Volume 18 • Number 12 • December 2001 $2.50 ISSN8750-1732 • covering the world of competition in the dirt ...
• ~ , , I I I , , ' I ' I I ' I I I I I I I I I RACE RADIOS & SAFETY EQUIPMENT DON'T FORGET CHRISTMAS! RQ ~ .-..-STER ROAD MASTER TRACKMASTER INTERCOMS HEADSETS . ~(>j~ ~~"OFF ROAD'S TOUGHEST RADIO" SA:=~:;NES Ct..~ • AT A PATRIOTIC PRICE SCANNERS ~ MOTOROLA FACTORY REFURBISHED SATELLITE PHONES $,49.00 OR 3 FOR $499.00 each PCI 4 LINK INTERCOM • 4 Position Intercom • Adjustable Squelch Control for Voice Activation • Adapts to almost all 2-Way Radios Including Motorola Family Radios • Audio Input for Music -CD or MP3 Players • Audio Output for Recorder or In-Car Camera • Will Work with PCI Noise Canceling Headsets or Custom Wire Helmet Kits • Double Shielded Audio Cables for Crystal Clear Communications • Quick Disconnect Cables for Ease of Cable Routing • Perfect for Sand/Fun Buggies, Pre-Runners, or Boats Lowrance GlobalMap 3000 GPS Mapping Unit with Larger Screen and More Memory Capability This Unit is Awesome! SHOE/ RACEAIR 2000 Light yYeight, Comfortable, Quick Release Shield Snell 2000 Rated $349.00 Wired with Nomex Skirt $459.00 VERTEX KENWOOD MAXON RACEAJR HELMETS SHOEI BELL SIMPSON BLACK BOX IN CAR DIGITAL CAMERA RACEAIR PUMPER MOTORS RACESAFE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOWAANCE GPS PYROTECT DRIVING SUITS GLOVES DRIVING SHOES NECK COLLARS KIDNEY BELTS CROW SEAT BELTS MECHANIX WEAR GLOVES MPACT MPACTil APRONS SHOES KNEEPADS DIRTBAGS GEAR BAGS 2 NEW RACEAIR STYLE HELMETS AVAILABLE OFF ROAD VIDEOS TOW STRAPS RATCHET STRAPS NO FEAR APPAREL PCI RACE RADIOS 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 800-869-5636 562-427-8177 FAX 562-426-3589
Volume 18 -Number 12 December 2001 DllliJlilDIIG Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Sheryl Cannon Carrera Photography J&L Photography Jim Culp Mike Del Col · Martin Holmes Mike Jenkins Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Rene Montana Byrle Moore Troy Robinson Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham fl Subscription Rates: $25 .00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Sub-scription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. · DUS'IY TIMES: (ISSN 87 50-17 32) is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp., 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 882-0004 with additional Dusty Times, LLC offices at 415 N. Higgins Avenue, Suite lA, Missoula, MT 59802. Copy-right by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address chanee to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. snapshot of the Month ... It was the SCORE Great Mojave 250, it was April 1987, it was in the Lucerne Valley in California it was a Chenowth buggy, a Michael Gaughan sponsored car and, gee, Rob. MacCachren took the Class 1 win as well as the overall. Old habits are hard to break .. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES ~ill pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. O nly black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES Best In The Desert Las Vegas To Reno by Judy Smith ........................ 8 31" Propecia Rally New Zealand by Martin Holmes ............... ·:·········· 16 American Jeeps peed Challenge by Sheryl Cannon ............................ 1"9 CORR Season Finale At Topeka·:········································ .. ·········· .. 20 ZR Rosarito GP by M isael Franco & Rene Montano ............... : ........... 24 Whiplash Snowflake Motorcycles by Mike Del Co!.. ....................... 26 Best In The Desert Las Vegas To Reno Motorcycles by Mark Kariya ........... 34 VORRA Prairie City -Round # 1 by John Calvin ........................... 39 SCCA Maine Forest ProRally by Jerry Winker .................. _. ................. 41 Vorra Prairie C ity -Round #2 by John Calvin .................................. 43 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ................................................................................. :·············· 5 Trail Notes .................................................................................................. 6 American Jeepspeed Challenge b:, Clive Skilton .................. : ............. 44 Checkers Report b:, John Hastings ...................................................... 44 California Rally Series b:, The Director .............................................. 4 5 F.A.I.R. Report b:, Wes Wisdom ............................................................... 45 Good Stuff Directory ............................................................................ 4 7 Classified Ads ......................................................................................... 53 Index To Advertisers ............................................................................. 55 On The Cover • Dale Ebberts took the 500+ mile BITD Vegas To Reno race in stride, he led most of the way and was the Class 1500 (Unlimited Buggy) winner as well as grabbing the overall win. Photography by Trackside Photo . Kyle Taylor had a great time at the BITD Vegas To Reno race, he drove his Chevy quickly and carefully to the Class 8000 (Class 8) win and was second overall. Photography by Trackside Photo Visit Our Website at Dustytimes.com . Oubscr1£e <Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING ~FF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) □ NEW □ RENEWAL Name ---------------------'----Address ---------------------City ------------------State __________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars O Trucks O Motorcycles 0 Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Canadian· - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas su~scription rates upon request Dusty Times December 2001 Page 3
.. A ·----• fl ~ • ~a-c.cMi ~~ JeepSpee Ctiallenge~· · C::,EC:::EIVIEIEl=l laCICl"I VVIIVIVER CJF 200'1,A.J'VleRIC:.A.IV l=IA.C:IIVG Jee,:::.SPEED C:I-IAI I elVGe SERIES • «ii~• ((411t ·.ed.co CRE11V/c::c:::,...c;;,11=11VERS~ STEVE TI-IOIVIASOl'\I AIVD GV\Vll'\I Sl<IL.TOl'\I SPECI.AL TI-IA.l'\ll<S TO SPOIVSORS A.IVC:::, SUPPLIERS • .AIVIERlc:::.A.l'U R.AC::ll'VG VVI-IEELS • a,=c;;c::,c::,,:::,R1C::I-I TIRES • VA._VCILll'VE LLIEIRIC::,Al'\ITS • EIILSTEll'V SI-ICIC::l<S • OFAVER SPRll'VGS • I-ICIVVE PCI\IVER STEERll'VG • Sl<Y.J,A.C::l<ER SLISPEl'VSICll'V • C::LIRRIE EIVTE=RPRISES • .AJ.A..>C ,A.I.JTCI VV,:::::,EC::l<ERS,. ll'VC::. • RLJEIIC::Cll'V ~PRESS • #CA.l=ITEI< • Ts..J 4,C4 C::EIVTER THAl'.JKS ALSO TCJ IVICJJAVE DESERT RAC/1'.JG, ALL CJLJR FAIVIIL "Y; FRIEl'.JDS, JEEP FAl'.JS. RACERS, Al'.JD EVERYCJl'.JE VVHCJ.IVIADE IT HAF'F'El'.J! SEE YCJLJ ll'.J 2CJCJ2 vvrrH A BIGGER Al'.JD BE I I ER· AIVIERICAl'.J RAC/1'.JG ...JEEF'SF'EED CHALLEl'.JGE! For rules, club news, questions, classifieds, race dates, equipment, prizes and vendors, please visit our website .. ~ Club J. eepSpeed F'HCJNE 7'14_E5:3B. 7434 • FAX 7'14.633.'17"24 _.,,El2& IV. VVIIVC:,ES C:,RIVE • C::,l=IA.I\IGE,, c.A 92EJ&s . E-IVIAJL .Jlfffff=lff=PSPE'ECJC:::C::,IVl@.A.Cl'-.c:::c:::,IVI I
2001 Happenings ... Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW Short Coune off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH Bravo 120-B Zona Centro, Mexicali, BC, MX P.O. Box 2328 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP,INC. 3650 South Pointe Circle, Suite 205 Laughlin, NV .89208 (702) 298-8171/Fax: (702) 521-0597 E Mail: roger@rallyusa.com -December 14,16, 2001 2001 Adventure Rally Laughlin, NV AMERICAN TRIALS ASSOCIATION AMA Observed Trials Southern California Championship Series Bill Markum - President (909) 860-1857 24 hr Hotline-(714) 562-7742 E Mail: bmark909@aol.com www.atatrails.com December 9, 2001 Reed Valley Temecula, CA ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apro 42 San Jose del Cabo Baja California del Sur. Mexico . AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia DUSTY TIMES@bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1T7 (450) 622-4440 BARONA SAND DRAG AS5N. P.O. Box 1521 Lakeside, CA 92040 All Races Are Night Races All Races At Barona Raceway, Lakeside, CA BBM MARKETING PROMOTIONS Off Road Short Course Racing& Specia~Event Marketing 4344 Valley View Ave. Norco, CA 92860 (909) 340-6474 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 E-Mail: bitd@worldner.att.net November 30-December 2, 2001 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV Pre-Run November 3-4 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Les Wolfe, NEW President 341 W. 2575 North Sunset, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651 (801) 773-9319 Fax • BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Club Automovilista Juarense de Championship Off-Road Racing 7210 Gateway East El Paso, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 Ralph Garcia 011-52-16-17-45-42 Cesar Fuentes CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Dusty Times Sue Robinson - Director 845 Schoohouse Road Ramona, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 E-Mail: crsdirect@hotmail.com Website <californiarallyseries.com> John Dillon, SoPac Rally Steward sopacrallysteward@hotmail.com Rally Series November 30-December 2, 2001 Ramada Express Rally Laughlin, NV Rallycross Series November 10, 2001 Las Vegas RX Jean, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 Quality ,7/8"-1" HARD CHROMED SHAFT •CNC MACHINEO FROl'fl BILLET •NITROGEN CHARGED REMOTE •COMPLETE EiTEFINAL POSITION Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 • if(+; . ' ·EXCLUSIVE 'tOfiCO~FJ.UtD FORMU Performance CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN Calle 6ta Fracc Cd. de San Quintin San Quintin, BC, Mexico Heraclio Patino (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USAJan Wright(0ll 52 61746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE. Calexico, CA 92232-2328 011-52-6-553-4087 www.codeoffroad.com mail@codeoffroad.com November 30-December 2, 2001 Mexicali to San Felipe, BC, MX COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIAT_ION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719',687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Hector Cerecer 011-52-65-66-4458 CORR EXXON SERIES (ff' by SWAY..A-WAY® •INTERNAL ANO EXTERNAL ADJUSTABILITY TO OBTAIN OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE •REMOTE RESERVOIR 1"0 RESIST FADING CAUSED BY HEAT AND CAVITATION •2 AND 3 TUBE DESIGNS FOR FINE TUNING SUSPENSION ·RACE PROVEN QUALi-TY ANO PERFORMANCE ·2.5" AND 3" DIAMETER AVAILABLE Distributors Camburg Engineering Off-Road Warehouse Race Ready Products Donahoe Racing 714-848-8880 858-565-7792 619-691-9171 714-632-3033 Baja Concepts McKenzie's Prowlers Kartek Raceshock Co. 760-723-2117 714-441-1212 661-288-5757 909-628-0833 602-493-3700 December 2001 \. Goto wayaway.cam to learn more or call [B1 BJ 700-971 e Sway-A-Way, Inc. Chatsworth, CA Pages l l
HOLIDAY TIME -2002 is fast approaching, the racing season is finally winding down and we're sure· everybody is looking for a bit of time off before it all begins again next year. We'll make our annual pitch here to remind you that Dusty Times subscriptions are a nice touch for a Christmas goody for someone and it is the issue where yo·u might want to place an ad thankiiTg all those who helped you get it all together during the racing season. If we can help you in any way to make the holiday season a bit brighter for you and your loved ones, please give us a call. I'd like to thank all of our advertisers and subscribers.for their help in making Dusty Times the racers newspaper and we sincerely hope our relationships will continue for many years. S CORE BAJA I 000 - As you read this column, the Baja 1000 will just be over and hopefully, somewhere further down this column you will find the results, the full story to appear in the January, 2002 issue of Dusty Times. 'Til then we'll give you an idea of who is entered. The drawing was held on Saturday afternoon at the Off Road Expo and drew a goodly crowd. Sal Fish read off all the numbers as they surfaced and a good time was had by all . . Our entry list has been updated since the drawing and we show a total of 201 entrants and we're sure that number will swell by the time she green flag falls. 57 of the entries are motorcycies and quads but many of the popuiar truck and buggy classes are loaded and the raci~i_ll be fierce. Nine Trophy Trucks are entered and the likes of Ashley, Collins, Herbst and Robby Gordon are ready for battle. Seven ProTrucks are ready as of this writing including Steinberger, Herzog and Scaroni. Class 1 has 22 entries and all three McMillins are in. Sourapas, Ebberts, Wehyrich, Herbst, Qui-nn are all looking for a win as are Fortin and Scheeler. Class 3 has four entries including Darren Skilton and Billy Bunch. C live Skilton leads the Class 3 International class. 1/2-1600 has 21 entries and even with this large entry we think Rob MacCachren is the guy to watch. Michael James and George Seeley will be at each others throats in Class 5·and seven entrants will go at it in Class 5-1600. Class 7 has five entrants, there re only four in Class 8 and 7S has eight entries. There are only seven cars in Class ,9, Class 10 has 12 entered and we'd put our money on Danny Anderson for this one. SCORE Lites has 14 going for the win, Bruckmann, Halopoff, Ridings, Dalke and Penhall are all good possibilities. Eric Solorzano is the sole Class 11 entry, Stock Mini will be won by either Macrae Glass or Bob Land while Stock Full will start nine trucks with Stein, Sykes and Scaroni all possibles and we can't ever count Rod Hall out of the picture. We're not into the motorcycles but Johnny Campbell is always a good bet. We'll wish a good safe race to all the contestants and we'll soon know how it all comes out. LAKE SUPERIOR RALLY -The final rally of the SCGA. ProRally 2001 season was held in Michigan's upper peninsula and the competition was hot and heavy all rally long. The weather gods were kind, the roads were fairly smooth and the competition was fierce. When the dust cleared after nearly 500 miles of rallying Mark Lovell and Michael Kidd took the Open Class win and the overall in their Subaru WRX. Rhys Millen and Laughlin O'Sullivan.were second in class and overall in their Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI, three seconds in arrears. Four more Open cars finished 4th through 7th with the Subaru of Patrick Richard and Ben Bradley taking third overall and the coveted Group N win. The Production GT class was almost too close to call, Jouni Pohjolainen took the win in his Eagle Talon, Jason Rivas was one second behind in his Subaru WRX. Ted Ohtake and Bob Martin took the Group 5 win in their Ford Escort, Jeremy Butts and Jon Vizal just a second away in second place. The Krolokowski's were second in Group N in their Subaru Impreza while the Group 2 honors went to James Robinson and Jim Newton in a Honda Civic, second went to Jo~ Hamilton in his VW Rabbit. Craig Peeper and Ian Bevan took the Production win in their Ford Focus and Michael Halley and John Dillon were second in their New VW Beetle. CENTERFOLD CALENDAR -It's that time again, the Dusty Times centerfold calendar will be the center section of the January issue. All the race and rally dates we can gather are shown here in calendar form. The entire perimeter of the calendar is graced with advertising and if you would like your ad to appear here, call Dusty Times right away and make your reservation. Space is limited to 34 advertisements. We urge all you race promoters to get your '2002 schedule to Dusty Times immediately for inclusion in the calendar and in our Happenings section. Times a wasti:.', do it today! S AN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSITION -January 5 and 6, 2002 are the dates and the location is the Cajon Speedway, 187 5 Joe Crosson Drive, El Cajon. There should be near 100 vendor booths and there is something there for the entire family. This exposition is put on by volunteer labor from the off road community and all the profits are used to help hire attorney services and to help educate the public in the concerns of the off road community. If you are interested in a display booth or just in attending the expo, please call the San Diego Off Road Coalition 619-561-3877. This is one you gotta do! Page& Championship OH Road Racing 192 N. State Road 267, Suite 267 Avon, IN 46123 (317) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DAKAR RALLY Darren Skilton Baja Automotive Advenmres 455 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 208 Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 755-2278/Fax: (562) 590-7925 Bajaautomotive@Yahoo.com DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decamr, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ESTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing Victoria Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 011-526-176-6225 FRT Motorsports 250 Kcmnedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 Motorcycles, ATVs & Dez Superlites December 9, 2001 Revenge Dez Gran Prix Lake Superstition, CA MX And OH Road Short Course (All at Imperial Valley Expo, lmperia~ CA) December 3, 2001 Round 7 Championship Series For Cars, Trucks, Buggies, ATVs, Dez SuperLites & Motorcycles December 31, 2001 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 4 20 Hosea· Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association Jesse Urwin 1842 Boyd Street Ashland, NE 68003 (402) 944-2193 Terry Fitzgerald (401) 734-2676 5710 S. 56th Street Omaha, NE 68117 (At! races are short course, Stadium style. Classes: Sportsman, 1/2-1600, 5, 7S and Quads. All races will be held at l-80 Speedway, Greenwood, NE WU,W.gporra.com) · IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 December 2001 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Bedder (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo,' CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 JEEP SPEED Racing For Street Legal Jeep Cherokees 1826 N. Windes Drive Orange, CA 92869' (714) 538-7434 www.jeepspeed.com e-mail: jeepspeedcom@aol.com KAMLOOPSBRONCO BUSTER . 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (250) 374-7175 days Randy (250) 579-9621 eves. Wes (250) 351-2819 LAS VEGAS SANDSPORTS & OFFROAD EXPO (626) 961-3782 www.prerunners.com www.megashow.com L.I.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 JimAruta (408) 247-4402 MAMARRITA OFF ROAD RACING Luis Carlos Alvarezo Panamericana.Ave #5105 Cd. Juarez, Chih., MX 011-52-1637-1799/01l-52-1619-2242 (915) 727-8866 USA Classes 1, 5, 1600, 5-1600, 8, 9, 10 November 24, 2001 Motocross/ATV Racing MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 www.buggybuilders.com MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 Ueeps, Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Road Warriors and Quad ATV-Money Classes.) MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Mike Turner (217) 235-2473 P.O. Box 184 Mattoon, IL 61938 www.maoraracing.com Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL (217) 932-2041 Off Road Playground.com (800) 555-3167 Short Course Series Endurance Series MOJAVE DESERT RACING 1853 Parkway Drive S. El Monte, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 Fax E-Mail: mdrracing@aol.com November 3, 2001 Stoddard 250 Barstow, CA M.O.R.E. High Desert Championship P.O. Box 1231 Barstow, CA 92311-1231 Fax: (760) 253-4453 MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 MOTOWEST WINTER TRIALS SERIES All events at Perris Raceway Bill Markham (909) 860-1857 www.ITStrials.com (At Reed Valley with a school) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #l -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 NORTHERN OHIO OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. Gary Wulff (724) 283-2678 May 27, 2001 (All events are at Spring Balley Raceway, Miliport, Ohio) OFF ROAD EXPO 2001 (626) 599-8622 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez • 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 867-7788 All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take 1-10 Horizon Blvd. exit east 12 miles OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison · County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichbourne, Public Relations (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) OUTLAW SEVEN PICKUP 9269 Ummelrnan St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 631-8140/Fax: ((314) 631-1921 PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. OH Road Championship 495 N. Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 www.usoff-road.com PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PINE BARRENS ROUGH RIDERS OFF ROAD RACING Sand Drags, Tuff Trucks, Desert Short Course Trucks, Buggies & Quads Kenny Dean (609) 660-0402/(609) 660-0066 . Chatsworth, NJ • Races at Southwick, MA (960) 829-0213 -Bob PROTRUCK RACING SERIES 9409 Abraham Way Santee, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/Fax: (619) 449-6470 December TBA, 2001 Las Vegas 200 Las Vegas, NV PURE ENERGY PROMOTIONS P.O. Box50 Dusty Times
Ricketts, IA 51460 (712) 679-2221 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SAN DIEGO OFF ROAD EXPOSITION (888) 836 7918 SCCA . ProRally series Sports Car Club of America 9033 E. Easter Place Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622/Fax: (303) 694-3654 SFX MOTORSPORTS GROUP 495N. Commons Drive, Suite 200 Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100/(630) 556-6180 Fax SCORE SCORE International 23961 Craftsman Rd., Suite A Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/Fax: (818) 225-8102 SNORE Southern Nevada Ojf Road En~usiasts P.O. Box 270516 Las Vegas, NV 89127 (702) 452-4522 SONS OF THUNDER . 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE . Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or((770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Volunteered Series President -Geoff Lee 1243 Trice Road Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 453-5830 Class Rep. - 1/2-1600 ' Bruce Meyers (865) 453-1005 Class Rep. -9 & Unltd. Michael Moore (334) 271-7035 Outlaw Rep. Don Ponder (314) 631-8190 (Al! Races at Wheeling in the County 900 Acres) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION AND BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INC. 43807 40th Street East Lancaster, CA 93535 (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) (661) 946-6986/Fax:(661) 94·6-6483 Internet: http://scta-bni.org SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 ~813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (011) 880-2170 SWORDS Dusty Times South.West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437/(615) 595-8237 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX) TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 T.O.R.R.O Texas Off Road Racing .Organization Marty Jackson 8307 Bauman Road Houston, TX 77022 (713) 694-0207/Fax: (713) 694-8335 VORRA Off Road Racing P.O. Box 3362 Carson City, NV (775) 246-5545/(775) 246-9089 Fax www.VORRA.com Short Course Championship Series VICENTE GUERRERO OFF ROAD CLUB Profo. Cenovio Gamboa 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire P.O. Box 376 Adamsburg, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 16251 North Cave Creek Road lt4 Phoenix, AZ 85023-2976 (602) 971-3730 · December 8, 2001 Laughlin, NV Bike & ATV Series December 9, 2001 Laughlin, NV WINSCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP XTREME INTERNATIONAL 1863 Commander Drive Lake H~vasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-RACE/(520) 855-2208 Baja Office: 011-526-6225 Short Course Racing November 17-18, 2001 Lake Havasu, AZ, December 8-9, 2001 Laughlin, NV zr. PROMOTIONS Rerie Montano P:O. Box 2122 Calexico, CA 92231 Motorcycles & ATVs Only 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 .------------------♦ : Attention : ■ ■ ■ ■ : Race & Rally : I I : n..-amzers ·: I '-'~/!,• ■ ■ ■ : NoJV's the tiine to: B EST IN THE DESERT LAS VEGAS 200 -Shades of yesteryear, we are back -o·n the Jean dry lake for BITD's last race of the season, that's the old stuff. The new stuff is that the motorcycles will have their own race course and the cars and trucks will have their own course as well. The cars and trucks will race a 72 mile course west of the dry lake, 3 laps make it 210 miles. Motorcycles and quads will race east of the dry lake on a 50 mile loop, 4 laps required to finish. There will be one community pit for all contestants, utilizing the entire two miles of the dry lake. Each race course will have one alternate pit, roughly half way round each race course. Contingency and Technical Inspection will be at Michael Gaughan's Suncoast Hotel and Casino, Friday, November 30th from 10am to 6pm. For more information call Diane at BITD 702-457-5775. See ya all there! , PIRELLI WORLD RALLYING -VOLUME #24 -Martin Holmes is printing his most marvel?us b~ok o~ Rally_i~g, covering the World Rally Champ1onsh1p, Asia-Pac1f1c, Middle East and African International Championships. This is his 24th annual and is a must for anyone who has an interest , in rallying. A hard cover book, four color cover, 208 pages_ of fine slick paper and more than 350 color photos and lots of pertinent text. Available in the USA from Rallysport on the web at www.Rallysportonline.com at $44.95 + 5.95 s&h. Order one for yourself and your close friends today! . a· AUGHAN WINS AGAIN -Brendan Gaughan won one at home, taking the checkered flag in Las Vegas at the 24 Hour Fitness 150 at' Las Vegas Motor Speedway. It was Brendan's fifth win of the season in the NASCAR Winston West Series. Brendan started 10'\ ~orked his way through the pack and took the lead on the 47th lap. He fell to second after a green flag pit stop on the 63'd lap and once again took the lead on the 80th lap and there he remained for the win. Brendan also leads the series in points and his team are working very hard to take the s.eries crown. Go get 'em Bren! C ORV A ACTION PROGRAM -The California OffRoad Vehicle Association (CORVA) is a non-profit organization that is constantly fighting the environmentalists and t_h~ir cohorts in order to keep much of our off road act1v1ty areas open foT the use of we American Citizens. CORVA need funds to continua1ly fight our battles for us and a contribution from you to them helps a lot. Also, CORVA is selling ACTION Program stickers for your vehicle(s). Stickers are available in two sizes and cost $25.00 each. Please send what yo1,1 can to help keep our lands open. Contact CORVA at 800-42-CORVA, ext 555 or their web site www.CORVA.org. PRO 1600 SHOOTOUT SERIES-. The three race shootout series schedule for 1600 competitors has been set for 2002. The group will be contending at the Whiplash/SNORE Parker 400 on January 26'h, the SNORE Buffalo Bills 400 on April 13th and the MORE Mojave 300 on September 21 ". Pro 1600 now has 42 members, all wanting to race in larger fields with greater competition and with much more excitement. If you would like to get in on the Pro 1600 Shootout Series, call Scott Wisdom at 949-472-9398 or check out the website at www.prol600.com. ENSENADA POLITICS -SCORE Lite racer Matias Arjona became vice-mayor of Ensenada on November 5,h_ The office is equivalent to a city manager here in the .United States. He will be in charge of all city administrative functions. Dusty Times congratulates Matias on his new position. : suhinit your 2002: : schedule for : ■ MDR STODDARD 200 - A goodly amount of cars and ■ * l * trucks raced in the Stoddard 200, MDR's final event ■ 1n C U SJO n ■ of the season. The weather was great and the racing ■ ■ was fast and furious. Richard Boyle took the Class 1 • h f honors as well as first overall. Wayne Lugo was second in Class l. ■ •n t ese pa' u.es ■ Class 5 was a real battle, Dave Cua taking the win with John ■ .i.. l!!,' • ■ · Criswell just 323 seconds behind. Mark Dee took the 5-1600 win, Tom Bolha was second. Scott Sells took the Class 7 win while ■ List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. ■ Eduardo Gonzalez took the Class 725 win, Steve Jacketti taking · ■ -■ the second spot. Joe Patelli won Class 8, Josh Klenske seven ■ It is the only way some fans know about your event, ■ minutes behind. Class 9 went to Dwaine Walters, Dan Owen was ■ if they don't happen to be on your club mailing ■ second .. Gentleman Whit Courtenay was the Class 10 winner, Tony McLaren came in 10 minutes later. Mark McKinley took the Class ■ list. Don't call, but mail your 2002 schedule as ■ 11 win. The Class 1200 winner was Mike Dill, Larry Gross was ■ second. Michael Parr had an easy win in Class 13, Clare Ross ■ soon as possible for listing in this column; it could taking the second spot .. In the Jeepspeed Group, Steve Ruddick ■ ■ took the win with Barrie Thompson only four minutes behind. ■ bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or ■ In the 1600 contest, Forrest Craig was first across the line with ■ rally schedule to: ■ Brian Logan three minutes in arrears. Stay tuned for the full story in the next Dusty Times. : DUSliJ51fflll : : • 20761 Plummer St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 I •••••••••••••••••••• December 2001 DICK AND PAT WEBB -We would like to take this opportunity to salute Dick and Pat on their 50'h wedding anniversary. Long time supporters and participants in SNORE and off road racing, they are always there to help those who need support. Dusty Times wishes you the rest of your Trail Notes continued on page 54 Page 7
