Volume 17 • Number 2 • l=ebruary 2000 $2.SO
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Volume 17 -Number 2 February 2000 BIiii lil■II ~ ral o E~~~~ ::',:: IUU. I I · Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Yance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Jim Culp Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Mike Jenkins Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Tim!llerman Trackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, l 2 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited mate-rial will be returned only by.request and with a self ad-dressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. · DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. · DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 9131 H408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright by Hill-side Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 2075 !Marilla Sr., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new ad-dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 207 51 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. snapshot of the Month ... Ah, memories -Remember the good old days when the highly competitive combo of Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen seemed to rule the roost in their class? Shown here at the 1983 Parker 400. Fortunately for the off road world, both ai:e still active and a pair of real nice guys as well! DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on i:his page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only blac k & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES BITD Terrible's Town 250 by Tony Tellier ...................... ~ ............................. 8 SNORE Awards by John Calvin ..................................................................... 17 Network Q Rally by Martin Holmes ................................................ : ............. 18 BITD Terrible's Town 250 Motorcycles by Mark Kariya ......... ,-................. 20 CORR at Las Vegas by Ron Miller ................................................... , ............. 26 MOR Awards by Ron Miller ................................................................ : ............ 29 SCORE Baja 1000 Motorcycles by Tony Tellier ...................................... _. ...... 30 Treeline Rally by Paul Timmerman ........................................................... : .... 36 MOR Stoddard 300 by Ron Miller ............................................... : .. • ............... 38 Whiplash Sonoyta To Rocky Point by Tony Tellier., ................................... 44 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ...................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ....................................................................................................... 6 CRS Rally Report by Sue Robinson ..................................................... , .......... I 7 Challenger Corner by Joel Mohr ........... .' .... :···· ....................................... -....... 49 The N·ew Wayzoo by ? ....................................................... : ............................ 49 Loco Mocos -by Mark Naugle .......................................................................... 49 MAG 7 Rac.e Team by Stephen Stenberg ............................................ , ........... 50 Good Stuff Directory .................................................................... · .................. 52 Classified Ads ................................................................................................. 58 Index To Advertisers .......... : .......................................................................... 59 On The Cover Taking Trophy Truck high point honors for 1999, Ed and Tim Herbst were triply pleased as brother Troy took the Class 1 championship and Terrible Herbst Oil Company was named Entry Sponsor Of The Year. Many Congratulations! Photo by Trackside Photo Youngster Jeremy Harmon had a fantastic year racing with SNORE, five races, two wins, a second, a third and a seventh. He ended up as SNORE Class 9 Champion, was second overall in points and was voted Rookie Of The Year as well. Have many, many more! Photo by Carrera Photography Visit Our Website Dustytimes.com . c5uhscri£e <Joda_y lo .DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING DFF ROAD MONTHLY IN T.HE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years - $40.00 □ 3 years -$55"00 (no credit cards please) Name ----------------------Address --------------------City ------------------State Zip --------------------Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 207 51 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times February 2000 Page3
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2000-Happenings ... (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Heraclio Patino (011 52 616-5-22-07) CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE Fiestas de! Sol December 1-3, 2000 Mexicali - San Felipe ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose del Caho Baja California del Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia DUSTY TIMES @bigpond.com AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1T7 (514) 622-4440 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 E-Mail: bitdjp@worldnet.att.net February 11-13, 2000 Kawasaki Team Green Laughlin U.S. Hare Scrambles April 7-9, 2000 Terrible's Town 250 April 21-23, 2000 Nevada 200 Trail Ride Motorcycles Only May 19-21, 2000 Tonopah 300 July 8-15, 2000 Nevada 2000 October 7-8, 2000 Tough Truck Field Meet December 1-3, 2000 Las Vegas 200 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Les Wolfe, NEW President 1727 N. Main Sunset, UT 84015 (801) 773-1651 May 5-6, 2000 Wendover Express Wendover, UT July 7-8, 2000 Jackpat 200 Jackpot, NV September TBA, 2000 Bonneville Challenge Wendover, UT BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R._R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-IH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 CAJOR Club Automovilista-Juarense de Championship Off-Road Racing 7210 Gateway East El Paso, TX 79915 (915) 593-4848 Ralph Garcia 0l l-52-16-17-45-42 Cesar Fuentl!s March 4, 2000 Carrera de Primavera Start: 12 Noon - 5 Hour Time Limit May 20, 2000 Start: 10 am - 6 Hour Time Limit Jul~• 15, 2000 Carrera de Las Estrellas 150 Night Race - Start: 8 pm - 5 Hour Time Limit September 16, 2000 Juarez 250 Start: 10 am - 8 Hour Time Limit November 25, 2000 Carrera de .La Revoluci6n Start 12 Neon • 5 Hour Time Limit CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Sue Robinson 845 School House Road Ramona, CA 92065 (760) 788-3809 E-Mail: windfall@accessl.net Michael Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 935558 (619) 375-8704 John Dillon, SoPac Rally Steward SOPacRallySteward @ Homemail ... com Rally School/SCCA Rally Cross Location TBA February 12-13, 2000 NASA Rally/Cross/Sprint Holtville, CA March 18-19, 2000 L V SCCA Region Rallycross & Rally Sprint Jean, NV. Mav 5-6, 2000 Dusty Times Rim Of The World Pro Rally/Club Rally Palmdale, CA August 18-19, 2000 Gorman Club Rally Frasier Park, CA September 29-30, 2000 Prescott Forest Pro Rally/Club Rally Prescott, AZ .October 14, 2000 L V SCCA Region Rally Cross Jean, NV November 12, 2000 T reeline Club Rally Monrovia, CA November 18, 2000 L V SCCA Region Rally Cross Jean, NV December 8-10, 2000 Ramada Express International Rally Laughlin, NV CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 -Maywood, CA 90270 ■ ■ Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON ID-JACKERS l.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Slwrt Course off Road Racing At Harrison Counry Fair Grouru½. Cadiz. OH CLUB' AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN . Calle 6ta Fracc Cd. de San Quintin San Quintin, BC, Mexico San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 61746834) Ram6n Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 CODE 011-52-65-52-5928 February 18-20, 2000 Cerro Prieto Aprol 14-16, 2000 Laguna Salada May 19-21, 2000 San Felipe June 30-July 1, 2000 Night Race - Laguna Salada October 6-8, 2000 Laguna Salada COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORR Championship Off Road Racing 192 N. State Road 267, Suite 267 Avon, IN 46123 (317) 272-2827/Fax: (317) 272-2900 June 10-11, 2000 Langlade County Fairgrounds Antigo, WI June 24-25, 2000 Crandon International Raceway Crandon, WI July 29-30, 2000 Fort dodge, IA Au_gust 12-13, 2000 Bark River Off Road Raceway Bark River, MI (jJ=' Rick D. Johnson (right), repeat champion in the Protruck Series, received his second Bilstein Protruck Drivers Award from Krupp Bilstein's Doug Robertson and series founder Ivan Stewart. Rick D. Johnson As Pn>truck Series Champion For the s~cond straight season, Rick D. Johnson won the Protruck Championship and with it his second Bilstein Protruck Drivers Award. Johnson, from Barstow, CA, won the title by driving all 2,980 miles of _ Protruck competition in 1999. In his Bilstein shock-equipped Ford Protruck, Johnson and teammate Rick L Johnson won the SCORE Baja 500 and the Best in the Desert Silver State 300 plus two second place finishes to capture the crown. For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 @) KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road • San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 858/453-7723 www.bilstein.com · February 2000 · Pages
Trail Notes ... SEMA AW ARDS -we were pleased to see that Fabtech Motorsports was awarded the SEMA the Best New Product Award for their new 3" lift spindles for I 999 and newer two wheel drive light GMC trucks. The spindle increases 3 inches of suspension lift and increases front end ground clearance by 3" without affecting the ride characteristics of the vehicle. Congrats on the Best New Off Road Four Wheel Drive Product. TOYOTA TRUE GRIT -Toyota has announced that for the 15th year, they will be sponsoring the Toyota True Grit Award and the Toyota Milestone Awards for the year 2000. The Milestone Award is offered to all car and truck class competitors who complete every mile in the SCORE Laughlin Desert Series. The True Grit Award is available to competitors in non-factory sponsored classes. Drivers must complete every mile in every race and win the points in their class. Class 1/2-1600, Class 5, Class 10 and SCORE Lites are eligible for the $12,000 purse. "It is extremely difficult to complete every mile of every race. Toyota recognizes and supports those few for their strength and their dedication to off road racing", said Les Unger, Toyota Motorsports Manager. PROTRUCK SERIES -The '99 Protruck Series had its share of close calls and dnf's but the racing was great and the ProTruck Class fields a good group of trucks every race. The series competes in the following races, Laughlin, Baja 500 and Baja 1000 in SCORE and also at Tonopah, Silver State 300, Terrible's Town 250 and Vegas To Reno in the Best In The Desert Series. The Protrucks are eligible to win $3000, $2000 and $ 1000 for first, second and third in each race. BFGoodrich pays $500 for first in each race and BITD pays $3000 and $ 1000 for first and second in a Ford vehicle. The Protruck year end bonus pays $6000 to the overall points winner, $4000 for second place and $2000 for third in points. Best In The Desert also pays $2000 and $ 1000 as a year end bonus to first and second in points. The 1999 Protruck Points Champion is Rick Johnson, taking his second consecutive series win, second was Steve Scaroni, third was Scott Steinberger, Larry Plank was fourth, Kevin McGillivray was fifth, Jeff Hoskins sixth,"Mike Hardaway seventh, Gary Vosburg eighth, Steve Barlow ninth and 10th spot went to Chuck Harris. D AMADA EXPRESS RALLY - All the big names and the wanna-1'.be big names in rallying got together December 9 to 11 in downtown Laughlin, Nevada to compete in the Ramada Express Hotel & Casino International Rally. There were 45 entries in the Intemationai Rally and fully 15 o·f them failed to make it to the finish. The various class winners are: Hiroyuki Genta/Kaz Takata, first overall and first in Open Class, driving a Lancer Evolution VI, Rhys Millen/ Brian Stoeckel, first in SUV Class in a Lexus RX300 and Laughlin and Farina O'Sullivan in the Audi Quattro were second in Open Class. Frank PaTedes/William Staley took Croup 2 in their Toyota Corolla and Matt Sweeney/John Forespring were second in their Toyota Pickup. First in Group 5 were Thomas Liljequist/Roine Anderson in a Volvo 242, followed closely by Vicente Frontinan/Nicholas Pessoa in a VW Corrado. Steve Bender/Craig McHugh won Performance Stock in their VW Rabbit and Steve Westwood/Alex Gelsomino in their VW Gti were second in that class, both winners running as Sportsman with no prize money involved.Jay Streets/Bill Feyling won the Stock Class in their Toyota Corolla while Roger Hull/Michael Taylor won the GT Class in their Eagle Talon. Rod Koch/Gary English drove their VW Fastback to the Vintage Class win and the Production Class win went to Bruce Tabor/Ben Bradley in the Nissan Sentra. David Cookman/Bruce Johnston won The Pre-runner Class in their VW Baja Bug. In the CRS portion of the rally on Friday Mike Whitman/Paula Gibeault won the 2WD Class and were first overall as well in the Datsun 510. Doug/Susan Robinson took the 4WD Class in their Mazda 323. Performance Stock went to Steve Bender/Craig McHugh in the VW Rabbit. Jay Streets/Bill Fehling won the Stock Class in their Toyota Corolla. Saturday's CRS portion of the rally went to the O'Sullivans in 4WD and overall, Paredes/Staley took the 2WD win, Bender/McHugh took Performance Stock and Streets/Feyling won Stock Class. Sunday's CRS Rally saw the O'Sullivan's first overall and· first 4WD, Paredes/Staley took 2WD, Bender/McHugh took Performance Stock and Nick Taylor/josh Armbruster took the Stock Class. Hopefully there will be a full story in next month's issue. TOMMI MAKINEN -Tommi Makinen, the World Rally Drivers Champion (again} is being honored by Mitsubishi. They are making a special edition T omini Makinen version of their twin turbo Lancer Evolution VI rally car. It will produce 176 horsepower and comes in two versions: the cheapie costs $26,000 and the GSR Model will go for $32,000. Don't get your checkbook out just yet as we understand the car won't be sold in the US of A. CORY WITHERILL - Cory Witherill, Pace Motorsports champion in 1998 and 1999 as well as 1999 champion of All Canada Motorcross which he also won in 1995 and 1997. Cory is going to be honored by the Navajo Nation on January 24th in Window Rock, Arizona, the festivities scheduled to be held at the Sports Center. "The communities in the area have a great opportunity to meet and express appreciation to this racing champion, who is a Navajo", said President Kelsey A. Begaye. "Cory should be a role model to all the children of the Navajo Nation." Dusty Times certainly concurs and congratulates a member of the Navajo Nation. Page 6 September 1-3, 2000 Crandon International Raceway Crandon, WI September 30-October 1, 2000 Indiana State Fair Grounds Indianapolis, IN October 21-23, 2000 Heartland Park Topeka, KS CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Ol-ympia, WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ESTERO BEACH INTERNATIONAL Short Course Racing Victoria Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 011-526-176-6225 April 28-30, 2000 Estero Beach Baja California, MX October 13-lS, 2000 Estero Beach Baja California, MX FABTECH Off Road Short Course Series at Glen Helen Raceway P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (909) 280-9096 Comact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91760-0762 (562) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 FRT Motorsports 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 *denoces motorcycles & quads *January 16, 2000 1st Choice Realty Barking Spider Plaster City, West February 1, 2000 King Of The Desert Lake Superstition *February 6, 2000 . Precision Concepts Attack Kamakazi Dez Gran Prix Kamakazi Wash *February 19, 2000 King Of The Desert Lake Superstition *March S, 2000 Cycle· Parts West March Madness Team Race Plaster City * April 9, 2000 T azmanik Hare 'n Hound Plaster City, West April 22, 2000 FUD200 Plaster City, West *June 24, 2000 Cerveza Tecate Conquista Gran Prix Rancho Villareal, Tecate, BC, MX June 24, 2000 Cerveza Tecate Conquista Gran Prix Rancho Villareal, Tecate, BC, MX *July 29, 2000 Affordable Rain Gutters C/M N ite T earn Race Plaster City, East *August 27, 2000 Saasta Chevron Sweetheart's Kiss Lake Superstition *September 10, 2000 Cerveza Tecate Cacti Gran Prix KOA Kampground, Rancho Ojai, Tecate, BC,MX *October 1, 2000 Stuart Engineering Mudhen Sprint Plaster City, East October 21, 2000 Superstition 250 XVI Plaster City, East February 2000 *November 19, 2000 Cycle Parts West Notorious Dawg Plaster City, West *December 3, 2000 Yoder's Yodel Rudolph's Revenge Dez Gran Prix Superstition Mountains December 31, 2000 Dunaway Dash Plaster City, West GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 (402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 4964846 Eve. (I-80 Race Track is localed 20 minuies west of Omaha ■ All races are short course, stadium style. Classes: Trophy, I 1-1600, 5, 7S, 1 and Quads) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC; P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (250) 3 7 4-7175 days Randy (250) 579-9621 eves. Wes (250) 351-2819 LI.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 Jim Aruta (408) 247-4402 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Dune Buggy Trade Show (517) 543-7214 www.buggybuilders.com February 2 7, 2000 Lansing Center Lansing Michigan MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (51 7) 62 7-6200 July 30, 2000 Ingham County Fair Mason, MI 0eeps, Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Road Warriors and Quad ATV-Money Classes.) MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Steph Sabo (618) 327-9312 Short Course Events May 6, 2000 . Lincoln T~ail Motorsports Park Casey, IL May 27, 2000 Vermillion County Speedway Danville, IL June 10, 2000 Vermillion County Speedway Danville, IL June 24, 2000 "The Edge" Triple R Raceway Nashville, IL July 15, 2000 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL July 29, 2000 "The Edge" Triple R Raceway Nashville, IL August 19, 2000 . Vermillion County Speedway Danville, IL September 16, 2000 "The Edge" Triple R Raceway Nashville, IL September 30, 2000 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL MAORA Enduro Series May 7, 2000 100k Lindon Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL July 16, 2000 100k Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL . · September 1 7, 2000 100k "The Edge" Triple R Raceway Nashville, IL October 1, 2000 200k Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL MOJAVE DESERT RACING 1853 Parkway Drive S. El Monte, CA 91 733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 Fax E-Mail: mdrracing@aol.com February 26, 2000 Wild Wash 250 · Barstow, CA April 29, 2000 Ridgecrest 300 Ridgecrest, CA June 17, 2000 Lucerne 400 Lucerne.CA August S, 2000 California 200 Barstow, CA September 30, 2000 Barstow 300 Barstow, CA November 18, 2000 Stoddard 300 Barstow, CA M.OR.E. High Desert Championship P.O. Box 1231 Barstow, CA 92311-1231 Fax: (760) 253-4453 March 18, 2000 Lucerne,CA May 20, 2000 Barstow, CA August S, 2000 Lucerne,CA October 7, 2000 Barstow, Ca December 2, 2000 Barstow, CA MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 - Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 OFF ROAD EXPO 2000 (626) 599-8622 October 7-8, 2000 Fairplex Pomona, CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OFELPASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take I-10 Horizon Blvd. exit east 12 miles OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison Count-y Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichboume, Public Relations (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 495 N. Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 (630) 566-6100 www.usoff-road.com January 29, 2000 Edison Field Anaheim, CA February 26, 2000 Sam Boyd Stadium Las Vegas, NV Dusty Times
PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PROTRUCK RACING SERIES 9409 Abraham Way Santee, CA 92071-2856 (619) 449-6252/Fax: (619) 449-6470 January 20-23, 2000 Laughlin Challenge (SCORE) Laughlin, NV April 7-9, 2000 Terrible's Town 250 (BITD) Pahrump, NV May 20, 2000 Closed Course Event (SCRAMP) w/Winston West Monterey, CA July 8-16, 2000 Nevada 2000 (BITD)** Las Vegas, NV November 10-17,.2000 Baja 2000 (SCORE) Ensenada to La Paz, Mexico December 1-3, 2000 Las Vegas 200 (BITD) Las Vegas, NV **Non Points Event S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRORALLY CHAMPIONSlllP Sports Car Club of America 9033 E. Easter Place Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622/Fax: (303) 694-3654 January 28-29, 2000 Sno*Drifr Rally Atlanta, MI April 14-15, 2000 Oregon Trail Rally Tillamook, OR May 5-6, 2000 Rim Of The World Rally Palmdale, CA June 2-3 2000 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, PA June 23-25, 2000 FIA Asia Pacific Rally Colorado July 28-29, 2000 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME August 25-26, 2000 Ojibwe Forests Rally Bemidji.MN September 29-30, 2000 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ October 20-21, 2000 D&N Bank Lake Superior Rally Houghton, MI SCORE SCORE International 23961 Craftsman Rd., Suite A Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/Fax: (818) 225-8102 January 20-23, 2000 6th Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV March 17-19, 2000 14th Tecate SCORE San Felipe San Felipe, BC, MX June 2-4, 2000 31st Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX August 4-5, 2000 5th SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm, NV November 10-17, 2000 Tecate SCORE Baja 2000 Baja California Norte to Baja Sur, Mexico SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 February 25-27, 2000 AVI 250 Laughlin, NV April 14-16, 2000 Buffalo Bills 400 Primm, NV June 9-10, 2000 KC HiLites Midnight Special Location TBA July 28-29, 2000 BUD In The Trees Lacation TBA September 22-24, 2000 Gold Coast/SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV November 3-5, 2000 Reserve 250 Boulder City, NV Dusty Times SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS . Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 SOUTH EAST OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. President - Geoff Lee 1100 West Main Street D-3 Franklin, TN 3 7064 Classis 1/2-1600, 5-1600., Class 9, SODA Class 11 & Sportsman (AU Races at Rally Hill Speedway) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TIMING ASSOCIATION AND BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INC. 2517 Sycamore Drive #353 Simi Valley, CA 93065 (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) (805) 526-1805/Fax:(805) 584-8518 Internet: http://scta-bni.org SOUTHERN. SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive · Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (011 ) 880-2170 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437/(615) 595-8237 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX)· TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 T.O.R.R.O Texas Off Road Racing Organization Marty Jackson 8307 Bauman Road Houston, TX 77022 (713) 694-0207/Fax: (713) 694-8335 TSO c/o Frog Specialties 4050 Spencer Street # I Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 370-9856 VORRA Off Road Racing 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702/Fax (916) 925-8217 March 25-26, 2000 Season Opener Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA April 29-30, 2000 Spring Festival Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA May 27-29, 2000 Desert race Yerington, NV June 24-25 Desert Race Lovelock, NV July 29-30, 2000 Top Gun Desert Race Fallon,-NV September 2-4, 2000 Off Road Desert Challenge Fernley, NV September 30-October 1, 2000 Championship Series - Round I Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA October 14-15, 2000 Championship Series - Round 2 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, Ca October 28-29, 2000 2000 Championship Race - Round 3 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFF ROAD CLUB Profo. Cenovio Gamboa 011-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire P.O. Box376 Adamsburg, PA (412) 527-6556 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 16251 North Cave Creek Road #4 Phoenix, AZ 85023-2976 (602) 971-3730 Buggies & Tmcks on Saturdays, Bikes & A1Vs on Sundays January 15-16, 2000 Parker 400 Parker, AZ February 19-20, 2000 Gila Monster GilaBend,AZ March 25-26, 2000 Vulture Mine · Wickenburg, AZ May 6, 2000 Rock To Rock Rocky Point, MX June 24-25, 2000 Holbrook Holbrook, AZ September 2-3, 2000 Snowflake Snowflake, AZ October 7, 2000 Point to Point Mexico November 4-5, 2000 Grand Prix Of Parker Parker, AZ WINSCONSIN MOTORSPORTS SHOW (414) 747-1711 January 22, 2000 Wisconsin Center Arena January 29-30, 2000 Motorsports 2000 Midwest Express Center WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSlllP 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, Wl 54901 Attention Race& Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 2000 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4404. February 2000 Trail Notes ... TELEVISED RACES - Shoemaker Productions has signed a deal with Speedvision for the airing of ten races in the year 2000. The races to be aired are: Whiplash- Parker, Snowflake, SCORE - Laughlin, San Felipe 250, Baja 500, Primm 300, BITD - Terrible Town 250, Tonopah 300, Nevada 2000, Nevada 200. The "Speedvision Desert Racing Series" shows are one hour in length and are hosted by Todd Harris, Ivan Stewart and Larry Roeseler. The Nevada 2000 race will air in two segments, each segment one hour long. For more info call Lane Evans at 1-888-807-2673 . FINAL FLAG -We were saddened to hear of the passing of Roy Allen. Roy passed away December 30, 1999 of cancer. He started racing in 1970 at Borrego, entered the Baja 1000 that year and finished in 10th spot. He owned Sand Meister Turning Brake, known to all in the dunes, and in 1971 he appeared in the ABC documentary "Plimpton At The Wheel". He raced into the early 90s, running 15 Baja 1000s, and he won two of them, Class 8 in 1977 and 5-1600 with Mark Steele in 1980. Roy was liked by everyone he touched and he will be sorely missed. · CRANDON SCHEDULE -Crandon International Raceway is entering it's 31st year of competition. On schedule this year are Snowmobile races in late January, February sees sled dog racing mid month and, if you like cars and trucks, and we're sure you do, the Brush Run will contest on June 24-25 and the annual Labor Day race, September 1-3 will take your breath away. Both scheduled car races are part of the CORR Series. For further information call 715-4 78-2222 KC HILITES - Pete Brown has a brand new contingency program for 2000. There are separate programs for the "HID" Sites (High Intensity Discharge) and for the regular Dayliters and they are covering all classes in SCORE, CORR, MDR, CODE, VORRA, SNORE, BITD and Estero Beach. For more info or product, contact Jim Conner at 520-855-0912 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY FUND RAISER AT OCOTILLO WELLS -The San Diego Muscular Dystrophy Association will team up with various OHV organizations at Ocotillo Wells on February 4-6. There is a night poker run on Friday, the fourth and on Saturday there are all sorts of activities for motorcycles, quads, ATV's and buggies. Sunday will have a variety of off road activities and it is all for a very worthy cause. Last year's event drew over 500 participants and hopefully this year will double that figure. Get on down to Anza Borrego State Park and have a ball! For info call Jack Raudy 916-441-7606 or SDMDA at 858-492-9792. SCORE BAJA 2000 -The Baja 2000 will start in Ensenada and will finish in Cabo San Lucas, SCORE announced this week. The race will have a projected purse of $200,000 and nearly $1,000,000 in contingency postings. The event schedule will run from November 9-16 with the official race start on November 12. Pre-race activities, including registration will start in San Diego on November 9 and 10. On Saturday, November 11 a parade of all race vehicles will cross into Mexico for final registration and tech in Ensenada. Race end celebration will be held in Cabo San Lucas the evening of Thursday, November 16th. There will be 23 Pro Classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and A TVs along with six for Sportsman entries. There will be a 100 hour time limit, although the faster vehicles are expected to finish in 41 hours. The course will pass through or near San Felipe, Santo Tomas, San Quintin, Santa lnez/Catavina, Punta Prieta, Bahia de Los Angeles and San Francisquito. In the south, El Arco, San Ignacio, San Juanico, La Purisma, San Javier, Ciudad lnsurgentes, Ciudad Constitucion, Santa Rita, P'unta Conejo, La Paz and Todos Santos. It will be a hell of a race and certainly a logistical nightmare, so get your planning caps on soon and good luck to all that pursue the conquest of the Baja peninsula. For more info, call SCORE at 818-225-8402. PARIS-CAIRO -The rally ran into some political trouble as they prepared to enter the country of Niger for a four stage run on their way to Cairo. Word was that terrorists were planning some action somewhere along the way so the organizers decided to cancel the stages in Niger and airlift all the rally cars, motorcycles and support vehicles to Libya where the rally would cbntinue on to the final destination, Cairo. The rally, which began January sixth in Dakar, Senegal, covers some of the most rugged territory in Africa and is scheduled to end in Cairo on January 23rd. It is interesting to_not that at this point, 400 of the 407 entered vehicles are still running. The logistical problem is to airlift almost 350 vehicles and almost 1400 people in time to restart the rally on the 17th. Three Anatov 124s will perform the operation, each one with a cargo capacity of 105 tons. Curt LeDuc and Darren Skilton are each driving for T earn Kia and at this time we have no idea of where they are running in the field, suffice it to say that they are giving up a bunch of horsepower to many of the other vehicles. Hopefully, we will be able to give you a complete rundown next issue. FRT BARKING SPIDER - FRT's first race of the year, the Barking Spider for motorcycles was held on January 16th. Steve Fenton was first Vet Expert and First overall. Steve has also won overall on a three wheeler, four wheel A TV and also in Superlite. Well done! First A TV was Allen White II on a Duncan Honda A TV and first Superlite went to James "Hollywood" Saasta, driving a Landshark. Congrats to all the winners. Page 7
BEST IN THE DESERT TERRIBLE'S TOWN 250 Herbsts Not So Bad At 16Terrible's Town·· Photos: Trackside Photo Robby Gordon had an unusual breakage, but once repaired his Toyota powered Trick Truck blasted its way towards the finish line, earning a 2nd in class and third overall. The Herbst sponsored "Terrible's Town 250" was anything but "Terrible" for the boys in red: Ed and Tim Herbst won the "Trick" Truck cl«ss and the overall at the "Terrible's Town 250" while Trny was the Unlimited class cl,a;npion. That was a "One-Tw,1" knock-out punch with a testing Rohby Gordon in thirJ overall, second T-T. Seventh overall was Jeff Hoskins in his Ford skinned Protruck, just 19 minutes be-hind Ed and T'm. Hoskins even beat Class 8000 winner by nearly three mi1:,utes, who just edged Protruck runner-up Kevin McGillivray. In a calculated, but accept-able move, race leading Troy Herbs ts held off, stopping 100 yarc.:s before the finish line, so as to allow his brothers to take the Overall and Best in the Desert championship and the $10,000 Ford bonus. And never ones to hog it all, they then matched BitD purses with their own dinero. "The Herbst family was very nice and opened the bar for the racers and had their wives serve everyone; plus they matched the BitD money by giving a bonus check that matched BitD's ... doubling car winnings! Yours in better racing, Marc Stein." The event was won overall in 5:09:03. The Herbst Ford Truggy finished in 5:09:56. Robby Gordon was second in Trick Truck and third over-all with a 5: 14:56 in his Toyota. ' The first "buggy" Buggy was Sam Berri in his Mirage as fourth overall, second in class, ahead of Steve Sourapas and John Marking. A sea of Fords attacked the Stock Full ranks with the ever-ebullient W. David Sykes in the "Anda taco" Ford coming out on top. The Race There were 73 starters, 44 of which were Fords, making that a 60% showing for Dearborn. Those FoMoCo dollars draw truck entries like flies on a moose bird. Four-teen cars were buggies, seven GM products were entered, two trucks were Hummers, and there were even two ( ! } Dodges, a rare unit these days, indeed. Thirty eight teams finished the race: a 52% finishing ratio. A tough day. A tough race. For ex-ample, only one car finished in 7200P ( Craig Turner) out of seven entries. All seven Trick Trucks finished, a record of some sort, maybe. There were three Sports-man car entries. None of which finished. The Course "Terrible's Town" was a one lap event starting in Pah-rump, Nevada ... the gateway to Death Valley. The route went by the Johnny site, a power-less Amargosa Valley (refer to Steve Scaroni's Protruck report for detaiis and an admission of respon-sibility), out to Beatty and back again in Pahrump. "The course was very chal-lenging, rocky, 10-20 miles of silt at a time. There wasn't any smooth rounds for the first time this year. I thought it was great overall; now IF I could just drive around some of those big rocks." -Dr. M. Glass. · Friday, Tech Day, the wind was down out of the North Pole and wise people took shelter from the wind and its chill. Happily on race day, while the temperature was still low, the wind had died, appreciably?, making for a de-cent environment. OK, not that decent: "Temp: nearly freezing: Wind ... yes. 'Rocks'? (Ha, ha) Sharp pointy ones. 'Silt'? Yes ... moon dust (worse than baby powder). (I). drove 300 yards of it in the re-covery truck and was dusted like an entire (expletive deleted) race." So wrote a reliable source. "'Paved sections!' Ha, Ha, Tim & Ed Herbst had some flats an_d ran out of gas with their Ford Trick Truck, but still managed to get the overall win which earned them their own bonus as well as Ford's bonus. Troy Herbst finished just 53 seconds behind his brothers in his Smithbuilt Ford powered Truggy, taking the Class 1500 win, and second place overall. Ha! A bunch of road crossings, some you can easily get stuck at. 'Overbearing officious offi-cials!' Only acut?, There were more course marking signs than (in) a European clrivlng hand-book (anD pay particular atten-tion to the 'green' danger signs)." CLASS 1000/10 Casey Jones and Cody Bliss raced the entire race but with mucho problems in the lubri-cation department. The Hon-da VTec's (new) crank seal went out and they oiled the track, you're welcome. "They had to dump in 30, oh, maybe 40 quarts of oil. They stopped six, seven times," said Jerry Jones, Casey's dad. "They car-ried a lot of oil and would top the engine way up. Then it didn't like to run real good, cavitating and churning and all that. It would run bad for ten miles then good for 20 then t"hey'd have to do it all over again." They would pass cars then re-pass then re-pass all day long. "We thought that we could run for the Overall but ... ", Jerry sighed. They have sold the Del Sol engine to Frank Omboli and will be installing a de-stroked 383 "worth 700 horsepower. Mike (Monohan/Aceco) is byukding us a new car to run a little of SCORE and a little of Best in the Desert. We fig-ure to have to test everything for three mont.hs. It will have a lot more travel and a lot more power. It's got a lo t of special parts, shafts and such, and will be done about Feb-ruary." Class 1000 Results: 12, 1, 05:43:50 Casey Jones (BitD 1999 Class Champion) -Aceco; 18, 2, 06:27:28 James Cochran/Frank Omboli -Lothringer. CLASS 1400 Trophy-Trick Trucks (Note: Casey Folks' BitD class numbers differ a bit from SCORE, etc., so the "other" guys' class names are also noted.) While it may appear that the Herbsts just blew through the desert to win, it wasn't that way, at all. They had two flats just outside of Johnny but carried only one spare. "We had to run on a flqt left front all the way to RM44," reported right sidekick Barry Beacham. "Luckily the inner liner held some air so the wheel wasn't totally wrapped around the ro-Continued on page 10 ~---------------------~ ,.. . -· .. , ~~,s ., -t, Always near the front of the pack, Sam Berri put his Mirage into second Roger Norman and Rod Hall took the win in Class 4100 (full-sized Consistent Class 8000 winners, Dave Wes them and Randy Salmon/ place in Class 1500, and fourth in the overall standings, winning the SUVs) in their Hummer, which also gave them the BITD Class did it again in their Chevrolet finishing eighth overall and taking the BITD Class Championship while he was at it. championship for 1999. ______ _C_la_s_s_B_0_00_ ch_a_m__,_p_io_n_s_h-'-ip_fi_o_r _'9_9_. __________ _ Pages February 2000 Dusty Times
''A.RACE INTO THE MILLENIUM'' M C 0 T A 0 R R s C • T y C R L u E c. s K • s JULY 8-15 2000 BESTi■THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: 3475 Boulder Highway • Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 (702) 457-5775 • Fax: (702) 641-2431 • www.bitd.com
