covering the world of competition 111 t e dirt ... -
Don't settle For seeond Bestl Early Model ~ Also Availabl ~ F-250/350 ·~= 1987-96 ~ . . CHEVY &1500/2500/3500 3' Li. DODGE DAKOTA '97-'98 ._._, ______ .... __. 3½' Lift Kit CHEVY S· 10 3" Lift Kit Dodge Dakota with a 3½" Lill Kit and 31" Tires NISSAN FRONTIER/HARDBODY 3' Lift Kit FORD RANGER'98 ._ _______ .. 3' Lift Kit 3" Bullseye Lift Spindle for Chevy Full Size, S-10 and ._ ______ _.. Ford '97-'98 TOYOTA PU/TACOMA/T1 DD '791/,-198 3' Lift Kit We carry a full line of Pre-Runner accessories Bed Stiffeners .,.-__ ·,,, ,.,.-~ . $,. ,o s••· rn :: RELEASED KITS. CALL TODAY •• R MORE DETAILS I 1990-94 Ford Explorer 2 Wheel Drive ................................. . . ... 4' Lift Kit 1997-98 Ford Expedition 2 Wheel Drive ................ . . . ....... . . ... .. ... 3' Lift Kit •-----------i&1 :2iWWWdb=KipiS .. I_, ______ ..... J 1000 Beacon St., Brea, CA 92821 T Dealer Inquires Welcome Flbergiassaec1sides •
Volume 16 -Number 10 October 1999 Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Jim Culp . Horner Eubanks Marrin Holmes Mike Jenkins Rod Koch Ralph Mason Ron Miller Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh • Darryl Smith Tony Tellier Paul Timmerman T rackside Photo Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $25.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request Contributions: DUSTY TIIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited mate-rial will be returned only by request and with a self ad-dressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 207 51 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 .. Copyright by Hill-side Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 913 I I and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20751Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4~08. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new ad-dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla Sr., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. snapshot .of the M·onth ... It was 2 7 years ago, it was rhe Bai a I 000, running from Mexicali to La Paz and this Husqvarna 125 was being ably ridden by none other than Casey Folks, head honcho of the Best In The Desert Racing Association. Where did he finish? Hell, we ·don't know, ask Casey! DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something coinic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay$ 10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES SNORE NAPA Ely 25~by John Calvin ........................................................ 7 Rally New Zealand by Martin Holmes ......................................................... 13 MDR California 200 by Ron Miller .............................................................. 16 Australia Round 4 - Griffith NSW by Darryl Smith ................................... 22 Gorman Ridge Rally by Lynette Allison/Paul Timmerman .......................... 24 CORP Santa Veronica 200 by Tony Tellier ................................................ 28 BORE Jackpot 200 by Mike Jenkins ............................................................. 36 Dusty People Profile - Jim Ober by Judy Smith ........................................... 38 VORRA Fallon 250 by Forest Creasy .......................................................... 39 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .................................................................................................... 5 Trail Notes ... .................................................................................................... 6 Baja Pits by Mr. Baja ..................................................................................... 42 California Rally Series by Sue Robinson ....................................................... 42 Challenger Corner by Joel Mohr ................................................................... 44 Checkers by the Big Wahzoo ........................................................................ 45 C.O.R.E. Pit Report by Sandy Parker ................................................. : ......... 46 Mag 7 Race T earn by Stephen Stenberg ....................................................... 4 7 Good Stuff Directory ..................................................................................... 48 Classified Ads ......................................................................... . ....... s➔ Index To Advertisers ............................. : ...................................................... 55 On The Cover Mike Grabowski was the Class 1 winner as well as overall at the MDR California 200, covering his first lap in less than 42 minutes, shown here on a daytime lap. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Jeremy Harmon led three of the four laps at the SNORE NAPA Ely 250, set fast lap on lap 2 and the young man is certainly someone to be reckoned with. Color Photography by Carrera Photography Visit Our Website c5u£scrihe :Joday lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$25.00 □ 2 years -$40.00 □ 3 years -$55.00 (no credit cards please) Name ---------------------Address ________________ _ City _________________ _ State ___________ Zip _____ _ Primary Interest Cars D Trucks D Motorcycles D Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 Canadian - 1 year $30.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times Chatsworth, CA 913 I I •4408. October 1999 Page 3
.----....---.._,.----, PCI RACE RADIOS & SAFETY EQUIPMENT (SHOE/ RACEAIR HELMETS 1. SHOEI RACEAIR • 3/4 of a Pound Lighter than Other Helmet Brands • Extremely Comfortable • Wide Variety of Shields to Choose From,§_ Different Colors • Lots of Venting for Good Air Flow-Keeps Shield Clear of Fog • Includes a Nomex Helmet Skirt UNWIRED $289.00 WIRED $399.00 2. SHOEI RACEAIR 800 • Same Great Features as the RaceAir PLUS • Super Plush Interior for More Comfort • Quick Release Shield (No Screws to Lose) • Includes a Nomex Helmet Skirt UNWIRED $359.00 WIRED $459.00 ROADMASTER OFF ROAD'S MOST WINNING RADIO PCI ROADMASTER 50 WATT, 16 CHANNEL, VHF-FM 2-WAY RADIOS, ARE RACE PROVEN, WITH OVER 3000 USED IN OFF ROAD RACING. THEY TALK FARTHER, _ SOUND BETTER. VC-1 ~£1\ltz-VU MV£tz-MOTOtz-'5 • ~IN6.L£ OUTL£T 'PUM'P£F-MOTOF-WIT\-\ A 10,; C.MF MOTOF-............................ $~'5.00 • DUAL OUTL£T 'PUM'P£F-MOTO~ Witt\ A . ,,;o C.MF MOTOF-.............................. $12.,;.oo STILL ONLY: $589.00 • \-\£A.VY DUTY 'PUM'P£F-t\O'i,£ ............ $14.oo PCJ CO;MLINXVJ JNTE:J?_COM The Perfect lntercom for Your ;R..ace Car, Pre-;R..unner, or Tun Buggy. Double VOU;R.. Pleasure, Double VOU;R.. Tun • Loud and extremely Clear -No Side Tone Small Durable Bullet and Weather ProofJ{ouslng. • lndlvldual Thsh to Talk_ for Driver and Co-Driver. • Multi-User Option for 3 and 4 Seat 1te-;R..unners and Tun Buggies. Only: $359.00 Visit us on the web @ WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM OR Call us TOLL-FREE (800) 869-5636 \YO~oflo . ..,....._ -~.a...JMI,.._..._. PCI RACE RADIOS 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 (562) 427-8177 FAX (562) 426-3589
1999 Happenings ... (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 809.3.3 (719) 65.3-8449 Sacramento, CA 958.3.3 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-44.35 ELLIS DESERT RACING CHAMPIONSHIPS (760) 256-8059 October 1-2, 1999 Barstow, CA ASOCIACION EST AT AL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose de! Cabo Baja California de! Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia DUSTY TIMES AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1T7 (514) 622-4440 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico Mexicali (65) 5542-83 Off Road Races BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 8912 1 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 ,E-Mail: September JO-October 3, 1999 Vegas To Reno December 3-5, 1999 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump, NV BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Les Wolfe, NEW President 1727 N. Main Sunset, UT 84015 (801) 776-4654 BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Sue Robinson 845 School House Road Ramona, CA -92065 (760) 788-3809 E-Mail: Michael Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 935558 (619) 375-8704 John Dillon, SoPac Rally Steward SOPacRallySteward @ October 1-2, 1999 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, A2 JeffHendricks (520) 778-7312 October 17, 1999 Nevada Rally Cross Jean, NV Scott Bottomley (702) 396-4782 November 13, 1999 T reeline Rally Monrovia, CA Pete Morris (323) 667-2039 December 9-11, 1999 Ramada Express International Rally Laughlin, NV .Roger Allison (909) 736-1442 Rally Cross/Sprint/Hill Climb CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 Maywood, CA 90270 (323) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 , Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Coun Fair Grounds. Cadi . OH Dusty Times CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICA SAN QUINTIN CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O Box 392 Calexico, CA 922.32 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) .339-9079 Calle 6ta Fracc Cd. de San Quintin San Quintin, BC, Mexico Heraclio Patino (011 52 616-5-22-07) _ CLUB_AUTOMOVILlSTICO SAN VICENTE 01152 (65) 66-60 80 01152 (65) 66-6080 Fax October 8-10, 1999 Fiesta de! Sol, Mexicali, BC, MX December 3-5, 1999 Carrera de Campeones Mexicali to San Felipe BC, Mex · (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA o r Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) ESTERO BEACH SHORT COURSE RACING Victoria Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 011-526-176-6225 October 15-17, 1999 Baja 1.5 Mile Short Course Race DECATUR San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 61 746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen FABTECH Off Road Short Course Series at Glen Helen Raceway P.O. Box 6950 (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (909) 280-9096 CMC CORR Championship Off Road Racing Carla Reid (317) 272-2827/FAX: (317) 272-2900 Short Course Racing October 6-8, 1999 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91760-0762 Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 (562) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-90.97 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President . Stafford, CT October 29-30, 1999 Las Veaas, NV CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 New from ... • ■ EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43.968 (330) 5.32-4589 RJDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, # 2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 Oft-Road Racing Bump Stop New Design and Technolgy NOW you can improve your suspensionwith BILSTEIN's Legendary Long-Life Performance! BILSTEIN Off-Road Bump Stops at each corner deliver race-proven performance for smooth deceleration of suspension components. BILSTEIN'S stronger mount design and a longer lasting contact pad result in unequalled efficiency. The larger fill valve thread design el1minates valve failure. Nitrogen Gas Adjustment Schrader Valve For More Information Contact The Dealers Listed Below or Bi/stein Off-Road Motorsports: 800/537-1085 Available from ... more up-travel impact control and durability with the new Bilstein Off-Road Bump Stop for off-road racing vehicles and pre-runners. Aluminum Contact Pad and Chrome Steel Shaft Bi/stein Off-Road Bump Stops feature ... • Thick-walled Monotube Design • Fusion-Welded, Seamless Steel Body • Universal Frame Bracket Fitment (2" OD) • 1 1/4" Hardened Chrome Steel Shaft • Self-Adjusting Deflective Disk Valving System • Stronger 7075 T6 Aluminum Contact Pad • Nitrogen Adjust~ble Spring Rate Capability McKenzie's Performance Anaheim, CA 714/441-1212 Baja Concepts Fallbrook, CA 760/723-2117 Camburg Engineering Huntington Beach, CA 714/848-8880 Off-Road Warehouse San Diego, CA 619/565-7792 Kar Tek Chino, CA 909/627-4067 KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA• 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/453-7723 • c:tr October 1999 Pages
October 10, 1999 The Mudhen Sprint October 23, 1999 The Superstition 250 October 31, 1999 Imperial County Fairgrounds November 21, 1999 Notorious Dawg T earn Race December 5, 1999 Rudolph's Revenge Desert Gran Prix December 19, 1999 Imperial County Fairgrounds December 31, 1999 Dunaway Dash GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 (402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 4964846 Eve. (I-BO Race Track is located 20 minutes west of Omaha ■ All races are short course, stadium style. Classes: Trophy, 11-1600, 5; 7S, 1 and Quads) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 · Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (949) 582-2371 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (250) 3 74-7 I 75 days Randy (250) 579-9621 eves. Wes (250) 351-2819 L.J.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 Jim Aruta (408) 247-4402 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 48813 (5 I 7) 543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (51 7) 62 7-6200 0eeps, Trucks, Buggies, Pilots, Road Warriors and Quad ATV-Money Classes.) MICHELIN SCCA PRO RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 October 1-2, 1999 Prescott Forests Arizona October 22-23, 1999 Lake Superior Michigan MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Dean Conkiin (217) 868-2154 Walt Flack (217) 987-6568 Brad Key (217) 446-4556 Steph Sabo (618) 327-9312 September 28, 1999 Triple R Raceway Nashville, IL October 2-3, 1999 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series Produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) MOJAVE pESERT RACING 1853 Parkway Drive - S. El Monte, CA 91733 (626) 442-9320/(626) 579-6051 Fax Page& E-Mail: October 2, 1999 Lucerne, CA November 20, 1999 Barstow, CA October 30-31, 1998 Barstow 200 · Barscow,CA M.OR.E. Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts P.O. Box 1231 Barstow, CA 92311-1231 (760) 253-4453 November 6, 1999 Johnson Valley MSBA Michigan.Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 . (810) 730-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 - Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions I 404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 . All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take I-10 Horizon Blvd. exit east 12 miles OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichbourne, Public Relations (5 I 9)-681-4192(H)/(5 l 9) 457-2913(W) PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 630-556-6100 Vancouer, BC, Can PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCORE SCORE International 23961 Craftsman Rd., Suite A Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 November 5-8, 1999 Tecate/SCORE Baja 1000 TBA, Baja California SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 November 12-14, 1999 The Reserve 250 Henderson, NV SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore· (224) 272-5400 SOUTH EAST OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. President - Geoff Lee I 100 West Main Street D-3 Franklin, TN 3 7064 Classis 1/2-1600, 5-1600,, Class 9, SODA Class 11 & Sportsman (All Races at Rally Hill Speedway) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA · TIMING ASSOCIATION AND BONNEVILLE NATIONALS, INC. 2517 Sycamore Drive #353 Simi Valley, CA 93065 (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) (805) 526-1805/Fax:(805) 584-8518 Internet: October 10, 1999 El Mirage October 20-23, 1999. World Finals Wendover, ITT November 13-14, 1999 El Mirage SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (011 ) 880-2170 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing . Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437/(615) 595-8237 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX) TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 T.O.R.R.O Texas Off Road Racing Organization Marty Jackson 8307 Bauman Road Houston, TX 77022 (713) 694-0207/Fax: (713) 694-8335 TSO c/o Frog Specialties 4050 Spencer Street # 1 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 370-9856 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702/Fax (916) 925-8217 October 9-10. 1999 Short Course - Round 2 Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA October 30-31, 1999 --Short Course - Round 3 Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA VICENTE GUERRERO OFF ROAD CLUB Profo. Cenovio Gamboa 01 l-52-616-6-21-91 (2-6 p.m.) October 9-10, 1999 Puente-Puente 150 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.0.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire P.O. Box376 Adamsburg, PA (412) 527-6556 -wHI.PLASH MOTORSPORTS 16251 North Cave Creek Road #4 Phoenix, AZ 85023-2976 (602) 971-3730 1999 Desert Tour Buggy & Truck Series October 16, 1999 Surprise or Bye Surprise or Bye, AZ November 20, 1999 Apache Gold Globe,AZ December 11, 1999 1999 Banquet TBA 1999 Desel't Challenge Bikes & ATV Series October 1 7, 1999 Sierra Vista/Surprise Sierra Vista/Surprise, AZ November 21, 1999 Apache Gold October 1999 Trail Notes ... SCORE - They are getting ready again to race at beautiful downtown Primm on September I 0-11. Approximately 150 vehicles are expected to contend in the 16 different classes in this fifth round of the six race series. Many of the class races are too close to call at this point. Dusty Times will cover the race in depth in the next issue. Check further down this column for the class winners at Primm and see how they fared on the all-new racecourse. DBM MARKETING• Just heard from Bob Beyer (electronically) and he is now the .l.>spokesman and Driver Representative for the Ronald MacDonald house. As you may know, the Ronald MacDonald House is a home away from home for families with children with illnesses or injuries that are being treated at the Loma Linda University Children's Hospital. Bob was the promoter of short course racing at Glen Helen the last few years and his note to us states that he will have short course racing back in Southern California vety soon. We hope so! Good luck in your new endeavor. "l. ,fEXICO RALL YING -Adsport, the promotional arm of the French Automobile . l V Jclub in Mexico has announced that the highest finishing rookie driver in this years Mexican Rally Championship will be awarded an all expenses paid ride at the Rim of The World ProRally in 2000. The Rim is scheduled for May 5-6,2000 in beautiful downtown Palmdale, CA. A great rally to enter and even better for spectating. '"rOYS FOR TOTS - It's that time again, (where did the year go?) the Off Road J. Poker Run needs your help to put toys under the Christmas tree for kids who need a little help in realizing the world isn't all bad. The poker run takes place at the Slash X Cafe on October 30-31. There are two loops of 25 miles each, one for four wheel vehicles and one for motorcycles and A 1V's. Any type of off road vehicle may compete, California vehicles must have a green sticker if not sporting a California license plate and must have an approved spark arrestor if not equipped with a muffler. It's a $20 entry fee and you get to go twice for the twenty. All proceeds go to the Barstow charities. The event is sponsored by the Slash X Cafe, Rescue 3 out of Barstow and by the BLM. There is a BBQ at the Slash X Cafe on Saturday night for $10 per person. If you can't attend the festivities, you can always send a check to: Toys For Tots, 441 Oakmont Drive, Barstow, CA 92311. Any financial help you give will be greatly appreciated and it all goes to a good cause. PRE-RUN VElilCJ.,ES = $ • If you want to make a few bucks with your pre-run vehicle, here is how you can go about it. The American Rally Sport Group (ARSG) has a new competitive class for their 2nd annual Ramada Eicpress International Car Rally, coming up in Laughlin, Nevada on December 9-12, 1999. A Pre-Runner class will be open to street legal, licensed production based vehicles. Baja Bugs, SUV's, pickups and Jeep type vehicles are eligible and must have roll cages, approved seat belts, etc. SCCA and SCORE approved bolt-in cages are acceptable. The rally is like an off road race, except you run segments, called Special Stages against the clock on dirt roads which are quite a bit smoother than an off r~ad race course and they are quite a bit faster. There is a $5,000 purse allocated for this class. It could be a lot of fun and there is the chance of winning some real bucks. For more information, call Rod Koch at 909-737-0336. For other general rally information, call ARSG at 702-298-8171. '"rOUGH TRUCK FIELD MEET - Best In The Desert is hosting a truck meet on J. October 9, 1999. There is a great obstacle course consisting of bumps, jumps, log bridges steep grades, tight turns and rocky roads. Bring your truck or SUV and run it in one of the eight classes. We are told that you will find it impossible to damage your vehicle, the course is laid out that well. It all happens at the Sunset Station Hotel and Casino in Henderson, Nevada, it r.osts you a big $25 to enter and you're guaranteed to have a lot of fun. There are things for the kids and it is being billed as a family affair. So, if you want to try your skill, get on out there and give it a whirl! For more information, call the Best In The Desert at 702-457-5775 "l. ,f OTORCYCLES -If you're into bikes you might want to check out the action at l V .lrhe Del Mar Fairgrounds on October 9 and 10. Agajanian is putting on the Del Mar Concours d'Elegance and all the bikes will be there! The Concours will feature all makes and models and from all years. Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Harley will all be showing their latest models and it should be an exciting show. Also, on Sunday there is the final race in the AMA Grand National Championship, the K&N Filters Del Mar Mile and that should make some enjoyable watching. For more info, call Agajanian Presents, Inc at 310-547-9898 and if you would like to display at the show, call Dal-Con Promotions at 909-340-0094. "l. ,fICHAEL GAUGHAN EXPANDS -Off road racing's best friend, Michael l V lDaughan announced that he has acquired Chesrown Racings assets, eicpanding his racing activities into new arenas. The acquisition consists of 7 trucks, one hauler and all the shop equipment of Chesrown, who have been competing in the NASCAR Truck Series since 1995. All the equipment has been transferred from Colorado to Gaughan's facility located in the Las Vegas Motor Speedway Industrial Park. Personnel and actual race plans have yet to be determined. We assume this will open many doors for Michael's son, Brendan, who has been competing in the Winston West Series. Brendan will be competing off road at Crandon, Wisconsin on September 4 and 5, then quickly off to Salt Lake City for the Winston West Race on September 6. Brendan is also expected co compete in a double header at Las Vegas Motor Speedway on September 24, 25. He will be driving his Winston West car and a NASCAR truck in the Gold Coast 150 NASCAR Winston West Series and in the Orleans 250 NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series. Gaughan's flagship, Coast Resorts, Inc. holds the title sponsorship rights to both events. We wish Michael all the best in this new endeavor and also wish Brendan many years of racing and many wins. See MORE TRAIL NOTES ... on page 45 Globe,AZ December 11, 1999 1999 Banquet . TBA· WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkoslt, WI 54901 (414)426-0470/(414) 982-7306 Attention Race&Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free. It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 1999, 2000 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4404. Dusty Times
SNORE NAPA AUTO PARTS ELY 200 Gaughan Gets Gold In Ely By John Calvin Overall and Unlimited class winners, John Gaughan and B.J. Richardson had an untroubled, but dusty, day. It was a dark and stormy night; suddenly a shot rang out! Oops, wrong story. Let's try this -Ely is a charming little town, situated in the beauti-ful Creek Mountain Range, over 6000 feet above sea level where, in August, the days are· absolutely beautiful at 75-80 degrees and in the evenings., get your jacket out as the mer-cury drops to the middle for-ties. It was here the SNORE· came to race on the 14th of August and although the en-try was down a bit from last year, it was a hell of a race. The course was a few miles east of Ely, the laps were 40 miles in length and there were lots of trees to be avoided. Avoidance became a difficult thing to do as there was a wee bit of dust (silt), actually there was a lot of silt and the vis-ibility was not too good most of the time. There were lots of collisions, both with other cars and with the trees and there were a few roll-overs in the unstable ground. Fortunately, there were no injuries and in spite of the red eyes and the filthy driving suits as they pro-claimed that they had had a good race. It was dirty, but it was a good race. Kenny Free-man strikes again! For your aging reporter it is a sleeper jump for us to get to Ely, more than 500 miles and although it is a long way, we look for.ward to it as the town is so nice and the racing is usually great. This time was no exception as the weather gods smiled on us once more and it was a long but wonderful weekend. Class 1 was first off the line. There were only two class en-trants and it was to be a battle. The Billy Goerke/Brian Col-lins Trubuggy was first off the line, Mr. Goerke taking the first half while the second en-try was that of John Gaughan and B.J. Richardson. The two cars went at it hammer and tong for the first two laps. Goerke picked up almost two minutes on the first lap, los-ing a third of the lead on the second lap and then disaster Andy and Rob Kisner ran a steady pace in their neat Jimco, to take second place in the big Class 9 race. struck. The steering locked on the Goerke car as a broken tooth in the steering rack caused Billy to hit a tree, roll ever a few times and then spend some time getting up-right. Brian told Billy, "You 're having so much fun you might as well keep driving", and drive he did and finished, al-though more than an hour be-hind his competition. John Gaughan started the 200 mile trek in his Class 1 car, ran trouble free for his stint, B.J. Richardson got be-hind the wheel and off he went in to the fray. They took the Class 1 lead on the third lap and flew in for a great first overall, first in class and picked up $1300 for tiieir trouble. Their lap times were consistently fast and they fin-ished their five · laps in 3:53:28, about 45 minutes a lap. Good job guys! There were 14 eager start-ers in Class 9 and it was a pretty close contest all the way for the four laps required for this class. Andy Kisner took the lead on the first lap, just 17 seconds ahead of Jeremy Harmon, who was followed ever so closely by Dwaine Walters, only one second away. On the second lap, Har-mon moved into the lead, and had a minute on Walters. Now it was Walters in the second spot and Kisner had dropped to third. On the third lap, Harmon slowed a bit but re-mained in the lead, Kisner got stuck in the silt for a few min-utes while Walters had a very long third lap. Nothing changed on the fourth lap and Jeremy came in for the check-ered flag, his first win and he picked up two grand as well. Jeremy reported only a slight collision with another car in the silt and never saw the other car until the hit. Cest la vie! Andy Kisner was second in class, he got stuck in the silt for a bit but got out and took the checkered flag less than six minutes out of the win. Joe Sheble was the third place car, atter running 111 Mth or sixth for a few laps, they turned it on when they could see and ended up only three minutes out of second, although he did lose a slight battle with a tree. Fourth place, just off the po-dium, was Tom Taliaferro. Tom ran solo, had a good race, had lots of problems seeing the course and to top it all off had an asthma attack a·nd a balky inhaler so he was not the hap-piest camper in the world when he got to the finish line.· But, he did finish and was soon in good spirits, breathing easily again. Bill Avery and Tom Brown were fighting a losing battle all race long, a fuel feed problem had them spitting and cough-ing all day, the car that is, but they also complained about poor visibility out on the course. Somehow we missed Mike Conner at the finish but he was in there in sixth place and we assume he also had silt problems to hamper his day. It was close for a while, but everyone else had trouble, and Jeremy Gubler and Andre and Eric Gremm plow through the silt as·they head for their win in the three-Todd Dukes and Don Haze had a bit of a scare. Just as Continued on page 8 Danny Anderson took the Class 10 win handily. lap Sportsman Buggy division. ' Billy Goerke had steering problems and a resultant rollover lost time, Jason Gubler got stuck in the silt while leading the Sportsman Buggy Joe Sheble and Rick Doty had one small collision, ran fast where finished second in the Chevy powered buggy/truck. class, dropped to a third place finish. they could see, and finished third in Class 9. Page7 October 1999 Dusty Times
Against a backdrop of the lovely scenery in the area, Michael Conner Robbie Guevara lost a snap ring from a c. v., got himself lost, still got Our savvy photog stood up high out of the silt to get this great shot of pushes his Class 9 car toward a 7th place finish. _a_2.nd-pl_a_ce_in_th_e--,-16....,0,-0_c_la ..... s_s_. --,-----.c---------,.-----.----2nd place in Class 1 O; Robby Goerke. some visibility occurred, they back into the race and they petitive laps early on but a fourth or fifth and Pat Dean the cattle guard and flattened were able to see the fairly deep were able to salvage seventh broken spindle and a bit of took over the lead. Robby kept both tires on the left side of ravine they were falling into. place in Class 9. Rob and stuck time in the silt put them pursuing the leader but it was the car. (Difficult to do some-Fortunately, they were able to Dwaine Walters were the out of the running and they to no avail as Pat took the times.) His adversary, Brian proceed for a bit and found a eighth Class 9 car to finish. finished 20 minutes out of first checkered flag at 4:23 flat and Anderson said he lost a small place to climb out and get They turned two very com-place. ~ot the winner's purse of battle with a tree, fought a Tall enough to see above the silt, Ray Fisher's Jeep forged steadily ahead to take the Heavy Met~/ win. Pages :.,.;-:-:•::: \ .. •, )t {iJLf\\Ja@¥ ~~~i Flamingo Road & The Strip 888-227-2279 Dave Spencer and Jimmy $3000, having no problems sticky throttle cable most of Messick finished in the ninth except for losing a fan belt on the race but he was able to spot, just 26 seconds away the fourth lap and spending take the third spot with 19 from eighth. Then came Al-some time finding another seconds to spare. We said bert Ruix in the 10th spot, one. Guevara closed the gap there was some close racing, Cameron Blackley in 11th and and actually took the lead on didn't we! they were the last of the fin-the fourth lap but the silt got Mark Rencher took the fifth is hers. Honorable mention to him on the last lap and he finishing position, he too had a goes to Greg Becker, Ken rolled the car but got upright few battles with the existing Thatcher and Ryan Schank, and came in for a fine second flora, had some trouble seeing all three of them having more place, only 3 7 seconds away through the silt and was run-trouble than they could from the gold. ning with a borrowed tranny handle. Third and fourth place in which didn't have the right There were ten 1600 cars 1600 was up for grabs all day gears within so he had some entered and eight of them long as well. The Anderson -troubles on the long straights. made it to the finish line, a Boyer battle was raging all Brian Freeman was sixth across good percentage, considering race long as their lap times the line. He suffered a badly the conditions. Robby Gue-were very close and it was a broken exhaust collector on vara led the first lap by almost toss of the coin to see who the third lap and from there on two minutes, then he got lost would take the last podium he was down on power but in in the silt for a while on Lap 2 spot, Boyer certainly had· his he came, a tired but somewhat and that drc>pped him into share of trouble as he smacked Continued on page 10 West Tropicana & Arville 800-675-3267 October 1999 . . &® ... ~@~ Yfi!J~~ West Flamingo & Valley View 888-402-6278 Dusty Times
Alex and Wayne Koons had a long first lap, but rallted to finish second The body repaired after his July rollover, Danny Pratt looked good, Tom Taliaferro soloed to a nice 4th in Class 9, even fighting an asthma in Class 9. ran fine, took second in 5-1600. =att_a_c_k_in_t_h_e_sT"ilt_. ---.~----~--.--~--...---.--happy young man. Guess who problems one experiences with chanical problems during the Danny Pratt was also doing a nearly four minute lead on finished seventh????? Day Gang a new car but except for a few race but said the silt was just a a solo number in his 5-1600 and Goerke. Jeremy's stint was un-was out in her brand new car, a excursions into the forest she bit too much and he stumbled things were going swell for the eventful and the guys took the Bruce Fraley creation and she had a good day. (No pun in-into the finish with tons of the first two laps. He was only four win with over 45 minutes in was happy as a clam with her tended.) silty stuff surrounding him in seconds out offirst on the first hand, having no problems new child just out of the box. Glenn Cain took the lucky the cockpit. We don't have any lap, a mere minute and a half throughout the race. On the She had the usual teething eighth position. He had no me-info on Jeff Carr who only got out of the lead on Lap 2. But, other hand, Goerke jousted r,,:.,..---------,.----...;:c..--=--=:,..... in one lap and a slow one for disaster struck on the third cir-with a few trees, popped a tire, Pat Dean lost about four minutes looking for a new fan belt, but held his lead and took the win in the 1600 class. him. Also, we missed Karrie cuit when the car rolled over all for a fun day but the kicker Bennallock, who motored and some 20 minutes were lost was when he lost an axle clip around in an hour and a half getting things upright and back and the axle followed in short and then disappeared from the in the race again. But, motor on order. It finally was replaced charts. he did and he took second in but the battle was lost so he The 5-1600 ranks were a bit class, over half an hour in ar-motored in for second and we thin this race as some of the rears. don't believe that Mike ever regulars evidently didn't want The Price/Powada got into the car. (But, second to make the long trek up to Ely. technicolor car which is always isn't that bad!) Frank Puglia braved the silt all a top finisher was out of the The B.J. Baldwin entry only by himself, turned a 1:01 :03 the race after the second lap for got in one quick lap and that first lap, lost a spark plug wire problems unknown to us at was it for the day. The Ken on the second lap and fixed press time. Flippin crew also got in one lap, that and still turned a I :01: 13. In the Class 10 conflict, it a very long one for them and (Quick fix) Frank then got se-was the Danny Anderson/Jer-they put the car on the trailer, rious and turned a 1:00:24 on emy Gubler team versus the prognosis unknown. the third lap and then really got Robby Goerke/Mike Gaughan In the Heavy Metal division, serious and turned a 59:41 on duo. Danny Anderson took the Ray Fisher finished the first lap hi, la~t lap for a resounding first stint and when he turned in the third position, almost win the car over to Jeremy they had three minutes out of the lead. Elbach· Springs Is proud 10 announce H's complete Hne of ullra high qualilY off-road springs. Avallable In 10, 12, 14 & 16 Inch free lengths Wllh 3" ID. I well designed & ■HlflClured spring WIii 1811 IIOlllldl al CJC181, 8111 In 1111 cr■,1111 desert envIra1■111s. aat'I WIii tap CIIIIIII blllder Mlll JIIIOI CII00HS Elbacll SprI11s . .. UIWI .... n IHIS to wll ... ...... ,. .. Spring to Success ... ~--• .... 848712871111 • ~ ............ 1114 .Page 10 October 1999 Dusty Times
