Volume ·14 -Number 6 -June 1997 $2.00 ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt
Curt LeDuc Winner Parker 400 Trophy Truck Class • EXTERNAL VALVING ADJUSTl\1ENTS MAKES DAMPEN-ING CHANGES A CINCH. • CUSTOMER RK-RUILDABLE • 3 INCH DIAMETER SHOCKS AVAILABLE IN 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 AND 18 INCH STROKES. • 2 INCH DIAMETER SHOCKS AVAILABLE IN 6, 8, 10, 12 SHOCKS AND 14 INCH STROKES • ALSO AVAILABLE, BYPASS SHOCKS, INTERNAL AND EX-TERNAL. ALONG WITH S\V A Y-A-\V A Y BUMP STOPS jWArlWAr ~~) f ~~G~~)m f ~f G~Mf lfff t~J!rn j~~Gt lmf ~~~ mu G~~rm~r r~ f ~~mGf M~ ~fll r~f M AW~b ~m ~~~ ll~f ~f ~lb~ ~~~urr f rnm~M~~ff f ~~wa~ AND AIR JACKS. _,,,.QINW/11/NI ~~~ ~ ~)r4~-~ ~.WAY SUSPENSION COMPONENTS 20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 Fax 818-700-0947 swayaway@hotmail.com
Volume 14 - Number 6 June 1997 DllliJlilDIBI Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera' Photography Carol Clark Jim Culp John Elkin Homer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martin Holmes Daniel Mainzer Jimmy Messick Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith Trackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry Worsham ~ IIIMlnllr/<tflimJladlw• Subscription Rates: $20.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request ' Contributions: DUSTY.TIMES welcomes unsolicited contri-butions, but is not responsible for such material. Unso-licited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright by Hill-side Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and ar additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new ad-dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20.75 I Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. Snapshot of the Month ... This month we honor the memory of Jean Calvin, a true champion of the sport we all love, a life long competitor who never gave up the pursuit .of excellence in eyerything she did. We shall miss her terribly, but none shall miss her more than I. In This Issue ... FEATURES Page Best In The Desert Tonopah 300 By John Calvin...................................... 8 MOR Wild Wash 250 By Jimmy Messick ................................................... 10 Profile -Art Savedra By Glenn Neese .......................................................... 12 Rall ye de Portugal By Martin Holmes ......................................................... 14 Doo Wop 3 and 4 Rally By Jim Culp .......................................................... 16 VORRA Prairie City By Troy Robinson ...................................................... 18 Doo Wop PRO Rally By Jim Culp .............................................................. 22 M .O.R.E. Mighty Mojave 230 By Jimmy Messick .... .................................. 24 America 2000 Rally By John Elkin ...................................... ...................... .. 26 Brisbane Stadium Grand Prix By Darryl Smith ........................... ................ 28 In Memorium ........................................................................................... .... 34 DEPARTMENTS Happenings................................................................................................... 4 Trail Notes .................................................................................................... 4 Checkers By The Big Wahzzoo ..................................................................... 30 Mag-7 By Phillip Breedlove .............................. .. ............................ _. ............ 30 Good Stuff Directory ....... ................................. .. ......................................... 36 Classified Ads ............................................................................................... 41 Index To Advertisers ..... .............................................. .................................. 43 ON THE COVER -Steve Houston flies high and mighty in the neat looking Raceco as he soars to v"ictory in the MOR Wild Wash 250, taking Class 2 handily and the overall honors too, with a very fast 49 .2 mile per hour average speed. Kyle Taylor was the big winner at the Best in the Desert Tonopah 300, winning Class 8 by a yard and the overall by a foot, running the rugged course in just over six hours in the desert terrain. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. S~7~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING on ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$20.00 □ !2 years -$30.00 □ 3 years -$40.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus .. Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _________________________ _ Address _______________________ _ City ________________________ _ Stace _____________ Zip ___________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818)882-0004 ,-::anadian - 1 year $25 .00 U_.S. • Overseas subscription rates on request) Dusty Times June 1997 . Page 3
Trail Notes ... SCORE PRI~M 300 --With warm temperatures and a good breeze the SCORE Prnnm 300 was run in good fashion and in good time too. Cun LeDuc was first off t_he line in the Jeep Grand Cherokee Trophy Truck and he ended up with first TT and the Overall as well. Curt is looking at an undefeated season and it is well within the realm of possibility. Second ~cross the finish line was Mike Julson, driving his own Crear10n, a J1mco and he was Aying too, finishing the course in five hours and seven minutes. Third overall, first in Class 10 went to Bill Hernquist and fourth overall, first in Class 8 went to Brian Collins, his first victory in the Chevy truck. Other winners at the Primm were Brad Maurer in 1/2-1600. George Seeley who captured Class 5, Chevy scoring another win in Class 7 with Larry Roeseler in the stirrups, Darrin Skilton in the Kia in Class 3, Eric Pavelka in Class 5-1600, Don McCarthy in Class 7S, Lobsam Yee from Mexicali in Class 9, Victor Barajas in Class 11, Robert Haley in Stock Full, John Kearney in Stock Mini, Steve Barlow in a Ford Protruck and last bur not Least, Danny Anderson and Rob MacCachren in the Class 12 SCORE Lites. The course was rough, there was lots of dust ant silt, ·there V:.as some hitting in the blinding silt and lots of rollovers, but there were no serious injuries and most all we talked to had a good rime, win lose or DNF. · The fourth race of the SCORE '97 series will be the Baja 500, June 6, 7 and 8 111 Ensenada for another round