Volume 20 • Number 10 • october 2003 $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 -... serving The OFF Road community l=or 20 Years covering the world of competition in the dirt~--
Page2 October 2003 · Dusty Times
Volume 20 -Number 10 October 2003 DUGI.Jli1m1a Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors . C&C Race Photos • Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham fl Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 87 50-17 3 2) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE dF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA91311. snapshot of the Month ... February, 1983, SCORE Parker 400 - Denver Webster and Eddie Reed, both of Brawley, CA fly through the night, heading for a 10th place finish after 8 hours out on the course. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES MDR Baja Racing Products 200 by Tony Tellier/ Sheryl Cannon ........................ 8 22nd ADAC Rally Deutschland by Martin Holmes ............................................... 18 Best In The Desert Baja 300 by Byrle Moore ........................................................ 22 CORR At Bark River by]. Preston Bradshaw ........................................................ 30 ORW /CODE/FRT Lazo de Amistad by Byrle Moore ......................................... 34 Australian Griffith 500 by Steve Hilton ................................................................. 40 CORR At Crandon by]. Preston Bradshaw .......................................................... 4 3 DEPARTMENTS Happenings······················································-·················································· 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................................ 6 F.A.I.R. Report .................................................................................................. 49 Magnificent 7 Race Team ........... : ..................................................................... 50 Good Stuff Directory ........................................................................................ 51 Classified Ads .................................................................................................... 58 Index To Advertisers .......................................................................................... 59 on The cover The Weyhrich boys, Mark and Gary are always quick in their good looking Jimco, seen here running down the Baja coast on their way to the Class 1500 and overall win at the Best In The Desert Baja 300. . . Picture by Trackside Photo · The Class 10 win went to Shawn Croll at the MDR Baja Racing Products 200 Night Race, a well deserved win, seen here as night falls on the Mojave Desert. Picture lry Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com c5uhscrihe :Joda_y lo DUSTY ·TIM··Es THE FASTEST GROWING . OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ____________________ _ Address ________________ _ City State ________ ____ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O · Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY T IMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times October 2003 Page 3·
A!iciviiriceilW,iefess. Inc. 2003 · Race Schedule April 19th • FRT 200 ~ -.. ~a...-,_""_ · August 16th • "~.£!' de Am!stad Gran Prix ~ ~-on~ i ~- i • Jftr.'Jml, Muico !.-.; October 18th • The Superstition 250 =.=4-WlOOl<dOa .... ;-~ j December 31st • The Dash IIMo!l.,.,_.aod~a.-P._.O,,, w... ~t\at~"Wclfe.i.iiii.:U.!#L!, ,,.. ,
.. 2003 Happenings.~. DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (011 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) December 12-14, 2003 · CODE/Record Race Ready 200 Mexicali to San Felipe B.C.,MX · · AMmlcAN RAu,y SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 Sourn POINTE CIRCLE, Su1TE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-.8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED ThIALs SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM• PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 -24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: bmark909@aol.com · <www.atatrails.com> ASOCIACION lisTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM lAsELL, TECH INSPECTOR . APTo42 SAN JOSE DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSIDP DARRYc SMITH 19 SOMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD CLASS l O CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANOOUR, 3069 DAGENAIS WEST . LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Riicewa,, Lakeside, CA BBMMARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD S}iORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AvE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAsVEGAS, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/FAX (702) 641-2431 E-MAIL: bitd@worldnet.att.net December 5-7, 2003 Las Vegas 200 Las Ve?.-5, NV BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 NORTH SUNSET, UT 84015" (801) 773-1651/(801) .773-9319 Fax BRIGIITON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lHO (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Cum AUTOMOVILISTAJUARENSE DE CHAMPIONsmP OFF-Ro,w RACING nrn GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA Oll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES, CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES SUE ROBINSON • DIRECTOR 845 ScHOOHOUSE ROAD . RAMONA, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 ,E-MAIL: crsdirecc@hotrnail.com BRAD Bou, SoPAc RALLY STEWARD (702) 303-5628 E-MAIL: overexposur-eracing@hotrnail.com Chris Bums (408) 394-4802 (Home) . WEBSITE <www .califomiarallyseries.com> 2003 CRS RAuY CHAMPIONSmP *Count in WSRC for 2003 October 3_-4, 2003 (Tentative) Prescott Forest Rally (2,3) • Prescott, AZ · Michael Taylor · November 15, 2003 Treeline Club Rally(*) . · Monrovia, CA Pete Morris December 12-14, 2003 Ramada Express Rally (2, 3, 1) Laughlin,NV Ray Hocker 2003 CRS RALLYSPRINT CHAMPIONSHIP October 11; 2003 Santa Maria Rall s rint Dusty 1imes Santa Maria, CA John Dillon . October 25, 2003 Tombstone Paintball Rallysprint II (1) Corona, CA ·. · Gabe Pari November 14, 2003 Tarline Clubrally (1) Monrovia, CA Pete Morris rallytaff@earthlink.net CANNiNG ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 .. MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560..SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR . 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 . (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison CountJ Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUToMOVlllSTICA SANQuINrIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. OE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (011 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AUToMoVILISTico SANVICENTE . CMC CONTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O. Box 3187 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 . CODE OFFRoAD CODE Offroad USA P.O.Box 2328 Calexico, CA 92231-2328 USA Phone 760-455-8069. Mexico Phone/Fax 011-52686-553-4087 CODE Offroad Mexico Calle Bravo # 1208 Zona Centro Mexicali, BC 21100 TeVFax 686-553-4087 www.codeoffroad.com.mix . mail@codeoffroad.com.mix October 10-12, 2003 CODE Mangiamos 300 Laguna Salada Mexicali, B.C., MX COLORADO HILL Crn.m ASSOCIATION BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, co 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP. P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING 192 N. STATE ROAD, SUITE 267 . AVON, IN 46123 (317) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 '---~eptembr 13-14, 2003 Pro Series On!, New Berlin, NY SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD DAVE AoAMs (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 ,------------------------~-------..=~ INTRODUCING_ ---~ .,-----... YKENwooog~~&~ 11QWa1ts of Power 1160 Channel Alphanumertc [ Waler Resislant I Mil Spec I Baja 1000 Proven ~~E'~...-E'~l!Dt""lr'l./1111,ffEii T~ #3"Clt~~ . 0 o©o w.,.v. , "_I was in Ensenada, and my crew in S~n Quintin ·could hear me I · I need these in ALL of my lrucksl" --" L-"Jew ,-JF="LL./E:OE'~ PROTRUCK WINNER. 2002 TECATE/SC0RE BAJA 1000 e best·communication we've . Ver 15 years of off road racing!" -~~E,......-a~ ......-.aurAJC:" ~.....,,._ .... .....,..~... .._,....,.......,~ ,.., ... • 411F--..,;;" · ·-·Wtllflf,Y .,,.,...,~"--................. -Remele Head bpHon avaflable. Call_ for details. . 800.869.5636 562.427.8177 • Fax 562~26.3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM 2888 Gundry-Ave. •·Signal Hill, CA 90755 October 2003 Page_s •
·• Trail Notes ... -· C RETIREMENT - Tommi Makinen has an~ounced that his will be his last season in the World Rally Cup. Tommi ill continue to drive his Subaru for the balance of the 2003 season. His career has covered 16 years-. He entered 134 World Rallies and won 24 of them, a husky 18% win average. He was the FIA World Rally Champion from 1996 to 1999, the only driver to. win four consecutive WRC titles. Tommi said, "It's a decision I haven't made lightly. Picking the right time to stop isn't easy. It's better to stop·when you're atthe top. It's going to be a bit strange next January but now .I will have time for my family and my farm. I'm looking forward to spending more time at home in Finland." A true champion, well respected by all. T. EAM HARDIN -Received a nice note from Jared Hardin informing us that their racing focus has changed and although they will continue to run off road their primary focus now will be in the NASCAR Super Truc_k Series. This series is similar to Craftsman Truck Series, but on an amateur level. M_ost of the races are at Irwindale speedway, in ·Irwindale, CA and their first race was in the middle of July. Eric drove and after trying to get familiar with running in a crowded pack, he qualified 19th and finished 25'\ on the lead lap, He relates that Ryan Arciero and his crew have been a tremendous help and they are so appreciative for this help in a new racing venue. We wish the boys all t-he luck in the world in their new endeavour. Check your TV schedules on the Outdoor Channel where these races are televised. 0 FF ROAD EXPO -Off Road Expo is,,.returning to the Pomona Fairgrounds on October 4th and 5th• According to Bob Bower, VP Marketing & Sales, over 90% of the 67 5 exhibitor spaces are already gone and he expects the show to be a sellout. To-get in on the action give Bob a call at 626-599-8622. Remember, time is of the essence. TOYOTA MoTORSPORTS -The big Crandon weekend is here, ·the Borg Warner World Championships, CORR-Rounds 11 and 12 and there will be· action aplenty and the Crandon International Raceway will be crawling with spectators. Johnny Greaves drives a Toyota Tuµdra and is in third place in the Pr:o-4 points standings. He's only three points behind the leaders with four rounds remaining in the 200} season. Jef(Kincaid and his Toyota Tacoma leads the Pro-Lite points standings going into the Labor Day race. He won both races at Crandon in June and is.looking for a repeat at that track. Chad Hotd, another Toyota Tacoma driver is fourth in points in'Pro-Lite, Steve _Federic.o, in yet another Toyota Tacoma is sbcth in Pro-Lite points and Shayne Pagles is ninth in points and Rod VanEperen 'is 10'\ both driving, you -guessed it, Toyota Tacoma trucks. OFF ROAD WAREHOUSE GP -This was the third leg of the Corky McMillirt Companies Superstition Championship Series. It was hot in Jacume, Mexico and so was the racing. Co-SanctiQned by FRT Motorsports and CODE it was two heats per. class and there were· spectators galore. In Class 1, Reuben Wood took both heats; Brent Miller was second in both heats. Class 12 had. Mario Rubles won heat # 1, Rick St. John won heat #2 but Mark Guilliand took the class win with a pair of second place finishes. Class 8 went to Elias Canchola with a third and first in the heats and Ramsey El Wardani was second· with a pair of seconds in the heats. Class 7 went to Hector Salazar, he won both heats, Perry McNeil was second with two second place finisqes. Class 7S went·to Perry McNeil, Jr.; winning both heats and Dan Street was second with a pair of seconds to his credit. Class 5 went to Joe Heger, he won both heats, Brian Connen was second with two second places while th-: 5-1600 class win went to Mario Gutierrez wi.th a first and a third place finish ~nd Hector Garcia was second with a fourth and a second in the heats. Jason Gregory won the second heat but an eighth place in the first heat relegated him to fifth overall. The Safari · Class win went to Alfredo Gonzalez with a second/first place finish, Luivan Voelker was second with a first/second place finish. The · complete story and lots of pies will be found in this issue. SCORE AWARDS -The annual SCORE Awards; properly called here the SCORE Tribute Night will be held at Michael Gaughan's Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas. Saturday, December 13th is the date. SCORE Lifetime Achievement Awards will be presented along with 23 Class Champion Awards and three Overall Point Champions. Also, the "Off-Roa<;lsman" awards will be presented, those winners decided by a vote of the SCORE membership. Also, Toyota will present their $12,000 True Grit Awards along with the Toyota Milestone Awards. A pre-Awards reception , hosted by Michael Gaughan and the Gold Coast Hotel . and Casino will commence a,t 6pm, followed by· dinner and the presentation s at 7:30pm. Ticket reservations as well as tables of 10 can be procured at the SCORE office. 818-225-8402. A special SCORE room rate is available at the Terrible's Hotel & Casino at $29 per night. Call 800-640-9777. For more information call SCORE at 818-225:840_2. BITD BAJA MEX 300 -Casey Folks was happy, he had 146 entries for his Mexican race and everything went well. Mark and Gary Weyhrich took the Class 1500 win as well as the Page& CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SuiTE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTiONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, BeUingham, WA or Thurston Count) ORV Park, O1;,mpia, WA) DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKluTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com l>EcATUR . Fmm WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MoTORSPORTs 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (928) 855-2208 October 25-26, 2003 Baja In Havasu Lake Havasu, AZ EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589. F.NmlADA BAJA Ow ROAD RACING · Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 ELlsio Oll-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for buggys & Motorcycles Esn:Ro BEACH INTERNATIONAL · SHORT CoURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF RoAD DRIVER'S AssN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Ap,-, Ma1, Noo at Davidson Racewa1 FRT MoToRSPORTS 250 KENNEDY, #2 CHULA VISTA, CA 91911 (619) 427-5759 E-MA1r.: FUD9@cox.net Bikes & Ouads . October 18, 2003 Superstition 250 November 1, 2003 Sweethearts Kiss November 2, 2003 Notorious Dawg December 7, 2003 Rucolph' s Revenge December 31, 2003 The Dash Buggies & Trucks October 17-19, 2003 Superstition 250 XX Plaster City East December 30-31, 2003 The Dash Plaster City West GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING Assoc/AT/ON 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963.0252 GPORRA GREAT Pc.ANEs OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION PAULHUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 AU races are short-course, stadium scyle. Classes • Sportsman Buggy, 1/2/5-1600, Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska Racewa1 Park is just minutes west of Omaha, NE. ·<www.gporra.com> 10K FoUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Clet,es. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION October 2003 P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 · INTER-SHows MoTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92'690 (949) 582-2371 }EEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL . JEEP CHEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 ' . (714) 538-7434 <www.Jeepspeed.com> E-MAIL: Jeepspeedcom@aol.com KAMI.oops BRoNcb BusTERs· WmsPERING PINES SPORTS & RocREA.noN CENTER P.O. Box 465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 DALE NYESTE.(250) 579-8039 TONY (250) 554-97801. . CRAIG BYERS (250) 376-8466 October 5, 2003 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS &· OFPRoAi> EXPo (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> L.I.T.R.E. JEFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA Ow ROAD RACING Lurs CARLOS ALvAREZO PANAMERICANA AvE-#5105 Co. JU6REZ, CH1H., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MicmGAN BuooY Buri.oERS DUNE BUGGY TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MlcmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSIIlPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 JONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onl1 MAORA Mm-AMERICA _ OFF ROAD AssocIAtION P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 (217) 235-6528 E-MAIL: maora@peako.com <www.maoraracing.com> MoJA VE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE . S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 FAX E-MAIL: mdrracing@aol.com November 22, 2003 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. · HIGH DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 (760) 253-4453 December 6, 2003 Luceme,CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AsSOCIATION DAvEBARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM ' (909) 860-1857 <www.ITStrials.com> All events a,Perris Racewa1 (At Reed Valle1 with a school) NATIONAL Muo RAcING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN P~TKA, FL 32177 . ·(904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TliucK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NOORA GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 E-MAIL Kaylaaron@aol.com <www.Nooraoffroadracing.com> Buggies, Pilot/Odysseys, Trucks, Quads (Spring Valle, Racewa1, on route 518, 20 minutes SW of Lisbon, OH) (Thunder Va!Le, located 15 minutes from Spring Valle,) October 12, 2003 Spring Valley Raceway NoRUIERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING AssN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF RoAD EXPo 2003 (626) 599-8622 October4-5, 2003-Los Angeles County Fairgrounds Pomona, CA OFF RoAD RAcING AssocIATION VOLUNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, 1N 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. - 1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTIAWREP. DON PONDER (314) 631:S190 (All Races cu Wheeling in the Count) 900 Acres) OFF-ROAD SAND & SPEED EXPO November 22-23, 2003 Outdoor Sports WorldOntario Convention & Expo Center May 14-16, 2004 Orange County Fairgrounds FoR BOOTH INFORMATION CALL: (714) 241-9055/FAX (714) 241.0821 Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN H1L1.S RoAoS.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 JIM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races hel.dat Harrison Count) Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usof£.road.com> PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 . PINE BARRENS RouGii RIDERS OFF RoAD RACING CHATSWORTH, NJ (856) 875-7591 Trucks-Buggies.Quads November 1-2, 2003 Soutbwicb, .MA October 26, 2003 Monster Truck Show PRoTltUCK RACING-SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 . (619) 449-6252/ FAX: (619) 449-6470 PRO November 20-23, 2003 .Baja 1000 SCORE December 5-7, 20.03 Las Vegas 200 BITD PlJRE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 . SAN DIEGO SHORT COURSE WINTERNATIONALS A New Series lry Snowbird -Off Road Raci.ng Pro Trucks, Desert Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Tough Truc'k <www .snowbirdracing.com> (858) 571-5088 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD EXPOSmoN Dusty Times
(888) 836 7918 ROCK CRAWLERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA· P.O. Box· 1406 RIVERTON, UT 84065 (801) 446-5337/FAX: (801) 253-3176 SCCA PRoRALLY SERIES SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA P.O. Box 19400 TOPEKA, KS 66619 (800) 770-2055 October 17-18, 2003 Lake Superior Haughton, MI SFX MoTORSPORTs GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SuITE A CALABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 November 13-16, 2003 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 B.C.,MX SNORE SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 . October4-5, 2003 Gold Coast 34th SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 22-23, 2003 Western Desert Championship Barstow, CA SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVISION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS AsSOCJATJON TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NCJRTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, WI 5321 ~ (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963.0252 MIKE MOORE· (224) 272-5400 SPEED SPORTS EXPO MEGA PRODUCTIONS 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd. #322 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 961-6522 October 18-19, 2003 Cal Expo Sacramento, CA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE · NATIONALS, I.Ne. 43807 40TH STREET EAST LANCASTER, CA 93535 (MON-FRI 8:30.A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.) (661) 946-6986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <http://scta-bni.org> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE OFF RoAD RAcING AssN. 4305 WOOTLARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastba1 RacewaJ, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 PARKLANDS,2121 SoUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 ToYs FoRTOTs (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADDl.A V AUEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www.unadillarnx.com> VORRA Valley OFF ROAD RACING AssN. 920 HILLCREST ST. PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 (530) 622.0370 <www .VORRAcom> October 25,-26; 2003 Championship Shorr Course Race Dusty Times Round 4 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA November 15-16, 2003 Awards Banquet Reno,NV . VICENTE GUERRERO ()a, ROAD CuJB PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) w~Oa>RoAD RA.ONG AssoaAnON' LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SuMAS WA 98295 -W~PENNsvl.vANIAWttm.To Wttm. ()a, RoAD RACING PA TRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 AD<.MSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, Al. 85022 (602) 971-3730 Desert Tour Buggy & Truck Series October 25, 2003 Vulture Mountain Wickenburg, AZ. December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Challenge Bike & A TV October 25-26, 2003 Vulture Mountain 150 Wickenburg, AZ. December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX Desert Mini & Peewee Tour October 25, 2003 · Vulture Mountain 150 Wickenburg, AZ. December 5, 2003 Point To Point Rocky Point, MX COP MotoX Holiday Blowout October 27, 2003 Canyon November 3, 2003 • Canyon November 10, 2003 Canyon November 17, 2003 Canyon Fast Track Racing Sand Drags October 19-20, 2003 -Canyon Raceway November 16-17, 2003 Canyon Raceway December 14-15, 2003 Parker Pumper developed the Competition ftlr 59$iem with the budget racer in mind. Conuerted bg the pro's at Parker Pumper to deUuer maximum air flow, this HJC helmet is \ Snell m-rated, and is available in sizes S-XHXL Pima Motorsports Park Moto X November 9-10, 2003 PMP Park November 23-24, 2003 . PMP Park December 14-15, 2003 PMP Park WISCONSIN MoTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so.'u.s. Hwv 45 OSHKOSH, WL 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CllAMPIONSIIlP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE I.AK~ HAVASU Cm, AZ. 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 November 30, 2003 Gran Prix de Campiones 4x4 FoREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. 0sHKOSH, WI 54901 A----..:sntiori Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 2003-2004 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this rolumn; itrould bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 001''611n1s 20731 Plummer St., Chatsworth, (StartingatJS249 OO/SJ49 0~ I ■ ■(Wired] \ clllr,a1ete MP.ER saurce'lor race,s HELMETS ·am1cre-ws 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 October 2003 Trail-Notes ... overall in their Jimco. Other class winners included Kyle Taylor, Class 1400, Ford, Larry Roeseler, Class 7200, Ford, Eli Yee, Class 1000, Jimco, John Becker, Class 1200, Ford, Curt LeDuc, Class 8000, Ford, Matias Arjona, Class 1100, Rob MacCachren, Class 7300, Ford, Danny Anderson, Class 1800S, Randy Merritt, Class 8100, Ford, Marc Stein, Class 4100; Ford, Mike Falkosky, Class 3100, Ford,· Gustavo Avina,-Class 5100, VW, Alfonso Castro, Class 1100S, Jeff Quade, Class 2000, Mirage, Malcolm Vinje, Class 7100, Ford and Juan Trujillo, Class 5000, VW. The full story and lots of pictures are found elsewhere in this issue. F.A.I.R. NEEDS YouR HELP, -The OHV Holiday Toy Drive, supporting two hospitals, Miller's Children's Hospital of Long Beach and University Children's Hospital of Irvine is under way and F.A.l.R. will be collecting un-wrapped toys at their meetings · and at all SCORE, MORE and MOR races, until the end of November, also including the SNORE Pro 1600 race and the Baja 1000 starting position drawing. F.A.l.R. would g~eatly appreciate your help. For more information contact Michelle at michellez@gotdunes.com or Tom Sobray at tsobray@attbi.com JUDY McDONALD UPDATE - Judy's cancer surgery was accomplished on August 28th and everything went well. All the.prayers for a successful surgery'were answered. She still has a bumpy dusty oad ahead, but, knowing Judy, she will overcome and obstacles that might stand in her way. Her doctor is very optimistic. All our prayers and good thoughts go to Judy and the rest of the McDonald family. CANDY CANE RACING TEAM - Marq Prince, son of the ever famous Walter Prince, founder of the Candy Cane Racing Team will compete in a two man relay at the 24 Hours Of Adrenaline mountain bike race. The event is a 10 mile technical, hilly loop held at Turk_ey Creek Park in Idyllwild, CA on September 27. This is. the Baja 1000 of mountain bike racing. Marq also competes in Iron man competition. Good luck Marq! CRANDON -BORG WARNER SHOOTOUT -Carl Renezeder, from Newport Beach, CA drove his Chevy 4x4 pickup to the win in the Borg Warner Shootout at Crandon International Off-Road Raceway and, he did what no one has ever done before, he took the win from the pole position. Carl picked up more than $23,000 for the win ·on Labor Day weekend. He beat out 22 other trucks for the prize. Scott Taylor led the race for a few laps while Curt LeDuc.and Renezeder diced in the second and third spots. On the seventh lap Carl passed LeDuc and then passed Taylor to take the checkers. This was the firs·t Chevy win after six consecutive years of Ford in the winners circle. The next shootout, the 10th annual, will be held on September 5, 2004. SCORE NEWS -Jeff Cepielik CEO of Toy Zone reports tha retail sales of its three licensed SCORE desert racing replic toys are selling way beyond original projections. The seal replicas are sold in major retai_l outlets around the world are SCORE Trophy Truck, a Lothringer Unlimited Class 1 and a SCOR Class 22 Open motorcycle. Get yours today! MORE SCORE NEWS -SCORE announced that a full length 90 minute documentary will be filmed at this years Baj 1000. The film, to be released during the summer of 200 will chronicle the 30 year history of SCORE desert racing. The peopl who brought you On Any Sunday and The Endless Summer ar producing the film. They will use 10 ground units, two air units an in-car cameras. SCORE BAJA 1000 DRAWING ~The drawing for starting position for the Baja 1000 will be conducted at the F.A.I.R. meeting o Wednesday, October 15th at the Radisson Hotel in Fullerton 222 West Houston. Harbor exit, 91 (Newport) Freeway. The rac dates are November 20-23, 2003. TOYOTA MILESTONE & TRUE GRIT AWARDS -With only two o the six desert races left (Primm & Baja 1000) there are still 2 drivers eligible for the Toyota Milestone Award and 1 eligible for the Toyota True Grit Award. Toyota Mileston Awards are presented to all SCORE off road competitors in th professional four wheel classes who complete every required mil in the desert series. Non factory competitors in classes ½-1600 5, 10 and SCORE Lites who complete every required mile in th six race series and have the largest cumulative point total i each class split the $12,000 Toyota True Grit Award fund. Stil eligible for the Milestone Award are: Trophy Truck -Ti Herbst, Gus Vildosola, Jr. Class 1 -Ron Brant, Dale Ebberts Troy Herbst, Mark Weyhrich. 5-1600 -Jason Lakin. Class 11 Fernando Flores. Stock Full -John Griffin. Protruck -Ala Pfleuger. True Grit Awards: ½-1600 -Eric Allen, James Golden Brian Jeffrey, Brent Parkhouse. Class 5 -Joe Heger, Georg Seeley, Jr. Class 10 -Ron Brookshire, Steve Meyers. SCOE. Lites -Vic Bruckman, Brian Ickier. Dusty Times wishes all thes competitors the best of luck in the next two races. more TRAIL NOTES on page 36 Page
MOJAVE DESERT RACINC CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES 'Dennis Boils -In Barstow Heat By Tony Tellier Photos: Trackside Photo Dennis Boyle and Frank ·Hines had a good run through the night, first in Class 1 and that ever coveted first overall in the Lothringer. ,. It was another boiling mid-sum-mer weekend in the Mojave -what else if new? But thanks to some clol)d cover it was semi-bearable. Frank Hines a.nd Dennis Boyle found it ac-tually pleasant-by taking the # 1_11 Motion Tire Lothringer/Chev to the Overall, again. "What a driving job by Dennis!" Frank raved. MOR had 92 starters and a tough 62 finished the race -67% -within the seven hour time limit over the 44 miles. course. The counter-clockwise course straddles Bessemer Mine Road off the Landers High-way and passed the "Rock Pile" twice. When the green flag dropped at 1830 there· was a decent breeze to blow the dust away and give some visibility. Boyle was never heade·d after the first lap. Frank expanded and ex-pounded: "Dennis was fourth off the line and the first car through after the first lap with a one i11inute lead. But the # 146 Steve Croll car was there all night (all over him like ugly on an ape in a cheap S\lit in the rain). We never got more than five 1pinutes on Steve the whole night,· so a driver change was out of the question. It was a four-minute-plus Pauldin Hepler and Dennis Sletten did it again - they took the Class 600 win in the speedy looking Baja Bug. split at the-end. Congrats to Steve Croll, he ran a· great race." Boyle did his five laps in 3:22:37. CIASS 1 -Six starters - four finishers. . Dennis Boyle had trouble getting around a couple trucks-at the start. ''But, a lot of people did get out of the way cleanly; I think that my HID • · lights made a big difference, they could really see us coming. I ran a dean race, nobody got hit or hurt." Dale Hines rode the whole race. They had wanted to do a driver change, and "Frank Hines was suited up, but we decided to gb for the win. Sec-ond place, Steve Croll, was really on the gas." Parmer E1fnes piped up: "The car ran great. Third gear started to slip on the last lap but Dennis babied it through. For the record that (Fields) tranny has 1,200 tniles on it. Not Mexico miles; either, but harsh Barstow, Lucerne Valley and Ridgecrest miles. 1f anyone needs a prep on their three speed transaxle, Rancho Racing Transmission is the. place. The engine has more than that on it and has not missed a· lick. Thanks to Gary (Curtis) for a . bitchin engine. It was another no-flat race on the same BFGs that just went 400 miles. There was not much planning for this race, just go out and race, jtJ.st haul ass. We had two fuel stops - might have made it with George Seeley had a good night, his lap times were fast and consistent and George took the Class 5 win in his good looking bug. · Mark Dee h~d a nice run through the desert dark, he ran iast and trouble free 13nd took the 5-1600 win with seven minutes -to spare. one but wanted to play it safe (see· #l477's report) -and a quick stop at Pit A to pull a creosote from the· front end:" Steve Croll (#146) said that it was dusty· trying to get by all the slower vehicles. "I got by everyone in the class, except Boyle, right off the bat. I played chase-and-catch -all · night. I would catch up, then fall back, get close, and then fall back. It was a good race, close and easy to pass in most places. My pumper must have burned up because it was blow-ing smoke in my face. The lights were bent, or something, because they were pointing at the ground. I could only see about 30 feet in front and missed the finish line coming in!" (Remember ·when ·dad Ray just missed overalling the '96 Primm in his ·" 10" car? Ron Brant won in '5:35:02, Croll's time was 5:35:07.) John Hoffman (#155) had "a re-:ally dusty drive" with his two "rookie riders," Mark Patno and Scott "Warp" Speed. "The s_low cars ahead made it hard to see what was ahead." Baja RaGing Products deserves big thanks for sponsoring the race. · Richie Minga was right there to hand out the prizes:.the winner of each class (that had at least three• starters) got a $ 100. - there were 14 classes that qualified -and tossed in $500 for the Overall. When Rich went to give Hines his $500, Frank told him "Put it on my account be-. cause we want to spend that money with you." "Rich was stoked to hear that! Baja Racing Products will .be back as a sponsor because of that geswre by Frank. It's important to support sponsors that support rac- · " ers. CIASS 10 Eight starters -Seven finishers Shawn Croll ( # 1030): "All I knew is that I was running in second place when I saw the first place car in the pits; _I was pumped!" Shawn drove the whole way with his co-driver and brntl).er-in-law, Evan. Vanderwheel. Shawn had no problems and man-aged tb stay out of the pits the whole race. He said his car was a little un, derpowered for the faster patts of the course, but got through it OK. . ·"I just drove as fast as I could; Iliked it!" Steve Vatter is the owner of the runner-up #1021 car and-drove the first two laps with co-driver of the whole race, Jeff Vatter. "On Lap 1 we lost third gear, so that was bad news." After Steve's two laps, Matt Wright hopped into the car for the · remainder of the race: "After losing third, we had a flat tire in the last lap." Scott Kincaid (#1004) drove the first part with his engine builder, Jeff Hart. They got a flat tire in the first seven minutes but other than that the car ran fine all day. John Gold and his co-driver, Chris, took over in the middle of the race. They did very well. Third in only their thfrd time in_any race car; ever, at · all. Barry Karakas had an easy day, his competition gave up the ghost so he just cruised around for the Class 7 win. Dan Fresh killed a little time on the second lap but he still took the Class 7S win with about twelve minutes in hand. · Terri Tavis (#1006): "This was my only chance to test my new MD5 and Fortim shifter before the '1000'. I recruited Belden Alvido as co-driver and used FAIR for pit sup-port. On pre-run day, we logged the course onto the OPS; what a fast track this was with just a few 'gottchas'. When we came back, I Pages_ October 2003 Dusty Times .
