Volume 19 • Number 12 • December 2002 $2.50 ISSN87S0-1732 covering the world of competition in the dirt ... . . .
T -THE LEGEND LIVES ONT THE P 425, THE 0J.DFSJ" OFP-ROIID RACE hv THE UNITED STATES1 Time Trials On Thursday U TIii 2-6-03 IIISOIY & CASINO 1'6!!~ COMPANIE~;,.l; E~S Las Vegas, Nevada Fat RACiNGFUEL:-:-:-:-HIGH PERFORMANCE !{ACING FUEL AND LUBRICANTS Cars Race Is On Saturday 2-8-03 HONDA Riders Club <f A.1>U!'rit:a !B!#ll!fi February 6, 7, 81 9, 2003 GOOO;i'EAR All new time trials for starting /.lCE=l=li:::. Official Tire positions on Thursdayl ~~fflm~ Snea Ro,ad will be open to RACING A ssoc,A-.-10,v spectators on Thursday, and Please call for more information for the Race Saturday! Di~~ BEST IN THE DESERT RACING Assoc1A TION RACIN~ ASSOCIATION 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 • (7'02) 457-5775 • Fax (702) 641-2431 • www.bitd.com
Volume 19 -Number 12 December 2002· Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography Mike Chamberlain J&L Photogtaphy Jim Culp Mike Del Col Martin Holmes Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Jeff Straw Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributi~ns, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite IA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month .. ~ 1983 SCORE Barstow Classic-Freezing cold and almost snowing John Baker brought his Mitsubishi home first in Class 7 and that gave him the points for his Class 7 Championship. Dusty Times Jean Calvin (white hat) watches for the next arriving vehicle. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES 33rd Annual SNORE 250 by John Calvin ....................................................... 8 44th Rallye Sanremo by Martin Holmes .......................................................... 16 Australia's Sunraysia 500 by Steve Hilton ...................................................... 20 FRT superstition 250 by Judy Smith ................................................................ 22 VORRA September Sizzler ......................................................... ,. ................. 26 CODE Botica Santa Maria Bikes & Quads by Byrle Moore ....................... 32 Off Road Expo by Judy Smith ............................................................................ 34 CORDR Desert Cieanup by Sheryl Cannon .................................................. 36 32nd Propecia Rally New Zealand by Martin Holmes .. : ............................... 38 Baja 1000 Pre-Run Report by Judy Smith ........................................................ 42 SCCA Lake Superior Rally by J. Preston Bradshaw ...................................... 45 CORR Champions Banquet by]. Preston Bradshaw ..................................... 47 American JeepSpeed Report ........................................................................ 49 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ...................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ........................................................................................................ 6 Christmas Goodies Galore .......................................................................... 30 Classified Ads .................................................................................. 50, 58, 59 Good Stuff Directory ................................................................... ................. 51 Index To Advertisers ..................................................................................... 59 on The cover Mike Julson and Bob Lofton drove their big Jimco to first overall at the SNORE 250, first in Class 1 and first Pro Dirt finisher. They covered their required four laps in 4:36:08. A very nice win Photo by Eric Record .Go Desert Productions Except for a wee bit of silt to contend with, Dwaine Walters. had a trouble free run and took the top podium position in the Class 9 contest at the SNORE 250. Photo by Eric Record •Go Desert Productions Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com c:5ubscr.i6e <Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 $40.00 ss~.oo □ 2 years -□ 3 years -(no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name---------------'-------Address ----------'----------City State _____________ Zip ______ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times December 2002 Page 3
The Dash December 30-31, 2002 -January 1, Featuring the Jimco Shoot Out and Customer Appreciation ~~~~~=---Last Off Road Race of the.Year --~iles-Five Times Around A 30 Mile Course · Plaster City West __ _;;....,___ . -----.----+--~-F-lace Dr-awing December 21, 2002 at: Unique Metal Products 10728 Wheatlands Avenue Suite A, Santee CA 11:00 AM -2:00 PM Classes Professional & Sportsman _Motorcycle -Super Lites - Buggies -Trucks - Baja Bugs ...---.------------------JIMCO Shootout $1500 Cash Contingency Awards $500 to Top Finishing Drivers 1-unlimited / 10 i 1-2 1600 using JIMCD Frames JIMCO Customer Appreciation BBQ December 30th, 2002 3 PM -8PM Call 619.562.1743.for more information AADVANCED· WIRELESS, INC. ~ · ·Mobilr· --- ----~~FEATURES~-----------~►Off -FJoad Racing Champions Autograph Session Featuring: . Mike Julson - Steve Scaroni -Chuck Hovey - Corky, Mark & ·scott McMillin ►Ra~e-Car Display · Featuring: rc•c!•~•••!""'•,•-.:: ... 1, Cooley Cars -~ Championship Race Team The Scaroni Championship Truck - Hovey Championship Race Team & McMillin Championship Race Team -----►--FRT MotorSports Features: Professional Technical Inspections by Bill Hammack Independent Competition Review Board Class 1 - Dean Hovey Class 8 - Jody Mason Class 7 & 7's Rodd Fantelli Class 9 -Larry Kern . -FRT MOTORS PORTS PROM@~IONS / I .....,
2"2 Happenings ... SAN VICENTE OFF ROAD ENSENADA, BC, MEXICO USA JAN WRIGHT (Oll 52 61746834) RAMON CASTRO & RUBEN ACEVEDO (61637/ 7 0034) BARB VAHSHOLTZ, PRESIDENT (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP, !Ne. 3650 SOUTH POINTE CIRCLE, SUITE 205 LAUGHLIN, NV 89208 (702) 298-8171/FAX: (702) 521-0597 E MAIL: roger@rallyusa.com AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA OBSERVED TRlALs SOUTHERN CALJFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BILL MARKUM· PRESIDENT (909) 860-1857 24 HR HOTLINE• (714) 562-7742 E MAIL: bmark909@aol.com <www.atatrails.com> ASOCIACION EsTATAL DE AUTOMOVILISMO SAM i.AsELL, TECH INSPECTOR APTo42 SAN Jos~ DEL CABO BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL SUR. MEXICO AUSTRALIAN OFF RoAD CllAMPIONSIIlP DARRYL SMITH 19 SOMERS Sr. CASHMERE, QUEENSLAND, 4500, AUSTRALIA . DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Cl.ASS 10 CARS ONLY RENALD VAILLANOOURT 3069 DAGENAIS WEST LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA H7P 1 T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AssN. P.O. Box 1521 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 AU Raw Are Night Races AU Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS OFF R OAD SHORT COURSE RACING & SPECIAL EVENT MARKETING 4344 VALLEY VIEW AVE. NOROO, CA 92860 (909) 340-64 74 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION 3475 BOULDER HIGHWAY LAs VEGAS, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/FAX (702) 641-2431 E-MAIL: bird@worldnet.art.net December6-8, 2002 Las Vegas 200 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES 341 W. 2575 NORTH SUNSET, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651/(801) 773-9319 FAX BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 BRIGHTON, ONTARIO, CANADA KOK-lHO (613) 475-1102/FAX (613) 475-3250 CAJOR CLUB AVTOMOVILISTA]UARENSE DE CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD RACING 7210 GATEWAY EAsr EL PASO, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 RALPH GARCIA 011-52-J6-17-45-42 CESAR FUENTES. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES SuE ROBINSON • DIRECTOR 845 SCHOOHOUSE ROAD RAMONA, CA 92065 (7{JO) 7 88-3809 E-MAIL: crsdirecr@hotmail.com WEBSITE <californiarallyseries.com> JoHN DILLON, SoPAc RALLY STEWARD sopacrallysteward@hotmail.com December 13-15, 2002 Ramada Express International Rally Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 MAYWOOD, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 PIERRE, SD 57501 PAVE ADAMS (PILOTS AND BAJAS) (605) 224-9481 DON ENGLEMAN (BIKES) (605) 224-4967 C HAMPLAIN VALLEY Dusty Times RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. RICHARDS P.O. Box 332 FAIR HAVEN, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 Cl.AIRTON lb-JACKERS I.C.O. TOM DELAUDER SR 1091 TWP. LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Oiurse off Road Racing At Harrison Oiuni::y Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Cum AUTOMOVIUSTICA SAN QmNrIN CALLE 6TA FRACC CD, DE SAN QUINTIN SAN QUINTIN, BC, MEXIOO HERACLIO PATINO (Oll 52 616-5-22-07) Cum AUTOMOVIUSTICO SAN VICENTE CMC CONTINENT AL MOTOSPORT CLUB P.O . Box 3187 MISSION V IEJO, CA 92690-3178 FAX: (714) 367-1608 CODE 0FFROAD P.O. Box 2320 CALEXICO, CA 92232-2328 USA PHONE (760) 455-8069 TEL/FAX (01152) 553-4087 <www.codeoffroad.com.mx>· mail@codeoffroad.com.mx November 29-Decernber 1, 2002 Mangiamos 300 Mexicali To San Felipe Baja California, Mexico (This event is a co-promotion with ZR PromotionJ and will include motorqcle1 and quads) CoroRADo lln.L CLIMB ASSOCIATION CORP P.O. Box 392 CALEXICO, CA 92232 HECTOR CERECER 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR/LUCAS OIL PRO & SPORTSMAN SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACING 192 N. STATE ROAD 267, SUITE 267 AVON, IN 46123 (317) 272-2827/FAX: (317) 272-2900 CORVA 1500 WEST EL CAMINO, SUITE 352 SACRAMENTO, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Exr 42 FAX (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS DAVE VAN DEREN 2405 BAKER AVE. EVERETT, WA 98201 DAKAR RALLY DARREN SKILTON BAJA AUTOMOTIVE ADVENTURES 455 E. OCEAN BLVD., SUITE 208 LoNG BEACH, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/FAx: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DEcATUR FoUR WHEEL DRI\'.E Cum DECATUR, TX 76234 ToMALLEN (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS . . 1865 COMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 EASTERN Ow-ROAD RACING ASSN. TOM DELAUDER, SR. '1091 TOWNSHIP LINE ROAD WELLSVILLE, OHIO 43968 (330) 532-4589 · Toyota oma 4x4 & re-Runner WD Skyjacker Platinum Coil-Over Shocks Turn Taco!'las Into R O O m t O R U n 1 PreOIOUS ■ Metals. -❖• ,•:· .. :t; }~ ·n., ~. ::· . . _.,.._ :: . ~ .. -~:·.< ..... -To locate the dealer The combination of Skyjacker's patent pending Coil-Over mount, Softride™ coils and Platinum Series Coil-Over Shocks give Toyota Tacomas room to run. This surprisingly simple and complete 2.5" suspension package makes way for massive 33" tires and opens the door to off road fun. Turn your Tacoma into "Precious Metal" and and explore your surroundings today. nearest you call 1.866.4 A DEALER ext. 501 O or click on skyjacker.com the Dealer Search December 2002 Pages I I I ' I l I
OFF ROAD EXPO -The Off Road Expo, held at the Pomona Fairgrounds was a huge success. Literally tens of thousands of people came to look at all the manufacturer and dealer displays and everyone we talked to said they had a great time, both buyer and seller. The Expo is scheduled for October 4· and 5, 2003, same place, Pomona Fairgrounds. Make it a point to be there. See the article on the Off Road Expo on page 34 in this issue. UNG TIME -This issue, December, 2002 marks the start of Dusty Times • 20th year of publication. We have printed 240 issues of Dusty Times nd these issues have been read by God knows how many people. Dusty Times is considered by some as an "Institution, The Bible Of The Desert." We like those names as they show that people trust us to deliver all the off road racing and rallying news that we can muster. We don't print rumors, only the facts as we gather them and we will continue to do so in the future. Thanks for all the support we have received over the years. Hopefully we'll be around for another 20 years. See ya at the races! FABTECH Is MOVING - Fabtech is moving to a new manufacturing and corporate facility, located in Chino, CA. The 100,000 square foot facility is located on five acres, built to Fabtech's specifications for increased production and product development. The new address and telephone numbers are in effect as of October 21, 2002. 4331 Eucalyptus Avenue, Chino, CA 91710, Phone -909-597-7800, Fax - 909-606-1424. FINAL FLAG -We sorrowfully report the passing of Eric Baumgartner. Eric was born June 11, 1981 and left us on October 12, 2002. Eric's passion was the desert. He began riding a three wheeler at the age of three, in Lakeside, CA. He raced motorcycles from age nine to 12 at Barona Raceway in San Diego. At age 14 he began racing in the FRT Series in the Imperial Valley. He raced Quads with Andy Anderson and then he started driving in the 1/2-1600 Class in both FRT and Score events. Eric won his first race at the 1999 FRT Dunaway Dash. For the last seven years Eric worked at the McMillin race shop during the summers. Eric was a senior at the University of Arizona and was looking forward to graduation in May, 2003. Eric is survived by his parents, Ken and Bonnie and his sister Nikki. Eric will be sorely missed by his family, his friends and the McMillin Race Team. NOINING TOGETHER - It is with much pleasure that we ann"ounce the ining together of Bryan Freeman and Jessica Atkin. The couple was arried on O ctober 19th at the Hyatt Regency in Henderson, Nevada. A long honeymoon in the South Pacific will ready them for the coming years. Dusty Times and staff wish the happy couple many years of happiness and • health and, perhaps a few new off road racers in the not to distant future. We luv ya both! ruAD WORLD WIDE - After a quickie look inside our computer we found hat Dusty Times is read in more countries than we had realized. Our ubscribers are in Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Botswana, Japan, England, Germany, Indonesia, Netherlands, Costa Rica, Brazil, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland and, of course, right here in the good 'ol US of A. I guess we're gonna have to get a map of the world and start sticking pins in it for the countries we serve. Hopefully, we'll keep adding to this list until we have subscribers in every country. You can help us ... NEW FACE AT SCCA - Sue Robinson, lately the Director of the California Rally Series has joined the Sports Car Club Of America as their new head of the Performance Rally Department which includes SCCA Club Rally, SCCA Pro Rally and SCCA Rallycross. Sue will taking on her new duties on November 15th, and we here at Dusty Times know she will be of great benefit to the SCCA and to their rally programs. Sue has been long affiliated with the CRS in Southern California as a co-driver and as an organizer. She, and her husband Doug have competed in many international events over the years, including the 24 Hours Of Mexico and also in the SoPac Division. Sue is routinely an instructor at the rally schools that the CRS conducts each year. We wish Sue all the best and know she will be sorely missed out here in sunny, Southern Cal. SCCA P1wRALLY SCHEDULE - The SCCA ProRally 2003 schedule will be available to all in the January, 2003 edition of Dusty Times, Centerfold Calendar. There have been a few changes in dates, namely the Oregon Trail Rally has moved from April to July, the Maine Forest Rally has moved from July to August and The Ojibwe Forests Rally is now running a week later than it's usual date in August. BITD PARKER 425 - Casey Folks announced a new and interesting addition to the Parker 425 event. They are going to hold time trials, a timed event in a four mile section of Osborne Wash on February 6, 2003, starting at two in the afternoon. The Time Trials will determine the starting position for the first 20 cars/trucks off the line for the race. After those 20 start, the remaining cars and trucks will start in their traditional order by class. If an entrant does not enter the Time Trials then they will be ·entered in the draw Thursday night by class. It will not be mandatory to attend the time trials. Time Trials will be open for spectating. The Blue Water Resort & Casino Parker 425 will start on Main Street in Parker, Arizona on Saturday, February 8, 2003and will finish along the Colorado l\iver at the Blue Water Resort & Casino. Registration, Contingency and Technical Inspection will be held on Friday, February 7, 2003. For more info call Diane at 702-457-5775. LAKE SUPERIOR RALLY - The oldest, toughest, meanest rally on the Circuit, ended in'snow, sleet and rain but none of it could stop Mark Higgins rom taking the overall win in his Hyundai Tiburon. Ramana Lagemann was second overall in his Subaru Impreza WRX and Paul Choiniere was third in his Hyundai Tiburon. Tim O'Neil took the Group N gold medal in his Subaru Impreza WRX and Ralph Kosmides was second, also in a Subaru Impreza and that finish gave Ralph the Group N Drivers Championship. In Group 2, Matt Johnson took the honors in his VW Golf Gti while Eric Burmeister was second in his Mazda Protege. Don Jankowski took the Group 5 win in his Dodge Neon SRT-4 and Jeremy Butts was second in his Ford Mustang. The Production GT title went to Bob Henderson in a Subaru Impreza and the Production honors went to David Johnson in a Dodge .Neon. The Prescott Forest Rally is yet to run, it's on the first weekend in November in Page & ~ABAJAOFl'RoADRACING Av. REFORMA 1136 ENSADA, BC, MX 011-52-646-1818989 Eus10 011-52-646-1715230 AARON Races for bugg:,s & Motor9cks Esrmo BEACH OOERNATIONAL SHORT CoURSE RACING VICTORIA GALINOO ENSENADA, BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO 011-52-646-176-6230 FORDA FwRIDA OFF RoADDRIVER's AssN. JASON LEIBIN (727) 376-4176 Mar, Ap,-, Maz, N011 at Davidson Racewaz FRT MoroBSPORTS 250 KENNEDY, #2 CHULA. VISTA, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 E-MAIL: FUD9@cox.net December 8, 2002 Alpine Tile Rudolph's Revenge December 3 I, 2002 McMillin Companies Dash Bike & Car Race GORRA GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING AssOCIATION 420 HOSEA ROAD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA . GREAT PLANEs (]pp ROAD RACING AssOCIATION PAUL HUFFMAN (402) 296-4349 JESS URWIN (402) 944-2193 AU races are short coune, stadium style. Classes • Sportsman Bugg:,, 1/ 2/ 5-1600, Sport Truck and Quads. Nebraska Raceway Park is just minutes west ofOmaha, NE. <www.goorra.com> 1 OK FOlJR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 CLEVES, OHIO 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) OOERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 ST. PAUL, MN 55108 STEVE BEDDOR (612) 937-3816/FAx 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, !Ne. . P.O. Box 2910 MISSION VIEJO, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 ]EEPSPEED RACING FOR STREET LEGAL JEEP CHEROKEES 1826 N. WINDES DRIVE ORANGE, CA 92869 (714) 538-7434 <www.jeepspeed.com> e-mail: leepspeedcom@aol.com °KAMLooPS BRONCO BUSTER 4woCuJB P.O. Box 465 l<AMLOOPS, BC, CANADA VZG5L2 BOB (250) 374-7175 DAYS RANDY (250) 579-9621 EVES. WES (250) 351-2819 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS0 & OmtoADEXPo (626) 961-3782 <www.prerunners.com> <www.megashow.com> L.I.T.R.E. )EFFELROD (408) 926-0522 )IMARUTA (408) 247-4402 MAMAluurA ()pp RoAD RACING WIS CARLOS ALVAREZO PANAMERICANA AVE #5105 Co. JUAREZ, CHIH., MX 011-52-1637-1799 MlcmGAN Buoov BunnERS DUNE BUGGY 'TRADE SHOW (517) 543-7214 <www.buggybuilders.com> MicmGAN OFF RoAD CHAMPIONSIDPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 )ONES ROAD GRAND LEDGE, ML 48837 December 2002 (517) 627-6200 MotorCJ(:les, Quads, A1Vs and Pilots onlz MAORA MID-AMERICA ()pp ROAD AssOCIATION MIKE TURNER (217) 235-2473 P.O. Box 184 MATTOON, IL 61938 <www.maoraracing.com> LINCOLN TRAIL MOTORSPORTS PARK CASEY, IL (217) 932-2041 <Off Road Playground.com> (800) 555-3167 TODD AsHWORTH (217) 932-3216 PIANET X-TREME MSP MAsoN, IL618-686-2650 Short Course Series Endurance Series MoJA VE DESERT RACING 1853 PARKWAY DRIVE S. EL MONTE, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 FAX E-MAIL: mdrracing@aol.com November 22-23, 2002 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. IIIGH llEsERT CliAMP!ONSHIP P.O. Box 1231 BARSTOW, CA 92311-1231 (760) 253-4453 December 7, 2002 Luceme,CA MSBA MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY AssOCIATION DAVE BARRET 6363 NIGHTINGALE DR. FLINT, ML 48506 (810) 730-9221 MoTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES BILLMARKHAM (909) 860-1857 <www.lTStrials.com> AU events at Perris Raceway (At Reed Val½ with a school) NATIONAL Mun ~cINGAssN. RT. #l - Box 380 DAVE OR MARLENE RYAN PALA.TI<A, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK AssN. BUTCH CHAPIN MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 1404 EAsT 3RD STREET HASTINGS, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NoRTHERN Omo OFF RoAD RACING ASSN. GARY WULFF (724) 283-2678 OFF RoAD EXPo 2002 (626) 599-8622 Omo OFP RoADERS INc. 1427 GOSHEN HILLS ROA.D S.E. NEW PHILA.DELPHIA, OHIO 44663 )IM KENDEL (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Hamson <Aunty Fan-grounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION RICK TICHBOURNE, PUBLIC RELA.TIONS (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) Oun.Aw SEVEN PICKUP 9269 UMMELMAN ST. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/FAX: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 <www.usoff-road.com> PncEs PEAK P.O. Box 6962 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 Plm:BARRFNsRouGHRmERs ()pp ROAD RACING SAND IJRAr;y, Tun: ThCXKS, .IJEsERT SHORT CouRsE ThLU<S, BUGGlES & QuAD5 (609) 660-0402/(609) 660-0066 PRoTRUCK RACING SERIES 9409 ABRAHAM WAY · SANTEE, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/FAX: (619) 449-6470 December 6-8, 2002 BITD Las Vegas 200 Pl.nu! ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 RICKETTS, IA 51460 (712) 679-222r S.C.A.T. !Nc. MICHAEL R. lcJNG P.O. Box 277 MOJ>.RJSONVJLLE, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SAN DmGo ()pp RoAD ExrosmoN (888) 836 7918 SCCA PRORALI.Y SERIES SPORTS CAR CWB OF AMERICA 9033 E. EAsTER PLA.CE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 (303) 967-9660 SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495 N. CoMMONS DRIVE, SUITE 200 AURORA, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 FAx SCORE SCORE INTERNATIONAL 23961 CRAFTSMAN Ro., SuITE A CAwl.w.s, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 November 20-23, 2002 Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja, California Mexico SNORE SoUTHERN NEV ADA ()pp ROAD ENTHUSIASTS P.O. Box 270516 LAs VEGAS, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 December 14-15, 2002 Baja 250 Las Vegas, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS RAcE D1v1s10N KEITH STEWART (714) 522-1899 SODA SHORT COURSE OPP ROAD DRIVERS AssOCIATION TERRY WOLFE 7839 W. NORTH AVENUE WAUWATOSA, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE STEVE RULE (800) 313-5621 OR((770) 963-0252 MIKE MOORE -(224) 272-5400 ()pp ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION VOUJNTEERED SERIES PRESIDENT -GEOFF LEE 1243 TRICE ROAD LEBANON, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 CLASSREP.-1/2-1600 BRUCE MEYERS (865) 453-1005 CLASS REP. -9 & UNLTD. MICHAEL MOORE (334) 271-7035 0UllAW REP. DoNPONDER (314) 631-8190 (All Races at Wheeling in the County 900 A-res) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION & BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, !Ne. 43807 40TH STREET £AsT LANCASTER, CA 93535 (MON-FRI 8:30 A.M. 10 1:00 P.M.) (661) 946-6986/FAX:(661) 946-6483 INTERNET: <http:Uscta-bni.org> SOUTHERN SHORT CoURSE ()pp ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 WOOTIARI< DRIVE TAMPA FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastbay Racewa-y, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) Lm. P.O. Box 706 PARKIANDS, 2121 SOUTH AFRICA (011)788-5138 FAX (011 ) 880-2170 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UNADIUA VALLEY SPORTS CENTER P.O. Box 5119 EDMESTON, NY 13335 (606) 965-8784/FAX: (606) 905-8784 <www .unadillamx.com> Dusty Times
VORRA OFF RoAD RAcING P.O. Box 3362 CARSON CITY, NV 89702 (775) 246-5545/(775) 246-9089 FAx <www.VORRA.com> VICENTE GUERRERO ()pp ROAD CuJB PROFC. CENOVIO GAMBOA 0ll-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 P.M.) WlSl'ERN ()pp ROAD RAONG AssoCIAnON LARRY HENDERSON (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 SUMAS WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL To WHEEL OFF RoAD RACING PATRICK McGUIRE P.O. Box 376 ADAMSBURG, PA (412) 527-6556 Wm.PI.ASH MoTORSPORTS 2325 E. KINGS AVENUE PHOENIX, AZ 85022 (602) 971-3730 Desert Tour Bu & Truck Series November, 2002 Parker Gran Prix Parker, AZ December 7, 2002 Point To Point Sonoyta, Mexico Desert Challen e Bike & ATV' December 7, 2002 Point To Point Sonoyta, Mexico DesertMini&Peewee Tour Motocross & Stadium Cross WISCONSIN MoroRSPORTS SHow (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OPP RoAD FESTIVAL TERRY OR BEV FRIDAY 5913 so. U.S. HWY 45 OSHKOSH, WL 5490 l (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSIIlP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 CoMMANDER DRIVE LAKE HAVASU CITY, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 BAJA OFFICE: 011-526-6225 zr. PROMOTIONS RENE MONTANO P.O. Box 2122 CALEXICX), CA 92231 GranPrix OHRoad November 29-30, 2002 Mexicali.San Felipe 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 DELAWAREST. OSHKOSH, WI 54901 Attention Race& Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2003 sched-ule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUGliJli1n1os 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Trail Notes ... Phoenix, AZ and that will end the very successful SCCA ProRally 2002 season. SCORE BAJA 1000 PAST WINNERS -Thanks to a lot of research by Dominic Clark we can list here some of the multiple winners of the Baja 1000 over the 35 years the race has been run. The man who has \J.'.On the most of the races is none other than Rod Hall, he's won 16 times. Johnny Johnson has won 14 times, Larry Roesseler has won it 12 times and Walker Evans nine times. Dave Ashley, Chris Haines, Mark McMillin, Dean Sundahl and Javier Tiznado have won eight times. Jack Johnson, Malcolm Smith and Dan Smith have won seven times. Six time winners are Don Adams, Manny Esquerra, Mike Leon and Jim Sumners. The five time winners are, Kelly Beal, Johnny Campbell, Andy Devercelly, Bob Gordon, Bruce Engen, Randy Engen, Rodney Engen, Casey Folks, Chuck Johnson, Larry Ragland, Rich Richardson, Larry Schwacofer, and Eric Solorzano. Four time winners include Henry Arras, Scott Douglas, Doug Fortin, Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter, Roger Mears, Jason Myers, Scott Pfeiffer, Paul Simon, Tim Staab, Ryan Thomas and Mark Weixeldorfer. Three time winners are Steve Barlow, Carmen Cafro, Bekki Freeman, Angel Garcia, John Holmes, Richard Jackson, Jeff Lewis, Rob MacCachren, Gale Pike, David Rubalcava, George Seeley, Jr., Scott Steinberger, and, last but not least of the three time winners, Ivan Stewart. lIMCO SHOOT-OUT -FRT Motorsports Promotions announces the addition of Jimco Race Products as a sponsor for the Corky McMillin Company Superstition Championship Series. Mike Julson, president of Jimco has ded $1,500 cash, and in addition has developed the Jimco Customer Appreciation Barbeque for the Dunaway Dash off road race at Plaster City West, December 30, 31, 2002 and January 1, 2003. The Jimco Shoot-out is a race within a race and will pay a $500 cash bonus to the top finishing driver in a Jimco Chassis in Class 1, Class 10 and Class ½-1600. The barbeque will be held on Monday, December 30 from 3 in the afternoon 'til 8 in the evening. ED FACE DEPARTMENT -In last month's story about the Primm race, we nadvertently gave.credit for the fast lap in class to the wrong team. In ctuality: Brian Ickier and Darren Hardesty recorded the fast time for the 1/2-1600 Class, on lap three, when they completed their lap in 1:30:30. This was a very tight race, very hard fought, and we're terribly sorry for the error. MORE SCCA INFO -SCCA is moving their headquarters from Denver to Topeka, Kansas, effective November 18, 2002. Effective that date the nailing address for SCCA will be: SCCA, Performance Rally Department, Building #300, B Street, Forbes Field, Topeka, KS 66619 Use your new headquarters in good health. CLASS 7 UNLIMITED ,u tt lllt tne,t -iU.t dfti L D E -Gary Dircks and Mark Porter's Class 7 unlimited truck. Built by Geiser Bros. Big 4.5 V6 by Vahsholtz with onboard EGT computer. Roller bearing C6. 534.5 Dynoed HP at 8000 elevation. 35" Projects on polished headlocks. Kings with bypasses. All sanctions legal race truck. Full race prep and just freshened engine, transmission, and rear-end. All spares and tandem trailer included. This is a top-notch competitive truck. Race Ready $65,000 Matching '98 Ford Ranger Pre-Runner also available. King coil-overs, 4 link rear, summers rear-end, 4 wheel disc, fuel cell, full cage, PCI radio, headlocks, awesome pre-runner with a/ c and stereo. $25,000 MUST SEE -Call 623-582-2233 X-26 Mark I Dusty Times December 2002 Page 7
33RD ANNUAL SNORE 250 Lofton/ Julson Win Big By John Cal11in Photos : Eric Record Mike Julson and Bob Lofton beat 14 other Class 1 cars for the SNORE 250 win, they collected $6000 for their 4 ½ hour ride. The Rob MacCachren/Bruce Fraley duo did it again, they took the ½-f600 class win at the 3:J'd annual SNORE 250. Danny Anderson set fast lap for the Class 1 Honkers but he was relegated to finish-in the second spot at the SNORE 250. OBA: Discount" Foreign We Have In Stock: What a week-end, what a race! It couldn't have been better, the weather was per-fect, around 80 degrees, there was enough of a breeze to keep the course clear for the most part and the com-petition was fierce in many of the clas.5es. It all started Friday evening with technical in-spection and con-tingency at Ultra Wheels 15x3.5 & 15x7 $84.10 $89.10 Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15x 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Pages (702) 247-1266 · ·we Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Michael Gaughan's beautiful Suncoast Hotel and Casino. There was a steady stream of cars through tech from opening 'til closing time. The night was balmy and there was lots of pre-race chatter as the cars and trucks were checked through. The action began at nine o'clock Saturday morning at a location north of the Nellis Dunes, an old piece of the Mint course, which, we figured, hasn't been raced on in 18 years. Well, it got raced this day and we're sure it will be an additional venue for the SNORE folks. The Pro Dirt guys were out in force, there were 15 of the Class 1 guys ready for battle, and battle they did. Danny Anderson was the leader at the end of the first lap, Dale Ebberts was 12 seconds behind in second, then it was Gary Weyhrich another three seconds back, then came Bob Lofton in fourth, B.J. Rich-ardson in fifth and we lost three of the contenders on that first lap, Pat Dean, Doug Fortin and Tom Koch all succumbed to the Nevada desert. At the end of the second lap, Dale Ebberts had taken over the lead, Danny Anderson had dropped to second, Bob Lofton was in third, Ronny Wils.on was fourth, Kevin Colan was in fifth, Chuck Hovey was running sixth, Bekki Wik was seventh, John Gaughan was in for B.J. Rich-ardson and was running eighth, Randy Wilson was ninth and Rick Romans was in tenth. Gary Weyh-. rich had troubles on the lap and was an hour off the pace and the Kory Scheeler/Larry Job duo were off the scoring chart. . At the end of the third lap, Mike Continued on page 10 __ ....,_ Dan Bentley and Bob Mathews are back in form, they took the Class 1 o win with only one flat to hamper them. ~· The Heavy Metal title went to Eric and Andre Gremm, brake problems didn't keep them from flying low. · ., ,.,.l · :' :.... -; -~ . . ~ ·.• ;\'~" ,_ , :;~+~;.:;.i:~ .. ~. ii; -~;~t',~:il: .. .:; :''."i!·;· " ;:;J>; Dwaine Walters plows through a silty area on his way to a great victory in the Class 9 contest, he had a trouble free race. Michael Gaughan, Jr. and JC Dean shared the driving and they took the second spot in Class 10, fighting some front end problems. Jeff Carr complained about the dust but most of it was behind him as he took a nice second place in the 1600 battle. December 2002 Dusty Times
Joe Pate/Ii chums up the dirt as he heads towards a nice second Second place in the Class 9 race went to Dan Folts, he had a trouble Brent Shermak shared the drive with Roy Treffke, they had some handling problems but still took second spot in the 5-1600 class. which was binding. Third in was of flat tires and had to switch igni-Ronny Wilson, he also had one flat tion boxes somewhere along the way. and had a sick co-rider who had to Driving to a nice sixth place was Bekki be replaced during the race. Kevin Wik, she had one flat to argue with Colan came in fourth, he had no and other than that had a nice solo problems but for getting hit ttavers- run. In seventh place was yet another ing the pits. In fifth place it was B.J. solo driver, Randy Wilson who re-Richardson, he drove the first and ported one flat tire to keep him hon-last laps while John Gaughan took est, no other problems. In eighth the middle two. They reported "lots" place was Ernie Castro, he relieved place in the Heavy Metal battle at the SNORE 250. free race and was seven minutes out of the win. Julson, who had replaced Bob Lof-Randy Wilson moved up a spot to Bob Lofton had only suffered one ron was in the lead. Ronny Wilson, eighth, Rick Romans was into ninth, flat tire during the race and that they who was running solo had moved Dale Ebberts had given his seat to were able to change in their pit They into the second spot, Kevin Colan, Ernie Castro and Ernie had slipped also collected a nice bit of change, another solo runner had moved all thewaytotenthafterdisconnect-$6,000 to be exact, that's about from fifth to third, Danny Ander-ing the rear brakes and running with $1,500 an hour, not too bad for a son had slipped to fourth, John the fronts only. The Weyhricheswere day's fun. Second across the finish Gaughan had moved up into the fifth making up time but we re still 11th. line was Danny Anderson, he had spot, Chuck Hovey was still running When the checkered flag fell it was one flat to content with but had to sixth, Bekki Wik was still in seventh, Mike Julson taking the win, he and make three stops to lube hi~ shifter, ,,,;, . Brian Flores and Steve Shimp were quick in the Sportsman Class Ron Wilson was a solo driver, had one flat on the way and took the Stephane Henrard had a flat, lost a belt but soloed on to take a nice but only quick enough to take the silver medal. th_ird place honors in the Class 1 race. third place in Class 1 O in the Nevada desert. Page 10 An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's ~lc..x..l\:0~ @~~ Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbarycoastcasino.com The Place Las Vegans Call Home'"' West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 goldcoastcasino.com December 2002 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and A Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 orleanscasino.com Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~ ~rnmrnrnm011 • ----Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 suncoastcasino.com Dusty Times
Brad Maurer and Rick Boyer had a trouble free run, spent a lot of Glenn Dicton ran solo in Class 9, had no problems, just mentioned a Jasper Dyer suffered a long second lap but still managed a third place finish in the 5-1600 contest. time in the air and took a nice third place in the 1600 class. bit too much dust to contend with and finished third. Dale Ebberts on the last two laps. man and Tom Bauman was 11th. was having trouble working through Erniereporteditwasawholediffer-Tom Elliott, the 11th starting car. the dust, Cortney Whipple had ent race when you're running with never completed his first lap. moved into third, Brad Maurer was no rear brakes. In for ninth was Rick The second lap showed no change now in fourth, Dan Martin had Romans, he too had one flat to con- at the top, MacCachren was still lea moved up a spot to fifth, Bryan tend with and he said he lost his ding, Jeff Carr was still second but Anderson had moved up from ninth to sixth, Joe Sheble was now seventh, and spending a long time on repairs. Day Gang had dropped to eighth Dayne Bracken had disappeared after losing her clutch servo line in from the scoring charts as did Cody the outback and Bryan Freeman had Freeman after losing the repair battle moved into the ninth spot after roll- from the first lap. Todd Mau man ing his car, breaking a trailing arm Continued on page 13 power steering on the last lap and that really makes the car a handful. Next in was Chuck Hovey who had been running middle of the Class 1 pack but after losing the alternator early on and then doing a half roll on the last lap which cost him more than 4 5 minutes in time, he was just glad to get to the finish. Last of the Class 1 behemoths to take the check-ered flat were the Weyhriches, who never recovered from their half hour lost time on the second lap. Second class to start were the IO's, there were only five of them and one of them, Jeff Shiroky, never com-pleted his first lap. Bob Mathews was in the lead after the first lap, Michael Gaughan, Jr. was next across the line, less than two minutes in arrears, C.J. Hutchins was in third place and Stephane Henrard was fourth, 16 minutes off the leaders time. At the end of the second lap it was still Mathews in the lead, he now had 21 minutes on Michael Gaughan Jr. Stephane Henrard had moved into third place and C.J. Hutchins had lost 20 minutes out on the course and was running fourth. On the third lap, Dan Bentley had relieved Bob Mathews and they were smokin'! At this point they had 33 minutes on the second place car, Stephane Henrard, in for third was J.C. Dean who had taken over for Michael Gaughan and bringing up the rear was C.J. Hutchins who was back up to speed after his slow sec-ond lap. In for the Checkers in Class 10 was Dan Bentley, he and Mathews had only one flat tire all race long, no other problems ahd were quite happy to be back in the winner's circle. Coming in for a nice second spot was J.C. Dean, he and Michael Gaughan, Jr. had a couple flats along the way and some major front end problems and were pleased with their silver medal. Stephane Henrard came across the Une in third place, he had one flat tire and lost his power steer-ing belt, always a lot of fun. Stephane was tuning up for the Paris/Dakar Rally which runs early in January. C.J. Hutchins failed to finish his last re-quired lap, cause unknown. The 1600 guys and girls were next off and there was some pretty tight racing before the day was over. There were 13 contenders for the 1600 glory and at the end of the first lap, guess who was leading? You're right, it was Rob MacCachren out in front, 45 seconds later it was Jeff Carr, then Brad Maurer, then in fourth it was Cortney Whipple, in the fifth spot was the always hard charging Day Gang, sixth was Dan Martin, in sev-enth came Dayne Bracken, eighth was Joe Sheble, ninth was Bryan Ander-son and in tenth came Cody Free-Dusty Times GET READV FOR • SCOTT'S SPECIAL BAJA 1000 PLOT TRAIL & DANGER ICONS Lowrance Globalmap 2400, 3OO0MT or LCx16 Color Units Updated with PCI Special Race Prep. These units have ten 10,000 point plot trails for the unltimate on course detail. Additio~al features include: Time, Race Timer, Current, Average, & Max Speeds, Altimeter, Volts. With these great features you'll know what it'll take to get to the next checkpoint on time. Units Starting at $429.00 Call Scott for how GPS can benefit you. SHOEI HELMETS FOR 1000 MILES OF COMFORT FROM $349 PCI RACE RADIOS NEW GLOBALSTAR SATELLITE PHONES $499.00 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 800-869-5636 562-427-8177 FAX 562-426-3589 December 2002 Page 11
c_j C ~ 0 t5 co LL X 0 LL N 0 0 N 1= 0) ·~ C. 0 (.) @ Winners know the difference. Mike .Julson/Bab Lotton Jr4 01/erall: !iNORE i!!!iD Pri,nn1 30D Fox Racing Shox takes great pride in the design, engineering and race proven quality of our Pro-Series off road shock absorbers. In fact, for 28 years, the engineers here at FOX have been driven to sweat the details. Details like 17/4 Stainless Steel shafts and Seamless Alloy Steel bodies on our 2.5 and 3.0 models make FOX Racing Shox second to none. When you race on FOX, you know the difference. IIIU:IIIBS-. www.foxracingshox.com 1.800.FOX.SHOX When you know the difference.
