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2001 Volume 18 Number 6 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 18 • Number & • June 2001 $2.50 ISSN8750·17H covering the world of competition in the dirt .•.

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Las Ve Everything For and About Sand and Offroad © Up to 300 Booths/Exhibits © Over 100,000 sq. ft. of Exhibit Space © Attendees from 5 states © Wide Variety of Products © Educate and Inform © Enjoy a Las Vegas Weekend © Off Road/Street Trucks © Accessories & Supply © 4x4s © Parts, Apparel © Race Cars © Tires & Wheels ••• ♦ SAT & SUN 10AM -5PM June 16-1~ 2001 Cashman L,enter 850 North Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV ••• ♦ Over 100,000 sq. ft. of Exhibit Space © Sand Buggies © Shocks, Roof Racks © ~~:rcycles © :~:~!::!~:~i!:~~::s Impressive Display of Vehicles © Quads © Everything Under One Roof Music and Seminars See Products/Services at the Most Exciting Show Around r---------------------~.----------------. 1 AMERIC~N WWW.MEGASHOW.COM I Book Your Prime Booth Location Nowl M~ www. preru n n e rs .co m/sa nd&off roadshow. him I 62 6-961-3 78 2 Fax: 6 26-961-0933 ~---------------------~..._ ____________ _ Corporate: 3129 S. Hacienda Blvd., #418, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 Tel: 626-961-3782 Fax: 626-961-0933 ,'. _ACT NOW ••• o ·R be -eft in the dirt! ~-1

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Volume 18 -Number 6 June 2001 Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Jim Culp Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Mike Jenkins Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham ~--llll'WII ..... Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year,. 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material · will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped e~velope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. • DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004. Copyright by Hillside Rac-ing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodi-cal Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at addi-. tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 9131 I. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new ad-dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 9131 I. snapshot of the Month ... The year was 1983, it was the SCORE Parker 400 and here we see 'ol buddy Manny Esquerra pushing his Ford through the Arizona night. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for .consideration. DUSTY · TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SNORE Buffalo Bills 400 by John Calvin ................................. 8 ·,. WRC Rally Catalunya by Martin Holmes ............................. 16 - BITD Terrible's Town 250 by Judy Smith ........................... 20 Northwest Rally Doo Wop 3 and 4 by Jim Culp ....................... 28 VORRA Season Opener by Troy Robinson .......................................... 30 FRT Fud 200 by Judy Smith .................................................................. 32 Rock Crawling by Judy Smith ................................................................ 36 SCCA Sno*Drift Rally by Jerry Winkler .............................................. 38 2000 Club Rally Championships by Jim Culp ............................ 40 ZR/fecate Light Mexicali GP by Rene Montano ................... 42 '\· Race To The Sky by Martin Holmes ...... _ .............................. 47 BITD Silver State Series, Rnd. 2, \: Terrible's Town 250 by Mark Kariya ........................ 48 • ,.Oregon Trails ProRally by Jim Culp ................................ , ................ 52 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .............................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes .................................... : ......................................................... 6 CORE Pit Report by Sandy Parker .......... : ............................................ 44 F.A.LR News by Wes Wisdom ........................................................ : ..... 45 Good Stuff Directory ................... : ....... : ................................ : ............... 55 Classified Ads ........................ , ............................................................... 62 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................ 63 On The Cover Jeremy Gubler, Ben Schlimme and Danny Anderson pooled their considerable talents to rake rhe Class 10 and the overall win as well at the SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400, the Toyota powered Jimco performing flawlessly. Photo by Trackside Photo Manny Esquerra and Anthony Brown had a day plagued with problems, as did most in the Stock Full Size Truck class, but they were able to master the situati<;m and take a fine win in the Reno racing Ford at the BITD Terrible's Town 250. · Photo by Trackside Photo · Visit Our Website Dus dubsc;.1"be :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year ·-$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ---------------------Address --------------------City ---------------------St ate Zip --------------------Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St.; Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times June 2001 Page 3

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PC/ RACE RADIOS & SAFETY EQUIPMENT Visit us on the web @ SPECIAL! or call us TOLL FREE (800) 869-5636 CREW CHIEF HEADSET & RADIO No more yelling between driver & crew in the pit, hear each other loud & clear with a Crew Chief Headset & Radio. • Trackmaster 5 watt, 16 channel handheld radio & headset in red, blue, or black ... ........ ............... . $519.00 • Track master 5 watt, 16 channel radio ............... $299.00 • Motorola P1225, 5 watt, handheld radio & headset in red, blue or black ... .. ...................... $719.00 • Motorola Pl 225, 5 watt, 16 channel radio ......... $499.00 SHOW YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS WHAT IT'S ALL · ABOUT. Record Your Conquests or Mistakes to Show Your Family & Friends What Off Road Racing is All About with a Black Box In-Car Digital Camera System. • System includes Sony Digital Camera & Recorder housed in a Custom Black Box with Power Supply, Charger, Cabling & Mounts. Introductory Offer. ................. ................ $3995.00 • Sound from your PCI Comlink VI Intercom is easily patched in · with an adaoter cable MOTORCYCLE RADIO . SYSTEM TALKWITH YOUR BUDDIES WHILE RIDING, BE A MORE COMPETITIVE RACER WITH A MOTORCYCLE RADIO SYSTEM. • System includes a Trackmaster, 5 watt, 16 channel radio handheld radio, motorcycle harness and helmet wiring ..................................................... $519.00 -VISA. , -: . ! ·DON'T GET INTERCOMS STUCK IN BAJA HEADSETS . ROADMASTER TRACKMASTER GLOBALSTAR SATELLITE PHONES SCANNERS MOTOROLA VERTEX MAXON RACEAIR HELMETS SHOEI BELL SIMPSON BLACK BOX IN CAR DIGIT AL CAMERA RACEAIR PUMPER MOTORS RACESAFE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOWRANCE GPS PYROTECT DRIVING SUITS GLOVES DRIVING SHOES NECK COLLARS KIDNEY BELTS CROW SEAT BELTS MECHANIX WEAR GLOVES MPACT MPACTII APRONS SHOES KNEEPADS DIRTBAGS GEAR BAGS OFF ROAD VIDEOS TOW STRAPS RATCHET STRAPS NO FEAR APP AREL Stay in touch with a Globalstar Satellite Phone Great for Pre-running, Racing & travel. Call for more information. f1~~3"°l. ~ ~ ·--·· \ LOWRANCE GPS HELPS YOU STAY ON THE COURSE. Globalmap 1600 GPS Mapping Unit Comes with Complete Map of the World, Bracket, Power Cord, Antenna, CD-Rom, & Download Cables. Recommended for in Car Use $560.00 Globalmap 100 handheld GPS Mapping unit, Great for Chase Vehicles $199.00 . ROAD MASTER , OFF ROAD'S WINNINGEST RADIO 50 Watts, 16 Channels VHF-FM 2-Way Radio. NEW RACEAIR 2000 Light Weight, Comfortable, Quick Release Shield, Snell 2000 Rated. $349.00 Wired with Nomex Skirt $459.00 Over 3000 Used in Off Road Racing. PCI RACE RADIOS 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 ~=~~=---,,-~~ 800-869-5636 562-427-8177 FAX 562-426-3589 -ZLJ.~==~=~

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2001 Happenings ... Rallycross Series October 6, 2001 Prescott, AZ RX P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CMC Continental Motosporr Club P.O. Box 3187 AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern Calif omia Championship Series Bill Markum - President (909) 860-185 7 24 hr Hotline - (714) 562-7742 E Mail: June 9-10, 2001 Washington WORLD Round June 2~-24, 2001 Bio Bear, CA ASOCIACION EST AT AL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose <lei Cabo Baja California <lei Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. ashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 June 2, 2001 Notre Dame Du Bon Conseil Quebec July 7, 2001 Joliette Guebec July 21, 2001 Ulverton Quebec August 4, 2001 La Tuque Quebec September 15, 2001 Olympic Stadium Montreal BARONA SAND DRAG ASSN. P.O. Box 1521 Lakeside, CA 92040 All Races A re Night Races All .Races Ai Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 E-Mail: June 22-24, 2001 T onopah.300 Tonopah, NV September 27-30, 2001 Vegas To Reno Las Vegas, NV Pre-Run August 24-25 November JO-December 2, 2001 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV Pre-Run November 3-4 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Les Wolfe, NEW President 341 W. 2575 North Sunset, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651 (801) 773-9319 Fax July 6-7, 2001 Jackpot 250 Jackpot, NV September 14-15, 2001 Bonneville Challenge Wendover, NV BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Club Automovilista Juarense de Championship Off-Road Racing 7210 Gateway East El Paso, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 Ralph Garcia 0l l-52-16-17-45-42 Cesar Fuentes Dusty Times CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Sue Robinson - Director 845 Schoohouse Road Ramona, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 E-Mail: Website <> John Dillon, SoPac Rally Steward Rally Series June 2, 2001 Pahrump Rally Sprint Pahrump, NY August 11, 2001 Gorman Ridge Rally Frazier Park, CA October 5-7, 2001 Treeline Rally November 30-December 2, 2001 Ramada Express Rally Laughlin, NY ■ ■ October 13, 2001 Las Vegas RX Jean, NY November 10, 2001 Las Vegas RX Jean, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road · Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN Calle 6ta Fracc Cd. de San Quintin San Quintin, BC, Mexico Heraclio Patino (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 61746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61631/7 0034) Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE Bravo 120-B Zona Centro, Mexicali, BC, MX P.O. Box 2328 Calexico, CA 92232-2328 Ol 1-52-6-553-4087 June 29-July 1, 2001 Laguna Salada, Mexicali, BC, MX August 10-12, 2001 Tecate, Baja California, MX October 5-7, 2001 Laguna Salada, Mexicali, BC, NX November 30-December 2, 2001 Mexicali to San Felipe, BC, MX COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Yahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H Ace Motorsports Scores A Double At BITD Terrible's Town 250 The ACE Motorsports "Team SUV" delivered two class wins for Ford at the season-opening Terrible's Town 250 in The Best In The Desert series at Pahrump, NV. Running exclusively on Bilstein 9100 Series gas pressure shocks, Marc Stein and Mike Mccomas drove the Ace Ford Expedition while Marc Winocur and Dave Turner wheeled the team's Explorer to victory. Both entries were never challenged in scoring the twin wins. For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road • San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 858/453-7723 June 2001 Pages

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-Trail Notes ... · SCORE POINTS · With the SCORE San Felipe 250 behind us the points races are forming up prior to the Baja 500. Here is where the leaders in each class stand as of this date. For the record, SCORE points are determined on the final finishing position and the number of vehicles in the class. Class 1/2-1600 is led by high points leader Rob MacCachren, 114, Adam Pfankuch, 102 and Dale Ebberts, 88. Score Lites has Vic Bruckmann, 101, Kry Halopoff, 99 and Dennis Boyle, Ron Dalke and Dan Worley are tied in third with 77 points each. Class 1 is led by Jeff Quinn, 94, Steve Sourapas, 93 and Randy Wilson, 83. Class 10 is led by Danny Anderson, 92, Mark Hutchins, 88 and Dan Myers, 80. Class 5-1600 has Allan Gregory, 78, Daniel Gutierrez, 62 and Roberto Jiminez Jr., 48. Class 7 is led by Scott Sells, 74, Craig Turner, 64 and Ernesto Cervantes, 43. Cisco Bio leads Class 9 with 80 points, I van· Gomez, 64 and Arturo Velazco, 5 7. Dr. McRae Glass leads the Stock Mini Group with 75, David Porter, 39 and Greg Ekman has 26. Brian · Collins is the Trophy Truck leader with 71 points, David Ashley, 61 and Mark Post and Tim Herbst are tied with 54 points. Class 5 has George Seeley with 70, Michael James, 64 and Enrique Bujanda, 58. Da_n Fresh leads Class 7S with 70 points, Kevin Davis, 58 and Cody Swaney, 54. Eric Solorzano leads Class 11 with 69 points, Fernando Flores 35 and Chris Woodward, 30. John Griffin leads Stock Full with 65, Greg Foutz, 46 and Marc Stein, 30. Pro SS Truck is led by Steve Olliges, 57, Scott Steinberger, 54 and Richard Hoffman, 49. Clive Skilton leads Class 3 with 45 points and Alfonso Hernandez has 39. In Motorcycles, Juan Ruvalcaba leads Class 21 with 45 points, Steve ·Hengeveld leads Class 22, Ocon Guzman leads Class 30 and Jim O'Neal is in front in Class 40. In ATV action, Roberto Buendia heads Class 24 and Jimmy Stephensen heads Class 25. In the Sportsman classes, Marg Prince leads the Cars, Ricardo Ramirez leads the Over 250cc Motorcycles, Alejandro Fiscamo leads the under 250cc group and Arnulfo Verdugo is the ATV leader. DEMOGRAPHIC SURVEY • We have received many responses to our demographic survey and they will soon be going into the grist mill and the results will be published in the July issue of Dusty Times. It will be interesting to see who we are, where we live, how many kids we have, our education, etc., so stay tuned to these pages for the results. FIRESTONE -Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. launched a new web site designed to offer information to consumers and act as a resource for retailers interested in their TireStarz program. XTREME INTERNATIONAL -The Lake Havasu troops and the Estero Beach troops. got together last weekend and put on a hellofa short course race at the Estero Beach facility. There were more than 60 competitors ready to do battle and quite some battles there were! A sold out crowd of 5000 spent ·most of the time on their feet as the action was fast and furious, as usual. The big money winners were Curt LeDuc in SuperTruk 4, Tommy Bradley· in SuperTruk 2 and Rick Huseman and Bob Beyer in Champ Trucks. Dusty Times will have all the lowdown in next months issue. Xtreme's next scheduled race will be at Estero International Raceway on October 13 and 14 and we'll see ya there. MDR RIDGECREST 300 -We'll leave the tale of the wind and the cold on Friday night to the correspondent but, as usual, MDR put on a hell of a race, 85 entrants were up for the struggle and 48% of them made it to the finish line. We'll have the entire story in the next issue of Dusty Times, but, in case you're interested., here's how some of them finished. Brian Parkhouse was the Overall winner as well as taking the· marbles in Class l, Kory Scheeler was second but was a long way behind. George Seeley took the Class 5 honors, with Dale Hines taking second. Class 5-1_600 went to Curt Geer with Kurt Puhl second. Jeff Richardson was the Mini Truck winner and Dan Folts took Class 9 with ease, the only official finisher in that class. Class 10 went to Brian Walsh with Terrie Tavis taking the runner-up spot. Nick Beall won Class 12, Mike Dill taking the second spot. Michael Parr was the Class 1300 champion, he was followed in by Art Zabala. Class 1450 went to Mark Growe and he just edged out Carnlyn Hines, the winning margin here only 34 seconds after 5 hours of racing. And, even closer yet was the 1600 fray, Brian Steele taking the win and 'ol lucky Brad Inch was second, only 33 seconds out of the gold medal. FINAL FLAG • Lee Chase, one of the early pioneers of off road racing, died of a heart attack recently at his home in Utah. Lee, who lived in the High Desert until he moved to Utah, was a partner with Bob Dressler in ARVRA, the group that promoted the very first off-road race at Barstow in 1972. That was the California 400, a day into night event that took place in January, and met an enthusiastic reception from racers right from the start. ARVRA also promoted the first Firecracker 250 race there in July of that year. Lee wa; a general contractor, working in the Victorville, Apple Valley area, and he was very active in the Chamber of Commerce and other civic groups. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn, daughters Carlee, Kelly and Dana, and six grandchildren. A local celebration of his life will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2001, time and place to be announced later. FINAL FLAG -Dusty Times has belatedly learned of the death of yet another off-road pioneer. Don Arnett passed away in. August of last year due to heart failure. He leaves his wife of 24 years, Renee, and son Damon and daughter Dana. Arnett became involved in Page 6 P.O Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Hector Cerecer Ol 1-52-65-66-4458 CORR EXXON SERIES Championship Off Road Racing 192 N. State Road 267, Suite 267 Avon, IN 46123 (317) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 June 9-10, 2001 Antigo, WI June 23-24, 2001 Crandon, WI July 14-15, 2001 Bark River, MI July 28-29, 2001 Fort Dodge, IA August 11-12, 2001 Bark River, MI September 1-2, 2001 Crandon, WI September 22'-23, 2001 Topeka, KS CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Yan Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurswn· County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom DeLauder, Sr. I 091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ESTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Ra.cing Victoria Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 011-526-176-6225 °FABTECH Off Road Short Course Series at Glen Helen Raceway P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (909) 280-9096 Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91760-0762 (562) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 FRT Motorsports 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 Motorcycles, A 1Vs & Dez Superlites July 7, 2001 Conquista Gran Prix T ecate, BC, MX July 28, 2001 C/M Nice Team Race Plaster City East, CA August 26, 2001 Sweethearts Kiss Lake Superstition, CA September 8, 2001 MudHen Sprint Plaster City East, CA October 8, 2001 Cheeseburger 100 Plaster City West, CA November 17, 2001 D38 Reunion Event Plaster City West, CA November 18, 2001 Notorious Dawg3 Hour Team Race Plaster City West, CA December 9, 2001 Revenge Dez Gran Prix Lake Superstition, CA MX And Off Road Short Course June 2001 All at Imperial Valley Expo, Imperial, CA March 10, 2001 Tentative) June 9, 2001 Round 4 September 22, 2001 Round 5 November 3, 2001 Round 6 December 3, 2001 Round 7 Championship Series For Cars, Trucks, Buggies, A 1Vs, Dez SuperLites & Motorcycles July 7, 2001 Conquista Gran Ptix Tecate, BC, MX August 11, 2001 Gran Prix Tecace, BC, MX No A TV, Bike, SuperLite September 8, 2001 MudHen Sprint Plaster City Ease, CA No Buggies, Cars, Trucks October 27, 2001 Superstition 250 XVIII Plaster City East, CA December 31, 2001 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association Jesse Urwin 1842· Boyd Street Ashland, NE 68003 (402) 944-2193 Terry Fitzgerald (401) 734-2676 5710 S. 56th Street Omaha, NE 6811 7 June 2, 2001 June 16, 2001 July 7, 2001 July 21. 2001 August 4, 2001 August 18, 2001 (All races are short course, Stadium style. Classes: Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5, 7S and Quads. All races will be held at 1-80 Speedway, Greenwood, NE IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (250) 374-7175 days Randy (250) 579-9621 eves. Wes (250) 351-2819 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 June 16-17, 2001 Las Vegas-Cashman Center 850 N. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Yegas;NY L.I.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 Jim Aruca (408) 247-4402 MAMARRIT AS OFF ROAD RACING Luis Carlos Alvarezo Panamericana Ave #5105 Cd. Juarez, Chih., MX 011-52-1637-1799/0l 1-52-1619-2242 (915) 727-8866 USA Classes I, 5, i600, 5-1600, 8, 9, IO May 26, 2001 July 7, 2001 September 8, 2001 November 24, 2001 Motocross/ A 1V Racing June 9, 2001 August 18, 2001 October 20, 2001 • MlCIDGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 www MlCIDGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSIDPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 4883 7 (51 7) 62 7-6200 Ueeps, Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Road Warriors and Quad ATV-Money Classes.) July 29, 2001 Mason, MI MID-AMERICA· OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Mike Turner (217) 235-2473 P.O. Box 184 Mattoon, IL 61938 www Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL (217) 932-2041 Off Road (800) 555-3167 Short Course Series June 2, 2001 Flora Fairgrounds Flora, IL June 16, 2001 Woodbury, TN June 30, 2001 T uka City Park Tuka,IL August 4, 2001 Lincoln Trail Motorsporcs Park Casey, IL October 6, 2001 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey IL -Endurance Series June 17, 2001 Woodbury, TN August 5, 2001 Lincoln Trail Motorsporcs Park Casey, IL October 7, 2001 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL MOJAVE DESERT RACING 1853 Parkway Drive S. El Monte, CA 91 733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 Fax E-Mail: June 23, 2001 Lucerne 400 Lucerne, CA August 25, 2001 California 200 Lucerne, CA November 3, 2001 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. High Desert Championship P.O. Box 1231 Barstow, CA 92311-1231 Fax: (760) 253-4453 July 7, 2001 Freedom 250 Barstow, CA September 15, 2001 Mighty Mojave 300Barstow, CA November 10, 2001 Wild Turkey 200Lucerne, CA MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES All events at Perris Raceway Bill Markham (909) 860-1857 (At Reed Valley with a school) Dusty Times

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NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. # I - Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NORTHERN OHIO OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. Gary Wulff (724) 283-2678 May 27, 2001 July 1, 2001 August 5, 2001 September 16, 2001 October 7, 2001 October 21, 2001 (All events are at Spring Balley Raceway, Miliport, Ohio) OFF ROAD EXPO 2001 (626) 599-8622 October 6-7, 2001 Fairplex, Pomona, CA_ OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 867-7788 All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take I-IO Horizon Blvd. exit east 12 miles omo OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 A:! races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichbourne, Public Relations (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) June 9-10, 2001 Brock ville June 30-July 1, 2001 Kincardine August 4-5, 2001 Kincardine August 18-19, 2001 Brighton Speedway September 22-23, 2001 Kincardine OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 Ummelman St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ({314) 631-1921 June 9-10, 2001 Antigo County Fairgrounds Antigo, WI June 23-24, 2001 Crandon International Raceway Crandon, WI July 14-15, 2001 Bark River Off Road Raceway Bark River, MI August 11-12, 2001 Bark River Off Road Raceway Bark River, MI September 1-2, 2001 Crandon International Raceway Crandon, WI PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. Conunons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 <:;olorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING Sand Drags, Tuff Trucks, Desert Short Course Trucks, Buggies & Quads Kenny Dean (609) 660-0402/(609) 660-0066 Chatsworth, NJ June 2-3, 2001 Spring Sand Blast June 30, 2001 * July 1, 2001 * September 8-9, 2001 Fall Round UP September 23, 2001 * October 28, 2001 * *Races ac Southwick, MA (960) 82 9-02 13 -Bob Dusty Times PROTRUCK RACING SERIES 9409 Abraham Way Santee, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/Fax: (619) 449-6470 June 22-24, 2001 Tonopah 300 Tonopah, NV September 27-30, 2001 Vegas To Reno December TBA, 2001 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box 50 Ricketts, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 S.C.A.T. INC. · Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA ProRally series Sports Car Club of America · 9033 E. Easter Place Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622/Fax: (303) 694-3654 June 1-2, 2001 Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA July 27-28, 2001 Maine Forest Rumford, ME August 17-18, 2001 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji, MN September 7-8, 2001 Wild West Olympia, WA October 5-7, 2001 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ October 519-20, 2001 Lake Superior Houahton, MI SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495N. C'.ommons Drive, Suite 200 • Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE International 23961 raftsman Rd., Suite A Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/Fax: (818) 225-8102 June 1-3 Baja 500 July 13-15, 2001 (Tentative) Barstow, CA September 14-15, 2001 Primm NV November 8-10, 2001 Baja 1000 • SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 270516 Las Vegas, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 June 9-10, 2001 Baja 250 Las Vegas, NV August 3-4, 2001 KC Midnight Special Boulder City, NV September 28-29, 2001 Gold Coast 32nd SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 16-17, 2001 Reserve 250 Las Veaas, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, Wl 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or( (770) 963-0252 __ Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 SOUTH EAST OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. President - Geoff Lee 1243 Trice Road · Lebanon, TN 3 7087 (615) 453-5830 Classis 1/2-1600, 5-1600,, Class 9, SODA Class 11 & Sportsman (All Ram ac Rally Hill Speedway) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION AND BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INC. 2517 Sycamore Drive #353 Simi Valley, CA 93065 (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) (805) 526-1805/Fax:{805) 584-8518 Internet: SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813~ 962-2857 (All Races at Eascbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (01 I )788-5138 Fax (011 ) 880-2170 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437/(615) 595-8237 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX) TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 T.O.R.R.O Texas Off Road Racing Organization Marty Jackson 8307 Bauman Road Houston, TX 77022 (713) 694-0207/Fax: (713) 694-8335 TSO c/o Frog Specialties 4050 Spencer Street # I Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 370-9856 VORRA Off Road Racing P.O. Box 3362 Carson City, NV (775) 246-5545/(775) 246-9089 Fax May 26-27, 2001 Yerington 300 Yerington, NV July 21-22, 2001 Lovelock 250 Desert Race Lovelock, NV September 1-3, 2001 Yerington 250 Desert Race Fernley, NV Short.Course Championship Series September 22-23, 2001 Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA October 6-7, 2001 Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA October 27-28, 2001 Prairie City SVRA Sacramento, CA * + Mechanics Race & ladies Race VICENTE GUERRERO OFF ROAD CLUB Profo. Cenovio Gamboa 01 l-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire P.O. Box 376 Adamsburg, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 16251 North Cave Creek Road #4 Phoenix, AZ 85023-2976 June 2001 Trail Notes ... off-road racing in the late sixties, when as a painting contractor, he decided the off road industry was about to take off. He entered a car, bu ii t by Scott McKenzie in the 1968 7 /11 race, a NORRA event up in the Las Vegas area. Shortly after that, when McKenzie lost his partner in his two-year old Sandmaster, Arnett bought in and began developing a race team. He was also involved in promoting races, and formed the International Desert Racing Association (IDRA) in 1969. That body put on the '69 Mint 400 (the second Mint race), the Ascot races, Devonshire Downs, Saddleback and one event at Borrego. And he pushed McKenzie to build race cars. Team drivers included Rick James, Gene Hirst, Bob Ferro, Rick Mears, John Johnson, Don Guth, Bill Johnson, Judy Smith and R9ger Mears. The Sandmaster team, under Arnett's direction, was the undisputed champ of the desert for many years. Although he had not been involved in the sport for many years, he's never been forgotten. Nor have the old-timers forgotten the solid foundation that he and other pioneers of the sport laid_ down for later arrivals to build on. THE NEW WAHZOO -It seems that the new Wahzoo is now the old Wahzoo. We received a fax on May 2 from the new Wahzoo which we feel honor bound to present to our readers, and especially to the brotherhood of Checkers. "Your new Wahzoo has decided to take an extended va_cation, effective immediately, for a duration of several months. Any aspiring Wahzoo replacements should submit resumes to George Thompson. It's been fun; I may be back at a later date, when the sniveling has stopped." 'nuf said' 1600 SHOOTOUT -That's the name they've given it so far, but it is intended to set up a monetary fund for the 1600 cars at selected races, ala the Pro Dirt organization. Evidently the ramrod on this is Scott Steele and you can reach him at for any . further information. We understand there will be a meeting at the Slash X Cafe on Saturday, July 21, 2001 to act on the various motions and questions that are bound to arise. They are expecting 40-50 cars to be in the Shootout and that will certainly make an interesting 2002 season. Stay tuned for further info. MIRAGE -Bill Varnes, CEO ~fMirage has picked up stakes after many moons in Lancaster, CA and moved his operations to beautiful, downtown Santee, CA. The new address is: 10806 Prospec1 Avenue, Suite #1, Santee, CA 92071. Phone 619-562-5533. Dusty Times wishes you all the best in your new location . RIM OF THE WORLD -Finishing it's 18th year, the ever popular Rim of The World Rally took place once again in the mountains of the California high desert. The weather was good, there was a lot of dust but there was no lack of entry or enthusiasm and the spectator count wa·s way up, more than has ever been seen on the Rim. Mark Lovell/ Steve Turvey took the Open Class as well as the overall. Rhys Millen/ Trail Notes continued on pag~_ 63 (602) 971-3730 June 30, 2001 Badlands 200 Sonora, MX July 14, 2001 Haulapal 200 Peach Springs, AZ September 1, 2001 Snowflake 200 Aripine, AZ October 6-7, 2001 Grand Prix of Parker Parker, AZ December 8, 2001 Laughlin, NV Bike & A 7V Series May 26-27, 2001 Sunrise Gran Prix Greer, AZ June 17, 2001 Young 100 Young, AZ July 15, 2001 Haulapal 100 Peach Springs, AZ September 2, 2001 Snowflake 100 Airpine, AZ. October 6-7, 2001 Gran Prix of Parker Parker, AZ November 4, 2001 Vulture Mine 100 Wickenburg, AZ December 9, 2001 · Laughlin, AZ WINSCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OTT ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSlllP 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, Wl 54901· XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/.(520) 855-2208 Baja Office: 011-526-6225 Short Course Racing October 13-14, 2001 Ensenada, BC, MX November 17-18, 2001 Lake Havasu, AZ December 8-9, 2001 Lauahlin, NV zr. PROMOTIONS Rene Montano P.O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 Motorcycles & A TVs Only Attention Race&Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your ·2001 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA91311 Page 7

Page 8

SNORE BUFFALO BILL'S 400 Gubler/Schlimme capture Buffalo Bill By John Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Jeremy Gubler and Ben Schlimme won Class 10 with ease, took first overall honors as well and they did have a bit of help from Danny Anderson. SNORE's second race of the season took place at Primm, Nevada with the Buffalo Bill's Hotel and Casino acting as the host hotel. As usual, Kenny Freeman laid out a course of some 80 miles designed to chal-lenge the racers to all the won-derful hazards known to man. The new J effe at the BLM wasn't a help in any way, forc-ing SNORE to alter the course as late as Friday, all this_ after agreeing to the course layout some weeks ago. The race's weekend weather was absol~tely perfect, balmy temperatures, cloudless skies for the most part and enough of a breeze to keep the course clear for the racers. At this point we have to thank the Flippins for donating a water truck and young Lucas for driving the thing all day. It was a big help to the pit people and for those anchored to the start/finish line. Many thanks from all of us. There were 78 cars entered in the 400 mile trek and 7 3 ac-tually answered the starting gun. Classes 1, 10, 1600 had five laps to run, a total of 400 miles. Heavy Metal had four laps to traverse as did Class 9 and 5-1600. The Sportsman classes had co run three laps for their race and there was an 11 hour time limit for all. Class 1 was first to start and, unfortunately, John Gaughan never completed his first lap. Rudy Cortez got in three of the required five laps, having troubles on Lap 1, and finally ending the chase on the fourth lap. Marty Melendrez split the driving with Bob Bryant and al-though they had a 30 minute flat tire on the second lap, an-other just a few miles from the finish, they came on in for a nice second spot. The big win-ner in Class 1 was Ed Stewart who drove the first three laps, then Scott Sellers brought the car around for the last two laps Ed Stewart and Scott Sellers teamed up in Class 1 and they went on to take the win by 36 minutes. · and although they were losing finish they did, 22 minutes out tranny oil throughout the race of the second spot but seemingly they watched two gauges and happy with their bronze medal. came in for a nice win. Ken drove the first three laps Class l O was next to enter and Clay Flippin finished the the•fray and there were 10 of race in their potent 10 car but them on the starting line. Un-they lost a few alternator belts, fortunately, 60% of the class had one flat and were hampered never completed the race and by a slightly sour engine all day, some of the big names were a but in they came for the secoi;id • dnf. Jay Gilbertson, Richard place in Class 10, over an hour Beck, Jeff Shiroky and B.J. Bald-off the winning pace. The win-win all had various troubles and ning Class 10 car had three driv-only completed two laps. Tom ers, Jeremy Gubler drove the Craig was running well but only first two, Ben Schlimme the sec-got three laps completed and ond two and car owner Danny Michael Gaughan, Jr. had some Anderson brought the car in for troubles on Lap 3, recovered the finish. They leapt into the and finished the fourth lap but lead on the first lap and were never made the finish line. Ray only slowed slightly on the sec-Croll was having a grand time, ond. lap with a flat tire and he led the first three laps by cruised in for the class ·win and more than a few seconds but the overall win as well. Congrats disaster really struck on Lap 4, on a job well done. he lost more than two hours in There were 21 1600 cars downtime but was back on form ready to race but they too had a for the last lap and finished in high attrition rate, 10 of them the fourth spot, almost an hour never seeing the dheckered flag. out of third. Dan Bentley clrove Randy Miller and J.C. Dean the first two laps, Bob Martin completed their first lap, the last three and they were Dave Girdner got one lap in and running fairly well 'til Bob retired, Aaron Hawley and tapped a car he was passing and Brian Freeman managed to get that caused him to flip the car in two -laps before ending the into the local wash and he lost day, Brian with a tranny gone an hour tryin~ tu right the car sour. Dave Matsui (Dusty Times and get back into the race. And, distributor in Japan) flew in Dennis McCarthy had it all his way in Heavy Metal, he was the only finisher Mike Kellogg drove his neat looking 5-1600 to a great class win, from Japan to race his car but had a most disastrous day, get-ting in three laps as did Milo Torres, C.J. Hut-chins, Ed Pauley, Sr., and old friend Brad Inch who was running third or fourth at his demise. Rob My-erly ran fourth on Lap 1, slowed a bit on Lap 2, had a three hour lap on 3 and it didn't get much better, he finished in 12th place. Buster Harling didn't have a great day, troubles plagued him as the race went on · and he ended up in the 10th position in class. Fernando Pa-dilla had a slow first and second lap, a long third and still had troubles on the last two but he did finish in ninth. Arden Den-and walked away with the gold medal. encountering no problems during his required four laps. Clay and Ken Flippin had minor engine problems and belts Dan Bentley and Bob Martin rolled the car and spent kept coming off so it wasn't the best day, but they did finish almost an hour getting back on the road and still took Rick Boyer drove the 400 solo, had a flat or two, lost a shock second in Class 10. -------~-------third in Class 10. ______________ or two bu;' in he came for a sixth place in 1600. Page 8 June 2001 Dusty Times

