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1998 Volume 15 Number 7 Dusty Times Magazine

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VOIUnle1S•IIUlnlNt•7•JUIW1-covering the world of competition in the dirt ••• j ·I

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EVERYONE ENJOYS THE SUPER COMPETITIVE PRICES. ENHANCE YOUR .COMMUNICATIONS WITH A CREW CHIEF HANDHELD & HEADSET. N6_ 1:i.f.tcl•=iii ffi(~9'GPS ----""'"'"· 1M • Talk to the Race Car in the Pit. • Chase down Necessary Parts on Pit Row. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT WITH HEAVY DUTY RATCHET, AXLE, & TOW STRAPS. • Keep in Touch during Contingency,Registration, & Driver Briefing. • Great for Last Minute Chase Vehicle. • Super for NOT having to be Glued to the Pit or Chase ,~~@"if~~ Vehicle. • A Must for SHORT COURSE RACERS. SAFETY EQUIPMENT MADE IN THE USA DRIVING SUITS & GLOVES DRIVING SHOES TRACKMASTER $449. HEADSET $269. ~ l'C-1 SHDEI 12-AC-£AI~ H£LM£T'5 · I. flT -No othir ht\mit fits soo goood. 2-. Ll6.t\T£'5T l>UMV£tz. '5TVL£ t\£LM£T. 3. MOLD£D /\IIZ, INL£T. 1 4. 0-£TT£tz. /\IIZ-Dl'i>TIZ-10-UTION: S vints onto shit\d. 5. ~1>£1Z, Vl'i>/\0-ILlTV. <,. L...A.(Z.(:,.£tz, 01>£NIN6. -No mort fo\dtd ovir tars. 1. Tt\£ '5t\1£LD '5£1\L - /\ rubbtr O ring. tistid "'ith 1t,o \bs. of prissuri. s. Tt\£ VIZ-IC..£ - "'ith a Nomn s~irt. $1-S'f. 00 or $'3'f 'f .oo "'ir~d for an~ radio s1stem. SEAT BELTS & PADS NECK SUPPORTS HELMET BAGS CREW APPREAL VISIT OUR NEW WEB SITE AT WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.COM f>LOW£~ MOTO~'f> Tull~£ TH£ Al~ FLOW Of OTt\£\l-f1LOW£ll-MOTOll-'5 • '51N6.L£ ~£/\T (105 C..Mf) MOTOIZ, /\'5~£0-LY .............. $'f5.oo • DUN-'5£/\T (150 C..Mf) MOTOIZ, /\~~£0-LY ................... $12-5.oo • 4 FT. e-LU£ VUMV£tz. t\Q'l,£ ............................................. $14.oo Mastercard QUIT TRYING TO EXPLAIN OFF ROAD RACING TO EVERYONE. SHOW THEM THE EXCITEMENT WITH A 1997 OR 98 SCORE VIDEO, ROCK.BUSTER OR ROCK.BUSTER RETURNS. $19.95 EACH, 2 FOR $34.95, OR 7 FOR $99.95 WE SUPPORT SUMMIT OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION. PC/ RACE RADIOS 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 (562) 427-8177 (800) 869-5636 FAX (562)426-3589 WWW.PCIRACERADIOS.C0M

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Volume 15 -Number 7 July 1998 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Judy Smith Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Marketing Pat Caplan Circulation Vance Scott Contributors C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Jim Culp baryl "No Brakes" Drake Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Ralph Mason Daniel Mainzer Jimmy Messick Ron Miller Troy Robinson Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Trackside Photo Inc. Les Wolfe Art Director Larry Worsham Subscription Rates: $20.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request Contributions: DUSTITIIMES welcomes contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited mate-rial will be returned only by request and with a self ad-dressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTI TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright by Hill-side Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at' additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTI TIMES, 20751Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new ad-.,. dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. snapshot of the Month ... The year was 1985 and for many years prior to that Larry Schwacofer raced his absolutely cherry Chevy in every major race in the southwest and Mexico. Maybe we need another Schwacofer to remind us of how much fun it used to be. DUSTI TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES .. will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, up to 8xl() will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES Page Estero Beach Short Course by Ralph Miller .............................................................. 8 34th Rally Catalunya by Martin Holmes ................................................................ 12 CORP San Felipe 200 by Tony Tellier ................................................................... 14 Gila Monster 150 by "No Brakes" Drake ............................................................... 20 BORE Wendover Express by Mike Jenkins···························:································· 26 VORRA Season Opener by Troy Robinson ............................................•............... 28 Rim Of The World Rally by Paul Timmerman ....................................................... 32 Wild West Rally by Jim Culp .................................................................................. 38 Northwest Rally Repert by Jim Culp ...................................................................... 39 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ............ .-................................................................................................. 5 . Off Road Scramble by PC ....................................................................................... 31 Trail Notes .....................................................................•......................................... 31 Checkers by the Big Wahzoo .................................................................................... 36 Challenger Corner by Joel Mohr ............................................................................. 36 CORE Notes by Sandy Parker .............................................................................. _. .. 37 . MAG-7 Report by Stephen T. Stenberg ................................................................... 3 7 Good Stuff Directory .................................... , .............................................. ; ........... 40 Classified Ads .......................................................................................................... 45 SNORE Corner ....................... : .................................................................. ~ ............ 47 Index To Advertisers .............................................................................................. 47 On The Cover David Summerbell, the young driver from Jamaica was the big winner at the Rim Of The World Rally, taking the lead on the penultimate stage in the great looking Mitsubishi Evolution IV. Congrats. Ralph Kosmides has a mean looking T oytoa Supra and he utilizes it to the utmost, taking the Group 5 win at the Rim, and he was fourth. overall as well. Color Photography by Trackside Photo c5u£scr1-£e :Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES TliE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$20.00 $30.00 $40.00 □ 2 years -□ 3 years -(no credit cards please) Take advantage of your subscription bonus ..• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (See fonn in Classified section) Name --------------------Address -------------------City _______________ _ State ___________ Zip _____ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 Canadian - 1 year $25.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times July1998 Page3

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.:.. 1998 Happenings ... Fax: (714) 367-1608 . COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H Short Course Racing June 20, 1998 .EXXON Superflo Series At the Chevrolet Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI Mike Moore (317) 236-6515 December 5-6, 1998 EXXON Superflo Winter Series San Bernardino, CA ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose de! Caho Baja California de! Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 011-18-07-3298-5522 July 19, 1998 Kempsey, NSW September 20, 1998 Mt. Gambier, SA November 1, 1998 Goondiwindi, QLD AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1T7 (514) 622-4440 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico Mexicali (65) 5542-83 Off Road Races BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 June 26-28, 1998 Silver State 300 October 1-4, 1998 Vegas to Reno December 4-6, 1998 Terribles Town Pahrump, NV BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES Les Wolfe, NEW President 1727 N. Main Sunset, UT 84015 (801) 776-4654 July 11, 1998 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 19, 1998 Boneville Challenge Wendover, USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canad3 KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Mitchell, CRS Director 530 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 280 Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 523-1387 Michael Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 935558 (619) 375-8704 July 11, 1998 Reno Rally Reno, NV July 25, 1998 24 Hour Rally Mexico City, MX August 22, 1998 Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA October 3, 1998 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, A2 November 14, 1998 T reeline Rally Monrovia, CA December 4, 1998 Laughlin International Rally Laughlin, NV March 6-7, 1999 CRS Pro Rally School and Rallycross Location TBA CANNING A TIRACTIONS P.O. Box400 Maywood, CA 90270 · (213) 560-SHOW CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Dusty Times RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 ~802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON ffi-JACKERS l.C.0. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Hamson Count) Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVIUSTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada,BC,Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 61746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo · (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 · P.O Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-60 80 01152 (65) 66-6080 Fax July 31-August 1, 1998 Santa Veronica 200 October 9-10, 1998 Carrera de La Raza Laguna Salada December 4-6, 1998 Carrera de Campeones Mexicali.- San Felipe BC, Mex CORR Championship Off Road Racing Carla Reid (317) 272-2827/FAX: (317) 272-2900 Doug Davis (715) 478-2222 July 18, 1998 EXXON Superflo Race Joliet, IL Dayle Coyne (815) 722-5500 August 8, 1998 EXXON Superflo U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI Brian Adams (906) 466-2723 August 22, 1998 EXXON Superflo Luxemburg Off Road Challenge Luxemburg, WI Kelly Hafeman (920) 468-8208 September 4, 1998 EXON Superflo Series At The Chevy Trucks World championship Off Road Race Crandon, WI Doug Davis (715) 478-2222 September 26, 1998 EXON Superflo Series At The 17th Annual 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals Indianapolis, IN Bob Beyer (909) 384-9342 CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 October 9-11, 1998 Southern Calif. Jamboree Hungry Valley SVRA 1-800-42 CORVA ext 509 October 30-November 1, 1998 Northern Calif. Jamboree Frank Raines OHV Park 1-800-42 CORVA ext 502 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) r:Jr A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racin _ For over 26 years, more off-road races have been won on Bi/stein than any other shock absorbers. Still Leading The Way! Conventional Bilstein Gas Pressure Shock Absorber • The most successful shock in off-road racing history! Threaded Body Shocks • Adjustable ride height for coilover fitments. • Aircraft quality anodized aluminum spring seats. Fully Rebuildable Series • Reservoir design with high pressure large diameter lines. • Seamless forged tubing. • Large 46mm working piston using Powder Metal technology. July 1998 The Ultimate Off-Road Racing Shock 9100 Series • Fully Rebuildable. • 22mm rod and 60mm reservoir included. • Highest quality "SS" tube. • Three stage "Wet Seal" rod guide. • 46mm and 60mm working pistons using Powder Metal Technology. • Optional high flow, check-valved bypass tubes. Pages

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DECA1UR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 TomAllen . (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, A2 86403 (520) 855-6125 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. 1091 Township Line RoadWellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ELLIS DESERT RACING CHAMPIONSHIPS (760) 256-8059 August 7, 1998 Johnson Valley December·5, 1998 Stoddard Valley ESTERO BEACH SHORT COURSE RACING Victoria Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 01 l-526-l 76-62:t5 October 2-4, 1998 Baja 1.5 Short Course Race 0l l-526-176-6225 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Associaton 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 July 25, 1998 Conquista Gran Carrera Tecate, Baja, MX October 31, 1998 Superstition 250 Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1998 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GLEN HELEN RACEWAY P.O. Boit 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series June 14, 1998 Round 3 July 12, 1998 Round 4 August 16, 1998 Round.5 September 13, 1998 Round 6 October 251 1998 Round 7 November 22, 1998 Round 8 Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91760-0762 (562) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 1 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 (402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402)4964846 Eve. (AU races are short course, stadium scyle. Classes: Trophy, 11-1600, 5, 7S, 1 and Quads) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 · ( AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 Page& KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (25.0) 374-7175 days Randy (250) 579-9621 eves. Wes (250) 351-2819 ]¥De 131 !998 Short Course Race Thurston county A TV Area Olympia, WA June 27, 1998 Short Course Race Hannigan Speedway Bellingham, WA July 11, 1998 Short Course Race Thurston County A TY Area Olympia Washington July 12, 1998 Bronco Buster Goose Lake Enduro Goose Lake A TV Area Kamloops, BC, Canada July 18, 1998 Short Course Race Hannigan Speedway Bellingham, WA LI.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 Jim Aruta (408) 247-4402 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 48813 (517) 543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 . August 2, 1998 10th Annual Michigan Off Road Championships Ingrahm County Fairgrounds Mason, MI Geeps, Trucks, Pilots, Dune Buggies, Road Warriors and Quad A TV Trophy and Money Classes.) MICHELIN PRO RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 July 31-August2, 1998 Maine Forest Rally • Rumford, ME .John Buffum (802) 655-5768 August 28-29, 1998 Ojibwe Forests Pro Rally Memidji,MN Beryl Ann Burton (612) 529-6821 October 2-3, 1998 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, A2 Jeff Hendricks (520) 445-3218 October 23-24, 1998 D&N Bank Lake Superior Pro Rally Houghton, MI Kevin Del.oughery (906) 226-884 7 MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Press: Dirty Dave Cronin (314) 838-4215 . VP: Walter Flack (217) 987-6568 LTOR-Lincoln Trail OffRoaders Pres: Dean Conkling (217) 830-4215 V.P.: Brad Key (217) 446-4556 Steve Sabo (618) 327-9312 June 13, 1998 Triple R Raceway Nash ville, IL StephSabo (618) 327-9312 July 11, 1998 Vermillion County Speedway Danville, IL Brad Key (217) 446-4556 August 8, 1998 Vermillion County Speedway Danville, IL 'Brad Key (217) 446-4556 September 6, 1998 Triple R Raceway Nash ville, IL StephSabo (618) 327-9312 October 3-4, 1998 · Lincoln Trail Motorsports Park Casey, IL LarryTipsword (217) 232-9859 (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series Produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) MOJAVE DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1863 Glendora, CA 9 I 7 41 (626) 914-7029 Phone (626) 914-9169 Fax Only June 19-20, 1998 Lucerne 400 Lucerne, CA August 14-15, 1998 California 200 Night'Race Barstow, CA October 30-31, 1998 Barstow 200 Barstow CA M.OR.E. Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts 25277 W. Main St., Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 (760) 253-4453 June 19-20, 1998 Location TBA July 31-August 1, 1998 Barstow, CA September 25-26, 1998 Location TBA November 20-21, 1998 Lucerne Valley, CA . MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 -Box380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 July 29, 1998 Arlington Raceway Kasota, MN July 24, 1998 Waseca County Fairgrounds Waseca,MN July 30, 1998 Pope 'County Fairgrounds Glenwood, MN August 1, 1998 Yellow Medicine County Fairgrounds Canby, MN August 5, 1998 Anoka County Fairgrounds Anoka;MN August 8, 1998 Lake Of The Woods Fairgrou ds Baudette, MN August 15, 1998 Stevens County Fairgrounds Morris, MN August 16, 1998 Dakota County Fairgrounds Farmington, MN August 21, 1998 Isanti County Fairgrounds Cambridge, MN August 22, 1998 McLeod County Fairgrounds Hutchinson, MN OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OFELPASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 AU races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take I-10 Horizon Blvd. exit east 12 miles OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 JimKendel (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison Counry Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichbourne, Public Relations (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913(W) July 4-5, 1998 Cedar Springs July 11-1~1.1998 Janetville August 8-9, 1998 Barrie Speedway August 29-30, 1998 Cedar Springs. Tentative · PACE MOTOR SPORTS U.S. Off Road Championship 630-963-4810 900-PRO RACE PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION (619) 449-6252 July 1998 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCORE SCORE International 23961 Craftsman Rd., Suite A Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 July 17-18, 1998 27th SCORE Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 11-13, 1998 3rd SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 11-14, 1998 31st Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja Norte to La Paz, B.C., Mexico SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 August 14-15, 1998 NAP A Auto Parts Ely,NV September 25-27, 1998 29th Annual SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV October 30-31, 1998 Terrible's Town 250 Pahrump,NV SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Office Manager: Mary Carson 2285 Tracy Avenus Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 526-a805/Fax:(805) 584-8518 Internet: SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 SOUTH EAST OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. President - Geoff Lee 1100 West Main Street D-3 Franklin, TN 37064 Classis 1/2-1600, 5-1600., Class 9, SODA Class 11 & Sportsman June 28, 1998 July 26, 1998 August 30, 1998 (All Races at Rally Hill Speedway) SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (011 ) 880-2170 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 {414) 453-SODA July 11-12, 1998 Lake Geneva Off Road Nationals Lake Geneva, WI 414-248-8566 August 15-16, 1998 · Mississippi Valley Off Road Challenge Davenport, Iowa 815-778-3641 August 29-30, 1998 · United Off Road Racing Challenge Morrison, Il 815-778-3641 September 19-20,1998 Wisconsin Off Road Festival Finals Oshkosh, WI 920-924-6805 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437/(615) 595-8237 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX) · TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 T.O.R.R.O Texas Off Road Racing Orgaoi%ation Marty Jackson 8307 Bauman Road Houston, TX 77022 (713) 694-0207/Fax: (713) 694-8335 August 8-9, 1998 Bracketville, TX UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (AU events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 June 20-21, 1998 Top Gun 300 Desert Race Fallon, NV July 25-26, 1998 Top Gun Twilight Race Fallon, NV September 5-7, 1998 Yerington to Fallon & Back Yerington, NV October 10-11, 1998 Fall Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA October 31-November 1, 1998 1998 Championship Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire P.O. Box 376 Adamsburg, PA (412) 527-6556 WIIlPLASH MOTORSPORTS . 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, A2 85023 (602) 971-3730 September 5, 1998 Snowflake Snowflake, A2 October 10, 1998 Vulture Mine Wickenburg, A2 December 6, 1998 Point to Point Rocky Point, MX Ja.iiuary 9, 1999 . Parker 400 Parker, A2 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, Wl 54901 (414)426-0470/(414) 982-7306 Attention Race&Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 1998 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4404. Dusty Times

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Baja International Short course Race At Estero Beach By Ron Miller Photos; Carrera Photography Curt LeDuc was a headliner at Estero Beach and as usual, he thrilled the crowd as he ran to victory in Class 4. It's going to be impossible to cram all of the things that I want to say about this terrific event into just one article, but I'll try anyway. Saturday and Sunday, April 25, and 26, 1998, were the dates on the calendar, when Estero Beach's living leg-end, Gerardo Novelo, hosted an off road race/party that was like no other. Let me ask all of you readers out there on.e simple question, before I drift back across the border. Re-member your first journey into Mexico? The flavor, the beauty, the myths dispelled. Well folks, the '98 "Baja Internacional". was mine, and it was really "especial". Off road racing is atguably one of the world's most color-ful and exhilarating sports. But when the vibrant colors and exciting action are mixed with a scenic splendor the likes of Ensenada, the experience be-comes intensified. Fun tugged at me from all directions and even though everything (ex-cept the racing) seemed to be moving in slow motion, there still wasn't enough time to en-joy all the pleasures that beck-oned. From the warmth and hospitality of the Estero Beach Resort Hotel staff, to the allur-ing call of the gentle surf, and finally to the forgiving sun that cascaded down on this most scenic of settings, nothing quite compares. Fishing, tennis, horseback riding, sailing, shop-ping, swimming, dining, relax-ing, ummm ... where was I again? Oh yeah! Off road rac-ing, now I remember. This year's second renewal was sponsored by Tecate, Pepsi, and Wayne Perry Construction. The sho r t course track, which bears the name of Estero Beach's "hometown hero", is lo-cated directly adjacent to the cozy confines of its neighboring beach-fron t resort hotel. De-spite cloudy skies and a fe w brief periods of drizzle, there was a fine turnout for Pages Saturday's races. Sunday's crowd proved ·significantly larger and even more enthusi-astic. It was quite a rush when I noticed that on both days, nearly every man, woman, and child packed into the two huge grandstands was carrying an is-sue of "Dusty Times". The fans in attendance were so friendly and so supportive of the racers, that I even forgave the ones who used their issue ofD.T . for umbrellas and seat cushions. Several of the races sported vehicles competing in different classes, which placed the num-ber of heats for Saturday ac_tion at ten. Those Saturday heats were * 15 minutes in duration, while each of those same groups was offered a pair of* 10 · minute heats on the Sunday card. The races seemed to come off without a hitch, with the exception of one particular buggy race, during which· one very late entrant slipped past tech inspection and out onto the course. The crowd let out a V-8 decibel roar, when the unmodified entrant tore out after racer Pat Dean, who was in second place at the time. It appeared to be some type of mixed poodle, and when "Rover" refused to pull over (when faster traffic ap-proached), the race was red flagged. Now with the dog-gone (item out of the way} ,-maybe we can head from canines to Class 9s. It's time to march on-ward folks to "La Carrera Sumario de Renaldo" ... Under cloud filled skies and intermittent sprinkles, the first race of the weekend was staged. A gentle on-shore breeze made racing conditions ideal for those eight entrants, who com, peted in the Safari Class. Prov-ing best in the opener with a very determined effort, was Francisco Bio. Both Bio and the Baja International Short Course event, were officially on their way to "Ch ampionsh ip" weekends. Javiar Mirola outraced the remainder of the Safari Class field to earn the runner-up spot. Race 2 was a Rally Class event, featuring a field of six entrants. Blasting out to a lead which h never re-linquished, was Daniel Souto. Souto was not seriously chal-lenged during -~he heat, as he led his rivals on a futile, flag to flag chase. The Souto family (Daniel and his father Jorge}, swept the top two placings in the Rally heat, as Jorge fol-lowed Daniel across the finish line in s·econd place. Race 3 was for Classes 9 and 11. Just prior to the start; the sun made a brief but welcomed appear-ance. Then less than a minute later, the race was underway and again it was cloudy and sprinkling. Alfonso Lacarra was out quickly to contest the early pace. Lacarra assumed com-mand on that first lap, and gradually pulled away from the field to win comfortably. Class 11 racer Jason Batulis was the next across the finish line. Race 4 was a very exciting event fea-turing racers from the 1/2-1600 and 5-1600 classes. Powering his way to the 1/2-1600 victory was JC Dean. Dean prevailed by a daylight margin over the class runner-up (and early pacesetter) Rafael Navarro. In Class 5-1600 action, Joey Bo-rio, Gary Schwekenburger, and Mario Bustamante, all battled for the early advantage. In the end though, it was all Busfamante, as "Super Mario" emerged as the winner. Race 5 was for the Super 1600 class, and a compact field of four took part. Before long, Jerry Whelchel was out in front and looking strong. Pat Dean was in hot pursuit, with Brown & Brown (Henry and Jacob) also giving chase. Whelchel contin-ued to increase his advantage, until Dean made one final run at th e win. Despite shaving about ten seconds off of Whelchel's early lead, Dean's .effort was not e n o ugh. July 1998 Jerry Whelchel is almost impossible to beat as he proved once more with a win in Super 1600 south of Ensenada. Pat Dean dices with Jerry Whelchel as he goes for the checkered flag in Class 1 and win it he did, taking the gold back to Vegas. Whelchel gamely proved best positions. And from that point in an ultra-impressive perfor-on, both Foes and Whelchel mance. opened up on their respective Just prior to race 6, a stiff on-challengers. Whelchel received shore breeze blew away the the checkered flag, while com-cloud cover, and sunny skies pletely outgunning the entire prevailed the remainder ofthe field. Foes, like his Class 1 day. The Class 7 and 7S trucks counterpart, also won just were next to take center stage. about as easy as could be. Mar-A total of nine vehicles were tin Garibay meanwhile, raced poised for action, with the to the heat victory in Class 10. three Class 7 racers starting in The next two races run, were the second flight. Rick for the Motorcycle and ATV Huseman wasted no time, as he classes. The motorcycles were flew to the holeshot. Javier Sa-separated into two divisions, cio was nearest to the overall "Open" and "125cc". The open-race leader early in the heat, ing heat for the motorcycle set, but the remainder of the field went to "Open Class" rider Ron was very strung out. After Wilson. Wilson scored his styl-holding the third position for ish win over runner-up Daniel most of the heat, Gerardo No-Nichols. The 125cc division velo was involved in a spec-winner was Wilson Nichols Jr., tacular roll. .Thankfully, No-while in the ATV class, velo escaped uninjured, and Hipolito Ramirez raced to the was back in the r'ace about half Heat 1 victory over runner-up a lap later. To the credit of the David Aquino. man whose name adorns this The final event on Saturday, "Autodromo", Novelo still was the much-anticipated "Full managed to finish the race (de-Size" truck contest. Classes 4, spite suffering mucho body 8, and 8S were all represented. damage and a flat tire). Up Prior to staging, fans gave rac-front though, it was all .Rick ing superstar Evan Evans a Huseman. Huseman was simply · warm ovation, despite Evans' awesome, as he lapped several not being able to take part in racers befQre takirig the check-this event. That unexpected ered flag. John Beyer turned in development, seemingly placed a solid effort to take the Class added pressure upon the shoul-7 victory, and so too did Javier ders of another of off road's Sacio who placed runner-up in premier racers, Curt LeDuc. 7S. LeDuc was more than up to the Race 7 was comprised of en-task though, and he thrilled the trants from Classes 1, 5, and 10. crowd with an incredible dis-A dozen vehicles were lined up play of power and skill. LeDuc for battle. Pat Dean grabbed toyed with a very tough field of the holeshot, with Jerry competitors, and both his ma-Whelchel and Henry brown chine and fans in attendance, also forwardly placed. Mean-wared, each time he flew past. while in Class 5, it was Jerry A couple of very fine Class 8 Miller jumping out to an early and 8S victories, registered by lead over Brent Foes. Around Dwight Greene and Sean Mc-lap 3, Whelchel made a bold Kenzie, went almost unnoticed move and took over command by fans who were swept up in a from Dean for good. Sometime sea ofLeDuc induced hysteria. during the following lap, the Before we dive into the high-Class 5 leaders also swapped lights from Sunday's races, I'd Dusty Times

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Brent Foes flies his ever good looking Class 5 towards the checkered flag for the win at Estero Beach. Sean McKenzie and his Chevy truck were the big winners in the Class Mario Bustamante leads a competitor over a jump as he forges ahead BS contest, shown here practicing for his pilots license. to the win in 5-1600 for a real nice class victory. . like to take this opportunity to recognize some of the "behind the scenes" cast members, whose outstanding work con-tributed greatly to this most en-joyable of shows. A few of those dedicated individuals include, Bob Beyer (co-Promoter), Victoria Galindo (Public Rela-tions Director), Alejandro Rudametkin (Race Director), Art Savedra (Tech Director), Sergio Franco (Stager), and Devin McLave (Starter). I'd also like to make special men-tion of the superb job done by Public Address Announcer Sergio Barrientos. Everyone really seemed to enjoy the way Barrientos got the large crowd involved in the weekend fes-tivities. I know I sure did, and yo ·no hablo espanol. Sunday's races were con-tested under clear, sunny skies, with a temperature near eighty degrees. The Safari Class again got the racing day underway. After some on-track matters made an appearance trackside. 2-1600 lead, while Joey Borio own. This was the infamous were sorted out, including a Stewart, whom most consider and Mario Bustamante did the contest, which had the dog in pair of entrants who appeared the greatest driver ever to strap same in 5-1600 action. After (the) heat. Track announcer to have passed the race leader on a helmet, proved a huge sue-putting away Zuniga, Whelchel Sergio Barrientos' periodic calls while under a yellow flag, Fran-cess with the local crowd. "The received a stiff challenge from -of "AN-i-MAL" would have cisco Bio was declared the win-lronman" was besieged by fans JC Dean. A determined Dean never been more appropriate ner. That made it back to back crying out for his treasured au-kept the pressure on the leader, t_han during lap 4, when heat wins for Bio, and all but tograph. Stewart, whose popu-and eventually did get by him "Rover" took over. locked up the Safari Class larity is exceeded only by his late in the heat. But it was all Whelchel appeared to have championship with only one class, obliged every one of for naught, as Dean looped out Race 5 heat remaining. The second those adoring fans (and threw and rolled on the white flag lap, sewn up and in the bag, race of the day, was for the • in a T.V. interview as well) be-which gave Whelchel the vie-that is until that poodle's stunt Rally Class racers. There was a fore settling in to watch the tory over Rafael Navarro. brought out a rare red flag. log jam on the front end, as sev-racing action. Mario Bustamante continued eral racers went gunning for Race 3 had a trio of Class 9 his winning ways with another the lead. But before two laps racers and a pair of Class 11 en-fine win over Joey Borio, who had been completed, it was trants. After the niners domi-held on for second in the 5-Daniel Souto again out there nated the early portion of-the 1600 class. leading the pack. Souto proved heat, it was Class 11 racer Ja-The same Super 1600 class too tough for the Rally set once son Batulis who forged to the quartet that had done battle on more, as he continued on to front and held on in a game Saturday, again squared off on post his second fine win of the score. Finishing next, back of Sunday. Jerry Whelchel again weekend. In a repeat of Batulis, was Saturday's opening assumed the role of the rabbit, Saturday's Heat 1, Jorge Souto heat winner Alfonso Lacarra. as he shot to the front and again followed his son past the Race 4 was the 1/2-1600 Short played "come catch me". They checkered flag for second. Course and Class 5-1600 event. never did catch him, although Just prior to the start of Race Jerry Whelchel and Carlos one non-entrant did show off 3, Ivan "The Ironman" Stewart Zuniga dueled for the early 1/ some "hot pursuit" of his/her The Riviera-sponsored super-star just utilized his sp'eed. He restarted first, and with a burst was long gone on the lead. In the end it didn't matter since no rivals made up the ground, and Whelchel simply refused to lose to the Browns, Dean, or that Continued on page 10 Flamingo Road & The Strip 888-227-2279 Tropicana Ave. & Arville 800-675-3267 West Flamingo & Valley View 888-402-6278 Dusty Times July 1998 Page9

