). This first time event ran from noon to nearly 11 :00 p.m. and concluded the 2003 racing season for the track. (There are still several more CRS rallies on the calendar, however:) The rally sprint covered a 1.5 mile dirt road course that used the 1/3 mile oval, the inner pit area and the outer pit area as part of the cir-cuit. When darkness fell, only the grandstand lights were illumin'ated so the fans could see how rally driv-· ers race at night. The rally cross for street cars, which requires only seat belts and a helmet, was run on a much shorter, and slower, course us-ing the front straight of the oval and the inner pit area only. Fast man of the day was Tony Chavez, of Santa Fe Springs, whose total time for two daylight and two night time runs was 10 minutes, 24.8 seconds. Chavez, driving a Mitsubi-shi Galant sponsored by Condor in the Open Four Wheel Dr.ive divi-sion, beat ·out Carlos Narbais and Aaron aeng for the win. Laeng is assistant crew chief for Chavez and drove Tony's car. The Galant is pre-pared by Laengworks of Hesperia, CA Other class winners were: Narbais, in CRS GT, Kevin Kraack (sponsored by the local Saturn deal-ership and, Perfor-n1a nce Stock, and Craig Hollingsworth of· Incline Village, · NV, in a Group 2/5 VW Getta GLi. 'Narbais was the only competitor to take advantage of an organizer-pro-vided option that allowed him to· enter in two classes and thus get twice the seat time and it showed -he was dubbed "Wild Man" by the an-nouncers for ·his dramadc power slides and incredible sideways driv-ing style. In the rally cross, current CRS points leader Georg·e Scott of Temecula won the Open Four Wheel Drive class with an overall fast time of two minutes, 8.5 seconds. Martti Silvola and Mike Croutcher placed second and third in the class. David Platt, of San Luis Obispo, fin-ished third overall and first in the Street Stock Four Wheel Drive divi- • sion in a Subaru WRX sport wagon -and he won with three passengers . in the car! Other class wins went to the Gravel Cr"ew's Rodney Wills in Open Two Wheel Drive and Justin Smith in Street Stock Two Wheel Drive. Bill Pinette, ofNipomo, was the only Mini Stock driver brave enough to bring his circle track Pinto, set up to ·rurn left, out to run the rally sprint course. After four runs Pinette was only four minutes and 24 sec-onds slower than overall winner Chavez. Unlike. the rally drivers, Pinette lacked navigator in the pas-senger seat (his Pinto doesn't have a passenger seat), so he had to driye the challenging 25-turn course from memory. In addition to the Rally Sprint Dusty Times and Rally Crqss, Perforce Soft-ware is a major sponsor of the Widget Rally Team. Widget co-driver, John Dillon, organized the event at Santa Maria Speedway. Perforce is known worldwide as the Fast Software Configuration Man-agement company for its premier line of software development tools. Visit for more information. For d.etaile·d results from the Raliy Cross and Rally Sprint, v1s1t www. . .. ·a,r:w e1um,,,, By Wes Wisdom ·· What a great meeting we had with SCORE's Sal Fish doing the draw-ing for starting positions for the Tecate SCORE Baja 10001 Lots of good looking equipment, lots of ven-dor displays, lots of people and lots of fun! If you missed it, too bad. If you were there you had a great time. The Radisson Hotel did a good job of providing the use of their parking lot; even had a bar set up in the display area with their own spe-cialty drinks. Great displays! F.A.I.R. wants-to thank all those that participated and made it such a success. PCI Race Radios had all their new GPS systems on their t~ble; . Kartek was showing off all of their new innovative equipment; Mickey Thompson Tires had their awesome lo_oking tires; F&l, Race Fuel was there; Jimenez Racing Engines had a. great looking 1600 engine just built fo~ the 1000 on display; Fox Shocks;-Trackside Photos; Dirt Bagz; Dezert Calendars. Thank you all. Dec.ember 2003 There were also sonw slick race cars on display. Dale Ebberts brought his Class 1 car. Mark Weyrich with the TSCO car was there. Bill Markel also had his Class 1 ride with him. Chris Bowman and Art Savedra brought their cars. Baja Shops displayed an awesome four-seat Pre-runner. Scott _Stein-berger drove his beautiful Pre-run-ner Trophy Truck in. 'Imagine, a street legal Trophy Truck.' No, you · can't imagine that, you've got to see it. It's a knockout! By the time you read this the Baja 1000 will have been run and you probably know how it came out. F.A.I.R. is happy that they helped 9ut in this small way. Thanks, Sal, for bringing this to our meeting. It looks-like a couple of our mem-bers are moving up in class for next year. Rumor has it that Dan Folts sold his 9 car and is building a 1/2-1600. The competition is that class just keeps getting tougher. Greg Blakeman is jumping from 1/2-1600 to Class 1. (That is if his wife Jana ever gets her new kitchen completed!) Greg and his lifelong friend, Jerry Longo, are in a tight battle for the M.O.R.E. Class 1600 championship so he has at least one more race before he'll find out what real speed is all about. The end of the year is always a -very busy time. There are at least three races for F.A.I.R. The Baja 1000 and MD R's season ender are both on the same weekend, and the M.O.R.E. fi-nale is on December 6th . _ On top of that, there are the club . elections and the Annual Dinner com-ing up on December 3rd. Don't miss the dinner. We always have a great time and usually there is a gigantic raffle with · a lot of neat prizes. Check the website for more information. _ . _-.,,., . Page 31
► " THE ROAD TO LA PAZ AKA: Ivan Stewart's Off Road Legends ProTruck Show By Byrle Moore Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex Rick Johnson was the big winner in the Pro Truck main event, the racing was hot and heavy and the fans had a lot to watch. What if they gave two hurricanes, in three weeks, and no one came to watch? Well, if you put Isabelle on stage first and then follow up with someone named Marty and then conduct a short course race as the third act, people might begin to pay attention. That's what happened in La Paz, Baja Sur, the weekend of 27/28 Septem.ber 2003. We are not trying to imply that Norman Cecena and Ivan Stewart, were going to try and produce a bigger show than Mother Nature but, for a few hours on Sunday, it was close. Cecena, Red Duck Racing, and someone named Stewart were the promoters/competition for Mother Nature. The track was first constructed in late August. Commence Act 1. Isabelle makes a brief, but furious appearance, the first week in September and a week's worth of construction was. blown our to sea. Back to the track, haul some more dirt (you remember dirt), this is, after all, off road racing; and the other guy, Marty, makes his entrance. With less than a week before the third act the stage had to be rebuilt again. In fact, they were s.till moving some ot t·he sets around Saturday afternoon and evening. But as son1eone once said, "The Show Must Go On!" Have I mentioned that Ivan "Iron Man" Stewart brought nine Protrucks and all of their drivers and crews down to play a supporting role? More on that, in a minute. Have I mentioned dust? More on that in a minute too. It's around a thousand miles from the US-Mexico border down • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless Fuel Salo "Pro Cell" i• our top-of-the-line racing cell that comes ready to super-tough, triple coated construction • 1 O year Bladder warranty • Safety foam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA·FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience install and i/"s backed by a e for more info call or write to: lull 10 year warran/y. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe UEL SAF 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, Oregon 97701 Racing Cells (S.1) 388-0203 ' , . (S.1 )388-0307 fax Page 3.2 to La Paz. Check with somebody who has drive the Baja 1000, for exact confirmation, as to the distance. Anyway, it's not what you would call a short jaunt. You can also ask· anyone who trailered a racing rig down Highway 3. And this through miles and miles of the aftermath of the two hurricanes mentioned above. In some places the highway's blacktop had also been washed/ swept our to sea. Minimum of three days and up to a week if you start in Montana, right Mr. Hogan? On Friday afternoon a police escorted ·parade, of the Protrucks, went from the host hotel, the Hotel Marina, down the Malecon and out to the track about ten miles north of the city. Maybe parade is a little too mild a description as to what took place. Stand on the curb and listen as several, multi-hundred horsepower trucks pass by. Let's try, "Thunder Alley"? Anyway the residents were clearly reminded that Act 3 of our little play, was going to happen come hell or high hurricane. Contingency was set up where the city of La Paz holds their Expo de Construcion de La Paz and it opened for business Saturday morning. There was a second, Protruck parade, from the hotel to that spot and the rest of the day was spent registering and inspecting all of the race entrants. Thousands of soon to be fans and spectators got close up looks at. the race vehicles, had posters and tee shirts and arms