volume 18 • Number a • August 2001 $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 ( covering the world of competition in the dirt ..•
PCI RACE RADIOS & SAFETY EQUIPMENT Visit us on the web @ www.PCIRACERADIOS.com SPECIAL! or call us TOLL FREE (800) 869-5636 CREW CHIEF HEADSET & RADIO DON'T GET INTERCOMS STUCK IN BAJA HEADSETS ROADMASTER TRACKMASTER No more yelling between driver & crew in the pit, hear each other loud & clear with a Crew Chief Headset & Radio. • Trackmaster 5 watt, 16 channel handheld radio & headset in red, blue, or black ........................... $519.00 • Trackmaster 5 watt, 16 channel radio ............... $299.00 • Motorola Pl 225, 5 watt, 16 channel handheld radio & headset in red, blue or black ........................... $719.00 • Motorola Pl 225. 5 watt, 16 channel radio ......... $499.00 SHOW YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. Record Your Conquests or Mistakes to Show Your Family & Friends What Off Road Racing is All About with a Black Box In-Car Digital Camera System. • System includes Sony Digital Camera & Recorder housed in a Custom Black Box with Power Supply, Charger, Cabling & Mounts. Introductory Offer. ................................. $3995.00 • Sound from your PCI Comlink VI Intercom is easily patched in with an adapter cable MOTORCYCLE RADIO SYSTEM TALK WITH YOUR BUDDIES WHILE RIDING. BE A MORE COMPETITIVE RACER WITH A MOTORCYCLE RADIO SYSTEM. • System includes a Trackmaster, 5 watt, 16 channel radio handheld radio. motorcycle harness and helmet wiring ..................................................... $519.00 GLOBALSTAR SATELLITE PHONES SCANNERS MOTOROLA VERTEX MAXON RACEAIR HELMETS SHOEI BELL SIMPSON BLACK BOX IN CAR DIGIT AL CAMERA RACEAIR PUlvf.PER MOTORS RACESAFE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOWRANCE GPS PYROTECT DRIVING SUITS GLOVES DRIVING SHOES NECK COLLARS KIDNEY BELTS CROW SEAT BELTS MECHANIX WEAR GLOVES MPACT MPACTII APRONS SHOES KNEEPADS DIRTBAGS GEAR BAGS OFF ROAD VIDEOS TOW STRAPS RATCHET STRAPS NO FEAR APP AREL I 11t,• 3i,2 V ~:;:;;l~ """"~ f f'WS. Stay in touch with a Globalstar Satellite Phone Great for Pre-running, Racing & travel. Call for more information. LOWRANCE GPS HELPS YOU STAY ON THE COURSE. Globalmap 1600 GPS Mapping Unit Comes with Complete Map of the World, Bracket, Power Cord, Antenna, CD-Rom, & Download Cables. Recommended for in Car Use $560.00 Globalmap 100 handheld GPS Mapping unit, Great for Chase Vehicles $199.00 ~ '~:-' 'y,~.:_., 'i~\., NEW RACEAIR 2000 ROADMASTER OFF ROAD'S WINNINGEST RADIO 50 Watts, 16 Channels VHF-FM 2-Way Radio. Over 3000 Used in Off Rciad Racing. Light Weight, Comfortable, Quick Release Shield, Snell 2000 Rated. $349.00 Wired with Nomex Skirt $459.00 PCI RACE RADIOS 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 ~c.::,,~~~~=-~ 800-869-5636 562-427-8177 FAX 562-426-3589 ~~~
Volume 18 -Number a August 2001 DllliJ . lilfflBG '1~--alifomia Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John ~alvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Jim Culp Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Mike Jenkins Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham • ally ~ cries ·--b .. -•:t-~--~· .... Subscription Rates: $25 .00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. · DUS1Y TIMES: (ISSN 87 50-17 3-2) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp., 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. .snapshot of the Month ... We think it was Riverside, or'it might have been Phoenix, but it was 1984 and Walker Evans decided to try a one man power ride for a change. We're not sure how Walker finished in his race on the track, but here in the pits he was uncontested. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture use.cl. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8x10 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SCORE Tecate Baja 500 by Judy Smith ...................................................... 8 Cyprus Rally by Martin Holmes .................................................................... 18 Whiplash Rock To Rock by Sheryl Cannon ............................................... 20 Rim of The World Rally by Paul Timmerman ........................................ 26 Donna's Tale by Beryl Moore .. , ................................................................... 32 Australia -Round 1 by Darryl Smith ......................................................... 34 CORR at Crandon by John Calvin ............................................................. 36 VORRA Yerington 300 by Troy Robinson .................................................. 38 Whiplash Short Course by Mike Del Cot ................................................ 40 SCORE Tecate Baja 500 Motorcycles by To~y Tellier ............................. 42 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .................................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes .................................................................................................... 6 Checkers Report by John Hastings ............................................................... 46 California Rally Series by The Director ................................................. ...... 47 F.A.l.R News by Wes Wisdom ........................................................................ 47 Mag 7 Report by Stephen Stenburg ................................................................ 48 Pony Express .... ............................. , ............................................................ 50 Good Stuff Directory ................................................................................ 51 Classified ...... , .............. .................................................................... , .......... 57 Index to Advertisers .................................................................................. 59 On The Cover The Chenowth of Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt raced to the Class 1 and overall victory at the SCORE Baja 500, they took the lead late in the race but they outdrove all their competitors. Photo by Alan Madden -Trackside Photo The Chenowth Millenium of Rick Ellison and Bill Hernquist literally flew over the Baja 500 course, taking the Class 10 win by almost half an hour, Ellison's third 500 win in a row. Photo by Art Eugenio --Trackside Photo · Visit Our Website Dustytimes.com cSubscribe 7oda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW .□ RENEWAL Name ------------'------------Address ---------------------City State Zip --------------------Primary Interest Cars □ Trucks □ Motorcycles □ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - l year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times August 2001 Page 3 -~·.·: .. . -.,-- . 1 . I • I
I I I t , . I I I . . I~~ ~m-□oot?cn~I D) ~ ?tllhl RACING ASSOCIATION Presents The Ultiniate Off-Road Challenge!! . ~ . 0 ,. ~~=--z;;;;; ________ '-0 I)
2001 Happenings ... RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57 501 Heraclio Patino (Oil 52 616-5-22-07) October 5-7, 2001 Laguna SaiaBa, Mexicali, BC, MX N01Jember 30-December 2, 2001 Mexicali to San Felipe, BC, MX AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series Bill Markum - President (909) 860-1857 • 24 hr Hotline• (714) 562-7742 E Mail: bmark909@aol.com www.atatrails.com ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose del Caho Baja California del Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia DUSTY TIMES@bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 August 4, 200 l La Tuque Quebec September 15, 2001 Olympic Stadium Montreal BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 Lakeside, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Racewa:,, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing & Special Event Marketing 4344 Valley View Ave. Norco, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 E-Mail: Liul@wurlJm:L.aLL.uet September 27-30, 2001 Vegas To Reno Las Vegas, NV Pre-Run August 24-25 November JO-December 2, 2001 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV Pre-Run November 3-4 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Les Wolfe, NEW President 341 W. 257 5 North Sunset, Uf 84015 (801) 773-1651 (801) 773-9319 Fax September 14-15, 2001 Bonneville Challenge Wendover, NV BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Club Automovilista Juarense de Championship Off-Road Racing 7210 Gateway East El Paso, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 Ralph Garcia 011-52-16-17-45-42 Cesar Fuentes CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Sue Robinson -Director 845 Schoohouse Road Ramona, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 E-Mail: crsdirecc@hotrnail.com Website <califomiarallyseries com> John Dillon, SoPac Rally Steward sopacrallysteward@hotrnail.com Rally Series August II, 2001 Gorman Ridge Rally Frazier Park, CA Dusty Times October 5-7, 2001 Treeline Rally November 30-December 2, 2001 Ramada Express Rally Laughlin, NV Rallyeross Series October 6, 2001 Prescott, AZ. RX October 13, 2001 Las Vegas RX Jean, NV November 10, 2001 Las Vegas RX Jean, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA '1 Quality Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. Torn Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Count) Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN Calle 6ta Fracc Cd. de San Quintin San Quintin, BC, Mexico •7/8"-1'' HARD CHROMED SHAFT •CNC MACHINED FROM BILLET MATERIALS •NITROGeN CHAf\GED REMOTE flESERVOIR •COMPLSfe .EX~.A. L. POSfJ!ON SENSIT•VE ADJUfl'MENT ·EXCLUSIVE TOflCO FLUID FORMOLATEO FOR OPTIMAL ;(~ \i ; <i; A) ~ ) ~. ' CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (0115261746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE Bravo 120-B Zona Centro, Mexicali, BC, MX P.O. Box 2328 Calexico, CA 92232-2328 011-52-6-553-4087 www.codeoffroad.com mail@codeoffroad.com August 10-12, 2001 Tecate, Baja Calif~mia, MX Bypa COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Hector Cerecer 0l 1-52-65-66-4458 CORR EXXON SERIES Championship Off Road Racing 192 N. State Road 267, Suite 267 Avon, IN 46123 ·(317) 272-2827 /Fax: (317) 272-2900 July 28-29, 2001 Fort Dodge, IA August 11-12, 2001 r::J!r by SWAY-A-WAY® ERNAL AND '~RNAf,.~OJUSTABILITY TO OBTAIN OPTIMAL PEF\FORMANCE EMOTE RESE!WOJR~"TO RESIST FADING CAUSED BY HEAT AND CAVITATION . i •2 AND 3 TUBE DESIGNS FOR'.ANE TUNING SUSPENSION ;.,< ,,,_ ~. "\. ·RACE PROVEN QUAL~ AN~.~:RFORMANCE •2.5" AND 3" DIAMETER AVAILABLE Distributors Camburg Engineering Off-Road Warehouse Race Ready Products Donahoe Racing 714-848-8880 858-565-n92 619-691-9171 714-632-3033 Baja Concepts McKenzie's Prowlers Kartek" Raceshock Co. 760-723-2117 714-441-1212 661-288-5757 909-628-0833 6-02-493-3700 Aug~st 2001 Gato wayaway.cam to learn more or call [B1 BJ 70D-971 E! Sway-A-Way, Inc. Chatsworth, CA Pages • ' ( . 4 I
• Trail· Notes ... SNORE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL - August 3rd is the date and the Terrible's Casino in Las Vegas is the sponsor and there is a lot of prestige and money to be gained out on the race course. Tech and contingency will be at Terrible's Hotel & Casino, 4100 Paradise, corner of Flamingo in beautiful Las Vegas. Aside from the regular SNORE payback, there are bonus' galore, for example, Unlimited Class $4000, Class 10 $4000, Heavy Metal $4000, Mini Metal $4000, Class 1/ 2-1600 $4000, Class 5-1600 $3000, Class 9 $3000. There is an additional $2000 bonus posted by Herbst Casino for first overall with an additional $2000 posted by KC HiLites. There will be an open bar and cocktail party at the hotel pool during contingency and signup on Friday evening. The awards brunch will be Sunday morning at the hotel pool. Each race entry will receive 2 tee shirts and 2 hats. For more race info call SNORE at 702-452-4522. BLM NEWS• The BLM is soliciting public participation in the development of a vehicle access network for the public lands north of the city of Barstow. An open house will be held on Wednesday, June 27th at the Barstow Field Office, 2601 Barstow Road, from 2to 8pm. BLM personnel will be available to discuss the suggested network. The public is invited and may submit their comments during the 90 days following the release of the maps and reports. If you cannot attend this meeting and. still wish to provide BLM with written Comments, send to: BLM, Attn: West Mojave Planning Team, 6221 Box Springs Blvd., Riverside, CA 92507. For more information call 909-697-5294. Comments must be received no later than Wednesday, August 15th, 2001. CORR AT ANTIGO - After the floods at Fort Dodge, CORR got in its first full weekend of racing at Antigo, WisconsiI), although it rained the entire weekend there also. But, the races went on and although muddy all came off alright. In Super Buggy Ryan & David Mulder won Saturday, Steve & Larry Krieman 2nd and Scott Powell 3rd. On Sunday, Cory Heynan and Sean Silver took the win, Gary Nierop was 2nd and Doug Hafner was 3rd. In Stock, Keith Steele won on Saturday, Jerry Edgerton 2nd and Mark Kleiman 3rd. On Sunday Steele repeated, Don Williams was 2nd and the Konitzers 3rd. In Sportsman 2, Mike Oberg won both days, Ben Wandahsega was 2nd and Sam Konitzer was 3rd on Saturday. On Sunday, the Zima/Bundy duo was 2nd and D~n Badoux was 3rd. Pro-Lite went to Art Schmitt on Saturday, Steve Federico 2nd and Jason Crowder was 3rd. On Sunday Jeff Kincaid took the win, Rick Huseman was 2nd and Jason Crowder took third. Pro-4 on Saturday went to Rob MacCa\:hren, Curt Leduc was 2nd and Adrian Cenni was 3rd. On Sunday Cenni took the win, Scott Douglas 2nd and MacCachren was 3rd. In Pro-2, the Saturday win went to Scotty Taylor, Larry Gourlie was 2nd and RJ Flanagan 3rd. Sunday Evan Evans took the win, Dan Vandenheuvel 2nd and Scotty Taylor 3rd. Light Buggy win on Saturday went to Stingle/Barnum, John Huven 2nd and Andrews/Bowen 3rd. Sunday JeffVimig took the win, Peebles/Ford 2nd and Hosking/Peterson 3rd. In Single Buggy on Saturday, Steve Socha won it, Shayne Pagles was and Mike Seefeldt 3rd. Sunday the win went to John Svanda, Steve Socha 2nd and Mike Seefeldt 3rd. In Drivers Points, MacCachren leads Cenni and LeDuc in Pro-4, Scotty Taylor leads Pro-2, ahead of Evan Evans and Larry Gourlie, Jason Crowder leads Pro-Lite with Steve Federico and Jeff Kincaid in arrears. Mike Oberg leads Sportsman 2, Keith Steele Sportsman Stock and Doug Hafner leads Super Buggy.' Sportsman Single Buggy belongs to Steve Socha and Light Buggy has John Huven in the lead. In Manufacturers Points Toyota leads Ford in Pro Lite by 19 points, nobody else is close, Chevy has a lock on Pro-2, 137 points ahead of Ford and in Pro-4, Ford · leads Chevy by 102 points. KAR TEK OFF ROAD - Just a note to everyone involved, Kar Tek has moved to a new location. Their new address is: 2871 Ragle Way, Corona, CA 92879. 909-737-RACE, 909-737-1877 fax and on the Internet it's www.kartek.com Dusty Times wishes you much success in your new location. SCORE POINTS - Believe it or not, the season is slowly waning away and the points races in some classes are very tight while others already seem to be decided. Rob MacCachren i.s the overall points leader at this point and of course leads the 1/2-1600 class as well. In 1/2-1600, MacCachren has 181 points, Kash Vessels sits at 158, Adam Pfankuch has 157 and Dale Ebberts has 151. In Class I Steve Sourapas has 162 (second overall), Troy Herbst has 159 and Jeff Quinn has 154. Dave Ashley leads in Trophy Truck with 125, Tim Herbst has 112 and Brian Collins has 89. In Class 31 Clive Skilton leads with 105 points, in Class 3 Alfonzo Hernandez leads with 69 points, Ed Griffin has 60. George Seeley and Michael James are tied in Class 5 with 125 points each and in 5-1600 Allan Gregory leads with 132, Daniel Gutierrez sits at 125 and Ernie Negrete is third with 109. In Class 7 Ernesto Cervantes leads with 105, Craig Turner is second with 83 and Scott Sells is third with 74 points. In Class 7S Dan Fresh leads with 85, Jared Hardin has 75, Kevin Davis 74, Cody Swaney has 73 and Cory Susag has 69 points. Class 8 is led by Jesse Jones, 100 points and Nick Vanderway is close with 96. Cisco Bio leads Class 9 with 147 points and Ivan Gomez is second at 118. Class IO is led by Mark Hutchins, 159, Danny Anderson has 153 and Steve Myers has 139. Dennis Boyle leads SCORE Lites is led by Dennis Boyle at 139, Ron Dalke has 133, Tom Ridings at 128 with Kory Halopoff and Vic Bruckmann close behind. Eric Solorzano leads Class II with 122 points, Dr. McRae Glass ·leads the Stock Mini Class with 135 points and John Griffin leads Stock Full. In Protruck, Richard Hoffman leads with 111, Ryan Herzog has 102 and Scott Steinberger i~ third with 101.ln the motorcycle and Quad groups, Jose Ruvalcaba leads Class 21, Steve Hengeveld leads Class 22 with 108 points, Johnny Campbell has 96 points. Eddie Zeller leads Class 30, 96 points, followed by Oton Guzman, 6 points in arrears. Jim O'Neal leads Class 40 and Richard Jackson is the Class 50 leader. Roberto Buenc;lia leads Class 24 in the ATV's and Class 25 is led by John Gregory with 103 points with Jimmy Stephensen only 5 points behind. The next SCORE race is the Primm 300, September 14 and 15. See ya there! MAG 7 - The Mag 7 Race Team will be pitting the Primm 300. Mag 7 ·is offering an e~ergency pit out on the race course for a very low cost. Please call or e-mail for information. 619-303-6283. www.Racedirecror@maq]race.com. DAKAR IS COMING - The 2002 Dakar caravan is already in the works and if you want to get going on it, this is your chance. Entries open June l and close on 15 November. The 26th and 27th of December is set aside for vehicle Technical Inspection in Arras, the starting city and the rally starts on the 28th of December 2001. The finish is in Dakar pn the 13th of January, 2002 after trekking through Morocco, Mauritania, Mali and Senegal. The entry fee rises about 15% after July 31 so you'd best be contacting the organizers as soon as possible. Write to: Competitor Relations, 2 rue Rouget de lisle, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, :Crance. Call 33 (0)1 41 33 14 33 14 60/ 62 or e-mail at www.dakar.com. Page& Bark River, MI September 1-2, 2001 Crandon, WI September 22-23, 2001 Topeka, KS CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. E'1erett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston CountJ ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY Darren Skilton Baja Automotive Adventures 455 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 208 Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/Fax: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (5 20) 85 5-6125 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tora Delauder, Sr. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ESTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing Victoria Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 011-526-176-6225 FRT Motorsports 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 Motorcycles, ATVs & Dez Superlites iuiyis, iooi C/M Nite Team Race Plaster City East, CA August· 26, 200 l Sweethearts Kiss Lake Superstition, CA September R, 2001 MudHen Sprint Plaster City East, CA October 8, 2001 Cheeseburger 100 Plaster City West, CA N011ember 17, 2001 D38 Reunion Event Plaster City West, CA N011ember 18, 2001 Notorious Dawg3 Hour Team Race Plaster City West, CA December 9, 200 I Revenge Dez Gran Prix Lake Superstition, CA MX And Off Road Short Course All at Imperial VaUey Expo, lmperia~ CA March IO, 2001 Tentative) September 22, 2001 Round 5 N011ember 3, 2001 Round 6 December 3, 200 l Round 7 Championship Series For Cars, Trucks, Buggies, ATVs, Dez SuperLites & Motorcycles August l I, 2001 Gran Prix Tecate, BC, MX No A TV, Bike, Super Lite September 8, 2001 MudHen Sprint Plaster City East, CA No Buggies, Cars, Trucks October 27, 2001 Superstition 250 XVIII • Plaster City East, CA December 31, 2001 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 4 20 Hosea Road August 2001 Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association Jesse Urwin 1842 Boyd Street Ashland, NE 68003 (402) 944-2193 . Terry Fitzgerald (401) 734-2676 5710 S. 56th Street Omaha, NE 68117 August 4, 2001 August 18, 2001 (AU races are short course, Stadium sr,le. Classes: Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5, 7S and Quads. AU races wiU be held at 1-80 Speedway, Greenwood, NE www.gboTTa.com) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (250) 374-7175 days Randy (250) 579-9621 eves. Wes (250) 351-2819 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 www.prerunners.com www.megashow.com L.I.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 }imAruta (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITAS OFF ROAD RACING Luis Carlos Alvarezo Panamericana Ave #5105 Cd. Juarez, Chih., MX 011-52-1637-1799/0l l-52-1619-224 2 (915) 727-8866 USA Classes l, 5, 1600, 5-1600, 8, 9, IO May 26, 2001 September B, 2001 N011ember 24, 2001 Motocross/A TV Racing August 18, 2001 October 20, 2001 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 www.buggybuilders.com MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M. T.B. Enterprises Inc. · 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 (Jeeps, Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Road Warriors and Quad ATV.Money Classes.) July 29, 2001 Mason, Ml MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Mike Turner (217) 235-2473 P.O. Boxl84 Mattoon, IL 61938 www.maoraracing.com Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL (217)932-2041 Off Road Playground.com (800) 555-3167 Short Course Series August 4, 200 l Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL October 6, 200 l Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey IL Endurance Series August 5, 2001 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL October 7, 2001 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL MOJAVE DESERT RACING 1853 Parkway Drive $. El Monte, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 Fax E-Mail: mdrracing@aol.com August 25, 2001 California 200 Lucerne, CA N011ember 3, 2001 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. High Desert Championship P.O. Box.1231 Barstow, CA 92311-1231 Fax: (760) 253-4453 September 15, 2001 Mighty Mojave 300Barstow, CA N011ember IO, 2001 Wild Turkey 200Lucerne, CA MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES All events at Perris Raceway Bill Markham (909) 860-1857 www.lTStrials.com (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #l - Box 380 · Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 3 2177 (904) 325-5422 r.TATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NORTHERN OHIO OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. Gary Wulff, (724) 283-2678 May 27, 2001 August 5, 2001 September I 6, 200 l October 7, 2001' October 21, 2001 (All events are at Spring Balley Raceway, Miliport, Ohio) OFF ROAD EXPO 2001 (626) 599-8622 October 6-7, 2001 Fairplex, Pomona, CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 867-7788 AU races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take 1-10 Horizon Blvd. exit east 12 miles OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison Counr, Fairgrounds, Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichboume, Public Relations (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) August 4-5, 2001 Kincardine August 18-19, 2001 Brighton Speedway September 22-23, 2001 Kincardine OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 Ummelman St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 August ll-12, 2001 Bark River Off Road Raceway Bark River, Ml September 1-2, 2001 Crandon International Raceway Dusty Times
Crandon, WI PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 www.usoff-road.com PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING Sand Drags:TuffTrucks, Desert Short Course Trucks, Buggies & Quads Kenny Dean (609) 660-0402/(609) 660-0066 Chatsworth, NJ September 8-9, 2001 Fall Round UP September 23, 2001 • Oct-Ober 28, 200 I• *Races at Southwick, MA (960) 829-0213 - Bob PROTRUCK RACING SERIES 9409 Abraham Way Santee, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/Fax: (619) 449-6470 September 27-30, 2001 Vegas To Reno , December TBA, 2001 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 Ricketts, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA ProRally series Sports Car Club of America 9033 E. Easter Place Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622/Fax: (303) 694-3654 July 27-28, 2001 Maine Forest Rumford, ME August 17-18, 2001 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 7-8, 2001 Wild West Olympia, WA October 5-7, 2001 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ October 519-20, 2001 Lake Superior Houghton, MI SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495N. Commons Drive, Suite 200 · · Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE International 23961 Craftsman Rd., Suite A Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/Fax: (818) 225-8102 September 14-15, 2001 Primm NV November 8°10, 2001 Baja 1000 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 270516 Las Vegas, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 August 3-4, 2001 KC Midnight Special Boulder City, NV September 28-29, 2001 Gold Coast 32nd SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 16-17, 2001 Reserve 250 Las Vegas, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 SODA Dusty Times Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, Wl 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series President - Geoff Lee 1243 Trice Road Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830, Class Rep. - l/Z..1600 Bruce Meyers (865) 453-1005 Class Rep. -9 & Unlcd. Michael Moore (334) 271-7035 Outlaw Rep. Don Ponder (314) 631-8190 Ocrober 20, 2001 Enduro Race Classis 1/2-1600, 5-1600,, Class 9, Class 11 & Sportsman (AU Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION AND BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INC. 2517 Sycamore Drive #353 Simi Valley, CA 93065 (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) (805) 526-1805/Fax:(805) 584-8518 Internet: http://scta-bni.org SOUTHERNSHORTCOURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4 305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962,2857 (AU Races at EastbaJ Racewa1, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Park.lands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (011) 880-2170 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4 209 So. CR 1300 Odess.a, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437/(615) 595-8237 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX) TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252,3093 T.O.R.R.O Texas Off Road Racing Organization Marty Jackson 8307 Bauman Road Houston, TX 77022 (713) 694-0207/Fax: (713) 694-8335 VORRA Off Road Racing P.O. Box 3362 Carson City, NV (775) 246-5545/(775) 246-9089 Fax www.VORRA.com May 26-27, 2001 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV September 1-3, 2001 Yerington 250 Desert Race Fernley, NV Short Course Championship Series September 22-23, 2001 Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA Oct-Ober 6-7, 2001 Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA Oct-Ober 27-28, 2001 Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA *+ Mechanics Race & lidies Race VICENTE GUERRERO OFF ROAD CLUB Profo. Cenovio Gamboa 0l l-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire P.O. Box 376 Adamsburg, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORS~RTS 16251 North Cave Creek Road #4 Phoenix, AZ 85023-2976 (602) 971-3730 September 1, 2001 Snowflake 200 Aripine, AZ Oct-Ober 6-7, 2001 Grand Prix of Parker Parker, AZ December 8, 2001 Laughlin, NV Bike & ATV Series May 26-27, 2001 Sunrise Gran Prix Greer, AZ September 2, 2001 Snowflake 100 Airpine, AZ October 6-7, 2001 Gran Prix of Parker Parker, AZ November 4, 2001 Vulture Mine 100 Wickenburg, AZ December 9, 2001 Laughlin, AZ WINSCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, Wl 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP 4x4FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, Wl 54901 XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 Baja Office: 011-526-6225 Short Course Racing Oct-Ober 13-14, 2001 Ensenada, BC, MX November 17-18, 2001 Lake Havasu, AZ December 8-9, 2001 Laughlin, NV u. PROMOTIONS Rene Montano P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 Motor9cks & A TVs On!) Attention Race&· Rally · Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club· mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 2001 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 August 2001 Trail Notes •.. Br~ndan Gaughan -It was back on May 12th but we just heard that Favorite son Brendan Gaughan won the NASCAR Winston West Food 4 Less 250 race at Irwindale Speedway. Gaughan, the defending series· champion was able to hold off all comers for the win. As of the May date, Brendan is third in points in.the series, only 48 points in arrears. JEEPSPEED - If you're a Jeep type and want to go racing your time has come. Jeepspeed is open to all Jeep Cherokee XJ series built from 1984 to 2001. The Jeepspeed group run their own race within a race, running for their own points and a dollar prize at seasons end. They run with SCORE and MOR to name a few and next season-will race for dollars as well as points. These entrants must be street legal and you can buy and build one quite reasonably. Highly modified Class 3 and 6 Jeeps are not eligible for chis venue. You race against your own kind and there is'a $6000 prize fund for the 2001 series. If you ever wanted to race at a reasonable cost, this is your intro and we suggest you contact Jeepspeed at 714-53~-7434 or e-mail JeepSpeedCOM@aol.com. B ITD TONOPAH 300 - A good entry and a good race at Tonopah on June 23rd. There will be a full report on the race by Judy Smith in the next issue of Dusty Times, but here are some of the winners in a capsule. Mark Weyhrich took Class 1, Kyle Taylor took Class 8 with Dave Westham 4 minutes behind in the second spot. Darnen Jefferies was the Trophy Truck winner, Lonny Helmbolt was second. Rob Reinertson took the Protruck category, Chet Huffman only two minutes behind. Greg Foutz took Class 8S, Alan Hogan a long second place. Craig Turner won Class 7 Unlimited, Rick Taylor was second. Richard Long was the 7S winner, Joe Custer was second. Gary Wise won Class 10, Kevin Moore was a long way pack in second. Eric Williams was thel/.!1600 winner while Marc Stein took the coveted Big SUV Class, Rod Hall taking second. Rob MacCachren drove his Ford truck to a win, beating out David Porter. Marc Wincour won Class 3100, Mike Falkosky was second. FNAL FLAG - We were terribly saddened to learn of the passing of Bob Giles, a mainstay of the Best In The Desert Racing Association. Bob passed away on May 29, 2001, his heart finally giving up a long struggle. Bob was the start/finish line announcer for BITD and performed a myriad of other casks as well. When I attended m) first BITD race for Dust) Times man) 1ears ago Bob took me under his wing and saw to it that etier1thing I needed came to pass. Bob was a warm, funny, intelligent r,iy of sunshine co all who knew him, always attentive to everyone else's needs. Bob will be sorely missed by his family and his many friends and especially by the Dusty Times crew. FNAL FLAG - Yet another one of the good guys leaves us. Al Perino, long -Cirrie member of SNORE, Board member, ex-treasurer suffered a stroke at the SNORE short course race in Mesquite on June 9, and gave up the fight on June 16th, 2001. Al ran the radio relay at the SNQRE races in recent years and was always in the course marking crew for each race and donated much of his time to the workings of SNORE. Al was 67 years old, divorced for many years and had no children. He was also a long time member of the NRA and BPOE. A! will be missed b1 al! of us. SUMMIT GOLF TOURNAMENT - If you missed it you really missed a good one1 About 75 people showed up.for the tournament at the Singing Hills Resort in El Cajon on Friday, June 29th for a great day of golf and lots of food and the foamy stuff after play. The play was to benefit CORVA, helping co build their legal warfare fund in their fight to keep our deserts open. We'll do a small· piece on the fun and games in the next issue of Dusty Times. ROBBY GORDON - It was good to see Robby almost in the winners circle at Sears Point on June 24th. Driving Jimmy Smith's car, Robby put on a great show, driving the car as it's supposed to be driven and no one could fault his performance. Let's hope he and Jimmy strike a deal and Robby gets back into NASCAR. Congrats on a great drive. PKES PEAK RACES TO THE CLOUD.'S -It was June 30th this year but once again the faithful gathered to race up the almost 13 mile gravel course to the 14,110 foot high summit. Unfortunately this year.there was a fatality, Chandler Bruning was killed when his car left the course on a high speed section of the course. Rod Millen did not enter this year as his major sponsor wasn't with the program. The course was supposedly a lot faster chis year but the elusive 10 minute mark was not even close to being broken, Gary Kanawyer fastest of all in his Wells Coyote at 10:39: 76. Also in the Open Wheel division, Jimmy O lson turned 10:45:59 in his Wells Coyote, David Donner turned 11 minutes flat with Keith Harper at 11:37:84. In Unlimited it was Yutaka Awazuhara in his Susl!ki Grand Vitara at 11:01:77. Jean Pierre Richelmi won the Pikes Peak Open Class in. a Toyota Corolla and the Super Stock Car Class went to Clint Vahsholtz (son of Leonard) in a Ford Mustang. Leonard Vahsholtz took the Super Truck & SUV Class in a Ford Bronco, his 12th win at the Peak. Rhys Millen won the High Performance Showroom Stock Class in his Mitsubishi Lancer with Jeff Zwart second in his Porsche 911 . Ron Kirkman won the Exhibition Class with Bob Land caking third in his Izusu Rodeo Sport. HRMULA I -!twas good to see Michael Schumacher win the French Gran rix in his Ferrari. Michael now has won 50 Gran Prix races in his short areer and chis is his .sixth win of the season. I have been a Gran Prix fan since 1953 and I must say, it does my heart good to see Ferrari back in the winners circle and even better, Michael actually seems to be having a good time doing what he loves and lives to do. Most of the drivers are very cure in their comments and are always complaining about something while Schumacher always has a grin on his face and gets absolutely delirious when he wins. Keep it up Michael and keep on winning. MORE SNORE NEWS - Hot Flash! SNORE is moving their ?::lovember race, the Reserve 250 to Barstow. The November 17th race will be run in Conjunction with MORE and it should be a good one! Also, another flash, SNORE and Whiplash are getting together in Late January at Parker in a Combined effort. Things are certainly getting' busy! Seay _tuned. MASTERCRAFT RACE PRODUCTS - Mastercraft announced effective July 16, 2001, they are moving to a new location, 10928 Wheatlands Avenue, Suite B. Santee, CA 92071. Phone number remains the same, 619-449-9455. Page 7