of fun and frolic. CHOINIERE WINS IN WASHINGTON -- Paul Choiniere continued his winning ways in the Wild West Rally in Olympia, Washington with Jeff Becker riding shotgun, they defeated the second place team by over six and ~ ~alf minutes. This is Choiniere's first national victory in a Hyu1:da1 Tiburon. They won the Doo Wop Pro Rally some weeks before and from the looks of it, Libra Racing is going to have a very successful year. (See Story Page 22) GLEN HELEN -ROUND THREE --Glen Helen Round Three took place on April 13 ar rhe newly named Glen Helen Raceway and the usual gang had themselves a good day of racin'. Scott Akerly rook Class 1, Chad Gall won Super 1600, Class 9 belonged to Dan Mustoe, Tim Highfill got rhe gold in C lass 5, 5-I 600 was the showplace of David Anckner, Steve Bishop took his thousandth something win in Class 10, Raul Flores took rhe Class 7 win. Bill Barnes took Stock Mini 2WD, Class 75 saw Rick Huseman raking the checkers and Class 85 belonged to Dan Cannon in some really tight competition. (See full story next month.) SAAB SPONSORS PRO RALLY TV --Saab Cars USA will sponsor rhe first two SCCA Pro Rallies which will be shown on ESPN2. For all of us rally fans here is the PRO Rally coverage schedule as we know it. Wild West, May 3, 7:00 p.m. and May 19, 4:00 a.m. -Rim ofrhe World, June 1, 7:30 p.m. and June 4 , 2:00 a.m. -Susquehannock Trail, June 29, 8:30 p.m. and July l, 3:30 a.m. -Maine Forest, August 17, 3:30 p.m. and August 20 2:00 a.m. - Lake Superior, November 9, 7:30 p.m. and November 13, 2:00 a.m. -Maine Winter, December 27, 1 :00 p.m. and December 29, 1 :00 a.m. Consult your local directory as we're not sure if these are Pacific Times or Eastern. PERRIS CANCELS OFF ROAD SERIES -- Perris Auto Speedway announced that they were cancelling the balance of the '97 Stadium Off Road Racing Series because oflack of entry. Ir always pains us when a series fails, either short course or in the desert because we know of the time and effort involved to get a series moving and if you can't get enough cars and trucks to make it worthwhile you're out of business. Perris Speedway however remains open and racing other venues of cars, Sprints etc., so get on down there and support them in their "Non Off Road Racing" schedule. SCORE RELOCATION --SCORE has left their long rime home in Las Vegas. They are now searching for adequate facilities on the Los Anqeles area. Sal Fish explained that because they (SCORE) now have no employees in the Las Vegas area it makes sense· to relocate their offices to an area more suitable to their existing staff, all of whom live in the southern California area. Phone number and FAX currently are: (818) 397-2863 and FAX (818) 340-5442. Temporary mailing address is: 22287 Mulholland Highway, Suite 405, Calabasas, CA 91302. When permanent quarters are established we will publish address and new phone numbers if applicable. IVANS NEW TOY --The brand new Toyota TlOO VS engine has undergone much testing on the dyno and in the desert and Ivan Stewart is rarin' to go with it. The VS replacement engine develops over 500 horsepower and is scheduled for Ivan to drive in the Baja 500 and the 1000 in November. "With every second of test time I get, I become . more confident" says Ivan, reacting to the increase of over 150 horsepower over the V6. The V8 engine will be available in the TlOO production Toyota truck in the fall of 1998. MORE SCORE/SNORE --Due to circumstances beyond their control, SCORE has been forced to move their Laughlin date and the only date acceptable to the Laughlin people is September 26 and 27. Unfortunately, that is the date used by SNORE for the past 28 years for the infamous SNORE 250. Both SCORE and SNORE have assured us that they are working on a solution that would be acceptable to all. Stay tuned, film at eleven. Page 4 1997 Happenings ... ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AllTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose del Cabo Baja California del Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 011-18-07-3298-5522 May 25, 1997 Goondiwindi, WLD July 13, 1997 Kempsey, NSW August 17, 1997 Griffith, NSW September 21, 1997 Mt. Gambier. SA AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class IO cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Blainville, Quebec, Canada K 7B I II I (514) 434-5792 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31 /163 Mexicali. BC, Mexico Mexicali (65) 5542-83 Off Road Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD. S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 June 20-22, 1997 Silver· State 300 Mesquite, NV to Ely, NV (point to point) September 18-20, 1997 Vegas to Reno 500 Mile point to point race BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 SOAP BOX ... Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627 B.O.R.E. May 3, 1997 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 5, 1997 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 6, 1997 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-I HO (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1997 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box IOI Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 4 78-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Chizma, CRS Director 521 Los Angeles Ave., # F Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 523-1387 Michael Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 935558 (619) 375-8704 August 9-10, I 997 Gorman Ridge Frazier Park, CA September 6-7, 1997 Tree line Palmdale, CA October 3-5, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ November (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada C.O.D.R.A. Central Oregon Desert Racing Association Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541 ) 389-2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION CJ. Richards C.O.D.R.A. News status of Millican Valley OHV Area By Terry Silbaugh, Central Oregon Desert Racing Association Well, the Millican Valley ORV Management Plan is finally out and we are mad. After six years of attending meetings to give our in-put, which is what the B.L.M. said they wanted, we have not been given much of anything to use. They gave us only three months in which to get in a season of racing, eliminated many miles of trails, and want to spend $1. 