Rick Boyer had two flats at once, but still took fourth in the closely Bill Avery and Tom Brown had fuel feed problems in their Class 9 car, Brian Anderson smacked a tree with his Mirage, still finished third in still took sixth place_.--- --------~~=~ Class 112-1600. fought 1600 race. But, from there on in the race belonged to Ray as he turned up the wick and the lap times dropped like a stone. The big 'ol Jeep just plowed through the silt and came home a win-ner. Ray got stuck for a bit but he said he was able to rock his way out of the soft stuff and had a great day, except for the filth! Robby Woolworth was only 11 seconds out of the lead af-ter the first lap but the second lap was full of disaster and he was on the trailer early in the day. Andy Schifanelli was the first lap pace setter with a 58:05 in the books but he never got the second lap finished and we have no idea what put him ·down. The Sportsman entries only had to run three laps in this somewhat filthy environment but they made a race of it also. Andre Gremm left the starting gate and turned a 56:20 on his first lap, leaving the opposition over two minutes behind. O n his second lap he had to stop rea I short in the silt, the car died and h e spent about 15 minutes cranking it until it fi-nally caught again and he was off and running. Andre made his third lap his fastest, 55:02 and that was all he needed for the victory. Alex Koons was were an easy winner. SNORE folks. As_s_o~m_e_o~f_y_o_u--t-ru~ly_ e_n_j_o_y_e_v_e_r_y_m_1-·n_u_t_e_w_e driving his first race, a 16 year Mark Petit, who usually may know the SNORE racers spend with them. See 'ya at the old who has been waiting for shows very well in this class had are our second family and we the SNORE 250! ■ years for this moment. It looks a fairly slow first lap, a disas-like Alex will be a force to be trous second round and they reckoned with as he turned a were done for the day. Rudy 1: 11, 1 :04 and a :56 minute lap Suriano only got in one lap and to take the second spot. He lost Andy Napoleon gave it up af-a battle with a tree, lost a fan ter a terrible long first lap also. belt and still finished only three And so it was over, a long and a half minutes out of the dirty day for most and a most win. (Nice job Alex!) disappointing day for many of Jason Gubler had the lead on the drivers. The awards were the second lap and he thought held in the sumptuous lower he could stay there but he got foyer of the Nevada Hotel early stuck in the silt and he lost al-in the evening and a large most half an hour getting free crowd was on hand. The rev-and it cost him dearly; he elry commenced and went well dropped to third place, 17 min-into the night. We, on the utes away from the class win. other hand were off to bed early Dave Villafana turned two in anticipation of the long drive fast laps and then he disap-home after a weekend of won-peared from the radar and derful fun and congeniality JeremyHarmonandClayCarrmadeanunbeatableteaminClass9, took the win Tammie Gubler also got in two with the ever hospitable by six minutes._ laps and called it a day. Char-lie Sutton and Macy Price each got in one lap and then were gone while Bob Guevara and Thomas Rack never completed their first lap. In the S po t tsrna n Truck competition, it was a runaway for the team of Rick and Kathy Harrah and John Phegley. They each drove a third of the race, suffered only one flat tire to .s)ow their progress and they We wou/,d, Li/u,, To Introdu.a, Two N~ VeJUUrr To Our Li« Of F~~u WE WELCOME: TRAILMASTER SUSPENSION AND BOATEC FIBERGLASS PRODUCTS FOR TRUCKS TAYLOR PLUG WIRES SPIRAL OR PRO-WIRE $24.95 TYPE Ill REAR 5-LUG . GERMAN DRUMS ··$89.95 : . N.O.R.B. 930CV OVER BOOT $10.95 H-4T ROUND HEADLIGHT BULBS NEW Kathy and Rick Harrah, James Morrow and John Phegley brought their Jeep home_ FOX 5/8 1 '1' COIL OVER W/ RESEVOIRS $280.00 PIAA H-3 PLATNIUM BULBS BURNS 85-WATTS PRODUCES 130 WATTS OF LIGHT the winner in Sportsman Truck. Even with time out for fixing a loose spark plug wire, Frank Puglia took the win in Class 5-1600. Dusty Times ASK ABOUT MUST MENTION AD . , .. NEVADA OFFROAD TO RECIEVE AD PRICES ..... -·~··•.:· .. ;·>-T-SHIRTS . . ~s1-il~oa'MACCACHREN'S WEB PAGE ., ,. ' ............. CAI.I. TOI.I. FREE "11-888-755-5900 WE CAN SHII' Ul'S TO YOUR DOOR -•-•~ -'•'W~"1n~~ 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702)871-5221 FAX October 1999 Page 11
29TH NEW ZEALAND RALLY Makinen/Mitsubishi Romp In New Zealand· Photos: Maurice Selden Gustavo Trelles and Martin Christie go into a sharp left hander in their Mitsubishi, llnishing 9th overall and they were 1st in group N. Tommi Makinen and Risto Mannisenmaki left all their competition in the mud, taking-the prestigious win by over a minute and a half in the Mitsubishi. round of the '99 WRC leading the a long way behind the ·w2L lead-Manufacturers Series with a ers. Renault, but their quest for healthy lead. In the Drivers thetitlewasfarfromover.Onthis Championship, Makinen led Di-event, the two Hyundais were dier Auriol and Carlos Sainz. The faced by one remaining VW en-reliability of the Toyota Corolla try and a private Renault. Upder -WRCar has given the Toyota the new W2L rules, these four team a podium finish at every • cars were competing against each event this year, so the fact that other for W2L points, irrespective they have not won for over 12 of two lite~ cars from non-regis-months doesn't seem to be too tered manufacturers on the event. much of a problem. Toyota's per- For this-run, Hyundai had lighter formance this year proves that weight cars with newly designed reliability actually takes prece- sump guards to avoid the reason dence over performance. Maki-McRae was forced to retire in nen is the only driver to have Greece. The best eight scores reached the finish of every rally · count in W2L competition and this year. Auriol failed to finish there are six events still to run. Tommi Makinen won his third rally of the season, leading the New Zealand Rally for all but two stages and he has led the champi-onship all season. Makinen's only real challengers were Possum Bourne and Colin McRae. Pos-sum, a local driver finished fifth · overall in the rally and also went into a tie for the lead in the Asia-Pacific Series, with only China yet to be run. McRae retired after the eighth stage with electrical prob-lems that· were unsolvable. Finnish drivers took the top three places, Makinen, Kankkun-en and Gardmeister were all on the podium and Gardmeister gave SEAT their best WCR finish in 22 years, third overall. · Toyota headed to the ninth at the Acropolis Rally and Sainz The challenge of New has failed to make the finish line Zealand is of precise driving, twice this season. tactical decisions according to Toyota was not the only team weather conditions and using with a special mission down un-suspension that can handle the der. Hyundai was another. The highly cambered and twisty front wheel drive Hyundais were Continued on page 14 I HONDA • Power .. Equipment . KAWACUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER ro_$_-D -Racer ·and Spectator D'iscounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PURPo'SE ENGINES • WATER PUMPS • LAWNMOWERS • RIDING MOWERS •OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWN TRACTORS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS-AND INVENTORY -IF WE DoN'T HA VE IT, No ONE Does! DELIVERY TO TIIB RACES AVAilABLE • PLEAsE CALL AHEAD KAWAGUCHI HONDA EX1000 3532E.3RoSJ:Lai~CA90J63•323.264.3936, 264.5858 FAX 264.2136 'HONDA Power Equipment Dusty Times liiiiiiiiiii; : VISA I s A L E s ' s E R V I C E ' p A R T s 1'. T-+-h;r.n-' . [ It' H o N DA Po w E R E Q u I PM E N T S P E c I AL I s T 1 ~u .w)5S easier. iUi for opun:um pcr!or.nancr- :md 53fl"ty. pk.,sc l·c-ad lr.l" 0",1l"r·s manual b..•rorc-o~r:tting your Honda PO\\"l"r Equipment. Spttificatlon:1 subJttt to c?-...u,~C' "'it.hout nolh.·c. •£sUm.;1tc-~ml>·-b;i~d on r:ittd load. •B:tttl"ry not im.·1udl"d \\it~ E!\1J5vOSXKt. E,.15000S.XKI and £90500SX. HWilh batt<'ry tr:.1y kit. whttls ~ h.-1.r.!!!C'f. ConnttUon to hou~ pov.·t"r requlrtt tr.msfcr d("\1« to .woi,! poss1blr Injury to po,••tr>· pcr,onnc-1. Consult a quallfic!'d eli:cuic-Un. October 1999 Page 13
Juha Kankkunen and Juha Repo get a bit of air in the Subaru as they Hamed Al Wahaibi and Tony Sircomb negotiate a tight turn in the traverse the wet and slippery roads on their way to second overall in With lots of reverse lock, Toni Gardmeister and Paavo Lukander drove Mitsubishi on their way to 10th overall, 2nd in Group N and first in New Zealand. their SEAT to a magnificent third overall, a great accomplishment. =Te=a=m=s=C=u=p=. ====================-Sans the left rear wheel, Didier Auriol and Denis Giraudet brought the Alister McRae and David Senior lost the right rear wheel but they Colin McRae and Nicky Grist take to the air but their flight was short Toyota Corolla in for a great 4th overall in New Zealand. carried on and were 20th overall and second in W2L at rally's end. lived as major electrical woes put them out of the rally. roads. These roads are strange, year. The road surfaces began to through the problems of your Alister McRae who knocked a McRae's problems all went most of the corners are cam-cut up on the second time competitors. Sainz radioed that rear wheel off and damaged the away. Evans' VW was stuck in bered, in effect they are banked through. The normally hard sur-he was in big trouble with the suspension. Gardmeister was third gear and Tajima retired. and most corners are a lost faces broke up and there was gearbox stuck in first gear, los- going well and was third behind Leg 3 - 7 Stages, gravel, 85.7 faster than you think they will nothing but mud to drive on and ing four minutes and he dropped his fellow countrymen, Makinen kms. Makinen had the chance be on the approach. However, the cars were behaving like from third to sixth. Makinen led and Kankkunen. Rovanpera was to cruise to his third victory of on the exit they have a nasty skateboards. Makin-en was Auriol by over 75 seconds with still unhappy, his new transmis-the season, but he still wasn't reverse camber and this creates charging, "This has always been Kankkunen in third and sion had a harsher differential slowing down. "The car was so a toothy engineering problem, my unlucky rally, perhaps my Gardmeister in the fourth spot. which was creating an under-easy to handle, and was in con-for at speed during this entry/ luck is changing." He went well Rovanpera had to drive a series steer condition. Radstrom had trol in every condition and I was exit procedure, the chassis on the first stage (32 kms) and of stages with no windshieid a noisy front differential w·hich enjoying it so much t·hat ldidn't twists along. its longitudinal he had fitted mud tires to his wipers (always lots of fun), and couldn't be changed until the want to slow down!" Kankkun-axis. The engineers have to fig-car. He had 5. 7 seconds on Freddy Loix wipers were stick-next service and Takuma en explained that the New ure out a way to keep the car McRae. Then came Bums who ing to the windshield and he Kamada, on his first major rally, Zealand roads were just like flat while the suspension keeps was a full 15 secl'tnds slower. had to stop at times on the hit a bridge and hurt the car those in his native Finland and all four wheels on the ground. Makinen was enjoying running stage. .enough to force a retirement. although they had lost too much Was it time for a new winner? first on the road and the driv- In Group N, Michael Guest, Makinen was getting more time on the first day they still A curious factor this year is that ers behind were complaining leader of the Subaru challeng-confident as the day progressed, had an enjoyable rally. the winners have all come in that he was throwing many ers went off the road on Stage "I'm not in as much of a hurry Gardmeister made the state-pairs. Mitsubishi (Makinen) stones on the road. 9, the top five were all now" he said. Auriol's car was ment of the rally, "I was told not won the first two events, Ford Burns settled into third place Mitsubishis. Gustavo Trelles led driving well, but Freddy Loix to go flat out, only to gain ex- . (McRae) won the next two, the but then the same old problem easily and Al Wahaibi was not was still miserable, "He's even perience. I will be allowed to go Formula 2 Citroen (Bugalski) (electronic gearshift) struck very happy. His car was not han-stopped telling jokes" one re- flat out in Finland, however!" the next two and then Subaru again and he fell to fifth. They dling well and he wasn't sure if porter was heard to exclaim. The only significant incident on with Kankkunen, then Burns changed the transmission unit it was the car or him! Gabriel Possum Bourne was slowly slip- , the leg was when Radstrom slid took the next two events. at service and it too immedi-Mendez went off the road three ping back, Rovanpera was still off the road on the first stage of This event saw another ca-ately failed, leaving a large pool times on Stage 9 and Arai was having differential problems the day. reer step for Toni Gardmeister. of oil on the road and he wa·s having difficulty reverting from and he was shortly out of the In the W2L battle, Evans was A year ago, New Zealand was forced to retire. This allowed a WRCar to Group N. event. Katoaka also retired having a hard time with the his first career works ride, the the two Toyota drivers to move In Formula 2, Kenneth Erik-when he went off the road, still changing conditions and went Ibiza Kit Car. This year it was into third and fourth, despite kson picked the wrong tires for suffering from brake problems. off the road in his VW. This was his first World Rally entry with Sainz having a bad moment Stages 2 and 3, letting team-Sainz got into a lot of trouble bad news for the two Hyundais a World Rally Car. And, this when he hit a rock. Auriol mate Alister McRae get well on Stage 19 when he went off which were still ahead in their was the first time the rally was changed his engine mapping to ahead of him. Tajima was hav-the road and was stuck for four category, because it meant that based in Auckland City, the give him more torque. Thomas ing brake problems. In the minutes. These were stages be-the private Renault was now in commercial heart of New Radstrom slid wide on a turn Teams Cup, Al Wahaibi was ing covered for the second time third place and was picking up Zealand. The event was for the and rolled over, coming to rest five minutes ahead of Frederick and the fast changing weather four points. people to watch and enjoy in on the wheels, he lost two min-Dor, who was just out cruising was causing the road surfaces to There were 82 starters and the city, not just out on the utes on this escapade and he for the points. At the end of the be very unpredictable. 45 of them finished this most stages. Carlos Sainz, who has dropped from sixth to 12th. At day incurred a 30 second pen-In Formula 2, Tajima retired difficult rally. won this rally four times said, the midway break, Makinen led alty. Simon Evans, in the lone when he went off the road yet Toyota how has 78 points in "There are no stones, bumps or McRae by 1. 7 seconds, Sainz VW slid into a barrier and rear-again, obviously still having the Manufacturers Points, Mit-holes in the·road so you can just was 45 seconds behind, ranged the sheet metal a bit brake problems. Alister McRae subishi has 59, Subaru 52, Ford concentrate on driving flat out." Gardmeister was in front of Ro- while Tajima had his rear brakes was going well again and 35, SEAT 12 and Skoda has Leg 1 -Day 1 -The high vanpera, and Freddy Loix was lock up and he slid off the road. Radstrom still had very worry-three points. · speed activities began with a surprised how fast the rally was Leg 2 - 10 Stages, gravel, 174 ing noises in the differential al-Standings in the Drivers shakedown test, a fast six kilo-· running and he was 11th in the kms. There was a big hazard on though it had been changed. Championship are: Makinen meter stage where Makinen and Mitsubishi. McRae was unhappy Stage 14, a rock on the outside In Group N, Trelles had his with 46, Auriol 35, .Sainz 30, Burns shared the best time. with a misfire which they of a turn and it caught Auriol, hood fly up, lost about a minute Kankkunen 24, C. McRae and Auriol had trouble starting with couldn't seem to correct. he damaged a wheel and fell but still continued on_ his win-Burns tied with 23 each and electrical problems, Erikkson Now the troubles were really from second to seventh, and ning way and in Formula 2, Bugalski has 20 points. ■ embarrassingly started the stage starting, Burns retired. On the in reverse gear and Tajima eighth stage, McRae took the broke a drive shaft on his new lead by 1.6 seconds, but it was . Suzuki. short lived. On the next stage Leg 1 -Day 2 - 10 stages, the Focus came to a halt with a gravel, 141.9 kms. The rally serious electrical problem. For headed south to the Waitako Makinen, it was a large leap to-Plains and the hills west of wards victory to change a defi-Hamilton. The weather waster-cit of one second to a lead of 75 rible, alt~ough not as bad as last seconds in one stage, albeit Page 14 29tn Ra11y New Zealand Vielodrom'I! we round 9 IS/IB July I99~ Wurld ChampIonsnip points I (1) Tonvni MAKINEN/Risto Mannisenmai..1 FIN M1tsub1sh1 Lancer Evolution gA S2TMR (GB) 4h.llm.07.1s.• 2 (6) Juha KANKKUNEN/Juha Repo FIN Subaru Jmpreza WRCa,- A S7SRT (GB) 4h.12m.•U.1s. 3 (10) Toni GAROEMEISTER/Paavo Lukander-FIN SEAT WRCa,- A 87730VG (E) 4h.13m.58.1s. 4 (4) Didier AURIOL/Oenis Giraudet F Toyota Corolla WRCar A l(-AM94t (0) 4h.17m.22.9s. 5 ( 11) Possum Bourne/Craig Vincent NZ Subaru Imp,-9za WRCa,- A ROJ (NZ) 4h.17m.55.4s. ••• 6 (3) Carlos SAINZ/Luis Moya E Toyota Corolla WRCa,- A K-AM934 (0) 4h.I9m.23.0s. 7 (12) Matthias Kahle/Dieter Schneppanheim O Toyota Corolla WRCa,- A K-AM65I (0) 4h.25m.44.2s. 8 (Z) Freddy LOIX/Sven $meets B Mitsubishi Lancer Evolut1on A T2MMR (GB) 4h.26m.34.4s. 9 (14) Gustavo Tr-elhs/Mar-tin Chr-istu ROU/AA Mitsubishi Lancll!r Evolution N 8804421< (I) 4h.28m.32.8s.• 10 {18) Hamad Al Wahaibi/Tony Sir-combe OM/NZ Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution N GG-Alt9I (O} 4h.30m.2l.2s.•• 12 (25) Katsuhiko Taguchi/Ron Teoh J/MAL Mitsubishi L3.ncer-Evolution N T300SE8108 (J) 4h.33m.48.0s. 17 (22) Kenneth Er-H.sson/Staffan Par-mander- S Hyunda1 CoupeK~t Car (F2) A H20MSD (GB) 4h.38m.37.5s. 20 (2-') Alister McRae/David Senior GB Hyundai CoupeKtt Car (F2) A TSMSO (GB) 4h.4lm.55.5s. 24 (16) Frederi c Dor/Kevin Gormley F/GB Subaru tmpr-eza WRCar A R19WRC (GB) 4h.47m.33.2s.•• 37 (76) Gael Lecer-t/Yvon Catala F Renault Clio Williams (F2) A 148580 (NC} 5h.09m.42.9s. WR WO W~ TC 10 10 - -6 6 • • 3 3 - 2 2 ' ' -10 10 -- - 6 -6 - - 4 -October 1999 Dusty Times
RAC/NB SHOX i.ou hav~· a habit we can support (YOUR LOCAL iUTBORIZED DEiLBR LIIT) Address Telephone AUTO FAB 10996 N. WOODSIDE AVE,, SANTEE, CA., 92071 619.562.1740 BUNDERSON RACING 3028 CONTRACT AVE., LAS VEGAS, NV., 89101 702.382.3375 CARLTON SAND TOYS 331 TALENEMA DR., COTTAGE GROVE, OR., 97424 541. 942.3882 DAN'S OFF ROAD 2385 PRUESS, HEMLOCK, Ml., 48626 517.642.2333 FAT PERFORMANCE 1'558 N. CASE ST., ORANGE, CA., 92667 714.637.2889 FIBERCRAFT INC. 1970 E. 2ND ST., RENO, NV., 89502 775. 329 .2039 FODDRILL FAB. 17641 N. BLACK CANYON HWY.,#C, PHOENIX, A.z., 85023, 602.843.6406 HESCO WELDING & FAB. 444 W. LANDSTREET RD., ORLANDO, FL., 32824 407.855.4041 HUNTER RIVMASTA 76 GUNTAWONG RD.,ROUSEHILL,NSW,AUSTRALIA,2155 61.29.627.2151 JIMCO RACING 10965 HARTLEY #R, SANTEE, CA., 92071 619.562.1743 LOTHRINGER ENG. 416 FLEETWOOD, GLENDORA, CA., 91740 626.857.7223 M.R.P. 42425 5TH ST. E., #D, LANCASTER, CA., 93535 805. 940.5515 MCKENZIE'S PERF. 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA., 92806 714.441.1212 MILNER CONVERSIONS THE OLD BUS GARAGE, HACKNEY LN., DARLEY DALE, DERBYSHIRE, 44.1629. 734411 DE4 2QJ, ENGLAND MRJ ENG. LTD. UNITS 7,8, BUTTERFIELD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, OTLEY ROAD, SHIPLEY 44.1274.599.764 BD17 ?HT, BRADFORD, ENGLAND, MULTI SPEED & ENG. 2563-227 MIGAWA MITO CITY, IBARKI-PREF., JAPAN 310-00 NEVADA OFF ROAD BUGGY 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW, LAS VEGAS, NV., 89102 702.871.4911 OFF ROAD BUGGY 2525 E. 16TH ST., YUMA, AZ., 85365 520. 783. 6265 OFF ROAD WAREHOUSE 7915 BALBOA AVE., SAN DIEGO, CA., 92111 619.565.1398 PENHALL FAB. 1660 BABCOCK, #B, COSTA MESA, CA., 92627 949.650.3035 RACE READY PROD. 103 PRESS LN., #4, CHULA VISTA, CA., 91910 619.691.9171 RACE SHOCK COMPANY 2422 E. COCHISE RD., PHOENIX, AZ., 85028 602.493.3700 SAND RAILS UNLTD. 250 IOWA AVE., RIVERSIDE, CA., 92507 909.682.3270 SUSPENSIONS UNLTD. 1345 DYNAMICS, #D, ANAHEIM, CA., 92806 714.996.6260 TUF OFF ROAD 3144 E. 45TH ST., TUCSON, AZ., 85713 520.670.1428 SIMPLY ADVANCED. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL FOX RACING SHOX AT 408.269.9201.
MOJ~VE DESERT RACING, INC. California 2DD By Ron Miller Photos: Trackside Photo Mike Grabowski appears tq be having a good time as he flies to the overall victory at the MOR 200 in August. It is often said "variety is the spice of life." Well, the good folks of MOR certainly spiced things up on August 7, 1999. That was the date when the club deviated from the norm, by hosting its only night race of the year. The event was a success because the idea was c.901 _ and the racing was hot. Tech, contingency and registration were all held on race day (from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) at Barstow's popu-lar Tanger Mall. From there it was a conveniently short jaunt to the start/finish line, where f'1.ns eagerly awaited the scheduled 8:30 p .m. start. Most of the evening's contes-tants were required to negoti-ate five 40 mile laps. The ex-ceptions were racers seeing action in Classes 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400. Those en-trants were each handed three· lap assignments. A total of 82 vehicles were entered for this fourth race (of six) on MDR's 1999 schedule. As the desert. sun slowly began to set, you could feel the excitement building. Some of the sport's brightest stars had come out to play, and this time they were going to do it in the dirt and do it in the dark. Things were certain to become even more interesting once night-fall forced the racing teams to rely heavily upon their lights, radios, and instincts. Alright, the stage is set and the hype is in place. So are you readers ~W, out there ready to separate the "nocturnal" from the "knocked-out"? Me too, it's on to race recap time! Mike Grabowski started first and the Class 100 speed-ster wasted no time seizing control of the race. Grabow-ski rocketed through his first loop (41:54), recording what proved to be far and away the fastest lap of the race. Rich-ard Boyle and Andrew Gaston held the second and third po-sitions early on, but both were having trouble keeping pace with their front running class-mate. After all five Class 100 competitors had left the start-ing line, a pair of Class 800 ve-hicles was sent underway. Paul Daniel Fresh had fast lap time in his Jeep, at 1:02:38, to take the win in Class 1200 by a skinny 35 seconds. Strong departed first, but Jim Patelli was the first one to re-turn to the race's start/finish line. Patelli polished off his first loop in 56:56, which stood up as the class' fastest lap of the day/night. A talent-laden field of 15 Class 1000 entrants was dis-patched next. Brian Walsh led that high speed herd through-·out Lap 1, recording a time of 48:28 in the process. Steve Greinke started well behind Walsh, but his ultra quick 45:33 first lap gave him a solid early lead on the clock. Three other racers managed to post very swift 4 7 minute opening lap times. A pair of Greinke's classmates, Mark Fodor and Kory Halopoff, made up two thirds of that trio. The other was Jimmy Mes-sick, who was leading in Class 1600. Messick 's hasty opening tour of the Barstow desert course ( 4 7: 24) proved to be his division's fastest lap of the race. David Henderickson was leading 1600 on the road, thanks to ·a pretty swift Lap 1 clocking (48:59) of his own. Since the first loop repre-sented the only one which en-trants h-ad any chance of both starting and finishing before dark, it figured to be the race's fastest. And that assumption proved accurate when an overwhelming majority of the race's fast lap times were es-tablished during its running. In addition to the three al-ready mentioned, another eight class best times were also recorded during Lap 1. Class 700 leader Craig Turner de-serves credit for posting one of them (50:16). Gerald Erstad, the early pacesetter in Class 500, tallied another (52:04). Meanwhile, Dave Lawson reg-istered Class 900's fastest lap (54:57) and Bob Wright did likewise in Class 550 (55:04). Mike Ismail was leading Class 850 (on the road) after one lap had been completed, but it was Donald Bundy who posted that division's fast lap time. Bundy assumed the early advantage over Ismail (on the clock), by polishing off his ini-tial loop in 1:07:13. Martyn Atkins posted the fast lap time in Class 1400 (1:02:19) and Greg Crew's Lap 1 clocking (1: 20:30) proved best in Class 1300. It clearly wasn't Dennis Sletten's "night", but the cur-rent MOR Class 1100 points leader still managed to record his division's fastest lap of the day (1:54:27). Martyn Atkins started the evening off with class fast lap, at 1 :02: 19, but had a long last lap, still won Class 1400. Mike Ismail heads toward the Class 850 victory in his Scout as Darin McGuffin waits to pass in the fading daylight. As expected, the arrival of evening during the race's sec-ond loop coincided with the establishment of a much more sensible pace. Grabowski, the Class 100 and overall race leader, "slowed" to a time of 48:37 on Lap 2. Grabowski's swift clocking was bettered by just one entrant during the running of Lap 2. That was Mark Fodor, who stopped the timer in 45:23 to take fast lap honors in Class 1000. Only four other racers were able to post sub 50 minute lap times on Loop 2. Richard Boyle used one of them to fry to keep Mr. Grabowski within hailing dis-continued ·on page 18 Silhouetted.against the night sky, Mike Duenas hustles his Class 1600 Larry Gross and his Toyota take a break while a handy pit person Frank Omboli moves up in his Lothringer to pass an unidentified car to a fifth place finish. replaces a rear flat tire. He finished third. competitor Omboli took 5th in Class 1000. . October 1999 Dusty Times
rn~~vffi!J w, ;I [])~~~rn.ITf . ~Mt1 ·•· RACING ASSOCIATION ~ffOff:noAD~Of~ME-Presents "f' "The Richest Off-Road Race In Nevada" $40,000 Guaranteed Total Purse cars .··;:;::~·. ~;~~ $10,000 Guaranteed Purse To 1st Overall Motorcycle Race Is On Saturday ....... ·-:====?=--· .. . Trucks .. ·· ... ' . :,•.·•:._ .: ::;:,:::: . ~:::::-: $10,000 Guaranteed Purse. To 1st Overall Car or Truck
I t r I Richard Boyle and Tom Koch paired up again, and took second place Brad Inch made a sudden stop, stalled his car, and it wouldn't start Matt Vaughn ran a heckuva race in Class 1200, finished second by a in Class 100 and second overall. again, dropping him to a sixth place finish. mere 35 seconds. Donald.Bundy ticked off the quick lap for Class 850, at 1:07:13, and Cindy Greinke ran five evenly paced laps tg take second place in her Dave Lawson ran hard, had class fast lap at 54:57, but couldn't quite finished second only 5:41 out of first. good looking 1600 car. get the win, took second Class 900 by 3:22. DBA: Discount Foreign We Have In Stock: Ultra Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 7 $80.95 $85.95 Centerline Wheels 15 X 3.5 & 15 X 6 $105.95 $111.75 15 X 10 $118.25 Call for Prices 3636 Meade Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 Page_ 18 (702) 247-1266 We Now Do. MAGNA FLUX sick also credited several oth-AT LEFT: Jim Pate/Ii led all the,way in his Class BOO Blazer, with the fast lap for the classof56:56,andthewin. ers for his winning effort. tance. Steve Greinke needed one to keep pace with Fodor, the Class 1000 leader. Jimmy Messick utilized one to main-tain his Class 1600 lead over Brad Inch, who posted the re-maining one. While the rest of the field continued their pur-suit of Grabowski, the Class 100 "night rider" showed no signs of slowing. Grabowski tipped his hand during Laps 3 and 4, when he used just 48:25 and 47:51 to complete those two key loops. It should have been evident at "that point that everyone else was racing for second. MG made it difficult when he recorded his fifth consecutive .sub 50 minute lap on the. final loop. Grabowski averaged 50.8 mph and required just·3:56:2 l tQ.. claim the overall "California 200" victory. Boyle, who fin-ished second in both Class 100 and overaH scoring, came up a little short in his bid for a second straight MDR win. The 1999 "KarTek 400 Champion" finished fastest of all, shaving time off Grabowski's lead in each of the last three laps. It wasn't quite enough though, as he still ended up about eight and a half minutes be-hind the winner. Boyle aver-aged an even 49 mph and completed his assignment in 4:05:01. David Massingham finished a distant third in Class 100, and Andrew Gas-ton (fourth place) completed the order of that division's fin: is hers. Talk about a blanket fin-ish, less than three minutes separated the overall second through sixth place finishers. Mark Fodor turned in a huge effort to score the Class 1000 win over runner-up Steve Mc-Mullin. Fodor, who placed third overall, finished just 45 seconds behind Boyle and two minutes ahead of McMullin. Fodor and McMullin both av-eraged over 48 mph, as di_d October 1999 their classmate Steve Greinke. Greinke, who grabbed third in Class 1000 and sixth overall, ended up finishing just six sec-onds behind McMullin. The race's overall fourth place finisher was Jimmy Mes-sick. With a big assist from owner Greg Anderson, Mes-sick also sc~red his initiail vic-tory in Class 16b0. M~ssick said Anderson's car, which was built and prepped by his brother Warren and his uncle Rick Taylor, "ran flawlessly." A sincerely appreciative Mes-Foremost among those he mentioned were Darnen and Casey Jefferies and Don Hatz of King Shocks. Messick aver-aged 48.5 mph, to defeat Class 1600 runner-up Cindy Greinke by just over nine min-utes. Greinke's excellent final time of 4:1'6:49 placed her in · eighth position in overall scor-ing. Christopher Marcum fin-ished some two minutes back of Greinke, to place third in 1600 and tenth overall. Bill Fodor and Frank Omboli also turned in impressive efforts. Fodor claimed fourth place in Greg Crew heads out into the night in his Class 1300 car, taking the win with an average speed of 24 miles per hour. Mark Fodor had a good night, taking fast lap in Class 1000, at 45:23, the class win and third overall. Dusty Times