BITD VEGAS TO RENO Dale Ebberts. Takes overall Win By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Dale Ebberts drove the whole distance in his Toyota powered Jimco, to take the overall win at the Best in the Desert Vega·s to Reno race. Dale Ebberts led most of the day niently located. But then it was a as he drove north from Vegas to schlep out to Pahrump early the next Reno in his Class 1500 Jimco, to morning, through Friday morning be the surprise overall winner at the traffic, to the small airfield where Best In The Desert Vegas to Reno the start line was. The bikes and race. quads took off at about 6:30 a.m., The event, the crown jewel of the but the cars and trucks had until Best In The Desert series, actually 9:30 to get in line. Once the gen-started in Pahrump and wound its eral trauma of the start line was past way northward, generally paralleling the drivers had 23 hours to reach Highway 95, to a spot just south of the finish line. Along the way there Highway 80, about 15 miles east of were 15 marked pits, all but one of downtown Reno. For the race cars them close enough to the highway it was a total of 526 miles. so a chase crew could theoretically The festivities started on Thurs-run in, pit the vehicle, and then day in the parking lot of the head for the next one. Ideally, a Suncoast Hotel, where sign-up, con- racer had two crews to leapfrog the tingency, tech inspection and the pits, and everyone needed a separate driver's meeting were all conve- crew for the unattainable Pit 13. = =...,,...==~ ==~=·""w"".·.=.;==~~,,..,....===== The course traveled through some familiar territory, starting with Johnnie, Scotty's Junction, Cotton-tail, Goldfield, Tonopah, Mina, Hawthorne, Fallon, and Silver Springs. It was a nice tour of the old mining towns and other attractions on and near Highway 95. Not that most of the crews had time to stop and play tourist. (One personal note: for the first time in the 30 years that we've been attending this type of event, this time we saw a desert tortoise trying to cross High-way 95 in the area just north of the Pahrump Junction. We certainly hope that he made it.) The Trick Truck class was first off the line, and Damen Jefferies and Kyle Taylor led the Class 8000 trucks all the way and took the victory by over all hour and a half in his smooth running Chevy . his Ford had drawn the very first place, with Jim and Josh Baldwin in start position, a big advantage in the fourth place, and fighting an over-silty area just north of the start line. heating problem. Collins dropped But it wasn't much help for him this to fifth when they had some broken time, because when he had a flat at wheel studs, and had to change a Mile 23 he discovered that his air- couple of hubs. He put Larry Rag-jack wasn't working. Many trucks land into the car for the final half went by as he and his brother of the race. John Swift, meanwhile, struggled to change the tire the old got -only as far as somewhere be-fashioned way. And in the mean- tween Tonopah and Mina, and was time, Brian Collins went into the out for the day in his Ford. lead in his Chevrolet, with two min-Between Mina and Rawhide utes on Tim and Ed Herbst in their (Mile 429) both the Herbst truck Ford. In third place it was Mark and Jason Baldwin fell out. And Jef-Miller in Gary Vosburg's·Ford, fol-feries went into the lead. He now lowed by Jason Baldwin in another had four minutes on Ragland, and Ford, and then in fifth, his dad, Jim, then it was Josh Baldwin, Vosburg in still ~nother Ford. and Helmbolt who, once out of his Collins led through the Tonopah "stuck" was moving just fine. area, Pit #7 at Mile 232, where he Jefferies nearly blew it as he tried had eight minutes on the Herbsts to pass Josh Baldwin in the final sec-in their four wheel drive car. In third tion, and Baldwin's truck kicked up it was Jason Baldwin, another three a big rock. Jefferies couldn't miss it, minutes back, and Miller ran two and it broke two wheels. B.ut he had minutes later, with Jim Baldwin only one spare. He and his brother, about four minutes behind him, but Casey, changed one flat and gcit the he'd had a couple of flats. Mean-other undone and ready for a new while, Lonny Helmbolt had his tire, and then when Larry Roeseler, Dodge stuck in the sand for an hour. came by in Troy Herbsts' Class 1500 When they reached Mina, at car, he stopped long enough to give Mile 323, Jason Baldwin was lead-them a spare. Once on four good ing, and the Herbsts had lost about tires, Jefferies motored on to the fin-a half hour. Now Jefferies was back ish to take the win. Collins and Rag-up to second place, and he was un- land were only four minutes and 47 able to get his truck to downshift seconds behind him in second into 2nd or 1st gear. Miller and place. In third it was Jim and Josh Vosburg had moved back up to third Baldwin, an hour and a half later, and followed in by Miller and Vos-burg, who'd twisted the shaft off their steering sector, and also had an oil pressure problem. Yosburg said it was a "bad day", but they fin-ished fourth. Just a minute behind them was Helmbolt, fifth, and last of the class to get all the way. Inci-dentally, Jefferies gave a lot of credit for his success to the OPS unit mounted in the cab of his truck. Darnen Jefferies lost a couple of gears, but his Ford Trick Truck survived the long day anyway, and took the win. Kevin McGillivray and Nils Castillo teamed up in McGillivray's Chevy Protruck to have a near-perfect day and take the win. Class 1500, unlimited buggies, started next. There were 11 entries in this class, and all but one, Jim Price in his Bunderson, mad<! it to Pit 4, nea; Scotty's Junction, at Mile 121. At that point Dale Ebberts was in the lead in his new ride, the old Vildosola 3.2-liter V6 Toyota pow-ered Jimco. He had three minutes Continued on page 10 Mark Beeler drove the entire length of the race in his 1965 Ford, had Greg Foutz had no third and fourth gears in his Ford.stock-full truck, Deputies Steve Williams and Chuck Braden came close, led for a · only one small problem and took second place in Class 8000. but managed to keep it running all the way to take second place. while, finished their day in second place in their Class 7300 Ford. Pages December 2001 Dusty Times
I ~ ~ ?G~oo uU.J~ I O) ~ j 3(1 fil RACING ASSO.CIATION OllflTNB Separate courses/or Cars/Trucks & Motorcycles/ Quads Both races run at the same time 100 mile Carllruck, and 50 mile Motorcycle/ Quad course Clobalstar -USA .... Duralast BATTERll!!S Official Battery ~~~ AAC•NG ASsoc•AT•oN llm!ff !lllffl 1•THE SERT NOVEMBER 30, DECEMBER 1, 2, 2001 I Race Is On Saturday I For Hotel Reservations Call The At (877) 677-7111 11:. RACING FUEL:-:-:-,. ,..., HFGH PERFORMANCE RACING FUEi. AND LUBRICANTS Twenty minutes to Start/Finish from downtown Las Vegas HONDA Ritler)Ord>t; Ammaz • ~NIEYAl!jl ~~RTBIII
Anthony Napoleon ran a steady pace all day in the small SUV class Troy Herbst and Larry Roese/er had a bunch of flats in the Smithbuilt Scott Steinberger and Rick L. Johnson had a close race in their Ford to finish his 526 miles in second place. truggy, and finished the day second in Class 1500. Protruck, finished second, only three minutes out. on Troy Herbst in his Smithbuilt V8 Chevy powered Porter, and Kory neither made it as far as Tonopah. been sure he was going to race it. others would have to gas. That way Truggy. Herbst's crew had really had Scheeler and Larry Job had-their V6 When the rest of them got to Pit But he'd decided it would be diffi- he was able to pass some of them to hustle on Thursday, because the powered Jimco in fourth, with Mark #7, outside ofTonopah, Ebberts still cult to pass on this course, so he while they took on fuel. Others he motor had gone away while his co- McMillin fifth in his V6 Ford pow-led, and now he had ten minutes tried some strategy. He has a slightly passed while they fixed flats. Scheel-driver; Larry Roeseler ·was testing, ered Chenowth. Casey Jones and Jay on Herbst who'd had a couple of bigger fuel tank than most of the er and Job were in third place at Pit and they'd had to install a new mo- Reichert were both already an hour flats. Ebberts had done the pre-run others, so he planned fuel stops at 7 and McMillin was fourth with tor. Scott McMillin was third in his or so down with their truggies, and for the race, even though he'd not pits beyond where he ·estimated the Scott McMillin dropping to fifth. MENDEOLA RACING'S NEWEST OFFERING THE 'MDS' HI.TS 'BIG' AT THE PRIMM 300!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS IN CLASS 10 AND CLASS 12 CLASS 10 - 1st PLACE · CHRIS HARROLD #1006 Jimco-Honda {Major Performance) CLASS 12-15T PLACE KORY HALOPOFF #1214 HARLEY LETNER Bergdahl-VW {Dave Bonner) CLASS 12 -2ND PLACE MIKE COHEN #1205 TOM SCHILLING Jimco-VW (Wik's Racing) r * An excellent compliment to off-road racing's finest chassis and engines * The perfect 5-speed gear system fro p·re-runners and dual sport recreational vehicles * The MOS is now available from all authorized Mendeola Dealers 290 Trousdale Dr. # J Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 691-1000 Fax (619) 691-1324 w_ww ,_menge_ol_a rc;1c:;_i_o_g . CQ___nJ. Page 10 December 2001 From first to fifth place was a span of 15 minutes. Ebberts held on to his lead, and at Mile 323, Mina, he had nine min-utes on Job and Scheeler, who were now five minutes ahead of the· Herbst car. In fourth it was Mark McMillin and his co-driver, Brian Ewalt, and in fifth it was Scott Mc-Millin. Mark had lost some time early when the plug came off the car's electrical "brain", but it was easily fixed once the problem was identified. Up at Rawhide, the "remote" pit, Ebberts was still leading. His dad, Tom and brother, Darren, were walking on air and keeping their fin-gers crossed. They'd always known he could do it, but bad luck was of-ten lurking around the next corner. He still had ten minutes on Herbst's car, which was now being driven by Larry Roeseler, who was finding it "very easy to drive." In third it was now Scott McMillin, and Ewalt was just four minutes behind him. He'd lost a few minutes when the newly installed light bar had fallen off into his lap. Nick Baldwin's Nye Frank chassis (but without its four wheel drive) was now in fifth with Jerry Whelchel at the wheel. They'd been having "more flats than we thought we would." Scheeler and Job were out. Sam Berri was more or less limping along in his Mirage, his c.v. and stub axle l;ield in with a bungee cord and duct tape. He said they had to stop pretty often to check on it and add fluids. I'd guess! Mark and Gary Weyhrich, in a Scat V 4 pow-ered Chenowth had thrown a belt, then rolled their car and when it was upright again the starter was dead. They waited a long time for a push. Then they broke a shock, and lost an alternator. But they were still moving. It was just less than 100 miles from Rawhide to the finish. Ebberts' crew couldn't stand still as they waited at the finish. They re-ported that so far he'd had just one flat, and that had been fixed in a pit. And then, there he was, the first one to cross the finish line in his first attempt at the Vegas to Reno race, and his first race in the big Jimco. He said "the course was bru-tal, real technical... Rocks every-where." One rear tire was at its limit, cords showing as it slowly oozed air. They were the tires that were on the car when the new owner, Ernie Castro, Jr., bought it. Herbst's truggy was next to arrive, Roeseler grinning about how much fun it had been to drive. He reported one flat to himself, but unknown to him another was flat as he drove in. They were almost exactly 10 minutes in Dusty Times
back of Ebberts. Mark McMillin and Ewalt were next to arrive, and they dedicated their race to Mark's mother-in-law, Judy, who'd passed away the previous week. In fourth it was Baldwin and Whelchel, an-other hour back. Then came the Weyhrichs, another hour down, and 1.1 minutes behind them, Berri, still bungeed together. Scott McMillin had disappeared, but reappeared in seventh place, having replaced a transmission at Pit 15. He was the last in the class to make it. The Class 8000 trucks took the green flag next, and of this group of eight, all but one made it all the way. Keith Clugage and Joe Knopp didn't even get to Scotty's Junction in their Ford. But Kyle Taylor was there in his Chevy, and he was in front. He had seven minutes on Dave Westhem in another Chevy, at that point. In third it was Mark Beele in a 1965 Ford, running an-other 10 minutes back, and followed by Eric Heiden in a Ford and then Eric Lane in another Ford. Jesse Jones and his Chevy got off to a slow start, but he was running, and Keith Fontana had some huge problem that cost him five hours between the start and Scotty's Junction. Taylor, who rarely has any prob-lems, was having none this time ei-ther. He was 15 minutes to the good at Tonopah, and it was still West-hem:, who was having "small prob-lems", in second. Then came Beeler, Heiden and Lane, still running in the same order. When he got to Mina, not only was Taylor still in front of Class 8000, but he also had the overall lead by about three minutes. He was 51 minutes in front of Beeler who Dusty Times Ste','.e Spirkoff and Bill Holmes piloted their Ford Class 8100 (stock full-sized trucks) through a problem-free day to take the win. now was up to second, and Heiden Taylor had a late flat, and when was third about 4 3 minutes later. In he hit the rock that flattened the tire fourth it was Jones, who'd had a he also bent the sector shaft on his bent driveline, and Lane was now steering, so he deemed it wise to in fifth, down on horsepower after slow down a bit. Still, he made it to losing a lifter. Westhem had a big the finish line first in Class 8000, problem with a driveline that cost but had dropped to second overall, him two hours and Fontana was still four minutes behind Ebberts. He running but four hours and 40 min- said, "Casey's courses are set up for utes behind the lead truck. this truck. They're not really, really Taylor still had the overall lead rough and this ol' truck turns real at Rawhide, but he later said he well." He said he was thinking of wasn't trying to get the overall win. building a new one, but was having To quote him: "If you try to win such success with this old one he overall you try way too hard." He hated to start over. was now an hour and 15 minutes Talking of old trucks - Beeler fin-ahead of Beeler who'd had an alter- ished second in his '65, saying that natorwire come off, butwa:m't hav-he "got tired" at Mile 450. He'd had ing any problems with flat tires. In no flat tires all day. In third it was third it was Jones' co-driver, Rick Jones and Thomas, then Westhem Thomas, then Westhem's truck with and Salmont, who'd lost two Randy Salmont at the wheel, and driveshafts during the long trip, and in fifth, Lane, who'd now had some Heiden was fifth. At Mile 300 he'd trailing arm problems. But he wasn't broken a throttle cable and when he having flat tires either. had cobbled things back together he An Intimate Gem Adjacent to Bellagio, Caesars & Baily's Doug Siewert and Jeff Lewis teamed up in a Chevrolet, and with almost no trouble, took the Class 7200 win by oveian hour . had only 1/ 4 throttle for the rest of the trip. Lane was sixth, another who had no flats, and Fontana fin-ished seventh, about five hours later, apparently having hard times all the way. The Protrucks went off the line next, nine strong, and all but two · of them made it to Scotty's Junction. Alan Pflueger in a Chevy and Bruce Friedman in a Ford were both re-duced to spectator status early in the day. But up at the front of the pack it was Jeff Hoskins in Steve Scaroni' s Ford and he had two minutes on Scott Steinberger in another Ford. Steinberger had flattened a tire at Mile 45. Running third was Steve Barlow, Ford, another minute down, and Kevin McGillivray, Chev-rolet, ran fourth, another two min-utes down. John Becker had his Ford in fifth. Jim Stiles was sixth in his first time out in his Ford, and Rob Reinertson was seventh losing about 25 minutes somehow. As usual they were so close that it was still anyone's race to win. Hoskins still had the lead at Tonopah, but now McGillivray had moved up to second, only seven minutes behind him. Two minutes later. it was Barlow, then came Steinberger's truck with Rick L. Johnson at the wheel, just a minute in back of him, and in fifth it was ·Stiles. The Beckers were now sixth and Reinertson was catching up some. · The Scaroni truck was still in front at Mina, and now McGillivray's co-driver, Nils Castillo, was about seven minutes behind him. In third it was Johnson, who, having got in at Cottontail, now banded the truck back to Stein-berger. Bailow was fourth, less than three minutes later, and Stiles held on to fifth. He was having flats. Continued on page 12 'w,,J.J.._.._~.....,._,.___o ~ Ask About Our Special Headliner Show and Room Packages @~tr Flamingo & The Strip 1-888-227-2279 barbarycoastcasino.com The Place Las Vegans Call Home™ West Flamingo & Valley View 1-888-402-6278 goldcoastcasino.com December 2001 West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-675-3267 orleanscasino.com Ask About Our Room & Golf Packages ~~ 'Ill ,., . Alta & Rampart 1-877-677-7111 suncoastcasino.com Page 11
Mark McMillin and Brian Ewalt drove the V6 Ford powered Chenowth ;Among other things, Chad Hall had "moldy gas" in his Hummer, but B. J. Baldwin drove all the way in his Toyota powered Class 1000 car, got hung up in a tree, but was second at the finish. to third place in Class 1500, 16 minutes in back of second. he hung in there for a third place finish in Class 8100. When they got to Rawhide the three minutes later. In third it was for company along with Lynn Scaroni truck wasn't in front. Sea- Badow who had a sad story to tell. It Dick ton in a Chenowth, Steve roni himself was at the wheel, and seems he ran out of gas about five Strobel in a Bunderson and William he was having starter trouble. Now miles before the Rawhide pit. A biker Minteer and Brent Slobe. But in the Castillo was leading, with three min- who was having a very long race, group that made it, Steve Croll had utes on Steinberger. Barlow was up came along and he gave them a his Chenowth Millennium in the to third place and the Beckers, who couple of gallons out of his tank. lead, eight minutes in front of B.J. lost their brakes, ran fourth, with Barlow went on, but ran out of gas Baldwin in a Toyota powered Bund-Scaroni now behind them in fifth again before reaching the pit. Along erson. Kevin Moore ran third an-place. Stiles was another half hour came the biker again (his name was other five minutes back in a Dickton, down in sixth. And Rob Reinertson Tom and he was from Texas) and and Danny Ashcraft had his Jimco and Rick Johnson (the other Rick once again, he tipped his bike over fourth while Jim Zupanovich was Johnson) didn't get to Rawhidt!, and and donated another couple of gal-fifth in a Penhall with a Honda mo-_had a very rare DNF. lons. This time Barlow made it in to tor. Zupanovich had already lost his McGillivray had hit a rock not far Rawhide. And then on to the finish. computer and had to replace it. before Hawthorne (Pit #12) and had The Beckers were fourth, just less By Tonopah Croll had a 24 tried to drive into the pit on it, but than two minutes behind him. Sea-- minute lead and it was the Moore car then hit another rock and shattered roni and Hoskins were fifth and in second, with brother Dave driving the wheel, so he'd had to change it Stiles, reporting five flats for the day, the middle section. Ashcraft was himself. That was about the only was sixth, and last. third, and Baldwin was fourth, but problem the team had all day, and Class 1000 had an entry of te~ for having some shift linkage problems. Castillo brought it across the finish this event, but lost five of them very Zupanovich ran sixth, another half line in first place, and seventh in the early. Dan, Steve and Andrew Meyers hour down. overall standings. Steinberger and couldn't get their Jimco to Scotty's When they went through Mina it Rick L. Johnson were second, only Junction, and they had Ronny Roper was the Moore car in front, with 18 minutes on Croll who had a flat, then rich finished fourth, the last ones in found that his starter had died, and the class to come in. had to wait a long time for a push. There were 10 of the Class 7200 Baldwinwasnowthird,Ashcrafthad trucks (comparable to SCORE's disappeared, and Zupanovich was Class 7) but half of them had a hard fourth, still back a long way. day. Kelly McNeil, Shawn Wanzek, Going through the Rawhide pit andJasonJernigan, all in Fords, were the Croll car was back in front, dad out before they could get to Scotty's Ray now at the wheel. He'd stalled it Junction. But the others forged on, once and had ,to wait for a push, so and Tim Carroll went into the lead, was determined not to stall again. in front at that point by 11 minutes Baldwin was second and the Moores in his Ford. Behind him came Craig dropped to third after Dave rolled Turner, still another Ford, and theri over and the car needed welding. Doug Siewart in a Chevrolet, another Dick Weyhrich (Mark and Gary's 10 minutes back. Cody Kruger was dad) had taken over for Zupanovich, fourth in his Ford. . and was now fourth, about 40 min-Carroll held his lead through utes later. . Tonopah, with Siewart moving into Croll managed not to stall the car second place behind him, followed again, and they took the win by about by Turner and then Rick Taylor in an hour and 45 minutes. Baldwin, his Ford. He'd had to make an emer-who reported being "hung up in a gency stop to let out a sick co-driver, treen at some point, finished second. so was driving with no passenger/ The Moore were third, about 40 min- navigator for a while. Kruger broke utes later, and Zupanovich and Weyh-permanently in this section and so did Bill Manfroy, in still another Ford. Brady Wisdom and Jerry Longo teamed in a Suspensions unlimited chassis to take the 1600 class' victory, even with a stop to install a new axle. The father and son team of Ray and Steve Croll put their Class 1000 Chenowth into victory circle even though handicapped by a dead starter . When they hit Mina it was Siewart's truck in the lead, and now his temporary co-driver, Jeff Lewis, who used to drive this truck when it was part of the MacPherson team, was at the wheei. Jeff was sitting in for Cory Susag, Siewart's usual part-ner, who was on his honeymoon. Turner had moved up to second and Taylor's co-driver, Mike Davis, was third. He'd put the truck on its side and lost a half hour, then, once back on his wheels had rolled it over, but that cost only about five minutes. Steve Lawrence was now fourth in another Ford, and about six hours off the lead pace. And Tim Carroll was gone. When he got to Rawhide, Lewis PerfOrrnance Proven for Desert & Off-Road Use 1 5 0 Heavy Duty Sizes to Choose from Some Uses: • Non Corrosive Polyethylene • One-Piece Seamless • Pit Truck Showers & Washdowns • Heavy Wall Construction • Cooking & Kitchen Facilities • Extended Stay Water Storage Tanks • Bike Trailer Water Tanks • Car & Buggy Trailer Tanks . • Pressure Washing Storage Tanks • Custom Fiffing Locations • New Systems • Auxiliary Systems • Replacements ~-~,;·--,;~O.E.M. Trailer & Van Mh. In uires Are Welcome RONCO PLASTICS, INC. • 714-259-1385 • FAX 714-259-0759 • www.ronco-plastics.com 15022 Parkway Loop, Suite B • Tu~tin, CA 92780 • CALL, WRITE or FAX Us to Receive a Free Catalog Page 12 December 2001 Dusty Times
had a lead of 44 minutes, and it was still Turner in second place. He'd lost a voltage regulator and had to bor-row a battery. Joel Whitted was now driving Taylor's truck, and he held third, with Lawrence struggling in fourth place. , Lewis had a flat and lost a brake caliper, but still brought the Chevy to the finish line first, to give him-self and Siewart the win. Turner was second over an hour and a half later, and followed in by Taylor, Davis and Whitted, who'd broken a bolt on their steering box late in the day. Tay-lor was pleased because this makes three finishes in a row for his truck. Lawrence was fourth and last, four hours later. Class 8100 started next, with 11 vehicles and all but one got at least to Scotty's Junction. That one -was Tim Haverill, in a Hummer. Haverill had driven the Hummer from Grand Rapids, Michigan to enter the race, and got to the start a bit late (having got caught in commuter traffic). But he didn't worry too much, because he started catching other cars right away. He'd gone by five vehicles by the time he reached Mile 34, where all the fluids ran out of his Hummer. He was delighted by the experience, and plans to upgrade his Hummer and do more off road racing. Other, more seasoned drivers found themselves following Jeremy Spirkoffs Ford, as he had the lead at Scotty's Junction with five minutes on Greg Foutz in another Ford. Chad Hall was third in his Hummer, only a minute later, followed by Manny Esquerra in another Ford, and then Al Hogan from Montana, in still an-other Ford. . · When they went through Tonopah Spirkoff"still led, and now he had four minutes on Foutz. Esq-uerra had moved up to third, and Tracy.Rubio had put his Ford into third while Hall dropped to fifth af-ter he hit a hole and broke a half shaft and shock tower. -It was Spirkoff again as they went through Mina, and somewhere in there he handed over to Bill Holmes. They were still only two minutes in front of Foutz, who'd lost third and fourth gear and was screaming down the course in his low g~ars. He was running at such high rpms that he "toasted the power steering pump." Esquerra hung on to third, another 27 minutes back. Rubio was fourth, but his day was beset with problems, including a lost alternator belt, a bro-ken rear brake line and a lost radius arm bushing. Hogan had mov~d back to fifth place, but he, too, had trouble. He'd lost two upper control arms, one lower control am1s, a ball joint and a driveline. He was also having flats. Esquerra's crew was re-pairing his rear end. By now only these six trucks were running. Dar-ren Oliver and Randy Merritt had Rob MacCachren and Steve 01/iges took turns driving their stock small truck, Class 7300, Ford, and took the win after an alternator replacement. both dropped out, as had Eric Henn There were seven 1600 buggies at and Tim Mitchem somewhat earlier this event, but only five got as far as in the day. Scotty's Junction. Both Dennis Crow-Holmes was running hard because ley and Robert Stover were out early. Foutz was always right there behind And Eric Williams had the lead in them, but as he got to within five his Jimco at Scotty's, but he was only miles of the finish line he saw some- about two m_inutes up on Greg Blake-thing that made him stop. Lying in man who had abour a minute on the middle of the course was a bike .Jerry Longo in his Suspensions Un-rider. He quickly radioed to Spirkoff limited car. Then it was Duane Parker andhiscrewaboutthesituation,and and, finally, Eric Brown in his hopped out of his truck to see what Bonner Hawk. he could do. The biker was out cold, Williams stayed in front through but soon began to come to, and for-Tonopah but Blakeman and Longo tunately another biker came along, were close behind. Parker was still who said he'd be happy to stay with fourth, and Brown was fifth, and had the injured man until help came. So dropped back some when he rolled Holh1es hopped back in the truck the car. and went on to the finish and the Williams brought the car into win. Foutz had fallen back some by Mina with a lead of just six minutes then, and finished second 40 min- and now Longo, and Brady Wisdom, utes later. He reported a couple of who drove the second half, were in flats in addition to all his other prob- second place. Blakeman dropped to !ems. Hall, who declared he'd had third with Parker fourth and Brown "moldy fuel" on top of his broken fifth. Williams had put Kevin Graves parts, was third. In fourth it was Ru-into his car midway, and Graves had bio, who had multitudes of mechani- lost the brakes. Wisdom took over cal failures, bur no flats. And Hogan, the lead, and had about six minutes who had several mechanical failures, at Rawhide. Brown had moved up to also had six flats and finished fifth. third and Parker was fourth while He was followed in by Esquerra in Blakeman dropped to fifth place. sixth with a time of 17 hours and two Wisdom had • to change an axle minutes. Nobody else finished. Marc Winocur and Dave Turner had a front suspension problem, but still drovt~ their Ford to victory in Class 3100, their third win in a r.ow. and c.v. boots at some point, but didn't lose enough time to lose his lead. He went on to get the win, fin-ishing in 13:47. The average speed for this class was 38.1 miles per hour. Graves struggled without his brakes, and then he got high-centered be-cause of their absence, and in trying to get unstuck, he rolled the car. Once back oo his wheels he went on to finish second, about an hour and a half down to the winner. Brown was third, Blakeman fourth and Parker fifth, just a minute behind him. In Class 7100 they were short an entry before the race began, when Malcolm and Michie Vinje had a blowout on their tow van and the race truck took a bad tumble on the free-way headed north. No one in the two vehicle was injured, but the truck was no longer in race condition. Several other teams were no-shows, and our guess would be that they couldn't get repairs done after the two-week-be-fore Primm 300. So Tim Braden, Mike Coleman and Jim Winner weren't there either. Mike Koenig and Mark Naugle were there, but didn't get counted. Koenig sat in staging for an intermi-nable time and then as officials moved his class towards the start line his .. Toyota gave a gasp and died. It wouldn't restart. After a lot of pok-ing and prodding it was determined they had a fuel pickup problem and they found a solution. As they took off they noted that the officials had all disappeared. It apparently didn't occur to them that the officials hadn't recorded them in some way. They got through Pit # 1 before the cut-off time and then were concen-trating on making Pit #2, but lost the ring and pinion at Mile 41. And then to top it off, they didn't even get put on the DNF list. Gary Pentis appar-ently had equally early problems, since he and his Chevy were out be-fore the Scotty's Junction pit. That left three trucks. And Tim ' Cecil and Richard Long had the lead in their Ford at Scotty's. They were about f3 minutes up on John Baker in another Ford, and he had three minutes on the tea·m of Joe Custer and Gene Haas in still another Ford. Cecil and Long continued to lead through Tonopah, where they had just one minute on Custer and Haas, who were now nearly four hours in front of Baker who had a monster Continued on page 14 Class 3000 had only one entry, but it was a persistent group. The family Beal, from Texas, just loves these long races. They bring their Nissan, borrow Bryant Hibbs from Protruck to work as a navigator and riding mechanic and somehow always manage a finish. This time they in-cluded some of the ladies from the family also. It was Spencer Beal, Spen-cer Beal, Jr., Alyssa Beal and Kimberly Beal. Their times were right on tar-get through Scotty's Junction and Tonopah, but it then took seven · hours to get to Mina. At that point the report was that they were having "extensive welding" done. Once re-paired they went on in good shape to get a finish, in 20 hours and 31 minutes. They were the final finish-ers of the event, coming across the line at about 6:lOa.m. TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING, INC. SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year Congratulations Dave Girdner and T.J. Craig First Place - 1 /Z-1600 ,,...,-,.--======= John R. Sunderland and John A. Sunderland, drove their Ford Bronco to the win in the full-size SUV class, with no ser.ous troubies on the way. Dusty Times M.O.R.E. Mighty Mojave 300 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 9763VARIELAVENUE CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-998-2739 December 2001 Page 13