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Rick Huseman is all business as he drives his immaculate Ford to a Class 7 had a good race to the flag and the big winner was Perry Rafael Navarro drives a Short Course 1600 car and he put it to good nice Class 7S victory at Estero Beach. Mcneil. use, winning his class over some pretty good drivers. hound. gamely, but Huseman main-with little competition en route Sean McKenzie, to try and pro-in overall scoring. The "Over-tained a safe margin and went on to his second straight victory. vide some sort of competition for all Winner" for the Rally Class You want more? Ok, but this to another clear-cut win. Perry Race 8 featured the Motor-LeDuc. There would be little on was Daniel Souto. Actually, is it. McNeil meanwhile, raced to the cycle and ATV classes. Proving this occasion though, as LeDuc there were two "Overall •Win-Class 7 victory, in the first of his this time around, was put on a driving clinic, and tri-ners" in the ~ally Class, as the For those of you who kept the Sunday heats. "Open Class" rider Daniel umphed by about three quarters father ·and son team of Jorge Race 7 was for Classes 1, 5, Nichols. Nichols led his rivals of a lap. McKenzie finished•, Souto (Rally A Class) and and 10. Eleven entrants were virtually flag to flag, in a very steadily to take second overall, Daniel Souto (Rally B Class) readied for take off. This time impressive performance. In and another flat in BS. Dwight each proved champions. score from the beach that's named Estero, Whelchel won when all Was done despite that "loco perro"! Race 6 was for the Class 7 and 7S entrants. Nine faced the starter, including heavy favorite Rick Huseman. When the field was dispatched, "Radical Rick" rocketed off the line. Gerardo Novelo and Javier Sacio went with him though, and were right there and challenging. When Novelo and Huseman tangled a bit dueling on the front end, Sa-cio slipped past that pair and into . the lead. Huseman wasn't about to settle for second best on this weekend· however, and he soon wore down Sacio and took over control. Sacio fought back Page 10 it was Pat Dean getting the 125cc action, Wilson Nichols Greenealsoma:deitbacktoback There was a quartet of en-jump on Jerry Whelchel. At the Jr. made it two for two on the wins, by grabbing first in Class 8. trants making .up the field for same time, it was Jerry Miller, weekend, with another score. After a brief intermission, it the final Class 9 and 11 event. Brent Foes, and Dave Parsons, Meanwhile, it was David was back to the exciting racing After Jason Batulis disappeared all vying for the Class 5 lead. Aquino who raced to a solid action. Nine starters took part from view sometime during the Dean seemed ultra-determined victory in the ATV class. in the final Safari Class heat. In course of the heat, only a com-fo derail the "Whelchel Ex-Race 9 was "Act 11" of the a very game victory, it was pact trio was left to settle the press" in this heat, and· the "Curt LeDuc Show". LeDuc lit-Javier Miro la who prevailed at issue. What developed was the pride of Las Vegas, Nevada did erally blew the field away at the the finish. Miro la won the most exciting finish of the just that. Dean had a few anx-very start. Brothers Sean and Jim battle, but Francisco Bio still weekend, as all three remain-ious moments late in the heat, McKenzie, did all they could to won the war. That's because ing contestants raced to the when he was slowed consider-try and keep within striking dis-Bio was the well-deserving re-checkered flag as one. In that ably by lapped traffic. But he tance of the leader. So too did cipient of the title of 1998 Baja thrilling photo finish, it was held on nonetheless, to beat Dwight Greene, who raced sand-International Safari Class Sergio Guttierez edging out Whelchel on the square. Brent wiched between the two "Big_ "Champion". runner-up Guillermo Soltero Foes had a much easier time of Mac's". Perry McNeil pulled off In Rally Class action, the fi-for the win. Alfonso Lacarra it in Class 5. Foes' main rivals, into the hot pits early in the heat, nal heat of the weekend went however, was declared the Jerry Miller and Dave Parsons, and "Dynamite Dan" Cannon to Gerardo Bauman in a game "Overall Winner" in Class 9 for seemed to disappear during the had his share of problems too.· effort. Bauman's strong finish the weekend, with Soltero course of the heat, leaving Foes That basically left matters up to secured the runner-up position scoring another second in that AVAILABLE SIZES·& RATES: - 1.875" 1.0._/ 50 to 600 ib. - 2.00011 1.0. / 250 to 2200 lb. - 2.25011 1.p. / 150 to 4200 lb. - 2.50011 1.0. / 85 to 1000 lb. - 3.00011 1.0. / 200 to 600 lb. - NASCAR Conventionals. - Special Applications. July 1998 Dusty Times

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Jason Butulis will tell you class 11 is fun and he goes on to prove it by Jorge Soto had no trouble winning the Rally A Division, taking his Class B has lots of horsepower and Jim McKenzie used his well, winnin the class at the Novelo Raceway. rally car on a nice run to the checkered flag. winning the Class in the good looking truck. Francisco Bio took his great looking car to a nice win in Safari Class Alfonso Lacarra was the Class 9 winner, having a nicely contested First to practice was JC Dean, Jerry Whelchel and Rafael Navaffo and they all had a great weekend at Novelo Raceway; just ask 'em. at Novelo Raceway, adding another victory to his credit. race and happily taking the gold medal. category. Despite encountering stops in attempting to keep who has a knack for stealing problems in the finale, Jason within striking distance of the spotlight anyway, was Batulis still finished up as the Whelchel early. Unfortunately, clearly the "star attraction" at top Class 11 racer for the week-all that got Dean was an un-this off road event/celebration. end. Sergio Guttierez finished planned excursion through the Whether racing short course or second best of the 11 's. ' brush and into the nasty gorge in the desert, in Mexico or in The third and final heat in below turn 1. Dean and his ve-the U.S., in the mud of Wiscon-Classes 1/2-1600 and 5-1600 hide both appeared ok, but sin, or to his local market in drew seven competitors. This Whelchel coasted home with Cherry Valley, LeDuc is always event featured, among other his third straight Super 1600 spectacular. The Ford Fleet things, another absolute romp heat win, and the "Overall Tuf Series sponsored "wizard" by Mario Bustamante in 5-Winner" title in the class. cast a spell over the crowd, 1600. In the 1/2-1600 Short Dean's earlier efforts still se-whil easily making his compe-Course class, Rafael Navarro cured second place overall, tition "disappear". Quite possi-and Carlos Zuniga battled for while Henry Brown's were bly the fastest off road racer in the early lead. When the heat enough to earn third place. the Northern hemisphere, concluded and the checkered The final Class 7 and 7S event LeDuc's three heat sweep was flag flew, it was Navarro who looked hauntingly familiar. Rick never in doubt. All hail the reigned supreme. Navarro fin-Huseman again powered his way 1998 Baja International Class ished strongly to take both heat into the lead, and soon after bid 4 and "Overall Race Cham-three and the "Overall" win in "adios" to his competitors. As pion" Curt LeDuc! 1/2-1600. Congratulations also they had done all weekend long, Since his competitors prac-go out to the overall second Javier Sacio and Gerardo Novelo, tically finished in another time and third place finishers for the chased home Riverside, zone, it seems fitting to sepa-weekend, J.C. Dean and Rick California's rising star. By virtue rate LeDuc's deeds from the re-Boyer. There was no mistaking of his convincing sweep of all mainder of his trucking rivals'. who the "Overall Winner" in three Class 7S heats, Huseman Class 8S "Champion" Sean the 5-1600 class was, as Mario was declared the "Overall Win-McKenzie's weekend of "per-Bustamante stood head and ner" in the mini truck division. fection" was, unfortunately, shoulders above the rest. Joey Sacio placed second and Novelo overshadowed by his Class 4 Borio earned second place and third in final Class 7S results. In counterpart's. McKenzie Tito Arambula third, but "Su-Class 7, the heat three, and proved best in his class, in each per Mario" proved unbeatable "Overall Winner" for the week-of the three heats contested. sweeping all three heats. end, turned out to be Perry Mc-"Big Mac" easily topped runner-The Super 1600 finale had its Neil. Congratulations go out to up Perry McNeil, who added a regular competitors (with no McNeil, and also to the overall second in 8S to his first in Class surprise entrants this time). second place finisher John Beyer. 7. Meanwhile, in Class 8, it was Jerry Whelchel simply domi-The final heat for Classes 4, another of the "McKenzie nated his rivals in this event. 8,and8SwasalsoActIIIofthe Team", brother Jim, who Pat Dean pulled out all the "Curt LeDuc Show". LeDuc, earned first place. J. Martin Garibay was the Class 1 O winner at Estero Beach, leading all the competition to the checkered flag. Dusty Times McKenzie's Heat 3 effort, pro-vided him with enough points to outscore runner-up Dwight Greene, for the "Overall Win-ner" title in Class 8. Shortly after the "Heavy Metal" set exited the course, the final heat for Classes 1, 5, and 10, was contested. Another Jerry Whelchel vs. Pat Dean battle was on tap in Class 1. These two rivals were seem-ingly at each other's throats all weekend long. In their final match-up, Dean emerged as the victor. By virtue of his timely Heat 3 win, Dean also claimed the "Overall Winner" title for Class 1. In the Class 5 finale, Jerry Miller seemed to save his best for last. Miller sped to a July 1998 fine win in heat number three, although the top prize in class was already out of reach. Those victory spoils went to the "Overall Winner" in Class 5, Brent Foes. Foes topped class-mate Dave Parsons, who placed second in point totals. Martin Garibay was "perfect" for the weekend, as he raced to this third straight heat win, thereby leading the "Overall Winner" title in Class 10. The finale on the weekend card, represented the third and decisive heat for the Motor-cycle and A TV classes. All dis-putes were settled when "Open" class racer Daniel Nichols won Heat 3 and the "Overall Winner" title. Nichols' near perfect weekend found him finishing with a sweep of both Sunday heats, to go along with his good second scored in Saturday's opener. Wilson Nichols Jr. turned in his third straight winning effort in the "125cc" class. That clean sweep earned Nichols' name a place right alongside the other seven class winners, who also went undefeated during this year's Baja International. David Aquino needed to score victo-ries in both Sunday heats, in order to take the overall win in the ATV class, and he did just that. Aquino's super Sunday performance carried him to the "Overall Winner" title, over runner-up Hipolito Ramirez. To put things in their proper prospective, there were no los-ers in the Baja International from Estero Beach. Everyone who experienced this unique event, went home a winner. Congratulations to all the rac;-ers who put on such a great show, and to a superb effort by "Team Novelo". This team of seasoned "professionals" ex-tended from Gerardo's Class 7S crew, to the on track "support team" that runs the races, to the official scorers, staff, and security personnel, who ex-pertly handled their duties, to the office personnel, who planned this great event, and lined up the impressive list of sponsors, and finally to the Es-tero Beach Hotel "staff', who made all guests feel "at home". I would like to personally of-fer a thank you to Tom Lon-don, Bill Goldfinch, and Estero Beach's own "hometown hero", for the much appreciated assis-tance each provided. Before I say goodbye, I'd like to pass along these final notes, which were related to me by two of off road's true "gentlemen", Class 8S and 8 racers Dan Cannon and Dwight Greene. Cannon mentioned that it would be an injustice, if proper recognition wasn't extended to the "Souto Team" of father Jorge and son Daniel. "They were incredible" stated Cannon, referring to the assistance they offered to sev-eral entrants stuck in difficult situations. "They provided me with I-beams, Scott Conaway with a transmission, and even got a rival competitor back on track with a suspension part!". Reportedly, the Soutos pro-vided fuel and quite a bit of expert advice, to entrants caught in a pinch as well. Dwight Greene explained that things were looking pretty dis-mal after Friday's practice ses-sion, due to a broken third member. Greene related that Gerardo Novelo was passing through the pits and inquired about his trouble. Greene stated "Gerardo got on the phone and a short time later, his crew had located and deliv-ered a replacement third mem-ber". Greene went on to add, "I tried to pay him for it and he wouldn't let me, you just don't run in to people like him". I couldn't agree more Dwight, or folks like the "Souto family". And that's going to do it for the 1998 Baja International from Estero Beach, B.C. Mexico. Here's hoping all of you readers out there, make the trip down to beautiful Estero Beach (October 2-4) for the Baja 1.5 Short Course race. Adio~ y has ta la vista. ■ Page 11

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• • • .. • J4TH RALLYE CATALUNYA COSTA BRAVA 1998 Didier Does Spain By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden People everywhere as Didier Auriol and Denis Giraudet hustle their Toyota Corolla to the gold medal in Spain, Auriol's 15th WCwin. Didier Auriol was back in the driver's seat, showing everyone the way home in the 34th Catalunya-Costa Brava Rally, tak-ing his Toyota Corolla to the checkered flag with almost a minute in reserve. It was his first win in many moons, 24 or so and with his Toyota teammate Freddy Loix taking the silver medal, it was a grand sweep for Toyota. This event saw the challenge of the Formula 2 cars fade away on the second day although two of them finished in the top six, push-ing Sainz into seventh spot and therefore no points for him. The rally was a disaster for Subaru due to tire troubles and also for Ford, whose drivers just couldn't keep up the leaders pace, in spite of their new more powerful engine. The Citroen Xsara Kit car fin-ished best Formula 2 car· and scored their first fastest stage time in World Championship Rallying in almost a quarter century. An-other voice heard from! Run in the northeast coastal regions in Spain, this was the first rally in the '98 season run com-pletely on asphalt roads. A record entry of 125 was on hand, there were 34 seeded drivers either at the wheel of official team cars or regular championship contenders. Let the contest begin! Leg 1 -Seven stages, 121.5 kms, . .all asphalt. Carlos Sainz was first on the road and he drove hard, cutting comers to such an extent that he arrived at most ser-vice points with bent wheels. He was not alone in short cornering, there was so much gravel sprayed onto the course that there was little chance of any back markers making super fast times. Bruno Thiry set fast time for the first stage in spite of still healing his broken ribs and his teammate Kankkunen was having all sorts of handling problems. Auriol had a flat on Stage 1 and fell to eighth place overall, but by the end of Stage 2 he had taken the lead and set fast times on five of the seven stages on the leg. Richard Burns' Mitsubishi was going well but . Makinen lost his brakes on Stage 6 and was now in ninth place. There were long faces at Suba-ru, both of their drivers found a lack of grip handicapping their efforts and Piero Liatti lost a minute on the first two stages with Turbo failure. Marcus Granholm was leading the Teams Cup con-tenders on his first ever asphalt rally! Thomas Radstrom was run-ning in second and Rui Madeira was in third after running most of the final stage with a flat tire . . The fun was with the Formula 2 cars; at the end of the first day they were lying second, fourth and sixth overall! Wide track French cars held top six places and Citroen cars made first and second best times outright on First W2L and fifth overall, the Citroen Xsara piloted by Philippe Sugalski and Jean-Paul Chiaroni ran the gauntlet we// on its WC debut. Page 12 Stage 7. Delecour had a bad start, broken power steering lines hin-dering his drive and he was also unhappy with his electronically controlled differential. "It makes the car too nervous, I hope they can disconnect the system." The big problem for the F2 cars was all the gravel on the road, slippin' and slidin' around. Jesus Puras fin-ished the day second overall, first in category. "On Stage 6 it looked like a gravel section, there was so much on the road." 0.n Stage 7 the gravel problem was minor and it was here that Puras lept to sec-ond overall and Citroen made their legendary Stage success. Luis Climent was suffering from understeer in his Renault and was unable to keep up with the other Ftench cars, the Hyundai drivers were learning the skills of asphalt running and the SEA T's could not keep up at all. In Group N Gustavo Trelles led all the way. Manfred Stohl was running second. Roberto Sanchez and his Subaru were in third place. The first day was a misery for many, the Subarus running 10th and 15th. Sainz a very unhappy eighth. The Formula 2 cars were poised for an attack on first over-all. Leg 2 - Six stages, 172.9 kms, all asphalt. BothCitroen and Peu-geot started looking like real con-tenders for the overall victory but the leg ended with Toyotas 1-2-3 and Puras in the leading F2 car retiring on Stage 8 with engine failure and Bugalski lying in sixth. On the six stages there were five different winners and two of these were in F2 cars. Citroen's hopes were dashed when Puras landed heavily and did undercarriage damage which t:ventually took out the engine. Makinen won Stage 8 and he was only 1. 2 seconds behind the leader when the stage was run again in the afternoon. Panizzi was fastest on Stage 9 but under-steer. took over and he couldn't hold the pace and he slowly slipped back.from second to sev-enth. Apart from Auriol who was July 1998 TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT Iron "'ill sold separately. Even I van "Iron man" Stewart needs cotton shirts. And T's and hats and jackets. The-new Toyota Motorsports/TRD apparel and merchandise catalog. Open one up. 1·888·274·6452 Call and order today. TOYOTA .I Everyday Dusty Times

Page 13

making a series of fastest ,stage times the event was very closely fought, after Stage 11, halfway through the event, less than 12 seconds separated third from eighth place. Above: Thousands of people line the motorway for a glimpse of the WC -cars. and they weren't disappointed as performance was exceptional. At Left: Tenth overall and first Teams Cup. Rui Madeira and Nuno Silva rush past the gallery for a great finish in the Toyota Corolla. Above Right: To the victors belong the spoils. need we say morel was unhappy for no matter what he did the car would not work well, but Thiry survived the day and was very happy with the en-gine. In FZ Lopes' Peugeot had elec-trical problems causing the car to stop several times. At Hyundai, Eriksson had a slipping clutch and an output shaft fail so rather than trash the car they withdrew. Then, both Fords disappeared: The road surfaces were much cleaner than the first day though there was still a lot of gravel on Stage 10. Delecour was complain-ing that the stewards had arbi-trarily changed the restart order and "that caused us to run behind two more four wheel drive cars which were throwing more and more gravel on the road." · Climent was running low on tires but he left the fray after going off the road on the longest stage. Kankkunen hit a hunk of con-crete with the left front wheel and abandoned ship, having dropped from 12th to 37th place. Thiry was still struggling on in eighth place with two stages to go when his engine, which had been run-ning erratically, failed suddenly in a comer. (It was later discovered that the block had cracked.) At the rest halt in Tivissa, Su-baru still had problems. McRae still had suspension problems. Li-atti had Turbo pipe problems and they were now lying tenth and seventh overall. Among the other four wheel drive entries, Snyer's transmission seized before Stage 8, Nikonenko went off the road on Stage 11 and damaged his car. Granholm hit a rock, damaged the suspension and retired and Radstrom had tire troubles and was falling back and Madeira went from third to first in Teams Cup. The anticipated drama was on the longest stage and here Auriol simply pulled further away from the group. Liatti ended a miser-able day when he hit a bridge and damaged the front suspension and retired while Sainz was gradually making up lost time. Kankkunen I~ 1 Oid1-,r Aur1ol/Oen13 •J1r:1udet 'o • Preddy LO[X/Sven Sm~e:.s 111 T1mo HAKINEN/R1sto Hannuenmak1 ( 2 t Richard BURNS/Robert r'•!!ld ( 17 J Ph1l1.ppe 8UQdlsi<1/J1Jan-P3ul Ch:.uon1 (15) Gilles• Her·.1e Pdnl?Zl 15) Cdrlos SAINZ/Luis Hoy~ ~ ~~i! ~~=n~~~:e~~~1~~u;~~:~!~l Grataloup 10 (14) RUl Hadeaal~•JnO Silva 12 (10) Thomas P:1dstrom/Sunna:-Barth 13 ( 22 I l<rzysztof Holow-:zyc/!'!1c1eJ Wu laws kl 14 ( 281 Adruu.lo Lope.3/Lu1s Ltsboa lS (20) Oriol Gomez/Hare Hartl 1 7 { J ~ J 3al va1or Canel las/Xav 1H Lor za 20 (JO) Gustavo Trelles/Han 1n Chr 13t1e Other important f1.n1shers 19 (29) Alister McRae/Uavl':! Seraor 2! t2i) Kenneth Er1ksson/5tafhn Parmander 23 (32) Manfred Stohl/fet:.,H Huller Dusty Times In Group N T relies had the lead well in hand although he had power steering problems. Stohl fell back when he had to stop and change a tire and Sanchez fin-ished the day with gearbox prob-lems in his Subaru. Leg 3 • Six stages, 106.3 kms, all asphalt. Auriol continued un-challenged in the lead, followed by Loix and Makinen who had passed Sainz who was still having handling problems. The route covered six of the first days seven stages and the rally still had ex-citement left in it. Makinen was now on a charge to regain second place. He reduced the gap from 19 seconds to four seconds in four stages but he felt he was pushing his new car too hard so he eased up on the pace. Sainz had more troubles when he broke off a valve stem. The tire deflated instantly and the result was his dropping from fourth to eighth place. Two major retirements came when McRae broke a driveshaft and had Sainz still kept alive the hopes of his people, radio news flashes would talk about all the people he had passed but they never men-tioned the people still well in front of him. The Toyota people were ecstatic, having early gearshift problems. Auriol had virtually no problems and Sainz only once had a problem with gearshift sensor. So Auriol won at Catalunya. Loix was second in the other Toyota, then came a pair of Mitsubishis and then, a Citroen, first WZL and fifth overall, then a Peugeot, second in WZL, and sixth overall! A remarkable show-ing. So, we put the 34th Rally Catalunya to rest and the World Championship Cars and crews and all the motoring press move across the Mediterranean to the island of Corsica for the second all asphalt rally of the '98 season. Stay tuned to Dusty Times for all the details as they happen. ■ war .L,.J ... nd1np1onsn1p Points WCR WCD W2L F Tciyota Corolla WRCar 9A K-AH361 (0) 4h.18in.36.9s.• 10 -B Toyot a Corolla WRCar A l(-AJ-1495 (0) FIN H1.tsubuh1. Lancer Evolution A R2HRE {GB) GB MltSUblShl CarlSIH GT A R22HRE (GB) F Citroen Xsara KJ.t Car (1st P2) A 17BJM92 (P) F Peugeot 306 Haxl (211,d F2 ) A 7oilLYV7S {F) E Toyota Corolla WRCar A K-ANJ07 ID} F Peugeot 306 Hax1 (3rd F21 A 763LYV7S (Fl D/S M1tsub1sh1 car1sraa GT A P.iHRE (GB) P Toyota Corolla WRCar A K-AH422 (D) S Toyota Corolla WRCar A K-A1't685 ( OJ PL Subaru Impreza WRCar A PlOOALL (GB) P Peugeot 306 Hax1 (4th P2) A 77SLYV7S (P) E SEAT Ibiza KJ.t Car (Sth F2J A 894JSTX (E) E SEAT Ibiza Klt Car {6th F2) A 87S01TK (!) ROU/RA Hitsub1sh1. Lancer £volut1.on N AX189Aff {E) Ge Hyund~l Coupe Klt Car A P332WGS (GB) S Hyundai Coupe Klt Car A HSHSO 1GB) A M1tsub1sh1 Lancer E•1olut1on N C304643 (PY) 4h. 19m.J0.3s. 6 6 4h.19m.46.Js. 4 4 4h. 20m .10.4s. 3 J -4h.20m.28 .3s. 2 (101 4h.20111.f4.0S.♦ 1 6 4h.2lm.OS. 7s. 4h.2lm.24.6 S.♦ - 4 4h.22m.45.6s. 4h.2Sm.24.Ss.•• 4h. 26m . S4 . 4s.•• 4h.27m.02.8s. • • 4h.28m.07.7s.+ (3) 4h.28m.38 .ls... 2 4h.3lm.52.Ss.♦ 1 4h.4lm.04.7s.•/ .. -4h. 40m.17. Ss." 4h.44m.28.1S.t> 4h.50m.04 .5s. July 1998 * Adjustable Coil Buckets *Dual Shock Kits *Extended Radius Anns (Heim Joints or Urethane) *Custom I-Beams TOYOTA2wd "'*Custom Control Arms (Upper and Lower) *Strut Frames (Heim Joints or Silicon Bronze) *Dual Shock Kits CHEVY/GMC C-1500 *Custom Control Arms (Upper and Lower) *Lift Spindles (3" Lift) *FORD (Ranger-F 150) *CHEVY (Full Size- S 10) *TOYOTA (1994-88)(1989-95)(1996-98) *NISSAN (1986½-1994)(1995-1998) FRONT FENDERS, HOODS, AND BEDSIDES CUSTOM FABRICATION *MIG and TIG WELDING *CNC PLASMA CUTTING *CNC TUBE BENDING BUMPERS ROLLCAGES SHOCK MOUNTS (Send Us Your Drawing and We Will Make Your Part) BILSTEIN SHOCKS N1Hetl/ 01te H111tdred Series STANDARD COILOVER BYPASS· *Fully Rebulldable *22mm Rod 60mm Reservoir *3 Stage WET-Seal Rod Guide *60mm Piston "powder Metal" CAMBURG PRODl,ICTS AVAILABLE AT A FINE DEALER NEAR YOU PDC MOTORSPORTS BREA CA, AUTO FAB SANTEE CA, BAJA CONCEPTS FALLBROOK CA, DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOMED Page 13

Page 14

CORP SAN FELIPE 200 Honold· Holds On In San Felipe By T any Tellier Photos:Mario Vassquez Arturo Honold was the overall winner at the CORP San Felipe 200, shown here flying his neat looking Class 10 towards the finish. · Arturo Honold capitalized on spares, zero. the uniball woes of Jimmy The Pro 5-1600 race was a Nuckles to grab the overall win three-way battle with an at the CORP San Felipe 200 on ironmanning Rick Fouquette edg-Saturday, May 2nd. That drive ing Rick St. John and Steve included the Class 10 win, of Miszkewicz while Gerardo lribe's course. The_ Mexicali attorney fast lap was wasted when they ran charged hard right from the start out of petrol. flag. "I got a flat passing ·(front Challenger Alfonso LaCarra starter Luis) Barragan and did not and Lalo Mayoral came, they saw, wish to stop to change it. He has but were eventually conquered by a very large motor, 2400, and I Adam Pfankuch who held up his had to get a big lead before the end of the bargain with early lap straight (Puertocitos) road. So I drivers Larry Kern and dad Mike. drove all of the first lap with the flat (and ending up with a super-taco-ed left front wheel)." Jimmy Nuckles knuckled under (heh heh) to a busted rod end on his Pro Truck/8 after limping into the pits. "I ran 20 miles on this," he nodded toward the splayed-out and dug-in right front tire on his Ford-clad Stewart". "Hey,"offered his passenger, "we hit everything on MY side!" Get used to it, pal As is usual in these South of the Border races, the restricted classes were large: There were nine Pro 1600s, 14 Pro 5-1600 cars and ten Pro Challengers. Twenty-seven seconds was the margin between 1600 winners Cesar Cons and Simon Ruiz and points leader Tom Watson. It all came down to too many flats for Tom, four, not enough on-board THE COURSE, OF COURSE . CORP wanted to avoid coming up with the same old stuff so only a bit of the Old Puertocitos High-way was used for the race. Four 50 mile loops, all south of town, made for a true "200". The start of the Arches at the new huge Tecate sign was traditional, OK. But the road south along the Si-erra San Felipe mountain face had not been used for a goodly spell; the '94 "1000", perhaps? The re-ally "new" part was heading north back of Aeropuerto, between the Old and new highways. That section ran over semi-stablized sand dunes and would only get looser and worser as the day wore on and the racers wore out. The old Old Puertocitos High--~~ ~--·· way south of the first well field was unbelievably soft. Two-wheel drive chase vehicles were getting stuck. The new Old Puertocitos Highway was more firm and the way of choice for the support crews. There were 89 cars leaving at the 1000 hour start with a ten hour limit. The previous week's temperatures of the high 80s was broken a bit by high wispy clouds. The usual dust problem was re-duced by the ever-present coastal breeze which blew across the mainly north and south course. THE RACE Second starter Honold passed the Luis Barragan two-seater by the 21 mile mark with the trail-ing Martin Garibay being dogged by the yellow Gustavo Pinuelas/ Ray Santos del Prado "Ten" who was barking up the wrong tree. Honold said that soloing the full four laps was certainly diffi-cult: "The whoops were very hard. I ran in first and second ... where I should have been in third or fourth. My wire came off the al-ternator. The light came.on and I thought 'Good! Now I can quit!' But my pit said 'No, no. Let's go!"' "I only got one blister ... this is training for the '500'." Jimmy Nuckles, who had Simon Ruiz and Ceasar Cons let no sand gather under their feet as they raced to a great first in 1600 and they were third overall as well. · It looks great here but Jim Nuckles Ford had lots of suspension problems throughout the race yet they soldiered on to take first in Class 8. stopped on Lap 2 to assess his busted A-arm situation, just be-fore their drive to the main pits located south of the Tecate dis-tributor, offered that "The only thing (that Jeremy at Spirit Rac-ing) changed after 'Tonopah' (where they won) ... was the (A-. arm) Heims. We felt like they had loosened up." As we spoke Honold flew down the course and disappeared in a cloud of dust. Arturo avoided a soft and slow right hand corner at the Aeropuerto cross-cut road onto the Old Puertocitos Road by roar-ing through his pits, cutting the comer, so to speak. And legally, it would seem, since, according to Arturo, the course that he pre-ran on Friday actually used that cor-ner cut. Everyone else was actu-ally taking the long way around! The tactic, at the end of the day, was not a factor in his victory. Jimmy nodded toward the buggy: "We were trying to catch '1002' (Arturo Honold) and now we find that he was BEHIND us!" Hint: Better use those radios to full(er) advantage! "It was all that cross-drainage that did us in! And we might have beaten even (Honold) back to the pits creeping along just like this!" They were in good spirits after all was said and (not) done. After shooting the breeze for a spell Nuckles then buckled back and limped the truck back to his pits and decided to replace the broken uniball after all. Using jacks, pry bars, curses and other weapons of mass destruction they were able to quickly install a re-placement rod end. At the finish Jimmy suggested that, after all, it was an afternoon where they should have called it a day: "The first 25 miles we drove with that Heim b;oken really weakened the other (i.e., front pivot) and that Heim itself pulled right out of the (frame's) upright." This time-the damage was not so benign as the initial failure -where little was actually damaged: they drove with the bumpstop on the tire ... with no flats. Now, at the finish, the shock shaft was busted, the limiter strap was tom off and the frame spud was tom right out. "We had raced 'Laugh-lin', (SCORE) 'San Felipe' and (BITD) 'Tonopah' on all those Heims." So it was decided that it was time to replace them. An In-fant Failure scenario. Comment: The Pro Truckers need to lobby to have those class rules limited parts upsized. CLASSl0 Adam/Mike Pfankuch and Larry Kern ate up the Class 9 competition slowly but surely and cemented their first place just before the checkers. The Fouquette/Casan{Jva combo was the winning combination in Class 5-1600, racing hard all day and earning the gold medal for the effort. Martin Garibay made it to the finish line but not in the manner in which he wishes to become accustomed: on a tow line. The Ensenada "10" driver explained that it was his (engine's) camshaft that failed at Mile 14 on the third lap but "my motor did not work well enough. It was 'OK' but it was a ·small motor and I need a 1775(cc)" which the rules allow for air cools. "My suspension was good ... I just need the bigger mo-tor. And that means bigger head$, Continued on page 16 Page 14 July 1998 Dusty Times