autographed. The kids got to meet a lot of the drivers up close and personal. There was a second round of practice Saturday afternoon/ evening. There were some modifications to the twice built track and everyone went home to catch some shuteye or in some cases to repair and continue to modify race vehicles. · Sunday morning, a few of the hardier souls made their way out to the track for a few more December 2003 Jose de Jesus Flores creates a nice dust storm as he charges to the Open Class win at the La Paz contest. practice laps. All total there were 66 local entries, one entry from Pacific Beach, another from Las Vegas, NV, and of course, the Protrucks. With the exception of the Protrucks some classes were combined and the winners .of those heats were awarded class championship trophies and monies. Did I say anything about · dust? · At this race the Trophy Trucks and 8 Trucks were first out. At the end of the first lap the new black Ford of Erneste Cervantes had charged into the lead with locals Rody Amaya, Francisco Monroy, Martin Avendano and semi-local Tom Bradley, Sr. close behind in the dust. Have I mentioned the dust? Okay, okay, the dust. -Remember we have just been through two major hurricanes and nearly any and all of any type of earth moving equipment had been put into play in the ·clea n up. Water tankers included. Well, we all know that if you pile up a lot of dirt and then run trucks and stuff through it at speeds of up to a hundred miles an hour it will create dust. This is the dust yotJ will hear all the drivers, fans, historians and reporters talk about. Red Duck Racing had lots of equipment laid on for this race but with the advent of lzzie and Marty nearly all that equipment had been requisitioned for clean up. So yes, th~re was dust, lots of dust. Back to racing, for a moment, these high horsepower monsters, create lots of noise, lots of dust and lots of viewing enjoyment for the fans. There were several small collisions at different spots on the course. Difficult to see the other guy in all that dust. Anyway, Bradley and Amaya went at each other for five exciting laps. And Tom was finally able to get past Rody but, his engine overheated, and he came up short. Meanwhile Cervantes in his 8 truck blew a piston and after the rest ·of the dust had cleared from these class heats and after several bump and runs and some other shenanigans Francisco Monroy took the gold, Martin Avendano the silver and Amaya hung in for the bronze. In the Open, or Class 1 fest, it was all the locals going at each other. Leads changed hands numerous times and there were lots of hits and near misses here too. Jose de Jesus Flores outlasted the elements and the competition and took first. Second place went to Flavio Navarro, and the third place went to Enrique Zazueta Jr. Classes 4, 5 and 7 were combined and Victor Cecena jumped out to an early lead. The Class 7s were closing and Matt Carter's Ford Ranger was finally able to get to the front after struggling with electrical problems most of the weekend. -Carter was running on 011ly four or five cylinders but passed the last 6f the Class 7 tnirks when it rolled on the last lap. Victor Cecena (the promoter Norman's son) eventually took the checkered flag for first at1d the combir1ed class win. Car.ter, now of Carter Mountain Sports, took second and was the Class 7 overall money winner, and And, ea Tomb a driving another 7 truck was awarded the bronze. Super 1600 was another local caballo class. In this contest they grouped the 1/2-1600 and 5-1600 fogether. They passed each other, they humped into each other, they fought the good fight but when the dust had cleared (you remember the dust?) Navarro had outlasted the Moncayos' and took first spot. Carlos was second and Jaime held on for third. When this super competitive class was on course the fans were on their· feet, cheering their particular favorite on . . Victor Cecena drove his g,:eat looking Class 5 car the victory in the combined Class 4-5-7 race, seen here at touchdown. ---------· ---------Dusty Times I I
The Class Bfrrophy Truck win went to high flying Francisco Monroy, Class .11 drives hard, very hard and La Paz was no exception. Jeff Dickerson drove his Ford as hard as he could but he had to his good looking truck seen here in flight. Enrique Zazueta, Jr. took the gold medal, seen here at speed. settle for the second spot in the Pro Truck contest. Soaring to the sky, Martin Avendano flew long and high but not long Matt Carter raced to the silver medal in the combined Class 4-5-7, Carlos Moocayo gave it all he had in the Super 1600 contest, he enough, he was second in the Class 8/Trophy Truck battle. _s_ee_n~h_e~~e~a_t_la_n~d~inc-'g"---c-a=t _La~P=az~. -----~c-=--=------finished second in class at the la Paz festival. Next up was the Super Stock, from up north; one from a little Alley?" When nine 700 move up to the fences. Some moved someone say dust? The drivers of sort of a Class 6. If you blinked a further up north than others. You horsepower engines fire up, the past the fences. these behemoths had to watch out couple of times and didn't look at may have heard of an outfit called crowds move away froi:n the The crowds loved the Grand for each other as much as where the suspension set ups you might the Protruck Racing Organization. cerveza tents and whatever else they Prix/land-rush starts. But after-the the-next corner was. have thought that Richard Petty Yes, that Ivan Stewart. Nine trucks might have been involved in and first c~rner ·and a little dust, did Continued on page 34 and friends had brought some trailered 900 miles down the Baja stock cars down to La Paz. A Trail. couple of full body GMC cars, With the help of Ron Jackson, Chevy and Pontiac went~at each P.R. man for Protruck racing, we other all day, but the well prepped will cover this major entertainment Fradesa Jeep driven by Francisco · achievement. As stated earlier La Diaz dominated for the top spot. Paz was in the midst of a little clean Second went to Felix Gonzales and up after the hurricane ot Act l third to Ricardo Bentacurt. These and 2. As Ron says, "when -we guys put on a great show and again swept into town the town was in the fans were ecstatic. the midst of a little sweeping too. Class 9 was all La Paz. This very About 2000 school children had competitive-class brought out some hit the streets with brooms and very talented drivers. The class shovels and were pushing sand seems to be an affordable one too everywhere. No mention of this by and another bunch of fan the local media but the one of the favorites.· Might have had a little newspapers that carried the to do with hometown recognition. articles on the gravity of the water Edgar Flores outlasted the field for situation also printed a full page the gold, Alejandro-Santiago Diaz color photo of the nine Protrucks ran second and Felipe Sanchez lined up at the start line waiting garnered the bronze. for the green." Water, dust, what If you are a Bug fan, you need does that have. to do with anything? to make it down to watch the Class Oh yes, racing. The Protruck MoTeC Engine Management and [?ate Worldwide benchma.rk manufactµrer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, ·and comprehensive testing performed 1 00°16 in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. 11s go at it. Someone said, ""These contingent put on a great show for Acquisition Systems guys are legally. insane. The the weekend. Two parades, "Iron competitiveness among this group Man" Stewart Autographs, a pit was incredible and they put on one crew competition, and a land rush of the better shows of the day. start to the three race heats on Again, when the dust had settled, Sunday, were a lot the main 123. Enrique Zazueta Jr. Number attraction for the fans. 1, Gustavo Nava Number 2 and The format for the Protrucks Adriano Ceballos in for third. was similar to other races with two Oh yes, interspersed in all of this · heats of qualifying and the main dusty action was a group of guys event. Remember "Thunder The Super 1600 battle was hard fought and when the dust cleared it was Flavia Navarro taking the win in his super clean buggy. ----~~-----~---~~------- -------Dusty Times Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built t;o withstand extreme racing ar·,d pr<e-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display ar,d data_ acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, inc. 689 s. State College Blvd. Unit K Fullerton, CA Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-445-9247 -December 2003 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel ·Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exac,cly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; co a nurnber! « ~ ~--~ _.,,,,;;;;;::~~<~--=~, IVIOTORSPORT ELECTRONICS vve're making c:onnec:t;1c,ns . ., Page 33