veloped some problems, rumor said electrical stuff, and they lost about · three 1-iours. The Sunderland car motored on with no real trouble, avoiding flat tires all day, and took the win, by the slimmest margin of the day. Stein and McComas rea.lly hustled in the final two sections and closed up to within 14 seconds of them, to take second place. Three hours later it was Sca-roni and Watson in third place. Vince Wavra, Terry and Rick McClintick and Todd Murrah had more fun t/:Jan anybody, and got their Sportsman Class Baja Bug win. Scott Boyd tackled the difficult trek in his Sportsman 5-1600 Bug, and managed to get a first place finish in good time. In Class 7 300 there were five en-tries, all Fords, and everyone had some kind of problems. David Por-ter had the lead when they arrived at Scotty's Junction, and he was 26 min-utes in front of Steve Williams who'd had a flat already. Then came Aaron Dixon, who'd been running a high tr:).nsmission temperature, and a bit further back was Steve Olliges, who'd lost an alternator at Pit 2 and lost 20 minutes or so. Frank Szubert, from Oregon, had lost about two hours in that early section, and was playing catch-up. problem of some sort. day. · . At Mina it was still Cecil and Class 4100 had a back-and-forth Long, and now they were about 25 ' battle, and one epic story. Marc Stein minutes up on Custer and Haas, and his Ford took the early lead, with while Baker was moving at a good nine minutes on Matt Scaroni and clip, but still four hours behind. Then Tommy Watson in the huge diesel ·cecil and Long disappeared. Custer powered Ford Excursion. They were and Haas should have had an easy just 13 minutes in front of John run, but they used up over six hours Sunderland, Sr., in his Bronco. And, between Mina and Rawhide, while in fourth place, the subject of the Baker took about four and a half epic, Roy Davidson and Rod Hall in hours, both trucks apparently having the Hummer. Davidson was driving. a rough go of it. Now Custer and He'd hit a ditch and flattened a tire. Haas had only a two hour lead. Yet Well - two tires. It seems that the their luck held, and they made it to Hummer was running with its CTIS . the finish line first, taking the win (Central Tire Inflation System) by two hours and five minutes. Baker hooked up. Now, while that sounds was second, his truck apparently run- pretty spiffy, what it means is that ning well at the end, but unable to when one tire starts to go low, the make u all that time lost early in the CTIS tries to equalize the tire pres-sure by deflating the other tire and pumping the air into the damaged one. Result - two flat tires. Once Davidson got the CTIS turned off and the tires changed and re-inflated, he discovered he'd also broken a half-shaft. And that was at Mile 18. Stein soldiered on, and he had 11 months on Scaroni and Watson at Tonopah, and Sunderland was just another four minutes back. About two hours later came the Hummer. They had discovered a leak, in a hose con-nected to the turbo and had patched it with duct tape. That didn't hold, so Hall trundled off to a parts store in Beatty to buy a replacement hose. He met the racecar at the Tonopah pit and it was installed. The Hummer crew also replaced an alternator.somewhere FOR SALE Riviera Raclng/ Nick Baldwin All Wheel Drive Car ► Nye Frank engineered and built ► Robby Gordon Racing Shocks (Built and Tested) ► 700++ H.P. Leon Patton Chevy V-8 ► Two Speed Automatic Transmission ► Dennis Cook Computer Controlled A.W.D. Transfer Case (with Spare) ► 9" Ford Differentials (Front and Rear) ► 37" X 17" BFGoodrich Project Tires ► Many-Many Spares · ► Fastest Car in the Desert!!! Proven and Tested Serious Inquire·s Only, Please contact Jerry Whelchel for more Details Page 14 $95,000 oho . (949) 472-2024 December 2001 along the way. Then they flattened another tire, this time in a silt bed, and the jack wasn't tall enough to lift the heavy vehicle out of the stuff. It took over an hour to dig down to the hard base and get the tire changed. When it got to Candelaria, where Hall was to get in, they discovered it had another broken half shaft. And now there were no spares. Hall went on in two wheel drive . . At Mina Stein had dropped back with a broken upper control arm and the Sunderland car, with John, Jr. now driving, moved into the lead, with Scaroni and Watson second, just four minutes behind them. Stein and co-driver Mike McComas were an hour behind them now. The Sunderland car was having no trouble. They said they had a "squished exhaust", so they just cu~ off the squished part and went on. And the Hummer crew had given up. More correctly, a Hummer a-· joint gave up, and the driveshaft flipped around and speared the oil filter and mounting assembly at· Mile 411. At Rawhide the Sunderland team, which included Buddy Crisp as the final driver, had a lead of 29 minutes, . and Stein and McComas were now second. Scaroni and Watson had de-Williams had moved into the lead by the time they got to Tonopah, but he had less than a minute on Rob MacCachren who'd taken over for Olliges at Scotty's. Now Dixon ran third, another ten minutes back, and then came Porter, about two hours down after a long, slow section, and Szubert, still having some problems. MacCachren had the lead at Mina, and was ten minutes in front of Williams and his co-driver, Chuck · Braden. The Dixons, who were switching drivers more often than some of the others, were third and had just discovered that they had no brakes because a hose came off. Re-pairs were made in Mina. Porter was fourth, about two and a half hours later, and Szubert -was a half hour behind him. MacCachren got out of his truck at Hawthorne (Pit #12) and headed back to Las Vegas to get some sleep and get ready for the SNORE race the following day. Ollige:; got into the truck and got to Rawhide with a lead of 27 minutes. Braden,. in Williams' The Beal family came up from Texas to race their Nissan, and with time out for some serious welding, got the win in Class 3000. Eric Williams and Kevin Graves ran out of brakes, and almost out of luck in their Jimco, but salvaged a second place in 1600. Dusty Times
The Moore family, Kevin, Dave and Bill, had a rollover midway but still took a nice third place in Class 1000. Craig Turner had to borrow a battery for his Ford Class 7200 truck, finished further back than usual, but still second. Rick Taylor, Joel Whitted and Mike Davis had their Ford on its side and over it's head, and still finished third in 7200. truck, had a flat, but no mechanical troubles. And Dixon was in a world of hurt about five miles out of Raw-hide. They could see the lights, but there were· no splines on his trans-. mission output shaft. Blakeman.came by in his 1600 buggy and towed him for a while, but it seemed too tough for him and for Dixon, so they let him loose and waited for someone with a bigger motor. Along came Esquerra, in his Class 8100 Ford', and he towed them into the pits. Good sportsman-ship from Blakeman and Esquerra! Once. there, Dixon had to wait for his crew, and then do a transmission Rand R. -And in the meantime, Olliges and MacCachren blew into the fin-ish line for the win, finishing just 22 minutes ahead of Williams and Braden, who'd had a total of three flats. Porter was third, about three . and a half hours later, followed in by the Dixon team, who took 19 hours and 59 minutes to get there. Sziibert didn't make it. Class 3100, small SUVs, had four entries, and Bobby Woolworth didn't get even to Scotty's Junction. But Marc Winocur had his Ford in the lead, with six minutes on Mike Fa!-. kosky in another Ford, who was seven minutes in front of Anthony Napo-leon. Falkosky's day went downhill from there. Winocur still led at Tonopah, now with 27 minutes on Napoleon, as Falkosky lost about three hours· in that section. Things were breaking: like a motor-mount and a rear cross-member. At Mina, Winocur's co-driver, Dave Turner, had a 34 minute lead, and it was still Napoleon in· second. Falkosky was another three hours back, and he'd had electrical prob-lems, which turned out to be a com-puter wiring glitch. He was so far down that the BITD folks had him serving as their sweeper, calling in reports of other late ri,mning vehicles on the course. Winocur and Turner's torsion bars "sacked out", but they had no flats and no other problems, and sailed on in to the finish to take the win, their third in a row. They are undefeated so far this year. Napoleon finished second, about two hours and 15 minutes down. Falkosky got al-most to Rawhide, but then the balljoints went and he called it a day, suffering his first DNF in three years. Only one Baja Bug showed up to race and that was Vince Wavra and his family, Terry and Rick McClintock and Todd Murrah, who raced as a Sportsman entry. They race for the fun of it, and wish they could get more old Baja Bugs out there to play with them. Early in the day they lost a.n hour trying to replace a grade 8 bolt that holds the steering ram in place. They did some creative mechanicking to get the repair done, but it cost them an hour. After that they had only a couµle of flats and one stuck-in-the-silt episode and they Dusty Times made it to the finish in the time of than 1600cc VW motors). But the 16 hours and 53 minutes. team of Scott Boyd, Pete Seaney, and One 5-1600 car showed up for this Cody and Lloyd Thompson, all from race also, and the BITD folks had California, made it all the way. They serious doubts about its ability to fin- had a really long time between Mina ish (they're more in time with trucks and Rawhide, where it was very, very RACE DRUMS These trick KARTEK designed units consist of a stock drum precision machine.ct and augmented with a billet plate and heat treamed chromoly splined center for maximum durabil-ity. Accept NO substitutes. December 2001 soft for a long way, but otherwise they breather and then tum to the north made steady progress all day, and fin- Las Vegas area for their final event ished in a time of 19 hours and 22 of the season, the Las Vegas 200, a minutes. Good going guys! relatively short race on December 1st With their big event under their and 2nd. Look for the story in the belts, the BITD folks take a short Dusty Times. . .-# llf & ... r-~ 934/5 RACE BOOT & FLANGE For years ·KARTEK has been aware of the problems associated with the industry. standarddouble boot flange design for 934/5 CV joints. Keeping these problems in mind KARTEK has designed a boot and flange to eliminate the boot failures that have plagued off-road racing in the past. KARTEK's new Design teams a large durable high polymer boot with a c_hro-moly flange to provide maximum perfor-mance with minimum weight and size. KARTEK's micro stubs are used by some of the biggest names in off-road racing today. KARTEK takes pride in the quality and durability of their micro stubs, and in the quality parts from which they are assembled. Accept no substitutes. BATES BOOT FLANGE & LIGHTENED 930 & 934/5 CVs This KARTEK exclusive was designed to elimi-nate the CV overheating that is associated with the use of Bates boots. This trick flange sets the boot away from the CV This flange allows for the use of lightened and standard CV joints. KARTEK's lightened CVs are precision machined to allow them to stand up to the rig-ors associated with off-road racing. Page 15
31st Propecia· Rally New Zealand By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden · Winner of Group N, 16th overall was Manfred Stohl and Peter Muller, the 25'h successive win, for Mitsubishi in Group N. Hyundai led a World Champion-ship rally for the first time. This was the 10th round in the 2001 World Rally Champi-onship, counting for the two main series (Manufacturers and Drivers) and for Group N, but not for the Teams Cup or for the Super 1600 series. Run in the down-under spring time, this was a smooth; loose surfaced event where driving precision was very important. There are many stones on the road surface off the swept lines. As a result of the terrorist at-tacks in the USA, the Subaru team withdrew from the event, ordered by Fuji Heavy to stay safely in Japan. The rally route was much like pervious even ts, the first and third days run south of Auckland and the second day to the north. Richard Burns and Robert Reid finally got a win, it was the first win all year for the Subaru lmpreza .. :which are swept aside with every passing car, also the heavily cam-bered roads which create special demands on driving style and also l.ln suspension set up. The stones not only make the run-ning order a critical factor in rally tactics, but when you are running on tracks that have al-ready been swept, there can be a sudden loss of grip if one slides There were still four drivers who shared the record number of 23 World Rally wins, three of whom were entered here, Sainz, McRae and Makinen. All five registered manufacturer teams took part and all except for Hyundai had entered a third car on this event. Winning for the first time onds away from the second spot. Subaru another 20 points back. this year, Richard Burns and his Tommi Makinen finished in the This was the final rally for the Subaru were the heroes in New seventh spot, out of the points Mitsubishi Evo 6.5 but they Zealand. Colin McRae was sec-and once again shares the lead gathered no championship ond in his Ford but was a long in the Drivers Series with Colin points this trip. However, they way back, almost 45 seconds and McRae and Ford pulled 10 did gain the 25th success:i-ve third went to Harri· Rovanpera points ahead of Mitsubishi in World Rally win in Group N. in the Peugeot, a -scant six sec-the Manufuturers race, with And, the big news was that Ford's recent research had centered around asphalt; ready-ing for San Remo an·d then Cor-sica and in the days before this rally their drivers had spent time Tentative Schedule of Events Thursday, December 13 Noon-10:00 PM Ramada Express • Registration · • Technical Inspection ·• Vehicle Display Friday, December 14 8:00 AM Opening Ceremonies 8:30 AM Start of Leg One 11:00 AM Forest Stages on the Hualapai Indian Nation 6:00 PM Finish Leg One 7:00 PM Press and Sponsors Party ♦ MITSUBISHI ., MOTORS presents The Ramada Express Hotel • Casino International Rally 2001 Laughlin, Nevada USA• December 13-16, 2001 An FIA International Rally Event listed by the • Automobile Competition Committee of the United States and sanctioned by Professional Sports Car Racing Saturday, December 15 A • I R • h t T. h f R II ~;~~::~:~:!:~~~::~tagesonthe mer,ca s IC es, 1oug es a1,y ... Hualapai Indian Nation . Breath-taking mountain and forest stage roads 3:30 PM ~~erica's longest rally stage along the maJ· estic Grand Canyon 5:30 PM Finish Leg Two 7:00 PM JAOS Adventure Rally Party • America's longest rally stage and biggest prize fund· Sunday, December 16 9:00 AM Start of Leg Three 10:00 AM Super Stage", Laughlin Special Events Area 4:30 PM Winners' Champagne Ceremony 7:00 PM Grand Awards Party Be a part of the action in the JAOS Adventure Rally, a GPS rally event running along-side the International Rally. This low-speed event is designed for families fun in standard vehicles. Page 16 • Off-Road Racer Friendly: Street Le~al Pre-Runner and Stock Sport Utility Vehicle Classes • Spectator packages and excellent room rates Get ~II the details, purchase spectator packages, or enter on-line at www.RallyUsA·.com (702)298-8171 • Side-by-side racing action on the SuperStage® December 2001 • Watch the One-hour television coverage in late January on the SpeedVision Network • Low entry fee includes two rooms for four nights at the Ramada Express Hotel. • Dusty Times
Colin McRae and Nicky Grist took the second spot in New Zealand in the Ford FocusWRCar. testing in Corsica. Ford was anx-iously waiting to win another rally, it had been 20 years since they had won in New Zealand. For Mitsubishi, it was the last ap-pearance of the current Lancer Evo before their full World Rally cars would appear in Italy. Since Finland they had lost their Team Manager, George Donaldson who had moved to Subaru. The main novelties of. the event were centered on people, the Team Managers. Both Suba-ru and Mitsubishi had new people, but personal reasons forced Mitsubishi's new man-ager, Derek Dauncey to return to England directly after shake-down. His· role was taken over by Derek Ringer. Didier Auriol was back as a nominated driver for Peugeot and the 206's were using a mixture of five and six speed gearboxes. There were good memories in New_Zealahd for Hyundai, it was four years since the start of their Kit Car project and a year since the team's first scratch stage time. Only two non-works WRCars had been entered. Former Suba-ru works driver Possum Bourne, from New Zealand, who became Australian rally champion for a record sixth time was in a Im-preza WRC. This was also the first WRC appearance for the new Subaru lmpreza Sti model, a Group N example of which won the Rotorua Rally in New Zealand, the qualifying round of the PIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship in the hands of Bruce Hernert, the current NZ rally champion. Herbert's win came on the first day the car was formally homolo-gated. The main effect of the Ameri-can crisis came w_hen Ford were forced to delay sending their cars because of the need to subject them to decompression tests for security reasons. Shakedown proved what the drivers had feared, the stage surface was go-ing to be critical and that tactics were sure to be played out. Shakedown was a dusty affair, Gronholm was fastest, slightly better than Solberg, Rovanpera, McRae, Sainz and Burns. Leg 1 -Eight stages, gravel, 117 kms. There was a strange spirit in the land, thoughts , about the American tragedy were everywhere and there was a touching tribute given at the official start of the rally. The general layout of the event was unchanged, Friday being given over to stages down the west coast around the surfing town of Raglan. The widespread fears that running orders and tactics Dusty Times .. were going to dominate the event were well founded. Maki-nen finished the first stage in The Delecour/Grataloup Ford Focus was 12th, running with a remembrance for the NY victms and thei; families. 15th place, but with Colin McRae runn.ing second car on the road and making third best December 2001 ti'me, one wondered if Tommi has psyched himself into defeat. To be 41 seconds behind on the first stage of an event was not· the style of a world champion! Gronholm was quickest despite differential trou_bles, running sixth, ·McRae was second, run-ning 13th, Solberg was fourth, running ninth, Auriol was fifth also with differential troubles, running eighth and Eriksson was sixth, running 14th. Garde-meister lost 20 seconds when he spun, Loix said his car was badly balanced, Arai slid off the road but was able to carry on and Bourne had a tire mousse break up, the vibration caused his bakes to fail. Burns took it easy and hoped not to finish the day too near the front. After the next group of stages Makinen was in despair. "Some-times we have to drive over sur-faces completely covered with Continued on page 18 Page 17
Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen brought their Peugeot 206 WRCar in for the third place honors. Tommi Makinen and Risto Manninsenmaki finished eight in New Zealand, the last appearance for the Mitsubishi Evo 6.5. Kenneth Eriksson and Staffan Parmander led the first day but finished 10th in New Zealand in their Hyundai Accent WRCar. gravel. They should never run world championship rallies that are not the same for everyone!" The two Peugeots, which had ex-perienced differential problems were now running better. Loix's handling problems were improv-ing, Arai had two spins and Wearden came to a halt with fuel pump problems. Gardemeister had more troubles when he drove over a rock, which broke the gearbox casing, lost the tranny oil and then, one by one the gears failed. The crew had to push the car uphill to the service park, the co-driver had to run ahead to the control and check in, one second before their maxi-mum lateness time. The next two stages were tra-ditionally some of the most abra-sive of the event, and on Stage 5 Auriol and Eriksson tied for the best time, after 29kms. This moved Auriol to third place, but on the sixth stage he fell to 11th with power steering failure. Eriksson moved up from fifth to fourth, and then to first as other drivers played tactical games (the following day's running order was determined by classification after Stage 6). Peugeot decided to drop Gronholm behind the two Fords and.they gave him the time at which he should arrive at the end of the stage, but they made a slight error and he ar-rived 20 seconds sooner than he should liave. The team manager said "Our· mis.take was in not giving ourselves enough time to do the calculations." The Ford drivers were happy, Sainz was third, McRae was fourth, up in one stage from seventh and eighth. Solberg was fifth, despite overheating and Loix, despite earlier troubles was sixth. Alis-ter McRae had perhaps eased off too much on Stage 6 and was lying seventh. Makinen spun on Stage 6 and was lying 14th. De-lecour also spun, Gardemeister's car was not perfect after a gear-box change and Solberg in-curred a penalty, dropping him from fifth to ninth. In Group N, Stohl took the early lead. Pozzo drove lOkms on a flat tire and still made second best time. Manfrinato made fifth best time with a slipping clutch, Blomqvist was very slow with brake troubles and Ligato was also having brake troubles. Then it all changed. On the fourth stage Stohl lost his brakes and Pozzo's car was jumping out of first and second gear. Blomqvist now had his rear brakes locking up, Manfrinato had engine fail-ure. Ligato retired when he rolled off the road. Stohl spun and Crocker was doing his best to pr\!vent Mitsubishi's 25th sue-cessive win. Leg 2 -Eight stages, gravel, 176kms. What happened on the Friday mattered little. The first stage on Saturday was at 59kms, the longest of the rally, indeed of the entire championship, though it was the change in running or-der which caused the remarkable rsTRIC2LY 31 n Propecin Rally N•w Znland 20-23 Seplcmbor 2001 WC round 10 WC point. WR WO ~ I (~) Richard BURNS/Robert R•id QB Subonl lmpceza WRC X7SRT(OB) lh.47m.28.0t.• 10 10 2 (4) Colin McRAE/Nic:kyOrill QB Ford Focu RS WRC Y4FMC(GB) 3h.48m.l2.6-. 6 6 3 ( 16) Huri Rovanpon/Ri,ro Pictilainen FIN Peugeot 206 WRC 334NQZ7S (F) lh.48m.18.lt. 4 4 (3) Carlo, SAINVLuiJ Moy• E Ford Focu ltS 'WRC Ylf'MC(OB) lb.48m.20.2t. 4 3 ~ (I) Mucuo ORONHOLM,Tu,10 R1utiainen f1N P...,i 206 WRC HONQZ73(F) lb.◄Bm.23.le. 3 l 6 (2) Didier AURIOL/Dcnio Clirludet F Peugeot 206 WRC 190NNN73 (F) 311.48m.39.]t. 2 7 (6) ~ SOLBERO/Philip Mlllo NIOB Stlboni lmpnza WRC . X16SRT(OB) lll.49m.43.8t. 8 (7) Tommi MAIONEN/Rioto MamiMnmaki nN Millilbiolhi Lancer l!voluliOtl WRC X66MMll (OB) lla.49m.49.0.. 9 (IO) Alialer McRAE/Dmd Saior OB Hyundai Acc:•t WRC Xl'"MC(OB) 311.Slm.0l.St. 10 (9) Kerwwth ER.IJCSSON/Slaftu Pannllllder S Hy,,ncloi Accent WRC XUHMC(OB) )h.5 lm. ◄9'.9t. c anges in positions. n one stage, Eriksson, running first, dropped to seventh, second place Gronholm to fourth, then in or-der Sainz held third, fourth man Colin Mcrae went to second. Solberg fell to ninth, Loix went too carefully and went to 11th while drivers further back made astonishing climbs in classifica-tion. Ninth placed Burns went into the overall lead, 12th placed Rovanpera went to fifth. Maki-nen was delayed by wiper failure after a water crossing, he only gained two places,. but dropped 20 seconds to the leader Burns. It was all like never before. Alis-ter McRae had poor brakes near the end of the stage, Delecour was going carefully but he still managed to overturn the car, lost three minutes. After the initial burst of ac-tivity there was a consistent shift in emphasis. While Burns pulled further into the lead, finishing the day 42.6 seconds in the lead, Rovanpera climbed from fifth to •third, displacing both Sainz and his teammate Gronholm. Maki-nen had risen to seventh by day's end. Burns did hit a bank at high speed but luckily bounced back on to the road. Colin McRae kept his second place but was t ir . o mes mis e t e day in sixth place after rolling his car. It began to rain in the after-noon, but it hardly made any dif-ference. Solberg had a near di-saster, he couldn't select a gear at the start and lost half a minute or so and then he spun on the final stage of the day. Loix went lightly off the road, no damage and Auriol slowed down to force teammate Gronholm to run in front of him. Alister McRae had a mousse break up and was having severe vibra-tions. Bourne had no turbo boost on the final three stages and also lost his brakes. Leg 3 -Nine stages; gravel, 89kms. All the factory cars were still running, due to the friendly conditions of the roads. Burns had built up his lead to 42.6 sec-onds and this should have been sufficient to carry him to victory by the end of the day, bearing in mind three of the day's eight stages were repeats of stages run earlier. The central factor was the long second stage, and by this time Colin McRae had climbed back to 17.6 seconds be-hind Burns but any hopes that there would be a close finish ended when Colin spun, stalled and lost half a minute. He ended t e even~ ac w ere e starte , 44.6 seconds behind the leader. The big race was for third place. On the first stage Rovanpera got ahead of Sainz and then with two stages to go Gronholm had not only pulled away from Au-riol but was now in front of Ro-va npera as well. At the final stage, Sainz dropped to fifth place, having spun just three bends from the finish, but then Gronholm was reported for a jump-start and this left Rovan-pera in front of Sainz with Gron-holm fifth. There was a fight for seventh between Solberg and Makinen, won by Solberg. In Group N, Pozzo finished second behind ·his top Run teammates Stohl with Nutuhara third in front of Blomqvist. Chris West crashed and retired his Subaru and Stumpy Holmes finished fifth in front of Reece Jones. So ended an amazing event where reliability was extraordi-nary and so was the effe:cr of the confusion caused by the stage clearing processes. For a driver to leap from seventh to first on the second day of the rally for this reason stretches the imagi-nation beyond belief. For Burns, it was the day he had waited for all year. .. -.. , 'ER FORMAN CE said he was fight-ing a losing battle. Freddy Loix had two spins and Hawkeswood re-tired when he lost a wheel. Duality products built In house along with Fabtech, PIAA. BF6oodrich, Weld, Camburg Engineering, Autofab, King 5hocks, Fuel 5afe, pius hundreds of other quality products and accessories. • Shocks • Roll Cages • Exhau!it Kits • Wheels & Tires • Suspension Kits • Off Road Bumpers • Custom Fabrlcatlc;m • Billet Grills & Acces!iorie!i We !ipeclallze In Cll!itam Fabrication And Lang Tra11el !iuspenslan !iystems. Toll Free: (B66) 4B0-3556 B49 Mitchell Road #402, Newbury Park Tel: (B05) 4B0-3556 • Fax: (BOS) 4B0-3557 !itrictlyP-erformance.net . In Group N, Stohl had a good run and took the lead from Crocker on the first stage of the day. Pozzo had to drive 40kms with no brakes but held onto third place in front of Nutuhara, Reece Jones and Blomqvist. Chris West had fluctu-ating boost pres-sure and on the final stage of the day Crocker went off the road and rolled the car, Pozzo moved into second and now Blomqvist Call for special Baja 2! on HID's, Clear texan other quality HeHa pr Page 18 December 2001 Dusty Times
American JeepSpeed Challenge As soon as the Parker Pumper hose is connected they'll be off and running on the Media Drive and Ride Program. . California. This year's prize fund is $6,000.00 with the fol-lowing n,ayoffs: 1st Place for each race $500.00; 2nd Place for each race $300.00; 3rd Place· for each race $200.00. Bryan Rogers good looking and well prepared vehicle is typical of the JeepSpeed Challenge entrant. course, interview driv-ers, meet sponsors, col-lect a slew of press mate-rials and enjoy a deli-cious BBQ lunch. Gra-ciously making their rides available were Bryan Rogers, Gene Jacobson, Ryan Wallace, Barrie Thompson, Dave Turner, Ray Currie & Sons and JeepSpeed's Charter Members, the Barnett Brothers. This year's JeepSpeed California Challenge consists of three races: 1st Place for the year $1,500.00; 2nd Place for the year $1,000.00; 3rd Place for the year $500.00. For more information contact JeepSpeed Asso-ciation at: 1826 N. Windus Drive, Orange, CA 92869. Telephone: (714) 538-7434. Fax: (714) 633-1724. E-mail: leepSpeedCOM@aol.com Have you noticed the influx of JeepSpeed ve-hicles competing in the Southwest lately? Quietly and without much fan-fare, off.road's newest di-vision has begun to really flourish. And with its ap-pealing combination of competitive racing at an affordable cost, the class only figures to continue picking up speed. On August 24th, the organi-zation and its main man, Clive Skilton, hosted a Media Ride & Drive party at Lucerne Valley. We media types were af-forded the opportunity to race around the MDR April 21, Ridgecrest 300, Ridgecrest, CA; June 23, Lucerne 400, Lucerne, CA; November 3, Final Date, Barstow, A small tent city. sprang up where the press and interested parties The father of it all, Clive Skilton has put his heart and soul into the Getting the belts adjusted for the huge variety of sizes and shapes waited for rides in the JeepSpeed vehicles. American JeepSpeed Challenge and the group is growing. · was a major chore for the Barrie Thompson crew. Dusty Times Do Nore Than Just K~ck Up D~NI Win Free 76 Racing Gas for the 2001 Season! Congratulations to c & c Motorsports 20P()'s Winner of 250 Gallons of 76 Race Oas! -IQ,'• ."!f,,,, One entry for each 55 ~llons of 76 100 or 110 Octane Racing Gasoline purchased from CL Bryant or an authorized distributor from Jan. 1, 2001 through October 31, 20011 Win Free 76 Racing Gasoline (up to 250 ~llons of 100 Octane or 110 Octane Only.) ..... c,,.. ..... ,, ... CONGRATULATIONS! To Enter: Send your proof of purchase, along with Name, Address, and Phone to: TO 76 CONTINGENCY WINNERS CL Bryant, Inc. Attn: Mitch 237 E. Whitmore Ave. Modesto, CA. 95358 {), 6;J 3pOK&O,. ~ ,iPJ,-rS!!, ,g -;p :4::-'\ r: ,I Fairplex - Pomona October 7 &8 ~RACING-~GASOLINE IN MOR, VORRA, BEST IN THE DESERT, AND SCORE CNOW ALMOST EVERY SCORE CLASS WINS WITH 76 RACE OAS!> Authorized Distributors in Southern California, call: KRS Distributing 714-816-8983 Cosby Oil 1-800-54-COSBY www.cosbyoil.com Southern Counties Petroleum 714-516-7300 Mexico -Auto Sports Baja 619-24 7-1798 For a Distributor Nearpst You - B00-399-4176 ,. December 2001 Page 19
CORR SEASON FINALE AT TOPEKA Rob, Scott & Jeff Still Champs By John Calvin Photos: J&L Photo John Huven took a first and a fifth at Topeka and he was the Light Buggy champion for the 2001 season. The 15th and 16th pionship went to Jeff place finish in Round 15 and· rounds of the CORR Cham-Kincaid who had to work a then took the win in the fi-pionship Off Road Racing bit harder for 'his title, win-nal round. Scott Douglas was Series ended at Topeka, ning only four races this sea-. third in the first round and Kansas and all the champi-son and taking the title by a took sixth in the last encoun-ons could talk about was slim seven points. ter. Jason Baldwin took third how happy they were that In the Pro-4 title chase, in the final round after a they had won their respec-MacCachren, led the class all fifth in 15, Kent Brascho had tive championships and how season, starting with thre.e a fourth and a fifth and Curt they are also anxiously wins in a row, a third,. two LeDuc had a sixth and a awaiting the opening of the more wins, and so it went fourth place finish. Curt, season in 2002. throughout the year. Rob fin-with only one win this year Rob MacCachren success-ished with a win in the 15th was second in Pro-4 points, fully defended his Pro-4 title round and then a second in Greaves and Baldwin were and amassed nine wins the season finale. He accu-tied for third in season along the way, and he took mulated 269 points in the 16 points. the title with a 52 point rounds of racing and his In the Pro-2 contest, Carl margin. Scott Taylor was the worst finish was a seventh at Renezeder took a first and a Pro-2 champion and he had. Ford Dodge in Round 10. third, Dan YandenHeuvel seven wins to his credit We are sure he'll be back added a pair of second places throughout the season, win-next year with thaf same hun-to his trophy wall and Mike ning his overall by 40 gry look in his eyes. John Oberg grabbed a third in the points. The Pro-l =~0 cham-Greaves nabbed a second first round a seventh in the • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 1 O year Bladder warranty • Safety loam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline :!~/:t.;"{;':;;:'::.~:::g • Over 25 years experience install and it's backed by a e for more info call or write to: lu/110 year warranty. Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe EL SAF 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, Oregon 97701 RadllgCells (541) 388-0203 · (541)388-0307 fax http://wNw.fuelsafe.com Page 20 last go while Mike Oberg took a third and a seventh in a rare outing in Pro-2. Scott Taylor took the Pro-2 title, Evan Evans was 40 points behind to take the silver medal in class and Carl Ren-ezeder was third in points, just one point behind second place. Dan VandenHeuvel was fourth in points and Larry Goudie was just a few back from there. In the Pro-Lite contest, Ja-son Crowder was not to be denied and he took home all the marbles for both rounds. Rick Huseman collected a second and a sixth place and Chad Hord had a third and a fourth. Jimmie Crowder garnered a fourth and a sec-. ond and Jeff Kincaid had a long 10th place followed by a decent third. Kincaid took the Pro-Lite season champi-onship, Rick Huseman was only seven points behind and Steve Federico was yet another seven points behind in the third finishing posi-tion. The Sportsman 2 contest was a good one, Dan Badoux got himself a nice December 2001 Rob MacCachren and his Trail Master Ford finished first and second and he was once again the Pro-4 season champion. · Scott Taylor didn't have a good weekend at Topeka, but he had enough points in hand to be the 2001 champion in Pro-2. first and a second in the rounds, Ben Wandashega had a second and a third to add to his collection and Michael Savage took third in the first round and then won the final contest. Mike Oberg took a pair of fourth place finishes, but he was the Sportsman 2 season champion, amassing 246 points during the season. Dan Badoux was second in points, Michael Savage was third and just off the po-dimn was Ben Wandashega. In Sportsman Stock, Jeff Lutzow took his first win ever in the first round and a third in the last round. Don Williams notched himself a pair of seconds and the Konitzers had a third and a fifth place finish. Ross Hoek took the final round win af-ter a sixth place finish in the Scott Schwalbe managed one win at Topeka and he also collected all the honors for the season championship in Super Buggy. Mark Steinhardt was the Single Buggy champion for 2001 and he also took another win in round 16, good thing, he won by 4 points. Dusty Times