SCORE'S TECATE BAJA 500 MCMillin And Ewalt overall It By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo .. .. Michael James and Mike Kalicki had an uneventful day, enjoyed the scenery, and took the Class 5 win handily. Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt teamed up to drive their V6 Ford pow-ered Chenowth to the over-all victory in SCORE's big-ger and better Baja 500. The absolute overall winner was the Honda team of Steve Hengeveld and Jonah Street, who won in a time of 9:55:26, whupping the cars and trucks by over an hour ahd a half. The course suited the bikes better than it did the four wheel ve-hicles. For this year's version of the 33rd annual Baja 500, SCORE got lucky and was able to add some new and never-before-raced-on roads. Members of the famed Meling family, from the Meling Ranch in San Pedro Martir mountains, showed Sal Fish, CEO of SCORE, a network of roads that allowed racers to run up into the mountains east and south of Mike's Sky Ranch, then cross over the San Telmo road twice, and come back towards Mike's heading eastward, only to turn left and down the fa-miliar trail to Simpson's Ranch. It gave the racers about 80 miles of new ter~ ritory. And it was challeng-ing stuff. · The r<>st nf the course was familiar, starting with the· muddy wash through Ensenada and then the climb up to Guadalupe and on to Ojos Negros. After that the racers headed in a southeasterly direction, par-alleling and crossing High-way 3, until they got to Valle de Trinidad, where they turned sharply south. After the nice trip up to the edge of Mike's property, the trail continued-southward, th.en westward, in a big circle around Meling's Ranch. Once back north of San Telno Road they picked up the old drop off down into the river crossing near Simpson's Ranch, then the downward run to Valle Trinidad again. After skirt-ing the onion fields they turned west, and went to the beach, past Erendira and northward to Santo Tomas. Then .they used Highway 1 to get to Uruapan (correctly pro-nounced "Uhr-wop-un"), and from there into Tres Hermanos, and then north-ward an·d back into Ojos Negros. From then it was in-bound on the outbound ·course, always a challenge because it gets so chewed up by the outbound traffic in the morning. And, often. the lead cars are driving westward into the setting sun. All of the pre-race cer-emonies took place in En-senada, with the green flag early on Saturday morning in front of the beautiful Convention Center. Unfor-tunately, the bozos who th.ink it's entertaining to . watch cars go end-over-end had been at work in the wash overnight. In spite of the fact that SCORE per-sonnel warned every rider and driver personally, and in spite of the fact that En-senada public works em-ployees had been in the wash with tractors, there was still at least one danger-ous booby-trap. Some driv-ers didn't throttle down enough, and several cars aqd trucks bit the dust very early in the day. A major improvement for this event was a no-non-sense attitude up at Valle de Dan Street, Jr. and Sr., Randy Green and Rene Brugger put their Ford on its head, then went on to win Class 7S. Trinidad where the farmers have traditionally flooded the road so they can enjoy the entertainment of watch-ing cars slip and slide, or roll over in the small lake that ensues. This year· the authorities told them that if they flooded the road the race would be rerouted through the onion fields. The road stayed dry. The Trophy Trucks went off the line first, as usual, and also as usual, seemed to have the hardest time get-ting back to the finish. No one made it unscathed. There was an early traffic jam, which no one would admit to creating, and only Brian Collins made it through without delay. His Chevrolet then averaged 47.5 miles per hour on his way to the highway near Trinidad, at Mile 144. He had about 10 minutes on Tim and Ed Herbst in their Ford at that point. Tim Bald-win, in another Ford, ran third, about four minutes later. Already out were Jorge Ibarra in what was re-portedly Doug Fortin Jr.' s old truck, Mark Post in his Ford and Martyn Atkins in the Chevy Blazer. Dave Ashley, who was the starting driver in the Duralast Ford, had run into a rock even before Ojos and flattened a tire and bent a wheel. He decided to pull off course a b.it, so he wouldn't be hit in the heavy dust, and in so doing, got himself high-centered. He lost about 20 minutes get-ti n.g going again and dropped to fourth. The next 138 miles in-cluded the new section up and around Mike's and' Meling's ranches. The Herbst truck had the fastest average time through th.ere, for this class, at 39.79 miles per hour indicating that it was not an easy section. That moved them into the lead, and now Ashley was up to second place and Baldwin was third. Robby Gordon, whose Ford had an oil line problem, which "led to other problems" was run-ning about 45 minutes off the lead pace. And Glen Greer, with about three and a half hours down time, was now the last one running. Collins had broken an A-arm up in the section around Mike's, and the Herbsts had pulled him off the coutse, which he was blocking, so traffic could get by. That was the end of Collins' day, and as far as we know, Larry Ragland, who'd been scheduled to drive, hadn't got in the truck. Greer's day had started with a big endo at the booby-trap in the wash. Lots of pieces came off th~ car, helped along when a Cla_ss 1 car, Cesar Fuentes, rolled right on top of the truck. (Fuentes' car then caught fire, but it was extinguished before spreading to the Tro-phy Truck). Greer's co-driver, Lonny Helmbolt, de-cided he was ready to race, so while Greer nursed a bro-ken nose, he and the crew did what they could to make the truck raceable. They'd lost the spare tire mount, for example, so they tied a spare onto the roof. By 10 a.m. they had it go-ing again and were thread-ing through city traffic to get. back on the course. Helmbolt was driving, and Eric Pavolka, who'd been in for the crash, rode with him far enough to direct him through the part of the course he didn't kn.ow well. Kash Vessels and Jason Hatz make a good 1600 team, and proved it as they drove their Chenowth to the class victory. With bad luck early and good luck later on, the Ford of Dave Ashley and Dan Smith took 1he Trophy Truck win in a close one. When the trucks got to Uruapan, at Mile 384, it was still Herbst in the lead. He'd man.aged to pull off a pretty slick trick on the way. As they came out of Santo Tomas the local police had decided they should escort the racers on the highway stretch from Santo Tomas to Uruapan, and Herbst was caught up in the escort, which was obviously not moving fast enough for him. So, when they reached the end of the long straight. Continued on page 10 -Page 8 August 2001 Dusty Times
Ready. .. ·· · . ·set ~h ~ ' DFF-RD.dD. ·CODE Offroad and FRT MotorSports Promotions presentes an Historic Offroad Race: offroadwarehouse.com San Diego Escondido El Cajon LAZO DEAMISTAD GRAND PRIX This is an historic event because never before have two Off-Road organizations combined to present an Off-Road event. While this in itself is a unique happening, the fact that the sanctioning organizations are located in two different countrie$ where the people speak different languages makes it unequaled in the history of Off-Road Racing . . Saturday August 11, 2001 Ameri-Mex Market Rancho Villareal, Tecate, Baja Ca TECATE, CA ROUND 4 OF THE CODE TECATE 2001 OFFROAD CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 4 OF THE FRT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES ~'""~ lcablered. Rancho Villareal Tecate, B.C. Bar Diana TECATE,B.C. Start Position Drawing and Of/Road Show: Saturday August 4, 2001 GONHER. ORW Escondido Mexico: (0115265) (6) 553-4087 Race information: USA: (619) 427-5759 mail@codeoffroad.com · www.fudrace.com
, ., Rick Romans and Darnen Jefferies teamed in Romans' Jimco, and Jesse Jones led Class B early in his Chevrolet, then fell on hard times Rob MacCachren had to change the transmission.of his Fraley about halfway through the day, was still 2nd in 1-2/1600. took third in the very tight Class 1, which had 30 entries. and ended his day in second place. and came to the point From Uruapan to the fin-initial contretemps with the where the three big hairpin ish line was just 100 miles, rock, their only trouble had turns creep up the moun-but it included the final 57 been some flats. Three min-tain, Herbst opted to take miles that had been the out-utes later the Herbst truck the "shortcut", which was bound r9ad in the morning. showed up, crossing the fin-originally created back in It wasn't an easy section in ish line in reverse, with the '70s when the course the .morning,•and now that navigator A.J. ·Martin hang-went down the hill. It's a it was all chewed up and the ing out the window to help straight shot, steep and rut-drivers were running into direct the driver. A huge ted, but cuts off a couple of the setting sun, it was pretty roar went up from the spec-, the hairpins. He powered awful! Herbst was leading, tators who always love to up it, got to the top way but Smith was running well · see a disabled racer get to ahead of the police escort, and not far behind them. the finish. They were only and went unmolested on Their teams waited at the about two and a half min-his way to Uruapan-and finish, I°istening for the utes behind Ashley and points east. Now they had rumble of the V8 or the si-Smith after doing the final almost 17 minutes on ren song of the Vl0. But five or six miles in reverse Ashley's co-driver, Dan the first car across the line gear. It was another two Smith. Baldwin was another was neither of them. Nor hours before Baldwin came hour and 10 minutes back, was the second. And when in, weary from driving all having fuel pump trouble. it finally came _it was the the way. In fourth place it Then came Gordon, just Smith and Ashley truck. was Gordon, happy to get a three minutes behind him, They declared that the finish in Baja (even if it and Greer/Helm bolt, six course was challenging, and hadn't happened at Indy). hours later. · reported that after Ashley's He'd lost another 15 or 20 Tom Ridings and Brian Parkhouse paired in Ridings' Mirage, had a lawless day in the old car and won the SCORE Lite class. minutes near the end of his trip when he stopped to res-cue his dad who was driv-ing in Class 1. The final Trophy Truck to finish was Greer's, Helmbolt and Pavolka doing the driving, in a total time of 20 hours and 23 minutes, just 12 minutes shy of the cut-off time. Class 1 had a big entry, with 30 starters. But eight of them co11lcln't get to Trinidad (Mile 144) includ-ing Fuentes who rolled on the early booby-trap, and Jeff Darland, Kory Scheel-er, Pat Dean, John Herder, Josh Waddell, Tim Rockenbach and Ed Stew-art. A lot of talent was gone very early. Missing all to-gether was Corky McMillin who hasn't skipped a 500 in many a moon, but was re-covering from recent back surgery. He expects to be able to drive in the 1000. . Of those who did get to Trinidad, Rod Muller was in front in his Pontiac Por-ter, with a little. over two minutes on Doug Fortin, Jimco, didn t make it Jr., in his V4 powered around, nor did Fortin. Jimco. In third place it was Chuck Hovey, racing his Dale and Mike Dondel in new Jimco for the first time their Nye Frank, another 14 in Baja, broke a shifter, and seconds back, and then it was getting really bad gas was Mark McMillin in the mileage for some reason. Chenowth, with Richard They were back on old fa. Boyle, in Tom Koch's Type miliar territory again, driv-IV powered Jimco, in fifth ing from Valle de Trinidad, and only 40 seconds off. down to the beach and back There were another four up to Uruapan. In this sec-very fast cars in the next two tion the quickest car be-minutes, and more chasing l_onged to Ronny Wilson hard behind them. and Lee Patten, and it was After thei~ trip through Patten at the wheel. He ran the mountains -the lead be-it in an average speed of longed to the Dondels 55.36 miles per hour. They who'd had the fastest time were having brake prob-for that section, at 3: 20:31, lems, and kept overshooting and an average speed of the turns. But it was Ro-41.458, the quickest time mans, taking over for Jeffer-' for this part for all the car ies who led now, and he had and truck classes. Darnen less then a minute on Mike Jefferies, in Rick Roman's Julson who'd taken over for Jimco (which used to be-Lofton. In third it was long to Jefferies) was now McMillin's co-driver, Brian second, about 1_2 minutes Ewalt, another two minutes later. In third it was Bob or so back, and followed by L~fton, in a Jimco, and Herbst, about three m~n-Mark McMillin was fourth, utes behind him. Koch was about two minutes behind in his car now and running him, followed by Troy fifth. The Dondels had dis-Herbst in his Ford, another appeared, and Stuart five minutes back and al-Chase, after spending the ready having some steering · better part of the day up in problems. Muller had lost the mountains, didl).'t make an hour when he hit a rock it to Uruapan. Only 17 of and suddenly found himself the 30 were still running. on his lid. Darnen Jefferies Originally McMillin had stopped to make sure he planned to get back into his was all right, and Troy car,burtheracewassotight Herbst stopped and tried to they left Ewalt in rather set him back on his wheels, than take the time to but couldn't get it done. change. T~ey'd had a brief Scott McMillin hit a tree problem with a crank sen-and tore off a front corner sor near Ojos, but then of his Porter, and Brian Ewalt recor,ded the fastest Brown in Herder's old time from Uruapan to the ]imco, ~lid off a cliff com-finish line. It was still clay-ing down into Simpson's light for him, or dusk, _:50 ranch and "hung there for. that was probably a cons1d-an hour and a half'. Buddy erable help, though the set-Feldkamp went into what ting sun was a problem for his dad, Bud, called "a three many. They finished at 7: 14 hour ditch" at Mile 12. p.m., but since they'd Randy Wilson and Adam started near the front of the Wik, in the V6 powered pack it was a while before they were certain they had the win. Herbst, still fight-ing his steering, was second, only five minutes behind them. In third it was Jeffer-ies and Romans, who'd had a flat in the final stretch, and Wilson and Patten moved up to finish in fourth place also running a good time in the last sec-tion. Steve Sourpas, who did the first and last sec-tions and had Dave Rich-ardson drive the middle, took fifth place in his Pancho and Cisco Bio and Porfirio and Sergio Gutierrez teamed to win Class 9 in their Tubular Designs car. J imco. Koch and Boyle were sixth, Hovey finished sev-enth. on a shredded rear tire, but very happy to fin-·ish a 500. And Lofton and Page 10 August 2001 Dusty Times
George Seeley updated his Baja Bug with a New Beetle body, had Daniel Gutierrez, 3rd place finisher in 5-1600, powers through a typical The Negretes, Ernie and Larry, had a good race going to the end sticky throttle trouble and a flat, and finished 2nd in Class 5. ~p_ar_t~o_f _a~B_a~ifa_5_0_0_ra_cec_o~u_rs_e_. ___________ ~ _ when Gerardo lribe spiced it up a bit. They were 2nd 5/1600. Julson were eighth. Julson, a broken steering wheel. stopped to return the ear-and had a lead of 41 min-Tomas. Now Hoffman who'd been counting his Muller was 13th, and then lier favor, and with a couple utes when he got back to moved into the lead, and at purse money as he neared came Jeff Quinn and Bob of tow straps Robby was Trinidad. He was running Uruapan he had 50 minutes Guadalupe Wash, had hit a Gordon. Gordon, driving able to use his Trophy about fourth in the overall on Herzog's co-driver, rock which damaged his the final section, had a ter-Truck's horsepower to pull standings. Hoffman was Grayson Smith. They were power steering and flat-rible time with the sun. He his dad back up onto the still second, and now Ryan having problems with bro-tened a tire. Then as he was driving with one hand trail. Then he drove it in, Herzog moved his Ford up ken wheels. Scott Steinberg-tried to move around it he in front of his eyes, one to finish 14th. to third in spite of recurrent er was third at this point, wiped out reverse gear. That hand on the wheel. The car In the Protrucks, the brake problems. Mike only another four minutes rock cost them about an was having a little trouble early lead belonged to Mark Becker had the bad luck to back. hour. John Gaughan and turning at slow speeds. Gor-Miller, whose truck, be-slide off of that hill coming Hoffman, who drove all B.J. Richardson, in a Chen-don was momentarily cause it was fuel injected, down from Simpson's, the way, was delighted to get owth, reported getting a blinded just as the road was technically not a where he lost a couple of to the finish line first, earn-ticket on the highway, from turned to the right, and by Protruck at all, but a Super hours. Gary Magness also ing his first win. He liked a cop who "took a half hour the time he realized it, he Sport truck, which runs in slid off an embankment the course, but then, win-to write it up." Ron Brant was over the edge, upside the same class. He not only and lost some time with his ners almost always do. Her-and Harley Letner were down and wedged into the led this group, but was sixth Ford. zog and Smith finished 10th in the new Jimco, part v-shaped chasm. There he in the overall standings at Miller looked great head-about an hour and a half of their rear cage and shock sat for hours. Every finisher Valle Trinidad. In second it ing down through the grape later, in second place, and mounts all pulled loose. said, "Wow, Bob Gordon's was Richard Hoffman, in a vines to the beach, and got Magness and Wally Lobsam Yee, who rolled his really in a fix!" Late in the Chevrolet, nine minutes there so early in the day he Hrdlicka, who'd had only car early in the day man-evening, Yee came along, back, and followed by John astounded the pit folk who one flat all day, were third, aged to finish 11th. Bob and so did Robby. Gordon and Mtke Becker in their were expecting Trophy just under two minutes be-Gordon had stopped and had gathered enough man-brand new Ford. Bob Trucks, but not Protrucks. hind them. The Beckers fin-helped him right his car. He power to get the car back on Shepard, usually a front But it came to an ignomini-ished fourth, very pleased was followed in by Mark its wheels, but couldn't runner, didn't get that far. ous end when he crashed, with their switch from 7S·to and Gary Weyhrich who'd drive up the steep incline to Miller held his lead and was done for the day. Protruck. Steinberger was lost an a-arm bolt and had get back on the course. Yee through the mountains, He didn't even get to Santo Continued on page 12 Dusty Times An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's ~'-"-~"'...,._ ..... ~ @~tr Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbarycoastcasino.com The Place Las Vegans Call Homer" West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 goldcoastcasino.com August 2001 Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 orleanscasino.com Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ·~[]~ • Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 suncoastcasino.com Page 11
Local police slowed him down on the highway, but Mark Hutchins and Dennis Boyle and Frank Hines led early, but ultimately finished third Sammy Ehrenberg were fast later and took 2nd in Class 10. in SCORE Lite thanks to clutch problems. A nagging steering problem that lasted all day kept Troy Herl:Jst slowed down a bit, and he finished second in Class 1. fifth, and the last one to fin-when Oscar Hirales, a Mexi-he'd had a brief delay when ish. cali entry in a Chevy, didn't his first passenger had be-Class 8 was the next off make it to Valle de come terribly car sick, the line, with five entries. Trinidad. At that point the started throwing up and They had a tough day and lead belonged to Jesse had to be jettisoned in fa-were down to four early on, Jones, another Chevy, and vor of someone who had a stronger stomach. Jones third another nine minutes had seven minutes on John back. Nick Vanderwey, in Phillips in his new-to-him still another Chevrolet, had Chevy (recently purchased broken a center link on his from Brian Collins), and steering and an axle, and Beny Canela, in a Ford, ran was about three and a half Ile-Dawns Headrest Pad Page 12 ith the ase•of 2 ltra Pro Seats. 2" x 20' recovery strap (#32200) A $25.00 value! Mail in rebate. Standard Features: • Powder Coated Steel Frame • Double Pirelli Rubber Supports • Grommeted 1 Piece Mesh Liner • High Density Foam Removable Cushion External Shoulder Belt Loops 5-Point Harness Comp'atible • Embossed Logo Available in Black or Gray • 4 time class one champion, '97, '98, '99 & 2000 • 2 time trophy truck champions, '99 & 2000 • '01 - Trophy truck winner, San Felipe 250 Adjustable Clevis & Lin,iting !itraps • '01 - Class 1 winner, Terrible Town 250 August 2001 hours down by the time he got to Valle de Trinidad. At Trinidad the second time Jones still led. He now had about three and a half hours on Vanderwey, who'd moved into second place by virtue of being the only other survivor. Canela was gone and so was Phillips. Phillips had not liked the way his new truck was work-ing apparently, and had handed it over to John Herder, whose Class 1 Truggy h a d also not per-formed up to snuff. Herder then rolled the Phillips truck, so he was out of the race in two classes. When they came through Uruapan it was the Vanderwey truck in front. Brother Larry was now driv-ing. Now Jones was busy, re-placing his ring and pinion, a job that cost him about four hours because he was in Erendira and the spare parts were in Ojos Negros. Just as the crew finished their repair job, the Vanderweys went through Erendira, playing catch-up (imagine their disbelief and joy to find themselves pass-ing those other trucks one by one). So when Jones came out of his pit, he chased hard, thinking he might catch the Vanderweys, but came up on a disabled buggy and in avoiding it slid into a ditch. He lost ;ibout a half hour, and the Hummer had to pull him out of the trap. The Vanderweys had been leading by a half hour at Uruapan. And they mo-tored on smoothly from there to the finish, to take the win, reporting that once their big repair job was done the truck ran per-fectly. Jones, who'd also broken two wishbone bolts, finished second, a little over an hour later. Class 10 had a good en-try with 2 2 cars taking the green flag. But six of them, including Don Hatch, Steve Croll, Morley Williams, Dan Myers, Alejandro Mendez and B .J. Baldwin, failed to get far. Chris Harrold had his Jimco , which has been all re-worked, and is no longer a mid-engine car, in front. He was about two and a half minutes in front o f Rick Dusty Times
Ellison in his Chenowth. In third place it was Mike Wil-liams in his Meco, and Sean Sessa ran fourth in a Jimco. In fifth it was Scott Sellers, who was planning to solo in his Chenowth. Danny Anderson, Jimco, who's usually in the front pack, ran off the road and lost an hour, finally getting going again back in the Class 9s and 5-1600s. And Mark Hutchins was all cranky be-cause a highway patrol man had driven in front of him on Highway 1 and held him to a steady 30 mph, while others in the class escaped that treatment. Trouble seemed to start for many of them in the next section. Sean Sessa's car got wet in one of the many water crossings, then died, and his only recourse, ultimately, was to redo all his electrical stuff. Martin Christensen, in a BMW powered J imco, broke a throttle cable and had no spare (!?). De.nnis Hunter disappeared altogether, and Jason Hunter lost well over two hours. Chris Muller, in a Porter, was having motor trouble. But.Hutchins, probably venting after his experience on the highway, had the best time in this section, covering the mile-age in three hours 40 min-utes and 54 seconds. (Aver-age speed of 37.6 mph.) Ellison had moved into the lead, and he now had five minutes on Hutchins who'd co1ne up to second piace, followed by SeUers, about seven minutes further back. In. fourth it was Steve Myers, in a Toyota powered Jimco, and Jose Canchola, in a Lothringer, who was also soloing, ran fifth. Christensen's replacement throttle cable broke. Jim Dizney and Scott Webster were having a fairly miser-able day which started when the radio wouldn't work right off the line. Starting driver Webster got the car high-centered after Check 3 and could not transmit to his crew. Passing racers passed the word that he was out, or terminally stuck, and the crew started to pack up the equipment. Webster, however, walked back to a supply of partying Mexi-cans, and they got him un-stuck, for which he paid them an insignificant $30, which he assumed went to keep .the party going. Scott hustled on toward Valle de Trinidad, missing the nearly closed pit in his rush. But they could transmit to him, and got him stopped and turned around to get gas. ,. On the next section, go-ing from V de T to the beach, Ben Schlimme, in Anderson's car, had the best time, in 1:58:59, aver-aging 51.2 miles per hour. Ellison had put his new co-driver, Bill Hernquist, into his car (old co-driver, John Penner, had recently be-come a father for the first time, and his off duty hours have become; scarce.) Dusty Times Rick Ellison made it three-for-three: winning Class 1 Oat the 500 for the third time in a row. -with help from Bill Hernquis. Hernquist held onto their lead, but it was still only seven minutes, and Sammy Ehrenberg, who took over for Hutchins, was second. Sellers was another six min-utes back, running steadily in third, and their times were all within three min-utes from V de T to Uruapan - a very competi-tive bunch. The Myers car was fourth with George Erl now at the wheel, and Canchola ran fifth, but now he'd lost second gear. He'd also rolled the car because he was having brake prob-lems, and now his back was hurting. Schlimme and Anderson were sixth. Dar-ren Ebberts, who took over for Christensen, had a throttle cable break also. Dizney, who took over for Webster, had a flat and now had fuel management trouble. A quick tip from Vic Bruckmann (who'd been out very early) led them to unplug their tem-perature sensor, and the car ran well from then on. From Uruapan to the fin-ish Hernquist was the man. He maintained a 39.8 mph average, completing the 100 mile section in two hours and 30 minutes, while a very nervous and emotional Ellison waited at the finish. If they got the win it would be Ellison's third Class 10 win at a Baja 500 in a row. But he was missing his fa-ther, who died in a tragic ac-cident during the Baja 2000 last November. So Ellison see-sawed between agony and ecstasy, teetering back and forth between tears and grins. Hernquist brought the car in for him, giving the team the win by a mar-gin of 25 minutes. Then it was Hutchins and Ehrenberg in second, only three minutes in front of a tired and red-eyed Sellers, who had decided tha.r "if -Ivan (Stewart) could do it, I could." He was fatigued, but said, "that's quite an ac-complishment for me -rm happy!" Quite an accom-plishment for anyone, actu-ally. Myers and Erl, who'd had to weld a broken header, and also had to wait on course while Bob Gor-don got dragged up out of his ditch, were fourth, an-other 22 minutes back. Canchola, in pain, was fifth, not feeling good enough to wait ar.ound for the medics to check him out. Schlimme slid Anderson's car off the road in the last section, bu't then along came George Seeley with a front flat and 'no spare. Schlimme gave him a spare and Seeley used his tow strap to pull Schlimme back up onto the track. Typical Baja negotiating. Dizney got lost in that last stretch, but ultimately brought the car to the fin-ish line in seventh place. His clutch gave up as he drove to the trailer. . The SCORE Lite cars went next, with 17 entries. Jay Manning, Ken Stroud and Mark Kyle all failed to get to Valle de Trinidad at Mile 144. Vic Bruckmann was also among the missing, after hitting a big rock in the wash just after the first pavement. He was in so much dust he never saw it, and it ripped off a front cor-ner of the car, while flip-ping him over on his lid. He wasn't hurt, but he and Arturo Honold were out of the race. Of those who Richard Hoffman drove the whole thing in his Chevy Protruck and was .happy to get his first win. August 2001 Larry and Nick Vanderwey had early trouble but then their Chevy worked well the rest of the way and they won Class 8. made it the lead was in the hands of Dennis Boyle and Frank Hines but they had only about a half minute on Tom Jandt, Jr., in a Jimco. Jr. was going to drive all the way while his dad, Tom, Sr., would ride all the way. Brian Parkhouse was third in Tom Riding's nine year old Mirage, another three · minutes back, and in fourth it was Rick St. John and Steve Misciewicz in their KIT car. Patrick Shea ran fifth. In the next section St. John and Misciewicz disap-peared, as did Kevin James and Dan Worley, bringing the total of moving cars down to 10. Parkhouse was quick in here, and moved into the lead, about five minutes in front of Boyle and Hines. The Jandts dropped to third, another four minutes back, and now Matias Arjona and Bruce Conrad, who'd had a plug wire fall off six times, finally got that fixed and then put Ryan Thomas into their Neth, and he moved them into fourth. In fifth it was Ron Dalke and John Lee, in a Tatum. Ridings took over for the second half of the trip, and he recorded the fast time for the class, a 50.69 mile per hour average down through the hills to the Continued on page 14 Ernesto Cervantes broke a spindle on his Ford, but then kept things going smoothly and took the win in Class 7. • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety loam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA·FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline ::~,''/t;t•:::;;:"r:a~;r.u • Over 25 years experience install and it's backed by a e -for more Info call or write to: full 10 year warranty. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe El SAF , 63257 Nels AndefllOn Road · Bend, Oregon 97701 RoclngCeDs (541) 388--0203 ' . · (541)388-0307 fax - http://Www.fuelsafe.com Page 13
Eric Fisher and Isaac Chapluk had a tie rod problem on their Garibay Tom Jandt, Jr. drove all the way while his dad, Tom, Sr., rode along. Clive and Gavin Skilton had an entirely uneventful day in the: Class 3i and ended the day as the second place Class 9 car. They were the second SCORE Ute in their Jimco. beach, and back up to made of sterner stuff, or he very early on. Danny Le-Uruapan. Now they had enjoys the study of nature, dezma led the rest to Valle about 14 minutes on the because he decided to keep de Trinidad, with a nine Jandts who were also having it as a souvenir. minute lead on Mike Kal-no mechanical troubles. In Boyle and Hines, who icki in Michael James' car. thi•rd place it was Boyle and had clutch problems late in George Seeley ran third, an-Hines just a minute back,. the day, finished in third other nine minutes back. and in fourth, Bruce place another half hour He had some sticky throttle Conrad, who'd taken over down. Arjona, Thomas and trouble, but his co-driver for Thomas. He ran into Conrad came close to disas-used his left foot to pry the · some traffic in his section; ter on the final pavement throttle pedal back up each a little local Honda car de-stretch coming in to the fin-time it occurred. One of the cided to travel down the ish. They were apparently real advantages to having a race course a bit. Conrad going a little quicke.r than passenger in the car. honked, blinked his lights the local highway patrol-In the mountain section and did a lot of hollering, man liked, for he fired up Ledezma ran into trouble, but the local was oblivious his lights and flagged them and needed help. His dad, to all his efforts. Finally, in over. But when he popped Hector, scheduled to co-frustration, Conrad nerfed · out of his car to give them drive when the race car got him. The Honda car made what for, he noticed the big back down to V de T, took a fast left turn off the race word "Ensenada" spelled off up the hill to try to res-· course and Bruce went on out on the sun shield over cue him. Unfortunately, his way. Shea was back up the diiver's compartment, Hector's vehicle broke an _ to fifth place again, another and told them to "hit it". axle, and he became an em-nine minutes or so behind Mexican fans are always just barrassing traffic jam, while him. Kory Halopoff had a bit more enthusiastic one of the great BFG people dropped out by now, and so about local racers, like who do so much to help the had Brian Coneen. Arjona, who was driving at racers; Aggie, pulled Danny Ridings and Parkhouse the time. Shea finished out of his predicament and had no flats and no me-fifth, just nine minutes be-sent him on his way. Then chanical problems all day. hind them. Dalke and Lee he back-tracked and rescued They stopped for fuel, but were sixth, making it in by Hector also. nothing else, and had an-the skin of their teeth, In the meantime, Kalicki other quick time in the last 'cause their motor seized at posted the fast time for this section, to take the win in the finish line. In seventh section and went into the 12:00:46. They were 26 it was David Callaway and lead, so that at V de T the minutes in front of the Larry Roeseler in a Dunrite. · second time he had 15 min-Jandts, who said they'd had Callaway had been stuck, utes on Seeley. Now it was no flats, but had "got a little and Roeseler lost a belt and Robert and Gerardo Gonza-lost." A bizarre story came broke a trailing arm bolt, lez in third. Michael James to light later on about but he had a good time. then got into the lead car, them. It seems that some-Jerry Higman and Pat and headed for home, plan-where along the way some-Dreaver bent a tie rod, but ning to drive "conserva-thing had splattered against were more excited about the tively." Tom, J r.'s face shield. He time they lost trying to get It may have been cons~r-started clearing it away with a herd of cows to move off vative, but it was still the. his hand, discovered it was the course in front of them. fast· time for this class from all bloody and gory, and They finally made enough Valle de Trinidad to then found the remains of noise honking their horn Uruapan, at 2: 15:29, a 45 a snake virtually in his lap. and revving up the mqtor mph average. He then had Someone had tossed a that the cows ambled away. a half hour on Seeley, snake at them! In his panic They were the last car to fin-who'd lost a fan belt and and disgust he picked it up ish. also had a few flats. The and tossed it, trying to rid Class 5 was all set to have Gonzalez team ran third himself of the unpleasant a good race this time, with here, another hour back, · thing, but of course, it flew seven 'healthy looking en-and Ledezma was fourth, back and landed in his tries. But Enrique Bujanda still further back. And to dad's lap. His dad is either disappeared from the ranks make matters worse, Hector Jeep to take the win. had spent so much time try-ing to save Danny that he couldn't meet the race car to get in and Danny had to drive all the way. He also lost a couple of belts and he had a tie rod come ·loose.· The team of Luis Sandoval, Salvador Casas, and Mickey Quade were running fifth, with carburetor troubles they apparently solved by installing a new carb. James' crew let him know he had a big lead, so he drove steadily, but still.con-servatively, and avoided any of the traps that caught oth-ers in the final 60 miles or so, to get back first and get the Outlaw team· another win. Seeley was second, hav-ing that last front flat in the final section, over an hour back. The Gonzalez team, who'd had to change a c.v. at Mil_e 50 (not a good way to start a day), finished third, and Ledezma, who'd rolled late in the day, but lost little time, had the quick time in thi.s class for the ride from Uruapan to the finish, at 2:39: 13, and finished fourth. Sandoval, Casas and Quade were fifth; the last team to make it in. The Class 7 trucks were next to take off, but of th~-seven starters, only three got through the first 144 miles. At that point Perry McNeil had the lead in his Ford, and· Ernesto Cervantes ran second in an-other Ford, with Chad Mc-Neil, still another Ford, in third, but nearly four hours down already. Perry McNeil didn't make it up around i:he mountain, and Cervantes broke a spindle in that stretch. But he made repairs and got· going again. Chad_ M ·cNeil had the quick time for this section, but all it Marc Stein, Mike Mccomas, David Sykes and Greg Whittington teamed up in the old Ford to take the Stock Full win. Macrae Glass, here at the start, drove solo in his Ford Stock Mini Truck, avoided · trouble anci took the class win. Page 14 August 2001 did was get him a bit closer to Cervantes. On the third section Cervantes was run-ning well again, and his time was fastest to Uruapan, giving him a lead of nearly four hours. His truck was overheating a bit, but from this point on he didn't need to push too hard. C. McNeil was still coming, and -~-t a respect-able speed. He just had too big a problem to· overcome. Maybe if he'd had 1000 miles ... Cervantes sailed comfort-ably through the final loop and took the win, while C. McNeil did a good job also, and came in for second place at about five minutes to 4 a.m. on Sunday. In Class 7S there were also seven entries, but two of them failed to get the first 144 miles done. Both Kevin Davis and Alberto Iriarte were DNF statistics early in the day. It was Jared and Eric Hardin, in a GMC in front with only 14 min-utes on Cory Susag and Doug Siewart in their Chevy S 10. In third it was Cody Swanty, Jeep, but he was a bit over two hours down, and then behind him came Dan Street, Sr., who'd rolled his Ford Ranger at Mile 120, and lost about three hours. At Valle de Trinidad af-ter coming down from the mountains, Swanty was gone. The Hardins still led, with 14 minutes on Susag and Siewert. Street and his co-drivers, Randy Green, who drove that section, and Rene Brugger, who would drive the next section, and Dan Jr., who would finish, were still last. Or, third. But then both of the other tams faded away, and . the Street, Green and Brugger team kept moving right along. They had no flat tires and no mechani-cal problems at all, and cleared all the hurdles at the end of the course to make it to the finish in time to get a win. None of the others got t4ere. The 1600 cars were next to go with 18 starters. Three of them, Kurt Brewer, Brent Parkhouse and Carlos Es-cobedo fell out before Mile 144, and Kenneth Browne, in a Dunrite, had his car in the lead at that point. It was a pretty good lead for this· class, which is usually very tight for much of the day, Continued on page 16 Dusty Times
