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2002 Volume 19 Number 8 Dusty Times Magazine

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volume 19 • Number a• August 2002 $2.50 ISSN8750-17:S2 covering the world of competition in the dirt .•.

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RACE RADIOS & SAFETY EQ[!IPMENT 9 Out 10 SCORE Overall Points Leaders Use PC/ Communications LOWRANCE GPS GLOBALMAP 3000 • Holds 10--10,000 point plot trails for greater detail (you can actually see the turns the coming up). • Larger Screen for easy viewing • WAAS technology for better accuracy. • Comes with GPS unit, bracket, antenna, power cable, download cable, 16mb chip, & new Map Create 6. .GLOBALMAP 2400 • Holds 10-10,000 point plot trails for greater detail • Large Screen for easy viewing • WAAS technology for better accuracy. • Comes with GPS unit, bracket, antenna & power cable. GPS UNITS STARTING AT $429.00 • PCI provided a 16,000 point plot trail download at the Baja 500 for these new style Units. EXTEND YOU RANGE. \\~ LOWER PRICES & LOWER RATES! NEW Globalstar Satellite Phones. $499.00 Standard Plan $19.99 per month $0.99 per min. in US $1.99 per min. in Mexico Long Distance Included • Save Valuable Time with Direct Communications at all times. Globalstar Your Competitive Edge. SPECIAL/ CREW CHIEF HEADSET& RADIO No more yelling between driver & crew in the pit, hear each other Loud & Clear with a Crew Cheif Headset & Radio. N~w Trackmaster, 5 Watt, 16Channel VHF-FM Handheld Radio & Headset with PTT on Ear Cup (Blue, Red, Black, Yellow, Orange, Purple) $429.00 Regularly $519.00 RACEAIR HELMETS STARTING AT $349.00 WIRED with omex Skir. PCI RACE RADIOS 2888 Gundry Ave., Signal Hill, CA 90755 (800) 869-5636 (562) 427-8177 Fax (562) 426-3589 Www.PCIRACERADIOS.COM ROADMASTER TRACKMASTER INTERCOMS HEADSETS GLOBALSTAR SATELLITE PHONES SCANNERS MOTOROLA VERTEX KENWOOD MAXON RACEAIR HELMETS SBOEI BELL SIMPSON BL4CK BOX IN CAR DIGITAL CAMERA .4CEAIR PUMPER MOTORS RACESAFE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOWRANCE GPS PYROTECT DRIVING SUITS GLOVES DRIVING SHOES NECK COLLARS KIDNEY BELTS CROW SEAT BELTS MECHANIX WEAR GLOVES MPACT MPACTII APRONS SHOES KNEE PADS DIRTBAGS GEAR BAGS OFF ROAD VIDEOS TOW STRAPS RATCHET STRAPS NO FEAR APP AREL

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Volume 19 -Number a August 2002 DISliJ~IIDHH Publisher EmeTitus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associat,: Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberland J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman T rackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham fl Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS1Y TIMES: (ISSN 87 50-17 3 2) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882..0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-•right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... Maybe she can't read yet, but Stephanie Strobel shares her father Steve's love for the off road racing community. Dad races mostly with Best In The Desert in his Class IO car. Photo: Belinda Strobel DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES Best In The Desert Nevada 1000 by Judy Smith .............................................. 8 22nd Rally Argentina by Martin Holmes··························································· 18 SNORE Dusty Times 250 by John Calvin ...................................................... 22 FRT Conquista by Judy Smith ........................................................................... 26 Whiplash Rock To Rock by Mike Del Col ......... , ....................... : ................... 30 Australia Off Road -Round 2 by Steve Hilton ...................... ....................... 33 VORRA Yerington 300 b-, Creasy ........................................................ 36 MDR Kartek 400 by Sheryl Cannon ................................................................. 39 CODE KC Hilites by Byrle Moore .................................................................... 44 M.O .R.E. Badlands 250 by John Calvin .... .... ................................................. 50 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ...................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ........................................................................................................ 6 American Jeepspeed by Clive Skilton ............................................................... 48 CORE Pit Report by Wa-,ne Nosala ................................................................. 48 FAIR Report b-, Wes Wisdom ............................................................................. 48 Mag 7 Pit Report by Stephen Stenberg ............................................................... 48 Good Stuff Directory .................................................................................... 52 Classified Ads ................................................................................................ 58 Index To Advertisers ................................................................. ." ................... 59 on The cover Darnen Jefferies shiny Ford Trick Truck gets another bath on the way to a great overall win at the three day long Best In The Desert Nevada 1000. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Clay and Ken Flippin had a great race, they ran through the trees and the water co a first overall, first in Class 10 at ·the SNO RE Dusty Times 250 in Caliente. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Visit Ou,-Website at dubscribe :Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 years -$40.00 □2 □3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ---------------------Address -------------------City ---------------------St ate Zip -------------------Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times August 2002 Page 3

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.. KC HiliTES e KC HID: $400 Product or $200 Cash • Class Win Other KC: $200 Product or $100 Cash• Class Win Available Racing Beam Patterns: HID & Halogen Long Range Driving Fog/Dust KC HiliTES has continuously supported Off Road Racing for over 32 years! Unmatched by any other lighting company we offer the following: • 23 Year Warranty (including bulbs) • Contingency Awards (all classes) • Complete Replacement Parts • Track Side Support by Jim Conner Racing 2002 continaencu We pay all classe-s in all races put on by these sanctioning organizations: SNORE Best in the Desert CORR MDR SCORE VORRA CODE Estero Beach Get A Head In light! KC now offers single HID Light Heads in all of our popular racing patterns. These complete light head units include: HID bulb-starter, lens, cover, mounting hardware and your choice of finish. Now it's possible to swap light heads to change your light pattern output without altering your current wiring set-up or purchasing additional ballasts and harnesses. We will even exchange any previously purchased, unused light heads for a configuration of your choice! For additional product and contingency information contact Jim Conner at 928-855-0912 or email Find your local authorized race lights dealer by visiting our web site at:

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2002 Happenings ... (802) 265-8618 CI.AmTON lb-JACKERS l.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, 0Ht0 43968 (330) 532-4589 MISSION VtEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODEOFFR.oAD BARB V AHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 A.MmucAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, INc. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CtRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUfHUN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521--0597 E MAtt.: A.MmuCAN DuALs ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRw.s SOU1HERN CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BtLL MARKUM -PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE· (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: <> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AuroMOVUISMO SAM WELL, TECH INSPECTOR Ano42 SAN Josa DEL CAilo BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SuR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP DARRYL SMITH 19 SoMERS ST. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD IO CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANCOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1T7 (450) .622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Races Are Night Races AU Races At &rona Ra.away, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF ROAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EvENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VtEW AVE. NORCO, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAS VEGAS, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/FAX (702) 641-2431 E-MAIL: August 9-11, 2002 Tonopah 300 Tonopah, NV September 20-22, 2002 Baja Mex 300 World Championship Baja California, Mexico December 6-8, 2002 Las Vegas 200 BONNEVULE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 NORTH SUNSET, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651/(801) 773-9319 FAX September 6-7, 2002 Ely 200 Ely,NV BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lHO (613) 475-ll02/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AUTOMOVILISTA]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAST EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA Oll-52-16-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES SUE ROBINSON · DIRECTOR 845°SCHOOHOUSE ROAD RAMONA, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 E-MA11.: WEBSITE <> JOHN DILLON, SoPAC RALLY STEWARD August 24, 2002 Gorman Ridge Club Rally Frazier Park, CA September28,2002 Treeline Club Rally West Covina, CA . November 1-2, 2002 Prescott Forest Pro & Club Rally Prescott, AZ December 13-15, 2002 Dusty Times Ramada Express International Rally Laughlin,NV ·CANNING ArrRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 DAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DoN ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN V AUEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS , P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair G,-ounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AuroMOVIUSTICA SANQulNTIN CALLE 6TA FRACC Co. DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXICO HERACLIO PATINO (Oll 52 616-5-22--07) CLUB AuroMoVUISTico SAN VICENTE SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (Oll 52 61746834) RAMON CAsTRo & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/7 0034) CMC CoNTINENTAL MOTOSPORT CuJB P.O. Box 3187 P.O. Box 2320 CALEXICO, CA 92232-2328 USA PHONE (760) 455-8069 TEI/FAX (Oll52) 553-4087 <> August9-ll, 2002 ORWGran Prix Tecate, Baja California,Mexico October 4-6, 2002 Los 200 Millas de Botica Santa Maria Laguna Salada Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico November 29-December 1, 2002 Mangiamos 300 Mexicali To San Felipe Baja California, Mexico (This event is a co-promotion with ZR Promotions and will include motorCJcles and quads) CowRADOHrn. CuM.B ASSOCIATION Byp ·coRP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER Ol 1-52-65-66-4458 CORR/LucAs On. PRo & SPORTSMAN SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING 192 N. STATE ROAD 267, Sum 267 AVON, IN 46123 (317) 271-2827/FAX, (317) 272-2900 July 27-28, 2002 Milan,MI August 10-11, 2002 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, Ml August 31-September 1, 2002 Pro & Sportsman Series Crandon, WI hac by SWAY-A-WAY® Quality •7/8"-1" HARD CHROMED SHAFT •CNC MACHINED FROM BILLET MATERIALS •NITROGEN CHARGED REMOTE RESERVOIR •COMPLETE EXTERNAL POSITION SENSITIVE ADJUSTMENT ·EXCLUSIVE TORCO FLUID FORMULATED FOR OPTiMAL SHOCK PERFORMANCE Performance •INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ADJUSTABILITY TO OBTAIN OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE •REMOTE RESERVOIR TO RESIST FADING CAUSED BY HEAT AND CAVITATION •2 AND 3 TUBE DESIGNS FOR ANE TUNING SUSPENSION ·RACE PROVEN QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE •2.5" AND 3" DIAMETER AVAILABLE Distributors Camburg Engineering Off-Road Warehouse Race Ready Products Donahoe Racing 714-848-8880 858-565-TT92 619-691-9171 714-632-3033 Baja Concepts McKenzie's Prowlers Kartek Raceshock Co. 760-723-2117 714-441-1212 661-288-5757 909-628-0.fl33 602-493-3700 August 2002 Goto. to learn more or call [B1 BJ 7DD-B71 E! Sway-A-Way, Inc. Chats"'!orth, CA Pages

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I 1 ' Trail Notes ... °D)RTER RACE CARS -Danny Porter announced the creation of PRC Engineering, 1.-an expansion of Porter Race Cars, a separate division which will focus on engineering, fabrication and manufacturing services, providing a wide range of high quality racing, motorsports and industrial component applications. Set to begin full scale operation in less than 30 days, PRC Engineering will be located adjacent to Porter Race Cars in Riverside, CA. The new facility utilizes a Haas VF5 CNC mill and a Haas SL30 lathe. For more information on the addition, call Porter at 909-887-5118. "'C'\NAL FLAG -It grieves us to report that dear old friend Joe Miller, founder and r operator of Tri-Mil Industries, an exhaust manufacturing company passed away. Joe schooled to become a chiropractor, but his interest became building aftermarket exhaust systems and this he did for many, many years. At one time Joe was associated with Doug's Headers. Joe is survived by his wife, Pauline. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Pauline. Joe will be missed. CRANDON BRUSH RUN -The Crandon International Off-Road Raceway held their 2002 Potawatomi Governor's Cup Heavy Metal Challenge was held on Sunday, June 23, 2002. It's a 10 lap event on the 1.75 mile course and boasts a purse of $33,700. The majority of the purse goes to the winner, a really lopsided award but, if you win, it's really great! The race pits the 4WD and 2WD trucks against each other and, to make it a wee bit more fair, the 2WD trucks are given a 100 yard head start. This year was the first time that a 2 wheel drive truck took the win, it usually is won by a 4WD as this track certainly favors that extra grip. This year the race was won by Scott Taylor in his Ford F-150 and he took home $23,000 and some additional monies. A nice shot in the arm to the racing budget. Johnny Greaves was second in his 4x4 Toyota Tundra and he picked up $1,600. Curt LeDuc was third, $1,000, Jason Baldwin was fourth, Gordon Zima was fifth, Josh Baldwin was sixth, Tommy Bradley was seventh, Ben Wandahsega was eighth, $500, Kyle LeDuc was ninth, $250 and tenth was Paul Seidler, . Hopefully we'll have a complete story and pictures coming soon. CARLISLE 0croBER EomoN -The fall edition ~f the Carlisle Car Show is standing in the wings; ready to go. October 3-5 are the dates and if you're in the Carlisle, Pennsylvania area you want to be there. The show encompasses 82 acres, ~here are 8,100 vendor spaces available and there will be some 1,800 cars and trucks there, all for sale. They are expecting 100,000 spectators. Admission is $ 7 per day, Sunday is $6. For more information call 717-243-7855. SCCA PRoRAu.y AT PIKES PEAK -SCCA ProRally teams were at Pikes Peak on June 28 and 29 to see how fast they could take the 150 curve, 12 ½ mile run to the top of the mountain. The road is part paved arid part gravel and those in attendance really had a ball flying up the hill. Mark Lovell rocketed up the hill in 11:52.69 in his Subaru WRX, Paul Choiniere's time was 12:11.30 in his Hyundai Tiburon, Laughlin O'Sullivan was third in the Open class in a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo at 12:23.90. (Times are in minutes, seconds and hundredths). Ramana Lagemann was close behind in her Subaru WRX at 12:23.98 and Rhys Millen was fifth in Open inhis Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII at 12:29.14. In the Group N race to the clouds Wolfgang Hoeck took the honors in his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII at 13:31.51, Tim O'Neil was second at I3:33.59 in his Subaru WRX, Peter Worku, was third in a Subaru Impreza Sti at 13:38. 71, Mark Cox was fourth in his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI at 13:45.23 and Ron Nelson was fifth in Group N at 13:47.65 in his Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII. In the Open Class the first five finishers are factory supported cars, the first Independent car in Open was Doug Havir in a Subaru WRX at 13: 11.54, almost 43 seconds behind the fifth place factory supported car. The SCCA Open Class and Group N Class are new classes to Pikes Peak, thus the winning times are new records for the Pikes Peak International Hillclimb. Also, Mark Lovell is the first British citizen to win a class at the Pikes Peak Hillclimb. Subaru's first place win at this full points round of the SCCA Manufacturers Championship has moved them within striking distance of points leader Hyundai, who leads 76 to 72. This was a full points meeting and now the series moves back east for the Maine Forest Rally late in July. Stay tuned. BEATIY BANNING RAcmG? - A few weeks ago the Beatty city Commission voted 3 to 1 to stay with their current agreement with Best In The Desert for off road races held in Nye County this year. Most of the aggravation from the April Terrible's Town 250 had to do with the condition unimproved roads were left in near Beatty after the event. The Beatty Town Advisory Board heard plenty of complaints at recent meetings and there were also comments that the community didn't benefit financially from the races and that, as a whole, residents didn't want them (off road races) to be held near the town. That suits Casey Folks who said he would take steps in the future to keep events out of the Beatty area. Casey said he had employed a firm to put the roads back in their original condition and that this contractor was approved by the BLM but evidently the Beatty residents were still not happy. The contractor advised against using heavy equipment on a particularly steep stretch of road, figuring it would do more harm than good. Folks told the Beatty Commissioners that he was unaware of the problem until he was contacted by a newspaper. It would seem to us that a lot of dollars are spent in Beatty during a race in motels, gas, food, drinks and ice. We would think Beatty would find this to be a great financial shot in the arm. Sta, tuned for the latest here! SCORE HENDERSON'S TERRIBLE 250 -This inaugural race is scheduled for the 10th through the 14th in beautiful, downtown Henderson. Tech and cop.tingency will be held right in town on Water Street and it should be a gala affair. Hopefully the temperature gods will help a bit. Motorcycles start at 6am on Saturday and the cars and trucks will be off at 3pm. Let's hope the event is a rousing success and comes off safely. We'll try for some results further on in this column and complete coverage of the race will be in the next issue of Dusty Times. GAUGHAN Wms TRUCK RACE -It always does my heart good when Brendan Gaughan wins a race. Brendan showed 'em all the way to go when he won the O'Reilly 400 at Fort Worth, Texas this past June. Brendan foxed 'em all with a two tire pit stop on the final service and he cruised home the winner. Congrats to Bren and to his two biggest fans, mom and dad. This is the first time that a "Desert Racer" has won a NASCAR Truck Series race and we certain!, hope it won't be the last. Page& CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA EXT 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU ewnts at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thunton Councy ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKARRAu.Y DARREN SKILTON . BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAX: (562) 590-7925 l>F.CATIJR FoUR WHEEL DRIVE Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMAuEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAvASu Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 EAsrERN OFP-RoAD RACING ASSN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. 1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 E'.Nmw>A BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 0ll-52-646-1818989 ELis10 0ll-52-646-1715230 AARON August 3-5, 2002 Corona-Budweiser/Home Saga Ensenada 300 Abooe Races for bugps & Motorcycles Esrmo BEACH INTERNATIONAL SHORT CoURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINDO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FLORIDA OFF ROAD DRIVER'S AssN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 August, 2002 TBA Septemberl4,2002 November 17, 2002 Mar, Apr, May, Noo at Da11idson Raceway FRT MOTORSPORTS 250 KENNEDY, #2 CHULA VISTA, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 E-MAIL: August 10, 2002 ORWCODE/FRT AmistadGP August 18, 2002 Precision Concepts/Saasta Chevron Motocross September 8, 2002 Precision Concepts/Saasta Chevron Motocross September29,2002 Precision Concepts/Saasta Chevron Motocross October 6, 2002 Cheseburger-100 October 19, 2002 McMillin/RCD Suspensions Superstition November 2, 2002 Saasta Chevron Sweetheart Kiss November 3, 2002 Cycle Parts West Notorious Dawg December 8, 2002 Alpine Tile Rudolph's Revenge December 31, 2002 • McMillin Companies Dash Bike & Car Race GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 4 20 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA GREA.T PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION PAUL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 ]ESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 July 30, 2002 Nebraska Raceway Park August 3, 2002 Nebraska Raceway Park August 17, 2002 August 2002 Nebraska Raceway Park September 14, 2002 TBA AU races are short coum, stadium scyle. Classes · Sportsman Buoo, 1/2/5-1600, Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska Racewai Park is just minutes west of Omaha, NE. <www> !OK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU ewnts staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) · INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAX 474-2769 INn:a-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PRoMOTIONs, INc. P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL JEEP CJiEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 <www> e-mail: KAMl.ooPS BRONCO BUSTER 4wnCum P.O. Box 465 KAMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 Bos (250) 374-7175 DAYS RANDY (250) 579-9621 EVES. WES (250) 351-2819 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OPFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 <> <> L.I.T.R.E. ]EFF ELROD (408) 926-0522 JIM MUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluuTA OFF ROAD RACING LUIS CARLOS Ai.VAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MxcmGAN Buoov BUIIDERS DuNE BUGGY 'TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <> MxcmGAN ()pp RoAD CHAMPIONSIDPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 ]ONES ROAD GRAND LEOOE, ML 48837 (517) 627-6200 July 28, 2002 Mason,MI Motorcycles, Quads, ATVs and Pilots onl:z MAORA Mm-AMERICA Qpp ROAD AssOCIATION MIKE TURNER (217) 235-2473 P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 <> LINCOLN TRAIL MOTORSPORTS PARK CASEY, II!: (217) 932-2041 <Off Road> (800) 555-3167 TODD AsHWORTH (217) 932-3216 PLANET X-TREME MSP MAsoN, IL 618-686-2650 Short Course Series August 3, 2002 Bonpaw MSP, Sumner, IL August 24, 2002 Planet Xtteme, Mason, IL September 7, 2002 TBA September 28, 2002 LTM, Casey, IL Endurance Series August 4, 2002 Bonpaw MSP, Sumner, IL September 29, 2002 LTM, Casey, IL MoJA VE DFSERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE s. EL MONTE, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 FAX E-MAIL: August 9-10, 2002 California 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 27-28, 2002 Lucerne 300 Lucerne Valley, CA November 22-23, 2002 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA• M.O.R.E. /IJGH DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 (760) 253-4453 September 21, 2002 Barstow, CA December 7, 2002 Lucerne, CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MornWEST _WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILL MARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www> AU e11ents at Perris Racewa, (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL Muo RACING AssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALATKA, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAST 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NORTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RAcINGASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2002 (626) 599-8622 October 5-6, 2002 Fairlpex, Pomona, CA Omo OFF RoADERS INc. 1427 GosHEN H1LLS ROAo S.E. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO 44663 ]IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Hamson Count) Fairgrounds. Cadiz. Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELATIONS (519}-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. LouIS, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <> Poo:sPEAK P.O. Box 6962 CoLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING SAND DRAG5, TiJFF Th~ lJEsERT SHORT CouRsE Th~ BVGQES & {}uADs (609) 660-0402/(609) 660-0066 September 7-8, 2002 Septemberl5,2002 October 13, 2002 Southwick, MA PRoTRuCK RACING SERIFS 9409 ABRAHAM WAY SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 August 16-18, 2002 BITD Tonopah September 13-14, 2002 SCORE Primm October 4-6, 2002 BITD Baja Mex 300 November 8-9, 2002 SCORE Baja 1000 December 6-8, 2002 BITD Las Vegas 200 PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 Dusty Times

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I' (712) 679-2221 S.C.A.T. INc. MICHAEL R. ICING P.O. Box 277 MORRISONVILLE, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SAN DIEGO OFF RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRORALl.Y SERIES SPORTS CAR CLUB OF AMERICA 9033 E. EAsrER PlACE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 (303) 967-9660 · July 26-27, 2002 Maine Forest Rumford,ME August 16-17, 2002 Ojibwe Forests ·Bemidji, MN September 7-8, 2002 Wild West Olympia, WA October lS-19, 2002 Lake Superior Houghton, MI November 1-3, 2002 Prescott Forest Phoenix, AZ SFX MoroRSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, Sum 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-0100/(630) 556-0180 FAX SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., Sum A CAtABASAS, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 September 13-14, 2002 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 20-23, 2002 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja, California Mexico SNORE SOUTHERN NEV ADA OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O . Box 270516 I.As VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 July 26-2 7, 2002 KC Midnight Special Boulder City, NV October4-5, 2002 Gold Coast 32nd SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV NovemberlS-16,2002 Western States Championship Barstow, CA December 14-15, 2002 Baja 250 Las Vegas, NV SONS OP THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RACE DIVlSION KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SOD4 SHORT CoURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS AssOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OPP RoAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE• (224) 272-5400 OFF RoAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOUJNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT • GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASS REP. -1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 ClASS REP. - 9 & UN LTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 OUTtAWREP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (AU Races cu Wheeling in the Couni, 900 Acres) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INc. 43807 40TH STREET EAsr LANCASTER, CA 93535 (MON-FRI 8:30 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.) (661) 946-0986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <> Dusty Times SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF RoAD RACING AssN. 4305 WOOTlARK DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AURacesac Erucba7 Racewa7, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 PARKlANDS, 2121 Sourn NRJCA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 Toys FoR Tors (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADIU.AVALLEYSPORTSCENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <> VORRA OFF RoAD RACING P.O. Box 3362 CARSON Cm, NV 89702 (775) 246-5545/(775) 246-9089 FAX <www.VORRAcom> August 31-September 1-2, 2002 Lovelock 250 Desert Race Lovelock, NV September 21-22, 2002 September Sizzler Pralrie City SVRA Sacramento, CA October 12-13, 2002 October Land Rush Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA October 26-27, 2002 Fall Finale + Mechanics & Ladies Race Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA V1ctNTE Gumuu:ao OFF RoAD Cum PROFO. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WESTmN OFF RoAD RAONG AssoaAnON LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 w~ PENNsnvANIAWHEEL To WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 WHLPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 Desert Tour Buggy & Truck Series August30-31, 2002 Poker Run Snowflake/ Airpine, AZ October, 2002 TBA November, 2002 Parker Gran Prix Parker, AZ December 7, 2002 Point To Point Sonoyta, Mexico Desert Challenge Bike & ATV August 31- September 1, 2002 Poker Run & Race Airpine,AZ October, 2002 TBA November 2-3, 2002 Parker Gran Prix Parker,AZ December 7, 2002 PoinrTo Point Sonoyta, Mexico Desert Mini & Peewee Tour August 31, 2002 Snowflake Airpine,AZ October, 2002 TBA November 2, 2002 Parker Gran Prix Parker, AZ November 18, 2002 Whiplash Stadium Style Canyon Oval Motocross & Stadium Cross October 21, 2002 Canyon November 4, 2002 Canyon November 11, 2002 Canyon November 18, 2002 Canyon WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 0sHKOSH, WL54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WoRID RALLY CttAMl'IONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU Cm, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 :z:r. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICO, CA 92231 Gran Prix August 4, 2002 September 1, 2002 October 20, 2002 OHRoad October 4-6, 2002 Las 200 (MXL) November 29-30, 2002 Mexicali-San Felipe 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWARE ST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 Attention Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2002 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: BUBliJ~lfflBG 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Trail Notes ... MCKENZIES OFF ROAD REGATTA -Saturday, August 17, 2002, 11am is the day and time, the place is the London Bridge in Lake Havasu City, AZ. Meet at the bridge channel south-island side, cabana's 3,4,6 & 7. There will be food, sodas and water (BYOB). No boats needed, you can drive to the London Bridge parking lot. Bring sunscreen and a smile. Racers, pit crews and families are all welcome. Please RSVP to McKenzies 714-441-121_2 no later that Monday, August 12th. Needed for a rough head count for food. See ya all there! SCORE HENDERSON ThRRIBLE'S 250 -It couldn't have gotten any hotter without melting the shoes off your feet, but in spite of the heat, the wind, the muddy, melting hail the race did go on, but it sure seems like the wrong time of year for all this fun. Overcoming all the obstacles such as the course, the wind, the dust, the occasional rain and, of course the oppressive heat, Chuck Hovey took the Class 1 win and the overall in his Chevy powered Jimco. Wayne Lugo/Craig Stewart were second in Class 1 and Dan Myers was third in class in another Jimco Chevrolet. Mark Post/Jerry Whelchel were the Trophy Truck winners, second overall. Ed and Tim Herbst fought their usual number of flat tires to finish second in Trophy Truck and Scott Steinberger was third. The Pro Truck class win went to Steve Barlow, Chet Huffman came in for second and Alan Pfleuger came over from Hawaii to take third. In ½-1600, the battle was won by Kash Vessels, Ken Browne was second and Gustavo Vildosola took the third finishing spot. Class 3 had a couple of starters but there were no finishers. Class 5 was won by Larry McCallum and George Seeley was second. Rob Taylor took the 5-1600 win and Craig Turner took Class 7. Eric and Jared Hardin took the 7Swin, Dan Fresh took second and Darrell Herman was third. In the Class 8 fracas, Jim Beaver took the win in his Ford, Dave Raimonde came in second and Joe Pacelli was third in the old Larry Schwacofer Chevy. In Class 9 it was Eric Fisher taking the win, Ken Tapert, local from Henderson was second, less than a minute out of first and Arturo Velasco took the third place finish. Class 10 was herd fought, the win went to Chris Harrold, Martin Christensen was second and Ray Crol_l came in for third. Tom Ridings took the SCORE Lite class and Mike Voyles came in for the second spot. Class 11 wa~ no surprise as Eric Solorzano took the win. Stock Mini had no finishers. The Stock Full class went to John Griffin in his AM General Hummer. In the motorcycle classes, it was no surprise to see the Steve Hengeveld/Johnny Campbell duo take Class 22 on their Honda. They were first overall. Ty Davis/Russ Pearson were second and Andy Grider/Danny Cooper were third. Eddie Deanes/Carlos Medina were the Class 21 winners, Eddie Zeller was second and Joe Desrosiers was third. Class 30 went to Kevin Ward and Daryl Hambleton, Jim O'Neal was second in class. The Class 40 win went to the trio of Jim O'NeaVJon Ortner and Brian Schmuckle, second place went to Kenny Hayden. John Gregory and Doug Eichner took the ATV Class 25, Jimmy Stephensen was second and Mike Johnson was third. Sportsman Motorcycle went to Bobby and Shawn Black, Sam Jones was second and John Kuhlken was third. Sportsman ATV was won by Steve Willenberg and Brett Fredrickson on their Honda 250. There were 101 cars, trucks and buggies entered and 33 motorcycles and quads. 48 of those cars, trucks and buggies made it to the finish line, a 47.5% finishing ratio and the motorcycle/atv ranks saw a 78% finishing margin. The full story and loads of pies in che next issue of Dusty Times. BEST IN THE DESERT -Just in, it's official, Best In The Desert has announced the Parker 425. Cars and trucks will race a 140 mile loop three times. Race weekend is February 7 ,8 and 9, 2003. It will be known as "The Bluewater Resort and Casino Parker 425." Motorcycles and Quads will run on January 3 and 4, 2003. This race will be known as the "KTM Parker 250", a team race, a 65 mile loop, run three times. Registration, contingency and Technical Inspection will be held for the motorcycles and Quads on Friday, January 3, 2003 and the cars and trucks will have their day on Friday, February 7, 2003. For more information, contact Diane at Best In The Desert at 702-457-5775. MORE BEST IN THE DESERT-The Tonopah 300 is all set to go August 9,10 and 11. The all new Tonopah 300 will go through Gabbs, Nevada, for the first time since 1985 and the 300 mile race course will be challenging as well as an adventure tl1rough three scenic ghost towns and scenery that will captivate you. Registration opens at 10am at the Tonopah Station Hotel. Contingency and Tech begil}Jt l_~a~ at t_he Ton_opah High Scho~l, all on.£.riday, August 9, 2002. 1-------------------------Please do your best to utilize the services of the companies that advertise in Dusty Times. August 2002 • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 1 O year Bladder warranty • Safety foam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers Fu,1 s.,,~ "Pro c,11· 1, • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline our top·Ol·lh•·lln, ra<ing O 2 . .,,, th,t com,. ,.,11y to • ver 5 years expenence install ind it's tn,cked by I e for rnor9 Info call or write to lu/110 year w,"anty. Awcraft Rubber/Fuel Safe EL 63257 Neta AndefSOll Road I Bend, Oregon 97701 RocbigCtls (541) 388-0203 · (541)388-0307 fax hllp:// Page 7