Johnny Greaves had a second and a first at Topeka, he was third in Jason Crowder put two wins together at Topeka, he was the fifth place In Sportsman Stock, Jeff Lutzow had a win and a third which put him season points in the Pro- 4 category. finisher in points in the Pro-Lite division. into the third place in points for the season. · Steve Socha had a first and a fourth at Topeka and he was fourth in Carl Renezeder had a first place and a third place finish and he was Cory Heynen notched his fourth win of the season in Round 16 and points in Single Buggy for 2001. third in Pro-2 for the 2001 season. Cory was second in points in Super Buggy. first round. In the points test, Scott Schwalbe took Powell won the bronze last round, John Svanda took. and Todd Crump was third chase, Mark Kleiman took the win in Round 1, Scott medal. In season points, a second and a long 16th and after a first round 16th place the championship along with Peterson took a second Schwalbe took the win with Brad Erickson took a third finish. In the season points nine, count 'em folks, nine place and a sixth and the a big margin, Corry Heynen and a ninth place finish. chase, Mark Steinhardt took wins, Don Williams was sec-Kriemans ended up with a was second, Scott Powell ad Mark Steinhardt won the sec-his 10th win of the season in ond for the season and Jeff third and a fifth. In the fi-Ryan Mulder were tied in ond rourid after a terribly the final round and, after a Lutzow just beat out Keith nal round, Corry Heynen the third spot. disappointing 15th place fin-season long battle for the Steele for third by two took his fourth win of the In the Single Buggy con-ish; Mike Seefeldt was sec-title, he took the top podium points. season, Ryan Mulder took test, Steve Socha took the ond in that final round after position with 240 points ac-In the Super Buggy con-the second spot and Scott first round win, fourth in the a fourth in the first round Continued on page 22 ~ ~~ ":"':-.:... .. Dusty Times For our latest CQtn/og, send $3.0tJ w . . ..... MSD IGNfflON 1490 Henry Brennan Drive EL Paso, Texas 799,36 Phone: 9 I S.857.5200 Fax: 915.857 3344 December 2001 - . . .. . . • .. i-..i -~---,.,, ... ··'tT -"' Page 21
In Pro-2, Dan VandenHeuvel put.together a pair of second places and Kevin Probst capped a disappointing season with a win and a fourth Jimmie Crowder garnered a fourth and a second at Topeka, he ended that put him into fourth place for the season. · ~~~ place finish, he ended up sixth in Pro-2. the season in seventh place in Pro-Lite. Michael Savage got his first win of the season in Round 16 and that Dan Baudoux took his fifth win of the season and a ·second to finish Ross Hoek took a sixth and a first at Topeka, he was seventh in points in the Sportsman Stock division. 30 ensured him a third place season finish in Sportsman 2. second in points for the year in Sportsman 2. crued. Second in the points first round, followed by a seventh place in the first battle, Mike Seefeldt was fifth place in the final round. round and Matt Gerald was only four points behind (he Jason Bort was second in the third in the last round after only had one win, but nine first round and took fourth a sixth place finish in the second places) and Brad in the final round while Josh first contest. In season Erickson was a long third Hintz took the bronze medal points, it was John Huven with 160 points. and then was eighth in the taking the trophy with 205 In the Light Buggy con-final round. The final round points, Paul Bort was second, test, John Huven notched his was won by Curt Gerald, 34 points out of the win and first win of the season in the Paul Bort was second after a Ben O'Connell finished. in Page 22 December 2001 the third position. In Pro-2, there was no con-In the Manufacturers test as Chevrolet took the Points Series, the Pro-4 title honors with Ford a long 900 "7ent to Ford, Chevy was a points behind. long way out in second and So the season ends, some Toyota was third. In Pro Lite go off.exuberant, some are Toyota took the go still licking their wounds ld medal, Ford was a close but bet your last dollar second, Nissan was third in they'll all• be back next year line and-Mazda was fourth. to do it all again. .·.-~ ... Dusty Times
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ZR Rosarito Gran Prix By Misael "Lalo" Franco & Rene Montano Photos: Javier Perea/Motor Racing The second round on the ZR Promotion Series took place at Rosarito, B.C., Mexico. The event was hosted by Vemecom Moto-Gear and had a first place purse that Alfredo Contreras from Tijuana added to his wal-let, taking home the overall and obviously having a great race. The event was proudly spon-sored by Tecate Beer of Baja Cali-fornia, Casa de Empeno Monte de B.C., Empress Guardado Honda de Mexicali, NADIN Footwear, Transportes Baja, Su-per Car Car Wash and Promociones Bam-Bam. All of them made the winner's purse possible and we are very grate-ful. . In the M/C Open Pro race, there were two heats and Alfredo Contreras was able. to take the win in both. However, it wasn't -easy as some of the other racers were really in there, particularly Chris Ridgeway who ran a close second most of the day. Third place in this highly competitive class was Tim Staab, riding his very powerful Honda 650, al-most too powerful for this course, but he was able to hold third. Fourth ·place went to Daniel Nichols who had blown up his bike in practice but he borrowed a bike (Honda CR 125) and he made good use of it, finishing just off the podium. Fifth place in this competition was Phillip Zeiger, a well known Baja racer who rode his Honda hard, but not hard enough. In the Expert category, Rich- · ard Thorp had it all his way, riding his Yamaha YZ 250 to the win in Open Expert. Jose Aguirro was the second place fin-isher on his Yamaha followed to the checkered flag by Roberto Casas. Ignacio Iniguez rode his CR 250 to a nice fourth place finish and he was followed in by Victor Gutierrez and he was fol-lowed by Eduardo Hernandez, the sixth bike in class across the finish line. In the 125 Expert class, Sal-vador Herti.andez took the hon-ors on his Yamaha YZ 125. En-rique Sanchez was-second. ab·oard his Honda CR, closely pressured by Matte Saffron on a Honda C R 80 who took third place honors after a very fine run. Hector Hernandez, a young man who had some serious inju-ries last year was able to grab the fourth place finish, while Rodol-fo Otanez fought for fourth most of the time but ended up in the fifth finishing place. In the M/C Open Novice class Esteban Garcia was the big winner aboard his brothers KX 250, Tomas Lara was able to grab-the second spot on his KDX 200 and Victor Gaxiola took the third spot, admitting he had a lot of fun. In the M/C 125 Novice cat-egory, Tijuana native Kenneth Lopez beat nine other guys t the checkered flag on his Yamaha YZ after a trouble free run. Second place went to Christian Serna on his KTM 125 and Juan Manuel Vega was the third place finisher in class. · The M/C Open Vet class was AT RIGHT: Alfredo Contreras shows his fine riding form as he heads for the Open Pro win and a nice money bonus for his ride. HONDA Power Equipm·ent POWEil TO EB6500 RACER & SPECTATOR DISCOUNTS • GENERATORS • OUTBOARD ENGINES • GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WELDERS• WATER PUMPS • LAWN MOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS • TILLERS California's Largest Source for Bonda Po~er Equipment Parts and Inventory IF WE DONT HAVE IT, NO ONE DOES! Check our website: WWW.KAWAGUCHI HONDA.COM ., HONDA Power Equipment KAWAGUCHI HONDA CORP. . I • 3532 East 3rd St. • Los Angeles, CA 90063 Nothing S easier. (323) 264-3936,. 264-5858 • FAX (323) 264-2136 For optimum performance and safety, please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of generator to house power requires a transfer device to avoid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. ©2000 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. 4-20-01 • Z-108 Page 24 December 2001 Dusty Times
(;hris Ridgeway gave it all he had but this time it was only good enough Tim Staab was only able to garner the third spot in Open Pro but Phillip Zeiger is closely watched by the crowd as he heads for the for second place in Open Pro. there is a lot more wins in his future. finish line, fifth in the Open Pro class. Daniel Nichols rode to a fairly decent fourth place in Open Pro on a Roberto Ulloa was able to grab _the second spot in the ATV Expert Some of the Expert Class await the start, Jerado Sepulveda went on borrowed bike after trashing his in practice. _d1_'v1~·s,_·on_. ___ ~~--~~~-~~--~-~-to take the win. · no contest as local rider Leonel ship. Second to finish was and after much dicing Marco Jorge Espinoza had a great day group Enrique Pineda led on his Vallejo took both heats on his Ricardo Otanez, Raul Moreno was able to grab second taking the win on his 400ex. Sec-Yamaha PW. Honda CR 250. Second place Hernandez took the third place while Alfonso Castro took third. ond place went to Rafael In the Mini ATVs, Levi went to hard riding Brian Salley laurels, followed by Rafael lnzuza In ATV Expert Gerardo Guzman while Julio Rodriguez Rangel took first in Class A and and Gustavo Gonzalez took the and Adrian Garcia took fifth. Sepulveda took the win on his took the bronze medal. Carlos Enrique Rodriguez took third place honors. In the A TV ha ttle, Tito Honda 250, holding off the hard The ZR Kids 0(50cc) class win the win in Class B. The M/C 80cc group rode Alvarez led and won both heats, charging Roberto Ulloa and the went to James Shafer on his HM In the 50cc Mini ATV class fast and hard and the win went riding dust free and making it third finishing position went to crx, in the 60cc class Christian Constantino Alvarez took the to Jose Roberto Villa Lobos who look easy on his Lobo 265. The Josalito Muro. "Marthiens took the win on his win with Tomas Arellano i1; the was defending his champion-big fight was for the second spot In the ATV Novice Division Kawasaki RX60 and in the 65cc second spot. . .. .lilbf Dusty Times INTRODUCING THE ·NEW M/T BAJA PRO™ Mickey Thompson® off-road race tires have made their mark in some of the· most demanding races known to man. The Baja 1000, Mint 400, Paris--Dakhar and Parker 400 aren't your average trail -hopping runs. Now the new Baja Pro™ is joining the ranks of battle proven MIT ttres. The new Baja Pro™ boasts an exclusive cut-resistant compound, a unique sidewall design for extra protection, and a strong,-lightweight, race tire construction. The new B?ja Pro™, and the rest of the MIT lineup, are available at more performance outlets than any other brand. For Catalogs or Information Call: East: 4670 Allen Rd., Stow, OH 44224 (330)928-9092 West: 43455 Busines-s Park Dr .. Temecula, CA 92590 (909)587-0101 or visit: www.mickeythompsontires.com December 2001 Page 25
WHIPLASH SNOWFLAKE BIKES ··Rookie''Robert Naughton overalls By Mike Del Col Photos: Trackside Photo It was Paul Williams taking the win in MC2, his three consistent laps kept him 52 seconds ahead of his competition. JD Durfey took the coveted MC1 win at Snowflake, covering his required three laps in 2:01:47 and fast lap for the class on lap 3. So how exactly does a "rookie" get an overall win in a desert race? Easy -when it's Motocross racer Robert Naughton (Acerbis,· GPR, YSf\, Aral) of Flagstaff, Arizona. Robert had it all going his way -and was able to frustrate the Whiplash desert reguiars by getting the overall win in his first ever Whiplash desert · race. Usually, all first time racers are mandated to start in the 900 first timers class, but Robert appealed, and was allowed to compete in the Open class ... It was the right decision • as Robert commented at the finish.· Robert was the overall winner with a scorching time of 1:51:18. Robert usually co1npetes in Motoc.ross style action, but wanted to give desert racing a try. Dayton Raper finished second with an ET of 1:53:58 and commented that he could not keep pace with #21 bike through the trees. Eric Brown, Garth Sweetland, OBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 x .3.5 & 15 X 7 $84.10 $89·. 10 Centerline Wheels .. 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $129.95 $135.95 15 X 10 $146.95 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Page 26 (702) 247-1266 We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX and Todd Johnson filled out the top five finishing spots. Johnson reported having trouble navigating through traffic, and was accidentally forced off course and into a tree by another rider. .. There were 38 hopefuls in MCS and Tony Francis was fastest to the checkers, taking a nice win by a bit over a minute. Whiplash's Snowflake event is very popular with the hike and quad racers, and this year's race was well attended. 243 two-wheeler entries started the race, and 100+ ATVs made the trip to Snowflake. The first time racers were also out i:n big numbers, with 43 newbies in the bikes, and 3 7 more first time ATV racers. The cool temps, and fast course, ,i.nd lots of fun really pushes up the number of entries in Snowflake. The classes were divided into two groups to ease the traffic on the course. In the MCM class, Will Mundy took a scant five second win over Gwin Vaughn and 10 other entries. Mundy completed three laps in 2:04:02. Bill Williford, Johh lmbrial~ and Steve Richards all finished within five minutes of Mundy. Some close racing-action ... #41 Rick Watmore wiped out . injuring his leg -speedy recovery Rick. In the MCS class, Ken Koklik was the winner in just -over two hours finishing ti1ne. MCl brought 10 racers to Snowflake. J.D. Durfey got the win with a time of PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ... THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours M ·· ·· b•I® 01 SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! December 2001 2:01:47 and also ripped off the fast lap of the class on his last lap. Less than a minute back was Damon Gravning getting second place. Chris Godfrey, Jason Parker, and Whiplash WebMeister Ken Hughes, Jr. finished out the top five positions. In the MC2 class, #200 Paul Williams' winning time was 2:05: 16. Paul ran very consistently on the day -winning by less tl"l\l.n one minute. Jeff Sims, Kevin Eckels, Jon Heeley, and James Manning completed the top five. Manning owned the fast lap of the class, clipping off a 40:34 minute lap. David Garibay on the #349 bike was your winner in the MC3 class with a finishing time of 2:08:01. Once again, David had sorne very close competition with less than four minutes separating the top five riders. Ben Crawford, Abe Guepel, Mike Farrell, and Brian Bentley were hot on David's heels. Braggin' rights for the fast lap of the class belongs to Ben Crawford with a lap of42:ll. Neil Goodell was the MC6 class winner wit an ET of 2 : 12:52. Ron Edwards, Mike Becker, Steve Feld, and Dean Taylor were not far behind. Fast laps belonged to Mike Becker -who had a few extra minutes on Lap 2 cost him the race. John Middleton bested 23 other riders in the MC7 class. John's 2:10:48 was untouchable, and he owned the three fastest laps of the class. Gary Butler, Mark Fisk, Jeff Bertram, and Steven W einstein all finish in the top five. In the MC8 class, Arthur Dusty Times
David Garibay gets airborne on his way to the MC3 win, taking Eric Hays was the guy to beat in the Quad groups, but nobody Leroy Moore took the MC9 class win with ease, flying to victory the honors with a minute and a half in hand. could get near him, he took the overall by two and a half minutes. with just under five minutes in hand. Sims raced to victory in is famous for mud and dust streaking side by side for Eric Hays took the top in a cool tone. Eric covered 2: 28:53. Only four racers on the same lap. The racers about a quarter mile, then honors of the ATV0 class, and the three laps and 96 miles in completed all three laps with were started in pairs, for a battling through the infield. the overall honors as well - 18 2:04:02 ·and recorded the fast the grand prix finish . .John drag race style start into the There was lots of dust arid riders started with Eric. In lap of the ATV classes ripping Jamison, Cuffy Crabbe-and "gauntlet". It was highly dicing-even before they had Eric's words, it was a case of off a 40,11 lap. Thafs movin' Alan Curry completed all of entertaining with riders broken a sweat. "same ol'" at the finish line, Continued on page 28 their laps to finish in the top four. Arthur must have been on a terror on his last lap, ripping off a 38: 15 lap and shedding more than 12 minutes off his first lap time, and 2 2 minutes off his second. Must have been a motivating speech dufing his pit stop ... MC4 was the biggest bike class of the day -. with 45 riders. Paul Grider finished nearly a minute in front of his nearest competitor Alex Montano, Sr. Paul's ET of 2: 12:00 and the fast lap of the day at 42: 15 were good for the win. Travis Jones, Randall Fuller, and David W . Hill completed the top five. MC5 was another big class with 38 riders. Tony Francis led Dustin Schertz, Jim Lester, Mike Magyar and Lon Bra1n1ner to the top five finishing positions. Francis owned the fast lap of the class at 44:36, and his finishing ET was 2: 16:27. In the first time racer's class, 43 brave racers made the trek to Snowflake. Leroy Moore was the class of the class cruising to an easy win ' in 2 :07: 18. Leroy pushed harder each lap, with his final lap of 40:34 taking horne fast lap honors for the class. Jade Gould, Robert Kinnaman, Jared Neff, and David Gaspar completed the to five spots. Another notable finisher was Amber Naughton -wife of the overall bike class winner. Amber finished only two laps -but was obviously thrilled at the finish to see hubby Robert as the overall winner. .. QUADS To steal a note from Whiplash ringmaster Jay, Snowflake and Whiplash may have the biggest collection of Pros and ATV racers in the southwest. 100+ quads fired up their ATVs early on Sunday morning and went racing. Every make and machine was represented, from the venerable 250Rs to -the ·Banshees, to the new Raptors and even what appeared to be a "Fore1nan". All racers ca1ne to race, and race they did. All of the finishers complained of the heavy dust and some complained of the mud. The Snowflake course Dusty Times ,.:-h-'.±.dil-~ ~ a DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name In driver safety• equipment. 4-point sand rail seat belt RACE BELTS 2" · 5 point mount 3"-5pointmount SIDE COVERS IRS. Swing axle KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# ·2oomm-up to 3000#. GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# • 2400# RACING PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks .............. . 4 puc ferramic . .......... . 4 puc ferramic with spring hub GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 ½" allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930 or T-4 cages 930 or T-4 or T-2 flanges Trick boots (specify) . 930CVstar . 'l "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS · 8 " travel-stock width 8 • travel-widened beam 10• travel-stock width ,10" travel-widened beam TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11 ½•chrome T-11 ½"raw T· 1 1 518" chrom T• 1 1 5/8" raw T-4chrome T-4 raw GERMAN AUTO-ttATS GERMAN AUTO tT-SHIRTS. specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand . MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/. MK/I I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal With chrome pedal. , With hydraulic throttle Replacement slave SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . Mount plate Co1Jp/er, Rack steering stoos VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style lits 1. 7, 1.8, and2.0 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 413() Chromolv Stock length ......... pr. 1 'I, " longer . . . . . .... pr. 21/.-"longer .......... pr. 4 • longer-coil over style pr . CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1' chromoly tie rods wlends. l.soeci/v Ford or International) set ... SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3' X 3" ...... . 1-21600, 5-1600. CATALOG ... 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe $prings, CA 90670 562-863-1123 FAX 562-929-1461 December 2001 Page 27
The ATV1 class honors went to Gary Schonfelder, he too the Paul Grider beat the 44 other guys in MC4, taking the gold Arthur Sims literally flew on his last lap, turning a super fast win in a close one, only 43 seconds in hand at the end. medal with less than a minute to spare at the finish. 38: 15 to take the MC8 win by 38 seco·nds. · pretty good. Taking th e runner of 2: 11 :07 and 2: 11:38. Terry Edwards completed all three up position was Josh Frederick took advantage of some good laps with the grand prix The next stop on t h e strong a r gument could be Whiplash Desert Tour for made that t his is the' these guys is October 7th in toughest course on the Wickenburg, Arizona for the Whiplash circuit, so be Vulture Mine 100. This is a prepared ... Hope to see challenging race, on a very everyone there, and ready to rough and rocky course. A do battle! · .. -.1% with an ET of 2:06:47. Josh fuel mileage, and didn't make finish. soldiered through a flat, but a pit stop .. Corey Mellick and In the biggest (by far) class it didn't seem to slow him Haney Daniel finished fourth of the day -the first time down. Josh and Eric are and fifth respectively.Corey racerscrankeditupandwent '"Nevada boyz" and m.ade the mentioned ridingwith no rear racing. There were 37 trip down for the race. They brakes for much of the race. newbies to try the typically can be found running Several other riders had flats, Snowflake race, with the BITD races ... Completing including #151 Shiloh Strunk. Brian Mayes taking the top five positions were Tyrone Raymond was the the win. It was some Josh Simpson, Max winner in the ATV2 class with close racing action, Hernandez and Greg Kirk. A 13 entries. Tyrone reported no and Brian covered the race note at the finish was problems. Jeremy Bishop, course in 2:20:23. from #51 Eric Hanna who had Tommy Hacker, Gary Ben, Most of the racers to contend with a loose, and and Paul Varda made up the reported having lots then lost skid plate. Good top five. Several racers of fun, and will .thing there weren't too many complained of· the dust and definitely be back for Now Available in the USA big rocks out there. #65 the mud. more. Michael Michael Queen had a good "In ATV3 Steve Martinez led Trujillo finished race, but had a flat race o n th e eight other racers to victory in second with an ET of last 'lap that cost him some a time of 2:30: 10. Steve also 2:22:38. Jason M iller, time. Michael wanted to thank had the fast lap of the class on Brad Litter, and Ron a ll of his supporters, a n d his final lap. Chris Bennett, Cohoe rounded out Hacienda Honda. ATV #66 Stacey Score, and Joshua the top five. David Wylie also had a good race -but thought that his bike was a little too tall going thru th e trees ... E igh t riders took the green tn the A.TV's ciass. F rank Zeiter was th e man to beat, and couldn't be beat winnin g with a time of 2:06:37. Frank turned some pretty cons~tent laps after drawing th e # 1 pill, an d starting in th e front of th e pack. Finishing second was T y Zinunerman who completed his race in 2:09:26. In the third spot was Kirk Schreier who finished just seconds behind Ty. Kirk had turned up the wick on the last lap, and finished with the fastest lap of the day in class. Dan e C rawford an·d Kyle Krause rounded out the top five. Kyle had a brief run in with a tree stum.p that cost him some time ... #75 Mike Hubl'e r earned himself a helicopter -ride after taking a tu mble, and best wishes and a speed y recovery to you. There was an unfortu nate inciden t at Mike's accide.nt site with another rider injuring one of the riders wh o stopped to h elp Mike, and then failing to stop. It was a n ugly scene at th e finish line w ith angry racers and families confronting the young, and inexperie nced offender. Fort unately, nobody was serio u sly injured in th e incid e nt, and cooler head s prevailed . In th e ATVl class Gar y Sch onfelder eeked o u t a win with a n ET of 2: 10:24 . Seventeen racers did battle in a very close race, w ith th e top three riders finishing together. Gary mentioned racing the entire race without being able to find his drink_ing water. Terry Cook and Tony Pedotto wer_e not °far behind, with ETs Neil Goodell led all the way in MC6 but it was a close race, he won by just 40 seconds at the flag. The MC7 class went to John Middleton, he bested 23 other riders to take the win by almost seven minutes. Frank Zeiter took the ATVS win with ease, he had almost three minutes in '!_and when he got to the checkered flag. LET US MAKE ONE THING PERFECTLY CLEAR ! YOUR VOICE The ultimate in-car communications system. This Australian built inter-com out perfonns all other units on the market. Supplied with either Nokia mikes or the Military spec noise cancelling mike for the ultimate in audio clarity. Facility for 2 way radio and video camera output ! 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-CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Gorman Ridge Rally • 2aa1 By Paul Timmerman Photos: Bill Rogers Motorsports Memories George Pisek and Alex Gelsomino drove their Audi Quattro to the overall win at Gorman Ridge with 34 seconds in hand. Gorman Ridge is the second event of the California Rally Series season. It is a one-day event that runs out of Frazier Park, high up on the grapevine. It is a coefficient three club rally, and makes an ideal starting place for any budding ral-lyist. Ten new teams took the flag at Gorman as Seed 6 rookies. This ground swell of teams is having an effect on the rally scene, as the sport is attracting a talent from a nu n1ber of other sports. At the head of the class is the team of Stephen Verdier and Allan Walker. Stephen brings extensive experience from open wheel racing and also is a professional downhill skier. They Mazda entered a 323 -GD< in CRS GT class and quickly showed off.their skills. Mike and Linda Masao gave the sport a try in their turnkey ex-Mateo Tools Toyota i,:lX-16, and they seemed a quick study as well. Gabe Pari and Wayne Cunningham entered a Nis-san Sentra in Stock class and made a fine showing Taking the class spirit to the extreme, the ca.r had two modifications, a bolt-in roll cage and a skidplate, attached the first me the morning of the race. Flynn Baglin, an experienced CRS navie, and Stacy Hochanadel en-tered a silver Datsun 510 as another Seed 6 team. Jim Pierce and Shane Sims brought a desert prepared Ford Ranger out to their first rally. They were fully prepared for the water bars. Jason Schmidt and John s·tump brought out a second desert truck, this one a Chevy S-10. A graduate of the CRS rally school and rallycross circuit, Jason Childers teamed wit John Magnuson in an unusual AWD BMW 3251X. Andrew Sutherland and Steve Pappa! are another Seed 6 team, competing in a Mazda 323 GD<. Greg Montgomery and Kevin Rudniki entered in Open class in a to I IUlf ial] il I HM 1:1 I :IIJI ! 1] ~ 111] Ii: I Ii ~:l ,a FAT Champions and Winners 2001 SNORE -Buffalo Bill 400 1st Place Class 10: 1st Place Class 1/2 1600 Jeremy Gubler/Danny Ander.son Bruce Frailey/Rob MacCacrhen FATVWType I FATVW Type 1 SCORE -Baja 500 1st Place Class s· Mike James 1st Place Class 1/2 1600 Rob MacCacrhen SCORE -Primm 300 1st Place Class 5 George Seeley Best in the Desert -Vegas to Reno 1st Place Class 1 Dale Ebberts 1st Place Class 10 Steve & Ray Croll VORRA -Yerrington 250 1st Place Class 10/1 st Overall Mike Lehners 2001 POINTS CHAMPIONS CORR CORR MOR MOR Super Buggy Single-Seat Buggy Class 1 Class 10 Scott Schwalbe Mark Steinhart Richard Bovie/Tom Koch Whit Courtenay Follow their Leadl This space available for your team. We an & recommend Visit us at www.fatuerfonnance.com Page 30 FAT VW Type IV FATVW Type I FAT VW Type IV FAT Toyota V6 FAT Toyota 4AG FATVWType I FAT Toyota 4AG FATVWType I FAT VW Type IV · llfa WflBNtrl 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 December 2001 Flying high, Lon Peterson and Aaron Laeng took 1st Group 5 in Club, 1st Group 2/5 in CRS in the Toyota Celica. The Toyota pickup of Terry Stonecipher and Jeff Bruett took 1st in Production Club, 3rd in Stock, in CRS. • red Celica GT4. The final Seed 6 tro S2. Steve Winter and Ara team is Steve Jasik and Marc Manukian teamed up in the Booker in Stock class VW GTI. All EURasian automotive Mitsubishi but three of the teams finished the Eclipse that won the event three rally and moved-up to Sedd 6 or years ago. Steve is returning to the higher as a result. series after being gone for some The large class of Seed 6 teams time. Dave Turner and Mike Mc-swelled the ranks to 39 entrants. Comas are regulars in CRs· and The statistics show nine Open class continue to develop the red Jeep AWD cars and trucks, 10 two wheel Cherokee. His speed in the tail drive vehicles in Group 2/5, five truck continues to surprise. Julius cars in the new CRS GT category, Vasari and Stuart Gater run the and 14 cars in the Stock class. winged green Mitsubishi Eclipse, In Open class, national competi-and Julius is continuing to improve tor Ralph Kosmides and chief every race. Bob Pendergrass and wrench Steve McNaughton teamed Jon Welgley are stalwarts of the up in the Irvine Subaru sponsored CRS, always ready with a smile and WRX to give the Group N car a lo-a joke or story. The big Chevy cal run with its new dog box gear Blazer soaks up the rough stuff, yet set. George Pisek and Alex gives away little time even in twisty Gelsomino were back in the famil-sections like those found in the iar red white and blue Audi Quat- ORV park. Nick Korpal and Eric ProSeat Mandated by www.mastercraftseats.com Dusty Times