Jeff Sack is nicely airborne as he heads to second place in the Class Second place in the Class 600 contest was Tom Westhoff who had Doug Petterson flew his neat and tidy truck to a nice second place in the Class 7S race, seen here in flight. 5-1600 joust, seven minutes off the winning pace. plenty of light ready to come on as nef3ded. handed the car over to Belden and to 'check the linkage, and just as be- comfortable for them under that told him to go have some fun ... ifhe fore, it looked good. They didn't stress. Eventually they would pull off needed to take over from me, he know what to do, so I took off with and let me by. But because they should be familiar with the car. I my crippled car and thinking we made me slow down, I would not gave Patricia Williams (MDR's pro- were going to have to hang up our have time to pump the clutch to up-moter) and her daughter, Lisa, a ride. helmets." shift and my gears would get stuck Since everything seemed te be going "Two-thirds to Pit B I noticed again, where I would have to pull smoothly with the car, I helped with that my clutch pedal was on the off the track, then pump double-registration, I didn't have to worry floor. This was a sign that the prob- duty to get it back into gear. .. quite about a thing." (Famous Last lemdidn'tlieinmytranny,ormy embarrassingaftermakingsuchabig Words!). shifter. I pumped the clutch five times deal of getting the car to get out of "rhe car f~lt strong. Belden was to bring it up and was able to shift. - my way." on top of navigating, making sure I I figured out what I was going to "There was a good breeze, but was choosing the right lines. The car have to shift. When I came into Pi when we'd come into canyons, the was topping fourth at 70+per, and B, I had them check the slave cylin- air was dead, and visibilitywas tough. it felt good to throw it into fifth gear. der. The (obvious) diagnosis: 'The On the last lap, I developed- some But when I had to gear down for a slave cylinder is going out. I decided pretty intense kidney pain; so intense sharp turn, the car would not shift. to stay in the race, but.I would have it made me nauseous. Every mile It was hung in neutral. I had to coast to pump the clutch for every shift. It seemed like then. We made itto the off the course. Belden checked the took a while to get into the groove finish line in sixth. As far as mechani-linkage, but it was fine. I struggled of pumping the clutch each time, but cal problems, it just added an extra with the shiftet", trying to get into it became a natural process." challenge and we felt good about gear as car after car passed." "A lot 6f the cars didn't use rac- tackling it." "Finally, I was able to put it into. ing etiquette, they would not move Jim Gledhill, #1012, took seventh gear. But it wasn't five minutes and out of my way. I don't like to nerf, place at least staying in the points it happened again. We pulled off. · what I do is get within a foot, honk hunt. Jim split the driving_with his We repeated this six times before we the horn, flash my lights ... make brother, Bill, and they took the fam-came to the FAIR pit. I asked them them really nervous. It's not very ily along wit~ them: the Gledhill co-drivers were David, Alex, Josh and Racing against George Seeley Jim's wife, Candi... in herfirstrace. (#534) is like a chicken eating ice When they weren't buckling every- cream, you know what I mean?? The body in they ran l;i.ps six minutes Pride of the Checkers breezed to an quicker. hour's victory over Kelly Boyle CI.ASS 500 · {#503) - however, no race is a race Three starters -Two finishers. Continued on page 10 Mark Shoaff said his truck performed perfectly as he cruised through the night to the Class 8 win at the MOR night race. ---------------------------------------------. Dusty Times ( An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Bal/y's D D~ @~~ Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbarycoastcasino.com The Place Las Vegans Call Home'" West -Flamingo & Valley View· 1-888-402-6278 goldcoastcasino.com October 2003 Ask About Our Special , Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 orleanscasino.com Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~-0rnrnrnrnrnTI ~,~·-Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 suncqastcasino.com Page9
Steve Vatter led the Class 10 group for a few laps but a long last lap was costly, seen here ready for landing. Chuck Deck had a good time, he drove his good looking Class 11 to a nice second spot and Is ready for more. Larry Gross had a terribly long first lap and that relegated him to a second place finish in the Class 1200 race. without the Boyles-Hines Conglom-eration! CJ..ASS550 5-1600 w/Micro Stubs Four starters• Three finishers. Mad Racing's Mark Dee and co-driver John Daly's car #572 took the drove the whole way as John Daly win, again, with a new motor from later said, "Mark is a hell ofa driver!" Leonard «Mailman" Perez, by seven Mark wanted to remind everyone that minutes. Jeff Sack, he of Hass CNC "The turtle won the race!" • support, was runner-up, followed by Guy Savedra kept his coveted Bill Gereghty two hours later. Dee DNF:streak alive - zero laps. The torsion adjuster broke and ate the Stephanie Lozano. But Pit C was a torsion just three miles after they had long way to be going back and a flat rear tire. Art: "The FAIR Pit forth ... so we called it a day, uh, or, C group took good care of them a night. We'll have all new torsion and tried to fix it while I got a re- bars and adjuster fingers next time," placement from "Shopper" he threatened. "We lost a front end LIST YOUR PHOIIE NUMBER, YEAR, IIODEL AJID EIISIIIE SIZE! 8ales lntarmation: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.0.D. orders accepted with 50% pre·paymenl $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.75% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. CENTERLINE WHEELS For,H AlomhlMm Wheels w/111 Pol/sbetl F/n(sh. svw ....................... $143 svw ......................... 147 svw ......................... 148 svw ......................... 149 15x8 svw ......................... 152 15x10 svw ......................... 159 Suspension Seat Constructed on •;.• St11/ Frame, Vinyl S/dn with Twe,{C/oth c,nt,r. Ara/fable In: Bf act Vinyl with Black Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Grey Fabric; Grey Vfnyf with Ebony and Opal Fabric Combination. (Add $7). Low Back Super Seat.. ........... $180 High Back Super Seat... ........... 190 Superior Cranking, Fast Charge Capability and Vibration Resistance • CA @32" (WxLxH) 7' x 6W x 5' Battery 925A ..... $140 6¼' x 7'/,x ?'/,Battery 1200A .. 175 Billet Aluminum Battery Box .... 110 Steel 925A Battery Box ............. .45 Page 10 £ • X 16', 2 10' X 30', 10'x40' .. Fuel Shut· Chrome S TIGER 3x2 BELTS Bfact, Red, Gray, Y11/ow, Purp/1 or Blue. Quiet Latch R1/11n r Lap s,n & Z" s .... ShOll/d,r Straps. 3 Point Heavy Duty Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS Black, Btu,, or Red. Shoulder Pads, pair ................. $10 tncludn Adjusters. Stocic Width Beam with 8' Travel Towers ............. $140 6' Wider Beam with 8' Travel Towers ............... 180 6' Wider Beam with 10' Travel Towers ............. 195 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushings, set 4 ... 20 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM For u,, When Top Shoct Mounll are Incorporated In 111, Chassis. 6' Wider Beam for Thru Rods .:$80 6' Wider Beam for Leafs .......... 110 • TRAILING ARMS 1 '/, x •1: Front Arms. set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Front Arms, set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins, set of 4 ...................... 48 THRURODS Arallab/1 In Standard Height orRa/11d3" · Combo Link Spindles, pair ..... $475 Bearing Kit. Set of 4 ................... 60 ~ OFFROADR&P H,ary Duty o" Road UH Or Larger Sand RIiis. Off Road Rack & Pinion ......... $132 U-Joint for Rack & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U-Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion, .......... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY For Warrior B11m with Off-Road . Ract. Includes Ends. Tie Rod Assembly, pair ............ $62 Mounts StHrlno Shan to Rack and Pinion. Billet Steering Bearing Carrier .. $60 U·Joint '/," to'/," Shaft .............. 50 U·Joint '/," Shaft to Rack ........... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 Trailing Arms, Steel, pr .......... $225 Trailing Arms, Chromoly, pr .... 295 STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Ara/fable for Bug, Bus & 93D CV•. Stub Axle, pair ....................... $140 Drive Flange, pair. ...................... 84 HEAVY DUTY AXLES For 3 x 3 Tralflng Arms. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ... $130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ..... 130 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, using 930 CVs, pr ....................... 150 KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Ad/ustm,nt Oual Spring Shoct with Hose ind R111rro/r. King 2" Adjustable Shock, 8·10-12" Stroke ..... .from $495 King 2 '/," Adjustable Shock, 12·14-16· Stroke ... .from $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp•Dn Reservoir Mount ................. 35 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS King 2· Shock, 8· 10-12" Stroke w/Res ... $225 King 2'/,'Shock, 10-12·14" Stroke w/Res ... 295 ~ JAMARBIUET PEDAL ASSEMBLIES Pedal Assembly w/ Roller Pedal. ............... $215 Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................... 230 Ultra Slide Plate ......................... 60 Ultra Slide Throttle Kit ............... 26 Ultra Slide Hose Kit .................... 55 JAMAR 4-WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY Calllflet/tion Pedal bnmbly. /ne/11,dtlS BIi/rt Tllronte Pedal, Brake Assembly, Clutch Assembly and Siar, Cyl/nder. Compe@on Pedal Assembly $430 Single Brake Assembly ............ 155 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 230 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 170 JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER Black Super Shifter .................. $90 Chrome Super Shifter .............. 105 Optional Shift Rod Kit... ............. 48 JA•MAR BILLETOISC Lon,orSb Hug Billet Disc B Hug Billet Disc B s-tuo Billet Disc B JA·MARFRONT BILLET DISC BRAKES Klllf Pin S,1"'1# or Cflllff Ullk S,/nil#. Billet Front Disc Brakes for Sand RailS ................ $670 Billet Front Disc Brakes .__J-~----'AR__._M_i_'Ci_'R,_O__. · for Desert Riils. ............... 710 BILLET 5VW HUBS STUB BRAKES KPorComboLlllkSp/11tl/u .. 5-Lug Micro Stub Disc Brakes King Pin Spindle Hub Kit. ..... l:)10 W/Four Piston CaJiper .••• $1,300 Combo Link Spindle Hub Kit..320 JAMAR STEERING BRAKES Slno/1 or Dual Hand/1 Tumln11 Bratn. Turning Brake .......................... $78 8/UET GOODIES Flis 1•;,· Tub/no. Green Sticker Bracket $1 O GPS Bracket & Mount.. .............. 60 Brake Line Bracket.. ................... 17 Tachometer Bracket & Mount .... 32 3·Panel Mirror, 18' Long ........... 82 Clamp-On Mirror Brackets, pr .... 32 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Bala•l'fll Perfom,ance nres E78 Mini Mag ....................... $86 30 X 7.00, 4·ply .................... 106 33 X 9.00, 4·ply .................... 125 35 X 10.00, 4·ply .................. 148 BAJA BELTED HP 30 x9.5·15 ............................ $119 31 X 10.50·15 .......................... 140 . Stinger or U-B,nd Coll,ctor. 1 W Unpainted Bobcat ............. $95 1 W Unpainted Bobcat ............... 95 1 W Chrome Bobcat... .............. 145 1 W Chrome Bobcat... .............. 145 Baffle .......................................... 8 Replacement Springs, set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Bat1d•On Coating, Won't Chang, Co/Br or Rust. 1 W Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1'/,' Jet Coat Bobcat ................ 190 For 111/ct Flange and Pofllhed Loot Jet Coat/no on Any Tri Mil r;,• Stinger Exhaust Ad.d $30. SS SPARK ARRESTOR FIii Bo/JQ/t 2" Stingers & U•Bentlr. Spark Arrestor, 18' Length ...... $68 Spark Arrestor, No Bracket ........ 50 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket... ....... 56 T·Bolt Clamp ................................ 5 LAZER · STARS Arallab/1/n Spot or Flood. 100 Watt Lazer Siar, pr .......... $144 75 Watt Lazer Star, pr.. ............ 132 Billet Clamp•On Light Mounts .... 36 Micro·B Lazer Star (Red), pr ... 120 Micro•B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red), pr ..... 175 Replacement Lamp, Spot , ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp. Flood; ea .... 24 Replacement Lens, ea ................ 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr ................... 8 October 2003 back when and now, thanks to Kar Tek, all the front end is new from wheel to nuts to wheel nuts." CJ..ASS 600 5-1600 w/Type 1, Type 2 or Type 181 Stub Axles Nine starters - Five finishers Paulden Hepler (#651) won by ten minutes over Tom Westhoff (#696) with assistance from Dennis Sletten (#1751) who started in his JeepSpeed and "ran it out of water, so it was air-cooled. Blew it up. Paulden needed some help and asked ifl was available, so here we are First Place again - in a different class. I drove the last two laps in the Bug! I guess Paulden got hit by an (the?) 'S' truck. I think they are making a mis-take if they go to a day race next year. It's too hot' it's always been fun, and a tradition. Paulden: "Great, except for thadittle thing with the 'S' truck. I think we ran into #656 (Tom Bohla) at the same time when the '8' truck shoved us into him." Third was Kurr Puhl, the MDR Sportsman Limited champ in '00, MDR "5-1600" champ in '01. In '02 · he was Tim Hayosh's co-driver for the ill-fated Coyote project (which now has a new kick-ass V-6). He be-gan '03 as a partner in another ill-fated Class 10 project based out of his home town. He will be Hayosh's co-driver of a new JeepSpeed. "He's a ... wizard behind the wheel of a '5-1600'. He has no fear of driving by Braille! Brilliant in heavy dust or the dark, one hell of a competitor," so talks Tim. Pat and Joe Oliver, in association with the Locos Mocos and BCG ("beer, chips and gas" - all that is required to chase), took. Bay Area racer/ chaser Mark Naugle for a ride. "Noggin" - aka "BCGI" -writes: "I must admit that I really enjoyed it. Brothers Pat and Joe of the Victor-ville area have been my friends for years. Three years ago they bought a used '5-1600' car, just for fun. It had most of the S parts off of it so they slowly put S back into it and used it as a play car. They decided that they would give a shot at racing and set this race as the debut. Now these guys knew going in that they had very little chance of a decent finish but wanted to see what they needed to get in the hunt. Pat and I were doing the first two of five laps and then Joe and his co-dog, Rob, would do the second two, then we would decide from there about the last lap. The dropping of the green flag was the first l got to ride in the car. As I strapped in I was unsure how this would play out, there was so little room! My usual right seat is Mike Koenig's '7S' Xtra cab Toyota with Continued on page 13 Dusty Times
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Saturday, September 27th Drawing and barbecue @ O,Callaghan Park 6pm Friday, October 3rd Fun Run 12:00-1pm Sign-up @ Gold Coast 5:00-9:00 Tech @ Gold Coast 5:30-9:30 Mandatory drivers meeting 9:30 Saturday, October 4th Race Starts 9am Main pit is off Pabco Rd. marked from 1-15 Apex exit. Dusty Times RACEINFO 4 - 62 mlle laps class 9 & 5-16 run 3 laps sportsman classes run 2 laps OR VISIT WWW.., 'kMIJST HAVE 10 CARS October 2003 • Page 11
"' Clare Ross led the 1300 class for the first three laps but troubles on Class 1400 was large, 16 entered and Shawn Pagett, coming in for a Tyler Stone and Carlos Maricio split the driving, set fast lap for 1600 but a long fourth lap dropped them to second place. the last lap dropped her down to a second place finish. landing was second to the checkers. all the leg, head, and arm room imag- makes and models of entries and be- car still looked tight in the pit al-inable -in the '5-1600'. I had to keep ,cause of that, there can begreatlydif-though the motor had gone through my leg folded under my left and tuck ferent speeds between the trucks and two quarts of oil, due to the sand my right arm forward and hold the often there is little dicing. You either and dust it ingested. We hosed down T-bar so as not to interfere with the pass or get passed and tnen keep go-the shocks, in a mostly vain attempt shifter. Also the seat was much more ing till you are out there by yourself-to get some of the heat out, and sent upright. Other than that it was com- just racing against the desert. the guys on their way. fortable. · Not so in '5-1600'. So closely Patandlbackedinthejoyofour We started sixth out of eight and matched are the cars, even with ride and waited for the car to come headed up pit road. When we hit the newbies like us, that there always around again. An hour and a half. first whoops I was very pleased with seemed to be someone to race later we got a radio call that they were the way the car rode. Much different against and that, my friends, is a headed for the S/F and to be ready. than the '7S' truck but not bad-'dif- blast. After the second checkpoint They pulled in and we could plainly ferent'. The ride was ple~ty cash but we ran nose-to-tail, passing and get- see that they had not had as fortu-it had much more fore-aft movement ting passed back with two other cars nate a ride as we. The car was quite than a truck due to the short wheel- for ten miles. There was one stretch wrinkled. On·e of the same holes that basei-The Bug has a higher wheel wherethelineswere IO0yardsapart, hadalmostgottenushadgottenthem. travel-to-weight ratio than the truck then converging and we had the No injuries but with the bent and so while the truck stays mostly level faster line. We were flat out in third broken lights and the already-sick across the whoops with a greater im- gear and we would have made the motor it was decided to retire the car. pact from each whoop er.est; the bug pass, if we had another 50 yards had less impact but more overall car before the lines·merged. Big fun_. movement. Not unpleasant. Even though the car felt great, • We were not racing for points so "Stephanie Lozan o {#680) there was no need to punish anymore wound up spending over half a day metal or flesh. just to get six laps down. (I'd gone to I y.rill do more races in the car the outlet" m_all, if I was her. =;oD) when they get it back together. Now . She was the last out of five." She I understand why so many folks run brought that outfit to show what 'round' cars. Sure, truck racers get she bought at the Outlet Center af-the chicks, but '5-1600s' are fun!~ ter that race. What a good sport! The Noggin Event Report: "I Tom Bolah (#656) spoke on the liked it as far as the competition goes. F8-record: "Rough course. Radio Well marked course. Plenty of en- fell off on the first lap. Used Nextel tries. Lotsa flatbillers in attendance walkie-talkies (A blatant NASCAR racing up the pit straight." plug!) the whole night. Had one flat; Stephanie Lozano was flaunting changed; it was going flat in the pits. a pink bra-and-panty set, which cer-No breakdowns. Passed a couple tainly helped her to finish a close cars in our class. Only had one (un-fourth behind Kurt Puhl-a 110 ~ec-named) 'Class 1' bump us (or was it onds back. Stephanie had b~en Paulden?). "I wish that all those cars ready with this clever comeback af-were in OUR class. v ter the MDR 400 race report: Continued on-page 14 As we headed up this first straight we pulled into the pits after the first we could see that we were catching lap just to have the car looked over. the car ahead ... until we came into Good thing:The K&N element had rough terrain. We had a good mo-fallen out of the filter ~ousing. A tor but were down on handling. Not new element was installed, a cold a surprise. By RMS we got passed drink of wafer, and we were back for the first. time and also learned out. Sixty-two minutes for~ miles. how vaiuabie pre-running was .. The Ten mfies into the second iap and car that passed us was 50 feet to the the rear shocks were nonexistent. left and on a much smoother track. We held on and kept the car off its After that point we tried every alter- lid through a couple of auditions nate line we could find, most times for 'Dezert People III'. At the end of with good results. the second lap we got out and let The Dlfferencef In '7S' there are many different Joe and Rob have some fun. The There were only a few Class 9 entries but, no matter, Dan Folts had it all in hand and took the class win with ease. It was nip and tuck for a while but when the dust settled it was Shaun Croll taking the coveted class 10 win, seen here at speed. Dusty Times Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear· pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ·ratio) CNC-2045D S_teel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-,0830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830504 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's l .• . i~RD-311-501-615' ~ 0 MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ October 2003 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. For more information give us a call or visit us online @ www.mckenzies.com / /. Page 13
.. Second place in Class 1700 went to Barrie Thompson, seen here in full flight rushing through the night. Bill Frey had nothing but troubles during his run in Class 1750 John Hoffman ran his truck in the Class 1 battle, was just a few minutes a lap off the pace but still took home the bronze medal. came on the lead car, Clare Ross had. Ifl hadn't gotten lost twice, he #1309, at RM28. We followed her would never have caught me! The for a half a mile until we found an- day we went to pre-run, the engine other line and passed them." in the 'Uff Da' car grenaded, the Sportsman but he still managed a second place finish. ... Class 11, through the night, Scott Pellerin turned s9111e fancy lap times and came on in for a nice win in Class 11. CIASS7 • Two starters -One finisher Barry Karakas' Toyota #703, had a bad second lap - 1:02 -but was not rushed as Dennis Beck (#709) had an infinitely longer first lap. Remember when Barry got plowed at the Primm while stranded in the choking silt? He also used to race a "Briggs Built" Stadium Lite pogo stick. With age you get a cage. CIASS7s Nine starters - Four finfshers Dan Fresh and Ben Damayo (#734), the 2002 SCORE "7S" Champion (now points leader in "7SX" -due to the 4L HO engine), in the rare Jeep Comanche (#734), won over Doug Petterson (#733) and Darrell Herman (#740). CIASSB One starter -One finisher Mark Shoaff/Pac-West Motor-sports #815: "This race went great. The new suspension on the truck was incredible! Going from quarter-elliptics on the rear and coil springs with four old Fox shocks on the front comers is like going from Class 11 to Class 1. This was my first night race, -and it was like the freeway, fast -and freaky." They managed to get away with only one flat tire, which they were able to have changed in the pits. Mark expanded: "The huge rea-son why my truck is working so much better is due to Troy Johnson Fabri-cation in Riverside. They completely rebuilt my front end, from the cab forward, and from tire to tire. He did a great job with the I-beam suspen-sion. Troy spent a few years working for Walker Evans, and a few with Curt LeDuc; his knowledge of the Ford I-beam geometry is incredible.His sup-port before, dyring and after the race was awesome. He comes highly recom-mended, and, in my opinion, is one PIKES· service center Baker, California Ce/ebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• · THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 14 of the best fabricators." STOCKFULL One starter -No finishers Justin Miller (#860) did a lap ... CIASS9 Three starters -One finisher Dan Folts (#990) averaged an hour for each of his four laps; his transmission worked flawlessly, or so he would probably report! CIASS 11 Five starters -Two finishers . Scott Pellerin (#1149) - the man who taught "King Dave" Hendrick-son how to drive - sustained his "Herbie" juggernaut effort ... if an "11" can be referred that way ... with · a half hour, three lapwin•over Chuck "52" Deck. Pellerin and Mike Moran allowed that "the race wasn't bad, but we did have a few problems. The fuel filter clogged on the first lap." After they fixed that the second and third laps were "better". Scott was a little undertaken by the course and said that it should have been marked a little better; they "hit a deep divot at 'full speed' (Hmm) and were lucky that everything turned out alright." Deck drove with his brother, Bob, in the passenger seat. "We ha,d to stop on the first lap to fix the lights, and we had a problem with our radio." In spite of these minor things, Chuck was happy. CIASS 1200 Three starters -Three finishers Mike Dill (# 1249) edged out Larry "How" Gross (#1245) as Bob Miller (#1299) was an hour off the pace. "St. Molinero". We had two trouble-free laps then broke a tor-sion adjuster on the last lap. We were down 25.minutes, got repaired and finished. The last ten miles of the course were very poorly marked. We went about four miles without any ribbons, or even sticks, and yet, were on the course the whole time (per-haps). It was a beautiful night, a beautiful race (?), we finished, and are happy to be done. John Foret drove the first two laps as I got there late." No pre-running, then, huh? CIASS 1300 Six starters - Five finishers The Greg Crew "Lucas Oil" car, #130-2, started third. "We had four laps to complete in our class. On our first lap we made our way through traffic, passing slower (other class) racers and trying to stay up with the two cars. We fueled af-ter one and were running four min-utes behind the leader and ahead of third place by 30 seconds. The next two laps were the same but on the final one the car started to lose power around RM 10. We shut off the top lights, and the helmet air to · save battery power - the alternator wasioing bad. While this happened the third place car, Terry Wyrembek/Eric Jacobus # 1397, passed us. We picked another line and passed them back and put some ground on them; we never saw them until the finish. While we were push-ing hard to stay in front of Terry we October 2003 "From there to the finish it was a number-one rod cap came thru the race. (Clare The Bear) was right be- case. We were out of the race until hind us all the way. We took the win (son) Randy (Ross) decided I should by 32 seconds. This was the best 'last run his car as # 1309 and he with-. lap' I have ever had in my five years drew. After three blown engines in a of off road racing. Ross was second· row, I am happy that we got a finish. and Wyrembek third place; they It was fun dicing with Greg Crew." both said that when I passed them Terry Wyrembek drove the first on the last lap they thought I was two laps, and then switched with his down a lap! We laughed and high- co-driver, Eric Jacobus, who drove fived in the winner's circle!" the remaining laps. The radio in the In the class points the lead car, cardidn'tworksotheydidn'tknow Chris Parr, # 1301, blew a motor where they stood. They saw a car in and DNFed. Now there is a tie for front of thein but thought they were first at 170. This win gives us 137 a lap down and let him go. It turns points -third. With two races left, out that the Crew crew had 'passed anything can -and will- happen. Terry while he was in the pits. Thanks to Exide Battery for a CIASS 1400 battery that got us to the finish line Fifteen starters - Eleven finishers and special thanks to Javier Winner Dan Vance, #1459: "The Valenzuela, of Henry Arras Welding, race was a blast. It started off not so and his son Chris. They were sup- good. The motor in '1459' had been posed to get in on the second lap but having a problem that I couldn't fix. when Javier saw we were in the hunt, It was running so lean that it would he made the decision not to take the cook if I gave it more than half-time, even though it was Chris' first throttle. After a week of trying ev-race; this IS a Team Player. This deci- erything in the book to remedy the sion won us the race." situation, I just left it to fate (a tri-Clare Ross: "I can't blame my umph of hope over experience?). I spotters! I made the decision to fol-need to finish for the points, so it low Greg. l had an opportunity to didn't matter if I won. l was just pass and decided to let Crew lead there to cruise the course. me, l had not pre-run and I knew he We started next to last. We cruised Class 1200 belonged to Mike Dill, he led Class 1200 all the way and took the checkers with a 15 minute margin. Greg Crew took the Class 1300 honors, an ailing battery gave them lots of worry on the last lap but they won by less than half a minute. Dusty Times
, ... It wasn't Bill Gereghty's night, he was well off the winning pace but still took third place iri the 5-1600 battle. Kurt Puhl was really haulin' but heavy duty fourth lap problems dropped him into the third place finishing position in Class 600. Darrell Herman was running well, but not well enough this night, he finished third in the Class 7S contest. to the Rock Pile and had already got-ten around two of. the trucks. The truck was running 240 degrees F so I decided to really back off, and try to cool it down (the Rock Pile is atRM2 so it got that hot in just two miles). We were in a small pack so we just stayed behind and passed when it wouldn't take much effort. Eventu-ally the water temp stabilized between 235-250 degrees and we just kept a steady pace. By RM25 we caught the top three. One by one we picked them off 'til we got to the front. From there ·on, we ha.eked the pace-down to be just quick enough to stay in the lead. At the end of the second lap Greg Gagnon, from United Prerunners, got out and Pat Hanson from Kar Tek got in. 1 told Pat that we weren't going to set any records, that we were just there to stay up front, and that's it. We got a flat tire at RM 18, but I've n·ever stopped for a flat before so I didn't feel like making an excep-tion for this one. 'Fish' was broken at RM26 so he radioed some pals· and asked if we could stop at their truck for a tire change. We stopped at Check 2 (RM22) and they changed it. After that we just cruised. It was an effortless day." Mark Growe, #1452, drove the first couple of.laps with his co-driver Keith, who took over on the final lap while Mark became the co-driver. Keith said, "I just stepped on it and d_rove as fast as I could. It was foot- crew made it out there with a replace-to-floor the whole race for Third." inent jack after an hour. After the Carolyn Hines, #1477, does not flat was changed we started the ve-like night driving so she let her co-hide and the engine kept dying, we rider Mark start. Frank: "Everything had to wire a· jumper to the fuel was going to plan until the end of pump. DoR Krellwitz got out of the the second lap, when we got a call 'hot' seat and I took over. Pete that they were coming down the hill Albano did a professional job on his to the S/F, out of gas. They were co-rider responsibilities. We brought going to make the driver change that it to the finish in Eighth without a lap anyway, so Carolyn and the fuel scratch on the new paint job." headed towards them (No BitD Matt Torian (#1481) "just got rules, huh?). They would have made back from my first race and FIN-it if we had remembered to top off !SHED Tenth. What an awesome after going to Tech. Carolyn got in weekend. I finished the race at 2:00 for rhe last lap for a fourth place; a.rri. and am really stoked to liave again, no flats with the BFGs. finished. At RM15 the ring and pin-Jason Lafortune (#.1455): ionstarted-togoout,I'msureallof "Thanks to Frank Hines at Motion you that were nearby heard the gears tire for letting us use his welder and grinding/ almost exploding/welding tools, we would have not finished together. Stock 7.Ss. I was able to without it. Thanks to Duff co Rae- finish the next 110 miles by babying ing and the TMR pit crew for keep- the throttle. Finished the last 20 ing me up and running to Seventh." miles going 15 mph. Definitely get-Duffco Dan Kiefer (#1456): "It ting a bigger rear end for the next was our first time racing at night. It race, ·35s, and a Deaver spring pack, was very challenging. The wind was a the stockers with add-a-leafs were big bonus on the visibiliry, as this not fun out there. I only got nerfed course was very high speed. Jo_n. · once and it was by a red JeepSpeed; Krellwitz did a great job driving and the ·sudden acceleration was pretty the truck was working great. We had damn cool, though!" a flat at RM28 on the second lap. 'Jason Orosc~ "This was our first Wedroveonitforfourmileshoping race and it was a blast. #1474 ran to make it to the Rock Pile for ser- good the first lap and a half but while vice. We finally had to stop to change going through the narrow, sandy it out ourselves and the P.O.S. hi-lift jack was broken! That sucked. Our UIS canyon at RM31 we broke a tie rod ·adjuster. Fortunately, we were only going five mph and the car just stopped in the middle of the course as the passenger tire pointed all the way to the left, plowed. We got fr out of the way and called for help and got the part fixed with a stick welder at FAIR/Pit C. We weren't sure if it would hold up but we made it, last finisher in class, good enough for Eleventh. 1450 DNF CORNER Steve Ruddick and Andy "Pickup" Stix, #1451, had a bad night. On their last lap they broke a radius arm and tore the rear end loos~. DNF. Tyson Remmert ran his first race ... "Well, OK, the first five miles of it anyway. While we were pre-running ol #1465 was overheat-ing. We pulled the thermostat, flushed the coolant, and 'fixed' the radiator cap, then swapped it. We had decided that we had the prob-lem 'fixed' and I ·was not about to come all the ~ay out here and not race, so I went for it. I had three passengers ready to go: Kevin Lowrance, Mark Novielle, and Ryan Sheehan." Kevin "won" the toss! "Start time. When we passed our pit area (about RM 1/8!) the truck was lagging. I knew the (22RE) was ru~nipg too hot, but the damn .,• ~umb m,Uar t., Ufear . •. Qu,i~ one-limeadjustmeot • Does. not heok into lap belt 0 • • Dan Vance was worried about a sick engine but he really had no major problems and came home with.the win in Class 14 . . • Reduces neck tension by 45-70% • Great for all types of motor racing, es~ecially where driuer changes are common ·· Wayne Lacher and Mike Green had some over heating problems on the first lap but they soldiered on and took the win in Class 1600. Dusty Times UMPER HEL M ETS 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 t 3834 Wacker Drive·• Mira Loma, CA 91752 October 2003 gauge took a crap, so I was taking'it easy. We gave the guys at the Rock Pile a good show as I overshot the turn but corrected quickly, back on the course, when an explosion -'BOOM' -went off and we couldn't see a thing ... 'OPS' Lowrance and I were covered in coolant. It went ev-erywhere." Remmert got off the course like a scalded dawg and radi-oed for a tow to the pits. . "The water pump had died; it wasn't circulating any water. When it blew it burned my arm a·bit ... but the rest was cold water." Makes sense, non-circulating; etc. Later, in the pits, Ty was like a stray dog, bringing up that Prestone that he ingested! · Austin "Fish" Farrier's Piece Re-port: "We finally decided to bring out 'The Piece', #1495, and show people you don't need some high dollar pre-runner to have some· fun racing in MDR's 1450 class! We arrived at midnight on Friday night with 'O' test time on the truck since putting in the fuel cell and new 3" King bypass shocks on the back. Our goal was to make it at least one lap. We 'tested' it a little bit Saturday morning and then it was good to race! I had the front start with Ryan Lewis as co-driver. We left the line and hauled ass to the Rock Pile. It Continued on page 16 Page 15
·. Scott Kincaid churned his way through the night in Lucerne, he went Terry Wyrembeck and Eric Jacobus shared the wheel and drove to Mark Growe drove his Class 1400 hard and fast through the night, on to take the bronze medal in the Class 1 0 conflict. a very health third place not many minutes out of the Class 1300 win. finished third, a minute and a half out of the second spot. Andy Rusich took a squeaky third place in the 1600 battle, he finished Billy Bunch had a pretty good night, he·took.a nice third place and ran Blaise Jackson had a ha,rd night, his laps times were great, fast and only three minutes out of the class win. -was a drag race with Carolyn Hlnes' #1477 ·right behind us with her big V8. She !=aught us right before the tum at the Rock Pile and passed us. We then passed her back right.after the comer, in the rough section. ·I cut to the inside of the right hand sweeper where a JeepSpeed was down in the tum so I had to tum even sharper and realized I wasn't going to be able to make the corner." Ryan Lewis said: "The only tning to do was to turn uphill and go around the Jeep but that caused us to fly off a rock ledge, over ·the track, and out into the desert for a while." "We continued to drag race with Caroline till about RM 11," Fish continued, "where she pulled us; we never saw them again. There were no problems on the first lap and . • POWERFUL_ • PRECl§E 2" Capacity, 180" Bends Steel, 4130, Stainless, Aluminum Square, Round, Bar, Pipe Perfect for the: • Race Car Builder • Small Fabrication Shop • Home Shop Call for a FREE BROCHURE trouble free through the darkness. consistent but he had to settle for fourth in the-Class 10 battle. the truck was working great 'til to the cars that passed us while we the brakes were about 5%. We were RM30 where the 'ALT' light came were replacing the battery. We were · trying to get to the main pits ... we on. We turned off the lights and the flying like a bat out of hell when at were hitting the whoops pretty hard, CD player-AC/De's 'Shock Me All RM20, I started to smell rubber. I 65 mph, when.the front left snout Night Long', the perfect song for the knew exactly what it was because I pulled out of the spindle upright, night race -and cruised with only had smelled that before. At RM26 taking the wheel tire, and brakes with the amber on. As soon as we turned the driver line's centfr carrier bear- . it. The truck dug into the ground at onto the dry lake heading to the S/ ing went out and our day was done full speed ... broke 90-left ... bicycled ... · F the engine started to die. We made -it was the one part I didn't have a and came back down ... thank God. it right to the line and it completely spare. We rried to track one down Rose's co-driver Rhianon Freiley: died. We had successfully made our but couldn't find one. We tried to ~Whata greatw'eekend! This was my goal of making it one lap! EXACTLY support it with a tie down but that first race. We · almost took out a to the line! The officials were kind was no good. · JeepSpeed that was at a dead stop enough to push us off to the side of 'The Piece' had started a race and in the center of the track! Thanks to the track so we were out of the way. made it one lap plus twenty-six - 80 Jordan, Kevin, Ollie, and Devin! Do We towed it 200 yards to our pit miles! It was much more than I had it again? This isn't my first rodeo!" where we switched batteries out and expected and we were not too sad, CLASS 1600 ··· were off again with only two little but we would have liked to finish amber lights on.the front and Matt the race, of course. This.time we did Kirkpatrick in as co-driver. live up to our name"of 'DNF Rae-. We were on a mission to get back ing'. We will return.soon!" . Lewis had a good time "Fish kept the tired, under-geared Toyota - 35s and a 4: 10 cliff - floored the whole time. The truck handled very well, and felt super-smooth. Actually the Piece rode nicer than ever before.· .. I thin_k it had something to do with the fact that there was freshly-Heimed .. ,, steering, and the Kings -that were mounted correctly! Mter two years of 'bonzen' that thing around Oco-tillo all night, I would have to say that that this was the best it has ever worked. Of course, it sucks when stock stuff breaks and ends your night!" .. Four starters - Four finishers All four finishers were within five minutes elapsed time at the final flag. Wayne Lacher (#1620) beat Tyler Stone (#1649), Andrew Rusich (#1605) a~dJames Golden (#1612). · Wayne Lacher and Mike Green had a rough start; the car overheated and they lost five minutes. In spite of that, , they slowly made it back up front and passed everybody to · take the win. Stone and Carlos Maricio kept it · short arid sweet. "The course was brutal, dusty, and rough!" Carlos drove the first couple laps, and Tyler took over arid drove the last two laps. CLASS 1700/JeepSpeed Eight starters -Seven finishers 87.5% is good finishing ratio, particularly · for frameless race ve-hicles ... and the lose DNF - Bill Ryan Rose (#1453) was effusive with thanks "to the K5 Blazer guys for help at RM 41 when the tr_uck Ray Currie set fast lap for the Jeep Speed Class and took the Class 1700 win with came apart; they were awesome. By less than two minutes on the competition . . the time we got out they were asking if everyone was OK; they went down track with flashlights to warn traffic and they dragged us off the course ... on top of that they found my tire/ - wheel hub ·a mile down the course -then they went to the Main Pit, · brought my trailer all the way out and spent the rest of the night get-ting the truck on the trailer and back to the pit! I'd still be out there if it weren't for those guys ... " (541)382~1573 "We were following a truck; I broke to the outside to pass him and shot way up in the air, coming down on the right front corner. This bent a radius arm and blew most of the air out of the tire. The truck telt like ic was doing OK, so we continued but had to swap out _the flat. We lost communication-intercom and www.tubeshark.com Page 16 October 2003 The Class 1750 Jeep Speed Sportsman win went to Steve Ghamari, he set fast lap for the class and took the win by more than an hour. . Dusty Times . ,.