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BITD NEVADA 1000 Jefferies Takes overall By Judy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo Jim Dizney and Scott Webster drove a smart race, kept their Honda powered Jimco in good shape and finished the trip with the Class 10 win and 11th in the overall standings. · Darnen Jefferies piloted his Her- total would read six hours and 20 there would be no topping off at man Motorsports Ford Trick Truck minutes. the start the following morning to first place overall in the Best In In practice, it was a little weird. unless the racer carried a small jug The Desert three-day Nevada 1000. Racers would finish their stint on of fuel out with him and did it him-Just getting to the end of this course and then talk to their crews self. Penalties could be, and were, event took tremendous effort and by radio or phone. They'd give the assessed for leaving fluid spills in a generous helping of good luck. It crew a detailed report of what was the work area. was as if a team went to one race on wrong with the car, and what they When the crew was finished Thursday, then packed up their suspected was wrong with the car. working on. the race car they gear and headed to another on Fri- They were permitted to stay parked needed to pack up all their stuff day, and still another on Saturd~y. in a loosely organized group beyond and move out of the way in case The whole thing started in the the finish line, until their pit crew there was another team waiting for northeast corner of Las Vegas with was completely ready for them. A space to start their repairs. Then it sign-up, contingency, tech inspec-member of their crew could hustle was time for dinner and bed. But tion and the drivers' meeting at down with some food or drink, but in the sparsely settled, lightly trav-Michael Gaughan's Suncoast Ho-no one could work on the car in eled middle of Nevada there is a tel on Wednesday. On Thursday any way. That didn't stop the driv- penalty of restaurants and motels. morning everyone cleared out at ers from lying on their backs under Ely apparently had enough room dawn and headed northeast, past the vehicles, studying the various for everyone, just barely. But in the territory of the old Mint 400 bits and pieces for cracks and leaks. order to be sure they'd eat well, races, and turned straight north They could send their crew out into · teams could sign up to eat with a and up Highway 93. About 100 town to forage for replacement "chuckwagon" that the Scaroni tam miles out of town, on a wide, grav- parts at junk yards or auto parts brought along, or buy meals at the eled road, they staged for the start. stores, or they could handle fund-raising barbecues and break-This event is the one race on the through the pits borrowing from fasts that each town offered. Ely was BITD schedule that did not have a other competitors. The car raising funds for a high school guided pre-run, so rn:ost of the driv-wouldn't be moved into the "Work band, and Tonopah was fund-rais-ers had no idea where it was going Area" until the crew had all the re- ing for some high school team. to lead. They knew only that it placement parts at hand, all the The restart was determined by would end at or near Ely, another work force in place, and everything finish order, sort of. The top 20 284 highway miles to the north. set up and ready. Some drivers finishers, on corrected time, would Once there the rules allowed each would languish for several hours in restart in their relative finish posi-team 70 minutes of "free time" to never-never land. If they were part tions. After them the remainder of work on their vehicle, before park-of a two car team they might have the cars would start by class order, ing it in the mandatory impound. to wait until their teammate was in finish order within the class. The Any type of work, except replacing repaired and safely ensconced in BITD does the usual business of a motor, was allowed. If the repairs impound before they could move starting faster classes up front. took more than the allowed time, along. Thus, if a racer was first in class, that additional time was added to Once they went through the en-but 15th in the overall standings at the team's daily total in the form try the timing started, and it didn't the end of the day, he'd start 15th of a "penalty". So if a driver ar- stop until they delivered the car into off the line the next day, but if he rived in six hours, but used up an the impound area. Fueling could was first in class and 22nd overall hour and a half on repairs, his daily be done only in the Work Area, and he'd start in the front of the class, Joe Custer, Gene Haas and John Roth had a good race in their Class 7100 Ford, and took the win by an hour and 23 minutes. Manny Esquerra and Tracy Rubio had trouble with their Ford overheating all weekend, but they persevered and kept it going, to take the Stock Full Size win. wherever the class lined up. their space. Jason Baldwin got his The course was laid out, as are Ford stuck behind Roger and Bob most of the BITD courses, to Gray's Chevy which was hung up roughly parallel a nearby highway. on some of the big rocks. Baldwin Pit areas are marked off at dis- tried to push them free, but suc-tances close enough together to ceeded only in getting them more function for the bikers, and check- · deeply stuck. Further down the points are all secret. Maps of the road he hit a tree, but all in all had course layout, the pit locations and a good day. He was the first fin-access roads were handed out to isher, with a time of 7:01:37. Be-. the teams the day before the race. hind him Tim and Ed Herbst also Most teams bring enough chase found the course narrow for their trucks to allow them to leapfrog Ford, and tore off at least one tire and catch their racer at every pit. on the rocks. To complicate mat-Some also have "main" pits that ters, their star navigator and tire settle in wherever the vehicle will fixer, A.J. Martin, was suffering need to be fueled. from some internal problem that The BITD gave each team the had him throwing up. Their time option to take a "forfeit" day. This for the day was 7:02:40, just a bit meant that if the car was badly dam- over a minute behind Baldwin. In aged, but still technically fixable, a third it was Darnen Jeffereis, whose team would DNF that day and take Ford suffered two flats along the a big hit in hours, but after repairs way. Jefferies was a bit unnerved and restarting on the next day, about driving so fast on unknown could go on to get a finish and roads, and was determined to get points, or even a win. There were to the finish, so his plan was to cool no motor replacements allowed in it a bit. His time was 7: 10:45. Dave this situation. Westhem and Randy Salmont were There were 85 cars and trucks fourth in their Class-8000-turned-at the beginning of this event. They Trick-Truck Chevy. They'd shared were started one minute apart into the driving, each flattening a tire a very dry and dusty N'evada desert. and Salmont had run into a tree The Trick Trucks went off the line and knocked the jack off the truck, first, with seven entries. They found then had to stop and retrieve it. the first 330 mile section of the race They were about seven minutes be-a bit tight for their size, with many hind Jefferies. -trees and some rocks intruding into Continued on page 10 Bruce Conrad and Matt Cullen had their Chenowth Class , 1100 car Steve Bartow pushes his Ford Protruck through a water crossing (SCORE Lite) running great for two days. A sick motor sidelined Aaron and Ian Dixon had a near perfect three-day race in their Class here, as he heads for his third place in class and 10lh overall finish. them on the third day. 7300 (stock mini) Ford, but finished their trip in second place. Pages August 2002 Dusty Times

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[]3~IB~[rn)'lJ1] I ::I [Q)~IB~L2'if RACING ASSOCIATION Cars Trucks KIM SPQR TMO.T.0/lC.Y&J Es.. \,\"Ti PLASTIC PRoou _., A.fULINO, OREG0t4 • Presents I I . { msen v•°"wn COMPA~IW,. Las Vegas, Nevada . TIMED EVENT Drawing For Starting Positions August 30, 2002 _.,.::,i ...... - -a HONDA Riders Q,d, ef Anzrrim ''A New Off-Road Adventure In Mexico'' September 20 -21 -22, 2002 GOOD,JrEAa Official Tire · ~cmfflm~ RACING ASSOCIATION CALL FOR INFORMATION OO~~V[Il!]utm1 [[)~~~~ RACING ASSOCIATION 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775 · . Fax (702) 641-2431 Jilli!Jf/lll@! '!!!(!!:Tiff ~~~ Official Truck /}lC.::=l=li~ ~[mum]~ RACING ASSOCIATION Nevada Commission Motorcycles Quads •► On Tourism /i. • 1-800-NEVADA-8 ~ RACING FUEL) • HIGH .0ERFORMANCE RACING FUEL AND LUBRICANTS Baja Mex "300" of the 2002 Best In The Desert "Silver State Series"

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Kyle Taylor, also in a Chevy Class 8000 that has been made into a Trick Truck, lost his transmission early in the day, conveniently at a pit area, and spent some time hav-ing it replaced. He was the last fin-isher in this class, with a time of 8:41:29. The Grays were non-fin-ishers, and didn't show up for sub-sequent starts, and Jay Reichert, in a "Pony Express" truck powered by a motorcycle motor, was reported out for the day by about 1:50 p.m. On Friday they were all back except the Grays. But they'd lost their coveted "first-on-the-road'! position. The fastest car had been a Class 1500 buggy, so it went off first, then Baldwin, then the Herbsts. Jefferies was seventh off the line, Westhem tenth. Taylor and Reichert were 21st and 22nd, be-cause although they'd finished way back the day before, their class nor-mally starts in front as the fastest group, thus they were the first two vehicles after the top 20. So, for them it was a good deal (especially for Reichert who hadn't finished see much better without it anyway. at all), whereas the others were He was lost for a few minutes when nearly all further back in traffic on he followed the lead buggy into a the second day. brief off course excursion. Still, he This day the course covered had the best time for this day at about 298 miles, with less of the 5:07:17, and was five minutes up tight, twisty stuff that slowed them on Baldwin, who also had no flats. Thursday. The pace was faster, and Baldwin had followed him and the the chance of getting lost was buggy off course, along with at least greater. Chase crews had to run one other Class 1 vehicle. The hard to stay in front of their race Herbsts came along about seven cars. After starting about 11 miles minutes later, reporting electronic outside Ely, just off the end of a p[blems, like what they'd had in paved road, the course went north-th San Felipe race they said. They ward, then twisted to the west, als reported being lost briefly. And dropped southward and roughly behind them it was a dead heat on paralleled Highway 6 into this day's time, for Westhem, who'd Tonopah. It crossed the highway driven all the way, and Taylor. West-just east of town, near the airport, hem reported that he'd had only then dropped southward to a point one flat, but had lost his brakes, just beyond the High School which lost an alternator and lost his air-is often a focal point in the BITD jacks. Taylor had lost a dry sump races. belt and had to stop to fix it. He Jefferies had a nearly clean day, hadn't had any flats, or any other changing one "leaky" tire in a pit. trouble. He said it was "super dusty, He did a "nose dive" into a dip that and really fun today -lot of fast took off his front fender/hood fi. stuff", and he was echoing the opin-berglass, but said he found he could ion of mostly everyone. .-----------------. Kevin Graves and Joe Hamner paired up in a Mirage to take the win in the 1600 class in spite of a damaging rollover on the second day. When the two-day times were On Saturday morning they added it was Jefferies, Baldwin, started where they'd finished the Herbst, Westhem and Taylor. None afternoon before, headed east and of them had collected any penal- southward, flogged through the silt ties. Reichert didn't finish Friday's and dust in the mysterious Area 51, segment, and he didn't try the last then ran around in the hills for a day. r:-'"""'""""''!J"i[llllill!!iiil!llllll while, and dropped down to finish Dale Ebberts and Ernie Castro, Jr. teamed-in their Toyota powered Sammy Ehrenberg and Steve Downing entered their 1600 car in Mike Falkosky had some major repairs to make on the first evening, Jimco to take a nice third place in the Class 1500 race, and 4111 Class 10 and although the silt gave them some trouble they brought but after that things went better and he drove his· Ford Explorer to overall. their Jimco back in second place. second place in the small SUV class. Page 10 An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Bally's () 0~ @~tr Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 The Place Las Vegans Call Home"' West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 August 2002 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages __ ........,,~ ~~~~Lf ~ ._ ... • ,~,, Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 Dusty Times

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Rod Hall and Roy Davidson teamed in a Hummer, and despite some on-course problems, finished the weekend with the big SUV victory. Darnen Jefferies found it nerve-wracking to go that fast on an unknown course, but he did it, and stayed out of trouble, to win the Nevada 1000 overall in his Ford Trick Truck. -at Alamo, a very small community about 100 miles north of Las Ve-gas on Highway 93. It was a total of 285 miles. Jefferies was first off the line, and he was nervous. Baldwin started two minutes behind him, but this time it was Jim Baldwin, as Jason had headed east the night before to race in the CORR series in Wisconsin. The Herbsts were the seventh vehicle off the line, West-hem the 27th, and Taylor was right behind him. Jefferies said it was "a nail biter, nerve wracking", but he liked the course and enjoyed the racing. He could see the lead buggy's dust all day, and had no idea who was lead-ing overall. In the final 100 miles he flattened two tires, but nothing else went wrong. His time was 4:38:15, and he was the first ve-hicle to finish, taking the Trick Truck class win, and also winning overall by a margin of just a little over three minutes after a total of 913 miles of racing. Westhem, who drove the entire section this day also, had brake problems, and also lost about ten minutes when the ground was so soft in the final re-fueling area that he got stuck and had to be pulled out by the BITD officials. He was 48 minutes behind Jefferies for the day. Jefferies' total time was 16:56:17, and Westhem and Salmont had a time of 18:20:58. Baldwin broke his Ford before he got to Mile 160, and the Herbsts got much further, nearly minutes. Their spare tire: mount so it needed a longer tie strap. It to the end, before their Ford gave also fell off the car, which meant was a high-dollar wheel and he up. Other racers reported what some late work for their pit crew. didn't want to go off and leave it, looked like a puddle of trans mis-They had a time of 7:07: 11. In third so he struggled for about 10 min-sion fluid beneath it as it sat for- place it was Mike Julson and Bob utes getting it snugged down. lornly and alone by the side of the Lofton in their Jimco. They'd had Corky McMillin and Brian course. Baldwin, the Herbsts and one flat, and ran 21 seconds be- Ewalt, in a V6 Ford powered Chen-Taylor (who also broke) were given hind the Ebberts/Castro car. And owth, had no problems, but dis-a "forfeit" for the final day, and Gary and Mark Weyhrich ran covered a broken alternator as they thus were listed as finishing 44th, fourth in their Chevy V6 powered finished. Jeff Darland started the 45th and 49th respectively. The Jimco, reporting no flats. But Gary day in Jesse Jones' Type IV powered BITD added 15:08 to their com- said he'd hit a stump about two Jimco, and got sick, so he had to bined two day times to come up miles before the finish and got high get out at Mile 105 and Jesse fin-with an official "finish" time. centered for about five minutes. ished the day. He said there was The Class 1500 (Class 1) cars And finishing fifth it was Jeff Quinn "unbelievable dust", and had prob-went off the line as the second group in Randy Wilson's six cylinder lems starting the car if he stalled it. on Day l. There were 22 of them, Jimco. He'd been without second Rick and Ronny Wilson were next and most of them got all the way to gear for a while, but was delighted in their Jimco, reporting that the Ely. The buggy drivers, for the most with the course, which reminded shocks were "not right". And be-part, liked the first day's course him of"old Mexico, fast roads." hind them it was Casey Jones and better than the truck drivers did. Sam Berri limped in thinking he Tim Scalzo in a V8 Chevy powered They found it tight and twisty, but had lost a spark plug wire, but it Aceco. They'd had a fuel pickup didn't have as much trouble fitting turned out to be a broken rocker problem, and had also torn off a between the obstacles. arm and he had to add a penalty brake line. Danny Anderson and Doug Fortin got his Y4 powered of over three hours to his total time Ben Schlimme had their Toyota J imco back first in the time of for extra time spent in the work powered J imco to the finish next, 6:52:37, nine minutes quicker than area. Rick Romans had a "little car-reporting that their power steering the first Trick Truck. He said to the buretion" problem and his motor pump had seized at Mile 15, and Herbsts, as they stood at the finish didn't run well. Chuck Hovey, in they'd had a couple of flats. Kevin area, "It was tight up in those trees his V4 powered Jimco, had another Colan coasted in next in his new - I could see everyone you clipped." "nightmare tire change". First the Nissan Y6 powered Chenowth Mil-Fortin didn't have any problems. jack wouldn't release down, but a lennium. About a mile before the Second behind him was the team swift kick solved that problem. Then finish he'd tangled with some of Dale Ebberts and Ernie Castro, he couldn't get the tie-down barbed wire which had wrapped Jr., in their Toyota powered Jimco. wrapped around the flattened tire around a wheel and destroyed a They'd lost an alternator wire, and when he put it back on the spare brake caliper. Scott McMillin drove ran on one battery until it faded tire mount. He had a different wheel his V8 powered Porter in a bit later away, then switched to the other, on that tire than what he'd had on than expected, but he'd had to re-and finally had to stop and make the spare he'd just put on the car, place his transmission at Pit 3, the repair, which cost about 10 and the hole pattern was different, which cost an hour and 45 min-r======,,...,,......,,,=====.,.._=,.,_,.,,=,_..,,..,...,,,,=,,,.,_,=== utes. B.J. Richardson was next in John Gaughan's Bunderson. He'd been hit in the rear in the dust, by another car in the class, and a bunch of things were bent and bro-ken, and needing work. Robbie Groff and Marty Fiolka, in the Toyota powered Jimco, had a long hard day, with some flats, a tangle with another car, being stuck in the silt, and finally cracking the trans-mission case on a rock buried in the silt. Pat Dean was a DNF, which meant his time went into the records as 19 hours and 12 min-utes. He'd lost a transmission and was waiting for someone tQ bring one from "town" (Las Vegas). Brian Parkhouse and Tom Ridings, in a Mirage, lost their clutch. One was brought out from Palmdale, and it, took the crew until about 6 a.m., to get the car ready to go again. They were also a DNF and got 19 hours and 12 minutes. Bud and Buddy Feldkamp also took a for-feit (DNF) for the first day, and got the 19: 12 treatment, as did Kory Scheeler and Larry Job in their J imco. They'd got a big stick in their radiator, and had to send to Vegas for a replacement. Mark McMillin was the only one whose car didn't start the second day. He'd had a major motor problem and pulled out early, taking the forfeit. His crew then tried to fix the motor, and put in a lot of hours before they gave up, because they couldn't get oil to one side. So Mark's car was parked, but he wasn't, since he moved over to help his dad and Brian Ewalt. The second day was easier. For one thing it was cooler up in the higher altitudes, and there was even some rain, but not enough to af-fect the racers. Nearly everyone got lost in this section near the end of the day, and since the leaders did it, there were then tracks for all those who came later to follow. No one lost more than a few minutes. At the end of the day the Lof-ton/Julson team had the best time, with a nearly perfect day. Their only flat had been timed to happen just before their driver change, so it was a freebie. They liked the fastest course, and were enjoying the for-Continued on page 12 Chad Hall had a frustrating problem with overheating in his Hummer, Brothers Dave and Dan Hunt had a little trouble keeping their wheels As the Hunt brothers described it, their truck "fell on its side". It did but otherwise things went smoothly, and after a hard race he finished on the ground, but they did manage to get their Protruck to the finish finish the incident that way, and they got it going again without too second in the Stock Full Size Pickup class. line. much lost time. No one was injured. Malcolm Vinje, Mark Hansen and Jim Gilchrist had one bad day Rob Reinertson fought a hard battle with the lead Protruck, but in the Marc Stein and Mike Mccomas had a close battle in the big SUV when their Ford lost its rear drive, but even that didn't stop them and end a broken shock put him one second out of first place in his Ford. class, but ended the three-day event in second place in their Ford. they took second in Class 7100 (like 7S). Dusty Times August 2002 Page 11

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mat of the race. Fortin came in next, saying the course was "too fast for my car." He'd been lost, but hadn't had any flats. The Weyh-rich brothers ran third, saying their car "likes today's course a little bet-ter". They had no flats, but changed an alternator belt. In fourth it was the team of Brian Ewalt and Mark McMillin, in Corky's car, reporting no problems. And the fifth spot went to Danny Anderson and Ben Schlimme who lost a power steer-ing belt. Behind them Ebberts and Castro had a flat and lost an alter-nator belt, and Scott McMillin had one flat. Jones and Darland had a clean day except for having to wait for their crew at one point, and B.J. Richardson said it was "a lot better than yesterday" though he com-mented on dust and big silt beds. Berri said it was "slow going", and Page 12 Jim Bosman had Curt LeDuc as a co-driver in his Ford Class 8000 truck, and the pair kept the truck in good shape and took the win easily. he had a flat, while Wilson and pit. They also finished with their Quinn had plugged up air cleaners clutch not working, and thought it and drove 30 miles that way to a was probably full of dirt. Hovey ... ············-····· -----August 2002 Racing was ve,y close at the front of the pack, but after three hard fought days Mike Julson and Bob Lofton had their Jimco in front in the aass 1500 (Oass 1) race. had four flat tires and just to add Tim Scalzo's car ran hot all day, to his fun, he was a bloody nose for and Marty Fiolka and Robbie about 20 minutes. Casey Jones and Groffs leaked tranny fluid all the way. They'd patched it up as well as possible the night before, but it wasn't perfect. Groff was happy · with his day, calling it "totally awe-some". Colan had two flats and said he concenttated on saving the car, while Rick and Ronny Wilson were stuck in third gear for the fi-nal eight or nine miles. They'd also had a flat. Brian Parkhouse got to Mile 164 and the steering wheel came off in his hands. In the ensu-ing moment of panic the car took it upon itself to roll over, and landed upside down. Parkhouse had to wait until all the other classes had gone through where he was and then the BITD allowed his crew in to help upright him. He barely made the first Check before cutoff time. Apparently, in the rush of replacing the clutch the night be-fore, the pin that holds the steering wheel on was overlooked. Team-mate Tom Ridings was celebrating his birthday on Friday: some cel-ebration. Pat Dean had no prob-lems, "not even a flat", but some-thing went wrong, because he didn't show up to start the next morning. Scheeler and Job rebuilt their power steering several times along the way, and were down to just third gear at the finish. They were also no-shows in the morning. Saturday's race was fast again, and Julson and Lofton drove "out butts off tryin' to catch Darnen", but couldn't quite do it. They had no flats, but lost their brakes about 30 miles before the finish. With a time of 4:42:22 they cinched the Class 1500 win, and finished sec-ond overall, only three minutes be-hind Jefferies. The Weyhrichs also had a good day, and with just one flat, took second place for the three day event. In third it was Ebberts and Castro, who said they'd "had a great time" with just some "minor problems". Corky and Mark Mc-Millin and Brian Ewalt had a prob-lem free day, and finished in fourth place, while Hovey who said he "mostly got by people in the pits" this day, was fifth. Of the race for-mat, he said "It was awesome, I'd do it again in a second." Wilson and Quinn, who'd been pushed off the start line by Casey Folks himself and one of his offi-cials, because their clutch wasn't working, managed nevertheless to get to the finish line in time to take sixth. Colan stopped to help some-one out of a silt bed and fell "way back", but still took seventh place, and Jones and Scalzo lost an hour with a blown c.v., and finished eighth. Scott McMillin, who had his son Andy riding along, said the right spindle came off right after Pit 7. Still, he said, "we had a great Dusty Times

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Rob MacCachren and Steve 01/iges had three untroubled days in their Ford stock-mini truck, and took the victory by 53 minutes. time." And they took ninth place. broke a wheel. It was a lot harder Sam Berri said he'd had a "lot to get it upright than the buggies of fun -had a good time - today . Koch has been used to driving, so was the best day, no trouble" and he fell back many positions and he was tenth. Rick and Ronny Wil-then was in slow traffic. Co-driver, son were 11th and Jones and Lee Patten, had no trouble except Darland were 12th. Jones admit- for the dust of the slow traffic. They ted to being distracted by a heli-found a leaky power steering box copter and tearing a front arm off during the work period, and lost on a big rock. Richardson had a some time with repairs to it. Rick screwdriver hop out of its pocket Johnson's Ford had a flooding and roll around on the floor, fi-problem, that he thought might be nally wedging itself in under the jetting, and Kevin McGillivray got throttle pedal. That jammed the his truck stuck in the mud. Matt throttle full on while they were navi- Scaroni and Scott Steinberger were gating through the trees. So B.J. teamed in Scaroni's Ford, but the stopped to fix the problem, and throttle kept sticking, and they kept then discovered that his starter was getting stuck in different ways. They dead. Jim Bosman, in a Class 8000 shared the drive. Dan Hunt, Chev-truck brought a new one out to rolet, reported that his truck "fell him, and he went on to finish 13th. on its side" and had lots of flats. Groff and Fiolka finished on a And Greg Hansen, in the lone right rear flat, still leaking trans- Dodge, didn't get to the finish, and mission fluid, in 14th. didn't start the next day either. Early in the day word came over Neither did McGillivray. the. radio that Fortin needed a Reinertson was the 16th vehicle trailer at Pit l. He'd lost his motor. Once the BITD added in his "for-feit" time, he was 15th in class, and 43rd overall. Anderson and Schlimme never showed up at the Saturday finish, but Parkhouse and Ridings did, and even though they'd run with a blown clutch the final 50 miles. Parkhouse thought it was probably their "best day." They were the last official finishers in the class. On Thursday the Protrucks were the third class to start, with 12 en-tries. They found the route through the trees a bit tight, but still, most of them finished the day. Rob Rein-ertson, Ford, who spent some time trying to pull Matt Scaroni's Ford out of a ditch, and also had a fuel cell vent hose come loose repeatedly, took the day, with four seconds on second place. Bob Shepard, Chev-rolet, who had one of the smallest crews working the race, had two flats, but st.ill finished second. Be-sides Shepard, who drove it all, there was his passenger, and two chase trucks, one with one person in it and one with two. That was the entire crew for a three day race marathon. Steve Barlow, Ford, finished third after one flat tire and then a missed pit crew. Rather than wait for them he went on, but now had no spare, so he drove a little more conservatively 'til he could get his spare replaced. Al Hogan, Ford, was fourth reporting two flats and a brake line taken out by a broken wheel. In fifth it was Dave Sykes, Ford, who was losing power steer-ing belts again, and had also some-how chopped off the last 18 inches of his exhaust. Chet Huffman changed a power steering belt on his Ford and tore off a fender some-how. Tom Koch rolled his Ford over "real easy" early in the day, and Dusty Times off the line the next morning, with Shepard right behind him, and then Barlow. Logan was 20th, and the rest started about 16 minutes further back, behind the Class 1500 cars. Reinertson had a perfect day, with only one leaky shock, and was in front of the pack at the finish line. But Hogan was only four min-utes behind him, having avoided flat tires, but reporting being lost in the .company of Shepard. Shepard said that the little jaunt off course was his only problem all day. Johnson had stopped to avoid a big rock, and found himself hung up for a few moments, but other-wise had no problems. And Koch and Patten had only a couple of flat tires, as did Barlow. But he had his early in the day, and had to contend with slower traffic then for quite a while. Huffman had to re-turn home, so his co-driver, Greg Lewin was doing the rest of the race, and he'd had a flat and broken his jack, losing 15 minutes. Scaroni and Steinberger lost the distributor drive gear late in the day, and Dave Hunt had three flat tires. Mike Lesle, co-driving with Dave Sykes, lost a driveshaft, and then slogged along in slow traffic. Dave did the second half of the trip. On Saturday morning, with a stiff breeze to blow the dust off the course, they set out for their last day of racing. Reinertson took off 14th in line with Hogan right be-hind him. Shepard was 20th and the rest were another five minutes back. This was another fast section, but there was a lot of silt and a lot of dust. And the early morning breezes faded away as the cars headed south, so tall plumes of silty dust rose into the Area 51 atmo-sphere. At about Mile 170, Hogan saw what he thought was his chance to Bob Shepa.rr:i and a very small chase crow kept everything in lip-top shape as they fought for the Protruck victory in their Chevy, finally winning by just one second. pass Reinertson. But then he made what he later described as a "stupid mistake", and rolled his car. As it went over, he hit Reinertson's and broke one of his shocks. Now Hogan had repairs to make. He'd broken his steering ram, and the spare parts were in the chase truck that wasn't near by. Reinertson decided to limp to the finish (an-other 105 miles) on the broken shock. Reinertson got there first, "worn out" with the effort of driving the wounded truck all that way. But Shepard finished right on his rear bumper, and when the times were added up Shepard took the three day win by one second over Rein-ertson. He said he'd had only one flat and had enjoyed a "beautiful cruise." Barlow was third, report-ing no real trouble and saying he just "motored along." He was 25 minutes behind the two lead trucks. Lewin had a trouble free day in Huffm~n's truck, and brought the team up to fourth place, followed in by Hogan, dispirited by his er-ror. Koch and Patten had a clean day on Saturdav. except for the dust, and took sixth place, followed in by Sykes and Les le, who' cl also had a good day. Rick Johnson also had a perfect day, to finish eighth, and \8th in the overall standings. And in ninth it was Scaroni and Stein-berger who'd broken a wheel early in the day. The Class 8 trucks started right behind the Protrucks on Thursday and it was a small group, with only three entries. Curt LeDuc was driv-ing with Jim Bosman in Bosman's Ford (which used to be LeDuc's pre-runner). He was the first to come back to the finish, saying "That was so much fun. My heart was in my throat half the day -slidin' around the corners. The silt beds are aw-ful." And they'd had no trouble. He had about 22 minutes on Keith Fontana, in a Chevy, who'd had a couple of flats and broken a brake. line. Michael Ortiz, who comes down from Montana to race these events, was third in his Ford, an-other 30 minutes back. On Friday, since none of them were in the "top 20" the day be-fore, they started right with one another. LeDuc's truck, which runs on pump gas, stopped running well at the first pit. Then it died in the silt. They had to retime it to get it running again. Later in the day LeDuc and Ortiz got lost together, and LeDuc "got unlost first". But he'd enjoyed the day long race with Ortiz, who, he said, "can definitely drive!" LeDuc won the day again, and this time Ortiz was second, but worriedly peering at this truck, be-cause he thought he'd broken some-thing just before the finish. Fon-tana didn't finish. LeDuc took off for Wisconsin with Baldwin on Friday night, so Bosman got to drive his own truck on Saturday. Bosman's apparently learned a lot from LeDuc because his driving style had many folks convinced that LeDuc was still in the truck. He didn't even have to hurry much, because Ortiz had, in-, deed, broken something, and it was apparently terminal, since he didn't come to the start line on Saturday. Bosman "just cruised" through the day to get the win. The Class 10 cars were the next group to start on Thursday, with nine entries. But they were re-duced to six before the day was done. Jason Hunter and his Raceco disappeared, as did Danny and Jesse Ashcraft and their Jimco, and Terrie Tavis and her Lothringer. But at the front of the pack there was some close racing. Dick Weyhrich (Gary and Mark's dad) teamed with Jim Zupanovich (on Jim's 58th birth-day) to get their Penhall back to the finish in first place, even though they' cl had no rear brakes for the last 100 miles. They also had a bent tie rod.13ut they said they'd "had fun today." Four minutes behind them was the team of Jim Dizney an·d-Scott Webster in Dizney's Honda pow-ered Jimco. They'd had a flat and hit some trees. In third place it was Sammy Ehrenberg and Steve Continued on page 14 TRANSAXLEENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year Congaah■lations The Fletcher Famil First Overall M.O.R.E. •adlands 2S0 TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998~2739 August 2002 Page 13

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Downing in a Class 1/2-1600 Jimco. They'd decided to run with this group because there were more entries. They'd lost their power steering for the last half of the day, and a big truck had hit them, but otherwise their day wasn't bad. Al Cartlidge finished fourth in his Penhall, reporting that he'd lost first and reverse gears, and his clutch was gone but otherwise his day was "pretty clean." And in fifth it was Steve Strobel, who'd slid off a mountainside and landed on a tree. All he had with him, he said, was a hammer and a chisel (why does he carry a hammer and chisel in his race car?) with which to cut down the tree. Ultimately, he had to chisel down three eight inch diameter trees to get his car freed up. He lost a couple of hours. The two lead cars had finished in the top 20 on Thursday, so they started about 20 cars (and 20 minutes) in front of the rest of the group. Big difference in the amount of dust they had to fight. Dizney and Webster got the win this day, reporting an uneventful day with no stories to tell. They were about an hour and ten min-utes up on Ehrenberg and Down-ing who'd had a hard time get-ting through the silt. They'd avoided flats however. Weyhrich and Zupanovich finished abut another 20 minutes later, report-ing that their batteries were away near Check 3 and they'd lost an hour and a half. They also had "a bit of a clutch problem", and when they'd stalled at the final road crossing had waited a half hour before they got a jump and got moving again. They could hardly keep it running well enough to get it to the work area for repairs. Cartlidge was re-ported to have crashed fairly early in the day. When help got to him they were concerned about possible back injuries, and cut him out of his car and air lifted him to a hospital for a checkup. The hospital released him within the hour, reporting no serious injury. Good news. Strobel and his co-driver, Jim Price, had another exciting day. They got stuck in the silt, had a spark plug problem and lost re-verse gear. Then, of course, they got jammed up against a Joshua tree and lost some time getting unjammed. But they were still in the fight. When . Weyhrich and Zupanovich got to working on their car they discovered it was worse than they thought. They'd lost their motor, and didn't even bother trying to fix it. So they were down to three cars on Sat-urday morning. Webster started in Dizney's car which was in good shape except that the clutch was going away. He hadn't mentioned it to Dizney the night before, not wanting Jim to "worry." He took it easy and Dizney took over at Mile 145. They had a pretty good cushion, roughly two hours, and didn't have to push hard. Dizney took it easy also, and even though the clutch was gone by the time he finished, he was not unhappy. In fact he said, "I couldn't wipe the smile off my face all day!" And they got the win by over three hours and finished 11th overall in the process. Ehrenberg and Downing lost a wheel bearing and had a broken throttle cable, so they had to stop at every pit, but ultimately they finished in second place. Price and Strobel had an-other exciting day. They broke a rocker arm and then Strobel put it in another tree. This time he was able to jack the car out, losing only 40 minutes. They finished without brakes, in third place. Class 7200 was the next group to start. These are the modified small trucks (comparable to SCORE'S Class 7) and there were only three of them running. It was a hard day for all three. Shawn Wanzek's Ford had serious ignition Tfte Dlfferencel Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-2045D Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-D830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830504 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan Page 14 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. For more information give us a call or visit us online @ August 2002 Dave Turner had some problems with his Ford on the first day, but then things went well and he took the win in the small SUV class. problems, and he had to take a for-feit day, which meant a time of 19 hours and 12 minutes. Tom Giordano broke his Ford's motor mounts, so he also took a forfeit, and headed back to Las Vegas to try to get the truck repairs so he could run the next day. But he never came back. And Jason Jernigan used up 11 hours and 38 minutes getting a finish in his Ford. Jernigan, missing a lot of body parts, and Wanzek both started on Friday, but only Wanzek fin-ished, reporting that he had no problems. And on Saturday he was the only one to start, and once again had a good day. He said he had no flats on any of the three days, and took the victory in Class 7200. The next group to start was the Class 8100 cars, or Stock Full Sized trucks. There were six of them, and two, the Ford of Randy Merritt and Dan Beaver, and the Ford of Randy Wilson from Oregon, took forfeit days. But of the rest, it was Manny Esquerra in front in Tracy Rubio's Ford. He said it ran hot all day. They had to keep stopping to add oil, and the silt was bad, but they finished in eight hours and 29 min-utes. A half hour behind them it was Chad Hall in his AM General Hummer, and he said he'd lost a "water pump or something" right off the start. He also said he couldn't go over 60 miles per hour because it running hot. Another hour and 15 minutes back was Greg Foutz in a Ford, who got stuck. Then, to avoid getting stuck a sec-ond time, he bent his I-beam, "real bad". He and Steinberger (in Scaroni's Protruck) were taking turns pulling each other ut of their "stucks". Finishing in fourth place was Eric Henn, in another Hum-mer. He had a long day, with a time of 14 hours and 28 minutes. On the second day Esquerra · and Rubio had ,the best time again. They had retarded the tim-ing in hopes of solving their heat-ing problem, but it didn't solve it. Rubio did all the driving, and he had no problems other than the overheating. A little less than a half hour later Hall came in, still overheating. His crew had worked on it the night before, even spending a half hour over their allotted 70 minutes, but couldn't find the reason for the problem. He had no serious trouble, but lost a shock reser-voir and tan most of the day with no right front shock. Beaver and Merritt finished an hour and 20 minutes later, so they were back in the game. And then another hour and a half down it was Foutz who'd broken an axle at Mile 100. His passenger, Steve, walked out four or file miles, got an axle and walked back to the truck. They did the repair and just barely made the next checkpoint, but kept improving their status as they ran along, finishing in nine hours and 56 minutes. Henn took a forfeit day, which gave him a time of 14 hours and 18 min-utes. Wilson hadn't started this day. On Saturday Esquerra was back in Rubio's truck again. They had no flats, but were still over-heating. He said there were only six people on their team, and noted that it "Kinda stretches you out a little." He also said that he's about to be 60 years old and would really like to win a cham-pionship before he retires. He and Rubio got the win by about 50 minutes. Hall was second, saying that it had been "kind of a long three days." His Hummer had been overheating the whole time, but they'd had no other big prob-lems. He'd had the quick time for Saturday, but it wasn't enough to catch Rubio and Esquerra. Foutz took third place, his Saturday run marred only by one flat due to hitting a big rock.· In fourth it was Merritt and Beaver who had a good day on Satur-day, finishing only a minute be-hind Esquerra and Rubio, but their forfeit day on Monday set them back to fourth place. In fifth it was Henn, who'd had a forfeit day on Friday, and said his crew had worked until 2 a.m. to get the car ready for Saturday. He was happy about this day, say-ing it was the first time he'd "fin-ished in daylight." The lone Class 1100 car (com-parable to SCORE Lite) was off the line next, and although there was only one car in the class, this team had a great time. Bruce Conrad and Matt Cullen were sharing the driving in their Chen-owth, and liking the format of...b_e race and the course very much. On Thursday they had a perfect day and finished with a time of eight hours and 22 minutes. On Friday things looked good right to the last turn (which had given everyone trouble), where Cullen rolled and landed upside down. The next car along, the truck of Macrae Glass, stopp~d and the driver and passenger.hopped out and helped upright the buggy, and it went on to finish in a time of seven hours and 17 minutes. They were expecting to have a good day Saturday also, but at 10:30 in the morning word came over the radio that they were out of the race with a blown motor. Actually- they might have limped along in another race, Conrad said, but he knew this was to be a day of deep silt, and the motor Dusty Times