Orio Cox and Eddie Frehner had clutch problems but them came on Kevin Colan was really flying, as seen in this picture. He finished Another solo performance was put in by Cortney Whipple, he had a for a third place finish in the Sportsman conflict. fourth in the Class 1 conflict, just one minute from the podium. trouble free run and missed the podium by 49 seconds. was another of those succumbing to Dwaine Waiters held the lead by a Glenn Dicton was running in the fifth ompson and Joe Forte never com-third, Glenn Dicton had moved the desert. scant 29 seconds over Dan Folts. spot. Tom Vanderploeg was in sixth, pleted their first lap. into the fourth spot, Jim Neal As Lap 3 wound down, Mac-Brandon Hughes came across the line Rick Lance was running in seventh. As the second lap wound down, dropped to fifth, Vanderploeg was Cachren was still leading, Jeff Carr in third place, a minute and 40 sec-Mike Kline was running in eighth and Dwaine Walters was still in the lead. still running in sixth and Rick Lance was second but now by six minutes, ondsoffthe lead. Jim Neal came along Jeremy Evans was in ninth. Tim Dan Folts was a couple of minutes remained in the seventh spot. Mike Rick Boyer had taken over from for the fourth place in class and Dixon, Clay Lenard, and Alan Th-back, Brandon Hughes was still Continued on page 14 Maurer and he was up to third place, Whipple had dropped a position, now in fourth, Bryan Anderson moved up another spot to fifth, Brian Jeffrey had taken over from Dan Martin and they were running in the sixth sport, Joe Sheble was still run-ning seventh and Day Gang was still eating lots of dust in the eight spot. Bryan Freeman had decided to call it a day and he retired from the fray to await his new fate on October 19th. When the checkers flew, it was Bruce Fraley, in for MacCachren tak-ing the win and some $3,000 as well. Bob and Bruce had a completely trouble free run, not even a flat to mar their day. Jeff Carr was still sec-ond after giving it a mighty try, trouble free on his solo run but he fought heavy dust all race long. Rick Boyer and Brad Maurer also had a trouble free run and they took home the bronze medal in the 1600 con-test. Cortney Whipple was the fourth car across the finish line, he too ran solo and had no problems to plague him during the run. In for sixth place was Joe Sheble, he got stuck for a few minutes in the tundra and he had to cope with one flat tire during his run. Day Gang was seventh in, after a long second lap with clutch problems, she also had to stop frequently to have the line bled. Not too happy a camper but still a finisher. Bryan Anderson was added to the list of those not finishing their required four laps, cause unknown. The Heavy Metal Challenge was next off the starting line, but in this instance, it really wasn't much of a challenge. We lost two of the com-petitors on the first lap, John Pheg-ley, who had his transmission heat up a bit, so much so that it caught a · seat on fire and put him out of the event, and the Ed and Mike Geoffrey entry who retired, cause unknown to us. Eric Gremm took the lead on the first lap with a pretty fast 1:23 and Joe Patelli came next, six minutes off the pace. On the second lap, Eric Gremm lost the brakes, which made for some fancy driving, he added 23 minutes to his lap time but Joe Patelli had a long flat tire problem and dropped a few more minutes to the leader. On the third and final lap, Andre Gremm took over for his brother and although they had a couple of flats to contend with and had no brakes for most 0f the race, they still managed to take the class win. Joe Patelli, who ran solo, came across the finish line some 12 min-utes later, he reported no other prob-lems and wanted to thank the Mickey Thompson tire guys for. their great product. No less than 13 Class 9 cars were ready for their three lap run to the checkers. At the end of the first lap, Dusty Times Ajax Auto Parts Desert Vehicle Specials . .-:-..:;·. -~ ~ ,~~ / . . •·· 1996 Bronco 4x4, VS, Auto XL T from $2495 20 To Choose From 1996 to 1998 Ford or Dodge VS or V10 Power, 1 Ton Starting at $4495 10 to Choo~ From 1997 & Newer Expeditions 4x4V8 Starting at $5995 15 to Choose From For More Information Visit ajaxauto.com Call John at 760-398-0147 December 2002 1993 & Newer Cherokees All Models Available Starting at $2495 12 to Choose From 1986 X-Military Blazers 6.2 Diesel, Power, 4x4 Starting at $1495 5 to Choose From Over 2000 Vehicles For Parts Page 13
Jim Neai, driving solo and sporting a great paint job, drove to a pretty Eric Shepard spent many hours on his second lap but still managed BJ Richardson and John Gaughan had "Lots of flats" but they still flew across the desert for fifth in Class 1. good fourth place in the Class 9 competition. to get a fourth place finish in Sportsman Buggy. Kline and Jeremy Evans joined the reporting no problems along the problems along the way, just a wee list of non-finishers. way. Dan Folts was second across bit too much dust. Jim Neal was in As they came around for the fin-the line, he too ran solo and had for fourth, he also was a solo driver ish of the third and last required no problems to report. Glenn and had a broken exhaust to con-lap, Dwaine Walters, who had run Dicton had moved into the third tend with, no other problems. Don solo came in for the checkered flag, finishing spot, he too reporting no Kelly, who had taken over for Rick -~ Lance came in for the fifth spot, trous third lap that took over three his only problem occurred when house to complete. We are not sure the steering wheel came loose, al-what his last lap problem was, but ways a lot of fun in a desert race. guaranteed it was expensive, espe-Tom Vanderploeg finally came cially in lost time. Brandon Hughes across the finish line after a disas-never completed his final lap. r / i• There were six in the 5-1600 fray and it was Dave Hendrickson with a 12 minute lead at the end of the first lap. In second place in the class was Jasper Dyer, Brent Shermak was in third, Mike Ault was a very long fourth, Richard Christian was an even longer fifth place and Justin Brinkerhoff was sixth with an absolutely disastrous lap. At the end of the second lap, Hendrickson had a pretty good hold on first place, Brent Sherrnak had moved into second spot, Mike Ault had moved up a spot into tltird, Jasper Dyer had dropped two places into the fourth spot and Dick Christian had recovered from his first lap calamity and was still fifth but was running a good lap time. Justin Brinkerhoff had dis-appeared from the scoring chart. When the checkered flag flew it was Jake Batulis, who was in for Dave Hendrickson taking a nice win, they had lost a fan belt along the way and also a shock on the last lap. Second in was Roy Treffke, he was in for Shermak and they noted that there was too much bump steer in their car all race long. Next in was the Dyer/ Greenlee duo, they were in great shape except for the slow Lap 2, but they still got a place on the podium. Mike Ault finished next, but it"wasn't a fun day. His last lap was almost three and a half hours, not a lot of fun for anyone. Rich-ard Christian turned a nice lap on the last, but too little and too late, he finished fifth, just a minute and a half behind fourth place. The Unlimited Sportsman only had one entry, Tammie Gubler but a broken tranny on her first lap put her on the trailer, the end of a not so perfect day. ' ,~ ~ •· ' I - - r - -"t," The Sportsman Buggy class was last to start, they had three laps to run and of the eight starters, only half would see the finish line. The first lap saw Greg Frechette take the lead, Brian Flores came along two minutes later, then it was Eric Shepard, almost five minutes later on the clock, then Billy Shapley came around for the fourth place spot, Orio Cox was running fifth in the class, Joe Bourland was way off the pace with a two hour lap, he was sixth and in seventh. it was Bert Schneider, who spent four hours getting to the finish of the first lap. Rod Leach never came around for his first lap. GE19--0IJR BRAND NEW KAR/EK T-&11/RT FOR ONLY ft5 Wild Wash 250 February 1-2 Mojave 250 April 4-6 Ridgecrest 300 May 16-18 The Kartek 400 June 27-29 California 200 August 8-10 Lucerne 300 September 26-28 Stoddard 250 November 21-23 Kartek Off-Road Page 14 2003 RACE SCIIEDIJLE J~'ildll Laughlin Desert Challenge January 16-19 San Felipe 250 March 14-15 Baja 500 May 30-June 1 Henderson's Terrible 250 July 10-13 Las Vegas Primm 300 September 12-13 Baja 1000 November 13-16 Parker 425 February 7-9 Terrible's Town 250 April 25-27 Vegas to Reno June 26-29 Baja Mex 300 August 22-24 Las Vegas 200 December 5-7 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 -909.737.7223 December 2002 The second lap showed Frechette still in the lead, now seven minutes in front. Brian Flores was still running second and he had a pretty good lead on the third place car. Speaking of third place, Orio Cox _had moved up from fifth to Dusty Times
Dan Martin and Brian Jeffrey had no flats, lost their exhaust and Fifth in Class 9 went to Don Kelly and Rick Lance, the loose steering Bekki Wik was happy with her car; she was fast and was airbome a came in for fifth in the hotly contested 1600 race. wheel was only a semi major problem. lot, as seen here. Bekki was sixth in the Class 1 battle. ✓ -It~ ( fut . ~ .; . "'.,-.,, JI f ,. .. • ·.;, .. , ·:r~:l~l~~ Joe Sheble ran solo, got stuck for a bit but on he came to take sixth Day Gang lost half an hour with clutch troubles but she soldiered on A long third lap was endured by Tom Vanderploeg, but he still managed in the Class 1600 battle. third place and Eric Shepard had fallen from third place to fourth with a terribly long lap. Gone from the -race was Billy Shapley, Joe Bourland and Bert Schneider, their woes were unknown to us at the fin-ish line. Coming in for the checkered flag it was Greg Frechette taking the win, he had driven solo and was slightly hampered by the loss of second gear on the last lap. Second across the finish iine was Steve Shimp, who had relieved Brian Flores. They had a trouble free run and were nine minutes off the winning pace. Eddie Frehner came in for thi.rd, he had gotten in for Orio Cox and and was seventh in the Class 1600 tussle. a sixth place finish in the Class 9 contest. they had some clutch problems had a great time. Kenny Free- finish the race in spite of a three Congratulations Eric and con-to brighten their day but they man officiated, gave out all the hour and 41 minute second lap. gratulations to all the contes-were still happy with their po-awards including the Jean And, finish he did, in the spirit tants. We hope to see you all dium finish. Eric Shepard had a Calvin Memorial Award, pre-of Jean Calvin with her press on back here next year and hope-long day, his second lap was a sented to the last official fin- regardless attitude, never give up fully we'll see you at the SNORE doo z ie, he got we II back up to 1iis~h'..'.;e!r,:,. . ..:E~r i~c~w!a!,s .,'.d!,'.e~t,:;e:r!:m!:i~n'.,'.;e~d~to:__:a~s~lo~n~g~a~s:._:t;;:h~e~c~a~r~w:i'..!l!,l _;m~o:_ve::_-:.,_..,!:H~e~n;!,d~e~rs::o~n!..:;ra~c:e;;,. __ ...;,;; .. -j6~7!S!: speed on the last lap but there -was way too much time to make up. However, fourth isn't all that bad for a finish. So the 33rd Annual Snore 250 came to an end. A rousing success, nobody was injured and everyone we _spoke to had a good time. The traditional Sunday breakfast and awards were held at the Suncoast Hotel and Ca-sino, compliments of Mr. Gaughan and everyone there ~ .': ;~ ,.,_._ ·\'.i,_;: ~.~=--,,. <. ·• ' ... ·~· VISIT US AT OUFI \NEEISITE www.nevac:ICIO'f-.roac:lbuggy.com 6EL RAY CV GREASE SWEPCO GEAR OIL #203 -#212 -#201 10% OFF CASE LOiS HEAVYDU1Y CHALLENGER RIMS 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WOOVEN BRAKE SHOES OWEL t3ALL JOINTS HELLA H - I - D LIGHTS Dave Hendrickson and Jake Batu/is had a few minor problems along the way but they took the 5-1600 win with almost 20 minutes to spare. 930 CV'S Ai A LOW PRICE $44-.95EACH OR.BUY P IAA HIGH - LOW LIGHiS YOKOHAMA ilRES SUPER D IGGER Ill 33 X 10 .50 X 15 The loss of Z,d gear was not a deterrent to Greg Frechette he was fastest of the Sportsman and took his gold medal gladly. Dusty Times 4 Ai 39.95 EACH NEW 4 .8 6 002 t3US RING.& PINIONS USA MADE NEVADA OFFROAD i-SHIRiS SM,MED,LRG,XLG,XXLRG Sl:IIRE/SNDREAPPIIIIVE■ 1■-CAIIIIS aaa.•u December 2002 WHILE THEY UIST! CALL TC>LL FREE 1.-888-755-5900 3054 S . VALLEY VIEW #130 • LAS VEGAS, NV• 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM • SAT 9AM-5PM (702)871-5221 Ff\)( Page15
- ---- - - ------- ---- -- ----- -44TH WRC RALLYE SANREMO Panizzi-Peugeot Perfect By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Gilles and Herve Panizzi round a tight left hander on their way to the overall in their good looking Peugeot 206. Gilles Panizzi overcame the Peugeot teammate, Marcus pionship lead to 23 points with effects o f a recent shoulder in-Gronholm fell back with turbo-three events left to run. Reign-jury to gain h is hat trick victory charger troubles. Gronholm ing World Champion Richard in the R allye Sanremo, leading fought back to finish second Burns was unable to get the best from the second stage after his and increased his World Cham-out of his 20& W RC and after Page 16 BIIBIBln . Bway A Way Eibat:h • HM · IIA 1 · CNC Bparca • PBP • Fail Bat, Ran Davis Radiator, IBtrab Oil CoalBrB Optima BattBries Mschanlx w,ar December 2002 Andrea Dallavilla and Giovanni Bemacchini were the big winners in the JWRC division, 15"' overall in their Citroen Saxo. going off the road was only able to finish fourth. Of the 11 ral-lies held so far this season, this was Peugeot's seventh champi-onship 1-2 result. While French cars and tires dominated the event, Petter Solberg finished a strong third for Subaru, and Markko Martin, who was faster than both his Ford team1nates on every stage finished fifth overall. Andrea Dallavilla won the junior world championship category, and with one event to run, holds a one point lead, in a fight that was amazingly close. The lead in the category was never greater than 10 seconds throughout the event. This was the 11th round of t h e 2002 FIA World R ally Championship and the final as-phalt rally of the season. This event doubled up as the penul-timate round of the Junior World Rally Championship .. Run over four different moun-tain stages near the resort and casino town of Sanremo, most stages were used four ti1nes, twice in each direction. The huge en try fee of 9000 Lira made the event unattractive for non-championship drivers, which led to the curious situation that no four wheel drive Group N cars entered the event. There was just a chance that Peugeot could clinch the Manu-facturers title in Sanremo, with three more events still to run. They started the event 34 points ahead of Ford, the only remain-ing challenger and would gain their third successive title if they finished the event 48 points in front. The team was now think-ing about Gronholm's Driver's title hopes and getting Burns ahead of Colin McRae into sec-ond place in the series. There was a chance of a hat trick title for Peugeot and also a hat trick even t victory for G illes Panizzi. After failing from a ladder at his home and miss-in g t he Deutschland R ally, h e was d eclared fir to compete, but still a bit weak from his ligament injury. Like the Phoenix fro111 the ashes, McRae's Focus which w as severely damaged by fire in Finland, was back again ! Since the Deutschland Rally, Francois Delecour had reached his 40th b irthday! H e c e l-eb rated with a jet ski trip at San-remo before the event. Afte r heading 50kms at right an gles to the shore he felt it was tim e to turn back, bur he headed in the wrong direction. Eventually he m a.d e I and fa 11, 3 0 km s fro m where he wan red to be, bur still with some fue l and some energy remaining. And, Armin Schwarz was back! Following his acci-dent in Deutschland, where he broke two ribs on the 24th of August, he drove a rally car again on the Wednesday before the rally. Although Citroen's official program ended in Ger-many, two of the cars appeared, run by a Spanish team, one each for Phillippe Bugalski and Jesus Puras. In works supported entries, the French Sl600 driver Cedric Robert was driving a 206 WRC and Bruno Thiry was in a simi-lar car. Only ten privateer en-tries were accepted and the en-tries for Mitsubishi Italia, Alex Fiorio, last year's Group N w in-ner and Kristian Solberg, 200 2 Swedish Rally winner, had been withdrawn. JWRC driver Roger Feghali's brother, Abdo, was also driving a Ford Puma, The Astr Team director stated, "W e are running both brothers, this is Abdo's first rally in S 1600 and his first world rally. The brothers have a very similar driv-ing style, in testing they both crashed on the same corner!" Shakedown on the Thursday morning was held up when Freddy Loix's turbo exploded, an oil line broke and an under the hood fire developed. Once again, Gronholm was quickest, 1.5 seconds faster than the Ford of Sainz and the Subaru of M~kinen, while Solberg was just another .3 behind. Leg 1 -Eight stages, asphalt, 127kms. The start, in a small square in the center of Sanremo was a spectacular affair, despite a remarkable absence of I tali an drivers, there was no Italian driving a WRC car. The first Italian on the start line was An-d re a Dallavilla, the 23rd starter. French cars with their Mich-elin tires immediately made their mark. Gronholm went imm.edi-ately into the lead but on the second state had intermitten t boost problems and was in sev-enth when he arrived at service. Panizzi, still feeling·weak, espe-cially when negotiating hairpin turns, went into the lead, the n it was Richard Burns and Phillippe Buga lski. Armin Schwarz's day was ended on the first stage , he damaged his Hyundai and retired fr om the fray. Colin McRae had a b ad start, stalling on the first stage and a front flat on the second stage. Burns, short on recent experience on this event, was go-ing cautiously. Rovanpera noted that his brakes were too soft and Delecour stated his brakes were too hard! Bruno Thiry lost his brakes altogether! Dusty Times
Third overall went to Petter Solberg and Philip Mills, in their Subaru lmpreza WRC, first of the non-French cars. Markko Martin and Michael Park put their Ford Focus as close to the wall as possible; they were 5"' overall. Gardemeister hit something on the third stage, damaged the rear suspension and hobbled into service. Alister McRae had to stop and tie down the hood, which had opened and damaged the windshield. Puras stalled his engine on the first stage and Loix said his Hyundai's engine had "Lost it's edge!" After the first three stages Panizzi was 5.9 seconds ahead of Burns, Makinen was running fourth, then Martin and Solberg. Panizzi started to pull clear of his rivals on the next two stages. Both Bugalski and Gron-holm were slowed with gearshift troubles. At the end of Stage 5 the French cars were now in the top four places! Carlos Sainz retired at the start of the fourth stage with a serious loss of hy-draulic fluid. Solberg incurred a 10 second jump start penalty on Stage 4, then spun on 5. Ro-vanpera was in trouble, at the start of Stage 4 he had hydrau-lic pressure failure, affecting the throttle, gearshift and the differentials. He reached service after Stage 5 in the 18th posi-tion. Gardemeister was also in trouble, his anti-lag system had stopped working and his engine was misfiring as well. Thiry's Peugeot was having constant brake problems, Loix found he was running better after a turbo change and for some reason, the inside of Kesta's Skoda was be-coming unbearably hot. The highest placed non-French car was Makinen's Su-baru but on the way to the final stage of the day a driveshaft broke. He tried to reconnect it, then realized it would be better to remove it completely but he ran out of time while attempt-ing the fix. Martin, who had been the top placed Ford driver all day, now passed Puras' Cit-roen and assumed the honor of being the highest placed non-French car. Colin McRae stalled at the start of two of the three final stages, continuing his run of troubles, and even when things went well still not show-ing great speed. His rival, Burns, felt that things had been going rather well, but the times showed that his two teammates were faster. Stage 8 was the final stage of the day. Granholm passed Burns and was now third. Panizzi was doing a fine job. The only miserable Peugeot driver was Rovanpera, having a flat on the long stage and suffering bad HONDA Power Equipment EB6500 POWEil TO-RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • ·OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS •LAWNMOWERS• LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source for Ronda -Power Equipnient Parts and Inventory IF WE OONT HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check Our Website::&- -WWW .Kawaguch-rhonda.c.om understeer. Delecour did the fi-nal thr ee stages with no turbo pressur e. Thiry's qrake pro b-lems were traced to a sticking caliper and Loix was happy as he was now running well. In JWRC Francois Duval led on the first stage but then Dallavilla, despite not having a good feeling with the car, went ahead. Championship leader Daniel Sola started badly, us-ing mixed-weather instead of all-dry tires on the first stage and then suffered a flat on Stage 4 . The damage started when Caldani touched a bridge, but he managed to continue, even with the rear suspension out of line. Sven Haaf lost his right rear wheel, was driving to service on three wheels but he was delayed 20 minutes by the local police and _a_rrived at service six min-utes too late to carry on. Mar-tin Rowe had his car stuck in third gear while Katajamaki and Evans had power steering fail-ure. Doppelreiter had intermit-tent engine misfiring, later traced to a bad throttle connec-tion. Kangas lost his brakes o n the second stage, McS hea had a broken exhaust manifold and Galanti retired when his engine suddenly stopped on Stage 2. On Friday, while Simon Jean-Joseph was beating everyone in the Continued on page 19 HONDA Power Equipment Kawaguchi Honda Corp. . , . 3532 East 3rd St.• Los Angeles, CA 90063 Nothings easier. (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 Please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of a generator to house power requires a tr~nsfer de_vice to avoid ,possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician.· ©2002 American Honda Motor Co, Inc.' 4-21Hll. 2.108 Dusty Times December 2002 Page 17
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\ --~------- -l':m ~ , "' . , ( , \,> " .. ' - .., w -~ JWRC with his n o n-champion-ship Ren ault Clio S 1600, there was an am azing fight in the JWRC cars behind him .. After th e fifth stage-there was only 7.6 seconds between the top five cars, with Nicola Caldani b eing the third JWRC leader of the day and five different drivers in 'three differ-ent m.akes of cars having been quickest in the category. McShea had total electrical failure after the fifth stage and had to push his car two kilometers into ser-vice. Niwa lost oil pressure on Stage 5 and cruised to the finish of the stage. McShea's trouble was a broken alternator, but the talk was the pace at the top. Sola was driving furiously, from 10th after his flat, he was now fourth, and worrying his co-driver with his speed. Caldani, the overnight leader by just 3. 7 seconds said, "This has been our lucky day! Twice we hit the walls but neither time did we have a flat." Duval was slipping back all the time, having a strange handling prob-lem and finished the day in sixth. Katajarnaki reached final service without first or second gear. Foss had a bunch of troubles, one be-ing his clutch. Kangas still had no brakes when going downhill and Evans lost his brakes completely. Three Fiats were in the top six. Carlsson retired when he lost a wheel through wheel bearing fail-ure. His co-driver went back to look for it the next day. They had lost the wheel in a spectator area so the chances of finding it were slim. Actually, he found the ,J wheel, then discovered it had smashed into a spectator's campervan. He wasn't sure if he wanted to claim the wheel or not. The spectators, however, were thrilled, he could have the wheel '-back if he gave everyone l~is auto-graph and posed for a picture with the wheel and the damaged campervan. Pose, he did! Baldacci was delayed with engine mount-ing problems and Doppelreiter hit a barrier and retired with bro-ken steering and Chemin aban-doned the rally with a broken clutch. Leg 2 -Six stages, asphalt, 150kms. Overnight, Alister McRae's car was withdrawn, af-ter the driver had hurt himself before the start, falling from. a mountain bike. The injury was being aggravated by the rally and his 18th position overnight did not warrant risking his par-ticipation in New Zealand. Then, on the first stage, his teammate, Delecour had a loose turbo line but he was able to fix it b efore tackling the long sec-ond stage of the day. Accidents continued. On Stage 10, the long cornbined stage, Bugalski misjudged a se-ries of fast bends and crashed ..., the Citroen up blocking the road. This caused Panizzi to stop on the stage and subsequent cars were sh own t h e yel-low flag. Panizzi said they h a d the help spectators to move the Citroen so every-one could pass. Then Mord spun twice in his Subaru, hit a wall, continued to the tnd of the stage but his car was withdrawn when he Tenth overall was the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo driven by Francois Two legends in the co-Drivers seats: Fabrizia Pons (left) and Tina told the team he was Delecour and Daniel Grataloup, shown here beneath the cloud layer. Thorner, evidently having a wonderful time. suffering from double vision. in front of Burns. Gardemeis-after his dramatic three Gronholm. was on a charge, ter crashed and retired from the wheel arrival in Imperia putting distance between himself event. Loix also crashed but the night before, in and his teammate, Burns, who managed to drive on three fact, only losing six min-hit a wall on Stage 10 and broke wheels to service. Rovanpera utes but the delay had a shock. Behind Burns came the had more gearshift trouble, dropped him to 32nd battle for the best non-French Thiry selected the wrong tires position overall. It had car, headed at first by Martin· and lost four minutes on Stage been an unfortunate but then b·y Solberg's Subaru. 14. happening, denying him Gradually Colin McRae was In Super 1600 the flying the chance of finishing creeping up on Loix, both cars Renault of Simon Jean-Joseph third highes t non-now in points scoring positions, came to a sudden stop on the French car. H e started but McRae reported central first stage whe n the engine the day running first differential trouble which was failed, spewing oil everywhere. car on the road, in putting too much torque Travaglia's Peugeot was in front front of the other re-through the front axle and caus-of all_the JWRC cars. In the Jun-maining 13 first or see-ing undue wheelspin. Loix re-ior Series Duval changed the ond priority driver s, ported his car was lacking top front cliff and now the car felt and gave Hyundai the end power. Puras lost his brakes fine. Kangas and Evans tried to chance of more devel-and Martin stalled his Focus. adjust their driving styles to opment work, especially Rovanpera had a lot of un- save the brakes. After the first with their active rear dersteer and stayed outside the few stages Dallavilla changed the differential. Weather top 10, then on the 12th stage • shocks and the car started to go conditions were the he had gearshift trouble as well. much more to his liking. clearest of the event, By now, Panizzi was 40 seconds Beca_use of Bugalski's acci-but the spirit was ebb-ahead of Gronholm. On Stages dent on Stage 10, none of the ing away. The only 13 and 14 Gronholm had a bro-Sl600s tackled this stage, so by driver who opted for SecondJWRCand t6'h overall was theFiatPunto ken anti-roll bar which cost the the 11th stage Dalla villa was in improvement was driven by Giand0menico Basso and Luigi Pirollo. potential champion another 10 the lead of the JWRC, with only Burns, still helping to fight back took third place by just 0.4 sec-seconds or so. Eriksson had a Travaglia in the non-champion- from his delay the day before. onds. McShea dropped out of wastegate response problem, "1 ship car ahead of him. Later The man in his sights was the top 10 with a repeat of his am having to use left foot brak-runners had poor weather con-Solbers_. who made best time on electrical problems. ing just t;; keep the turbo spin-ditions as the-weather closed in the first stage on Sund~y, but, As the series heads back to the ning." So, with three stages more on Stage 12. Baldacci drove the with only three stages to go and southern hemisphere for the torunPeugeotwerecomingclose entire stage in the wet. despite gainingasolebesttime nextevent,Peugeot'sseventhl-2 to their Makes Title. Solberg Katajamaki quit after the 12th in the penultimate stage, Burns championship result of the sea-passed Martin, only helping their stage then he lost third gear in lost his hopes of a podium fin-son now puts them 45 points hope of an early honor. As the his VW. Tire choices were not ish. The rally leader, Panizzi had ahead of Ford, with three events chances increased for Peugeot to too critical for the 1600 cars as his pit board crew telling him (a possibility of 48 available become champion here, so the they could carry two spares, the times of Gronholm driving points) to go. So, gaining the title chances of Granholm gaining the helping to cover their options. one car in front, enabling Gilles · becomes a huge probability for Drivers Title in New Zealand got Dallavilla increased his lead, this to drive without undue stress. them in New Zealand, Gronholm better all the time: time over Basso, rather than In JWRC the incredible fight is now 23 points ahead of Burns, The last loop was going t"o be Caldani. Duval ran out of continued. Although Travaglia's who has climbed one point in dramatic. Panizzi, "It is a mat-brakes, Evans was on three cyl- S1600 Peugeot was still in front front of Colin McRae, and there-ter of luck if you choose the inders and Foss had his steering of the class Dallavilla was lead-fore a second title in New right tires, it can be two hours column break loose. Rowe ing the JWRC category by 9.5 Zealand is ·a possibility. Andrea between choosing the tires and crashed on Stage 14 and retired seconds to Basso in second place Dallavilla heads Daniel Sola by then finding out if you made the and Niwa also retired when h e by the end of the event. The win-just one point in the Junior Se-correct choice." Unfortunately went off the road and lost a ning lead in the category had ries, the only.two possible cham-for Peugeot, their tires were not. wheel. never been so great throughout pions remaining in this title The total loss of time was not Leg 3 -Four stages, asphalt, the event! In the final stage Sola chase, with just one event (Net-catastrophic, but Solberg, with 88kms. Loix stayed in the rally managed to pass Caldani and work Ql) still to ru11. _· his Pirelli's found the damp conditions favorable and scored best times on b oth stages, the first tin1.e the Michelins had been beaten on this event. Panizzi's lead shrank from 36 to 22 sec-onds, but Gronholm was still second though Solberg was now 44th RaUye San,-emo Rallye d 'lt:aUa 2002 Sanremo (I) 1sn2 september 2002 WRC round 11 .JWRC 5 1 (3) GHlea PANlZZU.,.._n,,a Panlzzt F P•uueot 206 VVRC a 10NVT76 (F) 2 (2) Mar-cue GRONHOLMITimo Rautieln•n FIN Peuueat. 206 \NRC 814NVT7G(F) 3 (11) Petter SOLBERG/Phlllp MHI• N/GB Subaru lmpreza WRC PS02SRT (OB) • (1) R.iehard SURNS,ROO.rt Reid GB ~ugeot 206 WRC 62◄NZT75 (F) 0 (6) Markko MARTIN/MichNI Park EE/GB Fo,.d Focus RS WRC EK01HYA(GB) 6 (27) ..._ua Puraa/Cartoa Del Barrto E Cttroen xaara WRC 29CSPll2 (F) 7 (28) Cedric Robert/Gerald Sedan F Peugeot.206 WRC 3978XR88 (F) a (5) Colln McRAE/Nk:ky Gnat OB Ford Focus RS YVRC EX020BE (OB) g (2'>) Harri Rovanpe,atVomo SllanCl•r FIN Peugoot:zoe YVRC 943NV87~ (fl") 10 (7) Francois DELECOUR/Daniel Gratatoup F Mttaubtshi Lan~ Evotuuon WRC KR020LY(GB) WR WO JC 4h. 1o.n. 16 6e. 10 10 -4h.10m.38.6a. 8 e 4h.11m.22.0s. ◄ 4 4h. t 1m.34.0.. 3 -4h. 12m. 10.69. 3 2 -,4h_ 12m.54.9a.# - 1 4h.13m.18.0.. ◄h.1t,m.~. "ta. 4h. 1&n.34.ce. 4h. 17m.40.0.. 2 -1 -Jesus Puras and Carlos Del Barrio drove their Citroen Xsara to a not Kenneth Eriksson and Tina Thorner were 11,,, in their Skoda Octavia, Looking down on the village of Menditica, a portion of a leg on the too shabby eh overall at the Sanremo event. ___ the best looking!:!' in the rally. _____ Sanremo course. Dusty Times December 2002 Page 19