Steve Greinke lost about 9 minutes on the last lap and dropped to Steve Ruddick ran a steady pace in his Class 1400 truck to take Second-generation racer Kash Vessels finished fourth in his handsome !!!!!!!.J!!.ace in Class 1000. second place, nine minutes back. ;=:1=60=0=ca=r=. ====================;-Frank Hines had the lead, but a long last lap pushed him back to second place in Class 500. John Strode tried hard, took second in the very close Class 550 race, Steve McMullin ran a very steady pace all evening, finished second in only 4:23 out of the lead after the five laps. _C_la_s_s_1_0_0_0. ___ ~---------------Class 1000 and the seventh spot overall, by completing his assignment in 4:12:26. Om-boli also cracked the top ten, finishing fifth in 1000 and ninth overall. With a total of six representatives, it was Class 1600 dominating the 11th through 20th overall po-sitions. Kash Vessels led that group, by placing fourth in Class 1600 (11th overall) and averaging 45. 9 mph. Next came Mike Duenas, who also a veraged over 4 5 mph. Duen as finished four minutes and change behind Vessels, to secure the fifth spot in class and 12th position overall. De-spite suffering some· untimely 16th, Gamble 17th and Wis-Shane Brown finished right every lap while posting an easy traffic woes, Brad Inch still dom 18th. behind Halopoff in class scor-win. Turner beat runner-up managed to place sixth in Kory Halopoffwas credited ing, and raced well enough to Scott Sells by just over an 1600 and 14th overall. Inch with a sixth place finish in land 19th place overall. In hour, in a good final time of reportedly lost about 15 min-Class 1000 and 13th overall. Class 700, Craig Turner led Continuedon page20 utes during Lap 4, when he had trouble restarting his ve-hicle after stopping abruptly to avoid hitting a disabled ve-hicle. All things considered, his 44.9 mph average speed and 4:27:07 fina·l time were quite commendable. Malcolm Bryce/Rick Gamble, and Wes Wisdom placed seven t h through ninth respectively in the 1600 class. T hat trio also managed to crack the top 20 overall, with Bryce taking • state of the art high flow piston designed to stop valve washers from bending inwards. • wide teflon coated piston wear band for use in external bypass with big tubes so that it does not drop into large ports. / ,1/ ' : r ,1, f -• sealed piston for low speed control and maxim fu damp'Yng in external'bypass. • • '-. ,(/ . ,I "',., , ~ ' • high temperature stainless steel alloy va1vu1g. 1 · . :r · , , 'I' I/ • unique rod end design and material to stop shafts and rod ,mds from breaking. • high temperature Viton seals and.,o-rings. • large aluminum reservoir for increased heat dissipation (2X) and weight savings. • 1" shafts are micro-polished tD' a mirror surface finish cf a 3-5 RMS. • stainless steel teflon lined spherical bearings with 1/2" or 5/8" ID spacers. • shock are all owner rebuil able, ~ ith no special toois to purchase. ,• / • electric blue anodized c9.lor. / ,1 This shot is a clear demonstration of how Gary Turner got the Class 700 fast lap (50: 16) in his Ford, and went on to win. :@·tPJh~ Stacy Fay and husband Doug Goodenough teamed in their Ford to take the victory in the close Class 730 race. Dusty Times ~ . ,I ,/ • Large 3/4" tubes for high flow (weld on kits available separate). • Tube locations ca n be placed to order or welded on by the customer. , •.,,.Valving:ofi tlie piston for smooth damplng'transitions. • Chec~ I e machine 1fr~ 4140 and heat treated 17-4 stainless for long durability. • ~a~ e 0 9~ heck'~lve spring designed wiih low op~~ating stress levels. /• "QlggyJJ_~cl<''·style reservoir mounting -Jor the rear ,of buggies and trucks. H~~ ¥ rf~Y1~h•;#ffl6fa§,,t§O!-~a&h3£r" -?~ / ,/ Custom wound springs for 3" shocks in sto6k. Eibach springs available. <(. We do custom shock work and vehicle set up:. . Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts availabJe { air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same persorfthat designed all Kuster Shocks. Page 19
Marc Oeshane and Wayne Lacher made a good run in their Class Scott Sells had his good-looking Toyota moving well early on, but a Bill Fodor brought his Chenowth Class 1000 car back to the finish in 550 car and took the win after a tough fight. couple of slow late laps dropped him to second. fourth place after a very close race. I! Chris Marcum ran five incredibly even laps to take third place in the Darin McGuffin had a long fourth lap, but managed a nice third place Steve Cirillo ran steadily through the night in his Class 730 Toyota, took second place for his efforts. tight 1600 race. in Class 900 anyway. · 4:32:07. Turneraveraged44.l fore grudgingly settling for and Sergio Nunez (tenth), mph for his five laps, placing second place. Lawson (23rd o/ were the only other finishers him 15th in overall scoring. a) averaged a healthy 40.8 in that class. The final three Completing the list of top mph and finished up just 2:22 finishers in Class 1600 were 20 finishers was Joel Mohr. behind the Class 900 winner. B.J. Bates, Ken Bell, and Ja-That's a 3-peat for Mohr, who It was nearly an hour back to son Hatz in that order. Bates has now rattled off three con-third place finisher Darin ended up tenth in class (21st secutive MDR Class 900 vie-McGuffin. Robert Riffle overall), and Bell followed him t0ries. JM averaged 41.1 mph (fourth) was the final Class in 11th. Hatz reportedly rolled and finished his five lap as-900 finisher. his vehicle, but still managed signment in 4:51 :39. Mohr The Marcourt Racing Team to finish up 12th in class. was ultra consistent too, com-obviously had their share of There was another very good pleting two laps in 57 minutes problems. Whit Courtenay, battle waged in Class 550. Af-each, two others in 58 minutes the driver of record, was cred-ter Bob Wright was forced to and his "slowest" one in 59 ited with an eighth place fin-exit early, the duel eventually minutes. Dave Lawson gave ish in Class 1000 and 22nd boiled down to Marc Deshane Mohr all he could handle, be-overall. Bob Hansen (ninth) vs. John Strode. Deshane led TRAN·SAXLE ENGINEERING. INC CONGRATULATIONS Jere my Harmon Class 9W1nner at The SNORE NAPA Ely 200 We Race And Win With Our Ow_n Products. Transaxle Engineering Jeff Field Page 20 818-998-2739 9763 Variel Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91.3 I I October 1999 virtually the entire way, but minutes behind Geer and over Strode wasn't about to con-an hour ahead of the fifth and cede. The always formidable final Class 550 finisher Scott Strode made up considerable Boyd. ground during the final lap, but It was right back to the his strong late charge fell short winner's circle again for Stacy of the Marc. Deshane came Fay and Doug Goodenough. away with a narrow four minute The personable husband and victory, and Strode again had wife duo required 5 :43: 15 to to settle for second. The win-record their second straight ner averaged 40. 7 mph and fin-Class 725 victory on this cir-ished in 4:54:32. Strode also cuit. Fay, who drove the first averaged over 40 mph, and was three laps before Goodenough well clear of the third place fin-took over, said the truck "ran isher Bryan Geer. Geer, who great." The pair's combined saw his two race ·win streak driving talents resulted in an come to an end, averaged 38 .. 0 8:27 win over runner-up Steve mph for the evening. Jeff Cal-Cirillo. Goodenough 's l :04:06 laghan (fourth) checked in 20 Lap 4 clocking proved the Jerry Erstad started the evening with Class 500 fast lap (52:04) and went on to take the win. Joel Mohr made it three wins in a row with another Class 900 victory, but it wasn't easy, he had only 3:22 on 2n_d~p~l_a_ce_. ______ _ Dusty Times
evening's fastest in Class 725. SF & DG wanted to send along thanks to "Dad" (Jim Fay), their crew, Fair, Custom Stan-dard Transmission, Engine Ma-chine Service, BFG and MOR. Cirillo and third place finisher Bill Markel also raced well. The winners averaged 35 mph, the runner-up 34.1, and the new improved Markel (so clean cut you probably won't ;ecog-nize him) 33.2 mph. Class 850 entrants Mike Is-mail and Donald Bundy raced in close proximity the entire evening. In another tight fin-ish, Ismail emerged victorious. The winner averaged 33.1 mph and needed 6:02:49 to prove best. Bundy finished just five minutes back oflsmail, but was forced to settle for runner-up honors. Jim Patelli was all alone at the finish, to win Class 800. Patelli averaged 3 2. 7 mph and completed his five laps in 6:07:11. Going into their final lap, Frank Hines appeared on his way to another Class 500 win and Gerald Erstad seemed hopelessly beaten. It was quite a different story at the finish however, as Erstad snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Hines needed over three hours to complete his fifth loop and that proved decisive. The "for-tunate" winner's time was 6: 29: 21 and the unlucky run-ner-up's was 7:11:07. Five set out and all five fin-ished in Class 1200. During Lap 1, Matt Vaughan estab-lished command on both the road and the clock. Dennis Beckwith and Larry Gross pur-sued from second and third. When V aughan also posted the group's best time on Lap 2, the race appeared to be his for the takiµg. Daniel Fresh moved into second place on that second loop, but was still nearly nine minutes back of Vaughan. It was going to take .something unforeseen to deny Vaughan the victory. Well, guess what? Fresh closed with mad abandon on the-third and final lap, collaring Vaughan late to steal the win. Fresh's super 1 :02:38 clocking on his last loop was easily his class' best of the day/night. It also propelled him to a stunning, 35 second, come-from-behind victory. Va.ughan did every-thing except win, and the un-lucky runner-up really was deserving of a better fate. Un-fortunately, he proved second best. Fresh's final time was 3:25:30 (35 mph) and Vaughan's was 3:26:05 (34.9 mph). Gross finished all alone in third place, followed by Beckwith in fourth and Jared Hardin in fifth. Greg Crew had no compe-tition in Class 1300 and scored a walkover win. Crew's final time was 5 :00: 11 and he averaged an even 24 mph. There was a field of four see-ing action in Class 1400. Mar-tyn Atkins opened up a big early lead on his rivals, then was life and death to hold on late. Atkins led by about a half hour after one lap, and in-creased that margin to over an hour after two. Things tight-ened up considerably however during the final lap, as Atkins struggled through a 2:35:03 Dusty Times loop. Steve Ruddick had closed to within ten minutes of the race's pacesetter when he suddenly ran out of ground. Atkins survived his Lap 3 scare to finish first in 4:43: 14 (25.4 mph). Ruddick placed second and Bobby Quarnstrom finished far back in · third. Gavin Wallace was unable to complete Lap 3, and the same held Bryan Geer found the last lap a little tough, but still took third place in Malcolm Bryce ran with the lead pack all evening, finishing seventh in true for Class 1100 the com_..:...p_e_tit_i..,~e=C~l~as_s~5_5_0~b~a=tt_le_.~ ~ ~~~~~-~~~ the very close 1600 race. entrant Dennis Sletten. Walsh of Class 1000. All told, Mike Grab'_o_w-skr:-i.-H..--e'lm_e_t_s_o'f7f_M.....,.D""'R:.-'s---;-;'9..-;9..----s-ch,--ed.--u'le--,should be Three other racers com-an amazing 70% (54) of those to the MOR officials as well, just around the corner. There's pleted all but their final laps. who started the race finished. and also to all of their ·dedi-still plenty of exciting off road They were Class 500 racer John Congratulations to those night cated course workers. By the racing action remaining this Criswell, Class 900 entrant owls and to this year's fastest time this issue reaches your century, so come on out and Sean Defrank, and Brian noctumalcreatureofthemall, mailhox,thefinaltworaceson supportthesport! ■ DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-point sand rail seat belt RACE BELTS 2" -5point mount 3• - 5 point mount SIDE COVERS IRS . Swing axle KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# 200mm-up to 3000! GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# • 2400# PERFORMANCE CLUTCH l)ISC Cushlocks .............. . 4 puc ferramic ... · ........ . 4 puc ferramic with spring hub GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930 or T-4 cages 930 or T--4 or T-2 flanges Trick boots {specify) 930CVstar i-1 ti "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS s• travel-stock width s• travel-widened beam 10• travel-stock width 10• travel-widened beam TRI MIL EXHAUST T-1 11/z • chrome T-1 t½"raw T-11518" chrom T-115/8" raw T-4 chrome T-4raw GERMAN AUTO HATS GERMAN AUTO 'T-SHIRTS. specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYlE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator. includes alternator stand MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ MK/I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal With chrome pedal. With hydraulic throttle Replacement slave SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion Mount plate Coupler. Rack steering stops VALVE COVEIIS T--4 "no leak" style fits 1. 7, 1.8, and 2.0 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 413() Chromolv Stock length . ........ pr. 111, "longer . ......... pr. 2 1/, • longer . ........ . pr. 4 • longer-coll over style pr. CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. r~aec/fv Ford or International) set ... SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3• X 3 • ...... . 1-2 1600, 5-1600. CATALOG ... 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-863-1123 FAX 562-929-1461 October 1999 Page 21
AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP • ROUND 4 Chadburn Beats All The Favorites Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Dale Chadburn picked up the pace on the last lap and took the overall victory as well as the Class 9 (1 seat) win. Round 4 of the Australian Off Road Leading Class 9 was Dion Simpson, Championship will go down as the one while Paul Johnson lead Class 2, albeit with the most twists and turns that by 6/lO0ths ofa second to Les Marshall. would put a best seller thriller to shame. Darren Perrin lead Class 3 and David In the end it was the race that was taken Allport headed Class 4. In Class 5 it was out by Dale Chadburn, unknown on the Bernie Clohesy quickest while Les Siv-National scene, but very respected on iour lead the Class 7 4x4s. the New South Wales circuit. It will also CLASS 1 be the race that Fabio Zarfati should (Unlimited 2-Seater) have won had he just a little luck on his Burrows went out to lead the class side. with a good first lap, but then it was all PROLOGUE over with a split fuel tank. Terry Rose In all 61 cars entered the race and stopped with overheating but decided under clear but very cold skies the run to push on and see how far he cvulJ get. off for grid positions was held. It was no After two laps a large number of the top surprise to most to see Mark Burrows cars were gone.Take out John Towers, come away quickest, but what was a big Brad Zacka (turbo), Nev Taylor (front surprise was the gap to second place; a arm), and Jamie Robinson (turbo). whopping 16 seconds, and that was back Meanwhile relatively unknown Geoff to Fabio Zarfati in a Mitsubishi Pajero Lloyd was leading the class and up to 4x4, who was Class 8. In third and sec-fourth overall at the halfway. Rose was ond to Burrows in Class 1 was Terry · next and back in 12th, and due to the Rose, followed closely Jamie Robinson. attrition these were the only two left. super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety loam battling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers \'ffe' • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved Fuel Safe) "Pro Cell" is our tap-of.the-line racing cell that comes ready la Ins/all and it's back•d by a fu/110 year warranty. • Custom manufactured tillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience Aircraft Rubber/Fuel Safe 63257 Nels Andersoo Road Bend, Oregon 97701 Rose went for the option of charging to the line and reeled off the next three laps as the fastest of the field. He passed a limping Lloyd and took the class win, not bad for someone keen to pull out after one lap. He also took third overall to boost his lead in points. Lloyd came in with a split fuel tank, blown turbo and flat tire, and deserved better than his eighth overall. CLASS 2 (1600 2-Seater) Probably one of the best lineups of 1600 buggies ever seen. Back in the race after missing Prologue with gearbox problems, Matt Owen kad after Lap 1 but had Les Marshall right on his tail. But during Lap 2 Marshall broke his wheel studs and left Paul Johnson to chase Owen. Owen moved closer to the overall lead and at halfway was up to second outright. Johnson was next over Graeme Julius and then Werner Zetti. Towards the end both Stephen Burrows (steering) and Darren Bailey (cv) dropped out. Owen maintained almost identical lap times and took the class with a fine drive. He also held his sec-ond place overall. The next group re-mained close with less than two min-utes separating Johnson, Julius and Zetti in that order (taking fifth, sixth and sev-enth overall). In fifth place was Dick Allport CLASS 3 (1300 2-Seater) One of the biggest fields of 1300 bug-In the 2-se~t 1600 class, Matt Owen ticked off almost identical lap times, to take the win and 2nd overall. gies seen for a while and the racing was close with Perrin leading Maurie Wood by five seconds after the first lap. Glenn Hancey moved into the battle on Lap 2 while Wood had motor problems. At half way it was Perrin with Hancey only 22 seconds back. Geoff Dow was keep-ing in it despite a patched up head gas-ket and Stephen Bromfield moved up the order. Kaleb Schmidt went out with fuel tank damage. Meanwhile Hancey took over the class lead while Perrin went out with motor problems. Hancey too had to pit for an oil top up, but still took the class win and filed 10th over-all. Bromfield took second in class over Dow, then Shane Sansom taking fourth. CLASS4 (VWBaja) Sadly only two VW Bajas entered and it was David Allport setting faster laps than Clayton Taylor for the dura-tion of the race. With just one lap to go Allport had gearbox problems but Tay-lor had problems too, including an en-gine fire. Both were classed as finishers with five laps done and Allport took the win. CLASS 5 (2WD Tin Tops) Only five vehicles in the 2WD Tin Top class and it was Scott Hart in the Falcon sedan that took the early lead. Clohesy had a misfire and slowed. Stephen Hilton was putting in the big jumps in the Ford FIS0 but then broke the steering. Paul Grant was sitting in second in the Nissan Ute behind while in third was local property owner Ke! Williams in his Valiant sedan plucked from the back paddock, but doing fine. On Lap 5 Hart had stopped with re-ported wheel stud problems. This let Grant through and he went on to take the class win. Williams was still circu-lating but forced to pull up out of time but he still managed to complete five laps to be second in class in an almighty drive. CLASS 7 (Production 4x4) As expected, the class would be dominated by the Siviour Nissan Patrol especially when there were two of them. Les Siviour's daughters Bobbie Lee and Katie were treated with a· drive in the second Patrol. On his home track Les proved unstoppable as he moved up to lead and be seventh overall at the half way. Colin Hunter was in second in the beautiful Jeep Grand Cherokee, while Bobbie Lee was just behind. Craig Mc William was suffering an illness and let his co-driver take over. Hunter had some power steering problems, while Les Siviour moved further up the order and at the finish took the class win and an amazing fourth overall. Making it a Siv-iour l -2 was Bobbie Lee in a great drive to be placed 11th overall. Hunter was the next car behind her while Mc William's Patrol finished in fourth. CLASS 8 (Modified 4x4) Not much competition for the Zarfati Pajero in this class for modified 4x4s. The Suzuki of Gus Laird took a tumble and didn't start while the Dai-hatsu of Adam Stefaniuk would be far from Zarfati's pace. Although Zarfati beat Burrows off the start he would fall back to fourth overall after one lap, he then reeled them in and was leading af-ter two laps and then set what would be the fastest lap of the day. He had a 12 minute lead at halfway, but then a prob-lem was evident after pitting after four laps for more oil. Into the last lap and more oil needed, but then while catch-ing the leaders he rolled and although later continued he finished ninth over-all. He won Class 8, with Stefaniuk driv-ing steady for second. CLASS9 (Unlimited I-Seater) After just the opening lap it was Dion Simpson actually leading the race overall. Greg Fraser was on the pace and in second in class. Hayden Tat-nell was out early with steering failure. Doug McMillan moved up and when both Simpson (gearbox) and Fraser dropped out, McMillaR took over and moved into second overall. More ca-sualties included Barry Johnson (rear arm), Bob Strawbridge (electrical), and McMillan (ring and pinion). This al-lowed Dale Chadburn to move up and lead the class and in fact be third over-all at half way. Andrew Ziems was next and not far back in fifth. Jaako Kylma was next over Bob Todd. The next lap saw Ziems have motor problems and then K ylma had similar woes a lap later. Chadburn was now up to second over-all and only 16 seconds back going into the last lap. His last lap was his quick-est all day and he came through as the overall winner of the Griffith 500. A long way back was the only other fin-isher in Bob Todd. . e for more info call or write to: (541) 388.()203 (541 )388.()307 fax • Paul Grant, Nissan Ute, stayed out of trouble and kept the truck healthy to take the Class 5 (2WD Tin Tops) win. In all, 22 cars finished the full six laps with a total of 28 being classed as finish-ers for five laps. As already mentioned, the race was one of continual change and typical of off road racing where there is no certainty until the flag drops. The crews now have a long break to get pre-pared for the final round of the Cham-pionship at Springfield in southern Queenslandon0ctober23/24, 1999. ■ Page 22 October 1999 ,.. Dusty Times
Overheating on the first lap almost stopped him, but Terry Rose went Paul Johnson kept his car together as attrition thinned the ranks, and Glen Hancey had no trouble, stopping only to add oil, and took the on and took the Class 1 win. took second in the hard fought Class 2 race. win in the Class 3 (1300 2-seat) division. David Allport uses all his front suspension on the way to winning his Les Siviour was unbeatable on his home track, put his Cl. 7 Nissan Fabio Zarla ti was using oil, and had a rollover, but his Pajero survived five-lap Class 4 (VW Baja) race. Patrol in the lead early and stayed there to win. it all to win Class 8 (modified 4X4). aals~,;u . • e esert · .. .,, · , ·· >,,i,,.,.:m:)k=:::,:,,,,.,,,,,:,:=dff@:t~=i,,,,,;f=,,:;-:,:) ':::=,=i=,,,,::dfJ{k:,,,,,,,,n,::=:::,:,:,?),:,,;:. ■ PERFORMANCE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 Dusty Times 1st 2nd 'k@Mir,mrrr Class 1 O 1st Danny Anderson (FAT Toyota 4AG} :::::t?:~~il:::i~tt::=:::· '',';;~~;[~;;:::r,,=, · SCORE Lites 1st Dave Callaway/John Holmes (FAT Type I} Class 14 2nd 3rd 1st PRIMM 300-September 10-11 1st 3rd 1st Ron Satter/Mike Julson (FAT Toyota V-8} Brad Rowland (FAT Type I) Rick Paquette/Brad Mauer (FAT Type I} George Seeley (FAT Type IV} Mike James/Mike Kalicki (FAT Type IV} Danny Anderson (FAT Toyota 4AG} Steve/Andrew Meyers (FAT Toyota 4AG) Dave Callaway/John Holmes (FAT Type I) George Erl/Jerry Penhall (FAT Type I} Doug MacArthur/Gary Haugley (FAT Type I) We use & recommend .. Ql!lU .. IJil.a~:,u .. !~ll .. ,~1..u. ... ~l.!l.11l!li . .lJ,.!i,; ~ October 1999 SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 & 1997! Page 23
CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES The sos Reign At Gorman Ridge Rally By Lynnette Allison & Paul Timmerman Photos: Track.side Photo ... Anton Musev and John Dillon took home the gold medal for first overall at Gorman, their Audi Quattro just having shifter plate problems. August 25th opened the Gorman Ridge Rally in the new-est rally evolution of the Cliffs of Gorman series first estab-lished by Gary English in the early 1980s. Organized by the ace team of Harris Done and Ray Hocker, the co-efficient-three CRS event retains its original fast, feisty, fun and friendly atmosphere. Weather on Saturday was warm, clear and sunny, with an occasional breeze riffling the wild sunflow-ers and helping to cool the workers, crews and teams. Cooi suits were the hip apparel of the day as temperatures in the cars were brutal between stages. Twenty-four rally teams en-tered, with nine in the ever popular and highly competitive 4WD class. Five valiant Stock teams, four Performance Stock The Plymouth Arrow of Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzman were the first Group 5 across the line, second overall at Gorman. and six 2WD teams arrived for dinner break. this not-to-be-missed event. Chavez/Cassidy in their The Gorman Ridge Rally 4WD Galant VR-4 blazed the centers· around Hungry Valley way and set up some stiff com-state vehicular recreation area, petitive times for the first three the second largest of the off-stages. Pisek/Phillips and highway parks, with more than Musev/Dillon in Audi Quattros 19,000 acres and 130 miles of were hard pushed to maintain a trails at elevations from 3,000 to competitive edge. Peterson/ 6,000 feet. The event opened Gutzman's almost vintage 2WD with North Boundary, just in-Arrow posted 7.97 minutes on side the main gate of the park. Stage 2, matching Musev for It is one of the favorites with second. Brasil/Lysenstoen en-challenging hairpins, open dured intercooler problems in straights and a few blind corners Stage 1 and withdrew, and to keep the co-drivers on task. Chavez/Cassidy ended their run The other stage is the Ridge/ after Stage 3. Wood/Walsh Wheatfield course, which opens pushed on, battling _some turbo with tight turns and steep up- problems and a stock wastegate, hillstart,overarockyridgeinto but maintaining consistent a fast finish after some big jumps middle-of-the-pack times for a and 90 degree corners over the third place 2WD event trophy. flats. These two Hungry Valley An embarrassing wrong i:urn stages were run alternately and excursion (wildflowers, any-in both directions for the first one??) by Robinson/Robinson's six daylight stages before the Conti~ued on page 26 HVPERCCILS THE ULTIMATE SUSPENSION COIL· INDY to DAYTONA to BAJA 'D~ A PART OF WINNING , • Page 24 v' Accurate rates! (+/-2%) v' Consistent installed heights! (+/-2%) v' Engineered and manufactured for optimum performance and durability! (Maximum travel & Lightest weight) v' 100% Magna Flux Inspected! 2 1/2", 3" & 3 5/8" I.D . . Complete range of rates and lengths In stock and ready to ship 661 -940-5513 . October 1999 Dusty Times
TIRE TOTES ''Feature.s'' Fits 2" Receivers Carries 2 to 3 Ti res Holds Tires Up To 35" In Diameter Tires Can Be Locked In Place For · Theft Prevention ByMRP Industries ''Includes'' Grade 8 Hardware 2 Hitch Pins Locking.Bar 2 Ratchet Tie Downs Powder Painted Black ''Comes Complete And Ready To Use'' $269.95 A Lightweight - Easy To Use - Economical way to carry spare tires when you are pitting. Easily rotates out of the way so you can open the doors on your Sport Utility Vehicle or the t_ailgate of your pickup truck. KarTek 14122 Central Chino, Ca. 91710 (909) 628-2525 Available At These Locations McKenzie's Performance 2366 E Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, Ca. 92806 (714) 441-1212 O.R.W. 7915 Balboa Blvd. San Diego, Ca. 92111 (858) 565-7792 Race Ready Products 103 Press Lane #4 Chula Vista, Ca. 9191 0 (619) 691-9171
The Audi Quattro of George Pisek and Renn Phillips broke an A arm Frank Paredes and William Staley were the big winners in Group 2 at Steve Scott and Terry Stonecipher were very close to first place in on the la · · · · red fla . Gorman, third overall as well in their Toyota Corolla. Stock Class but had to settle for the silver medal at Gorman. ; , Paula Gibeault and Dan Sherwood were second in Performance Stock, Mark Brown and Ole Holter ran their Toyota FX-16 to a great first Rod Koch and Brian Paul hustled their VW Fastback through the heavy oh so close to the first place position in her good looking VW Jetta. place finish in Performance Stock, shown here at hard right rudder. silt to a second place finish in Group at the Gorman Ridge Rally. Mazda 323 found them driving less" attitude, newcomers three weeks as workers with the Mountain stage emphasizes han-off the stage and rhe loan of a past Timmerman/Martin's berm Patrick Rodi and Ron Cohen "Shield of Africa" event just a dling over power, offering few trailer from Roger Allison whose stuffed Mazda 323. Timmerman had finishing as their goal. Ron year ago. "The South African bumps and more open roads. .son Ryan drove to Corona and had started the stage several first learned of rallying when rally event was quite interesting Anton Musev moved out on three back to Gorman with Kengo, then cars behind them, which only watching a movie of Mini Coo-_ and very different", says Kay. stages, much to co-driver John to San Clemente with the dis: added to his confusion as he fol- pers when younger. He is ex-"Even the service crews had Dillon's delight (or so he claims). abled 510. lowed them into the finish of cited to have found rallying in regularity stages and were timed Lon Peterson put the pedal to the Competitors, service crews, Stage 2. Bob Pendergrass and California and says, "It's just for the event. We visited many metal for some aw~sqme driving radio crews and workers arrived Jon Weigley in their mammoth great. Rim was my first rally, countries and went over all sorts on his 2WD Arrow. Bill back at rally headquarters, ready Blazer placed consistently mid-and the Gorman rally is excel: of roads." _ Gutzmann, feeling some effects of for the barbecue dinner set up at field throughout. lent." "There were wild animals his recent slight stroke, just let the MTC finish control. Cheers. 2WD teams faced the six Stock class opened with waiking over the roadways and him run. "He never hsteris any- greeted most tea~s and flashing_. daylight stages divided into Scott/Stonec ipher's Sapor.o spectacular scenery as well", com- how", says Bill-. George Pisek and cameras lit up the: night. With Peterson/Gutzmann vs. Paredes/ grabbing fastest time on Stage mented Dick. "It was the most Rene Phillips in their Audi Quat-plenty for everyone, the party Staley and Koch/Paul's VW vs. 1 but great performances by amazing experience for us." tro, running second in class after lasted into the early hours ... a Tissot/Tissot's Volvo vs. Peter-Streets/Feyling and Craig/ Anton put his crew to the test as the Lake Hughes break, broke an great way to end a great rally son/Peterson's Colt. Making ex-Takahashi put the pressure on. they headed to a local shop to A-arm on the final stage, and lost event. Thanks to Harris and Ray cellerit times against veteran Nick Craig shaved almost 50/ have a shifter bracket welded. several minutes as he limped in for making it happen. rallyists, Paredes/Staley moved 100th off his Stage 1 time and "When I shift, it sometimes to.the final finish. Those having the least their Scott-built DC Sports-took fastest Stock on Stages 3 lifts up and I can't find the gear", In the end, no one got a per- troubles came out on top. Anton sponsored Toyota Corolla and 4 while Jay Streets grabbed commented Musev. "I could go fectly clear run. Almost everyone Musev and John Dillon (smiling through the turns, grabbing Stages 2, 5 and 6. Entering his faster if the shifter worked." had mechanical difficulties and ve-r-r-y widely), took home their consistent top finishes in Hun-first U.S. rally, Philippine rally- (Faster? Since when does the those that did not had to deal first ever overall win, with a gry Valley stages and steady top ist Rey Laureano teamed with "Mad Russian" go slow!) with those who did, creating dust strong motor in the Quattro three fastest times at night, just Fred Western in their newly fin-The service area found the problems. Says Paul Timmerman, 2WD and some excellent team a few hundredths behind Peter-ished Toyota Celica. "We lost Dela Cuestas barbecuing tasty "I held up George Pisek and Renn work. Lon Peterson and Bill son/Gutzmann and guarantee-the computer", said Rey, "so sausage and having a great time, Phillips earlier in the day when I Gutzmann, -2WD made second ing a third overall finish. we're a bit slower." while Ron Wood just decided to was learning to drive without sec- overall, and Frank Peredes and Performance Stock Bender/ "We also spun out twice, and just close the hood and make ond gear, but we let them go by Bill Staley took third, also in McHugh's VW Rabbit made a had to be pulled out on the first the best of it. for the third stage. It helps to be their 2WD. Mark Brown and Ole strong start against Gibeault/ stage", laughed co-cl.river Fred. Teams headed out for the dif- nice about this, as you never know Holter edged Paula Gibeault and Sherwood's VW Jetta and "I think we're doing better now ficult Libre Gulch stage. A freak when you will be the one eating Dan Sherwood for First Perfor-Brown/Holter's FX-16 Toyota that Rey's stopped showing off!" summer rain storm had caused the dust and asking for clear air." mance Stock and Nick Taylor on Stage 1 and 2 but tough com-The dinner and service break severe erosion in the steep por- Going out in style was Jay Streets and Pete Morris took First Stock petition was the name of the was handled in several ways. tion, arid organizers opted to drop and Bill Feyling, putting it off the class. Special congratulations to game throughout Hungry Valley Anton Musev's co-driver John a few stage miles. Teams unani- road and on its side until retrieved two of CRS's daring drivers, Lon stages. Steve Bender and Craig Dillon arranged a most excel-mously favored the shortened ver- by Pendergrass' Blazer the next Peterson and Anton Musev, who McHugh's strong drive ended lent service crew with Kay and sion. Maxwell Stage has more morning. Nick Craig and Kengo showed the youngsters that those with a broken CV joint. Keep-Dick Young lending experi-water bars than can be counted, Takahashi, facing a sheared front over 50 will never by "over the ing a positive "press on regard-enced hands. The Youngs spent and is tough on suspension. Libre spindle, opted for a Sunday tow hill" ... unless they're first. ■ Nick Taylor and Pete Morris whistle across the sand in their Toyota Corolla on the way to a great first place in Stock Class. Page 26 333 k.ton Musev / John Dillon 301 Lon Peterson/ Bill Gutzmann 34~ Frank Paredes/ William Staley 20 George Plsek / Renn Phillips 101 Hark Brown/ Ole Holter 102 Paula Gibeault / D,m Sher"·ood 304 Ron Wood/ Kelly Walsh 68 Doug Robinson/ Susan Robinson 322 Robe:t Pendergra■ s / Jon -eigley 347 Rod Koch/ Brian Paul -365 Nick Taylor/ Pete Morris 346 Steve Scott/ Terry Stonecipjer 363 Patrick Rodi/ Ron Cohen 373 Rey Laureano/ Fred Weatexn 380 Mark Peterson/ Scott Peterson 316 Steve Bender/ Craig HcHugh 323 Paul Timmerman/ suz:anne YArtin 351 Jaay Streets/ Bill Feyling 369 Nicky Craig/ Kengo Takahashi 107 Alex Tissot/ Violet Tissct 92 Rui Brasil/ Ola Lysenstoen 95 Tony Chavez/ Ken Cassidy 312 Justin Benham/ Chrissy Beavia 325 Bruce Brown/ Pat Brown October 1999 Audi Quattro Plymouth Arrow Toyota Corolla Audi Quattro Toyota FX-16 VW Jetta .A.ucli Quattro Maazda 323 Chevy Blazer VW Fastback. Toyota Corolla Plymouth Saporo Maz:da RX-7 Toyota CelicA Dodge Colt VW Rabbit Mazda 323 Toyota Corolla Datsun 510 Volvo 242 Audi Quattro Gaalant VR-4 Dodge Omni Mazda GTX l l:43:20 1 Open 1 4wd 1 1: 44: 55 1 GS 1 2wd 3 1:48:52 L G2 2 2wd 2 1:52:35 2 Open 2 4wd 2 l:54:01 l Prod 1 Perf Stk 2 1:54:10 2 Prod 2 Perf Stk l 1:54:26 3 Open 3 4wd 2 1:56:58 4 Open 4 4wd 3 1:57:50 s Open 5 4wd 3 1:59:51 2 GS 3 2wd 4 2:04:26 2 G2 l Stock 3 2:04:40 3 G5 2 Stock 4 2:10:17 4 G5 3 Per! Stk 6 2:29:30 s GS 3 Stock 6 2:31:09 3 G2 4 2wd 2 ONF G2 Perf Stk 2 ONF Open 4wd 4 . ONF G2 Stock 4 ONF G2 Stock 3 ONF G2 2wd 1 ONF •Open 4wd l ONP' open 4wd 3 ONF GS 2wd 4 ONE' Open 4wd Dusty Times ,· ..