Page 9

THE SNORE 250 IS COMING!!!!!!! Septe111ber 28-30, 2001 Set that weekend aside for the race of races. . . For immediate additional info Call 720-452-45 2

Page 10

Day drove the first three laps, Adam Wik the last two and severe front end problems a few miles from the finish cost Kevin Streety chased first in 5-1600 all day but it was not to Mike Dixon drove the first three laps, Robby Goerke finished them second place. nington started in the second spot, got going good on Laps 2 and 3, spent three hours on Lap 4 and almost three on Lap 5 with a broken cv and a flat tire and ende_d up a disappointing eighth place. Picking up the seventh finishing position was Bryan Anderson who had too many troubles throughout the day to list here but a broken link pin, a broken exhaust and a flat or two were enough to unbrighten his day. Rick Boyer was another with not the best of days, he ran solo, had a long flat tire and lost the left rear shock and was happy to grab sixth place. Jeff Carr started 12th, ran solo as usual and he too was slightly off the pace and then broke an alternator stand (of all things) which cost him dearly in time and then had a flat on the last lap and came in to take fifth. Scott Smith drove the first two laps in Kenny Freeman's car, Kenny took the Page 10 be, he came in second after his 320 mile run. _o_ff_t_h~e_la_s_t_l~ap~ a_n_d_f_if_th~ p_la_c_e~. ---~--------last three and they had a good he ran a good two laps 'til the change away from the silver on Lap 4 and went 10 miles on time, no major problems to re- dry lake a few miles out from the medal. This area of the great it and that cost him dearly. Af-port and a nice fourth place fin- finish when he hit a bump a bit desert usually belongs to Robby ter leading the first three laps ish. Miss vivacious, Day Gang hard and tore the right front Guevara and it almost did again he had to settle for the second drove the first three laps with-wheel off the car. In spite of at the Buffalo Bill's 400 but spot. Bruce Fraley teamed with out incident and in good time, that they finished a nice third Robbylosthisrearbrakesonthe Robby MacCachren in the handed over to Adam Wik and in 1600, only a short minute and second lap and then had a flat Fraley built car, Bruce driving Andy Kisner ran solo, encountered no problems and was first across the finish line in Class~ 22 minutes ahead of the competition. Eric Shepard ran a solo trouble free race, and it certainly paid off, he took the Sportsman Buggy Class with ease. An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bel/agio, Caesars & Baf/y's ----.J'--J~ ... --0 ..... ~ @~tf Flamingo & The Strfp 1-888-227-2279 . The Place Las Vegans Call Home™ West Flamingo & Valley View .1-888-402-6278 June 2001 Ask About Our Special Fleadliner Show and Room Packages West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~~TI ",+f'' Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 Dusty Times

Page 11

Joel Mohr and Dan Owen gave it their all at the 400 but the Jeremy Harmon had two good middle laps, the others not so best they could muster was a third place in Class 9. good as he managed a 7th place finish in Class 9. Broken limiter straps were a bit of a handicap for Chad Woodruf but he hung in there and finished in fourth place in Class 9. The Sportsman Truck class went to Gary Nixon although his second lap was very long he hung in for the win. Bruce Fraley and Rob MacCachren split the driving, had a trouble free race and took the gold medal in 1600. HONDA. Power Equipment EB6500 TO-RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS •GENERATORS• OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS •LAWNMOWERS• LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source for Bonda Pow-er Equipment Parts and Inventory IF WE DONT HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check our website: WWW.KAWAGUCHI HONDA.COM the first two laps and Robby the last three. Bruce ran third on Lap 1, second on the second lap, handed over to MacCachren who ran three very quick and consistent laps and they took home the gold medal, their sec-ond win of the season and their fourth consecutive race with no problems. Heavy Metal was next off the starting line. Chris Hybarger was second to start, had lots of trouble on the second lap and ended an official third in class, not completing his fourth lap. John Phegley was first to leave in Heavy Metal and his super tall station wagon ran well for three of the four required laps Continued on page 13 HONDA Power Equipment KAWAGUCHI HONDA CORP. . thing' . 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 No S easier. (323) 264-3936, 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 For optimum performance and safety, please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2000 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 4-20-01 • Z-108 Dusty Times June 2001 Page 11

Page 12

• Over twenty-five years of race winning experience in every s·hock. r Steve Sourapas wins overall at the 2001 Laughlin Desert Challenge and experiences more than a quarter century of race proven innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence with the 2001 Offroad line from FOX. Durability, Dependability, and Unmatched Performance . X 0 I U) >< 0 LL 0 0 00 ~ E 0 ~ X 0 .c Cl) 0) C ·u ~ X .E I

Page 13

Ken Thatcher's lap times were getting faster by the lap but Rob and Dwaine Walters were going quicker each lap and a bent Youngster Billy Shapley had a ball on his first time out, running sixth place was where he finished in Class 9. · steering shaft didn't help but they took second in Class 9. his Sportsman Buggy to second place, he finished 2 of 3 laps. but, unfortunately John never souls ready to overwhelm the well on Lap 2, fell on hard times other get to the finish. Kevin array of cars, 22 in all, only completed his last lap and fin-desert course and they certainly on Lap 3 and never completed Streety ran fairly fast and con-regular Tom Taliaferro missing ished an official second. Last to all tried. They were required to his last lap. Frank Puglia ran sis tent and was happy to grab from the group. Only 36% of the start but quick on the lap times run four laps and only one third three decent laps but never was the second spot in 5-1600. The starters would see the check-was Dennis McCarthy and he of them took the checkered able to make the fourth lap and big winner, Mike Kellogg drove ered flag. Mike Shimp, Randy made up for his dnf at the Avi flag. Bob Wright never com-the checkered flag. Frank said the race solo, had no troubles Sleep and Tom Steeno never 250 by taking the Heavy Metal pleted his first lap and Mike they were hit by another car and at all and easily collected the completed first lap. Stuart lead on Lap l and stayed there Chistian got in one terribly long stopped right next to Bob gold medal with almost an hour Baxter only got in one of the re-to take the class win. lap and retired. Guy Savedra Wright and they traded tools and a half in hand. quired four laps before retiring. Class 5-1600 had six brave had a long first lap, got going and parts trying to help each Class 9 had an outstanding Continuedonpage14 -... Ray Croll had a horrendously long fourth lap and he ended up Bryan Anderson had his share of problems on his 400 mile Robby Guevara lost 11 minutes with a flat on the fourth lap in fourth place in Class 10. ---··-ride but he persevered and finished seventh in· 1600. and that cost him dearly, he finish_!!d second in 1600 . • 2B65 6undry Ave. Signal Hill. CA 90B06 B00.959.7757 56i!.4i!7 .i!375 FAX: 526.426:.5294 see our complete product line at Dusty Times Use What The Pros Use! June 2001 Page 13

Page 14

Jeff Carr broke an alternator stand on lap 4 and it was a long Scott Smith teamed with Kenny Freeman had a good time at the Arden and Brandon Dennington had lots of troubles on laps 4 repair and he ended up in the fifth spot in the 1600 class. 400, they had a few minor problems but came in for fourth in 1600. and 5 but continued on for a 8th place finish in 1600. Five cars got two laps under Doug Silcock who had a hor-shared driving with Tom Mar-troubles on Lap 2 but he was Ken Thatcher had a slow first their respective belts, Danny rible second lap, Joe Sheble who tin and those guys had all sorts able to finish eighth in class. lap but got consistently faster as Fox, Bill Dickton, Shawn led the first lap, Joe Forte, Brian of electrical problems and fi-Jeremy Harmon is still looking the day wore on and he grabbed She b le, Jeremy Ev ans and Feiger, Forrest Creasey who had nally gave it up when the bat-for a good race after the last two the sixth place finishing spot. Mathews (no first name). There major problems on Lap 3, Rick tery exploded. Chad Shupp fin- seasons, having no real fun this Mandy Dixon came out with a were seven three lap finis.hers, Poole and Doug Ingram, who ished all four laps with big day but taking the seventh spot. fifth place finish in Class 9, hav-KC HILITES RACE EXHAUST MICRO STUBS KARTEK 's. micro stubs are used by some of the biggest names in off-road racing today. KARTEK takes pride i11 the 4uality and durability of their micro stubs, and in the quality parts from which they are assembled. KC offers some of the most durable and powe1ful competi-tion lighting in off-road racing today, KARTEK is proud to offer a l<!rge selection of KC Hilites and accessories to meet all of your lighting needs. KARTEK designed race exhausts are the best on the market. Available in jet coat-ed or raw with gussets on #2 & 4 . Features super thick flanges, a Megaphone style collector, and a flange to allow the addition of SUPER-TRAPPT" 5-inch discs. . Page 14 These trick KARTEK designed units consist of a stock drum precit;ion machined and aug-mented with a billet plate anQ heat treamed chromoly splined center for maximum durability. Accept NO substitutes. YOKOHAMA TIRES SUPERDIGGERS are the best off-road tires on the market today. Their aggressive tread pattern and increadible durability '-3s made them the preferred tires of many off-road race teams. BATES BOOT FLANGE & LIGHTENED 930 & 934/5 CVs This KA_RTEK exclusive was designed to elimi-nate the CY overheating that is associated with the use of Bates boots. This trick flange sets the boot away from the CY. This flange allows for the use of lightened and standard CV join_ts. KARTEK's lightened CYs are precision machined to allow them to stand up to the rig-ors associated with off-road racing. June 2001 ing lots of help from brother Mike and Robby Goerke, fight-ing a bent steering wheel, two flats, a broken throttle cable and a lack of brakes. Fun, huh? Chad Woodruff finished in fourth, running consistent lap times and only had a broken limiter strap to contend with. Third place went to Dan Owen and Joel Mohr, turning good laps 'til Lap 4 when they lost first gear and bent their ex-haust, but Debby was riding along to keep them company. Rob and Dwaine Walters split the driving and got faster as the race went on, fighting a bent steering shaft and a steering wheel that liked to come loose, but they persevered and took the second place finish. 1he gold medal winner, Andy Kisner drove his J imco to a trouble free win, turning four fast and con-sistent la..;,s and he took the gold with a 22 minute cushion on the second place car. Sportsman Buggy had six competitors, three laps were re-quired and only one car got the official finish. Ronny Roper never made Lap 1, Ben Schneider got one long lap in, Thomas Reck only got one lap completed, as did Samantha Gubler. Billy Shapley got two laps in and in fairly good time but called it quits after two laps. Eric Shepard took the Sports-man Buggy class with ease, driv-ing solo and reporting no troubles except for a broken horn button. Sportsman Truck only ·had three entrants and none of them fared too well. Donny Hale never completed his first lap, Mark Petit and crew only got in one long_ lap before calling it a day (unusual for them) and Gary Nixon was declared the winner, finishing two of the re-quired three laps. And so a great race ended. Nobody hurt, the most impor-tant thing and basically every-one having a good time. The race ran well, the checkpoints were well placed and well manned and the only incident we were aware of was when one of the always over anxious BLM Rangers just missed t-boning a race car out in a restricted area. I wonder, do they ever give themselves citations for wrong doing??? Next on the SNORE agenda is the Dusty Times/ Bert Vaughan Caliente 250 in beautiful Nevada. See 'ya all t he re . ..-.,,,,,. Dusty Times

Page 15

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37TH WRC RALLY CATALUNYA COSTA BRAVA Auriol Aces catalunya By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden The road to victory, Didier Auria/ and Denis &iraudet took the Catalunya Rally in their Peugeot 206. Peugeot failed to score any .points in the first two rallies of the season but they sure made up for it in Spain, taking the first two places in a resounding vic-tory. For most of the event Peugeot was forced into the shadows by the remarkable pace of the new Citroen Xsara cars in their WRC debut. There was another fine performance by Monte Carlo and Portugal winners Mitsubishi who were the only _other cars to seriously challenge the French ma-chines, and even they had been developed by a French engineer! It was a particu-larly happy occasion for Di-dier Auriol, the 20th win of his career and it had been a year and a half since he last wore the winner's laurels. The rally was full of me-chanical woes, the Fords with fuel feed problems, and Subaru was still teething on electronic maladies. On the brighter side, Makinen's third place finish helped him further into the lead of the Drivers Series and now Mitsubishi leads the Manu-facturers points by 18. In Group N, there was an amazingly close battle be-tween Trelles and Ligato until Ligato went off the road and the n Trelles also damaged his car, leaving Pozzo , who had earlier· been off the road when his brakes failed as the winner. An-other highlight was the de-but of the Super 1600 cost controlled formula , won by the Citroen of Sebastian Loeb, a former Saxo Kit Kar driver. All four eligible marques finished in the top four pla ces, each scored fastest times during the event and each le d the cat-e gory a t som e time. Catalunya was th e fourth round of the 2001 WRC C h a m p io n ship a n d the first a ll asph alt even t o f th e year. Page 16 It was also momentous for two reasons, first the arrival of Citroen as a contender in the FIA WRC, secondly the first roun.d of the FIA's new Super 1600 championship. Although similar in for-mat to previous years there were many detailed changes to the stages. Once again, in order to provide just one service park location each day, this rally has the long-est road sections of any WRC event, apart from the Safari. Although every stage was to be repeated, re-connaissance was difficult. Nicky Grist calculated that more than half the route needed new pace ·notes, mostly due to running the stages in the opposite direc-tion. The internationality of the event was evidenced by the fact that it did not count this year for the na-tional rally championship. There were only six Span-ish competitors on the en-try list. This was also the fist asphalt WRC rally where only two types of tread pattern are allowed, even though the two areas where the stages were held had considerably different styles of surface. With Citroen's World Rally car this was the first time the rival companies within the PSA Holding Group would compete with comparable cars at the top level of the sport. Peugeot had never won this event but Citroen had! Also, Peu-geot arrivod with a worry, engine problems. Rovanpera's retirement in Portugal was caused by ex-cessive water pressure within the engine and there had also been a series of cyl-inder head bolt failures. There h a d been little time fo r team s t o b e sure what h ad gon e wro n g for the m in Portugal. Mitsubi"-shi h ad don e nine days test-ing for this event and were still not sure why Loix had retired in Portugal. Hyun-dai were not happy as their total testing of the WRC2 accounted for a day and a half! Skoda announced they had made significant im-provements to their engines and Citroen were back in business, riding a deter-mined high at the top level of the sport. One of the big questions was in Group N. The deci-sion about the legality or otherwise of the two Top Run prepared cars in Portu-gal was only announced the afternoon before the start and hoth cHrs were ex-cluded. Top Run advised that different differentials would be used on this event, the same type used at Monte Carlo, but, still, no-body knew what the real reason was that Stohl in-curred a penalty at the end of the Portugal Rally to al-low Ligato to win the cat-egory_. ' Now the Super 1600 cars! A bold experiment, the aim being to reduce the -initial financial outlay, es-pecially for the younger drivers. Max Mosley, presi-dent of the FIA said, "For me the most important problem in motorsport is money!" The 1600 series is for drivers, not manufactur-ers, so· works teams are not allowed to compete. 22 drivers were expected to make the start line in Spain. Four models had been ho-mologated so far and were eligible at Spain. Citroen, Ford and Fiat are de-tuned versions of existing Kit Kars and the Peugeot had been developed upwards from a standard production ca r. In a way beloved of La tin rallies there was high ten-sion before the start of the e v ent and s peculatio n abo u t v ario us m atte rs was rife. Bec ause o f the proble m June 2001 Sebastian Loeb and Daniel Elena took the maiden Super 1600 class win in their Citroen Saxo at Catalunya. of Hoof and Mouth disease, the organizers had appeased th.e local farmers by urging spectators to stay away from the 1/4 stages and there was a swell of rumor that other rallies would be threatened altogether. The most dra-matic matter were the lev-eling of charges of illegal-re-connaissance against vari-ous drivers. For eight hours, the evening before the start, the Stewards interviewed drivers. During reconnais-sance, the organizers had set up a checkpoint to see whether crews already had notes of that stage. The po-lice stopped cars and searched them! The police marked the notes and then they were checked further down the road by yet more police! It was a very unsat-isfactory affair and angered more people and evidently really accomplished noth-ing. In the end, 74 cars took the starting flag, 22 of them in 1600. Leg 1 -Six stages, as-phalt, lOlkms. A wonder-fully warm· and dry day awaited the c;rews as .they took the st;cirt. Tin~ r.hoirPs were automatic, dry weather compounds and as hard as possible! For the third time in his career, Jesus Puras took the lead on a, WRC event, this time in a Citroen World Rally Car. The miracle was not the speed of the Citroen but that Puras was running 32 minutes behind the first car on a rally where cars shower the roads with rocks and gravel as they cut corners and the following cars have more and more of a difficult time and quick driving be-comes more risky, the fur-ther back you are. Jn the first three stages the Ford drivers were not a happy lot: Delecour felt his tires were too hard, Sainz said his car was understeering and Colin McRae stalled his engine at the start of the first stage and then the en-gine lost its instant re-sponse. The Peugeots were following the Citroen though Granholm felt his left foot braking style was not making the car handle well. Bugalski, in the sec-ond Citroen had trouble af-te r fitting new discs before the first s tage. The only drive r o f a n on-French car able t o challenge was T ommi M akinen, running first on the road in gravel-free conditions in his Mit-subishi. Richard Burns was in deep trouble with his trans--mission, "It kept sticking in neutral from early in the second stage, but eventu-ally I got it to stay in fifth." Marko Martin had elec-tronic troubles on Stage 2 and Petter Solberg?, he had gone off the road but no passing car had seen him. The two under-tested Hyundais were struggling along. Liatti had problems with power at low revs, the Skodas were going well al-though the drivers felt the promised engine improve-ments were more imaginary than real and Freddy Loix was having engine cut prob-lems with his Mitsubishi. The second loop was a re-peat of the first but now there was a gravel factor. Puras was driving more cau-tiously and Bugalski was catching up and on the fi-nal Stc).ge rose to second place. "Makinen began to drop back on the loose gravel and was having brake failure as well. On Stage 5, Granholm drifted wiae on some gravel, hit a concrete block and tore the left front wheel off. Then all three works Fords started having problems, Delecour had se-vere loss of power, Sainz felt his fuel pump was acting up and Colin McRae couldn't start Stage 6 and had to re-tire. Ford managed to iden-tify the problem on all their cars as a faulty main fuel valve and the two remain-ing cars were in good shape again. Sainz was unhappy, "The marriage between Pir-elli and Ford is not yet good." Burns' car suffered a gearbox sensor failure and he finished Stage 5 on a broken rim. Markka Mar-tin, the leading Subaru was going through a spate of engine stalls. Liatti lost his intercooler water cooling system and had a bad tire vibration when the mousse broke up. The day ended with two red cars (Citroen), two greys (Peugeot), then two more reds (Mitsubishi). In Group N , Gustavo Trelles headed off into the lead wqile Marcos Ligc).to, on his first asphalt event began to match the leaders pace, and o n the second loop, Ligato took the lead Continued on page 18 Dusty Times

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• • • • • • • • • • .. • • I ree om • • July 7, 2001 Total Entry Fee Pro ·$300.00 Sportsmans $150.00 • 6 - 40 Mile laps 10 Car Special -20 Car Special s1oee.ooirus1: Phis s aeePcr Lap St581L• nnt ""8 S1'8..N Per Lap • S51NL80Seea■d ToMNNrftl"llaaFatLap si-l.99See■■• T• •••eRr 11M Fat Lap lint .............. ,.. s 518.-ninl ................ ,__,_,..a..• · • • • • •• • • Group Big Buck special 10 can ill cltm 5281&!18 Jilnt ---·-Ser••· Entry Fee $400.00 lOrmilldan s.19llN Jiint $2111.19 Sec1■I. S1181.N n.ird s-------s -St~ S181&.N Dililfw,ayg:04>1111at1Alllt•aett1g lbit ...... fwwl'a:cat PaJ'I zk-•r.t1apa1n9,. Neprl tr¥ y. AllyO..•••ill.t Ge11t111aer. Get.-........ __. .. ._.,•· ·. · . • * You Put on the show9 Doa't you Deserve l\Lo.R.E. * • • ' I • Schedule of Events, . ~ ... , Satarday, J"idy 7, 2001 10:00 AM te 2:00_ PM Siml lJp 811d Tccla 3:30 Driven Mcetiag ' · 4:00 Race Starts Maps and Locations AVJUlable June 15, __ ....... - a M.O.R.E. i (760) 253-4453 • • POBox1231 Barstow, CL 92312 ••

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convinced he h ad turned fast time, turned out he was eighth fastest. Loix had a mousse collapse and the vibrations were so bad the car kept jumping out of a fuel supply problem and he was gone from the event. ·• gear. Martin was in worse trouble, his engine kept cutting out, the car jumped out of gear and "it's very dangerous with all the spectators so close to the road." Tommi Makinen rockets by an appreciative audience in Spain Cargos Sainz and Luis Moya drove their fabulous looking Ford Bugalski continued with a lead of nearly a minute over Auriol. Sainz was now fifth, just in front of team-mate, Delecour. Martin's engine was still cutting out. Burns was going better but was still off the pace. Then as the teams were preparing for another long . run through Stage 12 it was canceled because of specta-tor problems, so the cars were repaired for the final day's activities before re-turning to Liorel de Mar. heading for a 3rd overall in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. Focus to the fifth place finish in Spain. rom re es. Puras won tage 7 y In Super 1600, the 9.3 seconds, but he de-Citroens seemed to be the graded his tires and was pick of the litter. Stohl was forced to slow down a on his first ever two wheel bit. Bugalski was having drive run and was the high-a repeat of his first leg est placed Fiat. On the sec-brake problems and ond loop of the leg, Duval Freddy Loix reported had a flat and fell back, that his Carisma tried to Henny's Citroen went off spin whenever he braked the road, Stohl was gradu-after the first few kms of ally overtaken by the Fiat of each stage. Delecour's Basso. Leading · was car was vibrating, Sebastian Loeb in a Cit-Martin's engine was cut-roen. It had been a very_bad ting ut and the gearbox day for Ford in both activi-was misbehaving as well. ties and Subaru were none Alister McRae had low too happy either! boost and Liatti's tern-Leg 2. -Five stages, as-peratures were too high phalt, 128kms. On the run and Lopes had no brakes down to the south, Schwarz on his Peugeot. sensed he had a steering Now came the longest problem and the mechanics stage of the event. This changed the rack on his time it was the left foot Skoda Octavia WRC. On braker, Puras who had the next stage it locked up · troubles and the lead solid and he was out of the slipped to right foot event. braker Bugalski. Panizzi, Bruno Thiry and Stephane Prevot grabbed the 10th finishing spot in Spain, their handsome Skoda performing quite well. · ring to Success ... ElbachSprlngs, Inc. • PIIOne 949 752 8700 • Dlsll'llutor: Parker Pwnper 909 3611 1854 Page 18 June 2001 T iry and Alister McRae were having bad vibrations and many drivers were complain-ing of brake fade. Canellas left the road and retired. The Fords were going well, Delee-our said, "Now the rally begins." On Stage 10, Sainz made his first top six time while Burns had climbed up to ninth and was still well out of the points. Now the rally was on the second loop of the southern stage and Bu-galski had the speed over Puras. Gradually the French driver inched in front of the Spaniard so that he had a lead of 6.1 seconds at the end of Stage 11. But, on the road section to Port Adventura, Puras' car stopped with Regarding the private en-tries, Climent lost his power steering but Jean-Joseph was highest ranking driver in a Peugeot, ahead of the Skoda and the Hyundais. In Group N there was great battle between Trelles and Ligato. Ligato lost his brakes and was horrified at. the volume of spectators unaware how dangerous a brakeless Group N could be. Feghali lost a front fender but was still lying third, ahead of Pozzo. Fifth was Blomqvist and Griazine was sixth. After Stage 10 the gap between Trelles and Ligato was 1.1 seconds, but then it all went wrong. Ligato slid off the road into soft stuff and was out of the rally. Trelles was now well in front, more than three and a half minutes ahead of Pozzo, with Feghali third. In Super 1600, Bernardi's Eibach Springs is proud to announce it's complete line of ultra high qualltv off-road springs. Available in 10, 12, 14 & 1& inch free lengths with 3" ID. A well designed & manufactured spring will last thousands of cvcles, even in the cruelest desert environments. That's whv top chassis builder · Mike Julson chooses Eibach Springs. He knows what it takes to win ... Now so do VDU. Dusty Times

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' . . . '-- ' . -... - . ' The "Tireless" Fiat Punto of Manfred Stohl and Ilka Petrasko The Bugalski/Chiaroni Citroen Xsara WRC fought brake problems Richard Burns and Robert Reid drove their Subaru lmpreza retired with suspension troubles after the 8th stage. during the rally but managed an 8th place overall at the end. to 7th overall in Spain in spite of recurring gearbox troubles. Peugeot ost an oi i ter, oe 1 t , was passing cars all over with what looked like a se-and fifth and Burns was m found and an add1t1onal two was having crankshaft sensor the place and after three cure lead but the day wasn't the eighth spot. Sainz fought minutes was adde_d, dropping problems which dropped him stages was up to seventh. At. to be his. The hydraulic hard but had a flat which the Citroen back to eighth to fifth. Stenshorne lost his half distance only 12 of the 22 clutch mechanism failed and slowed him and Delecour place and out of the points. brakes on Stage 7, Cols, lying crews in 1600 were still run-the Citroen stopped on a took a 10 second penalty for In Group N, Tr"elles lost a sixth retired with a broken ning and after Stage 11 only road section after the 14th . a jumped start. Liatti retired wheel and retired, leaving driveshaft and Stohl, now in nine were running. Then the stage. Then he was unable to with leaking brake fluid and Pozzo in front of Feghali and second had a flat, went off the Ford Pumas started going out, move the car from the arrival Martin's engine was still cut-Blomqvist in third. In Super road and ·arrived at service Rousselot had electronic fail-control on 15 to the start ting out. Stage 1 7 was 1600, Vallejo was excluded wit~ the right front tire miss-ure, Duval crashed in some-line, eventually reaching stopped for a spectator injury for an improper shock ab-ing, dropping to fifth. Basso one else's oil and Magaud's · there after five minutes, by (no connection to the rally sorber and Loeb's lead was took the lead in the category engine blew up. Meanwhile, which time Auriol's Peugeot cars) and in the end it was increased. Loeb dominated but then hit a rock, lost a tire Loeb was moving up smartly, had started the stage. Bugal-Auriol who took the gold the category but the neat and fell to fourth. Rousellot passed Vallejo on Stage 10 ski received a two minute medal, at the wheel of his thing was that each of the top had broken rear suspension and the Citroen regained the penalty which dropped him Peugeot. After the event, the four drivers was driving a dif-and Dallavilla's Fiat kept lead. Out of the fray were: to fourth overall. Auriol led Citroen team appealed the ferent type of car. pulling to the right. After the Stohl, suspension; Cols, now by almost half a minute two minute penalty levied on And so it ended, but first two stages, Vallejo had transmission; McShea, over teammate Panizzi. Mit-Sugalski (lying fourth) and they'll all be back !:iere risen from fifth to take the clutch; Henny, accident; subishi was now lying third further irregularities were again next year leadI Stqhl couldn't repair his Valimaki, accident; wcpo,nts wR wo 37"' Rallye Catalunya-Costa Brava 23-25 March 2001 Lloret de Mar (E) 10 steering and suspension and Macaluso, accident; Galanti, 1 (2) o,d,erAURIOUDenisGiraudet F Peugeot206 WRC 206NLK75(F) 3n40m.547s' 10 retired. Ce cl ri c Ro be rt had engine; L 1 ave ra, ace ide n t; 2 (16) Gilles PANIUI/Herve Panirn F Peugeot 206 WRC 206NOP75 (F) 3h 41m 17 9s 6 6 Powe I Ste e rl. ng t ro u b 1 es, Bernardi·, 01-1 ft" lter,· Mazlan, 3 (7) Tamm, MAKINEN/Risto Mannisenmak, FIN t.111sublsh1 Lancer Evolut10n WRC X6MMR (GB) 3h 41m 56 1s 4 4 4 (8) Freddy LOIX/Sven Smeels B Mitsub1shI Cansma GT WRC X3MMR (GB) 3h 43m.11 4s 3 3 Galanti retired with engine accide11t; Rousselot, electron-5 (3) car1osSAINZ/Lu1s Moya E FordFocusRS WRC v10FMC(GB) 3h43m30.4s. 2 2 failure and Rousselot added ics and Duva J, accident. s (17) Francois 0eIecour1DanIeI Grataloup F Ford Focus RS WRC V5FMC (GB) 3h 43m 38 45 h b k cl Q 7 (5) Richard BURNS/Robert Reid GB Subaru lmpreza WRC X7SRT (GB) 3h 43m 57 5s. tQ is ra -e an engine uii:e a mess, what? 8 (14) Phil,ppeBUGALSKI/Jean-PaulCh,aron, F c,troenxsara WRC 26CSP92(F) 3h44m20.4s troubles, .clutch failure. Leg 3 -Six stages, asphalt, 9 (19) s,monJean-Joseph/JackBoyere F Peugeot206 WRC 206NAL75(F) 3h45m.54os Duval, who started the day in 1 18 k ms. Bug a ls k i started 10 (12) B:,o_:iRY/Stephan__:evot ___ _'.'.. _ _ ~~~a:_ ____ W::~~~(cz2__3~6:,:~s r I I I I I I 111 Where Singing ffi/1$ Re$OM * -El Cajon, CA When Ftiday, June 29, 2001 Registration 11:30 a.m. !ihot 6un §tart 1 :00 p.m. Dinner 6:00 p.m. Din net • Dtinks • Ptizes • Contests* • Raffles *Confesfs: long Dtive • Closest-To-Pin • Hole-In-One How 4 Man Team Sctamble *Collared $hirf$ requited. No denim $horf$ or panf$ allowed. Ent,g Fee Only $ 12 5 pe, pe/'$0n -Include$ Dinne, Additional Oinnel' nckef$ Available· $2S ea. S1~ ~Lls = c ..... -•• Col-••J Limitedlothefirst144entries, = .:= •• L• ~-r~ • j FormsandfeesMUSTberecievedby6/15/01. 3007 Dehesa Road• El Cajon, CA 92019 P: 619.442.3425 • F: 619.442.9574 Funds from the proceeds will be donated to CORVA, to help build their legal warfare fund. Mail entry form to: SUMMIT• P.O. Box 4645 • Carson, CA 90749 Phone# T-Shirt Size Player I ________________________ _ Player i! ______________________ _ Player 3 ______________________ _ Player4 _______________________ _ I 6ol-FTeam Name _________________________________ ~ I L (Example: "The Hackers" "Santa Ana Slicers" "Los Gringos Grande" - You get the idea. Be creative. Have fun.) I . - - - - - - - - - -F-;;;m;einfor,;.;tio;;-contact;-- - - - - - - - - -: ____________________ Bruce Conrad 310.603.2200/Judy Smith 760.868.5694/Mi~ Julson 619.562.1743/Mike Cohen 619.692_·~~-Dusty Times June 2001 Page 19

