Volume 19 • Number 2 • February 2002 $2.50 ISSN8750·1732 covering the world of ·competition in the dirt •••.
RACE RADIOS & SAFETY EQUIPMENT R STER ROAD MASTER TRACKMASTER INTERCOMS . HEADSETS ... ~~~~"OFF ROAD'S TOUGHEST RADIO" SATc::::;:;;.:;NES Ct..~ • AT A PATRIOTIC PRICE SCANNERS ~ MOTOROLA FACTORY REFURBISHED SATELLITE PHONES $$49.00 OR 3 FOR $499.00 each PCI 4 LINK INTERCOM • 4 Position Intercom • Adjustable Squelch Control for Voice Activation • Adapts to almost all 2-Way Radios Including Motorola Family Radios • Audio Input for Music -CD or MP3 Players • Audio Output for Recorder or In-Car Camera • Will Work with PCI Noise Canceling Headsets or Custom Wire Helmet Kits • Double Shielded Audio Cables for Crystal Clear Communications • Quick Disconnect Cables for Ease of Cable Routing • Perfect for Sand/Fun Buggies, Pre-Runners, or Boats Lowrance GlobalMap 3000 GPS Mapping Unit with Larger Screen and More Memory Capability This Unit is Awesome! SHOE/ RACEAIR 2000 Light Weight, Comfortable, Quick Release Shield Snell 2000 Rated $349.00 Wired with Nomex Skirt $459.00 VERTEX KENWOOD MAXON RACEAIR HELMETS SHOEI BELL SIMPSON BLACK BOX IN CAR DIGITAL CAMERA RACEAIR PUMPER MOTORS RACESAFE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOWRANCE GPS PYROTECT DRIVING SUITS GLOVES DRIVING SHOES NECK COLLARS KIDNEY BELTS CROW SEAT BELTS MECHANIX WEAR GLOVES MPACT MPACTII APRONS SHOES KNEEPADS DIRTBAGS GEAR BAGS 2 NEW RACEAIR STYLE HELMETS AVAILABLE OFF ROAD VIDEOS TOW STRAPS RA TCBET STRAPS NO FEAR APPAREL PCI RACE RADIOS 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 800-869-5636 562-427-8177 FAX 562-426-3589 M/C VISA AMEX
Volume 19 -Number 2 February 2002 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin. Associate Editor Judy Smith Ed{torial Assistant Bekki Wikel· Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Mike Jenkins Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUS1YTIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp., 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication · may.be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing qffices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 9131L CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... In This Issue ... FEATURES Best In The Desert Las Vegas 200 by Judy Smith ...................................... 8 45th tour de Corse by Martin Holmes ........................................... · ............ 16 SCORE Baja 1000 Motorcycles by Tony Tellier ....................................... 18 CODE Santa Maria 200 by Byrle Moore ................................................... 22 ·Xtreme International Baja In Havasu by Sheryl Cannon ........ : ............. 26 Operation Clean Desert II by Sheryl Cannon ......................................... 31 Best In The Desert Las Vegas 200 Motoprcycles by Mark Kariya .......... 34 VORRA Short Course Round 3 b.y John Calvin ..................................... 38 Treeline Rally by John Dillon .......................................................... , .......... 42 Whiplash Parker Gran Prix by Mike del Col ............................................ 45 Malibu Dan's Baja Bash by Sheryl Cannon .............................................. 50 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .................. : ................ : ................................................................. 5 Trail Notes ............................. ......................................................................... 6 CRS (California Rally Series) by The Director ....... : ............................... 48 Mag 7 Race Team by Stephen Steinberg ................................ L ..................... 49 Good Stuff Directory .................................................... .............. ............... 51 Classified Ads ............................................................................................... 57 Index To Advertisers ................................................................................... 59 on The Cover Making it look kind of easy, BJ Richardson drove John Gaughan's Bunderson to the overall win at the BITD Las Vegas 200, covering the 213 mile course in four and a quarter hours. · P_hotography by TrJlckside Photo Darnen Jefferies drove his good looking and very wide Ford to the Trick Truck win at the BITD Las Vegas 200, taking the class lead on lap 2 and finishing in the second overall position. Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com Photography by Trackside Photo c:Subscr.ibe <Joda_y 10 DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name Address ---------------------City ----------------------St ate ___________ Zip _____ _ It was 1983, it was the SCORE Barstow Classic Primary Interest and with their second consecutive points championship on the line, Jim Somners and Cars □ Trucks □ Motorcycles D Doug Renfro went on the take the win. Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woe_s on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 • TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. Canadian - l year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription· rates upon request Dusty Times February 2002 Page 3
,--------------------------------------------------------------------1 . I ' WhErE arE YOU racing in i!OOi!? 1 · Championship Off Road Racing is inviting all off road racers to a FREE seminar February 16th, 2002 at the Holiday Inn, Ontario (California) Airport, 3400 Shelby St., starting at 9:00 AM . . In attendance to explain the CORR program and answer your questions will be: MARTY REID -CORR President JAMIE DEVNEY -CORR Marketing Director DOUG KINCAID -CORR Competition & Tech Director JIM CONNER -CORR Contingency Director Plus! CORR Drivers CURT LEDUC (PR0-4) SCOTT DOUGLAS (PR0-4) CARL RENEZEDER (PR0-2) RICK HUSEMAN (PRO-LITE) Topics To Be Discussed TELEVISION -CORR has signed a new 5 year deal with Speedvision · SPONSORSHIP -Opportunities for you and your sponsor COSTS -What will it cost to race the CORR Series PURSE -What can you expect to earn in wfnnings and contingency RACE SHOP ASSISTANCE -A list of teams in the midwest with s.pace and/ or race prep available _ SPACE IS LIMITED FOR THIS FREE SEMINAR AND RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED! Call (317) 272·2827 to reserve your ticket to the future of Off Road Racing! Seminar! .. t . _. I I I I I . . I ~-----------------__ . --------------_______________________________ J
2002 Happenings ... Pro & Club Rally1 Palmdale, CA August 24, 2002 Gorman Ridge Club Rally Frazier Park, CA September 28, 2002 Treeline Club Rally West Covina, CA November 1-2, 2002 Prescott Forest Don Engleman (Bikes) · (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards USA Jan Wright (011 52 61746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP,INC. 3650 South Pointe Circle, Suite 205 Laughlin, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/Fax: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series Bill Markum - President (909) 860-1857 24 hr Hotline - (714) 562-7742 E Mail: bmark909@aol.com www.atatrails.com February 3, 2002 TBA/Plonkers February 24, 2002 Reed Valley/ ATA March 17, 2002 TBA/VOTE May 19, 2002 McCain Valley/SDTR ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISA,fO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose del Caho Baja California del Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensl~nd, 4500, Australia DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND D.RAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 Lakeside, CA 92040 All Race.1 Are Night Races All Races At Barona Racewa1; Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 Valley View Ave. Norco, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 34 7 5 Boulder l-lighway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 E-Mail: bitd@worldnet.att.net February 8-10, 2002 Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles Laughlin, NV February 2·3-24, 2002 Adelanto Grand Prix Adelanto, CA April 5-7, 2002 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV April 19-21, 2002 Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles only Invitation Only May 3-5, 2001 , KTM Vegas 150 Motorcycles & Quads only June 19-23, 2002 Nevada 1000 August 9-11, 2002 Tonopah300 Tonopah, NV October 4-6, 2002 Baja Mex 300 World Championship Baja California, Mexico December 6-8, 2002 Las Vegas 200 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 North Sunset, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651/(801) 773-9319 Fax May 3-4, 2002 Wendover Express Wendover, UT July 5-6, 2002 Jackpot 250 Jackpot, NV September 6-7, 2002 Ely 200 Ely,NV Dusty Times BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Club AutomovilistaJuarense de Championship Off-Road Racing 7210 Gateway East El Paso, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 Ralph Garcia 011-52-16-17-45-42 Cesar Fuentes CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Sue Robinson - Director 845 Schoohouse Road Ramona, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 E-Mail: crsdirecc@hotrnail.com Website <californiarallvseries.com> John Dillon, SoPac Rally Steward sopacrallvsteward@hotrnail.com May 3-4, 2002 Rim Of The World Pro & Club Rally Prescott, AZ. December 13-15, 2002 Ramada Express International Rally Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Councy Fair Grounds. Cadiz. Ofl CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN Calle 6ta Fracc Cd. de San Quintin San Quintin, BC, Mexico Heraclio Patino (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico Byp CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE Bravo 120-B Zona Centro, Mexicali, BC, MX 011-52-553-4087 www.codeoffroad.com mail@codeoffroad.com February 1-3, 2002 VW Autopartes 250 Laguna Salada Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico April 26-28, 2002 San Felipe 200 San Felipe,.Baja California Mexico June 22-24, 2002 KC HiLites Night Race Laguna Salada rJfr by SWAY-A-WAY® DJUSTABILITY TO OBTAIN. OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE DING C~USED:ev .HJ:AT AND CAVITA TUNINq SUSPENSION -,, ·R~CE PROVEN QUAL~ AND '~~REOR_MAN~E • ' ·2.5'" AND 3" DIAMETER fWAILABLE _.' ct \,"'-: ·,.,_· :I,. •• ~-,., Distributors -1 Camburg Engineering Off-Road Warehouse Race Ready Products Donahoe Racing 714-848-8880 858-565-TT92 619-691-9171 7f4-632t,3033 away■way.cam to learn more or call Baja Concepts McKenzie's Prowlers Kartek Raceshock Co. 760-723-2117 714-441-1212 661-288-5757 909-62'.l!-0833 602-493-3700 [B1 BJ 7DD-B71 e Sway-A-Way, Inc. Chatsworth, CA February 2002 . Pages
Trail Notes ... BEST IN THE DESERT 200 l POINTS - BITD concluded their season at the Las Vegas 200 (See full race report on Page 8) and we have here . the season end points winners, by class. In Class 1000, Kevin Moore accumulated 602 points for an easy .win, 1100 - Bill Minteer took the win, 1200 -Jason Cobb won over Rob Reinertson by 13 points, 1400 -Darnen Jefferies was the winner, 1500 - Mark Weyhrich bested Troy Herbst, 2000 -Eric Williams won by a mile, 3000-Spencer Beal was uncontested, 3100 - Mark Winocur beat out Mike Falkosky, 4100 -Marc St~in aced out John Sunderland, 5000-Michael James took the win, 7100 -Miguel Alvarado won over Malcolm Vinje and Tim Braden (tied for second) 7200 -Craig Turner had 43 points on Rick Taylor, 7 300 -Rob MacCachren won over Steve Williams, 8000 - Kyle Taylor bested Dave Westham and in Class 8100 -Greg Foutz and Jeremy Spirkoff shared top honors with a 1st, a 2nd and a 3,d each. In the Motorcycle divis{ons, it went this way. 125 -Larry Roeseler beat out Brendan Lutes, 250 -Danny Cooper won over Bryan Folks, 4STK -Philip Zeigler, 0-30 -Darryl Folks bested Datrol Brown, 0-40 - Ross Williams amassed 900 points with 4 wins, Open -Jonah Street beat Johnny Campbell by 18 points, 0-35 -Rlmdy Reames beat Glenn Taylor by l point, 0-40 -Bill Pallotto, 0-48 -Howard Larson, and in Open -Cody Gremel took the win. In Sportsman Motorcycle 125 -Justin Wray took the win, 250 -Eric Caudillo won by a mile, 4STK -Curtis Moon won the class and the much coveted Ironmari season points win went to Jet Peery, who beat out Mike Kaplan by quite a few points. In the Quad divisions, Mike Johnson took the Pro title and Allen White was the Quad Sportsman winner. DEBBIE SAYS FAREWELL -This is what Debbie really wanted to say at the SCORE awards: "I was incredibly honored to be named 'Person Of The Year' at the recent SCORE banquet in Las Vegas. Thank you doesn't begin to cover all my feelings of gratitude and pride that an award of this caliber means to me. Also, to the very· sly duo of Frank DeAngelo and Jeff Cummings plus the rest of the unnamed individuals who are sending ~e on a trip to a Montana Dude Ranch, 'WOW', I am still in shock about that surprise! As I bid a final farewell, I want everyone to know how much it has meant to me to have known and worked with the greatest people in the whole world. Thank you all for being a wonderful, special part of my life and for the fairy tale ending to my career with BFGoodrich. I will rniss you very, very much." 2 00 l z r P~OMOTIONS CLASS CHAMPIONS -The zr overall points champion was Titp Alvarez. In motorcycles, Tomas Lara took Open Expert, Oscar Gutierrez won th·e Open .Class, Andres Pereda took 125 Novice and Roberto Villalobos was the 80cc champion. In the Quads, Tito was the Open Pro winner, Gilberto Perez took the Open Novice crown and in the Mini-Quads, Levi Rangel took the C-A honors and Gerado Sepulveda took the C-B win. In the Mini Bikes it was Lucas Rangel taking the_ 50cc win, the 60cc title went to Eric Vela and the +65cc honors went to Enrique Pineda. Dusty Times salutes all the champions on a great year. MELANTO GRAND PRIX -The 22nd annual Adelanto race is scheduled r Febmary 23-24 in Adelanto, California;administered by the Desert Vipers C and the Best In The Desert Racing Association. Motorcycles and Quads are invited and this sho.uld be the largest entry on any race in the US. Saturdays race offers a p~1rse of $10,000! If you are interested in entering and need an entry forni. or just want to be a spectator, call the Desert Vipers at 714-779-5313 or cont.act them at www.desertvipersmc.com. SNORE SERIES SPONSOR - SNORE announced that Mickey TI10mpson Baja Pro Tires will be the series sponsor for 2002. MT Tires will award $ 7 50 to l", $500 to 2nd and $250 to 3n1 place in all classes, including Sportsman. TI1e winner of the MT Tires Series will receive $2500 at years end. VP Race Fuels is starting its second year as the official fuel of SNORE. VP will be awarding more than 550 gallons of fuel to the winners of the MT Tires championship. ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING - A fairly new racing organization of that name has announced a new series for 2002. A four race series for car and bikes and two .Motocross races are scheduled. See Happenings for dates and locations an:d phone contacts for information. SNORE REVISITED -The SNORE annual awards banquet was held at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino on Saturday, January 5th and a great time was had by all. Lots of awards and lots of raffle prizes took up many hours and all there had a great time. The SNORE champions were all awarded and rewarded and the class winners and overall top 10 in points are: Sportsman Truck -Mark Petit, Sportsman Buggy -Eric Shepard, Frank Puglia -5-1600, Dennis McCarthy -Heavy Metal, Mike Gaughan got the True Grit Award, and Jeremy Evans was named Rookie Of The Year. Tom Craig - 10th in points, Jeff Carr - 9th, Joe Sheble - 8th, Day Gang - 7'1\ Andy Kisner - 6th, Jeremy Harmon - 5th, Bryan Freeman -4"', Jeremy Gubler -3'd, Dwaine Walters - 2nd and number 1 in points was Bruce Fraley, ably assisted throughout the year by Rob MacCachren. Fraley won 1nore than $18,000 in purse and over $20,000 in prizes. Bruce, and his company, Performance Engineering, will be building the two seat 1600 race car that will be awarded to. the 2·002 winner of the SNORE MT Pro Tire Series. Dusty Times congratulates all the winners as well as all those who race the desert. Paige 6 Mexicali, Baja California Mexico August 9-11, 2002 ORW Gran Prix Tecate Tecate, Baja California Mexico October 4-6, 2002 Los 200 Millas de Botica Santa Maria Fiestas de! Sol Mexicali, Baja California Mexico November 30 - December 2, 2002 Mangiamos 300 Mexicali To San Felipe Baja California Mexico COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Hector Cerecer 011-52-65-66-4458 . CORR EXXON SERIES · Championship OH Road Racing 192 N. State Road 267, Suite 267 Avon, IN 46123 · (317) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 May 25-26, 2002 Pro Series Edmeston, NY June 8-9, 2002 Pro & Sportsman Series Antigo, WI June 22-23, 2002 Pro & Sportsman Series Crandon, W1 July 13-14, 2002 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, Ml July 27-28, 2002 Milan,Ml August 10-11, 2002 Pro & Sportsman Series Bark River, Ml August 31-September l, 2002 Pro & Sportsman Series Crandon, WI CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY · Darren Skilton Baja Automotive Adventures -455 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 208 Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/Fax: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yalwo.com DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ENSENADA BAJA OFF ROAD RACING Av. Reforma 1136 Ensada, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Elisio 011-52-646-1715230 Aaron February 8-10, 2002 San felipe 200 May 3-5, 2002 Pacifico/Home Saga 200 Ojos Negrbs August 3-5, 2002 Corona-Budweiser/Home Saga Ensenada 300 Abooe Races for buggys & Motorcycles Motocross April 7, 2002 Rosarito February 2002 ESTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing Victoria Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 011-526-176-6225 FLORIDA OFF ROAD WINTER SERIES January 19-20, 2002 February 16-17, 2002 March 16-17, 2002 'April 20-21, 2002 May 18-19, 2002 Classes 1/2-1600, 9, 11, Quads, Tuff Trucks and Stadium Lites (All races at Davidson Raceway, Webster, Florids. Call]im Lair (813) 390-6272) FRT Motorsports 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 Motorcycles, ATVs & De.z Superlites MX And OH Road Short Course (All at Imperial Valley Expo, Imperia_l, CA) 2002 Buggies & Trucks March 30, 2002 FRT200 Plaster City East May 18, 2002 Conquista Lake Superstition August 10-11, 2002 CODE/FRT Tecate, Baja California Mexico October 19, 2002 Superstition 250 Plaster City East December 31, 2002 Dunaway Dash Pl~ter City West Motorcycles, ATV's & Desert Superlites February 2, 2002 Kamakize Desert Gran Prix . February 16, 2002 King Of The Desert March 17, 2002 March Madness Team Race March 30, 2002 · FRT 200 April 14, 2002 Tazmanik Hare "N Hound May 4, 2002 Thunder In The Valley Imperial Valley Fairgrounds May 11, 2002 Conquista Gran Prix June 8, 2002 Thunder In The Valley Imperial County Fairgrounds July 14, 2002 Desert Sprint July 27, 2002 C/M Nice Team Race August 10-11, 2002 Lazo de Amistad Gran Prix August 25, 2002 Sweethearts Kiss September 21, 2002 Thunder In The Valley Imperial Valley Fairgrounds September 29, 2002 Cheese Burger 100 October 19, 2002 -Superstition 250 XIX November 2, 2002 Thunder In The Valley Imperial County Fairgrounds • November 17, 2002 Notorious Dawg 3 Hour Team Race December 1, 2002 Rudolph's Revenge Desert Gran Prix December 8, 2002 Thunder In The Valley Imperial Courity Fairgrounds December 31, 2002 Dunaway Dash GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963.-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association Jesse Urwin 184 2 Boyd Street Ashland, NE 68003 (402) 944-:2193 Terry Fitzgerald (401) 734-2676 5710 S. 56th Street Omaha, NE 68117 (All races are short course, Stadium style. Classes: Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5, 7S and Quads. All races will be held at l-80 Speedway, Greenwood, NE www.gp01Ta.com) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 · St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor · (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 JEEPSPEED Racing For Street Legal Jeep Cherokees 1826 N. Windes Drive Orange, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 www.jeepspeed.com e-mail: l eepspeedcom@aol.com KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (250) 374-7175 days Randy (250) 579-9621 eves. Wes (250) 351-2819 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO · (626) 961-3782 www.prerunners.com• www.rhegashow.com LI.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926.-0522 Jim Aruta (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING Luis Carlos Alvarezo · Panamericana Ave #5105 Cd. Juarez, Chih., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 www.bugeybuilders.com MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 (Jeeps, Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Road Warriors and Quad ATV-Money Cla.ue.,.) MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION -~ORA. Mike Turner (217) 235-2473 . P.O. Box 184 Mattoon, IL 61938 www.maoraracing.com Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL (217) 932-2041 Off Road Playground.com (800) 555-3167 Short Course Series Endurance Series MOJAVE DESERT RACING 1853 Parkway Drive S. El Monte, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 Fax E-Mail: mdrracing@aol.com February 1-2, 2002 . Wild Wash 250 Barstow, CA April 12-13, 2002 Ridgecrest 300 Ridgecrest, CA June 21-22·, 2002 Johnson Valley 400 Lucerne Valley, CA August 9-10, 2002 California 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 27-28, 2002 Lucerne 300 Lucerne Valley, CA November 22-23, 2002 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. High Desert Championship P.O. Box 1231 Barstow, CA 92311-1231 (760) 253-4453 March 23, 2002 Lucerne, CA May 18, 2002 Lucerne CA Dusty Times
July 20, 2002 Barstow, CA September 21, 2002 Barstow, CA December 7, 2002 Lucerne, CA MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 7 30--9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES All events at Perris RacewaJ Bill Mar:kham (909) 860-1857 www.ffStrials.com (At Reed Valley With a school) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #l - Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NORTHERN OHIO OFF ROAD . RACING ASSN. Gary Wulff (724) 283-2678 OFF ROAD EXPO 2001 (626) 599-8622 OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison Counry Fairgrounds. Cadi.z, Ohio· ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichbourne, Public Relations (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 Ummelman St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OH Road Championship 495 N. Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 www.usoff-road.com PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING Sand Drags, TuHTrucks, Desert Short Course Trucks, Buggies & Quads (609) 660--0402/(609) 660--0066 June 1-2; 2002 September 7-8, 2002 April 14, 2002 May 5, 2002 September 15, 2002 October 13, 2002 Southwick, MA PROTRUCK RACING SERIES 9409 Abraham Way Santee, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/Fax: 1619) 449-o470 January 24-27, 2002 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge March 1-2, 2002 SCORE San Felipe 250 April 6-7, 2002 BlTD Terrible's Town 250 April 11-14 or 18-21, 2002 Protrucks on Guam May 31-June 2, 2002 SCORE Baja 500 June 19-25, 2002 BlTD Nevada 1000 August 16-18,· 2002 BlTD Tonopah September 13-14, 2002 SCORE Primm October 4-6, 2002 BlTD Baja Mex 300 November 8-9, 2002 SCORE Baja 1000 December 6-8, 2002 BlTD Las Vegas 200 PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 Ricketts, 1A 51460 (712) 679-2221 Dusty Times S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA ProRally series Sports Car Club of America 9033 E. Easter Place Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 967-9660 January 25-27, 2002 Sno*Drift Atlanta/Gaylord, Michigan March 14-16, .Z002 Cherokee Trails Chattanoga, TN April 6-7, 2002 Oregon Trail Portland, OR May 3-4, 2002 Rim Of The World Palmdale, CA June 1, 2002 Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA June 28-29, 2002 Pikes Peak Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO July 26-27, 2002 Maine Forest Rumford,-ME August 16-1 7, 2002 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 7-8, 2002 Wild West Olympia, WA October 18-f9, 2002 Lake Superior Houghton, Ml November 1-3, 2002 Prescott Forest Phoenix, AZ SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495N. Commons Drive, Suite 200 Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE International 23961 Craftsman RcL Suite A Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/Fax: (818) 225-8102 January 24-27, 2002 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV March 1-3, 2002 Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, Baja California Mexia, May 31 0 June 2, 2002 Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, Baja California Mexico September 13-14, 2002 Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 7-10, 2002 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja, California Mexico SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 270516 Las Vegas, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 January 25-26, 2002 Parker 400 Parker, AZ February 15-16, 2002 AVl 250 Laughlin, NV April 12-13, 2002 Buffalo Bills 400 Primm,NV June 7-8, 2002 Dusty Times 250 Caliente, NV July 26-27, 2002 KC Midnight Special Boulder City, NV October 4-5, 2002 Gold Coast 32nd SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 15-16, 2002 Western States Championship Barstow, CA December 14-15, 2002 Baja 250 Las Vegas, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division • Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 ·SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, Wl 53213 . (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or((770) 963--0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series President - Geoff Lee 1243 Trice Road Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 Class Rep. - 1/2-1600 Bruce Meyers (865) 453-1005 Class Rep. - 9 & Unltd. Michael Moore (334) '271-7035 Outlaw Rep. Don Ponder (314) 631-8190 (All Rae.es at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION AND · BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INC. 4 3807 40th Street East Lancaster, CA 93535 (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) (661) 946-6986/Fax:(661) 946-6483 Internet: http://scta-bni.org SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at EastbaJ RacewaJ, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 · Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (011 ) 880-2170 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252'-1197 /(619) 252-3093 VORRA Off Road Racing P.O. Box 3362 Carson City, NV 89702 (775) 246-5545/(775) 246-9089 Fax www.VORRA.com March 23-24, 2002 Season Opener Prairie City SVRA Sa,rami,nto, C:A April 27-28, 2002 Spring Special Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA May 25-27, 2002 Yerington 300 Desert Race Yerington, NV July 13-14, 2002 Fallon 250 Desert Race Fallon, NV August 31-September 1-2, 2002 · Lovelock 250 Desert Race Lovelock, NV September 21-22, 2002 September Sizzler Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA October 12-1·3, 2002 October Land Rush Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA October 26-27, 2002 Fall Finale + Mechanics & Ladies Race Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFF ROAD CLUB Profo. Cenovio Gamboa 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538--0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire P.O. Box376 Adamsburg, PA (412) 527-6556 WHlPL,'\SH MOTORSPORTS 2325 E. Kings Avenue -February 2002 Trail Notes ... REME INTERNATIONAL -Jim Russell, president of Extreme, he west coast short course racing series announced that an agreement ad been reached between Extreme and Aero EFX Productions which will nationally televise the 2002 Extreme series. The races will air on the Outdoor Channel, each race will be a one hour show, featuring all competition classes. In-car cameras, commercial and promotional opportunities are available. The Xtreme Baja in Havasu race will be shown on February 6th at 8pm PST and on February 7th at 5am PST. For more information tall Xtreme at 928-855-2208 or -www.Xtremeinternational.net. CORR YEAR END AWARDS -At the banquet, which was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, lots of money changed hands as 69 drivers were handed year end checks in varying amounts. The total cash and contingency payout for the year was $705,000. The big money winner was Rob MacCachren who had the honor of winning the Governor' Cup and the Borg Warner Cup for the second year in a row. MacCachren won the Pro-4 division and he collected over $80,000 for the ·year. Scott Taylor, three time defending champion of the Pro-2 division won the Precision Gear Pro Driver Of The Year trophy and $7,500 to boot, beating MacCachren by a 1nere 6 points. Taylor earned $71,000 for the season. Jeff Kincaid won the Pro-Lite division for the second year in a row and he took home $33,000 for his racing season. Winner of the most prestigious Michael Gaughan Award was a very surprised Jim Conner, who accepted very graciously. FNAL FLAG -We were saddened to hear of the passing of Orris ohnson, a racer and car owner for many years. Affectionately known as the "Old Goat", Ortis ran in many races and had a bunch of wins to his credit. His sons· raced with him as did my wife Jean and whenever they raced a good time was had by all. I knew Orris for thirty some years and he was always asking if there was anything he could do to help. He's in a better place now, our condolences to all his family and friends. COMING ATTRACTIONS -There's a big weekend a'comin! SCORE is putting on their annual semi-short course event at Laughlin where there is always racin' aplenty and SNORE and Whiplash have combined their forces to run ;i race at Parker, a full scale desert race. Dusty Times will cover both races in depth, Judy Smith at Laughlin, yours truly at Parker and Trackside Photo covering both events. Make sure you talk to Judy or me at the race end so we can get your part of the race in print. Look for all the details and lots of pictures in the March issue. MORE BEST IN THE DESERT -BITD announced an addition to their Silver State Series, the KTM Vegas 150 Duel In The Desert for motorcycles and quads only. The dates_ are May 3,4,5, 2002. Registration, contingency and tech inspection will be at the Suncoast Hotel on M~y 3 from 10am to 6pm. Phoenix, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 WISCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHO),V (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, Wl 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL · 1863 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 Baja Office: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS Rene Montafi.o P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 Gran Prix Januray 27, 2002 March 24, 2002 June 30, 2002 August 4, 2002 September 1, 2002 October 20, 2002 OHRoad April 26-28, 2002 San Felipe 200 October 4-6, 2002 Las 200 (MXL) November 29-30, 2002 Mexicali-San Felipe 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, Wl 54901 Attent-ian-Race &Rally Organizers List your coming events in ·DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen-to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2002 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 9131 Page7