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miracle in order to overcome hind him and moving just as fast, win by a margin of an hour and their five and a half hour deficit saw the whole thing as he also 23 minutes. The Vinje, Gilchrist, from Thursday. Hansen and Jim charged off the embankment. He Hansen team was second, the Gilchrist shared the driving in saved his truck however, but Warrens were third and Braden Vinje's truck this day, and they stopped to render aid. He stayed and Griffin fourth. lost the rear end at Mile 240 with until he was sure Griffin was on The next class to go off the line Gilchrist at the wheel. He took his wheels and okay, about a half was a six pack of big SUYs (Class the driveshaft off and the axles hour or 40 minutes. Then Custer 4100). Both Eldon Coats and out, and limped home on the and his new co-driver, John Roth, Scott Douglas turned up missing front drive only. He lost his who'd never driven off road be-in their Fords, and they never did brakes because oil dribbling out fore, went on to finish a half hour come back, so their problems were of the rear end got all over them. behind the Vinje team. The War-apparently too tough to fix. The He was almost two hours down rens had "such a great time" on quick team on Thursday was the to Custer. The Warrens also had Saturday, even though they'd had Ford Expedition of Marc Stein, a long day, not getting back for trouble with the silt and got stuck who drove all day, and he had no more than 10 hours. a few times. They were only an problems, calling the course, "so The four were back again on hour down to the Vinjes for this nice, so beautiful". His time was Saturday, and this time Vinje's day. And Braden and Griffin, 8:28, and he had almost a half truck was on its side and Custer limping in to the finish, hit a big hour on Rod Hall and Roy Shawn Wanzek had a really bad time ofit the first day, but his competitors fared was with him. It seems a danger rock and tore a wheel off, losing Davidson in their Hummer. even worse later on, and he took the win in Class 7200 in his Ford-marker had fallen down and Grif-even more time. They finally fin-T~ey' d had no significant prob-wouldn't have been able to with-were just a hour behind Custer fin, piloting Braden's truck, had ished two hours behind Custer. lems. Steve Scaroni and Tommy, stand the stress. Their last day and Haas for the day, but they'd flown off an embankment, tipped When the times were added up, Watson were next in their Ford was a forfeit, which gave them a have to have some kind of racing over and rolled. Custer, right be-Custer, Haas and Roth took the Continued on page 16 time of 15 hours and eight min-:..::._..:.._:..:.._:.:..::._..:_:..:__:__...:_~___:___::...__:_ ________ ..:..._~...:.......:...._.:..:. _ _;__ ____________ -;-____ ....;...~---, utes, and they recorded a class win and 52nd overall. The 1/2-1600 cars went next ... with just two entries. They were a bit disappointed that there wasn't more competition, but looking forward to some good racing. Kevin Graves and Joe Hammer ran clean in their Mi-rage, to finish the day with a big lead, in a time of eight hours and 19 minutes. Behind them Erick Brown and Brady Wilson had some terrible trouble, including a blown oil cooler and a broken shifter mount, They were nearly three hours down, and worked far into the night making repairs. On Friday they were back at it, but neither had a good day. Graves went off a ravine and rolled his car twice, doing sub-stantiai damage that srnpped their day right then. Brown and Wisdom had motor trouble now, and they dnf'd for good. Graves and Hammer used some of their own spare parts, but needed a backing plate, which they didn't have. After scroung-ing around town they found one on an old junker and put it on the race car. It held up, as did all their repairs, and they got their finish with a perfect day on Sat-urday. They went home with the win. The next group to leave on Thursday was the 7100 trucks (like SCORE 7S). There were five of them. Kevin Davis was the first one out when at Mile 8 he broke the lower end of the Ford. He went home. Joe Custer and Gene Haas had a "pretty clean" run in their Ford, and were first in line when they finished, with a time of 8:43:46. In second place it was Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen who had no trouble with their Ford, and were only eight min-utes back. Running third was the team of Mike and Greg Warren,' in a Ford, and they were another three hours down, while Tim Braden and Mitch Griffin, in another Ford, hadn't been able to get their carburetors-working, so the engine didn't run right, ahd they got stuck. They said their truck also "fell on its side". (There was a lot of that going around.) They were 14 hours getting to the finish line. All except Davis came back on Friday. Custer and Haas had a good race with Vinje's truck, and described the course as "awe-some". Their time of 7 :04 kept them solidly in the lead. Braden and Griffin replaced a starter and welded a throttle bracket, and Dusty Times Extreme Performance For Serious Off-Readers Full on off-road • racing shocks featuring advanced engineering with long. travel, remote reservoir and externally adjustable bypass technology. ... from Bilstein These versatile nickel .. plated, completely rebuildable shocks are hot on prerunner trucks, buggies and recreational off-road vehicles. -Traditional Bilstein technology with applications for lifted trucks, Jeeps, prerunners and rockcrawlers. Patented Digressive Valving System delivers full damping control and a smooth ride on any surface at all speeds. Off-Road Shoclrs ... Fox~ P.ll Reasons! When It Comes To Off-Road ... Nothing Beats A Bilstein! See Your Nearest Off-Road Dealer or Call: 800/537-1085 • KRUPP BllSTEIN OF AMERICA A ThyssenKrupp Automotive Company August 2002 Page 15

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Excursion, about an hour and a half down after repairing a ball-joint that pulled apart. And in fourth it was John A. and John R. Sunderland and Buddy Crisp, their Bronco's front end was bent and they'd had electrical prob-lems, all of which set them back about three hours. Without Douglas and Coats there were only four left in the class on Friday, but they were all tough, determined competitors. Hall and Davidson broke a half shaft and that made one front brake non-functional. They were first for the day with a time of 6:44. The Sunderlands and Crisp said they just motored along, and their time was second best this day. Stein had almost the same time as Hall and Davidson, but he'd incurred a penalty for hav-ing a chase crew in a forbidden area, and that added an hour to his time. In fourth it was David Scaroni (Matt's younger brother) driving the Excursion for the first time, and doing well to get the two wheel drive behemoth all the way to the finish. They were all back again on Saturday, starting right together, a minute apart. Hall and Davidson started off their morn-ing with what could have been a disaster. Their radiator cap had been left improperly tightened, and it blew, boiling all the cool-ant out of the radiator. It was 20 m·inutes or so before the motor cooled enough to put fresh cool-ant in and tighten up the cap properly, but they got it done and went on. Otherwise they had no serious problems. They actually finished about 22 minutes behind Stein, whose car had broken an axle when they were almost to the finish line. Co-driver, Mike Mc-Comas had uPhooked it and then driven the rest of the way in, los-ing about eight minutes. Hall and Davidson took the win, their three day total time 11 minutes quicker than Stein and McCo-mas. In third it was the Scaronis and Watson, who had a good fi-nal day. BFG Radio Relay # 12, Wild Bill Wiederhold rode with them in this section, and was still smiling widely many hours after the race was over. The Sunderlands got to within about 10 miles of the finish and their transmission quit. They found a leak, fixed it, filled it up and drove on in for their fourth place. The Stock Mini Trucks went next (Class 7300) with four en-tries. Lance Magin and his Ford didn't make it all the way, but of the rest, Steve Olliges and Rob MacCachren had a "perfect" day in their Ford to arrive at the fin-ish first. But Aaron and Ian Dixon, in another Ford, weren't far behind them, only nine min-utes, with a perfect day also. Mac-rae Glass lost about an hour and 25 minutes, but he came in third. Only three of them re-started on Friday, and once again the lead truck, MacCachren and 01-liges, had an easy, trouble-free day. But Glass had an early flat, and then he rolled off the edge of th e course and luckily was stopped by the trees while on his wheels. He locked his hubs and drove out of what might have been a sticky situation. He was only nine minutes behind Olliges and MacCachren. The Dixons also ran trouble-free, and fin-ished the day about 14 minutes behind Glass. On Saturday Magin surprised everyone by showing up for the start, apparently having solved whatever problems had stopped him on Thursday. However, very early in the day he was heard on the radio looking for a welder, and then he didn't make it to the finish. MacCachren and Olliges, who shared the driving again, had no serious problems at all, and finished first again. The car wouldn't restart once stopped, but by then it didn't matter, and they took the victory. The Dixons also had a clean day, and at the finish said they could "probably go another day." They were sec-ond for the whole thing, and Glass finished third. The next group to start was the small SUVs, with just three entries. Thursday was Dave Turner's day and even though his rear shocks went away, and he lost a leaf spring on his Ford, the other teams had worse problems. Mike Falkosky's Explorer hit a buried rock in the silt and broke the steering rack. He spent a couple of hours making it driveable at Pit 4, and finished second, but then had so much work to do in the work area that he incurred a two hour penalty. Anthony Napoleon's Bronco also had serious trouble, and he also took a two hour work area pen-alty. So Turner had a good cush-ion on Day 2 . And he had a good This was the Baja Bug of Vince day, with only a water hose to Wavra, Terry McClintick, Justin change, and finished in seven Mamer, Todd Murrah and Mike hours and 34 minutes. Falkosky, Kracker. This group comes to after working late the night be-have fun. They'd love to have fore, also had a good day, chang-competitors, but it's a great plea-ing one low tire, and nothing else. sure to them to get all the way to He was about 16 minutes behind the finish line time after time. Turner at the end of the day. They did have a problem with a Napoleon ran into more trouble, valve they had to keep adjusting and earned another two hour and the car barely ran by the end penalty in the work area, which of the last day, but they did fin-added to his eight hours and 45 ish all three days with a time of minutes put him way back. 26 hours and 46 minutes. · The final day was fun for The racers were almost univer-Turner and Falkosky who had sally delighted with this format. clean days and raced each other They liked the course, though all the way. They finished less some would have liked less wide than three minutes apart, with open fast stuff and more techni-Turner taking the win and Fal- cal, or rough stuff. It made a very kosky going home with second long four days for the support place. Napoleon didn't have so crews, but except for the very tiny much fun. First of all his Bronco teams there was generally a chance wouldn't start in the impound in for everyone to get some sleep and the morning and he never did fig-eat their meals. ure out why. He was really late Certainly it was a chore for the for the start line, and made BITD officials who h'ad to set up Check 1 by just four minutes. But three start lines, three finish lines, _then things ran smoothly most of two work areas and two im-the way, so he even let his wife, pounds. Not to mention that tim-Jeannette, drive for the first time, ing and scoring had to pick up for about 70 miles. But an oil and move each night, and then cooler broke, and they limped in had to sort out and add in all with no oil pressure for the final kinds of penalties for a variety of 20 miles. Still, they got their third reasons. It will be interesting to place. see if the BITD uses the same for-In the Sportsman truck class mat again, or if th£y can find a there was one entry, a big king- way to make it easier on them-cab Ford truck loaded with spare selves. tires and parts that was to serve The next race for the BITD as a legal support vehicle for the will be the Tonopah 300 in mid-Scaronis and the McMillins. Un-August, and then they go to fortunately, it didn't survive the Mexico for the first time, in Sep-first day. tember. The finale of the BITD And in the Sportsman Buggy schedule will be the Las Vegas 200 class there was just one e~n~tr~y;a~ls~o'.:.. . .,....1~· n:_:,ea:.,r~l}:y~D~e~c~e:.,'.m~b:e!s;r..,....,,,.,,,,.,..,.·l-~!11~ Vince Wavra and a bunch of friends have a great time racing in the Dave Westhem and Randy Salmont have made their Chevy into a Gary and Mark Weyhrich drove their Chevy powered Jimco to a Sportsman class in their Baja Bug. They took the win with finishes Trick Truck, and in spite of the way it looks here, they had a good trip, close second place in Class 1500, their biggest problem being briefly !'1very day. and finished in second place. high-centered on the first day. They were ~ overall. Perforniance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Some Uses: • Pit Truck Showers & Washdowns • Non Corrosive Polyethylene • One-Piece Seamless • Heavy Wall Construction • Cooking & Kitchen Facilities • Extended Stay Water Storage Tanks • Bike Trailer Water Tanks • Car & Buggy Trailer Tanks • Pressure Washing Storage Tanks • Custom Fitting Location$ • New Systems • Auxiliary Systems • Replacements ~~illll-111 ........ -...0.E.M. Trailer & Van M~ . In uires Are Welcome RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • -15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Catalog Page 16 August 2002 Dusty Times

Page 17

October 4th·-6th . . , ,, RST IN CLASS . T-«? 11 10 & 1600cLASS ' 10 CARS IN .., , MUST HAVE . ' T OVERALL TO•flRS l -><-~ l# ~--<: :~ ¾~.& -~ _,1'h ,;·,. -~ ' .,:

Page 18

22ND WRC RALLY ARGENTINA Sainz And Ford Take Argentina By Martin Holmes • Photos: Maurice Selden Garlos Sainz and Luis Moya took the Argentine Rally win in their Ford Focus, seen here in the car wash. Sainz and Ford became the none of their four team cars fin-Hyundai crept into the points surprise winners of the 2002 Ar- ishing. Ford was well off the pace after a steady drive by Kankkun-gentina Rally after the exclusion with their eventual winner scor-en, though Freddy Loix was sur-of two Peugeots. First, Marcus ing no fastest times. And, like prisingly fast, lying sixth at the Gronholm, who had led for most Makinen at Monte Carlo, Sainz end of the day and scoring one of the rally was disqualified fol- was denied his chance to celebrate scratch time. The Argentine Rally, lowing a second servicing offense his 24th WCR win on the po-sixth round of the World Rally by the team, and secondly, after dium. Th is result also brought Championship and fourth post-event. inspection Richard Phil Short his 50th World win as round in the Production Cham-Burns was disqualified when a a team manager. Ford was not the pionship was run over the tricky lightweight flywheel was found to only team to benefit from the gravel tracks in the rolling hills to have been used on his car. This changes at the top. Skoda, like the west of the famous Argentine series of events left Peugeot with Ford, got all their cars to the fin-Pampas plains. There were two no points from the event and ish with all of them in the top 10. special hazards anticipated, the Hosted by 1111,eons Casin ,----,,......._ eva a , 5.z73.z9 , uru••Y Presented by BFGoodrich TAKE CONTROL Page 18 us 31st, Sept. ls • 30th Drawing for Starting Position Sturgeons • .JI st Tech & Registration • 1st RACE • 2nd Awards Sturgeons ,p Money Per Class 3 :f3 PRO Cl.ASS s45O00 CLASS 7-9 •azs00 PILOTS •1so00 SEMI PRO •2so00 August 2002 ,. Petter Solberg and Philip Mills spent a lot of time in the air, the were second in their Subaru lmpreza. Ramon Ferreyros and Diego Vallejo were first in Production and were a very neat 1<J" overall in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII. ever present danger of hitting overall. Ford had discovered that damaging rocks lying in the road their steering problems were and the often deep water cross-caused by damaged racks, rather ings. This was a high altitude rally than power steering problems. At with stages going to almost 8000 Skoda, Gabriel Pozzo was driving feet above sea level. a works car for the first time, the New things this year included first full works drive for an Ar-a double loop in the north and gentine rally driver since Jorge the abandonment of the loop to Recalde's Lancia entry on this the south of Cordoba around even.t in 1992. This was like Santa Rosa de Calamuchita. Christmas for Pozzo, "SusP.en-Rally headquarters had move to sion, turbocharger, more power, Villa Carlos Paz from Cordoba, better differential controls, the in fact, the only time the rally vis- works cars feel so different!" Six ited Cordoba was for the finish teams were competing and Cit-at the Olympic stadium on the roen. had been in the country western outskirts of the city. Al-doing test work for next year. though there were no completely In the Production champion-new stages, there were various de-ship 10 of the 11 drivers remain-tailed changes from recent years. ing in the series, who nominated Both service parks were located Argentina as one of their six at new venues. There were to be qualifying events, hoped to start, two visits to the Pro Racing com-the absentee was Natalie Barratt plex east of Villa Carlos Paz on who had withdrawn from the se-Friday, then on Saturday, both. ries. Once again, Mitsubishi driv-times in daylight and offering a ers had a strong rival in total of four Superspecial stages, Toshihiro Ari in a lone Subaru. and this year, there were no com-There were no "works supported" petitive sections on Thursday. World Rally Car entries on this This was the last rally planned event. The top local drivers were by Peugeot for its 2001 version entered in Group N cars. 206 WRC before the 2002 ver-The curiosity of Rally Argen-sion is launched !a the Acropolis tina was not so much surround-Rally. With the 2001 car Peugeot ing the rally cars but more to dis-had gained four successive one-cover what effect the recent finan-two results to date. Peugeot is also cial trauma had on the country. the only currently active team Happily, there seemed to be little who also contested the first ever visible deterioration, certainly in world championship Argentine the elitist region of Villa Carlo rally, in 1980. Subaru's low bud-Paz, until three days before the get season progres&ed again with start when gunmen burst into a only two rally car entries and not . restaurant where various rally even a test car. there were new team staff were eating, demand-cars for Ford, Skoda and Hyun-ing cash and valuables. Immedi-dai. The only technical innova- ately there was talk of the rally tion were newly designed teams going home, but then the driveshafts for Mitsubishi. local police made a huge increase Petter So.Iberg came to Argen-in their visible presence and de-tina having finished the last three dared various popular hotels World Championship rallies and restaurants as "Safe Zones". Corsica, Catalunya and Cyprus Not all the drivers reached in fifth place (Subaru sponsor Cordoba on sch edule, both 555 purely coincidental) and Markko Martin and Armin Markko Martin had finished each Schwarz missed plane connec-of these events in eighth place tions in Europe and lost a day. Dusty Times

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have suggested this would be a walkover for either Ford or Subaru with Peugeot hoping to hang on some-where behind, with no real hope of gaining their fifth successive WRC win. The first indications that this might not be the case came at shakedown, when all four Peugeots were fastest! The fastest non-Peugeot was the Subaru of Tommi Makinen in fifth place, followed by the Hyundai of Freddy Loix in sixth. The fastest Ford was Sainz in ninth. Was Ford sandbagging? Because of excessive crowds at the start of the first stage the section had to be aban-doned, and competitors were directed by main roads Richard Burns and Robert Reid were the to the start of the second winners but were disqualified when their stage. When the times for flywheelwasabitlightintheweightdepartment. this stage came in, showing Many journalists, coming by Colin 6th and Carlos 9th, maybe Varig's direct routing through those shakedown times had been Brazil were diverted twice en re;i.l, but with Maki-route, because of bad weather. nen 2nd and Solberg Japanese journalists find this the 3rd, Peugeot was not most difficult journey of all, going to have every-scheduled to take 30 hours, with-thing their own way. out delays. With Peugeot drivers Leg 1 -Eight stages, gravel, running the first three 130kms. The Argentine Rally cars on the road, started dramatically on the there was consider-Thursday evening, at the ceremo-able debate abou t nial start at the center of down-whether this would town Villa Carlos Paz. It was spec-work to their advan-tacular. Thousands of people tage or not. When crowded the main street, leaned Gronholm, running out of windows, scaled lampposts first car on the toad, and telephone booths, all for a immediately took the unexpected after days of rain was very important. Dust! With every championship car passing at two minute intervals and drivers speaking about having to slow down on the fastest stretches, this was not expected. Dust, in fact, was only a serious factor on one occasion but Gronholm contin-ued to pull ahead. Richard Burns had a broken spark plug on the first stage (Stage 2), he was lying fifth de-spite the misfire, while Sainz had power steering failure, for no apparent reason. There were pre-dictable troubles at the Superspe-cial stages held in the middle of the day, with stones from the car on one track hitting the cars on the other track and in the case of Makinen and Solberg, causing broken windshields·. Colin McRae lost time on Stage 3 when he spun and lost half a minute, and he never really got back on stride after that. Mitsubishi were again in the wars. Delecour crashed on Stage 7 and when the car overturned the front suspension collapsed. He tried to drive to the end of the stage but it was hopeless and, rather than create a hazard on the narrow track, he pulled off the road and retired from the event. Then, Alister McRae had a broken mousse, causing a very bad vibration, then a flat so he had to put the bad tire back on again. For Hyundai, Armin Schwarz lost more than six min-utes when he had a wheel collapse entering a corner and spent much time trying to remove the rem-nants from the hub. With Skoda, Kenneth Eriksson lost his brakes with a loose hydraulic hose. The anticipated problems with water crossings were not materializing as expected and the rocks were not appearing as frequently as expected, though incessant heavy drizzle and the damage to the stages, to be repeated on Satur-day meant that things could change. The worst was s·till to come, two stages of intense fog. Gronholm finished ·stage 7 with a lead of 16.5 seconds, hav-ing maintained a steady quarter minute lead over Makinen since Stage 3. Then it all started in ear-nest. For 15km in Stage 8 it was almost impossible for drivers ~o see where they were going. Gron-holm admitted he went off once and had to reverse back onto the course. Spectators panicked when he arrived at another curve, side-ways, pointing in the wrong di-rection. He was really lost in the soup and the spectators had to direct him which way to pro-ceed. Still, his lead over tea·mmate Burns was well over a minute but the fog was getting worse. Burns said, ·"We really didn't go fast enough!" Subaru drivers had their stories. Makinen had the gearbox refuse to select first and third gears on Stage 8 . He stopped on the stage and tried to Continued on page 20 better view. lead, it wa~ apparent Juha Kankkunen and Juha Repo grabbed ?I' overall in their Hyundai Aiister McRae and David Senior plow through the elements on their The pre-event betting would that another factor, Accent, shown here at one of the milder water crossings. way to eighth place in their great looking Mitsubishi Lancer Eva. Dusty Times August 2002 Page 19

Page 20

clear the electronic blockage but failed, revving the engine -fori-ously he started in fourth gear. This dropped him behind Burns but then on Stage 9 the gearbox started to select gears at random. Solberg's differential trouble worsened with hydraulic fluid leaking. The erratic driving in the fog had increased fuel consump-tion dramatically. Panizzi ran out of fuel a kilometer short at the La Curnbre service and was push-i•ng the car in. Then Schwarz sto ed on the sta e and re orted pp g p he was having fuel pressure prob-lems. Every driver that arrived re-ported that they were unexpect-edly low on fuc;:l. Alister McRae had another problem, no brakes! On both stages they failed half-way through the stage. Kankkun-en had already been off the road and lost time looking for specta-tors to help push him back on the course. Later, on Stage 9 he had two flats. Toshihiro Aki took an imme-diate lead in the Production Car WRC while Marcus Ligato settled into the event and gradu-ally increased his pace. Both Noncentini drivers, Ferreyros and Trelles had misfire troubles, Ferreyros with a broken injector connector and Trelles due to fuel pump failure. Trelles then had turbo problems as well. Arai had a series of problems, first a bro-ken brake disc and then the gear-box started to fail, jumping out of top gear. Pavel Valousek had differential troubles and drove five stages in front wheel drive mode. Singh was laying a steady third with no troubles until passed by Ferreyros on the final stage of the day. Leg 2 -Nine stages, gravel, 153kms. Overnight various teams were busy checking what had gone wrong the previous day. Hyundai were saying nothing about the reason why Schwarz retired, save that it could be a no fuel or a fuel pickup problem. Alister McRae's brake troubles seemed to have started when he had to drive with a badly vibrating tire insert. The morning dawned dry and warm in Villa Carlos Paz, but by the time the cars arrived at the Service Park at La Cumbre, die clouds were almost down to road level, even in the valleys. In fact, it began to clear up and there were dry conditions with good visibil-ity on the stages. The excitement reached a climax on the first pair of stages. Harri Rovanpera had to retire when his engine went to two cylinders. Lobe had also gone missing when the throttle failed, due, it seemed to an electrical problem. Then Alister McRae lost a few minutes with a lose turbo connection· and Pozzo also lost a few minutes with power steering failure and also a gearshift lever that came off in his hand and Gronholrn was having hydraulic troubles. Suddenly the hundred second overnight lead had van-ished and again the leader was only some 15 seconds in front. Gronholrn, "Seven kilometers into the first stage the warning lights came on, then the throttle stopped working, so we had to stop and activate manual mode. Then the engine stalled as well." The cause was discovered to be a fluid leak. Makinen now had the old gleam back in his eye as he set about chasing his fellow Finn. A Page 20 second victory with a Subaru had z:10 Rally Argentina 16119 May 2002 Carlos Paz-Cordoba Stadium (RA) we round 6, PNRC round 4 suddenly become a possibility, but there was a haunting fear, "I just 1 (4) car10a SAJNZAMa Moya E F0113 focu• RS WftC 2 (11) Petter SOLBERG/Phrllp MWs NIGS Subarulmp<ell WRC hope I do not have more gear-3 (5) Colin McRAEINicky Grtst GS Forr, FOCUS RS WRC 4 (6) Martel«> MARTIH/Mk:hael Parle EE.<GB Forr, FocuaRS WRC box trouble." Then news came 5 (15) Toni GAROEMEISTER/Pa8'10 Lukander FIN Skoda Oe1IMa WRC that his teammate, Solberg had 6 (14) Kenneth ERIKSSOH/Tlna Thomer s SkodaOc;w,11 WRC just that. "It started with lazy gear 7 (19) Juha KANKKUNEN/Juha Repo FIN Hyundai~! WRC shifting, then at the Superspecial 8 (8) Alister McRAE/Davtd Senlol GB Milsubtlhl Lancer E~ WRC 9 (16) Gab!tel POZZO/Daniel stMlo RA Sl<.odaOctavla WRC the car hit a bump and everything 10 (64) Ramon Ferrwyroe/Oilgo Vallejo PEJE Mitaubilhl Lancer Evo V\1 N locked up." The gearbox had 11 (67) Toehihlro Anll/Tony SlrcomDe J/NZ Subaru lmpraza WRX N 12 (74) Karam)l SJngt\/Allen Oh MAL Proton Part N chosen to select reverse! Solberg 14 (51) Guslavo Trelles/.Jo<ge Del Buono RCllNRA Mitaubilhi Lancer Evo \111 N overrode the electronics and 15 (52) Marcos L19ato1Ruben Garcia RA Mbubillll Lancer e,o VII N 19 (71) Stefano MarrinlfT'izlana Sandronl I Ml!Bubtlhl La~t EYO V\ N drove on, but this was in the 113 llat\enl. 29 llnbhefS. "Group winner. +Production qualWier. MANUFACT\JRER REGISTERED DRIVER. middle of a rtin of five stages be-Winne!'• a-...age •~ C¥Walagu 1!6.26kph (Gronholm 5h04m49.71..,7.07lepll) fore service. The overni ht status g Uronholm was excluded. Markko of Peugeot-Subaru-Peugeot-Suba-Martin was on the receiving end ru was maintained, but the Fords of bad spectator behavior, when began to move upward. By the a rock was thrown at his wind-second stage of the day they were shield, fortunately, they were un-5th, 6th and 7th, strongly into injured. Makinen was deter-the championship points which mined, he was fastest by more the drivers had been ordered to than eight seconds on the twisty gain. Stage 17 and took the lead by 2.5 Skoda's top driver, Garde-seconds. Then on Stage 18 Gron-rneister initially rose from 8th to holm finished just two seconds 6th but then fell back with steer- faster, so at the end of the day ing problems and a loose wheel. Makinen led by .5 seconds. This let the Fords of McRae and Production championship Martin go past but Gardemeister leader Arai had a new gearbox was only one place out of the installed overnight and was in points. With two of their three fine form on the second day. cars now out, Kankkunen was the Ligato was in trouble. His over-last remaining Hyundai and he night lead of 3.6 seconds disap-drove steadily on but he was well peared when the left rear shock out of the points. The race for absorber sheared into two pieces the lead intensified. Makinen was, and he fell progressively back to according to co-driver sixth place (out of the nine still Lindstrom, driving as smoothly as running) in the category before it he could, taking no risks. Gron-could be repaired. Arai was con-holm was doing his best not to sistently the fastest driver on the stress the car on the rougher parts stages until the rally reached of the route. After Stage 16, the Stage 16, when he lost the left lead was down to 5.6 seconds. front wheel and had to three The route of the second day wheel to service. Ferreyros, lying was exactly the same as the day in second place, said he came before, but now the clouds were round a corner and only just well above the hills and there was missed Arai's car stuck beside the no hint of fog on the final s-tage road. Trelles continued his un-of the day. There was still drama happy event, momentarily he went waiting to happen, however. off at a junction but then the Panizzi had problems after leav-turbo wastegate failed, right at ing the Service Park between the start of a run of five stages. Stages 16 and 17, which led to Marini was also slowed with turbo his retirement. Originally thought problems. Manfrinato was in to be a water pump failure, the deep trouble, he had a broken team later confirmed there had driveshaft, a failed turbo and been a servicing misunderstand-then a balky accelerator and was ing in which a faulty water hose withdrawn on Stage 17 with rear was fitted and overheating was differential troubles. Harrach discovered only after Panizzi left retired on the same stage when a the Service Park. The circurn-tire tread stripped and took the stances surrounding Panizzi's re-oil cooler with it. On Stage 16, tirement, where technicians from Valousek crashed and retired. the team were observed looking" There were now only sbe cars left at the car, other than at a Ser-in the category. Ferreyros fin-vice Park led to a reprimand by ished the day 50.8 seconds in the organizers. This action was front of Arai with Singh having later to prove a fatal mistake for fallen back with suspension darn-the team, when, on the final day age which caused a couple of after a further similar offense, punctures. Trelles still had poor .------------------''---, turbo pressure, unable to challenge the three drivers in front. The day ended with rumors that Arai had been seen being pushed by an-other car and might receive some penalty. Leg 3 -Four stages, gravel, 74kms. The short fi-nalda covered sta es to the west y g of Villa Carlos Paz. Hyundai were still not sure what had happened to Schwarz on the first day. They believed there was still some fuel in the tank when the car quit. As for Lobe's problem, the engine management system-was rnalfunc-ti on i ng and even with full throttle there was very little power. Once again there was im-mediate drama. This time it was the rally leader, Gronholm who had suffered more transmission trouble the night before. The re-built unit, which had failed on the first day was installed, but then the car wouldn't start. He had to push his car out of pare ferme and with advice from tech-nicians standing nearby, managed to get the car to fire up but it was 25 minutes in the doing. It was found to be another hydraulic leak, on another place. Peugeot, ordered to appear before the Stewards, confessed their crime of allowing technicians to stand close by. For Pe4geot, the pres-ence of the technicians waiting close by was an act of despera-tion, which kept Gronholrn still running on the rally but created pressure for Makinen. As Peugeot and Gronholm awaited the Stew-ards decision, Makinen, for the second time this year found him-self battling against a competitor who was falsely running in the lead. At Monte Carlo he had eased his pace, awaited develop-ments and won the rally. This time he had less certainty that Gronholm would be allowed to finish the event. The weather over the hills was coming and going but drivers had clear and dry conditions for the first three stages before service, where it was beginning to rain . . Solberg dropped behind Sainz when he went straight on at a turn and lost time reversing back to the road. Burns was having a mis-erable time, "twice I overshot on Stage 21 and to make matters worse, I had to slow down for a pig on the t'Oad. In the race for the lead, Gronholm regained the le_ad on the opening stage l!,nd by the end of Stage 20 he was 5.5 sec-onds ahead! This was head-ing for yet another classic Makinen last minute chase. WC porits WRWOWP EX02PBC (Ge) 4h.08m.08.1I. • 10 10 X26SRT(G8) 4h.06m 13.1s 6 6 . EXD206II (G8) 4h 10m.28.2s. 4 4 . Et<51HXZ (G8) 4h 11m.01.5a. -3 . M80QCM1 (CZ) 4h.13111.27 .~ . 3 2 . M8090-42 (CZ) 4h.14m.25. 71. 2 1 -X22HMC(G8) 4h.16m.12.4a. 1 -. ~1XPN(G8) 4h.16m.58. 7s. . . . MBN98-16 (CZ) 4h.22m.08.0s. . . . BW664PS(l) 4h.32m.27.k •• -. 10 J600PRO (08) 4h.32m.57 .71. + . 6 WU02XFB (G8) 4h.33m.42.7s.+ . . 4 CA815BV(I) 4h.38m.40. 71. + . . 3 BX610\,W (I) 4h.39m.34.41.+ . . 2 BX165\W(I) 5h.04m.35.5s.+ . . 1 Atter 4kms on Stage .ll, he hac recovered 1.2 seconds, after 9kms he had pulled back three seconds. With the final stage some 11 kms long, Makinen was in line for win-ning. His accident came at a fast turn shortly before the end of Stage 21. The car rolled five times, ending up far off the road. Following drivers never saw the wreckage. Makinen was out of the event, and robbed of what should have been an assured victory and only had a badly wrecked car to show for it all. Happily the crew were virtually unharmed. Ferreyros lost a lot of his lead in the Production category when he went off the road, but re-gained it when Arai had a flat. Singh was cruising along in third place, with the suspension very soft and fourth place Trelles still had his differential troubles. Ligato won three of the last four stages but remained in fifth place. Burns was careful with his words at the post-event press con-ference. "Standing on the po-dium, hearing God Save The Queen, we didn't feel we deserved to finish so high up. Gronholm had been significap.tly faster. However, he lost his victory when post-event technical inspection discovered his car's flywheel was 20g underweight. It was the first time there was any fault with their cars, the more you win, the more you have to be perfect. The even-tual winner, Carlos Sainz com-mented, "we had expected to be more competitive than we turned out to be. Winning in such cir-. cumstances was even more surpris-ing." In Manufacturers points Ford has 41, Subaru 33, Mitsubishi 6, Skoda 5 and Hyundai 3. In Drivers points, Gronholm has 31, Fanizzi 20, Burns and Sainz tied at 19, Makinen 14, Solberg 1 3, Colin McRae 10, Rovanpera 9, Bugalski 7, Loeb 6. In Production Car, Ferreyros has 20, Singh 14, Arai and Trelleli are tied with 12 points each. · Solberg and Makinen trip the light fantastic after the strangely ending Argentine rally. Tony Gardemeister and Paavo Lukander Peugeot Team Manager Carlotti and Marcus Granholm deep in drove their Skoda Octavia to a fifth overall in thought after being excluded from the rally. the Argentine rally. August 2002 Dusty times