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BITD TERRIBLE'S TOWN 250 HerbstsWin Their own Race By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Welcome back! Bud Feldkamp and his son Buddy debuted their new Penhall, and got a finish the first time out. Every year, for the last four years, the Herbst fam-ily has contributed a fat $10,000 purse to the car or truck winning overall at the Terrible's Town 250 in Pah-rurrip. One year they gave it away. Every year since they've been the overall car/ truck winner. And so it was again this year, with Troy Herbst and his Truggy tak-ing the car/truck overall in 4:56:53. Mother Nature displayed an exceedingly bad temper for the day, bringing howl-ing winds, rain, sleet, hail and snow to various sections of the course, and tempera-ture in the 40s. The race is conveniently set up, with everything hap-· pening in the parking lot of the Herbst's downtown Pah-rump casino. Registration, contingency, tech inspec-tion, impound, the. start and the finish we re a 11 in the same place. Meals and rooms were a short walk away, or at worst, a short Marc Stein and Mike Mccomas had a letter-perfect day in their Ford Expedition, and took the full-size S. W win. drive. The course was about 262 miles long, a narrow loop that started in Pahrump, went northward, more or less paralleling Highway 95, as far as Springdale, and then dropped southward, again more or less running with the highway and back into town. The guided-tour pre-run a few weeks before the race, and memories of last year's 90 degree weather for this event didn't prepare everyone for the cold. Those that hadn't come ready for anything dug out the trash bags to wear as raincoats, and were later glad that they did. The Trick Trucks (Tro-phy Trucks) were first off the line, starting single file, one every minute (all cars and trucks started one-ev-ery-minute) and when they got to Check A, which was about 63 miles into the race, Darnen Jefferies had the lead in his new V8 Ford powered Porter-built· truck. He'd al-ready lost his second gear. And he was only a minute up on Tim and Ed Herbst in their Ford truck, and they had just two minutes on Ja-Manny Esquerra had a major brake problem, but avoided the obstacles and brought his Ford back as the Stock Full winner. son Baldwin in another Ford. Of the six starters, one, Richard Thomas, was already out. At Mile 132, Check C, Baldwin had fought his way to the front, but was only a minute up on the Herbsts, while Gary Vosburg, in a Ford Protruck turned Trick Truck, ran third. Jefferies, driving his truck in its first race, was only another minute back. He'd had a flat and lost his lead. They were all having trouble seeing in the rain, .though on some parts of the course huge rooster-tails of dust were the problem. Baldwin had a fuel pick-up problem, and was stopping for a splash of gas at each pit. He stayed in front, driv-ing "by Braille", to avoid the rocks, but still had one flat tire. At the finish he was 10 minutes up on Vosburg, who came· in second. Vosburg hadn't any flats, but his crew had done a "preventive" tire change at one pit. He was pleased to get the checkered flag, saying "It's about time we finished!" In third it was Jefferies, · his hood gone after a tight squeeze past a stuck Wilson car peeled off a latch. Lonny Helmbolt was fourth in his Dodge, over an hour behind the winning truck. He re-ported running in some snow, and in general a me-diocre day. He'd had a driv-e line problem, a steering problem and a transmission problem. In fact, he said his trans was held together with baling wire. And, he'd had some flats. But he said, "It's a beautiful day for racing -can't beat it!" The Herb0ts lost their transmission and became a lugubrious wel-coming committee at the finish line. The Class 1500 (Class 1) cars were flagged off next": Ordinarily at the Best In The Desert events this is not a big group, there not being much contingency for them. But the ProDirt Class 1 or-ganization had voted to en-ter this race, drawn by the $10,000 prize up for grabs, and there were 19 starters, all but two or three members of the ProDirt group. John Herder was conspicuously absent, his Chevy Truggy having run out of parts, and not yet repaired after the San Felipe race just three weeks before. But the Casey Jones/Ryan Arciero Mike Monahan-built Aceco Truggy was there for its first outing. And so was the Pen-hall built V4 powered two-seater of Bud Feldkamp and his son Buddy. It was Buddy's first race, and the first in a buggy for Bud in many years (he did drive in the Baja 2000, in a truck). Troy Herbst survived a misstep with a deadly hole, forged back to the front Kyle Taylor displayed his abundant driving skills once again to win Class The Jones/Arciero Aceco made it to Check A in .front of the pack by just a minute, but there were three of them in a tie right behind it. Troy Herbst's Ford Truggy, B.J. Richardson in John Gaughan's Bunderson and Gary Weyhrich in his V4 powered Chenowth were charging hard. And in fifth it was Pat Dean in another Chenowth only another minute back. Mos t of the rest of the pack was close, but Sam Berri, in a Mirage, who races this series regu-larly, had started off on a sour note. His car wasn't running well, and n o t know-ing what was wrong, Berri wanted to work on it. But back in December ·he'd run afoul of some BITD rules and had been disqualified for his trouble. This time, seek-ing to avoid a repetition of that problem, h e tried a dif-ferent approach. After tak-ing the start flag h e drove around, off-course, in a big loop and right back to the st art/finish a rea, whe re h e parked and got out to talk to Casey Folks, CEO o f BITD. H e told Casey his problem and asked where he could go to work on his car -legally. C asey told him "At Pit l ". That was 33 miles down the road. So Berri got back in and drove to Pit 1, his car running· badly ·all the and won the whole shebang in his Smithbuilt Truggy. ___ 8000 in his Chevy, finishing second overall also. Continued on page 22 Page 20 June 2001 Dusty Times

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Darnen Jefferies brought his new Porter-built Ford powered Trick Gary and Mark Weyhrich had a good day going until the John Gaughan and 8. J. Richardson had lots of mud and rain, but Truck, led for a while, but new-car woes slowed him to third. Chenowth took a tumble and dropped them back to ninth. held things together to be second Class 1 in ·their Chenowth. way. e ost over an our in point, ut at east t ey' a move up to secon was out of it, victim of a ment. Jeff Darland got into the process, and then his showed that their car will be place, a minute behind him, blown transmission at Mile an inadvertent bumping crew discovered it was a quick. At Check C the lead and Rick Wilson in his Jimco 30 and the Bob Lofton/Mike match with Tommy Koch, plugged up jet. belonged to the Weyhrich was tied for fifth with Herbst Julson team, in a high horse-and Koch won. Darland slid Jones and Arciero never car, and Gary's brother, and Richardson about five power Jimco went out at off a mountain, messed up made it to the next Check-Mark was now driving. Dean minutes later. Jeff Quinn Mile 40 with the same ail-his water tank, and later DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-point sand rail seat belt RACE BELTS 2" • 5 point mount 3" · 5 point mount SIDE COVERS IRS. Swing axle KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# 200mm-up to 30001 GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# -2400# RACING PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ..... . 4 puc ferramic ... 4 puc ferramic with spring hub GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930 or T-4 cages 930 or T-4 or T-2 flanges Trick boots (specify) 930CV star "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stock width 8 • travel-widened beam 10" travel-stock width 10" travel-widened beam TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11 ½•chrome _T-11'/z"raw T-1 1 518 • chrom T-115/8"raw T-4 chrome T-4 raw GERMAN AUTO HATS GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS. specify M.L~.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ MK/I I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal With chrome pedal. With hydraulic throttle Replacement slave SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion Mount plate Coupler. Rack steering stops VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130<:hromolv Stock length ......... pr. · 11/, " longer . ......... pr. 21/, • longer . . ........ pr. 4 • longer-coil over style pr. CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. fsaecifv Ford or International) set ... SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" ..... . . 1-21600, 5-1600. CATALOG ... 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-863-1123 FAX 562-929-1461 Page 22 June 2001 broke an axle on his Jimco. Koch went on. Dale and Mike Dondel and their Ford powered Nye Frank car were out early, as was the local . team of Bobby Woods, Rob-ert Haines and Jeff Glover (all from Pahrump and nearby Shoshone). Somewhere in between Check C, which was Mile 132 and Check D, which was Mile 160, the Wilson car got sideways and slid to the side, ending up hanging precari-ously off the edge of a cliff. Wilson and his passenger got out safely, but now ev-eryone except for the two or three that had been in front of them, had to slow down and p·ick their way past the hazard. Until Frank and Sean Krepsz got there in their Class 10 car. As they edged past the Wilson buggy, their car, a tire gong flat, took a bad bump then slid into Wilson's car and knocked it tumbling the rest of the way over the edge. It went over and over on its way to the bottom, but it was empty, so no one was in-jured. Nor was the car badly damaged, it was just that it was in a hard spot to get out of. At Check E, Mile 220, the lead belonged to Weyhrich still, and he had seven min-utes on Herbst who ran sec-ond. John Gaughan had taken over for Richardson and he ran third, with Rick Romans in fourth in his Jimco. In a tie for sixth it was Doug Fortin in his Jimco, and Tim Rockenbach, another Jimco, both a minute behind Ro-mans. .But there was one final hazard. Near Pit 7, which was near Crystal, or about 30 miles out of the finish, there was a hole. Weyhrich hit it flat out and sent his car end over end. He was shaken, but unhurt, and somehow got his crew to it, or it to the crew, to start re-placing parts. He had torn off a front corner, and they had all the needed parts ex-cept for one shock, so they got him moving again in sur-prisingly short order. But in the meantime, Herbst had got to the finish, soaked from the rain. He said that when Wilson got crossways on the course "ev-Dusty Times

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Against a background of mountains matching his paint job, Dave The Pro truck class had close racing all day and Chet Huffman Frank Omboli and Jim Cochran, in a Lothringer, broke a c. v. Wes them hustles his Chevy toward a second place in Class 8000. and Greg Lewin finished third in their Ford after a small mishap. very near the end of the day, finished second in Class 1000. eryone caug t up", w ic For t e most part these t ir . Li e everyone e se, e It crashed badly before spectators to set them back made it a tight race. He'd folks had an uneventful day. was cold and his visor fogged Check E, and was out for on their wheels, and they got had "three or four" flats, but When they got into the rain up. The Greers were fourth, good. Cobb moved into the their third place. other than that no trouble. their visors fogged up and over an hour later, reporting lead and then headed for the In fourth it was Reinert-It had been really "muddy they couldn't see. Wes them only flats. Lane and Sachs finish. About 16 miles before son, who had been lost for and slick, like driving on ice drove with his visor open, finished fifth and Wiseman the finish line he gave the about 10 minutes, and he - a lot of fun." Only 12 min~ not always a rear solution. used up over nine hours to truck a friendly pat on the was followed in by Barlow, utes behind him Gaughan At Check C, Mile 132, get his sixth place. He was dash board and accidentally about seven minutes later. and Richardson came in. Westhem's lead was just one also the last finisher in the shut off the fuel without re-He'd caught Cobb at one They had conflicting stories minute. Taylor had been in class. alizing it. The truck stopped. point, but then broke a -sort of. B.J. said it was a front for a while, by about The Protrucks started Panicked, Cobb started try-wheel on a rock, and took "very good course, lot of the same amount, but now next, 11 strong, and as ing to figure out what it out a caliper at the same fun." But Gaughan said that was second again. Beeler was usual, they had some close could be, but then glanced time. He had a couple more in the last 40 miles they'd hit third, and the Greers held racing. Steve and Matt Sea-at the line of switches. and broken rims later in the day, "every puddle and every fourth. Twenty m·inutes be-roni had.their Ford in front noticed one pointed in the and had to settle for fifth bump. I tell you what -it's hind them came Eric lane at Check A, two minutes wrong direction. Withe the place. In sixth it was Rob wet out there. I'm so cold." and Terry Sachs in a Ford, ahead of Scott Steinberger fuel turned ;back on every-Kittleson, in a Ford, who'd. They were i:he ProDirt win-and almost another hour in another Ford. Then it was thing Went just fine to the duplicated Huffman's last-ners. later it was Richard Greg Lewin, in Chet finish, and he took the win turn roll over, giving the Tom Koch and Richard Wiseman who didn't have a Huffman's Ford, two min-by nine minutes. spectators another chance Boyle who'd had a flat in the very good day. All told he utes back. And three min-McGillivray didn't make it. to help. early stages, were third in had a broken wishbone, two utes behind him was Tony He hit the hole that had The Class 1000 cars their Jimco, finishing about flat tires and his fuel cell Licitra in a Chevrolet. caught the Weyhrich C\ar, (Class 10) went off the line six minutes later. Their somehow got mashed, from The Scaronis stayed in and turned his truck over, next. This started out a a Type IV motor was surely the bottom. That messed up front, and Steinberger was do'ing enough damage to put close race, and Gary Wise the smallest running in this his fuel pickup, just to add still second at Check B (Mile him out of the1 race. Hoff-was in front in his Chenowth lass. They reported to his troubles. Keith Fon-108), with Lewin, who'd had man, who'd had no brakes when they got to Check A. "muddier'n hell the last 25 tana, in a Chevy, was an-his truck on its side briefly, for about 60% of the time, He had two minutes on miles.'' other 25 minutes behind still in third. Now Kevin came in second, still with no Kevin James in a Raceco, In fourth it was· Fortin, him. McGillivray moved his front brakes. In third place who was another one minute who'd had to change his rear Taylor had the lead again Chevrolet up to fourth, only it was Huffman and Lewin, up o·n Jim Cochran. Andrew brake pads, and Dean was at Mile 160, and was still three minutes back, and Ri-who had replaced a drive Wehe and Don Hatch were fifth, having lost 15 minutes there at 220. Westhem was chard Hoffman, .Ford, who shaft earlier in the day. But fourth in a Jimco. when he had a flat and his now seven minutes back in had decided to wear a trash they almost didn't make it. Wise held onto his lead jack broke. He had to wait second place, while Beeler bag just in case, and was now Huffman took the very last through the second check, for teammate Gaughan to held third about 1 7 minutes glad, was fifth. . turn a little too hot and and lie'd built his lead to five come along and give him a later. Lane and Sachs were When they got to Check rolled the truck over. Hap-minutes by then. It was functional one. Weyhrich fourth and the Greens had D (Mile 160), the Scaronis pily, there were lots of handy Continuedonpage24 surprised everyone by show-dropped to fifth, about two had eight minutes and now ing up, back to ninth place, minutes behind them. Fon-it was Rob Reinertson, Ford, with his front end sagging to tana was sixth and Wiseman in second place. He'd been within about four inches off seventh. hitting rocks in the dust and the ground, but still moving. Taylor held on to the lead had three flats, and lost his The Class 8 trucks went and took the win. He said it brakes. In third it was Jason off the line next, with 10 "was an adventure right off Cobb, another Ford, who'd starters. But some of them the start." He had some been up to second place had a short day. Mark Por-brake trouble, and said he back at Check C. He was ter an Gary Dircks, in a "hit some rocks" and had a having trouble with a foggy Ford, lost their motor about couple of flats. He described visor, and also had a flat. three miles into the race. the race as "rough, dusty, McGillivray and Steinberg-Jesse Jones, fresh off his win raining and puddles." West-er were on the same minute, at San Felipe, had not yet hem, cold and wet and a bit only another minute back. got to the first check and bleary eyed, reported one Between first and fifth, at · was barreling along at about flat and two fuel stops on his 160 miles into the race, 100 mph when he saw a waytosecondplace.Hewas therewasonlyanineminute wheel and tire bouncing out only seven minutes back. ·separation. into the desert. A heart-beat Beeler, who said he had no But the Scaroni truck later he realized it was his. flats and no trouble, was didn't get to the next check. Jeff Geiser got his Chevro-let a bit further along and had carburetor problems, and then lost his power steering pump, so he called it a day. Everyone else moved along steadily, and at the first Check the lead be-longed to Dave Westhem in his Chevrolet. But he had only three minutes on Kyle Taylor in another Chevy. In third, still another three minutes back was Mark Beeler in a '65 Ford and one minute behind him J.R. and ·Tom Greer had their Dodge (it's Lonny Helmbolt's ex-Walker Evans' truck) in fourth place. Dusty Time$ Michael James and Mike Kalicki had only small problems on the way to their Class 5000 vic~ory._ ________ _ June 2001 Jason Baldwin said it was. wet and cold and hard to see, but he brought his Ford back first in the Trick Truck division. In the very close Protruck race, Jason Cobb moved to the front in his Ford after the last checkpoint, and took the win. Page 23

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• Greg i=outz had a big front-end problem on his Ford (again), Joe Custer and co-driver Gene Haas got tipped up on their side at Tommy Koch and Richard Boyle had the smallest motor in the but glued things back together to take third in Stock Full. one point, but came home second in Class 7100 in the Ford. class and still managed to finish third in their Class 1 Jimco. Hatch and Wehe in second Gary Moore, in a Lothring-and wind to blow it away. He 5 cars, and Guy Peterson had (Class 7200), with 11 entries, place, James still third, and er, in fourth place. Behind got to the finish line first, the lead at Check A, but was every one of them a Ford. Cochran had dropped to_ them Frank and Sean Krepsz, taking the win by a half hour. only a minute in front of Some of them were out early: fourth,butonlyanotherfour in a Jimco, ran two hours SecondplacewenttoOmboli Michael James and Mike JohnHolmesandScottJones minutes down. late, after repairing a power and Cochran who broke a Kalicki, who were sharing (old 5-1600 racers) were At Mile 160, Check D, steering pump damaged c.v. joint about six miles be-the driving this time. At done before Check A, and so Wise still had five minutes when another car tapped fore the finish. They'd each Check C Kalicki was leading were Steve Lawrence and on Hatch and Wehe. James them. had a flat, but no major prob-by 11 minutes however; and Nick Crouch, and Steve was only another four min-But Hatch and Wehe lems beyond that. The he then handed over to Lucena and Greg Hosman. utes down, and Cochran's didn't make it in to the fin-. Moores were third, followed James. They were having an Charlie and Jay McDowell · co-driver, Frank Omboli ran ish. Somewhere after Mile in by the Krepsz car. They uneventful day. But Peterson got through Check A, but no fourth, six minutes later. It 220 they disappeared, while were feeling very unhappy had some problems. He lost further. looked like a tight race all James carried on. He was in about having knocked the his rear shocks, lost a fan belt Up at the front of the pack the way. But then things fell a hurry because he'd lost his Wilson car off the cliff, but and got himself lost a couple it was Tim Carroll, who had apart. Wise disappeared after water hose and hadn't had a the Wilson team, which fin-of times. Then, as they got to a minute on Rick Taylor who Check D (Mile 160) and drink in a long time. He re-ished shortly after them, was the notorious cliff that was trying hard to get his first Hatch and Wehe moved into ported no mechanical philosophical, understanding trapped the Wilsons they finish in a desert race in this the lead, with James second, trouble, and no flats but said that accidents happen. found the Krepsz car, which truck. He was driving with a Omboli third and Kevin and he'd had some rain, and dust There were only two Class had nudged the other off the missing bump stop. In third edge, now dangling precari-it was Jason Jernigan, fol-ously itself. So Guy and his lowed by Bill and John Man-passenger, Jerry Riviera had froy, who was down about 20 to get out and help move the minutes. Another ten min-10 car to safety. utes back was Craig Turner Cf) ::::) l-o <t: () ~ w w :r: ~ w z ::::; a: w 1-z w () <t: ~ <t: :r: 0 :.:: 0 >-Cf) a: w . SUPERTRA P U 0 ER LEE YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS! PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 Designed by Raceco in 1990 for military use, re-designed by McKenzie's for Off-Road use in 1994. This unit gives you more travel, less stub axle load and lighterweight, comes complete with arm mount-ing flange, disc brakes with billet calipers and pads, bearings and chromoly stub axles. Fres~ Air Helmets ·~· SHOE! Comes with shield & Hardware. CAC-100 Helmet Wired - Small CAC-300 Holme< Wirad -La<ge . l •• . CAC-200 Helmet Wired - Med. , CAC-400 Helmet Wired - X-Large \ CAC-500 Helmet Wired -XX-Large t CAC-101 Non-wired Helmet- Small CAC-201 Non-wired Helmet - Med CAC-301 Non-wired Helmet - Large CAC-401 Non-wired Helmet - XLarge CAC-501 Non-wired Helmet-XXL (8) UMP Air Filters (CD Rallye 4000 HID Lamps 35 watts - Black HEL-74801 Rallye 400 Euro Bea HEL-74802 Rallye 4000 Pencil Bea Battery Boxes MET-229 Optima Battery Box MET-229DD Optima Dimple Die MET-236 Stock VW B. Box MET-237 U-1 Battery B MET-237DD U-1 Dimple . Power Steering HOW-1000 Sweet Servo HOW-7530 Top Coupler -30 Slpine HOW-7548 Lower Coupler-48 Spline HOW-8000 P/S Pump-1300 psi HOW-8000A PIS Pump, Alum-1300 psi .. HOW-&J04/8005 HOW-8001 P/S Pump, Charlyne -1000 psi HOW-8004 4-1/2" Pulley - Press On HOW-8005 5-3/4" Pulley - Press On HOW-8006 2" Howe Ram HOW-8007 Custom Ram HOW-8008 Reservoir ~. · HOW-a006~ C :E :D Gi :r: -l :r: 0 :E m -l ~ 0 z :D 0 0 m z 0 Cf) ;:,; () d 0 r ;:,; m z z m 0 -< OJ r= ~ m z c.. )> s: )> :D Cf) )> () 0 ~ 0 _J CD <t: UMP-10900 UMP-10920 UMP-10915 UMP-10610 Super Filter w/Brackets Super Filter Scoop Replacement Wing Nut Air Filter Shield for Weber Mickey Thompson Tires § ~ 9"x5"x6" T Are The Best! ~ CD Cf) a: w ~ U: z oil :.:: :.:: () ~ CJ ::::) CD UMP-51000 UMP-58000 10" dia. Straps-Stainless Steel 8" dia. Straps-Stainless Steel RaceCar-Jack RAC-JACK Flame Out Extinquishers SAF-RC-250 2-1/2 lb. Sys. SAF-RC-500 5 lb. Manual SAF-RC-500C 5 lb. Manual Compact ~ SAF-RC-500P 5 lb. Manual Push Activater Ultra Wheels Designed for Off-Road with Tuf-Treads and Side-Biter Sidewalls cl X Cf) :r: 0 () ;:,; Cf) )> C :D 0 :D )> > SAF-RC-500CP 5 lb. Manual Compact/Push Activater <C SAF-RC-1000 10Ib. Manual ULT-5352 15 x 3-1/2 VW C/l ~ SAF-RC-1000P 10 lb. Manual, Push Activater ULT-5752 15 x 7 VW ~ • CROW SI PSON BEARD SEATS ~ .. ------------------------------------~~ HELLA • KC HILITES FODDRILL REDLI E OIL U P s· S HEADERS Page 24 June 2001 James also got lost, for 100 who'd broken a hub and then yards "or so" he said, and he had his rear brakes catch fire. had a coil wire fall off, but At Check B, Mile 108, didn't lose much time and Carroll still led, with Taylor went on to take the· win. second, and now he had re-That made it a good day for placed that bump stop. the James ·brothers, since Jernigan was third, but Kevin was the Class 10 win-Turner had moved up to ner. Peterson finished also, fourth. Kelly and John Mc-only 2 7 minutes back after all Neil were struggling with a his misadventures. problem radiator, adding wa-. The unlimited small ter at every pit. They were trucks were next in line having to.fix their brakes at John Baker, Ford, had to mess with his air-cleaner a lot during the day, but hung in there and took the Class 7100 win. Kevin James out-lasted and out-drove his competition to take the Class 1 000•win in his Outlaw Raceco. Dusty Times

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Jeremy Spirkoff, his Ford looking good here, bent the front end Rick Taylor and Joel Whitted, in a Ford, had a small suspension Craig Turner had serious brake problems with his Ford all day, later, rubbed a hole in a tire and finished 2nd in Stock Full. problem and a rollover, were still third in Class 7200. but still took a nice second place in Class 7200. every pit also. The Manfroys last team still running. BITD event however. when he needed to slow he's figured out how to fix it), were fifth at Check B, but Jernigan took a big hit The stock full sized trucks · down. There weren't any rear and was now about 35 min-then didn't get to Check C. from a big truck, which bent (Class 8100) were ne~t off brakes. Sykes and Foutz, utes down, in third. Al When they'd rounded the his rear bumper into his spare the line, with nine entries. who'd had several flats, were Hogan, who felt he needed "a northern tip of the course tire so hard it br.oke the They were all Fords except· on the same minute, just two little more suspension for this and got to Mile 160, or wheel. Good thing he didn't for Chad Hall's Hummer. minutes b~hind Esquerra. kind of track", was losing. Check D, Carroll had eight have any flats. He went on Two of them, Tracy Rubio Merritt and Beaver didn't get time here and there with minutes on Taylor. Jernigan steadily to take the win in his and Randy Wilson (from Or-to Check C . . "mechanicking". He was was another six minutes back first BITD race. In second it egon), failed to get to the In the next section Sykes down over an hour, and Hall and Turner was just two min-was Turner, about five-and-first check, but in the pack broke an axle and Chad Hall was an hour behind him. utes behind him. He was a-half minutes later. Taylor that got there, Jere my had some shock trouble ~ith Sykes got past Check D, just having brake problems again. and Whitted were third, 20 Spirkoff had the lead, with his Hummer. He'd had early barely, and then a radius arm Then Carroll rolled his minutes further back, fol-four minutes on Manny Esq-trouble and was basically in folded, and he was done for truck, and some time later lowed in by Carroll and then uerra. David Sykes was third "catch-up" mode. Spirkoff the day. his battery shorted out. He the McNeils. another minute back and also broke an axle, and he Esquerra went on to take also had to deal with a Jernigan faced his stiffest Randy Merritt and Dan Bea-was having to add power the win, not liking his day plugged air filter. Jernigan, problem after the race. ver were fourth, only another steering fluid. No one was very much. Behind him who was having no problems, Someone decided there was minute down. having a really fine day. Spirkoff's left front tire moved into the lead at Check something not quite up to Spirkoff held his lead, At Check E, about 220 rubbed on the frame and fi-D. Turner had lost a drive snuff with his truck, ·and he which was still four minutes miles along the way, Esquerra nally went disastrously flat. shaft, and had a flat, while temporarily lost his win. But at Check B, and six minutes had the lead, and Spirk off He. just drove in on it the last Joel Whitted, Taylor's co-some further discussion led at Check C. Esquerra, mean-was second, nine minutes half mile or so, to take sec-driver, rolled over also. Spec-to the decision that his type while, had broken a brake down. But he'd bent up his ond. Then it was Foutz in tators helped him get back on truck had been line, and once it was re-front end prefry badly. Foutz third and Hogan fourth, fol-all fours. They were tied for grandfathered in, so he was. paired, had no brake fluid, so had a repeat of his I-beam lowed in by Hall, last to make third with Turner. And Car-reinstated as the winner. had dumped in some power problem that had occurred in it. They reported a variety of roll had dropped to fourth. He'll have to fix it or replace steering fluid. He was now the San Felipe race, now on weather, including snow. The McNeils were fifth, the it before he races another · having to pump his brakes the opposite side (he says Continued on page 2631 IN CONJUNCTION WITH Sl:■■E INTERNATIONAi:. OFF-ROAD RACING PRES E~N T THE MINI .METAL CLASS 7S IU--Yell Ill At the SCORE Primm 300 in Primm Nevada Sept 14 .-16 2001 The Largest Field Ever . Nearly thirty trucks/teams have confirmed. We will make history with this kind of turnout! Pit Crew Competition Your starting position for this race will be determined by the Pit Crew Competi.tion! No drawing for starting positions. Timed competition directly after technical inspection. Change two tires the quickest and walk away with $1000! See Pit Crew Compeition rules Free Video with Entry Free videotape to every entry. DirtPilot MMS video - only class 7S trucks at this race. We will compile the video from everybody who submits footage so bring your video camera and join in! In addition, we will have four photographers on course shooting footage just for the DirtPilot MMS. Compilation and editing by Juice Designs. Exclusive Dirt Pilot Mini Metal pit area All MMS teams will pit side by side for head to head pit action. In-Car Camera Auction Courtesy of Scott Steinberger and PCI. The team with the highest bid by 8/15/01 gets to carry the in-car camera. Email bids to An opening bid of $500 has been established. Proceeds go into ~he program. Commemorative T Shirt Design by noted off-road artist Rory Ward of Racers Only. QVER $10,000 UP FOR GRABS PLUS SCORE PURSE!!! SPONSORED BY THESE GREAT COMPANIES: Gamberg Engineering Currie Enterprises - Pit Crew Competition prize Dee Zee Industries Donahoe Racing HERCULINER / Splitfire / Smart Blades Intense Tees IPF Lights/ ARB Air locker Juice Designs Mckenzies - After race hospitality Racers Only Rancho / Dynomax R & D Fabrication - Fast lap competition prize Summit Racing Superwinch Ultra Wheel (4 polished wheels up to17x8) Come have a great weekend of racing and make history. You could win over $10,000!!! • Television Coverage TBA. To confirm your entry and have a list of the teams sent to you contact: After Race Hospitality and Video Presentation Uncut race day video footage and refreshments Doug Siewert Bruce Landfield racetrucks@earth Ii n k. net Dusty Times June 2001 Pa_ge 25

Page 26

Rod Hall and Glen Wolfe motored through the bad weather in A bit outnumbered as the lone Jeep in Class 7100, Miguel Tim Carroll, Ford, had a late-race roll over that dropped him the Hummer, to take second place in the big SUV class. Alvarado had a good day, even with the snow, and took third. _to--'-th~ir_d_,pc...l_a_c_e_in_ C-l_as_s_ 7_2_0-0~-------- ~----T e i600 cars were the Ultimately, Williams an consuming pro em. T 1.e For s. At Check A Mcrae Check D . He had only two next group to go, numbe_ring Graves took the win, finish-stud holding his air clean er Glass h ad the lead, with four . minutes on Williams, and his only three entries. At the ing a half hour in front of and carburetor had ·come minutes on Deputy Steve co-driver, Deputy Chuck first check, the lead belonged Harvey who did a good job loose, and they were having Williams. Steve Olliges, Braden, who'd h a d some to D ave Blakely in a Profab, for a first race. He said it was to stop every 15 miles or so who'd been leading early and shock trouble. The Dixons who had just one minute on "Awesome." Blakely put to tighten the thing up. then had a flat, was now were still third, and Glass Eric Williams in his Jimco. Mike Halliday in for the sec-Davis held third throug h third, another four minutes was fourth. Willia m s ' carburetor had ond half and they kept add-Check B, and then never got back. And in fourth it was MacCachren, worrie d been loading up and he'd de-ing fuel and power steering the truck to Check C. Aaron and Ian Dixon. Frank about tires, backed off. But cided to c h ange jets at the fluid, and brought the car At the half-way point, Szubart and David Capell if Williams got too close, first pit. Behind them, Mike back in third place. Custer handed his truck over were fifth, and David Porter he'd hustle again for a while, Harvey, racing for the first Class 7100 (7S) was next to Gene Haas, one of his . ran sixth. They were all still and that way he held on to time in his near-new Porter, to go, with nine entries: eight sponsors, who'd never driven going -and they would all go the lead. He had four min-ran third. (His car had raced Fords and a Jeep. Three of in a race before. And he held all day, right to the finish u tes at Check E. Braden, once before, at ·Laughlin, the Fords never got to the the lead. At Check D they line. finding it "rough for these with buddy Darnen Jefferies first check, including Ramsey had three minutes on Baker. Olliges got his lead back little trucks", was ten min-at the wheel.) . El Wardani and John Richard Long and Tim Cecil by Check B, and now had utes up on the Dixons. Then At Check C Williams had Holmes, Mike Coleman and had been third since Check three minutes on Williams, it was Glass, Szubart and himself in the lead, but just Tim Lawrence and Steve C. but they were soon to fall while Glass fumbled around Capell and Porter. All still a minute in front of Blakely. Martz and Tim Sojourner. on evil times, and didn't get changing a radius arm bush-running. Harvey ran steadily in third. Malcolm Vinje and Jim Gil-to the next check. At Check ing, a thing he'd never had MacCachren and Olliges Then Blakely developed a christ started the day on a D it was still Haas in Custer's to do before. He lost just over managed to hang on to th.eir fuel pick-up problem and ran sour note, when an axle truck, with Baker in second, an hour. The Dixons were lead and got to the finish in out of fuel. After being towed broke as they took the green and now losing oil pressure. now third and Porter was time to get their first win in in to a new supply, he de-flag. Then at Mile 18 their But then Haas laid the truck -fourth. that truck. It was about.the cided to add gas at every pit, day ended when the flex-on its side. Some quick work At Check C Williams had fourth win in a row for Mac-to avoid a recurrence. He was plate blew apart. Of the rest, with a jack got it back up on picked up the lead, with 01-Cachren this year -counting also adding powe r steering the lead belonge d t o Joe its wheels quickly, but Baker liges in second place . The a couple of SCORE races, a fluid. Custer, who had five minutes had moved to the front. He Dixons were still third, with SNORE event and this one. Williams put K evin on John Baker. In third place went on to take the win, fin-Glass back to fourth. Then In second it. was Willia ms Graves in for the second-h.aff it was f(evin D avis , the n ishing just three minutes and came Porter and S;mbart and and Braden, only six and a of t h e race, and h e had some Miguel Alvarado in the lone t wo seconds in front of Capell. Everyone was still h alf minutes back, and fol-trouble with a fogged up face Jeep, ran fourth. C uster and H aas. Alvarado running. Olliges h anded off lowed in by Glass, who was shield, and also thought the Custer held ,his lead was third, over an hour later. to Rob MacC~chren, who's happy to finish in daylight at tire pressure was too high for through Check B, and now The stock mini-sized been having a winning sea-this event. The Dixons , his section of the course. But had seven minutes on Baker, trucks (7300) were next off son so far, and he worked who'd been third, ran out of he stayed in front. who had a small, but time-the line, with six entries, all back up to the front by gas about 20 miles before the Eric Williams and Kevin Graves teamed in Williams' 1600 Jimco to drive a Marc Winocur and Dave Turner, in a Ford, had all kinds of weather, no near-perfect day and take the win. problems and won the small SUV class. Steve O1/iges and Rob MacCachren paced themselves just right, avoided Jason Jernigan, racing at BITD for the first time, took the win in Class trouble and took th1:; Class 7300 (7S) win in theit Ford. 7300 by keeping his Ford hr,Jalthy and out of troub_le_. ______ _ Page 26 June 2001 finish, and dropped to fourth, over an hour down. Szubart and Capell were fifth, less than three minutes back, and Porter was sixth, almost an-. other hour later. In the big S.U.V. class there were only four entries, and the new Ford Excursion of Matt Scaroni and Tommy" W atson didn't fare well. They got to Mile 48, and be-ca use the transmission was overheating, stopped to let it cool off. When it was cool, there was no transmission. End o f day. But in the mean-time , the other three went on, and at Check A Marc Stein had his Expedition in the lead, with 20 minutes on Rod H all's Hummer. In third it was John R. and John A , Sunderland in their Bronco. S tein h ad things all to-gethe r and just motore d aroun d smoothly, staying in the lead. At C heck B he h ad nearly a n h our on Hall, and the Sunderlands were an-other half h o u r back. At C heck C he had an hour and a half, and then he put M ike McComas in to drive the sec-on d h alf. McComas k ept up the goo d work, and when he got to C h eck D , Mile 160, he was a n hour and 35 minutes up on Hall. The Sunderlands we re still a half h our or so behind him. And it went Dusty Times