.. BITD LAS VEGAS 200 By Judy Smith B.J. Richardson Wins overall • .. } 9 .-' «''. ' .. , ·-Photos: Trackside Photo. Rick Taylor had a terrific day in his Class 7200 Ford, and with a time of 6:36, was the class winner as well as fifth overall. Ricky Long and Tim Javorick, a first time driver, teamed in their Class 7100 (comparable to 7S) Ford and led most of the way. winning by 17 minutes. John Gaughan didn't to the access road for the dry row twisty trails to keep make it to the race track, so lake. Only those who had the things interesting. Macrae Glass had his Ford in the battle all the way. and even with no rear brakes, B.J. Richardson drove all the appropriate stickers or passes Everyone went off the line _m_a_n_ag"'"e_d_to_t_a_ke_th_e_c_la_s_s_7_3_o_o_v_ic_t_o~ry._. _____________ _ way in their Bunderson, to were allowed to enter. Even at 7:00a.m., and staging be-Jefferies was enjoying the Baldwin did the honors, take the overall win at the properly handed pi't crew gan at 6:30, as the sun course, even Mountain Pass, bringing the wheel in his Best in the Desert Las Vegas people had to take the time struggled to climb up over where he said his truck Class 10 car, but their jack 200. . to apply the stickers to their the local hills and shine "rubbed on one side and was also broken, making life It would have been more· vehicles before they'd be al- · through a thin layer of hung over on the other", and . just a little more difficult. Es-correctly identified as the lowed in. And late-arriving clouds. It was cold. The tem-he had a half hour on Bald-sen tially the Weyhrichs "Jean 200", starting and fin-crew members were out of perature sat at 22 degrees, win by the time they hit the wanted to ensure their sea-ishing as it did on the Jean luck. No amount of discus-and a thin sheen of ice could second check on the third son points championship, dry lake, about 32 miles west sion swayed the BLM Rang-be seen on the dry lake, and lap. Baldwin had broken a and they needed a fin1sh to of Vegas, just off Highway ers. If they hadn't picked up was to surprise racers here couple more driveshafts, and· do that, .so they had no sense 15. The BITD stretched the the required passes or stick-and there on the course. was wondering about mud-of panic about the situation: pits in a long line across the· ers on Friday night, they They took off directly into flaps or some such for the Dean had the lead, and length of the dry lake, and didn't get in. The radio the rising sun, many with a . next race. Vosburg was jut 10 was first on the road as he then started bikes and quads waves were busy with people hand in front of their eyes minutes behind him, and completed the second lap. at the same time as the trucks hollering for help, needing trying to make shade. then failed to get to the fin-Richardson was supposed to and cars by the simple expe-_ someone to ferry their stick-The Trick Trucks were ish line. · have John Gaughan as a co-dient of lining them up in ·ers or passes out to them so first to go, just three of them, Jefferies took the win, driver, but Gaughan didn't two separate lines. There was they could come in and ge t and they started out in a very with Baldwin second by a make it back into town, so one stop/go light, but there to work. The resultant traf-tight group. There were two half hour. They were second Richardson was going all the were two race courses. Once fie jam was horrendous, and checkpoints each lap, arid at and 12th overall. way. He was six minutes be-off the start line the bikes many racers were held up, the second check on the first In Class 1 there were just hind Dean. Berri ran third, and quads veered left, and not to mention the tow ve-lap, the Fords of Jason Bald-four entries , and all four and the Weyhrich team was ran in a circle that was ap-hides with race vehicles on win and Gary Vos·burg were made it all the way. It was a 35 minutes down in fourth: proximately 50 miles in board. tied, at 58 minutes, for the virtual tie between B'.J. Rich-Dean held his lead length, while the cars and The course covered a lot of lead. Darnen Jefferies had his ardson and Pat Dean, who through the last -lap, and trucks veered right, for a territory south of the dry Ford right behind tp.em, at drives a Chenowth, at the nearly to the finish, but then course that covered about 73 lake, and was a compendium 59 minutes, and he'l.i had a second check on Lap 1, and his alternator had given up miles. There were three laps of familiar trails, some of flat. then Sam Berri was about the ghost and his battery quit required. which had been used as re-They spread out a bit on seven minutes behind them too. The car died. He messed The big problem of the cently as the SCORE Primm the next lap and Jefferies, in his elderly Mirage. In with it a bit, and it started day turned out to be the 300. Other sections were fa-who said his brakes were fourth, another 37 minutes again, but Richardson had BLM. This area is strictly miliai from SNORE races, "soft" all day, was leading by back were Mark and Gary gone into the lead. He not managed by the BLM, and and some even went back to 16 minutes. Baldwin hit a Weyhrich in their Chen-only won the Unlimited they decided there would be HDRA events. The old tim-rock and it flew up and hit owth. They'd broken a wheel buggy class, but also took no spectators allowed. To ers felt right at home. I.twas his driveshaft, breaking it i~ at Mile 26, and had to wait first in the overall standings this end, they set up a road typical Nevada stuff, with half. Now he was second and for someone else to bring with his fine solo drive. block of sorts at the entrance plenty of rocks, silt and nar-two minutes up on Vosburg. them a replacement. B .J. Berri, whose car is powered ..---------'---------------~ In Class 4100, for the big SUVs, the very big diesel powered Ford The lone limited Baja Bug, driven by J. T. and Jeff Holmes, had less Excursion of Matt Scaroni moved into second place late on the last than a successful day. and came back to the start/finish on a tow Gary Dircks, from Arizona, had all kinds of trouble with his Ford, but· lap. strap. kept it moving long enough to finish second in Class 7200. Pages February 2002 Dusty Times --· ,.; - - -----------------------------------·-· ...... -........ __ ....._ .................. -......... -.--···----·---·---·----------·----·,..•--=••·---.. ~--.--
Dave Westhem barely got to the start on time, but then had his Chevy in front all the way to ·take the Class 8000 win. by a Type IV motor, said he was limited by lack of suspen-sion, but he liked the course, and he finished second, about 35 minutes later. He plans to update his car's sus-pension before the 2002 sea-son gets going. Dean, once running again with a replace-ment battery, was third, and the Weyhrich brothers, who broke a second wheel, were fourth, over an hour behind the winning car. The Class 8000 trucks went off the line next. Dave Westhem nearly missed his ride because he was fighting the traffic getting into the start area. He was just barely buckled into his Chevy as the green light sent him off into the sunrise. But all that adrenalin went to goo pur-pose, and he had the lead at the second checkpoint. He was a full 20 minutes up on roger Norman in Eric Lane's Ford. Norman, whose entire experience has been in Hum-mers, was having to-get used to two wheel drive. Kyle Tay-lor had backtracked into a pit to replace a broken trans-mission in his Chevy. The re-pairs took him about an hour and 15 minutes. On the second lap West-hem led by a half hour, even though he_ lost his belts. Norman had a flat, but held on to second place, and Tay-lor was still nearly an hour down in third. Dudley Tranum and Kalle Vierra were gone., their Jeep having apparently had terminal trouble. Westhem drove all the way, and took the win, fin-Chad Hall's Class 8100 (stock full) Hummer lost a gear early on, but ran a clean race otherwise, and took the win by a minute and 45 seconds. · ishing fourth in the overall had already had unfixable standings. His plans for next problems with his ford, and yea'r include chopping the he was out for the day, while front off his truck and mak-Jason Cobb had a steering ing it into a Trick Truck. He problem in his Ford and had says he'd like to starJ: "up in to wait for parts. Scott Stein-front where there-'s less dust" berger had blown a turn and for a change. Taylor pushed high centeredhis Ford on a hard and moved up to sec-yucca. It took him 20 min-ond, sneaking in 19 seconds utes to get loose. This was to in front of Lane who drove be Stein:berger's last drive in the last lap in his truck. a Protruck, as he'd recently There were 11 Protrucks at become the owner of a Tro-this event and the racing was phy Truck, which he'll run in close. Rob Reinertson had the 2002 season. his Ford in front at the sec-Steve Barlow was finding ond check on Lap -1, but the course dusty, but still Steve Barlow and Steve Sea-wo·rked his way to the front, roni, both in fords, were ex-and had th'e lead by three actly a minute behind him. minutes at the second check And then Kevin McGillivray on Lap 2. Reinertson was had his Chevrolet in fourth, second, and McGillivray had about four minutes later, fol-come up to third place, an-lowed -by Gary Magness in other four minutes back. In another.Ford. Chet Huffman fourth it was Scaro.ni, and Jeff and Jim Stiles ran fifth in their bright red Ford. Cobb had got going again, but then "oil started exiting the motor", so he pµlled out, since it was a borrowed mo-tor. Barlow had a small brake problem, but it didn't bother him much, and· he just "cruised" on the final lap, wanting to get to the finish line. He got there in plenty of time to get the win, and the season championship . . Scaroni was second, his first second ever according to the family statistician, Dave. McGillivray also had ~ome brake trouble, but then he got to sightseeing and blew a tire, losing a few minutes. He still finished in third place. Fourth went to Jeff Dickerson, in a Ford, who'd had an early flat and lost a fuel pump. In fifth it was Steinberger, whose distribu-tor had "exploded" inside, costing him a few moments. All together, eight of these folks got to the finish line. And the eighth one was Rob Reinertson who'd had a ma-jor brake failure at the end of a long straight. The pedal went to the floor; he hit a bank; went up, nosed in and flipped onto the roof. All of his sheet metal/fiberglass left the truck except for ·the . passenger side door and the roof. David Sykes helped get him back on his wheels, so• he was able to get to the fin-Continued on page '10 ,.;.------------------------------------, Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Sally's D ~ @~tr· Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbarycoastcasino.com The Place Las Vegans Call H~me™ West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 goldcoastcasino.com February 2002 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 orleanscasino.com Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~ ~rnrnrnrnITIBTI ~ ~' .. ,~ Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 ~uncoastcasino.com Page 9
Deputy Steve Williams was part of a very tight three-way duel in '-'-------'----......_..,__ __________ __, Class 7300 (stock mini trucks) until a flat cost time and he finished Kyle Taylor got off to a bad start with a blown trans on his Chevy, but Jeremy Spirkoff, Ford, got off to a late -start, then pushed hard to third in his Ford. after repairs took second place in Class 8000. battle with Hall, and finished a very close second in Class 8100. ish. was frozen and he couldn't. But at the second check race. Shawn and David place, only three minutes The Class 1000 cars went get a drink. Dircks had a lead of a Wanzek had apparently al-back. In third it was Turner next, with five entries. Lyn By the time they got to the minute, and Taylor was a ready broken their Ford be-who was just trying to· get a and Bill Dickton didn't get second check on the second minute up on Turner. Jason yond repair. · finish in order to win the sea-their Chenowth as far as the lap, Carr had 35 minutes on Jernigan, another Ford, was Turner had risen to the son points championship. first check before disaster Strobel who had slid in un-fourth, after having a flat, top by the second lap, and at Mamer held fourth and the struck, and neither did der another vehicle and torn about four minutes back, fol-the second check h e h ad a McNeils ran fifth. Kevin and Mike Moore in up a shock tower, then spent lowed in three minutes by minute on Taylor and Dircks And they finished in that their Lothringer. That left a some time getting repaired. John McNeil. McNeil had who were tied. Dircks had order, Taylor having a clean three team race, for a while. Baldwin had some serious fogging problems with his vi-soine electrical problems day, and winning by four B.J. Baldwin was about 12 problem between checks and sor because of the cold, so he early in this lap, and then he minutes. Dircks, who said he minutes down by the time he never came around again. cracked it o_pen a bit in or-lost his power steering for a had "a lot of problems", in-got to the first check, but Carr went on serenely, der to see. Then he got dust while . . Third place Jernigan eluding the fact that "the Clay Carr had his· Fraley with no flats ·and no me-in his eye and "re~dly was 24 minutes back, with motor's falling out", was sec-chassis just one minute in chanical problems to take couldn't see." So at the end the McNeils about nine min-ond. We'd like to watch him front of Steve Strobel in a the win, followed in by of the lap he pulled into the utes behind him. It was ac-on a day when things wen Bunderson. · Strobel, about 16 minutes pit to get his brother, Kelly, tually Steve Mamer in right! Turner got his finish, By the time they'd gone later, in second. to drive the rest. You know Jernigan's truck at this point. in third, and his season another 20 miles Carr had Class 7200 went off the how that went. Kelly wasn't Taylor fe>rged back ahead championship, his fourth five minutes on Strobel and line next, with six entries. scheduled_ to drive quite yet, of Turner as he went into the consecutive one in this se-Baldwin ran eight minutes Rick Taylor and Gary Dircks, so he didn't have his suit on, third lap, and he was having· ries. He also won the Class 7 further back. Carr was find-both in Fords, tan neck and and the driver change took a a good day with no problems. championship in the ing it very trafficky and neck for a wb.ile, with Craig long time. That'll be the last Dircks lost third gear, _and SCORE series this year. dusty, and to add to his mis-Turner, another Ford, about time Kelly doesn't suit up was also down on power, but Jernigan and Mamer were ery, his drinking water line two minutes behind them. when the truck starts the he'd moved into second fourth on a dead flat rear tire ~-------------------------and the McNeils were fifth, another 27 minutes back. Clay Carr though it was a silty, dusty race, but aside from frozen drinking water had no problems with his Fraley and won Class 1000. Steve Barlow had some small troubles with his Ford's brakes, but otherwise his day went well, as he took the Protruck victory, and third overall. The stock full size trucks (Class 8100) went next, and four of them. had been messed up by the traffic, and got off the line late. Greg Foutz, Ford, had the early· lead, but had only one minute on Chad Hall in ·a Hummer. At the second check Foutz still led, and now Hall had been tied by Jeremy Spirkoff, in a ForJ, who'd started about four minutes late. He'd already bent his front end due to pushing hard to make up for lost time. Manny Esquerra ran fourth in another Ford, Continued on page12 Page 10 Do Nore Than Just Kjck Up Djrtf Congratulations to c & c Motorsports 2000's Winner of 250 Gallons of 76 Race Gast Win Free 76 Racing Gas for the 2001 Season! One enby tor each 55 gallons ot 76 100 or 110 Octane Racing Gasoline . purchased from CL Bryant or an authorized dlsb1butor from Jan. 1, 2001 through October 31, 20011 Win Free 76 Racing Gasoline (up to 250 gallons of 100 Octane or 110 Octane Only.) To Enter: Send your proof of purchase, along with Name, Address, and Phone to: CL Bryant, Inc. Attn: Mitch 237E. WhlbnoreAve. Modesto, CA. 95358 ~RACING VII/GASOLINE l"~.~■..-'NY'J'~~.-.w.y.a, --.I.~:,:,, . ••... ,, ... CONGRATULATIONS! TO 76 CONTINGENCY WINNERS IN MDR, VORRA, BEST IN THE DESERT, AND SCORE CNOW ALMOST EVERY SCORE CLASS WINS WITH 76 RACE OAS!l Authorized Distrtbutors in Southern California, call: Fairplex -Pomona October 7 & B February 2002 KRS Distrtbuting 714-816-8983 Cosby Oil 1-800-54-COSBY www.cosbyoil.com Southern Counties Petroleum 714-516-~300 Mexico -Auto Sports Baja 619-247-1798 . For a Distributor Nearest You - 800-399-4176 Dusty T.imes
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Darnen Jefferies said the course was tight for his Ford Trick Truck in some spots, but he liked it anyway, and took the class win as well as second overall. B. J. Richardson had trouble with his power steering on the first lap, but then his Bunderson stayed healthy the rest of the way and he took the Class 1500 win . and the -overall victory. hoping his axles would hold "like a marshmallow", was out, and Randy Merritt, still running fifth. They were all another Ford, his front end close and it was anyone's race. Hall, who was pissed off all day because his seat was wet when he got in the car (it had been, ahem, watered down at the previous race, Skyjacker puts the FUN in FUNction. Page 12 At ·skyjacker Suspensions, our engineers have calculated a winning formula that will take your 4x4 to a new performance level. (4x4) +SN!!FCQI= FUN2 TIIEaE.AaOF ............... We've got an extensive line of off-road fun boxed up and ready to go! So get what you need and LET'S GO HAVE SOME FUN! SKYking™ Coil Over Applications 4x4 Vehicle Type Lift Height Location '95 1/2 -'01 Toyota Tacoma '97-'01 Jee(? Wrangler T J '94-'01 Dodge Ram 112 Ton '94-'01 Do e Ram 314, 1 Ton SKYking™ Shock Applications 9-'01 Ford SD F2 '00-'01 Ford Excursion " '00-'01 Ford Excursion 3" 4", 6\ 811, 10" 3", 5", 7" 2 112", 4 112", 7" February 2002 FRONT FRONT FRONT FRONT and after being hosed down had not dried), lost fourth gear, but still moved into the lead by Check 2 on Lap 2. The loss of the gear meant a top speed loss of about 25 miles per hour, but here weren't many places he'd have been able to take advan-tage of that gear. Foutz ran second, about three minutes later, with Spirkoff, who'd had a flat, in third, another minute back. Esquerra was fourth, and Merritt, finding the course very dusty and rocky, was fifth. Ran·dy Wil-son and Michael Boyer, from Oregon, who'd been one of the later starters, were the first to dnf in this class, and .. were already gone. When they came around the third time Hall and Spirkoff were tied for the lead at the second check . . Foutz ran three minutes be-hind them in third, and Mer-ritt was fourth and Esquerra ran fifth. They had only about 24 miles to go. Hall motored on. Foutz had a di-s aster. An I-beam perch broke and punched a hole in his oil pan. He had a spare, • and lots of duct tape, but repairs took a lot of time. Meanwhile, Spirkoff's truck started sputtering, running out of gas, and the truck came to a stop. After a minute or two enough gas trickled into the right places to fire the motor up again, but they were now stuck. Ken Reynolds, who rode with Spirkoff, got out and pushed. And when Spirkoff got moving again Reynolds motioned him to keep on going, knowing that stopping to pick him up and waiting for all the buckling in to get done would cost too much time. Spirkoff got to his pit. and refueled. Hall just kept moving, and gut to the finish line first, to get a win for the Hummer team. Spirkoff finished about two minutes later, for second place, and the class championship. Merritt was third, then Esquerra, after re-placing the inevitable broken axle, finished fourth. Foutz was· fifth. Eric and Terry Henn, in another Hummer, came in sixth, and David Sykes, who'd lost a starter on his Ford, was seventh. Dar-ren Oliver, who had "Little Joe" from Goodyear riding with him part of the day, rolled his Ford when a spindle broke and dnfd. Al Hogan ca1ne in on a trailer,· his Ford down with un-known difficulties. The lone 1600 car of the race, a Porter driven by Mike and Steve Harvey, had a run-in with a bigger car early in the day, and the driver, Mike, retired with a ·tweaked back. Casey Jefferies, younger brother of Damen, decided here was no point letting a good car go to waste, so, since he was a registered en-trant, he got in and drove the rest of the way, doing double duty as a racer and a "chase'.' vehicle for Damen. He's rid-den more race miles than al-1nost anyone, but had never driven in a race before, so he Dusty Times
Steve Scaroni drove his Class 1200 (Protruck) Ford all the way, and Steve-Strobel, who soloed, had his Class 1000 Bunderson in second finished the day with a fine second place, sixth in the overall Jason Baldwin had multiple driveshaft problems with his Ford Trick place all the way, and went home with second place money. _s_ta_n_dI_·n~gs_._-,,--__,,,.--,,-..,....-------,----=-----..,,..,,.-. Truck, and finished the day in second place, about a half-hour down. enJoyed the tnp, and gave reporting that as it has every ders." That meant that they was Hall who said he "re-fifth it was Steve Olliges, feel-the Harveys a nice finish for race, his air cleaner fell off spent a lot of time jacking membered all of the track", ing guilty and mean after ac-the record. The injury again. And in fifth the team and pushing when they got because it was all old race cidentally tipping Frank proved not to be serious, just of Gary Pentis, Kris Waters caught in the silt. Stein courses he'd raced on at one Szubart over on his side. painful. and Joe Evans, who all drove moved into the lead. He had time or another. He and He'd tried to tap him to let -The Class 7100 cars went in the lone Chevy in this a flat midway through the Davidson were about 28 min-him know he wanted by, and off the line next, with seven class, reported they'd broken last lap, but as it happened, utes behind the Sunderlap.d just at that moment Szubart starters. Mike Coleman's a front A-arm, a rear spring Oliver had just rolled his car. Last to finish was the braked and got a little side-Ford didn't even get to the hanger and a track bar. They own truck right there, and he Elms car, with a time of nine ways and the hit tipped him first check, unfortunately, so were the last of the class to and his co-driver ·hustled hours and one minute. They up on edge. He was quickly he became a chilly spectator. finish. over and made the tire were not quite the very last uprighted, but his body pan-But Joe Custer and Gene There was just one limited ·change for Stein. Stein went vehicle to finish. els were rumpled. Haas had their Ford up at· Baja Bug racing, and it ontotakethewin,co-driver, In Class 7300, which is Glass,whohadnotfinished the front, dueling with Ricky didn't manage a full lap, Mike McComas saying "great stock mini-sized trucks,' there the recent Baja 1000, said he Long in another Ford, as 'though Jeff and JT Holmes prep jobs win races." Scaroni were seven entries, all Fords. · was running with the "left-they got to the second check did get around n'l'ost of the moved up into second place At the second checkpoint the over" prep from the 1000. It only two minutes apart. In way. They came in on a tow as Sunderland was reduced lead belonged to Deputy must have been good work, third place, about three min-strap. to pouring drinking water on Steve Williams, but he had because he went into the lead utes later, was John Holmes, In Class 4100, the big the silt to try to make it more only a minute on ·Macrae on the second lap. But he had in another Ford, who had SUV's, seven vehicles solid as he jacked and Glass and Aaron Dixon, who only a minute on Williams, some kind of unidentifiable started, one of them about pushed. He and Crisp were were tied. Running fourth who'd had a flat. Now Olliges engine problem that he six minutes late. That was third, but an hour and 10 was David Porter, who then and co-driver Steve MacCach-thought might be electrical. the Ford of Eldon Coats and minutes down to the win-didn't make it any distance ren were up to third, trying to Long won the duel and Eric Williams, and as luck ning car. In fourth place it at all into his second lap. In Continued on page 14 had the lead on the second would have it, they had early lap, 16 minutes in front of problems and were the first Custer ·and Haas at the sec-to drop out. Of the rest, the ond check. Holmes was an-Bronco of John Sunderland other 15 minutes back, and and Buddy Crisp went into having to use first gear more the early lead, with Marc than he liked because his en-Stein about six minutes in gine. wasn't running well. back of them· in his Expedi-John Baker, in another Ford, tion. In third it was Matt was having what he called a Scaroni in the big diesel Ford "bad morning." First of all Excursion,. and Ken and An-his truck wouldn't start, so drew Leavitt, in another he was late to the ·state by .a Ford, ran fourth ano.ther good 10 minutes. Then he three minutes down. broke a tie rod before the On the second lap the first checkpoint, and at this Leavitt car fell out, and Crisp point he was 45 minutes in. and Sunderland held the back of th.e lead truck. lead. They had four minutes Long let Tim Javorik drive · on Stein who was driving all the last lap in his truck. the way this time. In third it Javorik has been navigating was still Scaroni; and now since '89, but this was his Rod Hall and Roy Davidson, first chance to be in charge. who'd had a 20 minute prob-He did a fine job, and with lem before the first check, no flats and no other prob-were in fourth in their Hum-le ms they took the win. mer. Almost two hours fur-Custer and Haas finished ther back, and the last still second, about 17 minutes running, was Charles Elms later. In third it was Holmes, · from Texas, in a Ford. who'd spent a lot of time re-Sunderland got in to do settling the timing and "fix-his half of the race and at ing" the plugs, but still some point he tried to put hadn't solved the engine the truck into four-wheel problem. Baker was fourth; drive, and he "blew the spi-Mike Harvey tweaked his back on the first lap, so Casey Jefferies jumped in to . complete the run in the Porter 1600 car, and got the uncontested win. Harvey was not seriously injured. Dusty Times NOW YOU CAN .GE'I' 1'HE--SAME--GREAT SERVICi-AND PRGDUClS-IHE WINNERS-GET-IN SNOR~•SCORE•CORR·BRD•MDR•BORE•MORE•VORRA•PRA:AsDA HAVE BEEN GffllNG FOR YEARS BEL RAY .CV GREASE SWEPCO GEAR-oil. #203 - #2;12 -#201 10% OFF CASE LOTS HEAVY DUTY CHALLENGER RIMS 930 CY'S AT A LOW PRICE $44.95 EACH OR BUY 4 AT 39.95 EACH NEW 4.86 002 BUS RING & PINIONS USA MADE 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WOOVEN BRAKE SHOES OWEL BALL JOINTS HELLA H - I - D LIGHTS PIAA HIGH - LOW LIGHTS YOKOHAMA TIRES SUPER DIGGER 111 33 X 10.50 X 1.5 WHAT WE CAN DO TO PUT YOU IN THE WINNERS CIRCLE * MAGNAFLUX SERVICE * TRANSMISSION SERVICE * SHOCK SERVICE (REVALVE/REBUILD) * DRUM STUDDING IIEVADA OFFIIDAD WOUlD UKE TO COll■IIATUUTE DAnnY AnDERSOII ....................... 2001 SCOIIE CUSS CHAMPIOft l'IIACCACHIIEII/FIIAI.EY l'IIGJG■SPGRTa ---·-· 209I-KGIIE-8VEIIAli-A-ClASS-CIIAMPIGII ....••. 2081 S ■ ORE OVERALL A CUSS·CHAl'IIPl019 ffl~CCACHREn l'IIOTOIISPORTS ••.•..••• 2001 BITD CUSS C ■AMPIOft • 2001--ctHIR-f"IIO 4 CHAl'IIPIO■ February 2002 1-BBB-755-5900 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 ,. LAS VEGAS, NV ,. 89102 HOURS: MOl'U'RI 9AM4PM ,. SAT 9AM-SPM (702}87:1.-5221 FAX Page 13