Fourth place in Class 1400 went to Carolyn Hines and he co-driver, FrankOmboli led Class 10 fora couple of laps, set fast lap but a long Matthew Langan seemed to go as bit slower, the darker it got, but he Mark. Carolyn is not a night racer and only drove the last lap. fifth lap dropped him to the fifth finishing position. held on and finished fifth in the Class 1400 tussle. Steve Thomasson was losing a few minutes a lap to the leader but he Terrie Tavis fought a clutch problem most of the race but persevered Jim Golden was running real fine but a last lap problem cost him 1 o ended up in a fairly nice fourth place in the Jeepspeed contest. and drove through the night to a sixth place finish in Class 10. minutes and probably the Class 1600 win, he finished fourth. "NeverQuit"Quioneyer-completed had a good race, passed two '7' wheel?Phew-itwasjustbusheswe Five starters-Two finishers and by the large margin of an three of the four required laps. Ray trucks before the first tum at the were driving over; I was grabbing for Steve Ghamari ( # 17 31) hour." Currie curried no favors edging out rocks. Drivers are always willing to the tube with both hands. We had a "burned" Bill Frey, 3:30 to 4:51. EL CHISMOSO Skyjacker's Barrie Thompson, give up the navigator's side of the good race, no flats, nothing broke; Steve: "We finally were able to put Frank Hines explained: "To all 3:37:16 to3:39:09. Quioneyer: "The car: one '7' truck started to pull over wash the car, a new finder flare (the in a race's required laps with no the people thanking Motion Tire for Jeep ran fine until the last lap when to the right; we started passing on '7' incident) we were ready to race." problems. Sure, the check engine parts and tools? All I say is 'No • 'we' broke the front axle housing in the left when he pulled back into us. After the race Steve regretted his solo light came on 20 miles into the race, problem!" Whatever we can do to half. Matt was driving at RM15, the Both the Jeep and the truck became drive while feeling so crappy" "I 'and, sure, the shocks started to go help will always be offered. Nobody high speed road, the front end came one for 200 feet, all I could do was shouldn't have driven the whole · away. Sure, we babied it all the way is in this for the money; it's all for apart and the Jeep flew off the road look over and wave. The guy in the race." Billy Bunch(# 1749) said the home. Special thanks to '909 Fab- fun, and the fun is getting to the fin-at 70, landed on its wheels, the front '7' came by after the race • he was third place car got a little hot at first, rication' • Drew Kelty and the crew ish line. One more thing, Saturday axle dug in and stopped the Jeep. upset because he had scratched his but "nothing to really worry about. • 'DJ Safety Equipment' for the there was trash all over the place. We went out and spent two hours truck on a Jeep. On the last lap we The team didn't have to put a DOT-approved safety belts and Sunday morning everything was getting the Jeep on the trailer, got were passing some slower cars when wrench on the car all day!" gear. After finishing second, twice, picked up. I was very impressed. Ev-back to camp around 0230." something started pulling on my CLASS 17 50 after leadipg, we were due and this eryone is more than welcome to pit • Steve Thomasson (#1731) had a urine tube. Nothing will get your JeepSpeed Sportsman came at the biggest race of the year with us again." __ -• .,, rough evening, as Rex Lair notes: attention faster than something "Despite Steve being sicker than a yanking on your unit, let me tell you! dog - fighting the flu all week -we The drive shaft? The tire? In the fly-Steve Croll was just a heartbeat off the pace and ended up in second spot, a mere 4 minutes out of the gold medal. Kelly Boyle, seen here flying through the dusk on his way to a decent second spot in the Class 5 contest at then Lucerne night race. Dusty Times High Quality Calendar pages with all your favorite race dates and all your · favorite racers like Robby Gordon, Scott Steinberger, Ross Hoek, Frank Hines, Dan Vance, Terrible Herbsts, 11 Bros. Racing, Davis Motorsports, United Prerunners_, Johnny Campbell and Pflueger Racing's new Trophy Truck! www.dezertcalendars.com Or order online at www.pciraceradios.com October 2003 Page 17
22ND INTERNATIONAL ADAC RALLYE DEUTSCHLAND 2003 Loeb-Citroen Take The G~r~an Rally By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Sebastien Loeb and Daniel Elena took the gold medal in Germany in their Citroen Xsara. Loeb won this rally last year, with the same chassis! We had seen it all before. Cit-roen won the Deutschland Rally for the third year running and scored their third win of the sea-son. Sebastien Loeb won this event for the second year in succession, and did it with the same chassis he had used to win in 2002! It was, however, a very close win, by only 3.6 seconds, in front of world champion Marcus Gronholmwho had been delayed earlier when he suffered a double puncture. Fast-est driver on the rally, however, was Markko Martin, but his Ford lost a lot of time on the first day with transmission trouble. The cham-pionship meanwhile is hotting up, with five points separating the top three placed drivers, with Bums still ahead, while Peugeot hold a lead of only seven points in front of Citroen. The second half of the 2003 season opened on the very specific tarmac roads in Germany, roads which were often broken up, and always extremely slippery. Once again rain came down and made the surfaces more greasy than ever. With championship leader Toshihiro Arai absent, the PCWRC category was won for the first time this year by a Mitsubishi, on this event driven by" the reign-ing JWRC champion Daniel Sola who was consistently the fastest Group N driver on the event. The Deutschland Rally was the eighth round in the World Rally Championship and represented the first event in the second half of the 2003 series, in which the ral-lies were going to be smoother, with four events on asphalt and the remaining three on smooth gra~el roads. It was the second time for Germany in the series, but only just, because of difficulties with spectator control in 2002 which made the FlA put provisos on its qualifying for the series this year. Only on the 20th May did the FIA give the final all clear, just nine weeks beforehand. T his is a.rally where stages are run in three dif-ferent regions, each region possess-ing distinctly different characteris-tics. Stages are run in vineyards ro Page 18 the north of Trier, on the military tank test grounds close to Baumholder (where surfaces are often degraded), and on closed public road Southeast around St. Wendel. It is the only world rally held close to the geographic centre of Europe; last year 40% of the 225,000 spectators were from other countries. The rally was held one month earli~r than in 2002. There is a new philosophy of route management, the event visiting each of the three main regions every day, in the hope of better spectator movement control. All except one stage had been changed, though usually only in small details. This year the PCWRC cars compete here, last year it was the Junior WRC. These were changing times in the sport. Wide ranging changes had been proposed by the June FIA World Council meeting and the World Rally Championship Com-mission was in full spate trying to interpret the commands of the World Council and convert these into workable rules for 2004. In the 2003 championship Peugeot, Citroen and Ford have all scored on every round so far. While cham-pionship leader Richard Bums has always scored points when he has finished,. Cyprus was his first and only retirement this year. Only second placed driver Carlos Sainz has now finished every rally this year, but twice out of the points. Peugeot had rotated their en-tries, dropping the gravel special-ist Rovanpera (second on the pre-vious world rally) in favour of the asphalt expert Gilles Panizzi, but there have been recent personal dramas for both Gronholm (an infection in an elbow, six days in hospital) and Panizzi (broken ribs during testing) but both reported fit for the event. Last year Panizzi missed Deutschland altogether be-cause of a shoulder injury. The fac-tory team had also prepared a car . for Cedric Robert, the French federation's officially supported young driver, who came sixth at Monte Carlo and who has been busy this year testing for Peugeot. Citroen were winners of the last· two Deutschland Rallies. Citroen, like Ford, entered a four car team. This was the first rally for Philippe Bugalski in 2003, and his first rally since Sanremo 2002. Bugalski was the 2001 German Rally winner, and rwo years earlier scored Cit-roen a first world rally win. This year Philippe has been busy in de-veloping testing for the team though he is to cont.est the four remaining asphalt events. He had a car identical to the official team cars but run by the Spanish Piedrafita team. Technical changes for this event included larger rear brake discs and engine. Subaru sensed that the start of the smoother half of the season · was the right time to push ahead with performance enhancing modi-fications to their 2003 Impreza in the engine, electronics and suspen-sions. Ford sensed it was time to tackle their transmission troubles, and development of a new hydrau-lic pump which Markko Martin had tested when he won the non-championship EOS Rally in his native Estonia. Latvala had a new co-driver·Mikka Anttila, the regu-lar co-driver for Kosti Katajamaki in the Junior World Rally Cham-pionship. Previous co-driver Carl Williamson was hospitalized with a dislocated leg and pelvic injuries suffered in their accident on the Jim Clark Memorial Rally in Brit-ain. It was, however, Skoda on whom the greatest attention was to be focused. This was the debut competition appearance for the Fabia World Rally Car, the first new model World Rally C.ar since the Xsara in Catalunya 2001. Main changes to the car since it was officially launched at Geneva Motor Show in early March have been to under bonnet cooling sys-tems, a new rear wing and exter-nally by a different livery. Skoda's Austrian born Team director Dr. Kohoutek: "It had been plan~ed to introduce the car at the end of the season, but the car is already at least as fast as the Octavia, so October 2003 there was no reason to wait. T his is our year for development, next year we should be able to fight for podium positions and to fight for the victories in 2005." The Hyundai team had a four day test before the event, the first asphalt test for the team this year. This was the first works ti rive for Manfred Stohl who, even at 31 years old, is already a rally veteran. His first world rally was in Jvory Coast in 1991, and he was FIA Group N Cup champion in 2000. Between active competition he is a rally manager who ru,ns Constantin Aur's Mitsubishi in the PCWRC. His most recent world rally, Greece, was his 70th world rally appearance. Mitsubishi made their second WRC appearance this year, again withJWo "Ste.p 2" cars driven by the Finns Jani Paasonen and Kristian Sohlberg and again in a non-championship operation. It might, however, be their last ap-pearance in this particular car. MMSP President Sven Quandt ex-plained "I have not forgotten Alis-ter McRae; but I chose two young drivers for this event to see how they perform on asphalt." One of their "young drivers" was hardly recognisable. Jani Paasonen had recently lost 30kg in weight. 30? "Yes, I was 110kg, now I am 80 ... " It is the first world rally the.team has entered under the company's new name MMSP. The cars were run in exactly the same specifica-tion as last year: all development work is now being carried out on· the. new car to be announced at the end of the season. Only top driver missing was the Belgian Patrick Snyers who had opted to enter the Madeira round of the ECR instead. This if the first of the two PCWRC rounds to be held on as-phalt this year, the other will be the final round, Corsica. Last year there was only one, which drivers could elect not to contest. For reigning champion Karamjit Singh it is his first ever asphalt event! Singh had planned asphalt familiarisation experience in Po-land but that had to be cancelled because of instructions to compete in the APRC Rotorua Rally in New _ Zealand. The two drivers in the David Sutton Cars team (Rowe and Blomqvist) were the only driv-ers in the series to have finished every round they have entered so far. Sutton: "In over 35 years of this business, this is my first time at this event. Our worry is that our cars must be ready to catch the last available boat to Australia, which · leaves Italy on the Monday after the rally." Team changes include: Fabio Frisiero went to Top Run. Errani moved to Mega Perfor-mance in Nice this time (his fourth rally and fourth different team!). Geradzhiev went to Poland (new team Evorent), de Dominicis went back to Spain to CB Racing (run by the former rally driver Cesar Baroni). Top Run's regular driver Marcos Ligato (who has been re-cently back home in Argentina) like the Venetian driver Frisiero drove an Evo VII, though the Argentine had tested Top Run's Evo VIII development car. "The Vlll's per-formance is already better, if only by about 0 .2 seconds per kilometre, but I opted for the se-curity of a car that is proven." Patrick Richard recently ended a spell of bad luck when he won the Rallye Baie des Chaleurs back home in' Canada with his Subaru and rented a new car from Bel-gium for the rest of the season. Ligato and Richard were currently joint leaders in the Rally Series of North America, which is a candi-date FIA zone championship, af-ter the first two rounds. It was the first rally on asphalt in a Group N car for JWRC champion Daniel Sola, who made prior tests in Italy to gain some experience, and for his MRT teammate Ramon Ferreyros his first event in Ger-many: "I do not know what to ex-pect. Everyone you ask gives a dif-ferent reply! I am hoping it will be a bit like Belgium, where I rallied for many years in the past." Ro-manian champion Constantin Aur wa hoping for an immediate change in fortunes. "I hope this time I can at least finish, so many enthusiasts from my country will be coming to watch this event!" There was a new co-driver for Janusz Kulig, his fellow Pole Maciej Szczepartiak, formerly co-driver for Tomasz Kuchar who was short of budget and was watching the rally giving conducted tours to VIPs, It was a change for Szczepaniak, used to the excitement of WRCars. "Actually it is so quiet in Group N cars, you just don't realize how fast you are going, im-til you have to slow down, then you really realize. One famous race will be missing, the championship leader and winner of three rounds so far, Arai is the only PCWRC competitor to have chosen to miss this event, going back to Japan to start tests with Subaru's latest ver-sion asphalt specification Impreza. The weather was expected to be the most uncertain factor in the rally, with rain forecast for at least two of the three days of the rally. In addition to the frequently changing levels of grip came the usual asphalt problems for the top cars, cutting corners and throw-ing dirt and mud on to the road and hindering the later runners. Competitors were curious to see what changes had been made after Daniel Sola and Alex Romani were the PCWRC champions in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII, shown here well airborne. Dusty Times
-r Richard Burns and Robert Reid drove their great looking Peugeot Janusz Kulig and Maciej Szczepaniak were the third finisher in Leaving a bit of tire smoke behind, Colin McRae· and Derek Ringer were fourth overall in their Citroen Xsara. 206 to a nice third overall, racing here in front of the gallery. PCWRC, shown here in their Mitsubishi Lancer. the 2002 event, and were infuri-also having a bad morning, but the on·e happy Hyundai driver was Jus-ated by the frequency in which story of the event was a developing tin Dale, breaking his early-rally small changes were made, on most battle between Burns and Markka problem myth and enjoying every of the stages; to the route. "It made Martin in the Ford, with Markka minute at the wheel. Their rivals a lot of trouble with the teammate Francois Duval close be-at Skoda were going strongly, al-pacenotes", explained champion> hind. The two Fabias made a though Auriol1ost hydraulic pres: ship leader Burns' co-driver Rob-promising start, immediately sure on Stage 3 and this caused ert Reid. What was sensible was equalling the pace of the gear shifting. and differential the way that the stages had been Hyundais. Toni Gardemeister had trouble on Stage 4. grouped each day, with stages in brake troubles but his ALS system There were missed emotions at each region held consecutively, so stopped working while teammate ford on Stage 5, delight that Duval that cars could be setup at service Didier Auriol was trouble fre~. had broken his habit of retiring ready· for the next group. There Hyundai in fact were unhappy. on Stage 5 one very alternate rally, was no consensus whether being Freddy Loix had engine oil blow-but sadness at Martin's transmis-first car on the road was a good or ing out on to his left rear tyre, while sion trouble. A valve in· the down-. bad prospect.· Armin Schwarz only knew some... shift system failed and this in turn Shakedown was run over a new · ·thing was not right. "We are driv-smashed both fifth and sixth gears, course close to the Service Park at ing well, the car feels good, but the leaving the rally leader having ·to Bostalse'e. The only drama was times are bad." Manfred Stohl was engage the manual system, which when Kresta rolled his Bozian 206, more specified. "Wheels spinning on this car meant disenabling the fortunately not seriously, and then all "the time, no traction." · handbrake. after a scoop picture was pub-Burns, therefore, led the rally, . Unfortunately, the vineyard lished in France, Peugeot's sport on the road and on the leader stages are full of handbrake hair-director Corrado Provera was board, into the Baumholder stages pin turns, and the time lost by forced to confirm, officially at last, but Martin came back aft°erwards Martin was about 90 seconds in that their replacement car was to ahead of him in the results. Burns, all. Martin fell to tenth. Burns re-be based on the 307 Cabriolet. "It seems we hit a big hole and inherited the lead and fourid him-. The 3km shakedown route was must h·ave damaged a tyre without self in a very hard fight to fend off fast, but the competition was realising it. It was only when we Loeb. Burns' lead after Stage 6 was close, six different drivers were started Stage 4 and felt a terrible just 7.6 seconds, while Granholm separated by only 0.2 seconds, vibration did we realise what had had quietly been consolidating his while the three works nominated happened." Later it was traced to third place and was now 1.1 sec-Peugeot drivers were all equal, 0. 7 a broken mousse -insert but the onds behind the Frenchman. second slower, and beaten by quarter minute's loss dropped Subaru were in a bad way. Cedric Robert. him down to fourth and elevated Solberg was not feeling well, and Leg 1 -Seven stages, asphalt, Martin to the lead. Many drivers could not do anything right be-117 .3 kms. Changeable weather. had spins or misjudgments on hind the wheel. Makinen had no was forecast for the day, but in · Baumholder. Marcus Granholm sooner got out of his transmission fact it turned out dry with tern-eased his pace because he heard a trouble than the power steering peratures in the upper 20s. There strange noise, Colin McRae eased belt failed, which in turn meant were three main groups of stages, his pace when he discovered his there was no more charge to the firstly in vineyards, then the army sumpguard was hanging loose. alternator. One mile from the Ser-ranges, then back to vineyards Makinen started to have gear se- vice Park the battery went dead again, followed in the evening by lection trouble and Duval had a and the car stopped in traffic and the superspecial on the· roads puncture and a spin so by the time he was out of the rally. Auriol had around St. Wendel. Richard Burns the cars returned to service the a strange problem on Stage 4, in was first on the road as befitted order had changed-further down· which the camshaft belt jumped a . his championship leader status as well. Duval was down from cog and caused a loss of pow~, and won the first two stages. "Mar-third to ·eighth, Granholm up which the team did not realise un-ginally it was better to be first on from sixth i:o third.,The Hyundais , til he started the next two stages, the road, but not by so much." At were still having troubles, Loix's but over in Hyundai Loix finally least it was good to see him smilicyg engine was still pressuring the oil had his oil pressuring problem for once! Petter Solberg started off (" it is very dangerous when you solved. So with only the St. Wendel a messy day.with some driving er-brake"). Schwarz happily passed stage to run there was still an amaz-rors and was struggling to be in the place_ where he crashed heavily ing nu.mber of_top runners in the the top ten. Sebastien Loeb was last year only to have the turbo event. going cautiously but still pulled a pressure fail, while Stohl confessed Ar-the end of the day the first tyre off a rim. Tommi Makinen was "I justhaveh'tgot the feeling." The. run over the Superspecial was Marcus Gronholrri and Timo Rautaianen drove their Peugeot 206 to the silver medal, less than four seconds out of the win. Dusty Times held, and this was where-Gromholm got ahead of Loeb and in fact was now only 9.4 seconds behind the overnight leader Burns.-Auriol came 'to a stop in the stage. His car had still been running with its camshaft one cog wrong, but now the problem was serious, the belt had broken altogether and he. was out. So far only two world rally cars had retired. Prodrive personnel studied Makinen's car after it was retrieved and found there were a ·lot of stones under the bonnet, and presumably one of them ended the life of the power , steering belt. There were many pri-vate rivalries, for instance the two works Mitsubishi drivers were'sepa-rated by just 7.5 seconds, while the 21 year old Czechoslovakian WRC · October 2003 cfrivers Kopecky and Cserhalmi turns. Giovanni Manfrinato had an were separated by only 8.5! engine lapse on to two cylinders and In Group N t:he PCWRC were hoped the problem was not termi-making the best times of the Group nal. Tom Colsoul lost his brakes N cars. Daniel Sole had a good start altogether while McShea had· his ahead of Niall McShea despite the new gearbox stick in third gear and Irishman having to change a gear-lost all the other ratios. After only box before Shakedown and then two stages the rally had lost Fabio -having dutch troubles. Martin Frisiero (transmission) and Rowe was the highest placed Suba- Krzysztof Holowczyc (fuel pump). ru driver, but even on the first two Sola continued· strongly but stages many drivers had troubles. McShea _then had more trouble. It Marcos Ligate had a broken hand was not possible to repair the trans-brake and three times had to re- · mission problem at the earlier ser-verse to get round tight hairpin Continued on page 20 This is the ~ystem run by most TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME -off road race winners GO FOR 1984-.91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220.HA~LDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY _ DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 19
vice an·d with only fourth gear work- . last year) ahead of him. Ramon ing he struggled and fell down to · Ferreyr9s found his engine prob-.S7th place. Karamjit Singh had a lem only happened when he was in frightening moment when 'he hit fifth gear, and was intent'on.catch-some rocks, damaged two wheels ing Ligato up. Rowe had a punc-and the rear suspension, while ture. Aur was stuck in second gear, Ferreyros still had engine problems. while McShea finally had a car that Both Ricardo Trivino and was working weH and promptly Constantin Aur lost their brakes, scored best Group N time in Stage Joakim Roman carried on with en- 6, the first time Sola had been gine mounting problems. Georgi beaten. · Geradzhiev had fuel pump trouble. · Leg 2 -Nine stages, asphalt, The rally was now without Manfri-169.4kms. The weather crisis nato who went off the road, which the rally escaped on the Fri-Colsoul who had done the same, day came to haunt the event on but damaged the right front wing, Saturday. With four loops of two crimped the turbo pipe. They lost stages each, followed again by the too much time to be able tQ carry St. ·wendel superspecial. The first oh. Patrick Richard ·retired when and. fourth loop uses stages in his Subaru's gearbox jammed in Saarland, the second and third· two gears. On the return to the vine- · loops were over army ground. yards Ligato felt a lot more com-There were no vineyard stages. The fortable, with only Sola and Rowe first stage was damp, the second (who had driven here in S1600 cars was virtually d~y, but many driv-ers reported they had, made bad tyre choices. Three of the four Citroen drivers were unhappy, only Sainz was smiling. Both the Fords went well, Duval pulled up on one stage from seventh to fourth, but his tyres were worn out on Stage 9 and he fell back to fifth. The story of Stage 9'was that Gronholm revelled in the unpre-dictably slippery conditions and pulled ahead of teammate Burns into the lead. Solberg had a lat-eral link to one of the wheels snap, and combined with gearbox prob-lems he slipped another place, though as he started toifeel a little fitter still lay two places out of the points. Martin's display at lying . tenth overall was suddenly changed round when the crews -came to Stage 11, when the first nine cars in running order cov-ered the stage in dry conditions, Second place in the PCWRC. competition was the Subaru lmpreza WRX of Martin Rowe and Trevor Agnew, performing before an appreciative crowd. before rains suddenly descended. onds, while Kresta (running thirdJ The Estonian running fifth car on was second. There was another the road won the stage by 16 sec-strange characteristic on Stage 11. Twice on Friday the same part of one section ofthe road had been used, where the crews had to turn right. Today the route was differ-ent and they had to turn left in-stead. One after another, co-driv-ers were astonished when their drivers (tncluding Martin and B_urns) ignored their instr~ctions. Significantly Gronholm and Loeb did not, and they ended the stage in the top positions overall. Bums was now more than a quarter minute behind, his dream of.win-ning a.rally for Peugeot, or indeed winning for the first time an as-phalt world championship rally, looking thin. Hyundais and trouble stuck to-gether. Schwarz had his car jump out of 1st, 2nd and 3rd gears, while Loix had a sticking throttle which caught the driver out the first time it happened an.cl he went off for a moment. Dale had the rear left suspension become de; tached and the wheel was not lo-cated into any particular a.irec-.tion. The remaining Skoda was · also in trouble. Gardemeister had · the rear left s_trut come through into the bodywork, after a heavy _ landing. Then came the stories of the rain. Co-driver Timo Rauti-ainen: "It was terrible. The road was like ice." Granholm finished 23.2 seconds faster 'than Burns, who fell to third behind Loeb, who had the rai~ but who took the correct road without hesita-tion. Bugalski .re_ach~d the start control for Stage 11 but went no further, suffering a blown turbo, loss of oil and a broken engine .. Then came stories of a crash. for Passonen. The stage was stopped while officials extricated co-driver .Arto Kapanen from the wreckage which was out of sight from the stage. Kapanen was detained at h·ospital for precautionary rea-sons after being discovered to have a fractured shoulder blade and five broken ribs. After a while the stage was stopped alrogether and interruption times issued, except . for Gardemeister who was made to suffer the delay his broken sus-. · _pension had caused. . . . . The fifth and sixth stages of the • day ran·· again_ over · 'the B-aumholder range and Hyundai . _,still had trouble. While Loix con-. tinued·to have a sticking throttle, Schwarz now had a repeat of the over.heating differen rial experi-enced before on hotter rallies. Martin was pushing ahead all the time. From being 86 seconds be-hind the leaders after Stage 6 he was 40 seconds ·behind after 13, thanks to running just ahead of the weather. Duval fell back a. Dusty Times II