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Richard Hoffman, Ford, did much of the race with bad brakes, Steve Williams and Chuck Braden had some shock problems with Running uncontested in Class 3000, William Snitch/er, from Utah, but still finished third in the tight Protruck race. their Ford, but were 2nd in Class 7300, only 6 1/2 minutes out. completed the 262.miles in his Jeep in 9 hours 53 minutes. that way to the finish line -cause the bad str~tches ap-ing their face shields up. The chilled to the bone by stiff The BITD will be back in almost. Stein and McComas p arently didn't last very weather was toughest on the winds, soaked by the ·rain, action on June 22nd, 23rd took the win, reporting a long. Only the age-old prob-folks waiting at the start/fin-pelted by hail, and then fro-and 24th for the Tonopah "co-driver's dream", because lem with fogging face shields ish, the flagman and other zen by the wind again, as day 300, starting and finishing at the co-driver never had to was a real annoyance, and officials who had to be there faded into night. Hot choco-Tonopah. Dusty Times will get out of the car. Hall and they dealt with that by open-the e·ntire time. They were late was a big selling item. see you there. . __ ...,,.,,. his co-drivers, Roy Davidson and Glenn Wolfe, finished an hour and 45 minutes later in second place. But the Sunderlands never got there . . In the small S.U.V. class (3100), there were five en-tries, and all but one got through the first check. That was the team of An-thony Napoleon and Bran-don Hughes who broke their rear end. They said that was the first time that had hap-pened. But Marc Winocur had his Ford going smoothly and at A he had three min-utes on Buddy Crisp in an-other Ford. Then came Mike Falkosky in an Explorer, about 11 minutes back. At Check B Winocur and Crisp were on the same minute, and n ow Roddy W oolworth and Bryan Zeigler h a d dropped out, reducing it to a three ca r race. At Check C Winocur, and co-drive r, D ave Tfirner had a clear lead again, with 16 minutes on Crisp, who must have had a problem. Falkosky was a minute behind him. Winocur arid Turner later reported that they ran into snow, sleet and rain, and said they liked being able to "get four wheel drifts going" in the sleet. Apparently they stayed out of trouble too, and went on to take the win, with no mechanical troubles or flats, by a little over an hour. Falkosky had moved up to second place, and then Crisp came in about an hour and 20 minutes further back. In the Exhibition Class, 1600, which seems to be a catch-all for vehicles that don't fit neatly somewhere else, the big Chevy powered truck type entry of Glen Greer and Ben Myers, was unable to make it to the first check, and they were the onJy entry. In Class 3000 (Class 3) the lone entry of William Snitchler and Eric Lane in their Jeep, running in the Sportsman division, did make it all the way, finish-ing the 262 miles in 9:53: 19. And another Sportsman, Gary Prentis and Julius Coo-per, in a Class 7100 (7S) Chevy, also made it all the way, with a time of 10:24:51. A long day. T h e n asty weath er didn't both e r the racers much , be-Dusty Times \_ \ y I \ ~ \ \ lb~ ~!",!"-A-WAY® I . . ' -·oJUSTAl:llLITY io OBT~IN-~PTIMALJ~Ef(fpRMANCE ;: "= ., ~ --,; \ ef' ··-;;,. . l:ST FADING c.«µse9~BY,HEAT ANti,3/AV~TATION . . { _;,;,· r . .-- f .-'>_f BE DEStr~~cfOl;l ;FINE TUNING SUSP~N~IC}N " •RACE RROVEN QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE ' '>tJ::: -~t ·=-: ,, •2.5" AN0,3" DIAMETER.)WAILABLE · ', . ·, ,,,-" -f. "s;\,,, , .•. •· ~ • ''"v.; ............... , -Distributors Camburg Engineering Off-Road Warehouse 714-848-8880 858-565-n92 Baja Concepts 760-723.2117 McKenzie's 714-441-1212 fa Prowlers 661•288•5757 June 2001 .cam earn more or call [8'1 BJ 70D-971 e Sway-A-VVay, Inc. Chat·sworth, CA Page 27

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NORTHWEST RALLY REPORT Doo wop 3 And 4 Club Rally Text & Photos: Jim Culp Tim Paterson and Donald McDaniel took the Doo Wop 4 win and the Series crown in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo. Experience won out as spots at the Doo Wop ditional northwest season rally veterans split the top Club Rally events, the tra-openers. Carl Jardevall and· From Pre-Runner to all-out competition, our skilled technicians will vide you with gearing sp~ci(ically for your vehicle\driving style and performance needs. For more information call (800) 30-4Trans Sou/h/JID California's Ja111Jsl DiSllibU/O1 of MIJDdlJOla TransaKIIJSI 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim, CA 92806 • Fx: (714)680-3110 Page 28 June 2001 Carl Jardeva/1 and Amity Trowbridge took their Group 5 Volvo to the Doo Wop 3 win with two wheel drive they averaged 64mph. Amity Trowbridge cap-tured Doo Wop 3 on the fast roads of the Quinault Indian Nation, while Tim Paterson and Donald Mc-Donald claimed the top spot in Doo Wop 4 and the Doo Wop series crown. Doo Wop 3 The Northwest Region of the Sports Car Club of America started the 2001 season in the historic Washington seaport of Hoquiam and raced over new stages in the Quinault Nation's forest. Jardevall and Trow-bridge in the screaming yel-low Nordic Motors Volvo 740 turbo showed that i:wo wheel drive can still do the job on the fast northwest stages. Averaging 64 miles per hour, the Group 5 car of Jardevall and Trow-bridge claimed the overall win and regional Class 1 in Doo Wop 3 by five seconds over Paterson and McDaniel. Pa·terson/McDaniel in the 4 WO Open class TAD Mitsubishi Lancer Evo were fastest on all three stages, but they clipped one of the chicanes designed to slow cars on the ultra-fast course. The ensuing 30 sec-ond penalty handed the overall title to the Volvo. Third was another fast northwest Group 5 car, the · Mazda RX-7 turbo of Dave and Rick Hintz, only 26 seconds behind the leader. Dueling Subaru lmpreza turbos filled the fourth and fifth spots, with Eric Eaton and Kenny Almquist 29 seconds ahead of Les Shad-bolt and Brian Smith. Nat T Stow and Aaron Montgomery showed that Volkswagens fly too. The Tree Tamers GTI topped the Group 2 pack and the Region's Class 2, finishing only two seconds behind Shadbolt/Smith and three seconds ahead on Todd and Tina Lengacher in the TNT Audi 4000S. The Production GT battle found the Eagle Talon of Greg Lingelbach and Steve Andrews in eighth, six seconds ahead of Keith Roper and Mike Taylor in a Mitsubishi Galant VR4. . Tenth were two former national champions, Joe Noyes and Dr. Dave White in a Toyota Supra. Roger Jackman and John Meloy were 11th overall and first in the Northwest Region's Class 3 :,vith the ageless Dodge Colt. Dave Schrenk and Chad Little claimed the Produc-tion class in a 1977 Saab 99 EMS. In a northwest first, two Geo Metros started and finished a ClubRally. Vance Walker and Dave Lund finished first among Geos, and second in the Production class, with the Rage Racing prototype of the proposed new North-west Region spec-car class for 50 horsepower, three cylinder Metros. The 41-car entry was we 11 received by the Quinault Nation, with a service area set up within sight of the scenic Pacific coast. The March weather was brisk but sunny and 35 cars were running at the end to celebrate the day at the beach. The DNF list included Roger Hull and Sean Gallagher in a PGT class · Mitsubishi Eclipse, who made the long tow from Roger Jackman and John Meloy were the Northwest Class 3 winners at Dao Wop 3 in their neat looking Dodge Colt. Dusty Times

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Lee Shadbolt and Brian Smith were only able to garner the Nao Hirata and Don Swier were the regional Class 3 winners, fifth place 5{fot at Doo Wop 3 in their Subaru. shown here in their PGT Toyota Celica A 11 Trac. Arizona ut failed to com-and newcomers Tracey Not only was it fun, but I plete a single stage when Meyers and Jeff Shieck learned a few things about the turbo failed, taking the were fourth in class on car control and maintain-Nate Tennis and Nate Pettit claimed the Group 2 class in Doo Wop 4 after suffering maj or problems on 3. engine with it. street tires. After the ing speed through the cor-Doo Wop 4 event, former rally winner ners." 4 and 31 finished. Among 323 and coUected a stump. the DNFs were two thirds Sister Kristen Tabor with of the Tabor Rally Team. mom Janice Tabor co-driv-Brother Mark Tabor and ing for the first time, ended co-driver Kevin Poirier lost up on the roof in the Nis-the brakes in the Mazda san Sentra. __ ..,,,_ Paterson and McDaniel Walker said, "I had a blast! 37 cars started Doo Wop charged to a n early lead on the Montesano Forest stages and held p n to take first in Doo Wop 4 and cap-ture the Doo Wop Series Crown. The Paterson/McDaniel team, driving a 300 horse-power 4WD Mitsubishi L ancer prepared by r ally legend Murray Thomas, av-eraged 5 9 miles per hour to take an 11 second win over Jardevall and Trowbridge. The Volvo team took an-other Group 5 class trophy, and posted the day's fast-est time on the historic Brooklyn Tave·rn stage, seven miles of gravel t hat make one of t h e world's great rally roads. J ardevall and Trowbridge improved their 2WD record with a time of 6 :49, t h e fourth fastest time ever clocked on the run from Brooklyn. Eaton and A lmquist in the 1999 S ubaru lmpreza turb o were third overall, and second o n the Brook-lyn stage wit a 6:54 clock-ing. Rally winners Paterson a n d McD anie l a lso broke the seven minut e b arrier with a 6:56 r un. The Hintz b r others fin-ished fourth in the RX-7 turbo, and another brother act, Carey -and Alan Wright were fifth in the Open class Mazda 3 23 GTX. Lingelbach and Andrews repeated their Production GT class win and a lso took the regional Clas? 2 title in the Eagle, while Mike Mail-man and Donald Flagg were seventh in the Tita-nium Racing Audi Coupe Quattro. Roper and Taylor fin-ished eighth in the Galant, followed by the lmpreza of ·Shadbolt and Smith. Nate Tennis and Nate Pettit came back from a broken axle in Doo Wop 3 and fin-ished tenth overall in Doo Wop 4 to claim the Group 2 class with the Tree Tam-ers Saab 99. Nao Hirata and Don Swier topped the regional Class 3 group with a PGT class Toyota Celica All Trac. Schrenk and Little repeated the Production class win in the Saab. B oth Geos finished again, Walker and Lund were second in Production Dusty Times Tie-Dawns Head,v!!iit Pad Standard Features: . • Powder Coated Steel Frame • Double Pirelli Rubber Supports • Grommeted 1 Piece Mesh Liner • High Density Foam • Removable Cushion . • External Shoulder Belt Loops • 5-Point Harness Compatible 2" x 20' recovery strap (#32200) • Embossed Logo Ad.Ju!!itable Clevis & Llniltlng !itraps June 2001 A $25.00 value! Mail In rebate. • Available in Black or Gray • 4 time class one champion, '97, '98, '99 & 2000 • 2 time trophy truck champions, '99 & 2000 • '01 - Trophy truck winner, San Felipe 250 • '01 - Class 1 winner, Terrible Town 250 Page 29

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VORRA SEASON OPENER Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA By Tray Robinson Photos: Steve & Kenna Brosz John Frank passed the smoking Don Sutton and took the Veteran 8 win and Sutton held on for a second spot, same class. The first race of VORRA's 26th year of off road racingis in the history books. With lot of new changes to the entire organization and race for-mat, there was great an-ticipation and excite-ment leading up to the race weekend. First and biggest change of all was at the top. With Ed & Jenny Robinson retiring to Maui after 25 years of VORRA, who was going to take the reigns of V orra? Long time racer Dennis Kordonowy and his wife Bonnie stepped up to the plate and took it over. With the new pro-moter came new ideas and interest. Some of the ideas included a new Sat-urday format to include a tire changing contest, earlier tech and registra-tion times, shorter prac.: tice session followed by qualifying for starting po-sitions. Sunday's changes were an Oklahoma land rush start, now named the "Gold Rush Start" at VORRA, a shorter track for the pilots to race, and the return of the dash for cash. The first event of the weekend was the tire changing competition._ The monies collected at gate for Saturday's ad-mission went into the purse which totaled over $400.00. The rules for DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 7 $84 .. 05 $89.10 Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $117.45 $124.75 15 X 10 $131 .99 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Page 30 (702) 247-1266 We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX the competition were simple. Two cars compet-ing at a time facing single elimination. Two crew members had to take off and reinstall one tire us-ing a jack, a jack stand. and air tools all provided by Pro-Pit of Reno. With over 20 cars entered the competition was fast by the time semi-finals came around. David Kordon-owy faced off against Billy Manfroy with Kor-donowy having the slight advantage until a crew member slipped .under -the car allowing Manfroy to move on. The final round faced off Manfroy against Jeff Elrod. The Manfroy crew worked fast and pulled off the victory. In qualifying, Dennis Dugan in his six cylinder Porsche powered car was the fastest by over two seconds with a 1 :09 single lap time. Other fast qualifiers were David Kordonowy in Class 10, Kevin Davidson in Class 7S and Gary Steele in the Veteran class. Sportsman Novice was the first out of the gate on Sunday with an eight car field taking to the new Gold Rush start. Jumping to the early lead and moto win was Ron Myers (34) with Glen Murfin (23) second and Frank Pelko third. In Moto 2 Myers and Lionel Borba (60) tangled, both cars rolled and blocked the track early on the first lap bringing out a red flag. Myers' car was uprighted and he re-joined at the back of the p;:ick for the restart. He worked his way up _through the pack but was unable to catch Mike Carson (14C) who had led from Lap 1 in the race. Pelko finished the moto in third. Murfin broke a stub axle on Lap 5 but survived attrition and p laced fourth. Over-all results had Myers first, June 2001 -------..................... ·-··················· -··························"········· Dennis Dugan took the Class 1 honors at Prairie City and certainly hopes to continue his winning ways. Carson second, Pelko third and Murfin fourth. In the Mini Truck classes, Joe Price and Jeff Elrod brought out their stadium trucks and formed a class to race each other in Class 7M. Price held off Elrod in Moto 1 for the win and Elrod didn't make Moto 2 giving the overall win to Price. Class 7 open faced Bill Manfroy (767) against Patty Hayos (769) to· do battle. In both motos Manfroy pulled a half a lap lead for the overall win. In Class 7S, five-trucks fought it out over the one mile track. In Moto 1, Kevin Davidson (757) was out to the early lead holding off Gary Skipton (707) and Fred Calosso (777) for the first four laps. Davidson suffered a rear flat when he· was passed by a truck from another class, this dropped him to third and eventually he dropped out with overheating problems from the flat. This put Skipton in the lead for the moto win with Calosso in second. In Moto 2, Calosso jumped out early and didn't look back as he went on to the win with Skipton in second. o ·ver-all results had Calosso take the win with Skip-ton in second. . Class 9 had four cars do battle and it was a tight battle at that. In Moto 1 Steve Souza (921) barely held off a fight from Dave Tarrant (904) for the moto win. David Lucas (936) fin-. ished third with. Eric Steiger (956) in fourth. In Moto 2 Tarrant was out of the race early as he rolled from the lead on Lap l. Souza continued his winning way and went on for the Moto 2 and overall win. Second place went t~ Lucas with Steiger in third. The Class 1 field had Dwight Greene (100) take to the lead from Lap 1 as his V8 powered buggy was quickest off the Gold Rush start. Dennis Dugan (168) must have been sleeping at the start as the field was half way down the start chute before he even got moving. It took Dugan six laps to work his way through the field and start pressuring Greene. Then on the last lap in the east turn, Greene cut to the inside and stalled, later finding out the mo-tor had expired. Dugan went on to the win with Sam Berri ( 1049) in sec-ond. In Moto 2, Dugan walked away with the show as he went flag to flag for the win. Berri fin-ished second followed by Jeny and Linda Wald (246). Overall results was Dugan first, Berri second and Walds third. For the Pilot class the track was shortened just a bit and they .raced ten laps. In Moto 1 Clint Wolsey (7x) went for the flag to flag victory over Paul Franklin (5), Mark Christenson (37) and Miles Berg hold (16). In Moto 2 Franklin broke a front control arm early in the race taking him out of contention. Wolsey went on again for the win. Berg hold held off Christenson for second. Overall results: Wolsey first, Berghold second and Christenson third. The Veteran class hit the track for Moto 1 right after the water truck. The muddy conditions may have had contributed to a huge tangle on Lap 1 that· took out Chet Butcher (89) with steering rack problems. Lenny McLean (69) used his mud driving skills having come up through the novice ranks to take the Moto 1 vic-tory. Gary Steele (44) came in for second fol-lowed by Rich Fletcher (27), and -Kevin Kleinsmith (28). In. Moto 2, McLean .dropped out early with mechanical dif--fic ul ties. This allowed Steele to go on to the win with Fletcher in second. Roscoe Cook (73) ran well to finish third with Kleinsmith in fourth. Overall, Steele was the winner, Fletcher second, Kleinsmith third, and Cook in fourth. In the Heavy Metal Veteran class, John Frank (8698) brought out his beautiful new Blazer and went on for the narrow win over Don s ·utton (51). In Moto 2, Sutton Dusty Times

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Steve Bradford, Jr. (Foreground) took second in Class 12 while Going so fast the camera had trouble capturing him, Fred Cafasso Bill Manfray started the season right, taking the Class 7 win Tyler Mort (Background) ended up third an Class 10. took the Class 7S win and is looking forward to many more. at Prairie City. ,========================= :1 ., Gary Steele was second in the first moto, took the win in moto How does he stay so Cleans Stay in front is the watchword for Class 1 O was hotly contested but the win went to high flying David 2 and was therefore the Veteran Class winner. ,Joe Price, shown here flying to victory in Class 7M. Kordonowy and he picked up 56 coveted points for his efforts. held off Frank for all but line jump and Kordonowy writing an essay ofless than narrowed down to six for a The first race went off one lap, the last one when ·edged out Berri by just a 100 words on why you de-drawing. The lucky and ex-well for the new promot-Frank went down the in-car length for the Moto 2 -serve the truck and how tremely happy winner was ers; they now know what side of Sutton in Turn 1 and overall win. Berri your family would be in-Frank Keifer, son of long more to expect as we to go on to the moto and placed second in the over-volved. Sixteen entries time VORRA racer Dan head into the start of the overall win. Sutton was all with Tyler Mort (1001) were received and it was and Keri Keifer. season.· .. ...,,,,,. second overall. third. In Class 12 Kevin Lewis The last race of the day (1277) held off Steve wasthereturnofthecash Brad ford Jr. ( 1208) in for cash. A tight four-way both motors for the over-battle for the lead between all win. Gary Steele, Sam Berri, The Class IO battle Dav1d Kordonowy and Joe opened up with a fierce Price erupted from the fight between Wes Elrod green flag. On the last lap (10) and David Kordonowy Kordonowy, who was run-(1020) for first and Ron ningfourthgotunderPrice Foster (1037) and Sam andgavehimalittlenudge Berri (1049) for third. rolling the mini-truck on Elrod and Koidonowy were its top. Meanwhile up nose to tail for the entire front, Steele held off the race until Kordonowy hard charging Berri for the sneaked his way by for the win and the winner takes Moto 1 win. The third all purse of over $550.00. place fight went on with Throughout the course Foster coming out over of the day entries were be-Berri. In Moto 2 the battle ing taken for a race truck up front with Elrod and giveaway. The Butcher Kordonowy was just the family and J.A.C.K.A.S.S. same until Elrod's trans-(Just a Couple of Kids and mission let go half way Some Sponsors) racing · through the moto. Then have moved up to the taking the white flag, Kor-Buggy range and decided to donowy blew out a right give away their old Class 7 rear tire over the finish line truck. Kids of legal race jump. Berri was about 15 driving age were allowed to seconds back and started enter but had to have a pouring it on to catch the parent there proving it limping Kordonowy. It would be a family effort. came down to the finish Entries were accepted by Steve Souza flies his neat looking Class 9 car towards the finish line and the class "."ic_t9r_y_ at Prairie City. Dusty Times CAil TOil FREE .. -888-755-5900 WE CAN SHIP UPS TO YOUR DOOR WE OFFER THE/E ./ERVICE/ ** WE SERVICE FOX, BILSTIEN, KING, SWAY A WAY SHOCKS ** MAGNAFLUX SERVICE ( WITH QUICK TURN A ROUND .. ) ** GEAR BOX REBUILD SERVICE .(NO MORE WEIRD NOISES •. ) CLASS 9 OWEL BALL JOINTS UPPER & LOWER $13.50 EA. TYPE 3 BRAKE KIT (BACKING PLATES,SHOES, WHEEL CYLINDERS, SPRINGS AND DRUMS) $250.00 FRONT ARM STOP KIT $15.00 REAR TAIL BRAKE LIGHT (ALUMINUM HOUSING) $8.00EA. BALL JOINT REPLACEMENT BOOTS SET OF FOUR $4.95 CLASS 1/2 1600 5/1600 - SPORTSMAN 930 CV JOINTS $55.00 TYPE 3 BRAKE KIT (BACKING PLATES, SHOES, WHEEL CYLINDERS, SPRINGS AND DRUMS) $250.00 CHROMOL Y SPINDLE WASHER AND JAM NUT KIT $69.95 7 /8 4130 LINK PIN EA. $20.00 51/8 4130 LINK PIN EA. $19.00 -··~ ,, L'~1'Jn~~ •••• CLASS 10 5 UNLIMITED 934 cv·s $215.00 934 OVER BOOT $11.00 7 /8 4130 LINK PIN EA. $20.00 JUMBO FODDRILL SPINDLE BEARING KIT (INNER BEARING, OUTER BEARING, AND SEAL) BOTH SIDES $89.95 CALL ABOUT SMOKIN' BFGOODRICH PRICES 3054 S, VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 891.02 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702)871.-5221. FAX Congratulations MacCachren Motorsports for The 2000 CORR Championship June 2001 Page 31

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..... FRT FUD 2 McMillin Gets The Wil1 By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Race Photos Scott McMillin and his son Andy had only one flat tire, drove at an even pace and took the overall win in their Jimco. Scott McMillin cel-ebrated the end of Spring Break with a 10 lap run around the Borrrego desert that netted him the overall win at the FRT FUD 200 in April. The FRT deviates from its normal schedule for this race, and leaves the bikes to their own devices. The cars and trucks get a 7 a.m. start time this way, and all the racing is finished well be0 fore dark. Since this was the day before Easter, those who had plans elsewhere had plenty of time to get there, while others in-tended to do their family celebrating out of doors in the wonderful desert weather. The course was a rough figure-eight, pinching to-gether about mid-way through the 20 mile circuit, so pit folk and spectators got two shots at watching the cars go by. McMillin had some tough competition, but it was a troubled day for all of them. Shawn McCallum couldn't even get his first lap done, but Chuck Hovey was right there. He was debuting his new V 4 powered J i-mco, which had set its wheels in dirt for the first time just three days before the race. Hovey said it was set up "a little stiff, but it's safe." He was less than a minute be-hind McMillin, who had started second, and had only McCallum to deal with. In third it was Miles Wyatt, about another m1nute back, and foiiowed in 3 2 seconds by Scott's brother, Mark in a Ford-powered Chenowth. John Currier had some major problem that cost him more than a lap, and Rob Archibald ran about second minu res late after some problem. On the second lap Hovey moved into the lead, but it was still very tight, and Mc-Millin was only 29 seconds behind him. Wyatt was third and Mark McMillin fourth. But Wyatt disap-peared for unknown reasons on the next lap, and McMil-lin was gone when a tie-rod bolt broke and the tie rod fell down and folded under the car. Had this been a Baja 3 00 he might have taken the time for a fix, but repairs would have cost many laps, so he settled for HANNEMANN FIBERGLASS, INC. Conversion Kits 84-88 Ranger 84-88 Toyota 89-95 Toyota Fenders, Hoods and Bedsides for Chevy S-10, Chevy Full Size, Ford Full Size, Toyota and Nissan ll32 W. Kirkwall Road, Azusa, CA 91702 626-969-7317 Page 32 being part of Scott's crew. Brady Turner, who'd done one lap, never got another finished. At the end of the third lap it was McMillin and Hovey again, and Archibald was third, but about 10 minutes back, while Currier was another 25 minutes down. Nobody else was run-ning by then. Through Laps 4 and 5 they held their position, with about a half minute separation. But at the end of Lap 6 Hovey had it again, by the tiny margin of two seconds. And then on Lap 7 McMillin was back in front, still less than a minute down. Now Currier was gone, after having fallen an hour behind the lead cars. At the end of the eighth lap McMillen was essen-tially by himself. Hovey didn't come around, victim of a broken inner c.v. cage. But his crew decided to make repairs and send him out again, which they did, 14 minutes later. Archibald still ran third, but he was over an hour down. McMillin, finding his car still a bit too stiff, was hav-ing no problems, except that at the end of the ninth lap he clobbered a "con-crete thing" at the edge of the course just a half mile from the start/finish and flattened his right rear tire. He got to his pit with no real problem, and was quickly back on good tires, and onto his last lap. Mea_p.-while, Hovey lost another c.v. cage, and that was it for his day. McMillin did his last lap at the same steady pace of about 18 minutes, to take the win. Archibald was reported parked in a wash with a flat tire. It turned out to be a broken wheel, and a piece of the tire wrapped around the rotor, which then broke. He had to wait June 2001 Rodd and Tony Fantelli and Charlie Bignell all had a turn at the Ford, and took the small-truck win with little trouble. for his crew to get there, on the ninth lap, and Searle and once they got him go-earned a second place with ing again he did his final his nine laps done. three laps with no brakes, The 1600 cars had a good but did finish, in second race, as usual. They all got place. . their fist lap completed, but In Class 10 there was Andy DeVercelly IV had only one entry,· the bright blown his fuel pump right green toy of Troy Gaerin, off the start. So he pulled who was racing for the fist straight into his pit and they time. Normally he pits for installed a new one. He lost Scott McM illin, but nearly a full lap with the re-couldn't resist getting pairs. At the end -of Lap 1 deeper into the sport. He Eric Allen had his Jimco in ran eight good laps, and the lead, with nine seconds would have been fourth or on Steve Laputz in his fifth overall, but he, too, Chenowth. In third place it broke a c.v. cage. was Brian Ickler, Jimco, In Class 500 Todd only another 43 seconds Stemmerman led all day, back, and followed by having no problems, and David Scaroni, in still an-thinking this was a "fun other Jimco, a bit over a course -really fast." He minute later. Lupe Garcia gradually pulled ahead of ran fifth, but was destined Dave Collier, who ran sec-to become a DNF on the ond, until he had nearly a fourth lap. full lap on him. And in-bac·k And D eVcrcelly didn't of the m Jeff Searle ran get through the second lap. smoothly in third place, not He had a sticky throttle, quite able to get around at and when he let off for a the same pace, but covering turn, it stuc•,. full on and ground steadily. slid into a bush and rolled Stemmerman took the win, over twice. He handed on Collier's car apparently died his wheels, but blew his Dennis Sletten and Robert Henderson had a good day, no problems ·to speak of, .and took the Class 11 win. Kent and Hal Graves (son and father) had a good day, just flats to slow them, and took ihe Class 9 win in their Jimco. Dusty Times

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Anna Davis and Bob Harryman shared the driving, and Rob Archibald's day was fraught with problems, but the Chuck Hovey brought out his new Jimco, and liked its did just great, even if it was Davis' first race as a driver. spectators liked his high-flying style. He took second. performance. But broken c. v. cages put him out. shocks, broke the bell hous-tire, and he was a bit an-overall for the day. The event the weekend before trouble until he was in sight ing and twisted the frame. noyed by all the butterflies, small trucks had a mixed (and won it) and thus had of• the finish line on his He's in the process of build-running headlong into his day. Rodd Fantelli started not had much time for pre-ninth lap. He could almost ing a two seater these days, face shield and then leaving out in front in his Ford, race prep. Andrews was an reach out and touch it, and so the single seater was re-sticky, ·semi-permanent yel-with a bit over three min.-hour down by this time. the left rear wheel fell off tired a bit earlier than origi-low goo all over it. Scaroni utes on Jason Jernigan in Fantelli got out and let his the truck. Help was there nally planned. and co-driver Steve Down-ano::her Ford. Then came brother drive for the next quickly, the tire and wheel Allen got the bit in his ing were another six min-J.C. Andrews, about 20 three laps, and he stayed in were reattached and Bignell teethandjustpushedalong utesback. minutes down already. front, probably mostly be-droveacrossthelinetotake in front. He led by a minute · On the fifth lap Laputz Rodd had his brother, cause Jernigan lost a half the checkered flag, and the and 20 seconds at the end went to pass a srn,all truck, Tony, who lives in Cincin-hour with "nothing but win. The Andrews truck, of Lap 2, and Laputz was took a bad bump and landed nati and had never even problems." He had electri-with Rodd Fantelli at the still second, with Ickler more or less on the truck, seen an off road race ve-cal trouble, and had to re-wheel (he built the truck) third. Scaroni ran steady in which kicked him up onto hide, riding with him. (Cin-wire the ignition. finished second, but three fourth. Allen had a near-his side. There were specta-cinnati was in the throes of Andrews, whose Ford laps behind, and Jernigan, miss,with disaster half way tors handy to upright him, those terrible riots, and an was still running, had been who cited "lack of proper through the race, when, be-but he'd lost second place off road vehicle was a far, on five cylinders since early preparation" as his problem, cause his radio was some-to lckler. As Allen moved far better place to be i:ight on. The eastern Fantelli did was third, also three laps how "messed up" his crew serenely ahead, Laputz put then.) a good job for a rookie, and down. couldn't tell him to pull in on an extra-hard charge, By the end of the third brought the truck around There were only two of for fuel. He sailed right on determined to catch lckler lap Fantelli had a little over with three solid laps, to give the 5-1600s this time, and by. But they knew he'd run aga1n. And he did it on the two minutes on Jernigan, it to Charlie Bignell for the Telly Philo started the day out before completing the eighth lap, moving back who'd raced in a BITD final three. He had no Continuedonpage134 lap, so they grabbed the into second, but now seven dump can, hopped into a minutes down, and Ickler truck, and drove out to the was only 50 seconds behind point where the course him. Allen, who'd had one moved back in close to the flat, held his lead to the fin-s tart/finish area and caught ish, taking the win by about him there. Good pit crews six and a half minutes. make all the difference in Laputz was second, with. the world. · lckle r third, only 4 7 sec-By the end of the fifth onds behind him. Scaroni lap, Allen had almost three and Downing were fourth, minutes, and Laputz was but another 12 minutes about seven minutes up on back. Allen was delighted Ickler. Ickler had one flat to hear he'd finished second Todd Stemmerman keeps learning, and this time it paid off big time with the win in Class 5. Telly Philo and Tony Steingraber had no disasters this time, and took the Class 5-1600 win still in good shape. Dusty Times / . -....... _,,, • state of the art high flow piston designed to stog~valve wasHen:vfrom bending inwards. • wide teflon coated piston wear band for use in,fiterval,byp,~s wilf bi!J lliR~s so that it does not drop intq large ports. / l/.{ 1..£.i ,$. ,/' ' v · • sealed piston for low speed control and IJla~i amping in external b~ass. • high temperature stainless steel alloy/1a'tv~n·l ". \ • unique rod end design and materiarto stop.,sh , Ji"d rod ands from breaking. • high temperature Viton seals and ·o-rings. /, tV • large aluminum reservoir for inc~ased 0heat dissip~tion (2X) and weight savings.; • 1" shafts are micro-polished to a"mirror surface finish cf a 3-5 RMS. , . . ,-,./ , ,.., • stainless steel teflon lin~d SP,herical bearings with 1/2" or 578" ID spacers: • shock are all owner rebuildable with rio special toois to purchase. • electric blue anodiz~d color. ,, , J , ,. JH rPktlt(; D 'I' ,,, ' ' • Large 3/4" tu_b's fbrhigh flow (weld on kits available seoarate). ,,. A .,, 1 • Tube locations can be placed to order or weldea on b th~ customer. , • piston for smooth damp;ng transJtions. • Check valv_es mach:ri~d"fro~ 4140 and heat treate~ 17-4 stai9tess f~r long durability . .. ,:tar l ODtcheck:.valve spring designed Vfith low operating stress levels. • ' ck" style reservoir mounting -:Or the rear 9f buggies and trucks. , m1§.;J§·ifit%§!,m!t:t.:11f-hl# "' Cust d springs for 3" shocks in . Eibach{prings available. We c!o custom shock work and vehicle set'\,!P.· ~,;, · Custom designed and mfg. shocks_ & parts avatla~ ( air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same person that designed all Kuster Shocks. June 2001 IS £ SSJ&tt 5£3££21& King Shock Technology A Shock Manufacturing Company (714) 530-8701 Fax: (714) 530-8702 10402 Trask Ave., Unit C, Garden Grove, CA 92843 · Page 33