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CORP SANTA VERONICA 200 Hear Yee! Hear Yee! Victory for Yee and Perry By Tony Tellier Photos: Maurio Vasquez ., .. , '.;',,;!':.•t~ .. ~: ,...,,. ~~?'•••A;-·:::,~--, Ely Yea and Pe,ry McNeil teamed in a 3 liter Jimco to take the unlimited class and overall victory at Santa Vermica. Eli Yee and Perry McNeil finally grabbed that elusive brass ring on the desert merry-go-round, Overalling the CORP Santa Veronica 200 in Tecate on August 21st. Their 3-litre Type IV Jimco 2000 provided plenty of excitement for the other two racers in the class as they battled with and won over the Adam Pfankuch K. I. T. "1600" and Miguel Tomei and Jaime Medina's Union 76 "Ten" car. The Sherards, Matt and Colby, back-doored a h ard fought battle for "1600" and Rick Fouquette and Edgar Casanova spanked the 5/1600s. Eric Allen and Tim Biebieff took their first Pro Challenger victory. THE RACE The Santa Veronica 200 had all the making of a David and Goliath confrontation. The tightness of the route obviated much of the advantage of a high powered car. The relative smoothness negated any advan-tage of a super travel suspen-sion. Short and narrow were the key words. Wide and tall, was not going to be OK, as a goodly number of off-camber, downhill turns had to be negotiated. So when Richard Wagner's front starting Ford-clad Trophy Truck failed to come out for the second round, it appeared that Eli Yee and Perry McNeil. .. the man that taught Ivan Stewart how to drive ... had clear sailing, other than a challenge from the Miguel Tomei-Jaime Medina Union 76 "Pro 10" buggy. Adam Pfankuch had other ideas. The Ironman was soloing in the yel-low K.I.T. two seater. He had the front draw ahead of a gaggle of potential winners: Hf'ctor "Pacho" Garcia ... who was to end his day in an arroyo and Vic Bruckmann abusing his engine in in John Brindell 's ORW JBarneymobile. There was the always flambea ux Martin Gonzalez "Auto Stevens" two seater; the Sherard Brothers ... Matt and Colby; plus Mario Reynoso driving the Tomei Union 76 "1600" car. Vic Bruckmann would get balled up in some barbed wire on the first lap "trying to pass Adam" and tore off a brake line ... losing mucho time: 1) By having to drive slow(er) ... dropping six minutes to Adam on the first lap alone. 2) Waiting for J.B. to locate a metric brake line. 3) Performing a hurried but not so very fast R & R and the bleeding of the _brake system. Slick Vic said that it was like having a one sided cutting brake: "It was great on left handers. On the right it was a bummer! It took me a long time to get past Pacho." Garcia, as noted, was not only stuck nose deep in trouble after missing a water bar but had also wrenched his left wrist, which was rapidly swelling, cut his foot in the incident and was down and out with a broken steering wheel. Adam wasted no time in playing catch-up and was Over-all on time by Lap 2-1/2. Then he became Ov.erall physically on the beginning of the final lap as Yee and McNeil did a driver change. But past the RM18 ol-ive grove section fate dealt the young Carlsbad racer a couple of jokers. His right stub axle lost its CV bolt flange and the race went back to Yee in the NGM jimco. You could cut the disap-pointment with a navaja. (Remember when Jim Stew-art won 16 SCORE "1600" races in a row, from 1981 to 1984 ... according to Checker history maven Jeff Hibbard. Now every-one is fast and winning streaks are the talk of Contingency. And Tech. Although Bruck-mann is coming close to domi-Dr. Carlos Ibarra had a great day in his mid-engined· Chevy, took first place in Class B. nation. But watch Pfankuch ... ) Not that Medina was giving in and giving up to Yee's Ense-nada race team. Jaime really stepped up the pace in the or-ange race car, now topless: Miguel had lost the car and tore off some sheet metal: "He was trying to catch and ! # ! #$% six-teen car!" Gonzalez had kept the pres-sure up and lost little time even though being involved in a three way get together on his third lap in front of the midway Baja Pits pits. Pro Challenger Francisco Bio had been taken out in the right-hander by Rob-erto Jimenez' Pro 5-1600. They came into the corner like a freight train. When the younger Bio crossed up his car in the corner big time, Jimenez was right there and tagged the hung-out rear cage and helped the overs teer. Bio was now stalled crossways in the track, with nowhere to go and only a high bank and tree full of Mexicali spectators. Mar-tin could only see the Bug. As he went around on the left side, he then saw the rear end of buggy blocking the road. React-ing quickly, Gonzalez moved way off line, into a fence and bounced past Bio's rear cage. At the same time, the impatient VW climbed over Bio's front end, hit the bank and rico-cheted past the "Nine" ca-r, scattering spectators like geese. In spite of these heroics, or be-cause of. them, Gonzalez would lost his transmission five more miles down the road to Neji and, thus, the race, He said that the best thing that happened was when he passed Bruck-mann. Martin loves a good fight! Taking down fences, tagging other racers ... but he can not only dish it out but he can take it. Matt Sherard tells of the close quarters out there: "On Lap 2 -we started the lap in third. Again we ran in total dust until about RMl 1, when we came around a corner and rear-ended a stalled (Marrin Gonzalez). We never saw him until we hit him. It completely knocked off our front bumper .... " The Sherards had a newly re-built power plant with a late-added carburetor. The engine sounded fla't, powerless and their crew offered that "it was crappy and it was sounding like s**t." Those· sounds were de-ceiving for, even though the brothers stopped to swap seats, they held on for a 1 7 second win ... on the clock ... finishing right behind the resurgent Brin-del!. At the midway pit, with a half a lap to.go, Medina was be-hind Yee by about a minute on the clock and even on adj usted start time! In spite o_f some se-rious Hewland gear grinding, the big Jimco kept that lead and th_e two partners were crowned the race champions. THE COURSE The four lap race started just south of the rustic but always charming Rancho Santa Veronica and ran counter clockwise through the old "sta-dium" area out to the Rancho Viejo ·olive orchard next to the Ensenada-Tecate Highway 2. This is where the racers have to pass over cattle guards brack-eted by narrow concrete pillars. At approach speed, the gap locks as if you are threading a needle. You would not wish to be getting bump'ed by a truck racing through here. The racers then looped back east toward Neji and· the Compadre Trail. The two inter-mediate loops that constituted a lap "figure eighted" them-selves along the RM3 and RM30 points, separated by only the well staffed Baja Pits complex, complete with Eduardo Lucero and Carl Augustine and a cast of thousands. "El Jefe" Carlos Orozco had to deal with both the outgoing cars and then the returning cars. A total of 62 vehicles were signed up, for a potential of 496 stops at that one spot! Thank God for race attrition. Oddly enough, Friends-of-CORP Alfonso Lacarra and Ernesto Montallo had to stop by and ask "which way the course went" to find their radio relay spot. Miguel Tomei and Jaime Medina had twin fast laps for Class 10, at 1 :23. took the win, and were second overall. Colby and Matt Sherard had a tough day, lost power steering, but still managed to win the 1600 class by 17 seconds. The course was quite narrow and wound its way through the Continued on page 30 Page 28 October 1999 Dusty Times
''A RACE INTO THE MILLENIUM'' M C 0 T A 0 R R s C • T y C R L u E C s K • s JULY 8-15 2000 BESTa .. THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: 3475 Boulder Highway• Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 (702) 457-5775 • Fax: (702) 641-2431 •
Robert Wagner~ truck is fast, but an axle broke and he didn't finish. He took second Class 1 for his effort. Manuel Herrera and Sergio Ramirez looked good until they had an Gustave and Ricardo Coronado lost 45 minutes on the third lap, and overlong last lap, finished second in Class 8. ~--~-~-dropped to third in Class 8. granite boulders and hills. With lots of "Piedras Gordas" ... fat rocks. The decomposed granite soil was strong enough to de-velop deep, steep sided trenches and arroyos. A number of these became car traps as the chok-ing dust limited visibility for less than 50 feet, according to 5-1600 racer Yolanda Covas, who said that "It was a mess out there." Known victims of abysses in-cluded Hector Garcia (Pro 1600), Tim Biebieff (Pro 9), the, Kiosko 5-1600, plus with Pietro Brasea even upside-down ... Ivan Gomez (Pro 9) got "got", too, along with a Pro 5 ... upon which Ivan ended up on top. The "FnF" Francisco Fernandez got a flat on the second lap a that same spot where Ivan was. It was in a spot where the car wo·uld continuously fall off the jack. It was a struggle to change the wheel. Garcia was in a seven foot hole, so steep tha_t a 4Runner could not get him"out . .Ivan ·re-quired a real truck and several strong bodies to get out. The successful racers had nine hours to complete their laps. Pro "1600" racer Pablo Alvarado was the last Pro at 08:'28:56. Four laps for Pros, three for Spor~persons and t:"'o. for Safaris. Seventy-seven Pros ily that races together places the clean air; race number passed him." (Garcia then made started, 23 Sportsmen and six together. "101 ". They pre-ran in a stock up so much time that he ended Safari cars. A new face in CORP racing Ford pickup and.readily admit-up in a ditch.) PRO CLASS 1 was the Ford truck of Robert ted that "This is not a truck Matt reported: 3 Entries - 1 Finisher Wagner and Jeff Alford from El course!" "As far as problems go ... the Perry was pleased to be back Centro. Sponsored by Larry Wagner soon found that· to biggest ones were before the driving an Open car after these Starr's organic manure firm of be true ... they broke an axle and race. We had to put in a new years. "It was fun", he told me Imperial Valley Organic Prod- a one-side drive sent the crew cell, which required fabrication at the Whiplash Snowflake La- ucts, the truck runs and admit-home. work on Tuesday, then borrow bor Day race. "It only took me tedly "crate" 350 V8 backed PRO CLASS 1600 a friend's carb to get the motor five minutes and I was back into with a Pro Tech automatic. 11 Entries - 5 Finishers to start on Wednesday/Thurs-it!" (Perry is everywhere ... he The rig runs coil-over The Sherard Brothers, Matt day. Needless to say, testing was made the long drive from San Kuster/King shocks ... "King and Colby, turned what origi-not going to happen until the Diego to see Kelly McNiel race, helped us on the set-up" ... and nally sounded like a sow's ear flag dropped." only to have them DNF after drives through a well gusseted into the class win. They got Matt continued to say that four laps.) Ford nine in:ch center section their re-built engine back on the he almost over-cooked one of "This car is so easy to drive. turning a Strange 5.29 ring and Wednesday before the race and the 100 degree corners, in a I just wish that my wife were so pinion set hooked to Mike Wil-the engine refused to start. "We "wall of dust", and hit Martin forgiving. On the· first lap I liams~axles riding in Summers borrowed a carb from the '5/ Gonzalez in the engine cage. "It caught Wagner's truck. I tapped hubs. A pal of John Murillo, 1600' guy down the street and tore off our front bumper and · ."ThatwokeRobertupwho Robert'struckishomebuilt,but it worked", Matt puzzled. "I dinged his cage too, then we then shoveled .dirt all inside looks professional. The gang ala don't know ··why the engine passed him. The shocks weren't onto Perry. "Wit,h. the dust and lowed that "Robert works his ass sounded different but it was not damaged ... we just tried not to the tight c:0;.urse,you had.,to.s·l:ily '· off to get the truck race ready. that down on power. It just hit anyone else." After two laps back 50 yards. And I lost the The e11-gine wa,ter tempera.- .sounded funny at revs." Matt put Colby in and not too radio. I didn't. know that that ture gauge'hadthe limits spelled · Matt s:;iid that "the race was soon. ''The power steering ram K.l.T. car was making up so out for the ·co-driver. ~ - ' an 'in'te.res·ting one and .the started to leak. It chattered like much time." * 21 OF "OK" course was a good one." mad. They asked, since we were Perry then ran afoul of .rhe *120F "Watch Out" They did a really good job (of · catching everybody, if I wanted Arce high.boy '49 Ford for the *2J0f,"Shut-down" . marking the turns). On the first to stay in. I said, "No! I want to burn area. "I was looking for a Major support, both race:· laps we ran in a dust cloud all give Colby his turn." We were good way around the truck wise and recreationally, is from the way. On the tight turns we blistered. Our forearms were when Chad (McNiel) showed Alfred's Budweiser distributor-could see two cars right in front pumped." up (in the four yvheel drive Pro ship: "We not get too drunk to- . of us and two right behind. You On the end of the third lap 7 Ranger). He hooked me up night", was the crew's pre-race could only see 30 yards or so. Colby and Drew Smith got tied onto a tow strap and pulu:,d 11)..e consensus along with their plan-. We saw (Hector) Garcia com- up behind the Armando Arce through the boulders. Tl{tH I ning on taking full advantage of --ing back off a wrong turn so we • Tall Boy -~'8" in the burn area. had to,pl?y catch-up!" The fam- You know; where that three BUMP STOPS HERE point turn went around the boulders? On the other side, the truck was getting people backed up. "Colby called in and said that he had been sitting there for five minutes when J.B. showed up." Brindell q'uickly assessed the terrain and, bounc-ing over boulders, made the pass. Colby was, by now, hemmed in by following cars so had to wait until the track was clear. Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. Juan Trujillo had four really steady laps in his Thing, and took the win in Class 5, looking like a bit of nostalgia. These bump stops come complete with a mounting system, polyurethane end piece and enough valving to get the job done. With their 120 second start cushion, the pits wisely cau-tioned Colby on his final lap to "Stay in JB's dust and you got him." Colby equally wisely took their sage advice and finished with a 17 second class win. Colby played his drive right and Vic got caught up in some backmarkers. In the end, the motor held up, the borrowed carb worked fine, we lost the lid on a high speed straight-away, our hands were bleeding from the lack of a worl<ing power steering sys-tem, and we finished First. The only thing left to do was pa1ty. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT 319.90 PER PAIR. {Includes mounting hardware & grade 8 bolts) See your ofTroad racing parts _supplier or call us direct Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-520-427 -3551 age 30 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 Rick Fouquette and Gus and Edgar Casanova ran an aggressive pace. took the 5-1600 win, and were third overall. October 1999 Matt said that "I have neve1 used 'First' as much as in this race. We put in more turns into the brake (adjustment). We felt that we could give up some drag in lieu of quicker and better brake reaction." "Finally, Colby and I would like to thank our Dad (Rick) for always busting his butt on the Dusty Times
Oscar Alfaro Sr., and Jr., ran a steady pace to take second place in the Class 10 race. Luis Barragan had two very troubled laps, but held on for a third place finish in Class 10. They tore off a brake line in some barbed wire, but Vic Bruckmann and John Brindel/ took second in the 1600 Class. car, our crew for their time and effort, and (off road racing nov-ices) Kenny and Drew Smith for handling the right seat ride in fine fashion," They were helpful... they had a blast (or two blasts) ... they pointed out turns. And paid the entry fee!" The hot season points chased remained on the back burner as both contenders, Adam Pfank-uch and Hector Garcia were only credited with "Start" points as both were DNFs. Gar-cia met the ditch and Pfankuch, well, was on a roll but that pesky old LCF reared its ugly head ... and an ugly it can be. -Tech Talk The extreme wheel travel on the Larry Kern-built two seater ... the rear suspension sports about 20 inches ... places the CVs under extreme duty levels. It is felt that the high levels of heat generated by the inherent high angularity raise the component temperatures to such a cteg·ree t·hat .the Locktite(TM) on the CV bolts fails. The bolts then lose their tension and then wallow out the threaded holes. The stub axles, modified to carry the larger bolt circle, have a ring welded on for added "meat". This additional section then is broken off by the flexure of the bolts as they pass from tension to compression then back again on every revo-lution of the wheel - Low Cycle Fatigue. But, then, you knew that. K.I.T. now plans to lock wire the bolts, in addition to adding a little extra metal to the ring joint. Which is not a simple task, as space is sorely limited within the confines of the trail-ing arm's bearing carrier sec-tion. The K.I.T. team struggled to make a too-short stub axle work well enough to limp to the fin-ish.' After battling a stack-up problem between the backing plate, the brake drum, and the outboard spacer, Baja Pits came to the rescue. They chop-sawed off the inner spigot of the drum so the axle nut could be threaded on without forcing the drum that far into the backing plate. Two meager threads, any-way. The "Pits" then tack-welded the nut onto the stub, for security, and Adam split the harried scene, taking it easy. Which is an almost impossible task for him. Unfortunately, the whole hoo-rah burned too much dayligh t and Adam got to the finish but not to the checkered flag. A good try ... but no points for houring out. Vic Bruckmann had a few tidbits: "The motor in the car was Dusty Times brand new; it had never been sponsorship program. Turns out it raced. It had a hot new secret cam runs better as a two seat restricted and other parts I can't tell you motor. about (must be that depleted Ura-We spent over 15 minutes in nium oil pump cover ... Kenny the pits screwing around with a Major put it together for me on a rubber brake line. Turns out J.B. had the right one in his tool box dust or whatever that mass was." the whole time and didn't know it. On the first lap the ZR Designs All in all we still had a good race. "Auto Stevens" car of Martin I never had any laps where I could Gonzalez, Johnny Cordoba, and see if I was as fast as Adam Pf. Poncho Alcala got a smiley wheel but I did catch him in the fog or Continued on page 32 ESTERO BEACH HOTEL/RESORT August 25, 1999. · ~ · ................ •. ···--.. ,J! _.,,,,_ ·,.,. . . .\ ' · .... »:~ .:: . \~,. . ~. ' ·•. ... . ... Dear Race Fans ~ Participants: We regret to inform you that due to conflicting race dates. respect for the drivers. and for the benefit of the sport it bas become necesasry to postpone the Estero Beach October Race until next April. (We will keep you informed). We hope this information reaches you in a timely fashion so as to not·cause you any undue inconvenience. We would like to thank you for your past participation. and look forward to seeing you at our next event. oter and host. P.O. BOX 86 AREACODE 011 (526) 176-62-30, 176-62-35, 176-62-25, FAX: 176-69-25. EHSENADA, B. C. MEXICO October. 1999 Page 31
Miguel Barraza and Luis Legi teamed up to take third place in Class 1/2-1600. Ramsey El Wardani and Josh Westwood had serious electrical troubles J. A. and J. C. Covarrubias, a second-generation race team, took second place in the very big 5-1600 class. and ran out of time in their Class 5 car. on the right front. Gonzalez was tound no takers. PRO C A S -1~6~00~--~~~ Then, in 1985, they moved to 5-Road Racing in our blood ... and 1600 for more competition. we also are learning the different able to make up time on Adam on "I did scare myself a couple the first lap. Or so he said. of times," he admitted. "And I Alvarado had a badly bent did push '501 ' ... if you (can) get wobbly right rear halfway 'round . close enough (then) there is no the first lap and the engine ap~ dust." peared to be puffing oil death The car is a ten year old smoke. In spite of all his Jimco with a top end by Kenny trouble, Pablo was able to make Major and a Fortin bus bux. "It's the checkered flag. got the old style set-up on the PRO CLASS 5 rear; eight inch, ten inch and 12 4 Entries - 1 Finisher inch Foxes," Ramsey allowed. A four car field of Unlimited "It's pretty harsh." VWs left the line with the Puro Josh was taking the right seat Valle #501 car of Gerardo as a free pre-run before he got Gonzalez leading the field, in to do the last two laps. He which included Ramsey had to wait for his drive as the Wardani, Antonio Gutierrez ignition points' wire frayed and the "Thing" of Juan against the spring and shorted Trujillo. The "It" induced a few out the distributor. Fryin' the chuckles on their first lap but wire. Ramsey had to radio and they quickly turned to appreci~~ wait', radio and wait, until his tive thumbs-ups as Trujillo Rae- · ineicperienced crew could round ing carried on without a hitchJ up the necessary ,points, wire to the win. 1 and a condenser. Which they Ramsey had an eventful day, did. Finally. no doubt, on his way to Second Josh took over and ran a Place. If he wasn't wearing ou't strong race, after his slomach the ride side man he was wear-quieted down, putting the car ing out the radio! It was d·ecided sideways in tl1en Lum~ anJ° us-that Ramsey needs his own fre- ing the throttle properly. He did quency. Maybe three. get to be seen dragging "a mile Ramsey got a driving job in a of barbed wire, posts and all." newly purchased "5" car and af- Ramsey said that the Clnss 8s ter a couple all-nighters, owner were really in the way: "I had and first lap passenger Josh to beat on them." They timed Westwood, Ramsey's wife's out. cousin, was up-chucking. "He The "GM only had a Diet Coke since yes-terday", "Dr." Ramsey diag-nosed. "I got him out at the end of the first lap. He was throw-ing up and dry heaving ... you could hear it all over the inter-com!" Ramsey called for a prop-erly banded substitute rider but HOURS · M-F 9:00 - 6:00 j Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 I Electromechanico" car of Guti-errez limped in, and quit, with a shattered left hand spindle. The upper link pin tore out of the beefy, aftermarket (Fod?) spindle. They used some clothesline to struggle the Jimco to safety. But not to a finish. Daily UPS Visa and Mastercara l WEREAQY We are happy to announce our new 800 foll free number. . . (800) 656-3376 18 Entries - 9 Finishers Rick Fouquette carried his game plan to perfection: Rick said that due to he and Edgar Cassanova's #7 starting posi-tion that they "were going to have to move people. I am go-ing to have to a 'little' (!) ag-gressive." He was. That hard charging, coupled with a flawless automobile, ex-cellent pit work and perfect driving, netted them not only the win over the huge 18 car class but Third_ Overall only 11 minutes behind Miguel and Jaime's "10" winning time. After but three race miles Bad Draw Rick, #557, was all over Pietro Brasea Eguia like a Krishna on an ~irport traveler. After 30 miles Rick and Edgar had moved into second behind Carlos Davila ... no slouch he ... with Allan "Ledezma" Grego y in Third. After one complete lap plus RM3 they were in the iead-, ieading Jose Luis Herre join who then faded giving Second to Edmundo Fernandez. He was followed by Herrejon, who had been forced to make a quick pit stop at RM3 losing a couple of positions, and Allan Gregory. Musical Bugs! · Rick and Edgar thanked Doug Shelton's Doug's Sweep-ers ... construction site clean-up ... for the tranny rebuild and John Flannery's ]PF Equipment Rental for the-race fuel. The Covas VW came into the midway Baja Pits on the third lap for service and a crew change. As the crew swarmed over the car, the co-driver quickly got out, leaving the belts loose for the next racer. The model-tall young lady pulled off her helmet and shook out her once dark hair. Her long hair was matted, snarled ... filled with white granite sand dust. Her eyes were red. As she blinked, Yolanda quickly pulled off her gloves in order to wipe her watering eyes. She then frowned as she said that "The dust was so bad that I could not -see 50 feet. It was a mess!" "Shampooing after the race?" Yolanda later said. "I had to do it twice ... and then put some hot oil treatment in my hair. I forgot to tell you that I cut my finger and also got a bruise oh Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" !RS repair boots or our 11 gallon· "Fast~Fi/1" dump cons. Both new products can save you race time. 1 my knee ... I think that was f: when we jumped the car getting to the second checkpoint." Race Small-Be Safe 103 Prc~s Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • (619) 691-9171 • FAX (619) 691-0803 ~------------~-----~----------........ - _,.. -Page 32~ "; Covas: Twenty Years Of Ex-cellence. By Yolanda Covas The Covas Racing Team was born in 1979 with Alberto Covarrubias, Sr. (my Dad) and his brother, my Tio, Manuel Covarrubias, racing in a Class 11. October 1999 Their best year was in 1992, kind of cars that race and their winning the SCORE Toyota Mile- details. I love taking notes, taking stone Award, and from that year lap times, supporting the Team, on they won more than 35 prizes and like always, providing a in many different races . In that woman's smile on the Team.• year my brothers, ].A. Covas and Yolanda J.C. Covas started racing too... And a strong Second Place and with me. Yolanda finish. They had been crossing Covarrubias, who was always the car up and carrying the in-·around helping as chaser and look- side -right -front wheel in the ing for sponsors. With us were RM30 turns better'n a USAC Rodolfo Torres, Alonso Aguilar, midget: one foot off the ground. Chacho - the three "Official" co-When the Covas car dropP.ed pilots (in addition to Yolanda, of off Yolanda they had to change course) - plus Pepe, Rene, and a wheel and Baja Pits beat the many other friends . rtm back into some semblance Our last name is actually of circularity. Covarrubias and we made it into Antonio Ramirez had to stop 'Covas' for racing; to make it right away with a right rear easier to spell. Our sponsors are wheel cylinder that was peeing Corona Beer, Autocristales Baja, brake fluid. With that repaired Yoinke La Roca, Monte Picacho they could make the full race, Bar & Grill, Curroceria Gonzales although back in Seventh. Body & Paint and Tersa DNFers: "Terrible" Jose Luis (BFGoodrich tires). Gonzalez was on the trailer LastyearatSta.-Veronicawas without a. left front wheel. the first time I raced as a co-pilot. Marco Nunez had a strong dent f rode with my brother j.c. Covas: over t'he door. 'Manue·I felling all the challengers; being in Maciel, the Chicago Club car, the car with the sand, r_ocks, holes; was idled after a gas can filler trying to pass other cars of the tube fell into the tank. A crew-same class; and still looking to see man used some long tie wraps, if there are no other cars behind like chopsticks, and fished it out you that are trying to do the same! and they were back on the As you c;an see, we have Off track. Eric Allen and Tim Biebieff put their Kit car into victory circle, winning Class 9 by 15 minutes. Carlos Tortolero and Ricardo Delfin ran four really steady laps to take the win in ...Class 7 in their Ford.
.Edmundo Fernandez put his creatively paJnted 5-1600 into third place only four minutes out of second. Francisco Fernadez and Amado Mayoral started with a long lap, but got faster every lap, took second in Class 9. Father and son team of Dave and Ben Dietrich who always have too much fun, had minor troubles, finished 3rd Class 9. PRO CLASS 7 7 Entries - 3 Finishers While pre-running, Carlos Tortolero got high-centered on the manzanita and had to be pulled off. The three seater was running a good race. So good, in fact,, that he won. The 4WD Ford of Chad Mc-Neil and Steve Adams limped in with a broken pivot bracket on the IFD differential. Baja Pits went to work and tacked and gobbed and filled in the gaps ... even using bolts and whatever scrap metal was in Carlos' box of goodies ... and out they went. Once repaired they ran a good pace for Second Place over Al-berto Gonzalez. Car #706 had Ford I-beams grafted under the Toyota. Not a bad idea! They ran several laps with a shredded spare tire. Not a good idea! Victor Doktor was a nice looking low rider Toyota that was unfortunately running poorly ... just barely running. PRO CLASS 7S The Sheas just hoped "to hope-7 Entries• 3 Finishers fully go all the way." It was not Ruben Garcia had no prob-to be that way. The engine was lem disposing of six other mini sounding pretty poor just ·a few trucks, Sergio Duron kept his miles into the race as they were Championship hopes alive and getting caught by Marcos Rob-healthy with a struggling Third les #1101. Bobby Ruiz lost a Place at over eight hours while bolt that held the vacuum ad-Refugio Fonseca did not enter vance onto the distributor hous-and Eduardo "Bachy" Diaz was ing. The pits screwed in a long a DNF. metric bolt but the truck still The home built "Flying barely ran. One lap later he Irishman" truck of Wayne Shea stopped for some arc weld re-out of El Cajon was powered by pairs to the front end on the way a 2816cc Ford V6 running to a DNF. · through a C4 gearbox. The Shea PRO CLASS 8 Brothers, Wayne and passenger 6 Entries - 3 Finishers Dan and alternate driver Kevin The mid-engined. Chevy of all thanked "Bob Parker .. . who Doctor Ibarra was making his has really been a help." The best run ever. After a string of family team also enlisted the disappointing, and early, DNFs, help of sometimes-1600 com-they kept the truck running petitors Randy Persky and Russ strong to beat five other trucks Root, who had just sold their and l 0th Overall. Those trucks · two seater to Victor Herrera were a handful, no doubt, and couldn't stay a·way from the around those off-camber gravel race scene. strewn rock slope turns. Boink ... DNF Data: In their first race, he fell right over. Gustavo Coronado was look-ing good but would somehow become a late Third behinci Manuel Herrera's "Tarzan's Toy" which had lost all of its bed. Beny Canela's red Ford was oddly off-song. His motor sounded just a shade raspy, not in its usual sh.riek-and-road mode. The Indio resident would not finish. The Armando Arce '50s vin-tage F 100 Ford high boy is re-ally a fine conversation piece. The extra tall car runs quarter elliptical springs on the rear and is well constructed. Due to a decided lack of commercial fi-berglass pieces for such an old unit, Arce runs a steel cab, a steel clip, and a steel bed. Only the -rear fenders are glass. He eventually really bottled up the course so that everyone is famil-iar with the rig now. PRO CLASS 9 8 Entries - 3 Finishers Eric Allen, of the Allen Brothers Construction firm, had a dream day. Relatively new to the driving side of the sport, Eric put together a good race with a fine co-driver ... Tim Biebieff ... and won over a strong field of swing axle cars. It would be hard to say which was more exciting to Eric, the $700 cash purse, or the. two foot trophy. I vote for the trophy: "Man! This is gonna look good in my room!" Of course, the dinero went di-rectly into dad Bill's pocket. .. with no detour through the Rancho's cantina. Eric has gotten a Fourth a couple of times, then two Thirds, followed by two Seconds and now his first First. Allen did snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, recovering nicely from a potential disaster. He departed his fuel pit too quickly, running over the foot of a friend and leaving without his fuel cap. He was able to Conti_nued on page 34 (O)KC HiliTES ~ ~ N~~ (flANt:Ri> RACINli --Jin1 Canner Racing has the entire in11entary at= Rancho ""Lightning Rad"" §hacks and Repair and· Maintenance Kits Also Rancho saaa Race Shacks and Parts. Contingency Program Information: SCORE, CORR, SNORE, MOR, VORRA, BEST IN THE DESERT, AND ESTERO BEACH. For Product, Technical Information, Contingency Requirements or Award Information for the following Products: RANCHO, MSD, KC HILITES, MECHANIX WEAR, DYNOMAX, K&N, RACERS EDGE, OFF-ROAD INNOVATIONS 2169 Daytona • Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 • (520) 855-0912 • FAX (520) 453-9641 • E-mail: Dusty Times .Qctober 1999 Page 33
Chad McNeil and Steve Adams, Ford, had some serious welding done Alberto Gonzalez took third in Class 7 in his good-looking Ford, which The team of Pedro Mercado Sr. and Jr., driving a Toyota, worked through a couple of slow laps to take second 7S. on lap two, still took second in Class 7. quickly circle back and get plugged up. Don't know about the status of that foot. On the other hand, he used patience a·nd savvy to get around the ancient Arce Eight who was "way up in a tree." Ar-mando was struggling to get the truck free and rocks were being churned up and falling every-where. "He asked me to pull him out!", Eric laughed. "With a 'nine' car? I'da blown my transmission right there. I waited until I saw a line ar und him and I got by." They chose to run the two seater solo with Eric doing the first stint then Tim taking over at Neji. On Tim's final lap, the engine tossed a belt, luckily within striking distance of K.I.T. chaser Robert Gillingham who did the fix, with the ver_bal support of a Pabloff team mem: ber. Robert was somewhat puzzled as there were two people in the racing car."?!" And this interloper was big; like Orea-big. As Robert installed the new belt he could hear Tim and his rider exchanging pleasantries like "So ... do you come here of-ten?" It turned out that Tim had stuck the race car in a ditch ... so what's new ·on this race is for sale. course ... and Francisco Bio was the main challenger to Eric and Tim, always running ahead with a five minute advantage. How-ever, that pace took its toll and Bio's ring and pinion broke. Pancho and the crew gave it the old Universidad Try, towing the Tubular Specialties single seater to the finish. As did Tony Go-mez. However, this raised such a hue and cry throughout the land giving CORP Race Direc-tor Joaquin Rodriguez a chance to earn his pay. With the help of experienced racers Alfonso Lacarra and Martin Garibay, e\1eryone got a chance to review the rule book and there it was: all finishers must cross La Meta under the vehicle's own power. They put Bio back to the last checkpoint which actually gave him Fourth Place. CORP "9" Rules: A single seat "9" car has to weigh a mini-mum of 1,500 pounds, two seat-ers 1,350 ... no matter how many people are actually in the car. A solo two seater still perates under the "I, 350" pound rule. Ben and Dave Dietrich had a few gotchas. The pitman arm nut came off but they, happiiy, luckily, had a spare in the tool bag. Sounds like a job for Lock Wi~e Man! Ben was able to get Oscar and Ruben Garcia, from Ensenada, had four very steady laps, and won Class 7S by a big margin. Class 11 ran only three laps, and Gerardo and Fernando Montijo got the win by 23 minutes. · · Page·34· it fixed and keep moving to de-serve his fine Third Place. The Dietrichs' single seater had, a while back, discovered that all stock fan sheaves are not equal. "The one stock Bra-zilian pulley that we ran had a different operating diameter and it was turning the fan a bit too slow", so they were not cool-ing the engine as well as they should be or could be: N (fan) = N(engine) x D(engine pul-ley)/D(fan pulley). Asked if there were any rules that he would change, Dave El Abogado offered a move to bus boxes. However, that would re-quire changing to IRS and a ma-jor chassis rebuild. I think not. New blood flowed as the "Dean and Dean Show" made their maiden voyage ·in their "new" Challenger. Dean Ratkins and Dean Moore swapped positions in the car that they bought sight unseen. Word has it that they used a "Yonks" motor. Out of San Fe-lipe, Moore has a wide and var-ied resume, having raced exten-sively in SCCA open wheel "for-mula" classes. He raced Super Modifieds ... those off-set sprint-like cars popular in Upstate New York. When he was in the Navy, he was on a military race team that competed throughout Asia: Manila, Taiwan, Malay-sia ... good duty, if you can get it. and no professional attention predicted that it would be a fast was required. CORP as prepared race. As the course was not to support any such medical at-overly rough, just tight and tention, per their new emer-technical, the little cars, with gency fund. their fairly powerful engines, Moore is toying with the idea could cut a good pace. of building a big car with a By RMS Montijo had passed Mazda rotary engine, a la Carl-Marcos Robles and Cerillo Or-Mike Perez, Mark Lundell and tega and was in first place. "We Mike "Meco" Williams. On pa- stopped only for gas. Our big prob-per these enf ines look gcod, but !em was to pass the '7S' cars. It they are REAL loud and are was a clean race for us." They thermal generators to the max. won by 24 minutes ... 05:07:20. Big coolers and radiators and Carlos Macklis suffered a lot heat exchan0er~ are req..iired. of body damage on the olive PRO CLASS 10 drab-sprayed car. It appeared 3 Entries - 3 Finishers that they had run the car under The "Tens" were lightly rep-something ... like a stalled Class resented on the Saturday with 8 or S'1mething equally high and only three entries. Tom ei and immovable. This was the first Medina did t~eir best to-try and race, ever, by the 24 year old. uphold the reputation of the He got a Fifth Place finish. fast class. Medina certainly Seems OK. huh. did ... upping the ante after SPORTSMAN CLASS 5-Miguel had turned the car over 1600 in the dust. Perry's crew was 12 Entries - 6 Finishers getting concerned about ol' Arnuflo Valenzuela had to number "76" the last lap but the battle 11 other VWs, complet-back-markers and the dusty, ing the race as First Sportsman tight section on the east side of plus, of course, dass winner. the course prevented a ful l-on Francisco Pacheco in the charge for the win. Motel Tropicana car had to toss The Secund Place Oscar in the towel after they lost first Alfaro car_ changed passengers gear ... the tight course required at the midway and left with the First to be operational, no new guy still climbing in! He doubt, what with the was standing on the seat when switchbacks and off-camber ar-they left the pits. Not good. Luis rnyo crossings. Barragan had troubles but even-· Ricardo de Los Palos, in the tually finishd in Third at 26th Cookie Monster car, had a trick overall. louvered oil cooler shroud/ Now newly transplanted from PRO CLASS 11 shield in the rear window. De the Seattle area, Moore is get-9 Entries - 7 Finishers Los Palos eventually lost the ting his feet wet, so to speak, in Class winner Gerardo right rear trailing arm pivot. the Baj:i desert and is enjoying Montijo wrote: "These are my The innovative crew held it all it. From the San Juan Islands to comments on the course for Santa together with sticks and pipes San Felipe, as it were. Ratkins Veronica 200: Last weekend we and rope and cable ties and hose is from the Big Bear area. made a pre-run, and took three clamps and limped in to the They found the Achilles' laps to study the course. It's a very Baja Pits but went no further. Heel of the Challenger class: fast course, especially for the Arturo Cervantes was towed they broke a spindle taking out Class 11 s. The first seven miles is in as was the # 1610 of Pablo Al-the steering and the brakes. "I dangerous terrain, because it's a varado, who got fixed at the think we clipped something ... a very fast track. The rest of the Baja Pits and continued to ac-rock?" Really? Moore had origi- course is a technical drive." tually finish Fifth "1600" buggy nally thought that the car had Gerardo raced with brother in 8:27. broken his left hand when the Feranto, Victor Leon, and en-SPORTSMAN 7 steering wheel whipped around. gine man Sergio Madrueno. 1 Entry -No Finishers However, the swelling subsided They pre-ran ·.n a stock VW and Alvaro Valenzuela's truck ~~____,,,,..,....,..,,...,,,,.,.~~-,--.a..--.,.....,,- - --,.--,--,-,---......,,,,...,_..,.,,,,..._...,...,.,,...,..._ ......... -.... lost its bed and most of the right Arnulfo, Aaroh, Hector and Ruben Valenzuela took first overall in the Sportsman division with their 5-1600 car. ·september 1999 front fender and had a flat, too. SPORTSMAN 8 3 Entries - 3 Finishers The Big Iron guys went out and pounded the course into submission. Wagoneers, Scouts ... this is where heavy weights reside. Big motors, big leaf spring packs and big tires. On short wheel bases. On this day the tables were turned and Armando Bravo's short-but-tall lH took the measure of the CT A car of Jorge Ramirez as Emlio Rodriguez was in Second by 12 minutes. SPORTSMAN CLASS 9 2 Entries - 1 Finisher Javier Martinez took seven hours to do three laps. If he flips Dusty Times