AUSTRALIA OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP· SUNRAYSIA 500 Mark Burrows & Collin Hodge Win Text & Photos: Steve Hilton Mark Burrows took the Class 1 and overall victory in his Jimco turbo Honda, shown here on a long left hand tum. Mark Burrows and his naviga- would not be perfect for the race, PROLOGUE tor Collin Hodge took the win in the dust would be a real problem Class 1 Unlimited Buggy Round 4 of the Australian Off for the slower vehicles. The prologue course set over a Road Championship at Mildura in The Sunraysia 500 would prove very fast 15 kilometers to be run on the north west of Victoria, the town again it is a tough race, with a field Saturday and the team of Mark is situated on the banks of one ·of of 70 to line up for Saturday's run- Burrows and Collin Hodge took the Australia's best known rivers, the ning of the prologue, but only 24 win in the Jimco turbo Honda, to Murray, due to the big dry the coun- would finish the four laps of the set a time of 06:51 :33, next Jamie try has been suffering, conditions race on Sunday. Robinson and Deon Beattie in the Page 20 December 2002 Simon Barbary took the Class 2 lead on the second lap and there he remained to take the win, shown here right off the start. Rimco Nissan turbo buggy with a Class 8 Unlimited 4WD time of 07:00:62, third John Tow- 1st: Doug Colman 08: 12: 19; ers and Bruce Young in a Honda 2nd: Steve Corney 09: 10:85. V6 powered buggy home in a time Class 9 Unlimited Single Seat of 07:02:54. Buggy Class 2 1650cc Buggy 1st: Scott Rockliff07:09:19; 2nd: 1st: Justin Anderson 07:25:66; Glenn Spizzo 07:24:68; 3rd: Trevor 2nd: Simon Barbary07:28:90; 3rd: Copeland 07: 42:64. Shannon Irvin 07:30: 16. The race to start at 9:00 a.m. Class 3 1300cc Buggy Sunday mornirtg and unlike last 1st: Travis Conrad 07:56:32; year this year the event would be 2nd: Brendan Julius 08:02:41; 3rd: run with little wind and in very Laurie Penpraze 08: 11 :20. dusty conditions, some would not Class 4 Unlimited 2WD Truck see the end of the race suffering & Baja damage from following to close and 1st: Jon Pattard 07: 19:07; 2nd: hitting tree stumps and other com-Shaun Goss 07:34:35; 3rd: Andrew petitors. Moules 07:57:58. Class 1. As Mark Burrows left the Class 5 Limited 2WD line it was visible he was going to be 1st: Greg Gartner 07: 16:06; 2nd: hard to beat over this very quick Graham Lees 07:52:58; 3rd: Kevin course, Jamie Robinson, however, Watson 07:54:55. was not going to be far behind. Class 7 Production 4WD Throughout the lap Burrows held 1st: Geoff Pickering 08:02:52; the lead on the road, Robinson sec-2nd: Trevor Growden 08: 22:07; ond and Scott Modistach third, on 3rd: Bobbie-Lee Siviour 08:42:51. the second lap Burrows set a time The Suspension Company. Dusty Times
Second overall, second in Class 1 was the Rimco Nissan turbo of Paul Grant didn't have the best of days, he ran out of time on his last Jamie Robinson making the first left out of the pits. lap in his realiy great looking Ford pickup. Third overall and third in Class 1 was the team of Laurie and Janelle Swenson in their brutal looking Toyota powered buggy. Shannon Irvin churns up the only bit of damp earth on the course Stephen Burrows flies up over the berm in his Cougar Mazda on his Doug Coleman had troubles in his good looking VB Nissan and wasn't heading for a third place finish in the Class 2 contest. way to the second spot in the Class 2 competition. able to complete all the required laps in time. four minutes slower than his previ-fourth outright, second Graham faster than third place Svenson, ous lap, although still maintaining a Lees in the V8 Chevy powered Por-who now holds the lead overall in five minute lead over Robinson and sche and third Geoff Teagle in his the championship. The next event on t e ca en ar in Octo er, t is eve.nt as a ways is in southwest Queensland, the been a good end to the champion-Quick Fit Tyres Goondiwindi 400 ship year. . _ . .,, :q_p eight minutes in front of third place ever reliable Ford Falcon ute. Modistach. Lap 3 and Burrows still Class 7. The battle of the manu-in front of Robinson but a new face facturers, Nissan and Mitsubishi in third the very quick buggy of John and the win this time going to Les Towers, on the last lap Burrows Siviour in the Nissan Patrol, his sec-slowed to set his slowest time over ond class win of the year and fin-the course but it was still enough to ished 12th outright, the Mitsubishi give him the outright win followed Pajero of Geoff Pickering second by Robinson, third saw another some 17 minutes behind, third change this time the Kempsey win-place went to the ex-Class 4 racer ner Laurie and Janelle Svenson in Trevor Growden in a 2001 ex-Les the V8 Toyota buggy taking the po- Siviour Nissan Patrol, his first race sition from Towers who ran fourth. in this 4WD class. Missing from the Class 2. A battle between Simon class Colin Hunter in the Jeep, he Barbary in the Rivmasta buggy, chose to run in the Australian Sa-Stephen Burrows in a Cougar fari held on the same weekend. Mazda powered buggy and Shan- Class 8. The win and ninth out-non Irvin in another Rivmasta, right going to Ivan Robertson in a Burrows led Lap 1 but Barbary V8 powered Nissan Patrol, the took control and led Lap 2, 3 and Toyota of Steve Corney second 4 to take the class win and seventh over Doug Coleman in another V8 outright in front of Stephen Bur- Nissan third, he could only finish rows and Shannon Irvin third. three laps of the race. Class 3. Travis Conrad led all Class 9. No one in this class · four laps to take the class win and could finish all four laps, however, a good 14th outright over Shane Trevor Copeland took the win ove·r Sansom second and Tim Harris Glenn Spizzo second, both only fin-third. ishing three laps, the Tasmanian Class 4. Shaun Goss in a Rodeo Scott Rockliff third could only finished 10th outright taking the manage two laps. win over Glenn Wallace, Andrew At the end of the day Mark Bur-Moules who only finishing two laps rows in his Jimco had dominated was third. the field as he had done at Alice Class 5. Greg Gartner after set-Springs, and now was in a good ting the sixth fastest prologue time position to retain his championship in the V8 Ford Courier had the after missing the Kempsey round, task in front of him starting with he covered the required four laps some very quick buggies, however, in a time of04:29:32:88, three and he was up to the job and took the a half minutes faster than second win in class and a remarkable place Robinson and 21 minutes First Class 5 across the finish line was the Ford VB Courier of Greg Gartner, he was fourth overall in the standing as well. Dusty ·Times Tfte Dlfferencel Dual Cylinder Brake Pedal Assembly Short or Tall Master Cylinders Features steel pedal with large foot pad, non-skid foot surface and total seal rubber boots. Adjustable balance bar for precise front/rear pressure ratios.Standard pedal length is 10.25". (5.2 to 1 ratio) CNC-204SD Steel Pedal, Short or Tall M/C Floor Mount. Fluidyne Heat exchangers & Transmission Coolers DUN-0830500 Heat Exchanger DUN-0830503 Heat Exchanger DUN-0830504 Heat Exchanger DUN-0830612 Trans Cooler w/Fan 2-pc Aluminum Drums Race Prep'ed CV 's MCK-0250-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-930 MCK-0251-1 CV Jt. w/Cage-934 IRS Axles from Sway-A-Way™ Driving Suits Standard Fire Retardant Cotton Proban Driving Suits. 300m 930 Race Axles 300m 934 Race Axles / For more information give us a call or visit us online @ www.mckenzies.com December 2002 Page 21
• FRT SUPERSTITION 250 ·Hovey Wins overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Chuck Hovey took his old Raceco to the Superstition race, and after a long, hard battle, came home the overall winner. Chuck Hovey ran like a scared rabbit at the October FRT Supersti-tion 250, pushing his old Raceco to the limit, and took the Class 1 vic-tory and the overall win as well. This year's Superstition 250 was graced with terrific weather except that the breeze tended to disappear every now and then. A light cloud cover held the heat down, and the often gale-force winds were more like gentle breezes at the Plaster City East start/finish line. The course, a loop of about 22 miles, was "fast as you could go" to quote some pre-run-ners. And, the lap times seemed to indicate that it was an accurate as-Page 22 sessment. The loop started and ended not far off old Highway 8, now called Evan Hewes Highway, and ran in a clockwise direction, crossing the rail-road trucks twice. Everyone was to complete eight laps, except the Sports-man, who were to run four. Traditionally, this event is a "night" race, but in actuality, it starts in day-light, at four o'clock, and the front runners get only a couple of laps of darkness. Usually the wind either dies completely, or kicks up to hurricane speeds, or switches direction as the sun sets. This time it switched direc-tions, and then when it was full dark, it quit all together. Hovey had some tough competi-tion, and at the end of the first lap, after losing a power steering belt, he was in third place, with Greg Hansen, in the old Riviera car, in first place. He had 12 seconds on Michael James in his new Jimco. Then came Hovey, and eight seconds behind him it was Rob Archibald, in the Jimco that used to belong to the Whitted fam-ily. This was Archibald's first race in the car, and he was having to get used to the single seater. Josh Waddell, in his new TLR truggy, didn't get the first lap completed, nor did Brent Miller in his Type IV powered December 2002 Vic Bruckmanf} and Brian Ickier teamed in Bruckmann's Jimco, this the first time for ickier in a SCORE Lite, and they had a good day, recording a win. Raceco. And Scott Wilson and Matt owth with a very strong sounding 3.6 Turner, running a Chevy Truck in liter Porsche, were now in fourth Class 1, were also no-shows at the place. end of the first lap. They stayed in that order now Hansen was still leading at the end through the finish, with Hovey tak-of the second lap, but now Hovey, ing the Class 1 win by 12 minutes who was jetted too rich, was up to over Archibald, who said his new car second, 15 seconds behind him. was easier to drive than the old two James, who'd been first on the r_oad, seater. The James brothers had had dropped back to third, having trouble seeing, because the roof-trouble with his crank position sen-mounted lights weren't aimed quite sor. He went to his pit, and got out, right, but they got a third place fin-letting his brother, Kevin, take over. ish, followed in by Accordino, The idea was to get Kevin some seat Coneen and Leffler. Leffler had hurt time before the 1000. Archibald was his back on the first lap when he hit a still fourth. · big hole, and late in the race they Hovey was in the lead at the end broke three or four alternator belts, of the third lap, but he didn't have which cost them a lot of time, but any time to spare. Hansen was just they were happy to finish. 12 seconds behind him. Archibald The Class 10 cars went off the line was third now and James was fourth. next, and Chris Harrold had his And at the end of Lap 4, halfway Honda powered Jimco in front, and through the race, they ran in the same just a minute and 10 seconds up on order. Hovey had just run his best Smitty Schmidt in his Honda pow-lap, at 20:34, but Kevin James had ered Chenowth. Harrold's car is a really poured on the gas, and his time . one seater, Schmidt's is a two seater. was the fast one for the class, at They were both barely skimming the 20:21. ground. Smitty had a fuel injection Hovey stayed in front, but problem on top of a "voltage prob-Hansen disappeared. That moved lem", and he had a sore knee, thanks Archibald up to second, with James to a small problem while riding on a in tl1ird about seven minutes behind small bike just before start time. His him. Michael Accordino, Brian passenger, Corey Brewer, was in bet-Coneen and Derek Leffler, in a Chen- ter shape even though he'd competed Rodd Fantelli and Jeff Stowers drove their Ford truck to a victory while giving "thank you" rides to a variety of pit people. Kent Graves led all the way and at the end of the evening he had the Class 9 victory in his Jimco by a half-hour. Dusty Times
Chris Harrold had his Honda Jimco in the overall lead for a while, but Brothers Michael and Kevin James brought their six cylinder Chevy Rob Archibald had his new Jimco out to race for the first time, it took alternator problems cost him some time and he finished the night with powered Jimco out to Plaster City East for the first time and went some getting used to, but he finished the day in second place. 1~·u_s_t 7""th_e_C_l_as_s_1__,o,....wi_·_n_. --:----=-------,------=---=-----:--: _h_om_e_~_it_h_th_i1<_d....,_p_la_c_e_in_C_la_s__,s_1_. ~---~-~---~ in the bike race that started at 9 a.m. Bob Manring. It was pretty close at who were less than a minute ahead through the fourth lap. then disappeared. Tiedemann and But Brewer is just 16 years old. They this point, and a small error could of Manring. Tiedemann came After the driver change, it was DeVercellytook the win, finishing over ran in the same order through the change the standings. around like clockwork, each time Andy De Vercelly IV in the an hour in front of second place. fourth lap, then Schmidt stopped to At the end of Lap 2, it was still about five minutes quicker than the Tiedemann car, and he held on to They reported no problems at all with let his co-driver, George Smith take Tiedemann, and how he had 11 min-other two, who were having a very the lead. The Mannings managed to the car, just "a little dust." Campbell over. At the end of five laps Harrold utes on Campbell and Rosenstein, close race. They held their positions get only through the fifth lap and Continued on page 24 had about seven minutes. He'd just ticked off the fast lap for all classes, at 20:20. Now as the sun set, other folks started turning on their lights, but not these two. It seems both had alternator problems, and were try-ing to hold out as long as possible. Harrold's had gone away on Lap 3 or 4. They stayed in the same relative positions, each worrying about the darkening sky. They kept ruming off things like the pumper motors and radios, hoping to be able to last to the finish. When it got really dark, Harrold ran without lights one lap, but he said later, the dust was hang-ing so badly he couldn't have seen even ifhe had lights. Smith was in the same fix, and reported that on the last lap he turned everything off and "cruised." Harrold, who had been leading overall at the end of the sixth and seventh laps, still got the Class 10 win, but lost the overall victory by 45 seconds. Smith and Schmidt were 15 minutes back at the end, and fourth overall. In the SCORE Lite class, there was only Vic Bruckmann, who'd elected not to try to catch the Hondas with his VW powered Jimco, so he didn't run with the Class 10 cars. He had Brian Ickier, who usually drives a 1600 car, driving with him, and this was the first outing in the faster class. Ickier started, and it was clear that he would have no problem stepping up in class. He ran four consistent laps, and then Bruckmann took over to run the last four. But he never came around the final time, rurning their day's effort into a DNF. The Class 5 cars were next to take off, and this wasn't their day. The team of Carlos Ayala and John Blocker, in a 2600cc Type IV pow-ered car, straggled in to the start/fin-ish area after an hour, with their steering rack tied to the car with a piece of rope. They had a terrible time steering, and had picked the shortest route back to the S/F, bypassing mi-nor things like checkpoints. There was no point making repairs and going out again, because they were way too far down to get a finish. In the meantin1e, Dave Collier did a 31 minute lap, and looked pretty good. But when he finished his 51 minute second lap he was moving very slowly and there was an ominous clank coming from the gearbox. He didn't get anymore laps done either. So it was a total DNF for Class 5. In Class 1/2-1'200, the lead be-longed to Nick Tiedemann, in a J imco recently purchased from C.J. Hutchins (who's moving up to drive the· Class 10 car with his dad, Mark). In second place it was the Lothringer · of Jamie Campbell and Josh Rosen-stein, and in third it was John and Dusty Times OFF ROAD'S MOST WINNING COMMUNICATIONS. OVER 25 YEARS IN RACING COMMUNICATIONS ROADMASTER INTERCOMS Off Road's Tough, Rugged & Most Winning Radio BAJA RACE PREPPED TO OPTIMIZE PERFORMANCE. .$495.00 VERTEX NEED MORE CHANNELS? CHASE FOR MORE THAN ONE TEAM? YOU NEED THIS 99 Channel Alpha-Numeric Display u,ith Scan ON SPECIAL Call for Pricing WORLD'S BEST INTERCOM NO OTHERS COMPARE FOR OFF ROAD RACING $359.00 <!!_CI 4 LINK:) 2 or.4 SEAT DIGITAL INTERCOM Adapts to work with your Stereo & 2-Way Radio. GREAT FOR PLAY CARS OR PRE-RUNNERS Starting at $349.00 PCI RACE RADIOS 2888.GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90755 800-869-5636 562-427-8177 FAX 562-426-3589 December 2002 Page 23
Rod McCain and Dave Gardner teamed in their Class 9 Chenowth, Smitty Schmidt and George Smith pushed their Class 10 Honda but Gardner did all the driving after McCain hurt his back, and they powered Chenowth hard, had some ele_ctrical problems and finished Trey Sommers and Wally Palmer paired up in their Jimco, lost some took third. the night in second place. time when their rack fell apart, but still finished a nice second in class. and Rosenstein reported that they'd been "lost in the dust" a couple of times, but didn't have mechanical problems. Rod Fantelli brought his small Ford out to play, and, having no com-petition made it a payback and took some of his pit people for a ride. Jeff Stower drove the first three Laps, and Rod then finished. They had a great tini.e, had no problems and went home with a win on their record. In Class 9 Kent Graves had his Jimco in the lead at the end of the first lap, with about two and a half minutes on Trey Somers and Wally Palmer in their Jimco. In third it was Dave Gardner, in a Chenowth. Rod McCain had actually started in the car, for the sake of points,.but he'd hurt his back while pre-running the day before, so he drove only as far as his pit, where Gardner got in. McCain went back to hobbliqg around, lean-ing on a big stick. In fourth place it was Julie Kem, in a Kemco, and she'd broken a throttle cable, and had Lost about 20 minutes. I / Graves kept on Leading, and had 11 minutes at the end of the second lap, and now it was Gardner in sec-ond place, as Somers had his steering rack "fall apart". They said they fixed it "real quick." Kern had a good lap and moved up to third, with Somers down in fourth now. Graves was having a good day, and had no trouble. He had a firm lead at the end of lap 3, and it was still Gardner in second, but Somers was backup in third place now. 111at was because Ray Neff, who'd taken over for Kern, had rolled their car while still running along pit row. He "bent things", and it took about an hour and 49 minutes to get that lap done. Graves kept moving along smartly, with Gardner and Somers behind him, and in fourth, but moving at the fastest pace now, was the Kern car, with Adam Pfankuch driving. They held their positions for the next two laps, and by then Graves had built his lead to 21 minutes. Gardner, tiring a bit, still ran sec-ond, with Palmer, who'd taken over for Somers, in third. Pfankuch had ticked off the fast time for the class, at 30:30, and then they'd retired the car, because they'd lost so much time they wouldn't be able to im-prove their last place even if they kept running. Graves went on to take the win by 28 minutes. Palmer, with a faster time each Lap, squeaked by Gardner to take second place for himself and Somers. Gardner, tired after eight laps in the car, was third, only a bit over two minutes Later. In the Sportsman classes there were only two cars: the 5-1600 of Frank Bongiovanni and the Class 9 Kernco two seater of Megan Alken and Cera Lindsey. Bongio-vanni got one lap in, at 38:44, and the girls did a Lap in 35:45, giving them the win. Neither car did any more laps. The FRT association is now looking forward to their exciting December 31st Dunaway Dash which is always a good race. The weather is at its best in the sbuth-ern low desert on New Year's Eve, and everyone enjoys the holiday atmosphere. Many folks prefer cel-ebrating the year end out in the desert, where the camaraderie can't be beat. This year Jim.co is offering a spe-cial contingency purse to the win-ning Jim.co at the Dunaway Dash, and inviting all Jimco owners to come join the fun, have some spe-cial eats and get in some good rac-ing. It should make a very good show. · Nick Tiedemann and Andy DeVercelly teamed up in Tiedemann's recently acquired 1/2-1600 Jimco, had a trouble free evening, and went home with the class win. _.,; f
t-C:,EC::EnnEIER eac,e _;:::; l rz ..'!:''i. -, '· . .... ,,.,.,,, ...,.._,..,,.,. ft• aooa ._,,.,,..,, 0,111.,,.,,, ..... ,, ...... ,. ..,, .. M ~av~ Posen Raci111 wm StU'!CllOll b<1lll ·C1-1700 f ee,p:Speed Plti tmd CWs l?SO lecpSpee4 St~ at all ev~nts m tB$U ~ev.eu taco~. Known as die .. MDR :rcepSpecd California Champ•oosmp"'. · int,, wm be l!WWded ~ pe the l\IDRsoormg S:)tstem. It will he a ~ r~ s~. witll the ~ i~ re:S'Ult$1 ~ fOJ year end poitlts,. Ji.,IDR pri7..e money am! contiagency .awar~. opmes-wi be aw.anted to event · tt cb:atnJ)lOtt, hip wim.ien, The J~ep.5pt(!d ;\$,;~tau.on win ffl«t~J~ oth~r r~~ ~~tjnnu,g l,Q,diQS to ini;l~ :a ('.J~~, 1700 for Je-cpSpt:ed (!!Jtm},1._<; ~t ,·anQu.~ events f()j:C. tbe: On.i,wd Sea~. the f:&m fille Je:epSpeed t3Ce thk year, we can proudly say. :we have ·.the, best prim fumi in any iinglo ill of C~if t ·a desert • ·ug. totalhtg nearly O.OlX.l pet season. ·1_,,.,,..,, ... , .... 1 ,-~ d be~ in~ J»kt ~ . ,:a.-e:lt. 'Mo~~m$ htk1n ~yt~11-0'iu 2003. O.tta u, ~ouuetd. it ,f.~. ~':: ;, aaoa ...,,,,,_ •••lag l•e11IIJ188d t:llall••II" Fahtwuy_ 1 . , ..•• , .• Barstow. CA. ................. --·--····:MDR Wild ~'um 250 April S .......•• , .. lbt$tow, CA ............ , .. -., ........ , . .,.Ml)R Moj~·e 250 JI.fay 30<J 1 . ~ : •• E.nmtada, Mexico ........ ,." ....... " ........... SCORE Baja 500 June l1-2$ , , .......... , • 1e\tad:a .... ,,.. ... , ......... -....... B!ID Ve~ to Rene, Augu&t 9 ......•.... Lucerne. CA ........ Ji,IDR Califomia 200 Night Race September 27 . . - _ .... U!CCrne. CA ............................... ~IDR Lucerne 300
I. • \ ,. VORRA's summer Sizzler Photos: Steve Brosz Scott Peterson had a good day, won the first heat in Class 10, and the second heat also, although he started in the fifth position. Wes Harbor flies high on his way to the Semi-Pro win, he took the win in both heats at Prairie City. In Class 7 it was Patty Hayos taking both heat wins for a very good day, seen here nicely airborne. SYSTEMS BY PARKER PUMPER. PU'JWflT helmets n:1ngat •$12Anoo· '£ .... ., $34SDD(wired) The complete source far race,s anacrews 1.800.700.2350 fax: 9D9.36D.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 Page 26 "SIZZLER" was the appropriate description for the event held at the Prairie City Off Road Vehicle Park just outside of Sacramento, Cali-fornia. The points spread in the majority of the classes was close enough that the short course events on the one mile track would deter-mine the class champions for the year. The temperatures were over 100 degrees for the two days of competition, which further added to the stress level. Thirty-seven teams worked feverishly in the pit area completing the preparations for the event trying to assure their stand-ings for the race and for the overall class points for the year. Mike Koenig lands hard in his Toyota he took the 7S wins in both heats·and picked up 56 points as well. Saturday's events included tech-nical and registration, time trials for starting positions, practice and the tire changing competition. Ad-missions for the day were slotted for the winner of the tire changing competition. In a heads up battle, David Kordonowy and the crew of car # 1020 walked away with the purse. Sta_rting positions in each class wer'e determined by fastest lap. In the Semi-pro class, Wes Harbor in car# 103 qualified in one minute 5.36 seconds; Steve Souza in car #921 qualified in one minute 15.02 Dudley Tranum took a first and a second in the two heats and that was enough to give him the coveted Class 8 win. December 2002 seconds in Class 9; Truck #769 with Patty Hayos at the wheel was the top qualifier in Class 7 at one minute 13.44 seconds; Class 8 was dominated by Bruce Field in the #858 with one minute 7.24 sec-onds; Scott Peterson car #27 was the fastest in class 10 at one minute 2.15 seconds; and Mike Lehners took the top spot in Class 1 in car #103 with one minute 5.42 sec-onds. The field was set for the Sun-day race. Twelve SEMI-PRO vehicles staged for the singing of the N a-tional Anthem and the start of Sunday's events at 10:00 a.m. with temperatures already in the 80's. The ra.ce was scheduled for the eight one-mile laps in two heats for all full sized vehicles and ten laps on a shortened track for the Pilots. Dur-ing the first heat Kenny Ott in car # 1063 suffered mechanical failure in the first lap, Kevin Kleinsmith in #17 and Ryan Sargent in #59 were unable to complete Lap 2 and Dan Keefer in #710 was out before Lap 3. Jason Sacks, car #15, was out in Lap 7. Wes Harbor dominated in car # 103 and completed the heat in first place, John Knechtli in #49 ran a hard fought second place with Jamie Campos in #150 in third. B.J. & Tristan Butcher car #89 brought in the fourth place. At the end of the second eight lap heat, Wes Har-bor maintained his first position for a first overall in class for the day, Jamie Campos pulled out a second in Heat 2 and moved up to a second place for the day, B.J. & Tristan Butcher improved to a third place for the day with Jason Sacks reeling in a fourth. The re-mainder of the class finished-for the day as follows: Chere Lehners car #1071, John Knechtli car #49, Lionel Borba car #60, Hooter Meyer car #528, Ryan Sargent car #59, Dan Keefer truck #710, Kevin Kleinsmith car #17, Kenny Ott car #1063. The PILOT class, with five en-tries, was flat out from the drop of Dusty Times
Finishing another lap, Jaime Campos heads off to secure a third and A pair of second places in the 7S race put the Ford of Jeff Matlock Matt Taylor, in h)s trust Toyota took a pair o; second place finishes )n a second place finish, second overall in the Semi-Pro ranks. into the second overall position. the heats, ·second overall in the Class 7 standings. Eric Steiger drove his super clean Class 9 to a brace of second places in the motos and was second overall at day's end. Bruce Field drove his Chevy to a third and a first in the heats and that A pair of seconds for the high flying Mike Lehners gave him the gave him second overall in Class 8. second overall position in the Class 1 battle. Clint Wolsy is back in form, he took the wins in both heats in the Pilot class and picked up 60 points along the way. Second overall in the Class 10 ranks was Sam Berri, who, obviously, lets nothing grow unde~ hi~ _ _feet. ___ _ · Dusty Times entertainment for the spectators. AT LEFT: Sam Berri (L) makes his way past Arden Dennington on his way to a win in both heats and therefore the Class 1 overall. After hard fought battles in both heats, the finishing order was the the green flag. Running within feet the shortened course provided in-same for both. Clint Wolsey in #7 of each other, two ten lap heats on tense competition for the teams and Continued on page 29 Damen Jefferies wins overall at Nevada 1000 on Team Gordon Wheels 7 7" RG.O 1 race wheel available in 0 race lock or street lock for all Chevrolet and Ford truck applications 7 5" RG.02 race wheel available in race lock or street lock for VW applications. 7" and 3.5" widths available. Specializing in Off-Road wheels*, ~~~~~~!,,~nd steering systems. Decem ber 2002 Team Gordon 2980 East Miralorna Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Phone(714}632-0013 Fax (714) 632-0311 TEAMGORDON.COM Page 27