Second in the Super Stock category was Felix Gonzales, seen here The silver medal in the Class 9 battle was taken by Alejandro Santiago Second place in the hotly contested Class 11 contest was the great in his good looking Ford heading for the checkers. Diaz, seen here in his neat looking buggy. looking bug of Gustavo Nava. i:'==::;;a;;iiii:ii;;=;;=;==========~~=~.-;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;.:::;:;::a=====, Third to finish in the Pro Truck category was the high flyin' truck of Al Who said Ford's can't fly? Rody Amaya disproves that statement as Third on the podium in the Open Class was Enrique Zazueta, Jr., Hogan, seen here on his way to the bronze medal. he heads to a nice third place in Class 8/Trophy Truck class. seen here heading towards the elusive checkered flag. Again Ron Jackson, "Nine Ford grabbed the lead from his fourth and the Toyota of Rick A. Hogan went a little wide and Nuckles to the far right. trucks in a line looks good to seventh spot on the grid. Brian Johnson was fifth. There was found the only waterhole on the However, it was Rob Reinertson the media and to the fans, but Stewart of the Herzog Team one section in the center, which track. He was able to water the who shot the turn from his for the drivers it was a little pulled into second, Dan Hunt was somewhat dustier than the course in that area but his nice Number 2 spot on the grid into hectic. Rick D. Johnson in his went third, Jimmy Nuckles rest, did someone say dust! And white truck didn't like the mud the lead. Rick L. Johnson took PERFORMANCE 101 SUBJECT: Race Winning technolouv/equipment /;_.,,,, ra:::-'~ RaceRunner Shocks: 2.0", 2.5", 3.0" Emulsion Remote Reservoir Bypass Shocks· Coil over Springs ~ .;-\, ~ • ' + ,6 . j1J. :~, ; t •• ~ ~;..t ! ~ Craig Turner FACTORY PIiot Seven time Champion All on ~~ Calf for our NEW 2003 Products Catalog 20724 Lassen Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 PH (818) 700-9712 FAX (818) 700-0947 complete Hne of vw suspension Componems Page 34 December 2003 and water and quit, losing Al his Toyota into second place some time as he got it re-fired. and this time Brian Stewart At the checkered Rick D. went third. That third spot was Johnson was first followed by hot and heavy until Stewart Brian Stewart, Jimmy Nuckles, broke something and had to Dan Hunt, Jeff Dicker-son, the pit. Reinertson crossed the line other Rick Johnson, this one in first place for the second with an L. in the middle and a heat, Rick L. Johnson in his Toyota· underneath him, Rob Toyota was second, Rick D. Reinertson, Al Hogan and Nils Johnson in the Ford was third, Castillo in his "Jetmaster" rig. Jimmy Nuckles fourth and the Later in the afternoon the res t followed . line up was reversed with Al Back to Ron, "With points Hogan on the it}s\_d~ and Jimmy awarded to the pla ce that the The Super Stock class had a great assortment of entrants but the class win went to Francisco Diaz in his lethal looking Jeep. Class 9 was a good race, all local entrants, the top podium position went to Edgar Flores in his super sano_ bu~g=g~y. ____ _ -·-·-· -----------Dusty Times
Landing hard on the front end, Andrea Tomba went on to take the Jaime Moncayo didn't like it but he had to settle for the third place Third spot on the podium went to Felipe Sanchez, seen here in his bronze medal in the combined Class 4-5-7 fracas. laurels in the Super 1600 contest at La Paz. great looking Class 9 buggy on the way to the finish line. drivers finished the two first were one and two going in and Norman Cecena staged an the sport, and others of us are My first time this far south, heats, the starting grid was Al was third. The top five places incredible race. Remember just crazy, right Al? it was a blast and I will return decided. After a little in the Protruck standings are Acts 1 and 2? There is All of the organizers of this soon; in fact, another story will consideration, Rick D. Johnson Rick D. Johnson first with 1312 something about the weather race would like to send our come out from my November took the inside slot and the rest points, Jeff Dickerson second gods and off road racing. It's special thanks to the drivers and trip to San Cabo. Thanks Matt, of the trucks lined_ up in the 1254 points, Al Hogan third either too hot or too cold. crew, also to the many for the invitation. My thanks to order of their respective finishes wi~h 1220 points, Rick L. There is not enough wind or volunteers at contingency and Norman for your hospitality. during Heats 1 and 2. Johnson fourth 1119 points way too much. It's dusty and at the track. To the city of La Thanks for help with this story Remember, it's late in the day, and Dan Hunt fifth with 952. dry and sometimes it even rain.s Paz it's law enforcement . from the Pro truck no water trucks available, well Next outing for this crew will and hails. It's called a dirt agencies, the hosts at the hotel, Organization, Ivan, Linda and one, but 500 gallons doesn't go find them back in some of the thing. Again if we have to and to those 50,000-plus fans Ron. Thanks also John. See you too far, and it was imperative same areas they left in explain it to you, you probably who got a little well-earned someplace on the Baja. Come to head for the front at the September. The Baja 1000 in wouldn't understand. Some do ·break from Mother Nature's on down. green. However, Rick L's Toyota November. it for a living. Some do it for show of shows. This one's for "Fud". - SO a got the lead at Turn 1. But not pn• Mk ""' -k ---k w1 -k -k -k -k -.. --Hr .,.. -c-=---n for long, Dan Hunt in the 28 ~ X truck got bumped coming into. n ~~ll~oai:r:t::~t~ti:ntr~:tsif~hal ~ T .Shir· ts Bus1·ness u~ excited crowd. Something about Christians and -Lions? Anyway, he finally came to rest upside down in front of the fans. Hunt climbed out of the truck and n n :aa:e~i1::/nb~\g:\i3ig Na~~i:~~ U Includes 1991 35' Aerbus Motorhome, U and a broken rear track rod, ~ ~ there was no enough time for ~ repairs before the restart. 2 mobil printing shops (one 26 IOOt, one Restart? Well, Mr. Montana, Al Hogan did I tell you Hogan ~ ~ trailered down from Montana! 30 foot trailer, each with a generator, 6 and Jimmy Nuckles were lost in the dust on the other side of the ~ b~~;ea;d~u~h;io~tu:i~~t:\i color printer; dryer and miscellaneous n. of this confusion, a red flag \YaS U thrown, and since it was thrown ~ ~ on the first lap the rules called items needed to print at on-site events. for a restart. Lots of stuff happened during that first lap remember ~ Indoor screen printing sho~ equipment ~ Indy and other starts, anyway only seven of the original nine made it back to the line in time ~ d 6 } 4 l • ~ for the green. This time the first lnclu es-a' co or printer, co or pnnter, corner was headed by Rick D. Johnson, Jeff Hunt went second, Nils Castillo third, Rick ~ Large conveyer dryer, exposure unit, inks, ~ L. Johnson fourth and Al Hogan rounding out the top five. Hogan waited his time, found a ~ Squeegees, screens (with rights to use ~ pass on Rick L's Toyota and patiently settled in. Don't know h~~~\~::\1~.c=~rai18ti~ii::~ ~ Designs), heat presses, thousands of iron-on ~ did someone say dust? But patience paid off. On Lap 5 the , tranny in Nils Castillo's truck ~ Transfers for sand dunes, a 12 color ~ gave up the ghost, which brought Al and his 'Crane Service' truck into third. b •d h• · d 11 • 11 O S MeanwhiLe Rick D. Johnson was ~ • em rot ery mac me an a mtSCe ane U ~ not having an easy time since every time he looked into his • $75 000 mirrors he saw the orange truck acCeSSOneS. , .00 . of Jeff Dickerson hot ·on his ~ heels. By the end of the final lap Dickerson was beginning to Call Sande at 928-669-8364 or 928-669-2580 demonstrate his nerfing ~ abilities, but Johnson managed to hold him off for the win. So Or e-mail it was Rick D. Johnson first, Jeff ~ Dickerson second and the ~ patient Mr. Hogan· taking the . third place points. This was a much-needed ~ ~-finish for all the Protruck II drivers. Johnson and D it kerso n k-:==:,,"'~--~=~-~-~==!-~•:=::::"':!!•~==!-~-==::"'!!"'S::=!•~K..--..>C==~»<---->C~==!~k==~-!!k5::::::!-~K..--..>C==:?!!K..--..>CS::::::!~rc:...==.>C==~•~==~-,.~==:?-~" December 2003
.. CODE MANGIAMOS 300 Carrera del centenario By Byrle Moore Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex Mark Weyhrich had a great race, first Class 1, first overall and a pretty good idea of some of the 1000 course. - . - . Elias Canchola drove his good looking Ford pickup to the gold medal in Class 8, seen here-at desert speed. The next to the last race, of the CODE season, is sort of a practice/pre-run for the last race of the season. And since part of the Baja 1000 is going to be going where it is mapped for 2003, a few entries may have been looking for an October check of the scenery. Whatever the case, 146 intrepid souls went half way to San Felipe or down to Highway 3 on a course that will mirror some of the 1000 roads and will definitely show the way for CODE's last race of the season, which runs from Ensenada to San Felipe, in December. The weather cooperated just fine foT a fall day in the Gus Vildosola shared the drive with son Gus, Jr. and between them they took the Open Truck Class by almost two hours. Eli Yee took the Class 10 win by a bunch, he was second overall, only eight minutes away from first to the finish. Baja. Not too bad, a breeze here and there to clear some of the dust, but this wasn't a smooth road south. Which is more than indicated by the attrition rate. 146 starters and on"tv 67 made it back to the checkered flag for times. I drug my calculator out and that left 79 or about a 