Page 15

l . BEER &ACIIIIILAI lll·IDAI PIIIIT/111 fi'}\\aM~i~,f ~ _THE RACE "Corp Tecate Riesgo Total" . 4th event of the Corp Tecate Off-Road Racing Championship DATE July 31 , August 1-2, 98 PLACE Tecate, B.C. MEX. COURSE . An incredible 200 miles .. ! Starts in Tecate (RanchoViejo, Valle Las Palmas, Neji, Some places of Baja 500, Baja 1000) RACE STARTS 10:00 hrs., Sathurday, Aug.01 1998 Tecate, B.C. MEX. CONTINGENCY f ?:oection Friday (July 31) Main Streel, Tecate AWARDS SundaiAugust02, 1998 BAJA PITS 1 lr/ ca LR ~ReeEeR OFF-ROAD RACE FUEL . We'll have: VP, Unocal 76, Trick (Contingency Sponsors) (Due to the Mexican Custom • you can't cross fuel from USA) TO THE WINNERS· PRO: t1Q% Payback PLUS Contingency 1st. Place: EXTRA PURSE $250 dllrs! . . (with 3 cars per class) SPortman: Refund of the Entry Fee to the First places (2 cars per class) DRAWING Friday (July 24, 1998) CALL, FAX or Write! · , CLASSES 1, 10and SL*, 1/2-1600, 9, 4-6-8-PT**, 7, 7S, 5 open, 5-1600, 11. • Score Light · •• Pro Truck START ORDER 1, 10, 8, 1/2-1600, 5 Open, 5-1600, 9, 7, 7S, 11 ENTRY FEES PRO: $ 215 dllrs. Sportman: 120 dllrs. Safari: $ 90 dllrs. · CORP TECATE -. , CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR · 1998. · ·.· ·•·. V!AN 16-18 87 cars• l~'i·EB 20-22 . q~ cars . . l(~AY 01-~3 .sq ·c.:·(lrs -· □ JUL 31/A{JG 01-02 __ . . ·•· [] OCT 9-;i . po""f + · ... . · . □ DEC 4'-6 "(\'\ern · .. I I I I i I i I i I I I I

Page 16

I , Marcos Nunez and Norberto Rivera prove that flying a Class 11 can be fun, they took the gold medal at the CORP San Felipe race. the new (larger diameter) pis- puzzle. ton$ ... how fa$t do you wi$h to Martin plans on having that go?" was the final piece of the power plant for the "500" when he • ,:.h'°l'.-•1--~ ¥ DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. •' 4-polnt sand rail seat belt . .. $74.95 RACE BELTS 2"·5polntmount ., ..•.... $79.95 3"-5polntmount ......... $99.95. SIDE COVERS IRS . . ................... $54.95 Swing axle . . .......•...•. $54.95 KENNEDY· PRESSURE PLATES 200mm:1700# . ........... $79.95 200mm-up to 3000# ..... ... $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# . . from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks . . .... .... .... $39.95 4puc ferramic ..... , .... $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . ...................... $54.95 SACO MAGNUM RAC!<. Billet housing, 1 'I, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops ..... ... .......... $395.00 SACO CV. CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 93ilor T-4 cages ... . , . ... ea $44 .. 95 930 or T-4 or T-21/anges . ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... es $15.95 930 CV star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" tra~el-stock width ... . $199.95 8"travel•widenedbeam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width ... . $224.95 to• travel-widened beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-111/," chrome ... . . .•.. $ 98.95 T-1 rn•raw ..... ....... $ 65.95 T-1 1518" chrome ..... ;.· .$105.95 T-11518" raw ........... $ 72.95 T-4ohrome : ..•..•...... $189.95 Hiaw., .............. . $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS ... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS........... . $8.50 specify M.lG.XLG_ The Real trio, Hector, Horacio and Fernando drove their great looking truck to the win in Class 7S at Mexicali. will solo the June event. The Gustavo Pineulas/Ray Santos del Prado single seater had a couple of fast-ish laps then sec-ond half pilot Ray SdP apparently overrung the engine and did au-PORSCHE S.TYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T:4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, Includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I ............ . . ..... $489.95 MK/I ..........•...... . $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle · With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacements/ave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toul7hest available · anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion- .$269.9,5 Mount plate ............ $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8,95 Racksteermgstops ..... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" sty/a Ills 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 _✓, FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ........ . · ... 4130Chromoly Stock length .... . .... pr. $449.00 1¼ • longer .......... pr. $474.00 2'1, • tonger .......... pr. $499.00 4 • longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International/ set . . . ........................ $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARM§ 3• X 3" ." ............... $435.QQ 1-21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG ............. 1$$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562-863-1123 FAX 562-929-1461 Page 16 July 1998 dible damage. It was shooting ducks; sounded like a busted valve spring or some such thing. Second place was their reward since Garibay and the Barragans (with Willie Valdez as pit Jefe) both DNFed. PRO 10 1. Arturo Honold (Overall) 2. Gustavo Pinuelas/Ray Santos del Prado. 3. Los Barragans CLASS 1/2-1600 Cesar Cons and Simon Ruiz, the 1600 winners, both from Mexicali, split the four laps in two parts pretty much like ev-erybody else. And, like every-body else, they mentioned the heavy "arenas y mucho polvo": the ever-pervasive sand and dust. They had one flat and needed a quick clutch cable ad-justment down at the tranny arm. Ruiz kept the gas pinned, sprint-car-ing it through the corners. On course flat changes are rapidly handled by the pint-sized passenger chicito Carlos "Cora" Chavez. Cesar explained that Cora can get in and out of the car without undoing the window nets -he is small enough to just slip out the front. The ORBS car is totally Ri-chard Binder, from stem to stern; from front bar to engine cage; from suspension to motor. From Yuma to Mexicali. Cesar's closest competitor, Tom Watson ( El Centro), took the 2 7 seconds second place with grace: "Four flats! On each · corner (equal treatment in the work place). I wasn't carrying a spare ... for the weight saving." (Might a strategic re-think be appropriate?) · "I grabbed spares from Mexi-can guys pitting other people." He ended up with old white . steelspoke wheels here and there. "I can run on a front flat for quite a while. I drove ten· miles on a flat left front then (the tire) came off the rim and I went another five." The clean ex-Mike Caldoran Jimco is ser-viced by ex-Walker Evans man · Mike Johnson. Randy Anderson, last year's Campeone, did a spectacular barrel roll in a soft tum. The BozNoz Brawley brawler came off a jump right side down, the photos looked as it was saveable but the downside front wheel knifed in and then the car went over in a huge cloud of dust. "I saw stars!" Randy laughed. "We had a flat left front on the sec-ond lap. I had to get out to change it, then we broke a link pin on the third lap. The power steering went out before I handed the car over to Steve (Downing)." During the driver change Randy briefed Steve on the details but Randy some-how ... 'forgot' to tell me about the power steering {loss)", Steve said. Randy unconvincingly countered that "Hey, I forgot myself!" Note: Brawley is home of infamous "The Cattle Call". PRO 1600 1. Simon Ruiz/Cesar Cons 2. Tom Watkins 3. Los Ruebens Sando .CLASS 5-1600 The Rick St. John/Alphabet Steve Miszkewicz Baja Bug -ten Continued on page 18 Dusty Times

Page 17


Page 18

Ray Santos Prado and Gustavo Pinuelas had a wee bit of engine =--------'-'----'-----------'.:;.__ ____ __, problems and their reward was second in Class 10, yet they were Perry McNeil drove his "plated" truck to the Class 7 win, evidently Arturo Lizarraga won the battle of attrition in Class 5, the fast of the second overall. running many races with little work being done to the truck. four cars in class still running. letters, two vowels -kapt on 7. Iribe: "I have a 22 gallon ning on the "500", the "1000" to be seen a-g-a...,.in-. Hrr-e_r_s-ec_o_n_d-.-..-la_p_~...,C ... u-r....,i_o_u-se-r-an--.d-.C...-u--.ri,--o_u_s-er--keeping on against the black cell. I can get 20 out of it." and remaining three CORP was well over five hours, you Beny averaged 32.6 mph, beauty driven for all four laps by 8. Fouq: "Uh, er ... " events. He agreed with Iribe know? No bueno. Gustavo Coronado 37.3 ... and Rick Fouquette. Fouquette de-9. Rick SJ: "Blah, blah, blah". that fuel consumption was a Fouquette was planning to Nuckles still won at 37.6 on 3.5 cided to take his driving assign- 10. Iribe: (See above). problem with the soft stuff: "We celebrate his victory that wheels. ment most seriously: "I've began You gotta feel sorta sorry for were getting (only) seven mpg." evening at the Miramar -after a workout regimen ... lots of up-Fouquette ... couldn't get a word A mustachio-less Carlos Iribe a recoup short recoup nap. "I per body strength and endur-in edgewise, even after being was in typically fine form at the ,laid down at 'eight' and woke up ance stuff." Sure seems to work. the winner! But dealing with finish in spite of ending up out-this morning at 'six'. My kidneys Ernesto Monta-o had to remark these World Class orators? It's side of the impound tech in-are really sore -my (kidney) belt that that was something differ- a tough row to hoe, indeed. spection area: "We ran out of rode up to my ribs right after the ent: "Most racers train like this" But speaking on his own gasoline! We had a full 18 gal-start and didn't do any good at as he demonstrated the well Fouquette admitted that his lon cell and got in a 150 miles all. I tried driving with one known "12 ounce curl" of a se-race car was "flawless" but the before it quit." If those numbers hand, pulling the belt down rious cerveza drinker. Ernesto is race with St. John was tough. "I are true then 8-1/3 miles per with the other," he demon-the editor of the Mexicali news- would get by then have to fight gallon is not that shabby. But strated. "Not good." paper "Checkpoint Racing to hold it. Eventually St. John compare that to the comments Gustavo Casanova, the '92 N e w s " got stuck driving through my of St. John and Fouquette and Jimco's owner, Rick is the dust but my crews still radioed Carlos' son who offered data Driver of Record ... and they BS Corner 1. Rick St. John: "I was just in the car (along for the ride) ... " 2. Gerardo Iribe: "I was in the dust. .. flat tire ... " 3. Rick Fouquette: "( never saw anyone ... after I nabbed the first three guys ... " . 4. Rick St. John: "I knew he couldn't go that fast all the way ... " 5. Iribe: "I ran out of gas ... " 6. Rick SJ : "I mean this is San Felipe. Man, you run out of gas ... " me to "push hard". that indicates that 22 gallons treat me good. Gustavo is a law-Rick drove into a ditch in the = > 6.8 mpg. which is more like yer in Mexicali and his brother, sand whoopies area while avoid- it. Basic math. Bad data. Note: Edgar, is my co-driver who is a ing an also stuck spectator Carlos taken an important call computer engineer. They're real truck. "We had to get out to for a meeting with (a VIP) and good people." Rick, a foreman push," Rich said. "P.lus some pit in his haste his razor slipped and for Superior Readi-Mix in guys for Fouquette came over to he lost a good portion of my Santee since '86, said that help. They didn't exactly rush right side. When he evened it Casanova got" a thousand U.S. over, though. It was about 150 up on the other side he looked dollars for the 14 car win and "I yards away and they just walked like Adolph Hitler and that don't want any cut at all. I can't real slow." wouldn't fly so off it came. Tell afford to race myself and this is Rick SJ jumped in to remark him he now looks younger and a sweet deal." that it "was a great track; a more dashing if that would be Victor Romo does the motor rough track; marked very well, possible. and the car prep, which he also much better than SCORE." He Stephanie Lozano came in on does for winner Arturo Honold. has full plate what with plan-a tow rope after three laps never Fouquette can almost "see" a 10 car on the horizon: "If I am con-TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING sistent and if I drive smart, who knows?" Rick stressed that it is the camaraderie for the die hard guys who have a true love for the desert who keep it all going. SALUTES MARK POST FIRST --ef jll. -COME BY AND SEE USAT OUR NEW LOCATION Transaxle Engineering Jeff Field Page 18 ( 818-998-2739 9763 VarielAvenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 July 1998 PRO 5-1600 1. Rick Fouquette/Edgar Casanova. 2. Rick St. John/Alphabet Steve Miszkcwicz. 3. Antonio Ramirez/Manuel Le-dezma. CLASS 8 In addition to the Nuckles story, the hoodless Ford of Beny Canela was beginning to show signs of oil dispersal over the passenger side of his Class 8 ... plus emitting hot smells. One more lap to go. Stock up to 50 weight, OK? Beny seemingly had it in the bag until within sight of the Meta when his "Guilty" truck's VB would not re-start. The tem-perature had been rising all day and they slowed to get the temps down. Then the engine died. The crankcase breathers had been pumping out fumes and fluid into the cab for half of the race distance. The race car also smelled suspiciously of extra hot hypoid gear lube, an easily recognizable odor. The ageless driver had to come in on a string. Pregunta: While you can tow 1 % of the course distance - two miles in this case - must not you cross the finish line under your own wheel-driven power? PROS 1. Jimmy Nuckles. 2. 6ustavo Coronado. 3. Beny Canela. THE CHALLENGER CHALLENGE This good race came down to age and treachery vs. youth and exuberance, no doubt. On the third lap Lalo Mayoral had six minutes on Adam Pfankuch at M2 l. Then only two at M46. Then was 13 be-hind at the checkered. Alfonso LaCarra said that the San Felipe 200 was "Tough, no (expletive deleted)! I had no car problems but I did get blisters. I think that I need a bigger steer-ing wheel (holding his hands out to demonstrate the size of a Ken worth wheel), and these guys (nodding toward the K.I.T. kar)." Pancho was another one, like Tom Watson, who es-chewed carrying a spare. But in LaCarra's case there were no flats so there were no post-race retributions. Lalo looked whipped after his two laps over the seriously de-teriorated track: "Loot at me," he sighed, head hanging, parked on his car's side bar. But to his credit Mayoral's hands were mark-free ... manos de piedra. Pfankuch had the good battle with Lalo Mayoral. "On the middle of the last lap, on the pole line, I caught him. I passed him, then he followed me then bumped me and passed me back. I followed him to Check 2 then, in the soft sand, I hit him and passed him. When I got by he slowed down and let me go." Adam said, like everyone else (so it MUST be true) that the course turned "real washboardy." "I did a lot of run-ning in second and third gear." Then to make matters worse, "my pumper hose came off. I had to drive with the visor open." Larry Kern drove the first lap and Mike Pfankuch the second and Adam the final two in the two-seater with only one man. The actual racing task of reel-ing in Lalo was assigned to Adam: "We had no doubt when we got out," Mike explained about catching the black car. The hassles of driver changes were reduced by having each successive pilot being smaller than the previous one, that way there is no belt hassles. Just buckle in and cinch 'er down. With maybe a pillow or two for a shim. · They set up the car with a lot Dusty Times

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Tom Watson had four flats during the race and he figures his 27 second Oscar Rebeles gets his Chevy airborne on the way to a nice second Rick St. John & Steve Miszkciwicz had a hell of a race for the win in S-loss to 2nd place in 1600 was a real/ reat finish. spot in Class 7, a pretty good finish. 1600 but ended up taking the silver medal. Gustavo and Ricardo Coronado drove a hard fast race and they took Alfonso Lacarra and Lalo Mayoral run past the crowd on their way to Ricardo Carlon and Angel Barajas fly their Class 11 to a nice second place at San Felipe after a very long race. second spot in Class 8, not very far out of the win. a nice second spot in Class 9 at San Felipe. of droop so the rear end is not third lap took almost four and a 2. Ricardo Carlon. cambered out. The word on the half hours when the first lap 3. Carlos Fragosso. street is that· Adam will get a equaled that of winner Honold: new "1600" car. "A hot rod kid 1:04. "Everyone else was out of like that needs to move up," the race by that time so we just quoteth Rich St. John. stopped." The other K.I.T. khallenger Jaime Medina wobbled into kar of Tim and Bill Biebieff the main pits with what ap-broke a rocker stud and "that peared, from the track side, a was it," per Dave Dietrich. bent or broken tie rod. Two laps The two antagonists traded = DNF. paint all day. Lalo carried K.I.T. Conrad Diaz put in a rare ap-red and Adam LaCarra black on pearance down from La Verne their respective bumpers. Kern to shmooze a bit ... and threaten laces his rear cage with edgewise a sorely needed Class 5 appear-beam slats ... they cut right into ance at the "500". the Mayoral bump bar like a hot knife through butter. Challenger racer Luis Rivera admitted to a little brain fade• after he laid over his car right in front of the gathering crowd PR05 1. Arturo Lizarraga. 2. Jose, Luis y Victor Gonzalez. 3. Jaime Medina. at the Old Puertocitos Road CLASS 7 turn-in. Spin doctoring the situ-The venerable and never-fail-ation well, he averred that he ing Perry McNeil kept his win "Did it for show" but asked that streak alive with his eighth in a age old question "Why wer.e row. In the pre-runner. CA there no photographs taken?" street legal. The daily driver. Wh.ere was Al The Ouchmeister The grocery getter. "We ran Es-}Vhen you needed him? tero last week then came over _, As the spectators, got hin:i here. I change. the oil. Maybe ready to g,o compedto-r, the plugs. The wife drives it to Navarrete in die '"Rayos'" car slid. : work. The kids always want to almost to a stop, tagging Luis' drive it to high school after an-right front wheel.· The crowd other win. This truck is the tro-'Yent wild. But no harm, no foul phy!" and both continued on to battle another day. Rivera and Guill-ermo Solteros slowed to seventh while ontrack troubles ·set. Leonardo to eighth. There were ten Pro 9 entries. PR09 1. Adam Pfankuch/Mike Pfank-uch/Larry Kern. 2. Alfonso LaCarra/Lalo May-oral. 3. Arturo Pesgueira. CLASS 5 Arturo Lizarraga overcame hardware woes to win in the four car Open VW class. "The oil fitting threads to the cooler cracked. The oil light came 'On' and we kept pouring oil into it but it was getting worse. So we stopped and cleaned the case and put on some 'Liquid Steel'. Which worked a little bit". That Dusty Times PR07 1. Perry McNeil. 2. Oscar Rebeles. 3. Alfonso Escobedo. CLASS 11 Berna Lopez -or so said the driving suit (the results list no such name!) ... stopped his purple "Once" for a throttle cable repair and to plant areas-suring kiss on this co-driver. Alejandra gave a BIG smile while agreeing that she was in-de·ed having Big Fun. The Beetle required a couple of hand-pushes to get fired but off they flew ... to second place be- . hind Marcos Nu-ez. Four laps is a long way for the eight Pro en-tries. PRO 11 1. Marcos Nu-ez. SPORTSMEN The Class 5 of Jose Cervantes and Daniel Dojaquez had a six hour second lap after breaking a right hand lower ball joint. Their initial lap was a troubled 2:44 so it was a long hard day to the trailer for the two. The 283-powered Land Cruiser of John Murillo and Kfeith Cowell did their three laps in five hours. They ran without a front clip and with a 650 Holley. It was rough enough that they both agreed that they never needed, or even wanted, more bowtie power under the hood. If they even had a hood. Sportsman 9 winner Ben Dietrich, after his first race ever, was initially a difficult in-terview: "Yup". "Nope". It eventually came out that he tossed a fan belt which took off one of the carb return springs so . he drove much of the day at High Idle indeed. Bu( the 18 year old did allow that the race was "re-ally good" and he even got to hit - "bumped - a. gre_en car". "(The course) was too soft; these '9s' are too skinny. I kept hitting the skid plate." Dad Dave Dietrich drove the first lap as a Super Senior Sportsman and son Ben the final two ... Sportspersons "only" had to do three laps. "It was ALL cross-grain! ! " Dave raved. "Choppy with deep sand from Mile 30 to 40". SPORTSMAN RESULTS Sportsman 10 1. Juan de Dios Tellez. 2. Phred Espinoza. 3. Carlos Herrera. Sportsman 1600 1. Sonia Fierro. Sportsman 8 1. John Murillo. 2. Jorge Ramirez (1 Lap, Check 2). 3. Armando Bravo (1 Lap, Check 1). Sportsman 5 July 1998 1. Jose Cervantes (2 Laps). tive Director C.P. Joaquin Rod-Sportsman 5-1600 1. Mateo Pabloff. 2. Rene Prieto. 3. Adolfo Alaya. Sportsman 9 1. Ben Dietrich. 2. Jorge Castro. Sportsman 7 1. Juan Carlos (1 Lap). 2. Francisco Romo (1 Lap). Sportsman 11 1. Jose Cabrera (Check 1). Safari 1. Lorenzo Dojaquez 2. Masao Shiba. 3. Juan Mayoral (1 Lap). CORP CORP is a new organization out of Mexicali with the initials standing for "Cachanillas Off Road Promotions". Administra-HOURS M~F 9:00 -6:00 Sat. 10:00 - · 3:00 riguez M. relies upon the current SCORE rule book with the sole exception being that the Class 11 "Herbies" can run race gas. VP Fuel and Union 76 at the Arches and a full Con-tingency Row was held outside of the Rockodile Friday evening with King Shocks, humble Bob Hummel's Race Ready Products plus the weathered PCI trailer. Catch this: if any racers have to pay a duty fee at the border, CORP will reimburse them. Re-ceipts, please. Protests are $300. Entry is about $215, depending upon the rate of exchange with a 45% payback for the Pros. Ouch Video was on the scene with four cameras and one Omar. The next CORP event will be on August 1 at the Rancho Santa Veronica east of Tecate. Look for cooler weather and a magnificent land-scape. ■ Daily UPS Visa· and Mastercard I i . I l \iVe are happy to announce our new 800 foll free number. (800) 656-3376 Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon "Fast-Fill" dump cons. Both new products can save you race time. Race Smafl-Be Sate 103 Press Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • (619) 691-9171 • FAX (619)·691-0803 Page 19

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WHIPLASH DESERT TOUR GILA MONSTER 150 --Struttmann's Strong At Gila Bend By No Brakes Drake Photos: Carolyn Leeson Tom Struttmann drove the great looking Chevy powered Jimco to first in Pro 1-2 and to the overall win as well. GILA BEND, AZ -It was the Class 1-2 Winner. "Otherwise we'd It was good to have 50 degree temps coldest day I'd ever seen here in the have overheated." A 4000 rpm - we're going to have to go home so-called "Fan Belt Capitol of the (stall speed) torque converter gen-and put another cooler on this World." And getting colder. And erates a lot of heat. thing. Already has six, butit looks wetter. But no matter, the third "The washes were pretty good like we need another one!" annual "Gila Monster 150" second this year 'til the last lap, then they The "Mom & Dad" backed fuel-event in the 1998 Whiplash Desert were back to normal," grinned "the injected Chevy V-6 powered Jimco Tour, was ready to start. laconic Struttmann. "I'd like to turned in an elapsed time of 3: 13:40 And, in fact, the cold tempera- thank the guy that owns all this to· best Pro Class 10 winner Dave tures would play an important role stuff, Don Struttmann, and Lee Lundquist by four minutes after in the day's outcome. Finke for the nice RaceShocks." three circuits over the 42 mile loop. "We were just lucky today that Smiling patriarch and Team Runningoveracircuitsimilarto it was so cold outside," said Tom Owner Don was all smiles: "We got years past (the course dates back to Struttmann, First Overall and-Pro lucky, the weather helped us out. the days of ADRA and ORR), the Mike Doherty runs his Chevy out of the wash at Highway B on his way to the Class B victory at Gila Bend. route skirts the Barry Goldwater Aerial Gunnery Range and in-cluded the usual assortment of washes, crossgrain-and a couple hard-surfaced stretches. "El Nino" rains took the blame for the changes to the complexion of the washes, and each lap revealed more of what one wag named "penalty markers," big rocks, surfacing through the sand. The cars would leave, starting at 10 a.m. in this class order: Pros 1-2, 10, 5, 8, 1-2/1600, Vintage, 5/ 1600, Challenger, Sportsman Un-limited, 10, Truck and Limited. With the 80% attention in Pro • 1-2 at the Tecate 150 just a month prior, there were but two class en-trants this time, the Struttmanns and Carl Perez, in his tarantula-like Mazda single, the widest car in off road racing. Struttmann put his first off starting position to good use and never looked back. Struttmann's only problem was heat buildup due to the new converter, which had been specified with a stall speed quite a bit lower, but Tom liked the way it drove, the sky opened up with a heavy, cold rain, and he sailed in unchallenged. Perez,-_ his rotary motor running poorly, was twenty minutes back after one lap and decided to park. In contrast, a fine ten racers turned out for the Pro 10 battle. At the end of Lap 1, Dave Lundquist had but a 12 second lead on Ed Beard. Brian Knapp was-third a minute and a halflater, with Randy Maddux hot on his trail and Willie Cummings a strong fifth. K.C. Crook held sixth just over a minute back, and Charles Lathrem was 12 minutes behind for seventh while Bill Tsakaris had gotten stuck in a wash aqd blown his engine. T earn Kellogg and Michael Sulger failed to complete a lap as well. This time the high attrition rate was in the Pro 10 ranks, and Knapp parked with a broken kingpin. Crook was next tp go out, sidelined by a CV flange problem only yards into the second lap. Then Board lost his engine. Maddux also fell out. Lundquist maintained his lead as Cummings closed in as he moved into second. Lathrem was also mov-ing quicker and inherited third. The sky opened up as cats and dogs splashed into every puddle on Continued o_n page No Entry Fee-$5,000 Purse-Easy Maintenan~e-Lo~ Operating cost- Close Competition competition v-~ ~ OOE1SUI 1ECH. .)1-0C< d3.)0=t3i:=t.) Page 20 ~ Watch Vour [ompetition Rt: -~~ .-~c.1· ~ • 25 Race Schedule • The Fastest Growing Series ! High~st Quality, Construction and Components • Affordable -I I I I July 1998 · Cajon Speedway Havasu Speedway Las Vegas Motorspeedway -Los Angeles Grand Prix -· Madera Speedway , Mesa Marin Raceway I Perris Auto Speedway Stockton 99 Speedway Dusty Times