Paul Franklin chased first place all day but a pair of seconds gave him second overall in the Pilot fracas. Throwing lots of mud, Tristan and BJ Butcher took a fourth and a third· Jeff Elrod was only able to grab a fourth and a third in the heats so his in the heats and that gave them a third overall in Semi-Pro.· Mirage finished third overall in Class 10. continued his year's dominance in first place followed by Paul Frank-lin in #5. Miles Berghold in #16 reeled in third followed by Mark Christenson in #37 and Tony Romo in5X. CLASS 9 found Steve Souza, car #955 brought in second and third CLASS 7 for the entire event. The give an inch. Patty and Matt fought #921, not only qualifying first but respectively in both heats and for Class 7 vehicle championship can diligently to a 1-2 finish with Patty also maintaining his position the day. · still change hands twice more be-taking the points for the day. Os-through both heats and into a first Patty Hayos truck #769 and fore the end of the season and the car Lara in #764, Bill Manfroy in place for the day. Eric Steiger in Matt Taylor truck #7 54 continued competition during this event #7217 and Mike Anderson in #719 car #956 and Vanessa Cannon in their hard fought points battle in proved that no-one was willing to were unable to complete the event .LIST YOUR PHONE NUMBERJ YEARJ MODEL AND ENGINE SIZE! Sales Information: Payment may be made by credit card, money order or cashier's check. Personal or business checks are not accepted. C.O.D. orders accepted with 50% pre-payment. $5 Handling charge on all orders. California residents include 7.50% sales tax. Customers responsible for all freight charges. Minimum order is $25. The use of Volkswagen by Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. is for descriptive purposes ONLY and in no way is the name used to infer or intend a direct connection between Pacific Customs Unlimited, Inc. and Volkswagen. Volkswagen is a registered trademark. PRICES EFFECTIVE DURING THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MAGAZINE COVER DATE. Suspension Seat Constructed on •;.· Steel Frame, Vinyl S.ides with Tweed Cloth Center. Available in: Black Vinyl with Black Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Grey Fabric; Grey Vinyl with Ebony and Opal Fabric Combination. Low Back Super Seat.. ........... $180 High Back Super Seat... ........... 190 BEARD SUPER SEAT ·W/ADJ. HEAD REST Fabric Combinations Same as Super Seats. Low Back with Adjustable Head Rest ....................... $230 Only 19" Wide! Now You Can Use Suspension Seats In Na"ower Chassis. Available In Black or Grey. Lil' Sportster Seat .................. $140 OPTIMA BATTERY BOD Cold Cranking Amps. ULTRA PRO SEAT Powder Coated Frame Uses a Tough Mesh Liner with Multiple Medium to High o,nslty Foams for Superior Ourability and Comfort. 5-Polnt Harness Compatible. Vlnyil Sides with Cloth Center. Available In Black or Grey. Ultra Pro Seat ........................ $325 End or Center Fill. 8' X 16", 24', 30', 33" .... : .......... $72 10' X 30', 33" .................... 80 10'x40' .................................. 105 Fuel Shut-off Valve for Tanks ....... 6 Chrome Straps, pair ................... 25 Black, Red, Gray, Y•llow, Purple or Blu,. Quick latch Release 3" Lap Bell & 2• Sewn Shoulder Straps. 3 Point Heavy Duty Belt ........... $52 Crotch Strap ................................ 8 SHOULDER PADS Black, Siu,, or Red. Optima Gell Battery ................ $120 Shoulder Pads, pair ................. $10 Page 28 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM Includes Adjusters. Stock Width Beam with 8' Travel Towers ............. $140 5· Wider Beam with 8' Travel Towers ............... 165 6' Wider Beam with 10' Travel Towers ............. 185 Shock Mounting Hardware ........ 18 Urethane Axle Bushings, set 4 ... 20 WARRIOR AXLE BEAM For Use When Top Shock Mounts are Incorporated In the Chassis. 6" Wider Beam w/o Towers .... $120 TRAILING ARMS 1 '/, x 'lo' Front Arms, set of 4 For Use with Leafs .......... $200 2'/, x 1 Front Arms, set of 4 ..... 200 Link Pins, set ol 4 ...................... 48 THRURODS For 5" Wider Beam with Long Travel Arms. Thru Rods, pair ....................... $50 COMBO LINK SPINDLES Available in Standard Height or Raised 3" Combo Link Spindles, pair ..... $500 Bearing Kit, Set of 4 ................... 80 OFFROADR&P Heary Outy Off Road Use Or Larger Sand Rails. Off Road Rack & Pinion ......... $132 LI-Joint lor Rack & Pinion .......... 20 Chrome U-Joint for R & P ......... 25 Mount for Rack & Pinion ........... 15 TIE ROD ASSEMBLY Mounts Steering Shan to Rack and Pinion. Kil Includes Billet Steering Bearing Carrier, 2 U-Joints and Steering Wheel Hub Cover. Billet Steering Bearing Kit.. .... $150 Billet Steering Bearing Carrier. ... 60 LI-Joint¼" to¼" Shaft .............. 50 U-Jjoint ¼" Shaft to Rack .......... 58 Steering Wheel Hub Cover ......... 20 Chrome Steering Shaft .............. 22 Will Use 930 CV Joint. Trailing Arms, 3x3, pair ........ $235 STUB AXLES& DRIVE FLANGES Available for Bug, Bus & 930 CVs. Sold Ex'changB--$40 Core. Stub Axle, pair ....................... $100 Drive Flange, pair ....................... 90 SWAY-A-WAY AXLES For 3 x 3 Tra/1/ng Arms. Bug Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ... $170 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, pr ..... 170 Bus Trans to 3 x 3 arms, using 930 CVs, pr ....................... 230 l~I KING ADJUSTABLE SHOCKS w/ RESERVOIR Full Adjustment Oual Spring Shock with Hose and Reservoir. King 2" Adjustable Shock, 8-10-12" Stroke ...... from $495 King 2 ½" Adjustable Shock, 12-14-16" Stroke .... lrom $585 Billet Aluminum Clamp-On Reservoir Mount ................. 25 SHOCKS FOR TORSION BARS Pedal Assembly wl Roller Pedal.. .............. $21 O Pedal Assembly w/ Foot Pedal .................. 230 Ultra Slide Plate ....................... 60 Ullra Slide Throttle Kit .............. 24 Ultra Slide Hose Kit ................. .45 JAMAR 4-WHEEL BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBl:Y Competition Pedal Assembly. Includes Billet Throttle Pedal, Brake Assembly, Clutch Assembly and Slave Cylinder. Competition Pedal Assembly $375 Single Brake Assembly ............ 140 Tandem Brake Assembly ......... 215 Clutch Assembly w/Slave ......... 140 Black Super Shifter.... .. .......... $82 Chrome Super Shifter .............. 95 Optional Shift Rod Kit.. ........... .45 JAMAR REAR 8/UET DISC BRAKES LDng or Short Aili. 4-Lug Billet Oise Bral<es ......... $485 5-Lug Billet Disc Brakes ......... .495 5-Lug. Billet Disc Brakes With Four Piston Caliper ... 615 JAMAR FRONT BIUET DISC BRAKES King Pin Spindles Heavy Duty Brakes. • or Combo Link Sp/odles. 4130 Chromo/y Center Hub with King Pin Billet Disc Brakes 10 Bolt Hub. '/,"Thick Rotor. for Sand Ralls ................ $645 5-Lug Billet Disc Brakes Kmg Pin Billet Disc Brakes With Four Piston Callper .... $'795 for Desert Rails ................ 675 JAMAR STEERING BRAKES Single or Oua/ . Handle -----Tuming Brakes. Turning Brake .. ................ $68 BILLET GOODIES Fits 1'/2" Tubing • Made in USA. Green Sticker Bracket .............. $17 GPS Bracket & Mount... ............. 54 Brake Live Bracket.. ................... 16 Tachometer Bracket & Mount....31 3-Panel Mirror, 18' Long ........... 75 Clamp-On Mirror Brackets, pr .... 25 MICKEY THOMPSON PERFORMANCE TIRES Baja-Pro Performance Tires E78 Mini Mag ... .. ...... $92 30 X 7.00, 4-ply .................... 115 33 X 9.00, 4-ply .................... 136 35 X 10.00, 4-ply .................. 162 BAJA BELTED HP 31 X 10.50-15 ........................ $135 Stinger or U-Bend Collector. 1'/," Unpainted Bobcat.. ........... $90 1'/, Unpainted Bobcat.. ............. 90 1 '/," Chrome Bobcal.. ............... 130 1 '/, Chrome Bobcal.. ............... 130 Baffle ........................................... 8 Replacement Springs, set of 4 ..... 8 JET COATED Baked-On Coating, Won't Change Color or Rust. 1'/," Jet Coat Bobcat .............. $190 1'/, Jet Coat Bobcal ................ 190 For Thick Flange and Polished Look Jet Coating on Any Tri Mil 1•;.• Stinger EJthaust Add $50. SS SPARK ARRESTOR Fits Bobcat 2" Stingers & U-Bends. Spark Arrestor, 18' Length ...... $65 Spark Arrestor, No Bracket ........ 55 Spark Arrestor W/Bracket .......... 60 T-Bolt Clamp ................................ 5 LAZER STARS Available in Spot or Flood. 100 Watt Lazer Star, pr .......... $137 75 Watt Lazer Star, pr .... • .......... 130 Billet Clamp-On Light Mounts .... 34 Micro-B Lazer Star (Red), pr ... 125 Micro-B Lazer Star Dual Filament (Red), pr ..... 175 Replacement Lamp, Spot, ea .... 24 Replacement Lamp, Flood, ea .... 24 Replacement Lens, ea ................ 18 Lazer Star Covers, pr ................... 5 December 2002 due to mechanical problems. CLASS 8 Heavy Metal "full size trucks took an interesting turn. Doug Seymour in #872 historically has not competed in the short course events but, with a very tight points spread and the possibility of winning the season overall for Class 8, Battle Born Racing was out to give it a try. Bruce Field truck #858 and Dudley Tranum in #8019 were there to put a stop to Doug's ef-forts. At the end of Heat 1 #8019 emerged victorious with #872 and #858 following after Bruce suffered a flat. With Heat 2 complete and #8019 running with only second gear left in the transmission, Dudley Tranum locked up a first place for the day. Bruce Field in #858 in sec-ond and Doug Seymour in third. The Seymours still maintain their point lead going into the next short · course. Sam Berri's consistency in CLASS 1 continued in car #149. Mike Lehners in the # 103 car was out to take some bit out of the points leader, and Arden Denning-ton in #4 intended to put the ultra light high horse powered buggy out front. In Heat 1, Dennington was giving Berri a run for his money and the day's points when a flat tire took him out of the competition in the eighth lap. #149 was able to hold off # 103 for a first heat vic-tory. Heat 2 found Dennington once more out of competition and Berri and Lehners in the two top spots. Sa!Il Berri in # 149 finished the day with first place, and Mike Lehners in# 103 in second. Scott Peterson car #27 was the car to watch in CLASS 10. This high winding ultra light vehicle was the dominant vehicle on the short course: Jeff.Elrod in car #1036, currently second in overall Class 10 points, was also a fqrce to be reck-oned with. Peterson, Elrod and Dennington (in car #4) were all running what are known as stadium vehicles. David Kordonowy in #1020 is a fierce competitor and a skilled driver. Sam Berri in # 1049 was determined to maintain his points lead and take the victory· for the day. At the conclusion of Heat 1, #27, #1020 and #1049 ran 1-2-3 with Elrod and Bill Minteer in car #1025 down one lap. Denning-ton was out during Lap 5 and would be unable to compete in the second heat. Heat 2 finished with the #27 car of Scott Peterson in first place giving him a well deserved first for the day. Sam Berri in # 1049 ran a solid second for an overall second in class for the event and Jeff Elrod in #1036 made a spectacular comeback to a third place in class. . .-.lfb Dusty Times
~ ~.._..... _ _____... would like to thank all O~~P)OA-t:? 0PE::--?IA-L--1010 their customers & the following companies for their contributions to ollr very successful first year in business! We couldn't have done it without you! Zap Printing & Graphics EMJ Material Company ., ~....,..._...,....,~@ SLJBPE/VEl/01\/ PErformancE SuspEnsion Litho Jr. Offset White Diff Accord Printing Motorsports Works Distribution Inland Empire Competition A special thanks to Driveline . S~ecialities Matt Curl • I f ~ :;.;:~[ll!J'~~--;;~F~~..,~"' ' « a. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy_ New Year!
Christmas Gift Goodies Galore .•. Krupp Bi/stein of America. For the best in gas pressure shock absorbers. Better by design. Safer driving through superior control. Be it the high banks of NASCAR racing, or the harsh terrain of the Baja 1000, -Bilstein's worldwide racing dominance is leg-endary. Racing is the ultimate prov: ing ground, mahng success in motor-sports imperative. For virtually any type of class of competition ve-hicle, Bilstein can deliv«':r the damping forces necessary for winning control. Krupp Bilstein of America Department DT 14102 Stowe Drive Poway, CA 92064 (800) 537-1085 www.bilstein.com B&M Racing & Performance Products New SuperCoolers B&M's popular racing Si.iperCooler m·odel is now available in two new sizes, bringing the company's legendary cooling technology to a wider range of applications. The new 70273, at ll"x 5-3/4" x 1-1/2" is over two inches shorter than B&M's 70206 racing SuperCooler. The supersized SuperCooler, 70274, at 11" high, delivers maximum cooling for extra tough cooling applications. B&M's SuperCooler stacked plate design pro-vides moie cooling surface than the conventional "fin and tube" systems and resists damage from road debris. B&M Racing & Performance Products_ Department DT 9142 Independence Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 882-6422 Page 30 Snap-On Tools Impact Wrench &-High Torque Air Ratchet The new AT600 Blue-Point 1/2" Square Drive Lightweight and High Torque Impact Wrench by Snap-On Tools Company offers tech-nicians great comfort, versatile control and power when performing on-the-spot tasks .. The unit reaches a total of 530 ft. pounds of fors ward torque and 600 ft. pounds of reverse torque. The AT 7 0 2 B I u e -Po j n t 3·/ 8 " s q u a re d r iv e High Torque Air Ratchet by Snap-on Tools tightens and loosens a range of automotive and industrial applications with power, speed and comfort. Patented flywheel technology enables the unit to reach 65 ft. pounds of maximum torque. The mounted air motor design features ball-bearing components and a three gear sys-tem that reaches a free speed of 200 rpm and provides smooth operation. Snap-On Tools Department OT P.O. Box 1410 Kenosha, WI 53141-1410 (877) 762-7662 www.snapon.com Royal Purple Motor Oil Royal Purple Max Gear improves rear end efficiency_ Racers can enjoy extended ring and pinion gear service life, as well as a reduction in power-robbing friction with Royal PurJ?le's new Max-Gear. It is formu-lated for use in hypoid, limited slip and positractor type applications, p.lus meets OEM warranty require-ments for GL-4 an.d GL-5 performance standards. Royal Purple Max ATF Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid Reduced transmission operating tempera-tures, greater component wear protection and longer fluid life are some of the benefits attributed to Royal Purple's new Max ATF high performance synthetic transmission fluid. It is far superior to other types of ATF, and recommended for any application requiring Ford Mercon or GM Dextron transmission fluid. Royal Purple Department OT l Royal Purple Lane Porter, TX 77 365 -(281) 354-8600. December 2002 Dusty Times.
• I TC/ Auton:Jotive Announces New Racing Starter With Special Mounting Plate TCI has solved a big problem for many racing engine installations. Their new, high powered TCI Racing Starter comes with a special mounting plate that allows four unique start~r-mounting positions. This allows increased clearance for large header pipes, etc. This new compact starter pro-vides 40-50% more cranking power than stock, is 33% lighter, ball bearing construction and is built for the hardcore usage of race engines. Fits GM applications. TCI Automotive Department DT (662) 224-8972 www.tciauto.com Parker Pumper :Announces [)eceleratorHead And Neck System Restraints Now available from Parker Pumper, the Decelerator, one of several head and neck restraint systems to choose from. Reduces neck tension by 45- 70%. Quick one time adjust-ment, no adjustment to the seat system needed, and there are no issues with getting in and out of the car. The harness wraps around the occupant and relies on the pelvis to an-chor the system. This harness does not hook into the lap belt. The harness is good for all types of racing, especially endurance racing where driver changes are common. Order yours today by contacting: Parker Pumper 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 800-700-2350 www .parker-pumper .com Dusty Times Complete Line of Branded Track & Travel Wear From Mechanix Wear Don't know what to get your favorite mechanic for the holidays? Mechanix Wear's complete line of branded track and travel apparel, including rain gear and travel bags. Durable, heavyweight bags are ideal for the traveling mechanic, racer or fan. Gear bag is 9"xll.5"xl9", carryall is 12"x 12"x26". Also, there is a strong composite style frame umbrella with a tough nylon center, rubber grip hanqle and a frame that won't break in high winds. Opens to fivt; feet. Mechanix Wear Department DT www.mechanix.com .Mild And Stainless Steel Precison Donuts From Pro-Werks If you've ever been frustrated trying to fabricate tight bends of tubing, the Chassis Shop has the per-fect remedy. They manufacture a complete line of precision mild and stainless steel donuts with super tubing radiuses, ranging from 1-1/2" to 5" diam-eters. They are easily cut and welded to make the • perfect tight bend. · C hassis Shop Department DT (800) 530-9494 www.chassisshop.com Gibbs Markets First Patented Penetrating Oil Originally developed in the "rust belt by an old time Harley rebuilder. Gibbs is the first patented penetrating oil. We can' t tell the secret formula, but it does NOT contain wax, paraffin, kerosenes bases, graphite, Teflon, silicone, abrasives, corro-sives, acids, arsenic, perfumes, carcinogens or pig-ments. It is owned by the inventor and it is more expensive than the competition because it costs a great deal to formulate, not b ecause we spend mil-lions on advertising. It will break loose frozen en-gines, protects electrical systems and protects raw steel before fabrication. Paint over it to retard rust. Try it today! Gibbs Penetrating Oil D epartment DT (800) 555-3167 www.gibbasize.com www.machines-more.com December 2002 KC Hilites HID Lights For Quads & Bikes KC Hilities, the established leader in HID auxiliary light-ing, in partnership with SO-CAL FAB Shop, Canyon Coun-try, CA have developed HID lighting systems for both 2 and 4 stroke quads and dirt bikes. Systems include lights and electronic components (and batteries for 2 stroke models) to enable the use of HID lights on vehicles with stator igni-tions. The electronics sustain the HID light even when engine rpm is at idle. Quad systems include custom designed mount-ing frame, HID light system and all electronics. Single quad kits start at $699, two light systems start at $999. Available in chrome or powder black, spot or driving beam. Draw three amps each and generate 500,000 candlepower. KC Hilites Avenida de Luces P.O. Box 155 W illiams, AZ 86046-0155 (800) 528-0950 (520) 635-2607 Blower Cooler Combinations Fron:J F.A.S. T. FAST has designed blower/ cooler combinations to meet all racing requirements. Don't send unfiltered air from a NACA duct straight to your head . All our blowers are designed to send clean, filtered air to the driver. All our coolers will add fresh, cool air to the driver and are guaranteed to increase driver stamina and alertness. Helmet interiors and air duct revisions have also b een our claim to fame. Increasing air flow, directing air flow and re-jetting the helmet air pas-sages are all custom, and racer specific. Fresh Air Systems Technologies Department DT 810A S. Arthur Avenue Arlington Heights, I L 60005-2828 (8 8 8) 466-RACE· . (84 7) 2 59-9705 Page 31
'. THE BoTICA DE.SANTA MARIA Two Wheel And ouad Side Of The Story By Byrle Moore Photos: Foto Baja Mex In Open Pro, it was Aaron Tuck all the way; he rode his Honda XR650 to the class victory as well as the overall. As promised here is the report Great weather, it just started to be Tuck had some throttle prob-for the Motorcycle and Quad-run-great little earlier for these guys. lems, started late, but still ran ner side of the track. These guys First bike went off a couple of min-away with the win. Tuck, riding had to do only two laps, but in utes past 6:00 a.m., and almost out of Brawley, CA took his this race two was enough. everyone had finished by shortly Honda XR650 around the two As stated in last month's article, after 10:00. lap course in nearly matching the weather was not a factor. In the Open Pro class, Aaron times of 1:21:00 and 1:22:00 for Page 32 SHOCK niCHNO&oGY 714.530.B701 • FAX714.530.B702 104021RASKAVE, UNff A• GARDENGROV£ CA 9.11843 -~ldngshodcs.co,n December 2002 In the 250cc Pro class Tomas Lara and Antonio Ayala, aboard their Yamaha YZ took the class honors with eight seconds in hal)d. a total of two hours and 45 min-with times of 1:36 and 1:48 took utes. The time also garnered him the third spot. Castro is from the Overall win for the two Mexicali, B.C . wheelers. Emilio A. Cervantes Not much luck in the 125 Pro shared the ride with bike owner class. Two starters, no fb.ishers. Miguel G. Encarnacion. The duo Ask Misael Franco about the luck, turned laps of 1:56 and 1:48 on he crashed at about Mile 5 of the a Honda XR600 for the second first lap and ended up with a bro-place finish. The team is from ken arm. He's doing fine now. The Mexicali, B.C. other en try was the brother's Class 250 Pro headed by the team of Chris and Roberto team of Thomas Lara and Anto-Villalobos who only made it nio Ayala from Jacume B.C . through Checkpoint 1. Riding a Yamaha YZ they encoun-There were ten starters in the tered no problems during their Sportsman Motorcycle and seven laps of 1:40 and 1:26:37 and a finished with times. First under first place time of 3:06:37. De-the checkered flag was Team spite two crashes and throttle Pleuches made up of riders problemswhichcosthimthelead, . Alejandro Olguin and Jesus Pedro Penatello, riding sdo of Murillo on b.oard a Yama YZF. Fontana, CA ran J:28 on Lap 1 Their time of 3:29:40 was fast and 1:35 on the second and fin-enough for first, because of pen-ished, in second, with a time of alties to both the second, third 3:05:48. Nestor D. Castro also and fourth place riders. Eric R. soloed on his Honda XR250 and Magna riding out of San Diego, 2.5" --Eif!tK/j Need coil springs? Coll King Shocks! We have custom and prodvdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Dusty Times
The Class 125 honors went to the Villalobos brothers Chris and In Open Quad, Steve Huff had a fast trouble free run and it gave him Ricardo Barba and Joel Leal took the second spot in Quad Pro, less Roberto by default, they went further but didn't finish the race. the win on his Yamaha Raptor 660. than a minute out of the win on their Yamaha NTR 350 Eric Magna's penalty dropped him to second place in Sportsman Having a bit of trouble on lap i, Jesus Marquez and Francisco Gomez In the 250 Pro contest, it was Pedrb Penate/lo overcoming some real problems to take sedond place. Open. (Photo: Raul Guardado) came in for second spot in Quad Open. CA turned a 3:05:57 but drew rider who started and everybody These guys, from Rosarito Beach, the first penalty and ended in sec- made it to the Black & White. B.C., got off the line late, crashed ond place. Third spot went to Cesar Lopez, Felipe Velez and just after Mile 8 which did dam-Luis A.L. Camarena, who crashed their partner, Jorge Romo, age to the front suspension and as he crossed the finish line, was started late, but passed all the steering, but with all of this they also penalized. Camarena's time other quads aboard a Yamaha still had a time of 3:27:48. The was 3:12:00. Manuel Salazar had Raptor 660. Their t ime of only single rider was Saul a 3: 12:20 but also drew a pen-3:08:37 not only got them the Bojorquez who took fourth spot airy, which dropped him in to first in class but was also the fast-with a time of 3:38:34 . The team fourth place. Fifth spot went to est, four wheel, time of the day. of Francisco Espinoza and the team of Oscar Lugo and Noe These three all came up from San Gilberto Perez were leading the Ibarra with a time of S:41:57. The Felipe. Second spot went to the class until they took a wrong turn sixth place rider was Arturo team of Ricardo Barba and Joel at the bridge. They also had some Chavez in at 3:45:20 and the sev- Leal, just under a minute back minor problerns with their Hon-enth place finisher was Oscar their time was 3:09:25. This team, da 400EX. A skid plate and a rear Gutierrez with a time of 4:04:35. from Mexicali, drove a Yamaha disk and sprocket caused slowing The four wheelers were made NTR350. Third in class went to and problems with passing once up of two classes. In Quad Pro Nick Nelson and Alfonso Castro there were four teams and a single on board a Yamaha NTR350. The LopezNelez/Romo trio made it look easy on their Yamaha Raptor 660, they took the gold medal in the quad pro division. they got going in the right di rec-His third place time was 3:43:30. tion. Their time of 4:05:51 got The team of Mauricio Ojeda and them the fifth spot. Luis Santos rode to fourth with a Eight of the 12 starters in the time of 3:45 flat and fifth place Quad Open finished. First place went to Alejandro Gomez and went to Steve Hutf, San Diego, CA Enrique Martinez in at 3:52:32. who soloed his Yamaha Raptor The next race for these guys 660 to a time of 3:22:23 reported will be another get together with no problems. Second in class was the cars and trucks in route from the team of Jesus Marquez and Mexicali to San Felipe. This is Francisco Gomez from Tijuana, CODE's last race of the season, B.C. who had a rear flat tire dur-and will be on November 8-10, ing the first lap and replaced it with 2002. Thanks to ZR Productions a front tire and still managed a for the notes and follow up. We time of 3:43:10. Francisco J. Ro-are all looking forward to the bio, from Mexicali, was only 20 2003 season. See you somewhere seconds back on his Honda TRX. on the Baja next year. .. ·#1\p For Sale Viejas Casino Sponsored Class .10 Single Seat 97 Modified Jimco driven by Chris Harrold (See Dusty Times _Cover September 2002) Alejandro Olguin and Jesus Murillo took the Open Sportsman win on their Yamaha YZF, others penalties helped their win. Dusty Times Honda V-Tech 1648cc dry sump engine built by HP Engines. Mendeaola 5 speed transmission w/external oil cooler. New electrical wiring throughout, new Mod 3 Electromotjve Fuel injection system. FOX Shox. Best of everything with Many spares ans suspension-components. If you want to go Fast, this is your car. A proven winner in SCORE. Price $55,000. For more info call Gerry Scott 619-426-6514 December 2002 Page 33
OFF RaAD EXPO Big crowds Pack Displays· By Judy Smith Photos: Ann Donaldson Herman and AJ Denunzio engrossed in conversation with Off Road Expo founder Guy Petersen. Photo: Ann Donaldson owner to start making a wish list of things to improve their toy's· performance or lo·oks. tions about what size would fit, what tread would work best , and which would be most quiet. As we wandered through the displays we saw a wide variety of things, including exhaust systems, portable welders, automotive sound systems, shock absorbers, seats,. tricked out quads, pop-up tent campers, 12 volt ice chests, off road skate boards, four-seater play cars, one-seater play cars, and all kinds of T-shirts. There were more than 235 companies displaying their wares, from seats to tires, every aisle was packed with goodies. Truck people could find all kinds of stuff, including suspen-sion modifications of every sort, fancy seats, tool boxes, gauges, bed liners, wheels, gears, and even fuel. And right alongside every display there'd be someone to explain what kind of difference it would make to the off road experience. Some exhibitors had goodies on sale there at the Expo, some took orders for later delivery, and some made referrals to retailers who carried the products they manu-facturer. Some exhibitors had special sale prices for the duration of the Expo. There were race vehicles to crawl under and snap photos of. Some were from local off-roaders who compete in races like the Baja 1000 and included Kyle Taylor's new Trick Truck, Mike Groff and Jimmy Vasser's Toyota powered Jimco, Will Higman's Kreger chas-sis Class 10 car and a Class 7 Ford truck that Larry Roeseler will be driving. Troy Herbst's Ford Truggy was on display, as was Ed Off roaders and their families lined four corridors and a big And once you stepped up to took over one of the huge build-outdoor area as well. the counter there were folks ings at the Pomona Fairplex, and It was a little bit like going to ready to explain their product to then spilled out the doors into the mall for the day, with one huge you. No matter what your ques-the bright October sunshine as difference. At the mall you can tions were, if they had some rela-they enjoyed the third annual Off sometimes walk past the entire ros-tion to some aspect of off road Road Expo. ter of businesses without finding activity, there was a person in The show, aimed at off anything of interest. But at the Off that building who'd be able to roaders from all aspects of the Road Expo there were goodies to answer you. lt was a terrific place sport, was a sell-out, and displays. catch your eye in every display. for a new truck, buggy or bike There were five well known tire companies with displays of their off road tires mounted on great looking trucks and race cars, and tire people to answer all tho~e ques-ultimate lono travel Get the benefits ol our Long Travel system and 3" lih spindles, ueating 6" ol lih lor incredible ground clearance. lf9'@V~ ■ 3' lift spindles ■ Upper Control arms ~i'l)~w~,, ■ Lower Control arms JT ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 3-wau adjustable shocR absorber -------~~---·. ;:i_•.. .. -FRIITICH::: """"\1111},J· P.en,..onm11ru:.-IHOCHJ ·:it, @~ ,;$..:-.. .,. ;>'.< i< ;;->.-.... ·X. , .·»:w ·,,_?,;,. touota lono travel system . Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van Dan' long travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off roaders out there. Page 34 ford long travel system custom i beams Offroad bullet proof design provides maximum strength with 4130 Ou-omoly steel 1 / Bth' thick plate and tubular inner structure. 1990-94 lord ranger .,- p erformance sustem Our extended radius anns are offset further inboard offering increased tire clearance and 4' more wheel travel Dual Shock System 2 shocks per front wheel, adds high performance dampemng. B' Suspension System used in a racing application with coil over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of wheel travel extended radius arms Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard for increased tire clearance. Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on ford ranger z.s·· performanc e s ustem 2.5' of lift with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 (10 ., .. tong travel sustem Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires. December 2002 ano1e·d fiberglass e !! e !limer(!! ! include ~nt fenders, bedsides and hoods. The front fenders and bedsides are Oared with wheel travel in mind. spare tire mount ~ Constructed using 1 1/4' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount Over 25 Styles stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment of stamped steel tabs simplify your fabrication needs . wwwfabtechmotorsports_com DR E-MAIL US AT inf□@fabtechrnotorsports.com Dusty Times
Light Force's Dan Schott was there to educate the crowds on the Over 35,000 enthusiasts passed up and down the aisles, the entry Barrie Thompson's Skyjacker Suspension equipped Jeep was a big virtually unbreakable lights, really great for the off road. lines were long all day, both days. ========= hit with the crowd, seen here looking for speed secrets. Terrible Herbst was there in force, they displayed their Trophy Trucks, Web-Cam's Vice President, Laurie Dunlap was on hand with more Expo dignitaries Walker Evans, Sal Fish, Paige Donohoe and bob Truggy's and their real trick pre-runners. than 20 years of experience for show goers questions. and Tim's (his brothers) Ford show for meeting recreational off-ation areas open to public use." Trophy Truck. Damen Jefferies' roaders, and he too, liked it that They gave away over $50,000 Ford Trophy Truck was also there, he got to meet and talk to folks worth of terrific prizes, most do-and so was Nick Baldwin's new from other parts of Southern Cali-nated by members of the group. Trophy Truck alongside Mark fornia, who might not otherwise The Expo folks had sold all Post's. Several of the good look-have known about his company. their display spaces long before . ing Jeep Speed race cars were on Cohen remembers the old showtime, so those who signed on display, and John Marking's Class SCORE shows from the late '70s, later were given display space out-1 Jimco was there, as was Vic which used to draw huge crowds side, along the perimeter of the Bruckmann's SCORE Lite car and to the Anaheim Convention Cen-building. That was also where Mike Malloy's 1600. A person ter, and he says this show reminds some of the more exciting race ve-considering building a race car him of those. He was particularly hi cles were parked, and the had a lot of very good examples pleased that the exhibitors in-Goodyear, BFGoodrich and to study. eluded companies with products Herbst family semis were set up Some of the folks who compete for campers, trail-riders, rock also. It was possible to walk in the CORR series, regularly seen crawlers, sand fans and others not through the Herbst semi and have on television, had their cars there, necessarily related to racing. a look at how a well organized including Kurt and Kyle LeDuc, Bruce Simurda, of Hot VWs Bower. Photo: Ann Donaldson and well equipped race team goes expo team had already begun tak-to the races. A live band per-ing signups for next year's event. formed outside most of the day, This is definitely a show to plan and a dirt race course for radio for. Next year's Expo will be on controlled off road cars had been October 4th and 5th, and anyone set up in the shade of the big trees. involved in off roading, no matter With just under 250 exhibitors, how, should mark his calendar. It's and a record 35,792 attendees, this a once-a-year opportunity to see a year's show set another record. The huge range of exhibitors and manu-city of Pomona liked the fact that facturers, along with their experi-the hotels in the area filled up, the enced and well informed represen-Fairplex people reported that the tatives, all in one place. parkinglotsfilledµp,andthecon-Wear comfortable shoes, cessionaires were beginning to bring the kids (they're free if un-worry about running out of food der 12 years old) and plan to and drink by the time the show spend the entire day at Off Road closed at 5 p.m. on Sunday. The Expo 2003. · Evan Evans, who was there in per-Magazine, also liked talking to the son, Scott Douglas and Rick Huse-folks who came to the show. He says man. he gets good ideas for the magazine Walker Evans had his very fancy from the people he talks to here. Rock Crawling Chevy on display, He also felt it was important to TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year and there was an exotic Avalanche showcase the industry to the com-rock crawler that looked like a me-munity, to demonstrate that off-chanical spider. Every display of roaders are not some obscure off-these wonderful vehicles seemed to shoot of the automotive industry, have someone peering in to or but a healthy big chunk of it. crawling under them. Many with Sal Fish, President of SCORE camera in hand. A person could International said the Expo people have worn out the knees of his jeans had "done a spectacular job", and just poking around under all the that the show was an opportunity vehicles on display. to share the industry with people We talked to some of the folks in Metropolitan Los Angeles who who had exhibits at the Expo and may have been "just on the fringes" asked them why they were there, of the sport. Fish was another who and what it did for them. Jeff Field, appreciated the chance to talk to of Transaxle Engineering from people he wouldn't ordinarily Chatsworth, told us that he liked meet at the races. He liked the fact it for the exposure it brought to that the Expo was "bringing the his company. He said that about whole industry to one place." 95% of the folks wandering by had In the midst of the rnanufactur-no idea what he was about. But ers and retailers, there were oppor-that the five percent who realized tunities to learn about the politi-he was a performance transmission cal aspects of off-roading, and builder would stop and ask ques-some ways to help. CORVA (the tions, and he could count on some California Off Road Vehicle Asso-of them becoming new customers. ciation) had a booth, as did ORBA He liked the fact that he reached a (the Off Road Business Associa-new market. tion) and the C.O.R.D.A. (the Roy Dehban, from Kartek in Coa-lition of Off Road Racers). Corona, also likes the opportu-The American Sand Association nity to talk to potential new cus-(ASA) was also there, as was the tomers. He was introducing a new San Diego Off Road Coalition 1st Overall -1st Class l MDR Lucerne 300 line of truck suspension parts, (S DORC); all representing the off. and thought the Expo was a good roaders in their constant efforts to opportunity to meet off-roaders keep public lands open and avail-who weren't necessarily racers. able. ORBA had a drawing late on Mike Cohen, from Race Ready the second day, the proceeds of in Chula Vista, said this is the best which were to help in the "continu-ing battle to keep off road recre-Dusty Times TRANS.AXLE ENGINEERING JEFFnELD 9763VARIEL AVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 -818-998-2739 December 2002 page 35