65% attrition rate, of those intrepid souls, and their vehicles, left out there in the wilds, somewhere. Last report was that everyone did finally make it back even if they had to be towed, trailered, or pushed. In other words no new obstacles on the track, just the Baja's finest silt, and dust, and washes, and rocks, and silt, and rocks, and dirt, and ??? An early morning change, this year, was the escorted parade from contingency. They left from downtown Mexicali, where the Major of Mexicali, Lie. Jaime Diaz Ochoa gave the ceremonial green flag to the racers as part of the city's Centennial Celebrations. It was about eight miles out to the start line. Lots of people probably became fans after following the parade route. Joe Heger crossed the border to take the Class 5 win in his good looking car, Joe was fourth overall at the finish. The fairly close battle for 1600 honors went to Leonardo Navarette, he won by 10 minutes and was sixth overall as well. By the way, contingency was still in the process of being set up when a small dust devil/ cyclone/ mini-tornado, decided to pay a visi't. Eight or nine tents and displays including one of the CODE regi.stration tents, felt the little breeze, which carried one tent over the fence and in to the middle· of the Friday afternoon traffic. More publicity for the race??? Everything was quickly Continued on page 38 The Safari Class was fairly close at the end, the win went to Josue Second in the Class 10 battle was Luis Barragan, from Mexicali, Ivan Montijo came over from Sonora and raced his great looking Delgado, seen here heading for the finish line. seen here heading to a fifth overall finish. truck to a nice second place in Class 8. Page 36 December 2003 Dusty Times 7
¢oaf~ ~Ci OFF-ROAD SERIES DFF-HD.iD Ensenada-San ·Felipe: Qecember 12-13-14, 2003 HOST HOTELS Ensenada: Costa Baja. (646) 177-2255 San Nicolas (646) 176-1901 San Felipe: · El Cortez (686) 577-1055 Riviera (686) 577-1185 From USA add prefix (01152) ·.-··-~--., -~-: \ ., ."' <: FUD Lr, ~~~ COTUCO en Memoria SAN FELIPE Evita el exceso Dusty Times ... CANACO + ROCKODILE + Playa del Sol S 1 000-~1~-~I Overall PRO L.M. Equipment Sales HOM~GA. ssoo-~1~. Clase 5 H 1.\a"gia1110A~ ssoO ~rs 50 dlls. a Cada 1 er lugar PRO ~~s,so~g_ Mas 10 Galones de Combustible a Cada 1er lugar PRO y SPT {usar VP racing fuel y portar calcomanias) r]~~~ Maria IN AP ~A°c~A(tJ8 . irnJl!ii'luJiilj,OjMi @ ·S500·~~ ~ ... ,. .. ,.~... 1 er. Clase 9 vernacorr7 $1 00 dlls. ~~g ~~~ El REY DE LAS PUERTAS;~rs ~ RACING MONTES 'ft;V GASOLINE TRANSMISIONES EN~iA$3 0 000 dlls 1 er lugar Clase 11 Wl5f T Racing s2so·~1g· 1 er. Clase 7s KIOSK o SERVICIOS DE CAMBIO autopartesBAJA ssoo·~,g 1 er. Clase 5-1600 BAJA SHOCKSWORKS FABRICATIONS S300·f 1er. Clase 8 • I W300 ~!~7r..,s100dlls OVERALL QUAD dlls. COTUCO r~~.. _---.,,, (686) 553-4087 (760) 455-8069 <&_OD~ BRAVO 120-B, ZONA CENTRO, MEXICALI, BC., MEXICO RACE Prll-EP. DFF-HD.ilD P.O. BOX 2328, CALEXICO, CA 922~2-2328 USA c::R eATo=Ns. . December 2003 REC?CiRD OFF-ROAD SERIES TEL y FAX (Mexico) (646) 176-16-37 Page 37 --
Another Imperial, CA entry, Miles Wyatt took the second spot in the Second in Class 7 was Mario Salcido, he had some troubles on the Eric Fisher was really close to the gold, he took the silver medal in Class 9, only three minutes out of the win. 1600 fracas and he was ninth overall at race end. curse but still managed to take home the silver medal. Victor Herrera could have won on looks alone, he took Class 7 by over two hours and finished eighth overall. gathered up, and reset up, and the registration/ inspection was completed without further interference. At about 0:9:30 Saturday the real green flag d rapped and the clocks were started and every 30 seconds later another driver headed off into the sunrise. There were four classes that managed to get the class winner back in less than five hours. Mark. Weyhrich took the Class 1 win and overall trophy and money with .a blistering time of 4: 16:44. Eli Yee was not that far back taking his Class 10 Jimco tQ a 4:24:48, Gustavo Vildosola took his Open Class Truck to 4: 28: 24 and Joe Heger went 4:48:49 for the Class 5 win. Just warm up huh guys? Anyone want to bet, whether or not, these names get mentioned in a report from the November race? I think that one is called the 1000? Back, to the statistics. Troutdale Oregon's Mark Weyhrich probably left his TSCO Class 1 car stored down here somewhere? After all it is kind of a long drive from Oregon to Mexicali or DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6.5 $135.00 $145.00 & up Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15x 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegast NV 89102 Page 38 (70_2) 247-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Pardon my dust, Miguel Rosales took Class 5-1600 by 14 minutes in his great looking car, he was 121' overall at the checkers. Ensenada. Mark reported was a non-finisher but still hitting a big rock in the took second. Borrego area resulting in two Three Class Open Trucks, broken rims and also some known some other places as trouble with spectator traffic Trophy Trucks, took the green on the last miles of the race, about a minute later and all but otherwise a great course. three managed to finish. Gus Actually he stored it after Vildosola Mexi.:ali shared taking the overall and the driving duties with his son C 1 a S S J Win a S rep Orte d . G LIS Jr., wh O W a S d r i Vi 11 g in Shawn McCallum over from this class for the first time; Sr. Imperial hit a big was-hour on started and turned rhe car the first miles of the race and over to Jr. at halfway point, then near checkpoint started 150th reported easy sailing for having electrical problems and a 4:28:24 gold. Armando Class 9 was hard fought all the way but first to the checkers was the Jose Machado car, three minutes in hand at the flag. December 2003 Bravo Mexicali, 6: 13:31 the silver and Raul Montiel Tecate, 6:44:33 copped the bronze. Eli Yee over from Tijuana was out for one of his leisurely Saturday morning drives and led Class 10 by almost an hour with his very quick time of 4:24:48. Yee was second overall even after two flats. Luis Barragan had some problems but finished second with a time of 5:08;45. Ricardo Malo of two-wheel fame had his first try at four wheels and did just fine aside from a few blown tires he was in at 5:24:13 for third. Barragan and Malo are both out of Mexcali. Ten Class 8 trucks were out the gates next but only two of them managed to make it back for completed times. Elias Canchola Mexicali, held it together for a 6:27:42 and first place Ivan Montijo Sonoyra Sonora, was the only other finisher, his time 8:41:42. Reny Canela out of Indio, took third, Juan Carlos Lopez Tecate was awarded fourth and Gabriel Arce Ensenada, fifth. Lots of broken stuff in the Class 8 ranks, bur there will be another day. Joe Heger over from Imperial had another mostly uneventful <la¥ and a clean run for first, with a time of 4:48:49. He was the only Class 5 finisher. Second went to Jorge Delgado down from Oceanside, third to Gerardo Gonzalez, Valle Las Palmas, fourth to Renne Labrada Mexicali and a fifth place tie awarded to Michelle Gastelum, San Diego and Jose Guadalupe Collins, Mexicali. Leonardo Navarrete, Mexicali, his time 5: 15:32, headed Class 14/2-1600: Miles Wyatt Imperial second ten minutes back with a 1 Dusty Times 7
r Dan Street came over from San Diego, had a few slow spots on the Throwing some dust, Ricardo Cons drove to a nice second place in Second spot on the podium in Sportsman Class 18 went to Abraham course but managed a second place in the 7S contest. the Sportsman Class 14, second overall in Sportsman. Lartundo, he had some problems but finished well. 5: 2 5: 2 9 and third to Bill ==::;:::;:;:::;:;;::;::;:::;:;:~;;,-:;;.;.;;;;;r~;.;;;;=;;==.;=;:============,-cir=:;;;;;:;....,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;a;~;:=;a:.;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiie-~r==;.