volume 20 • Number 11 • November 2003 $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 serving The OFF Road community Por ao Ye~rs covering the world of -competition in the dirt •••
I ~ ~ #G:3i___faoo 'i1rn1~ I O) #4& j ~[j hl RACING ....... ASSOCIATION Separate courses 'P IC..~ S £ NT S for Carsil'rucks & Motorcycles/ Quads Three 65-mile loops for the -Motorcycle/Quad course. Three 75-mile loops for the Carl Truck course. Twenty minutes to Start/Finish from Suncoast " Hotel INTHE DECEMBER 5, 6, 7, 2003 SERT OFFii==;ERS "SHOWDOWN IN THE DESERT" HONDA RidersQu/J <:{ Anll!riaz Rental Service Both races run at the same time Race Is On Saturday 12-6-03 !R.ll!f.t, Fa-Hotel ~ons Coll The ·v~!~) 111§s, . • 81 COMPANIES · Gooo]lrEA• Official Tire ~aoo"mm~ RACING ASSOCIATION ~~ _ =-, · Las Vegas, Nevada At cam 677-7111 F&1,$#Jl.'!J!; ~Ci==l:ili:!) Official Truck ~ °" ™· ~ Please call for more information RAc1Na~WJJ;0c,Ar1~N BEST IN THE DESERT RACING Assoc1A:TION IH1UJHLU£YCIEr 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 • (702) 457-5775 • Fax (702) 641-2431 • www.bitd.com Page 2 November 2003 Dusty Times
Volume 20 -Number 11 November 2003 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controllet John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott • Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Manin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana· Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo· Art· Director. Larry Worsham Subscription Rates, $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTYTIMES welcomes contributions, but is not respo~ible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped ·envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750.1732) is published monthly by Hill• side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue., Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy· right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub- . lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 1311 and at additional·mailing offices: POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, '20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of .the Month ... Hunter Kennedy, son of John and Lisa, never lets an issue of Dusty Times get by without checking out all the articles and classified ads. He was only 21, months, that is when this picture was taken. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this.page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self• , addre5.5ed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Primm 300 lry Jud:, Smith ............................................................................ 8 53,d Neste Rally ·of Finland lry Martin Holmes ...................................................... 18 M.O.R.E. Kartek Barstow 250 b:, Ton:, Tellier ... ................................ ................... 22 VORRA Fallon 250 lry Bubba Ra:, Boudreaux ........................... : ........................... 30 -MDR Lucerne .300 lry Jwl:, Smith ........................................................................... 32 34'h Annual SNORE 250 lry John Calvin .............. : ............................................... 42 CORR Season Finale lry J. PTeston Bradshaw ........................................................ 46 Ojibwe Forests ProRally lry Jerry Winker ............................................................... 48 DEPARTMENTS. Happenings .......................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................................ 6 Soapbox lry Tiie Weatherman ........................................................... : ........................ 40 Good Stuff Directory ........................................................................................ 51 Classified Ads .................................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers .................................... , ..................................................... 59 on The cover Chuck Hovey took the coveted Class 1 win at the SCORE Primm 300, he ran trouble free, his Chevy power showing everyone else the way home. . Picture by Alan Madden -Track.side Photo Brian Ickier happily drove his Jimco to the SCORE Lite Class win at the SCPRE Primm 300, and Brian was 13th overall as well. Picture by Jim Ober -Track.side Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com c5uhscrL"6e 'Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □. 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -· $40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name __________________ _ · Address ----'------------'---City State ____________ Zip _____ _ Primary lntere~t Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian~ 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rate~ upon request Dusty Times November 2003 Page3
The Corky McMillin Companies Superstition Championships Series Preunts c:::J DECEMBER. 30131_2003 -JANUARY ·1_2004· .-PL AST.ER CITY WEST-- - -FOUR WHEELED/MO'.l'ORCYCLE CLASSES/sanctioned by FAT MOTORSPORTS STARTING POSITION DRAWING DECEMBER 20 ,11AM-2PM t.i. t• food, beverages, race car display, and door prizes Unique Metal Products 10728 Wheatland& Avenue Santee, California Qlltl.J, U\ICX..JE META L PROOUCTS c\;'\O~~~ o\Jfos'~0 ~ · TheCorky!\ •ts \N . -·- -... - -~ $500 Overall Winner I. I @.M#g:> $500 $1,000 Winner class 1/2 1600 .$500 Winner class 7 & claBB 9 each for 1st finishing Jimco framed cars in classes 1, 10 and 1/21600 FAT MotorSports Features: Professional Technical Inspections by Bill Hammack Professional Scoring & Timing by Bob Patterson & Robert Patterson Independent Competition Review Board· Class 1 Dean Hovey; Class 8 Jody Mason; Class 7 & 7s Rodd Fantelli; Class 9 Larry Kern; Class 1 /2 1600 Don E. Allen; Sportsman Dave Dietrich Contingency Sponsors: Major Motors $600, Chenowith Racing Products $500, Howe Performance Steering $400, Unique Metal Products $400, Fox Racing Shox $300, Jimco Racing Products $250, Race Ready Products $200, McKenzie's Performance Products $125. . ✓,,e;,~ \N\N\N.fudrace.coln Aadvanced Wireless. Inc. OTT ROAD WAR&H"OUS& -liii!) c::::J
2003 Happenings ... 1091 TwP. LINE Ra...o WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Cou-rse off Roa4 Racing At Harrison Counry Fair Grounds. Cadi~. OH CODE OFFR.oAD CODE Offroad USA P.O.Box 2328 CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 0l l-52-65-66-4458 AMERICAN RAu,y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 Saum POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA 0BSERYm ThlALs SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MA!ucuM • PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE --(714) 562-7742 E MAIL: bmark909@aol.com <www.atatTails.com> AsOCIACION EsTATAL DE AuroMOVILISMO SAM lAsEU., TECH INSPECTOR APro 42 SAN Josit DEL CABo BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AuSTRALIAN opp RoAD ~ CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com Aure>cRoss QUEBEC OPP RoAD CLASS IO CARS ONLY RENAW VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADt\ H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races. AU Races At Barona Racewa-y, Lakeside, CA BBM MAruu:rlNG PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EvENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BoULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/FAX (702) 641-2431 E-MAIL: bitd@worldnet.att.net December 57 7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 . Las Ve~as, NV BONNEVILLE OPP RoAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 257 5 NORTH SUNSET, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651/(801) 773-9319 Fax BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHlON, ONTARIO, CANADt\ KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cum AUTOMOVIUSTAJUARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST • EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 0ll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES SUE ROBINSON • DIRECTOR 845 SCHOOHOUSE ROAD RAMONA, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 E-MAIL: crsdirect@hotmail.com BRAD Bou, SoPAc RALLY STEWARD (702) 303-5628 E-MAIL: overexposureracing@hotmail.co1I1 ' Chris Bums (408) 394-4802 (Home) WEBSITE <www.califomiarallyseries.com> 2003 CRS RAuY CHAMPIONSmP *Count in WSRC fcrr 2003 November 15, 2003 Treeline Club Rally(*) Monrovia, CA Pete Morris December 12-14, 2003 Ramada Express Rally (2, 3, 1) Laughlin,NV Ray Hocker 2003 CRS RALLYSPRINT CHAMPIONSHIP November 14, 2003 Tarline Clubrally (1) Monrovia, CA Pete Morris rallyraff@earthlink.net Dusty Times CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560..SHOW CENTRAL SourH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAvEN, vr 05743 (802) 265-8618 CI.AIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR CuJB AuroMovrusncA SANQulNTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) CuJB AuroMoVIUSTico SAN VICENTE SAN VICBNTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (0ll 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN AcEVEOO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 . MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 Calexico, CA 92231-2328 USA Phone 760-455-8069 Mexico Phone/Fax 0ll-52686-553-4087 CODE Offroad Mexico Calle Bravo # 120B Zona Centro Mexicali, BC 21100 TeVFax 686-553-4087 www.codeoffroad.com.mix mail@codeoffroad.com.mix December 12-14, 2003 CODE/Record Race Ready 200 Mexicali to San Felipe B.C.,MX CoLORADO lirn, CuMB Ass0CIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORR CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING 192 N. STATE Ra...o, SuITE 267 AYON, IN 46123 (311) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 Septembr 13-14, 2003 Pro Series On!J New Berlin, NY CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAx (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race tTack, INTRODUCING_ 110 watts of Power 1160 ~hannel Alphanumeric I waler Reslslanl I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven "_I was in Ensenada, and my crew in San Quintin could hear me 150 miles away! I need these in ALL of my hucksl" ----=' L~Jflw ~Jr=L 11.JE:DE:~ PROTRUCK WINNER, 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 -The best communication we've In over 15 years of off road racing!" -lilttt::NB,JB,....-a~ &C-T TIii•-,=-e:,-~•....:~ TC7..:P~>"I Remele Head optton avalll!!ble. Call ror details. 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry Ave._• Signal Hill, CA 90755 November 2003 Pages •
Trail Note3 ... S CCA RALLY NEWS -The Sports Car Club Of America announced on September 25th that Performance Rally Department Director, Kurt Spitzner will be leaving the organization at the conclusion of the 2003 SCCA ProRally Championship season. Spitzner managed the creation of, and has headed the department since April, 2001, when he was promoted from his position of Rally/Solo Department Marketin·g and Media Manager. Spitzner will continue his duties through the Lake Superior Rally in Michigan, October 17-18. His replacement will be named during the off-season. S.CCA Performance Rally Department Manager Sue Robinson will assume interim responsibilities. CALIFORNIA AssocIATION OF 4 WHEEL DRIVE CLUBS -Four wheel· drive enthusiasts and their families will be in Reno, Nevada for the associations 2004 annual convention at the Reno Hilton Hotel, Friday, February 13 through Sunday, February 15, 2004. The convention will feature arts and crafts as well as a huge four wheel drive vehicle show. ' Cost to attend the 2004 Convention is $40, which includes the _Saturday night Awards Dinner,.Friday night entertainment and entrance·to the trade show. Special room rates are available at the Hilton, $7_9 per•night. Call the Hotel at 1-800-648-5080 and tell them you will be part of the four wheel drive expo and trade show. SCORE TROPHY TRUCK RAcE WINNERS -Racing their 7 50+ horsepower Trophy Trucks it is interesting to see who has won and how many times they have won. The all time race winners are the brothers Herbst, Ed and Tim. They have won 11 Trophy Truck races in their Smith Built Ford F-150. They won a race in 1997, 1998, three races in 1999, two races in 2000, one in 2001 and 2002 and they have wori two races in 2003. Nine race winners are Dan Smith/David Ashley. They drove their Ford F-150 to two wins in -f998, one win in 2000, three wins in 2001 and 2002. Also a 9 race winner was Ivan Stewart. He drove his Toyota SR5 to three wins in 1994, two wins in 1995, one in 1997, two in 1998 and one in 1999. There is only one 7 ra·ce winner, Larry Ragland and he drove his Chevy to·victory twice in 1995 and once in 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2002. Four time race winners are four in number. Robby Gordon wheeled his Ford F-150 to four wins in 1996. Curt LeDuc drove his Jeep Grand Cherokee a win in 1995 and three wins in 1997. Rob MacCachren drove his Ford F-150 to victory once in 1994, twice in 1996 and once in 2003. Paul and Dave Simon had two wins in 1994 and in 1995 in their Ford F-150. · Mark Post and Jerry Whelchel had three wins in their Ford F-150, one each in 2000, 2002 and 2003. Mark Miller had a win in 2002 with Larry Ragland, and one in 2003 wit_h Ryan Arciero, both in a Chevy Silverado. One time winners were Ryan Ardero, Chevy, 2003, Brian Coats, Chevy, 1997, Brian Collins, Chevy, 2001, Gus Vildosola, · Ford, 2003, Juan Ibarra, Chevy, 1998, Larry Roeseler, Chevy, 1999 and Jim Smith, Ford, 1994. . SCORE Trophy Truck Season Champions are: 1994 -Rob MacCachren, 1995 -Ivan Stewart, 1996 -Robby Gordon, 1997 -Curt LeDuc, 1998 -Dave Ashley/Dan Smith, 1999 -Ed/Tim Herbst, 2000 -Ed/Tim Hetbst, 2001 -Dave Ashley/Dan Smi.th, 2002 -Ed/Tim Herbst. . Lots of miles, lots of sweat and tears but mostly lots of the green stuff. PARIS/DAKAR -If you've got a few bucks and would like go on thr Paris/Dakar Rally, they'll get you a race car, pit support, a dedicated mechanic, pay all the fees, you just bring your driving suit and helmet and the race car is yours at rally's-end -only $150,000! For a smaller pocketbook, seats are available in support vehicles and press cars for a mere $12,000! So far, the only American entry is Mark Miller. The USA is represent.ed by three KTM riders and their all American support crew. We wish a lot of luck to Paul Krause, Larry Roeseler and Casey McCoy. Their team manager is Scot Harden. If you have an interest in going on the Paris/Dakar, call Darren Skilton at 562-682-2226 or dskilton@bajaautomotive SCHEDULES NEEDED -My how the time slips away. Please, all promoters of races, shows, rallies, etc., send your schedule for 2004 to Dusty Times as soon as possible for inclusion in our January centerfold calendar and.the Happenings section. Don't delay!!!!!!!!!!! · 0 FF ROAD BUSINESS AssocIATION -ORBA, an association comprised of off-highway vehicle businesses throughout the United States, filed a formal complaint and request for investigation with the Department of Interior's Western Region Inspector General's office in Sacramento, CA to determine whether employees at the Carson City, NV BLM office engaged in misconduct arising out of their recommendation that 1,000 acres of the Sand Mountain Recreation Area be closed to protect the Sand Mountain Blue Butterfly. According to Roy Denner, CEO of ORBA, four employees allegedly joined teams of anti-Page& Bellingham, WA or Thurston Councy ORV Park, Olzm~ia, WA) DAKARR.AilY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITT 208 l.oNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DF.c.ATUR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN · (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoroRSPORTS 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 E'.MrmNOFF-RoADRACING~. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WEUSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 E'Nmw>A B,vA OFF ROAD RAClNG Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 ELISIO 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races fc,r bums & Motorszcks Esn:ao BEACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT CoURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXIOO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA Fr.oRJDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S AssN. )ASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, A.e!i Maz1 Noo at Davidson Racewaz FRT MOTORSPORTS 250 KENNEDY, #2 CHULA VISTA, CA 91911 (619) 427-5759 E-MAIL: FUD9@cox.net Bikes & Quads November 1, 2003 Sweethearts Kiss November 2, 2003 Notorious Dawg Dece~ber 7, 2003 Rucolph's Reveng~ December 31, 2003 The Dash Buggies & Trucks December 30-31, 2003 The Dash Plaster Ci~ West GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREA.T PuNEs ON' ROAD RACING AssOCIAT/ON PAUL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 AU races are short course, stadium scyle. Classes • Sportsman Buggy, 1/2/ 5-1600, Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska Racewa1 Park is just minutes west of Omaha, NE. <www .&22rra.com> lOK FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CiEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 Sr. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 -INn:R-SHows MoroRSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc •. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 91690 (949) 582-2371 }EliPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL JEEP CHEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 · <www.Jeepspeed.com> E-MAIL: Jee~~edcom@aol.com November 2003 i K.AMJ.Oops BRONCO BusTERS <6i5> 453-5830 _WmsPERING PINEs SPORTS & CLASS REP: - 1/2-1600 REcltEATION CENTER BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 P.O. Box 465 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 MICHAEL MOORE DALE NYESTE (250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. (334) 271-7035 Crai~ B}!rs (250) 376-8466 OUTLAW REP. DoNPONDER LAs VEGAS SANDSPORTS & (314) 631-8199 OFPRoADEXPo (All Races at Wheeli!!& in the Counr., 900 Acres) (626) 961-3782 OFF-RoAD SAND & SPEED EXPo <www.prerunners.com> November 22-23, 2003 <www.me~ashow.com> Outdoor Sports WorldOntario L.I.T.R.E. Convention & Expo Center )EFFELROD May 14-16, 2004 (408) 926-0522 Orange County Fairgrounds FOR BOOTH INFORMATION CALL: )IMARUTA (714) 241-9055/FAX (714) 241-0821 (408) 247-4402 MAMA!uurA OFF ROAD RACING Omo OPP RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROAD S.E. LUIS CARI.OS ALVAREZO NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 PANAMERICANA Ave #5105 )IM KENDEL Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX (216) 339-4674 · 011-52-1637-1799 AU races held at Harrison MlcmGAN Buooy BunDERS Counr., FaiT~ound.s. Cadiz. Ohio DuNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW ONTARIO OPP ROAD (517) 543-7214 RACERS ASSOCIATION <www.buggybuilders.com> RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS MicmGAN OPP RoAD (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) CHAMPIONSIHPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. OUTLA w SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN 15529 )ONES ROAD ST. Louis, MO 63123 GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 Motorcycks, Quads1 ATVs and Pilots onlz PACE MoroR SPORTS MAORA U.S. ON' ROAD CliAMPrONSHIP Mm-AMERICA 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 0PF ROAD AssocIATION (630) 566-6100 P.O. Box 184 <www.usoff-road.com>· MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 PncEs.PEAK E-MAIL: maora@peako.com P.O. Box 6962 <www.maoraracinfcom> · CoLORAOO SPRINGS, CO 80934 MOJAVE DESERT RACING (719) 685-4400 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 OPP ROAD RACING (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 FAX CHATSWORTH, NJ E-MAIL: mdrracing@aol.com (856) 875-7591 November 22, 2003 Trucks-Buggjes-Ouads Stoddard 250 November 1-2, 2003 Barstow, CA Southwich, MA -M.O.R.E. Monster Truck Show HIGH DESERT CH,uu,10NSHIP . PRoTRuCK RACING SERIES P.O. Box 1231 9409 ABRAHAM WAY BARSTOW, CA92311-1131 SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (760) 253-4453 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 December 6, 2003 !;'RO Luceme,CA November 20-23, 2003 MSBA ~aja 1000 MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION ·SCORE December 5-7, 2003 DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR .. Las Vegas 200 BITD FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 PuRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES P.O. Box 50 BILL MARKHAM RICKETTS, 1A 51460 (909) 860-1857 (712) 679-2221 <www.ITStrials.com> SAN DIEGO SHORT CoURSE AU events at Perris Racewa1 WINTERNATIONALS (At Rud Valley with a school) A New Series b:, Snowbird Off Road Racing NATIONAL Mun RAcING AssN. Pro Trnclcs, Desert Trnclcs, Buggies, Rr. #l -Box 380 Pilots, Tough Truck DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN <www.snowbirdracing.com> PALATKA, FL 32177 (858) 571-5088 . (904) 325-5422 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOsmoN NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. (888) 836 7918 BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION ()p 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET AMmlCA HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 P.O. Box 1406 (612) 437-2459 RIVERTON, UT 84065 NOORA (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 SCCA E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com PRoRAu.v SERIES <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads P.O. Box 19400 (Spring Valley Racewa1, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) TOPEKA, KS 66619 (800) 770-2055 (Thunder Valley located 15 minutes from S12rin~ Valier) SFX MoTORSPORTS GROUP NORTHERN Omo OPP RoAD 495 N. COMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 RACING AssN. AURORA, IL 60504 GARY WULFF (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX (714) 28J:2678 SCORE OPP ROAD EXPO 2003 SCORE INTERNATIONAL (626) 599-8622 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SuITE A CALA.BASAS, CA 91302 OFF RoAD RAClNG AssoaAnON (818) 225:8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 V OLUNTIIBRED SERIES November 13-16, 2003 PRESIDENT· GEOFF LEE Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 1243 TRICE ROAD B.C. MX LEBANON, TN 37087 Dusty Tlm,s.
SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENnruSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 I.As VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 November-22-23, 2003 Western Desert Championship Barstow, CA SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERs RAcEDMSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522--1899 SODA SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD DRivl!RS AssOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, Wl 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN ()pp RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272--5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 96Ui522 SoUTIIERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. 43807 40TH STREET EAsT LANCASTER, CA 93535 (MoN-FRl 8:30 A.M. ro 1:00 P.M.) . (661) 946-6986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <http://scta-bni.org> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WooTLARK DRIVE The best 4-speed io the desert just got better! TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Ea.nbaz Racewaz, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 PARKLANDS, 2121 Sourn AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 Tovs FoR TOTs (619) 252--1197 /(619) 252--3093 UNADILLA V AlllY SroRTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillamx.com> VORRA V AlllY OFP ROAD RACING AssN. 920 HILLCREST ST. PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 (530) 622--0370 <www.VORRAcom> November lS-16, 2003 Awards Banquet Reno NV VDNIEGI.Jeum¥:>OH' R£W>Cum PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 011-52--616-6-21-91 (2--6 P.M.) WESTERN OFP ROAD RACNG~TKN LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS-WA 98295 WlSTERN PfNNm..vANIA W1:1m. To W1:1m. 0FP RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 MEND~OLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. Dusty Times WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 Desert Tour Buggy & Truck Series December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Challenge Bike & ATV December 5, 2003 Point To Point R~ky Point, MX Desert Mini & Peewee Tour December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX COP Moto X Holiday Blowout November 3, 2003 Canyon November 10, 2003 Canyon Novemberl7,2003 Canyon Fast Track Racin{lSand Dra{ls November 16-17, 2003 Canyon Raceway December 14-15, 2003 Canyon Raceway PUDII MotorsportsParkMotoX November 9-10, 2003 PMPPark November 23-24, 2003 PMPPark December 14-15, 2003 PMPPark WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD hsnvAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRID RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Continued on page 57 November 2003 access groups, participated in private meetings and excluded off-highway vehicle and business groups during recent workshops, field surveys and planning meetings in an attempt to close about 20% of the SMRA, about 25 miles east of Fallon, NV. Of interest is that this particular species of butterfly is not listed as threatened ot endanger-ed, but simply listed as sensitive. Denner said, "Regulations prohibit BLM· officials from brazenly taking sides in this dispute and we are hopeful that the Department of Interior's Inspector General will take appropriate action." S_tay tuned! SCORE DESERT SERIES ToP 10 -With only the Baja 1000 left on the schedule the many of the class points races and the overall points race are in a do or die situation. The top 10 in points • are as follow. 1. Dale Ebberts/Ernie Castro Jr. Class 1, 360 points. 2. Eric Allen/ Adam Pfankuch, Class ½-1600, 359 points. 3. Brian Ickier, SCORE Lite, 337 points. 4 . Mark/Gary Weyhrich, Class 1, 332 points. 5. Troy Herbst/Larry Roeseler, Class 1, 326 points. 6. Steve Myers/George Erl, Class 10, 319 points. 7. James Golden/Charlie Williams, Class ½-1600, 310 points. 8. Tim/Ed Herbst, Trophy Truck, 303 points. 9. Ron Brant/Richard Boyle, Class 1, 303 points. 10. Vic Bruckmann/ Kash Vessels, SCORE Lite, 298 points. MEMORIES -On the eve of the 34th SNORE·2so, we go back in time to the first running of the race, ~he first SNORE 250 which was run on September 26, 1970 and 152 brave entrants drove their buggies, trucks and motorcycles across the Nevada desert, into California and back into Nevada. Here are the classes and some of the winners that year, including their winnings. Class A -U250 MC -winners -Casey Folks/Tom Scales $315.00 Second -Carl Cranke/Claus Nieison $105.00 Class B -0250 MC -winners -Rick Clarkson/Peter Buck $315.00. Second -Steve Kirk/Tim Smith $105.00 Class C -4WD -winners Dwight Milner Jr./Ron Duval -$750.00 Second -Chuck Coye/George McClUTe $300.00. Third -Sandy Cone/ John Uldelfldt $150.00 Class D -Production Fritz Kroyer/Bill Harkey $1485.00 Second -Paul Cook $660.00 Third - Roy Allan/Bill De Witt $330.00 Fourth -Bob Burris $165.00 Class E -winner• Jodie Russell Jr./Robert Soukesian $260.00Second -John Harley/Larry Anderson $100.00 Class F Non Production 2WD -winner Don Guth/Bill Harkey $1245.00 Second -Gene Hirst/Scott McKenzie $555.00 Third -Andy De Ver-celly/John Steen $280.00 Fourth - Rex Riggs/Roger Pfister $140.00 As we recall, the entry fee was a whopping $100 for the 4 wheel entrants. SNORE also offered insurance, for four wheel entrants only. $5000. death/Disability, $3000 medical. Cost, $5.50 per person. See what a few years (33) can do! FINAL FLAG -We were sorry to hear of the passing of Joe . Granatelli, older brother of An_dy and Vince .on September 13, 2003. Joe was 84 years old. Joe was the chief mechanic on the Novi that Andy entered in the Indy 500. In 1966 Andy designed the radical turbine powered car, which was built by Joe and Vince in their Paxton Products shop. Joe set a record at Bonneville of 198.9 mph in a Studebaker Avanti. Our deepest sympathy to Joe's wife, Audrey, son JR and daughter Andrea as well as his brothers Andy and Vince. OUR ours IN NASCAR -Just.keeping everybody up to date, our guys in the NASCAR conflict are having a great year. Jimmy Johnson is 5th in Winston Cup points, he has 3 wins, 8 tpp S's and 14 top l0's. He has won $4,684,180 this season. Robby Gordon is 12th in Winston Cup points. He has 2 wins, 4 top S's and 10 top 10 finishes. He has won $3,242,900 this season. Brendan Gaughan leads the points in the Craftsman Truck Series, he has 6 wins to his credit, 14 top S's and 18 t-op lO's. Brendan has won $591,735 in 2003 including a $10,000 bonus for winning from the pole at the Las Vegas speedway. Keep goin' guys. May your respective careers be safe, long and financially successful. AUTOMOTIVE HALL OF FAME -The ex chief of STP, Andy Granatelli, was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame on October 7, 2003. Andy was well renowned as a race car owner and an innovative designer of so-calle.d futuristic car designs. Andy ran the famous Turbine Powered car at Indy in 1967. The car was powered by an ST 6 turbine, it was four wheel drive and it went like the wind. Parnelli Jones drove the car, qualified sixth and when the green flag dropped Parnelli was leading the race by turn three. They only ran 16 laps before the ·rains came and the race was stopped. Parnelli had a seven second lead on Dan·Gurney at the time. Next day Parnelli rewrote the record book throughout the race. On the 197th lap, with a 52 second lead, t~e outer race of a six dollar bearing failed, tore up the gears and the race was over for GraD-atelli and his driver, Parnelli. The wheels at lndy·immediately changed the rules and the turbine car was relegated to the garage. But, Andy showed them all and it's about time this man was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame. mori TRAIL NOTES on page 57 Page7
SCORE PRIMM 300 Herbst Trophy · Truck overalls B-y Jud-y Smith Plwtos: Trackside Photo Brothers Tim and Ed Herbst had a flawless day in their Ford F-150 Trophy Truck and took the overall victory by about nine minutes at SCORE?s Primm 300 in September. Primm, NV: . The Herbst brothers, Tim and Ed, took the · overall honors with their Ford Trophy Truck at SCORE' s double-barreled Primm 300 in September, b·ut there were some stellar performances in other classes also. As it had been last year, this year's event was broken into two separate races. The smaller, lighter vehicles, consisting of Classes 10, SCORE Lite, 1/2-1600, 5, 5-1.600, 9, 3, 11 and Sportsman were started just as soon as it was daylight, or roughly 6: 10 a.in. They ran three to five laps depending on the class, and they had an eight hour time limit. Then the second event started at 1 :00 p._m., including Trophy Trucks, Class.1, Class 8, Protrucks, Class 7, 7S, 7SX, Stock Full and Stock Mini. They had a seven hour time· limit and ran three, four or five laps. die-lead in his Henry Chassis, about two and a half minutes up on second place. That was Brandon Aymar in a Honda powered Elite. Aymar had been the first starter and had taken good advantage of his dust-free lap. Eli Yee, who hadn't pre-run the morning before, was · third in his Honda Jimco, sporting a good looking new paint job. In fourth it was Dennis Hunter ten seconds behind Yee, 'and Scott Martenson ran fifth in his Tatum. The second lap thinned the ranks somewhat. Yee fell out when his motor went away,. and Halopoff disappeared for unknown reasons. Also gone was Mike Sandoval in a Honda-Meco who'd looked good on the first lap, and Jimmy Slaughter, in a HondaJimco. George Erl, in Steve Myers' ToyotaJimco, emerged as the leader on La:p 2. He had a minute and ten seconds on Rob MacCachren in Bill Witt's Honda-Jimco. MacCachren had finished his first lap with a. front flat, then had proceeded to record the fast lap for the group, a blistering 1:02:21. Rdn and Travis Brookshire ran fourth in their Honda-Jimco, and in fifth it was Eric FISher was the only aass 9 finisher in his Garibay Challenger and went home to Baja with another win under his belt. · • Will Higman in a VW Kreger. slowed him down by about three Martin Christensen had flattened minutes, but he'd had a good a tire on his BMW Jimco and got it cushion going into the lap and held wrapped around the trailing arm, onto his lead to take-the win. The so he wasn't as close to the front as Brookshire car didn't get the last expected and Scott Martenson lost lap completed. The Hutchins team about six minutes and dropped moved up to take ·second place bacl< a few places. thanks to C.J. being faster than On the third lap the Brookshires . anyone else in the class for the last moved to the front, with a minute two laps. In third it was Hunter, and a half on Myers who'd taken who owned up to a total of four over for Erl. !rt third it was Hunter,· flat tires. Anderson was fourth, followed by Jim Anderson and Guy another minute and a half later, Evans in a VW Dunrite. followed in by Ron Dalke in a MacCachren and Witt had Tatum, who'd-finished his first lap dropped to fifth place. Mike Voyles on just three tires, then had some and Craig Forrest had had many computer trouble late in the race. flats and then a major problem Martin Christensen and Dave with a broken exhaust on their Mason were sixth reporting a Toyota Chenowth, and then second flat in the second halfof the dropped out, and Jason Hunter, in race, and Brandon and Jeremy a Honda Dunrite, had rolled his Aymar finished seventh. This was car and put an end to his race. Brandon's third race, Jeremy's first. Myers was back in the lead at the Higman was eighth and Witt and. end of the fourth lap, with nearly MacCachren were ninth, and the seven minutes on Brookshire who last car to finish. John Vance was now sec~nd. Anderson was up apparently rolled on the last lap and to third. Hunter was fourth and co,uldn't get going again. Mark Hutchins had put his son C.J. Also in the first group to race into the car, and now they were fifth. were the SCORE Lite cars, with 13 Hutchins had been straggling a bit entries. Brian Burgess and his after losing his belts on the first lap. Chenowth got only 12 miles into Myers lost his shifter on the last the race and was reported out, but lap and was stuck in third gear which the rest of them got that first lap The course was a 63 mile long loop through southern Nevada's"' worst, including some of the notorious silt beds along the dry lakes near the 15 Freeway. Given perfect conditipns it was a quick course, but the dust changed everything. Drivers couldn't see well enough to pass, or to find a turn, or to miss the rocks. The course became more chewed up with each successive lap and the silt became deep enough to bury an unwary or Marl< Handley put his Ford into the Stock FuH lead early in the day and stayed there, to· ·Chuck Hovey ?took it easy? not wanting to have flats on his Jimco. He went into the lead injured vehicle. As each lap returned go home with his first victory. on lap four and stayed to the finish, winning Class 1 by eight minutes. to the neighborhood of the Buffalo Bill's parking lot the racers were funneled into a brief short-course segment that included four hair pin turns, a couple of jumps and then a long straight leading into.the main pits. All that was directly in front of the grandstand seats erected in the far comer of the parking lot, where spectators could sit to get a long view of the course as well as the fun in the infield. . In the early morning group Class 10 was the fastest class and they were first off the line with 21 entries. Surprisingly, Bill Hemquist, in Rick Ellison's car, was a no-show ar the end of the lap, and so was Vic Bruckmann, driving Eddy Gonzalez's car. But all the rest came Brian Ickier got lost on his first lap, but recovered and had no further trouble, bringing his It was a long, hard battle, but at the end of the close race Steve Myers and George Erl around with Kory Halopoff taking Jimco to the finish in first place in the SCORE Ute class. _ha_d_the_Cl_ass __ 1_0_wi_n_,_'n_thei_·r_7i.~oyo,__ta_Ji_mco_ . _____________ _ Pages November 2003 Dusty Times '