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s _ODb~ DFF-HD.iD PRESENTS San Diego Escondido El Cajon [bG)E3@ ~@ ~wJ□©QG:l~ @erG:lCrJ~ [;)er□~ , August 9th & ·10th, 2002: Ej. JACUME, Tecate, B.C. .-.. AIITOPA/l'IS ◄NAPU -TECATE -W. • AUTOPAITES OE OESCUENTO Lj1jEEi1iEf CERVEZA OFICIAL DE CODE OFF-ROAD Evita el exceso H MAaM11iatt10AMR 1 '\ ~ PIZZAS .,, ---~-----~---.,. ~ C ,.,\.McMilJin Companies HOM~GA® Juan C. L6pez, El REY DE LAS PUERTAS $50Qdlls.QverAll $1,500 dlls. $4QQdlls.2nd. OA - to the 1st. Class 7 Class 8, 1st. Place/OA KC HiLiTES $3QQdlls. lst. place Photo: Byrle Moore PRO Class with more vehicles Prlmio TRACTORLAND $30Qctlls. YUMA, AZ. 928-627-3833 1st.. Class 5_ 1600 @Db TEL & FAX MEXJCO 686-553-4087 /FROM USA (01152-686) 553-4087 IH•IAiUI CODE USA Phone No.(760) 455-8-069 PO.O. BOX 2328, CALEXICO, CA 92232-2328 RE'S Racing $5QQctlls. . 1 st. Class 1 $3QQctlls. . · 1st. Class 10 ~ · USA 619.427.5759 - - -. 250 Kennedy Suite 112 Chula Vista, CA 91911 _ , --/"""

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SNORE DUSTY TIMES 250 Flippin's Finish First Phegley Finally Finishes Photos: Eric Record & Trackside Photo High a(,ove the valley floor the Flippin boys head for a nice Class 10 and overall win at the SNORE Caliente 250. Usually held a lot earlier in the at a pretty good clip and gusts were year, the SNORE Dusty Times 250 enough to get the dirt swirling is an annual affair held in beauti-around. But, that was the only ful Caliente, Nevada, downer that weekend as the racin' famous for one of the best looking was great, the local people bend and best preserved railroad depot over backwards to help ;i.nd the rail-buildings I have ever seen. The el-road folk to out of their way to evation is about 4400 feet and there help whenever possible. We arrived are all sorts of strange things in evi- . for contingency and tech inspection dence, rivers and streams, lots of on the Friday evening and the wind trees, lots of mountains and a most then was more of a breeze, the tern-beautiful canyon, Rainbow Can-perature was perfect and that night yon, which is a most beautiful sight passed perfectly. to behold. Usually this race is held The race was scheduled to kick in March or April but this year the off at nine on Saturday morning month of June was selected and and it did, in fact, go off right on along with the beauty came some-time. All the drivers were looking thing they call wind and it.was a forward to a nice run through the wind and a half. It blew incessantly trees and a few water crossings to keep them all awake and alert. Those in the know figured that a fast lap time would be about an hour and a half and that was close to a fact although some of the fast-est cars would beat the estimate. Class 10 was first to tackle the course, there were a few laps under the estimated hour and a half and all the Class 10 cars finished with the exception of Mike Gaughan Jr., who turned a nice 1:27:59, second behind the leader but the car was never seen again. Sixth place fin-isher was Bruce Lierman, with Lance Dawson in the right seat. Their first lap was a good one, they were in third place but a broken rocker arm assembly on the second 'r / ,, -'-to%,, Bryan Freeman had an impressive win at Caliente, he beat some of the best in the business with a nice trouble free race. (Buffalo Bill# 20) John Phegley takes to the water on his way to a great finish on a demanding course, getting stuck not withstanding. lap cost them plenty in time and aggravation and they were glad to finish after six and a half hours out on the course. Sunday morning they had to start the long trek home to Bellingham, Washington. Fifth place went to T.J. Flores, driving for Butch Dean. TJ was fifth at the end of the first lap, moved into third on the second lap and was. really haulin' freight on Lap 3, but disas-ter struck in the final mile. Drivers have to negotiate a terribly steep and long hill dropping into the back end of Caliente, then a fast trip for a few blocks to the start/ Dwaine Walters almost needs a periscope as he fords a water crossing on his way to a very decisive Class 9 win. Brent Shermak had a real nice race, no problems to speak of, but he knows he's finish: line. Flores started down the hill, thought he had a flat in the left rear but it was a heim joint giv-ing way and he turned sideways and rolled down the hill, going over three or four times and reaiiy mak-ing a wreck of the car. Fortunately, Flores wasn't injured and after some very fast repairs he completed his third lap and a hard earned fi~h ish. Fourth place finishing spot iµ Class 10 went to the trio of Danny Ward, Tom Imboden and Jeremy Gubler, each driving a lap and they complained of brake problems all race long. Dan Bentley and Bob Mathews split the driving chore in half, Bob had a flat during his tour and Dan had an argument with a tree (which he lost) and they sol-diered on to the bronze medal, a nice third place finish. Danny Anderson brought his terrific pre-runner to Caliente for the festivi-ties and, being no slouch in the driv-ing department, he drove three quick laps with only a voltage regu-lator problem to hamper him on Lap 1 and finished a very nice sec-ond place in Glass 10, with 15 year old son Darin riding along all the way. Leading all the way, with nary a problem to keep them otherwise occupied, Clay and Ken Flippin each drove half of the race, had a great run and took the Class 10 honors, as well as the overall. Con-not driving a schwimmwagen in 5-1600. Brandon Hughes was missing a gear all race long but he still soldiered Joe Bourland had a good day, he handled the water with ease and Bottoming out can be fun, just ask Dan Bentley as he drives his on and took a nice second place in Class 9. went on for a nice second place finish in Sportsman Buggy. steed to a third place finish in Class 10. Page 22 August 2002 Dusty Times s a s a s c ts a es .w

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Jeff Carr wastes no time in the water near Caliente, he went on for a Cisco Bio, 2001 SCORE Class 9 Champ ran his first SNORE race, The KenechVDziurawiec submarine was clean as a whistle at third place finish in 1600. had a ball and finished a nice third, two minutes out of second. Caliente, unfortunately they only got two laps in before calling it [!'day. ,: Bryan Anderson had a fairly good day, he ran well and took a nice 4"' place in a highly competitive 1600 class. In spite of no brakes and an argument with one of the local trees, Ken Eric Shepard sets up for a right tum on the tricky Caliente course, heading for a third place finish in Sportsman Buggy. grats on a nice finish. The 1/2-1600 group was next to start and there was really some fast and furious racing as three dif-ferent cars each set fast lap for one lap on their trek through the woods. Charles Sutton never took the green flag, we have no idea what his problem was. Jeremy Harmon tried his hand in the 1600 class for the first time, driving Clay's some-what unprepared car and although he only got two laps in before call-ing it a day, he is looking forward to the move up in horsepower and suspension. The ninth place finisher was Cody Freeman, youngest son of Kenny and Kerri. Cody didn't have a good day, he had engine problems that wouldn't go away, lost a battery and was happy to get it all over with in Caliente. Day Gang, what can I say about my quasi-adopted granddaughter, like her Aunt Bekki she lives and breathes off road racing but this race luck wasn't smiling on her. Day was third on the first lap, dropped to fourth place on the second lap then lost a c.v. on Lap 3 and that cost her well over an hour in time and relegated her to an eighth place finishing position. Next to finish in 1600 was Cortney Whipple, he had his sons Calvin and Wesley snare the co-rider's seat and and after three flats and losing a wheel in the trees he came in for a seventh place finish. Next in was Garit Wallace, a solo drive, a trouble free drive, three laps of super consistent times and a nice sixth place finish. Rick Boyer was a solo run also, he reported no problems during his run and took fifth place, also with very consistent lap times and just a wee bit ut of fourth. The fourth place in 1600 went to Bryan Anderson. he lost the throttle cable on the first lap, set fast lap for the class on his sec-ond lap and ended up taking the fourth place finish for the class. Taking the bronze medal was Jeff Carr. He had a trouble free run, said the dust got to him a bit and cost him some time as he finished just 29 seconds out of the second spot. The Rob MacCachren/Bruce Fraley combo are hard to beat, but this time, although they said they had no problems during the day Tapert took a fourth place finish in Class 9. they had to settle for the second this, John finished! John drove the spot in 1600, almost four minutes first and last laps while Jerry Stew-away from the win and just 39 sec-art took the middle lap. John got onds from dropping to third. The stuck on the first lap, Jerry had a big winner in the 1600 class was clean run and then John got stuck Bryan Freeman. He made a solo again on the last lap. But, who run, had no problems throughout cared, he finished and he won the the race and took a well deserved Heavy Metal class! Congratulations! gold medal, beating some of the best Class 9 had 11 cars all ready to in the business. go, or, some of them were ready to There was only On@> Heavy Metal go. Bob Bass never completed his entry, John Phegley, who is the most first lap, problems unknown, Clay philosophical driver I know. John Leonard only got one fairly quick races his tail wagon frequently, but lap in before retiring and Mike John has someone up there who Kline got two decent laps in before just doesn't like him, so in spite of he too disappeared from the all his efforts he seldom gets to take charts. Eighth place in Class 9 went the checkered flag. Caliente should to Jim Neal. Somehow we missed have eaten John alive, but, now, et Continued on page 24 Danny Anderson washes his prerunner near Caliente, Nevada. Danny and son Darin were second in the Class 1 O conflict. The MacCachren/Fraley duo aren't slow runners as evidenced by this shot of their car at speed, a second place finish in 1600. Golly, it's dusty out here says Greg Frechette, seen here on his way to a nice Sportsman Buggy victory. SYSTEM s BY PARKER PUMPER pu'l/eer helme'ls '11:1ngat $249l!!!,00(wired) The complete source for racers andCreWS 1.800.700.2350 fax: 909..360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 ----P-age -23-

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T J Flores took a tumble down a long hill, but all the king's horses and Rick Boyer had a good day, ran clean and hard and took a fifth place Tom Vanderploeg is literally awash as he heads to a 5"' place finish in men made it possible for him to finish 5"' in Class 10. finish in 1600 at Galiente. Class 9, wonder why the clutch was slipping? Jim at the finish line so we don't tered. Steve and Mik_e_S"'h,..,i,.....m- p--t.-he--,i-r ..,.th-r-ee- l..-a-ps_a_n_d.--t,...h-ey-to-o-.--k~th.-e--a-n-ot,..h_e_r pair of Class 9 entrants. they had no problems save a bro-know who drove with him and what shared the driving in their Class 9 seventh place finish for their class. Don took the first two laps and ken throttle cable on the last lap. problems they might have encoun-and reported a trouble free run for Rick Lance and Don Kelly were Rick brought up the rear. They said They should break a cable more +.'·:·· -,..~:"'t --~~-Cortney Whipple and sons had a dusty and wet day, they finished '1'1' Garit Wallace finds the dust a bit testy as he rolls towards a (yh place Steve and Mike Shimp had a fun day playing in the dirt, they finished in the Class 1600 battle. finish in 1600. '1'1' in the Class 9 outing. HONDA Power Equipment POWEil TO-EB6500 HONDA Power Equipment Page 24 RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Sou~ce for Bonda Power Equipment Parts and Inventory If WE DONT HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check Our Website:1.,__ . Kawaguchi Honda Corp. . , . 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 Nothing~ easier. (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a g~nerator to house ._powe! requires a trc!nsfer de.vice to avoid jpossible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. · ©2002 American Honda Motor Co, Inc. 4-20-41 • z.108 August 2002 Dusty Times

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Don Kelly and Rick Lance had fun driving the challenging Caliente Day Gang didn't have a good day. a broken cv can really put you in Lots of troubles punctuated the day as the Kinder/Cook Sportsman course, finishing fJh in Class 9. often as that lap time was six mm-utes faster than their first two laps were. Tom Vanderploeg, with co-rider, Kevin Olsen (who comes out from Minnesota to ride with Tom), only had to fight a slipping clutch on their three lap venture and they were the fifth finisher in class. Ken Tapert was the fourth finisher in Class 9, he drove solo, had brake problems from the first lap on and decided to hit a tree, that battle he lost. Third place in Class 9 went to Cisco Bio, the 2001 SCORE Class 9 champion. Cisco was a solo driver and his big problem was that the tranny wouldn't stay in third or fourth gear, he had to hold the gear-shift in place and his right hand was showing the results of that effort. It was Cisco's first SNORE race and he told us he really had a good time and is looking forward to more SNORE racing. Second place in Class 9 went to Brandon Hughes, another solo driver. Brandon said the only problem he had was a lack of first gear and he had to stop for a moment to re-buckle his helmet. All three of his lap times were one hour, 43 minutes and change. A nice run. the first place honors in Class 9 went to Dwaine Walters. Dwaine ran his three required laps in 4:47:43, reporting no troubles and already looking forward to the next race. Class 5-1600 was five strong but their ranks were decimated early on. rick Christian never re-corded a time, cause of his demise unknown to us. Mike Ault went out on his first lap, set fast lap for the first lap but he never com-pleted his second lap, his prob-lems also unknown to us. Then, the Savedra/Taylor duo had a fairly long first lap, a terribly long second lap and that was all she wrote, they too disappeared from the scoring charts. Another dar-ing duo, Lane Kenecht and Bob Dziurawiec set forth to do battle, Lane had a decent first lap, turned the car over to Bob, who turned the car over somewhere on his lap and that was a lpng one, three hours and change and they called it a day after completing two laps. Running trouble free and driving the entire race, Brent Shermak ripped off 1 :48, 1 :43 and 1:54 lap times on a 1:54 lap times on a trouble free run, tak-ing the 5-1600 honors, a good run and-a well deserved win even though the water almost cooked his goose a few times. · The Sportsman Buggy class had six entries and they too had the same terminal troubles that many of the other classes had. Billy Shapley was rarin' to go but he never completed his first lap, problems unknown. Bert Schneider had a real long first lap and was never seen again. The Kinder/Cook combo didn't have Du~ty Times the bluest of moods, even getting wet doesn't help. the best of days, a two hour first couple of decent laps and went lap and an almost four hour long back to Henderson with a podium secondlap,buttheydidfinishan finish under his belt. Joe official fourth. Officially, third Bourland had a solo drive place in Sportsman Buggy went through the forest, turned a 1:42 to Eric Shepard who had a and a 1:45 on a trouble free run August 2002 entry headed for a fourth place finish. and took home a nice second pec1ally wanted to than( Bdl place silver medal. The gold Shapley for a great transmission. medal in Sportsman Buggy went Congrats to all who competed in to Greg Frechette. He turned a Caliente in the Dusty Times spon-very respectable 1:39:46 and a sored race. See ya all back there 1:39:57 for lap times and he es-next year. .. -.lfW • 'Elli re I rJWAYA 'lE n8· r~~ ries AYS A WEEK Page 25

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FRT CONOUISTA Hovey Takes The Win By Judy Smith Phptos: C&C Race Photography & Trackside Photo Chuck Hovey fell back on his old Raceco once again, and once again came up winners, taking the Class 1 victory at the FRT Conquista in June. Chuck Hovey brought out his old Raceco to compete in the FRT short course event at Lake Super-stition and he went home with first place. This race departed from the normal FRT event in that it was a six mile loop and each group ran a one hour heat, then got a break of a couple of hours, and then got another one hour heat. The bikes and quads had done their racing on Saturday, so the cars and trucks went off the line at 7 a.m. on Sunday. The spring weather held firm in the $OUthern deserts while up in Los Angeles a cold wind howled down from Alaska, bring-ing wind and rain. The FRT rac-ers enjoyed a steady breeze and warm sunshine. Hovey, and in fact all the driv-ers, liked the concept and the course. They especially liked the fact that there was plenty of room to pass on this short course (whereas the one in the Tecate · area had been virtually a one lane course). He said it was "pretty soft -not ideal for a Type IV Page 26 motor (2800ccs)", but he'd come prepared and had put a second oil cooler on it, which brought the oil temperature down to 220. He reported that it had run but while pre-running on Saturday. The Class 9 cars went off first, and each lap took them just un-der seven and a half minutes to about eight minutes and 10 sec-onds or so. Kent Graves had his Jimco in front right from the start, and Ray Neff, a new mem-ber of the Kit team, ran second, in his Kit car. In third it was Dave Gardner in a Chenowth, and then came Trey Somers in his Jimco. But Somers made only one lap and then he broke both a tor-sion bar and a torsion adjuster. While he limped to his pit for re-pairs, the battle went on. Graves continued to lead, but Neff was having trouble with a slipping clutch. It was discovered later that as an aftereffect of a transmission change, there was grease oozing onto the clutch. By the end of the fourth lap Graves had a full minute and a half on him, as Gardner held firm in third place. By the time their heat was over Graves had a three minute and 16 second cushion on second place Neff. Gardner finished in third place. When they came out to run their second heat, the Somers car · had been repaired, but now Wally Palmer was driving, and he had the distinct disadvantage of being equipped with one 26mm torsion bar and one 29mm tor-sion bar. Rod McCain had taken over for Gardner and Julie Kern was driving instead of Neff. This time, as Graves, who drove both heats, went into the lead, he had McCain in second place behind him, then Palmer with his oddly bouncing car and kern, the clutch still slipping in fourth. On the fifth lap Palmer had a flat and Kern went past him while he got a new tire in his pit. Then, as he charged hard to catch up he got into her dust, hit an em-bankment and turned himself over. He was not sure which way was forward for a while, but got August 2002 Todd Stemmerman drove his Class 5 Baja Bug at a steady pace, and completed all the laps, to go home as the class winner, a firm step on the way to another championship. Jason Corfman and Jeff Dickerson paired up in Dickerson's Protruck to run in Class 8 (big trucks), where they took the win in spite of a rollover. going again in a few seconds. Graves took the win again, fol-lowed 'in by McCain, then Kern and Palmer. But the tech inspector decided · to have a weigh-in for this class, and the Graves car was deter-mined to be right on the button,· which meant it had been under weight during the first heat when it ran without a spare. (It was de-termined that the spare weighed 20 pounds.) So he was bumped from first to fourth place. Thus McCain and Gardner went home the winners. The second group to take off included both big trucks and small trucks. Jeff Dickerson had his Protruck, off the ship on its return from Guam for just a coupe of days: His crew had given it a quick once-over, fixed the broken exhaust, and hoped it had enough left in the motor to fin-ish here. Jeff was to drive it in the Unlimited class race, but his regu-lar passenger, Jason Corfman, was going to drive it in the Class 8 race. It was the first time Jason had been allowed .to race it, though he had competed in a single seat 1600cc buggy a time or two. Another oddball team was the Class 7 Ford of Rick Tay-lor, which would be driven by Hector Salazar as a sort of prac-tice for the Baja 500, wherein Taylor and Salazar would team in this truck. The idea was that Salazar should get used to it be-fore the long Baja event. They were running in Class 8. The big trucks took off in front, and the little trucks started about 24 seconds behind them. And then, as they went out of sight, along came Salazar in Taylor's truck. They'd been pre-running and had broken an I-Dusty Times

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Driving with a bad clutch all the way, Julie Kern and 14 year-old Ray "='===.....c..-.. ........... """"''=""= ..... = ...... ~"'-==--=='--""'=...., Shawn McCallum had his new (to him) all-wheel-drive, Nye Frank Neff kept their Kernco two-seater moving all day, to finish up with a Jason Jernigan drove in Class B this time and he hung in there for a built, single seat car out for a spin. He looked good for the first few third place. while, but ultimately, was one of the victims of the tough pace. laps, but the motor went south and he was done. beam bolt, and had just got the still led the big trucks and Salazar laps both Hendly and Fakih were and challenge him, but he was onships. repairs completed. ran second, on ly 45 seconds be- nearly a full lap down, not too there to earn points, hoping to Sean McCallum, in the all wheel At the end of the first lap hind Corfman. Hendly led the surprising considering that they win back to back season champi-Continued ~n page 28 Corfman had the lead and he small trucks. were stock mini trucks up against didn't look like someone who At the end of the heat, which the horsepower and high-tech en-needed to "learn" anything about meant after nine laps for the big gineering of the other vehicles out driving this truck. Jason Jernigan trucks, Corfman had the win, there. Corfman was having a ran second in his ford and Vance with Salazar in second place also great time, enjoying the truck Allen was third, about 12 sec-completing nine laps, whi.le much more than his previous ex-onds behind him. Salazar, had Hendly took the win in the small perience with the 1600 car, and already apparently gotten "used truck division. Allen was third in he stayed in front, avoiding er-to" Taylor's truck, because he had Class 8. rors. Allen hadn't been able to already caught the other little When the trucks ran their sec-complete the first lap this time, trucks and passed them, and was ond heat, about 11 a.m., they and Jernigan and Salazar disap-only six seconds behind Allen. were still missing Richards who'd peared on the fifth lap, so Behind him it was Mark Hendly had to be towed back to the pit Corfman zipped around the fi-and then Sam Fakih, and Todd area, and it seemed evident by the nal four laps as the only survivor Richards was gone, never making crumpled bodywork on his truck in his class, to take the win. He it around even once. that Fakih's reason for not quite was the Class 8 winner for the Corfman was having a good finishing the first heat had been meet, and Hendly won in the time, and by the end of the third a roll-over. Once again Corfman small truck class. lap he had just under a minute charged to the front with Jernigan The Class 1 cars went next and on Jernigan. New Salazar ran chasing him. Salazar was third, the big orange Protruck of Jeff third, and Hendly, although lead-less than a minute behind Dickerson loomed over the ing in the small trucks, was down Corfman, with Hendly and Fakih shorter buggies as they lined up a lap to the big trucks. But when behind him in that order having for the green flag. Todd they came around on the fifth a good race of their own. Stemmerman still hasn't got any lap Jernigan was gone. Corfman By the time they'd done three other Class 5 cars to come out A Paradigm is a pattern or example. Each of us has established a paradigm based on our previous experience and knowledge. The paradigm draws on information from our mind, gathers it together, and refines it to fit our understanding of reality. Paradigm Race Cars will redefine your perception of reality and present you with a true sense of craftsmanship, safety, and pride in one's work. We have entered the arena of off-road recreation not only to improve on the past, but to create a paradigm for the future. Shop:714.990.9599 Fax: 714.990.9591 Dusty Times August 2002 coming Next Month ... SNORFJMORE at Barstow WRC~ cropolis Rally ·---~-...... c>. Ce ~ rand~n ... And Much, Much ... M'ore! Page 27

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Rick Taylor and Hector Salazar teamed in Taylor's Ford. They were Mark Hendley managed to complete most of both heats in his mostly mighty quick, and looked good until about the fifth lap of the second A combination of driving skill, good luck and a technicality gave the stock truck, to take the Sportsman victory for the weekend. _hea~ '~· ------~-,---~~---,-----,--,-----,-----,-----Class 9 victory to Rod McCain and Dave Gardner in their Chenowth. drive Nye Frank car that belonged got the hole shot. He didn't have it McCallum had the lead when Stemmerman went right to his pit at high RPMs, but otherwise they to Nick Baldwin last year, and then in four wheel drive, but its V8 power they came back around again, with as he finished the lap, and lost a all looked and sounded fine. They briefly, to the Dondel brothers, be-shot him to the front. Also run-Hovey in second and Whitted full lap with some repair. stayed in that order for the next · fore they decided they needed a Tro-ning were Hovey in his old Raceco third. Dickerson ran fourth, al-At the end of the second lap they three laps, each just at the end of phy Truck and thus did some and Kyle Whitted in a 3-liter V6 ready missing a fender and side were still in the same order. the other's dust cloud. There was horse-trading with the McCallums Toyota powered Jimco. panel as a result of some incident. Whitted's car seemed to be missing room to pass, but not always in ··-"!, I DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-point sand rail seat belt RACE BELTS 2"-5pointmount 3'-5point mount SIDE COVERS IRS. Swing axle KENNEDY · PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# 200mm-up to 3000/, GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# -2400# RACING · PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushtocks ....... ....... . ~ puc ferramic ........... . ~ puc ferramic with spring hub GERMAN AUTO 8 <~ ~-.. ~ z ... SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 111, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930 or T-4 cages 930 or T-4 or T-2 flanges Trick boots {specify/ 930CVstar "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS s• travel-stock width 8 • travel-widened beam 10• travel-stock width 10• trave~wldened beam TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½"chrome T-11 '1, • raw T-11518' chrom T-11518' raw T-4cl!rome T-4 raw GERMAtt AUTO.HATS GBl,MAN AUTO tf-SHIRTS.' $peclfy M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, Includes alternator stand MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ MK/I I I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal With chrome pedal. With hydraulic throttle Replacement slave SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest avallable anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion Mount plate Couple(. Rack steering stops VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromolv Stock length ......... pr. 1 ¼" longer .......... pr. 2 ¼ • longer .......... pr. 4 • longer-coil over style pr. CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. lsoeclfv Ford or International) set ... SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3• X 3• . ...... . 1-21600, 5-1600. CATALOG ... . 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-863-1123 FAX 562-929;;;1461 Page 28 places where the drivers could see through the dust. At the end of that fifth lap Dickerson pulled into his pit, needing some help from his crew. He'd rolled the truck and oil had run all over everything, includ-ing their visors. They didn't need much in the way of mechanical work, but had to have the visors and windshield cleaned. That cost a lap. On the seventh lap as he. zipped past the start/finish area, it was clear that McCal-lum was over-revving his mo-tor. And on the eighth lap he was gone with "motor prob-lems". Hovey took over the lead and stayed in front to the end, Whitted finished second behind him and Dickerson, looking battered and dirty, but still moving just fine, in third place. Stemmerman also got a finish, and Class 5 points. When they came back for their second heat McCallum was missing. Hovey got the hole shot, with Dickerson be-· hind him and Whitted in third place. But as they headed out onto their third lap Whitted could be seen to stop about a half mile out in the desert, and pretty soon he was walking back to the pits. His transmis-sion had given up the ghost. Now it was just Hovey and Dickerson. And after the fourth lap it was just Hovey. Dickerson pulled into his pit and up onto his trailer, the steering box gone. Fud flagged the remaining two cars in after seven laps, see-ing no need to leave them out there any longer. Hovey, the sole survivor in Class 1 got the weekend win, and Stemmerman recorded an-other Class 5 victory. The course and the concept proved to be very popular with the racers. It was easy for pre-running and pitting, and the two hour break between heats made it possible to make ex-tensive repairs if necessary. Then there was time in the late afternoon for one of the FRT's laid-back awards presentations before the racers headed for home. The next event on the FRT agenda will be the August 9th, 10th and 11th Lazo de Amistad Gran Prix, co-promoted with CODE. It's to be somewhere near El Compadre, in Baja, south of the Tijuana to Tecate h ighway. For more complete information call th e FRT at (619) 427-5759. . . ., ... Dusty Times

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The Corky McMillin Companies 5u 1\~~~:;hli~s1e~;: P,resents ... ~Srepo awards v [> [> Two Ra c es Re m a i n F o r 2 0 0 2 [> [> v -c t) e Supe1'_f;-C1~10N Eight time_s around a 30 mile loop October 1 8-20. 02 Five times arou d a 30 mile December 3D-31.02 January 1 . 03 .\ The CODE/FAT Series Presents On August 10.2002 August 3.2002 is the Start Position Drawing ORW EL CAJON * Open 11 :00 am • 2:00 pm * Start Position at 1 :00 pm Good Luck To Everybody From The Corky McMillin Companies FRT MOTORSP-□RTS PROMOTIONS 619.427.5759 WWW.FUDRACE.COM