Tim and Ed Herbst led much of the way in their Ford Trophy Truck but Ronny Wilson and Lee Patten teamed in their V4 powered Jimco to Daniel Mora, Jr. and Sr. teamed up in their Chenowth to lead Class 9 trans trouble cost them the win. They finished second. _ta_k_e~fo_u_rt_h~p_la_c~e_in~C_la_ss~1·~-------~-~--most of the way, dropP,ing to third late in the day. and he had a full 12 min-On the last section Mac-the last hill coming toward Valenzuela were sidelined, a house. Now, it happened utes on Rob MacCachren in Cachren had the best time, Mike's. So they hid the car and then Pabloffwent away to be the house in which his Fraley. In third it was at 2:39:22, an average speed in the bushes, took out the in the last section. SCORE's media team was Jorge Vargas in a Jefe, then of 37 mph, but it wasn't radio, and hoofed it the Gerardo Iribe took over working, but Iribe ran three minutes behind him enough to let him catch up. seven miles up to Mike's. for the Negrete boys, and he through the be_droom walt, Matt Sherard in a Suspen-Hatzstruggledwiththemis-Nunez and Rivera were recorded the fast time on punching a hole about sion Unlimited car. Kash behaving carburetor and finding it a tough course, the last section, setting a where the daughter of the Vessels ran fifth in his lights that blinked off and with lots of dust and lots of pace of 32.2 mph. Still, house would have been Chenowth, and he'd lost a on, but still made it in early rocks, but they still had the Nune:z: and Rivera got there sleeping if she hadn't been power steering belt. enough to get the win, a quick time for this class on first, to take the win. out of town. The spectators, Up in the mountain sec-first win for Vessels. Mac-the next section, averaging Valenzuela rolled his car always enthused about the tion the quick time was run Cachren was second, only 42.9 miles ·per hour. Now hard, and lost a lot of time finish of a Mexican entry, by Dale Ebberts, in his four minutes behind them, their lead had grown to six dropping way back in the and always helpful, and very newly re-suspended Chen-a remarkable finish consid-minutes, and it was standings. Iribe got almost happy at about ll:45p.m., owth. He averaged 37 mph ering his transmission fail-Valenzuela who was second. to the finish line and then rushed to help. The car was · through there, and emerged ure. In third it was Ebberts In ,third place it was Pabloff, a Keystone Cops situation now minus its right front in the lead. Rob .MacCach-and Castro, who would another minute back, fol-occurred, that woke up the wheel and tire (the drum ren was second, about 14 probably have held their lowed by Gutierrez, and weary officials, flag men had broken) and .shifter, minutes later, but he had a second place except that then in fifth, the Negretes. and press. Suddenly Iribe's which had snapped off. No small problem. He'd been they lost an "elephant foot" By now another four cars in-car, at the last chicane, ran one seemed certain which high-centered for a while, on the rocker arm, and eluding Hector Garcia, over one of the barrier event had happened first. and had got his trans mis-limped from Uruapan to Daniel Lopez, Ruben Guti-fences (metal, they were) But the spectators "helped" sion stuck in reverse gear. Ojos and a pit that could fix errez and Arnulfo and smacked head-on into Iribe get untangled from While he frantically jiggled it. Duran was fourth and the shifter trying to get a the Vildosola/Watters team forward gear someone else brought home a big fifth came along and bumped place, a great finish for a him, and lo and behold, he new car, reporting no me-was in second gear. He was chanical problems all day. stuck in second gear. So he Vargas dropped to sixt"t-1, drove the rest of the way and Sherard was seventh, down out of the mountains with Pfankuch and Bayer le in second, but he'd radioed the last to finish, after ahead to his crew at Valle changing an axle at Mile de Trinidad, and they were 395. all set up to make a tran_ny In Class 5-1600 there transplant as soon as he got were 19 starters, but it was there. Vessels was in third down to 15 by the time the·y place now, and Lorenzo Ro-go't to Valle de Trinidad. driguez had his Lothringer Jeff Holmes, Roberto in fourth place. Eric Duran Jimenez, Ruben Garcia and ran fifth in a Chenowth. Oscar Galinda came to an Adam Pfankuch and Dean end early in the day. But Bayerle, in a KIT car, had Daniel Gutierrez was mo-electrical problems off the toring along smoothly, and start and were now catching he was in the lead. In sec-up. Browne didn't make it ond place it was Javier back to Trinidad. Valenzuela, who was just Vessels put Jason Hatz four minutes in front of into 'his car for the second J.A. Covarrubias. Ernie and half of the run, and he re-Larry Negrete ran fourth corded the quick time for and then Miguel Pabloff this class from Valle de was fifth. It was a very tight Trinidad and back to race, still anyone's game. Uruapan, at 2:03:38, an av-But it would probably not erage of 49 mph. They had be Sammy Martinez, Alex a carburetor float acting up Melero and Al de la Rosa. and the car wasn't running Martinez had rolled the car very well. That put them early on, and he was into the lead, with Ebberts' roughly two hours down al-co-driv-;;r, Ernie Castro, Jr., ready. in second place, only about Valenzuela moved into two minutes behind them. the lead, but Marco Nunez MacCachren, with a new and Norberto Rivera had transmission installed, had the quick time on the dropped no further than mountain section, and third place, his crew appar-moved up to second place. ently getting the job done They averaged 32. 7 mph for in less than a half hour. those 138 miles. The Duran ran fourth through Negretes were now in third here, and Gus Vildosola, place, only nine seconds be-Jr., in a new Jimco, and his hind them, and Pabloffran co-driver, Charlie Watters, fourth, followed by Gutier-were in fifth place. Vildo-rez. Martinez had given his sola had been caught in an car to Melero and de la early traffic jam and stuck Rosa in rather poor condi-in a tree in his section . Ro-tion after the roll-over, and driguez didn't make it back they made it a good lohg to ·uruapan. way, but just couldn't get up Dusty Times Prototype Machinist/Fabricator Gale Banks Engineering is an established market-lea~ing manufacturer of automotive aftermarket performance products for trucks and motorhomes. We are currently seeking an experienced Machinist and Fabricator to join our R&D engineering machine shop team. Will precision machine parts on conventional mills and engine lathes, and fabricate prototype parts for exhaust products, engines and components, and production machinery. Will also make tooling, surface and machine " engine blocks and cylinder heads, and MIG and TIG weld sheet metal, stainless and tubing. Must be able to create product from engineering drawings, rough sketches and verbal instruction. Enthusiasm for automotive technology & passion for high performance required. Excellent salary and benefits, and a pleasant, professional working environment. Send resume with salary history or requirements to: Susan Hanson, Human Resources Manager GALE BANKS ENGINEERING 546 Duggan Ave., Azusa, CA 91702 Fax 626-691-2125 or e-mail shanson@bankspower.com August 2001 Page 15
Fernando and Mario Flores and Gerardo Montijo had a couple of Dale Ebberts and Ernie Castro, Jr. updated their old Chenowth and problems during the day and ended up second in Class 11. finished the race third in Class 1-2/1600. Scott Sellers decided to "lronman" it, drove all the way in his Chenowth and finished third in Class 10. the house and fence, and into the lead early in their third, 25 seconds behind got him aimed in the right Chenowth. They were them. In fourth it was direction, and then the car about four minut.es up on McAdams, and Gomez was and a big crowd of enthusi-Cisco and Pancho Bio and fifth, only 51 seconds be-astic spectators surged the Gutierrez brothers, Ser-fore the finish line would across the finish line. Of gio and Porfirio, in their have closed. What a long course, the team that was to Tubular Design chassis. day! Twenty hours, 34 min-finish third had a member Then came Alex Navarrete utes and nine seconds. watching this in astonish-in third, and Eric Fisher Stock Full consisted of ment, and he decided that and Isaac Chapluk in. only two vehicles this time, lribe had been illegally fourth place in their Gari-the big Ford of Marc Stein pushed across the line. lribe bay. Martin Goxiola ran and John Griffin and his said that the spectators were fifth. They were all within Hummer. Stein brought out "holding the car back" be-12 minutes· of one another, his old truck, and recruited cause since the drum and so it was a tight race. three more drivers to help wheel were gone, there were In the next section him. They said it was "too no brakes. At any event, it Navarrete disappeared. But stiff', but it did keep mov-woke everyone up. Gutier-the Moras had the best time ing right along. rez finished 15 minutes and firmed up their lead. Griffin had the lead at later, and understandably, Now they were 25 minutes Valle de Trinidad the first filed a protest soon after. in front of the Bios and time through, about 29 The CRB would have to Gutierrezes, who'd been minutes in front of Stein settle this one. Jose Castro, stuck in a traffic jam. Fisher who'd been stuck a couple who'd been coming along and Chapluk were only of times. He'd also lost his steadily all day, was fourth, eight minutes behind them, brakes and run through a and in fifth place it was J.A. with Gaxiola fourth now fence, but that was quickly Covarrubias. Valenzuela, af-and Thomas McAdams, in , fixed. But then in the twisty ter doing so well for much a Jim.co, had moved up to section through the moun-, of the day, was ninth, the fifth. tains, Dave Sykes drove the last in the class to get to the In the next section, down Ford and had no trouble, finish. -to the beach and back up to putting the Ford team into The next day when the Uruapan, the Moras again the lead. Griffin was only CRB met, they decided had the quickest time for eight minutes behind chem they'd have to allow the fin-the class, averaging 40.9 though. ish to stand as it happened. mph. Their lead had grown However, in the section So the Negretes and lribe to 33 minutes by then, and along the beach to got to keep their second Fisher had moved into sec-Uruapan, where it was ei-place. The Board reasone<;I. ond place. The Bios and ther Mike McComas or that in such a case, the rule GuLierreze:s hau Geen stuck Greg Whi.ttingcon at the first time, and Macrae Glass and his Ford Ranger. got stuck in the traffic jam at Mile 35. By using their four wheel drive they got out of there pretty quickly, but then the truck quit, with an elusive electrical problem. That cost them a lot of time, but once corrected they had no further trouble, and sailed on around the course to take the win, fin-ishing in just a tad over 19 hours. In Class 3 the lead went co the Dallas team of Ed Griffin and Doug Gradick, who were 'driving their Bronco without front axles or power steering, both of which broke very early. This was their first 500 and they were determined to finish, so they just went on. Al-fonso Hernandez ran sec-ond, Billy Bunch was third another 45 minutes back, and the Isuzu Amigo of Jim Winovitch couldn't get to Valle de Trinidad. When they came back to Valle de Trinidad again the Griffin/Gradick team was the only one still running. They continued at a steady pace, and went all the way, taking the win in 17 hours and 5 2 minutes in a '74 about a car not being for a while, but weren't hav-wheel, the Ford picked up Bronco. pushed was really unen-ing any mechanical prob-two hours on the Hummer. Class 3i (the "i" stands forceable, because no one lems and ran third, just un-From there on it was no for international), ·consisted knows how one or two offi-der five minutes later. In contest, and the Stein/ of Clive Skilton's Jeep and , cials could keep the huge fourth it was McAdams, ·s y k es/Mc Com as/ the Mitsubishi of Hiro crowd of enthusiastic spec-and Ivan Gomez was fifth in Whittington team got the Matsushita, both appar-tators from rushing out to his Raceco. Gaxiola didn't win. Griffin and his Hum-ently somehow too modi-help. There would have to make it, nor did the team mer were busy helping fied to fit into Class 3 this have been a solid wall of po-of Dave Dietrich and Julie people out of their "stucks" time. Once again, lice or Federales to do any Kern in their KIT car. as usual, and did finally Matsushita came to grief good in that situation. On the very last section cross the finish line after 19 early in the day,_ no doubt The Class 9 cars took off the Moras had power steer-hours and 31 minutes to stopped by some kind of next: with 12 starters. This ing trouble and Fisher take second place. new car bug. (It's to be w.as a hard event for.them. broke a tie rod. The Bio and The Stock Mini class was hoped that he doesn't get Nollan Blackwell, Arturo Gutierrez team moved to mini-sized this time also, discouraged before he gets Velazo and John Scharf the front and took the win. with just two entries. Bob a finish. It's sometimes were out of the race very Fisher and Chapluk were Land and his right hand hard to make a new driver early, but Daniel Mora, Sr., second, 17 minutes back, drive Isuzu failed even to understand that this is nor-and his son Dan, Jr., went and th,e Mor·as finished get to Valle de Trinidad the mal for off road racing. tffe,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,=.,.,..,,,,==========77"7mi'7'70',,.,,.,,,'T!7WJ§::--"""'=7"'9 Reminiscent of long ago, the 1974 Bronco of Ed Griffin and Doug Gradick took the Class 3· win, without its power steering. Page 16 Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt teamed in their riewly flamed Chenowth to win Class 1 and the overall car/truck honors. August 2001 We've known people who drove for years without fin-ishing a race.) But Clive and his son Gavin, who did the race prep on the car, had an uneventful day, with no stops for anything, and went on to, get the win. They finished eady on Sun-day morning, just in time to celebrate Gavin's 31st birth-day. . The Sportsman Buggies went off the line next, and the team o,f Marq Prince, Ben Shepard and Sean Cummins had the lead in the Candy Cane Raceco at Valle de Trinidad. This is no doubt due to the fact that they've lightened it up some by removing the big rack that used to hold the· candy canes high up above the roof. Now the canes are mounted (less noticeably) on the side of the cage. They had 22 minutes on Steven and Chris Phillips, in another Raceco. Stuart Terry ran third in his Chen-owth, and the Dave Vieira team ran fourth in a Raceco/ Penhall. The Candy Cane team had the best time through the mountains, and held their lead, which was now over an hour. The Phil-lips team got stuck in a ra-vine for about 45 minutes, but were still in second.place. Back at Uruapan the Candy Cane folks were still in front, their car giving them no trouble. The Phil-lips team was only a half hour behind them, having done this section in the quickest time, while the Vieira team and Terry were· still running, in third and fourth. Then it was time for Terry to shine, and he recorded the fast time for the last section, averaging 22.8 mph. But he'd been so far back that it didn't help much, and the Candy Cane folks, who stopped in here somewhere to set Ledezma's Class 5 car back on.its wheels, went on to take the win. The Phillips team finished second just under an hour later, and the Vieira team was third, about four minutes behind them. Terry also got to the finish, with about a hour to spare, giving this class a 100% fin-ish rate. But then there were the Sportsman Trucks. Not only ·did none of them finish, only one, Alejandro Avila, was able to get co Valle de Trinidad: Bue then even he couldn't get all the way around again, so this class had a 0% finish rate. Dusty Times
Caught by a booby-trap,.the Glen Greer Trophy Truck needed lots of Jose Castro kept moving Steadily all day in his 5-1600 car to finish Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera paired up in their 5-1600 to fight work, but Lonny Helmbolt and Eric Pavolka got to the finish. .,..th:.:.e_4_Z~B_m.,..i_le.:..s~in~fi,.:.o.:..ur:.:.th_..!:...pl.:..a.:..ce:.:.·~-~-~~~--=-=~----the dust and rocks and finish the day as winners. Class 11 started next. race of all to this point. Eric Uruapan Sarabia had the 25.5 for the last section and tion where an unwary driver Therewereeightofthestock Solorzano and Roman besttime,at2:49:53,or35.8 27.5fortheentirerace.They could find himself perma-VW sedans, but three of them Pereyra ran foorth, about 20 mph. But it was still the got the win with 18 minutes nently mired in a ditch or went out before Valle de minutes back, after dealing Flores/Flores/Montijo team on second place. Flores/ washout. The racers were Trinidad. We never heard with a steering box problem. in front. They now had 17 Flores and Montijo were overwhelmingly pleased to from Miguel Haro, Manuel Chuck Deck ran fifth another minutes on Rosales/ about an hour and a half have some new territory to Meza and Fernando Uribe. 40 minutes back. Montijo/Cesena who'd had ahead of Solorzano and explore, and they'~e been But Hector Sarabia-had the The Flores/Flores/ a flat at Santo Tomas, and Pereyra, who finished third, talkingaboutwhatfun it will lead, with 30 seconds on Montijo team had the best Sarabia was 40 minutes be-while Sarabia disappeared be to do that section twice in Fernando Flores, Mario time through the mountains hind them with Solorzano somewhere in that last sec-November when the Baja Flores and Gerardo Montijo and touk the lead, with nine and Pereyra another hour tion after doing so well for 1000 rolls around. But at this who'd been stuck for 40 min-minutes on Rosales/ down. They'd had at least such a long way. writing, SCORE does not utes. In third it was Miguel Montijo/Cesena. Sarabia one flat and problems with With the inclusion of the plan a loop for the 1000. The Rosales, Fernando Montijo was third an hour later, and a couple of shocks. new section of course from good news is that there may and "Loco" Cesena, who were Solorzano and Pereyra, Flores/Flores/Montijo Valle de Trinidad and back, be many more miles of pre-another eight seconds back, who'd been stuck in a traffic. rolled their car in the final the race developed some of viously unused roads south after they had slid off course jam near Simpson's Ranch, section and lost a half hour. the aura of the old days when of Meling Ranch that can be near Nuevo Junction and had were about a half hour fur-That was just enough to every race seemed to have incorporated into the Baja had to get out and push the ther back. Deck didn't make hand the win to Rosales/ some su,rprises. This time .1000 course. Racers will just car back up onto the trail. So it. Montijo/Cesena, who re-there were surprises aplenty, have to wait for future devel-this group had the closest From Valle de Trinidad to corded an average speed of particularly in that new sec-opments. . _·,119U H01'JDA Power · Equipment POWER TO ---,------EB6500 HONDA Power Equipment Dusty Times RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source for Bonda Po~er Equipment Parts and Inventory IF WE. DONT HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check our website: WWW.KAWAGUCHI HONDA.COM KAWAGUCHI HONDA CORP. thing" I • 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 No S easier. (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 For.optimum performance _and safety, please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible iniury to power company p1Jrsonnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2000 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 4-20-01 • Z-108 August 2001 Page 17
29TH WRC CYPRUS RALLY McRae conquers Cyprus ByMartin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Colin McRae and Nicky Grist took the win at Cyprus, putting Ford into the Manufacturers Points lead. It was Colin McRae's 22nd · World Rally win, accom-plished with his skill, Ford's tactical skill and lots of pa-tience on this 29th Cyprus Rally. Pirelli users dominated the stages, scoring 16 fastest times out of the 22 stages run and they finished in the to_p four places. Ford scored seven fastest times with Sainz and five with McRae. Stage clean-ing was the name of the Cypru!s game. With Sainz fin-Page 18 ishing third, the podium order in Cyprus was a direct copy of that in Argentina, but this time the power is shifting. The British teams and drivers are catching up! Peugeot scored no points for the second event running, Ford passed Mitsubi-shi into the lead of the Makes Series and British drivers now lie third and fourth in the Drivers championship. With equally tough events to come in Greece and Kenya, the f~ce of the championship could be quite different in two rallies time. After Argentina had stood alone as World Cham-pionship the sixth round, held in Cyprus, doubled up also as the third round in the FIA Teams Cup. It was only the second time the event had been run with World status and again the stages were held on gravel roads which were tra-ditionally more twisty and slower than others in the se-August 2001 ries. Once again this rally was the shortest ever in terms of special stage distance than any WRC rally held before. There were also fewer service parks to bring the cars to although the organizers tried to ease the extreme slow speed which marked last year's event, al-though ·chis year the speed was only up by 3kph. There were long stretches of stages be-tween successive service parks, sometimes more than 50kms. One stage (used twice) was ac-tually completely new this year and a large number of stages were run in the oppcsite direc-tion from last year. The other major change was that the event was being held in early sum1ner instead of autu1nn, so as to move the rally closer to the Acropolis Rally, now two weeks later. Before the event Tommi Makinen led the Drivers series by five points over Carlos Sainz. Mitsubishi held an eight point lead over Ford in Manufacturers, Gabriel Pozzo led Group N and the two Toyota trams were tied in Teams Cup. Main technical novelty of the event was the debut of the third generation Peugeot 206 World Rally Car, featuring a five speed gearbox, new engine components and turbo, the combination of which im-proved the driveability. The car was much lighter and the balance was improved. Drivers were to select _the option of five or six speeds trannys. This event was the second in a series of four rough gravel rall ies before smoother terrain is encountered in Finland in August. Both Hyundai and Skoda were looking forward to these even ts where more em-phasis is placed on stamina than· speed. Conditions this year were expected to be rougher than in the past. There eight 206 WRCars on the entry list. This was the first time a fully works three car entry had come from Hyundai. Five of the six works teams had entered three, rather than two cars. A signifi-cantly greater number of crews entered this event than ·last year. "Last year a lot of the lo-cal drivers wanted to go out on the course and watch, this year they all want _to drive" the clerk of the course said. Although this was only the second World rally in Cyprus, there were surprisingly few first timers among the top drivers, only Solberg, Eriksson and Thiry. There was a new rule, the official positions at the end of each leg, on which the stewards must de.liberate before announcing the restart order for the following day, would be those at the end of the final stage of the day. This system was used a few years ago and had just now been re-vived. Leg 1 -Six stages, gravel, 138kms. A typically warm Cyprus day lay in store for the competitors, with tempera-tures on the coast in the eight-ies. The dry conditions did a lot to promise rewards for driv-ers running further down the field and as first stage times were announced ir was seen that the 11th car on the road, Peter Solberg, had made best time in the Subaru. But, on Stage 2, the power steering failed and the entire trunk lid, -wii1g and all fell off! Gran-holm, in his Peugeot, running ninth was fastest on the longer second stage and he took the lead. Rovanpera was a very early retirement with broken suspension in the front. The effect of the loose gravel was marked and Makinen, run-ning first on the road slid into a bank. The need, under the regulations to nominate tire tread patterns a month before found Armin Schwarz running on tires which were m:uch too narrow. Alister McRae drove 16kms on a flat front tire. Toshiro Arai (Subaru) slid into a sand bank and overheated. Kenneth Eriksson (Hyundai), running 14th on the road made second fastest times on Stages 1 and 2, despite hitting a sand bank and stalling. Taguchi was learning WRCar driving but found Makinen's differential set up too aggres-sive, three times he spun! The first stage was blocked when Al Wahaibi's Subaru burst into flames and a fire engine was sent up to extinguish it! · Both Fanizzi (Peugeot) and Ligato (Mitsubishi) had prob-lems with jacks breaking when changing wheel s between Stages 1 and 2 and Ligatti also got road penalties for the same reason. Jean-Joseph (Peugeot) had a broken shock which held up Lundgaard and Bakhashab (Toyotas) in the stage. Teams Cup driver Lundgaard suffered three bro-ken wheels. Neil Wearden had the brake fluid on his Peugeot boil while Marc Blasquez ar-rived at service sans a left rear tire. Delecour and Eriksson had similar tales of woe on Stage 3. Each had left the road and went down an embankment, each then spotted a trail, bounced their way cross coun-try to it and managed to get back on the course but as De-lecou r set off with a ven-geance the gearshift lever came off in his hand. Solberg reached the end of Stage 3 with the rear of his car on fire, caused by a broken breather hose on the rear dif-ferential. Granholm main-tained his overall lead but his clutch was acting up on Stage 3, he had difficulty starting on Stage 4. His 16 second lead had been cut in half by the next service park. Maki-nen was having a bad day, he ended it when he left the road on Stage 4 on a fast right hand turn. Stage 3 was very abrasive, Alister McRae ar-rived at stage end with two bald tires! Panizzi abandoned at the end of Stage 4 with four bald tires. Colin McRae thought he'd had it as he was entering the service park the engine quit but a quick change of the ECU put it all right again. "Good place to have that happen", he quipped. Gronholm's trouble gave Burns the incentive to attack and he closed up to 0.3 sec-onds behind the leader at the end of Stage 5 but on 6 he got Dusty Times
Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya rocket around a corner in Cyprus, Bruno Thiry and Stephane Prevot are ready for takeoff, finishing eighth Alister McRae and·David Senior trudge on with a right front flat, still heading for a third overall and yet another boost for the Ford Focus. ~in~Cy;....,.p_r_us_in_t_h_e,_·r_S~kod~ a_O~ta_v_ia_. -~~-----~---able to take seventh overall in their Hyundai Accent. some dust in the car and in his off the road and couldn't get cooling fan and, despite go-ference between Burns .and planned. The Spaniard was eyes and at d ay's end he was back on the course. In the Pri-ing easy still had tire wear McRae, they had plenty of hauling in Burns and Gron-5 . 7 seconds away fro m the vateer category, J?rincen re-troubles and Taguchi broke a time to know the time taken holm, but not his teammate. lead. Delecour, running sev-tired after hitting a boulder steering arm. by Burns on the final stage The main obstacle, however, enth car on· the road passed on Stage, wrecked the suspen-In the afternoon the route and tell McRae by radio the was the exit of Granholm af-McRae into third spot. Loix sion and went off the road was exactly the same, the earliest time he dare reach the ter the fourth stage. The was happy being in the points and Blasquez went off the loose surface gravel had gone end of the stage, in order to Peugeot's engine stopped on end, with teammate road on Stage 4 . and there remained hard bed-force Burns to run first on the a road section and refused to Makinen's retirement had Leg 2 -Eight stages, gravel, rock. Sainz continued his road on the final day. McRae start. Arai lost the use of his· Mitsubishi's full support be-106kms. On this second day charge, starting the morning judged it well, ending the day water injection system, hind him. Eriksson's excellent there were eight stages, each 85. 7 seconds behind Gron-three seconds behind. Freddy Loix spun and run became history when he one run twice and there holm and he was easily the In Teams Cup, Hagstrom Schwarz had a noisy rear dif-lost boost pressure on the fi-would be lots of residual fastest driver of the day. Colin was feeling fit again and ferential. nal stage and fell from fourth gravel on the roads for the McRae pulled into the lead Bakhashab was driving on all On the final group of to eighth while teammate Li-second run and that could after the second stage of the four wheels again. Dor had a stages, swept clear of loose atti retired with engine failure. very much affect the stage afternoon; but then it was flat and also had overheating gravel, there was nothing to The rally organizers were times and the handling of the obvious his was not the time but he carried on. He had to be gained. Sainz no longer stretched to their limit as the cars, which, one would as-to be running first overall! drive the final stage in first had an advantage over his ri-day progressed. A reroute for sume would .be traveling at Ford lost Delecour, who was gear. In Group N Pozzo vals and there was no change the later runners was required slightly slower speeds on the third behind McRae. On the stopped with fuel problems in order. Taguchi retired from when Al Wahaibi's. Subaru second go-around. Burns had road section at'ter Stage 11 again, Trelles was well in the 10th· place when his suspen-thre~tened to start a forest fire the ride height of his Subaru the engine started misfiring lead wit Stohl in second. sion failed. · on Stage 1, then another re-raised, alleviating the scoop-and then it just quit. This Leg 3 -Eight stages, gravel, In Teams Cup, Hagstrom route to avoid Stage 3 where ing sand ·problem. Servicing brought Sainz up to fourth 97kms. Overnight there were lost his joy-stick gearshift sys-Papadimitrou's Peugeot was would become a problem, overall, potentially fourth car deliberations, at last year's tem and had to revert to also on fire. Solberg had a sec-two loops of four stages with on the road next day. Loix Australia Rally a competitor ma~ual shifting. Bakhashab ond, and this time, a terminal 52kms of stages without ser-changed gearboxes after run-had feigned a flat tire, got a had raised his ride height but fire on Stage 6. This was the vice each time. With only one ning three stages in the penalty free delay and thus lost his handling in the pro-last stage of the day. spare wheel allowed, tire cars "locked" position due to a run further back down the cess. Dor retired with another In the Teams Cup, would be a critical element. broken driveshaft. Skoda still field. It was decided that "No-broken driveshaft. His retire-Lundgaard retired after trying Granholm said, "I took good had a complete team but body could change a tire in ment meant that only one to drive to service after Stage care of my tires and lost too Schwarz had a brake disc col-the Pare Ferme area" which other crew, Natalie Barratt 4 with two flat tires and much time going carefully." lapse and had to jam a piece included the area between ar-was still moving. In Group N, .Hagstrom collapsed with heat He then had suspensio·n of the broken disc into the rival control and a stage start. Pozzo was finally running well exhaustion, but he was able troubles and Burns immedi-caliper to keep the p'istons in Things looked grim for Suba-and Stohl had to change a tire to carry on and he finished ately took the rally lead. Af-place. Thiry hit a rock and ru and Bums, sliding wide on on the 15th stage. the day· in 11th place o'verall, ter each of the first three splayed out his front suspen-the gravel, trying to keep up Ford left Cyprus on a high. leading the class, with stages Granholm was lying sioh. Retirements after Day 2 the pace. On the final day With two more gravel rallies Frederic Dor in second place. I st, 2nd and 3rd overall, Eriksson after eight stages, there were four stages, each to to follow, both promising to Bakhashab had to drive four while Colin McRae, starting Auriol on Stage 10 and Dele-be run twice. Ford's engineer-suit what is clearly their stages with only rear wheel fourth rose to third, then sec-cour after Stage 11. By the ing was effective in that it strong points. Ford has driv-drive, despite changing the ond. Sainz made fastest time end of the day Sainz was only took Colin McRae two ers with unshakable faith in central differential. on three of the first four within 24.6 seconds of Gron-stages to get ahead of Burns their ability, cars which are Papadimitriou crashed his stages, reducing his deficit holm, the leader. Ford had and into the lead, but the immensely strong anq tires Peugeot on Stage 3, it over-but whether it was to be the controlling hand. With hope that Sainz could leap-. which seem to b ·e bullet turned and then caught fire. enough he didn't say. Disas-six minutes running time dif-frog them all did not go as proof. · Blomqvist lost time with a ters were happening to the faulty fuel pump then retired Ford rivals. Auriol was over-on the third stage with bro-heating and after Stage IO the ken wheel studs. In Group N , engine just stopped and he Mark Higgins retired with retired. Eriksson was still hav~ crankshaft sensor failure at ing turbo boost problems and the start of the d ay. Stohl had h e too retired when his alter-a broken hose o n his front n ator went south. Delecour suspension which cost him h ad a flat and eased his pace, eight minutes. Pozzo had fuel not wanting another, Arai starvation in the corners, was still overheating while which was cos.ting him time. Schwarz had a brake fluid On the final stage of the day leak, differential failure and Stohl lost turbo pressure and then a slipping clutch. Alis-Ligato retired when he slid ter McRae lost the use of a 1' Cyp,w Rally 1/3 .krle 2001 WC round 6 T HITII' Cup round 3 1 (4) Coln McfWMcay Gftlt G8 Ferd Foals RS 2 (5) Richard BURNS/Robert Reid GB SUblnl~ 3 (3) carm SAINZA.uil Moya E FcrdFOQIIRS 4 (18) ToehllioAraGennllaalell JIN.JS Subaru lmpm 5 (8) Freddy LOI~ Smlell B Mlllullilllll Cllisrna GT 6 (28) Pall Hlgllr'DINTero Gardemelllel FIN Toyota Corolla 7 (10) Alllls McRAEt'O'.Md Senior GB HyundaiNl:fl« 8 (12) 8Mlo THIRY/Slephln PrM B Skoda Octavia 9 (11) Amin SCHWAAZManfrld Hiemer 0 SkodaOCaYII 10 (28) AbcMWIBl~Wllls SNG8 Toyaa Corolla WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC WRC X7FMC(G8) X9SRT(GB) XBFMC(GB) X15SRT(GB) V22MIIR (GB) K-AM442(0) X14HMC(GB) MBN44-31 (CZ) MBN44-30 (CZ) K-AM934(0) WC-WR WO gN TC 5h.07m.32.71.• 10 10 • 5h.07rn.49.1t. 6 8 . . 5h.07rn.59.21. 4 4 5h.13m.11.DI. . 3 Sh.13m.42.91. 3 2 5h.17m.05.21... - 1 • 10 5h.18m.08.31. 2 . 5h.19m.10.7t. 1 • 5h.20m.20.k . 5h.211m.44.lla. - . • 6 Richard Burns and Robert Reid drove their Subaru lmpreza Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets power slide around a corner. spewing teams Cup honors went to Pasi Hagstrom and Tero Gardemeister in impressively to second overall in Cyprus, show here at full tilt. rocks, gravel 3nd dust everywhere. They came in fifth. their Toyota Corolla, and they were 6th overall as well. Dusty Times August 2001 Page 19
WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS Rock to Rock By Sheryl Cannon Larry Ragland and son Chad made it look easy as they took the Unlimited Truck class and the overall at the Rock To Rock. Whether referred to as de Mayo celebration of epic Club. The fine folks at Puerto Penasco, Sonora, proportion. The four day fi-Tecate Beer provided moun-Mexico or Rocky P _int, esta began with a carne rains of delticious food and Whiplash's 2001 "Rock to asada dinner Thursday drink, all for the low, low Rock" renewal was a Cinco evening at Mannie's Beach cost of nada. A whole lot ·• state of the art high flow piston designed to stop valve washe,s from bending inwards. • wide teflon coated piston wear band for use in external bypass with big tubes so that it does not drop into large ports. , -h;/ /i~ , • sealed piston for low speed control and mfximUm.da ping in external bypass. • high temperature stainless steel alloy val'i'J-9. ~ • unique rod end design and material to;-st~ shafts and rod ands from breaking. 1 • high temperature Viton seals and C!;"Jings. ~ , 1 ' • large aluminum reservoir for inc ease hea( di~ipation (2X) and weight savings· • 1" shafts are micro-polisheci' to vmi ors rface finlsh cf a 3-5 RMS. { • stainless steel teflon lined sptferical bea'rin/,s-with 1/2" or 5/8" ID spacers: ''-../ • shock are all owner rebu°il dble/tith,ri'o s6ecial !oois to purchase. / • electric blue anodiz?d c91.6r. / / jl._,.....,, ~.l·tP#'~~ -~ / ·- f • Large 3/4" tubes Jor high flow (weld on kits available se arate). • Tube locations can'be placed to order or welded on b the customer. • Valving oh ttie piston for smooth damp:ng transitions. , • Check valveS'mac'hlned from 4140 and heat treated 17-4 stail)less for long durability. • large OD Ghecic'valve spring designed with low ope91ting stress levels. • "piggyback' style reservoir mounting for the rear of buggies and trucks . .., Custom wound springs for 3" shocks in stock. Eibac'1, s . ~ We do custom shock work and vehicle set up. Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts available (airs , pistons etc.). D i nd m n factured the me erson that d ocks. Page 20 August 2001 Caesar Fuentes had a trouble free run in his great looking Class 1 car, winning the class and taking second overall 13s well. more food and fun were on tap Friday, highlighted by a tasty fish fry, hosted by Desert Oasis C~ntina/R.V. Park. Saturday was all about racing, and Saturnight the awards banquet (including free tacos for everyone) was held at JJ's Cantina. A Sun-day morning. Poker Run, with proceeds earmarked· for the Racers' Fund, brought the weekend to a close. Of course, by Sunday the flurry of activities had nearly everyone worn ou·t, but those hearty souls who did show up were treated to unlimited food, beer and room to operate. With so mucho happening on and around Cinco de Mayo, there figured to be a solid turnout on race day. But 238 entries? That's rght. Thirty buggies, 23 trucks, 14 cars, 48 ATVs and no less than 123 motorcycles. The race day plan was for the bike classes to begin first, and the 4-wheel classes to get underway *two hours after the final bike had started. The schedule called for racing act~on to com-mence at 7: 15 am. With 171 motorcycles and ATVs par-ticipating, the Unlimited Truck class was slated for a 10: 15 am start. And speak-ing of the Unlimited Truck class, the first vehicle un-derway was being piloted by off road icon Larry Rag-land. The worldly-re-nowned five time overall winner of the Baja 1000, and numerous champion-ships, promptly went out and posted the day's fastest lap ( 1 :34:08). His work day completed, Ragland oblig-ingly allowed his son Chad to take "Arnold", the fam-ily veb.icle, out for a spin. Proving a chip off the old block, Chad maintained the lead he inherited and put together an impressive 1:49:52 lap of his own. The result was an ultra-swi.ft 3: 24:00 elapsed time, which placed the Ragland's first in the Unlimited Truck class and first overall. Appar-ently, "Arnold" was on his best behavior. Continued on page 22 Steve Melton throws a bit of sand as he drives to a great first place in Class 1 Dafter almost identical lap times. The Dahlberg/Thomas duo trailed the lead on lap 1 but took command on the second loop and got the laurels in Class 8. Dusty Times