· Steve Landis didn't manage to finish the second lap, and Shermack lost almost an hour and then didn't finish any more laps. But Lakin and Cunningham moved into the lead, with about three minutes on Reynoso and Jimenez. Lake moved up to third and Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera ran fourth, but Gutierrez and Herrera lost about 13 minutes and dropped to fifth. Lake finished that second lap looking just fine, but the car died as he pulled away from the start/finish Alan Pflueger lost a brake Hne eaJ1y on his Chevy Protruck, and then came from behind Tim Price and Darren Stoll shared the driving in their 1600cc-powered Lothringer · check. The flag team quickly pushed him into the infield where he began to try to solve his problem. Eventually he got going again, but it took ~im over three hours to get around the third lap and by then he was out of time to try another. to take the lead and the victo,y. Sportsman Buggy. and went home with the Ktil. completed. Brian Ickler had his Jimco out in front even after being lost on the dry lake for a few minutes. He had 20 seconds of Jake Batulis in a Prep by Jake chassis. In third it was.Jerry Penhall in a Penhall, and Blaise Jackson and Morley Williams were fourth in a Meco, followed by toby Gaerin in a Jimco. Gaerin was only two minutes and 21 seconds behind Ickler, so it was very tight. Everybody made it through the second lap and Ickler held onto his lead after recording the fast lap for -the class at 1:06:45. Now he had a little over four minu.tes on Penhall who'd moved up to second. Kenny Stroud was third now in his Jimco, and Gaerin was up to fourth while Jackson and Williams fell to fifth. Batulis lost a belt and his spares had been mounted too near the oil breather, so they were slimy, and, one at a time, popped right off / again. He lost about 33 minutes . Dusty Times before he got a fresh, clean belt at a pit. That one stayed on. On the third lap Kei h Basso disappeared and so did Kenny Stroud. Ickler continued to hold his lead: holding a very steady pace, and Penhall stayed firm in second. In third it was Keith Vessels in Vic Bruckmann's car. Vessels had flattened a tire on the first lap, and then had t'o repair his jack before he could put a new tire on. He'd lost about eight minutes. Jackson and Williams were back up to fourth, and Jeff Moore, in his M&T chassis, was now fifth. Ickler stayed in front, but Bruckmann, now in his own car, was pushing hard, running nearly identical lap times. Still, he had that eight minute deficit to make up. Penhall, and co-driver, LJ. Kennedy, were now third, Jackson and Williams fourth and Tom Ridings had moved his Mirage up .to fifth. On the last lap both the Moore car and the PenhalVKenn!dy car faded away. Ickler had no problems at all, and ran strong to the finish. He took the win, beating all the cars that started in the & a.m. group and placing 13th in the overall standings at the end of the day. Bruckmann and Vessels lost any chance of catching him when Brockmann had a flat, got out and fixed it and then found his battery was dead. He had to wait for someone to help him get started again and lost about 13 minutes. They were still second at the finish. Ridings moved up to third with a good last lap, and Jackson and Williams were fourth. Rick St. John and Dean Bayerle, in a Kernco chassis, finished in fifth place in spite of a long last lap. Batulis and co-driver Brandon Piorek recovered from their slippery belt fiasco to get a nice sixth, a good finish for the first race in a new car. An lntinfa_te Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's Mark Kyle and Larry Nash brought their Mirage to the finish in seventh place, looking battered on all corners. They apparently went over. somewhere along the line. No one else finished. The early morning group included the 5-1600s, with nine starters. This group had to run only four laps. They did all get the first lap done, but Laine Knecht spent three hours and 48 minutes doing it. He'd broken a spring plate and repairs were time consuming. But at the front of the pack there was a very tight race. Ruben Gutierrez and Victor Herrera had the fast lap for the class, at 1:27:25, but Jason Lakin and Todd Cunningham were only two seconds behind them, and they had Brent Shermack just 17 seconds behind them in third. Fourth place belonged to Mario Reynoso and Roberto Jimenez, Jr., while Tom Lake was in fifth. Reynoso and Jimenez moved into · the lead on the third lap, with Nunez and Rivera in second, only thre.e minutes behind them. Gutierrez and Herrera were third, but their right rear suspension was collapsed as they worked their way around the infield, obviously heading for their pit. Lakin and Cunningham were fourth and Moore ran fifth. There were no others running. Reynoso and Jimenez continued to have a clean run, ticking off very even lap times and took the win by eight and a half minutes. Rivera and Nunez had a flat .and a broken throttle cable, but still managed to get second place. Lakin and Cunningham were third, having lost a half hour on their third lap. And in fourth it was Moore, followed by Gutierrez and Herrera, suspension now repaired, fifth and the l.ast to Continued on page 10 ~.....-~ ... ..,._..__o ~ -AskAboutOurSpecial Headliner Show and Room Packages @~tr Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbarycoastcasino.com The Place Las Vegans Call Home"' West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 goldcoastcasino.com November 2003 West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 orleanscasino.com Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages - ~ ~[I](1fDrnTI 1'i,~· . Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 suncoastcasino.com Page9
-Jim Anderson and Guy Evans drove their VW powered Dunrite to fifth Vic Bruckmann and Kash Vessels had a broken jack and a dead batte,y Ga,y Dircks drove his Ford F-150 Trophy Truck to second in class and place in the ve,y competitive Class 10 race. and still took second place in the SCORE Ute class in their Jimco. fourth overall, in Spit(> of some early overheating problems: finish. had been one too many for David out on the fourth lap. But Hawley Heger and Larry McCallum had the Flores ran about seven minutes Thel/2-1600swerepartofthis Hendrickson who'd broken one stillsatinthelead.Nowhehadten lead, as Seeley's co-driver, Rick behind him. ON the second lap group also, and they had 19 starters. . shock tower on Lap 1, fixed it, then minutes on Whipple and Anderson. Crump had a costly flat on Lap 2. Solorzano and his co-driver, Charles Sutton had the honor to broke the other on Lap 2. Since They were a minute and one second Heger and/ or McCallum had the Roman 'Peyreyra built their .lead be the first rac~r to dnf the race they'd used up four hours on Lap ahead of Steele, and Allen and class fast time at 1:11:24 on Lap 2, considerably and the Flores team when he rolled his Bunderson in the 1, they'd run out of time. He had a Pfankuch were fourth. Bryan and continued-to lead through the had some trouble and lost about infieldrightafterthestart.Henever young McMillin,. Daniel, Mark's Freemanmovedupto'fifthin.his thirdlap;butthentheydisappeared. ten minutes. So-lorzano and got any further nor did Travis son, who is racing in this class now Fraley, and Steve Roberts was sixth, Seeley took over in his car on the. Peyreyra went on with no problems, Fletcher who disappeared somewhat in the FRT series, riding with him. 21 minutes heh.ind the lead car. third lap, had no trouble Oil his finding the course very "technical further into the first lap. But the Danny said he "learned a lot", ~nd On the.fifth lap John Manring, section, and went on to take the and rough", to take the victory. The rest of the class made the lap, with ~e're guessing he learned as much in a Raceco and Brent Parkhouse victory, his sixth at Primm. Flores ·team also finished, about a Aaron Hawley first on corrected about front-end repairs as he did in a Mirage both had problems and Class 9 had only two entries. half hour back, to take second place. time in his Bunderson. He had about drivi.ng. Chuck Collins also came to an early end. And Hawley Eric Fisher started the morning with The Sport&man class was also a nearly three minutes on Cameron . broke on the second lap, his had problems also. His tranny the fast lap in his Garibay three lap group, and there were just Steele in a Prep by Jake car, and he Chenowthgivinguptheghostabout mounts broke and he lost time challenger, at 1:31:09. They were , two entries. On the first lap Arthur was just 21 seconds in front of Paul 63 miles around. looking for a pit that had a welder required to run four laps. Fisher Basile had the fast lap with a time Keller in a Mirage. In fourth it was Hawley was still leading on the to make the repairs. So after apparently found the going rougher of 1:34:49, and he was about three Bobby Altamirano in his Jimco and third lap, and he'd recorded the fast building a lead of ten minutes as the course got chewed up, because and a half minutes in front; of Tim Cortney Whipple and Danny lap for the class at 1: 14:43. He was Hawley became a casualty and lost , his times slowed a bit, but he stayed Price in his 1600cc powered Anderson were ten seconds behind so far in front of the pack he had a a half hour. Whipple and in front all the way. Behind him Lothringer. him in their Fraley. Steve Roberts nice dust free window. Steele ran Anderson, who'd been steady as a Arturo and Abel Velazco lost On the second lap Price moved and Rick Boyer were sixth in a second, nine minutes behind him, rock, moved up and took the win. almost an hour on the third lap, over and put Darren Stoll into the Lothringer. Less than three minutes and Whipple and Anderson were Steele was second less than three and then neve.r got the fourth lap driver's seat, and they went into the separated the first six cars. third, just eight seconds later: In minutes later, followed-in by completed. So Fisher has another lead as Basile's car sounded unwell. At the end of the second lap fourth it was Garit Wallace in a Freeman, then Allen and Pfankuch, victory to add to a stellar record. It may have been the victim of Hawley, who'd started 18th, was the Leighton, also enjoying a mostly and in fifth, Steve Roberts. Hawley- In Class 3 there was only one plugged up air filters. Price and Stoll · first 1600 on the road. He'd moved dust free lap. Allen and Pfankuch rallied for a sixth place. Brian Jeffrey entry, the big Jeep Cherokee of had no problems but felt the course into the lead and now had about were fifth, and they were having was seventh, James Golden was Randy Sorenson and Scott deteriorated "badly" between the five and a half minutes on Keller; In some spark plug or wire problems, eighth in his Chenowth, Bobby Mitchell, who completed ·the second and third laps. They went third it \vas the team of Eric Allen stopping several times to replace one Altamirano was ninth, and Sammy required three laps in six hours 32 on to take the win. Basile ran out of and Adam Pfankuch, in a Jimco. thing or another. In sixth it was Ehrenberg finished tenth in his minutes and seven seconds, to go gas and never made it in. The irony Whipple and Anderson were now Jeffrey. Keller didn't make it. Jimco. into the record books as winners. was that the day before, while buying fourth and Brian Jeffrey had moved · The fourth lap saw the end of The Class 5 cars ran in the The Class 11 cars were also fuel, Basile had found himself with his Dunrite up to fifth, followed by Wallace, and Alejandro and morning group also, with only two ,required to run only three laps, and a couple more gallons than he could Altamirano in sixth. The second lap Leonardo Navarrete also bombed entries. They had a five lap race. Joe in this group Eric Solorzano started carry. So he'd given the extra to the morning with the fast lap at Price and his crew to use in their 1:48:41. Fernando and Mario car.Theywere,tosaytheleast,very e COfflR) source tar dC,, • Driving Suits • Crew Uniforms • Crew Shirts • Polo Shirts • Team Jackets • Hats • GearBags NOW FEATURING: In-House. Embroidery Driver Names • Team Logos • Sponsor Logos 1.B00.700.2350 • Fax 909. &0.0436 3834 Wacker Drive ! Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 10 November 2003 Mario Reynoso and Roberto Jiminez Jr. ~ro teamed in their 5-1600, and they had no problems, although an oil light v.omed them a bit. They took the win. Hector-Salazar came up from Ensenada to race his Ford in Gass 7 and went back home with the.win, repotting only one fl;lt tiro. Dusty Times r
Emie Castro, Jr. and Dale Ebberts had their Toyota pa.vered Jimco running Bryan Freeman and Bruce Fraley teamed in their Fraley to take third Bob Graham and Mike Homer brought their Toyota out to race in Class 7S well, and went home with second place after a ?conservative? drive. place in the 1600 class, and orJy six minutes out of first place. and led from the start but couldn?t get their final lap completed. appreciative. belonged to Dan Smith in a Ford, On the second lap Ragland else had dropped out. old 37 inchers, the total weight is The morning group was still who had five seconds on Larry recorded the fast lap time at 57:14, The Herbst truck, with Tim now considerably less because they do finishing as the afternoon group · Ragland in Brian Collins' and moved into the lead. Smith was at the wheel, was leading at the end without those liners; and the end started to stage. And they were still Chevrolet. In third place it was Ed just 39 seconds behind him. The of Lap 4. They had still had no result is that it's easier on the truck. finishing at one o'clock when they Herbst in the Ford, once again Herbs ts were now third, 26 seconds trouble at all, not even a flat. Dircks Nothing broke. They had changed flagged off the first Trophy Truck. running the new 19-inch BFG tires. further back. In fourth it was still was second, and Steinberger and a set of rears while at a fuel stop, There were still upwards of 20 of B.J. Baldwin, driving his new Ford Baldwin, and Steinberger was fifth. Jones ran third, four minutes but otherwise there'd been no• the early group out on the course, (which used to be DamenJefferies') No one had dropped out, but. behind him. In fourth it was still fooling around with tires, a very big struggling on their last, or was fourth, and in fifth it was Scott Marty Coyne's Ford seemed to be Post, and Dave Ashley, who took change for this teatn, and one they penultimate lap. When the flagman Steinberger. He had a flat right running on less than eight cylinders. over for Smith, was fifth. Smith had liked a lot. Their average speed was would spot another finisher coming front, which was pretty well On the third lap Ragland still flattened a tire and broken a a quick 63.207 miles per hour. in he stopped the staging line, held shredded and he was having trouble held the lead, with a little over three driveshaft, but Ashley's ride was Dircks, who drove all the way, things up 'til the finisher got his with the infield turns. In fact, he minutes on the Herbst team. They good so far. Coyne, whose lap times finished about 20 minutes later, checkered flag and was directed to got stuck on the berm of one for a were having no problems at all. had grown over two hours, didn't saying he'd been blinded by the dltst the post-race area, then he'd start while, and a gaggle of infiekf workers Gary Dircks had moved his ford get the fourth and fifth laps done. in the sun. He'd had two flats for waving the green flag again. As a ran over and gave a mighty shove to into third place. It had overheated As the sun set into the dust it the day, both changed in the pits. result, some of the afternoon group get him unstuck, but not before he on the first lap and he'd gone to a · became nearly impossible to see He said that on Lap 5 the "whoops got a full minute break or even lostvaluable seconds. Mike and Dale pit and had the hood taken off. It whenever the course turned to the were enormous!" Steinberger and more, as they watched one or two Dondel were already out of the race, was running cooler without it. Post west. It was just about six o'clock Jones, who'd been driving for a lap or more finishers come in. So those their Chevy having done what was had taken over for Whelchel and when the Herbsts finished, and not and a half with a broken axle, were drivers had a little less dust to deal called a "tremendous endo" at Mile had a clogged air filter and could dark, but definitely on the way. third, just less than two minutes with on their first lap. The wind was 4. Steve Sourapas and his Ford were pull only second gear 'til he got that They reported that for the first time later. In fourth it was Whelchel and still blowing at any rate, and could also out, on a_ tow strap at Mile 15. taken care of. He was in fourth, and in four or five years they hadn't had Post, who said he'd "limped in" the be counted on to blow in the right Jerry Whelchel had gone through a Steinberger, who'd had another to get out of the truck for anything. final 30 miles, with "lots of little direction occasionally. fence in Mark Post's Ford and torn flat, this one wrapped around a They gave a lot of credit to their stuff" going wrong. Smith and· The Trophy Trucks were first to up a front brake line at Mile 20, caliper, was fifth. Jesse Jones got in new BFG 19-inch tires, which they Ashley were fifth. Ashley's run had takeoff,withllstarters.Whenthey buteveryoneelsewasinprettygood midwaythroughthethirdlapand can run with no lingers. Even been clean, but the broken finished their first lap the lead shape still. drove the rest of the way. No one though the tires are bigger than their Continued on page 13 Dusty Times November 2003 Page 11
ft Fortin Racing gearlloxes, 2WD Team Uolkswagen 5 speed w/complete parts package The results speak for themselues. ft Dale Ebberts - 5 Speed ft Dale Ebberts - 5 Speed U ft ' Bl 11:A ..... bl~ w Gary 6 mark Weyhrlcb - 4 Speed w/ complete parts ,ackaJe UtiRftllL -OR end Ed & Tim Herbst - 6 Speed gears Gary 6 mark Weyhrich - 4 Speed rts package sm Ed 6 Tim Herbst -fi Speed gears -Danny flnderso~ 5 Speed -Chuck Houeg,_ 5 Speed •
Aaron Hawley was the hard-luck story of the day. He led the 1600 race most of the way, then broke his motor mounts and fell to sixth in his Troy Herbst and Larry Roese/er shared the driving in the Ford-powered Dennis Hunter had a lot of flats on his Honda Ounrite, but other than that Bunderson. Smithbuilt Truggy, led for a while, had late problems and dropped to fourth. he moved at a good clip and finished the day in third place in Gass 10. driveshaft had cost them dearly. had been driving without it for his Ragland's. Ragland drove the first Ragland went in to town to have his as backup. In third it was John Theywere the last finishers. Baldwin full two and a half laps. He was three laps and he had the truck in back x-rayed and they told him he Marking in his Jimco Chevy, disappeared on the final lap, and whipped, and they crossed the finish the lead as he finished the third lap. had a compression fracture. He flew followed by Dan Myers in a Jimco Gus Vildosola and Rob line a few minutes too late to make Just as he was coming into the start/ home and had the diagnosis Chevy, and then Mike Julson and MacCachren didn't make it on time the lap count. finish area he hit a bump way too confirmed by his own doctors there. Bob Lufton, a previous winner here in their Ford. They'd lost their The saddest story of the weekend hard, and, he said, "it crippled me He's not in a brace, and he can walk, at Primm, in another Jimco Chevy. power steering and MacCachren was Brian Collins' and Larry right then." He'd hurt his lower back. or lie flat, but he can't sit or drive. Ernie Castro was sixth in his Toyota r=-----~,,..,,.,_..,~..,..,.,'";;;:==="w1~-_,,,,-=1!7'"'==:T'=..,,..,,,_.,, He managed to get through the He says "driving is the worst thing I Jimco, and he was only three minutes George Seeley and co-driver Ttm Crump outlasted the competition this time, to get their sixth Gass 5 victory at Primm. Dusty Times infield section and to the pit, and could do." So he's got his fingers and eight seconds behind the lead out of the truck. Brian took off and crossed that it'll be well in time for car. The competition was hot and Larry stayed around. He said he him to drive in the Baja 1000. heavy. But several were gone already. could stand, but he couldn't sit, so The Class 1 cars went next with Kory Scheeler was never heard from he stood around to see how the race 27 starters. More than half of them after the start, and Albert went. But Brian had hub trouble wouldn't make it to the finish. Troy McMullen was reported to have lost that cost a lot of time and then on Herbst, who was also runniqg the his motor on the dry lake. Cesar the last lap, in the dark, as they big 39-inch tires, had recorded the Fuentes ahd his Chevy Chenowth neared the finish line, the driveline class fast time, at 58:04, and was just disappeared, and 16 year old spit out. They had only about two leading at the end of Lap 1. Chuck Andy McMillin hit a berm and minutes to get to the finish. They were Hovey, in his V4 Chevy, was second, endoed his Chevy Porter about five within easy walking distance, and only 52 seconds later. Hovey was miles into the race. He damaged the their lights could be seen from the driving wounded, still not radiator, lost all the water and was pits, the grandstands and the finish completely over an injured and unable to go on, although he and line, but there was nothing to be badly infected foot (surfing injury) his passenger were uninjured. done. The crew came out and towed that happened back in August. It Bobby Baldwin was in a pit waiting them back to the pit, a dnf. Ragland was his clutch foot and he was a for a new A-arm and tie rod to be says "It's a great truck, everything was little worried that he might not be installed on his Chevy Bunderson. perfect." But it just wasn't their day. able to drive the whole race, so he It took over three hours. Once he knew the result of the race had Martin Christensen signed on Continu1d on page 14 fllovember 2003 Page 13
Mark Hutchins and his son, C. J., lost their belts early but rallied to take a Perry McNeil, Jr. had the lead in Class 7SX at the end of the second lap, Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera teamed in their 5-1600 car to take fine third place in Class 10 in their Honda Jimco. but then neither he nor his competitor managed to finish. second place after fixing a ffat and a throttle cable. Herbst still led at the end of Lap Chevy, ran sixth, all within about On the third lap it was Larry was rolling around under his feet, but problem" that's confounded them 2, and Hovey was still second. He six minutes, so it was still very close. Roeseler in the Herbst Truggy, and nothing else had gone wrong. Mike for about four races now. Kleine said he "took it easy" because he Mike Voyles, driving his old car, now he had it still in the lead. Ebberts was and Robbie Groff had moved their dropped out with alternator didn'twanttohavetochangeany owned by Larry and Shawn now in for Castro, and they ran JimcoChevyupintofourthplace,and problems, and Buddy Feldkamp's tires. Julson and Lofton were up to McCallum, was out on this lap, and second, while Hovey was third a _Mark and Gary Weyhrich were fifth Penhall lost a c.v. and apparently was third,Castrowasfourth,Myerswas Ronny Wilson lost his Jimco's minute and 19 seconds later. The intheirChevyJimco,andhadalready inoneofthoseunreachablespotsthat fifth and Neil Kleine, in a Jimco Chevy motor. knob had come off his shifter and had another bout with the evil "trigger a crew couldn't be sent to, because he ~......,.,...,.....,..,...,,.~-~----------------__,_::::::...., went no further. Wayne Lugo and ~ • ~ # ,,. ,.>,~ ... -,.. >-► "7 -~.,.4,.¥-t :i~"-.;'/ Craig Stewart had flats and finally a "crank problem" that put their Ford powered truggy out of action. And John Marking fell out for unknown reasons. There were only 16 cars left running. Eric Solorzano and Roman Peyreyra teamed in Class 11 to have a trouble-free day on Randy Sorenson and Scott Mitchell, in a big yellow Jeep Cherokee, made good time Hovey's lap times were incredibly evenly paced, and he took over the lead on the fourth lap. Ebberts moved into second, four minutes down and Roeseler was third now in Herbst's car, having had a flat or two. In fourth it was the Weyhrichs and Ron Brant and Richard Boyle, in their Chevy Jimco, were fifth. Steve Croll, in a Honda Chenowth, disappeared on this lap and Julson and Lofton, with some kind of shifter and/ or transmission what they called a ?ve,y rouif,? course. They took the win. around the course and went home with the Class 3 win. Continued on page 16 DAVE FOLTS TRANSMISSIONS WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE THE WINNERS OF THE SCORE PRIMM LAS VEGAS 300 IOI/RT/111 WHt,,t.f & M/1/IY MIOQS0/1 In ,I.All IWI 1/Z 1600 mv, 1t0•n11 5TH ,I.Alf IWI 1/Z 1600 Page 14 CAMIJt0/1 fflll.f Z/10 ,IAII IWI 1/Z 1600 Qll'111Hlll lff ,I.All IWI 9 no ,1A11 IWI 1/Z 1600 OIi & .1,..m IOI.OUA/10 : "·:'\,,I .,,..,,,..,,., lff ,I.All IWI II DAVE FOLTS TRAIISMISS/O/IS 631 E. I.AMIOT RD., #C LA HABRA, CA 90631 (561)694-559I SEARED TO SERVE 'IOU! November 2003 Dusty Times
.KCHiLiTES , For the 2003 racing season, KC contingency awards are available in the following sanctioning organizations' events: Best In The Desert, CORR, SCORE and SNORE . Class Win Running KC HID Lights: $400 .in Product or $200 Cash Class Win Running KC Halogen Lights: $200 in Product or $100 Cash ORBA MEMBER KC is a RCAA Sponsor. Contingency program available. ~ .-d contingency award for ally events. See scca.org rt.com for more info. Check out socalfab.com for KC HID systems for ATVs
Gameron Steele drove all the way in his Chassis by Jake 1600, and Tom Ridings got off to a stow start, but then ,an steady and qu,ck to mow finished in style in second place, less than three minutes behind the Craig Turner had fun for a lap or MO in his Gass 7 Ford, then began to up to finish third in the SCX>RE Ute class in his Mirage _WJ11i11_· _'ng~car._.__________________ have serious fuel problems and dropped to a second place finish. · problem, were also out. Sixth went to Michael and. Kevin tire problem and didn't make it GMC, only four minutes back and and moved to the front. Staats was Hovey stayed in front, had no James in their Jimco Ch_evy. Kevin through the fifth lap. Rick Romans Dave Raimonde had his Chevy in still second, and now he put his problems, until he stopped for the did the last three laps and for and Darnen Jefferies, with a V8 in third 31 seconds further back. Todd brother, Steve into the driver's seat. ch,eckered flag at the finish line, his almost the entire time he had a big the Jimco for the first time, also Wyllie was fourth. Olliges held on to third, but he had clutch blew. But he didn't care. He hole in the floor pan between his failed to get the fifth lap done. And Sykes ran trouble free, but lost some time when he very nearly found some gear and got over to seat and the pedal assembly. He said Dan Myers, who'd .started out Vanderwey had to deal with a ran out of gas and had to limp in the post race area to take his bows. they "took on a lot of rocks." Brant looking strong, faded late in the day power steering belt on the next lap about seven miles. In fourth it was He said he was tired, because, thanks and Boyle were seven th, and in to become a dnf. and lost about 11 minutes. He held Mark Kyle, in a Ford, driving a to that foot injury, he hadn't eighth it was B.J. Rich~i:dson and Class 8 was in the afternoon on to second though as Raimonde Protruckforthe first time. He'd had · trained for a month. Ebberts and · John Gaughan, who'd had aJ,ati:ery group, with an entry of six trucks. lost his motor and was out of the . a rough morning in his SCORE Lite Castro, who said they'd tried to be cable break off their battery. Ninth Jeff Stowers and Rodd Fantelli race. Wyllie moved up to third. • and was looking for better luck here. "somewhat conservative" this time, went to Pat Dean who drove all the couldn't get their Ford through the Sykes ticked off the fast lap for Pflueger held on to his lead but · finished second, reporting no way, reporting that his suspension first lap, and Brad Barnes was also- the group on Lap.3, at 1:05:24 and the Staats truck kept coming along trouble.· In third it was the wasn'tworkingquiterightthis time. a dnf early, so there were only four he'd built a lead of about a half steadily. This was only their second Weyhrichs, another four minutes And in tenth, and last to fihish, it left running. David Sykes stopped hpur by then. Wyllie was another Protruck race, but both are old bike back, and Herbst and Roeseler was Rick Wilson and Brian hisChevyinapittocheckonanoise 15 minutes back, but then he racers,sotheconceptwasfamiliar. were fourth. Their most time Parkhouse, with a new V8 motor in he wondered about and an alert pit couldn't get his fourth lap Olliges stayed firm in third and Kyle consuming problem had been when their Jimco. It took some getting person discovered a loose fitting on completed. So Sykes sailed on ran fourth. s6me belts came off. In fifth it was used to, and they had alternator a caliper. They'd been pumping uneventfully to take the wi-n, And at the end of their fifth lap Matk McMillin and Brian Ewalt, in. problems for much of the day. Josh brake fluid out into the desert. That followed in by Vanderwey in second. Pflueger had another victory, saying their Chevy Chenowth, reporting Waddell faded on the last lap in his was quickly fixed and Sykes was The next group, the Protruck_s, he "had to work a little today". The that something was wrong with the ChevyTLR and the Groffs, who'd · leading at the end of the first lap. had five entries, and they did all get Staats had a nice secpnd place; stP.ering, buttheydidn't know what. rolled at one point, had a major Nick Vanderwey ran second in his through the first lap. Will Staats, Olligeswas third and Kyle fourth. • · new to the class, was leading at the Class 7 was a.good sized group T11e·a111erence1 Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. • Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204SD Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-DB30500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 Heatjl(changer DUN-DB30504 Heat Exchanger DUN-DB30612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's 0 MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. For more information give us a call or visit us online @ www.mckenzies.com end of the first lap in his Ford, with for this event with eight entries. But less than a minute on Steve Olliges Bar.ry Karakas, in a Toyota, didn't in another Ford. Gino Licitra ran even manage to get his first lap done, third in his truck, with his dad, Tohy so the race was down to seven. Craig riding along. . Turner blasted around the course Staats still led at the end of the in his Ford to record the fast lap second lap, and now Alan Pflueger, time for this class at 1: 11:53, and whose Chevy had lost a brake line put himself almost three IJl.inutes in on the first lap, was up to secon$1 the lead. Hector Salazar ran second ·----~..:...: ~place. Olliges was third. Licitra had in his Fo·rd, with an interested rolled over and ended his day early. observer, Casey Folks of the Best In On the third lap Pflueger The Desert series, riding shotgun. recorded the fast time at 1:08:05, In third it was Jason Jernigan in Dave Sykes did all Ifie driving in his Chevrolet Silverado Class B truck and took the win by almost an hour. Cortney Whipple and Danny Anderson paired up in Whipple?s 1600 Fraley and moved into the lead on the last lap to win by three minutes. Page 16 November 2003 Du.sty Times . . ... -