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WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS RoCK TO RoCK Dirks/Porter Power To overall Win By Mike Del Col Photos: Trackside Photo ~ ---' ::,;. Jim Martin had a rough day; a broken input shaft cost him hours of downtime but he soldiered on in for the Pro 1-2 win. Mark Porter and Gary Dircks drove their Class 7 truck to an unbelievable overall win at the Whiplash Rock To Rock. The 2002 Whiplash Rock to Rock sent many of its competitors home without seeing the checkered flag. It was a brutal test, with only 22 of the 51 entries making it to the finish. This year's race ran a familiar course to many of the com-petitors, with los of deep Mexican sand, and seemingly endless miles of whoops. Many of the competi-tors were out early, with overcooked motors and fried trannys the com-mon failure in the desert. Competi-tors were to run the course clock-wise this time, with the course me-andering north along the highway, before turning east through the dunes and mountains and cholla gardens. If competitors survived the first 50 miles they were rewarded with more sand, and a long trip through the well road, and down whoop de do road to the Caborca Highway."The weather was warm, but the exception of a clearing breeze left many racers feeling their way through the first lap. powers the truck, and it really The Rock. The truck looked very scoots. An enthusiastic Mark Por- solid in practice, but wasn't up to ter explained, "We were running the challenge of the course. Jesse The Pro 1 0 win went to Ed Beard who had a nice trouble free run to the flag in his keen looking car and he was second overall as well. So who in their right mind en-ters a Class 7 legal truck into the Open truck class? Mark Porter and Gary Dirks, that's who! Porter and Dirks were feeling pretty confident, and entered their Class 7 legal truck· to compete with the big boys. The Dirks/Porter team was elated to bring home a tight overall win in the little truck over a very hard charging Stanley Steele. Porter and Dirks completed their two laps with an EF of 4:05:11. A NASCAR V6 hard and were able to pass Steele blew the motor at about Mile 16 didn't have a spare. He will have and abut 60 miles to the finish, but and called it a day. Apparently Jesse one next time. Steve Labrie, Tom we couldn't hold him off-and he doesn't have the fuel delivery sys-Wood, and Chris Godfrey all got by us again. We finished just 18 tem quite tuned, and a lean n:iotor failed to complete a lap. seconds behind him at the finish." is not a happy motor in Mexico. Ed Beard ran hard all day to The team earned the victory on cor-Glen Greer's trophy truck didn't earn the win in the Class 10 fracas. rected time. The team wasn't with- fare much better, completing only Ed's new car is really dialed in, and out their problems however, wo;k-about 25 miles before his tranny with the assistance of some round ing through a cracked bell housing overheated and his day was done. sand tires, he was unstoppable. n the transmission, a spare drive- James Martin took over eight Beard's Super Seats, and McKenzies shaft that refused to stay put, and hours to get to the finish in Class 1 sponsor Ed. James Taggart finished a sticky needle in the carb that re- for the win. Martin outlasted sev- in second place, about seven min-quired lots of "R's" to clean out. eral good cars in the Class 1 ranks. utes behind. Red Burgin brought Porter credited sponsors and sup-Martin's extended stop was to re- his ex-Letner Class 12 to Mexico to porters the Geiser Brothers, pair a broken input shaft on the c:ompete against the Class 10 cars, Dariun Gillespie, Dirks/Porter Rae-transmission. The good. news was and came away with a third place ing, BFG, SPY and PMC Machine that the break happened along the finish. Red surmised that he had for the win. Steele ran a 4:06:50 to highway near the train station. His chosen the wrong tires for this settle for second place. Stanley made crew was sitting right there. MSD, sandy course. He also made two the trip from Farmington, NM to Loyd Webb, and RaceShock spon-unplanned stops along the way, comiiete. S&S Engine and Ma-sor James. Tom Struttman com- • with a coil lead thatw'as pulling out chine, S&S Powder Coat, and MSD pleted one lap to earn second place. of the terminal. Watch out for Red, sponsor Steele. In his #87 Unlim-Tom was running hot all day long, he has plans in place to remove the ited truck, Mark Ottersberg was and opted to end his race after the type IV power plant in his 1.-etner able to complete one lap to earn firstlap, to avid additional heat and chassis with a Wiks Type I, and third place. Mark had two fuel abuse on his car. The only other hopes to find more Class 12's to pumps go south, and stopped to car in the class to complete a lap measure up against. Alfredo Torres change them. The team also en- was the McMullen Brothers Racing brought home fourth place with a dured overhead issues in the big Team. They were also fighting over- finish. The lone Class 10 racer not truck before completing the lap. heating problems, and were forced to make the finish was Ron Dalke, Rick Thomas jumped in the truck to stop to let the motor cool on in his new Tatum chassis car. Ron's at the midway point and had an several occasions. Steve and Al water-cooled Rabbit motor .:Vas not incident that tore off one of the Vesterdahl were running great be-quite dialed for the heat and the brake calipers and did some addi- fore a bad ignition ended their day sand, and died at about Mile 15 in tional damage. The team packed it at the well road crossing. Steve ex-the first long straight. Ron is still in at that point. Jesse Jones debuted plained that they have only a single working out the bugs in this new his beautiful orange machine at MSD ignition box on the car, and car, and is currently testing an air-~-~~-----------~~-~==~~= cooled Type I motor. So far, Ron likes the results over the Rabbit. Class 8 brought only five entries to the Rock to Rock. Tom Swanson in his biggest red #303 CJ Jeep outlasted the class and earned the victory. Tom basically was on cruise ,control for this race, simply look-ing to get a finish after extens[ye repairs from an accident at the Whiplash Parker 400 in January. Mission accomplished. Tom ex-plained that the damage cause in the Parker roll-over weren't really as daunting as first thought. There was some cage damage to the front hoop, and a broken spring that caused some body damage. The little CJ is back in form, and looks and runs great. Tom is sponsored by DirtTrix. Bucky Strunk had a tough day in the Predator Truck, with an overheated powerplant. Sometimes it's the little things that get you. In Bucky's case, a sticky thermostat was the culprit. After boiling out all the water in the truck, Bucky waited several hours before replacement coolant reached him out in the desert. With the truck re-filled, he finished out the lap and called it a day. Some of the other non-finishers had bigger problems. The #815 Glen Greer entry was sidelined early with a bro-ken transmission. Jeff Gilbert in the Sofa City #717 truck got off to a Joe Bombardier got his car out of mothballs to run Rock To Rock and 1/2-1600 was har;d fought all day but in the end it was Hector Garcia· Brad Leakey took the Pro Challenger win with almost forty minutes in he took the Pro 5 class with ease. taking the big win, beating out some stiff competition. hand at the finish. Page 30 August 2002 Dusty Times

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, . Todd Elam runs along side the fence on his way to a nice win in the Unlimited Sportsman class. Grant Wilson took the Sportsman Sport Truck class by more than 20 Stan Steele thought he had the win but when the times were spit out he was almost two minutes in arrears in Unlimited Truck. bad start by getting buried on the start line, and spen_ding several min-utes there before enough spectators were summoned to push the truck out of the sand. His day ended dur-ing Lap 1 due to unknown fatal problems. Joe Bombardier was very pleased with his finish and win in the Class 5 Unlimited Baja Bugs. Joe's car hadn't been raced in sev-eral years, and Joe had made sev-eral improvements and renovations since his last start. The car ran well, but wasn't without some problems. Joe had a bit of unbelievable luck early in the race when the slave cyl-inder came apart. Sure that's bad luck, but to find all of the pieces lying openly on the skid plate is nearly a miracle. After Ieassembling the clutch, he soldiered on and completed Lap l. About half way around the second time, he lost sec-ond gear, and finished the race with just first and third. His rrew 1800cc Jetta motor was gritty enough to push third for most of the remain-ing miles. JeffHustin failed to com-plete a lap with unknown problems. Hector "Pacho" Garcia con-quered all in the competitive 1600 class ranks. Hector was flying from the start, and had gone from last to first on the road within 90 miles. He never looked back except for (speculation here) running out of gas on the final leg of the race. His crew was scrambled, and reached him in time t·o preserve his win. Tecate sponsors Pacho. Mike Del Col is the new kid on the block in 1600, and claimed the second place position about 10 minutes in ar-rears. Del Col was very happy with the finish and second place. The team got an unfortunate break at the start line, when the #717 truck was finally pushed out of the sand, just seconds before the green flag dropped. They were eating dirt right from the start. This race was the final chap-ter in building car, in a project that started almost eight months ago with a bare chassis. Mike and many friends put the car together, and showcased the assembly pro-cess on his web page known as Ragged Edge Racing. (http// raggededge. Nicole's Custom Embroidery, Kartek, BFG, MSD, Auto Meter, Ren-egade Products, Fat Performance, Dave Folts Transmissions, Fox Shox and Signs Now sponsor Mike. Krissy Sullivan had a good race finishing third in 1600. Krissy explained that this was her first really long course event, and was pleased with her perfor-mance. She turned the car over to her usual co-driver, Duane, who hammered out the second lap. Sullivan Builders sponsor Krissy. Finishing in fourth place was Bill Stoner in the Woods Off Road Products sponsored ma-Dusty Times minutes in his mean looking Bronco. chine. Mark Milne was the final more cylinders near the end of finisher in the class, complaining Lap 1. The Rascon brothers had of a tired motor that just·couldn't terminal problems and Enrique get through the sand. Usual spent several hours spectating in front-runner Erik Jones cut his the desert. race short, after dropping one or In Class 9, Brad Leakey brought REQUIREMENTS 1st Place - All classes in which three or more entries comp~te. Exclusive use of product visible on vehicle with filters or covers installed displaying the Lightforce logo. Claims subject to verification with race officials. Constructed of lightweight polycarbonates for shatterproof durability, Ughtforce performance Hghts are tougher, brighter and more efficient than any competitive. off-road Halogen light, An exclusive variable~focus design and easy-to-use filters allow you to adjust your light pattern in seconds without tools, race-to-race or pit-to-pit. This kind of performance can help you finish the race faster than ever before. Using our lights once will prove to you what off-road legend Rod Hall already knows ..• August 2002 his Phoenix Fire Department #911 sor Br~d. Competitor Nolan car home in first place. Brad's car Blackwell had similar engine prob-was choking and puking at the fin- lems, and sputtered through to the ish, with some sort of motor ail- finish. Marana Carpets and Short ment. CPR Plus, Tatum Motor-Fused Motorsports sponsor Nolan. sports, and Geiser Brothers spon-Continued on page 32 Page 31

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Second place in Pro 10 went to Jim Taggert, he finished less than Mike Del Col was more than happy with his second place finish in½-Dave Cookman gave it all he had at the Rock but this time he had to seven minutes in arrears after a good run. 1600, he was less than 11 minutes out of the class win. settle for the silver medal. r===7iiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiii:iiiiimiii;;;;;;;;;;..;,;~ ~ = ;::;;;;;;:;=~;;:.;;;-- Red Burgin had some troubles on the last lap and he was forced to Fourth place in 1/2-1600 went to Krissy Stilivan, her first really Jong course the fourth place finish in the Pro 1 O Class went to Alfredo Torres, settle for third place in the Pro 1 O battle. race and she and her co-driver took a bronze medal for their troubles. shown here on the fence line road. Todd Elan had another great tire, breaking the valve stem. the car, and dislodged a valve car until he overcooked a corner, Bruce Johnston was the solo run in the Sportsman Unlimited D.O.C. Powder Coat and Woods cover in the near mass early in and slammed into a Saguaro at entry in the Sportsman Limited class. That tandem chassis Funco Off Road Products sponsor the race. The oil leaked out, and high speed. The impact resulted class, and hammered out a long keeps on racking up the win. Dave. Richard Kosar earned the he soon lost oil pressure, this time in three flat tires, and a bent rear lap to earn the victory. Bruce runs Todd had the right jet in the car, third place spot with a fine fin-to missing sender units on the arm. His chase crew was en route, a Woods chassis, and is a legal ran cool and fast to the win. Todd ish. Richard was running like the motor. By chance, Jarrett was but had a problem with a brake 1600 class racer, but prefers the is sponsored byT&R Iron works. wind in his "Moskito" car, and able to borrow a plug from a fel-caliper on the truck, and they Sportsman ranks. He had a few Dave Cookman was the runner-was well on his way to a class win low racer who stopped on the didn't make it to the rescue. The problems,at The Rock, with a up in the class in his Unlimited before lengthy repairs put him course to lend assistance and other competitors had unknown plugged fuel pump slowing his Baja Bug. Dave had a flat tire back. ATV Racing sponsors again was on his way. The final problems. pace. He also put the little 1600 right off the bat after some con-Kosar. There were several DNFs problem that put him out was a Grant Wilson came home with on its side in a rutted out corner. tact trying to pass the 911 car of in the class. Mike Herrick runs cracked case in the vicinity of the the trophy in the Sport Truck TUF Off Road, Doc Enterprises, Brad Leakey. It was a bit of bad fast with his Toyota, but the sand plug. That's not good. class. Grant's super sano blue and Woods Off Road Products luck, and the contact may have was too deep, and the little mo-In the Sport 10 contest, all Bronco wasn't setting any land sponsor Bruce. been unavoidable as Leakey hit a tor overheated to end his day. three entries failed to complete speed records, but did bounce There was a solo entry in the bump while getting passed, and · Jarrett Lemley had lots of bad the race. Scott Bachelor was look-him all the way around. Grant Stock Mini Truck class, and Kyle drifted into Cookman's front luck after he nearly wadded up ing good in the ex-"Donkey" lZ was unscathed, except for a Green was making his racing de-r----------:-- ------- - --------- ---------- 7 dented quarter panel caused by a but. Kyle's got a great looking I p~ssing Cl~ss 8 truck. Olde En-Nissan extra cab, that looks like I Bl NATIONAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE COMMITTEE gltsh Creation~, 1:"UF, Off Road, a Class 7 Unlimited racer. Un-I and Speed Unlimited all sponsor fortunately, Kyle had a radiator I Grant. Jonathan Moreno was .the cap problem, and boiled all of I runner-up in the class, some 20 the water out of the truck. It . . . • • • minutes behind Grant. Jonathan wasn't as simple as replacing the In case you or a loved one become sack or mJured while you are travehng was fighting a dirty fuel filter in cap, as some damage to the ra-. the early going. After overcom-diator pr·evented him from con-in Mexico, our 24 hour bilingual service will facilitate your safe return into ing that issue, he had a shock tinuing. the United States via air or ground am~ulance. Before you travel into Mexico, call the Binational Emergency Medical Car~ Committee at 619-425-5080 to obtain your "Life Saver Card", it might savel your life! Since 1976, we have successfully evacuated over 12,000 injured Americans from Mexico. Visit our web page www to learn more about our services. Your cost? $25.00 per year membership fee. Call or visit our web page to join today. ----------------------------------------~ Page 32 August 2002 mount break and had to limp the It was hot, dusty, rough, sandy truck home. Tecate, ]J's Electric, and everything else you would and Rocky Point sponsor come to expect from a Whiplash Jonathan. Mike Youdcuris came Rock to Rock race. Overall, the all the way from Austin, Texas racers got their money's worth one with his 1521 buggy -only to wayoranother. .. somebywinning, break during the pre-run festivi- some just by finishing, and some by . ties. Jay Labries also had a tough making the long trip to Rocky run in thu_s class -running out of Point. Look for Whiplash to put gas. Unfortunately, he lVas unable on another great event at the Snow-to hook up with his pit crew, and flake 150. It's the best, most at-couldn't make it all the way tended race of the year for Whip-around. lash. See you there! · The "For Sale" Jeep of Tom Swanson ran very well at Rock To Rock, the Pro 8 win went to him as he cruised in to the finish. Dusty Times

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AUSTRALIA OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP • RoUND 2 Burrows Dominated In The Australian Desert Text & Photos: Steve Hilton The Jimco Honda of Mark Burrows and Mick Shannon took the Class 1 honors as well as the overall win in Round #2. June 8th, 9th and 10th the days of the country's top teams have taken and time to service vehicles ready.for central Australia comes alive when the time to travel the thousands of the run back. Monday 7:30am the the off road show comes to town, kilometres to central Australia and 241 kilometre return to Alice Springs this event is Australia's equivalent to compete in this premier event. and the chequered flag. the famous Baja race, with 125 A prologue to determine starting The event has two chances to obtain vehicles and 250 motorcycles entered positions on Saturday followed by a points towards the championship, to compete in the race to Finke and shoot out for the top ten qualifiers, Section 1 the race to Finke and back to Alice Springs. Central a second· chance to improve on Section 2 the return to Alice Springs. Australia put on her best face, the starting positions and the $2500.00 Scrutineering started at 2:00pm weather for the race weekend was fine cash prize on offer to the winner. On Friday, with all vehicles and bikes and warm, not like last year's cold, Sunday the 241 kilometre race to held until the conclusion at 9:00pm, wet and muddy. This year the race, Finke to start at 8:00am with the this enables the town people to mingle for the first time is a round of the buggies and trucks followed at 12 and talk to the drivers and crews and Australian championship and most noon by the bikes, overnight at Finke become part of the show. Dusty Times • oe ... KER UMPER AS GOT OU OVERED! Helmets • Hats • Driving Suits Crew Uniforms • Gloves 1 ---Knee Pads • Shoes · 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 ~ 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 August 2002 Wayne Attard throws lots of dirt in the ex Walker Evans truck as he heads to the Class 4 Unlimited Truck win. Saturday's Prologue Class 1 Unlimited 2 Seat Mark Burrows and Mick Shannon in the Jimco Honda set the fastest time over a very fast prologue course, their time of 4:02:49 proved unbeatable, second with a time of 4:02:66 was Kurt Johannsen in the Scorpion buggy, third James Madden, his time 4:05:52. Class 2 1600cc 2 Seat The Southern Cross buggy of Chris Coulthard and Matt Wharton were the fastest with a time of 4: 18:04, second Ben Erceg 4:24:67 and third Greg Hicks with a time of 4:25:62. Class 4 Unlimited Truck & Baja As thought by all competitors in this class Wayne Attard in the ex-Walker Evans Chevy truck set the pace, his time 4:15:29, second in the Nissan was Trevor Growden 4: 19: 19 and third Chris Wallace 4:23:70. Class 5 Two Wheel Drive Enduro Graham Lees in the Chevy powered Porsche was fastest in prologue his time 4:32:38, second Geoff Teagle in the Ford Falcon ute 4:46: 11 and third Darin Smith in a Toyota Hilux 4:47:04. Class 7 Std. 4WD The Nissan Patrol of Les Siviourwas fastest, his time 4:33:20 closely followed in second by Colin Hunter in the Jeep 4:36:33 and third in class the current class champion Geoff Pickering in the Mitsubishi Pajero 4:38:26. Class 8 Unlimited 4WD Bruce Garland in the Holden Jackaroo set a time 4:28:97 to be the quickest followed second by Daniel Kelly in the Ford powered Toyota van's short wheel base Land Cruiser, his time 4:59:84, third Mark Booth in a V8 Nissan Patrol with a time of 5:02:92. Class 9 Unlimited Single Seat Buggy David Fellows in a brand new never raced Ford powered Jimco fastest with a time 4:07:61, second Doug Petty 4:19:96 and third Jaakko Kylma in a Rivmasta his time 4:21:83. Top Ten Shoot Out This brought the fastest ten qualifiers to contest another run over the prologue course to try and improve on their original time and the possibility to step further up the starting order. Wayne Attard was first being the tenth fastest in the me. ;ning run, this truck sounds incredibly fast and it was, he improved on his original starting position and moved into seventh place with a time 4:11:55, next to run Keith Kelly, he could not improve and with his time of 4:25: 12 was back in tenth position, next Robert Richardson was in the same position, his time of 4: 14:36 put him back one place to run ninth. Tony Burns in the truggy also went backwards one position to eighth, his time 4:13:37, Glen Owen moved one place forward with a time of 4:07: 16, Peter Kittle also moved one place forward, his time of 4:06: 17, David Fellows 4:09:53 saw him mover back one place to sixth, James Madden's time of 4:05: 13 kept him in third, Kurt Johannsen was the only one left to put pressure on Burrows and with a time of 4:02:06 quicker than his previous and faster than Burrows' Continued on page 34 Chair. ProSeat Mandated by f/jJ Page 33

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/ I Larry Zag/as' races towards Alice Springs, through the red dirt country, 2001 Class Champion Geoff Pickering led Class 7 to Alice Springs in Bruce Garland's Holden Jackaroo took the Class B win, shown here he was the Class 5 winner. his Mitsubishi, he was the Class winner. at speed in the Australian outback. . time in the morning. Burrows, however, had no thoughts of being beaten out of the overall fastest and the $2500.00 cash prize, he set a time of 3:54:91, some eight seconds faster than his previous and went to Sunday's race at the front of the field. Sunday's Race to Finke The 8:00am start saw 104 vehicles commence the race, passing through four checkpoints, Deep Well, Rodinga, Bundooma and Mount Squires on their way to Finke. Burrows, with a dirt free run set the pace, he was happy remembering the race was not won until the return to Alice Springs the next day. At Checkpoint 1 Deep Well, Burrows had a two minute lead over Johannsen, who was finding the dust and early morning sun light a problem, Madden was still holding on to third. Terry Rose, out of the prologue due to a miscalculation with a fence was seeded into 12th position beside Bob Mowbray, but a blown engine at the 80 kilometre mark saw Your Car Stops beret 934 MlcroDfsc Hub Assemblies If you're rooking for the best In off.r~ braking, look no further. Kartek now makes the top-of.the-line MiaoDisc assembly. Perfect for Big Horsepower Prerunners! Built by the people who know off.road racing! DON'T FORGET! KARTEK 400 -JUNE 21-22 -/,IICEIINE VAUEY. CA Come Visit our NEW Superstore! 91 Freeway@McKlnley In Corona 2871 Ragle Way• Corona, CA 92879 . OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 909.737.7223 Page 34 him sidelined and returned to Alice Springs on the back of a truck, also Mowbray out, this time a broken king pin causing damage to the front hub and disc. At the end of the first section of the race to Finke Burrows' lead over Johannsen was only 61 seconds, close enough to still make a challenge on the return trip to Alice Springs the next day, Burrows' time 1:55:23, followed by Johannsen with a time of 1:56:24, coming home third overall was the J imco of Peter Kittle, his time 2:06:22, Glen Owen, fourth to Finke and with no visible problems was set to mount a challenge on Day 2, his time to Finke 2:07:29. ln Class 2 the big movers ~ere Stephen Burrows and Les Marshall starting 38th moved to tenth, less than four minutes behind Burrows. David Fellows, last year's winner had some problems on the way to Finke a11:d trailed Kylma in the Rivmasta by just time 2:46: 18 just over three minutes over ten minutes, his position on track behind, but still sounding strong after was 12th. Bernard Singer, another the 241 kilometres of desert tracks, three minutes behind. Wayne Attard third Les Siviour in the Nisssan Patrql had the imported Chevy truck on unable to close the gap, set a time of songandcameintoFinkeineighth 2:59:00, 13 minutes behind position with a: time of 2:22:46, he Pickering, but still a contender for was ten minutes faster than his next the run home on Monday. In Class 8 competitor in class, Andrew Mowles, Bruce Garland in the Holden Rally in position 20, his time 2:32:24, third Teams Jackaroo 4WD set the course Chris Wallace 2:36:33 and holding on fire with the run to Finke taking 24th. In Class 5, Geoff Teagle in the only 2:33:28 and to hold position Ford Falcon ran first to Finke and 22nd overall, it was a good result for had no trouble with the car, his time the team, second in class in a Nissan over the rough course 2:55:02, with was Bruce Muir, his time 2:45:05, the closest to him Larry Zaglas with a third in a Toyota 2:59:00 was Daniel time of 3 :04:3 7, third Bill Kelly. At the end of the day only 70 Montgomery 3:05:20. Colin Hunter competitors managed to complete had the Jeep moving over the central the 241 kilometres of outback desert Australian desert and set the time of and make it to Finke where they 2:43:43 to hold 30 first outright, his would spend the night servicing their closest competition came from the vehicles ready for the return to Alice Mitsubishi Pajero of Pickering, his Springs over the same rough desert DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME With INTERCOMS & RADIOS from THE SOLDER JOINT (Or we can help you do it over) • DO IT RIGHT with the MAXON SP-4150 • Military Spec • 45 Watts • 16 Channel • Two-Year Warranty • $385.00 You think you're hard on your radios, you ain't got nothin' on the military! DO IT RIGHT with the RADIO LAB INTERCOM Fu~ly Digital, Fully Modular, Fully Custom • Fix on the fly with swappable parts • Two-Person $365, True Four-Person $480 DO IT RIGHT with HELMET KITS and HEADSETS • Race today, Play tomorrow with interchangeable headgear • Helmet Kits from $83.00 • Headsets from $94. 00 SOLOER.w.-11 808 N. Tustin Street • Orange, CA 92867 ~ ...,.__~ Let our 26 years in the business help you! ~ e-4 800-345-7234 • August 2002 Dusty Times

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David Fellows Ford powered Jimco took the Class 9 win, not too bad for the new car's debut. Second in Class 1 and second overall was Peter Kittle in his mean First in Class 2 and third overall was Stephen Burrows, seen here in his 1600cc Cougar buggy. tracks. Monday's Race to Alice Springs All vehicles would leave Finke in order on corrected time, as calculated on their time in Section 1, this made the run home for some a very dusty one. 7:30am and Burrows out into the morning light crossing the dry Finke river on his return to Alice Springs, his trip to Finke on the previous day saw him run under the two hour mark, a feat in itself, not even the bikes could match this incredible drive. Johannsen, who was to be a threat to Burrows lost a front wheel 10 kilometres out of Finke and was out of the race, however Kittle, with local knowledge was applying some pressure to the leader. Burrows and Shannon crossed the finish line in lloodloclt.S Dome light Sidebars Overlays Bumperetles Side Mirrors Aluminum Diamond Plate 'r Genuine .. : .. } ~J _;j~ looking Toyota Jimco. Alice Spnngs with another second in class across the finish and remarkable drive taking only seventh outright was Les Marshall 1:59:58 to cover the 241 kilometres in the Mirage Toyota, he suffered of Australian desert to finish with 90 kilometres with a broken torsion a total race time over the two days adjuster and the car sitting on the of 3:55:21, the only competitor to stops on the left side, but still break the four race time barrier, covering the course in a blistering this win gave him the hat trick, pace, third in class and 10th winning the Prologue, the top ten outright was Terry Grenshaw, his shootout,theraceoutrightforcars total time 4:55:24. The Class 4 and the overall race win with the battle finished with Wayne Attard $10,000.00 prize. Second home, on top and fourth outright, his time local Peter Kittle in the Toyota on the return was 2: 19:53, a total Jimco, his time for the return of 4:42:39, Andrew Mowles journey was 2:03:22 and a total finished second with Glen Wallace 4:09:44, a good result for this team 'third. Class 5 and Larry Zaglas who have only been racing at finished on top followed by Bill national level for a short period of Montgomery second and Graham time. Third to finish was the Class Lees third. In Class 7 Geoff 2 1600cc Cougar buggy of Stephen Pickering in the Mitsubishi took Burrows, his time for the run home over the lead after passing Hunter's 2: 15:48 and a total 4:35: 18, Jeep on the side of the road 732 Indigo Court. Pomona, CA 91767 • Limited Lifetime Warranty en D~sty Times August 2002 suffering some fuel problems, also out with a damaged radiator was Les Siviour. Pickering crossed the finish line in 2:42:29, finishing in 26th position, Kane Scott took second place. The Class 8 battle saw Bruce Garland with the win, a time of 2:43:28 and the total 5:16:56 put this 4WD into position 20, second Bruce Muir and third Daniel Kell. Class 9 and Fellows took the win and sixth position, his time for the return to Alice Springs was 2: 12:06 and a total 4:46: 16, PHILTR NICS Bernard Singer second and Bill Hall third. At the end of the day Mark Burrows and Michael Shannon have proven to be the competitor to beat in the championship, with his dominance in this, the Finke Desert Race, winning it for the third time and now twice beating the bikes to the finish. The next event on the calendar .is the Kempsey Powerhouse 500 in July, another tough race but one all look forward to. . ..• SW ENDURO INTERCOM SYSTEMS Rugged construction in di-cast powder coated case Built in noise filtering Specially designed helmet loud speakers & headsets Open or F/face Nokia or Military spec •noise canceling mikes Aviation type boom arms Two way radio & video interface (optional) ~...._ 1'/1.-._ Optional: Two sensor audible ~ NEW _::;__ warning system 'i~ PHILTRQNICS RII~ The new Philtronics Rallytrip Pro ⇒ Total & interval to 999.99 ⇒ Automatic catibration ⇒ Stage Stopwatch ⇒ True Average speed ⇒ Miles or kms readout ⇒ Speed and/or distance ⇒ Count up or down or both ::::> Freeze either diSPlay ⇒ Super-LARGE LCD readouts ⇒ On screen menu operation ⇒ Wheel sensor included ⇒ Remote reset included Model: Mil:ino FIA Construction: Fiberglass $398.00 standard width $420.00 wide (+1 inch) · Model: Podium F[A Construction: Kevlar $550.00 standard width $578.00 wide (+1 inch) ' Optional: Headrcstraint • VeLo~ Pius freight ~ -Colors available: red, black. royal blue. navy blue. Also custom colors/ combinations. Trim and fabric choices available. More models available Allow 4 -..wla for delivery Triple Layer RPM a , .... , Corsa Race Suits ~ _ ,wau■ _ Triple layer Nomex Suit. • The RPM Corsa comes ' $90.00 1 In a range of colours, . $699.oo Group A Gloves ,~_"' I Nomex and leather . ~-Phone: 512 565-1864 Email: 9915 Dcrccho Drv. Austin. Fax: 512 301-5058 WWW: Austccxracing,com TX. 7f:137 Page 35

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VORRA Yerington 300 By Forest Creasy Photos: Steve Brosz Kuit Holm was the big winner at Yerington, he took the Class 1 win and took the overall to boot. The first of a trio of desert races sped into Yerington, Nevada on Memorial Day Weekend. A bounty of cars and trucks showed up for the weekend to battle the 4-65 mile lap race. VORRA put on a great show Friday during the The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! drawing, giving away a free entry for the race. On Saturday the tech went well and afterward a parade through the main streets was met with zeal and excitement from Yerington patrons and ku:ls looking for candy being thrown MENDEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available -and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. ~age 36 their way. The race started bright and early at 8:00a.m., just an hour before the Indy 500. The race started clockwise up and over the mountain, through a 10 mile whoop and silt section leading to August 2002 Sam Berri is always a threat, at Yerington he was first in the Class 10 battle and second in class 1. The Class 8 battle was hard fought but when the checkers flew it was John Melsheimer taking the win in his mean looking Chevy. a high speed dangerous section, some 10 minutes to make up. then back to the start/finish line The final two laps were a nail through some technical, but biter as Berri and Denton came nasty rally style hills. End of Lap in identical on rime, bur with l. Repeat three times and rinse. Berri in front Denton had some Some early favorites hit the serious dust to contend with get-road with Sam Berri trying to ting a flat in the chase. Denton take both Class 1 and 10 with the repaired the flat and with his co-same car and a double entry fee. driver, Kurt Holm, ruining his Also Todd Denton trying to re-pair of Nikes pulling up on the• peat, Jeff Elrod in his short throttle, destroyed the clock on course car, Al Cartlidge in his new · the final lap with a 1 :21:37 in car, the Tavis' in their Lothring-winning overall and Class 1 with er, Forest Creasy in Class 9, and some seven minutes on Berri. some wily veterans and some Lesher spun all four laps within desert rookies. one minute intervals and finished Class 1 had the honors with a fine third in Class 1. Dugan, Dennis Dugan taking the early the early leader, failed to finish lead over Berri and Richard and the last lap and finished fourth. Ryan Lesher in their new Class 1/ The biggest class of the day was 10 single seat Lothringer. Denton Class 10 with 16 strong taking the was some 10 minutes back on the line. Misfortune hit some com-first lap due to a stuck throttle petitors early as Glen McAdon cable that would cause heck with had a good run until a flat and a shifting his transmission. transmission went south ending The battle upfront tightened his day. Furthermore, David Kor-up as Dugan still had clean run-donowy had a good first lap, but ning in a dusty course, as Berri disappeared after that, the duo was now four minutes back. of Michael and Cherie Lehners Dugan strapped in a new co-rider made a 90 degree turn into a 360 for the final three apd was now degree adventure and ended early making up some time only five with a broken rear-trailing arm. minutes back of the leader. Lesher Also John Tavis ended early with maintained a steady course with a blown clutch, Doug Powell Mark Christenson had a trouble free race, he took the coveted Pilot Class win at Yerington. Dusty Times T