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Matt Scaroni and Tommy Watson were trying to get the bugs Steve Laputz had his Chenowth_ really moving, but a quick bounce It was the first time out for Toby Gaerin, who was doing very out of the new Excursion. Couldn't quite get all the laps done. off a truck cost him enough time to hold him to second 1600. well in his Class 10 car until a c. v. cage went away. in Tony Steingraber's car, gone into the lead. Co-which still has no reverse seen again. told, a top notch tire with 23 minutes on Joey driver Adam Pfankuch got gear. Jon Kay was ju_st be-While Fallers moved on ·changer.They ran close to-Teague, even though it felt in after a while, and he was hind her in his truck. steadily, Scaroni put Tom gether for a couple of laps, as if the car had no horse-able to pick up the pace a On the second lap Fallers Watson into the Ford, and Henderson apparently keep-power. But then, it sud-bit, but on the seventh lap went into the lead, with they continued to have new ing an eye on Davis, and denly got fast on the second the transmission gave up. So Allen second and Kay third, car problems. The diesel fuel then Sletten got into his car, lap, and they decided it was Graves went on alone. He all within five minutes of leak wet some wires and· and he let her fend for her-because they were running put his dad, Hal, in to do the one another. The Excursion, caused a short for one thing. self. She was doing a good a higher octane fuel than final four laps. Each of the which had been moving Fallers ran steadily on and job, and kept coming around the motor is built for, and Graveses had a flat, and along right smartly, had hit completed all eight laps in regularly. By the end of the they figured on the cool when Hal flattened his, the a square edged bump just be-the time of 3-:54:39 to take fourth lap he had 16 minutes morning it had taken a lap Kern/Pfankuch pit crew fore the start/finish line, and the win. But he didn't stop on her. Davis wasn't the to warm up properly. changed it for him so he come a cropper. The bolts to talk about his day. Allen only person getting a treat Teague managed to com-didn't have to hop out. He holding the steering box in and Lindsay, who had no this weekend. Sletten also plete only three laps, but says, "Thanks." The Graves place broke, and the box problems, finished second, let his 10 year old son, Ri-Philo and Steingraber, who team was, of course, the win-pulled off its mount. It was -and Watson and Scaroni, chard, ride with him for drove the final few laps, did ner, with all ten laps com-also leaking diesel fuel, and with only seven laps done, three laps. He said it "was mine, to take the win. pleted. ominous wisps of steam were were third. They had no fun." Ultimately, Sletten Class9hadmixedsuccess In the Sportsman divi-seenfromtimetotime.The flats, Watson saying his andHendersongotthewin, also. Trey Sommers, in a sion there was a mixed bag fix took just 20 minutes. huge tires are "tougher'n-completing all eight laps in Jimco, didn't get his first lap of vehicles, with a Class 12, Fallers continued to lead, rocks!" He also said he fig-4:55:08. Davis, and her co-done, an unusual circum-a Class 9, a small truck and with Allen in second place ured each corner of the Ex-driver, Bob Harryman, who stance, because he's gener- a very big S.U.V. Matt Sea-and Kay third. The Ford cursion weighed as much as did Laps 5 and 6, were a lap ally a finisher. But Julie Kern roni started the day in the brought up the rear for a ·his 1600 car. shy, but she couldn't stop hod her Kernco in the lead, Ford Excursion, a new ve-couple of laps. After four Two Class 11 cars came to grinning after getting out of '31 seconds up on Kent--hide that needed some se-laps, Fallers had seven min-play at this race, and they her car. Said she: "I'm, like, Graves in a Jimco. But rious testing, and this utes on Allen, who then let seemed to have more fun so glad I did this!" things went sour on Lap 2 seemed like a good pla<:.:e to Cera Lindsay take over for than anybody else. Dennis So were they all. In gen-for Kern. She and a 5-1600 get it. He had the lead, but the remainder of the trip. Sletten and Robert Hender-eral, everyone found the car collided, and that cost a only by three minutes at the This class was required to son ran one and Anna Davis, course fun, and the weather bit of time, and then she lost end of the first lap. In sec-run only eight laps. They _ who normally functions as a just perfect. It was a nice fin-second gear, which is hard to ond it was Robby Fallers in had only five minutes on the pit person for Sletten, was ish to the spring break va-do without in a Class 9 car. the Class 12 car, while Excursionnow,andKayhad drivingtheother.Shehad cation. Nonetheless, she kept plug-Megan Allen (Eric's sister) fallen to fourth. He then did never driven in a race be-The next FRT event ging away, but Graves had_ ranthirdinherClass9car, justonemorelapandwasn't fore, and this treat was a comes in July, down in payback for her good work as Tecate, with a long ~hort TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING. INC SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year Congratulations Ed Stewart 1 ~t Class 1 SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400 Transaxle Engineering Jeff Field Page 34 818-998-2 7 39 9763 Variel Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 June 2001 a pit person. She is, we were Robby Fallers drove in the Sportsman division in his Class 12 car and went home with the win. Eric Allen put his Jimco into the lead early, and with almost no problems, took ths Class i-2/1600 win and finished 2nd overall. Dusty Times

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Cars Trucks SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-flOAO HEAOQUART£R8 TIMED EVENT Drawing For Starting Positions June 1, 2001 Globalsta.: USA ~ .t' ifflra~ast B..C .. TTER:Jl::S @ff icial Battery Official Truck ~~ Of' THI!~~ ~ U llm'iimt:3~U RACING ASSOCIATION ~ Las Vegas, Nevada . ,,.u-rt PLASTIC PRODIJc -,r AfUllNO, OREGOtt ~imfflm~ HONDA CALL FOR INFORMATION RACING ASSOCIATION Ja.der:SCluhef America [£~~~~ /.lCE=i:li;::; · , Motorcycles -Q;;;-;;;·1. RACING~SOCIATION N d C . . - -3475C Boulder Highway eva a OffiffilSSlOil Las(r~~):s~-~J;121 4► On Tourism ~. RACING FUEL X-X-Fax (702) 641-2431 . ' l,S00,NEVADA,8 n.-., HIGH PERFORMANCE RACING FUEL AND LUBRICANTS 3rd Event In The 2001 ~~Best In The Desert,, Silver State Series ······-···········:················ ............................................................ ·-·· ... ··-··············•~· -~·-·······························-······

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ROCK CRAWLING A New way To use Your 4x4 Text & Photos: Judy Smith At the January ARCA event near Johnson Valley, _the giant boulders were little obstacle to the Rock Crawlers. About a month ago· your and a new rock crawling and spotter) and then eri-reporter went out to Johnson team was born. tries in the individual events Valley to see what Rock Walker competes in run $100. There's a nice Crawling was all about. American Rock Crawling purse and some fine prizes We had a great afternoon, Association (A.R.C.A.) for the winner. saw some incredible driving events. These folks, headed But it's not easy to win. A and some strange looking up by Ranch Pratt, the diabolical person goes out vehicles, but never did quite owner of the association, put into the desert or mountains figure out what was go·ing on four meets a year, of or plains and finds a heap of on. So we called Walker which the recent Johnson rocks that look insurmount-Evans. Valley event was the first. able. The kind of thing the Walker, retired from off Another event happens early pioneers must have road racing, was asked by early in May at Las Cruces, looked at with sinking hearts Goodyear Tires to do some New Mexico, then in July as they tried to find a way appearances at Rock Crawl-they move to Cedar Ci_ty, around. Huge boulders piled ing events, and before long Utah, and they finish out the upon one another willy nilly, he decided he had to try it. year in September, in New with no dirt between them. He had fun, but didn't do all Mexico again at a site to be Then he marks a series of that great, so he built him-announced. routes (called obstacles) self a killer rock crawling Annual membership in through the rocks, and calls truck. At the next event he the association costs $300 it a Rock Crawling everit. entered he was the winner, but it's for the team (driver The fun always runs two Page 36 ______________ ,__ _______ ----. days, starting rs'IRIC:Z.LY 'ERFORMANCE Quality products bulit In house along with Fabtech. PIAA, BF6oodrlch. Weld. Camburg Engineering. Autofab. King Shocks. Fuel 5afe. plus hundreds of other quality products and ac:c:es•mrles. • 5hock!i • Roll Cage§ • Exhau!it Klt!i • Wheel§ & Tire!i • 5u§J}en!ilon Klt!i • Off Road Bumper!i • Cu!itom Fabrication We _!fipeclallze In Cusmm Fabrication And Lang Travel !iuspen!!ilon !iy!!item!!i. Toll Free: (866) 4B0-3556 849 Mitchell Road #40~. Newbury Park Tel: [B05) 4B0-3556 • Fax: (805) 4B0-3557 strictlyP-erformance. net on Friday and finishing Sat-urday. There are always 14 of these "ob-stacles" and each driver at-tempts seven of them each day. Once a driver has en-tered he pulls a number out of a basket· and that deter-mines his start position. Usu-ally there are about 70 en-trants at each event and there are two each of each number. The obstacles are loosely aligned, so it's not hard to get from one to the next, and they're grouped as the "A" course or "B" course. If a driver does the June 2001 Each team consists of a car and driver and a "spotter", seen here on his belly, who assists the driver in many ways. "A" course on Friday, he will ands he's given a point for do the "B" course on Satur-stopping. Ifhe then backs up day. And if he's number 35 to try another line it costs on Friday, last to start, he'll another point. If he touches be number 1 on Saturday on one of the flags marking the the other course. border, that costs 10 points. Each team consists of a And if the spotter bumps driver and a spo_tter. The into one it costs 10 points. spotter does all the hard If the vehicle gets stuck and work. He can do anything he the team has to use a winch, and his driver feel is neces-it costs 30 points. sary to get through the ob-If a vehicle breaks down stacle without earning pen-the team has 45 minutes to alty points. He can pull o"r fix it, on course. But in re-push the vehicle, hang off a ality, the officials generally corner, point out the bar-tow it off, so the next cars ders, and stack rocks to give in line can get their turn at the vehicle traction. The the obstacle. Each team has course marshall lets him do a total of 45 minutes of whateverhewantsunlessit's "breakdown time0 at an deemed too dangerous. event, which is free time, Walker has long-time super with no points accrued. pit person Randy Anderson There's only one class in as his spotter, and after the association, so the driver nearly being "smushed" by with the stock vehicle needs Walker in the recent event to be a heckuva driver to win Randy declared that the these days, as more and "pits in Baja were safer." more exotic vehicles are The object is to get showing up. Walker's fits through all 14 obstacles with into that category. Although the fewest penalty points. it's a Chevy S 10, it bears Each obstacle has an allot-little resemblance to a stock ted amount of time, gener-truck. His has four wheel ally three and a half to five steering among other things, minutes, and if the team and a very slick deal: clear doesn't make it through it's plastic floorboards so he can costly - a total of 40 points. look down and see where his Generally there's plenty of tires are in relation to the time Walker says, so a driver rocks. He did have indepen-doesn't need to "hustle", but dent hydraulics that raised should try for a sure and and lowered each corner, steady approach. If a driver but after the truck's maiden sto s for more than four sec-a earance (and victor a PIKES service center ·Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mb.I® 01 SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Dusty Times

Page 37

One of the nice things about rock crawling is that the spectators can get really up close to the action. Rock Crawling is a great spectator sport, and even in' chilly weather the crowd was huge and enthusiastic. One of the many exotic and efficient looking four-wheel-drive vehicles that came to Johnson Valley for the event. new rule was instigated out-lawing that little detail. There's also a new rule about rear-.steering, which assigns a penalty of three points if a driver uses it. It seems fair to Walker. rains, it still goes on. Says wanted to he could probably Walker, "you lose traction find an event every weekend on the rocks when it's wet. in the year. The club events And sometimes they even would be a good way to learn have water, or waterfalls on the sport. the course." It's permitted to The area outside of go to the sites in advance of Johnson Valley, northeast the event and check out the and across Means Dry Lake types of rock and general is apparently well known to terrain, a sort of pre-tun, but rock-crawlers. Walker tells of course, there's no way to us that people come from all know exactly where the pro-over the country to drive moter will set the obstacles. some of its well known trails. drivers doing their thing at crawling event to watch the same time. There's no near you, it's worth your high speed rock throwing, time and effort to pack up dust blowing crazy driving to the family and some lunch, make it hazardous, so the and go out to have a look. fans can really get up close. You might even in inspired If you can find a rock-to give it a try. · After a full weekend of They have names, as "Claw rock-crawling Walker says Hammer", "Jack Hammer", he will have used four gal-"Wrecking Ball" and lons of pump gas and put "Devil's Playground", as do about two miles, total, on "all the badass climbs." the truck. One of the nicest things -IP". Walker says they've just started requiring helmets, which astounded him, but don't yet require nets or shoulder harnesses, though a lap belt is a requirement, and on-board fire extin-guishers. The nets will prob-ably be a long time coming, because drivers like to lean over to the left, head outside the window, to see where their tires are. Generally they run about eight pounds of pressure in their tall tires, and the more exotic trucks have most of the weight in the front to make sure the tires get good traction. These are true off road events, and as such, if it If it sounds like something about this sport is that it's you'd like to try, go on the spectator friendly. It's pos-internet, to off road and sible for the spectators to then rock-crawling, and walk (well, climb) along there are all kinds of each obstacle, keeping an websites. Many of the local eye on their favorite com-groups have annual events petitor. If they can find a that are open to others, and high spot, it's possible to Walker says if a person look around and see several Here a driver navigates a rock while his spotter watches closely to be sure he stays within the allowed limits. ultimate lono travel Get the benefits of our Long Travel system and 3* lift spindles, aeating 6" of llh for inuedible ground dearance. ff!@v@! ■ 3' lift spindles ■ Upper Control arms (Mi'.ri~w~., ■ Lower Control arms .JT ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 3-wau adjustable shocR absorber /', -·IIU~ t '-e!f/!r.~~~-~ toyota long travel system Our Toyota 2 wheei drive, 6" 'lva.q Dan long travel system. Built to satisfy all the serious off roaders out there Dusty Times ford lono travel sustem custom i beams Olfroad bullet proof design provides maximum strength with 4 I 30 Chromoly steel I /8th' thick plate and tubular inner structure. 1990-94 lard ranger ., .. performance svstem Our extended radius arms are offset further mboard offering mcreased tire clearance and 4 • more wheel travel. Dual Shod System 2 shocks per front whee~ adds high performance dampening. s· Suspension System used in a racing 1 appliI:atton with coil over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at I 9' of wheel travel extended radius arms Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard for increased tire clearance. Hanger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. · 1998-on ford ranger z.s .. performance svstem 2 S' ol l!lt with a 2' mcrease in wlu,e! travel 1973-87 C10 'I" tong travel s11stem Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires ,·i,,·i ,y. ~: June 2001 {! !! f!. 1/fibe!!! ! include front lenders, bedsides and hoods. The front lenders and bedsides are flared with wheel travel in mind. angled ~ spare tire mount .. Constructed using I I/ 4' steel tubing and MIG' welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. ~ Flat -l . ~ ?' Over 25 Styles spare tire mount stamped steel taiis Our vast assortment of stamped steel tabs simplify your labncation needs . Call for a distributor nearest you Phone 714-990-8850 -Fax 714-990-8854 OR E-MAIL US AT Page 37

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,,. ... Choinere/Becker continue on With Winning Ways At First SCCA ProRally of 2001 Text & Photos: Jerry Winkler Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker drift through the dark and the snow, repeating their winning ways at the Sno•Drift Rally in Michigan. Paul Choinere and navigator Jeff Becker re-peated their winning ways of last year's Sno*Drift ProRally held in Atlanta, Michigan in late January. Last year Choinere and hts Hyun-dai Tiburon had to hold off a hard-charging Karl Scheible. This year he had to hold off charges by· -~ '""'°'"--The $6000.00 prize fund. posted for 200 I by American Racing Custom Wheels, is for a three (3) race series with Mojave Desert Racing (MDR) at Ridgecrest, CA-April 21, Lucerne Valley, CA-June 23, and Barstow. CA-November 3. All of the 2001 events are under 300 miles, with approximately 35 mile loops. The 2002 series will include SCORE and Best In The Desert mces. The competing Jeep Cherokee can be modified 10 the JeepSpeed Challenge rules, but must remain street legal. must use American Racing Custom Wheels, and must comply with race organizers sportsman safety rules. We invite you to visit for full details of our mission state• ment, club rules, parts store. and newsletter. ·c· lub Jeeps· peed Phone: 714.538.7434 • Fox: 714.633.1724 1826 N. Windes Drive • Orange, CA 92869 E-mail: Page 38 June 2001 In Group 5 it was Tad Ohtake holding off all the challengers to take the Group win in his Ford Escort. England's Mark Lovell (Subaru WRX) and Ireland's Seamus Burke (Mitsubishi EVO 4) in the late going. Lovell, who. has rallied ex.ten-sively in England since the 1980s has come to these shores to compete as part of a two car team of Subarus built by Prodrive and maintained by Vermont Sports Car . Mark did a wonderful job as it was his first time running an ice rally with-out studs and no recce . prior to the rally. He fin-ished only a minute a half back. Last year's runn_er-up Scheible is running the team car to Lovell except that it meets Group N specs. He took fourth overall/ and first in Group N. The series has garnered quite a bit of interest this year as more teams are importing Subaru WRXs and Mitsubishi EVOs. The real test this time would be to try to run hard without going off the road and into a snow bank. Before the start of the rally two of last year's top competitors were sidelined. 1999 champion Noel Lawler was out af-ter his freshly rebuilt en-gine seized after the car was taken off the trailer. · During the press stage on Friday, Garen Shrader put his EVO off damag-ing the oil cooler. After making repairs electrical gremlins had crept in and the engine never refired. Also of note, Doug Shep-herd had been called in to drive the Hyundai Elantra to help garner manufacturer's points. Sadly the engine failed and the Hyundai contin-gent was left to one car. Doug was able to get his Mitsubishi Eclipse that took second overall at Lake Superior ProRally into town by the next morning to take the start. Other teams to watch were the TAD Mitsubishi EVOs of Pete Lahm, Seamus Burke, Tim Peterson, and Alec Ellsworth. As far as the Subaru contingent went Henry Krolikowski looked like he might be able to upstage the Prodrive Subarus as he knows how to make cars go, especially in the snow less than two hours away from his home town near Detroit. Eric Eatori, who looked strong at Prescott last year until a late DNF came from the West Coast could pose a threat as well. The Knight Steel cars of Lon Peterson and Jon Ryther did not show up for this event, but would be at the second round in Chattanooga with a third car for two time Production GT champ Steve-Gingras. Early on several of the competitors found that the ice was more than they bargained for. Pete Lahm was stuck on a snow bank for a long time and fell to the bottom of the time sheets immedi-ately. After being ex-tracted he would have to make a hard charge to the finish. Doug Shepherd's day was done early as well as he went off course on the second stage. Eric Eaton was doing a nice job in the.,.top ten,. but Through the winter bleakness Scott Car/born drove his Jeep Commanche to a great win in the Production Class. Dusty Times

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\ Mark Lovell came over from Jolly Old fo run his Subaru in Sno·Orift The VW Gti of Burmeister/Buskirk comes out of the right Mark Utecht corners his brand new Mitsubishi Eclipse with and he was quite pleased with his second overall finish. hander on the way to a fine win in the Group 2 Division. ease, taking the Production GT Class in the winter snow. eventua y e was ig -Sllperc arge ord Escort drive on an ice event with-faster tnan Burmeister. 'l he rest of the regular centered on a bank and ZX2 and was being out studs. Burke pushed Production class was.demi-stops on the series will re-lost time. Tim Paterson, pressed by Bryan Hourt's hard to finish third and nated by Scott Carlbon's main and all ten events who has been coming up Honda Civic and Mike beat Scheible who was Jeep Commanche. will be for full drivers and in the ranks lately with Hurst's Pontiac Sunbird. g!ad to win Group N over The next event on the manufacturer's points this his fast EVO, was out be-Unfortunately, Hourt's Henry Krolikowski. Mark schedule will be Cherokee year. Hyundai, Mitsubishi, fore the dinner break af-engine expired just after Utecht did a brilliant job Trails in C:::hattanooga, and Subaru will ·be join·ed ter getting stuck. sundown in a big black to come home sixth over-Tennessee. This new rally by Mazda for the Manu-At the mid point the cloud of smoke just past all and a winner in pro-will be unique as it will be facturers Cup this year as order was Choinere, the spectator point. Last duction GT the first time co-sanctioned by the FIA well. Now that the WRXs Lovell, Scheible, Burke, year's Production champ out in a brand new car. He and SCCA. The three day and EVOs will be avail-and Krolikowski. By the Bria_n Vinson showed up beat Gail Truess by two event will take place on able at your dealerships on dinner break, competi-in the ex-Ralph minutes. March 15-1 7 and will these shores soon, more tion was fierce in the Koamides Toyota Supra Tad Ohtake beat out surely have one of the people are starting to other classes. Gail Truess Turbo but found that try-Mike Hurst for the Group largest fields of cars in US think BIG and are plan-and her Mazda 323GTX ing to keep a high pow-5 win and in Group 2 Eric ProRally history. Also, ning on building cars for was back up front after ered rear drive car on ice Burmeister was finally vie-this event will have two Group N or Production sitting out all but one was too much and torious. The real surprise days of recce so that navi-GT. This will definitely be event last year. Her main DNF'ed after being time-was second place in Group gators can make pace a good close series to competition came from barred. 2, Matt Johnson, in a GTI, notes prior to the rally watch this year as the en-three very fast red Mitsu-Group 2 would be a who started in 50th on rhe making it more similar to try lists and media support bishi Talons/Eclipses. challenge for Eric road to finish 19th overall the World Rally Champi-continue to grow. Stay Irishmen Shane Mitchell Burmeister as he would an had some stage times onship. tuned!· .. -.,,,,,. and Brendan Cunning-have to end his streak of ham had strong showings not crashing in the same ·A .• , ggriess~.,,e /Ali" /Ali" /Ali" at STPR, Maine, and corner he crashed at the •~ •~ •~ Lake Superior last year previous two years. He 714 8 O 9 with their cars, but at was getting competition A ND A CC ES SOR IE S ....:.. 1 • !22 · Sno*Drift this year from last year's class run-ur.:=g1.:::l//ln1.:=•ont.:= VISA · · · --Mitchell went out on the ner-up for the champion-,:::/JI~ a;;;J ,::://I-~ ~-:::':N._PALMST#103 final stage and Cunning-ship J.B. Niday and Brad' FORMERLYFABTECHMOTORSPORTS FUllERTON,CA 92835 ham was suffering turbo Hawkins. All three cars .-------,----=-====-==:.:::.::.:..:::.::.:.:::::::..;::.::.:-=------. MON-FRI 8:00-6:00 woes. The third car was were Volkswagen GTis. SATURDAY 9:oo.4:oo that of last year's Group Thomas Lawler was run-FINANCINGAVAILABLE 5 Champion Mark ning in his VTEC 6"ULTIMATELIFT / Utecht. Utecht was im-engined Honda Civic but --~:=ws:••:::=~~MS ERS (41 mediately fast as he had went off course and lost .,,....c"""'"""""""'"OCKS SIDES = • _ .-. purchased the ex-Arthur a lot of time. s1749.95 ,Nsvuuo ODS __ Odero-Jowi Open class Production class would ............ -•• OOYU" 5ss Eclipse for ice racing be a first as a pickup was RaceRunner competition and had leading the class. Scott .z been competing with that Carlborn drove his Jeep car the previous weekend Commanche to a com-to learn handling charac-mand ing lead over the teristics. Mark built his Dodge Neon of Tom all new rally car in his Young and he VW GTI of garage over the winter William Tre,mmell. and he was a rocket from During the final stages the get go. Last year's both Mark Lovell and class winner Eric Carlson Seamus Burke gave their held off Bruce Perry was all to no avail to catch also putting in some im-Choinere who said this pressive times. Both of was his best ever event these two had white and felt the car handled Eclipses and were sleep-beautifully and worked ~rs. well on the icy surface. In Group 3, Tad Lovell enjoyed himself Ohtake was leading in his and thought it crazy to The Scheible/Maxwell Subaru corners hard left in the snow on the way to the Group N win and a nice 4th overall. Dusty Times Jun.e 2001 6" ULTIMATE LIFT . ~ LIFT SPINDLD ....,... CONTitOl A1tM$ CCMLSl'IIIINGS llEMI 81..00a4 U 110US 4 M.aTE<H ~S: SHOCXS $ 1549.95 INSVUU!D 2WD F150 6" ULTIMATE LIFT r UfTSPfNDUS UPrD CONTWOt.AltMJ COll.111tWGS aARAOOC.SilUIIOUS 4 'ASnOf l"Dlf"OftMANCI JHOO<S $ 1699.95 INSWU:O lttlN u ~ TUNS wrntot1" A eooY UfT 4WD BLOWOUTS 1988-98 CHEVROLET 1<2500/3500 4 .. UFT . S1599.95 INS'IW.£D 1988-98 CHEVROLET Kl5006" UFT 11599.95 INSVU.LED JEEP WRANGLER TJ Page 39 .J

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.,,.. Nat Snow and Aaron Montgomery rush through the trees on the way to a great Croup 2 vict9ry in their VW. Andy Jacobs and Scott Morgan drove their Honda to the Production Joe Noyes and Dave White threw Jots of gravel with their Toyota Class win and finished ninth overall in the hotly contested rally Supra on the way to second spot in Group 5. 20DD Club Rally National Championship Text & Photos: Jim Culp Eric Eaton and Kenny Allmquist, shown here at speed were the overall winners in the ClubRally Championship. Northern P'acific Division rally teams swept all five classes at the Sports Car Club of America's 17th an-nual amateur rally runoff. Washington's Eric Eaton and Kenny Almquist topped the field ~and captured the 4 WO Open class title in a 1999 Subaru Impreza turbo. Eaton and Almquist started slowly on the opening day, but came on s·trong on Day 2 to take the win. Eaton aver-aged 59.69 miles per hour over 77 miles of gravel stages to take the win. drivers from around the US~ The top three drivers in each ClubRally class from the SCCA's eight regions are in-vited to the Championship, the "premier event" of the ClubRally season. The long tow to the north-west, and a schedule conflict with an eastern ProRally . eve~t, combined to limit the entry to 13 cars. Competitors from Arizona and California representing th~ Southern Pacific Division traveled north to battle the Northern Pacific teams from Washing-ton and Oregon,. Subaru, another Washing-ton team grabbed second overall when Dave Hintz and his brother Rick cap-tured the 2WD Group 5 class title in their Mazda RX-7 turbo. Two 4WD Production GT cars finished third and fourth, the closest battle for a class championship . At the finish, the Eagle Talon of Oregon's Greg Lingelbach and Steve An-drews was 25 secon.ds ahead of the Arizona team of Keith Roper and Mike Taylor in a Mitsubishi Galant. ·Washington's Nat T-Stow and Aaron Mont-1-;:::============::;------;::=:::::::::::::==:,gomery claimed the Group DIQltal PROUDLY 2 ClubRally class champi-The ClubRally National Championship is a runoff be-tween the top amateur rally Less than a minute behind the Eaton/Almquist □cs C:ommunlcdtlon ANNOUNCES onship running fifth over-Sl?rvlcl?s all in the Tree Tamers' "More Than Lightning Comes From The Sky" DCS IS THE PREMIER DEALER IN THE WEST FOR: DirecPC 2 Way Home & Office Networks DirecPC . DirecTV Pre/Post Wiring Home Automation 1-877-DirecPC Page 40 Visit the DCS RACING Mobile Internet Pavilion On Contingency Row ♦ Check E-mail ♦ High Speed Internet ♦ MS Office Applications Powered by o;,ec,c· HighlpM/lnttmtt Volkswagen Golf. In sixth were a couple of former champions, Seattle's Joe Noyes and Dr. Dave White from Benicia, CA. Noyes and White finished second in Group 5 with a To_yota Supra. Noyes was the 1996 championship co-driver in the 02 class, while White won the 1995 02 class as a driver. San_ Francisco' s Jay Streets and Bill Feyling finishe d seventh in t h e June 2001 Willans Toyota Corolla, driving title to match. followed by the Tabor The Production GT fa-Rally Team's Corolla, pi-vorites, Roger Hull from loted by Oregonians Matt Prescott, AZ and Sean Tabor and Catherine Gallagher, from Santa Roso. Ana, CA were the first Rally newcomers Andy entry on the DNF list. The Jacobs and Scott Morgan, Southern Pacific class from Bellevue, WA, champions lost the turbo snared enough points in in their Mitsubishi Eclipse their rookie season to on the first stage and the qualify their Honda Civic engine ingested several of as the third Northern Pa-the sheared impeller cific qualifier and took the vanes. National Championship Northern Pacific Group class win with a ninth 2 champion Nate Tennis place overall finish. and Nate Pettit from Car-Tenth overall were local nation, WA dropped out favorites Kevin when the Tree Tamer's Pennington and Janice Saab broke an axle on· Damitio, the 2000 North-Stage 2. Oregon f>GT en-ern Pacific Division Open try Mark Tabor and Devin class champions driving Poirier lost the brakes in the Wagen Werks Audi. the Tabor Rally Team's They suffered two flat tires Mazda 323 GTX and ran and a blown turbo hose ori off the road on Stage 5 . the first stage and "it was ClubRally features street all downhill after that," legal cars, with safety and . said Pennington, describ-performance modifications, ing the series of mechani-racing one at a time _over c al proble m s tha t plagu ed closed sections of rural roads. the team. Damitio was C ompetitors race against the-hoping t o accomplish a n clock, usu a lly a t one minute u n u s u a l "do u b le." S h e intervals.The racingisdone wo n the Natio n a l c rown in on unpaved forest roads that 1995 and 1996 as a d river, h ave been closed to normal but missed out on a co-traffic. -Dave and Rick Hintz were the Group 5 champions, shown here in their Mazda RX-7 Turbo and were second overall as well. The absolutely gorgeous of Greg Lingelbach and Steve Andrews took the Production GT Championship in Washington. Dusty Times

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ay, Driver Registration - 5:30 pm-10 pm Tech Inspection - 5:30 pm-10 pm Drivers Meeting (Poolside) -10:15 pm . Saturday, August 4 Fun Run - 8 am Test Track Opens• 12 noon Race Start - 6 , pm (8 hour time limit) t August 5 Awards Brunch -12 noon More information available at SNORE website: G111·~8e1e,1~,--ii ....... · ............ , ...