24 million to do it. In short, we have been given the shaft. I know most of the COD RA members and many oth-ers have received the plan and have read for themselves so I won't go into any more detail. As a racer/ promoter and casual rider, I am upset. As a taxpayer I am insulted and will not take this lying down. ~e are going to appeal the deci-sion. They rook the first shot and won round one. For round two, the B.L.M. went to the Oregon ATV June 1997 Funding Committee and re-quested $89,000 of OUR money to make what they are trying to have us believe would be improve-ments to OUR area. Well, we also went tot he funding committee meeting and told our side. With us were representatives from most area ATV-OHV and racing orga-nizations. We won round two, the B.L.M. did not get a nickel. Round three will be the formal appeal process. We have a lot of support from the mentioned groups as well as the casual riders . I am also going to ask the Blue Ribbon Coalition to help us. To help them help us, it would be a very wise move for each of us to join the Blue Ribbon Coalition. You can get membership info from most motorcycle shops. To quote a famous rock star, Ted Nugent, in a statement he made recently in Washington, D.C., P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr I 091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 June 21, 1997 July 26, 1997 August 23, 1997 September 27, 1997 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLllB AllTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USAJanWright(0ll 5261746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club PO.Box3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz. President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-60 80 May 24, 1997 San Felipe San Felipe, BC, MX August 1-3 ,1997 (Tentative) Santa Veronica Summer '97 Tecate Area October I 0-12, 1997 Carrera De La Raza Laguna Salada 180 Mexicali West CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 November 4,26, 1997 Southern California CORVA Jamboree Frank Rains Park . Lloyd Losinger I 800 42 CORVA Ext. 501 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 9820 I ''.The federal government works for we the people and we are not happy". I know many of you wrote to the B.L.M. about your concerns for Millican Valley. They received over 100 letters of support for keeping the valley the way it has been for 30 years. They did take note and from what I hear, we were a real pain in their side. They ig-nored the users and went with the wishes of the in-house environ-mentalists within their own office. They have already spent many thousands of our taxpayer dollars to make their phony studies with phony results. OK, now it's time to write again, stating your feelings about the de-cision. You don't have to though, that is if you are satisfied with loos-ing the only ORV area in the northwest where we can race. If you choose to write (be nice, don't cuss) you can do so to the follow-ing address: Bureau of Land Man-agement, Prinevillle District Of-fice, P.O. Box 550, Prineville, OR 97754. Make them Attn.: Area Manager Jim Kenna. Thanks for your continued sup-port. See you at the next race ... WE WILL RETURN TO MILLICAN VALLEY. Dusty Times
(206) 339-9079 June 14, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 12, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 13, 1997 2 Hour Enduro Olympia 10:00 a.m. July 19,1997 Short Course Belling 7:00 p.m. August 16, 1997 Short Course Belling 7:00 p.m. August 23, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon September 13, 1997 Short Course Olympia (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia. WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decaiur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(2 I 4) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 May 9-10, 1997 KC 1-liLites Hot Boat Happening Parker, AZ July 1997 (Date not yet set) KC HiLites Mountain Happening Flagstaff, AZ September, 19-20, 1997 KC HiLites Country Happening Valley Center, CA EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. I 091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Associaton 2750 Cozumel Drive# 1116 Melbourne. FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 9201 1 (619) 427-5759 July 19, 1997 Conquista Gran Carrera Los Sahuaros Park Tecate. Baja, Mexico September 13, 1997 Fud 200 Plaster City West, CA October 25, 1997 Superstition 250 XII Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GLEN HELEN RACEWAY P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series July 27, 1997 Round Four -Sunday August 24, 1997 Round Five -Sunday September 28, 1997 Round Six - Sunday October 26, 1997 Round Seven - Sunday November 23, 1997 Round Eight -Sunday Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions PO. Box 762 Norco, CA 91760-0762 (562) 988-6250/Fax. (909) 280-9097 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 Dusty Times (402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 ( 402) 4964846 Eve. May 17, 1997 Pierce, NE June I, 1997 Council Bluffs, IA June 22, 1997 Council Bluffs, IA July 6, 1997 Council Bluffs, IA July 13, 1997 Council Bluffs, IA July 23, 1997 Council Bluffs, IA August I, 1997 Pierce, NE Aaugust 17, 1997 Council Bluffs, IA (All races are short course, stadium style: Classes: Trophy, 11-1600, 5, 7S, I and Quads) · IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WD CLUB P.O. Box 465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (604) 374-7 175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves. Keidl (604) 828-1795 anytime (All Events start 7 miles NW of Kam/oops) L.I.T.R.E. . Jeff Elrod (408) 926 0522 Jim Aruta (408) 247002 May 17, 1997 Short Course Race Trucks, Buggies, Pilots Two IO lap motos each class Hollister Hills, CA - Upper Ranch MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 48813 (517) 543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 July 27, 1997 8th Annual Michigan Off Road Championships. Ingram County Fairgrounds, Mason Michigan Featuring Jeeps,Buggys, Trucks, Pilots, Quads, etc. MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION Steph Sabo, Vice Pres. MAORA 19 Lakeshore Dr Nashville, IL 62263 (618) 327-9312 Mike Turner, Vice Pres. LTOR 2508 Pine Mattoon, IL 61938 (217) 235-2473 April 27, 1997 Nashville, IL May 17-18, 1997 Casey, IL June 14, I 997 Casey, IL July 5, 1997 Nashville, IL July 26, 1997 Danville, IL August 9, 1997 House Springs, MO August 23, 1997 D n Winner's Circle Ryan Thomas I eads 7 Bilstein Winners At Laughlin Challenge Ryan Thomas paced a strong showing by Bilstein gas pressure shock absorbers when he won Overall and Class 1 honors at the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge off-road race in Laughlin, Nevada. Driving his Chenowth single seater equipped with Bilstein shocks, Thomas drew a 20th starting position but drove through the dust and traffic to win by over one minute for his first victory of the season. SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Winners On Bilstein •Overall and •Stock Class 1 Ryan Thomas Chenowth Full Size Marc Stein Ford F150 •Stock Mini Steve Williams Ford Ranger •Class 9 Brian Jeffries JIMCO •Class 7 Jerry McDonald Chevy S-10 •Class 10 Andrew Wehe JIMCO •Pro Truck Chuck Harris Chevy Go with Bi/stein -- A Winning Tradition in Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road, San Diego, CA 92121 -- Phone 619/453-7723 June 1997 Pages