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The Class 7llS combined class was won by James Fuhs, nobody The Semi-Pro battle went to Kenny Ott, he took the class win by over Thir_d in Class 1 and first in Class 10, Richard and Ryan Lesher finished the race but Jim turned more miles than the rest. an hour in his good looking car. drove their Lothringer hard and fast. Patty Hayos drove the Toyota to a second place finish in the combined Class 7llS contest. Tony McLaren was the third place finisher in Class 10, seen here at speed in the Yerington race. Doug Seymour had a good day, he ran the Yerington course in good time and finished a nice second in Class 8. ended late with a five-plus hour second lap, and Steve Bradford had a motor go south in the can-yon and had a nice downhill five mile walk, l know,-l've done it. With those on the sidelines, the race was a hard fought battle among 10 leftovers. With a dust free environment Berri got the party started early. Berri actually started in the class 10 field, with his time counting for both classes. He slipped into the lead halfway through the first lap and held a two minute lead over Dale Smith with Lesher two seconds behind Smith. The rest of the Class 10 crowd followed closely within a minute of Lesher, including Kor-donowy, Elrod, John Tavis (be-fore el cluthcho wento}, Steve Bradford, and Al Cartlidge. Halfway through the race Berri still held that two minute advan-tage over Smith. The fight for third heated up, as Lesher was in two minutes later, followed closely by Elrod, then Tony McLaren. Berri continued his legacy and went Tiger Woods go-ing wire to wire to take home the title and second overall as well. Smith took five hours to com-plete #3 and went on the trailer. Lesher then took over the second spot and third overall. Third went to Tony McLaren some 20 minutes behind Lesher, with Terrie Tavis shortly behind for a fourth with no apparent problems. Fifth went to Elrod Steiger. Both finished the race, with a long third lap, then Kevin however, Creasy clipped off all Lewis vowing for a Class 10 cham-three laps at 1:43:00 and took pionship. Next was Ed Graham home his third consecutive win of in his new ride, a long second lap the season, even though it felt like ruined his day for a top three, a cross between a paint shaker and an all-nighter with Jeanne time, except the Kings lost. Jameson. Steiger muscled around Class 7 were the next class out for another good finish, though as the 7 Stock and 7 Open were he had to get out every lap and combined to make the racing that fill up his· own race car with gas. much more exciting. The course Other than that we had a great Continued on page 38 and William Minteer was the last ---------------------------------------finisher for the day stopping to check the scenery many a time, but CONQUER THE COURSE, THEN CROSS THE CHECK-ERED. The fraternity of Class 8 trucks took the green flag next with five strong. A battle upfront existed all days as John Melsheimer, Doug Seymour and Bruce field changed leads and tires all day. Melsheimer in his cherry popping rookie ride with his co-driver, sorry l lost. the pa-per bro, but I'll call him Mad Dog, ruled at halfway and went on from there to win the class. Great job guys. Seymour had a couple of cruiser laps to complete his day in second place, with no·appar-ent issues. Field had some issues during the second half of the race and settled for a hard fought third. The other two entries never made the first trip around as Mark Cirelia disappeared and Keith Cluggage in a Ford Crew Cab went down the first hill with-out brakes, allegedly, and went train wreck, ending up on his lid. Class 9 had a couple partici-pants in Forest Creasy and Eric VISIT US AT OUFI \NEEISITE www.nevadao'f' 6EL RAY CV GREASE SWEPCO GEAR OIL #203 -#212 -#201 10% OFF CASE LOiS HEAVYDU-rY CHALLENGER-RIMS 930 CV'S Ai A LOW PRICE $4-4-.95EACH OR.BUY 4-Ai 39.95 EACH NEW 4.86 002 BUS RING & PINIONS USA MADE NEVADA OFFROAD i -SHIRiS SM,MED,LRG,XLG,XXLRG 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WOOVEN BRAKE SHOES OWEL BALL JOINiS HELLA H - I - D LIGHiS PIAA HIGH -LOW LIGHiS YOKOHAMA ilRES SUPER DIGGER Ill 33 X 10.50 X 15 SCGRE/SNUREAPPINIVED 1NDCAIIIIS aaa.aa EA WHILE THEY IASTI CALL ~C>LL FREE 1-888-755-5900 3054 5 . VALLEY VIEW #130 • LAS VEGAS, NV• 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702)871-5221 FAX Guess what? Forest Creasy did it again, he took the Class 9 win at Yerington in his neat looking car. Dusty Times August 2002 Page 37

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-,... Everett Paul and Tyler Mort split the driving chores and finished a Paul Franklin ran out of gas but still managed to finish a ve,y long Eric Steiger didn't have the best of days but he managed a second nice second over a large field in Semi-Pro. second in the Pilot Class at Yerington. place finish in Class 9 at the Yerington meet. was a class killer as no one was brunt crotches. Second went to Hosmann, Mike Anderson, Billy to start in the semi-pro class on was next in his 1-1600 with a big able to make the journey around, Patty Hayos finishing some 45 Manfroy, and Mike Koenig whose this day. After the first go around motor and Everett Paul rounded but James Fuhs went further than minutes behind Fuhs. Others in wheel studs came off finished Kenny Ott in his new single seater out the top five just five minutes all the others even with his sec-the class were not as lucky, but with beer in hand. had a minute lead over Dale behind the leader. ond lap of over six hours with a Matt Taylor squeaked out a third As a racer you have to start Carr, then Dan Nutt a couple of On ran a great second lap due broken radiator and a couple of with a quick first lap, then Greg somewhere and 13 cars decided seconds later. Brice Crawford to the separation of cars on the •---------•---------------•---------------------------.. track and running d use free. "The MD5 CONTINUES ITS WINNING WAYS IN 2002" Congratulations to all the Winners! First Place Class 10 Honda Terrihle's Town 250 Chris Harrold First Place Class 12 Baja ·500 First Place Class 12 Terrihle's Town 250 Ridings Crew First Place Class 12 Parker Jerry Penhall Vic Bruckman/Brian Coneen * Utilizes same "Extreme Duty" gearsets as MD4-2D 100 % shot peened. * 100% CAD designed. All new billet shift heads and rails. Ball bearing shift housing. * Available now from all authorized "Mendeola Dealers." 290 Trousdale Dr. #J, Chula Vista, CA 91910 619-691-1000 619-691-1324fax www Crawford moved up to the sec-ond spot and Paul matched his first lap time and moved into the third spot. Carr slipped a little moving to fourth, however he stopped there marking Fallon for his next.desert adventure. Heading into the white flag and checkered flag Ott lead and extend-ing his lead winning by 30 minutes while doing his Berri impression for a great win in the semi-pro class. Tyler Mort now driving for Paul finished the last two laps without any problems and received a great second for his troubles. Tom Kruse didn't break into the top five until the last lap and just kept on keep-ing on and finished with the bronze. Tom Lucacey in his nice two-seat Lothringer was a little off the pace, but finished with a nice fourth in hand. Fifth went to Ryan Sargent in his first venture over the moun-tains into the desert. Not bad for his first sagebrush encounter. Tom Schultz only got three laps in for a . sixth, then Crawford, who stopped halfway with unknown problems, as well as Carr in eighth. The fin-ishing order concluded with Nutt, Hooter Meyer and Larry Naso with overheating issues, Jason Sacks with a five hour lap, Scott Weir, and Tristan and B:J. Butcher with early electrical problems that put them out. The Pilots were the last off the line having only to complete one lap, out with just hand controls I say no thanks, I would rather wrestle with Magic Johnson in barbwire. I tell you, it takes some Robin Williams forearms. Well, back to the race. Mark Christenson was first to start the 65 mile venture. Followed by Clint Wolsey and Paul Franklin. Christenson led the entire lap with Wolsey and Franklin following less than a minute behind. Franklin was looking good until he ran out of petro before his fuel stop. Wolsey experienced overheating problems at Mile 45 which proved to be ter-minal and ended there. Christenson had no issues and fin-ished in a nifty 1:55:00. Franklin stole some fuel and finished in just over four hours for a second place finish. Well boys and girls, that was that at Yerington, Nevada. Look for-ward to reading about the Top Gun Race in Fallon, NV on July 13th and 14th. Also, don't forget the Lovelock race Labor Day where up to $10,000 will be awarded to over-all winners and racers in this year's biggest prize. Expect 30-50 Class 1 and 10 cars to compete for the over-all prize. . _·,II 1b

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MOJAVE DESERT RACING, INC. KClrtek By Sheryl Cannon Photos: Trackside Photo Richard Boyle trips the light fantastic as he heads to the Class 1 win and the overall as well. "Three-peat" was the unofficial theme during June 2002, but as MOR followers can attest, the Lak-ers weren't the only ones celebrating a third straight championship last month. Richard Boyle, the hottest driver on the circuit, recorded a "3-peat" of his own by proving miles the best June 22nd in this year's Kartek 400. The 2002 Wild Wash 250 and Ridgecrest 300 Champion upped his season record to a perfect 3 for 3 with yet another scintillating perfor-mance. When the notorious Lucerne dust had settled, Boyle had recorded a masterful 44 minute victory over Class 100 and overall race runner-up Ryan Stewart. Lost in the excite-ment of Boyle's personal heroics was the fact that a record 65% of this year's Kartek 400 starters completed their assigned laps. Granted, none of the 82 starters was as impressive as Boyle, but all 53 finishers came away with at least a moral victory. No small feat when you consider that, usually, for all but the most skilled off road racers: Lucerne Valley Desert + sum-mertime temperatures + 400 miles = DNF. Kudos to all who went the dis-tance, and fora closer lookatMDR's annual marathon event, it's on to race recap time. As usual, Lap 1 was an all out sprint led by the Class 100 vehicles. Ryan Stewart held a narrow lead at the conclusion of that first loop, fol-lowed by Keith Cunningham and Richard Boyle. Kevin Ohnstad, who was about 20 minutes behind his Jeff Richardson's very patriotic looking truck won Class 7 easily. hopefully we'll see more of him in the future. Doug Petterson made it look easy. he took the Class 7S win with ease, a few hours in hand at the end. -Dusty Times front running classmates at that point, apparently set out to erase that deficit on Lap 2. The results were both good and bad for the Northern Cali-fornia speedster. Ohnstad flew through his second loop, recording the day's fastest lap (57:00) in the process. Unfortunately, it also wound up being KO.'s last complete lap. Boyle took over the lead on the following lap, and began to open up on the field. Meanwhile, in Class 1000, Ryan Lesher was laying the foundation for a potential upset victory. Lesher sped to his division's fast lap time (1:04:49) on his opening loop, with Richard Beck and Brian Walsh in hot pur-suit. Lesher opened up a little breath-ing room on the following loop, while Walsh was forced to make a prema-ture exit. As the field approached the halfway point, Beck and defending Class 1000 Champ Whit Courtenay were still well within striking distance of the lead. There was a small, but competi-tive field of five see-ing action in Class 1600. After one loop, Jimmy Hook held a narrow lead over Garit Wallace, Byron Zeigler and Mike Harvey. Even Cun Geer, who was last early, raced a mere six minutes off the lead. The quar-tet continued in close proximity through Lap 2, with less than 10 minutes separating the leader from the trailer. Hook, Harvey and Geer were manning the top three positions respectively, as the 1600 entrants reached comple-tion of Lap 3. Meanwhile, in Class 500 action, John Criswell got the jump on -a half dozen rivals. Criswell established the early lead by posting Class 500 August 2002 George Seeley saves some tire wear at MOR Lucerne, George took the Class 5 win with lots of time in hand. Jake McLean took the rest of the 5-1600 class to the cleaners, he won the class by almost three hours. fast lap time (1:08:20) on his open-ing loop. Steve Griffith and Jeff Nutter were second and third after a lap, with Dale Hines and Kevin Loggins close behind. Criswell pad-ded his lead a bit during Lap 2, ~hile the ever-dangerous George Seeley closed from sixth to second. At the end of Lap 3, Seeley had halved Criswell's lead and Griffith was rac-ing a close up third. In Class 550, Tim Harris parlayed his division's fast lap time (1 :27: 13) into an early advantage over four ri-vals. Jeffrey Sack raced a close second after one loop, with Tom Bolha an-other four minutes behind in third. Joey Hoerr and Mark Dee struggled through the opening lap, with the ladder all but eliminated by a five-plus hour clocking. Harris opened a commanding lead during Lap 2, when his nearest pursuers Sack and Bolha, both encountered trouble. Jakob McLean took over for Harris on Lap , and appeared to have his team poised for a victory run. At that point, Dee's day was done and only Hoerr was within an hour of the leader. There was little doubt regarding the outcome in Class 800, where Eric Heiden was the lone entrant. Heiden's fourth lap was his best one (1: 11:27) and is superb final time of 7:19:27 was good for sixth place overall. As he explained afterwards, things could Continued on page 40 rs'.IRIC7LY 'ERFORMANCE Duality products bullt In house along with Fabtech, PIAA. BFGoodrlch, Weld, Camburg Engineering, Autofab, King §hocks. Fuel 5afe. plus hundreds of other quality products and accessories. • Shock!i • Roll Cages • Exhaust Kits • Wheels & Tlres • Suspension Kits • Off Road Bumpers • Custom Fabrication We !ipec/allze In CUritDm Fabrlcatlan And Lang Tra11el !iuspenslan !iystems. Toll Free: (866) 480-3556 849 Mitchen Road #402, Newbury Park Tel: (805) 480-3556 • Fax: (805) 480-3557 strlctlyJ! Page 39

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~ tt .. -«:a.. . .... ·•• Dennis Sletten (L) and Dick Dahn were the Class 11 winners. Dahn created the Riverside courses and the MT Stadium Series courses. Welcome back! Charlie Peltzer took the American Jeepspeed win, it was hard fought and the margin of victory was only six minutes. Ryan Stewart gave it his all, a slow ~ lap hurt him and he finished second in the Class 1 battle. not have gone better for Heiden, who improved his 2002 record to an im-pressive three wins from three starts. "The day was fantastic, absolutely trouble free," said Heiden, who added "I never got out of the truck." 700 fast lap time (1 :41 :46) on his were second and third after Loop 1. opening loop and was all but assured On Lap 2, Gonzalez encountered ofvictorywhen Lucena failed to corn- trouble and surrendered the lead. plete Lap 1. Richardson's winning Jacketti was now on the front end, time was 11:03:06. followed by Petterson and J.C. An-who had taken over for Ron Smith, vantage as the quartet completed its swept up into third. With three laps first tour of the Lucerne Valley course. to go, only four ·725 entrants re-Harmon tripled his lead on the fol-rnained in the running. lowing loop, setting Class 900 fast There was a compact cast of four lap time (1 :20:54) in the process. The competitors vying for Class 900 su-Owen entry continued to give up prernacy. Jeremy Harmon dueled for ground grudgingly, and was racing the early lead with an unidentified nine minutes clear of Kevin Koptich driver from the Dan Owen team. in second. Christian Ramirez could Harmon held a slim two minute ad-not keep pace and trailed the field. There wasn't much more suspense in Class 700, where a match race took place between Jeff Richardson and Steve Lucena. Richardson posted A half dozen entrants saw action drews. Jacketti continued to show the in Class 725. Eduardo Gonzalez way past the halfway point, with grabbed the early lead, while also es-Petterson stalking the leader from the tablishing 725 fast lap time (1 :21: 13). second spot Andrews was now strug-Doug Petterson and Steve Jacketti gling to keep pace and Dick Susag, Tom Bo/ha didn't have the best of days, lots of problems but he still Ron Smith had a few long laps to hamper him but he kept driving and Dan Owen drove his plain wrap Class 9 to a good second place managed a fine second place in 5-1600. finished a decent second place in Class 7S. finish, half an hour off the winning pace. ultimate long travel ford Jong travel system Get the benefits of our Long Travel system and 3" lift spindles, creating 6" of lilt for incredible ground clearance. ~@tp@l ■ 3' lilt spindles ■ Upper Control arms ~P.i)~wy ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil sprin!Js ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 3-wau adjustable shock absorber ~ touota lono travel system Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 'Ivan Dan' long travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off readers out there. Page 40 custom i beams Oflroad bullet proof design provides maximum strength with 4130 Chromoly steel 1 /Bth' thick plate and tubular inner structure. 1990-94 lord ranger y--performance sustem Dur extended radius arms are offset further inboard offering increased tire clearance and 4 • more wheel travel. Dual Shock System 2 shocks per front wheeL adds high performance dampening. 8' Suspension System used in a racing 1 application with coil over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of wheel travel extended radius arms Dur extended radius arms are offset further inboard for increased tire clearance. Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on lord ranger i!.s -performance sustem 2.5' of lilt with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 C10 y -lono travel sustem Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires. August 2002 e !! e //fiber§!! include front fende~, bedsides and hoods. The front lenders and bedsides are Oared with wheel travel in mind. angled F:J::: spare tire mount ·•. · . Constructed using 1 1 / 4' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. ·i;{ Flat spare tire mount Over 25 Styles stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment of stamped steel tabs simplify your fabrication needs. Call for a distributor nearest y Phone 714-990-8850 -Fax 714-990-8854 www_fabtechmotorsports_com OR E-MAIL US AT Dusty Times T

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-r Second place in Class 10 went to Richard Beck, he lost the win by a Tom Pittman has had better days, he came in for a second spot in the Class 11 conflict, but he was well off the winning pace. Bob Miller had a terribly long first lap but he still drove on for a second place finish in Class 1200. mere 33 seconds -maybe next time. Harmon seemed to have matters well in hand and his lead reached double digits during Lap 3. The remaining trio continued to race in their same running order, all well spaced out and in single file formation. Back on the front end, Boyle con-tinued to pour it on. His ever-expand-ing Class 100 lead swelled to nearly 45 minutes during Lap 4. The Class 1000 leaders, Richard Lesher and Beck, were now second and third overall, but by then Boyle's wicked pace had left even that pair 30 min-utes behind. The runaway leader showed no signs of slowing on Lap 5, as he padded his lead with a hasty 1:05:50 loop. Slim turned to none one hour and four minutes later, when Boyle completed his masterful performance and received the check-ered flag. • With a sensational final time of 6:21:10, the 2002 Kartek400 Cham-pion made his daunting 400 mile as-signment look like a quick trip to the comer 7-Eleven. Barry Bates, who took over for Stewart on Lap 5, fin-ished fastest of all to edge Lesher by three seconds for second overall. The team of Stewart and Bates also claimed Class 100 runner-up hon-ors by finishing 44 minutes behind Boyle in the time of 7:05:24. Pat Rozier checked in an hour later to take third and Andrew Gaston ( 4th) completed the order of Class 100 fin-ishers. Despite settling for third in over-all scoring, the father and son team of Richard and Ryan Lesher emerged as the Class 1000 winner. That duo and Beck, who wound up second in 1000 and fourth overall, fought a fierce battle to the very end. Neither side gave an inch, with the Leshers ultimately prevailing by just 33 sec-onds. It was another 4 2 minutes back to Whit Courtenay, who wrapped up the 1000 scoring in third and placed ninth overall. In Class 500, John Criswell con-tinued to hold George Seeley at bay through Laps 4 and 5. Entering the final loop, Criswell's lead over his main rival stood at nine minutes. Unfortunately, things came a crop-per for Criswell soon after and he was unable to complete his final lap. As a result, it was Seeley claiming the Class 500 win. His final time of 7: 17: 15 placed Seeley fifth in overall scoring. Dale Hines finished a distant second and 13th overall. Jeff Nutter placed third, with a little help from Dave Parsons and Tim Highfield. Kevin Loggins wrapped up the Class 500 scoring in fourth. The Class 1600 leaders continued their three way dogfight through Lap 4. As the trio entered Lap 5, B.J. Bates, who had taken over for Jimmy Hook, maintained his team's modest lead over Mike Harvey's replacement driver Bill Gaspar. Curt Geer, who was still in the thick of contention, seemed to go for broke at that point. • The talented young driver tightened ·things up considerably by posting Dusty Times Class 1600 fast lap time (1:14:57). toscorearesoundmgwm. Petterson's Unfortunately, his effort went for final time of9:37:14 gave him a two naughtwhenGeerfailedtocomplete hour and 12 minute margin ofvic-Lap 6. Bates and Gaspar came forth tory and 15th place overall. The to settle the dispute, and that pair Smith team finished more than half battled to the finish. The Hook/Bates an hour ahead of Jacketti to claim team emerged the winner by two min- runner-up honors. Andrews com-utes and 35 seconds. Their fine pleted the 725 scoring in fourth. 7:41:22 clocking was good for sev-Meanwhile, in Class 900, Dan enth place in overall scoring. Harvey Folts took over for Jeremy Harmon and Gaspar, the Class 1600 runners- and continued to show the way. With up, finished in eighth. each passing lap, Folts edged further As the Class 550 entrants began clear of his rivals. At the finish, Folts theirfinal three laps, Jakob McLean proved best by more than half an remained in total control Joey Hoerr hour. The Class 900 winner stopped and Jeffrey sack both made up the timer in 8:38:32 to claim 12th grol_lnd during Lap 4, but not nearly place overall. Dan Owen finished all enough. McLean, who was spelled by alone in second, while posting the . Kurt Puhl for Laps 5 and 6, was never day's 14th best clocking. It was an-really in danger of losing and won other 40+ minutes back to Kevin Class 550 with the greatest of ease. Kopitch, who took third in class and Their 9:42:58 final clocking may have 18th oyerall. Christian Ramirez been 16th best on the day, but it wound up fourth, completing the placed the winning trio head and order of Class 900 and overall top shoulders above their 550 rivals. Tom 20 finishers. Bolha finished a distant second, two Three lap assignments were hours and 22 minutes behind the handed out to entrants in Classes winners. Jeffrey Sack was the third 1100, 1200, 1300, 1450 and 1700. and final Class 550 finisher. The exception was in Class 1400, In Class 725, Doug Petterson where lone entrant Steven Jones was raced past Steve Jacketti and into the scheduled for four loops. Jones' best lead on Lap 4. That pair's only re-lap (1:47:10) turned out to be his maining classmates, Ron Smith and first one. Unfortunately, Lap 2 J.C. Andrews, could not keep pace wound up being his last complete and slowly began to fade from con- one. · tention. Petterson padded his lead In Class 1450, Dan Vance led a considerably on Lap 5, and went on field of nine on a merry and futile With all suspension down and locked, Eric Heiden heads towards the Class 8 win with well over an hour in hand. The Class 9 battle was a good one but, in the End, it was Dan Folts taking the well earned win. August 2002 chase. Vance seized control immedi-ately, setting 1450 fast lap time (1:28:19) on his opening loop. Aaron Osborn raced just off Vance's sizzling Lap 1 pace, but apparently paid the price with an early TKO. Mark Growe took up the chase on Lap 2, with Craig Pearson also in contention. Vance showed no signs of slowing however, and in fact, turned it up a notch on Lap 3. The result was a quick 4:51:43 clocking, which gave Vance the 1450 win by more than 20 minutes. Growe hung tough to claim runner-up honors, This is the :.ystem run by most off road race winners GO FOR with Pearson taking third and Andy Stix placing fourth. The Class 1450 fifth through eighth place finishers respectivelywere Eric Berrios, Michael Licari, Carolyn Hines and Tut Cote. A trio of entrants saw action in Class 1100. Dennis Sletten wasted no time establishing the early lead. On his initial loop, Sletten opened up a 31 minute advantage by posting 1100 fast lap time (1:55:03). Thomas Pittman raced second and Matt Shuss third. Sletten pulled further clear on Lap 2 and held a command-Continued on page 42 TRI-MIL BOBCAT QIROME 1984-9-1 CORVETTE 2 V2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES-INVITED Page 41

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1·--Chris Parr went as fast as he could but he could only muster second Mark Growe gets airborne on his way to second place in the 1400 Mike Harvey was hustling along but he still missed first place in 1600 place in Class 1300. class, 22 minutes off the winning pace. by two and a half minutes. ~==-======;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;==:;;;;::,-Jimmy Hook led Class 1600 the entire race, he took the gold medal Barrie Thompson led the Jeepspeed contingent until the last lap, dropped some time and finished second in class. Pat Rozier thought he had the Class 1 win but a terribly long third lap dropped him to third place. ~ with a two and a half minute margin. ing one and a half hour lead entering the final loop. In a thoroughly domi-nant performance, Sletten reached the checkers more than two and a half hours clear of his nearest rival. The 1100 winner stopped the clock ii). 6:12:21. Pittman placed second, more than an hour in front ofShuss in third. There was another three entrant field set to do battle in Class 1200. winner was in a race of his own by However, the trio was reduced to a the time he stopped the clock in duo on Lap 1 when Nicholas Beall's 5:50:34. Miller arrived two hours day ended prematurely. Bob Miller and 20 minutes later to claim run-was able to complete Lap 1, but by ner-up honors. . the time he did, Mike Dill was long There was a robust field of 11 see-gone. Dill led by one and a half hours ingaction in Class 1300. Clint Fisher after posting 1200 fast lap time turned in the best opening loop and ( 1 :44:36) and improved his position showed the way into Lap 2. Jim Heine during Laps 2 and 3. The Class 1200 and Jason Wagstaff did not fare as well, as both men fell by the wayside before completing their opening loop. Craig Reynolds looked good on his initial lap, crossing Start/Fin-ish just four minutes after the lead vehicle. Unfortunately, he too fell vic-tim to attrition on Lap 2. There would be no such problems for Fisher1 who dashed his rival's hopes for victory with a class-best 1: 13~4 l Lap 2 clocking. Fisher completed his assignment in 3:57:57 to win Class 1300 by 48 minutes and improve his 2002 record to a perfect three for three. Christopher Parr finished sec-ond, with Greg Boyer another 10 minutes back in third. Greg Crew checked in fourth, followed by Don Heinemann in fifth and Michael Parr in sixth. .A fUll SIRVICI PRIPARATION fACRITY OIOICAlfO TO QUAIITY IOI • Preparatio • fabrication chine Work • Shock Service .=t - , § =i; ~ r-t =f---.. • Race logistics Page 42 August 2002 Dusty Times r

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Whit Courtenay and crew were a bit off the winning Class 10 pace this race, they finished in the third spot. Greg Boyer ran a good second place for most of the race but a long third lap relegated him to a bronze medal. Craig fearson was a bit off the pace at teh Johnson Valley fracas but he held on for a third place finish. Class 17 00 was also well repre-sented, with a field of 10 taking to the track. Barrie Thompson held a narrow lead after posting 1700 fast lap time (1 :28: 17) on his opening loop. Charlie Peltzer and Casey Currie raced two minutes off the pace, with Mike Barnett ariother two minutes back. Thompson added another 50 seconds to his two minute lead during Lap 2, but Peltzer continued to ioom danger-ous. The two slugged it out during a spirited final lap. At the finish, it was Peltzer who emerged victorious. The Class 1700 winner completed his three laps in 4:40: 17. Thomp-son hung tough to claim runner-up horrors, six minutes behind Peltze~ and just ahead of third place finisher Eric Helgison. Currie wound up fourth, followed by Steve Thomasson in fifth and Bar-nett in sixth. Bryan Rogers and Billy Bunch completed the Class 1700 scoring, with the former taking sev-en th and the latter eighth. And that concludes our recap of this year's exciting Kartek 400. That's three down and three to go on the MDR schedule. Next up is the California 200 night race on August 10th. That event will also take place in Lucerne, which means things might just "Boyle" again. Make plans to be on scene for MD R's fourth event of 2002. You Richard Lesher had to fight all the way but he was able to take the Class 1 0 win, if only by 33 seconds. Mike Dill had a good day, seen here on his way to the Class 1200 win, looks like he's ready to take off. Dusty Times Bi/stein· • Sway A Way Eibach · HM · QA 1 · CNC ....... ,--• Bparca • PRP • Fuel Bate Ran Davis Radiators Betrab Oil Coolers Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear August 2002 Page43 ..-....1 ,_

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11....-J ◄ CODE KC HILITES Carlos Lopez Takes The Night Win Text & Photos: Byrle Moore There was no stopping Juan Carlos Lopez as he drove his Ford to the Class B win and the overall win as well. A couple of last minute registrants had to make a couple oflast minute, two mile warm ups down the first part of the course. But, as the sun finished its daily trip and slid behind the hills, and the regular clock made its way to 7:30p.m., 91 cars and trucks lined up for the real thing. The 2002 version of the CODE KC Hi-Lites night race was about to get un-derway. This year the temperature was nowhere as high as last, and a bree~e took care of both the dust and heat if you were on the right side of the track. The course was much the same as those in the past. Typical Mexicali deserts rocks and dirt. Laid out over 58 miles the Sportsmen ran two laps and the Pros went around three times. At least those that finished were re-quired to go that far. Several of the 91 starters didn't. Even some of the stalwarts of CODE racing failed to complete the contest. In Class 10, for example, Eli Yee, the odds on perennial class and over-all winner, got to the start line late, and wasn't started until after 1/2-1600 class had gone. Then, appar-ently trying to make up for lost time; he blew the engine during Lap 2 and OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15x3.5 & 15x7 $84.10 $89.10 Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $129.95 -$135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 247-1266 · We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Page 44 was a non-finisher. This opened up the way for Armando Lopez and Javier Robles who got high centered at Mile 5 of the second lap, destroyed reverse while trying to get it out, but still finished, winning the Class 10 honors. The team reported losing 20 or more minutes getting off the high center and still had a fifth overall time of4:49:05. "We were luckywedidn't have to back up again." Class 1/2-1600 was headed by Hector "Pacho" Garcia, who had been fighting for overall honors all night, but when he started to lose the ring and pinion gear during the last few miles, was forced to back off. Garcia, all the way over from Sonoita, won the class with a time of 4: 19:53. His time was also fast enough to take the second spot overall in the Pro class. Hiram Duran, out of Tecate, took second and reported no problems during his 4:55:20 run. Third spot went to Manlio Moreno and Arturo "Curry" Durazo, who came down from Alpine, CA, re-ported an East/West 8 style traffic jam at Mile 5 of the final lap, but still managed a time of 5 :03 :4 3, good for third in class and eighth overall. Hometown boys made up the rest of the 1600 class.Two other drivers had times, Ceasar Cons Molina, 5: 11: 16 and Renato Villapondo 5:53:51. Four others ran into problems and were dnf. They were Jorge Sanchez, Martin Gonzalez, Jose Carlos Rob-les, and Gustavo Rodriguez all these guys are from Mexicali. The overall Pro class winner and Class 8 champion was Juan Carlos "Pin" Lopez from Tecate. Driving his super fast black Bronco 4x4, Lopez was never headed in class and took the overall by over eight minutes. His time of 4:11:51 proved that some-times the bigger units could get ~ through the tight stuff and win too. Gastavo and Ricardo Coronado drove to second place with a time of 4:24:04. They reported no major problems and were third overall in Pros. Third spot went to Elias and Alfredo Canchola who stayed near the top all night and finished fourth overall in the Pro class. Beny Canela could only manage a fourth place fin-August 2002 Gerado Gonzalez took the Class 5 win, shown here just before nightfall at speed. Chad McNeil had a good night, he took the Class 7 win by almost an hour. ish after having problems of one kind Chad McNeil out of El Cajon had or another the whole race. Canela's to stop during the second lap to do time was 7 :00:08. Other Class 8, non- some suspension welding, but still won finishers, was Armando Bravo, Mexi-Class 7 by almost an hour; his time cali and Eduardo Ramirez from El was 5:47:29. Second went to Hector Cajon. Salazar from Chula Vista who en-Two entries in Class 5 and one tered his 7S truck in the 7 class and finished. Gerardo Gonzalez was drove to a time of 6:42: 14. Third trouble free and had a time of place went to Victor Islas Mexicali, 5: 19:41. The other competitor Jose who lost some time during the first Guadalupe Collins had two good lap but finished at 6:48:06. Two 0th-laps going but broke down in the third ers with times in the class were Pablo and was a non-finisher. Gamino Tijuana, 7:00:49 and Mario The Class 5-1600 win went to Oscar Galindo, he was super quick at night and he finished a remarkable seventh overall. -As night falls, Jaime Boquiren speeds down the course on his way to a ve,y nice Class 9 win. · Dusty Times Ti