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r I WORKING TOW ARDS THE BETTERMENT OF THE SPORT OUR GOALS: • To unite the sport: drivers, manufacturers and contingency through membership. • To secure financing froin. dues, sponsors and manufacturers. • To create more entries, larger purses and sponsorship for promoters and race teams. - • To make racing and pre-running safer! OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Incorporation and election of officers and a permanent Board of Directors. • Providing a news source in the·Dusty Times and on the Internet. • Reinstating the Class Rep system and appointing volunteer Class Reps. Most of our suggestions were accepted for the new rule book. • SUMMIT is p;rticularly proud that it was instrumental in the TV production of the San Felipe 250. • Establisl,ment of t/,e groundwork for a new contingency program. wit/, approval/or an initial expenditure of $350.0. to be used at the following races:. BITD - Vegas to Reno, FUD - Dunaway Dash, SCORE - Baja 500, SNORE -SNORE 250, VORRA - Yerington to Fallon & Back, and WHIPLASH -Snowflake. A $500. prize will be awarded to a SUMMIT member entered in the event, who has SUJlfMIT stickers on his race vehicle and attends the drawing at_the Driver's Meeting. • SUMMIT'S ·Phone number: 888-698-7289 VISIT OUR CONTINGENCY BOOTH OR LOOK FOR ME.ETINGS COMING TO YOUR AREA SOON ---------------------------------------------------------SUMMIT is an Offroad Racing Association open to anyone who loYes the sport. Introductory annual membership dues are: General Membership $25., and Race Car Owner/Driver Membership $50. New members will receive stickers and T-shirts. Name . ' Address _________________ City/State/Zip ____________ _ Please check appropriate category: Race Car Owner Driver Pit Support __ Contingency Sponsor__ Manufacturer __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Other (please describe area of interest in the sport) - . . . . I -------------------------------------------------------~ ON A SEP ARA TE SHEET PLEASE TAKE TIME TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. List three positive factors about'the promoter whose races you support. 2. If the opportunity presented itself, what suggestions would you offer the promoter whose races you support? 3. What specific challenges in our sport would you !ike SUMMIT to address'! 4. What ideas or observations would you care to share? .. Mail to: SUMMIT P.O. Box 4645 Carson, CA 90749

Page 22

J Allan Schaible, seen here at speed had a ve,y long day and ended up in fourth place in Pro 5-1600. K. C. Crook looked good early in the race but c. v. problems forced him Brian Knapp was running third after the first lap but a broken kingpin to retire before the checkered flag was reached. dictated an early retirement from the fray. the final lap, and all three racers slowed. Lundquist had pitted for a minor brake problem but retained his lead and went on to finish sec-ond overall and First Pro 10 with a time of 3: 17 :40 in the Northern Arizona RefrigerationN olksPower/ Geiser Bros. Development & De-sign/ Arizona Automotive Rabbit-Chenowth. Finish line. Even with the penalty two minis and two bobtails to do it. the last to complete Lap 1. John still increased his lead over Wilson he held onto second in class, still As they started the second lap, Clark had flipped his formerly pris-by 34 seconds on Lap 2. Krug went eleven minutes ahead of Lathrem. Dean Whitaker was 12 seconds tine V-8 Ranger and wadded it up. out after front trailing arm and tor-Jeff Hustin was all alone in Pro ahead of Don Kolt. Mike Doherty, Rick Thomas looked pretty good in sion problems followed by a back-5. Bringing the Desert Son Racing/ another 2 7 seconds back, was third, the Mark Ottersberg T earn Chevy wards trip down a hillside ended his Colucci Fabrication Rabbit-power with the Patrick/Rad Race Team but then the rear end housing day and the rest moved up a posi-convertible in with a t~me of just four minutes back. In fifth, and broke. Ken Kreuter, Jr. and Tom tion. 3:52:39, Hustin earned ninth over- leading the sevens, was the Kelly Buck also failed to complete a cir-At the flag, Long brought the all. McNeil Team's Ranger. Tom cuit. Oracle Road Rent-All/TUF Off "It was very wet," grinned a still- Swanson's bright red CJ was a close Doherty moved out front on Lap Road single in at a fine third over-soaking Hustin from the relative sixth and Al Cluck was seventh, ten 2 while the Rad Race team took over all with a time of 3: 26:46. Wilson comfort of the Outer Limits room minutes back. Rick Wiseman was second. Swanson slid into third and was less than two minutes back for at Gila Bend's Famous Space Age 45 minutes behind after a broken Cluck was now fourth ahead of second. Then came Catrambone, Lodge. "The whole course was spring hanger slowed his charge. Wiseman. Phoenix was now the last Geringer, and Fisher. Running soggy, therewasstandingwaterin And Larry Phoenix had hit a big truckrunningwell,insixth,afterKolt strong his last two laps, Dalke spots. We had no problems and just rock just twelve miles out, blowing lost a lot of time and Whitaker and played catch up all day, but had to "It did get a little wet and cold," admitted Lundquist. "But I had fun. I'd like to thank my pit crew, the Geisers, Pat Hughes, VolksPower -I could go on and on. Thanks ev-erybody!" · Cummings was third overall, sec-ond Pro 10, a minute and a half later but was penalized ten minutes for failing to come to a complete stop each time he passed the Start/ stopped for a little gas and a dry out the yoke on the rear driveshaft. McNeil dropped out. settle for sixth. towel." Nearly an hour and a half behind Doherty held on to his lead and Just one brave soul entered in the Pro 8, with ·thirteen entries, the leader, he'd "fixed" it with ham- brought the Empire Machinery/ Pro Vintage class this time. It took earnedBiggestClassoftheDay.Of mer and duct tape, then got it Caterpillar/Subway/Doherty RandyProwse3:50:05tocomplete course it took nine full size trucks, welded at Checkpoint #3, and was Plumbing Chevrolet in at sixth one lap and he called it a day. I-(J) u::; Cl () 0 ..J 6 <( UJ co z 0 a: :i <( I () a: Cl co (J) ..J UJ UJ I 3: UJ z ::; a: UJ I-z UJ () <( :i <( I 0 ~ ~ (J) a: UJ 3: 0 ..J co <( -, <( co (J) a: UJ ~ u:: z oil ~ ~ () ct. CJ => co s R AP AUT TEA LE YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS/ * Catch us on the Net! PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 •• BILLET AIR CLEANERS Made from Billet Aluminum. Deep grooves top and bottom to keep air cleaner from collapsing. Fits 40, 44, 48IDF and all new 48 IDAs. DZUS BUTTONS/TABS DZU-EHF5·50 Ejected Head • Small Button DZU-EHF5-50W Ejected Head · Winged Button DZU-EHF6-55 #6 Ejected Head Button DZU-A065-40 Round Head. 400 long Button DZU-AO65·50 Round Head. 500 Long Button DZU-AO65-55 Round Head, 550 Long Button DZU-AO65-55A Round Head, Aluminum • 550 Long BuJton DZU-FO65-40 Countersunk Head• 400 Long Button DZU-FO65-50 C/rsunk Head· 500 L. I" , • DZU-FO65-55 C/rsunk Head· 550 L. . \J,"' (' dlJ> DZU-200-D Dimpled Solid Std TabD ~ DZU-200-F Flat Standard Tab lJ' 1' 1J 'f ~ DZU-300-D 3• long Dimpled Tab O )i ,.1 1i'r 'h ~ DZU-300-F 3" Long Flat Tab , I'! Ill! '-t;;--.Q DZU-TAB·D Dimpled Tab DZU-TAB-F Flat Tab ~ df1b •• DZU-946 lightweight - -Dimpled Tab DZU-S6425 Tall Spring • ~ Large Button C.,, DZU·S6300 Short Spring • large Button FOX RACING SHOX Every Fox Racing Shox ever made can be rebuilt as needed to insure it's delivering the very best performance in every race. ; I Yokohama OFF-ROAD TIRES Exclusively de-signed for Off· Road Racing. Both the com-puter-aided de-sign with variable pitch block pattern and the heavy-duty undertread construction gives you outstanding desert terrain traction and are cut resistance. The large overall diameter with a tall section height improves rolling and handling over the toughest terrain. SUPER.TRAPP The ONLY muffler on the market that allows you to determine and set sound level, power band, and performance. ./ REMOVE discs to decrease . ./ exhaust opening & increase back pressure. -this decreases powerband to give more low-end torgue · decreases exhaust tone · -enriches the ca,buretion ~ to increase exhaust opening & reduce back pressure. · this increases powerband to give more top end -increases exhaust tone - leans out the carburetion The Ultimate Starter for Faster, Crisper Starts The OPTIMA's "Spiralcell" technology provides more power for faster crisper starts. The 800U and 800S f2-volt models deliver 800 Cold Cranking Amps at o• Farenheit. SETRAB OIL COOLERS SET-125-AN6 SET-619-AN6 SET-619-AN8 J WIIIWI 2.0 Coil Over Racing Shox · Nitrogen Gas Pressure (200PSli - Mono-Tube Steel Body l}C) SET-625·AN8 SET-634-AN8 SET-644•AN8 SET-644-AN12 6 x.25 Row · 6 AN 11 x 19 Row · 6 AN 11 x 19 Row • 8 AN 11 x 25 Row · 8 AN 11 x 34 Row · 8 AN 11 x 44 Row · 8 AN 11 x44Row-12AN · Internal Adustable Damping C -i 0 m :n 0 0 m z 0 en " 0 d 0 ' " m z z m ~ CD ;= en -i m z 0 "1J -i ~ )> en I 0 0 en )> C :n 0 :n )> ~ -.Teflon-Lined S/Steel Spherical Heims SET-FP119-AN6 Fan Pack, 6 x 19 Row - 6 AN ! · Steel Hard-Chrome Shaft (5/8" & 7/8') SET-FP119-AN8 Fan Pac~6 x 19 Row· 8 AN rn :,:. · Remote Reservoir w/Steel Braided Hose SET-FP432-AN8 Fan Pack, 11 x 34 Row. 8 AN ~ <C • Completely Rebuoldable SET-FP640-AN10 Fan Pack, 11 X 40 Row - 10 AN :n ~ .. ------==--------------------------------~ • HOLLEY • P ROTECT RD SE S • HEL A • KC H LITES FODDRILL E LI E 01 • S&S HEADERS • Page 22 July 1998 overall with a time of 3:43:20 for The always fierce Pro 5/1600 the Pro 8 win. competition drew five entries to "Cold, wet and rainy." laughed Gila Bend. Mike Kellogg fought his Doherty. "Kevin Patrick had got by way into the lead with 12 seconds me at one point, he has a pumper on Allan Schaible. Michael del Col and I use an open face helmet. We was third, 35 seconds behind, with don't often come across rain like Adam McCullom six minutes back this in the desert and it slowed me in fourth. John Woodruff was seven down. But on the last half of the minutes behind already in what last lap we caught him and got would prove to be a long day for around, and he's not in yet. him. "I've got to thank BFG, too. Not Kellogg moved farther ahead on one flat tire, which I can't believe Lap 2 as Del Col moved into sec-with all the big boulders out there. ond. McCullom was now third, Typical Gila Bend course, when you Woodruff fourth, and now Schaible go down the washes, it uncovers was way back in fifth. rocks the size of bowling balls." The final lap saw Kellogg's lead Swanson was 21 minutes back for shrink, but he sailed across the line second, 35 ahead of Wiseman, first to bring his unsponsored sedan third. Cluck was fourth 11 minutes in at tenth overall for the win, with later, while Patrick was fifth 20 a time of3:59:37. minutes after that. Phoenix was the "It was a good race," said Kellogg. final finisher in class after getting "And the car did very well. Larry stuck in the sand behind a crippled CW eiser) from TUF Off Road built seven, and was almost a half an the motor. Damn good car - Tim hour back. Smith, thank you!" Pro 1-2/1600 had a good race Del Col was 1:37 back for sec-with seven entries starting. Mile ond, and McCullom was not-too-Long lead on Lap 1 with a three distant third. Schaible was last to minute lead on Brian Wilson. Bill finish, with a long, cold time of Krug was third a couple of minutes 6:00:44. Woodruff had broken off back with Robert Catrambone his left front spindle on Lap 3 and fourth. Eric Fisher fifth, Tom was a DNF, limping in much later Geringer sixth JLl Ron Dalke sev- on three wheels. enth after a long pit stop for an in- Six entries took a chance in the take manifold problem. Challenger class. Kurt Brewer Long slowed by five minutes but blasted to a seven minute lead over Mike Herrick drove well and earned yet another Sportsman Unlimited and Overall trophy. Dusty Times

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Randy Maddux tried his hand in Pro 10 but had unknown problems Ron Dalke was back in 1/2-1600 but he was suffering from some sort Don Kott ran his Ford hard and fast for a while but terminal troubles and was unable to complete the race. o y rig t a ter one ap. o n Greener was another four minutes back for third, with the Tracy Teston Team in fourth after Michael Long blew a ring and pin-ion and Ray "RJ" Newton went out. And so it went to the finish. Brewer brought the winning Chal-lenger in, all alone, with a time of 3:50:5.7 for a fine seventh overall finish. Nearly 16 minutes back was Wright in second. Another six min-utes later came Green, six minutes ahead of Team Teston. Starting on the tail of the Pro Division, just two laps were re-quired of the Sportsman racers. Mike "The Dominator" Herrick had some competition this time in the Unlimited Class in the form of first-time racer Fred Huddleston. Herrick had a five minute lead at the end of Lap 1, but just a few miles from the finish his motor started backfiring and stumbling due to an apparent elec-trical problem and Huddleston started closing in ·on the leader. But when the times were calculated, of intake problem and finished in fifth place. ended his day on the seco_ n_d..,la,...p_. __ _....,.........,. __ __ Just coming into camera range, the Hustin brothers take the green flag and went on to victory in Pro 5. Herrick had turned in a time of 2:33: 18 in the Herrick Motorsports/ Flame Propane Funco for another win. He expressed special thanks to his Crew Chief (and wife) Barb, and all their friends that helped. Huddleston was just 2:24 back for second and his first finish. He said he'd hit "every tree out there" and his car looked like it, missing the roof, among other things. Jerry Lungford was the winner and lone finisher in Sportsman 10 after Tim Brush and Jack Farmer In spite of brake problems, Dave Sundquist took the Class 10 win and he was second overall as well at Gila Bend. fell out. Grant Wilson coaxed but one lap out of his Bronco in the Sport Truck class. But Scott Phil-lips was all pumped up after bring-ing in the Phillips & Phillips racing 5/1600 sedan in with the Sports-man Limited win. Next up on the Whiplash 1998 Desert Tour is the third annual "Rock-to-Rock 200," May 16, 1998 starting and finishing in beautiful Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point), So-nora, Mexico. Be there or be square! ■ HONDA Power Equipment KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ OWER Racer and Spectator Discounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WATER PUMPS • LAWNMOWERS • RIDING MOWERS •OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWN TRACTORS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY -IF WE DoN'T HAVE IT, ·No ONE DoEsf DEI.lVERY TO 1HE RACES AVAILABLE • PLEAsE CAI.L AHEAD KAWAGUCHI HONDA 3.532E.3RDS-CLa;AN:iELEs,CA9CXJ63•213.264.3936, 264.5858 FAX 264.2136 .·HONDA Power Equipment Dusty Times . ' ,~ SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Nothing' · :■1 HONDA 'POWER EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST Seasief. ~ f or oµ::n:.un1 P'-':-!or.r.ance and ~l."ty . pl~.\~ le:id ~~I." OWlll."r·s rn.1:1u:tl b..·fore Opt"r3!ing your Homb Pou.·e r Equipni~nt. S~nricatlons subJttt to ct-.. .u~~l" u.1.L'1out nolke. ~ "Ejt!!njtc only b:i~c-d on r.ucd lo.1d. •B:mc-ry not trn:ludl"d ",th £:O,.t35vt)$XK I. E'.\15000S.XK I ,md E80500S.'\.. +-With bjt!ery,· tr:.1y kit. v.·httls ~flt h~\.~~er. ContL~llon 10 houSf' powc-r rcqulrrs tr,msfcr dC"\1tc 10 .no1,. ;,-;,~s,bh.· ln; u:-y 10 power compdny pasonnd . Con:sull.:,, qu.i.li0l"d t-lcctrh.•ian. July 1998 Page 23

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250 SNORE'S4TH POINTS RACE OF 98 AUGUST 14-15 ELY NV. NEW COURSE $4000 .TO 1ST PLACEIN CLASS 1,1-2-1600,10* $2500 TO 1ST PLACE IN CLASS 9,5-1600* OVER 200% PAYBACI< $1500 TO 1 ST TRUCK I\ $ 500 TO THE PIT CLUB THAT SHOWS WITH THE MOST CARS AUG.-15 PRERUN SIGN-UP AND TECH AT THE COPPER QUEEN DOWN TOWN ELY 6PM TO 10PM DRAWING 10:30PM AUG .-16 DRIVERS MEETING 9AM RACE STARTS 10AM AWARDS 7:30PM ENTRY FEES 1,1-2-1600,5,10,HEAVYMETAL,MIN[ ·METAL$ 310 CLASS 9,5-1600 $185 CLASS 11,SPORTSMAN BUGGY & TRUCK $75 BLMFEE $25 INSURANCE $95 •MUST HAVE 10 C.-\RS t\ ClJ\SS "MUST HA VE S TRt:CKS IN CLASS 5-45 MILE LAPS CLASS 9&5-1600RUN 4 LAPS SPORTSMAN BUGGY 3 LAPS SPORTSMAN TRUCK 2 LAPS SNORE HOT LINE (702) 452-4522 -----4TH RACE IN THE 1998 SNORE CHAMPIONSI-IlP SERIES THE CHAMPION RECEIVES A NEW BUNDERSON 2-1600 WITH LOTHRINGER REAR ARMS, WIKS RACING ENGINE, NEV ADA TRANSAXLE, PCI RADIO AND INTERCOM, CROMEMOLLY STEEL FROM STEEL ENGINEERS, FOX SHOCKS, BEARD SEATS, BF GOODRICH TIRES,,HOWE POWER STEERING, KC HILITES, MSD IGNITION, SWAY-A-WAY AXLES AND TORSION BARS, K&N FILTER, AIR BOX AND FILTER BY UMP, PAINT BY TRISTON, LETTERING BY PATRICK SIGNS, PARTS FROM NEV ADA OFF ROAD BUGGY & DISCOUNT FOREIGN CARP ARTS, AND ALUMINUM FROM IMPERIAL IRON Uni & Bmkfut ~'l.:ptoc Valley Inn 220 E. 11th Sl !'.&It Fly WWW.DllNWweb.oam/llcplOC llllSda ACCOMMODATIONS GUIDE 1998- 1999 WHITE PINE COl)NTY Mllfda Gradc.aru 702-2119~87 1498 Lyom Avo. Ely GRatBuinhm 701 Aw.F Ely Jailbowc Mold 211 SlhSt. Ely Holiday Inn & Prospedor Casino 3501 Avo. F Ely 1-800-Holiday r..-'altmdlMotd llwy. 318 atPralm24mi So. of Ely I lotcl Nevada & Gambling Hall 50 I Aullmall SL Ely Ramada Im-Copps Quem Cuino 701 Ave. I Ely Matdl Bllll Watan Main~ 1101 AulllllllllSt.Ely Bc11t W-Padt Vue Mold 930 Aullinan SL Fly Brilillcaioc Mold 700 Ave. I Ely Dee«-at Mold 1425 Aultunan Ely EIRandioMotd 1400 Aultmao SL Ely Fimlidc Im Mold llwy. 93, 3mi N011b of Ely FourSevaa 500 llig)l SL Ely 702-289~5 1-800/ISl-9526 l-800-528-1234 702-289--4497 1-800-528-1234 702-289--4497 l-800-497-740-702-2119-8838 702-289--4321 702-289-3644 1-aoo-132..i8s Motd6 Hwy. 93 & Ave. 0 Ely &ueRcatMotllll 1550 HipSt. Ely While Piao Molll 1301 Aullmm St. Ely lll'.hdll Holiday Inn Proepc,aor Casino RV ParK-!SOI Ave. F Ely KOAofEly US Hwy 9 3mi So. of Fly ' RAiabowRVPadt 1011 f'iodleffwy(93) Fly Valley Y-aow RV Padt US Hwy, 93 1ml No of Ely 702-289-3765 Wat F.ii4 RV 702-289--4747 50 AultmaD Sl Ely 702-289-6868 702-289--4468 1-800-841-5430 702-289-3033 702-238-5246 1-800-4-Motd 6 702-289~71 702-289-2512 702-289-3800 1-800-HOUDAY 702-289-8900 . 702-289-3413 702-289-2622 702-289-3303 702-289-223 l

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Page 26

.. 1998 B.O.R.E. Wendover Express Text & Photos: Mike Jenkins Scott Smith believes in saving tires as he heads for the 1/2-1600 win at the '98 BORE Wendover Express, run under a new format this year. The first race of the 1998 sea-son took place in the high desert of Utah. A familiar spot for the veteran B.O.R.E. racers, but a new (ormat to challenge vete-r-ans and first timers alike. This would be the first time the classes would run independent of each other on a shortened course. Expectations were high for the new leadership of the organization with several new entries out to prove themselves against the desert and other rac-ers. The 1998 Wendover Express was divided into two separate 2-1/Z hour events on a 13 mile course with exciting money jump marking the finish line. First up at ten o'clock, the Class 1/2-1600 cars with seven entries and three minutes later the Challenger class with six cars. · After 2-1/2 hours and some ad-ditional time to ensure that the ·track was clear, the next race would start for the nine Heavy/ Mini metal competitors fol-lowed three minutes later by the three racers in the Sportsman class. Saturday morning and the sun rose over the mountains re-vealing 25 well-prepped cars· and trucks ready to take to the track and compete for bragging nights until the next race in Jackpot Nevada on the July 11 weekend. As few questions were lingering in the crisp morning air like, could points champion and proud father of a new baby girl, Scott Smith make it three in a row? Would.Todd Bingham in his new Suspensions Unlim-ited car beat the new car grem-lins? How would Fred Nutsch do in Rick Taylor's veteran 1-1600 car? Would this be the race that a heavy metal truck turned a faster lap time than the vener-able 1600s? And could Sharon Maness out perform her hus-band Jake in their two seat 1600? The 1 /2-1600s took to the starting line with Scott Smith (1619), Dave Howe (1675) and Fred Nutsch (1631) on the front row, Todd Bingham (1659), Mike Baker (1690) and Roger Bowers (1636) and Jake and Sharon Maness (1677) bring up the rear. As the green flag waved the cars took off towards the money jump and the first tum with Smith leading Nutsch and Howe followed by the rest The .Hansen/Fulmer/Burke Jeep was the Heavy Metal winner, taking the gold after a race full of attrition and wheel to wheel racing. of the field. Going into the first ers and Maness. That's how the turn Bingham got around race ended with Smith never re-N utsch but tangled with the , linquishing the lead for seven 1631 car taking Fred's bumper laps and setting fast lap for the in the engine compartment (so day at 19:33, and Howe edging much for the new car) the two out Bingham by 28 seconds af-managed to get free but at the ter six laps. cost of Todd's power steering The Challenger class was up pump and alternator belt caus-next after a three minute delay, ing the 1659 car to fall to last crossing the money jump first place at the end of lap 1. On the was Doug Buckham in the vin-second lap, more woes. for tage Sidewinder chassis Pikes Nutsch as he rolled his car the Peak car (927) followed by first of two. times on the day. Scott Butcher (969), Mike Said Nutsch, "I rolled hard and Conner (987), in Glenn Cain's lost track of how many times, old car, Mark Rencher and but was just hoping to land on Cameron Blackley (931), Dave my wheels, but no such luck". Morse (996) and Pat Ellis (933) . Smith was still in the lead with At the end of the first lap it was Baker in second, Bowers up to Butcher, Rencher, Conner, third, then Howe, Nutsch, Morse, Buckham, and Ellis. On Maness and Bingham. Lap three lap 2 Scott started to slow be-was unchanged with the excep- cause of tranny trouble and fell tion of Bingham and Nu tsch into fourth, that left the door swapping places after Fred's sec-open for Rencher/Blackley to ond time on his lid. On the fourth take the lead and set fast lap lap Bowers' throttle linkage with a 23:29, Morse followed in slipped not letting him get all the second ,and Conner was still in power out of his mac;:hine and third. On the third lap Butcher!s causing him to slip out of third all troubles became terminal and the way to seventh position, and had to park it, Morse was now Todd up to fourth. Lap five was in first, Conner in second, costly to Baker as he dropped out Rencher/Blackley in third be-of the_ race after a failed C.V. put cause of a flat tire. Buckham him in the trailer. A great effort fourth, and Ellis had a long lap for Mike as he ran with no rear after his car quit running, "I brakes after the first lap. This pulled over and sat down be-moved Howe to second and a cause I thought my fuel pump hard charging Bingham was in went out". Then veteran racer third, followed by, Nutsch, Bow- Mike Flynn happened to hit the Mark Rencher and Cam Blakely had a long hard fight for the gold Dave Morse chased the Class 9 winner most of the race and he ended Jeff Judge and Lynn Potter ran hard and fast yet they were only able medal in Class 9 but at the end it was waitin for them. · up about six minutes in a"ears, taking the second spot. to garner second spot in the Heavy Metal class. The Howe Clan, Mark and Dave flew low at the Wendover Express Third place in 1/2-1600 went to Todd Bingham who drove his super John Sessions was airborne for 72' as he sped to a fourth place finish and were able to grab the second spot in 1/2-1600 Class. clean car sans power steering and some other goodies. in the Heavy Metal Division at Wendover. Page 26 July 1998 Dusty Times -,

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Mike Conner launches his buggy skyward as he heads towards the '-------'---'----------------' bronze medal in Class 9, suffering from front end problems during the The Wartluft/Clements Honcho led for a while in Heavy Metal but rear Old Fords never die! The '66 of Mike Hickey and Bo Brunyer did get a race. suspension troubles dropped them to a fifth place finish. little ill midway through the race and called it a day. carburetor with a rock and told for the duration of the race. winner was Doug Buckham with him to go on and he did. Lap 4 Sharon had beaten the compe-a jump of 52'4" and Sharon Man- , sidelined Buckham because of a tition and the desert to win the ess won the Sportsman class with broken ball ·joint. Conner also Sportsman class. a 49' jump. Taking home the hon-had front-end problems but his The money jump was set up just· ors for the Heavy/Mini Metal class crew told him to go on because before the finish line and proved was the Toyota driven by John he was in second place, to be interesting during the start Sessions with an unbelievable Rencher/Blackley were still in of each race, but after the first lap jump of over 72 feet! first and Morse was in third. At drivers had a chance to make The 1998 edition of the Wend-the end of five laps only some extra cash by jumping for over Express is over and we're Rencher/Blackley in first and · distance and showing off for the looking forward to the Jackpot Morse in second were still run-spectators. The winner for Class 200 in beautiful Jackpot, Nevada ning. Conner's front end had 1/2-1600 was Scott Smith with a on July 11. Hope to see you there. just gotten too bad. The final mark of 55'9". Challenger class P.S. 100% payback at Jackpot. results had Rencher/Blackley beating out Morse by just under six minutes Conner, in his first desert race, third Ellis fourth, Buckham in the classic Sidewinder fifth and Butcher sixth. With the 1600s and Chal-lengers off the course it was now time for the combined Truck class and Sportsman class to take the track and see if they could tame the desert. The green flag dropped and the thunderous roar of the big V-8s shook the ground. Garth Hansen and Chris Fullmer in their Jeep CJ (300) skirted around the big jump to edge out .a flying Kenny W artluft and Mike C lements in the Jeep Honcho (8010) close behind them was Cam Peacock and Randy Potter in the remodeled Datsun (711), then· the Chevy (82 7) of Robin Doutre and Trent Thayne cleared the jump followed by Mike Hickey and Bo Brunyer in the sharp '66 Ford (877) , Lynn Potter in the Jeep Scrambler (344). Bob Sims and Gary Holbrook in another Jeep CJ (348) ;md the Toyota (700) of John Sessions Jeff Judge and Lynn Potter were lucky not to get hit when they had problems getting off the line, Mike Sims and Shamus Howe had big P.rob-lems in their _Chevy and never made a lap. Lap one found Wartluft setting the class fast lap at 20:45 a little over two minutes in front of Hansen and then Hickey followed very close by Doutre then Judge, Sims, Sessions and Peacock who had lost the water in his new 4.3 li-tre Chevy power plant way back in eighth. The second lap found little changes with Wartluft ex-tending his lead to three min-utes and Peacock sucking a valve finish him off early. On the third lap the desert claimed the trucks of Hickey and Sims leaving just five of the n ine starters running. Wartluft gave up the lead on lap 4 with a bro-ken rear-trailing arm and ended up causil).g the demise of the tough Jeep. Lap 5 found Hansen in the lead with Judge steadily moving up. Doutre was way back in third and Sessions was plugging along in fourth. The Dusty Times Sharon Maness beat out all the other entries in the Sportsman Class, shown here doing a one point landing on her way to the checkers. race ended with the trucks log-ging six laps, Hansen in first, Judge in second three and a half minutes back and Doutre hang-ing on to third. Withe the trucks three min-utes out it was time for the Sportsman class to start. Sharon Maness and Roger Smith were ready to take out the (1677) one more time, this time it was Sharon's turn to pilot the two seater and see if she could bet-ter the mark of her husband Jake. Tom and Herb McCully would be on the line in their Baja Bug (S-57) and Ty Bowers and Jeremy Lange (S-77) would round out the field in their buggy. After the fi~st lap Sharon found herself in the lead by less than one minute over Bowers and the McCully's in third try-ing to keep it together after suf-fering a rollover. On the second lap Man ess found her lead shrinking to less than thirty sec-onds and the McCully's gaining a little but not after rolling their Baja just one more time. Lap 3 sidelined Bowers but only after setting fast lap for the class at 23:20 and moved the McCully's to second where they remained BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. Theao Bump Stopa conie complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece and enough valving t o get the job done. ECOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 PER PAik !INCL UDES MOlJN,I.NG HARDWARE A!'iiJ THE CRAVE 8 BCV , , &El!. YOUR OFF 1-WAD RACING PARf.$ SUPPLIER Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-520-427-3551 OR CALL US DIRE!' 1 102 Creatview P.O. Box 845 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 July 1998 PRP Premier Racing Products From $149.95 each plus shipping & handling Proudly introduces !he "Premo" full suspension seat, at an affordable price with quick delivery and many stylish colors. This is the premier seat for your jeep, truck, race car or buggy. • 3/4"" .065 steel frame for strength • Ballistic nylon inner liner for strength and true suspension feel. • Stylish outer cover with extra foam for comfort and support • High quality vinyl and 100% polyolefin tweed with high resistant to fraying and fading used on cover • Slotted for harness style belts • Four standard colors in stock at all times for quick · delivery, many other color combinations available. • Low backs and bench seats available PRP Premier Racing Products 1-800-317-6253 I Fax 909-676-6311 Page 27