Sam Berri said he lacked suspension, but his Mirage kept moving at a good clip, and he crossed the finish line second in the unlimited buggy class (1500). Mike Falkosky had a new Explore; for this race, and took second in Anthony Napoleon had a terrific day in his Bronco II, with everything the small SUV class when new-car-blues cost him a position. going right, and took the small SUV class win by a half-hour. get a finish, -which would en-sure their season champion-ship. Dixon broke a driveline and lost time, while Lance Magin, in Rob Reinertson's old truck, now adapted for · driving with hand controls, lost his transmission and dropped out. MacCachren went into the lead on the third lap, with Glass second and Williams third. But at Mile 55 he ran out of gas. He'd estimated that he'd get four miles to the gal-lon, but was getting far less. As the other q.rs went their merry way, MacCachren waited for Olliges to get there in their pre-runner, which they'd en-"redemption" for the dnf in ready-to spend some quality on to take the win. Falkosky tered in the Sportsman divi-Baja that still rankled. Will-time with his wife Shannon was able to get second place, sion, and planed to use as a iams, who reported that the and daughter, Hailey. 29 minutes later. Winocur "chase" and spare parts ve-course was becoming "rougher In Class 3100, for small and Turner, who had some hide. It became a fuel truck. and rougher", was. second, SUVs, there were four entries, kind of noisy front-end prob-They drained some gas, got it about 11 minutes later. Mac-and one of them was Mike Fal-lem, were third, an hour later. into the race truck, and Mac Cachren and Olliges finished kosky. with a brand new Ex-The odd ball format went on . . Only to run out about seven minutes later in plorer. He'd just finished it on worked fine for the BITD, al-again. At this point Foutz, third place. Dixon, who had Friday afternoon, and the red lowing them to get two races newly repaired, caught up with to tighten a brake line three paint was barely dry enough finished in daylight on the him, a gave him a tow (he times, losing a bunch of time, for putting stickers on. He was same day. It looked like a lot wasn't moving too fast with was fourth, and Szubart was looking forward to enjoying of challenges for the start· the duct-taped oil pan) until fifth about two minutes later. his new 2001/2002 SOHC line team:i and maybe some Olliges caught up again. They MacCachren did get his sea-motor, which was going to give ·difficulties for timing and drained fuel from the pre-run-son championship in the class, him much 1nore power and scoring, -but they all rose to ner again, and this time he had and it was the fourth season torque thaQ he'd had with his the task. It was unfortunate enough to make it in. championship of the year for old power plant. Only thing that the BLM took an atti-In the meantime, Glass had him. He was happy to be fin-was, on race morning the car tude that made everything finished; claiming his win as ished with the busy year, and wouldn't start. just a bit more difficult. It was finally narrowed There was one bad acc·i-. TIie Dlfferencel down to an alternator prob-dent. Tim Staab, co-riding a lem, and he took off dead Honda with Johnny Camp-last, about six -minutes be-bell, got a short way into his hind his allotted time. An-second lap and took a fall. No thony Napoleon, in a Bronco one knows why or how it hap-II, went into the lead and pened because he was all by had five minutes on Falkosky himself on that part of the at the second check. Marc course. Fortunately, another Winocur and Dave Turner rider came along shortly after ran third in their Ford, about he fell and got help to him very nin~ minutes later. And in quickly. He was unconscious fourth it was Greg Pachman, and airlifted to University from Texas, who'd already Medical Center in Las Vegas lost an hour, and then where he still is at this writing. couldn't complete the sec-Tim's been kept in a medically ond lap. induced coma, and according Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise· front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 raJio) CNC-204SD Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-D830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830503 HeatExchanger DUN-D830504 Heat Exchanger DUN-D830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan Page 14 2-pc Aluminum Drums Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 IVICK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axle~ For more information give us a call or visit us online @ www.mckenzies.com 2366 E. 0rangethorpe • Anaheim, CA 92806 February 2002 As they went through the to Bruce Ogilvie, from Hon-second check on Lap 2, Na-da, is just being brought out pole on and Falkosky were of it slowly, two weeks after the tied for the lead, and Win-accident. He is still in critical ocur and Turner ran nine but stable condition. in addi-minutes behind them. Napo-tion to his head injury he has leon was having a good day, a dislocated arm, a broken with no problems, but he bone and a severe cut on his didn't kno.w where he or any-chin. We wish him a speedy re-one else was runnin.g because covery. his budget didn't allow for The BITD closed off their radios. season with a pair of awards On the third lap Falkosky, ceremonies. They had one to who was enjoying the new celebrate the year and an-motor, pulled out a lead of other to celebrate their last about six minutes, and things event. Their schedule for were lookin' good. But be-2002 includes a shortened tween the second check and version of their popular mil-the finish line he lost a U-bolt, lennium year Nevada 2000, and "the rear end fell out." to be called the Nevada 1000 While he spent a half hour this year. Look for it on their with repairs, Napoleon calendar. · Marc Stein drove all the way in his Ford Expedition to take the win_ in Class 4100, only one flat tire marring his trip. Dusty Times
A-. --• ft • , ~L,C<WI 11(-<J ,C~· JeepSpeed Cliallenge~, What11s New Far $20'>000 Cash Pasted ta 2002 leepSpeed Prize Fund At this time, we have approxi,nately $20,000 cash posted for JeepSpeed awards and contingency. This· is in addition to the M.D.R. Pro pay- · back, and M.D.R, pro contingency prizes. This makes the JeepSpeed class tl1e most rewarding of all classes within the Mojave Desert Racing Series. We are very proud of this claim. after only one short, initial season. American Bacin11 Wheels ~merican Racing_ ~ustom Wheels will return · m 2002 as the official wheel of the JeepSpeed Challenge. They will post Championship Awards of $1500 to the winner,$ IOOO to t:h~ runner up, and $500 to third place. Additionally~ they will pay $300, $200, $100 to I st, 2nd, and 3rd at each of our 7 events. JeepSpeed thanks American racing for their increased support of our second season. BFSaodrit:h 7.'ires Mr. 1 Fr~nk • DeAngelo, .Motorsports • Manager for BFCroodnch, 1s pleased to announce a contmgency program for tJie 2002 American Racing JeepSpeed Challenge. BFG will be the mandated tire of the JeepSpeed Challenge. All competitors will display BFG decals, and be eligible for $500 for a win, or $200 for second place at any JeepSpeed event. A11 competitors who have been_ issued a 1700 series race number by Mojave Desert Racing, will be enrolled in 'Team T/A. and be able to purchase tires direct from BFG at a super-low racer net price. Call 1.800.722.3234 or fax J .800.360.4594 for details. The JeepsSpeed Association officially thanks BFGoodrich for their support of our expanding organizatfon. Skviat:ker Suspensions ~1r .. Larry .convill_e, Marketing Director for 11' SkyJacker Suspens10ns. announced today that their company will be a major sponsor of the 2002 American Racing JeepSpeed Challenge. · Skyjacker will post $500 for a win at any JeepSpeed event. plus a $2500 Championship Award. To qualify for the $500, competitors must use Skyjacker product on their race Jeep. paint-ed in its original Skyjacker color. and display 17" x3'' Skyjacker decals. To win the $2500 Championship Award, you must be the 2002 JeepSpeed Champ, and comply with the Skyjacker contingency program at every JeepSpeed event entered in 2002. Skyjacker will offer competitors special racers net price on any Skyjacker components after you have been issued your 2002 series L700 race number. Call 1 .318.388.0816, extension 3. when you want to submit an order. JeepSpeed thanks Skyjacker for their sponsorship of our exciting 2002 season. "Salari10t llrerunning· JeepSpeed Safari Prerun lap of each ·M.D.R. race course Friday, prior to every race. beginning with the Ridgecrest 300, Ap1il 12. For Jeep owners and their families. the ·'Safari" prerun is open to all J,ceps and wilf depart the start line at 9 am on contingency day, and wiJI return in tjrne to participate in contingency activities, 4pm to 9 pm. leepSpeed Boes Pro JeepSpeed competitors will be moving to Pro Division of M.D.R. Drivers wHl fl(">W be eligible for double payout - .M.D.R. money. as well i1s American Racing prize fund. In addi-tion, JeepSpeed competitors are eligible for M.D.R. contingency awards, as well as JeepSpeed-specific contingency awards. More Than Baster Eggs 'ro Be Foand In Moa'll JeepSpeed Association will present live action demonstrations of their vehicles at the world famous Moab Easter Weck Off Road Festival. Interested participants contact Ray Cunie at 714.528.6957. leepSpeed Baja Challenge Thanks to Sal .Fish of SCORE International, there wrn be a special ·'JeepSpeed Baja Challenge" as part of the ·2002 Baja 500, May 31-fone 2. This wiH be a stand alone category, but will not be a pan of the year-long series. For rules, club news, questions, classifieds, race dates, equipment, prizes and vendors, please visit our website Club JeepSpeed 11111 ~ F'HCJl'JE 7"14.E!i3EI. 7434 • FAX. 7"14-6:3::3. "7724 'JS26 IV. VVII\IDES DRIVE • CIFl,AIVGS,,, C::.Ac 92869 E-!VlAIL .JEEPE.Jf:::,sscc::OIV1@P.Ac0L.C::OIVI
45TH TOUR DE CORSE 2001 Jesus and Citroen Win -Finally! By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Jesus Puras and Marc Marti comer hard on their way to the overall win in their neat looking Citroen Xsara WRC. Finally, after five heart-break rallies, which he had led, only to fall back or re-ti re, Spanish driver Jesus Puras won his first WRC event, the 2001 Tour de Corse. "I have been fighting hard for this moment for years, I hope this victory starts a 'new stage' in my life." He led the rally from the sec-ond stage to the finish, bring-ing Citroen to their first win with the World Rally Car. Michelin scored a grand slam of asphalt rally wins this year, · and Citroen headed their stablemates, Peugeot; who scored their third maximum ch::impionship pain.l's. score of the season. . The 12th round out of 14 counted not only for the overall and Group N cham-pionships, but was also _the penultimate round of the Super 1600. series. For the final time this year all seven registered manufacturers were present. Entries were limited to 90 cars, of which 52, an unusually· high proportion were two wheel drive. This was the final rally of the sea-son run on all asphalt roads, the two following events would be on gravel. In terms of overall distance this was the shortest rally in the his-tory of the world champion-. ship. All the servicing was at the same locat(on, Ajaccio airport. The rally was held later in the year than in re-cent years and that meant the weather would be more un-stable. Experiences in Sanremo showed th.at Pirelli tire users should well pray for rainy conditions. Mitsubishi ad-mitted that their problems at Sanremo were from electrical component failures which were undetected before the event. Peugeot felt confident, Gilles Panizzi won both San-remo and Corsica last year and Peugeot's cars last year were both first and second on both events! Would wet con-ditions in Corsica hamper the Peugeots with their Mich-elin tires? Panizzi said, "We found in Sanremo the car was just as competitive on slip-pery, ·greasy surfa-ces as on clear asphalt. It's a superbly balanced car." Both Peug~ot and Subaru announced new driver signings in the week before the event. Subaru entered four· cars as in Sanremo, but had no explanation as to why• Richard Burns left the road on the first stage of that event. Schwarz's short rally in Sanremo frustrated useful analysis of Skoda's new dif-ferential system, but Thiry was delighted at the car's per-formance in fast-changing weather conditions towards the end. Hyundai ran the same two cars as in Sanremo, although Liatti's had been re-turned to Britain for crash re-pairs. The main concern was overcoming brake problems which afflicted the cars in Finland and Italy. Citroen (not eligible for poirits this year), made their final planned appearance for the World Rally Cars this season, but this time only with two cars as both Loeb returned to driving Super 1600 cars for the remaining two events of the year, where he was only six points ahead of Dallavilla. The other main attraction was the Super 1600 cars. The various Ford Puma teams hoped the island's traditional demands would not preju-dice their chances, even if all seven Pumas reached the end of Sanremo. In Group N, the. Cordoba Rally Team had can-celed the en tries for both Pozzo and his t~ammate, Ligato. Gustavo Trelles be-came the 11th driver to en-ter his 100th World Cham-pionship Rally, and the first such driver never to have driven for an official works team! Four times he has won Thirteenth overall and first in Super 1600, the Citroen Saxo of Sebastian Loeb and Daniel Elena sets up for a corner. the FIA Group N champion-change a tire on the first ship. He started rallying in stage. Burns went off the 1975 and his first world rally road and smashed the front was Brazil in 1981. left corner, McRae drove on The various champion~ aflattirepartofthestageand ships were beginning to close Makinen flattened a tire. in. The first of the titles Sainz damaged his sump (Group N) was won on the guard when he hit a rock and previous event, Sanremo Sainz tried to reach service rally, when it became math-but couldn't, and he retired ematically impossible for with heavy oil loss. Gron-Gabriel Pozzo to be overtaken holm had a flat on S~age 1 by rival drivers. Even with followed by a bad tire vibra-two more events to run, only tion on the second stage. Au-two drivers ·could now win riol punctured on the first the Super 1600 series, stage, Solberg hit a rock and Sebastian Loeb (Citroen) and punctured then did it again Andrea Dallavilla (Fiat), and -on the second stage. Loix's with one more round of the puncture caused brake prob-Teams Cup to go (Australia), lems and also for Schwarz. the only winners could be Alister McRae had his front Henrik Lundgaard and Pasi brakes on fire after Stage 1. Hastrom, both in Toyotas. Thiry had terrible trouble With three rounds of the with his suspension and com-WRC to go, no fewer than pletely lost ·his brakes on nine drivers could still win, Stage 1. Quite a lot happened as could four of the six eli-before the cars returned to gible manufacturers. the.Service Park! Leg 1 -Four stages, as-The cars then headed off phalt, 99kms. The event be-for the 36km long Stage 3. gan with the predictable Colin McRae struggled, las-battle between Citroen and ing half a minute to the lead-Peugeot, and ended in con-ers, saying he was going as fast fusion following the decision as his ,:ires would allow. to stop Stage 5, the final Panizzi said his understand-stage of the day, after Maki-ing was getting dangerous, he nen crashed. However, there was having to use his hand was plenty of excitement in brake and that was ·wearing between. Subaru lost Ari af-his tires even more. Makinen ter an accident, he crashed was finally getting happy with when the car slid on some his car and he scored fi.fth mousse· left by an errant fastest time. Delecour had a Michelin tire. Bugalski bad vibration from his tires crashed on the first stage, his and had to ease off. Loix's ca,r understeered right off the brakes improved but now he road. Panizzi made fastest had understeer and he had to time, even though his Peu-stop to change yet another geot felt nervous, in front of flat tire. Thiry said his shocks Jesus Puras in the second Cit-· were going away. Then came roen. Purse, still leading the rally. Once again the Citroens The Hyundais were having were well down in the field. steady runs but Skoda lost Puras eased off on the first Thiry with tranny failure af-stage afrer seeing Bugalski's ter Stage 4. crashed car and the upside Stage 5 was crisis point. down Subaru of Ari. There Second car through was were flats and broken wheels Makinen's Mitsubishi. He galore. Loix had to stop and crashed heavily, ended up in-=-----------Gilles and Herve Panizzi were only 18 seconds ot: of the overall win Richard Bums and Robert Reid were fourth in their Subaru lmpreza The unfortunate demise of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo WRC of Tommi in their Peugeot 206 WRC. WRC, shown here at speed.· Makinen and Risto Manisenmaki who was banged up a good bit. Page 16 l=ebruary 2002 Dusty Times -t-
First in Group N and 17th overall the great looking Mitsubishi Lancer Piero Liatti and Carlo Cassina comer in their Hyundai Accent, shown Francois Delecour and Daniel Grataloup run through town on their way to 10th place overall their Ford Focus RS. Evo of Gustavo Trelles and Jorge Del Buono. here on their way to a nicw eighth overall. verted on the side of the led the classification by 7.3 Stages 10, 11 and 12 course. Co-driver Risto Man-seconds. The category ended were repeats of 7, 8 and nisenmaki had a back injury the day with four different 9. While on 11, Colin and needed careful extrica-types in the top four. McRae hit a rock, broke tion from the car. He was air-,Leg 2 -Seven stages, as-the sumpguard and lifted to the hospital. Only phalt, 155kms. The second smashed the power steer-nine cars completed the stage leg started under cloudless ing and he dropped to before it was stopped. This skies. There was bad news, 12th_. On Stage 12 Dele-was a crisis for the organizers, Mannisenmaki had cracked a cour lost his brakes, as the rally leader, Puras had vertebrae in his back, it Schwarz wasn't happy not attempted the stage. Cit-would be 10 days before he with his steering and the roen said they would strongly could resume competition·. team withdrew the car, oppose any attempt to give For Makinen, this was the lat-fearing it might lock up. him an "interruption time" est in a long line of disasters. Burns was having gear-as that would penalize him Puras set off with a look shift problems, Weardon unfairly. After a few hours it towards the sky, but, in fact, lost his brakes on 12 and was decided that completion Stage 6 was dry and passed Puras was delighted, of the stage was the only fair without incident, his shocks "The car. does exactly solution. So Puras ended the were reset and the car felt what I want it to do!" day with a lead of 10.5 sec-fine. Panizzi was slowed with Panizzi felt sure that dry onds with Panizzi and Auriol a broken mousse and was conditions would see very close together. worried about his brakes. Puras win the rally the In Group N there were two Gronholm was not happy next day, so he was pray-happy people, Trelles, for his with his car but decided to ing for· rain. 100th rally celebration and tough it out. Markko Martin In Super 1600 Manfrinato, a left hand drive lost a starter motor cable and Dalla villa started off with Evo VII had been flown in had to be push started. Ro-power steering troubles, from Japan so he could run vanpera finished the stage letting Loeb back onto the rally and he was leading with two badly worn front the lead. Stenshorn .spun at the end of the first day. tires. Schwarz reverted to twice in the rain. Cols In Super 1600 there were older type--fuspension and went off the road, unhappy people at Ford. was much happier. McShea broke a drive-Magaud had to stop to change Then came the rain, for ev-shaft, Robert had power · a tire, Duval and Rousselot eryone except the first two steering trouble and both retired with related en-cars on the road, Purse and Bernardi had to stop to gine troubles. At Fiat, Basso Panizzi. Stages 7, 8 and 9 were change a tire. Morel had a broken spark plug and tackled together in a 69km crashed and an emer-struggled to get to the end of section between servicing. gency vehicle was sent the stage. Chemin had steer-Puras found the changing ing trouble, Mazian had to conditions on 8 and 9 con-stop to change a tire, then fusing. Burns spun in the wa-had another puncture rip ter. Colin McRae made best away the right front fender. time on Stage 8. Gronholm Dallavilla took advantage of spun, hit a bridge and tore a Loeb's no brakes situation wheel off the car and that let and at the end of the day he Solberg into fourth place. down I (15) ;z (16) 3 (2) • (5) 5 (II) 8 (18) 7 (29) I (g) 9 (10) 10 (17) the stage which JNue PURAS/Mwc Maltl GDn PANlZZI/Harve Pam,zi 0-AURIOUDena GltaUdal Richard BURNS/Robert Reid P_, SOLBERGIPl>lllp MIio Malllko M■rltn/Mlehlll:1 Park Hanl Rovanpe,a/RislO ·Plolilalnen Plero LIATil/Carto Casslna Al-McRAl:/Ooarvid Senic>f Francois Dolecouc/Oanlel Gretaioup held Stohl up for three an end when he went off m _inutes. Macaluso the road. Burns had now crashed and retired, risen to si;xth overall and Galanti broke a drive-with two Subaru team-shaft and Loeb held a mates in the two places lead of 20 seconds in front of him, it throughout the day. seemed there would be In Group N Santoni some position swapping hit a bridge and retired to increase Burns cham-from second place. pionship total. Colsoul retired with cliff In Group N, Nik problems, then Manfri-Elsmore went off the nato went off the road road. Sanchez was going and retired, leaving fast and reduced Trelles' Trelles in the lead. Reece lead by 20 seconds but Jones had to change a · he was still a minute be-broken wheel, drive two hind and Griezine, in stages with suspension his all white, stickerless troubles, but he man-Evo was third. In Super aged to continue. 1600th title was going Leg 3 -Four stages, as-. the way of Loeb, if Loeb phalt, lllkms. The final beat Dallavilla. Robert four stages consisted of retired his Peugeot with a loop of 55kms, done engine trouble, Magaud twice. A lot could still go had driveshaft failure wrong. Puras was pre-and Saladin retired with pared to go cautiously in a broken radiator. the rain and the damp McShea was up to third, and go hard when it was but he fell behind Basso. dry. Rain started to fall Loeb won the. title with on the final two stages victories in all four of but by now Puras was se-the rallies he contested. cure in his lead. Panizzi We saw new faces at Cit-had to slow on 14 with roen, P~ugeotandevenSuba-brake troubles and De-ru,outshiningtheoldguard. lecour dropped back to On to gravel in Australia, seventh when he too had Peugeot looking good, only brake troubles. seven points below Ford. We Weardon's run came to shall see! ·-----.. e Clroen XNra WRC 32CSP92(F) 3h.5&n.35.58. • 10 -. F Peugeot206 WRC 286NNN75 (F) 3h.68m.53.0.. 10 6 . . F P9ugeot:208 WRC :M1NaZ76 (F) :lh.511rn.47.4a. 6 • . . OB SUbaN lmp,9za WRC XI 5Slff (GB) ◄h.03m 28.S. . 4 3 . -NIGB SUbaru lmp,w.a WRC X17SRT(OB) 4h.03m.29.<11. 3 2 -. EE/G8 Sllbarv tm!)t'ett WRC X10SRT(GBJ 4h.03m.57.11. . 1 . . FIN Peugeot206 WRC 206MW.175 (F) 4h.05m.0Vla. . . . I Hyun!IIII Accent WRC X12HMC(OB) 4h.06m.44.71. 2 · --. GB Hyundai Accent WRC X14HMC(OB) 4h.07m.28.29. 1 --. F Fon! Focue RS WRC 1"6FMC (GB) 4h.08m.41.6e. . -. . Perform a nee Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 150 Some Uses: • Pit Truck Showers & Washdowns • Cooking & Kitchen Facilities • Extended Stay Water Storage Tanks • Bike Trailer Water Tanks • Car & Buggy Trailer Tanks • Pressure Washing Storage Tanks Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from • Non Corrosive Polyethylene • One-Piece Seamless • Heavy Wall Construction • Custom Fitting Locations • New Systems • Auxiliary Systems • Replacements c:.'lila.,-... Jl .. ....,.---0_ E.M. Trailer & Van Mh . In uires Are Welcome RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Catalog Dusty Times February 2002 Page 17,