'II Petter Solberg and Philip Mills fly a jump in their Subaru lmpreza, they A broken hub on the Peugeot 206 of Roman Kresta and Jan Tomanek Markko Martin and Michael Park drove their Ford Focus RS to fifth _w~e_re_e1=·g_ht_h_o_111_e~ra_ll_in~th_e_G_e_rm_a_n~R~al"""ly._. ~---~.'-· --~- caused this most uncomfortable event to occur. They were a dnf. overall on the 2:?>d German Rally. place to seventh after a spin and a lost so much time the day before. seconds, allowing McRae and yet so far 'fo_r_t'h_e_w_ o_r'ld.--c'h_a_m- ----.h-e-'.h' a-d.--so_m_ e_t-ro_u_b..--le_s_w-i-th..---,th~e-e-n-stalled engine, while at the front Singh was learning all the time, "I Burns to close up on him. Then pion. "Not really did I think we gine manifold but Rowe was back end of the classification there was haven't got the confidence about seven kilometers into Stage 18 a could win, I was never driving in second place. Ligato had more change. Gronholm punc-knowing how much grip I have, shaft in the transmission unit 100% as it :was so easy to make a . trouble with his steering align-tured both front tyres on Stage 12 but in fact the tyres have· much broke and the Fox us was left mistake. But we were close to sue-ment and then lost turbo pres-and, even though the ATS worked, more grip that you would expect." with only rear wheel drive. This cess, But not quite there." Burns sure. Rowe, meanwhile was it meant that for the long Stage 13 Aur continued with transmission undid so much of his good work was happy he was back to the troubled by a broken gearlever. he still had tb start with a tyre that trouble. The problems on Stage the day before! In the return to podium zone even if he admitted Geradzhiev went off the road on had no air in it. This enabled Loeb 11 came hard for the PCWRC service, Martin was now down to things had gone wrong for him Stage 18 and with nobody nearby to edge in front. Burns meanwhile drivers, nearly all of which had fifth. Gronholm also had dra-on Baumholder, but sad that to help, had to retire. Eleven fell back a lot on Stage 12, for rea-fitted tyres suitable for rain for mas. Near the end of Stage 17 he once again his dream of winning PCWRC cars were left running sons he did not understand and Stages .10 and 11, and thereby braked ·too late, hit a wall and for Peugeot had been deferred. with tliree stages to go. Ligato had now found himself after Stage 13 had quite unsuitable tyres for the this upset the steering geometry. "I made two mistakes, both his turbocharger changed at the less· than a second in front of shorter Stage 10 which was dry. He had to drive Stage 18 like schoolboy errors, and that made cost of a 40 second penalty for McRae's Citroen. More trouble Rowe lost time with a puncture that, but was able to reduce the the difference." Kresta, the hero lateness out of service, bur on the for Hyundai. Stohl lost hydraulic and this allowed Ligato to get problem before Stage 19. Loeb, of Day 2, retired when a stub axle second stage of the final lap the pressure and ran two stages like even closer to him. Two PCWRC who had expected the opposfrion broke and the brake disc col- car stopped with suspected clutch that. Dale then ha:d a gear selec- cars disappeared. On Stage 10 to swallow up his lead without lapsed. The two permanent failure. Then on the final stage de tion problem and terminal trouble Roman retired with almost a rep- delay, still led, his lead increas-Hyundai drivers finished out of Dominicis retired with engine fail-for Skoda, when Gardemeister re-lication of Bugalski's troubles, ing halfway through the leg from the top ten but Loix scored one ure. Nine cars were left in the cat-tired when the rear right hand sus-then Ferreyros had no sooner 5.5 to 9.4 seconds. In the second .manufacturers' championship egory, and what was now exciting pension punched its way through cured the turbo trouble than the group of stages he managed to point, while the battle between was the race, not for the lead, but the bodywork. That was not en-car stopped with an electrical hold his lead, despite a major ef-the 21 year old Czech Kopecky for the last place and the chance tirely the problem. Already he was fault. Ferreyros had started the fort by Gronholm, who just and the Slovak Cser ha mi was re-to score the one final available driving with a broken driveshaft day fourth behind Sola, Rowe failed to regain the lead by 3.6 solved three stages to the finish championship point. This went and what stopped him was when and Ligato, but dropped back seconds: Loeb had received mid-in favour of the former's Skoda on the final stage to Marrini who the gearbox locked up. With two with turbocharger trouble which stage a split time which told him after the latter's Ford was slowed beat Errani, by 0.4 seconds. Next orthodox stages left to run on Sat- allowed Kulig to rise to fourth. in that Gronholm had alreadv bv misfiring. Dale struggled to · thin!! in the life for Soh is" tPst urday, Loeb was 1.6 seconds in front of Blomqvist and De caught up ten seconds, but did reach the finish, having lost five in an official Mitsubishi World front of Gronholm while Burns Doininicis. Main news of the af-not despair, he just went flat out minutes when the engine stopped Rally Car. "For me it. is my ambi-was now over a half minute fur-ternoon was that Ligaio had got to the finish. After a series of without warning. tion. That test is going to be very ther behind. in fro~t of Rowe into second little misfortunes it was so near In PCWRC Sola led although important to me." I.A.lc!!!!!c= After six stages Martin had place. Blomqvist had two punc-risen from tenth to fifth, always tures which dropped him from by taking some different tyre fifth to seventh. There were still choices, but now he made his big-more lessons for Singh about as-gest gamble of the day, taking phalt rallying, '.'I was driving in a sticks for the final group of three straight line, and when I began to stages (which included the super: brake, the car just spun!" Wel-special) in conditions where every- come to tarmac action. Good grip one else was being cautious. Stage does not last forever! 14 was damp, 15 dry and then on Leg 3 - Six stages, asphalt, 16 it started to rain just before · 101.5kms. On the final day there the first car tackled the stage. O n were to be two groups of three 14 Duval suffered a clutch prob-stages, the first two being back in lem which caused him to fall th e vineyards and the third back. On 16, with the rain con- around St. Wendel. It .looked as tinuing to fall as the rally passed, if the sunshine would burn its way scratch time went to Kresta in his through the early morning clouds private Peugeot. But alarmingly and that the rain dramas of Sat-there was more trouble for Gron- urday would be forgotten as night-li.olm. There was a strange knock-mares. Certainly crews wh o ing noise and a smell of burning, headed for the first group of which caused the world champion stages took a gamble on dry con-to be careful. Burns looked on at ditions, and fitted tyres which the race in front of him helplessly. would suit their predictions. for He was n ow in fifth place, again the vineyard stages everybody had non-plussed at his downwards dry conditions, but for Stage 19 progression. "The gaps are still only the first five drivers had com-close and I certainly haven't come pletely dry surfaces. From Solberg here to finish fifth." Lying in third downwards, which under reverse-place now was Martin whose aces order seeding rules for Saturdays· had a'll come up. Loeb finished. and Sundays, means the top ten the day 5 .5 seconds in front of drivers in cla~sification, there was Granholm but was a little going to be another nasty mix of amused. There is something about conditions. The classifications on this superspecial he cannot quite the Saturday evening had left the get right. Twice this year he had prospect of a most exciting final overshot a junction there, last year day, a fight for the lead, a three-there was a big debate when he way battle for third place, a battle did the same. · for second place in Group N. In PCWRC Sola was in a league Who needed the uncertainties of of his own. Rowe started the day rain? a little cautiously and let Ligato More troubles for Hyundai: close up on him. Ferreyros lost Schwarz reported loss of fuel turbo boost in the middle of the pressure. Kresta lost second gear, first stage of the day, while but Solberg started, at last, to go McShea was now happy his car well. Markko Martin started was working well, but angry he had slowly and dropped nearly ten Dusty Times 22ND ADAC Rallye Deutschland 24-27 July 2003 Trier (D) WC round 8 PCWRC round 5 WC points WR WO PC 1 . (18) ~ebastien LOEB/Daniel Elena F/MC Citroen Xsara WRC 27CSP92 (F) 3h.46m.50.4s. 10 10 . 2 (1) Marcus GRONHOLMfTimo Rautiainen FIN Peugeot206 WRC 283NNN75 (F) 3h.46m.54.0s. 8 · 8 3 · (2) Richard BURNS/Robert Reid GB Peugeot206 WRC 952NVB75 (F) 3h.47m. 10.1 s. 6 6 . -4 (17) Colin McRAE/Derek Ringer GB Citroen Xsara WRC 26CSP92 (F) 3h.47m.21.8s. 5 5 5 (4) Markko MARTIN/Michael Park EE/GB Ford Focus RS WRC R55OTH (GB) 3h.47m.48.3s. 4 4 6 (19) Carlos SAINZ/Marc Marti E 19DDM92 (F) 3h.48m.29.0s. - 3 Citroen Xsara WRC 7 (5) Francois DUVAUStephane Prevot B EO03XYG (GB) 3h.48m.38.5s. 3 2 8 (7) Petter SOLBERG/Philip Mills S400WRT (GB) 3h.49m.20.6s. 2 1 9 (21) Cedric Robert/Gerald Becton 290NNN75 (F) 3h.50m.03.2s. -N/GB F 10 (3) Gilles PANIZZI/Herve Panizzi F - . Ford Focus RS WRC Subaru lmpreza WRC Peugeot206 WRC Peugeot206 WRC 286NNN75 (F) 3h.50m.30.0s. -11 (11) Freddy LOIX/Sven Smeets B Hyundai Accent WRC X26HMC (GB) 3h.51 m.46.0s. 1 12 (10) Armin SCHWARZ/Manfrec;i Hiemer D Hyundai Accent WRC X27HMC (GB) 3h.54m.05.6s. -' 13 (6) M ikko HIRVONEN/Jarmo Lehtinen FIN Ford Focus RS WRC EX02OBC (GB) 3h.54m.24. 7s. -14 (34) Kristian Sohlberg/Jakke Honkanen FIN Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. WRC KN52XBC (GB) 3h.58m.39.8s. -15 (22) Matthias Kahle/Peter Gobel D Skoda Octavia WRC MBO82-74 (CZ) 3h.59m.22.3s. -17-(24) Jari-Matti Latvala/Miikka Anttila FIN Ford Focu s RS WRC Y6FMC (GB) 4h.01 m .49.0s. -18 (12) Manfred STOHUllka Minor A Hyundai Accent WRC X18HMC (GBl, 4h.02m.58.3s. -22 (52) Daniel Sola/Alex Romani E Mitsubishi Lancer Eva VII PCWRC BZ721KW (E) 4h.11m.45.9s."" -10 24 (55) Martin RowefTrevor Agnew GB Subaru lmpreza WRX PCWRC X2DSC (GB) 4h.16m.18.8s. - 8 26 (61) Janusz Kulig/Maciej Szczepaniak PL Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI PCWRC KBC.V034 (PL) 4h.18m.33.3s. - 6 27 (51) Karamjit Singh/Allen Oh MAL P roton Pert PCWRC WU02XFB (GB) 4h.20m.53.5s. - 5 29 (65) Stig Blomqvist/Ana Goni S/YV Subaru lmpreza WRX PCWRC X1 DSC (GB) 4h.23m.23.3s. 4 34 (80) Ricardo Trivino/Jordi Barrabes MEX/E M itsubishi Lancer October 2003 Page 21
BEST IN THE DESERT Baja JOO Times Two By Byrle Moore Photos: Trackside Photo The brothers Weyhrich, Marl< and Gary beat the Mexican terrain as well as all the competition in their Jimco, first in Class 1500P, first overall. "Neither rain nor snow nor dark of night." Not a post office quote this time, but the word of the day and evening, over the radios and at the finish line. Casey Folks really did have something for everybody. This, the second running of Best in the Desert's Baja 300 brought out 80 bikes and quads of which 64 finished and 66 cars and trucks of which 49 made it through all sorts of · natural and man made obstacles to the checkered flag. · Hey, there was even hail about the size of quarters, but Kurt Caseill and Joey Lanza on board the green KTM went two minutes and change faster than Johnny Campbell and Steve Hengeveld on their Honda, to win overall champior..ship for bikes and quads. The winning time was 6: 17 :41. The 1500 car driven by Mark and Gary Weyhric.h and co-driven by John Danczak and John Vance passed everyone, sometimes with case and one time after following him for 65 miles, but pass they did and ran a 6:50:33, 20 minutes ahead of a 1400 car, driven by Kyle Tailor, Gordon (Smokey) McKiel and Jason Taylor. Thus began the history of the second go round of the BITD Baja 300. Unlike last year the race started in downtown Ensenada, made its way to the seashore and then headed east and south through the fields and mountains and Hurricane Ignacio, well at least the edges of it. The fast 20 miles had its ups and downs from sea level to about 2000 feet through the towns and villages of this part of the Baja. Another great race, by the BITD contingency. Of course, the war stories from the races will be passed around for the next year. Arguments will be started and settled. Comparisons will be made. But, it all came down to a great weekend of racing enjoyed by all, fan and participant alike. We will cover the results by class with the top three, where there were three mentioned and of course, the important top ten overall finishing spots for bikes and quads and cars and trucks. Class 1000 (Class 10 to those of you unfamiliar with BITD classification and numbering system), was headed by Eli and Lobsam Yee out of San Ysidro and Tijuana. The JlMCO's timeof7:37:41 took not only the class win but garnered them fourth overall for the cars and trucks. Second in class went to Tony Mclaren, who trailered his PenhaU Fab car all the Kyle Taylor was -the Trick Truck class winner, His good looking Ford took him to a nice second overall. Third overall and first in Class 7200P. Larry Roese/er drove his Ford to an easy class win, lost fenders don't count. way down from Veneta, Oregon. McLaren's time was 10:17:45. Although he was a non-finisher Steve Strobel from Clarks, Nebraska was awarded third. Class 1100-Pro Only, which equates to Class 10 Light, had two finishers Matias Arjona, Ensenada; Bruce Conrad, Torrance, CA; Lee Perfect, Oak Hills, CA and Kevin Jensen from Victorville ran aIJ. 8:05:01 which was also good enough for tenth overall. Mark Brownell, Tucson, AZ, drove his Chenowth to a 20: 10:4 7 for second place. Class llOOS had only one finishers and the top spot went to Alfonso Castro, Rosarito BC; Gerardo Sanchez Cordova, Ensenada BC and Alonso Reyes, West Covina, CA. Their time was 10:54:50. Class 1200-Pro Only, is the same as Pro Truck. John Becker, NewhaU, CA and Dan Bohning, Saugus, CA had a real nice 7:33: 13 run which was also good enough for fifth overall. Another California team ran 7:47: 12 for second in class and sixth overall. That team was made up ofTom Koch, Ridgecrest, CA; Robert A. Neth, Julian, CA; Joel Tarquin, Oceanside, CA and Robert S. Neth from Julian, CA. The first two places were won by Ford trucks. A Toyota teamed by Rick L Johnson, Oak Hills, CA; Ken Nance, Victorville, CA; Lee Perfect, Oak Hills, CA (where have we heard that name before?), and Kevin Jensen, also from Victorville. Their time of7:59:54 was also quick enough for seventh overall. The Yee boys, Eli and Lobsam drove their Jimco to the class 1 O win seen here flying low on the way to victory. The Protruck victory went to John Becker, seen here flying his Ford to a nice win and a great fifth overall as well. Another name for the 1400 class is Trick Truck-Pro Only. Go to the rule book. Anyway, Kyle Taylor, San Jacinto, CA; Gordon (Smokey) Mickie!, Palm Springs, CA and Jason Taylor piloted their "Big Ford", to a 7: 10:46 for the class win and second overall. Enrique and Abraham Legaspy drove their Ford to an 8:24:45, second in class and eighth overall. The Legaspys are out of Ensenada BC. An Arizona team ran Continued on page 24 The Ford of Tom Koch and Bobby Neth made a good run of it but they Third in the Protruck Division was the great looking Toyota of Rick Leaning and running hard, the Ford of Enrique Legaspy ran to a nice ended up second in the Protruck class in Mexico. Johnson and Ken Nance, 12 minutes out of second place. second place in the Trick Truck battle. Page 22 October 2003 Dusty Times ' I
- I WITH . r~,-PRESENT:. For this year's Baja 1000 The legendary Baja Pits-USA will team up with Baja Pits-Baja and remote pit specialists Locos Mocos. · This combination of race support expertise will provide racers _ the #1 best choice for independent pit_support. Don't be left in the dust or have to settle for second best! Call now for Information and an application! SUPPORTING ALL CLASSES 55 MILE PITS • START TO FINISH-COMMUNICATIONS - . ONLY PAY FOR THE PITS YOU NEED FULL ·sERVICE OR EMERGENCY ONLY• . . RACERS BEST CHOICE FOR FLEXIBLE PIT SCHEDULE " . . . BLOW BY THE RES_T, PIT WITH TH~ BEST! For more information o.r to Get an application today Call, Writ~, Fax or E-Mail: Tom Minga (619)-445-5764 or Carlos Orozco (619)596-8033 E-mail bajapits@cox.net • Baja Pits, 1000 West Bradley, Suite Q, El Cajon, CA 92021 • www.freeweb.com/bajapits -. . PERRY'S FAB & FIBER • U.S.-WHEELS • 76 CL BRYANT• AUTO S-PORTS BAJA CITY AUTO SALES-(619)671.0738 • SAN DIEGO SMOG TEST ONLY(619)690.2644 RACE READY P.RODUCTS (61:9)691.9171 • JDFILMS.COM - _ THE ALIGNMENT SHOP COMPLETE S_USPE~SlON SERVICE (619)291.0767 • Dusty Times October 2003 Page 23
The Strunks, Bill and Bucky drove their Chevy Trick Truck to third in Frank Hines didn't have the best of days, he drove his Lothringer to second spot in the Class 1 activity. Second in class 1800S was the Ford of Luis Arturo Valdes, making their way south on the Pacific run. class, shy a bit of fiberglass. their Chevrolet to the third place finish in Class 14 with a time of 8:24:45. The team members are Bucky Strunk, T uqQl1; Bill Strunk, Bullhead City and Ron Gasinski who also calls Tucson home. l ~ Off•na.:,d Enqlnuarlnq 18-TllAVEL I-BEAM °!lANOE/l KIT Class 1500, which is Class 1 in a lot the 300 miles. Their Jimco's winning of places, had fastest time of the day time was 6:50:33. Wonder how much for cars and trucks. Mark and Gary quicker they might have been if there Weyhrich down from Troutdale, had been passing room/opportunity Oregon and Keith Danczak, El Cajon, during the first few miles. Second place CA.and Johri Vance shared driving over in class went to Frank Hines, Oxnard, CA; Dennis Boyle, Ventura, CA.and aGreatWhite,buthedidcuthisinstep Dale Hines also Ventura. The second which became grossly infected, this into place time was 8:4 2:28. Chuck Hovey' s Friday, Mark Christensen was coopted Jimco needed a replacement ~r due from the Class 10 ranks. I heard from to Chuck's surfing adventure earlier iri others that Martin felt that a Jimco is a the week. No, he didn't get into itwith Jimco handling wise, but he may be looking for a slightly larger engine for the future. The third place time was 9:55:37 and James A Shan.non, San Marcos, CA.shared the experience. There was only one entry in Class 1700. The Volkswagen driven by Gonzallo Jiminez, Juan Arballo and Eduardo Gutierrez was a DNF but took the class win. · In a similar class that being the 1800 class a team out of Nevada took first with a run of 9:11:47. Danny Anderson, Las Vegas; Bill Witt Henderson and Hal Witt from Boulder City brought their VW down to win. Second place went to the local team of Luis Arturo Valdez and Pedro Ojeda, Ensenada. Their time 9:47:50. Jesus Jimenez also Ensenada soloed his V-dub to a 12:02:27 and third place. Class 2000 BITD's version of 1/ 2-1600 had only one starter/finisher and that was Jeff Quade out ot Temecula, CA who ran 11:28:52 for the win. GET MICROSTUBS! 934 PRO VERSION Now IN STOCK! Another Ford won the Class 3100 Pure Stock-Mini SUV. This one teamed by Mike Falkowski and Allen Seligson, Ramona, CA and Wayne S. Walar, and Jim Shaw from Escondido, CA The winning time was 10:05:19. Silver went to Scott Douglas, El Cajon, CA and Jeremy Runyen, Lakeside, CA in another Ford. Their time was 10:29:36. The third place time was 11: 15:04 by Nicholas Crouch, El Cajon; Richard Keller, Santee, CA and Tom Barrigan, Menifee,CA LIil W.KJIRTEK~CDltl ~~ FAB!!ifCA. TION TUNDRA4WD lONOTRAVEl --~-~--: ~ CO/LOVER & BYPASS SETUP WITH 4VID! ... ~PErformancE t.!:::::c) tJ SuspEnsion 99-0~ filVERADO COilOVE/l KIT NEW UN/BALL KIT AVAILABLE/ --·- --~-, NI:.. l:..Lll:II:.. ADVANCED SUSPENSION 4WD fUPE/lDUTY lIFTKITf 3n TO 12" AVAILABLE! Pure Stock Full Size SUV, is 4100 and this year California dominated. Mark Stein, San Diego; Mike McComas, San Jacinto and Travis Walser and David Valdez, Hemet teamed for first in the 2003 Ford Expedition from ACE Motcmports acted the part of tow truck and other aid giver throughout the 300 miles . and still came across the finish in first place with a time of 9:51 :58. All they · had to do was finish to lock up the point championship for the year. The team is looking forward to returning to the Baja in November. John R. Sunderland, Valley Center, CA; Derrick Hartman, Escondido; Victor Lievanos and Buddy Crisp teamed for second with a run of 11:31:36 and Jose and Emmanuel Pitones, ·San Diego went 11 :41 flat for the bronze. In BITD's Class 5000 (Class 5) Jua.n Trijullo, who says he lives on the beach at Rosarito Playas de; Ishamael Mariano Arco, Rosarito; Alfonso Perez, Tijuana and George Arco, Menifee, CA went 11:31:16 for the win. WE STOCK MORE PARTS THAN ANYONE/ Class 5100 is the same as Class 5-1600 and Gustavo Avina, Eduardo Orozco and Enrique Avina Oimeia all from Ensenada teamed with Alberto Marquez, Spring Valley, CA OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 for the win with a time of 10: 14: 16. Page 24 October 2003 Dusty Times
Chuck Hovey drove his Jimco hard but this race the best he could Perry McNeil was on his home turf but he and his Ford could only Mark Brownell drove his Chenowth hard but he was relegated to manage was a third place in the Class 1 division. manage a second place in the Class 7 battle. · second place this time in his good looking Chenowth. Paulo S. Martinez, Rodolfo H. third. RoeselerwasteamedwithMike · Class 7300 is Pure-Stock mini ma,de up of Aaron Dixon, Lompoc; Curt and Todd LeDuc, Cherry Martinez, Jose R. Guiza and Pedro Ruane, Grand Canyon, CA and truck and the boys of Las Vegas Ian Dixon, Albany; Ed Ramirez, Valley, CA teamed with John Becka, Athiewent 11: 15: 12, all these guys are Danny Guernsey also Hesperia. topped this year's version. Rob Lompoc and Phillip Ramirez, Santa Irvine, driving the Skyjacker Fords for from Ensenada. Two finishers in the McWeil shared the ride with Alfredo McCachren, Steve Olliges and Ron Paula. Third place went to Lance a Class 8000 win of 8:05: 1J which. class and they were both VWs. Bueno from El Cajon and Porfiria Brecheisen teamed for a 9:04:32 in Magin, Las Vegas; Kent Robison, Reno walalso good enough for ninth overall Class '.7S becomes Class 7100 and Gutierrez, Chula Vista, shared driving their Ford. California ran second with and Vance J. Robison, Sun Valley, Keith Moore and William Baranko Malcolm Vinje, San Diego; Jim with Salazar. a time of 11:09:22. The team was NV. The time was 13:49:34. Continued on page 26 Gilchrist, San Diego and Mark Hansen, Escondido ran their Ford to first with a time of 11 :30:09. Second place went to Miguel Alvarado, San Diego and father and son Pedro Mercado Jr. and Pedro Mercado 1II, from Lemon Grove, CA. Their time in a Jeep was 12:56: 16. Another California Ford went third. Kevin Davis, Chino Hills;· Brett Turley, Riverside, and Kevin Roberts, Rancho Cucamonga, their time 13:24:07. Class 7200 is the same as Class 7 and Larry Roeseler our-of Hesperia, CA seemed to forget he was driving a truck. His time amazing of 7: 19:27 was almost two hours faster than the rest of the class and also earned him third overall for the day. Perry McNeil, Lemon Grove ran 9:59: 19 for second and Hector Salazar went 11 :49:50 for Dusty Times Curt LeDuc drove his Skyjacker Ford to the class 8 win at the Baja Mex 300, seen here at speed. October 2003 Driving hard and churning up lots of dirt, Matias Arjona took the 1100P class win and was • 1 (Jh overall as well. Page 25
Second to the checkers in the Class 10 competition, was the good Scott Douglas came back to the desert for a while and drove his Aaron and Ian Dixon had a pretty good day, they drove their Ford to looking Penhall of Tony McLaren. Ford to a nice second place in the 3100P category. a second place in the 7300P conflict. over from Phoenix went 12:06:49 for second in their Chevy Truck and third went to Gabriel Area and Aldo Moreno from Chula Vista who teamed with Alfredo Arce and Mike Padilla who is from Kingman, AZ. DNF but still third. Finally Class 8100/Class 8. Randy Merritt and Chris Golding down from Parker, AZ ran a 9:26:39 for first place. Terry Henn, Walnut, CA; John Herman, Las Vegas and Denis Sullivan, Santa Ana, CA made up the second place team and went 11: 16:51 for the day. Third place finishers were the team of Dave Morrison, Lake Havasu, AZ; Scott Barnett, Oak Hills, CA; Howard Allen, Las Vegas and Dave Brassfield, Redlands, CA. - 12:22:06 was the place time. Rob MacCachren and Steve 01/iges drove their Ford to a nice victory in the 7300P In the bike quad division Kurt _co_n_t_es_t;_,s_e_e_n_h_e_re __ on_th_e_oc_ea_n_ru_n_. _____________ _ Danny Anderson and the Witt's, Hal and Bill took the Class 1 BOOS win, seen here running south by the Pacific. Caselli, Palmdale, CA and Joey Lanza, Riverside on board a KTM headed the Open Pro class. They rode to first in class and first overall with a time of 6:17:41. For the second time, in as many years, Steve Hengeveld and Johnny Campbell took the silver. The Honda's time was 6:20:06. Campbell and Hengeveld who ride out of San Cle~ente, CA and Oak Hills, Ca respectively, were also second overall in this division. Destty Abbott, Irvine, CA and Mike Childress, Wrightwood, CA went 6:34:31 for third in class Curt leDuc-2003 Season Best In The Desert Class 8000 • Vegas to Reno ... 1st Place • Parker 425 ..... 2nd Place and third overall riding a Kawasaki. The 4 Stroke Pro win went to Andy Grider, Los Olivos, CA and Chuck Demp;ey, Van Nuys. This Honda went 6:35:52, which was also good enough for fourth overall Second place in class and fifth overall went to Christopher Blais, Stanton, CA who soloed his Honda with a time of 6:36:45. Third place in class and sixth overall was another KIM teamed by Daryl Folks, Boulder City, NV and }?au! Krause, Irvine, CA. The time was 7:24:08. In the Open Expert class Jason Barrie Thompson Lindstrom, Oceanside; Tim Pfeiffer, Murrieta, CA and Jimmy McKay, Hemet rode their Honda to first place with a time of 7 :29:07. Jason and Dal Trubey from Acton, Ca went 7:36:50 on board a Yamaha to second. And Continued on page 28 JeepSpeed ................. • 2003 .......... Currently in 2nd Place Score JeepSpeed Class ...... • 2003 .......... Baja 500, 1st Place Score Class 8 .............. • Baja 500 ....... 1st Place with Nick Vanderway JeepSpeed ................. • 2002 .......... Champion CORR Pro 4 ................ • 9 top 5 finishes Watch Off-Road racing on Television! JeepSpeed ................. • 2001 .......... Champion Get the airdates & times at skyjacker. tv Call 1.866. 4 A DEALER ext. 5008 or go to skyjacker.com to locate the dealer nearest you. Page 26 October 2003 Dusty Times
.. ~RUIIII/IIG THE BAJA. www.WideOpenBaia.com . . Due to the impressive success of Wide Open Baja's 2002 Baja 1000, our field is again growing and a larger ra·ce team will be needed. After accomplishing one of the biggest team feats in ~ace history, finishing an ·s cars entered! , the field has grown to 11 Baja Challenge Vehicles and we have attracted even more celebrity drivers and· off-road enthusiasts. We are proud .to announce that Michael Jourdain, Montreal CART Gran Prix Champion will again be attending, also, ex-Indy star Roberto Guerrero, along With many others to be announced. Wide Open is looking for volunteers for chase crew and pit/com!llunication -Personnel with experience. Expenses, such as lodging and meals will be paid, and a promise of a truly great Baja experience. N~t to mention being part of history! Volunteers also needed for the.opening_ and closing celebrations at Horsepower Ranch in Ensenad3:. Please contact our administrative office at 949-635-2295 for inquiries. · Thank you and we hope to see you at the 2003 SCORE Tecate Baja 1000. DuStyTlmeS october 2003 Page 27 . '
Taking the bronze medal in the 31 OOP category was Nicholas Crouch Second place in the 5-1600 category went to Paulo Martinez, seen Eric and Terry Henn didn't have the best of days, they brought their Hummer in for second spot in the Class BS tussle. and his good looking McMil/in Racing sponsored Ford. here at speed on his way to the checkered flag. Saratoga, CA soloed to Number 2 with a time of 12:02: 11 and another solo rider rode to third place. That rider was Mike Hannon, Saratoga, his time 12:36:35. Over 40 Pro was won by Matt Shock, Long Beach, CA and Chris Kemp, City of Industry, CA with a time of8:05:49. Doug Heil, Glendora, CA soloed to an Over 40 Expert win with a time of7:26:17. Las Vegas, NV teammates Mark Davidge, Jeff Phillips, and Larry Job rode a Gas Gas to second place with a time of 7:29:07. Third place Mike Falkosky did it again, he took the Class 3100 win in his Ford, besting his competition by half an hour. ;: ~" time was 7:39: 16 and was ridden by Kurt Sofka Jr., Orange, CA; Randy Blevins, Garden Grove and Greg Fountain, Lake Forest, CA The coveted Class 5-1600 win went to Gustavo Avina. he beat out his competitors by an hour at the checkered flag. The Over 40 A class winner was the team of Dana Reed, Rescue, CA and Brent Poplawski, Fair Oaks, CA Their time on board a KTM was 8:38:27. Cory Kesar all the way over from Colorado Springs, Colorado soloed to a third place time of 7:47:53 on a Honda. The Over 30 Expert win was teamed by Brent Hoffman, San Dimas, CA; Doug Imhof and Dave Molinari, who. rides out of Huntington Beach, CA. Their time 7:47:56. Second went to Jim· Martensen, Phoenix and Matt Berault, Mesa, AZ. Time 8"50:53. Duane Schwab, Las Vegas was a DNF but took third. Over 35 Expert was won by the team David Flores, Carlos Quesada and Jose Herrera all from Ensenada. Their time 8:08:21. Tito Robles and Cesar Parra, Chula Vista, teamed with Jaime de La Torre, Riverside. Tune for second_8:50:29. Third place went to Mark Goela, Chatsworth, CA and Todd Colley, Northridge, CA. Their time was 9: 11 :46. . • The 250 Expert win went to Joe Desrosiers, San Marcos and Andy Sprecht, Escondido. Tim 7:47:57.) 250 Pro win went to Gordon Keller Murrieta, CA and Morgan Crawford, Sanger, CA Their time was 9: 17:46. J. David Ruvalcaba, Estaban Cruz, and Rogelio Pando all from Ensenada. rode a Honda to first ·place in the 4 Stroke Expert class, their time was 7:35: 13. Second spot went to Marco Cameo, Adrian Cruz and Tito Colon. They teamed a Suzuki to 9:21:29. Third place was a DNF but went to Beto Verber from San Diego. 4 Stroke A, was headed by Carlos Vega and Francisco Septien from Ensenada their time 8:00: 10. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING; INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year congratulations 1st Overall 1st 1/2-1600 Mike Malloy 2nd 1/2.:. 1600 Tommy Craig 3rd 1/2-1600 Randy Jones Kartek MORE/SNORE Freedom 350 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Page 28 October 2003 Nathan Verdugo, Azusa, CA, Iron Manned to s~cond place with a solo time of 8:24:56, and Pedro Azvela Inowe, Leonel Ruvalcaba and Ernesto Inowe from Ensenada took third with a time of8:37:43. Troy Walker, Running Springs, CA headed the Intermediate Expert class with a time o( 8:07: 13. Second went to Dan Lorenza, Woodland Hills, CA with an 8:09:33 and third place was Gilberto Gallardo, Chula Vista with an 8: 11 :26. The Intermediate A first sport went to Chris Steel, Mesa, AZ, his solo time was 10:13:47. Dennis Harmon, Marty J. Smith, Yorba Linda, CA and Todd Padgett and Mike Hair, Pahrump, NV teamed for the Over 40 B winning time of 8: 18:03. Glen A. Brown took the Over 50 Expertwin. The Quad Pro first place time was 7:44:40 and was teamed by Wayne Matlock, El Cajon and Chad Prull, Phoenix. Steve Bellman, El Cajon and Greg Row, Spring Valley, took second with a time of7:47:47. And another iron man our of Socorro, New Alfonso Castro drove his mean looking machine to the win in the 1100S division, seen here at speed on the course. Jeff Quade pours the coal to his Mirage as he heads to a very nice victory in the ½-1600 division. Dusty Times
Second place in the 41 00P category went to John Sunderland, racing hard here in the good looking Ford. Jose Pitones was running fast in his Ford, seen here on the way to Third to finish in the Class BS conflict was the wildly painted Ford of a third place.finish in the 4100P class. Mark Handley, seen here roaring down the course. Mexico, Ty Zimmerman ro e is Honda solo to a third place time of 8:53~44. The team of Shiloh Strunk, Tucson; Kirk Schier, Phoenix and Joshua Edwards, Peoria headed our Quad Expert class. Their time ·was 8:01:24. Cesar Cuevas and Moises Cuevas, Chula Vista teamed with Gerardo Sepulveda, San Diego went 8:39: 16 for second and Auturo Romero, Imperial Beach.teamed with Samuel and Robert Galindo from Chula Vista for third place with a time of 8:53:44. Lastly, two starters, one finisher, in Quad A Jose Rafael Navarro went to 8:55:02 for first and Martin Estrad;i Gonzalez, Ensenada was a DNF, but awarded second place. "This was our second try at the 300. I want to thank all my staff and all the volunteers without whom no race c~uld ever be conducted. I also want to give a great vote of thanks to Gerardo Novello, owner of the Estero Beach Resort. Novello was the go-between for all the officials in the Baja area and helped make it work." "The 2004 Baja Mex '300' is already scheduled for September .24-26, 2004. Start making your plans today." Casey Folks said. The next Silver State Series event is the Las Vegas '200' December 5, 6 and 7, 2003. There are still a number of championships to be decided, the 200 could make it or break it for a lot of people. "Remember, ies never over 'till it's over." For more information contact Best in the Desert. Telephone (702) 4 57-577 5 or on line at BITD@worldnet.an.net. The Class 7S gold medal went to the good guys, Malcolm Vinje and Jim Gilchrist, heading south in their Ford. The Class 8100P win went to Randy Merritt, he drove his Ford to the win with almost two hours in hand. Juan Trujillo had a long hard day but when the checkers flew. he took the win in Class 5 in his neat looking car. Marc Stein and Mike Mccomas drove their Ford to.the Class 4100P win with almost and hour and a half in hand at the checkers. Third place in Class 7 Unlimited went to Hector Salazar in his great Taking a decent third place in the 1 BOOS category was Jesus Jiminez, Taking a decent second pace in the Class 8 contest, Keith Moore is looking ESPN sponsored Ford pickup. seen here at speed on the course. seen here in his Chevy at speed. =============================== 'Second place in the 7S battle was Miguel Alvarado, seen here in his Kev.in Davis and Brett Turley drove their Ford to the third place finish Not the best of days in Mexico, but Lance Magin drove his Ford Jeep at speed on his way south. in the Class 7S conflict, seen here at speed. pickup to a bronze medal in the Class 7300P race. Dusty Times October 2003 Page 29.