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1998VDRRA season Opener By Troy Robinson Dennis Kordonowy was the big Class 10 winner at the VORRA opener, winning both heats and leading the second heat from the start. The originally scheduled 1998 season opener was March 22nd but with El Nino still present, weather conditions were unfavorable for racing. So the race was postponed one week to March 29th. But once again weather wasn't raceable. So the race was altogether can-celed and the season opener would be on April 26th. A hard rainstorm the Thursday prior to the race made for ideal condi-tions on the 90-degree race weekend. Fifty-Eight cars registered with some new rules concerning the 4 wheel drives. There is to be a Class 3 and a Class 8 to bring out some of the older, short wheelbased 4WD vehicles and help even out the competi-tion in both classes .. This was met with some controversy but total there were only three Class 3 vehicles for the season opener. Multi-season Class 4 champion Don German was caught be-tween classes and has decided to race in Unlimited Class 1 for the year. Ten Novice class cars lined up for. the first race of 1998, _and from the front row Jim Cost (10) took the.holeshot ahead of Jeff Vandersweep (86): Vandersweep eventually moved into the lead and stretched out until his motor blew on lap 3. This handed the lead back over to Cost with Don Rego (69) in second. From his last starting position, Denny Spohr (1 7) was moving up and mo_ving up fast. While battling for second with Brian Carpenter (96), Rego blew his motor. By lap 7, Spohr had moved up to second and Carpenter back to third. That would be the final finishing po-sitions with Jim Cost in first, Denny Spohr in second, Brian Carpenter in third and Roscoe Cook (73) in fourth. In'moto 2 Denny Spohr took advantage of his front row start and pulled out to a huge lead Sam Berri won a hard fought first heat and took the silver in heat 2 and that gave him the overall in class 1. and went on to the moto win. Brian Carpenter held in for sec-ond in the moto with Mike Tim-mons (39) in third. Jim Cost fin-ished the moto in fourth. Over-all standings had Denny Spohr come home the winner, Jim· Cost in second place, Brian Car-penter in third place and Roscoe Cook in fourth place. Class 9 was next up with seven cars on the line. Forest Creasy (996) jumped out to the early lead followed by Dave Tar-rant (904) and Tom Hatch (911). Creasy's new car was fast and he went on to the moto win followed by Tarrant and Hatch. · Moto 2 had the same results, as did the overall. A growing field of Class 7s lined up for some hot competi-tion., Taking the lead from the start was Doug Seymour (772) with a line of trucks battling for second behind him. Eventually by lap 3, Fred Calosso (7 77) made a pass and stretched out a sizable lead. Mike Koenig (701) started from the front row but slipped back throughout the moto and ended up finishing fourth. Patty Hayos and Todd Spicer (769) made a steady charge through the pack and finished the moto in second place. Also making a strong charge through the field from the last starting position was · Thane Boynton and Jeff Mendes (72 l). The team moved up con-sistently ana-fimsned-tne moto in third place. Moto 2 had Boynton/Mendes jump out to the early lead with Calosso second, Hayos/Spicer third and Koenig fourth. Going for an inside pass in the tight east tum Calosso ended up on his side dropping him to last place, but not losing a lap. This moved Hayos/Spicer into sec-ond place with Koenig close be-hind. Koenig was able to make a pass on lap 6 moving into sec-ond place with Hayos/Spicer now on the offensive. Going for an inside pass in the mud area, Hayos/Spicer caught the inside burro and broke the left front suspension. This let Koenig go after Boynton/Mendes who was smoking· a clutch. But there were not enough laps left and Boynton/Mendes took the moto win, Koenig took second and Calosso came back· for third. Taking the overall for the day with a tie in total point was Boynton/Mendes over second place Fred Calosso; Mike Koenig placed third overall. Denny Spohr fought the fight and finished second in the first heat, took the gold in Forest Creasy debuted his new car and was pleased to win both heats and thus be In Veteran class, seven cars lined up and taking the holeshot was David Kordonowy (20) but in turn 2, he went a tittle too tight and ran up on a tire bar-rier getting high centered, he was able to free himself from the top of the tire but fell'back to last place. This allowed Garry Pinheiro (1029) to move into the lead. Later on the first lap though he caught a rut in a right hander and rolled the car and fortunately made a complete barrel roll back onto his wheels and not stalling the motor or giving up the lead. Rob Parsons (10) worked his way up to sec-ond from the last row as did Tom Spitler (30) from back in the pack up to third. Spitler made a charge and moved into heat 2 and was the overall winner in Novice. _th_e_o_ve_ra_l_l_C_1a_ss_9_w,_·n_n_e_r. _________________ _ · Continued on page 30 Thane Boynton and Jeff Mendes were third in the first heat, took the Class 3 action was hot and heavy as Jared and Chad Wilson took the Clint Wolsey is the man to beat in the Pilot Class as he took both heat win in Heat 2 and therefor were the overall winners in Class 7. neat looking International to a nice first overall. wins and was therefor the overall winner in the season opener. Page 28 July 1998 Dusty Times 7

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MAN ll MACHINE VS DESERT MDR PRESENTS CALIFORNIA'S LONGEST GRUELING OFF-ROAD RACE!!!. Schedule of Events Contigency, Tech. & Registration 4 PM._ 9 PM Friday, June 19,1998 Lucerne Valley, Hwy 18/247 JUNE 19-21, 1998 LUCERNE VALLEY, CA. DOUBLE POINTS RACEIII .. ,,, "-. ' ' ..... $1,000 1!t Overall Winner · .· · .. ,: · · · ... · . ·. Sponsored by KAR TEK $1,000 Guaranteed 11t all classes* FREE MAPS!!! FREE TIME SHEETS!!! FREE TO SPECTATORS!!! FOOD/EVEJ'!T. T-SHIRTS/DESERT RACING ACTION!! PIT SUPPORT AYAILABLEIIIII CHECKERS JOHN HASTINGS, PRES. e C.O.R.E KEVIN MaGILLIVARY, PRES. F.A.1.R. BOB STEINBERGER, PRES. CALL MDR FOR INFOII . $SOO DRAWING FOR SU##IT" MEMBERS AT DRIVERS MEETINGIII •Minimum 10 Starters in Class •classes 11, 12, 13, & 14 • 5 Laps •Must be a SUMMIT Member, Entered in race, & Decals on race vehicle I(AR TEK 909.628~0833 e ue o vents 8 AM Start -Sat. June 20, 1998 S/F Soggy Dry Lake/Bessemer Mine Rd 10 40 Mile Laps*/15 Hr Time Limit •••••••••••••••••••••••••• MOJA\/E PESERT RACING, INC.· MDR HOTLINE: 626.442.9320 OR 626.914.7029 r r

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Dennis Dugan took a third and a first in the Heats and that gave him Jim Cost took the first heat in a good fight, finished fourth in the second Fred Calosso won the first heat, took the third position in heat 2 and second overall for the event in Class 1. heat and was second overall Novice. evidently were tied in points for the Class 7 win. Dave Tarrant was the second place Class 9 finisher in both heats and Gary Pinheiro won the first heat, took the silver in the second heat Curt Wengeler took his venerable Jeep to a second and a third in the heats and he was second overall in Class 3 for the day. therefor was the second overall car for the day. and was the overall winner in the Veteran Class. second place dropping Parsons position. Running consistently, and Paul fifth. to fourth as Everett Paul (43) Randy Miller moved into fourth Moto 2 had Spitler move out moved into third. Coming back on the last lap ahead of Paul. to the lead but hit the guardrail from the first lap mishap, David Moto finish positions had Pin-on the final turn on the first lap Kordonowy moved up to second heiro in first, Kordonowy sec- dropping him back to fifth po-moving Spitler and Paul back a ond, Spitler third, Miller fourth sition. Rob Parsons took advan-• WE CARRY AURORA, PYROTECT, PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, SIMPSON . .J.T. INDUSTRIES, SWAY*A*WAY WRIGHT PLACE, SACO, EARLS YOKOHAMA, SUPER TRAPP, AUTO FAB SWEPCO,-BEL-RAY, TANAKA, S&S ::..~ :1~::~::~~::~ _ rtJf,1-d!!::. UNI-FILTER, 'K&N, TRI-MIL, PIAA ~-~ .. PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, SCAT . COMP-U-RRE, WEBER CARBS SAND TIRES & RIMS, BOGART WHEELS CNC, ULTRA WHEELS, SIMPSON CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEELS MECHANIX WEAR, WCM, FUEL SAFE "WE ARE NOW A DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS" CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 Page 30 July 1998 tage of this and took the lead Ron Foster was running in sec-and never looked back and went ond until he lost fire in the car on to the moto win. Pinheiro and dropped three laps down. ran strong and had mistakes but This turned second place over still came home in second place. to Rob Parsons who would hold Kordonowy could only manage on to the position to the end. a third followed by Paul and Zdenek finished the moto in Spitler. Overall results had third followed by Rich Fletcher Garry Pinheiro the winner with (16 2 7) fo fourth. Overall win David Kordonowy second and went to Dennis Kordonowy Rob Parsons finish in third. with Rob Parsons in second and Class 3 action had Jared and Turck Zdenek in third. Chad Wilson (320) jump to the Class 1 action had eight cars early lead ahead of Jim Cope lined up and Sam Berri (149) (314) andCurtWengeler (378) . jurriped out to the early lead Cope would drop out on lap 5 with Patrick Timmons (239) and this would give the win to close behind. Sid Smith (252) Wilson with Wengeler in sec-and Dennis Dugan ( 168) ond. Moto 2 had Cope go wire battled for third as Berri and to wire for the win and Wilson Timmons pulled out a good-finish in second, Wengeler in sized lead. Timmons would give third. Overall results had Jared up the fight for the lead as a and Chad Wilson take the over-rocker arm broke in the engine all win with Curt Wengeler in dropping him off the pace. This second and Jim Cope in third. allowed Dugan who was now by In the Pilot Class seven cars Smith·to close up to give chal-took the green and it was Clint lenge to the second position. Wolsey (7x) overcoming a late At the end Berri was the win-race rear flat to take the moto ner and T immons was able to win ahead of Lee Faraola (11). · hold. on to second in a battle Bill Dorsey (8) finished the right to the end. Dugan fin-moto in third followed by Tyler ished in third, Smith in fourth Mort (14) and Andy Wald (34) . .and Kevin Ohnstad (109) in Moto 2 was a near carbon copy fifth. . with Wolsey taking the moto In moto 2 Dugan jumped to and overall win with Faraola in ,the lead with Timmons close s_econd. Bill Dorsey finished in behind. Ohnstad was in third third and third overall. with Berri close behind in Class 10 action was tight as fourth. By lap 3, Berri was up Turck Zdenek (1007) jumped to to ~econd and chasing down the early lead followed by Walt Dugan who had stretched out and Kevin Lewis (1077), Rob quite a lead. Timmons dropped Parsons (1018), Denn is out on lap 7 with the contin-Kordonowy (1011) and Ron ued rocker arm problems from Foster (1037). These positions moto 1. In the mean time, Berri would hold until Zdenek spun was gaining on Dugan and at a on lap 4 handing the lead over fast rate. This battle would go to Lewis. He would stay in the down to the last turn and lead until three laps from the Dugan was able to out horse-end when Kordonowy made a power Berri to the checkered pass on three cylinders and went flag for the moto win. Ohnstad on to the moto win. Parsons would finish in third and Smith fought his way up to second in fourth place. Overall results place at the checkers followed had Berri take the overall win by Lewis, who made a last turn by just three points over Dugan re-pass to get by Foster for po- , and Ohnstad in third and sition. Smith in fourth. The second moto had Den-Overall it was a great day of nis Kordonowy jump to the lead racing as we now look forward from his front row starting po-to going to the desert for the sition and take the moto win. summer desert series. ■ Dusty Times

Page 31

T 8 13 14 15 4 5 7 g 11 12 16 1; 20 2 6 10 17 18 3 21 22 2 3 & 4 5 7 1 CL.ASS 1 100 113 114 115 1Cl 104 1.)5 107 109 111 112 116 119 120 102 V 106 s 110 T 117 9 118 s 1c3. P 121 R 122 HOVEY, UC CLASS 10 10C2 PIERCt:, J;m '.003 HELM, Bract,, ,cc~ J::FFEi=IIES. Oamen 1004 BAl=lTOLOTTI, John 1005 RIDINGS, Tom 1007 NAYLOR. Doug IC01 MYERS, Steve TONY'S TOP TIPS 1998 Tecate/SCORE BAJA SOCI June 5 - 7, 1998 Enaonadl, Bljl CA, Mexico No gamble h•r• e road n:I Tier JP! Nurrb9r One ... n comas through In the clutch 81,1dv Bunch will not catch JP "9" to ·, eoo· :o ·, c· ... where will it a:1 end? A ear to v.atch Harbors no reservations about class chan2es Needs to show more speed Will net flnd Pierce's pass amusing--at all Trail. Note~ ... DRUNK DRIVERS - If you think a DUI here in California is tough on the lawbreaker, read on and see how other countries in the world punish this offense. Australia: names are printed in the local newspaper under "Drunk & in jail", Malaysia: the driver is jailed and, if he's married his wife is jailed also, Turkey: Driver is taken 20 miles from town and forced to walk back under guard, Norway: 3 weeks ln jail at hard labor, loss of license for one year, second offense is five years, loss of license for life, Finland and Sweden: automatic jail for one year at hard labor, Russia: license revoked for life, England: jail for one year, $250 fine and loss of license for one year, France: jail for one year, $1,000 fine and loss of license for three years, Bulgaria, a second conviction results in execution, El Salvador: your first offense is your last, execution by firing squad. So now you know, aren't you glad you live here in the US of A?, RIM OF THE WORLD PRO RALLY -The Rim was held between rainstorms in the mountains above Palmdale, California and there was much work performed to groom the course and then to keep it in decent shape. But run they did and it was a good rally, Dave Summerbell came from Kingston, Jamaica and won the Open Division in his Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV, followed by Hiroyuki Genta from Japan who brought his Subaru Impreza home only 20 seconds out of the win. Ralph Kosmides drove his Toyota Supra to the win in Group 5, Lon Peterson was second, some five seconds behind, Lee Shadbolt won the GT Class in his Subaru Impreza, Dennis Chizma was second, 32 seconds out of the win in his Mitsubishi 3000GT, Fred Ronn took the gold in Group 2 in a Toyota Celica while Tom Bier brought his Saab 99 in eight seconds in arrears. Mark Brown won Production in his Toyota Corolla and he had a long lead on Trevor Donison in his Plymouth Neon. Lots of the heavy hitters didn't finish for various reasons, see the in-depth story on page 32 in this issue. TOYOTA MILESTONE & TRUE GRIT AWARDS- Two of the six SCORE races are history and the drivers listed below are eligible for the end of season Toyota awards. This is the 13th year that Toyota will be presenting the awards to "Honor the rare drivers who tame the desert" said Les Unger, Toyota Motorsports National Manager. The following drivers must complete the remaining four SCORE races to remain eligible for the awards. Dave Ashley, Ed Herbst, Danny Letner Trophy Truck, John Herder Class 1, Arden Dennington, Bekki Freeman, Jason Hatz 1/2-1600, Darren Skilton Class 3, -Mike Dondel Class 5, David Gasper, Carlos Iribe, Victor Orellana 5-1600, Larry Roeseler Class 7, David Westham Class 8, Martin Christensen, Daniel Mora, Elizandro Yee Class 9, Darnen Jefferies Class 10, · Davis Callaway, Steve Greinke SCORE Lites, Manny Esquerra, Marc Stein Stock Full, Jimmy Nuckles Pro Truck. We wish them alt luck as· the season progresses. PIC OF THE MONTH WINNER -We had all sorts of responses to our query of who the person was in the pie and after a long drawn out discussion on how to select one of the many people who had the right answer, the lucky winner is Mike Zupanovich who correctly identified Ben Davidson as the strongman. Congrats Mike! UAE DESERT CHALLENGE -The 1998 World Cup TT Off Road Rally Raid is scheduled to run from November 3 through November 6, 1998. This Raid has been running since 1991 and i5 a true challenge of man and machine against the desert. If you've got a hankerin' to go to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates you should check this out. Contact them on the web at (Additional TRAIL NOTES on page 46) Dusty Times More than 'ust a Haw off to stron UZZie arker OFF ROAD SCRAMBLE Unscramble the five words below and the resulting scrambled-letters in the boxes and you will have the answer to the question or statement. WHAT THE MOM GOT AFI'ER SPENDING AN HOUR TRYING TO PUT THE BABY TO SLEEP! OATGMEN AGERES NECRWH DALAIR RUTPKORC □ -□ □□-□--□--□--□---□ TROPHY TRUCK TROPHY TRUCK -Dodge Ram, FRESH EVERYTHING , Walker Evans personal Trophy Truck. If you are looking for one of the best Trophy Trucks ever built, call us for the details~ Brand NEW Dodge V8 from Walker Evans Racing. Absolutely nothing was spared, not one piece overlooked, everything super strong. Profess·ionally maintained and prepped, will be sold race ready! Baja Brokers Ref #656. (760)-723-2117. Check out our website at July 1998 Page 31

Page 32

This year El Nino hovered over the Rim of the World PRO Rally, Round Four of the Michelin PRO Rally Championship, like a ma_-levolent spirit, visiting torrential rains again and again up on the roads of the Angeles National Forest during the months leading up to the May 8-9 event. In the end the event itself was spared -barely -but the unusual condi-tions played into the hands of the talented international drivers who took first and second over-all. Of the U.S. favorites, only Carl Merrill hung on doggedly to finish third. All spring the rain came in cycles and a long stretch of clear weather in April had the locals predicting that El Nino had de-parted. The U.S. Forest Service cautiously began grading the roads, but it soon became clear that six of last year's thirteen stages would not be cleared of rock and mud slides in time for the ev.ent. With a revised course planned, several truckloads of loyal workers spent the weekend before the rally importing, shov-eling, and packing fill dirt and rock in the rain eroded ruts, just to salvage the stages that re-mained. A final storm, dumping up to seven inches of rain in local mountains, only three days before the event had those of us who were competitors wondering how much of the rally would be left for us to run. This was my first time racing at Rim of the World, after speculat-ing for several years. It was a great feeling to have arrived as a com-petitor. The quality of this race quickly became apparent as we proceeded through an extremely thorough tech, and observed the well prepared entries. A near record field of 45 cars turned out for the event. A large number of high powered 4WD entries were found in both national and divi-sional classes. Doug Plumer's Rep-lica Productions was also on hand to film for upcoming ESPN2 cov-erage, adding excitement and prestige. Showcasing the event, organizers put most of the activi-ties at the Holiday Inn, instead of splitting things up as in past years. The combined headquarters, pare expose, pits, and charity rallycross PRECISION BEARINGS [~] • Largest Selection Of Rodends & Spheri_cal Bearings • BACKSAVER • FIREBOTTLES • BATTERIES • SPAL FANS • SETRAB COOLERS • FLUIDYNE COOLERS • AEROQUIP PLUMBING • SILICONE HOSE NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • GREASES • AUTOMOTIVE & RACING COOLANTS WE HAVE OVER THE COUNTER SERVICE CALL US FOR A FREE CATALOG! WE WILL SHIP AS FAST AS-YOU NEED IT ·1iJ· TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL \ - (562) 427-2375 FAX (562) 426-5294 \ BAKER PRECISION BEARINGS . UPS -· \ ~ .2865 Gundry Ave.• Signal Hill, CA 90806 [•111] I DAILY 11 v,SA I Page 32 1998 RIM OF THE WORLD RALLY summerbell Rings The Rim By Paul Timmerman Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Dave Summerbe/1 came from Jamaica, teamed up with Chris Griffin and won the "Rim" overall in the Mitsubishi by 20 seconds. site made- for a festive atmo-sphere. Rim of the World has blossomed into an international event, with entries from Japan and Jamaica giving a wake-up call to the domestic competitors. With my co-driver/fiancee and our new and improved Mazda 323 GTX, I was · confident that we could do well. I hoped to use small size and handling to slip ahead of some of the more powerful 4 WD Open Class cars. Having prac-ticed the first night's stages, we had a good idea what to expect, and the experience turned out to be vital. The route was designed to con-sist of six stages on Friday night, making up the first divisional event. On Saturday the national competition continued with seven more stages, while the sec-ond divisional ran only the first five of these and ended at the din-ner break. Friday Night The top teams from years past were all returning. Henry, mak-ing one of his two appearances this year at Rim, was hoping to re-peat. Eleven time national cham-pion John Buffum was sitting in for stepson and national cham-pion Paul Choiniere, in the Hyun-dai Tiburon. Rui Brasil's new 420 HP Audi Quattro S2 has shown great promise, taking several early season events in Washington state. Three international drivers: David Summerbell, who had done so well three weeks before, finish-. ing second-in Washington, and two Japanese teams -both have driven Rim and shown they are fast. Genta finished second at Prescott last year. Carl Merrill al-ways does well at Rim, in spite of the rough conditions he is a true survivor. In the divisional event, a ten car strong field of 4WD open class tars signed up. CRS 4WD Open Class Champions Vartan Samuelian/Ara Manoukian in a Mitsubishi Eclipse were hoping for a repeat. SoPac Open Class Champions Ron Wood/Kelly July 1998 Walsh in the Audi Quattro are often found neck and neck with-Ara and Vartan. Tony Chavez/ Marcelo Mancilla in a brand new Mitsubishi Galant have moved up from 2WD, and are expected to be a real threat. In 2WD Open class Dave White/Dave Watts in the VW GTI- are a phenomenon. Carl Jardevall in the Volvo 740, Lon Peterson in the Plymouth Arrow, and Bill Malik in the Volvo 240 are also all strong threats. Competition in Produc-tion GT includes Dennis Chizma in the Mitsubishi 3000GT and Doug Robinson in the Mazda RX-7. Stock class pre-race favorite was Eric Oyague in a Toyota Co-rolla. The "Friday night stages had been rerouted prior to the start, due to rain. The original plan was to use the 1996 route, starting at the Magic Mountain Stage and finishing, five stages later, down Little Rock Canyon. Since the last two roads were not available due to rock slides, the organizers re-sponded by planning to repeat the loop consisting of the first three stages. · First night jitters were justified, as arrival at the beginning of the Magic Mountain stage was greeted by de.,· .:. fog. The national competitors were allowed to run this stage. Rally star John Buffum, out of retirement for this event, called organizers on the radio and strongly advised against running divisional competitors on the stage, as the mixture of sheer cliffs-and dense fog was an accident in the making. This seemed like a good idea, since the divisional class had six seed six rookies. One car turned around and headed straight for the hotel, giveri con-ditions. Those of us who contin-ued had to stay on the road. Rac-ing in these conditions seemed out of the question. The nationals who did run were treated to a display of expertise in fog from the Japanese team, Hiroyuki Genta in the Subaru WRX. One car after another was caught and passed, resulting in a train of cars hurtling through the pea soup, drivers intently watch-ing the next car's brake lights. This was no place for the faint of heart! Results after this stage had Hiroyuik Genta's Subaru ahead of the Summerbell's Lancer by al-most exactly one minute, and al-most two minutes in front of both Henry Joy's Lancer and Rui Brasil's Quattro. Another minute back was car owner John Buffum in the Hyundai. Starting first was not an advantage in these strange conditions. The second stage was turned into a transit for both national and divisional competitors, to es-cape the fog. This was depressing for the contestants who figured the whole night was going to be without any real racing. We found the first two stages so thick with fog that it was difficult to navi-gate them in first gear. Those ve-hicles with worse lights had to follow those with better lights. Cars formed into small trains, helping each other find their way along the ridge top roads. Transit down to the third stage brought the teams down into the valley and out of the fog. The transit itself was some of the best · driving of the night. A swooping downhill run with banked corners provided a chance to warm up our driving skills before we reached the next stage. . The relatively smooth, fast, hard packed Aliso Canyon Stage sees truck t_raffic to a gravel pit, and has a different character than the relatively unmaintained roads throughout the rest of the rally. The fast roller coaster road al-lowed a good rhythm through the corners, and the ability to use third gear in several stretches. Several blind crests kept the driv-ers honest. After only three stages, the competition was stopped, as there was no use running the loop again for only one stage. With only one stage of racing for divisional en-Continued on page34 Dusty Times 7