-C.O.R.D.R.s 2002 Operation Clean Desert Ill By Sheryl Cannon The Coalition of Off Road Desert Racers held their annual clean-up in Barstow, California on October 19; 2002. The weather was most accom-modating, with clear, sunny skies and 80 degree temperarures ruling the day. Scores of volunteers showed up, each ready to get down and dirty for the cause. Not surprisingly, the Mojave Desert Racing, Inc., gang was on hand. Jim and Patricia Williams, who run MDR, have participated in all three desert clean-ups. Tom Willis, the club's popular Starter/Flagman, was also in attendance. A few of the many others lending the C.O.R.D.R. staff a helping hand were C.J. Stewart, Kreg Dona-hoe and Greg Gagnon & Jen Cole-Photos: Ann Donaldson man of United Pre-runners. For the first time since these desert clean-ups began, participants actu-ally had to search to find heavily lit-tered areas. Although a good sign, the clean-up effort remains far &om over. Donahoe played scout for the group, locating areas of heavy debris and notifying volunteers via radio. As the day wore on, several tons of trash were loaded into two enormous Desert Disposal roll-off dumpsters. A big THANK YOU goes out to Mike Dill and his MD Racing Team. The multi-talented MD crew showed up ready to rock, with a Bobcat (Loader), a 10-wheeler (Dump Truck) and a flattened truck. Despite Trucks come in with all sorts of trash, from bedsprings to tires to washing machines at the Operation Clean Desert Ill. !"!'!'!~'ID'Timim!W"'!F?T"""~---------, Sign up started early in the morning, all concerned put in a long hard The Mike Dill Race Team came prepared to work, they brought a Wayne Nosala found part of a trike, and dutifully brought it back to day clearing trash from our desert. Bobcat loader and a dump truck for the festivities. the collection area. A fUll llRVICE PRIPARITION fACILITY DIDICITfO TO IAUTYI■ Page 36 December 2002 Dusty Times
BLM's Mike Ahrens has the glove on and is ready to help with unloading the trash into the rolloff bins. Another truckload of trash bites the dust, compliments of the Operation Clean Desert Ill group. Sheryl Cannon, your correspondent, gets ready to head out into the boonies and bring in more trash. the event being a "team effort", some well-deserved individual recognition was bestowed upon Kris Hernandez for his particularly awe-inspiring con-tribution. Hernandez was honored for bringing in the day's biggest load, an impressive haul which included three sofas, a Lazy-boy recliner, car-peting and a bunk bed mattress and frame. A tow strap was presented to this year•~ "largest load" winner, who had the living room and bedroom furniture stacked several feet higher than the cab of his short-bed Ford Ranger. All in all, the clean-up effort removed more than 13 tons of refuse from the area, according to C.O.R.D.R. Secretary Tim Lindsay. Thirst proved a non-issue on the day, thanks to an unlimited supply of beverages provided by the Terrible Herbst gang. Each participant was pre-sented with a nifty "Operation Clean Desert III" T-shirt. The shirts, designed by Rory Ward of"Racers Only," were courtesyof1SCO. When the workday was done, everyone headed for the Slash X Cafe to partake in a delicious Bar-B-Que Chicken and Rib dinner. The cost of the evening's culinary cui-sine was graciously covered by Kartek and Donahoe Racing. All clean-up participants received a free raffle ticket at sign-up and additional ones for each load they brought in. Tickets for a sepa-rate raffle were also available for $5.00 each. Business was brisk, thanks to the donation of several really terrific prizes. Included among those items were sets ofBilstcin Shocks and Deaver Springs, also a Tubing Bender, Motorola Ra-dios, various videos; DVDs and a free weekend stay in Laughlin, Nevada. Once the Bar-B-Que was underway, C.O.R.D.R.'s president began an-nouncing the winning raffle numbers. Bob Nosala and R.C. -Smith were two individuals embraced by Lady Luck. Smith took home the Tubing Bender and Nosala won the three day, two night Laughlin stay, donated by Riverinfo.com. Lightning struck twice for C.J. Stewart, who won two of the Motorola Radios. The enterprising Stewart held an auction for one of them, drawing a winning bid of $90.00 from offshore boat racer Tom Bab-bitt. In typical C.J. fashion, Stewart then turned right around and donated the moneytoC.O.R.D.R. The winner of the Bilstein Shocks, Amanda (last nan1e unknown) was not present at the raffle drawing. Apparently, the tele-phone number on her winning ticket is no good. So Amanda, or anyone with a friend named Amanda who bought a raffle ticket, you may want to get in touch with C.O.R.D.R. ( www.cordr.org.) And on that rather troublesome, yet ironic note, it's time to bring this year's "Operation Clean Desert III" story to a close. I'd like to personally thank everyone who took part in and/ or contributed to this noble cause. It couldn't have been done without you! The following is a partial list of those generously contributing to this year's event. Dusty Times Telcom/Motion Tire, Frank and Marketing, K & N Filters, Off Road Carolyn Hines, A.R.T.S., Terrible Expo, Baja Racing Products, Ntense-Herbst Motorsports, MD Racing, Tube Tees, Off Road Warehouse, Rod Hall Specialties Company, Kartek Off Racing, PCI Race Radios, Ivan Stew-Road, Miller & Cannon, CPA, Dona-a rt/Protrude, Desert Disposal, hoe racing Enterprises, Always-Positive Riverinfo.com, McKenzie's Perfor-mance Products, Race-<lezert.com, Sign T ranswerks, Bureau of Land Manage-Pros, Racers Only, Slash X Cafe, Cycle ment, Sunrise Consulting, Banana Parts West, Tim McElroy, T & J's Off Boat, Michael Notary, United Pre-run-Road Center, Deaver Springs, Tom ners, Toyota of Huntington Beach, Willis, RexaVCalcon, Mojave Desert Total Chaos Fabrication, Performance Racing, Hemquist and Associates, JG Electric and Dusty Times .. _-1, fir GERMAN AUTO DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-polnt sand rail seat belt RACE BELTS 2"-5pointmount 3" -5 point mount SIDE COVERS IRS. Swing axle KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# 200mm-up to 3000t GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# -2400# RACING PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ....... . 4 puc terramic . . .. . 4 puc ferramic with spring hub SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930 or T-4 cages 930 or T-4 or T-2 flanges Trick boots /specify) 930CVstar "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS a• travel-stock width a• travel-widened beam 10• travel-stock width 10• travel·widened beam TRI Mil EXHAUST T-1 1 'lz "chrome T-1 (1/,"raw T-1 1518" chrom T-115/8" raw T-4 chrome T-4raw GERMAN AUTO-HATS GERMAN AUTO 'T-SHIRTS. specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator. Includes alternator stand MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ MK/I ■ I \ ~ PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal With chrome pedal. With hydraulic throttle Replacement stave SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anyl'(here, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion Mount plate Coupler. Rack steering stops VAL VE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 413() Chromo/v Stock length ......... pr. 1 ¼ " longer .... ...... pr. 2¼ • longer .......... pr-. 4 • longer-coil over style pr. CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. l.soecl/v Ford or International) set ... SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3' X 3' . . ..... . 1-21600, 5-1600. CATALOG ... 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-863-1123 FAX 562-929-146-1 December 2002 Page 37 •
32ND WRC PROPECIA RALLY NEW ZEALAND Peugeot-Granholm Win Big By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Marcus Granholm and Tfmo Rautiainen took the New Zealand win and the drivers Champipnship and the Manufacturers championship, a GREAT season in their Peugeot 206. Both full world rally cham-Rally because the stages are pionships titles were clinched at smooth, you can attack every the Propecia Rally of New special stage flat out." Like in Zealand with two rounds of the Australia, which follows, this 2002 series still to go. Peugeot event does not comply with the once again gained a maximum new style rally format by hav-points score, their last remain-ing no fewer than four differ-ing rivals, Ford being sidelined ent service area venues in op-by crashes for both Colin eration during the course of the McRae and Markko Martin, event, as well as a fifth ro be giving rhe French team their used before the event at shake-third successive Manufacturers down. There was a massive title. And Gronholm, after an-4WD turbocharged presence, other rally with technical prob-in fact, 64 of the 81 entries !ems, gave up hope of taking his were Mitsubishis or Subarus, second driver's title on this oc-with only two cars (a Oaihatsu casion, his rival, Richard Burns and a Honda -privateers) with-went off the road and gifted this out total traction and with to the Finn. It was a rally in-normal aspiration. New this credibly full of accidents, de-year were some changes in di-spite clear conditions through-rection of stages, particularly out. There were two incidents the traditional Whaanga Coast involving TV cameramen Road, a new shakedown loca-and also a spectator. The two tion for the championship cars remaining FIA titles waiting to and there was promise of bet-be won are for the Production ter conditions on the stages. Series, between three drivers, in The annual repair work had Australia, and the Junior Se-been rescheduled so the stages ries, where the result of the would not have so ·much loose Network Q rally will decide the gravel on top of them. title. It was likely that two world With only gravel rallies re-titles would be gained on this maining between now and the event, and quite possibly a end of the series, the 2002 third (PCWRC) as well. Peu-championship went to New geot started the event only three Zealand for the 12th round, points away from their third widely rated as the most enjoy-successive world title, however able rally _on the calendar, on many points their remaining ri-account of the smoothness of val, Ford, scored. Gronholm the gravel roads and the flow-was still being chased by Burns, ing nature of the bends. The Colin McRae and Gilles Panizzi, roads are often highly cam-all of whom had the chance of bered, with a scattering of the Drivers title, but Gron-stones on the surface, which are holm only needed seven points progressively cleared away by to clinch it. Subaru carried out each passing car. Richard Burns pre-New Zealand testing in Fin-said, "I like the New Zealand land after the Neste Rally, ·on 32.. Piopecla Rally New Zealand 316 October 2002 WC round 12 PCWRC round 7 roads, which Makinen found, were surprisingly comparable with those in New Zealand. Al-ister McRae had to withdraw after an accident on a moun-tain bike before Sanremo, his Mitsubishi was being driven by Jani Passonen. Skoda returned to New Zealand for the first rime in six years, and this event represented the fifth anniver-sary of Hyundai's commitment to regular World Champion-ship Rallying. This was the sev-enth, and penultimate round of the Production Car Cham-pionship and all the remaining contenders had to start both New Zealand and A(1stralia to qualify. Current leader Singh started with an eight point lead over Ferreyros and continued to run his Evo VI based Pro-ton for both events, with the third chance of a World title from this event. Two drivers were missing, Gustavo Trelles, four time FIA Group N cham-pion had withdrawn from the series, and Pavel Valusek, due to a neck injury from his crash in Poland. Leg 1 -Eight stages, grav~l, 117kms. The rally began in the center of Auckland with the ceremonial start on the Thurs-day evening, with cars being brought onto the ramp from different directions. The show went well, even when the rain arrived as the top local drivers came along. On Friday morn-ing the rally headed down to the first stage in the area around Ragland, on the west coast, south of Auckland, and the weather was glorious. The WC points WR WO PC 1 (2) Marcus GRONHOLM/Timo Reutieinen FIN Peugeol 206 WRC 2 (3) Harri ROVANPERA/Voitto Silander FIN Peugeot 206 WRC 3 (10) Tommi MAKINEN/Kaj Lindstrom FIN Subaru lfTl'"lZB WRC 4 (4) Canos SAINZA.uis Moya E Ford Focus RS WRC 5 (19) Juha KANKKUNEN/Juha Repo FIN Hyundai Accent WRC 6 (16) Freddy LOIX/Sven Smeets 8 Hyundai Accent WRC 7 (23) Gilles + Herve Panizzi F Peugeot 206 WRC 8 (15) Toni GAROEMEISTER/Paavo Lul<ander FIN Skoda Octavia WRC 9 (7) Francois DELECOUR/Oaniel Gratal~ F Milsubishi Lancer EYOfution WRC 10 (17) Annin SCHWARZ/Manfred Hiemer O H}U1dal Accent WRC 334NQZ75 (FJ 344NQZ75 (Fl X27SRT (GB) EX0208C (GB) X22HMC(GB) X23HMC (GB) 327NQZ75 (F) MB090-41 (CZ) KR02DME (GB) X24HMC (GB) 3h.58m.45.4s. 10 10 4h.02m.33.0s. 6 6 4h.03m.11.7s. 4 4 4h.04m.34.3s. 3 3 -4h.05m.55.6s. 2 2 4h.06m.37.9s. 1 1 4h.07m.09.8s. 4h.07m.41.5s. 4h.09m.29.0s. 4h.10m.20.2s. Page 38 December 2002 Kristian Sahlberg and Jakke Honkanen drove their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII to first PCWRC and a nice 14th overall. Peugeots, as predicted, raced off into the distance. After the end of the first stage, the first non-Peugeot was Tommi Makinen's Subaru, a quarter minute behind Richard Burns, in the lead, who was running second car on the road. First car on the road was Marcus Gronholm, who was less than a second behind. But, on the sec-ond stage, Gronholm's troubles began. "Suddenly there was something on the windshield and clearly it washy-dra u lie fluid. Fortuna rely, we found that only the central dif-ferential was affected." The damage was not too serious and he held his third place, behind teammate Rovanpera. Things got worse on Stage 5, "soon af-ter the start we found the clutch was slipping very badly, we could carry on by turning the boost down, then the prob-lem started to clear itself and it was fine on the next stage!" As the day wore on, Makinen found his engine again was not giving full performance, and he slipped behind Joni Paasonen, who was becoming the sensa-tion of the rally. Paasonen's day started on the opening stage, wen he finished in the fifth spot. A smile never left his face all day, especially when the rally reached Stage 5 and he scored fastest time! It was the first scratch time for Mitsubi-shi since Safari 2001. On Stage 3, Paasonen hit a rock, which nearly threw the car off the road and the rear suspension was damaged in the incident. Toyota driver Kuchar found the same rock and suffered the same result with his car. Ford was not as happy as they would have liked. Sainz stalled at the start of the first stage, Colin McRae and Markko Martin didn't have the grip they expected. McRae dis-graced himself when his car slid off the road and stuck over the edge of a bank. When the car was retrieved, the radiator was fcrnnd to be damaged. Sainz was delayed with a spin. All was not going well for Subaru. Makinen's rear differential was not working properly and Petter Solberg lost all his brakes near the end of the long Stage 4. Once again, Martin found himself the highest placed Ford driver, but this time behind both Subarus, and in front of the Hyundais of Freddy Loix and Juha Kank-kunen. Sainz found himself next, in front of Gardemeister in a Skoda. The second Skoda, Kenneth Eriksson, was missing off the road. He said his brakes had suddenly failed and he spun the car off the road to slow it down. The last two stages of the leg were at the Superspecial at Manukau, 20kms south of Auckland City, where Paasonen dropped behind Makinen and Solberg scored best times on both. Many cars damaged their bodywork against some of the barrels, including Schwarz, who found a water filled barrel in his path. In PCWRC Ligato took an immediate lead, but fell back, being unhappy with his brakes, which were overheating. He was challenged during the day by Manfrinato, but had a spin and Sohlberg took the lead. Ferreyros starred badly, stuck in the dust behind champion-ship leader Singh, who struggled to finish rhe first stage on a flat tire after hitting a rock in the road. Alex Fiorio's Mitsubishi wasn't do-ing well but after adjusting the differential it was much better. At the start of Stage 4, Singh had gearbox failure and re-tired. Dimitar Iliev was un-happy with his car's handling, on roads he himself was unac-customed to. Ligato's engine began overheating and he was concerned that this was the start of another Finland fail-ure of the head gasket. Baldini's car was misfiring, Kollevoid had a nice 360 degree spin and stalled the engine and Marrini had a broken turbo-charger. Three PCWRC drivers ended their rally off the road, Alfredo De Dominicis was up-side down in a river, Toshiro Arai was rightside up, also in a river and Beppo Harrach went off the road and finished on top of McRae's Focus. Leg 2 -Ten stages, gravel, 204kms. Overnight the rally had moved again. This time the trucks moved more than 300kms from Ragland, past Auckland, north to the rural riverside village community of Ruawai. The entire population of Northlands seemed to be there, all the rally people were welcomed o.n their way to the town where once again the ser-vicing took place on the main roads in the shipping center. Here, Stage 11 is 59km long, the longest on the series save Africa. Mitsubishi had changed many things· on Delecour's car and somehow cured the handling problem. Makinen started the day in fourth place, having got ahead of Paasonen on the night-time Superspecial stages, but he Dusty Times
Tommi Makinen and Kaj Lindstrom on their way to third overall in new Carlo Sainz and Luis Moya were the first Ford across the finish line, Juha Kankkunen and Juha Repo ran their Hyundai Accent to a fifth place finish, seen here. at speed. Zealand in the great looking Subaru lmpreza. they were fourth overall in New Zealand. made a bad tire choice for the The PCWRC series was still head gasket and, although the first two stages and dropped to being led by Sahlberg but Man-power had been affected, at sixth, leaving teammate Solberg frinato was only seconds be-least the water kept its proper in fourth, best non-Peugeot. hind, followed by Fiorio. Ligato temperature. Fiorio had fidence was going away. Both changed but then he had brake Rowe and Ligato passed him on troubles. Ferreyros disap-the second stage. Then, on the peared with engine failure, a long Stage 11, Manfrinato, hav-connecting rod let go and there ing had his clutch repaired, lost was metal all over the road. Now came the famously long started the day in sixth place, troubles, his car was uncontrol-Stage 11. Paasonen misjudged but the team had changed the lable in the corners and his con-fifth g·ear. Marrini's turbo was Continued on page 40 the braking on a right hand bend, went off the road and rolled into a field. Granholm made this stage his test, and was he going to be stuck down in third place or could he make a bid for victory? If he stayed in second behind Burns, he would still need one extra point, from one of the two remaining ral-lies, to gain his second world title. As it stood now, the only title to be gained on this rally would be the Manufacturers for Peugeot. At the end of the stage, Gronholm, despite brake troubles on the second half of the stage, had managed to get ahead of Rovanpera, but Burns was quickes~ on the stage and for Gronholm, the writing was on the wall. "There is no change to catch Burns, the Drivers title is going to have to wait for Australia." Peugeot cars were 1-2-3 on the stage, Subaru was 4 and 5, despite both driv~rs having broken EMI mousse, Makinen having h""d two broken inserts. Then came a run of four stages which were going to turn the rally on its head. First, Martin went off the road (an unusual occurrence for him) when he slid wide under brak-ing in a corner, hit a bank, rolled the car and a small fire ensued. Then along came lliev in his PCWRC Mitsubishi which hit the Ford and three spectators, two of them pho-tographers, who were injured, one of them trapped under the wreckage of the cars. Two works Fords had now retired and both of them had been hit by other cars, when off the road. Then, another drama, when Burns, nearly three quarters of a minute in the lead, went ~nto a corner too hot, barrel rolled the car and retired. This was astonishing news for Gran-holm. "We waited for five min-utes at the end of the stage for Richard to arrive, so we.could check his time, but he never ar-rived, so we left, none the wiser, but knowing we were strongly in position to be World Cham-pions.". Gardemeister said his car was unstable in corners and on the straights. Loix was get-ting happier, having replaced the mechanical rear differential with an active one. Makinen went fo r a spin. Gronholm was now half°a minute ahead of his teammate, Rovanpera, Subaru was 3 and 4, Sainz, in the re-maining Ford, was fifth, in front of two Hyundais. Dusty Times New Logo, New Na.me, Same Great Tra.n.saxle "The MDS CONTINUES ITS WINNING WAYS IN 2002" Congratulations ·to all the Winners! First Place Class 10 Honda Terrible's Town 250 Chris Harrold First Place Class 12 Baja 500 First Place Class 12 Terrih/e's Town 250 Ridings Crew First Place Class 12 Parker Jerry Penhall Vic Bruckman/Brian Coneen * Utilizes same "Extreme Duty" gearsets as MD4-2D 100% shot peened. * 100% CAD designed. All new billet shift heads and rails. Ball bearing shift housing. * Available now from all authorized ••Menoeola Dealers." 290 Trousdale Dr. #J, Chula Vista, CA 91910 619-691-1000 www .mendeolaracing.com December 2002 619-691-1324fax Page 39
• >-The Delecour/Grataloup Mitsubishi Lancer cornering on the gravel, they ran to a ninth overall. Marcus Granholm won his Drivers Championship in New Zealand, he and Peugeot are a marriage made in heaven. The outback of New Zealand makes a perfect place for resting the eyes and for going fast on a rally. There were only eight cars run-ning in the category and Baldini was struggling with electrical troubles. Marrini had to change his turbo and then had brake troubles and this was as far as he got, retiring when the car second place and Manfrinato went off the road. As evening into third. In the overall Group approached, Ligato started los-N, Sahlberg. was still ahead of ing time, failing from third to Possum Bourne and Bruce fifth, then a tire came off the Harbert gained sufficient bo-rim and this let Rowe up into nus points to become the New Zealand national champion for crews once again relocated the third year running. · themselves overnight. They Leg 3 -Eight stages, gravel, drove some 250kms and the 90kms. Peugeot were not in to- rally was off again. tal command. Following a 17 Again, the weather was fine hourdayofrallying,theservice and the cars headed south contingency $100cash + .$400 product A,,$.500 OFFER scia1E ~~~~a,~~ . ,-:c--~ff' DR AVE DESERT RA~ Page 40 BESTiNTHE DESERT RACiNO ASSOCIATl'ON SNORE South...,.. Net,6Ufa Olt..ffoad J!nthu•I•••--Ctr?~ Lightforce's new HID Blitz is the most powerful and efficient light in the off-road world. HID Blitz features a 9.5-inch parabolic reflector and draws the equivalent of a 35 watt bulb. Shatterproof, waterproof and lightweight polycarbonate construction ensures rugged durability from a unit weighing half that of competitors. An integrated ballast-the first of its kind in off-road-makes installation easy. Our trademark filter system allows you to change the color or pattern of the beam in seconds. The brightest light, most ~urable, most versatile and easiest to install ... This is no poser. H(D !llitz rocks! www.lightforce.com • (208) 476-9814 P.O. Box 9, Orofino, ID 83544 December 2002 again for the more traditional stages in Maramarus forest. Before the cars arrived there, there were two traditional pub-lic road stages. On the second of these, Gronholm took the chance to check his pace notes for 2003 and still beat his teammate, Rovanpera, who was second on the stage, by 28 sec-onds in 32kms! Rovanpera started having trouble with his central differential and this at-tracted the attention of Solberg, who gave chase. Unfor-tunately, this ended with a sud-den bang and the end of Solberg's engine, and Makinen took up the challenge on the wounded Peugeot which now also had power steering troubles. In the end, however, Rovanpera came home 3 8. 7 seconds behind Gronholm and the Finns took the top three places here for the second time in three years. All three Hyundais were going strongly with Loix in the championship points. When the rally reached Maramarua the stories were not over. Sainz went off the· road, damaged his suspension, but he went on. Delecour struggled with his Mitsubishi, and finally confirmed he was trying to change his driving style to emulate that of Paasonen, but this only served to stress his brakes. The work of the Press Office was further stressed when news came of an-other incident with a film cam-eraman who was hit by a pass-ing car and taken off to hospi-tal. In PCWRC Baldini retired with front differential failure, so there were just six finishers this time. Ligato dr~ve ·hard in an effort to catch Fiorio but Sohlberg, Rowe and Manfri-nato were all well beyond reach. Sohlberg had a panic towards the end of the rally when the rear differential and then the central differential failed, but he was still able to win. Priva-teer Manfred Stohl overcame endless engine troubles and a clutch failure to put up Group N times on a par with Bourne, faster tha'n the PCWRC cars. Bourne, however, held on to his position as top Group N driver but the top local driver to finish was Herbert with a Group N Subaru Impreza. The , FIA championship I'emained open with Singh, Ferreyros and Sohlberg all able ·to win the title, at the final round in Aus-tralia. .. ... ,, Dusty Times
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For the first tune in a long, long dnve ma 5-1600 car and I would be the while, we had a legitimate reason to go · navigator for him. So that meant we pre-running. Jo~n was ~igned on to had to go prerun. Ou~ seC1_\on was go-This is the :;ystem run by inost TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME off road race winners Page 42 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED PRE-RUNNING THE BAJA 1aaa We've Been Pre-Running Again By Judy Smith ing to be from the start line to Mile 349, where the course intersected the Bay ofL.A.roadatK15. Mostofitwasat least slightly familiar to us, and some had been permanently imprinted onto our backsides 20 or 30 years ago. No sweat! Or so we thought. Most racers are at least mildly super-. stitious. Omens mean a lot to most of ~s: or signs, or presentiments. We had some signs that I took to mean the pre-run was going to be a slam-dunk. First of all, we left home on a Friday, and arrived at the border before rush hour, got our tourist permits with no hassle and were in Ensenada before dark. We got all checked in to our hotel (The clerk took one look at our gray hair and asked us if we wanted a quiet room. We assured him we did.) and off-loaded the necessary luggage before heading out to behave like tourists. Things were look-ing good. We had an early and very relaxed dinner at El Rey Sol and then decided to do a little shopping. Usu-ally that means just looking in the win-dows, but John needed a new belt. We got that taken care of easily, and then wandered into the bistro just down the street from our hotel. We'd been given a coupon good for two free margaritas, and couldn't resist. The bar was also quiet and relaxing, and the bartender assured us it would be much more fun at 9:30when the band arrived. 'W e didn't hang around. We wandered back out onto the street we noticed an attractive display of silver in a nearby shop and headed · over to take a look. Engrossed in the window display we both walked smack · into a closed, sliding glass door! Umph! It didn't hurt, but my glasses were knocked askew, and when I put them straight I realized.one lens was gone. . Oh, s-! Without glasses I can't read. How would I read the "tulip notes" or the screen of the OPS? One of the salesladies came hustling out the door, crying "Cuidado, cuidado!" She had ; spotted the lens on the sidewalk, and didn't want us to step on it. It was all : in one piece, and I started thinking . about duct tape to hold it into the frame. Then I gingerly checked out the frame and found that it was also intact. December 2002 I heres a imle piece of almost mv1s1ble fishing line that holds the lens along the bottom, and all I had to do was stretch it a bit and pop the lens back in. Theoretically. I couldn't see well enough to manage the trick, but the young saleslady could and after about five minutes of patiently working it, the lens was reinstalled and apparently none the worse for the accident. So I took that as a sign that the pre:run would have to go just fine. A little more shopping to stock up on libations, and we were ready to call it an evening. We got into o.ur jam mies and settled in to watch a movie we'd missed when it was on our local t.v., again, thinking this was another good omen. Until the band fired up at 9:30 and we realized we were in the room immediately over the bistro. We tried turning the movie up, but it couldn't drown out the noise - er, music. So we called the desk and asked for help. We reminded them they'd said they'd give us a quiet room, and this one was decid-edly not quiet. They very quickly agreed and sent a man to help us move, up a floor and down the hall a bit, and far enough away so we couldn't hear any-thing. Whew! John is decidedly diffi-cult ifhe can't sleep -and a hibernat-ing bear would have had trouble with that racket! Another omen, right? We even managed to find the movie again and picked up almost where we left off. The rest of our stay passed without inci-dent, the shower had hot water in the morning, and there was a restaurant o~n to serve breakfast. We repacked the VW and took off, expecting a good day. We were not going to be able to pre-run the first 36 miles of course, because they weren't yet marked, so we headed right out the Ojos Negros road to where it picked up the trail at Mile 36. Got there about 9:30 and turned on the GPS. This was our first try at using the device, and I had a sheet of instructions which told me how to tum it on, zoom in, zoom out and turn it off. I wasn't sup-posed to do much but notice whether or not we were on track. I also had 13 pages of tulip notes, courtesy of SCORE's website, and our AM map of Baja. I was ready to navigate! What a morning! I he part of the course that makes up the section front Highway 3 and then back to Highway 3 at K78 is in terrible shape! It's only 42 miles, but it took us three hours to travel it. Of course, our poor VW was over-loaded, with a big ice chest, two duffel bags, our "pre-run box", a bag of grocer-ies, tools, spare parts and miscellaneous necessary items stuffed in every avail-able space. There was even a folding potty seat, and of course, the bottles of rum and vodka, tucked under my seat. We weren't in racing trim. And John was suffering from near-terminal disap-pointment. He'd somehow not realized thatthe course crossed the highway and went over by Tres Hermanos, and in his mind he'd been playing out that neat road through and beyond Ojos Negros, and up into the pine forest. He knew we'd cross Highway 3 at the "Goat Trail", so just figured he knew pretty much where we were going, in his mind it was all on the north side of the highway. To be confronted with all that twisty-turney stuff with whoop-de-dos so early in the morning was a shock to his system. He didn't like it at all. He sadly predicted that we'd be way late for our six p.m. date to meet our friends at Ruben's in San Felipe. And to make matters worse some of our gear wasn't packed weti enough for this ro;id and stuff started to clank and rattle. We stuffed my sweatshirt in between the potty-seat and the side of the car to quiet it down, but something kept making an ominous "crack" every now and then and John decided his seat was breaking. Then, just to make things more interesting, the course took a tum that didn't show up on the OPS. The little arrow that indicated us was floating in a sea of nothingness! But the course markers were obviously new and recently done, so we stayed firm, and we were right. Gradually, the little arrow floated back to settle on the course again, and all \W,S right with the world. Not only that, we came to Highway 3, crossed over it and were on the "preferred" side of the road. It's pretty bad over there also. There was some really soft sand with whoops, which probably don't even get noticed Dusty Times 1'