.. II-•..• ~ . , ·, .... ' 'l4•· • \&: .. 9' f , "'°' }'. Verdier Stephan and Allan Walker were first CRS GT and second in Open Club in their Mazda 323 GTX. Keith Roper and Ken Cassidy took 1st in GT in Club and were 2nd CRS GT in the hard cornering Ga/ant VR-4. Chris Burns and Brad Boli were the Group 2 winners in Club, 1st Stock in CRS in their nice looking Eclipse. . Schleicher are running a Mazda 323 GTX Andrew Sutherland and Steve Pappal and the Seed 6 team in an-other GTX. Greg Montgomery and Kevin Rudniki are the final Seed 6 car, a Celica GT-4. The CRS classes combine the SCCA 2WD classes of Group 2 and Group 5 into combined Group 2/ 5. Veteran of the old ridge route rally, Lon Peterson teamed with the youngster Aaron Laeng in a vintage Toyota Celica. John Schultz and Doug Mitchell entered the blue and white Mazda RX-3, Jay Streets en-tered one of his fleet of Toyota Corollas, with Bill Feyling reading the notes. Richard Byford and Fran Olsen were back in their yellow BMW 2202, running a borrowed motor. Jorge Sousa and _Betty Olivera entered an RX-7. Peter Workum and Claire Chisn1a en-tered the B&D prepared Fire Ar-row. Josh Jacqout and Ola Lysenstoen were in the indescent Ford Focus. The Seed 6 drivers in Group 2/5 were Flynn Baglin, Jim Pierce, and Jason Schmidt. listed among the favorites as they The newest class in CRS is GT. are fighting for the national produc-It is slightly more open than SCCA tion championship. Young Upstart POT class that is its rough equiva- Chris Burns is a CRS prodigy, with lent. Keith Roper and Ken Cassidy less than one year in a rally car he came to run in Keith's daily driver, is regularly beating the established a Gallant VR-4. Coming out froni experts. Chris brings with him a Arizona, the car is fully equipped, championship in off road racing, including air conditioning. Also which partially explains his quick from Arizona, Roger Hull and Sean success. Other factors include an Gallagher were back in their red expertly prepared car and the note Eclipse. Bruce Brown and Bob Moe calling by CRS hotshoe, Bradney were back in Bruce's appliance Boli. Ricky DelaCuesta and Ricky white Subaru with the normally as-Mandolino entered the familiar pirated 2.6 liter motor. Scott and Toyota Corolla. Gorman Ridge vet-daughter Tamara Clark were back erans Terry Stonecipher and Jeff in their turbocharged Subaru, now Bruett entered a red Toyota pick-sporting a new yellow paint job. up. Nick Taylor and Pete Morris The Seed 6 team drivers were were also back in a Toyota Corolla. Stephen Verdier and Kyle Childers. Doug Whited and Peter Soper are The lowest power, least expen- continuing their rally experience in sive, most popular, and arguably the Red VW Gulf, with a nice most competitive class in CRS is steady progression in speed. Don Stock class. This class combined Shreyer and Mark Smith competed what was stock and Pstock in previ- in Don's gen 2 RX-7. Patrick Rodi ous years. Tony Chavez and Doug teamed up with Jonathan Shiller in Robinson fit Gorman into their full the white gen 1 RX-7. Sean Otto national schedule, and had to be and Daniel Nichols were back out in their little red Mazda GLC. Tim lake Hughes, using the same roads Sardelich and Margo Lozoya as the conclusion of Rim of the brought out a Stock class Plymouth World. Gorman Ridge abandoned Arrow. Brian and Ian Hudson en- · the Libre Gulch stage that was dis-tered yet another Toyota Corolla. liked by two wheel drive cars due The Seed 6 entrants in this class to the deep sand. were the Masanos, Gabe Pan, and The first stage is always the first Steve Jasik. crack at North Boundary. This The speed of Gorman Ridge stage is a mixture of terrain and al-Rally can be seen in stage times over titude. It climbs up onto the side the last three years. In 1999, Rui of a mountain, then winds back Brasil set a 4.50 minute stage tim down to the finish climbing over for a best time of the day on North several rocky ridges in the process. Boundary stage, which is repeated It provides the best speculating of many times each event. In 2000, the race, and service is located just Tony Chavez. was fastest on this at the end of this stage, providing stage in his VR-4, dropping the best a central location at the ORV park. time down to 4.45 minutes. This A number of cars did not regis-year the fastest stage time dropped ter times for the first test. Ralph to 4.37 as Stephen Verdier got Kosmides found that is new trans-down to business in his last run of mission did not properly select the day in his under-powered gears. Peter Workum and Claire Mazda 323 GTX. Chizma dropped out early in the The course stayed the same as Fire Arrow as well. Jorge Sousa last year. The afternoon is spent at rolled the RX-7 right off the bat the Hungry Valley Off Road Ve-with a bit too much enthusiasm. . hide Park just south of Frazier Park. Also having trouble on the stage The evening stages still head out to Continued on page 32 = rBeri1 ·; 2.6" Dusty Times .,..._.~SHOCK .... .,.._..,ff!CHNOI.OG,Y 714.530.B701 • FAK714.530.B7CX2 1040:fl lRASKAVE.., UNff A• GARDENOROV,Z. CA 9.:1843 lltNfl!W".ldng.shodcs.corn December 2001 2.5" --€'b!KI Need coil springs? Call King Shocks! We have custom and produdion coils in stock, and the experience to get you what you need. Call today! Page 31 ·◄
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Ricky Delacuesta and Ricky Mendeola were the G2 winners in Club, Tony Chavez and Doug Robinson didn't have the best of rallies, they The bearded duo, Schultz and Mitchell drove their Mazda RX3 to 2nd in Club Group 5 and 2nd in CRS Group 2/5. · 2nd in Stock at Gorman Ridge, shown here setting up for a right hander. were 5th in Production Club and 12th in CRS Stock. was Jay Streets who lost almost ten other Seed 6 competitors. At the thing under 4.50 will be called a minutes right off, as they pulled end of this stage, Chris Burns was fast time. · their Toyota off a berm. Don leading the rally in his Stock class Stage 4 is the reverse running of Shreyer cooked off this RX-7 mo- car. Powerline/Wheatfield. This time tor and dropped out as well. Stage 3 was a repeat of Stage 1. you start out down in the flats and Stephen Vernier set the fastest George Pisek took the lead on this climb up the ridge into the sun. At time, in his very first rally special stage with a fastest time of 4;62. the end, George, Keith, Chris, stage. Also going under five min-But as cars came into service, the Steve and Dave were on the same utes was George Pisek, Keith race was very close, with six cars minute, with Roger and Stephen on Roper, Dave Turner, Chris Burns, on the same minute. George, the next minute. Lon Peterson held and Josh Jacquot. Chris Burns, Keith Roper, Steve down the next minute back in the Stage 2 is the Powerline/ Winter, Dave Turner, and Roger older RWD Celica. Wheatfield stage. This stage heads Hull were clustered at the front. Stage 6 is the last run of North up a steep rock ridge, winds along No cars dropped out on Stages 2 Boundary before going back to the the cliffs, twists as it plunges down or 3, but several came per:ilously hotel. Little change in the results a narrow rock filled chute, and close. Doug and Tony were out as teams were all dialed in after . then opens up into a wide field troubleshooting a bad distributor spending all day at the ORV park. with a long straight, a big jump cap while Josh Jacquot was hung After the dinner break at the and a narrow gate. The exposure up on a berm and finally was Flying J, the cars headed up onto along the upper sections is ex-pulled off by the Clarks. Both had the Old Ridge Route and then treme and driving in anyone's dust to fight to avoid the time bar. part way up Liebre Mountain. is extremely hazardous. Stage 4 was North Bounda.ry This is consistently one of the best Only two cars went under seven now in the opposite direction. This stages in southern California, with minutes on this stage, George pass produced the fastest run by sweepers across the top of the Pisek and Chris Burns. Stephen Stephen Verdier at 4.44. A total of rounded mountaintop, and some Verdier got a lesson about dust 12 cars went under five minutes, challenging changes in road sur-and road position on th:s stage as which was previously considered a face a width. It also marks the be-he slowed due to dust behind the fast time on this stage. Now any-ginning of the super-sized water bars. Keith Roper took over the lead on Stage 7 from George Pisek by 15 hundredths. At the same time Stephen Verdier was beginning to push hard and closed to within four hundredths of George, making up almost a minute on the stage. Stephen was the only car to break the 20 minute barrier on the stage. Jason Schmidt lost five minutes on the stage in his S-10 pick-up. With worse luck still, Steve Winter and Ara.Manoukian lost cooling in the Eclipse and their return from im-. pressive retirement was suddenly over. Josh Jacquot and O la Lysenstoen dropped out in the indescent Ford Focus with cooling issues as well. The next stage takes the rally down into Lake Hughes, and fea-tures the biggest waterbars of the rally, and some tight and twisty sec-tions higher up the mountain. Dave Turner clocked the fastest time on the stage in his Jeep Cherokee, by a slim 0.20. Incredibly, the next four cars were within two hun-dredths on the stage. They were George, Keith, Stephen, and Lon Peterson. Also ~urning good times, but bringing up the back due to earlier problems were Tony Chavez and Jay Streets. Kyle Childers and John Magnuson DNF'ed on their maiden voyage in the BMW 3 25 IX. The race back to Gorman is done after dark, and the waterbars which are so visible on the way out to Lake Hughes disappear in the shadow of the rally lights, making the return trick much trickier. Stage -9 showed a continued drive by Dave Turner, who moved into third overall, only 0.04 behind Keith in the Gallant VR4. But George had taken back the lead by half a minute with a strong push after checking times a t Lake Hughes. Stephen was also on a mis-sion, but was hampered by bent rear control arms. Andrew Sutherland and Steve Pappa! dropped out on this stage, keeping their Seed 6 status intact .. _ . .,,. Eibach Springs Is proud to announce It's complete Hne of uitra high qualitv off-road springs. Available in 10, 12, 14 & 16 Inch free lengths with 3" ID. A well designed & manufactured spring wm last thousands of cycles, even In the cruelest desen environments. That's why top chassis builder Mike Julson chooses Elbach · Springs. He knows what It takes to win ... Now so do IOU. Spring to Success ... llbacbSlll'tl1IIS, Ille. • Pllolle 949 7li2 8700 • Dls1l'lbutlM': Parker PUmper 909 3SO 1854 Page 32 December 2001 Dusty Times
S.N.O.R.E. The state of Nevada is in the process of designating areas throughout the state. In the Las Vegas district, the BLM has suggested 194,615 acre~. The Friends of Nevada Wilderness and the Sierra Club have recommended 4,326,865 acres of .. wilderness in the Las Vegas district. The wilderness that the Eco groups are pushing for will put half of the SCORE Primm race off limits. It will take away parts of the Mint 400 course, just n_orth of Las Vegas, and will close the area around Pahrump, making Terrible's Town 250-and Vegas To Reno history. The Dusty Times 250 in Caliente, Nevada will also be affected. Please help us stop this from happening. The Southern Nevada Outdoor Recreation Enthusiasts will be trying to get the message out to all off roaders in the west. In order to fight this battle we will need your help, your financial help. Please send your donations to P.O. Box 270516, Las Vegas, Nevada 89127 to help defray the cost of advertising. The Sierra Club will spend 1 00's of thousands of dollars to spread lies about the wilderness, they are even telling people that the roads will stay open in the wilderness areas. NOT . TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Call 702-452-4522 for more information on this attempted land grab■-We must act quic;:kly, or lose these lands forever! Jump in here and lend a hand! r.. •
I BITD SILVER STATE SERIES, ROUND 4 • VEGAS TO RENO Campbell/Staab come From Behind For Win By Mark Kariya Photos: Trackside Photo Johnny Campbell and Tim Staab took the overall win on their Honda, covering the Vegas To Reno course in nine hours and twenty minutes. · Defending series champions their Price Racing/Team Green/Pro that right away in a new start area Johnny Campbell and Tim Staab Circuit-backed Kawasaki KX500. Es-. north of Pahrump i1\stead of the never saw the front of the pack on posito and Grider were the first to Terrible's Town Casino parking lot. their Precision Concepts/IMS/ physically re;i.ch the finish, with A total of 129 motorcycle and ATV Acerbis-sponsored Honda XR650R Steve Hengeveld and Jonah Street teams entered. in the 526-n1ile sprint from Pah- following them in and earning third The race for the lead quickly be-rump, Nevada to Tracy Clark, 20 overall in a total time of9:24:27 on came a two team contest between miles east of Reno. In fact, two other their Precision Concepts/Dunlop/ Hengeveld/Street and Esposito/ teams beat them to the finisf1 line D.I.D. XR650R. Hengeveld and Grider who'd been second and of Vegas to Reno, the longest off Street, however, maintained their third off the line respectively. In fact, road race in America, Round 4 in hold on the lead in series points by the time they neared Pit 2 at Long Best in the Desert's Silver State Se- with only the sea$on-ending Vegas Butte 59 miles into the race, Espo-ries. 200 left. Campbell and Staab are sito and Street had a sizable gap on But no one completed that trek now second in points, 18 back, the field with the Kawasaki in front. faster, with their time on course to- while Esposito and Grider hold a However, someone. had sabo-taling nine hours, 21 minutes, 45 distant third. raged he course by changi~1g the seconds. That was a scant 31 seconds Promoter Casey Folks promised arrowing and directed the field quicker than the runners-up, Shane 120 miles of new terrain for tli.e down a dirt road away from the pit. Esposito and Andy Grider aboard race, anrl competitors saw part of That caused mass confusion for es-Danhy Cooper and David Pearson pooled their riding talerits and took the 250 class win and they were sixth overall as well. sentially. everyone. "Somebody actually went out. there and remarked [the course]," Street related afterwards. "We were lost for a long time. We went three miles down the [dirt] road, came back three miles, went back down to [another] road three miles. When that happened, all the rest of the class caught up to [me and Esposito]. When I [finally] came into Pit 2, l was seven minutes behind! It's not [prornoterl Casey [Folks'] fault but it just sucks. "When that happened, all the rest of the class [and the field, re-ally] caught up to us. Staab, who was eighth off the line, also got lost, but his situation turned extremely bleak when he ran out of gas as well. "I thought our day was done; I was just freaking, going, 'Oh my ·God, Johnny and I have been working so hard for this race1"' he admitted. "We'd done so much testing; l trained so hard. It. was just a we-gotta-win thing because we've had a couple of problems this year. A couple other races we should've won and it was like, okay, we've gotta win this one!· "Luckily, I flagged some guys down and they put their foot on the footpeg, and I grabbed their front number plate. They pushed m close [to the pit]. The Husky team, Eron Boyer, he really helped me out; I owe him a lot." Surprisingly, that mix-up didn affect the standings for very Ion By Pit 5 at the Cottontail Rane Hengeveld/Street were back in fro - barely. Esposito/Grider were we within a minute back the entire wa "All day we were chasing dust afte [getting lost at two]," Esposito sai "We w.ere within 15 to 40 secon at every pit behind 'them. It's tough way to ride - in the dust a day. "I was hoping maybe that adde pressure fofbeing in the lead for s long], putting that on them, woul do something, but they kept it t gether all day." "At first it felt like we were ther but Destry [Abbott and teammat Brian Brown) was still in the race he was right behind us [at that poin though they'd break soon after] -s we had the pressure on," Gride added. "I never really felt like I was g ing super-fast," Street explained. never was able to pull those guy I'd get them once in a while the they'd catch me. ltwas kind of fru trating." Partner Hengeveld said, "I had problem with fifth a little bit; it ju wouldn't pull iUn some spots wher it needed to. I could tell the Ka would pull it because I could se them reel me in on some long roa and stuff." Still, the Honda duo managed t stay in front until late in the rac The Pit 14 crews at Fallon, 467 mil into the race, saw Grider zoom i first with Street trailing by second "Steve Hengeveld rode so good just couldn't get by him," Grider e plained. ''I'd get up into his dust i the tight sections, and I'd get read to pass him then all of a sudden we' break out onto a road, the win would turn the wrong way ... and ju couldn't get by him. Finally, Shan towards the end, got by him an gave us some breathing room." The first KTM in 0-40 P was ridden by Ross Williams and Bill Maxim, their competition was over two hours behind them. This exercise notwithstanding, the Yamaha of Powell/Shenberger/Gill Yamaha went on for the 4STK A win. The last 70 miles were an all o sprint, Grider said: "I swear, I ha that bike pinned the whole way th last two pits. I don't'think l ever I off the throttle!" Darrol and Kevin Brown rode north to Reno on their Honda, taking the Justin Drake and Todd Davis took the 4STK P Division easily, they Matt Lyman, Daryl Ramblerton and Steve Trinies rode well on the O-30P win with ease, and fifth overall. had a couple of hours in hand over their competition. Honda, taking the 0-35 E class by four min'!tf!~· Page 34 December 2001 Dusty Time
Christopher Blais was the undisputed lronman Expert winner, riding The Wilsons and Nick Fain had a good run on their Yamaha, taking his Honda to victory in eleven hours and forty minutes. the 4STK E win with 40 minutes in hand. Kurt Carlson and 16 year old son Craig took the OPEN E class win on their Honda with a bit more than three minutes in hand. But coming on even faster were of things really eating at me. Concrete/Nevada Ready Mix Campbell and Staab. After getting "Early on, it was kind of like, KXfiOO despite a front tire whose lost and running out of gas, they'd 'Man, I'm riding okay, not making sidewall blew late in the race. "We managed to work back up to third, huge"mistakes." B.ut I know I wasn't had a good ride up until that tire physically. However, that put them going as fast as I could go. . coming apart on us, then coming nearly 10 minutes behind the lead-"As _the day went on, I felt a little into the finish we lost the brakes," ers. Since they were the eighth to better and more confident with my-Fry reported. "Besides that, pretty start that meant they actually self. When we got behind, I knew I smooth. Bike ran strong, pit crew needed to chop away a couple min- had to push, but I didn't want to was awesome, we had fun. We kind utes, and the farther they went, the push like I pushed at [the] Tonopah of pooped out at the end, I think. I more confident they became. Also, (300] and end up out in the weeds was getting tired." Fourth marked being behind that far actually so I went a couple percent less than their best finish to date in the se-worked in their favor because it gave that. ries as well. them clean air. It was the next best · "I always do really well in the Brothers Darrol and Kevin thing to actually leading -or ma be northern section of this course, for Brown from the Reno area got their better. some reason, so we had an advan- first Over 30 Pro win of the season "We knew if we just hammered rage. Even though we were behind, and claimed fifth overall in 10:15:41 down, we knew we'd be fast in these we had an advantage because we had on their D&S Waste RemovaVBig upper sections [of the course]," no 9ust and we had a great bike - it Valley Honda/Willis Guy CPA Staab observed. "If we just ham- was awesome; we worked hard and XR650R. They hardly defeated de-mered down to the end, we could tested a lot [to clear up] some heat- fending series class champs and the · do it. Johnny likes these high moun- related issues over the summer and always tough Rick Bozarth/Daryl rain roads; he's really good at put- got the bike to run cooler." Folks team, who finished 12th.over-ting the power to the ground and Obviously, the advantage Camp-using the tractability of the bike. , bell and Staab claimed wasn't all in "We just started slowly picking their heads, as they made up all the up time. Sometimes we'd stay a little time necessary, with Campbell forg-even with them. They were just ing into the lead on time well be-pushing each other, both of them fore the finish line, m.uch to the dis-up front, as hard as they could, and appointment of the first two teams we were so far back because we there. all in 11:39:01 on their Sportsman Cycle/KTM of Gresham/Pro Cir-cuit 300 M/XC. Danny Cooper and David Pear• • son practically wrapped up the . 250cc Pro championship by win-ning the class and finishing sixth overall in 10:35:13 on their DlH Racing/Pro Circuit/Tsubaki-spon-sored Yamaha YZ250 despite also getting lost and running out of gas before Pit 2. "My throat's still sore from pushing [the bike to the pit]," Pearson laughed after the race. Despite the delay, they led the class most of the day and edged the runners-up by less than six minutes, with Bryan Folks and Wade Phillips second in class and seventh overall in 10:41:07 on their Pro Circuit/ Sportsman Cycle/Dunlop KTM 250 M/XC. "Wade went down about half a mile from the fourth 6" ULTIMATE LIFT started eighth; we didn't know who "They rode phenomenally," was where or how fast they were Grider offered. "Everybody had going. We'd pick up 15 seconds little problems-in these races there's here, 15 seconds there. nothing you can do about it, there's "It was hard. These guys were so many outside elements in these riding really well today; all these guys races -and they just rode great. I con- . were going fast. They all had clean, gratulate them on it, an awesome .r CAST lJfT SPfNOUS Ul'Hlt CONTitOt.MMS COILSNJNGS aL1Ut au,cxs 6 U 90lJ'S clean races. We were watching for · job they did. them to make _mistakes tip front; it "I do wish we could've been didn't happen. But luck was with there; 31 seconds is a hard thing to us at the end." swallow right now, especially when Amazingly, this was Campbell's you add up the money we lost on first race following minor left knee it." At least he could tell himself it surgery 28 days before, and it was wasn't too bad as runner-up was his only the second time he'd been on best series finish to date. Partner a bike in that time. The first time Esposito was actually the defending was when he rode 250 miles four race champion from '99 (his part-days before to break in a bike. Thus, ner that year was David Ondas), he felt comparatively rusty in his first since Best in the Desert ran the.Ne-stints in the morning. vada 2000 last year. "It's been a pretty tough month While those first three teams all for me," he admitted. "Just a lot of finished in well under nine and a stuff going on - more than normal half hours, the fourth place finish-activities; knee surgery, new baby ers (and fourth in Open Pro) took girl named Paris (his and Fay's sec-over 10. David Fry and Kirk ond child), and , of course, we had Stephenson crossed the line in the national catastrophe - just a lot 10:11:20 on their Dollar LLC/MS 4 ,.MnOI ~ SHOOCS , • $ 17 49 o 95 INSllUllD 6 " ULTIMATE LIFT COILSPIIWGS ltEAIIKOCICS6UIIOln 4 fMTRH~SHOCKS $ 1549.95 INn\LLIID 2WD F150 6" ULTIMATE LIFT :r La'?" Sl'INOUS Uf'l"Elt CONTitOI.NtMS COIL SP1tWGS ftAll lllOOCS 6 U ■oc..n 4 FMffCH l'Ell'OttMAHCa SHOCKS $ 1699.95 INSW.U!D SUH u ~ TIMS wrntOUT A aoot' W'T FO RD SUPERDUTY 4WD F250/350 5.5" PERFORMANCE LIFT son .. or fltONT iiN SPRINGS nOHT IIOX Kn' HM au)CkS 4 P'All'TECH PIUFOIIMANCa SHOCKS s1349.95 INnW.ED 8" LIFT AlSO IN STOCK "PRERUNNER" & 4WD 1988·98 CHEVROLET 1<2500/3500 4 " UFT S1599.95JNSNJ.£D 1988-98 CHEVROLET K1500 6 " UFT 11599.95 INSW.J.ED JEEP WRANGLER TJ pit and twisted his knee up pretty good," Folks said. "We closed the gap, and it looked like we were maybe going to be able to get in front of them -because we knew we had to get in front of them and make up two minutes -then Wade fouled a plug in one of his sections. "At one point we were 13 min-utes down! We closed it up pretty tight, but it was too little, too late. "It's unfortunate. I feel like the last couple, three years I should dominate this class because l feel like we've the fastest team always. We keep just having small problems. It's not the bike; it's either rider er-ror or bad luck. I'm not a real be-liever in luck, but I just can't seem to get any type of good luck. That's just the way it goes, I guess. We'll just keep hammering away, and Continued on page 36 . S99.95aa. ,2349_95_,,,, WI Dt.W. ~ StlOCXS s1899.9s---w,_,.,...,.,..$11GC11$ REAR LEN SPRINGS AVAIUU!ll.E ~-----SMITTYBILT SURESTEPS FROM S189.95 1 •• _3_ PERFORMANCE LIFT HIDDEN HITCljES & CLASS III S59.95 a• A'All..AIJI.E IN l!JI.AOC. CHROME. S.S. z,=~E:HOCMS 714-870-9422 He won the lronman Amateur class, but Don Bird had a long day, almost 15 hours out on the course on his Honda. Dusty Times --I !.!A! .. ~!:2~:::::.:~ · L4qgres!t.11/e -.us11,:g~fflP.fi (M)@·@@(M)@(N;Y@@ December 2001 Page 35
The Hints/Clagg/McGregor trio were the 0-30 E winners on their The Caudillo/Campbell/Dodson group were the h9ppy winners of the Jack Roberts and Aaron Osborne were the easy winners in 0-25 E on their Honda, their competition was three hours behind. Honda, shown here passing Steve Carver. 250 E class, taking the flag with hours in hand. hopefully it'll change and we'll get a dear-cut four stroke Pro victory. Eron Boyer and Matt Burroughs back on a win streak." At least this Class runners-up Joe Desrosiers and ended up with their best series fin-time he finished healthy. Brian Sheakley were 32nd overall in ish to date-ninth overall in 10:49: 19 Acme Curb/Pro Circuit/ 13:02:33 on their Maggard Racing/ on their RG3/FMF/Torco-assisted O'Neal-backed Yamaha riders Todd Takasago .Excel Rims/RK Chain Husky thumper. They also lost time Davis and Justin Drake finished Yamaha. • replacing a rear brake hose when it eighth overall in 10:42:27, earning After giving Staab assistance, burned through on the exhaust. Shane Esposito and Andy Grider lost the overall by a scant 31 seconds after nine hours out on the course. Page 36 Bill Maxim and Ross Williams rounded out the top 10 and easily took the Over 40 Pro win in 11:22:36 on their Williams Devel-opment Group LLC/Sportsman Cycle/Dunlop KTM 380 M/XC. Rick Burrus anc:I Jim McCart_ney needed 13:41:51, finishing 43rd overall on their Z Racing/Bear Welding/Desert Vipers KTM. Team Hawaii's second trip to the mainland for a BITD race paid off with a big win. Not only did Daryl Hambleton, Matt Lyman and Steve Trinies win Over 35 Expert on their Pflueger Honda/IMS/Dunlop XR850R, they also were the first Ex-pert finishers in 11 :40:02, giving them 13th overall. A close second in class and 17thoverallin 11:44:21 went to Nevada's Steve Pankas, Ron December 2001 Purvines and Donald Tussing on year old Glenn Myers was the only their Countrywide Estate Planning/ rider listed on the class runner-up TPS/IGT KTM. Ozzie Kraft Pools entry, sponsored by My Wife and KTM riders Cory Ayers, Mark Nevada M/C Specialties, he fin-Davidge and Kevin Kraft took third ished 24th overall in 12:21:00 on in class and 18th overall in 11:48:54. his KTM. Jamie Graham, Curtis Perhaps more impressive than Moon and Glenn Warren were the Hawaiians' feat was-Honda-next to the finish and next in class mounted Christopher Blais. Not on their CG&B Development/ only did he win Ironman Expert, CSR/$ Loan Center Yamaha in but his 11:40:48 finish put him 12:24:47. 1-Sth overall and second overall Ex-. Craig and Kurt Carlson won pert! David Meek, Jr., took second Open Expert in 12:01:55 on their in class on his Dirt Diggers North Stroker/Rogers Race Prep/Melissa-M. C./Mee k Constructioq/ backed Honda, good for 20th over-Hangtown .MX-sponsored Honda, a1 . That put them two places ahead his 12:49:48 putting him 31st over-of class runners-up Clay Connelly, all. Hisahide Ueno rounded out the Clay Gremel_ and Blane· Mortensen class top three with a 14:43:21 52nd who rode the Secoroc USNBarrick overall on his Protech Sports/ZZZZ Goldstrike Mines/DH Racing Ka-Racing/Bridgestone-backed wasaki for 12:05:20. Next in class -Yamaha. but 27th overall- were Chris Dever, Nick Fain, Josh Wilson and George Follis.and Cody Gremel in Shawn Wilson topped the four 12:27:01 on their self-sponsored stroke Expert class on their Gone Honda. Wild/Sierra Racing/White Lap Doug Clagg, Kurt Hintz and Gold Hill Yamaha; their 11:44:06 Mike McGregor took Over 30 Ex-gave them 16th overall. Fifty-one pert and were 21st overall in Dusty Times
Mike Rusiewski and Lee Cunningham rode to victory in the 0-35 A Croot/Embro/Holbrook took the 0-30 A class win, their competition Deke Williams and Craig Donkin had a nice ride on their Honda, taking class, none of their competitors finished the race. · was an hour and a half behind them at the flag. _the OPEN A win in 14 hours and change. The Kribe/1/Matsuura/Alcuran Honda rode to the 6-40 E class win, their competition was an hour in arrears. The 0-48 A class win went to the Brown/Monterone/Walters trio, riding Gil, Tom and Les· rode their KTM to the 0-40 A class win, almost 16 their Honda to a nice finish. hours out on the course. 12:02:01 on their Prospective/ MSR/ Answer-assisted Hond . They were two bikes ahead of Cus-tom Cycle-ATV of Mesa, AZ/Tuff Guy Racing Team, In./Family-backed Honda riders Gary Cluff and Jim Jaquette at tli.e finish, which i:he runners-up reached in 12: 14:33. Third in class went to Mike Healey, Dana Jones and Eric Swanson, who were 36th overall in 13:07:55 on their Pro Circuit/ IMS/White Brothers Honda. Donnie Campbell, Eric Caudillo and Zack Dodson won 250cc Ex-pert,' placing 30th overall in 12:39:29 on their Race Tech/Na-tionwide Cycle/ Answer KX. Hide and Noriko Hanawa took second in class, 75th overall, in 18:11:01 on their Protech Sports/ American Honda-backed machine. Aaron Osborne and Jack Roberts teamed up for the Over 25 Expert win in 13:02:50, giving them 33rd overall on their TSW Racing/The Force/Reverend Jim-sponsored Honda. They easily defeated Galle-ria Neck & Back/Darrell Spilsbury Orthodontics/Roger A. Russell, Chiropractic Orthopedist-assisted KTM riders Kenny Kimball, Roger Russell and Darrell Spilsbury who were 45th overall in 14: 11 :50. Jeff Landers, William McKinley and Robert Watts were a distant third in class and 68th overall in 16:05:49 on their Countrywide Estate Plan-~ing/ Galleria Neck & Back/Pit Crew Honda. Dick Alcuran, Dave Kribell and Winston Matsuura gave Team Ha-waii two class wins by topping Over 40 Expert on their Pflueger Hon-da/IMS/Dunlop XR650R, finish-ing 49th overall in 14:29: 10. That gave them just over an hour on class runners-up John Karell, Bill Pallotto and Bruce Steigleman, who were 58th overall on their Orange County Honda/Westcoast Motor-sports/BRP-backed XR. Charlie Barney, Steve Pitts and Frank White were third in class and 69th overall in 16: 16: 15 on their ATK/Torco Oil-sponsored ATK. Over 48 Expert went to South-ern Californians Tom HolmPs, David Kersting and Steve Thomp-son; they rode a Holmes Body Shop/Eric's Motorcycle Co. KTM to 64th overall in 15:58:41. Wash-ington residents Jerry Allen, Tom Jessmer and Howard Larsen were second in class and 7 3rd overall in 17:28:31 on their I-90 Motorsports/ Lynwood Yamaha/Seattle Cycle Center Yamaha. In the Amateur ranks, Damon Gill, Shannon Powell and Eric Shenberger earned top honors by taking overall Amateur and Four-stroke Amateur on their Motor-cycle Tire Center/Sports West Yamaha/In House P·rinters Yamaha. Their 13:04:39 put them at 34th overall. That put them well Continued on page 38 ~~~= The Quad Amateur winners took 22 hours to finish but Steve Thompson, Bill Pirgery and Steve Abbott were happy with the win. Dusty Times Cl) :::, t5 <( (.) ~ UJ w I 3: UJ z :::i a: w 1-z w (.) <( ::;; <( I 0 :,.: 0 >-Cl) a: w 3: g CD <( ..., <( CD Cl) a: w s u:: z o<l :,.: :,.: ~ <!l :::, CD SUPE TRAPP AU T LEE ·cNC YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS! :E :D G) I --1 PHONE (714) 441-1212 FAX (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 I 0 :E Designed by Raceco iri 1990 for military use, re-designed by McKenzie's for Off-Road use in 1994. This unit gives you more travel, less stub axle load and lighterweight, comes complete with arm mount-ing flange, disc brakes with billet calipers and pads, bearings and chromoly stub axles. Fresh Air Helmets Comes with shield & Hardware. CAC-100 Helmet Wired - Small CAC-200 Helmet Wired - Med. CAC-300 Helmet Wired - Large CAC-400 Helmet Wired - X-Large CAC-500 Helmet Wired -XX-Large CAC-101 Non-wired Helmet - Small CAC-201 Non-wired Helmet - Med CAC-301 Non-wired Helmet - Large CAC-401 Non-wired Helmet - XLarge CAC-501 Non-wired Helmet - XXL (8) SHOE! UMP Air Filters cr:b UMP-10900 UMP-10920 UMP-10915 UMP-10610 UMP-51000 UMP-58000 Super Filter w/Brackets Super Filter Scoop Replacement Wing Nut Air Filter Shield for Weber 9"x5"x6" T 1 0" dia. Straps-Stainless Steel 8" dia. Straps-Stainless Steel RaceCar-Jack RAC-JACK Flame Out Extinquishers SAF-RC-250 2-1/2 lb. Sys. SAF-RC-500 5 lb. Manual SAF-RC-500C 5 lb. Manual Compact Rallye4000 HID Lamps m --1 ~ 0 z 35 watts - Black HEL-74801 Rallye 4000 Euro Beam ~ HEL-74802 Rallye 4000 :n Batte~Bo~~:Beam. A.. ! MET-229 0¢ima Batte,y "!!!ll.,., C MET-229DD Optima Dimple Die d MET-236 Stock VW B. Box ~ MET-237 U-1 Battery Box MET-237DD U-1 Dimple Die Power Steering HOW-1000 Sweet Servo HOW-7530 Top Coupler-30 Slpine HOW-7548 Lower Coupler-48 Spline HOW-8000 P/S Pump-1300 psi HOW-8000A P/S Pump, Alum -1300 psi .. HOW-8001 P/S Pump, Char1yne -1000 psi HOW-8004 4-1/2" Pulley - Press On HOW-8005 5-3/4" Pulley - Press On HOW-8006 2" Howe Ram HOW-8007 Custom Ram HOW-BOOB Reservoir ~Jlla HOW-8004/8005 HOW-8006~ ;:,; m z m ~ CD ;= Cl) --1 m z c.... )> s:: )> :D Cl) )> () 0 Mickey Thompson Tires § Are The Best! ~ Designed for Off-Road with Tut-Treads and Side-Biter Sidewalls "Tl 0 X Cl) I 0 () ;:,; (/) ~ SAF-RC-500P 5 lb. Manual Push Activater Ultra Wheels > SAF-RC-500CP 5 lb. Manual Compact/Push Activater )> C :D 0 :D )> < SAF-RC-1000 10 lb. Manual ULT-5352 15 x 3-1/2 VW ~ ~ SAF-RC-1000P 10 lb. Manual, Push Activater. ULT-5752 15 x 7 VW :ri ~·--------------------------------------·~ • CR SI PSO A SEATS EL • KC ILITES O DRILL REDLIN OIL MP S&S HEADE S December 2001 Page 37