Ga,y and Marl< Weyhrich 819 still hexed by a ?trigger'? problem on their Sal FISh, C.E.O. of SCORE congratulates Gasey Folks, C. E. 0. of Best In Nick Vandetwey dl0\'8 all the way in his GMC Siena, had power steering Ol8V}' powered Jimco, but managed a nice tnrd place Dass 1 finish the Desert, who rode in the winning Dass 7 truck with Hector Salazar. problems and finished the aftemoon in secooo place. ..,..an~ywa~y.'-. -c------,----~--------=,---Folks said he had a ?blast.? (phoro by Bill &ad.am) another Ford, and Doug Siewert win.Griffin'sdayseemedbesetwith two race format. Everyone enjoys Thepointsracesareveryclosein After that the only SCORE was fourth in his Chevy. Rick problems, but he managed to get having less traffic, and the smaller some cases and many will be decided event left on the calendar is the Taylor's Ford was not running quite all three laps done, to get a second vehicles especially like not having to at the Baja 1000, which is scheduled : 4,wards night, at the Gold Coast right,andhewasn'tsurewhy. lthad . lace, and keep himself on: the list worry constantly about being for November 20th through the Hotel in Las Vegas. That's already cost him about 20 minutes. for a True Grit award. crunched by a fast moving 23rd. This will be a loop race, :;cheduled for the 13th of Turner stayed in front_, lookinj The competitors still liked the heavyweight beginning and ending in Ensenada. December. SCIIE steady and fast, and he had nine minutes at the end of Lap 2. Shawn Wanzek, in a Ford, was in second place at that time and Salazar was just nine seconds behind him. Jernigan had dropped to fourth. Taylor had a pretty good second lap, but his truck was backfiring as he .vent through the infield short course. Turner was having an "awesome" day, and he still had about eight minutes at the end of the third lap. Now it was Salazar in second again, as Wamekdisappeared. Siewert was also out on this lap, so there were only four t~cks running. Jernigan -~ was third and Daniel Chamlee ran fourth in his Ranger. Taylor didn't finish the third lap. Turner's luck didn't hold. His fuel system "went out" and he got stuck in the silt. He put a newfuel pump on and that fixed it "for a while", but then he had to stop to let it cool down. And in the meantime Salazar motored steadily to the finish line and the victory. Turner lost nearly two hours, but managed a second place finish, and Chamlee was third, also having ~ trouble on the last lap. Class 7S had only two entries: the Toyota of Bob Graham and ~ Mike Horner and the Chevy S-10 -of Bob Land and Jim Winovitch. Land·'s truck got stuck early on the first lap, at about Mile 33, and was never seen again. Graham and Horner did two laps, .the second one, at 1:56:49, their quickest, and then didn't get back around again. So there were no finishers in 7S. And 7SX didn't fai:e any better. Eric Hamann, a late entry in this class, had the fast lap on Lap 1, at 1:51:04, and led Perry McNeil Jr., in a Ford, by about two minutes and 20 seconds. On the second lap Hamann lost ten minutes or so and McNeil went into the lead, now six minutes in front. But then neither of them ever got all the way around again. So there were no finishers in 7SX. Stock Full had only a couple of ~ entries also. They were originally scheduled to run four laps, but cooler heads prevailed and that was reduced to a required three laps. Much smarter. John Griffin's Hummer apparently blew a tire as he rounded the last turn in the short-course section ri~ht off the start, so he lost quite a lot of time • T Shirts Business Includes 1991 35' Aerbus.Motorhome, 2 mobil printing shops (one 26 foot, one 30 fQot trail~r, each.with a generator, 6 color printer, dryer and miscellaneous items needed to print at on-site events. Indoor screen printing shop equipment Includes a 6 color printer, 4 color printer, Large conveyer dryer, exposure unit, inks, Squeegees,- screens (with rights to_ use _ Designs), heat presses, thousands of iron-on Transfers for sand dunes, a 12 color embroidery machine and all miscellaneous • accessones. $75,000.oo Call Sande at 928-669-8364 or 928-669-2.580 Or e-mail Snortinnortins@hotmail.com right there. Mark Handley, in a Ford, had a fast lap of 1:43:53 and L D settled firmly into the lead. _ Handley stayed in front all the •c::::=:>1•1c:::=:::,-11c:=:::i-ac==••==)l411C-==Jj+-K:=:::,◄aNC:==►lll .. lC==M-IC=:::>I--IIC==>iwa,1-c:=:,-aa-1C==lllf-llCtc::=:::»1-1C==>t""4'11i-C:=::,◄11-c:1dl way, and reported that he lost his antenna and broke his side mirrors, but had no serious trouble. He said the course was "a little on the brutal side", but enjoyed getting his first Dusty Times November 2003 Page·17
53RD NESTE RALLY FINLAND Martin And Ford Take The Cake By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden The first non-Finnish winner in 11 years, Markko Martin drove his Ford Focus RS to the win with over a minute in hand at ral/y's end. ; It was not his first win but it is likely to be the one he will never for-get. Markko Martin could not have chosen a more emotive place for an Estonian to win a world champion-ship rally than in Finland, the trans-Baltic country with which there are many similarities, yet so much sport-ing rivalry. He gained his win the tra-ditional way, in a furious battle and a heart stopping technical failure that tested the nerves and the resolve to win. This was the first non-Finn-ish winner for 11 years and in the end Markko won comfortably, leav-ing Petter Solberg and Richard Burns to fight for tenths of seconds in a race for second place. "When Gronholm retired," Martin later admitted, "I was glad I no longer had to drive as fast as I had been." Celebrations were also in order at Michelin, where they achieved their • 200th overall win in the series. Once again Burns scored a podium finish and increased his lead in the world rally championship. Nothing had changed very much this year in Fin-land. Once again it was the latest rally in the championship and on account of the long distances in the liaison sections, one of the longest in terms of total distance. The stages were run over closed public roads in sharply undulating countryside which create the event's legendary high speed jumps. Over the smooth gravel surfaces, good power is im-portant for success in order to cut thro.ugh the power-sapping gravel on the road surface,. especially on the softer surfaces. If conditions are dry, the running order first time through stages becomes a major fac-tor in the race for the lead as the loose gravel clears away with passing cars. If the conditions are damp or wet, the loose covering of stones beds into the surfaces and forms a much more abrasive base. This year there was a much greater single usage of stages on this event. Only two of the Day 1 stages were repeated, thus making the risk of unfair stage clean-ing a strong possibility. The Finnish passion remained, their drivers have won the past ten events and 10% of the country's population attended the event to encourage their people. This year the rally qualified for the Junior, rather than the Production Car series. It has been a strange season, but now the effects of the new points calculations are becoming very clear. Reliability more than speed is essen-tial for championship success! Rich-ard Burns started the event first car on the road, as befitted his champi-onship leading position, having pulled further ahead by another podium placing in Germany. His last outright win, however, was New Zealand in September 2001, since when he has achieved 12 podium finishes. Peugeot continue to lead the series despite not having won any of the last three events! Gronholm had won this event for the last three years, so had Peugeot! Perhaps the most serious consequences of ~far-cus' recent arm ailment was that he had to miss Peugeot!s Finland tyre test and had to rely on advice from his teammate Harri Rovanpera. Technical chief -Michel Nandan: "Once again Finland presents the traditional dilemma. Trying to pro-tect the car from the heavy landings, and trying to maximize traction, two conflicted objectives. "We always have to employ technical compro-mises!" For Germany it was Rovan-pera, this time it was the turn of works driver Gilles Panizzi. Despite their win in Germany and their ex-cellent reliability in Cyprus, there was curiosity at whether the Xsara WRC was yet on a competitive level with the cars of rival terms. Spoiled for choice were Ford with four top class drivers at their disposal and a plethora of alterna-tive orders ready to issue. Mikko Hirvonen will have no orders, he can drive as fast as he likes. With Jari-Matti Latvala, however, he is under orders to finish. Remember, this is still only his second ever rally in his home country". Subaru held a ten year celebration gathering be-Petter Solberg and Philip Mills drove their Subaru lmpreza .to the silver medal in the Finland Rally. fore the event, reminding us how long the Impreza has been in our midst. 1993 1000 Lakes Impreza drivers Markku Alen and Ari Va-tanen were guests of honour. The Skoda team ran two Fabia WRCars on this event, built to,gi:avel rather than asphalt specification, so the problem in Germany is weak top suspension mounts should not re-cur. Subsequent analysis of Toni Gardemeister's car in Germany re-vealed the car suffered two simulta-neous troubles, suspension failure as well as a seized gearbox. Their number one driver DidieP Auriol is the last non-Finn to have won this event, in 1992. Hyundai hoped this event would be the first useful expe-rience using MSD in-house shock absorbers, following their abbrevi-ated events in New Zealand and Greece when they had fitted these before. People expecting to hear major news about the future of the cham-pionship were disappointed. The FlA still had nothing to tell about either the calendar or the regula-tions. No official calendar has yet been issued, even though it is now · less than six months before the first 2004 events. Six months is the cut-off point by which full route de-tails must be lodged with the FlA, which means there is now no hope that the new regulations can be ef-fective from the start of the 2004 season. And as.for confirmation or being in the calendar at all, orga-nizers were being tipped off they can continue with their plans as and when the six month deadline loomed. It was chaotic, Juan Suberville, Corona Rally Mexico (12-14 March) organiser, was in Finland. ~It is terrible. We know we are in the championship in 2004 but we cannot promise it to any-one." The FlA, however, were seen not to have been idle. They ordered the reinstatement of the new small slide panel numbers and the re-moval of the bonnet plates. Also, large size competition numbers were fixed to rear side windows, where drivers' names are already placed. The rush was now on in the JWRC with the remaining four rounds of the season to be held in three months! Renault driver Brice Tirabassi continued to lead the se-ries from Suzuki drivers Salvador Canellas and Urmo Aava. All four Suzuki drivers had i-tew cars for this event, now fitted with Reiger shock absorbers on the front suspension. Daniel Carlsson was reported fit after a rece.nt e_ye injury. A new co-driver replaced Miikka Anttila be-side Kosti Katajamaki (fourth in se-ries). In the VW Polo was Jani Laaksonen, former co-driver for Juha Kangas. Recent·work by Lehtonen Motorsport in Turku meant the Polos of Kosti Katajamaki and Oscar Svedlund some 20kg lighter than before. Chris Birkbeck Rallysport reported that fifth driver Guy Wilks (Puma) had a new en-gine specification. Only one car this time from Astra team, for Abdo Daniel Carlsson and Mattias Andersson took the coveted JWRC win in their bright yellow Suzuki, seen here in flight. Allesandro Broccoli and Simone Gire/Ii drove with no brakes for a while and definitely take the high flying award in their Opel Corse. Feghali. This was the 100th world championship rally for the series leader Richard Burns, the 12th driver to have made this achieve-ment. The 1981 world champion Ari Vatanen was also able to claim his 100th rally as well, but under less straightforward circums~ances. There was no celebration cake for Ari, he received his 100th rally cel-ebration cake in Britain in 1998, on his last world rally entry, but it was not universally recognised at the time. This was because of confusion surrounding the 1977 Acropolis. On that event he crashed on a pre-start selection stage and could not take the official start. Nobody there-fore knew whether that counted or not! Now by entering this event the uncertainty is laid to rest. To regain confidence, he drove the zero car at Itaralli, Finnish championship round based at Joensuu. His co-driver was Juha Repo, lately associ-ated with Juha Kankkunen. Both Burns and Vatanen have won ten world championship rallies. Vatanen's wins having been achieved three years before Burns' began! Five of the previous 11 centurions have been Finns. The tyre supplier Mich-elin, meanwhile, were wondering if they also would have a celebration in Finland. Sebastian Loeb's win in Germany was the French company's 199th world rally win. The special feature of the rally was the return to Urria (Stage 13) for the first time since 1987. The feature of this jump is the vertical drop factor after the crest, rather than the speed or the distance the cars fly through the air. Simo Lampinen, Clerk of the Course, told of the hazards ofUrria from personal experience of his days as a professional rally driver. "Once we approached the jump at slightly the wrong angle and slightly too fast, Page 18 November 2003 Dusty Times
Richard Burns and Robert Reid were third overall in their Tommi Makinen and Kaj Lindstrom were sixth overall in their Brice Tirabassi and Jacques-Julien Renucci were second in Peugeot 206, 1.2 seconds away from the second spot. Subaru lmpreza, Tommi is retiring after this season. the JWRC battle in their Renault Clio. and the car landed terribly heavily. . broke a large segment off a front on stages new to him and ended the their events, but the word was there didates for the 2004 Mitsubishi It was a miracle the car could be wheel rim on Sfage 2 and had a bro- day with a gear selector problem. The would be no "word". The Presidents WRC team, was leading the Group driven away afterwards. The height ken mousse on Stage 3. Main drama Hyundai's were not so quick but of the FIA and the World Rally N category outright. from the top of the crest to where of the morning was for Harri Ro-without specific troubles, Garde-Championship Commission were "Leg 2 -Seven stages, gravel, you would land is about five metres, vanpera. He hit a rock and broke meister was up to 12th in the re-on holiday, everyone must wait to 168kms. Another day dawned but to that you have to add the ex-the steering. The impact spun the · maining _Fabia, in circumstances know. the new rules. Even David bright and dry and the battle be-tra height you gain when you actu- car round and he damaged the rear where the only top team retirement Richards, the Chairman of the Ad- tween Gronholm and Martin was ally take off at the crest. It can easily as well. He had to stop on the stage so far was that of his teammate Au- visory Board, could not say when still intense. Marcus was in fine be an eight metre drop. I predict it and repair the steering, losing 20 riol. there would" be another step for- form. Co-driver Timo Rautiainen will be exactly the same now as then. minutes, and then went slowly and Daniel Carlsson lost no time in ward. The Stewards had another spoke about a moment soon after Take off at 60kph (at the right angle!) lost more than another tw"o minutes making his attack in the JWRC Su- good day handing down financial the start of a stage, "We went off is safe, 85kph is disaster." on Stage 3. Ari Vatanen was enjoy- zuki. Championship leader Brice penalties, including one for Tirabassi the road, two wheels in the air, but Leg 1-Ten stages, gravel, 140kms. ing himself, 19th overall after Stage Tirabassi found life difficult being. for missing a compulsory drivers' Marcus kept· the foot flat on the Retirements occurred right after the 1. "I really only had a day testing to first car on the road in JWRC. "Even briefing, and then decided, without throttle!" McRae was still leading start. In the ·amateur category, V-get used to the car, but I'm enjoying though about 25 rally cars have al-explanation, to change the standing the Citroen challenge. "Today was Man had been unable to raise it all. The 206 is a lot more refined ready been through the stage they regulations about grouping together better: yesterday we lost too much enough funds to drive his usual VW than the old 205. You can really feel were all four wheel drive, which cars into categories when the restart time in the middle group of stages Polo and rented instead a Peugeot how well the road holding is work- • means they clean quite a different order was settled. Drivers in the when we slid off the road." .Markko, 206 from Sweden just to cross the ing. The car is nothing like as brutal, part of the road." Drivers like Sal- JWRC were scattered down the field however, admitted "Maybe we were startlineandescapeafinancialpen-in fact you have a sense ofluxury vadorCanellas,whowerenewtothis amongtheamateurdrivers,theStew-only driving at 100% when we alty! He withdrew before reaching about the 206!" event, were-finding it hard to go fast ards apparently unaware that the should have been at 110!" After two the Thursday evening superspecial. The day started off beautiful but Marcos Ligato had a loss of power wide disparity of positions was be- stages Groriholm had regained the Daniel Carlsson showed his inten- by lunch time the black clouds had from his Fiat, while his teammate cause of delays through punctures. lead and after Stage 13 he was lead-tions by beating his rival Brice arrived and within minutes the rain Massimo Ceccato found his set-up On another front, news. came ing by 4.6 seconds, the biggest mar-Tirabassi by 1.2 seconds but there was falling. It was splendid news for · inappropriate. Guy Wilks had a through from Britain that the 20 gin all event so far. Two retirements was a second retirement when Abdo Bums, the largest proportion of the star.ter motor failure, Mirco or so drivers due to lose their driv-came in the morning, Mikko Feghali hit a barrier and dislodged. problems of running first on the Baldacci had the engine cut out on ing licences for speeding offences on Hirvonen had a fire at the end of a wheel. The reigning JWRC cham-road were over, but ahead a great the stage, but started up again. Dur- the day of Shakedown before the Stage 13, extinguished this and pion Daniel Sola was in despair. The battle for the lead was developing. ing the mid afternoon group of 2_002 Network Q Rally would have eventually arrived (too late) at the Mitsubishi Group N car, with which All day the gap between Martin and stages Carlsson increased his lead their cars deferred until the day af-start of 12 where the car was with-he wanted to gain so much experi-Gronholm was never more than 4.1 over Tirabassi, despite losinghis rear ter the 2003 Wales Rally GB. Mean-drawn. Harri Rovanpera landed ence, had a misfire that defied trac- seconds. The rain gave Burns the brakes, even though Jean-Joseph while, back in central Finland, sev-heavily after a jump and the sus-ing. In the end the engine worked chance to work up to third place, continued to be fastest Super 1600 eral drivers were making remarkable pension was smashed. At the end• well only when the alternator was despite a broken wheel which had driver. Ville-Periti Teuronen was results down·the field. When Jean-of 12 Toni Garde_meister reported disconnected, so he decided to start dropped him more .than a quarter third despite a slow puncture. Ligato Joseph fell back, a driver on his first there was a sluggishness in the en-the rally and try to remember to dis- minute or so behind. McRae was the changed the geometry of his suspen- foreign event was leading all the Su- gine. Freddy Loix reported he over-connect the lead before the start of best of the Citroens while Solberg sion and felt happier with his Fiat per 1600 cars, the Sweds Per-shot a junction and had to make a · each stage. At the superspecial Au-had problems and was down iri and climbed to fifth. Oscar . Gunnar Andersson in his Clio. Ital-detour through a farmyard before riol drove the course with one arm fifth. On Stage 5 he hit a rock which Svedlund hit a rock and punctured. ian Gienluigi Galli, one of the can-Continued on page 20 on the steering wheel and decided it damaged the cross member and af-Wilks also punctured then went off was hopeless. Unless there· was an ter the end of the stage he had to the road for three minutes or so, overnight medical miracle, he could dfsconnect the front anti roll bar to while both Fiats of Luca Cecchettini not carry on. Markko Martin made prevent further damage. The top and Baldacci retired, the former best time on the superspecial, some drivers had rain for Stages 6 and 7, rolled and the latter had driveshaft 0.4 seconds in front of Gronholm, often quite heavy. Carlos Sainz was failure after driving on a flat front but several drivers had difficulty see-in trouble once again with a misting tyre. The four Suzukis continued, ing the starting lights. Both Viita and windscreen. Makinen was struggling all-lying in the top eight places. Af-the JWRC driver Broccoli made to keep up. A slow puncture and ter seven stages the 17 JWRC start-jump starts as a result. bad handling delayed him. In the ers were down to 12. On the two Friday morning dawned warm battle for the best non-manufactur- last orthodox stages of the day there and sunny and the organisers were ers' entry there was a great tussle was a spate of punctures, Carlsson ready. There were seven kilometers between Juuso Pykalisto's works-lent had one puncture and fell from first of metal barriers in place to keep 206 and Janne Tuohino's works-to fourth. Ligato took a risk and people in the right positions, the prepared Focus. Tuohino inched carried only one spare, had two organisers had used 400km of plas-ahead when Pykalisto drove over a punctures on the first stage anc{ tic tape as well. The 53rd Grand Prix rock in the middle of the road, while drove the rest of the way on a flat. ofJysvaskyla was about to begin. The Sebastian Lindholm was slowed by He dropped from fifth to tenth. only disappointment was that Didi- three punctures, happily each time Kosti Katajamaki lost no place when er Auriol would not be there to en- the mousses kept the tyre intact. he had one puncture, but Kris Meeke joy it. Rain and sun, damp and dry. struggled to reach the rest halt when Running seventh car on the road, Burns had a surprisingly good day- he had three punctures with just the ·Markko Martin started off with a when it was wet, but the race for the one spare. So Tirabassi found him-purpose. fastest on all the first three lead went on whatever. Martin re-self just eight seconds ahead of stages, he was matched only by Mar- gained the lead on Stage 9 after Teuronen who was now a minute cus Gronholm (running.third), who Gronholm had hit something lying ahead of Katajamaki. The excite-equaled Martin's time on Stage 2. i-n the road and the wheel alignment ment of the final stage of the day Bums, as usual, was fitst car on the · was slightly damaged, enough to fall (the-Killeri superspecial) had been road and making surprisingly good to 2.4 seconds behind the Estonian. • heigntened by the decision to group times. "On this event running first McRae got back into fourth place drivers in pairs. Finnish drivers were creates not only the stage cleaning in front of Solberg while the race paired against foreigners, hopeful to , effect, but on this fast event it is very for the non-works cars stayed in demonstrate the superiority of the good to have competitive lines to Tuohino's favour, by just 2.7 sec-host nation but, unfortunately, follow, which we don't! This is espe-onds, despite two punctures. Maki- most of the "heats" were won byvisi-cially bad on new stretches of stage." nen was a little happier after the· tors! It became apparent that we To be fighting for fourth place with shock absorbers were changed but were not hearing of developments Colin McRae was excellent. Petter was still only eighth, while Mikko .. about the 2004 rally rules. Solberg, running fifth, was third Hirvonen, after a cautious day, was Organisers from Sweden and Mexico despite a puncture on Stage 2, while delayed by a sticking throttle. were present in Finland, hoping to his teammate Tommi Makinen Francois Duval was going cautiously discover how they should arrange Dusty Times November 2003 .er Pumper deu :co,peHtion fUrSgsterq with the budget racer in·mini Coiluerted bg the pro's at Parker Pumper to deliuer maximum air flow, this HJC helmet is Snell m-rated, and is auailable in sizes S-HXRL (starting at1 S249 OO/SJ49 0~ . . -~~ The . camnlete -MPER saurce'far race,s. H E.lMETS andCre'WS 1.BIIIJ.700.2350 • Fax 909~360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 19
Colin McRae and Derek Ringer were out of the running on the Armin Schwarz and Manfred Hiemer finished 12th overall in Toni Gardemeister and Paavo Lukander were 15th overall, 15th stage, seen here at altitude in their Citroen Xsara. Finland, seen here in their neat looking Hyundai Accent seen here throwing a little dirt in their Skoda Fabia. he could regain the track, and his "I could not judge my braking or smashed front to his Focus. nounced. The Stewards now fol-with his water shortage, but the Hyundai teammate Armin Schwarz acceleration. I don't know what it Pykalisto smashed the rear window lowed the rules arid ran the JWRC problem was less severe than the said his car had become was, I'm t)Ot an electrician!" M-which jettisoned the rear wing and cars together. First car on the road day before. Vatanen had a broken undriveable. Ari Vatanen arrived · Sport did not know either, so they made the car unstable and unpre-· (15th overall) was the 18 year old shock absorber, which then full of jokes. He said he was driving changed everything they had time dictable, dropping him behind his Latvala, hoping troubles with wa-smashed the rear window: There like his grandmother, "She's incred-to change, and happily that.did the rival Tuohino. Tuohino then ter leaks were not going to be seri- was drama on the first stage of the ibly fast, you know!" He said his foot trick. Martin made fastest time on found his fellow Finn Lindholm ous. First on the road did not how- day when first Valimaki and then was flat on the floor, "but, unfor- Stage 16, but his lead was not little catching him and threatening his ever disguise the disaster to the Finn- Duval went off the road at the same tunately it was on the brake pedal!". more than a quarter minute over eighth place. Burns now had his ish reputation, with no Finn, in the place. On the last, shorter, group Gardemeister's run in the remain-Burns. trouble. He had felt something odd top five places. The pace ofMarkko of three stages the race for second ing Fabia ended at the start of Stage Teams now found old problems with his brakes on Stage 16 and Martin was unrelenting. Equip-. intensified. Burns pulled out an 13. The engine stalled at the start revisiting them. Ford had more lock- discovered a loose wheel. This tied ment placed by Vauhdin Maailma advantage of 3 .1 seconds, then it of the stage and would not restart, ing brake trouble on Duval's car. in with Gronholm's trouble and magazine at the famous was down to-1.8 and finally Solberg but it was on the next stage the face Hyundai had spark plug failure failed wheel bearing~were analysed. Ouninpohje jump measured got byon the final stage by 1.2 sec-of the rally changed. Gronholm again, on Loix's car. Solberg had a Burns was now more than a minute Markko's jump at 57 metres, five onds. Tuohino meanwhile clinched had problems of his own, ending spate ofbtoken EMI mousses. Cit-behind the leader; but perilously metres more than they had ever seventh, some 16.8 ahead of up with a lost wheel which defied roen had a time control problem... close to Sainz and Solperg. A half measured previously, from a take- Lindholm, while Vatanen finished immediate explanation.He reached Colin McRae was clocked in early second now separated the three of .off speed of 171 kph. It was strange 11th, three places better than Timo the end of the stage after losing by one minute. For McRae this was them fighting for second place. to work out the meaning of the Saloneri had done one year ago. some 90 seconds, but he had to re- a tragedy for his career. The one When the early morning anger event. While Markko showed every Bravo! tire. Then there was trouble for driver who had failed to score a win about the starting order had died sign of confidence at the thought · In· JWRC Carlsson and Martin. He had been lying 33:8 sec-for Citroen this year had proved down, the Super 1600s were on of his minute's lead, the battle for Tirabassi continued to the finish in onds in front of Burns when an elec-himself the fastest driver on the their way. Tirabassi still led, but the second place was too hot to handle. first and second place. Kris Meeke tronic problem manifested itself team, and this incident dropped next driver to disappear was Sainz clipped a rock early in Stage retired. He had a puncture on Stage before Stage 13. Markko reported him back behind Sainz and worse Teuronen with his Suzuki. SQme-18, thought no more of it, until a 19 then on Stage 19 there was a the electronics had gone haywire. was to come. Driving hard to make thing broke on Stage 12, but the rear shock absorber broke on the vibration and the power steering When he eventually arrived at ser-up the deficit he then crashed out steering had been damaged on the_ ensuring road section, and he had belt failed. This, in tum, meant that vice he demonstrated his dashboard of the event on Stage 16. Colin slid stage before when he went off the to tackle the next two stages like there was no power to the battery display. Figures were jumping all wide on a long downhill left road. This elevated Carlsson to that. So the battle for second was and the car just stopped on the over the place! He tried to effect a hander, the rear wheels touched third, and after the first two stages now just between Burns and stage, Ligato· went off the road, repair before he tackled Stage 15. the sand and the car ended up off he was only 0.3 seconds behind sec-Solberg. Burns went easily on stage punctured, and stopped to change The repair lasted a kilometre but the road with the wheels in the air. ond placed Katajamaki. Wilks was 18, "I had not tackled that stage the flat tyre. Broccoli lost his brakes • then it failed. The electronics af- Famous old problems came to the now up to fourth after passing for a long time and I wanted to be completely while on Stage 19Wilks fected the differentials and it kept rally on Stage 13, the Urria jump. Broccoli. Meeke was still in last safe," letting Solberg for two stages hit a rock and bent a shock ab-trying to throw the car off the road. Antony Warmbold retired with a place (now 11th) and had three up into second (albeit always by less sorber but continued to finish third 53RD Neste Rally Finland 7-10 August 2003 (FIN) Jyvaskyla WC rouid 9 JWRC round 4 WC points WR WO JC 1 (4) Mar1(ko MARTIN/Michael Park EE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC E003YRJ (GB) 3h.21m.51.7s. 10 -10 2 (7) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC SSOOWRT (GB) 3h.22m.50.6s. 8 8 3 (2) Richard BURNS/Robert Reid GB Peugeot 206 WRC 334NQZ75 (F) 3h.22m.51.8s. 6 6 4 (19) Car1os SAINZ/Marc Marti E Citroen Xsara WRC 36CSP92 (F) 3h.23m.50.7s. 5 5 5 (18) Sebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena FIMC Citroen Xsara WRC • 17DDM92 (F) 3h.24m.40.4s. 4 4 6 (8) Tommi MAKINEN/Kai Lindstrom FIN Subaru lmpreza WRC S90WRT (GB) 3h.25m.16.9s. 3 3 7 (23) Janne Tuohino/Jukka Aho FIN Ford Focus RS WRC CL 187 =IN) 3h.26m.14.6s. - 2 8 (24) Sebastian Lindholm/limo Hantunen FIN Peugeot206 WRC B0483 (FIN) 3h.26m.31.2s. - 1 9 (22) Juuso Pykalisto/Esko Mertsalmi FIN Peugeot 206 WRC 341 NQZ75 (F) 3h.28m.15.1 s. -10 (11) Freddy LOIX/Sven Smeets B Hyundai Accent WRC X21HMC (GB) 3h.30m.11.6s. 2 Other leading finishers 11 (26) Ari Vatanen/Juha Repo FIN Peugeot 206 WRC 4852YW69 (F) 3h.33m.41.9s. -12 (10) Armin SCHWARZ/Manfred Hiemer D Hyundai Accent WRC X22HMC (GB) 3h.34m.43.2s. 1 19 (52) Daniel Carlsson/Mattias Andersson S Suzuki lgnis JWRC ITA852 (H) 3h.52m.22.9s.• -10 20 (61) Brice Tirabassi/Jacques-Julien Renucci F Renault Clio JWRC 871AMC83 (F) 3h.53m.19.8s. - 8 24 (70) Guy Wilks/Phil Pugh GB Ford Puma JWRC EX02PXM (GB) 3h.58m.05.9s. - - · 6 25 (71) Urmo Aava/Kuldar Sikk EE Suzuki lgnis JWRC ITA854 (FIN) 4h.01m.04.6s. - 5 26 (69) Salvador Canellas/Xavier Amigo E Suzuki lgnis JWRC IEK314 (FIN) 4h.01m.09.8s. - 4 27 (67) Alessandro Broccoli/Simona Girelli RSM/I Opel Corsa JWRC BW930PS (I) 4h.03m.31.3s. - 3 30 (58) Marcos Ligato/Ruben Garcia RA Fiat Punto JWRC BY579NX (I) 4h.09m.29.5s. - 2 33 (62) Oscar Svedlund/Bjom Nilsson S V'N Polo JWRC H-RM495 (D) 4h.12m.50.9s. - 1 71 (17 JWRCJ starters. 35 (8 JWRC) finishers. *1st S1600. MANUFACTURER REGISTERED DRIVER. Winn8f's average speed over stages 121.62kph. Page 20 broken shock absorbers to report. than a second!) and retrieved this as did Aava and Canellas in fourth Then overnight Group N leader by Stage 20. Loeb and Makinen and fifth. This caused the suspen-Galli punctured after a jump on continued to hold their positions· sion to collapse, but between stages Stage 12 and lost seven minutes. at fifth and sixth without any seri-he then fitted a purpose supplied Jean-Joseph retired his non-cham- ous challenge. steel bar which enabled the suspen-pionship Super 1600 Clio after Another big battle was for sev- sion to maintain its position. On. going off and damaging his suspen-enth place, best non-makes entry, the final group of stages Ceccato sion. Sola continued to live with his in which Lindholm took five sec- retired from seventh place when he alternator trouble, though on the onds offTuohino only to fall back rolled, _so only eight cars reached longer stages the performance of again. Latvala was struggling on the finish. ~ the engine was failing, and he had two punctures on the first day. Carlsson passed Katajamaki by go-ing faster, then got back up to first again when Tirabassi had first a slow puncture, then a broken sho~ ab-sorber. On Stage 14 Katajamaki crashed and retired, while on Stage 15 Anderson, who had been lead-_ing the 1600 class, retired with en-gine failure. Broccoli did a lot of damage landing ar Urria. Svedlund was running very late with brake troubles, while Wilks recovered back to third place in the Puma. Ligato, struggled among the slower Group N drivers, being baulked for 20km by a slower car. For the final two stages Tirabassi decided to fit a second spare and it was a disaster. The balance of the car was de-stroyed and he dropped a lot more time against Carlsson. Meeke mean-while had clutch failure, a legacy of driving on flat tyres the day before. The gearbox was changed but they found that was faulty so changed it back again! Broccoli finished the day without brakes, as did Ligato. Leg 3 -Six stages, gravel, 101 kms. Another sunny day, another day where split second battles were on the cards. Overnight more absen-tee driver· penalties were an-November 2003 PIKES Service center Baker, California Celebrating 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• YHANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil~ SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT/ Dusty Times