r by the big guys, but a VW feels every bump, and struggles with that soft stuff. It was tight-jaw time for a while there, but then eased up and looked more like the old Baja we have loved driving on for quite a while. We made a brief lunch stop, during which time the clouds closed in, the wind blew up and a few drops of rain fell, courtesy of the hurri-cane down south appatently. It wasn't enough rain to help. We wanted a gullywasher to smooth out all those damned bumps! John took the seats out and checked his thoroughly, but could find no sign of damage either to it or the frame. But we switched them never-theless. We never heard that awful noise again, but then we hadn't heard it since getting past the very worst of the first 20 miles or so. Lunch was quick, because John was still w<;mied about getting to San Felipe in time to meet Marilyn and Don, who were going to accompany us for the next couple of days. All the way over to the Goat Trail things looked familiar, the little arrow stayed right on track, and when the Tu-lip Notes omitted a turn or "Y", we could see that we were still on the trail. It's a terrific help. The Goat Trail is inde-scribable. It's a bit ofBaja history, be-ing part of the original road, and thus, part of the old race course, but it's so degraded, so steep and booby-trapped with boulders, with a sheer drop-off down onto the highway, that I just closed my eyes and hung on. The poor VW thumped and bumped its my down, and arrived at the bottom in almost the con-dition it had started. There's a new dent or two in the pan. Then we had 20 miles on the pave-ment before turning south into Matias Wash. Even that, lumpy as it is, seemed easy by comparison to the early part of the course. And then it hopped up onto that "high-road", and lo-and-behold, we skimmed along at 50 miles an hour! What a treat. The silt came next, and then miles of more whoops as we struggled toward MoreliaJunction, but the beleaguered VW made it. It was easy then for a while, 'ti! we dropped off onto "Dump Road", and then things got confusing as well as lumpy and soft. That area's been raced so often it's nearly worn out. And to make matters worse, there are a million roads, and suddenly, arrows of another color. A recent CODE race had gone through here, and the ar-rows were still in place, along with some which said "Poker", and I remembered reading about a Poker Run in the neigh-borhood. It's confusing to have so many arrows, and it makes you wonder if you're following the right ribbons occasion-ally, but the OPS was a big help in here. We wallowed along and suddenly were aimed straight for the arches, and with plenty of time to spare for our din-ner date. We left the course on the edge of town, headed in to Ruben's, but our friends, Don and Marilyn Hollander, weren't there yet. So we went back to town to fill up, and ugh! The gas cost us $2.50 a gallon. Once over the shock we headed back out to Ruben's again, and this time they were there. We had a good dinner, enjoyed a little of the World Series game, and headed out to find a motel. Don had checked the In-ternet for the lowest price, so we went for the one he recommended. It's a nice motel; we've stayed there in the past, but this time the desk clerk put the kibosh on it. There were the four of us and another five or six folks with Michael Jakobsen, also pre-running, and we all had our credit cars in hand. "Sorry", says the clerk, "can't charge your rooms, the machine is out of paper you'll have to pay cash." How's that for an excuse? We went to another motel, the Las Palmas, got a cheaper room and charged it, and in the morning a nice gentleman in the kitchen gave me two cups of coffee to wash down my granola bar. We went back out on the course to pick up where we left off while Don and Marilyn finished breakfast and re-load-ing their pickup. They would take the "pavement" south and meet up with us just north of Puertecitos where the course hits the pavement. This part of the trip was essentially uneventful, just a steady lump, lump, lump over the whoops. For a little while there's a pole-line road right next to the old Puertecitos road, and it's smoother, but it doesn't go all the way. At Puertecitos I whipped out my little hand-held and turned it on ln time to hear Don and Marilyn looking for us. They'd just driven in to town, and we were about three minutes behind them. As we zipped into town John spotted an arrow pointing to the right, in disagree-ment with the OPS that went straight. We headed back to it and I hopped out and went into the little police station there to ask if the arrow was correct. Did the course really turn right and head Worldwide benchmark manufacturer of . military-specification wiri_ng systems for all motorsport applications Utilizing the finest Raychem System 25 components, the industry standard far all professional racing sanctions. Engineering, assembly, and comprehensive testing performed 100% in-house. Complete harness assemblies and circuit oontrol components are available ta suit your budget. MoTeC Engine Management end Data Acquisition Systems Robust 32-bit sequential fuel and spark control systems built to withstand extreme racing end pre-running . punishment. Turn-key systems available for all popular off-road engine packages. Digital display and data acquisition systems for all levels of competition. Engine and chassis dynamometer services available. Sakata Motarsport Electronics, Inc. 699 S. State College Blvd, Suite F Fullerton, CA 92B31 Tel: 714-446-9473 Fax: 714-446-9247 www.sskstarnotorsport.com Dusty Times High-Accuracy Air-Fuel Ratio Meters Lightweight, stsnd-slone system works with all engines end alternate fuels -carbureted or fuel injected. For the dedicated engine tuner who needs to know exact;/y whet their engine is doing. No flashing lights -just the facts ... Nail it; t;o a nurnber! ,c-: ~ ~---,... ~~~ < ,, .:: ~, l'v'IDTDRSPDRT ELECTRONICS vve're making connect,or1s ... December 2002 up that narrow, rocky little path? In-deed it did the policeman told me; some-thing new that SCORE had done re-cently. So we headed up, with Don and Marilyn right behind us. I guess it will hold down the traffic through the middle of Puertecitos, but it barely skims past a few backyards. Those folks up there can sit on their patios and watch the race without being 30 feet from their own bath-rooms! After it drops back down to the road it's just the same old stuff -rocks and more rocks, and a lot of wash-board underneath them. We passed a whole covey of old gee-zers in their buggies, who turned out to be old friends we hadn't seen in a while, and then we stopped briefly to wait for Don and Marilyn to catch up and darned · if Gary Leupold ( Class 5 racer from years ago) didn't come bopping out of his compound on the way to the local dump. So we chatted with him, marked his lo-cation on the OPS, because he said he'd be part of a pit right there and headed on to Gonzaga for our next overnighf stop. We took a quick look at the camp area, and then headed off to see what was happening at the other end, down by Alfonsina's restaurant. A young man came over, looking worried, to ask ifwe PHILTR NICS • Ruoged comtruction 1n di-cast p::>wder coated case • Built III no,se filtering • Specially de~igned hairnet loud !:::>c:ikor£ & he::id&ei.E • Cpen or Ffface Nokia or Mili-. tc1ry spec ·noise cance ing m,kgs: · • Aviation typo boom anrs • Two way radio & video 1nlllf-needed anything right then. Did we. need a room or a meal? We said, no, we didn't, and he was mighty relieved be-cause they were going to close the motel and restaurant right at that moment, and wouldn't be opening it again until 4: 15 (a couple of hours from then) be-cause there was an important soccer match - a championship! That was fine with us -we just wanted to know if it mattered whete we camped, and he told us just pick any spot we liked. We chose one that had an outhouse with a door. Once we were all set up, had enjoyed our post-pre-run cocktail hour and de-veloped an appetite, we headed back to the restaurant, which had been reopened for a while by then. When we asked the young man, who turned out to be the waiter and bartender (maybe also the cook} how the soccer game had gone, he said it had been great, and "We won! We got to drive the Hummer!" It seems the soccer game had been between the Alfonsina's guys and some of their guests and the little group of military, which runs the checkpoint just up the road. The beach team had whupped the mili-tary, and they had collected on their bet, which meant they got to drive one of the military Hummers around for a Continued on page 44 ENI)UllO INTERCOM SYSTEMS {)µliom•· T\\<1 :,.ensn· audible warning S\"~• tern PHILTRE)NICS rall~ The new Philtronics Rallytrip Pro • Total & interval to 399.99 • Automatic calibration • Stage Stopwatch • True Average speed • Miles o, kms readout • Speed and/or distance • Count up or down or both • Freeze either disp ay • Super LARGE LCD read-outs Triple Layer RPM Corsa Race Suits Triple layer Nomex St;it The RPM :;Qrsa comes in a ran gt! of colours .. $699.00 .. ,.. Cou,t up or down or both • FreEze either c1sp1ay • Super LARGE LCD read-outs • On screen menu operation • Wheel sensor included • Remote rese1 included • On screen menu operation • Wheel sensor included • Remote reset included I'll.a!!\ $90.00 g Group A Gloves 1 1 Nome, and lea1hei~ Alli 11161 1/l!IIIJJJJ( l'hmc: 512 56S-1864 linmil: :.iu~tc1:x,ai1mr.com · 991 s J>ercc,o Un-. Austm. t·;t.\ '11. ,HJ I •)II~~ '' \\-'\\: Austi.-c~TllClllt.Ci)nl TX 787.17 Page 43
while. Easy to tell we were in Baja. This was a very odd pre-run we were doing. We had a great dinner at Alfonsina's and then went back to camp where Don and Marilyn did some mumbo-jumbo with their OPS, a com-pass and their DirecTV satellite dish, and voila! - We had the last game of the World Series to watch under the stars! They had a tent and an inflatable mattress to sleep on, while we did the switcheroo that turned our VW into a double bed, and we all got a good night's sleep. Even the coyote that wandered the perimeter of the camp overnight didn't wake us up. In the morning we had hot coffee thanks to Don's little propane burner, and we all ate fruit and granola bars and the like for breakfast. At that, it was a long time getting all packed up again, but there was no real hurry. That day's run was not very long - just from Gonzaga to the Bay of L.A. road. We had to stop at Coco's Comer to say "Hi" to Coco, even though it was still early in the a.m. And while we stretched our legs and enjoyed the nice weather we suddenly noticed that we had a flat front tire. Actually - Coco pointed it out. While John dug outthe spare and got ready to put it on, Darnen and Casey Jefferies showed up in Rick Roman's two-seater. They hadn't ever been on that road before and were fairly amazed at how fast it was going to be in the race. They had an alternator prob-lem they wanted to solve before they went on, so when we had our good tire on the car we said goodbye, and took off. Don and Marilyn weren't really pre-running, but were just touring Baja, and happy to have company. They had thought they might turn west at Coco's and head out to the pavement, leaving us to do Calamajue Wash by ourselves. But now Don decided that since we no longer had a spare, he'd rather stay be-hind us, just in case of problems. There was no fooling ourselves that the Jeffer-ies boys would be behind us for long, even though they were still working on that problem when we left. We I iked this part of the course a lot. It's scenic and not too rough, with only a couple of bony spots to watch out for. We made a quick lunch stop when we hit the broad, flat base of the wash and then headed west, with us in the lead and Don and Marilyn follow-ing. John and I kept trying to decide what kind of truck they had - that is -we knew it was a Dodge, but hadn't de-termined whether it was two-wheel drive or four-wheel drive. And we were chicken to ask. I think we were afraid we'd find out it was two-wheel drive, and then we'd worry. We kept reassur-ing ourselves by saying, "It must be a four-wheel-drive, why else would he want to drive through this?" Of course, he had no idea what "this" truly was. Calamajue was lovely. It was very green, with plenty of water, and rather than the stair-step rocks I remembered, there was mud in some areas. Plenty gooey and fairly churned up. The Jef-feries had long since gone past us and we could see where they'd churned a bit making their way through. Then the water slowed and disappeared for a while and we had soft sand. Not only was it soft and deep, but the trail was narrow and lined with big clumps of grass, taller than our VW and bigger around. There was nothing to do but to grind through it. Every time we got to a solid spot we stopped and waited 'ti! we could see the Hollanders coming, and then we'd go on, hustling a bit so we wouldn't make him slow down. We both made it. Marilyn had de-cided that Calamajue was lovely, and maybe she could begin to see what it was about off-roading that fascinated all of us. She was feeling the sense of ac-complishment that comes from complet-ing a difficult task. Now there was no question. At Crucero they declined to head for the pavement. They were going to follow us to the Bay of L.A. road. John and I still neglected to find out whether their truck was 2WD or 4 WD. Some of the course immediately af-ter Crucero was awfully whoopy, but then it turned into more like its old self, and we enjoyed the ride to the Desengano ruins. We spent a half-hour or so poking around the melting adobe walls and the scary, deep holes that are all that's left of the some kind of old mine. Then we headed on, with only five miles of our section of the course left t'o do. What we didn't know was that the last three were deep sand, in a narrow cut with high straight walls, through a jungle of cactus. John switched gas tanks so we'd be using the-higher octane U.S. gas from the front tank, back shifted, sweet talked the VW and kept his foot in it. I hung on, peering through the cactus to see if I could see any solid ground or alternate routes anywhere. There were none. We wondered how the Holland-ers were doing, but knew that even if they had trouble we could do virtually nothing to help. Eventually the sand just dumped us out onto the road and we were done! We pulled across the street to a solid spot and parked. Not five minutes later we heard from the Hollanders on the hand-held, "We're stuck!" We radioed back that they should let Ford F2S0/3SO SuperDuty 1999-2002 ~,ro $1,025 Also Avallabl• In e· & 11· kits Call for Details 8 Suspension lift $2,346 FITS 37/12.S0R16 Tires i!WD &IEYY ZONE II-It ZWI &ISII ¥6 Ultimate Lift ¥3 Cast Lift Spindles ¥Coll Springs ~~;rtrol Arms Performance Shocks ¥Rear Blocks & U Bolts lltll.lS (Run 33 lirM without a body lift) &l/'1 II-II tlll &ISII ¥7 Ultimate Lift ¥4 Lift Splndlts ¥Coil Springs ¥Upptr Control Anns ¥Rear Blocks & U Bolts ¥4 FabtKh Performance Shocks llttS.IS {Run 33 tlrf'S without a body lift) the air out of their tires to about five pounds, gave them instructions to smooth the path in front of the tires, and told them to start up slowly. We heard noth-ing for a long time. John walked over to look for a route back in, not wanting to go backwards on the course and run head on in to them, which would get us both Jeep 6rond Chero/Cee 9S-4J7 3 Suspension Utt $520.00tlllullwl XJ Oler'akee 95.97 3 Suspension Uft $535.00llllubwl Jeep Wrnngle, Y J 86-9' 2.5 Suspension Uft $569.00tbu..llttw Jeep Wrlll'1flle, T J 97•01 2.5 Suspension Utt $699.00tll&lJltlw stuck. There was no other route. We heard nothing -the batteries on my hand-held were low, we thought theirs might have died. Suddenly we heard a jolt of static. We radioed to them - "what's going on?" And heard-"we're moving!" It seems they'd followed our instruc-Continued on page 48 DE!iERT 97-up Ford F-150 99-up Ford Super D 99-up Chevy 1500 01-up Chevy HD ON SALE for ONLY $475.95 Performance Proven for Desert & Off~Road Use 150 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Some Uses: • Non Corrosive Polyethylene • One-Piece Seamless • Pit Truck Showers & Washdowns • Cooking & Kitchen Facilities • Extended Stay Water Storage Tanks • Bike Trailer Water Tanks • Car & Buggy Trailer Tanks . • Pressure Washing Storage Tanks • Heavy Wall Construction • Custom Fiffing Locations • New Systems • Auxiliary Systems • Replacements O.E.M. Trailer & Van Mh . In uires Are Welcome RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free C,atalog Page 44 December 2002 Dusty Times
SCCA LAKE SUPERIOR RALLY Higgins/Hyundai Triumph an The Peninsula B:, ]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: Tom Buchkoe Marl< Higgins and Brian Thomas drove their Hyundai Tiburon to first overall at Lake Superior, regardless of the weather. The 10th round of the SCCA national Paper Company's log-the ground to look for snow tire_s, ProRally tour, the Lake Superior ging roads were the setting and the combination of damp and Rally was held in mid October, there were a lot of stage miles to cold will certainly have an effect in, and near Houghton, Michi-be covered, 501. 96 miles, to be ori overall performance especially gan. As the song goes, the lake exact and along with the length on the service crews during their never gives up its dead and this of the rally and the drain on the late night ministrations. rally could make one wish they drivers, co-drivers and service The rally was originally sched-were at the bottom of the lake crews Mother Nature announced uled to start in the town of and all their troubles would be the end of the nice weather and Barage but the organizers made a over. dropped nighttime temperatures few changes to accommodate the There were 83 competitive cars into the ZO's and, just to keep large entry and the start was ready to do battle not only with everybody on their toes, she threw moved to Houghton. each other, but with the upper in some sleet and some snow. Subaru wants to win the over-peninsula of Michigan. The Inter- While there isn't enough snow on all Manufacturers Champion-, , ? ; f J PRECISION everything you need ta build. maintain and operate a racecar i!B65 6undry Ave. 5/gnal HIii, CA 90755 BUU.959. 7757 5Eii!!~4i!!7.i!!375 Fax: 5Eii!!.4i!!6.5i!!94 !fipal Fans Fire !fiystems Blef'f'e Helmets 51/lcone Turbo Hose Aeroqulp and !fitalnless Braided Hase Ii. Fittings Longacre Ii. lntercomp !ficales Ii. Alignment Equipment Nea !fiynthetlc Lubricants High Perf'armance Batteries MDITIO and !fiparca !fieats. Steering Wheels, !fiults and !fiaf'ety Equipment Aurora. NHBB and FK Rad Ends 5etrab, Lang and Fluidyne Oil Coolers CustalTI Brake. OIi, Fuel and Power !fiteerlng Lines Crow Belts and Harnesses see our carnplete online catalog at WW w.baherprecisian.cam Dusty Times December 2002. Tim O'Neil and Martin Headland had a fine weekend, they took their Subaru lmpreza WRX to the Group N win. ship and is trying to stack the deck, bringing in UK rally start Tapio Laukkanen and Johnny Milner. While neither is eligible to earn points for Subaru, they may be in a position to "lend a hand" to the championship points underdog. Hyundai, the five time overall Manufacturers Champion lost the crown to Su-baru in 2001, but has since risen to the challenge, debuting all new, from the ground up Tiburons in 2002 and they lead the champi-onship going into this final round. Adding to the international flair are returning Lithuanian rallyists Valdemaras Maciukevicius and co-driver Rolandas Zube. This is their sec-ond SCCA ProRally, they made their debut at Ojibwe Forests i-n August and were so taken with . American rallying that they ti:aded in their FIA licenses for SCCA ca reds. Day I . After three years of relatively clear weather, Lake Superior has regained its reputation for being the ·"Oldest, Toughest, Meanest" event by throwing a variety of con-ditions at the competitors. Driv-ers have been commenting on the various patches of muddy and hard roads and have had to ad-just their driving and tire strat-egy, especially during the later evening stages. Despite the com-manding conditions, at the end of the first night. 7 5 cars are still in the running out of the original 83 starters. Tire choices were exceedingly varied as the mostly slippery, sometimes frozen and sometimes very wet conditions caused many teams to experiment stage to stage with different compounds and pressures. With several stages to be run twice, conditions experi-enced on the first run frequently were completely different the sec-ond time around. By-Special Stage 5, the manu-facturers championship became Hyundai's to lose, with both of Subaru's nominated cars beset with minor, but delaying prob-lems: Lagemann delayed with a broken half shaft on Stage 2, Lovell with a bad tire choice on one of the stages and Johnny Milner excluded from the event for speeding in transit. Hyundai suddenly found itself in a posi-tion to relax. The relaxation was short lived however, when a very sore-armed Mark Higgins returned to service after running nearly two stages without power steering. A quick pump replacement got him going again in short order. The rear cross member on Paul Cho~niere's Tiburru1 collap~ed on a particularly rough section of Stage 6 and he had to be ex-tremely careful finishing that stage and Stage 7 to get the car back to service for a complete re-placement. Michael Halley, driving his Production "Stud Bug", from the Volkswagen TV commercial and driving with Karl Scheible had their day come to an end on Stage 7, they were leading the class 'til they ended the day in the trees. Even with the Manufacturers Championship dqwn to a two team race, and the Drivers Cham-pionship decided, many non-championship contending teams could become a factor. Rhys Millen and Seamus Burke are ahead of the second Hyundai, which could be very important later in the rally. The Hyundais need a fourth place finish to as-sure themselves the Manufactur-ers Championship trophy, re-gardless of where the Subarus fin-ish. Team Hyundai says they are happy with the early stages and are just playing it safe while hop-ing to move Paul Choiniere into the important fourth position. Continued on page 46 Bob Henderson and John McArthur splashed their way to a great Production GT win at the Lake Superior Rally · Page 45
The VW Golf Gti of Matt Johnson and Carl Fisher conquered the Don Jankowski and Ken Nowak were the Group 5 winners, seen Neither snow nor sleet could keep David and Shannon Johnson snow and sleet to take the Group 2 trophy here in their Dodge Neon SRT-4. from driving their Dodge Neon to the Production Class win. Ramana Lagemann and Mike Kidd were flying low as they headed to Ralph Kosmides and Jimmy Brandt part the waters as they sped to Rookie Of The Year award went to Doug Havir and Scott Putnam, second in Open in their Subaru /mpreza WRX. a fine second place in Group N in their Subaru lmpreza WRX. finishing this rally seventh in Open in their Subaru lmpreza. Day 2 just behind the Dodge of Don with their run at the Manufac-One of the competitors com-second in Group 2 in a Mazda Mark Higgins finally had a Jankowski. This put them in a turers Championship but he was mented that it was like driving Protege. In Group 5 Don rally come to him, instead of an-great starting position for the sec-out on a penalty as noted earlier through a mall parking lot, Jankowski and Ken Nowak took other round of the frustrating ond day and, when Jankowski in this story. people on both sides of the road the win in their Dodge Neon, Jer-string of bad luck that has been had to back off late in the day Several inches of wet snow fell and there was a woman and a emy Butts and Jonathan Vrzal with him his rookie year, with with driveshaft problems, on Stage 1. The stage was run in baby carriage on the outside of a were second, driving a Ford Mus-brother David Higgins' battered Johnson charged ahead, posting the opposite direction as Stage 3, corner. The organizers and the tang. Bob Henderson and John lmpreza soldering on after the an overall event gain of 28 posi-some cars failing to finish this focal constabulary decided that McArthur were the Production mid-stage wildlife altercation (he tions and his ProRally career first stage. safety had to come first. GT winners in their Subaru Im-hit a deer) in the darkness of last top 10 and first place 2WD over-When the rally moved west So when the timing clocks fi- preza, the Maciukevicius/Zube night's rallying and Mark Lovell's all finish. into the night, the snow had dis-nally stopped ticking, Mark Subaru Impreza was second .. WRX engine losing compression The down to the wire battle. appeared but temperatures in the Higgins and Brian Thomas had a David and Shannon Johnson in the latter stages of Day 2, Mark for the Manufacturers Cham pi-20's were there to remind every-· great win in their Hyundai Tibu-showed everyone the way home finally found himself in firm com-onship rests firmly in the hands one they were in the Upper Pen-ron. Ramana Lagermann and in Production class, driving their mand of his wining destiny. of now six time champion Hyun-insula of Michigan. Mike Kidd were second in the Dodge Neon to a nice win, Troy Tim O'Neil came into the Lake dai. With Mark Higgins leading This was the first year that Open class in their Subaru Im- Lee and the west coast's own Superior Rally in the midst of a the rally, Choiniere drove a sharp pace notes were available. Several preza and Paul Choiniere was Paula Gibeault were second in championship battle in Group N. event, staying within striking dis-drivers commented that the notes third in Open, Second Hyundai their Hyundai Tiburon. He drove very aggressively for two tance, knowing that he only allowed them to drive faster as across the line. Group N went to The old Press On Regardless days and took home the class win needed to finish fourth or higher the notes let them know what was Tim O'Neil and Martin Head-has seen its share of great driv-with six minutes in hand. How-in order to capture the champi-over the next hill or around the land, Subaru Impreza, second ing, lousy driving, accidents, ever, Ralph Kosmides, the points onship for his team, should some-next bend. Pace notes were avail-Group N was Ralph Kosmides ice, snow, fog and wind. This leader coming into the event knew thing befall the fortunes of the able for all rallies in the champi-and Jimmy Brandt, also in a Su-was one of the better years, lots he needed only to finish second Number 5 car. With Higgins en-onship series. ' baru Impreza. Matt Johnson and of good corp.petition and just to claim the Group N Drivers countering no problems on Sat-On Saturday, the Brockway Karl Fisher were the Group N enough weather to let you Championship and he did pre-urday, Choiniere was able to Stage was run, only once and with winners in their VW Golf, Eric know who is really in charge. cisely that, making sure his chal-loosen the reins on his matching only approved press allowed at Burmeister and Eric Adams were 'Ti! next year. · lengers, Utecht and Krolikowki car, and secured Hyundai's sec-the jump at the.end of the stage. were kept behind him. ond podium finish of the rally by One of the most popular specta-ln Group 2 Matt Johnson with bringing his Tiburon home in tor spots in the entire country co-driver Carl Fisher drove ·a third place. was closed to the general public great rally, and overnight be came Rally Highlights -Laukkanen due to safety concerns. Last year, · the next homegrown team to ended up running Henry Joy's hundreds of people gathered at watch. They stayed focused on 1996 Mitsubishi Evo IV as Henry the famous jump high above Lake surviving the rough weather and is in semi-retirement, but half Superior. The problem occurred the very slippery road conditions shaft problems prevented him when, after most of the faster cars of Day 1 in their VW GolfGti from finishing. Subaru also hadalreadygoneby,someofthe and came out of the night in sec-brought in 2002 British Rally spectators started to leave, walk-ond place in the 2WD category, Champion Johnny Milner to help ing along the side of the road. Page 46 REDI.JNE PtRf6/l/1ANCc, !JIC. LS1 & I-STAR PRE-RU■ OR RACE PACKAGES NORTHSTAR PACKAGES ROM $7500.00 COMPLETE 400 HP LS1 PACKAGES FROM $13,500.00 COMPLETE 485 HP WE OFFER COMPLETE DYN0 SERVICE$, ENGINE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS ANO AN UNMATCHED REPUTATION FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONR (714) 777-5758 PHONE (714) 777-5759 FAX "531 ESl!'NHOWl!lt ClltCLI! ANAHl!r•. CA. •2eo7 December 2002 PIKES service center Baker, California Celebrating 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS .•• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil~ SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times ·