Roger Norman and Rod Hall took the win in Class 4100 (full-sized SUVs) in their Hummer, which also gave them the BITD Class championship for 1999. tor. But it did take a bit to get the wheel off." A half mile be-fore the pit Mike Julson got by, then Troy in the 'l' car. It's a bitch passing road crossings and being unable to change a tire right there. We all know Casey's rules, but we don't have to like them", Barry al-lowed. "Julson was haulin' ass and we had to play catch up." "A little further down the course we passed Julson, who, it turned out, had run out of gas. We, at that time, thought that he had blown a motor or a tranny, since they were out looking at that area. But then, at about RM135, WE ran out of gas. It was pretty surprising as we had taken two 'splashes' already; 11 gallons when we changed the tire and seven at another pit." They started with 69 gallons so that made 81 that they had in." (Note: that' is less than two miles per gallon -1.67 mpg.) "The (fuel totalizer) showed five gallons in the tank when the engine crapped out. I think that we were low, anyway, and we were in hills and big turns; we might have sucked some air and lost the prime." "Troy was ahead by ten sec-onds or so and we radioed him to wait while we got it going and burbled and crackled to him." Troy towed them to the next pit where they fueled the race winning car and then had to prime the system by bleed-ing the air out of the fuel de-livery line. "That only took two minutes; we only had to crack the fitting just down-stream of the pump and not the other one up at the EFL That one in the back is tough Consistent Class 8000 winners, Dave Westhem and Randy Salmont did it again in their Chevrolet finishing eighth overall and taking the Class 8000 championship for '99. to get to. You gotta be a con-tortionist", he laughed. "Troy then had a flat not too much later after we got back running but caught up and then waited for us at the finish to get the Ford money," Beacham said. He also said that the new 4WD Trick Truck already has over 250 miles on it. "We are testing at 'Primm' and we will go to Bar-stow before Laughlin. The old truck is for sale. We got a few lookers but no cash, although Mark Post was in thinking that (the truck) would make a great Christmas present for his brother, Nick Baldwin." OK. c ·raig Corda was stoked about the finish in his first Trick Truck race. "Joel Whit-ted had never driven a (race) truck before, so he did real well in the last half. I felt as if we had 'Overalled' it just to see the truck finish. We ran good and finished. I had a ball!" Joel had a couple of flats then suffered a broken frame with 30 miles to go. Steve Scaroni's guys had a stick welder and patched in a Cres-cent wrench and some scrap bolts to support that I-beam pivot. "I had a chrome-moly doubler plate over the top of the (stock) frame and it broke out. The bump stop rides there, too. Curry thinks that the 'stop' seized up and ham-mered the frame apart. The wrench is not a 'Craftsman' so we can't take it back for an exchange," Corda laughed. He mentioned that, in Best in the Desert., especially, you have to make alliances and friends in case you need some-thing brought in. Make friends with the little guys in slower classes, in particular, since they will be behind you., Tough for the guys in the back! "You want to make (the racing) fun and be making friends, too." Corda is now racing "TT" and will pull the stock frame sections -needed for Class 8 -and set the truck lower o~ the suspension. "Robby (Gordon) came over and really scoped out my (truck's) body (which is just like the Herbst's and Mark Post's, i.e., Gordon's old truck). I got it on a 'back door' deal and when I (vaguely) ex-plained how that came down he was satisfied." Craig did a lot of his truck via the Swap Meet method. For example, he has a used "Ultra" truck Chrisman rear end, used tires, and used bead-lock wheels. "That rear end was so trick I just had to have it, but it had six lug· axles so I had to change all of the front stuff to match: hubs, the rotors, and then calipers. It just snowballed!" RGR PR: "We had so much fun out there", Robby Gordon ex-claimed. "The course was fairly rough, but it was also fast. Not more than 25 miles into the race, we had a grem-lin in the transmission that we fixed on the spot, so from that point on I stuck the pedal to the floor." The problem Gordon was referring to .was a tail shaft ••••••• , Aamingo & The Strip 1-888-BARBARY 227-2279 www.barbarycoastcaslno.com Page 10 West Tropicana & Arville 1-800-0RLEANS 675-3267 www.orleanscaslno.com · West Aamingo & Valley View 1-888-G8C0AST 402-6278 www.goldcoastcaslno.com February 2000 Alta & Rampart 1-877-636-7111 Dusty Times
seal on the transmission that popped out, draining the transmission. It was a random problem, one Gordon claims he's never encountered in his career. (Like the farmer said when his cow died: "She ain't never done THAT before!") "In the desert you can never count on something not hap-pening," he said "but this was the (same) transmission that we had run for 500 miles in Baja, 125 in Barstow (MDR) race, and then another 200 or so in Glamis over the Thanks-giving holiday. We're trying to race the truck as much as we can to see what is going to be durable enough to run for 2000 miles in next year's "Baja 2000." We now know that that seal needs to be fixed." The seal problem cost Gor-don almost a half an hour. Co-rider Johnny Kaiser found the problem after pulling up the panel inside the truck's cock-pit and seeing the loose seal. The Aaron Dixon "Robby" Tech Report: "Mid-engined, yes; engine forward; then the TH400; fol-lowed by a transfer case that points the driveshaft forward (no rear shaft); then a V-drive set-up that is directly under Robby's seat. Then back to the rear end." "I just grabbed a couple of screwdrivers and pounded the thing back in," Kaiser said. "But once we had it in, we still couldn't run until we got our hands on some fluid. After ten minutes we flagged another racer down and he gave us some transmission fluid. At times I was having to pour the fluid down the dipstick tube as we were running." At the midway point, one of the front brake fittings was cracked by a rock, causing Gordon's truck to have little or no front brakes. "It was a little nutty ( ! ) without brakes, especially coming down the fast sections", Kaiser said. "We had a good level of communi-cation going. I'd be looking far down the road while he was concentrating more on the immediate road. "He did an awesome job of saving the tires. We didn't have a flat all day. The back section of the track was where we made up a ton of time. He was flying the last 100 miles. To go from over 30 minutes down to finishing just four minutes behind isn't bad." For Gordon, it was his last race in the desert with the Toyota powerplant. The truck will be fitted for a Ford engine as he moves back into an as-sociation with the manufac-turer he began his road racing career with in the early 1990s. "I'm excited about 2000," Gor-don said. "We've run the last few races more as tests than anything else, to see where we need to improve for the 'Baja 2000'. Right now, it's pretty solid. And putting the' Ford back in is going to make for a much meaner machine." (However, a recent RGR PR says that the desert effort is now somewhat "iffy" at this point.) Class 1400 Results: 1, 1, 05 :09:03 Ed Herbst -Ford; 3, 2, 05:04:56 Robby Gordot1. -Toyota; 10, 3, Page 11 Jeff Hoskins soloed his Ford Protruck to the win, barely making it to Check 4 as it tried to run out of fuel. He also took the BITD Protruck championship for '99. . Always good guys, the team of Malcolm Vinje, Terry Du Temple and Jim Gilchrist used their Ford to help pull a stuck racer to solid ground, still went on to win Class 7100. 05:36:04 Jim Baldwin -Ford; Desert for the season. A 14, 4, 05:55:51 Lonny Helm-Johnson flat let Hoskins slip by bolt -Dodge; 17, 5, 06: 12:05 early in the race. Eric Lane -Ford; 21, 6, Finishing fourth was 07 :06: 21 Craig Corda -Ford. Dwight Lunkley's Firefighters Class Pro 12/Protruck Pacific Burn Institute Ford PRO PR: with Kip Whitnack and Den-Jeff Hoskins placed his Ken nis Dugan driving. Whitnack Grody Ford Pro truck in the drove the first half of the race winners' circle, along with and was able to keep going af-capturing the four race Best in ter getting hit in the back by the Desert points series title, another Protruck when finishing in five hours and 28 stopped on course. A broken minutes. The soloing Hoskins' shock shaft gave the team only concern was before Pit more down time further up the #4 when his truck started course. Finishing in just under running out of gas. "I switched nine and a half hours, they fuel pumps and rocked the completed their third truck back and forth to get Protruck event. every drop out of the tank," Gary Vosburg called it a day exclaimed a relieved Hoskins near Pit 6 (RM152) with a at the finish line. "Running in the silt dropped the fuel mile-age more than (everyone) ex-pected. (Protruck~ are limited to a single 40 gallon fuel cell.) We only stopped to fuel up. No flats either, BFGoodrich came through." broken transmission. Vosburg decided not to change his tranny, thinking the short 250 mile race would not allow that much down time. Unbe-knownst to him, the other ve-hicles in class were suffering similar mishaps in their day, too. New Protruck owner Greg Hansen had an inauspicious debut. Coming around a turn in the heavy silt and dust, do-ing almost 60 miles per hour, Hansen plowed into the back of Lunkley's truck which was stopped at the rise of a drop-off. Hansen soon realized his Dodge was in the same vulner-able spot but he was able to start the truck and move out After being the bridesmaid in the last two Best in the Desert events, Hoskins kicked out his lead early in the race and then took it easy into the finish, knowing that the Best in the Desert class points were at stake. Battling PRO series Champs Rick Johnson all sea-son, Hoskins was in a position to capitalize upon Johnson's running out of fuel before Pit #4. (Note: Best in the Desert rules do not allow access to race vehicles except at the designated pit areas.) Two N~ Ve.lUUY$ To Our Li4t Of Fuu.,~u Kevin McGillivray took his SPEC Racing Protruck to a second in class just three min-utes behind Hoskins. Knowing they would have to fight hav-ing too tall of a rear gear, McGillivray and co-rider Don Angel never even stopped for a tire change. WE WELCOME: TRAILMASTER SUSPENSION AND BOATEC FIBERGLASS PRODUCTS FOR TRUCKS TAYLOR PLUG WIRES SPIRAL OR PRO-WIRE $24.95 TYPE Ill REAR 5-LUG GERMAN DRUMS $89.95 FOX 5/81(7' COIL OVER WI RESEVOIRS $280.00 ASK ABOUT NEVADA OFFROAD T-SHIRTS N.O.R.B. 930CV OVER BOOT $10.95 H-4T ROUND HEADLIGHT BULBS NEW . PIAA H-3 PLATNIUM BULBS BURNS 85 WATTS • PRODUCES 130 WATTS OF LIGHT MUST MENTION AD TO RECIEVE AD PRICES ..... VISIT ROB MACCACHREN'S WEB PAGE www.maccachren.com of the middle of the course. While the front bumper, ra-diator, fan shroud, and fan were crushed into a perfect "Protruck rear bumper" con-figuration, they were able to limp out of harm's way, end-ing their day at RM28. The Steve Scaroni Report: #1227 "The SMD Motorsports ProTruck experienced a fail-~re of a five dollar oil adapter ( the part that takes the oil from the spin-on filter mount on the engine to the remote oil filter and the coolers) at RM7. SMD thanks the Anda taco team for bringing in parts via the LASD Sheriffs Continued on page 13 PRO Champion Johnson had a long and disappointing day but (still) garnered a third place in class. Waiting more than two hours to get fuel to his vehicle approximately three miles before Pit #4, Johnson knew his only hope was to siphon fuel out of an-other race vehicle on the course. Finally another ve-hicle stopped while Johnson's chase crew was sweating bul-lets a few miles up the road. Similar to Hoskins', Johnson's miles per gallon dropped in the heavy silt and rough ter-rain. CAI.I. TOI.I. FREE 1-BBB-755-5900 Johnson took home the PRO Drivers Championship, along with the SCORE points and a second in the Best in the WE CAN SHIP UPS TO YOUR DOOR ···~ ~ LiWZMl~ 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 89:1.02 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702)87:1.-522:1. FAX February 2000 Dusty Times
truck. Despite one and a half hours to remove the power steering pump, the steering box, etc., to get to the adapter, SMD co-driver and ace mechanic Mark (a.k.a. "Zonie"), Cowan, assisted by team owner and driver Steve Scaroni (asking him every two minutes how much longer un-til its fixed) , found· that the piece in question had shat-tered and it was hopeless to repair! Scaroni said it was his worst nightmare: having to remove the (in)famous ProTruck steering box when he did not even hit a tree and break it! When it was determined that #1227 was out, SMD (Chase) I was dispatched to start the Craig Corda Trick Truck entry. SMD I was in-strumental in welding a large missing piece of the front end of the Corda Ford at Pit #7 to help ensure a Corda finish. Meanwhile SMD 2 was dis-patched to assist the Hayley/ Olliges Stock Truck for a pos-sible tranny change that was found to be not needed. SMD apologizes to the Foutz Motor-sports team for not allowing them the use' of our welder. Since at the time SMD 2 had joined Hayley/Olliges team, their loyalties were with that team. Meanwhile .the SMD semi was instrumental in .knocking out power to the Armagosa Valley area when the semi team forgot to take down the race antennas and upon de-parture of Pit #3 hit some high tension wires, knocking out power for a couple of hours to the area. Team owner Scaroni fully expects a 'Whistle Dick Award' at the next Best in the Desert event from promoter Casey Folks. II Class 1200 Results: 7, 1, 05:27:55 Jeff Hoskins (BitD) 1999 Class Champion) -Ford; 9, 2, 05:31 :23 · Kevin McGillivray -Chevrolet; 26, 3, 07:47:06 Rick Johnson (SCORE & PRO Champ) -Ford; 35, 4, 09:27:50 Dwight Lunkley -Ford. CLASS 1500/1 Class 1500 Results: 2, 1, 05:09:56 Troy Herbst -Smith Built; 4, 2, 05:20:33 Sam Berri (BitD 1999 Class Champion) -Mirage; 5, 3, 05:24:31 Steve Sourapas -Jimco; 6, 4, 05:26: 18 Mark Weyhrich -Chenowth; 11, 5, 05:38:36 John Gaughan -Chenowth; 13, 6, 05:43:56 Todd Jergensen -Raceco; 22, 7, 07:06:52 Ron Satter -N/A. Mark Winocur and Dave Turner, in Class 3100, in a stock small SUV Ford, had a close race and took their win by only 15 minutes long way to tow for a DNF. Class 2000 Results: 47, 1, DNF Tom Dunbar -Jimco; DNE, DNE, Tom Ger-inger. (BitD 1999 Class Cham-pionship) -Tom Bilt. CLASS 3100/Mini Stock SUV . The Ace Motorsports ve-hicle driven by Marc Winocur took first place. Marc drove with Dave Turner, and then Dave drove with Marc; Musi-cal "Beards." They only lost one shock and had a close race with Mike Falkosky who fin-ished only 15 minutes behind them. Class 3100 Results: 28, 1, 08:28:22 Marc Win-ocur -Ford; 29, 2, 08:42:25 Mike Falkosky (BitD 1999 Class Champion) -Ford. . CLASS 4100/Full Six.z SUV "The Elms Expedition has been running all year, as has Foutz, but throughout the course of the year, they come backtoeachraceandthecan keep getting faster, better, and more reliable since the guys go home and work on them", Th-ompson also wrote. . "The Expedition may have some direct Ford assistance, I'm not certain, but it is a far better vehicle now than it was at the first race. Foutz and Elms will be very competitive next year, so we are going to modify the diesel in the #4100 car to double (!) the horse-power and there are some sus-pension changes we can do to it that will increase the speed over the rough stuff by a about 10 mph. That is actually a four year old race car with a. dead stock motor and has always been last to receive any up-grades." . Clas.s 4100 Results: 25, 1, 07:37:39 Roger Norman (BitD 1999 Class Champion) -Hummer; 32, 2, 09:22:32 David Elms -Ford. CLASS 5000/5 The Mike James "Outlaws" were a rare bird at BitD. Ac-cording to crew chief Karl Leimbach there had only been six "5s" registered -ever. Mike was the only one all year. But Big mike was looking for a fun . day in the Nevada desert. He did not find it. Well, he was running very strong, right up against the "Tens", when the left shock tower began to look funny: "They limped it to Pit #2 and we found that the lower mount had fatigued. That was the side where we took the head-on at the '500." Joe Hebdon suggested against doing any weld repairs as the nylon beam bushings would be heat affected and the situation would probably get worse. Plus ·this race was described as a "shake down" run, anyway. . The team, coming off a par-ticularly crappy year due, mainly, to that collision in the Pine Forest, is re-grouping for a full frontal assault on the SCORE series and the "Ne-vada 2000." Class 5000 Results: 66, 1, DNF Outlaw Mike James -Jimco. CLASS 7100/7S That Malcolm Vinje; stop-ping to help out the less for-tunate and still winning. Mal-colm won three out of the four BitD races and was second in the other one so that "all we had to do to win the (BitD) championship was to finish, so that's how we started the race," the Geotechnical Engi-neer reported. They pulled into every pit for a complete check-out, since getting help on the course is so problem-atical. "At Pit # 1 the truck was 'OK', but we had to wait for Joe Custer (the arch-rival), who did not stop, to get by. At Pit #2 we found a leaking rear road wheel seal and added a quart. At the next pit we needed two quarts. At the one after that ... three and a half ... Deputies Steve Wiffiams and Charles Braden took the win in their Ford Class 7300 truck, and were also the '99 season Champions. and it only holds a gallon!" The savvy team radioed ahead and the crew was ready for both the driver change and for a seal replacement. "We put in Jim Gilchrist -Terry DuTemple stayed in all race long -and changed the seal." The entire deal took 45 min-utes and fixed the problem completely. "Now we were re-ally looking just to finish, as we were an hour behind Custer and only 20 minutes behind Doug Patterson, who passed us during the repair We weren't trying to do anything but finish when we saw Custer being towed into the pits with a blown motor ... we had won the Championship right then and there, so we could go play and try and catch Patterson." At the last pit they found Doug with a blown power steering drive belt and when Jim drove through they were not ready to go but they sent him out anyway. "They had to re-stop and complete the work," Malcolm said, "as they had knocked the battery out or something like that. We · pushed on to the finish, the win and Ford's $3,000." Vinje thanks BFG and Hydrotex and remarked about pulling out Marc Stein that: "They were ready and knew what to ~o. They had the strap out and on. If a guy's ready, I'll help. If he wants to use MY snatch strap and is just standing around, no thanks." Class 7100 Results: 27, 1, 07:59:52 Malcolm Vinje (BitD 1999 Class Cham-pion) -Ford; 31, 2, 08:59:57 Doug Petterson -Ford. CLASS 7200/7 Unlimited The Janet Carroll Report #7205 (and #7114) Tim. We went up the hill and down the other side, where we looked to the track and saw Tim's truck smoking. He had thrown a rod through the oil pan and had two big holes in it. We were not happy. That was the end of his day. Tim did get second in Cham-pionship points. His sponsors -Goodyear, PIAA, Boria, K&N Engineering, MDI, Jacobs Igni-tion, Shirles Industries and Posi-tive Pop Records (owned by Leon Pattlio, the former lead vocalist for Santana: BMW) -thought that was pretty good for the first year 9f running Best in the Desert. Next year he's going to be first!)" Ten trucks started in Class 7200 and Craig Turner was the only one to finish. Not a . OREA T day for the class. "Our team went on to help Tim's friend Doi.ti! Petterson -#7114. This was Doug's first finish in a Best in the Desert race this year. He came into the finish line running on four bat-teries -two which were· taken out of his pit crew cars - he had no body panels - but had an over-heating motor. Two lights were barely lighting his way. But he finished and we all are excited f h. II JOT lm. Class 7200 Results: 15, 1, 06:02:18 Craig Turner (BitD 1999 Class Champion) -Ford. CLASS 7 200/Pure Mini Stock The Macrae Glass Report: #7305 "Well, we did the TT250 and we started in fourth spot. We cruised in back without any problems for 30 miles and got around the Dixons and Reinert-son ( who blew a motor at about RM 11 ! ) . There we stayed and finally got around the Cops at RM85 or so. We were so excited to ·see them changing a tire that I hit a rather large rock with most of the belly of the · truck, Continued on page 14 CLASS 2000/1600 Louisville, Kentucky is a "I can tell you about Tim Carroll - he started first and had a two minute lead on Craig Turner. He flew through Pit # 1 - cooking -and then the pit crew jumped in the trucks to follow --------------~----=-__:'--~ Craig Turner was the only entry in Class 7200 who managed a finish, his victory also giving him a nice 15th overaff and the Class 7200 season championship. Dusty Times February 2000 James Cochran and Frank Omboli make their way through the Joshua trees, as they head for their second place in Class 1000, which was good for 18th overaff. Page 13
Eric Heiden and Kevin Adler, seen here in some of the soft stuff that reduced fuel mileage so much, teamed to take second place in Class 8000, and 16th overall. Mike Falkosky and Jim Shaw, from Escondido, California, ran hard Doug Petterson and Kevin Rudolph, had power steering troubles, but after Winocur and Turner, to take second place in Class 3100 in their still took second place in the 7100 class (stock mini trucks) in their Ford SUV. Ford, almost exactly an hour behind the winning team. including the tear end. At the gas stop at RM 13 7, Reinertson (helping my crew now), noticed my differential (was) leaking badly with a broken tube. It was then that my crew, with the aid of Reinertson's and Foutz's crew, } "' put a new rear end assembly in, fueled it, and welded a broken motor mount in 41 minutes. We were down, again, but kept cruising. We got lost for 20 min-utes or so around RM2000, and therefore, had to stop for a little David Vieira and Edward Jones found it a tough course for a Class 9000 Carl but carried on in their Raceco to get their victory. Page 14 fuel at RM21 I. Foutz had called his crew to let us know about all the bad silt, and to stay to the left. I don't know how anyone could have made it through RM211-220 without 4x4." The Dixon Brothers Re-port #7310 "In the morning we got staged and we were first off the line in our class. No pressure here! My brother was driving and we were scheduled to do the every-other-pit driver switch-a-roo. We got off to a good start and tried to set a steady pace. It is amazing the amount of broken trucks you pass through the first mile! We got about five miles and Rob Reinertson was already in our dust. We looked for a clean spot to pull over and he was gone. Clearly faster. About a mile later they were on the side of the road with a blown engine. Ouch! After another ten miles, the Sheriffs came up behind us and ran about 500 feet out of our February ·2000 dust. This went on for 20 more miles and then they got really close so we let them by. We changed drivers at Pit #2. So far, so good. At this point we were given a bag with a come-a-long and other such tools and told that Mike Doherty was broke around RM61. The guy asked if we could take it out and I said "Hell, yeah." What did I care, I· wasn't going to hold it! After we left we encountered a long sand wash and miles of silt which heated up our tranny and gave us some worries. We got to Mike and then took off toward Pit #3. At one point we were going up a wash, with the engine un-der quite a load, and I noticed a loud sucking noise coming from the air filter (which is inside the cab under the dash). I remem-bered a story I read once about a clogged air cleaner cutting out engine power and proceeded to rip off the "pre-filter." KAZAMMM! We now had a new lease on !if e and were back in the race. From then on to Pit #5 we were running real strong. We made Pit # 5 by ten minutes and were in "catch-up" mode. Immediately out of the pit, we began to pick up some dust. As we got closer and closer, we could see the culprit. It was a Class 9 and he was putting along. We ran in his dust for a few miles and found that if we got within ten feet of his bumper we could actually see much bet-ter. We were a mile from Pit #8 and in a rough rocky section our hood pin mounts finally gave out and the hood flew back, smack-ing the light bar. I then slammed on the brakes and it would bang back down. We repeated this se-quence a number of times until hearing over the radio that the Pit was closed and they weren't going to let us through. We had Continued on page 16 PERFORMANCE 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-,7352 Dusty Times
I g3C3~lJtm1wn1 MOT& [])[3~[3[]hf D • RACING ASSOCIATION ~·• Presents "l' "The Richest Off-Road Race In . Nevada" $40,000 Guarantee.d Total Purse . $10,000 Guaranteed Purse To 1st Overall Car or Truck ABQir ........ $10,000 Guaranteed Purse To 1st Overall Motorcycle · 50% Payback of _Entry _ Fee for ALL Pro Classes Over and Above Guaranteed Purse $10 ,000 Bonus To 1st Overall I f You Are Driving Any Class Ford Truck Al&T-GooorrEA• Official Tire ~imwii~ RACING ASSOCIATION Race Is On Saturday -Duralast BATTl!Rll!.S Official Battery. ~cm"wii~ RACING ASSOCIATION 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 • -(702) 457-5775 • Fax (702) 641-2431 • www.bitd.com : ; . . . . : . ·•· . ·:· ; .. . . . . . . ~ . . . . . - . --' . . .
made it 22 I miles and only had 2 7 miles to go to get to the fin-ish and 45 min. before the fin-ish line closed. Once again we timed out! On a positive note: we haven't broke the truck and had no mechanical DNFs. We will be back for more. What a bunch of idiots!" Class 7 300 Results: 34, 1, 09:24:02 Steve Will-iams (BitD 1999 Class Cham-pion) -Ford; 38, 2, 10:55:27 Dr. Macrae Glass -Ford. CLASS 8000/CLASS 8 The unbeatable Dave Westhem was just that. The Jeff Knupp Report: #8025 "The team is happy with the third place finish after all the . problems during the day. The owner of the truck, Dave Raimonde, was riding with Jeff Geiser to see what the truck was capable of doing. At Pit Area 2 they were second on the road but leading on time by approximately six minutes and that's when the truck's brakes faded and they hit a ditch at a fairly good clip. The BitD medical crew removed Dave from the vehicle with pain to his lower back. (We found out after the race that Dave had bro-ken his back and he had surgery on it Sunday morning in Las point, we weren't going real fast, so not much damage. Actually, we got the rear end back into place a couple of times. It's easy when there's no top link. · Again,· thanks to all the king's horses and all the king's men: Aaron Dixon brought us a corne-a-long. Tom. Wimberly and Tom McFadden found parts, tools, etc., ripping up the airwaves co-ordinating our tow rig (a semi!) and the pick-up location. GRT made available the vast resources of Rod Hall Racing as Scooby & AC hauled our asses outa there. Oh yeah, thanks to Scoob for taking the 'front door' on the way back to Tucson Sunday. We were both issued high speed driving awards (94/65) from the Nevada Highway Patrol. The guy asks Scoob, who was of course, driving his race truck, "You got seat belts in there?" Scoob: "Yes sir, ten of them." Any<7ne know a good lawyer (oxymoron) in Nevada?" The Tom "K7TRM" McFadden Report: #8022 "There was a little trouble at Pit #3. Truck #8022 (it was a yellow Pinto wagon looking thing. The name I have is Jerry Stewart) rolled it on its side about 50 feet out of the pit. Said truck was completely blocking the track. About ten spectators went out to upright it and clear the track. After doing that the Pit Boss DQed them for outside assistance. This doesn't seem right to me. After a few hours they were allowed to finish. Needless to say they were pissed. Lowell Arnold got stuck at a road crossing in all the silt. He was told to stop there by a course worker - the same guy who then told him to dig himself out. After 35 minutes of shov-eling and swearing, the BityD truck finally towed him out. They DNFed before Pit #$. Class 8000 Results: 8, 1, 05:30:35 Dave West-hem (BitD 1999 Class Cham-pion) - Chevy; 16, 2, 06:06:35 Eric Heiden -Ford; 24, 3, 07:37:21 Dave Raimonde -Chevy. CLASS 8100/Stock Full W. David Sykes finally got a finish and it was for the win over nine other deadly serious Stock Full racers. His brother Marc Stein tells all: The Marc Stein Report: #8109 "Marc Winocur, Marc Stein, and Mike McComas came home winners as the first Marc took first in Class 3100 and second in the championship. Marc and Mike took second in Class 8100 and in the championship. Chris Turner and I started the race and changed at RM 136. We passed our first victim at RM 12 - a flat - and then pro-ceeded to stay within I 00 yards of Steve Olliges for the next 50 miles. Darren Oliver smashed me, twice and I let him by. What kind of Ford friend is that? He also smashed into Steve Olliges, who did not let him around. Dave Sykes passed both Steve and me with a 'brilliant move' and cut the corner ( ! ) getting by both of us as if we were on a casual drive. We overheard on Steve Olliges' radio: 'Stop talk-ing. I'm in the middle of a Sykes-Stein sandwich.' I passed Steve four miles later. Oliver was on a mission. He was seen through Pit #2 with a wobbling wheel. He was down and out three miles later. "We had a great run from there on with no stops except to put in Mike M cComas and Brian Redikop. They passed Tracy Rubio, who rolled his truck in their thick dust. (I also got lost for about two minutes.) McComas got within ten min-utes of Sykes, who had had a 30 minute lead when I turned the truck over to Mike. Dave Sykes' 'Andataco Motorsports' Ford broke a.n axle at RM224 but they had a spare on board and fixed it in 20 minutes . . 'Psycho' was 19th overall. Greg Foutz was not seen or heard from the complete race. Greg had a lot of problems and got stuck for two hours. The Ace Explorer tried to get him unstuck out of the mine shaft ( ! ? ) that he had fallen into. Sorry, but we tried. The GRT Report: #8104 Terry Henn was the first Team Hummer entry to go. Starting fifth in class, the #8104 Edra Engineering/RoyAlloy pick-up was gaining positions when a large rock got in the way, result-ing in a broken front shock tower just outside of Johnny, about 35 miles into the race. Terry limped along for another 15 miles until reaching the waiting support team at Pit #2 where they lost about 90 minutes making the necessary repairs. The shock tower was obliterated and clearly of no fur-ther use so chief mechanic, Eric Holloway, simply robbed one off a civilian Hummer chase vehicle and the team was back in busi-ness. For the rest of the day the Henns ran a trouble free race, except for a leaky power steering reservoir, and they continued to move up on the field finishing the race fourth in class and fourth in the year and point series. They also emerged from the season win-ners of the coveted Hummer Challenge Cup, awarded each year to the Hummer which earns the most points in BitD's Silver State series! Class 8100 Results: 1'9, 1, 06:50:01 David Sykes -Ford; 20, 2, 07:03:57 Marc Stein - Ford; 23, 4, 07:19:14 Steve Olliges (BitD 1999 Class Champion) -Ford; 30, 4, 08:44:30 Eric Henn -Hum-mer; 33, 5, 09:22:52 Greg Foutz -Ford; 36, 6, 10:13:11 Jeff Yocum -Ford. CLASS 9000/Challenger The TT25b must be a bitch in a swing-axle car. Forget the ball joints. Class 9000 Results: •. 37, 1, 10:30:40 David Vieier -Raceco. El Chismoso Bad News Tucson Class 8000 racer Mike Doherty had mixed feel-ings about "Terrible's Town"; he had a DNF and when he got back home he discovered that both his parents had passed away that Sunday. And they were not together when it happened. Race on. Last But Not Least The last vehicle to officially finish was the 7305P Ford of Dr. Macrae Glass in 10:55:27, 38th Overall. The next ve-hicle in li'ne was Aaron and Ian Dixon, who were not al-lowed to finish. ■ {(Q)KCHiLiTES KC HILITES SPECIAL HID LIGHTS $999.99 -$100.00 $899.00 Per Pair Rebate After Rebate $400.00 1 •t Place Contingency Award for All Classes Contingency Program Information: SCORE, CORR, SNORE, MOR, VORRA, BEST IN THE DES_ERT, AND ESTERO BEACH. For Product, Technical Information, Contingency Requirements or Award Information for the following Products: RANCHO, MSD, KC HILITES, MECHANIX WEAR, DYNOMAX, K&N, RACERS EDGE, OFF-ROAD INNOVATIONS 2169 Daytona • Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 • (520) 855-0912 • FAX (520) 453-9641 • E-mail: jcrace@ctaz.com Page 16 February 2000 Dusty Times
SNORE BANQUET ·SNORE Rewards Drivers and workers Sponsor was the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino; Casino Sponsor was Terrible's Town for the Midnite Special and the Contingency Sponsor was Jim Conner. Heavy Metal Champion was Robby Woolworth, Frank Tomczak took the Class 11 honors, Mark Petit is the Sportsman Truck Champion and Jason Gubler· is the Sportsman Buggy Champ. The coveted Driver of the Year award went to Jeremy Harmon after his fantastic season. her new Bruce Fraley car. Pat Dean was eighth in points, Thomas Taliaferro and lovely wife Seana were seventh, Billy Goerke was sixth, Jeremy Gubler took fifth ($1,000), Dave Spencer was fourth in points ($1,500), Dwaine Walters was third ($2,000), Jeremy Harmon took home second spot ($2,500) and the best of all, Jeff Carr took top honors, $3,500 and a brand new race car. It should be noted that the Points Cham-pion gets a FREE ENTRY to ALL the SNORE races this year and the second through tenth drivers each get one free race, which they pick at ran• dom out of a hat. All in all, SNORE gives away an awful lot of dollars and freebies to their entrants. Let's hope that the year 2000 will be even big-ger and better than '99 was. See Happenings for the full SNORE schedule and we'll see you at the races. ■ By John Calvin On the night of January 8th, SNORE held its annual awards banquet at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The huge room was just about full as the faithful gathered to pay hom-age to the winners and the near winners. Dinner was early, 5:30 p.m., but it was a smart move es the entire pro-gram took five hours and all was said and done by 10: 15. As usual, SNORE had col-lected many, many gifts to be given away in their raffle and that portion of the program went off and on throughout the evening. There were lit-CRS Report By Sue Robinson The Ramada Express Hotel Casino International Rally on Dec. 10, 11 and 12 in Laugh-lin, NV was the finish of this year's CRS rally champion-ship. It was full of surprises for many of the competitors. Championships were decided. on the last lap of the last day and several teams saw their efforts wadded up in a heap! The rally had a good field of 45 vehicles this year. There were two pre-runner VW Baja Bugs, a Ford Fl 50 pre-runner and a Lexus SUV racing along with the usual rally cars. Hiroki Genta and Kaz Takata· brought over the Evo·VI from Japan and showed us all how to get around the three day course to become the eventual winners. The top finishing CRS members were Lauchlin O'Sullivan and Farina O'Sul-livan in their Audi Quattro in third place overall with Doug and Sue Robinson hot on their heels in a Mazda 323 GTX. The O'Sullivans and Robinsons sliced and diced all weekend for the top positions a·s well as for the CRS Open 4 Wheel year end champion-ship. It came down to the last lap of the Superstage on Sun-day to determine the champ. John Perrige gave a colorful play by play of the side by side race on that last run. The Robinsons had the advantage with 1/100 of a minute going in, but a hay bale with their name on it leaped out and touched them. So Lauchlin and Farina are the 1999 Champions an.cl they earned it! Frank Paredes and William Staley took home fifth overall in a Toyota Corolla. Frank has really run all year and has im-pressed everyone. Tony Chavez and Ken Cassidy had a good run as well. The Performance Stock gang ran right together again. It was Steve Bender and Craig Dusty Times erally hundreds of prizes do-nated by many companie~ for the raffle, ranging from a Shoei Raceair helmet on down to Racers Gloves and bottles of booze. The new officers for 2000 were introduced: Kenny Freeman, President; Mike Looney, V.P; Ruth Jensen, Secretary; Lynn Dicton, Treasurer. Race Steward, Tom Sturgis who promised to do as good a job, if not bet-ter than Kenny Freeman has done the past two years and, last but not least, Bill · Shapley is Sergeant at Arms. The President's Awards, for McHugh then Steve Westwood and Alex Geisomino and finally Mark Brown and Ole Holler. This class has been so competitive all year. They have consis--tently run right together in times at every rally. . Bruce and Pat Brown sur-prised us all on Sunday on the SuperStage when Bruce gave Paul Timmerman a real run for his money:Bruce is a pretty laid back guy most of the time and when he came out of the chute on the turbo everybody really got behind him. Paul Timmerman was seen walking around the pit area mumbling -"What happened to him? I've never seen him drive so fast!" Bill Malik and Amity Trow-bridge got the bomb out award for never getting to the first stage of the rally in the Volvo 240. They had mechanical problems on the road out of Laughlin. A professional parking va-let could not have put the F 150 of Chris and Dyanne Wilson in a Ford sized hole any better than they did. They missed a right hand corner and dropped it in the V of the corner. You could have cut the corner and used the roof of the truck to drive on it was so neatly placed. Mike Whitman and Paula Gibeault in the venerable Dat-sun 510 were really flying un-til the lumberyard on Day 2. The old contest of pine trees vs. Datsun once again proved it is the tree that always wins. It was too bad because they were running right up with the really fast guys. The Stock class competitors got into the spirit of things on the last days SuperStage. Jay Streets and Bill Feyling's Toyota Corolla was on its last legs with engine problems but he needed to take the start of each run so they i:ook parade laps. They carried hand held flags, put on the "OK" sign on their car and did very stylist parade princess waves as they cruised the course. Nick Tay-lor and his co-driver Josh Armbruster we-re not to be outdone. They attached the British flag to the rear of the car to make their run. service above and beyond the call of puty went to Kerri Free-man, Al Ptrino, Collette Shir-ley, Bob Guevara and Nancy Howard and the SNORE Sportsman Award went to Mike and Billie Looney. Other awards presented throughout the evening were: Best car prep, Dick Webb of Webbweld; Volunteers of the Year. went to Tom and Ann Sturgis; Al Perino was awarded as Race Coordinator; Victor Torres, Engine Builder of the Year, Jeff Fields was Transaxle Builder and Spon-sor of the Year was the White Pines Recreation Area. Series To quote Chris Burns, the co-driver for Peter Morris and a passenger in the most spec-tacular off of the weekend "Al-though details of the crash re-main unknown until the black box is found. I am led to be-lieve there was a roll-over. However, I am unable to con-firm this as my eyes were closed from the time I heard "Oh Shit!" over the intercom." Pete and Chris missed the left hander at the end of the Stage 1 and flew the Toyota grace-fully off the cliff. Pete was heard to say after "I am now a member of the Stonecipher club, this is an exclusive honor open only to low flying cars. This was my only opportunity this year to test my new steer-ing and suspension, but I Yours truly was both sur-prised and greatly honored to receive the Jimmy Schaeffer award, an honor that will never be forgotten. · The top drivers in points were honored and collected some nice money as well. B.J. Baldwin was 10th in the points standings, the absolutely knocked-out looking Day Gang was ninth in points in thjnk I exceeded their speci-fications! However, after fly-ing about 100 feet and miss-ing the rocks, we hit ground 15 feet below. But we were both grateful to walk away without serious injury." Cable Rhodes and crew ex-tricated the car from its place of rest and brought it back to the hotel parking lot where rally graffiti artists decorated it with numerous comments. It was completely covered bumper to bumper with mes-sages by the end of the week-end. Cable bv the way also found his way off the course in his RX7, breaking another set of headlights, which is what enabled him to help res-cue Pete's car. · George Doganis learned the "Do not drive faster than your headlights" lesson in his RX7. He took a cattle guard too fast and when he landed the car went off into the hinterland. It finally came to rest after felling three trees. The last one stopped him. However, he and co-driver, Tom Smith, walked away with only bruises. This year's rally was a fine event. It did not snow on the competitors. No co-drivers had to be ballast on the infa-mous ice hill. The sun shone for the SuperStage. There was plentv of food and drink at the awards banquet, not to men-tion the prize money for class winners - a fitting end to the year, the century and the mil-lennium. See you at the start line! ■ TERRIBLE HERBST MOTORSPORTS WOULD LIKE TO THANK CULHANE TRANSMISSION FOR THE 1999 SCORE AND BITD SEASONS. 6 CLASS 1 WINS -4 TROPHY TRUCK CLASS WINS -5 OVERALL TITLES -FOR ALL YOUR TRANSMISSION NEEDS -CULHANE TRANSMISSION 18273 GRAND AVENUE -UNIT #6 LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92530 909-678-:1669 February 2000 Locations In Las Vegas • Mesquite • Pahrump Reno• Laughlin Page 17