38TH ANNUAL TECATE SCORE BAJA 1000 Campbell/Staab Take The overall Photos: Trackside Photo . Johnny Campbell and Tim Staab really poured it on, taking the overall win by almost an hour, capping a not too great season in SCORE. The year 2001 had not been The Great New Millen-nium that Johnny Campbell and Tim Staab would have wished for, being the holders of the 200 "lX" champion-ship plate and all. After be-ing beaten at San Felioe and, again, in the :Baja 500" the word around the pits was "Wot dah ????!" But this year's B 1 K saw the desired reversal of fortune as the two South-ern California racers took their Honda XR650R to a resounding overall victory in the Big One. Their sub-14 hour "sprint" was good for a one hour margin over their Honda teammates and arch-rivals, Steve Hengeveld and Jonah Street (who hoped to pass the Valley T Pow.er Sta-tion while it was still light). Campbell and Staab also beat the first car of Doug Fortin by 45 minutes. It was quite a display: the "lX" bik had a 31 minute lead by Borrego's race mile 220. Demonstrat-ing that pre-running is· like dinero en el banque; the wise racers sliced off the hypot-enuse of a course triangle, scattering surprised Checkers like quail. Campbell is the first off road rider to win five con-secutive Baja 1000 titles -like, uh, in a row, too. -Honda is the first manufacturer to win 12 Baja 1000s. Be advised that Street and Hengeveld captured the Class 22 cham-pionship. The third finisher was the Honda 650 of Baja tour guide Chris Haines who brought in ·the famous-but-seldom-seen Jack Johnson to parfner with ex-D37 desert ace Craig Adams and Bob Johnson. Haines now has eight class wins and Johnson seven. Note: That pesky Jack Johnson also rode to the "1000" win in 1982 with the revered Al "XRs Only" Daker. Ricardo Malo did not do bad, either, winning Class 30 while perennial strongman Richard Jackson won Class 50. The Quads were headed by the as-usual strong team of Carmen Cafro, Earl Thigpen, Scott Callen and Allen Fox. There were a total of 58 starters (33 Pros and 25 Sportsmen) with 29 finishers for an even fifty percent fin-ishing ratio. Campbell and Staab over-came two racing accidents, covering the 667 miles over. the rocky, rugged, silty, tight, twisty and technically-chal-le ngi ng Baja California course on their Honda XR650R in a time of 13 hours, 51 minutes and 40 seconds. Averaging 48.84 miles per hour to win the Class 22 title was remarkable considering the two accidents Campbell had within the first 150 miles. Their dominating performance resulted in a vic-tory margin of over 54 min-utes. The Ensenada Hermanos Ruvalcaba took on Steve Cruz for a cruise to the fifth motorcycle position and the mid-sized bike win. Not bad. Honda team manager Bruce Ogilvie allowed his rid-ens to select their sections based on ability and desire, but retained an "oversight" position. "Tim Staab felt that he was in great shape -he hits the gym three times a week (and you forget that he's only 23) -so he hit the big bullet, wanting to do the San Felipe stuff back to back through the Mike's loop. I agreed." Tim and Johnny's bike was using a set of "works" Kayaba forks that had originally been introduced in '99 but were then shelved in favor of stock legs that had been Bob Bell-ed at Precision Concepts. "But this summer Tim, Johnny and Bob worked on the "works" forks and made them a little better than the ones we have been using. Bruce said." The engine is the standard displacement HRC kit - a different cam and higher CR -that we've been using since six months after the bike was released." At the highway before Mike's they put on new wheels on both ends and front brake pads. The team stuck with the 7 39AT Dunlops even though "per-haps an MX tire might have been better in the new bladed section" but the team cer-tainly did not. want to take any chances of flats so they stuck with what works. "Tim and I felt that we had the upper hand since I knew that Jonah had not been feel-ing well and Steve was think-ing of preserving that '# 1' plate. And I had four '1000s' . " 1n a row, too. "Nobody builds tougher bikes than Honda, and I'm living proof of that," said Campbell,.who hit a quad ridden by a spectator who blundered onto the course at RM 100 out of the Km 77 crossing and then 50 miles later smashed the front wheel on his Honda when he hit a cow that strayed onto the race course to see what the racket was all about. "I.was going about 45 miles an hour in the wash (after the Summit) when all of a sudden I see this cow's head come ut fr<;>m be-hind a bush,and there was no time to react. The impact. flipped me off the back and fortunately I landed on soft silt or I would have been hurt really bad." Johnny was set-ting up for a turn through a fence so, luckily, happily, was not at full cable-stretching speed. "It happened so quick that I had no time to be scared. The ATV, now that made me mad. It ·was un-called for. It sent me flying. l hit the fork leg on the right tire, so I had to straighten the leg in the clamps." Somewhat shaken he m;:i.de it to Honda 4 -where they figured that he had a 3:30 lead over 5X -Jonah and Steve -including the two minute start delta: It was go-ing to be close. The cow deal bent the front brake rotor so the right lever was problem-atical, at best. "At least it wasn't an area where you need a lot of front brake," Bruce noted. Things then went away. "I was in the chopper following both bikes when Jonah's dust just disappeared. I thought at first, that he had taken some new line that he had found pre-running b'ut then ... nothing." It took Street almost a half an hour to get the bike running again. "I heard that Jonah Street was sick most of the week and that affected him during the race. After he crashed (in the same area where JC hit the cow), he kicked and kicked and kicked and wore himself out trying to start the bike so he had to sit down and. rest a while!" -Mike i<.ariya. (Subsequent investigations of the bike resulted in no findings, nothing that would make a restart so tedious.) "I was happy to turn over the bike to Tim and get some rest before getting back on at Valle de Trinidad," Campbell· admitted. Now blessed with a 30 minute cushion, Tim and JC could "relax" -if you could ever "relax" with Hengeveld behind you. Steve did nibble away at the lead but hoping to. cut off five minutes in ev-ery section was unrealistic, since,the bikes were virtually the same and the riders equally fast. Hengeveld kept the pace but settled for sec-ond -and the SCORE Class 22 championship. As Bruce noted, the Honda team that gets the breaks gets the win. Campbell said that being first on the road could be tough duty. Sure, there is no dust but you catch the spec-tators -and the cows -un-awares. "I was lucky. There was only one pocket of fog on the pavement to the Wash so I slowed only for a mile. Up from Uruapan to Ojos you usually have to stop and open gates. Not this time. It was easy, no ground fog, in fact, it only got dark when· I reached Erindera." Knowing. that 5X had fallen way back Johnny clicked back the pace a bit. Ricardo Malo (304X) com-bined forces with Fred Willert (then who withdrew his 303X entry) and they were quite successful with an 11th overall and the class win. Ed-die Zeller's 302X was down at RM 120 for quite some time with a broken side case, however was able to get go-ing, stopping at the "Oasis" Mag 7 pit at 1603. Zeller did get a finish, a late finish. Rodolfo Iribe -"The Mexi-can 'want-to-be' Ironman" -had a busy day. (And, yes, one of THOSE "Famous lribes", however half-removed!) "Have you ever had a bad nightmare? You know, the one you wake up sweating, your heart is hammering? The Steve Henge!1eld and Jonah Street finished second but they won the Ricardo Malo teamed with Fred Willert, took the class 30 win and The Class 21 win went to David Ruvalcaba and Steve Cruz, fifth Class 22 SCORE championship. finished a nice /Ith overall as well. overall, a really great finish for the guys. Page 18 February 2002 Dusty Times -t
The aged team of Haines/Adams/Johnson & Johnson took the Class Alejandro Vizcaino did it again, first in SPT 250cc and 8th bike overall. Richard Jackson took the Class 50 win with ease, his Ronda performing flawlessly, a big win for the Checkers. 40 win as well as being the third bike across the line. He also won the San Felipe and the 500 race. Baja 1000 was just that but finish in fourth place at hated to see this happen to with a time of 30 hours. Our 13: 14:27 on Saturday." Jonah, he's such a fantastic bike was a Precision Concepts "The question is: Are we guy and it just gave the win O'Neal USA/Night Rider going to do.it again? You bet to lX. If that wouldn't have Lights/Irvington Wheel & your sweet candy ass we will. happened it would've been a Brake Honda XR650R and Why? Because we still can ... " great race." my race partners were Kent Tim Morton (301X) "Ron (Tim's bro-in-Kroeker, Rod Hamby, and "Our 1000 race didn't go law) took off on the Bob Laughlin. My partners so great, it was a fun time Borrego-to-Matias loop are crazy, but calculating, and everyone ended up safe, and put some major time men,sometimes." exceptforourbike.Ourteam on the other guys. He "When I got to San Matias was Tex Mitchell, Charles even hung pretty close to 301Xwasdone.Theyhadbot-Schnell(inhisfirstbigrace), Hengeveld. At the tom end bearing failure, ter-Ron Wilson, and myself." Mike's road Ron gave minal. Now we were running "Tex started and put in a the bike to me. We were a solid second. We decided great ride, said Mort. "By the still about six minutes nottoriskthebikesotherest timewegottoK77highway out of second overall of the race we took care of it. crossing we had a good ride and first Vet. I got on Rod Hamby reported going going in third overall with a and didn't even get a down in a nasty ditch and Vet class lead of severi min-mile before the crank losing about five minutes utes. We then dropped so~e seized in the motor. That while two bikes got around time and fell behind to sec-was the end of our day." when he was racing for: Tom swore: "I'll tell Ni~san. The te_am then ya, Jack Johnson, Craig put in Bob Johnson and Adams, John Ort·ner, once-D37 ace Craig Ad-Bob Johnson, O'Neal, ams for an untouchable Kevin Hines. Those team. This is, not to de-Class 40 guys hauled mean, however, the Jim ass." O'Neal riders, which in-Not only did the Chris eluded back-east, tight-Haines gang win_ the course specialist Kevin "Over-Forty" class, they Hines. They were less were the th~rd tnotor-than four minutes back, cycle and eighth overall. at 10th overall, just be-Haines, usually on green hind Troy Herbst's or KTM, saddled up a Truggy. On time, on ubiquitous XR650 and time, not back in the slipped iIT a well-tanned fire hose debris. Jack Johnson. Other As Tim Morton (301X) than a touch of tasteful wrote: "I'm actually more gray at the temples, Jack worried abut (O'Neal) looks no older than Continued on page 20 him. Rod never complaiD-S ond Vet. Over the Summit I and never quits. That is why caught Ricky Malo because we love to have him in our he waited for me! He stopped team." me and asked me if he had FOR SALE "Kent Kroeker took the passed a Honda pit (a rookie bike a:t Valle T and ran it in move not to know) -which the darkness all the way down he hadn't. After going over to Santo Tomas. Kent is the the Summit we had a fantas-master of this run. Kent is tic battle going back and picky about bike set-up but forth. At one point on _in the heat of battle he Saldana I got confused (not elected not to install a new enough pre-running) and I front tire, just a new rear. actually turned around to get Laughlin said that if you are behind Ricky so as to not going to hit something in lose too much time (that was Baja you are better off hitting MY first rookie move)." it at full speed. According to "Then we came to a 'Y' and Bob, this way you will not I rook to the right and Ricky live the rest of your life in a took off left. He then looked wheel chair. Bob finished at over his shoulder to see what 23:31:54. Good for second I did and HE then turned in class, 16th Overall." around to follow ME!! Dude, "I got off the bike at San it was so funny! We were both Matias sometime after 1400. totally confused about what Then I waited for a Class 9 to do! We both looked like buggy (#948) that belongs to complete rookies! I did not the oldest man racing Baja: know he decided to follow Ed McLean, in his late 70's. me so I kept thinking he was Ed has the REAL Baja aheadofmeandlwaslosing Spirit!!! The race car showed lots of time. up at the BFG Pit sometime "I was so upset that I had -after midnight.>J(Note: this a really tough time concen-was while Rudy's motorcycle trating. I got on top of a little was finishing.) "I got in the ridge and could see the dust race car with Mike O'Neal and trail ahead of me and figured ran the loop around Mike's he had put at least a couple then to Llano Colorado on minutes on me in a short the west coast." amount of miles. I was so "During this night time we bummed. I finally got to the managed to pass close to 20 Borrego pit, we changed cars and some bikes, most of wheels and a filter and Ron them stuck in the silt, some took off. While we were in the with blown engines, transmis-pit Ricky came in, got gas, sions, or simply up-side-down and Vega took off on his bike. in a ditch. A Toyota 4WD I couldn't believe it, Ricky was helping everyone, and was still behind me, and no Rick Thomas' '8' nerfed us one else had actually passed up a hill!" me! We were still in third "By the time we got to Ll-overall. As it turned out, ano Colorado it was around Jonah was only a couple min-0900 of the next day, Satur-utes behind JC when he day. I got out of the car while crashed in a wash after Salada our chase ere~ fixed a ball and couldn't restart his bike. joint. The nut had worked off I had actually passed him! It and the only thing holding was Jonah's dust that passed thatinwasgravityandsome me back. No wonder I Baja silt. The car managed to couldn't keep him in sight! I Dusty Times Riviera ·Racing/ Nick Baldwin All Wheel Drive Car ► Nye Frank engineered and built ► Robby Gordon Racing Shocks (Built and Tested) ► 700++ H.P. Leon Patton Chevy V-8 ► Two Speed Automatic Transmission ► Dennis Cook Computer Controlled A.W.D. Transfer Case (with Spare) ► 9" Ford Differentials (Front and Rear) ► 37" X 17'' BFGoodrich Project Tires ► Many-Many Spares ► Fastest Car in the Desert!!! Proven and Tested Serious Inquires Only, Please contact Jerry Whelchel for more Details February 2002 $95,000 oho (949) 472-2024 Page 19 ,
Carmen Cafro made.it look easy. he raced his Ronda to the Class 25 The under 250cc Sportsman motorcycle class went to Tito Colon Javier Robles took the Sportsman ATV title, riding his Yamaha to the ATV win, 12th bike across the line, 26th overall. and Ernesto Ramirez, 22nd bike across the line. _~_in_i_n'-'ju...:.s.:..t -'--ov...:.e_r...:.2_5_h_o_urs_. _____________ _ and (Haines) getting 1n The top three finish-get your grits at any num-Felipe and again at the Bombardiar 4x4 model the OA. They've got ers in the big Quad clas_s ber of Huddle Houses,' "500". Fred Brown, who ("Quest"). It's not a go-fast some awesome 40-so--rne-had different Fina l Solu-simply pick up some operates a Costa Rica Quad; they just want itto fin-thing riding. They'll tions to the ·B aja Prob-boiled peanuts from a bike tour deal, w a s s e c-ish for advertisement. We haul ass and I don't want l e m . Carmen C a fro roa d side stand, or maybe ond with his Virginians . might have a goo d chance of to get beat by 'em." r a c e d a discontinue d some Low Country Boil. They beat Phil Yeager's winning the money for Last Richard Jackson, The Honda two stroke, as According to Mag 7's Team Tumbleweed Place?" This was one of those Pride of the Checke·rs, did Cycle Parts West's· Kirk Kontilus Towe "was "Screamers" from Aus-rigs with a deer rack, detach-once again showed his John Gregory (parking scheduled to take six gal-tin. able head light, six-pac rack metal's mettle with a their bike-show-qualify lons o f fuel in a five gal-Another solo attempt and reverse. • 24th overall and a re-400EX four stroke) -lon tank and did not was by bush riding Brian Salley tells: "I'm still sounding seven hour Greg Row selected a stop to get any. Thank Melbourne's Jeff a motorcycle rider, though I class win. At Borrego huge 650cc Rotax-pow-you for the extra fuel.". Matthews on a " Team rode from the Zoo road to they were the ninth com-ered Bombardier. Cafro, For being the last offi-Nomad" DR650 Suzuki, the Mike's turnoff(about 95 petitor, 7 0 minutes capitalizing on t h e agil-cial motorcycle finisher CA street legal with an. miles). The bike was way too ahead of Mark Post's ity of the 250R, was the Kazumi Kuwayama ignition key that a lso stiff in the front. If you h it leading Ford. Always the · 12th bike and 26t h over-picked up an extra 170 · was required for the steel anything large or hard it needler, Richard said, all ... the course was tight, "Cheese" dollars (or tank's gas cap. "Live the would whip the bars from "The Dempseys are my technical, and, obv1ously, 2 0,895 Yen -but not life, not the image." A you. I would try and stand sponsors!" The British well suited for quads: "Bob" Yen). surprise DNF was Tony thru the whoops 'til it got Columbia Husky of Al Gregory and Rowe were· Alejandro Vizcaino Motta and Dan Green-squirrelly. Also with stock Perrett lost power and 14/33 and 15/34 respec-m a d e the long drive wood on. Scott Burch's lighting the deep dips, the was left on the cou.rse, tively. north from La Paz pay 257X. Que lastima. whoops, were deceiving." not to b e seen ever The fourth and sixth off, once again, with a Ricky Stator and Greg The Buzzard's Last again. Art spent the place finishers, victory over 17 other Row put together for Steve G asp: "I d qn't think evening with Locos W alraven and Towe , are Sporty riders - ending up «Buzzard" Steven s, Barro n Bria n or I will ever ride·. M ocos , luckily without all the way out from a s eighth bike and 18th Pickett, and Brian "Bilstein" a Quad again, FREE or his hearing aid. Georgia , where you can overall. H e w o n a t S a n S alley to enter a new n ot!!!" .. -af:CU {flf{[J Where When Registra tion !!ihot liun !!itart Singing lli//9 Re9orl *. El Cajon, CA Ftidag, Ap,il 19, 2002 Dinner How 11 :30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 4 Man Team Sc,amhle , Dinne, • D,ink9 • Ptizeg • Confegfg * . • Raff/eg Q *Confe$f$: long O,ive • C/o$e$f-To-Pin • llole-ln-One 'iii_ I 1 ~ / ~ I !i ,: ? ;" li ~ ? <?, Entry Fee O~~IJ $ ~25 pe, per~on -Includes Dinner LJL ~ ... ~ _ !L _ ~ _ ! _ _ ~ ! l.!:::t Add,t,onal Omne, ncketi Ava,lable -$2S ea~ For The Bettern,ent at= the §part *Colla,ed $hirl$ ,equi,ed. No denim $hOrl$ ot pant$ allowed. r--- - - - - - - - - - - -I = ~ ........... r,01-JJJ Limitedtothefirst144entrie~. = .:=11 • L• ~ .--~ • J Forms and fees MUST be recIeved by 4/12/02. Mail entry form to: SUMMiT • P.O. Box 4645 • Carson, CA 90749 TO ucom,o -Phone# T-Shirt Size Player I Player~ ______________________ _ P layer 3 _______________________ _ Player4 _______________________ _ Golf' Team Name ___________________________________ _ (Example: "The Hackers" "Santa Ana Slicers" "Los Gringos Grande" -You get the idea. Be creative. Have fun.) "t' For more information contact: ___. e-'/~.F Singing Hills Resort 3007 Dehesa Road • El Cajon, CA 92019 P: 619.442.3425 • F: 619.442.9574 Bruce Conrad 310.603.2200/Judy Smith 760.868.5694/Mike Julson 619.562.1743/Mike Cohen 619.691.9171 p;,ige 20 February 2002 Dusty Times
'~ <ppo f 600 Sanctionad 6vent" 1 cl 0 00 : 1 elf --=--~-.". * MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 10 CARS IN CLASS Race Details Location:, Primm, NV Course: 80 miles · 5 laps: class 1, 10,, 1600 &5 4 laps: class 5-1600 & 9 _ 3 laps: Heavy metal, Mini metal & Sportsman buggy 2 laps: Sportsman truck & class 11 Rooms: Call 1-800-Fun-Stop and mention SNORE and recieve a special room rate This race is the 3rd stop on the Official Fule of SNORE 2002 SNORE POINTS CHAMPION WILL RECEIVE A 2-1600 BUILT.: .. BY FRALEY PERFORMANCE AND THUS FAR HAS THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS INCLUDED IFODDRILL ARMSI II Friday, April 12 Fun Run-2pm Driver ,Registration 5pm - 9pm Tech Inspection 5:30pm -9:30pm Saturday, April 13 Drivers Meeting 8 am Race Starts 9 am ( 10 hour time limit) Sunday, April 14 Awards Ceremony 9am at Primm Valley resort conference center Drawing 9:30pm SNORE HOTLINE 452-45e2 / SNORE WEBSITE WWW.GO-DESERT.COM
CODE OFF ROAD 2001 FINALE Las 200 Millas de Botica Santa Maria Text & Photos: Byrle Moore Elizandro Yee drove his Jimco to a nice first in Class 10, took the overall win and set fast lap for the race as well. The first weekend in Octo-ber and in some places the leaves are changing. In the next to the last race of the sea-son for CODE Off Road; the o_nly changes were a few in the course and a few in the year's standings, but overall the rac-ing was the same. Fast and furious. The "Las 200 M illas de Bot.ica Santa Maria" got under way on a bright Saturday morning, and facing a nine hour · time limit, all those who were going to finish, crossed the line some-where between two hours and change and eight hours 33 . minutes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!1_111111111'!1_111111111'!1_111111111'!1_111111111'!1_111111111~ Paul Keller and Danny Ledezma· took the 1600 win, but just, their competition was only 34 seconds behind them. Beny Canela and Dennis Milner had a good race, taking the Class B win by over an hour. and 37 seconds later. With 100 starters and only 62 finishers it was no simple drive through the park. Starting with the Pro class, Elizandro Yee, in his _new J imco Class 10 ·; 2.5" ICIIVG&~:C:~£0GY 714.530.8701 • FAX 714.530..B?o:2 104()21RASKAVE., UNff A• GARDENGRO~ CA 92843 ,_,.•-9shoc/cs.co,n Page 22 February 2002 2.5" B111p1Bp €ii!!!£~ Need coil springs? (all King Shocks! We have custom and production coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times
Jorge Sanchez had a fast, uneventful race, set fast lap for Ricardo Cons has a real neat looking Baja and he drove it to The go9d looking Ford of Mario Morales took. the Class 18 the class and took the silver medal in class 1600. the first place position in the Class 15 Sportsman race. Sportsman win with ease, the competition was half an hour behind. car, was the only ope in seconds was the differ-competitive class. His Allan Gregory took Eric Fisher won Class 9 the class to finish the ence between first, sec-time was 4:54:59. In sec-third spot with a time of with a time of 4:49:32, a three lap race. With a ond and third, in Class ond with a time of 5:03:59, Jose Angel Soto little over eight minutes time of 3:49:08 and an 5-1600. Alberto Soto in 4:46:07 was the team of took fourth with a aheadofsecondplacefinisher average speed of 52.24 the Tractorland racing v-Marcos Nunez and Rob-5: 11:09 and Eric Muller Leo Navar:retewitha time of her won both Class and dub headed this always-erto Rivera. Jason and was a N/T. Continued on page 25 Overall honors. Arturo Honold ha,d both clutch and engine troubles and was a dnf and N/T. Luis Barragan blew his engine and was also dnf and N/T. Mario Salazar was also a N/T and this includes all par-ticipants in the 10 class. In Class 1/2-1600 Paul Keller and Danny Le-dezma, ran three quick laps to win the class by a scant 35 seconds. Their time for three was 4:12:45. Jorge 'Yiro' Sanchez ran the fastest class lap, crossed the fin-ish line first only to find out that the Keller/Le-dezma team beat him out of first because of the corr-ected times due to starting _ position. Sanchez's time was 4 :13:19. In third place was the team of Miguel Florez and Pietro Brasea. They had a trouble free race and were only an-other 24 seconds back with a time of 4: 13:43. Eric Duran was fourth with a 4:50:32, Steve Downing took fifth with 6:26:54 and Martin Gonzalez sixth at· 6:30: 27. Victor Herrera and Cesar Cons were no/times to fill out the class. Beny Canela and Denis Milnner drove the reworked number 801 Ford truck through three clean consistent laps and finished over an hour in front of the nearest Class 8 competi-tor. Juan Carlos Lopez ran to 5 :57:19 and was the only oth~r class starter to finish. He had one of his fastest class-laps, but developed elec-trical problems. Gustavo Coronado was 15 min-utes over the nine hour time iimit and Armando Bravo, Fernando Real, and Abel Encarnacion, had various problems and were all no times. Canela and Milnner's • time was 4 :37:24. Gerardo Gonzalez out of Tecate B.C~ was the only entry in Class 5, but ran very quickly to 4:43:09 and took first place points. Nine minutes and 49 Dusty Times MENDEOLA· RACING'S NEWEST OFFERING THE 'MDS' HITS 'BIG' AT THE PRIMM 300!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS IN CLASS 10 AND CLASS i2 CLASS 10 - 1st PLACE CHRIS HARROLD #1006 Jimco-Honda (Major Performance) CLASS 1·2 -2ND PLACE MIKE COHEN #1205 TOM SCHILLING Jimco-VW (Wik's Racing) CLASS 12-1 ST PLACE KORY HALOPOFF #1214· HARLEY LETNER Bergdahl-VW (Dave Bonner) .,, * An excellent compliment to off-road racing's finest chassis and engines * The perfect 5-speed gear ·system fro pre-runners and dual sport recreational vehicles * The MDS is now available from all authorized Mendeola Dealers 290 Trousdale Dr. #J Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 691-1000 Fax (619) 691-1324 www.mendeolaracing.com February 2002 Page 23
• The Sportsman Safari Class went to Daniel Reyes, he was Juan Carlos Lopez was out on the course a long time but he Marcos Nufiez took second in Class 5-1600, he just missed the win by a bit over a minute. just a few minutes ahead of his competition. managed a second place finish in Class 8. 5 :07:30. Third place went to son and seventh to Jaime of 4:36:44. Luis Chavez ran Francisco Fernandez,'with a Boquirren. Luis Rivera and second with a time of5:12:40 time of 5:26:30. Thetewere Tom McAdamswere.N/Ts. and third went to Enrique six other entrants in Class 9. In Class 7, Perry McNeil Guerrero, with a time of Fourth place was Gregorio blew some ·shock reservoir 5:53:33. Casillas, fifth went to Juan hoses, but was way out front Class 7 /S was headed by MaycralJr., sixth to Bill Han-and finished first with a time Dan Street who drove three consistent laps and came in berto lmrate finished in third with a time of 5:34:20. Right spot with at time of 6:54:02. behind Street and a little over Jeremy Johnson was a distant eight minutes back was Ar-fourth with a time of9:33: 18. mando Duron with a time of Jaime Soto, Steve Moore and 5:42:49. Jose Diaz Martinez were all no Enrique Loam and Al-times. The Class 11 Pros had only two finishers for time. Al-berto "Cerillo" Ortega took first with a very good time of 4:39:47. Miguel Mexia drove to second coming across the line at 4:50:26. The other three entrants in Class 11 were no times for various rea-sons. They were Joel Cervantes, Carlos Maclis, and Mele Valencia. Alberto Soto had a good race, no problems and a nice Class 5-1600 win in his very clean car. Eric Fisher took the highly competitive Clas·s 9 win in his many stickered race car. The Sportsman class was further broken down into four units. Class 14, Class 15, Class 18 and the Safari class. Forty-four drivers and co-drivers started and 28 had times, aqout a 45% attrition rate. This class went two laps so their times will reflect Page 24 February 2002 Dusty Times
Leo Navarette churns up the dust on his way to a nice second Armando Duron runs through the dust on his way to a nice Luis Chavez gave it all he had but it wasn't his day, he finished spot in Class 9. second place in Class 7S. a fair/ Ion second in Class 7. -:-'thi-a--:t-.'Fr7"ir-s--:t-:-in--:Cr-1l_a_s_s----.l'4_w_a_s-e========='--"==== -=-=w Mauricio Ibarra in at 2:59:02. Second was Victor Lugo with a time of 3:02:45, and third went to Jose Paramo in at 3:21:04. Fourth place was Francisco Rojas, fifth was Luis Florfiano, sixth went to Jose Reyes and seventh was Jose Luis Sanchez. There were six other entries, but all were no times. Class 15 had 12 entries and 10 finishers, so if you want a time and points bet-ter build a Class 15 entry. Ricardo Cons M-was first with a time of 3:30: 14. Arnulfo Lopez was 40 sec-onds back for second in at 3:30:54 and Francisco Raccon finished with a time of 3 :34:55. The other seven drivers, with times, went from 3 :45:14 to 6:35:38. As stated, there were only two no times in this class. Class 18 winner was Mario Morales with a time of 4:40:42, second was Alfonso Chavez at 5:08:22 and third -went to Gustavo Rojas with a time of 5:57:44. Four oth-ers in Class 18 had no times. The Safari class had headed by Daniel Reyes, Jr. who drove to first with a two lap time of 3:57:27. Pedro Morquecho came second just two minutes and 10 seconds back. Third went to Raul Maya with 4: 23": 11 and fourth went to Lorenzo Dojaquez at 4:24:26. Four others finished and had times and another four were no times for the day. This w a s the n ext to last race in the CODE racing se~-son. The final was a point-to-point battle from Mexicali to San Felipe the first weekend in December. See story in an upcoming issue. We will also be reporting the class winners for the CODE series in 2002. At the writing of this story there were several classes that were separated by less than 10 points. This was narrowed again after the Las 200 Millas de Botica Santa Maria and many class winners will not have been decided until the finish line in San Felipe. The CODE schedule for the 2ooi season looks like this: , VW Auto Parts 250, Feb-ruary 1-3, 2002, Laguna Salada, Mexicali B.C. San Felipe, April 26-28, 2002. KC Hilites Night Race, June 21-23, 2002, Laguna Salada, Mexicali B.C. ORW Grand Prix, August 9-11, 2001, Tecate, B.C. Las 200 Milas de Botica Dusty Times Dan Street took the Class 7S win by a bit over eight minutes, sorry we missed the whole truck. Santa Maria, October 4-6, 2001, Laguna Salada, Mexi-cali B .C. ber 29-30/December 1, 2001, Mexicali to San Felipe. Hope all you reader's rac-ers and-support persons had Mauricio Ibarra beat out a dozen other competitors in the Sportsman Class 14 battle to take the checkered flag. Call for sp on HID's, other qua· February 2002 Alberto Ortega churns his way towards the finish line and a nice win in Class 11. a very happy holiday season·, now let's move into the New Year and make lots of dust and a lot of new records and memories. Looking forward to the 2002 season and all that it is sure to bring. Good luck to all! · //''~~:=:..~ . "'t, "C•'J,• •:+"°~ Perry McNeil's mean looking Ford was the easy winner in Class 7, seen here at speed. f e Chair. 7ERCRAr7: RaceP~ ProSeat Mondotedby www.mastercraftseats.com Page 25