· ay, August 3 Driver Registration • 5:30 pm-10 pm Tech Inspection • 5:30 pm-10 pm Drivers Meeting (Poolside) • 10:15 pm _ Saturday, uyust 4 Fun Run - 8 am Test Track Opens -12 noon Race Start • 6 pm (8 hour time limit) S August 5 Awards Brunch • 12 noon More information available at SNORE website: G,a,~lesa,,tll, ••
Bob Shephard's Chevy wasn't fast enough this day, he finished second Rf;Juben Wood didn't have the greatest first lap and it cost him/he· Tom Swanson had the best looking Jeep in the entire race, he finished fifth in Pro B Class. in Unlimited Truck, 14 minutes off the pace. finished second in Class 1, fourth overa_/1. "We had no problems, challenging course," echoed a field of seven took park. absolutely none," said the sentiments of Fuentes Ron Dalke posted that Chad. "We were lucky start-and se·veral others. division's fast lap time ing first. We had no dust, "It got rough and sandy, (1:53:48) and opened up a and no bikes to worry especially on the second *three minute lead on the about." lap, and there were some first loop. Three of Dalke's Last year's winner, Cae-tough whoops," he said. classmates failed to com-sar Fuentes, placed second There was a tight three plete Lap 1, but Steve overall. Fuentes, the Pro 1-way tussle for runner-up Melton was not one of 2 class winner, finished five honors in the Pro 1-2 class. them. Melton erased minutes 29 seconds behind ·-The nod went to Rueben Dalke's advantage during Ragland. Despite encoun-Wood, who prevailed by Lap 2, and the pair engaged tering "a lot of silt and traf-slightly more than a minute in an elongated sprint to fie," Fuentes still managed over Jeff Darland. Wood's the finish. It was Melton to record his division's fast-final time of 3:40:56 was who grabbed the checkered • est loop (1:42:51). the fourth fastest clocking flag. The Pro 10 winner "The course was very of the day. Darland, third in beat Dalke by one minute sandy and loose," said Pro 1-2 and fifth overall, 15 seconds, completing his Fuentes, who added, "I checked in three minutes 16 two lap assignment in drove almost the whole race seconds ahead of James 3:53:26. Dalke, second on in second gear." · Martin.· Martin (fourth/ class and eighth overall, fin-Bob Shepard Jr. finished sixth) was the final Pro 1-2 ished nearly three hours second in the Unlimited class finisher to complete clear of Jarrett Lemley, the Truck class, while posting both laps. Steve Kuker was fnal Pro 10 entrant getting the day's third best overall racing second in the early both laps. time (3:38:05). Shepard, going, but both he and Rex strong field of 11 in the who found the Rock to Whitmoyer completed only Pro 8 class. Dave Raimonde Rock layout to be "a good one lap. In the Pro 10 class, grabbed the early advan-tage, and fast lap honors, with a 1:59:50 opening loop. Mark Dahlberg had tne OT Racing team in striking position, less than a minute off the pace. Bucky Strunk was also in contention, 30 minutes back after Lap 1, but nearly half of the Pro 8 field (five racers) had fallen by the wayside. On Lap 2, Rick Thomas took over the driv-ing duties for the OT Rac-ing team. And before long, Thomas had also taken over command o the race. By the time he reached the check-ered flag, Thomas' advan-tage had reached double digits. The OT Racing team was 11 minutes later, to se-cure Pro 8 runner-up hon-ors. Strunk (3rd), Larry Vanderway (4th) and Tom Swanson (5th) completed the order of Pro 8 class fin-ishers who did two laps. Don Kolt, who was ham-pered by a four-plus hour opening loop, completed the Pr9 8 scoring. After ex-iting the winning vehicle, a jubilant Rick Thomas re-ported having "no flats and no problems." He then added, rather matter of factly, having "no brakes.·" Perhaps that played some sort of role in the Lap 2 pss Raimonde described during post tech . "Everything went good and the truck ran flawless. J thought we could win un-til Rick Thoms passed us like we were standing still," said Raimonde. A contentious field of 18 starters made their way onto the course in the Pro 1/2-1600 class. Hector Gar-cia recorded the division's fast lap time on Lap 1 (2: 12: 15) nd never did relin-Eibach Springs is proud to announce it's complete line of ultra high qualitv off-road springs. Available in 10, 12, 14 & 16 inch free lengths With 3" ID. A wen designed & manufactured spring will last thousands of cvcles, even in the cruelest desen environments. That's whv top chassis builder Mike Julson chooses Eibach Springs. He knows what ii takes to win ... Now so do VDU. Spring to Success ... ~. Ille. • ,_ 948 71iZ 8700 • -. Pll'ller ,-.. 909 880 1854 Page 22 August 2001 Dusty Times ---
quish the lead. Erik Jones challenged Garcia early and late, but could not collar the speedy front runner. Garcia claimed first plce in Pro 1/2-1600, polishing off his two lap assignment in a rapid 4:33:35. Jones took s~cond, six minutes and six seconds behind the \'/inner. The Brewer-B&K Racing entry arrived less than five minutes later to secure third place. The fourth and fifth place finishers were separated by just 33 seconds at the finish. The Eric Fisher Racing entry claimed fourth with a final time of 4:45:20. An unlucky Cesar Cons Molina had to settle for fifth. Enrique Aime1i.dariz, the last Pro 1/ 2-1600 finisher with a sub five hour final time, was credited with a sixth place finish. The seventh through ninth place finishers respec-tively were Jeff Knupp, Bill Krug and Travis Rackley. Of the nine remaining ve-hicles, six were unable to complete Lap 2 and three failed to complete Lap ·1. Those entrants who saw their day end during Lap 2 were Frank Rascon, Bobby Altamirano, Mike Leung, Ray "RJ" Newton, Bill Stoner and Luis Martin Valles. There were a pair of Pro 5 class starters. Don Clarke came the closest, but neither he nor Scott Baxter was able to complete two laps. Clarke, by virtue of his 2:36:30 opening loop, claimed the victory. Dwane D;ivenport, who raced un-contested in the Vintage Pro class, had his day end in similar fashion. Davenport's one complete lap was timed in 3:09: 10. Half of the four Pro 5-1600 started completed both loops, and the other two just Lap l. Don Johnson proved much the best of that quartet. Johnson took fast lap time (2:40: 15) and first place, with an overall elapsed time of 5:45:27. Samantha Sanders, who fin-ished slightly more than an hour behind Johnson, col-lected_ runner-up honors. Milt Moore and Emmett Brinkerhoff were the re-spective third and fourth place finishers. The results in the Pro Challenger class were somewhat similar. Two of the four starters in that division also completed their entire assignment. Fast lap time honors went to the Hayosh/Dyer team, for their 2:36:04 opening loop. The win, however, was captured by Joe Sheble. Sheble out-raced the afore-mentioned Hayosh/Dyer duo to score the victory in 5:32:19. The runners-up missed the top prize by less than four minutes, settling instead for second best. Nollan Blackwell labored for the better part of five hours, before completing Lap l. It was a rather tough day for those participating in the Sportsman divisions. Alfredo Torres was the lone entrant in the Sport 10 Continued on page 24 Dusty Times Hector Garcia led the 1/2-1600 group from the get-go, finishing with more than six minutes in hand on a great drive. RACE DRUMS These trick KARTEK designed units consist of a stock drum precision machined and augmented with a billet plate and heat treamed chromoly splined center for maximum durabil-ity. Accept NO sub~titutes. · August 2001 Don Johnson had a super fast first lap, slowed a bit on the second but came home the winner in 5-1600 with an hour in hand. 934/5 RACE BOOT & FLANGE For years KARTEK has been aware of the problems associated with the industry standarddouble boot flange design for 934/5 CV joints. Keeping these problems in mind KARTEK has designed a boot and flange to eliminate Lhe boot failures that have plagued off-road racing in the past. KARTEK's new Design teams a large durable high polymer boot with a chro-moly flange to provide maximum perfor-mance with minimum weight and size. MICRO STUBS KARTEK's micro stubs are used by some of the biggest names in off-road racing today. KARTEK takes pride in the quality and durability of their micro stubs, and in the quality parts from which they are assembled. Accept no substitutes. BATES BOOT FLANGE & LIGHTENED 930 & 934/5 CVs This KARTEK exclusive was designed to elimi-nate the CV overheating that is associated with the use of Bates boots. This trick flange sets the boot away from the CY. This flange allows for the use of lightened and standard CV joints. KARTEK's lightened CVs are precision machined to allow them to stand up to the rig-ors associated with off-road racing. Page 23
Erik Jones gave it the old college try but he was only able to garner the second spot in 1/2-1600. Dave Raimonde set fast lap for the class on lap 1 but faltered a bit on The Brewer-B&K Racing entry had a good race, taking the bronze the second and he took the silver medal in Class 8. medal in the 112-1600 competition, 10 minutes off the winners pace. class, but he fell shy of com-pleting a full loop. The same held true for Dean Anderson and Torn Fisher, who squared-off in the Sport Mini class. Jonathan Moreno kept a trio of Sport Truck class com.petitors from also getting shut out, when he completed his one lap assignment to place first. It surely was not easy, however, as evidenced by Moreno's 4:55:28 clocking. The Unlimited class fared a bit better, with two of that division's four starters reaching the checkered flag. Mark Brownell proved a de-cisive winner, with an elapsed ~irne of 2:44: 10_ It was a long way back to Mike Herrick, who garnered Sportsman Unlimited run-ner-up honors. Moving on to the ATV action, 48 riders represent-ing a half dozen classes par-ticipated. Chad Prull proved himself nurnero uno, with a best of the day 2:02:48 clocking. Prull beat runner-up Shane Strunk by three minutes 23 seconds for the ATV Pro clss win. Strunk edged Colby Turner the ATV Novice class, Gary ATV 9 class, which was and bettered by just two 4-by 14 seconds for the sec-Ben and Willim Esquerra, comprised of riders racing wheeled competitors (pe-ond spot. The remaining Jr. battled for supremacy. with Whiplsh for the first rennial champ Larry Rag-entrants in their respective Both deserved to win, but time, David Rodriguez left land and 2000 Rock to order of finish were David it was Esquerra who calile no douht who was best. Ro-Rock overall winner Caesar Wylie, Travis Schreier and out on top. Ben required driguez, .whose winning Fuentes). Toby Bryant and Kevin Wilson dueled for just 25 seconds more than time was 2:23:45, was more David Gronlund also dis-the top spot in the ATV Se-the winner, who completed than 13 minutes clear of his tinguished themselves nior Pro class. Schreier his assignment in 2:28:09. rivals at the finish. There quite nicely. Bryant emerged victorious, stop-The touch-luck runner-was nearly a deadheat for reached the finish in ping the clock in 2:08:14. up finished three minutes second place, between 1:47: 14 to snag Pro runner-Wilson finished a close sec-ahead of third place fin-Fausto Yen and Mike Del up honors. Gronlund, who ond, just 57 seconds be-isher Doug Eldridge, and Rio. The nod went to Yon, missed that honor by a hind. Dane Crawford five minutes clear of Jeremy by a scant three seconds. mere 22 seconds, was the checked in third, and Frank Bishop in fourth. The re-Del Rio settled for third, division's third place fin-Zeiter was along for fourth. maining ATV Novice en-David Lucero earned fourth isher. Bradley Fuhrmann There was another tight fin-trants in their order of fin-place and Bill Williams claimed the fourth spot, 34 ish in the ATV Expert class, ish were Jennifer Schmid, claimed fifth. Jacob seconds behind Gronlund where .Tony Pedotto won by Tyrone Raymond, Timothy Lamdreay, Emilio Flores and 12 minutes clear of 44 seconds. Pedotto's time Waldrep and Wade Nevers. and Jose Campa also took fifth place finisher Joe c:,f 2:14:25 gave him the vie-Rick Deming poved a handy part in ATV 9. Gallagher. Luis tory over runner-up Gary winner in the ATV Begin-Last, but certainly not Gastellanos edged Kyle Schonfelder. Schonfelder ner clss. Deming powered least, turning your atten-Beshaw by 11 seconds for finished more than three his way to a seven-plus tion to the motorcycle com-sixth, and Michael minutes ahead of Ivn minute victory in 2:30:46. petition. As mentioned McNeilly topped Dan Elizando, who placed third. Dallas Culp held off Mike earlier, 123 riders took Birchfield Jr. for eighth. Corey Mellick nipped Terry Nelson to place second. part, with that miniature Cecil Farmer (10th), Matt Nelson by four seconds for Tommy Hacker finished army divided into 12 divi-Cutlip (11th) and Marti the fourth spot. The respec-back of Nelson in fourth. sions. The day's most out-Bejarano completed the rive sixth through eighth Fernando Campa followed standing performance was Pro scoring. It was Eric place finishers were Diego next in fifth, Jesus turned in by Todd Brown versus Desi Wolfe, Villalobas Jr., Jeff Henson -Hernandez out-finished Johnson, who placed first ·as a· match race took place and Lynn Prosser. Terry Joshua Edwards for sixth by two minutes in the Pro in the Senior Pro Bike Cook, Doug Reid and Gus-and Jason Waldrep com-Bike class. Johnson'.s su-class. Brown emerged vic-_tavo Ruiz also took part. In pleted the scoring. In the perb 1:45: 12 clocking was torious in 1:54:39. Wolfe best among all bike racers, was in the hunt all the way, TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING. INC SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year Congratulations Lance Huffman 1st Place -Pro Truck - Laguna Seca Transaxle Engineering Jeff Field Page 24 818-998-2739 9763 Variel Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 August 2001 Joe Sheble loves to race and race he did, taking the Class 9 honors, but only by three minutes and change. · +WANTED+ OPEN CLASS 3'S Let's Bring Them Back Now! Race at the Legendary Crandon Track Aug. 31st - Sept. 1st - Sept, 2nd (possible Friday night Race) CALL FOR INFORMATION Chris Raffo 847-259-4450 Dennis Chencharick 814-692-2268 Dusty Times
Sam, as in Samantha Sanders had a horrendously long second lap The Hayosh/Dyer Team set fast lap for Class 9 on lap 1, but they Ron Dalke set fast lap for Class 10 on lap 1, slowed on the second but still took second in 5-1600, a long way off the winning pace. slowed noticeably on lap 2 and ended up in the second spot. and he ended up in fhe second spot, 1: 15 out of the win. but proved second best by placed fifth, and Chris (10th), Troy Lange (11th), bunch. Stokes had a four-final two finishers were five minutes nd 41 sec-Godfrey followed in sixth. Robert·R.ainey (12th) and plus minute cushion at the Tom Mastor (6th) and Mike onds. There was a trio of The respective seventh and Gary Cu tis ( 13th) com-finish, which he reached in Hansen (7th). A field of competitors in the Master eighth place finishers were pleted the order of finish. 2:07:58. Steve Feld emerged eight battled for class su-Pro Bike class, and all three Ron Cox and Kevin Car-Jeff Sims turned back 14 as the runner-up, two min-premacy in the Super Se-remained in contention penter. Jasper Dyer and competitors to place first utes ahead of third place nior Bike class. Olen Webb, the entire race. At the fin-Benjamin Moody rounded in ·the Novice Bike class. finisher Neil Goodell. Barry Jr. proved a convincing win-ish, it was Gwin Vaughn out the Expert scoring. In Sims required 2:11:57 to Myers checked in fourth, ner, opening a double digit taking the checkered flag. the Intermediate Bike polish off his rivals. Joey Ray Plourde followed in lead over his nearest rival. Vaughn's final tim.e of class, there was a field of Jochen was runner-up, fol-fifth and John Strong com-Webb's winning effort was 1:59:01 was good for a 59 13 taking part. Tom lowed by Ryan Schrock in pleted the Senior ·Expert achieved in 2:29:25. Al-second victory over runner-Chronerberry was first to third, and Nathan results. In the Senior Bike though unable to keep pace up Bill Williford. It was the checkered flag. Gerberich in fourth. Dean class, a dozen riders ac-with Webb, Arthur Sims three minutes back to Steve Chronerberry's winning Siemion took fifth, Paul cepted assignments. While did well to secure the run-Richards, who finished time of 2:03: 15 was good HiU grabbed sixth and John Middleton and Steveri ner-up spot. It was six min-third. In the Expert Bike for a one minute 12 second Robert Palmer was sev-Weinstein battled for com-utes back to Bob Cunning-class, Jason Keys proved victory over second place enth. The remainder of the mand, five of their class-ham in third, and another best from a field of ten. finisher Alan Violette. It Novice class entrants in rnates fell victim to attri-15 to fourth place finisher Keys replied all challenges was three minutes and their order of finish were tion. Middleton edged clear Richard Aldrich. The fifth to win by five minutes, in change back to Pernell Frank Townsend, Paul Wil-late, winning by one and a through eighth positions re-the time of 2:03:58. Jason Yazzie in thid. Ron liams, John Martensen, half minutes in 2: 17:01. spectively went to Craig Parker emerged from a Edwards edged Brian Timothy Faulkner, Trent Weinstein finished all alone Gallan, Dal Langham, tight duel to earn the run-Birchfield for fourth place. Derosia, Jewell Turner, Jef-in second, followed by Vincent Thomas and Joe ner-up spot. Jarrod Bono Jon Heeley took sixth, frey Trimble and Ben Craig Bell in third and Kohlbrecher. By far, the finished 14 seconds further Rodney Bell claimed sev-Crawford. Six starters Michael Fry in fourth. It day's largest division was back to take third. Donald enth and Ben Hutchinson squared-off in the Senior was another 10 minutes the 20 deep field assembled Burnett was along for nipped Jason Barnes for Expert class, with John back to Lonnie Demarsh, in the Sportsman Bike fourth, Cecil Schrader eighth. J.B. Minogue Stokes proving best of the who wound up fifth. The class. ..-.l'fb THE NEW BAJA PRO Mickey Thompson® off-road race tires have made their mark in some of the most demanding races known to man. The Baja 1000, Mint 400, Paris-Dakhar and Parker 400 aren't your average trail-hopping runs. Now the new Baja Pro is joining the ranks of battle proven M/f tires. The new Baja Pro boasts an exclusive cut-resistant compound, a unique sidewall design for extra protection and a strong, lightweight, race tire construction. The new Baja Pro, and the rest of the M/T lineup, are available at more performance outlets than any other brand.
Vini Vidi Vichi: ProDrive Dominates Rim of the world By Paul Timmerman Photos: Trackside Photo .... Rhys Millen and Ken Cassidy piloted their Lancer Eva VI to second place in the Open class in the Rim of the World Rally. VINI VIDI VICHI 2001 not enough, you can down-Rim of the World PRO Rally load in-car camera footage may be looked back upon as using your computer get a a turning point. US events feel for what it's like to be on do not normally garner inter-a special stage, such as the 25 national attention, due to minute long Brooklyn Tav-the. lower interest in ern Stage from Wild West. America. But with the world Rally is not necessarily just debut of 2002 Subaru WRC for the hardcore anymore. car, 1nanufacturers, fans, and With no less than three rally competitor interest are all oriented network TV add peaking. On the competitor campaigns reaching out to side, a record number of en-the general populace, in-tries were received. A strong· creased coverage in Sport presence frorn Mitsubishi, Compact Car, Autoweek, Subaru and Hyundai showed and other periodicals, a wide-that manufacturers are keen. spread awareness of perfor-The number of well prepared ma nee rally is seeping into privateers is also rising, with our culture. It seems increas-nearly a dozen Lancers or ingly likely that rally will be lmprezas showing up at each the next big thing in extreme · event. Coming out to get a sports. glimpse of this beauty, spec-After a gala announce-tator attendance is way up ment at the New York Auto from last year; creating a fes-Show for Subaru Rally Team rival like atmosphere. USA, everyone knew that The improving TV cover-ProDrive was stepping up the age has a lot to do with the pace in the US. Just how growth of the sport. The much things were changing Speedvision on broadcasts of was clear when you peered SCCA-PRO Rally Events inside the immaculate 2002 have made prime time. And Subaru WRC car that had its if that was not enough, they world debut at Rim of the, are also getting good audi-World. Unlike the WRC cars ences for WRC broadcasts. with a smallish 34mm turbo This is great news for the restrictor, these cars were hardcore rally nut. If that's tuned to ~ake full advantage CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON From $299:oo Helmets Helmet & Skirt SNELL 95, SA 95 FOR SODA Complete Blower Systems for single or double seat cars. Helmet conversions, cool boxes, Complete line of PYROTECT, FILLER Safety. Products & BE Motorsports. We ship UPS daily. Vis~-Mastercard 5153 Bowden Avenue - San Diego -CA-92117 - 858-279-2509 Dusty Times of SCCA Open Class 40mm restrictor rule. The combina-tion of one of the fastest rally cars on the planet for former British Champion Mark Lovell was a rally fan's dream co1ne true. ProDrive also brought a 2001 WRC car owned and driven by Freder-ick Dor. He distinguished hirnself last year by placing in the top te n in 2000 WRC events. Also lined _up in Pare Expose right beside the other Sube's under the ProDrive tents was Karl Scheible's Group N car. The large and_ well equipped ProDrive ser-vice crew made the scene corhplete. It was clear that a true WRC style team had landed in the US, and big things were expected from them. Mitsubishi was well repre-sented as well, albeit not by a full factory based effort. A number of independent ef-forts were based on atte.mpt-ing to put a Lancer on the podium. Rhys Millen is run-ning a partial year with· Mit-subishi support, but had yet to finish a race this year de-spite scorching stage time and an absolute mastery of car control skills. Rhys plans to take a brake from PRO Rally during the summer to concentrate on Pikes Peak, then co1ne back and do more even ts in the fall. Richard Tuthill in the Winning Makes EVO IV already has a win from Cherokee Trails to his name. The stalwarts of the Lancer, Murray Tho1nas and his TAD crew have a small fleet of cars entered. At the top of the heap is Seamus Burke, who has the enviable record of making the podium in all 2001 events. Finally, the factory Hyun-dai teams of Paul Choiniere and Noel Lawler were here to challenge. Their cars have a1nazing power, and they are crafty com.petitors. However, August 2001 .. Mark Lovell and Navigator Steve Turvey had their Subaru lmpreza flying low, and took the overa/1 win in 2:24:16. Noel's string of trashed cars this year has put a strain on the team to present current models and h e was forced out'of Tiburon and into an older Elantra. Libre Racing was not simply rollin g over at · the ch allenge, and are still in the hunt for a 1nanufacturer's points cha1n-pionship in 2001. In the rally itself, English-man Mark Lovell led from start to finish, dominating the competition in a style reminiscent of the heydays of Libre Racing's Hyundai steamroller. Frederick Dor turned times good enough for second place, but fell back 10 minutes with me-chanical problems. Rhys Millen finally got his po-diUin, notching a fine second behind the factory effort, af-ter the spot was vacated . And Sea1nus Burke seems to own third place on the podium, showing m aturity and wis-dom that gets the job done and brings the car home ev-ery time. After suffering from transmission problems throughout the event Paul Choiniere managed fourth place. Lawler failed to finish · again, but kept his roof wrinkle free. Cherokee Trails rally winner, Richard Tuthill, was close behind the leaders, but fell out late in the event when he damaged suspen-sion flying off a water bar. There was lots of action in the other classes as well. With a record field of 67 starters, there was competi-tion in all classes for both Pro and Club entrants. There were 25 finishers in the two day long national event. In the Friday night's club event, 32 finishers made it through, and 29 finished the Saturday test. Many of those falling out of the na-tional on Friday night were able to restart in the club event on Saturday, afte.r fix-ing their cars. and Scott Huhn are back in the Primitive racing Impreza. Les Shadbo"lt and Bob Sherman also made the an-nual ·trip, in their Open class lmpreza. Patrick Richard and Ben Bradley are stepping u p to O p en class. T h eir car was recently upgraded from PGT. This car was last year's 2000 North American Cup PGT winner. Patrick has a Subaru works drive in Canada, where he hails from. A large number of priva-teer Mitsubishis entered as well. Tim Paterson and Scott Ferguson brought a TAD Lancer EVO IV from the Northwest. Mark Nelson and Christine Edstrom are in an immaculate TAD prepped EVO VI. Pete Lahm and Rod Hendrickson are out from Arizona in the TAD prepped EVO IV. Locals Leon Styles and Larry Scott were present in the Ex-Chavez Gallant VR-4. Kurosh Jahromi and Tony Lumino are running the full series in a Ford Escort Cos-worth Mk. IV with a wild red white and blue custom paint job, and Harley Davidson sponsorship. Dave Turner and Mike McComas came out to play in the same red Jeep Cherokee that Dave ran in selected events last year. All evidence of last year's ad-venture in Laughlin have been repaired. The FIA class, Group N is for turbocharged, AWD cars, but imposes tight restrictions on power and parts selec-tion. At this time it is a single make class with only Subaru having filed for homologa-tion papers in the US. The favorite in this race had to be Karl Schiebel and Brian Max-well in the ProDrive car. A field of challengers in this new class is beginning to as-semble. Remana J_.agerman and Russ Hughes are gaining ground as the season progresses. Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes are out of their Group 5 entry and have moved over to Group N, were they are rapidly-adjust-ing to the new Subaru. In the national event, the revitalized Production class had locals Tony Chavez and Other national open class teams include the threesome from Knight Racing Subaru Imprezas. Steve Gingras and Bill Westrick are the latest ad.dition to the group. They are joining Jonathan Ryther and Janice Damitio in one car and Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzman in the other. All of the cars sport the u·n-usual feature of an automatic transmission. Three more Subarus from the northwest also came down for Rim. Paul Eklund · Doug Robinson challenging Dennis Chisma and Ole Holter in the 9118, John Buf-fum and Cindy Krowlakowsi in the Hyundai Press Car, and Mike Halley and Josh· Bressem in the blue beetle for the win. Series leader Page 26
George Pisek and Alex Gelsomino, in the Open 4WD class, took the Friday ClubRa/ly by 15 seconds. Bruce Brown, with Bob Moe in the right-hand seat, were the Friday Bill Malik and Eric Tremblay drove their Volvo 240 to second place in ClubRally CRS GT second place finishers, in their Subaru. Group 2/5. Note tapfJ holding left headlight in place. Craig Poeper and Ian Beven got there through consistent perfonnance, not class win-ning pace. In Production GT (PGT), Cherokee Trails class win-ners Lauchlin O'Sullivan and John Dillon were chal-lenging' Peter Workum and John Allen. Their rented ride was a 2WD car, which in PGT class has to run against the 4WD cars. Bruce Brown and Bob Moe moved up to run the Subaru in PGT for their first national start. The reigning champs, Pat Richard and Ben Bradley had built up their cars to Open class leav-ing the field much more open. In Group 5, a strong group prepped VW are former na-on the Palmdale rally head-along the tight and technical came down from the north-tional champs. Bill Malik quarters. The teams run course. west. Dave and Rick Hintz in and Eric Tremblay just three stages with tarmac and· It was clear to the onlook-the RX-7 would have to find missed a championship in gravel before service, and ers that the ProDrive cars a way past Carl Yardevall and their highly developed Volvo then one more pure tarmac were something special, Amity Trowbridge in the 240, as did Jay Streets and stage, and followed by a sounding like no opposed powerful turbocharged 740 Bill Feyling in their floor of gravel stage. This layout is four engine anyone had ever Volvo. Locals William and Toyotas Corollas. Richard unique and challenges the heard. The order after this Julie Yates were stepping up Byford and Fran Olson competitors to display mas-prelude was Millen, Lovell, to challenge at a national stepped up to the national tery of vastly different driv-Choiniere, Dor, Tuthill, Nel-level. A new entrant, Josh level this year in the BMW ing styles. son. Lawler lost some three Jacquot teamed with Ola 2002, as did Dave Coleman The spectator stage at the minutes on this stage, as his Lysenstoen in a turbocharged and Paul Timmerman in the hotel in Palmdale started steering wheel came loose Ford Focus. SCC rally-beater, a Datsun things off with a bang, giv-during the run. He furiously Group 2 is reserved for 510. For more on their race ing everyone a chance to see threw down the steering less powerful 2WD cars. In see the feature article at what they were up against. wheel at the end of the run, this most competitive of www.specialstage.com. The water truck worked away which had to be calmly reat-classes, at least three differ-The route is very similar to for most of the afternoon, tached by his co-driver. His ent tea,ms could easily win. last year, with a spectator turning the desert into a streak of bad luck seemed to Dave White and Jimmy stage, and then up into the quagmire, with standing wa-be hanging on. John Brown in the Guy Light mountains as the dusk falls ter and deep mud holes Continuedonpage28 CoYJ_Jrafufafions to # ~e/iciclales a-nuesfros Jtmalores Page 27 our w,nners · Marcos Nunez & Norberto Rivera !nd.5-1800 Negrete Boys Racing .. ,,<► MOTOR.65 YTRANSMISION6S D6 COMl'~NCIA .Q»-2»1 1st. Class 11 Miguel Rosales, Rene Cesena & Fernando Montiio 2nd. Class 11 Fernando Flores & Team Faraon Sarallla 108 Cal. Benita Juarez tel. 81 178-80-48 August 2001 4th. 1-2-1800 Eric & Hiram Duron 3rd. Class I Daniel Moro & Daniel Moro Jr. E11e1i111 Ba I Calll1111 Mexico Dusty Times
Drislane's Lancer rolled on the stage, starting the car-nage early. Lee Shadbolt's Subaru broke spider gear.on first launch of spectator stage stopping him short as well. The second special stage (SS) is Magic Mountain, and has nothing to do with the amusement park, except the wild ride. It is composed of broken tarmac along a high ridge up in the Angeles For-est, off Sand Canyon Road. The tannac has a course bro-k,en texture, and there is of-ten overgrown bushes, sand on the corners, and aging guardrails marking the most dangerous drop-offs. Tire se-lection ts a co1npromise here, as gravel is coming up shortly, and before any ser-vice stops would allow a DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-point sand rail seat belt r! RACE BELTS 2• · 5 point mount 3" · 5 point mount SIDE COVERS IRS. Swing axle KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# 200mm-up to 3000/, GERMAN . AUTO PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# RACING . PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks .............. . ~puc ferramic ........... . 4 puc ferramic with sprlnfJ hub swap. Lovell moved into the lead by 61 hundredths over Fredrick Dor on this stage, with Rhys Millen, Richard Tuthill, Seamus Burke the only cars to stay within one minute of the leader. Cars started dropping out rapidly on this first real test. Mike Halley bug lost the stock fuel pump failed on SS2, spent too much time on diagnosis and missed the Saturday re-start. Josh Jacqout had a fail-ure of his novel inboard sus-pension, which forced them to stop. Dave Coleman tore up the spider gears in the 510's rear end. And Keith Wheeler lost a distributor. Hot shoe rookie Chris Burns in a stock class Eclipse lost almost 8 minutes on this stage after having stuffing the car into a bank. The third stage starts out on the same tarmac; and then turns onto a typical narrow rim road, climbing up· finish at the camp-grounds. Lovell put almost a minute on Dor and Tuthill, with Burke, Millen and Scheible drifting back slightly faster. Falling back on the stage were Jonathan Ryther, Mark Peterson and Don Shreyer. Jumping up the stage sheet were Jay Stevens and.Justin Benham in the rented Plymouth Ar-row. Steve Gingras had torque converter bolts break in the automatic transmission, leaving him stuck out on Special Stage 3. Patrick Dennis Chizma and Ole Holter put their yellow and red Porsche 911 into first place in Stock class by a slim six seconds. Richard's shakedown of the electric fan stopped work-Open class Impreza ran into ing, burped some propylene trouble on Stage 3. The glycol coolant, which GERMAN AUTO caught fire. The fire caused minimal damage to the har-ness. They were able to re-start the car the next day but experienced an ECU restart, and they had to bor-row a computer and an ECU download. The volun-teer program never worked quite right, missing throughout the rest of the weekend. Noel Lawler in the Libre Racing backup car broke down on this stage as well, giving him his third straight DNF. Dr. Scott Clark and his daughter Tamara are Seed 6 club en-tries in an Open class Su ba-ru. The rookies fell out of the Friday night contest on Stage 3, but were able to re-start the next day. John West and Matt Lovell in a Datsun 510 had an alterna-tor failure but continued on for a time battling electrical problems, leading to a SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 'h • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages 930 or T-4 or T-2 flanges Trick boo.ts (specify) 930CVstar "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stock width 8" travel-widened beam 10• travel-stock width 10• travel-widened beam TRI MIL EXHAUST T-1 11/z "chrome T-11½"raw T-1 1 518" chrom T-115/8" raw T-4chrome T-4raw GERMAN AUTUtATS GERMAN AUTO Cf.'SHIRTS. specify M.LG.XLG . -PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T·4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ MK/I I I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal With chrome pedal. With hydraulic throttle Replacement slave SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion Mount plate Coupler. Rack steering stops VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ..... . ...... 4130 Chromolv Stock length ......... pr. 1 ¼•tonger . . ........ pr. 21/, " tonger .......... pr. 4 • longer-coil over style pr. CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. lsoeclfv Ford or International) set ... SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3• X 3• ...... . 1-21600, 5-1600. CATALOG ... DNF. r Stage 4 the classic Aliso· Canyon, a sweeping down-hill gravel stage. It begins with a rougher, tighter sec-tion, then smooches out as it passes a local gravel pit, and runs out down-the wide sweeping dirt road. It allows a rare fourth gear down hill blast, allowing underpow-ered cars to take back a bit of time. The surface is com-pacted by the many trucks on the road, and dust can be a major problem. Every year cars with bad alterna-tors are stopped on this stage, unable to make it back out to service. Lovell expanded his lead on SS4 while Tuthill, in the winning makes Lancer, nipped in front of Fredrick Dor by 12 hundredths, tak-ing second place on the road. Further down Paul Eklund slipped ahead of Paul Choiniere, George Plsek used local knowledge to vault into the top ten. Local favorite Lauchlin O'Sullivan lost an alterna-tor becoming the token dead battery team for Aliso Canyon, the only car to stop on this stage. After service, the cars headed up SS5; Mt. Gleason. The stage is a chal-lenging uphill asphalt stage that ended atop of Mt. 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-863-1123 Gleason. It begins tight, narrow and steep with cliffs and drop-offs to each side, Dusty Times August 2001 Page 28