55TH NETWORK O OF GREAT BRITAIN Burns Burns The Network O Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Bi/stein • Sway A Way Eibach · HM · IIA 1 · CNC Sparco • PRP • Fuel Sate Ron Davis Radiators Setrab Oil Coolers Optima Batteries Mechanix wear Page 18 February 2000 Mark Higgins and Bryan Thomas take to the air in their VW Golf Kit Car. finishing first in F2 in Britain. Richard Bums and Robert Reid slide around a corner on their way to first overall in their Subaru lmpreza before an appreciative audience. The final round of the 1999 world championship se-ries was run mostly in Wales. The first day's stages were on mixed surfaces, run on private land, the second and third days were run in the forests of Wales. The main character of the rally were th,e fast forest roads, their hard surfaces usually cov-ered with greasy, slimy mud. This was the only rally in the '99 world championship with mixed surface stages. This was on the first day only, when very limited opportu-nities for service means that crews had only one chance to change tires all day. It is also the only rally w.hen cars run one whole day (Sunday) at one minute intervals, rather than two or three min-utes. On Stages 3/4, which is over the same course, they even run at 30 second inter-vals. • Richard Burns has now won the last two rallies of the World Championship and the Network Q Rally of Great Britain two years run-ning after ieading for two days over all the forest stages. Subaru scored their third one-two result of the season and their prep divi-sion. Prodrive scored their 100th intei;national rally win. It was a rally for fun, with the three top champi-onship titles already decided in Australia. Only the Team and the 2-Liter cup champi-onships to be decided here. Renault won the 2-Liter se-ries and Valencia Terr a y Mar took the Teams Cup. The traditionally damp and greasy conditions gave Pir-elli the tire advantage. Bruno Thiry finished fourth overall on his first rally for Skoda and was the highest placed Michelin user. Three of the five main FIA rally titles were won at the Telestra Rally in Austra-lia. Tommi Makinen, Toyota and Gustavo Trelles (Group N) which meant there were two remaining titles to be decided at this rally. In the 2-Liter World Cup for Manufacturers, Hyundai were far behind Renault but still had a mathematical chance of attaining the title. In the FIA Teams Cup, there was a chance for Luis Climent to grab the title! His Valencia Terra y Mar Team was six points behind Volkan Isek's Toyota Mobil Turkey T earn. • · There was considerable confusion because the FIA could not give specific assur-ances on how the Group N and the Teams Cup Series would be calculated, with only one round left to run. Hyundai were very disap-pointed by the lack of offi-cial control. By one calcula-tion they had to finish first and second to be champions, by another they had to fin-ish first and third. The most absurd claim was that VW, long since excluded for not competing in enough events, could still deny points to the teams correctly registered in the series. These problems also affected T earns Cup and Group B but all agreed that Gustavo Trelles was the champion. Subaru World Rally Team had nothing technically new on the cars but said that by Portugal, 2000 a completely new Impreza would be on the stages. Marlboro Mitsubishi • Ralliart were hoping that the new M_ichelin ZE tire would do the trick for them if the stages were as slimy as usual. Ford had a new car for Colin McRae and old ones for Tho-mas Radstrom and Petter Solberg and new Cosworth engines for McRae and Radstrom. Peugeot was still concerned over their lack of experience and Skoda was trying a new Prodrive differ-ential and a new, to them driver, Bruno Thiry. Hyundai and Renault faced each other for the cli-max of the FIA 2-Liter Manufacturers cup, with two cars each, with the same drivers as in Australia. Shortly before the event a privateer bought an ex-works Hyundai so now it was three Hyundais to two Renaults. Three leading Mitsubishi drivers in the Production Car Category were not en-. tered, Champion Gustavo Trelles, runner-up· Hamed Al Wahaibi and his Team-mate, Uwe Nittel. With Toyota already crowned the Manufacturers World. Champion in Austra-lia, and Tommi Makinen the drivers champion, tactics were going to be abse_nt. It would be a fun rally with the drivers having the chance to drive their high performance Dusty Times
First in W2L, Martin Rowe and Derek Ringer comer hard in their Renault Maxi Regane and they were the '99 Champions in W2L as Markko Martin and Toomas Kitsin.n drove their Toyota Corolla WRCar Harri Rovanpera and Risto Pietilainen were third overall in the Cordoba well. · to a stupendous 8th overall, certainly the best non-works driver. '!!_RCar, their-final rally for SEAT. Through the rain Bruno thiry and Stephane Prevot took their Skoda Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets charge through the damp dark forest Thomas Radstrom and Gunnar Barth comer in front of an appreciative Octavia to 4th overall, their final rally for the Skoda Team. on the way to 5th place in the somewhat muddy Mitsubishi Carisma. crowd as they wend their way to a fine 6th place finish. cars through the British for-with smoke pouring from Makinen lost some time and lost time getting un-and he too retired . . Evans ests with no real pressure on under the hood. Fortu-sliding off the road on the tangled from a fence. reached the end of the stage them. Mitsubishi's hopes nately, it was only a hole in fifth stage but Kankkunen Leg3-Sevenstages,gravel, withadeadengineandhetoo were for Tommi Makinen to the oil filter and there was was the hero of the day, set-l 97krns. There were no team or- was out, and Martin finished win this rally which he has no harm done. ting fast time on three dersatSubaru.Mostofthedriv-the rally with his Toyota on never won. This was his Francois Delecour was stages, but he started falling ers were tied at the start. Kank-fire, in eighth place, the best chance to win, unhampered dropping in the standings, back when he changed tire kunen and Radstrom both said non-works driver! Rovanpera by championship worries. gearbox problems again and compounds later in the day. they had only slept for three was now in front of Thiry, his Ford and Subaru were en-with only second gear avail-Of the other works driv-hours. On Stage 2, Makinen had rival for the vacant seat at gaged in a battle which the able, it was a long day. ers, Loix was learning how to electrical problems and then a Skoda next year. organizers and enthusiasts Burns was pulling ahead drive on grass on asphalt flat, which damaged his brakes. I_n F2, Wearden was having had been hoping for. It was of the crowd. At the noon stages. Carlos Sainz, one of Kankkunen had a flat on the brake troubles, Higgins had a flat a head to head battle by two service park he had a lead many drivers was making long third stage and Burns now on 18 and Laukkanen ran out of British drivers, Colin McRae of 29 seconds on Gronholm. bad tire choices, their selec-had a lead of 51 seconds. Gron-fuel on a road section and with-and Richard Burns. The Peugeots were having tions were too hard for the holm was in third, but started drew. Leg 1 -Seven stages, visibility problems after a conditions. Burns was get-Stage 18withaslowleakinone InGroupN,DavidHigginsre-mixed, 35 .6kms. It was a dry water crossing 'and this ting-weird feelings from his of his tires. Evans had a tire blow tired on Stage 18 with sheared but cloudy day and the sur-caused Granholm to drop rear suspension, Auriol was on Stage 18, Thiry had flats on wheel studs and the leader was faces on this first day were back behind Kankkunen. suffering from tremendous 17and 18.OnStage 19,Gron-nowRamonFerreyros,hisMitsu-as slippery as ever. The big Sainz lost four minutes when understeer, Makinen holmhadasevereaccident,hita bishiafullhalfminuteaheadof surprise was the speed of he slid off the road and then thought his suspension was rock very hard, overbraked and Richard Tuthill's Subaru. Clim-Kankkunen, on the second McRae crashed on the final all wrong for the conditions. then rolled the car six times. Harri ent finished in front of stage, about four kms long, stage of the day. It was Schwarz said his car was un-Rovanpera was up to third place, Holowczyc, which meant that he made a time 3.3 seconds McRae's eighth successive stable, blaming the differen-about four minutes behind the Valencia won the series with no faster than anyone else. retirement of the year! tial and, conversely, _his leaders.ArminSchwarzwasout argument. Radnor Forest was where Gardmeister was out with teammate, Thiry was overly after hitting a gate and damag-And so the 1999seasonended. Richard Burns would make clutch failure. By the end of pleased with the handling of ihg the suspension and Makinen The Manufacturers Cup went to hisbigattack,jumpingfrom the day, Makinen had his car. Of the SEAT driv-reachedtheendofStagel9with Toyota,Subaruwassecond,Mit-fourth to first place. On climbed back to sixth place ers, Rovanpera was fighting his engine overheating and he subishi third and Ford along Stage 2, Makinen hit a big and Delecour was seventh. the flu, Evans was having a withdrew at the next service. fourth. rock, broke a shock, and had Leg 2 -Eight stages, steady day, Gardmeister was In the last few stages, In the Drivers Cup, Makinen to run two more stages be-gravel, 156. 7kms. McRae h:aving a bad day with poor Solberg drove for 8kms with took the honors, Richard Burns fore repair, this dropped him started badly, smashing his tire selection and a few spins no brakes, Kankkunen was was second, Didier Auriol was from seventh to 13th. Auriol door on a gate on the open-here and there. Peugeot having clutch troubles, third,JuhaKankkunenandCar-made a bad tire choice, slid ing stage and Radstrom did drivers were having no prob-Radstrom was losing time and los Sainz were tied for fourth, off the road and he dropped the same thing to his car on lems although Fanizzi felt he collecting penalties with an Colin McRae was sixth, Phillipe from seventh to 12th. There the next stage. McRae was was driving badly. Radstrom .oil leak. With two stages to Bugalski seventh, Freddy Loix was heavy drama when having gear selection prob-incurred a time penalty when go the running order was eighth, Harri Rovanpera ninth Burns, the rally leader lems and the box was he arrived at service too Burns, Kankkunen, Rovan-andJesus Perus took tenth. stopped on a road section changed at the noon service. early. pera, Delecour, Auriol, In the 2-Liter Manufacturers 12th Overall and first Group N were Luis Climent and Alex Romani, shown here in their lmpreza WRCar on the slippery rally road. Dusty Times In F2, the Hyundai of Al-Radstrom, Sainz and Thiry. race, Renault was the winner is ter McRae was leading at Sainz and Auriol hit the same with Hyundai in second spot. the start but fell back on the rock, Sainz retired immedi-In Teams Cup, Valencia predominately asphalt stages ately. Auriol made repairs to Terra y Mar took the honors, at Silverstone and in Group a radiator and wheel but took Toyota Mobil Team Turkey was N, Stohl led most of the day. too long and he too was out of second, Edor Rally Team was Martin Brundle spun on the rally. On the 21st stage, third and Toyota Team Saudi the fifth stage, Puras spun Delecour broke the gearbox Arabia was fourth. !Stb Netw-or• Q Rally of Great llritA1n CJl•J?•nha• 21/23.ll. 99 WCH l (5) Uchord IUlWS/Robert Jeid GB 2 I 6 I Juba ICA"UU"Eft/Jull• hpo . FIW l (t) Xarri lOVIJIPIRA/Rhto Pi•tilln•n FIii 8ul>uu r.., .... 'lltCar gA THSR? (Cl) SuNru lt1Pr•11 WI.Car A SlD.IRT (GilJ IIAT cor&>lla WRC.r A a2121v• (I) , (12) lruao TIU&Y/Stephuie Pr•vot I £kod1 Octavia VJtCar A KIISt1-62 (CZ} 5 12) Prffdy LC,U/Sven BHeta B Nilelll>Ul>i Carl.,.. GT A S33THI (Cl) 6 (8) Thoai•• IAl>ITllOf1/0UnnH lartl'I I Pord 1ocua VIC11r A Sl◄ntC (GIi) 7 t 2%) Gill•• Pani1ai/lerve Panniz.1 r PeU9eot 206 near A 206K'J'C75 (1) I ( 17 J MHkll::o Nart1n/TOOAH lit•1no II Toyota corolla 'lltC.r A a-AIU056 (D) t 120) Potter lolllerg/Phil Hilla J/Ga Pord 7ocua VIC,u A sarMC (Ga) 10 (42) Kettbi•■ hhle/Dieter Schnepp•nh•i• D 12 !181 Lula cu .. ot/Alu RoNn1 s toyota Corolla wacar A K-IJCtU CD) 811Nin, lllfr•s• WIC•r A P7WIC ti) 13 (19J Sraya1t0f llolowcz1c/Jean-ttuc Partin Pt/a Subaru r1111r•1• WICar A 117WIC (P.) 15 (2S) ff•rk 1101tna/&rr11a Tho••• GI VV Golf !tit car U•t FZ) A 11-NlJI (D) 18 (27) Martin love/0.r•k Ringer QI hr,aull llegano Coupe (2nd 121 A "20Vl7t (1) 22 US) haoa rerr•rro■/Gonzalo S.en1 Pl Hitaubhhi Lanc•r lvolutton If l211XIS CIIJ 25 (~6) l ■nn•tb lrit••on/StaUaD Paraa11der s Ryw,dai eo,,p. Kil Cu 45th Fl) A llOKID (Ga) St ( J 06) Gr~u Mtflcll•ton/ John Kor9an GI Hyundai C:Oupe lit c:u 113th 12) A IUIISD (GIi February 2000 W'-lr ld Chaapioasb1p Po1 nt• · WJ WEI 112 TC 3h. 53■. H . 2a lb. 5!a. l1. 5o Jh. 58a. l9. 5• Ch.02■. II. 7o Cb. 0311. lt. 5o fb.Ol■.f7.5a Cb.OC■.17.la <b. O!a. 21. 5a ttt.o,a.s,.o. 4lt.Ola.4■.2• o.u■.57.ea o.ua.15.51 ♦ll.15■.Jl.Oa tb.U■.t7.la <h.22■.27. 5o 41'1.26■.11.a.a Sh. Ol■. 01. lo 1D 10 6 ' • • ] ] 2 2 1 l • -- --10 - 6 - • 10 -' -- - . -Page 19
BITD ··s1LVER STATE SERIEs·· • TERRIBLE1S TOWN 250 It's Not over Til It's over By Mark Kariya Photos: Trackside Photo It was an early Christmas for Destry Abbott and Brian Brown, Kawasaki, who took the Pro Open win, and the overall bike victory, which earned them the $10,000. cash bonus from Herbst Oil at the Terrible's Town 250. Though it was too late for Thanksgiving and too early for Christmas, Team Green's Destry Abbott and Brian Brown didn't care. They were both thankful for a little bit of speed and a little bit of luck that got them to the fin-ish a bit quicker than anyone else at the Terrible's Town 250, the season finale of Best in the Desert's five race Silver State Se-ries. Not only did they wrap up the series championship, you see, but they also earned the $10,000 bo-nus in cold cash due the first over-all bike from the Herbsts of the Terrible's Town Casino. "The wife's probably already got my money spent," Abbott joked after fanning the stack of Ben Franklins. And it's not like they had a trouble free ride on their trusty KX500. En route to their third win of the series, they started next to last in the 13 rider Open Pro division, setting the stage for a day of riding in the dust, though that turned out to be of little concern. · (Their only competition for the series title, fellow Team Green racers Shane Esposito and David Ondas, took the green light a minute after them.) Then Brown ended up falling fairly hard mid-way through the 253 mile event not once but twice in the space of about 100 yards. He hit one rock which kicked the rear end up, but that didn't concern him until he smacked a second rock while still on the front wheel. In-stant endo. To make matters worse, that spill moved the front brake lever up, and he couldn't reach it when he restarted and reached the next turn. Another ground pounding experience. When Abbott finally reached the finish in an adjusted 4:54:55, he knew two others got there ahead of him: Montclair Yamaha's Ty Davis and Honda's Tim Staab. In reality, only Staab (who partnered with Johnny Campbell on the same bike they won the Baja 1000 with) got to the finish in the parking lot of the Terrible's Town Casino, stopping the clocks at 4:57:28. The leader for most of the race, Davis (riding with Russell Pearson) was about three miles back on the course, trying to figure out why his bike quit. Cory Ayers made it four wins for the season in the lronman Expert class, on his Honda, in spite of a tussle with a "big boulder". He's planning to "lronman• the Nevada 2000 also. Dwarfed by one of the native Joshua trees on the course, Glenn Taylor and Ron Purvines, on a KTM ~rl< their way toward their Over 30 Expert win, and the season championship. ·"I never saw I y (broken down on the course) so I didn't know he broke," Abbott said. "So when I came in, I was thinking, 'Well, we got second,' and I was pretty happy with that because we won the.championship. Then they told me I won so I was really excited." Davis knew he had problems before the last pit at Crystal, 211 miles into it, noting that his mon-ster motored YZ-F seemed to be slowing down and making noises. Wisely, the defending series and race champ backed off but not knowing how close his competi-"" ·• ·· ...... _ ...... . ., ·-, . tors were, he didn't believe he could throttle back too much. Maybe he should have. "Three miles from the end, it started making noise, then it started wanting to seize up," he reported. "So I chopped the throttle and was just an eighth throttle. The thing wanted to run, but something [inside] was caus-ing it to not run. It kept firing. I'd twist it and it'd accelerate, but something in there let loose and it was like seizing. Then it just locked up." "Oh well, it's just like the rest of my year has gone." For Esposito and Ondas, the day was forgettable, certainly nothing like the run they enjoyed in winning Vegas to Reno, and fraught with ignition problems. They managed to finish, though; their 7:06:20 putting them sev-enth Open Pro, 39th overall. The Las Vegas team of Donald Tussing, Paul Skeary and Marl< Morris put their KTM into the winner's circle in the Over 35 Expert 9'ass, and took the championship also. Michael and Eric Caudillo and Donnie Cambell, on a Kawasaki, were the winners in the 250cc Amateur division. Terrible's Town is unique in the Silver Si:ate Series in that it's the only race which features sepa-rate courses for the bikes/ATVs and cars/trucks -at least for a little way. All vehicles share course from the start as it makes its big loop from Pahrump and roughly parallels Highways 160 and 95 out to Springdale. From there, the course is common and again parallels Highway 95 Daryl Folks and Rick Bozarth, mounted on a KTM, finished second in Danny Cooper and Matt Gosnell took the win in the 250cc Pro class Mike Healy and Scott Morris, Team Green Kawasaki, had an early the Over 30 Pro class, and took the season championship at the on their Yamaha despite Cooper taking a hard hit on his arm from an crash and a late flat, still took the win in the Pro Over 30 class. same· time. _,ag=g,_r,_es_s_iV<_e_b_ra_n_c_h_. ---------------~ Page 20 February 2000 Dusty Times
Wade and Jacob Phillips and Lance Stein, all from Needles, California, Justin and Rick Lundin and Lester Lehigh, Yamaha, took the win in Brian Cunningham, from Lakewood, California, was the second place put their KTM into Victory Circle in the Open Expert class. the 4-Stroke Under 450cc class, finishing 10th overall in the process. lronman Expert on his Yamaha, and 13th in the overall standings. Mike Tyner and Brendan Lutes, teamed on a Yamaha, took second L....."-"'"'"----place in the 4-Stroke under 450cc division, and with that, won .the Clay Gremel, and Clint and Clay Connelly, all Nevada residents, took season points championship. second in the Open Expert class on their Kawasaki. Todd Davis, teamed with Bryan Martin on a Yamaha, added another win, to make it a string of four victories in the Expert 250cc division for this year's BITD season. (though on the west/south side) bound trails, having inbound place. After soloing last time and all the way down to just past Pit 7 bikes running head-on against the losing by only 42 seconds, he fig-at Crystal. The bikes split from slower outbound cars/trucks (the ured he'd be even more competi-the cars around mile mark 214.5 first of which start three hours tive this year. However, he came with bikes heading off on their after the first bike), would be out on the receiving end o.f sev-own course which is nearly seven criminally negligent. Total official eral rocks hurled at speed while miles longer and generally tighter course mileages were 253.8 for dicing with Pearson midway than the car/truck version. Since bikes and 24 7 .1 for.cars. through the race. One rock blew some of the inbound car/truck For the second year in a row, his foot off the peg and bruised course doubles as common out-Campbell ended ·up in second his instep so severely, he opted to HONDA Power . have Staab ride the entire last half of the course instead of getting back on for the final motorcycle-only section. Despite losing $10,000 by 2:33, Campbell remained opti-mistic, especially regarding the new liquid-cooled, aluminum-framed XRL "It's definitely dif-ferent. I would say it's close to changing brands because the bike is so totally new from the group up. There's little things I have to adjust my riding style to and other things on the bike,. like the suspension settings that I can possibly work with to make it more suited to my type of rac-ing environment. I'm confident Continued on page 22 Equipment KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER T0_4i-D -Rae.er· and Spectator D'iscounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES · ~ .•WATER PUMPS •OUTBOARD_ ENGINES I . :,~ • LAWNMOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS EB6500SX · , • RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS -CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY IF We DoN'r HA VE Ir, No ONE Does! -_,,,.=--=---=-= I • ~i::::i:s.;J · 0 0 DEUVERY TO 1HE RACES AVAIi.ABLE. • PLEAsE CALL AHEAD .~\ •' -.::~-.-. .¥t,,..__ KAWAGUCHI HONDA EX100(! 3532E.3RoScl..os.AN:iB..Es,CA9CXJ63•323.264.3936, 264.SSSS FAX 264.2136 '_&QNDA Power Equipment Dusty Times ! VISA j S A L E S , S E R V I C E , P A R T S 1'. T-+-h;~rr~ • -HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST l ""-JUJ.1J,J5Seasief. iai for opumum per.'or:nanct' :md safc:-ly. pl~.\!!< l't':Jd t.hl!' own'-"r·s manual b...·fon~ op<>r:ltl.ng your Honda Po"·l!'r Equipn~nt. S~ciJkaUon$ subJttt to ct-..in~C' "it.~out noll1..'t. r d • •Est!m.1tc only. b:1scd on r.:itC'd load. •BattC"ry not 1111.·ludc>d "1th E'.\t3500SXXI. E'.\15000SXX1 and EB0500$X. +♦Wi!.h bam·ry tr.1:,,-kit. "·h«l!I & h.\!'i.~C'r. Con.ntttJon to houSC' power re-quires lr.tns,cr ~11..c to :ivoid possible lnJury to power compan~· P"-'rsonncl. Consult a qu.:illRC'd tlC'Ct.r1ctan. February 2000 Page 21
· Mark Robbins, Jerry Ostler and Mark Lundgren, all from Utah, rode :.......:.. ___ ..:._...;; 2=-----' Scott Herweg and Anthony Grierson, on a Kawasaki, took third in the their ATK to victory in the 4-Stroke over 450cc class, finishing 20th Kellon Walch and Nate Pearson got their third win of the year in the Open Expert class, which was just what they needed to win the season overall. · Pro 125cc class, despite finishing with a severely injured Husqvarna. points championship also. ~===================;::::::;-Jerry Fisher, of Morongo Valley, California, was the first lronman Amateur on his Honda, and in fact, the second Amateur overall. John Kearney and Jim Robinson from the Palm Springs 3rea, rode Richard Purvines, from Henderson, and Steve Pankas, of Las Vegas, their Yamaha to first in the Over 40 Amateur Division. ran their Yamaha to a win in the Over 30 Amateur class. Running hard through the spiny desert shrubbery, Steve Pitts and Jay Zicker pilot their ATK to a first place in the 'over 40 year-old Pro division. : ' · that I'm going to get accus-The other Honda XR650R corned to it in the next couple team entry of Steve Hengeveld months, and we'll be winning and Jonah Street came up short some races." when former Team Green 250cc-class rider Hengeveld hit and a front flat late, they chased a rock while running third only Open Pro dust. "That's about 75 miles into the race. His kind of what I do in all these Honda debut thus came to a desert races, is just keep racing premature end with a broken ahead until you get ~o the dust, collarbone and wadded bike keep charging to someo·ne else's (one of only three in American dust," Healey declared. Honda's off road race stable). When it came to the class Fortunately, everything will be championship, however, things okay. played out dramatically. Mike Coming from even farther Baxter and Ed McCoy led in back than Abbott and Brown points going into Terrible's was Mike Healey and Scott Town and comfortably so. All Morris on their Team Green they had to do in order to beat KX500. The winning Over 30 Bozarth/Folks was finish. That's team placed third overall with it. Just take it easy and finish. their 5:18:57, which helped However,thatwaseasiersaid make up for their late race DNF than cfone on a course that vir-_.at Vegas to Reno, also vindicat-tually everyone agreed was the ing bike prepper Mike Tripes. roughest one all year, parts of it _ Healey and Morris diced with having been used two months defending class champs Rick before in Vegas to Reno, and Bozarth and Daryl Folks early in much of the rest similar to last the race, passing them in a pit. year. From there, despite a crash early "I won three races this year and DNFed two. The DNFs re-ally kill you," Healey said. No one learned that better than Baxter and McCoy who tried to cruise the race on their Carlita-backed Yamaha 400. "I can tell you that's just tough desert, that Pahrump area and Armagosa with the silt," Daryl Folks offered. I was sure it would definitely take its toll, and I told Rick that. I said, "That Yamaha's got to finish a tough 250 miles so it could hap-pen. It could run into problems." And that's precisely what happened. An errant rock hit the clutch-side case, which eventually wore thro~gh and bled motor oil. The YZ400F doesn't hold much to begin with, and the bike finally died about 15 miles from the finish, leaving Baxter and McCoy with Continued on page 24 r-----------------------==-= The Terrors of the High Desert, Matt Childress, and Matt and Chris Surrounded by the scenic wonders of Nevada,. Gary Bosemer stays Anderson, teamed up to get a nice first place in the 4-Stroke over intent as he heads for his second place in the lronman Amateur division 450cc Amateur class. on his Kawasaki. r====:;;::;;:::;====;;;;;;;======;-Larry Amboy, Larry Elrod and Joe Gallager, here picking their way through some of the numerous sharp rocks on course, teamed up to take second place in the 4-Stroke over 450cc Amateur class. c._ ____________________ =;;::'-""'" Johnny Campbell took a rock in the foot, and let co-rider Tim Staab Taber Murphy and co-rider, David Fry took the win in the 4-Stroke In the Over 48 year-old Expert class, Howard Larson and Jerry Allen have a little more fun than originally planned. The Honda team took Over 450cc Pro division, on their Honda XR600R, also giving Murphy (both over 50), paired to take the win on their Yamaha. second in the Open Pro division by just 2:33. the Season Championship. ------~-~--------------Page 22 February 2000 Dusty Times
1iTiE&itiEJ FEBRUARY 18-19-20, 2000 CERRO PRIETO, KM 25 MEXICALI TO SAN FELIPE HIGHWAY I TIME LIMIT: 10 HRS I Pre-Runnlnit . From Saturday 5th~ebruary 2000 Do it with extreme caution ......................................... Remember if you enter the Drawing your name will appear on Press Mediums and on Pre-Registration section in Ajua Racing News!!! ······································· REGISTRATION CONTINGENCY & TECH lnspectio_n Friday, February 18th; Parciue Vicente GuerreroParking lot from 3 pm to 9 pm STARTS AM Saturday, February 19, one mile east · of K25, Mexicali to San Felipe hwy GASOLINE Remember is it not allowed to cross fuel through the US-Mexican border CODE will have fuel available at our Races (76 Racing fuel and VP Racing fuel) -~· TO the WINNERS TROPHY to the First three places in each class! 1st PRO: $2,000 pesos Guaranteed Purse (minimum 3 cars per class, must finish race) ,plus 40% of the entry fees Plus 40% of the entry fees (first three places) OVERALL PRO: $2000 pesos BONUS! · Sportsman & Safari: Entry fee refund to first place (Minimum 3 cars per class, must finish race) --$30,000::. ~ ~ OFF ROAD MGIRIHOUSI 55 MILES COURSE PR0:4LAPS SPT. 3 LAPS SFR: 2LAPS fON00 MIXTO De MOMOQOtt TVIISllCA .. c.llfonlla, .... Contingency Sponsors a Racers FROM USA .. CODE in cooperation with Mexico authorities will · have a caravan to cross the border on Friday 19th at 1 :00 PM, on Walmart parking lot in Calexico You are Late Registration Saturday February 19th from 6:00 to 8:00 AM at the Start area (No registrations after 8 am) HOST HOTEL SPECIAL RATES for Racers! • Sunday, Febnmry 20th, 12:00 hours at "Antes De Sports Bar" Calz. Aviaci6n 120, Mexicali, B.C. !~!1~,?4! .7777 I) l:'IPlls'" Classes WELCOME 9.c.,r. :!le: Call from USA 'lr..,_· 1-800-437-2438 <; O Lb N ·1 A~ • Mexico (65) 56-1312 01-800-02-65-888 (66) 86-20-76 y 86-12-76 1, 10, 1/2-1600, 9, 4-6-8-PT*, 7, 7S, 5 open, 5-1600, 11. • Pro Truck Entry Fee MEDICAL PRO: $ 250 dllrs CONTINGENCY Sportsman: $ 150 dllrs. FUND ~ Safari: $100 dllrs. $ 30 dllrs ~ DUSTY TIMIS ~ -~ -i>~ ~~ IJ"fa.~ 'l ..-.u• MIXtCO 1~·. La Rancherlta ~ ffl www.codeoffroad.com codeoffroad@yahoo.com @of> 01152(6) 552-5928 ~b IIFF-~II Li1iE11AfflS *2W& Laguna Salada, April 14-15-16, 2000 ---~ Solll~~: 1rliona Scuc.mq,e.200 San Felipe, B.C. May 19-20-21 , 2000 Laguna Salada, June 30, July 1-2, 2000 IIFF-Hll.811 . ··~ ,J I • ~JJ r:JBotica L.J§@.t@"~ ~'fflEIDIJ Laguna Salada, Oclober 6-7-8, 2000 CODE OFF-ROAD P. 0 . BOX 2328 Calexico, CA 92232-2328 -~! ce>..,2S o ~ ~ Mexicali to San Felipe, .~ December 1-3, 2000 ~
Dick Yardley, Trask Johnson and Gary Blake, a Utah team, finished Ron Lawson and Gary Jones teamed on a new Honda XR650R Robert Kemple, Floyd Bradley and Crockett Wirth/in, all of Las Vegas, off their season with another win in the Over 25 Expert Class on their magazine test bike to take the win in the Over 40-year-old Expert beat all the other Amateurs and won the over 35 division on their Kawasaki. division. KTM. Denny Wilson and George Gallian, from La Habra Heights, California, William Yokley from Kentucky and Kim Kuhnle from Ohio took the win put their Yamaha into second place in the Over 35 year old Amateur in the Pro Quad class, and also cinched the season points Jared Huffman and Jay Gobel, on a Roll Design, both from Ohio, were second in the Pro Quad division, only two minutes behind the winning team. ranks. championship on their Roll Design. a dead bike and no class cham-over." P'earson ended up second 250 in pionship. "If they would've finished, points, 852-828. Instead, KTM-mounted they would've won by one The first Expert team to fin-Bozarth and Folks repeated, de-[point]. The DNF is what cost ish sped to seventh overall, with spite finishing second in class them, I guess it all worked out KTM-mounted Jacob Phillips/ and fifth overall (behind the pretty good for us in the end." Wade Phillips/Lance Stein tak-Yamaha 400 of Paul Krause and It also worked out well for ing the Open Expert win as well. Nick Pearson). "To win [the Yamaha-mounted Danny Coo-They didn't figure in the series Silver State Series], you've got per and Matt Gosnell in the point standings, though. Third to be consistent, no doubt about 250cc Pro class. Despite Cooper Open Experts Anthony it," Folks said philosophically. "I having a sub-par day after tak-Grierson/Scott Herweg earned thought we were cl.one back at ing a wicked hit on one arm the class championship with Vegas to Reno when we got dis- from a branch. Gosnell filled in third on the day in Open Expert qualified, and it turns out that nicely, and they took the class on their CSR Kawasaki over the [Baxter/McCoy] Yamaha win and sixth overall. However, Cody Gremel/Wayne Sapp" on was just there to finish, they they looked anxiously around at the Alpine Delivery Honda who never entered our race [ with the finish waiting for class rivals settled for fourth Open Expert. Healey/Morris]. They just kind Btyan Folks and David Pearson Taber Murphy added another of dropped back, and we kept to come in on their KTM. As it Four-Stroke Over 450cc Pro putting time on them. I'm sure turned out, they could've win to his tally, this time with they were thinking, 'Let's just started celebrating right there David Fry (recruited the day make it to the finish.' The last because Folks and Pearson were before to fill in for injured part-word I got was they had gone disqualified, costing them the ner Ken Patrick) on the through the last pit. About 30 championship. All they needed Wenatchee Honda XR600R. minutes later, I hear that their . to do to win it was get the 25 Murphy won all four of the races bike's broke about-15 miles from start points, even if Cooper and he entered over the series to the finish. The long and short Gosnell won. But with zero easily claim the class crown af-of it is, it's never over until it's points from the DQ, Folks/ ter finishing eighth overall for the day. . . .PIKES-service center Stroke Under 450cc Expert on their Checkers-sponsored Yamaha. Their third win of the series wasn't enough to boot the second-in-class Brendan Lutes/ Mike Tyner team out of the class championship, however, Lutes/Tyner were more consis-tent on the Race Tech Yamaha. Third in class for the day was good enough for the Rick Jack-son/Tim Tyker/Dave Skorheim trio to finish second in series points for the division. Cary Blake/Trask Johnson/ Dick Yardley turned in a nice ride on their Stephen Wade Power Sports Kawasaki to top the Over 25 Experts and finish -~ 12th overall. Yardley, the rider of record, ran to a 3-2-1-1-1 sea-son -not bad for a 40 year old and his teammates who are both closer to 30 than 25. Ron Purvines/Glen Taylor took the Over 30 Expert win on their Sportsman Cycle KTM, the fourth time they've done so. Naturally, they took the series championship in the class as weii over Mike GarviniJon Parks who were also second on the day. Gary Jones and Ron Lawson teamed up once again to dust the Over 40 Experts, this time on a new XR650R magazine test bike. They won three of the four Baker, California Celebr~ing Cory Ayers kept his string of victories alive in Ironman Ex-pert with ninth overall on his Answer Honda CR500R, though his ride was not without its problems: "I hit a big boul-der and launched it about six miles off the start. That's what took my hand guard off. Com-ing in probably 15, 20 miles Ramey Peticolas-Stroud, f,:om Oregon, aims his Honda gingerly between cacti, as frpm the finish I hit a big G-out he wends his way to the Over4B year-old Amateur win. sa YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT . Open 24 Hours Page 24 SERVICE Eve_ry Day Year Round and went over again. I was ,,....,,,,,-.,,-...,-,;::,~=--:--=---== physically first overall Expert, then three guys passed me." "Team T-Racer gave me some fuel at Pit 7 because my pit [crew] didn't make it. Other than that it was a real good time." "This is four in a row wins and I got second at Laughlin so we're looking forward to the Millennium race. The Millen-nium I'm going to.Ironman. Ev-eryone thinks I'm crazy, but I did all these [alone] so I might as well, right? Just put 'em l!,ack to back, that's all." Lester Lehigh/Justin Lundin/ Rick Lundin finished just sec-onds slower than Ayers to earn 10th overall but first in Four-February 2000 Dwight Lowell, Charles Lamson and Gary Jackimowicz teamed on their Honda to take the Quad Expert victory. beating all other quads in the process. Dusty Times ,.