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ZR/TECATE LIGHT SERIES Nichols-Took The overall At Mexicali GP By Rene Montano Photos: Misael "Lalo" Franco Daniel Nichols took the lead on the first lap on his Kawasaki and there he remained to take first overall and first in Open Pro. Daniel K. Nichols· re-mained the leader on each and every lap to take the overall and also the first place in his class, Open-Pro. This happening in the first race of the series ZR/TECATE LIGHT in Mexica.H. Nichols #256 who is sponsored by Precision Concepts and Vemacom Motogear raced on his KX250. This race was held in the desert in the south side of the city of Mexicali in a track that consisted of about 12 miles each lap. The race consisted of a 90 minute one heat race first bike to complete the leadership on the seventh lap. There was also a race for kids in a separate track. The start off of the race began wi_th the motorcycle engines off, each row was given the flag signal to start. The race took off starting with Pros, Experts, Veterans and Novice. This day was considerably hot con-sidering t~e time of the year. Keith Tomlinson came down from Bonita to take the win in Open Vet on his Husky. CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES BELL. SHOEI. SIMPSON Helmets SNELL 95. SA 95 FOR SODA Complete Blower Systems for single or douhle seat cars. Helmet conversions. mo! hoxes. Complete line of PYROTE FILLER Safety Products & MotorsporL'i. We ship UPS daily. From $299.00 Vis~-Mastercard _5153 Bowden Avenue - San Diego - CA - 92117 - 858-279-2509 Page 42 In this r.ace the format of racing that was used last year was modified from two heats of 40 minutes to one heat of 90 minutes . . The race was . held in a track that had dif-ferent terrains like creeks, rocks and sand. Nichols paid $50.00 to race and took $490.00 home and also took the respect of some. Oscar Garcia # A 10 took the hole-shoot at the begin-ning of the race, while Victor Lujan had problems starting his bike. Garcia was leading the way until he was reached by Nichols at the. first visual check and didn't look back. Garcia (NDESTRUCKT) was left ut after he fell down com-pleting one lap and a half. The same with Lujan #A50 who, after one lap and a half, was already in fourth place. The local racer Antonio Macis # A6 racing on his CR250 kept the second place throughout the entire race to finish the last lap in second place. Macias (HONDA DE MEXICALI, IVCC, VEMACOM MOTOGEAR, AUTO LAVADO PACO) said that when he completed the first turn he was behind # A 10 then he saw him next to the track after he fell, he was then followed by Carlos Molina #A15 who was _racing on his Yamaha YZF. The track had a lot of dust in some sections and was very fast at other sections. One of the fa-vorites Alfredo Contreras # 121 had some problems with the air filter on his bike and was left behind, Contreras (PA TINES DE PLAT A, VEMACOM MOTOGEAR, PROCIRCUIT, SOUTHBA Y MOTORSPORTS) this year went from 125 to a 250cc for the first time at the last En-dure in Tecate. Pedro Penatello accom-plished going up to the first June 2001 Pedro Penate/lo didn't start first but he soon worked his way through the pack and took the checkered flag in Open Expert class. The Open Novice class was won by Reynaldo Gonzalez, who was able to overcome some troubles at the start of the race. five places and taking the first place in the Experts class With Garcia out of the race, Luis Adan # 5 9V led the Vet class for many laps followed by Emilio Cervantes # 12V, but a flat tire took him out of the race at the last -lap. Camarena (Honda de Mexi-cali) was at the ninth place overall when a pit stop for gas dropped down his place for a few spots and Sr. Keith Tomtinson aboard his Husky 610 passed Camarrena and many other racers ending first in Vet class. At the Novice class, M/C Open, Reynaldo Gonzalez took honors aboard his XR400, he had a bad start, his bike didn't start at the flag signal and when it · in his KX250, Penatello had a very tight duel with a racer from the Pro class, #A30 Os-car Garcia M., who raced in ·his YZF. Pena Tello could even race at the Pro-S class, he told us that he barely practiced a little but at ev-ery ace he entered he's al-ways at the same speed. For the second place at the Open Expert from Jacume, Tomas Lara who raced aboard his KDX200, passed some other bigger bikes. On third place the youngster Manuel Contreras (no manches paint ball, Vemacom moto gear) who moved to the Expert class, we re-me m be r him. r--_-_-=.-=.-::.-::.-:.-:.-:..-:..-:..:-..-:.:.:.-.:.-:.-.:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-.:.-::,-:.,-:,~ two years ago aboard his CR80cc. About the 125 Expert class, the champion Esteban Garcia #Al, Garcia (NDESTRUKT BAR) took first place but had a hard time fighting with Narain Gonza-lez who was racing for the first time aboard his CR8Gcc but at the last lap Garcia ended first and Gonzalez third. At the Vet class, Albert Garcia, who led the class for two laps aboard his Yamaha #69V and then left the race. Damn, I had to do this in front of the camera says Esteban Garcia, who went on to win the 125 Expert class. Dusty Times

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. Antonio Macias chased the leader all race long but was not Tomas Lara took a spill and Manuel Contreras was able to avoid 11 year old Roberto Villalobos gets some help at a quick pit able to catch him so he settled for the second finishing position. him and both went on finish second and third in Open Expert. stop. He went on to finish third in 125 Novice class. started he ran into the cau-class. Leal (Retro rentas de Guayson) became the leader took home the first place tro-rique Pineda aboard his pee-tion tape, it was all over the Mexicali, Promociones Barn-for the whole race followed phy but had lots of pressure wee 80 had no problems dur-rear wheel, but later on he Barn, La Perlita) rode for four by Gonzalez (J .R. from Titi Verver at the first ing the race. At the Mini passed all his class mates and to five minutes then blew the Transportes) to end second. heat but Verver did not race ATVs the champion Alex ended first Open Novice. motor from his SRP-350 and The ZR kids at the M/C the second heat. At the 60cc Coria jumped to the Class A 125cc, Tito Colon #143 then Moreno (Timmy Boy 50cc from Tecate, Mexico Erik A. Vela aboard his and will defend his champi-crashed the day before the Design, CCR, Electrico Jorge Acosta made 1-1 and KX60 and at the +65cc En-onship title. -race pre-running the course and suffered a wound above the hip close to the stomach, . and was thinking about not racing but next day made up his mind and entered the race and took first 125 Nov. followed by the local Andres Pereda # A 13 board his KX and wants to fight for the class title, on third 11 years old Jose Roberto Villalobos (Motoworld, Motosport) who had some problems aboard his YXS0 gave some competition to bigger bikes. The ATVs, Joel Leal #QA took the holeshot followed by Marco A. Moreno #Q 1 7 and then Ismael Gonzlez Tito Colon stuck with it all race long and he took the gold medal in the 125 Marco Moreno took the lead in he Open Pro ATV class early on and there he remained to take the coveted win. #QS all of them· at the Pro· _N_ov_i_ce_ c_l_a$~S_. -----• FAT TOYOTA V6. • FORTIN TRANSAXLE/RACK. • FOX 3" BYPASS SHOCKS. • HOWE POWER STEERING. • NEW BF GOODRICH TIRES -POLISHED CENTERLINE FRONTS/ ULTRA REARS. $85,000 Over $15,000 spare parts package included • radiator & fan • body panels • top a arm • two axles J IMCO 2000 •onecompleteaxleassemblyw/cv joints Tw. 0 seater • five front ti~es & wheel_s • eight rear ti~es & wheels • one light bar w/ltghts • three spindles · • electromotive ignition box • exhaust headers • and more. Toll free: 1-888-4BAJA1 ODO Ph. (858)-2921600 Fax: (858) 292 6050 Dusty Times June 2001 Page 43

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♦ C.O.R.E. Pit Report By Sandy Parker MDR - WILD WASH 250 RACE REPORTS TEAM CHASE (UNLIMITED) This was the first race for Stuart Chase using CORE as his pit support organization. Stuart Chase driving with Eric Fitzpaldi riding both solo'd the race. After a-forensic post race investigation of their tires and wheels it was discovered that the tubes were installed backwards which caused the valve stems to get sucked into the rim and blow up. This was the ca use for five flat tires on the day. The Chase car was the first Unlimited car off the line but they did have some fun close racing with competitors including a drag race with Tom Koch. After all the tire changes, the guys managed to retain third place in class. Welcome to CORE. TEAM BURNS/DePEW (CLASS 9) Johnn"y Burns teamed up with big bad Bob Depew to run in only the second race on the car. Johnny did many modifications to the suspension attempting to get it to handle a little less abusive. Johnny started the race and drove the first few laps with no P,roblems. Johnny did like many car owners do when adverse weather conditions set Page 44 in, he pulls into the Main Pit and hands the car over to the co-driver. Bob drove the car the next three laps in the cold rain and hail fighting visibility problems. On his second lap, Bob couldn't get the tranny into third or fourth gears but after a shifter adjustment he was back at it. Bob was accused of rolling the car but it was discovered the roof had fallen off so it was duct taped and bungee'd back on. After three laps Bob had drove all the water puddles away so it was time to get the owner back into the car. Johnny got back in and finished the last lap. After they finished they inquired on their finishing position, but were told he hadn't finished all the laps. After a quick check with the check points, they were given their sixth place finish. TEAM LINDSAY (CLASS 5-1600) Tim and Jeremy were also eager to extend their class and overall points lead with a strong finish after winning the first race of the year. Shortly off the start of the race on Lap 1, the torsion adjuster snapped. They hobbled the car back to Main where they replaced the old adjuster finger with a spare. Unfortunately this is a lengthy process which put them down almost two laps. Back on the course, Tim and Jeremy were flying attempting to make up much down time. Driving very aggressively they had three flat tires for the day. The motor couldn't be up to 100% as it was icing up in the cold weather. In our pit we noticed the manifold had a white snow ball that formed just below the carburetor. The guys also had to investigate why the mptor was making horrible noises, which turned out to be a noisy fan shroud. Tim and Jeremy managed to finish the race and actually extended their MDR · points lead as since the cars that finished ahead of them were not high in the points standings. TEAM INCH (CLASS 1600) Holding the class points lead going· into this race, Brad was hopeful for a strong finish but it wasn't to be. Brad did his homework for this race with all the work and testing on the car and pre-running the course many times in preparation for a good race. Shortly after the start of the race he thought he snapped an axle but later discovered he hand grenaded a CV cage. The disappointment got 'the better of him and he didn't feel like working on the car, only to finish last. TEAM TAVIS (CLASS 10) Terry Tavis driving with Deanna Schmaus riding once again made. the trip from Northern to Southern California to mix it up with the local Class 10 cars. Terry and Deanna drove all but th,e last lap with few problems, with exception to the two blown tires. Terry was not feeling well so she got out and put her husband John in the car with June 2001 Deanna for the last lap. Knowing that they were only seconds out of third place this gave them a goal that they nearly reached. Unfortunately, after capturing second place, they ran short on luck as they endo'ed the car several times only seven miles from ~he finish line. The only injuries was a stick stuck in John's eye but thank goodness they were both OK!! They called in to Main for help and Brad Inch and crew were out there in minutes with all the tools and spare parts to fix the car.· They eventually got a new axle/CV joint in the car and were able to finish the race. I understand this is the last race for the Tavis team with CORE pit support. This is unfortunate for both as all of the CORE people enjoyed the company of the members of Team Tavis. We feel we provided professional pit support for a few races and were fortunate enough to make a few new friends. CORE wishes ·you luck in your future endeavors. (P.S. sorry for misspelling your team name last article, sp) CORE PIT SUPPORT CORE MAIN The Main Pit was once again headed by the Griffins, both Derrin and Victoria handled the radio communications and the very busy Main pit operations. Many of the crews and pit personal commented on the great job the Griffins do running Main pit and especially their expertise worRing the radio communications. Main Pit dispatched chase vehicles with a trailer to retrieve Brad's car on Lap I and with tools and parts to get the Tavis Class 10 car back on their feet to complete their final lap. CORE PIT ABLE The first pit out was manned by Paul Smith, Mike Ridlin, myself, Nicholas Parker, Andrew Freney, Rob Stapp and Patrick. On a smooth part of the course, we didn't have much to do until the later stages of the race. Big Bad Bob Depew driving the Burns Challenger was having shifting problems so he stopped in for a quick adjustment. The Lindsays exploded one of many tires for the day near us so pulled to have it changed. Mike Ridlin was dispatched from our pit to locate Brad's broken car up in the Barstow College hills. CORE PIT BAKER By far the most active pit of the day was awarded to the Girdner Pit, Dave and Davy Girdner with assistance from Jake Tavis and Chris Hernandez, both from Team Tavis worked a CORE pit near t;ire alley. They changed a total of six tires, some CORE cars and few non-CORE cars. They changed a tire on the Chase Unlimited car, the Tavis 10 car, the Lindsay's 5-1600 car and the last one was when Davy smoked a tire on his truck on the way back to Main Pit. As you can imagine, several of the teams thanked these guys for the quick pit work. THANK YOU GUYS! CORE PIT CHARLEY · The Halls, Gary and THE NEW BAJA PRO Mickey Thompson® off-road race tires have made their mark in some of the most demanding races known to man. The Baja 1000, Mint 400, Paris-Dakhar and Parker 400 aren't your average trail-hopping runs. Now the new Baja Pro is joining the ranks of battle proven M/T tires. The new Baja Pro boasts an exclusive cut-resistant compound, a unique sidewall design for extra protection and a strong·, lightweight, race tire construction. The new. Baja Pro, and the rest of the M/T lineup, are available at more performance outlets than any other brand. Dusty Times

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Kimberly along with Wayne Nosala ran the Charley Pit near Hodge Road. They had a relatively uneventful day but did look at some tires and had to change one. The Burns' Challenger pulled in on two separate different occasions to have the tires checked out but later discovered a flat tire on Gary's van, so at least they were able to do something to keep themselves warm. MIND READER I'm sorry to inform you but I am not a mind reader! If the drivers and pit crew members don't get their stories and names to me shortly after the race, you won't get mentioned in the glorious pages of Dusty Times. It is your responsibility to inform me. by filling the appropriate Pit Captain's Reports and/or Drivers Report forms at the end of each race, or by calling, e-mailing, or dropping me a note. It is impossible for me or anybody else to know and remember everybody who attends the races or what -events occurred. Please help me make this a better article. Thanks. SNORE Buffalo Bill's 400 TEAM Mc CAR THY (Class 8) New to CORE is Dennis McCarthy. and friends in his Big, Bad, Black, Class 8 Truck. Dennis driving with Brad Kelley riding the entire race overcame a number of obstacles to even finish the ra~e. The guys were up the entire night before the race solving low oil pressure proble:ns. During the race they biew second gear out of the tranny, fought overheating pr0blems, sealed up oil leaks, repaired a broken rear suspension componen't helm joint, broke and installed a new tie rod, WOW, what a day. As hard as they were thrashing the truck, they were amazed they didn't have any flat tires. As the day came to an end the realized they hoped (or assumed) they would finish early so they didn't bolt any lights on the truck. This was an incentive for them to haul ass the last few laps to finish before dark. The teams' hard work paid off because when the dust cleared, they were the only truck at the finish line. CONGRATULATIONS on your first win with CORE, GREAT JOB!!! TEAM INCH (Class 1600) Brad teamed up with relief driver Wayne Nosala for the long, rough, and dirty 400 mile race. As usual, Brad started the race 19th out of 22 1600 cars, but didn't like this position so he screamed by lO of them in the first lap. Next few laps were fast but a blown front tire slowed him down a bit. Complaining that the suspension was getting soft, he pulled into Main Pit for his scheduled driver change and asked Wayne to finish the race. Wayne was doing a great job driving but soon called Main on the radio that the back of the car was making funny noises. Slipping back in the pack and unable to finish, Brad instructed him to shut it off to save some parts and cash. TEAM 3G (Class 1600) Dusty Times This was the second race for the "Third Generation" Girdner and Craig boys in their recently flame covered 1600. You may remember their last race was their first event ever that yielded them a victory in a MORE Barstow race. The boys and family made many improvements to the suspension as well as some practice time for the drivers. With the five, and soon to be six boys (as soon as Jeremy is old enough to drive) they have to alternate driving/ riding chores. This race it was T.J. Craig's turn tb drive with Josh Capp riding. First lap in the dust was conservative but they were picking it up on the second lap when th.ey smoked the tranny again, putting them out of the race. TEAM McMULLIN/ CRAIG (Class 10) Just off an impressive SNORE victory in class and overall, the McMullin and Craig families were looking to increase their points lead over the Class 10 field. Tommy Craig with Steve's '.Yife Robyn drove the first half of the race but · Robyn got wankered when they hit a rock and she wanted to get out before the scheduled driver change. Timmy Craig, Tommy's son got in as relief until the half way point. Steve McMullin with Steve Jr. got in to finish the rest of the race but had to stop for a red light, unfortunately the one on the dash board. Upon further investigation, they noticed the engine case developed a crack that kept pumping all the oil out. Rather than gamble with an expensive motor, they decided to hang it up for the .:lay. TEAM FREEMAN (Class 1600) · Las Vegas' 1600 Class veteran racer Kenny Freeman joined CORE Pit support club for this event. Kenny teamed up with Doc Holliday, a driver from back east who wanted to see what the rough Nevada desert racing was all about. Kenny and Doc shot thru most of the competition and ended finishing fourth in class. GREAT JOB GUYS!!! CORE PIT SUPPORT CORE MAIN The Main Pit was expertly and efficiently run by Derrin and Victoria Griffin, Johnny Burns, Wayne Nosala, Tim and Ed Baker. They assisted in juggling the mid race driver changes and fuel stops. CORE PIT ABLE Jim, Joan and Dian Wagner along with Mike and Mary Ridlen were chosen out of a list of thousands to run the Able Pit. It was a nice and relaxing day as they were not called upon to assist any racers in need. CORE PIT BAKER Gary, Kim and Kara Hall with Tim Lindsay, Scott Craig and "The Big Boss" Tom Craig, Sr., were dispatched to run the furthest-most, way-out, isolated and desolate pit. They were also the most active pit replaced a wishbone helm joint on the McCarthy Class 8 truck as well as much work on non-CORE cars. CORE PIT CHARLEY This pit was man-handled by Keith Pratt and Mike Schrumm, long time Barstow racers. I didn't get a pit report from them so I assume it was way too much work to write it all down. CORE PIT "X' I'm not exactly SU re why this pit was called the "X" pit, hopefully it was because it was at some intersection?? Ted Braxhoofden, Perry King, Piere Holmes, and James Zee weren't asked to do much work on race cars but I hear they did have fun exchanging dirty stories. CORE PIT DOG Dave Girdner "The Other Big Boss" with son Mark Girdner kept busy manning the Dog pit. Judging by how dirty these guys were when they got back, it looked like they worked on cars all day long and didn't have time to fill out the pit report. Thanks for your help guys. M.O.R.E. Balls Out 250 TEAM ST APP/CRAIG (Class 9) Here's the dilemma, two races on the same day, what do we do? The choices were to either race the MORE race or dive up to Vegas and pit for friends and family running the SNORE race. Todd Craig summed it up perfectly, "a day of racing always beats a day of pitting", so they went to the MORE Barstow race to hopefully add to their points lead. Rob S_tapp started the race against five Challenger field ad had a nice battle going with my long time friend Mike Rix. Rob and Mike swapped positions several times but when Rob got out at the half way point h had a nice little lead built up. After. a quick driver change and fuel stop, Todd Craig took over and, as usual, began adding minutes· to their lead. Todd went two trouble free laps then screamed over the radio that he thought he just broke a tie rod end. Todd jumped out and pulled off the front tire so he was able to hobble the three legged car to the closest pit where Rob was waiting with a box of parts. They ·discovered the steering arm sheared off the spindle but after some down time they were able to get Todd back in the hunt: Todd was back in the groove and making time when he hand grenaded a rear tire. He got stuck between two hills when the flat tire spun on the rim. As things happen on days like this, they decided not to spend the extra time to put the jack back on the car so Todd was stuck until a chase truck could deliver a tire to his location. Two laps to go and "what else could go wrong",. you ask? As Todd approached the Main Pit, we radioed to him and asked if he would like us to put the jack back on the car, "just in case"? Based on the day they were having, he agreed. While in the Main Pit attaching the jack, it was noticed the rear shock was smoking and browing oil out like a steam engine, the other front spindle was cracked and ready to fall off, the fan shroud was loose, alternator strap broken, both the driver and owner were grouchy. The guys at Main Pit didn't do much all day so we asked if we could, as entertainment, get the car ready for the last lap. Everybody has been in his position and it is a tough call but since Rob and June 2001 Todd have never had a DNF they decided today wasn't the day to start. After 25 minutes Todd was back out on his last lap. With the last lap finished, the guys ended up in third place. Searching for a professional family oriented pit support club? CORE is always happy to extend its family and support. We have monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at Mulligans Restaurant in Santa Clarita at 8pm. For more information, join us at the meeting or call me at (818) 341-18 l O or e-mail me at race97 5@aol.c~m. .....,.,,,. • • .. ---FIRST ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT RACERS By Wes Wisdom Well, by the time you read this the Indy 500 may have been run. Maybe we'll have an off roader win it this year. I'm sure Robbie Gordon will get a ride. This is the :.ystem run by most off road race winners GO' FOR He almost won it once, came within two or three gallons of fuel. Casey Mears could do it, too. It would be nice to see the Mears name on the trophy again. It's just too bad the race doesn't have the bet cars and the best racers like it used to. Remember when the Formula One drivers and cars would come over to race Indy? I guess I'm getting old, it seems those were better days, more open competition. That's why I like off road racing so much. There's so much competition it leads to innovation and variety. Everybody thinks they have a better way to go and most of them are right, they do! The F.A.l.R. work party on April 7th came off very well in spite of the rain. It started out at Wayne Morgan's Quality Truck & Auto Parts but when the rain started Brent Parkhouse took everybody and all the equipment over to the Parkhouse Tire yard in Bell Gardens. They have a very nice, large, covered work area. It worked out perfectly. Continued on page 46 TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 45

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Speaking of Brent, many, many thanks to him for all the wo1k he did on F.A.I.R.'s equipment even before the work party. All the welder/generators were serviced, ·the nitrogen bottles were filled, the van had been repaired and serviced, most of the tools had been cleaned and sorted. Everywhere we looked, Brent had already been there. You did an amazing job, thanks Brent. The other part of the work party was to inventory all the equipment and to make sure all needed supplies and parts were in the pit boxes. With all this work completed, F.A.LR. was ready for the MDR Ridgecrest 300. For the second race in a row, it was cold! There were reports that snow was predicted but we only got some rain over night. · Race day came up nice and clear but still a little cold when you were in the breeze. It was great for the racers, though, with hardly any dust.. Brady Wisdom was the Race Manager. There were 14 cars racing with F.A.I.R. and the results were excellent! There were three cfass winners, including FIRST OVERALL and two seconds. Brian Parkhouse, with Tom Ridings' help, finally pulled one out even though he didn't have a trouble free race. They were staying with the leaders in spite of having some tire problems. When the leader had problems on Lap 5 or 6, Brian· took charge. Then, on Lap 6, the transmission lost all but fourth gear. Tom drove it into the pits and got out of the car thinking :heir day was done. Then ,omebody told them that all they had to do was finish one more lap for the overall win. Brian asked Tom if he thought he could drive the lap with just founh gear. Tom jumped back into the car and took off, slowly at first. But his last lap time was only a couple of minutes slower than their fastest time. Congratulations Brian, First Place Overall. It's well deserved ;or all the hard work you've put in. A.J ._ Gaston also ran Class but didn't have a good day at all with a DNF on Lap 2. But that didn't stop him from running Pit B and doing a good job at that even working on a couple of non-F.A.I.R. cars. In her first race with F.A.I.R., Terrie Tavis came all the way from Mariposa with her . Class 10 car. She did really well, ran her own race and finished second in class. Just because she's a female don't think she's not a real racer. Terrie does her own prep work, with some help from Kent Lothringer, and comes to the race very well organized. A lot of you macho guys out there could learn something from her. There were three Class 1600 cars in the race, Jerry Longo, Kevin Walsh and Sean Bennett. Jerry had a very eventful day with traffic problems. Seems a couple of other cars wanted to occupy the same space that Jerry was in at the same time. His car came out the worst for it, lots of damage. But, in the true off road ·"Never say Die" racing spirit, he and Tom Sobray motored on for a fifth place finish in class, missing fourth by just 25 seconds, and a very good seventh overall. I didn't get a chance to talk with Kevin Walsh, but, according to the MDR lap times, it looks like he ran · consistently all day and wound up sixth in class and 10th overall. Boy, those top 10 overall finishers are nice! The other 1600 car of Sean Bennett didn't have a good day at all. A rod through the engine case on Lap 4 put them out. Too bad but I'm sure they'll be back, hopefully for the Kartek 400. In Class 5, prospective member Steve Griffith got only three laps in before DNF'ing. Steve told me he will be running at the next race and F.A.I.R. is looking forward to having him. Curt and Bryan Geer shared the driving in their 5-I 600 and dominated the class from the get-go. In spite of the tough competition, they pulled a four minute lead on the first lap ad never looked back, winning by almost an hour and a half. A ·» ce Chair. ProSeat · Mandated by g ~ ORGA::,.w,nN 1 800 565 4042 Page 46 great race for the Geers! Brent Parkhouse had F.A.I.R. watch over Kurt Puhl in his 5-1600 for this race. I don't know if he required any help as he had a very good, consistent day and finished second in class. In Class 9, Dan Folts had another stellar day, Dad Dave hung with the class in the early laps and then Dan got in and pounced when the other cars faltered. Perfect race strategy for the crass win. Did Dad Dave come up with that? Joe Sheble hooked up with F.A.I.R. at the race. Looks like he's a pretty good Class 9 racer, he set fast lap for the class on Lap 2. We hope he comes back. Joe was the class leader through Lap 3 and then had a long Lap 4 before he DNF'd. Don't know what the problems were. The other F.A.I.R. Class 9 racer was, of course, Joel Mohr. Joel had a strong first lap but had troubles on the second lap that cost him some time then lost the ring and pinion on Lap 4. In C lass 7, Tim Braden decided on Thursday night to make the race and talked Mitch Griffin into co-driving. Knowing Mitch I'm sure it didn't take much talking. As Brady wrote in his race report "Tim and Mitch took ·turns abusing themselves on the rough course with suspension that wasn't quite dialed in." But they, kept running even after having to change a transmission at ·Pit A and would have finished if they hadn't timed out by a few minutes on Lap 6. They had a big lead in the class all day. Last but nor-least was our Class 11 guys, Jeff Anderson and Garrick Owen. This was their first race. Actually, it was the first time Jeff had driven in the dirt. He had, maybe, one trip around their block before coming to the·race. They were doing O.K. until they got to the "10 Miles of Hell" five miles from the start/finish. They lost a c.v. About this time we all found out that cell phones don't work around Ridgecrest. No radio, just a cell phone. It took a very long time to find out where they were and get them some help. Seemed like all day, but help they got and the repairs were made. After a .lot of ignition/carburetor problems at Pit A on the second lap, they broke a.ball joint and called it a day. Bilstein • Sway A Way Eibat:h · HM · IIA 1 · CNC Sparco .· PRP • Fuel Sate Ron Davis Radiator, Setrab Oil Cooler, Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear June 2001 Even with all their problems and the very long time stuck out on course, these two guys were still stoked! They both ·said it was the best time they ever had. Boy, we all should have their youthful enthusiasm. Racing would be even more fun than it already is. All the pits went well. Main was busy all day with one thing or another, tires, repairs, welding. The course was pretty rough. Pit A had the most major work with the transmission change and quite a bit of time on the Class 11 "Herbie". Pits B and C had several tire changes. As mentioned before, Pit B also helped out a couple of non-F.A.I.R. cars, welded up a 1600 car so well they were able to finish the rate! We talked with them after they finished and maybe they'll become new members. Jerry Longo put on a great BBQ after the race was over. Lots of food, hamburgers, sausages, and all the fixins. It sure is fun having good food to go along ·with all the "Race Talk". A big F.A.I.R. Thanks to all the racers and their pitters who worked the race all day. You 're what F.A.I.R. is all about. __ :,illr. Dusty Times

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RACE TO THE SKY Possum Plays It His way Text & Photos: Martin Holmes A helicopter follows Possum Bourne as he heads for first overall on the hill in his Subaru lmpreza. Champions, the current Swedish Rallycross Champion and a former world championship rally winner. Quite an impressive ar-ray. Rod Miiten was second fastest up the hill, his Toyota Tundra VB, non-turbo puts out 600bhp, shown here at speed. The event has become a show-place of automotive ingenuity, a Hillman Imp with a V8 engine, a combined turbo and supercharger in a Toyota Corolla, a six wheel drive car with two Mazda engines and, of course, FIA legal Group A and Group N cars. Motorcycles of all sizes, shapes and colors and lots of Quads, one with a turbo-charged 1100cc Suzuki engine, nicknamed "Quadzilla." course: "The course is like a rally road, dirt surface, narrow in places and it's a lot rougher than Pikes Peak, which has a com-pacted granite surface and a mile or so of broken pavement in the middle of the course. Pikes Peak is a hot higher so you need turbocharging to keep your horse-power at the higher altitudes but here in New Zealand it would be an advantage but certainly not as critical. Horsepower, good bal-ance and four wheel drive make the difference here." The 14.5 kilometer course rises 3500 feet with very short straightaways between corners. Call for special on HID's, Clear other quality H Dusty Times The Queenstown Silverstone Race To The Sky can claim to be the furthest south interna-tional motorsport event in the world. This is long distance gravel road hill climbing and New Zealand can be proud of this event, the caliber of competition is great and the event is run smoothly and :!fficiently. Hill climbing is one of motorsports oldest forms of competition, racing up long stretches 0f dirt and gravel roads, man and machine against the clock. The Race To The Sky course is on the South Island of New Zealand and is shorter and held at a much lower altitude than its cousin, Pikes Peak. The course is 14.5kms lo_ng, starting line is at 1500' elevation, finish line at 5000'. The course has 135 cor-ners, nine hairpin turns and the longest straight is 300 meters. Some interna-tional flavor is stirred into the pot with the ap-. pearance of Rod Millen describes the The future looks good for this event. Tajima said, "One thing I really like about this event is the effort the organizer, Grant Aiken puts out. Gradually the two events (Pikes Peak and Queenstown) are getting closer to each other in im-portance. I would love to see more events like this all .over the world." The basis of the com-petition is one single timed run up the hill on Sunday. The runs on Sat-urday are for qualifita-:tion and for course famil-iarization allowing the Nobuhiro Tajima, from Japan, enter-ing a Suzuki Grand Vitara, and he has won h.ere the last three years. Rod Millen returned to· his homeland to run his Toyota Hillux, Possum Bourne, a Four of the heavy hitters, (I to R.) Per Eklund, Possum Bourne, . teams to properly set up Nobuhiro lajIma and Rod Millen snow their enjoyment of the event. · their cars. · New Zealander entered his Suba- . ru lmpreza and Per Eklund en-tered a rallycross version of a Saab 9-3 Turbo, shipped from The class winners were: Possum Bourne, Open 4WD; Rod Millen, Unlimited; Wayne Parker, Group A; Masayuki Akaba, Group Sweden on short notice. Also, Aus-tralian Ross Dunkerton en-tered his Datsun 2402. In racing terms it was wide spread of cars, in human terms, 'three Asia Pacific Mike Shackleton's 300bhp "Quadzilla" wasn't up to the challenge this year and Mike wonders why. · N ; Craig Hyde, 500cc Mo to rcycle; Nathan McAlwee, 250cc Motor-cycle and Pe ter Boxholme, 125cc Motor-cycle. In Quads, Ron Kirkman wpn Super Q and Mathew Banks took the Open C class. Clas-sic car division was won by Trevor Crowe in a Skoda. .....,.,,. Ql!UlBaltditiiUMtilllftliWI 111/\T RACli:RS .sco,m AT I.AUG II I.IN .JAN 19 21 LAUGHLIN l)J,;s1,:1rr Cl IALIENGl1: 1ST CL 1/2 1600 ROB MACCAClll.:RN fi'AT TYPl1: I 2ND Cl. 1/2 1600 ADAM Jll"ANKUCII VAT 'l'Yflf,: I :.lRD Cl. 1/2 1600 □RYAN 1-'f~l,:F,MAN VAT '1'¥111•: I 1 ST CL 5 G~~ORGE s1m1.i;;y l".A'I' TYPE ~ 2ND CL 5 ENRIQUE 8UJANDA l1'AT TYJlf,; 4 :mo Cl. 5 MIKF. ,JAM_li:S 1-'AT 'IWI•: 4 I S'I' CL IO DANNY ANDlmSON VAT TOYOTA I ZZ '.lRD CL 10 GARY WISI~ ~AT TOYOTA ~AG We use & recommend RACING ENGINES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send or call for our new catalog SS.00 : {TAICk-1.] ............................. ,.. ........ .,..... •·•••••·•·••••••••·•••••·••••••••••••m.•.••••••••••••••••••w,.w.•.••••••w•••••·•••••·• l • radnt, _,,Jn,e · June 2001 SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 & 1997! 18:a PBIU'OIIMDCE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352

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BITD SILVER STATE SERIES ROUND 2 • TERRIBLE'S TOWN 250 Campbell And Staab Finally Have-Their Day By Mark Kariya Photos: Trackside Photo Johnny Campbell and Tim Staab finally got into the winners circle at Terribles Town, riding their Honda to a fabulous overall win. Second place is first loser. Politically correct? Probably not. True? Yep, especially when there's $10,000 on the line -and it's in cash. Think about how you'd feel to be close enough to smell the exhaust of the guy in front of you, to be eating the rocks he's roosting at you and realize that unless you passed him, the $10,000 prize was his. That sickening feeling is what Honda's Johnny Campbell has dealt with for each of the past three years because he's been runner-up at the Terrible's Town 250 in 1998, '99 and 2000. His margin of de-feat? A scant 42 seconds, then two minutes 33 sec-onds, then 52 seconds. But Campbell finally found that winning groove in 2001, taking the win by a commanding margin in 4:54:55 with partner Tim Staab on their Precision • Concepts/Dunlop/D.I.D-assisted XR650R. "It feels really good," Campbell said. "It's some-thing to win a race, but to come and win a race that you've been trying and putting l 00-percent in for three years, it just feels good to put it under my belt." Campbell and Staab overcame not only stiff competition but unusual weather -cloudy and cold turned to windy, rainy, even sleet and snow in some of the higher eleva-tions. "There was a lot of weather out there, it was really windy, with rain in sections," Staab related. But after prepping his· goggles for rain and don-ning a jacket before his stint from Pit 5 to Pit 7, he came through it just fine. "The hardest thing is to try not to think about the purse ·because it is a ·large amount of money for off road racing, 10 grand," Campbell pointed out. "Tim and I are pretty ·happy.We boTh had really good rides.» "Really, the only prob-lem I had was up in the northern section of the course, I came around a corner a little bit too hot and got stuck in a rut; it fed me right into a big wa-ter hole and actually wa-tered the bike out. I pulled the side panel off, and the filter was saturated with Do Nore Than Just Hllck Up Dtr1t ' ,,. __ ..,,.. Jonah Street and Steve Hengeveld gave it their all but second overall and second in Open Pro was their lot this year. water. bike more this year than "Fortunately, I was only last -taking the sections three or four miles from from Pit 1 to 3 and 5 to 7 -the pit [which was Pit 5 he revealed, "I wanted near Springdale, 148 miles more miles this year. I feel into the race]. So I' ran confident with how I've pretty much with no filter been riding. Last year, I for a few miles. was kind of coming off my "It was a little bit fran-injury at San Felipe so _I tic in the ·pit because I didn't want to ride as didn't know where the much, which gave Johnny competition was at that a handful. I like the flat point in the race. I knew desert stuff, it's more like' that we were physically District 38 where I come first, leading our second-from. He likes the high place bike in too. But I ground, the high country. didn't know how close Ka-That's how we divided it wasaki was or Yamaha or up -what best suits our anything - I didn't know style." . [Yamaha's Ty Davis/Rus-Ironically, Campbell sell Pearson] were out of was coming off an injury the race. this year: "I bruised the "I was a little bit ner-humerus bone at the top vous and lost a minute or of my arm at the Prairie · so trying to get the bike Dogs in March. It was re-started, then lost a couple ally bothering me for the more minutes in the. pits. last month, and finally we, Tim was on started ma.king some and had an excellent ride breakthrough in the last ([from 5 to 7]." couple days, actually, to Staab concurred, saying, where I can lift it over my "for me, everything was a head and stuff. Before tha-t clean ride. The bike it was prettr grim." worked great. We had a Campbel also praised little bit of a problem with his bike, which he now fading of the [rear] brake; feels extremely confident I don't know if the disc got on after spen1ing_ the/'!3-st bent or what, but in the year getting lt d1ale 1n. really high speed sections "We've got the bikes we'd lose the brake. Pretty working really good. We much the last 120 miles we radared it at 111 mph; the rode without the rear bike's just unreal. It's a brake. very far, distant step from ·Regarding pit strategy, were we were at [a year which saw Staab on the ago] -suspension-wise, Wjnf Wj1h 76 Rac•n■ Gasoljne Page 48 One entry fur each 25 gallons of 76 100 or 110 Octane Racing Gasoline purchased from CL Bryant or an authorized distributor from Jan. 1, 2000 through October 31, 20001 Win Free 76 RaclngGasollne (up to 250 gallons.) To Enter: Send your proof of purchase, along with Name, Address, and Phone to: CL Bryant, Inc. · Attn: Mitch ~RACING ':.:t/GASOLINE 237 E. Whitmore Ava. WWWJ!■'W'•Vrl Modesto, CA. 95358 Falrplex - Pomona October 7 &8 June 2001 ~RACING ~GASOLINE .-. •~----T•::-11 ■-:-•-:.·.--. • u • ~----■ ...... _. _L l Authorized Distributors -Southern California, call: KRS Distributing 714-816-8983 Cosby Oil 1-800-54-COSBY For a Distributor Nearest You - 800-399-4176 Dusty Times