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MORE K,IR TEK BARSTOW 250 Wallace Wails: .. "Tops•· Field At Barstow B, Ton'J Tellier Photos: Trackside Photo The Class f win went to Bill Markel, a very long last lap didn't stop Bill from picking up the $1266 winners check. · than Rick Minga! Martin: "The car is a little soft, it's set up for Baja, not for these rocks. But it's fun, just ~tep on it and it goes! The '1600' cars were a pain in the ass to pass, in the dust." After dominating the first part of the event, with the win obviously in sight and completing eight laps in 2:50:44, an old, already fatigue-crippled left spindle let go on Tommy just before the left-hander hogback over to Pit B. Proving that once again it's not over until the fat lady waves the checkered flag. Garrit Wallace was the big winner at the MORE Barstow affair, he ran fast consistent laps to take the Class 1600 ·win. Darin McGuffin -"M'J budd,!" purse. While the automatic car sez Tom -trundled out to retrieve looked good on course, the pace the hard-to-handle three-wheeler. was five minutes a lap off that of "We though about dragging it out Dan Martin and Tommy Dittfeld. to the flats," Tom said, "but, hey, But Dan was not to be there at this is not some '5-1600'. It's not the finish. Que lastima. 'Member like scrapping a beam over the Bill's blue "Fyre" mini-truck with desert." They got the limping the shark fin number plate? Me, Jimco within striking distance then Garit Wallace soloed his Leighton "1600" to the Overall at the MORE Barstow 250 Kar Tek Challenge -Round 5 of the Kar Tek Gold Cup Series - over 22 other Pros and four Sportsman entries. Wallace had 11 other "1600s" to deal with, battling names such as Boyer, Maurer, Blakeman, Cullen, Girdner, and Wisdom. MORE's (Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts) Jim Clement set up a short 19.1 mile, counterclockwise loop, starting from traditional Sidewinder Road, that comhined several miles of ridgelines with the Slash X wide open spaces and sand washes, paralleling, and crossing twice, Stoddard Well Road. Of course, the infamous "Mile of Danger" was included on the outbound leg. Pros were scheduled for 12 laps, small cars ten and the Sportsman, who might live to hate it, nine. As someone who has had not much experience around the Barstow OHV area, I might say that it was harsh·, hard, and horrible; a perfect "filter", as it were. At the eight o'clock start it was dead calm but a slight light westerly breeze came up a few hours ·later, providing some small benefit of visibility on the way toward Slash X. Some said that it was hot; it was not. WINNERS AND LOSERS THESTAR The man of the meeting was Garit Wallace in his single seat "Hub Has It" Leighton "1600". Wallace ran the whole race himself and stopped only once -it carries 24 gallons of racing fuel! -and that was unscheduled in order to zip tie on a stylish green Rubbermaid "Roughneck" tub lid as a "top" on his way to the OA. (MORE was adamant about this safety issue of an open top.) The bonus for the restrictor cars was $500 for first, $300 for second, and $200; plus the actual 50% payback purse. Wallace, of ·Concrete Paving Contractors, Inc. (owner Dave · Allen), had the 14-month old car prepped by Ruben Duarte and fitted with a tranny by Mike Leighton, who noted that the car was very light -on a sort of Atkins Diet for buggies? "Hey! It's already ready for the SNORE 'Pro 1600' race", Mike said as he worked over the car with a 9/16th shop rag. "We're prepped and getting ready right now!" The engine was oil-dry and the race car DID look' ready for another go. THE WINNERS Bill Markel Bill Markel hung on in the LS 1 Penhall on his way to the $700 combined big-car bonus, plus the ~--------~---~ The winner's check for $766 went to BJ Proctor for his performance in the Class 9 race, he won by almost 40 minutes. Page 22 too. starter-crankt!d it, easily inching it John Criswell onto the trailer. No harm, no foul John Criswell demonstrated the fouls!" Tom needed a pillow :never give up" attitude so· "shim"fortheseatafterBigDan necessary in off road racing.-oailed out. Better'n an LA phone Sidelined early, far from any pits, book. the crew slaved over the "500" car The Arts Velasco • and got it back on the rough to "Los Dos Arturos (Velasco snatch the second place monies Family Racing) live in the heart of from the jaws of defeat. · the Barrio (East L.A.). They have Dan Martin and Tom Dittfeld this new '10' car that they raced Although not even a finisher, here and a 1/2-1600. They pit a Dan Martin and Tom Dittfeld lot at MOR and MORE events and debuted the mid-motored Toyota are always willing to help. Both V6 Jimco with consistent, max were voted into the Checkers this AB,20minutelapsovertherocky year. They weld, build, and course, demonstrating. that a perform all their own work on couple of small-car guys could their cars; Sr. builds the engines." easily take over the wheel of a The Maurers, etc. winning "1" car an:d, literally, drive The Dal Corp two-seater ran the wheels off it. through two drivers and swapped History Lesson: A previous out three enthusiastic passengers -owner, Kory Scheeler, had won all wound tightly to the max. the $10,000 "Terrible's Town Everybody got their fair share in 250" in '98 in this very car that he the fun and sun, and the second had purchased from the Dondels: pla$e bucks, to boot! "I shoulda never sold it ... " Danny THE LOSERS bought it from the McCallums. .. The Field who possibly sell even more cars With 34 starters and only 11 The first Class 5-1600 car to cross the finish line was Joe Westhoff, seen here nicely airborne on his way to the checkers. November 2003 · finishers, it WAS a rough race; that is a low 32% finishing rate and that was bumped up by the six out of 12 "1600" finishers. None of the Sporties made it. Rick Boyer Rick can't get no rest or respect; he had a load of Boyer kids racing and, when questioned, they all agreed that they could, indeed, easily "b.eat their old man". "Well, ,eah, (dude)" one struggled, suggesting exactly how obvious the issue really was! Rick, the man who made Steve Roberts the most DECO-rated "1600" in SCORE, has way too many race kids in HIS shop[ "We bought the 13 year old Ed Pauly Mirage as a pre-runner, now they want to race it!" said Rick, shaking his head. The boys had no flats, just changed drivers. Cory and Greg's Wiks engine was covered in oil at the end-the base of the alternator· pedestal had cracked. In addition, the coil bracket fatigued off and was repaired using cable ties, duct tape and a bungee. They missed. the third place money place by a few minutes·. Cory drove the first six laps ~ith , co-driver Joey Woods at a winning pace. "No flats but the coil bracket came loose on the sixth lap. Cory was forced to get out of the car and tape it back into place. The driver change was at the end that lap. I (Greg) and (sideman) Chris Boyer got into the car and had six great, trouble-free laps, all 24 minutes. Could have had a second if the coil bracket hadn't come loose." Brady Wisdom The Wisdoms took a harsh ride right off the git-go ... Lap 1, · RMl.5. The Boyer Boyz had nose walked their car out of the same big hole but Wisdom would not be so lucky: a DNF and they didn't even get to work up a sweat. Rob Stapp/Protech Race Photos: "I have shots of most of the cars and they are free for the asking! I will download it to you _at no charge. I have to give the 'Big Air Award' for this race to Cory Boyer! I shot him nearly vertical at speed on Lap 1, RMl.5. Nice to see him put it out! Wisdom didn't!!! Stapplab@aol.com. THE RACE For a larger purse Jim polled the tires "Ten" drivers and big bug man John Criswell to see if they would like to run with the three "1" cars for a $500 winner's bonus ... plus $200 to the runner-up. "Yes!" Attrition and his team's tenacity would prove this to have been a good decision for John. Bill Markel left from his drawn pole posftion with Art Velasco following 30 seconds later onto Continued on page 22 Dusty Times .J
. . • 0 ay 200-· Dec 5&6, Lucerne Va!.Jey," ~Ca!il.. Tech and Registration 5_:00 to 9:00 P. M At Start Finish Line Dec 5, Location and Map to be posted on ·web site Race Driver Meeting 7:30 A.M. Race starts 8:00 A.M. Awards after race At Start Area . CJass 10 $2000-00 •Class 1121600 $4000.00· With 10 cars in class Class 9 with 17 cars in class $2000. 00 First, ··$·1500. 00 Second, ··$·1000;00 Third Thanks-to TE "Support the peoplt ·that support yotl' Off Road M.O.R.E. Racing P O Box 1231 Bar.stow, Ca 92.311 Phone /Fax 760--253--7572 \.vWW'.moreracing.net E--Mail Jim@morer-acing.net 2004-Schedule Jan 31, P-&L Fuel Badlands 400 L March .2 7, Balls Out 2.50 Bar.stow May 29, Kar Tek 300 Lucerne July 24, Freedom 250 Barstow Sept 18, Kar Tek Challenge L Dec 4, Holiday 200 Barstow
the 19.l m·ile course -for a scheduled 12 laps. Danny Martin was third out at 08:01 and was back around at 08:21 :54 with two minutes on Markel and three on Stuart Chase. Martin's fastest lap was at 57:21. . "The Penhall worked great," Bill reported. "Dan caught us eight miles in and let us know that he was faster. On the second lap our roof started coming loose so we stopped at FAIR's Pit A for some tape and then, again, on the next lap. The team did a· rider change on the start of the seventh lap and a stop on the ninth for '76' fuel." "On the 12th and final lap we lost the steering and went off the edge of the ridgeline. The bolts that hold the tie rods to the rack had come loose. Even with the limited tools and spare parts we had in the car we were still able to limp in for the finish and the Class _ 1 win. Thanks to Scott Martin, the car owner, for letting us drive such an awesome car." I ran down Garit Wallace at work: "We decided to do the MORE race at the last minute,: Garit said. "We had 'raced' the Primm the weekend before and, there, I had a couple of flats on the left side and was stuck out on the course for three hours because we -couldn't get a truck to my location. The car wasn't hurt so we decided to make the MORE ra~e. We got to Sign-up and Tech on Saturday morning and I pre-ran on my bike while my dad did the car." • "The race went as planned with only one minor problem. I just kept a steady pace until Lap 9 when the top of the car decided to go its own way. Jim Clements walked to our pit and·said that we would be getting the black flag on the next lap unless we could replace the roof. We had a Rubbermaid crate in our trailer and punched a few holes in it, zip tied it, and it fit great. I added a couple of gallons of fuel at that time, to be sure, and finished the race. I did get lost for a brief time and lost a couple of positions but made them up when the other cats stopped for fuel and driver changes." · "Yes, we did ride the '24 Hours of Glen Helen" and finished first in the Family class. We also won the series in the class, as well, which consisted of the Six Hour, 12 Hour a·nd 24 Hour. My brother, Broe, who is 20, and my dad, Dave Wallace, shared the riding with Scott. Pickens. I ride an XR650 in the desert and a CRF450 for motocross. For the 24 Hour we rode the 650. The very steep, rutted 'Yamaha Hill' was OK during the day but at night you did-not want to follow anyone or you were stuck." "We've been racing at Glen Helen since 1985 - my dad has known Bud Feldkamp since the '70s when he and Malcol.m Smith raced together. Our relationship with the Leightons goes back to the '70s with my dad. He built and drove Lee Leighton's Class 9 cars for seven years, from 1974 through 1980. My dad also used to race bikes and cars with Larry Roeseler. Larry and Dave raced a Class 9 car together - he gave Larry his first ride in an off road race car. My dad has several pictures of 16 year old Larry, sitting in Dad's Funco SS2. They won a couple of races in the desert and Larry drove Dad's car at the SCORE races in Riverside." "Dad and Bob Leighton raced together for several years and won the HORA overall points in 1980 and finished second overall in 1978 .and '79. Lee Leighton has mainly retired but stili assists in our engine program along with our mechanic Ruben Duarte. Ruben worked for Lee for over ten years prior to coming to work for · · Concrete Paving Contractors." (The name "Leighton" should pique the curiosity of students of the sport; Bob was often a factor in the halcyon days · of off road racing. A friend recalled that, in 1983, he ran into Bob, stranded on Oiablo with a rod hanging out of the cases. He towed him back to San Felipe on the end of a 15 foot strap, a fast, dusty, blind ride, at best. "He still owes me that margarita he promised!") · "l plan on racing the Pro 1600 PERFORMANCE 101 SUBJECT: Race winning technolouv/eauipmem / I..,,.-. ~-'~ RaceRunner. Shacks: 2.0", 2.5", 3.0" Emulsion Remote Reservoir .BVP8SS Shocks · Coil ever s111nus Craig Turner FACTORY PIiot Seven time Champion " - # • I All on liifiiililr7,r;;;fiiiiiljf' . ' . :,•' ~ ~ · Call for our NEW ~003 ~roducts Catalog 20724 Lassen Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 PH (818) 700-9712 FAX (818) 700-0947 Complete line of vw Suspension Componems www.swayaway.com Page 24 November 2003 Ron Kellman kept it all together and took the win in the Limited Sportsman class, seen_ here coming in for a landing. next year and see how we do, then possibly move up to Class 10. We build our own chassis in house and Mike l'..eighton does the tranny and Ruben and Lee do the motors. If we can get the car back together this week we may run MOR in Lucerne." CLASS 1 As Danny Martin was running his ,blistering race pace, .second half driver Tom Oittfeld was getting butterflies while Bob McGee was radaring Martin at 71 miles per hour. Chase at 68 mph, and Markel at 61: "This will be my first time in a 'One' car," Tom fidgeted, " ... OK, I drove it for ten· minutes and got out with my knees shaking. I just have to take it easy, lear.n it, and not overdo it," shrugged the 5-1600 champion. After the race Tom, again admitted that he had been "nervous, excited, a little scared, but everybody boosted my confidence: 'You can do it', and all that hype! And, after all it's not my first day in the desert!" "It was gnarly, it hauled ass, awesome, it was effortless to drive, it had to be running a hundred, but it really doesn't seem that fast! Speed has never been my problem; it's having to manhandle those small '5-1600' and Class '9' cars -that is a bitch. The Jimco has no bump steer and you can easily drive with one hand ... but when you're really hauling ass you'd better use two," Tommy laughed!. "When the spindle broke there had been no inkling of any -problem, just 'Boom!' and the wheel hit the rear tire and sailed way off into the desert a 100 feet ahead" while the lower A-arm augured in and broke. "Thanks to Bob McGee and Jimmy 'Hooked Up' Hook for the car prep, the Checkers, and, of course, Dan Martin for the opportunity to race a top-flight Class 1 car. Now we'r prepping for the 'Baja 1000': I want good 'odds; after all, we have great n resumes. CLASS 10 There were two new "10" cars out for the Kar Tek race: the Velasco's center-seated homebuilt and the unusually-arranged two seater of"Mister Bill" Crider. .. the car has the passenger's seat set back one foot so that the occupants are not shoulder-to-shoulder, or cheek-to-jowl. The exemplary swoopy sheet metal was the handi~ork of Victor Bussey's "VBS" sheet metal shop: "We have rigs, ipigs, Greenlees, notchers, chop saws, brakes, rollers ... we do it all." The WR-gear boxed car reminded many of the famous "Giese" car of-years ago. The Arts' car (Heh heh) has a 1914cc Type l and their own arms, front and rear. However, neither car would . finish the high-attrition event; the Velascos sang those famous 'New Car Blues" as a cylinder and popped out, however, son Art was pleased with the car's handling; they just wanted all the laps. During the pre-running they found an erratic boulder, or two, on the course and moved ·them off. Maybe they came back? On the ocher hand, Mister Bill was on the final, seventh, lap of his starting stint when, reportedly, fatigue and the expectation of the scheduled driver change allowed Bill to allow the car to come out of the last "gotcha" akimbo. Slamming down sideways, hard, on the left rear trailing arm twisted the weldment and popped the axle through the hub. Bell now well-run, they took the precautionary step of taking him to the Barstow Community Hospital for observation as he was . complaining of a sore neck. Banked knees and elbows were the order of the day. A freshly suited-up Bussey could only sag in disappointment as he watched the car pirouette to its DNF. During pre-running they found an erratic boulder, or two, on the course and tore off the right nerf bar - it\s always that side isn't it? One the Arts missed?! · · Stuart Chase was out for a shakedown before the "1000" in ol' # 102, and a good thing, too. On the fifth lap, during a scheduled "fill to spill" fuel stop, oil was noticed aroun-d the Porsche six engine. The nylon sight-level tube on the dry sump reservoir had pulled off the top spigot and was burping lubricant. Nylon has a limited life under conditions of heat and petroleum; it gets hard and it shrinks. Al Long and Art Velasco (Sr.} jumped in to do battle with the hot and slippery tube while Billy Robertson and I piled in. Billy is noteworthy as the long-suffering owner of the abortive II Paradigm" LSl buggy. The huge still-born car, laid out in late 2001, has been nowhere near race ready. After watching the sea of II l" cars at the Primm, Bill-"Patience is not one · of my virtues" -decided to strip the chassis and commissioned · Jerry Penhall to build a two seater a la Bill Markel and Mike Voyles/ Shawn McCallum with a Jeff / fields auto. "I have no desire to become involved in a long term development program," Bill said, alluding to the Robby Gordon internal bypass shocks in concert with the controversial, extremely long, center-pivot, rear trailing arms. The superbly fashioned, but questionably designed chassis Dusty Times
· Unfortunately, John Criswell only made it around for one lap at Barstow Second place in the Class 9 battle w~nt to Harry Dunne, seen here The silver medal in the 5-1600 Class contest went to Mike Norris who seems to fly very well as seen in this photo. in his good looking, powerful car. in flight on the way to collect $384 in purse money. is going to a retirement home in cage of the "Ten~. In the next ·he was dragging me along!" HohviHe • home of tht: world-instant the buggy slammed down, Lorenzo ctit the fast lap of the class · reknowned "Carrot Festival", hard, on the little car's front bash · on Lap 12 at 49.3 miles per hour. ·secondonlytotheBrawley"Cattle bar: "I was trapped under him, Third was #1603 Gerald Call"! Robertson is the owner of pushed down," Lorenzo ·showed Longo, who was not tuckered out Honda of North Hollywood (and everyone, waving his hands. "Then in the Tucker Tire Co FAT car; Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, SeaDoo, and BMW - they support a flotilla of CHP bikes). Enquire for the racer's deal on all your wet and dry needs. We baled after three laps -and after hitting the same "gotcha" each lap (at the "number plate" before Pit A. "Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little m~nds", or so said Ralph Waldo Emerson. So much for .transcendental meditatio~, huh?) - after a look-over when the suspension started kicking. The Checkers discovered that the left rear limit strap had fatigued a welded T-boli:, allowing way too much "droop", do.wn-travel,. _ More important, the flailing strap tore open the leather outer boot and the c.v. was Barstow-bone dry. Unbuckle and beer time. · Perennial competitor Chase's •first off road race was the '87 "Mint". "It started at Jean and there was a highway caravan from the Mint _parking' structure in town. There were 76 '1600' cars; I was 46th out, finished 17th, solo. Darin McChesney was my co-rider, a friend's son. I had been at Parker that year and decided I needed a car; I called Dave Kreisler (Raceco), went down and ordered· one with a busty blonde on my side (Note: How typical!). Joe Giffin (JG Transworks) even worked there." CLASS 1/10/5 Combined 7 Starters, 2 Finishers:·29% 1st: Bill Markel (Class 1) 2nd: John Criswell (Class 5) DNF: Greg Jennings (Class 10). DNF: D_an Martin/Tom Dittfield (1). DNF: Stuart Chase/Bill Robertson (1). DNF: "Mister Bill" Crider (10). DNF: Art Velasco, Sr. & Jr. (10). CLASS 1600 The Dal Corp car of the Maurers (#1032) had Brett at the controls of the FAT/1,.othringer for the first eight: "This is my first 'good' race, the couple of times_ before the car has had troubles. This was clean." Lorenzo Rodriguez took over for the final four. Steve Miller got his · first .EVER off road car rode. After his three exhilarating.laps Miller was double-pumping, retelling of the rocks; and rills, and templed hills, all at verbal race speed. Lorenzo had an "incident" with the lime green "Ten" of Greg Jenning, coming up on the·larger car in the dust. Lorenzo went up to give the car a wake-up call but the cross-drainage.suddenly put the "1600" UNDER the engine Dusty Times • November 2003 -the ~oyers Fourth, and Matt rollers before Pit C and went over Cullen (the man who makes Bruce and back, finishing fifth. Conrad full of gas), in the #1688 Jamie "Not That" Campbell Greg Blakeman "F&L Co. Inc. (i.e. broke the top transmission engine Fuels & Lubricants) Special", who bolt tabs on the Lothringer single got into _a tank-slapper in the Con·tinued on page 24 ai al~ l!Dfl1tam liohtf nrne'; own , viii Davii R •tfie aovelope seasmt after S11aso!l. Sppeds r ·•· r I list fr1le falls, mid-air C1111iSio1JS·, , lig . . varlable·f QCIIS liDlrt& with our imt · ·· . · saw t1l shaltllrllmof lights dla r s BLas ti terrain · 1Page 25
seater "and the srn.rter was coming loose". However the Checkers, under Mike Wright's direction, performed a field fix in only a couple of minutes. So sixth place, after two stops, as opposed to , Wallace's quickie fix wasn't considered too bad. Jamie had road racer Matt Millen driving the middle laps of the event; partner Millen raced a 1.6L Rabbit-motored car in SCCA events, all across the country, for six years. When asked wl:iich_ was a more demanding venue, road circuits or the desert, Mark was adamant: "The desert. There are too many variables." Friday, Campbell had to send his father down to Howe to get a replacement power steering pump! "Wow! It's a LOT better with power steering! The kick-back was terrible!" Brad Inch #1609 ran some fast laps then retired. Don Johnson in the "Grandma's Special Dressing" # 1698 car was a no-lapper. Whose "Grandma"? "Special" what? Dave Girdner's #1060 went on ii:s top - obviously, as seen by the wrinkled sheet metal. Arturo Gutierrez #1653 was showing off his new shiny orange paint job -for seven laps, anyway. Fernando "Fernie" Padilla talked the talk: "I may have not finished, but I did . set second fastest lap time. Also, I stopped on the first lap and got out of the # 1618 car. That 'probably' took 'about' three minutes and if you subtract that from my lap times, it's a 21-minute lap, which would have set fast lap by two. This is my third race driv-ing, ever_, too. Next race will be different." One would hope so. Page 26 CLASS 1600 12 Starters, 6 Finishers: 50% 1st: Garit Wallace. 2nd: Brett Maurer/Lorenzo Rodriguez. 3rd: Gerald Longo. 4th: Cory and Greg Boyer. 5th: .Greg Blakeman/Matt Cullen. · 6th:_ Jaime Campbell/Matt Milleri. DNF: David •Girdner. DNF: Brad "25.4mm" Inch. DNF: Arturo Gutierrez. DNF: Fernando Padilla. DNF: Brady Wisdom. DNF: Don Johnson. CLASS9 Zonie B.J. Proctor's #965 Rucker Motorsports buggy was not to be found "standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona," but was "a fine sight i:o see" at the winner's circle. Their stealth-· painted Proctor Racing two seater really smoked the field, by 43 minutes over the #914 of Harry "RU" Dunne and Tom Mangione, averaging 38 mph. Joel "Orange" Peel and Matt Gumz' #923 "P n G Racing" had a long lap on their way to third and a few snappy 41-plus mph laps late in the game. · Scott Annand showed up for his first ever off road race full of piss and vinegar; he WAS well prepared with the ex-Ken Tapert single seat swing-axler (#902). Scott had spent considerable time in the Orient -and competed in the Japanese Observed Trials series for HRC (You don't have to put your foot down when you stop in a buggy!) "But I heard that 'with age you get a cage' so I got the full deal from Tapert." Indeed, when Scott picked up the car with his F 150 he had not bargained on the full extent of Tapert's "Lots of spare" comment in the Go Desert com on-line ad. Ken l~ughed: "I had boxes and boxes of parts, spring plates, rear tubes, froqt arms, spindles, brake drums, transmissions, wheels ... all the stuff that could not be used in my new Danny Porter '1600'. We could not load all of it," Ken continued. "Scott's trailer hitch was only a couple inches off the ground! He needed to come back up (to Henderson, from San Fernando) for more!" RAH Industries' Bob Weesner acts as titular "T~am Manager" for Sco,tt, opening beer, etc. Scott's First Race Impressions: "Friday started off not so good; while loading up all the stuff I re-injured an old motorcycle rib deal. Pulling out the motor home, it caught the rear on a . telephone pole stanchion cable and ripped the back trim off. Found Tech and got a flat tire on the trailer. Was hoping this was not going to be a pattern for the weekend." "As this was my first car race, I had done research and talked to as many people that I could find to give me advice an'd pointers. We felt the car I had bought from Ken Tapert, who bought from Rob Stapp (Protech Race Photos), who bought it from Sandy Parker, was ready to go. When I bought this car from Ken he said that everybody will ask_ you if it's Sandy Parker's old car, and, boy, did they!" "I wasn't quite sure who to pit November 2003 Brett Maurer was just a bit off the winning· pace at MORE Barstow, he was second in the 1600 conflict and collected $750. · with, FAIR or CORE? The CORE marked very well and I had no guys all seemed to live in my area problem finding my way around." (San Fernando Valley) so I went "Everybody kept telling me how with them. Of course, I was not tough Barstow courses were and parked in the area that they were were surprised I had picked it for setting up their pits and with 45 my first race. I understood what minutes before the race I had no they were talking about in the first time to move the motor home and five miles! Trying to go fast, I all of what seemed to be a encountered some very rough thousand pounds of spares and spots on that first lap that broke - tires I was advised to bring. I had niy oil filter mount clean off. I had my co-driver Steve Morgan and no idea it had broken until I was two of my friends in from Japan flagged in at Pit B by a crew I was Satoru Yokomori-and Toshi (who not even pitting with! They were had ridden his XR650 down from waving me in so I thought I'd Alaska the day before!) load up better stop. They tie-wrapped and and get to the CORE pits." duct taped it back together so it "While sitting on the start line wasn't flopping around and I lost I was surprisingly not at all my fourth place position. By Lap nervous. I had pre-run the course 5 I had made it up and was feeling with Harry Dunne. '9' points good. I had passed two '5-1600' leader, the Sunday before and, cars and was starting to get in the while not nervous, I ·was hoping groove." that the course was better marked. "When I had bought the car l It turned out that the course was had noticed the dents in the back ® The Suspensio·n Company. Dusty Times •
Bob Weidemold only got in four of the required seven laps but he was Third place in the 1600 contest went to Gerald Longo, he flew his rhird place in the Class 9 contest went to Joel Peel, seen here shortly after takeoff at the MORE Barstow 250. credited with second place in Unlimited Sportsman. way nicely to a $416 payback for his efforts. of the car and was told they were for the day. All I though was that the entry. I had said 'I'll catch you from other cars nerfing you! I my co-driver Steve Morgan was later.' Must be a bummer to pay couldn't believe what this would-sitting there nervously waiting to your money and not be able to be like. On my third lap I found take over in his first race. I thought even get into the car ... I guess that's out! It wasn't all that bad and the about how he had told his wife to racing?" '16' car that bumped me must give me the check for his half of "As I waited for the CORE guys have been in a good mood because they did not nit me too hard. 'Thanks'." "Going into this off road race thing I knew that I would already have an advantage over someone just walking off the street and racing their first race. At least I was hoping so. Having ridden all forms of off road motorcycling I knew my ability to read the terrain and pick my line would be very beneficial to driving a '9' car. Also being a former Observed Trials rider I have learned where my front and rear wheels are at all time. I was able to pick my line way out in front and stick to it, giving me a smooth ride ... if there is such a thing in a '9' car!" "I made a concise effort to relax and not oversteer or hold on too tight. Being.relaxed made it easier for me to concentrate on my lines and avoid fatigue. I did make an effort to drive with my thumbs to the outside of the steering wheel. I had learned at an early age the hard way (9n a non-power steering 60s pickup) not to drive with your thumbs inside the steering wheel, for the obvious reasons!" ~ -~ · to determine where I was, a truck truck towed the car into Pit B. I load of Checkers came up and gave found the car covered with me beer and smokes as I waited Checker stickers! From what I hear· for my crew to come out. I went this is to let everybody know who back with my crew to fetch our bailed me out." Roger that! trailer while the Checkers in the . Continued on page 26 GET MiCROSTUBS! 934 PRO VERSION Now IN STOCK! "It did feel strange to not be able to use any body English, foot peg or bar pressure, or even stand up on a bike so when you see something tough coming up and get ready to unload the suspension. In a car you have only two options: brake hard or gas it. Both of which in a '9' car get you the same results: a very hard thud. You just have to sit there and suck it up! I have not put my body through anything like that in years, a stiff neck the next day, and kidneys that are ready for some "Englishman's pie! I think that my experience on bikes is going .to play a big part in accelerating my learning curve in this new sport." "The first few miles of the course were hard on my body and the car, all the way to Pit "A". After that it· opened up and I thought it was fine. I thought there would be steeper up: and down-hills but both were inild. I felt very comfortable going as fast as I could down hills." PFIEFIUN A SPECIALIST "I did not brake hard enough going into a 90-degree left turn and felt my left wheels get very light! The straight into the main pits was a little bouncy and after a couple of laps I found my line. Didn't want to endo in front of all my friends in my first race. I was just learning the lines and rough spots when I thought I blew a shift, but it was the rear axle. No forward gears and I was out Dusty Times TUNDRA4WD lONOTRAVEl ~--~-,... COILOVER & BYPASS SETUP WITH 4WDI ~PErformancE (.::::i=) U Suspension 99-03 .IIlVERADO COilOVE/l KIT WE STOCK MORE PARTS THAN ANYONE/ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 909.737.RACE (7223) 2871. Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 November 2003 TH££DG£ ADVANCED SUSPENSION 4WD .IUPE/lDUTY 'lIFTKIT.I 311 TO 1211 AVAILABLE! Major Credit Cards Accepted Jv@I ~DISC VER Page 27
Fourth in the 1600 race was Cory Boyer, his good looking car finished Ron Rash was doing real well in Class 9 until some problems on the Greg Blakeman didn't have too bad a day, he finished fifth in the 1/2-1600 contest, seen here heading towards the checkers. just'four minutes out of the cash rewards. sixth lap put him way down on time. "Body hurting and pride racing!" made Class 9 famous. broken .I collected all thousand The "980" car of Jason CLASS 9 pounds (that now felt like 2,000 Cepielik was resplendent in the 7 Starters; 3 Finishers: 43% lbs) of spares from all the pits now obsolete Arizona flag 1st: B.J. Proctor. and went right to the ice chest to graphics ... for Jason bought the 2nd: Harry Dunne/Tom ponder about the next-race." car from Andy Kisner, "9" Mangione. The overall organization of winner at the "2000" (The black 3rd: Joel Peel/Matt Gumz. this MORE event, the course, "Hoss Cartwright" cowboy hat in DNF: Ron Rash. and all the off road people made "DeZert People 1 ".) Jason was DNF: Jason Cepielik. this first race very memorable. I sent to the trailer (or The DNF: Scott Annand. would like to thank all the Showers, which came later) due DNF: Jim Richardson. people that helped me with this to rear axle failures. This coarse CLASS 5-1600 first race: Jose Parmo (the guy course would be a bitch in a "9", Both Joe Westhoff #555 and that got me into this whole I'd say. Mike Norris #563 had lengthy thing}, Ken Ta pert, Rob Stapp, Blast From The "Passed". The repair laps and both were DNFs. CORE, The (world-famous) #901 car ... had the spare wheel CLASS 5-1600 Checkers, the guys at Aviation mounted on right side ... surely 2 Starters; No Finishers: 0% Welding, Bob Weesner at RAH looked like Rich Richardson's DNF: Joseph Westhoff. Industries, Steve Morgan (my co-old ca_r, even to the "finned" DNF: Mike Norris. dtiver) and my wife, Ta; this topside number plates! Son Jim UNLIMITED SPORTSMAN being our first wedding only got in two laps. Way back Don Heinemann put in seven anniversary she still let me go when, Rich was the man who rueling laps ... the sixth took HONDA Power Equipment POWEil 2:44:20. Bob Weiderhold • are Dani-Hoe, Dani. there two of these guys? • ran a Born September 7, 1977. good pace until it went bad. Died July 9, 2003. Four laps. · Lived in Long Beach (CA). 2 Starters; No Finishers: 0% Working in Medford (OR) at DNF: Don Heinemann. the time of her death. DNF: Bob Weiderhold. Very bubblv. energetic, LIMITED SPORTSMAN enthusiastic off road fan. Ron Kellman's little "76" Founding member of buggy putted around for three CORDR (Coalition of Off laps then called it a morning. Road Desert Racers). Diego Lopez #748 had his work Always found helping the guys cut out for him on this course in the dumpsters at the CORDR -and his Blazer was not up to the clean-ups, not just doing the job: zero laps. • womanly thing. · 2 Starters; No Finishers: 0% Short, shapely, blond. DNF: Ron Kellman. Of the three in the car she was DNF: Diego Lopez. the only one wearing a seat belt; GONE BUT NOT theimpactatthetreeallowedthe FORGOTTEN unbelted driver to crush Dani; Danyelle Cheree Mester that was actually the cause of Nicknames: Princess, Princess death. ~ -RACER & SPECTATOR -DISCOUNTS . EB6500 HOND.A GENERATORS & PUMPS Page 28 • GENERATORS-•· OUTBOARD ENGINES .: • GENERAL PURPOSE-·ENGINES • WELDERS! WATER PUMPS • LAWN Mowe:Rs:·• -LAwN-tRAcToRs-•· RI.DiNG 'MOWERS • TILLERS··. t*¥ ._ C~lifornia's Largest Source ·P _:. _· fo_r Ronda Po'1Ver· Equipffl,nt· . . --Parts· a_n~ Inventory· .... : IF WE DONTHAVE IT, NO ONE·DOES! Check Our Website::a--WWW .Kawaguch-ihonda~com Kawaguchi• Honda ·Corp. . , . . -3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA ·90063 Nothing S easier. 13231 264-3936. 264-5858 • FAX 13231 264-2136 For Optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owners manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment Connection ofa generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possi>le injury to power COOl>81lY personnel. Consult a qualified eleclrician. © 2003 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. November 2003 Dusty Times