Page 33

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Page 34

.. .. Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes drove their good looking Toyota Supra Lee Shadbolt and Paul Eklund dropped down from Oregon and took Fred Ronn (A name from the past) and John Dillon took their Toyota to a great first place in Group 5, and they were fourth overall as well. home the gold medal in Production GT on Rim, ninth overall to boot. Celica to a nice win in Group 2, shown here powering out of a comer. trants, the Friday night final re-McHugh in a VW Rabbit. Ole Holter in a Saab 99 second. Saturday he finally gave up and stopped. sults were in. David white/David The national results were First in Group 5 were Ralph Ko-The morning pare expose was a However, he set the fastest time Watts took first in overall and in strongly affected by the first smides/Joe Noyes in the Supra glorious circus of people, music:, ever on Del Sur, beating Carl 2WD Open. Carl Jardevall/Am-stage's fog and the Japanese Turbo, with Lon Peterson in sec- food, and fabulous rally machines, Merrill by over fifteen seconds. ity Trowbridge were second over- team's uncanny ability. The favor- ond. Lee Shadbolt/Paul Eklund right outside the headquarters ho-The Medeiros' 323 GTX was seen all. Third overall was Rui Brasil. ites were minutes behind, with no were leading in Production GT in tel. The organizers had designed a alongside the road with an engine · Paul Timmerman/Suzanne Mar- way to close the gap. The Aliso the Subaru Impreza and Dennis new mini-event, . a "Charity . problem after turning a very fast tin took second in 4WD Open. In Canyon stage had all national Chizma maintained second. First in Rallysprint," as a chance for the time outbound. Also having Performance Stock, Doug Robin-competitors finish within less Production were Mark Brown/W. rallyists to show off their driving and troubles were Chizma/Maire in son took first and Tony than a minute of each other. Any Neundorfer in a Corolla with actually give rides to the public. the 3000GT and the Odero-Jowi/ DelaCuesta/B. Santiago took sec- changes in order would have to Trevor Donison/Ben Bradley had With the support of sponsors such O'Sullivan in the Eclipse. The ond in their Toyota Corolla. Eric wait until Saturday. the Neon in second. as America's Tire Company, the Dodge Charger of Kendall Russell Oyague/A. Oyague took first in Hiroyuki Genta had the Subaru While the racers were all going City of Palmdale, Subaru, and and Lynn Dillon suffered a flat but stock class in another Toyota WRX in first overall. Second was off to bed, work in the rally pits was Michelin, the pursuit format event finished the stage. The road was Corolla. Second in Stock Class Jamaica's David Summerbell/C. just starting to come alive. Bill raised over $3,000 for the A.V. littered with cars, making the were a seed six entry, Robert Griffin in the TAD prepared Malik's rear axle had to be replaced Child Abuse Prevention Council sweep truck crew work long a_nd Shibao/Matt Gabler in a Mazda Lap.cer Evo IV. Henry joy/Michael and Tony Chavez had a bad turbo and the local city emergency food hard to finish the cleanup. GLC. DNFs on the first night's Fennell in another TAD Lancer gasket. Mike Welsh was seen head- bank. It was a big hit with specta-The next two stages were divisional included Bill Malik were in third overall. Fourth, fifth ing back to Huntington Beach to tors, and forty local residents got a Leona Divide, the popular spec-with a bad axl~, Alex TissotNio-and sixth were Rui Brasil, John retrievepartsforTony'scarata late chance to see what a ride in the tator stage, and Burns/Lake let Tissot in the Volvo 242, Paul Buffum, and Carl Merrill in the hour. Both cars would be back in "hot seat" is really like. There was Hughes. Both are tight·and twisty, Bojinov and J. Ragalie in a Mazda Cosworth Escort. Out front in U2 top form by morning, after some a big grin on every.rider's face! without the roughness of Del Sur, RX-7, and Steve Bender/Craig was David White, with Tom Bier/ long hours by mechanics. Meanwhile, steward reports from but lots of water bars, which make ·- · · the mountains again showed fog. formidable yumps. The spectator • state of the art high flow pi~ton designed to sto,.e?-valve washers tr,om bending inwards. • wide teflon coated piston wear band for us ks with big tubes so that it'does I/ ~ /"'-, not drop into large ports. . -· , ·--{.__ _ _ • sealed piston for low speed control a d in external b pas~ • high temperature stainless steel all~ . , \ • unique rod end design and material b~ t d ands from breaking. \ • high temperature Vhon seals ai(cJ'R;,jirig . \ \! • large aluminum reservoir for incre1is,rrh n (2X) and weight savipgs.; • 1" shafts are micro-polishett!,~,a mirror ish of a 3-5 RMS. y-• stainless steel teflon lined sglrer!,9il be h 1/2" or 5/8" ID space-rp{ _ • shock are all owner _reb~i -1ble_,wit!yrio .oois to purchase. / • electric blue anodized c r. / /' /' , ~" )' ~a•,Pd~~ 1r1 p ; ,, I /.t_ 1." • Lar,g~-r3/4" tubes f r high flow (welci on kits afailable separate). • Tube locations1c'afJe p(aced to order or weided on by the customer. "' ,• ~Va1v· '~7 piston for smooth damping transitions. • Check ; alves'mach 4140 and heat treated 17-4 slai less for long durability. '"j' ,I ~ ~/,..,,, if • large OD check valve spring desioned with low operating stress levels. / ---.., -..... ...., K/ • ,."piggy,bltck" style reservoir mounting for the rear of buggies and trucks. '" '.I ,,, ,.r 1 ..:' ,r, ,:iff-. a1lh17§i;Mdfih§.,t§!i!4,M§JI:' Custom woun/springs for 3" shocks in s~ k-.. Eibach,prings available. We do custom shock work and vehicle se -~ Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts av'a1 a, e air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same perso~hat designed all Kuster Shocks. Page 34 July 1998 Everyone was having such a great section in Spunky Canyon is par-time in Palmdale that it seemed a ticularly tight, and gets chewed· up shame to head for the hills. by the national cars running at The route for Saturday was to the front (NOTE: we don't run include two stages, Del Sur Ridge the press stage on any of the ac-North and South, then stop for a tual rally course), giving -2WD short service, run two more through cars fits. Fog was found up high the Leona Valley and Spunky Can- along the ridge above Leona Val-yon, and into service again at Lake ley, but .with mid-day sun, visibil-Hughes. Then they headed out for ity was still good. the last divisional stage, Maxwell. The Leona Divide stage saw the National competitors then had to retirement of the Oder-Jowi/O'Sul-go back out to Del Sur and repeat livan Eclipse, which had earlier lost the Del Sur runs. Out and back a drive shaft. Mike Whitman and runs like Del Sur have long tum Donna Mitchell dropped back with around waits, sometimes lasting two a broken strut insulator as well. hours,:but with only Nationals run- Running strong at the front of the ning it a second time, the schedule divisional pack were Dave White, would put everyone back at the Lon Peterson, Ralph Kosmi~es, Car hotel before midnight two nights in Jardevall, all in 2WD Open cars, a row; and Vartan Samuelian, Rod Wood, Del Sur Ridge proved to be one and Paul Timmerman in 4WD of the rockiest, meanesp stage$ of Open. Doug Robinson was having the event. Rim is generally re- a good run in Production GT and garded as the roughest national Robert Shibac, in his first PRO PRO -Rally, and this was one of Rally, was looking strong in Stock .the most difficult years. On stage, Class. · we found a treacherous mixture Henry Joy's transmission gave up, of rough eroded ruts, slippery mud on the Bums/Lake Hughes Stage in holes, water-bars acting as yumps, an uncharacteristic DNF for that and hidden rocks. I was asking car. I was just glad to see him "how much further?" Only one parked along side the road. I had third of the way into this stage. mounted lights at the previous ser-By the end I had a clear idea of vice in case someone caused a de-the spring rate of the bump stops, lay out on the stages, Prescott '97 as they used constantly stillfreshinmymemory. Theywere throughout the stage. I was driv-not needed or even desirable, as ing to survive, not to win. wispy fog was found at the highest Forty-two cars started Del Sur, elevations. This same stage gave us and only thirty-five made it back a fright as we went wide around out. The result sheets showed a another stopped car and -careened massive attrition with eight cars toward a steep embankment. The dropping out and several more sight of a vast vista just beyond the running wounded. Rui Brasil's berm was enough to slow me down Audi was the first car to stop with as we worked our way along the side a comer tom off after a large, slip-of the mountain down toward Lake pery mud hole. The Paul Bojinov/ Hughes fo~ service. We held third J. Ragalie RX-7 also DNFed on in class at service, with one stage the outbound stage. On the re- remaining, Rim had a few more tum trip national competitor John tricks to pull on us all. Buffum and Henry Joy both suf-The last stage for the divisional fered mechanicals. JB's cross . competitors was Maxwell, which member broke and the whole rear was run near dusk, with fog again end was seen to be twisted side- rolling in. The national competi-ways on the transit after 6, where tors were able to run before sun-Dusty Times ,.

Page 35

Hiroyuki Genta and Kazmasa Takata came to the Rim from Japan Looks like running on the beach but Lon Peterson and Jim Love are The Production Class winner was the Toyota Corolla of Marl< Brown and took their Subaru lmpreza to a nice second overall in the Open just fording a stream on their way to second place in Group !5 in the and William Neundorfer and the won the class by a bunch. Class. Plymouth. · Up periscope is the cry as Tom Bier and Ole Holter aquaplane towards a nice second place finish in group 2. Low and fast, the Mitsubishi 3000G T of Dennis Chizma and navigator Claire Marie avoids the rocks on the way to a nice finish in Production GT. Trevor Danison and Ben Bradley came down from the northwest to compete in Rim and they took second in Production in their Plymouth. overall and Tony Chavez in sev-roughness of the stages. Local enth overall, capping strong runs competitors showed excellent by two local competitors. competitiveness in the national set, divisional competitors had to deal with fog and fading light. Dave White, leading U2 National and Divisional overall in his su-per quick Redline Oil/Light Pro-ductions sponsored VW Golf, ended up high centered after a waterbar yump. They had to wait thirty minutes before Dennis Chizma, who was limping, stopped to pull them off with a tow strap. White just made his time limit, and was able to con-tinue into the evening. This left Jardevall, Peterson and Kosmides in position to take the overall win in Divisional. White was so grate-ful for the finishing points that he awarded a $100 bill to Chizma with a nice thank you speech at the Sunday awards breakfast! We hit the same unmarked yump in flat in second gear while trying to make up for time lost in the fog. After sailing off the yump, we both silently wondered how long it would be until we landed. In the end we were glad to have missed the berm, even if we lost a place to a hard charging Tony Chavez on the last stage. Strong runs by Fred Ronn and Doug Rob-inson on this stage also lifted their performances. The final results for Saturday's divisional competitors showed Carl J ardevall over Lon Peterson's second overall. George Plesek's Coffee Fresh Saab Turbo was third on Open 2WD. The first in 4WD Open went to Vartan · Samuelian. Ron Wood took sec-ond in Open 4WD and sixth over-all in Specialties/T urbonetics Audi Quattro. Tony Chavez's Texaco Mexico/Road Race Engi-neering Gallant tood third in Open 4WD. Doug Robinson's RX- 7 was first in Performance Stock and Tony Del la Cuesta's Lancer was second in Perfor-mance Stock. Third in Perfor-mance Stock was the Mark Brown/W Neundor Corolla. First in Stock Class was the Robert Shibao Mazda GLC and second was Eric Oyague. In the National race, at the din-ner break Genta maintained a slim lead over Summerbell, with Mer-rill comfortable in third. Both driv-ers were looking very serious, know-ing that the final two stages would determine the winner. Del Sur's formidable roughness made a no holds barred run questionable, but that was their only choice. It would be win, or break, for these two! As it turned out, the talented Jamaican driver managed to carve out a lead and take the overall win without damaging his Lancet", and Genta, who was beginning to have clutch problems, held on to sec-ond,· with Merrill coasting to a secure third in both overall and Open Class. Kosmides took the Group 5 win over Lon Peterson, CACTUS ,RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON Helmets SNELL 95, SA95 for SODA Complete blower systems for Single or double seat cars. Helmet conve r s ions, Cool boxes, Complete .line of PYROTECT, FILLER Safety Products & BELL MOTORSPORTS We ship UPS Dail y From $299.00 Helmet & Skirt Visa-Mastercard .51.5~ aP-wv~en.~. • S.f1Jl Pi~.99 ~-~-~ ~ 11J • (619}_27_9-~ 09 Dusty Times while George Plesek was third, in one of the most competitive classes. Fred Ronn was first in U2 Class, after a strong run all day long. Peter Morris was second, only 0:16 ahead of Dave White, who salvaged a third in U2. Lee Shadbolt was first in Production GT, while Dennis Chisma's 3000GT limped in almost one hour back of the leaders, but still managed a second in Production GT, rewarded by his persistence in the face of an ailing car. Mark Brown's Toyota Corolla was first in Production Class, with Trevor Donison in second. Also of note were Vartan Samuelain in sixth j Helm/Graham Racing ·"" 1997 Class 7S Champions Prepped at Donahoe Racing .. July 1998 This running of the Rim of the event, demonstrating a progres-World was markedly different sion in the level of rallying in Cali-from recent examples. Rain and fomia. The future will likely in-foreign competition upset the elude even greater international normal order of things, with many participation, record high entry favorites left minutes behind or lists, strong local competition, parked along the road. Heat was and hopefully smoother roads. never a factor but fog was. With It was a great milestone for me the Japanese giving a demonstra- to sneak in a second and fourth tion of fog driving, higher start- place in my class. This great event ing order worked against competi- will remember the '98 Rim for tors for a change. Also, the more years to come. I am just glad. I highly stressed high power all have it all on in-car camera so wheel drive cars showed a high that I can relive it at will, and attrition, possibly due to the study up for next year. ■ , httf/ /ww·.v .do:1ahoe~ac · ~Complete Race Truck Fabrication ~ Prerunners ~-Consulting ~Shock Service & Page 35

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"The Straight Poop" from The Big W ahzoo RIDGECREST 300 -Hey, S tuart Chase- is back. Cur-rently serving time as a second time around prospective, Stu-art teamed up with Tom Koch to overall this MDR race. Out of Checker action for a while, Chase came back to our win-ning team and impressively drove Tom's new unlimited buggy into the winner's circle for another big Checker vic-tory! Speaking of Koch, he had a good weekend too. After all, Ridgecrest is his backyard and he's the defending champ of the area. So, as usual, the 'Rocket' was in fine form. Tom added an average of about five minutes to his lead on each of the first four laps, while turn-ing the fastest lap of the race. At that point Chase took over This is the 1,ystem run by most off road race winners for the final three, having only a couple of miles of seat time in the car on the trails around Koch Castle (explained later). Wisely using the big lead he inherited, Stuart took a lap to get the feel of the car. Had a flat. Then our hero got the big Jimco A-arm car up to 'speed and continued on to co-pro-duce a comfortable 20 minute plus win. Congratulations to Tom Koch and Stuart Chase, 1st Place in the Unlimited class and the OVERALL RACE WINNERS! Somehow, long ago, a kid from L.A. ended up in Ridgecrest running a . junk yard. Today he's surely worth well over a million and has business interests ·all over town. As a long time dedi-cated Checker, Koch has for-ever been throwin' a tradi-tional after-the-Ridgecrest race Checker party at his house in town. Well, this year's party was something special. Recently breaking loose with some big bucks, Tom built a monster pad on a TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 19~91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLOALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 . Page 36 WHOLESALE OHL Y DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED scenic hillside overlooking town. This race provided a great date. for a grand open house, Tom's 50th birthday party, and another great post-race get .together. Koch's new home is a true Checker-like structure, 4,000 square feet of house and another 4,000 squares of garage and shop. Not surprisingly, about 200 folks showed up to boogie around in ol' Tom's beautiful new home. Now, ya plan a big party like this, what would be the one thing that would re-ally top the whole thing off? Yep, win the race overall! A good time was definitely had by all, especially our birthday boy. Good show, Tom! The Club entered five of the sixty plus cars at this MDR race, but Tom and Stuart were our only finishers. Fred Nelson had his big Ford truck chargin' right along on the first half, but then his kid scattered the motor during the second half. Jimmy Tucker, runnin' his own Class 10 car, had the front end come apart to such a degree that he parked it. Seefried and Roy once again lost a motor in Marty's 1/2-1600 after only about a lap and a half. Greenway, starting in his Class 10 CORE ride, had the buggy running second af-ter four laps. But, after he got out, the owner tore up the front end and they had to park it. Worse yet, Duenas and McCool blew their 1/2-1600 motor testing on Friday. BUFFALO BILL'S 400 -On the same weekend as both the MDR race and a Best in the Dez event, four Checker teams decided to go up to Ve-gas and run SNORE's version of the legendary Mint 400. Five laps around an 80 mile loop, plus their bi~ first place cash purses were probably the major reasons for this unex-pected turnout. Sixty-five other racers apparently felt the same way. Without the re-quired three cars signing up two meetings rior to the event, this race did not get the usual organized Club pit support. But, being Checkers, all the guys that did go huddled up and took care of each other. And, in an unusual turn of events, Giffin put a FAIR guy (i.e. tranny customer) into his 1/2-1600 car as a co-driver. This provided an unexpected link to some other FAIR guys in similar situations and some beneficial pit co-mingling oc-curred during this race. Sadly, Jeff Lothringer suf-fered an infuriating finish in his Class 10 ride. Seems the car was within sight of the fin-ish, running second on their last lap, when the motor let go. So, a la Frenchy and Lou and their famous La Paz fin-ish, only the drivers started pushing the buggy towards the line. When they finally got it to the finish line, still in sec-ond place, they moved the car across the line using the starter. But, the "under its own power" rule had recently been changed to mean 'engine power only'. The result was a one lap penalty and one very unhappy Checker! Good run, Jeff, a true Checker-like effort that didn't quite pan out. Al-July 1998 though the Club lost second place in this competitive class, it was only temporary. Coming in to reclaim it for good was Robert Harman in his Class 10 ride. Unfortunately I have limited info on Bullhorn's run, but it was good enough for the Club's best finish at this race. 'Atta Boy', Robert! Allan Hensley and Rob Myerly had their 1/2-1600 car hooked up for a while, but had to park it after suffering rear shock problems and a broken torsion adjuster. Likewise for Joe Giffin and his FAIR buddy, as a combination of broken· torsion bars and the flu put Joe's 1/2-1600 buggy on the trailer early. ANGRY SNORE RACERS -NOTE: The following Wah-zoo comments have nothing to do with Lothringer's problem at the above race, nor the vast major-ity of the normally nice SNORE folks. For sometime now the Checkers have been experi-encing some negative feed--back from a small segment of the local Vegas racers when-ever some of our members show up to run a SNORE race. This started shortly after Gaughan. and Herbst started occasio.nally kicking in for some generous paybacks at some of SNORE's races. "F*#kin' Californians!", "You guys don't belong up here". Comments made, just barely loud enough to hear, or only when we're well outnumbered. It's those whiners that this ol' SNORE racer would like to address: The Checkers have been racin' SNORE for virtually all of its 28 years. We've always understood, that as a like non-profit club operation, SNORE is the best deal for your off road racing dollar. For years the Checkers had a Vegas Chapter with lots of local SNORE racers like Heinrich, Gaughan and Newman on the roster. The Checkers have al-ways prided ourselves as an organization without any bor-ders. For the last 25. years the Checkers have regularly raced and won throughout Califor-nia, Nevada, Arizona and Baja. So obviously, as far as SNORE's current paybacks are concerned, the Checkers seriously resent being consid-ered outsiders by some greedy locals just because we aren't · up there runnin' every event. Hey, we know what you're afraid of, but we got just as much call on that cash as any-body! SO ... DON'T PRESS IT, dudes! CIRCLE CHECKERS -Here's an update on our Club's budding oval track rac-ers: Towards the end of last season Bruce Tiffany had a spectacular crash in his T-Q Midget. Luckily it was caught on tape so all the rest of us could also enjoy it repeatedly. During the off season, Bruce took all the good stuff off the wrecked car and built himself a new and ·better one. Joining him on the local T-Q circuit this year is BJ Bates. After about three races this year, and with some flickers of bril-liance, both our heroes are ba-sically still learning their new equipment. Steve Brown had a bad first-race-of-the-year crash in the Hibbard & Brown Dwarf Car and the car is ap-parently still being repaired. Billy McCool is reportedly doin' pretty well recently with his Legend Car, but details are scarce. Steve Luport's cre-ation of a fleet of Pintos got temporarily put on hold be-cause of health problems. But now pretty much recovered, look for Steve's Pinto debut in the near future at a dirt track near ya. RACE NOTES *Heres an interesting look at the local health of our sport. On the weekend of May 18-19th there were three off road races in our area. MDR drew about 65 cars, SNORE had 69, and Best in the Dez about 40. * A Checker construction crew has broken gi:ound on the Club's enlargement of our La ca·nada Headquarters. When complete, the Club will have a permanent garage adjoining our Clubhouse and we can re-turn the big portable. steel container. Progress reports will follow. *Look for the suc-cessful new Koch/Chase team to show up again at the Mexi-can races. It's interesting to note that both these hot shots are old six cylinder Porsche powerplanters·, now racing a Type 4 vee dub. Hey, speak-ing of race engines,-whatever happened to Davis? Last I heard, Kevin was· headed home to saw a V-8 in half. Challenger earner By Joel Mohr I'd like to take this oppor-tunity to introduce myself to the newcomers (or anyone that hasn't had the chance to meet me yet), so that every-one that happens across this dribble will maybe have a bet-ter understanding of the lu-natic that I am. Yes, I own, prep, and race Challengers. I have for over ten years. It's not because I don't want to move to another clas~, I just can't afford to. Which is why I think most Challenger own-ers are in this class. Aside from financial limitations, I love this class. Why? One rea-son is that it is so competi-tive. I see it as the IROC of off road. With the cars rules being as strict as they are ( to keep costs to a minimum), it takes a pretty savvy driver to push it as hard as mechani-cally possible, without tearing it up or putting it on its lid. Now I know this applies to all racing, but I feel with the lim-ited use of "Racing Designed Parts", you really rieed to know the cars limits. Like in IROC, se up i; everything, and believe me, I've seen what an inexperienced Chal-lenger driver can do to a car. Anyway, I don't have 20 grand for a 1600, much less the money to keep it up. I don't want to race just to be racing, I want to win. And as any long time class racer will tell you, it takes commitment, perseverance, and technol-ogy. As the years go by I'll Dusty Times

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keep trying, and trying, and trying. Until (if for nothing else), I outlive the fast guys that are ru·nning now,· and only my age and experience keep me ahead. of the "up and comers". What I'm trying to say is, that I'm not some sort of self appointed Challenger God, but just another racer trying to win .. Like a lot ofother people, I got hooked ·-by riding in a friend's car. In '88 and '89 I rode with B.J. Bates and Rick Pew in B.J .'s car at Parker and the Mint. Once I got hooked, I had to have my own car. My then best friend and I ac-quired a single seat Funco that had seen better days. We soon learned how expensive it could be having everything done by "Professionals". Since I had been working on VW's for ten years already as a me-chanic or machinist, I took on the duties of motor and trans prep, and my partner, a fabri-cator, handled the chassis maintenance. Our first race was the La Rana Mini Baja 400. We finished. Second race, broke an axle in the first half mile. We stepped back, made a game plan to try for a championship, acquired a two seater,, and o-µr first year out, got third place in points in La Rana in '92 . . · In '93 we did the first three La Rana's with two DNF's and a fourth, ·then called it quits for the year hoping to save enough money to put on an all out assault in '94. Well, as partnerships to, I decided to go solo. In '94, I put all my chips on the table at the first race, and lost a motor after getting slammed by another car in my class. End of year! ·in '95 I prepped and co-drove Steve Poole's Jimco in La Rana. We got a ·secopd and a fourth, and we finished every race we entered. In '96 I de-cided to try SNORE. Two sec-onds, two thirds, and a third in class for the year, fifth overall in points. In '97, I teamed up with Paul Moen (a very talented rookie), and raced "that new series", MOR. Another third in points. Also through the years I have been very fortunate to · have had the opportunity to drive or ride with some other teams {thanks again!). As many of you know, I am build-ing a new car, yes, its a Chal-lenger, and maybe this is the tool I need to finally win one of these things. Yup, ten years and not one win. But you know, I don't think I would have enjoyed it so much, if there hadn't been someone to chase. Hopefully, some day I'll be the chased instead of the chaser. Until then, I think I'll stick to swing axles. I am in constant search for new and better (and cheaper), Challenger tech-nology. I enjoy discovering things that made driving one of these things easier and more enjoyable. I also know that I'm not as fast as some of you guys, but I'm working on that too. So, we'll see you at the races, and maybe we'll dice a little. Until then, feel free to call me with any ptob-lems or ideas you may have Dusty Times and I'll help any way I can. My number is (760) 947-6647. C.O.R.E. Pit Report By Sandy Parker Guest Speaker Mr. Tom Wills was a guest speaker at a recent CORE monthly meeting, represent-ing Mojave Desert Racing. The members were eager to discuss several topics and had many questions for the speaker, I would first like to thank Mr. Wills for attending our meetings and fielding many questions and com-ments. 1600 Car Lap Reduction -the topic that received the most emphasis was MDR's de-cision to reduce the number of laps required by the 1600 cars. It was argued that if you look at the race results, the 1600 cars post lap times only a few minutes down from the Un-limiteds and 10 cars and usu-ally finish third to fifth over-all. I think the biggest dream of a 1600 driver is the chance of capturing an overall finish, and with the usually low fin-ishing record of the MDR faster clas~es, it is very pos-sible CORE usually campaigns five to six 1600 cars every race, and they UNANI-MOUSLY said they want to run the full race mileage! Their voices were apparently heard and the 1600 cars were al-lowed to run all the miles at last MOR Ridgecrest event. It was noticed in the event in-formation mailed for the up-coming MOR Lucerne Valley 400 shows once again, the 1600s are asked to run fewer laps. You can bet MDR'.s phone (626) 914-7029 is ring-ing off the book! Several of the CORE drivers have stated that they will only race with an organization where they can "run with the big dogs". Course Marking -Several drivers indicated that the course marking for MOR races could use some help. It was stated that the turn markers were directly at the turn, _ which usually get destroyed in first lap passing attempts. My-self and three other 1600 driv-ers ended up on Barstow Road at the last Barstow event, and this was only one of the three times getting lost on the first lap. A few more hours on course pounding a few more arrows could keep many of your racers happy, only a small inconvenience, I think. Timing and Scoring -The issue of MDR's timing and scoring was also discussed. Mr. Wills was asked what type of timing and scoring equipment/ programs does MDR use and why does it take so long to get the results after the race. One driver went to the MOR start and finish to inquire where his car finished and was surprised to hear _"We don't have any record of that car number run-ning in this race," then a few hours later "oh, you got sec-ond place". It was also dis-cussed that is very confusing/ misleading that all cars have a 0.0 start time instead of the actual time off the start line. Since CORE Main keeps very accurate tracking of their cars, it was not able to verify lap and overall time with the offi-cial results since they had no way to verify what the official start time was. Another simple modification to keep the rac-ers happy. Tech Inspection -As long as there have been Tech In-spection, there have been hundreds of people complain-ing about how long it takes. Once again, everybody got on the bandwagon regarding the amount of time sitting in the line for Tech Inspection. They mentioned that MOR seems to have many people running tech, but the line just inches along. Everybody will agree that Art's Tech Team does a "GREAT" job, but does qual-ity have to take soooooo long? Again, Thank Mr. Wills for getting grilled for over an hour answering all the questions. Perhaps next time you can bring the boss and let him take some of the heat. Best In The Desert Terry Sheldon and team raced the Best in the Desert's Tonopah 300. I hear they rolled/endo'd the truck several times. They worked on the truck several hours and man-aged to get back on the course and almost finish the event. They blew up a transmission just ten miles from the finish line. Tom Malloy, who built the truck said Terry thanked him for building such a tough truck with a strong roll cage which kept the drivers safe. Terry, throw a new cab and body panels on that baby and hope to see it on the course soon! SNORE's Midnight Special Brad Inch is putting the fin-ishing touches oh his brand new 1600 single seater. He said he would run the first race on the calendar after his new car was finished. With a week-end of testing behind him, Brad said "It's the best han-dling car I have ever driven", so GOOD LUCK Brad! Mexico Bound Both the teams of McGillivray/Greenway in their new PROTRUCK and Darrin McGuffin in his 9 car are headed to Mexico to run the SCORE Baja 500 next month. CORE would like to wish both teams GOOD LUCK! MAG-7 Race News By Stephen T. Stenberg Well, by the time you -read · this the Baja 500 will be over with. Currently we are racing five buggies and two bikes as of May 20th. One Class 1, two Class 5-1600s, one Class 9, one Class 11 from back east (PA), and one each, Class 21 and Class 40 Sportsman's. For the Baja 500 we spaced our pits every 50 miles apart, mainly for the bikes and Class 11 entry. Mag-7 pits were located at July 1998 the following points around the course. Pit One was at Ojos Negros with Shawn Wells. Pit Two was at the top of the course in the Pine For-est with Terry Wickersham. Pit Three was at El Alamo with Mark Cranmore. Pit Four was near the Mike's Sky Ranch turnoff where the course leaves Hwy 3 with Wayne Newell and Mag-7 Main, Pit Five was right before the power station outside of Valle De Trinadad with Jerry McMurry. Pit Six was outside San Vicente on the coast where the course turns north with Tim Barlow. Pit Seven was right after the turnoff for Urapan with Bob Bryson. And Pit Eight was back at Ojos Negros with myself, Stephen Stenberg. A complete run down of the race action and pit comments will be in the next issue. Meanwhile, Mag-7 is pre-paring for th~ Baja 1000 that runs to La Paz in November. We are currently in negotia-tions with another motorcycle pit crew, to provide pit service every 50 miles for bikes and quads down the race course. Four wheel vehicles would still have pit service every 100 miles as before. More on this as the summer goes by. Mag-7 will be sending out race appli-cations around September to all current Mag-7 members. Currently in San Diego county, you can find informa-tion about Mag-7 Race cover-age at all these fine stores. ORW in Kearny Mesa, El Cajon, and Escondido. Import Car Care in El Cajon. Ron Bishop's M/Cs, KTM, Husqaberg and Husqvarna in Escondido. Race Ready and RLH Communications in Na-tional City. Cycle Parts West in Chula Vista. And Smitty's Yamaha and Kawasaki in Im-perial Beach. These stores carry Mag-7 Race Flyers and phone numbers. Thanks again to Mag-7 sponsors! They are SKS Val-voline, Jobsite, Nelson Equip-ment in San Diego and Cycle Parts West, Chula Vista Store. Without these businesses sup-porting us, racing would be impossible to accomplish. Also thank you to all our racers for coming out and racing in the Baja 500. We look forward to seeing you again in November for the Baja 1000. Adios until next month. Team Baja. coming Next Month ... SCORE Baja 500 Including Full Motorcycle Coverage SNORE Midnight Special WAC In Corsica CORR Beaver Dam, WI -u.Plus All The Regular Features Valley Performance Custom Accessories· Competitive Prices Now Available Barbary Coast Class 2 Two Seater $45,000 Call Dave or Lenny at 702-247-1266 or 702-873-1962 3636 Mead Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-247-1266 702-873-1962 Page 37 ....,