Page 49

motor-wise, exhaust-wise -just the whole package has really come around. All those long races we had [last year] and all the test-ing that we've done is re-. ally paying off." As for the runners-up, fellow Honda Red Riders Steve Hengeveld and Jonah Street on a similar XR650R, they actually led early in the race after starting second. "I got by [first starters David Fry/ Kirk Stephenson] about 15 miles out and tried to set a pretty decent pace, but I guess everybody was kind of stacking up behind me when I was trying to get by that guy," Street reported. After some battling back and forth with Campbell/Staab's number-one machine, the number-two Honda finally saw its chances for the win evapo-rate after a freak incident. While he attempted to unfog his goggles in the higher country after Pit 4 . at Crater Flat where it be-gan raining (rain that would eventually turn to sleet and hail for those fur-ther back). Street lost them. "They were com-pletely fogged, and I was going down the road lift-ing them up and I hit a bump, then the goggles were-gone." That, of course, posed a dilemma because he was in the lead at .the time. "I didn't, know how close [Campbell~ was or what-ever so I was [asking my-self], 'Do I turn around? D0 I turn around and go get the goggles?' "I thought, 'Maybe, at the most, I'm 10 miles from the pit, Pit 5.' I de-cided ~" ::;:n for it, but it was a bad idea. I should've turned around and got the goggles because I had probably at least a minute and a half on him at that point." Street kept the lead for a short time, but he couldn't maintain. the sort of pace required to hold off Campbell, and the number-one bike thun-dered into the point posi-tion before Pit 5 for good. At the finish, Hengeveld/Street ended up some six and a half minutes behind, 4:54:55-5:01:34, not to mention missing out on the $10,000 bonus from the Herbst family. But former winners Destry Abbott and Brian Brown also seemed bitterly disap-pointed after their third place ride fraught with problems, the big-gest of which was when Brown cartwheeled and broke his nose after Pit 4. rode back with broken nose ·o something like that. So we ende up flipping a U-e and coming bac to the pits . "The rear fence was broken off an stuff, but they di a coup le things [ t fix it]. I got on th bike from ther and basically rod the rest of the rac by myself." ,__ _________ _......._ ________ __, Jason's Weeks and Goimanac and elder statesman Josh Getting hit withTfle Purvines/Tussing/Pankas trio fought the weather for six D_ownard were the Open Amateur winners, taking the class in a penalty for goinghours to take the 0-35 Expert win in Pahrump. _s,_x_a_n_d_a~~~a_l_f h_o_u~r_s. _____________ _ backwards on the course Rick, being from where Yamaha. They also beat ficially. didn't affect their final po-you're from, I would think the four-stroke Pros. Josh Downard, Jason sition, and their official you wou.ld just have· a Trevor Sheridan and Phil-Goimanac and Jason time ended up 5:09: 13 for jacket packed everywhere lip Zieger. To be honest, Weeks teamed up on their third place on the Pro Cir-you_go.' the Sheridan/Zieger Pro Cycle Seorts/Cycles cuit/Dunlop/Trick Team "He said, 'Well, I fig-Golden West Cycle/Preci-and Sleds/GPR KTM to Green KX500. ured I was coming_ to the sion Concepts/Escondido take overall Amateur hon-F a rthe r back, Danny fair weather of Nevada Cycle Center XR650R did ors and the Open Amateur Cooper, the defending and didn't think about it.' run out of gas, then win in 6:25:43, finishing a 250cc Pro series champ, "I said, 'Rick, I even Sheridan reportedly gave a commendable 14th over-teamed up for the first keep my jacket 1n a fellow racer a tow, so they all. time with David Pearson gearbag just in case!' finished 24th overall in Sixteenth overall, second on the Pro Circuit/Dun-"He goes, 'Well, I 6:42:20afterbeingashigh Amateur and first Over 30 lop/IMS YZ250 to win the learned a lesson about Ne-as fift.h at one point, unof-Continued on page 51 class and get fourth over-vada and its weather.' -----------·-·---· --------------all in 5:27:24. "We set out "It took him, like, 15 or to not crash and just do as 20 miles down the high-well as we could." 1 7-year-way to thaw out [ when he old Pearson said: "We finished one section and ended up not having any jumped into the chase problems at all. We rode van, setting the heater on like we needed to and got full high]." the job done. [Our com_p_e-Close behind them in tition] had a bad day. We 5:34:14 for fifth overall, just put in a good ride: I'm the top finishing Expert glad neither of us crashed team and Open Expert or whatever." winners, were Jared Buoy Just behind the young and Rob Phillips. (Bert chargers came. Over 30 Bradford, though listed on Pro winners Rick Bozarth the team, didn't race.) and Daryl Foiks on their Though it was the first Sportsman Cycle/KTM of time in the series for Buoy Gresham/Motul KTM 300 and the first time they'd in 5:32:44. The biggest raced their KTM 520 in-problem they had turned stead of a 380, it obviously out to be the weather and didn't affect them nega-Folks getting_ popped for tively. speeding on Highway 95, "It went really good; we thus missing his partner at were on a new bike, and it the last pit. (Fortunately, was awesome," Phillips de-Team Green saw Bozarth's dared. "We were the last dilemma and gave him Open Expert to leave.[the enough fuel to finish.) start]. We were leading, "Rick got real cold [in] probably, within 10 miles one [section], and the of the start. It wen_t really funny part of that is you're good, real smooth. We talking about an Orego-were'trying to see how far nian here -used to the up we could get ·in the rain, used to the cold," Pros," he laughed. Folks mused. "What's he Over 40 Pro winners Bill do? He heads to Nevada Maxim and Ross Williams without packing a jacket! finished 10th ovei;all in "I said, 'You know, 5:58:16 on their Williams Development LLC/ Sportsman Cycle/Dun-lop-backed KTM, hampered only by re-cently valved suspen-sion that wasn't dialed in correc t1 y. A few minutes after the senior team, Over· 35 Experts Steve Pan-kas, Ron Purvines and Donald Tussin fin-ished, winning their class in 6:06:57 on their Countrywide Es-tate Planning/TPS Painting/lGS Gaming KTM. GOT SHOCKS? Your main source for the all I new RaceRunner shock series / _.-., from Sway-Away. Now avail-=-'~ able in 2", 2 1/2", and massive RaceRunner 3" body coil-over design. •110t:1t• •l"SWAY- A •WAI" ART ...~ THE SOURCE for off-road rac;ing equipment and services We now offer complete shock services including custom revolving and rebuilding. We sell and ser-vice FOX, BILSTEIN, and all SWAY-A-WAY shocks, including the new RACE RUNNER series. 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Page 50

... r l r r r :e::d::r h~Th~ o~18~:::i: all the off road racing and ~ying that take• place here in the good 'ol USA and elsewhere in the big \V, -· ' and we need to know more about YOU than we ,t, · 'j_ J J r A. Personal . 1. Sex M/F_ 2. Your Age __ \. Do You Compete Off Road ? __ J j r r r r r r r Spouses Age __ 3. Married Single Divorced 4. Self Employed __ W-2 Wage Earner __ I 5. Annual Household Income $ ___ _ 6. Own Home? Rent 7. How Many Children __ · Ages ___ _ Sex __ _ 8. How Many People In Your Household __ 9. How Many Read Dusty Times __ 10. Highest School Gr_ade 12th 2 Yr Coll 4Yr Coll 11. Spouse 12~--2YrColl __ 4Yr Coll 12. How Many Television sets in Your Home? 13. How Many hours A Week Do You & Family Watch TV? B. VEHICLES 1. Total Street Licensed Vehicles Owned Cars _ _ Trucks _ _ Trailers __ Motor Homes __ Motorcycles_ Quads_· _ Brand Name Of Tires You Use Driver Co-Driver 3. Do You Own An Off Road Race Car Pre-runner Motorcycle __ Other _____ _ Brand Name Of Tires You Use ___ _ 4 . How Many_Off Road Events A Year Do You Compete In? 5. How Many Times A Year Do You Support Others While They Are Racing? _· _ 6. How many times a year do you just go to watch? C. ANNUI\L EXPENSES 1. Dollars Spent Annually On Race Vehicle $ ___ _ 2. Race Related Travel, Hotels, etc. $ __ _ 3.Tobacco Products $. ___ _ 4 . Alcoholic Products $ _ _ _ _ 5. Race Car/Motorcycle Tires$ __ _ 6. Fuel for on/ off road vehicles $ __ 7. Repair/Maint. on Motor Home$ _ _ 8. Repair/Maint. On Tow Vehicle$_._ -_ 9. Repair/Maint. On Car Trailer$_·_ D. LOCATION 1. What State Do You Reside In? .. 2. What Is Your Zip Code? __ 3 . What Is The Population Of The Ciif/Town You Reside In? Rural __ Over 5,000 _ _ Over 25,000 _ _ · Over 50,000 __ Over 100,000 __ Pl~ Mail To: Dusty Times Dept. DS 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 l l l L.. L.. l l l l J J J J j j J

Page 51

• A bent front rim didn't stop the KTM of the Bradford/Phillips/ Daryl Folks and Rick Bozarth fought the cold and the wind and the Bruce Chaplin and Justin Lizotte were the Quad A winners, Buoy combo from taking the Open Expert class at Pahrump. snow to take the Over30 Pro class by 10 minutes on theirKTM. covering the course in seven and a half hours. yellow plate went to John ers Mark Goelz and Lenny cyc1efinishwenttoOver48 theyfassed us back. Steve Gregory with first. It Frederick, Don Hutchinson Sheck took the Over 30 Ex-Amateur winners Vin Hayes and were racing, and we marked Eichner's second and Greg Lasiewski in pert win in 6:49:45, placing and Ed Palacio in 11 :21: 14, both had flats - I had a rear Terrible1s Town victory. 6:27:17 on their Kawasaki. 25th overall. 47th overall on their D&D flat and he had a front flat Beilman and Stuart To no-one's surprise, Three places behind Racing/Friends and family--and I passed him with a ended up second overall VOR-mounted Greg them, the Over 40 Expert sponsored Suzuki. rear flat. quad and second Quad Pro Zitterkopf topped the winners -Terry Marshall, In the ATVs, the Doug "Then Eric Dollente and in 6:20:09 on their Alba Ironmen, winning· the Ex-Dan Natal and Terry West -Eichner/John Gregory duo · Jimmy Stephensen came out Motors ports/A TV Televi-pert class in 6:33:21, good finished in 6:52:09 on their smoked the course in of nowhere -they were right sion/Laegers Yamaha while for 21st overall. West Honda/Monitron Inc./ 6:00:21. If counted with the behind us, and they passed Michael Catro teamed with But what was surprising Sandia Lightwave Honda. bikes, it would've given us and started to run away William Yokely on the was how close the Ironman Rick Emmal and John them 11th overall on their from us. I caught them in Temecula Motosports/lTP Amateur winner was, with Rodgers aced the Over 40 Golden West Cycle/Duncan one pit and passed them Tires & Wheels/Klotz-Gary Bosemer finishing in Amateurs, taking their Racing/Roll Design Honda. back, then I came into Pit 7, backed Roll Design for third 6:34: 11, 22nd overall, on his KTM to 3 6th overall in "We had a heck of a race and they were quite a ways in 6:25:24. Accelerated Funding/Kawa-7:21:49. going," a somewhat soggy in front of me. I figured, Danny Rudd and Allen saki of Simi Valley/Bell Hel-Patrick and Randy Wells Eichner exclaimed at the 'Well, we'll get second this White topped the Expert di-mets KX. were the lone 125 to finish, finish. "I started first off the race.' vision at fifth overall in Donnie Campbell, Eric and they naturally topped line; Steve Beilman started "But I .guess I left Pit 7 7:09:26 on their Golden Caudillo and Michael 125cc Expert on their Piper second, then Eric Dollente and they stayed there. I West Cycle/Duncan Racing/ Caudillo came through next, Performance/C&J Support/ and Jimmy Stephensen thought they were still in Roll Design Honda. stopping the clocks at Napa YZ in 7:35:07. started fourth, I think. By front of me, but I wasn't In the Quad Amateur 6:37:22 to win the 250cc Ex-Jonathan Hayes and Pit 2, Beilman and Greg Stu-sure." ranks, Yamaha-mounted pert class on their Answer/ Denny Wilson took the win art passed us because we had Defending race champs Bruce Chaplin and Justin Scotts/FMF KX250. in four-stroke Amateur on no rear brakes -we had no Dollente/Stephensen had Lizotte took the win in Lost Angels M.C./Roy their Suzuki, finishing in rear brakes the whole race!-terminal problems, as it 7:31:30. and Val Tool Grinding/At-9:04:40 foi 45th overall. '.'They passed us, we turned out, leaving them Next in the series is the terburner Pree. Honda rid-The last official motor-passed them-back, then with a DNF and Eichner/ Tonopah 300. PRECISION everything -you need ta build., maintain and operate a rac:ec:ar ~ " a::-::, i!B65 5undry Ave ... Signal Hill, CA 90B06 BUU.959. 7757 562.427.2375 FAX: 526.426.5294 Baits, Nuts and Hardware Sparca Seats. Steering Wheels, Suits and SaFety Equipment Craw Belts and Harnesses Bell Helmets Spa/ Fans Fire Systems Si/icane Turbo Hase Neu Synthetic Lubricants Aurora, NHBB and FK Rad Ends We/dun Fuel and Di/ Pumps Fresh Air Driver Ventilation Systems lntercamp Scales and Alignment Equipment Earl's, Aeraquip ~ 5peedF/aw Stainless Braided Hase &. Fittings Fuel SaFe and Triangle Fuel Cells Setrab, Lang and F/uidyne Oil Caalers §ee our complete onLine catalog at www.baker Dusty Times June 2001 Page 51

Page 52

OREGON TRAIL PRORALLY British Invasion captures Oregon Text & Photos: Jim Culp • Dave White and Jim Brandt were the Group 2 winners at the Oregon Trail ProRally in the mud and snow. The Subaru lrnpreza of Mark Lovell and Steve Turvey corners through the muck on the way to first overall. Mark Lovell and Steve Turvey made it look easy, drivfog a Prodrive Subaru lmpreza to victory as Brit-ish rally teams dominated the Oregon Trail ProRally, Round 3 of the Sports Car Club of America's ProRally Championship. Subaru's team leader, Lovell finished 3 7 seconds ahead of Richard Tuthill and John Bennie in the Winning Makes Mitsubishi· Lancer Evo 4 as the Brit-ish captured the top two spots in challenging weather conditions in the Coast Range near Tillamook. Reading the roads was nearly impossible as snow, hail, rain, mist and fog kept the teams guessing about the conditions around the next corner. Noel Lawler and Charlie Bradley, in a Libra Racing Hyundai Ti-buron, were fastest on Stage· 1, then they guessed wrong and qashed upside down into a river after roll-ing end over end at 100 mph on Stage 2. · When questioned about their bad luck, Bradley claimed the Hyundai duo had "the best luck of all"·since they es-caped without a scratch af-ter "landing like pancake" in the water 15 feet below the roadway. After Lawler's crash, Lovell jumped into the lead and held it through to the finish. A broken wheel Goin' racin' again in 2001 ! BIGGER BOULDERS • BETTER BUMPS • BOUNTIFUL BRUISES Best payment yet, plus the PRO CLASS .. I" . PRO CLASS "ll" SPORTSMAN 1/2 Unlimited Challenger For the Almost-10 and a-race-car, it's lowest entry fees. 1/2-1600 5/1600 runwhatyou Heavy /Mini Metal brung. Help make ;e.O.R.E. bigger $25.00 point fund $25.00 point fund $25.00 point fund 45.00 and better, bring all racing entry 245.00 entry 165.00 entry 100.00 100.00 Insurance 100.00 Insurance Insurance 20.00 20.00 friends and new racers. 20.00 use fee use fee use fee $310.00 $190.00 $390.00 EXTRA: $20.00 off entry fee for early entry with $100.00 binder receive at least two weeks before any race. Page 52 BONNEVILLE OFF-ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Attn: GEORGE CAIN 341 WEST 25·75 NORTH SUNSET, UTAH 84015 (801) 773-1651 June 2001 delayed Tuthill and Bennie's challenge on Stage 3 and turbo problems slowed the Tunnocks Candv, backed car later in the evening. Ireland's Seamus Burke and Frank Cunningham in a Mitsubi-shi Evo 6, rolled on Stage 3 but continued on to a third place finish with· sprung doors, lost win-dows, and messy aerody-namics. ·After fast Lancer Evo 6, the Rod Millen Motor-sports entry driven by Rhys Millen and Chrissy Beavis held second until they slipped off the road on Stage 5. Tuthill and Bennie-narrowed the gap on Day 2, but Lovell and Turvey never put a wheel Continued on page 54 ( ti,-ttl.u.e! I September 15th Wendover, USA Dusty Times

Page 53

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Page 54

Mike Whitman and Paula Gibeault head up into more snow in Passing frigid spectators, Tad Ohtake and Kurt Winklemann Running on a fairly dry section, Dave Coleman and Josh their Ford Cosworth, turbo problems dropping them to 12th. captured Group 5 in their awfully clean Ford Escort ZX2. Jacquot drove on to take the Production Class win. w ro n g and cruised home Lawless were seventh, Pete turbo problems for the Ohtake and Kurt in Production was the .Ford with the first ever US vie-Lah m an d Ro d H endric ks-Ford Sierra Cos worth. Win klemann were 20 th in Focus of Craig Peeper and tory for Prodrive and the en were eighth, an d John Mark Utecht and Brenda a supercharged Ford Escort Ian Bevan. first ProR ally win for Suba-Dislane nd Declan Hegarty Lewis were second in POT ZX2. Flat tires and drive A strong field of 44 ruin years. were ninth , all driving and 13th overall. The shaft damage hampered started the Oregon event, The second Prodrive Im-TAD Mitsubishi Lancer Knight Steel Subaru Im-Ohtake's run. The crowd and 31 survived the preza driven by Karl Evo 4s. preza turbos filled the next pleasing Group 5 favorites, weather and mechanical Scheible and Brian Max-The first finishers with-two spots with Lon Peter-Carl Jardevall and Amity mayhem to make the fin-well finished fourth over-out a turbo were Canada's son and Bill Gutzman Trowbridge in the Nordic ish. Among the DNFs all and captured the Group Patrick Richard and Ken ahead of Jonathan Ryther Motors Volvo, were always were the early POT class N class victory, just 30 sec-Kwong, 10th in the Pro-and Janice Damitio. sideways and solidly in the leaders. Lauchlin O'Sulli-onds behind Burke and duction GT class winning The first two wheel drive top ten until they slipped van and John Dillon, who Cunningham. Specialty Subaru 2.5 RS. car to finish was Guy off the road on the next to lost the alternator, then Mitsubishis and Subarus 2000 ProRally champions Light's ageless Volkswagen the last stages. Niall the lights, and then the also filled out the rest of Paul Choiniere and Jeff GTI with Dr. Dave W hite Donnelly and Eoin wipers during the night-the top ten with Tim Pater-Becker struggled home in and Jim Brandt at the con-McGeough grabbed second time run through the rain son and Scott Ferguson the 11th spot when the Li-trols. The Group 2 winners in Group 5 with a 2WD and snow. Gearbox woes fifth in a TAD prepared bra Racing Hyundai suf-were 16th overall, just edg-Eclipse. eliminated Paul Eklund Evo 4, followed by Ramana fered drive shaft and ing Nate Tennis and Nate Dave Coleman and Josh and Scott Huhn in the Lagemann and Russ transaxle problems. Pettit in the Tree Tamers Jacquot drove a third Libra Primitive Racing Subaru, Hughes in the Vermont Mike Whitman and 1973 Saab 98 for the class Racing Hyundai Tiburon, and Steve Gingras and Bill Sports Car lmpreza. Paula Gibeault limped to a win. · "the press car", to the Pro-Westrick in the Act II Thomas and Brendan 12th place finish with Group 5 winners Ted duction class win. Second Popcorn Subaru. __ --.,,,,,. The cones at the airport stage were fair game for Pat Richard and Ken Kwong, yet they won the Production GT Class. fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is our tap-of.the.fine racing cell that comes ready to • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety loam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA·FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (BOO) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience ins/all and i/'s backed by a e for more info call or write to: /u/110 year warranty. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe EL SAF 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, Oregon 97701 Radlf/lCeDs (541 )388-0203 ' · (541 )388-0307 fax http:J/ Page 54 If you really think about it, You should be telling the world about your product. Advertising in Dusty Times Gets results! For advertising information In Dusty Times, Rates, Production dates, etc., Call.Bekki at 818-882-0004 June 2001 Dusty Times

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY ACECO,nc. Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN P.O. Box 117 Ely, NV 89301 (702) 289-6708 19066 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, Ca 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 ADVANCED TOYOTA SUSPENSIONS ~es 'P~(')1JS1t SUS'PS1tS'l01t S1JS7&71tS '86-95 4WD. TOYOTA P/U, 4-RUNNER & T-1OO 12-17" of TRAVEL '77-95 2WD P/U & T-1OO 12-15" of TRAVEL NEW TACO!IA 8 TUNP/iA .flfl) 8 2lfl) LONG TNAYEl KITS 12-1.f"OF TliAYEl COMPLETE FABRICATION SERVICES AVAILABLE,-RACE CAR PREP, REAR SUSPENS1ON, ROLL CAGES, BUMPEl{S, FIBERGLASS, RACE SEATS (909) 471-5111 HTTP://MEMBERS.AOL.COM/ADVTOYSUSP BUILT BY SCOTT SELLS & A.T.S. 34345 SUNRISE DR. WILDOMAR, CA -'if!:ee~g9~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEED$ BA'ITERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glen·dora, CA 91740 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 ----• BJ.BX AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension ~ Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 ·saael-PRIOF _PEIFIB-CE Silver Faced LFG's · Liquid-Filled Gauges from Auto Meter are notorious for being the to4gl")est., on the market. Combine that with the fact Auto Meter also is known for ifs reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. rruue~• ~ ete Send $4.00 for a catalog to: Auto Meter Products, Inc. -,. Oept. OUOO • 413 W. Elm SI.• Sycamore, IL 60178 • (815) 895-8141 Get the word out about your business, '-ig or small. Put your business card in the "Good Stuff Directory~ and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory ads afe merely $35.00 per month RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Export & lnt'I Sales Racfi Car Preparation Consulting & Management • C C 1 040 S. Main St. xF allbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-2117 FPX (760) 723-9938 GU BEARD~ Limiting Straps & Tie-Downs , p 714 774 9444 ~ www ldt f 714 774 2244 R,._...,~ BITCOn vw moroRs & I TRAnsm1ss1ons STRIP • STREET • ■ OFFROAD·SAnD FIVE SPEEDS & AUTOffiATICS ~ (702) 263-5793 ~ Los Vegas. nevado • Race Prep. • Full Fabrication • Mig & Tig Welding • Tube Bending Lonny Helmbolt Owner 1941 Ramrod St. Henderson. Nv 89014 Ph: (702) 454-9355 Fax: (702) 456-1755 Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels .,.,-· ···-~ Bcf A TEj:?:Olll@a r=,a~ec PLASTICS Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 e-mail: BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V~hicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3j07 11459/.J, ---l..4c sr. • HfsPE.o, lll'A C (760)949-3907 OFF ROAD-STREET Roll cages-Bumpers-Suspension All General _Fabrication Work GD C,1"¥.,XNCU PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr~Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies ACCOUNTING• INCOME TAX -CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT 536 S. Second St, Suite E Covina, CA 91723 Fax 626-053-2023 626-053-2024

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CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX 306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINDSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM .,,, r IOI at:EIS Wiil lOIBI TIE BEST HAIPION BEADlOCI ~QING WHEELS U.S.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8"9"10"11"12"13"15"18"17" MILAN qARRITT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 93722 1 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365_ CHENOWTH f > .4CING PRODlJCTS, INC. [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena~vd. San Diego, CA.921'10 (6 J 9) 275-1663 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass) Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Sta!:jing Brakes Hydraulic ThrottU!s T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS·• i-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree, Lane • (805) 239-2663 Templeton. CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ./" ~ , (WU-~ ~ -Perts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive -Mini Trucks Pre-Runners -Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd.• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 · TORCO RACING FVELS CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-80'0-54-COSBY COS~Y OIL COMPANY. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA . - -CR'T'cl AL □ ULTRASONIC CLEANING ft Oil Coolers, Heat Exchangers, D~O-...S:S. Oil Tanks, Radiators, Lines, Fittings --~ '~ □ CRACK INSPECTION All Components ... Suspension, Engine, Gear Box, etc. □ NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTl~G Magnetic Particle, Liquid Penetran~ . Ultrasonic, Eddy Curren~ X-Ray 3043 Oak Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 □ CNC MACHINE SHOP Phn (714) 957-1215 USAC STATION •s .W. Fax{1_1•_>_95_,_-1_56_, _____ FM_sr_A_n_ON_rNB_711281J _ _____;'ur "Craclc I. for Your P,oblctJon' CROWN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED AEROSPACE. HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL HOSES & FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER DR., SUITE G • VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92083 4JCl•Ut4?tlLX«A'4JC•Cf4 VICE PRESIDENT ,126 ·N. Marshall Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-5611 fax 619-449-5713 How can you not afford to adv_ertise · In the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" · Call Dusty Times now and get your ad In the next issue. Dave's Precision Fabrication 135 Soutlf Oaks Ave. Unit ·c• Ontario CA. 91762 Phone: 949-887-8TT3 Fax:909-460-141'1 Email: David F-arrvggla [( DE tJJJrg1Q)] HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 B Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 Specializing in ... Bau Box•• Swingaxle. Hewland Fortin Meadeola ND4S Magnum44 K.rebler Automatic f!l!RBW#!ir~ . --,,,,,,, .1"~/ .,,.-DEREK NYE ):/' /A ,; ~ ~ ""~ - / 1-. T75 w:17J!, __ S~eet -unit H Coslll Mesa, CA 92627 ~ •' tel: 9'19.5'18.8533 lax: 9'19.5'18.853'1 e-melt: derekn!,le lll! Team Bagz Private Lab2I Custom Bag Designs l>ONIJffOE ~A.&-:IN~ • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSUL TING • DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES WWW.DONAHOERACING.COM • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SER\ltCE KREG DONAHOE OWNER 2831 EAsT WHITE STAR UNIT H ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE (714) 632-3033 FAX (714) 632·3835 Emmff Jo Brand Clothing Compat1ff, Inc. _~y.4-1} -'}'. ; 'f~~---E m bro id e ry Silk Screening Digitizing & Custom T earn Apparel .. _. ':'.mal---Visit our online 2978 First St. Unit F La Verne, Ca. 91750 Tel 909.593.5511 Victoria Bundy President FORD RACINEi PARTS: RANG.ER 2.3 PINTO 0\/EQ 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PAQTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 PG. CATALOG PHONE (626) .\44-4919 1438 POTRERO FAX (626) 444·3046 SO. EL.MONTE, CA. TueESHARK PORT ABLE HYDRAULIC TUBE BENDERS ROUND & SQUARE BIG 2" CAPACITY NOTHING ELSE EVEN COMES CLOSE! FINAL APPROACH ENGINEERING (541) 44 7-4852 11!'.f. RA(!"' l'l'J IUEt:•= ~. FUEI.S & Ej. tUBRICANTS INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS ·we support MIL SPEC RUST PREVENTATIVES Sammlt RACING GASOLINE BRUCE CONRAD PRESIDENT 1537 E. DEL AMO BLVD. CARSON, CA 90746 PHONE: (310) 603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 FOREMAN ---;E"-OFF-ROAD RACE TRl"CK E'.'IGI:-EERl~G i FABRICATION RACF. PREP/ CO!',;Slll.TATIOI'I. TOP CALIBER PRE-Rl':0--SERS TIIRl' TROPHY TRl'<'KS CHARLIE FOREMAN (858) 467-9211 3438 LOCKWOOD DR. SAN DIEGO, CA sr.n23

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1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax / Doug Fortin See your local Fox dealerorcall 831 -768-1100 I '-1 !it::;'!:h ~ in. · ] ' ~ s~§!rro~ 847-259-3810 FAX847-259-9705 -http://www.fasthelm!:! ~'-◄:.-...,'° HELMET CONVERSIONS & REVISIONS. 1:LIMINATE FOGGING AND DUSTI LARGE SELECTION OF HELMETS, BLOWERS, ~----~ COOLERS, VESTS, & SELF-CONTAINED SYSTEMS. THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING THAT MONEY CAN BUY! THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. "' ... lo~I dHlff ~ C,11" ••·• lo, call (BOOl 433-6524 ~ · our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Ma'nulacturinq, Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR g7701 USA ph(541) 3813-()203 fx(:i41)388-03~ Design Carbon Fiber A & D Services Custom Flb.ergloss Fabrication Off-Aood Style Fenders 7522 Sloter Ave. #114 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 GLASSWORKS Unlimited TIM GERWATOSKY (714) 375-5992 -----,, "\ e:~M) ,-"-r.J~ Buff & Kevin Owners / Fabricators p. 760.510.9586 • f. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific St. # J-1 • San Marcos, CA 92069 • Ham,nes Bros. Racing Engines Baja Proven CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR SPECS 760-724-2038 WWW.HAMMESRACING.COM Get the word out about your business, . Big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $35.00 per month. HONDA 17J1',F:1:fJ IFit¥1•1·f ~ Pt:RSOtlAl 'N,HERCHAFT '-~..-1li BILL ROBERTSON \818) -66-6134 (323) 877-7272 811 L ROBERTSON & SONS, !NC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. FAX 1818) 753-6005 NORTH f-iCLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 (619) 561-7764 20 Years of Off-Road p£Rf 0RtAllltl PO . We Service & Sell Jeff Howe · Char Lynn, Sweet, 9380 Hillvale Ln. Pumps, Gears & Lakeside, CA 92040 Power Rack & Pinion Lee . (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 FAX (114) 522-0123 V. W. Ser11ice Service Technician • Porsche • Audi • BMW• All VW • Toyota • Nissan • Honda • Street Strip and Sand Off Road • 6291 B Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 West of Beach Blvd. James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Corq,lete Race Vehicle Development Design. Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 13424 Imperial Hwy. Santa Fe Springs, Ca. 90670 James M. Hali' owner-Driver . 562-921-2693 fax 562-926-0699. . JG TRANSWERKS . 'Go with a Proven Winner' Joe Giffin 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, CA 92806 Mike Julson HONDA Power Equipment (714) 632-1240 · Off Road Race Cars : Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories • Race Preparation · :10965 Hartley Rd. : Suite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619 / 562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' · e.mail : OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www 3532 EAST 3RO ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 714-637-1155 714-637 -555 lfax ~ -~ Up lo S<,eonds 't~ No ~opes. Tools .. ~~?Hf -- -.,,., -Powder Coat Frame No Assembly Graphics (Upon Request) 8~8. l0xl0, 10xl5, 10x20 .:_j.,} Original Authorized Motorspor_t Dealer T Affordable Family Care Corrective Care Auto/Work Injuries Se Habla Espanol Dr. Steve C. Landis 3621 Farquhar Ave. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Chiropractor Ph 562-799-9969. 24 hr Pager 562-901-8869 PREPARATION & FABRICATION TOYS,PRE-RUNNERS,AND RACETRUCKS '.702)-592-1993 fax(702)658-4491 1941 RAMROD STREET HENDERSON NV.69014