Jeff Whyid and Slob Niemela, on a Yamaha, take a short flight while Howie Singer and Jeff Waldaias, a couple of teens from Yerington, Jim Kelley, from Tucson, Arizona, · soloed the full distance on his chasing down their second place finish in the Quad Expert division. Nevada, rode their Yamaha to third place in the Quad Expert division. Yamaha to take the win in the Quad Amateur division. races they entered during the motorcycle-only event in Curiously, of the Pros, two their Roll Design machine. Runner-up m the Pro d1v1-season, each one probably on a Laughlin) on their Leighton out of region teams went 1-2. Howecer, it was enough to sion went to the all-Ohio team different bike. In addition, they Racing Honda. They not only Kim Kuhnie/William Yokley give them a record of two of Jay Gobeli/Jared Huffman in also beat the winning Over 40 beat all the Experts, but their (from Ohio and Kentucky, re-wins, a second and a start so 6:44:55. Fourteen minutes Pro team of Steve Pitts/Jay 6:29:42 was also faster than spectively) were second over-they got the class champion-· later, Rob Niemela/Jeff Whyle Zicker by a little over an hour. any Pro teams. all quad team at 6:42:21 on ship. took runner-up Quaq Expert.■ And though Pitts/Zicker won, they came up just short in the series championship to Scott Anderson/Larkin Wright, 868-866. All Anderson/Wright had to do was start and collect the resulting 25 points. They didn't finish, but they didn't really have to. Todd Davis finished off his season with another win in 250cc Expert on his Comlink Communications YZ250, riding with Bryan Martin. After skip-ping the season opener at Laughlin, he won the remaining four. Mark Morris/Paul Skeary/ Donald Tussing won Terrible's Town and three other races in Over 35 Expert on their TPS KTM, easily garnering the class championship. Though few people seem to ride 125s in the long races any-more, Nate Pearson and Kellon Walch did so all year. They won three races, including the last two, thus giving the Team T Racer Husqvarna its final desert championship. After rolling up to the finish with no front fender, no side panels and a . completely cracked, wobbly rear fender, Pearson explained, "[Walch] crashed 15 miles out and brought the bike into me. We traded off. He got on the second time .for ( [ the run from pit] two to three and crashed in that section so I took over from there and went ahead and fin-ished. It was a fun race; the bike ran great. Despite the [missing] fenders, we had a fun one." In the Amateur ranks, Floyd Bradley/Robert Kemple/ Crockett Wirthlin beat all other yellow-platers and won Over-35 Amateur, finishing 25th overall on their AT&T Wireless Services KTM. Expe~t them to battle Tussing's trio in the Expert ranks next season. Interestingly, as with the Ex-perts, an lronman •entry was second of the group to finish with Jerry Fisher Cement's own Jerry Fisher the winning solo Amateur on his Honda. Fisher also claimed the class champi-onship. John Ke arney/Jim Robinson won O ver 40 Ama-teur a few minutes behind on their Montclair Yamaha YZ-F, the third Amateur team to fin-ish. On the quad side of things, Gary Jackimowicz/Charles Lamson/Dwight Lowell topped the Quad Expert class for the third time in the four series events (ATVs don't race the Page 25 DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-polnt sand rail seat belt RACE BELTS 2" · 5 point mount 3" · 5 point mount SIDE COVERS IRS. Swing axle KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# 200mm-up to 31J01n . GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# RACING PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks .......... . 4 puc ferramlc . 4 puc ferramic with spring hub SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 11/, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930 or T-4 cages 930 or T-4 or T·2 flanges Trick boots /specify/ . 930CVstar "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stock width 8" travel-widened beam 10" travel-stock width 10" travel-widened beam TRI MIL EXHAUST T-1 1 ½,, chrome T·11 ½•raw T-115/8" chrom T-11518" raw T·4 chrome T-4raw GERMAN AUTO HATS GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T·1 alternator, includes alternator stand . MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ MK/I I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal With chrome pedal. With hydraulic throttle Replacement slave SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. · Standard rack and pinion Mount plate Coupler. Rack steering stops VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 C:hromolv Stock length ......... pr. 1 11 .. " longer .......... pr. 21/, " longer ........... pr. 4 • longer-coll over style pr. CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. !Mee/Iv Ford or International/ set ... SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" ...... . 1·21600, 5-1600 . CATALOG .. 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-863-1123 FAX 562-929-1461 February 2000 Dusty Times
Carl Renezeder has taken to the CORR format very well earned Dan Vanden Heuvel had a pair of second places in his Chevrolet, and himself a first and a third at Las Vegas, finished up third in points in Scotty Taylor, Ford, took third and first for the weekend, and won the finished the season in second place in the Pro 2 points standings. _h1_·s_Fi_o_rd_. _________________ ~--season points in the Pro 2 division to boot. CORR/EXXON 1999 will be remembered as one leans-sponsored Chevy in the right of America's most historic years. place at the right time. With 'Lady These last 12 months have also been Luck' clearly along for the ride, extremely historic ones for long time Evans secured the race's runner-fans of off road racing. Earlier this up spot and the 16 points that went year, Ivan "The lronman" Stewart with it. Those "Sweet 16" proved made history once again, when he magic beans for W .E., when Jamey won his 17th "Baja 500." Under nor- Flannery beat LeDuc for the third mal circumstances, it would make spot. In true storybook fashion, superflow Championships By Ron Miller DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 7 $84.05 $89.10 Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15x 6 $117.45 $111.75 15 X 10 $131.99 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Page 26 (702) 247-1266 ·we Now Do. MAGNA FLUX Photos: Track.side Photo no sense comparing Stewart's record "The Legend" pulled out a dra-victory to some unrelated second matic one point victory for the Pro-place finish by a former rival. But 4 season championship. When the 1999 was anything but normal. race was officially over, the Robby Gordon may not have made division's top five finishers were history in this year's running of the separated by a scant six points. Af-lndianapolis 500, but his gut-ter all was said and done, Douglas wrenching performance captivated · and LeDuc had finished 1999 in a the racing world. Fans won't soon deadheat for second place, one forget his riveting run at Indiana im-point behind Evans. As a result of mortality, nor Stewart's amazing their tie, the pair shared the Pro-4 domination down south. One final runner-up honors. Jamey Flannery . chapter of off road history was writ-ended up one point behind the ten just prior to the arrival of Y2K. deadlocked duo, and two back of Appropriately, that place of future the winner. Meanwhile, Jack Flan-racing nostalgia was provided by nery finished just four points fur-"The Leg-·' 13""1 -end" him-self, Walker Evans. In this, his fi-nal season of full time c ompeti-tion, the 60 years young Riverside , CA icon won Walker Evans, Chevy, finished theth 20th season and his career with a win, which e . • boosted him into first place in the veryC~amp~on-close points race, and ended his caree,Ship of his re-on a very high note. markable rac- Jamey Flannery didn't have one of his better weekends in his Chevy, ing career. but his season points added up to a nice fourth place in Pro 2 and Evans more than lived up to .his nickname at fourth in Pro 4 also. Las Vegas Motor Speedway, when Champion-ship Off Road Racing held its final 1999 event. The Pro-4 season championship was up for grabs, with no less than six drivers still in the hunt. Evans trailed division leader Rob MacCachren by four points going into Saturday's 15th round, but neither driver had much success that day. Evans finished a well beaten ninth and Mac-Cachren was disqualified for working on his ve-hicle during red flag conditions. Adrian Cenni, a rookie from New York City, fared consider-ably better. A.C. was Cennsational on Saturday, scoring his first Pro-4 win in grand style. The second, third and fourth positions .went to a tal-ented trio of Californians. Curt LeDuc took sec-ond, Scott Douglas grabbed third, and Rod Jack Flannery finished eight on Saturday, but was back in form on Millen checked in fourth. Gerald Foster (Noble, Sunday when he won in his Chevrolet, adding his points up to a season IL) completed the order of Saturday's top five 5th place in Pro 4. Pro-4 finishers. Evans found himself eight points ;;;:;;;~;;:;;;;;;;:;;::::::::::::::::;:;;:;;;;;::::;:::;;;::::::;;;:::::::::::::::::::;;::::;:;:;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;:=;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;; back entering Sunday's 16th and final round of action. It was trick or treat time on October 31st, and the battle could not have been sweeter. Ap-· propriately enough for Halloween, Jack was out in front wi_th fire in his eyes (Flannery, not O'Lantern!). The frighteningly fast Flannery fin-ishing first in the finale. Despite getting the candy, the Wisconsin Dells, WI Wizard came up short in his bid to repeat as CORR's Pro-4 _ champion. Scott Douglas and Jamey Flannery each had a chance to claim the top spot, but both were victimized by bad luck. Douglas, of El Cajon, CA suffered suspension woes while la-boring to a ninth place finish. Flannery, the Wis-consin Dells Whiz Kid, looked home-free until Rookie Adrian Genni, from New York, got the Pro 4 win on Saturday, he rolled on the next to last lap. Enter the op-but Sunday didn't go well for him. He finished 7th in the points portunistic Evans, who had his awesome Or- standings, a very nice first-season score. February 200Q Dusty Times
Scott Douglas, Ford, his damaged shoulder well on the road to recovery. had a 3rd place on Saturday, a seventh on Sunday but finished in second place in Pro 4 points. Aaron Hawley, from Las Vegas, got to display his considerable skills Tommy Bradley, Sr., part of the local contingent from Las Vegas, took on his home turf, and took a pair of wins on the muddy track. second place both days in the Super Buggy Super 1600 class. ther back, falling a mere half dozen beans shy of the title. Las Vegas' Rob MacCachren, last year's Pro-4 winner in this event, had an ex-tremely rough homestand. Despite his less than memorable weekend, MacCachren still finished the year in sixth place. Adrian Cenni fol-lowed MacCachren in the overall points chase, laying claim to the seventh position. "The Legend's Farewell Tour" triumph wasn't the only story from the sunshine drenched Silver State, but it was easily the highlight of the show. Don't bail out on me now folks! It s time to recap the remainder of Rounds 15 and 16 from this year's exciting CORR/Exxon Superflo Championships. In the P_ro-2 class, it was Scott Taylor coming away as the big winner. Taylor had al-ready placed the Pro-2 division title under lock and key, but the Belvidere, IL speedster still put on a magnificent show. After record-ing a solid third place finish on Sat-urday, Taylor capped off his ban-ner year with a powerful score in Sunday's season finale. Taylor may have shared the weekend spotlight with Round 15 winner Carl Ren-ezeder, but as far as the season goes, he was much the best. Tay-lor claimed the '99 Pro-2 Champi-onship by an impressive 46 points over runner-up Dan VanDen Heuvel. VanDen Heuvel, who hails from Appleton, WI, earned his season runner-up honors by posting a pair of game second place finishes in Rounds 15 and 16. Like the top two in his division, Long Beach, CA resident Carl Renez-eder also ended '99 in stirring fash-ion. Renezeder recorded his first CORR Pro-2 victory on the Sat-urday card, then came back to post a fine third place finish on Sunday. Taylor, VanDen Heuvel and Ren-ezeder finished 1-2-3 for both the weekend and the season. R.J. Flan-agan (Hartland, WI) finished fourth on Saturday and Kevin Probst (New Lenox, IL) di<l the same on Sunday. The fourth through sixth positions for the '99 season went to Jamey Flannery, R.J. Flanagan and Evan Evans, re-spectively. Perennial Pro Lite Champion, Johnny Greaves, ended his year on a winning note. The Pride of Depere, WI topped a tal-ented field of classmates in Sunday's finale, while soundly thrashing those same rivals in sea-son points totals. Greaves finished a staggering 56 points ahead of Argonne, WI teammate Jeff Kincaid to successfully defend his 1998 Pro Lite crown. Kincaid placed third on Saturday and fourth on Sunday, to hold off Chris Brandt for the Pro Lite season run-ner-up honors. Brandt was com-petitive everywhere he suited up in 1999, and placed third for the season in this talent-rich division. Brandt's CORR season was high-Dusty Times lighted by back-to-back Pro Lite win. The always formidable Art tra-tough Pro Lite competitor, fin-on Sunday and Jason Degrave victories in Rounds 14 and 15. The Schmitt of Pittsburgh, PA checked ished runner-up in Sunday's finale (Wilson, Ml) placed sixth in sea-Council Bluff, IA flash was at its in third on Saturday, and finished and fifth in the year end standings. son scoring. In the Sportsman 2 best on Saturday, when he out-fin- fourth in both Round 16 and sea- Mark Koebel (Naperville, IL) fin- Desert Unlimited class, a pair of ished runner-up Rick Huseman of son points. Tallahassee, FL resi- ished fifth on Saturday Mark Krue- local lads landed the top spots. Riverside, CA for the overall race dent Jason Crowder, another ul- ger (Green Bay, WI) did likewise · Continued on page 28 UJ BILSTEIN•FOX SHOX•SWA Y·A•WA Y•KYB•HOWE•CNC•JAMAR•ENGLE•BUGPACK•PROTHANE•SCAT• 6 ~ z m ~ KARTEK ... "Where Off-Road is On/!!" ij ~ m ~ .---------. .---------. ----------. ----------. ~ ~ l • z & ~ ~ ..-}i i ~ .1· • Sa < ~• , ~Q-:"~ f'i_ . • , • ~= m~ ~~--J----'hr < BILLET AIR CLEANER BILLET ,VC LINKAGE CLASS 1600 RACE NC RACE EXHAUST i, Q.. Our billet air cleaners This linkage kit is a KARTEK KARTEK's billet air cleaner Jet coated or raw exhaust • C/l provide a large surface area exclusive. uses our blllet air for classes 112 ·& 5-1600 uses with gussets on #2 & 4 . " ~ and resistance to particle cleaner design with heavy a special velocity stack to Super thick flanges. Mega-~ i... entry. 2 or 4 post designs. duty down rods and helm increase carburetor air flow. phone. supertrapp adaptable. z ~ For IDF. IDA. & DRLA. ends. 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FAX HOT-LINE ~ --=~iiiiiiii;iiiiii..-Ave. Chino, CA. , 5 (909) 627-4067 c:::,;:==;== ~c:::r-. -91710 ~ > - -•AUTOCRAFT•CENTERLINE•BALDWIN•YARNELL•YOKOHAMA•WEB CAM•FLUJDYNE•AUTOMETER• z February 2000 Page 27
B. J. Baldwin, his buggy weighted down with about 100 pounds of loi.l!!!..-!-.:!Ll'A mud, nonetheless, took a pair of third places, as part of the Las Vegas Jeff Kincaid powered his Toyota through the mud for a fourth and a Chris Brandt took the win on Saturday in his Toyota, and a seventh on sweep of the Super 1600 class. third, ending his season in second place in the Pro Lite division. Sunday givin himself a third place in the Pro Lite season points. Hometown hero Tommy Bradley There was a field o six en-too toug or ·s over-proved much the best in that divi-trants doing battle in the Single/ matched rivals, as he sion, racing to victory on both Super 1600 division. Terry Van-collected his second big cards. The Las Vegas, NV star de-dawalker of Henderson, NV win of the weekend. feated runner-up George Schultz proved a complete standout. On Barnard also repeated (Gurnes, IL) to secure Saturday's Saturday, Vandawalker raced to his Round 15 perfor-Round 15 victory. "Rad Brad" gave a handy victory over runner-up mance, with another an encore performance on Sunday, John Barnard of Bakersfield, CA. solid runner-up finish. topping fellow Las Vegan Adam Rick Boyer, another Bakersfield Nick Gautsche oflmlay Daffner to complete the sweep. resident, followed Barnard across City, MI-out-finished Daffner's second place effort in the finish to place third. In Las Vegas' Earl West Sunday's final round edged out Sunday's Single/1600 rematch, it for third place in Round Schultz for weekend runner-up was basically just more of the 16 and for the week-honors. same. Vandawalker again proved end. Molly Morter (Cedarburg, WI) and Rick Boyer completed ampiori-For the second consecutive year, Chad Hord was that division's second place finisher. Eric Dawson reigned su-preme in Sportsman Stock, with Michael Oberg taking runner-up honors. Dave Hockers successfully defended his 1998 title in Sportsman 2. the scoring in that or-Art Schmitt, Nissan, ran third and fourth at Las Vegas, and finished in der. fourth place in Pro Lite points for the '99 season. Hockers claimed "back-to-back" championships by This is the ~ystem nm by most TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME off road race winners Page 28 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED It was root-ro'ot-root for the ishers from those divisions. Aaron home team in the Super Buggy/ Behrens was this year's Single Class l contests. The local con-Light winner, withJeffVimigplac-tingent did Las Vegas proud, by ing second. The Single Buggy racing to 1-2-3 finishes on Satur-championship went to Mark Krue-day and Sunday. Aaron Hawley ger. Gary Behrens was the runner-was clearly at the head of the up. Phil Gourlie captured the Su-class, as he streaked to I , victory on both occa- · ~.1'< sions. Tommy Bradley Sr. was unable to keep pace with the fleet H awley, but he did beat the remainder of his classmates. Bradley's matching ,,. pair of second place finishes earned him the division's runner-' •. >::;•. -~;;,1-s_~ up honors. B.J. Bald-win followed Bradley past the checkered flag """0 ·-e:.:.-...= topping second place finisher Joe Zilisch. I believe that does it for the racing end of business. Congratu-lations are hereby extended to all of this year's competitors. Congrats also to the fine folks at CORR and LVMS. In addition both days, to secure Jason Crowder traveled from Tallahassee, Florida to compete at Las the third spot. Larry Vegas, took a ninth and a second, and fifth in the season Pro Lite to providing fans with some great racing, they also helped get everyone into the "Haunted Holiday" spirit. The elaborate Halloween decora-tions adorning the track's pit area were too awesome for words. Another nice touch was providing a host of "Trick or Treat" festivities for the youngsters on hand. I'd like to thank Kitty Parsons (CORR Director of PR/Me-dia) for her valuable assistance. Also John (I can't stand brown-nosers) Calvin, for al-lowing me the oppor-tunity to once again cover this historic event. On behalf of ev-eryone at Dusty Times, I'd like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please remember to be extra careful during the holiday season. I know it's going to be "The Foddrill of Glendale, points. AZ finished fourth on ;=;=;.=:=========:=======;;;;;;;::;:;.:=:::;=:;::;:::======, Saturday, but it was Dwight Lundell (Mesa, CA) taking fourth for the finale and the weekend. . · That wraps up our recap of the six divi-sions that were in ac-tion. There were also a half dozen special "Mechanic of the Race" awards handed out during che week-end. Round 15 recipi-ents were April Brandt (Chris Brandt-Driver), Jarrod Zilisch (Joe Zilisch-Driver) and Matt Tschirhart · (Al Drews-Driver). Round ·16 honorees were Meredith Miller (Lee O'Donnell-Driver), Milan Mazanec (Dan VanDen Heuvel-Driver) and Joe Newby (Gerald Fos-ter-Driver). The final CORR Sportsman "Champs" were crowned back in September. Here's a glance at the winners and second place fin-Tommy Bradley digs through the mud here as he heads for two straight Party of the Century", wins in his Chevrolet Sportsman 2 Desert Unlimited truck. but I want to see ev-eryone again when the three zeros arrive. I'd also like to propose a toast to CORR's 1999 Pro-4 Champion. Here's to you Walker. Thanks so much for providing us with a life-time of racing thrills, you are indeed legend-ary. My final salute goes out to another pair of very special friends. To Jean (Calvin) and Steve (Bishop), you 're Adam Daffner. Las Vegas resident, finished third and second for the missed, but certainly '!!_eekend in his Chevrolet Sportsman 2 Desert Unlimited truck. not forgotten. ■ February 2000 Dusty Times
1999 MOJAVE DESERT RACING Awards Banquet By Ron Miller On December 4, 1999 this cir-cuit honored its top stars at the Radisson Hotel in Fullerton, CA. MDR's 3rd Annual Awards Ban-quet was an extra special evening, with lots of great food and fun. Spirits were high, and so were a few of the honorees, as this year's "Champions" were toasted. Those lucky enough to purchase tickets for the sold-out festivities, were treated to a deli-cious turkey dinner served up by the "Rad" staff. Following the feast, it was on to the awards pre-sentations. Bill Burrows (The 1998 Class 725 "Champ"} handled the announcing duties, while MDR's main man, Paul Duffy, handed out hundreds and hardware. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, as the drinks and one-liners flowed all night long. About the only time things were quieted down, was when winning raffle ticket numbers were being announced. Before the night was over, the top three finishers in each MOR division were paid tribute. There were also a trio of special awards handed out. F.A.I.R. was recog-nized for its outstanding pit sup-port. The one and only Art Sa-vedra was honored for his im-mense expertise and dedication. And Bob. Steinberger (aka The Weatherman), also received rec-ognition for his contributions to the sport. All in all, it was just a great time and another super sea-son. Andrew Gaston: 1999 Class 100 Champion. Special thanks to: My family, Hank Beach, Jim Hill, Larry Leyk, Brian Montalbano, Albert Alverado, Dave Shubin and MOR. Frank Hines: 1999 Class 500 Champion. Special thanks to: My wife Carolyn, Co-Driver Dale, Dennis Boyle and his Co-Driver Eric Robinson and everyone in the pit. Marc Deshane: 1999 Class 550 Champion. Special thanks to: Rick & Gail Deshane, Wayne Lacher, Chad Eickhoff, Mike Green, Tim Lane, Steve Taylor, Jeff Black, Shane Reed, Bob Neth, Adam Wik, Dave Folts, Mike Monohan, Danny Foddrill, McKenzies, L&B Machining, R.L.H. Communications, Jamie Cambell, Hella, Bilstein, Mickey Thompson Tires and 76 Racing Fuel. Jeff Richardson: 1999 Class 700 Champion. ,Special thanks to: Doug Jensen, Robert & Steve & Rueben Fogliasso, Robert Jr., Dustin Finley, Chris Richardson, my wife Julie, Dana, Russ Vic-tors, Lahn Barr, Jim Russell, Dennis and Bryan. · ·Bill Markel: 1999 Class 725 Champion. Special thanks to: F.A.I.R., Jim Alexander for the great flat-free tires, Pat Massey for the best transmission avail-able, Bonny Markel for all the help in the pits and anyone else I might have missed. Jim Patelli: 1999 Class 800 Champion. Special thanks to: Butch Chick and my son Joe Patelli. Mike Ismail: 1999 Class 850 Champion. Special thanks to: Dales Hitchin Station in Lancaster, 76 Racing Fuel, Sign , Tech, Dusty Times, Off Road Advertiser and MOR. Joel Mohr: 1999 Class 900 Champion. Special thanks to: My wife Diane, Harold Curry, Tim Nichols, Cliff Carter, Mom & Dad, Don Rikard, Lori, Jerry & Rosemarry, Randy and all of the other (Class) 9 drivers who made this such a fun class. Whit Courtenay: 1999 Class 1000 Champion. Special thanks to: The Marcourt Racing T earn: My partner & Co-Driver Phil Markert, Crew Chief and Back-up Driver Donald Kenniston, Pit/ Chase Crew Members: Tim Loiddice, Thomas & Lorel Wirkus, Greg & Mark Wirkus, Dennis Karnousky, Glen & Becky & Corey Artnz, Arron Barrack, and last but not least, our wives (and unofficial time-keepers} Mary Ann Courtenay and Carolyn Markert. Dennis Sletten (Robert Hen-derson): I 999 Class 1100 Cham-pion. Special thanks to: Lori, Bob, Carl, Cameron, Dick, Dahn, Mike B., Ron B., King Corona, Seth, Heather, Ted, Richard, Timmy, Robby, Eddie, Sheldon, Gene, Guy, Malia, Jeff, Gail, Manfred, Pete, Monica, Steve, Ricky B., Ricky L., Mom & Dad and the rest of our family and friends. Larry Gross: 1999 Class 1200 Champion. Special thanks to: All of my friends for all of their help at the races and the shop, The Full Tilt Racing Pit & Chase Crew for keeping me running, you guys and girls are awesome. Greg Crew: 1999 Class 1300 Champion. Special thanks to: Co-Drivers: Brian Crew, Larry Rosenberg, Dan Rodgers & Jeff Neeland. Team Cajones Chase & Pit: Tom, Brandon & Steve Ruddick, Mike & Jeff Edson, Bryan and Erin T ruchin, Laurel Neeland, Art Zabalas, Adam Diaz, Dan Murray, Don Sterling, Kathy & Melissa Crew, Matt & Shana Rosenberg, Ron & Nick, John, Rhonda & Chaco Daly and Derek at America's Tire. Martyn Atkins: 1999 Class 1400 Champion. Special thanks to: Rich Cross, Kreg & The DRE Team-Dan, Muffin, Dave, Sean, Brian, Jeff, Tim Cecil, Billy Poveda, Cory Susag, James Pluta, Mike Duncan, Bill Markel & FAIR, Tim Serviss, J.B., George Seely Jr., The Blue Brothers, Fred Horton and The Yorkshire T er-riers: June and Patricia at MOR. Jason Hatz: 1999 Class 1600 Champion. Special thanks to: Gene & Kathy Hatz, Don Hatz, Regie & Laurie Dunlap, Bryan Thomasson, Vic Bruckmann, Debbie Weberski, John Brindell, Mike, Ike and the whole crew. Finally, here's a look at che year's second and third place fin-ishers. Class 100: Rick Wilson (2nd), Richard Boyle (3rd); Class 500: Gerald Erstad (2nd), Dave Baeskens (3rd); Class 550: Jeff Callaghan (2nd), John Strode (3rd); Class 700: Scott Sells (2nd), Craig Turner (3rd); Class 725: Stacy Fay (2nd), · Steve Jacketti (3rd); Class 800: Ollie Penchansky (2nd), Eric Heiden (3rd); Class 850: Donald Bundy (2nd), Craig Schmelter (3rd); Class 900: Robert Riffle (2nd), Darin McGuffin (3rd); Class 1000: Kory Halopoff (2nd), Mark Fodor (3rd); Class 1100: Kurt Youngs (2nd), Greg Horr (3rd); Class 1200: Dennis Beckwith (2nd), Matt Vaughan (3rd); Class 1300: lngraham/W ood (2nd), Robert Spencer (3rd); Class 1400: Steve Ruddick (2nd), Bobby Quarnstrom Jr. (3rd); Class 1600: Cindy Greinke (2nd), Malcolm Bryce (3rd). One last note, Jason Hatz (the Class 1600 champ) was also the "overall points" winner. And that completes our look back at the 1999 MOR season. It's time to wipe the slate clean and start the wild ride all over again. Come join the fun as Mojave Desert Racing Inc., shifts gears into its fourth year of exciting off road competition. First stop is "Wild Wash", and I'll CU there. ■ MDR BANQUET PHOTOS (with Robert Henderson) Dusty Times Marlyn AtKrns: Class 1400 Champ,on Jasen Hatt.. Class 1600 Champ and OYerall Points Champion February 2000 Class 900 Champion Mike Ismail. Class 850 Champion Page 29
1999 SCORE BAJA 1000 Campbell's super At ·Thousand'' By Tony Tellier Photos: Trackside Photo Jonah Street and partners Greg Bringle and Tory Bostrom were second in Pro Bikes over 251ccs, third overall. Here one of them does some fancy flying on the new Honda XR650R. "Honda Overalls the 'Baja'. Alert the media!" Oops, sorry. False alarm. It's just the same old story; once again, the "Baja 1000" was won by Honda, so it is difficult to become overly excited. Except that Johnny Campbell and Tim Staab beat everybody, even the mega-dollar Trophy-Truck assaults. Johnny and Tim did not exactly ride the wheels off their pre-Production water cooled XR650R, either. No sir. They did change them mostly per plan, to the bitter end, and received the Overall win at the 1999 SCORE Tecate "Baja 1000" in a total time of 14: 15:42. Their pits were limited to rider changes, fueling, and filter maintenance. The two even beat Larry Ragland's "Vortec" Herzog-Chevrolet Trophy-Truck by 00: 10:54. Honda's XR650R-riding Jonah Street, Greg Bringle, and Tory Bostrom were the secon d bike by a bit: 14:26:50 elapsed time. Gilberto Santana was the first ATV in 17:49:26. Jamie Sanoja beat a large field of Sportsman bikes and ATVs with his 18:25:42. The real story is the success of the motorcycle itself. .. the latest dealt card in Honda's stacked deck. Their air cooled XR line has been the bike of the desert since the XR500 came out in early 1983. Complete with two (2) carbs, too. Nothing has really changed in the "XR" world until "Vegas to Reno", where Johnny and Jimmy jammed the course on the new model, coming up a few klicks short of the Overall. Fast forward to the start at Ojos Negros. Same bike, mas o menos, with a significant difference at the finish: add serious bragging rights to that model's short resume. This victory will put to rest any idle speculation regarding weightiness and durability. Bruce Ogilvie and his Page 30 development staff are wiser 'n a tree full of owls. THE COURSE Sal and Paul Fish wisely had the racers start. .. and finish ... the "1000" away from crowded Ensenada, at the green onion, melon, and tomato farming area· of Ojos Negros. The bike and Quad riders got to see it all... farm roads, farm trucks, farmers, pine forests, some asphalt -thankfully limited, "Mike's" water crossings, a majestic John Deere combine, the cobble fields of the Pacific beach, and rutted two trackers. And cars. What with two loops to ride, make that lots of cars. For most of the bike ·teams, anyway. The double loop course made pitting and logistics much easier, of course. But on course assistance and vehicle extraction became much more dangerous. The "Baja 1000" course was fast. Very fast, indeed. Sections, such as from Valle Trinidad to Llano Colorado on the Pacific side, had portions recently bladed. That road is a common cross peninsula road, so the locals use it a lot. (Which certainly makes it, literally, "dodgey" during pre-running.) Outside of Erinders, where the road goes up and over the coastal range, there is a biker short cut straight up a red dirt and round rock hill. But I ain't telling that anyone used it. THE RACE - A PR's VIEW Honda's all new (water cooled) XR650Rs performed flawlessly, bringing their riders home 1-2 for the overall win at the 32nd running of the oldest, most prestigious off road race in the world, the "Baja 1000." The first race ever run by the 650 was also it's public unveiling of... Serial number "001 " ... at the recent BitD "Vegas to Reno" where Campbell took second place. A bad spill by his co-rider might have cost them theh inaugural race win. Johnny Campbell and Tim Staab took the (Overall) overall ahead of the (other 214) motorcycle and Quad (46-1), and car (169) competitors, the third "Baja 1000" win in a row for Campbell, and Honda's 10th win in the Mexican race . The second team of Jonah Street, Torsten Bostrom, an4 Greg Bringle came home second motorcycle on their XR650 some eleven minutes back, and just 14 seconds behind the first Trophy Truck of Larry Ragland. Honda riders made it 1-2-3-4 in the motorcycle (ranks). _ Campbell's win meant he also won the six race Laughlin/SCORE International Desert Series. (But only the three Baja events are for bikes - Ed.) "This was a more technical Baja race, 11 said winner Campbell, "a lot of turning, twisting through the trees. We only averaged 47.1 miles an hour. 11 On top of that, the two loop course meant there would be lots of traffic for the leaders to contend with at night. When Campbell too.k the checkered flag, there were still competitors heading out for their second lap. Riders were waved off at the start in 30 second intervals, and Campbell started second behind Honda rider Ricardo Malo. Malo would toss a crankshaft, putting a hole in the engine cases and damaging the cylinder. Team member Phillip Zeiger never even got to toss a leg over the bike. "They made RMl 1211, was about all Zeiger could offer. "le had to be bad parts or something. 11 Certainly "something." They were were partnered with Taber Murphy. "Taber is a friend of Jonah's from Washington State, pretty darn fast and smart," according to Tim Morton. "I had a decent start position," Campbell said, "and only had to pass (Malo) and I got by him around the 25 mile mark. I just tried to ride consistently. My arms were pumping a little bit because it was a little bit shadowy and February 2000 Martin Bejarano and Steve Hengeveld, teamed on a Kawasaki KX to take second place in Class 21, Pro bikes between 126 and 250ccs. hard. to see in the morning. And doing five miles per hour. I just cold, because the first 15 miles yarded it off into the weeds, there were pretty wide open ... T(amb) was nothing else I could do. But was a humid 40F ... and the wind I'm OK and so's the bike. It was chill goes up and the apparent really hard to go fast after that for temperature goes down when a couple of miles, but I shook it you're going 90 mph. (The wind off." chill at 40F is equivalent to At the Awards Jonah l0F ... speeds over 40 mph thanked Dan Smith of Enduro provide no apparent increase in Racing for "helping me getting miserableness. -Ed.) After that, my head straight after that I just tried to be smooth and incident. I was ready to quit at consistent and get the bike to Trinidad." Jonah a !so gave Tim." thanks to Escondido Cycle Mark Kariya: Center and Baja _Designs. "Of JC & TS executed three course, the Honda pits were planned wheel changes awesome." (Michelin "Karoo" rears) . They "The toughest part was dicing did one planned front change with cars in the last section before and one unplanned one the finish, coming back into Ojos immediately thereafter. Seems Negros." Campbell said at the that after Johnny got the new finish. "At one point a car held me front, he took off to head up to up for about 10 miles. It was a Mike's, but turned around and little bumpy because I could barely said that the rotor must've see my front fender. It was like gotten bent in the box van driving in the fog. But we got because there wasn't any front through clean, clean enough to brakes. Cost a little time, but it win. 11 was better than riding up and Campbell was so enthusiastic back from Mike's without a that, after bringing the bike home front brake. to the checkered flag, he said, Jonah Street started sixth and "Want to do another loop?" quickly worked his way up into Uh, no thanks. I'm trying' to s<!cond, turning it into a duel quit. between the two premier XR650 (Thanks to Peter Terhorst of teams. Even so, the Campbell/ American Honda for the web-Staab duo was never headed, site quotes. -Ed.) although the Street-Bostrom-Class 21 -Pro Motorcycles Bringle team did get to within six Between 126 & 250cc and a half minutes at the halfway OA Class Number Rider of point. Campbell's and Staab's Record/Elapsed Time: win.ning time was 14 hours, 15 10 1 104X Jose Ruvalcaba/ minutes, and 42 seconds . The I 6: 19:36. winning margin was 00:11:08. 14 2 l0lX Martin Bejarano/ Although i~ was essentially a 16:43: 17. wire-to-wire win, the teams did 26 3 102X Tom Grisham/ have to overcome some unexpected 17:57:48 challenges. During Staab's 56 4 106X Enrique Legaspy/ daytime stint on the bike ... Staab 19:52:46 rode the daytime sections and 84 5 103X Katsumi Campbell started and also rode Yamazaki/22:06:56 the night sections ... -he fell at low The Tim Morton Report speed in some rocks and stalled the # 1: bike. Ricky Fernandez (l00X) "The air filter was plugged up crashed on a booby trap six so the bike was acting really rich miles off the start and broke his and it wouldn't start, 11 Staab said. femur. Since he didn't want to "It was probably only three or four be operated on in Ensenada minutes, but it felt like an hour to they flew him to a hospital in me." San Diego. According to John Campbell also fell as he was Alexander's team, "they" put . heading to victory during his last down a pipe or a RR tie and leg, getting crossed up on a covered it with dirt." The savvy (Uruapan) rain rut and going Ricky shoulda, mighta; known down, but he and the bike were better ... ? unhurt. Tom Grisham (102X), Carl The second place team also Fisher and John Alexander had suffered a crash when Jona~ Street a bone to pick with the winning was on his first lap through the Hermanos Ruvalcaba. "We feel Pine Forest. "I was chasing a that '104X' was cutting the slowerrider,andicameuponhim course ... the l0lX guys (the in the dust thinking that I could Martin Bejarno entry) would see just swoop right around him," them get ahead without being Street said. "And when I got to passed! him, I found that I was looking After the start John had a straight at the tailgate of a truck 12-15 minute lead by Honda Pit Dusty Times