XTREME INTERNATIONAL Baja In Havasu By Sheryl Cannon Photos: Beryl Moore Rick Huseman drove his good looking Fabtech truck to victory in both heats and amassed lots of points along the way. ond, followed by Tom Shaw, N ic Lyon, Gary Will~ iams and Dennie Lee. The strung-out field maintained its same running order through almost the entire contest. Foddrill's domina-tion of his foes was so thor-ough, it included the lapping of every vehicle. The runaway Formula 2 winner annihi-lated his classmates, and then some. Errea proved second best in Formula 2, although his being lapped equated to a DNF. Likewise for Shaw and Lee, who turned in that division's third and fourth best performances. Williams was the only one spared the DNF indignity, _since he toped Lyon for the Baja 1 win. The field for Race 2 on the program also consisted of a half dozen starters. Those six included five buggies from the Formula 3 and 4 divisions vu when another Lap 5 roll-and a lone Baja 2 entrant. over, this one involving Kimberley Anderson proved Anderson, occurred near the quickest off the line and grandstands. This time, how-grabbed the early lead. Rusty ever, there would be no red Stewart settled into the sec-flag. Stewart inherited the ond spot. Tommy Bradley, lead at that point and cruised Chris Ringstetter and Ross to the checkered flag. Due to Whitmoyer followed in that · a myriad of problems, each order, and Dennis McKenzie entrant wound up missing trailed early. Anderson con-one-lap. The official order of tinued to show the way, with finish in Formula 3 was Stew-Stewart her nearest pursuer art ( 1st), Whitmoyer (2nd), through the first four laps. A Anderson (3rd) and short time later, the proceed-Ringstetter (4th). McKenzie ings came to a screeching halt scored a walkover win in the when Bradley rolled in the Baja 2 division. Bradley, the hill section and the race was lone Formula 4 entrant, re-red flagged. Undaunted, ceived only starter points due Anderson grabbed the to his early TKO. holeshot again on the restart, Race 3 featured a field of and once more Stewart took eight competitors from the up the chase from second. Superlites division. For all This time Whitmoyer got intents and purposes; the ~way third and McKenzie -race was over soon after the settled into fourth. There star't. That's because Clint was a distinct feeling of deja Wolsey took 'em "flag-fall to that's all" in a convincing, PIKES front-running win. Mark Christenson, who raced near-est the winner the entire way, emerged as the Superlites runner-up. Paul Franklin closed from fourth to finish third. Miles Berghold wound up fourth and'· Johnny Patterson came on late to place fifth. service center Baker, California Celebra~ing SD YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ... THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 26 Race 4 was a Safari class -• -·--11S11CIIIIIIII . February 2002 Tommy Bradley took the 2WD Super Truck category win, notching a first and a second in the heats at Havasu. · Gary Williams flew our flag proudly as he drove to the Baja Class 1 win at Havasu, winning both heats. event, which drew a field of five. The one time quartet was reduced to a pair by the time_ the checkered flag flew. That fact didn't bother Dennis Mc-Kenzie, ·who raced to his sec-ond victory of the day. Peter Claas claimed Safari class run-ner-up honors, while the re-mainder of the field was bit-ten by the dreaded DNF bug. Race 5 featured nine start-ers from two mini-truck divi-sions. Two thirds of that group hailed from the Champ Truck class and the remaining trio from the Desert Trucks class. What little suspense the contest held quickly-disappeared when Rick Huseman rocketed into the early lead. While the "scary-fast" front-runner was polishing off his flag-to-flag Champ Trucks class victory, the balance of the field was left to race for (second) place. Paul Morris repelled stiff challenges by Brian Cavitt and Spencer Low Jr., before pulling clear to claim Champ Trucks runner-up honors. The aforementioned duo landed their division's respec-tive third and fourth spots. Matt Carter emerged victori-ous in the Desert Trucks class. Carter's win came at the direct expense of team-mate Jack Mitman, who took second, and third place fin-isher Steve Davis. Saturday's finale was for the full size trucks. An abbreviated cast of four faced the starter. That quartet was comprised of r>e-rennial class champions Curt LeDuc and Totnmy Bradley, and a pair of real up-and-com-ers, Jimmy O'Neal and Lance Rhinehart. After the way Bra-dley had dominated action one month earlier at Estero Beach, LeDuc seemed deter-mined .to kick his gass ... pedal. The two were at each other's throats right from the outset. LeDuc held a slight advantage on Lap 3, when a roll by O'Neal forced the race to be red-flagged. LeDuc and Bradley resumed their front-end battle after the restart, but O'Neal was done for the day one lap later. Rhinehart had prob-Dusty Time$
Ross Whitmoyer was the Formula 3 winner at Baja in Havasu, taking a second and a first for the weekend. Matt Carter was the· Desert Truck winner, taking a first in both heats, seen here in full flight. · Kyle LeOuc took the 4 WO Super Truck class, beating his father out in the overall by 3 points. lems as well, ducking in and out of the hot pit during that same lap. LeDuc, who raced solo in Super Trucks 4, gradu-ally drew away to prove a most convincing winner. Bra-dley had to settle for second best this time around, but only in overall scoring. That's because Bradley's strong performance still car-ried him to a first place fin-ish in the Super Trucks 2 di-vision. Rhinehart, who placed second in Super Trucks 2, completed the or-der of Race 6 finishers. The Saturday entertain-ment was far from over, as the L Sara Park cro~d was also treated to a Monster Truck and Tuff Truck show. It was a great exhibition, which fea-tured a half dozen Monster Trucks and a dozen or so area Tuff Trucks. Among those performers strutting their stuff for the appreciative fans was Tommy Bradley, who par-. ticipated in the "air show" in his high-flying Pro 2 truck. The spectacle of watching Monster Trucks soar over a line-up of large General Mo-tors vehicles really see.med to bring the crowd alive. The most rousing ovation how-ever, was bestowed upon the evening's final participa'nt. Damon Block, of Lake For-est, CA leapt onto the Tuff Truck course in a custom built pre-runner out of Sean McKenzie's Ontrack Perfor-mance. Block was a picture of style and a grace as he deftly negotiated the entire Tuff Truck course. The crowd, sensing the show was over, began to disperse, wh~n sud-denly Block dedded to jump the "GM's". Block flew straight and strong, and even though he came up a bit short of clearing them all, the fans went absolutely ber-serk. It was an amazing sight that turned Block into an in-stant celebrity. All Saturday night, and again on Sunday, fans were clamoring for his autograph. And speaking of Sunday, there were another half dozen, 15-minute races on tap. The final event for Formula 2 and Baja 1 competitors was the first order of business. Steve Errea, twice, proved quickest off the line. Errea grabbed one holeshot and was look-ing strong, but the race wound up being red-flagged before completion of Lap 1. Undaunted, Errea provided more of the same on the re-start, this time showing the way through the first five laps. Larry Foddrill, who had been Dusty Times picking off a racer per lap, en-pass and set sail for the check-gaged Errea at the race's half-ered flag. Unfortunately, he way point. The two leaders never quite got there. While put on quite a show, battling Foddrill slowed helple.ssly to side by side for several laps. a motor-induced stop, Errea Foddrill finally grabbed the breezed on by to record the win. Tom Shaw claimed the runner-up spot. Gary Will-. iams was third overall ;ind first in Baja 1. Dennis Lap, third in Formula 2, com-pleted the order of finishers. Foddrill' s ON F in the main was costly, as it proved to be the difference between finishing first and second.' Errea, of Woodland Hills, Continued on page 28 GERMAN AUTO DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-polnt sand rail seat belt RACE BELTS 2"·5polntmouni 3• · 5 poini mount SIDE COVERS IRS, Swing axle KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# 200mm-up to 3000/, / GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# • 2400# RACING PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks .............. . 4 puc lerramic ........... . ~ puc lerramic with soring hub SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops SACO CV 'CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930 or T-4 cages 930 or T-4 or T·2 flanges Trick boots (specify) . 930CVstar. "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8' travel-stock width 8" travel-widened beam. 10• travel-stock width 10• travel-widened beam TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11 'h • chrome T-11'h "raw T-11 5/8" chrom T-11518" raw T-4chrome T-4 raw GERMAN AUTO.HATS GERMAN AUTO rt-SHIRTS, specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T·1 alternator. includes alternator stand . MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ . MK/I I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch .and brake assemblies tor cable throttle With black pedal With chrome pedal. With hydraulic throttle R._eplacement slave SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, lull contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . Mount plate Coupler Rack steering stops VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1. 7, 1.8, and2.0 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4_130 Chromolv Stock length .... ..... pr. 1 ¼.•longer . . ......... pr. 21/, • longer .......... pr. 4 • longer-coil over style pr. CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. rsoecifv Ford or International) set ... SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3",,, .... 1·21600, 5-1600 CATALOG ... 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-863-1123 FAX 562-929-1461 . . February 2002 Page 27
The Formula 2 Class belonged to Steve Errera in a strangely In the ever racing Superlites, Peter Kujundzich took the silver medal, Pie #11 Paul McLain's four seater took runner up honors in the contested class, he won the 2"1 heat after a dnf in the first. a dnf in heat 1, first place in heat 2. Safari Class, a dnf and a first place netting him 27 points. Spencer Low, Jr. took a fourth and a second in the two races and that Second spot in 2WD Super Trucks went to Jimmy O'Neal, a dnf and Almost on his side, Larry Foddrill took the win in race #1, dnf'd the got him the second spot in the Champ Truck Division. a first place getting him on the podium. · second race but he ended up second in formula 2. CA, was declared the overall In the Baja 1 class, Williams the final race for Baja 2 and lead. Chris Ringstett~r division's respective fourth Formula 2 winner. Foddrill was a clear-cut winner. The Formula 3 and 4 entrants. stalked the leader from sec-through sixth place finishers. had to settle for runner-up San Juan Capistrano, CA resi-Kimberley Anderson got the ond for four laps, before giv-Race 4 was the deciding honors, Shaw wound up dent topped Nie Lyon, who jump on her field and ing way to Rusty Stewart. contest for Safari class en-third and Lee placed fourth. finished second. Next up was quickly sped off into the Anderson held Stewart at bay trants. With two defections ---------------------------------------•· the rest of the way, but she from Saturday's line-up, DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME With INTERCOMS & RADIOS from THE SOLDER JOINT (Or we can help you do it over) DO IT RIGHT with the MAXON SP-4150 • Military Spec • 45 Watts • 16 Channel • Two-Year Warranty • .$385.00 You think you're hard on your radios, you ain't got n~thin' on the military! DO IT RIGHT with the RADIO LAB INTERCOM • Fully Digital, Fully Modular, Fully Custom • Fix on the fly with swappable parts • Two-:Person $365, True Four-Person $480 Page 28 DO IT RIGHT with HELMET KITS and HEADSETS • • • Race today, Play tomorrow . with interchangeable headgear Helmet Kits from $83.00 Headsets from $94.00 Let our 26 years in the business help you! 808 N. Tustin Street• Orange, CA 92867 800-345-7234 • www.thesolderjoint.com February 2002 couldn't hold off the late there was a field of four tak-charge of Ross Whitmoyer. ing part. Among that quartet Whitmoyer, who hails from was Dennis McKenzie, who Glendale, AZ, also emerged was looking for his second as the overall winner for the championship and fourth 'Veekend. Stewart claimed win 9f the weekend. Paul runner-up honors, with McLain had other ideas. Anderson placing third and McLain removed the "un" Ringstetter taking fourth. from McKenzie's undefeated Once again, it was Dennis Mc-status, when he raced to a Kenzie racing to an uncon-fine victory in the finale. tested win in the Baja 2 divi-McKenzie finished in second sion. Unbeaten and unchal-place, followed by Peter Class lenged, the Pacific Palisades, (3rd) and Steve Callicoat CA pru walkeJ away with the (4th). He may not have gone overall Baja 2 championship. undefeated, but Mc;:.Kenzie The weekend finale for Su-did manage to pick up two perlites competitors was next weekend championships by on the program. Seven faced using his 1-2 finishes to claim the starter, including Clint the overall Safari class title. _ Wolsey, who grabbed the McLain edged Claas for run-holeshot. Peter Kujundzich ner-up honors, and Callicoat was away second, followed by emerged fourth. Paul Franklin, Miles Berghold Race 5 was the main event for and Johnny Patterson. Mark mini-truckers .. Or perhaps more Chr.istenson and Richard appropriately, it was another ex-Wolsey were the early trailers. ercise•in futility for those poor By Lap 3, Franklin had made souls trying to keep up with a his way to the front, C. Wol-. Rocket. Rick Huseman was first sey was now second and Ku-off the line, first after the restart, jundzich raced in third. first to the white flag and first to Franklin continued to race the checkered flag. He was also strongiy on the lead. Ku-first in the Champ Trucks class jundzich dosed into second and first overall for the weekend. · on Lap 6, and two laps later Congratulations to the Riverside, he was loose on the lead. The CA "Rocket", who was probably second half of the race was all first to get back home too. Spen-"Peter K", as he opened up cer Low Jr. was second best in on the field. Kujundzich went Champ Trucks, placing runner-on to score with relative ease. up in both main and overall scor-Berghold finished steadily to-ing. Paul Morris suffered a DNF take second. C . Wolsey hung in Sunday's race, but his second o n to finish third. Patterson place effort on Saturday earned w ound up fourth, Franklin him a th ird in overall results . check e d in· fifth and Mike Ellingson finished third on C h risten son complete d the Sunday, and took fifth overall. order of finish. By virtue o f Brian Cavitt placed fifth on the his first o n S aturday and day and fourth for the weekend. third o n Sunday, Tula re, Bruce Hubbard, who wound up C N s Clint W o lsey was de-fourth in the main and sixth over-dared the overall Superlites all, completed the C hamp Trucks winner. Kujundzich edged class srnring. ln the Desert Trucks B~rgh old fo r the runner-up class, it was encore time for Matt spot. C hristenson, Franklin Carter. Carter, of San Diego, and Patte rson w e r e the Continued on page 30 Dusty Times
Orris Jolinson On January 4, 2002, tlie off road racing community [ost one of its cliampions, Orris Jolinson. 'Tlie racers ftnew liim as 1'/ie OU qoat, and to liis fami{y lie was "qamp. "Sliort[y after retiring from tlie Los Jlngefes <Pofice (J)epartment Orris 6ecame invo[ved'in tlie e~iting sport of off road racing . .Jljter many years of off roacfing in Jeeps and dune 6uggies, lie decided to try liis liand at racing. Teaming up witli son Jerome in tlie 70's, tliey fiat[ a very successful eiglit years of racing, winning cliampionsliips in SCO<R..,C£, S:NO(J(C£, Jf<D(J{ll and afso won tlie Off <.l@adsman Of crtie %ar award. · Some· 20 years fater lie was 6acftin tlie desert, racing afongside liis son, grandftids, great grandftids and many of liis friends. Witli two of liis grandftids in tlie drivers seat, 0~' feadersliip quafities slione tlirougli once again as lie encouraged and coacfi~c[ tlie Team to severa[ winning seasons. Pami{y and friends were_ inspired 6y liis integrity, kj,ndness and generosity. Jfe was a dedicated servant to tlie ford and a[[ wlio were touclied 6y liim ftnow liow mucli lie wi[[ 6e missed. 'We Love 'You qamp!! Page 29 February 2002 Dusty Times ·'
Rusty Stewart flew to a nice 1st place in the first race, dnf'd the Steve Davis had a third place and a second place in Desert Trucks Miles Berghold had a fun weekend, taking a fourth and a second in second but he still ended up second overall in formula 3. and that gave him 2'd overall in the Desert Truck class. the Superlite Class, seen here perched on top of the world. CA, completed his undefeated Carter and Mitman on Saturday, shoot-out between rivals LeDuc gave way to his son day and the weekend. A not weekendwithanotherfirstplace tooksecondinthemainandsec-CurtLeDucandTommyBra-Kyle, who obligingly raced too disappointed Curt effort on Sunday. Steve Davis was olld in overall scoring. Mitman dley. Not only did that con-Dad's truck to victory. The LeDuc wound up taking Su-unable to contain the winner, but had to settle for third place in frontation never materialize, younger LeDuc was first to per Trucks 4 runner-up hop-he did succeed in turning the both those categories. neither superstar was able to the "checkers", which ors for the weekend. In the tables on classmate Jack Mitman. The weekend's Grand Fi-record a Sunday win in their equated to first place in the Super Trucks 2 division, Davis, who finished third behind nale figured to be a big time division. Here's why. Curt Super Trucks 4 class for the Jimmy O'N eal redeemed ~-------------------------~ himself nicely for the disap-Dennis McKenzie took the Baja 2 class win as well as the Safari Class with a first and a second. There was lots of Superlite action and Clint Wolsey took the overall class win with a 1st and a 3'd at Havasu. pointing Saturday effort. O'Neal came into his own on Sunday, when he turned back Bradley to record an eye-catching win. O'Neal's late heroics were not quite enough to displace Bradley in weekend scoring. Bradley claimed that victory, outscoring O'Ne.al 32-26 for the O¥erall Super Trucks 2 win. Lance Rhinehart com-pleted that division's scoring in third. And that concludes our recap of Xtreme lnternational's 2001 Baja in Havasu event. Here's wishing all of you a joyous holiday and an undefeated ..-.,cw· P R E C I ·s I O N everything yau need ta build,, maintain and operat e a racecar 5pal Fan!!fi Fire 5y!!iitem!!fi 5ilicone Turbo Ho!!fie Neo 5ynthetic Lubrlcant!!fi Aurora. NHBB and FK Rod End!!ii Fuel 5aFe and Triangle Fuel Cell!!ii 5etrab. Long and Fluidyne Oil Cooler!!fi see a u r comp lete anline c atala i!B65 Gundry Ave. 5/gnal Hill. CA 90B06 BDD.959. 7757 562.427.2375 FAX: 5i!Ei.42Ei.5294 Bolt!!ii. Nut!!fi and Hardware 5parco 5eat!!fi. 5teering Wheel!!ii. 5uit!!fi and 5aFety Equipment Crow .Belt!!ii and Harne!!fi!!fie!!fi Bell Helmet!!fi Weldon Fuel and Oil Puinp!!ii Fre!!fih Air Oriver Ventilation 5y!!iitem!!fi lntercomp 5cale!!ii and Alignment Equipment Aeroquip & 5peecl_Flow 5tainle!!ii!!fi Braided Ho!!fie & Fitting!!fi at www.baker r e c isian.cam _Page 30 February 2002 Dusty Times
The sign-up crew, Paige, Dani and Sheryl prepare for the onslaugftt The amount 'of trash was unbelievable! Over 40 tons was collected Some of the crew makes ready to unload another truck full of of volunteers and a long day's work. · by the CORDR volunteers, a most worthy calling. _ap~p~l_ia_n_c_e_s_. _______ _ ___________ _ Operation Clean Desert 11 Photos: Trackside Photo The sign-up table was busy as more than 150 volunteers assembled to help clean up some of the desert in the Barstow area. Late last year, some dedicated members of the off road racing community decided it was time to do something about the ever-in- , creasing amount of refuse accumu-lating in and around the Barstow area. Well over 100 people showed up that day, all of them bound by one single characteristic. They cared. The spirit of that group led to a second clean-up earlier this year, and ultimately to the forma-tion of CORDR, the Coalition of Off Road Desert Racers. CORDR members are a rare breed in this day and age. They are not individu-als who want help, they are indi-viduals who want to help. They are pure of heart, void of agendas and totally empowered by their shared desire to make a difference. And they are making a difference, a big difference. On October 20, mem-bers of CORDR' s Operation Clean Desert II brigade set out to round up and dispose of as much litter as humanly possible. Like a well trained army on a search and res-cue mission, the group spent hours collecting, removing and ridding the desert of debris. Could such a rela-t'ively small army have any real im-pact on an area as vast and expan-sive as the Mojave Desert? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! From dia-pers to dressers, to mattresses, re-frigerators and cars. The 169 desert-lovers, whose actions spoke louder than words, rid the desert of a staggering 41.5 tons of-trash. And every bit as impressive was the fact that they had a wonderful time doing it. CORDR's innovative of-ficers awarded prizes for the most unique item retrieved, and for the biggest load. They also raffled off several prizes, and picked up the tab for everyone's me·als at the Slash X 1---. ------: FREE! DIRECTV SYSTEM•• With purchase of any Pioneer stereo, Brilg Satellite lllo to Y■ Cit r--------, 10% OFF in car Nintendo, DVD player, or navigational system .. ,n.su.llarionnoc included Some rcsniccions apply 100 Channels of digital quality music, comedy, news, sports, and entertainment . ANYWHERE in the United States. PERFECT FOR CHASE TRUCKS! ALSO Available: Universal Cellular Phone Hands Free Car Kit In Car Nintendo In Car Navigational Systems In Car DVD Players Cellport Universal Hands Free Cellular Phone Car Kit .. Installation not included 1-888-875-0577 Dusty Times Cafe. Of course, none of this would have been possible without the gen-erosity of those. who support the coalition. There is something inex-plicably gratifying in giving one's time and resources to a greater cause, such as CORDR's. I can think of 168 people in particular who know exactly what I mean. To those individuals, we at CORDR offer our most heartfelt gratitude. And to the scores of other individu-als who have donated so generously to our cause, thank you, thank you, thank you. CORD R's list of spon-sors and contributors reads like a "Who's Who" of racing. As we sa-lute those individuals, we ask that you join our continuing effort to make our deserts a cleaner and bet-ter place to live, r;ce and play. Thank you for caring. A.R.T.S. Baker Precision Bearing Best in the Desert Bureau of Land Management Camburg Engineering Cameo Fab C.L. Bryant, Inc. Cycle Parts West Deaver Springs DeNunzio Products Desert Disposal Desert Tool Donahoe Racing Enterprises Dusty Times Fabtech Motorsports Fast Times Films Ford of Orange Go-Desert.com Haul Ass Race Gear Hernquist & Associates Hunter Kennedy & Assoc. Inland Prerunners February 2002 Truckloads of tires were loaded into the containers and off to the recycling plant. JE Pistons Riverinfo.com JG Transwerks Rod Hall · Jim Price Racing Sign Pros King Shock Technology Slash X Cafe McKenzie's Per(. Products Sway-A-Way MD Racing Telcom/Motion Tire Miller & Cannon, CPA Terrible Herbst Mojave Desert Racing, Inc. "11 Brothers Racing" Ntense-Tees T&J's Off-Road Ctn. Off-Road Expo Tom Willis Performance Electric Tony Barazza Design Race-Dezert.com Sheryl Cannon, Treasurer Racers Only Coalition of Off-Road RexaVCalcon Desert Racers. Refrigerators, washing machines and other major appliances were just part of the trash deposited into the dumpsters. .RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON' . .From $299.00 Helmets Helmet & Skirt SNELL 95, SA 95 FOR SODA Complete Blower Systems for single or double seat cars. Helmet conversions, cool boxes, Complete line of PYROTECT, FILLER Safety !Products & BE M~torsports. We ship UPS daily. Vi~-Mastercarcl 5153 Bowden Avenue - San Diego -CA-92117 - 858-279-2509 Page 31
BITD SILVER STATE SERIES: VEGAS 200 Esposito/Walch Walk Away with the Win Photos: Trackside Photo Ross Williams and Bill Maxim took the Over 40 Pro Class on their KTM and they were a nice 12'1' overall as well. It's been a rather frustrating duo racked up runner-up fin-to finally emerge with a victory year for Shane Esposito. After ishes atTonopah and Vegas to in '01. leading much of the way and Reno." "It's good," Esposito said. heading to a certain victory at Only a win eluded them. "It keeps everything up going· the inaugural Vegas 200 lastyear But team manager Jeff Price into ['02]. It's what we're work - a win that would've been his felt lucky on race morning in ing for; we have a couple sec-first of the long, problem-filled Jean, where promoter Casey onds and thirds in this series season - a vent hose kinked. Folks based the '01 Vegas 200. so one finally came around!" That killed the bike, leaving "It's our day!" he predicted just And perhaps just as satisfy-then-partner Andy Grider on before Kellon Walch, ingwasthefactthatitmoved the side of the trail, frantically Esposito's partner for this race, rider of record Esposito up to and unsuccessfully trying to got the green flag for the 212 third in the final point stand-trace the cause. mile, four lap journey. ings. . Thisyearhasseenfatesmile Let'shopehehitthetables Sitting at the top of the a bit more on the Price racing/ that night because his predic-charts? Steve Hengeveld and Team Green/Pro Circuit tion held true. Esposito and Jonah Street, runner-up in the KXSOO rider. Third at Best in Walch -the first 61 bikes and race on their American Hon-the Desert's Silver State Series 17 ATVs to speed off from the da/Precision Concepts/Dun-kicked off in Laughlin, he and starting line on Jean Dry Lake lop-backed XR650R with a Grider then seized an engine -never lost their lead, taking time of 4:44:07. right off the start atTerrible's the checkered flag after four Going into the event, they Town:Afterthat, though, the hours, 41 minutes, 59seconds sat atop the points with their Page 32 -------------------------, main concern rsTRIC'7LY 'ERFORMANCE Duality product§ built In house along with Fabtech, PIAA, BF6oodrlch, Weld, Camburg. Engineering, Autofab, King 5hocks, Fuel 5afe, plm; hundreds of other quality products and accessories. • Shocks • Roll Cages • Exhaust Klt!i • Wheels & Tires • Suspension Klt!i • Off Road Bumpers • Custom Fabrication We !ipeclallze In cu.tam Fabdcatlan And Lang Tra_, !iuspenslan !iysteins. Toll F.-ee: (B66) 4B0-3556 849 Mltchell Road #40ii!, Newbu.-y Pa.-k Tel: (BOS) 480-3556 • Fax: (BOS) 4BD-3557 strlctlyJ;!erformance.net being fellow Honda Off Road Racing Team members Johnny Camp-bell and Tim Staab. To clinch the champion-ship, Hengeveld explained, "We didn't need to beat them; we just needed to finish one posi-ti on behind them." The fact that Hengeveld/ Street were fourth off the line with Camp-belVStaab the next to start, 30 seconds later, meant that it'd be easy to keep tabs on their fate. However, Campbell and Staab didn't fin-ish while debut-ing Honda's new CFR450R.Af-ter starting off well, Staab February 2002 The lronman Expert win went to Christopher Blais, shown here on his Honda on the way to (31h overall. Danny Cooper and David Pearson rode their Yamaha to a very nice first place in the 250P Division, f:?' overall as well. crashed early on the second lap and was taken to the hospital with suspected head and shoul--der injuries. (A week later, he remained in the hospital in an induced coma in order to re-duce swelling of the brain.) The DNF effectively handed the championship to Hengeveld and Street and dropped the de-fending series champs to third in points. Walch got the ball rolling with a runaway first lap. Rob-e rt Naughton, a pro motocrosser making his Best in the Desert debut on the XR' s Only/Ram Pro-Line/IMS XR650R he shared with Mike Childress, led a parade ofbikes in pursuit. Sitting behind him near the end of the first lap: Hengeveld, Campbell and Nick Pearson on the Montclair Yamaha/Race Tech/Moose-sponsoredY2426F he and Ty Davis chose. Before reaching the main pin on the dry lake, however, Naughton hit a slick spot and went down at speed. Though · unhurt and up immediately, he discovered the bike no longer had a kick.starter so he had to push it the rest of the way, sur-rendering his spot. Esposito· took the big Kawasaki from Walch for Lap 2 and held their0lead. Behind him, Hengeveld too·k over second place followed by Davis. Staab crashed early in the lap, ending his team's day. Doug Chiapuzio moved into fourth about halfway through the lap on the Anthony Wholesale/Mal-colm Smith Motorsports KTM 5 20 M/XC he was sharing with Paul Krause while Childress settled into fifth place. Danny Cooper, who teamed again with David Pearson, came through in sixth overall, first 250cc Pro, on his Pro Circuit/Hinson/ American Asphalt Yamaha YZ250. Rick Bozarth held seventh and first Over 30 ·Pro on the Sportsman Cycle/Dun-lop/KTM of Gresham 520 M/XC he and part-ner Daryl Folks broke out. Continued on page 34 Second overall went to Jonah Street and Steve Hengeveld, they rode their Honda about two minutes too long. Dusty Times
Why aren't you a Dusty Times subs~riber? Jt's so much easier to receive Dusty Times ·in your mailbox each month, getting all the latest news and race and rally reports, written by the best off road journalists in the business. Don't miss an issue! Subscribe now! 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years Foreign Subscriptions 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years $ 25.00 $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 30.00* $ 45.00* $ 60.00* *U. S. Dollars Air_ Mail Rates On Request Dusty Times 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 ..