Dusty Times --Rq#JJ ~ ~~hl'p r~u@ .. ~ ~ - ' . "" {' , ta ~ / ffmdliJ[J'fjQ ', ' I ', , ' ! ~", " I I :' 'r1 ~ I T, "' BEN/, ·~ 1/Ei · .. ~ . . • FOOD AVA/LISLE AT TECH FRl~~~:1, SIGN UP AND TECH @ BOULDER CREEK COUNTRY CLUB 5:30PM -9PM MANDATORY DRIVERS MEETING@ 9PM, · ·-SATURDAY: RAf E.STAftT~. 9AM IJ · AWARDS AFTER RACE AT START AND FINISH ·•• .,. AREA .c,,,,, .... , •. ·_, .. · FOR MORE INFO CALL 102-452-4522 OR VISIT WWW.GO-DESERT.COM November 2003 Page 29
VORRA Fallon 250 Text & Photos: Bubba Ray Boudreaux Wes Harbor had a great day, three fast, consistent laps, no car problems and a nice gold medal for the Semi-Pro win. Just one week after friendly confines of Fallon, Class 1 cars and the Class 8 celebrating the 227th Neva_da. . . Ford old school stepside of birthday of this great With some of_the dnvers m · Kaile Vierra set to do battle, experiment in freedom we command of the1r classes, and the flag was dropped. The call the United States of 0ther classes a total tossup start line was held on the America; the drivers, battle for the lead, Fallon blacktop of the dragstrip. The families friends and staff would prove to add to the vehicles this time started side member~ of the 1Valley Off myStique of racing in the by side and headed off into Road Racing Association desCeLrtA. SS desolation for three laps at 85 congregated at the Top Gun . 1 miles a pop. Raceway just outside the With a grand total of four The first two off the line happened to be the current points leader Sam Berri and Vierra's old school stepside Ford. Berri was able to pull into the lead within the first couple of miles. Unfortunately, Berri went out of the race on the second lap due to a failed timing belt and Vierra DNF due to unknown causes. The second twosome to leave the line was the fire-breathing, Chevy powered buggy of Steve Sullivan and VORRA mainstay Dennis Kordonowy. In what was quickly becoming the issue of the day, survival; Sullivan had more transaxle problems and went out on the second lap. Kordonowy though, embodied the spirit of off road racing. Fighting engine problems all day, including at one point running on two cylinders; Kordonowy had to stop on the last lap, tore into the engine to mix and match broken and good valve train parts so he could at least finish on three cylinders. The last participant in the Class 1 battle, Ryan Sargent unfortunately was out of the race before his first lap was over. In the end, Kordonowy limped his crippled buggy into the finish just before the official cutoff time at 8:55:01 and took home the· Class 2 title. CLASS 10 Class 10 was the next set to head off into glory. E igh t entries came to town. Sam Berri rocketed out into a seven minute lead, but as aiready reported, fell victim to a mechanical dysfunction on the second lap. Berri's misfortune turned into fortune for Mike Haas. Haas took over the leader's spot on the second lap and kept it to himself as ·he not only took the class win, but his 5 :27:38 run was also good enough to earn the overall win for the qay. Al Cartlidge, if I recall correctly brought home a fourth place finish in Yerington and used the momentum to move up into second place in Fallon, running just a bit less than eight minutes behind Haas. 'For the third place spot, a man named Dale Smith claimed it. Mr. Smith went to Fallon and ran a 5 :5 5: 19 for the day. CLASS 7 The great mystery amongst the truck field was Billy Manfroy. Rumor had it that Manfroy was going to no-show the race, due to terminal engine problems just two weeks prior at the Best In The Desert race. The VORRA contingent was not to be disappointed though as Manfroy and crew pulled into the confines of Top Gun and got tech'ed just minutes prior before the cutoff time. With a massive field of seven trucks linin~ up to run around Lee Greig/ow leads Tom Hatch across the road and that's how the Al Cartlidge takes the highway crossing on his way to a nice second Dave Brown was just a bit off the winning pace so when the checkers duo took the checkers, Lee· took the win and Tom was second in place in Class 1 O at the VORRA Fallon meet. flew he was second in the Semi-Pro class. Class 9. r--------------------------------------==-~-==-~-==-~-==-~-=-=~-=-=~-~-==-~-==-~-==~ Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes io Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bulk Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products & Friendly Service www.ronco-plastla.com RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714·259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkwav Looo, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Cata/OQ liml • I I I I I I ~------------------------------------~------------------~ Page 30 November 2003 Dusty Times
Jeff Matlock ran his first desert race and was really happy with a nice Kenny Ott had big troubles on the second lap at Fallon but he still BJ and Tristan Butcher didn't have the best of days, two very long third lace in Class 7 in his Ford ickup. managed a fifth place finish in the Class 10 battle. laps and then retirement with only two laps completed. Patty Hayos crosses the highway on the way to a very short race, Matt Taylor crosses the pavement but his race was curtailed, he was Sigal Greenburg had to live with two terribly long laps, he finished a only one.of the two required laps completed. . a DNF in the Class 7 contest at Fallon. _lo_n=g_th_i_rd_,~·n_th~e~C_la~s_s_9_co_ n~te~s~t·~~~---------fo r two laps, the field 4:31. Sigal Greenberg, though highwater or Mr. Murphy, anyone to catch Harbor, Mike Koenig is not .racing unfortunately was not to hold slow, was able to bring her car Berri should be able to hold Harbor will have to record Sacramento this year; and up expectations. in t_o claim third place. onto that lead. some DNF's, and even then he who could blame him with the . Only two trucks were able to SEMI-PRO Class 9 will be interesting. has not a one yet this year. nice paint job on his Toyota. complete the two laps; class Six teams made the trip to Creiglow has a large lead over Class 7 will also be a class If you haven.'t paid attention winner Mike Koenig and Greg Fallon and like the big boys, Tom Hatch, but Creiglow's to watch. With Billy Manfroy to what the 7 trucks look like Haussmann. Koenig ran a 250 miles was their target lead may prove to be slim going recording a secon_d straight right now, go through your 4:27:52 and Haussmann ran a distance. into Sacramento with the DNF at Fallon, his point lead back issues and notice the 5:15:57. On the first lap, Wes controversy in Hawthorne and fell to a slim eight points over body changes in some of th e Koenig's race though was Harbor settled into the lead he hasn't seen the winner's Patty Hayos, and just 19 trucks. Body damage has been not problem free. After while holding a slim, two circle on the short course. points in front of third place the consistent thing in Class 7 locking the hubs for some old minute lead over Ever.ett Paul Class 9 will be interesting to Greg Hosmann. But folks, in Sacramento this year. And fashioned· four-wlieefing, one with Dave Brown running watch. don't fret, in Hawthorne there last but not least, if you are of the hubs began its.descent third. ·In the Semi-Pro class, Wes was some excitement that may semi-close to Sacra men to, into failure. Then to make Paul and Brown switched Harbor has broken away from make this class a last lap in come out to Prairie City and matters worse, an unknown left spots on the second lap and the rest of the field and for October race. Unfortunately, enjoy the action. ~ front suspension component Brown became faster went away and Koenig limped throughout the day. In the thetruckintothefinishwitha end, Haas' 5:49:33 out massive lean. Jeff Matlock, in distanced the competition by his first ever desert race, 13 minutes, which was Dave brought his Ford Ranger Brown. Paul claimed third at home for a third place 6:36:25. showing. Since the VORRA race Matt Taylor continued to reporter was called into service test out his mad fabrication and hung out on US 95 waving skill by pulling off a one and a a stop sign to keep the public half gainer, done sideways of and the VORRA competition course, blowing out three of safe for the day's activities, the four tires in the process. Fallon story is one that is Patty H alos went into the lacking more substance than a desert with a sound machine, certain ex-president's but unfortunately grenaded testimony; so with that, here's the rear-end, requiring a third a preview of the last three member change in the sand races of the VORRA season. and losing valuable time. · Labor Day weekend saw CLASS 9 VORRA open up a new area Only three 9 cars made the in Hawthorne and the race trip to Fallon, but with two team turnout was laps and the reputation of unbelievable. If the kind having a high finishing rate, all people in charge of printing three did the two laps like it this fine periodical will find it was nothing. in their hearts to print the The new team that Lee Hawthorne race in next Creiglow had a lot to prove month's issue; you, the viewing with a stunning upset win at public will be pleasantly Yerington. They blasted off the surprised at the outcome in line and quickly settled into Hawthorne and FINALLY, I'll the lead with Tom Hatch be writing about the venerable behind them. Class 8 trucks, which had an Creiglow ran a remarkable awesome turnout in 2: 15 :35 on the first lap while Hawthorne. Hatch was almost 8 minutes As this issue is in the mail, behind. ~ith consistency being VORR-A returns to Prairie the key, the Creiglow car City for the final two rounds recorded a time on the second of race action on the short lap that was only two seconds course track. slower than the first lap. Hatch In Class 1 and 10, Sam though fell off the race and in Berri, even with DNF in the end, Batch's 4:54:15 was Fallon,hasatightgroupofthe no challenger to Creiglow's points lead and come Hades or Dusty Times November 2003 Uffllll■ ·dia -ors uiltlor cers acers Page 31
..... MDR LUCERNE 3DO B-y Jud-y Smith Bayle And Hines Win Overall Photos: Trackside Photo Harley Letner and Kory Halopoff took the gold medal in the hotly contested Class 10 conflict, seen here at speed. Lucerne, CA: Dennis Boyle and Rock Road, which runs northeast three minutes later, Keith Cunning-Frank Hines, paired in their V8 of Lucerne. It was a 42 mile loop, ham ran third and in fourth place powered Lothringer, avoided disas-and racers did varying numbers of it was Darnen Jefferies in Steve ter by about one lap and took the laps, depending on class. It was, ac-Sourapas' Trophy Truck. They had overall victory with 15 minutes to cording to regular racers at this se-discovered that the transmission spare. ries, surprisingly rough for a Luc- case was warped and decided to call By almost any standards it was a erne race. it a day, not liking the dusty condi-tenific day for the race, with cool, The Unlimited class was re- tions in such a fast racer. As these calm weather for the seven a.m. quired to complete six laps and they cars completed their lap they could start time. But it was that "calmn had a nine hour time limit. They be heard coming in, but not seen that threw the monkey wrench into took the green flag single file, 30 until they hit the stretch of course the works. It was so calm that the seconds apart. There were 10 of immediately before and after the dust hung over the first couple of them off the line, but only four start/finish where it had been wa-miles of the course, making it very would be able to get to the finish. tered. difficult for the racers to see. Some Craig Reynolds didn't even get one Todd Sanderson dropped out got lost, some had nanow escapes lap done, but all the rest did. And on the next lap and Cunningham from collisions, and some just Frank Hines had his V8 powered went into the lead briefly, but at plugged along, fingers crossed that Lothringer in the lead, a new mo-the end of Lap 3 it was Todd they would hit no one and be hit tor sounding strong and healthy as Jergensen in front in his Cadillac by no one. he recorded the fast lap time for powered Smithbuilt. He had a The race course started and fin-the class at 44:46. Tim minute and 19 seconds on Hines, ished to the north_ east of Camp Rockenbach was second, about who'd handed his car over to Den-Dennis Boyle had a flawless run through the hanging dust, he took Class 1 and the overall, seen here at touchdown. nis Boyle. Cunningham was back in third. Now Boyle and Hines' car be-gan to sound a bit unwell, and they were having carburetor problems. Jergensen led through Lap 4, but on Lap 5 Boyle was back in front. That's because Jergensen hit an-other race vehicle in the dust and tipped his car over. He lost about 20 minutes. Rockenbach had put Scott Kincaid in his car on Lap 5, and Kincaid also went over. He'd taken evasive action to miss a Class 11 car that suddenly appeared out of the dust. His exhaust system fell apart during the roll-over and took a lot of electrical bits and pieces (in-cluding the wiring for his yellow light)_y.rith it. They didn't lose much time with the roll, but it was time consuming to rewire the yellow light. John Gould, who'd had a long third lap, disappeared on this lap. Marty Melendrez, who'd come up to third on the fourth lap, was sec-ond at the end of Lap 5, but didn't _get through the last lap because he lost a shock and broke the rear sus-pension and it couldn't be re-paired. Boyle and Hines held onto their lead, and took the win by about 15 minutes. When they had a look at their nice new motor they discov-ered that not only had it spit off one of its breathers, but also it had a quarter-sized hole in a valve cover. Jergensen was second, saying it was "scary all day - coming up on the \ little cars so fast. n And Rockenbach and Kincaid finished third, fol-lowed in by Andrew Gaston, almost a half hour later. Nobody else fin-ished. The Class 10 cars went off the line second, still 30 seconds apart and at the end of the first lap Har-ley Letner had the lead in his Hon-da powered Henry's chassis. He was about four minutes in front ofJim Anderson in his VW Dunrite. In third it was Shane Brown, another minute back, and then Greg Blake-man and Dave Willey in a VW Chenowth were fourth. Steve Vatter was already a lap down, hav-ing had some time-consuming early · problem. Jim Gledhill also lost about 10 minutes somehow on the first lap. Ten cars had started. Letner was flying, and he stayed in front, gradually building his lead. At the end of the third lap he had 14 minutes on Brown, who was now second. Letner got out and put his cousin, Kory Halopoff, into the car. Anderson didn't complete his third lap, which came in handy later. Shawn Croll, a class winner earlier in the season, was now third, and Blakeman and Willey were still fourth. Vatter was moving, but had way too much time to make up. Jim Gledhill disappeared on the fourth lap, and so did Brown, as Robert Nuckles moved up to fourth. There were just six cars run-ning now. Halopoff was having trouble shifting into first after stop-Second place in the Class 1 conflict went to Todd Jergensen, a slow Second place in the 5-1600 battle went to Guy Savedra, his good Paulden Hepler had the 5-1600 class won but a very long third lap fillh lap was part of his silver medal win. looking car seen here on the way to the checkers. dropped him back to second spot. Jerry Fisher was well off the winning pace at Lucerne and he ended Second place in Class 7S went to Doug Petterson, seen here at Second place in the Class 10 battle went to Lee Perfect, he ran up secood on the podium in Class 7. speed in his neat looking Ford pickup. consistent laps all race long but settled for the silver medal. Page-32 November 2003 Dusty Times
• Chuck Deck ran his Class 11 as hard as he could but had to settle Mike Dill thought he had the Class 1200 win in his pocket but troubles Ron Garter made a good run at the Class 1300 win, he took the silver tor the second spot at the MOR Lucerne race. on the second lap dropped him to second place. medal, down by three minutes at the checkered flag. ping at the start/finish check. By the time they'd completed the later said, "everything went real went home with a victory. McKinzie in second place in a Chen-At the end of the fifth lap Halo-third lap only Saavedra and smooth", kept on going around Therewereonlythreecarsinthe owth. ThiswasMcKinzie'sfourth poff not only led this class by 35 Edelstein were still running, and and around. He stopped once to 1/2-1600 class, and they were re- race. Mark Martin ran third, but minutes, he also had the overall lead Edelstein was nearly two hours give it a quick once over, and one quired to run six laps also. Garit he'd already lost a lap somehow, by seve.n minutes. But after stop- down. He didn't get any more laps other time for fuel, and other than Wallace put his Leighton into the and was destined to be playing ping at the s/fline, he couldn't find done either, but Saavedra, who that it was an untroubled day. He lead on the first lap, with Ray C11tinued on p111 34 a gear at all. Some friendly folks pushed him off course into the in-field and his crew hustled over to see what they could do. Halopoff was seen inside the cab frantically working on the shifter, which, it de-veloped, had stripped a setscrew. A little calling around and it was de-cided that Anderson had a shifter they could borrow, and crew mem-·bers hustled off to get it, while Halo-poff and Letner, who'd come up to help also, worked to get ready for the replacement. · Just as Halopoff climbed back into his car, and buckled in, the sec-ond place car of Lee Perfect and Dave Baeskens, an old Chenowth that used to belong to Bill Church, went past. They'd been second ·since the end of the fourth lap, moving steadily all day. Halopoff set his • sights on their rear bumper and took off. The Honda, which couldn't manage the hills without first gear, now had no problem with Anderson's shifter in place, and got past the VW powered car on the dry lake. They completed the lap in good shape, with no more shifting problems, and took the Class 10 win, although the overall had been lost. They'd dropped to third over-all. . Perfect and Baeskens,. who hadn't raced for three and a half years, also had a good last lap, a good day in fact, with no problems, and were happy with their second place. Blakeman and Willey, also having a good day in their VW Chenowth, finished third, only a minute and a half behind them. Croll, who had a two hour and 42 minute lap on Lap 4, did o.k. on Lap 5, then used up two hours and 36 minutes on Lap 6. He was fourth, finishing just two minutes and 49 seconds before he'd been out of time. There was only one Class 5 car, driven by Chris Bowman. He had a fast lap of 58:57, but immediately after that spent over two hours in the pits. He went in to have a cali-per replaced and while there it was discovered that a front arm was broken and the crew set about re-pairing that also. So Bowman did eventually get going again, and did his final three laps in good time to get a finish, but it was a long day for him .. There were five Class 8 trucks, but only one made it to the finish. Mark Shoaff didn't get the first lap finished, but Curt Kupiec put his Chevy into the lead with about a minute and 20 seconds on Greg Saavedra who was in a Ford that was out for the first time. In third it was Josh Klenske and then David Edelstein ran fourth. Dusty Times Sales lnlonnatlon: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.0. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment $5 Handling charge on alLorders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. Susp1n1fon Seat Collllrot:11d on '/." s11,1 Fram,, Vinyl Sfdn w/111 Tw,ed Cloth c,nter. Araf/1b/1 In: B11ct Vlny/ with Bf act Fabric; Gray Vlny/ with Gray Fabric; Gray Vinyl with Ebony and Opal Fabric Combination. (Add $7). Low Back Super Seat... .......... $180 High Back Super Seat .............. 190 LIL I SPORTSTER Only 1r Wide/ Now You can Use Su1p1ns/on S11a In Narrower C/ws/1. Ara/llb/1 In Bladt or Gray. Lil' Sportster Seat, Low·Back $140 Lil' Sportster Seat, Hi·Back ...... 150 DRY CEU BAmRJES Superior Cranking, Fast Charge Clpabl/lty and Vibration Rnlllanc, · CA @32' (Wxl.xHJ r x 6'/," x 5' Battery 925A ..... $140 6'/," x 7'/,x 7'/,Battery 1200A .. 175 Billet Aluminum Battery Box .... 110 Steel 925A Battery Box ............. .45 111. "x16',2 .............. $7 10"x30", ................ 8 10"x40". . ............. 11 Fuel Shut Tanks ...... . Chrome S ................ 25 TIGER 2x2 BELTS B/act, Red, Gray, Yr/low, Purpla or Bin. Chrome Aviation Sty/1 R,11111. z· up B,n and z• Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Chrome Release .......... $35 TIGER 3x2 BELTS Bladt, Rid, Gray, Yellow, l'llrpll or Blu,. Quiet utdl Re1,-3• up B,n & 2· Sewn Shoulder Strap,. 3 Point Heavy Duty Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS B/act, BIUI, or Red. . Sh~ulder Pads, pair ................. $10 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM /ncludn Ad/u1t1rr. Stock Width Beam wtth 8" Travel Towers ..... : ....... $140 6' Wider Beam with 8' Travel-Towers ............... 180 6' Wider Beam with 10" Travel Towers ............. 195 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushings, set 4 ... 20 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM For Ur, When Top Shildr Mouna .,. /ncorporalld In thl Ch111/s. 6" Wider Beam for Thru Rods .. $80 6" Wider Beam for Leafs .......... 110 TRAILING ARMS 1 ½ x 'J.' Front Arms, set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Front Arms, set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins, set of 4 ...................... 48 THRURODS For 6" Wider B,am with Long Trav1/Anri$. Thru Rods, pair ........................ $50 COMBO U#K SP/NOLES Ara/lab/1 In Standard Height orRa/s,d3" Combo Link Spindles, pair ..... $475 Bearing Kit, Set of 4 ................... 60 OFFROADR&P H11vy Duty Off Road U11 Or urger Sand Rall,. Off Road Rack & Pinion ......... $132 U-Joint for Rack & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U·Joint for R &. P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY For Warrior Beam with Off-Road Ract. fnclud11 Ends. Tie Rod Assembly, pair. ........... $62 BIUET STEERING BEARING CARRIER Mauna Steering Shafi to Rack and Pinion. Billet Steering Bearing Garrier .. $60 U-Joint 'I," to 'I•" Shaft .............. 50 U-Joint '/." Shaft to Rack ........... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 November 2003 WIii Un 9311 CV Joint. Trailing Arms, Steel, pr .......... $225 Trailing Arms, Chromoly, pr .... 295 STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Arallab/1 for Bug, Bui & 9311 cv,. Stub Axle, pair ....................... $140 Drive Range, pair. ..............•....... 84 HEAVY DUTY AXLES For 3 x 3 Trailing Arm6. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ... $130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr. .... 130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, using 930 CVS, pr. ...................... 150 KIIIG ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Adlalfm1nt Dual Spring Shock with Ha,1 and R11molr. King 2• Adjustable Shock, 8-10-12· Stroke ..... .from $495 King 2 •1,• Adjustable Shock, 12-14-16" Stroke .... from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount ................. 35 SHOCKS FOR TORS/OIi BARS King 2• Shock, 8-10-12· Stroke w/Res ... $225 King 2'/i Shock, 10-12·14" Stroke w/Res ... 295 JAMAR BILLET PEDAL ASSEMBLIES Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal... ............. $215 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................... 230 Ultra Slide Plate ......................... 60 Ultra Slide Throttle Kit ............... 26 Ultra Slide Hose Kit... ...... , .......... 55 JAMAR 4·WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Comp1tltlon hd1_/ An1mb/y. fnc/MdlS BIiiet Tllrom, Pedal, Brat, Anembfy, Clutch An1mb/y and Slave Cy/lnder. Competition Pedal Assembly $430 Single Brake Assembly ............ 155 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 230 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 170 JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER Black Super Shifter .................. $90 Chrome Super Shifter ..........•... 105 Optional Shift Rod Kit ................ 48 BIUET GOODIES. Fla 1'/t" Tubing. Green Sticker Bracket $10 GPS Bracket & Mount... ............. 60 Brake Line Bracket ..................... 17 Tachometer Bracket & Mount....32 3·Panel Mirror, 18" Long ........... 82 Clamp·On Mirror Brackets, pr .... 32 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Ba/a-Pro hrtonnanc, Tires E78 Mini Mag ....................... $86 30 X 7.00, 4·ply .................... 106 33 x9.00, 4·ply .................... 125 35 X 10.00, 4-ply .................. 148 BAJA BELTED HP . 30 X 9.5·15 ............................ $119 31 X 10.50-15 .......................... 140 • Stinger or U-B,nd Col/et:lo . 1'/," Unpainted Bobcat ............. $9 1'/," Unpainted Bobcat ............... 9 1 '/," Chrome Bobcat ................. 14 1'/•' Chrome Bobcat... .............. 14 Baffle ..............................•............ Replacement Springs, set of 4 ..... JET COATED Baked-On Coating, Won1 Chang, Color or Rull. 1 W Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1 '/," Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For Tlllct Flange 1nd Poffsh1d Look Jet Co1tlng on Any Tri MIi 1'/," Stinger Exhaulf Add $30. SS SPARK ARRESTOR Fits Bobt:11 r Stingers & U-Bentll. Spark Arrestor, 18' Length ... : .. $68 ·spark Arrestor, No Bracket ........ 50 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 56 T-Bolt Clamp ................................ 5 [JLAZER STARS Araffab/1 In Spot or Flood. 100 Watt Lazer Star, pr .......... $144 75Watt Lazer Star, pr .............. 132 Billet Clamp-On Light Mounts .•.. 36 Micro-B Lazer Star (Red), pr ... 120 Micro-B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red), pr ..... 175 Replacement Lamp, Spot , ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp, Rood, ea .... 24 Replacement Lens, ea ................ 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr ................... 8 Page 33
Dan Vance set fast lap in class 1400 but that wasn't enough to get the Barrie Thompson's great looking Jeep Cherokee was only able to Bill Frey Ill set fast lap for the Class 1700+ class but second place win, he second on the podium at race end. gamer the second place spot at the Lucerne race. was all he was going to get this day. catc -up a ay. into is car or t e inal two laps. solutely flawless. 8 his skills are topnotch. Fisher put the day with the win and fourth in By the end of the third lap Wallace led through the fifth lap Class 700 went off the line next, . in his six laps with steady, consis-the overall standings to boot. Wallace had 20 minutes of and then never came around again. with just two cars. One was Larry tent times, apparently not having The 5-1600 class has been split McKinzie, and Martin was nearly Unfortunately, Martin didn't get Roeseler in Mike Ruane's Ford, and any major disasters. But Roeseler into two factions at the MDR events. another hour down. They ran in the sixth lap finished either. So the other was Jerry Fisher. It was, and Ruane (also a fine driver,-who One group allows micro-stubs and that order for another lap, and McKinzie and I.ow took the win, re-sad to say, no contest. Roeseler's drove the last two laps) did all their · one sticks with the old rules. The then McKinzie put Spencer I.ow, Jr., porting that their day had been "ab- truck, new this year, is a beauty, and laps in under an hour and finished next group to take off was the mi-r,,...-,,,------''---'-----'-'--,,,.,~.....,-.;:.___,,..,,...--....,,..---~-~-cro-stub bunch, with five entries. Chris Bowman ran Class 5 uncontested, he had a horribly long third lap but he Jeff Sack's car-may look docile here but it is a sleeping tiger, he took the Class 5-carried on to get a finish and a win. _1_600 __ wi_·n_wi_·th_a_l_mos __ t a_n_ho_u_r_t_o_s,_pa_r,_e_. _____________ _ , tst3"WI e selection of'Suspension Kits an·d Systems for the '89-'99 Jeep Cherokee XJ. Page 34 November 2003 :·~ ', . '»<• %i ,.· ~-=~?;:x•:,= The start procedure changed with this group also, because they were flagged off only 20 seconds apart, giving them a little better taste of the dust that was hanging over the entire area. Although the course made a zigzag switch back upon it-self and was less than a quarter-mile away from where the cars started, it was impossible to see thanks to the hanging cloud of silt. Jeff Sack went into the lead on the first lap, and had six minutes on the second place car of Stephen Eavenson at the end of the lap. In third it was Guy Savedra, fighting with a sticky throttle he couldn't cure. They were still running in the same order at the end of the third Continued on paga 36 Dusty Times
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r Tim Rockenbach Had some troubles on the second lap and it cost Mark Dee's two hour first lap wasn't scheduled into his race, he him, he ended up in third spot in Class 1. ended up third in the Class 5-1600 skifTTlish. lap, but by now Sack had a lead of the first lap the lead belonged to Lozano's son 19-year-old Kris, 33 minutes. He was having a "flaw-Tom Bolha, and he had just 10 sec-took over for the last three and a _less" day. Eavenson didn't get the onds on Dennis Sletten. In third it half laps of the race, and except for last three laps completed, and Ore- was Stephanie Lozano. a flat, the family's first in 14 years, gory Ferruzzo moved into third. Sletten went into the lead on the he had a good run. Lozano stayed Savedra let his co-driver, Billy second lap, with about 15 minutes in front and took the win. Sletten Worthing, take over the wheel for on bolha who had some trouble and co-driver Paulden Hepler, the final three laps. They still with the rear suspension of his car, couldn't make up that 20 minute couldn't figure out why the throttle and made a fix, or so he thought. loss, and.finished in second place. was sticking. He was now second, and Lozano Thing~ are looking up for these Sack drove all the way in his car, was aboutten minutes behind him. two 5-1600 classes, because after said it was a "real tough race", but On the third lap Bolha went much talk and several meetings, they reported that he had no trouble, back into the lead, with seven min- have agreed to pl\t the two groups not even any flat tires. He took the utes on Lozano, as Sletten ran out back into one class for next year. win by an hour. Savedra and of gas and lost about 20 minutes Good thinking. Steve Jacketti was off the winning pace in 7S at the MOR Lucerne 300, he ended up in the third sition at race end. Worthing, still fighting the sticky getting refueled. But then Bolha's The next to go was the lone throttle, were second, and in third rear suspension began to separate Stock Full truck.of Justin Miller. it was Brian Burgess, who'd bro- from the rest of the car, and he was He completed one lap in an hour: ken a torsion bar about six miles done for the day. In fact, he was and 50 minutes, then never made into the race. His crew borrowed done. The car's been around, and it around again. Stephanie Lozano took the Class 6 contest with little effort, she finished with 20 one from Sack to replace it, and he racing, since about 1980, and metal Class 9 didn't fate very well at minutes in hand at the duSt bowl. lost only 4 2 minutes. Ferruzzo fell fatigue was the culprit. He decided Lucerne either. There were only the end of the second lap Tedford to fourth, the last to finish. it was time, maybe past time, to re-three of them and Dale Schaub was leading, now with about 35 The next bunch to take off were tire it, permanently. So it was a bit- started the day in the lead, with just minutes on Schaub. Bantilan had the 5-1600 cars that do not run tersweet day for Bolha, but he en- a little less than a minute on James a three and a half hour second lap the micro-stubs. There were three joyed some fine reminiscing for the Tedford. Cory Bantilan had al- and was no longer a contender. But of them -for a while. At the end of remainder of the afternoon. ready lost almost a half hour. At then Schaub didn't get any more ~--'--,--------------------,-~------, Larry Roese/er is hard to beat and he proved it once again as he took the Class 7 Ron Smith set last lap for the class on lap 2 and he just carried on for a nice _Class win at the MOR Lucerne 300. 7S win at the Lucerne meet. ---------------------------Page 36 November 2003 laps done. Tedford did another two laps, and, since this was a five lap class, should have had a finish. But he'd run afoul of the tech crew or some regulation, and was DQ' d af-ter all that. Tough day for all of them. · The 1300 class cars (prerunner buggies) started next, with ten en-tries. Thty were required to do only five laps. They all managed to get the first lap completed, and.the lead belonged to Ray Suzow at that point, with about a µiinute and a half on Ron Carter in a four-seater complete with seats, picnic basket and ice chest. He was using a 20-year-old motor left over from when he raced at Saddleback Park. In third it was Chris Parr in his Mini-Mag, and Tony Nguyen ran fourth in a handsome four seater without the back seats. Greg Crew, usually in at the fin-ish, disappeared on the second lap and Suzow had a problem that cost him about an hour and ten min-Dusty Times