=;:;:===;;;;;:;;;;;;:;.,;;,;.;;;.,-Hanson over from Yuma, AZ in at 5:33:29. Roberto Romo was fourth with a 5:58:19 arrd Federico Regala, Mexicali, fifth in at 6:01: 14. Federico is the Overall points leader and managed to finish the race even after a roll-over and a couple of flats. Other class finishers were Cesar ·Cons, Mexicali; Alfredo Lugo, Mexicali; Adolfo Ayala, Tijuana; Eric Duran, Tecate; Pedro Morquecho, Mexicali and Ray Santos Del Prado, Mexicl1i. I guess if you want to build a car for this race, 1/2-1600 would be a good choice? Eleven out of 15 finishers. Class 7 had 16 trucks line up for the green but only three made it to the black and white." Most of the past class winners/finishers were nowhere to be seen. The "300" was very, very difficult for the Class 7 trucks. Victor Herrera, Tijuana took the gold with a time of 5:25:04, Mario Salcido, Mexicali, silver with 7:43:45 and the bronze to the only other finisher-Hector Salazar rolled it with an 8:58:25. Just under the nine hour wire. Shall I name the other 13? No, not this time, I think. I said earlier that you might want to build a 1.2-1600 car for the race? Well, if not a 16 car, another choice might be Class 5-1600. All those bugs. In this largest class 19 started and an even dozen made it home with Dusty Times Class 7S was a battle for a while but when the chips were all in the pot it was Sergio Duron taking the win. ti m e·s. Miguel Ros ales, Ensenada outlasted the field with a winning time of 5:55:39. Second went to another driver from Ensenada, Daniel Lopez 6:09: 23 and third to Eric Muller Pazos, Mexicali, 6 : 13 : 14. Javier Medina, Mexicali went fourth with a 6:17:58 and another three minutes bac k was Mario Gutierrez, San Diego, 6: 17:58. Class 15 was headed by Juan Guevarra Calexico, with a 6: 10:45. Tfie second spot went to Jose Gutier·rez, Tijuana, 6: 19 :58 and the · bronze to J. Hector Quintero, Mexicali, 6:42:50. Ish Sanchez, El Centro and Evaristo Nunez, Mexicali were the other two drivers with times. Sanchez went 6:52:56 and Nunez had a 7:20:20. Another large Safari outing was headed by Josue Delgado, Mexicali, in a brand new car, 6:48: 19 second place to Luvan Voelker, 7:04:31 and third to Manuel Robles, Tijuana, 7:41: 16 . Raul Maya, David Morquecho, and Jose Giuseppe Cervantes all made it to the green flag back in Mexicali: This was another very good and a very hard fought race put on by the CODE people. Most of these guys and gals race out of their own garages and out of their own wallets. They are all looking for help and sponsorship but, just continues to get a little bigger every outing. The points race winners, • December 2003 Hardly looking the worse for wear; Gilberto Affeola drove his great looking bug to first in Class 11. for the year, may well come down to that last race in December, it being the CODE/Record Race Ready 27 5 which will be held 12-14 December 2003. Foi more information .con tact Continued on page 40 First place in Sportsman Class 14 was Mario Gastelum, he also was the quickest of all the Sportsman classes. Page 39
. . Doing very well in the Safari class, Luivan Voelker was the second Shawn McCallum was flying early on but major problems put him on Second place in the Class 8 contest went to Raul Montiel, he had car to take the checkers in class. I!:!!_~ and he was a disappointed dnf. major problems but still finished the race. Ricardo Malo, Mexicali, is just a bit nose heavy as he heads for a Bill Hanson came over from Yuma to contest the Class group. He Hector Salazar came from Chula Vista and drove his pickup to a third d_ec_en_t _th_i~_d ~pl_ac_e_in_th_e_C_la_ss_1_0_c_on_te_s_t. __ ~----_fin_is_hed_a_n_o_t-t=--:oo:-:•:-:ba-::-d,th:-i~7d½pl_ac:-:e:-~Tor:---h:-is"eviffo7rt::,:s.:-::----:-::---_;;;;;==.=;-Ecpl=ac~e=fl=·m=·sh=1=·n=th=e=C=la=ss=7,,,;b;;;;a,;;ttl=e.===========; them at Mexicali. races held so far. Without mx Meanwhile the CODE that driver, team, or call Poncho at 1-760-folks would again like to volunteer, and fan support, 455-8069 US number, or thank all of th·e none of this would happen. 011-52686-553-4087 in participants from all the So again, as we always say, KREGER fabr1ca~:chi~ln£t~l'i~~i!ji~1t:.!~I'ptoviding race ready know-how to the competitive racer as . well a1f the d;sert enthusiast. For over 10 years KREGER Fab., has. been offering a wide r;:.rig·e of products from Cu;tom Built Desert Cars and Pr~-: Runners to Floaters, Hubs,· and an extensive litie }~,_, ___ ,..,.,,., _ _;;.. _____ --".;........-,..., of Off-Road Accessories. We also provide unsur-. passed Race-Prep and Set-Up Services. KREGER Fabrication is your one stop race shop! Give us a call for more information and experience the dif-fe_rence a KREGER Car or Race Set-Up can make! Page 40 December 2003 The great looking bl.Jg of Juan Guevara took home all the marbles in the hotly contested Sportsman Class 15. Parker Pumper developed the Competition ftir System with the budget racer in mind. Conuerted bg the pro's at Parker Pumper to deUuer maxim1111 air flow, this HJC helmet is Snell m-rated, and is auailable in sizes S-HHKL ER The ¥HPER camlf!,.ete HElMITS SOfl':cr£111115 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 . 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, C}:191752 Dusty Times
Eric Muller Pazos gave it a good run in the 5-1600class, he was third Humberto Solorzano finished a not too shabby third place in the San Swann was just a wee bit off the pace in Sportsman Class 14, to finish, less than four minutes out of second. 0_~ !! contest, nine minutes out of second spot. but he did take home the bronze medai. " ;,~f/,~ i, ... Third place in Sportsman Class 15 was taken by Hector Quintero, he finished sixth overall in Sportsman. Mario Morales was a long time getting to the finish line, but he still took third place in Sportsman Class 18. A decent third place in the Safari Class went to Manuel Robles, seen here on his way to the checkered flag. German Ramirez was the big winner in the Sportsman Class· 18, seen here in his good looking vehicle. • PORTABLE • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE (541)382-1573 Dusty_ Times "Saludos and Come on down to the Baja." CODE and FRT meaning, Fud, have put on several races together in the last couple of years. Driver and Northern Baja are really fan alike will miss "Fud." dust trails from races he is And we can only guess, that now promoting elsewhere. some of those contrails over This one, is for you, 'Fud! the Imperial Valley and the Via con Dios! .. -, .. .. . . . . -Uij!Zt7zn :.4' , lfM/ •••• Clft U! A f.lll l!ORAll YOUl6WIOID IIIIIDt 1-ttt-755-5900 tAll TOll ,a11 CVCENTE~5 HARC>ENED 9 UNDERSIZED CV BALLS NEVADA OFFRO/0 BUGGY T-9--iiRT SM·MfD·LRG-XXLRG ONLY $1000 MSD FOR r.DD!TlCNAL CLE/\RENCE December 2003 -::: WE CARRY A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELDON TRICK TABS Page 41 ..
Dusty Times wants more subscribers and you can hel·p us and help yourself at the same time. Here's how It works -send In new subscriptions, (not renewals) for yourself, pit crew, friends, etc. with the appropriate dollars and the person who sends in the most subscriptions will get a picture of their race car, race truck or race motorcycle on the cover of Dusty Times. It can be yours, a friend or a relative's race vehicle. That's up to you! Subscriptions must be postmarked from November 1, 2003 through . . January 31, 2004. Be sure that you note on the subscriptions that you send in that it Is a contest entry. 1-year subscriptions will count as 1 point, 2-year subscriptions will count as 2 points and 3-year subscriptions will count as 3 points. A 1-year subscription is $25, 2 years subscription is $40 and 3 years subscription is $55. At the contest end, the one with the most points will be our "Cover". Dusty Times will keep a record of subscriptions received for the contest. You may submit your subscriptions on the form on page 3 of each Dusty Times issue or you may download the form from our website:, or, subscriptions will be accepted on any reasonable facsimile. •----------------------------·--·-------------- · --------.. ·-· -------------______ :·--------------------------------------~--JS nu U ti l I 111011111111• U I uu ! . . lH .. ! .. !.!.L!-~ ..
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;,,-Kevin Summers ·owner KS · Motorsports offroad fabrication and race preps 15346 Bonanza RD. # C Victorville , CA . 92392 Phone:760-241-5441 Fax:760-241-5383 CTa.o> 7gg-09a3 SUSPENSION -PERFORMANCE -SAFETY EQUIPMENT & MORE! DESERT - ROCK - SAND & RACE WE. ARE YOUR #1 SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR OFFROAD NEEDS POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE Engineering LeE MFG. ~O. 11681 PENDLETCW&TREET SUN VALLEY, CA.913152 FAX(818)788-2817 (818) 788-0371 A full line of ~ Steering gears, pumps and ■c:cea:,riea for any type of r■cing. Magnaflux and Zygto facilities available. •custom Chassis *Race Prep 'Aluminum Work *Welding *Magnaflux FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Ae4~.RC.NA.FT. /<a:c.e ~~ Seat1 • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us o.n the Net! SPECIALISTS/ - . PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 . W ORK GUARANTEED D EADLINES KEPT • /k....':211ee✓1 !ZJ'Ototype 0esf9✓1, .<Jnc. ,q'ibef</kt,IW ,::Joo/,;/1/, _!/}al'l,I' (l/1(/,(fl o/)(lf;' MIKE M CQUEEN OFF ROAD BODIES SINCE 1972 BY APPOINTMENT FAX (310) 379-8633 (310) 374-8669 E-MAIL: MPD@MAKATAK.NET HTTP:/ /WWW.MAKATAK.NET MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 #ff!lll:IIBfii'M'ii&-COMPOHEtff.S F.Oft .CHASSIS FABRICATION ~~ • ~ ~:\C~ • .R!I~ .M~ Stifter M.ou1ls • 01.& Water Botlle tfol.ders I OFFROAD ENC31NEERINC3 Pre-Runners • Race Cars & Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Wa}:' #115 Fax (805} 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Moulton Racing FaPrication • Race Cars , • . '. 41) • Prerunners ~--~ ?~·-·--:-:-: " • Sand Cars . '; • · , (.~".'·= .• ..• ~~•:·\( ,p.);. . ~ . • .c.:.r_--. h~•-~~ .•.-.---:11·· "d.f-. ... ,, ~~ . ·t•,t. ,,_,: -~ · .. ....: ·. -28355 INDUSTRY DR. 1412 ' Valencia Ca 91355 Jim Moulton 661-295-0253 Mso· a r.3 :' 1 L _J t. 1 f ■ ■4,W.:f! t••1.•,,. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE • S.TRIBUTDRS • WIR ... AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 H ENRY BRENNA N D R., E L PASO. TX 7993E 19151 857-o?nn • TFr.H LINE 1~151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msd1grnoon.co11' TUBE ·BENDERS ¼" TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 399 E . .Haaisoll Unit D Corona, CA 92879-1313 .(909) Z72..A272 t h I • www.m 'EC 4B0-725-2B75 __ Todd Dwyer 43455 Business Park Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext.156 619-562-5533 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 r--_____________ __:_ __ -+-------'---··-.=---------+---------------------l ~ '"° .~@ lfllbltf.W (818) 886-4446 (818) 772-6470 fax www 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 .otlroad ■Road Course .Orag Racing .OVal Track ■Fabrication .welding .Chassis and Suspension Specialist MORENO VALLEY , NTIAC .~ 1'"'""/ PONTIAC•OMC•Bll/CK· 12631}.MOTl»I. J:l'.ir • MOJ/f.NO VAU-IY, Gl 9255; ' 1 AsKJlOR C HUCK F ORR\1A..~ Stile$ & leasing Consnlta11t Carl For Appoi~ti,:ent ·----···---909) :,?42-2 .. 23 O) 480-S-501 ( 242•1.l99 ~5397 ~R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS
.:!31? f~W~l9)'1J@3©7f') SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, RO.4OM.4STER, \IERJ:EX RADIOS BELL, 'sti°OEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK wmiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11'1.'TERCOM STIU. O~LY S 12'5. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 w ■ .a. • f/lRD PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION ·A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: Tel: 619-390-6252 Fax:619-3~79 14402 Bond Court El· Cajon, CA 92021 PEAK • .-,-.. -~ B"m~~· Roll Cages· S"'P:~E:::~~h~: ··-~ performance wire /larnesses Computer Aided Suspension Design · Custom Metal Fabrication . Custom Accessories . Joe "9Vlllan Dennis Rotim 661-373-6176 Pgr: 323_340_0277 ...;.:~-----""""""""""""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!====I Fax: 818.361.4641 TEL (949)650-3035 f"llll (9119)650-4721 • All Type• ~ Steel Cl Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Beaclinc • Ahaninum C, StN1 W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types_ o£ Race Cars ... . 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Laa Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley _ 702-365-9055 Tet/S/011 Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fox: 360.887.7279 PREPSERJ//GES U/1/LMHD 562-529-399 i p 562-529-3992 f 9024 Jeff Street Bellflower, CA 90706 13411 oronlield Ave. svtmar. CA 91342 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline-• Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: www.RACESHOCK.coM II@ Pboenix,Arizona !!If e=t<Isw· · ucaaesao• S~spension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands ..•. Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordabiy-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy Fax: ·(602) 493-0975 .l'EIFIIIIKCE• TIIKSIII ES Southam ca1nom1a·s Largest Dlstrtbutar of Mendeola Transules PH: 114.580.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 tel#'}JJ9l676-6S6-~ f(fl( ij/o'l--1»76-l 141 -..d11f-rnn( 2159B C'8tlmerce Centet: 01'. . T♦mecula, CA 92590 ~cwil~!!"! SWilg axle, ••s, •ewlaad, M04S 3455 S. PDURIS #5 LAS VIGAS, lfYIDA 89102 .IIHN 0.0. HllllIDN (702) 221-4383 (702) 887-9724 Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 raceprepservices@aol .com fili/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ll,l!/ METALPROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angelts, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT CNSPECTION MARKSM1TH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S. B._ ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 ~RACING ~GASOLINE '!.'!.YrNY'rh•n.-.-.~ Western US and Mexico CL BRYANT, INC. 800-399-4176 Farplex - Pomono October5 &6 !!!!!~!41 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • \\lllOOW LITTERll,G • CAR LETTERl~G • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt;ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa\ (7141 694-9567
~SPENCER 1.OW RACTNG ,com NISSAN OFFROAD PERFORMANCE . PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS ' • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BODY FIBERGLASS »AND MORE ., I Specializing in: 7 FRONTIER PATHFINDER ·><TERRA HARDBODY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 o:f:f :road £ab:ricatioii. • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kits • Custom Paint• Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program Sam Puleri (323) 563-2224 Fax (323) 563-2227 = 'PERFORMANCESPECL4LIS 5 c.c;__.., f£DIAVII U&M SJ/I/IT Jlf//,8//JIIICf I 1-800-MYMUFFLER . I . St~v.J~t t · · ~~ Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners i619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Sant~e. CA 92071 • ,..~~)?QR~ • nt. V«u &!st Of Otfroad . • Pfff01fn!IIJC•• Parts, ' · . Fabrication And fnstaltation. WE Cwry: RCD • BFG Fabt,ch • King Shocks AndMaf'l!,IMot•. Speclali%itt5 itt Clotl1itt5 for' tl,e Offroabef' Sawl attt> Tami V.uqwei 561-622-SSOS ·SUNDRY METAL SPINNING · Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM. • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS . 6831 Suva Street Bell Gardens, CA 90io1 JOHN AVALOS OWNER RACE FUELS l209J 847-2281 (800] 527-6090 FAX (209] 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISIO N Oakdale, California 95361 <rjiuNsET)> Design Fabrl'catlon /nstaitatlon ~~Sil*~ •• You• GluALtrr' 6101<1 Cow,.A.Hv'' (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 5 POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORON A , CA 9'288'2 .... CCMPUTERIZEO VINYL Gl?.AF'H/CS & LETTERING ltl 1·1 I l'I.1:41 ,.._ ~COST BLOG SIGNS (A/I. PROCESSES) -,.._ TRADE SI-OW OISPLA"rS ;--. fii!ACING Gfii!APHICS ,,,_ OETAILEO& I..N/QUE DESIGNS ;--. FLEET VEHICLES ,,.._ HI-QI.VIUTY /3A.NNE/?.S .-MAGNETICS ,... LOGO /?.EPROOICTONS .-f/i!EAL ESTATE ,... LOGO & GRAPHIC DESIGN ;--. OECALS ~ ~ SUSPENSIONS , . liiVLIMlTED .. ... . - -.... OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS 'Ml.OU\G • FABRICATUV • Cf'CPfASMAQJTT/1\G • FR:NTENOS • /EARTRAJUNGARMS RACEC>IASSIS • PfFRU\Jf\ERS • FaXRACINGS>ClX • SANDBUG:JES · LARRY ROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM, CA 92807 PHONE{714)630-4482 FAX (714)6304548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ.· 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-.8852 or E-Mail: • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • American Made Excellence!! TLR Peiformance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. Suite D El Cajon, •CA 92021 (6f9) 447-1289 ~ ? 6fp~~l'IJIE__:-,:!'~~. ' Experienced Fabricators Needed. _ Trans Am, Trophy Truck or Class 1 experience preferred. Excellent welding skills required for MIG · and TtG with all metals. Must be a team player, with a great attitude and able to follow direction. 714.632.0013 29B0 E. Mlraloma Ave. Anaheim CA 92B06 * Off-Road and.Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 11 21 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:/ TrailerWare™ Trick Gear for Your Rig -~ $99.00 Free CA Shipping Offer Ends 12/31/03 Double Helmet & Gear Shelf 949•347•7091 .090 Aluminum 1 0 l/2"H x 28 1/ 2"W x 1s"o 1USAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 0 C CD -l C ~ (/) Oz -n m m ► 0 (/) X ► en wrow ~o~ 888 -.J,;:,. -.J CD W CD I\) (J1 I\) WON -.J,;:,.,;:,. -.J ~ ~ I\) a, w I\) o' ~ @ ~ ::, (/) 0 0 _(1) C 0 g: ~z ::.; 0 0 ~ 3 3 • - -Q) Q) ::, CD C. 5: iii" o► ~ < ~ 9763 ~ariel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 lfrll/ ransworks · ~-"' PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER STOCK &.CUSTOM SAND * STREET * RACE ERIC LAUNDRIE 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3-135 (ujP] UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH • REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., !,Jnit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels , West Coast P..O. Box1319 · 34283 Monte Vista . Wildomar, CA 92595 Carlos Orozco 619.596.8033 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392
<11'~~- . 00~~~ Front & Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Erids BUMP STOPS HERE· Stop the up-travel on your suspension wit!J: th~ ad"lNl<:~i;lburnn ,;top system. ==:f'=-"-PAINT /lllf/JC04TINl1S«GRAP/IKS~ J,(J/lOS * ♦/Q1CI ro ~ MAJNT£NANCf• &rl<IIYJtt:---j,/fflRIN&• ---760-949-1220, Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. s SCORE ENGINE BUILDER ~ OF THE YEAR !:194, i ~98, 1999,2000 From Parts To Complete Engines 960B N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 8502J ~RRIICINIJ ti· --..-a. lllNIII Race C ars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service • Welding V.W -Porsche - Nissan - Toyota -Honda Baja ' 850 S. Alta Vista Ave .. Monrovia. CA 9 10 16 (626) 9 14-8 147 ' ~ )..ic) ~-.st2.~,e Get the ward out about your business, Big or small! Put your business card In the 11GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Goad Stuff Directory Ads are merely $45.00 per month. (818) 882-G004 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-928-427-3551 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 3675 w. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 MORE 2003•2004 HAPPENINGS ••• I TERNET: <> SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at EastOOJ RacewaJ, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 PARKLANDS, 2121 SOUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (0ll) 880-2170 Toys FoR ToTs (619) 252-ll97 /(619) 252-3093 UNADIUAVAU.EYSPOR~CENrm P.O.