Tim Paterson and Scott Ferguson, Lancer Evo IV, spew dust and Jay Streets and Bill Feyling, in a Toyota Corolla, were the winners in Peter Workum and navigator John Allen, Acura lntegra, took the win rocks as they round a turn, heading for second in Open 4WD. Group 2/5 by 33 seconds. in CRS GT by three minutes and 57 seconds. . then opens up into a flat-Scheible, Choiniere, Eklund, Workham and John Allen ing gravity for an assist. ,JB Acker went where his naviga-ter section, before taking Pete Lahm, and Ramana were next in, taking a first Whorton and Matt Deye tor told him. Unfortunately, the final ultra-steep Lagermann. This was the place in the inaugural CRS were back in 27th in a 323 his navigator, a local veteran .switchback climb to the overnight break point for the GT class, and were 12th over-GTX, and took third in CRS of the sport, was on the summit. Tarmac skills, national contest, but consti-all. Bob Pendergast and Jon GT. Chris Acker nd Pete wrong page and took them to power and cooling system tuted a finishing point for Welgley were next at 13th Morris were 28th home in the wrong stages. performance are at a pre-· the Friday Night Club event. overall and sixth in Open the V8 powered, automatic The real action resumed mium on this stage. Open class cars took the class. Mark Tabor and Kevin transmission Ford Mustang. out on Del Sur Ridge, where The rally boards order was first four spots. George Plsek Poirer were third in Stock Don Shreyer and Ken Tooker the out and back Special settling down. The lone and Alex Gelsomino brought class and 14th overall. Vartan were 29th on the road, but Stages 8 and 9 were run. change in the top ten was the Audi Quattro home first. Samuelian and Charlie Aoun earned a seed bump from six Mark Lovell showed that Seamus Burke slipping ahead Tim Paterson and Scott Fer-were sixth in Group 2/5. to five, leaving their rookie ProDrive had him firmly in of Rhys Millen for fourth. guson were second, by a nar-Terry Stonecipher and Jeff status behind in their first control, putting 24 seconds Uncharacteristically back in row 15 seconds. Leon Styles Bruett were fourth in stock try. Julius Vasari and Stuart on Rhys Millen on the way seventhChoinieretookback and Larry Scott were third, inaToyotapickup.JohnOx-Gaterwerethe30thcar,nab-out. Behind them weTe seventh from Paul Eklund in another 26 seconds back. ford nd Damian Delezene bing a seventh in Open class Tuthill, Choiniere, Burke, a running battle. Kori J ahromi and Tony were seventh in Group 2/5. in their green Eclipse. Last Dor, Scheible and Pat Rich-Dropping out on the stage Lumino were fourth in the Richard Byford and Fran car home was Sean Otto and ard. Lon Peterson's car had was Ricky DelaCuesta with Escort Cosworth. Next in Olson were eighth in Group Jason Lane in the red Mazda trouble on this stage, taking yet another rear end failure. were the super competitive 2/5 and 19th overall. Mark GLC. a 99% on the stage and los-They were successful in find-stock class cars, which were and Scott Peterson were 20th Saturday dawned to a busy ing 13 m.inutes due to elec-ing spares at the junk yard also fighting for national pro-overall in their early Dodge pit area with many teams trical problems. Keith and restarted on ·Saturday. duction honors. Dennis Colt, and took home ninth scrambling to put their cars Wheeler also took 99% for Ian Hudson and Brian Chis ma and Ole Holter in Group 2/5. ·Patrick Rodi back into the show, and the the stage. Josh Jacqout was Hudson dropped out of their edged out Tony Chavez and and Jonathan Schiller were local junk yards were doing nursing the Turbocharged rally debut, as their Toyota Doug Robinson by a scant six 21st and took fifth in Stock a brisk trade in rear ends. Focus off the stage as the Corolla stopped on SS5. seconds. Next up were a pha-class. Jose Mercado and Alex The festival atmosphere of engine was overheating and They did manage to restart lanx of theoretically faster Pfeifter were sixth in Stock the pare ferme was fabulous. they had head gasket prob-on Saturday, and managed to Group 2/5 cars. The affable class. Bruce Brown nd Bob The cars, support vehicles, lems. John Schults dropped tinish a rally, bringing the car Jay Streets and Bill Feyling Moe were 23rd car in, and fans, and team.s crowded to-out for good on this stage as in last place, but moving up put.30 seconds on Bill Ma-second in CRS GT class. gether to watch the charity the RX-3 stopped along the to Seed 5 in the process. lik and Eric Trembley to take Doug Whited and Peter rallysprint. It was held adja-road. Craig Bishop and Richard first and second respectively. Sopar were seventh in Stock cent to the pare ferme, using Coming back out the order Thompson dropped out after Justin Benham and John class in theVWGulf, elevat-a-dedicated course, separate was largely unchanged at the Richard became ill. Nick Rippel were one minute off ing them from rookie status from the previous day's spec-front. In the National Produc-Korpal and Eric Schleicher the pace while Dave and Rick to Seed 5. Chris Burns and tator stage. Over $1000 was tion race, everything suddenly in the tri-color Mazda 323 Hintz were only slightly Bill Barfoot were well back in raised for local charities. . fell in to the lap of Tony GTX stopped due to a bro-adrift at 1:20 off the flying 25th overall after losing The opening stage was an-Chavez and Doug Robinson in ken axle. Streets and Fey ling. Dave some eight minutes early on, other spectator stage, with the VW. They had been in a The final stage of the Turner and Mike McComas but also pressed on to move Dor, Choiniere, Millen, neck and neck race with Den-evening was a repeat of Aliso were next in their Jeep, tak-up to Seed 5. They would be Tuthill and Burke taking fast-nis Chis ma and Ole Holter in Canyon. At the end of this ing fifth in Open class and back to challenge the follow-est times. Then the entire the Porsche 911S. They were stage, Lovell was over three 11th overall. William ·and ing day. John Shults and line of cars was back up to within 20 seconds in total minutes clear of the pack. Julie Yates were fifth in Doug. Mitchell were 10th in the mountains.-However, not time when the rear-engined Filling out the top ten were Group 2/ 5 in the super-Group 2/5 in the RX-3, sol-all teams were heading out in car lost all forward drive. At Tuthill, Dor, Millen, Burke, charged M R-2. Peter diering on without power, us-the same direction. Chris Continued on page 30 Page 29 Do Nore Than Jus1 H~ck •P D~r1t Congratulations to c & c Motorsports 2000's Winner of 250 Gallons of 76 Race Gas! Win Free 76 Racing Gas for the 2001 Season! One entry for each 55 gallons of 76100 or 110 Octane Racing Gasoline _ purchased from CL Bryant or an authorized dlsb1butor from Jan. 1, 2001 through October 31, 20011Wini=r8876 Rael re GasoUne (up to 250 gallons of 100 Octane or 110 Octane Only.) To Enter: Send your proof ~f purchase, along with Name, Address, and Phone to: CL Bryant, Inc. Attn: Mitch 237 E. Whitmore Ave. Modesto, CA. 95358 t!'ARACING Vl:/GASOLINE ~Nil' .. .,..~ -..,.~, .. , ., ... .... ,, ... CONGRATULATIONS! TO 76 CONTINGENCY WINNERS IN MDR, VORRA, BEST IN THE DESERT, AND SCORE <NOW ALMOST EVERY SCORE CLASSWINS WITH 76 RACE OASD owoial ~,,,. --e:?✓iftZ!, ~ Authorized Distributors in Southern California, call: Fairplex - Pomona October 7&8 August 2001 KRS Distributing 714-816-8983 Cosb',t Oil 1-800-54-COSBY www.cosbyoil.com Southern Counties Petroleum 714-516-7300 Mexico -Auto Sports Baja 619-247-1798 For a Distributor Nearest You - 800-399-4176 Dusty Times
Karl Scheible and Brian Maxwell put their Subaru lmpreza into first place in Group N with a 34 second edge. the same time, the other strong cpmpei:itor in the class, John Buffum and Cindy Krolikowski took a 74% time on the stage, leaving Tony and Doug free to cruise home. Carl Yardeval reported yet another ring and pinion fail-ure in the Volvo 740 Turbo. Patrick Rodi broke a tranny mount on Del Sur coming back out, lost the cooling sys-This is the i;ystem run by most off road race winners tern shortly afterwa'rds. Jonathan Ryther also stopped on this stage due to hot restart problems. The starter died and the auto tranny car could not be restarted, as pushing would not help. Richard Byford and Fran Olsen stopped after this stage as dieir new engine was overheat-ing in their yellow BMW 2002, taking them out of the TRI-MIL BOBCAT QIROME 1984-9-1 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR l" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Dusty Times David and Rick Hintz, in a Mazda RX-7 were the Group 5 winners at the Rim of the World ProRally in early May. Group 2 race. George Plsek and Alex Gelsomino in the S2 Audi began it's slide down the leader board on this stage, as a broken axle, cut brake lines, and a damaged gear box all slowed them. Dave White had a lock on the Group 2 class showfr1g his old form in the Redline Oil/ Guy Ligh t VW Gulf. Further back, Jay Streets had to cede his seemingly safe second place to a hard charging Bill Malik in the Volvo 240. Back in fourth was CRS veteran Vartan Samuelian and Char-lie Aoun in third in the brand new Ford Focus. The next stage, Number 10, takes the spec ta tors past the popular SJ?unky Canyon spec-tator area, which was packed with people this year. Rhys Millei:i. capped a set a string of second fastest stage times be-hind the untouchable Lovell. The running battle for sixth between Choiniere and Scheible that had been occur-ring all day continued. This was a clear indicator that the · Libra Racing top driver was not in best form. The reduced power of the Group N car, with a smallish 32m1u restric-tor should not have been able to keep up with the much ·more powerful Open class Hyundai. Mark Nelson made a big move up the bo,ard on this stage, climbing into the top in the Lancer EVO VI. Having trouble on the stage were Mark Peterson in the Dodge Colt and Lon Peterson in the lmpreza, and Jorge and Eva Sousa in the RX-7. All three registered DNF's. Justin Benham, Keith Wheeler, Ian Hudson, and Pat Richard all pulled 99% on the stage. In addition, Lauchlin O'Sullivan was fighting with his car at the end of this stage. All'cars that were capable of it mdved off to service at Lake Hughes for a quick 20 minute stop. This service was impor-t ant, b e ca u se the roughest roads in the rally were still to be run, nd a long transit to get them is required. After a tran-sit toward the G rapevine, the cars come b ack via the G orman Ridge route and the Sawmill Truck Trail. The rac-ing started at the top of the ascent and continued over two stages to bring the cars back to Lake Hughes. On Stage 11, Karl Scheible turned a time only 2% behind Mark Lovell, making use of the full international spec Group N car's suspension. On August 2001 one of the huge water jumps, Richard Tuthill flew too far and landed wrong, tearing one corner of the suspension off th e rear of the car, falling out of the race while in second place by less than five minutes. Fredrick Dor' s challenge for second place came to an end as the ProDrive WRC car lost some ten minutes on the stage. These events handed . second to Rhys Millen, who has been fighting all year to make the podium. The Group 2 race was changed when Jay Streets rolled his Toyota on the mother of all water bars. They finally got the car righted us-ing a come-along and a handy creosote bush, but not before taking a maximum time pen-alty, but beating the time bar. Stage 12 is the downhill run into Lake Hughes, and is of-ten rougher than the previous stage, but the grading by the National Forest Service made the stage much smoother than we typically see. All of the weaker teams were out of the race by this point and ·few changes were occurring in the standings. The leader board showed Lovell, Millen, Burke, Choiniere, Scheible, Ko-smides, and Lagermann in.the fast open class cars. . Bill Malik's drive in Group 2 ended with a transmission failure. Justin Benham pulled another 99% stage time as they struggled with the Arrow. Mark Tabor also DNF'd out of the national Production class event. The longest break of the day, dinner service at Lake Hughes, gave teams a chance to relax before the final stages. Except for Jay Streets, who was working hard to install a Lancer windshield in to his Toyota so he could continue his run for national service championship points. The club cars would repeat the last two stages and head back to Palmdale, while the national cars were given one more stage to run . The repeat stages are Numbers 12 a·nd 13. Stage 13 was the first stage after dark, and teams had to readjust, even though they had s·een the stage a shqrt few hours earlier. The huge water bars were still lurking, but were now harder to spot. Stage 12 showed few changes in the national race. Dave Coleman lost about four minutes in his Group 2 car when they followed a set of tracks under an Oak tree. Mark Peterson dropped out after a lon g run in his stock class car. O n Stage 14, R a m a n a Lagermann s nuck ahead of Ralph Kosmides in th e race for second in Group N . T he three Group N cars ran ex-tremely consistent times all. weekend. But Ralph slowed just slightly n e ar the end, drifting down into third in Group N and eventually down to eighth overall. Stage 15 showed only one change in the event, with a charging Fredrick Dor sneak-ing ahead of Ralph Kosmides. T h e cars returned to the hotel in reverse of their final finishing order, to allow the winning car to arrive last. This required rapid and accurate scoring and good network communications. The effort was worth it, as the scene back at the hotel was a new high for Rim of the World. All the fin-ishers came across the starting ramp, were given lapel pins, and then joined the party. The top finishers' cars were all jammed under th e overhang at the front of the h otel and teams and fans packed into the area in a party atmo-sphere. In the national event, Mark Lovell and Steve Turvey put seven minutes.on the field to win overall in the ProDrive 2002 WRC car. Rhys Millen and Ken Cassidy took home second place in their Lancer EVO VI, in the team's first po-dium finish of the season. Seamus Burke in the TAD EVO VI nabbed yet another third place, and Paul Choin-iere and Jeff Becker took fourth place. First place in Group N was Karl Scheible and Brian Maxwell in th e ProDrive US spec WRX. Less than one minute back was Ramana Lagermann and Russ Hughes in another Group N Subaru. And only a minute b ack of Karl was Ralph Ko-smides and Joe Noyes in a third Group N Subaru. Then came four more Open class cars. Fredrick Dor and Tony Sircome missed a likely po-dium finish and went back in eighth overall. Tim Paterson and Scott Fetguson came in with a ninth overall in their EVO IV. Mark Nelson and Christian Edstrom filled out the top ten in the EVO VI. Paul Eklund and Scott Huhn were 11th overall and almost 17 minutes adrift in their Im-preza. The first 2WD car was the Group 2 favorite, Dave White and Jimmy Brandt in the VW Gulf. Leon Styles and Larry Scott were the first CRS finishers in the national event in the Gallant VR-4. They were slowed by turbo problems near the end, an d feel they h ave roo m for improvement with a clean run. Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson was the next car at 14th overall. They won the national Production class, putting 10 minutes on the series leader. George Pisek and Alex Gelsomino brought in the ailing Audi Quattro to 15th overall and 10th in class. Kori Jahromi and Tony Lumino were next, in the Ford Escort Cosworth Mk II. Dave and Rick Hintz took first place Page 30
Ramana Lagemann and Russ Hughes took second place in Group N Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson, in a VW Golf GT/, were the David White and Jim Brandt head out of a turn as they drive to first at the Rim ProRally in their Subaru lmpreza. Production class winner in 2:52:03. place in Group 2 in,.their VW Golf GT/. in a Mazda RX-7, back in 17th Streets and BUI Feyling were Hintz were first in Group 5. Stock class. Patrick Richard were sixth in Group 2 . Don place overall. Dave Turner and in last place. 1:12:12 behind Dave Turner and Mike Mc-and Ben Bradley were back Shreyer nd Ken Tooker were . Mike McComas were 18th the winner, put scooped up Comas were third in Open in 14th overall and sixth in third in Production class and overall and 12th in Open class third place µoints in Group 2 class. KoriJahromi and Tony Open. B_ob Pendergrass and also graduated to Seed 5 . In in th e loop. Craig Peeper and after a heavy roll on Stage 11. Lumino were fourth in Open Jon Whegley were seventh in 24th place Jon Oxford, an Ian Bevan were second in Pro-In the second club event, and seventh overall. George the Open class Chevy Blazer experienced co-driver, and a duction class and 19th overall. for Saturday only, Tim Pater-Plsek was fifth in Open. Pre Runner. Vartan rookie driver got his Seed 5 William and Julia Yates were son and Scott Ferguson won Dave Coleman and Paul Samuelian and Charlie Aoun in his first try, and also rated second in Group 5 in the su-overall in the EVO VI. This Timmerman were ninth over-were 16th overall and third 24th overall and seventh in percharged MR-2 . ·Peter out of district win will help all and first in Group 2. This in GrO'up 2. Bruce •Brown Group 2. Sean Otto and Ja-Workum and John Allen were the m on their way to a follow-up to Dave's National and Bob Moe were 17th over-son Lane were the 25th car, first in the Production GT NORPAC Open class lead. Production win in Oregon in all but third in GT class. a Mazda GLC. Justin Acura lntegra. John Buffum In one of the biggest upsets a FWD car shows him to be Terry Stonecipher and Jeff Benham and John Rippel and Cindy Krolkowski were of the weekend, Seed 6 team, versatile and· fast. William Bruett were second in Pro-brought in a troubled Ply-third in the Production Hyun-in a Stock class Eclipse,. and Julie Yates were second duction class and fourth in mouth Arrow to a third in dai Tiburon press car, netting Chris Burns and Brad Boli in Group 5 and 10th overall. Stock class. Doug Whited Group 5. Jay Streets and Bill a new precious manufacturer were second overall, and'first J.B. Whorton and Matt and Peter Soper were fourth Fey ling were back at 27th points. Vartan Samuelian and in Stock class. Leon Styles Deye, a pair ·of Seed 6 en-in Group 2 and 19th overall, overall after their adventure. Charlie Aoun were second in and Larry Scott brought tran ts from Colorado gaining them a seed increase Scott and Tamara Clark were Group 2 and 23rd overall in home the Gallant VR-4 in brought their 323 GTX from rookies up to Seed 5. 28th for their first finish, the Ford Focus. Bruce Brown third overall and were sec-home for a first in GT class. Julius Visari and Stuart and a fourth in CRS GT and Bob Moe, local racers who ond in Open class, less than Peter Workum and John Oater were eigh~h in the class. Ian and Brian Hudson entered the national as Seed five minutes out of first. Allen were just behind in Open class with their green were the last car in, as the 6 in the Production GT class Tony Chavez and Doug Rob-12th overall and ·settled for Eclipse. Tim Sardelich and rookies guided their Corolla took home a second in class inson, who drove for a fin-second in GT in the club Dave Hackett were 21st over-to a 10th in both Group 2 honors for their trouble. The ish in the national, were event. Ricky DeleCuesta and all in a Plymouth Arrow, and and CRS Stock, gaining final finisher, and no one had fourth·overall and second in Ricky Mendiola were second fifth in Group 5. Jose them another Seed 5 rank-to work harder for a finish, Jay Stock class. Dave and Rick in Group 2 and third in Mercado and Alex Pfeifter ing. Page 31 August 2001 Dusty Times
,.. DUSTY PROFILE Donna's Tale me a kiss on the cheek when finished the race. Some of the other racers even offered to help. They told me to stop at their pits if I needed anything. It was re-ally a lot of fun." Text & Photos: Byrle Moore Born and raised in Harrison Township, Michigan, which is a couple of miles from any real deserts, let alone desert racing, she grew up just down the street from her third grade boyfriend. "There was a dirt bike in his ga-rage. We kicked it and kicked it, but it never would start," she said. "I've been watching racing on TV since I was little. Nobody else in my family was into it; I just liked it," Donna said. "I started buying and reading dirt bike magazines before I even owned a motorcycle. I was always a tomboy, and dirt bikes just looked like fun." "Of course, my parents wouldn't lee me get one, so at 14 I ended up with a Honda Spree instead. I'm not sure how they feel about my racing now. My mom just says 'be careful'. They have never seen me race and aren't into off road racing. Donna Trigilio Rode in the SCORE San Felipe 250, and again in the Baja 500 but her ultimate goal is to solo the Baja 1000 in November. Donna did get into sand rails at age 15. By that time she had a new boyfriend; not the same one from third grade. They raced the sand rails in The Michigan Off Road Championship Series. "This was stadium style raciqg which was all right except I was always the co-pilot," she said. What does a 240-pound KTM 400 EXC have in common with a 120-pound lady? No friends it's not a Jay Leno question. There is a real punch line, and the punch line in this case, is desert and off road racing. I first saw Donna Trigilio, as she was pushing that 240-pound motorcycle through Contin-gency at the 2001 San Felipe 250. On the first steps to one of her dreams, she was getting ready to ride 250 miles across, and up and down, some of the most treacherous landscape in the Baja. At the finish of her first SCORE race Donna was exuber-ant. "Having those Trophy Trucks and other cars flying by me on the course was scary. You don't hear i:hem until they're right on your back tire, and they're coming up fast! But, the support and the enthusiasm I got, as a female rider was unbe-lievable! One little boy asked me for my autograph in Contin-gency, and a little local girl gave "We moved to Arizona two days after we got married," Trigilio said. This was when Donna was 20. They started go-ultimate lono travel ford lono travel system Get the benefits of our Long Travel system and 3" lift spindles, creating 6n of lih for incredible ground clearance. ff!@V<lll ■ 3' lift spindles ■ Upper Control arms ~~~W")' ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 8' Suspension System used in a racing ' application with coil over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of wheel travel. ing to G lamis outside Phoenix; with various sand rails she and her husband built. Donna added , "After five years of Glamis trips, riding as co-pilot got old. All those people on bikes zipping around looked like a lot m·ore fun. When I was 25, I bought my first dirt bike, a Kawasaki KDX 200. I learned to ride on the dunes at Glamis. Now, two and a half years later here I am." Donna's goal is to be the first woman to solo the SCORE Baja 1000 on a motorcycle. "My hus-band and I went down to the 1000 in 1997, I was amazed and intrigued, this was the kind of stuff we saw only on television back in Michigan." She smiled. In March of 2000 Donna and her husband were back in Mexico. This time it was to watch the SCORE, San Felipe 250. On the way home a dream began to take shape. If there'd never been a woman solo the 1000 she wanted to be the first. It took a couple of months to get an answer from SCORE. Late in the summer of 2000 the media department at SCORE confirmed that a woman had never completed the Baja 1000, solo, on a dirt bike. Donna sighed, "I was di-vorced in September of that same year. The 2000 San Felipe 250, in March, was our last week-end as a couple, so it was kind of hard when I came back this year to race it." Through all of this Donna started working on her plan. She continued, "I knew the 96 KDX custom i beams O.flroad bullet ~roof design provides maximum strength with 4 I 30 Chromoly steel e !! !!. Mb.!!!! include front fenders, 3-wau adjustable shocR absorber ______ _ Ci 7::f!!!f.~t~~ touota Jono travel sustem Our Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van Dan' long travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off readers out there. ~,,-.., ,,.•• \!IIWTC!fU. Page 32 I /8th' thick plate and tubular inner structure. 1990-94 lord ranger y·· performance sys t e m Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard offering increased tire clearance and 4 • more wheel travel. Dual Shock System 2 shocks per front wheel, adds high performance dampening. extended radius arms Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard for incre8Sl!d lire clearance. Ranger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on lord ranger 2.s · performance system 2.5' of lift with a 2' increase in wheel travel 1973-87 CIO y·· long travel system Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires. August 2001 angled bedsides and hoods. The front fenders and bedsides are flared with wheel travel in mind. spare tire mount .r-L ,~-Constructed using I 1 / 4 • steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount Over 25 Styles stamped steel tabs Our vast assortment of stamped steel tabs stmpllly your fabrication needs. Call for a distributor p.earest yo*u Phone 714-990-8850 • Fax 714-990-8854 www.fabtechmotorsports_ com OH E-MAIL US AT info@labtechmotorsports.com Dusty Times
was not the bike for the job. I needed a four stroke, which would be light and easy to start. That narrowed the field down quite a bit and I bought my '2001' KTM 400 EXC in Octo-ber." "I decided to race both the Whiplash and SCORE series this year. The local Whiplash series will get me some racing ex-perience and help to build en-durance. The SCORE series, in Mexico, consists of three races each doubling in distance. This way I will be prepared for the Baja 1000 in November. The San Felipe 250 is over, and plans are underway for the Baja 500 in June," she said. Even though Donna took first place in the First Round of the AMA National Endure Series in February this year, and has fin-ished in the middle of the pack in MCS (which is the beginner's class), in the Whiplash Series, she doesn't plan to race competi-tively in the 1000. "I just want to finish. I fin-ished the San Felipe 250, plan on doing the same at the 500. If I can stay on my bike for a thou-s and miles in November, I should place respectably in the points standing, for the Sports-man class," Trigilio said. Sounds like there may be a little competitive spirit there af-ter alt Donna's current sponsors are: Azonic, Motion Pro, Tech Tubes, MET-Rx and IMS. "I hope to get some more ·help for the 500 and 1000." The lady biker has no sight in i!!BEi5 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill,, CA 90B06 her left eye: "They tried to re-move a cataract when I was a year old. I was one of those small percentages that 'didn't go as planned.' I can't remember what it was like to have sight in both eyes nor depth perception so it's never held me back." Along with dirt biking, Donna finds time to snowboard, she's an in-line-skater, a wake boarder and mountain biker. Not all simultaneously, nor in the same seasons, of course, but, in 1999, she was the Arizona Woman's State Champion in the MBAA/NORBA Dual Slalom Mountain Bike Series. In her spare time she is a property manager in Phoenix. Nah, no competitiveness here is there? As stated, the writer met this dirt bike lady the day before the race in San Felipe. We spoke for a few moments, and I learned that her truck had been involved in a collision, just days before the trip to Mexico. Damage to the side of the truck, but worse, was the fact that, "One of my gas cans turned over and my $5 a gallon racing fuel was spilling all over the bed of the truck." I noticed that she had what looked like a fresh cut on the back of he right hand, which still had 10 to 20 stitches in it. Turns out the hand had been broken dur-ing practice for the San Felipe race. This happened on the sec-ond of March. Now remember the 250, was held on March 17th. Donna explained, "I rode the bike back to the truck and went home. When I went back out to B00.959.7757 S6i!.4i!7 .i!37S FAX: 5i!!Ei.4i!!Ei.5i!!94 see our complete product line at www.neasyntheticail.com Dusty Times practice the next day, I took a closer look at my hand. There was no knuckle on the ring fin-ger of my right hand, and my fin-ger was crooked." I went to ur-gent care and they confirmed my hand was broken. They put a temporary cast on it and told me to come back to see a specialist on Monday.'' On the return visit to the hos-pital the doctor told her she had two choices. "The first was to im-mobilize my hand for six weeks to see whether the finger would straighten. It was a bone in the middle of my hand that was bro-ken not the finger. Plan B was to have surgery and put in a metal plate and six screws. At that point I explained to the doctor that I needed to be in a race in about two weeks," she said. "Fortunately, this particular doctor is an off road enthusiast and seemed to understand my predicament. We decided on the plate/surgery, and he made a spe-cial appointment for me on the eighth of March." After the sur-gery Donna wore a cast for four days and then off it came and back on the bike she went. Donna said, "It took a lot of work to get enough mobility back into my hand, so I could ride. I took a test ride on the 14th and a tendon, which had been stuck to the metal plate, finally popped loose. I rode only about 15 miles, but it told me what I needed to know. I thought I could do San Felipe, but it was going to be a long ride." "I didn't pre-run the course 'cause I wanted to save my hand Donna sported a nasty new scar on her right hand as she took tier KTM through contingency at San Felipe where sh~ finished in her class. for the race. During the race on pushing the bike, they would Saturday, I had a high speed probably assume he was the crash, which messed up the rider," Donna said. thumb on my·other hand. Now I Now however, in spite of every-couldn't put much weight on ei-thing, the dream was beginning ther, in order to stand up and to solidify. ride, so by the end of the race my Back in the Old World days, butt was really sore," she laughed. when little girls were supposed to "I know that racers and race play with dolls, learn to cook and teams have lots of problems, and keep house, there might not have it's all in the learning curve. Hey, been room for the likes of Donna .I. I made reservations at a hotel in Trigilio. Now, that she is an old San Felipe and when I called to lady of 27, the New World might confirm two weeks prior, they had want to be on the look out for this never heard of me. Everything not so competitive dirt-bike-racer. ~ else in town was booked; I have a We are sorry to report that $150 phone bill to prove it. We Donna was not able to fulfill her ended up camping out," she said. wish to finish the Baja 500. "I As I said, when I first saw only made it to mile 340 and then Donna she was alone with her I got stuck in a gigantic mud bike. She had a two man pit crew puddle. I was not running fast to provide gas on the course, but enough to make the time limit in Contingency, there wasn't any- anyway. Bummer!" Hang in there one to help push the 240-pound kid, you will get it all worked out in KTM. "Besides if they saw a guy time. -~ -!IP Use What· The August 2001 Page 33 • I
Australia Off Road -Championship -Round 1 Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Wayne Bannan debuted a new Chenowth Millennium with V6 Nissan power and went home with the overall win. A maze of tracks around the coal fields of Swanbank, near Ipswich in south easr Queensland was the venue for the opening round of the Australian Off Road Championship. There were many surpri'ses ·to come out of the race, the first being the overall victory by Wayne Bannan who was unknown to many followers, but debuted a state of the art USA Chenowth Millennium buggy, with twin turbo Nissan V6 moto_r. Other surprises included many roll-overs, the first was pole sitter Glenn Owen. The other was the new format introduced where there were actually two sections to the race. Points were given to finishers in Section 1 and then in Section 2. Drivers had to complete all of Section 1 and half of Section 2 t·o be a finisher. Prologue: As mentioned the Class 1 of Glenn Owen was the quickest qualifier, followed DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15x3.5 & 15x7 $84.10 $89.1-0 Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 -Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Page 34 (702) 247-1266 We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX by reigning champion, Terry Rose, a mere 0 .3 second behind. Mark Burrows took third (all three being Class 1 buggies). Bannan was next and first of the Class 9s. Steve Willett as expected to local fans led Class 2. Others to lead their classes were: Andrew McKay (Class 3), Brett Currie (Class 4), Graham Lees (Class 5), Colin Hunter (Class 7), and Steve Bowen (Class 8). CLASS 9 (Unlimited Single Seaters) · Bannan's car •looks a winner standing still (many say it looks like an Indy car ' on steroids!) so he had the pressure on to perform. And that he did, moving up to be first_ on the road just into the second lap. Hayden Tatnell was having less luck with axle woes and a flat tire. Jaako Kylma was also out. Bannan pushed hard and after the four laps that were Section 1 he was indeed leading the class and the race overall. Doug McMillan was slowed by lack of visibility and was almost 14 minutes behind as next Class 9. Bannan lead the field out for Section 2 and began to increase his lead. McMillan was in a better position and reeled off some fast laps. In the end it was Bannan, the 36 year old diesel fitter from Brisbane, who took the overall victory and the points lead after this, the first round. McMillan's fast pace picked him up to third overall as well as second in· class. CLASS I (Unlirnited 2 Seaters) One of the fastest fields of Class l's buggies seen for a while. The first car away ~was the first out too, as Glenn Owen rolled on the August 2001 Les Siviour lost time early in the race, but then his Patrol came into its own, and he ended the day with the win. first lap. Also out on Lap 1 was John Towers in the brutish V6 buggy. Brad Zacka rolled too on Lap 1 but was back in the race. Mark Burrows was setting the· pace in class and had Laurie Svenson close behind. More favorites dropped out; .Terry Rose broke a torque converter and Rod Brand a gear box. After Section 1 it was Burrows leading over Svenson, Zacka, and Jo Bulmer. These four would battle for Section 2 honors. Burrows almost immediately had problems which eventually listed as a flat tire, broken fan belt, and gear selector jammed. Zacka, too, dropped back with electrical woes. Svenson grabbed the class lead, but Bulmer proved he was up to the task by staying with him. In the end it was Svenson, Bulmer, Zacka and Burrows. Adding both sections together it was Svenson (second overall), Bulmer (fourth overall), Burrows, and Zacka. CLASS 2 (I 650cc 2 Seaters) As with Class 1 it was a good field of 1600cc Class 2s. And again the same pattern where the pole sitter was out on the first lap with a wild roll-over, namely Steve Willett. There became a close lead group all running nose to tail with David Bennett, John Brand, Andy Ryan, and M ·att Owen. However, the win.ner of Section 1 was none other than Michael Napier doing great things further back. Owen was next over Bennett, Ryan, and Brand. Into Section 2 and Napier was out in Lap 1 and this left Owen to push on and consolidate the class lead. Bennett and Ryan stayed in touch but soon both were out; Bennett = gearbox, and Ryan = Rear arm. Owen took Section 2 over Brand and then Mark Andrew. Combined sections saw Owen the winner and sixth overall. Brand took the next spot, over Andrew, with Bennett classed a finisher in fourth. CLASS 3 (1300cc 2 Seaters) A somewhat small field of 1300 Class 3s and it was Darren Perrin that reeled off some quick laps before falling back. That left Andy McKay to hold the class command and he did this all through Section 1 to come out the winner. David Cannell, Dave Armitage and Perrin all followed but went over time and under· the new scheme were basically done for the day. So Section 2 was really just for McKay even though the others had a run too. In the end it was McKay who pushed on and took the class win and a fine 10th overall. Perrin actually was sixth overall for Section 2 but let.down due to Section 1. CLASS 4 (Unlimited 2wd Tin Tops) The stadium truck of Brett Currie was the one to chase bdt after just one lap he was out with a blown alternator. Kev Hufschmid led the remaining four VW Bajas. Ryan Taylor had a nasty roll-over and fell back. Hufschmid took the Section 1 win and Craig Headley came in next. John Moore was next but sadly another over time. Section 2 and Hufschmid held the class lead as Headley dropped out. Taylor and Moore put in some good time but to no avail. It was Hufschmid the winner of Section 2 and obviously won when both times were added. He got up to finish eighth overall as first of the Tin Tops too. CLASS 5 (Production 2wd Tin Tops) In the 2wd Tin Tops group it was a tough task to get around the course. Brett Milton realized his Sigma wasn't up to it and got out early. Graham Lees had the V8 Porsche at the front and kept command until he had a driveshaft break. With both Andy Stewart and Paul Grant missing the last lap of Section 1, it was Stephen Muhling in the V8 Nissan dual cab left to be the only one to complete the four laps. However, it was then revealed he was another to go over the three hour limit and was out. Section 2 counted for nothing but a few had a go at a couple of laps. , CLASS 7 (Production 4x4) The terrain suited Colin Hunter and his Jeep Wrangler and before long Dusty Times
In the Unlimited 2WD Tin Top class, Kev Hufschmid wn both sections, Jo Bulmer stayed out of trouble with his Unlimited 2 Seater (Class 1) In the Unlimited Single Seat class, Doug McMillan was second in which gave him the class win in his Baja Bug. ana went home 2nd in class, and fourth overall. class in his Porsche Raceco, and third overall. Andy McKay was the winner in Class 3, 1300cc two seaters, finishing Matt Owen recorded a win in Section 2 and a second in Section 1 to Laurie Svenson took first place in Class 1 (unlimited two seaters) and a fine 10th overall with that small motor. earn victory in the 1650cc two seat class (Class 2). was also second overall. he was way in front of went to Ge off Pickering in and then Brose. Graydon CLAS S"'----:Bre-, '9,_-------f,..o_u_r_t'h---.l'a-p--o-,f,_,,,,S,...e_c_t"""'i_o_1_:1--cc-1 Section 1 for the 4x4s. He his brand new Pajero. Tony broke his su_spension. (Modified 4x4) deeming her a dnf. In was around fifth overall Brose was next in his Suzuki Combined times saw Sadly the modified 4x4 Section 2 she also when he broke an axle and ahead of Siviour and then Siviour the winner over list was just two cars. Shane completed only three laps then lost the wheel putting Rod Graydon's Suzuki. Pickering and Brose. The Bowen's. V8 Patrol led and again a dnf. him out for good. The Section 2_ saw Sivi9ur trio picking up 11th, 12th easily the first two laps but Of the 48 starters only tough course caught out Les making up for lost time and and 13th overall. Graydon then broke the radiator 14 completed the entire Siviour's Patrol as he he reeled in the two in in fact did five laps total, mounts. Amanda Francis course making it a sure became stranded in a dry front. He did in fact win which was enough to be a in the twin cam Suzuki test of endurance and bog. The Section 1 victory Section 2 over Pickering finisher. held on but was denied the strength . • ,. .,,,,,..---------------------------------------------PRECISION everything you need ta build. maintain and· aper ate a racecar 2BEi5 Gundry Ave. 5ignal Hill. CA 90B0Ei BDD.959.7757 56i!!.4i!!7.i!!375 FAX: 526.426.5294 Bolt!iii, Nut!iii and Hardware 5parco 5eat!iii. 5teering Wheel!iii. 5uit!iii and 5afety Equipment Crow Belts and Harne!iii!iiie!iii Bell Helmet!iii 5pal Fan!iii Fire 5y!iiitem!iii 5i/icone Turbo Ho!iiie Neo 5ynthetic Lubricant!iii Aurora. NHBB and FK Rod End!iii Weldon Fuel and Oil Pumps Fre!iiih Air Driver Ventilation 5ystem!iii lntercomp 5cale!iii and Alignm~nt Equipment Earl'!iii. Aeroquip Ii. 5peedf/ow 5tainle!iii!iii Braided Ho!iiie Ii. Fitting!iii Fuel 5afe and Triangle Fuel Cell!iii 5etrab. Long and F/uidyne Oil Cooler!iii see our cam lete anline catala at www.baker recisian.can, Dusty Times August 2001 Page 35