2 ... at El Rayo. And on the beach. Steve Hengeveld, Martin's partner on lOIX, was doing the riding. "They passed Hengeveld, a blindingly fast AM A racer, on the beach section and he was pissed!": John Alexander said that he NEVER saw them, but they were always ahead! The Visual Check up on the (tomato mesa) "reportedly" told (the Ruvalcaba team rider) that he had to go back and do it right! or risk a DQ. The issue was put before the Competition Review Boa.rd, headed by Reese King, The Most Hated Man In Off Road Racing (TMHMIORR). THE CRB SAGA by Reese King -(The Solomon Of The Sands - Ed.) # 101 X Martin Bejarano and # 102X Tom Grisham vs. # 104X ]use Ruvalcaba - Short-coursing. CRB Members : Armando Guzman - Class Stock Mini; Bob Gordon - Class· 1; Carlos Iribe - Class 5-1600; Casey Jefferies - Class I; Jimmy Messick - Class 9. This was a very complete case involving several riders from three different entries. Essentially, the protester claimed that # I 04X never passed them, yet was often ahead of them. As an example: "On the second loop in the beach section IO IX was approximately six minutes ahead of I 04X, and (then) had lighting problems. ( 10 IX Rider) Steve Hengeveld stopped to fix the lights, was never passed, got them fixed, and got running again, and at Santo Tomas found out that I 04X was then approximately . 17 minutes ahead of him." SCORE provided the Board with their official timing records and a calculator. After careful examination the Board members were unable to find any discrepancies in I 04X's checkpoint-to-checkpoint times or in their speed. The riders of entry 104X were questioned by the Board in both English and Espanol. The Board even asked questions that were intentionally misleading. At no time did the riders of I 04X display any hesitancy or confusion in their replies. . In an unanimous decision (5-0) this protest was denied due to lack of evidence. To quote Bob Gordon "If these guys are cheating they"re damn good at it." John Alexander later said that the Honda pits . had different passing times (than Checkpoint data), some data suggesting an even quicker pace than that of Johnny Campbell! Honda informed the 102X crew, however, that the data would not be available until two weeks had passed. End of their case: "The CRB could only go on the SCORE checkpoint times and those were 'reasonable', so that was that." John swore that he passed the bike in question "four times but I was never passed." Let this be a lesson for all you chase crews to take vehicle data on both sides of your racer. You never know when it might come in handy. No matter, by virtue of Ricky's accident, Tom Grisham's team is now the 1999 Dusty Times 250 Pro 250 class champion on the XR250 Honda, built by Gary Jones. "Gary just cleaned it up. And a better exhaust ... the HIDs were awesome." Duwayne Jones - Gary's -brother dialed in the CR forks and Ohlina. "We don't have the fastest bike but we're right there if (they) bobble at all!" Tom was disappointed in the CRB decision, of course, after · all was said and nothing was done. "I just came off back surgery. I had 'LS' and the 'S l' discology. They took pieces of bone and (extra) material out. The damage was just from years of abuse ... lifting boat trailers." Their major sponsor is "Dent-Ology" in Fontana. ("More hogs than people" was that city's "slogan" in the late '40s.) Dent-Ology paid the SCORE memberships, Honda's pit fee, the entry, the hotels, and the race fuel. The team is a little leery of the BitD "2000" rally format: "We're working class dogs," said John. "A new tire everyday, 450 miles every day, plus the logistics, would really tax our wallets (pause) and our friends." Class 22 - Pro Motorcycle Over 251cc OA Class Number Rider of Record/Elapsed Time l l IX Johnny Campbell/ 14:15:42 3 2 6X Jonah Street/14:26:50 6 3 SX Tex Mitchell/ 14:57:23 9 4 4X Mike Dellar/16: 17:32 33 5 BX Alberto Vargas/ 18:28:02 39 6 7X Tomoki Hayashi/ 18:56:40 Too tall Tim Staab .... the antithesis of short Jimmy Lewis, Campbell's sometimes-other rider. .. had "a good ride. I had only one minor get off. That was coming out of Mike's. We broke the back brake. We had to change the line. Everything then was good. Johnny had one flat. Other than that the bike ran flawless. Honda deaned up!" Staab, who won with Campbell in the 1997 "Baja 1000" was glad to have never encountered any race cars on his sections. Tex Mitchell ("Baja Designs") had a great team assembled: Ron Wilson and Scott Myers ... who is a National class 4-Stroke Mxer. After the "Baja", Scott had to leave Mexico to race the White Brothers World Vet MX at Glen Helen on Sunday .. . he had already earned second place in the 1999 4-Stroke MX championships. Wilson was on the wind-blown, record setting Honda team at the "24 Hours le Fud", so he knows about self-abuse. Scott expounded on Baja during a slow lunch break at the "Restaurant Bella Vista" in Valley T. "I always knew where I was (while pre-running on a YZ400.) I stood up 20 miles at a time! I knew what was coming up. And I know the spots where I shouldn't be worried, too." Myers said that "(Race) mile 40 has BIG rocks. I'm goin' back there and stop and look!" · They all had run their sections many times ... and in the night ... several times, too. "If we win ... I'll buy you a beer. A six pack!", Tex promised. had to buy my own. Desert Expert and budding Toutologist Timmy Morton said before the race that "Scott is extremely fast, like way fast, but likely will 9e hard on the bike and maybe on himself." But after the race, Morton recanted, writing that "after the race I was very impressed with Scott's performance. It's unusual for an MXer to learn so quickly about how to slow down in Baja and save the bike. Scott did great." Well, Myers accounted for himself in his first Mexico pretty damn buino. "Baja was good. Except for Tex. We knew that he had hurt his foot pre-running so Ronnie and I worked out a contingency plan, in case Tex had to bail. We split up the route. I had to ride Mike's in the dark. We really lost much of our time with the bike running so rich. Not no Tex' wreck. As we went up (in altitude) and the day got w~rmer, the fatter it ran." Johnoy Campbell and Tim Staab teamed to give Honda their 10th win in the 1000. This victory, on a pre-production XR650R, was an overall by 11 minutes. The subsequent "Vet MX" was, well, not Scott's day. "I was pretty tired after all that time in Mexico. I had one day to rest. And I was not in the right frame of mind." Myers had a ride on a 380 KTM that he had had no time on. "I went out to practice and then race." Without a real bike prep, it was ... well, less than he expected. And on a two stroke, at that. Explains a bunch. "I liked Baja. I'll come back with Tex. He's awesome!" Scott learned a Baja fact: don't leave your gear in the back of your truck. Or, rather, don't let Ron Wilson leave YOUR gear, etc., etc. The Tom Wimberly Report: I _see t~at one of !ex Mitchell'.s Tim Morton's brother-in-law. Jen's brother. He is deceivingly fast. Tex is ... if nothing more ... and he IS more ... a trooper. In one Mexican race, "Steve" finished on a bike that was missing the (rear) sub frame, the air box and filter, and the seat. He had to stand up for 60 miles ... with obviously NO options (visualize it!) ... and also deal with water and dirt tossed directly into the rear facing carburetor. The Plan: Scott: Ojos Negros start to El Alamo pits Tex: to San Vicente Ron: to Ojos Scott: to El Alamo Ron: to San Vicente Tex: through Uruapan to the finish · · The Execution: Tex Mitchell: "Do you want the quick details of the full story? The bike was running too rich, running not good at all. We changed the main jet at El Alamo. We have an oil recovery system, it goes back into the POR RACING GASOLINE IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE to reach the jet. It was even still too rich up at Mike's." The Tim Morton Report #2: . Tex Mitchel! '(SX) threw away his XR while taking the bike line around the big boulder past the Power Station. Seems he brain-faded and kept it pinned through the line instead of backing off to make the slight. left hander. He flew through the barbed wire fence · (Alambre de Pua) and was rattled pretty good. Still, he got back on and rode out to Hwy 1 to give the bike to his .partner. Today he is wearing a plastic brace system over his shoulders that holds his head up because he broke his C-2 vertebrae! "I clipped the barbed wire ... my toes are black. I jammed my elbow and my neck! 'Do you want to put another rider on?', Honda asked. 'No, no', I told them. Then on the way to the coast I had my fastest run of the day!" It musta rung his bell in the right way. "The bike really came alive over the coast" (where the altitude was sea level+ 10' and the T(amb) was Continued on a e 32 OUR NEW DISTRIBUTOR IN MEXICO MAQUINARIA Y LUBRICANTES DEL·NOROESTE CONTACT: SONNY NAJAR Main Office Blvd. Insurgent•• #16310 Tijuana, Baja Cfa Tel: 66-21-24-74 al 76 PHONE -21-24-7 4 AL 76 Branch Office Ferrocarrileros No. 102 Mexicali, Baja Cfa Tel: 65-58-51-94 y 95 Branch Office Blvd. Garcia Morales #118 Hermosillo, Son. Tel: 62-60-66-20121 For Pre-orders or information on how to obtain SPORTS Racing Gasoline in Mexico Please contact Paul Dumas at SPORTS Racing Gasoline. February 2000 Phone: 105-847-7700 Fax: 805-847-7023 Page 31
Chris Haines and Craig Adams ran out of gas on their 4-stroke KTM, but still managed to win Class 4, for Pro riders over 40 years of age. a Standard 59F Day. "It's not a '600' or '628'. It's got the '642' kit. I had a custom JE piston in it.,, Mitchell will be down, but not out, of course, for up to six weeks. Tex, you could tell, was mentally re-running the race, day after day: "I totally misjudged the turn. I musta been doing 60 when I got off." Tex was assessing himself ... "My career, my reputation, has been built around my mistakes. Not on my successes" ... much too harshly, it would seem. Tex has come back from ACL surgery back in '93 ... when his knee was hyper-extended. He was extremely pleased to be teaming with Myers: "He came through with flying colors!" Tex, a 29-year old Denton, Texas native complete with the prerequisite 10 gallon ResistolTM, is already looking forward ... and hopefully not backward anymore ... to the "2000" ... BitD's and SCORE's. "Please mention the people that really made all this come together: Escondido Cycle Center and Baja Designs. This was the only· bike with dual HIDs", stressed Mitchell. "The lightning was insane! All the HID components fit into (your) existing lens ... PIAA or Cibie. They cost $350 per light with all the ballast, and starting rectifiers, and regulators, and batteries ... all the hardware." (Note: the car HID lights are said to be $650! How many do the Herbsts run?) The HID problems that are reported are usually due to the people not knowing how the system really works," Tex said. "The troubles are usually simple, stupid things, a lack of system knowledge, for one. We (Baja Designs) need to prove how reliable the HIDs are." A seminar, written, would be good so the riders can diagnosis any troubles. "We recommend mounting the parts well away from the exhaust, for instance." Heat is not neat. "And keep the parts off the bike when they are not needed. (Although the venerable Richard Jackson said that he keeps his HID on his bike all the time and has had no · trouble at all.) And don't keep the batteries hooked up all day long. I could really see Friday night! Baja threw us a good testing ground." The Brian and Lisa Salley Report: Team SX 'Ron Wilson is a bad ass ... he had to ride the majority of the race due to Tex' get off. Tex was coming into Honda Pit 5 and found a rather large rock (or did the rock find him??). He got off hard but continued on to San Vicente where Ron took over. Ron and Scott Myers continued on to finish the race. As we know, Tex is not the most flexible person so no one was concerned as he stiffened up in the pits. It turns out that Tex broke his neck and had also broken his foot pre-running. Tough team. Ron's still mad that they didn't get second place. Next year we will have a helicopter, too?' Second bike and Third Overall Jonah Street had pre-run his sections at least four times ... some even more. In Tech Jonah was lugging a 1971 Baja 1000 historical poster ... framed. "It will look good in the garage! After the race I go to Mojave ... I am house-sitting for a friend. Johnny has all my stuff right now. I made enough money loading hay (this summer) so that I don't have to work this winter. I can concentrate on racing. I will race all the BitD, the three SCORE events, and some SoCal H&H Nationals ... and D37 GPs like Adelanto and Glen Helen." Q: How much hay can a hay-chucker chuck so he doesn't have to chuck hay during the winter, but just concentrate on racing? Phoenix boy Harry Nevel was racing on a XR600 Honda under the Mike Dellar'.s "4X" (prophylactic?) team. Mike was set up with two other Zonies: Eric Brown and Mark Varner. Harry said that: "I'd rather ride a 400 Yamaha but going with Honda sure makes sense ... for the support." (Dellar blew up his "San Felipe 250" Yamaha recently. Or should we say, "again"?) "I pre-ran this same loop at the '500', Nevel said. "I have done ... and will do ... from 'Alamo' (KMM87) to 'Mike's' and back to 'Valle de Trinidad' so I know my section. I like this race. It's not too fast and it is over varied terrain." Harry had sewed up the Whiplash Pro Bike title at the recent "Sonoyta .to · Rocky Point" race. Harry would end up ... due to a variety of problems ... doing Mike's in the dark: "Man, I have n_ever ridden more than 30 minutes in the dark! The lights, by Baja Designs, worked perfectly. They did a new set-up. There were huge boulders in the road out of Mike's. Musta been a thousand pounds. What crowbars those guys mus ta used. Then further toward Trinidad there were more stuff in the road." Harry blew that off: "That's part of the experience!" He said that when he was at Alamo, ready to get on for his first, ever, "Baja" race, he could hear all the spectators yelling: drunks, tequila, building jumps! The fun was there: "We were getting close to 'Third' but, man (Ron) Wilson and Scott Myers, they were so fast. Tex (Mitchell) did a great job, too. My guys saw him fall at Valle Trinidad. We cooled it." Harry's riding partner Eric Brown is a tall dude on a '00 XR600, bent on certifying his a Guinness World Record. Eric said that "I was hurt last year doing some 'PR' jumps. I did 260 feet at 'Buttercup'. (Note: That was at the Algodones ''.Imperial Dunes" west of Yumaville. -Ed.) "I hit the handlebars on my neck ... (or visa versa). I had to have an emergency tracheotomy." Brown displayed a nasty scar. At least they didn't have to use a BicTM pen. Their race Honda runs a Sudco Keihin pumper carb ... "like on a YZ400. Sudco dial them in for the particular -----------------. ' •~ . ·~ Elbach Springs Is proud to announce It's complete line of ultra high qualltv off-road springs . available in 10, 12, 14 & 16 inch free lengths With 3" ID. Spring to Success ... ~-- • Pia. 948152 8700 • llillrllutr. -..._ 908 aaJ 1854 Page 32 February 2000 A wen designed & manufactured.spring will last thousands of cvcles, even in the cruelest desert environments. That's whv top chassis builder Mike Julson chooses Eibach Springs. He knows what it takes to win ... Now so do vou. Dusty Times
----~' Heading for a soft landing, Tony Motta, winner in Sportsman division Martin Bejarano and Steve Hengeveld, teamed on a Kawasaki KX to under 250cc, needed 20 hours and 53 minutes to complete the race Jamie Sanoja, a resident of Tijuana, ran two steady laps to tafle the take second place in Class 21, Pro bikes between 126 and 250ccs. _on_h1_·s_S_u~zu_k_i._________________ win in the Sportsman Motorcycle over 250cc Class, on his XR 600. application. It's a 41mm ... the according to EvoDon Ruesch, twin with "Roll" arms and an that he thought that "the race Santo Tomas and gave the hike YZ is, oh, a 39?" Harleymeister. The engine engine by "Great Outdoorer" was dangerous with all the cars. to Ross Gregory. Carl Fisher and The team is supported by could have been an aluminum mechanic Daryl Lamkin, who But our XR ran good and we had Tom Grisham ( 102X) helped "Team Mr." from El Paso ... XR750AMAHalf-Milemotor ... wasrunningaSportsmanATV. no flats." H e teamed with straightenthebikeandchecked where the mighty Franklin but it wasn't. "This twin has a new crank... Manuel Santas, splitting the the light. He really h elped. Mountains guard the trail to BX, Alberto Vargas, pulled everything from top ta bottom, riding duties between Ojos and There was a long time shot at Mexico... and Piper intopitatl7:27:00withnolights. byDaryl." theVT"Rock"pits.Wouldhe SantoTomas." Performance in Deer Valley His number plate mounted light "I won 'Sportsman Quad', sir, do it again, manana? "Si!" 'A few days after the event (AZ). "The carb jetting was a set was not properly wired and in the 1995 'Baja 1000' and I Fourth place Kent Kroeker is some of the circumstances little off at the higher altitudes," blew bulbs whenever connected. A race AMA Cross Country back a USMC C 130 pilot and pilots became more clear. "Yeah, I was Brown admitted. "And 'we' had hand-held "Q-Beam" was wired in in the Midwest and South. Did a 604cc Rotax-CCM. They had dingy Monday and Tuesday. I a couple of lay-downs. But it and taped in place. This was his I do any pre-running? Not a spare "parts" bike in the chase mean, we had the race. OK, we was a good ride fortheir Fourth second lap. He finished fifth in much, sir. First of all, we got lost truck. The only two CCMs on did have a few falls. Doug Overall (bike) finish. We're class. on the Highway 3 ... we went the coast. Reynolds fell once and Eric happy. Mark (Varner) is new to The Aaron Dixon Pit toward Tecate instead ofOjos." Class 40 -Pro Motorcycle Hodel got off twice. One time Baja. Action Report: They scheduled four riders Riders Over 40 Years of Age was up on top of a boulder "I raced all of the '98 races "I'll let you guys in on a little for the assault: Taras Massey, OA Class Number Rider of coming down from Mike's he and ended up Second in Class secret. You see, our (7S) race Doug Hayes, Gary White, and Record/Elapsed Time was trying to get by somebody." 22. I got a third O/A in the '98 frequency just so happened to be RoR Burke. 46 1 449X Chris Haines/ "My accident is too weird. I '1000'. I was happy about this the same as Campbell's. John Gregory's beautiful 19:24:19 remember coming into race ... I held off Jonah {.Street) Campbell's HELICOPTER, that Honda ran flawlessly for 657.6 51 2 402X Gary Tepner/ Checkpoint 4 then turning to go and Scott Myers (Tex' partner) is!!! Let's see. "There is a truck miles ... that large distance was, · 19:38: 2 7 down that gnarly arroyo cut. for 50 miles, then I wrecked. coming toward you." "Mud hole unfortunately, not quite the full Chris Haines and Craig The next thing I remember is Those morning shadows .. . I was ahead, looks dry." "There is a distance. "We started sixth and Adams were on a 620 4-stroke the bike on top of me in the going too fast," he admitted. "I broken car ahead around the got to third by Alamo ... 10 KTM and suffered the dark." hit a triangular rock -on the flat comer." "You're coming up on Joe minutes back, physically. At the embarrassment of running out "When I got off of the farm face off to the side -and the Blow's dust." "Take the line to the Power Station we were still of gas ... and being reported, for road at the Checkpoint I front tire just washed out. far left. " Hmmmm? I didn't know second." k went that way all all to hear, by the Weatherman. decided to cool it, with the big 'Wow!' I though! 'Where did any of the bikes had choppers. The around to Ojos and back to the You may know that Chris lead and the dark, and go to that come from?'" only thing I didn;t hear was, Power Station, again, and then runs the original Baja bike tours pre-run speed. The bi.ke was The team gives their thanks "Watch out! Billy Bob is coming at 2300 hours on the second company: "Baja Off Road flooded and then I h ad to to Yoshimura for the up on you fast !" (Note: Nobody lap .. : 20 miles out of Ojos and T o u r s " clutch-walk it up that rocky. prototypical titanium silencer was coming up Campbell fast. -the finish ... the engine died. "It (www.bajaoffroadtours.com) so dirty red hill. I took a drink and with a SST head pipe assembly. Ed.) was ignition, electrical. It musta he has some credibility but caught my breath then rode off "It was all hand-built. Now it's Class 24 -Pro A TV's been the charging stator. I running out of fuel was, well, and fell down, very hard, almost • now into production and at the Under 250cc haven't even had the interest to highly unusual for the immediately. I go to the Mag 7 dealers 'soon'." OA Class Number Rider of look at it. W e are so experienced racer. Chris h as pit and they checked me out: 1999 Baja 1000 Record/Elapsed time. disappointed. We went for the won Class 40 for, well, at least 'You OK!?' www.Locos.Mocos.coni Pit 55 1 101A Carmen Cafro/ ·win! And didn't even finish." ever since he was in his thirties. 'Yeah, yeah!' Action Report: 19:51:12 Theyhadtowintheracetoget "We just haq high fuel I had silt inside my goggles (Los Muchos Gross Locos 57 1 102A Enrique Felix/ the Class 25 championship from consumption, for some reason. and I was covered in red dust. Mocos were pittin g 20:00:20 the race's winner Santana. This is the same bike that we But I don't recall falling in any EVERYONE that creepeth and Cafro's winning rig was by John teamed with his name won the '98 '1 000' on. W e silt! So I must have gone down crawleth a t their RM73 Allen Fox Engine Works with "Baja 500" guys: Danny Rudd, bummed some gas from the a third time that I just don't encampment, right at the top Roll Design suspen sion Mike Johnson, and Alberto Honda·pit at the Power Station. remember." before coming down, righ t at components and supported by Marquez on the shiny T RX {! -Ed.) It is good press for them. A fter Gary passed Pebble the edge of the pine forest.) Temecula Motor Sports. They 440GX Honda. Mike had to After all, we are all promoting Beach he says that he A Sharp Dressed Man bummed a light set up from spend the night out in the wilds motorcycles." "remembers no signs, no course 9X, Manabu Naito came in at Ricky Stator's people. They of the Baja ... from before "Old" D37 racer Adams was markers. I just kept riding until 10:34:35 for water. He was not gave it back when they were midnight until nine in the well known for his trademark I found myself at the Santos noted for a second lap. done. morning! "It was in the middle chocolate-brown riding gear. Tomas pit." Tepner had done Uyp. 9X was a Harley with a C lass 25 -Pro A TV's of nowhere ... but he couldn't Haines said that "you can't get this section multiple times for Japanese rider. Go Jigger. I'm not Between 25 1 & 600cc hitch a ride in and leave the that kind of gear anymore." "Baja 500" and had pre-run a a bike guy but it took off out of OA Class Number Rider of bike." Remember Ricky Stator's "On the first loop, up to couple of times and had ridden the pit like, well, you know, a Record/Elapsed Time Quad that was stolen in the Mike's, we buried a lot of riders. the same section that Harley. And the guy was whupped 21 1 2A Gilberto Santana/ '500'? It turned fnto an all night race afternoon! Carl Fisher passed when he came in. He must have 17:49:26 Class 30 -Pro Motorcycle for us. I am happy just to make me, as I was 'putting', and he lost a bet or something. While all 42 2 6A Wes Miller/19:04:16 Riders Over 30 Years of Age the finish. There was only one then told Ross that there was his buddies are lapping him on 69 3 4A Ronnie Burke/ OAClass Number Rider of (decent) line through the ruts something wrong. The bike. WR400Fs, he's wearing black 20:43:36 Record/Elapsed Time of Uruapan and we met some The rider. Something. leather and trying to grow a ZZ Third place finisher in the 12 1 30 1X Cliff Matlock/ utility box trucks towing our Ross Gregory had not Top beard ... Mark Naugle. Pro Big Quads was Tennessean 16:29:30 buggies!" planned on riding any more. As Manabu Neito's Milwaukee Ronnie Burke out of"The Great 15 2 349X Roy Buelna/ Speaking. about being Ross geared up Tom and Carl mount had the usual Hogley Outdoor Stores" in Paris, 16:51:50 overtaken by fast cars, Chris gave bike 102X to partner John exposed leg-burner up-pipe and Dyersburg, and Jackson/ 29 3 303X Gerardo Garcia/ said that "If you had any sense Alexander and then jumped in the knee-basher air "filter" Humboldt, Tennessee. Their 18:07:"14 at all you would be looking foF to help Gary and Ross. "While enclosure, but was actually stomping ground is in the "New 41 4 302X Kent Kroeker/ escape routes all along the Ross suited up (And a big suit fitted with bark busters. Madrid" earthquake area of 19:02:36 course .. You have to get off it is. -Ed.) , they straightened However, the rider's "Depends" Tennessee where a large seismic Cliff Matlock, who can ride before it's too late." everything." Un-bent the bars were hidden. If it was a event in 1812 ran the in the "Class 40" ranks if he so Gary Tepner had a big lead... on the sub frame~ tweaked the SportsterTM, the steel "peanut" Mississippi River backwards, wishes, stays in "30" to give the an hour and a half... with but a forks back into alignment and tank only holds 3.3 gallons of forming Reelfoot Lake. Sort of younger guys fits. "We're killing 100 miles to go. This huge lead test rode the 'cycle up and down gasoline (incorrectly), like the "Salton Sea of Dixie." chem in '30'. We'll move up was due, in part, to the the Highway." according to Reese King (who Bet there's some good ol' ghost when chat stops." The WR400 excessive fuel consumption and "I was taken to San Jose cheerfully performs my www storie out there. Or a Sippy Yamaha only need a top-off of the subsequently lost time by Hospital," Tepner continued. info searches for me). The Hole. coolant. They "were pitted by the Haines-Adams KTM. But "And it was excellent. SCORE "Women's Harley actually holds "We have three Yamaha my wife!" past Check 4 Gary got off good Med had called into them and only 2.2 gallons, good for maybe stores. The crew is pitting with Policia Federal De Caminos and rang his bell. "I got up then the doctor and the nurses and 100 mile· on the road, Mag 7, racing a Yamaha 350 y Puertas rider Roy Buelna said foll down again. I limped in to Continued on page34 Dusty Times February 2000 Page 33
Cliff Matlock and Matt Barney, both claiming to be over 40, took the Wayne Grafton, from British Columbia, minimizes the splash by riding Roy Buelna and Manuel Luna, both from Ensenada, rode their Honda win in the Over 30 class on their XR600, beating competitors 1 0 years thru the puddle on one wheel, as he heads for victory in the Class 50 XR to second place in Class 30, for Pro riders over 30 years of age. younger than they are. · _d_iv~is_io_n~~~o_ve_r~S_0~y_e_a_rs_o_f_a~g~e)_.~~----------s ta ff were all ready. I was finish" rule. After medical "You'll have to excuse me. I've 'rode' the walls to let them pass, Eduardo Moieno reported. l'J was checked to be OK and released treatment it was discovered that had about 23 Coronas!" Not a I would hit the brake level on the on the bike when it broke. It with pain pill." Well, THERE is in addition to being knocked out problem. He was acting a lot wall!" would lock up, so we were done." a clue to Gary's subsequent "cold", Gary had a gonked leg letter than most there. Glen sewed up the Class 50 Class SDA -Sportsman behavior! and upper body "Owies" but no Richard, who has had only a points before the "1000." So he ATVs It had taken a half hour extra lasting injuries. couple of DNFs in his long and raced ion "40." OA Class Number Rider of for Gary to get to Santo Tomas. The finish, coupled with illustrious motorcycling career, 1999 Baja 1000 Record/Elapsed Time "He was completely out of it," Velasco's DNF, gave Tepner the was pragmatic and matter-of-www.Locos.Mocos.com Pit 43 1 56A Ricky Stator/ Ross said. "He had no memory year's Class Championship. fact: "I'm not working on the Action Report: 19:06:38 of the incident." (A day later Dave Olen, who rode the '72 lights! We had one extra 403X, Gilberto Velasco, while 63 2 55A Glen Walraven/ Tepner was still looking, and ISDT, saddled up with the headlight and two bikes to put it running fourth in class, stopped in 20:28:32 talking, pretty slow.) "The equally-venerable Richard in" ... referring to son Rich need of gas at 9: 18:20. He was 64 3 S0A Mike Penland/ lights were WAY out of Jackson, who had lighting woes. Jackson's Sportsman DNF. "The given 2.5 gallons and told (that 20:29:01 adjustment. We kept on "The XR600 had two HIDs but Virginia guys handed over an the) road crossing was 15 miles 80 4 57A Jorge Romo Vargas/ (racing) and checked with they blew the regulator. It turns 'H4' bulb ... then we tried to ride away. Passed through on his 21:35:25 , SCORE regarding the 'ToT' out that they were wired with a flashlight. The buggies ... second lap at 20:19:08. He did 86 5 51A Gilberto Castro/ rule." Gary's accident invoked backwards. We had spare parts... with the ruts and all", he trailed not finish. 22:40:28 SCORE rule GDC3, allowing but back in the hotel room!", off into unpleasant memories. "I Class 50 -Pro Motorcycle Buzzard Steve Stevens Pit Tepner to waive the "Start-Jackson sardonically admitted. had no back busters and when I Riders Over 50 Years of Age Action Report: S PE TR PP TO ETE LEE YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS! C PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 I 0 :E (/) ::::, ~ () ~ w w I 3: w z :J a: w ~ w () (/) a: w 3: g CD <( ~ (/) a: w ~ u::: z ca ~ Designed by Raceco in 1990 for military use, re-designed by McKenzie's for Off-Road use in 1994. This unit gives you more travel, ~ss stub axle load and lighterweight, comes complete with arm mount-ing flange, disc brakes with billet calipers and pads, bearings and chromoly stub axles. ..-............ Fresh Air Helmets Comes with shield & Hardware. CAC-100 Helmet Wired - Small CAC-200 Helmet Wired -Med. 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Box r MET-237 U-1 Battery Box MET-237DD U-1 Dimple Die Power Steering HOW-1000 Sweet Servo HOW-7530 Top Coupler-30 Slpine HOW-7548 Lower Coupler-48 Spline HOW-8000 P/S Pump -1300 psi HOW-6000A P/S Pump, Alum -1300 psi .. HOW-8004/8005 HOW-8001 P/S Pump, Chartyne -1000 psi HOW-6004 4-1/2" Pulley - Press On HOW-6005 ' 5-3/4" Pulley - Press On HOW-6006 2" Howe Ram HOW-8007 Custom Ram HOW-8008 Reservoir m c.. ► ► Jl Mickey Thompson Tires ~ Are The Best! f Ultra Wheels Designed for Off-Road with Tuf-Treads and Side-Biter Sidewalls 'Tl ~ (J) I 8 " (J) ► C Jl 0 Jl ► :ii: SAF-RC-500CP 5 lb. Manual CompacUPush Activater <l: SAF-RC-1000 1Qlb. Manual ULT-5352 15x3-1/2 VW C/J ~ SAF-RC-1000P 10 lb. Manual, Push Act1vater ULT-5752 15 x 7 VW ~ ~--------------------------------------·~ • C O SO BE R SEATS EL K HILi E ODDRI L EDU OIL Page 34 February 2000 OA Class Number Rider of I was at El Rayo through Record/Elapsed Time Valley "T" pitting for Ricky Stator 53 l 502X Wayne Grafton/ (a.k.a. "Richard Simpkins"). We 19:48:51 took first OA Sportsman Quad! 65 2 S0lX Ron Bishop/ We had "NO" flats or tire changes 20:35:16 the whole race. Ricky crashed Details remain sketchy at this three times. Scotty got sideways at point in time and space, but lot in the pine trees, but no real sources suggest that Bishop did problems. NOT ride a Rokon. Grafton is Sr. Stator reported a clean one of the rainy guys from British race... equipment-wise. In Columbia. Lots of moss on the response to some nasty 2-stroke box van. failures lately, the Lightman Class MU -Sportsman opted for a new Honda 4-stroke. Motorcycles Under 250cc "We kept the motor stock and we OA Class Number Rider of were the slowest Quad out there. Redord/Elapsed Time But we ran the '1000' on the 72 1 201X Tony Motta/ same four tires and the same air 20:53?36 filter. We had to add zero oil. Class MO -Sportsman Just fuel! 1 crashed three times, Motorcycles Over 250cc coming from Alamo to the Goat OA Class Number Rider of Trail. I was wearing my glasses Record/Elapsed Time for a change and a lens fell out. 30 1 255X Jamie Sanoja/ So I crashed. What's the reason 18:25:42 for the other crashes? That's 52 2 257X Tommy Tomlinson/ easy, going too fast for the 19:43:26 situation. I can't use that other 59 3 259X Francisca Gonzalez lie again, can I?" Nice try, but L./20:09:40 no. 74 4 251X Terry Barrett/ Ricky rode with his Usual 21: 11: 17 Suspects: "Scott Prather (he won 1999 Baja 1000 the '90, '91 and '92 '500s'.), www.Locos.Mocos.com Pit Mike Zarran, and Dave Newlan. Action Report: Plus half of Santee was there!" 255X, Jamie Sanoja, dumped That must have made Santee a his bike in the deep "W" in front real nice place for a spell. of the pit. He was picked up and "We had a great time and we pushed on his way. He won his even helped some other bikes. class. Carmen Cafro (the winner in Joe West may have been the Class 24 ... again) needed some points leader coming into the lights. He didn't even buy them! final motorcycle event but that He was kissin' my ass, big time, did not allow for a DNF to at the Power Station! Then he scuttle his Oregon effort. Hell, brought them back to the shop with his Oregon plates he on Monday. Well, if he ever shoulda come right to Yuma for wants to buy some lights, I know the winter. Everyone else in which ones he'll get: 'Baja Eugene has. Proven'." Rene Limon's "La Vaca" effort Handle-barred S0A Mike was bolstered by six riders... "Pancho Villa" Penland was Larry Job, Kory Scheeler, and I looking for his fifth "Baja 1000" were behind them in Sign-up as win in a row after truckin' in they added name after name from Rabun Gap, Georgia, by after name. An hour's w_orth. We gollies. He teamed with Morris and Dean Bayerle short-coursed Penland (Mike's little bro), Eric them as Pre-Paids. Lemley, and the ever-popular Their race effort was hindered wild-animal man Andy "Azul" by the loss of third gear on their Blue. They drive an olive-drab, XR. "I was an hour ahead at four wheel drive, 4-stroke Santo Tomas on the first lap," huntin' Quad. Dusty Times
Wes Miller, second place finisher in Class 25, Pro 4-wheel ATVs between 251 and 600ccs, pays close attention as he heads into the puddle. Gilberto Santana and Ruben Martin, both of Tijuana, won Class 25 in the time of 17:49:26, finishing 21st overall. In the Sportsman ATV class, Glen Walraven scooted along to a nice second place finish, about a half-hour behind the winner. Mike had done a little pre-running, doing this VT PS to the Ojos finish while his partner Eric did his section three-four times. Morris and Andy ... who has the beach section to do ... pre-ran twice. Mike was not to get his fifth in a row. It was an electrical glitch and a mechanical mistake that put him back. "The skid plate came off! The headlights gave us trouble. The Quad his a cow! We needed just one bulb and we got a replacement from the Ricky Stator guys at the 'Rock'. We had no falls and no . troubles with the cars, but I ended up with BAD monkey butt. I rode with one cheek off to the side. I knew our ( time) status with six miles to go. I thought that I could catch (Glen Walraven) for second but did not." They were back in third by 29 seconds. Ronnie Burke's "Great Outdoor" mechanic Daryl Lamkin was astride their Grizzly 4x4 ... newly fitted with a Tenere XT660Z 660cc twin. This little seen European bike is named after the Tenere desert, one of the major "sand seas" of the Sahara. The idea is to capitalize on the "Dakar" mania that permeates The Continent. "It's a five speed that we converted to chain drive (the Quad is normally a shaft driver) and it's now a 2WD. This is the first time out. "We (i.e., 'The Great Outdoor Stores') build a lot of (specialty) Quads ... with different types of motors." Team members were Jack Sanders and Stuart Cooper.Jack has not been around the race course, a fact that would come back to bite them big time. Asked if this would be his first time on the bike. i.e., this race, Ronnie replied: "Oh, yeah. It'll run in excess of 80 mph ... there is two months worth of work in it. The bike will surprise some people." Sort of. Jack Sanders was riding when they failed the rear hub on the Tenere rig: "The wheel fell off," Lamkin sighed. "It was only three miles back•to the last pit but (Jack) sat and waited for six hours before we figured it out and_ came in to get it." (Sounds like a job for a race radio.) "We coulda got back into the race real easy! Jack didn't have any 'Baja savvy.' I used a pair of Vise-Grips(R) to hold the hub to the axle and get to the next Mag 7 pits. You just can't abandon the effort. I would have walked for help and gone on." "But both of our Banshees finished!", he accepted. Non-finisher Greg Row was RoR on the "Taller Buenda" 250R. Gilberto Castro was the Dusty Times last bike to finish, ducking under I was coherent. I wished that I the 23 hour time. limit at had been knocked out! These guys 22:40: 28. drug me off to the side but wouldn't In the battle of the Pro Quads, go into town to get help! They Gilberto Santan (Class 25) easily wanted to stay and watch the race. beat arch-rival Carmen Cafro'; I was calm. I told them that I was Class 24, 17:49:25 to 19:51:12. pretty sure that I had broken my Broken Bones = Broken femur. I asked them to get my bike Dreams and ride it to the start for help. I Imperial Valley college used Spanish and English. I knew -student Craig Smith has always that there is a bunch of little roads been fast in the desert. No doubt. that they could have taken without Particularly at night. Smith then getting on the course. When the suddenly became faster than 'Wolverine' (Grizzly- Ed.) came by American Honda's ranking star I knew that the last of Sportsman Johnny Campbell when at the Quads were by and it was safe." October District 37 Viewfinders "They did come back but alone! Grand Pri,:e in Glen Helen, Smith Finally some old guy stopped, a beat a surprised Campbell. local, and tried to comfort me. He Campbell was so impressed told me that they had told SCORE that Team Manager Bruce that I was going to be taken care Ogilvie tapped Craig to ride on of." SCORE's chopper came and the prestigious "A" team for the took Fernandez to the San Jose "Baja 1000." This was the chance ---of a lifetime for Smith but fate would rear its ugly head and interfere. During the previous weekend's "Pre-Fun" of the December "Terrible's Town" Best In The Desert race, Smith was taken down by a bizarre incident. He was riding fast, just on the margins of the route, when his front wheel hit a vertical three inch diameter, three foot tall steel pipe marker. The pipe was reportedly hidden from view by a desert bush ... ,seeds tend to germinate in shelter, rather than in the open desert. Hospital. "They gave me a shot of morphine and then wanted to operate. I told them that I wanted to go to San Diego. They argued with me and said that if they had started right away I would be done and recuperating." Ricky said that he asked them just what they would do and "they brought out this piece of metal that looked like it was off Ivan Stewart's car! No way! Ten screws! In America they would put a rod down the bone." _ After a long time arguing, the hospital stopped tending to Ricky: "They were cleaning my cuts from the barbed wire and the nurse asked the head nurse what she should do next. She told the nurse to let me be. They didn't give my any more shots. I wished that I could have passed out. They moved me around like a slab of meat. There-was hollering and tears. When the aircraft got Ricky to Scripps-La Jolla it was 1700 an.cl I was in the OR at 2030. I didn't get out until 0030!" They kept Ricky until Wednesday, as he had developed a strong fever -103 F -and he could not retain fluids. "They wanted to boot me out! I had Kaiser call and get that squared away! And when I was checking out they asked me what I was going to do with my 'Murder Cycle'?" "Fix it," I told them. Temecula Motorsports - Mike Finley and "The Doc" Richard Schumann -been very supportive of his ordeal. "I'll be back joggin' in a week!", Ricky joked. ■ Smith went seriously ass-over-tea kettle ... and landed with a shattered knee. Johnny on the spot Steve Scaroni and friends could see that Craig was going into shock due to the. injury ... Scaroni called for a medical helicopter.: "The ambulance was a long way away and, besides, the nearest hospital was not geared for this injury." • wide teflon coated piston wear band for . fu es so that it does not drop into large ports. .,.,..,.,.,.,_.., 1~ ',,( Smith was delivered and treated and taken to his parent's home in Brawley (CA) for recovery then headed back to Cal Poly so as not to lose this semester. Oddly enough ... or, perhaps, reasonably enough ... most riders met during pre-running did not wish to even acknowledge the accident. Kept In Stitches Ricky Fernandez ( 101 X) said it all: "I should have known better. I could see the dust in front of me and I knew that I was reeling them in. Actually, I crashed twice! I missed the right-hand turn and went through a barbed wire fence. The wire was so rusty that it broke. I did get cut up pretty good on the right bicep. Then I hit this manmade jump at about 70. It was a plain 'over-the-bars', I was in front of the bike! I kicked it to get away." • sealed piston for low speed contro in external bl pass. • high temperature stainless steel all 1 \ • unique rod end design and materia to d ands from breaki g. • high temperature Viton seals a ~fog . ) • large aluminum reservoir f r in '.(jse 7hea n (2X) and weight savihgs, • 1" shafts are micro-polis ish of a 3-5 RMS. 1 • stainless steel teflon ith 1/2" or 5/8" ID spacer_,( • shock are all own toois to purchase. / . . . ~ ,-. , • La~ I"' igh flow (weld on kits ~r{ :rate). ...:r;.,.__ A. /,. • ruoe·10 e paced to order or wel<:fe ~ ~ customer. ,-.. ,,.' piston for smooth daftiplng. tions. • Chec~v I~ mac n,e rom 4140 and heat treat/~ 17-4 staw ess for long durability. \-.::large oDlchicl<~lve spring designed w{(h low operating stress levels. ':/ #r ,, ~ ,, • 'gfggy~,@~'¼tyle reservoir mounting -for the rear of buggies and trucks. /_~-A . G ./ ,:~ i? ~t§l;f#ti6B§11M,M.-:1111111MIIIIIIIIIIMI Custo { springs for 3" shocks in s~k-.) Eibactfsprings available. We do custom shock work and vehicle s:'t·@~~/ Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts av\ilab e"( air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same person that designed all Kuster Shocks. King Shock Technology A Shock Manufacturing Company · (714) 530-8701 Fax: (714) 530-8702 10402 Trask Ave., Unit C, Garden Grove, CA 92843 February 2000 Page 35
, CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES D'Sullivans Do It Again At Treeline · Rally By Paul Timmerman The brother and sister team of Lauchlin and Farina O'Sullivan · continued their winning ways, tak-ing first overall in the CRS's Treeline Rally. They took the win in a tight battle with former orga-nizer, Lon Peterson, and 1998 win-ner Tony Chavez. The year's version of this CRS event was compressed into a single day for the convenience of the com-petitors and the volunteer workers. This required getting an early start, with registration opening at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, Novem-ber 13, 1999. The cars were all put through technical inspection, dis-played in pare expose for an hour, and the first car headed off from the rally headquarters at the Holiday Inn in Monrovia, before 11:00 a.m. The schedule showed the first car arriving back at the hotel at 5:30, with awards ceremony at 8:00 p.m. The course used the same 50 miles of stages as last year. Last year we ran first west, then east. This year we reversed directions. This raised the transit miles to a modest 50 miles. The combination of great stage miles, short transits, and close proximity to the greater Los Ange-les area makes this a unique event. The winning time for this event yields an average speed of 32 mph, making this rally one of the slowest in the U.S. The competitors spend almost the entire rally in first and second gear. These corners have made the rally famous for the driv-ers, and infamous for . co-drivers, who sometimes suffer from motion sickness on this event, even if they otherwise never have the problem. A total of 31 cars entered into this year's Treeline Club Rally, a dozen more than last year. They included nine 4WD cars, ten 2WD cars, eight performance stock (Pstock) cars, and four stock class rars. 1999 overall winner Tony C.-ndvez brought back his Gallant ✓R4, with Ken Cassidy c -driving. 1998 winners Ron Wood and Kelly \Valsh were returning in their Audi Quattro. This year Lauchlin and Farina O'Sullivan have their Quattro fully sorted, making the DNF they suffered last year seem unlikely. Anton Musev, the Gorman Ridge Rally Winner was also present and hopeful of a top finish, teamed this day with Kengo Takahashi. George Plseck Jr. worked as· and organizer for this "'"'1r, making space in the cockpit .ur George Sr., who built the Quattro. In 2WD Open Class, Lon Peterson got his first crack at the roads that he pioneered. He had tough competition from Rim of the World's Saturday club rally 2WD winners Chad Dykes and Deborah Fuller. .\ number of new teams made , t:ir debut at this rally, and all of them finished the event. Rey Laureano and Greg Maxwell brought out a stock class Toyota Celica. William Yates and Julie Ayton fielded a first generation su-percharged Toyota MR2. Yates did a hilarious impression of Austin Powers, which kept the workers laughing all day. Jose Mercado, a native of Bolivia, now living in northern California, teamed with · Page 36 formerly local co-driver Claire-Marie Chizma. They were driving the nicely disguised ex-Tallini Toyota Celica. A convert from the solo ranks, George Doganis, a SCCA Solo National Champion, paired with Thomas Smith in an RX7, which was prepared by Dave T umer Motorsports. Finally, from the SCCA CalClub road racing world, Dan Edmunds and Ken Tooker brought out a rally prepared Mazda Mia ta for its maiden voyage. The Tabor clan came down from the Pacific Northwest with tw·o cars, helping to swell the ranks. The transit to the first stage in-volved climbing up the Angeles Crest out of La Canada to Redbox. At Redbox, the cars transited one mile down Rincon Road to the be-ginning of the first stage, West Fork East, a short 4.4 mile sprint. It starts downhill, through some of the tightest roads, passing below and behind Mt. Wilson. Going through the old campground area, where there are a few places of tarmac, then back to gravel and cement stream crossings, winding beside the stream through a forested val-ley. The roads are normally closed to traffic and were in excellent shape, the stream crossings were barely wet, and we started with clear skies and 75 degree tempera-tures. On the first stage, Lauchli.n and Farina set down fastest stage time. Behind were the 2WD cars piloted by Lon Peterson and Chad Dykes, setting up a rally long battle for 2WD class winner. Then came the 4WD cars of Tony Chavez, Anton Musef, and Ron Wood, all in open 4WD cars, each Lrying to stay close to the top of the heap. Rick Hintz turned his best time of the day on this first stage in the Historic 240Z, before falling off the pace, and eventually out of the rally. The RX7 of Paul Bojinov and Julian Ragalie rolled on the first stage, forcing a dozen cars behind to be blocked until the car could be moved. They managed to continue the rally af-ter the roll. But at a reduced pace. The delay allowed Paul Timmerman's 323 GTX to have a leaking water hose repaired in time for the restart of Stage 2, narrowly missing a DNF. Stage 2, Pine Mountain, uses the long 12 mile section of Rincon Road, climbing out of the valley. The reams run through live oak forest and chaparral, winding along the ridge high above the San Gab-riel Valley. The stage takes 20 min-utes for the fastest cars and lasts a grueling half-hour, for slower cars. T earns are taxed to maintain con-centration under the stress of the demanding course. On the long second stage, Anton came within l00ths of:. minute of pacing Lauchlin. Lon, Tony, Ron, and Chad all followed behind in the lead minute. Steve · Bender and Jeff Bruett were laying down consistently fast times to take early leads in Pstock and Stock class respectively. Harris Done's RX7 was stopped on stage with a belt problem, but Harris and co-driver Lury Scott managed to get it run-ning again and continued on, avoiding the time bar. Steve Westwood and Alex Gelsomino had engine sensor trouble that made their Gulf run poorly. They had to be towed off stage and into service, resulting in a DNF and a wild ride down the mountain on the end of a tow strap. They were al-lowed to do the return run after they had fixed the bad sensor, and later turned some great stage times. George Pisek, Sr. was making up chunks of time, having passed two cars on the stage when he got a bit wide and removed a number of sus-pension parts, ending his rally, and making George Jr.'s bent A-arms at Rim and Goreman seem like minor problems. Stage 3, Rincon East, started up on the ridge, high above the San Gabriel Valley, and descended for 7. 7 5 miles along a heavily graded road into the canyon to Highway 39. The descent totals about 2000 ft. and took the teams through a recent bum area, where the ghostly black trunks of pines made the steep drops to both sides look even more menacing. Teams noted that if you fell off on this road there was often nothing to stop you from go-ing all the way down the mountain, ending up in either Azusa or Palm-dale. The bottom of the steep road featured a series of hairpin turns, which were popular with spectators. The downhill stage allowed under-powered and good handling cars to make up time if the drivers were brave enough. George Doganis got his RX7 up on two wheels, allow-ing his co-driver to get a good look over the berm at the gaping valley below. The fearless team of Chad Dykes and Murphy Fuller set fastest time on the down hill run, with Lon Peterson, Tony Chavez, Lauchlin O'Sullivan, Jeff Bruett, Paul Timmerman, .:,teve Bender and Ron Wood on all the same minute. This is the same downhill which the Bender and McHugh Rabbit · coasted (mostly) down to take third place overall last year. After service, the order in 4WD we.s Lauchlin leading Tony Chavez, and Ron Wood, in 2WD Open, Lon Peterson, followed by Chad Dykes and Tom Bier. In Pstock, a very tight battle was developing be-tween Steve Bender, Mark Brown and Mike Gibeault. In Stock class, Jeff Bruett led Jay Streets and Nick Taylor. With three stages completed, only four cars had dropped out. Rich Hintz and Mark Johnson had struggled into service, and parked the historic 240Z. The Westwood VW Gulf had already DNFd with the tow, but lined back up for a fun run. Anton Musev and Kengo Takahashi were suffering overheat-ing after pushing hard on Stage 2. They slowed on Stage 3, and pulled out at service to save the engine, while less than two minutes out of first. In the last three stages, there were no more DNFs, but several top teams came verv clo~e to not fin-ishing. At the t~m-around point, the team of Mark anJ Kristen Ta-bor traded seats, wnh Kristen in the driver seat for the first time. Starting to backtrack over the February 2000 same three roads, the rally headed up to the top of Pine Mountain via Rincon West. The reverse direction yields a very different stage, with power at a premium, cooling sys-tem stressed to the maximum, and drivers in much less danger of put-ting the cars over the berms and down the big exposures. Lauchlin put his mark on the fourth stage as well, followed in the same minute by Tony Chave~, Lon Peterson, Chad Dykes, Ron Wood and Paul Timmerman. There was an additional delay as • Stage 5 was prepared. The final two stages were run in complete dark-ness, but all competitors had mounted lights. These delays pro-vide the best chance for the teams to swap stories and jokes and, in the words of Carl Merril's widow, "kid each other unmercifully." Stage 5 was the rerunning of the long Pine Mountain stage. Lon Peterson snatched his only fastest stage. Behind were Chad Dykes, Lauchlin, Tony, Mike Gibeault, $.teve Bender, JeffBruett and Mark Brown all on the same minute. The 2WD and Pstock classes were in full charge mode on this stage. Mike Gibeault was giving the family Jetta the boot, taking away the second in Pstock from 'Mark Brown and Ole Holter in the FX-16, who were trying to lock up the season cham-pionship. The last stage, West Fork West, had us run back up the canyon to Redbox. It began with an open can-yon stretch running into the ultra tight upper canyon section, with the narrow roads, and razor sharp switch backs. If thac's not enough, the switch backs have water in them and the rock studded, tire eating berms keep you close to car flipping vertical cliffs on the uphill side. The Uphill stage gave the ad-vantage back to the powerful cars and precise teams. Lauchlin took this stage, followed by Lon Peter-son holding onto a lead over Chad Dykes, who finished just. Tony Chavez finished the stage with a battery that was discharging, and made it a few miles down the hill before the car quit. Paul Timmerman and Suzanne Martin were next fastest, having moved up to fifth on the road. Mike and Michelle Gibeault continued to push hard in Pstock, turning the sixth fastest stage time and came within one minute of Steve Bender and Craig McHugh who main-tained their lead in the highly com-petitive Pstock class. Harris Done was back running fast and having fun and taking seventh fastest time. Jay Streets ended a string of bad luck by taking a strong win in Stock class and coming in eighth fastest on Stage 6. Mark Brown turned ninth fastest time. Ron Wood, who had already lost second gear, had more trouble when a suspension piece broke during the stage. Ron and Kelly eventually finished the rally, but took a big hit on Stage 6, letting the other teams play through. At the same time, Jeff Bruett's Stock class car slowed and lost ten minutes on the stage. In 4WD Open class, Lauchlin and Farina O'Sullivan gave another spanking to all comers, taking first overall and setting four fastest stage times and a course record. Tony Chavez and Ken Cassidy took a fine third place overall and second in 4WD class, after narrowly missing an alternator problem in the Texaco Gallant. As the VW Spe-cialties Quattro slowed in the bst stages, Paul Timmerman and Suzanne Martin moved up, for a third in class and fifth overall in the 323 GTX. In 2WD Open class, the founder of the modern Treeline Rally, Lon Peterson, brought home the B&D Automotive Plymouth Arrow first in class and second place overall. This was Lonny's first time as a competitor on these roads, but as an organizer, he has more time on these roads than anyone. It showed, . as he let Lauchlin and Farine gain a mere 45 seconds through the rally. Chad Dykes and Deborah Fuller brought the Pick-up in fourth over-all and second in class, setting the fastest time on the third stage. Re-turning to CRS for the first time this year, Tom Bier brought out his Saab 99 for one final race. He braved the double curse of team-ing with veteran Ben Bradley, and racing a car after it had sold. They were rewarded with a third in class and tenth overall. The new Saab should be ready some time next sea-son. Fourth in class was the team of Robert Shibab and Matt Gubler, who also are moving onto a faster car next year. They finished a cred-ible 12th overall in the underpow-ered Mazda GLC. The team should be a contender next year with the 300 hp RoadRace Engineering pre-pared Mitsubishi Turbo Mirage. The remaining teams finishing in this class include Mark and Scott Peterson in a Dodge Colt (5th), Jose Mercado and Claire Chizma in a Toyota Corolla (6th), William Yates and Julie Ayton in a Toyota MR2 (7th), and Harris Done and Larry Scott in the RX7 (8th). In Pstock, Steve Bender and Craig McHugh held on for the win and took a fine sixth place overall in the VW Specialties Rabbit. Mike and daughter Michelle Gibeault took second in class in the family rally car, a VW Jetta. They upset the season champion favorites, who finished just behind in third. Mark Brown and Ole Holter will have to wait until Laughlin to see if they can lock up their championship, after taking third in class and eighth overall in this tough group. In Stock class, the affable team of Jay Streets and Bill Feylings fi-nally brought the car home in one piece. They were rewarded with a first in class and a very credible ninth overall. Second in stock was Nick Taylor and Josh Ambruster in another Toyota Corolla. JeffBrueff and Terry Stonecipher looked to be on their way to a win, running as high as seventh on the road. A late . fade dropped them to a third in Stock class and 16th overall. The organizers Pete Morris, Doug and Sue Robinson, George Pisek, Claire Chizma all·did a great job of keeping this event one of the finest club rallies in the U.S. The single day format, the close prox-imity to 10 million people, and most of all, the great roads through the Angeles Forest make .this rally a must event. The awards were held outside next to the cars, and it was a rowdy good time for all. There was a tremendous stack of pizzas and ab-. solutely no shortage of beverages. The last race of the year is the 3-day Ramada Express Casino Inter-.national Rally in Laughlin, NV. With Laughlin counting as two co-efficient three rallies and one coef-ficient one, 700 season points can be earned. Having a car break on the first day can completely change the situation. This means many of the season championships will be de-cided in this last event, the second weekend of December. ■ Dusty Times
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MOJAVE DESERT RACING, INC. 11STODDARD 300" 1999-Champions ··Determined At Barstow By Ron Miller Photos: Track.side Photo In what amounted to a battle of attrition, Rick Wilson took his second overall win of the year at MOR in his Class 1 Jimco. On November 20, 1999, the iting his Trophy Truck to oblige final piece of this year's MDR those seeking autographs and pie-puzzle was put into place. Class tures. Fellow Class 100 racer Rick championships were up for grabs Wilson was primed to give Gor-in several divisions, which led to . don a run fonhe money. Wilson another fine turnout. Included was looking to register back-to• among the field of 77 starters, was back victories, and his third MDR the runner-up finishers in this "overall" win of the season. It was year's Indianapolis 500. Robby "Showtime" in Barstow, and there Gordon wasn't concerned with was plenty on the line. So ready point totals, but he sure scored or not, here we go. points with his adoring fans. Gor-The swift Class 100 contingent don was most gracious, as. he got matters off to a very fast be-signed autographs for a seemingly ginning. Wilson seized the early endless sea of admirers. Even dur- advantage, while Gordon was still ing line-up, Gordon was still ex- waiting for his half dozen class-----,,,·••WJ""·--.,...,......,-::-:ef7:-c---mates to start. Less than five min-: utes after the race's final starter had departed, Gordon completed. his first loop. The immensely· popular Anaheim, CA star liter-ally flew past his classmates, by. posting an obscene 42:20 opening lap. Wilson also pblished off his first lap in much haste (46:01),-but nobody came dose to matcfr~ ing Gordon's ~ensational clocking. The battle on· the front end in-tensified, as a determined Wilson tried to cling to the pacesetter;· During Lap 2, Qordon_',\;aS able to add only-slightly td his·advantage .. Kory Halopof and Harley Leiner brought their Class 10 car back to the finish first, and second overall. Paul Huffman started with the fast lap for the 1600 class, at 49:33, and went on to take the win. Brian Parkhouse, another tal-ented Class 100 performer, re-corded the field's fastest second loop (44:29). Much to the dismay of his supporters, Lap 2 wound up being Gordon's last. A broken car-rier bearing forcing him to call it a day. Gordon's early exit prob-ably didn't result in a river of tears at the Wilson camp. After re-es-tablishing command, Wilson's new (Class 100) concern was the threat being posed by Parkhouse. Dave Baeskens had fast time for Class 5 on lap 1, at 52:25, and then went on to Oonald Bundy's good-looking Ford had problems on a couple of laps, still managed During Lap 3, Parkhouse again proved fastest (44:38) and contin-ued to close in. Then, almost as quickly as he had reached conten-tion, Parkhouse was gone. At the race's halfway point, the battle for the Class 100 win was all but over. Andrew Gaston was Wilson's only remaining classmate, and he was running nearly an hour behind. Meanwhile, a few Class 1000 competitors were racing well within striking distance. Mark Fodor and Kory Halopoff went toe-to-toe right from the opening bell. Fodor was a bit quicker dur• ing loops 1 and i, with his second lap (46:39) proving.bestof the day in Class 1000. Despite Fodor's ef. forts, Halopoff trailed by just 16 seconds after two laps had been completed. Fodor saw his chances for victory diminish, during a very costly 2:02: 15 third loop. Coinci-dentally, Bill Fodor also dropped out of contention around that same time. After racing within 10 minutes of the class leaders for three laps, B. Fodor was unable to complete No.4. Whit Courtenay and Marty Melendrez continued in pursuit of the front running Halopoff/Letner team. Up ahead, overall leader Rick Wilson showed no signs of slowing. In fact, Wilson's Lap 4 time (45:20) was his best of the day. When he proved just as efficient on his fi-nal three laps, Wilson received the checkered flag. Wilson blasted through his seven laps in a torrid 5:28:08 (51.2 mph), to add the "Stoddard 300" to his im-pressive list of 1999 victories. When the windblown Barstow dust had settled, Halopoff and Lerner had also emerged victori-ous. That pair claimed the Class 1000 win, while finishing second overall. Their final time of 5:45:18 (48.7 mph) carried the young duo to victory over runner-up Marty Melendrez; Melendrez finished about 15 minutes behind take the win. the Class 850 victory. ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ In the down-to-the-wire class points battle, Bill Markel ended up as winner for the day and the season in his Class 725 truck. · Page 38 Jeff Richardson won the battle with attrition, and took first place in Class 700 in his Toyota. February 2000 Continued on page 41 Dusty Times
► With remarkably evenly paced laps, Whit Courtenay and Phil Market Marty Melendrez took second in Class 10, and third overall, finishing drove their Toyota powered Class 10 car to second place. only 15 minutes behind the winner. Cindy Greinke and Darnen Jefferies teamed up in Greinke's car to take second place in /2-1600 and sixth overall. Martyn Atkins started his day with one very long lap, then had good limes, and took the Class 1400 win. Robert Spencer had fast lap for Class 1300 on_"lap four (their last lap) at 1:09:01, and took the win. the winners, to take second in 1000 and third overall. Paul Huff-man was next past the checkered flag. Huffman came away with a game win in Class 1600. His seven lar time of 6:02:22 (46.4 mph) was good for a six minute margin . Page 40 of victory, and fourth place over-all. Whit Courtenay finished less than a minute behind Huffman, taking third in Class 1000 and fifth overall. It was another five minutes back to the overall sixth place (inisher, Cindy Greinke. Greinke gave Huffman quite a battle for the Class 1600 win, be-fore settling for the runner-up spot. Her final time was excellent (6:08:02), as was her entire 1999 season. Following the race, there was a change made in the order Final Flag of that division's third and fourth place finishers. Mitch Griffin beat Ric~ Gamble by nearly seven min-utes; but a subsequent CRB rul-ing.reversed the pair's Class 1600 order of finish. Gamble was placed third, when it was determined Larry Deaton Dusty Times regrettably informs you of the tragic dea·th of Larry Deaton, 41 year old veteran racer from Clovis, California. Larry was racing in the Unlimited Class 1 race at _the SCORE Laughlin Challenge when he flipped and stalled his race car and he was hit hard by two other cars in the race. The accident occurred in a high speed area of the desert race course. We here at Dusty Times extend our heartfelt condolences to Larry's family on their tragic loss. February 2000 that Griffin had failed to stop at Checkpoint 1. The overall scor-ing was not affected, as Griffin remained seventh and Gamble eighth. Malcolm Bryce took fifth in 1600. His team's strong final time of 6:34:37 proved ninth best on the day. Mark Fodor recovered nicely from his early trouble, to earn the 10th spot overall. Fodor's fine fourth in Class 1000 completed the results of that division's fin-ishers. In Class 500 action, it was Dave Baeskens racing to a smart victory. Baeskens posted his division's fast lap time on his ini-tial loop (52:25) and kept right on going. His final time of 6:51 :26 (40.8 mph) landed Baeskens the 11th position overall. It was less than a minute back to Joe Jeffrey, who took sixth place in Class 1600 (12th o/a). Jeffrey finished six minutes ahead of classmate Jason Hatz, who ended up 13th overall. It was later determined that-Hatz had also failed to stop Dusty Times
Malcolm Bryce lost about 28 minutes on the last lap and dropped to fifth place in the 1600 class. Mitch Griffin ran a steady pace all day, and ended up fourth in the Rick Gamble ran steadily, his lap times very even, and finished third tight 1/2-1600 class. in the 1/2-1600 class. at Checkpoint 1, so he too was penalized one position. The CRB ruling moved Hatz from seventh in 1600, to eighth. That decision also made Day Gang the official seventh place finisher. Gang took just over seven hours to complete her assignment, and prove 15th best overall. Gerald Erstad's seven lap time of 7:02:57 was slightly quicker than Gang's, placing him 14th overall. Erstad's commend-able effort landed him the runner-up honors in Class 500 .. Dave Lawson and Aaron Bennett com-pleted the orderofClass 1600 fin-ishers. Lawson placed ninth (16th o/a) and Bennett checked in 10th (20th o/a). Jeff Callaghan proved best in 550, defeating runner-up Marc Deshane by just over '12 minutes. The. winner's time of 7: 16:53 (38.5 mph) was 17th best on the day. Deshane couldn't have been too disappointed with 18th overall, since the effort gave him the 1999 Clas.s 550 title. In Class 900, Dennis Peterson totally dominated. Peterson's Lap I clocking (58:20) stood up as his division's best of the day. His win-ning time of 7:30:44 ( 19th o/a) found Peterson finishing more than an hour ahead of the near-est 'niner. Jeff Richardson's Class 700 win ended up being even more one sided. Richardson chased pacesetter Scott Sells to the race's halfway point, but was all by himself at the finish. Sells was TKO'd after completing four laps, but did manage to claim fast lap ho.nors (53:30) . The winner, who placed 21st overall, com-pleted his seven lap assignment in 7:52:21."John Strode (8:15:54) was well clear of Daniel Fresh, . who completed the order of that division's finishers. In addition to taking fourth in 550, Fresh also claimed fast lap honors (58:23). In Class 725, one point separated Bill Markel and Stacy Fay going in to this final event. Fay grabbed the early lead, posting fast lap time (1:02:51) on Lap 2. Luck played a big role in the outcome, after Fay handed matters over to her husband, Doug Goodenough. The l'uck was all bad for Good-enough, who suffered a total of three flat tires. The luck was not so bad, if your last name happened to be Markel. After losing ground on the firs three loops, Markel was able to reach even terms after five. The Fay/Goodenough team's title hopes were dashed when they were TKO'd by front end damage. Only Markel completed all seven laps (8:23:52), and that gave him the victory spoils. Markel has al-ways done more than his share to promote the sport, and it was great to see a nice guy finish first. I know it sound cliche, but it re-ally was a shame someone had to lose. Fay, who might be the most well liked driver on the circuit, Dusty Times simply exudes class. "We couldn't have lost to a nicer guy", Fay said about Markel. Rather than going on about her disappoint-ment, Fay wanted to thank crew members "Dad, Tony, Jeff and Bob." Markel, Fay and Goodenough add more than just compe-tition to races they at-tend. They also bring class and camaraderie. Congratulations to all of you. Dan Owen, the John Strode rode his 5-1600 Baja Bug to a dice third place with an Class 1100 ran only four laps, and Dennis Sletten led all the way to runner-up in Class _e111_e~n~ly_,p~a_c_e_d~d,-'ay.,...,._~~---~--~---~~-~ take the win in his "Trophy Sedan". 900, followed Markel past the fin- behind the winner. It proved time the fast lap time (1:23:59). nal time was 5:08:36 (31.1 mph). ish line (8 :35:05). Next came well spent for Gaston, who, by Horr completed his four lap AfieldoffoursquaredoffinClass Frank Hines (8:53:36), the third virtue of his runner-up points, assignment in 6:16:23 (25.5 1300. The contest was hardly a and final finisher in Class 500. In edged Rick Wilson for the season mph) . There were a half dozen contest at all. Robert Spencer Class 850, Donald Bundy romped championship. Meanwhile, in entrants doing battle in Class ended up totally outclassing his to victory. Bundy defeated run- Class 800, Ollie Penchansky raced 1200. Matt Vaughan used the best badly over-matched rivals. Spen-ner-up Mike Ismail by well over to an easy win. Penchansky re- opening lap (1: 10: 11) to secure cer not only posted the quartet's an hour, and also posted fast lap corded his division's fast lap time the early lead. Then Dennis Beck- fast lap time (1:09:01), he posted time (58:22). Joel Mohr and Rob- (50:20), which propelled him to with proved quickest on Lap 2, to the "4" fastest lap times. The run-ert Riffle rounded out the Class victory over Jim Patelli. That race himself into contention. away winner's time was a quick 900 scoririg. Mohr ended his completes our look at those who Next it was Joel Hutak's turn. 4:51:16 (33.0 mph). It was nearly "Championship" season with a completed seven lap assignments. Hutak all but erased Vaughan's four hours back to the second rare third place effort, and Riffle Turning your attention to the lead on the third loop, when he place vehicle. Apparently that finished up a distant fourth. An- "four lap" types, it was another big posted the Class 1200 fast lap runner-up entry was a team effort, drew Gaston's final loop was day for Class 1100 star Dennis time (1:08:38). With one lap re- comprised of R. Ingraham and J. clocked in 2:10:03, and his seven Sletten. Sletten (5:46:51) de-maining, it appeared Vaughan Wood. There was another com-lap time was 9:38: 16. That put feared runner-up Greg Horr by and Hutak were going to settle pact cast (a field of three) com-Gaston, the second place finisher nearly half an hour. In addition the issue. Wrong! Hutak needed peting in Class 1400. Ultimately, in Class 100, more than four hours to winning, Sletten also recorded over two hours to complete his Martyn Atkins proved best of that Dennis Peterson and Sc;ott Johnson had fast lap time of 58:20 in Class 900, then went on to win the class. Jeff Callaghan ran seven good steady laps to win the 5-1600 race by a slim nine minutes. February 2000 final loop, and Vaughan never did trio. Steve Ruddick got off"to a · reach the finish. Mr. Beckwith, on fast start, and was leading com-the other hand, was quick to an- fortably after Lap 1. Bobby Quam-swer when opportunity came strom Jr. was unable to mount knocking. Beckwith held runner-much of a challenge this day, but up Larry Gross safe rhe rest of the Atkins certainly did. Atkins came way, to win by 26 minutes. His fi-Continued on page fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" Is our top·of-lhe-line racing cell /hat comes ready to install and it's backed by a lull 10 year warranty. • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience for more Info call or write to: e Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe 63257 Nela Anderson Road Bend, Oregon 97701 (541) 388-0203 (541)388-0307 fax http://www.fuelsafe.com Page 41
Gerald Erstad's tidy Class 5 ran a couple of off-pace laps, but still Ollie. Penchansky put his Chevy into victory circle in Class 8 with the In Class 850 Mike Ismail had some hard times late in the day, but still came home second in the Scout. managed a nice second in class. fast lap on Lap 2 (and the slow lap on Lap 7). on strong during Lap 2, catching remains now, is putting the 1999 · as this year's champion. As related and passing Ruddick. Atkins won divisional crowns in place. So let's earlier, Bill Markel was the 1999 for fun (5 :3 2: 54), amassing an do it. Class 725 winner. Jim Pate Iii wears hour and a half lead by the time As I mentioned a bit earlier, the Class 800 crown. In Class 850, he reached the finish. Ruddick this year's Class 100 championship Mike Ismail reigns supreme. Joel proved no match for the winner was won by Andrew Gaston. The Mohr captured the 1999 Class 900 (7:06:02), but he kept to his task 1999 Class 500 winner was Frank championship. The winner of this to place runner-up. And that con- Hines. Marc Deshane captured the year's Class 1000 title was Whit eludes our look at this year's '99 Class 550 championship. In Courtenay. Dennis Sletten was the "Stoddard 300." I guess all that Class 700, Jeff Richardson emerged Class 1100 champion. Larry Gross ,--------~--------~----, was the 1999 Class 1200 winner. to Paul Duffy, Patritia Williams, In Class 1300, Greg Crew was this the remainder of the MOR staff year's champ. The· Class 1400 and all of the 1999 "Champions". champion was Martyn Atkins. And I'll try to provide a more detailed last, but certainly not least, the look at the top finishers in each Class 1600 and overall points win- division, in our next issue. And ner was Jason Hatz. It was another that will do it folks. It's about time sensational year for everyone asso- for me to start doing my Christmas ciated with Mojave Desert Racing, shopping. So speed carefully, and Inc. Congratulations are extended I'll CU at the races1 ■ Class 1400 ran only four laps, and Steve Ruddick had a couple of Dan Owen put his two-seater into second place in the Class 900 Joel Mohr could manage only a third place in Class 900 this time, but problems, still took 2nd in Class 1400. race, which was unusually widely spread out in time this event. still won the season points championship. Page 42 "arnmes Bros. Racing Englnee Would like to Congratulate .... ' . w fi .. . ~--,t-•.. .. " . ' '":'•1/'ifi't . •(f·· ,, ,. ·'"·· ·c"{c'.C-,-c,c,-• \if Jeff Hoskins, Driver/Ownef·~tthe Ken Grody Ford Pro Tmck, :·· "n,,,,...,,...,.,...._,_...._, ____ _ Best In the Desert Champion • ~ for1he P ,, 7:ruck Class 'Scott Steinlter PCI Race tht;t Ch.-mpionshlp 'for th Sur Sei-ies twice in a row /Owner in the ll•a•Long Class 7S Truck,wom,;, · The Score Class 7S Cbampio11ship ff ::~# ... ,. ...................... ,A¥•·V•••A•H .. .->• ........ .,_. ...... _.,M,_ ..... ,A._, .... , •• ,. ..... ,. ................ ,-..................... A·•• "•"-'•-•-•~• ................ ¥•••H--••· .............. ._. • ._.,, ·--·••b~-•-♦•--•••• .. ••,_•...,.• ............ ,_-•-•• .. •••••• .. -•Y•O••> <~,. -,,< ,_4' ••♦-·~••• ·· .. ~--,_• •\~ • !l You can visit our Web Site at hammesracing.com l! il Or contact us via e-mail at 5556@hammesracing.com ll l!. Phone 760-724-2038 FAX 760-724-2370 !I ·;r . : ;.; :: ~: ~ w ~-!:.:::~~ .. ~ : . .-~:.::;.."'; <:: :r:· .• ; •:; :;:; ~:.:-!: ;.::.:.::: . ; : :; :;:: ~~:: .;~ ~ :-; : ~:: ;::: .·~ :--;, : .... .! .::: • .;.: · .:.:-::-. ; :-::, :-;::~:.. "';; ~::-:: ~: :;:.:::: :::. :.:: : :.::;.:~ :r;: ~:: -:.: :: : : ::,;::~:::::♦::::.:;: ;;:; :-;::! :: :; :-;; :-:; :::;:: ::: ;~: :-: :;::;.:-:.:.~::: ~ ;; • ·!.:.. "';; ~: •• .:; •:::.::::;: ::-~ .:::::.::;,.--: ;f: ::::::;:: ~i February 2000 Dusty Times
I. WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS sonovta To Rocky Point By Tony Tellier Photos: Trackside Photo Kasey Crook and K. C. Arthur teamed in their Class 10 Chenowth to take the overall win at the Whiplash Sonoyta to Rocky Point. "I Am Not A" Crook and "King" Arthur Snag Their First Big One The annual Whiplash run to the Sea of Cortez was the usual mix of hard and soft: hard Sonoyta rocks and soft Puerto Penasco seashore sands. Hard or not, the brass ring went to the Crook and Arthur team who got their first win, ever. .. and it was an "Overall" to boot. In a "Ten" car, yet. Kasey Crook and K.C. Arthur are both from Wittman (AZ) where they run "Finishline. Motorsports." They had pretty close to a perfect day ... except for one flat, which was changed by the crew at the Well Road ... and had a smooth driver trahsition at the 100 mile point. Kasey started the race and K.C. took it to the winning line. They race a ·two seater Chenowth, "solo," with a "single" motor for the weight break. The "Finishline Team" had five cars pitting with them - . including their own. They po~ted four Pro wins: their Class 10; the "5" of Scott Baxter; John Ford's "9"; and the "5-1600" of Mike Del Col. The fifth "Finishline" car was a Pro "9" car that did not finish ... Todd Ford of Cottonwood. Kasey also won the $300 "Pre-Entry Drawing" at J .J. 's Cantina later that evening. It doesn't get much better than that. THE COURSE The run to the Gulf was set r •;; .,l:"' up to provide everyone with some~hing: rocks and rills and templed hills. Plus BTTW straights and tight, twisty sand trails culminating in the creme de la creme, Gopher Hole Alley (a/k/a "GHA"). The "Alley" is located at that far point on the course wher:e what the racer really wants is a solid, bladed, a graded, nay, a· paved road. No way, Jose. GHA is mile-after-mile of deep sand whoops. You can see the Gulf of California from there, sparkling in the sunlight, and you might think "Finish Line." What a cruel trick! You are either in the holes or over the holes. All that it takes is velocity. Lots of vee-locity. The Pros raced 192 miles and the Sportsmen, who started after the Pros, did 162 ... all had seven hours to get the job done. If you could not get on top of the whoops it was 195 miles. THE RACE The flag dropped and the BS ... st<1rted. Mike Doherty and I saw, within, say the first 15 miles. *Tom Swanson (Class 8) -broke. *Steve Roberts (Class 1600) - rolled over. *Enrique Armendoriz (Class 1600) -??? *Ed Beard (Class 10) -done. *Dave Sundquist (Class lb) -stuck. *Gary Anderson (Class 1) -fixing. Down the way south we saw idled racers such as: *Gary Anderson (Class 1) -the second time, not fixing. *Don Kolt (Class 8) - big break. *James Martin (Class 10) -broke. *Joe Bombardier (Class 5) -stuck. *Julio Perez and "Big Al" Vesi:erdal -just hanging out. *Ron "Donkey" Dalke and Shane Pavolka (Class 10) -broke. *Steve Roberts (Class 1600) -the second time. *Jefro Wells (Class 10) -out of gas. *Bill Krug (Class 1600) -running. *Jeff Wells (Class 10) -running (again). Twenty-three Pro cars made the Carborca Highway finish line. Forty-four started. Three Sportsmen out of six did the deed. PRO CLASS 1 The turnout for the big bore buggy class was light ... . as was the finish. Kevin and Jack McMullen were pumped for the run to La Mar de Cortez. The big V6 Toyota car was well suited for bangin' berms and skewering sand hills. But Jack was the main Worker Bee on this race: "Four flats, how? It's all sand? I don't know, but I had to change them!" He reckoned that they wasted 45 minutes on tire changes. "One time we cut ~ .•:>:.f: . l ,; . , , ..... Kevin McMullen had a lot of flats, but took the Unlimited win in his Toyota powered two seat car. a front and a rear!" They were surprised by the flats, no doubt. Before the start, Kev had said that they would survive the 50 miles around the granite mountain then "~e're gone!" If we're not in the hunt, maybe (brother) Albert will get in." They got the Unlimited win, sure, but, of course, they were eyeing the overall. Thirc~ was their lot. I'll bet that Harry woulda helped. Oddly enough, the mountain presented few enough rocks ... the terrain was basically cross-drainage across a tight wash. Johnny Herder didn't get far enough down the course to even come to the as-usually-insane awards at J.J.'s Cantina. His V6 Jimco 2000 experienced a stackup glitch wherein excessive "droop" on the rear allowed the axle to disengage -a little bit - from the inboard's CV' splines. When the rig settled back down (a poor choice of words), the axles were jammed in the star and the lock-up punched through the Fortin side plates. (You get to choose your own facial expression for this.) "NoSlick," "Gentleman Jim Fowler," and Shannon caged the effort early. Some crew members were in "full flowering form at the "Pink Cadillac." The Phoenix "9" guys had an El Gqlfo cart outside whipping up margaritas with a weeder-powered suit. Or a CR500. ' Now "The Gary Anderson Story": It was a dark and stormy night ... ", oops, wrong story. Gary had Mark's son, Mike Crawford, in the right seat for a little Driver's Ed. And with John Emerson as support. Like a broken crutch? Gary's Porsche proceeded to toss power steering belts cliche-ingly left and right. They would stop. Be passed. Re-pass. Re-stop. Finally the whole rigmarole came to a crashing end when the upper shock tower(s) on i:he right side broke away. A disgruntled Anderson refused to discuss any field repairs, according to John: "AU· it needed was a little tack weld," So Gary and Mark took Mike and Emo to the hottest of hot spots in Puerto Penasco. Only their livers can tell the full tale. Pro Class 1 1. McMullen, Kevin. PRO CLASS 10 The "Tens" were a healthy bunch and the Kasey-K. C. guys had it dialed, Ed Beard was not in the running -although I always give him the benefit of the doubt. No doubt. James Martin has had worse years, I guess. Hard to say when. "I have not finished a race this year," Martin sighed from his Odessa spread. "This race I punched a lava rock along the highway. I ruined a wheel and the tire. The chase crew changed the wheel but then I hit a couple more things and at about RMl00 the front shock tower broke off. I spent three hours until they came in cross-country in a Jeep. We had another jack and make-shifted it and drove the car but I didn't want to get back in those mountains and really break it." Martin said that he had been running hard ... "Third ... maybe second place .. , and missed a few turns. Where those Mexicans were in that pickup? I went straight down the trail for a 100 yards or so. I was running good around that mountain. I like that section .. . the car's really light. I saw (Dave) Sundquist buried to his axles!" Sundquist had a troubled day: "I had four flats, got stuck then the shift linkage fell off." Politically correctly, he refused to discuss the car prep. "I lost the jack handle so I had to pull off the tire with a Crescentni wrench." Ron Dalke and Shane Pavolka took the green "GRG Safari Racing" car to a good run ... until the engine expired Randy Maddux drops down into some of the soft sand found at the Alfredo Fuentes powers his single seat Class 10 car down the road, James Taggert finished third in Class 10, only 21 minutes back after Rocky Point to Sonoyta event, as he heads for 2nd in Class 10. part of the close-knit lead pack. He finished fourth. completing the taxing 192 mile course. Page 44 February 2000 Dusty· Times