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,. ... POWER E LEE MFG. co. I 11661 PENDLETON.STREET ---~, . SUNVALLEY.CA91362 ~ 7cn7Cn7AF'7: FAX (818) 788-2687 . R~ p~ (818) 788-0371 STEERING THOMAS E. LEE A full line of Po_, Steering gears. pumps and accessoriea for any type of racing. Magnaflu11 and Zyglo facilities available. Stephen Stenberg President • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK -• WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service Suspen5ion Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076 Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 YOUR. OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ WWW. mckenzies. com PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 McKenzie's Ontrack Performance Center (818) 909-7487 .(818) 909-7562 Fax 7834 N. Sepulveda Blvd. #A2 Voo Nuys. CA 91405 • Offrood • Rood Course • Drag Racing • Oval Track • Fabrication • Welding • Chassis and Suspensi0<1 Specialist Seats • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10925-F Hartley Road• Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 -~IIIRflii'--COMPO.NEN'J.S F.Oft .CHASSIS FABRlCATlON ~l!I~ * ~!!,l'Y ~:!(~ • ij!I~ M~ stifler M.ouJ1B • OI .& Water :Bottle ·Holdefs 399 E . .Harison Unit D Corona, CA 92879-1313 .(909) Z72...,,,272 , 619-562-5533 ,lft7TO"'Sf'OR T ENGINEERING OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION PRECISION HELIARC & MIG PRODUCTION WELDING BYPASS TUBE KITS FOR SHOCKS ROLL CAGE & SUSPENSION SYSTEMS Gregg Hawks 30 YEARS EXP 818 994 7475 14750 KESWICK ST VAN NUYS CALIFORNIA 91.COS ~~-ao, OIT-Road & Drag Racing Fabrication Specialists Chassis-Cage-Suspension-Tin work Part & Accessory Sales (805)522-4499 LanceFu!ler 2280 Shasta Way #115 Fax (805) 522-4590 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Mso· at.:J ,1,Jr., '* •1,~,, , •• ,.,,. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE • • - = • -• WIRES • REV CONTROLS AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 490 HENRY BRENNAN DR . . EL PASO TX 7993E 19151 857-fi?nn • TFr.H LINE rn15l 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE· ;,, TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS • ABRASIVES 4B0-726-2B76 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 ,.}6_ · PACIJ=ICALL Y ~~~~-~t~~~~~ ~• Q ( Landscape Design & Construction ) f ~\.. ~, -CAL LIC C.1=109 . ~~ Pofr,ckA g.,,;. (619) 582-7999 (909) 360-5906 . FAX (909) 360-0436 R"R PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 HAROLD NICKS ,~W~(gJ1(@.3@'1tl SAFElY EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERT~ RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 111.'TERCOM STILl. ONLY S 12;. --2888 GUNDRY AVE. mM SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 t 562-427-8177 , I 800-869-5636 W a A R .,. ~, ... - . ·, f : Fralcv s Pt>rf ormancc En~neerina ' .. ~ TEL (949)650-3035 FAH (949)650-4721 * All Types of Steel CJ Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Beaclinc * Ahmlinum U Steel W.ldmi. * Custom Machine Work • All Types o£ Race Cars· 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055

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~ t ~ t •~ Personal Satellite Network ~ 800-590-2089 selling-renting-leasing satellite communications 1-800-929-4360. · www.RACESHOCK.coM ~ p;;;~ mx ~ -~ Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fast Tum•Aroundll Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 Qua\it~ Used 'Parts I 040 South Main Street. Fall brook, CA 92028 Fr\-: 7t,ll-72.l-2 l 17 L-M . .\11. hajarace iillh.cnm PIIONI' 760-723-2117 \ C.ALL U'5 Fl\Z-'5T! "-----------------~ •RACING ~ GASOLINE "100. 110 114 118" 111et11anol & 111\ro ~™•~.'!J Precision Alloy, -/,/d, tll. 25805 'NE 46"' Avenue ~ -t,Ridgefleld, WA 98642 $ t~t OROOtLINT. C L. Bryant, Inc. DE1WW4,S.A. • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes . ;o ~ Phone ~~s· ~'lf, Fax 360-887-2000 '0n & 360-887-7279 PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sates and Promotion Website: Email: Tel:619-390-6252 Fax:619-390-6470 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR RACECARS,TRUCKS, PRERUNNERS BUGGIES, STREET Roos, DRAG CARS QUALITY RACE CAR WIRING SERVING ALL OF L.A., ORANGE 8c SAN DIEGO COUNTIES JOE DAVITIAN PGR. 323/340-0277 Ing. Alfredo Munoz Rep. En Mexico Gasotina de Alto Rendimtento Para Vehicuk>s Oeportivol. 1221Secc. Los Pinos C.P. 22420 Tel , 166) 86-20-76 V 81-37-38 e.m,il:76racing@telnor.Mt SWilg axle, ••s, •ewlaad, MD4S 3455 S. POLARIS #5 WVIGAS,NOADl 89102 . JOHN 0.0. IIIILMN (702) 221-4383 (702) &87-9724 PROFESSIONAL RACE CAR DESIGN-& FABRICATION ' WINNING OFF ROAD RACES SINCE 1978 INCLUDING FACTORY WORKS . SCORE CHAMPION TROPHY TRUCK RT 3, BOX 1970 903/683-1599 Rusk, TX FAX 903/683-8829 OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS~ GIVE US A CALL Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension •Safety• Driveline • Accessories Mike Cohen (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 RACING TRANSAXLES (619) 691 -0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane, Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: 1700 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON, CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE (619) 443-2480 LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOTU HCR66, BOX 11030 • PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (775) 372-5335 1-800-399-4176 209-537-1565 fax • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. fiii/ SANDERS Sl?RVICE, INC. l!l!/ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 (17..3) ·583-2404 FAX (323) 5!13-3965 SANDBLAST-GLASS qEAD-MAGNETIC PARTICLE FLOURESCENTINSPECTION Mart~ Smith Larry Smith TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BAIINERS • \WIDOW LITTEP.lf,G • CAR LETTERlllG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MAAGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt1ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • F2 \ [7 141 694-9567 SfclNG GASOLIN Paul Dumas 805-64 7-7700 Phone 805-64 7-7023 Fax 805-340-6704 Mobile Sports Racing Products -LA 6338 N. Marina Pacifica Dr., #K15 Long Beach, CA 90803-7010 LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS Lancaster, CA 800-462-9499 Cudahy, CA Riverside, CA Oxnard, CA Las Vegas, NV 323-562-3230 909-877-0226 805-485-6900 702-643-9200

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~ s~e~&~ &~to-1(/~ eudom, ~ 1Jdt Ptato. 45-4FO # 10 ~ St. 760~:347~.50.52 -·1 1,e4,.. 6A 92201 ----Exterra -Pathfinder -Frontier -Hardbody Nissan Parts & Accessories Lift Kite -IV Intake System 6350 Riverside Drive Parker, AZ 85344 Fiberglass -Cat Back Exhaust Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies · Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 • Straight E WE 1. n e nt. ALUM-INUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano. CA 93544 661-261-3202 Call For All OF Your Un And Off Road Needs! <(juNs&f;;J> Design Fabrication lnstailatl o n ~¥ ~,. .. You111 GluA.t.rrY 5,aH COM,AH'Y .. Darren Ebberts {909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 121 S POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 92882 ,,.._ COMPUTERIZED VINYL GRAPHICS & LETTERING 1•11·1 I VISA I A/.0-C.OST t,LOGSIGNS(AU'. PROCESSES) -,,.., TRADE SI-OW OfSPLAYS ,,.__ A DETAILED& /...NIGUE DESIGNS ,,.__ t;t~J!1.-~fl,!;;~['f!!Fs ,,.._ H/-Qf.l,A,LITY MNNERS ,,.__MAGNETICS AWGO REPfi!OOUCTONS ,,.__ REAL ESTATE ,,._ LDG0 & GRAPHIC DESIGN ,,.__ OECALS r SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS VVELDING • FABRICA TOV • CNC Pl.ASMA CUTTING • FF/0\JT ENDS • REAR TRAIUNG ARMS RACECHASSIS • PFIERUNfvERS • FOX RACING SH:JX 'SANDBua;ES 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM, CA 92807 ~ LARRY ROSEVEAR PHONE /714) 630-4482 FAX /714)6304548 T & B FAB Race Prep. Full Fabrication Dream it - Build it - Race it 5642 Ruby Street S.W. Bullhead City, Arizona 86426 Torn Sturgis (520) 768-2633 TLR Peiformance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Green.field Dr. Suite D El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 Call Toll Free 877-627-8794 Request Catalog Specializing in Performance Torque Converters (Built for your exact application and needs.) HP Tran$mission Parts & More • Transmission Kits • Custom Length Axles • Friction/Steel Plates • TCS Designed Hubs • Input Shafts • 090 Differentials Hundreds of Transmission Products .... ~ SUNDRY METAL SPINNING · Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928--0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER . • STAINLESS RACE FUELS 6831 Swa Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER [209) 847-2281 [800) 527-6090 FAX [209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 ~.R-4✓-LE'H ---~HdL7V.£A"/.-s,;---~nc .n:4Q&'"..RG4,4SS SP..ECbU/S rs ' * OH-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 · See a list of our products at our web site: TRAILERS PL US ~·~~,. I ' c,,,p Interstate West &Z)!l§ West Coast Price Leader - Custom Orders 775-463-1483 ~9 W. Goldfield Ave. Yerington, NV 89447 1HW'tE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 0 C lll -i C ~ (/) Oz ,, m m )> 0 (/) X )> C/l I\) c;l ~ ~ .;:. ~ (J1 :::J (/) (") 0 _ro C 0 5' ~z ::.:o 0 ~ 3 3 - · Sl> Sl> :::J (0 9, o ro (J1 )> s < ~ 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 (uNP] UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A ' SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEI.:.. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 UNLIMITED MOTORSPORTS Complete Off-Road Fabrication BF.WCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Co¥t P..O. Box 1319 ·34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 SHAWN GIORDANO 375 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. San Marcos, CA 92069 TEL: 760.744.2505 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 ==~~PA/Nr""" C04TINl1S"'-tiRAPIIICS"' J,(J//09 11 •RICI TO IMC; MAJNTENANC.f• 51~1/YAC~JIITIRINC-* 760-949:1120 '

Page 61

Automotive • ATV • Motorcycle 1815 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507, USA 909.369.5144 • 909.369~7266FAX WWW. WEB CAM I NC.COM · ,J,lAT ~e l>c~•~-.~ ~-:e -Metal fabrication, custom suspension,* I-Beams• A-Arms, Pre-runner bumpers, roll cages, fiberglass, race accessories Jeremy Johnson 10031 prospect ave suite E 619-596-WTD1 Santee, CA 92071 pgr 619-965-5899 ROLL CAGES, RACE SUSPENSION, BUMPERS CUSTOM FIBERGLASS MOUNTS, RACE PREP SHEET METAL INTERIORS, TUBE BENDING MAIT WALRATH Owner Classified ... NOTICE Shop (909) 560-2121 Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Corilplete Engines Engine Dyno Service 535 East Centro.I Park Anaheim CA 92802 714-956-9457 , Off Road Products Front and Rear l;railing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 RIICINII ..... Race Cars Dune Buggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs Transmissions - Parts - Service - Welding V.W. - Porsche -Nissan - Toyota -Honda 850 S. Alta Vista Ave. , Monrovia, CA 910 16 ( 626) 914-814 7 C 1o:>-1o) ~S~AC:e i\'e BUMP STOPS H. ERE. Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this adv ~ bumn "top system. ECONOMICAIJ.,Y PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 1-520-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 . Motorcycles • KTM Dealer for over 20 years • Stock parts • Supports top riders suspension • Accessories . Tires/knowledge . Open • 12pm-6pm M-F Various • Saturdays N 714-449-1271 * 714-449-1374 F~x Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to. consult appropriate lo-cal or state authorities for informa-tion before purchase of any specific item. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: Great Pre-Runner FOR SALE: CORR Pro Lite or• Glamis Toy! Chevy S-lO; Toyota Truck. Greaves built w/ 550 hp, small block, turbo 400, new dyno time only Probst mo-4 wheel disc, Summer Bros 9", FOR SALE: Class 10/12. Single tor. Also new radiator & Howe Uniball A Arms, 26" front 32" Seat. Brand New Fat Type IV/ steering. Truck is prepped and FOR SALE: 2 Seater, Funco Hustler II, Air Bag Suspension, Fox Shocks, Rear Disc Brakes, Mustang power, Chro-moly Frame, 114" Wheel base, 13" Wheel travel, state of the art new car. 12K invested, a deal! $9,500.00 OBO days (310) 325-0005 eves (310) 373-3179. rear travel, Goodyears on 5 · Folts Mendeola. All new arms, I b race ready by Greaves and is in stars·, custom coil overs, bui t. y $ FOR SALE: 1980 Ford F150 shocks, springs, CV's etc. 24 H E Green Bay Wisc. 50,000.00 or useman ngineering, f k I d II Stepside short bed, 351 W C-6 foot enclosed trailer with living $40,000.00 obo, Call (909) 776_ trade or s ip oa er & sma tranny, Art Carr shifter 9" rear quarters. Many spares. Race ra-0204_ dozer front end loader & fork RaceCo Class 12 Single Seater, end, 15" front wheel travel, ext. dio with base antenna. ----'-----------lift, Harley Davidson, trucks, FodFab trailing arms, King Ibeans & radius arms, 45 gal $25,000.00. Will separate. Rich FOR SALE: 2000 Baja ffug-Trailers open end or closed, shocks, FAT Performance Bus fuel tank, partial smog exempt. Fersch. (714) 441-1212. 3.0L FAT, Mendeola trans, Play buggies. Hot rods, drag car. Box, 930 CV's, FAT 1776cc $7,000.00 OBO. ALSO FOR FOR SALE: l _ 3 speed Auto-King by pass, 5 seat Pre Runner You want to race short course Type 1 motor, Flame Out Sys-SALE: 78 F250 short bed, roll-matic transaxle 934 CV's with 2 mounted spares, best of every- Pro Class, This is it. Call me. tern, Howe p/s, Bypass shocks ing chassis, partial caged. Make converter & shifter. $6,000.00. thing. Penhall built, 0 miles Lets do a trade & $$ or ? . Call front and rear. Great car with offer. Robert@ (310) 214-ContactMike@JimcoRacing offroad. $49,000.00OBOJohn Steve Foster (210) 533-8056 lo~miles.$19,500.00Ref#813 8770. · Products@ (6l9) 562-l 743_ (562) 754-7000. . CST. Ba1a Brokers (760)723-2117 . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • . • Sell or swap your extra. parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7" .All Classified Ads must be PAID IN AD-V AN CE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ -----(Send check or money order, no cash) Name • ----------------------------------Address __________________ Phone ___________ _ City State __ Zip ________ _ Please run ad ___ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street· Chatsworth, CA 91311 Classified Ad Deadlines for 2001 ISSUE DEADLINE July Jun 1, 01 August Jul 6, 01 September Aug 3, 01 October Sept 7, 01 November Oct 5, 01 December Nov 9, 01 • • • • • • • • • • ■ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dusty Times June 2001 Page 61 ..,,

Page 62

mare Classified ... AUTOMOTIVE Continued ! FOR SALE: Chenowth Single Seat Class 12/10, 2000 Whip-lash Class 10 Championship car, best of everything, stroked 1776 with MSD, Mendeola, Summers outboard hubs and axles, King Bypass with Kuster coils front and rear, 33 gallon Fuel Safe, CNC, Beard, Howe steering with filter, fire system, head-locks, Parker Pumper, Motorola radio, spares included, fully prepped and ready, $22,000.00. Call Jeff Wells @ (520) 631-0482. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited. Pautter Type 1 fuel injected 200hp, ·Fortin, Foddrill front end, Summer's front and rear hubs with air cooled adapters, Coil over in front, rear 300m torsion with 8 water cool Fox Shocks all around, UMP power steering, 50 gal fuel cell, Parker Pumper, cNc calipers on aii corners, SACO magnum Steer-ing box w/ram, PCI hook up, Centerline beadlocks on BFG tires, Beard seat w/ neck brace on 5 point harness. PIAA and KC lights, one of the best built and winning 5 car so far, ex-tras inc/tires w/wheels, open trailer w/tire rack and some miscellaneous parts. $25,000.00. Call Foddrill Fab-rication (623) 582-2499, ask for Dann . Get over it and get in!!! Race winning Fl50 for sale, Stock Full multiple class champion, over $40,000.00 in spare parts are included in the sale, this truck is really tough and has fin-ished every mile of every race. BIG Bilstein shocks, awesome f&r travel number, trick rear end, Ready for BITD, SCORE or ? ?? Go racing with a proven winner for $45,000.00. Baja Brokers #795 (760) 723-2117. A-ARM CHENOWTH 2 SEAT, Porsche 3.6 cylinder, Fields auto transaxle, 934 CV's Sway-A-Way, Fod Fab, Bilstein coilover/bypass, Howe power steering, Fortin, Jamar, Halon anti-fire system, Simpson, VDO, Mastercraft, BFG, Cen-terline + spares, with fresh prep. $45,000.00 obo Ref #794. BajaBrokers (760) 723-2117. Page 62 FOR SALE: 87 Mazda B2200 PreRunner, Chevy 4.3 v-6 Bil-stein coilovers in Front 10" FOR SALE: FORD Class 7 travel National Springs front Ranger, 4_ 2 liter V6, Valley and rear 13" rear travel, Full Trans C4, 40 spline, 9 inch Na- cage, aluminum & carbon fiber tional Springs, quarter elliptic interior. Daily driver for 8 years, rear, LeDu.c buckets, Airbumps, very dependable but built for Off Stroppe Hubs, Wi'llwood brakes, . Road. Se_e to appreciate BFG's Alcoas, Call for more info, $11,900.00 obo or partial trade Must sell $10,000.00. Call Jim for 4 stroke quad. (760) 985-(623) 825-1843. 4197 or 985-4196. 4 SEATER PLAY Car- Built using Class 1 race car parts, Summers Bros. outboard floater hubs, Sum-·mers front hubs/brakes, Brakes, Bilstein 9100 Series race shocks, coilover front end, Bus Box, 300M torsions, 930CV joints, ARPM 2387cc Type 1, Hezco, Deist Cen-terline, Yokohama, UMP, etc ... Very fast, very beefy! Ref #785 $28,500.00 Call Baja Brokers at (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Jimco Class 9, Full 100% ground up prep. Rear tor-sion adjusters totally fresh, 2 passenger, PCI Radio, intercom, Parker Pumper, 22 gal cell, Mega spares, 4 Fox reservoir shocks, Beautiful car $8,900.00 (818) 352-7900, cell'(818) 421-9999. KIA RACING SALE; 2000 Paris Dakar Sportage. Finisher of worlds toughest race $50,000.00 Four time Class 3 Champion Kia Sportage. All the best parts. $35,000.00 Stock Mini Sportage can be prerunner, licensed for street $12,500.00, 1992 Dodge Prerunner invested $20,000.00 in recent upgrades $13,900.00, 1990 Layton 21' travel trailer, set up for baja camping, $4,500.00. 1990 Dico race car trailer $700.00. All listed race cars come with spares package. Call (562) 755- 2278 or email kiaracing200 FOR SALE: 1996 Jimco Class One. Toyota FAT V-6, fresh For-tin 5 speed, new Fox Shocks, New clutch & pressure plate. BFG Projects or Ultra Wheels, Car has best of eve1ything & is super clean & reliable. $50,000.00 firm. (760) 344-3349 (eves), (760) 275-6257 (days). FOR SALE: CORR Pro 4 Ford Fl50, built by Curt Leduc & Venable Racing. 440 motor by Kenetics, Trans by ATD, Borg Warner T case, 17" Ultra BF Goodrich, Chrisman 45 spline rear end, MSD, Autof!leter, Howe Performance Steering, Kuster shocks. Tons of spares included. $45,000.00. Call Steve (905) 841-0430. Beautiful Class 5 Car-Hot VW Feature Article in Dec '99 is-sue, FRESH Ken Major 2.6L Type 4 motor, est. 200+ HP, 091 Bus Box, 5.57 Ring and Pinion, 930 CV joints, Woods front arms and Combo Spindles, CNC hubs/brakes, King Coilover front, Micro Stub Rear Hubs/Brakes, CNC . Rear Brakes, King Coilover and 3-tube 3" Bypass shocks, Mas-tercraft, Centerline, Fuel Safe, UMP, Sway-A-Way, Very clean fabrication, well maintained, $27,500.00 Ref# 814. Baja Bro-kers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: JIMCO A-Arm/ Fat Toyota Single Seat Class 10. Total overhaul on FAT 4AG, Huge rebuild on Fortin DON. New CV's/Fortin axles, 30g Fuel Safe, King/Kuster shocks, Howe PS, PCI, New spindles, Big Ron Davis radia-tor, Many new parts and up-dates since purchased. Ton's of spares. $48,500.00 Ben Schlimme (310) 787-5613. FOR SALE: Lee. Leighton Built type 4 engine., 2650 cc, 175 hsp, dual 44Webers, Compu-fire ign. 12 blade Porsche Fan/ Alternator setup, only 300 miles, guaranteed to be fresh, sacrifice at $5, 500.00. Call Jason at (760) 868-5303. June 2001 FOR SALE: 1998 Toyota Tacoma CORR Pro Lite Stan-dardized chassis, Formerly Johny Greaves' championship truck. Only race two y1tars. Some spare parts. Excellent condition. $45,000.00. Spare Motor and Transmission. Call Chris (712) 325-0100. If no an-swer please leave message. Ranger 2 WD PreRunner, equal Length I-Beams w/ 1/2 ton KingPin Spindles, Kuster 3" Coilovers 24" front travel, Cus-tom Crossover Steering, Rear 4 link w/3" Kuster Coilovers 30" rear travel, Fullsize 9" rear end, 4.56 gears, Mogi C4 trans, Art Carr shifter, 4.0: V6 Big fuel capacity, 35" BFG tires, Beard/ Simpson/Momo interior pieces, $29,000.00 Ref #812 Baja Bro-kers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: "I'M POOPED YOU FINISH IT" 1963 VW Crew cab, Needs torsion hous-ing replaced, a motor, and 2 gate need work, lots of body work done. I have a good com-plete used torsion housing, a transmission, a complete disk brake front end for it, current lie & towa.hle. }iave the seats and. all body parts. $2650.00. (3 23) 254-1531. EMAIL: FOR SALE: Chase Truck For Sale: 91 Ford Ranger XLT long bead, 4x4, 4.01 V6, A([, A/C, PIS, by Lee Mfg, 33 x 105.0 Baja T/A's. Quick release double tire rack above bed, comes with ni-'trogen bottle, regulator and hose reel mounted in bed. Spares included, excellent con-dition, extremely reliable, $8,800.00 obo Call Fred @ (818) 709-1016. Ford 2WD Class 8 Truck, 4130 cage, King Coilover and Bypass at each wheel, air bumps, longer front 4WD spindles and hubs, Howe p/s, 18" travel/24" travel, Willwood brakes, floater rear-end, 351 W motor/C6 trans, BFG, Autometer, Diest, PCI race radio, intercom, Onboard fire system, $35,000.00 Contact Baja Brokers# 8-15; (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Chenowth Mag-num Super 1600, CORR legal, fresh Wiks 1650 rabbit, fresh Rancho Performance bullet proof bus, Saco power steering, Fox air front, Fox coils and air rear, new Heims, Wilwood discs, 930's, complete rebuild 1999 by PDM, Centerlines, many spares, $15,000.00 will pay shipping (562) 434-3279. The Beast, Originally built for HDRA Unltd, 4WD Class back in 1984 thru 1989, 6th place in Class 1 at 1998 Vegas to Reno BITD race, 1st place in Sports-man Class at Superstition 250. Currently 90% Race Ready or complete as a PreRunner, Built with 400+ HP Chevy 350cid VB, TH400 trans, Dana 20 transfer Case, independent sus-pension front and rear, 100" Wheelbase, 35" BFG tires, spares wheels and paddles tires. 14" travel front and rear, Saginaw Power Steering, $16,500.00 Ref #819 Baja Bro-kers (_760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: CORR Sportman's Light. 2000 World Champion car. 2 motors 1 Fresh, 1 Fresh · top end. 2 Trans. Beard Seat. Rj's belts and cell. Goodyear tires. Mirage Challenger frame. Lots of extra parts. $4,000.00 or $4,500.00 W /2 wheel trailer (989) 871-9880. FOR SALE: 1994 Ford Fl50, street legal prerunner, 351 mo-tor, Hedman H,:aders, Flowmaster, K&N Filter. En-· gine cage, Internal cage, Rear cage. Fiberglass hood, fenders and bedsides, King bypass all around. 32 gallon Fuel Cell. 35" BFG. 3 buckets, 5 point crows. Great toy. $19,000.00 days only (760) 244- 4814 Ian or Brian. A-Arm 4 Seater-Tatum chassis with mods by Geiser Bros, Stro-ker Motor 2.7L Toyota 22R Fuel Injected, Aluminum Radiator w/Electric Fan, Fox Coilovers, 18" Travel front & Rear, Jamar disc brakes, Pat Hughes built trans, 930 CV joints, RoofRack, Beard seats, PIAA lites, etc. Very Fresh, low miles, only $23,0Q0.00 Ref #804 Baja Bro-kers (760) 723-2117. · Dusty Times

Page 63

---Dusty Times . Classi.ied Pages -MereYourAd Reaches The Readership Youre Looking For FOR SALE: Class LO or open, Fox shock, 1 7" front, 18" ·rear travel, Mendeola Bus, minus motor $10,000.00 with VW air cooled. Will discuss $$ David or Dennis (77 5) 246-5545. more Trail Notes ... Ken Cassidy were next in Open and 2nd overall. Third was Seamus Burke/Frank Cunningham, followed by Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker. That's quite a healthy top four. Karl Scheible/Brian Maxwell took the Group N honors, followed closely by Ramana Lagemann/Russ Hughes, both in Subaru lmpreza's. David White/Jim Brandt were the Group 2 winners, Vartan Samuelian/Charlie Aoun a long second place. Tony Chavez/Doug Robinson took the Production win, followed in much later by John Buffum/Cindy Krolikowski. Group 5 went to David and Rick Hintz, William and Julie Yates taking the runner-up spot. Peter Workham/John Allen took the Production GT Class. There will be a full story and pictures in the July issue of Dusty Times. TIGER WOODS WANN ABE'S - If you like the links and you wane to help out a worthy organization, you'd best be getting a tee time for the Summit Golf Tournament. It will be held at the Singing Hills Resort in El Cajon on June 29, 2001. The entry fee is $125 per head and the proceeds go to CORVA. For more info call Judy Smith 760-868-5694, Mike Julson 619-562-1 743 or Bruce Conrad 310-603-2200. See ya all there' PARIS DAKAR RALLY -The Paris Dakar Rally will be presenting the 2002 edition of the race and answering questions at their American press conference this June. Team coordination, availability of a European rally car, space reservation on the giant service trucks and more will be discussed at the conference. The final date for the conference has not yet been set but for info contact: Christine Overstreet or D arren Skilton at 562-799-1012 or e-mail at DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! Dusty Times FOR SALE: Score Lite, 1999-2000 points champion, great fin-ishing record. 14" front travel, Foddrill arms and spindles, CNC brakes, FOX, 19" rear travel, Micro Stub, FOX 3" bypass. DG 300 trans. No motor, 930-30 spline axles, some spares. $19,500.00. Call Jerry @ (949) 650-3035. FOR SALE: Spy 2-1600 Jimco-Fuel Safe- Sway-A-Way- 930's CV's-BFG-Beard Seats-JG Trans-Parker Pumper-Billet Stub Axels-Centerline's-FOX-Fodd Arms- PCI-CNC-Trimill-Master Craft-Deist- KC- Hym Shift. Very Fast Car. Must sell. Lot Xtras. SCORE/MDR legal. (714) 893-7487 evenings. FOR SALE: Class 10 single seat car. Fuel injected FAT Rabbit, Built bus tranny, 8 long travel coil over shocks, Hydr. Bump stops, Spare tires, wheels and parts. $15,000.00 OBO Call (602) 352-1438 or. EMAIL FOR SALE: Class 10 Chen-owth Magnum. Set up for Short Course. Fresh motor and trans. 1650 Rabbit motor. Excellent race car. Rear Beadlocks. Well maintained, reliable and fast. Championship car. Great buy $10,000.00. Call Chris (712) 325-0100. If no answer please leave message. FOR SALE: Late Model Chevy. Fiberglass/doors-hoods-bedsides-fron t fenders-roofs (some early model glass). Many wheels and tires (Most Bead Locks). Call for prices and sizes. Contact Dave Jr. (909) 982-2687. FOR SALE: Raceco Single Seat, King Coilovers and bypass front and rear. 1776 Fat Motor. Fortin 5 speed, CNC breaks, Foddrill arms & spindles, $26,500.00. 24' Hallmark en-closed trailer w/air, tool box, tire rack work area $9,500.00 David (days) (602) 615-7779 (nights) (520)-567-0347. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlim-ited top finisher very com-petitive car. King Bypass & Coilovers. New 934 CV's and axles. Big Beam, drop spindles, Fod Fab arms, Saco, Howe, CNC, Beard, Autometer, 28 gal Fuel Safe. One Owner. Race prepped $20,000.00 without motor or tranny. Call Dave Cua @ (949) 642-5158. June 2001 FOR SALE: 1997 Chevy CK 1500 Custom built I beam frontend,Dana60rearend,Fox by-pass + coilover shocks, 350 eng, TH400 Trans, CNC brakes, Lee P.S., A.C., 37" BFG's w/ Beadlocks. Just Prepped ready to go·! $70,000.00. Call John@ (909) 696-0654. FOR SALE: V6, 500 HP+, Chevy Bowtie block; Billet main caps, Forged Crower crank, Bil-let Crower rods, JE Pistons, Crower roller cam, Brodix alum heads, titanium valves, Jessel shaft mount Rocker, gear drive, Weaver Bros dry sump, pump, Brod ix high rise intake, 14: 1 compression, asking $9,000.00. (619) 669-1286. Class 1 Car - 2 Seat Raceco chassis, Hewland 5 speed Transaxle, "Monster" 934.5 CV joints, Type 4 motor, 200+ HP, HD beam front end, Fox Coilovers on front, rear has 300M torsions and 3" shocks, Air bumps, Summers Bros, Floater Hubs/Brakes, Deist, Beard, Centerline, PIAA, New Fuel Safe 34 ga llon Cell, CNC, Great Car! $27,500. Ref #816 Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 5, 2700 Type 4 Hewland DG 300 5 speed, Summer outboard Hubs, All disc brakes, 32 gallon cell, one or two seater, all best equipment. Just won San Felipe 250, Fresh Powdercoated frame, fresh prep before 250, 3" Kuster rear shocks, Coil overs, bypass Kuster Fronts. Pete Sohren. (602) 619-2277 $20,000.00 or less motor and trans $13,000.00. BOATS FOR SALE: 1996 Hallett 270 S Gentry twin turbo 496, RIGGED by Brummetti, 10 Disc Changer, Custom trailer to carry 2 Seadoos, 170 hours, everything perfect and fresh. White w/red, grey, yellow stripes. $127,000.00 invested, yours for $85,000.00. 502 CI 415 HP Also Available. LA area. 0. (818) 352-7900, cell (818) 421-9999. EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED: Wil.l pay signing bonus plus good wages to the correct person TT expe-rience a must, all others need not apply. Phoenix AZ (602) 695-5644. HELP WANTED: Volunteer crew members for professional level team competing in Vegas to Reno, Baja 1000 and Paris Dakar. Must have experience and be willing to work within a professional team structure. Please email resumes with race related experience and refer-ences to or fax to (562) 590-7925. MISCELLENOUS TAKE THE JEEPSPEED CHALLENGE in a street legal Cherokee at 3 events commenc-ing at MDR Ridgecrest April 21st. $6,000.00. Prize fund. Visit for details. Numerous cars are now under construction. CALL MIKE AT T & J 4X4. (714) 633-0991.We can build your Jeepspeed Challenge Cherokee to suit your budget. Buy the parts to build yourself or bring us a 4.0 Cherokee to convert. FOR SALE: Front mount elec-tric winch, Platinum 9500. Still in the box. Needs a good home. ·$800.00. Call Dusty Times (818) 882-0004. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Aggressive Suspensions ......................... 39 American Jeep Speed Challenge ........... 38 Baker .. : ..................................................... 51 Beard Seats ............................................. 29 Best In The Desert.. ................................. 35 Bilstein Shock Absorbers ......................... 5 B.O.R.E ...................................................... 52 Cactus ....................................................... 42 Cam burg Engineering ............................. 46 Coast Resorts ........................................... 10 C.O.D.E ...................................................... 15 DCS Digital Communications Services .................. 40 Eibach Springs ......................................... 18 Fabtech ..................................................... n FAT Performance .................................... lfl Fox Racing Shocks .................................. 12 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ........................... 54 German Auto ............................................ 22 Hannamann Figberglass, Inc ................... 32 Michael James Insurance ....................... 21 Kartek Off Road ................................ 14, 49 Kawaguchi Honda .................................... 11 King Shock Tech ...................................... 33 Las Vegas Sand and Off Road Show ...................................... 2 Mastercraft .............................................. 46 McKenzie Performance Products .... , ...... 24 Mickey Thompson Tires ......................... 44 Mini Metal Shootout... ............................ 25 M.O.R.E ..................................................... 17 Nevada Off Road Buggy .......................... 31 Neo Oil ..................................................... 13 PCI Race Radios and Equipment... ........... 5 Pike's Family Restaurant ....................... E Race Ready .............................................. lfl Rancho Performance ............................... 211 SNORE .................................................. 9,41 Strictly Performance .............................. E Summit Racing ................... , ..................... 19 Sway-A-Way Corp ................................... 17 Toyota Motorsports ................ Back Cover Transaxle Engineering ........................... 34 Tri-Mil lndustries .................................... 45 Union 76 Racing Gasoline ....................... 48 Valley Performance ................................ :II Vildosola .................................................. 43 Page 63

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What's on yo_ur at 211 mph. TAD has an entire facility dedicated to building Champ car engines. We design, test, assemble and dynamometer-test approximately 500 engines a year. But that isn't nearly enough for relentless folks like us. At an entirely separate facility, we also build engines for off-road events, the CART Toyota Atlantic Championship Series and the NASCAR Goody's Dash Series. We're even starting to get into drag racing. But wait; there's more. We also create aftermarket parts for the street, to give your Toyota just a little more horsepower and a few more envious looks. @TOYOTA TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT ©2001 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. mind