Dusty Tjmes
BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTERPRISES The Jackpot 200 Text & Photos: Mike Jenkins ;,:tl ~-1 w>,-• !,'/ The Jeep of Gordon Scott charges across the tundra on the way to first place in Heavy Metai in the Jackpot 200. About 40 miles south of Twin Falls, Idaho is the small casino town of Jackpot, Ne-vada. Site of the 11th annual Jackpot 200 off road race sponsored by Bonneville Offroad Racing Enterprise (BORE). The members from Idaho have been setting up a challenging exciting course, and this year would prove the same. Scott Smith, coming off a first round win would try to make it two in a row in his 1/ 2-1600 and Dave Morse was looking to extend his winning streak to five in Class 9. Thirty entries were on hand to try and conquer the rough and dusty course. Fourteen Heavy and Mini Metal trucks com-pleted the largest class with a group of drivers making the long haul from -Montana and six trucks sporting Pro:Fab colors from Billings were go-ing to try to sweep the class. First on the line, the 1600 cars, with seven entries. Todd Bingham was first in the 1659 followed 30 seconds later by Mark Rencher (1675), then Ty Bowers in the 1636 car, and Fred Nutsch (1631) next off the line. The 16 77 of Jake and Sharon Maness was next wtt?h Sharon taking the car out on the first lap, Scott Smith (1619), followed the Maness' and Glenn Cain (1629) would bring up the rear of the class, a fitting start since Glenn was the hare at Wendover in May. For the second time this year Smith would cross the line first and set the pace with a lap time of 45:30 scorching the course in record time. Bingham was next with a time of 4 7: 22 dropping to second place, Rencher moved up to third turning a 48:29, Cain in fifth with a 52:27 crossed next, then the Maness' with a 1:03:10 and Ty dropping to seventh with a 1:32:31 be-cause of some carb problems. On the second lap the Desert would claim its first victim ... Smith, with an uncharacteris-tic D.N .F., found himself spec-tating when his oil cap came off making the engine go south. He would have to wait and see if his first lap time would hold up for the fast lap. That put Bingham back in first and he closed the lap with a 46:28, Rencher three and a half minutes back with 4 7:56 in second, then Cain with a 54:03, Nutsch followed with a 1 :04:08, down a little due to a flat tire. Sharon improved her time with a 59:42, and then Bowers running hard and on track with a 50:43. The third lap had Bingham extend-ing his lead with a 49:51, Rencher second with a time of 54:09, Cain still in third with a 54:25, then the Maness' up to fourth with a 1:01:32, but still having some electrical problems. Nutsch with an-other flat in fifth with a 1 :09:44 and Bowers in sixth with a 58:44. Lap 4, Bingham moving out some more turning in a 50:33, six minutes ahead of Rencher holding on to second with a 52:30, Cain third with a 55:12. The Maness' were next with Jake behind the wheel to finish the last four laps run-ning a little quicker with a 54: 19, Nutsch still in fifth with a 59: 5 7, and Bowers crossing the -line with a time of59:26. The fifth lap had the desert claiming two more vic-tims. Rencher would end his day with a blown trans axle after running second most of the race, and Nutsch parked his car with a broken axle. Back to the race, Bingham still in first, and liking it that way, ran a 55:10, with Cain in sec-ond now turning a 56:44, then the Maness' up to third with a time of 54 flat, and Bowers knocking almost eight minutes off of his last time with a quick 51 :32 now in fourth. The last three laps and the end of the race found things unchanged · with Bingham extending his lead to over 30 minutes in front of Cain, both ran strong and didn't have any problems during the race. The Maness' finished third with a broken header but loved the course and due to Ty's long first lap he was a lap down and finished , fourth in his first solo race. Smith's first and only lap time Dave Morse is a persistent cuss, nothing stops him from winning, this being his fifth win in a row, nice going Dave. of 45:30 held for the class and race fast time and he vowed to be back for the September race in Wendover. With the 1600s on the course, the Heavy and Mini Metal truck class lined up to take their turn at trying to tame the desert in their thun-dering style. First off the line, Jim and Sandy Kallek in their new Chevy Blazer (342), next Chester Gunter in the (211), and then Les Seal in the Ford Ranger (711), Jeff and Denise Lange were off next in their clean Jeep CJ (348). The Ford Bronco (429) of Craig and Kathy Perkins were next, Gor-don Scott was next in the Jeep CJ (380), followed by Joe Kellogg and Ed Whitish in the Ford Ranger (7006), then Cam Peacock and Randy Pot-ter in the Nissan (713), Mike and Carry Sims in the Chevy short bed (80 I) foll'owed by Tim Mayo and Keith Michel in a Ford Bronco ( 141). Kenny W artluft and Mike Clements were next in the rebuilt Jeep Honcho (8009) back from a nasty crash last year, welcome back. Robin Doutre and Bruce Gobbo followed in the full size Chevy (827), then the Toyota (725) of Jason Hutter and Paul Blangsted. Andy Schifanelli and Jaun Harris got their Ford F150 (880) off to a delayed start due to car-buretor problems. The first lap ended a dead heat for Scott and Wartluft both crossing the finish line with a lap time of 55:07, Seal was hot on their tails with a time of 5 5: 1 7 in third, Peacock was coming on strong crossing the line in fourth, with a 56:20, the Sims were next to cross with a lap time of 56:30 in fifth, and Doutre was following next with a time of 56:33, Kellogg came across with a time of 56:33. After 28 miles, seven different trucks representing four manufacturers mini and full size trucks were separated by one minute and 11 seconds. That's one of the reasons desert racing is great. Mayo was next to cross. the line in eighth with a lap of 59:32, Hutter's time of 1:04:24 put him in ninth and Schifanelli was back on track with a 1: 13:22 in 10th, but having a lot of problems with the carb. Gunter was next with a lap of 1: 18:30 and the Perkins, in 12th, were having some prob-lems of their own when they lost the coil and the steering box came loose making them stay ort the track for a very long 3:24:57. The desert was about to claim its first victims in the truck class, the Kallecks rolled their truck hard ending the race before it really began, and the Langes, who were follow-ing the 711 truck didn't see the corner, Seal did and went straight through putting their Jeep on its side. They deter-mined the damage was enough to load it on the trailer and try again in Wendover. Now on to the second lap, Seal upped the ante and turned in a time of 54: 18 to put the mini metal truck out in first, Wartluft se-cured second place by running a 54:56 about 30 seconds be-hind Seal, Kellogg moved up four places to third with a ·54:33 lap, the Sims were next turning in a lap time of 54:58. Scott was running a 55:53 lap which was less than a minute of his first lap time, but it left him in fifth. Doutre was still in sixth with a lap time of 57:43 and Mayo was in sev-enth turning a l: 10:07 lap. Peacock found himself in eighth slowing to a 1:14:30 lap and Hutter was holding on to ninth with a 1:12:31, Schifanelli seemed to be over the carb troubles, but when he came across the line raw fuel dripped on the hot exhaust and ignited right in front of Todd Bingham, moving too fast for the camera to catch, took the gold Dave Wiend and Rod Sorenson drove their good looking car to the Mike and Cary Sims had a good day, driving their Chevy to second medal in 1600, finishing 30 minutes ahead of his competition. Sportsman win and set fast lap along the way. ____ place in the Heavy Metal class, not far out of the win. Page 36 October 1999 Dusty Times
Glenn Cain started last in 1600 at Jackpot but he literally flew across It was very close in Class 9 on the last lap but then Mike Connors had Brian Dick, along with Mike and Chris Chamberlain thought they had the desert to take a nice second spot in class. a flat and that settled it, he would be the second car to finish. Sportsman won, but a broken spring plate slowed them to second. Robin Doutre and Bruce Gobbo catch a bit of air as they head for the Sharon and Jake Maness fought some electrical problems during the Pat Ellis started the grueling race in the fourth spot, made it up to checkered flag and a nice third place in Heavy Metal. race but they were able to hang on and take third in 1600. second place but finished in the third spot in Class 9. the scoring bus, thanks to the ing up and was now in fourth, were in fifth place with their take to the course to do first, Vogt was still in third quick acting race officials the Mayo was in fifth with a time time of 1 :03 :04. On Lap 2 battle. The car of Brian Dick, with a time of 1 :09:40, and fire was extinguished and the of 1 :07: 51. Wartluft's race Butcher smoked the field with Mike and Chris Chamberlin Short had anotherlong lap of 880teamresolvedthefuelline endedwhentheproblemshe histimeof54:35settingclass (S-77)wasoffthelinefirst, 2:01:01. Lap 3 found problems and sent Schifanelli had earlier became terminal fast lap and throwing down followed b°y Dave Wieand (S-Sorenson with a time of on his way. Gunter turned a and he finished the race in the gauntlet, Morse moved up 19), then the Jeep of David 54: 10, in first and Dick close slow 2:35:28 trying to find a sixth. Peacock slowed his blis-to second with a time of Short and Shane Schrenk (S-behind with a 55:52 and Vogt weldertorepairhisailingcar, tering pace to a 1:28:30 and 55:10, with Conner slipping 58) and then Randy Vogt inthirdwithalapofl:06:02. · and the Perkins had picked up fell back to seventh. Hutter to third with a 56:49, Ellis (630) took off. Wieand came Short could not finish any the pace . with a 1 :02: 10 had another long lap, this one was next with a 57:51 and the across the line first with a more laps due to time restric-rounding out the field. The was 2:32:21 and since he was Blackleys were holding on to time of 1 :00:43, with Dick in tions. The fourth lap claimed third lap found Seal holding out so long the leader finished fifth with a lap of 1 :01 :26. second with a 1 :01 :32, next 1.;he cars of Dick, with a bro-on to first with a 53:46, the before he could get out for the Morse took the lead on the was Short's 1 :02:07 and then ken spring' plate and Vogt Sims were in second with a next lap. Gunter's fate was the third lap with his time of Vogt's 1: 14:50. The second ending his race a lap early too. time of 54:05, Kellogg was same with a time of 1:35:18. 56:14, Conner's 55:56 put lap had Wieand still in first, Sorenson would be the only next in third with a lap of 55 Only six trucks would finish him in second. Ellis was up to with a time of 59:29, Dick was one to finish the rest of the minutes even, about one and the fifth lap, Scott moved third with a lap time of 58:44, in second with a time of laps and would finish in style a half minutes back, Scott was back up to 'first with a little Butcher, in fourth, had a bro-1 :02:50, Vogt was third with setting class fast lap on the up to fourth with a time of overoneandahalfminuteson ken ball joint and adjuster a time of 1:17:33 and Short fifthlapwitha53:39,wayto 54:15 moving up steadily. the Sims in second, Doutre causing him to take 1:39:16 withalong3:ll:48andsome go Rod! Doutre was now in fifth with was now in third, Peacock and the·Blackleys ended their big problems, broken control The next event for the a lap at 1:04:10. High flying ·found himself in fourth, Mayo day when they crossed the arm and some broken bolts. B.O.R.E. racers is the Cam Peacock was scorching in fifth and Seal's truck road after the pits and a bro-On the third lap Rod Bonneville Challenge, in the course with the class fast rounded out the field in sixth. ken spring plate side lined Sorenson took over the driver Wendover, on the 11th of lap of 52:34, the only sub 55 The race for. the mighty their efforts, the only good duties of the 19 car and still September. The overall and minute-time of the day for the "tru€ksj bi:g -and -small, was thing was the fow 'to die ·cfoss·ea tli.e line'with a 58 flat, class champions• will be trucks and his efforts put him coming to an end with six laps trailer would be a short one. Dick was in second posting a crowned and it will prove to in sixth. Mayo, now in seventh going into the record books, Things slowed a bit on the time of 57:51 and lookin for · be an excitin weekend. ■ posted a 1:09:57 and Wartluft Scott's Jeep took the first fourth lap, but Morse was still dropped to eighth with a lap place honors, following in sec-in first with a time of 1:01: 24, time of 2:07:35 due to a bro-ond were the Sims and their Ellis was running strong, now ken shock and smashed Chevy, Doutre finished in in second with a lap of header. Hutter was in ninth third and Peacock was the 1 :03:36, Conner sheared a running a lap time of 2:02:24 fourth and last truck to finish front spindle, but was in third having a lot of problems in-the required laps. with a time of 1:33:42, and eluding a broken shock, radia-The Challenger class was Butcher was in fourth with a tor, a flat tire and exhaust up next, five competitors 1 :08:1'l, but he sanded. the problems. Gunter, back on would get their chance to motor and would end the race track again turned in a lap tame the desert. Scott there. The fifth lap ended time of 1:36:32 and was 11th Butcher (969) would start with Morse still in first, with and Schifanelli was still fall-things off with Cameron and a time of 1:03:52, Ellis was in ing back with a time of Pat Blackley (931) starting second with a lap time of 3:38:23, the extended times of next, Mike Conner (987) was - 1: 12: 29 and Conner was in Andy's first laps put him back on the course, Pat Ellis (933) third with a 58: 12. far enough that he was not followed next, and Dave Only two drivers were on able to complete any more laps Morse (996) took off for the course on the sixth lap. Morse by the time the leader finished day's race. Conner wanted wanted his fifth win, and his race. The fourth lap leader the win in Jackpot and took Conner wanted his first. was the Sims, posting a lap the lead on the first lap cross-Conner had a flat tire to deal time of 56:21 and running ing the line with a time of with, so Morse took the check-hard, Scott moved back up to 1:00:14, Butcher was in sec-ers and made it five in a row, a se.cond and was pushing hard ond with a lap of 1:00:37, very impressive feat in the for.the lead and a time of Morse was third posting a tough desert. Conner took sec-55:32, Seal fell back to third 1:00:46, 32 seconds covered ond and had a great day and because of a flat tire and when the first three drivers and the will try to dethrone Dave in he got out of the truck to give Challengers were going to September. a hand, he blacked out and keep the scorers on their toes The last class to race was one of his mechanics jumped if the lap times stayed this the Sportsman class, "run in and took the wheel to fin-close the entire race. Ellis was what you bring" is the motto ish the race, his lap time was in fourth with a lap time of here, a mid engine Jeep and 1:16:32. Doutre was still mov-1:02:00 and the Blackleys three open wheel _cars would Dusty Times October 1999 PIKES service center Baker, California Celebra~ing 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING-FRIENDS ••• THANKS! RESTAURANT Open 24 Hours Mobil~ SERVICE Every Day Year Round THE BEST IN THE DESERT! Page 37
DUSTY PEOPLE Jim Ober By Judy Smith Chris Haston {Left) and Jim Ober in tlie "Battlewagon" at the 1983 Mint 400. Anyone who's been racing bodies and the 1ike. He said he for a while has seen them. "won a couple of awards", be-Those stalwart fellas at the side ing named the best photogra-of the race course, festooned pher of all the then existing with cameras, in the middle of Hearst newspapers across the nowhere, plying their trade. country. One of the best known and In 1969 Ober joined the most experienced· o( them aff i~ army, and after taking an early Jim Ober, owner of Trackside release, in '71 he joined the Photos, a firm that's been kick- Army National Guard, working ing around in the desert since in their Public Affairs Depart-! 970. ment. It's been a big part of his Ober started his career while life ever since, taking up the still in high school, taking pho-equivalent of about four days a tos for the year book. He went month. He also went back to to Mt. Carmel High, in south work at the Herald, as a sports Central L.A., and while still a photographer. student he also began working Ober had always liked motor at the Los Angeles Examiner, as sports, and he found he liked to an apprentice, covering High take pictures at them, and now School Sports. Sometimes he'd he started covering some of shoot as many as four football them, particularly the road games in a weekend. races at Riverside, as "some-Because of all this industry thing fun to do." He sold pho-and experience, he went on to tos to sponsors, racers, car own-Pepperdine College on a pho-ers and ·magazines. Then, as he tography scholarship, and he found he was making some studied there for five years. In money from this sideline, he and his senior year, he began to a friend became partners and work part time for the Herald started Trackside. It was 1970. Examiner (the next generation He started going to off road of the Examiner) as their main races whenever he was on leave sports photographer. He also from the army, and his first one shot regular news photos, in-was the 1970 Palm Springs 200, eluding accidents and murdered out by Cabazon. The next one, Photos: Trackside Photo which he calls his first "real off road race" was the 1970 NORRA Baja 1000. He was tak-ing photos strictly for companies at that time. Some of his early clients included Dick Cepek Tires, Gates Tires and Hot VWs Magazine. Of off road racing, he says, "the first thing I realized was that one person couldn't cover these things!" He took along friends who could shoot photos to help, and some of them be-came employees as his business grew. And grow it did. In 1978 he decided he needed to turn Trackside into a full time busi-ness, so he left the Herald and with Trevor Reisz as his partner, went to work. Reisz left the partnership and Noel Deitrich came on board, and in 1980 they opened an office in Gardena. At this point, because of their relationship with BFGood-rich, they also opened a Public Relations Agency, added John Rettie as a partner and called it Deitrich, Ober and Rettie. It has headquartered in the same office as Trackside and had a staff of three full time people, while Ober had another three besides himself. At that time, in CACTUS RACING · addition to their off road busi-RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES BELL. SHOEI. SIMPSON .,,...~..._ From $299:oo Helmets SNELL 95. SA 95 FOR SODA Complete Blower Systems for single or double seat cars. Helmet conversions. cool boxes. Complete line of PYROTE FILLER Safety Products & Motorsports. We ship UPS daily. 5153 Bowden Avenue - San Diego -CA - 92117 - 619-279-2~09 · -4-- - · • .._ ' 1 -. • · ~ Page 38., ..J . ness, they also covered a lot of road racing. The PR company lasted un-til 1988, when they sold it and moved to new headquarters in Carson. Deitrich was still a part-ner, but wasn't actively work-ing. Ober was still shooting both off road and road racing, but was losing interest in the road racing. When a big client dropped away he decided to forego the road racing com-pletely, and stick to off road. In those days Trackside was shoot-ing on a contractual basis for several manufacturers. Since about 1994, Trackside has been a sole proprietorship, and Ober is it. He has one full September 1999 time employee these days, Fidel Gonzales, rapidly becoming a fa-miliar face ilt the off road events in Southern California and Baja, and a part timer who works as needed. There is also a big bunch of photographers who work for Trackside as the events require. And Ober has several who live in outlying ar-eas, El Centro and T onopah for example, and cover the races that occur in those areas as Trackside photographers. When asked why he chose to go into the business of taking photos at off road races, Ober said because "you can pretty much do things the way you want to do them -and it's not hard to do a better than ordi-nary job, with a little extra ef-fort." He also said that at a non-off road race track there are many, many photographers all shooting the same thing. Any-body can do that, he said. But off road photography is more of a challenge, and a photographer who comes home with a camera full of good shots can feel he's accomplished something. Some of the extra effort that Trackside expends involves pre-running to find the best photo spots for the event. He and his crew will spend as many as three days pre-running to find the best places. Of course, Ober likes to drive around in the desert, and surprisingly, he said he learned to enjoy it while flog-ging around in the desert out-side Ford Irwin (near Barstow) with his National Guard com-pany. He works as the photog-rapher for the Company Com-mander, and often would be in the Jeep that was leading the convoy1:hrough the desert, and because of an inherent knack he has for finding his way, was oc-casionally called on to navigate for the lead car. Ober also became involved in GPS navigating while working with the National Guard, and learned to understand and use the equipment. Nowadays his off road truck is equipped with a GPS and he finds it a very handy tool. Through the years Jim has been proud to be honored with the Off Road Photographer of the Year award by SCORE rac-ers about ten times, and he says another highlight of his career was working with Jean Calvin, founder and publisher of Dusty Times. He said that was a chal-lenge, but always fun. Still another highlight, and very significant to Jim, has been . having BFGoodrich as a client all these years. He says they're "really tops -the BFG folks are terrific. Knowing them and working with them has been a real high point." In 1993 he was invited by Off Road Magazine to go on an off road trip across Russia, as a navigator. His skills as a photog-rapher and as a GPS navigator made him point-man for the trip, which he will long remem-ber. We asked him if he could de-scribe any particular events as particularly entertaining· or memorable, and Jim told us he remembers covering stadium off road racing as being very hazard-ous. He said the races at the Coli-seum were the "most dangerous", and those at Riverside were a close second. As for racers he likes -to cover, he lists the SCORE Fire-works 250 as first, because there are no hassles out on the course. It's a Off Highway Vehicle area, so there are no problems with access for his team of pho-tographers, or their vehicles. He also likes the Lucerne Valley area and the Best In the Desert courses, because there are no restrictions on access there either. Covering some races has become a nightmare of regulations and permits, and even in the relatively hassle-free northern Nevada desert, one of his photographers had his car towed away while he was work-ing. He'd inadvertently parked it in a restricted place and a Sheriff had it removed. At the Primm races the BLM Rangers keep tight controls, checking photographers to be sure they're carrying their special permits. All of which makes the job more complex and sometimes more time consuming than it used to be. For example, at the last few Mint races, in the North Las Vegas area, the restrictions were so tight that Ober and his crew had to park their car and hike as many as five miles to get to a chosen photo spot.. Speaking of the old Mint races, one of Jim's scariest mo-ments came when a buggy driver, going out to pass another car, suddenly came right at Jim and his partner. They ran, but the buggy kept coming in the same direction. They kept run-ning, and ultimately dove into a ravine that would have caused the driver to crash if he'd fol-lowed them, so he veered off and went on about the business of racing. Jim says he never knew why the driver seemed to pursue him across the desert, but. it was the scariest thing that happened to him. Married in 1988 to his wife, Jeanette, Ober moved to Simi Valley in '96 to be closer to her job (she's a High School princi-pal), and built a beautiful lab and office onto his home. He loves home and office at the same place, and foresees many more years of going to the desert with Trackside. As for future plans for Track-side, he says he's always look-ing for new people. Most of his current batch of photographers are people he's met at the races, and he's cont-inually looking for reliable, skilled photographers, who like to poke around in the desert. We asked about equipment, and ober surprised us by saying that in general each photographer carries just two cameras, so there's a spare in case one fails. He says they don't use a lot of fancy lenses, but instead pick spots to work where they can safely stand n·ear the track. He said, "We make it work for us." He supposes that in the future they may make the switch to digi-tal c_ameras, but right now these new-fangled items "hate dust", so it wouldn't be feasible to use them at a desert race. • So, as you churn through the dust, or fly off the jumps, keep your eye out for the tall curly headed guy in camouflage tak-ing your picture. That's Ober, and you'll be seeing him or one of his minions out on the track side for years to come. ■ Dusty Times
VORRA FALLON 250 Berri Breaks The Bank By Forest Creasy Photos: Chris Radho11rne Rob Parsons and Jim Cast were third in Class 1 O early on but moved into second on the second lap and took the class win. would reel off a great second lap, unfortunately they did not have enough time to finish the third and had to settle for a fifth place finish. Sixth on the day in th,e Unlimited class belonged to the winners of the Lovelock race, Don and Chris German who, about halfway into the first lap, went medieval on their vehicle doing their best iJnpression of a carnival ride rolling the jeep very hard and ending their day right there. Sam Berri took no prisoners, he made all his laps in good time and he was the Class 1 and overall winner at the Fallon 250. The finishing of Lap 2 bunched the top three competitors even tighter. Berri was still leading on time by over a minute on Dugan, even though Dugan ran off fast lap of the day at 1 :40:31. Ohn-stad was still third, three minutes behind Berri, but was getting into a groove going into the white flag lap. Dale Carr ran fourth, keep-ing with consistent laps and hav-ing minimal i;,roblems. down the road Berri was replac-ing a tire of his own. Dugan then regained the lead on the road, as well as on time, and was looking for another overall. Berri got the tire on and set out to catch Dugan again. Catch him he would as Dugan broke a front wheel and that was all Berri would need as he finished first in class and first overall for the day. Dugan got a new wheel and came in 15 min-utes behind Berri for a nice sec-ond for his day of fun. Third went to Dale Carr as his consistency paid off. Ohnstad finished fourth after losing an alternator and a battery on the last lap. Sam Berri takes over the leads on the last lap and takes the over-all prize at the VORRA Fallon 250. Once again the racers found themselves towing the trailers up to Fallon on the weekend of Au-gust 7 & 8. The race consisted of three 9 5 mile loops that were larger than life. The weather was a big question mark as thunder storms were intimidating all weekend. Tech and registration began on Friday and the race took off at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morn-ing with two cars leaving every two minutes. The pit area was at the Fallon dragstrip and is by far the best pitting available. Because the race uses the drag strip as part of the track, two racers left the line at one time. Reminiscent of the old Gold Coast days. The pole position belonged to Dennis Dugan, winner of the Yer-ington 300, and next to him on the starting line were the lovable couple of Jerry and Linda Weld. The green flag dropped and both vehicles went headlong down the drag strip and into the dirt. Now you know why fhey Pllt that stretch of dirt at ~e end~of the drag strip, it's for real !'acing. Well, Dugan lead: into the first turn and with no dust in sight ran off a great leading lap of 1:43:56. Sam Berri was next off the line and followed Dugan in. Although ,------ ---------...,.,...'""' Fo·rest Creasy had his share of troubles at Fallon but he was able to beat his brother for the Class 9 title. Randy Miller was having some fuel problems but it all went away and he was able to take the Sportsman win with about half an hour in hand. Dusty Times Beni was second in he was up on Dugan by a minute on time. Kevin Ohnstad in his nice yellow Jimco wasn't giving any kids a ride as he was also running very fast and was only two minutes behind Berri after Lap l. The Dale Carr entry was taking the course a bit more cautiously finishin·g Lap l 20 minutes behind the leader. The Wald team ran into prob-lems at Mile .20. I don't know what happene~ but all I could see when I went by were feet sticking out of the windows. They should have brought a picnic basket, as · a six hour first lap would make anyone hungry. But this is racing and after fixing the problem they The last lap brought out the best. Dugan was running in front, second on time, and then got a flat. Berri went by finally out of Dugan's dust. Dugan got it fixed and was seeing red, pushing that single seater as fast as it would go. Well, luck was with Dugan, as In Class 8, Dudley Tranum ran third for the first two laps but then the tide changed and he came in for a great first in class. The Tom Kruse/Mark Miller combo is going to be a good one as they took a great second place in Sportsman Class at Fallon. .October 1999, Class 8 was next and abused that drag strip with pure horse-power. Tom Scahill was looking for a double victory after winning the Lovelock 250. He started first in class and was leading after Lap l with the class fast lap of 1 :50: 11. Kenny Brager was in next, haul-ing butt and just over a minute behind Scahill. Last in was Dudley Tranum, 15 minutes be-hind. Lap 2 had a different result. Brager took over the lead and Scahill was now second, four min-utes behind after having some problems on. Lap 2. Tranum was running consistently, but still trailed by 30 minutes. The white flag' should have been the black flag. Black Flag because both Brager and Scahill wt;i:_~ dying )j~e_b~gs. S~?.hill c9uJd not finish the last lap taKing a DNF. Brager did finish the race, but a five hour last lap cruise was not going to cut it, and Tranum, using the Dale Carr philosophy ran the race without a lick of trouble and took the first place trophy. I tell you that Dudley de-served the win and no one was smiling more that night. Second went to Brager as he looks for re-demption in Fernley. Nobody, I mean nobody, runs faster and more competitive than Class 10 and they were next. Seven strong took the line. First in was Dennis Kordonowy, look-ing for the three-peat in the Desert of '99. His fast lap of 1:52:04 was four minutes faster than the car of LaRce Abreu and Abreu racing. Third in was that Laurel and Hardy entry of Rob Parsons and Jim Carr, one minute behind Abreu. Fourth in was Troy Robinson looking for some better luck this race. Next was Ron Fos-ter having some trouble and run-ning 30 minutes off the pace in fifth. The father and son team of Richard and Ryan Lesher had a terrible first 95 miles. A five hour lap and a day of catching up was on the menu for them today. Lastly, "Flying" Bob Martin was Continued on page 40 ...... ,,