some 40 or miles from the finish. "It was one of those typical 'I was leading the race Overall until...' deals," Dalke shrugged over the phone. Shane and I had passed five cars around the first loop. Then I broke a rocker shaft and got to the gas stop; we put on a stock set. We then made up a shit load of time. We got back into Third, or so they told me." Ron spoke of ~lmost getting a head-on with James Martin: "He missed some arrows and was coming back up this sand wash that we hauling ass on. It was almost direct but he swerved away. It was a game of 'Chicken!'. Martin whipped (the car) around and almost got The Sportsman classes ran only 162 miles, and Jack Farmer took the win in (Jim) Taggart, too! Martin was _S~po_r_ts_m_a_n_tO_,_in_s._·2-8-.-44- · --,-------------- ----In the Unlimited Sportsman class Terry Harden got the victory. Bet his pit.crew never confuses his car with any other! fast ... he was like a fly on my we got to the checkpoint ... from ass!" then on it was cool." But just after the Motorcycle "The (GHA) was the fastest Gas Stop the other side let go: I've ever gone. I think I could "They were the last of my old have gone faster but ... I knew 'John Kelly' stuff. They were we had the lead ... so I backed old, crappy, and fatigued. We off. A bit. In my CJ, when I got expected Al Vesterdal to be to 37-38 (mph), the front end bringing in more replacement would hit the facing whoops and parts on Erik Jones' bike. But he it would bounce for five more." seized it on the highway and "I had a good race: no cholla! they never called us! So we I bent the visor back on trees hitched a ride behind the gas and the hood pins were getting truck. They pulled us 2 7 miles moved around. I asked Bill to on a rope! Man, I had a unbuckle and lean out and migraine. We didn't get out to make s_ure that the pins were the Well Road until 8:30 that indexed correctly.(! - Ed.) And night. It took five hours and Bill said "OK!"(!!!! -Ed.) some margaritas to cure that!" Actually, I found a hard spot Dalke told about the bike rider and pulled over and stopped." that got a leaky Jerry can behind (I think Mark promised Bill an him, in the gas truck, and "got ice cream if he would just do this gas all down his crack! You simple task.) could say that he WAS "We got passed by a '10' chapped!" coming into Uncle Buck's." "I Pro Class 10 knew that he was there and we l. Crook, Kasey & Arthur, decided to let him go by and be K.C. (Overall Pro). gone. I smelled oil (from his 2. Maddux, Randy. motor) when he went by. A J:Rile 3. T aggart, James. or so later, there he was." 4. Fuentes, Alfre do. (Musta have been Mike Sulger? 5. Wells, Jeff. - Ed.) 6 . Sundquist, Dave/"Rico In the last ten miles ... leading Suave" Geiser. to the beer ... they caught PRO CLASS 8 another "Ten" (Jim Taggart, or Class 8 has developed into so the results suggest - Ed.) and the type of rivalry seen only followed and followed the buggy between the likes of such right until the turnoff -to the luminaries as Notre Dame and finish track. Sand-O-rama! South Cal! "The Old Oaken "When I passed him we went Bucket!" Texas vs. Oklahoma! into the soft stuff and he was Beeler vs. Doherty. In our goingaboutmyspeed. "Oh,he's lifetime, too! So I t's stir the unhappy!", I thought. "But I pot, OK? ain't pulling over!" Mark Beeler a nd Bill • "The truck's still in t he McCormick started right trailer. Looks OK. A tranny behind the "5s" and "the car in cooler bracket is cracked, I the front lost a wheel - his front think." tire was gone - a couple miles Mark recently had his right · into the race. That gave us a shoulder replaced: a titanium minute of clear air. We knew ball joint was pounded into his that those "5s" would be pretty upper arm bone. "The truck fast around the mountain so we drives so easy: I can steer it with just kept out of their dust and one finger on the left hand. I got that part over with. But the just use the right to shift." Mark trees had never seen a big truck names Bench works for before. We broke off the radio modifying the Saginaw box -antenna." used in conjunction with a ram It was clear sailing for the '65 -for never allowing ANY Ford until the Highway section feedback. "Of course, we spent where they caught a couple of a lot of time setting up the front "Ten" cars. "The radio wasn't end (linkage) to avoid any working good (antenna 'bump steer'." I never was a two problems, remember?)... I foot driver, but now I did it that wanted to pit right then, while way. The Revlite is set at six I was behind them and get back grand and I never see it. going in clean air. I backed off I've been out of work due to then we dumped 15 gallons and, my shoulder so the prize money luckily, -the two "Tens" pitted goes to the race side of the truck right in front but were slower. I -not to the cosmetics. I know got out in dust free air. We flew that I have to put a bed on it through Twin Bridges toward before the next race. 'The Pass'. That was the first The hot rumor is that time I had driven the truck in Whiplash is going to let B~eler sand as soft as that. The T(oil) roll over his Class 3 was coming up to 280(F) when championship points into Class Dusty Time$ 8! The Doherty race was just like Beeler's except for the win and getting stuck in the teeniest sand wash ever seen. We left the line, jumped the photo jump -landing between the stone pillars -and found. Tom Swanson's red CJ pulled over at RMl.5 to let us by ... or so it was thought. But he was still parked there on Lap 2, so perhaps it was not simple courtesy. A handful of miles into the race the course had a "Y" and someone had torn down the ribbons and left some tracks off to the left. We took it then instantly realized that it was a "W" route. In turning around we dropped a "Baja" into a washlet and were stuck. Scooby was starting behind Don Kolt -who just went ahead and took the route as he knew it led to the c01:;ral anyway. Hmm. Experience counts. Scooby stopped to pull us out while all the "1600" buzzed by. Many minutes were lost here. The Class 8 race was lost here. The run around the mountain was hemmed in with new growth and narrow cut banks. The Chevrolet filled up the course. Mike sampled some cholla on his right hand. "OUCH!", or something like that. There were cars and racers standing around -bored to death. Anderson got by us on the run north to the starting line then stopped on the outside of the staging area turn. Mike gave hii;p. a proper dusting. Halfway around again Gary and Mike went by as we turned south toward Rocky Point and the "Curio Shop" access point. The course then made an ungodly-fast "make up" loop. Dave Sundquist came on us very quickly who we courteously let by -then pulled over. "Another flat," he later related. "I had four flats!" On what? The trip along side the Rocky Point Highway was dodgey. It Continued on page 46 I.ONG D1srANCE RUNNERS Diesel Trucks FORD • DODGE • CHM Banks top-of-the-line PowerPacks for late turbo-diesels supply best gains to+ 127 hp and +311 lb-ft torque,and 7-10% better mileage. Non-turbo diesels realize their full potential with a Banks Sidewinder turbocharging system that unlocks up to +82 hp and + 143 lb-ft torque. (Banks thoughtfully left out the turbo lag and smoke.) The only modest thing about Banks Stinger is the price: its substantial gain~ handle most heavy-duty needs with ease. Banks new, fiesty Git-Kit provides a kick-in-the-rear without making a dent in your wallet. Gasoline Trucks FORD• CHM Banks stainless-steel PowerPack system gives your rig all the power it needs to sprint up the grade. PowerPacks let loose with rear-wheel gains to +77 hp and +94 lb-ft torque -plus a satisfying growl from the huge, polished tailpipe tip that tells you Banks acoustic-tuned Dynaflow muffler is flowing freely. For smaller loads, Banks Stinger economically manages many towing demands. free Test Report, Call PowerPadced Oevy l4L engin, features - · stainless Torque Tube exha11st manifolds Dealers Nationwide hAD If~ l BOO GIT POWIR test@bonkspower.com ©2000 Gale Banks Engineering• 546 Duggan Avenue• Azusa, CA 91702 626-969·9600 • Fax 626-334-1743 • Mon·Fri 6am-6pm, Sat 7am· 1 pm, PST Dynallow®, Git-Kit™, PawerPa,k®, Sidewinder®, ltjngor™,TorqueTube®, end TwinRam™ are trodemarks ar registered trademarks of Gale Banks Engineering · February ·2000 Page 45 . I
..... David De La Torre put his slightly crumpled star-spangled Sportsman Limited car into the winner's circle. John Ford (in front) took the win in Class 9 after some timely use of the jack to get the car unstuck. was fast and off camber toward the highway traffic. Reliable chasers, i.e., Kraz, indicate chat we ran a shade over a 100 along the ten mile stretch. Our gas stop was almost too fast to get a water bottle! We passed Anderson's failed attempt and a fueling Ron Dalke. The course then turned south through a gravel pit t9ward the mountains. We passed the ravine where Mike Winters lost his life in 1996. A monument is there for all to see and reflect upon. The course took a long sandy run up to "Uncle Buck's Pass" and the fluid temperatures began to climb as the Chevy forged through the tight, twisty turns. "235' on the water!" "295' on the oil!" But just when these risin_g temps might have become a concern, the course topped out and began the downhill run . Indicators returned to nominal as we passed a lonesome Odyssey racer. Mike was unable to drive the "one finger" style as his engine tossed the power steering belt ... once again. Early. !Jey, Mike. Save a buck or two and run a manual system and save on belts! Dalke passed us somewhere ... for a while. · The desert was lush and beautiful on the Sea side: cholla forests, leafy ocotillo, flowering Foothill Palos Verde and dead . racing cars. Ron Dalke and Shane Pavolka were sitting on the GRG Racing Special. .. making rude gestures. Steve Roberts and Robert Woods were out looking at their broken CV. Jeff Wells waved from his out-of-fuel "Ten" car. Once on the GHA it was all or nothing as Doherty snicked the gear selector into the "3" position and opened up the four barrels. "Keep this thing straight," was my measured admonition. I secretly cinched down my shoulder straps ... real tight ... and held on. The big rig skipped over the whoops, never wagging its he-ad and never getting out of control. How much margin there was left is uncertain but we were running like the wind. If there had been a buggy or bike in the way, well... we didn't want to let off the gas,· as the transition between sky and ground modes is unpleasant. Running along the Caborca , pavement we reeled in Bill Krug · and (also) tapped one of those many bizarre asphalt cones. "Stay away from those," suggested in a stern tone. The toughest part of the race was the newly bladed section into the finish. Jeff Wells had gotten re-fueled and his crew had promised to buy the beer if he CUSTOM ACCESSORIES, FABRICATION & MANUFACTURING QUICK, CLEAN, QUALITY SERVICE AT A DISCOUNT PRICE -CALL US! We can do almost anything in steel. aluminum or stainless. All work is guaranteed on time at the original estimated price. Installation available. If you have a special need not listed or you think it can't be done, don't hesitate to call and ask. • CUSTOM FIBERGLASS & BILSTEIN SHOCKS DEALER • WE BUILD EVERYTHING FOR STREET TD FULL RACE ilfmNGA CREATIONS ~ACING • PRE-RUNNER BUMPERS • SPARE TIRE MOUNTS • IN-CAB ROLL CAGES • MULTIPLE SHOCK MOUNTS • CUSTOM TUBE BENDING • AXLE BRACING • CUSTOM SUSPENSION WORK w/Custom Control Arms • CUSTOM FRAMING & MOUNTS for Fiberglass Skins · 00:i:lllll 333 CLARK AVE.• POMONA, CA 91766 • 909/629·4711 Page4&· Scott Brown and Eric Fisher paired up to take the win in the 1600 class despite some shifter problems. Scott Baxter charged to the front of the Class 5 ranks and stayed there, winning by over an hour. could get us. As Wells had been nothing more than one in a long line of idled cars, the mirrors were of little interest. Wells had a secondary agenda and blew past us just before the checkered flag. Not for position but for bragging (and whining) rights! Mark and Bill beat the Chevrolet by 26 minutes. Neither vehicle had any real problems. A less-charitable observer might suggest that a good co-driver would also be a good navigator. Eric Fisher wanted it reported that Mike has yet to beat their "1600" on the clock! More verbal abuse! Doherty Post-Race Comments: "(Mark Beeler) held his trophy up," said Ellen Doherty, "and told Mike 'That's two in a row. Ha, ha.' Which I guess it is; we ·can't deny that. Maybe it's time /or a Big Block." Scott "Scooby" Maloney and Aaron "AC" Commons won Class 3 again ... after driving to the race and then back home. Gutsy guys. Of course,. in addition to 195 miles of Sonoran sands, during the race they pulled out various ·and sundry ill-placed racing vehicles. (Class 3 runs with Class 8 for the dinero ... but the points are scored separately.) The Scooby "A" Report "We decided that I would pull the car trailer I rented back home myself. Maybe save a day's rental. We got to Lukeviile (the border -Ed ) for a pit stop and this guy came running up (seeing the empty car trailer) and said 'Are you from Tucson? I'll give you some money if you can haul my BMW back to Tucson.' So gu_ess what: I drove my truck to the race, finished the race, towed the trailer to Lukeville, and towed the trailer plus a BMW to Tucson. I got a . February 2000 tank of gas but of the deal and some ski passes. The fastest I could go was 55 mph because the trailer was a bit squirrely, so that added a couple of hours to our trip. Mike (Doherty) hauled the offending car's passengers in his truck and #311 chase (Chad) stayed with us, just in case. The Scooby "B" Report "I washed my truck yesterday. Then I helped Don (Kolt) put 'Thunder' in its shed. It appears that the crank let go and got shoved to the rear, taking out the flywheel and the tranny case (split 80%)." Pro Class 8 I.Beeler, Mark. 2. Doherty, Mike. 3. Maloney, Scott. PRO CLASS 1600 The Scott Brown and Eric Fisher two seater team reversed their seating positions ... from their Snowflake win ... -and did a repeat. Sounds like Bruce Conrad. Eric took the car to First Place 15 minutes ahead solo-ing septuagenarian Bill "Alte" Krug. Bill didn't need a lunch delivered this time. But his mirrors were "removed" so that when Mike Doherty passed him a Mach 1.1 Bill was "surprised." (We thought that Krug had moved over to let us by. No. He was just searching for firmer ground. - Ed.) Eric Fisher's Take On the '99 Pt-to-Pt: Kind of a mixed bag of '1/2-1600' entries. Some new cars -the real nice fresh Raceco of Steve Roberts and Robert Woods out of Laughlin stood out -and a couple of veteran cars, the former Ron Dalke car driven by Steve Long, and not to forget Mr. Krug ("Mister?!") plus Hector "Pacho" Garcia and a couple other nice cars. The Pt-to-Pt in 1997 was our first race ever so we were excited to get started on this one. We enjoyed the loop around the mountain the most. The restricted cars typically struggle along in the sand so anything that resembled dirt/rock was welcome. My car seems to excel in the rough stuff and it was lots of fun. We saw many broken cars in that first 50-60 miles. Many of the '1600' entries were out or slowed down by then so we didn't get the thrill of attempting to catch and pass (another Rear Start request, as usual). We saw Hector out of his car early at the first road crossing; Steve Roberts spun around in the scrub; then noticed Enrique Armendoriz searching for the course (I think he missed a turn). I assumed they all would get things straightened out and on our butts soon as we kept a good pace to try and stay . ahead of them. We managed to sneak up on Mr. (!) Krug and get around him. We normally run on the same frequency as Bill so we can chat but he wasn't on the channel. We felt shunned and lonely. We still had a couple cars ahead of us and lots of real clear sailing -I'm talking NO - zero -nada dust for the rest of the race. It felt like we were all alone out there. When we got next to the highway I noticed that 'Pacho' was on a trailer and we also came across Martin Gonzalez (the fellow from Mexicali) stopped by the highway. (Martin had trouble with the button on a rocker at RM65. - Ed.) That put us in first place as long as we kept the pace. The sand whoop sections were not as bad as normal 'cause it seemed like the direction of the course allowed a lot of 'downhill' running. We caught up to some of the '5' cars and traded places with Scott Baxter for a couple miles: 'You lead.' 'No, I'll lead.' 'No. You lead for a while.' 'OK, let's run side by side.' The most interesting maneuver I saw on the course was Scooby's 'reverse nerf' that he applied to us when I followed him off the course while trying to pass him. I got too close to him and he pulled over to let us by. I got stopped up against his bumper with no room to turn out. While I was fumbling around trying to find reverse, he backed up and pushed me clear with his bumper. Overall, it saved us time but was a little embarrassing." The car came through the race with very minimal damage. Nothing that a new starter, shifter box, full chassis prep and a six pack won't. fix. My biggest problem was not being able to transition from third to second gear without fighting with the shifter and having to coast. I have been blaming the shifter set up but then again, maybe it's just me? · I really want to thank the Fisher-Brown Pit crew -we've got lots of great folks that haven't missed a race all season and without their support we wouldn't be out there." The Steve Roberts and Robert Woods (#1628) duo had a fresh two seater with an Adam Wik engine. They had rebuilt the'car from the ground up ... after purchasing it from Checker Bryan Moynahan ... and it looked brand spanking new, resplendent with bright yellow enamel and· Dusty Times
Jeffrey Venier, who took second in Sportsman 10, only 1 :05 minutes In the 1-2/1600 class, which had only a 50% finish rate, Bill Krug was Damon Franks was second in the Pro Class 5 race, after a long day in back, gets full use of his rear suspension. one of the finishers, soloing to second place. ~h_is_c_on~~~e_rt_ib_le_. -----~---~--~~~-~ "Jet-Hot" exhausts. "We got the desert. I was getting beat to and Woods. Gonzalez was driving tow down from Albuquerque p_ay Rousses, Greg Diehl, the car eight months ago and took it death ... we couldn't go fast in the lead position ... up from his off with a win. Scott pretty much Dondels, and even Lee Finke. all the way down. The transaxle enough to stay on top of the last place starting position... had it his own way, beating The only thing different on an was done by Donny "DK whoops!" The SoCal Edison when a rocker had to be perennial racer Damon Franks by old "5" car would be the shocks. Machine" Karraker of Norwalk, power plant MEs are sponsored replaced. Luckily they were along over an hour and Matt Engstler _Nothing else has changed to any CA." by Deco Food Service ... "They the highway but the lead went to by three! Scott is a self-made great degree. . "This my first race in the car supply most of the food stuffs to Eric and Scotty, never to be racer: he does the Type IV, the Joe Bombardier had a heart-and we are happy with it. It the Laughlin casinos" ... and challenged. chassis and the transmission at breaker of a "Point-to-Point." performed well." Steve and Schooner Financial... all high Martin said that he liked the home. Baxter started with a little Joe had gotten the convert to Robert got in over their heads on school contacts. trip around the mountain: "I "1600" VW daily-driver which within ten miles of the finish the Caborca Highway at RMl 1:.. Networking at its best: have like to go fast in the ditches, but evolved from four inches of arena when a rod decided that when they went over onto their friends that are doing well! And the second half, in the sand, was travel into a race car. He credits it had had enough abuse. "It heads. "We've never seen this like off road racing cars. The boring: 'Err-Err-Err!' I could run Robert Gayton ... one of those went through the case. We just course! We rolled it back over by word "Financial" seems to work third gear on the (GHA) but it die-hard, anti-establishment, shut it down," Joe hand and lost a lot of places." well, huh? was still a long straight and I RX7 rotary racers such as Carl-disappointedly told. "The They were working the The Sonoyta "Pacho" crew didn't think that it was as fun Mike Perez ... with lots of help. engine was running cool and it situation when the car blew a was out just one week after their as the rough mountain section." Baxter is a candy distributor... was a fast road. The oil light CV in The Gap overlooking the Second Place a t the CORP Pacho broke a drive axle Hmmm, maybe something like a came on and that was that." Mar de Cortez'. "We were "Fiestas del Sol 200" in Mexicali. BEFORE the first highway "candy cane" motif would sell. (Mike Doherty and I saw Joe getting ready to pass Bill Krug Hector Garcia ... in the "Pacho" crossing -RMl ! Close to home, Nah, I think that that's already and John Morgan working the and blew it out. We had had to car. .. started right in front of anyway. been done! sandy uphill. .. going through the work hard to get up that sand Mexicali-amigo Martin Pro Class 1600 Scott -who also races in undisturbed scrub for a little rare hill. I tried second (gear) then Gonzalez's "Auto Stevens" two l. Fisher & Brown. NMORRC -is touting the "5" solid ground. - Ed.) John had to had to go off course and use seater. "Pacho" would DNF 2. Krug, Bill. class big time; he knows that get out to push then run up the first. The oil (only) went up to quickly but Martin made field 3. Roberts, Steve. there are scads of good cars in hill when Joe got moving. Not ZZOF." repairs by the highway and did 4. Gonzalez, Martin. garages throughout the stopping for nothing. Joe On (the) GHA "we had to go get to the Caborca highway finish PRO CLASS 5 Southwest; the Grabowskis, the explained that he had "a little off to the right, to get smooth line 26 minutes behind Roberts Scott Baxter made his long Klawitters, Conrad Diaz, the Continued on page 48 ,--------------- ----------------------------- --------------· i ~;&;l'Jl CAJOR ~.,.._.,_~~ i I ~ffi~J I I .d.,"M~~ CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO ~t1~li~ = = _......~ ...... ~0-JUARENSE DE OFF-ROAD I I ~~~ -~~~M~~~ I I , ~..-OFF-ROAD RACING ~.......c~Y' I I INVITES YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN ITS FIRST RACE I OFF THE 2000 SEASON I I I I · I : ''PRIMA VERA 150'' I I I I SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 2000 I I 30 Mile Lap (approx) 12:00 Noon (Central Time) Points Race 5 Hour Time Limit I I 5 laps for Classes 1,5, 10, BRAND NEW COURSE! I I 1600 & 8 Admission Is Free! $250 Entry Class 1, 5,10 I I 3 laps for 5-1600,BS, 9 $200 Entry Class 1600, 8 I I Motorcycles & Quads $150 Entry Class 5-1600, 8S, 9 I I ---------• $ 30 Eritry Motorcycles and Quad Racers I 1 tl'!)_exico Chnlleo9es ---------• I I I · International Rules Apply I I Pre-running one week before the race I I I I 80% Payback to all classes to the first 3 places and trophies for 4th place I I 2000 Race Schedule. 4x4, Pick-ups, Buggies, Baja Buggies I I March 4, 2000 Motorcycles, Quad Racers, Class 1,10,5,8, 1600,5-1600, 8 and 9. I I May 20, 2000 I I Juy 15, 2000 (Night Race) I I September 16, 2000 Volunteers needed for checkpoints - Call if interested I I November 25, 2000 I I ~------I I Location: Casas Grandes Hwy 18th km. For more information call: I I (I-10 at Mesa exit, south to Country Club Road, over railroad tracks for 2.5 4 Wheel Center 915-593-4848 or■ I miles, at intersection turn right on 273 South and follow signs to Santa Teresa Border Crossing. Ceasar Fuentes 915-833-9898 I I After crossing, go south for 8 miles to intersection with Casas Grandes Hwy, turn left for 3 miles 1■ I and look for signs. ~ 1-------------------------------------------------------------.1 1 Dusty rimes Fe~xuary 2000 Page 47 i
Michael Del Col and Todd Bennett survived all the soft sand to take the win in the 5-1600 class. Mark Beeler and Bill McCormick had no serious trouble and took the Pro Class 8 win in their 1965 Ford. Mike Doherty had his Chevy stuck for a little while, finished second in the Pro Class 8. 1776cc pump gas motor. I was running it as hard as it would go. This was the fourth race on it" and it didn't like it, apparently. The two had lost first gear; second was not an ideal choice for use in the Sands of Time. John Morgan was a member of Mesa's Greg Foutz' "Stock Full" assault that got a $10,000 check from Ford for his win at Casey Folk's "Best In The Desert" Vegas to Reno marathon. "John is a good fabber," said Joe, who, himself, owns all his own fab equipment · for his home improvement firm. Joe had the aid of another Tucson "5" racer: Jeff Hustin ("Houston") did the highway chasing ... a definite necessity in this event. "if he had raced, I wouldn'ta had a chase crew!" They had a strong run going until tl.ey got passed by mark "See Ya" Beeler at the Twin Bridges gas-and-go stop. "We were in his dust and I lost the course at the left tum into the gravel pit. I high-centered the car. That's where Scott Baxter got by us." That was also where the transmission refused to select First. "I went for First and punched the shifter and nothing." Pro Class 5 1. Baxter, Scott. 2. Franks, Damon. 3. Engstler, Matt. PRO CLASS 5-1600 The entry list was light in the little Bug class ... wise men.know that the down-south section is not real friendly to the little cars. Mike Del Col and wife Nicole elected to race the Ragged Edge Racing VW over the first half -to the Twin Bridges section -and put in Todd Bennett and his wife Krista take 'er on in the win. Todd had to have Krista get out and "help" on the sandy up-hill. As for Ragged Edge Racing -we had a really good race. The only trouble Nicole and I had in the first 100 miles was smacking a saguaro after getting passed by Dave Sundquist. As the dust was clearing -the saguaro appeared, and we narrowly missed it -just striking it with the driver rear. The only damage was a fender fatally wounded. Todd and Krista had a good run after getting in at Twin Bridges. They got stuck somewhere before Uncle Buck's . . . . • • ••• Advanced Manufacturer of High · . arice Torque Converters smissi;, Serving 1he Transmiss" Let Ou.r Experienc; :. HUbs&:Axle Floater Hubs are m'ade of airc t ·'% rials and uses two large timke Hub. With the TCS Hub you ca 25 Degree Axle .Angle. ~ rfor-m n rs pu afts tch Hubs ~ . ' , an mission"~Kits ,Q)~>t-t~t : .,. ..•. Yst ength Axles •,n Designed Hubs ndust9' For Over 34 Years. In..,the Winners Circle! mate-ings per heive a full Custom length 930 & 934 Axles are made from 300m materials. Also avialable 31, 35, 40 & 44 Spline Live Axles. TCS can make any size and/ or length. Page 48 February 2000 Pass, but got pulled out by some locals, and finished in the darkness without lights. It was one hell of a day. The car looks pretty good. We did break a front end adjuster somewhere out there, but it didn't seem to slow us down. Again -the BFG Sport Truck Tires worked to my liking - I think I'm keeping those for sure ... Nicole DC said that she "I had a blast racing with my hubby ... it was a little rough but a lot of fun, and, yes the duct tape (bra - Ed.) worked again ... ha, ha!" They won with no car woes· and no car wrinkles. Mike Leung took an inordinate amount of time just to get pulled out oE-the dez and make his way to the Cantina bar. Pro Class 5-1600 l. Del Col, Michael. PRO CLASS 9 The John Ford gang came down from Cottonwood and showed the regulars how it should be done. Brad Leaky showed how it shouldn't be done -be-deviled by carb problems once again. Brad was lucky enough in his unluckiness to grind to a halt where Ray Newton was stranded. Brad made a deal and took R.J.'s carburetor which allowed the little black car to get a Second Place finish -an hour and a half after Ford had his brakes at the finish line. In the dark. Brad said that they had a lot of trouble getting the back stud out of the bad carb so they wiggled and finagled, finally fatiguing the bolt. "The engine ran fine with Ray's carburetor," puzzled Leaky. "Now I won enough to buy a decent 'Fat' carb." Ray's car did not run fine at all: "The clutch was slipping. I had too much timing cranked into it." Newt even donated parts to a passing "1600" which needed a shock bolt. · Ford was pumped. They promise Big Things at November's Parker "Laughlin" -style race. John and his brother Todd - a ball joint DNF -· are working with "Finishline Motorsports." This was John and Erin McGrane's first race. "The car used to be some rich guy's son's. The kid didn't like it. We do! They caught some big air on a rut: "We went ten feet in the air and it was going over but a big berm caught -and saved - us!" The sand hill gave John a little trouble. "Everyone was getting stuck on that. We had to jack up the car and push it side.ways to get it out just to roll back to get a run at the hill. We parked the helmets then, when we got to the top, we went back to get them." Pro Class 9 1. Ford, John. Z. Leaky, Brad. SPORTSMAN UNLIMITED John Imbriale made a rare appearance in a racing car. It was a few years ago that he raced Vic Evans' 'DirTrix '9" car. John was a local (Phoenix) motorcycle Expert rider. Now he was a DNF. Sportsman Unlimited 1. Harden, Terry (Overall Sportsman). SPORTSMAN LIMITED Jack Farmer kept on plowing up the desert for yet another win in the small Sportsman class. Jeff Venier and the gals missed the win by a scant 65 seconds. Sportsman Limited l. Farmer, Jack. 2. Venier, Jeff. ELCHISMOSO Ad Of The year: Dusty Times. November 1999 FOR SALE: Chase Truck. Become a critical part of any team! Get sent to the worst place on the whole race course (fun!). Tow out race cars and other chase trucks (more fun!) ... 351 w/man_ual 4-speed (Yes, Peter Truscott, that means a "stick" -duh) ... Will neyer pass Cal emissions due to mods. $4,000. Not for sale to Peter Truscott or anyone who knows him. (805) 402~3495 (Bold emphases added. -Ed.) . _ Apparently this "Peter Truscott" person did not connect the word "manual". with the concept of a "stick" transmission and came to buy the truck and flipped out. JEEPERS SWEEPERS The motorcycle fuel truck brought in 45 gas cans, two race bikes ... and Ron Dalke ... into "Uncle Buck's" then to the "Well Road." The little cars ran a close race with the top four cars finishing within 25 minutes of each other. Winner Hugo Avila - "El Toro Viejo" - has closed the gap on points leader Gerardo Montijo to ten. Runner-up Montijo reported: "We started with seven Class 1 ls. When we passed Checkpoint 1 we had some electric problems and lost about 25 minutes. At the end of the first lap we were in Second Place, 30 minutes behind the leader. In the race we didn't have anymore problems and the car ran good to the finish line. We took Second place ... ten minutes behind, Avila, the winner. We now race with the new BFG "KOs' (apparently the new Hot Setup for small cars - Ed.) in a size for a Class 1 ls. It's a very good tire, very hard for the desert. Thanks to my brother and our co-drivers, and all the team, especially to "Koky" because when the Class 8 winner ("Tarzan"!) passed us, we moved off the course and my co-driver had some problems with the "chollas." Thanks to all!" ■ Dusty Times.
Challenger corner By Joel Mohr WOW, last season over, new season starting. It seems there is never enough time to catch a non-racing breath lately. Maybe I need a year 0 f f WOOOOOAAAAAHHHHH, WHAT A NIGHTMARE!! Bad dreams can sometimes scare the SHIT out of you. I can't imagine going through a year without racing. What would I do, where would I go, to the pits? NAAAAAHHHHH. As long as I can, I think I'll stay in my car. And by the time you read this, MORE may or may not have had their first race in, and SCORF'S LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE will be history. Shortly after you read this, MOR and SNORE will be having their first events. Since we're between seasons (as of this writing), I thought I'd spill the beans about what I spent last year on racing. Now, before I get started, I know the "Upper Class Guys" will get a good giggle out of some of the figures. (If they even bother reading "that stupid little 9 column"). But, the main reason for doing this is so that anyone that may want to get into off road racing can get an idea of what it may take, financially speaking. The rest of you can sit back and laugh while the others gather possibly useful information. First, we'll assume the car was just raced and needed to be re-prepped for the upcoming season. 1. FRESH MOTOR $1,500. ALL NEW! 2. FIVE FRESH TRANNYS. (I ran two races on one box), five ring and pinions, three sets of axles. Two rear drums. Total for transmission parts, around $1,000. 3, TIRES, FOUR CALDWELL RE-CAPS (REARS), FOUR C&C REAR RIMS, TOTAL $520 (NO FLATS). 4. SIX SETS OF GERMAN BALL JOINTS, THREE SETS ARMS AND SPINDLES, ONE BEAM, TWO FRONT DRUMS. Around $400. 5. REBUILDING SHOCKS. Fresh every 2-3 races, around $200 in parts and oil. 6. MISC. One tie rod end, brake shoes, fluids, fasteners, zip ties, fan belts, plugs, let's say $300. That totals to just under $4,000 for a year of racing. Not too bad, huh? Of course, these are the costs if you do all of the labor yourself. If you need to have any of the items done by someone else, shop around for the bes t prices, but beware of quality. In racing I've found you can sk im p only in certain a reas. O bviously, upgrades a n d accidents will b lo w these Dusty Times figures right out of the water, so to be fair, I made only minor changes to the set up, and I had an unusually uncatastrophic season. (THANK GOD!!!). I didn't put in fuel and camping expenses because I figured the people that might be interested are probably fans that go to the races anyway, and probably have some kind of toy they play with now. I hope this may help anyone that's on the fence and getting into racing, and maybe we'll see more of you on the track than along side of it. Hell, if I can do it, it must be easy. RUMOR MILL: Chuck Abella and Co. will be running Jimmy Messick's old car in Sportsman at MDR. He's a great guy, and could use a sponsor. (HINT. HINT.) Flyin' Brian Sallee is back, but without Stan Hignet. Stan reportedly got a 1600. Brian says he's going to run a limited schedule in SCORE, and maybe MDR. Stan DeFrank has his new car almost done, and will run MDR. Durrell Wheeler is also building a new car, and hopes to have it at the first MDR. The Walters brothers are returning to SNORE and tell me they have a big surprise in store. Last season's Class 9 MDR runner-up Robert Riffle is moving to 1600. His awesome single seat Jimco is for sale for only $6,000! I'll be back at MDR to defend my title, and will proudly wear the No.900 that it took me so long to achieve. With any luck, maybe I'll get to keep it for a while ... Don't forget, Challenger Day at Hodge RD. offofI-15 in beautiful Barstow on February 6th!!! Once again, if you have any comments or questions, my number is ( 7 60) 94 7 -664 7 , and my e-mail is MOHRPRF.@JUNO.COM. SEE YOU AT THE RACES!!! GOT SHOCKS? Your main source for the all new RaceRunner shock series -,. from Sway-Away. Now avail-able in 2", 2 1/2", and massive 'BCB. unner 3" body coil-over design. •NOt:ll• • Y SWA Y • A •WAY KARTEf<.,~ THE SOURCE for off-road racing equipment and services We now offer complete shock services including custom revolving and rebuilding. We sell and ser-vice FOX, BILSTEIN, and all SWAY-A-WAY shocks, including the new RACE RUNNER series. Ploy cars or race cars, Closs 9 or trucks, 1/2 1600, even super-long travel A-arm cars, KARTEK gets you handled! lN'ffj!f] fllifi:« (909) s;,s-2s2s ..... ----::.-~ (909) 628-0833 .........._'-"",-,-•_,..->-d~ fax (909) 627-4067 , . ,., 14122 Central ave. Chino, CA. 91710 open 7 days a week! February 2000 THE NEW WAHZOO M.D.R. Wild Wash. MOR final race of the year brought out two club entries. Mike Duenas was signed up to race, but was a no show. Tom Koch brought out his Jirnco in hopes of walking away with an easy win. Torn was forced with an early quit rather than an easy win. A broken axle on the second lap put Tom on the trailer. Billy McCool and his non-Checker car owner were signed up with the club for support at this race. No real report on Billy except that they got sixth in 1/2-1600. F.R.T. Dunaway Dash. Two club cars were signed up for the last race of the year/ first race of the year. Krepaz brothers were signed up for this race but pulled a Duenas and didn't show up. The Bates family were the club's only entry to actually show up · for the race. Unfortunately the Bates were a DNF at this race some sort of wiring prob-lem. With one year of racing coming to an end and we need to salute those drivers who gave it their all. A toast for all those class winners throughout the year, and of courEe, to our class champi-ons. We must also salute all the hard work put in by the "99" officers and pit support for all the racers. Happy New Year from The New Wahzoo. LOCOS MOCOS. comNEWS ~we fix stuff FREE" By Mark Naugle Welcome to 20 00. 1999 was a wonderfu l year for LocosMocos.com. After a Continued on page 50 Of Rodends & Spherical Bearings • BACKSAVER • FIREBOTTLES • BATTERIES • SPAL FANS • SETRAB COOLERS • SILICONE HOSE NED !iYNTHETIC LUBRICAI\IT!i • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • GREASES ~----~---~ • COOLANTS WE HAVE DI/ER THE COUNTER SERVICE WE §HIP UP§ DAILY TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFOFRMATION CALL 800.959. 7757 OR 562.427 .2375 Fax: 562.426.5294 CHECK OUT DUR PRICE!!i ON THE WEB AND DUR HUNDRED!!i OF NEW ITEM!!i AT: www .bakerprecision.com 2865 Gundry Ave., Signal Hill, CA 90806 I visA I [•J - B Page 49 1 1 ◄ • ◄ 1 j l
great debut at the '98 . "Long 1000", we worked all three SCORE Baja races in 1999. We opened the year at RM44 at San Felipe and had a great pit with volun-teer service on over a dozen racers. Everything from tire changes to emergency medical service. We had at least 20 people working that pit so everyone had a chance to eat as well as fix racers. The 500 saw LocosMocos.com at RM98. We welcomed a couple of new guys at the June race as well as most of the regu-lar crew. The 1000 brought out an even bigger crew with close to 40 folks help-ing out in the pit at RM73/ 404. This included at least five race car owner/drivers willing to help out. Even though Stu had to delegate and supervise the kitchen work because he was on crutches, the lobster was delectable as usual. Big thanks to Mike Ceragioli for working relief for our hobbled chef. Now that we've all sur--vived the Y2K hype, lets get down to racing. Word has it that the course for San Feli-pe will have some changes this year so we probably won't be at our regular spot at the top of Azufre Wash. We will, though, find some out of the way spot where you don't want your chase crew to set up and get busy. More on that when the course map comes out. Just like everyone else this year, we are looking forward to the SCORE 2000 in Novem-ber and we hope to be able to provide some additional services to help out the rac-ers. Keep your eye on this column in Dusty Times and also tune in to LocosMocos.com for addi-tional updates. And while you're there, order a Dirt First! T-shirt. They're only $10.00 and all the proceeds go to pay for LocosMocos.com pit sup-plies. HOURS M-F 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 Magnificent 7 Race Team By Stephen T. Stenberg, President Hello everyone. Mag 7 held their first Board Meet-ing for the new year on Tuesday, January 11. New Board officers were in-stalled. I will remain Presi-dent. Terry Walsh will re-main Treasurer. The new Race Di rec tor is Fred Schubitcke. Fred comes to us by way of the stock car scene. Welcome to Mag 7 Fred! Our Pit Director is once again Mark Cranmore. Radios is being handled by John Venters, and equipment is being managed by Reggie Powell. That rounds out our offic-ers for the year 2000. Right now Mag 7 is pre-paring for our first race of the season, the San Felipe 250 in March. We will be running between two and four pits depending on the needs of our racers. Re-cently you may have no-ticed that Mag 7 has begun running ads in two newspa-pers. The Dusty Times and a local paper, the San Di-ego Off Roader. They have both been a huge success so far, especially with our sponsors. We are now of-fering our sponsors four ways to advertise with Mag 7. They can continue hav-ing their names printed on our race shirts for the Baja 500 and 2000. They can be listed in our new web page (www.mag7race.com), our pit applications and in our newspaper ads. For this year Mag 7 will be pitting four SCORE races. These are the San Felipe 250, the Baja 500, I Daily UPS I Visa and Mastercard f ' -----------I . ~ .n ·· ! the Primm 300 and the Baja 2000. By the end of January, Mag 7 will have mailed out our membership applications. This is to both returning members and to new ones that have requested forms from us. For this year, Mag 7 is run-ning a membership raffle for all those that apply be-fore March l st and are paid in full. We have also put together a membership package for new and con-tinuing members. Mag 7 is also printing up a limited run T-shirt for members only that sign up prior to March l st. These will be offered one per paid member and will be differ-ent than our normal Or-ange T-shirts. But you have to be signed up and paid by March 1, 2000 to buy one. If you want to get a hold of mag 7 you may do so by calling (619) 582-3728. Leave a message with a day and night time phone number please. or you may visit us on our new web page which is www.mag7race.com. Fi-nally, you can always e-mail the President directly at Mag7Race@aol.com. Please do not call or mail our past directors, Wayne and Debbie Newell. Their number was (7 60) 7 45-5740 and their e-mail is N ewell@aol.com. They are no longer the Mag 7 Race Directors. Fred Schubitcke is now the Race Director. That's about it for this month. Everyone take care and be safe. Adios from Team Baja. DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS WHO KEEP REPORTING THE OFF ROAD NEWS! We are happy to announce our new 800 toll free number. , CACTUS RACING coming Next Month ... (800) 656-3376 Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon "Fast~Fill" dump cans. Both new products can save you·race time. Race Sman-Be Safe 103 Pross Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • (619) 691-9171 • FAX (619) 691-0803 Page so RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES · BELL. SHOEI, SIMPSON From $299:oo Helmets Helmet & Skirt SNELL 95, SA 95 FOR SODA Complete Blower Systems for single or double seat cars. Helmet conversions, cool boxes, Complete line of PYROTE FILLER Safety . Products & · ' Motorsports. We ship UPS daily. Visa-Mastercard 5153 Bowd_en A\'.em1e -S~n Diego -CA-92117 - 619-279-2509 February 2000 I I e SCORE Laughlin 250 e Whiplash Parker Grand Prix ecoRP Mexicali -San Felipe • FRT Dunaway Dash e M.O.R.E. At Parker . •• Plus All The Regular Features Dusty Times