September 20,1997 Danville, IL October 4-5,1997 Casey, IL (MA.OR.A. sanctioned races. Series Produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) MOJAVE DESERT RACING 438 W. Arrow Hwy. Ste #30 San Dimas. CA 91773 (909) 394-3265 Phone (909) 394-3266 Fax June 13-14,1997 Lucerne 300 Lucerne, CA September 5-6, 1997 Sahara 250 Lucerne, CA October 10-11, 1997 Barstow 200 Barstow, CA November 28-29, 1997 Thanksgiving 250 Lucerne, CA M.OR.E. Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts 25277 W. Main St.. Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 ( 6 I 9) 2534453 May 23-25, 1997 Shake Rattle & Opps Lucerne. CA July 25-27, 1997 Night Owl 200 Lucerne. CA September 19-21, 1997 Shocker 250 Barstow. CA November 7-9, 1997 Wild Turkey 225 Lucerne. CA I\ISBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint. Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 NATIONAL l\lllD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. # I - Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka. FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 OFF ROAD ADVENTl RES Four Wheel Drive Excursion P.O. Box 1154 Arcata. CA 95518 (707) 822-8508 May 9-IO, 1997 Redwood Coast Jamboree Fort Bragg to Eureka, CA June 13-14, 1997 Big Bear Adventure Big Bear Lake. CA August 15-17, 1997 Gold Rush Adventure Nevada City. CA September 12-13, 1997 Gost Town Adventure 97 South Lake Tahoe. CA October 3-4, 1997 Kern River Jamboree Kemville/Lake Isabella. CA OFF ROAD PRODl!CTIONS OF EL PASO Jot:y Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso. TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 All races are at Mountain Shadow lake. Take /-/ 0 Hon=on Blvd. exit east 12 miles) OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-46 74 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadi=. Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Bob Joseph, President 80 Hempstead Dr. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8W 2E7 - (905) 574-7068 PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY 18700 lake Perris Drive Perris - Riverside County, CA 1-800-976-RACE PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Page 6 Colorado Springs. CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 May 24, 1997 Rim of the World Palmdale, CA June 6-8, 1997 STPR Wellsboro, PA July 25-27, 1997 Maine Forest August 22-24, 1997 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji, MN September 12-14, 1997 Sunriser 400 Chilichothe, OH October 3-4, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott. AZ October 17-19, 1997 Lake Superior Houghton. Ml SCORE Score International 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 June 6-8, 1997 Tecate BaJa 500 Ensenada. B.C .. MX July 11-12, 1997 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA October 3-5, 1997 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin. NV November 12-15, 1997 Tecate Baja I 000 B.C., MX SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas. NV 89106 (702) 4524522 August 1-2, 1997 Midnight Special Nellis Dunes, NV September 26-27, 1997 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Jean, NV October 24-25,1997 Twilight 200 Eldorado Valley. NV December 12-13, 1997 Vegas 300 Jean. NV SONS OF THUNDER 4 WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace. CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore -(224) 272-5400 May 25, 1997 3 hours Vienna, Georgia July 5, 1997 3 hours Tallahassee, Florida August 30, 1997 6 hours Montgomery, Alabama November 29, 1997 6 hours Vienna, Georgia SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 ( A II Races at Eastbay Raceway. Tampa, Fl) June I, 1997 July 6, 1997 August 3, 1997 September 7, 1997 October 5, 1997 November 2, 1997 SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011 )788-5138 Fax (011) 880-2170 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA June 7-8, 1997 Off Road Championship Joe Servk - P.O. Box 339 Antigo, WI 54409 (715) 6234134 June 21-22, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Nationals Ionia Michigan Mike Brunton, 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 June 28-29, 1997 Chevrolet Brush Run Box IOI Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2222 August 2-3, 1997 Chevrolet UP I 00 Off Road Race Brian Adams, Box 26 Bark River, Ml 49807 (906) 466-2723 August 16-17, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Challenge Luxemburg, WI - Dick Shinnick 180 I Industrial Park Green Bay. WI 54302 August 30-31, 1997 Chevrolet World Championships Box IOI Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2222 September 13-14, 1997 Chevrolet Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI -Greg Witte 165 W. Arndt St. Fondulac, WI 54935 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west a/Odessa. TX) TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (All events at Owego Motor Sports Park. Rte. 434. Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 June 28-29, 1997 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Top Gun Drag Strip 12 Miles South of Fallon Hwy 95 July 26-27, 1997 Top Gun Twilight Race Fallon NV August JO-September I, 1997 Yerington to Fallon & Back 125 Mile Point to Point & Return Race Headquarters: Casino West Yerington, NV October 4-5, 1997 Fall Short Course Race I Mile Short Course Race June 1997 Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA ovember 1-2, 1997 1997 Season Championship I Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 ( 4 I 2) 532-0802 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP May 20-24, 1997 Rally of Argentina Cordoba, Argentina June 6-19, 1997 Acropolis Rally Athens, Greece August 1-5, 1997 Rally of New Zealand Manakau City, New Zealand August 29 -September I, 1997 Neste I 000 Lakes Jyvaskyla, Finland September 17-21, 1997 Rally of Indonesia Median, Indonesia October 11-15, 1997 Rally d'ltalia Sanremo, Italy October JO-November 3, 1997 Rally of Australia Perth Australia ovember 21-24, 1997 Network QRAC Rally Chester, Engand 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 5490 I (414)426-0470/(414) 982-7306 ATTENTION Race & Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 1997 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St .. Chatsworth, CA 9 I 344-4404. more Trail Notes ... MORE SCORE --SCORE points leaders chru the third race are: Curt LeDuc (Trophy Truck), John Herder (Class 1), Darnen Jefferies (1/2-1600), Darren Skilton (Class 3), George Seeley (Class 5), Danny Ledezma (Class 5-1600), Larry Roeseler (Class 7), Brady Helm (Class 7S), Dale White & Brian Collins (Class 8 Tied), Lobsam Yee (Class 9), Rod Muller (Class 10), Ron Dalke (( SCORE LITES), Victor Barajas (Class 11), Leo Brown (Stock Mini), Marc Stein (Stock full), Steve Barlow (Pro truck). IF YOU NOTICE A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT LOOK TO DUSTY TIMES this month it's because of the saga of the fried typesetter. Last month, along with other losses, we suffered the terminal demise of our 1981 vintage typesetting machine just days before the deadline for the May issue. Having experienced a loss of the availability of the photographic paper and the chemicals to process it over the last few months we could see the handwriting on the wall that O',lr system of production was numbered and we had already started investigating the changeover to computer. Now, all of a sudden, we had to complete the research of the· availability not only of the hardware, but the software system as well, chat we would use to replace the old typesetting machine, and had only a few days to do so. The possibilities are not endless, however, and after limited research we decided on a Windows 95 basic computer with all the bells and whistles and the Pagemaker 6.5 publishing p~ogram. This is a far cry from the old CPM Z90 based computer that was the driving source for our old typesetter. We were able to put together a system sufficient enough to get the last issue out (although even the page numbers were made up of five pieces of glued down bits), but composing a complete issue from scratch and learning the Pagemaker program was another matter. Shortly following the printing of the May issue we fired up chis muchly touted Pagemaker 6.5 program and began the process of. learning the typesetting game all over again. The new system is far superior to the old but the learning curve is a long and gradual one. At first we were only able co produce type for proofing but as the month wore on we picked up a little knowledge day by day and this issue is the first ever produced entirely with no paste up of type. We're still producing the photos on a process camera but should we learn co produce them without a loss of the quality our readers have come to expect, even those will be computer generated. We've tried co match the typefaces used for the lase 14 years as close as possible, but some are not exact and the overall effect will not change and probably will not be noticed but for chose of you familiar with the many varieties of type available. We have the intent to keep the look of the publication the same as it has always been, as chis is part of what DUSTY TIMES is and any changes made are only due co necessity. FINAL WORD -- I am not trying co belabor the subject but I have to give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who offered me comfort and help during the last month and I am at a loss to express my feelings co all of you who cared so much. I could name names but chat would be unfair to chose I may have overlooked ~o you all know who you are and please accept my thanks, and Jean's coo for all the wonderful years we all shared in love and friendship and above all in racing competition. THANKS Dusty Times
BEST IN THE DESERT TONOPAH 300 · Taylor Takes Tonopah This is the system run by most TRI-MIL BOBCAT • C{IROME off road race winners Page a 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 J-IALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249· 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Kyle Taylor and JP Galloway didn't let the sagebrush grow under them as they raced to the overall victory in the Tonopah 300, surviving a flat and a broken A-arm for the big win and Class B honors too in the good looking Chevy. If you look at the map of Ne-vada you can see beautiful down-town Tonopah just north of Gold-field on Highway 95 and the town of around three thousand souls is more or less THE main watering hole on the schlep between Vegas and Reno as you wend your way through some of the most desolate yet beautiful country to be found within our borders. Why did Casey Folks pick Tonopah? Well, within its confines he found people who welcomed his style of off road rac-ing, people he could talk to and who would listen and who would cooperate with Best In The Desert Racing to make the race beneficial for Casey, Tonopah and of course, the drivers. This first of three races in '97 for Best In The Desert was smoothly executed for all the par-ticipants and although Mother Nature worked her bad magic on Contingency day, she smiled on race day and a truly good time was had by all. Thirty six cars in nine different classes took the green flag on a very chilly but clear and calm morning in Tonopah on Easter Saturday to attack the three hundred mile course that ran in a big loop mostly to the west and south ofTonopah. There were seven checkpoints and six designated gas stops on the The brothers Stiles and their Raceco were looking for first overall but some bothersome flats held them to second, still they took first in Class 1 honors. The Mirage of Danny Anderson and Rob MacCachren was airborne a lot during the Tonopah 300, taking Class 1 0 easily and finishing third overall. course. The race started up in the hills on the western side of Tonopah, at the end of the pave-ment at the intersection of Idaho Circle and