CORR AT BARK RIVER II LeDUC Finally Gets The Gold By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photo Curt LeDuc finally got his first win of the season, and he's first in the Pro-4 points, seen here throwing lots of dirt in his Skyjacker Ford. It was a long pull for Curt LeDuc, the season was almost over before he scored his first win but he finally got a gold medal in his Skyjacker Ford and he's now tied for the points lead in Pro-4. Carl Renezeder is tied for the Pro-4 lead with 1,32 points, Johnny Greaves has 129 points and Scott Douglas has 124 so it's all still up in the air with only Crandon and New Berlin left on the schedule. Johnny Greaves also had a win at Bark River, his third win of the season. Round 9 ar Bark River saw Johnny Greaves take the win af-ter a so-so middle of the season run. Carl Renezeder gave chase but could only manage second place in this round, Josh Bald-win took the bronze medal, his '03 season not being the great-est. Curt LeDuc was fourth to the checke·red flag, what a sea-son, two fo urths, fo ur thirds and two seconds but a win has eluded him this season. A l Drews, who hasn't raced since the first round of the season came in for a nice fifth place, Scott Douglas came in sixth and Steve McCrossan was s.eventh. Jason Baldwin didn't finish the round. The second round at Bark River, Round # 10 saw Curt LeDuc take his first win of the season and Curt was one happy guy. Scott Douglas got back on form and came in for a second place finish, Carl Renezeder traded his silver medal for a bronze, a decent third place, Johnny Greaves dropped a few positions to fourth, Josh Bald-win was fifth across the line, Al Drews was sixth, Steve McCrossan was seventh again and Jason Baldwin wasn't heard from. LeDuc and Renezeder are tied in Pro-4 with 132 poiuts, Johnny Greaves is three points behind, Scott Douglas is five points fur-ther back in fourth and Steve Scott Taylor won for the fifth time this year in his good looking Pro-2 Mobil ford, seen here in level flight. McCrossan is fifth with 94 points. The first round of the Pro-2 contest was a ho-hum affair, as Scott Taylor took his fifth win of the season and opened up his points lead a bit further. Larry Goudie had his best finish of the season with a nice second place, rookie Steve Barlow, who is look-ing less like a rookie with every lap took a nice third place, Paul Seidler had his best finish of the year with a fourth and Carl Ren-ezeder wasn't too happy with his fifth place finish. Evan Evans was holding on with a sixth place fin-ish, Chris Hansen was seventh, R.J. Flanagan came in eighth, Kevin Probst was ninth across the line and Dan Vanden Heu-ve l was 10th across the line. Tommy Bradley ·started the round but never got the check-ers, Bruce Shilts and Andy Wald never started. Round 10 saw Carl Renezeder taking his second win of the sea-son, Evan Evans was just a wee bit short and finished second, Steve Barlow took another nice third place, Scotty Taylor dropped to fourth and Larry Gourlie was fifth. Sixth place went to Paul Seidler, R.J . Flana-gan was seventh, Chris Hansen was eighth, Dan Vanden Heuvel moved up a spot to ninth and Kevin Probst, who has had a ter-rible year, finished 10th. Tommy Bradley scratched and once again entrants Shilts and Wald didn't. start. Scotty Taylor has the points lead in Pro-2, Carl Renezeder is second in points but a long way back, 38 points to be exact. Evan Evans•is just two points back of Carl, Larry Gourlie is in fourth place and R.J. Flanagan is fifth. Pro-Lite is always a good race and these two rounds at Bark River were no exception. Jeff Kincaid got his fourth win of the season in the second round and took the Pro-Lite poi.nts lead from Rick Huseman who had an absolutely horrible weekend fin-ishing way down in both rounds. In the first round Steve Federico took his first win of the season, Chad Hord5had his best finish of the sf".:ison with a nice second place. Art Schmitt was hanging right in there with a bronze medal for hi5 troubles, Jeff Kincaid took the fourth place finish and Joe Wutke III came in for fifth. Sixth place went to Mark Krueger, Shayne Pagles held his own and finished in seventh, eighth place went to Kyle LeDuc, Lee O'Donnell came in n"inth and the 10th spot went to Don Ponder. Ted Wubber was 11th in this round, Rick Huse-man had a very unaccustomed 12th place, Jim Kandel was the unlucky 13th place finisher, Tom Hoppock was 14th and Mark Oberg was the 15th finisher. Rod Van Eperen was the 16th and final finisher. Donnie Rob-erts, Stacy Pike, Brian Cavitt, Al Walentowski, Chris Menard and . Michael Kelly collected zero points. Javier Socia and Randy Eller scratched. Steve Federico took a win in Round 9, his Yellow Toyota seen here in level flight on the way to glory. Ross Hoek took a nice win in Sportsman 2, seen here throwing lots of dirt and at hard right rudder on his way to victory. It was in the second round that Jeff Kincaid recorded his fourth win of the season and took a 10 point lead in the Pro-Lite points. Kyle_LeDuc pulled off his best finish of the season, a great second place and if the race Rookie Dave Waldvogel took a nice win at Bark River. seen here Corry Heynen took a nice win in the Super Buggy contest, seen here Brad Erickson flew his very clean buggy to the Single Buggy win, throwing a little dirt in his Stock machine. throwing a bit of the dirty stuff around. ____ seen here saving a little tire wear. Page 30 . October 2003 Dusty Times
. Jamie Kleikamp had some extra weight (mud)on his car but he kept Johnny greaves flew his Toyota to a win in the hard fought Pro-4 Carl Renezeder took a win in Pro-2 although this kind of driving usually puts you on the sidelines. right on going and too a nice win in Light Buggy. contest, seen here in his high flying Toyota. was a few laps longer he might So, Jeff Kincaid leads the Pro-dido 't collect any points. have gotten his first win. Joe Lite points with 134, Rick Huse-· Badoux was back in form for Wutke had his best finish of the man is 10 points behind in sec-the second round, taking his • year, a very nice third place, Art ond place, Art Schmitt is in thi:rd win of the year, Mike Schmitt was first off the podium third, 27 points out of the lead, Oberg scored another second and Mark Kruger, Mr. Consis-Chad Hord is three points be- place finish, Ross Hoek followed tency, took another fifth place hind Art in fourth and Joe his win with a nice third place, finish. Chad Hord dropped a few Wutke III is in fifth with 92 Sam Konitzer ·moved up some places to sixth, Rod VanEperen points. places .to fourth and Brian made great strides and finished The Sportsman 2 battle is still Hinman was fifth. Sixth place seventh, Shayne Pagles was eighth wide open as they· head into the went to Don Williams, Edgar . to finish, Rick Huseman had a. twilight of the season. In the first Wolfe took a seventh, Ben very disappointing ninth place round Ross Hoeck took his first Wandahsega was eighth, Ken finish and Randy Eller grabbed win of the season, Mike Oberg Hallgren was ,ninth and Mike 10th. Mark Oberg took the 11th took a very nice second place, Savage was the unhappy 10th place finish, Steve Federico Mike Savage was third, Don Wil-and final finisher. Bob dropped way back to 12th, Ted Hams was the fourth finisher and Gersmehl and Adam Daffner Wubber was 13th, Lee O'Don-rookie Edgar Wolfe took a very gathered no points and Gordon nell was 14th and Tom Hoppock nice fifth place. Sixth finishing Zima scratched. was 15th. Jim Kandel had the spot went to Brian Hinman, Ben Dan Badoux leads the Sports-dubious honor of being the last Wandahsega was seventh, Dan man 2 points with 131 in hand, official finisher. Don Ponder Badoux was way off his feed with Mike Oberg is in second place, started but never completed the the eighth place finishing spot, seven behind, Mike Savage is in round while Donnie Roberts, Sam Konitzer was an unaccus-third with 109, Sam Konitzer is Stacy Pike, Brian Ca'vitt, Al tomed ninth and Ken Hallgren next with 105 and ·Ben Walentowski, Chris Menard and was 10th. Gordon Zima was the Wandahsega is fifth with 103 Michael Kelly gathered no final finisher while Bob points. .points. Javier Socia scratched. Gersmehl and Adam Daffner The Stock class had a few sur.-prises as 16 competitors went at Wells, very unhappy with his first it hammer and tong. In the first round finish, showed them all race, Round 9, rookie Dave the way home and took his first Waldvogel took his first win, one win. Mark Kleiman wasn't too happy guy! Jeff Lutzow took his happy with his first round finish third second place of the season, so he turned it and came in for a third across the line was Rhonda very nice second plac·e, and the Konitzer, Al Konitzer had his class points lead. Victor Ander-best finish of the season with a son got his best finish of the year fourth and Randy Rundhaug, with a nice third place, Dave another rookie came in fifth. Waldvogel got a nice fourth Don Demeny, yet another place finish and Randy rookie was the sixth place fin-Rundhaug took another fifth . is her, Randy Zimonick came in place. Rhonda Konitzer dropp-ed seventh in his second race of the a few spots from the first round year. Jason Bortwas eighth, Tim and finished ·in sixth, Don Konitzer was ninth and Gerry Demeny was seventh, Jason Bort Manion came across in 10th finished in eighth agail)., Gerry place. Mark Kleiman wasn't too Manion came ninth and Randy happy with his 11th place finish, Zimonick was 10th to finish. Rick Hinman \\'.as 12th, Paul Keith Steele finished in 11th Kozlowski came in unlucky 13th, place, Rick Hinman was 12th Keith S~eele had his worst finish again and Tim Konitzer was of the year in 14th and Victor 13th. Jeff Lutzow took the green Anderson was 15th. Rod Wells flag but never finished, as did Al had the distinction of being the Konitzer and Paul Kozlowski 16th and last finisher. scratched . In the s_econd round, Rod Continued on page 32 ----------------------------------------------- ---® The Suspension Company. Dusty Times October 2003 Page 31 _... -
.. . HiLRES· For the 2003 racing season, KC contingency awards are available _ in the_ following sanctioning organizations' events: , Best In The 'Desert, CORR, SCORE.and SNORE Class Win Running ~C HID Li-ghts: $400 in Product or $200 Cash Class Win Running KC Halogen Lights: $200 in Product or $1.00 Cash ~ award for lly events. See scca. org rt.com for more info. ORBI MEMBER Page 32 KC is a RCAA Sponsor. Contingency program available. October 2003 Check out socalfab.com tor KC HID systems tor ATVs Dusty Times
Jeff Kincaid took a win in Pro-Lite, His Toyota seen here climbing to Dan Badoux took his third win of the season and Dan leads the Rod Wells comes in for a landing on his way to a nice win in the Stock a higher altitude, out of·the mud, maybe. points chase in the Sportsman 2 category. contest at Bark River. i,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii;n,;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir.i~=niiii'r.iiiiiP:;.=;:;:=r;;;:7iiiiii;;;.;=~--;;;.;.;;;;;;:,;=;iiiiiiiii.,.-Scott Schwalbe took a win in Round #10 in Su~r Buggy, seen here Mike Seefeldt spends a lot of time in the air, he flew to a nice victory TraC Fleishman gets her Light Buggy contender up in the air as she heads to a very nice win in Round 10 at Bark River. nicely in the air on his way to the third win of the year. in Single Buggy, it was his third win of the year. Mark Kleiman leads the Stock zero laps consisted of Scott place, again, Bog Blaney was 14th points with 121, Jeff Lutzow is Peterson, Scott Powell, Gary and Brad Erickson went way in second with 117, Keith Steele Nierop, James Lair, Scott Olson down the scale to 15th. Jason is third with 110 points, Rhonda and Jeff Sands. Janusz finished in 16th, Mark Konitzer is in fourth with_104 In the Super Buggy points Steinhardt was way back in 17th, and Randy Rundhaug is fifth in race, Aaron Hawley has a nice Jim Monsoon was 18th and he points with 101 in hand. lead, Aaron has 120 points. was the last finisher. Mike Rau There are 24 drivers contend-Scott Schwalbe is second with 98 didn't start nor did the Miller, ing in the Super Buggy class and points, Tim Lemons is third with Schubert, Morrow teams. in the first round Corry Heynan 95, Ryan Mulder is fourth with Steve Socha leads the Single got his second win of the season, 82 points and the Kreimans are Buggy points with I 17, Mike See-Aaron Hawley was a very close fifth with 66. feldt is one point back in second, second in this round, Tim Chris-The Single Buggy contest -Adam Guberud is in third place tensen came in for a nice third wages on through the season and with 100 points, John Fitzgerald place,· Scott Olso11 was the the top end is heating up as the is in fourth with 97 and John fourth finisher and John Mason season draws to an end. In the Svanda is fifth with 96 points. came in fifth. Tim Lemons was first round Brad Erickson took Light Buggy is the largest class the sixth finisher, Ryan Mulder his second win of the season, in the CORR: Series and the top came ~n seventh, Mike Geiser was Mike Seefeldt was a nice second end of the class is starting to look eighth, Scott Schwalbe finished place, John Svanda was third like a re-run of last year. Jamie in ninth and Herman Barnum across the line, Steve Socha was Kleikamp took his second win of was 10th. Tom Schwarzburg fourth in and Adam Guberud the season at Bark River, Josh came in for 11th place, Casey was fifth. Sixth place went to Hintz took a very nice second Johnson came in 12th, Jon Mark Steinhardt, Bob Blaney place, JeffVirnig came in third, Steiner was 13th, David Johnson came in seventh, eighth went to Chad Dewall had a nice finish in was 14th and 15th went to Paul Jace Shubert, John Fitzgerald fourth and Jeff Schulze came in Bort. The 16th spot went to was ninth and the 10th spot went for fifth. Todd Lemke was sixth Scott Powell, Jack Haenlein was to Tracy Crump. Jason Janusz across the line, rookie Gerald 17th, 18th place went to Craig took the 11th finishing spot, Kleikamp, had his best finish of Biesik, Jeff Sands was 19th and Heather Sullivan was 12th, Dan the season, a seventh lace, Greg the Kreimans were the 20th fin-Martin came in 13th, 14th went Stingle was eighth, Kevin Huth isher. Todd Wallace was the 21st to Len Lindquist, rookie James was ninth and rookie Craig Metz and final finisher. Scott Peter-Monson was 15th in and Todd was 10th. ·11th place went to son, Gary Nierop and James Lair Crump was the 16th and last fin-Craig Rabe, Tracy Peebles came were never seen. isher. Not having much luck, in 12th, Matt Gerald was 13th In the second round of the Allen Plawman, Terry Fitzgerald. in, John Baumah was the 14th Su per Buggy class, Scott and Mike Rau took the green flag finisher and Steve Swander was Schwalbe took his third win of but were unable to finish the · 15th. Steve Schuch was the 16th the season with Aaron-Hawley race. The two Scotts, Miller and to finish, Steve Oman finished once again being the bridesmaid, Morrow along with Wade with an unusual 17th, Adam with another second place fin-Schubert never got on the Behm was 18th to the flag, ish. Tim Christensen took an-course. rookie Tom Thomas was 19th other third place, Mike Geiser The second round saw Mike and another rookie, Randy had a nice fourth and John Ma-Seefeldt taking the win and stay-Oman was 20th. Yet another son took another fifth place. ing close to the top of the rookie, Tom Virnig came in 21st, Jon Steiner took a nice sixth points, John Fitzgerald took a Brian Bloomquist was 22nd, place, the Kreimans moved up to very nice second place, Steve Carol Gunderson came in 23rd, a seventh place, David Johnson Socha was third and in the Ben O'Connell was very un-was eighth, Herman Barnum points lead, fourth went to John happy with his 24th place finish came in ninth and Casey Johnson Svanda and Todd Crump moved and Trac Fleishman was the un-was the 120th finish, Ryan way up into fifth. Sixth place fortunate 25th and final fin-Mtftder finished in 12th, Jack went to Adam Guberud, Allen isher. Jamie Gilson and Mike Haenlein got that unlucky 13th Plawman got all his laps in for a Tikkanen started the race but place finish. Corry Heynan seventh place finish. Len Lind-didn't finish. J.R. Wagner, Scott dropped way down to 14th and quist was eighth, Terry Fitzger-DeGroot and Joel Krall did not Paul Bore had another 15th aid got this round under his belt compete. . place finish. Rookie Craig Biesik for ninth and Jace Schubert was The second round saw some was the 16th and final finisher. 10th. Heather Sullivan moved up surprises, the best one being Tim Lemons ·started the round a spot to 11th, Tracy Crump Trac Fleishman taking the first but never finished as did Todd dropped two inro 12th, Dan win in a long career. Gerald Wallace. The list of those with Martin was locked into 13th Kleikamp took a very nice sec-Dusty Times October 2003 . ond place, Todd Lemke came in and final finisher. Jeff Virnig for third, Josh Hintz was fourth, had troubles and didn't com-thankfully, for him and Jeff plete the race, as did Randy Schulze was fifth yet again. Sixth Oman. The Wagner, De Groot place went to Jeff Stingle, Jamie and Krall teams never got their Kleikamp was seventh, Steve tires dirty. Oman moved up to a nice eighth In the Light Buggy points place, Ben O'Connell was in the race, Josh Hintz is on top with points running with a ninth 107 accrued, Jeff Virnig is sec-place finish and Tracy Peehles ond with 101 points, Ben was 10th. The 11th spot went . O'Connell is in third with 85 · to Matt Gerald, rookie Craig points and Todd Lemke, Greg Metz was 12th, Kevin Huth was Stingle, Matt Gerald and_Craig 13th, Steve Schuch was 14th Metz are all tied for-fourth place and a way back 15th spot went with 71 points each. to Jamie Kleikamp. Steve Wan-Another season is rapidly der was 16th, 17th sent to coming to an end. The Pro Se-Carol Gunderson, Tom Tho-· ries has four rounds left, a mas was 18th, Jamie Gilson took weekend at Crandon and the the 19th spot and Mike season finale at New Berlin, Tikkanen was 20th to the check-New York. The Sportsman Se-ers . .21st went to Adam Behm, ries will conclude at Crandon Brian Bloomquist was 22nd and that will then retire for again, 23rd spot went to Tom the winter to lick their wounds Virnig, Craig Rabe was 24th. and start preparing for the and John Bauman was the 25th 2004 season. ..-.l'Cllf • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam battling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SOOA approved • Custom manufactured fillers Fu•I Sal•• "Pro Cell" is • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline our top-o/-the-1/ne racing O 25 . cell that comos r,ady ta • ver years expenence install and it's backed by a e for more Info call or write to: lu/110 r•ar warranty. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe EL SAF 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, Oregon 97701 RJJdngCells (S.1) 338-0203 . ' . , (S.1)388-0307fax http://www.fuelsafe.com Page 33
. .,. ORW/CODE/FRT LAZO DE AMISTAD GRAND PRIX Salazar Takes A Nice ·win By Byrle Moore· Photos: Foto-Baja-Mex Winnin[J both heats in the Class 1 competition, Rueben Woocrtook the overall class win in·his good looking buggy. Hector Salazar literally flew to the wins in both heats, his overall performance giving him the overall Class 7 win. The third running of the Lazo de first round there were a couple of to chose which round to break Amistad, about 15 miles east and spots that would make any car wash something on then it would be in the north ofTecate, found 98 drivers on king happy. See photos. morning, because your number of a track that was set up to make you The course was nearly the same as laps finished in the afternoon carried think. It was set up to make you think the 2002 version, except this time they more weight. The least amount of and to make you work. It was set up ran it clockwise, all day, and then points determined the winner. First · to make you think and work and with reversed the starting positions in the place got you a one second a 2 some small but of luck thrown in, afternoon. Example, if you won the etcetera. So in this race you wanted you might even come out at the top first round you started in the P.M. to end the day with as few points as Joe Heger's mean looking Class 5 car was off the ground a lot as Joe drove it to the Class 5 win in Mexico. of the pile at the end of the day on Two or three classes were gtouped possible. Saturday. together who then made the three First off the line, at 6:30, were the Off Road Warehouse combined circuits of the 21-mile course. There · 15, 11 and the Safari classes. About with CODE and FRT promotions . was a 90 minute time limit, for each . 20 miles into the race most of the brought another gteat new tace to round. You were waved off the track cars that passed my foto advantage the Northern Baja. The weather was just before the finish if you hadn't point, looked as if they had been almost perfect for racing. The rain . completed your three laps. Sounds a entered in a mud run not an off road gods even sprinkled the whole track little complicated but the course race. with a couple of inches of rain on workers handled the details in a very Luivan Voelker, who ran 1A4:34, Thursday. Most of the puddles/mud professional manner. To win your headed the morning round for the holes were gone by the second round class you indeed needed to finish at Safari class; the second spot went to Saturday afternoon, but during-the least one round and if you were able Alfredo Gonzales at 1 :45: 16. Rick Sanchez finished the morning's round at 1:46:55 and fourth went to Raul Maya w1th a 1:48:34. Later in the afternoon, Gonzalez took the · round and the class win with a time of 1:41;25. This added up to a first place finish total of three hours 44 minutes and .0167 seconds . .Voelker's afternoon· run brought out a 1:42:41 second round finish, which added up to three hours 44 minutes and .4458 seconds and the silver in class. Put your abacus to work, kind of close huh? Rick Sanchez came back with a 1:43:29, which was only good ·tu Fll"W""""""',,,,..........,.....,,.,....==""""IT""""'""'"'"""'"""'=""""'?l""""""'~-,==zm:;r=-=,,,,,,, With only a dust trail in the wake, Federico Reg/a took the wins in both heats to take the ½-1600 crown. -·The very neat and tidy Class 9 car of Ivan Gomez won both heats in Mexico and thus the overall class win. Page 34 The younger McNeil, Perry Jr. uses a bit of prudence on the jump as ·he took the win in both heats, 7S overall winner. • The ever popular Class 11 win went to Miguel Mexia, his two heat wins gave him a nice class overall win. October 2003 enough for the fourth place in the second round. Sanchez's total for two was three hours, 49 minutes and .7333 seconds, which brought him the third spot in class. There were a total of 14 entries in this class, however, no one else managed to complete.both rounds. Who says the Safari class is just a day's drive? There were 13 entries in Class 15 and here only two drivers made the required number of -laps/rounds: First place went to Eddy Limon with runs of 1:40:25 in the morning backed up with a 1:39:39 very consistent both times and he took the gold back to Chula Vista. Silver went to Martin Lizarraga, out of . Tijuana his lap times were 1:44:01 and 1:42:46. Another driver over from Tijuana took the bronze, Erick M. Lopez, ran 1 :36:41 in the morning but only finished two laps later in the . day. Fourth place went· to Carlos Suarez, Tijuana, who only got two rounds in the morning but came back with a 1:50:45 in the afternoon. (Go back up to the third paragraph to see the scoring rules and 9y the time we get to the end we should all have it figured out.) Whilelmy ran faster by four minutes in the morning but only completed one lap in the afternoon while McCarty made it around twice. The other entry in class was Jose Ope. Machado, Mexicali, who went 1:45:22 in the morning but could only complete one lap in the afternoon. You are following all of this aren't you? During this same time period, the 5-1600 class was going at each other too. When the dust cleared Saturday afternoon, the winner was Mario Gutierrez, San Diego. Gutierrez had a one hour 33 minute plus nw. in the morning and backed it up with a 1:36:26, later, which was only good enough for third that round but his three point total, for first and third, · took the class win. Second place winner was Hector Garcia down from Chino, CA. Garcia's 1:41:38 was a fourth place first round finish but he ran 1:34:01 in the afternoon, Dusty Times
Brent Miller didn't have the best weekend, his two second place Luis Barragan took a first and a second in the Class 10 conflict, ·that In Class 12, Marco Robles had a first and a third place finish, thus he finishes only allowed him the silver medal in Class 1. gave him the second overall title in class. .-~.a_s_s_ec~o.n_d_o_111_e..,,.ra_ll_1_·n_c_la_s_s....,. =--,----=~-~~--~~-which brought him a second place Fifth through 13th places went to There was one other class in the morning finished only two afternoon Aoriano, Tijuana; fifth went to Kevin for the round and a six point total. Juan Perez, Tijuana; Juan Guevarra, Sportsman category and they ran at laps, garnered six points and second Carr, San Diego; sixth to Hector Chris Cortez, Chula Vista, wentthird Calexico; Jose Gutierrez, Tijuana; 8:00 a.m. with part of the Pro class. in class. Third place wel).ttoArmando Pimentel, Mexicali and seventh to in the morning and fourth in the Carlos Barrfos, Tijuana; Rogelio Winner in Class 14 was Mario Roman,SanDiego,whowasonlyable Hector Garcia down from Chino, afternoon for a seven point third Alvarez, San Diego; Arturo Montano, Gastelum, El Centro, who went to complete two laps ih the morning CA. place finish. Fourth place winner was Dulzura, CA; Sady Suarez and J. 1:33:40 and 1:36:53 for three points but came back later with a 1:32:48 Along with the 14s in the eight Alonso Angulo, fifth; Jason Gregory, Hector Quintero both from Mexicali and first in class. Richard Cons, for seven points and tli'e bronze. o'clock Pro class start, were Class 5-El Capon; sixth, Francisco Delgado, and Rolando De Los.Palos, Tijuana. Mexicali, who went 1:34:00 in the Fourth place finishe_r was Luis Continued on page 37 Mexicali ahd seventh, Raul Lopez, Gardenia, CA. And now its 9:30 a.m., and the truck classes are ready to rumble. There were only four starters in Class 18. German Ramirez, Mexicali, ran 1:41:50 in the morning and backed it up with a 1:49:06 later in the day for first place. Mario Morales, Mexicali, only managed to complete two laps both morning and afternoon was awarded four points and took second "in class. Abraham Lartundo, Tijuana, who only completed two _morning laps and was a no time in the iic afternoon was awarded third place. The other entry, Luis Rey Hernandez, Mexicali, who was a no.time, both morning and afternooh, got eight Just a bit knock-kneed, German_ Ramirez' vehicle flies a jump and ended up taking points and fourth place in class. _th_e_C_l_as_s_1B_ ~_in_i_n_b_o_th_h_e_a_ts_. __________ ~-------.... C."' The Class 1 O win went to Drew Belk, his second and first in the two heats added up to the class win. · WATOMI Y JEFF PROBST
l. more Trail Notes ... CLOSE CALL -Ed Beard, a long time off road racer had a go9d scare some weeks ago. Overtaking Bill Krug in a 1600 car, Ed pulled out to the left and just as he was passing Bill, he hit some water, the car hydroplaned, touching tires With Bill and he flipped right over him. "'I left marks on his hood and his shock reservoir. I hit on my right rear corner and flat on the top. My carb was knocked off and I bent a right rear A-Arm, landed on my wheels." Ed's rear view mirror, mounted with a hose clamp, came inside and almost poked ·a hole in Ed's temple. Fortunately, Ed suffered only a concussion, six stitches in his temple and one eye temporarily closed. A full face helmet is on the shopping list. BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION - Casey Folks remlncls you that the BITD Las Vegas 200 will run on Saturday, December 6, a 7 5 mile loop run three times for the cars and trucks. Tech and contiqgency will be at the Suncoast Hotel and Casino on December 5'h, from 10am to 5pm. The race starts and finishes near the Jean exit on 1-15. Start time is approximately 7am. ~ E's THAT TIME AGAIN -All race and rally promoters, off road hows, etc., ple~se sen_d· yo_ur-schedule to Dusty Times a~ soon s possible for inclusion m our Centerfold Calendar m the January, 2004 issue of Dusty Times. Times passes quickly so, if you have your schedule for 2004 PLEASE sen? it to us as soon as possible. SCORE LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE -The Desert Challenge will be celebrating it's 10th year on January 15-18, 2004. Aside from the tremendous racing on tap, there is the big dollar Pit Crew Showdown with truck and open wheel divisions competing against the clock to change all four tires on their vehicle. The combined purse for 2004 will be $10,000! Also, the Laughlin Leap where trucks and cars race down the straightaway to a man made jump and compete for many dollars for the longest trip through the air. The long standing record for distance off the jump was set by Larry Roeseler in 1999, he flew his Chevy 4x4 Trophy Truck 140 feet and that remains the all time record. There will be lots of competitors jumping rrext year for their share of the $16,000 in prize money. So, remember the dates lnd plan on being in beautiful, downtown Laughlin for the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge-. SNORE 250 ADDITIONAL PURSE -Money keeps pouring in for the Unlimited Class at the 34th Annual SNORE 250. Pat Dean (Patrick's Signs) has_ posted $1000 for the Class 1 winner, Imperial Iron has also posted $ 1000 for the Cl;lSS 1 winner and Kartek has posted $2000 for Class 1. The kicke_r? There must be 10 cars in class to get the dough. Also, the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino has posted $3000 for 1" overall so there is a possibility that some team can go home $8000 richer. Also, it should be quite a show, there :ire 45 Pro-1600 cars ready to race. See ya there! SCORE PRIMM -It was a great race in ideal (almost) conditions. There will be a full Judy Smith story in the next issue and loads of pictures. The lucky winners and other competitors are listed here. Trophy Truck -1. Tim/Ed Herbst, 2. Gary Dir<;:ks, 3. Scott Steinberger. Class 1 -1. Chuck Hovey, 2. Dale Ebberts, 3. Mark/Gary Weyhrich. Class 10 -1. Steve Myers, 2. Mark/CJ Hutchins, 3. Dennis Hunter. Class 5 -1. George Seeley. Class ½-1600 -1. Courtney Whipple, 2. Camerob Steele, 3. Bryan Freeman. Class 8 -1. David Sykes, 2. Nick/Larry Vanderwey. SCORE bites-1. Brian Ickier, 2. Vic Bruckmann', 3. Tom Ridings. Class 5-1600 -1. Mario Reynoso, 2. Marcos Nunez, 3. Jason Lakin. Class 9 -1. Eric Fisher. Class 11 -1. Eric Solorzano, 2. Fernando Flores. Sportsman Buggy -1. Tim Price. ProTruck -1. Alan Pfleuger;·class 7 -1. Hector Salazar, 2. Jason Jernigan. Stock Full -,1. Mark Handley, 2. John Griffin. FRT MoTORSORTS -The C/M Cycle Night Team race has been cancelled. The Rocket Club is flying on the same weekend as the race and, not wishing to interfere, FRT has cancelled. Please check the latest schedule _for FRT in the Happenings Section on page 6. GOOD THOUGHTS NEEDED -Kristen Beacham, wife of Barry Beacham is being treated for a rare form of cancer. Your best wishes and prayers will certainly help Kristen in her time of need. Send her your good thoughts and help her overcome this ol5stacle. WILD WEST INTERNATIONAL RALLY -The team of Pasi Hagstrom/Marko Taskinen drove their Pirelli clad Suba~u lmpreza to a resounding win in the Open Class m Washington State. Ramana Lagemann/Michael Orr were second in their Subaru !Jnpreza. Lauchlin O'Sullivan/Chris~ian Edst_rom came in third in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo, on M1chelm tires. Other class leaders were: Group N - 1. Mitchell Shane/Paul Donnelly, Subaru lmpreza, 2. Mark Utecht/Jeff Secor, Subaru WRX, 3. Ralph Kosmides/Jimmy Brandt, Subaru lmpreza. Group 2 - 1. Scott Fuller/Jeff Call, VW Golf Gti, 2. chris Whiteman/Mike Paulin, Dodge Neon SXT, 3. Eric Burmeister/ Cindy Krolikowski, Mazda Protege. Production GT - l ._ Scott Trinder/Bob Trinder, Subaru lmpreza, 2. Bruce DaVLs/Lee Page 36 Sorenson, Mitsubishi Eclipse, 3. Valdemaras Maciukevicius/Ernest Bogusevicius, Subaru lmpreza. Group 5 -1. Doug Shepherd/Pete Gladysz, Dodge SRT, 2. Carey Wright/David Kean, Mazda RX7, 3. J~y Streets/Ole Holter, Volvo 760. Production -1. Trevor Donison, Acura RSX. CORR FINALE IN NEW YoRK -The 2003 season windup was a winner and all three. · competing classes were hard fought battles. Carl Renezeder took a second and and eighth in the rounds and he took the Pro-4 season points as well. Curt Leduc had a seventh and a win and Curt was second in points. Scott Douglas had a sixth and a second and was third in points. John Greaves took a win in the first round and ended up fourth in points. In Pro-2 Scott Taylor had a second and a first and took the season points with ease. Carl Renezeder had a win and a third and -was second in points. Evan Evans had a third and a fifth and took third in points. Pro Lite saw Jeff Kincaid taking a third and a fourth and he was the points leader for the class. Rick Huseman won both rounds and was second in season points. Chad Hord h'ad a sixth and a fifth and was third in season points. Full details and lots of pictures in next month's Dusty Times. RED FACE DEPARTMENT -Regarding the wording on Jeff Carr's demise in last months issue, the SCORE Henderson story. DT got the word, second or third hand that Jeff was out with a broken transmission. Not so! Jeff was sidelined due to starter/battery• problems. The Dave Folts transmission in Jeff's car was still operating properly. We regret the error. Our apologies to Dave Folts www.nevadaoffroadbuggy.com CM U! A Oll lOR All YOUIOUII08 Nll!Dt 1-888-755-5900 eatl TOil ,.,, CVCENTER.5 HAR()ENE() 0 ~ UNDERSIZED CV BALLS NEV.ADA OffROID BUGGY T-9-HRT SM-MID·LRG·XXLRG ONLY $!000 fOR ADD!T:GNAL CLEARENCE MSD IGNITIONS -= WE CARRY A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF WELDON TRICK . TABS 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #130 * LAS VEGAS, NV " 89102 HOU RS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM " SAT 9AM-5PM (702) 871-5221 fax October 2003 Dusty Times