Christopher Blais went one better than his class winning performance at Vegas to Reno. This time, he passed all but seven teams of Pros for the first overall Expert finishing hon-ors. His 5: 12:07 gave him a commendable eighth overall on his Blaisracing.com XR.650R the Purvines[russing/Pankas trio were first across the line in the Over 35 Expert division, 13" overall on their KTM. The Kawasaki of Gremel, Connelly and Thiel took the Open Expert division by the narrow margin of 35 seconds. "I knew I could do a top 10 so I went out there and did what I wanted to do," he said. "I think I passed pretty much most of the Expert teams -at least half of them -by the end of the first lap. The cold weather took its toll on the first lap. After that I felt pretty good and just kept my pace." That pace put him comfort-ably ahead of the second Ex-perts to finish -250cc Experts Erik Griffith and Tony Swedburgwhorode their Team Green/Moose/Scott-spon-sored KX250 to 10th overall in 5:23:54. He also completely outdistanced the rest of his Ironman competitors, with runner-up Vincent Reger-fin-ishing 24th overall in 6: 11 :50 on his TBE Group, Inc./ Sportsman Cycle/Southwest -Foundation KTM. Jet Peery, who placed third in class and 29th overall in 6:24:39 on his Laurie Peery/ All Hours Car-pet;/MTCsponsored new Hon-da CRF450R, took the class championship. The Davi.!V'Pearsonduo held kind of weird. I've never even second place briefly before.sur-won an amateur champion-rendering the spot to Street, ship. Before I signed with Hon-who rode only the third lap. da in '99, I'd only raced prob-Partner Hengeveld reported, ably 15 races in my life so I "The first loop went really well; never really had a chance to win lwasjustlearningthecoursea a championship. It's super little bit. We came in and cool!" gassed up, and I decided to go Winner Walch was just as again. That's when I really put excited, even more understand-the hammer down and kind of able when you take into ac-pulled us back.in there-wewere count that this will be one of about 30 seconds out of the the last races he'll ride. (At the lead on t:ime and it was pretty beginning of February he'll be good. I handed the bike off to going on a two year mission to Jonah on the third loop, and Ohio for his church.) The 18 he rode _real consistent. By year old from Alamo, Nevada, that time we knew we just putinacourageouseffortgiven needed to finish [to take the the fact that he wasn't riding championship]. at 100 percent. "I broke my "Igotbackonforthefourth hand at [the] Elsinore [Grand loop, and I figured, 'Might as Prix three weeks ago] so I could well try and see if we can win just barely ride today," he ex-this thing.' I made \ 1p a little plained, displaying his swollen bit of time but not enough but left hand. "But I couldn't pass had a great time doing it." up riding. I saw that bike, and -Street said, "This year's heen i was like, 'Oh, I have to ride, pretty cool. Two champion-no matter what!' Especially ships in a year in both these-since I'm leaving [racing for a ries that we're concerned while]. That bike was so trick; about. SCORE was my first . Johnny Braasch built it. championship ever so that was "I could only hang on with these three fingers so I was holding on different and got a blister. Other than that, I had a blast." Walch isn't the only one who'll be MIA in the desert either. Street announced, "I'm kind of going to head in an-other direction next year. I'm going to try to ride the [ISDE] Qualifiers; I'm going to do a couple of the WO RCS races, a couple of[AMANational] hare & hounds and maybe some ·stuff overseas. We'll see. For next year, I'm going to concen-trate on trying to get up to speed to qualify and then go do good at the ISDE [iri the Czech Republic]. "I don't really want to be -tied up for a year commitment in desert racing so I wouldn't feel right to do it again just for the fact of being able to ride around with the number one plate. It wouldn't be fair to Steve; it wouldn't be fair to Honda. It's a positive thing for me, I'm not leaving [desert rac-'ing and Honda] negative what-soever, I want to do other OUTLAW RACING FOR SALE SCORE CLASS 5 UNLIMITED 45,000 OBO 20,00 NO ENGINE OR TRANS -• JIMCO CHROMO F!{AME • FAT 3 LITRE TYPE IV • J2 QT ·DRY SUMP • BILSTEIN COILOVERS FIR • BILSTEIN BYPASS REAR • FORTIN 5 SPEED TRANS • CENTERLINE~, BFG' S 1967 FORD PRERUNNER 55,000 OBO • SCORE CLASS 8 READY • FORD SVO 520 CI • CHRISMAN REAR END • KING COIL OVERS • ·BUILT BY STEWARTS RACEWORKS • ONLY BEST PARTS AND EQUIPMENT For more information call Mike James (619) 445 5797 ext 115. For more pictures and detail go to www.outlaw-race.com E-mail outlawraceteam@yahoo.com February 2002 things, and it's hard-you can't do other things with this sched-ule. "This is a perfect year to leave; I guess, because I get to leave on top!" Davis and Pearson held on ' to finish third in 4:52:06. It marked only the second finish for Davis since he won the sea-son-opening round at Laugh-lin, which followed his season ending Vegas 200 win 12 months ago. Chiapuzio/ Krause claimed fourth in 4:58:24, the final finishers under five hours. Fifth overall Childress/Naughton stopped the clock at 5:01:25. Cooper and Pearson easily topped the 250cc Pros in 5:08:07 to wrap up the class championship a second straight time. Same for Bozarth and Folks; seventh overall in 5:08:41, they'll retain the num-ber one plate in Over 30 Pro over brothers Darrol and Kevin Brown, who were ninth over-all in 5:20:24 on their BigVal--ley Honda/DES Waste Re-movaVConcours Body Shop XR.650R Ironman Expert winner Taber Murphy and Philip Zieger once again won Four-stroke Pro, finishing 11th over-all in 5:26:22 on their Golden West Cycle/Precision Con-. cepts/GPR Stabilizer-backed X:R.650R Th.at wrapped up die class championship for them. Veterans Bill Maxim and Ross Williams handilyoutrode all other 40-somethings on their Dick's Racing/Sports-man Cycle/Williams-Stuart Development LLC KTM 380 OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15x3.5 & 15.x7 $84.10 ·$89.10 Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 247-1266 We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Dusty Times
Erik Griffith and Tony Swedburg rode their Kawasaki well, taking the 250E division and a nice 1<Jh overall. The 4STK P division was the domain of Phil Zeiger and Taber Murphy, riding their Honda to 11th overall as well. Curt Moon and Jamie Graham took the 4STK E class win by a mere 22 seconds on their Yamaha, shown here in flight. M/XC. Their finish time of 5:39:25 put them 12th over-all to easily take Over 40 Pro for the day and earn the series class championship. In fact, they were the only team to win all five times in the series. The Steve Pankas/Ron Pur-vines/Donald Tussing trio took Over 35 Expert and 13th overall in 5:40:33 on their Countrywide Estate Planning/ TPS/IGT KTM. That gave them the class championship as well as a wide margin over class runners-up John Clayton/ Phil Dol!glas/Rex Reck from Northern California who were 31st CA in 6:27:09 on their Aftershock/JLM/Recoveries/ Fremont Cycle Salvage Kawa-saki. Pueblo Truck Stop Honda. respectively. The Moon team The Four-stroke Expert race would've taken the class cham-prqbably qualified for drama of pionship -either way over the , the day. Bo Harris and Brian Shawn Wilson/Josh Wilson Pinardhadtheleadgoinginto pair. Not riding Terrible's the final lap, though they'd had Town cost the Wilsons, since some problems with flats on the Gone Wild-Ely, NV /Reno their brand new(uncrated two Motorsports/DH 1 Racing days before the race) Temecula Products Yamaha riders won Motorsports/IMS/GPRStabi-three events and were third at lizerHondaCFR450R. With Vegas in 5:57:56, good for about 20 miles to go, Harris 20th overall. Moon ended up got another flat and charged with two wins, two thirds and on, knowing he didn't have a fifth, but it was participation much time to spare over the in all five races that factored Jamie Graham/Curtis Moon heavily into their class cham-team. The tire finally came off pionship. the rim, locking up the rear Randy Blevins, Brent wheelandforcingHarristocut Robinson and Steve Weidler combined for the Cycles Yamaha racer also Over 40 Expert victory on was clearly the first Ama-t heir N oleen/Dunlop/ teur to finish, and he beat IMS-backed Honda. Their class runner-up Dean Lar-6:05:27 put them 23rd son by over 25 minutes overall, comfortably and 12 places. ahead of class runners-up While 125s are rare at long Ron Cobb/Kevin Olen/ desertraces,theVegas200fea-Jodie Partain who rode tured two closely matched their Nations Rent/Cobb teams.TheNevadateenagetrio RT /FMF-sponsored KTM of Chris Garnett, Jonathan to 26th overall in 6: 14:06. Martinez and Justin Wray Three minutes and sharedaSportsWestYamaha/ one position ahead of PeakPoolPlasteringY2125for Cobb/Olen/Partain was 6: 17: 17 to win 125cc Expert Ironman Amateur winner and finish 27th overall. That Dan Lorenze. The Trick performance clinched the class Dualsport/Full Spectrum championship for them. Next Analytics/Simi Valley Continued on page 36 Clay Connelley, Clay Gremel and Troy Thiel topped Open Expert by finishing 14th overall in 5:46:05 on their Secoroc USA/Barrick Goldstrike Mines/DH Racing KX500. However, that wasn't enough to score the class cham-pionship. Those honors went to Open Expert runners-up Chris Dever and Cody Gremel, who were just behind for the day. In getting second, though, they secured enough points to clinch the class championship by a comfortable margin.Joey Morley/Kody Rudder/Travis Rudder made it a close race by finishing third in class on the day 20 seconds behind Dever/ Gremel, they rode a Mcln-tosh/B& W Enterprise/Dd the tire off the rim. That beat up the wheel enough that it begantocomeapart,butthen the engine began sputtering and would barely run so Har-ris had to put it in first gear, pin the throttle and help the bike along with his foot like riding a kid's scooter. (His fa-ther, Mike, who coorove in the Simon and Simon Trophy truck a few years back, sur-mised that no rear tire led to over-revving, leading to oil . spewing out the breather tube and into the airbox where it coated the filter and choked it -thus the sputtering bile.) Bllsteln . Sway A Way Elbat:h · HM · QA 1 · CNC Spar,:o . PBP· . Fa,, Bat, ~ Harris got the bike to the finish line before Graham/ Moon, but the Commercial Cabinets Yamaha rider ended up winning on corrected time, 5:49:11 to 5:49:33! That put the two teams 17th and 18th, • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety loam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers Fu•I Sale's "Pro Cell" is • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline our tap-of-the-line racino O 25 coll that comes ready 10 • ver years experience install and it's backed by a e for more Info call or write to:-lull 10 year warranty. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe EL , 63257 Nels Anderson Road 'Bend, Oregon 97701 Roclllgc:ds (541) 388-0203 (541)388-0307 fax htlp:/Jwww.fuelsafe.com Dusty Times Bon Davis Radiators s,tral1 Oil ca,1,rs Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear February 2002 Page_3s
Justin Wray, Jonathan Martinez and Chris Garnett (Combined age Daryl Folks and Rick Bozarth were the 0-30P division winners on Steve Beilman and Greg Stuart rode their Yamaha to second overall 45 years) rode their Yamaha to a nice win in 125E. their KTM, taking the win with 12 minutes in hand. to roll up to the checkered flag points, 344-334. (in 6:24:04) were class runners-Teenagers Todd Cufaro and up Toby Bryant and Patrick Danny Naylor won Four-stroke WellsofArizonaontheirPiper Amateur in 6:35:44 (36th Performance/CJT Support/ overall) on their Clairemont QA Wells-spohsored Y2125. Cycle Supply/Greg Hanson/ KTM-mounted Paul and Rick La Zella Yamaha. That James Heming topped Over 30 easily bested runners-up Kevin Amateur, their 6:28: 13 putting and Tim Parsons, who fmished them 32nd overall to beat in 7:04: 17 (41st overall) on Over30ExpertwinnersMark their Parsons Brothers Goelz and Lenny Sheck to the Rockeries Honda. fmish by just 34 seconds. How-Another pair of teenagers ever, Roy and Val Tool Grip.cl-emerged winners in another ing, Inc./LostAngels M.C./ Af class, with Kevin and Lance terburner Pree. Honda-FishertakingOpenAmateurin mounted Goelz was the run-7: 16:50 ( 4 2nd overall) on their away class points champ. Jerry Fisher Cement/Hutchens Andy and Ernie Allsup took Rock Box/Family-sponsored the Over 35 Amateur victory Honda. in 6:34:58 on their Allsup JerryAllenandHowardLar-Custom Homes Yamaha, giv-son are Best in the Desertregu-ing them 35th overall. Class lars, despite being from Wash--runner-up Randy Reames, 44th ington, and they wrapped up overall in 7:28:53 on his Bor-theirdasschampio~hipwith der Buddys/1.andmarkSystems their second win of the season Yamaha, edged theAllsupsout in 7:31:58 (46th overall) on for sixth in final series class their 1-90 Motorsports/ Page 36 Lynwood Yamaha/Seattle Cycle Center WR428F. Allen even helped sponsor a team they beat: Over 40 Amateur winners Robert McIntosh and Jim Rounds, also of Washing-ton, McIntosh/Rounds finished in a long 8:24:48 on their Seattle Cycle Center Suzuki, good for 47th CA. Of the 61 start-ing teams, 48 finished. The ATV classes saw Doug Eichner and John Gregory overall it convincingly in 5:25:30 on their Golden West Cycle/Duncan Racing/IMS Roll Design. At the finish, however, they seemed more concerned with who would fin-ish behind them; especially the Mike Johnson/Kim Kuhnie team. THOR/Golden West Cycle/Edelbrock Quicksilver Honda-mounted Johnson/ Kuhnie simply had to finish in order to win the Quad Prose-February 2002 in the Quad P division, shown here at speed. ries championship, and ~hey Floyds Ace Home Cen-did that by closing the finish ter/Gary & Carol Vos-in 6: 17: 16, good for third on burg -sponsored the day and fourth ATV 0'1er-Canondale to place sixth all. It made for a fairly long ATV overall in 6:23:53. waitforEichner/Gregorywho Brian Degasser and nonethelessacceptedsecondin Chet Mathews survived in points. 7:36:56 (ninth ATV over-Second Quad Pro in all) to win Quad Amateur 5:35:48 went to Steve on their Theurers Mar-Bellman and Greg Stuart kets/Cache Valley Build-on the Alba Motorsports/ ers/Green Cyn. Glass ATV Television/Laegers Honda. Ten of the 17 Yamaha. They ended up starters earned finishes. a close third in year-end Best in the Desert kicks points. off an expanded '02 sea-Joshua ~orast, Lynn son with the traditional Morast and Dax Snow motorcycles-only Laugh-won Quad Expert in lin U.S. Hare Si::rambles 6: 10:46 (third ATV over-Championship in Febru-all) on their Dats Truck-ary. The first Silver State ing/Transport Tire/ Series race for ATVs will Bridgestone Tires Bom-be the new-for-BITD hardier. They walked Adelanto Grand Prix at away from cl'ass runners-the end of February, while up N iclas Granlund/ the first all-classes event Tyson -Leaver/Shaun will be Terrible's Town in Moore, who rode their April. __ .,_,, Dusty Times
s E p T E-M B E R ·1 1, 2 0 0 1 Dusty Times Don't ever forget lace -All classes in which three or ete. Exclusive use of product visible or covers installed displaying the Li · to verification with race o ight polycarbonate - . , Uggtfg,rce performance hter .and more efficient -road Halogen light, An design Bpd easy-to-use filter ur light pattern in s~ond race or pit-to-pit. This kind p you finish the race"faste our lights once will prove t already knows .. February 2002 · Page 37
t VORRA SHORT C:OURSE RACING season Finale Held At Prairie City SVRA By John Calvin Patrick Timmons took the coveted Class 10 win, shown here with lots of air under his car on his way to the flag. VORRA held the last lenging as usual and all there wasn't any dust) race of their short course concerned had a great Patrick Timmons had weekend. take!"!, the first place tro-championship series late in October at Prairie City SVRA in Sacra-mento and 51 racers ap-peared; ready for. the last race of the 2001 season. E igh t drivers were phy. Scott Peterson avi-ready in Class 10 and ated his way aroun:d the they certainly did haye a course but he had to good race. As you can settle for a second place see in the pictures, there spot. Sam Berri must was lots of airborne ac-have been off his feed The weather was good, the track was as chal-tivity and when the dust this race, only being able had settled (actually, to garner the third spot Page 38 • oe ... KER UMPER AS GOT OU OVERED! Helmets • Hats • Driving Suits Crew Uniforms • Gloves \ __ _. Knee Pads • Shoes 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 February 2002 Greg Hosman is shy a bit of body work as he soars towards the Class 7 win in the final round. . ·--/., _:-.--.--The Class 7S win went to Fred Calosso, shown here ready for landing. Kevin Breckenridge looks a bit nose heavy as he heads to the Sportsman Novice win in his good looking buggy. Bruce Field took the class B win, shown here with lots of suspension showing before landing. Joel Swanson was the Veteran 8 class winner, shown here sans rear ~~ . Dusty Times
-t-1 Scott Peterson literally flew towards the finish but the best he Billy Manfroy took second in Class 7 but he gets our vote for Steve Millward drove his Ford to a nice second place in 7S, could muster this race was second in class 10. the best looking truck on the track. carrying spare tires on a short course? The Black Beauty of Don Steele was the second place finisher Looks like Dan Cannon replaced most of the metal from last in.Sportsman Buggy, shown here in perfect flight. race, seen here going to second in Class 8. David Lucas wasn't too unhappy with his second place finish in the Class 9 competition. in Class 10. Mike Leh-Class 7 was hotly con-ally good looking Ford In Class 7S, it was all time second place had to ners finished in the tested and the winner pickup and took the sec-Fred Calosso, he took do. Josh Passmore was fourth spot, Bill Smith was the guy who left the ond spot. Patty Hayos the win in his Ford, third in class, James was fifth, Tyler Mort most fiberglass around flew to a nice third place sporting a Halloween Fuhs was fourth across' took sixth, followed by the course.· Cory in the American flagged pumpkin in the spirit of the line, Chris Fuhs tak-Dale Smith and Steve Hosman. was the obvious Toyota and Mike Koenig the season. Steve Mill-. ing the fifth and last Bradford brought up the win net, Billy Manfroy · brought up the rear in w:ard tried to repeat his rear. tooled aro1,1nd in his re-fourth place. win in Round, but this an er · --·-spot. Continued on page 40 The Suspension Company. Dusty Times February 2002 Page 39
- J Clint Wolsey did it again, yet another Pilot win to add to his Glen McAdon comes in for a landing on his way to the Jason Sachs was the second place finisher in Sportsman Vet collection. · Sportsman Veteran win. class, shown here in flight. -----~--~~-------------Sportsman Vet Class McAdon, he took the and Kevin Kleinsmith BJ Butcher was next in had nine entrants and win in his good ·looking followed him in for at sixth, Gary Steel was they all went after the car, a fitting end to the third. Steve Bradford seventh and Tony bond win. Unfortunately for season. Jason Sachs was took the fourth place fin-was· the eight and last all of them·except Glen second across_ the line ish, Scott Pitts took fifth, finisher. Page 40 RACE DRUMS These trick KART.EK designed units consist of a stock drum .precision machined and augmented with a billet plate and heat treamed chromoly splined center for maximum durabil-ity. Accept NO substitutes. 934/5 RACE BOOT & FLANGE For years KARTEK has been aware of the problems associated with the industry standarddouble boot flange design for 934/5 CV joints. Keeping these problems in mind KARTEK has designed a boot and flange to eliminate the boot failures that have plagued off-road racing in the past. KARTEK's new Design teams a large durable high polymer boot with a chro-moly flange to provide maximum perfor-mance with minimum weight and size. KARTEK's micro stubs -are used by some of the biggest names in off-road racing today. KARTEK takes pride in the quality and durability of their micro stubs, and in the quality parts from which they are assembled. Accept no substitutes. BATES BOOT FLANGE & LIGHTENED 930 & 934/5 CVs This KARTEK exclusive was designed to elimi-nate the CV overheating that is associated with the use of Bates boots. This trick flange sets the boot away. from the CV. This flange allows for the use of lightened and standard CV joints. KARTEK's lightened CVs are precision machined to allow them to stand up to the rig-ors associated with off-road racing. February 2002 There were 11 en-trants in Sportsman Nov-ice but the big win went to Kevin Breckenridge in his very good looking buggy. Don Steele settled for the second spot in class and Al Cartlidge· was -the last guy on the podium, third ain't bad and Al did win the Rookie Of The Year award. Chere Lehners was fourth, Ryan Sargent took the fifth spot, Kim Anderson was sixth, Frank Pelko was seventh across the finish· line, Travis Bradford equaled his number, 8, Glen Murfin took ninth, Mike Carson finished 10th and Kiri Keefer was 11th and last finisher 'in class. Class 8 saw the same ho-hum winner, Bruce Field taking the win as he has in the prior two ~ounds of the short course series .. Dan Can-non kept the four rubber things towards the ground this round and finished second in class. Chris Goray has a neat looking Chevy and he drove it to third place in th,e Class 8 contest. In the Veteran 8 Class, Joel Swanson took the win in his ·no rear panel pickup while Matt Tay-lor had to settle for the second spot. In Class 9, Forest Creasy did a repeat of the first round and took the win in the season closer. David Lucas was second to finish in Class 9 and Steve Souza was the third Class 9 to take the checkered flag. In the Pilot Class, ·guess what, Clint Wolsey took the win, a fitting finish for the last race· of the season. Paul Franklin had to fight a bit for it but he did take the silver medal in class while Miles Berghold settled for the bronze medallion. Mark Christensen was fourth· across the finish line and Richard Wolsey took the fifth and last place in class. Dusty Times
of Exxon, Tecate, BFG, Goodyear, Ford, GM, etc., paying spectators or from the promoting organiza-tion. ATTENTION SCORE LITES Have you noticed how the costs of Class 12 cars have been ap-proaching Class 10 lately? If this class were less expensive, more rac-ers could enjoy Class 12, and a lot of cars out there would qualify. It would use the same 1776 and 1835 engine size, but with a 34 pict 3 carb, pump gas and bus box. At about 80+ H.P. this motor combi-nation would be compatible with the bus transmission and consider-ably lower in initial cost and up-keep/reolacement costs than what the rules allow for now. On gas alone you would save about $200. In a 500 mile race. This would po-~ition Class 12 more precisely be-tween Class 1/2-1600 and Class 10, and may likely be less costly to race for a season than a 1/2-1600. If you want to see this change made for 2002, call (949) 497-5561 or lagunarace@aol.com. Leave your name and phone nurri.ber or e-mail address. Let me know if you have a car you intend to race of not and I will pass this survey on to Score Tech. We need your input before the first of the New Year. Forest Creasy lands hard on his way to the Class 9 win, a good finish for years end. While SCORE, BITD, Whip-lash, SNORE, and etc., all need rele-vision to grow, none has written a TV-package into a sponsorship. Don Shoemaker Productions is an independent film producer that buys TV rights from SCORE and Best In The Desert. With no name-in-title sponsor underwriting, the burden of producing the program-ming has fallen on the backs of the racers themselves. Your suggestion that the TV costs could be as much as $250,000 is not quite accurate -see the latest television coverage, update handed out at the SCORE Awards Banquet in early Decem-ber, which details the costs. Still, these costs are considerable with-out promoter and 1ndustry sup-port. HANNEMANN FIBERGLASS, INC. Pony Express ... January 2, 2002 Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, This letter is in response to a "Trail Notes" inclusion in Volume 19, Number 1-January 2002 issue -titled "Off-Road Racing and Tele-vision." The Shoemaker handout at the Baja 1000 was relative to "desert racing" only. Marty Reid of CO RR, who once covered desert racing for ESPN, offers a much dif-ferent product. Unlike desert rac-ing promoting groups, CORR has I the huge advantage of a paying on-site audience. Their lucrative Exxon sponsorship then allows for the purchase of television air-time and program production costs. And they have a further advantage in that short-course event coverage production costs are considerably lower than that of producing a desert race film. The costs of racing short-course are also considerably lower. Desert racing television, on the other hand, has been financed almost completely by the racers themselves -no money from the likes In closing, thank you for ad-dressing this television issue. Sponsors, promoters, contin-gency donors, fans, aftermarket manufacturers, racers and the press all have a vested interest in desert racing and its future. And television exposure is a must for any hope of contin-ued growth. Respectfully, Don Shoemaker President, Shoemaker Productions Conversion Kits 84-88 Ranger 84-88 Toyota ' 89-95 Toyota Fenders, Hoods and Bedsides for Chevy S-10, Chevy Full Size, Ford Full Size, Toyota and Nissan 1132 W. Kirkwall Road, Azusa, CA 91702 626-969-7317 www .BannemannFiberglass.com ' HONDA Power Equipment HONDA Power Equipment Dusty Times POWEil TO-------- . RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS •GENERATORS• OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWERS. LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS.•TILLERS California's Largest S~uree· ,or Bonda Pow-er Eq~ipntent Parts and Inventory -· /F WE DON'T HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check our website: WWW.KAWAGUCHI HONDA.COM KAWAGUCHI HONDA CORP. N ·trung' . 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 O s easier. (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 For optimum performance and safety, please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to.power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2000 American Honda Motor o., Inc. 4-20--0, •2_108 February 2002 Page 41 t -
-' TREELINE RALLY REPORT Widget Rally Team Take First overall By John P.M. Dillon Photos: Motorsports Memories Laughlin O'Sullivan and John Dillon speed towards the finish in their Mitsubishi Eclipse GTX, 1st overall, 1" GT and 1st CRS Open Class. Seamus Burke, fresh from his attack for the SCCA Na-tional championship, flew out from Georgia to compete in the November 17th Treeline Rally headquartered at the Holiday Inn in West Page 42 Covina, California. His· mis-sion was to test drive a new Subaru prepared by Arizona's AV Sport for U.K. rally star David Higgins. Higgins would be racing the car at the Ramada Express Interna-tional Rally a ·month hence. In the end, however, it was the Widget Rally Team of Lauchlin O'Sullivan, co-driver John Dillon and crew chief Tom Laeng that finished first overall, racing a Mitsu-. February 2002 Second .overall and first Open was the Subaru WRX of Ralph Kosmides and· Josh Jacquot, seen here setting up for a right hander. bishi Eclipse GSX. Two min-utes back, Ralph Kosmides and Josh Jaquot raced a Group N Subaru WRX to second overall, while Stephan Verdier and Allan Walker completed the podium, an-other two minutes in arrears in their classic Mazda 323 GTX. The coefficient three e"vent Treeline Rally, which took about eight hours to com-plete, migh-c better be named "The Cliffs of Treeline" for the many stage miles of "ex-posure", those places where the day time vistas inspire and where a driver's mistake could wad up a car before it's halfway down the mountain. The narrowness of the roads, the rqughness of the surface, and the incredible number of switchbacks insured that driver and co-driver both re-ceived serious workouts. The first stage, the Round Table Express, warmed com-petitors to the rhythm of the roads. Named for the pizza sponsor of the after-rally party, the 4.3 mile long Round Table Express lim-bered up the arms of the driv-ers, the stomachs of the co-drivers, and the suspensions of the cars for Stage 2, a chal-lenging 17 mile knotted string of roads. The second stage, called the Subway Special and pre-sented by the famous sand-wich chain that fed all the volunteer marshals, proved grueling to man and machine. While Burke and Lawless led the field, George Plsek, third on the road and teamed again with Alex Gelsomino, discov-Dusty Times
The hit of the rally was "Herbie", Dennis and Claire Chizma's VW Bug, 1st in Production, 1st CRS Stock and an amazif]g 4th overall. ere pro ems with the transmis-sion. Plsek planned to use Treeline as a warm-up for Oec_ember's Ramada Express International Rally, so with dif-ficulty shifting be-tween first and second gears (the most critical gears Stephan Verdier and Allan Walker drov.e their Mazda 323 to a nice 1st Seamus Burke and Thomas Lawless set four fastest stage times in CRS GT, :!Id in Open at Treeline. their Subaru WRX but they were a dnf in their brand new car. four whee drive tion. T e cliffs were just as Mitsubishi Eclipse. Burke helped him back -steep, but with darkness came and Lawless waved flashlights out of harm's way. ·denial -if you couldn't see and motioned the second Don Shreyer and the exposure, it must not be place team to go around. "I Ken Tooker, cam-there. thought the pass was pretty paigning a Mazda Burke and Lawless i:nain-exciting," noted O'Sullivan. RX7, found their tained their overall lead "There was practically no rotary engine over-through Stage 4, but on the room to get around, so we heating and retired fifth stage they shook loose a sort of climbed up the side after the fan belt relay, leaving them stranded of'the cliff face, ju•st nicking abandoned ship. "I for alrnost an hour. A few our mirrors and collecting a loved the 17 miles minutes later Lauchlin light scratch of paint." of the Subway Spe-O'Sullivan and John Dillon Someone once said "Never cial, but didn't arrived on the scene in their Continued on page 44 at this event) .,,, much car for this stage", . noted Shreyer. "The cowl of these cars is too Plsek chose to re-,-tire at the end of Leon Styles and Larry Scott drove their Mazda RX-7 to a nice 1st in the second stage. Group 5, 1st in CRS Group 2/5. Ralph Kosmides, who was by a broken suspension after second fastest behind Seamus being surprised by a large Bur,ke on the Round Table boulder than launched them Express, suffered a flat tire into the air. on the Subway only four Reseeding took place after miles in. Rather than lose the second stage, with Burke valuable time changing the still in front overall, followed tire, they drove the next tor-by O'Sullivan, then Ko-turous 13 miles on shredded smides, then the Eclipse o'f rubber and ruined rim, los-Brian Scott and Sean ing over three and a half min-Gallagher. high and I couldn't see much of the road. I had to drive by watching the upper face of the cliff." Shreyer's crew in-cluded road racing champion Dan Edmunds, Cal Club • Flag Chief Ceci Smith and LET US MAKE ONE THING PERFECTLY CLEAR ! utes to O'Sullivan and Oil-The third stage comprised lon. of eight pages of instructions Further back, John West's covering only seven miles of rookie co-driver Scott tight, highly exposed roads, Bottomley suffered the tor-began near Fire Camp 19 tures of the curves, his stom-where prisoners cheered ach failing partway through loudly as the rally cars drove the stage. They nonetheless by on the transit. This proved soldiered on to finish 21st in to be one of the tightest, their maiden outing together. twistiest, narrowest stages, John Shults and Doug anywhere in America. Dave Mitchell lost the differential Turner put his front two on their Mazda RX3, leaving wheels over the-edge after hit-them stranded half way into ting a bump, but his Jeep's the 17 mile stage, while overheating problems slowed Steve Winter's car (with new co-driver David Faron on board). Alternator failure finally ended their day. Newcomer Gabe Pari teamed up with Wayne Cunningham in a Sentra after com-her husband Mark, and sea-soned tech inspector Tim Chamberlin. "-OUR '~OICE I The third stage claimed sev-I' ¥' ■ eral other cars too, including the Toyota of Jay Streets and Bill Fey ling, the VW of Steve Jasik and Mario Azernitzky and the Datsun ·510 of Dave Coleman and Larkin Hill. In this, her first rally (she at-tended the Palmdale R ally School in October), Hill re-ported problems with a bro-ken tie rod, another victim of the punishing roads. Meanwhile, Dennis and Claire-Chizma quietly climbed the rungs of the leaderboard ladder. Racing a 1968 VW Beetle in the Production class, they moved up from 17th after the Round Table Express tQ finish overall at the sec-The ultimate in-car communica-tions system. This Australian built intercom out performs all other units on the market. Supplied with either Nokia mikes or the Military spec noise cancelling mike for the ultimate in audio New Features The new Pblttronlcs RaHyfrtp ond service. Even-tually the couple, ⇒ em Total & lnterva_l to 999.99 whose tow from and to Seattle took 42 ⇒ hours, finished just ⇒ Automatic calibration StaceStopwatch Oops, we almost got the whole car, 1st in Group 2 was the Talon of Chris Bums and Brad Boli. off the overall po~ ⇒ dium, fourth be-hind Verdier and ⇒ Walker. -⇒ True Aventee speed Mllel or krnl readout Speed and/or distance Count up or down or both At the conclu-⇒ sion of the third stage the rallyists ⇒ returned to the ser-vice area briefly, the ⇒ last time the crews would see the teams until returning to the Holiday Inn in West Covina (race headquarters for the weekend). The day's first two Freeze either dllplay SUper LARGE LCD read-Off road racing * Rallying Boat racing pleting their car preparation the night before. (They recently rolled the car at a Tombstone Paintball charity RallySprint.) Af-ter a cautious first stage to learn to read the roads and the route book, they kicked it up a notch on Stage 2. A near-cliff ex-perience (only one wheel was hanging off the edge, we're told), they pushed on again, was followed later Around the corner to a nice :!Id place finish in Group 2 was the VW Golf of Doug Whitted and Peter Soper. stages would be split into three stages and run in the reverse direc-512 694 2224 Email: Austecx@onr.com Dusty Times -February 2002 Page 43