Victoria Street, and we all hope that the people who live in the houses there were not too pu~ out by all the activity and the noise. The big winner at Tonopah was Kyle Taylor in his Chevy pickup; he was the twelfth vehicle to start and the second one to cross the fin-ish line but on elapsed time he was the winner overall by about six minutes and he certainly was the Class 8 Pro winner by about three quarters of an hour. Kyle suffered a broken front A-Arm a few miles from the finish had one flat early on in the race and the rest of the time sailed on to a well deserved Win. Second Class 8 Pro was Tom Scahill, also in a Chevy and al-though Tom only had one flat to deal with during the race he was unable to catch the winner and so settled for second, about a half hour out of victory circle. Eric Heiden took home third place in Class 8 Pro in his Ford pickup after a really lousy day. At a gas stop the oil pressure dropped to zero, so a quick fill was in order and the engine clattered the rest of the way and then the power steer-ing quit with about ninety miles to go. 'Nuf said. First vehicle to finish, first in Class 1 Pro, yet second overall on elapsed time was the brother team of Jeff and Jim Stiles, who made a val iart t effort for first overall in their Raceco but missed out by about six minutes. The guys fin-ished with a right front flat, ac-quired about twenty miles from the finish and while shooting for the overall, were happy to win the class and have basically a trouble free day. Ron Osburn had some major problems throughout the day. Ron ran solo and had rear suspension troubles that needed welding to cure and he rotated that the car never handled right at any time during the race and he was very happy to grab second plans in Class 1 Pro. Kevin Colan grabbed third place in Class 1 Pro after spending some hellishly long times between check two and check four, but as he never arrived at the interview tent, we have no idea what his problems were. Tracy Rubio catching some air on his way to the Class 7 victory, having no real mechanical problems with the Ford and were last seen enjoying their first in class victory. Danny Anderson and Rob MacCachren thought they were off to a great start in the Mirage, but a leaky valve cover had them add-ing oil frequently and that sure plays hell with the miles per hour. But they were still the first Class 10 car to finish and they grabbed third overall as well, not too far our of the overall win. The Tonopah 300 had a brand new racer in an older car as Shad Baldwin came our to compete and did right well for the new kid on the block as he took second place in Class 10 after fight-ing the power steering all race long with a flat thrown in just to rest his mettle. Welcome aboard Shad, keep the four black things on the ground. No less than five, count 'em June 1997 Dusty Times
--_,_.,,.,~;,,;r,,~, ~·-~ ... Frank Omboli and crew came from California to grab the gold and The Raceco of Ron Osburn throws mud and water everywhere as he they did; taking first place honors in 5-1600 with only a few flats to pursues the win in Class 1, but after some mechanical woes he took The Ford of Gary Mecham suffered from brake problems during the race, but they raced to second in Class 7, just about a minute out of first. hamper them during the race. _s_ec_o_n_d_in_c_l_a_ss_,_~_ift_h_o_ve_~_a...,11. ______ _ ...,...,--,-,-=--,-----, Malcolm Vinje and crew had a few problems but pushed on as fast as In their first race ever, Shad Baldwin and Shawn Howerton took a they could and took second in Class 7S, a good finish on the rough Second in Class BS was Chad Hall, running a new TurboDiesel in the neat second place in Class 1 O in the big Bunderson, having power course. ______________________ Hummer, and outwardly pleased with their finish. steering problems en route. folks, five Hummers came to Tonopah to contest the 300 mile course and they all finished. First across the finish line was Austin Robison who had a trouble free race saying that it was a real Hum-mer Course and there seemed to be too many turns but win he did in less than seven hours and he looked none the worse for wear. Second Hummer in was driven by Chad Hall who has been driv-; n3 the Hummers ever since dad started with them and he said that his turbo-diesel ran flawlessly throughout the day and the sus-pension was reworked for this event and he was quite pleased with the overall performance. Last Hummer in was the vener-able Rod Hall who was obviously having some troubles our there. We never got to talk to Rod so we're -unable to mention his remarks here, but we are sure they would have been worth hearing. Class 7 looked_ like the Ford fac-tory as all the entrants in class wore the same logo on the hood. And even though they all looked good and drove hard there can be only one winner and it was Tracy Rubio with Glen Bohannon taking the win by a very slim margin, having only one flat to deal with during the race and overpowering some of the turns they took the checkers On class and really enjoyed their victory. In the hotly contested Class 7 race Gary Mecham, Greg Foutz, etal raced their Ford Pickup as hard as they could, led the class during the middle of the race and were constantly having brake problems and yet took second in Class just one minute out of the winners circle. One of the hard luck stories of the race should go to the Class 7 of Joe Kellogg who came down to race from Yakima, Washington, started out great bur got stuck be-tween check two and three and spent a couple of hours getting unstuck and then soldiered on for third in class, hours behind the winner. The Toyota truck of Dave Win-ner was the winner in Class 7S as Dave and his crew toured the course and only had a slight engine starting problem, no other troubles Dusty Times throughout the race and took the checkered flag with about twelve minutes in hand, having a truly great day and obviously enjoying the race no end. Second in 7S was Malcolm Yinje who didn't have that great of a day; ignition problems right off the start, a stray plug wire later in the day, all time consuming and frustrating, but Malcolm took it all in stride and rook the silver, about twelve minutes our of the winners spot. Class 5-1600's always seem to have a great race and a good time, no matter the result of the race and Frank Omboli came to Tonopah to win and win he did, raking the checkered flag