Dennis Dugan was first to leave the starting line and he was looking real good but a flat tire ended his shot at the Class 1 _win, second was his fate. Dennis Kordonowy leaves a trail of dust as he chases first place in Kenny Brager thought he was going to win the Class 8 battle but Class 10, but it was not to be and he took the silver medal. horrendous problems on the last lap dropped him to second spot. going so fast that the motor passed him on ~he track, so he got out, put it back and decided to call it a day only 15 miles in. The only thing that remains the same in life is change, and Lap 2 was full of change._ Parsons and Cast took over the lead with a seven minute margin over Kor-donowy. Kordonowy broke a front shock tower on Lap 2 cruising the down time. Third and making a move towards the front was Fos-ter, 40 minutes behind. Robinson maintained the fourth spot, but be on the podium. After a great broken limiter strap and broken Skipton as he passed McBride on his luck went sour as he broke a first lap Abreu retired, causes not shock mount. While fixing my the last lap to complete his bronze front brake drum finishing Lap 2, known. car, John was cruising, getting a metal for the day. McBride came as well as a valve, and took some Finishing the checkered lap gas and go and by the time things in next limping badly with a bro-time changing it in the pits. Luck- and ffrst in class was Parsons and were fixed he had 10 minutes on ken torsion for a fourth place fin- · ily I had finished for the day be- Cast, able to fight off a furious me. I put it in overdrive and was ish. Schrader never saw the light cause I was the one to change the charge by Kordonowy. Parsons steadily gaining on John which of day, but completed the journey drum. After a monster of a lap the and Cast extended their points was easy, because I couldn't slow and drove his race truck home in Lesher clan was now running lead and congratulations for their down. I ended up passing John one piece with a fifth place in fifth, but unfortunately could not first desert win in '99. Kordonowy · halfway through the lap and went hand. make up enough time on the road, was second in, but finished with- on to finish first and complete the All the Sportsman were next. finishing the last lap just minutes out a front shock as the other only three-peat in any class in the First the Sportsman Veteran class. after the time limit. My prediction shock tower had given way. In desert of '99. John came in over Seven cars took the green flag on for Fernle : look for these two to fact, Kordonowy passed Parsons an hour later without both rear this day and points leader Randy Of Rodends & and Cast on the road, but with- shocks, and if you thought one Miller was looking to extend his out a front shock could not keep shock was bumpy, try no shocks. points lead. Newcomers from Or-them in the rear view mirror. Fos- Class 7 had five strong and egon Torn Kruse and Mark Miller ter finished third, as he could not each finished the required length racing an old Class 10 car started make up the time. Robinson was of the race. Setting the stage was well early taking the lead on Lap able to finish on four wheels and Ricky Gonzalez, two minutes up 1 with a 2:08:23. The other took home a well traveled fourth on Lovelock winner Andy Miller, Randy Miller, was quick to place. Lesher ended up fifth, McBride. Five minutes back was follow as he muscled in just 90 Abreu in sixth, and Martin points leader Mike Koenig. seconds back. These two were fly-rounded it out. Troubles sat in on Gary Skipton ing, as the next competitor in was Class 9 had only two entries, , who completed Lap 1 about an 10 minutes back. Gary Steele, but what the heck. The brothers hour later, and Tim Schrader was whose Toyota powered machine squared off. Forest Creasy in the in fifth over 90 minutes back with was overheating badly was third right lane and John Creasy in the Metallics blasting on the CD in at 2: 19:45 followed four rnin-left. Even with a flat on Mile 60 I player. utes later by Lovelock winner Bill was able to gain the lead on Lap Class 7 only needed to com- Smith. I with four minutes in hand. Al- plete two laps and Gonzalez kept Everett Paul was having some though I got the tire changed it his foot planted, as his truck was poor luck early and was fifth in, had done some damage, not to first in and took the blue ribbon 30 minutes off the lead. The Brad-mention that the throttle was on this day. Mike Koenig ran fast ford boys eventually came in on S h · I B · stuck wide open for three-quar- lap of the day at 2:14:10, but it Lap 1, but with over an hour lost P enca earmgs ters of the race. I had 20 minutes wasn't enough finishing four min- already they needed some help • BACKSAVER • FIREBOTTLES • BATTERIES • SPAL FANS • SETRAB COOLERS • SILICONE HOSE NED !iYNTHETIC LUBRICANT§ • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • GREASES • COOLANTS down time between laps with a utes behind. Third in was Gary from above· to catch the leaders. Hooter "I can't catch a break with a catcher's mitt" Meyer had mo-tor problems again and had to bow out early, completing just 85 miles of the race. The race up front was fast and furio4s as Randy Miller passed Kruse/Miller on Lap 2 and set fast lap for the day at 2:04:53. Miller had ·carburetor problems all Fri-day and for the first part of Lap 1, but karma was with him as it blew out and his ride got faster as the · day went on. Second in was Bill Smith making up some ground with a 2: 14:33 and was now 24 minutes back. Kruse/Miller had to get out and admire some Nevada scenery and take some pictures, Ricky Gonzalez drove his multi colored Nissan to a great first place in Class 7, but got back in and were third, leading both 95 mile loops, shown here at speed. trailing Smith by just four min-WE HAVE DI/ER THE COUNTER §ERi/iCE utes. Paul was making up some lost time on the road and was now up to fourth, 15 minutes from third. Steele was still having seri-ous overheating issues and parked his ride after Lap 2 and finished sixth for the day. The Bradfords were slowly making a move to the front with the grandfather, father, and son team. WE §HIP UP§ DAILY TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFO.FRMATION CALL 800.959. 7757 OR 562.427 .2375 Fax: 562.426.5294 CHECK DUT DUR PRICE§ DN THE WEB AND DUR HUNDRED§ DF NEW ITEM!i AT: 2865 Gundry Ave., Signal Hill, CA 90806 Page 40 I VISA I Mr. Miller would continue to dominate on the checkered loop finishing the race first, with a half hour lead. Sir Miller reported no problems even though a droopy rear end, which would make any beer drinker proud, did plow the way for his competitors. Second in was Kruse/Miller who overtook Robby Wright was the big Pilot winner, covering his 95 miles in 2 1/2 hours for a Smith on the last lap. A great job great victory at Fallon. ____ for their first outing of the season. October 1-999 Dusty Times
Dale Carr took third in class 1, not having the best of cfciys but he Mike Koenig set fast tap for Class 7, but it wasn't enough for the gold Doug Seymour had a great day going 'ti/ he got passed on the last lap brought his good looking car in for the bronze medal. and he had to settle for the~s~i~'"'~er._. -~~~-~--~~ and ended up seconci in Sportsman Trucks. Speakmg of Smith, he was unable time of 2: 21 :52. Seymor had the and I would like to thank him for in a Pilot has got to be like three onship Series in Sacramento be-to complete the last lap and lead, but could not afford to lift, the use of his welder to get me hours in a washing machine. I ginning September 25, just a settled for an unfamiliar fifth for as Dan Morose was right behind going between laps. have a question though. If they couple of days away. Nothing, I the day. The last spot on the po-him three minutes back. The Novice Sportsman was next. have to do only one lap wouldn't mean nothing, gets your blood dium belonged to Paul who threw other two entries did not have Oh for the novice. Just two cars they get the green and white flag pumping faster than sitting on the in his ringer on the last lap, Tyler much fun as both Ben Wald and took the green flag. Jason Sacks at the same time, or instead starting line in groups of two, fast Mort, and Mort hustled and Mark Malone could not complete and Charlie Bryan had pistols at maybe a lima bean colored flag? cars, and only one green flag. bustled and caught up the Kruse/ a lap and would finish third and their sides and were ready for ten Oh well. Robby Wright bested After five of the nine races Miller and finished right behind fourth, respectively. So the battle paces. Well, Bryan tripped and two other competitors on this day. complete the points break down them, but finished two min1,1tes was down to two. never got going as he broke try- His lap time of 2:34:27 was good° like this. Class l: Sam Berri-274; back on time. Seymor had a gas and go after ing to get around a slower car, slid enough for the gold. Wright, who Kevin Ohns tad-23 5. Class 7: After starting the day so Lap 1 and Morose used it to his down the track and hit hard on had finished in second in the Mike Koenig-301; Gary Skipton-poorly, the Bradfords came back advantage and took over the lead the left front end. The accident other desert races told me rhat 252. Class 8: Tom Scahill-163; strong and completed the dis-on time by 30 seconds, even broke the front shock, the shock second was like kissing your sis- Kenny Brager-157. Class 9: John tance in time to hit the BBQ line though he still trailed Seymor on tower, and made the beam look ter, so I told him you better win Creasy-248; Forest Creasy-224. at their pits. A nice fourth after the track. Morose ate dust the like the upper half of an umbrella: and he did. Following Wright in, Class 10: Parsons/Cast-328; Bob all that effort. That's why they say whole day and had his horn mak- This left Sacks to come on in to 36 minutes back was Clint Weil- Martin-246. Sportsman Trucks: if you are going to break, break ingmorenoisethananicecream take the victory, but Sacks seywhohadsometroubleonthe BenWald-193;DanMorose-179. early. Smith, Steele and Meyer truck near yard and fi-wanted to take his time and rel-monstrous lap. Paul Franklin Sportsman Veteran: Randy rounded out the field all having a nally saw some daylight and ish the victory as a nice six hour never saw the. finish line and Miller-242; Meyer/Naso-199. shorter than anticipated day. passed Seymor on the road, going lap hit the spot. packed up his toys for another. Sportsman Novice: Jason Sacks-The Sportsman Trucks were on to victory with six minutes to Last but not least were the Pi- day. 237; Charlie Bryan-235. Pilots: next out to battle with nature. spare. This makes Morose two for lots. Once again VORRA is the . It was a great day of racing. Robby Wright-272; Clint Wolsey-Doug Seymor was looking for three this season and looks to only organization for Pilots so Perfect weather and perfect con- 249. · back-to-back victories, got the make it three of four in Fernley. bring those bad boys out and lets ditions. Fernley should be much Off Road Racing fs not for milk pole position and came out firing. Seymor settled for second on the go racing. Pilots are only required of the same. Please don't forget drinking c·ars. Go hard or Go · He completed Lap 1 with fast day with ~ great run in his Ford to complete Lap 1, but 95 miles about the Short Course Champi- home. OUT. ■ . A NLVI!> LIMJTtU LIAUIUI Y COMPANY Arrive & Dtive Come & Drive the Baja 1000 Pre-run with the likes of: Curt Le Due" Todd Clement, Ryan Thomas, Scott Steinberger, Willie Valdez just to name a few ... . Let us take care of the prep, parts inventory, mechanics chase trucks, tools hotels, meals, etc. you get the picture. All you do is DRIVE in our state-of-th.e-art off-road buggies designed exclusively for Wide Open Baja October 19-23 October 24-27 5 nights/ 4 days of driving $2950 (Guided by Curt Le Due) 4 nights/ 3 days of driving $2450 (Guided by Ryan Thomas) Prices are all inclusive Call Wide Open Baja for details or to reserve your seat, space is limited 888-788-2252 • Wide Open Baja • 27136B 888. 788 BAJA Paseo Espada • • Suite 949.489.8984 1121 • San Juan • Fax: Capistrano • 949.489.8983 CA • 92675 October 1999 ~ Page At C
Baja Pit News By Mr. Baja Race Results: SCORE Fireworks 250; Baja Pits provided one pit for Class 10 Miguel Tomei and Class 1/2-1600 Rudy Cortez from Las Vegas. Thanks to Pit Captain Michael Angel Escalante from Escalante Sandblasting for doing a great job. Corp Laguna Salada: July 16 nite race. Baja Pits pitted for 24 vehicles with nine requiring welding jobs. Twenty-two finish the race, great job done by Pit Captain Carlos Macklis and his young crew of college student and future attorneys. This is part of the young and future of Baja Pits, great job guys. NOTE: Manilo Moreno Class 1 winner??? Give back the first place trophy, keep the money, you probably need it more. You were caught on video short cutting the course. Corp CEO Joaquin attended a Baja Pits meeting to try to ex-plain why Manilo Moreno was not DQ? No excuse? Maybe that's answer the ? why he did not race at Santa Veronica. I would be embarrassed too??? Classic Road Race: 7-24-99 Ensenada to La Mission. Forty-two vehicles (Por-sche, Corvettes, Camaros, Mustang, Nissan 300 ZX, Hondas, Delorean, Mercedes, etc., and many more partici-pated in this tenth annual road race. Baja Pits again pro-vided two pits. Many thanks to Pit Captain Jesse Amezcua and his crew. Great job guys. Lions Club; Destruction Derby and Stadium Off Road Race 8-1-99: This annual event attracted · over 8,000 fans. Two Baja Pits members were part of the 32 entries. 2NSD FPL went to long time Baja Pits member Guillermo Soltero. Twelve Baja Pits vehicles were in the off road race, with Perry Mc-Neil taking first place, along with Chad McNeil, Elizandro Yee and Jesse Millker. Many gracias to Pit Captain Arturo Soto for taking the Baja Pits van. Corp Santa Veronica 8-2-99: Will let Mr. Tony Tellier report all the results. A few notes that Baja Pits provided services for 60, yes 60, yes 60 vehicles double pits. Mr. Perry McNeil/Elizandro Yee first OA Class 1, 2SD OA Miguel Tomei Class 10, 18 5-1600; 13 Class 7; two Class 1 O; four Class 9; six Class 11, two Class 1/2-1600, three Class 8; three Class 5; four Safaris and five Sportsman. Excellent job by Pit Captain Leo Calderon and the rest of his 25 men crew. Baja Pits/Tecate 125 8-28-99 Nite Race: Third race of the series for. quads, bikes, buggies, 5-1600 and trucks. First heat 6:00 p.m., 350 quads followed by the 250 quads; next at 6:45 p.m. came the bikes 125, 25 and 350+ Open, five laps or half hour per heat on this 3 .1 mile fast course??? 9:00 p.m. Class 9 follow by the 5-1600 then the Class 7, Class 8 and Sportsman buggys every 45 minutes, a different class started. Second heat started around midnite. Class winner 5-1600 Angel Zuniga, _A.g;:, ~-g· •• Presents the 2nd Annual eric:,n American Rally Sport Group 9 . Laugh/In 99 N••-USA .. Ramada Express Hotel & Casino International Rally December 9 -12 1999 ARSG Welcomes Off-Road Enthusiasts, with anew "Pre-Runner Class" Open to street legal, and licensed Pre-Runner type vehicles. (Baja Bugs, Pick-Ups, SUV's) $5,000 PURSE for Pre-Runner Class (based on minimum of20 entries) Plus Contingency Awards A 3-Day event with a total of 500 miles and over 200 miles of flat-out dirt stages in the deserts and forests of Southeastern Nevada and WestemArizona. Plus, Historic Route 66 and Grand Canyon stages. Entry Fee of$77 Includes 2 5. oo . roozns"" n1ghts at th .tor 4 E~ress e Ral11a.da An FIA and Sports Car Sanctioned Event Page 42 Plus a chance to compete against the fastest Rally cars in North America. . For Further Infomation and entry forms, Contact: American Rally Sport Group, Inc. 3650 South Pointe Circle, Ste 205 Laughlin, Nevada, 89028 PH. (702) 298-8171, FAX (909) 682-7447 e-mail Or Rod Koch Pre-Runner Class Co-ordinator at: October 1999 Class 9 Guillermo Soltero, Class 7 Sabas Munoz and Class 8 in a Trophy truck Manuel Herrera. He put on a great show, thank you Mr. Herrera. The President and all the crew finally got to bed by 2:30 a.m. only to get up at 6:00 a.m. Sun-day to run Heat 2 for the quads and bikes. Awards at poolside at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, quite a . few happy winners. Baja Pits pays 70% payback plus trophy for first, second and third. Special thanks to. all the Baja Pits members who help out, thanks Jorge (welder) Enrique Ortez, Carlos lribe, Issac Orozco, Carl Augustyn, Mario Ramirez, Prof. Arrevalo, Club Pres. Carlos Orozco and, of course, the Mr. Baja Pits himself Leo (The Lio·n of the Desert) Calderon. Next Race: Saturday, No-vember 20, 1999. Last Race of the 4 Race Series. More info call the Pres. Carlos Orozco 1-619-449-7777. SCORE Primm Baja Pits will be providing one pit at Mile 51. Updates Baja 1000: 10 full service pits, same course as 1997 1000, so take out those maps, info call the Pres. Car-los Orozco at 1-619-281-0400, Ext. 674 or at home 1-619-449-7777. Baja Pits never stops, we are a full service racing team. We have another six races rn do in 1999, so if you want to be part of this unique racing team, any type of help is needed. Man-power, generators, welders, air compressors, and racing suits, harnesses, helmets. If you don't need it, donate it to Baja Pits by calling 1-619-267-9928 or 1-619-449-7777 or 1-619-448-1912 Carl. California Rally series Report By Sue Robinson , This year's Gorman Club Rally is now in the books. Har-ris Done, Ray Hocker and Larry Scott put together a noteworthy event on August 21st based at the Best Rest Inn in Frasier Park, CA. Twenty-five rallyists showed up to meet the challenge of Gorman with its usual heat and dust. ·There were even some new faces behind the steering wheel. Rey Laureno and Fred Western teamed up in a Toyota Celica to finish 14th overall and third in Stock class. Mark Peterson and Scott Peterson brought out theirOodge Colt and finished 15th overall and fourth in 2 Wheel Open. Congratulations on completing! Hope to see you at many more of our events! Other new faces were Rich-ard and Frances Byford who are entered in the Cape to Cape Rally in 2002. They will race a BMW from the tip of Sweden to the tip of South Af-rica. They are planning on racing with us to tune up for the big event. This weekend they came out and worked Dusty Times
some of the stage starts and finishes. Doug and I gave Ri-chard his own up close and personal look at our Mazda 323 when we got a little off course and ran up the side hill in front of him. We just wanted to see if he had nerves of steel. I guess so, 'cause he never dropped his radio! Paula Gibeault was seen in the parking lot prior to the rally offering profuse apology to the Stock class members for missing their pre-race meeting on Friday night. She was given a "Slow Moving Vehicle" T-shirt by the class Doug Robinson and ordered to ask for forgiveness by the other members before she could run in the class. She took it all in humor I might add -I've got the photos to prove it! This year the 4 Wheel Open class was packed. Anton Musev and John Dillon showed all of us the way around. Anton finally solved his Audi's engine gremlins with the help of Ron Wood at VW Specialties. However, his shifter broke in the first stages and luckily his crew found a welder to build a piece to hold it in place for the rest of the rally. This was his first team-ing with John Dillon and it seems to be a good match. John later said it was really fun to run first on the road instead of4lst! George Plsek showed up with his beautiful Audi and ran a strong rally until late in the race when part of his front suspension failed. He and_ Renn Phillips still ran fourth overall and second in the 2 Wheel class. Ron Woods and Kelly Walsh were having turbo problems. The blow-off valve stuck open so he jammed it shut with a bolt for the rest of the rally. That is a good recipe for disaster but Ron drove it gingerly to finish seventh overall and third in class. Doug and Sue Robinson ran some scorching stages early in the rally setting fast time on one. Then a flat and a small wiring fire slowed them down. All of their lights went up in smoke so the crew hast-ily rewired the driving lights -low beams only. Needless to say, the night stages were not their strong point! They still hung 9n for an eighth overall and fourth in class. Bob Pendergrass and Jon Weigley brought up the rear of 4 Wheel Open, stopping along the way to pull competitors out of ditches. Thanks Bob for being such a great sportsman and helping those guys out. Paul "Yes, I am a Rocket Scientist" Timmerman and Suzi Martin had some prob-lems with their Mazda 3 23 as did the team of Bruce Brown and his wife Pat. Their 323 was having ignition problems. Neither team could make it to the finish line. Bruce will be happy to finish his new Suba-ru "gentleman's racing car." Tony Chavez and Ken Cassidy broke the brand new cliff in the Galant VR-4. Tony is not having real good racing luck mid-season. Maybe it is time to get out that voodoo doll and a few pins. Rui Brasil and Ola Lysenstoen were out early in the Audi Quattro. The Performance Stock Class was a real dogfight. Steve Bende-r and Craig McHugh came out of the starting gate flying in their VW Rabbit. I think their speed was partly due to Steve's way cool aerodynamic double zippy sunglasses. He looks fast just standing in the pits! Is this the new Bender image? However, the bunny broke on Stage 7 and left them stranded. The team of Mark Brown and Ole Holter was a new combo and it agreed with them. Well, with Mark any-way. Ole was one sick puppy at the Lake Hughes service area. However, he very thoughtfully never puked in the race car. A few less home brews on Friday night per-hap_s? They took first place honors in P. Stock in the Toyota FX 16 but not without a good fight fight from Paula "I will not be late for a Stock class meeting again" Gibeault and Dari Sherwood in the Gi-beault Jetta. Only nine sec-onds separated them at the finish., Patrick Rodi and Ron Cohen took third in the class in their RX7. Patrick is a new driver this year and this was his first trophy win. Congratu-lations! Lon· Peterson and Bill Gutzman showed up in the trusty Plymouth Arrow and showed the 2 Wheel Open class how it is done. Lon has run Gorman for so many years that Bill basically acted as bal-last and I heard he actually took a nap in the co-driver's seat. Lon showed up with a new firesuit, I guess he isn't planning on retiring from ral-lying any time soon. Frank Paredes and William Staley were hot on his heels in their Toyota Corolla. I guess youth couldn't beat old age and craftiness. Rod Koch and Brian Paul drove their VW Fastback to third in the class. Alex and Violet Tissot lost the brakes in their Volvo 242 and had some exciting moments in the Hungry Valley stages. A mechanical problem finally took them out. Justin Benham and Chrissy Beavis turned up in the Dodge Omni just re-turned from Mexico. Unfortu-nately, after some really good stage times early in the day the transmission let go and left them parked on the road. Rats!! Next time Justin. Stock class had four cars in it. Jay Streets and Bill Feyling were leading the way until the final stage and had a major "off." All I saw as we went by was the two of them standing on the edge of the road and some very serious skid marks going off the edge. They were fine, however the car was still stuck as of Sunday morning. Good ole Bob Pendergrass was going back up to help them get it out. Nicky Craig and Kengo Takahashi suffered a similar fate one stage earlier. It looked like they had over-cooked a corner and got stuck on the outside berm. They were having a good run too. So the survivors were the vic-tors in Stock class. Nick Tay-lor and Pete Morris motored along for the class win and Steve Scott and Terry Continued on page 44 ARf YQij RfADYlO ~AVf ~OMf ~-W~ffl DRIVf fij~ TEST YOUR DRIVING SKILLS AND TO SEE THE LATEST IN 4-WHEEL DRIVE GOODIES AND ACCESSORIES! LOCATION: SUNSET STATION HOTEL & CASINO a_~ FOR MORE INFORMATION: Field Meet 'DJIDDK~ )•X<i.P;8 October 9th 1999 [ID rn~1Ja~ 'IT'OOrn ~~~~~~~ BEST.■THE 3475CBOULDERHIGHWAY DESERT (702)~fl'f,~~MWJi2i1-2431 O~i!~k RACING ASSOCIATl-_o_u_s_t_y_T_im_e_s _________ www __ .b_1t_d_.c_o_m ________ .----'--□~-rn:ac..:..,13.:c,NGAIIOC~TJON _____________ P_a_g_e_4_3
Stonecipher m~rsed their Ply-mouth Sapporo to a second in class. All in all it was a great event for all the competitors. Our thanks to the organizers, timers, radio people and all the other volunteers. The CRS raffle was kicked off at the Gorman Rally. This raffle is to raise funds for new rally equipment -no, not a new car for Lon Peterson. Raffle items include a Cobra racing seat from Sube Sports, two full sets of Urethane mud flaps from Susquehanna Mo-torsports, two Laughlin Inter-national Rally jackets and a media bag from Rally Q from ARSG, items from Sport Com-pact Car Magazine, rally cross entry from NASA, rally cross entry from Las Vegas SCCA region, discounted rally en-tries and T ~shirts from CRS rallies and many more fabu-lous prizes. Please note the fine folks who have donated· items and show your apprecia-tion. Now go raid those piggy banks and buy some tickets! Nancy Peterson, our trea-surer and membership chair-woman, is stepping down. We will miss Nancy's friendly face at the registration table. Many thanks for all the great work you have done for the club. By the time you read this we will have run the Prescott For-est Rally in Prescott, AZ. The organizers have red_uced this to a one day rally to help com-petitors save money and time away from work., The entire event will be run on Saturday, October 2nd. The first stage will be held at the fairgrounds in Prescott. This is a great op-portunity for non-rally people to see what we do. Hopefully, the press and public will take advantage of this. Jeff Hendricks promises some nice new roads and some great old roads. This is a really fun rally and Prescott is a great town to be based in. Hope to see you there! See you at the start line. Challenger corner By Joel Mohr RACE RESULTS!!! MDR California 200 NITE RACE: Five Challengers made the line on a very nice Saturday after -noon, with the start time of 7:00 p.m. Darin McGuffin was ,first off the line, with Jeff Intriachia in the Lawson entry, Sean De-Frank going for. his first solo drive, Robert Riffle, and then us. On the first of five 40 mile loops, Jeff was on a mission, and set a pace 'that couldn't last all night. We were running second, with Darin finishing his first go-around on a front flat and a blown. front shock, Sean run-ning close behind him, and Rob-ert taking a conservative yet steady pace. On Lap 2, Jeff stretched his lead to five min-utes, but wanted out at the end of the lap. During their driver change they had a front flat, and found a loose axle nut. By the time they got everything fixed, Dave left FAIR main and pulled up to the start/finish line with us only about 15 seconds be-hind. Sean had picked up the pace and was now running third. Darin was next, after turning his car over to Brian Jeffrey, and Robert was running steady. On Lap 3, I chased Dave · until a 7 truck got between us, and he 'got out on us by about a minute. The rest of the field fell on hard luck, and it turned into a race to see who could get fixed first. Sean had probably the worst night that any driver could ever·encounter, breaking SUPE TR PP A TOMETER LEE C C YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS! PHONE:(714) 441•1212 FAX (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 Rallye 4000 HID Lamps ~ :II Q :r -i :r ~ m -i ~ 0 z 35 watts - Black .HEL-74801 Rallye 4000 ·Euro Beam ~ HEL-74802 Rallye 4000 :II (/) ::> t-u < u (/) J UJ w :r 3: Designed by Raceco in 1990 for military use, re-designed by McKenzie's for Off-Road use in 1994. This unit gives you more travel, less stub axle load and lighterweight, comes complete with arm mount-ing flange, disc brakes with billet calipers and pads, bearings and chromoly stub axles. ..---. Batte~ Bo~::-. ~ ! MET-229 Optima Battery Box ~ MET-229D0 Optima Dimple Die d MET-236 Stock VW B. Box ~ MET-237 U-1 Battery Box w z :::::; a: w 1-z w u (/) a: w Fresh Air Helmets Comes with shield & Hardware. CAC-100 Helmet Wired - Small CAC-200 Helmet Wired - Med. CAC-300 Helmet Wired - Large CAC-400 Helmet Wired - X-Large CAC-500 Helmet Wired - XX-Large CAC-101 Non-wired Helmet - Small CAC-201 Non-wired Helmet - Med CAC-301 Non-wired Helmet - Large CAC-401 Non-wired Helmet - XLarge CAC-501 Non-wired Helmet-XXL (8) UMP Air Filters (r:tJ MET-2370D U-1 Dimple Die Power Steering HOW-1000 Sweet Servo HOW-7530 TopCoupler-30Slpine HOW-7548 Lower Coupler-48 Spline HOW-8000 P/S Pump-1300 psi HOW-8000A P/S Pump, Alum -1300 psi .. HOW-8004/8005 HOW-8001 P/S Pump, Char1yne -1000 psi HOW-8004 4-1/2" Pulley - Press On HOW-8005 5-3/4" Pulley - Press On HOW-8006 2" Howe Ram HOW-8008 HOW-8007 Custom Ram HOW-8008 Reservoir ~. HOW-8006~ ;:,:; m z z m ~ {ll ;= ~ m z c.... )> s: )> :II (/) )> 0 0 ~ Ill UMP-10900 UMP-10920 UMP-10915 UMP-10610 Super Filter w/Brackets Super Filter Scoop Replacement Wing Nut Air Filter Shield for Weber Mickey Thompson Tires § < ~ 9"x5"x6" T Are The Best! ~ Ill (/) a: w ~ u:: z ~ UMP-51000 10" dia. Straps-Stainless Steel UMP-58000 8" dia. Straps-Stainless Steel RaceCar-Jack RAC-JACK Flame Out Extinquishers SAF-RC-250 2-1/2 lb. Sys. SAF-RC-500 5 lb. Manual SAF-RC-500C 5 lb. Manual Compact ~ SAF-RC-500P 5 lb. Manual Push Activater Ult Wh I Designed for Off-Road with Tut-Treads and Side-Biter Sidewalls cl X (/) :r 0 0 ;:,:; (/) )> C :II 0 :II )> 3: SAF-RC-500CP 5 lb. Manual Compact/Push Activater ra ee S <C SAF-RC-1000 1 O lb. Manual UL T-5352 15 x 3-1 /2 VW (/) >-SAF-RC-1000P 10 lb. Manual, Push Activater ULT-5752 15 x 7 VW ~ !--------------------------------------~~ • CRO SI PSO • BEA D SEA S HELLA KC HILi ES FOOD ILL REDLI E OIL U P S&S HE E S Page.44 October 1999 a spindle about Mile 5 and get-ting crossed up and stuck right in the middle of the course. Try-ing to make sure they wouldn't get hit, Sean and Petty got out, lit their flares, and tried to di-rect traffic around the wounded car. A backup ensued, and a 7 truck ended up stuck in the sand. Whole Sean was helping the truck, a 10 car proceeded to knock down and actually run over Sean with his rear tire. Ac-cording to Sean there was no way thy guy could have not known that he hit him, and to top it off, he didn't even back of the gas! Patty saw the whole thing, and thought for sure Sean was hurt or dead. The sight scared the shit out of her, so she ran over to see, and luckily, he suffered only bruises, and said he was just sore. I'm sure it was all just an accident, but the guy in the 10 car didn't even stop to see if he was OK. If you're reading this, I hope you can sleep at night! Back to the race. Brian was now third, and then blew the screw out of his front adjuster and had to stop to get it welded, while Robert had to change an alternator.-Mean-while back at the front of the field, Dave and I were playing cat and mouse like our lives de-pended on it. We were no mo;e than a minute and a half apart physically, which meant we were swapping the lead by sec-onds. Brian got fixed the fast-est, and was back in third, and Jim Delaney had stepped into the Riffle entry. Sean got his car fixed, and asked me to mention a great act of sportsmanship by Darin McGuffin, who loaned Seas the parts he needed. COOL!! On Lap 5, Dave and I were still running as if tied to-gether, and Brian was nursing a soft frond end. Jim was next, and Sean was back on the road. Everyone was glued to their ra-dios to hear the time splits on Dave and I, and it was going to be a fight to the wire. At the last pit before the finish line, we were 55 seconds apart with seven miles to go. That meant I had a five' second lead, and there was no way of knowing who would win. Then, with about five miles left, Dave heard a noise he'll not soon forget. The ring gear popped, so he backed off of the gas so he could hopefully limp it in. Man, so close yet so far. Dave, I know what that's like, and I. can truly sympathize. I motored by, not knowing what was wrong, and cruised in for the win. Dave limped it in for second. Brian finished third, with Jimmy mak-ing it four finishers out of five starters. Sean was still running, but missed the cut off time to go out on his last lap by about five minutes. WOW!! One win was cool, two wins were unbe-lievable, and now, three, much less three in a row, is indescrib-able. I guess when it all comes together, it all comes together. I would like to thank RD V ALVESPRING, WEBCAM, SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED, SANDRAILS UNLIMITED, and of course, MOHR PER-·FORMANCE. I'd like to also thank Tim Nichols, my co-pilot, and the infamous Harold Curry, chaser dude extraordinaire, and my wife and my family for all of their support. I can't thank ev-eryone enough that has helped me over the years, but hopefully somehow, they can sense my gratitude. We are leading the point's chase by a little bit now, but with two races to go and the last one a double points race, it's still a four way toss up. A couple of other notes, I got a call from Gary Stevens, one of the Class 9 drivers that ran at the FIREWORKS 250, and he said he got hit no less than ten times by various open tars. Once was so severe, that it ac-tually bent his springplate when he got nerfed in the tire. Now I could really get wrapped up in this issue, but to save space and probably my rear cage, I just wanted to pass along thanks to the spectators that helped Gary fix his car. Also, when an open car cut him off, t·he sduader valve got knocked off of his front shock, and the guys from McKenzie heard his distress call on the radio. They called him back, and told him to pull into the McKenzie pit, and they in-stalled a NEW shock. Thanks again to everyone, and to the open car guys, just remember, we're racing too. On another front, the Class 9 clarification flier is almost finished, and I think more than a few people will be surprised. I can't really say too much until I get final approval, but let's just say there is probably going to be some people making adjustments to their race plan. Any comments or suggestions can be e-mailed to me at MOHRPRF@JUNO.COM, or call me at (760) 947-6647. Oth-erwise we'll SEE YOU AT THE RACES!!! ~att3!~0 !~~l~f :.~~tJne~ High Horse Power/ High Mileage Endurance Race Engines Tired of Not Winning Races? Call (909) 927-5304 MW IUILT Wl##lllf EIHH#ES ffll.: · ~ 1-UCl(f CIASS II CIASS •1 CIASS 6/ JJRO 1-UCl(I Ritt nrlCl(I IHOIT cons, . ~ohby <.iordo~, R~l~ Mac(_'aclm:n Simon & Simoni Dave Wc,tham Baldwin Racing R1v1crn Rac11,1g/ Tun Scal1;0/ Ky le & J_ason Taylor-Chuck Ham~ StC\C Saroni/ Larry Plank ~\ an f:,·an.-. ( :irl Rc.:nc¥.cdc;:rl \ii ark Sh:m/ Ant..L.1taco \ioton.pon-. Oavc Shoppe n & L R:tt:ing Scot \,fr~1llan Hardaway Racing Om·c Uryun ( nncjo Offro;.l.ll' (iu!'o \ 'idosola/ Rid fohn-.on .1,m Knui.:kk-s: lte1~Ln~ ~at.:ing.t Todd Willman/ \.11kc I .c!'olc fame,; ('!;1og. Raa.:ing Dusty Times