Flynn Bag/in and Stacy Hochandel drove their Datsun 510 to a nice Cornering hard, Mike and Linda Masano took their Toyota Corolla to Kevin Kraak and Kevin Kaiser brought their Saturn for its first outing but they never made the end of the rally. 2"' in Group 5 and 2"' in CRS Group 2/5. a 2"' place in Production and 2"' in CRS Stock. rally a car with 'roll' in its claimed Dave Turner and Mike start to run with a potential name." Marco Pasten and McComas in their Jeep and sponsor as co-driver on the Sam N ambiar failed to heed Patrick Rodi and Jonathan third stage, then withdrew on this sage advice and found Schiller in their RX7, the latter the final transit as to not dis-themselves u.pside down on duetoabrokentierodandfailed turb the cham.pionship the fifth stage in their Toyota ignition. points race in the Production {:;o-roll-a. Both were okay --Kevin Kraack debuted a and Stock classes. the car isn't a Toyota Co-beautifully prepared Saturn Road_ penalties played an falldownthecliff-a, after all -and turned in presentable important part in Treeline's but it took several of the fol-stage times, racing with Kevin result set. William and Juli lowing teams to help get the Kaiser irr the ballast seat for Yates, who clinched the carrightedandoutoftheway all but one stage. Kraack SoPac Group 5 champion-before the stage could con-made the necessary arrange-ship with their third-in-class tinue. The fifth stage also ments prior to the rally's finish in a self-built Toyota GOT SHOCKS? Your main source for the all new RaceRunner shock series -. from Sway-Away. Now avail-able in 2", 2 1/2", and massive '8C8 nner 3" body coil-over design. •1tot:1C•••Y SWA"·A •WAY MR2, would have moved up two positions overall if they hadn't accidentally clocked into a control two minutes early. John West and Scott Bottomley lost one position to road points, but a couple of teams dodged a bullet de-spite their penalties. None was clearer than the pair of Lon Peterson and Matt Mo-naco, who finished 13th over-all, a position that didn't change with their one minute earliness. However, had they driven any stage just two sec-onds siower, the penaltie~ would have dropped them to 14th. When the hardware was fi-nally distributed, the crowd recognized several class win-that determination and ners. Treeline, part of both a 'rally on' attitude will the SCCA SoPac ClubRally reward you in the end. championship and the re-You can't give up." He gional California Rally Series thanked O'Sullivan for a championship, awarded beautiful drive and the points in both series. Bruce service crew (led by Tom Brown and Bruce Moe Laeng) for building a clinched their SoPac POT strong, reliable car. championship based on a Several teams used the string of finishes earlier in the Tree line event to prepare season. Claire and Dennis for the Ramada Express Chizma won in SCCA Pro-International Rally, duction and CRS Stock, headquartered in Laugh-Chris Burns and Brad Boli lin, Nevada. The mid-won SCCA Group 2, Leon December event will see Styles and Larry Scott fin-many of SoPac's finest ished first in SCCA Group competing for a piece of 5 and CRS Group 2/5, the $25,000 prize fund. Stephan Verdier and Allan In any regard, whether Walker claimed the CRS GT they were tuning up for trophy, Ralph Kosmides and Laughlin, running for Josh Jacquot took SCCA fun, or hunting down Open honors, and O'Sulli-points in the SoPac and van and Dillon carded the CRS championships, the biggest points awards, first rallyists of Treeline overall, first in SCCA Pro-agreed that the compact duction GT, and first in CRS rally thrilled them even Open 4WD. more than last year's In his awards speech, event. Said overall win-Dillon credited the ner O 'Sullivan, team's perseverance for "Treeline is one of my the w.in, saying "2001 · favorite rallies anywhere. has been a challenging I'll d efinitely be back season but we've proven next year." ... .l'IW ......... ENGINEERJNG, INC. .~ .. THE SOURCE for off-road racing equipment an_d services We now offer complete shock services including custom revolving and rebuilding. We sell and ser-vice FOX, BILSTEIN, and all SWAY-A-WAY shocks, including the new RACE RUNNER series. Play cars or race cars, Class 9 or trucks, 1/2 1600, even super-long travel A-arm cars, KARTEK gets you handled! lNf:ljfj ~ 909-737-RACE ~FRO.dB . 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 open 7 days a week! . Page 44 SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year Congratulations All>erto Soto and the Tractorland Racin Group 2001 Season 5-1600 Champion and Overall Points Champion CODE Series TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF nELD 9763VARIEL .A.VENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 February 2002 Dusty Times
WHIPLASH SHORT COURSE. RACING Parker Gran Prix Text & Photos: ¥ike del Col Don Johnson drove hard in both heats and took the win in both, making him the 5-1600 winner. Whiplash racing' s Parker Grand Prix is a short three mile raC\e course designed to maxl.-m ize spectator enjoy-ment, and provide racers some of the thrills of desert racing, and sta-dium racing all in one p~ckage. The course is the well known Parker "Gauntlet" area, featur-ing' a side by side "smoke bomb" sprint start into the track. All classes 4uo,:~}1c:1·,~41 ~~~4~ \ Ur~ra~n1.:::•on1.::: VISA ---•------■~-111111~Js;;;;;;; ___ ~ ___ ~ ___ ~--j-----■':::.--E:~~~::z~~! FORMERLY FABTECH _MOTORSPORTS MON-FRI 8:00-5:00 1999·2~00 CHEVY SATURDAY 9:00-4:00 ,. > -... - , __ ... ;,.;, .~, ~ \0 •..• ~~_, ....... .....,.,....,,, ..... ,,,.._«,;.;.:,,;~~ Dusty Times 2WD C1500 FINANCING "VAILABLE 6" ULTIMATE UFT J~ CAST Uf'T SPINDUIS U'1"U: CONTIKX. NIMS COU. SPRINGS HAii lLOCKS' U IOI.fl 4 MaTaCH N_,ORMAHCa SHOCkS s1749.95 INSW.WI 2WD C1500 6" ULTIMATE UFT a~UPTSl'tNDUS Wf'UCONnlOf,.AIIMS COIL SP1tWGS aAa 1N.OOCS 6 U aot.TS 4 MnKH ~ SttOCXS s1549.95 INSW.UD 6" ULTIMATE UFT J" un' Sf'INDLa ..... CONTltCX. AltMS COL Srt11NGS nM1 -.OCXS 6 U eot.n 4 PMTKHl"UIPOltMANCl'SHOCKS s1.699.95 INSW.UD IIUNN~TIMIWITMOUT"A IIOO't&JPT I-.. HOODS FIBERGLASS =---' *•"'*~ -RaceRunner :=,;:;;;;;::;;::;::;;::;;:;::;;::;:;;;;;:;,J;::: 1~.-. BYSWAY• A •WAY 1988·98 CHEVRO&.ET STOCK K2500/3500 4" UFT 11599.95 INSNJ.E.D 1988-98 CHEVROLET Kl 500 6 " UFT. 11599.95 IHSIU.LDJ JEEP WRANGLER TJ 4"UFT 1889,95 INSIUI.ED CAUFOR 1994-99 DODGE RAM 5.5" LIFT NEW FABTECH _,,., PERFO.RMANCE SYSTEM February 2002 Kevin McMullen took a second and a first in his heats and that gave him the coveted Pro 112 class win. Jason Jernigan got himself quite a way .up in the air and he took the Pro 7 win at Parker. would run on two days, with Sportsman entries, limited cars, and the un-limited cars and trucks running in separate heats. The Phoenix based McMullen teams came to race with three potent Class 1 entries of seven total entries, im-proving their odds to see a McMullen on the po-dium. The fact. that they owned the fastest cars at the race sure didn't hurt, either. They earned a win in a race that saw most, if not all of the entries have mechanical woes. Kevin McMullen (Mc-Mullen Off Road Trans, Fod Fab) piloted the "off road Suburban" to vic-tory over the ailing Eric · Pavolka and Rex Whit-moyer teams winning Class 1. This four seat unlimited car has lots of wheelbase, and healthy V8 power. It was _speedy in the straights, and was consistently the fastest car through the whooped out center section that is brutal on the car and driver alike. Kevin fin-ished second on Satur-day behind a zippy Eric Pavelka in the ADS Ma-chine Scat powered Chenowth, but was out of the gate first on Sun-day, and never looked back. Rex Whitmoyer and team brought the screaming Mazda beam car out for the race, but had some sort of prob-lem late in the Sunday's race, and earned the sec-ond place finish. The second McMullen four seater piloted by brother Jim, finished third for the weekend in its maiden voyage. After a heat race win on Satur-day, the Pavelka entry didn't finish on Sunday with unknown problems. The Al.bert McMullen entry made only one lap on Saturday after clearly winning the hole shot at the start. The revamped two seat rocket ship could not continue due to shifting problems with a Fields automatic trans-mission_. The Class 8 trucks put on a great show while it lasted. In another race of attrition, the Thunder truck of Don Kolt earned a victory by com-pleting the most laps on Sunday. The best racing action of the weekend was between Kolt and Bucky Strunk in the Predator truck on Satur-day. Kolt and Strunk ran-door handle to door handle for several laps, with both drivers on the ragged edge of disaster running down through the rough whoops sec-tion. The Predator truck was clearly working very well, but it cost both drivers dearly on Satur-day, as both trucks had rear end problems side-lining them for much of the race. This opened the door for Dave Raimonde who earned a second place finish and a heat win on Saturq.ay in the CWl Chevrolet by running an even pace. "Jammin" Jeff Geiser took the helm of the Raimonde 8 truck on Sunday, and was putting a whoopin' on the field Continued on page 43 Page 45
.. ::_:,,: ,, ,t_~-.f.,,x1,~,;,f°~" . ' _,.': ~--:,·,.#J;.i. Blaise. Jackson drove to a pair of second place finishes in his heats ~-; _ _-·-··_. · _;;-_·,_·" ______________ '-__ '_ .. _~~- Bill Krug took a second and a first in the two heats and that gave him and that gave him the Pro 10 win. Don Clarke flew to an uncontested win in both heats at Parker. the Pro 1/2-1600 win at the Grand Prix. when the "whoops" got The Blaise Jackson Honda from the w~sh, and even drove had great starts both days, took home sixth place after even -in a nasty multiple Powered Meco entry scored it to the start line in the but a broken spindle derailed a rot1gh ride on Saturday, rollover crash. Jeffy and two second place finishes to morning. It was running fine, the team for a DNF on Sun-and more problems on Sun-co-driver were OK, and get the Class ·10 win. The right up until the green flag day. day. Leung had no front sus-the truck took a beating, Meco car ran great both days, dropped, and he hammered Don Clarke (Clarke pension travel on Saturday but Jeff was able to com-and finished with a smoky the throttle. The.Toyota 2AF Plumbing) was the solo entry due to some shock issues, plete a few more slow power steering fluid fire for quit as the race started. Ed in Class 5, and earned a class and an air cleaner that came laps to earn second place style points. Ed Beard made some repairs and victory. off, that choked the motor. for the weekend. Kolt (Beard's· Super Seats, brought the cat back to the Jason Jernigan (BJ En-The Jim Adams Team had the and Strunk recovered McKenzies) brought a brand course for a fourth place fin-gineering and Survey-#1680 black 1600 car charg-and started on Sunday, spankin' new car to Parker, ish on Saturday. Steve Kuker ing, Goodyear) brought ing on Saturday, but a blown but were not 100%. Kolt and earned a third place in and Ron Dalke in Kuker's out his high flying Ford tranny ended their weekend. was running a good race class. Ed owned the car to two seat Chenowth earned a Ranger scoring a win in Don J ohnso.n (TUF, until a loose battery beat on Sunday, and refused second place in class with Class 7. Jason looked Marana Carpets) continued jumping around in the to be chased down -getting consistent finishes on both great both days, tu_rned his winning ways in the 5-rear of the truck the heat race win. He had a days of racing, to earn valu-some fast laps, and got 1600 with solid wins both smashed a gas line, ig-tough day on Saturday, fin-able points for Dalke in the great. sky on the table days. Don wasn't the fastest niting a fire that had to ishing despite a wet ignition points championship. Jarett· top jump. off the line, but could not be be doused. Strunk lost a from ·the car wash the night Lemley earned fourth place in Bill Kn1.g (Sutton Signs, beat in the rough. Michael tranny, and complete.cl before, and a bad wheel bear-class, and Brian Shugart VolksPower, Geiser Brothers) Harris earned a second place the race in reverse. It was ing. Ed explained that he doubled as Steve Melton in got the gold medal with a sec-in the #599 bug, with some an anti-climatic finish to had washed the car the night the Kawasaki powered 10 car ond place on Saturday, and good solid racing, and second some spectacular racing. before, but drove it back for season points. Shugart a win on Sunday in a tight 1-place· finishes on both days. C TRANS will aet yau in gear .. anan• All 1•2/l&DII • • -■ -s . 5/Hillll •mas 11W RINli a P■IIIIS ME AVALIKE fGI YDIII TIUUISIISS■a JIii nu 1-2/1111111 • I■ • 5 • 5/1-Cl.USES ·1111 L11111 awana 4..a■ ••• a ••• IS ■EIEI NIIBll■a■s TIii EVIi PIIPIIUII U7 I ·-.I IS -II NT■• T11ES1 w •·••••as w MA•,... ■m Iii.All S11B.. IIUII ___ ,_ SIii-TIUUl·STIICIL 11IIY ME .... IEIICl■SNII.Y Page 46 n PIIEl:ISI-IIEAII ,_. IIC TIUUIS. ' WE IIISII CMIIY A Rill 11111 • 111Aa•ss•■ IIAIITS Clll U 1111 DII JIWIIIIII• PIIIIIDII . :m 11 PII DI II 111.1111111 CIKU!! *HU Hl.lll.4UI * IRIU lff■II ■HI · 1.111115.1111 * WIii.i 1■1111-111.111.lllli ·3455:1. Pllllll #5 lll VIGIi, NIVlll 89112 17821 221-4313 February 2002 2 1600 race. Kruggy is not Andy Ripberger took home quite healed from gall blad-the third spot, debuting a der surgery, but said that he new bug at Parker. The Sand-was ready to get into the race ers Racing Team ended up in car. "I feel great," said Krug fourth place, after having smiling ear to ear after the r9cker arm problems on Sat-win. TUF guy R .. J. Newton urday, and unknown prob-was chasing Krug on Sunday, lems. on Sunday. Justin and earned a second place Brinkerhoff earned a trip to class finish. Taking home the the hospital after his bug third place ·trophy was Rex took a nasty rollover spill. Whitmoyer, who just Apparently the bug blew a couldn't get enough racing tire, and hooked that rim on this weekend, competing causing the crash. Hope in Class 1 and getting a third you're OK, Justin . place in 1600. The 1600 car There was a little big of is new to the Whitmoyer controversy in the Class 9 team, and was recently pur-Challenger race, with N ollan chased from Scott Bachelor. Blackwell (Marana Carpets, It was given a new powder Short Fused Motorsports) coat and paint, and was put eventually getting the win. through its paces. Rex did Nollan finished first on Sat-get a little over zealous on urday, and second on Sunday Saturday, flipping the little for the win. The controversy car on its lid while carving revolved around the crash of through a turn. Bill Stoner Brinkerhoff's 5-1600; and the (Woods Off-road Products) ensuing red flag stoppage. had finishes both· days for a Most of the cars were held in fourth p lace finish, and 'the finish line area, but Frank Rascon (Frank's Truck-Blackwell was not present, ing) got fifth place after win-and was assumed to be n in g on Saturday, and having wrenching on his car during a tranny failure on Sunday to the break in the race. Various end his race. Mike Leung sources had conflicting infor-(New World Homes, TUF) mation abut Nolan's activi-Don Kolt took his good looking 'Thunder" to the Pro 8 win, seen here taking off for the victory. Dusty Times
Nol/an Blackwell, Jr. won the Challenger Class with a nice first and Bruce Johnston gives it hard left rudder on his way to the Limited win, Rex Whitmoyer gave it his all but second place was the best he could second place finish in the heats. a second_ and a first in the heats do in Pro 1-2. Ray Newton got himself a fourth and a second in the heats and that Michael Harris' good looking Baja took a pair of seconds in the heats, Steve Melton had his share of "Trouble", a fifth place and a dnf put him in second spot in Pro 112-1600. ~se_c_o_,_l)_d_in~P_ro~5=-1~6_0_0.~-~~-~------~--~ dropped him way down in Pro 10. ties, and as they say in the earn the win Mark Browne 11 Than ks for the great cl ass c ha-m~ p"--c-i_o_n_s~h.--:-i~p-s-d'e- ---(-,-t'h_e_r_e_a·I'w_a_y_s---:i-s')-, _a_n_d-.---a NFL -With inconclusive evi-(J.R. Tuttle Co.) finished in show, guys! cided in the sand, rocks hotly contested Class 10 dence, the ruling on the field second place. Mexico is next on the and whoops in Rocky race with sev.eral top stands. Nolan was the win-In the Sportsman limited Whiplash calendar, and Point. Look for an out-notch teams making the ner. Rick Poole (Woody's H) action, Bruce Johnson was there will be several standing truck turnout trip. ..-.ICU got the second place spot af-the winner, with "Crazy" ter a front trailing arm came Chris Peterson (RaceShock) loose putting him back in the as the runner-up. "Crazy" finishing order on Saturday. Chris had the little· green Rick raced with daughter Ash-"11" car flying on both days, ley on Saturday. Ashley has and his dicing with the Sport achieved celebrity status as a Truck class winner Grant member of doubie platinum Wilson Bronco (Olde En-group "Dream". If you don't glish Creations) was some know who tqey are, ask your outstanding action. Appar-kids! Brad Leakey and the ently Chris didn't do it with Stealth Motorsports team suspension, as co-driver Jody brought the super sano black Clute described the ride as racer out for the race, and fin-"Like racing a mattress!" ished fourth. Brad tipped the Chris' race ended with a bro-car up on its s-ide on Satur-ken tranny_ day, in an otherwise clean Randy Forbis earned a race. The Hayosh/Dyer team win in a highly ente_r-had an unusually trouble-taining Sport Mini race. some race, blowing a shock A second Forbis entry -reservoir hose on Saturday, of Jacob and Phillip had and blowing a tire and hav-to settle for second place ing a shock come loose on . after a back and forth Sunday. This championship battle with Randy for the race is going to come down win. Jacob and Philip to Mexico. . piloted a black Daihatsu Todd Elam (T&R Iron (!) Rocky that was one of Works) was untouchable in the most amazing ve-the vintage yellow racer in the hicles .on the track ... unlimited Sportsmatt class. That little truck looked Todd ran in the front of the so small, and bouncy, pack all weekend. He ap-·but it really hauled the peared to ·have some pesky mail, and these Kamika-brake problems on Sunday, zes flew the jumps like but kept the pressure on to it was a trophy truck. Randy Forbis leads the rest of the Forbis clan through a tum on his way to first place in Sport Mini Truck. Dusty Times The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! MENDEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition cl~sses, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. February 2002 Page 47
NewsPro,n The Directtlr · The Ramada Express Inter-national Rally once again proved to be the "adventure" its organizers always promise us. This year the weather and road conditions were the big factors for the rally teams competing on the weekend of December 13-15 in Laughlin, NV. Any-one who hasn't figured out that this rally requires snow tires was in sorry shape this year. The first two days were run on snow covered roads on the Havapal Indian' reservation outside of Peach Springs, AZ. The four wheel drive cars were at a definite advantage on Day 1 with the first two wheel team, Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson in a Stock class VW Golf, finishing 12th on Friday. Dennis Chizma and P~ul Timmerman were right behind them in their Group 2/5 Toyota Celica. The organizers had to shorten the rally when it became clear the two wheel drive cars were really struggling to get around the stages. Rather than let the rally get strung out into the night they dropped the last two stages. A . wise decision because the control workers would have been out way into the night manning stages in sub-zero temperatures. Good call. Ole Holter got the best ride of the day with David Higgins in the Subaru WRX took first place. Paula Gibeault navigated for Mike Whitman and guided him to second on the first day. Roger Hull was ·right behind them in his Eagle Talon. Josh Jacquot wasn't as lucky as Rhys Millen drove his Mitsubishi off the course and took out the right front of his vehicle. That ended their rally. Keith Roper and Chrissy Beavis took fourth on Day 1 in the GalantVR4. This team isn't flashy but they just keep coming, which is what gets you to the end of a three day rally. Alex Gelsomino was also lucky to pick up a ride with an FIA driver, Alfredo DeDominicis, in an Evo VI. Lauchlin O'Sullivan, and John Dillon managed to keep it on the road and finished sixth on Friday. Leon Styles and Larry Scott, who have been having new car woes all season fi.nally had a clean run and finished seventh~ It was a pleasure to see them at the finish line. Dave Turner and Mike McComas guided the big red Jeep to a top ten finish. Last year Dave found a tree with his name on it and then the engine let go. He was a much happier guy this year. Lon Peterson got hi,s Knight Su bani to the finish without a hitch as did Tom Ryther with Bill Gutzman in the right seat. Tom, Jonathan's father, is now a rally junkie like the rest of us. He had a big grin on his face all day. George Plsek kept his Audi on the wheels this year and finished in 10th place. You will recall George rolled his car last year right in front of the camera crew so we all got to enjoy his mishap over and over again! Bruce Brown and Pat Brown had a great run in their Subaru lmpreza in the GT class. This is the first rally Pat has navigated in for a lorig time and it was great to see her back in the co-drivei:'s seat. Chris Hamilton and Alex Vendler w<!re next in the class in 26th place. Scott and Tamara Clark were behind them in the Subaru RX. The Clark's adventure didn't finish there. Apparently, their service truck would not lock in four wheel drive so just getting their rig back to the hotel was an ordeal. They finally hooked their trailer to a ham radio operator's truck, drove their rally car back in and drove their truck out as well. Luckily control crews were there to help them most of the way. . Jim Gillaspy had fan woes on his RX7 when the blades self destructed and the car began to overheat. He was able to locate a new fan and continue on Saturday. _ Richard Byford and Fran Olson in the familiar yellow BMW finished second in the Gtoup 2/5 class on Friday and behind them was Dave Coleman in his Datsun 510. Ray Johansen and Brian Johnson hauled their VW Golf all the way from Connecticut to run with us and finished fourth in Group 2/5 just ahead of Flynn Baglin in his Datsun510.John Westpicked up a new navie, Paul Nelson, for Laughlin and finished sixth in class. Patrick Rodi and Jonathan Schiller took second in the Stock class in the RX7. This car was giving him big trouble just before the rally. It decided it didn't want to run and a lot of frantic e-mails were exchanged before it finally fired and ran the weekend before. Whew! The husband and wife team of Mike and Linda M.asano took on the snow challenge and finished third in the Stock class in their FX16. Nick Taylor and Pete Morris were having new engine problems, in the Toyota. Other non-finishers on Friday were Bob Wager in his VW bug (with a new body added this year), Nick Korpal, Matt Monaco and Jim Pierce. Qay 2 was equally tough. The stages going into the airport service were snow packed and icy and the infamous "hill" once again stopped a lot of the two wheel drive teams. Once again the Chavez/Robinson VWled the two wheel drives in eighth place. Alex Gelsomino and Alfredo DeDominicis were frrst finishers on Saturday. However, David Higgins and Ole Holter were 16 seconds behind them and had a two minute cushion on them for the two day overall score. Lauchlin O'Sullivan hit his stride and moved up to third place with Roger Hull and Sean Gallagher four minutes back. Ricardo Porta and his crazy RX7 AWD moved up in the pack with his new co-driver Mario Azemitzky, Everybody commented on the "madman" in the four ~heel drive Mazda passing cars in the ditch. Ricardo knows no fear, I hope Mario feels the same way. He must as he got back i~ the car after service for the wild ride back. Jim Gillaspy and Don Shreyer finished Day 2. in first place in Group 2/5. Richari,. Byford and Fran Olson toolc second and Flynn Baglin was third. These three teams ran right together all day. Dennis Chizma and Paul Timmerman brought up the rear of the class. The Brown Subaru was first again in the G/T class. This is twice in a row. Bruce, has Pat got a cattle prod in there giving you a poke once in a while so you don't doze off? Chris Hamilton was second again and the Clarks finished third plus their service vehicle made it no pi;oblem in and out of the service area. The Masanos finished ultimate lono travel ford lono travel system Get the benefits of our Long Travel system and 3" lilt spindles, creating 6" of lih for incredible gri,und clearance. !fi@f'@! ■ 3 • lift spindles . ■ Upper Control arms (M~~W~-' ■ Lower Control arms JT ■ Coil sprin!Js ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear Jal 3-wau adjust-able shock absorber /' i . -{t:4IMn·t=: _,Ar,,~❖ toyota long travel system Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van Dan' long travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off readers out there. Page 48 8' Suspension System used in a racing ' appllcation with coil over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of wheel travel e !! {!Jibe,(!!! include front lenders, custom i beams Dlfroad bullet proof design provides maximwn strength with 4130 Chromply stael bedsides and hoods. The front fenders antl bedsides ~-----~ are flared with wheel travel in mind. 1 /Bth' thick plate and tubular inner structure. .... . +ii+IM _ extended radius arms Our extended radius anns are offset further inboard for increased tire clearance. Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1990·94 lard ranger ., .. performance system Our extended radius anns are offset further inboard offering increased tire clearance and 4 • more wheel travel. Dual Shack System 2 shocks per front wheel, adds high perfonnance dampening. 1998-on ford ranger c?.s·· performance system 2.5' of lift with a 2' increase in wheel travel. 1973·87 ClO ., .. /ono travel system Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires. February 2002 angled spare tire mount ~ Constructed using 1 1 / 4 • steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment of stamped steel tabs simplify your fabrication needs . Call for a distributor nearest yo Phone 714-990-8850 -Fax 714-990-8854 wwwfabtechmotorsports.com DR E-MAIL US AT info@fabtechmotorsports.com Dusty Times
second in Stock class after their snow driving lesson on Day l. Patrick Rodi took third. Bob Wager got his VW running and finished fourth in the class on Saturday. Lon Peterson, George Plsek, Dave Turner and Keith Roper all complete d D a y 2 in the Open class keeping George and Dave's 2001 championship hopes alive. Julius Vasari and Stuart Oater were still running in their Eclipse. Dave Coleman, John West, Leon Styles and Mike Whitman were not so lucky. The final day at Laughlin is always welcome as it is the Special Stage short course in Laughlin behind the casino. Jay Deacon did a great job creating the side by side slalom courses for the rally teams to run. You are the man! The CRS Open class championship was once again on the line on the final day. George Plsek and Lauchlin O'Sullivan gave a great show and in the end Lauchlin and John Dillon were Open class champs. Dave Turner and Mike McComas earned enough points to come in third in the 2001 season. The Group 2/5 race on Sunday was really for the co-driver championship between Fran Olson and Paul Timmerman. Fran's driver Richard Byford put on a great show until he had a momentary lapse and got the car stuck on a berm. Previous to that he had looked untouchable on the short course. Dennis Chizma took Paul to fourth in Group 2/5 which was enough to win the championship for Paul. Next year is yours, Fran! No more Viagra for Richard before his run! Tail end award for the rally goes to Scott and Tamara Clark in their Subaru RX. They just kept going despite crew truck problems on Day l. They always have a smile and you gotta love their "Big Dog'! crew who rides around in the Suburban. Speci'al mention is required for a couple of great guys from Colorado. On Saturday night Mark Cox and Jim Gill went back out on course and retrieved EMT, Scott Clukey's truck after he · had a run in with an Austrian tourist in a rental car. Once . again the Ramada Express International Rally was an adventure for everyone. Thanks Ray, Donna , Roger and Lynette for all of your time and effort. See you next year. Our first rally school is scheduled for February 23rd in Ridgecrest. For Dusty Times more information contact Ray Hocker at ray@rallyusa.com or call (760) 37 5-3289. A rally cross will be held on the following day out at the Fairgrounds. Plan on making it a full weekend of learning and driving. See you at the start line. ff Magnificent Race Team By Stephen Stenberg, President Welcome everyone. It is time to talk about the 2001, Baja 1000 stories. Ah, the stories and lore of Baja races. With enough to drink and plenty of wood to last the night, we might get to all of them within a few days. Everyone that has ever raced or pitted at a Baja race has at least one story to tell. I remember an old one, dating back tu 1974. I was working on a rescue team and we were stationed at the grand town of El Arco. Late at night, a small, stock headlight made its way into the pit. It was a rider on a Honda XL 70 with the biggest gas tank I've ever seen. You could poke your finger into this tank and it would reform itself when you pulled it out. The other thing was coming across a Model T between Bahia de Los Angeles and El Arco with two guys in fur coats and caps, heading to La Paz. You never know what you will see in Baja. Both of these teams finished the 1000. Before I begin with the stories, I want to take a moment to thank one of our guys, Eric Williams. He owns WRE Race Team here in La Mesa and competes in Class 1/ 2-1600, in both Score, BITD and FUD. He is the class leader in BITD for 2001. This year, he was featured on the one hour Speedvision show of the Vegas to Reno race. He gave Mag 7 a l o t of coverage with our stickers adorned all over his veh:icJe. I just wanted to say thank you Eric for all the publicity. Eric also acts as a pit captain when he isn't racing his own races. And he is looking for a cash sponsor if any of you are reading this right now. This year Baja 1000 was an interesting race. Sal used the Summit this year, something that I hadn't seen in over a decade. Something a lot of racers had never seen (makes you feel old, I know). I always remember racing in the early 80's and hating two parts of the Baj a. The Three Sisters and the summit were rotten places to ride or to break down. This race, Mag 7 had 24 racers entered on our team. Here are bits and pieces of their stories: Steve Bourgeois' team has been racing a Yamaha 250WR four stroke all season. Working the bugs out of it. They had early engine problems and then later in the evening their HID lights gave them fits and they blew the stator. So they stopped at the turn· off for Mike's and called it a night. Eddie Zeller's team, #302X was running fifth at the summit when they hit a rqck (do they have rocks on the summit?), shearing off the side case where the stator is. It took them nine hours to get the bike running again. They had to get help from multiple pits and redie and tap new bolts in the side case. They used the backup stock lighting coil and the stock light for the entire night and finished the race around nine the next rnurning. EJ.J.ie auJ. team won Class 30 Pro for2001.For2002,Edd~ is changing classes and entering Class 21 with a YZ250. Good luck guys! Next there was #202X. This was an all female team from Japan racing their first Baja race. They flew over two, XR250 Baja's with electric starters (domestic models). They called themselves the "Saboten Sisters" which means Cactus sisters. They live on Kyushu Island, which is in the southern part of Japan. The first rider was Mutsumi Yamashita who is 33 and works for a motorcycle shop. She pulled into our Mag 7 Pit 3 at Saldana. The Capt. there (Kirk Kontilis) said she was a very pleasant lady. The next rider to ride was Yuki Murai. She is 3 2 and a computer programmer. She probably had the wildest time of all three. The third rider was Mayumi Harada who is 30 years old and an ICU nurse. She came by my pit in the morning on Saturday and was very nice and polite. However, it was . Yuki February 2002 that was in for the experience of her life. Her bike broke down just past the Simpson stream crossing at night. She left it by the side of the course and started walking down the course. She knew there was a Mag 7 pit somewhere (26 miles further) and w as going to walk there. Remember now, this is her first time in Baja and first race as well. A Pro Truck from Colorado comes along and s ees a bike by the course. Hmmm, bikes usually are lying on their sides when broken down. About a quarter mile further uphill, they come across a rider waving at them. They stop and ask if he needs help? It is only when she replies, still wearing her helmet, that they realize this is a woman racer. She points down course and says Mag 7. They tell her to climb on board and sit on their spare tire, holding on to the light bar. Her legs are dangling between their two seats. The truck takes off and doesn't hold back for anything, and Yuki holds on like a trooper thru 26 miles of hills, gullies, rocks and dust. Now this will make a great Baja story in Japan I'm sure! Finally they arrive at the Mag 7 pit of Bill Kruckmeyer (Pit #7). Yuki jumps off, thanks the truck guys and is shivering like crazy in the 40* weather. She has ridden the entire Mike's Loop, Melling Ranch and then ridden on the back of a Pro Truck for 26 miles late at night. The truck moves off and Bill and crew wrap her in blankets, sit her by the fire and feed her food and coffee. After a while, her chase crew comes up in a van. Out jumps a cameraman, boom guy and a guy with a microphone. They are filming a documentary of the girl's race for Japanese TV. They get the bike, put Mayumi on it and off she rides as they load up and leave. Yuki sent a Christmas card to thank the truck guys and an e-mail thank you through her sponsor (Ishii Susumu of Riverside) for Mag 7 a~d Bill's crew. Just when you think you have heard everything up o this point in life? We noticed a load of Locos Mocos stickers on vehicles and bikes which told us they had stopped up there just past the silt hills. We stickered all non-Mag 7 vehicles. Two last things to mention here. One is to thank the Pro Truck crew that picked up our Japanese ride r and gave her a iife in the cold, Friday night. I can't say I have ever heard of that before. Especially since they got rid of Stuck Stubs. You guys are great in my book! The second is #801, Jesse Jones, Kirk Kontilis relayed a story about Jesse from his pit (Mag 7 #3). It seems that Pro Truck # 244 h a d stoppe d to help an injured quad racer (another first for me to see) who was hurt b adly. No one was stopping to help this guy after he said he was run over (like looking up at the skid plate run over) by a big truck that kept going. The co-driver of #244 stayed with the injured racer until he was safely air evaced out. Vehicle #244 continued racing. The co-driver then started walking the course headed toward Saldana. Then, along comes Jesse in #80la'nd picks up this co-driver, dropping him at our Mag 7 pit. We, in turn, found him a ride to the highway to meet up with his chase crew. So my hat is off to Mr. Jesse Jones. A first class guy in our eyes. He is known for giving assistance on the race course. So those are my stories. Mag 7 will be running a pit at Midway for the Whiplash Parker 400, if enough racers need our services. You can sign up for pits with Whiplash. You don't need to join Mag 7 for this race, since it is outside our normal race circuit. Currently we have 24 guys at this pit. The Mag 7 pit is made up of Mike Shannon's guys from Twentynine Palms and part of the Locos Mocos crew under Stuart Klien from Lakeside. This will be a Mag 7 pit only. So that should tell you the level of service you can expect there. Fueling anJ. welding/fixing will be the order of the day and night. We are also negotiating with J eepspeed, Clive Skilton on pitting the Jeepspeed series at MDR and the Baja 500. We will know more after January 20th. Mag 7 is currently running its annual membership drive for the month of January. Along with belonging to a race team with a rich heritage, you will get your choice of either a one year subscription to Dusty Times or a newly designed Mag 7 Polo Shirt. After January 30th the D.T. offer goes away. You can reach us by calling (619) 303-6283 or e-mailing our Race Director, Mike Wickersham at Racedirector@mag7.com. Our web site is ,w,w,w.mag7race.com as well. Our first Score race will be the San Felipe 250 in March. So take care and hopefully we will see you at the Whiplash Parker 400. Happy New Year and adios from Team Baja, Magnificent 7 Race Team. Page 49 ' .