CORR Champions Banquet By]. Preston Bradshaw Photos: J&L Photo The proud recipients of Class Awards are,(L to R) Marl< Kleiman, Mike Seefeldt, Scott Schwalbe, Josh Hintz, Jeff Kincaid, Johnny Greaves and Scott Taylor. DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME With INTERCOMS & RADIOS from THE SOLDER JOINT (Or we can help you do it over) DO IT RIGHT with the MAXON SP-4150 • Military Spec • 45 Watts • 16 Channel • Two-Year Warranty • $385.00 You think you're hard on your radios, you ain't got nothin' on the military! DO IT RIGHT with the RADIO LAB INTERCOM • Fully Digital, Fully Modular, Fully Custom • Fix on the fly with swappable parts • Two-Person $365, True Four-Person $480 DO IT RIGHT with HELMET KITS and HEADSETS • Race today, Play tomorrow with interchangeable headgear • Helmet Kits from $83.00 • Headsets from $94.00 ---;:~::=- Let our 26 years in the business help you! soLDER.Wtj~IMll: 808 N. Tustin Street• Orange, CA 92867 ~-e__g) 800-345-7234 • www.thesolderjoint.com Page 47 December 2002 A crowd of 400 was on hand for the 2002 CORR Champi-ons Banquet, held this year at the KI Convention Center and Regency Suites in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Seven of the eight division champions were honored at the banquet. John Greaves (Pro-4), Scott Taylor (Pro-2), Jeff Kincaid (Pro-Lite), Mark Kleiman (Stock), Scott Schwalbe (Super Buggy), Mike Seefeldt (Single Buggy) and Josh Hintz (Light Buggy) ac-cepted their trophies and other awards as the 2002 CORR Champions. Tommy Bradley (Sportsman 2) was not in at-tendance. Scott Taylor's total take home in cash from the series· was from CORR, Ford, BFGoodrich, Precision Gear and his wins in the Governors Cup and the BorgWarner races was $109,193 . Not toooooo bad! Tom Fredrickson, Lucas Oil Motorsports Director con-gratulated each driver who fin-ished in the top 10 and pre-sented checks and trophies to each champion. Champions in the Pro-4, Pro-2 and Pro-Lite will run entry fee free in 2003, compliments of Lucas Oil. The prestigious Michael Gaughan Award, recognizing one who has made a career of committing time and effort, was this year awarded to "Little Joe" Aguirre. Joe has been with Goodyear for over 30 years and is one of those people who is always there when you need something and is always ready to help you solve your prob-lems. Congratulations to Little Joe from the Dusty Times staff. Previous recipients have been Michael Gaughan, Jim Conway, Walker Evans and Jim Conner. Joe is in good com-pany. The Pro-4 Manufacturers Championship went to Ford Motor Company, the Pro-2 Championship went to Chevrolet and the Pro-Lite Championship went to Toyota. __ . .,ly Additional CORR Banquet Photos on Page 48 Your Car Stoos here! .I 934 MlcroDlsc Hub Assemblies If you're looking for the best In off-road braking, look no further. Kartek now makes the top-of.the-line MicroDisc assembly. Perfect for Big Horsepower Prerunners! Built by the people who know o~racing! {#ear uf for (#/amis! Paddles Auto meter Gauges Beadlocks Lazer Star Lights Fuel Systems Come Visit our NEW Superstore! 9 I Freeway @ McKinley In Corona Jj 2871 Ragle Way-Corona, CA 92879 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 909.737.7223-www.kartek.com Dusty Times
More CORR Banquet Photos •••. Curt Greaves (L) received the GM Mechanic Of The Year Award for Tom O'Conner took home the Pro-Lite Manufacturer Championship Phil Schilke accepted the Pro-4 Manufacturers Award for Ford Truck his work on Pro-4 Champion Johnn Greaves truck. award. =M=o=to=rs=p=o=rt=s=. ===================-"Litfle Joe• Aguirre, Goodyear's Man On The Scene accepted the Ed Cercek, Kumho Tires presented a check to Josh Baldwin, Pro Michael Gaughan Award for his service to the Off Road Racing Rod Wells took home the Kumho Tires Sportsman Rookie Of The Rookie Of The Year. Fraternity. Year award and a bit of cash as well. Baja 1000 Pre-Running (Continued} tions precisely, but Don had taken off with Marilyn jogging behind the truck, and he hadn't thoughtto radio bade to letus know our instructions had worked. Once he could stop to let Marilyn. in, she called to put us out ofour misery. Thirty seconds later they were in sight and · in no time were parked on the pavement. We were pleased to learn we \Vere still friends. But at that point, the Hollanders had had enough fun, and they decided not to go on through Bay . of LA and to Francisquito. They headed west and north, and home byway of the pavement. Can't say I could blame them. • We headed into Bay oflA, topped off the tank and had the flat fixed. It turned out that a sticker, affixed to the inside of the tire, had rubbed a hole in the tube. An easy foe. Then we headed for Francisquito. This is not a section we were scheduled to drive in the race, but it's a part of Baja we love, and v.e just wanted to go for the pleasure of it We were hoping that Javier and Chary Tiznado, who manage the little resort there, would be on site, but even if they weren't, it's always a nice place to spend an evening. That part of the course turned out to be pure fun. No deep sand, no whoop-de-dos, no washboard. Just a great graded road all the way to the El Arco road. We went on to Francisquito, found that Chary and Javierv.eren't there, but there was other good rofupany. And we got a fine fish dinner as a reward for the extra drive. We camped on the beach, enjoyed seeing the Milky Way one more night and aftera Continued on page 50. Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is our top-of-the-line racing cell that comes ready to install and ii S backed by a lull 10 year warranty. Dusty Times • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SOOA approved • Custom manulactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience for more info call or write to: Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Sale 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, Oregon 97701 (541 )388-0203 (541)388-0307 lax http://wNw.luelsale.com The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! MENDEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN iN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on · this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. · · December 2002 Page 48
Billy Bunch returned to the JeepSpeed winner's c·ircle after a long absence. His 39 mph winning average on a rough course with no flats from his BFG tires, follows the last two JeepSpeed races of 41 mph and 44 mph averages, demonstrat-ing how much the JeepSpeed Cherokees have developed their performance after only. 18 months of competition. kees were to run a total of three laps. Charlie Peltzer a-nd his wife Carrie blew away the troops in the fastest lap of one hour 13 minutes with an average of 42 mph. This was outstanding con-sidering Charlie's Cherokee runs stock engine, transmission and axles. Race Report Lucerne JOO September 28 Fifteen JeepSpeed race teams lined up for a sunrise photo shoot for a 2003 poster, at this fifth round of the American Racing JeepSpeea Challenge. The green flag was give to the JeepSpeed class at 7:24 a.m. led off by the teenage terror, Casey Currie, who was deter-mined to regain his champion-ship lead. Second Jeep was Steve Thomasson in the rusty 4x4 en-try, wh o reported that he caught Currie at the first nar-row rock passage that was only wide enough for one car. Nei-ther would lift and they went in side by side, and both came out with door mirrors torn off! Steve decided to back off from here. Third starter was ·Bill Quitmeyer followed by Rookie of the Year contenders, Char-lie and Carrie Peltzer, then Montana's Jared Prindle, Eric Helgeson of Long Beach, ag-gressive Billy Bunch, and cham-pionship contender Barrie Th-ompson. The final cars to start were Brian Rogers and Mike Barnett, both out of the T & J Performance Stable. · The 50 mile lap had really first rough first and last stages with a fast section in the middle. The JeepSpeed Chero-Second fastest first lap was posted by Barrie Thompson's two wheel drive Skyjacket entry at one hour 15 minutes, fol-lowed by Billy Bunch and Steve Thomasson dead heat by one hour 19 minutes, then Bill Quitmeyer 1.24 with Casey Currie, Mike Barnett and Brian Rogers in pursuit. The second lap opened the year end championship up to four drivers as Barrie Thomp-son was sidelined-for two hours Billy Bunch back in the winner's circle. . ~® _ _ CE./ MOTORSPDRTS U Super Cell Fits between the frame of ANY truck SCORE & FIA Legal Manufactured e.xclusively by Fuel Safe Toys Baj a 1000 Desert Buggy Metal M_ulisha, Baja 1000, LBZ, & Kawasaki Motorcycles Coming Soon: Trophy Truck & Truggy Bones® The best DZUS tool you'll ever own! Custom Colors & engraving available Quanity Discounts 0 Q) Q) Q) rac:: Specialty Tools & Accessories Helmets & Kool Air™ Systems Communication Systems e se Mil-Spec Electrical Products Safety Equipment Racing Wheels Satellite Phones & GPS Custom Chevy VB Engines PARTICIPATINli DEALER§ B & R Buggie -1523 So. Coast Hwy. -Oceanside, CA 92054 -760-722-1266 Baja Racing Products -1040 South Main St. -Fallbrook, CA 92028 -760-723-2117 Baja Shop Motorsports -264 Cypress St -Orange, CA 92865 -714-279-0778 H&M Motorsports -120 North Pacific St #H1 -San Marcos, CA 92069 -760-510-9586 Perry's Fab & Fiber -La Mesa, CA 91941 -619-463-1361 Race Ready Products -103 Press Lane #4 -Chula Vista, CA 91910 -619-691-9171 RACE~ ® M0TDRSPORTS • 3231-C Business Park Drive #318 Vista, CA 92083 USA 760-918-0777 Fax 760-918-0733 .c m Dusty Times December 2002 with broken rear wheel studs, at the halfway point. Bill Quitmeyer had problems but Casey Currie and Billy Bunch _ were ori a go-for-it mission. The Peltzers had to stop and weld a broken shock mount, but it was Steve Thomasson who was first on course going into the last laP.. Steve was running a small gas tank and had to stop for a top up while Billy Bunch put in a scorching one hour 13 minute lap to take the win. Ca-sey Currie moved into third place when Charlie Peltzer con-tinued to have shock mount problems. Barrie .Thompson recovered well to take fourth. Both Jared Prindle and Eric Helgeson dropped out handing Peltzer Rookie of the Year Award, from Howe Perfor-mance Steering. A note worth mentioning was Brian Rogers, who was fifth all day in a 2003 Sportsman SPEC car only to have electri-cal problems just yards from the finish. Many competitors came out to assist Brian who finally managed to get his car over the finish line under its own power after a five hour 16 minute last lap to take eighth place. Mike Barnett took sev-enth after overheating prob-lems. Bill Quitmeyer finished sixth. The 2002 American Rac-ing JeepSpeed Challenge can now be won by any of four driv-ers. Casey Currie 201 points, Barrie. Thompson 185 points, Charlie Peltzer 180 points or Billy Bunch 174 points. The year end cash and event payout, plus contingency awards will total over $12,500 at the JeepSpeed final in Bar-stow on November 23 at the Mojave Desert Racing, Stod-dard 250. $12,500 Prize Fund on the line at JeepSpeed Final, Barstow Noven1.ber23 There is a total of $12,500 at stake with the American Racing JeepSpeed Challenge final event at the Mojave Desert Racing Standard 250 in Barstow, California, No-vember 23. All drivers can share in this payout, but the big money will be a shoot out between the top four championship contenders of teenager Casey Currie, ex-perienced Barrie Thompson, Rookie of the Year Charlie Peltzer and veteran desert racer Billy Bunch. In addition to the $12,500 posted by American Racing Wheels, BFGoodrich, Valvo-line, Howe Steering, Skyjacker Suspensions and Rubicon Ex-press there will be additional prize money and contingency awards from Mojave Desert Racing. All this, plus trophies! Add to this the $15,000 prize monies and contingency paid out at the first five JeepSpeed races this year, we can proudly say we have the best prize fund in any single class of California desert rac-ing, totaling nearly $30,000 per season. Page 49
Classified ••• Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be le-gal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for infor-mation before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Class 12 Raceco. SS. FAT Motor, Fortin, King Bypass with Coils, Foddrill Arms, CNC, 38 gal. Fuel Safe, BFG's on Centerlines, UMP Power Steering, Parker Pumper, PCI, $21,000.00 OBO. ALSO Hallmark 24' en-closed trailer, Air, toilet, Spare Rack, $8,500.00. David (928) 220-2291, (928) 567-0347. tali/ ffool<s lfoOdloclts Dome Light Sidebars Overlays Bumperettes Side Mirrors Aluminum Diamond Plate ·r Genuine I .. : .. }~j--.::::l~16 Page so FOR SALE; Chenowth Millen; nium Class 1, 3.2L Acura Mo-tor, Fortin 5 spd., BFG, King Shocks, 934 CV's, Dose Fuel Injection, CNC Brakes. Car is very fast, car is fully prepped and ready to race, fresh paint. Too many spares to list. See more @ waddellracing.com. $57,000.00 OBO. Call Josh @ (760) 356-2131 or (760) 427-5012. FOR SALE: 2001 Geiser Bros./ JIMCO Class 10 single seat. Best of everything. King shocks, Fat Toyota 221 Celica, Motec, Fuel injection, Fortin 5 spd Fortin rack Geiser Bros Sway bar, must see. Includes spares. $75,000.00 (623) 581-5932. Very Fresh Bunderson Cl 1 or 10 single seater A-Arm. 3.0 type 4, Field automatic, new summer hubs, 935 axles and CV's, Char Lynn power steering, 32 gal Fuel Safe Cell, Beard, Master Craft, Park Pump, CNC, Howe. Com-pletely rebuilt in 2001. Prepped ready to race. $39,500.00 Ref #850. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Riviera Racing Class One Car. Nye Frank Suspension, Fresh 5.3 Li-ter . Patton Chevy V-6 (450hp), Jeff Fields 3 speed Auto Transaxle, Best of ev-erything. Winner of the 2002 Laughlin Desert Challenge and Laughlin Leap. $65,000.00. Call Jerry Whelchel for Details (949) 472-2024. t::1 December 2002 FOR SALE: Pro Truck, Dodge, Frame-up rebuild one race ago. Fully prep ready to race, Prep ser-vice available. $75,000.00. Call Albert (619) 659-9112. FOR SALE: 2002 Porter Truggy. 500 + H.P. Fuel In-jected Chevy V6. Turbo 400 Trans. Casale V-Drive, CNC brakes, Cone Hubs, Howe Rack, 60 gal Fuel Cell w/ dry break. Built exactly like Darnen Jefferies winning Trophy Truck. Call Porter Racer Cars @ (909) 687-5118. FOR SALE: Class 1/1600 Raceco, Fresh Saco motor, Re-built T. W. trans, new Fodrill arms & Spindles, King bypass rear, Sway-A-Way, Parker Pumper, CNC, Charlyn, Fresh prep, Race Ready, Spares Tandom axle trailer. $9,500.00 (562) 714-9013. Incredible Deal! '99 F-150 Stock Full-King Shocks. Ex-Andataco Syko truck, Currie, Autometer, BF Goodrich, Master Craft, Huge Ford contingency available. Also, a monster spare parts pack-age and trailer available. 45K OBO. Call on Ref # 848 Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 125" Raceco, Class 1, two seat, Scat motor with 5 spd Fortin, Bilstein shocks, Sum-mers Brothers, race safe, Hella lights. This car has all new parts and is ready to race, 3 pit boxes, 5 radios and base station. $25,000.00 or best offer. 30', 3 axle fully enclosed trailer with 6. 7 Onan generator $6,000.00. Call Pat at (209) 785-4143. FORD Pro-Truck-Ready to race! Fresh Hammes Brothers 358 ci (450++HP). 40 gallon Fuel Safe cell, Crisman rear end, Bilstein, CNC, fresh Mogi Turbo 400 trans, PCI radio equipment, Flame Out system. Lots of spares including 10 tires/wheels, fresh trans, complete body, 3 full pit boxes, etc. $85,000.00 Ref #861. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. Classified Ads Continued on page 58 Baja 1000 Pre-Running (Continued) lazy morning and a refreshing shower took off toward El Arco and the pavement. Thatpartofthedmev.ia.5easyalso. Wepas;ed a military Hummer parked off the roadbed, on the nice l:'M>-rut road along;ide it, and out of gas. One young soldier (with gun) was keeping it comµmywhUe the otherv.ia.5 walking towards E!Aroo to find fuel. He had about a IO.mile hike infrontofhim. Wegavethekidasodaand=ton. Byaboutihreeo'clockv.e\\-ereatCatavina, so\\edecided to spend thenightatSanta Ynez. We~npopped fora room, having learned that they now have solar power so theremuld be light Itwasalittlelikethe old days, withagaweof complete strangers sitting around the table enjoying the evening and telling Baja tales. They weren't all off-roaders, though onea:>Uple turned out to be Chris WUson's mother and futher, ard another pairwas his sister and brother-in-law. One of the lovelyrew.uds of poking around down in Baja is that)QU meet such interesting people. You may n=rsee them again, but fur the brief period you're with them )QU~ttoenjoynewand entertaining friends. The nextdayv,deft early, had lunch in Ensenada, cra;sed the border about 2 o'clock with no problem and headed into San Diego rush hour traffic. We were home in time for a late dinner. When \\esawthe Hollander:; nextweasked about that truck. It's a tv.owheel drive. For aguywho's not really an off-roader, Don did some mighty fine driving. As the omens promised, it had been a good trip. .-I 1ls Chair. ProSeat Mandated by <;3 'rli PROTRUCK RACIN G ORGANIZATION www.mastercraftseats.com Dusty Times 1:sn.m=:z: ..... mm : .m .............. ,. ..... 1 ... , • ..,i;: ...... --i..~
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners , Inc. p.o. Box 111 Ely, NV 89301 (702) 289-6708 • Suspensions . • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 www.advanceoffroad.com A1·s RACING WILDOMAR CA. r,,yota IFS 1uapenslon apeclallsta Long tr.1ve/ kit• and race trim packagea for 2wd. & 4wd. Pick-Up, Tacoma, Tundra, 1·-100 and 4-Runner m,w.ATSRACING,com (909)471-2418 - A 'ieeeee#9 ~~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BATrERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 Off Road True/ts Off-Road Fiberglass • Ofr-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 ·•01-naaF PEIFII-CI. . . Sliver Faced lFG's Liquid-Filled Gauges·from Auto Meter are notorious for being the totiglJes~. on the market. Combine thai with the fact Auto Meter also is known for it's reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. ~ www.autometer.com Y, Send $4.00 fo, a catalog to: Auto Meter Products, Inc. Dept DUOO • 413 W. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL60t78 • (815) 895-8141 f r:. RICI MIIII 1848 S.11111 Strffl Flllffltk. CA 92128 17111123-2111 11681123·9931 tu 11111racciittl.c111 www.hJICIICt•ts.c• ~ B R .QJ.K E· R S r' .r-. lllbhC.-irtr.a.,· ~ Racecar Sales cell 17181585-1188 ,11er IIHl 585-4H1 ~ NA ~ ~ s .F'::::., F~ -r:::;; SAND BUG6'ES • PRE-RUNNERS • RACE CARS FABRICAnON & ALUMINUM WORK i • Onlnge, CA 92865 fax (714) 279--0945 . ports.com Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 www.boatec.com e-mail: boatec@gbonline.com dun~buggys.con, 4584 Columbus Rd. Macon, GA 31206 478-474-9292 BRANDWOOD r,ARS FREE Catalog C.Jstom V~hicle Shifter for mld~engines and other applications 602-437 -3:1 fJ7 T -l:::.. oz -71s. . . • CACTUS RACING . Raceair Helmets & Accessories Bell, Shoei, Simpson Blower systems & cool boxes 5153 Bowden Ave. S~n Diego, CA 92117 -858-27J-2509 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 -------+-------------------.J.------------------4 • aiax AUTO WRECKERS. INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM.PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 0 F•ROAD FUIL CILLS 44 Gal. for $444.00 SCORE , CORR , BffD IIDR , PROTRIJCN SA-144 PRERUNN~RS, ETC. ...Al*M-W --atl fu•lc•ll•.com ~ ~ 800-526-5330 aerotec@c rnex.net • BM§ Engineering Specializing in Off-Road/Sa-1d cars/Pre-n.lrners Desert Racing Ct-ris HJnt Dave Terne.JS Ph.909-477-2142 Fax909-477-2102 9395 9th Street Rancho Cucamonge Ca, 91730 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#, (909)845-8820 products in stock Race Proven Fabrication Boatec Fiberglass Dimple Dies · Tubing Benders Bypass valves+tubes Sway-bar Arms Pre-Runners Desert Trucks Short Course trucks Paris-Dakar trucks A.CCOUNTING • INCOME TAX· CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON q,_RTIF{ED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 536 S. Second St, Suite E 626-653-2023 Covina, CA 91723 Fax· -626-653-2024
8111TIIIWEff ""IEIU#I TIEIEST IIMPION BEADlOCI ~<!.tNG WHEELS.lJ.S.A. WHEELS/ CONVERSIONS a• 1• u,• 11• 12• 13• 1s• 1e• 11• MflAN qARRETT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 93722 (559) 275-5183 • ·FAX 276-2365_ www.cllamplonwheel.com CHENOWTH t UCING PRODVCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com [CN(J Manufacturers of · Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass) Master Cylinders S'lave Cylinders Cuttihg and Sta~ng Brakes Hydraulic Thro~s T~rottle Pedals. CNC, Inc. and all of our accessori~s. 1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA'1J2'P'IO (619) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOA TEA REAR ENDS • f-'RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS . (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tr~P. Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 ! «~)RACING --~ i zu GASOLINE ~ i I 70RCO RACING FUELS CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-54.-COSBY . COSBY OIL COMPANY, SAN.TA FE SPRINGS, CA CRITICAL□ ULTRASONIC CLEANING · Oil Coolenl, Heat Excllangefs, Oil Tanks, Radiators, U,-, Fittings o_i\.:' 30'3 oak Street □ CRACK INSPECTION All Components . . . Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etc. □ NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetrant, Ultrasonic, Eddy Cu"8nl, X-Ray □ CNC MACHINE SHOP Santa Ana, CA 92707 l'tln (714) 957-1215 Fu(7_1_~ _957_-!...1545_7 ____ USAC_n_•_n_a_•~s:....::::..:.:..._-~.W.. l'AASfATialM117R281J '9" for Your Pn1tectlon• i CROWN ... ,-,:· : .. ::.7',7.:,-;,.:.:7. . .... -1;... . . INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED AEROSPACE, HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL HOSES 8t FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER DR., SUITE G • VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92083 [I DE rJy~1Q]j HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 B Deput Road Goleta, CA 93117 www.denunzioracing.com 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 Specializing in. .. ·---·· Swtas--•· Bewland. Fortin N-d-laND4S Jlapum44 Krebler Automatle Paru U Macbibe Shop S.erri,:a A Yailable l)llfl, ll'l~IU{S -OFF-ROAD DESIGN & FABRICATION DUKES ROLLCAGES EST.1975 Bajas -Buggies • Pre-Runners Sheet Mtl • Tube Work • Fabrication MIG -TIG -Gas -Arc Welding Plasma Cutting www.Dukesrollcages.com 18333 Harley John Rd A A Teny Wyrembek ~ Riv. CA 92504 909-780-6408 . \ 1835 John Towers Ave. #A E) Cajon,.tA-92020 .·;\Is .... ~ ·Don Kerr (6.19) 448-3932 Fax 1&191448,3662 ~-=:;;.~~ EMBROIDERY DE Janice Christensen Digltlalng & Embroidery 619 749-2133 eedesign@aol.com Crest, CA. Company Logos • Personalized Gifts • No llflnl111u111 Order• Pick-~~=-FORD RACING PARTS·' RAN6ER 2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN snici. .STOCK .2.3 80 PG. CATALOG PHONE (626) 444-4919 1438 POTRE.RO FAX (626) 444-3046 SO. El.MONT£.' CA. JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets FRESH AIR SYSIEMS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. • Interior Revisions 81 O A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 jill@fasthelmets.com 1-888-466-RACE www.freshairsystems.com 1-84 7-259-381 O www.fasthelmets.com Fax 1-847-259-9705 "THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS" PBBFORlUllCE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 We use & recommend R,\(:11'\(; ENlilNFS, TRANS\IISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send o~I for our new catalog SS.00 _ -......... . . ,. ••• .·.•-••·•••••·• .. •••• .. ·••,.• •••• r,., _ _.,.,, •• ,.-. •..•••••••••••• .-•• RAY BAYLY 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 http://www.dionandsons.com brian@mail.dionandsons.com BRIAN GRIFFIN (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535-FAX (562) 432-7969 FOREMAN ;.E:>~ OFF-ROAD RACE TRUCK ENGINEERING/ FABRICATION RACE PREP/ CONSULTATION TOPCAIJBER PRE-RUNNERSTIIRUTROPHYTRUCKS ,19-659-3538 CHARLIE FOREMAN 619-659-3638 rax 4550 Carveacre Rd. Alpine, CA 91901
· 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax Doug Fortin See Y<>«:" local f:.ox ~ler_or call 831-768-1100 THE RACERS CHOICE. fuel Safe's Custom & Standard fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~ call(8~)433·6524 ~ Call or write for our FREE Catalog Alrcralt Rubber Manufacturinp. Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR g7701 USA ph(S41) 388:0203, fli(~ 1)388-03~ GERHARDT GEAR CO., INC. MITCH GERHARDT ' Production Manager , mitchOgerh.ardtgear.com MANUFACTURERS OF PRECISION GEARS CNC GEAR CUTTING & BROACHING ISO 9002 ANO as 9000 CERTIFIED 3060 N. California Street Burbank, CA 91504-2004 FAX (818) 842-1458 Phone (818) ~42-6700 www.gerhardtgear.com GIBBS PENETRATING OIL GETANYTHING UNSTUCK! -MONEY BACK GUARANTEE-USED BY PROFESSIONALS IN ALL FIELDS ANYWHERE RUST IS THE ENEMY! CLEAN, PROTECT & PAINT OVER IT ! Packaged in aerosol can containing 16 fl. oz. ..• GLASSWORKS ■,------_;;;~~u-=-n-:-1'."""im~i-te--=d Design Carbon fiber R & D Services Custom Flbergloss fabrication Off-Rood St1,1le Fenders 7522 Slater Ave. #114 Huntington Beach, CR 92647 Bart Grande OWNER 612 South Tremont St Oceanside, Ca 92054 bart@teamgodspeed.com tearngodspeed.com N33" 11.313' W1ff 22.465' TIM GEAWATOSKY (714) 375-5992 Phone: 760.433.0086 Fax: 760.433.0089 Hammes. Bros. Rating Engi:ttes Ba.Ja Proven · CUSTOM 8UILT TO YOUR SP~CS 760■-'7·24-2038 WWW.HAMMl!SRACINC-:COM ---'-~'\ K~ffl) . "-_,._s~ Buff & Kevin Owners/ Fabricators p. 760.510.9586 • f. 760.510.9559 . 120 N. Pacific' St.# J-1 • San Marcos, CA 91069 www.handmmotorsports.c:_om Legal Power 215-E Denny Way • El Cajon, CA 92020 Jim Horne 619 448-2228 HONDA \?§@r•I•f, j; PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ,_.,,,._ BILL ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (323) 877-7272 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. FAX (818) 753-6005 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 (619) 561-7764 fax 561-4834 20 Years of Off Road Racing Experience ti@"'' p£1fOIIAlllCl PO We Service & Sell Jeff Howe Char Lynn, Sweet, -12476 _Julian Ave. Pumps, Gears & Lakeside, CA 92040 Power Ra.ck & Pinio11 ~ Irene's Baja Services B Ensenada Beachfront Homes with private SECURITY and CONQERGE for rent short or long term. A great way for your family and friends to spend the time while you pre-run for the Baja off road races. Lee (011-51-646) 154-1551 or 188-1311 www .bajaplaces.com Email: bajairen@telnor.net (714) 522-4600 (714} 522-4602 FAX (714) 522-0123 Service Technician d1!1J!!Jticl V. W. Service • Por•che • Audi •BMW• All VW • Toyota • Nissan • Honda • Street Strip and Sand Off Road • 6291 B Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 West of Beach Blvd. James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Co~lete Race Vehicle Development Design; Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 23332 Cajalco Rd Perris, CA 92570 James M. Hall Owner-Driver 909-940-7 403 909-940-5884fax . JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" ~.•,•,-.•,•,•o,•n Quality Racing Transmissions JOE GIFFIN 3061 E. La Jolla #I , Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240· Fax (714) 632-1223 Used by enthusiasts in racing, shooting, rebuilding +----------------------+-------------------,---1 Adrian or Fidel Machine shops. Anywhere rust is a problem. NRA Museum and Smithsonian are users. BUY from local dealer or can us direct. Prices include UPS shipping & handling 1 Can - $15.00 2 Cans - $24.00 4 Cans - $40.00 6 Cans - $55.00 Case of 12 $90.00 800-555-3167 www.gibbasize.com www.machines-more.com·for our other great products! ! rl EJ.\D Ft O'JV JV\J.\S~fERS RACING CYLINDER HEADS & ENGINES 2466-F S. Santa Fe Avenue • Vista, CA 92084 p;~:~ (760) 727-1827 JIMCO ~aeut9P~ Mike Julson · Off Road Race Cars : Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories · Race Preparation : . ,0965 HartleyRd. . Suite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619/562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' : e.rnail jimcorace@aol.com . www.jimcorace.com ;,. .;,
,. . .,_1 Ft&er~ez. RACING DIGIN~ COMPLETE ENGINES • DYNO SERVICE George Jimenez TROY JOHNSON (909) 779-9395 2061 Third Street, Unit A Riverside. CA 92507 535 E. Central Park Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 Tel./ Fax 714.535.5116 Specializing in custom offroad race trucks • Prerunners • Sand cars • Rally cars • Custom Fabrication • Advanced Suspension Technology • Research & Development KAL OFFROAD RACING www .KALoffRoad.com \ Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Custom Suspensions KurtLarmee (805) 466-4101 8408 K El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www.Kawaguchihonda.com 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 fl: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACEPREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLLCAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service - Suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4016 POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE LEE MFG. qo. 11881 PENDLETOK &TAEET· SUN VAUEY, CA-1113152 FAX(818)788-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of~ Steering gears, pumps and ~ for" any type of racinQ. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. p~ !!ACING ENGINES Asse.mbly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) S96-0886 ~~.HCh'A.F.T. R~/-7~ www.mastercraftseats.com Seats • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 Promoting Your Business here is only $35 a month (818) 886-4446 (818)n2-6470fax www.mckenziesontrack.com !? 18641 Parthenia St. ~ridge,CA91~~ .otlroad .AoadCounte .DragRaclng .ovalTiac:k ,; . ' . . -:~· ..Fabrtcallon . -'. ~. . ' . -~-;-. _j:;,•, .Welding . _ ll .chaaailand., .. Suspension Specialllt YOUR; OFF-ROAD· Catch us o_n the Net! ·SP_ECIAL_ISTSI www.mckenzies.com PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622· 2366 E. (?RANGETHORPE AVENUE, AN~HEIM, C~ 92806 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 .6i'JlJlllflJiRli' -COIIPONEfff.S FOJl CHASSIS FABRICATJON ~!'.IP-• ~~•-~t~M~ SlibrM.olnl • 01 & Water&llle ttaldl!IS 399.E.Jiaai&on UnitD Corona, CA 92879-1313 .(909) Z1U27~ 'WWW.wrijtllfab.com 619-562-5533 Off-Road & Drag Racing Fabrication Specialists Chassis-Cage-Suspension-Tin work Part & Accessory Sales - . (805)522-4499 LanceFullrr 2280 Sh■sta Way #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 www.motonports-plus.com Moulton Racin Fabrication • Race Cars • Prerunners · • Sand Cars Jim Moulton : ~ 28355 INDUSTRY DR.1412 Valencla Ce 91355 661-295-0253 MSD . ar.3 ,,, Jr.,:'* •1,~,, 11•1,•,'! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNITIONS • DISTR BUTORS • WIRES • . -· AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR. , EL PASO, TX 79936 19151 857-5200 • TECH LINE 19151 855-7120 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msdignition.com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-725-2B75 Soecialists in on-board air svstems ... a cbmprehBnsive line of air compressors, Power'fanks, air supply components .•. personalized, technical expertise to assist you in selecting the Tight system for your application. 901lT !10(;(;!9 1W OFRIOAO. FASTEST 1ll1£ INRATICII.. ff/lfKT The world's most powerful de c011pressor ... the Trailbealf'V Exclusively from Oasis! lollales • bute 35x12 tire in aboat a minute. Even nms air tools without a tart! Maxilllum OUTPUT 125/175• PSI. 14125• CFM 0penta@l1.11D 24¥DCr-,,,i•llltDCI 22971 Triton Way, #F, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 IW~RlOC&! • Automatic Tire Deflators ... Screw-en .. lower p,eSSU1e \\ilile you drive for maximll!l lracticn. • Tire lnflator/Oetlator acct1rata gauge, 3' hose with lock-<Jl c!u:k I0-30psi. 0-60psi, 0-lOOpsi rangesl Toll Free 888-966·2747 www.oasis-off-road.com.