Hyrum Duran drove his very good looking car to a fourth and a Ramsey El Wardani drove his Ford to a pair of second places in A pair of second places was the best Brian Connen could manage in second in the ½-1600 battle and that got him th.e coveted silver Class B and he took home the silver medal for his troubles. Class 5, that ave him the second spot on the ium. medal. Mark Gulian's car looks like it's sitting a bit low but Mark took second in bQth heats and that gave him the Class 12 win. 1600 and Class 9. Ivan Gomez out who came up from San Felipe. Sixth of Mexicali went to two first place with 13 points was Jesus A. Velez, finishes with times ofl:30:23 in the Mexicali seventh place went to morning and 1:34:10 in the HumbertoSolorzanowithsixthand afternoon. Julie Kerns out of eighthfinishinhislapsand 14points. Carlsbad, CA ran 1 :33:03 first run Eighth and ninth each had 15 points · and backed it up with a 1 :35:50 to but in this case Rick McCarty ftom El take the second spot. Trey Sommers Cajon bested Rudolfo Whilelmy, from Escondido. with times of Mexicali. 1:35:51 and 1:40:50 were fourth and Nine Class 7 trucks showed up for fifth round finishes but the 9 points the start but only four of them were charged earned him the third spot. able to complete all six laps in Rounds The fourth spot was garnered by 1 and 2. There was less than one William Prario from Ramona, CA minute separating Hector Salazar and who also got nine points, but Perry McNeil after the morning run. Sommers' faster time in the second Salazar, Chula Vista went 1:25:17 and· round decided the tie and moved McNeil, Lemon Grove, went 1:36:07. Prario down in the class finish. Fifth During the afternoop runs Salazar place with 11 points was Juan Gallo, backed his first up with another sub @j15~,------,~~~--,,--,--r;:c'lj Class 5-1600 was hard.fought but when the dust cleared, Mario Gutierrez' first and third in the heats gave him the class win. Just landing, the car of Mario Gastellum took a first and a second in combat and thus took the Class 14 overall win. --------------------------------Dus~y Times . -=========-----==----=---:;-------:-------c to Romeo Rodriguez with times of 1:35:23 and 1:36:12 good enough for a fifth and third place fini~h and eight points. Meanwhile the other six spots went to Geoff Milke who took° fourth, Mario Salcido was fifth, Jeff Gain, San Diego, was sixth, Isidro Ochoa, Chula Vista, was seventh, Matt Carter, San Diego was eighth, and Chad McNeil out of El Cajon was ninth. Possibly the highest flier at the race, Elias Canchola tqok a third and a first in the heats and that added up to the Class B win. Class 7S had only five entries and all but one finished all the laps on both rounds. Perry McNeil, Jr. topped the class with back-to-back first and second round wins. His times were 1:32:37 and 1:33:35. McNeil, Jr., races out of Lemon Gro_ve. Dan Street, San Diego was consistent during morning and afternoon runs and his times of 1:33:21 and 1:40:43 earned him the class second place win. one minute and 30 second run of 1:26:50 while McNeil was only able to pull out a 1:31:43 during his afternoon jaunt. Therefore, Salazar, was charged two points and'McNeil came out with four. Third place went . Continued on page 38 PERFORMANCE 101 SUBJECT: Race Winning technolouv/equipmem Shocks: 2.0", 2.5", 3.0" Emulsion Reniote Reservoir Bvpass Shocks Coil Over Springs Craig Turner , FACTORY PIiot Seven time Champion All on~~~ Call for our NEW 2003 Products Catalog 20724 Lassen Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 PH.(818) 700-9712 FAX (818) 700-0947, complete line of vw suspension Componems www~swayaway4com October 2003 Page 37
Hector Garcia was really saving wear on his tires as he flew to a Perry McNeil drove his heavily sponsored truck to a brace of second fourth and a second place in the 5-1600 heats, he finished second Looking a bit nose heavy, Dan Street drove his Ford to a couple of places and that resulted in second overall in Class 7. overall in class. second places in the heats, that earned him second overall in 7S. Julie Kem gets nice airborne as she drove her car to a pair of second A second and a fourth place for Ricardo Cons turned into a second Martin Lizarraga drove his good looking Bug to a fourth and a third in places and second overall in the Class 9 conflict. overall in Class 14, seen here ready for landing. the heat races and that added up to second place in Class 15. Eduardo Rodriguez, Mexicali, was completed one lap in the lllOrning and got him first place for the round and Beny Canela over from Indio, CA actually had the fastest time for the third both rounds. His times were had no time in the afternoon. four points for the class win. Ramsey said he wasn't all that happywith the B's, a 1:24:53, but he broke something 1:48:42 and 1:48:55 he had it pretty Elias Canchola, Mexicali, had El Wardani was tied with Canchola firstrunof2:0l:56, but he came back and had no time in the afternoon. well dialed in. Fourth place. went to stabilizer bar problems and his with four points with his two second in the afternoon with a 1:28:52 which The 1/2-1600 class had an .Eduardo Diaz, Tijuana, his first 1:28:52 was only fast enough for third place finishes,·but Canchola's quicker got him the third spot in class and he interesting weekend too. Federico round time was 1 :57 flat, but he was spot in the morning. During the break time in the afternoon broke the tie maintains his point lead for the year Regala and Raul Guardado, Mexicali, only able to complete two laps on the they-got the problem fixed and came and Wardani out of San Diego in the Class 8 championship run. went pre-running on Quads on second go round. Enrique Loam only back in the p.m. with a 1 :25:56 which finished number two in class. Robert Wagner over from El Centro, Friday. Regala found one of the rough ~--------~--------'-'-----------; spots, was thrown from his quad, and The Class 15 win went to Eddy Limon, he cruised to a third and a first in the heats The Safari Class win went to Alfredo Gonzalez, he took a second place and a first and thus the Class 15 win. place in the hotly contested heats. ended up breaking his left collar bone. Federico spent Friday night in the hospital, but since the ream was leading the points race not only in this class, but also Pro-Overall, Regala showed up to race. Guardado took the wheel of the 1608 car and won the morning heat. Then Regala, in a full brace, started the second round in the afternoon. They switched drivers right after that start and even with that driver change, Guardado drove to another first place finish. This kept • the team together. They have won all · four races so far this year and kept their class win points and the overall lead in the Pro class. Don't know what the doctors and nurses think about all of this. But hey Performance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use . 15 0 Heavy Duty Si~es to Choose from Detail & Pressure Wash Tanks Marine Holding & Water Tanks Bui~ Storage & Waste Tanks R.V. Tanks Quality Products~ Friendly Service www.ronco-plastlcs.com RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com ·•·. 15022 Parkwav Looo, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Cata/oq Page 38 October 2003 Dusty Times
Second place in the Safari Class went to Luvian Voelker, the result of a second and a first place in the two heats. Beny Canela is a high flier, seen here on his way to a fourth and a Adolfo Ayala took a third and a fifth in the heats and that earned him third in the heats, third overall in the Class B group. . the bronze medal in the ½-1600 competition. "It's a dirt thing. If we have to explain ittoyou, then you probably wouldn't understand." Hiram Duran, Tecate took their new, great looking Neth 1600 car out to his back yard, got a fourth and a second, which got them the second spot in class. Adolfo Ayala, Tijuana, drove their Curry Built car to a third and a fifth round finish and the bronze for the day. Pedro Morquecho, Tijuana, was fourth, Cesar Cons, Mexicali, finished fifth, Keith Naylor, Alpine, CA was sixth, John Manring, El Cajon, got seventh and Bill Hanson all the way over from Yuma, AZ finished eighth. . Class 5 was again headed by Joe Hegar and company, out of Imperial, CA. Hegar ran 1:27:33 in the morning (broke a tie rod), fixed it and came back later with a 1:24:56. Two three lap wins, two points, and the Class 5 win, was 'wrapped up. Brian Connen over from Spring Valley took second in both heats and four points for second place. Juan Trujillo, Chula Vista, went out with a 1 :36:21 in the morning, then rolled his type 181 Baja Thing, just before the jump in the afternoon but Renee Labrada, Mexicali, had a no time in the afternoon, which gave him the fourth spot. Roberto Gonzalez, Valle de Las Palmas, only managed two laps on the first heat and put him into a distant fifth. Four starters in Class 12 and Mark Guillian, Escondido, took second place in two heats, which gave him four points and the win. Mark Robles, San Diego, went first and third for another four points, but Guillian's faster time, during Round 2, broke the tie. Third place went to Rick St. John, Carlsbad ran fourth and first for five points and third. Fourth spot went to Brady Turner, Brawley, CA with third and fourth finish and seven points. Mike Belt, Coachella, CA took second on the first heat and came back to win the second heat and the top spot in Class 10. Luis Barragan went really fast during the morning heat, a 1:24:49 but blew the engine in th~ afternoon. Since he went further, in the afternoon, than the rest of his class he was awarded the silver. Eddy Gonzalez, Chula Vista, who only completed one lap in the morning was third and Eli Yee, Tijuana, was a no time all day . . And finally, two entries. in Class 1, and the Ruben Wood Team over from Buckeye, AZ were testing their car for the Baja 1000. He went out in -the morning with a 1:17:04 fastest time of the day, and backed it up in the second heat.with a 1:20:30. This writer was around the Wood Racing pit and there was talk about him going too fast in the morning. Guess they talked him into easing up on the pedal later in the afternoon. The car also took home the overall trophy Brent Miller, La Verne, CA went 1:43: 13 in. the morning and l :27:02 during the second round. He took second. There were only two cars in the 1 class. Dusty Times I talked to Fud during the break great race. I'm already looking work well together. With the backing FUD9@cox.net. CODE can be and was told that, "The race was as forward to next year." ofORW and others, it just continues reached in the U.S. at(760)455-8069, expected. I think everyone had a good This was, in fact, a very good racing to grow. The invitation is always out: in Mexico at 011-52686-553-4087 or time. Things went smoothly. All the weekend. A little something for "Come on Down to the Baja". For on line at mail@codeoffroad.com.mx. volunteers, the great tech crew and everyone, drivers and fans alike. The information check with FRT Ask for Poncho. See you next time. COD E's people helped bring off a Fudster and the CODE folk seem to Motorsports, (619) 427-57 59 or Saludos! .. ·,,:rw ENTED FREE ADMISSION New Product Release Featuring · * liDliill IIRDilS* * RD/Dill * * IIIDIIIR * -~ October 2003 Page 39
2003 AUSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSHIP Griffith SOD Text & Photos: Ste11e Hilton Mark Burrows makes it look kinda easy, he took the Class 1 and the Overall win at the Griffith 500, seen here saving tire wear. Mark Burrows again proved his talents with a win in the Griffith 500, his second in the series being beaten by Fellows at the last race at Millicent, with his navigator Colin Hodge alongside Burrows tamed the 500 kilometre course with a winning margin of ov~r seven minutes to his fellow Class 1 competitors Glen Owen and Craig Hoare. The conditions over the weekend were good, the weather was cold but clear blue skies prevailed over a course set MoTeC Engine Management end Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built to withstand extreme racing end pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for ell levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motorsport Electronics, Inc. 699 S. State College Blvd, Suite F Fullerton, CA 92831 Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 www.sakatamotorsport.com Page 40 Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of military-specification wiring systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard for all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit control components are available to suit your budget. High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stand-alone system worl4s with all engines and alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel _injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact:ly what their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it: t:o a nurnber! ~ ::-,,......____ .,,,,,,,_p--~ ~~ ,, c__...-,,,.,.-= ...-,,,.,., l'v1CJTCJASPCJAT ELECT.ACJNICS vvere rneking connect,ons ... October 2003 First in class 2 (1650cc) was Andy Ryan, his Toyota Powered Funco performed perfectly and he was very happy with the win. through some of Australia's best orange and grape growing areas, the course started at the Griffith Blue Dot Speedway and finished on the property owned by the Stackpole family some 150 kilometres away. Saturday was to be a very busy day for all with the running of the all important Prologue for start positions, followed by Section 1 of the two day event a 100 kilometre race to Stackpoles and back. Prologue: All vehicles would line up in class order, first away Class 7 followed by Class 8, 5, 4, 3, 9, 2 and 1. Mark Burrows set the fastest time overall and for class, _ with a time no-one could get close to 06:50:84, the next fastest saw David Fellows in a Class 9 single seat Jimco set a ti~e of 07: 17:4 2 nearly 27 seconds slower, third in the Prologue was the new Class 9 vehicle owned by Owen Anderson, he set a time of 07:26:99. Prologue Results: Class 1 Mark Burrows 06:50:84; Lawrence Svenson 07:28:08; Robert Mowbray 07:32:48. · Class 2 Andy Ryan 07:28:24; Shannon Irvin 07:39:72; Anthony Lia 07:40:88. Class 3 Robert Moore 08:01:76; Travis Conrad 08:02: 74; Shane Sansom 08:15:11. Class 4 Greg Gartnet 07:48:41; Robert Knott 07:49:40; Brett Milton 07:57:85. Class 5 Harley Cooke 09:08:32; Shane Teagle 09:19:14; Ashley Weinert 09:28:76. Class 7 Geoff Pickering 08:05:76; Michel Peoples 09:36:28. Class 8 Terry Denham 07:58:90; Matt Owen 08:03:84; Colin Hunter 08:05:05. Class 9 David Fellows 07:17:42; Owen Anderson 07:26:99; Hayden Tatnell 97:33:36. The top ten in Prologue were Burrows, Fellows, Owens, Svenson, Ryan, Mowbray, Tatnell, Anderson, Spizzo and Rentsch, six Class 1, one Class 2 and three Class 9 buggies. CLASS 1 Unlimited Two Set Buggy Saturday Section: Burrows was always going to have an adval).tage, first on the road with no dust problems, and at the service point was in complete control of the race, his time to Stackpoles 0:56: 19.23 under the hour to cover the 100 kilometres. Second was the Rimco Nissan powered buggy of Glen Owens, he started the race in Position #11, his time 0:59:22.52 three minutes behind, Craig Hoare in his Cougar started in Position # 14 and with no problems took 1:00:15.02 to cover the distance, he was followed by Mowbray, Simpson, Rentsch and Ferguson. Only eight in the class made it to Stackpoles ready for the return to Griffith. Burrows confident with his car and his position on the road took things a little easier on the return, he had no problems again and set . a time seven seconds slower than his previous one 0:56:26.86, however Owen could see he had a chance to make up some time with Position #2 after a regroup at Stackpoles, and this he did beating Burrows by 59 seconds. Hoare also now in Position #3 on the road was set to take some chances and give it a go, his time 0:58:55.29 nearly two minutes quicker than his previous, Rentsch finished fourth followed by Simpson and Ferguson. These two sections saw Svenson out early with a torque converter failure, Buddy Crowe this The Class 3 (1300cc) class win went to Travis Conrad, seen here at speed in his keen looking buggy. Dusty Times
Harley Cooke drove his reaiiy good looking Ford Ranger to an easy The good looking Mitsubishi Pajero of Geoff Pickering had an easy The Unlimited Single Seat Buggy Class (Class 9) was yet another win in the Class 5 Limited 2WD battle. · Win in the Class 7 Production 4WD. ;;;;;,;;;;;;;.;==;;;;;;;,.;;;===;;;;;,ij• win for David Fellows, seen here churning up the dirt. Bruce Muir took the coveted Class 8 Unlimited 4WD class in his · Second in Class 4, Unlimited 2WD Trucks was the neat looking Micha.el Peeples drove his Jeep Cherokee to a nice second place in the Production 4WD category. powerful Nissan, and Bruce was fifth overall as well. Mazda of Robert Knott, here churning up a lot of dirt. weekend had a new Nissan Turbo competitors to catch him. Owen buggy had no problems and engine but the transmission could was, however, going to try and put recorded a time of 1:36:50.10 not handle the extra power and in a time of 1:30:57.32 to be the for the 150 kilometre run. put him out of the race, Mowbray fastest on the return, Burrows' McClelland was second and third broke yet another.king pin on the . time 1:31:29.15 was still quick . was held now by Drew Buckley. Stephen Burrows had too many sixth outright as well, second in flat tyres and no replacements, class and seventh outright he could not get to Stackpoles in Alistair McClelland, he had a time for the class win, he did just good steady rate all w~ekend, return to Griffith. enough to give him the overall win Sunday Sections: and first in class, Owen second A cold and early start to_ this outright .and in class, third part of the weekend Burrows outright and class Craig Hoa-re again holding Position #l, this who had no problems all seems to many to be normal, a weekend. man very hard to beat, still many CLASS 2 were hopeful of a good day's 1650cc Two Sea:t Buggies racing as the weather again was Saturday Sections: perfect, cold but with a good• Andy Ryan in a Funco Toyota breeze to clear away any dust on powered buggy put himself in the course. After 150 kilometres Position #5 after his very of racing Burrows was still on top impressive Prologue, he was always with a quick time for the distance going to be the one to beat a·nd 1:29:05.31. Owen could do no had home town knowledge, this better than 1:35:18 .87 six wouldbe~realadvantagelaterin minutes slower but still confident the race. At the end of the race to of a good run to the finish in Stackpoles it wa·s Alistair G_riffith. Craig Hoare still held on McClelland in the lead, his time to third, he travelled the 150 1 :04:01.36 two and a half kilometre section just under three minutes faster than second place minutes faster than the Owen Stephen Burrows in a Cougar Rimco buggy, Simpson took Toyota, Andy Ryan could only fourth and was the last vehicle in manage third. The return to the class to get to Stackpoles, · Griffith, Ryan put his brain in his Rentsch and Mowbray had engine back pocket and drove with his problems and were out of the right foot planted to set a time of event. During the one hour service 1 :01:38.14, followed by Burrows break Burrows luckily found a and McClelland, Ryan held a very slowly deflating rear tyre and minor le:i,d over Burrows and quickly changed it, now it was time would be tested the next day. for the return run over the same Sunday Sections: course. Burrows still held the first Ryan starting in Position # l position and from there it was and knew he would have to push going to be hard for the other hard to keep his lead, the Funco The Unlimited 2WD Truck class went to Brett Milton and his potent 350 Chevy powered Rod_eo. Dusty Times that and also finished a creditable Continued on page 42 ·BilBtBin . Bway A Way Eibat:h ·· HM · IIA 1 · CNC . Bpar,:o . PRP . FUBI Bat, Ron Davis Radiator, Betrab Oil Cooler, Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear October 2003 Page 41 •
• I > Third in Unlimited 2WD Trucks was the now dirty but still good looking Ford of Greg Gartner. The extremely good looking car of Glen Owen finished second in When the checkers flew it was Craig Hoare and his Cougar taking third in class, 15th outright was Buckley. CLASS3 . 1300cc Two Seat Buggies Travis Conrad was never in danger of losing the win over the two days, his time of 5:40:56.72 was ten minutes faster than second place Maurice Woods, third was Grant Walker. CLASS4 Baja VW & Unlimited 2WD Trucks No problems, mechanically or tyres, only a spectacular roll in one of the many irrigation channels in the area for the Mazda truck of Robert Knott to set the fastest time to Stackpoles 1:04:04.54, he was closely followed to the service area by Gartner in a Ford and Class 1 and Glen was second overall as well. third in Class 1 and throw in third overall also. Milton in a brand new Bennett built 350ci Chevy powered Rodeo, fourth Steve Jones in an ex-Chevy now Ford stadium truck, at the end of Day 1 Knott led Milton, Jones and Gartner. Sunday and the race to the finish was to be closely fought, the truck of Steve Jones was out with shock problems, Knott and Milton would take it to the wire, Milton took the win by one minute over Knott who was fighting power steering problems, caused from fhe roll on the previous day, Gartner was third, a good result for this new truck. CLASS 5 Limited 2WD Harley Cooke in the Ford Ranger was never challenged all weekend, he took a much deserved win over last year's winner Kel Williams, his winning margin one hour and 41 minutes. . CLASS 7 Production 4WD Geoff Pickering seems to have scared off all his other competitors in this very demanding class-, he has had no real opposition now with Colin Hunter stepping up to Unlimited 4WD class, however he still soldiered on his Mitsubishi Pajero t!king the win and an outstanding eighth outright, second home Michael Peoples in a Jeep, 46 minutes behind. ·cLASSS Unlimited 4WD Bruce Muir had ·his VS powered Nissan at is peak of performance to take the win in class and what can only be said as a tremendous drive to take fifth outright position as well, his closest challenger was Doug Coleman and Matt Owen, all three finishers were Nissans. Colin Hunter in the Jeep Grand Cherokee had suspension failure and another DNF was recorded. CLASS 9 Unlimited Single Seat Buggies This class it could be said would be the only one to challenge for the outright positions with David Fellows coming off a win in the previous round and confident he could challenge Burrows, the results was not to be. Fellows however took the win ·fourth outright, some would be happy with that result but not Fellows, he is a driver who expects· so much more from himself and his machine, second place and ninth outright went to Hayden Tamell in the Chenowth, he had a roll in one of the channels, took some time to right it and return racing, Dal Santo was third. Only 26 of the 67 entries finished this gruelling 500 kilometre race, a re·stament to how tough this area is in central New South Wales. With only one race in the season to go, the Goondiwindi 400 in south west Queensland, the season is set for some close fini·shers in all nine classes: __ . .,,, HONDA Power Equipment 3/titnW~ EB6500 HOND.A GENERATORS & PUMPS Page 42 POWEil ·RACER &SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS •· OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS~ WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • _LAWN-TRACTORS' • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS. C~lifornia's Largest So_u_rce-for Bonda Power· Equipment· · Parts a_nd ·inventory IF WE OONT HAVE IT, NO ONE OOES! ~!)~ck Our_ Yf~t_>site::&--WWW. Kawaguchihonda.com Kawaguchi Ho_nda Corp. . , . 3532 _East 3rd St.·• Los Angeles, CA 90063 Nothings easier. 13231 264-3936. 264-5858 • FAX 13231 264-2136 For Optimum performance and safety, we recommend you read the owners manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company pe~nnel. Consult a qualified electrician. © 2003 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 4-20-01 • 2· 108 October 2003 Dusty Times
CORR AT CRANDON Renezeder, vandenHeuvel, LeDuc <The Younger>, Kleiman, Heynen All Take Double Victories By ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Carl Renezeder flew his Chevy to a pair of wins at Crandon, he leads Pro-4 points and is second in the Pro-2 points battle. Mark Kleiman won both rounds at Crandon, took the class points win for the second year in a row, seen here in full flight. Boy, what a busy Labor Day weekend! Lots of cars, lots of people, and many championships on the line. It was hectic for all involved and the racing was the usual hot and heavy contests. In the Pro-4 contest, Carl Ren-ezeder and Curt LeDuc were dead-locked with 132 points each when the racing started and when the long weekend ended, Carl had 10 points on Curt with two rounds yet to go in New York. . The first Crandon round went to Renezeder, his third win of the season, Curt LeDuc came in be-hind him for the second spot, Scott Douglas was third to finish, fourth went to Johnny Greaves an·d rookie Case Gunderson was fifth in his first Pro-4 race._ Steve McCrossan was sixth, Kent Brasche was seventh in his first LeDuc is second with 162, Scott outing of the year, Al Drews got Douglas is third with 154 points, himself an eighth place and Josh Johnny Greaves has 150 and Steve How high can he fly? Dan VandenHeuvel took the win in both rounds at Crandon, he's fourth in Pro-2 points. Baldwin was a long ninth. Jason McCrossan is fifth in points with ley both started but never got to Baldwin didn't run either round. 111. the checkered flag and Andy Wald The second round had the Pro-2 had a few surprises, Dan didn't start either round. same winner, Renezeder swept the VandenHeuvel was off his bad In the second round, dass for his fourth win of the sea-luck streak and he took the first VandenHeuvel took the gold son. Scott Douglas beat out roundandthepointsthatgowith again,histhirdwinoftheseason. LeDuc for the silver medal, Curt it. Rookie Steve Barlow had his Kevin Probst got going nicely and had to settle for the bronze this best finish of the season, a very was rewarded with a nice second time. Kent Brasche moved up a nice second place, Scott Taylor was spot, Scotty Taylor took yet an-bunch into fourth spot, a very nice third, thanks to a flat tire, Carl other third place finish and that finish, and Case Gunderson got Renezeder was fourth to finish gave him enough points to clinch himself another fifth place, a pair and Paul Seidler was fifth. Sixth his fifth consecutive Pro-2 title. is nice. Sixth place went to Al place went to Chris Hansen, sev-Congrats! Tommy Bradley, who Drews, Johnny Greaves lost a few enth was Bruce Shilts, Kevin has had a disappointing year took spots and finished in seventh, Josh Probst was eighth across the line, fourth place and Evan Evans Baldwin was eighth in and Steve Evan Evans had a not too nice moved up to fifth. Carl Renezeder McCrossan was the ninth and-fi-ninth place finish and Larry Gour-had to settle for sixth place, Larry nal finisher. lie was an unaccustomed 10th. Goudie moved up a few to sev-Renezeder has 172 points, Curt R.J. Flanagan and Tommy Brad-enth, Paul Seidler dropped a few ,------------------.~-------, spots to eighth, Chris Hansen fin-ished ninth and Steve Barlow fin-ished 10th. R.J. Flanagan with-drew before the start and Bruce Shilts didn't get in the required number of laps. In the points, Scotty Taylor owns the Pro-2 class, he has 186 points. Carl Renezecler is-second with 142 points, Evan Evans is third with 136, Dan VandenHeuvel is fourth with 118 and Kevin Probst is fifth with 114. There were .lots of surprises in the Pro-Lite Division. The racing in the first round was spirited and when it calmed down we had Kyle LeDuc taking his first win of the Continued on page 44 Jeff Kincaid had two unusual, for him, finishes at Crandon, a [lh and Second place in the Stock battle went to Rhonda Konitzer, a pair of Awon Hawley had a second and a 16'h at Crandon but he also had a tah but he leads the Pro-Lite points. second place finishes at Crandon put here second in points. his first win in the Super Buggy class . . -'}f::~ . . It was the third Single Buggy Championship for Mike Seefeldt, his 2"1 Josh Hintz (116), took a first and a second at Crandon and that gave Scott Douglas only had one win this season in Pro-4, but he finished place and a win gave him this year's title. him his second consecutive championship in Light Buggy. _th_iri_d_in_th_e~p_o_in_t_'s_ra_c_e_. ______________ _ Dusty Times October 2003 Page 43 ..... --
Not having his best year, Evan Evans flies his Chevy high, finishing Even without a win all season, Chad Hord was able to take the With only one win all season, Mike Oberg had enough seconds and thirds to get him second place in the Sportsman 2 points. third in points in the Pro-2 contest. second spot in the Pro-Lite contest, seen here in flight. Kyle LeDuc must know something we don't know, he won both rounds at Crandon, his best finishes of the 2003 season in Pro-Lite. · In the Super Buggy races, Corry Heynen took the win in both heats and finished fourth in the season points. went to Art Schmitt, third was Steve Federico, Chad Hord was fourth and rookie Shayne Pagles was a very nice fifth. Don Ponder dropped a spot to sixth, Ted Wubben moved up a few to sev-enth, Donnie Roberts was eighth, Lee O'Donnell got a ninth place finish and Jeff Kincaid came in 10th. Rookie Jim Kandell was 11th, Tom Hoppock was the 12th finisher, rookie Mark Oberg was 13th, Rick Huseman was 14th and Javier Socha moved up a couple to 15th, Randy Eller was 16th and Joe Wutke III was a very long 17th to finish. Rod Krueger, Rod VanEperen, Stacy Pike and Al Walentowski started but never made it to the finish. Jeff Kincaid leads the points with 147, Chad Hord is second with 130, Art Schmitt has 129, Rick Huseman has 127 and Steve Federico is fifth with 117. season. Steve Federico got himself was eighth, Jeff Kincaid had a ter-a nice second place, Chad Hord rible, for him ninth place finish came in third, Joe Wutke III had and Art Schmitt was 10th in. The a good finish, fourth, Don Pon-11th finishing spot went to Ted der took fifth, Rod VanEperen Wubben, rookie Mark Oberg was took sixth, Donnie Roberts had a 12th, Tom Hoppock was 13th, nice seventh, rookie Jim Kandell Mark Kreuger took the 14th spot and Shayne Pagles, a rookie, was 15th. 16th went to Al Walentowski in a rare appearance, Stacy Pike, rookie was 17th and rookie ]a.vier Socha was 18th. Rick Huseman, Lee O'Donnell and Randy Eller started but didn't fin-IJUJ"llll&•~~K .... W/l._,,ffflCHNOI.OGY 714.530.8701 • FAX T14,.530.B7txl 12842 JOY STREET, GARDEN GROVE, CA 92840 . WWW'Jcingshoc:lcs.co,11 -Page 44 October 2003 ish the race. Brian Cavitt, Chris Menard and Michael Kelly never started either round. The second Pro-Lite round saw the same winner, Kyle LeDuc tak-ing the gold for a second time! Congrats Kyle! The second spot In the Sportsman 2 Division, it was Dan Baudoux taking his fourth win of the season in the 2.5" --€'bi!£~ Neelcoil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock,· and die experience to get you what you need. Call today/ Dusty Times