•Box 5ll9 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA V All.EY Ow ROAD RACING ASSN. 920 HILLCREST ST. PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 (530) 622.0370 <www.VORRAcom> February 13-15, 2004 Short Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA April 24-25, 2004 Short Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA May 28, 31, 2004 Yerington, NV July 2-4, 2004 Hawthorne, NV August 7-8, 2004 Fallon, NV Tentative September 3-6, 2004 Bend, OR September 25-26, 2004 Short Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA October 9-10, 2004 Short Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA October 30-31 Shon Course Prairie City, Sacramento, CA VIONIB Guammo OR' R.oA0 G.uB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA Dusty Times 011-52--616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WfSI'ffiN Ow R,,oAD RA.ONG AssoaAnON LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WfSI'ffiN PENNSYLvANIAWHEEL To WHEEL Ow RoAD RACING PATRICK MCGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MoroRSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 Desert Tour Buggy & Truck Series December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Challenge Bike & ATV December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Mini & Peewee Tour December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX COP MotoXHolidayB/owout November 3, 2003 Canyon November 10, 2003 Canyon November 17, 2003 Canyon Fast Track Racing Sand Drags November 16-17, 2003 Canyon Raceway December 14-15, 2003 Canyon Raceway PimaMotorsports Park Moto X November9-10, 2003 PMPPark November 23-24, 2003 PMP.Park December 14-15, 2003 PMPPark WISCONSINMOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 W1scoNsIN OFF RoAD FESnv AL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 5490 l (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRLDRALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATION~ 1863 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 0ll-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS . RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CAL6XICO, CA 92231 November 30, 2003 Gran Prix de Campiones 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 Trail Notes ... UJD MEMORIAL SERVICE· Stephen Stenberg was one of many that attended the Fud .l 'ine~orial service at Glen Abby in Chula Vista. Ir was standing room only with some of the attendees spilling out into d1e foyer. Many people there were not off road racers, just folk who knew and loved Fud. TI1ere was a wake at Race Ready after the service, which was also well attended and went on for many hours. · "ONAL FI.AG - Kenneth Craig Johnson, son .and best friend of Betty Johnson Rivers, .l' passed away on September 18, 2003, at the age of 49. Kenny wasn't a racer like his brother Jack but he did work at the races, helping mom and step-dad Ted Rivers in Contingency Inspection. Kenny leaves his daughter Crystal, grand-daughter Alyssa Nicole. Our thoughts and condolences go to all of Kenny's family who will miss him so much. HEI.P FoR WnnFIRE V1C11MS • Off Roaders are being asked to help the wildfire Yictims. They don't want money, they want things like: Hand Tools, rakes, shovels, etc., Clothing, warm jackets, linens, toiletries, cleaning supplies, kitchen utensils, children's toys, etc. Remember, these folks had their world rumed upside down and will be celebrating the holidays in some motel room or in a rented trailer. You can drop items off in El Cajon, ~antee, Lakeside, Poway, San Diego and Escondido. For more information please call Harold Soens, 619-449-9648 or Julie Allen 858-456-7997. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Attention Race· & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIM ES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mail-ing list. Don't call, but mail your 2004 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could b ring you some extra entries! Mail your· race or rally sched ule _to: December 2003 DIGliY~IDIIG 20761 Plummer St., Cqptsworth, CA 9.1311 Page 49
Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specitic item. FOR SALE: Protruck, chassis • #SS-1-026, raced 7 times, BEST OF EVERYTHING, rebuilt and race prepped! GPS and In Car Camera, 2 Engines, 2 trannys, · 2 rear ends & axle housings, 2 drive shafts, 2 steering boxes, 3 PS pumps, 2 dampeners, tons of spares, many wheels & tires. Two trailers, one flatbed, one enclosed TPD. 87 ranger prerunner. Sale price $125,000.00 for all or $90,000.00 for truck only, $105,000.00 for truck and all spares. Call Stiles Racing for de-tails. (707) 374-6814. Top of the line 2 seat beam car. Built by Dave Bonner, Type 4 motor, 3 2 gallon fuel cell, For-tin 5 speed tranny, Wilwood rear brakes, Summers outboard hubs, 934 CV's, headlock wheels, King coilovers and by-pass all four corners. Flameout system. Foqrill beam, spindles and arms. Complete front end all new ('05-'03). Completely prepped, super fresh and race ready. Spares= tires, pit boxes, pit radios, wheels and much more. Freshest car around! $32,400.00 Ref #890 Call Baja Brokers (760-723-2117 or check us out at Super competitive! Extra Clean! 5 car. Fast and reliable with a record to prove. Featured Aug '02 Hot VWs. All 4130 chassis, big beam, Foddrill's best arms and spindles, CNC brakes, King shocks, 934 mi-cro stubs, ·Fortin trans, powder coated chassis. 250 miles on com-plete rebuild and prep. FAT Type 4 3 !tr. 230 HP. MoMo, PCI, Dry Sump, BFGs Beard. Must see! $38K Ref #888 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at FOR SALE: Just in time for Baja 1000. Only the best parts: King Shocks, Mastercraft Seats, Currie rear-end, PCI Radio, Lowrance GPS, National Spring, 6 BFG .tires, mag wheels, Parker Pumper and aluminum car-jack. Freshly prepped, BITD and SCORE legal with two of every part including en-gines, transmissions, rear-ends, parts, panefs, radiators, electronics, shocks and more. Heavy duty trailer included. All you need is race suit and helmet. Ford Sponsorship and prize money still available .. $40,000.00 OBO. Call Al (406) 321-4644 or (406) 322-9997. FOR SALE: 4 seat Jimco, 2800 cc Type IV, Foltz Trans, Coilover, Howe Power Steer-ing, Beard Seats, Roof Rack, HID KC HiLites, Centerline, King Shocks, Disc Brakes, Aluminum Body, Awesome Pre-runner. Call after 6:00 pm. (661) 298-4351. $30,000.00. FOR SALE: 2002 Foddrill built Pre-Runner Fuel inj. Chevy V6 Mendeola 5 spd. 934 CV's, Fuel Safe Cell, Howe P/S, FOX Pro Se-ries Shocks. Freshly painted and prepped for use. Must se_ll $55,000.00 OBO. (520) 400-6668, (520) 749-5446. FOR SALE: TSCO Motorsports' Aluminum Chevy V-6. Built by HP Engines, w/Lethal Dose fuel injec-tion, this engine has 500+hp. This is a complete package, including elec-tronics. We were going to upgrade our Class 10 car to Class 1, but that car is being sold. $20,000.00. Call Mark at 1-800-547-2414. FOR SALE: FORD Bronco BITD 4100 Race Winner. 550 HP 420ci, Built C6 Trans, 57 Gal fuel cell, 2-3" shocks per wheel, 37" BFG with Bead Locks, KC Hids, 40 spline, Summer Brothers axels, AutoMeter gauges, all the best of the best equip-ment. Lots of spare parts. Only raced 5 times. $39,500.00. Email addresses: or Serious inquires only. FOR SALE: Clas·s 12 Jimco 2 seater. New 1835cc w/ Alum case, CB Cc.:,mp-eliminator heads, MSD, Autocraft, Pauter, Fresh Mendeola MD4 w/ new ring/pinion. New TCS axles/ CV's. Fox coilover front/rear, new Foddrill arms w/King Kong spindals, CNC, Centerlines, BFG's, Howe, Vertex, CompCom, Beard, Deist. Tons spare parts/tires, pit boxes, w/ trailer, $36,000.00 OBO. Toby· (619) 232-8490 . FOR SALE: Class 5-1600, A Proven winner, Completely rebuilt, fresh engine &fields 091 transaxle, new seats & belts, PCI radio & in-tercom, Fox Shocks, race prepped & ready. $12,500.00. Call Mike @ Tractorland Racing (928) 627-3833. FOR SALE: Mirage Class 12 single seat, complete fresh prep, new FAT 1776 Type 1, Folts Mendeola 4 speed, new rear arms, axles, and CV's. FOX shocks, Summers Broth-ers, rear hubs. Car i~ very reli-able and has over 30 wins. $27,000.00 Contact Jeremy at (702) 496-6847. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Bunderson, 1999 2 Seater, Fresh Prep, All the besr parrs, Fox Bypass, 300m, Kartek drums, Howe, Big Saco Rae, 930 CVs, PCI Radio & intercom, J-mar, D&L 091, lots of spares. $20,000.00 OBO (760) 242-0341. TRACTOR TRAILER PACKAGE: Freightliner tandem axle-air ride, Big cam 350 with a fresh bottom end. The trailer is a 1980 air ride Great Dane 45' with a 15" drop deck. Right side has 2 separate 3 ½' doors with double doors on the left that open to 8' with steps that hide away. Huge awning and en-closed canopy with roll up win-dows. Six 4'x8' belly boxes. The inside has benches, shelves, cabinets, 50016 wench, tool boxes, 110 lights, air compressor, generator (diesel). **Must sell! Best Offer!