after spending quire a bit of time reletting the carbure-tor and replacing a few flats with round ones, all in all having a good day in Tonopah. Second 5-1600 was Mark Foti who came over from San Francisco to try his hand at the Tonopah 300 and although they did finish after a long and grueling day, we never did see Mark so we have no idea what misfortune befell him out on the course, bur finishing itself is al-ways good news. Of the thirty six starters, twen ry three finished the course, a 64% finishing ratio and you can draw your own conclusions from that. Casey Folks and has Best In The Desert organization put on a good race, well organized with adequate radio coverage on the course and medical personnel standing by, making the event as safe as possible Dave Winner emerges from the water in his Toyota on the way to the Class 7S victory in the neat looking Fabtech truck, a very happy crew awaiting them at the finish. Tom Scahill chased first place in Class Ball race long but settled for second in the Chevy pickup at the Tonopah 300 and was fourth overall as well. June 1997 for all concerned. We certainly had an enjoyable time of it (the wind nor-wi rhsra nd ing) and the town of Tonopah opened its arms to all of the racers and their crews. Casey's next race in his triple crown is Mesquite to Ely near the end of June and we'll see you all there. ,:, >' 't~-~~~>1~:>~~~;~ ~,~:;,,A_k, ~=--,~~~,~?;~~ =~~--~ --~· '"' ,.,,~.,.J..._,.."fiti!l•,*~~"t~ilfu No less than five Hummers contested the Tonopah 300 but Austin Robison ran away from them all in his great win in Class BS on Easter weeken<!.:._ _ PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS • McKENZIE'SAJRFILTERS • K&N • UNl•FILTL:\S • Y()tJR OFF-ROIJO ~ SPECIIJl/STS! I PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 ~ 2366 E. CJRANGETH'.)Rf>E AVE., ANAHEIM. CA 92806 • OE.ALER INQUIRIES WELCOME i 4-SPYDER SUPER DIFFS Tl IRS I • Made from ductile iron. The Cast Diff is /Jack! !ti :ii • Utilizes 4-Spiders for added strength. al This 4-Spyder Super Diff comes suppplied ~ with precision-ground pins and block. ~ ~ ~ a MCK-0265 CreatlY Reduced Price! T21RS All New to the industry! Economica/lY Priced! • Ultimate strength/ • Made from ductile iron. . i ~ • Available in 3 different configurations. i 002 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF MCK-0114-0Q2-15 RY10-Tcm~ MCK-0014-002-17 RY11-T<mSp)WS 5 0 • 091 BILLET RACE DIFF 091 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF ~ ~ Made from 4140 Chromoly. . MCK-0114-091 Supplied with pins and block. ~ Supplied with Billet Cover, pins and block. 091 BILLET COVER ;l: ~ MCK-OiOl-i ·'MCK-0102 Made from 4140 Chromoly. I 1--------------------~· • SIMPSON t BEARD SEATS • IPF • KC • CtBIE LIGHTS • BUGPACK • R!:OllNE 04L • FUEL SAFE • OEM • SWAY-Ji..WAY • S&S Page9
MOJAVE DESERT RACING MDR Wild Wash 250 By]irnmy Messick Dave Cua was the Class 5 winner, having some problems on a long lap six, but took the class handily at the MOR 250. 250 miles in five hours and five minutes, almost a fifty mile per hour average! Nor too far behind was Ron Osburn who dogged first place, all race long and ended up second in Class 2, second overall, just rwo minutes out ·of the gold metals. The ream got lost l /4 mile off the start and had a flat on the way. Greg Moser was the only DNF in Class 200. Steve Houston won Class 2 and the overall as well in a hard fought contest within the class at the MOR Wildwash 250 shown Class 5-1600 had a good show-ing with 11 cars taking the green and 7 seeing rhe checkers. With-out a doubt Bob Wright smoked the competition finishing over 20 h€Jr€J_jn a valiant attempt to s_a_ve_ w_e_a_r _o_n_th_e_re_a_r_t,_"re_s_. _______________________ _ last weekend in February and The MOR Wild Wash 250 drew turned our to have many horlycon-fifry entries ro rhe starring line rhe rested class races with some new Bob Wright took no prisoners in Class 550 as he stormed around the course in five hours, forty three minutes for a great seventh overall. Max Hanberg and Don Johnson fly the Class 9 on their way to victory in class, !Urning in some great times and winning by over twelve minutes. and some old winners. Steve Hous-ton was the Class 2 winner and the overall winner as well, as he ran the Bill Markel took Class 725 with ease in spite of a slight rollover on the last lap at the Barstow event. The super sanitary Class 10 car of Brent Loughran rushes across the desert to win the Class by a bit Over twenty minutes at the MOR Wildwash 250. minutes ahead of the second place car of Rick Johnson. Keith Soto was only 2 minutes back to place third, Charlie Smith rook fourth, fifth was Aaron Bennen, sixth was Lin Neal and Mike Norris was the last to finish the 7 laps for 7th place. The non finishers were Hurley McCaghren, Keith Westerfield who took over the last race, Jack Zandbegen and Stephanie Lozano. Class 700 had 2 start and nei-ther finished bur Matt Thomas fin-ished 5 laps for the win and Kevin Davis completed 3 of7 laps. Class 725 had 3 start and only 1 finisher to take the class win and rhar was Bill Markel who tossed his truck hard on the lid en route, averaging 33 mph. Nathan Perry dropped after 5 laps and Tim Braden only completed 4. Dan Cannon ran his truck in Class 1250 ·and com plered only 5 of the 7 required laps. ' Class 9 had 4 start and Max Hanberg and Don Johnson took rhe class win by over l O minutes. These guys have become hard chargers in the past year. Last race winners Harry Dunne and Roy Smith (The Grumpy Old Men) had to settle for second this rime, having a few troubles. in route. Third in class was Paul Moen and Joel Mohr with Rich Comstock and your author Jimmy Messick riding along. Paul and Rich had a good first lap bur on the start of rhe second lap right in front of me as I gave them a thumbs up they broke a spindle. We got the car back to rhe pits and found out rhar earlier, when Paul rear-ended someone, it bent the beam back and cracked ir and pushed the arm into the shocks. When they were all ready to call it a day I have to give credit to my dad who got the car welded up and ready to go. Joel and I took rhe last 4 laps and Joel once again set fast lap for rhe class. The team would like to thank Max Hamberg and Don Johnson for loaning us a spindle to get us going. T he only non fin isher was John Keir who dro ed after 5 la s. Class 1300 winner Jon Jacobson races toward the checkers with a Rick Johnson chased first place in Class 550 all day but had to settle Richard Woods ran good laps all race long but a long lap 7 wrote fini nice win in class and some great lap times at the MOR Wildwash 250. for second when all was done. and he finished second in Class 10. Page 10 June 1997 Dusty Times