t Curt LeDuc has only won one round this year but he is a strong second place in the Pro-4 contest, thanks to seconds and thirds. first round and that certainly Oberg moved back up to fifth, launched him into the points lead. Adam.Dafner moved up a bunch This was Dan's first Sportsman 2 into sixth and rookie Ed Wolfe points championship, his BFG finished seventh. Eighth place went shod Ford performing perfectly. to Don Williams, Bob o ·ersmehl Second to fin ish was Be n came in ninth an d Ben Wandehsega, and Mike Savage was Wandehsega dropped a_bunch of fifth. Edgar Wolfe, a rookie had a spots to 10th. Brian Hinman was · decent sixth place finish and Don 11th, Gordon Zima :was way down Williams was seventh. Eighth place in 12th and in 13th, it was good went to Ken Halgren , Ross Hoek 'ol Dan Baudoux, his worst finish was hinth and Mike Oberg was an of the year, but, who cares, the unfamiliar 10th. The 11th place championship was his, the BFG finish went to Bob Gersmehl, clad Ford terribly with the win. Brian Hinman was 12th and the Dan Baudoux took the Sports-13th and final finisher was Adam man 2 points win for 2003, he Dafner. amassed 154 for his troubles. Sec-The second and last rqund for ond in points was Mike Oberg, the Sportsman 2 Division saw .with 141, Sam Konitzer was third Ross Hoek taking his second win with 135, Mike Savage was fourth of the year. Sam Konitzer took the with 134 and Ben Wandehsega silver medal and Mike Savage was was fifth in points with 125. the bronze medal winner. Ken There were quite a few dupli-Halgren dropped off the podium cate finishes in the Stock Division for a tourth place finish, ·Mike and the number one driver in the first round was Mark Kleiman, it was his third win of the season. In second place it was Rhonda --~-----------tor rs Racers HAC/Nli 'INCOHPOHATED Konitzer an in thir p ace was Rod Wells. Jason Bort was the fourth finisher, r·ookie Randy Rund aug came in fift an Dave Waldvogel, another rookie was Continued on page 46 When You're .Re~y To Race! Dusty Times October 2003 Page 45
Third place in the Stock Class went to Jeff Lutzow, his two wins offset some really bad luck near seasons end. . Scott Schwalbe had three wins during the season but he was only Steve Socha drove his great looking car to second in season points able to take second in season points in the Super Buggy class. in the ever competitive Single Buggy class. ond again, Rhonda Konitzer, 118 points. son, GaryNierop and James Lair that's who, and Rod Wells fin-· With 24 competitors there was did not start either round. Scott Taylor had a real good year, five wins and the Pro-2 points title, his fifth straight Pro-2 championship. ished in third place for the sec- action aplenty in the Super Buggy When the dust cleared from the · ond time. Al Konitzer moved up a class. These two rounds were the second round, once again it was few spots to fourth, Victor lastfor.theseasonandwhenthe CorryHeynentakingyetanother Anderson was fifth to finish and smoke cleared it was Corry win, his fourth of the year. Scott Dave Waldvogel, a rookie was sixth Heynen taking his third win of the Schwalbe gained a couple of cogs yet again. Rick Hinman finished year. Second across the line was and finished second while Todd seventh, eighth place went to the Aaron Hawley, his fifth second of Wallace took his second third Konitzers, Gerry Manion slipped the year, Todd Wallace had his place of the weekend. John Ma-one spot to ninth and Randy best finish of the year with a third, son picked up a few spots and fin-Rundhaug finished his rookie year Scott Schwalbe was fourth and ished fourth, Tom Schwarzburg with a 10th place finish. Jeff Tim Lemons came in fifth. Tim moved way up into fifth, Tim Lem-Lutzow came in 11th, Keith Steele Christensen took sixth, John Ma-ons finished sixth-and Don Olson slipped a spot to 12th and Jason son was seventh and the Kreimans finished seventh. Ryan Mulder Bort was the 13th and final fin- were eighth. Ninth place went to came in eighth, David Johnson isher. Don Demeny and Paul Dave Johnsoh, Don Olson fin-took another ninth and Paul Bort Zimonick started the round but ished 10th, Tom Schwarzburg moved up eight spots to 10th. The never finished. Randy Zimoni"ck took another 11th, Herman Bar- Kreimans were 11th, Herman Bar-never started. num-was 12th and Jon Steiner was num was 12th yet again, Jack So, for the third straight year, unlucky 13th. Jack Haenlein fin- Haenlein was 13th, Jeff Sands was Mark Kleiman took the Stock ·ished 14th, Craig Biesek, a rookie 14th and 15th place went to Jon points win with 161 in hand. Sec- was 15th, Jeff Sands was 16th and Steiner. Aaron Hawley was a way ond in points is Rhonda Koniqer 17th place went to Casey Johnson. behind 16th place finisher, Casey with 136 points, Jeff Lutzow was Paul Bort was the 18th and final Johnson took his second 17th, third in points with 123, Keith finisher. Ryan Mulder and Scott Scott Powell was 18th and Tim Steele was fourth with 119 and Powell started the round but failed Christensen was the 19th and fi-fifth was Randy Rundhaug with to finish. Mike Geiser, Scott Peter- nal finisher. Craig Biesek started Hinman finished lOtn. Keith Steele's year was getting worse, he finished in the 11th spot, Randy Zimonic was 12th in Victor Anderson was 13th, Paul Kozlowski was 14th and Bon Demeny, a rookie was the 15th and final finisher. Jeff Lutzow started the round but failed to fin-ish. The final round of the season for the·Stock class and once again, Mark Kleiman was first to the checkered flag. Guess who was sec-ultimate lono travel Get the benefits of our Long Travel system and 3" f,lt spindles, aeating 6" of lih for inaedible ground dearance. 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Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of wheel travel extended radius arms Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard for increased tire clearance. Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on lord ranger 2.s · performance sustem 2.5' of lift with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 ClO y--Jono travel sustem Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires. Page 46 October 2003 angled {! e fJibe!!! ! include front fenders, bedsides and hoods. The front fenders and bedsides are flared with wheel travbl in mind. spare tire mount ~ Constructed using I I/ 4' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount Onr 2S Styles stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment of stamped steel tabs simplify your fabrication needs. wwwJabtechmotorsports_com OH E-MAIL US AT info@fabtechmotorsports.com Dusty Times
the round but didn't finish. So, adding up the points for the Super Buggy class we find, Aaron Hawley taking the win with 13 7, Scott Schwalbe is second with 126 points, Tim Lemons is third with 116. Corry Heyneri's two first places moved him into fourth place with 92 points and Ryan Mulder is fifth in points with 91. The Single Buggy class had 23 contestants throughout the 2003 season and there wasn't a lot of surprises as the season wore on. In the first round. at Crandon Mark Steinhardt took his third win of the season, Mike Seefeldt was the second place finisher and that moved him into a very slim lead in the points. Steve Socha, who had been leading the points came in third, John Fitzgerald was fourth and Tom Surace took fifth for his first points of the season. Sixth place went to Todd Crump, Adam Guberud took the first of his two H not justs seventh place finishes and Tracy Crump finished eighth. Ninth place went to Allen Plauman, Jace Schubert was 10th, Brad Erickson came in 11th and Jason Janusz was 12th in. John Svanda was the un-lucky : 13th finisher, Wade Schubert took 14th ·and Heather Sullivan was 15th. 16th place went to Terry Fitzgerald, Scott Miller was 17th, Daniel Martin was 18th and Bob Blaney was the 19th and final finisher. Mic;hael Rau, Leonard Lindquist and Scott Morrow took the· green flag but failed to finish. James· Monson failed to start either round. In the final round of the sea-son for the Single Buggy group, Mike Seefeldt took his fourth win of the season. He finished his last six races 1,2,1,2,1,2. That's con-sistency. Mark Steinhardt finished · second on the podium and Steve_ Socha had another third place. John Fitzgerald had another LS fourth place, John Svanda moved up to fifth, Bob Blaney moved way up to sixth and Adam Guberud had his second seventh place finish. Eighth place went to Allen Plauman, Tracy Crump was ninth, Tom Surace came in 10th, Jace Schubert was 11th and Terry Fitzgerald was 12th. Heather Sul~ livan was 13th, Wade Schubert had his second 14th place finish and Scott Morrow was 15th. The Continued on page_ 48 for all applications! ·nners rowlers ~acing d/Duol Rote -~ ms Springs r requirements) Complete Inventory in stock and ready-to ship. Mirage Ra~ing Products -6~ 9-562-5533 Dusty Times October 2003 Page 47 ,.
Jeff Virnig had two wins during the season, seen here throwing dirt Art Schmitt went winless this season but he was still able to fly his Sam Konitzei only had one win in 2003 but decent finishes in most on his way to second place in Light Buggy. Nissan to third in points in Pro-Lite, one point out of second place. rounds enabled Sam to hold third place in points<ln Sportsman 2. Keith Steele had three wins in the Stock Category but he was only He had a winless season in 2003 but Tim Lemons took the third Marl< Steinhardt had three wins with his great looking buggy and he able to grab the fourth spot in points for 2003. finishing position in Super Buggy, seen here throwing dirt. was third in season points in Single Buggy. · 16th finishing place went to Scott Daniel Martin started the round feldt took the points'win with 152 --:;,-Miller,ToddCrumpdroppedway but didn't finish. Mike Rau inhand.SteveSochawassecond down to 17th, Brad Erickson was scratched. .in points with 145, Mark Stein-18th, Jason Janusz was 19th and So the season was over for the hardt was third with 131, John Leonard Lindquist was 20th. Sin_gle Bu_g_gy _group and Mike See-Continued on page 57 passed Race'Preptand SetttJp ~ervices~ ... KREGER Fabrication is your one stop racd ~hgpl:'.~ive ·r;; a •·•·•· call for more information and expeHiri~e· t~e dif-ference a KREGER Car or Race Set-Up can make! Page 48 October 2003 .. Dan Baudoux picked up his fourth win of the season at Crandon and that catapulted him into his first Sportsman 2 class championship. OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6.5 $135.00 $145 .. 00 & up Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $129.95 . $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 247-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Dusty Times
,,,-By Wes. Wisdom Everyone mark your calen-dar for Wednesday, October 15th. On that night F.A.l.R. is very proud to host Sal Fish and SCORE International for the drawing of starting positions for the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000. This will be a b ig night with race cars and trucks on display, a "B 1 K Tabletop Ven-dors Fair" and lots an d lots of camaraderie. The meeting starts at 8:00 p.m., but get there early for all the other attractions. It will be at the Radisson Hotel in Ful-lerton. The address is 222 W. Houston. It's one block west of Harbor Blvd., on the north side of the 91 Freeway. Any-body who wants to come is in-vited. There was only one race in August, the annual MOR night race at Lucerne Valley. F.A.l.R. was there, of course, with 10 members racing. Dan Folts had his usual rally, with at least a one and a half lap lead. Dan blows away all of the Class 9 competitors. He and Dad Dave are in the process of building a 1/ 2-1600 so everybody in that class bet-ter watch out. Don't have any first-hand information as to what hap-pened to any of the other members. According to the re-sults page on the MOR website there were a couple of "Po-dium" finishes; Chris Bowman· was third in Class 5 and Ron Rash was third in Class 9. Chris lost the points lead in Class 5 but is only 11 points behind the leader with two races to go. In the other year and points races, A.J. Gaston is second in Class 1, Guy Savedra is third in Class 550, Ryan Lesher is second in Class 10, Dan Vance is tied for first in the huge Class 1450 and James Golden has a very big lead in Class 1600. Except for Golden, who seems to have a lock on the 1600 class, all of th e points battles are so close that, with two races to go, anything can happen! F.A.l.R. is proud to be par-ticipat~ng in the OHV Toy Drive for Kids with Cancer and other life threatening dis-eases. We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys at all of our meetings and at every race un-til the end of November. Items can be for any age group from newborn to teens. Check out the race-dezert.com website for a listing of the kinds of things that can be donated. All gifts will be sent to the Miller Children's Hospital in Long Beach and the University Children's Hospital in Irvine. Let's all get together and make Dusty Times this a super successful drive. On another positive note, our illustrious El Presidente, Tom Sobray, has gotten him-self hitched! None of us ·are quite sure how he found some-body to put up with him. He must have some hidden charms that we aren't aware of. He's been putting in so much time on F.A.l.R, business we don't know where he got the time to get married. Congratulations to Tom and Beth and we hope to keep seeing both of them at all the races! llt-Dl.JJIE PcRf6~/1AIICF, -we. LS1 Ir I-STAR PRE-RU■ OR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP 1.51 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS ANO AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONR (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX 4531 SSl!NHOlfflt CfltCLI! llHJlHl!f■, CA. H107 country th e world has ever as lo n g as we don't let th e fa- away from us. Because of deadlines, this is being written on 9/ 11. Hope-fully all of us took some time to reflect on what happened two years ago and what is still happening. W e are lucky enough to live in t h e freest known and it will always be so natics o f the world take it Continued on page 50 MDTDRSPDRTS Super Cell Fits between the fram e of ANY t ruck SCORE & FIA Legal Manufactured exclusively by Fu el Safe Toys Baja 1000 Desert Buggy Metal Mulisha, Baja 1000, L·Bz, & Kawasaki Motorcycles ·coming Soon: Trophy Truck & Truggy Bone·s ® The best DZUS tool you'll ever own! Cust om Colo r s & engr aving available Quanity Discounts I Specialty Tools & Accessories Helmets & Kool Air™ Systems Mil-Spec Electrical Products Safety Equipment Communication Systems Racing Wheels Satell1te Phones & GPS Custom Chevy VB Engines PARTICIPATING DEALER§ B & R Buggie -152.3 So. Coast Hwy. -Oceanside, CA 92054 -760-722-1266 Baja Racing Products -1040 South Main St. -Fallbrook, CA 92028 -760-723-2117 Baja Shop Motorsports -264 Cypress St -Orange, CA 92865 -714-279-0778 H&M Motorsports -120 North Pacific St #H1 -San Marcos, CA 92069 -760-510-9586 Perry's Fab & Fiber -La Mesa, CA 91941 -619-463-1361 Race Ready Products -103 Press Lane #4 -Chula Vista, CA 91910 - 619-691-9171 'ft!!o!s ~ ® .R C October 2003 3231-C Business Park Drive #318 Vista, CA 92083 USA 760-918-0777 Fax 760-918-0733 rXms.com Page 49 -
It's up to us to remember all of those who have protected our freedoms, some with the ultimate sacrifice. This great country was built on the prin-ciple that all of its citizens are created equal and have in inalien right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and will remain so as long as we su pport those Americans who are putting their lives on the line to protect us. God Bless America. B-y Stephen Stenberg, Pit Coordinator Welcome members and race fans alike. It has been a long su mmer and I'm back. Since last reporting, Mag 7 has been busy with three races. First it was t h e Baja 500 in June. Then it was the Vegas to Reno race which we shared with Baja pits under the BMP banner. Then it was back to business at the Baja 300 last m onth pitting a lone. Altogether a busy summer for the team. ow we pre pa re for the grande race of the season, the Baja 1000 in November. Mag 7 will b e pitting this race alone, with no outside h elp fro m any other teams. We are going thru our equipment ranging from 11 gallon dump cans to welder s, to fi rst aid boxes to restock them to 100% capacity. At t h e same time, we are recruiting new member s each m onth. A team such as ours can' t run just on its laurels from past years. Granted, this past year in off road racing (cir. 1969), but new blood mixed in with the old on top. We meet at the Casa Mechado Restaurante on the southern edge of Montgomery Field in San Diego each month on a . Monday night, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Drinks are on the team and perspective members' meals are on us the first meeting they attend. If yo u or someone you know wants to join up with a family team that enjoys serving racers and likes belonging to a team that has been around into its fourth decade, then Mag 7 is the one for you. Of course, as with any team, withou t our sponsor s w e would have a hard t ime existing. In n o certain order they are SKS Valvoline, Off Road Warehouse, Red-D-Arc Welding, GPR Products, IMS Products, Cycle Parts West (El Cajon, CA store) and DeWalt Tools. Our fuel is supplied through C.L. Bryant and Bill Rodriguez. We run 76 race fuel only with Valvoline oil products and Golden Spectro for our bikes and quad s. For race support, yo u can contact us either thru our web site at www.Mag7race.com or our officers directly For our President, Terry Walsh, you can contact him at Preside n t@M ag7 race .com. For our Race Director, Kevin Wals h , you can call him at (619) 582-3728 or e-mail him at Raced irector@Mag7 race. com. At this time we haven't decided on the number of pits or the cost of the service. But our pit applications should be going out to our 2003 current members (76 total as of 9/ 1/ 03) by the end of September/ beginning of October. That is it for now. Let's get o u t to the d esert and enjoy ourselves. See you next month. Adios from the Mag 7 Race Team. PLEASE! DON'T FORGET TD SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP DllliYljllllG REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWSI Page so AUTOMOTIVE & PERFORMAN·CE 4725 E. 22nd Street• Tucson., Arizona 520-747-0563 Stand alone programmable management - "Simple Digital System" W'HY TUNE A CARBURETOR, W'HEN YOU CAN PUSH A BUTTON Sales•Installation•Dynotuning Carburetor to EFI conversions • ECU up-grades ECU up-grades • Turbo and Supercharging Injectors • Sm-ge tanks • Fael system components Custom intake and Turbo exhaust fabrication for Race or Pleasure -Desert, Sand/Dunes & Pre-runners www.toyotaper£orman.ce.com The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! MENOEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. October 2003 Dusty Times
GOOD STUFF . . DIRECTORY 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 www.advanceoffroad.com -';E:~2?~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BA'ITERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • _aJax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 QUALITY PAINTING . Race Truck Panels Helmets Etc. Race Car · Panels John Kurtz Steve Kurtz Affordable Prices 619-562-5902 10925 Hartley Road Suite F Santee, CA 92071 ROAD FUEL CELLS 44 Gal. 1or · $444.00 A1.SRACING WILDOMAR CA. T,,yota IFS au pension apectallsta Long tr.Ivel klts and rac. trim packagea for 2wcl. & 4wd. Pick-Up, Tacoma, Tundra, 1·-100 and 4-Runner wv,w.ATSRAC!NG,com (909)471-2418 ·s111ol-PRDOF_PE11Fel-■. Sliver Faced lFG's Liquid-Filled Gauges frol'T_l Auto Meter are notorious for being the to4g1Jes~-. on the market. Combine that with the fact Auto Meter also is known • for it's reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. , ~_&I www.autometer.com · Y, Send $4.00 for a catalog to: Auto Meter Products, Inc. . . e Dept OUOO • 413 W. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL60178 • (815) 895-8141 ~• p ' . . ~ ~ .· , J - r ~ - $ ? ~ R 7 $ JJ ~ • / SAND BUGGIES • PRE-RUNNERS • RACE CARS {'' . , . •~M FABRICATION & ALUMINUM WORK • Sl'EOALIZING IN PRE-RUNNER 6UILDS TO RACE OiA5515 DESIGNS· • fR(),l 60l.T ON LlfT5 TO FULL 6LC7,l'N QJSTOM !iU5PEN510N · · FIBERGLASS-. ·CUSTOM BUMPERS--5HOa T<M'Elt5-·INTER~ ROLL CAGE5-·BED CAGES--COIL·Ol'ER SET UPS-·WIDENED FRONTEN05-·CIJ5T(),l A-ARMS & I-BEAMS-&70 PROFESIONAL AVE. #402 HENDERSON. NEVADA VIIVIIW.BLACKMARKETFAB.COM Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 www.boatec.com · e-mail: boatec@gbonline.com ~ dunebuggys.com Get The Word Out About Your Business, Big Or Small. Put Your · Business Card Ad In The Good Stuff Directory. Reach New Customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads Are Merely $45 Per Month 818-882-0004 4584 Columbus Rd. Macon, GA 31206 478-47 4-9292 BRANDWOOD CARS FREE Catalog Custom V~hicle Shifter for mid-engines and other appllcati~ns 602-437-3107 0MRt. OF PRFORMANCE ,ARTS FOR INDUSTRY LEADINl1 RACE CAR BUILDEV - Spindles, Floatinll Huhs - 5 spd. Shiftc.-s (fits Mcndcola trans & others) -'\'orthstar Airbox Adapten S, more !! url: www.bti-tool.com e-mall: sales@btl-tool.com (619)562-3071 CACTUS RACING Raceair Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 5153 Bowden Ave. San Diego, CA 92117 - 858-279-2509 -
. l CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (909)845-8820 ~roducts in stock Race Proven Fabrication Boatec Fiberglass Pre-Runnen. Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benden. Short Course trucks Bypass valves+tubes Paris-Dakar trucks · Sway-bar Arms ACCOUNTING• INCOME TAX• CONSULTING .. RS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. ' MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT 536 S. Second St, Suite E 626-653-2023 Covina, CA 91723 Fax· 626-653-2024 Offroad to Street, Pr.erunner to Race -Chaais Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 16~1 17459 lilac St #E Heeperla CA 92345 canctdfab~orke@aol.com llltrlOI Ut:EIS WHO IEIIMI TIE IEST HAMPION HEADLOCK ~C!tNQ WHEELS U.S.A. WHEELS/ CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MflAN qARRETT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 83722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ www.champlonwheel.com CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiFU.CI NG PRODVCTS. INC. [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena f$1vd. San Diego, CA.'921'10 (619) 275-1663 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass) Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Stag_ing Brakes Hydraulic Throttlhs Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. . ' Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• r-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hangi!)g Tr~e,Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 ' l, i i! 8RACINGI GASOLINE ~ I TORCO RACING FUELS ·1 CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR I 1-800-54-COSBY 3 II;: I COS'3Y ~L-~OMPANY, SANT~ ~E SPRINGS, CA CR,11ct ·L □ ULTRASONIC CLEANING JIii Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, Oil Tanks, Radiators, LiMS, Fittings ~i\,n □ ~=-~-.. .. " Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etc. " □ NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING 3043 0ak Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Ultrasonic, Eddy Cum,nt X-Ray □ CNC MACHINE SHOP Pfln (714) 957-1215 USAC STAnOII •s -Fu (714) 957-1567 MA STAnOII ftVll7R2IIJ -......!.'--------= l'or Your Plob«:llo»' CROWN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED AEROSPACE, HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL i10SES & FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER OR., SUITE G • VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92083 You must have more business than you can handle if you are not advertising in Dusty Times 818-882-0004 ~:....t...........,;.a.;:a_.,_.;,a....::L..IL!.... Speaalizing in ... .... .._ .. Swta1axtes Bewtaad Fortin N-deola ND4S Nagnum44 lltrebler Automade [I DE rJ_yrg1Q]] HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 B Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 www.denunzioracing.com 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 --'llllmar:a • -·1 ,/ t<<4 /DEREK NYE~)-/ · ~ w.I11!!.~eel • unll H Cosll, Mesa~ CA 92627 \.., • !el: 9'19.5'18.8533 lax: 9'19.5'18.853'1 www.OIRraAGZ.com e-mell: dereknue I 1111101.com Trnm Bngz ~] Prlvnlr Lnbrl Cuslom Beg Oulgns --l)llfl1 ll1l~IU{S 0 F F - R O A D D E SI G N & F A B R I C A T I O N RACE PREP PRE RUNNERS SUSPENSIONS ROLL CAGES TUBE BENDING WELDING LIFT KITS . BILL SCOTT (909) 520-0064 Fax (909) 520-0078 Email· DlrtWerks@sbcglobal.net 12321 Sampson Ave., Unit I Rlversld&, CA 92503 . . . · TfJ JfJ@•@ .~~Vll[M® braslve Blasting .. Protective & Decorative Coatings *Se,vit)g Saft Diego County Since 1870' 1835 John Towers Ave. #A El Cajof CA 92020 TAKE YOUR BUSINESS OFF-ROAD (619) 448-3932 Fax (619) 448-3662_ marketing o advertising o communication-702-253-1565 ENTROPYGROUP.COM FORD RACING PARTS; RAN6ER2.3 PlNTO 2.0 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PARTS IN STOCK. -STOCK 2.3 So P6. CATALOG PHONE (6!6) 444-4919 143t POTR£RO FAX (626) 444-3046 SO. El.MONTE, CA. JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets FRESH AIR SYSTEMS TECHHOLOGIES, IHC • Interior Revisions 810 A south Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 jill@fasthelmets.com 1-888-466-RACE www.freshairsystems.com 1-84 7-259-3810 www.fasthelmets.com Fax 1-847-259-9705 "THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS" Ota PBRFORMIICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend RA<:INI, ENl;!Nf.'i, TRANS"\IISSIONS AND OFFROAO PARTS Sc1id or-roll for our new catalog SS.00 · - · j .,
r <a. RAYBAYLY BRIAN GRI.FFIN l1&L/!,fli!# 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 http://www.dionandsons.com bnan@mail.dionandsons.com (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 The harder you· race the more you need one~ . FLFlmELFll3'" FIRE-RESISTANT T-SHIRTS FOR DESERT RACERS ~-EXTRA COMFORTABLE. EXTRA AFFORDABLE. ~ www.BajaBros.com 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax Doug Fortin THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s: For your local dealer call (8~0! 433-6524 · Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manofacturino. Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR g7701 USA ph(541) 388-W 03 f>t541)388-030! Adrian or Fidel i-tEJ.\DflOVV J'J\J.\S~f ER S ' RACING· CYLINDER HEADS & ENGINES _2466-F S. Santo Fe Avenue • Vista, CA 92084 . p;~:· (760) 727-1827 ---'--,, 'I . R~J.i)· Buff & Kevin Owners / F abricetors ,. _-.1.J~ p. 760.510.9586 • f. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific· St. # J-1 • San Marcos, CA 91069 www.handmmotorsports.com · HONDA $SUZUKI se~•..aaa I I ~ I I I I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (800) 800-6134 FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA. 91601 Just A Small Ad Here Can Increase c---:Your Business By A Bunch. Call Dusty Times For Details 81 8-882-0004 (619) 561-7764 fax 561-4834 20 Years of Off Road Racing Experience ". @llsli ~£1tf01tlAl~t£ We Service & Sell Jeff Howe Char Lynn, Sweet, 12476 _Julian Ave. Pumps, Gears & Lakeside, CA 92040 . Power Ra_ck ~ Pinion HP ENGINE & DYNO SERVICE 14368 Olde _Highway 80 • Suite E • El Cajon, CA 92021 Jim Horne 619 443-9990 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" ~--~·····,.··~ I I I I I I LI~~•~ Quality Racing Transmissions JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 Mike Julson · President 10965 Hartley Rd., Suite R Santee, CA 92071-2893 619 / 562-1743 Fax 619 / 562-3379 e.mail jimcorace@aol.com www.jimcorace.com I• -.,_1.,.1,e •ce z_ RACING ENGIN~ COMPLETE ENGINES • DYNO SERVICE George Jimenez T ROY JOHNSON (909) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714.535.5116 Specializing in custom offroad race trucks • Prerunnas • • Sand car5 • Raily cars • Custom Fabrication • Advanced Suspsnsic,n Tscllnology • R~sear ch & C•€'.1elupment KAL OFFROAD RACING www .KALoffRoad.com Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions Kurt Larmee (805) ·466-4101 ----8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE• GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawaguchihonda.com 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 · 323-264-5858 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 FX: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unli #3 Orange, CA 92867 -
-POWER E STEERIN.G · THOMAS£LEE Engineering LEE· MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON. &TAEET· SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 FAX(818)7'18-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of ~ StNl'ing gears, pumps and acc:euoriel for any type of racing. • Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL·CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 KENT LOTHRINGER . (909) 596-5497 FAX LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076 p~ RACING ENGINES . Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~HCHA.F.T. ,Ra:..::zeP~ . www.mastercraftseats.com • Seats • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suit~ B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 MtllAt (818) 886-4446 (818) 772-6470 fax www .mckenziesontrack.com -18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 .offroad ■Road Course ■Drag Racing .OVal Track ■Fabrication ■Welding ■Chassis and Suspension Specialist YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ . www.mckenzies.com PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX:(714) 441-1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 • WORK GUARANTEED DEADLINES KEPT .__ ffc.2uee/l .0woty_/Je [l)esi9N., !?Inc. /7ioer</la,iw .%olt,!<J, !Auc/.i• amll/lepa,;, MIKE M CQUEEN OFF ROAD BODIES SINCE 197 2 B Y APPOINTMENT FAX (310) 379-8633 (310) 374-8669 E-MAIL: MPD@MAKATAK.NET HTrP:/ /WWW.MAKATAK.NET MIKE .MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Su~e I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 . #iJIJJflllllllfi' -(619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 COJIPOHEfffS F.08. CHASSIS FA8RleA'f16N -~"'-"'· ~~•_ij!I~, ... ~ stiftarMolm • 01 & Waterl3otlle ttolders Moulton Racing ·FaPrication • RaceCars , ~ ,i • . , · ~ ~-• l • Prerunners , • ..&'i . -· .✓-· , • Sand Cars · _,.,,. ... -•.• r~ ....... .,.., I Jim Moulton :~- --28355 INDUSTRY DR.1412 Vlllencla Ca 91355 · 661-295-0253 MSD • r.:J ~' 1 L J f. 1 f ■ ■4,W:f! , .... -,,. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNIT ION5 • O I S .TRIBUT .. . -· AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 HENRY BRENNAN DR . . EL PASO, TX 7993E 19151 857-5200 • TFr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msd1gmbon.com ¼,, TO 3,, O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 399.E . .Haaisorl.lJnitD Corona, CA 92879-1313 {909) Z12J,272 www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-725-2B75 www~.com For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 Todd Dwyer 43455 Business Park Drive, Temecula. CA 92590 Phone (909)587-0101 Ext 156 www.mickeythompsontires·.com 619-562-5533 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PFR . PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wl)cker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS G a--~-,~~ ~ ,~W~(Q)if[§@'l:fl SAFETY EQUIPMENT D F . F R O A D E N a I N E E R I N G MAXON, MOlOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS Pre-Runners • Race Cars & Trucks • Long Travel Sand Buggies Custom Chassis • Suspension • Cage • Sheet Metal Lifts • Shocks • Tires • Wheels • Accessories (805) 522-4499 . Lance Fuller Fax (805) 522-4590 www.rnotorsportsplus.com 2i80 Shasta Way_ #115 Simi Valley, CA 93065 BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS l0N STOCK . WIRil'IIG FOR RADIO &/OR 111.'TERCOM STILl. ONLY S 125 . -2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 562-427-8177 • I 800-869-5636 ~ -■ A R .