Dave Willey gave it his all in Class 10 but he settled for the bronze medal, less than two minutes out of second. Chris Parr finished third in Class 13, but no matter, Chris always Third place in the 1400 class went to Carolyn Hines, seen here seems to have fun racing his car. heading for the checkered flag at Lucerne. Greg Saavedra drove to the win in Class· 8, his fast consistent laps took his Ford to the victory at Lucerne. · utes. Carter went into the lead, fol-lowed by Nguyen, then Clare Ross in her buggy, and Nguyen was still fourth.] Parr moved into the lead on the third lap, with Nguyen second, Ross third and Carter fourth. He'd lost his picnic basket and ice chest by now. Things changed again, as Nguyen moved to the front on Lap 4, with Carter second, Parr third and Terry Wyrembek in fourth in his Duke's Chassis. Ross put Jimmy Delaney in to finish her car and he lost a trailing arm. Carter lost his power steering, Parr had motor mount problems and also shred-ded a belt and Wyrembek's passen-ger had "puked all over" on the sec-ond l_ap. He got out,. Nguyen held on.to his lead and took the win, finishing just three minutes in front of an exhausted Carter, who'd driven two laps with no power steering, and the last one with a flat front. But he was so jazzed that he'd decided to build a new Class 10 car. Third place went to Parr, and Wyrembek was fourth. In fifth it was Jakob McLean and Sam Stoufer in a legal 5-1600. They'd had trouble seeing in the Scott Pellerin had a pretty good day, he set fast lap for Class 11 and went on to take the class win by over half an hour. Bob Miller took the class 12 win, but it was a squeaker as he won by only three minutes at Lucerne. Dusty Times dust. Delaney and Ross limped to driver who dropped out on the first Landfield' s truck was fourth, with a sixth place, the motor essentially lap. Tommy Masamani driving. gone. Mark Weger finished seventh, Things changed a lot in this On Lap 5 it was still Susag in afteralongfirstlapthankstoan class. Campbell didn't come front,withBradensecond,butnow oil filter that blew right off the start. around again. By the end of the Petterson had moved up to third He'd needed to have his and his third lap Fresh was in the lead. He as Jacketti dropped to fourth. Brett passenger's face shields and helmets had about 13 minutes on Tim Turleywas now in Landfield's truck, washed, as well as repairs made, Braden in a Ford. Hutter had and they were still fifth. Landfield before h~ could go on. And Arthur briefly been second, then he didn't said they were "way down on Basile was eighth, the last of the come around again. Doug power." Ken Keegal dropped out group to get to the finish, just ten Petterson had his Ford in third on this lap. There was at least a minutes before cut-off time. place at the end of the third lap, bree·ze by this time, it had come up The Stock Production mini and Jacketti was up to fourth. Now around 11 o'clock, but the dust was trucks were next, with 14 starters. Jeff Lloyd ran fifth, about a half still heavy and the track was seri-Jamie Campbell led the first lap, hour down to first place. Ken ously churned up. with Dan Fresh running second in Bran ts was done for the day by now, Fresh, Susag and Ron Smith, a Chevy. In third it was Jason and Jeff Rigel and Darrell Herman who drove the last lap, held a steady Hunter,thenBruceLandfieldwas would both run into terminal paceandtookthewin,sayingthey'd fourth in a Ford with an "experi- troubles on the fourth lap. had no flats and. no problems. mental" motor. And in fifth it was Fresh now had Vic Susag driv-They were 28 minutes in front of Steve Jacketi:i who said, "It was a ing for him, and he was holding on Petterson who finished second, re-joy- I couldn't see." He had to stop to the lead. On the fourth lap -porting one flat on a rock in the ta get his glasses cleaned at one Braden held second, Jacketti third, dust and a broken leaf. They also point. Dav·e Ahleg was the only Petterson was fourth and Continued on page 38 www.nevadaoffroadbuggy.com Cffl II! A atl l!OR All ~OIIIOUIIOID NIIM 1-888-755-5900 eAll TOil rRII CV CENTERS HARDENED UNDERSIZED CV BALLS . NEVADA OffRO!D BUGGY T-9-liRT SM~MID·LRG·XXLRG ONLY $1000 MSD FOR ADD!TlCNAL CLEA.RENCE November 2003 WE CARRY A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELD ON TRICK TABS Page 37
Charlie Pelzer got off to a slow start at Lucerne but he poured on the coal and finished a not too bad third in Jeepspeed. Bryan Rogers had a two and a half hour first lap, finally got going and Bruce Landfield was doing just fine 'ti/ the third lap, which was very ended u third in the Jeepspeed+ category. slow but he soldiered on and took fourth in 7S. Tony Nguyen drove his great looking buggy to the Class 13 win at Lucerne, he took the win with less than three minutes in hand. had a case of vapor lock on the last eight of them, all running the same lap and needed a push start. Jack~ equipment, and required to do five etti was third, reporting he'd worn laps. They lost a couple of mem-out a co-driver, but had no me- hers on the first lap, when Jared chanical woes. In fourth place it was Prindle and Mike Barnett both be-Landfield, Turley and Masamani, came DNFs. And Billy Bunch had with Landfield doing the last lap. a problem that put him a full lap Exc_!pt:_[or the lack of power and behind. the rest of the group. But an exhaust that fell off they had a at the front of the pack they had a pretty good day. They•didn't have serious race going. Barrie Thomp-any flat tires. The rest of the class son had the lead. He had eight min-failed to get to the finish line. utes on Ray Currie, who started for The JeepSpeed group w·as next the record, and then because of a to take the green flag. There were bad back, hopped out and put his The .Class 14 win went to Matt Langan, he ran very fast and consistent lap times and won with 9 minutes in hand. AUTOMOTIVE & PERFORMANCE 4725 E. 2Zn.d S-tree-C: • Tucson., Arl.zon.a 5.2.0-747-0563 Stand alone programmable management • •s1mpla Dlgltal Sy■tem• . . 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Matthew Langan had minutes on Currie at that point, with about 14 minutes on second the first lap lead in a Ford F-150, while Thomasson had dropped place Steve Ghamari, who was rac-with a stock V6 motor and a stock back a bit and was 29 minutes be- ing his daily driver. Ghamari's Jeep transmission,. He had eight minutes hind second. Bob Ganzer was on is so stock it had its air condition-on Eric Berrios. In third it was Dan his last lap, so going into Lap 4 ing and electric doors and windows Vance in a Toyota, who was just there were only five running, and still intact. Bryan Rogers ran third another eight seconds back. And Bunch was about two and a half but had already lost an hour.-in fourth, four minutes later, it was hours down to the lead car. Ghamari went into the lead on Andy Stix and Steve Ruddick. Thompson continued to lead the second lap, and he was finding Ruddick had started, but he didn't through Lap 4, with the 19-year-it very hard to see through the dust. feel well, so he hopped out at the old Currie chasing him hard in sec-Now he had seven minutes on Frey first opportunity to let Stix finish ond, now only 14 seconds behind who had a broken limiter strap and the race. as Thompson lost a couple of gears. a problem with a transmission The first three: Langan, Berrios Charlie Peltzer moved up to third cooler. Rogers was another hour and Vance ran in the same order place, about 40 minutes later as down. , · through the second lap, but Thomasson lost 20 minutes out on Ghamari stayed in front, hav-Carolyn Hines had brought her the course somehow. Bunch was ing no problems. He stopped only Ford up to fourth. She later said moving faster, but not up to his for fuel, and took the victory in she "saw nothing" for her entire first normal rate of speed by any means. four hours and 33 minutes. Behind lap. Currie, who'd had a flat on the him, Bill Frey, Robbie's dad, did Berrios couldn't get the third lap first lap, and also had a small prob-the final lap, and had a flat and done, but the rest soldiered on. lem with fueling, pushed to the ran out of gas, which cost about This course was a big challenge for front and took the win. Tho mp- 15•mim:1tes. They got their second some of these trucks which were very son, down to only second gear, was place, about 35 minutes down. stock. Langan finished his third lap second, 16 minutes later. In third Rogers was third another 20 min-in great shape and then, thinking it was Peltzer, then Thomasson, and utes later. he was in a four lap class went on after eight hours and 54 minutes, . The Sportsman Street Legal to go around again. Happily, he just six minutes shy of cut-off time, class (Class 1450) started next, with h~d no problems on the extra lap Bunch got to the finish also. ten vehicles churning their way either. He reported a flawless day, In the Sportsman JeepSpeed through the silt and dust of the and won by nine minutes. -Yance, class there were four starters, and start. This wa5 also a three lap class. · and Austin Farmer, who rode the The Class 1600 win went to Ray McKinzie, seen here on his way to the checkered flag at the MOR Lucerne gathering. first two laps and drove the thirc:l. reported they'd had flats on Laps 1 and 2, but no mechanical trouble as they headed for their second · place. In third it was Hines, who said this was a ra·ce for "patience and endurance." She also had no trouble. Stix and Ruddick were fourth another two minutes back,-and Mark Growe was fifth. Mike Defelice finished sixth, and Tareck Karam was.seventh to finish, with a broken spring shackle, a ripped off shock and no ·air filter because it had become loaded with silt and collapsed in upon itself. They were lucky to get back to the finish line, but they did it. Th..e stock mini-truck class (1200) went off the line next, and it must have seemed a little daunt-ing right off the start line where the ground was so soft that cars kept starting further and further back from the flagman just to get a place where their tires touched something solid. There were only three of these guys. Larry Gross had the first lap lead, with three minutes on Mike Dill in his Toyota. John"Foret, in another Toyota, was third, about 18 minutes back, but he'd had a flat. Gross disappeared on the sec-ond lap and Dill had a broken leaf spring and a bent idler arm, which cost him 45 minutes. That put Foret and his co-driver, Bob Miller, who was in.for Laps 2 and 3, into the lead. They had 17 minutes at The Jeepspeed contest went to Ray Currie, he drove a fast smooth race and it got the end of Lap 2. him the top spot.on the podium. · Foret and Miller stayed in front, November 2003 Dusty Times
t= Shawn Croll had a bad day. very long 4th and (JI' laps made for a long day. Shawn finished fourth in class 10. Terry Wyrembeck ran a bit off the winning pace in Class 1300 but Steve Ruddick drove some very consistent laps but it was only good but it was a near thing. They took the victory by just three minutes and ten seconds, as Dill recovered with a . great third lap to earn second place. Class 11 was the fi-nal group to start, with five entries. Cory Vandemark didn't get through the first lap, but the rest did, and Scott Pellerin ran in front of the group, with eight minutes on was able to grab the first off the podium position. and came back to the pits a DNF, on a tow strap. Meanwhiie, Pellerin was h"aving a clean run, but through that the course was "the worst they've had." Still, he managed to come home first, for the win. Deck, also thinking there was a lot of dust and traf-fic, took second place and Thompson faded away on the third lap. Chuck Deck. Brian Steve Thomasson had a long day in the Jeepspeed contest but he An interesting side light about the MDR races is their DNF fund. Thompson was only still managed a fourth place finish in class. two minutes behind Deck in third cost him a position. Pittman was still place. Thomas Pittman had a long moving, but off the pace by about a lap, but he was blowing oil and hav- lap. And at the end of his second ing to keep adding more. lap he decided to pull over rather On the second lap Pellerin held than damage his motor. But back his lead and Thompson moved up in the pit he found the cause of his to second, now 19 minutes back. trouble, and the crew patched Deck got caught in a bottleneck things up so he went out on his third and helped move traffic by pulling lap. But this wasn't his day. Six miles a 5-1600 out of a canyon. But it into Lap 3 he broke a spring plate When a class has enough entries to have one or more paying finish po-sitions and the racers don't man-age to get to the finish line, there is, obviously, money left over. Say Class 9 is going to pay first and sec-ond at a given race, and only first place gets to the finish. The money that would have gone into se·cond place's wallet, goes instead into a enough to get him a fourth place finish in Class 1400. The 1700+ Class win went to Steve Ghamari, he took the win with more than half · an hour to spare at Lucerne. year end DNF fund to be distrib-uted to the class champion at the end of the season. It's kind of a bonus for the racer who keeps per-sisting and does well in the series. The MDR has announced that they will have a six race series again in 2004, on roughly the same courses that are in use now (as al-ways, for the most part the courses are determined by the BLM) and on pretty much the same dates. The 2004 season will start February 7th with the Lucerne 250. ..·.1cuL HVPERCCJILS • not just for all applications! "•--S · d Cars :,-,eif;(•// __ __,,I• Pre Runners Crawlers rt Racing s Springs requirements) Complete Inventory in stock and ready to ship. Mirage Racing Products -6419-562-5533 Dusty Times November 2003 Page 39 .....
Attention Baja 1000 Prerunners Dear SCORE Tecate Baja 1000 Competitors: I would like for you to take a walk with me through the SCORE Tecate Baja 1000 race course. Hopefully, this journey will help you locate your pits, give you a sense of where the course is, and prepare you for an enjoyable pre-run. Complete maps and tulip note.; will be available on October 24, giving you plenty of time to organize before pre-run opens November 1. The course will not be open for pre-run before November I st; however, I am providing these notes to you in advance so that you will be able to get a general overview of the route, not for yoµ to disturb the landowners prior to November 1. Please remember, I have signed a contract with the municipal government ofEnsenada ( which, by the way regulates the largest county in the world, yes, the world) and the Ejidos that control the land that our course traverses. This contract provides an excess of over $50,000 to the Ejidos and the City ofEnsenada made up from your Baja Fee and SCORE International. The contract ensures that SCORE and its racers can use the course I have laid out for only a specific time period (and even more restrictive in some areas with even a shorter time period.) The Start in Ensenada to the highway cr(!ssing at Ojos Negros, Highway 3 KM 39, race mileage 35.2 will only be open for pr~running from Saturday, November 15 through Thursday, November 20 for outbound only. Ojos Negros, Highway 3, KM 39, race mileage 35.2 to the bottom of the "Goat Trail", Highway 3, KM 118, race mileage 110 will be open for pr~running from Saturday, November 1 through Thursday, November 20 for outbound only. There is absolutely no pre-running from the bottom the 'Goat Trail" to the Finish Line in Ensenada inbound at anytime. Please, please, remember, the entire course is on land that belongs to someone. There are Ranchos, businesses, livestock, and humans using their land on a daily basis during our Pre-run Period. Do not race; it's a pre-run, not the event! The time to race is Friday, November 21. When you start your pre-run at Highway 3, KM 39 race mileage 35.2, you will go approximately 16.2 miles on the Tres Hermanos Road to a left-hand turn which will take you through Porvenir and bring you to Highwa_Y. 3, KM 77. Turn right on Highway 3 and run 1.1 miles to KM 78; turn left off the highway and through the gate and proceed towards the main graded road that goes to the village of Santa Catarina. Cross it at race mileage 86.6 and proceed to Nuevo Junction, race mileage 97. Continue on past Jamal and over the "Goat Trail" to intersect Highway 3, race mileage I 10. Take Highway 3 to the right-hand turn off to the village of Valle De Trinidad. Take the "good" graded road out of Valle De Trinidad past the Power Plant, race mileage 115. Continue on for 15 miles; turn left toward the Mike's Sky Rancho 6-Mile Crossover Road. From Mike's Sky Rancho, follow the route past the Simpson's Turnoff to the San Telmo Road (Observatory Road), race mileage 176. Cross the road and proceed in a southeasterly direction over the mountains to the "tomato fields" in the Santo Domingo area, Highway I, KM 169, and race mileage 205. From the Santo Domingo area, you will proceed east into the mountains and then south, joining Highway I at race mileage 306, KM 104 just west of Arenoso. You have just run over some of the best Baja has to offer, no one has ever raced over this approximately 77 miles before! From KM 104, you will run the . highway for 14 miles; turn right {west) at KM 127. You will be on a wide graded road for approximately I 4rniles. Do not go through the village of Santa Catarina. You will be directed to the left of the village and then join the graded road after the village. Shortly, you will begin your "Southern Challenge" along the Pacific on your way to another JOO miles of"never raced on" terrain. At race mileage 408, you will turn left (east) and intersect Highway I at race mileage 439, KM 233. Cross Highway 1 and proceed to Coco's Comer, race mileage 452. Your "Northern Run" adjacent to the Sea of Cortez will provide you with numerous "wash outs" and "gotchas" all the way to San Felipe. At San Felipe, you will cross the Zoo Road, follow the pole lines to the right-hand turn, race mileage 585 towards Highway 5. Turn left, race mileage 597 and parallel Highway 5 to the west end of Three Poles. Proceed to Borrego, race mileage 619 and follow the course west to San Matias Pass. Turn left onto Highway 3 and proceed to the "Goat Trail". From the "Goat Trail" back to the Finish Line will give you a total race mileage of approximately 765 miles. Remember, all inbound pr~running will stop from the "Goat Trail" to the Finish Line. Possible Pit Locations Race Mile • 35 75 83 Nuevo Junction 97 Jamal 103 Trinidad 112 Mike's 139 175 205 306 320 1 K233-Coco's turn off 439 452 West of three Poles -San Feli 607 Borr o 619 ALL NEGOTIATIONS AT THIS TIME HA VE NOT BEEN FINALIZED. ANY INCONSIDERATE PRE-RUNNER THAT ATTEMPS TO TAVERSE THE COURSE PRIOR TO NOVEMBER ls-r WILL JEPORDIZE THE ENTIRE EVENT! Hope this helps with your planning. Have a safe and enjoyable pre-run. Page 40 Soap BOX ••• the service under which it is being used, is a waste of money. It's like using a boy to do a man's job. People who buy cheap radios are suckers for an amplifier salesman. Wow! Here is a band-aid to fix my problem - wrong! F Al.R. was sold a Bill of Goods and used a Maxon radio and amplifier in their main pit. Guess what? It didn't work as well as their stock 50 watt Roadmaster. TIIE DEGRADATION OF RACING . COMMUNICATIONS The Culprit-Outboard Amplifiers aka Boosters, Linears, etc. By Bob "Th£ Weatherman" Steinberger Years ago, little Joe of Goocl)ear (then Parnelli Jones Firestone) brought me a T rilectric amplifier he was using on an old Regency radio -an 18 watt input for an 80 watt output. On the spectrum analyzer it looked like a Russian radar jamming device, putting out power on all frequencies. It had no tuning points so I spread the output coils until it put out power on the selected frequency. little Joe said I was a genius. I then varied the voltage from 13.8 to 12 volts and back came the Russians. Little Joe watched me destroy the-amp. 'At a San Felipe SCORE race, SCORE's communications on 151.625 at Start/Finish were so screwed up by team on 150.xxx that the rae,:e truck was instructed to bypass the amplifier before leaving the line. This was w);ien SCORE saw the problem first hand and implemented Rule CR52. SCORE Off Road Racing Rules and Regulations: Cr52 RADIO EQUIPMENT "No radio equipment in any race ~le ar support l!ehu:le is permitted to transmit on any frequency allotted to the amateur radio band, public seroice band, marine band, aircraft band, and a n y frequency that the FCC considers illegal AU radio equipment must transmit and receil!e on frequencies that the equipment was designed far. No outboard linear amplifirn with an output ooer 25 watts. An outboard linear amplifier is a device attached between the radio and the antenna that boosl3 the power of the radio." Prior to the rule, all the radio dealers supplying equipment to off road racers, were polled on the use of amplifiers. The consensus was one short of unanimous. 1hat amplifiers are much more harmful than advantageous. Since the time that SCORE Rule CR52 was put into effect, radio use at races has quadrupled, and so has the noise pollution of so many radioo being used at one time in so small an area. Amplifiers walk all over evety0ne'-s communications. Unlike an integrated, stand alone, 110 watt radio (maximum power allowed), the piggy backing of an amplifier magnifies all the bad aspects of a cheap radio. I realize that a budget minded person is looking at price, but remember the adage "there is no free lunch," or "yougetwhatyou pay for." Cheap radios and cheap amplifiers are made with the minimum number and quality of components to get the job -done. These radio; are made from non-essential business communications or freeway earavanning. Equipment not characterized for Now here is a math problem -everyone loves a test, right? PCI Race Radioo has well over 4000 radios in use. What a profit point if we were to sell amplifiers! With amplifiers costing #200 -$ 1100 -do the math. We give up all that profit potential because amplifiers are the degradation of racing communications. At PCI, we have always done our part to provide the Weatherman Relay • to coordinate frequencies and keep the airwaves clutter free, refusing to install or relay on an illega I frequency. We are now asking that you do your part to keep racing communications clean. If you are using an amplifier, STOP. If you are considering purchasing one, DON'T! If you know anyone using one, talk them out of it. Don't forget that their amplifier could mean your safety in a life or death situation. Don't let others put you at more risk than you should be. As a last resort, invoke Rule CR52. They might only get a warning the first time, but after that it is DQ time. Remember, the race entrant is responsible for verifying that his support team is compliant with Rule CR52. •-Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for ell motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 1 00% in-hoL:Jse. Complete harness assemblies end circuit control components are available to suit your budget. • MoTeC Engine Menegement end □eta Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built .to withstand extreme racing and pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamorneter services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 699 S. State College Blvd, Suite F Fullerton, CA 92831 Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com November 2003 High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system works with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y what their engine is doing. No flashing light;s -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a number! « ~ ~----~ ~~~<~-=~, rv1CJTCJASPCJ8T ELECTRONICS vva're making connecttons ... Dusty Times
r · SNORE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES FOR.HELPING MAKE YEAR 2.003 A SUCCESS! - . ·~_.,..._..,.--;;;. ........ N ... . [(N(J ' ~.=;;= RC --> . :: . . SWAY-A-WAv~,Nc. ~A~ ·~-~' . BUNDERSON RACING -Ae4~TE~~ . - I •• ~ ~ -FREEMAN'S CARPET SERVICE · ~~-~ ROCKWAY PRECAST ~ ....... ~~~-. AHERN RENTALS ---A SHOCK MANUFACTURING COMPANY RSC RENTALS . - -F; ~ -DISCOUNT FOREIGN _. 8 1 ST~EL · (l!i!JR: T 1flll'j]j'{1]_~1 ADS PRECISION MACHINE . ·* E~Nc::::ATED '-< ' , , ~ , , , / • ,,r:~~:;::::~os Engineering BF Goodrich -----Tifes CVWE PER10RMANCE POWER srEERINC -DUlliJlillllG Dusty Times November 2003 -PATRICK SIGNS IMPERIAL IRON _;nil/4,-, r - - - -Fraley'• Per§ornsance I -,-. 7_/ ■r.:J ,,, Jr.,•• Page 41
34TH ANNUAL SNORE 250 Jergensen/Maccachren/Walters . Take Th~ Big Class Wins By John Calvin Photos: Track.side l'hoto Todd Jergensen had a great run in Class 1, no troubles at all, a 20 minute cushion and a very nice $7000 winners check. Bruce Fraley and Rob MacGachren were. up to their old ways, a trouble free run in an almost new car and a $4000 check for their troubles. completely trouble free run and it moving in the class. Shiroky disap-got him the top spot on the podium. peared somewhere out there on Lap Todd wanted to thank Dun Rite Prep 2 and for all the Class 10 races, their for all their work and T ransaxle En- race was over. We' re not sure if Flores gineering for a faultless tranny. Let it ever started his third lap or not, but, be known that Todd collected $ 1000 he never was seen again and he was for his four hours and 40 minutes the Class 10 winner by default, he out on the course. Taking the silver went further than anyone else did. medal was Richard Boyle, he related There was no.shortage of 1600s that his engine power was way down as the Pro 16 group was in attendance the last 20 miles of the last lap, cause and quite a few of them had a real unknown at that time." The bronze battle royal. When the cars came medal went to Jim Tucker who was across the line for the end of their very unhappy with the three flat tires first lap it was Bryan Freeman lead-he had to live with during the race. ing the pack on time. Rob MacCach-Fourth place went to Pat Dean, we ren came along a minute later, Jer-never got a chance to talk to him and emy Harmon was third, less than a find out what happened on his long minute later. Arden Denningron was The weather Gods really smiled on all the SNORE 250 entrants the first weekend in October as the tem-perature was in the low 80's, the hu-midity was really low, the sky was a beautiful sparkling blue and there was a nice breeze most of the day . . Contingency and Technical In-spection were held across the street from the Gold Coast Hotel and Ca-sino, lots of room in the parking lot and the weather then was also won-derful, balmy temperatures and a slight breeze. It was a logistical prob-lem for some as race registration was across the street and a long walk through the Gold Coast parking lot to sign up but we heard no com-plaints and the entire operation went smoothly. The course was way out near the end of Apex Road and SNORE had used this same course last year. It is Gaughan was stillleading the Class 1 third lap. His stable-mate, John fourth and Jeff Carr held the fifth great for race watching as the cars group. Todd Jergenson had moved Gaughan had major problems in position. Sixth place was held by are in sight for a long time if you're into second place, Pat Dean had plain sight of the finish line, less than Aaron Hawley, Cody Freeman was watching from the Main Pit. There moved into third, Jim Tucker a mile to go but the problem waster- in seventh, Richard Boyer was run-was lots of rough stuff, some real fast dropped a spot to fourth and Tom minal and, unfortunately, he was ning eighth, Kevin Walsh was in the sections and, of course, they had to Koch was down to fifth. credited with a dnf. A post race tech-ninth spot and Byron Ziegler was in throwinspmesilttomakeitallinter-At the finish of the third lap nicalrulingbySNOREpenalizedPat lOth,abouteightminutesbehindthe esting. Jergenson had moved into the Class Dean one lap, so John Gaughan was leader. The 11th car across the line First off the line were the Class 1 1 lead, John Gaughan was only a few credited with fourth place and Pat on time was. Cameron Steele, Nick contingent and when they finished second behind in second place, Rich-was fifth. Tiedemann was running 12th, Rich-their first of four 62 mile laps it was ard Boyle was in for Tom Koch and The Class 10 contest, which is usu- ard Beck was in 13th position, Steve Danny Anderson in his great look- had moved up a few spots into third ally hard fought all the way, turned Dodd was running 14th and David ing car in the lead, John Gaughan place,JimTuckerwasstillholdingon outtobeaduothisrace.Atthecon-Hen_drickson was in the 15th posi-was in for second, Jim Tucker was in fourth place and Pat Dean had clusion of the first lap Jeff Shiroky tion. Running in the 16th spot was less than two minutes in arrears in dropped to fifth place after a very had a give minute leadoverT.J. Flores. Mike Harvey, Jeffrey Hantz was in third and Ridgecrest's own, Tom long and troublesome lap. Mark Hutchins and_Mike Gaughan 17th, Scott Smith was 18th, Mike Koch, was rig_ht there in the fourth When the checkers flew for Class started the race but never completed Leung was in 19th and Day Gang spot. Todd Jergenson was in fifth place 1 it was Todd Jergenson taking the their respective first laps. was running way back in 20th place. and Pat Dean was running sixth. win and he was one happy fella. He On the second lap T.J. Flores had Chad Shupp was-21st to the line, Kevin Colan took the green flag but had raced. the car the weekend be- some problems and made it around Dwaine Walters was back in 22nd never completed the first lap. fore and it was a last minute decision in just under two hours, but he didn't place, Ken Tapert was 23rd and Don Lap 2 came to an end and John to race the 250. This race he had a have to hurry as he was the only car Johnson was in the 24th spot. Chaz ,---------------=-=~...,,.,....,,,.,.....,........,.....,,., . ' Tom Koch and Richard Boyle stretched the suspension as they rari Second in the large 1600 Class was Bryan Freeman, a flat and a Jim Neal had a trouble free run in class 9 and at the checkers he was. to a nice second place in the Class 1 battle. broken throttle cable slowed him a bit, but ,!Id ain't all that bad. second in class, a minute and a half out of the win. Big bob Dziurawiec had two flats, got stuck twice and had some Courtney Collins kept all the silt on her side of the car as she raced to Aaron Hawley and Mark Bunderson had a pretty good run, they only other problems but he still managed a decent second lace in 5-1600. a nice second place in Sportsman Buggy, 1 O minutes out of the win. had one flat tire and came in for the bronze medal in 1600. Page 42 November 2003 Dusty Times
Dan Folts had a good run, no problems and he finished third in the Orio Cox Ill and Ed Frehner finished third in Sportsman Buggy, even Jeremy Harmon ran without his Parl<er Pumper and his face and Class 9 battle, a mere three minutes out of the win. though Ed rolled the car on the last lap. eyes showed it, he still managed a fourth place in 1600. "'s=--=-utt=o=-n=-=was::-:-o:-:u-::t:-:07f-:tth:-:~'-:ra=-ce:-::-:w:::i-:tth::-tran==-=n=-=y::---r========;;;;,,,.,;;;,;;;,;;,;a;;;;;;;;;; problems, Courtenay Whipple was out, cause unknown. Brian Burgess · never made the finish line and Randy Jones was on the trailer with engine problems. There were lots of changes on the second -lap, MacCachren took the 1600 lead. Bryan Freeman dropped to second place, Jeremy Harmon held his third place position, Aaron Hawley moved up a few spots to fourth, Jeff Carr was in fifth and Cody Freeman-was up to sixth place. Cam-eron Steele picked up four places and• was ru·nning seventh, Byron Ziegler was up to eighth, Richard Boyer dropped a place to ninth and Scott Smith was on the move and was in 10th place. Richard Beck moved up a few spots into 11th place, Mike Harvey moved up a few spots to 12th, Nick Tiedemann dropped a spot to 13th, Dag Gang picked up a bunch of spots and was now in 14th and Steve Dodd was 15th. David Hen-drickson was running in 16th, Jeffrey Hantz _was in 17th place, Dwaine Brian Flores and Rick Lance had a rollover to contend with but they soldiered on and took the Sportsman Buggy win. Walters was up to 18th, Mike Leung picked up a spot to 19th, Chad Shupp was 20th and Ken Tapertwas 21st. Arden Dennington, Kevin Walsh and Don Johnson dropped from the contest, cause unknown. There was still some shifting around on the third lap but things were sort of settling down. Rob Mac-Cachren still held the to spot, Jeff Carr had moved from fifth place into the second spot, Bryan Free-man was down a spot to third, Mark Bunderson was in for Aaron Haw-IIUll"ll1&•1'!!!!!!! S~K l/1'IJI.Wl.._,,'116CHNO&OGY. 714.530.B701 ~ FAXT14.530.B70Jl 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 W'tNW'Jclngshodcs.00,11 Dusty Times Novem'ber 2003 Rob Walters did it again. Took the Class 9 win, if only by a minute and he collected $2000 for his trouble free run. ley ·and they were still running fourth. Jeremy Harmon dropped a few spots and was now running fifth. Brett Maurer was in for Rich-ard Boyer and he picked up three places and was now in sixth place, Paul Keller was in for Richard Beck;-2.5" --6'll!!£.I running seventh, Scott Smith moved up a few spots to eighth, Andy De-Vercelly IV was in for Nick Tiedemann and was in ninth and Dwaine Walters was in 10th place. Mike Harvey was in 11th, Day Gang Continued on page 44 Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you · what you need. Call today! Page 43