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Lots of lights certainly helped Lorenzo Dojaquez on his mission to win the Safari Class. Amado Lopez had a good night, he took the Class 1 O win and finished fifth overall as well. With six lights ready to go, Hiram Duran drove to a nice second place in the 1600 fracas. Sanchez Mexicali 7:29:05. Non-fin-ishers were Lobsam Yee Tijuana, Eduardo Razo and Jose A. Gonzalez Mexicali, and Perry McNeil from Lemon Grove, CA. Oscar Galindo and co-driver Martin Garibay took home an extra $600 which was added to the Class 5 prize fund by T ractorland. Their time of 4:57 :50 garnered them first in class and was also good enough for sev-enth overall. The other Class 5 en-trant, with a time, was Felipe Paramo in at 6:45: 16. Mario Gutierrez blew his engine right after Checkpoint 2 on the first lap and was, of course, a non-finisher. There were only three entrants in Class 5. it in as a three wheeler and finished Four others with times were Hum-second with a time of 5:53:02. Third berto Solorzano from Tecate, spot went to Jesus Velez and Alberto 6: 16: 10, Daniel Reyes from Mexicali, Medina who reported loosing some 6:44:56, Luis Rivera from Rosarito, time during Lap 3 but still managed 7: 13 :07, and Alejandro Lopez from a 6:10:54. All these drivers are also Mexicali, 7:51: 15. Francisco from Mexicali. Fernandez from Mexicali, Tom McAdams from Alpine, CA and Rodolfo Whilelmy from Mexicali, werednf. Dan Street from Chula Vista was working on some transmission prob-lems right up to the green flag for the 7S class. Luckily they got it fixed and Street, went onto win his class with a time of?:02:16. Meanwhile, Sergio and Armando Duron from Mexicali were doing fine, until they lost the clutch slave, and were forced to run most of the race without clutch con-Continued on page 46 The 9 class had 10 entries and all but three finished. Jaime and Gabri-el Boquiren over from San Diego drove their new Jimco to first place in this always-competitive class, their time was 5:42:01. Juan Mayoral and Francisco Villareal were leading the class most of the night when they broke a ball joint. However, instead ofloosing time changing it they drove How do you do this? Fernando Flores (L) and Miguel Mexia ran their respective races in Class 11 and both finished with identical times, 4:25:58. Congrats to you both. PRECISION everything yau need ta build. maintain and aperate a racecar Spal Fans Fire Systems Silicane Turba Hase Nea Synthetic Lubricants Aurora. NHBB and FK Rad Ends Fuel Safe and Triangle Fuel Cells Setrab. Lang and F/uidyne DI/ Caalers !!iee aur cam lete anline catala 2855 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill. CA 90806 B00.959. 7757 562.427.2375 FAX: 526.426.5294 Baits. Nuts and Hardwar-e Sparca Seats. Steering Wheels. Suits and Safety Equipment Craw Belts and Harnesses Bell Helmets Weldon Fuel and DI/ Pumps Fresh Air Driver Vent/lat/an Systems lntercamp Scales and Alignment Equipment Aeraquip Ii. Speedflaw Stainless Braided Hase Ii. Fittings • at www.baker Dusty Times August 2002 Page 45

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'..--Ricardo Coronado gets nicely airborne as he flies into the darkness Hector Salazar was ready to win the Class 7 battle but problems Juan Mayoral Jr. gave it his all but this time he finished in the second and a second place finish at the KC HiLites race. slowed him to a second place finish. spot in Class 9, 10 minutes out of first. · Dan Street lights 'em up as he heads into the darkness and to the Class 7S win. trol. The Durons still managed sec-ond place in at 7:21:33. Third spot went to Refugio Fonseca another of Ford F2S0/3S0 SuperDuty 1999-2po2 ~'1\) $1,025 Also AvallablE In B .. & II"" kits Call for Details Mexicali's finest with a time of 7:31:07. These were the only Class 7S' with times. Jose Diaz Martinez Jeep 6r<Jnd Olerokee 95-97 3 Suspension Lift $520.00 .elllul>w1 XJOlerokee 9S-97 3 Suspension Lift $535.00 .elllul>w1 Jeep WrBng/er Y J 8&-96 2.5 Suspension Lift $569.00tllii..lhRw Jeep Wrangler TJ 97-01 2.5 Suspension Lilt $699.00tllii..lhRw Chevy Silverado IS00HD/2S00HD 2001-2002 6 Suspension Lift $1,800 FITS 315n5Rl6 Tires 8 Suspension Lift $2,349 ms 37/12.50Rl6 Tires 2WD &IEYY 11-1111111 &15118 ZONE ¥& Ultimate lift ¥3 Cast lift Spindles ¥Coil Springs ~~t~introl Arms Performance Shocks ¥Rear Blocks & U Bolts 11111.15 (Run 33 tires without a body lift) &1£'1 II-II !WI &1511 ¥7 U I ti mate Lift ¥4 Lift Spindles ¥Coil Springs ¥Upptr Control Arms ¥Rear Blocks & U Bolts ¥4 Fabtech Performance Shocks lftts.15 (Run 33 tires without a body lift) FIii II-It !WI F151 ¥7 Ultimate Lift =~~'gfiti:s1 t r~~lts =~ofs ~ii~t Spindles • ¥4 F.ab~h 'erformance Shocks 11175.15 (Run 35 tires without a body lift) Lift Spindles nomTHE KING or 2WD Lift Aoolication . 4.0' 88-98-GM C1500/2500, X CAB, 92-98 STD CAB 4.0' 88-91 GM C15 □□ ST-CAB 3.0' 99-02 GM CI 500 ALL 3.5' 83-01 GM SID 3.5' 97-02 Ford F150 3.0' 98-01 Ford Ranger 3.□• 94-01 Dodge Ram Page 46 the wheel of his number 1100 car. After three laps and 150 plus miles Flores had made up the 30 second difference not 29 seconds, not 31 se~-onds, 30 seconds, and both ended with an elapsed time of 4:25:58, therefore, the tie. I hear they are still trying to figure out how to share joint custody of the trophy. The third driver and second place finisher was Arturo Garcia in with a time of 5:25: 10. Again all these driv-ers are from Mexicali. Talk about togetherness. I've only been doing this for a couple of years, and it's the first I've heard of a tie on the clocks. Com-ments: to/from the editor. Luis Floriano took the Class 14 Sportsman win, shown here just before darkness settled in. The Sportsman class was up next and there were six starters and four finishers in the 1400 class. Luis Floriano from Tijuana was first across the finish line with a time of 4:05:07. Second went to Pedro Mercado from Lemon Grove, CA, his time was 4:14:10 and third spot went to Armando Roman out of San Diego with a time of 5:11:04. Ar-mando Silvestre from Mexicali had a 6: 15: 27; Francisco Rojas from Mexi-· cali and Adolfo Ayala from Tijuana were dnf. from Mexicali, Dave Ahles from San Diego, Enrique Loam from Tecate, Eduardo Rodriguez from Mexicali STU'S i 00 .,.,. ., 97-up Ford F-150 99-up Ford Super 99-up Chevy 1500 01-up Chevy HD ON SALE for ONLY $475.95 August 2002 and Jeremy Johnson from Santee, CA were all dnf. Class 11 had three starters and all three made it to the checkered flag. ln fact, this is the first time in CODE history that there has been a tie for first place. As with most events, out-side Fuddom, the start is staggered. Sometimes 15 seconds, sometimes a minute, depends on the course. Here, there was a 30 second spread between starters and, of course, it's all figured out at the end. The players in this little bit of history are Fernando Flores and Miguel Mexia. Flores, driv-ing the number 1101 car started 30 seconds after Mexia, who was behind Class 15 had the Sportsman class overall winner in the person of John Ledezma from Chula Vista, CA John . reported no problems on his way to the class and overall wins. His time for the two laps was 3:21:45. Second in John Ledezma hustles through the darkness on his way to the Class 15 Sportsman win at the KC HiLites race. With lights ablaze, German Ramirez heads towards a nice Sportsman Class 18 win near Mexicali . Dusty Times ·1

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Always a threat, Sergio Duron drove to a second place finish in Pedro Mercado drove well in his neat looking car and took the second In the Sportsman Class 15 battle it was Jose Montoya driving to a nice second spot, shown here siightly airborne. Class 7S, shown here starting to light up. spot in the Class 14 Sportsman competition. ciasswenttoJoseMontoyaoverfrom fromMexicali.Amulfolopez,Ricardo 5:04:17 and Godoy finished at Ensenada, his time was 3:34:43 and Cons, Erick M. Lopez, J. Hector 5:05:58. Luis Rey Hernandez squeaked third went to Pedro Morquecho from Quintero and Sady Suarez were all no in under the eight hour time limit wire, Mexicali timed in at 3:38:06. Martin times. with a time of 7:56:01 for third. Lizarraga from Tijuana went 3:45:25, In the 1800 class German Ramirez Leopoldo Bramasco, Raul Aguilera, Manuel Cota in at 4:51:59, Edgar tookfirstplacebyalittleoveraminute andRogelioBuelna,madeuptherest Delgado 5: 11:45, Arturo Islas 5:27: 10. when second place finisher Ruben of the field, but were dnf. The entire Jose Guevara 5 :28:20 and Efrain Godoy ran out of fuel during the sec-1800 class was all out of Mexicali. Pelayo at 5:36: 15 were the other driv-ond lap. Godoy had been the leader Finally the Safari class. Lorenzo ers with times, all these gentlemen are until that point. Ramirez's time was Dojaquez outlasted the field driving a clean race to a time of 4:25:33. Sec-The CODE organization always ond went to Luivan Voelker in at seems to attract much attention 4:45:33 and third place went to and more important, lots of entries. DarnianSanchezat5:57:54. Two other The races are mostly laid back and Safari entries had times, they were Luis more than enjoyable. Organizers, Loen 6:27:33 and Manuel Delgado drivers, and fans alike, make it work. 7:30:33. Omar Dipp, Jesus Lopez, These races are conducted just Antonio Pena, Raul Maya, Victor across the border, and the invita-Guerrero, Victor Gasen, Victor Luque tion is always out to thos~ up north. and Francisco Maya were all no times. "Come on Down." -Barely visible behind the glare of his lights, Luivan-Voelkerdrove to a In the 1/2-1600Class, it was ManlioMoreno taking the bronze medal, Ruben Godoy was really after the Class 18 win but he settled for nice second place finish in the Safari class. shown here airborne and almost out of frame. second place, a minute and a half out of first. !fvi!sl)® The Suspension Company. Dusty Times August 2002 Page 47 -

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-I ,,,ttfl' ,11 B, Clioe Skilton Barrie Thompson was second on course passing four cars with a race fastlap ofonly 1:28: 17 at 42.2 mph average. On corrected time Barrie was in first place although Charlie Peltzer was first on the road with a lap of 1:30:05. Behind the two leaders there was a tight group of Casey Cunie, Mike Barnett, Brian Rogers, Steve Thomasson, and Eric Helgison. As Barrie and Charlie roared off on their second lap, Barnett and Helgison passed Currie with a broken axle, Brian Rogers with a broken shock absorber hose and Steve Thomasson with a broken upper control arm mount. This all happened in the first 12 miles of the second lap but all these competitors repaired their Jeeps and continued. At the finish of the second lap, five cars pitted ~tween 10.54 and 11.08. Barrie Thompson left first followed by Charlie Peltzer and his · wife Carrie, only 15 secqnd behind. Then it was Eric Helgison with Casey Currie 15 seconds ·apart. Mike Barnett was fifth about five minutes behind the lead pack. Steve Thomasson and Brian Rogers were having their own private battle 15 minutes later. The four lead Jeeps had a tremendous battle for the last lap. Barrie Thompson opened up a substantial lead in his Skyjacker entry only to see it evaporate when he had to stop to weld a motor mount. Charlie and Carrie Peltzer made the pass for first place and held it to the finish line arriving six minutes before Thompsqn. Eric Helgison finished only two minutes behind Barrie to take a well deserved third. It is worth mentioning that Eric Helgison's Jeep is a four seater with air conditioning, a big stereo system and is a daily driver. Fourth place went to the Currie family and fifth to first time racer, Steve Thomasson, in the old Dave Turner car now greatly improved by Steve. Sixth was Mike Barnett and seventh was Brian Rogers who both suffered from shock absorber problems. Billy Bunch and the Bill Quitmeyer group never gave up all day after numerous mechanical woes but still scored 12 points towards the championship by finishing seventh. CORE members have been busy since the last report in Dusty Times. The club has also upgraded our radio equipment. We'd like to thank PCI for helping us out with their quality products. Now for the report on past events CORE members have participated in. MORE/LUCERNE May 18, 2002 Three members of CORE took part in this event. Davy Girdner went out of his way to pick up pit equipment so CORE would have the tools needed for support. Thanks Davy; its things like that that make CORE a great club. Brad Inch in his 1600 Lothringer car was having a nice run until he managed to get a rear flat. Brad nursed the car to CORE Main, where it was promptly changed. Brad then hit the track with fire under his right foot. He went from fourth overall to first. Then as luck will have it, he broke the throttle cable and got another flat tire. Even with the troubles, Brad finished third overall. Good job, Brad. Davy Girdner, who, driving his 1600 car with Kevin Henrikson as co-driver, says he was down on power all day, but had no real problems. At Lap 7, T.J. Craig took over driving duties. He got a flat, and broke the stub axle at the end of Lap 9. Ending the day for this 1600 car. Todd Jorgensen ran in the Open class with his nicely built pre-runrier buggy. Todd started the race knowing his transmission wasn't up to par. He planned to nurse towards the finish line. Regardless, Todd was hammer down, placing his car first overall. Unfortunately, the transmission let go on the last lap, endin his endeavor. SNORE/Caliente June 8, 2002 Only one CORE member made the trek two hours north of Las Vegas to one of the most scenic race -Courses. Ken Tapert brought his 9 car out for this race. He said it was the most fun race he has ran in his racing career. He made three comments after he lost his brakes halfway through the race. Ken learned how to slow down using pine trees, hillsides and other methods other than the brake pedal. He also lost radio communication after the radio got soaked in the many water crossings. Regardless of his troubles, Ken finished in fourth place and said he will run this in the future. MDR/Kartek 400 June 22, 2002 Jerry Lawless resurrected his Raceco 10 car to run this race. The car had been sitting for some time. Jerry decided to dust the cobwebs off and put it to use. He ran a mostly trouble free race, until near the end of the race, he broke the bell housing off the transmission. That ended his effort. We hope to see Jerry run this car again in the future. SCORE/Baja 500 One CO RE member, Darrin McGuffin took on this grueling race in Ensenada, Mexico. In the beginning of the race, Darrin was running over an hour ahead of the rest of the 9 class. Late evening Darrin kept a pace hard to catch. Thirty miles before the finish, in the dark, Darrin was hit in the rear by a bigger buggy. An unfortunate accident that reminds us all that there are slower vehicles on the race course. We always need to be careful. Thankfully Darrin wasn't injured, but his car sustained enough damage that he could not continue the race. CORE President, Brad Inch, brought out his motor liome for CORVA and CORDR to use at the Curt LeDuc swap meet on June 30th. Two organizations dedicated to keep our deserts open joined together to educate and promote members. Brad graciously offered his motor home for their use. Brad, you get an "what-a-guy" for that. In the next issue of Dusty times I will report on the Snore/More night race in Barstow. We anticipate a big turn out of racers that will brave the heat and use our services. I'd also like to remind everyone that CORE is a pit club that provides support for any racer in any type vehicle. If you would like to use our services or join our club, please call me at (818) 701-1971 or e-mail me at I will give you any details you may need. See you in the desert. REDL!Nt PcRfoRi'tAIICE, VIC. Page 48 IS1 6 I-STAR PRE-RU■ OR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYNO SERVICES, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS AND AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONR (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX U3f ESl!NHOwell CflltCLE IUUUIEM, CA. •no7 August 2002 ,,,-By Wes Wisdom Well, we made it through another weekend with two races going on at the same time. Hey, Promoters, do your customers, us racers, a favor and don't make us have to give up one or the other races. It might help your car count, too. Harry Dunne was the Race Manager for the MDR Kartek 400 and there were 14 F.A.l.R. cars in the race. Jerry Longo wasn't racing so he and his crew ran Pit A. Frank Wagner took on Pit B and used it as his own "Main Pit". A.J. Gaston and Wayne Morgan were at Pit C with help from non-racers Jim Fay and John Lucas. The radio in the F.A.l.R. van failed so Harry put one of the pit radios into his Blazer. However, there was still "Radio Silence" from Main as Harry's son, Christopher took a little nap while manning the radio in the air conditioned truck. Racers-A.J. Gaston, Class 1, had one flat and no other troubles finishing fourth in class and 11th O .A. He was very happy with his results as he took an hour off his time from last year and the car was handling better than it ever has. Dave Massingham, in Wayne Morgan's Class 1, still has the "Bad Luck Syndrome". Theywere only able to post one lap and then lost the motor on the second lap. John Criswell, Class 5, set the Class Fast Lap and was in first with a 10 minute lead, when he rolled right at the end of the last lap and DNF'd. Tim Sharp, also in Class 5, made a wrong turn on the first lap and then stuffed the front end trying tO" find their way back. Tim compressed a couple of vertebrae and was out of the car when a rear trailing arm broke for a DNF. Dan Folts, our Class 9 hero, had a great day and won the class by over 40 minutes and set Class Fast Lap, too! Christian Ramirez, Class 9, had a lot of fun and finished a race for the first time. His crew was a very big help at FALR. Main and this team is going to be a popular addition to F.A.LR. Richard Lesher, Class 10, was first in Class 10 by 33 seco'hds and third O.A. only three seconds behind second OA. Very exciting racing! Clint Fisher, Class 1300, the Northstar powered four seater ran strong all day in spite of a couple of flats, a broken radio antenna and the main shaft bearing on the trans. going bad. First in Class!!! Craig Reynolds' Class 1300 Toyota powered four seater only completed one lap but still had fun for their first race. Curt Geer, Class 1600, was running hard, set Class Fast Lap on Lap 5, and was in second place only a couple of minutes behind the leader when he endo'ed at "The Wall" on the last lap. DNF. Carlos Kuttler •in his Jeep Speed Class 1700 broke a lower shock mount and control arm just before Pit Bon the first lap. DNF. Harry wanted to give a big THANK YOU to Marsha Folts for all her help at the Main Pit. By the way, it was reported, by reliable sources, that a truck they were following in the race was throwing empty oil bottles out of their windows into the desert. Must have been refilling their engine oil as they were racing. Very uncool! This kind of action will get the desert closed down for racing. Pay attention to what is happening in Nevada. They are trying to shut down all racing in Pahrump and Tonopah. They don't need any more ammunition for their side. We must police ourselves to show that we respect the desert even inore than they do. Brent Parkhouse went to the Nevada 1000 chasing for his brother Brian in his Class 1 car. Tom Ridings was driving on Day 1, became stuck in the silt and the clutch blew out trying to pull another unlimited car out. They didn't have a replacement so Brent drove to Baker to meet up with the replacement that came out of Apple Valley. The clutch was repaired overnight in Ely and Brian started Day 2. He rolled the car at RM38 after the steering wheel came off but was able to get it righted by getting his crew in after that section was closed and made the next checkpoint with only a few minutes to spare before it was closed. Ran good the rest of the way to Tonopah. Day 3 was an easy drive to the finish. John Miller entered his 1/2-1600, it's Class 2000 in Best in the Desert, and had Eric Brown and Brady Wisdom driving. Day 1 was a long day with getting stuck in a river crossing, breaking the shifter mount and spending a couple of hours getting stuck and then unstuck several times and then getting around the silt. The worst part was getting soaked at a water crossing. It turned out not to be water but the runoff of the cattle that were grazing there. Very yellow and very smelly! . The Service Hour in Ely turned into an hour and a half replacing a cracked dog house cooler and the broken shifter mount. Then things turned bad. On Day 2, a rocker arm bolt broke at RM78 just past Pit 2. The car was trailered back to Ely for repairs and didn't get to Tonopah until 11:00 p.m. for a DNF day. Day 3 started off really well, Brady was clearly fastest in the class until the engine seized at RM90. FA.LR. is looking forward to the SNORE/M.O.R.E. KC Hilites Midnight Special on July 27th at Barstow. Thankfully there is only one race that weekend. We'll have a bunch of racers, including (rumor has it) Dave Folts. Night races are always a lot of fun. Hope we will see you there. Look for the FA.LR. van and stop by to say hello and join in on the fun. ~:.~~ J4G"1 . Pit P"' · Support &Race Team By President Hello everyone! The Baja 500 is well over and yet racing never dies down. If it isn't our SCORE series, it is BITD, CODE, FUD or MDR continuing on. And those are just the ones I know of down here in the southwestern USA. This year, as is . the case with most years, the Baja 500 Dusty Times

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was a tough one. The area berween Mike's and Simpson's Ranch is always tough. Pre-running this year on a quad for the first time, we suffered rwo sidewall flats berween Ojos and Simpson's in rwo days. While pre-running on the quad was some experience, I'll stick to bikes or trucks in the future. My hat is really off now to guys that race quads! It was a long, tough pre-run riding on one. Especially riding a flat for 14 miles one day and 20+ miles the second day. With that said, Mag 7 had 15 entries for the Baja 500. Of those, we had one withdraw before the race and seven more DNF during the race. Of the finishers, we had Erik Floen from Canada, #6x finishing eighth in class/6lst 0/ A. Eddie Zeller from Coronado, # lOlx finishing second in class/30th 0/ A. Joe Desrosiers from San Marcos, # 103x finishing fourth in class/lOlst 0/ A. Koji Kato from Riverside, #267x finishing 11th in class/80th 0/ A. Mikey Martin, #303x finishing third in class/20th 0/ A. Dale Ebberts, #102 finishing 12th in class/122nd 0/A. And last but not least, Jim Stiles, #217 finishing fourth in class/85th 0/ A. This was Jim's first ride in his new Pro Truck. Good going Jim! To the guys that DNF'd within Mag 7, good luck at either Henderson or the Baja 1000. And a special note to Fat Rob Runsford, #307x from Chicago. That was a good effort you put out, running Ironman and not pre-running the course at all or even running a chase crew to help out. That is how it was in the early days of this race. I hope you will return and try out Baja racing again soon. You Dusty Times definitely have what it takes to be a winner out here, even though you were a DNF for this, your first SCORE and Baja race. Mag 7 is now entering the summer months.Typically, this is our time to regenerate the batteries and take our vacations, fishing and such. Several teams are running Henderson that I know of. Eddie Zeller's team from Coronado and Joe Desrosier's team from San Marcos will be there, both in Class 21 Pro. I'm fairly sure that Dale Ebbert' s in Class 1, Hector Salazar from Chula Vista in Class 7 and Smitty Schmidt of El Cajon in Class 10 will be there too. Next after that will be the Primm 300 at Stateline. Typically, the team isn't asked for any pit support for the SCORE series USA races. Most guys can pit themselves up here. Mag 7 is talking to Casey Folks about pitting his Baja Mex 300 in September. We are awaiting a map to see if the racers really need our help or if the race is being run next to Hwy. 1 for easier pit access-by chase teams. Since the same format is being run (set pit locations and such) and it looks similar to how it is run in Nevada, we will have more on this in the September issue of DT. Mag 7 is teaming up with the famous Baja California Race Team, "Baja Pits" for this year's Baja I 000 to La Paz. This is a totally different race team that the "Pro Pits of Baja" was back in the year 2000 that made up one of five teams pitting under the Mag 7 banner. Pro Pits is taking time off from racing is what we have been told. For this year's long Baja 1000, we will be pitting under both banners, Baja Pits Race Team and Mag 7 Race Team. Both teams will have an equal 50% interest in the race outcome. We have set a tentative limit of 40 vehicles (20 per team) and 30 bikes/guads (15 per team) for this race. Once this is filled, we will stop taking full service entries and concentrate on Emergency service entries only. As of this writing. Baja Pits has 11 vehicles committed to doing this race and Mag 7 has rwo vehicles a.nd three bikes that have committed. Mag 7 will be sending out pit applications to our members in August. We hope to also sign on the fantastic Baja crew, Locos Mocos or "Craz:y Boogers" as they are called, to our pit effort. They are a 30-man and woman auto-body, repair and fab shop rolled up into one pit. And they are always where the course is the nastiest, serving hot coffee and food to racers around the clock and fixing all corners for free. I'm sure many a racer has said in the middle of the night, "God Bless the Locos Mocos crew!" They are open to all racers and chase crews regardless of your affiliation. Baja Pits has been racing as a team since the mid 1980's. Carlos Iribe, Ernnie Negrette, Bill Rodriguez and Carlos Orosco are just four of the many racers that have raced with Baja Pits. We plan on pitting together every 50 miles of the race course. That will come to 12..m: 20 pits depending on the length of the course. From the start to the 250 mile pit location and from San Ignacio to La Paz, we have all the pit captains confirmed for every pit in those areas of the race course to this date (07-02-02). Baja Pits will be running a joint communications relay for our entries. That channel • :10th Drawing for Starting Position Sturgeons • a 1st Tech & Registration • 1st RACE • Znd Awards Sturgeons $25 Land Use Fee August 2002 will be put out to our racers and their chase crews in November. Baja Pits and Mag 7 will be running 76 Fuel only. We have 4-gallon dry brake dump cans for the bikes and quads. For the vehicles, we are talking to everyone that contacts us about trying out the dry brakes for vehicles as well at this race and for next year as well. A small investment now can re ap big results for this and future races. Total costs per vehicle team would be under $1,000 for both the dry brake receiver (only one needed) and the 2-3 dry brake equipped 11-gallon dump cans to be leased/purchased for the race. Very fast fuel delivery with nary a spill on the ground. We will be running 9-10 vehicle fuel points down the race course and 19-20 bike/ quad pits, depending on the course mileage. As an example for vehicles, 10 gallons of fuel can be delivered in eight seconds complete using a dry brake receiver and dump can. Traditional dump cans take over 20 seconds to dump 10 gallons. Bike and quads can have four gallons of fuel in three seconds as opposed to over 30 seconds with a Jazz can. (These times include taking off the traditional caps and replacing them when finished with fueling.) Just multiple that times pit stops every 50-100 miles for bikes/quads and vehicles and you see the time saved over a long race like the 1000. This is something to really think about after shelling out all the money to race this race in the first place. Even my vintage Husqvarna 400 will be running a dry brake set up on my vintage 3.5-gallon Vesco tank. Time is everything in Class 22 for me as it is in other classes too for you. Titles have been lost by less than 60 seconds in the Baja 1000. Our sponsor on dump cans, IMS Products will be offering us the lease to own program, similar to the program we ran for the B2K, for Mag 7 members racing in the Baja 1000 this year. For those of you racing this summer, best of luck! To those of you like myself, who will be doing some vacationing, have fun and be safe. With predictions of a hot fire season in California, my summer might turn out to be a working summer instead of a family one. Watch those matches and hot exhaust pips in brush and take care. Hopefully, the banditos· that robbed a group of bikers on Mike's road before the Baja 500 will be sent away to prison this time. All of them are the same ones that robbe'tl Johnny Campbell and later shot that buggy driver in the leg back in 2000, prior the running of the B2K I guess they didn't make it to jail that year after being caught in Ensenada later that week. This time they were caught the same day. It was reported to me that one of the ranchers on the way to Mike's (the last six miles) was in the gang. I'll still travel to Mike's for bike rides. Baja is still a lot safer than San Diego or elsewhere in Southern California to me. It just makes you leery to take a side road not traveled recently or to travel alone for the weekend as I do so very often. We are hoping that for teams like the Pro Truck class that they will be given a fuel waiver to pit with us for the 1000. Time will be the best judge on this issue. Talk to you next month. Adios from Team Baja, the Mag 7 Pit and Race Team. ev 75.z73.z971 , &Znd TS 00 Page 49

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,. ,~lt:;.p~:±:f;}~~/ :..: ;) >d /~?{1.::,~.;_ Brian Logan was the second 1600 across the finish line, he lost time Bob MacDonald had a good day, he ran fast and trouble free and Richard Lesher, Class 1, comes to the finish line, unfortunately he when he rolled the car. finished second in Class 9. was only able to get there 11 times, not 12 so he was a dnf. M.0.R.E. BADLANDS 250 Fletcher Finishes First B:, John Calvin Class 9 had a good race at the MORE Badlands 250 and the class honors went to Dennis Peterson, shown here at speed in his good looking car. May 25th was the date, Lucerne Valley was the place and all the com-petitors at the MORE Badlands 250 had a good time. The weather was good, the track was fast and the racin' was good! Class 1/2-1600 had a good race, 42% of the cars finished and all de-clared they had a good time. Brad Fletcher was the class winner as well as the overall winner, covering his re-quired 12 laps in a bit over five and a quarter hours. Brad took the lead on the first lap and there he remained, in spite of some trying to unseat him, he led all the way and it was a well de-served victory. Brad's run was not in-terrupted by problems, always a big PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ... THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mo-bil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round help and, a good financial shot in the arm for him. Second to cross the fin-ish line in Class 160Qwas Brian Logan. Brian's laps were all very close and fairly fast and he too was running untroubled but a roll-over put him down on time and he took the checkers 12 minutes out of the lead. Third in 1600 was old friend Brad Inch, who ran right up near the front all race long. Brad had some problems on the 11th lap, dropped 15 minutes and his chance at the win. Brad finished less than three minutes out of second and was less than 15 minutes away from the win. Fourth across the fmish line was B.J. Bates, he was just a tick off the pace each lap and crossed the finish line with a time of 5:53:06. Fifth 1600 to finish was Greg Blakeman. Greg }Va.5 right up there with the front runners until Lap 9 wen ma-jor problems occurred. That lap was BJ Bates tries to hold off Brad Fletcher, but to no avail, Fletcher took the 1600 win as well as the overall. Bates was fourth in 1600. The Sportsman Trophy went to the nice looking bug of Chris Underwood, he was the only finisher in the class. almost an hour and a half long and even with more problems on the 11th lap, Greg continued on and got his finish. Greg was the last of the Class 1600 finishers. Don Johnson was just a few seconds away from the lead for nine of the required 12 laps but nine was all he did before major problems put him out of the race. Curt Geer \Ya5 next and he too was turning good, fast consistent laps, at least for nine laps and then he too disappeared from the scoring charts. Wes Wisdom was an-other nine lap finisher, he too turned very fast and consistent laps, but only for nine laps, three short of the re-quired amount. Another non-finisher was Dave Girdner, he too was running fast and right at the top of the class but he only got in nine laps before retiring. Therewasonlyoneotherentryin 1600, Frank Wagner and his lap times also were fast but he only lasted for seven laps. Class l had five entries but the class was doomed to failure. It was made up of some Class 1 cars, Class 10 and Class 8. Richard Lesher turned some really fast laps, well on the way to first overall but he had some troubles on Lap 7, more troubles on Lap 9 and he never completed his 12th lap. Todd Jergensen also gave it the old college try but he too was running well through Lap 10 but that's the last time he was seen. Heath Mitchell ran his truck in Class 1, had some trouble on the sec-ond lap but only finished five laps this day. Sean Cummins ran the old Walter Prince Candy Cane car but it was only five laps that got completed, so scratch another car from the list. Tyler Stone found out the hard way it was not his day, he only got in one lap at 41 min-utes and he was never seen again. THE BEST IN THE DESERT! The Class 7S honors went to Stacey Fay, who recovered from a very long first lap to take the win. Class 9 had a good race but there was really no contest as Dennis Peter-son took off on Lap l and was never headed by another 9 car. Dennis slowed a bit from the seventh lap on, possibly a bit of fatigue setting in but he had the class won and he ran his required dozen laps in 6:20:52. Bob Page·so August 2002 Dusty Times

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It looked like Brad Inch was going to get another 1600 win but the BJ Proctor had a few problems throughout the race, mostly in the Todd Jergensen had a nice lead in the Class 1 fracas but he only got 10 laps in of the required 12, second in Class 1. tables tumed and a long 11th lap dropped him to third. shock absorber department, he was third in Class 9. MacDonald gave Dennis a good run Proctor was the last of the 12 lap finish. Mike Norris led the first lap in for his money but although his lap finishers in Class 9. Rodger Shank Class 9 and things were lookin' good times were quite quick, except for lap was running near the front for a while but a terribly long fifth lap put him 7 and he ended the day nine minutes but a lengthy fourth lap dropped him out of the possible win and after seven and change in arrears. B.J. Proctor down in the standings and he only laps he was no longer seen on the was the third Class 9 finisher, he too got 10 laps completed before he re-course. was right there in the running for the tired from the race. Jerry Burke only There were only three Sportsman win but troubles on the fifth lap and got eight laps under his tires, all in entries and here too, attrition took more troubles on the 11th lap rel- reasonably good time but eight was away most of the field. Chris Under-egated him to a third place finisher. all he did and that don't get you a wood got 10 laps under his belt in fairly . ~ .. ,,tt < ' ...... · ,.,•:::.. l..,._.,. ~~ __..'.; decent time and took the class win in the scoring charts. 6:47:58. Mike Halliday took the class There was only one Class 7S en-lead on the first lap, held that lead on try, and that was Stacy Fay. Stacy's thesecondlapandopenedthegapeven lap times were pretty quick, her further on the third lap, but, isn't there fourth lap being a bit long but after always a but, Mike only got in those six hours and five laps completed three laps before he disappeared from Stacy took the honors for the class. the battle. Don Heinemann didn't have M.O.R.E. races again on July 20 a good day either, he only got three in beautiful, downtown Barstow. laps in before he too disappeared from Be there! -Rodger Shank was testing his new car at the MORE Badlands but Sean Cummins now races the Walter Prince Candy Cane Car, Sean Jim Blankenship gave it his all but slow 2"' and 5"' laps put him down his good steady laps only added up to 1 O of the required 12 laps. only got 5 laps in before calling it quits for the day. in time and he finished 5"' in 1600. :ICIIVG~J'O&OGY 714.530.BTOI • FAX714.530.B702 1040!21RASK'AVE., UNIT A• GARDENGR<:>1,1£ CA 9:2843 IN'WtlV.Jcingshodcs.con, Dusty Times August 2002 2.5" --€'b!!5-I Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and prodvdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Pag~51