Andy Morter was a long ninth place on Saturday in Sportsman 2 but Mark Steinhardt drove to the Single Buggy win both days at Crandon The Pro-2 saw Scott Taylor take the win both days, his 3rd and 4th he drove to a great first place in Sunday's race. before an appreciative crowd and he's second in points. wins of the season, shown here with hid Ford pickup in flight. CORR AT CRANDON Maccachren Does It Again! Rob MacCachren flies high and long to take the Pro-4 win both days at Crandon International, recording his fourth win of the season. Finally blessed with good weather, the CORR crowd de-scended on Crandon Wisconsin for a weekend of fun and frolic. There were 128 entries in the t1" 01< and buggy classes and they were all chaf-ing at the bit to get into action on this tricky but great course. In Pro-4, Rob MacCachren let it l;>e known that he is serious about winning as he added yet another feather to his cap with wins on both days of the action. On Saturday, Ja-son Baldwin was the runner-up, Scott Douglas. was third and Johnny Greaves took fourth. On Sunday, Greaves was second to Rob, Douglas was third and four th went to Kent Brasco. Curt LeDuc was off his feed as he recorded a pair of sixth place finishes, unusual for him. In Pro-2, Scotty Taylor took the win on both days. Evan Evans was second on Saturday, Larry Goudie took third and Kevin Probst was fourth. On Sunday, Probst was sec-ond, Carl Renezeder was third and R.J. Flanagan took the fourth spot. Pro-Lite was no contest as Jeff Kincaid took the honors on both days. Art Schmitt was second on Sat-urday, Steve Federico was third and fourth went to Chad Hord. On Sun-day, Schmitt was second, Mark Krue-ger took third and the fourth spot went to Feder. In the Single Buggy action, Mark Steinhardt took the win both days and shot way up in the points stand-ings, Mike Seefeldt held onto the points lead with second place both days, Shayne Pagles was third on Sat-urday while Tom Surace took fourth. On Sunday, Michael Notary was third and Kevin Feck took fourth. Paul Borr took the Light buggy win in both rounds at Crandon, the Hintz/Mathews duo was second on Saturday, Andrews/Bowen combo took third and John Huven took fourth. On Sunday Huven was sec-WWlliUJUJilii FAT RL\Crms SCORr, t\T Lt\UGIII.IN .JAN 19-21 LAUGHLIN Dl~Sl~l{'f CliALU;NG~ 1 ST CL 1 /2 1600 ROB MACCAC!llo:RN F'AT 'l'YPl1: ·1 2ND CL 1/2 1600 ADAM Pi"ANKUCH !i'AT 'l'YPl1: I :mo CL l/2 1600 BRYAN rnr~EMAN F'AT TYPI~- I 1 ST CL 5 CF.ORCE SEELEY F'A'I' TYPl1'. ~ 2ND CL 5 ENRIQUE BUJANDA Ji'A'I' TYPfi: 4 ~!RD CL 5 MIKE JAME:S F'AT TYPE 4 1 ST CL 10 DANNY ANDERSON !-'AT TOYOTA 1 ZZ 3RD CL 10 GARY WISE F'A'I' TOYOTA 4AG RA< IM, P..(,l'\jES, TRA:\\Ml\\10\\ .\:\D OFFRO..\D PART\ Send or call for our IIC\\ catalog S5.00 Page 36 We use & recommend SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 & 1997! I/ta PBBl'ORllll'CE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 August 2001 Ross Hoek had a great weekend at Crandon, a third place finish on Saturday and a very nice win in Sundays race in the Stock Class. In Pro Lite it was no contest as Jeff Kincaid took the win both days at Crandon in his · good looking Toyota. . _ond, Curt Gerald was third and fourth went to Andrews/Bowen. -In the Stock class, Eric Dawson was the big winner on Saturday, Keith Steele was second, Ross Hoek took third and Jerry Edgerton was the fourth place finisher. On Sun-day Hoek took the coveted win, Don Williams took the silver, Edgerton won the bronze and Victor Ander-son was fourth. Sportsman 2 went to Mike Oberg on Saturday, Ben Wandahsega took second, the Zima/ Bundy duo were third and Mike Sav-age was fourth. On Sunday, Andy Morter took the laurels, Zima/ Bundy came next, Wandahsega was third and Savage was fourth. Wii:h six rounds of 16 com-pleted, it looks like some of the races are almost decided, but it's really too soon to tell. In Pro-4, MacCachren leads with 94 points, Jason Baldwin has 65, Curt LeDuc has 62 and Scott Douglas has 60. Scott Taylor leads Pro-2 with 94, Evan Evans has 67, Larry Goudie has 57 and Carl Renezeder has 54. Jeff Kincaid leads Pro-Lite with 73, Steve Federico has 65, Art Schmitt 63 and Jason Crowder has 62 points. Mike Oberg leads Sports-man 2 with 91 points, Mike Sav-age has 62 and Andy Morter has 60. In Sportsman Stock, Keith Steele has 80 points, Eric Dawson has 52 and Jerry Edgerton has 51. In Super Buggy, Scott Schwalbe has 68 points, Don/Scott Olson have 51 and Steve/Larry Kreiman have 49. In Single Buggy Michael Seefeldt has 80 points, Mark Stein-hardt has 68 and Steve Socha has 66. In Sportsman Lite John Hu-ven has the lead with 67 points, Paul Bort has 54 and Tracy Peebles has 50. MacCachren, Taylor and Oberg each have four wins so far this sea-son, Jeff Kincaid has three wins, Keith Steele and Scott Schwalbe each have two wins so far as do Mike Steinhardt and Paul Borr. Evan Evans has only won once this year, Art Schmitt, Jason Crowder, Andy Morter, Mike Seefeldt and Steve Socha each have one win to their credit. Stay turned to Dusty Times for results and points standings as the season progresses. In the Manufacturers Points chase, Ford leads in Pro-4 over Chevrolet 331 to 131 with Toyota sitting with only 24 points. In Pro-2, Chevy has 392 points to Ford's 158. In Pro Lite Toyota has the lead with 293 points, Ford has 202, Nissan has 86 points and Mazda has 24. *Remember, the second round at Fort Dodge was rained out so that round will be run at Fort Dodge in July so stay tuned here for all th_e action .. _-.,, f\t Dusty Times
THE SNORE 250 IS COMING!!!!!-!! Septe111be-r 28-a·o, 2001 Set that weekend-aside for the race of ra·ces. . For immediate additional info Call 720-452-4522
VORRA DESERT RACING Yerington 300 By Troy Robinson Photos: Steve & Kenna Brosz Gary Skipton picks up a bit of mud near the start/finish line, going on for the Class US win. ' Todd Denton kicks up a wee bit of dust on his way to the Class 1 win in the desert outside of Yerington. before the end of the lap."By the end of the first lap, Denton had pulled off a 10:00 lead over Sam Berri who had started back with the Class 10s. Mike Russell was running third, just 1:29 be-hind Berri. Denton's lead was now 43:04 over Russell as Berri had broken a stub axle on Lap 2 taking over 40 min~ utes to ·repair. By the third lap, Denton's lead was a com-manding 2: 12:37. Berri had broken the stub axle on the The first Yerington 300 for the 2001 race season has been put behind us. The Me-morial Day version of this classic race was a great suc-cess for the Kordonowys as this was their first desert race as pro1noters. In the days leading up to the race there was much anxiety in their household as thev tried to figure out how to 1nark, score, set up and run a four lap, 70 mile race in the. Northern Nevada desert. By 'the ti1ne their veteran crew arrived, we were able to settle Dennis and Bonnie a little, as we headed towards race weekend. Casino West, hosted Fri-day night's welcoming party and drawing for starting po-sitions in their beautiful ban-quet room. J-B Machine of H , Carson City posted a free two shott course races. Find-other side taking nearly an entry for the last name ing himself in the point's hour to replace. Russell had drawn from the can. This hunt for both classes, he en-some troubles while.coming perso·n, if in a lower class, tered both classes again in down a steep downhill in a would be able to upgrade to the same car. His times for narrow canyon. The rear a Pro class if they should each lap would be posted in brakes went out, he went over choose. When the last two both Classes 10 and 1. His the edge and hit a rock spin-names were left to draw, starting position would be ning the car 180 degrees Mike Russell, who signed up for the 'slower' class not around, then hitting another for the Veteran class, hoped Class 10. This would be a rock in the rear and doing a his wouldn't be next, it bummer though as he did reverse endo backwards be-wasn't. Mike won the free en-draw first off the line in fore landing at the bottom of try and bumped up from Yet-Class l. the wash. Vehicle extraction eran to Pro Class 1. Con-Sunday's weather was per-took over an hour and a half. gratulations to Mike for win-. feet, cooling a bit froril Friday With both Berri and Russell ning the free entry and artd Saturday with a good having troubles, their third -thanks to J-B Machine for the wind keeping the dust off the lap times were within 0:39. generous donation at all the track. Class 1 started off at At this finish line Denton, YORRA races this year. 9:00am with Sam Berri not who had a flawless day, was One other pre-race note taking the flag though the the winner by 2:22:32, Berri has possibly never been done clocks started. Todd Denton finished in second by 4:27 or attempted by any other would be the first off in his over Russell. racer. Sam Berri has been beautifully prepared Toyota Class 10s followed the ls racing the same car in both V6. Dan Nutt was next off off the line and taking the Classes 10 and 1 at the first the line. but blew the motor lead on Lap 1 was Sam Berri ~-------------- --------~ with a 1:36 lead over John Tavis. Just 0:3,6 back was Mike Lehners for third with Ace & Steve Bradford in fourth, Tyler Mort & Everett Paul in fifth, Glen McAdo~ in sixth and Terrie Tavis, who had a flat, in seventh~ only 12:54 behind the leader. With Berri breaking the two sub axles on the second and third lap, that essentially dropped him out ofthe run-ning in Class 10. John Tavis fell victim in 'en.do alley' so named because there's a lot of cross grai_ned washes that are all marked. As faster cars run through the first two down ar-rows they see they are not too bad so they don't stop for the third, which is worse. They don't go much farther. John had hit the ditch breaking the starter housing off which in turn bounced around and took out important sensors and ·cooling fans, his day was done. Lehners took the top spot with about an 18 minute lead over Bradford, Terrie Taxis, and Mort/Paul. On Lap 3 though Lehners would break a torsion bar dropping him to fifth by the end of the lap. As the steady runners fought off attrition and worked their way up, it was a three day battle for the lead going into the last lap be-Seen here in the parade through Yerington, Dan Morose went on to Ace.and Steve Bradford took the Class 12 win, shown here on their Sam Berri didn't have the best of days but he did set fast lap for the take the Vet 8 Class win. way to victory at the Yerington 300. class and finished second in Class 1. Chris Grey power slides his way to a great first place in Class 8 at Mike Lehners ran a good race, taking the bronze medal in the Class Kenny Brager had a bad first lap but carried on to take the second Yerington, beating his competition by 40 minutes. 10/12 competition, shown here with lots of power on. spot in Class 8 at Yerington. · Page 38 August 2001 Dusty Times
Terrie Tavis was the Class 10 winner, beating the competition by 18 minutes at the Yerington 300. tween Bradford, who was run-ning on three cylinders and using a lot of oil, Mort/Paul and Terrie Tavis. The three cars were only separated by 6:35. By Check Point 2 Mort/ Paul was in the lead but the exhaust collector broke off in their mid-engine car causing the hot exhaust from all four cylinders to go directly onto the back of the seat. The heat was too intense and they were forced to park and wait for a welder to make repairs. At the finish line Bradford was there first but on corrected time Terrie Tavis had 2:30 to come in and still take the win. The girls crossed the line and won the class by 1:41. Lehners fin-ished the race in third place, followed by Bill Smith who had minor problems through-out th e day. Tony McLaren finished fifth, Glen M cAdon sixth and Everett Paul/Tyler Mort in seventh,. In Class 8 Steve Brunner was off to the early lead with a 6:07 lead over Bruce Field · and a 7:34 lead over Chris Gray. Gordon Scott kept his red jeep moving along in the fourth spot followed by Kenny Brager who was well back after rolling in 'endo al-ley', After two laps Grey was the leader as Brunner had troubles and rolled out of the race on Lap 3. Field was still running second after having some downtime. Brager was now up to third with Scott in fourth. On the final lap Field had broken down out of the race. Chris Gray had no troubles all day and only · stopped for gas and to change co-drivers, he was the winner Randy Miller took the Sportsman Vet Class with ease in his wonderfully painted buggy. by 40: 11 over second Kenny Brager who had no troubles J).fter that early roll over. Gor-don Scott motored around for third, as did Dudley Tranum for fourth place. With only one Class 9 en-tered Forest Creasy was com-bined with the Veteran class in their Unlimited cars. After one lap he had taken his Lim-ited car to the classes fastest lap and the lead by 3:02 over Randy Miller. Jason Sacks was in third followed by Scott Pitts, and Tom Kruse. After two laps, Creasy's led was 11:55 over Miller and 21 :36 over now third place Kruse. Creasy broke a torsion bar on Lap 3 taking him out of the race. At the time he broke, the Limited class car was run-ning fourth overall. With Creasy out, Miller held on steady for two more laps and won the class by a margin of 8:07 over Kruse. Gary Steele, who had been so successful at the short course races, struggled with problems but managed to finish in third place. In the Heavy Metal Vet-eran class, Dan Morose had a trouble free day to win the class. In Class 7s, Gary Skip-ton broke a spring plate shackle on Lap 2. After call-ing it a day, he decided to make the repairs and finish the race winning the class. In the Novice class Travis Bradford took the early leader by 8:43 over Frank Pelko and 9:30 over Al Cartlidge. Brad-ford had some down time on Lap 2 taking him to third place. Cartlidge took the top spot nd held on for the final two laps for the· Novice class win. Pelko finished the race just 5:48 behind for second and Bradford finished in third. For 70 miles Mark Christenson and Clint Wol-sey did battle in the Pilot class. Christenson started first and the two passed sev-eral t imes before Wolsey made t h e fin a l pass and pulled a 2: 20 lead for th e win. Race host C asin o West posted a $ 1,000.00 for the top four over all finish e rs. With his commaflding day Todd Denton was awarded $500.00 with a time of 5: 18:41. Terrie Tavis was sec-ond place for $250.00 with a time of 6 :39:51. Third place and $150.00 went to Ace and Steve Bradford with a time of 6 :41:31. Chris Grey in Class 8 was fourth overall with a time of 6:44:48 for $100.00. A secret sponsor posted $50.00 on each class for the fastest lap time, finisher or not. The winner's were: Todd Denton in Class 1, Sam Berri in Class 10, Steve Brunner in Class 8, Forest Creasy in the Veteran class, Dan Morose in Heavy Metal Veteran, Gary Skipton in Class 7s, Travis Bradford in Novice and Clint Wolsey in Pilot. Congratulations to all the winners and finishers and thank you from VORRA and the Kordonowys for a successful and trouble fre·e race . . .. .l''W Ely, NV 200 Offroad Race Dusty Times August 11, 2001 8:30am SHARP! In Ely, NV Friday, August 10 PRE-RUNNING 25MPH SPEED LIMIT REGISTRATION-TECH AT MAIN P.T. 4PM SPECIAL DOUBLE POINT FUND RACE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL GEORGE CAIN 801-773-1651 SPECIAL DOUBLE POINT FUND RACE FUND RACE· ENTRY FEES: PRO Racers - $245 * Class 9 &5/1600 - $165 * Sportsman -$45 Insurance all Classes $100 * Use Fee $20 * Point Fund $25 • August 2001 Page 39 I'
WHIPLASH SHORT COURSE RACING canyon Off Ro~d Park Hosts second Event Text & Photos: Mike Del Col Dwight Lunde/l's high-flying style netted him a second place in the Pro Buggy 1650cc class. consisted of several snaking turns and jumps over the embankment of an existing dirt oval. The launch off of the top of the oval was the biggest jump, and there were several cars putting on a good show. There were also a couple of very tight turns, and a whoopy section at the back of the race course ... Henry Brown, Chenowth, won the 1650cc buggy heat and main event, to go home with first place honors at the Whiplash short course race. The evening's age.nda included heat races and also a main race· for several classes including ATV non pros and beginners, 60-80cc bikes, desert buggies and trucks, Minis and PeeWees, bikes, Canyon Off Road Park hosted the second of hopefully many short course races on Friday night -5/18. Turnout was light, but very co1npetitive, and there was so1ne £teat racing action for the spectators. negotiate the tight track. The pro quads and pilots, and of Gates opened at 4:00pm., highlight of practice was the course -the 1650 stadium with practice at 6:00. There yellow stadium buggy of buggies and pro-trucks. The were quite a few teams eager Larry Foddrill being the only racers would run a single to try out the course and the car capable of making th"e heat race -and then repeat practice laps seemed double jump in front of the the order of events for the necessary to learn to main.grandstand. The course main. Due to the low nu1nber of stadium cars in attendance -the stadiu1n cars would run the main with the desert buggies. Non-pro ATV First up was the ATV non.-pros and beginners. The show b elonged to Dennis Harliss (Geronimo Glass) and Bill Vat1Meter (Screwie Lewies) who raced neck and neck to a 1-2 finish with so1ne great racing and dicing along the way. The racers completed six laps of action in Heat 1. In close action, Copy Zamora (Zamora Farms) finished third, with Chris Wilson and Josh Simpson rounding out the top five. 80cc and 60cc Beginner In the heat race -four gutsy competitors gave it their all for four laps in the r------------------=--~ l"'"""'.'"-~~====~--=-== ==""""'====7 Bike action was fun to watch, and Dustin Hamby was an easy winner James Adams, in a Meco, was the Pro Buggy Limited class winner in Teenager Krissy Spooner put her VW powered Sportsman Buggy into in the Non-Pro bike class on his Yamaha. both the heat and the main event. victory circle with a second and a win. Page 40 OUR SUCCESS.SPEAKS FOR ITSELF CONGRATULATIONS BAJA 500 "WINNERS" RICK ELLISON TOM RIDDINGS MARK MCMILLEN JSTCLASS 1 JSTCLASS JO JSTCLASS 12 MIKE JAMES JSTCLASS 5 CLIVE SKILTON JSTCLASS 3 MARKSTIEN MACRAE GLASS 1 ST STOCK FULL 1ST STOCK MINI August 2001 Dusty Times
i ' . :'.@~ .• -, The Pro trucks had a bad night, with none surviving, but Darren Colby In the Sportsman truck division, Dwayne Anderson and his Toyota ATV action in both the non-pro and pro class was entertaining and did win the small truck heat in his Ford. were the only finishers, to get the win fun to watcfi. Here an unidentified pair comes off the jump. 80-60cc bikes classes. There to finish in first place for the Boyse (Valley Kawasald). off of the y~llow Foddrill racing was very competitive, were three 80cc bikes, and night after the Bronco did Randy gets the "most buggy with the terminally and was entertaining to the only one 60cc bike chasing not start, and Mike improvement" award for broken axle -and did give crowd. The COP track was the 80's. The 80cc race was Matheson's Toyota broke coming from 13th place in Henry a run for his money. interesting, aO:d did give the a classic 2-stroke vs. 4-stroke during the main. Matheson the heat race to fifth in the Henry led the race from wire spectators some good views battle, with Stefan Allen was a DNF during the main main. Andrew Boso #502 to wire, winning the main of the competitors, with leading from start to finish, with what looked like engine took a spectacular spill on event. Lundell would finish plenty of air in front of the getting pushed by Justin troubles. the double right in front of close second. grandstands. With a few Debarros on the 4-stroke Minis and PeeWees the grandstand. Andrew All of the pro truck more competitors, this Honda the entire race. It was The youngsters were. up walked away with an injured competitors · had could really become a cool fun to watch as both riders next in the Minis and wrist ... Hope you are feeling undetermined issues and did short course race series. had strong advantages in Pee Wee classes. In the ·better Andrew. not start the main event. Hope to see everyone in different parts of the .course, Pee Wee Beginner class -it In the beginning bike class All in all -the number of attendance at the next race but the top end of the 2-was Cody McElroy (COP, Brad Robberson took home entries was low, but the June 22. ·•a g stroke won the race. In the Thor) running away with the big trophy on his Honda. I main event -it was a similar victories in the heat race Multi-talented Jeffro Wells story, until Debarros wiped and the main. Wa,tch out (Western Truck) finished in out. Allen won the main for him in years to come the two spot for the evening. event cleanly, and Debarros with the "throttle full on or Finishing out the class was recovered to pull out second off switch" riding style... Dexter Allen and Donny plac'e, and was close to Taking second place was McLouth. catching Allen at the end of Connor Reeves taking Pro ATV and Pilot · the race. Couple more laps home the trophy. Ryan In some very close racing, and who knows ... Finishing Wells and Logan Moss the big ATVs handled the third for the class was finished out the class. Ryan track. These guys were really Zachary Alexander. In the did take a good spill off the flying -even over a big 60cc class Joseph Wood ran main jumps on his KTM - · double on the back side of very fast and clean heat races but it was no problem, as he the race track ... The winner and main for the win. bounced up, picked up the of the main event was Ricky Desert Buggies and bike, put the kickstand Baldwin (Spooners, Duncan Trucks down, fired it up, and was Racing) after a DNF in the Race •#3 of the evening back to racing. heat race. Finishing second was the desert caTs and The quads were every bit to Ricky was Jererny trucks. It was a runaway as fast a,s the bikes in this· Hitschman (ATV Racing) on victory for the Action Gear race -and had passed many his Honda. (Hmmm ... Ricky sponsored car o'f James of them despite starting in first, Jeremy second ... Why Adams, His black Meco 1/2-the second group. In the does that sound so 1600 car was really flying, ATV. Expert class Taylor familiar. .. ?) The other top and Adams didn't make a Dixon (ATV Racing) and finishers were Billy Ellis in mistake easily handling the Jack O'Neil ·had a great race third and Max Hernandez course and the rest of the swapping finishing spots for (Tecate, Cycle Gear) fourth. field. Adams was so quick -the heat and main. races. In the Pilot class, Rick that throughout much of the O'Neil got the victory Lemons (Advent Builders) ,main event, he was able to where it counted in the bounced his way to a top stay within a couple of main. podium finish. seconds of the pro-1650 In the beginner ATV Pro Trucks and 1650 stadium cars. Sean Moss class Derrick Lemons Buggies (Advanced Pool) finished in (Advent Builders) finished · The race of the night was the second spot in the Pro in front of ✓Taylor Hall taking shape with four very Buggy Limited classes in (Junkyard Dog Racing) sharp 1650 buggies in both the heat race and the getting the win. Taking the attendance, but it was not to Main. third spot was Sandra be -as two of them fell out In the Sportsman Buggy Lemons on .a Suzuki. The even before the main event. Class 16 year old Krissy kids on the Suzuki quads K.C. Arthur's (Finishline Spooner motored her were really tearing around Motorsports, NiCE) evening Sullivan Builders sponsored the track, and were nearly was cut short by a broken VW to a first place finish on getting bounced off their tranny during practice, and the night. Krissy looked quads over the big jumps, Larry Foddrill broke an axle good, with some good mostcertainlyscaringMom atthedropofthegreenflag driving, and few mistakes and Dad on each and every in the heat race ... Neither along the way. lap. (I was scared.) would return for the main. The Sportsman Truck Finishing in fourth spot was Too bad -because Foddrill battle was entertaining with Jessica Willittes on her was the only buggy to the blue Bronco of Wilson/ Kawasaki. Jessica would like attempt and clear the double Stiner and the truck of to thank Mom and Dad's in front of the main Duane Anderson doing Visa card for making her grandstands during battle in the heat race. That race efforts possible. practice ... Dwight Lundell old Bronco runs just as good Bikes gave the crowd a light show as it looks·, and the driver was In· the "big bikes" class it during the heat race, with a not afraid to air it out over was all Dustin Hamby (Bent, bad ignition• pickup that the big jumps on the course. Fly; Renthal, Spy) on his caused the buggy to belch Wilson and Anderson diced Yamaha. Dustin was the brilliantly colored flames out the entire six laps, with "class of the class" easily the exhaust while sputtering Anderson (Sullivan Builders) winning the heat race and around the track ... Henry getting the win after a frqnt the main. Finishing second Brown cruised to an easy wheel came bounding off the was Jim Donald on his heat race victory. Lundell big Bronco on the final lap Honda. Closing out the top was able to make repairs of the heat race. Anderson five were Bill Flagg (COP), before the main event -by also survived the main event Rocky Colasacco, and Randy borrowing an ignition trigger Dusty Times August 2001 iOT SHOCKS? Your main source for the all I new RaceRunner shock series / __.-., from Sway-Away. Now avail-=---'~ able in 2", 2 1/2", and massive RaceRunner 3" body coil-over design. •11oc1111 6YSWAl'-A-WAY ARTEK ... THE SOURCE for off-road racing equipment and services We now offer complete shock services including custom revolving and rebuilding. We sell and ser-vice FOX, BILSTEIN, and all SWAY-A-WAY shocks, including the new RACE RUNNER series. Play cars or race cars, Class 9 or _trucks, 1/21600~ even super-long travel A-arm cars, KARTEK gets you handled! ~ U-~ 909-737-RACE ~F -~C>.di=' 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 open 7 days a week! Page 41
2001 TECATE SCORE BAJA saa The # 1 Baja Address: &so Hengeveld Street Photos: Trackside Photo The Ruvalcaba brothers, Jose and Leonel, once again won in Class 21, Pro motorcycles between 126 & 250ccs. ... The racers were "penalized" at the six-o'clock start by a heavy marine layer -fog· -the ubiquitous "June Gloom" that shrouded the Chapultapec Hills, finally burning off inland by late morning in the Ojos Negros valley. This was in sharp contrast to the start at the wet Baja 2000 -for this race there had been no rain for quite a spell and the dust hung like a curtain in the cuts and canyons. Pop Quiz: Dust + fog = ? Anyone? Anyone? Yes, "Mud"! Very Steve Hengeveld and Jonah Street paired up on their Honda to take the overall win at the Baja 500 in a time of 9:55:26. good. "It ain't over 'til it's over", the prestigious "SCORE-downtime. As first vehicle on Johnny Campbell was a or so said Yankee manager Tecate Baja 500". the road "We had to open professional and gracious but Yogi Berra and that now-trite Steve Hengeveld: "We t):i.e gate at Tres Hermanos." disappointed Second Place: cliched homily holds true never let up. We ran harder, (Remember when Larry· "It was a good ride. (Tim and once again in the Baja. With we pushed it. We only Roeseler found a gate closed, I) had the 'pole' start; you a hundred miles to go and changed rear tires; once at hunkered down, and blew add in the fog and the dust I holding a five 1ninute lead RMlO0 and RM270 -the VT right through it?) got some time on them. Tim Honda start Johnny Power Station." Their only Steve and Central changed a tire atVT/Kiliwas Campbell saw a "certain" mishap was Steve sliding out Washington-ian Jonah Street ·(i.e., an indigenous victory in the "500" on the twisty-turny mountain were easily the first vehicle aboriginal tribe).then we dug evaporate in the misty road from "Valley T" -to finishing the 478.95-mile deep and put more time on afternoon ar Uruapan. With Llano Colorado east of Mex course under ten hours: everybody to the Power his second clutch failure in 1. "Other than that, it was 9:55:26. Mark McMillin was Station. We had five minutes two SCORE races, Campbell pretty clean", Steve smiled. the first automobile in at Uruapan ... but the clutch . was forced to watch Steve "We saw nobody at 11:06:15, fourth vehicle. was beginning to slip. We Hengeveld blow on by on the Uruapan", alluding to Campbell and Tim Staab had to change it. We were way to their third victory in Campbell's most untimely were second by a shade less then down 11 minutes with than ten minutes and the a 100 miles to go! I had to Phoenix crew of Dayton ride fast, ride steady. But ... " Raper, Eric "Big Air" Brown, Campbell, who made Todd Johnson and Dave international headlines with Gronlund were third overall his "privateer" effort in the and an hour behind. world-reknown "Total-Paris-The first Overall ATV, Dakar" Rally, said that he 19th overall vehicle, was probably would not be going Team.Cycle Parts West led by back to Africa in the near "No Wus This Time" John future. He noted that his Gregory with Alberto 2000 assault -good for Marcos, Gilberto Santana, Eighth Place -was sponsored Ruben Martin, and Cano by Franco Acerbis -he of Ramirez up. They were motorcycle plastic frame and fourth off the line and in the fortune. lead for good after 12 miles. There were 67 motorcycle They never had any and ATV entries, 25 of problems, changed only one which were Sportsman -air filter -you couldn't ask main'1y in the big bike John Gregory, seen here flying off a bump, took first place in Class 25, Pro ATVs for a "cleaner" race. category. Eight two-wheel between 251 and 600ccs. r-c:c..--~:----..,,:-:----:-:-:-------------------, □cs □IQltdl PROUDLY Communlc:dtlon ANNOUNCl!S SE"rVICE"!:a "More Than Lightning Comes From The Sky" OCS IS THE PREMIER DEALER IN THE WEST FOR: DirecPC 2 Way Home & Office Networks DirecPC DirecTV TiVo Pre/Post Wiring Home Automation 1-877-DirecPC Page 42 Visit the DCS RACING Mobile Internet Pavilion On Contingency Row ♦ Check E-mail ♦ High Speed Internet ♦ MS Office Applications The Sportsman class was huge, and in the over 250.cc division, Alejandro Vizcaino, from La Paz, took the win by 30 minutes. · August 2001 riders were from the Japanese island. Before you snicker too loudly he advised that, once again, Baja veteran Eizaburo Karasawa (404X) put in a good ride to finish second in Class 40, just a five second click over Jorge Lizarraga (403X). All four Class 40 teams finished, led by the ever-popular Jim O'Neal. Partner Jon Ortner was a hard-cross champ in Europe. Even more impressive i'S ·the 100% finisher rate of Class 30: 13 out of 13 led by Fred Willert, Brian Schmuckle, and Mike Barnhill. As an injured Kevin Ward said: "Who the hell is Fred Willert? He probably would have kicked my butt had I shown up." Wardie had to excuse himself from the "500": i'The week before the '500' I completely dislocated my left kne·e. I'm in a brace and on crutches! I was pounding some Trophy-Truck-sized whoops in the desert and got a little out of shape, landed with my toes on the peg instead of my instep and my knee went' backwards and sideways. I've been eating bat gonads, getting acupuncture, and going . to witch d 'octors hoping to avoid surgery. I'm also going to have to bail on Pikes Peak." The last rider to finish the race was Sportsman Makoto Sato (264X) who rolled into the Avenida Ruiz finish at 02:27:36 after a 20:07:36 "day" sightseeing in Baja. CLASS 22 Pro Motorcycles over 251cc Steve Hengeveld did the Ojos-to-VT /Kiliwas section while Jonah ran the Mike's loop. That new route took hours and hours to complete. Going into Mike's Rancho at RM 162 the two Hondas -IX and 2X -reportedly had over 30 1ninutes lead. "That's not racing, that's a blowout," remarked El Fudster. Those crafty "6X" Zonoids put on a big show headed·by Aigodones canal jumper Eric "Big Air" Brown backed up by Dayton Raper, Todd Johnson, and Dave "Groaning" Gronlund. They are sponsored by "XRs Only" -not that that is totally appropriate as Johnson has Overalled the last two Whiplash desert races -on his Yamaha 426. No matter, Dusty Times
Johnny Campbell and Tim Staab, Honda, lost some time to clutch Eric Brown, Dayton Raper, Todd Johnson and Dave Gronlund, on an Car/os Molina was the second Class 21 biker, finishing the 487 miles trouble, and dropped to second place, about 10 minutes back. XR, teamed to take third in Pro Motorcycles over 251ccs. ~in~12_:2_4_:_16_·~-~ ------~~-~--~--~ they done good. brothers .pretty much own Luis Navarro (102A) was the head by two banditos, -was sidelined early in the Phil Zeiger (5X) suffered a Baja in the small-bore class. reported broken early in the one with a knife, and they late morning with a busted hole in the Honda's engine They once again did the day but the rumors of the stole his quad! He got up and leg. Karl Feuerhahn (49A) case. At first, the pits deed. Nothing like being a Cow Quad's demise were ran with his riding gear and was reported out of gas by Sr. thought tha t it was a leaky homie, huh? Not pointing greatly overstated: second found some locals who Steinberger and ended up an kick leve r seal. But any fingers but "some" teams place. chased down the guys, got ignominious Did Not Finish. eventually, they had to take rode in back of CoyoteCal's CLASS 25 the quad back, fixed it, and "Feuerhahn" sort of the time to add oil at every rather than take the graded Pro ATVs between 251 & raced until Santo Tomas translates from German into pit. "Erkle" is riding with road route. Two-strokes have 600cc when they called it quits at something like "Flaming Aaron "Air" Tuck and Ron not been in favor down south The team of Greg Row about 9:30 (pm)." Chicken". What-ever. Wilson. He cleared some of the border ever since the and Dyno Dean Sundahl on The "usual" victor, CLASS 30 desert shrubbery with his demise of the Team Green a hulking Bombardier (lOA), Carmen Cafro (4A), had to Pro Motorcycle Riders beezer, as evidenced by a few KX500 onslaught since lots had their usual shot for settle for a finish instead. over 30 scabbing-over .scratches. of mix-gas stops wear on a victory until Dyno Dean had They did the necessary early Tim Fagg's Honda Pit 8 at Erik Floen (3X) was team. a front flat only a few miles morning repairs in safely Erindera changed the rear reported down, but not out, Mean Eddie. Deanes into the Mike's loop. He right town then went back to for Oton Guzman's 309X with a broken wrist -he was (103X) needed a rear wheel tipped it over on to "two" th·e Riviera Center for a 650 -he got the flat at Valley riding on to Sto. Tomas, and eight miles past U:ruapan... and manhandled it to the restart ·at 11:07. He had to T and rode all the way across needed, wanted, nay, begged! not the handiest Qf spots. pits. He recommends that get to Guadalupe by 11:48 the peninsula to the beach! for a substitute rider to meet Not good enough, either, power steering be added. before Check 1 closed. They Past the combine. Broken them there. They finished six since they were the sixth Sam Coe's rider (9A) had gave up 4:41 in real ·time, spokes? (Si) ?Quanta? Uno, hours later. The hoser gang Honda, leading the class a broken quad before Check finishing the event in 18:52, dos, tres ... six! Honda only is down from Thunder Bay, through Erindera, while the 3. The Buzzard Report: sixth place. They "would" had a "courtesy" gas dump Ontario, Canada, hey? Ruvalcabas were 12 minutes "Well, the 'Baja 500' was have finished in 14: 11, sche.duled but jumped in CLASS 21 back, behind Bejarano's fun, but not for Sam Coe's fourth place. anyway and changed to a new Pro Motorcycles between DNFing CR. race team! They broke down The San Felipe 250-650 wheel! Good guys! (Top 126 & 250cc CLASS 24 in Valley T ·and while waiting winning Jimmy Stephenson Tuner's Tip: A "600" wheel The local Ruvalcaba Pro ATVs under 250cc for parts Dave was hit over effort -on the 6A CT Raptor Continued on page 44 7118/00111 OFFIIOAI IIACI IN THI WIST/ OVl/1 JOO COIIPIT/10/ISII Efi /SGO/NG TO ' ' Dusty Times August 2001 Page 43