www.orbanet.org OR'BA OFF-ROAD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, Inc. P.O. Box 1339 Lakeside, CA 92040 Ph: (559) 322-1242 Fx: (559) 322-9017 Kim Kammer District Manager Klmposslble@ATTBl.com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept . . Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 (909) 360-5906. FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 383-4 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS ,~~(Q)V§@'ltl SAFETY EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SitOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11\'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S12'5. -. 2888GUNDRYAVE. - · SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 , 562-4:27-8177 I 800-869-5636 w • - a ~r•---(, ... \ Fralcv s P~rformance . fi:ngineering ' _J . TEL (949)650-3035 flUI (91,9)650-4721 * All Type,· o1 Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Beadinc * Ahaainum U Steel W.ldiftc * Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 JI. Hacienda 14 Laa Vegas, NV ftll8 Bruce Fraley · 702-365-905S Pre,,s,on Todd Francis Phone: 360.887.2000 • Fox: 360.887.7279 www.precisionalloy.com PROTRUCK. RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodlgy.net Tel:61~2 Fax: 619-39CHS470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 You must have more business than you can handle if you are not advertising in Dusty Times 818-882-0004 . .......... Par: 323.340.om FaX: 111.361.4641 ~-----------------------~-------~--13411 Drontield Ave. Svlmar. CA 91342 Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension• Safety• Driveline·• Accessories Mike Cohen (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM ~ ..... ;.,,.....,; 1!1'_ .. JIIMJ ·<¥"8W. Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Appllcation1 Shock Service Av1ll1ble on all brand1 .... Fast Tum-Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Su1pen1ion Affordably -Utilizing Our Trad.tn Policy (602) 493"-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 .l'EIFI.IJlrllCE• T.II ISIII ES SH111e111 c1111em1a·11.araest Distributor •• Mendea11 Trlnulles PH: 114.680.6131 • Fil: 114.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8126 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim. CA 92806 RANCHO TRANSMISSION Building automatic transmissions for winners Jefferies Racing McMillin Racing TRD From our long list of cli'eots, just to name a few With our own CNC machine shop, we specialize in Circle Track, Southwest Tour Racing, Off-Road Racing and Automatic Transmission Sand Buggies 27598 Commerce Center Dr. (909)676-6569 Temecula, CA 92590 RCS. r:~::i!':GS ~ • Won't Rust ll PG • Longe~ Cy~k Life • Supenor Ride • More Travel A Now used in Suspensions for Mountain Bikes, Formula 1, Motorcross, AlV's, Pro Stock Dragsters, and Snowmobiles. Contact: John Pucella-Ph 714-401-5572, Fx 714-960-7751, E-Mail - Pucella@aol.com , www.coilspring.com ,,.,,,..-CTUNS will· get 101 in gear SWilg axle, ••s, •ewlad, Ml4S 3455 S. POlARIS #5 US IBIS, IDADA 88102 •• D.O. llllla (702) 221-4313 PD2J 111-1124 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON. CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE (6191 Hl-2480
,.. Barry Beacham (714) 259-TI86 (714) 259-TI92 fax 15031 Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 raceprepservices@aol.com LAURA • RICHARD " , S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOQTU HCR66, BOX 11030 _ . __ 1_ • • • P.AHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV,89048 (n5} 372-5335 l!!3 1 ., "° t ,., ' 0 .... 0-:. .. ..... .,; c,. 0,-! C: '-< ~ ,., II C ..... i ! "ii u ,., .... i ..... -J: ~ .... .c: ~ "g v; e cS u I i! * ,0 t:::.. • ,R t:::.. .a "ii < .... A'ttRACING ~GASOLINE 1V.•,lllJ'OJ"■•.....-, Western US and Mexico CL BRYANT, INC. -soo-399-417& -E 8 .g @ ~ ~ .. .. ,D E 0 u :i a. ., u C 0 u ... ·-;. ,D I Farplex • Pomona Oclober5&6 !!!!!~!4Jf /iiiJ S...A~DERS SERVICE, INC. /!l!J METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 {3'.U)-583-2404 FAX (3:3) sn-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS t\EAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Marl-:: Smith Larry Smit!, TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea~ CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS• \\INDO\V LffiEP.li,G • CAB LETTERING • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COAT_S 5101 Galway Circle• Hunt,ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax [714) 69~-9567 SPENCER LOW RACING .com NISSAN OFF ROAD PERFORMANCE PARTS • SUSPENSION LIFTS • INTAKE & EXHAUST SYSTEMS • BODY FIBERGLASS »ANO MORE 1 Specializing in: 1 FRONTIER PATHFINDER ><TERRA HARDBODV Over 37 Years Of Nissan Performance Experience 928.667.4757 8350 Alvel'9ide Dr. Paricer, AZ 85344 Custom Preparation & Fabrication R11ce Truclcs · luggl•s • Pre-RunMrs i619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 Why haven't you tried advertising in Dusty Times? SUNDRY METAL SP1NNING Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS · RACE FUELS 6831 Suva Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 5.~4 N, Sierra twe. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 9rt@s1.4nl"ise.g"'°"P·co""' &u,wise Consulting Ma"age>nent a"d Communications 3875 Tele9.-aph Road, A-144 Ve."™'""' C:A 93003 Pl,o"e.• 805.642.8541 F0x, 805.642,7873 ~:§! itl?-e:2'.r • Youc Q""""-trr" 810H eo..,AHY'• Deslpn Fabrication lnstailatlon Darren Ebberts {909) ]40-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 ~ POMON A ROAD • SUI 1 E l • CORONA, ( A 9'28A'2 ,.._ca.Af'IJTEl(IZEOVINYL~PHICS& LETT~/N0 ~11 n.u I .... LO-cvsr 1'LOG 5/GNS(AJ:r. Pl(OCES8ES) ~ ,.._ T/ltAPE SH:JW OISPLA'r'S ,,..., IC,.._CING Gl<,'\T'?ilCS ,.._c,e:rAJLEO& LNIGUE OESl0NS ,,.._ FLEET VEHICLES ,.._1-f-QU,',.LJTY MNNE/tS ,,.._M,N:,NET/CS /-. LOGO ~EntDOUCTONs ,,.._ /CE,'\L ESTATE ,... LOGO & GfCAPHIC OESIGN ,,.._ 0£:e,,,,.LS ,, su~~AISIQNS ~ { ' l::flYLIMlTED ," ~ . ~ OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS l-lflllllG • FABRICATDV • G>CPIASMAQJTTJIVG • FROVTENDS • IEARTRAU\GARMS RACE CHASSIS • ffEfll.N\ERS • FD>< RAOM; SHJJ( • SANO&GGES 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAJEIM, C/192807 LARRYROSEVEAR PHONE{714/63t>4482 FAX {714/6304548 2180 College Drive • Lake Havasu City • AZ. 86403 Call Toll Free: 877-627-8852 or E-Mail: info@tcsperformance.com • Hi Performance Converters Custom Length Axles • • Automatic Trans Axles TCS Designed Hubs • (for Race & Recreation) Input Shafts• American Made Excellence!! 71.R Peifonnance Fabrication TlDl Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Caion, CA 920? 1 (619) 4:47-1289 * Off-Road and !k>lt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucu * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:/www.off-roadfibe~lass.com JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 0 C Ill -i C ~ C/l o-'Tl m ~ )> (") C/l >< )> C/l woow _. 0 _. 888 --I .i:,."' (X) ul (X) I\) u, I\) l,6r\l --I .i:,. .i:,. --I _. _. I\) en w 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311
""' ransworks ~ PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLES AUTHORIZED MENDEOLA DEALER ERIC LAUNDRIE STOCK & CUSTOM 24752 VIEJAS BLVD. DESCANSO, CA 91916 SAND * STREET * RACE www.transwQrks.biz (619) 445-3135 P) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 UNLIMITED MOTORSPORTS Complete Off-Road Fabricadon SHAWN GIORDANO 375 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. San Marcos, CA 92069 TEL: 760.744.2505 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH • REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 BFaUCE HENDEL. Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels , West Co~! P..O. Box 1.319 ·34283 'Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Carlos Orozco 619.596.8033 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 For The Price Of A Phone Call· And A Few Bucks A Month Your Ad Could Be Here 818-882-0004 Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Compl~te Engines 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 Front & Rear Trailing,Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialist • Custom Race & Play Buggy Chassis A-Arm Front Ends • Beam Front Ends Lorenzo Rodriguez Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota -Honda Baja Bugs 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 www.wrtrans.com ( <oJ..<o) :::,OS?.AC:e i"e BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-928-427-3551 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 Motorcycles • KTM Dealer for over 20 vears • Stock. parts · • Supports top riders suspension • Accessories . . · Tires/knowledge _ Open • 12pm--6pm M-F Various 9608 N. 21st Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85021 .,,.-M& Saturdays . 1:0~~2~:~; ~ 4 714•449-1271 t 714•449-1374 Fax SP OR TM O TOR C Y CL ES KTM Z I Fax 602-242-7283 ,.. ________ WWW __ .-•· .r.ac•n•g•.c•o•m--· We implore all race and rally promoters to send us their 2003 schedules as soon as possible for insertion in our January Centerfold Calendar~ This is the time to:think about Thank You ads for this now almost over 2002 season. Now is the time to order gift subscriptions to Dusty Times for those friends or relatives you want to be aware of your racing activities. Plan your advertising schedules for 2003 and let us know if we can be of further help to you and your business. r
.,., More Classified ... Fron1Pg50 FOR SALE: 1989 Jeep Comanche Short bed 4 cyl. Fuel injected 5 speed, full roll cage Certified Berhm seats American positraction 31 tall tires & alum. Wheels. Ready to go. Asking $3,600.00 Kingman, AZ 30 miles Laughlin, NV. (928) 757-3377. Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are ad-vised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before purchase of any specific item. FOR SALE: Class 1 single seat built by Fod Fab for Larry Ragland. Best of everything, 3.4 Porsche Ulland tranny, power steering, Bilstein, Fox, too much to list. Lots of spare parts. $19,500.00 or trade for 4 seat pre-run buggy. Rob (928) 636-0123. FOR SALE: 1996 Jimco Class 1. Complete prep. Fresh FAT Toyotai Fortin 5 speed, 2.5 Bypass, Race Ready. $42,000.00/best offer. (619) 469-0400. FORSALE: 2002JIMCOSCORE Lite-Class 12. Wiks 1835cc engine, Mendeola by Dave Folts, Fortin Hubs with Fortin Gun drilled ax-les, King 3" Bypass shocks. Only raced 3 times. King Kong Spindles, Diab lo Rack, many spares included. $58,000.00 OBO (760) 326-3231. Ask for Derek or Dave. FOR SALE: Class 9 single Seat, Multi race winner, '99 SNORE Class 9 Champion. New Wiks Motor, New Foltz trans, New Beam, Torision Bars, Torsion hous-ing-Very fast car. Includes all spare parts and trailer. Asking $9,500.00. Will negotiate. Call Clay Carr-(702) 429-2790, (702) 367-2225 or Jeremy Harmon (702) 233-0762. FOR SALE: 99 Jimco Class 1 Midengine Fat V6 Toyota, Fortin, Fox, Etc.etc. Ready Race or Pre Run. Excellent condition. $55,000.00 (760) 275-6149. FOR SALE: Two-seater 123 in, Fresh 1780 Rabbit w/Fat head, Fresh 091 Tranny, Sway-A-Way 300M axles, and Torsions's 930 CV, w/300M cages, Mi.cro Stubs, Fox Shox, Pumper, PCI radio w/ intercom. Ron Davis Radiator, Wright rack, Howe power steering, Kennedy, Simpson $13,900.00. (209) 772-0215. gmcadon@earthlink.net. SUPER HOT TROPHY TRUCK OR CLASS 8. Best of parts and fantastic design and fabrication. Leon Patton 700 H P engine. Goodyear and Beadlocks. King Shocks. All tig welded. Featured in No-vember 2002 Off Road maga-zine. Super competitive, com-plete package available. Must see. Many extras. 125K OBO. Ref #860. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Team Powell Class 10 two seater, 2.0 liter Type 1 Plenum Engine w/911 style fan, 22" front travel w/Fox 2.0 coilover, 23" rear travel w/Fox 2.5 triple bypass and 16" coilover, full Howe steering sys-tem, fresh Fields 091 4 spd, 930 CV's and full floaters, PCI radio and intercom, Beard seats, PIAA lights, 22 gallon Fuel Safe, Master-craft, CNC, Willwood, VDO, 6 spare Centerline wheels, 8 spare BFG/Yokohama tires, 6 pit boxes of spare parts, 110V Mig welder, jack, 3 nitrogen bottles w/ impact, ·two 11 gal dump cans, $29,999.00. ALSO PACE 22' enclosed trailer w/awning, $4,999.00, call work (503) 685-4307, cell (503) 913-3619. FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco 2000, Own 2 race cars, a Single Seat and a Two Seat. First one to sell goes. Both have all the best. Toyota motors by FAT, King Shocks, For-tin 5 speed, BFG, 934 CV's. Single FOR SALE: Pre Runner Bronco II 4x4, 4.0 motor, Auto trans, 4:56 gears, 9" with disc brakes, 33" BFG's, full cage fiberglass fenders, Hezco Seats, Bumpers, Lights, 23 gal tank. Built by Perry McNeil. Must sell $10,200 OBO. (619) 593-2146. FOR SALE: Class 7S PreRunner-Fresh 210 HP 22R, 9 inch rear, Discs, YOO gauges, Flameout etc. $30,000.00 to build. Asking $10,000.00. (619) 469-0400. FOR SALE: 1977 Ford Fl50 Chase or Mild PreRunner. Pink slip as 1972 (no smog). Pro built truck with 400hp Hammes Racing 351w, 8 Bilstein w/res. Shocks Spool with 4.88 gears, 35" Baja TA's, 4 wheel disc brakes, full cage, Culhane trans, Mastercraft seats. Dual 20 gal fuel cells. N c & heater available. New paint. $15,000.00 (760) 724-2038. email wonbaja@aol.com. Hammes Racing. Seat $69k/Two Seat $79k. Call FOR SALE: FASTEST CJ.ASS 8 Whit@ (502) 551-2013. See more IN COMPETITION! Taylor Mo-@marcourtracing.com. torsports Class 8 Chevy, Turn-Key, BEST AND NEWEST CLASS Ready to Win, Three-Time Series 7 AVAILABLE. This like new w,cjlidl■ Champion ('97, '99, '01), Multi-2001 Ford Ranger Edge has Event OVERALL Winner, Nelson only 350 test race miles. Com-L----'-'-''-"----..;;._. __,,__ & Nelson Chassis Design, Leon Class 8 Ford F-150 prepped ready plete fiberglass body. Top of FOR SALE: 1971 Ford Bronco Patton Engine (700 H.P.), Mogi to race! Originally owned by Frank the line Bilstein shocks (2 per Low miles. Great Pre Run vehicle. Transmission, Chrisman Rear End, Vessels. 428 V-8 (0 miles), dual wheel), APP wheels, CNC disc 3 link 13" front and 16"+ rear. All King 3" Bypass and3" Coilovers at MSD electronic ignition, 44 gal brakes, 20" front travel, Full heimed/tripleshocked. No bump eachcorner,FrontTravel:2l"(lim-FuelSafe Cell, Beard, Autometer, Force race transmission. Ra-steer. 351 Windsor Aluminum _____ ited to 17"), Rear Travel: 23", Air Simpson, PCI radios. Kust~r 3" dar Machine 402 V6. Fuel trick. flow heads Roller Rockers FOR SALE: 89 Ranger 7S, Es-Jacks, Lee Steering, 35" Goodyear Coilovers with 18" travel in front. Safe cell, MSD ignition. Car-Edlebrock Crane Al Automatic slinger300 HP 4cyl, 2-2 ½" Tires, Spares Package Included 3" King bypass and Akan leaf hon Fiber interior· Beard, Trans G4, machines w/ext clutch SwayAways each Corner, Pumper, (Bodies, Tires and Wheels), springs with 16" travel in rear. Crow• MO Mo, Au to meter· es-Needle bearings Low gear set Art Carr C4, Summers Rear Spool $90,000.00-Turn Key! Contact Proven Winner! $32,500.00 Ref Ready to race! $95,000.00 Detroit locker. Too much to list. · & Hubs & front Hubs. Lots of Taylor Motorsports-(909) 654-# 857. Call BajaBrokers (760) 723- Ref #859. Call Baja Brokers $28,000.00 Ask for Jon@ (805) extra's new & used $14,000.00 9605 or Tony Barraza 2117. (760) 7 23-2117. 532-2325. OBO. Jerry at (760) 363-7411. Designworks- (909) 654-?830 . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in· DUllil : -DUSTY TIMES. ===;lilllB : Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of • black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. : REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED Classified Ad Deadlines • IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ _____________ (Send check or money order, no Cash) Name Address Phone City for 2002-3 1s·suE DEADLINE January Dec 6, 2002 February Jan 10, 2003 • • • • • • • • • • • • Please run ad times • Mail to: March Feb 7, 2003 : DUSTY TIMES : 20761 Plummer Street • Chatsworth, CA 91311 • • State _____________ Zip__________________ .. __________ _ .. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 58 December 2002 Dusty Times
I I FOR SALE: Ford Ranger FORSALE: Class 9, 2seaterRace PreRunner, Tig Weld Construe-Ready, Fresh trans & motor tion 3 link, fully caged; Ford 9" Beard, Crow, Jmar shifter, Custu; 31 ~ rear, 24" Front, Sway-A-Way, pumper Fox, PCI intercom, spare W1lwood, Optima, Autometer, parts. $6,800.00 OBO. (928) 788-Beard, Goodyear Projects, Fuel 3446. Cell, Much More. Everything New, .;;....:..:...;;.,;__ _________ _ 15 Mi in dirt, Street Legal, fea-tured in Offroad Magazine, Best Parts. Extra Clean. $24,000.00 OBO (562) 866-3197. . FOR SALE: 98 Mirage Class 1 Single Seat, Mid Engine. Set up for Toyota V-6, Jerico Trans, Field Diff.,A-Arm 24" Wheel Travel, Fox Shocks, Car~ in excellent condition, lots of spares. $45,000.00 does not include engine. 2 Toyota V.6' s available for additional cost. Brian (562) 619-9686. FOR SALE: Turn-Key Super 1600-Two bodies: Two transmissions: two complete long block, dry sump VW engines; one twin cam 4-valve; the other 2-valve cross flow head. Zero hours '?n both engines. Four mounted tires; ne~ BFd unmounted tires. Lots of spare parts, too many to list. $18,000.00 US, OBO. Call Bill for details at (905) 877-3716. FOR SALE: 1969 Volkswagen Class 5-1600RaceCar. SCORE &Bestin the Desert legal. Bobby Neth Chassis, Wright Front end, Bilstein Reservoir shocks, 930 CV Combos, UMP Airfilter and oil cooler, Parker Pumper, Beard seats, 5 point harness, Fuel Safe Fuel Cell, Jamar Shifter, Hella lights, VDO gauges with aircraft circuit breakers, Yokohama Trres, with . Ultra Wheel Mags. 900 miles on car since new! This 5-1600 was putter gether with The BestofThe Best! Over $32k invested. $17,000.00 OBO (310) 540-5129 Scott. FOR SALE: Ex-Riviera Racing All Wheel drive Class one, Nye Frank Built. Fresh Leon Patton Motor. (700+hp). Robby Gordon shocks, Automatic trans. 37x 17 BFG Projects, Lots of spares, ALSO Available less motor, $65,000.00 (760) 427-9414. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Hot VW cover car Dec 99. 1776 Engine, 044 CB Per-formance Head, single 44 Weber Type 2 transaxle, 3.80 1st, 2.06 2nd• 1.70 3,d, 1.32 4'h• Suspensions Unlimited 3x3 arms, dual Bilsteins, 6 In wider round Beam. Three seater fully caged extended 6in 22 gal tank 14 ½ rear travel. (760) 723-9261. What to get that special person for Christmas who has everything? SMD Motorsports offers the per-fect gift for that all-deserving, spe-cial someone in your life! Complete Race Package! Meticulously prepped and cared for Ford Protruck, 2 Leon Patton motors, 3 transmissions and many more spares .. $110,000.00. SMD F250 Super Cab 4x4 Prerunner. All the trick stuff; King shocks,4 link, Patton 351 Stroker motor (runs on Pemes), air conditioned, Sat phone car kit, XM radio. Lots of storage, spares and more. Baja tough, built by Geiser Bros. & Craig Stewart .. $125,000.00. 45' Kentucky Trailer, lift gate, lista boxes, generator, lots of storage .. $30,000.00. Buy the Protruck and the Prerunner as a package and we will throw in the Kentucky Trailer! Call SMD Mo-tors ports (760) 352-3080 or protruck@smdmotorsports.com FOR SALE: 1995 Suspensions Un-limited 2 seat 12 car, fresh paint, motor, 1835 Bonner, Hawk. New Mendeola MD2D CV's axles, P.S. Fox's, Fodrill front arms & co111-bos in front, rear King Bypass out~ board CV's. 4 wheel disc, flame-out, prowired, radio, Ultras BFG, Race Ready. $28,500.00. Darrin (702) 897-6251. PRE-RUNNER FOR SALE: 3-Seat Ex-cab F150. Featured in Jan 2002 Off-Road Magazine, 20" front travel, 28" Rear Travel, Clean Truck. Perfect for Baja. $35,000.00 OBO. Jeff Dickerson (760) 427-1471. Cl 7s S-10 4WD. Ex Mac Truck. Hella lights, National Springs, tig welded 4130 cage, Dana 44, Fuel Safe Cell, Autometer gauges, Master Craft Tilton peddles, 1 built V-6 and 1 stock V-6, 2 trans, BFGoodrich and American Racing. Proven Win-ner. Professionally built in 1986. Clean, Strong and de-pendable! $13,500.00 Ref # 843. Call Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 12 or PreRunner Chassie. Just retired 2002, Chromoly chassie, Fuel Cell, Front hoops, sheet metal, skid plates. Dash with instrumentation 9" plus beam. Ex-Ron Bran; prerunner. $1,200.00. (562) 714-9013. FOR SALE: Chenowth Millenium. Fresh Terry Smith NASCAR V6 550hp, Fresh Jeff Field Auto, Foddrill, CNC, Howe, Fox Coil & By-pass, Moree Digital Dash, MSD, PIAA, Hella Hid, Halo-gen Fire System, PCI Set-up, Parker, Mastercraft, Crower Belts, 30 gal cell w/quick fill, BF Projects, Ultra Wheels, New Paint job, Lots of spare equipment inc/2 sets of front arms, spindles, wings, axles, etc, etc. Too much to list, prep by Foddrill Fab, & Fox ·Motorsports, Very fast & re-liable. Top finisher. NEW PR ICE $79,000.00. Ca 11 Danny Foddrill (623) 582-2499. PRO-TRUCK FOR SALE: Com-pletely prepped .and race ready, Over $40,000.00 in spares, in-cludes 1996 enclosed parts· trailer, Complete package $115,000.00 OR Truck only $90,000.00 or trade for Class 1 plus cash. Jeff Dickerson (760) 427-1471. December 2002 FOR SALE: Marn< type Buggy. Full tube frame. 96" wb. Bus trans.1904 motor with Weber 44. Beard Seats w / 5 point harness. Street legal. No smog required. Tools and spares. $10,500.00 obo. (909) 735-7617 great Prerunner. tv116C. FOR SALE: Chicago 8 ft sheet metal brake-custom Radius dies in-. eluded. $3,500.00/best. (619) 469-0400. BOOK FOR SALE: THE OFF ROAD RACER (1976). This is a mint condition copy of the hard-back book "The Off Road Racer" (1976) written by Norman Johnson and Gordon Grimmis. It is a 271 page hardcover book that docu-ments the beginning history of how off road racing began from 1968-1976. The articles are about the MEXICAN 1000, BAJA 500, BAJA 1000, MINT 400, RIVER-SIDE RACEWAY, STARDUST 7-11 AND OTHERS. It has articles about the beginning of NORRA, SCORE, SNORE, HORA-and WRA. There are many driver pro-files including Mickey Thompson, Parnelli Jones, Rod Hall, Walker Evans, Ivan Stewart, Jim Conners, Rick Mears, Malcolm Smith and many others. There are may black and white photos of race vehicles, drivers and even old course maps. This book was printed in Decem-ber 1976 and is the first printing. IT IS IN MINT CONTITION. If you ever wanted to read about the history of how off road racing be-gan from 1968-1976, this is the book. Each copy is $43.00 each including shipping. I accept money orders, personal checks, and paypal. Payment address: Mike Szabo 5416 Auckland Ave. North Hollywood, Ca 91601 email:mszabo@cwia.com. FOR SALE: FAT Performance Toyota V-6 3.2 liter, Triple Webers, Complete air cleaner to adaptor, Last receipt from FAT $7,200.00. Reliable 260hp $8,500 .00/ offer. (619) 469-0400. PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSO-CIATION RAFFLE -2002 Jeep Wrangler 4 Cylinder 5 speed. Tickets $5.00 each. Drawing Feb 8, 2003. Need not be present to win. Winner is responsible for. all state and federal taxes. Many donations make this Jeep an outstanding Jeep. Make check or money payable to: PNW4WDA 3509 N. E. 128th Court Vancouver Washington 98682. Margaret Hopper 1-360-892-1712 . WANTb..D WANTED: Used Curnutt shocks. Need eight. Leaking or not. Call Gary (760) 822-6856. Leave mes-sage. INDb.X TO AD\/b.Q Tl6b.r2_6 Aggressive Suspensions ..................... 44 Ajax Auto ............................................• 13 American JeepSpeed ........................... 25 Austecx Racing ................................... 43 Baker Performance ............................. 45 Best In The Desert ................................ 2 Bilstein ............................................... 24 Camburg Engineering ....................•..... 16 Class 7 Unlimited Sale ....................... , .. 7 CoastResorts ...................................... 1 O Dirt Werks .......................................... 29 fabtech ............................................. ;. 34 fox Shox ......................................•....... 12 fRT Motorsports ................................... 4 fuel Safe ............................................. 48 Genuine Steel ..................................... 50 German Auto ....................................... 37 Kar T ek Off Road ......................... 14, 47 Kawaguchi Honda .....................•....•...• 17 King Shock Tee~ ................................. 32 Light force Engineering .•.................... 40 Mastercraft .......................................•. 50 McKenzie Performance Products .•...... 21 Mendeola Racing ................................. 39 Nevada Off Road Buggy ..................... !. 15 Pacific Customs .................................. 28 1 Parker Pumper ...............................•.... 22 I Parker Pumper/Competition Air .......... 26 I Parker Pumper/Eibach Springs ........•.. 20 I PCI Race Radios ........................... 11, 23 I Pike's Service Center .......................... 46 I Pro 10 ......................................••......... 18 I Race Prep Services .............................. 36 Race Ready Products .......................•... 42 Racer X ............................................... 49 Rancho Performance ........................... 48 Redline Performance, Inc .................... 46 Ronco Plastics .................................... 44 Sakata ................................................. 43 Scott, Gerald ....................................... 33 Skyjacker Suspensions ......................... 5 SNORE ................................................... 9 Solder Joint Racing Communications . 4 7 Team Gordon Race Wheels ................. 27 Toyota Motorsports ................ Back Cover Transaxle Engineering, Inc ................. 35 Tri-Mil ................................................. 42 Valley Performance ............................... 8 Web Cam ............................................. 41 Page 59
Whether it's civilization you want to put in your rear-view mirror, or t'1e competition, count on _Toyota Racing Development. The legendary endurance and durability you find reflected in the final standings is built into every aftermarket part. Superchargers, for more torque and acceleration. Shocks and suspension sets. Body kits-. You .. name it. All TAD tested and protected by warranty. To order , a ca~log, visit www.trdusa.com or call 1-800-688-5913.