** $30L. Ref # 863 call Baja Brokers (760)723-2117 or check ·us out at FOR SALE:'74 Pre-Runner, 4130 Gemco Chassis, 3x3 Gemco Arms, Fox shocks,' Beard Seats, ·25 gal fuel, Right Beam Spindels & training arm, Right RP, Gear One Discs, Johnsons 2020 motor, Show con-dition. Hardley used. Must see. $25,000.00 OBO. Call for details AL (619) 445-3753. FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevy, Dale White Truck, ground up rebuild, 428 SB, Dry sump, Braswe1l carb, Dua MSD, Mogi TH-400, Borla, CNC, 6 piston, Lee, Fuel Safe, Opitma's, Bilstein coil-over, Bilstein external adj, new body, new everything, Baja 1000 ready. Call Mike Gray (408) 835-4921 $60,000.00. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Dumire. _All new components-less than 350 race miles on parts. All the best snzff in-cluding FAT motor, Dave Folts 091 tranny with aluminum cliff, Fox Shox all around, Kartek drums, MSD, CNC, Howe, Foddrill anns, Saco rack. See $22,000.00OBO. Mike (480) 861-5719. FOR SALE: 1984 Ford Ranger-Raced Pro-Stadium, in Anaheim, San Diego Etc. Must sell due to partnership problems. King Shocks, Ford 9 inch rear end, no reasonable offer refused. Call Randy (909) 780-4529. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUGlil DUSTY TIMES. == lilfflBG Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size -5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is$ ___________ _ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name Address ______________________________ _ Phone-----------------------------------------------City ____________ _ State z· ------------tp Please,;un ad times Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 Oassified Ad Deadlines 2004-2005 ISSUE DEADLINE January, 04 Dec 5, 03 February, 04 Jan-9, 04 March, 04· Feb 6, 04 April, 04 Mar 4, 04 May, 04 April 9, 04 June, 04 May 14, 04 July, 04 June 11, 04 August, 04 Juty 9, 04 Sept., 04 Aug. 13, 04 October, 04 Septl0,04 November, 04 Oct 8, 04 December, 04 Nov 12, 04 January, 05 Dec 10, 04 February, 05 Jan 7,05 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page so December 2003 Dusty Times
r FOR SALE: Bob Shepards win-ning ProTruck for sale. Just prep highly maintained complete setup ready to race. Spares, transmission, drivelines, rearend, axles, shocks, wheels, balljoints, steering box, ra-diator, dumpcans, too much to list. Everything goes. $110,000.00. Call Foddrill Fabrication. (623) 582-2499. FOR SALE: Trophy Truck. 406 Ford Dry Sump Transprows, C6 Dual MSD 3" King Coil over & Bypass, Summers 9", Howe R & P 55 gal Fuel Safe, Master-craft Fluidyne, CNC, Willwood, Ultra Goodyear, BFG, Never Raced $95,000.00. Call Randy at For-tune Fab (909) 687-6416. PLEASE! DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP DllliJi;IUIIG REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWSI r C: CC::::::: CCC CC: CC: C: C ~: C::: C: 0 C: Q QC: l.~,rccm ~ AUTOMOTIVE & PERFORMANCE 4725 E. :Z:Z:n.d Stree~ ~ Tucson., Arl.zo:n.a. 5.20-747-0563 i " ~~~.-:'t..~::!.:':m.!::.::.tfo~~ ~~:~" I "1/'HY TUNE A CARBURETOR, ❖I "1/'HEN YOU CAN PUSH A BUTTON Salea•JmtallaUon•Dynotmunc 8 Carburetor to EFI conwnlona • ECtl up-cradea ~ ECU up-cradea • Tarbo and Supercharpnc Injectors • Surge tanks • Pael -,mm componentll Custom intake and Tarbo ahauat f:abricaUon for Race or Pleasure -Desert, Sand/Dunes & Pre-runners ~ ~--...... www.toyotaper£ ::::::::::::::::::::::::ooooooo::::o::o::::::: FOR SALE: 4-Seat Penhall PreRunner, 133" W.B., 20" Front · and rear travel, 86" track width., 2" spindles, 4 piston Kartek brakes, Howe Power Rack, CNC Pedals, 934 Kartek Micro Stub brakes, Fox 3.0 ext. bypass and 2.0 C.O. rears, 32 gals Fuel Cell, Howe radiator, Mendeola MD4S, Redline LSI 430 HP. Car is brand new, never run, heavy duty, lots of elbo room, for more pies go to www.PENHALLFAB.COM OR CALL Jerry (949) 650-3035, $69 550.00. FOR SALE: TSCO Motorsports' Class 10 Penhall. 2-seat Chassis w/ Major Honda w/Fortin 5-speed. King shocks, Ultra wheels, BFG Tires, PCI Radio & Intercom. This car has the best of everything and is race-prepped by Stewart's Raceworks. This is a steal at $50,000.00. Call Mark at 1-800-547 •2414. FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seat lQ. 12 car, 2275 cc, dual 44 Webers custom intake UMP, Mendeola, Fox Coil overs and triple bypass, Foddrill arms, Mastercraft, Howe, Diablo, oil cooler MSD dual coil & MSD system, Hella & K.C. 32 gallon fuel cell $23,500.00. Call Mike @ (909) 244.4757 or (909) 721.2960. Sell Your Car, Pre-Runner, Parts or Bits & Pieces Right Here... Dusty Times Has· The Off Road Readership You're Looking For. Only $25 for up to 45 words plus $5 with photo. Use Form on Page 50. RE-DUNE PERfoRMAIICE, UIC. LS1 & I-STAR PRE-RUN OR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AIVD AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONn (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX 4531 EISl!NHOWl!lt CIRCLE ANAHEIM, CA. •2107 Dusty Times December 2003 FOR SALE: Normal aspirated 3.6 litre Porsche Racing en-gine. Less than 350 pre•run miles after Andail rebuild. Twin spark plug, long stroke crank, big bore pistons. Two PMO carburetors with K&N filters, twin perma•tune elec• tronic boxes. Custom build headers. Ran on VP 110 only. Dyno at 317 bhp. Delivered. Call Cesar Fuentes (915) 726• 3823. FOR SALE: 2•roadmaster Race Radios, Model #1645, 50 watts rated, +/-65 watts ac• tual. Qriginally cost $1,300.00, both for $575.00. Call (310) 710.3292. BOOK FOR SALE: THE OFF ROAD RACER (1976). This is a mini: condition copy of the hard• back book "The Off Road Racer" (1976) written by Norman Johnson and Gordon Grimmis. It is a 271 page hardcover book that documents the beginning his• tory of how off road racing be• gan from 1968•1976. The articles are about the MEXICAN 1000, BAJA 500, BAJA 1000, MINT 400, RIVERSIDE RACEWAY, STARDUST 7•11 AND 0TH. ERS. It has articles about the beginning of NORRA, SCORE, SNORE, HDRA and WRA. There are many driver profiles including Mickey Thompson, Parne!Ii Jones, Rod Hall, Walker Evans, Ivan Stewart, Jim Conners, Rick Mears, Malcolm Smith and many others. There are may black and white photos of race vehicles, drivers and even old course maps. This book was printed in Decem• ber 1976 and is the first printing. IT IS IN MINT CONTITION. If you ever wanted to read about the history of how off road rac• ing began from 1968.1976, this is the book. Each copy is $43.00 each including shipping. I accept money orders, personal checks, and paypal. Payment address: LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAIL. ABLE! Mike Szabo 5416 Auckland Ave. North Holly-wood, Ca 91601 email: FOR SA(E: Off Road Race En-gine•605 CV in. C & C.Aiuminum block, Titanium rods. Billet Crank,, 825 HP, $45K invested, all receipts.., $22,500.00. Dwight Greene (858) 748-7167. SNOi<..TIN NORTINS T-SHIRTS BUSINESS FOR SALE: Includes 1991 35' Aerbus Motor home, 1 mobile printing shops, (one 26ft .• one 30 ft trailer, each with a gen• erator, 6 color printer, dryer and misc items needed to print on sire at events). Indoor screen printing shop equipment includes a 6 color printer, 4 color printer, large con-veyor dryer, exposure unit, inks, squeegies, screens(with rights to use designs), heat presses, 1000'.s of iron transfers for sand dunes, a 12 color embroidery machine and all misc. accessories. $75,000.00. Call Sande at (928) 669-8364 or{928} 669-2580 or e•mail at snortinnortins@ho.tmail .com. INDb..X TO AD\Jb..Q. Tl.:>b..f<..:> Best In The Desert ········-···················· 2 C&R Racing ....................................... 18 Coast Resorts ................................... 11 CODE Off Road ................................. 37 Fabtech ............................................. 24 FRT Motorsports .............................. 29 Fuel Safe .......................................... 32 ISCO .................................................. 41 Kartek ............................................... 20 Kawasuki Honda ................ ·-····· ...... 15 King Shock Tech ............................... 30 Kruger ······························-··············· 40 Light Force Engineering ................... Ji McKenzie .......................................... 22 Mojave Desert Racing ...................... 19 Nevada Off Road ······················-····· 41 OMF ............................... .. ... 38 Pacific Customs ............................. _ 16 Parker Pumper ·····················-··· .. ··-· 30 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ...... 40 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs-······ 28 PCI ........................................... ·-·-···5 Pike's Service Center ....................... 'll Race Ready··············-····-··--···-··· 14 Racer X ···························-· .. -··-·· 12 Rancho Performance ........................ 11 Redline Performance ........................ 51 Ronco Plastics ···················-············· 23 Sakata ................... : .......................... 33 SCORE Laughlin .................. Back Cover Shoemaker Productions ................... 26 Skyjacker Suspensions .................... 25 SNORE .................................................. 9 Snortin' Nortin T-Shirt Business Sale ··········-···-35 Sway-A-Way ······················-·-······-3/J TCR Automotive ............................... 51 Team Gordon .................................... 2l Transaxle Engineering ........... ·-···· ..... . Turnkey ............................ -···-Valley Performance .... ·-·-··-:38 Page51 •·.
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