• ~th Annual SCORE L!ghlln Desert Challenge Rc,und 1, 2000 SC RE DeNrt Serl•• J1n1uary 20-23, • Laughlln, Nevada Total Startera: 201 · Total Flnlehena: 82 , TROPHY-TRUCK (Unllmltecl Production Trucke-130 mllM)-1. Tiln Heltet,1:d Helblt. I.all Vega, Fold t1~, two holn. 25 minutee, 25 141001ld$ (53.&I mllea per tiour): 2. Doug Fo111n Jr., El CljOn, Calif., CheVl'Olet K1500, ~40 (8 tWte/1, 2 flnllherl). . ! . ! CL.US 1 (UnllmltM tingle or two-Natera-130 't'!IH)··1. Ga,y Weyhrlch, Gresham, Ore., Chenowth, 2:22:39 . =ph); 2. Andrew Wehe, Cartilbad, Calif., Jlmco, 2:22:t5: 3. Damen Jefferies, Temecula. Calif., POiter, 2:27:52: 4. '. Wood, Buckeye, Artz., Jlm:o, 2:32:25; 5. Ron Bran~ Torrance, Call!., Aceco, 2:33:07; 6. Gus VIidosoia, M~xlcall,. 8.C., Mexico, Jlrnco, 2:33:29; 7. R1indy Wlleon, Long BeachLCallf., Jlmco, 2:35:01; 8. Glen 01981', Tucson, Artz., 2.39:03, t. Tlr!) Scalzo, s., Clement9, Clllf., 2:41:56. (30 Starters, 9 Rntallerl) · CLASS 1•2 11100 (1lngt1 or two-1Nllra, llmltecj to 1IOOcc-104 mllH)--1.DaleEbbertB,Canyoolake, Clllt.! Chenowlh, 2:15:43 (45.98 mph); 2. Vic Bruckmann, ~ Diego, Chenowlh, 2:17:41; S. Sammy f;htenberg, Lall Yeg11, Jlmco, 2:18:15; 4. Cindy Greinke, Orange, Callf., JE2:18:42; 5. Mike MIiioy, Bulbank, Calif:, Lott,mger, 2:21:94; 6. KM! Gravee, El Cajon Callf., Jmcc, 2:22:59; 7. lcheel Ouenac, Lake view Terrace, Calf., Mirage, 2:24:04; 8. Kaai! v-11. Ooeanllde, Cant., Chenowth, 2:25:03; 9. I Freeman, Hlllld8reon, Nev., JlmcO, 2:26:21; 10. Adam Pfaniuch, Clllllbad, callf., Kemco, 2:26:31; 11. EdPIIJley, Cllballnda, Callf., 2:26:54; 12. ManlloMorlllO, M~. B.C., Mexico, Jlmco, 2:27:51; 13. <3reg Blak811111fl, Lak~, Calif., Raceoo, 2:31:25; 14. Steve Robens, l.augllln, Nev., Raceoo, 2:34:21; 15. Joe Jeffrey, ClOelnllde, Calf., 2:35:38; 16. A.J. ~. Orange, Calf., Pima. 2:38:05 (32 lllaffln, 16 tlnleherl). : C~SI I (Short wtlfflbeeo 4x4-71 mllH)-·(1 •11¥t■r, no ffnlshel8). , · C~SS G (Unlimited laJ■ llug .. 104 mllt1)•·•1. George Seeley Jr .. Glend"8; Call!., 2:23:52 (43.37,npll), 2. R.-.cly Roel, Oak HNll, Callf., 2:26 59; 3. Heci>r Ledezma. Chula VIiia, Calll., 2:29:22; 4. Michael James, Alpne, Callf., ~:30:.48. (7 ~. 4 Flnlehera). · , ~LASS 1-1100 (1t00CC 0.J• lua•••1CM mnn1··1. Dave Gasper, Chino HIii, Call!., 2:35:29 (40.13 mph); Z Vl(;10r Or.,._ Chia Vllda, Calif., 2:41 :24 (10 elaltlra, 2 tlnlshera) . . CLAM 7 (Open Mini Truc'ka--10,t mllH)--1. Jeff ~ewra, San Clemente, Callf., Chevrolet S-10, 2:16:45 (45.tl3rnph) (7 StartM, 1 Flnllher). Cl.All 7S (Stock Mini truob-78 mllH)-1. Kyte ~eOuc. Cherry Velley, Callf., Ford Ranger, 2:12:59 (35.19mph); _2, 8' Mlu1<el, l.anc8818r, cam .. Toyota, 2:27:31; 3. Doug St,wert, Oceanalde, Clilf., Toyota Tacoma, 2:28:55. (11 Slartn, .3 Flnlelw,,\. CLASS I (Full-alnd fwo.•whtlll drlvt trucka-1 =tO mllH)-1. BIiiy Goe1119113nan Colltna, u. Vegas, Chevrolel .c1soo. 2:48:43 (-43:23 mph) (7 1t11rt9111, 111nlsher). 1 : CLAH t (Short wflfflbe"•• llnglt or twa-.. •~•ra-104 mll■a)-1. Forest Creasy, Sacratnento, caJW., ,Sulpensions Unlimited, 2:37:34 (:19.60 mph); 2. Brian san,e, Banitow, Calif., Chenowth, 2:38:23; 3. Ardy Kianer, Peach , Spmgi, Calf., Jlmlo, 2:42:04 (16 atarteta, 3 flnllhera). t· · . : CLASS10 (Slngle or two-1<Ntera to 1850oc•11 mllH>,-1. Danny Andenlon, Las Vegas, Jlmco 2:26:57 (47.17mph). (22 Starters, 1 Finisher). ' • SCORE LITE (Limited ••nu•• or ~tera 1135cc-104 mllN)-1. Marl<F«lor,SenJuanCaplSO'r,o, 'Callf., Cllenow1h, 2:16:48 {45.61 mph); 2. Tom Jandl Jr., Trji!>ucco canyon, Calif., Jlmco, 2:17:12; 3. JerrJ Pen/llll, Costa · Meea. Calif., Penhall, 2:19:39; 4. ·rom Riding, Long Beach, Calif., Mirage, 2:20:15; 5. Steve Greinke, Orange, Calif., . Por!llr, 2:20:32; 6. Tim Allen, Brawley, Calif., 2:21 :44; 7. Ty Godde, Lancaster, Calif., M0110n, 2:25:07; 8. Jesse Aehcr'afl. Vleta. Callf., Porterl'Penhall, 2:25:50; 9. Ron Dalke, Tucson; Artz., Tatum. 2:26:23; 10. Dennis HIM'ltlll, Santa Rosa, Carri .• Atc8c:o, 2:30:18 (24 Starters, 10 Flolshers). . CLASS 11 (Stock VW St<l■n•N mllea)-·1. CMi Woodward. Chula Vl5ta, Calif., 1 :45:33 (29.56 mph); 2. Greg Hon', San M8rtl08, Calf., 2:16:1213 Slarters, 2 tlnlahera). I ITOCK MINI (Stock, ProdrJCllon Mini Trucka-71 mllH)··1. Ma:raeGlas, Kingman, Artz., Ford F-150,2:44:08 (28,:S1 mph). (4 Startets, 1 Flnlshtir), i · · STOCK FULL (Stock, Proi:luctlon Full•llzed tr k1•78 mll11)--1. Mamy Esquerre, Pallter, Artz., Fold F·150, . 2:09:39 (36.10mph); 2. Greg Fouz, Mvsa, Ariz., Ford F-, 2:12:05; 3. w. David Sykes, Sen Diego, Ford F•150, 2:14:41; 4. Tracy Al.tic, Klngmar,, Artz, Ford F·1SO, 2:33:55. (6 Starters, 4 Anlshela). PAOTRUCK \l.lmltld Procluotlon Trucke-130 """H. Larry Plank, At\ahe.lm Hills, Calif., Ford F-150, 2:38:29 (49.22 mph); 2. Scott Steinberger, Cypreas, Calif., Ford 1'·:150, 2:47:03; 3. Steve Scaronl, Heber, Cwlf., Ford F-250. 2:47:08 (12 lfartwa, 3 llnlehera). -------------------------------------------------------------· TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING.-INC SNORE 1999 Transaxle Builder Of The Year Congratulations Jeff Carr SNORE Overall Points Champion SNORE 1600 Points Champion Transaxle Engineering Jeff Field Jeremy Harmon SNORE Class 9 Points Champion SNORE Rookie Of The Year 9763 Variel Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-998-2739 Dusty Times February 2000 The Winningest Pit Club in Baja History! Is now accepting Racer sign ups for race support and emergency repair service for the !!!, t!~lP!a!~d~e!a!~J!ti~e~a!, get the advantage that has helped win ·and finish more Baja Races than any other Pit Crew in History. Mag 7 OFFERS • Full Service Pit Support • Refueling Service • Haul Fuel & Spares • 50 Mile Pits When Required • Tire Service • Welding Service • Friendly Pit Exchange • 30 years of Winning • Emergency only Repair Service at Reduced Rates Call 619-582-3728 e-mail mag7race@adl.corri On the web at www.walsh.com/ma 7 Sµe;at:J'-'4 f4""" S,--: lfl(!LL✓A-s--,...c,,v~ '5a~ WILLIAMS ~ -'J41ce_ ) ==~= ~TEb□ATA .la ·~. De!!ii1gns 619-698-3904 ~obslte Supply Co. www.race-dezert.com/jdfab ~r11uifjNE -:-. 619-295-6100 Red-d-Arc Welding ~~~ :;:~:: Pacific Rim Mechanical 8S8-268-4585 619-390-7007 :: (858) 974-6500 Page 51
,,. GOOD.STUFF DIRECTORY 6C£C01nc. Chassis And Suspensior, For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN P.O. Box 117 Ely, NV 89301 (702) 289-6708 t-li"-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;.,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,-;,,~--+ A/JJIANCE/J TOYOTA SUSPENSIONS 'RA8E 'P'RtYIIS'Jt SUS'PS'JtS'lt»t S1JS?S11tS '86-9S 4WD. TOYOTA P/U, 4-RUNNER & T-1OO 12-17" of TRAVEL '77-9S 2WD P/U & T-1OO 12-IS" of TRAVEL NEtf. TACOIIA 6 Tl/NORA ,tiff) 6 Ziff) LONG TliAYEl KITS IN r OF TKAYEL COMPLETE FABRICATION SERVICES AVAILABLE, RACE CAR PREP, REAR SUSPENSION, ROLL CAGES, BUMPERS, ABERGlASS, RACE SEATS (909) 411·>111 HTTP://MEMBERS.AOL.COM/ADVTOYSUSP BUILT BY SCOTT SELLS & A.T.S. 34345 SUNRISE DR. WILDOMAR, CA -';E:~i!!?~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BATrERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • aJax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 00000000 0 _ ® 0 0 RACING FUEL CELLS0 ©SAFEST &FASTEST FOR 30 YEARS JO 800.526.5330 ° 0 FOR YOUR NEAREST DEALER ◊ 0000000° Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Silver Face LFG's Known a& the toughest gauge in racing, Liquid-filled Gauges from Auto Meter are now available in the hottest racing look. They match the anodized aluminum look of the Ultra-Lite series. Liquid-Filled Gauges withstand the harshest cace environments, llfl A~IIO Dept. DU99 • 413 W. Elm St. ~-Sycamore. IL 60178 ..!:r"'-l.... ® (815)895-8 141 Sn,d $4.00 for our new 1999 calalog. RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road fabrication & Accessories Export & lnt'I Sales Racli Car Preparation 1.""l1.::.a11Ms-.-~ _ Consulting & Management 1 040 S. Main St. "F allbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-2117 FAX (760) 723-9938 BEARD Cl) ~ w Cl) 12322 Penn St. Whittier, CA 90602 562 696 6686 fax 562 696 6621 beardseats.com Suspension Seats Limiting Straps, Tie-Downs [1-►+.ii ;t•i i =i-i ii] SUITS•HARNESSES•SHOES•GLOVES ~ s2,ooo,ooo Inventory ~ All Off-Road Safety Equipment Available. Overnight Dellvery Avallablel Call: 800-669-2355 ou ~ -LANIERSHEIM & 1·5 3Dtt o 9017 SAN FERNANDO RD., SUN VALLEY \'Ill t t • • • • (flP■IP fllLEI IAffTY)fAX818·788·1840 www.bellmotorsports.com BITCOn vw moroRs & I TRAnsm1ss1ons STRIP • STREET • ■ OFFROAD•SAnD FIVE SPEEDS & AUTOffiATICS ~ (702) 263-5793 ~ Los Vegas. nevodo Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 www.boatec.com e-mail: boatec@gbonline.com BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3j 07 C..istom V~hicle Shifter 11. -PJR-~ '459LJ,.. --.a ~csr. - · HcspE. RIAc (760)949-3907 OFF ROAD-STREET Roll cages-Bumpers-Suspension All General Fabdcation Work (909) 622-1381 Fox (909) 623-3240 •IMPORTS •DOMESTIC •SU.V's • 2WD's •4WD's USED AND NEW FENDERS, HOODS BUMPERS AND GRILLS MON THAU SAT. 8·00 TO 5:30 4002 STATE STREET MONTCLA1R, CA 91763 MENTION AD FOR SPECIAL PRICE Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple_ Dies l )Jfllfll. SPECIAUZING IN OFF ROAD RACING FABRICATION TRUCKS• BUGGIES • PRERUNNERS ' MOTORCYCLES • HOT ROOS • CUSTOM HARLEY"S • MARINE Owner Jamie Campbell "Fabrnaster" 25672 Taladro Circle, Suite G Mission Viejo, CA 92692 (949) 462-3943 www .carnpbellrnotorsports.corn ACCOUNTING· INCOME TAX· CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 260 S . GLENDORA AVE, SUITE 201 (626) 919•1011 WEST COVINA, CA 91790 FAX (626) 919•0211 •
CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O.BOX306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA, 92648 (714) ~9-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINDSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM IIIL1 IOI IAt:Eff WII IEIIMI Jlf lfST HIMPION BEIDLOCI ~CING WHEE.LS. U.S.A. WHEELS/ CONVERSIONS a• e• 10• 11• 12• 13" 1s• 1e• 11• MflAN qARRETT 1971 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 83722 (209) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365 www.champlonwheel.com CHENOWTH t lACING PRODlJCTS, INC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 www.chenowth.com CROWN •1-,, ............... -............. -1;... . . INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED AEROSPACE, HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL HOSES & FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER OR .. SUITE G • VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92083 4J'IUUf41 .. X«A'6J(•&fi VICE PRESIDENT 1126.N. Marshall Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-5611 fax 619-449-5713 [( DE r,J,Yt;gl§_)] HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 8 Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 www.denunzioracing.com 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 414 S. IIOl(IIT 1!0. T!Ml'f, . ,lZ. •211 r ( N(l' M•;:::~~".,:1m,h Pedal .... , U !!,J. Master Cylinders _ Slave Cylinders · =CING@AOLLCMA 11>\!tS\!1~ ~r ~r\OYtS CNC, Inc. Cuttihg and Sta!:!!ng Brnkes Hydraulic Throttij,s . T~rottle Pedals and all of our occessories. 1221 West Morena -'vd. San Diego, CA.921"10 (6J9) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS'• rRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree,Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON- • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d~-cwv·~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service · 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners -Race Prep - 2-Wheel DriVE1 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd.• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495~3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 . jt!"ARACING -•GASOLINE ~ TORCO RACING FUELS CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-54-COSBY COS~Y OIL COMPANY, SANT~ FE SPRINGS, CA . .-~ -.. -CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION A.tv. REPAIR-PARTS CUSTOM A.tv.'S TUBE BENDING PRERUNNERS WIRE-TIG WELDING RACE PREP-SUPPORT CORY SAPPINGTON 480-967-2716 FAX 480-966-2366 OFF. a--,;...._.......,.._,;;-.--..:,._~-=-.... Specializing in. .. ·---·· Sw1a1U11ea Bewlaad Fortin Jll-deola MD4S Nagnum44 Krebler Automatl• 'l>ONIJijOE ~-R&IN~ • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSULTING • DEVaOPMENT ENTERPRISES WWW.DONAHOERACING.COM • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE i<REG DONAHOE 'OWNER 2831 EAsT WHITE STAR UNIT H AtWIEIM, CA 92806 PHONE(714)632·3033 FAX (714) 632-3835 re ES;;;_7~~ER 5; ~------ENGINEERING FORD RACING PARTS: RANGER 2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN STOCK. -STOCK 2.3 80 P6. CATALOG PHONE. (818) 444-4919 1438 POTRE.RO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. £I.MONTE., CA • . E-Z U.P--_, INSTANT ~~ r_U~£ SHELlE~ 'Si ~i '-J!J/Glll~\. FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALE.R CASTEX RENTALS 323-462-1468 :AMotorsport PRE-RUMNER SPECIALIST • 6.UMPERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT KITS • LOWERING KITS • DUALLYS AIR eAG SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & Dl&PLAYS • ATV FAe WORK EXf'ERT INSTALLATION & FA5RICATION AY.-'IILA5LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS i. BEDSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 1000 BEACON STREET 877-4-FABTECH BREA, CA 92821 714-990-8854 fax· TUBESHARK PORT ABLE HYDRAULIC TUBE BENDERS ROUND & SQUARE , BIG 2" CAPACITY NOTHING ELSE EVEN COMES CLOSE! FINAL APPROACH ENGINEERING . (541) 44 7-4852 FOREMAN ;.E>~~~ OFF-ROAD RACE TRUCK ENGINEERING/ FABRKA110N RACE PREP/ CONSUl,TATION TOP CALIBER PRE-RUNNERS THJUI TROPHY TRUCKS CHARLIE FOREMAN (858) 467-9211 3438 LOCKWOOD DR-SAN DIEGO, CA 92,23
r.'l. IIACIN, ffJ II/El;.:: ~. FIIEI.S & r&'-, llJBRICANTS INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS ·we support MIL SPEC RUST PREVENTATIVES Summit RACING GASOLINE BRUCE CONRAD PRESIDENT 1537 E. DEL AMO BLVD. CARSON, CA 90746 PHONE: (310) 603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 _ :~OOOBI~~------., vj;/bJd;i/;ff@II!) .. ~,,-17641 N. Black Canyon Highway Phoenix AZ 85023 Trailing arms -Spindles Custom fabrication 1941 #E Friendship Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 Phone (602) 843-6406 Fax (602) 938-4347 619-449-3633 619--449-3665 fax ..... / Doug Fortin HONDA \-13¥1•1·• PERSONAL WATERCRAFT JET BOATS BILLY ROBERTSON · (818) 766-6134 (213) 877-7272 , FAX (818) 766-9397 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 (619) 561-7764 20 Years of Off Road ,ia,oa1Alllt£ po -We Service & Sell Jeff Howe Char Lynn, Sweet, 9380 Hillvale Ln. Pumps, Gears & Lakeside, CA 92040 Power Rack & Pinion r;;;---.-----;;;;;;~~::::::;==:=;i-~ iis y stems" BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 810A S, ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HTS •• IL 60005 l'HONE:,(847) 259-3810 (84 7) 259-9705 THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! USED BY WALKER EVANS NDW YOU CAN GO TIE RACING GEARS TIE WINNEllS ABE USING ~ FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (810)-294-5858 Fax (810)-293--0736 THE RACERS CHOICE. · Fuel Sale's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer call (800) 433-6524 Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manufacturina. Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR ~7701 USA ph(541) Jaa-0203 fr(:>41)388-0307 • Off Road Style Fiberglass Fenders Graphite / Cabon A & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fabrication 15341 Pipt>linr Lanr #B Huntington Brach. CA 92649 GlASSUJORKS Unllmlted (714) 903-5644 IF YOU REALLY WANT TO INCREASE YOUR SALES -YOUR AD SHOULD BE HERE Call for prices. James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Corq,lete Race Vehicle Developrrent Design, Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 13424 Imperial Hwy. Santa Fe Springs, Ca. 90670 James M. Hall Owner-Driver 562-921-2693 fax 562-926-0699 JG TRANSWERKS · 'Go with a Proven Winner' Joe Giffin 3061 E. La Jolla #I Anaheim, CA 92806 JIMCO 'ieeu:ut9P~ Mike Julson (714) 632-1240 · Off Road Race Cars : Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories • Race Preparation . :10965 Hartley Rd. : Suite R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619 / 562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' · e.mail jimcorace@aol.com : www.jimcorace.com Russ Jones owntr Russ fones .Metal'Works CUSTOM FABRICATION I )8 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 91117 SHOP: (80,) 968-1067 FAX: (80,) 968-HJS HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E STEERING THOMAS£LEE ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (213) 164-1136 (213) 264-~~ LEE MFG. CO. 11681 PENDLET°"STREET SUN VALLEY, CA-913!52 FAX(818)788-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of Power StNring gears. pumps and acc:eaeories for any type of racing. Magnaflu11 and Zygio facilities available. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 626-857-RACE 626-852-8852 fax KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service Suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY -RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 626-857-7223 Catch us on the Net! www.mckenzies.com PHONE: (714) 441•1212 FAX: (714) 441•1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886
~~HCHA.FT. ~p~ · www.mastercraftseats.com Seats • Nets • Limit Straps • Bags 10925-F Hartley Road • Santee, CA 92071 619/449-9455 • Fax: 449-9454 MIKE MENDEOLA 290 Trousdale Drive, Suite I & J Chula Vista, CA91910 (619) 691-1000 24 Hour Fax (619) 691-1324 661-940-5515. Specialty Fabrication & Product Sales Pre-Runners, Trucks & Sand Buggies 2280 Shasta Way unit #115 Simi Valley, Ca. 93065 Lance Fuller (805)522-4499 c-mail@t-1rl2.SPl2.rSPlUS@JPS.lv€r .Mso· M r.3 :' I L J f .1 :' ■ ■t.W:f! 1II4,•J! • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE GNITIONS • DISTR'BUTORS • . -· AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 4 9 0 H ENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, T X 79936 1915) 857-5200 • TECH LINE {915) 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: www.msdignibOn.com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication , 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 .OFF ROAD CHASSIS ~ 18 I 24 GRAND AVE. LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92530 Complete Off Road & Performance Preparation for Trucks & Vans CUSTOM SUSP'IENSION • PRIE•RUN TRUCKS AXLE SERVICE • WIELDING 81: FABRICATION NO DISCO TRUCKS Bill Montague Ellt. 1974 909-678-1029 PACIFICALLY. LANDSCAPE "&~ 2?9 ~e" Patrick A. Bessie DESIGN • CONSTRUCTION• IRRIGATION • MAINTENANCE • WATERSCAPES XERISCAPING • ROCKSCAPE Lie. 390104 (619) 582-7999 (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 R"R. PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 10427 San Sevaine Way., Ste. L Mira Loma, California 91752 HARO.LO NICKS ~ ,~~(g)V@3@'1tl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 1"'-'TERCOM Sllll. ONLY S12';. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. ~ SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • · 562-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 w ■ .-. • R.C. TRANS WILL GET YOU IN GEAR SWING AXLE, BUS, HEWI.ANO, M04S 34155 S. POLARIS IS LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 .-Fraley .s Pc-rf ormance li:ngineermg ' JOHN D.O. HOULTON (702) 221-4363 (702) 667-9724 Fax 94M50-4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • All Types of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Beadinc • AJumin-fJ Steel W.lclinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Laa Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 PORSCHE 930 4-spee • 5 years race-tested ·-. "-., ·-;:!s":r ;:~: . -E' • • Synchromesh or dog-engagement • 4.22 R&P (4.88 option • Shotpeened 9310 • Choice of clutches • Gearsets & componen~ • Cqmplete race transmission $7,900 Phone oR Fax (808) 8 b,-\l\> st111, "'.L. ~ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ l11ci1ion Alloy, /,/d,. fl/., :25805 NB 46..., Aveuue II ~ Ridgefield, WA 98642 $ ';(I. »""" Phone fl~$.. ~'b-" Fax 360-887-2000 lon & 360-887-7279 f/lND PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION A High Performance Spec VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Protruck Sales and Promotion Website: www.protruck.com Email: protruck@prodigy.net Tel: 619.449.6252 Fax: 619.449.6470 9409 Abraham Way Santee, CA 92071-2584 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR RACE CARS, TRUCKS, PRERUNNERS BUGGIES, STREET RODS, DRAG CARS QUALITY RACE CAR WIRING SERVING ALL OF L.A., ORANGE & SAN DIEGO COUNTIES JOE DAVITIAN PGR. 323/340•0277 PROFESSIONAL RACE CAR DESIGN & FABRICATION WINNING OFF ROAD RACES SINCE 1978 INCLUDING FACTORY WORKS SCORE CHAMPION TROPHY TRUCK RT 3, BOX 1970 903/683-1599 Rusk, TX FAX 903/68~29 OFF ROAD ENTHUSIASTS - GIVE US A CALL 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM ~ PbMoi..ArimH 9_ -JIIIK:::) e=<aw Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brand1 .... Fast Tum-Around!! Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably- Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 Fax: (602) 493-0975 VGA~'- : ,·-, ~...--mt OIIO OI. INT. DE1WW4,U Ing. Alfredo Muncu Rep. En Mu:ico Guofina de Mo Rendimtento Paro Vehiculos Oeportivos. 1221Secc. Los Pinos C.P. 22420 Toi: (66) 8&-20-76 y 81-37-38 effiltl: 76racing@tetno,.nat •
• .. RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON, CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE (619) 443-2480 S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOTu HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 10-i0 South Main Street. FallbrooJ..., CA 92028 IX\ 7(,ll-n.1-2117 l·-"vl.\11 hapracc atthc,,m PflONI° ?c,il-723-211 7 CALL U'i> Fl!Z-'i>T! , _______________ _..,, ~RACING '-!,;f/GASOLINE "100 110 114 118" 11 ,et11anol /1. nitro C.L. Bryant, Inc. 1-800-399-4176 209-537-1565 fax • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BANNERS • l'.lrlOOW LffiERlt,G • CAR lETTERlt;G·• GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101° Galway Circle • Hunt1ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fa, [714l 694-9567 ~ s~~&~ ~(o,1(/i«, ~~ '8ittptal,o, 45-410#/0~St. 7-f,0-347-.50.52 ?H4'to-, eA 92201 ~~o (213)583-2404 SANDERS SERVICE, fNC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Srr.ith Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business· card in the "Good Stuff Directory" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $25.00 per month I Ste✓.waf't i . ~~ Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 • SfclNG GASOLI nt. ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano. CA 93544 661-261-3202 . . 'STRICTLY SUNDRY METAL SPINNING Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS RACE FUELS 6831 Suva Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER (209) 847-2281 (800) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 P.O. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 ~ ~i'Z~ "YOUK QUAUTY KACE (JKAfHICS ca" Design • Fabrication • Installation Darren Ebbert• Tbny Cerone {909)340-46B4 FliX (909)340-4689 490 Princ2land Ct. #4, Corona, C~ 92879 www.sunsetsigndesigns.;.com -. RACE GRAPHICS -. RACE & CHASE #'S ,,....._ PIT SIOltlB ,,...._DECALS ,,..._ ENCLOSED TRAILERS ,,.., BUIIIN/EIIII 11/aNII ,,.., LOQO DEii/ON ~ ~ SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED ~ . Paul Dumas OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS 805-64 7 -7700 Phone 805-647-7023 Fax 805- 340-6704 Mobile Sports Racing Products -LA 6338 N. Marina Pacifica Dr., #K15 Long Beach, CA 90803 7010 LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS Cudahy, CA Riverside, CA Oxnard, CA Las Vegas, NV 323-562-3230 ·909-877-0226 805-485-6900 702-643-9200 WELDING • FABRICA TUI/ • CNC PiASMA aJTT/NG • FRDVT ENDS • REAR TRAILING ARMS RAl:F CHASSIS • PFERUNI\ERS • FOX RA ONG SHJX • SAND BUGo!ES LARRY ROSEVEAR 4050 LEAVERTON CT. PHONE/714)6304482 ANAHEIM, CA 92807 FAX /714)6304548
audio video 619.596.1925 11420 N. v.tlodslde Ale. Santee. CA 92071 fax 619.596.2636 t:::::: . i.i,✓4~.Ai'-~,YJ, ~;::J ~ ~/4 .'-~Ktre~~~t<fh!: * OH-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 N. Buena Vista St. Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: http://www.fiberglass1.com I BWCLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Varlel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 ~ ~ -=1:0 . !E ~ "O 0) C CO co·-E E ~ 0 ~~ .s:: 0 :i . 0 Q) (/} g 10 co -st l:: ~ .e C\I (ujP) (I} <I: X (/} 0 <I: W.w U. ~ D (/} -:> (/} CD ~ 0 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 Classified ... AUTOMOTIVE BF3UCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuel~. West Coa,.sf P,.O. Box 1319 '34283 'Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694· 7392 Welding V.W. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota Lorenzo Rodriguez 515 S. Vermont, Glendora, Ca. 9,1741 (626)914-8147 =~~=-"-PAIKrtw"(t)4TINGS«CRAPIICS~ MGOS # •~ 70MC; MAIN!E¥VICJ'•fx~ll¥N~JJITUINt:-1< 160-949-1120 Automotive • ATV • Motorcycle 1815 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507, USA 909.369.5144 • 909.369.7266FAX WWW.WEBCAM I NC.COM l'Zlllli L.(ghrn/n~ Powertrain Complete Powertraln Development, Maintenance and §upply Engine• • Transmis•ions • Drivellnes • Differentials 6845 Speedway eivd. K-101 Las Vegas, Nevada 89115 70i!-87 I - I 66 I Fax: 7Di!-871-6480 Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service 535 East Central Park Anaheim CA 92802 714-956-9457 fa' , Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ 8501 7 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 BUMP STOPS HERE· •i"e Sto our suspension m . '¢;_ . ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P.O. Box845 1-520-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 MOTORCYCLES •KTM • HUSABERG •HUSQVARNA • SERVICE & PARTS . • SUSPENSION M-F 12-6 VARIOUS SAT 10-2 2350 ORANGETHORPE ANAHEIM, CA 92806 714-449-1271 FAX 449-1374 FOR SALE: Ford Class 8/Corr Pro 2 Boatec body, Fox coilovers, AirBumps, Howe Steering & ram asst., BFG's, Alcoa wheels with Champion Beadlocks, brand new Fab by Johnson Fab, needs motor and race prep, spares and trailer included $16,500.00 obo (805)494-4907. FOR SALE: FAT Performance, type 4, 2700cc, 9 to 1-103.5 pis-ton 3 bolt Porsche Heads, 5 bolt studs-single or dual W ebers, FOR SALE: Class 12 or Sports-man-Funco Chassis all Chro-moly 119" wheel base, 1650 Type 1, Bus tranny, 22 gal fuel cell, ( 4) Fox in front, (8) 2.0 Fox in rear, new Foddrill front arms, Woods rear arms, front and rear discs with CNC cali-pers, 30bm torsion bars, Durablue stub axles, Ump steer-ing, Parker Pumper, Yokohamas front and rear on Ultras, very reliable, finishing car, some ex-tras. $12,000.00 obo C.all (915)858-8787- ask for Ray 7am to 5pm Mon-Fri. 1992 Dodge 4wd PreRunner-Walker Evans' glass, Magnum 380 cid V8, est, 400hp, 727 trans by Valley Trans, 35 gallon cell, National Springs f7r, Fox 2.0s and custom 2.5" shocks, gusseted and trussed 9", 35 spline, 4.56, locl<er, discs, cus-tom interior w/Autometer, Mastercraft, Deist, Very low miles since completed, Ultra clean and great attention to de-tail! $19,900 Baja Brokers Ref #717 (760) 723-2117 Check out our website at www.bajaconcepts.com. FOR SALE: Class 12 or Sports-man-Funco Chassis all Chro-moly 119" wheel base, 1650 Type 1, Bus tranny, 22 gal fuel cell, (4) Fox in front, (8) 2.0 Fox in rear, new Foddrill front arms, Woods rear arms, front and rear discs with CNC cali-pers, 300m torsion bars, Durablue stub axles, Ump steer-ing, Parker Pumper, Yokohamas front and rear on Ultras, very reliable, finishing car, some ex-tras. $12,000.00 oho Call (915)858-8787- ask for Ray 7am to 5pm Mon-Fri. Dusty Times · elec.• Ignition-Head Pipes-PS Pump-Billet pulleys, German Crank-Complete motor, 0 ,hours, w/receipts in crate $9,000.00 obo (602) 252-5441 or (602) 377-2239. February 2000 Page 57 ·-
FOR SALE: Class 1 single seater, FAT Performance Type 4, 2600cc 5 speed gear box. Wil-wood front brakes and Summers rear brakes, Parker Pumper, in-cludes trailer 2 axle, electric brakes, comes with spare parts, BFOoodrich tires, Centerline Wheels, $39,500.00 for every-thin , Kurt 805 466-4101. FOR SALE: 1997 Race car trailer, Built by EMI Technol-ogy 48'x9'x10 1/2, lounge area 13 1/2 x 8 1/2 w/toilet, sink, range, refrigerator, leather, storage and A/C 35'x 8 1/2" working and storage area wood and tile floor, 2 winches , 2 gen-erator, 1 welder, 2 side doors outside lighting, rear gate, standing roof deck, 5 8' belly boxes, 8 new tires, excellent condition, $43,000 asking price or trade for exotic car. Call Fox Motorsports (915) 833-7902. FOR SALE: 1997 SCORE 1600 Sportsman Champion ½-1600 Raceco, fresh trans, Lee Leigh-ton Motor, lots of spares & ex-tras, great starter car. $14,500.00 Trade? Or Offer·, Call Marty Coyne (760) 353-2110. CLASS 9 Single Seater, Fox po-sition sensitive shocks w/reser-voirs, Swa·y-A-Way spring plates, Type 3 brakes, custom axle tubes, lots of spares, 17 gal-lon cell, very good well built, well maintained car. Go racing for cheap. $6,000.00 Baja Bro-kers Ref# 740. (760)723-2117. Check out -our website at www.bajaconcepts.com. FORSALE: Mirage 1-1600-Fastand competitive, completely rebuilt and powder coated in Aug 99. Has all the good parts, car is very capable of win-ning races/lots of spares, $15,000.00 or trade for 2 sear 12 car. Malcolm ( 661) 268-0803. FOR SALE: Jimco 1 or 10. 18" front travel on Fox remote res coilovers, 24" travel rear on Fox remote res. shocks, Summers Bros. Discs on all four, Outboard 930cv's, Ump Pumper, Custom paint and Fuel Safe Cell, No Motor,$ 12,000.00 oho, Call (775)482-9298, leave message. FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevy-Race ready, 625hp. Drys ump smallblock, Kuster bypass 23" front, Kuster bypass 29" rear, air bump front and rear, Dana 6-. cone, 80 gallon fuel cell, all chro-moly, Tig welded, Best of every-thing $55k (909) 845-8086. FOR SALE: Class 10 or Class 1 Jimco A-Arm. This car won the 500 and the 1000 in 1998. It has a FAT 4AO mid engine DGN Fortin, 935 CV's and Bilsteins along with all the other bells and whistles. Ready to race. $39,000.00. I also have a 43' gooseneck enclosed trailer $12,000.00. Call Dave at (623)936-8777 or email me at N2XSSpeed@aol.com. .. .. . . ~ •· .. ~· «-♦ ., "' ~ FOR SALE: Spec Truck, Nel-son & Nelson built, only 3 race Chevy S-10 w/350 mo-tor, all spares for dirt & as-phalt. Must sell or trade for prerunner. Craig (760)357-6917. $17,500.00 oho. FOR SALE: No messing around, this is it. Probably the best working extracab 3 seat prerunner around. All the right stuff. Call for complete details. You've seen it at the races. Fea-tured in July 99 Offroad mag. $120k. Call Mark Newhan (619)504-1866 or (619)596-0950. Chevy PreRunner-Very fresh! 406cid SB V8, low comp. For Mex gas, quiet exhaust, cus-tom TH400 trans, McPhearson fiberglass body panels, I-Beam front w/cross-over steering, trailing arm coilover rear, Fox 2.5" Coilovers and Bypass, air bumps, Summers Bros., Dana 60, Big CNC brakes, 75 gal-lon cell, 37" BFG's on 17" Beadlocks, lots of aluminum work, Beard wide seats, AC, trick interior, paint by Wally. Best of the best! Now totally finished, ready to pre-run. $120,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref#727 (760)723-2117. Check out our website a t www.bajaconcepts.com. FOR SALE: 1998 MOR 5-1600 points champ. Fox 2.5 w/posi-tion sensitive Fox big shaft front end. Fresh prep 12. l motor, 4.86 JO Trans, only the best of the best $10,500.00 (714)255-9501 or (714)967-5098. FOR SALE: Street le.gal Prerunner 59 Baja 105" w.b. 6" wider 3x3 chromoly arms 1835, Weber, Bus trans. Full tube chassis, power steering, Beard, Deist, Nets; Fuel Cell, BFO, KYB Dura Blue, Autometer, Sway-A-Way, nice car, race, J?lay or prerun, nice paint, $5,400.00 OBO, Glendale CA 818 957-0279. FOR SALE: 1999 1-1600 S.C. Attig Chassis & tranny, Wiks engine, Fox 2.5 bypass & 2.0 Shox, Real B/L rims, CNC, Beard, Simpson, Foddrill arms, & Combos, Top of the line car, 1999 CORR points champion $13,500.00 & Complete FAT motor $2800.00 Call Mark Krueger (920) 498-2495 leave messa e. FOR SALE: '95 SCORE Trophy Truck, Former Robbie Gordon Truck, 36" travel, Fresh 660 C.I. Motor 7 50+ hp. Fresh tranny, lots of extras $65,000.00 or trade? Call Marty Coyne (760) 353-2110. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES . Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN AD-VANCE. REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PVT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ----(Send check or money order, no cash) Please run ad times ---Name ________________________________ _ Mail to: • Address __ a--_____________ Phone ___________ DUSTY TIMES : 207 51 Marilla Street • City_________________ State __ Zip·________ Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page ss February 2000 • FOR SALE: Mirage Class 9, 1 seater, 1997 MORE Class cham-pion. 1998 Vegas/Reno Winner, 1999 MOR 3rd in points. Fresh Motor/Trans. FOX, S.A.W., CNC, Pedals, Mastercr~ft Seat. Parker Pumper, Wright Rack, UMP, Filler, Spare tires, parts. With 22 ft enclosed trailer, $11,500.obo (661)252-0772 or (661)298-3744. Chevy PreRunner-Very fresh! 406cid SB V8, low comp. For Mex gas, quiet exhaust, custom TH400 trans, McPhearson fi-berglass body panels, I-Beam front w/crossover steering, trails ing arm coilover rear, Fox 2.5" Coilovers and Bypass, air bumps, Summers Bros., Dana 60, Big CNC brakes, 75 gallon cell, 37" BFG's on 17" Bead-· locks, lots of aluminum work, Beard wide seats, AC, trick in-terio·r, paint by Wally. Best of the best! Now totally finished, ready to pre-run. $120,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref#727 (760)723-2117. Check out our website at www.ba·aconce FOR SALE: Win races with this one; Chevy Class 8 Race truck built for Score. Built by Nelson & Nelson, previously owned by Steve McEachern, dry sump, new suspension, Art Carr 400 trans, the best of every-thing, Tach, gauges, etc. New Goodyear tires and wheels, 12 new spare tires, lots more wheels, etc. 2 trans coolers, Tommy Lee steering, Taylor seats, 4 wheel disc brakes, KC HiLights, everything less en-gine. $19,995.00 or will trade for NASCAR Super late model or nice trailer, or will trade for motor home. Rodgers Racing (909)654-0874 or (909)487-9264 . FOR SALE: MDR Class7s Championship Toyota '85Xtra Cab. Only 6 races on this newly built 4x4. Best equipment, Su-per reliable racetruck. Race prep'd and ready for Baja 2000 or Best in the Desert 2000. Win yourself a championship. Work assignment forces sale. $9,800.00. Call for more info. Burrows Motorsports (909)422-1416 . Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Class 9 Challenger, 1997 SNORE Class Champion, New motor and Trans, FOX, Wright, Beard, Simpson, CNC, PCI radio and intercom, Car is in excellent shape, fresh prep, ready to race and WIN, Trailer and spares included. $7,800.00 Call Earl (702)655-8048. FOR SALE: Class 7 Jeep, 4.0 liter motor, 5 speed. 16 ft travel 19 rr travel. 2.5 Fox shocks, -+ Fox bumps, electric fans dual radiators. Dana 44 4 wheel disc. Liquid fill gauges. K&N Na-tional Springs. 33 gal cell. 33 BFG, spares and pit boxes, PCI radio, intercom. $19,500.00 obo Call (702)645-8983. Ask for Rick. FOR SALE: Hewland D0300, Narrow center sec-tion, 4 .38 R&P, zero miles since Fortin. rebuild, will provide invoice, $6,000.00 obo Call Pat (714)427 -1100 X 102. FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevrolet, SCORE legal, 540hp VS 400 trans, Custom Kuster shocks, 22+ travel, coil sp rings -+ front/quarter elliptic rear, cus-tom built top to bottom, 50 gal fuel cell, disc brakes, radio, in-tercom, spare motor, tire_s, much more $64,800.00 (909) 392-3321. FOR SALE: Ford Class 8/ Corr Pro 2 Boatec body, Fox coilovers, AirBumps, Howe Steering & ram asst., BFG's, Alcoa wheels with Champion Beadlocks, brand new Fab by Johnson Fab, needs motor and race prep, spares and tr ailer in-cluded $16,500.0 0 obo (805)494-4907. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Jim Beam Mint 400 Bottles set of 6, 1970-76-$500.00 firm (760) 742-3820. FOR SALE: 5'x8' Motorcycle/ A TV /Utility Trailer. Easily hauls 3 bikes. Light 'tongue weight' for easy storage. Current tags thru May 2000. Full spare included. Brand new tires and rims~ Excellent con-dition-$475.00 Call Brad at (909)600-0149. FOR SALE: Like New-Kuster Air Jack, works good & fast, BFGoodrich tires 35 Baja T A's, used and new. (714)531-0433 pager (714) 802-3483 . To: All News Media O.te: Jm. 24, 2000 Ftom: Ritt Randolph, Media O:>ooiioatot Pb. #'a: 719--686-1907, or 719-686-4400 ext 0 Fa#: 719-686-4400 B-maiJ: PPIHC4Rita@aolcom Don't miss out on this years exciting Pikes Peak HD/ Climb/ Send back this form ASA.Pl We're g-earing up for the Millennium Race to the Clouds and want to update out database. We will be sending out news releases re.gulady between now and the race, and credential request forms. We want to make sure that your infotmarion is conect. so we ask that you fill out this form and fax it back to us 1111 #OOIJMpo,,ai». Thanks!!!! Your name or contact name: _________________________ _ Do you W31lt to receive rare information? Cl Yes Q No Credential infonnation? CY es Cl No Job Title:'------------------------------CompanyName: _________________________ _ Addtess:. _________________________________ _ City _________ _sia1c. _____ Countty ______ ...-7-i.iPt-'---~-Phooe No. __________________ .Fax No. ____________ _ E-mailacllnls ·---------------------Dusty Times Fax .Back To: 719-685..,5885 & Thanks/II 13S MANITOU AVE, MANITOU SPRINGS, CO 80129 PH 719-685-4400 FX 719-685-5885 February 2000 Baja 2000-Do you plan to be a part of the Baja 2000?-So do I! I have more than 20 years of driving experience in Baja. I have a 2 seat Class 1 car that I can run in Sportsman Cla:ss or may be convert to Class 12 or use as a prerun car. I have a great 4 wheel drive van, chase rig that I preran in the 1998 1000. I live in Cabo San Lucas in the winter months. I have developed and organized many race efforts in Baja, I want to either join another ream as a driver and contributor or want to find other experienced re-sponsible drivers and support people who want to be a part of my teams efforts. • Lets talk! Phone Oregon (541)485-0958 leave message; email coach@ballester.com. Let me help you or yo u help me be a part of this adventure. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED : Jimco is looking for dedicated people to join their winning tradition . Positions open for welders, fab-ricators, assembly & prep per-sonal. Call Mike @ (619) 562-1743 or send resume to Jimco -.. Racing Products @ 10965 Har-ley Rd, Ste R, Santee, CA 92071. PARTS/ SUPPLIES FOR SALE: T wo Way Radio with SCAN Multi-Channel Memory-Superior performance-Aluminum c h assis-55 watts-sensitive reception-no fade-2 color di~play-multi-function mike-too many features to list-Why spend over twice as much $319.00. For more info call Chuck Strange (909) 657-8525. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Baker Performance Products .......... 47 Gale Banks Engineering ................... 45 Barbary Coast, Gold Coast, Orleans Hotels .............. : .............. 10 Best In The Desert -Nevada 2000 .......... 9 Bilstein Corp. Of America ........................ 5 Cactus Racing .... : ................................. 50 Camburg Engineering ........................ 18 Jim Conner Racing ............................ 16 CAJOR ................................................. 47 CODE .......................................... , ........ 23 Converter Shop .................................. 48 Eibach Springs ................................... 32 FAT Performance .............................. 14 Fox Racing Shox ................................... 4 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ...................... 41 German Auto ...................................... 25 Hammes .............................................. 42 Herbst ................................................. 17 Hettinga Creations Racing ............... 46 Kartek Off Road ........................... 27, 47 Kawaguchi Honda .............................. 21 King Shock Tech ................................ 35 Mag-7 .................................................. 51 McKenzie Performance Products .... 34 Nevada Off Road Buggy .................... 11 PCI Race Radios and Equipment. ......... 2 ""-Pike's Family Restaurant ................. 24 Race Ready Products ........................ 50 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge .. 13 SNORE ........................................... 37, 43 Sports Racing .................................... 31 Sway-A-Way Corp .............................. 12 Transaxle Engineering ...................... 51 Toyota Motorsports ........... Back Cover Tri-Mil Industries .............................. 28 Page 59
' ' I ' ►' • ' TO EVERYONE WHO RACED AGAINST JOHNNY GREAVES THE PAST 3 YEARS, YOUR LUCK IS ABOUT TO CHANGE . TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT After three straight Pro-Lite championships behind the wheel of a Tacoma, Johnny Greaves has switched to a 2WD Tundra and moved up to the Pro-2 class this year. This switch means Toyota now has drivers competing in all Pro classes. And while Johnny may never win another Pro-Lite race, his teammate Jeff Kincaid is favored to assume the throne. But take heart. At some point, he'll probably move up, too. Find out more at toyota.com/trd ®TOYOTA ON THE EDGE. EVERY DAY. GREAVES MOVES UP TO CORR'S PR0-2 CLASS Johnny Greaves . CORR p . • three-rune ro-L11e cha . !>_:gin racin,, ;" mpion, will ©2000 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.