PEAK. PRERUNNERS Bumpers · Roll Cages · Suspension · Welding · Machining Computer Aided· Suspension· Oesign · Custom Metal Fabrication ; Custom Accessories Dennis Rotim 661-373-6176 www.peakprerunner-s.com peakprerunners@yahoo.com . ··._...... . ·~B.aH~-¥ TEL (949)650-3035 fHH (9119)650-4721 * All Types of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Beaclinc .-Fralc.v s J , · Pc-rf ormancc 1tngineering j • Aluminum CJ Steel W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley . 702-365-9055 Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com PBEPS£RJ//CES UIVL/111/ffD 5(,2-529-.199 J r 562-529-.1992 r 9024 Jeff Street Bellflower.CA 90706 A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion • Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodigy.net Tel: 619-390-6252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 Joe Dautllan Par: 323.340.om 13411 Oronfield Ave. sv1mar. CA 91342 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension• Safety• Orive/ine·• Accessories (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane; Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com www.RACESHOCK.coM 118 Pboenix,Arizona !!If C;(-g,· --· Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands ••.. Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 Fax: (6~2) 493-0975 l"Ell'FOll'IIKCE• Tll'IKSIA'L ES Sauthen Calnamla's largest Distributor DI Mendeala Transules PH: ~14.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO TRANSMISSION -Building automatic transmissions for winners Jefferies Racing McMillin Racing TRD From our long.list of clients, just to name a few With our own CNC machine shop, we specializ.e in Circle Track; Southwest Tour Racing, Off-Road Racing and Automatic Transmission Sand Buggies 27598 Commer-ce Center-Dr. (909)676-6569 Temecula, CA 92590 I C TRANS Will get JOI ii gear SWilg axle, ••s, bewlaad, MD4S 34551. POLARIS #5 LAS VISAS, NEVADA 89102 .IIHN 0.0. HllllmN (102) 221-4383 (702) 187-9724 · Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax ·15031 Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 raceprepservices@aol.com rm SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING . 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (323) 583-2404 FAX (323) 583 -3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS BEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MARK SMITH LARRY SMITH LAURA RICHARD S.·B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 . HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 . ~RACING ~GASOLINE ■ ■ ■-~•i ... ■ ■ ■71 ■ [JI ■_JLJI..J ...-•• L■ I Western US and Mexico CL BRYANT, INC. 800-399-4176 Fo; plex - Pomona Qclober5 & 6 '!!!!!!{!tfl TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714)447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246
JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS• \\lllOOW LITTEP.11,G • CAA LETTERING.• GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circie •· Hunt1ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075. • Fa\ (7141 694 -9567 SPENCER LOW RACING .com NISSAN 1 Specializing in: 7 Off ROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS FRONTIER PATHFINDER • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BO0Y FIBERGLASS »ANO MORE ><TERRA HARDBODY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 off :road f a.b:rica.-tio:n.. • Metal Fab. • Welding • Suspension Kits • Cusiom Paint• Rollcages • Bumpers • Buy a seat and race program Sam Puleri (323) 563-2224 Fax (323) 563-2227 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Truclcs • Buggies • Pre-Runners l6I9) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", SantE:e, CA 92071 _-ST'...R.£C:-7LtlJ ~ P-,_E'.RF'O~~___:_._~. . 1 TIie V•y lkst Of Offr ·•. Pwrlolwww:•. ,,.ts. Fabllcittlon And lnstalat We C.t!J! RCD • SFG Fitbt«tt • Kirt§ 9,oclcs ArtdMMyMot•. SUNDRY METAL SP1NNING· • · Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE •ALUMINUM · • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS WESTERN DIVISION 6831 Suva Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER (209] 847-2281 [800] 527-6090 FAX (209] 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. Oakdale, California 95361 <@UINSET)> ~¥ iU.22-'2? Design Fabrl'catlon lnstailatlon .. You" GluA&.nv SIOH COM,AHY•• Darren Ebberts (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 S POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 ,...CO,APIJTEKIZEOVINYLGfU\PH/C5& LETTERING lill·II WM I ,.._ ~C05T l'XDG 51GN5 (,._II. PIIVCE55E5) -,.._ T-OE 51-i?W Ot5PL"''rS ,-... /ll!ACING G/ll!Af"H/CS ,.._ Ocr,._ILEO & LN/QUE OE5/GN5 ,-... FLEET VEHICLES ,,.._H~at.v'IL/TY MNNEKS ,-...MAGNETICS . ,,.._ WGO 1'EPT?OOUCTON5 ,-... REAL ESTATE ,,.._LOGO & Gf/VIPHIC OE5/GN ,-... DECALS ~ SUSPENSIONS -UNLIMITED · ... . .... 'OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS ~ • FABRICATOV • CI\CPIASMA Q/TT/AG • FHNTENDS • FEAR TRAIU/IKJARMS RACED-IASS/5 • PfERJ.N,ERS • ,'(])(RAC/f\K;SHJ>< • SANDBIJ3GES LARRY RDSEVEAR 4050 L£A VERTON CT. ANAHEIM, C4 92807 PHONE/714)6304482 FAX (714)6304548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 87~-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans_ Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Sh.afts • American Made Excellence!! JUST A SMALL AD HERE CAN INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS A BUNCH 818-882-0004 TLR Peiformance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 ~5!!»~~•111 ... L.-:.:~,.. Experienced Fabricators Needed. . Trans Am, Trophy Truck or Class 1 experience preferred. Excellent welding skills required for MIG and TIG with all metals. Must be a team player, with a great attitude and able to follow direction. 714.632.0013 2980 E. Mlraloma Ave. Anaheim CA 92806 '' V-6E'H,, .-0• • "' WP"D~·~-= 'L:4~ SPE2(,qll/ST.S ·'.: * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:/www .off-roadfiberglass:com TrailerWare™ Trick Gear for Your Rig $99.00 Free CA Shipping Offer Ends 12/31/03 949•347•7091 Double Helmet & Gear Sh~lf .090 Aluminum www.trailerware.com io 1/2"H X 28 1/2"W X 15"0 1i&RAxLE-ENCilNEERiNCi JEFF FIELD (818) _998-2739 0 C Cll -I C ~ (J) o-,, m ffi ► () (J) X ► UJ I\) ~ ~ ~ .j>. iil 0, :, (J) (") 0 _a, C () 9' !!!.z :::;; 0 0 ~ 3 3 - · I» I» :, (0 a. ~ cii" o► ~ < !I> 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 .till ransworks ~Q PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES . ~ ~UTHORIZED MENDEOLA ~EALER STOCK & CUSTOM SAND * STREET * RACE www.transworks.biz ERIC LAUNDRIE 24752-VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 (619) 445-3~35 [UMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANOS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE. CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING . YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH• REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 BF.lUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels. West Co~f P..O. Box 1.319 ·34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Carlos Orozco. 619.S96.8033 Phone: (909) 674-91'67 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392
{tr~rnmwm ,. BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension wit!J: 1;his ad~esl,bu~n ,r;top system. Front & Rear Trailing,Arms • Spindles _ Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends ===~=-<-PA/Kr ,4/IIP C04TINGS«GRAP/IKS,;t J,(JG(Jf} 1 ·~ ro~ MAJNTJ'NANCJ'•f!if~/1'//,C.,,.J,J!TIRIN&I< Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. ---760-949-1220,· . 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-928-427-3551 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 Yarnell, AZ 85362 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER ~ OF THE YEAR,. 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From _Parts To Complete Engines 3675 w. Taco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 Race Cars Dune Buggi e s Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V.W. -Porsche - Nissan - Toyota -Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 9 10 16 (626) 914-8 147 www.wrtrans.com C "=,)..lo) ~ S~ACe Get t~e word out about your business, Big or. small! Put your business card In the ··coon STUFF DIRECTORY11 and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $45.00 per month. (818) 882·0004 Todd Lemke (Foreground) took a second and a sixth at Crandon, he Kevin Probst was winless in 2003, he flew his Chevy to fifth place in was third in Light Buggy points for the 2003 season. the Pro-2 points contest. Fourth place in the Pro-Lite contest went to Rick Huseman, his Fabtech Ford won two rounds in the 2003 season. Fitzgerald came m tourth with mce seventh, Steve Oma~n-c~a~m~e~m,,____,..c-r~a-1g.,,......,R,.....,.abtc-c-e-, ...,1,-r~a_,.C---,F"'"'l....,e-1s"'h.,...m~a~n~-,-~a--cn-,1=n7thtc---=1place and Nick Lemke was· 121 and Ada-m Guberud was-fifth eighth, rookie Craig Metz was Brian Bloomquist and Jamie Gil-good for a 10th place finish. 11th with 118 points. ninth and Joel Krall, another son. Gerald Kleikamp was a place went to Mike Tikkanen, Tom Light Buggy is the largest class, rookie came in for 10th. Tom scratch for both rounds and J.R. Thomas, a rookie was 12th, Tom 32 competitors after the champi-Thomas, yet another rookie was Wagner, Scott DeGroot and Nick Virnig, another rookie was 13th, onship and there were few sur-11th, Tracy Peebles made it an Lemke never took the green flag. Carol Gunderson was the 14th prises as the season waned. Josh even dozen, Adam Behm came in The second and final round at finisher and rookie Randy Oman Hintz took his second win of the 13th, Mike Tikkanen, also a Crandon for the Light Buggy was 15th yet again. Brian Glime season in the first round, he was rookie was 14th and Randy group saw Jimmie Kleikamp tak-had another 16th place finish, off to a rocky start in the begin-Oman, also a rookie was 15th to ing his third win of the season. Josh Chad Dewall fell way back to 17th, ning of the season but from the finish. Brian Glime came in 16th, Hintz took a nice second spot and Matt Gerald finished 18th, Kevin first Crandon on he was hard to Ben O'Connell was 17th, Carol that cemented his points win, Greg Huth was 19th and Steve Swander stay with. Todd Lemke had a nice Gunderson was the 18th finisher, Stingle came in third, Craig Metz, was way back in 20th place. Craig second place finish, Chad Dewall rookie Tom Virnig came in 19th, a rookie took a nice fourth place Rabe came in 21st, Ben O'Connell was third, Jamie Kleikamp had a Jeff Schulze was 290th and Steve and JeffVirnig came in fifth. Todd was 22nd, rookie Joel Kr.all was nice fourth and Jeff Virnig came Oman was the 21st and final fin- Lemkie dropped a few spots to · 23rd, Adam Behm was the 24th in fifth. Sixth spot went to Greg isher. Starting the round but fail- sixth, Jeff Schulze finished a strong and final finisher. Starting the Stingle, Steve Swander had his · ing to finish were: Matt Gerald, seventh, JeffVirnig was way back round but not finishing were: best finish of the season with a Steve Schuch, John Bauman, in eighth, Steve Oman came in for Steve Schuch, John Bauman and Bnan Bloomquist. I raC Fleishman scratched, Jamie Gilson and Scott DeGroot never got·on the truck. The Light Buggy points race was tight early in the season but at season's end, Josh Hintz. took the win with 143 points earned, Jeff Virnig was second with 120 points, Todd Lemke was third with 97, Jamie Kleikamp was fourth with 96 and Greg Stingle was fifth with 95. There are two rounds remain-ing in the CORR Lucas Oil Pro Series, the action dates are Sep-tember 13 and 14 at the Unadilla Valley Sports Center in New Ber-lin, New York. . Mike Savage had one win early this season, he an,d flis Ford ended In Single Buggy, John Fitzgerald was fourth in season points in spite Jamie Kleikamp flew to a win in round #12, he finished fourth in points. up fourth in points in the Sportsman 2 class. of no winning rounds through the 2003 season. in the ever competitive Light Buggy class. Dusty Times October 2003 Page 57
Classified ... Some of the items advertised in these pages may n·ot be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. ..:. F0R SALE: Jirnco Class 10, FAT Toyota, Fortin trans, 934 CVs, King Shocks, Pro 10 LLC Champion, Many wins and Championships. Best 10 car out there, Lots of spares. Re-duced, $45,000.00. Call Steve Melton {602) 206-7830 or (623) 386-3449. FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seat 10-12 car, 227 5 cc, dual 44 Webers custom intake UMP, Mendeola, Fox Coil overs and triple bypass, Foddrill arms, Mastercraft, Howe, Diablo, oil cooler MSD dual coil & MSD system, Hella & K.C. 32 gallon fuel cell $23,500.00. Call Mike @ (909) 244.-4757 or (909) 721-2960. FOR SALE: Class 12 Jimco 2-seater. New 1835cc w/alum case, superflow heads, Butler intake, MSD w/dual boxes, Fresh Mendeola MD4 w/new ring/pinion. New TCS axles/ CV's. Fox coilover front/ rear, new Foddrill arms w/ king kong spindals, CNC, Centerlines, BFG's, Howe, Vertex, CompCom, Beard. Tons spare parts/tires, pit boxes, $36,000.00. Toby (619) 232-8490 . FOR SALE: Lothringer Baja Prerunner/1935 WW Wiks mtr. VW Bus, WR Trans, Fox Shocks, Fuel Cell, Power Steering, Neutec Radio, Hella Lights, Dual Pumper. Full Cage, Adjusters F/ B, Centerline rims w/Yokohama Tires, Beard Seats. Ready to Go. $7,500.00. Call Jim (818) 253-6.716, (626) 919-3009. FOR SALE: 1998 Mirage Class 1 Single Seat, Mid engine, Toyota Camary V6 325hp, electromotive lMZ injection, Jerico 4 speed trans, Fields cliff, 934 C/Vs, Fortin gun drilled axles, Fox shocks, PCI ra-dio, spare parts, 14 spare tires & wheels, prepp,ed & ready to race, professionally maintained, com-petitive car, $35,000.00 Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE:'74 Pre-Runner, 4130 Gemco Chassis, 3x3 Gemco Arms, Fox shocks, Beard Seats, 25 gal fuel, Right Beam Spindels & training arm, Right RP, Gear One Discs, Johnsons 2020 motor, Show con-dition. Hardley used: Must see. $25,000.00 OBO. Call for details AL (619) 445-3753. FOR SALE: Chevy Trophy Truck. King Coils, Chrisman, Howe, Fuel Safe, PCI, CNC, Fresh 414 Chevy-Trans & Rear End, 760 Total Race miles since complete rebuild. Ev-erything Powder Coated. Spares, Fuel Dump station w dry brakes, 2001 Custom 28' enclosed trailer. $75,000.00 OBO. Day (505) 327-9409, Night (505) 327-2917. FOR SALE: Pre-runner/Trophy Truck, F150/Chevypowet, 450 hp, Mogi Turbo 400, 32" rear, 24 front, l. 7 5 chromoly chassis, Fox bypass, truck is "all" custom built, first class throughout. Brand new, ready for race, street or Mexico. $120,000.00 Call for details (619) 972-7209. FOR SALE: 1985 Ford F150, Extended cab 3 seat, fully caged, Coilover & bypass shock on each wheel, air bumps, 4 link, equal length I beam w/ center swing steering, Heim end·s on pivot points, big spindles & disc brakes, 408ci small block, SCAT '?r FOR SALE: Class 16 single seat built to meet SCORE 2000 rules, chromoly 115" chassis, combo spindles, Wright Rack-n-pinion, 1600 single port built by Automo-tive Machine, body built by Big John automotive, World of Wheels winner asking $11,000.00 OBO. Visit www.carlotservices.com/db.htm or call Chuck at (254) 442-1683. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Dunrite. All new components-less than 350 race miles on parts. All the best stuff in-cluding FAT motor, Dave Folts 091 tranny with aluminum cliff, Fox Shox all around, Kartek drums, MSD, CNC, Howe, Foddrill arms, Saco rack. See http://raggededge.baja.com $24,000.000B0. Mike (480) 861-5719. crank, Probe pistons, SVO-FOR SALE: 2 Seiter 123 in-1780 heads, Holley, 500hp, Mogi RabbitW/FatHead-091 Tranny300 trans, Summers rear end w/new axles & Torsions-93o CV w/300m FOR SALE: Just in time for Baja drive axles & disc brakes, recent cages-Micro stubs-Fox Shocks-Parker 1000. Only the best parts: King rebuild.on motor, trans, & cliff, Pumper-Pel radio w/intercorn-Beard Shocks, Mastercraft Seats, Currie power brakes, new custom dash Seats-Ron Davis-Wright-Howe-Center-rear-end, PCI Radio, Lowrance w/pro comp gauges, completely line-BFG-Aluminumtrailer$l5,900-00 OPS, National Spring, 6 BFG tires, rewired, AC, Am/Fm/CD, PCI OBO. Tracy (714) 255-9l04. mag wheels, Parker Pumper and -radio, new paint, all it needs is aluminum car-jack. Freshly FOR SALE: Fully Equipped interior to finish, great Pre-run-~~~=l prepped, BITD and SCORE legal Race Transporter: 1989 ner. $45,000.00 Brian (562) withtwoofeverypartincludingen-Peterbuilt, Cab-over w/425 horse 619-9686. gines, transmissions, rear-ends, 3406B Cat Diesel, 118,000 miles, FOR SA~E: Letner Racing (714) parts, panels, radiators, electronics, 18 speed Trans, 1989 DORSEY 633-0030 Henry or Danny. All shocks and more. Heavy duty trailer TRAILER, 48', 99" wide, Hy- Bonner Hawk Engines-Kin~hocks. included. All you need is race suit draulic Lift Gate, Chrome Belly 2 Seat Class 10-Chenowth-Fortin-..,_________ and helmet. Ford Sponsorship and Boxes, Diesel Generator, A/C, Honda-$75,000.00 Many wins. 2 FOR SALE: Class 10 Raceco A prize money still available .. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Bunderson, Stainless Steel Counters and Seat-Class 12 Score Lite-Henrys Arm. Single seat. Mendeola 002, $40,000.00 OBO. Call Al (406) 1999 2 Seater, Fresh Prep, All Cabinets Throughout, Built in ch ass is-Mende o 1 a-18 3 5 UMP, Summers, Fresh Fat, 1650 321-4644 or (406) 322-9997· the best parts, Fox Bypass, Snap-On Boxes, Microwave, Re-V.W.$49,000.00 Best of Every-cc Rabbitt Motor." New Bypass all FOR SALE: Hewland DG300, 300m, Kartek drums, Howe, Big frigerator, On Board Water Sys- thing. 2 Seat Class 12-Henry-Men- four corners. New side panels, 930 Professionally maintained, geared Saco Rae, 930 CVs, PCI Radio tern, Full Length Awning, deola-1835 V.W. or 2 liter-CV's, Saco Rack, Wilwood brakes. for Score Lites. $3,000.00 as is or & intercom, J-mar, D&L 091, $100,000.00. Call Travis @ $49,000.00. Race Ready. 2 Seat $25,000.00 OBO. Can be seen at $6,000.00 with new ring and pin-lots of spares. $20,000.00 OBO Coyne Motors ports (760) 353-Pre-run or Race-Raceco-Mendeola customcoats.com (760) 427-1476 ion and rebuild. Call Stan @(949) (760) 242-0341. 2110 days (760) 554-7546 Eves. 2180 Dual Carbs-$18,500.00. John. .;;..9.;;;..81c...-;;...93;;..;3;..;.9..;... ______ _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your ~a parts and pieces in : : DUSTY TIMES. DUSliJllillllS • • • • • • • • • • • Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white ·photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name Address Phone City ____ ____________________ _ ✓ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 Classified Ad Deadlines 2003-2004 ISSUE DEADLINE November Oct 10, 03 December January February Nov 7, 03 Dec 5, 03 Jan 9, 04 • • • ■ • • ■ ■ ■ • • ■ • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • State _________________________ Zip ·-----------._ __________ __, • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page ss October 2003 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: 4 seat J imco, 2800 cc Type IV, Foltz Trans, Coilover, Howe Power Steer-ing, Beard Seats, Roof Rack, HID KC HiLites, Beadlocks, Centerline, King Shocks, Disc Brakes, Aluminum Body, Awesome Pre-runner. Call after 6:00 pm. (661) 298-4351. $36,500.00. FOR SALE: 98 Jimco look-a-like. 2 seat 1600, Fox Shox, Howe steering, CNC, PCI Radio & Intercom, Di-ablo rack, power box motor & trans, Centerlines, Compufire ign. 930 CV's, Bus drums, 300m torsions, Fodrill arms, Many wins and finishes. 6th place Pro 1600 -series. $16,000.00 OBO ready to race Call Mike 1 (760) 434-7986. FOR SALE: Trophy Truck. 406 Ford Dry Sump Transprows, C6 Dual MSD 3" King Coil over & Bypass, Summers 9", Howe R & P 55 gal Fuel Safe, Master-craft Fluidyne, CNC, Willwood, Ultra Goodyear, BFG, Never Raced $95,000.00. Call Randy at For-tune Fab (909) 687-6416. FOR SALE: 2002 Alumicraft 4 seat Pre-runner. 400+ HP North Star w/rods, pistons, rings, cam & hardworks. Less than 10 hours on motor. OPS, Race ra-dio, intercom, headsets, Hells HID, FOX, etc. The best of ev-erything! 65K serious inquiries only. Please call Mark @ (760) 787-1737. FOR SALE: 1972 Ford F-100, Ready to Pre-run or Chase. Smog Legal 400, Mogi C-6, Summers Bros. 9" Locker, New Fox Shox, Fox Bumps, 35" Bajas, Cab/Bed cage, Glass Hood and Fenders, Mastercraft, Spares, 49 gal tank, all fresh and much more. $14,750.00 Rick (619) 443-9678. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Toyota Tacoma V6, Great PreRunner, 22 gallon Fuel Cell, King Shocks Coilover, By-pass, 35" BFG Mud Terrains, 2 spares, driver raceseat, Custom Radiator and fans, Glassworks Fiberglass. $15,000.00 OBO. Call (818) 504-0866. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Raceco, Mas-tercraft Seats, Fox Shox, Wright Rack, Charlyn P/S, Jamar pedals, Flameout system, Fuel Safe Cell, Car has everything. Fast, clean & handles great. H (661) 724-9169 $9,000.00. Ask for Marc. FOR SALE: 2 seat 1600, Fraley Chassis, FOX Shocks, Center-line Wheels, Combo spindles, 930 CV + Hubs, gauges, rack & pinion All brand new 2003. Must sell, asking $25,000.00 complete ready to race (702) 723-5050 Bus or (702) 723-5011 eve. FOR SALE: 1979 F-150 Pre-Runner: Full Cage, Full Fiber-glass, 400 c.i. C-6 Auto Trans, Art Carr Shifter, Custom Dash/ Interior, BFG's Beard Seats, Autometer Gauges, Dual Batter-ies, A/C, 9" Ford Rear End, Cone Hubs, National Springs, 2 Spares, Fuel Safe 70 Gal Fuel Cell, 4 linked, Dual Shocked all corners, Super Reliable. $23,000.00. Call Travis @ Coyne Motorsports (760) 353-2110 days, (760) 554-7 546 eves. 2001 Toyota Tacoma V6, Class 7 or 7s, Race Ready, 300 HP Engine, Built by TRD, All Tig welded Chromoly built by Arciero Racing, Auto trans by Rancho Transmission, Currie 9" Ford Locker, Sway-A-way Coilovers, Deaver Springs, BFG's, 45gal Fuel Safe, Brembo Brakes, featured in 4 Wheele1 Mag, includes trailer, many sparet $35,000.00 OBO. (562) 924-4153. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 10/ 12 Single Seat. Complete fresh rebuild (chassis/engine/trans/ shocks), WIKS/Jimenez 1776 Type 1-126hp, Fields 091 Trans, Custom Fox shocks with 2-stage internal bypass. Very Fast! $25,000.00. Contact Allen.Russell@RaceFactorylnc.com or (661) 305-5300. FOR SALE: Toyota V6 Camary 3 liter motor, Cat 6" Chevy rods, Ross Pistons, total seal rings, Web Cams, electromotive lMZ injection, TRD springs, cups & retain-ers, 8 qt oil pan, 3 25 hp, fresh rebuild, $6,500.00 Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: Protruck, chassis #SS-1-026, raced 7 times, BEST OF EVERYTHING, rebuilt and race prepped! 2 Engines, 2 trannys, 2 rear ends & axle housings, 2 drive shafts, 2 steering boxes, 3 PS pumps, 2 dampeners, tons of spares, many wheels & tires. Two trailers, one flatbed, one enclosed TPD. 87 ranger prerunner. Sale price $125,000.00 for all or $90,000.00 for truck only, $105,000.00 for truck and all spares. Call Stiles Racing for de-tails. (707) 374-6814. FOR SALE: Chenowth, single seat, Fox, Beard, Lots of spares includ-ing nice tandem trailer, 2nd points M.D.R., Class 9 $5,700.00 Kory Halopoff work (714) 633-0030, home (714) 921-9845. *Please take some time and fill out the Demographic Questionaire that was printed in the September issue. Your help on this will be greatly appreciated. * Attention Race and Rally promoters. Be sure to send your 2004 schedule to Dusty Times as soon as possible for insertion in the Happenings section. *Look for our special offer in the November issue of Dusty Times regarding subscriptions. oct~ber 2003 Sell Your Car, Pre-Runner, Parts or Bits & Pieces Right Here .•• Dusty Times Has The Off Road Readership You're Looking For. •Only$25 for up to 45 words plus $5 with photo. See Form on Page 59. INDb.X TO AD\lb.R. Tl6b.R.6 2004 Desert Racing Calendar .............. 17 Baja Pits............................................... 23 C&R Racing .......................................... 45 Camburg Engineering ........................... 41 Coast Resorts ......................................... 9 Fabtech ................................................. 46 FRT Motorsports .................................... 4 Fuel Safe .............................................. 33 Hypercoils ............................................ 47 ISCO ..................................................... 16 Kartek ................................................... 24 Kawaguchi Honda ................................ 42 KC Hilites ............................................ 32 King Shock Tech .................................. 44 Kreger ................................................... 48 Light Force Engineering ....................... 20 McKenzie Performance Products ......... 13 Nevada Off Road Buggy........................ 36 Off Road Sand And Speed Expo.............. 2 Off Road Swap Meet ............................ 39 OMF ..................................................... 36 Pacific Customs .................... , .............. 10 Parker Pumper ..................................... 15 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ............. 7 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ............ 31 PCI Race Radios ...................................... 5 Pike's Service Center ........................... 14 Race Prep Services ............................... 45 Race Ready ........................................... 47 Racer X ................................................. 49 Rancho Performance ............................ 50 Redline Engineering ............................. 49 Ronco Plastics ..................................... 38 Sakata .................................................. 40 SCORE International ............................ 12 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................ 26 SNORE .................................................. 11 Sway-A-Way ......................................... 37 TCR Automotive & Performance.......... 50 Team Gordon Race Wheels .................. 25 Toyota Motorsports ................. Back Cover Transaxle Engineering ......................... 28 Tri-Mil .................................................. 19 Valley Performance .............................. 48 Web Cam .............................................. 35 Wide Open Baja .................................... 27 Page 59 --
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