,.;," \, .· t One of the many successful Japanese riders, Hideyuki Fukuoka rode to third in Class 21, at 13:14:49. Mike Cafro took second place in the Pro ATV between 251 and 600cc In Class 30, Pro Motorcycles over 30 years old, Eddie Zeller took division. Here he's enjoying the Pacific scenery. third place at 12:20:4f · will not work on a 650.) Lukas Lundin (311X) is a Canadian Swede or a Swedish Canadian who finished ninth with no problems, just the fog, and the dust and the Meling Loop. Lukas' family owns Lundin Oil: "Lundin Oil AB is a Swedish independent oil company with exploration and production activities in eight different countries worldwide. The company is listed on NASDAQ (symbol "LOILY") and the Stockholm Stock Exchange (symbol "LOILB"). Lukas H. Lundin born 1958, Dire-ctor; Board member since 1998; Graduate of the New Mexico Institution of Mining and Technology and Engineering." (Thanks to Danny any brakes at all. Hmm ... it A Fud Funny about gearboxes on this model? Edwards who works for wasn't even pinching the Richard Jackson. "He was Other than that, that was Chris Haines' "Baja disk," he laughed! Wishful not starting the race so he that for the haoles. They said Tours"). thinking, perhaps? "That went out and examined the that they get their high Winner Willert was the took 25 minutes, then they wash a few blocks off the speed training in the fifth motorcycle through changed a flat at Pit_ 8 start and saw that it was wet pineapple fields. Erindera, a quarter of an (Erindera). We had two and rnuddy. He was back Mike Hobbs' #263X was hour behind Zeiger. Steve flats at Bob Bacon's 'Baja telling all the starting racers touted to be the Dream Willenberg was entered as Gold Mine' pit": once going to be careful when he came · Team with BajaBou nd #310X but moved over to out and once going home. to a Japanese racer. He asked Timmy Morton taking the the Sportsman ATV ranks He thanked Bob Bells' him if he understood torturous Mike's-Meling-and won; a duel threat "Precision Concepts" for English, and the racer said, Mike's route: "We had the racer. Koji Kato was the top the prep on the Honda 'A little'. As Richard started wrong tire; the (Dunlop) Japanese entry. Banzai! XR650R. "Stock pipe, stock to explain, the rider '739' on the rear went flat," CLASS 40 everything ... it's an amazing interrupted him and he admitted Hobbs. "The Pro Motorcycle Riders machine, so much different exclaimed, "Ah, Richard '909' on the front was fine. over 40 and so much better than Jackson-san! You are very It went down on Tim." Cliff Matlock: "Jon the 600". Twelfth famous racer in Japan. I am Team Tumbleweed Ortner broke a rear caliper motorcycle seems pretty proud to meet you!" Richard (Austin, TX) had four and we changed it at good for some aging dudes. stated that it made his day! riders: Phillip Yeager, (Honda) Pit 6. He told us CLASS 50 CLASS MO Shawn Black, Brad Jones, that he really had to push Pro Motorcycle Riders Sportsman Motorcycles and Alvaro Bizzocchi on down on the pedal to get over 50 over 250cc 251X. According to Yeager: Sportsman champ "As Black was strapping on AwLca.n Alejandro Vizcaino was up his tool l?elt, his brother to eighth place through the passed on the news that Erindera Honda Pit 8. In Yeager had broken off the direct contrast to local oil drain bolt while Mexican racers who know changing the o il earlier that the area like the back of morning. 'Damn! Who the their mano (i.e., Lo·s heck changes the oil the Hermanos Ruvalcabas) morning of the race?', Vizcaino is up from La Paz· Shawn thought." (Ed: so his half hour win is Texans!) "It• was about outstanding. Hey, he was 6:00am· and they were 11th Overall entry! scheduled to leave the JeepSpeed FUN.~Jiallenge OFF-ROAD RACING & R.ALL.YINGI 1401 www.JeepSpeed.com D]D ~ c;;:::llal - Race with MDR for $6000 prize fund - 2001 Championship finals November 3"', 2001 - Cherokee Race Kits from $10,000 Recommended constructors: T&J 4x4 714-633-0991 Dave Turner !'l,'lotorsports 909-487-5944 Desert Station 760-244-6676 - 6 race series in 2002 with increased prize fund. Open to Street Legal Cherokees 1984 thru 2001 Club JeepSpeed Phone: 714.538.7434 • Fax: 714.633.1724 1826 N. Windes Drive • Orange, CA 92869 E-mail: jeepspeedcom@aol.com Page 44 August2001 The Mocos Locos -Broke starting lie at 6: 15am. Brad da mout! The Oahu Assault had some instant epoxy,-also done good in Baja. made the fix and made it to Matt Lyman's guys were the line on time." Third Sportsman on 259X. "The locals managed to "It was a smooth ride", they make quite a few nasty all nodded. The father of booby traps off the start. Matt's ~iding partner, Alan They are pretty good at it: Pflueger, Jimmy Pflueger, they make the trap, take a was the first guy to drive up picture of you hitting it, Mauna Kea on the Big andthensellthepictureto Island -in a V8 CJ, like in you at the end -IF you 1960. Honda Pit 8 Report: happen to survive it. Shawn "The Lyman guys gave us ran at or very close to first some macadamia nuts." place for the first 95 miles Waikiki's Hugh "Aloha" or so, surviving a couple of Foster, Mike "Dah Kine" those booby traps." Aiwohi, and Mike Kribel's "Shawn: 'The bike felt "254X" 650 required a new great, the moist air and dust countershaft seal on the made it difficult to keep way to ninth. Q: Has there goggles clean but overall it been a spare of leaky was great fun. Basically you Cliff Matlock, Jon Ortner and Jim O'Neal had brake problems on their Honda, but still won Pro bikes over 40 years old. Dusty Times
Sergio Vega rode his XR to second place in the Pro over 3 year old class, finishin just 17 minutes out of first. In the Sportsman Motorcycles under 250ccs, the winner was Tito Hawaiian team Matt Lyman and Allan Pflueger finished third in the Colon, in 12:44:41, an hour and a half in front of second place. _b1r·g_S~po_rt_sm_a_n_cl_as~s~,_in_ 12_:_16_:2_7_. _____ ~~--~-coast, P i lip ad some 10 . Oooh, scares me! or transported by another Richard Jackson, a real Baja veteran, again won in the Pro bikes over 50 years old. would catch up to some dust, wait for a cr9sswind, · or a rider mistake, and then pass. I'm not sure how many riders I passed but it sure was fun. After crashing ·off the start in the Baja 2000, I was riding conservatively.'" "Shawn l~anded the bike off to Brad at K77, where it was seven minutes before the next rider in our class. The happy rush of hieing in first place soon changed to worry. The Team waited and waited until Brad Jones finally showed up about 20 minutes late, which seemed like hours when you have no idea what's going on. Brad came in and looked _ like a walking cactus. He said he was racing in the dust when the course went right and he went straight -straight over the bars and into some cactus." "Al Bizzocchi took the bike and headed out at a blazing pace. When he took off we were in seventh place and by the time he reached our remote gas stop beyond Mike's he was in third. Al pressed on and was dicing it with Tim Morton. From what Al said this guy was fast and knew his way around the mountain. While in· the process of racing with Morton, Al took a fall onto a rock and put a hole in the motor - a real b ad gusher!" , · "After trading his watch_ with some Iocais in exchange for some cheap oil, Al made it another 30 miles to our pit near Valley T with duct tape hold,ing in the little remaining oil. Although the situation was grim, the guys decided not to let this end the race, repairing the hole with instant metal goop and duct tape. After losing one and a half hours, Brad was off. His run went fine, the epoxy held." "We were in eighth when Phillip took over for the coast run. After hanging lights, changing the badly worn rear tir-es, and refueling in Santo Tomas, Phillip pressed on to Ojos. · The North crew now had little hope that the bike would make it to Ojos. But sharri.e on them, because it did -although not easily. After a fast run along the Steve Willenberg was the winner in Sportsman ATVs, in the time of 15:55:35. Dusty Times problems in the rocky and EL CHISMOSO vehicle further than 1 % of the rutted-out sections east of Rock n Roll total d istance of the· race." Uruapan. He carrie in and During the race (Emphasis added) That said, 'I fell twice and Tony Weatherman reported that equates on the old hand Motts passed me while I was the locals, at about 35-40 calculator to about 4. 79 trying to kick start the miles into the race, had miles. No harm, no foul, damned thing!'" pushed rocks down a case closed. "Shawn took off into the canyon pass and was A Trite Sports7nan dusty sunset for the final leg. blocking the course. · Sportsman ATV winner It was crazy b ecause all the For Those Baja Barroo7n Steve Willenburg (53A) was locals were pretty drunk by Barristers also a good sport ... they gave this time and were "Baja GL13 -"No race· vehicle gas to the battered team of Racing" their cars on the shall be towed, pushed, pulled, Jimmy Stephenson. __ . ..,,., course in the different directions. Shawn almost had a head-on with a local's pickup truck coming down the course at a high rate of speed in the wrong direction·. Shawn managed to catch up to Motta just at the Wash. It was pretty dark at this time so Tony (without Baja lighting) hooked up with Shawn and they rode to the finish line together. Team Tumbleweed finished 8th out of 18 starters and enjoyed the· traditional Tecate Beer at the finish line." Dona Triglio: "I only made it to Mile 340 and got stuck in a giant mud puddle. I was not running fast enough to make the time limit, anyway. Bummer!" There was a Stuart Chase (car #121) sighting on the course: "I think I may have seen this gal while perched on a bush on the Mike's downside. Is she a little thing about 5-3", 115 pounds?" (Stu didn't say whether it was he or she on the rock ... ) That was her. She rides a KTM with an electric start. She rode solo at the San Felipe 250 whh a broken wrist and some really nasty stitches on the back of her hand. She finished that race. But not the "500". · Bob Laughlin was going to solo the race on #260 however he had some Adult· Supervision and moved over to race with the venerable Sam Dempsey on bike #312X. Who could be a b'ette r partner? CLASS ATV Sports7Ttan ATVs Sportsman ATV winner Steve Willenberg (53A) was ~lso a good Sport ... t hey gave gas to t h e batter e d team of Jimmy Stephenson ( 6A). The y even c ame thro u g h San Telmo in a somewha t confus'ed manner, circulating through all the pits, not stopping, then heading out bracketed by , John Gaughan's ProDirt car and Rick Ellison's winning August 2001 AVAILABLE Decision Makers CALL-NOW! SUBARU BOXER DOHC 16 valve - late model engines EJ20T/EJ20TT, 2.0 Litre "' \. ~~:,·:· .. j.;· ·· .. ,,; __ '•. --:..-L.., '· ·♦ Fuel injected ♦ Inner cooler ♦ Pent-roof ( combustion cham-ber configuration) ♦ Horizontal opposed ♦ Counterweighted crankshaft Five main bearings. 13.5 PSI plus Direct ignition-Broad power band Race-bred -Track proven CLOSEOUT SPECIAL!! **ONLY 3 ENGINES LEFT** 1 - single turbo @ $1,795 2 - twin turbos @ $2,295 each Used guaranteed engines Bob Walter ..... 510-581-4931 19361 Lake Chabot Rd, Castro Valley CA 94546 Procrastinators and tire-kickers: Don't waste my time! Page 45 ')
' EL PREZ SEZ ... (Ain't no Wahzoo) Moo.re, Howard Anderson, Candy Car of Walter and Morgan Malocco, the late Marq Prince. Tom went great Gene Dillon and so into the race leading the many others have earned pro dirt series and was everyone's respect as running a solid race as the pitters and racers. I am third car through Oso sure that many racers, when he connected with either independent or oneofthoseflippingrocks. affiliated with another club Some down time, and have had some experience some creative use of the with some generous bumper jack placed him at Well, after 28 years of Checkers. Yes generous, the Checkered flag sixth in doing Baja I can say we do they spend their time and class and won him dos it well and with an money to ensure the tacos and a cervesa from undisputed amount of success of the racers they so Ron Brant. The expertise, enthusiasm and dutifully serve. I want to Robertson, Brown, Chase style. The Checkers are salute them all. Without entry got hooked up over some of the most sought the commitment of all the the side around Mile 17 8 out pits when something volunteers who support where access _was near goes seriously wrong with our pits year after year we impossible, a gallant try by anyone's race car, bike or would not have enjoyed the Larry Ragland proved pit vehicle. As I sat and successes that we have. You unsuccessful and Stuart listened to the many tales are the foundation of Off was forced to wait for the from the 500 I was again Road racing. I especially BFC sweeper truck to do reminded of this fact. As would like to acknowledge some innovative winching. each of the pit Captains the BFG team. We awarded With six miles in six told the club members at BFG our highest honor, minutes to make the the post Baja meeting their the Vic Vannela trophy, at checkpoint cut they did it stories of what they worked our awards banquet. Once with no problem but on I realized that we tend again their presence chasing down the rest to work on more non-proved invaluable in Baja before closing soon took its Checker cars than Checker as they relayed car toll. Great effort· but still cars. Officially we only pit positions to our pits. ended D _NF. George our own but realistically we Thank you. Seeley's car was sporting a will take on anything that Our Baja entries were, brand new 2001 VW look seems to limp in. This is the Ridgecrest Rocket Tom that did~'t seem to insure one reason I believe we are Koch, the modernized car victory. Our president so well known and of George Seeley, Jr., the roared sideways into our respected in the sport. Class 1 entry of Billy pit in Cerro Colorado and Members like Big John Robertson, Doug Brown we repaired a stuck throttle Files and_ Reverend Roy and Stuart Chase and the pedal. A few other 4og,:;-f:!~•,~~~·,'1:4 r 4?'~~4~ , ur~.-.ran1.:=•on1.:= VISA --~r--==~ ~-j :.-=::N.~A~e;;•:103 .,. ________ FORMERLY FABTECH MOTORSPORTS FULLERTON, CA 92835 1999-2000 CHEVY MON-FRI 8:00-6:00 2WD C1500 .. SATURDAY 9:00-4:00 FINANCING AVAILABLE 6" ULTIMATE LIFT :,-CAST Ul'T WlNOUS IWl'U CONfROl MMS COIL Sl'R .. GS IIAII -.OOCS 6 U 80Ul s1749.95 INsvw.ED 1988-1998 CHEVY 2WDC1500 6" ULTIMATE LIFT :r 1..-r SPINDtB '-"U COHTIIOt. ADIi CO..Sl'llWGS aEAa-.OOCS6U80t.fl 4 Mll'YKH l'UlflOIIMAHC:E SH00CI s1549.95 ,NnWED 1982-1999 CHEVY 2WD S10 6" ULTIMATE LIFT :r 161' Sl'INDUS IM"PD CON11tOL AltMS COM. Sl"tUNGS ltEAlt flJI" K1T ♦ FAll'RCH ~SHOOO $ 1624. 95 INsvw.ED 1998-2000 FORD 2WD F1~0 • 6" ULTIMATE LIFT .r UfT Sl"fHOUS l.ll'POt CONTIIOL AMIS CON. Sl'ltlNGS ltaM aa..ocxs. u aol.fl ♦ FMTKH ...,~ SHOCkS s1699.951Nsvw.ED • FORD SUPERDUTY 4WD F250/350 5.5" PERFORMANCE LIFT SOl'TIIIOl:noNTUNSNllflfGS AtONT IIOX JUT BAIi m.aoa 4 ,Mnot NJnlOftMAHa SHOCKS $ 1349 • 95 INsvw.ED 8" LIFT ALSO IN STOCK /1 __ ., =----'~ Race Runner s2349,95-wi-.111tONT1ttOCU '!~~-== HML.rAl'SPfllNGS AVAIUUIU IC&~-----,;,;., IV. FORD SUPERDUTY :,...a-'1~~-=::-PD~_lffl.~ 4-~p~~!~le58FT BFGaadricf:t~ 1cENTER ~!!I ~EJ.E.:E-?' trailmaster 1.ooafi'EAII Bn,asEtmJnE :;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=6=·~=~MTKH::!r:::!:::~:::-=~=5=LE=•Nsvw.E=7°'=o=~=N===: PI A A BI LSTE IN !!J!i/J:£! Page 46 TOYOTA TACOMA "PRERUNNER" & 4WD 1•.3• PERFORMANCE LIFT TOWING ACCESSORIES SMITTYBILT SURESTEPS AIRBAGS & COMPRESSORS S99.95•~ FROM $ 189.95 HIDDEN Hn"CH~ & Cl.ASS Ill S59.95 •• A\NLAIIU IN ll.AO(. CHJtOM._ S.S. August 2001 problems plagued the new car and he finished second in class but looked damn good doing it. Now as for the Candy Cane car, every kid in Baja recognizes this one and awaits its arrival hoping to catch a cane, I think the other Sportsman were hoping the same. This class champion again took the Checkered. All pits were well covered as I wrote last month with the o~ly change being Gary and Maxine taking Valle De Trinidad. The pre-race sticker signing and social at the Bahia was again one of the highlights of the trip and the low point was the loss of Reese King's Forerunner. They must have been attracted to the new Checker sticker that Reese was sporting now as our newest member. GOT CLUB? We had seven cars run the MDR Lucerne 400. The Ridgecrest Rocket Tom Koch, Class 5 Champion George Seeley, Jr., and new member Mike Norris. Also the team of Billy Robertson and Doug Brown, prospective Roger Byrd, Jimmy Hook and the Steele Bros. Pit coverage was: Skyrocket Main, Reverend Roy and Reese King. Pit A: VP Randy Spahr, Steve Spahr, myself, Vic Bussey, prospective Malcolm Bryce and Dan. Pit. B: Big John Files, Andy Diaz, Gary Bates and Fred Nelson, Sporto, Joe Giffin and Bobby Mc-Call. Pit C: Marty Seefried and his neighbors. All pits were well covered and kept busy. Tom Koch got tangled up with a Class 9 and before he could get restarted he was tagged, almost tearing off his left rear hub, ending his _day. Billy : and Doug were running a strong race when the clutch scattered, they pulled the motor, located a new clutch and replaced it along side the course but were again short on time. Jammin Jimmy ran hot and smooth for a second in class and President Seeley looking good in his new skin also crossed the line for a second in class. Roger was pressing the clock after his long day and unfortunately came up about four minutes short of a finish. Now the Steeles, Scott and Brian, went in leading the points and needed the finish to maintain that, so when the tranny went south they needed a fix. Another course side repair took place and. they finished keeping their points intact. Another proud day to be a CHECKER. Vance· Scott told his touching tale of his "Run To The Wall" adventure which started in Ontario, CA with 40 bikes and wound up at the Pentagon with 500,000. With stories of visiting VA hospitals along the way, he and first Sargent Shirley have many memories to share. He had us riveted to our seats during the meeting. Ask him about i't, it's very moving. Once again Vance you make all Checkers proud. Welcome prospective members William Berumen and Steve Scott. Checkers will be at the Off Road Expo. Come and visit us in our bigger and better booth this year. w ·e will highlight our 28 years of off road ·history. Watch for another Speed Zone night on August 15th. Be proud, participate, be # l. If you're 'interested in becoming a Checker or need to contact or curse us, ,:all (918) 790-1161. We n1eet every Wednesday at 1111 Foothill Blvd. in La Canada. View us on the we·b at www .checkersoffroad.orig. SEE YA IN THE DEZ, EL PREZ. PIKES service center Baker, California Celebrating 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil® SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times
News Your humble scribe this month '(as Ben Bradl.ey w ould say) is Paula Gibeault, acting CRS Director while Sue Robinson is horsing around (see below). CRS teams have been busy this summer, in spite of the hiatus in local events. Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson covered themselves in glory with a win in Production class at the Susquehannock Trail ProRally on June 2. This event -is one of the toughest in the national series, with extremely fatlt but narrow roads that change character without warning. The trees and banks have a habit of jumping out and grabbing passing rally cars -the attrition rate is always high and involves lots of body damage. Tony and Doug took. it easy at first, heeding everyone's warnings, and used service breaks to get the Golf set· up right. Rain kept the infamous dust down but Tony had to work his way up through the pack, even passing five cars on one stage! He pLcked up iipeed steadily through the long and grueling one-day event and finally came in 20th overall, first in Production class. The pair now sit second· in t h e Championship - a big congrats for a job well done! Scott Bottomley;s Pahrump rallysprint was forced to move when the Forest Service turned down his use permit application, and Leon Styles kindly offered the Tombstone Paintball Park for an interim location! The event was a success, with 16 teams competing for C R S Rally Championship points (coefficient 1). Thanks Leon, you're a lifesaver! Hopefully Scott and crew will be able to sort out a place closer to their home for the future of this event. Richard Byford and Fran Olson traveled north to run Shitepok~ (how DO you pronounce that, anyway??) and Dryad Quest in Washington State. Unfortunately, Richard says they have a new motto for Byway Racing: "The Byway Express by land and air!" He reports "I dropped a wheel into the ditch and because of the camber I just couldn't get it out. In the end we became airborne for about 20 feet until we it a 6ft. tall tree stump. The car climbed up the stump and flipped Dusty Times over backwards and then rolled back into the ditch. We were very_lucky. The car is not as bad as it looks and will be back racing at least by Gorman. We would like to thank everyone for their emails and good wishes. It is great to be a part of the "rally family." Richard and Fran's great adventure, a marathon rally in June 2002, is still on track. However, the rally organizers of the former Cape to Cape Rally have been forced to cancel the Africa section of the event. Declining political situations in several countries as well as rain damage to roads have made the planned course downright dangerous. It's depressing to read the event press releases! The event has been renamed the "Midnight Sun to Red Sea Marathon Rally." The trusty BMW 2002 will run the 20 day timed marathon rally that begins in Ostersund, Sweden and finishes approximately 8,000 kms and 10 countries later in Aquaba, Jordan. Unfortunately, due to the change, Byway Racing no longer can represent-RALLY FOR AIDS and is no longer raising money for AIDS Education in Africa. They'll still have a great time, no doubt! More Great Summer Adventures for CRS Folks: Sue Robinson called in from Podunk (or was it Roscoe?) Nebraska to report that she's three weeks into her 2,000 mile horse endurance ride (and we think rallying is an endurance sport?!). This ride consists of 50 mile daily s~ctions run five days a week with Sunday and Monday to rest. The course follows the original trail of the Pony Express from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento. Sue is joining some 100 other rid e r s for this saga, along with her two trusty horses, motor home, horse trailer, and service crew" ( i ncludin g Doug, of course). She reports they have experienced rain, humidity and spectacular scenery, but all are doing well and getting V E RY fit! She'll be back August 1 to tak e up the reins of the CRS again -or will she be a bit tired of reins by then? The Greatest Adventure of All -Matrimony -was entered into by Ray and Donna Hocker on June 9. No honeymoon is planned . just yet, since the two are hard at work organi:;::ing the Gorman Ridge ClubRally August 25. Don't work too hard, you two! See you at Gorman! If you're not planning on running, give the Hockers a call at (760) 37 5-3 289 or email them at ray@rallyusa.com and offer to help out! ·•au FIRST ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT RACERS By Wes Wisdom I hope all of you read the announcement regarding nominations to the BLM Desert Advisory Council that was in the Trail Notes column of last month's Dusty Times.· The opportunity for the off road racing community to have a say as to what happens to our desert is very important. "The Environmentalists" will be there with a one-sided viewpoint and we need a representative to give our side of the story. The BLM needs encouragement to look at logic and reason in their duty to oversee our public lands. Another news item in the same column gave an insight as to why we need somebody on · this Advisory Council. In an effort to get the Imperial Sand Dunes back from the Enviro-Nazis, the Amer.ican Sand Assoc., AMA, and CORVA, counter-filed a lawsuit to protect the rights of all off roaders. The Sierra Club and the Center for Biological Diversity succeeded in closing the dunes with their own lawsuit. What a world. Any extremist can take away the rights of the majority with a lawsuit. W e need someone on the Desert Advisory Council!! Okay, I'm off the. Soap Box, on to the good stuff. Even though there weren't enough F.A.I.R. members going to the Baja 500 for it to be supported by the club, those who went did pretty well. Brent Parkhouse's 1/2-1600 was running strong, started 18th. As u -sual, Brent has some good stories about the race. He always has fun. Ask him abut the horse sometime. Tom Ridings, with ·s;1,.t11in • sway A Way Eibach · HM · IIA 1 · CNC Sparca • PRP • Fuel late Ran Davis Radlatori Setrall Oil Coolers Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear August 2001 Brent Parkhouse co-driving, had absolutely no problems, not even a bent wheel, and cruised to victory in Class 12! These guys are on a roll, Overall and class wins at the last MDR race and now the Baja 500! Haven't talked with Dale Ebbe.rts. He must have had a goo·d race. Came in. third in 1/2-1600. Great job! The Kartek 400 had a good, fast course (the overall winner averaged 58 mph!) for' over 10 0 racers and F.A.I.R. had a big job handling the 21 cars running with our pits. I haven't received any reports from the racers, spoke with just a few, but here's what I _think I know: Both Class 1 cars, Dale Ebberts and A.J. Gaston finished. Dale was running a strong third until the last lap. He lost over an hour and that put him to fifth, just ahead of A.J. Steve Griffith, in Class 5, had a long first lap and Continued on page 48 Page 47
couldn't catch back up first in class. He also set The other 5-1600, Scott but did finish third in fast lap for the class. A Boyd, started out with a class. clean sweep for Curt. very long first lap, had In 5-1600 Curt Geer Kurt Fuhl had a great two more long laps but continued his winning day, too, finishing a wasn't able to finish that ways with a strong run to strong second. last lap. Too bad but a ______ ......;;. ______ _,_ ______ ___;;___, very good effort anyway. .r.57RIC2LY 'ERFORMANCE Class 7 S had A.J. Rodriguez dominate. Class win by 47 minutes and fast by 10 minutes. Duality products bullt In house along with Fabtech, PIAA, BF6oodrlch, Weld, [amburg Engineering. Autofab. King §hocks, Fuel 5afe, plus hundreds of other quality products and accessories. • Shocks • Roll Cages • Exhaust Kits • Wheels & Tires • 5u!!ipenslon Kits • Off Road Bumpers • Custom Fabrication Tra-1 !iuspenslon !iy!ftems. Toll Free: [B66) 4B0-3556 849 Mitchell Road #402, Newbury Park Talking a b o u . t dominating, Dan Folts is doing that in Class 9 this year. Another class win and the fast "niner" lap. Tel: (805) 480-3556 • Fax: [BOS) 4B0-3557 F.A.l.R.'s other ·class 9 racer, Joe Sheble, completed one lap. That lap was almost seven hours so it must have been a major problem. Class 10 , had four F. A. I. R !!itrlctlyP-erformance.net racers. CAil TOil FREI ~-888-755-5900 WE CAN SHIP UPS TO YOUR DOOR WE OFFER THE/E .IERVICE/ ** WE SERVICE FOX, BILSTIEN, KING, SWAY A WAY SHOCKS ** MAGNAFLUX SERVICE ( WITH QUICK TURN A ROUND .. ) ** GEAR BOX REBUILD SERVICE (NO MORE WEIRD NOISES •• ) CLASS 9 OWEL BAU JOINTS UPPER & LOWER $1.3.50 EA. TYPE 3 BRAKE KIT (BACKING PLATES,SHOES, WHEEL CYLINDERS, SPRINGS AND DRUMS) $250.00 FRONT ARM STOP KIT $15.00 REAR TAIL BRAKE LIGHT (ALUMINUM HOUSING) $8.00'EA. BAU JOINT REPLACEMENT BOOTS SET OF FOUR $4.95. CLASS 1/2 1600 5/1600-SP0RtSMAN 930 CV JOINTS $55.00 TYPE 3 BRAKE KIT (BACKING PLATES, SHOES, WHEEL CYLINDERS, SPRINGS AND DRUMS) $250.00 CHROMOL Y SPINDLE WASHER AND JAM NUT KIT $69.95 7 /8 4130 LINK PIN EA. $20.00 5/8 4130 LINK PIN EA. $19.00 ...... '1 -iHJ/!J~.~~ CLASS 10 5 UNLIMITED 934CV'S $215.00 934 OVER BOOT $11.00 7 /8 4130 LINK PIN EA. $20.00 JUMBO FODDRIU SPINDLE BEARING KIT (INNER BEARING, OUTER BEARING, AND SEAL) BOTH SIDES $89.95 CALL ABOUT SMOKIN' BFGOODRICH PRICES 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702)871-5221 FAX Congratulations MacCachren Motorsports for The 2000 CORR Championship Page 48 August 2001 Newcomer Brian Walsh had the best day of the grou1r finishing fourth in class and eighth overall. Terrie Tavis would have done better that her 10th place if she hadn't been stuck out on the course for three hours with electrical problems. Harley Letner was really going strong, he was class leader by six or seven minutes when he DNF'd on the fourth lap. The other half of the Tavis' racing stable, John, ran well for the first two laps but had problems on Lap 3 and DNF'd. Our Class 11 "Herbie guy", Jeff Anderson, only got two laps in but that was the best in the class and he did set fast lap. This team has such a great time at the races. Its infectious. Makes you remember why you started · racing in the first place, for the fun! Dan Vance and Scott Spindola brought their Class 1400 Hucks but, unfortunately, neither were able to finish. Dan completed three laps and did set the class fast lap. Scott DNF'd on the first lap, I'm sure they'll have better luck next time. F.A.I.R. had four racers in Class 1600. Jerry Longo ran consistently all day and finished third in class. Kevin Walsh was also pretty consistent and got a fifth place finish. Randy Miller broke some suspension parts on Lap 2 and lost 25 minutes but motored on for a good sixth place. Mike Malloy, with some help from papa Tom, wasn't able to·finish Lap 5 because of a major steering problem. Tough to drive if you can't steer. Ernie Castro, Jr. was in third place after Lap 1 when he DNF'd. Don't know why. Many thanks to George Ladwig and all the racers and to those who worked the pits for putting in the long, hot day. F.A.l.R. depends on each of you. Team effort and support is what an organization needs to be successful. Another big thanks to Brent Parkhouse for the "Apres-Race" BBQ. With the help of all those working the Main Pit, he put on a great spread. Brent has really stepped up to help out F.A.I.R. in many areas, from storing the van and trailers, fixing up the equipment, etc., and now the BBQ. Brent, you're the man! I hope other F.A.I.R. members take a lesson from you. . _ . .,,. Magnificent Race Team By Stephen Stenberg, President Hello everyone after such a long absence. Mag 7 hasn't raced any events this year until the recent Baja 500. We wanted to take care of internal business left over from last year's Baja 2000 first. With that done and behind us, we are ready to rock and roll. For the Baja 500 this year we originally had 12 bikes and two buggies. By the week before the race, that was down to 10 bikes. It stayed there. Mag 7 ran six pits for this race, one every 70-80 miles apart. Pit #1 was at the school hquse in Ojos at race mile 50. Pit #2 was at Nevuo Junction at race mile 125. Pit #3 was on Melling Ranch at race mile 208. Pit #4 was just past the power plant in Valle T at race mile 282. Pit #5 was north of Chair. ProSeat Mandated by www.mastercraftseats.com Dusty Times
Erindera at race mile 357. And Pit #6 was located just north of the Junk Yard in Ojos at race mile 422. All of our Captains did a great job. In no certain order they were Terry Wickersham, Bill "Krash" Kruckmeyer, John Graham and Tim Barlow. Here are the stats on our riders. In Class 21 we had H ideyuki Fukuoka from Riverside on his CR 250 in third place, 50th OA. In fourth place was Eddie Deanes who lost a rear wheel at Ura pan and was down several hours. He placed 209th OA. In Class 22 we had Erik Floen from Canada on a KX 500 for his first race in Baja or Score. He placed eighth in class and 96 OA. Two of the three guys broke some bones and the final rider rode the last 300 miles by himself. No small feat since he hadn't pre-run those sections before the race. As he said to m e "I was following the arrows. " Good job marking the course Sal. In Class 30, it was Eddie Zeller of Coronado taking third in class on his Yamaha 440 and 26 OA. Kojo Kato from Riverside took sixth in class and 43rd OA. Kojo races almost every 500 and 1000 for the last few years and rides Ironman as he did for this race. In Class 40, it was Elzaburo Karasawa narrowly besting our Jorge Lizzarrage of Tecate and his teammate Dana Reed from Sacramento by just five seconds for second and third respectively in class. Elzaburo was 58th OA. Jorge and Dana were pitting themselves for this race. Come on guys, support your team next race. In Sportsman MC 250 it was Kitahiro Omoru placing fourth in class. 103rd OA. In Sportsman MC Open, it was Tomohiro Murakami from Japan placing sixth in class and 91st OA. Tayoshi Otaguchi from Japan passed Pit #8 with time to finish, but ran afoul somewhere and finished after the clock had stopped. And last but not least, Yul! Hoshino of Japan was DNF at Checkpoint 6. Along with these 10 race teams, Mag 7 helped many other racers as is our way. Between all our pits we helped #120, Jeff Quinn with a tire change and water #1613, Steve Floberts with ATF fluid, water and called his chase crew. #578, Ruben Gutierrez, Jr., changed his tire. #862, Marc Stein, cleaned windshield. #270, Scott Steinberger, checked alternator belt and called chase crew (and his dad). #304, Alfonso Hernandez, G., gave water bottles, #49A, name unknown gave gas and water. #255X, Manual Salazar, gave fuel and water after our racers had passed through. These are some of the guys mag 7 helped out. In Valle T, the BFG pit was split in two places. The second pit was next to our Pit Attention Pit Teams Send us your pit tales, whether they be of success or woe and they will be featured on these pages (space permitting). Although publication dates vary monthly, material received by the first of the month will generally be considered for the next issue. Submit all material to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 #4. They needed a generator when their truck came in and Mag 7 was there to loan them ours. Those BFG guys were really nice guys. The other BFG guys down the road wouldn't give us the time of day. Go figure? The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! Mag 7 is now preparing for the Primm 300. Our announcements will be going out at the end ofJune. We are also preparing for the Vegas to Reno race. Total pits have not been decided as yet at this time. We will also be doing MENDEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. the Baja 1000 in November. Everyone take care and be safe this summer. I look forward to seeing some of you at the beach or at the Primm race in September. Until then, adios for Team Baja. www.Mag7race.com. __ -,IIU Performance Proven for Desert & ~Off-Road Use 1 5 0 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choo?e from Some Uses: • Non Corrosive Polyethylene • One-Piece Seamless • Pit Truck Showers & Washdowns • Heavy Wall Construction • Cooking & Kitchen Facilities • Extended Stay Water Storage Tanks • Bike Trailer Water Tanks • Car & Buggy Trailer Tanks • Pressure Washing Storage Tanks • Custom Fitting Locations • New Systems • Auxiliary Systems • Replacements 0. E.M. Trailer & Van Mfc . In uires Are Welcome RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tustin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Catalog Dusty Times August 2001 Page 49
Pony Express ... Open Letter to SCORE I wish to thank the following indi viduals for all their help during the recent running o f the SCORE Baja 500. The Ukrainian exchange student be ing hosted by our family wa s i n Baja f or the first time, was involved in a roll-over acci-dent near Ojos Negros on Saturday afternoon, race day. Efrin, one of our Mag 7 pit crew members from Chula Vista who was pitting in Ojos, located a local person's van and we had the injured student transported to the San Jos, Hospital in Ensenada. The following people were very helpful in contacting me out on the race course at Pit #6 and also contacted my wife in San Diego. I wish to thank the SCORE Medical Director, the Weatherman and all the radio relay people, especially BFG Relay #12, "Wild Bill". Wild Bill was instrumental in maintaining contact with me at the pit out on the course and with my wife by cell phone in San Diego that afternoon and evening. She was coming to Ensenada from San Diego, trying to locate the hospital at night and it was very co~forting to both of us to know there are people out there who will drop everything to help you when the chips are down. I will be forever grateful to the BFG team for having fine people in their organiza-tion like "Wild Bill. • Sergiy is recovering nicely in San Diego with a broken right hand with two metal pins in it. He graduates from high school June 15th and will stay in San Diego for the summer, recuper-ating and taking physical therapy. How can we ever thank all those who helped us in our hour of need? Stephen Stenberg President Mag 7 Race Team Page so Please remember to support our advertisers and helP. keep our sport growing en ::, l-o <( () ~ w w I 3: w z ::J a: w 1-z w () <( ::;;; <( I 0 ~ 0 >-en a: w 3: g Cl) <( -, <( Cl) en a: w ~ u:: z ca ~ An Open Letter To The Off Road Community I have been involved in off road·racing for well over thirty years and altho~gh much of the sport has changed, some of it will never change. The closeness of the competitors and their families, the chase crews a~ the mechanics has never changed. Their faces may be different, some of them are a lot older than when they started enjoying the off road experience, but there still exists a bond, a willingness to help others whenever they can. Repairing a race car on a competitors· team, working and welding for long periods of time on a strangers race car or truck, it's all part of the enjoyment of competing against each other and helping each other whenever a situation arises. Most cars and trucks are welcome in any pit, anywhere, any time and I hope it always remains that way. The competitive spirit is always there and, thank goodness, the willingness to help others is also always there. Stephen Stenberg's letter is proof of the spirit of co-operation that exists and Dusty Times •would like to salute all those who go out of there way winningly to help others in their time of need. S PERT A U O TE L C C YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS! PHONE (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 I 0 ::E Designed by Raceco in 1990 for military use, re-designed by McKenzie's for Off-Road use in 1994. This unit gives you more travel, less stub axle load and lighterweight, comes complete with arm mount-ing flange, disc brakes with billet calipers and pads, bearings and chromoly stub axles. Fresh Air Helmets Comes with shield & Hardware. CAC-100 Helmet Wired - Small CAC-200 Helmet Wired - Med. CAC-300 Helmet Wired - Large CAC-400 Helmet Wired - X-Large CAC-500 Helmet Wired - XX-Large CAC-101 Non-wired Helmet - Small CAC-201 Non-wired Helmet - Med CAC-301 Non-wired Helmet - Large CAC-401 Non-wired Helmet - XLarge CAC-501 Non-wired Helmet - XXL (8) UMP Air Filters UMP-10900 UMP-10920 UMP-10915 UMP-10610 Super Filter w/Brackets Super Filter Scoop Replacement Wing Nut Air Filter Shield for Weber 9'x5"x6" T UMP-51000 10' dia. Straps-Stainless Steel UMP-58000 8" dia. Straps-Stainless Steel RaceCar-Jack RAC-JACK Flame Out Extinquishers SAF-RC-250 2-1/2 lb. Sys. SAF-RC-500 5 lb. Manual SAF-RC-S00C 5 lb. Manual Compact SAF-RC-S00P 5 lb. Manual Push Activater SAF-RC-500CP 5 lb. Manual Compact/Push Activater SAF-RC-1000 10 lb. Manual -RC-1000P 10 lb. Manual, Push Activater August 2001 Rallye 4000 HID Lamps 35 watts - Black HEL-74801 Rallye 4000 m -i ~ 0 z Euro Beam ~ HEL-74802 Rallye 4000 :D Batte~ Bo~~: "'6 ~ ~ MET-229 Optima Battery Box ~ 0 MET-229DD Optima Dimple Die d MET-236 Stock VW B. Box ~ MET-237 U-1 Battery Box MET-237DD U-1 Dimple Die Power Steering HOW-1000 Sweet Servo HOW-7530 Top Coupler -30 Slpine HOW-7548 Lower Coupler-48 Spline HOW-8000 P/S Pump -1300 psi HOW-8000A P/S Pump, Alum -1300 psi HOW .. HOW-8004/8005 HOW-8001 P/S Pump, Chartyne -1000 psi HOW-8004 4-1/2" Pulley - Press On HOW-8005 5-3/4" Pulley - Press On HOW-8006 2" Howe Ram HOW-8007 Custom Ram HOW-8008 Reservoir ~.... · HOW-80~~ " m z z m 0 -< CD § m z '--)> ~ )> :D ~ 0 0 Mickey Thompson Tires § Are The Best! ~ Designed for Off-Road with Tuf-Treads and Side-Biter Sidewalls Ultra Wheels ULT-5352 15 x 3-1/2 VW ULT-5752 15 x 7 WV "Tl 0 X en I 0 0 " en )> C :D 0 Jl )> Dusty Times