r More Trail N~s ... AJ]BWE FORESTS PRORALLY -Finally, someone has won two rally's on the Vcircuit! Noel Lawler and Charlie Bradley kept their Hyundai Tiburon on the winning track and took the gold medal after a long run through the Ojibwe Forests in Minnesota. Canadian champions Frank and Dan Sprong! had their Audi Quattro in at 2:26:35 for the second spot, Paul Choiniere and John Buffum finished in third with a time of 2:28:41 in their Hyundai Tiburon and Garen and "Doc" Schrader,"who won the Rim Rally, were at the finish line with a 2:30:50 which was good for fourth overall. Henry and Cindy Krolikowski were first in Group 5, Bryan Hourt and Brian Shanfeld took the honors in Group 2. The Production GT win went to Brian Pepp and Jerry Stang and the Production Class went to Karl Scheible and Gail McGuire in their new VW Beetle and they cinched their Class championship as well. Next up is the Prescott Forest Rally, Prescott, Arizona, which occurs on the October 1-2 weekend. A MC PACER• we met a very nice gentleman who is president of the Swiss Pacer .t'\Dwners Club and he would enjoy getting more info on AMC Pacers from us here in the USofA. Any of you out there who have info on Pacers can talk to him via e-mail at I know he is looking forward to hearing from some of you. ~ ,fEXICO TOURIST FEE -We have asked for some official word on the new l V .lT ourist Fee from the Mexican Consul but still have no response so here is what we know for sure. If you travel further than Ensenada or San Felipe you must pay 150 Peso fee ($16.50) for a Tourist Pass, supposedly valid for entry for 6 months. You get your permit at any Mexican immigration office after presenting proof of citizenship, filling out a one page form, having it stamped, and then going to a Mexican bank and paying the fee and having the form stamped again. Time to do all this can run from 15 minutes to a few hours. Land travelers will be stopped at a checkpoint to either pay the 150 Pesos or to have their Tourist Entry Card stamped. Airline passengers whose final destination is Mexico will pay the fee when they buy their round trip ticket. Cruise passengers staying in a Mexican port for more than 72 hours will pay as part of the cruise package. If you're going to play a round of golf at Bajamar or going for a quiet weekend in Ensenada you are not affected. The fee only applies when you travel south ofEnsenada or San Felipe that you need the permit and, as of now, you must pay for the permit at a Mexican bank. Knowing that banks are not open at eleven in the evening, or on Sundays, it is going to be a real problem for some of the race connected folks. They head into the interior for the Baja races at all sorts of uncommon hours to suit their particular needs and this is going to be a real roadblock ... Most of the locals are not too happy with this new tariff, but the government says that all the monies collected will go to modernize the immigration system and to more aggressively promote tourism. 'l'l THIPLASH SNOWFLAKE 150-Just a quickie to let you know the winners.of VV the Snowflake. Brian Brown was the overall winner as well as taking Class l. Mike Sulgar won Class l 0, Mark Beeler took the Class 8 laurels, Enrique Bujanda was the Class 5 winner, Larry Phuenix-won Class 3, -Eric Fisher and Scott Brown took -1,600, Mike Del Col won 5-1600 and Chad Woodruff won Class 9. In Sportsman the Unlimited Class went to Dav.e Cookman, Class 10 went to Jack Farmer, Sportsman Mini went to Mike Gale and Bill Tsakiris won the Sportsman Truck class. The overall winners were Brown first overall, Reuben Wood was second, Cesar Fuentes was third and Mike Sulgar was fourth overall. CRANDON COMPETITION -At the Borg Warner Shootout over the Labor Day weekend, Rob MacCachren was the big winner of the Borg Warner Trophy and the 3 lK that ooes with it. Curt LeDuc led the first two laps of the 10 lap event but Rob took the lead°on lap 3 and headed home from there. Rob is the first driver ever to win the race from the pole position. Congrats to a great competitor! In the other races, Johnny Greaves won Pro-Lite both days, Art Schmitt and Jeff Kincaid each took a 2nd. In Pro -2 Scott Taylor took a 1st and a 2nd, Jamey Flannery had a win and Carl Renezeder also took a 2nd .. In Pro-4, it was Jack Flannery taking both wins and Jamey Flannery and Walker Evans each taking a 2nd and Curt LeDuc and Rob MacCachren .each took a 3rd. In the Single Light Class Aaron Behrens took a 1st and a 3rd, Josh ~a: had a win Mike Hintz took a 2nd and Ryan Andrews took a 2nd and a 3rd. In Smgle Buggy, Ga; Behrens and Mark Krueger each had a win, Mark Ste~ardt took a pair of 2nd'.s and Steve Federico and Todd Crump each had a 3rd place fintsh. In Super Buggy, Phil Gourlie won both races, Larry Gourlie and Chad Hord each got a Jnd and JR Wheeler took 3rd in both races. In Sportsman Stock, Eric Dawson had a wm, Keith Steele took a 1st and a 3rd, Michael Oberg had a pair of 2nd's and Rhon1a Konitz~~ had a 3rd. In Sportsman 2, it was Tommy Bradley all the way for two wms, Joe Z1ltsch and Dan Yanden Heuvel each took a 2nd, and Dave Hockers and Ben Wandahsega each took a 3rd. {'""ILASSIFIED ADS -Just a word, the free classified ad with your subscription,_ the Vprornotion we have been running for quite some time is n~ longer in effect. ~lassif1ed ads are available for $25 per insertion with an additional $5 if you submit a picture. SCORE LAS VEGAS PRIMM 300 -It was great if a bit dusty race. SCORE recorded 160 entries, 153 actually started and of the brave and hardy finished t~e ~ce. In Class l, it was Troy Herbst taking the class and the overall as well by about six mmutes. Doug Fortin was second in Class l. Trophy Truck winner was_ Larry Roeseler; Ed & Ttm Herbst were second. In 1/2-1600, Brad Rowland was first, Rick Paqi.:ette fo,lowed htm in. Darren Skilton won Class 3, George Seeley took the Class 5 win with Dave C~a second. Eric Deen took 5-1600 with Carlos lribe second, Jeff Lewis won Cl?ss 7, Cra1_g Turner was second. Cory Suag took Class 7S, Cody Swanty was se~ond and m Class 8 1t was Btian Collins taking the win. Mark Bunderson won Class 9, Enc Ftsher was second. Danny Anderson was the Class 10 winner, Steve Myers was second. Dave ~allaway took SCORE Lites, Steve Greinke was second. Eric Solorzan? won Class 11, T tm Casey won Stock Mini, Marc Stein took Stock Full and Scott Stemberger won the Protruck Class with Rick Johnson right on his tail. Doug MacArthur won the Sports_man Cl_ass. Some of these results will certainly make the season points races a bit more mterestmg. See next month's issue for a full race report. 'l'l ]ESTERN SHORT COURSE SERIES? -The CORR West Series is getting VV closer to realiry. A survey is being sent to all interested drivers, owners, sponsors, manufacturers and fans. If you would like to receive a survey, please contact CO~ West Director Jim Connor. Phone 520-855-0912, FAX 520-453-9641 or e-mail TIRTMOTORSPORTS-Fud's race at the KOA Kampground in Tecate, rounds 10 1.' and 11 of the FUD District 38 series. Craig Smith and Ron Wilson were big winners, each winning their individual classes and then teaming up and winning a third race. Aaron Tuck won the 250 Vet Race, Eric Doliente won the A TV race, Juan Malero was · the first Pilot and in the A TV Rookie Division, Allen White won on his Honda 250R and Rueben DeHoyes won on his Suzuki A TV. ■ Dusty Times by The Big W ahzoo As many of you noticed, there wasn't a Checker column in the last issue of the Dusty Times, and because of that, we have some catching up to do and several things to touch base on. And, with that, I'll start the Baja 500 where the weather couldn't have been better, making this Baja 500 a little cooler than some of the past 500s. George Seeley took first in Class 5 Unlimited. Congratula-tions George! Also congratula-tions is out to Walter Prince for his win in Sportsman class. Tom Koch is a non-Checker car suf-fered electrical problems, finish-ing, but in last place. Ty Godde, in his Class 1200 car took ninth place, while Jim Greenway took second place in Class 12. Richard Young in Class 1400 Sportsman ended his day with a blown mo-tor while Mike Alt was taking his turn at the_wheel with the young 'Lil Rev in the co-driver's seat. This duo is our newest addition to the membership, voted in just recently and we welcome them to the team. They are Mike Alt, who does tech inspection on all pro-trucks and has his own 5-1600 car in the works, and 'Lil Rev, AKA Mike Childress, a third cousin to NASCAR's Richard Childress, owner of the Goodwrench #3, is just 16 years old and not only rides along with many of the Checkers in their cars, but he races the desert on a Honda XR 600 in the Best in the Desert Series. Mike is leading in points this year in his class; 4-stroke over 450 amateur. He is the stepson of our own Rev-erend Roy Moore and so, he takes on the nickname, 'Lil Rev. Rev Roy has been doing double duty because in addition to the normal Vice President responsibility, he now does the chase crew thing be-hind the kid. The Checkers had only two cars entered in the MDR Kar-Tek 400; B.J. Bates ran a non-checker entry in Class 9 car1 leaving a decent day with no ma-jor problems, taki~g a fine second place. Our other Checker entry was that of The Ridgecrest Rocket, Tom Koch is a non-Checker entry, escorted by Checker Club President, Jimmy "The Hookster" Hook. Koch ran three clean laps with a flat on Lap 4 with passenger Hook and Checker Pit B assisting in the tire change. Even with the flat, the car and some shock problems, The 7SOi SLATER unit E, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 (714) 848-8880 PHONE (714) 848-1844 Fax OFF ROAD TRUCK SPECIAUSTS PRE-RUNNER SUSPENSION • • • • FOR RANGER/ F-150 BENT I-BEAMS CUSTOM I-BEAMS CUSTOM RADIUS ARMS CAMBURG/EIBACH COILS CUSTOM COIL BUCKETS NATIONAL REAR SPRINGS TOYOTA • UPPER A-ARMS • SWAY-A-WAY TORSIONS BARS DUAL SHOCK KITS • LONG TRAVEL KITS • BILLET RACE HUBS • NATIONAL REAR SPRINGS '"¾ CUSTOM t:A • SHOCKIIOUNTS RACE SHOCKS--~ BILSTEIN SWAY-A-WAY COIL OVERS -BY PASS - AIR BUMPS SIMPSON CAMBURG PRODUCTS AVAILABLE AT A FINE DEALER NEAR YOU SOLO MOTORSPORT AZUZA CA. PDC MOTORSPORT BREA CA. DUFFCO SANDIMAS CA, BAJA CONCEPTS FALLBROOK CA, AUTOFAB SANTEE CA, MCKENZIES ANAHEIM CA, October 1999 Ridgecrest Rocket still managed an (overall win). Congratulations to Koch and a great job of scaring the shit out of the young presi-dent: At this year's Fireworks 250, Sal Fish posted the club's name as a sponsor of the race. The club had a hospitality tent at Start/Fin-ish for racers and crews to grab a cool one after racing. There were winner's circle interviews handled by SCORE and Uncle Max and Mike Bartolotti under the Checker tent. Checker banners were everywhere you went. T-shirts printed for the race in-cluded a couple of Checker cars and the program included a group . picture and a story of the club's history. Information was passed out encouraging those that feel they are up to the challenge to come on down to a meeting on Wednesday nights and see if you are Checker material. Thank you . Uncle Max, Mike Bartolotti, George Seeley and Reverend Roy for all the hard work out at the Fireworks race. At the race, Checkers had two entries in Score lites. Jim Greenway ran well for the first lap, as usual, but a motor problem too extensive to repair set him aside after Lap 1. Ty Godde ran a good clean first two laps when a flat tire slowed his Continued on page 46 anger, F-150, PU/Tacoma 10,C 1500 ullB!a Page 45
pace. Later a failed engine put him on the sidelines. Fred Nelson ran his 8 truck and had a good run going when a busted radius arm perch took Fred out for good. In Class 9, our own Prez set out to make us proud starting last being first on the road by Pit A. He got fast lap of the day on the first lap, but a broken axle on the second lap would put him out and on the sidelines early. Tom Koch brought out his own Rocket ride but a blown engine would end his day early on. See-ley saw a second place in his Class 5 Unlimited ride and Bob Wright took a proud first place in Class 5-1600 with Tom Dittfield com-ing in behind him in second. Dan Martin also took an impressive first place in his 1/2-1600 after rolling the car, getting two flats and bending the rims. Candy Man Walter Prince came in second in Sportsman class. Dillon's lead for a while in Class 10, but was in sec-ond place when a broken stub axle took them out of the race only 30 miles from the finish. Pe-ter Rosenstein and his brother, Josh Rosenstein ran a good race. Peter rolled on the first lap, turn-ing it on its side once. Josh had a flat and went on to finish on three wheels. Good job guys. Peter found himself one of the latest victims of a "Herbst Nerf" but suf-fered only minimal damage unlike the Tucker/Stiles vehicle, which was taken out of the race by a "Herbst Nerf" only six miles into the race. The Checker Website is up and looking good, check it out, an old desert racer once told me, trouble getting tapped on your rear bumper? Go faster or move over! Getting hit hard and with-out them worrying about you, try taping your extra oil for your en-gine on your rear cage where it will explode if somebody really smacks you. Not from a tap but a real Smack. Oil-dust. And you stop to clean up to see. Might work, who knows. Don't slow down looking for me, I'm in front q_f you! \.· ""· l -¥' ·:-,}.if , -·., ' _..,.~-...,· ..... Page 46 C.O.R.E. Pit Report By Sandy Parker MDR CALIFORNIA 200 RACE REPORTS TEAM INCH (Class 1-1600) Brad soloed the race and coming off of a win, looked good enough to have a shot at another victory. Brad started in the middle of the pack and worked his way to second place within a few laps. Even this is quite an accomplishment since Brad said the handling of the car was off. Finishing Lap 3, Brad exploded a rear tire just past Hodge Road so he hobbled it to CORE Main without losing much time or any position. Lap 4 was the day's turning point when heading up a canyon there was a Class 7 and a Challenger stuck, creating a bottle neck in the course. Brad came to a screeching halt, and unfortunately stalled the engine. Apparently the number of lights used drained the battery so Brad couldn't get the car restarted. Several minutes later a race truck pulled up the canyon and behind Brad. He wildly motioned for the truck to give him a push start, so they pushed him one mile an hour just far enough so they could blast around him. Brad eventually got a pull start from an anonymous pit crew and was again running, down 12 minutes and back in eighth place. Brad pushed the car the last lap and a half to finish in sixth place. Brad would like to greatly thank the pit crew who pull started him. TEAM BRYCE/HOOK (Class 1-1600) Malcolm Bryce teamed up with Checker Jimmy Hook in Malcolm's redesigned single seater. Malcolm drove the first half problem free with the · exception of getting lost a few times. Jimmy Hook took over and drove the second half of the race like he was in a hurry. Jimmy scorched the desert posting three very fast laps. The team ended up in seventh position in the 14 car field. TEAM McGUFFIN/ JEFFRIES (Class 9) Darin McGuffin drove the first few laps. I heard on the radio that he was headed into the pits with either a front flat or blown shock. I heard later that both were true but I'm not sure if they were at the same time. Brian Jefferies drove the second half and had a front end adjuster explode which made the front of the car a low rider. Brian drove the car to the CORE Main where it was pre-loaded and welded. Back on the course, Brian set a very respectable last lap. The team finished in third place. TEAM DUBIN/WEYER (Class 1) These guys had problems that started even before the race started. A torsion finger broke in the morning of the race but everybody pitched in and got it repaired so the team could start on time! The start of the race was only the start of more problems which started with a flat tire. CORE has decided to dedicate a section of the course near Hodge Road as Dubin's Gulch. During the race they hit a hole about a half a mile past the Hodge Road Pit so hard that the CORE Pit heard the noise. Apparently they rolled the car but got it righted and headed to the Main Pits. Normally there is not much to say about a flat tire, other than getting it changed but when you drive on it and reduce it down to a thousand little wires which wrap around the rear hub, it makes my job that much more interesting. After "changing" one flat tire they were back on the course having fun again when the engine started making more noise than usual. Pulling into a pit they discovered that they sheared off all the exhaust studs on one head. They decided to richen up the mix to keep it cool and run it but I heard later they watched the conclusion of the race sitting on the roof of the car with a smoked motor. These guys had some bad luck but sure had fun doing it. TEAM McMULLEN/CRAIG (Class 10) A team that is not immune to controversy, these guys always seem to get the short end of the stick. The day started very well, Steve with his wife Robyn McMullen started the race and held their own in the 15 car field. They did pop a tire on the second lap close to a pit where they got it quickly changed. Tom and son T.J. Craig got in at the half way mark and drove the second half. They blew a front tire and drove on it two miles to the closest pit where they got it changed in 53 seconds flat. They flew the car to the finish, beating the next car by a mere six seconds. After a quick tear down and P&G they were declared the winners in class. A few moments later another Class 10 car who started the race a half hour late rolled in and said they were the winners, so the controversy was on. After discussing the rules with the Tech Inspector and the Promoter, the McMullen/Craig Team was declared the winners and sent home celebrating their well deserved victory. The next morning the team discovered they were pushed back to second place and were denied further discussion or review by the CRB since they didn't lodge a formal protest. Why would the declared-winners lodge a formal complaint over something that didn't exist? After much discussion, they were told that the rules were clear. I understand MDR follows the SCORE rule book, or ·at least sometimes, but also have two conflicting rules that confuses the issue even greater. The bottom line is YES, the late starters did Tell your friends about Dusty Times. _ Christmas is coming, get them a gift ... · .... -· Subscriptic>n to Dus.ty Time-s ... , . ·-' Just fill. in t.he fo'r~·,_ a'nd'.your, ' ;• -.., ~-·, Su .. bscription will be in fheir mailbox Every month October 1999 have the lowest elapsed time but they started behind several slower classes. Everybody knows that passing cars in slower classes is significantly easier than passing equal cars in your own class. When I show up 10 minutes late for a movie, they never rolled back the tape and started over for me. Everybody planning strategy for future races might elect to start at the rear of the total field of cars and use this crater in the MDR rules to your benefit. Looks like we may be headed back to the days of the random starts of the past. Congratulations guys for your class winning "Second" place effort. CORE PIT SUPPORT CORE MAIN (Sidewinder/Outlet Center Road) CORE Main was a very busy spot of desert with most of the fuel stops and driver changes. Paul Smith, Tom and Mike Malloy, and Perry King shared the work detail. They were kept busy very quickly changing a tire for Brad Inch, changing a hub and tire for Dubin, welding and changing shocks on Darin's Challenger. CORE PIT ABLE (Stottard Wells Road) CORE Able was manned by Bob Debuis, Blake Daley, Tom Koon and John Lindly. Their pit report was empty so I can only assume they watched the race all day with no cars in the pit. CORE PIT BAKER (Inner Hodge) CORE Baker was run by myself, Robby Stapp, Greg Parker, Nicholas Parker, and Dave Lindquest. The only things we had to report was adjusting lights for Brad Inch and checking the front end of Brian Jefferies. CORE PIT CHARLEY (Slash X) CORE Charley was directed by the Wagners. They were kept awake by fueling Brad's car and repairing a fuel fitting problem on the Dubin car. CORE OUTING NO. 4 I· .. • f Dusty Times
CORE had another successful and fun camping and off road outing. This time the crew met in California City where 11 buggies/ jeeps/pre-runners showed up for the excitement. The group went on a 140 mile and a 60 mile off road journey. CORE would like to mention that these outings are not limited to CORE members, anybody wanting to have fun in the desert is invited, just look for the dates in the future CORE Pit ·Reports. CORE OUTING NO. 5 waiting until after summer for its next 'Big' race and not its next bike race as reported. Also Mag 7 Race Team wanted to thank Curtis Guise of"JD Fab" and not "ID Fab" as reported for all his support to the Mag 7 Race Team. He made us some really great looking new race banners and the die cut stickers for our Mag 7 semi truck. Aside from those corrections everything else was fine. So on to planning the Baja 1000. For this race, Mag 7 will again be offering full service pits every 50 miles for bikes and quads. For vehicles, we will offer full service pits every 100 miles and 'emergency only' pits every 50 racer also purchases fuel from Union 76 Baja, through Mag 7 Race Team, if they want us to dump fuel into their race vehicle at Full Service pits only. Or they can deliver their own fuel to our pits in Baja. Mag 7 has their own fuel cans and 55 gallon barrels to haul fuel with, or the racer can supply their own jugs/barrels. Race fuel HAS TO BE PURCHASED in Baja California if paid for by the Mag 7 Race T earn. Mag 7 Race T earn cannot carry racer fuel across the border into Mexico. No exceptions! The next CORE Outing will be held on October 16th on El Mirage Dry Lake Off Road Area. This outing will also host the annual CORE Picnic and BBQ. All CORE members are urged to attend and anybody else who might be interested in CORE, please feel free to attend and meet the gang. The CORE trailer will be there for all to check out and test all the new pit equipment. Games for both kids and adults are planned. An off road and pit crew races are planned for Sunday. GUEST SPEAKER · miles in between those. For those . of you that raced with us at the Baja 500, the price is double from what you paid to Mag 7 then. Our three services are as follows: 1) Full service for all full size vehicles. 2) Full service for Bikes and Quads. 3) 'Emergency Service' for all vehicles. The racer supplies all of the parts that he wants Mag 7 to carry to our pits when using a Full Service pit. The Our first cutoff for Pit Application is Tuesday, October 12th, 1999 at midnight. That's in our hands and NOT POSTMARKED. That's for you racers that want to get your names on our Orange, Mag 7 Race Team, Baja 1000 t-shirts. After midnight, October 12th there is a one time, $50.00 late fee added to your entry for missing the·first cutoff. No names can be added to the t-shirt order after Tuesday, October 12th. Our final cutoff for 1999 Baja 1000 pit applications is Tuesday, October CORE would like to thank Paul Dumas of SPORTS. Racing Fuels for attending our meeting and talking about his product. I think the talk was a success as all CORE cars raced with SPORTS Racing Fuel at the last event. Paul spoiled the drivers by delivering the fuel directly to CORE Main Pit and was able-to help us on the price by the volume the teams purchased. PERSPECTIVE MEMBERS CORE is happy to announce that we will be increasing our racing family with the addition of two new teams to our club. The first is the veteran race team of Steve McMullen and Tom Craig in their Class 10 that will now be racing under the CORE Pit Support banner. These guys have been.around since dirt and have successfully competed in almost every clas·s imaginable. Steve, Tommy, their circle of family and friends will be a valued part of CORE in the future. The other team is Chris Markum, with his brand new Messick built beautiful single seat 1600. Chris proved his metal capturing third place in his first race in the new car and only his second start in four wheeled competition., Congratulations and thank you all for choosing CORE. Searching for a professional family oriented pit support club? CORE is always happy to extend itdamily anq support. We have _ monthly meetings on the first . Tuesday of the month at Mulligans Restaurant in Santa Clarita at 8:00 p.m. For more information, join us at the meeting or call me at (818) 772-7758 or e-mail me at MagniRca1t 7 Race Team By Stephen T. Stenberg, President Hi everyone! Well, summer is over and its time for Mag 7 Race T earn to start preparing for the Baja 1000. But first I have a few corrections to make to my last month's article, Mag 7 was Dusty Times Your main source for the all I new RaceRunner shock series / _...-., from Sway-Away. Now avail--=--'~ able in 2", 2 1/2", and massive RaceRunner 3" body coil-over design. •11oc11• • ., SWA Y ·A-WA.,, ' THE SOURCE for off-road racing. equipment and services We now offer complete shock services including custom revolving and rebuilding. We sell and ser-vice FOX, BILSTEIN, and aH SWAY-A-WAY sh~, including the new RACE RUNNER series. Play cars or rac-e cars, Class 9 or .. trucks, 1/2 1600, even super-long travel A-arm cars, KARTEK gets you handled! -(909) 628-2525 or (909) 628-0833 fax (909) 627-4067 14122 Central ave. Chino, CA. 91710 open 7 days a week! October 1999 26th at midnight. That's in our hands and NOT POSTMARKED. If you are a Mag 7 member our announcements will be mailed out right after Labor Day. If not, you can contact Mag 7 in one of several ways. To contact our Race Directors, Wayne & Debbie Newell, they prefer that you· e-mail them at Or if you are not on the Internet, then you can phone them at (760) 745-5740. If you want to see what services Mag 7 has to offer in the way of pit support you can visit us at our web site, which is http:/ / Or you can phone our Hot Line and leave your name, phone number and fax number and we will all/fax you back. That number is (619) 582-3728. Our first Pit Captain meeting for the Baja 1000 is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8th. We currently have four bikes that wish to run with the Mag 7 Race Team as of August 30th. We acquired a second building for our pit equipment during the late spring. This will be used to store This is the :;ystem run by inost off road race winners our generators and welders and ease the burden to our current equipment building. On a more personal note here, I'd like to mention a death in our family. On August 26th, one of our Pit Captains, Shawn Wells, lost his mother to cancer. His father was one of our early Mag 7 members from 1969-1974, before passing away 25 years ago. We here at Mag 7 Race T earn wish to pay our condolences to Shawn and his wife Terry and their daughter Ashley for the loss of your mother. All those that knew her will miss her. Your mother is in a better place now Shawn, resting in heaven with your dad. For everyone else, take care of yourselves and be safe. Brush season is still upon us so watch those fires. I'll be at my station house with my fellow Firefighters, helping some of you if trouble flares up. To everyone else, Adios and talk to you next month. Stephen T. Stenberg MAG7RACE@AOL.COM. PS. Happy 13th Birthday Michael! September 4, 199-9. TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 V2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 · '·, WHOLESALE ONLY- . · DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED . . . . .
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY ACECO,,c. Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation P.O. Box 117 Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages Ely, NV 89301 10996 N. Woodside Ave. (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 MIKE MONOHAN (702) 289-6708 Santee, CA 92071 ADYANCED TOYOTA SUSPENSIONS NEW" PRE-RUNNER'" SERIES LONG TRAVEL KITS 1986-1995 TOYOTA 4WD. P/U, T-100, 4-RUNNER 13" OF FRONT TRAVEL-WORKS WITH 4WD.-$f50.00 NEW TACOMA 4WD & 2WD LONG TRAVEL KITS 14" OF TRAVEL -ROLL CAGES, BUMPERS, SHOCK MOUNTS.FIBERGLASS, RACE SEATS-RACE PROVEN SUSPENSION BUil T BY SCOTT SELLS AND A.T.S. (909) 471-$111 HTTP://MEMBERS.AOL.COM/ADVTOYSUSP Jeff Allen SALES-TECH Email: -'ie~f!l~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BATIERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 . (626)914-3717 / (626)-914-2121 • aJax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 ® L 'EST &FASTEST FOR30 800.526.5330 FOR YOUR NE.AlmST DEALER 0 0 0 - 0 0 Silver Face LFG 's Known as the toughest gauge in racing. Liquid-filled Gauges from Auto Meter are now avai lable in the hottest racing look. They match the anodized aluminum look of the Ultra-Lite series. Liquid-Filled Gauges withstand the harshest race environments. RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road rabrication & Accessories 1-,xport & lnt'I Sales Rae~ Car Preparation Consulting & Management 1 040 S. Main St. xF allbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-2117 FAX (760) 723-9938 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOLBAGS• HARNESSPADS AJ_L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' 1-562-696-6686 (1-¥,i =t•i i :::(3i ii) SUITS•HARNESSES•SHOES•GLOVES lsmL\ S2,000,000 Inventory ~ All on-Road Safety Equipment Available overnight Delivery Avallablel Call: 800-669-2355 3Uta ~ 8017 SAN FERNANDO RD., SUN VALLEY oar ~ LANKERSHEIM & 1·5 I'm • • • • • • (FIP■IP FlllEI IAfffi)fAXlll-788·1148 ~!!~2s!:! STRIP • STREE; ~ I OFFROAD·SAflD FM SPEEDS & AUTOmATICS ~ (702) 263-5793 ~ Yep. hvada Your #1 Source For Fiberglass Body Panels -··· . ~~~~~ . A D(n)@o P:IB Phone: 920/833-7266 • Fax: 920/833-9505 e-mail: BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3:107 (909) 622-1381 Fax (909) 623-3240 Custom V9hicle Shifter T , c.2•---i--~-;..--· Excf u11.iuefy TRUCK PARTS FOR •IMPORTS •DOMESTIC •SUV ·s • 2WO-s • 4WD"s USED AND NEW FENDERS, HOODS BUMPERS AND GRILLS MON. THAU SAT. 8:00 TO 5:30 4002 STATE STREET MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 MENTION AD FOR SPECIAL PRICE // . (,I('/'¥ I' .?I£ (7 PRE-FUN Curt LeOuc • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr~Runners 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies / if H£6fll • Owner SPECIALIZING IN OFF ROAD RACING FABRICATION TRUCJ(S • BUGGIES • PRERUNNERS MOTORCYCLES • HOT RODS • CUSTOM HARLEY'S • MARINE Jamie Campbell 23131 Orange Ave Unit C Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 462-3943 ACCOUNTING• INCOME TAX• CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER Ii CANNON CEllTIFJED P\JBLIC-ACCOUNT ANT · JalO 9. ~---AYII, SUITE 801 (-) et►10t 1 W~ C.YlllfA, CA-~,,_ .... ( ... ) ·•--~•, ..... -------------------------------------1------------------------·· -·
CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX 306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. 92648 (714) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINOSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM 11111111 acm ""' IUIMI Jlf lfST HAIPION BEADLOCK 24<!.ING WHEE.LS U.S.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MILAN qARRITT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 83722 (209) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365 CHENOWTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif1t f.ACI NG PROD VCTS, I NC. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Fax (619) 449-7103 □CNC:J' Maoufact,~n of . : B,oke ood _Clm,h Pedol ._,,, Master Cylinders _ Slave Cylinders · Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttlbs T~rottle Pedals CNC, Inc. and oil of our accessories. 1221 West Morena.,vd. San Diego, CA.921'10 (6J9) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• t'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree, Lane • TempletE>n. CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d8},-<WV -~~ Parts. Equipment. Acce~ories & SeNice 4-Wheel Drive -Mini Trucks Pre-Runners -Race Prep - 2-Wheel Driv!l 32O9-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 i!'ARACING ~GASOLINE TORCO RACING FUELS CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR · 1-800-54-COSBY --· ·-, COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE'SPRINGS; CA. ; . . .. ·" - . '... . CROWN -,-r:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,, ........ -, .... . . INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INCORPORATED AEROSPACE, HIGH PERFORMANCE, INDUSTRIAL HOS~S & FITTINGS HIGH PERFORMANCE HOSE & FITTINGS (760) 599-0090 • FAX (760) 599-0070 1185 PARK CENTER DR .. SUITE G • VISTA. CALIFORNIA 92083 41Cl•Utai a.X«A'41C•J+f4 VICE PRESIDENT ,126 ·N. Marshall Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020 . 619-449-5611 fax 619-449-5713 [( DE r.J.Y~IQ)] HERMAN De NUNZIO 59 B Depot Road Goleta, CA 93117 800-622-3939 805-683-1211 FAX 805-683-8187 lt-'c...L.......,...,.=-,._.--;-,L..:11--.-=-tl Specializinc in ... ......... re= ES~';_4fZ7i;ER 5) ~-------ENGINEERING FORD RACING PARTS: RANGER2.3 PINTO 2.0 .STOCK 2.3 OV~R 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PARTS IN STOCK. 80 PG. CATALOG PHONE (818) 444-4919 1438 POTRE.R.O FAX (818} 444-3046 SO. EI.MONTE, CA. ~a E-ZUP-e ~~= FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcLTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS . AUTHORIZED DEALE,R CASTEX-RENTALS 323-462-1468 PRE-RUNNER SPECi....LJST • 6,UMPERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LOWERING ms • DUALLYS AIR IMG SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & DISf'IAYS • "-lY F"-6 WORK EXPERT INST"-LIATION & FA5RICATION AV,.IIA5LE FIIUGLASS FENDERS i. IEDSKINS TOYOTA-..CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 4010 N. PALM STREET. UNIT 103 FULLERTON. CA. 92635 TuBESHARK PORT ABLE HYDRAULIC TUBE BENDERS . ROUND & SQUARE BIG 2" CAPACITY (714) 870-9.422 FM (714) 870-9132-Sw1a1axtea Hewtaad Fortin lllendeola 111D4S lllapum44 ltrelaler Automatie CLOSE! . I NOTHING ELSE EVEN C01\1ES Tuba Bonding °""-lialSemc.e & a.c,air FOXSHOX-. &.s-,;,;.-B,,oke SeMca • •? Head Porting • Polishing lh•e Fisher-Owner (7'°) ?5?,... l.Ar.udacrots stn-•t frontSla.hXCJII• / l!Mlll S..-,tt-Ro-J, H-,tow,C\. 92J 1? ~mall fhhrr~ @'•.-dllinluwt ,// T>ONltffOE ~A:&--IN~ ENTERPRISES KREG DONAHOE OWNER • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSULTING • DEVELOPMENT • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE 2831 EAST WHITE STAR UNIT H ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE (714) 632-3033 FAX (714) 632-3835 I FlNALAPPROACH ' ENGINEERING (541) 447-4852 FOREMAN ---;&::>-RACE TRl,JCK ENGINEERING/ DEVELOPMENT FABRICATIONS/ RACE PREP -CHARLIE FOREMAN (619) 467-9211 3438 LOCKWOOD DR. SAN DIEGO, CA 92'123
r r.'l. RAtJM ,t'J II/El:-= ~. FUEI.S & r&"j. tUBRICANTS INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS ·we support MIL SPEC RUST PREVENTATIVES SUmmlt RACING GASOLINE BRUCE CONRAD PRESIDENT 1537 E. DEL AMO BLVD. CARSON, CA 90746 PHONE: (310) 603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 , ·~ OOOB/&i_,,--------~'-~@~;f'll@li!J . .1'\1,,-,t 17641 N. Black Canyon Highway Trailing arms -Spindles Custom fabrication 3006 Colina Verde !-,ane Jamul, California 91935 ~Usystems~ BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 810A S. ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HTS .. IL 60005 PHONE:,(847) 259-3810 (847) 259-9705 THE BEST AIR ..., ___ SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! Phoenix AZ 85023 Phone (602) 843-6406 Fax (602) 938-4347 (619) 66914727 Doug Fortin USED BY WALKER EVANS NOW YOU CAN GET THE RACING GfARS THE WINNERS ARE USING FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (810)-294-5858 Fax (810)-293-0736 THE RACERS CHOICE. I Jt • Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For rour local dealer call (800) 433·6524 Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircratt Rubber Manulacturinq. Inc. 63257 Nels Anderson Road Bend, OR ~7701 USA ph(541) 388-0203 lx(341)388-03~. Off Road Style Fiberglass Fenders Graphite / Cabon A & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fabrication 15341 Pipeline Lane #B GlASSUJORKS Unlimited Huntington Beach, CA92649 (714) 903-5644 •T-SHIRTS •SWEATSHIRTS •CAPS •AND MORE! DESIGN & GRAPHICS CUSTOM SCREEN PRINTING s.nco 19ao MmffiG~~ffiG~ ~ ~., FINEST ART DEPARTMENT ~ IN VENTURA COUNTY! GREAT PRICES! 0 OUICK TURNAROUND! 2205 F"trst St .• Unit 102. Simi Valley 805•520•1204 · FOUNTAIN VA .· It.~ • OR ·--~ IF YOU REALLY WANT TO INCREASE YOUR SALES -YOUR AD SHOULD BE HERE Call for prices. HONDA (818) 766-6134 (213) 877-7272 . FAX (818) 766-9397 \-13¾1•1·• PERSONAL WATERCRAFT JET BOATS BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 HCVIIINlc,f lfi ERFOR 20Years0f Off Road Racing Experience .le## Howe •sso Millvale '"· Lake•ide ca s,20.0 (619) 561-7764 (619) 561-4834 FAX WE SERVICE ANO SELL: CHAR LYNN, PUMPS, GEARS, ANO POWER RACKS James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Corq,lete Race Vehicle Development Design. Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 13424 Imperial Hwy, Santa Fe Springs, Ca. 90670 James M. Hall owner-Driver 562-921-2693 fax 562-92~0699 JG TRANSWERKS . 'Go with a Proven Winner' Joe Giffin 3061 E. la Jolla #I Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 632-1240 Mike Julson Russ Jones ownu · Off Road Race Cars · : Complete Shock Service . Parts & Accessories . Race Preparation · :10965 Hartley Rd. : Suitt! R . Santee, CA 92071-2893 · 619/562-1743 · Fax 619 / 562-3379' · a.mail : Russ f ones Metal-works CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA ORIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 HONDA Power SII0P: (801) 968-1067 FAX: (80)) 968-HJ8 Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIS1 Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE Engineering ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (113) 164-1136 (213) %64-~~ LEE MFG. ~O. 11681 PENDLETOMSTAEET SUN VALLEY, CA91352 FAX(818)7'!8-2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of ~ StNring gears, pumps and acceuories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 626-857-RACE 626-852-8852 fax KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service Suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 626-857-7223 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806
Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissioos Parts & Service 290 TROUSDALE #I&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 619-691-1000 . FAX 619-691-1324 661-940-5515 Specialty Fabrication & Product Sales Pre-Runners, Trucks & Sand Buggies 2280 Shasta Way unit #115 Simi Valley, Ca. 93065 Lance Fuller (805)522-4499 e-mail@t-!n2.5i:>'2r5i:>LU5@Ji:>5.IJEr MSDM arJ ,,, Jr.,,. ■1,w:14 t••1,•,,-VOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE • ----AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 19151 857-5200 • TECH LINE t915J 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE: Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept: Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ~ 181 24 GIIAND AVE. LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92!530 Complete Off Road & Performance Preparation for Trucks & Vans CUSTOM SUSP'IENSION • PIU!:•RUN TIIUCKS AXLE SEIIIIVICE • WIELDING & FA ■IIIIICATION NO DISCO TIIIIUCKS BWMontague Est. 1974 909-678-1029 PACIFICALLY L . A N D S C A E Patrick A Bessie DESIGN• CONSTRUCTION• IRRIGATION • MAINTENANCE• WATERSCAPES XERISCAPING • ROCKSCAPf Lie. 390104 R"R ( 619) 582_· !?99 (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 10427 San Sevaine Way., Ste. L Mira Loma, California 91752 HAROLD NICKS ,~W[gl(Q)':if(I.~@'lfl SAFETY EQUIPMEN MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK wmiNG FOR RADIO &/OR 11\'TERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12;. -2888 GUNDRY AVE. -SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 • 562-427-8177 j 800-869-5636 W a A R . ,~ ...... ( ~ \ .-Fraley s P<'rf ornianc~ ~:nginee1·ing · Fax 949-650-4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 * All Types of Steel U Aluminum Fabrication • Tube BeadinJ • Aluminum U Steel W.ldine • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars ... . 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Lai Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley . 702-365-9055 Fiberglass Fenders UMITED TIME ONLY!!! ORDER NOW!! Toyota, Ford, Nissan, Jeep, Chevy, Fenders •.• $128.00 ea • . Bedsldes.$195.00 ea. Hoods ••••• $190.00 ea. Free shipping Call for details ALSO CAU FOR PORSHE, AUDI, AND HONDA, RALLY PERRET Racing, R•ncho Cuc•mo1111•, C.IN. TEL. (909) 989-8076 , FAX (909) 980-8667 Dealer Inquiry welcome✓ c.a/l now buy l'actory direct!!! PORSCHE 930 4-speed '•',;::~=':'~" ~· gears or pm ions • • Synchromesh or .• dog-engagement ·. ·· , • 4.22 R&P (4.88 option) '"· · , • Shotpeened 9310 • Choice of clutches . • Gearsets & componen~ • CPh~t~;ce ~;sF::n {808) 8 12 ~\l\> stub q.,__ ~ . --v.; ~ Todd Francis ~ Precision ~/Joy, 1,/d, flJ.. 25805 NB 46"' Avenue ~ t Ridgefield, WA 98642 ,$ ~ » Phone ~IJ.rJ ~'lJ.~ Fax 360-887-2000 °n & 360-887-7279 Tel. 6 I 9.449.6252 r\ Hi~h Pcrformanct· \'8 Fax 619.-149.64-:"0 Race 'Tmck Series 9-119 .-\hraham \\av. Ste. B "Tbe TrueDril'er'sC!ass" Santee. CA 92071-2584 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS FOR RACE CARS, TRUCKS, PRERUNNERS BUGGIES, STREET Roos, DRAG CARS QUALITY RACE CAR WIRING SERVING ALL OF L.A., ORANGE & SAN DIEGO COUNTIES JOE DAVITIAN PGR. 323/340·0277 1-800-929-4360 www.RACESHOCK.coM 118 Photnix,Arizona '!IC Cz{.~- . --· Suspension Components For Racing And Recreational Applications Shock Service Available on all brands .... Fast Tum-Around!! Upgrade Your Vehicle Suspension Affordably -Utilizing Our Trade-In Policy (602) 493-3700 :?£ • ~ Fax: (602) 493-0975 ttrnoH RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST MAIN ST. El CAJON, CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE 1619) 443-2480 ... ...