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LlffLE CREEK CASINO WILD WEST PRO RALLY Choiniere/Becker seek seventh consecutive Title Text & Photos: Jim Culp Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker came from behind to win the Wild West PRO Rally in their Hyundai, perhaps on their way to a seventh conscutive title. Defending Michelin PRO Rally champions Paul Choiniere and co-driver Jeff Becker continued their ride toward an unprecedented sev-enth consecutive title with a win at the Little Creek Casino Wild West Rally in the foothills, south of Washington's Olympic Moun-tains. Hyundai Tiburon driver Choin-iere called the win, "a gift", after overtaking his Libra Racing boss, and stepfather, John Buffum on the final stage of the Sports Car Club of America event. Buffum teamed with co-driver Mark Williams in a Hyundai Elantra to finish second. Choiniere and Becker used the first starting position to good advan-tage early in the event. Facing a clear track and leaving clouds of most untypical northwest dust in their wake, the Tiburon blasted to a 28 second lead during the six stages run Friday night. A brisk breeze cleared the air for the Sat-urday morning start, and the age-iess rally-master Buffum made his move, trimming Choiniere's advan-tage in half on the first daylight stage. Buffum jumped into the lead on stage 8, the fast 1 7 mile long run over Beeville Railroad Crossing, when Choiniere made a rare mis-take, locking the brakes and spin-ning in a tight right-hand turn that followed a 100 mph straight. Choiniere and Becker were fortu-nate to find a hardy band of rally fanatics available for a push start that may have saved the victory. Buffum and Williams extended their lead as an afternoon shower drowned the dusty forest roads, collecting a 75 second advantage over Choiniere and Becker before the stop for a spectator stage in the stadium setting of the Thurston County Off Road Vehicle Park. Unfortunately the earlier downpour made clay surface at the Park un-suitable for anything more than an exhibition run by the rally cars. Guess Who drives Desert Cool? Cooling vest technology by the Whitestone Corp. custom and otherwise slctrt,ng al $152 complete (800)266-5440 Page 38 Choiniere and Becker nibbled away at the deficit for the next two stages. Then on the last run up and around Summit lake, the number one Hyundai team turned a 43 sec-ond deficit into a 40 second advan-tage. Eleven time rally champ Buf-fum made it clear that his 4WD Elantra was supporting Choiniere and Becker's ·championship run. "It's my responsibility to make sure they win," Buffum told the press before the start, "when you're in a year long championship, every point counts." David Summerbell and Michael Fennell were third in the North American debut_ of the Jamaican SuperClubs' Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV. Summerbell finished just 1:29 behind the second Hyun~ dai in his first U.S. rally. The Ja-maicans were most impressive in the wet, posting the fastest stage time on the second run through the Beeville Railroad Crossing and gaining 55 seconds on Buffum on that single stage during the worst of the storm. The Norseman Fords Escort Cos-worth of Carl Merrill and Ray Damitio hit a rock, a stump, and a railroad tie during the course of the event and still finished fourth, but only six seconds ahead of Mike Whitman and Paula Gibeault in another Ford, this one a Sierra Cos-worth. The first two wheel drive finish-ers were Carl Jardevall and John Elkin, sixth overall and first in the large displacement Group 5 class with a Volvo 7 40 turbo. Twenty seconds behind the Volvo were the small displacement Group 2 class winners Dave White and David Watts in the Red Line Oil Volks-wagen Golf GTI. Rui Brasil and Ben Bradley fin-ished eighth in the Espirito Santo Audi Quattro S-2. Brasil's list of mechanical problems included the critical fuel management system, and the brakes. Brasil's brake prob-lems got White's attention at the end of one stage, when the parked VW driver noticed the Audi slid-ing toward him "totally sideways at July 1998 The Volvo of Carl Jardevall and John Elkin chums up the gravel on their way to the Group 5 Class win. Steve Gingras and Bill Westrick run through the trees on their way to the Production GT Class win in the Eagle. about 45 mph." White nudged the VW out of the way just in time to avoid a collision. Bill Malik and co-driver Chris-tian Edstrom slid home second in Group 2 with the colorful Coffee Fresh Volvo 240, ninth overall. Defending Production GT class champions Steve Gingras and Bill Westrick drove the popcorn ma-chine, the Act II Popcorn spon-sored Eagle Talon, to first in the production four-wheel-drive class and tenth overall. The remaining class winners were Trevor Donison and Cathe-rine Roso in the Production (2WD stock) class Plymouth Neon, spon-sored by Northwest Consulting. The rocky, slippery Simpson Timber Company logging roads claimed a number of competitors as only 17 of the 26 starters were run-ning at the finish. The scariest in-cident was the incineration of the Scandia Saab 900 of Doug Schrenk and Rob Walden. A cracked trans-mission case resulted in a fire that burned itself out after totally de-stroying the car. Both drivers es-caped without injury. There were several rollovers in-cluding the Gr0up 5 points leaders Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes. running in the top five when a flat tire tossed the car into a ditch and on to the roof. Jake Dekovic and Katie Callahan also landed on the top side in the Jim Adams Auto Clinic Mazda 323 GTX. The only injuries of the event occurred when John Lane and Scott Huhn rolled the Racetech Safety Equipment Volvo 262 end-over-end after hitting a log. Lane was treated for hand injuries and Huhn for a door handle puncture wound as outpatients at a local hos-pital. Local favorites Janice Damitio and Amity Trowbridge in the Crazee Espresso Toyota Celica fin-ished, but well back after a series of misfortunes including breaking a strut, losing third gear, losing 4WD, losing power, and spending 12 min-utes stuck on stage 10. The best sports with the worst luck award goes to Production GT challengers Ken Cassidy and Rob-ert Waits. Cassidy couldn't pass up a friend in need, but burned out the clutch while towing the Mazda 323 GTX of Pete Lahm and Jimmy Brandt to service only two stages from the end. Lahm and Brandt survived to become the last fin-~~~ ■ Kosmides was battling for the class crown when he lost control of the Ruby's 325-hp twin turbo Toyota Supra in a tight cor-ner on stage 11, clipped a log and landed on the roof. Garen Shrader, with his father "Doc" Shrader as co-driver, was enjoying the first run of a new Ford Si-erra Cosworth, John Buffum and Mark Williams take the mud in stride as they wend their way to second place in the Hyundai. Dusty Times f

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NORTHWEST RALLY REPORT sau·wester & Wild west Divisional Rallys. Text & Photos: The super sano Espirito Santo Audi S2 of Rui Brasil and Ben Bradley was the overall 4WD class winner in the Wild West Divisional. Dave White and David Wat~ in the Red Line Oil Volkswagen Golf GTI survived fire and rain to cap-ture both the Sou'wester and the Wild West Divisional Rallies held in the foothills of Washington's Olympic Mountains. Sou'wester In the Sou'wester, White and Watts slipped past the Crazee Espresso Toyota ofJanice Damitio and Amity Trow bridge on the last scored stage to take the win by nine seconds in the Sports Car Club of America event. White from Benica, CA and Carson City, NV resident Watts dodged through the dust in the Northern Pacific Division's first night rally of the 1998 season. Car builder Guy Light a fair share of the credit after fashioning a replacement fuel pump during a service stop to keep the small dis-placement -two-wheel drive (U2) class entry on the go. The sixth stage on the Sou'wester was not scored, as emer-gency vehicles blocked the route after the Scandia Saab 900 of Doug Shrenk and Rob Walden caught fire. A broken transmission case resulted in a fluid leak that ignited. The crew escaped without injury, but several fire bottles couldn't slow the blaze and the Saab was de-stroyed. Damitio and Trowbridge lost their early lead for the overall title, but still claimed the 4WD class win by five seconds over Rui Brasil and Ben Bradley in the Espirito Santo Audi Quattro S-2. Vance Walker and Karen Lay-lor were fourth overall in the Kolorwerx Mazda RX3, the large displacement 02 class winner. Walker and Laylor finished only three seconds behind the Audi, as the first four cars finished within 19 seconds of each other after more than 35 minutes at speed over 29 miles of rugged stage roads. Tim Paterson and Joel Wright were fifth overall in the Falcon Racing Mazda 3 23 GTX, trailed by Steve Gingras and Bill Westrick in the Act II Popcorn sponsored Eagle Talon and Todd Hartmann and Kirk Knestis driving the Hartmann Motorsport VW Golf who posted equal times 2:54 behind the leader. Hartmann and Knestis also claimed second in the U2 class. Noah Third and Jason Lane in the Hot Water Performance VW Rabbit broke into the top ten :with a strong run to eighth overall and first in the Northwest Regional group three (novice) class. Another group three entry, Bob and Tammy Reaves in the North Bend Imports Mazda RX3 finished ninth. Ken Stewart and Jim Dale were tenth . in a 4WD Chevy S-10 pickup. Mark Wilkie and Brian Frabenburg claimed the regional Class 4 crown in Bry's VW Rabbit, while Simon Levear and Kevin Poirier nabbed the Class 2 award in the Rainier Texaco Datsun 510. The rough Simpson Timber Company logging roads claimed one third of the 25 car field. Sev-eral rollovers marred the event, in-cluding Garen Shrader, with his co-driving father "Doc" Shrader in a new Ford Sierra Cosworth, Jake Dekovic and Katie Callahan in the Jim Adams Auto Center Mazda 3 23 GTX, John Lane and Scott Huhn in the Racetech Safety Equipment Volvo 262. Lane and Huhn suffered minor injuries, the others were un-hurt. Wild West White and Watts battled their way to another win the following day in the Wild West Divisional. This time they faced rain, not fire, as a midday down pour turned the forest roads slippery. Walker and Laylor, the event's early leaders, finished second., The. Newburg, OR couple finished 49 seconds off the pace and claimed the 02 class win. Brasil and Brad-ley posted the fastest times on half SCORE 1997 ENGINE BUILDER OF lHE YEAR! FAT MOTORS WIN! AND WIN! AGAIN: . SCORE LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE, Jan. 30 -Feb. 1 Class 5 1st Mike/Dale Dordel rm Type IV} 2nd Tom BrC11¥11 rm Type IV) 31d George Seeley rm Type IV) Class 10 1S1 JohnPh1ll1ps/R1ckGerser(Toyota4AG) 2nd Darnen Jettenes (Toyota 4AG) Class 12 1st Dave Gallaway/.klhn f'olmes (Wi Type l,l 2nd George Erl/Jerry Penhall rm Type I) SCORE SAN FELIPE 250, Mar. 20-22 Class 5 1st MikeiOale Dondel rm Type IV) 2nd Tom Brown rm Type N) 3rd Geo.'ge Seeley rm Type IV} Class 10 1st Darnen Jefferies (Toyola 4AG) 2nd William Alverson (T('fota 4AG) Class 12 2nd George ErVJerry Penhall rm Type-I) 3rd Ty Godde/Ross Crall rm Type I)' 4th Dave Callaway/John Holmes rm Type I) We un & recommend RAaNG ENQNES, lRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARIS Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 Dusty Times SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for , 1·985, 1990, l991, 1993, 1995, 1996 & 1997! • Uta PERFORMANCE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 July 1998 Reverse lock really works, Dave White and David Watts won both Northwest Divisionals in their neat looking VW · Sean Callahan and John Hake took their Sirocco to first in Regional Class 2 at the Wild West Divisional. of the eight stages, but could only climb back up to third after a series of mechanical problems delayed the· Audi early in the event. Brasil and Bradley still claimed _the top hon-ors in the 4WD class. Gingras and Westrick finished fourth, with Dekovic and Callahan fifth. Sean Callahan and John Hake pushed the Waterjet Technology VW Sirocco to sixth overall and first in the regional Class 2, after a broken tie rod knocked them out of the Sou'wester. Stewart and Dale in the Chevy pickup. Damitio and Trowbridge were fastest on two stages, but finished well back after an off road excur-sion cost them 12 minutes on stage · ten. Paterson and Wright struggled with turbo problems and dropped out after Stage 5. • The Reaves family Mazda claimed the regional Class 3 victory, in seventh overall, fqllowed by Chris Kouba and John Allen in the Road Scholar Racing Mazda RX7. Kirk Simons and Pete Shelton were ninth in a Dodge Omni turbo. Wilkie and Fradenburg again claimed the regional Class 4 title, this time tying for tenth overall with OHRoad Scramble Answer: Magneto, Grease, Wrench, Radial, Protruck Rocker Arm X fiJII ,W,,1iri!OX WHEELS BUILT TO ORDER * FACTORY DIRECT CUSTOM STEEL WHEELS * ALL BOLT PATTERNS .* ALL BACKSPACES * WHEELS MADE TO EXACT RACING SPECIFICATIONS * 13 x·s.s * 13X 7 * 14X6 * 14X 7 * 15X5 * 15X6 * 15X 7 * 15X8 * 15 X 10 ANY 4 STEEL WHEELS LISTED ABOVE FOR $17 4 • OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE CALL FOR DETAILS CALL (918) 599-9022 MASTER CARD • VISA • DISCOVER • AMEX 1924 EAST 6th ST. • TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74104 Page 39 4 .

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GOOD ·STUFF DIRECTORY C£EC01nc. Chassis And Suspension • For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN P.O. Box 117 Ely, NV 89301 (702) 289-6708 Advanced Toyota Suspensions and atHdng compom,nt6 86-95' 4-RUNNER/4X P.U. 14" TRVL A-ARMS ALSO AVAL ~ UN/BALLS 11240 DAWSON CYN. RO. CORONA, CA. 91 rfi (909)277-2327 DESIGNED BY: SCOTT SELLS AND SLAM JAMIi RACING ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging • Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons · •SODA and SCORE apprpved Leaders in Custom Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. ~ ■ •■ ■ RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-5330 RAMSEY, NJ USA Off Road Trucks Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 . FAX (619) 562-6151 I §Ive,, Faee I.His 0 -';E:~1!!:~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BAITERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 (818) 91"4-3717 / FAX (818) 914-2121 • aJax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. FOR ALL YOUR AUTO PARTS . FROM PRE-RUNNERS TO RACE TRUCKS CALL JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 ALL-TERRA SUSl'EiVSIO,V COMPO,'\'E.VT.5 Selling the Worlds Best Leveling & Ride Enh~ncement Kits l 1,;)<)I) ,-\ston :itrr,·I J n-in,·, l' .-\ 'l2f,llf, (71-4) 221-llfil 1 FnA (71 •1) 22] _l)f, 17 Chevy Trucks,Suburb~ns, T ~hoes,Broncos,Explorers,~nd F-150'sj Known as the toughest gauge in racing, J,,iquid-Eilled ~auges from Auto Meter are now available in the hottest racing look. They match the anodized aluminum look of the Ultra-Lite series. Liquid-Filled Gauges withstand the harshest race environments. l/11 JIU~II Dept OU98 ty,Uete Sycamore, IL 60178 .!!:r"',_:,,_ (815) 895-8141 Send $4.00 for 1998 Catalog RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road fabrication & Accessories F-,xporl & lnt'I Sc1les Rae~ Car Preparation Con,;;ulting & Manaocmcnt ' ·~ 1 040 S. Main St. xF allbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-2117 F.6X (760) 723-9938 FABRICATION & . SHOCK WORKS., ... . \ . ON-SITE .\<' SAM STAHL SHCCK TESnNG & ~ OYNO SERVICE .. ~,;" •OVAL TRACK" ... S;-·~ -\/ fax~~:~ m=::~ •OFF-ROAD •~, •ROAD COURSE. • !" 2820 Via Orange Way. #13 •DRAG RACING Sprllf6 Valley. CA 91978 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES • NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ_.L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 ---1" OFF ROAD RACERS ! 0Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" I Pllo 1.ullo.1 LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock BELL, HELMETS Wide Assortment of Colors and Sizes -CUSTOM SUITS -In-Store Measurements (10 DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE) We also carry a full selection of lel k a legislenid Tradefflcn ol lell Spa~ Int. • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • • Fire Systems • Shoes • Gloves • Lankershim & 1-S 9017 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 768-7770 Fax (818) 768-1840 BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V9hicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3:H:17 e"¥.l'.?/£(7 PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc . 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84·89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies ACCOUNTING· INCOME TAX· CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION Sheryl Cannon, C.P.A. MILLER & CANNON CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 260 S . GLENDORA AVE. SUITE 201 (626) 919-1011 WEST COVINA, CA 91790 RAX (626) 919-0211 CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX 306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINOSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM lllfT Ill UCEIS nt 8EIIMI Jlf IEJT HAMPION BEADlOCK 24CING WHEELS U.S.A. WHEELS / CONVERSIONS · 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 15" 18" 17" MILAN qARRITT 1871 N. BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 • FAX 276-2365

Page 41

, \ I . r:c NC~ M•;: .. ":::::.~c1 .. m Pedal,.,,, ~ Ll Master Cylinders • · Slave Cylinders Cuttihg ond Sta~,ing Brakes Hydraulic Throttihs T~rottle Pedals CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morenafllvd. Sun Diego, CA.921'1 O (619) 275-1663 . Send $3.00 for Catal,og FLOATER REAR ENDS• i-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d_SJ,, (Wl?-~~-Perts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners -Race Prep - 2-Wheel Driv~ 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 i~RACING &~GASOLINE TORCO RACING FUELS CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-54-COSBY COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA . • . .•.' . t.,. CPC Cadmium-Chrome-Gold Anodize-Electroless Nickle Aluminum Die Casting Home of F.O.A. Racing Tieman Connector Plating Corp. 327 W 132nd St. ·Los Angeles. C A 9006 1 310.-323-1622 • 310-323-1749 Fax 310-323-i 517 Ask For Mike DANGER ZONE RACING : e Dl;=SOF. • MOTOII Gil MAGNAFLUXING TUBE BENDING WELDING/FABRICATION NITROGEN SERVICE DE SAN DIMAS 909 592-5937 UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Ba.rt:ara, CA 9~111 l)ONIJffOE ~A.&-IN4 ENTERPRISES • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSUL TING • D EVELOPMENT • RACE S HOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE RA(ING FVEt:-:= FUELS & lUBRICANTS INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS We Support MIL SPEC RUST PREVENTATIVES 2831 EAsr WHITE STAR UNIT H A,wiEIM, CA 92806 . Summit RACING GASOLINE BRUCE CONRAD PRESIDENT 1537 E. DEL AMO BLVD. CARSON, CA 90746 PHONE: (310) 603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 l<REG DONAHOE 0wNER \//tHll(!'-,(~if< f~t:fdli I',, '•'i• f. lld1vt,ry UPS PHONE (714) 632-3033 FAX (714) 632-3835 Speual171nq 11, Aluminum WhPPI Repairs & Pol1sh1ng EDDCO corporation Wheel & Specialty Services Street, Motorcycle, Offroad Production, Insurance Boats, Diesels, Stainless 9437 Wheatlands Ct Suites E,F,G,K, & L Santee, CA 92071 619-258-2575 FAX 619-258-9997 re ES;;;_7,::/::;ER -S') ~-------ENGINEER/N G FORD RACING PARTS: AAN6E.R2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN SJOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 P6. CATALOG. PHON£ (616) 444-4919 1438 POTR£RO FAX (616) 444-3046 SO. E.LMONTE., CA. Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "Good Stuff Directory" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $25.00 per month E-ZUP-INSTANT '\t ~ SHELTERS ""'-..5!116111~\. 'i FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON Sl-lcLTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS · AUTHORIZED DEALER ·CASTEX RENTALS 213-4€2-1458 PRE-RUNNER SPECIALIST • &,UMPERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LCMIERING ms • DUALLYS AIR l:IAG SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & DISPlAYS • AlY FM WORK EXPERT INSTALLATION & FAl:IRICATION Al("-ILAl:ILE FIBERGLASS FENDERS i. BEDSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 4010 N. f'.ALM STREET. UNIT 103 (714) 870-9.422 FULLERTON. CA. 92635 FAX (714) 870-9132' FOREMAN ---;.E>-RACE 'fJH.JCK ENGINEERJNG / DEVELOPMF:NT FABRICATIONS/ RACE.PREP CHARLIE FOREMAN (619) 467-9211 3438 LOCKWOOD DR. SAN DIEGO, CA g2123 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, Califomia 91935 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin · 4-08. 365 _ 9700 · ~lfsystems~ BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 8 10A S. ARTHUR AVE. · ARLINGTON HTS .. IL 60005 l'HONEt,(84 7) 259-3810 FAX: (84 7) 259-9705 THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN ,RACING YOU CAN BUY! USE_f' BY WALKER EVANS , ,. ·--:=~·7',rr Un FM1&1H111 :: ~ 1:~Ni:l~s1::E • Bumpers • Roll. Galles • Pre-Runners Sheet Metal & Aluminum Work Sand -Street -Dirt -Custom Metal fabrication -JAYSON RURY 818-842-8634 104 E. Providencia Ave., Burbank, CA 91502 WINNERS ARE USING j/litj FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (810)-294-5858 Fax (810)-293--0736 <.

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THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11_s. Fs,-Ilea!..... ~ CIII• wmu fllr all llllt43H524 ~ -FIEE catalDf Alrcnll .... -..iactwi ...... . 18062 Redondo Circle. Huntington Beach. CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (714) 842-2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 Off Road Style Fiberglass Fenders Graphite/ Cabon A & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fabrication GlASSWORKS Unllmlted-15341 Pipeline Lane #8 Huntington Beach. CA 92649 (714) 903-5644 d'HONDA ·1 123¥1•1·• PERSONAL WATERCRAFT JET BOATS I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (213) 877-7272 FAX (818) 766-9397 •~•o Hilla,afe In. &.alteside CA 92040 (fSl9J S6f•77S4 Pager 40S-2SSO B11.,L ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 Specializing in high per#or,nance Poflller s~eering ,or Racing Magna,iux inspec~ion available James Gang Racing and Products CNC Controlled Sheet Metal Manufacturing Facility Corq,lete Race Vehicle Development Design, Preparation and Fabrication SST. Alum and Tubing 13424 Imperial Hwy. James M. Hall Owner-Driver 562-921-2693 fax 562-926-0699 Santa Fe Springs, Ca. 90670 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~ II II I I ~1,a I~~ I I I LI I I LL~ I I Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 · (714) 632-1240 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 . 10965 HARTLEY RD. ~UITE A SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JON KINNE AUTO AND MARINE WIRING 809-F N. Lakeview Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Tel. 714- 779-2316 • Fax 714- 779-5012 RACECARRR~RUNNER PREP & FABRICATION CUSTOM TRAILERS £:~~:~ Russ Jones Motorsports CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 Fiberglass Fenders~ Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment Atascadero CA. 93422 (805) 466-4101 _...__:_ HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR . SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. .. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E STEERING THOMAS .£ LEE ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (113) 164-1136 (213) 264-~~ LEE MFG .. CO. 11661 PENDLETOM&TAEET SUN VAUEY, CA-91352 FAX (818) 798--2687 (818) 788-0371 A full line of Power Steering gears, pumps and acceuories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. . p~ RACING ENGINES Assembly • ·Machine Work • Parts Ken Major 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA. CA 91740 118:-&57-.RACE ll8-852-~852'F AX KENT LQTH:RINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING ·MAG.NAFLux · Service suspension. Transmission Engine QUALITY -RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 818-857-7223 YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net! SPECIALISTS/ PHONE (714) 441-1212 FAX. (714) 441-1622 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissioos Parts & Service 290 TROUSDALE #l&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 619-691-1000 FAX 619-691-1324 ~~ HEIAL/'1~5 VA/UHi!@ ':; ~ 1-1~ na w~ ,'..•~=ii F~t:• ; ~ .. ,. Qotl9 Petterson '. President .,,_ n12 Gloria Ave Unit 13 ''. van Nuys, CA914l8 ' Phone (811)~ Fax (818)788-7981 ;; EMail: 805-940-5515 ,

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ttaTORe TirANS ,111!, a Rl!l'IIIR nw•~•• MP ~-o:c~ MOHR PERFORMANCE •io twars ,Kl,._ !rfY 91.,,.,,..~ •llliat e OfllLUtfflf!lf Sl"eOIIUSTS ausp•Nllon ,Alf15 • sr,wra tulll"JI 760-947-MOHR .JOfL l'tOHR Mso· ar.:J ,,, Jr., ,a •4-;11 , ..... ,, • YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE • S • D ISTRIBUTORS • Wlf-lE.S • REV CONTROL AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1 480 HENRY BRENNAN DR. , EL PASO, TX 78836 19151 857-5200 • TECH LINE 19151 855-7123 • VISIT OUR WEB SITE www msd,gn1t1on com Dune Buggy Parts Race Car Parts Foreign Car Parts New Truck Acc. Dept. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 1 (800) 231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, AZ 85365 (520) 783-6265 • FAX (520) 783-1253 ,~W~(g)V~@'lfl SAFETY EQUIPMENT , MAXOI\I, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRING FOR RADIO &/ OR INTERCOM STIL.l.. ONLY S 12;. 2888 GUNDRY 4VE • SIGN-'L HILL, C4 90806 310-427-8177 800-869-5636 r-Fralcf s i PC"rformancc En~nee1·m~ . fl Jerry Penhall 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721· 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B Costa Mesa, CA 9262? • All Types of Steel U Aluminum Fabrication • Tuhe Beadinc • Aluminum U St.NI W.ldinc • Custom Machine Work • All Types of Race Cars 4851 W. Hacienda #4 Las Vegas, NV 89118 Bruce Fraley 702-365-9055 ,------------------~ I ORC I (@ RACING','.~u:S?.,,'i',,,:,~s I I GASOLINE I I, ~~~•rl',i~ II Race Radios 1· C.L. Bryant, Inc. • CommercialFuels&Lubes I I • High Performance Lubes I • On-Site Fuel Distribution I Fax: (602) 437-1306 Paul Sigmundson · 1-soo-399-4176 • Technical Assistance I 4107 E. Winslow #0 Office: (602) 437-8164 I 209-537-1565 fax I Ph0enix, AZ 85040 Mobile: (602) 377-1983 I • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. ~------~-----------~ OFF ROAO CHASS/I ~ 18124 GRAND AVE. I.AK& ELSINORII, CA 92930 Complete Off Road a~ Preparation 1ar Trucu a v.n:a -CU8TCM SU.l'IIN.ION • Pllll-flUN ntucu AXLII SIUIYlfl • WIILDINe a ,,,,...IIICA'f'ION No Dl•co ntumcit_ inn Montague lat.1974 OFF-ROAD TRUCK FIBERGLASS . -25 Years in the Fiberglass Business -Builder of 16 Factory Team Truck Bodies -Custom \folds and Repairs Trailer Products Inc. I 121 N. Buena Vista Hemet. Calif 92543 Ph 909-654-7334 ~R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 10427 San Sevaine Way., Ste. L Mira Loma, California 91752 HAROLD NICKS PORSCHE b,-\l\l stuh ~ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1ion Alloy, /,/d, :. ~ 25805 NE 46U. Avenue ~ t,RJdgefield, WA 98642 $ ;o~ ~ Phone ~.rj ~~ Fax 360-887-2000 on & 360-887-7279 •.e«u ORGANIZATION r\ High Pcrforrmncc \"8 RJcc Truck Sen..:s "Tbe True Dril'er's Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.6470 9-119 Ahraham\\av. Sec. B Santee, CA 92071-2584 I 040 South Main rreet. Fall brook. CA 92028 t"r\;>; 760-n.l-2117 l:-M.-\11. hajarac~ •fitth.cnm PHONI: 760-123-2117 RACING TRANSAXLES: · 1700 EAST MAIN ST. H CAJON, CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE 1619) 443-2480: S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOTu HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (702) 372-5335 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert · Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS• BA~mERS • \WIDOW,G • C,\R lETTERltlG • GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Gai:iay Circ!e • Hunt,ngt0·1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • F21 1714JE94-9567 ~ s~e~a~ ~~1(/ut e~~ tldtP~ 4S-4f0#/0~St. 760-:J47-.50.J2 1~_-eA 92201