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY «:ECO,nc. Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 19066 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, Ca 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners P.O. Box 117 Ely, NV 89301 (702) 289-6708 • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 www.advanceoffroad.com ee~B~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD-NEEDS BATrERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/. Glendora, CA 91740 . (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • BJBX AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 00000000 0 0 ® 0 RACING FUEL CELLS0 0SAFEST&FASTESTFOR30 Ye4.RSJO 0 -800.526.5330 ° 0 FOR YOUR NEAREST DEALER 0 0000000° Off Road Tr11cks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 Sliver Faced LFG's Liquid-Filled Gauges froi,:i Auto M'eter are notorious for being the to4g1Jest.. on the market. Combine that with the fact Auto Meter also is known for it's reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 YnA·~• www.autometer.com ' y, .ea Send $4.00 for a catalog to: Auto Meter Products, Inc. , . <t Oept. DUOO • 413 W. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL 60178 • (815) 895-8141 BITCOn vw moToRs & I TRAnsm1ss1ons STRIP~ STREET • OFFROAD·SRnD FIVE SPEEDS & AUTOffiATICS ~ (702) 263-5793 ~ Les Veges. nevado ~W,MomRSPORTS • Race Prep. • Full Fabrication • Mig & Tig Welding • Tube Bending Lonny Helmbolt Owner 1941 Ramrod St. Henderson, Nv 89014 Ph: (702) 454-9355 Fax: (702) 456-1755 Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 www.boatec.com · e-mail: boatec@gbonline.com BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V~hicle Shifter for m,ld-engines and other applications 602-437-3:107 Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr~Runners ----Cherry Valley,.CA 92223 . (909)-845-8820. 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies ACCOUNTING• INCOME TAX· CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT . 536 S. Second St, Suite E 626-653-2023 Covina. CA 91723 _ Fax· 626-653-2024 CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA -92648 (714) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINOSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM '
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See your local Fox dealer or call 831-768-1100 JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets FRESH AIR SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES, INC • Interior Revisions 810 A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems · Arlington Heights, IL 60005 jill@fasthelmets.com 1-888-466-RACE www.fasthelmets.com 1-84 7-259-3810 "THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS" I C..J 1:-e~h,. m I c:71-sx§!~m:& http://www.faslhelm1:1ts.com dand214@msn.com 847-259-3810 FAX847-259-9705 -HELMET CONVERSIONS & REVISIONS. fllj/j; ELIMINATE FOGGING AND DUSTI ~1 ◄:O':: LARGE SELECTION OF HELMETS, BLOWERS, COOLERS, VESTS, & SELF-CONTAINED SYSTEMS. THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING THAT MONEY CAN BUY! THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. . For ~our local dealer ~-Call or write for call (B'!fl) 433-6524 ~ our FREE Catalog Aircraft Kubber Manufacturinq, Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR ~7701 USA ph(,541) 3~203 flc(341 )388-03~ GERHARDT GEAR co. I INC. MITCH GERHARDT Production Manager mitch@gerhardtgear.com Design •Corbon Fiber A & D Services MANUFACTURERS OF PRECISION GEARS CNC GEAR CUTTING & BROACHING ISO 9002 AND OS 9000 CERTIFIED 3060 N. California Street Burbank, CA 91504-2004 FAX (818) 842-1458 Phone (818) 842-6700 www.gerhardtgear.com GLASSWOAKS Unlimited Custom Fiberglass Fabrication TIM GEAWATOSKY - Off-Rood Style Fenders 7522 Sloter Ave. #114 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 375-5992 -----,, 'l g~Jj) ,---r.J~ Buff & Kevin Owners/ Fabricators p. 760.510.9586 • f. 760.510.9559 · 120 N. Pacific St. # J-1 • San Marcos, CA 92069 www.hand111motorsports.c~m Ham,nes Bros. Racing Engines Baja Proven CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR SPECS 760-724-2038 WWW.HAMMESRACING.COM How can you not afford to advertise -In the · "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" Call Dusty Times 11Ow and get your ad In the next issue. HONDA t2H¾t·t·f _e PERSONAL WATERCRAFT .,..,.,.,._ J BILL ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (323) 877-7272 FAX (818) 753-6005 (619) 561-7764 ' fax 561-4834 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 20 Years of Off Road Racing Experience ..,,, ptiJOitAlllCl Jeff Howe 9380 Hillvale Ln. Lakeside, CA 92040 We Service & Sell Char Lynn, Sweet, Pumps, Gears & Power R":ck & Pinion Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 FAX (714) 522-0123 Service Technician .,:1/tJJ/JJJr/ . V. W. Serulce • Por•che • Audi • BMW• AU VW • Tovota • Nl .. an • Honda • Street Strip and Sand 0// Road • 6291 B Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 West of Beach Blvd. James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Colll)lete Race Vehicle Development Design. Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 13424 Imperial Hwy. Santa Fe Springs, Ca. 90670 James M. Hall owner-Driver , . 562-921-2693 . fax 562-926-0699 . . JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' Joe Giffin 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, CA 92806 JIMCO ~acut9P~ Mike Julson (714) 632-1240 · Of-I Road Race Cars : Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories · Race Preparation : :10965 Hartley Rd. . Suite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619/562-1743 · Fax6191562-3379° : e.mail pmcorace@aol.com . www.jimcorace.com HONDA ··,. Power -. Equipment . OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR. SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www .Kawaguchihonda.com 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-6858 714-637-1155 714-63-7-555 lfax •-Up In Seconds No ~opes, Tools Powder Coat Frame ~ - . -, ;~-1--1» ~--·~· .. ~~ J~! ·----,,, ---· .,. No Assembly G!aphics (Upon Request) 8x8, I0xl0, 10xl5, 10x20 ··-LANDMARK ;EJ, _: _ _ Original Authoriz=-Motorspor_t Dealer T Affordable Family Care Corrective Care Auto/Work Injuries Se Habla Espanol Dr. Steve C. Landis 3621 Farquhar Ave. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Chiropractor Ph 562-799-9969 24 hr Pager 562-901-8869 <
POWER E LeE MFG. CO. 11~~~ ~ SUNVAU.EY,C,.91302 A,,;i 7:HCHAFT. FAX (818) 7'18-2687 R=ce p~ (818) 788-0371 www.mastercraftseats.com STEERING THOMAS£LEE Engineering A full line of Power St-ing gears, pumps and acc::esaoriea for any type of racilll). Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION .1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE ·cAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076 ,;t . • Stephen Stenberg President P.O. Box 1484 '·.Ii.·'',·. ~-~· Race Team Spring Valley, CA 91979-1484: Pit Support Off-Road Pit Support PHONE/FAX: 619-303-6283 president@mag7race.com p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (61~) 59_6-0886 I YOUR OFF-ROAD · Catch us on the Net! SPECIAUSTSI www.mckenzies.com PHONE: ~714) 441-1212 . FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 McKenzie's Ontrack Performance Center (818) 909-7487 (818) 909-7562 Fox 7834 N. Sepulv¢0 Blvd. #A2 Von Nuvs. CA 91405 • Offrood • Rood Course • Drag Racing ·•Oval Trock • Fobncotion • Welding • Chassis ofc Suspension Specialist Seat-:; • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 . (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 .6i/llil IIRli' -COJIPONEfffS F.OJlCHASSIS FABRICATION ~~*~~*.Rado Momts SlifterM.ol.ns • 01 & WaterBotlle ttaldffl : 399 .E. Hamson .UnitO Corona, CA 92879-1313 {909)272,..4272 www.wrighlfab.com 619-562-5533 At'Tt7~SPORT ENGINEERING OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION PRECISION HELIARC & MIG PRODUCTION WELDING BYPASS TUBE KITS FOR SHOCKS ROLL CAGE & SUSPENSION SYSTEMS Gregg Hawks 30 YEARS EXP 818 994 7475 1,750 KESWICK ST VAN NUYS CALIFORNIA 91405 Off-Road & Drag Racing Fabrication Spttialists Chassis-Cage-Suspension-Tin work Part & Accessory Salts (805)522-4499 LanceFullrr 2280 Shasta Way #115 Fn (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 www.motonporu-plus.com MSD" -at.J ,,, Jr.,'* ■4sW:f4 , •• ..,.,,. S • VVIRES • REV CONTROL YOUR COM~~ETE IGNITION SOURCE AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 HENRY BRENNAN DR .• EL PASO TX 7993E 19151 857-5200 • Tcr.H LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: ~.msdignition.com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" O.D. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES www.mtEchsupply.com 4B0-725-2B75 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 (909) 360-5906 R"N FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 ~ HAROLD NICKS ,~~CQJlr'c~@1tl SAFE.n' EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK . WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11'.'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12c;. -. 2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 ..,,, • .-. • ., ....... -- -·-, \ ' .-Fralcv s P<.'rf ornianc~ En~nee1·ino ' .. ~ TEL (949)650-3035 FAK (949)650-4TI1 • All Type• of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication *Tube Beadinc • A.lumin-(J Stael W.ldine • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Lu :Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055
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I St~wa,,t f . . ~llW0 Custom Preparation & Fabrication . Race Truclcs • Buggies • Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 . 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee; CA ~2071 • Straight IE nt. ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano. CA 93M4 661-261-3202 r.5TRIC7LY PERFORMANCE Call For All Of Your On And Off Road Nee d!!il SUNDRY METAL SPINNING · Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax· (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS · RACE FUELS 6831 Suva Street Betl Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER (209] 84 7-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX [209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra twe. WESTERN DIVISIO N Oakdale, California 95361 QUNSET)> ~ ... itUl;.i '2 ;> H You,r Qu.,unv SIOH eo,.,.,.AHY• Design Fabrl'catlon lnstailatlon Oainn Ebberts (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1 '21 ~ POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 9'288'2 A CDMPUTEKIZEO VINYL Gflj,.PHJCS & LETTEK/NG Giiiiiil I WM I A ~CD5T t3LDG SIGNS (/\II. P//!DCESSE.5)-~ -A T/V\OE 5H:JW OISPU'.'IS ,-. IC/\CING G/1!,,._l"'HICS A OET/\IL.EO & LN/QUE OESIGNS ,-. FLEET 'XEHICLES ,,.., HH2f.~UTY ,,,.,,NNE/eS ,-.M,,.,GNETICS ,,.., LOGO ~EPflOOUCTONS ,-. ~-LEST/I.TE A LOGO & ~ DESIGN ,-. OEC,11,,LS "Ill SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED ... OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS ~ • FABRICATDV • CNCRASMAQ.ITTIM, • FFUVTENDS • FIEARTRAIUNGARMS RACE 0/ASSIS • ff£RUV/IERS • R1X RAat,K; SH:JX • SANO BUGGES 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM, C4 92807 LARRY ROSEVEAR PHONE{714}6304482 FAX {714)6304548 ( ·all Toll Free 877-627-8794 Request Catalog Specializing in Performance Torque Converters (Built for your exact application and needs.) HP Transmission Parts & More • Transmission Kits • Custom Length Axles • Friction/Steel Plates • • TCS Designed Hubs • Input Shafts • 090 Differentials Hundreds of Transmission Products 0 C OJ -i C ~ Cl) o--n m ~ )> () Cl) >< )> Cl) tcsperformance.com .... ____ ~ Tl.R Performance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. SuiteD El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 audio video '..t) ,;..,.-~ ~ - c•~ security -1,ri>"'h ~~,.,.._-;" ~mo~,,r,e~---=-----autos \,~T ~~~~-.~!t:.ec\_,smarine \, . ~ ~t\\\\\ RV . · _ ei\ottn&: s \\\\\n~ race vehicles Allen ~ohnston buggies 619.596.1925 11420 N. Wlodsk:le Ale. Santee. CA 92071 fax 619.596.2638 You must have more business than you can handle if you are not advertising .in Dusty Times Trackside Photo 805-578-3470 , -/S~~'...'..: * Off-Road and ~H-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucu * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 ~- Buena Vista St., Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at oor web site: http://www.fiberglass1.com I Rt1Niiiii.E ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCT S 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A ' SANTEE. CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 UNLIMITED MOTORSPORTS Complete Off-Road Fabrication BF.!UCE HENDEL Regional Manager ~• VP Racing Fuels, West Co~f P..O. Box 1.319 ·342g3 'Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 SHAWN GIORDANO 375 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. San Marcos, CA 92069 TEL: 760.744.2505 Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (90~) 694-7392 Automotive • ATV • Motorcycle 1815 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507, USA 909.369.5144 • 909.369.7266FAX WWW.WE.SCAM INC.COM Metal fabrication, custom suspension, • I-Beams • A-Arms, Pre-runner bumpers, roll cages, fiberglass, race accessories www.weldtecdesigns.com Jeremy Johnson 10031 prospect ave suite E 619-596-WTD1 Santee, CA 92071 pgr 619-965-5899
i"e BUMP STOJ>S HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension NEED MORE SALES? Put Your Ad Here ~ For Results Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 ECONOl\'IICALLYPRICED AT 319.90 PER.PAI& Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 1-520-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 ,----------------------+----------------------t-----------------·-~ ROLL CAGES, RACE SUSPENSION, BUMPERS CUSTOM FIBERGLASS MOUNTS, RACE PREP SHEET METAL INTERIORS, TUBE BENDING MAIT WALRATH Owner Shop (909) 560-2121 mw10320@ariastar.net SCORE ENGINE BUILDER Motorcycles * KTM Dealer for over 20 years * Stock parts * Supports top riders suspension * Accessories . Tires/knowledge · Open * 12pm-6pm M-F Various • Saturdays . -714•449-1271 t 714-449-1374 Fax SPORTMOTORCYCLES www.KTM-Zraclng.com Get the word out about your business, Big or small. OF THE YEAR Race Cars 994, 1998, 1999,2000 I Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs ~ut your business card In the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" . and reach new customers Good Stuff Directory Ads From Parts To f Compl~te Engines . Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota - Honda are merely $35.00 per month. 3675 w. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 I 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 914-8147 . www.wrtrans.com , '=:>.bl ::,OSRACe Classified ... NOTICb. Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legat for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate lo-cal or state authorities for informa-tion before purchase of any specific item. ALJTOtv1{}Tlv1 FOR SALE: PreRunner, Woods, Nissan VG 3300 V6 52 Weber, Twin Turbos, Beards, Ultras, 4 seater, 091, Power Steering, Bilstein by pass Street legal & titled, Great · Dunes or desert $21,500.00 (602) 377-2239 or (602) 252-5441. L Beautiful Class 5 Car-Hot VW Feature Article in Dec '99 issue, FRESH Ken Major 2.6L Type 4 motor, est. 200+ HP, 091 Bus Box, 5.57 Ring and Pinion, 930 CV joints, Woods front arms and Combo Spindles, CNC hubs/ brakes, King Coilover front, Mi-cro Stub Rear Hubs/Brakes, CNC Rear Brakes, King Coilover and 3-tube 3" Bypass shocks, Mastercraft, Centerline, Fuel Safe, UMP, Sway-A-Way, Very clean fabrication, well maintained, $27,500.00 Ref# 814. Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Truck/Truggy, Raceworks designed center cock-pit Corr, Pro-2 chassis, 800 HP ESI motor, Mogi C-6, Cone 9n, 17" Ultras W/BFG's, Lots of New spare parts, 32' trailer w/ shop $65,000.00. Dwight Greene. (858) 486-4230. FOR SALE: 4 Seat PreRunner FAT Type 4-2800cc, FOX 2.5 .. Coils, Dave Folts Bus Box, 930 CV, 4 way ·intercom, 4 way Parker Pumpers, Combo Spindles, CNC Hubs, Char-lyn Power Steering, Saco Rack, $25,000.00 OBO Call Dave or Derek Deatley (760) 3 26-323 l /Em ail: Decofoodservice@citlink.net. FOR SALE: 2000 Baja Bug-3.0L FAT, Mendeola trans, King by pass, 5 seat Pre Runner 2 mounted spares, best of everything. Penhall built, 0 miles offroad. $49,000.00 OBO John (562) 754-7000. FOR SALE: Class 10 single seat Jimco A-Arm, Fresh type 1 mo-tor and Fortin Box, Fox Shox, bumps, Fodrill spindles, CNC pedals, brakes & front hubs, Summers Rear hubs, 930 CV's, UMP Steering, Beard Seat, Parker Pumper, PIAA lights, Simpson Belts, 30 gal Fuel Cell, Flame Out system, Bead Locks on BFG's, Seco Rack, Fresh back up race motor, many ex-tras, fully race prepped and ready to race. Very, very clean. No $$ spared. $32,000.00 OBO. Or trade for 2 seat A-Arm race car. Floyd Haas Jr. (209) 368-2744. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in : DUSTY TIMES. Classified Ad : Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN AD-VANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ (Send check or money order, no cash) Name ______________ _ Address ___________ _ ______ Phone ____________ _ City State ___ Zip Please run ad ___ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 Deadlines for 2001 ISSUE DEADLINE Septe·mber Aug 3, 0I October Sept 7, 01 November December Oct 5, 01 Nov 9, 01 • • • • • ■ • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dusty Times August 2001 Page 57
more Classified ... AUTOfvPTI b.. CONTINUb..D FOR SALE: 1/2-1600 Mirage '90 120" wheel base, Hatz motor, bus race trans, Wright rack & front arms, SAW torsion bars & axles, Suspensions Unlimited rear swing, 930 CV, Fox gas shox, UMP, Charlyn P/S, Cactus pumper, 28 gal. Fuel cell, CNC, Centerline, Beadlock, Yoko-hama, Thing brakes, PC! radio, $ lOk, Large inventory of spare parts half original .cost. "~6 32 foot Chaparal trailer benches, storage cabs, wired 120V & 12V, swing out lights, grinder, 5000 watt generator, Microwave, TV, bunk, portapoty, $12k. Jim (925)828-1907. jkabreau@msn.com. STREET LEGAL 4 Seater -A-Arm -Tatum chassis with mods by Geiser Bros wind-shield & hood, Stroker Mo-tor 2. 7L Toyota 22R Fuel Injected, Aluminum Radia-tor w/Electric Fan, Fox Coilovers, 18" 'Travel front & Rear, Jamar disc brakes, Pat Hughes built tran:s, 930 CV joints, RoofRack, Beard seats, PIAA lites, etc. Very Fresh, low miles, only $23,000.00 Ref #804 Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. CLASS 8 Ford Truck, 4130 cage, King Coilover and By-pass at each wheel, air bumps, larger front 4WD spindles and hubs, Howe p/ s, 18" travel/24" travel, Willwood brakes, floater rear-end, 351 W motor/C6 trans, BFG, ,Autometer, Oiest, PCI race radio, inter-com, Onboard fire system, new paint, $35,000.00 Con-tact Baja Brokers # 815; (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 2000 Baja Cruiser-motor-type 4, 2 liter, PS, 4 wheel disc brakes, Fox coil over in front, Bilstein ;with hydraulic bump stops, Rack channel radio, Deist belts, Beard wide seats, 20 · gal fuel cell, all new best of ev-erything, Powder coated, red frame, silver body. Calif. street legal. Call (760) 602-9835. $28 500.00. FOR SALE: Class 4100 Ford Ex-pedition, Ready for upcoming BITD April race. 1st place pays $10,000.00, 2nd pays $5,000.00. Only 5 in class! Great opportu-nity-many spare parts. Popular truck! More photos at www. tea mexpedi tion. com. $32,00.0.00 Call David (806) 358-4956. Ranger 2 WD PreRunner, equal Length I-Beams w/ 1/2 ton KingPin Spindles, Kuster 3" Coilovers 24" front travel, Custom Crossover Steering, Rear 4 link w/3" Kuster Coilovers 30" rear travel, Fullsize 9" rear end, 4.56 gears, Mogi C4 trans, Art Carr shifter, 4.0: V6 Big fuel capac-ity, 35" BFG tires, Beard/Sim-pson/Memo interior pieces, $28,000.00 Ref #812 Baja Bro-kers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Unlimited PreRunner, Raceco, Beards, Woods Arms, Summers out-boards, CV, 3300 Pathfinder Twin Turbo, 091 trans, exc race car, dunes or desert. All mechanically new. $21,500.00 (602) 377-2239 or (602) 252-5441. Fully Prepped Class 8 Race· Truck ~ 02000 Dura last Body Brand New 514 c.i. SVO Engine @onboard 10 Lb Halon (New) @King Shocks & Bypasses (New) @New Rearend • Mark W.!Wams Wf46-splinefSandy Cone @Full lnventory....!!f Spares baWill Sell With Or_ Without Engine @wilwood Disc' baNew Custom Bright Orange Paint Job Race Radios Will sell outright for 155,000 080 · 145,000 less Engine . Total value w/inventory 175,000 @Everything new or updated by Geiser Brothers @Trailer Included Must See Call Mark@602-722-6512 Page 58 FOR SALE: Class 12 Score/ Lite. Single Seat Jimco. Ken Majors 1760cc, JG Transaxles Type II Tranny, 930 CY'S. Neal, Wright, Fox Shox, 311 Sway .A-Way bypass. Mastercraft seats and. nets. Parker Pumper, 28 gallon Fuel Safe. Race Ready w/ spares. All Fresh $20,000.00 (760) 385-0721 wk, (619) 463-4104 hm. FOR SALE: Triple E tubular chassis, 360cc Water-cooled 2 cycle, electric start, belt drive. Updated suspension. Alumi-num powder coated body. Lots of spare parts. This car is fast and reliable. $5,000.00 OBO. Call Stu at (619) 296-1060 or (619) 218-0945. FOR SALE: Class 4100 Ford Expedition, Ready for upcom-ing BITD April race. 1st place pays $10,000.00, 2nd pays $5,000.00. Only 5 in class! Great opportunity-many spare parts. Popular truck! More photos at www. tea tnexpedi tion .com. $32,000.00 Call David (806) 358-4956. Get over it and get in!!! Race winning F150 for sale, Stock Full multiple class champion, over $40,000.00 in spare parts are included in the sale, this truck is re-ally tough and has finished every mile of every race. BIG Bilstein shocks, awe-some f&r travel number, trick rear end, Ready for BITD, SCORE or ??? Go racing with a proven winner for $45,000.00. Baja Bro-kers #795 (760) 723-2117. 4 SEATER PLAY Car-Built using Class 1 race car parts, Summers Bros. outboard floater hubs, Summers front hubs/brakes, Brakes, Bilstein 9100 Series race shocks, coilover front end, Bus Box, 300M torsions, 930CV JOLUts, ARPM · 2387cc Type 1, Hezco, De-ist Centerline, Yokohama, UMP, etc .. . Very fast, very beefy! Ref #785 $28,500.00 Call Baja Brokers at (760) 723-2117. August 2001 FOR SALE: 5-1600-CRoMo/ mild steel construction, Master-craft, Bilsteins, Fox 2.0, built to SCORE specs. Bowman built 1600sp and bus tranny. Bus CV's with SAW torsional drive axles, torsion bars and adjust-ers. VDO, Pumper, 22 gal. Fuel cell with custom filler. Must sell immediately. $10,000.00 tmccollum@int color.com. Tony McCollum-(602) 504-6295. FOR SALE: Class 7S 4x4 Toyota, Autometer gauges, Mallory dist., Weber Carb, Flowmaster, All new Downey Springs, Fuel Safe Cell, 10 Doetsch Shocks, power steering, some spares, clean truck $5,200.00. Philip Ferree (909) 949-9636. FOR SALE: 1996 Sport 5th wheel car hauler-new tires, rims, brakes. Onan 4000, 100 gal water, 45 gal gas, A/C, Stove/Oven, Refer/ Freezer, Micro, TV, VCR, h·ot wa-ter, coffee maker, Awning, sleeps 7, heater, perfect for 1600. Call for complete list. Porter (520) 453-7084. $40,000.00. Baja Bug Pre Runner-1914cc Type 1/Bus Box, 23 gallon Fuel Safe, +6" Beam, Porsche Spindles, 3x3 rear arms, Sway-A-Way Torsions, Spring Plates, Axles, Saginaw Power Steering, Beard Seats, full cage$ 7,000.00 Ref# 822 Baja Bro-kers (760) 723-2117. CLASS 1 A-ARM CHENOWTH 2 SEAT, Porsche 3.6 1/2 cylinder, Fields auto transaxle, 934 CV's Sway-A-Way, Fod ·Fab, Bilstein coilover/bypass, Howe power steering, Fortin, Jamar, Halon anti-fire system, Simpson, VDO, Mastercraft, BFG, Centerline + spares, with fresh prep. $43,000.00 obo Ref #794. BajaBrokers (760) 723-2117. Raceco Class 12 Single Seater-FodFab trailing arms, King Shocks, New Mendeola trans, new 930 CV's, new axles, new FAT hi-po Class 12 motor, Flame Out System, Howe p/s, Bypass shocks front and rear, Great car with low miles. This car even won Class 10 at BITD Terrible Town race.!!! $19,500.00 Ref# 813 Baja Bro-kers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Fibercraft. less motor, D.J. Trans, Wright, UMP, FOX, Hells, Centerline; Cactus air, Neal, Simpson, Diest, Yokohama, 930 C.V.'s, SAW, Fuel Safe. Car has never finished less than third. 2 class championships. $7,000.00 Eve-nings. (530) 544-8319. FOR SALE: Jimco Class 1 Two Seat A-Arm, Wiks 2840 CC Type 4 Motor, Fortin Trans, Hubs & Steering, Kuster-King Coils and bypass shocks, CNC brakes, Ultras, prepped and ready to race, includes all spares $55,000.00 OBO. Call Marty@ (909) 627-3549 or (909) 981-0526. FOR SALE: Chenowth 100" w.b. frame, 3x3 arms, 8" over beam, Coil over suspension, Fuel Safe, Seats, Belts, Completely wired, gauges, Full body panels and skid plates, brake lines. $6,500.00 obo (760) 471-1036. FOR SALE: 1996 Jimco Class One. Toyota FAT V-6, fresh Fortin 5 speed, new Fox Shocks, New clutch & pressure plate. BFG Projects or Ultra Wheels, Car has best of every-thing & is super clean & reliable. $50,000.00 obo -or trade Class 12 plus. (760) 344-3349 (eves), (760) 27 5-6257 (days). FOR SALE: Class 10/12, Single Seat. 400 miles on Brand New FAT Type IV /Folts Mendeola. All New Arms, Spindles, Axles, CY'S, S}tocks, Springs, $19,995.00. 24 Foot enclosed Trailer with full liv-ing quarters, $5,000.00. Rich Fersch (714) 441-1212. FOR SALE: TLR Class 1 Truggy. 525 horsepower, 383 Chevy, =I"urbo 400 trans, Cus-tom bypass shocks, 28" front wheel travel, 30" rear travel, Race Ready for Primm 300. Call John at (760) 996-4180. $100,000.00. Dusty Times
,,,....-FOR SALE: 2 Seat Class 10/12 Chenowth. Com-pletely rebuilt this year. Best of parts. Have receipts, FOX Coil/bypass, $18,000.00 Less motor & rrans. (760) 326-3231. Days. FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum Super 1600, CORR legal, fresh Wiks 1650 rabbit, fresh Rancho Performance bullet proof bus., Saco power steering, Fox air front, Fox coils and air rear, new Heims, Wil-wood discs, 930's, complete rebuild 1999 by PDM, Cen-terlines, many spares. Steal it at $10,000.00 will pay shipping (562) 434-3279. FOR SALE: Class 10 Chen-owth Magnum. Set up for Short Course. Fresh motor and trans. 1650 Rabbit mo-tor. Excellent race .• ec-ar. -Rear Beadlocks. Well main-tained, reliable and fast. Championship car. Great buy $10,000.00. Call Chris (712) 325-0100. If no an-swer please leave message. FOR SALE: Affordable chase truck 1989 Dodge 4x4 diesel club cab, RAM 3500. One owner from new, well-maintained, new paint last year, new BFG's oh. Ameri-can Racing alloys. Cummins turbo diesel. This truck has given 200,000 miles of great ser-vice and is ready to go 200,000 more and is priced right at only $6,950.00. Call (714) 633-6735. FOR SALE: 4 Seat PreRunner, Suspensions Unlimited, Chromolly, 10" Beam, Combo Spindles, 4 Wheel disc brakes, Wright Rack, Fox Coilovers, Beard, Filler, Centerline, BFG, Bus Box, 930s, SAW, Bil-stein, Fuel Cell, 2.0 Type 4, Supertrap Muffler, Dual 44's, $16,000.00 (818) 761-0680. FOR SALE: 1997 1-1600 Dan Mattews model, Tubu-lar concepts built 1-1600, Cromoly, Best of every-thing, Wiks Racing Motor, Dave Folts Close Ratio tranny, Kuster Bypass, Power Steering, TCS 300m Torsion $ Axle, Winning Record Desert and Short Course, Race Prep to DOMINATE Xtreme lnter-n-ational, 1-1600 Estero Beach Oct 27 & 28 2001, FULL RACE PREP, With ton of Spares, $10,000.00 Contact Spencer Low Rac-ing, Email-(520) 667-4757. FOR SALE: 1998 Toyota Tacoma CORR Pro Lite Standardized chassis, For-merly Johny Greaves' cham-pionship truck. Only race two years. Some spare parts. Excellent condition. $45,000.00. Spare Motor and Transmission. Call Chris (712) 325-0100. If no answer please leave mes-sage. HANNEMANN FIBERGLASS, INC. Conversion Kits 84-88 Ranger 84-88 Toyota 89-95 Toyota Fenders, Hoods and Bedsides for Chevy S-10, Chevy Full Siu, Ford Full Siu, Toyota and Nissan 1132 W. Kirkwall Road, Azusa, CA 91702 626-969-7317 www .HannemannFiberglass.com Dusty Times FOR SALE: CORR Pro Lite Toyota Truck. Greaves built w/ new dyno time only Probst mo-tor. Also new radiator & Howe steering. Truck is prepped and race ready by Greaves and is in Green Bay Wisc. $50nd is Green Bay, WI. W /radios $45,000.00 or trade$$ for Late .Harley-Street rod-Duner (buggy). Want to race Short Course Pro Class. Call Steve at (210) 533-8056 C.S.T. 9-6 TX. FOR SALE: 1-1600 MECO. All Chromoly minimum weight car, Complete rebuild with many new parts. FAT, JG Trans, Fox, Ump, Wright, SwayAWay, Neth, Henry Stubs, TriMil, Charlyn, Jamar pedals, Centerlines, Yoko-hama, Fuel Safe, Parker Pumper, Flameaway, PIAA, Beard, Deist, radio, $10,000.00 OBO Call Dave (805) 48.2-7176. FOR SALE: JeepSpeed Challenge Cherokee. Built new in April of this year on 1991. Currently lead-ing the 2001 Points Series. New motor, new clutch, all new safety equipment and seats, 33 gal fuel cell, 4x4 H.D. radiator, H.D. steering, new Bilstein 9100 remotes, new springs, gusseted axle assemblies with 4.56 gears, rear locker, front A.R.B. locker, trick cage tied into all chassis stress points, Skyjacker sub frame and control arms with Heims late model H.D. 5-speed, fast and street legal. Can run JeepSpeed Challenge, SCORE Class 3, BITD Class 3000 or Sportsman Truck. Turn key and ready to win and only $23,500.00. Ask about other cars under construction. Call (714) 633-6735. Parts kits from $10,000.00. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited. Pautter Type 1 fuel injected 200hp, Fortin, Foddrill front end, Summer's front and rear hubs with air cooted adapters, Coil over in front, rear 300m torsion with 8 water cool Fox Shocks all around, UMP power steering, 50 gal fuel cell, Parker Pumper, CNC calipers on all corners, SACO magnum Steer-ing box w/ram, PCI hook up, Centerline beadlocks on BFG tires, Beard seat w/ neck brace on 5 point harness. PIAA and KC lights, one of the best built and winning 5 car so far, extras inc/tires w/wheels, open trailer w/tire rack and some miscella-neous parts. $22,000.00. Call Foddrill Fabrication (623) 582-2499, ask for Danny. HELP WANTED: Experienced fabricator/mechanic wanted. Off Road Performance shop seeks enthusiastic, quality orien-tated people to run shop. 3 po-sitions available, good pay, nice area. Applicant must have excel-lent welding skills and have a good understanding of Off Road suspension and fabrication. Call (805) 480-3556 or fax re-sume to (805) 480-3557. NEED A DRIVER?i I will race your 4-wheeled Off-Road Ve-hicle. I'm an extremely gifted individual in search of opportu-nity. Mitchell Emery (724) 659-3012. FOR SALE: Misc. Parts, Sandy Cone Dana 60 Complete Rear Axle, Cone Front Ford Spindles, hubs, discs. Complete. Lee Steer-ing complete Ford kit, box, pump, tank, ram, Ford Front Radius Arms-custom Fabrica-tion. ALSO 1970 Baja Bug Body and chassis. Call for informa-tion and prices. (818) 843-7639. FOR SALE: 4 Bypass shocks 14" travel, 6 valves. Remote Res. (1) pair Fresh, (1) pair has 3 races. Built by Mike Smith $950.00 ea. and $1,025.00 ea. (760) 352-DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP DUSliYi.lUIBS REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! August 2001 FOR SALE: New Parts, Sway-A-Way shocks, coil over kits, Ford 92-97 Full size truck Fiberglass hood and fenders. Race seats, air bump stops, 65 gallon aluminum race Full cell, have other items, Call for prices and information. (818) 843-7639. ATTENTION RACERS: 7 Car garages for your race cars & shop. 2.85 acre on park like grounds. 3619 SF custom home with awesome view of Lake Mathews. Gourmet kitchen. Relax in sparkling pool with view of mountains $699,000.00. Agent Midge Farr Kennedy (714) 771-7217. WANTb..D: WANTED: Class 12 or old beam style Class 1-2 seater. Should be in decent condition: Motor ancf Trans not necessary. Please call (619) 823-6953. WANTED: Older 2 seater desert or short course buggy to use as play car. Not running, no mo-tor or minor work OK. No swing axles. Will pay up to $6,000.00. (909) 686-6841. INDb..X TO AD\/b..12. Tl6b..12.6, . ., Aggressive Suspensions ........................... 46 American Jeep Speed Challenge .............. 44 Baker ............................................................ 35 Gale Banks Engineering ............................ 15 Beard Seats ................................................ 12 Best In The Desert ....................................... 4 B.D.R.E ......................................................... 39 Cactus .......................................................... 26 Cam burg Engineering ................................ 47 Class B Race Truck Sale ........................... 58 Coast Resorts ............................................. 11 CODE Off Road ............................................. 9 DCS Digital Communications Services ................... 42 Eibach Springs ........................................... 22 F&L Fuel ...................................................... 40 Fabtech ........................................................ 32 FAT Performance ....................................... 36 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .............................. 13 German Auto ............................................... 28 Hannamann Fiberglass, Inc ...................... 59 Kartek Off Road .................................. 23, 41 Kawaguchi Honda ...................................... 17 King Shock Tech ........................................ 20 Mastercraft ................................................. 48 McKenzie Performance Products ............ 50 Mickey Thompson Tires ........................... 25 Frederico Montes ....................................... 27 Nevada Off Road Buggy ............................ 48 Neo Oil ......................................................... 33 Parker Pumper ........................................... 18 PCI Race Radios and Equipment..: ............. 2 Pike's Family Restaurant ......................... 46 Race Ready ................................................. 1 O Chris Raffo .................................................. 24 Rancho Performance ................................. 49 Ronco Plastics Inc ..................................... 49 SNORE ................................................... 21, 37 Specialty Engine Sales ............................. 45 Strictly Performance ................................ 48 Sway-A-Way Corp ........................................ 5 Toyota Motorsports .................. Back Cover Transaxle Engineering .............................. 24 Tri-Mil Industries ....................................... 30 Union 76 Racing Gasoline ........................ 29 Valley Performance ................................... 34 Web Cam ..................................................... 31 Whiplash Motorsports .............................. 43 Page 59
► . In this sport, It pays to be-crazy. Our engineers, for example, display a certain anal-retentive obsession with detail. And our drivers show symptoms of good, old-fashioned, unhealthy fearlessness. But let's face It. The craziness Is fun to watch. It's the kind that says, hey, you got a flat tire? Keep driving -you've got three good tires left. Truck did an end-over? As long as you've landed rtgh~slde-up, keep going, baby. That's what we love about these guys. The "Just keep going" part. The Greaves/Kincaid Potawatoml race team, for example, has won the Pro-Lite Championship four years running, but they Just keep pushing. And so do we. That's why there's a Toyota Racing Development technician on hand every time these guys turn over their engines. Speaking of engines, Inside Johnny Greaves' 4x4 Toyota Tundra you'll find a race-prepared I-FORCE V8 dlsplaclng 5.0 llten. {We can't tell you exactly how much torque It pumps out, but your neighbor's fancy sports car doesn't have halt this much power on Its beat day.) Anyway, we wouldn't miss the Championship Off-Road Racing (CORR) season tor anything. And that•• why we're on hand tor every race. To watch. To learn. To make adjustments. And, of course, t'o occaslonally say something llke "Holy %01$&?11 Did I really Just see what I think I saw?" At any rate, CORR Is Intense. Check It out. And when you do, keep your eyes open tor Mr. Greaves and Mr. Kincaid. They'll be up front, where the trucks and mud are tlylng. ® TOYOTA And the screws are tight.· toi,ota.com,motorsports At TRD, we have a long hlatorv of kicking tallpte and taking namea In the off-road arena. In SCOR■, the Indomitable Ivan Stewart haa a string of vlctorlu atntchlng back over the laat two decad ... And In CORR, we've got two of the wlnnlng .. t active drtvera In Johnnr Greaves and J ff Kincaid of the Potawatoml Poreat Count, Race Tum. TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT ©2001 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.