It was a long.day for Tom, Steve and David, they rode their KTM to the 0-48 E win in 15:58:41. Steve Beilman and Greg Stuart were the overq/1 Quad winners, riding their Yamaha to a great QUAD P win. The Waldaias/Singer/Fitzpatrick Yamaha took the Quad Expert win with ease, a long day at 16 hours. ahead of Bill Clarey, Scott Clarey and Ash Vaughn, who were 59th overall in 15:30:12 on their O'Neal/HRP /Factory Effex Hon-da. Gordy McCarty, Kevin Parsons and Tim Parsons finished third in class and 63rd overall in 15:57:38 on their Parsons Brothers Rock Re-taining Walls Honda. · Dickinson Cameron Construc-tion/HAHM Motorsports/Renkow Mechanical-backed Lee Cunning-ham and Mike Rusiewski were the second Amateur team and the Over 35 Amateur winners in 13:38:44, This is the i,ystem run by most off road race winners GO FOR .. good for 42nd overall. That put them ahead of the win-ning Over 30 Amateur team of JE Constructors, Inc./Holbrook & Walker-sponsored David Croot, James Embro and David Holbrook, all of Georgia, who were 46th over-all in 14: 12:40. Texans Richard Parks, Steve Powelson and John Powers were second in class and 62nd overall in 15:57:lr o-n their Powelson Motorsports/Foley & As-sociates/ Cycle Center of Denton Honda. Honda-mounted Craig Donkin TRI-MIL BOBCAT q{ROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR l" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 Page 38 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED and Deke Williams took the Open Amateur victory, placing 4 7th over-all in 14: 16:04. The next Amateur to finish was Ironman winner Donald Bird, 53rd overall in 14:49:56 on his B&G Beauty Supply/Janie Bird, Pres./Bonnie & Joe Wright-backed Honda. Iron Mike Racing/Mal-oney Vision Institute/Millenium Cycles KTM-mounted Mike Dejohn took second in class and 55th overall in 15: 15:07. Dan Lorenze took third in class and 60th overall in 15:49:46 on his Trick Dualsport/Full Spectrum Analytics/Simi Valley Cycles Yamaha. Gilbert Ashdown, Tom Gillum and Les Willis teamed up for the Over 40 Amateur victory in 15:52:49, good for 61st overall on their KTM. In all, 79 of the 106 teams finished. On the ATV end of things, the sibility. course misdirection affected them Tim Fitzpatrick, Howie Singer as well. At the finish, however, and Jeff Waldaias won Quad Ex-Steve Bellman and Greg Stuart pert in 16:47:25, the fifth ATV to were literally miles ahead of the the·finish. They rode a Team Alba/ competition, stopping the clock at Titan/GWC Yamaha. Danny Rudd 11 :50:05 on their Alba Motor-and Allen White were second in sports/ ATV Television/Laegers class and seventh ATV in 18:23: 19 Yamaha. The win also moved them on their Golden West Cycle/IMS/ into a tie for second in series points Duncan Racing Roll Design. with Doug Eichner and John Ore- Eighth to the finish in 20:56: 13 gory, who DNFed.--and third-Quad Expert went to Mike Johnson and Dwight Mike Berichon, Charles Lowell's third place finish keeps Genesemer and Bret Greenholz, them far in front, points-wise. They who rode an XR's Only/Good-arrived at Tracy Clark in 13:32:27 year/Perf. Metal Wks.-backed ma-on their THOR/Golden West chine. Cycle/Edelbrock-backed Honda. The ninth and final ATV fin-Michael Cafro and William isher belonged to Quad Amateur Yokely took second Quad Pro for winners Rich Piazza, Bill Pingry and the day in 13:26:00 on their SteveThompson.TheyusedaPPD Temecula Motorsports/IMS/ITP Racing/Pingry' s Motorcycle/D&E Tires Roll Design. That gives them Yamaha and stayed on the course fourth in points, with third a pos- for 22:21:19. ..-.. , CAil TOil l"REE ._-888-755-5900 NOW YOU CAN GET THE SAME GREAT SERVICE AND PRODUCTS THE WINNER$ IN SNORE·SCORE·CORR-BffD•MDR•BORE·MORE·VORRA·PRA·ASDA HAVE BEEN GmlNG FOR YEARS BEL RAY CV GREASE · SWEPCO GEAR OIL #203-#212,.-#201. 10% OFF CASE LOTS HEAVY DUTY CHALLENGER RIMS GERMAN THING DRUMS GERMAN FRONT LINK PIN DRUMS GERMAN TYPE Ill DRUMS 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WDOVEN BRAK£SHOES OWEL BALL JOINTS HELLA -ff - I -D UGHTS PIAA HIGH - LOW LIGHTS YOKOHAMA TIRES SUPER DlGGER 1TI 33 X 10.50 X 15 -WHAT WE CAN DO TO PUT YOU IN THE WINNERS CIRCLE -* MAGNAFLUX SERVICE * VINYL GRAPHICS (WILD TO MILD) * TRANSMISSION SERVICE * SHOCK SERVICE {Rl:VALVE/Rl:BUll.D) * DRUM STUDDING * _PLENTY OF FREE ADVICE ON WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN! ---~~ Ci'~nirt~ttun ·--· 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI SAM.PM * SAT 9Aflll.5PM (702)871-5221 RIX . December 2001 Dusty Times
.. Dennis kordonowy took a first in moto 1, slipped to third in the next Fred Cafasso took the honors in both motos and was the undisputed Gary Steele put together a pair of second places at Prairie City which moto and that relegated him to second in Class 1 0. winner in the 7S Class. gave him second overall in Sportsman Vet. VORRA PRAIRIE CITY ous in most cases. finis ing position. In th.e Class 1 com-Sportsman Vet had a Berri Takes Two petition, Sam Berri pretty big entry and it started second in the was Al Cartlidge taking first moto, finished sec-fourth in the first ond, then took a first m ·oto, a win in the sec-By John Calvin place in the second ond and that was motor and was pro-enough to give him the claimed the overall class win. Pelko had a winner i"n. class. Denn.is third and a second to Kordonowy took a first take second overall and and a second, got the Glen Murfin put a first same amount of points and a sixth together for as Berri but was allo-third overall. Fourth cated the silver medal through ninth place overall. Mike Lehn.ers wen.'t to those who put a pair of third place would rather win finishes together and J. Cast ran in Sports-he earned the bronze n,an. Vet as well as medal for the weekend Class iO and here he in Class l. was able to take both Sam Berri was the Class 10 winner, taking a second in the first moto, first in moto 2 and the net result is first in class. Class 10 saw Berri motos fo~ the overall and Kordon.owy bat-win in Vet class. Gary ding for the lead again Steele had two second and once more it was places which gave him Sam Berri taking a sec-that silver medal and ond and a first, thus Mike Le hners ran the ·winner in class, fourth and third for making it two hotly third overall in Vet. contested wins for the Class 7 S was a no weekend. Kord~nowy brain.er as Fred Calosso had a first and a third decided to take hon,e and that gave him the all the marbles and second spor in class, a ·that's just what he did, pair of deuces for the a pair of wins in the weekend. J. Cast had a highly competitive third and a second class. J. Hix had a pair 'The VORRA Short Course Championship Series kicked off at Prai-rie City late in .Septem-ber, the first of three races in their short course series. The heavily contested al-which gave him third of deuces for his weather gods smiled on most all the time. for the· weekend. trouble and was second them and for the two There were two mo-Fourth place went to overall and Gary-Skip-day event all was honey cos to compete in for D. Smith, Steve Brad-ton. thought third was a and roses, except for each class and the rac-ford was fifth and Tyler nice number and took the racing which was ing was fast and furi-Mort took the sixth Continued on page 40 ~----------------------~ Forest Creasy was a bit besmirched with mud but he stiff won both Steve Sousa drove his neat looking car to a second overall in Class 9, Bruce Field lets it all hang down as he heads for the Class 8 win, motos at Prairie City, ergo first overall in Class 9. second spot in both motos. · taking first in both motos. ============================ The Sportsman Vet Class was no contest as the Cast buggy took the Gary Skipton had a couple of third place finishes which gave him Patty Hayos glides to first overall in the Class 7 competition, winning win in both motos. third overall in Class 7S. both motos at Prairie City. -Dusty Times December 2001 Page 39
,,... In Sportsman Vet, Mike Lehners had a fourth and a third in the motos Paul Franklin (5) puts a move on Clint Wolsey and went on for the In Sportsman Novice it was Al Cartlidge putting together a fourth and and that gave him a third overall in class. =====. Pilot Class win at Prairie City. ;,a~l;;,irs;;t;,,;~,;o;,,,r ;;;th:;e~c;;;la;;s;;s:c,;w~,~·n;,. ================, Glen Murfin won heat #1, fell to sixth in the second heat and that gave him a third overall in Sportsman Novice. David Lucas was quite consistent in Class 9, he took third in both Matt Taylor drove to an uncontested win in Class 8 at Prairie City, motos and was therefore 3rd overall. shown here in his very black Ford. a pair of thern to collect the bronze award. Class 9 was a nice weekend for Forest Creasy as he took the win in both heats and the overall Class 9 win. Souza had a pair of sec-ond place finishes which gave him the sec-on , two third second overall in class ished secon in c ass. an too t :1.e c ass win. places for Dave Lucas with a pair of second In Veteran 8 there Clint Wolsey finished put hirn on the podium place finishes.. was only one coqtestant in the unfamiliar sec-. and Eric Steiger col-Bruce Field took two so Matt Taylor had a ond place and Miles lected 23 points for two first place finishes in nice day, getting in Burgnold took the fourth place finishes. the heats which gave some seat time and tak-third.place finish. In the Class 7 contest him 56 points and the ing the undisputed win. October 6th and 7th Hayes made it look easy Class 8 overall win, In the Pilot class, is next on the Short as he won both motos while Dan Cannon had Paµl Franklin out du-Course agenda, see 'ya while Steve Lucena was lots of troubles and fin-eled his competition there! __ . .,fW ultimate long travel ford long travel system Get the benefits of our Long Travel system and 3" lift spindles, creating 6" of lift for incredible ground clearance. ~ @r-@I ■ 3 • lilt spindles ■ Upper Control arms (aiJ)~W)' ■ Lower Control arms ■ Coil springs ■ 3 way front shocks ■ Performance rear shocks ■ Rear kit 3-wau adjustable shock absorbet:, ~ --1 a,= (:t4tar .•.IJ&ffi·. < toyota lono travel system Dur Toyota 2 wheel drive, 6' 1van Dan' long travel system. Built to satisfy all the selious off roaders out there. -,j;. :rtt!!k · ·/ iN . Page 40 custom i beams Oflroad bullet proof design provides maximum strength with 4130 Chromoly steel I /8th' thick plate and tubular inner structure. 1990-94 lord ronger .,. performance sustem Our exteoded radius arms are offset further inboard offeling increased tire clearance and 4' more wheel travel Dual Shock System 2 shocks per front wheel, adds high performance dampening, a• Suspension System used in a racing ' application with coil over shocks. Using Fabtech custom I beams, this configuration cycles out at 19' of wheel travel. extended radius arms Our extended radius arms are offset further inboard for increased tire clearance. Hanger models shown, which include new pivot mounts. 1998-on lord ranger z.s · performance sustem 2.5' of lilt with a 2' increase in wheel travel. 1973-87 C10 ., .. lono travel sustem Gives you the needed clearance for 33' tall tires. d 1·-'1// / '~r1 December 2001 angled e !! !!Jiber(!! ! include front fenders, bedsides and hodds. The front fenders and bedsides are flared with wheel travel in mind. spare tire mount Constructed using 1 1/ 4' steel tubing and MIG welded at the joints for long lasting strength and durability. flat spare tire mount stamped steel tabs Dur vast assortment of stamped steel tabs simplify your fablication needs . Call for a distributor nearest you Phone 714-990-885□ -Fax 714-990-8B54 www.Fabtechmotorsports.com DR E-MAIL US AT info@fabtechmotorsports.com Dusty Times
SCCA MAINE FOREST RALLY Burke ·and Cunningham Finally Get A Win Text & Photos: Jerry Winker Seamus Burke and Frank Cunningham got their first win of the season in Maine, taking the overall in their fast and dusty Mitsubishi Lancer. · After getting a podium teer Ramana Lagemann Ellsworth, and John spot at the first five events on could also pose a strong Drislane. Keith Townsend the SCCA ProRally tour chis threat not only for the class and Jean Sebastian Besner year Seamus Burke along win, but overall status as were also down from Canada with navigator Frank Cun-. welL The Rally Knight Team . in their Open class 'and ningham took their first win Impreza of Steve Gingras, Group N Evos respectively. of the season in their Mitsu-Lon Peterson, and Jonathan The last privateer to watch. bishi Lancer Evo VI. The Ryther were also back after up front was the Eclipse of field of 121 starters was the Ryther was the only finisher Doug Shepherd after putting biggest ever for a North at STPR. Team Canada was in a strong run at SPTR last American event with many to have three cars at Maine, mo·nch only to DNF near the regulars from the Canadian but at the last minute de-end. series venturing south to a cided to run only two. The Hyundai also looked to be rally that is fast, yet demand-Open class car of Tom a strong conten.der as well af-ing on suspensions. The fa-McGeer along with the Pro-ter their two Open class miliar wooden bridges must duction GT car of Pat Rich-Tiburons DNF'ed at STPR. be taken straight or a bent· ard were both on hand to do Noel Lawler was still looking rim or suspension failure can baule wid1 d1t: ud1c::r team for a top finish after being 0 result. Along with rocks and from the states. Henry for 5 at finishing events this piles of logs, these factors Krolikowski was also on year. Paul Choinere likewise can catch a team vying for po-hand in his Group N WRX. wanted to make a big impres-sition off guard. The dust, At Mitsubishi, Seamus sion after winning here last due to a lack of rain in the Burke and Rhys Millen were year. Malachy Crawford was area, came into play in a large the two top dogs along with in his Elantra hoping for a way at this event as well. Garen Schrader making a re-good finish as well in his ex-Subaru Team USA was turn since being gone from Libra Racing car. Andy back for this event not with the series since Cherokee Bornhop was the hired gun the same WRC car that Mark Trails in March. These would driving the Production class Lovell won the STPR rally in be the three Evo drivers who Tiburon on this weekend. June with, but with a new car could pull the upset this Several other privateers built to better match US weekend as the first two were were present to do battle up rules. The WRX could either hot for wins and Garen had front. In its last Maine For-be a men.ace to the other top been winless since Rim of est Rally, Frank Sprongl drivers points chase or could the World in California back would be driving the old re-experience teething prob-in 1999. TAD Racing also liable Audi Quattro S2 lems. The two Group N cars had Evos for Thomas Law-which has been a threat for of Karl Scheible and priva-less, Tim Paterson, Alec many years in North America Guy Anderson threw lots of rocks and gravel as he took the Production Class win in a rented Honda Acura. Dusty Times rallying. Pete Pollard also showed up in a Toyota Celica All-Trac after being away from American rallying for several years. Jon Kemp was also here in his Audi Quat-tro as well. The first stage was new to the event this year. The street stage that had been so popu-lar in years past was no more as several dangers occurred at last year's event. The new location was at a park on the outskirts o f town and the fans loved it. To m McGeer was a slight tick faster than b oth Hyunda is. Lovell (in the WRX), and th~ Mitsubishis o f Burke and Schrad er. Unfortunately his December 2001 Bryan Hourt took the Group 5 win, but just by a whisker and it was on the very last stage of the rally. fast run would end on the very next stage as he slid off the road and damaged his suspension. This left the battle for the lead a toss up between Burke and Lawless (Evos), Lawler and Choinere (Tiburons), and Lovell (WRX). All cars finished the first night with the exception of Lawless whose navigator was lacer to have been found with pace notes. As these are not allowed at this event he was given a disqualification by the organizer and put on a two month/three race pro-bation by the SCCA. At the end of the first night Burke lead Lawler and Choinere with Lovell and Sprongl just a few ticks be-hind. Group N was led by Ramana Lagemann whose first event was here a tnere two years ago. He led over the Subarus of Scheible and Krohkowsli. ln Production GT, Pat Richard led his class -by nearly a rninute over the Mitsubishi Eclipses of Lauchlin O'Sullivan and Mark Utecht. Pat -had a rough final stage as·the right-rear was heavily towed out after hitting a rock. Group 5 was going to be a real toss-up as Carl Jardevall (Volvo 740. Turbo) and Andrew Havas (Mazda RX-7) were tied up with the same score. Less than a minute behind was the new Acura lntegra of Bryan Hourt. In Group 2, Chris Havas held a slight · lead in his VW GTI III over the VW GTI II of Richard Pilczuk. And finally in Pro-duction class, Guy Anderson came over from Great Brit-ain to do battle in one of the closest class battles this year. Craig Peeper and Peter Reilley (Ford Focus), Tom Young (Dodge Neon), Mike Halley (VW New Beetle), and Jeff Field (Dodge Shadow) were all just about within the san1e tninute as Anderson's Acura Integra. The final stage of the night was cut short by the crash of John Keaney's Audi Quattro. Keaney went off and rolled upside down. Af-ter he and his navigator ex-ited the car a small fire broke out which eventually led to a major conflagration. The car was a total loss and the remainder of the field had to cake an alternate route back home after the local fire de-partment was dispatched. The start of Day 2 was a -bad one for Subaru Team USA as both cars received bad fuel prior to the start of the first stage. Both cars had to have both fuel filters re-placed after losing a lot of time during the first three stages. Karl Scheible was in misery after also having a flat which cost him valuable time to change. Noel Lawler als·o had a major flat which caused him to limp through two stages causing a ·1or of" un-happiness for the people who had to follow him through his thick dust. Around this tin1.e as well Pete Pollard had a flat on his Celica. Group 5 leader Carl Jardevall caught him and An-drew Havas tucked in behind as well. Unfortunately as Havas had to try to read the treeline rather than look at dust he drove off the road and was high-centered out of the race. Now all that J arde-vall had to do was to hold off a hard-charging Bryan Hourt for the Group 5 win while his Volvo belched out plumes of oil smoke. Henry Krolikowski had a massive roll-over in his WRX. The front end re-ceived the majority of the damage as the car pirouetted during several rolls. Unfortu-nately, it looks as though his Group N championship hopes were dashed after win-ning the Group 5 Champion-ship two years ago. In Group 2, the ever flying VW GTI of Richard Pilczuk was catching Continued on page 42 FREE! 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Shown here accelerating hard is the Subaru WRX of Pat Richard Chris Havas and Ben Bradley were the Group 2 winners in Ramana Lagemann took the Group N win in his Subaru WRX who took the Production GT win, sixth _overall as well. Maine, shown here in their VW at speed. and he was fifth overall as well. Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker were second overall in Maine in the ever good looking Hyundai Tiburon. Juliette Rice looks at her skid pan and wonders how while Mark Utecht and Brenda Lewis had rock/suspension troubles Max Stratton tries to solve his electrical problems. but they still took a nice second spot in Production GT. Bil stein • Sway A Way Eibach • HM • QA 1 · CNC Sparco • PRP • Fuel Sale Ron Davis Radiators Setrab Oil CoolBl'S Optima Batteries Mechanix Wear Page 42 December 2001 Group 2 leader Chris Havas won the class, but does not ·on the final stage only to plan on competing for the have his foot slip off the Group 5 championship brake and onto the accelera-this year and will sit out tor. He then went off the the remaining events. The road and into a ditch resting Group 5 championsh~p against a rock the size of the leader Tad Oh.take put his car with only a few miles left Ford Escort ZX2 off the to go: Also, all three Rally road late in the day ending Knight Subarus fell out a few his lock on the champion-miles from each other while_ ship. Group 5 is becoming placing some very fast times a class to watch this year in the top 15 overall. as Mike Hurst (Ford Mus-In the end, Burke was just tang) is now catching up to trying to hold off a hard-Oh.take. •If Jardevall gets charging Choinere and fortu-his engine repaired by nately did so by almost a Wild West and Havas minute and a half. Frank keeps running more events Sprongl was having a rash of look for a battle royale by bad luck as his car had a mis-Lake Superior in Michigan fire along with the car actu-in mid-October. ally coasting to a complete With Pilczuk out and the rest on one stage before re-new factory-backed Mazda firing. On the second to last Protege of Eric Burmeister stage Mark Lovell took a one not starting the event. Chris minute penalty to start late Havas became the Group 2 so that he would have a dust winner over the VW GTI II free road to make up lost of John Rahill. time from the bad fuel inci-In Production, Tom dent. He came back and set Young (Neon) was held up by the fastest stage time on that the limping "norm.ally faster" 22 mile stage and nabbed Hyundai of Lawler and lose· third.Place from Sprongl but several minutes as did the just missed catching New Beetle of Mike Halley Choinere at the end. who had to change a flat late In fifth overall and first in in the event and lost six min-Group N was Ramana utes. Guy Anderson took a Lagemann in his Subaru commanding win in the WR.x; who beat out the Evos Acura he rented from Ivor of Jean Sebastian Besner (9th Wigham and Ted Mendham overall) and Noel Nash (11th (Nissan Sentra). overall). The overall championship In sixth place was the Pro-race looks like this points-duction Gt winner Pat Rich-wise: 1) Lovell-99; 2) Burke-ard. His closest rival Mark 95; 3) Choinere-56; 4) Utecht finished second in Scheible-52; and a non-class (16th overall) after hav-present to Maine 5) Richard ing major front suspension Tuthill-41. Things could changes done after nailing a very well shake up as half of rock on the penultimate the season remains and both stage. Lauchlin O'Sullivan Lawler and Millen could retired with a blown clutch make their presence felt by on the first stage of Day 2. a few top three finishers. In the two wheel drive The ni.anufacturers points classes there was plenty of chase is closer: 1) Subaru-ac ti vi ty. Carl Jardevall · 99; 2) Mitsubishi-92; 3) tried to hold his engine to-Hyundai-91. Mazda will be gether and cani.e up a mere joining in this chase as well 6/10.0 of a minute from at Ojibwe Forests ProRally the class win. Bryan Hourt next 1nonth. ..-.. SU Dusty Times
VORRA PRAIRIE CITY ROUND 2 Peterson scores Win By John Calvin Scott Peterson was all business as he took the win in each heat and thus the overall in Class 1 O in his Toyota powered buggy. Round 2 of the VORRA Short Course Champion-ship got underway the first weekend in October and once again the weather gods 1nade sure that all was sunny and fair and the racing gods · 1nade sure the racing was ex-citing and competitive. Class 10 was hot a·nd heavy and there were many great drivers entered but, there can only be one win-_ne r and this ,time Scott Peterson, who was not present for the first round of the short course champi-onship made his presenc·e kn.own as he took first place in each of the heats and was, therefore, the overall Class 10 winner. Sam Berri, who won the last event in Class 10 was this time relegated to a pair of second spots and the second place finish in the heats and took home the bronze medal in~ Class 10. Fourth overall went to Boss Coibney, Mike Lehners and PRECISION everything yau need ta build. 1T1aintain and aperate a racecar Steve Souza dices with Forest Creasy; Steve went on to take a first and a second and the first overall in Class 9. fifth across the line, Patrick Timmons was sixth and Steve Bradford had to settle for seventh. second overall in class while Patty Hayos, who won Class 7 in Round # 1 could only put together a second and a third, a bronze medal was his reward. Class 7 was taken by Mike Koenig, who had a first and a second place in the heats, Continued on page 44 and he to o k ho 1n e all the marbles t h i s time. Greg H=nan had a second and a th i r cl place finish which g a v e Sam Berri gave it his all but this round he was only able to take a pair h i 1n of seconds, he was second overall in Class 10. · 2B65 Gundry Ave. 5ignal Hill. CA 9DBD6 BDD.959. 7757 562.427.2375 FAX: 526.426.5294 Baits. Nuts and Hardware 5parca 5eats. Steering Wheels. !iiuits and 5aFety Equipment Craw Belts and Harnesses Bell Helmets 5pal Fans Fire 5ystems 5ilicane Turbo Hase Neu 5ynthetic Lubricants Aurora. NHBB and FK Rad Ends We/dun Fuel and Di/ Pumps Fresh Air Driver Ventilation 5ystems lntercamp 5ca/es and Alignment Equipment Earl's. Aeraquip lit. !iipeedF/aw 5tainiess Braided Hase lit. Fittings Fuel 5aFe and Triangle Fuel Cells 5etrab. Lang and F/uidyne Di/ Caalers !!!iee aur cam lete anline catala at www.baker recisian.cam Dusty Times December 2001 Page 43
Mike Koenig had a first and a second place finish in the heats and Class 7S went to Steve Millward, he took a third and a first in the Bruce Field took a pair of wins in Class 8 and that gave him the first that gave him the overall win in Class 7. heats which brought his Ford home first overall. overall position in class. In the Class 7S battle weekend. Chris ==""==================== Steve Millward took third in Fuhs had to settle the first heat, took the wih for fourth in class, in the second heat and thus posting a fourth was the overall 7S winner. and a third in the Gary Skipton had a pair of heats. second places in the heats to Class 8 was an take second overall in class. easy win for Bruce Fred Colosso couldn't re-Field as he racked peat his two first places last up a pair of first race but he did score the place finishes while win in the first heat, fourth Dan Cannon rolled in the second heat, giving his truck hard in him third overall for the the first heat but he 'C,OT Sr/OCKS? Your main source for the all I new RaceRunner shock series / ..... -. from Sway-Away. Now avail-d;;-'~ able in 2", 2 1/2", and massive naceRunner 3" body coil-over design. •HOt:1'• •YSW'AY· A •WAY KARTEK •• ~ THE SOURCE for off-road racing equipment and services w~ now offer complete shock services including custom revolving and rebuilding. We sell and ser-vice FOX, BILSTEIN, and all SWAY-A._WAY shocks, including the new RACE RUNNER series. Play cars or race cars, Class 9 or trucks, 1/2 1600, even super-long travel A-arm cars, KARTEK gets you handled! ~ ~ 909-737-RACE ~F~C>dB 2871 Ragle Way Corona, CA 92879 open 7 days a week! Page 44 Glen Murfin took his first first place with a Second and a first in the heats and he was first overall in Sportsman Gary Steele took no prisoners, winning both heats and cementing Novice. a first overall in Sportsman Vet. did made the start for the second heat _;;;Jti!§,nkji{\ritii(iliilf)Wlfa@itut4N-v was no contest as in a really beat up ~i;W_;_ Gary Steele won Ford. both heats and Joel Swanson the overall as was the Vet 8 class well. Scott Pitts winner, he took was fifth last the win in both round but he heats and was took a nice sec-happy to receive ond overall with · his gold medal. a second and a Matt Taylor was third in the heat unable to find the action. The winning ways he Butchers were had in the first of third overall after the series and he posting a third took second over-MilesBergholdputtogetherafirstandasecondintheheatsandthat and a fourth this all. gave him first overall in the Pilot c_lass. ___ r·ound. Mike Leh-Class 9 had the same set for fourth .overall in class. ners was the of characters that appeared Ryan Sargent was fifth over-tourth overall finish.er, coin-in the first short course of all, Jim Reaney was sixth, pliments of. a fifth and a see-the s·eries. Steve Souza, who Travis Bradford finished in ond in heat action. Tony was second in the last go-seventh place and Chere Le-Bond took the fifth overall around took a first and a hners was eighth in class. position, Jason Sachs was second and that In Sportsman Vet there sixth and Lenny McLean gave him the class took the seventh overall win. Forest overall finishing Creasy took a third * ., ~. position. · in the first heat, Last, but cer-came back with a tainly not least the win in the second Pilots took to the heat and took the track and Miles class runner-up po-Berghold ran first sition for this and then second round. David for the Pilot over-Lucas found him-all win. Mark self stuck in the Christenson had a third overall posi-second and a third tion with a second which put him and a third place into the second finish while was ======= overall spot, Clint fourth in both Greg Hosman's truck was surely beaten and battered but he still Wolsey had a heats and that was managed a third and a first for second overall in Class 7. fourth place· finish his overall finish. and a win which In Sportsman relegated him to Novice it was Glen third overall and Murfin taking a Richard Wolsey second and a first took the fourth and the overall win overall position. in class, beating The next round his third place fin-of the Short ish last round. Sec-Course Series ond was Kim takes place the last Anderson who put weekend in Octo-together a fourth ber and features a and a second. Al mechanics race Carrington ran and a ladies race first and sixth for a also. Stay tuned to third overall while ~~----Dusty Times for Frank Pelko had a Second place in Class 7S went to Gary Skipton, he took second in all the details. See fifth and a third bothheatsinhisFord. 'ya there. __ . .,.., December 2001 Dusty Times