Ken Paar's car has certainly won its share of races, and is certainly Jeff Lothringer's car shows a bit of the battle dirt collected om the Chuck Hovey ran the Baja 1000, finished in Class 1 and displayed unique in looks. Baja 1 ooo. his car as it finished. Malibu Dan·s Baja Bash Text & Photos: Sheryl Cannon Jeff Quinn's Jimco, straight from the Baja 1000 where he finished (1fi overall. FAT Cha1Dpions and Winners 2001 SNORE -Buffalo Bill 400 1st Place Class 1 O: 1st Place Class 1/2 1600 Jeremy Gubler/Danny Anderson Bruce Frailey/Rob MacCacrhen FATVWType I FATVWType 1 SCORE -Baja 500 1st Place Class 5 Mike James 1st Place Class 1/2 1600 Rob MacCacrhen SCORE -Primm 300 1st Place Class 5 George Seeley Best in the Desert -Vegas to Reno 1st Place Class 1 Dale Ebberts 1st Place Class 10 Steve & Ray Croll VORRA -Yerrington 250 1st Place Class 10/1 st Overall Mike Lehners 2001 POINTS CHAMPIONS CORR CORR MDR MOR Super Buggy Single-Seat Buggy Class 1 Class 10 Scott Schwalbe Mark Steinhart Richard Bovie/Tom Koch . Whit Courtenay Follow their Leadl This space available for your team. Wt 111 I 19COfflffllM Visit us at www.tatnerfonnance.com • ,___.....,, c - • ~ - • • Page so FAT VW Type IV FATVWType I FAT VW Type IV FAT Toyota V6 FAT Toyota 4AG FATVWType I FAT Toyota 4AG FATVWType I FAT VW Type IV /Na .; , · I , I H 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 February 2002 George Seeley racked up another 1st in Class 5 at the 1000, seen here in full battle mud and dirt from Mexico. Larry Gross is very proud of his Toyota, seen here with some beer drinking fans. Score s of the planet's buggy contingent also in-baddest vehicles, fresh eluded entrants Jeff from action at this year's Quinn, Chuck Hovey Baja 1000, were on dis-and Jeff Lothringer. play at Dave & Busters Jared Hardin, Jamie at the Irvine Spectrum Campbell and Troy Porn-N overn ber 16th. The eroy were a few of the "Baja Bash" drew a large many others in atten-crowd of off road aficio-dance. In addition to the nados and upwards of 50 race vehicles, numerous race vehicles. From 6pm pre-runners and chase ve-until 11pm, fans were af-hides were also on dis-forded the opportunity to play. check out many of their Offroadracingwasthetalk heroes' rides up-close-of the town on that Friday and-personal. Doug For-evening, even on the local air-tin, the Class 1 and over-waves. One big reason was all winner of the Baja 97.1 FM's popular "Conway 1000 drew most of the at-andStecklerShow"wasbeing tention, followed closely broadcast live from Dave & by Class 7 winner Craig Busters. As you might have Turner. The flaming-hot surmised, there was a lot go-Class 7 s Chevy raced to · ing on, and thanks to the tal-vic tor y by Cory Susag entedD&Bstaff,therewas and Doug Siewert was no shortage of great food also present. George and drinks. Those un-Seeley, Jr. and his farnil-able to attend the Baja iar yellow Class 5 Baja 1000 still managed to Bug were on the scene. come away with a feel Seeley was yet another for what transpired south celebrating a first place of the border, and a finish at the "1000", as glimpse of many who were Scott Steinberger, took part. Kudos to who placed first in Pro Malibu Dan and all the Trucks and Jerry Pen-teams and drivers that hall, who won Class 12. participated in the "Baja The "Bash's" strong Bash." __ . .,,.,, Dusty Times
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Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V.W. - Porsche -Nissan - Toyota - Honda Baja Bugs 850 5. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 www.wrtrans.com C <o).'=>) :::,OSRACe BUMP STOPS HERE i"e Stop the up-travel on your suspension -~~t ' EXX>NOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview 1-928-427-3551 P.O. Box845 Yarnell, AZ 85362 Motorcycles * KTM Dealer for over 20 years * Stock parts · * Supports top riders suspension * Accessories . . Tires/knowledge Open * 12pm-6pm M-F Various ~-Saturdays , .V -714-449-1271 * 714-449·1374 Fax SPOR TMO TOR C YCl ES www.KTM-Zraclng.com Get the word ~ut about your business, Big or small • Put your business card In the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" . and reach new customers Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $35.00 per month. Classified ... FOR SALE: 1985 Toyota PreRunner. Totally Prepped! New Everything from front to back! Sway-A-Way bypass shocks up front, Fox bypass shocks in back, New Carbon fiber dash, re-wired, new rear end. Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. AUTOM?Tlv'i FOR SALE: 5/1600-Featured in December 2001 Hot VW Magazine. 300 miles on chas-sis, new motor and trans. Best of everything. Wiks motor, 3" King bypass shocks, King Kong combos, Lots of extras. $22,500. (928) 768-2633. FOR SALE: Class 8 Race Truck, legal all sanctions, proven win-ner. New 514 SVO, 46 spline cone rear-end, C-6 trans, new King shocks & bypasses. 2000 Ashley Glass. All updates in 2001 by Geiser bros. New Mastercrafts, PCI Race Radio, Parker Pumpers, Autometer, l0lb Halon, Davis Radiator, ·Awesome truck, all spares and trailer included, $45,000.00 OBO, Race Prepped and ready. (623) 582-2233 ext 26. Mark Porter . FOR SALE: CORR Pro 4 Ford. Built by Curt Leduc. 440 SVO by Kenetics, ATD trans,· Borg Warner T -case, Sway-A-Way, Mastercraft Seat, Christman axle, lots of spare parts. $40,000.00. Or best offer. Call Steve (905) 841-0430. -FOR SALE: 2001, 26" Domina-tor Trailer FOR SALE: Rear ramp door, wired for electric. Mounted tool boxes and work counter, wrapped in vinyl. Easy to remove white underneath. Asking $8,500.00. ·(303) 799-0477 x21. $18,000.00. (303) 799-0477 x21. FOR SALE: 1988 Yellowstone· (Country Club) 34' 2 roof airs, driver door, $2700.00 Banks Ex-haust, 7 new tires, 2 TV-VCR- 2 stereos, separate bath & shower. 22,000 orig miles. Asking $31,000.00 OBO Call Ted or Betty (702)-368-028.8 hm or (702) 612-7401 cl. FOR SALE: Raceco Two Seater, Class 10 Powered by FAT, Toyota 4AG, New Seats, New Rear Arm's and brakes, All Fab work done by Penhall Fab. Radio & intercom, Power Steering, Bilstein bypass in rear, coil over in front. Very clean car. Have spares $20,000.00 (760) 436-0442. Ask for John. FOR SALE: LS 1 Chevy All Aluminum 35_0 . Under 1,000 miles. Fuel injection in-cluded. No computer. $3,500.00 OBO Call Eric at (702) 382-1093. more Classifieds Next Page •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • · Sell or swJjJSTYtJMis1. pieces in · IIGliJlil■IG ~ Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN AD-VANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ___ _ (Send check or money order, no cash) Name _______________________________ _ _ _ Address ___________________ Phone ___________ _ City State ___ __:_ Zip ________ _ Please run ad ___ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES· 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91'311 Classified Ad Deadlines for 2002 ISSUE· DEADLINE March Feb 8, 2002 April Mar 8, 2002 May Apr 12, 2002 June May IO, 2002 July Jun 7, 2002 August Jul 12, 2002 Sept.ember Aug 9, 2002 October Sep 6, 2002 N011ember Oct 4, 2002 December N0118, 2'002 • • • • • • . . • • • .. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dusty Times February 20_02 Page 57
:... mare Classified ... ALJTOtvlQTI b. CONTINU6.D SUPER NICE F150 Race Truck or Ultimate PreRun 4WD, 1st Place at Baja 1000 and 3'd at .the Baja 2000, very reliable and many spares, 4 link rear, King Shocks, 27" travel. Front has 18" travel, full prepped, 35" Projects, CNC, Leon Patten 520 HP pump gas motor and street legal. Call Baja Brokers, Full Package Deal $70K. Ref #834 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Pro Lite Ranger, 2. 7L, Jerico, Dana 60, spares $26,000.00 Out-law 7 Ranger 2.5L , World Class TS, 9 inch, spares $8,500.00. 24 ft Timberwolf Racer's Choice enclosed trailer, walk on roof, l l0V lighting, tire racks, diamond plate and more $7,000.00. Call Mark at (630) 585-7547. This is the 1,ystem run by most off road race winners FOR SALE: 82 Nissan Chase Truck. 4x4 Kingcab, lots of custom fabrication-too much to list, see at www.off-road.com/4x4/fea-t u res/Sept96 / 82datsun.html Project-needs work. $1,900.00 (949) 279-0307 or Williams Dll@netscape.net. FOR SALE: Class 10 A-Arm 2 seat, Type 4, Bus Box FTC ge·ars, SACO Parker, Beards, Simpson, Summer hubs, 930 CV's, FOX Shocks, BFG, Ultra, Spares, Buying house must sell $22,000.00 OBO comes with tandem axle Dia-mond plate car hauler (702) 566-5010. . TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA M1JFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 Page ss WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED FOR SALE: FORD 150 Stock Full, SCORE Legal or 8100 BITD. Built with best parts; National, PCI, King, Parker, etc. Truck load of new spare parts. Engines, transmissions, rears, too much to list. Very reliable, places in top three and fin-ishes every race. Very well maintained. Truck is prepped and race ready, chase crew and· initial sup-port available $60,000.00. 01;30. Call Al (406) 321-4644. Possibly trade part of price towards Prerunner. COOL 5 CAR, very com-petitive, Tubular Concepts, . Howe, Sway-A-Way, Sum-mers, Bypass, Mendeola MD4S, outboard hubs, Fox shocks, 920 CV's, Crow belts, Wiks Type 4, 170 HP, BFG's on Centerlines, PCI Radio, Eagle OPS, FlameOut, much more. Ex-cellent · condition $28,000.00. Baja Brokers Ref# 833 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: CORR Ready Toyota Pro-Lite engine fresh from Probst, Carbs to pan w/new Gold Star 3 pad clutch and flywheel. Race Ready $10,000.00 OBO (210) 533-8056. 9-6 C.S.T. (Steve). FOR SALE: Class 3, CJ-7, fresh 550hp AMC 401, Holley 7 50, MSD igni-tion, Ron Davis alumi-num radiator, Autometer gauges, Holman headers, Flameout system, dual Optima batteries, Hughes reverse pattern Turbo 400 tranny, Fluidyne cooler, Art Carr shifter, Quadratrack transfer case, Cone Dana 60 rear.end with Mark Williams spool and Willwood brakes, Dana 44 front end, Na-tional Spring, Sway-A-Way bypass shocks, 35" BFG Baja's, Lee Steering ram, Howe quickner, Neutec race radio with PCI inter-com, Beard seats, fiber-glass· hood and fenders, Parker Pumper, lots of spares, 1998 16' Parker tandem axle trailer. Fin-ished every mile of last 7 races. Dunes or race. $20,000.00 (480) 917-5459. 2000 Whiplash Champion. LIQUIDATION SALE: Chenowth Magnum short course car and Pro-Lite Toyota for sale. Both ve-hicles all have top of the line parts. Extra new chassis, extra motors, trannys, bead-lock wheels/tires and nu-merous other parts that go with the· buggie. The Pro-Lite has been raced very little. I am selling every-thing associated with off-road racing. Call Steve Sallenbach for details at wk: (402) 443-4117 or ho: (402) 625-2802. SYSTEM·S BY PARKER PUMPER pu,geer helme'ls rl:1ng at $249!!!00{Mnred) ~ The complete source for race,s aadCTBWS . 1.B00.700.2350 fax: 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive •Mira Loma, CA 91752 February 2002 FOR SALE: From Flannery Racing: One Pro-4 FourWheel Drive Race Truck. Jack's Old Truck, Won lots of races, lndepen-de n t front end, Walker Evans Racing Shocks, Dana 60 Rear End, Complete Body, Excellent Core Race Truck for Starting Out. No front carrier but takes stock GM front cliff, No transmis-sion or engine. Needs some work Asking as is $20,000~00 OBO. ALSO Pre-Runner or Fun Truck Originally built by Clive Smith and raced by Larry Raglin for GM. Class 7, GM Powertrain put in new V6 engine and transmission. Built with the best of every-thing. Asking as is $15,000.00 OBO. ALSO FOUR ENGINES, 2-430 CI W /Brod ax Heads, 2-430 CI W /SB 2 Heads, front engine aluminum mounting plate w/all acces-sory drive equipment mounted to them,-fresh-ened, $12,500.00 each run $10,000.00. each. ALSO FOR SALE C & C Bridge-port Vertical Mill w/ Anilam 1100 $22,500.00 OBO, C & C Standard-Modern Model 17x60 Lathe w/ Anilam 1200-$38,500.00 OBO, 1972 Kentucky 44' Van Trailer $7,500.00 OBO. Please call (608) 254-4788 Flannery Racing AKA Off-Road Logging. FOR SALE: 1994 Ford Range.r 4x4 LASD Racing Stock Mini Race Truck, 1995,1996, 1997 SCORE Stock Mini Champion, 2nd in 1998 BITD Series, regu-lar cab long bed, all chro-moly cage, 9100 Series Bil-steins, w/bypass, Eibach front springs, National rears, Ford Factory auto-matic transmission with lock up converter, fr~sh 4.0 liter V6 motor, 43 gallon Fuel Safe cell, complete top of the line stock mini race truck with fresh complete prep by Spirit, lots of spares, including sheet metal, can be race in 4x4, easily con-verted to 7S or race now in stock mini, Too many race wins to list. $35,000.00 obo. Steve Williams (310) 830-1123 or S KWILLIA@LASD.org. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: MacPherson Motor sports SCORE Championship Class 7 Off Road Truck. Won 9 Races and 2 Championships in 1999 and 2000. Did not race in 2001. Champion-ship Contender for the 2002 season. Many, many spares, too numerous to list. Call for details. Ask for Bob Mortensen. (714) 920-8981. FOR SALE: Class 1 TLR truggy. Ed Holz 383 Chevy Stroker with 5 25 hp. T-400 trans by Culhane. J-Arm 28 inch front susp. 4 link 30 inch rear susp. Custom Ted Kendall coil guides and by-pass shocks. Fuel Safe, CNC, Mastercraft, MSD Ign., Ron Davis radiator, Fluidyne, Autometer, American Racing, BFG, Race Ready 2002. $90,000.00 OBO Call John (760) 996-4180, nights, (760) 344-2056. FOR SALE: 1915cc VW Type I Engine: Rimco Case, 69mm stroke x 94mm bore, Mahle Pistons & Cylinders, Engle VZ-15 Cam, DPR Counterweighted Crank, Chromolly Push Rods, KEP 17001b Pressure Plate, 121b 200mm flywheel, Bosch al-• ternator, welded fan, Bosch 009 Distributor and Coil w/Compufire Ignition, 30mm Oil Pump or Bugpack Dry Sump Pump, 1 and 5/8" SuperTrapp Stainless Exhaust, CB Per-formance 044 heads Ported and Polished, 11 to 1 com-press ion ratio, 42 x 37.5 Valves, Dual Springs, SCAT Rocker Arms, Engine has less than 200 miles. Over $7,300.00 invested and am selling for $3499.00. Great Engine for class 10 car, prerunner or sand car. Call D 1 - 1 FOR SALE: Must sell Health probl~ms. Class 7 Jeep 4.0 Liter Motor, 5 speed, 19RR travel. 2.5 Fox Shocks. Fox Bumps, front and rear radiators with elec-tric fans. Dana 44. 4 wheel disc. Liquid filled gauges. K&N. National springs. 33 gallon cell. 33" BFG & Spares. Race Ready. $15,000.00 OBO or trade for Pre-Runner. Call Eric at (702) 382-1093. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Truck/Truggy, Small block, 550hp, Carillo rods, JE Pistons, full roller, Aluminum heads, Race se-ries holly, 26" front travel, 3 2" rear, 4 wheel disk, Uniball front end. Sum-mers Bros axles spool, Ford 9", Full Fiberglass body, Mastercrafts, Autometer gauges, $25,000.00 OBO (909) 776-0204. TRAILER FOR SALE: 6 x 10 American built Tilt-Bed Trailer, with surge brake sys-tem. Great race car or mo-torcycle carrier. $1,500.00 OBO. Great shape, new tires and wood flooring. Harvey (760) 346-1080. FOR SALE: Raceco Class 1, 2 seater, Ford SVO V-8, Rancho Updated Fields Auto Mike Smith Bypass, Many extras, Just prepped and ready to race. Ex-Riviera Car. $28,500.00 OBO (619) 469-0400. FOR SALE: CORR Pro lite Ford Ranger, 2000 Stan-dardized chassis, Sway-a-way, AutoMeter, Magne-sium Dana 60, less motor and transmission. $28,500.00 Crowder Racing (850) 576-6204. 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee-SCORE/BITD Class 3 legal or FIA (Dakar) T3 legal, built by Curt LeDuc, Sway-A-Way coilovers, full time 4WD, 12" travel/18" travel, 9" rear-end, pro-built 6 cylinder, Stroker motor, 360 hp on pump gas, Dry Sump oiling system, Mogi automatic trans, dual fuel cells, The best Class 3 for sale, great win record! Baja Brokers Ref # 828 (760) 723-2117. NEED A DRIVER?? I NEED OPPORTUNITY. All I can say in this short ad is that I am the nobody that you'll be glad you gave a chance. It's in my blood, I've got natural ability .... Not connections. Mitchell Emery (724) 659-3012. FOR SALE: Blazer Pre-Runner, Street registered, prepped and ready to go. Custom I-Beams 30" travel on 3" Sway-A-Ways, 2 coil-overs, 6 bypass. Bump stops all round. 37" BFG's on 17" Ultra Bead locks (4 spares). Fresh 350 with 440 hp on pump gas. Built Turbo 400. Summers Bros. Dana 60 spool, 40 splirie axles and Willwood brakes. 50 gal Fuelsafe cell, big Fluidyne trans and mo-tor coolers, Ron Davies ra-diator. Howe Power steer-ing. Dµal optima batteries, PIAA lights. Custom 3 seat interior with Beards, Momo wheel, Autometer LFG"S, PCI radio and in-tercom, GPS, Parker Pumper, power window, and door locks. CO2 airtool tank. This truck is built with the best of every-thing to go anywhere. Fast and very, very plush. Large spares package. MDR Pro Pre Runner champion. Reluctant sale, Sacrifice $69k. Please no dreamers. Martyn (818) 545-0431. FOR SALE: 1998 Chevy S-10 Prerunner, 4.3L V-6, 5 spd. Manual, ext. cab, full interior roll cage (SCCA race legal), 5 pt harness, Sway-A-Way coilover front susp. W / glass fenders, full engine cage, flared bedsides w/ rear Sway-A-Ways, 32" BFG's, 410 Auburn Posi, fuel cell. $14,500.00. Will consider trade for race truck. Call Jason (805) 895-5868. ---FOR SALE: Class 12. Moulton 2 seater, Fox bypass coilovers. Big Foddril Arms & Spindles. Micro-stubs, 091 Box, Diablo Rack. All spares go, Two light bars, Milestone winner. 20k. Race Ready & Prepped Ref #835 Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: CORR Pro Lite Ford Ranger Esslinger 2700cc Tall Block, Dry Sump, King, Beard, Cone Dana 60 & Axles, Willwood, CNC Power Cyl-inder, $29,000.00. Call Joe (928) 667-2194. FOR SALE: Street Legal Chevy PreRunner. 25" front wheel travel and 28" rear wheel travel. Brand new ZR 1 385 horsepower, built Turbo 400. Dana rearend-Floater. Sway-A-Way coilovers, 35" Goodyear tires, Disc brakes, 50 gallon fuel cell, Beard seats. $35,000.00. (928) 768-2633. FOR SALE: Coil over shocks, new never run 3.5 20" stroke, 16" stroke. Com-plete Class body "Chevy" Fuel Cell, 9" Housing with Sandy Cone Hubs and more. Must sell. Parts are all new. Call for pricing. (909) 982-2687. PLEASE! DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP DllliJlilHIIG REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! February 2002 MUST SELL: Class 12 Raceco, Single Seat, FAT motor, Fortin Trans, King bypass with coils, Foddrill Arms, CNC Brakes, 38 gal Fuel Safe, BfG on Center-lines, UMP Power Steering, Parker Pumper, PCI, $24,000.00. ALSO Hallmark 24' enclosed trailer, Air, toilet, spare tire rack, $8,500.00 (520) 220-2291 (928) 567-0347 David. OBFM Racing, a Louisville, Ken-tucky off-road racing team, is · seeking a full-service, San Diego based Crew Chief for the 2002 racing season. This position would require a reliable, mature, motivated individual who would take full care of the race vehicle before, during and after all races, and be completely respon-sible for all aspects of the racing effort other than prep. A 1 ton (or greater) reliable tow vehicle will be required. Tom Dunbar (502) 897-7733. OBFM Racing is looking for 1 or 2 new members, preferably from San Diego area, for joining us in SCORE and BITD racing in a Jimco 2-1600. We have ev-erything, so all you have to do is go race. Members buy a share of the car, and just pay for the races they participate in. Must have some racing experience and want to have a great time trying to win the world's best off-road races. Tom Dunbar (502) 897-7733. INDb.X TO ADV!:.12-Tl61:.12-6 Aggressive Suspensions ........................... 45 Austecx ........................................................ 43 Baker Precision .......................................... 30 Tony Barraza .............................................. 36 Cactus .......................................................... 31 Cam burg Engineering ................................ 35 Coast Resorts ............................................... 9 CORR .............................................................. 4 . DCS Digital Communications Services ................... 31 Fabtech ........................................................ 48 FAT Performance ....................................... 50 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .............................. 35 German Auto ............................................... 27 Hannemann Fiberglass, Inc ...................... 41 Headllow Masters ..................................... 26 JeepSpeed Challenge ................................ 15 Orris Johnson ............................................. 29 Kartek Off Road .................................. 40, 44 Kawaguchi Honda ...................................... 41 KC Hilites ................................................... 11 King Shock Tech ........................................ 22 Light Force Engineering ............................ 37 Mastercraft ................................................. 25 McKenzie Performance Products ............ 14 Mendeola Racing ........................................ 23 MSD Ignition ............................................... 24 Nevada Off Road Buggy ............................ 13 / Outlaw Racing Sale ................................... 34 ~, Parker Pumper ........................................... 38 \I Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ................ 39 PCI Race Radios and Equipment... ............. 2 Pike's Family Restaurant ......................... 26 Race Prep Services ................................... 42 Race Ready ................................................. 25 Rancho Performance ................................. 47 RC Trans ...................................................... 46 Ronco Plastics Inc ..................................... 17 Riviera Racing Sale ................................... 19 Skyjacker Suspensions ............................. 12 SNORE .......................................................... 21 Solder Joint ................................................ 28 Strictly Performance ................................ 32 Summit ........................................................ 20 Sway-A-Way Corp ........................................ 5 Toyota Motorsports .................. Back Cover Transaxle Engineering .............................. 44 Tri-Mil Industries ....................................... 58 Union 76 Racing Gasoline ........................ 10 Valley Performance ................................... 34 Page 59