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GOOD -STUFF DIRECTORY ACECO,nc. Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions P.O. Box 117 Ely, NV 89301 (702) 28~708 • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 A1.SRACING WILOOMAR CA. Tc>yota IFS 1uapen1lon 1peclal11tl Lo11f1 tr.Ivel kits and ntc. trim paclcagea for 2wcl. & 4wd. Pick-Up, Tacoma, Tundra, 1·-100 and 4-Runner ~,w.ATSRAC!NG,com (909)471-2418 --;e~f!l~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BATrERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 ■ a1ax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 •ROAD PU•L c•11s . 44 Gal. lor $444.00 SCOR~ • COIi/i • 6"D 11D/I • l'IIOT/IIJCII SA-144 l'/1~/IUNN~/IS. ETC. ...AA-M-M -., atl lu11/ct1ll•.com ~ ~ B00-526-5330 aen,'9c@c • Off Road Trucks--Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 '5'1CI-PRDIF.PEIIFIIMIIICE Sliver Faced lFG's Liquid-Filled Gauges from Auld Mater are notorious for being the to~ghest on the market. Combine that with the fact Auto Meter also is known for it's reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. ~ • Y, Send $4.00 for a catalog to: Auto Meter Products, Inc. • Dept DUOO • 413 W. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL60178 • (815t895-8141 r 1M8 S. 1111 Strttl Flllnk. CA 92128 0111m-nn IJHJ n3-9931 IU ••tancetttl'-Cam www.h11Ct1Ct1ts.caa cell (7111515·1118 .... ,, .. ,1515-4111 BM§ Engineering Specializing in Off-Road/Sa"'ld csrs/Pre-n..Jniers Desert Racing D-vis H..nt Dave TerTISl.JS A,,909-477-214:2 Fax909-477-2102 0sss 9th Street Ra ICho 0x:amor ga ca, 91730 Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels 0hone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 '9-mail: BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Custom V~hicle Shif,er CACTUS ·RACING Raceair Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 5153 Bowden Ave. San Diego, CA 92117 - 858-279-2509 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#, (909)845-8820 products in stock · Race Proven Fabrication Bootee Fiberglass Dimple Dies Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tu.bes · Sway-bar Arms Pre-Runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks ACCOUNTING· INCOME TAX• CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. ,{ILLER & CANNON q ,RTJFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT ISS6 S. Second St, Suite E 621HjlS3-202S Covina, CA 91723 Fax 'i21HjlSS-2024 CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX306 HU_NTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (71.J) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINDSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM Offroad to Street, Prerunner to Race -Chula Design -Race Prep -All General Fabrication 71CMMI-S,07 174S9LilacSUE Hesperia CA 9234& canc,

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.,, See your local Fox dealer or call 831-768-11 oo Bart Grande OWNER 612 South Tremont St Oceanside, Ca 92054 N33. 11.313' W117" 22.465' Phone: 760.433.0086 Fax: 760.433.0089 : -:Bam~s-Btos. · ·---~--1 - -Rac~g Bng'1le_$ ---~-· -+: ·, . . :BaJ~Pro~ CuS-TO■.8.ulL"t T. Y~:81'-•c:a-' . -~ -·7·60-7 .... : ~ . -.. :. · ·-..... ~HMi-~·-·:;,:., . ·.' .;:,,_ .. .,.. • ..... ~---·. ' j. ·• l"lie~h~ irs st s. fl ... -----'-M ....... )D ~ >'ie,bnorm. Be Buff & Kevin 847-259-3810 FAX 847-259-9705 j) Owners/ Fabricators · OPPROAD MOTORSPORTS HELMET CONVERSIONS & REVISIONS. ,. .) ELIMINATE FOGGING AND DUSTI ' CO:: .......,. _, .J LARGE SELECTION OF HELMETS, BLOWERS, ,.__ ____ ~ p. 760.510.9586 • f. 760.510.9559 _ COOLERS, VESTS, & SELF-CONTAINED SYSTEMS. 120 N. Pacific' St.# J-1 • San Marcos, CA 91069 THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING THAT MONEY CAN BUY! www.handntmotorsports.c_om THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. . '" "" .... '""' ~ ,., "., .. ,. call (Bl!Ol 433-6524 ~ our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber MaRUtacturinA. Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR ~7701 USA ph($41) ~e.(:i41}383-0307 GERHARDT GEAR CO., INC. MANUFACTURERS OF PRECISION GEARS CNC GEAR CUTTING & BROACHING ISO 9002 AND as 9000 CERTIFIED ·MITCH GERHARDT Production Manager 3060. N. California Street Burbank, CA 91504-2004 FAX (818) 842-1458 Phone (818) ~42-6700 www GIANT OFF-ROAD F.A.8FlXCATIO"N -15 Yeo/3 Off-Rood , _ Racing Experience Aluminum Work · Shock Service & Modlfacatlons Design Carbon Fiber R & D Services Custom Flbergloss Fobrlcotlon Off-Rood Style Fenders 7522 Sloter Ave. #114 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 for. .. Trucks Buggies Truggles RaceCa/3 GLASSWOAKS Unlimited TIM GEAWATOSKY (714) 375-5992 Adrian or Fidel rl E;.\D Fl O ,,v J\J\;.\S~f ERS RACING CYLINDER HEADS & ENGINES 2466-F S. Sonto Fe Avenue • Vista, CA 92084 p~~:~ (760) 727 -1827 HONDA -\i§@j•j•f J: PERSONAL WATE~RAFT --BILL ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (323) 877-7272 FAX (818) 753-6005 (619) 561-7764 fax 561-4834 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 20 Years of Off Road Racing Experience 11@1111· p£tfOllllMC£ p We Service & Sell Jeff Howe Char Lynn Sweet 12476_Julian Ave. Pumps, G~ars & ' Lakeside, CA 92040 Power Rack & Pinion Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 FAX (714) 522-0123 Service Technician rllil!Jlld V. W. Serulce • Porsche • Audi • BMW• All VW • Toyota • Nissan • Honda • Street Strip and Sand Of/ Road • 6291 B Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 West of Beach Blvd. James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Corq,lete Race Vehicle Develop~nt Design, Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 23332 Cajalco Rd Perris, CA 9?.570 James M. Hall Owner-Driver 909-940-7 403 909-940-5884fax JG TRANSWERKS •Go with a Proven Winner" ~Y.YlliY,YiY. Quality Racing Transmissions JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Joll.11 #I Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO ~acutt)' p'UUU<d4, Mike Ju1sv .. (714) 632-1240 Fax (714) 632-1223 · 011 Road Race Cars : Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories . Race Preparation · :10965 Hartley Rd. : Suite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619 / 562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' · e.mail : KAL OFFROAD RACING WWW Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 8408 K El Camino Real. Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp .. www . ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. Fax 323-264-2136 LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 323-264-5868 Derail Kreger PH: 714.289.9048 FX: 714.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange. CA 92867

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POWER E STEERING THOMAS.£ LEE Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 11681 PENDLETON.&TREET· SUN ""LLEY, CA-913152 FAX(818)7118-2617 (818) 798-0371 A full line of Power Steering gears. pumps and 8CC89)1ies for any type of racil'iO, Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACEPREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 KENT LOTHRINGER (909) 596-5497 FAX LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service SUspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076 p~ !!ACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~HCHA..F.T. ~p~ · Seats • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 (818) 886-4446 (818) TT2-6470 fax 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 .otlroad .Road Courie .Drag Racing .ovalTIKk .Welding j. ~ .chusisand~ Suspension Specilllill YOUR, OFF-ROAD · Catch us o,n the Net! SPECIALISTS/ . PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441°1622· 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, C~ 92806, MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 #i/lJllfl.liRlllllli!l.t COIIPONEfffS FOil CHASSIS .FABRICATION -~'"-P'·~~·-~~-~ SlifterMoua * 01 & Watl!J&llle tlalders 399£.ttaaillon.lJnlO Corona, CA 92879-1313 {909)ZTM272 619-562-5533 Off-Road & Drag Racing Fabrication Specialists Chas1i1-Cage-Suspenslon-Tln work Part & Accessory Sain (805)522-4499 LanceFuller 2280 Shasta Way #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 .....,, • Moulton Racin Fabrication • Race Cars • Prerunners ■ SandCars Jim Moulton : -·-· 28355 INDUSTRY DR. 1412 Vllencla C. 91355 661-295-0253 MSD" • f.j :''' J ,., :'* ■l,W:f! t••t,.,•J!. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNITIONS • D1STR'BUTORS • WIRES • RE ... AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION ~490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 7SS3E [9151 857-5200 • TEr.H LINE [9151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msd1gnition com www OR'BA OFF-ROAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, Inc. P.O. Box 1339 Lakeside, CA 92040 Ph: (559) 322-1242 Fx: (559) 322-9017 Kim Kammer District Manager TUBE BENDERS ¼'' TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-7Z5-2B76 Soecialists in on-board air svstems ... 11 c1imprt1htmsivt1 lint1 of 11ir comprt1ssors, Power1anks, 11ir supply components ... personalizt1d, technical expertise to assist you in St116cting the nght systt1m for your application. MT ~ fW GnlOAlt The world's most powemd de c1111p1essor... FASl!ST 1111£ IIIRAllCll ~~ the Trailbeed"' ExclusiYely fa1 AIR lOlTRS! from Oasis! Inflates I huge 35x12 tit• ia abOII 1 mi1Ult. Even ruas air lotls witboUI a tart! MuiaumOIJTl'UT 125/175• PSI. 14/25• CFM0peratni11.III 24'1DCr,,.,.•11rD11 22971 Triton Way, IF, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 • Alltomatic Tire Dtflalm ... Screw-in .. !OWE; pressure llilile yoo drive I« nwimun traction. • Tire lnlator/Delllor accurate gauge, 3' hose with locl:-m clu:k 10-llpsi, o-&lpsi. 0-lOOpsi m,ies) Toll Free 888-966-2747 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Depl Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 ~ HAROLD NICKS ,~~(Q)V§©tfl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MUON, MOTOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11'1.'TERCOM Sllll. ONLY S 12'5. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-4~7-8177 l R()()-869-5636 W ■ A R TEL (949)650-3035 ► FRI! (949)650-4721 ,,_

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.--(,~, . -1 .-Fralcv s P<"rf orniancc Engineering * All Types ol Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Beadinc * Ahaain-C, Steel W.ldinc • Custom Machin• Work • All Types ol Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda f4 Laa Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 Pre1isio11A Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fax: 360.887.7279 Pro Dirt® Fabrication & offroad development Owned & operated by Jerry Bistline 760-272-7938 A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: Email: Tel: 619-39CM252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Cow1 El Cajon, CA 92021 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOft RACECARS,TRUCKS, PRERUNNERS BUGGIES, STJIIEET RODS, Cll'IAG CARS QUALITY RACE CAR wm.ING SERVING ALL OF L.A., ORANGE & SAN DIEGO COUNTIES JOE DAVITIAN F;'GR. 323/340-0277 PROFESSIONAL RACE CAR DESIGN & FABRICATION WINNING OFF ROAD RACES SINCE 1978 INCLUDING FACTORY WORKS SCORE CHAMPION TROPHY TRUCK RT 3, BOX 1970 903/~1599 RU5k, TX FAX 903/683-8829 OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS -GIVE US A CALL Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • SafeJy • Driveline • Accessories Mike Cohen (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM ~ Pbotnix,Arizona !-~-·· .lilMJ ~ -Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affonlably -Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 • PEIFOJrMINCE-TJrlNSIIL ES Southern CalHomla's largest Distributor of Mendeola Transutes PH: 114.680.6131 • FX: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 RANCHO TRANSMISSION Building automatic transmissions for winners Jefferies Racing McMillin Racing TRD From our long list of clients, just to name a few With our own CNC machine shop, we specialize in Circle Track, Southwest Tour Racing, Off-Road Racing and Automatic Transmission Sand Buggies .27598 Commerce Center Dr. (909)676-6569 Temecula, CA 92590 : C TRANS ~ Will get JOI ii gear swi1g.axle, •1s, •ewla1d, MD4S 3455 S. POlARIS #5 lAS IRAS, NEVADA 89102 .IIIN 0.0. 11111ml (702) 221-4383 (702) 117-8724 RACING· TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST MAIN ST. · EL CAJON, CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE (619) 443·2480 Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 ·Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOTu HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHAUMP (~RYSTAL) NV.89048 _(775) 372-5335 Qua\it~ Used 'Parts I 0-l0 South Main St~eet. Fall brook, CA 92028 .t A',. 760-nJ-2117 L-M . .\IL hajara,~ "tlh ,nm PIIONI 700-723-2117 C.ALL U~ flP-~T! '-·------------------.~RACING '.wGASOLINE 1?llNrl'llJ'■W■•, Western US and Mexico otfoi,J f ~ ,t -,,l!;}Jfa:~ ~0 Fairplax · Pomona Oclober5 &6 CL BRYANT, INC. 800-399-4176 !!!!!!!ff/ fll!J SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PRflCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (:l?..3) 583-2404 E•\X (323) 5~3-31>()5 SANDBLAST-GLASS 1lEAD-MAGNETIC PARTWLE FLOURESCENT INSPr.CTlON Mad~ Smith Larry Smit1,

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fiffll/d?Jlfil TIM CECIL 849Lambert (714) 447-3581 • Brea, CA 92821 Fax (714) 672-9246 ,. JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • WlllOOW LETTERll,G • CAR LETTERING.• GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle·• Huntingto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax (7141 694-9567 NISSAN OFFROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BOOY FIBERGLASS »ANO MORE SPENCER 1.0W RACING .com I Specializing in: 7 FRONTIER PATHFINDER ><TERRA HARDBODY Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 .__ __________ 6350 Riverside Dr. Parker, AZ 85344 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies · Pre-Runners 1619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 Straight E M+ ,n a nt. ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano. CA 93544 · 661-261-3202 - . rsTRICTLY PERFORMANCE Call Far All·CJF Your Dn And Dff Raad Need5I SUNDRY METAL SPINNING Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0nS METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • $TEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS 6831 Suva Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALDS OWNER RACE FUELS (209) 847-2281 (BOO) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 5,;4 N. Sierra /!we. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 9rt@swn,.ise9, 3875 ~le9eaph 'Road, A -144 Ve"""'°' CA 93003 Pho.,e, 805,642,8541 Fax, 805,642,7873 Design Fabrication lnstailatlon Darren Ebberts (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 • 1 '21 5 POMONA ROAD -5UITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 .... a:MPUTERIZEO VINYL G,V..PHJC5 & LETTE~ING Ml 1,1 I I A LO-COST 1"1.DGSIGNS(AII. Pli!OCES5E5) . JUll. ~ ~~LE5,fi1,.f'~~5 ,._, fl!ACING Gfl!APHICS ,,.. H~~LJTY 8A.NN~5 ~~~~~~1gLES ,,.. LOGO ~EPfi!OOUCTONS ,._, ~E,,11.L E5r.ATE A LOGO & GRAPHIC DESIGN ,,._, DECALS For The Price Of A Phone Call And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 r ~ SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED . ... -OFF ROAD RACING SPEOAUSTS IVEI..D/l',G • FABFICA TUI/ • O>C PlASMA Q.fTT1f\G • ffUI/TEMJS • FEAR TRAU\GARMS RAt:Eo-lASSIS • PFERUVI\ERS • FQXRAClf\K,SH:JX • SAN[JBl£GES LARRY ROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM, CA 92807 PHONE{714J6304482 FAX {714/6304548 Specializing in Performance Torque Converters (Built for your exact application and needs.) HP Transmission Parts & More • Transmission Kits • Custom Length Axles • Friction/Steel Plates • TCS Designed Hubs • Input Shafts • 090 Differentials TLR Peifonna:nce Fabrication TlDl Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 FLEX - RACING MANIFOLDS The original air cooled - Plenum Manifold · Type 1 or Type 4 • Aluminum Plenum/ Steel Runners • Tig Weided with Billet Top • Computer Dyno & Vacuum Tested EXCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES! Recomme■ded by: Double D Racing BonnerHawk Perf. Ww Racing Eng. Flippin Racing Fleet Fuel Racing Leiner Racing DecoMotorsports Kartd< Oflroed Call For More lafo: TOOLRACING Claris Tool 909-899-5769 •. /.S. .... , . * Off ~Road and !5olt-On to Street Fiberglass for:· "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucb * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St., Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at oor web site: http:/www 1MNSAx'i.E ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 0 C CJ -i C ~ (/) o--n m ffi )> (') (/) X )> C/l woow ~o~ .s.s.s -.J .I>, -.J (X) w (X) I\) u, I\) WON -.J.,,,, .I>, -.J ~ ~ I\) 0) w I\) ~ ~ ~ .I>, iii u, ::, (/) C') 0 51) C (') S-e?. z :::;: 0 0 ~ 3 3 - · Q) Q) ::, <O a. ~ ro· ~~ ~ 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEA TLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 UNLIMITED MOTORSPORTS :omplete Off-Road Fabrication SHAWN GIORDANO 375 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. San Marcos, CA 92069 Tll: 760.744.2505 U.S.WMEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH • REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 Carlos Qrozco 619.596.8033

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-, BFaUCE HENDEL. Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Co~f P,.0. Box 1,'.319 ·342gj'f...1onte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909} 67 4-9167 Fax: (909} 674-7367 Pager: (909} 694-7392 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER _ OFTHEYEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To complete Engines 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Laa Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 ,j)~~fll Front & Rear Trailing'Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 Jack Woods 602-242-0077 Fax 602-242-7283 Race Cars RIIC/1111 .... Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota -Honda Baja Bugs 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 91-4-81-47 C '-:>.Co) ~Stl.ACe i\\e BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P.O. Box845 Yarnell, AZ 85362 1-928-427-3551 Motorcycles * KTM Dealer for over 20 years * Stock parts * Supports top riders suspension * Accessories Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle . · Tires/knowledge · Open • 12pm--6pm M-F Various 1111' ... Saturdays 1815 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE R IVE Rs I DE ( A 9 2 5 0·7 US A 909.369.5144 • 909.369. 7266 FAX WWW. WEBCAMSHAFTS.COM .,-■•0111114■ 714-449-1271 t 714-449-137 4 Fax SPORT II OTO RC Y CLE S Classified ... NOTICb. Some of the items adver-tised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Read-ers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for informa-tion before purchase of any specific item. FORSALE: 1993ATSTR5mWheel 40' Race Trailer. 3 axel, 5 KW gen-erator, 110V and 12V lights, cabi-nets, awning. $8,500.00. Call Tom @ (562) 618-4826. FOR SALE: 2000 Ford Ranger Stock Mini, B.l.T.D. Ford Contingency money winner. All the best equip-ment. Ready to Race with numerous spares. Call David (775) 359-4811. $19,995.00. FOR SALE: Ford Ranger PreRunner 4x4, 4.0 liter V6 au-tomatic standard cab long bed. Fiberglass front, 30 gallon tank, Fox shocks Beard seats. Great project. Runs good. $3,500.00 (949) 645-3223. FOR SALE: Raceco Class 1, 2 seater, Ford SVO V-8,. Rancho Updated Fields Auto Mike Smith Bypass, Many extras, Just prepped and ready to race. Ex-Riviera Car. $28,500.00 OBO (619) 469-0400. FOR SALE: 1995 Competi-tive 40' 5th Wheel trailer, liv-ing quarters, microwave, re-frigerator, shower, toilet, king size bed, 7k generator, air compressor, lined & insu-lated, lots of cabinets, work-bench, 110V & 12V lights. 75" interior height. White Xlnt. $20,000.00 Call Tom @ (562) 618-4826. FOR SALE: Chenowth Millenium. Fresh Terry Smith NASCAR V6 550hp, Fresh Jeff Field Auto, Fod-drill, CNC, Howe, Fox Coil & By-pass, Motec Digital Dash, MSD, PIAA, Hella Hid, Halogen Fire Sys-tem, PCI Set-up, Parker, Master-craft, Crower Belts, 30 gal cell w/ quick fill, BF Projects, Ultra Wheels, New Paint job, Lots of spare equip-ment inc/2 sets of front arms, spindles, wings, axles, etc, etc. Too much to list, prep by Foddrill Fab, & Fox Motorsports, Very fast & reliable. Top finisher. $84,000.00. Call Danny Foddrill (623) 582-2499. FOR SALE Toyota Tacoma short course, Stadium, touih truck, 2 motors, Jerico tranny, 3" Kusters, Fox bumps, 2 gold star clutches, Ford 9" 12 extra tires. All the good stuff, over $30,000 invested. Wife is sacrificing for $10,800.00 (262) 335-0300 or (414) 870-7586. Larry. FOR SALE: 92 Ford Bronco PreRunner, 9" FORD full floater rearend, 4 link, Kings, 4 wheels disc brakes, Custom front beams with Kings, fully caged, custom interior with 3 or 4 seats, Fuel injected 351, 4 W.D., glass front end, white exterior, grey interior, 60k orig. mis, $44,000.00 or trade. (562) 618-4831. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in · DIBlil : : DUSTY TIMES. ===lil■BG : • • • • • • Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE . REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RE-CEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ____ _ (Send check or money order, no cash) Name _________________________________ _ Address _________________ _ Phone ___________ _ City __________________ _ State ____ Zip _________ _ Please run ad ___ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 • Classified Ad • Deadlines for 2002-3 • • ISSUE DEADLINE • • September Aug 9, 2002 • • October Sep 6, 2002 • • • November Oct 4, 2002 • • December N011 8, 2002 • • January Dec 6, 2002 • • • February JanlO, 2003 • • March Feb 7, 2003 • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 58 August 2002 Dusty Times • •

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l FOR SALE: Rivera Racing Class One Car. Nye Frank Suspension, Fresh 5.3 Liter Patton Chevy V-6 (450hp), Jeff Fields 3 speed Auto Transaxle, Best of everything. Winner of the 2002 Laugh-lin Desert Challenge and Laughlin Leap. $75,000.00. Call Jerry Whelchel for De-tails (949 4 72-2024. FOR SALE: Single Seat 1600, Mirage chassis. Just right for "Pro 1600" Ray Riffle Engine, (second engine not assembled). Dave Folts Trans. All Jamar, Flame-out, 2-PCI Radios, Lightened 930 C.V.s, 5 dump-cans, 3-Pit Chase Boxes, 10 whls & tires. Sway-A-Ways, Fox Shocks, plus much, much more. Carson open trailer, Race tool box. Some shop equipment: bench & 20 ton press. Owned and driven by old retired dirt racer Ray Wright. Call anytime (909) 766-9628. This car is turn ke . --------..-FOR SALE: Class 3 Isuzu Amigo. Centerline Rims, BFG tires, PCI Radio w/intercom. 4 wheel drive. Great for PreRun Fun. 2.6 4 cyl. All tube chassis. Over 80k in-vested. Also have trailer. Asking $9,000.00 OBO (714) 412-5983. I, FOR SALE: Ford Bronco Chase/PreRunner, 3 Seater. Built by McNneil Racing. (6) 35" Bajas, Fresh 302 EFL 4.56 Gears, Art Carr, Etc. Call for Further details. Truck is ready for BAJA!!! Asking $11,000.00 OBO. (619) 286-1606. FOR SALE: Jimco Class I FAT Toyota V6-Fields Auto Trans 3" Ryerson shocks Front & Rear. Best ride in the desert. ALSO 2 seat-Raceco Prerunner. Type 4 5-Speed-real nice car. Call days (760) 344-0535 nite (760) 344-1328. Class 1-$38,000.00, PreRunner $18 000.00. FOR SALE: Class 12 Race Car-Foddrill fabrication chassis, new FAT engine, Hewland DG-300 trans w/DGN gears by Fortin, new shocks, Summers Bros hubs front/rear, new paint on frame, new aluminum body work, 90% complete, selling for price of new eng, trans, shocks, etc. $18,000.00 obo (760) 535-1984. FOR SALE: Open Sportsman/ Play Buggy, 2 seat: balanced 1775 cc: Transform '78 bus trans, close 3'd/ 4'\ fiberglass body; Porsche spindles & Steering, Mastercraft, Deist, 16 gallon fuel cell; King Kong adjuster, more. Strong, quick, extra motors, trans, parts. Trailer included $6,500.00 OBO. (915) 751-7057. FOR SALE: 2002 Porter Truggy. 500 + H.P. Fuel Injected Chevy V6. Turbo 400 Trans. Casale V-Drive, CNC brakes, Cone Hubs, Howe Rack, 60 gal Fuel Cell w/ dry break. Built exactly like Da-rnen Jefferies winning Trophy Truck. Call Porter Racer Cars @ (909) 687-5118. Short Course Trucks-2 MTEG and 1 CORR Pro 2-Qty 2 Dodge Da-kota MTEG Ex-Walker trucks to-tally pro built and maintained tons of extras. $32,500.00 each OBO. Qty 1 Pro 2 1998 Chevy Chrissman, Momo, Simpson, Goodyear, Mo tee, 660 HP eng Walker Evans built. Ref# 851,852, 853 Ba·a Brokers (760) 723-2117. ---------PLEASE! PON'f FOR8-Ef ro SUPPORf fffE APVERflSERS WHO KEEP DUSliJlil■GG REPORflN8-fffE OFF ROAP NEWS! Dusty Times FOR SALE: Class 10 Raceco 2 Seater 128" W/B New Saco 2 li-ter motor w/dry Sump. King Coilovers, Bypasses, Bump Stops on Rear. Race Runners 2.5 Coilovers on front 4" over w·ood front arm, 12" over Beam, 3x6 Saco Rear Arms, Howe-Charlyn power Steering, PCI Radio & In-tercom, Centerline Beadlockers, BFG 33,Cool Suit System, OPS System, All parts on car are new $26,000.00 (562) 714-9013. FORSALE: Raceco 1-1600, 107" W /B, New Saco 1600 Motor, T-W Trans, Sway-A-Way tortions & Axles, 930 c.v.'s, Bilstein Shocks, Parker Pumper, Jazz Fuel Cell, Cen-terline Wheels, Glen Helen 1600 Champ Car. 3 years. $6,500.00 (562) 714-9013. FOR SALE: V-6 4.3 Chevy 4000 HP SRP Billet pistons roller cam & lifters, ARP Bots, custom pan, Holley Edelbrock, Kep VW ADPT & Flywheel 9" Clutch & Plate, 100 AMP Alt, Custom Headers System, MSD Ignition. Race Read Test Time Only 013. DODGE PRE-RUNNER FOR SALE: Are you ready to run with the big dogs? You'll need this ex-Roger Mears Dodge. Profession-a 11 y built by legendary Russ Wernimont. Fresh 528 cu in. en-gine. 600 hp. New trans. Many all new parts on $30,000.00 resto-ration. Dual NC. Dual radios. 3-seater. All for just $45,000.00 OBO. Call Todd at (949) 635-2292. HISTORY FOR SALE: A rare opportunity to own a real 1971 Bill Stroppe "Baja Bronco." Frame-up restoration with $30,000.00 in receipts. Imron paint and powder coated frame. New crate motor. Frnt disks. Auto P/Steering. A fun and beau-tiful classic. Sure to increase in value. $26,000.00 OBO Call Todd (949) 635-2292. August 2002 FOR SALE: 2001 Geiser Bros./ JIMCO Class 10 single seat. Best of everything. King shocks, Fat Toyota 221 Celica, Moree, Fuel injection, Fortin 5 spd Fortin rack Geiser Bros Sway bar, must see. Includes spares. $75,000.00 623 581-5932. FOR SALE: Herders Class 1 Truggy or Trophy Truck. Geiser Bros. built, Chev motor. 700hp. Chrisman rear end, King Shocks, CNC all the goodies! Definitely one of the fastest out there. Call John (520) 429-7223 / (520) 690-9765. FOR SALE: Single Seat Chen-owth Class 12 Fat Motor, 002 Trans with FTC gears, Fox Coilovers on all 4. Sway-A-Way Shocks. This car is very fast and full of the best stuff. See the com-plete list and more pies at http:/ www.z-yaracing/the car (480) 540-0793. Onlv $15,500.00. Incredible Dea! 99 F-150 Stock Full-King Shocks. Ex-Andataco Syko truck, Currie, Autometer, BF Goodrich, Master Craft, Huge Ford contingency available. Also, a monster spare parts pack-age and trailer available. 45K OBO. Call on Ref # 848 Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. ii"'S;======, FOR SALE: Pro-Lite Ford Ranger, Esslinger tall block, dry sump, King, Beard, Cone Axles, Willwood, CNC Power Cylinder, New Fiberglass. $25,000.00 Call Joe (928) 667-2194. FOR SALE: 125" Raceco Class 1, 2 seat, 3L SCAT, Fortin 5 speed, 935 CV's, Summers Bros., Beard Seats, Hella Lights, Bilstein shocks, Race safe extinguisher, 5 radios, 3 pit boxes, 4 sets tires & rims, 110 gals race gas. Every-thing thing is new. 0 miles since complete rebuild. ALSO 30' 3 axle fully enclosed trailer w/6.5 ONAN generator. $29,000.00 for car. $6,000.00 for trailer. (209) 785-4143. Cl 7s S-10 4WD. Ex-Mac truck. Hella lights, National Springs, tig welded 4130 cage, Dana 44, Fuel Safe cell, Auto Meter gauges, Master Craft, Tilton peddles, built 2.8 V-6 BF Goodrich and American Racing. Proven winner. Professionally built in 1986. Clean, strong and dependable! Ref# 843 Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. fv116C. . • ee to in t e ast an easy way to pre-run this year's SCORE Baja 1000? Wide Open Baja makes it easy to do. No hassle. No prep. No work. Just pure Baja fun. See our ad in this month's Dusty Times or call us at (949) 635-2292 for more in-formation. WANTb..D Wanted Information and Owner of a 4 Seat Raceco that was bought in San Juan Capistrano earlier this year. Used in Mexico for Off Road Tours. (714) 963-5200. Leave messa e. Aggressive Suspensions ...................... 46 Austecx Racing .................................... 35 Baker Performance .............................. 45 Best In The Desert ................................. 9 Bi•National Emergency ......................... 32 Bilstein ................................................ 15 Camburg Engineering ........................... 43 Coast Resorts ....................................... 0 CODE ................................................... 21 Fabtech ................................................ 40 FRT Motorsports .................................. 29 Fuel Safe ................................................ 7 Genuine Steel ...................................... 35 German Auto ........................................ 28 Kar T ek Off Road ........................... 25, 34 Kawaguchi Honda ................................ 24 KC Hilites .............................................. 4 King Shock Tech .................................. 51 Light Force Engineering ....................... 31 Mastercraft .......................................... 33 McKenzie Performance Products ......... 14 Mendeola Racing .................................. 38 Nevada Off Road Buggy······················-37 Paradigm Race Cars .............................. 27 Parker Pumper ..................................... 3 3 Parker Pumper/Competition Air ·········-23 Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ............ 47 PCI Race Radios ...................................... 2 Pike's Family Restaurants ................... 50 Race Prep Services ............................... 42 Race Ready Products ............................ 2 6 Rancho Performance ............................ 36 Redline Performance, Inc ..................... 48 Ronco Plastics ..................................... 16 Skyjacker Suspensions ........................ 12 SNORE .................................................. 1i Solder Joint Racing Communications .. 34 Strictly Performance ............................ 39 Sway-A-Way ........................................... 5 Toyota Motorsports ................. Back Cover Transaxle Engineering, Inc .................. 13 Tri-Mil .................................................. 41 Valley Performance .............................. 44 VORRA ........................................... 18, 49 Wide Open Baja .................................... 19 Page 59

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