By Clive Skilton The final race of the inaugural American Racing Jeepspeed Challenge was held at the MOR Stoddard 200 at Barstow on Novem.ber 3rd. The expected shootout between Ryan Wallace of Rubicon Express and Barrie Thompson of Desert Station Race Cars was over before it began. Wallace broke an engine mount 13 miles into the race, meaning that Thompson only had to finish to wrap up the championship. However, Barrie was driving a brand new 2WD Cherokee that was just finished two hours before contingency beg·an. Seven Jeepspeed, Cherokees showed up for the event with entries of Barnett Brothers, Frenchman Christopher Pit, the Currie family, Billy Frey, Bryan Rodgers as well as Thompson and Wallace. The first 42 mile lap split the field in two, with Casey Currie leading, and Barnet, Rodgers and Thompson all running within one minute of each other. The second half of the field took a wrong turn about 10 miles into the race and followed each other into the boonies for half an hour. Barrie resumed the lead on the second lap only to run ut of gas 12 miles from the finish but made it to the win with the help of a friendly spectator. Final results were: Barrie Thompson, Winner, followed by Currie, Barnet, Frey, Rodgers, Pit an d W allace. The 2001 Championship went to Barrie T hompson with co-driver/crew Steve Thomason an d Gavin Skilton . Rya n W allace a n d Casey Currie tied for the second spot, followed by Frey, Barnet, Bunch, Pit, Nemake, Rodgers and Turner rounding out the top ten. __ ·,11zu EL PREZ SEZ (AIN'T NO WAHZOO) I would like to start off by saying "THANK YOU" to the men and wo1nen of our anned forces. I am a proud American and I · appreciate you protecting my freedom. As we all were enjoying ourselves a the Off Road Expo on Sunday October 7th, expressing our freedom by choosing where to be, what to discuss and what to believe in, we were also launching an attack op Afghanistan. As I worked in our booth and watched the face·s of the hundreds of people pausing to look at the news broadcast of the ongoing events, I could see the concern. These were the faces of Americans of all faiths and ethnicities who, like myself, share a love of the Off Road life style and our freedom to pursue that interest. It was interesting observing first hand the expressions of the Americans before me during this moment of great historical impar,,t. This is something that I will carry the rest of my life, like the reaction of my teachers to the Kennedy assassination. I have always known that this sport has attracted a very caring and compassionate contingent of people by the way we care for our deserts and fight for our rights to use them. It's a shame our enemies don't even carry that kind of compassion for human life1 Let us learn . ·w ell, back to why I do this; . don't ask , I do n't know. The Off Road Expo was once again a successful event for o ur club. Throug h th e h ard work of several o f t h e m ember s we were able to answer the inquiries of fellow racer s about me._mbership and it's requirements. I hope that this will add mo re competfrors to our elite group and talented wrenchers to our pits. Thank you all for stopping by to visit. Our Banshee· raffle was a hit as· it drew attention to our booth. I guess I should actually credit some of that draw to Reese King who must h ave just graduated from the Robert H armon School of bullhorn usage and crowd enticement. Another crowd attractant was our very own Class 5 champion and reigning president George Uptime Seeley. Our fearless leader never once left his post during the entire show. Michael Lee Thompson who headed the Expo committee for the club was hard at work both days keeping track of ticket sales and distribution. Michael Lee was the driving force in the raffle hav.ing printed and distributed all the tickets to the membership to sell. Thanks go out to all the members who donated time at the show to help with PR work and sales. I would also like to acknowledge the ·wives and girlfriends who participated with our ti eke t· sales and (because I can) thank Joy for the wonderful sandwiches she brought for everyone. Tom Koch was the winner of the most tickets sold followe d closely by Nina Thompson. Thank you both for the extra efforts you gave to this great club. A huge congratulations goes out to the grand prize winner Dru Stewart. Dru purchased the winning ticket from co-worker Brian Steele. Dru met with Billy Robertson of Honda of North Hollywood Monday after the Expo. It was Billy who made it possible for us to have this raffle two years running. A lready equip ped w i t h his own ride, Dru though t of h is w ife and s :i by trading in h is n ew Ban shee for a Blaster an d an XR80 . Dru attended our Octob e r 10th meeting whe re we aw arded him with the m a t ching custom-built trailer. I w ant to thank Alan Hensley for the incredibly cool custom trailer h e built specially for this raffle. Sunday October 28th was our garage meeting. Thanks to Peter Rosenstein for h eading up what proved to be a very accomplishing day. We prepared ourselves for our busy N ovember race schedule. that had us out pitting the first three weekends of the month. With the help of Walter Prince, Willie Berman, Roger Byrd, Victor Bussey, George Seeley, Reese King, Jim Gregory, Steve Scott. Jake Smith and myself were able to accomplish everything needed. We purchased everything to restock the pit boxes and weldin,g boxes, cleaned and serviced the welder/generators and washed and waxed the club house. Great team work, most productive garage meeting yet! November started out with us running four cars at the MOR Stoddard 200 in Barstow. Leading off this line up of Proud Checkers were George Seeley, point leaders Brian and Scott Steele, Ridgecrest Rocket Tom Koch and a team effort of Jim Greenway and Mike Duen as. At press time our pits were as follows, Main pit captained by last year's pit captain of the year and current point leaders, Reverend Roy Moore along with his crew of long ti me Checker Thumper McDowell, Doug Brown, Billy Robertson, Reese King, Roger Byrd, Josh Gilliam and Steve Scott. Pit A at Stoddard Wells was captained by multiple pit captain of the year recipient Big John Files, along with Randy Sparr, Victor Bussey and Michael Lee Thompson. Our H ~dge pit was covered by Malcolm Bryce, a great new addit io n to the clu b and myself. Our next venture into the desert w as th e Score Baja 1000 on November 10th, we h a d six car s r e presen t t h e C h ecke r s in Mexico. Once again leading the pack we re (racing animals) George Seeley and Tom Koch . Ty Godde ran and Marq Prince raced a bigger Candy Cane than ever. We had the team of Jimmy Hook, Billy McCool, Roger Dunlap and Kevin Je n en and also on boa,d this time out was the Hummer Team of Rod Halls. Our pit coverage had not been completed at press time but here is what 1 h ad , Reverend Roy covering _ Borrego. Jorge Espino and "Bob Bertram at Erendira, Greg Hawks picking up San Felipe and Malcolm doing double duty at El Alama and Oso Negros with Crackle Lee and myself. We have many members signed on to work these pits and will again be a strong presence in Baja. Winding up our race packed month was the running of the MORE/SNORE race in Barstow. Billy Robertson started as the point's leader of both series and Peter Rosenstein also represented us with pride. Once again at the main, Reverend Roy with Reese King and Mike Wright. George Seeley and Randy Spahr picked up the first outlying pit and at Pit E was, Big John Files, Crackle Lee and myself. 1'1n not sure ifwe will have enough manpower to cover the designated pits every seven miles at this 49 mile loop race. It might get a little rough on the guys having to be MORE. than 3 .5 miles away from help at any given time. MORE is definitely MORE. Welc.omt> to n11r nPwPst Proud Checker John Murphy, who, was unanimously voted in last month. To keep members more up to date, we are going to go live on line Wednesday nights, the members only forum has been established Continued on page 46 2466-F SO. SANTA FE AVE, VISTA,CA 92084 CRANK, RODS & FLYWHEEL OFF-SH 69.5mm l159&ccl .. $495.00 cw 71.3 x 85.5mm l171&ccl. $895.00 cw 19.9 x 85.5mm l1835ccl $895.00 I HHER COMBINATIONS AVAIIABll J All CRANKS ARE HEAT TREAT-ED AND BAlANCED _Dusty Times ~~~ ::,~!:1~:~~~-~8~~340-8919 ~ ! ,., NEW RACING CASE SINGLE~PORT RACING HEADS FOR CIASS -5,1/21600 -9-11 & -12 FOR CIASS -5,1/21600 -9 & -11 GUS & BEHIND# 3 CHROMOll Y ROQUER'S STUDS INED FOR " - " DECK v. CING DUAL SPRINGS , li;' 0 , -_..._· · ;7 ~{;H::E~:~:E:::::a ~SUL-., _ _ __ 1~ t ·.-~"..... ,. l. ~ . HOED. VE -1 ---4-. 5---EA.-December 2001 MACHINNED TO GET FROM 11-12 AND 13101 W/All THE FINS SCORE LITES HEADS FULLY PORTED AND POLISHED W/RUOCATED 12MM PLUGS Page 45
already. Stay tuned for updates, also our awards banquet date and location is still not confirmed so join as t the meetings as your irnpute always welcome. Nominations look good so far but we'd still like"to hear from everyone, we're listening. As always, if you're interested in becoming a Checker or need to con tact or curse us, call (818) 790-1161. We meet· every Wednesday night at 1111 Foothill Blvd. in La Canada. View us on the web at www.checkersoffraod.org SEE YA IN THE DEZ, EL PREZ. -✓~ .... s News t:ro,nThe a;,e«or Septe1nber was a busy month for the CRS. The CRS joined forces with Subaru and pu;: on a driving school for Subaru owners on September 23rd. The event was held at the CHP performance drivii-1g facility next to Glen Helen off highway park. The CRS provided the instructors and Subaru rented the facility, provided the food and drink, helped with the registration and set up the cone courses. Subaru-gave the CRS a brand new EZ Up tent with our logo on it as a thank you for all of our efforts. Mike Gibeault put together the program and it worked like clockwork. We sent 72 people through the progra1n of classroom instruction and then driving on four different courses without a hitch. The hit of the day was the skicl pad. Tony Chavez was the most popular instructor with his unique style. There was no overwhelming positive response to the school on the Subaru website. Thanks to all the people who showed up to help. I am sure we will gain a few new rally enthusiasts out of the school. Leon Styles put on an informal benefit rally cross at his Tombstone Paintball Park the following weekend, September 29th, with the proceeds going to the Red Cr'-5S-They raised $107 5. and had a great time doing it. Gabe Pari, one of our newest 1ne1nbers got a little wild and rolled his car. That puts you up for Capt. Crunch, Gabe,. even if it wasn't a real CRS event I think you qualify. The Prescott Forest rally gang put on another rally cross September 22nd. Bill Barfoot managed to not roll his Ford Focus at this one. Looks like these events will be a regular on our rally cross schedule from now on. Good Job! The great car swap and building frenzy for 2002 has begun. Rum.or has it that the Peterson brothers have bought Steve Westwood's VW GTI. In the past they have run the trusty Dodge Colt but now they are trading up. Mark Brown is said to be building a new VW as well. It will be fun to see Mark back out in the Stock class next year. Tony Chavez has a hankering to move back up into the Open class. As soon as he finishes his ProRally Production Championship effort this year he is looking to change classes. If all goes well in Michigan he and Doug Robinson will be Production Class Champion! Steve Bender has bought a VW to build into a Stock class car for next year. Chris Burns is looking to move up to Group 2/5 next year with some mods to his Eclipse. Doug and Sue Robinson will be back in the rafly car as a tean1 next year as Sandra Chavez will be old enough to navigate for Tony in 2002. We are off to next. See you at line. FIRST ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT RACERS By Wes Wisdom By the time you read this the excitement will be over but, as it is being written, it's still vibrating in the air. Three big races are in CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES BELL. SHOEI. SIMPSON Helmets SNELL 95, SA 95 FOR SODA Complete Blower Systems for single or double seat cars. Helmet conversions. cool boxes, Complete line of PYROTECT, FILLER Safety Products & BE Motorsports. We ship UPS daily. From $299.00 Helmet & Skirt 5 I 53 Bowden Avenue - San Diego -CA-92117 - 858-279-2509 Page 46 November; the M DR Stoddard 200, the SCORE Baja 1000 and the M.O.R.E./Snore Western States Championship. It's a good thing. I was starting to have withdrawals with no racing for over a month. This is MDR's last race for 2001. It's a double points race and there ar.e nany point battles on the line. It's going to be a major, 1naxitnum effort sprint race and, of course, F.A. l. R. racers are· in the thick of all the races. Dan Folts has a lock on Class 9. Deservedly so as he has been the fastest 9 car all year. In fact, he's in second place for the overall and only 13 points behind the leader! Other F.A.l.R. members are knocking on the door of their class leaders. Stacy Fay is in second place in Class 7 s but is only 16 points out of first and A.J. Rodriguez is only two points behind Stacy! That race should be fun to watch. With luck, some others could move up in their class points rankings. Terrie Tavis is a strong second in Class 10 as is Jerry Longo in Class 1600. They are longshots but stranger things have happened after the green flag drops. You will know how this came out before you read this, but, on this side of the race, the MDR season ender looks to be a great race! The week after the MDR race is he Baja 1000. THE race of every year! We wiii be watching and cheering for Scott Steinberger in ProTruck, Dale Ebberts in Class 1 and Torn Ridings in December 2001 Class 12. Then the week ,ifter Baja is the M.O.R.E./Snore combined race at Barstow, the Western States Championships. A bunch of F.A.l.R. cars will be there; Dan Folts and Harry Dunne in Class 9, Mike Melloy, Alvin Fussel and Brady Wisdom in Class 1600, and Stacy and Kathy Fay in Class 7s. This should be an awesome event! The bet of the Snore ra·cers and the best of the M.O.R.E./Southern California racers. While all this fun is going on, F.A.l.R. is still hard at work. With elections coming up at the first December 1neeting, nominations for offiq!rs must be in November. I hope all members will have made the meetings and notninated the candidates you know. This club is as good as it is because of its members. In case you haven't heard, the annual F.A.l.R. dinner will be on Saturday, December I st at the Rad is son Hotel. Starting with "Attitude Adjustment" at 7:00pm, the dinner will be served at 8:00pm. The fantastic raffle after dinner is always· fun filled excitement. Everybody usually wins something. It will be a good time with a big turnout. Seating is limited. Get your reservations in as early as possible. Call Wes Wisdom at (714) 841-8935 ·for information. For F.A.l.R. information, check out our website at http :/www. fairp its. corn. Better yet, visit one of our meetings. We meet at 8:00pm on the first and third Wednesday of every month in the Radisson Hotel in Fullerton. It's at the intersection of Harbor Blvd. and the 91 Freeway. You are always welcome. . ..• SU HANNEMANN FIBERGLASS, INC. Conversion Kits 84-88 Ranger · 84-88 Toyota ' 89-95 Toyota Fenders, Hoods and Bedsides for Chevy S-10, Chevy Full Size, Ford Full Size, Toyota and Nissan 1132 W. Kirkwall Road, Azusa, CA 91702 626-969-7317 www .,llannemannFiberglass.com • oe ... KER PUMPER AS GOT OU OVERED! Helmets • Hats • Driving Suits Crew Uniforms • Gloves Knee Pads • Shoes 1.800.700.2350 • Fax 909.360.0436 3834 Wacker Drive • Mira Loma, CA 91752 • Dusty Times
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And RecreatiC'" MIKE MONOHAN 19076 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 • Custom fabrication • Prerunners • Suspensions P.O. Box 117 Ely, NV 89301 i702) 289-6708 • Custom exhaust (310) 542-2977 www.advanceoffroad.com AQV~IICEI! TOYOTA. $Q$PfN.$/QIIS 1:?Af!E 1J~M!E1t S1tS1JE1tS'J(J'Jt S'f/S7E1ltS '86-9S 4WD. TOYOTA P/U, 4-RUNNER & T-100 12-17" of TRAVEL '77-9S 2WD.P/U & T-100 12-IS" of TRAVEL NEIi TACOMA .I TVND/iA -llfl> .I 2lfl> lON8 TliAYEl KITS I 2-1 -1• Of TliAYEL COMPLETE FABRICATION SERVICES AVAILABLE, RACE CAR PREP, REAR SUSPENSION, ROLL CAGES, BUMPERS, ABERGLASS, RACE SEAlS {909) 471-$111 HTTP://MEMBERS.AOL.COM/ADVTOYSUSP BUILT BY SCOTT SELLS & A.T.S. 34345 SUNRISE DR. WILDOMAR, CA 'ilf?eee~•9 ~~ BAffERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BATrERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • BJBX AUTO WRECKERS. INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM.PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY. 1-800-606-6043 • 0 0 0 O o ®o 0 RACING FUEL CELLS0 0SAFEST&FASTESTFOR30fflARS!O 0 800.526.5330 ° 0 FOR YOUR NEAREST DEALER 0 0000000° Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages ~~MDTDRSPDRTS • Race Prep. • Full Fabrication Lonny Helmbolt Owner 1941 Ramrod St. 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 {619) 562-1740 • Mig & Tig Welding Henderson, Nv 89014 Ph: (702) 454-9355 Fax: (702) 456-1755 FAX (619) 5('2-6151 •Tube Bending QIOl~IIFCPEIFII-IE.· Sliver Faced ua·s Liquid-Filled Gauges from Auto Meter are notorious for being th·e t9yghes) on the market. Combine that with the fact Auto Meter also is known for it's reliability and you have shock-proof performance that will rattle the competition. Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card In th• "Good Stuff Directory" . and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory ads are merely $35.00 per month RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Ex.port&. lnt'I Sale_s , · Rae~ Car PreparatiQn ... . I . Consulting & Managem~nt ·--. . · 1 040 S. Main St. xF allbrook. CA 92028 (760) 723-2117 F.AX (760)'723-9938 ~m~rt~2s~ STRIP • STREE; -~ 'OFFROAD·SAnD FIVE SPEEDS & AUTOffiATKS ~ (702)" 263-5793 ~ Los Vegos. nevodo Your #1 Source _For Fiberglass Body Panels Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 www.boatec.com e-mail: boatec@gbonline.com BRANDWOOD CARS for ml~en"gjnes ·and other applications .. o02-437-3J P7 Gustom V~hicle Shifje( CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 ORCHARD ST. CHERRY VALLEY CA. 92223 PH#. (909)845-8820 products in stock Race Proven Fabricatoin Boa.tee Fiberglass Pre-Runners Dimple Dies Desert Trucks Tubing Benders Short Course trucks Bypass valves+tubes Paris-Dakar trucks · Sway-bar Arms ,A.CCOUN'1'."ING • INCOME TA·X • CONSULTING . IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNrANT 536 S. Second St, Suite E 626-653-2023 Covina, CA 91723 Fas· -626-653-2024 CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O.BOX306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. 92648 (71-4) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOT()ta)MINOSPRIN(j.\.iUlll1 WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM
111'1 IOI IIACEIS WIIO OEIIJ#II JIE IEST HAMPION BEADlOCK ~C!JNG WHEELS U.S.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 1 O" 11" 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MILAN qARRITT 1671 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 93722 (559) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365 www.c11amplonwheel.com CHENOWTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•f tACI NG PRODlJCTS, I NC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com [CNCJ Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass)' Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Thro~s T~rottle Pedpls CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. 1221 West Moreno .. vd. San Diego, CA''921'1 O (6 J 9) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog (IMiCl//i{ R~llf1Nll Pfllll'l~Pl/f ..... ra1/r,porl,,.,/ct1111/cpzzt, ~em 8203 Northern /)ritte Crystal, ~nnesota 55427 (7/;l) !542-8827 Jar, Winker FLOATER REAR ENDS'• r'RONT HUBS• AXLES _BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tr~e, Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 A 6A I i '141~'6l~'i i TORCO RACING FUELS CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-54-COSBY i i COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANT~ FE SPRINGS, CA =-CR,1,c~L □ ULTRASONICCLEANING Oil Coolers, Heat Exchange,s, ~ :::S: Oil Tanks, Radiators, Unes, Fittings ...__ ' □ CRACK INSPECTION . "".:,~:-,,., □ ==~,=::a 3043 Oak Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 Ptm (714) 957-1215 Fu (714) 957-,1567 "Crllck r. CROWN Magnetic Particle, Liquid Panetrant Ultrasonic, Eddy Currant X-Ray □ CNC MACHINE SHOP USAC STATION •s FAA STATION .wll7R218J for Your Pi otl«tlon • l"DUSTRIAL PRODUCTS l"CORPORATED AEROSPACE, HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL HOSES & FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER OR., SUITE G • VISTA, CALIFORNIA 92083 iii' Dave's Precision Fabr:lcation 135 South Oaks Ave. Unit •c• Ontario CA. 91762 Phone: 949-887-8TT3 Fax:909-460-14'71 Email: dfarruggia@aarthlink.net David Farruoola HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 8 Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 www.denunzioracing.com 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 Specializing in ... Bus Boxes SwiagaJdes Newland Fortin Nead-la JID4S Nagnum44 Xrelsler Automatie Paru 8 Machine Shop Serricu Ar.ulable ............ ,: ....,,,,,.-r' ,,,.. .,, "L ;., ,, ~/ /,1' DEREK NYE./'.!_,;,.-/.;: l • r· nt~:11_1t) ~·keet - unit H Cost!! Mesa, CA 92627 _./ let 9'19.5118.8533 lax: 9'19.5118.853'1 www.DIRTBAGZ.com e-mail: derekn11e I tll 110l.com Te11m B11gz Prlv11te L11btl Custom B11g 0oeslgns l>ON~ffOE. ~..P.&-.IN4 ENTERPRISES • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSULTING • OEVaOPMENT • RACE SHOCKS WWW.DONAHOERACING.COM • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE KREG DONAHOE OWNER 2831 EAsr WHITE STAR UNrr H Af'IAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE(714)632-3033 FAX(714)632-3835 EMMY.JO BRAND CLOTHING CO . EMBROIDERY SCREEN PRINTING GRAPHICS DIGITIZING CUSTOM CLOTHING VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW. EMMYJO.COM 29/8 FtRST ST /rF LA VERNE, c .. 91 7'.>0 TEL 909 59.'.l 55 1 I FORD RACING PARTS: AAN6£«. 2. 3 PlNTO 2.0 OVER 3000 TOP . QUALITY SPEED PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 PG. CATALOG. PHONE (626) 444-4919 143~ POTRE.RO FAX (626) 444-3046 SO. El.MONT£., CA. www .ExpressDistributing.com 10943 Wheatlands Ave., Ste. B Toll Free Santee, California ·92071 1-877-439-4287 TheHltchShop.com TlleEXllaustShop.com JILL SWANSON Sales and Marketing Director • Brand Name Helmets FRESH AIR SISTEIIS TECHNOlOGIES, INC • Interior Revisions 810 A South Arthur Ave. • Fresh Air Systems Arlington Heights, IL 60005 jill@fasthelmets.com 1-888-466-RACE www.fasthelmets.com 1-84 7-259-3810 ''THE HELMET VENTILATION EXPERTS" 1543 W. 16th Street Long Beach, California 90813 http://www.dionandsons.com brian@mail.dionandsons.com ff 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 • BRIAN GRIFFIN (562) 432-3946 (714) 540-5535 FAX (562) 432-7969 619-449-3633 619-449-3665 fax Doug Fortin
FOREMAN ----;.e'°--OFF-ROAD RACE TRUCK ENGINEERING / FABRICATION RACE PREP/ CONSULTATION TOP CALIBER PRE-RUNNERS THRtr TROPHYTRl'CKS 619-659-3538 CHARLIE FOREMAN 619-659-3638 fax 4550 Carveacre Rd. Alpine, CA 91901 See your local Fox dealer or call 831-768-11 oo ! r-i ~he~.lisY,§t,ero.s. 847-259-3810 FAX847-259-9705 -HELMET CONVERSIONS & REVISIONS. http://www.fasthelmets.com dand214@msn.com ~ ELIMINATE FOGGING AND DUSTI 1 ◄~~ LARGE.SELECTION OF HELMETS, BLOWERS, ....__ ____ .....J COOLERS, VESTS, & SELF-CONTAINED SYSTEMS. THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING THAT MONEY CAN BUY! THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer call (800) 433·6524 · Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manufacturinq, Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Ben<!, OR ~7701 USA ph(541) 388-0203 fx(a41)388-0307 GERHARDT GEAR co. I INC. MANUFACTURERS OF PRECISION GEARS CNC GEAR CUTTING & BROACHING ISO 9002 ANO as 9000 CERTIFIED MITCH GERHARDT Production Manager mitch@gerhardtgear.com Design Carbon Fiber A & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fabrication Off-Rood Style Fenders 7522 Sloter Ave. #114 Huntington Beoch:CA 92647 3060 N. California Street Burbank, CA 91504-2004 FAX (818) 842-1458 Phone (818) 842-6700 www.gerhardtgear.com GLASS WORKS Unlimited TIM GERWATOSKY (714) 375-5992 . . ----,. 'l K~M) ,. -_, ..J .) . Buff & Kevin Owners I Fabricators p. 760.510.9586 • ,. 760.510.9559 120 N. Pacific St. # J-1 • San Marcos, CA 92069 www.handmmotorsports.com Ham,nes Bros. Racing Engines Baja Proven CUSTOM BUILT TO YOUR SPECS 760-724-2038 WWW. HAMMESRACING.COM Y•lllcalbe -IB'e fll'OIQ S35 HONDA f1§@_j•(·f J: PERSONAL WATERCRAFT ~ BILL ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (323) 877-7272 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE_ NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 FAX (818) 753-6005 (619) 561-7764 20 Years of Off Road fax. 5614834 ;;; ·•nee ·t1Ei2"' 1111R1MG p£iFO~tAlllC£ Jeff Howe We Service & Sell Char Lynn, Sweet, Pumps, Gears & Power Rack & Pinion 12476 Julian Ave. Lakeside, CA 92020 Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 FAX (714) 522-0123 Service Technician dllJfllll';Y V. W. Seruice • Porsche • Audi • BMW• All VW • Toyota • Nissan • Honda • Street Strip and Sand Off Road • 6291 B Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 Wes_t of Beach Blvd. James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Coll1)lcte Race Vehicle Development Design. Preparation-and Fabrication SST, Alum and Tubing 13424 Imperial Hwy. Santa Fe Springs, Ca. 90670 James M. Hale owner-Driver 562-921-2693 fax 562-926-0699 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' Joe Giffin 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, CA 92806 Mike Julson (714) 632-1240 · Off Road Race Cars '. Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories • Race Preparation · :10965 Hartley· Rd. : Suite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619/ 562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' · e.mail jimcorace@aol.com www.jimcorace_com HONDA ... Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. www .Kawaguchihonda.com 3532 EAST 3RD $T. ART KAWAGUCHI Fax 323-264-2136 323-264-5858 LOS ANGELES, CA Mll63 Derek Kreger PH: 114.289.9048 Fil: 114.631.1854 1214 N. Parker Unti #3 Orange, CA 92867 714-637-1155 714-637-5551fax Up In Seconds No !lopes. Tools Powder Coat Frame No Assembly Graphics (Upon Request) 8;8, l0xl0. 10xl5. 10x20 a21.: __ :1•i Original Authorized Motorspor_t Dealer POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. GO. 11661 PENDLETON. STREET SUN VALLEY, CA-91352 FAX (818) 788-2687 . (818) 788-0371 A full line of Power Steering gears, pumps and accesaories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zygiq. facilities available.
• CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLLCAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 1320 ARROW HWY LA VERNE, CA 91750 (909) 596-4076 (909) 596-5497 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 909-596-4076 Stephen Stenberg President P.O. Box 1484 Spring Valley, CA 91979-1484 Pit Support Off-Road Pit Support PHONE/FAX: 619-303-6283 president@mag7race.com Assembly • Machine Work• Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 ~~HCHA.r'T. /<=e ./7~ www.mastercraftseats.com Seat-:; • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10928 Wheatlands Ave. Suite B Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 ~ (818) 886-4446 (818) 772-6470 fax www.mckenziesontrack.com 18641 Parthenia St. Northridge, CA 91324 .ottroad ■Road Course ■Drag Racing ■Oval Track ■Fabrication ■Welding .Chassis and Suspension Specialist YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ www.mckenzies.com PHONE:(714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 I MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 #ffBlfliRljj'--eOMPO.NENJ.S F.Oft CHASSIS FABRl.eA'JlON .Pr9-CIJ~• ~~!!!I• .R!I~ M9!m stiftarM.ou'JIB • 01.& Water Sotlle Holders 399 E • .Hamson 1Jr:1it D .(909) 272,,4272 Corona, CA 92879-1313 www.wrvitfab.com 619-562-5533 ,Ht?TOA'Sf'OR T ENGINEERING OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION PRECISION HELIARC & MIG PRODUCTION WELDING BYPASS TUBE KITS FOR SHOCKS ROLL CAGE & SUSPENSION SYSTEMS Gregg Hawks 30YEARSEXP _ 818 994 7475 14750 KESWICK ST VAN NUYS CALIFORNIA 91405 Off-Road & Drag R~cing Fabrication Specialists Chassis-Cage-Suspension-Tin work Part & Accessory Sales (805).522-4499 LanceFu!ler 2280 Shasta Way #11S Fax (SOS) S22-4S90 Simi Valley, CA 9306S www.motorsports-plus.com MSD M.t.l f IL Jr.1 f■ ■t.W:fi , ..... ,,. YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE • • - = --• •• AUTOT~ONIC CONTROLS ·coRPORATION 1 4!30 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 7!3!33E [9151857-5200 • TFr.H LINE IH151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msdignit1on com TUBE BENDERS ¼" TO 3" 0.0. Capacity Models Starting at $279.00!!!! M-TECH SUPPLY TUBE BENDERS • PIPE BENDERS • TUBE NOTCHERS RING ROLLERS • COLD SAWS.• ABRASIVES ~mtEchsupp/y.com 4B0-725-2B75 Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication . 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 4e. PACl{=ICALLY =sf~~~ ~~~£~C~~ ~-Q ( Landscape Design & Cons~ructlon ) f ~\.. ~, -CAL LIC c_:.,7304109 ~\ie--Potr,c~A 8eme (619) 58'2-7999 PFR (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 3834 Wacker Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 !31? HAROLD NICKS 1r~:r~7~(g)v@3@7f'I SAFETY EQUIPMENl MAXON, MOTOROLA, HO.4/JM.4STEH, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK wmiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11'1.'TERCOM STILL0:'1:L\' S12';. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. * SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 W • A. R .-Fralcv s Pl'rf onnancc Enginet>ring · TEL (949)650-3035 FAH (949)650-4721 • All Types of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication . • Tube Benclinc • Aluminum fJ si.el_W.ldinc • Curtora Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars ·4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 ~ -· ·-·~ Personal Satellite Network www.skyhelp.net 800-590-2089 selling-renting- leasing satellite communications ·oon@skyhelp.net
. I b-"\ll' stub"'..__ ~ --v.; ~ Todd Francis ~ Preci1ion Alloy, /,Id, f.11. 25805 NE 46"' Avenue ~ t Ridgefield, WA 98642 ,$ ~ » Phone ~'J.r; ~~f:J Fax 360-887-2000 on & 360-887-7279 A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodigy.net Tel: 619-390-6252 Fax: 619-3~7!> 14402 Bond Court El Cajon, CA 92021 www.RACESHOCK.coM ~--"-... .,.,,,;,.,. ~--,w::::; ~(.V,{ib Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock SeNice Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Around!! Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably-Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (60~) 493-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 PERFORNAKCE•TRAKSAILES Soulhem Callfomla's Largest Distributor ol Mendeola Transalles PH: 714.680.6737 • Fil: 714.680.3110 Toll Free: 800.304.8726 1631 Placentia Ave. Unit G Anaheim, CA 92806 RANCHO TRANSMISSION Building automatic transmissions.for winners Jefferies Racing McMillin Racing TRD From our long list of clients, just to name a few With our own CNC machine shop, we specialize in Circle Track, Southwest Tour Racing, Off-Road Racing and Automatic Transmission Sand Buggies 27598 Commerce Center Dr. (909)676-6569 Temecula, CA 92590 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR RACE CARS, TRUCKS, PRERUNNERS BUGGIES, STREET Roos, DRAG CARS QUALITY RACE CAR WIRING -~Cwil~n,~!. SERVING ALL OF L.A., OR.11.NGE & SAN DIEGO COUNTIES JOE DAVITIAN PGR. 323/340·0277 PROFESSIONAL RACE CAR DESIGN & FABRICATION WINNING OFF ROAD RACES SINCE 1978 INCLUDING FACTORY WORKS SCORE CHAMPION TROPHY TRUCK RT 3, BOX 1970 903/683-1599 Rusk, TX FAX 903/68.>8829 OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS - GIVE US A CALL Hi-Performance Equipment Suspension • Safety • Driveline • Accessories Mike Cohen (619) 691-9171 (619) 691-9174 (619) 691-0803 (FAX) 103 Press Lane; Suite #4 Chula Vista, CA 91910 e-mail: rprod1@aol.com -swiag axle, ~as, hewlaad, MD4S 3455 S. POIARIS #5 lAS BAS, NEVADA 89102 JOHN 0.0. HllllmN (702) 2Z1-43&3 . (702) 887-9724 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON, CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE (6191 443·2480 ,,,,_, ..... ~.-=-. .-.;.~--.C>--63 ...,.:'!'.·t~• cc" 4 ;;i~+.:;,.::i.~.-..... Barry Beacham (714) 259-7786 (714) 259-7792 fax 15031 Parkway Loop, Suite D Tustin, CA 92780 raceprepservices@aol.com LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEEAING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 Qua\it~ Used 'P~rts 1040 South Main Street. Fallbrook. CA 92028 Fr\:-.: 760-72.l-2117 l:-M.\I I. hajaracc ·iitth.c,,m PflONI: 760-723-2117 \, C.f\LL U'b Fl!l-'bT! "100. 110 114 118" 1netlianol & 111tro C.L. Bryarit, Inc. • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes 1-800-399-4176 209-537-1565 fax • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. /iiiJ SANDERS SERVICE. INC. /ll.!J A1ETAL_PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 {]7..3)·583-2404 fAX (3'.23) sn-3%5 SANDBLAST-GLASS qEAD-MAGNBTIC PA RTtr.LE FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mart, Sn~ith Larry Smith TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 · Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BMINERS • \I.II/DOW lffiERll,G • LlR LETTERIIIG • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Hunt:ngto1 82ach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fe\ [71 41 694-9567 ~ s~e~z~ &~ta1(/i# e~~ '8itt Ptato. 45-410 # 10 ~ St. 760-347-.5012 1,e,uo.. eA 92201 ...