Kent Graves made it a solo run, he had soft suspension late in the Paul Keller and Richard Beck finished fifth in Class 1600, even though John Bums and Todd Craig ran hard but a soft front end hampered race but still managed fourth place in Class 9. Richard rolled the car twice. their progress. They finished fifth in Class 9. was up a few spots to 12th, Steve Dodd was up to 13th place, Cam-eron Steele dropped from seventh to 14th place and Andy Anderson, who was in for Jeffrey Hantz was in 15th place. Chad Shupp was run-ning 16th, Dave Hendrickson was in 17th, Ken Tapert was 18th and Mike Leung was 29th after a terri-bly long lap. Cody Freeman was on the trailer as was Byron Ziegler. Everyone who started the fourth lap managed to make it around for an official finish. First to the check-ered flag was Bruce Fraley, who was in for Rob MacCachren and they reported a trouble free run, a first for their newly minted car. They col-lected $4000 for their win in 1600. Second in was Bryan Freeman, his run was marred by a flat tire on the second lap and a broken throttle cable on the third lap but the $1240 he won helped to put things straight. Third to cross the line was the Haw-ley/Bunderson duo, they had a flat to contend with on the first lap but no other problems. They wanted to thank Mike Webber for the prep on the car. Fourth to finish was Jeremy Harmon who didn't have the best of days. He lost the pumper on his helmet on the first lap and when he took his helmet off at race end it was obvious how dirty it was out there. He also suffered shifter prob-lems, having only third and fourth gear late in the race. The Keller/Beck combo finished in the fifth position, quite a feat when you realize that Richard rolled the car twice during his stint behind the wheel. Brett Maurer and Richard Boyle finished sixth in 1600, they were held up a bit by two flat tires early in the race. Seventh in to the finish was Dwaine Walters, he had lost about 17 min-utes when he had to change a fuel pump on the first lap. Day Gang wasn't a happy camper either, she had to replace a c.v. boot on the first lap and then the seat adjuster broke and she spent the rest of the race sitting way too far back to com-fortably reach the pedals but she still managed a ninth place finish. Tenth to finish was Scott Smith, he got stuck in the silt for a bit and had a flat tire also and was glad to see the finish line. De Vercelly IV brought the Nick Tiedemann car home in 11th place, having &ome clutch prob-lems on the last lap. They also had a flat tire and had to replace a throttle return spring. Mike Harvey was a· solo driver, he had one flat tire to worry about and he brought his car home in 12th place. Steve Myer took over the reins from Steve Dodd on the last lap and brought the car in for a 13th place finish. They were driven crazy for a while by a loose ignition wire and then the tranny mounts broke on the last lap. Andy Anderson brought the Hantz car in for a 14th place finish. They had one flat to contend with and wanted to thank the Freeman Pit B for lend-ing them some rubber to run on. David Hendrickson brought his car in for a 15th place finish. Unfortu-nately, he got away from us at the finish line before we could interview him. Jeff Carr dropped all the way from second to 16th on the last lap, he had needle and seat problems and then ran out of gas, the end of a perfect day. Chap Shupp and com-pany were a bit off the pace and then had a long last lap, they finished 17th. The Tapert crew had an ex-ceptionally long first lap from which they never recovered, they fini~hed 18th. The Cameron Steel car slowed a bit on the third lap, had an al-most two and a half hour last lap and were glad just to finish, even in the 19th position. The Mikle Leung car had a very long third and fourth lap but they did manage to fi_nish within the time limit and they were the 20th and last of the 1600s run-ning. No fewer than 17 Class 9 cars were out for glory this beautiful day and although only one would reap the glory, they were all in there tryin'. Rob Walters was up to his old tricks and was first to finish a lap, Mike Dixon was second to the line, half a minute in arrears, Joe Sheble came across next in third place, Dan Folts was in for fourth spot and Jim Neal was running fifth. In sixth place it was Corey Torres·, Kent Graves was next, in seventh place, John Burns was next, running in eighth place, Don Kelly was next in ninth place and Rob Rash was running in 10th. Brandon Hughes 'Yas running in 11th place, Rick McCarty was in 12th, Dennis Poling was running in 13th, Joe Forte wa,s in 14th, Jay Duncan II was in 15th place and Chris De Sousa Dias was 16th after an almost five hour lap. The second lap saw some changes but not to the leader of the pack. Rob Walters continued (O lead the Class 9 pack, Jim Neal moved up a few spots into second place, Dan Folts remained in third spot, Kent Graves moved up two spots into fourth place and Todd Craig, who was in for John Burns also moved up two spots into fifth place. Ron Rash was now in the sixth spot, Rick McCarty moved up a bunch into seventh place, Joe Forte moved up from 14th to eighth place and Chris De Sousa Dias was still hanging in there ii). ninth place. There was no change in standings first lap. on the third and last lap except that Ferrara led the second lap also, Chris Dias finally called it a day. Rob had no problems and took the gold Walters took the checkers and the medal. Licari's second lap was a bit $2000 that went with it. His solo drive slower than his first but he came in was trouble free and he put another second after a trouble free run. The notch in his Class 9 belt'. Second to 5-1600 en try was slim, only four of the line was Jim Neal, also a solo them entered but they all made ev-driver and he arrived about a minute ery effort for the win. At the end of and a half out of the win, also with a the first lap Mike Christian held the trouble free run. Dan Folts took the class lead, Mike Ault was second, last podium position, also a solo run Bob Dziurawiec cam.e in third and and he too reported no problems Brent Shermak, usually a front run-on his three lap run. Fourth in was ner never completed his first lap. Kent Graves, he noted that his rear 'The second lap saw Steve Downing, suspension was going away late in the· who was in for Mike Ault take the race. Todd Craig brought the John class lead, Bob Dziurawiec came Burns car in for fifth, they had ma-along in second place and Mike jor front end problems on the last Christian disappeared from the scor-lap and tl:ie car was really hard to ing charts. control: Cody Rash, who was in for There was no change in position Ron brought their car in for a sixth at the end of the third and final lap,. place finish, Ron's roll-over on the Steve Downing brought the Mike _first lap didn't cost them too much Ault car in for the win. They had a time, but jury rigging a broken bat- trouble free run, well, almost, they tery cable on the last lap cost them ran out of gas on the last lap but it about 25 minutes. Rick McCarty only cost them a bit over 15 min-came in seventh, no major problems utes. Big Bob Dziurawiec came ·in to report and Joe Forte was eighth, for second place. he was hurt badly on time with very There were only two Unlimited long first and last laps. Sportsman and itreallywasn't much Heavy Metal was heavily entered. of a content. Tom Hood tQok the There were only three of them in lead on the first lap, Kevin Powers evidence and they only had to run had all sorts of troubles on his first two laps for a finish. Joe Ferrara lap which lasted over four hours, but took the lead on the first lap and he was still second in class. when that lap was done he had a John Phegley got in for Hood and nine minute lead on Michael Licari, turned a nice hour and a half lap, who was second. Unfortunately, still leading, of course and Kevin Pow-Tom Giordano never completed his ers was still there with a decent lap Joe Ferrara plows up the sand as he heads towards the win in the Heavy Metal Mike Ault and Steve downing took the Class 5-1600 win even though Steve ran th6 Class at the 34"' Annual SNORE 250. car out of gas on the last lap. ---~--r _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--~ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-..,.-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-...,-.---Don Wall and Chuck Stockwell drove. to a fourth place in Sportsman Rick Boyer and Brett Maurer had two flats to hamper them but they Looking good here, Ron and Cody Rash were sixth in Class 9 in Buggy, in spite of troubles on the second lap. still managed a sixth place finish in Class 1600. spite of a rollover on the· first lap. Page 44 November 2003 Dusty Times
·1 I Highest flyer in the race, Day Gang had her share of problems but Sev~nth in the class 9 conflict, Rick McCarty ran solo and had a · Scott Smith had some trouble in the silt but he came on to take the held on for a ninth place finish at the SNORE 250. trouble free run, seen here at speed in the Nevada desert. f(Jh finishing posiffon in the Class 1600 fracas. · I.fo::r:-:s=e=co=n=-a::r::p:r:la:-::c::e---'. '--------7=========--===========:=:;;;;;;;,;;;;; The third lap saw Phegley taking the class win, Kevin Powers decided to call it a day and never completed his third required lap and it was all over in less than five hours. Sportsman Buggy had seven en-tries and it was clo~ely conte~ted for at least three o( die cars. They had three laps to _run and at the end of the first lap it was Brian Flores in the lead,.Orlo Cox III was second, only two minutes it:t arrears and Greg Frechette came around in third. Courtney Collins was next across the line in fourth place. Billy Shapley was next, in fifth place, Evan Dixon came along a few minutes later in sixth and Don Wall was seventh. The second lap had Brian Flores still in the lead, Courtney Collins had moved up a few spots and was run-ning in second place, Orlo Cox III was running third and Don Wall was fourth after a very long lap. Greg Frechette, Billy Shapley and Evan Dixon were on their respective trail-ers. Dusty Times Tom Hood and John Phegley had a fun day, they had no problems during the race and took the.win in the Unlimited Sportsman class. Lap 3 saw no changes in position. Rick Lance was in for Brian Flores and he came across the finish line for the Sportllman Buggy win, in spite of a roll-over out on the course. Com-ing in second was Courtney Collins, with Billy Goerke riding all the way, having to contend with a flat tire, .but no other problems. Eddie Frehner was in for Orlo Cox and he brought the car in for the bronze medal even though Eddie had rolled the car on the .lap. Don Wall was first out of the money with a fourth November 2003 . The Sportsman Truck win went to Rudy Suriano, seen here at speed through the really soft silty part of the course. place finish. Sportsman Truck had only two laps to run and there were only two competitors in the class. Rudy Suri-ano ran his·two laps in 1:51 and 1:53, had no problems out on the · course and took the class win. Tom • I Coon started the race but never com-pleted his first lap,. So it ended, the 34th annual SNORE 250. Everyone we talked to loved the course and most had a good time. See ya at the next one! Page 45
...... CORR SEASON FINALE Huseman Wins Two In New York By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photo • POWERFUL • PRECISE 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop •Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE Carl Renezeder won his first Pro-4 championship, he was second in Pro-2, seen here in his Lucas Oil Chevy flying past the aqua background. (541 )382-1573 Rick Huseman definitely gave it the old rollege tty in the last two rounds of the 2003 season but even a µurofwins wasn't going to be enough to take the Pro-Ute crown. JeffKincaid reo::,vered fi:om treµ-e-viOll.5 rounds at Crandon where he scored a ninth and a 10th, thi51astweekendtaking a thi:rdand a fourth in the two rounds and thatwas more than enough to give him his fourth Pro-Ute tide in as many~. · Fifteen drivers made the trek to New York for the final battle of the year and in the first round it was follow the leader (Rick Huseman), to the checkers. Mark Krueger took a nice second place, Jeff Kincaid came in third. Art Schmitt was fourth and Rod VanEperen was fifth to finish. Chad Hord was sixth across the finish line,~ Federico came in seventh, and Kyle LeDuccame in eighth after lead-. ing for a while but he took an off rourse excursion. Ninth place went to Don Pon-der, rookie Shane Pagles came in 10th, Jim Kandel, another rookie was 11th and Randy Eller came in 12th. lee O'Donnell wast.re unlucky 13thfinisher,JavierSocia was 14th in and Joe Wutke III was the 15th and final finisher of the round 1hefinalroundwaswononceai¢nby Rick Huseman, a last gasp effort to take the points butitwas not to be. Kyle LeDuc led for a bunch oflaµ; in thi5 round also,but Huseman got him a rouple of lap; from the end Kyle settled for serond spot Mark Krueger finished the season with a thi:rd place, Jeff Kincaid took fourth and that cernenredhisPro-UtewinandCJroHotd took fifih place. Sixth place went to Steve Easy winner of the Pro-2 championship, Scott Taylor amassed six wins in his Mobil sponsored Ford, seen here in flight. www.tubeshark.com Federiro, Joe Wutke ill 1110\W up to a SC\ffithplacefinm.BodVanEperencame Tommy Bradshaw came in fifth. Sixth in eighth, Shane Pagleswas ninth and Jim place went to Kevin Prooot, Larry Gour-Kandel came in 10th. 1he 11th finishing lie came in seventh, rookie Steve Barlow spotwentto Randy Eller, Don Ponderwas came in eighth, Paul Seidler was ninth . 12th, 13th went to Javier Socia and lee and Chris Hansen took the green flag O'Donnell was the 14th and final finisher. butfuiled to finish. 1heseasonpointswinwenttoJeffKinatld, Taylor put more i,cing-on the cake Rick Huseman was second, Chad Hord with a win in the final round, Dan wasthird,ArtSchmittwa.sfourthandS~ VandenHe~tookaserondplace,Carl Federirowas fifth. Renereder was third and Kevin Probst The Pro-2 contest was for second was fourth. Fifth place went to Evan place in points as Scott Taylor had al-Evans, Tommy Bradley was sixth, Steve ready wrapped up the points win in Barlow came in seventh, Paul Seidler Round 12 at Crandon. Carl Renezeqer moved up a notch to eighth, Chris took the win in the first round in New Hansen came in ninth and Larry Gour-York, Scott Taylor took second place in lie was 10th across the line. the first round, thi:rd went to Evan Evans, So, Scott Taylor took his fifih straight Dan VandenHeuvel was fourth and Pro-2 points championship, Carl Renez. ====~"""'l!'.' The Pro-Lite championship went to Jeff Kincaid, his Potowatomi Toyota seen here flying to the win. ederwasserondin points fortre}'eaf, Evan Evans came in third, Dan VandenHeuvel came in fourth and Kevin Prohitwas fifth. The Pro-4 rontestwasstill up forgrah; when theweekendstarredand there were some hungry guys wanting the points win very badly. In the first round itwas Johnny Greaves taking his fourth win of the sea-son, in spite of an off course excursion on lap 1. On the sixth lap, Josh Bald-win, Renezeder, LeDucand Douglas got involved in a pileup and that allowed Greaves to slip by. Renezeder got loose quickly and came in second, Steve McCrossan was third, Al Drews was fourth and Josh Baldwin was fifth. Sixth place went to Scott Douglas and Curt LeDuc limped in seventh and last. The second round was hotly con-tested even though Renei.eder had taken his first Pro-4 points win as soon as he started the round. Curt LeDuc took his second win of the season and that did put him second in points. In second place it was Scott Douglas, third went to Josh Baldwin,Al Drews took another fourth place and Carl Renezeder came in fifth. Steve McCrossan was the sixth finisher and the last car still running . So, Carl Renei.eder took the Pro-4 pointschamµonship, G.rrt:LeDucw;issec-ond, eight points behind, Scott Douglas came in third,JohnnyGreaveswas fourth and~ McCrossan finished fifth. The Manufacturers Championship, which was hard fought all year in the three affected classes saw Chevrolet beat-ing out Ford in the Pro-2 rontestwith 10 points in hand The Pro-Ute win went to ._!!'""'!".,.,.,.,__,.,,,. Rick Huseman reaches for the sky in his Fabtech Ford, Rick finished John Greaves drove his Potowatomi Toyota to fourth in Pro-4 points, The Goodyear clad Nissan of Mark Krueger finished seventh in the second in points in the Pro-Lite contests. seen here flying towards the checkers. Pro-Lite points, seen here at takeoff in New York. Page 46 November 2003 Dusty Times . I
TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations 2nd 1/2-1600 Tommy Craig • 3rd 1/2-1600 Randy Jones Curt LeDuc was second in Pro-4 points, his Skyjacker Ford finished every mile of the 13 races in 2003. 1st Overall -1st 1/2-1600 Mike Malloy Kartek MORE/SNORE Freedom 350 Evan Evans only had one win in Pro-2, he was third in points in his Goodyear sponsored Chevrolet. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 T~ta with 220 points. Ford accumu-lated 218 and Nissan had 188. In Pro4, Ford took the win, Chevrolet was sec-ond and T~ta came in third. So the 2003 season came to an end. Back to the shop and, after a short re-spire, get the 'ol vehicle readyfo~ the _!OOn 818-998-2739 ultimate lono travel ford lono travel system Get the benefits of our Long Travel system and 3" nit spindles, ueating 6" of lilt for inuedi6le ground dearance. [i!!'-"E?dl ■ 3' lift indles 'ZI ~ ■ Upper~ontrol arms ~~~W)' ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 3-wau ad;ustable shock absorber ,If ;--- ~ - - - --_ 7'4- ~- ~-.,,"""'"-. -( ;:i PJ!RPO&mAnCli: JHOCH# toyota long travel system Our Toyota 2 wheel chive, 6' 'Ivan Dan' long travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off roaders out there. Dusty Times 8' Suspension System used in a racing 1 application with cotl over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of wheel travel. e !! e «ber(!! ! include ttant lenders, custom i beams Ollroad bullet proof design provides maximum strength with 4130 Chromoly steel bedsides and hoods. The front lenders and bedsides -----~ are flared with wheel travel in mind. I /8th' thick plate and tubular inner structure. !158181 L. extended radius arms Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard far increased tire clearance. Hanger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1990-94 ford ranger 'I" performance system Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard offering increased bre clearance and 4 • more wheel travel Dual Shock System 2 shocks per front wheel, adds high performance dampening. 1998-on ford ranger z_s· performance system 2.5' of lift with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 (10 'I" lono tra vel system Gives you the needed clearance far 33' tall llres. November 2003 angled spare tire mount Constructed using I 1/ 4' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints far long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount Over 25 Styles stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment al stamped steel tabs simpllly your fabrication needs. www_fabtechmotorsports_com DR E-MAIL US AT info@fabtechmotorsports.com Page 47
OJIBWE FGRESTS PRORALLY David Higgins Takes Championship & Manufacturers cup The Ojibwe overall win went to David Higgins and Daniel Barrett in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8, seen here at speed. David Higgins continued in his of the rally on Friday late after- Toyota for the past and is Subaru's dominating ways for Round 7 of noon. Team Mitsubishi had their WRC test driver. Also, of note was the SCCA ProRally series near two cars of Higgins and O'Sullivan · the fact that Libra Racing had its Bemidji, Minnesota. By winning his poised for another win. O'Sullivan two Tiburon rented out to Scot-sixth event this season at Ojibwe-had drawn the all too important tish Rally Champion Barry Johnson Forests ProRally he locked up the first car on the road. The roads in and British WRC driver John 2003 Driver's Championship as well northern Minnesota had been Lloyd. As Hyundai was not officially as the Manufacturer's Cup for Mit- dusty and even light rains over the a part of the Manufacturer's Cup subishi with two events left on the week were not altering conditions challenge this year, their cars could schedule at Wild West and Lake much. Subaru USA had only one drastically shake up the standings Superior, Ramana Lagemann had car entered for Ramana Lagemann for Mitsubishi and Subaru if they his best result of the year by taking who has been more and more im-did well at Ojibwe. Lastly, Seamus the runner-up position in his Suba- pressive as the season goes on. Su- Burke was in his TAD-prepped Evo ru WRX. Higgins' Mitsubishi team- baru USA made the announcement 6.5 and could still pose as a threat mate Lauchlin O'Sullivan took the that Pasi Hagstrom would be driv- to win. third podium position helping to ing a second car for the team at lock up the Manufacturer's Cup. Wild West. Hagstrom has run in Overall, 60 teams took the start the World Rally Championship for OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6.5 Chris Whiteman and Mike Paulin drove their heavily lamped Dodge Neon to the Group 2 win in the Minnesota forests. SS 1 of the rally was held at the . NJK Ranch just outside of Akeley. The longer bumpy course that had been used for the past three years had been replaced by a much shorter smoother course at the other end of the ranch. Seamus Burke put his Evo up on two wheels much to the delight-of the crowds. At the end ofSS2, he was running near the front. Unfortunately, the car started popping fuses by the start of SS3 and the team decided to withdraw. Another car to drop early from contention was the Leon Styles Evo 6. The center differen-tial gave out after SS 1 and on the transit to SS2 he opted to retire. Lauchlin O'Sullivan became the leader early on, but his teammate Higgins was reeling him in until six miles into SS4 when a tire was punc-tured. Higgins drove the car to the end of the stage before changing the flat. By the service break after SS4, the order was O'Sullivan, Lagemann, Higgins, Johnson and Tim O'Neill in the Air Force Reserve sponsored Ford Focus. Julian Reynolds was in sixth and leading Group N in his Subaru WRX. Next in line was Doug Havir in his ProDrive prepped WRX and John Lloyd right behind in the second .Hyundai. Ninth and tenth overall was the battle of the weekend be-tween Shane Mitchell and Mark Utecht in their Group N WRX's. These two have been waging a battle all year long and the Group N points chase has been incredibly close. In the later stages of Friday night, both drivers reported losing their brakes due to hard driving. In Production GT the battle there was intense between Valdemaras Maciukevicius in a Su-baru 2.5 and Bruce Davis in his Mitsubishi Eclipse. Davis held the class lead until SS4 when they lost a brake line and wound up with a 13 second deficit by the end of the stage. Group 5 had Doug Shepherd leading that class with teammate Brian Vinson in second in their Dodge SRT-4's. Last year's Group 5 winner Bob Olson had a new white and fluorescent green paint job on his Porsche 911. Unfortu-nately the tranny gave out near the end ofSS2. In Group 2, Matt Johnson held the lead in his privateer VW GTI over the factory efforts of Dodge (Chris Whiteman in a Neon) and Mazda (Eric Burmeister in a Pro-tege MP3). Brian Scott in his Focus was lurking close behind and keep-ing in the points chase for the class. The Production class had only two entries this round and after Jake Himes put his Nissan Sentra SE-R in the woods on SS5, "Mad Miken Halley just had to finish to get the class win. $135.00 $145.00 & up The Production GT win went to Valdemaras Maciukevicius and Ernest Bogusevicius in their Subaru lmpreza. By-the end of Friday night, the leader board had changed after three more stages. David Higgins now had the lead with Ramana Lagemann second, and Lauchlin O'Sullivan down to third. Tim O'Neil and Barry Johnson had swapped spots as well for fourth and fifth. Reynolds, Havir and Lloyd kept their spots, but Utecht passed Mitchell for ninth. Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Page 48 f702) ~47-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Rt-Dl.JJlt Pc/lfO/(l1A/JCc, !JIC. lS1 6 I-STAR PRE-RU■ OR RACE PACKAGES NORlltSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPlETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AlfD AN UNMAreHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFAcrtONn . (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-µ759 FAX 4531 RSeNHOll'l!lt CfltCLI! ANIUID■, CA. t2H7 ' November 2003 Dusty Times
• The Reynolds/Thomas Subaru WRX lost a battle with a tree but After 2 days of rallying, Shane Mitchell and Paul Donnelly tied for Third overall went to Lauchlin O'Sullivan and Christian Edstrom, seen here dusting up the night in their Mitsubishi. soldiered on to take the coveted Group N win. second place in Group N with Marl< Utecht and Jeff Secor. Day 2 started with rain overnight and they had to get towed to the GT by less than a minute over Bruce events. up until the Pare Expose mid-after- finish. Luckily, they still managed a Davis. These two were the only two In the final class, Production, noon. The dust was still a concern third in class! · finishers in that class and the class "Mad Mike" Halley was the final fin-as the sun came out and the roads Valdemaras Maciukevicius championship battle will go down isher of the event. Mike has to just dried. The Group N battle intensi- wound up the winner in Production to the wire as well at the final two cross the start line at the season's final event at Lake Superior to clinch the class championship. If that happens, this will be the sec-ond class championship the VW Clfltinued on page 50 fied. Julian Reynolds still held a com- · fortable lead but behind him the battle raged on. On SS8, Shane Mitchell hit a tree, tore off the rear bumper, got a flat, and drove it out to the end of the stage. Mark Utecht was having problems of his own as he said that he had to come to a complete stop several times due to the thick dust and poor visibility. Several of the cars in the top ten had a few problems of their own. Tim O'Neil reported that he was having engine problems and was los-ing time on the stages. John Lloyd had the clutch come apart after hav-ing two flat tires and hitting a tree in his Tiburon on SS 12 and had to park his car by the side of the road. Doug Havir lost his rear wing after hitting a tree as well two stages ear-lier. Group N leader Julian Reynolds made his car look similar to Shane Mitchell's blue Group N WR.X by damaging the left rear cor-ner and taking off the rear bumper on SS15. With the carnage taking place behind him, David Higgins had problems of his own while leading. ·"" His car was stuck in fourth gear and the transmission smoked heavily on the final 17-mile stage. At the end of the stage he had to get a tow from teammate O'Sullivan just to get the car back to Bemidji for the official end of the rally. Higgins won with Lagemann just less than a minute behind and O'Sullivan third, almost another minute behind. Barry Johnson had a fantastic run to fourth in his rented Hyundai Tibu-ron in his first U .S. event. Tim O'Neil kept his car going to a fifth place finish. Julian Reynolds backed off a bit after his run in with a tree and wound up winning Group N and taking sixth overall. Doug Havir was seventh in his WR.X and the battle for eighth overall and second in Group N was declared a tie be-tween Shane Mitchell and Mark Utecht! The remaining two events will be interesting to watch between these two. Rounding out the top ten overall was Steve Gingras in his Su-baru WRX. Eleventh through 13th overall were the team Dodge cars. Group 5 was won by Doug Shepherd with Brian Vinson just behind him. The Group 2 winner Chris Whiteman became the class winner with just a few stages remaining in the rally. He passed Eric Burmeister who had been the class leader after Matt Johnson's misfortunes. Matt first of all lost a tire on SS 14 and had the jack break on the transit to SS15. After transiting on the flat for eight more miles they found the caliper missing and clamped off the broken brake line. The right axle snapped with twelve miles remaining on SS 17 Dusty Times ... , / MOTORSPORTS ~ -~ ~ tt /4 Di~triqutqr of an expanding and unique pr(!duc~ line of mqtors r ✓----~"~ lG-FORCl1 uc•••--1 Pro Farce Air • Significantly outflows other ' blower type' helmets .., • NOT a converted motorcycle helmet! ~ e Lightweight Composite Shell \....$-2•9 9 • 9 9 : :~:'~!:;::~1:~~:otive Rated Special wl FREE .._ ____ ..,_1111111 ___ _ Helmet Bag I! LOWRANCE liPS !!iyn:en1• • B/1/v & Color Displays • 2· to 10.4" Screen Sizes • Portable & Panel Mount • Unlimited Mapping Vertex High Performance Radio !iy■tem• • 128 to 250 Channels • 50 to 110 Watts of Transmitting Power! • Alphanumeric Digital Display • 3 Year Warranty • Exceeds Mil-Spec Standards November 2003 19.i!I/ Cordless lmpactKit •½"Drive • 216 ft.-lbs. Torque • Carrying Case & Charger • Only 6.6 lbs.! • Vehicle Holster Available -· CDMMLJNICATION !!iOLIJTION!i FDR RACINli& RECREATION • Intercoms & Radios • Satellite Phones • Base Station Antennas • NEW! Carbon Fiber Headsets • Scanners Jlavi_ cAi.JirM e 105, 135, 150, & 235 CFM Models Available • lightweight & Reduced Amperage • 3M Hepa & CO Filter Options ~ e BAJA PROVEN To Page 49 •
Bruce Davis and Lee Sorenson led the PGT class for a while but a Fourth overall went to Barry Johnson and Stuart Merry, seen here in Second overall went to Ramana Lagemann and Michael Kidd in their broken brake line dropped them to second in class. their good looking Hyundai Tiburon. Subaru WRX, seen here at speed. New Beetle has had. Karl Scheible Group 5, Group 2, Production GT won the Production class champi-and of course, Group N are still · onship back in 1999. This was the very close. Doug Shepherd pretty same "Cure Carn that was in the much has a lock on Group 5 unless VW commercials in 2000 only Mike he has bad luck at the next two calls the car the "Stud Bugn now. events.-Group 2 is a huge dogfight Things should definitely be in- between Eric Burmeister running teresting at Wild West, the next for Mazda and Chris Whiteman event two weeks after Ojibwe For-running for Dodge. They used to ests. With WRC regular Alfredo be college roommates at Michigan deDomirucus coming from overseas Tech many years ago. Although renting one of Tato Motorsports they are still great friends off the Mitsubishi Evos as well as Pasi dirt roads, they are rivals on them. Hagstrom driving for Team Suba-The Production GT battle between ru, the series continues to gain a Maciukevicius and Davis will be more international appeal. Nine down to the final two events as well. Group N cars are entered meaning The MitchelVUtecht battle for that the class is growing on the West Group N could be interesting if Coast now. The East Coast has tra-both drivers do well at Wild West. ditionally had a large number of This battle has flip-flopped all year Group N cars, especially at Susque- long. It a mistake is made at Wild bannock Trail and Maine. West any of these championships The championship battles for could be decided. Mike Halley and Bill Montgomery were the only finishers, ergo, the winners in the Production Class. • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 1 O year Bladder warranty • Safety loam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers FHI s,,.,. "Pro c,11•_;, • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline ",:,,':t,•,o:::;t'::,':;\:g • Over 25 years expe~lence _ _ ., _ _ _, . Install and It's backed by a e for more Info call or wnt. to:-111/110 year rrarran/y. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe El ) 6325 7 Nels Anderson Road , Bend, Oregon 97701 · • ' Rlldllgc:.ells -.(541) 388-0203 ,(541)38&-0307 fax •hllp:/~.~fe.com_. _ ; Page so on Fabrication is your one stop rac~ sho_pLJiive"i'i; a . :-:-~;--·-·-· ... call for more information and experience the dif-ference a KREGER Car or Race Set-Up can make! November 2003 ,, ________ ,.. __________ ------------------.& ........ ,.._ ............. .._ •••• Dusty Times
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Uta PBBFORMIICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend TA~.c~· nte:lna ,,..aHnt1 RAUM, EN<ilNf.'i, TRAN\'\IIS\IONS ANll OFFROAO PARTS Send or--c:aJI for our new catalog S5.00 ......... v •••• ,. ................. : ............. -.......... .,.. .... • • ... • • . ..... . ... ... ,..-,; RAY BAYLY 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 http://www.dionandsons.com brian@mail.dionandsons.co,m BRIAN GRIFRN (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (56_2) 432-7969 The harder you race the more you · need one. FLFlmELFIEI FIRE-RESISTANT T-SHIRTS FOR DESERT RACERS ~-EXTRA COMFORTABLE.~-AFFORDABLE. ~ www.BajaBros.com . 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s.-619-449-3633 · 619--449-3665 fax Dol,lg Fortin .• ' For your local dealer e· L . Call or write tor call (8~0)·433-6524 lladngc.dls our FREE Catalog . ' _ Aircraft Rubber ManvlacturJna. Inc. 63~7 ~el& Anderson Road ijend, ·o~ llTT01 U~ ph(541) ~fliii-41)388-0307 , Adrian or Fidel rl cJ.\D fl O 'J'I J'J\J.\S'fERS ~ RACING CYLINDER HEADS & ENGINES _2466-F S, Santo Fe Avenue • Vista, CA 92084 p~~:e (760) 727-1827 ----7. '\ r~M) . ,. ...., -J .J ~ Buff & Kevin Owners/ Fabricators p. 760.510.9586 • f. 760.510.9559 120 N. Paclflc'.st. # J-1 •_San Marcos, CA 91069 www.hand111motorsp.orts.com HONDA $SUZUKI SE~•.dDD 1 I I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL R-OBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 Just A Small Ad Here Can Increase Your Business By A Bunch. Call Dusty Times For Details 81 8-882-0004 (619) 561-7764 fax 561-4834 . Jeff Howe 12476 Julian Ave. Lakeside, CA 92040 20 Years of Off Road Racing irience ,gQ s,tti\llG 11ct ,011• We Service & Sell Char Lynn, Sweet, Pumps, Gears & Power Ra_ck & Pinioi, HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde Highway 80 • S_uite·E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990 · JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" ~~I•~ I■■ n,a I~ I I l ·I I IT~•~• I Quality Racing Transmissions JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Mike Julson President 10965 Hartley Rd., Suite R • Santee, CA 92071-2893 619 / 562-1743 •· Fax 619 / 562-3379 e.mail jimcorace@aol.com • www.jimcorace.com J_l ,e&cr -.e z RACING ENGIN(g COMPLETE ENGINES • DY!'JO SERVICE George Jimenez TROY J OHNSON (909) 7'79-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 535 E. Central Park Ave. _Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714 . .535.5116 Specializing in custom offroad race trucks • Prerunner:; • Sand car5 • Raily ca1s • Custom Fabrication • Advanced ~ uspension Technology • Research & C,evelopment KAL OFFROAD RACING NWW .KALoffRoad.com Metal Fabrication · Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power I I . OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda ,Corp. www.Kawaguchibonda.com 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI • Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 FX: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange. CA 92867 ----------.....