... RolHI/IWp .... s.u •• ,,,.,..,.. loppMflM lnu. 0.,,.,1 /looHJg Specialimg in Race Prep Race to Race Maintenance Chase Support• Score Series Full Se~ice Fabrication Magnaflwc ~ice Shock Rebuilding Foddrill Trailing Arms-Spindles-racing pans Corey Sapph19to11 414 S. Roltert (I02) H7-271S -7H-3554 111011111 Te111pe, AZ. 15211 LAURA RICHARD S. B_. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV.89048 (775) 372-5335 10-W South Main Stn:.:t. Fallbrook. CA 92028 I ,\:'\ 71>0-72.1-21 17 1:-!\1. \II. hajaracc ,, tth cnm.l'f lON I · 7<,il-72.1-2117 C.ALL U~ flF-'ST! "--------~---------G.L. Bryant, Inc. · 1-800-399-4176 . 209-537-1565 fax "100 . 110 114 118" rnetha11ol /1, 111tro • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92821 · (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • B~IINERS • IWWOW LITTEP.11,G • C,\R LETTERIIIG • GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Ga:way Circ!e • Hunt;ngto·1 Beach C~ 92649 (714) 897-0075 • F2, (714) 694-9567 s~~ Lubricants LLC _______ _ Straight nt. Next Day Delivery_ ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 1825 W. Collins 9l"ange, CA 92863 Zach Mitoslnka 31510 223rd Street East Llano. CA 93544 714-516-7300 . ~ s~e~e~ &~~1(/ilt, euatom ~ '8itt'P~ 45-4KO#IO~St. 760~347~50.52 'J,edio.. eA 92201 ~~o (213)583-2404 SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "Good Stuff Directory" and reach new customers. . Good Stuff Directory Ads ar~ merely $25.00 per month Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Wa.y, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 • SfclNG GASOLI Paul Dumas (818) 700-9280 Phone (818) 625-0990 Mobile (818) 700-9480 Fax Long Beach, CA Van Nuys, CA Riverside, CA Oxnard, CA Las Vegas, NV Sports Racing Products -LA 6338 N. Manna Pacifica Or., #K15 Long Beach, CA 90803-7010 562-432-3946 818-786-8180 909-877-0226 805-485-6900 702-643-9200 661-261-3202 ~STRICTLY !!!!1,,,S'PERFORIIIANCE Trucks, Buggies, Race Prep • Billet Accessories • Wheels • Suspension Kits • Fabrication • Polishing • Shocks • Metal Coatings • Fiberglass Call for all of your on or off road needs! 849 Mitchell Rd #402 • Newbury Park, CA 91320 (805 )480-3556 SUNDRY METAL SPINNING Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE • ALUMINUM • STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS 6831 Swa Street Bell Gardens. CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER RACE FUELS t209) 847-2281 (BOO) 527-6090 FAX (209) 847-9726 PO. Box 248 • 524 N. Sierra Ave. WESTERN DIVISION Oakdale, California 95361 ~ ~i'Z~ "YOUK QUALITY KACE G~AFHICS ca" Design • Fabrication • Installation Darren Ebbert• 1bny Cerone (909)340-46B4 FIIX (909)340-4689 , 490 Princeland Ct. #4, Corona, C<:1 92879 www.sunsetsigndesigns.;.com ,,,..._ RACE Gl,APHICS ,,,..._ RACE & CHASE #'S ,,,..._ PIT SIGltlS ,,,.._DECALS ,,,..._ ENCLOSED TRAILERS ,,.... BUSINESS SIGNS ,,.... LOOO DESIOII OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WELDING • FABRJCATON • FL'AMECUTTING • FFICr.JTEIJOS • REAR TRAILING ARMS RACEOIASSIS • PR£RUNNERS • FOXRAONGSHOX LARRY ROSEVEAR 134.5 DYNAMICS. UN/TO PHONE /714) 996-5250 ANAHEIM, CA 92805 FAX {714) 995-6405
· ~_fi'A/LE'H ', . . .... PHODUL 75;-= . -'fZ.,B&"fi'GL.AS S .SP£CL-4L./S rs * Off-Road and Bolt-On to Street Fiberglass for: "Ford, Chevy and Toyota" Trucks * Carbon Fiber Parts and Custom Molds 1121 Na Buena Vista St. , Hemet Ca. 92543 Ph: 909-654-7334 Fax: 909-654-2375 See a list of our products at our web site: 1RfRfixLE ENGINEERiNG JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 9763 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 -ai > ~ <i: 0 -~ !!3 -0 0) C: ct! ct! ·-E E C') "' C\J ~ ~ t--'<t '<t t--C\J O C') C\J l{) C\J CX) C') CX) t-- '<t t--000 ~o~ BF:IUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West P. 0 . Box 1319 '34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 WR RaC e cars Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 ~~G ~gs t'Z'lOI L_q/hrnm~ -=:::::::;iJli~owertrain Complete Powertraln De\/elopment, Maintenance and !iupply Engine!I • Tran!lmi!l!lion!i • Dri\/eline!I • Differential!i 6975 !ipeedway Blvd: D-1Di! La■ Veqa■, Nevada B911 5- 1 713 7Di!-871-1661 Fax: 7Di!-871-6480 Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENµINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service 535 East Central Park Anaheim CA 92802 714-956-9457 - --- & ' :-= •,,:=··· -~----~·-··-. -. -•-=-""'--~-!"'!-~ 0 0 "= z <ii .c (..) :5 -£2.!£.£2. Dune l:'I OlJggies -~w~~I ~N~· =Dc...--~R~~I _v~=E~R~~G~R~O~~U~P-~ 0 (1) (/) g l{) ct! '<t t: ~~ C\J (ujP) Cf) <I: X (/) (..) <i: W W LL ?; 0 (/) -::::> (/) cc ~ 0 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 1 0729 WHEA TLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 Transmi ions - Parts - Service VW. - Porsche - Nissan - Toyota Lorenzo Rodriguez 515 S. Vermont, Glendora, Ca. 91741 (626)914-8147 ==~~PAIKT /WP a1471NG'S«G.RA/W~11f J,(JG(Jf} .,_ •~ TOMC; MAJNTfNANCF-&v~IIYl'tf:~J,l!flRIN&* 760-949-1220 Automotive • ATV • Motorcycle 1815 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507, USA 909_369-5144 • 909.369-7266FAX WWW. WEBCAM I NC-COM PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C. JACOBS PRESIDENT _900STATE MILLROAD ;AKRON,Ol-144319 330-644-7774) ; Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists · Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 MARK ZOLLER Owner MOTORCYCLES •KTM •HUSABERG •HUSQVARNA • SERVICE & PARTS • SUSPENSION M-F 12-6 VARIOUS SAT 10-2 2350 ORANGETHORPE ANAHEIM, CA 92806 714-449-1271 FAX 449-1374 Have you looked into the Club Subscription offer made by Dusty Times for your organization? Call Bekki at Dusty-Times and Get all the details. Dusty Times October 1999 Page 53
I · Classified ... AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: 1-2 1600 CORR S.C. Taylor Chromoly 930 CV"S, BFG, Beard, CNC, FAT, FOX, Fuel Safe, Wright, Sway AW Ay, Simpson, St. Peter Trans with the Right gears, 8-real B-Loc Rims, all like new, low race hours plus extras $7,000.00 complete, $6,000.00 w/o motor, must sell (800) 878-6010days,Larry, (414) 259-1601 night. FOR SALE: Class 5 project, straight body, solid pan, no cancer, boxed arms, SAW tors & plates, IRS trans w/solid mounts, cut & turned front w/limit straps & KYB includes alu-minum tank, poor Baja kit, core mo-tor, gutted ready for cage, needs wheels wide 5, clear title $500.00 Steve (562) 930-0274, day (562) 799-9919. FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevy-Race ready, 625hp. Drysump smallblock, Kuster bypass 23" front, Kuster by-pass 29" rear, air bump front and rear, Dana 6- cone, 80 gallon fuel cell, all chromoly, Tig welded, Best of ev-erything $55k (909) 845-8086. FOR SALE: '95 SCORE Trophy Truck, Former Robbie Gordon Truck, 36" travel, Fresh 660 C.I. Motor 750+ hp. Fresh tranny, lots of extras $65,000.00 or trade? Call Marty Coyne (760) 353-2110. FOR SALE: 1997 SCORE 1600 Sportsman Champion ½-1600 Raceco, fresh trans, Lee Leighton Motor, lots of spares & extras, great starter car. $14,500.00 Trade? Or Offer, Call Marty Coyne (760) 353-2110. FOR SALE: FAT Performance, type 4, 2700cc, 9 to 1-103.5 piston 3 bolt Porsche Heads, 5 bolt studs-single or dual Webers, elec. Igni-tion-Head Pipes-PS Pump-Billet puiieys, Germ-an Crank-Complete motor, 0 hours, w/receipts in crate $9,000.00 obo (602) 252-5441 or (602) 377-2239. FOR SALE: Raceco Super 1600 Short Course car, 1194 Glen Helen Champion car. 5 Link air suspension, 21" Rear wheel travel. Very light car. Two full race trans and one spare. Half of 1835 air cooled motor. Lot of spare parts wheels $10,500.00 (909) 682-8745. 1992 Dodge 4wd PreRunner-Walker Evans' glass, Magnum380cid VB, est, 400hp, 72 7 trans by Valley Trans, 3 5 gallon cell, National Springs f7r, Fox 2.0s and custom 2.5" shocks, gusseted and trussed 9", 35 spline, 4.56, locker, discs, custom interior w/Autometer, Mastercraft, Deist, Very low miles since completed, Ultra clean and great attention to detail! $25,000 Baja Brokers Ref #717 (760) 723-2117 Check out our website at · FOR SALE: 1996 Jimco A-Arm Class One. Prepped race ready. V-6 Toyota, Fortin DGN, best of every-thing. Las Vegas to Reno/f errible Town winner, Contact Mike @ 619-562-1743 $45,000.00. FOR SALE: Class 8 Chevy Race Truck, proven finisher, 550 hp Louis Unser motor 25" front &-rear travel, 4" multiple Sway-A-Way Bypass shocks, 55 gals cell, Cone 40 spline rear end, spare trans, first class throughout, just fmished 2nd in Tro-phy Truck class at Barstow. Call Kreg at DR Racing $55,000.00 or best of-fer. (714) 632-3033. FOR SALE: Baja Truck Chassis, Same as Enduro Trophy Truck. Ready to go $7,000.00. Call (949) :4B9-B9B4 FOR SALE: 1989 Ford Bronco Pre-Runner, complete chromoly cage, Fiberglass fenders & bedside, built up 351 roller cam, aluminum heads, 3 75 hp, C6 trans, liquid filled gauges, Currie rear end, Bilstein bypass shocks, coilover front end, A/C Dual 35" spares, 4 seats, GPS, Race Ra-. dio, CD, $40,000.00 OBO, Call Steve at (7 I 4) 838-6416. FOR SALE: 1998 Lothringer 2 Seat A-arm. Best Of Everything Only Raced 300 Miles, Fat Type 4, Men-deola Trans (Modified By Dave Folts) 36 Gale Fuel Cell, Summers Bros Axels, 934cvs, Mckenzies Hubs; CNC Front & Rear Brakes, Flame Outm Beard Super Seats, Pro Wire-braded Lines, 2 Sets Body Panels, PCI Radio & Intercom, Dual Pumpers, Fluidyne Cooler, $55,000.00, En-closed Trailer Customized For Off Road. $8,000.00. Call John (714) 738-4653. CHEVY PreRunner-Xtra Cab 3rd door Chevy Truck, everything is powder coated/chromed/polished, 25" front/35" rear travel, Chevy Motorsport 350 ZZ4, aluminum heads, The Carb Shop Holley 750, TH400, Cone 40 Spline Full Floater, Cone hubs and spindles, CNC Bili-: brakes, King coilovers and 5 sta~c Bypass shocks, Air/Hydraulic bump stops, 3 seat tweed/leather custom interior, GPS, Kenwood, AutoMeter, over $150k invested, BEST OF EVERYTHING! Baja Brokers Ref #729 (760) 723-2117, check out our website at FOR SALE: 2 Seater T ruggy, 350 cid ~=::!!:::.=;;;;;;;;;======c....J Toyota 7s-Pauter Machine 2.81 stro-Chevy V8 w/Aluminum heads, Leon _..___ FOR SALE: Protruck Prepped and ker motor, Toyota Auto trans by Ken Patten carb, approx. 380 hp, built .___.... L------=;....;;..= race ready, BFGoodrich, Bilsteins, Mogi, cuStom torque converter, Full FORSALE: 1998Pro-2,Sportsman- TH400, 20" travel f&r on Fox 2.5" FOR SALE: RACECO/JIMCO Chrisman rear end, new $15,000 Floater9"rearend•spool,discs,Sway-b 1 b W 1k 89 1 db 40 Jin 911 F 11 r-1 0 66 A-Way torsions, Henry's ball joints, 2orClass8, uit y a erin', coioveran ypass, sp· e u .._,assl or12,FATI650ccra it, LeonPattonmotor,bestofevery-alloyhubs,Z.5"shocks,Nationalleafs, updated by Greaves, 700 hp 18 deg. Floater w/discs, full bodies, Master-60 miles on engine, New Mendeola thing, Plus a 16' enclosed parts trailer 406, trick Mogi trans, Chrisman, craft, Simpson, AutoMeter, Hella Bus Box. Summers Hubs, 930cv's with almost enough spare parts to !~~l~g!0 fiatoooo~jl:ts:!:tR.~f King/Kusters, Chevy body, 1998 lights, CNC, Howep/s, built by Stew- UMP, WRIGHT spindles, FOX , build a second Protruck including a #720 (760) 723_2117 Checkout our Class 8 champ, too many spares to art Race Works, New/never raced. shocks, SAW, PCI and much more, spare $15,000 Leon Patton motor. list, $48,000.00 w/ spares, $30,000.00 This is an awesome race vehicle Car is fast, handles excellent. With Also 20' enclosed race car trailer. website at less engine, $25,000.00 less engine $35,000 fully prepped Baja Brokers trailer and spares, $12,500.00 day Everything in excellent condition. FOR SALE: C.O.R.R. Vehicle, and3 transmissions, (602) 404-3046. Ref#726 (760) 723-2117. Check out (619) 562-3071 ask for Todd, eve $110,000foreverything. Chuck Har- Sportsman II or Pro-2 Dodge Flan-Todd Wittman. (619) 659-8867 San Diego area. ris (702) 451-6005. nery Pro-2 in 1_996-97. David White-Ii ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ head 422 engme also fresh 398 en-■ gine. Too many parts to list Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in ■ $24,500.00. (920) 532-6264. Pete DUSTY TIMES. ·: VanDeHey, Wisconsin. Classified Advertising rate is only $25 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7".All Classified Ads must be PAID IN AD-VANCE. REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ----(Send check or money order, no cash) Please run ad times ---Name ________________________________ _ Mail to: Address Phone -----------------------------DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street City _________________ State Zip ________ Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■••··················································· Page 54 October 1999 ■ ■: Ill ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FOR SALE: CORR Short Course. Pro-2 1998 Chevy Truck, Taylor Suspension &shocks, 17" rims Bead-locks, BFGoodrich Tires, Wagner Motorsports, 750hp Dry Sump, Bout Block, A TD Trans, 400 AutoMeter Gauges, Chrisman reatend, MSD, Fresh Air System, with spare parts #16-5x5 ½ rims like new $150.00, 15 x 10 Beadlock rims. $40,000.00 or best offer. (414 )-966-9998 home/ fax, (414) 403-8999. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: 7S Toyota T ocoma, 1997 Toyota Milestone Winner, 1997 & 1998 Score 7S Champions, currently 2nd in points, Cone hubs, Wilwood, CNC, 300m SAW tor-sions, 311 SAW bypass, new 35 gal cell, Autometer, Howe Steering, 33" BFG's Baja's, 300 hp motor fuel in-jected, lots of spares ! ! $31,000.00. 28' triple axle, smooth side trailer with electric brakes, $6,500.00 or both for $35,000.00. Call days Doug (949) 364-1441 or Cory (949) 859-6272. FOR SALE: PreRunner Ford 96' Body, Full roll cage, Four link rear, w Jarm, Full floating Dana 60, I-Beam front, Fox coilover front and rear. All suspension & steering on rod ends, 3 link steering, 82" Track width, Cochane c-6, 6 Goodyears 36", Alu-minum dash w/Autometer, Art Carr, Taylor, Casis painted, suspension powder coated way more $27K you finish and save. Mark or Bob (619) 561-3283. FOR SALE: 5-1600 1998 Corp Overall points champ. All chromoly cage. New style rear arms w/bus stubs, bearing and longer axles, 091/4:57 trans. Current California highway registration, All the good stuff. This car is simple, light and works very well. $10,500.00 (760) 436-7861, (760) 720-9767. BRONCO 4WD-16" travel front/ rear by Curt LeDuc, Kuster coilover shocks fir, Cone/Summers Bros. 40 spline Full Floater, Full front-to-rear Cage by LeDuc, 351 cid V6, EFI, custom exhaust 300hp, C6 trans w/ TCS converter, new transfer case, 45 gallon fuel cell, UMP interior/alumi-num, MasterCraft seats, 35" BFG's on Ultras, completely powdercoated, ultra trick throughout! Needs: Wir-ing, exterior paint, carpet, harnesses and final assembly. Over $100k in-vested, asking $65,000.00 Baja Bro-kers Ref#718 (760) 723-2117. Check out our website at FOR SALE: Class 7 Nissan truck short course or desert, Chro:noly cage and suspension . Truck is about 70% complete or will part out. Best of everything to finish! ATL, Summer Bros, Sway-A-Way, FOX shocks, Wilwood brakes, too much to list. $11,000.00 obo (702) 251-7002. CLASS lOorClass 1-BundersonA-Arm car, Bunderson coilovers and Bypass shocks, p/s, Summers Bros. Front hubs and outboard rear hubs, SAW axles, 2700cc Type 4, dual 44 Webers, full flow oil system, Mogi 3 speed Auto transaxle, 934.5 CV's, Mastercraft, Simpson, Autometer, Setrab, Optima, Completely redone by Bunderson in 1994, ALSO avail-able less mtr/trans, or just motor, your coice ! Owner is very flexible, call for more details, Baja Brokers Ref #693 (760) 723-2117. Check out our website at Dusty Times 7S Ranger-ex Scott Douglas Rough Riders Ford Ranger, This Truck Is Very Professional And It Shows. Very Good History And Wonderful Race Record! Summers Bros. Front Hubs And Floater Rear End, 4 Wheel Disc Brakes, Custom Shocks W /Remote Reservoirs, National Springs, C4 Trans, Winters Shifter, Triple Coolers With Electric Fans, All Steel Braided Plumbing, Clark Steppler 2851cc 4 Cylinder, Crower Stroker Crank, Esslinger Head, Dual 48mm W ebers, Dual Msd Ignition, 3 2 Gallon Cell, Fiberglass Front Clif, Are Wheels/Bfg Bajas, Etc. $14,500 Baja Brokers #715 (760) 723-2117. Check Out Our Website At FOR SALE: 1998 MOR points champ. Best of the best, 300 miles of comp. Prep, FOX Z.5 w/position sen-sitive susp, Chromoly l" longer arms, , Type II c.v.s w/300m 930 axles, thing stub axles, SAW spring plates, SAW 29mm 300, bars, New SAW torsion adj., new top 4;86, JG Trans, 12.1 motor, new heads, pistons, cyls, and FAT carb, Boost bottle, new Compu-fire, DIS IGN, UMP, Fuel Safe, Beards, J-Mar, VDO, Auto-meter, Susp. Chromoly beam, new Wright rack, Wright arms, & com-bos, New Chromoly tie rods & ends, Fox Big Shafts, Fox steering stab. SAW leafs, new 5/8 adjs, some spares, turn key ready to defend points title. $10,500.00 obo, (714) 255-9501, or 714 967-5098. FOR SALE: 1997 Race car trailer, Built by EMI Technology 48'x9'x10 1/2, lounge area 13 1/2 x 8 1/2 w/toilet, sink, range, re-frigerator, leather, storage and A/ C 35'x 8 1/2" working and stor-age area wood and tile floor, 2 winches, 2 generator, 1 welder, 2 side doors outside lighting, rear gate, standing roof deck, 5 81 belly boxes, 8 new tires, excellent con-dition, $43,000 asking price or trade for exotic car. Call Fox Mo-torsports (915) 833-7902. FOR SALE: BITD points leader, 1982 Ford Bronco, 35" BFG's, 302 with C6 trans, Lower gears, Rancho Shocks. Very reliable. One first place, one second place. Potential of win-ning over $45,000.00 in 1999. Ready to race. See at all BITD races. Mov-ing and must sell!! $5,000.00 firm. Danny (435) 628-6320. FOR SALE: Class 10/12 single seat Raceco, Fox Shox, Foddrill 2 ½ front arms, Combos, 3"x3" rears with Chevy Micro stub system and Wild-wood brakes, 930 cv's and SAW ax-les, 300m Torsion bars, Saginaw Power steering, BFG's & Centerlines, Less motor/trans. $3,000.00 firm (949) 859-6233. FOR SALE: 1 Weaver Dry Sump Pump (used) $500.00. l Tilton started (rebuilt) $200.00. 2 160 amp alterna-tors (rebuilt) $160.00 ea. 2 Mallory Pro Comp 140 Fuel Pumps (used) $70.00ea (new) $1.50.00. 1 SetrabOil Coolers 8 and 12 used $100.00 ea. 1 Dual Cy!. Brake pedal assy. $550.00 (new). 1 Hyd clutch pedal pkg-$100.00 (new) single res. Kit new $20.00. Kuster Air jacks $1000.00 (used). Henrys 300 Ball Joints-uppers &lowers-Polished$300.00ea. 1 MSD distributor-New-$200.00. l race ra-dio. MSD hot box $150.00 (new} $80.00 (used) . 1 set Chrisman Floater Hubs w/bearings $1,400.00. (760) 741-5089. FOR SALE: Berrian Chassis-no motor-no trans, Super Seat, CNC Wildwood brakes. Call for informa-tion and price. Phone (715) 449-3518. FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum, H20 Fat engineering motor, UMP power steering, 4 wheel Wildwood discs. This rig has lots of extra tires, wheels, parts, Etc. $10,500.00 (214) 221-2300. FOR SALE: 7S Ford Ranger, 2.9 li-ter, Kuster 3" shocks, 9" rearend, 12" front and 18" rear travel, Fuel Safe cell, 11" disc brakes, Lee steering with cyl, Only raced four times since built and won three times, beautiful truck, must see, must sell cheap $12,000.00 (408) 778-1980. FOR SALE: Class 1-2 Chenowth, Porsche 3.5 rebuild by FAT Jeff Fields's Automatic w/930 CU's, All Kuster coil over w/bypass, CNC hubs and brakes, Fodrill arms and King spindles, PCI intercom, 32 gal. Fuel cell w/Mallory pumps, BFG all around, SACO Magnum Box w/ Charlyn Power steering, entire car has been powder coated, very fast and reliable car to many spares to list. Prepped by Fod Fab maintained by Fox Motorsports. Asking $31,500.00 Call Fod Fab (602) 843-6406. BRONCO 4WD-AutoFab suspen-sion front and rear, 16" travel, Na-tional Springs, 2 link rear, 9" w/posi, 4.11, Freshly rebuilt 351 Wand C6 trans, 4 Beard seats w/3" Harnesses, full interior cage, trick aluminum dash/center console, has only 13,000 miles on it since rebuilt in 8/97, VERY CLEAN! $19,500.00 Baja Brokers Ref #730 (760) 723-2117 .Check out our website at ... FOR SALE: 3 Bus Race Short Course Trannys, National Springs leaf springs, Ford Ranger front-end parts, Aluminum wheels, 5 Link Stadium Buggy, Wright Combo's, Rack, Arms, UMP PS, Bus SC Race Tranny (fr!'!sh), 9 30's, Centerlines, rear with beadlocks, BFG's, Rabbit Race Motor, Chassis excellent condition, plus new spare chas-sis all for $12,900.00 Ste ve Sallenbach. Ho(402) 625-2802, Wk(402) 443-4117. Sell Your Car, Pre-Runner, Parts or Bits & Pieces Right Here ... Dusty Times Has The Off Road Reader-ship You're Looking For. Only $25 for up to 45 words plus $5 with photo. Form on Page 53. . DRIVING TIME WANTED DRIVING TIME WANTED. Baja 1000, Prefer 10,12,1/2-1600. Easy on equipment, reliable, mechani-cally competent. Will pay for pre-run. Will pay for good seat. Serious team. Michael Notary (407) 254-4716 MNOTARY@JUNO.COM. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Sioux valve grinding machine with cabinet and tools in-side $500.00 or OBO (619) 422-2949. CUSTOM ACCESSORIES, FABRICATION & MANUFACTURING QUICK, CLEAN, QUALITY SERVICE AT A DISCOUNT PRICE· CALL US! We can Oo almost anything in steel, aluminum or stainless. All work is guaranteeO on time at the original estimated price. Installation available. If you have a special neeO not listed or you think it can't be Oone, Oon't hesitate to call anO ask. • CUSTOM FIBERGLASS & BILSTEIN SHOCKS OEALER • WE BUILD EVERYTHING FDR STREET TD FULL RACE -}hmNGA CREATIONS ~ACING • PRE-RUNNER BUMPERS • SPARE TIRE MOUNTS • IN·CAB ROLL CAGES • MULTIPLE SHOCK MOUNTS • CUSTOM TUBE BENDING • AXLE BRACING • CUSTOM SUSPENSION WORK w/Custom Control Arms • CUSTOM FRAMING & MOUNTS for Fiberglass Skins m~= IHiBl;!il:f•\ililiaajM@:lff:liifldidiiiVti:fk!UI■ October 1999 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WANTED: Experienced Fabrica-tor. Excellent tig and mig welder a must. Contact Mike at JIMCO (619) 562-1743 or send resume to 10965 Hartley Rd Ste R Santee, CA 92071. System Assembly Technician; Labeler: A leading manufacturer of equipment for the semiconductor industry is looking for winners to join out team! We have opportunities for a System Assembly and a Labeler at our Valencia California facility: Sys-tem Assembly Technician; Position requires good mechanical skills, the ability to read and understand draw-ings, attention to detail and good communication/customer relation skills. Labeler; Position requires ex-cellent spelling capabilities, attention to detail, and ability to read schemat-ics and to work well with others. We provide training, benefits and a com-petitive salary. Please contact: Kevin McGillivray or Dede Long, Semicon-ductor Process Equipment Corpora-tion, 2514 5 Anza Drive, Valencia, CA 91355 Telephone (661) 257-0934, FAX (661) 257-1083. Fabricator/Welder: Skilled fabricator to work in the engineering depart-ment, needed to fabricate prototype tubular exhaust manifolds. TIG, MIG, tube bending and sheet metal fabrication experience a plus. No travel, career position. Full benefits and 40 l (k) . Contact TC at Gale Banks Engineering, 546 Duggan Ave., Azusa, CA 91702 or tcameron@ MISCELLANEOUS Unlimited internet access, starting at $14.00 a month. Free computer and internet access from $19.96. independent distributor. W ww. raceflash. net/1-87 7 -Flash it/ RIDES FOR SALE Wild ride for sale: For Desert Buggy on October 23rd race. 250 mi of rug-ged terrain. Go to our web site at for more info call (760) 746-2753. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS American Rally .... ........................ 42 Baker Performance Products ........ 40 Barbary Coast. Gold Coast. Orleans Hotels ............................. 8 Bilstein Corp of America ................. 5 SITO Nevada 2000 .......... 29 SITO Terrible's Town 250 .............. 17 SITO Tough Truck ......................... 43 Cactus Racing ...... ...... .................. 38 Cam burg Engineering ................... 45 Jim Conner Racing ....................... 33 Eibach Springs ..... .... .................. .. 1 O Estero Beach Short Coruse Race .. 31 Fabtech ............. .................... ......... 2 FAT Performance ........... ............... 23 Fox Racing Shox .......................... 15 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ... ...... ......... 22 German Auto ................. ............... 21 Hardin Olds ... .............. .......... ....... 27 Hettinga Creations .... .............. ...... 55 Hypercoils .................................... 24 Kartech ............................. ....... 35, 47 Kawaguchi Honda ......... ........... ..... 13 King Shock Tech ... ....... ................. 19 McKenzie Performance Products ... 44 Mirage .. ................. .................... 25 Nevada Off Road Buggy ................ 11 Patton Racing Engines .... .... .... .. 44 PCI Race Radios and t:quipment. .... 4 Pike's Family Restaurant.. ............. 37 Race Ready Products ...... ...... ....... 32 Sway-A-Way Corp ..... ............ ........ 12 SNORE Reserve 250 ... ................... 9 Toyota Motorsports .......... Back Cover Transaxle Engineering .................. 20 Tri-Mil Industries ..................... ... ... 47 Valley Performance ............ ........... 18. Wide Open Baja ..... ..... .. ................ 41 Yarnell Specialties ........................ 30 Page ss -
' "~ . . . . . Even ~efore he receiveQ. ,backing ,from us,·, . . _ves ·:mo:qe .. · x _ts, w~gp, . -_~ .. ~ . . ~: ,, : . ·.: ... ~: -. . ' . . 5,j: /!' ' .. ~' ~. _~: . ·_. _,ll:' ·: ·~-. ;, ' ~ .., ., tChampionship O~f-R,oqd R<(ci°',g. Did he choot .. , ~ca·use C?f·Joyo~ • ·jo:4~· t(~, .in,:ot . -j . ,_, : . -~-··--. ,.~ .. {r_·-,_~·:··. -,~.-,t~_'L ~-_,;' • .•. 'I< ·,;l __ '.-~~~.:··. __ ,i·: -_.,.i. \· ~·:.~~~\~~~ Or be·cquse he knew it~Quld belp hrm .toke ho. ·e;.twn C~01)1LR. cho · ·- :e'r.e just · · ,. " 1-•• ' ., .'--·.,·f_' ~~,-,-f.;v-~•\'.\"·- . '. \\:. ,:---.. ..,!; '... -: ·;_~i:: ... ··· . ·,:. -· .. · '. .. ~ And we· inte~d t,o, support' hr,~ af mu ; he_· . . : ·: Mok seff a.· ., ~1999 Toyota M