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► --{!1~)~ ~~o (213)583-2404 '\ \ U/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL - FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith . Larry Smith Paramount, CA 562-531-0192 Long Beach 562-432-3946 Van Nuys, CA 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA 909-877-0226 Oxnard, CA 805-485-6900 Las Vegas, NV 702-643-9200 Al l Othe r Inqui r i es, _ contact Spo.rts Racing at P.O. Box 610, Long Beach, CA 90801 800-836-5355 ... DoN STEVES CHEVROLEl ~.: . ~ -.,. . .... 1'" i_......,.-,_..._,.. ,..~ .,,' ...,_~_;-1, 1 ........ · ... lil'i . llit-,:4:lt• • ' ·~ _.__.:_:~~~-,:=....: .s.,-: -~~::~:.:4'~~~ :: .• ' ·---=-··•¼·• e . ..-,. ASK FOR TUCKER Motorsports Di rector Sales & Leasing Whittier Blvd. at Harbor Lo Habra, California 90631 (310) 691-6704 (714)521-1102 Fox (310) 691-9396 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners ~ ~,;:t;._# , ,. You" auA&.JrY S,oH CoM,AHY'ff De~lgn· Fabrication . . Installation Darren Ebberts Tony Cerone (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 490 E PRINCELANO CT SUITE 4 CORONA CA 91 719 ,.. COMPUTERIZED VINYL GRAPHICS & LETTERING 11 IJtl I I ,.._ LO-C.OST t3LOG SIGNS (AU'. PROCESSES) J1;fL ,-. TRADE Sf-OW DISPLA"rS ,,.._ ,-... DETAILED& 1.-NIQUE DESIGNS . R,,._CING GR,,._,.HICS , .... H/..QUA.L/TY &\NNEo= "" FLEET VEHICLES ,-. ,-...;, ,~M,,._GNETICS ,_,_ LOGO REPfcVOUCT/ONS ,..._ R~L EST,,._TE · LOGO & GRAPHIC DESIGN _,.~ OEO'\LS OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS 'IV<LDING • FABRICA T/ON ' Fl.AME CUTTING • FRaVTEfJDS • REAR TRAILING ARMS RACE OIASSIS ' PRERUNNE$ • FOX RAONG SHOX 134,5 DYNAMICS. UN(T 0 ANAHEIM, C4 92806 LARRY ROSEVEAR PHONE {714) 996-6260 FAX {714) 996-6405 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are meretKis).oo per month. Trackside Photo O.ff-road race photography since 1970 Fidel Gonzales 805-578-34 70 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE, SUITE #A SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 TEL. • 619 / 449-9690 FAX • 619 / 449-8424 BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P 0 . Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 • Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 RACE CARS BAJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V W & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYOTA · 9 9728 F (6 19) 449 2678 P.O. Box 747, Moorpark, CA g· 3020 • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding ( 6 ] 9) 44 • . AX • 9419 Abraham Way, Suite ''A", Santee, CA 92071 Lorenzo Rodriguez 1---------......,,...,=======------i--------------'-----~--- • 515 So. Vermont, Glendora, CA 91740 · • (818) 914-8147 . -.,,., ~J·s Straight E 'n a = nt. ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano, CA 93544 805-261-3202 SUNDRY METAL SPlNf\;; ·· Phone (562) 928-9838 Fax (562) 928-0778 METAL SPINNING EXCELLENCE .. ALUMINUM ~ STEEL • BRASS • COPPER • STAINLESS 6831 Suva Street Bell Gardens, CA 90201 JOHN AVALOS OWNER I UiiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD (818) 998-2739 ~~ ~----,..., s V 9763 Variel Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Q) > ~ <1'. 0 l() Q) 0 "6 cr, C Cll ro ·-E E ~ 0 0 ~ z <ii .c 0 :5 . 0 Q) <fl g l() ro '<I'::: ~~ N C') <D N ~ ~ I'-'<!' '<I' l"-NOC':> N lD C\J co C') co I'-'<I' l"-000 ~o~ ~~~ <fl <1'. X <fl u <1'. LU LU U. ~o <f) -:::) <f) co ~ 0 =~~~r'~PAIKT /WP C04T/NG'S"-/;RAPIIICS* J,(JGOS 1 •~ J1J ~ MAINT£NANCF• Sf~I.IYAC..,Jf/f$R/Nt; * 760-949-1220 Automotive • ATV • Motorcycle 1815 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507, USA 909.369.5144 • 909.369.7266FAX WWW.WEBCAM I NC.COM

Page 45

THE ONLY REASON FOR NOT ADVERTISING IN Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR ~-HEUVINf{ CONSULTING f>u1111c RF.I ATIONS & MARKI: JINC: DUSTY TIMES lS BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN_ YOU CAN HANDLE From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service Eo Heuv1NK M.E.DIACT.NTRUM UTRECHT HENGEVELJ>STRAAT 19/416, J572 KH UTRECHT TIIE !"Q:THERLANDS TEL. 030-2722133, .FAX 0311-27226.\2 Monn,E ll6-s~2s,s88, HoMEIPRtVlo~. 0Jo-.2i10Jl!ls, 535 East Central Park Anaheim CA 92802 714-956-9457 pa ; ' . Off Road Race Truclfs • Road Racing PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C. JACOBS • PRESIDENT Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels Pre Runners • Engineering • Fabrication Dale White Racing 4115 Cameron #8 Las Vegas, NV 89103 l OZ-811-1661 Fax l OZ-811-6480 I s□o'sTATE MILL RDA□ AKRbN, OHIO 44319 .. 121_Bf644-7774. 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ 8~017 Jack Woods (602)"242-0077 LOOK FOR DUSTY TIMES. NEW WEB SITE Classified ... AUTOMOTIVE FOR. SALE: 1988 Ford Two wheel drive, Bronco, super clean, strong running 3 51, new auto, every option, 908 restored, trac loc differential, too many new parts to list! Like new, New rear dual shock setup included $8,500.00 will deliver, Or trade for pre-runner or Harley. (702) 852-1606. FOR SALE: Chevy Pre-runner, FOR SALE: 1988 F700 E~tended DON-A-VEEB!owOutSale-Tro-Wemimont Design, 350 hp motor Crew cab, New 6 speed diesel, Air, phy Truck: This is the winningest competition trans TH 400, Sum• . Captainschairs,$l6,500,46'FRP.5th Trophy Truck of 1997, 640hp V8 mersrearend,40gal.FuelSafe,front wheel tri axle 32' cargo, benches, Motor, Kuster coilover shocks by FOR SALE: 1962 VW Pre-Runner, A-anns, 19,, travel, rear trailing arms, ramp, 4' side door, 2 vehicles, 35' LeDuc all the way around. BFGs on 1970cc, 091 Bus trans, 3x3 Woods, 23" travel, Wernimont shocks & awning, 14' living, fully equipped, b,eadlocks, great spares package. TBype4Wc.vgh.s,S6';,abey-A-Wayk,S&ummers coilovers, (6) 35" Baja TAs on $19,300.00 or package $32,000.00 Racesupportandsponsorshipnego-ros., ri t am, rac pinon, Alcoas, 96 fiberglass, much more, (414) 629-9035 or (414) 870-7586. tiable! Call Baja Brokers Ref #638 Beard, 26 gal tank, 13" wheel travel, k p $79,900.00 ALSO CLASS 8: full & h • · d serio~s turn-ey re-runner, Perfect Pre-Runner Package - (1) cage c ass1S, street registere ' $35,000.00 (714) 891-0165. Dana 60 rear-end, 66.5" Flange-to- SOLD, Keep an eye out for this smog exempt, car show winner, ..;.;;..;'-'----""--'-..:.<......;....;;.....;......;..;...__ Cherokee with a new paint job at $8,000.00Call (310) 715-1515. LASfCHANCEYOUMOOKS!! Flange, 4.56:l, Moser axles, Disc the Baja 500. ALSO; Stock Mmi: FOR SALE FAT T 4AG No sale this time, I keep her. Class 5 brakes, Big drive studs, (5) 35" F buil b Do AV : oyota BFGoodn'ch Ba1·a T/'A ... pes on (5) actory · t Y n- · ee racing, 1650cc · l Ra d 2180 sedan, Bus box w/Hewland cu 4 d A Rall /Ra'd hi l engme comp ete. ce rea y, W Alcoa 15x8" Wheels drilled out c:or w ' wesome y 1 ve c e, fresh$6 500 004 pd Ro ___ 1 gears, Sway-A-ay, Mastercraft, 11 11 c: ,_c: · B · B , . s , se trans liXle, h b' d (2) f c: ca 1or more uuormatJ.on. a1a ro-FOR SALE: Class 13/8 SODN 3 extra R&P, gear £_or type 4 vw., KYB suspension. As good as could . · t e 1g stu s, ront rotors ior kers Ref #644 $39,900_00_ Check CORR W ' H al 1 l be b il 15 Chevy spindles w ;big studs. Take it omens eavymet ega extra gear for Toyota engm· e. Race u t years ago, now a great out our NEW website at k Al 5 finish · Class 'd · th b k $4 500 00 bo . all for $1800.00 Mike at (760) 723-truc · ways top er m ready, fresh $5,000.00 (503) 618- n e m e out ac , · 0 www.bajaconcepts.cotn. (760) 723-13 and championships truck in 8823 wkdays. (408) 227-9116. 2117· 2117. woman's 3 years in a row. Pro power ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■-■---'■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■ motor 550 hp LeDuc bypass shocks ■ J • on rear.· 4 Coilover Kuster. Parker • $ell or swap your extra parts an pieces in • Pumper. 2 sets of body panels, MSD • , CJ • ignition.BeadlocksFord9"wtMark : DUSTY TJM£.:,. : Williams37,splinerodes.Howesteer-■ ■ ing gear sweet steering pump, over ■ Classified Advertising rate is only $20 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phon~ number. Add $5.00 for use ■ $60,000 invested $20,000.00 firm • of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7". NEW AND RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO : Call (920) 757-6839 or (920) 733- : DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, • 6689. ■ enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED ■ FOR SALE: 1968 Baja under const. 2180, dual Delortors, Bus trans & spare cage, new Beard Seats, tires, brakes, shocks, etc. Calif. title, widow will consider all reasonable offers. Call eves (520) 775-2653, Prescott, AZ. Dusty Times ■ -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. ■ Enclosed is $ ----(Send check or money order, no cash) Name _____________________ -'-----------Address Phone -----------------------------City State __ Zip ________ _ Please run ad ___ times Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 207 51 Marilla Street Chatsworth CA 91311-4408 • ■ • • • ■ • ■ • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• July 1998 Page 45

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FOR SALE: Class 10, 2 seat Raceco. FAT Toyota 175 hp. Fresh Type 2 transmission 4.86. Beard seats, Wright arms/spindles, Saguna P/S, Bilstein coilovers, CNC front hubs/ discs, Summer Bros. Outboard Hubs/ disc. 930 c.v.s, Sway-A-Way torsion rear with torsion secondaries. Alumi-num radiator. Fast and strong spares. $15,000.00. Denny (707) 795-2488. FOR SALE: Chevy Pre-runner, Wernimont Design, 350 hp motor competition trans TH 400, Summers rear end, 40 gal.. Fuel Safe, front A-arms, 19" travel, rear trailing arms, 23" travel, Wernimont shocks & coilovers, (6) 35" Baja T As on Alcoas, 96 fiberglass, much more, serious turn-key Pre-runner, $35,000.00 (714) 891-0165. FOR SALE: '82 Ford F150, 2WD, built 302, Art Carr C-6, Trussed Ford 9", full cage, 1 7'' front travel, triple Bilsteins, Fox 2.0 rear 7 /8 shaft, 16" travel, 95. front clip, fiberglass bed sides, Beard buckets, new custom red J?aint, 35" BFGs, very clean, $12,000.00 obo. (702) 293-6660. FORSALE: 2-1600ChenowthChris tool racing engine. JG trans, Fox shocks, UMP power steering, ALSO 2-1600 pre-run Fox· shocks, Power steering, older Raceco, both for $15,000.00 obo or separate Call L J (714) 538-8098. FOR SALE: Porsche 3.5 Carrillo rods, twin plug heads, electromotive fuel injection, 340 hp, has proven to be a flawless performer prepped by Castillo Motorsports. $15,000.00 or trade for two seat long travel pre-runner of equal value. Stuart Chase (818) 841-2316. FOR SALE: 1-1600 short course · chassis with 2180 type 1., 02 trans, Hewland, Wright spindles, rack, arms. New dura blue stuh;, 930, SAW torsions & axles. Bump stops, Fox clickers, stripped and repainted, all susp maged. $8,000.00 or $4,000.00 less motor, trans. 02 desert trans geared for Class 10, all Hewland, $1,500.00 Type 4, 2400 Porsche rods, 100 mm p/c, stoker crank, web 44s 2 It heads $1,850.00. 091 Class 1 geared trans, 4.57 r/p, ftc 3rd, 4th 4 spider dif, built for spare, never raced $1,400.001600heads, titanium, car-bon fib p/rods $300.00. Call Dennis Dugan at pager (209) 736-3007 or after 7pm (209) 586-1967. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Aceco pro race Dune Buggy. This car has all the tricks. It just needs a real driver. New powder coat, Ground up prep. All professionally done, I might add! Buy it, kick a little •--, take down some names and make me look bad for sell-ing this cream puff. $16,999.00. Joe (714) 632-1240. 1990 Superlite -380cc Water-cooled Honda motor, Aluminum radiator, Bus c. v.s, SAW Axles, BFGs on head-locks, Fox air Shox, Fuel Safe, Disc brakes, On-Board Aame Out, Baja Brokers Ref #653. $5,000.00 (760) 723-2117 Check out our new website at FOR SALE: FAT TOYOTA 4AG Class 10 engine. Fresh engine, built and maintained by FAT. All the lat-est upgrades, Electromotive ignition, etc. Complete package ready to in-stall, includes Ron Davis radiator and many spare parts. $ 7,000.00 obo Call Mike (562) 591-5665 ext 241 days M-F. PIKE'S SERV,-ICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS Mobil SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 46 FOR SALE: 14 Bilsteins, 2 Parker Pumpers, Intercom, Wright Rack, Woods Arms and Spindles, Power Steering, Halon & COi Fire Suppres-sion Systems, Hydraulic Clutch, Oil Cooler and Fan, Fuel Safe, 3x3 Rear Arms, Fresh 1835cc Won 24 hrs LeFud in 94, (Class 5), 3rd overall points, Class 100, 1995 (Fud) stored for 2 years. (Box needs to be_ changed . Spare included) Nice car. Make of• fer (310) 373;;;;;:-5=43=3=. ======; FOR SALE: SCORE Class 12-Neth frame - Fat motor, Penhall front and rear suspension - All the good stuff with lots of spare parts-everything must go! $15,000.00, Takes it all -Call (714)-241-7001. FOR SALE: 1973 Ford FlOO Full cage, new interior, ultra Beards,. Gauges, new built 390 V8, posi rear end, bent I-beams, dual shocked, AC, PS, PB, new paint, headers, smog exempt, daily driver, $4,750.00 obo Jim. (310) 542-2977. • Dodge RAM.Class 8 -Awesome 500 cid V8 by Walker Evans Racing hooked to a special Torqueflite 727 tranny w/custom torque converter. 55 gallon fuel cell, A-arm front sus-pension, King Coilover/Bypass, CNC Calipers, Quarter Elliptic rear, Chrisman, Eagle GPS. This truck is beautiful! It is like new with only 6 races on it, ever! The best of every-thing was used and it is well main-tained, Call for more details at Baja Brokers Ref #651, $85,000.00 (760) 723-2117. Check out our new website at·aconce FOR SALE: THE BEST CLASS 10 MONEY CAN BUY: '97 Jimco SS Mid-Engine Toyota A-Arm. Only 3 races on this state of the art Jimco "turn key" car. FAT's best 4AG, Fortins best 5 speed, Kuster bypass shocks, Summers etc. Meticulous attention to de-tail, powder coating, prepped w/ spares. Can easily be converted to Class 1. Over $70K invested, Ask-ing $45K. (760) 723-2117. Check our our new website at FOR SALE: Cleaning out garage numerous motor, re~r ends, body, and suspension parts. Some brand new, some used, some hard to find. Way to much to list in one ad. For a complete list call Robert (417) 581-5250 between 12-8pm Pacific Time . July 1998 AMERICAN RALLY SPORT GROUP -The ARSG is pleased to announce the International Rally, to be held in and around Laughlin, Nevada on December 4-6, 1998. The Rally will feature a prize fund of at least $20,000.00, television coverage, a new Stock Sport Utility Class, a Pickup Class :for street legal off road pre-runners and a Vintage Car Class. For more info call 702-384-3760 ot WHERE ARE THEY NOW? • Jimmie Johnson is now driving in the ASA Stock Car Serie"s and has a second and a third place finish and is leading in the Rookie Points for the season. Rick Johnson is driving the Herzog truck in the CORR Series, replacing Jimmie Johnson and Larry Noel is in Mike Leslie's truck. CORR SERIES, RACE 1 -The first race in the series was held at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, bright and sunny on Saturday and rain all day Sunday. . We will have a complete rundown on the race in the next issue but for the nonce, here are some of the results. In the PRO Divisions, Pro 2: The Chevrolet of Dan Vanden Heuvel is the points leader, Scott Taylor's Ford is second, the Chevy of Tommy Bradley is just one point out of second, Evan Evans' Chevy is in fourth place, and the Ford of Larry Noel has the fifth spot and one near and dear to our heart, Brendan Gaughan lies in seventh in his Chevrolet. In the PRO 4 Division, Rob MacCachren and Curt LeDuc·are tied for the lead in points, Scott Douglas is third, Gerald Foster is in fourth and Kevin Probst is in the fifth spot. In the Pro Lite Division, Johnny Greaves has a 10 point lead, Jeff Kincaid is in second-spot, Mike Brue is in third, Art Schmitt is in fourth while Al Walentowski is holding down the fifth position. The manufacturers points are being led in Pro 2 and 4 by the mighty Bowtie group and Toyota leads in the Pro Lite Group. FOR SALE: 97 Chenowth 2 seat Class 1, Toyota Tacoma, Fortin DGN5 speed, Kusters front & rear, FodFab front end, 934 c.v.s, Sum-mers rear hubs, CNC front hubs, prepped w/spares, over $70K in-vested, best of everything, $47,500.00 complete oho, or $28,500.00 less motor & trans obo. Jeff (602) 978-3073. FOR SALE: CLASS 1-1600 Race Ready, Built and maintained by PBA MOTOR SPORTS. 1996 & 1997 VORRA class champion. Best of Everything, FOX, Beard Super Seat, power steering, Wright, Suspension Unlimited Arms, Fuel Safe, Ump Fil-ter, Summer Bros. Drive axles, Pre-cision Alloy Stubs and flanges. Sway-A-Way front ~prings, PBA engine and trans. $9,000.00 firm. Arden (209) 836-9468. FORSALE: RacecoClass 1 A-Arm, Super clean from complete rebuild. Fresh 2.6 dry sump Type 4 and DG300 5-speed trans. Fox coilover with Kuster bypass. Front and rear Fox Air bumps, Summers Bros. front and rear. Outboard hubs, 930 c.v.s, Tommy Lee steering, Chenowth WHITE LIGHTNING SPECIAL: . shifter. 20" front and rear travel. For sale: Dale White's Class 8 Chevy · BEG's on Beadlock Centerlines. Call truck, Superbitchin', By-pass shocks, John (760) 337-6108 or (760) 344-710 hp motor by Shaver, MSD, BFGs 2056 $28,000.00 obo. on headlocks, "Factory" Chevy, Ul-tra clean and professionally built, USED PARTS: Lots of Shrouds Tl/ Fresh rebuild! A solid finisher, Ref T 4 shrouds, Chenowth 2 seat alumi-#634. Support packages available num. roof, $125.00; many VW Tor-through T earn White Lightning! · · sion bars, $20-$50; Stock Car prod-$79,000.00. ALSO available less mo- ucts spindles, $145 pair; Jamar Mas-tor/trans for le~•??? Call Baja Brokers ter Cylinders, $25; 9" Housing w/ for package breakdown at (760) 723. Sl\mmers Flanges Axles, $750.00; 2117. Check out our NEW website SAW Torsion Adjuster Fingers, $20-at 30; 12" Bilsteins w/reservoirs, $100; FOR SALE: 1989 Raceco 2-1600, SCORE legal, Major Motor, Men-deola Trans, FODFAB Arms/ Spindles, Fox Shox, SAW Tbars/ Lsprings, 181 drums/stub axles, UMP PS, Wright R&P, Heims, Jamar shifter, Pumper, Flameout, CNC, C.v. 930s., Centerlines ·w/Yokoha-mas, Mastercraft/Beard. $8,500.00 obo George (915) 857-2293 after 6:30 . m. 1/2/5-1600 Front trailing arms, $3 50; Huge air bumps, $200; Ranger slid-ing rear window, $40; Oil Coolers, $40-$70; Aluminum Radiators, $100; Boxes oflights, $10-55; Empty Flames out Bottle, $45; Limiting straps up the wazoo, $10; Keith.Black 440cid VS Dodge Motor, $3,500; 32" Eibach 3.75" ID coils, $200; Super- . trapp 19" Stainless Steel Muffler, $120.00; Mogi Race C-6 with · Torque Converter, $1,200.00; Chrisman Rear Enc (less hubs), $2,000.00; Lots of tires including 33x12.50-15YokoSD5s and315fi0-15 BFG SportTruck T/As (great · short course rear tire!} in great shape! (760) 723-2117 The Second Lap -Soon you will be able to browse our inventory on-line at Dusty Times -r

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FOR SALE: Class 11: Sway-A-Way, BFGs, Beard seats, Bilstein$3,500.00. Call John for Details, Afternoon and evenings (760) 868-5694. FOR SALE: 97 Chenowth 2 seat Class 1, Toyota Tacoma, Fortin DON 5 speed, Kusters front & rear, FodFab front end, 934 c.v.s, Sum-mers rear hubs, CNC front hubs, prepped w/spares, over $70K in-vested, best of everything, $47,500.00 complete obo, or $28,500.00 less motor & trans obo. Jeff (602) 978-3073. FULLY EQUIPPED RACE SUP-PORT VEHICLE -1979 F-600 Hauler 429cid V8, 5 speed Tranny with 2 speed Eaton Rear End, Fresh tires, Plenty of room for a race car, (2) 100 gallon Fuel Tanks, Snap-on tool Cabinet complete w/tools, Pro-pane/Electric fridge, running water w / toilet and sink, Lincoln AC/DC welder, Microwave, 12/1 lOV light-ing, belly boxes, bin full of nuts/bolts/ washers, race radio, stereo, sleeps one over the cab, need we go on? This has it all. Surviving the desert is about being self-sufficient and this truck definitely fits the Bill. Baja Brokers Ref #554 $16,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 11-12 Buggy. One or two seater. 6 Fox shocks, 5 gallon fuel safe, 1 fire suit, harnesses, 3 trans-missions and lots of extra engine parts. $2,800.00 OBO MUST SELL Call 715 735-3982 AFTER 3:00 1994 Chenowth 2 seater: Includes Hewland 00 300 transaxle. Needs motor and wiring. Wright front end, drop spindles, Coilover/T orsion front and rear, CNC hubs and disc brakes, Summers Bros. Outboard hubs w/ 930c.v. joints, Beadlock rear wheels, Complete fresh prep and car is in immaculate condition! Call for more details Ref #648 $19,000.00 (706) 723-2117 Check out our NEW website at·aconce THE ELUSIVE 2 SEAT A-ARM CAR-1998 Lothringer Class 1, only the best of everything was used to build this car. Huge KING coilover and bypass shocks, CNC pedals, front hubs and billet calipers, Fortin transaxle, Beadlock wheels, 934.5 c.v. joints, Fortin rack and pinion, PCI race radio, Wiks 2888cc Type 4 with 200 + HP, no expense spared and this car just got 1st place overall at MOR 250, Baja Brokers Ref #643 $58,000.00 (760) 723-2117 Check out our NEW website at super-laugh, triple coaled conslruclion • 10 year Bladder warranty • Safety foam battling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers ;!" • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is our top-of-the-line racing cell that comes ready to install and it's backed by a tull 10 year wa"anty. Dusty Times • Custom manufactured fillers • (BOO) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience e For more info call Or write to: Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc., 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, California 92648 (800) 433-6524 (714) 842-2211 FOR SALE: CLASS 1, single seat, 94' RCD (Race Car Dynamics) chassis. Former Sourapas/Fortin, Pate/Ewalt. 2nd pl 97' Primm: LIGHT and strong 1,956 lbs wet. Major/McDowell 2.9 Type N. Fortin rear hubs, trans, racd. Sweet, CNC, FOX 3" bypass rear, SAWZ"bypassfront, 934.5 c.v.s, 20" front, 21" rear, ground up prep, new (Wild Wash) front end and body, no expense spared, thousands in spares including 19 BFGs on Centerlines, spindles, etc. LIKE NEW, Call for list of parts. $39,000.00 obo Call Bill (619) 435-8936. FOR SALE: Smog Exempt 72 Ford ZWD-Pro-built, very streetable 400hp, C6 manual shift kit and shifter, SVO parts, HD torque con-verter, ORD beams w/lift coils, modi-fied leaf packs, 9", 4.10 Detroit Locker, 3 5" Mud terrains, Fresh beau-tiful RED paint, With some suspen-sion added this would make a great pre-runner, $6,500.00 Baja Brokers Ref #586 (760) 723-2117. Checkout our new website at FOR SALE: A PROVEN WIN-NER!! Jimco, single seat, A-Arm, Class 1. Type 4 motor, Fortin DON trans, Bilstein shocks, the best of ev-erything. This-car is fresh, lite, fast · and ready to win. Call John Herder 520 690-9765 $45,000.00 obo. FOR SALE: 95 Ford Ranger 7S Fresh Esslinger 2.3 4 cyl, stroker motor, 2-2 BBL 44 Weber carbs, Mogi C-4 Tranny, 44 gal. Fuel Cell, BFG.33-1050 Custer Shocks Ford 9" Rear, 40 spline axles, Aame Out. Fresh Prep race ready, many spares $38,000.00 Consider some trade. 1600-10 car or ? 40' enclosed goose neck race trailer avail. (702) 457-2809. BOATS FOR SALE: 1988 21' Eliminator Daytona Jet boat, 454 Chevy with 671 blower, tunnel, 7 color fade, Eagle tandem trailer, must see to ap-preciate, fast, wet, fun, $15,300.00 (414) 629-9035, or (414) 870-7586. JOB OPPORTUNITIES WHITE LIGHTNING RACING IS HIRING: Fabricator, Prep techni-cians and crew for off road and pave-ment racing. Send resumes to Dale White 4175 Cameron St. #8, Las Vegas, NV 89103. SPONSORSHIP FOR SALE: Need sponsorship? TV exposure is the way. Work with the best. Producers of the SCORE news TV show will create a promo Video/ CD-Rom for you or your team. In Car ~camera systems also for sale. Call the pros - Shoemaker Productions (714) 966-1007. SNORE Corner INDEX To Advertisers Baja Concepts .................................... 31 Baker Performance Products .......... 32 Barbary Coast, Gold Coast, Orleans Hotels ................................ 9 Best In The Desert ............................ 33 Bilstein Cp. Of America ........................... 5 Cactus Racing ...................................... 35 Camburg Engineering ........................ 13 CORP (Caachanillas Off Road Promotions) ................... 15 Donahoe Racing Enterprises ............ 35 Fast Wheels ....................................... 39 FAT Performance .............................. 39 Fox Racing Shox ................................... 4 Fresh Air Systems ............................. 17 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ...................... 47 German Auto ...................................... 16 Hyercoils ............................................. 10 Kawaguchi Honda .............................. 23 King Shock Tech ................................ 34 McKenzie Performance Products .... 22 Mojave Desert Racing ....................... 29 Nevada Off Road Buggy .................... 30 PCI Race Radios and Equipment.. ....... 2 Pike's Family Restaurant ................. 46 Premier Racing Products ................. 27 Race Ready Products ........................ 19 SNORE ...................................... , ..... 24-25 Spec Truck Inc ................................... 20 Sway-A-Way Corp ................................. 7 Summit Off Road Racing Association ....................... 21 Toyota Motorsports ........... Back Cover Toyota Motorsports .......................... 12 Trans axle Engineering ...................... 18 Tri-Mil Industries ...................... : .. : .... 36 Valley Performance ........................... 37 Whitestone ......................................... 38 Yarnelf Specialties ............................ 27 If you need information as to race dates, entry fees or where to stay for a SNORE race, call the SNORE Hotline at 702-452-4522 or you may contact the following SNORE Officers or Board Members. President Robin Maassberg 702-564-7123 Vice Pres. Ed McCormick 702-655-9300 Secretary Julie Streuber 702-391-3173 Treasurer Colette Shirley 702-897-2173 Race Steward Ken Freeman, Jr. 702-564-5585 Doug Ingram 702-656-4777 Don Dayton 702-452-4916 Mike Looney 702-565-4986 Billy Goerke 702-263:...6684 · Jeff Carr 702-255-6230 Regan Gubler 702-658-7087 Dale Looney 702-565-4046 Joe Jackson 702-645-1868 Keith Underwood702-270-6633 Ken Flippin Jr 702-636-6234 Eddie Webb 702-293-7331 Bob Guevera 702-363-7155 Carlton Shirley702-897-2173 . ' Clay Carr 702-228-9856 July 1998 Page 47

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What drives a man on and on to the next competition, the next victory and then to the next challenge after that? What drives a man to push the limits of his endurance, his courage, his desire? What drives a man with a 53-year-old body to continually subject himself to an environment so hostile, so thoroughly unforgiving, that it forces men half his age into early retirement? What drives this phenomenon known as Ivan Stewart? Passion. An iron will. And a prototype V8 powerplant from Toyota. TOYOTA RACING DEVELOPMENT TOYOTA Everyday