Kevin Summers owner KS Motorsports offroad fabrication and race preps 15346 Bonanza RD. # C Victorville , CA . 92392 Phone:760-241-5441 Fax:760-241-5383 E-mail:ksmotorsports@msn.com Website:ksmotorsports.org POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 111181 PENDLETOK &TAEET' SUN VALL.EY, CA-113152 FAX (818) 798--2617 (818) 788-0371 A full line of Power Steering gears, pumpa and IICClll0riea for' any type of racif'iO. Magnaflllx and Z,v!O tacNltlea available. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLLCAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 KENT LOTHRINGER (909) 596-5497 FAX LOTHRINGER ENGINEER/NG MAGNAFLUX Service Suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076 p~ !!ACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 (818) 886-4446 (8_18) _772-6470 fax www.mckenziesontrack.com 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 9132~ .otfroad aRoadColne .Drag Racing .OV.,Trac:k .Fabrication ..• ,-.Welding . • / .chaNiaand' .·&llp8nllon Spec:illlllt. YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us o_n the Net! SP_ECIALJSTSI www.mckenzies.com PHONE:(714) 441•1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHOAPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 . . -WORK GUARANTEED DEADLINES KEPT ~§bot~ q;~ !Tno. ETibo,yla.r,4,• .:?Joo/ms, .f.iu.ttl an.dr/lepair MIKE MCQUEEN OFF ROAD BODIES SINCE 197 2 -BY APPOINTMENT FAX (310) 379-8633 (310) 374-8669 E-MAIL: MPD@MAKATAK.NET HTTP:/ /WWW.MAKATAK.NET MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . #illll1JIIRlll!lliB (619) 681-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 COIIPOHEfffS FOR CHASSIS FABRICATION . -~ -".IP-·~~·-~ -~ ~Mol.lis • Cl&Wmr&nletlaldn DFFRDAD ENGINEERING Pre-Runners • Race Cars &: Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Acces$ories (805) 522-4499 Lance Fuller 2280 Shasta Way_ #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 www.motorsportsplus.com Moulton Racing Fabrication • RaceCars Prerunners • SandC-rs Jim Moulton :__:..;,._28S55 INDUSTRY DR. M12 vlllincla ea 113115. 881-295-0253 •t.lV-ILJr.i~l• •4.i:11 t••t,,,•J! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE I ,NIii( H-J', • l ll' ,Tll IH JI I', • IH Vt l lNIIHJ\' AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION ~490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO. TX 79936 1915) 857-5200 • TECH LINE 1915) 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msdignition.com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 319E . .Hanillon.lJnitD Corona, CA 92879-1313 ~909) m-m2 www.mtEchsu!'nJ,1.com 4B0-726-2S76 www~.com. ,.,,.,,::,, ·Mllllllnl. ~~ ..... -. M/T. ., ; ; ;, Todd Dwyer 43455 Business Park Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Prone (909)587-0101 Ext 156 www.mickeythompsontires.com. 619-562-5533 M~u J~•ElmlriKCt OREN wA.U.EY -·-· ·=. -=· .....-+----L PONTIAC•Glllf;•IJIIP:lt: U63f).Mo12.11. lt'Ar> llQl//'lfO f.t.W'l; Gt 2l.555 . ,.. , . >.UK l•OR . · .. · CHUCK FOIIBMA~ ~ ·. cco,is11ltant -. . ...::..---------. t -Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept . . <;:ustom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 P£R. . PARKER PUMPER t4ELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mi"a Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS
~ ,~~~©7r'I SAFEll' EQUIPMENl MAXON,-MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, 'sHOEI, Sl~PSON HElMETS IN STOCK WIRING FOR RADIO &/OR ll'lo'TERCOM STIU. ON.LY S 125. --2888 GUNDRY AVE. -SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • &62-427-8177 I -800-869-5636 W • A R 1 PEAK PRERUNNERS Bumpers • Roll Cages · Suspension · Welding · Machining Computer Aided Suspension Design · Custom Metal Fabrication · Custom Accessories Dennis Rotim 661-373-6176 . A. ' www.peakprerunners.com peak:prerunners@yahoo.com TB. {949)650,-3035 fllll (949)650-4n1 (, . ---1 • All Type• ol St.NI fl Aluminum Fawicati-• Tube Beacliac .-Fra cv s Pc-rfornianc~ r:ngineermg • Almaiaum fl st.Ni W.ldinc • Custom Machine W.ork • All Types ol Race Cars · 4851 W. Hacienda 14 Lu Vegu, NV 89U8 Bruce Jl'raley 702-365-9055 Pre,ision Alloy, lid. Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fox: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com PREP SEBJ?CES : . UIVIMTED 562-529-39)H p 562-529-3992 f 9024 Jeff Street Bellflower, CA 90706 ,P/10 PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodigy.net -Tel: 619-39CMS252 Fax:&1~.70 14402-Bond Court _ · El Cajon, CA 92021 ........... Par: 323.340.lffl Fu: 111.381.4641 Hi-Petformance Equipment Suspension •Safety• Drivelim,·• Accessories· (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691..()803 (fAX) 103 Press Lane; Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE ONLY $45 PER MONTH 818-882-0004 11598 Cc>tn ~ erce Cente4' D Tfmecula, CA 925~ CTRINS Will get JOI ii gear . -swllg alle, ••, nwlad, 1141 3455 I. POllRI #5 UIIIGAl,IRllll am •DJ.IUJDI (702) 221-4313 -(782) 111-1724 Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 Parkway Lopp, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 . raceprepservices@aol.com fiiil'SANDERS SERVICE, INC. J!l!/ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wllmlngton Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) ~83-2404 FAX (323) 583-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARKSMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA -RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (ns) 372-5335 A'ARACING--www.RACESHOCK.coM ~ GASOLINE ~ .............. ~-r'-"ll6'YY-Y.N'riVJ JllltL)' ~ -Western US and Mexico Suspension Components For Racing And Rec:raatlonal Appllcatlon• otfoiJ f.J •I CL BRYANT, INC. Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fnt Tum-Aroundll ~ 800-399-4176 Upgrade You~ Vehlde Suspen:: ~bly-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy . Fa,p1ax . ~ /JIJJ'AIT. - -~ Fax: (602) 493-0975 Oe/ober5 &6 www.olbryar.t.com. PH: 714.680.6737 • Fl: 714.680.3110 Tell Free: 800.304..8726 631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Srea, CA 92821 (114) 447-3581 Fax (114) 672-9246 .... · -
§.1r6'J,/IF ·?·kt~,:~ ~ ~ .. ., ... ,JC,,!.,,~-~ACE LETTE~f/VG ,. JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • \\lllOOW LITTERll,G • CAR LETTERmG· • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle· • Hunt,ngto1 Beach CA S2t349 (714) 897-0075 • Fa, 1714) 894-9567 SPENCER LOW RACING .com NISSAN OFFROAD PERFOR~ANCE PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BODY FIBERGLASS »ANO MORE 1 Specializing in: 1 FRONTIER PATHFINDER ~RRA HARDBODY Dvar 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 off :road :fab:ri.cati.o::n.. • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kits • Cusiom Paint • Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program Sam Puleri (323) 563-2224 Fax (323) 563-2227· Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners i619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Sant~e. CA 92071 • nw v.y a.st o, Ottroatt ~IC., ~ f!'abtlcMiaft And hitaltatioft. W. C.t~ RCO • ~6 . Fa,t«ft • King 91ocks And Ma,iv Mot._ SUNDRY METAL SP1NNING • Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-077& METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL. • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS RACE FUELS 6831 Suva Street Beu Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS. OWNER (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra /we. WESTERN D IV ISION Oakdale, California 95361 Design Fabrication lnstailatlon Darren Ebberts {909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 <, POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 ""'(XMPIJT~ZEO VINYL GtV.l"'HICS & LETTER.ING Giiiial I l'T.M I -"" f..0-(Z)ST tJLDG SIGNS (/\II. Pf(()CES8E5) ~ --"" TFU\OE SI-OW OISPL/\'r'S ,-. flf:.,.._CING Gflf:.,.._,.,..,,c;:5 -"" OET /\/LEO & 1.NIQLJE DESIGNS ,-. FLEET VEHICLES ,._ ~QIY,LJTY MNNEltS ,-.M,...c;NET/CS ,._ LOGO ~EPII/OOUCTONS ,-. flf:.E,'\L EEff,...TE ,._LOGO & ~ OESIGN ,-. OEO'\LS ~ -~ SU$~ENSl[JNS ~· l::llYLIMITED · ~ . ~ OFF ROAD RACING SPECIAUSTS ml.Llfl\G • FABRICA TUV • O'C PIASMA aJTTW3 • FTUVTENOS • FEAR TRAl,.I\GAFIMS RAtFD-IASSIS • PffRU',/f,ERS • FQXRAC/f\K,SHJX • 54/VDBLGGES LARRYROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAIEIM, CA 92807 PHONE/714)6304482 FAX {714)6304548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts • . American Made E~cellence!! JUST A SMALL AD HERE CAN INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS A BUNCH 818-882-0004 -TLR Performance Fabrication Tun Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD · El Cajon, CA 92021 (6i9) 447-1289 ·, Experienced Fabricators Needed. . Trans Am, Trophy Truck or Class 1 experience preferred. Excellent welding skills required for MIG and TIG with all metals. Must be a team player, with a great attitude and able to follow direction. 714.632.0013 2980 E. Mlraloma Ave. Anaheim CA 92806 ~-~ ~ * Off-Road and ~H-On lo Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota'.' Truck$ * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St., Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list_ ~f ~r products at our web site: http:/www .off-roadfibe~lass:com. TrailerWare™ Trick Gear for Your Rig $99.00 Free CA Shipping Offer Ends 12/31/03 Double Helmet & Gear Shelf 949-347•7091 :090 Aluminum www.trailerware.com 10 1/2"H x 28 l/2"W x lS"D ..... Sflr . IIQIN LE ENCi.lNEERINCi JEFF FIELD (818) _998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 6:11 ransworks ~~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES ~ AUTHORIZED MENDE~LA DEA~ER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. SAND* STREET* RACE DESCANSO, CA 91916 www.transworks.biz (61?) 445-3135 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE. CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 . · U.S.WMEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH • REPAIRS . 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 BF.IUCE HENDEL. Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Co~r P..O. Box 1,319 '34283 'Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Carlos Orozco 619.596.8033 Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7~67 Pager: (909) 694-7392
~~. oo~llmffi)~,.,..,· -. ----Front & Rear Tr.ailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 Jack Woods 602-242-0077 . Fax 602-242-7283 ~a.rs Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V:W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota -Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 ( 626) 914-814 7 . www.wrtrans.com (<oJ.'=>1 !;:,OS~ACe SCORE ENGINE BUILDER ~ OFTHEYEAR Get.the word out about your business, Big or small! Put your business card In the ··coon STUFF DIRECTORY·· ·. 994, 1998, 1999,2000 and reach new customers.· From Parts To · ~~'fl Complete-Engines . Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely S45.ao per month. (818) 882-oacM 702-837-2522 • , CHECK OUT Dusi y· TIMES more Trail No~s ... BLM HOLDUP -The BLM announced early in August that they would start collecting fees on October 1, 2003 for all of us who use the "Designated" OHV areas in "Our" desert. This went over like a lead balloon with Ed Waldheim, President of CORVA. Through Ed's efforts and a lot of pressure from many off road users, they bent the ear of Mike Poole, the BLM Director for California and this unwarranted action of the local BLM was put on hold for some real evaluation. The areas that would be affe_cted by this "Fee" are: Dumont Dunes, El Mirage, Johnson Valley and Stoddard Wells OHV A"reas. What the BLM is after is a $20 fee for everyone who sets foot or wheel on "Their" property in the Victorville, Hesperia and Barstow areas. Fortunately, it .has been stopped for a while. Send a letter of protest to the following to keep the BLM tro.ops in line. Mr. Mike Poole, Director, BLM Sacramento, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825. Linda Hansen, California Desert District Manager, 23838 Calle San Juan De Los Lagos, Moreno Valley, _CA 92553. Mr. Tim Read, Field Manager, 2601 Barstow Road, Barstow,. CA 92311. Yo·ur help is neede_d to keep our desert open to us citizens! GODONES DUNES STILL PARTIALLY CLOSED -The ever left leaning ederal District Court in San Francisco ruled that almost alf of the dunes, about 50,000 acres will remain off limits to off road vehicles, pending further action in the case. The Sierra Club and Desert Survivors claim that widespread use of the dunes by off road vehicles would harm the Peirson's Milk Vetch', a rare plant, protected under the Endangered Siiecies Act. In January of this year, the California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Commission refused to continue state funding fo:r administration of the recreation area, charging that the BLM had poorly managed the area. · · DUSTY TIMES SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST -Something you may want to look at. See page 35 for your chance to get your race car or truc.k on the cover of Dusty Times. We're sure this will raise your competitive sp irit. Get in on the action and go for the gold! Dusty Times XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE l.AKll HAVASU CITI, AZ. 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O'. Bdx 2122 ~EXICO, CA 92231 November30,2003 Gran Prix de Campiones 4x4 FOREVER, Lm. 1665 DEIAWARE ST. OsHKOSH, WI 54901 Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some · fans know about your event, if they don't happen to 9e on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 2004 schedule as soon as possible for.listing in this c,olumn; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 20761 Plum111er St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-5003 November 2003 -t"e _ BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this a n ,;top system. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. · 1-928-427-3551 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 . Yarnell, AZ 85362! DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS -WHO KEEP-REPORTING. ·THE _ OFF ROAD NEWSI Page 57
~ Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50. states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information bef9re purchase of any specifi~ item. FOR SALE: Just in time for Baja 1000: Only the best parts: King Shocks, Mastercraft Seats, Currie rear-end, PCI Radio, Lowrance OPS, National Spring, 6 BFG tires, mag wheels, Parker Pumper and ah1minum car-jack. Freshly prepped, BITD and SCORE legal with two of every part including en-gines, transmissions, rear-ends, parts, panels, radiators, electroI)ics, shocks and more. Heavy duty trailer included. All you need is race suit and helmet. Ford Sponsorship and prize . money still available .. $40,000.00 OBO. Call Al (406) 321-4644 or (406) 322-999?. Radical Pre-runner! 4 seat '99 Tahoe. Only 835 miles new. 115" . wheel base. 21" front travel, dual A-Arm, Coil over, Sway-A-Way, Cone and CNC. 24" rear travel, Cone, Dana 60, 3 linked. Turbo 400 Mogi trans. Awesome Nills Castillo motor, 400 c.i. small block. 4 Bea:rd seats, Autometer, Flame-out, PCI, NC. 35" BFG's Champion headlocks. Must see! Super custom! $199K Ref #875 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www.bajaconcepts.com. FOR SALE: Baja Ready PreRunner. Ford V6 Reliable Power, balanced and blue printed, Street legal, current tags and regis-tration. Full tube chassis, Saco rack, Fox 2.0 w. reservoirs, 22 gal FOR SALE: Protruck, chassis #SS-1-026, raced 7 times, BEST OF EVERYTHING, rebuilt and race prepped! OPS and In Car Camera, 2 Engines, 2 trannys, 2 rear ends & axle housings, 2 drive shafts, 2 steering boxes, 3 PS pumps, 2 dampeners, ·tons of spares, many wheels & tires. Two trailers, one flatbed, one enclosed TPD. 87 ranger prerunner. Sale price $125,000.00 for all or $90,000.00 for truck only, $105,000.00 for truck and all spares. Call Stiles Racing for de-tails. (707) 374-6814. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600, A Proven winner, Completely rebuilt, fresh engine & Fields 091 transaxle, new seats & belts, PCI radio & in-tercom, Fox Shocks, race prepped & ready for Baja 1000. $12,500.00. Call Mike @ Tractorland Racing (928) 627-3833. Fuel Safe cell, Woods front trailing FOR SALE : Toyota V 6 arms,3x3reararms,930CV,Sway Camary 3 liter motor, Cat 6" A-Wayfrontandreartorsions,Sus-Chevy rods, Ross Pistons, to-pensions unlimited front beam w/ ta! seal rings, Web Cams; elec-adj 6" wide, Deast window nets, tromotive lMZ injection, Simpson 5 point harness, Beard TRD springs, cups & retain-. Seats, Folts Bus Trans, 4 puck ers, 8 qt oil pan, 325 hp, clutch, BFG tires good tread, Cen-fresh rebuild, $5,000.00 terline (5) with new spare/ Brian (562) 619-9686. $5,000.00 OBO Call Casey @ FOR SALE: 1985 Ford F150, Ex-(714) 847-2009 or email tended cab 3 ·seat, fully .caged, Baja 1000 ready. Built by casey.cimmitt@oac-orc.com. Coilover & bypass shock on each Wie11ermount and Porter. A-Arm, wheel, air bumps, 4 link, equal front 19" travel, coilover, discs, length I beam w/center swing steer-Henry's ball joints-top and bottom, ing, Heim ends on pivot points, big rear 4 link 23" travel, Summers spindles & disc brakes, 408ci small FOR SALE: 1998 Mirage Class 1 Single Seat, Mid engine, Toyota Camary V6 325hp, electromotive lMZ injection, Jerico 4 speed trans, Fields cliff, 934 C/Vs, Fortin gun drilled axles, Fox shocks, PCI ra-dio, spare parts, 14 spare tires & wheels, prepped & ready to race, professionally maintained, com-petitive car, $30,000.00 Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE:'74 Pre-Runner, 4130 Gemco Chassis, 3x3 Gemco Arms, Fox shocks, Beard Seats, 25 gal fuel, Right Beam Spindels & training arm, Right RP, Gear·One Discs, Johnsons 2020 motor, Show con-dition. Hardley used. Must see. $25,000.00 OBO. Call for details · AL (619) 445-3753. . FOR SALE: Ford POWERSTROKE Excursion. Class 4100 legal. Container full of spares. Ready to race Baja 1000 or BITD class 4100 or make this the ultimate prerunner. Price reduced to $75,000.00 with.all the spares. Also Ford.Super Cab 4x4 PreRunner (diesel pink slip). www.smdmotorsports.com. SERI-OUS INQUIRIES ONLY! .(760) 352-3080. steve@vegpacker.com. FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevy, Dale White Truck, ground up rebuild, 4 28 SB, Dry sump, Braswell carb, Dua MSD, Mogi TH-400, Borla, CNC, 6 piston, Lee, Fuel Safe, Opitma's, Bilstein coil-over, Bilstein external adj, new body, new every-thing, Baja 1000 ready. Call Mike Gray (408) 835-4921 $60,000.00. FOR SALE: Class 10 Raceco A Arm. Single seat. Mendeola 002, UMP, Summers, Fresh Fat, 1650 cc Rabbitt Motor. New Bypass all four corners. New side panels, 930 CV's, Saco Rack, Wilwood brakes. $25,000.00 OBO. Can be seen at customcoatS;Com (760) 427-1476 John. FOR SALE: Pre-runner/Trophy Truck, F150/Chevy power, 450 hp, Mogi Turbo 400, 32" rear, 24 front, 1. 7 5 chromoly chassis, Fox bypass, truck is "all" custom built, first class throughout. Brand new, ready for race, street or Mexico. $120,000.00 Call for details (619) 972-7209. Bros, 35 spline spool 9", Steve block, SCAT crank, Probe pistons, FOR SALE: Ford Pro Truck, Me-Culhane turbo 400 trans, fresh ~l=~•i:!E,: SVO- heads, Holley, 500hp, Mogi ticulous prep by Craig Stewart. No Shaver motor 350 c.i. 475 hp on trans, Summers rear end w/new expenses spared. Ready for you to Dyno. 32 gallon fuel cell, Ron Davis drive axles & disc brakes, recent race Baja 1000. Two Leon Patton radiator, Pioneer stereo, Auto-~ " rebuild on motor, trans, & cliff, motors, two spare transmissions, meter, Race Radio, 35" Goodyears, FOR SALE: Jimco Class 10, FAT power brakes, new custom dash w/ spare rear end plus too many spares lights, skid plates, street registered, Toyota, Fortin trans, 934 CV's, King pro comp gauges, completely re-....... ~ ..... ....._......_.....,_.....__ to list! Prepped and ready to race 4 corner fiberglass, aluminum Shocks, Pro 10 LLC Champion, wired, AC, Am/Fm/CD, PCI ra- FOR: SALE: Pro 1600 Single B1000. $125,000.00 After B1000 ·dash. Very solid truck! $20K. Ref ManywinsandChampionships. Best dio, new paint, all it needs is inte- · Seater-Rolling_Chassie. Lots ofnew $100,000 #873 call Baja Brokers (760) 723-10 car out there, Lots of spares. Re-rior to finish, great Pre-runner. parts, less engme & trans. Call for www.smdmotorsports.com SERI-2117 or check us out at duced,$45,000.00. CallSteveMelton $45,000.00 Brian (562) 619- info. $5,000.00 OBO. (909) 845- OUS INQUIRIES ONLY! (760) www.baw-concepts.com. (602) 206-7830 or (623) 386-3449. 9686. 3259 or (909) 841-9581. 352-3080.steve@v.egpacker.com ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. • Enclosed is $ --=------------(Send check or money order; no Cash) • Name Address Phone City Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 20761 Plummer Street · Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUllliYlillllD Classified Ad Deadlines 2003-2004 ISSUE DEADLINE December Nov 7, 03 January February· Dec 5, 03 Jan 9, 04 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • State ____________ Zip__________________ ._ ___________ • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page sa November 2003 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Trophy Truck. 406 Ford Dry Sump Transprows, C6 Dual MSD 3" King Coil over & Bypass, Summers 9", fl owe R & P 55 gal Fuel Safe, Mastercraft Fluidyne, CNC, Willwood, Ultra Goodyear, BFG, Never Raced $95,000.00. Call Randy at Fortune Fab (909) 687-6416. FOR SALE: Class 12 Jimco 2 seater. New 1835cc w/ Alum case, CB Comp-eliminator heads, MSD, Autocraft, Pauter, Fresh Mendeola MD4 w/ new ring/pinion. New TCS axles/CV's. Fox coilover front/rear, new Foddrill arms w/King Kong spindals, CNC, Centerlines, BFG's, Howe, Vertex, CompCom, Beard, Deist. Tons spare parts/tires, pit boxes, w/trailer, $36,000.00 OBO. Toby (619) 232-8490. FOR SALE: 95 Toyota 4-Runner, 4x4, 3 .4 ltr. V-6, Auto, Trans., championship winner, SCORE legal. Stock mini, full cage, Fox Shocks, Beard Seats, intercom system, 32 gal Fuel Cell, Dual Spares, Excellent, cond. Turnkey and go, spare parts, $5,800.00. Brian (562) 693-2119 or (562) 900-1901. FOR SALE: 2 Seat·Raceco Up-dated 2002. New Jimenez 1935 10/12-All the best equipment. Ra-dio/intercom, New091 TransWest. Great condition-Ready to Race. $18,000.00 OBO. Call Louis (714) 505-0099. FOR SALE: New Built 3 seat silver Ranger, sm block, C6 Trans Art Carr 24 front 30 rear 2.5 SwayAway and Bypass valve, All 4130, BFG, Autometer, Hella, De-ist, Beard seats, Fuel Safe 40 gal, 2 Otima, Fluidyne, Cooler, Howe Steering, Ron Davis Rad, Aei:o-Quip hoses, Pro-Wire harness, Vin-tage air, Sony CD, All Power. $70,000.00 OBO (661) 201-2825. FOR SALE: 2002 Alumicraft 4 seat Pre-runner. 400+ HP North Star w/rods, pistons, rings, cam & hardworks. Less than 10 hours on motor. OPS, Race ra-dio, intercom, headsets, Hells HID, FOX, etc. The best of ev-erything! 65K serious inquiries only. Please call Mark @ (760) 787-1737. FOR SALE: 1972 Ford F-100, Ready to Pre-run or Chase. Smog Legal 400, Mogi C-6, Summers Bros. 9" Locker, New Fox Shox, Fox Bumps, 35" Bajas, Cab/Bed cage, Glass Hood and Fenders, Mastercraft, Spares, 49 gal tank, all fresh and much more. $13,750.00 Rick (619) 443-9678. FOR SALE: Custom Prerunner, Baja Cruiser V6 Nissan, Bilstein coilovers, 25 gal cell, UMP, Saco, 930's, Sway-A-Ways, Hewland, Beard, TRW, 17" travel, Runs on regular gas, many spares, 15 tires, Centerlines, Shocks, etc. Includes 19" trailer w/new tires. Car has Arizona license, title. Call for info. D~n (928) 771-8154. FOR SALE: Class 7 Toyota Race Truck, Custom Built A-Arm's 4 link trailing arms, King 3.0 Coilovers front & 2.5 Coilovers Fox with 3.0 triple Bypass Kings rear, Lots of spares & Fuel Tower set up. Call (909) 244-5772 wrk(909) 676-3668. $17,000.00 oho. DON'T FORGET SEE PAGE 35 FOR THE DUSTY TIMES SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST. THEM WITH THE MOST SUBSCRIPTIONS IS GONNA BE ON THE COVER .......... --.-.... . Dusty Times .November 2003 Baja 1000 ready, '84 Ranger REAL prerunrrer. Built professionally! "96 front & rear glass. 17" front travel, King 2.5's,.Wilwood brakes. King bypass rears with Deaver springs and 2.1.ink, 17" rear travel, 9" rear end, 31 Spline, Summers axles, Vented rotors and Wilwood brakes. TCS converter, C4 trans, Setrabb cooler, 4ltr. Motor, smog legal, K&N, Beard, MoMo, Sony, Ico race radio, Autometer. Very clean, fast and reliable! $19K Ref#889 Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117 or check us out at www.baiaconcepts.com. FOR SALE: Ford Ranger Pro-Lite, C.O.R.R. series. Every-thing fresh. Formerly owned by Jimmie Crowder. Best of everything! $45,000.00 OBO. Also have 9.5-1 T & L Chevy NASCAR Motor. Complete. Has 10 laps on it. $8,500.00. Stan Rowland (817) 925-4810. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Dunrite. new components-less than 350 race miles on parts. All the best stuff in-cluding FAT motor, Dave Folts 091 tranny with aluminum cliff, Fox Shox all around, Kartek drums, MSD, CNC, Howe, Foddrill arms, Saco rack. See http://raggededge.baja.com $23,000.00OBO. Mike (480) 861-5719. FOR SALE: 1986 CJ-7 Off Road only Project. No engine, needs work, Nice roll cage, rims & tires, good trans & transfer case. $1,000.00 or trade for Ford 9", or Dana 44 to fit Jeep Cherokee! plus$,? Call for details. John (619) 440-5323. SNORTIN NORTINS T-SHIRTS BUSINESS FOR SALE: Includes 1991 35' Aerbus Motor home, 2 mobile printing shops, (one 26ft., one 30 ft trailer, each with a generator, 6 color printer, dryer and misc items needed to print on site at events). Indoor screen printing shop equipment includes a 6 color printer, 4 color printer, large conveyor dryer, exposure unit, inks, squeegies, screens (with rights to use designs), heat presses, lO00's of iron transfers for sand dunes, a 12 color em-broidery machine and all misc. accessories. $75,000.00. Call Sande at (928) 669-8364 or (928) 669-2580 or e-mail at snortinnortins@hotmail .com. FOR SALE: 002 Bustrans by St Peter, new WP gears, chromoly cliff etc.$1,900.00. 1648cc CORR le-gal Rabbit, Fresh, $4,500.00. 99' KTM 640 Enduro perfect 1800 miles $4300.00 OBO. 1948 Tucker Automobile engine $3,500.00. Jon (920) 235-0207 or (920) 232-0330. FOR SALE: Normal aspirated 3.6 litre Porsche Racing engine. Less than 350 pre-run miles after Andail rebuild. Twin spark plug, long stroke crank, big bore pistons. Two PMO carburetors with K&N filters, twin perma-tune electronic boxes. Custom build headers. Ran on VP 110 only. Dyno at 317 bhp. Deliv-ered. Call Cesar Fuentes (915) 726-3823. IND6-X TO AD\/6-Q. TL:>6-Q.6 Baja Pits ............................. ·-·-···· 21 Best In The Desert ............ : .... -···-2 C&R Racing...................................... 31 Coast Resorts ..................................... 9 Dave Folts Transmissions ............... 14 Fabtech ............................................ 47 Fortin Transaxles ............................ 12 FRT Motorsports ·············-················· 4 Fuel Safe ......................................... 50 Hypercoils ........................................ 39 ISCO ................................................. 46 Kar Tek ............................................ 27 Kawaguchi Honda............................ 28 KC Hilites ........................................ 15 King Shock Tech .................. ·-··-····· 43 Kreger ··································-·········· 50 Light Force Engineering .................. 25 McKenzie Performance Products ... 16 Mickey Thompson Tires ..... ·-········· 45 Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts 23 Nevada Off Road Buggy .......... -...... 37 OMF ................................................. 50 Pacific Customs ............................... 33 Papas & Beer .................................. 13 Parker Pumper ................................ 10 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ..... 19 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ....... 26 PCI Race Radios ................ -............... 5 Pike's Service Center...................... 20 Race Ready Products ...................... 36 Racer X ............................. _ ....... 49 Rancho Performance··············-·········· 7 Redline Engineering ........... ·-·-·-···· 48 Ronco Plastics ................................. 30 Sakata ............................................. 40 SCORE International .......... Back Cover Skyjacker Suspensions ................... 34 SNORE ................................. ·-··· 29, 41 Snortin' Nortin ······················-·--.. -· 17 . Sway-A-Way ........................ ·-·····.... 24 TCR Automotive .............................. 38 Team Gordon Race Wheels-···-·-.. 11 Transaxle Engineering ..... ___ 47 Valley Performance ................ - . .._.. 48 Web Cam .............. -........... ___ 35 Page 59