'· / ----~ -... - ov RACING oi,~ SPENCERLOWRAC/NG.com 4,e,~ Exterra -Pathfinder -Frontier -Hardbody Nissan Parts & Accessories Lift Kits -IV Intake System 6350 Ri~erside Drive Parker, AZ 85344 Fiberglass -Cat Back Exhaust www.SpencerlowRaclng.com Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks · Buggies · Pre-Runners i619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abr~ham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 nt. ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano. CA 93544 661-261-3202 rs'TRICTLY PERFORMANCE • Wheel!i Call Fur All Df Yuur Un And Dff Raad Needs! SUNDRY METAL SPINNING Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS RACE FUELS 6831 Suva Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER 1209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (20 9) 847-9726 PO. Box 24 8 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 ~UNSE:1-)> -£»~;:.,,. i7?2-&_? ,. You• GuA&.,.,..,. S10N Co,.,,,,,.,,.,,.,..,,." Design Fabrl;;atlon lnstaiiatlon Darren Ebberts (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 1215 POMONA ROAD • SUITE E • CORONA, CA 92882 .... COMPUTERIZED VINYL GRAPHICS & LETTERING !•I 1·1 I YISA I ,-.. W-COS T BLOGSIGNS(Al:T. PROCESSES) --:-°f:,'iif 2f.£~~':'~L~~/GNS .,.._ RACING GRAPHICS ,: H!-QI.V\LfTY t!,I\NNERS -:::.::./·Xi~l.f/;!;~LES ,..._ WGO REPl?OOUCTONS .,.._ REAL ESTATE "'-I..DGO & GRAPHIC OESIGN .,.._ DECALS ~ ~ SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED OFF ROAD RACINGSPECIALISTS vVELDING • FABR!CATO\J • CNCPlASMACUTTING • FFUvTENDS • REARTRAIUNGARMS RACE CHASSIS • PRE RUNNERS • FOY RACING SHOX • SAND BLJa;fES LARRY ROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. ANAHEIM. CA 92807 PHONE (714} 630-4482 FAX (714)630-4548 .,.,, PBRF'c»RNI-A .. C:E SANDCARS•RACECARS Call Toll Free 877-627-8794 Request Catalog Specializing in Performance Torque Converters· {Built for your exact application and needs.) HP Transmission Parts & More • Transmission Kits • Custom Length Axles • Friction/Steel Plates • TCS Designed Hubs • Input Shafts • 090 Differentials Hundreds of Transmission Products 619.596.1925 11420 N. W:lodside Ate. Santee. CA 92071 fax 619.596.2638 TLR Performance Fabrication Tim Lawrence 1243 Greenfield Dr. Suite D El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 447-1289 · * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 fltil. Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http:/www.off-roadfiberglass.com . I RANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 0 C CJJ -i C ~ (/) o-"Tl m ffi )> 0 (/) X )> (I) I\) ~~ ~ .j:> W Ul ::, (/) (") 0 _(l) C o CT ~z ::.; 0 0 ~ 3 3 - · D> D> ::, (0 9: 0 (1) ~~ ~ Cl) [UjP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 UNLIMITED MOTORS PORTS Complete Off-Road Fabrication SHAWN GIORDANO 375 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd. San Marcos, CA 92069 TEL: 760.744.2505 U.S.WHEELS REMANUFACTURING YOU BENTTHEM WEFIXTHEM POLISH• REPAIRS 1000 W. Bradley Ave., Unit Q El Cajon, CA 92020 BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manag~r VP Racing Fuels. West Co~st P..O.Box1319 • . 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Carlos Orozco 619.596.8033 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 Automotive • ATV • Motorcycle 1815 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507, USA 909.369,5144 • 909.369.7266FAX WWW.WEBCAM I NC.COM
i\\e BUMP STOPS HERE You must have more business than you can handle if you are not advertising in ' Off Road Products Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this adv ~ umn ~to s stem. Dusty Times Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists · Custom Wheels , . .Jf. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 1-520-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 ~ . wp Racing Gears .., Ultra High Quality Gears with Race Proven · . · CD. Strength and Performance. Available for VW .'3 T~ .c:,,--- ) Type 1, Type 2. 091 Bus. fit,.--:-:-:-~ 1,_'!, .. ¼:J:i.., 094. MD4S. and 5-speed •· :;;;' ··~ .,,;..---..~,: 11\\\\v,·· . ....... transaxles. Huge selection Motorcycles • KTM Dealer for over 20 years • Stock parts • Supports top riders suspension • Accessories . . · Tires/knowledge Open ROLL CAGES, RACE SUSPENSION, BUMPERS CUSTOM FIBERGLASS MOUNTS, RACE PREP SHEET METAL INTERIORS, TUBE BENDING t~~} ;_"';2_ .J ~ o .t ra;i;~; ~;;ALOGUE ... ~---.· .... · · .... .,--~~ ~ . ~--~ (805) 696-9665 • 12pm-6pm M-F Various N Saturdays ff 714·449-1271 * 714•449-1374 Fax MATT WALRATH .owner Shop (909) 560-2121 mw10320@aviastar.net ~ ;;, Weddle Engineering• P.O. B<;>J< 1075 • Goleta, CA 93116 SPORTMOTORCYCLES www.KTM-Zracing.com Adam Wik SCORE ENGINE BUILDER'. --RRIIC/N/J -.t· iihii ......... Get the word out about your business, Big or small. OF THE YEAR 994, 1998, 1999,2000 From Parts To Complete Engines Race Cars Dune ~uggies Lorenzo Rodriguez Baja Bugs Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers Good Stuff Directory Ads Transmissions - Parts • Service . Welding V.W. • Porsche - Nissan • Toyota • Honda are merely $35.00 per month. · 3675 W. Teco Ave. Unit 8, Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-837-2522 850 S. Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 9 I 4-8147 www.wrtrans.com C 1cJ..""l ~-s.-:i..qc:e Classified ... NOTICb.. Some of the items advertised in these pages may not be legal for sale or use in all 50 states. Readers are advised to consult appropriate local or state authorities for information before urchase of an s ecific item. FOR SALE: Pro-Lite Ranger, 2. 7L, Jerico, Dana 60, spares, $26,000.00 Outlaw 7 Ranger, 2.SL, World Class TS, 9 jnch, spares, $8,500.00 24 ft. TimberwolfRa.cer's Choice enclosed trailer, walk on roof, l lOV lighting, tire racks, diamond plate and more, $7,000.00. Call Mark at (630) 585-7547. FOR SALE: 2 Seat Chen-owth Class 10/12. Com-pletely rebuilt and updated' in 2000. FOX Coilover and bypass shocks, microstub hubs and axles, Howe Di-ablo rack and power steer-ing. Foddrill arms; Cqmbo spindles, Dave Folts built 091 Bus Trans. Less motor. $16,000.00 Call Dave or Derek@ (760) 326-3231 or E m a i 1 : decofoodservice@citlink.net. FOR SALE: 1990 Mustang LX Pro Rally Car, 4 corner Bilstein Coilovers a-arm front, 4 link rear, Cone 9 inch floater w/Lenco cliff & Detroit locker, Wilwood brakes, 25 gal Fuel Safe cell, In-jected, GT40 302 crate motor w/ all the tricks, Steel scatter shield Tremec Trans, glass fenders, hood & deck lid, Tig welded CM cage, Halon Fire system, Terra-Trip Corbeau Seats, street legal, Pro built. Very fast and handles well at speed. $47,500.00 invested, $18,500.00 or trade for Ford Race truck. Contact Wes @ ProFab (406) 256-6348 or Profablracing @aol.com. FOR SALE: Raceco Class 1, 2 Seater Ford SVO V-8, Auro Transaxle, Bypass Shocks, Many extras. Just prepped and ready to race. Ex-Riviera Car. Call (619) 469-0400. 2 Seater Class 1 or Class 12-Overall MORE and SNORE Class 1 points leader, 2nd place in Baja 1000 to La Paz, Fox shocks, Hewland DG300 trans, CNC, Sway-A-Way, BFG, Sum-mers Floater Rear Hubs, Howe p/s, Best of prep, dependable, Fast with spares and more $26,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #829. (760) 723-2117. -FOR SALE: 4100 Ford Expedi-tion. Many, many spare parts, 5.4 Triton V-8, brand new, must be broken in! 4Rl00 transmis-sion, American Eagle Racing Wheels ,w/Champion Bead. locks. 32 gallon custom built fuel cell, PRP seats, Papp Rac-ing wiring harness w/ Auto-meter gauges, Earl fluid coolers, dual cooling fans, 3" Kings, Hella lights, Momo steering wheel. Beautiful custom paint! Sacrifice at $19,000. Call 806-358-4956. more Classifieds Next Page ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■••····················································· : Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in : DUSTY TIMES. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■· ■ Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, p.ot including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum site 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN AD-VANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ Name (Send check or mon_ey order,· no cash) Address __________________ Phone _____________ _ City --------------------------------------State _____ Zit> __________________ _ Please run ad times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20761 Plummer Street Chatsworth, CA 91311 DUGliJlillDIG Classified Ad Deadlines -for 2002 ISSUE DEADLINE January February March April May June July August September October N011ember December Dec 7, 2001 Jan 16, 2002 Feb 13, 2002 Mar 13, 2002 Apr 17, 2002 May 15, 2002 Jun 12, 2002 Jul17,2002 Aug 14, 2002 Sep II, 2002 Oct 9, 2002 N011 13, 2002 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Dusty Times December 2001 Page 53 ..
more Classified ... AUTOtvlOTI b. CONTINUb..D J997 Jeep Grand Cherokee-SCORE/BITD Class 3 legal or FIA (Dakar) T3 legal, built by Curt LeDuc, Sway-A-Way coilovers, full time 4WD, 12" travel/18" travel, 9" rear-end, pro-built 6 cylinder, Stroker motor, 360 hp on pump gas, Dry Sump oiling system, Mogi auto-matic trans, dual fuel cells, The best Class 3 for sale, great win record! Baja Brokers Ref# 828 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: SCORE Lite, Penhall 2 seat, FAT "Ple-num" Motor O miles, Foi:-tin, Fox coilovers, King by-pass, Howe P.S., Fuel Safe, BFG's, SACO Magnum, PCI Radio, Pumpers, KC Hids, Ump Filter, includes spares and custom built trailer. $40,000.00 Pat (714) 427-llOOx 102 daytime. The best 4-speed in the desert just got better! FOR SALE: SCORE & BITD legal Class 8, all tig welded, Fresh 550 hp mo-tor & tranny, Cone rear end, King Shocks, Air jacks, bumps stops, fire system, gps, $80,000.00 with spares and electronics including in car camera. $55,000.00 for truck only (602) 695-5644. FOR SALE: New A-Ann Single Seat Class 10, Wik's Plenu1n motor, Latest Men-deola, King Bypass and coil's all four corners, CNC front hubs and hanging pedals, 30 gal Fuel Safe cell, Kreger rear hubs, Mastercraft, Howe P/ S . $45,000.00 Jeff (702) 498-8567. MENDEOLA's New Extreme Duty 5-speed is now available and affordable for all compe-tition classes, where applicable. RACE PROVEN IN THE 2001 BAJA 500. Call for complete details on this latest innovation in racing transaxle technology. Page 54 J FOR SALE: Jimco Class One. Toyota FAT V-6, fresh Fortin 5 speed, new Fox Shocks, New clutch & pressure plate. · BFG Projects on Ultra Wheels, Car has best of everything & is super clean & reliable. $45,000.00 obo -or trade Class 12 plus. -eves. (760) 344-3349 days (760) 27 5-6257 FOR SALE: Early model Fields racing auto trans. Fresh, rebuild and up grade by Mogi. $6,000.00 or make offer. Kirk (760) 922-4004. ALSO Adam Wik dry sump type 4. 2840cc 200+ hp/200+ torque. Has one pre run lap at Parker. Comes with Petterson oil tank. $7,000.00 or make offer. Kirk (760) 922-4004. FOR SALE: Motor OnlyClass 1 Race Ready V-6 Beat the Truggy! Brand new V-6 300 cubic inch. Just dynoed @ Paul Phaff Performance. 400 ft lb torque. 400 hp @ 5,000 rpm. Parts list and dyno sheet on request.· $32,000.00 (702) 293-2310. Tracy. December 2001 FOR SALE: Class 1 TLR Truggy. ED Hale Chevy 383 Motor with 525 hp. Culhane T-400 trans, TCS Torque Con-verter, J-Arm 28 inch front sus-pension, 4 link 30 inch .rear. Custom Housing ,with strange 9 inch R-P. Custom 4 tube bypass shocks and coil guides. 40 spline axles, CNC 6 piston calipers, 13inch CNC rotors, stainless brake lines, Hoewe steering, 85 gallon Fuel Safe cell, Ron Davis radiator, Fluidyne Motor and Trans coolers, MSD lgn, Art Carr shifter, Autometer, Master-· craft, Parker Pumper, radio· and intercom. AR 16 inch wheels, BFG Tires. $100,000.00 Call John (760) 996-4180, (760) 344-205 6 night. FOR SALE: 1992 Bronco Prerunner-full cage, 3 seat, 4 link 9" full floater Ford rear end, 4 W.D.B., King Shocks, King by pass, AC, PW, PDL, smog able, 4WD, Pro built, mint condition. Best truck available for the money. $46K (562) 618-4826. FOR SALE: HEWLAND GEAR BOX SALE: · (1)-DG3o·o-$4,000.00, (3) FGB's $3,000.00, $4,000.00 and $5,000.oo: (FGB's used in 10 a~d 12 car). Package deal available. (562) 618-4826. Black Box PCI Camera-Never used, only tested, $3,500.00. Save $820.00 My customer's loss is your gain. The finest in car camera package available. Call . Rich at Baja Racing Products (760) 723-2117 or cell phone is (760) 505-1700. FOR SALE: 1996 F800 Ford Hauler and 42' 5th . wheel trailer. 8.3 liter Cummings, 6 spd, 22.5 rub-ber, 35K miles. Runs and drives excellent. $46,000.00 or trade. (562) 618-4826. FOR SALE: Pro-Lite Toyota bu ii t in 2000 is a Brue/ Greaves combination. Fat Toyota, G-Force 5 speed, Fox shocks, Goldstar Clutch, Ford 9", BFG's on Beadlocks, all the best parts. Ready to race CORR or ? . Raced very little, will sell minus motor. Call Steve Sallenbach Ho: (402) 625-2802. or WK (402) 443-4117. FOR SALE: Ford Explorer, 2 door. Sport. Best in the Desert Class 3100 Champion in 1999/ 2000. This truck has a1'\ excel-lent race record. It is easy to maintain and fun $12,000.00 (760) 788-9229. 2 Seater Class 1 or Class 12-0verall MORE and SNORE Class 1 points leader, 2nd place in Baja 1000 to La Paz, Fox shocks, Hewland DG300 trans, CNC, Sway-A-Way, BFG, Sum-mers Floater Rear Hubs, Howe p/s, Best of prep, dependable, .Fast with spares and more $26,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #829. (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 1999 Newmar Moun-tain Aire 40'. Like new-less than 5,000 miles. 350hp Cummins Die-sel, 6 speed Transmission, Spartan Chassis, Large Gens et, Computer-ized Leveling, Leather Seats and Recliner, Light Oak Cabinets, Sat-ellite Dish, Freezer in Basement, Custom fit cover, loaded with op-tions. $149,900.00. Call (760) 749-5697 . FOR SALE: Liquidation Sale: C henowth Magnum short course car for sale. All top of the line parts. Extra new chassis, extra motors, extra trannys, spare carburetors, spare ignition systems, spare bead locks, wheels,.lots of other spare parts too numePous to list. Call Steve Sallenbach at wk: (402) 443-4117, or home (402) 625-2802. Trail Notes ... lives in happiness and love, surrounded by those who love you. With fondest regards, John & Pat. SCORE BAJA 1000 -46% of the 223 starters made it to the finish line ar the 34'" Baja 1000. Doug-Fortin and Charlie Townsley were the first of the 4 wheel finishers, taking the win with a big time margin. Steve Sourapas was second in Class 1, second overall. The 1600 honors went to Rob MacCachren and Bruce Fraley who won by almost two hours and Bill Bunch took the Class 3 honors. Clive Skilton was the Class 31 winner. George Seeley took Class 5 and Marcos Nunez and Rivera Nuza took Class 5-1600. Craig Turner was the Class 7 winner, Cory Susag took Class 7S honors while in Class 8 Nick and Larry Vanderway got the win. In Class 9 Eric Fisher and Hector Sarabia took the win and Danny Anderson teamed with Ben Schlimme for first · in Class 10 (Seventh overall). The Penhall/Kennedy duo took the gold medal in SCORE Lites but Class 11 and Stock Mini had no finishers. In Stock Full, Chad Hall drove the Hummer to victory, and in SS/Truck (Limited Production) Ryan Herzog and Grayson · Smith took the win. In the Protruck class, it was Scott Steinberger all the way and in the Baja Challenge Class, Andrew Hassard and Greg Roarke took the checkers. Stay tuned for the next issue where Judy Smith will weave her story with all the gory and not so gory details. Dusty Times
Class 12 Car-Penhall chassis, Fox coilover and bypass, Micro stub rear drive, FodFab, CNC, BFG, Fuel Safe, Hewland DG300 5 speed transmission, FAT race motor, Spares package included, car is race ready, Great record, high finisher, championship car! Call for more details $19,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref # .821 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Brand new Class 7 race truck. 2001 Ford Ranger edge. Featured in November 2001 Off Road Magazine. The truck is too nice to be ad-equately described in an ad, it must be seen. If you only want to buy the best , call 760-753-7227. $110,000 serious inquir-ies onl , lease! FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlim-ited. Pautter Type 1 fuel in-jected 200hp, Fortin, Fod-drill front end, Summer's front and rear hubs with air cooled adapters, Coil over in front, rear 300m torsion with 8 water cool Fox Shocks all around, UMP power steering, 50 gal fuel cell, Parker Pumper, CNC calipers on all corners, SACO magnum Steering box w/ram, PCI hook up, Centerline headlocks on BFG tires, Beard seat w/ neck brace on 5 point har-ness. PIAA and KC lights, one of the best built and winning 5 car so far, extras inc/tires w/wheels, open trailer w/tire rack and some miscellaneous parts. $22,000.00. Call Foddrill Fabrication (623) 582-2499, ask for Danny. FOR SALE: Unlimited Truggy, Raceworks Chassis, 800 HP ESI motor, Mogi C-6, Cone 9111 For-tin Rack, Bilsteins, Prepped and Ready to Race or Play. $49,000.00 (858) 486-4230. FOR SALE: 2000 Ji11.1co Class 1-2 seater, 3.5 lt Porsche, Fortin, Fox, CNC, Beard, Howe, McKenzies, All the best. New Jimco upgrades, Awesome car, all spares. (714) 441-1212. $85,000.00. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 1-1600 Suspensions Unlimited, 116 wheel Base, Fox, Ultra Beard, Saco, Wright Com-bos & Arms, JG Trans, UMP, Yokohamas, New Red Powdercoat on panels with extra set $10,500.00 OBO (714) 484-9482. . FOR SALE: 2001, 26" Domina-tor Trailer FOR SALE: Rear ramp door, wired for electric. Mounted tool boxes and work counter, wrapped in vinyl. Easy to remove white underneath. Asking $8,500.00. (303) 799-0 77 x21. FOR SALE: Raceco Two Seater, Class 10 Powered by FAT, Toyota 4AG, New Seats, New Rear Arm's and brakes, All Fab work done by Penhall Fab. Radio & intercom, Power Steering, Bilstein bypass in rear, coil over in front. Very clean car. Have spares $20,000.00 (760) 436-0442. Ask for John. FOR SALE: Chevrolet VS Protruck. Lots of spare parts including -spare body, springs, tires and wheels, too much to list. Call Protruck Racing Orga-nization foi more info at (619) 390-6252 or email at rotruck@ rodi . . Toyota Class 7s Truck, This truck is a proven winner, Chro-moly/TIG welded chassis, King Shocks, Cone hubs, Wilwood, Sway-A-Way, Tacoma fiberglass, 230 HP V6 motor, Auto Trans, Fresh Currie 35 spline 9111 BFG Bajas, Beard, PCI radio, race ready with spares package and owners will paint it any color you want!!! $24,000.00. Ref# 823 Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: AlumiCraft PreRunner. Brand New! Has about 10 miles on car. Frame & body are yellow. Honda V6, Men-deola 5 speed Fortin Outboard Hubs, 934.5 CV's Huge Axles. Beard extra wide seats. Gray w/ Gray seat belts, 2 Parker Pump-ers, 4- Pos enter com momo str. wheel & shift knob, roof rack w/ Bead Locks. Took 15 months to get. Don't wait Buy it now! If you need to ask how much you don't need this car. Call Tim at (760) 996-0125. FOR SALE: 77 GMC 3 axle cabover 36" sleeper, AC, PS, re-built 350 Cummins, Small Cam 10 speed Road Ranger. Excellent tires with 7 5 Dorsey 4 5' air ride. Drop Van 96" wide riew tires, shocks, airbags, trailing arm bushings, and roof. Oak inte-rior with benches, need minor body work and paint. $16,000.00 for tractor, $5,500.00 for Drop van or $20,000.00 for both. (775) 588-7824. F150 Race Truck-Race winning F150 for .sale, Stock Full mul-tiple class champion, tons of spare parts are included in the sale, this truck is really tough and has finished every mile of every race. BIG Bilstein shocks, awesome f&r travel number, trick built rear end, Ready for BITD, SCORE, or ??? Same Great Package , Newly reduced Price $35,000.00. If you had to buy this stuff new it would eas-ily be in the 6 figure range !! Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 4 Seat PreRunner, Street legal 2388 VW, ARPM case, Berg crank, Corrillo rods, dry sumped, Hewland FOB trans, UMP power steering, Fox Shock, Foddrilll arms and spindles, Woods trailing arms, Beard Seats, Centerline Wheels, Fuel Cell, 4 wheel disc brakes, much more $15,000.00 OBO (602) 919-8533 Brad. FOR SALE: New Mirage 4 seat PreRun cassie. Beard Seats, P.S. Saco Magnum Rack, Fodrill front and rear arms, Big spindles. S.et up for Coilover shocks. $9,000.00 (562) 618-4826. Ragland's Blazer-PreRunner 2WD, 350 VS, 4L80 Trans, 9" Rear End, All tube Chassis and Lengthened ·Body, Totally Cus-tom Shocks, Best of Best, BFG Loaded wid1 extras, Freshly Prepped $45,000.00 Baja Bro-kers Ref# 900 (760) 723-2117. PLEASE! DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! December 2001 FOR SALE: Raceco Class 10/12 Single Seat, 1835cc Type 1, 091 Bus Tranny, Fox coilover with custom bypass shock each cor-ner, Summers Bros. hubs, 930 CV's, New fuel safe cell, Parker Pumper, Beard Seat, Fodrill front arms and spindles, Saco Rack, MSD Ignition, This car is fast and ready to race. $17,500.00 (520) 885-5578. For Sale: Raceco Class 1, fresh trans, 200 miles on new 2666 Fat type 4, Summer Bros. outboard cv's, brand new Beards Ultras, Fodrill beam, Bilstein coil-overs, Baja Blower, UMP Steering, pol-ished Centerlines, Fox, all shocks fresh, spare parts and tires, including extra trailing arms. Clean and fast. $15,000. Call 623-582-1880. INDb.X TO AD\/6..12. Tl66..12.6 Aggressive Suspensions ........................... 35 American JeepSpeed Challenge ................ 4 American Rally ........................................... 16 Austex .......................................................... 28 Baker ............................................................ 43 Best In The Desert ..................................... 23 Cactus .......................................................... 46 Cam burg Engineering ................................ 42 Coast Resorts ............................................. 11 DCS Digital Communications Services ................... 41 Eibach Springs ........................................... 32 Fabtech .....•.................................................. 40 FAT Performance ....................................... 30 Fuel Safe Racing Cells .............................. 20 German Auto ............................................... 27 Hannemann Fiberglass, Inc ...................... 46 Headflow Masters ..................................... 45 Kartek Off Road .................................. 15, 44 Kawaguchi Honda ...................................... 24 King Shock Tech ................. : ...................... 31 Light Force Engineering ............................ 17 Mastercraft ................................................. 30 McKenzie Performance Products ............ 37 Mendeola Racing ........................................ 10 Micky Thompson Tires ............................. 25 MSD Ignition ............................................... 21 Nevada Off Road Buggy ............................ 38 Parker Pumper ........................................... 46 PCI Race Radios and Equipment... ............. 2 Pike's Family Restaurant ......................... 26 Race Prep Services ................................... 22 Race Ready ................................................. 18 Rancho Performance ................................. 54 Ronco Plastics Inc ..................................... 12 Riviera Racing Sale ................................... 14 SNORE ................................................... 23, 33 Strictly Performance ................................ 18 Sway-A-Way Corp ........................................ 5 Toyota Motorsports .................. Back Cover Transaxle Engineering .............................. 13 Tri-Mil Industries ....................................... 38 Union 76 Racing Gasoline ........................ 19 Valley Performance ................................... 26 Web Cam ..................................................... 36 Whiplash Motorsports .............................. 23 Page 55
n thhl sport, ft pays to be crazy. Our engineers, for examp e, dlspfay a certain anal-retentive o~session with detail. And our dr1Yers show symptoms of good, old-fashioned, unhealthy fearf essness. But Ids face It. The craziness is fun to watch. H's the kind that says, hey, you got a flat tire? Keep driving-you've got three good tires left. Truck did an end-over? As long as you've landed right-side-up, keep going, baby. /' That's what we love about these guys. The "just keep going" part. The Greaves/Kincaid Potawatomf race team, for example, has won the Pro-Lite Championship four years running, but they just keep pushing. Artd so do we. That'• why there'• a Toyota Racing Development technician on hand every time these guys turn over their engines • • Speaking of engines, inside Johnny Greaves' 4x4 Toyota Tundra you'll find a race-prepared I-FORCE VS displacing 5.0 liters. (We can't tell you exactly how much torque it pumps out, but your neighbor's fancy sports car doesn't have half this much power on its best day.) Anyway, we wouldn't miss the Championship Off. Road Racing (CORR) season for anything. And that's why we're on hand for every race. To watch. To learn. To make adjustments. And, of course, to occasionally say something like "Holy %01$&?!! Did I really just see what I think I saw?" At any rate, CORR is intense. Check it out. And when you do, keep your eyes open for Mr. Greaves and Mr. Kincaid. They'll be up front, where the trucks and mud are flying. And the screws are tight. @TOYOTA toyota.com/motorsports -At TRD, we have a long history of kicking tailgate and taking names in the off-road arena. In SCORE, the indomitable Ivan Stewart has a string of victories stretching back over the last two decades. And in CORR, we've got two of the winningest active drivers in Johnny Greaves and Jeff Kincaid of the Potawatomi Forest County Race Team. TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT ©2001 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.