Roger Starkey hustled the keen looking buggy across the desert as fast as he could but it was only good enough for second in Class Russ Butow in his Checkers buggy had a rather long first and sixth Dan Cannon had a troubled MOR 250 with lots of problems cropping 1600. lap but was still able to grab third in Class 1600. up, only getting in five laps before calling it a day. Class 10 had 8 start. Mike O'Donnel rook the class win in good rime. Brian Walsh rook sec-ond in hisJimco a-arm. Gary Price rook third in his Meco. Brent Loughran rook fourth in his clean 2 sear Meco. Craig Dillon and Randy Spahr put on a good show for a while bur dropped lace in the day. Ken Lane, Richard Woods and Tim Schimdt all had rough days on rhe Barstow course. William Swisher rook the class 11 honors with some Consistent lap rimes. Class 1200 was Dennis Pruett who was the only finisher and Joel Hurak dropped after I lap. Class 1300 had 2 start and 2 fin-is h t he required 4 laps. J o n Jacobson rook first averaging 34.3 mph and Keith Hewitt rook sec-ond some 15 minutes back. Class 1600 had 12 start and only half saw the Checkers flag. Mike Mocaby rook the class honors as well as third overall with some im-Dusty Times Mike Mocaby showed the way home to eleven other Class 1600 cars, winning by over eleven minutes and taking third overall as well. pressive lap times, averaging 48.1 ish the 7 laps was Marty Seefried. mph. Second in class was Roger The non finishers were Tom Starkley. Russ Burow rook third. Malloy, Jim Sizelove, Victor Bussey, Bob Myerly took fourth, Tony Andy Anderson, Richard Ramirez, Murray was fifth and the last co fin-and Gregg Powell who was DQ' ed !#-,. ·.,/t' , .,..~ .. : .. ,.,,'!. :Zx:~ . ;'I'"" Bill Swisher ripped off his four laps in Class 11 with some neat times for the win in class and a job well done. after 5 laps. This race wen r a lot smoother for MOR. The course was marked well and the race started right on time.· Don Steeves Chevrolet put on a good Bar-B-Q Friday night. It was a real good showing for only rhe second race of chis series. The next race is scheduled for May 2-3 in Barstow. DESTI June 1997 Page 11
PROFILE Everyone Has A Guardian Angel SCORE, asked Arc to join him for a review of a new SCORE rule book. Art relates, "Here I am burnt, Gary introduces me co the group by name and in chis crowd of men and women were Jack and Nancy Parcell", both were heavily involved w.irh SCORE and knew Arc from his work at Riverside raceway. Art continues, " Nancy recognized rhe name, stood up and walked over to me." She said to him, "By any chance are you ... ", that's when Arr haired her by sim-ply saying, "Hi Nancy." Her face dropped, she hugged him and cried. Then Jack then walked up and said, "What rhe hell happened to you!" Laughingly, Art says "Well Jack let me cell you." Ar this poinc Jack cold SCORE char chey had better hire this guy because he has talent, and well the rest is history. include hospitals, schools, commu-nity organizations, and special groups. Once he was flown to Georgia to speak in front of 500 state fire marshals. He does this on behalf of the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation. Art urges us to send a donation to the foundation which can be located by calling 1-800-242-BURN. ''You've gotta be crazy to live through something like this. '' -Art Savedra Spending an afternoon with Art discussing all of this and more I could have written his biography. However, I'll leave the rest up to you to find out on your own. If you find Art at the races, don't bother him if he's in the middle of teching a car, bur when he's free rake rhe time to introduce yourself and the rest will come natural. He just wants others ro feel comfortable in talking to him or approaching him. Nor to say char everybody is un-comfortable. Bur, he is very per-ceptive and can read volumes from ones nonverbal communication. B Glenn Neese Nobody cakes safety more seri-ously. Perhaps, due co personal ex-perience with the pain and agony of a disfiguring trauma. Art Savedra is one of the guardian an-gels for off-road racin·g. While Arts experience with per-sonal trauma may qualify him as a true advocate for safety it is impor-tant co note char he studied Indus-trial Technology throughout High School and College. His technical abilities were proven and honed while working with che SCCA, NASCAR Winston West, and lacer with the Long Beach Gran Prix. One cannot help but notice che scars and prosthetic arm chat Arr bears. !e's human nature to take no-tice of people who are out of the ordinary. We wePe taught as kids not scare or ask what happened co chose who carry the marks of a sig-nificant trauma. The truth is we are curious by nature. Moreover, we respect -chc privacy of chose who have had the misfortune of a dis-figuremcn r -almost co a fault. In Arts case, he wants everybody co know what happened co him. He can see it in your face; the ques-tion of curiosicy ... Whac happened to you? He knows char you and I arc curious and concerned. He wanes us to feel comfortable in ask-ing what happened. More impor-tantly, he wams ro help ochers learn from his accident and gain intro-spect. What Arc knows best is how to cope with adversity. A skill that many of us seek and few have mas-tered. Arc saw rhe importance of tell-ing his story, when ... "One day a friend of mine for years and years finally asked me, what happened? This is why I want it told!" Art contacted me through a mu-tual friend. Together we decided print this so rhac everyone who was uncomfortable in asking would know what happened. Perhaps, people would feel more comfort-able in approaching him or others in the future. Ir was a warm day at 1 :30 PM on July 18th, in 1978. Art was cak-ing his six year old niece for a ride on his motorcycle. He had just got through copping off the bikes gas rank. While riding down the bou-levard he encountered a van char suddenly stopped in front of him then made an unexpected left cum. This left him nowhere co go and he hie che rear-end of che van. In che impact his niece was catapulted over the van while Arr broke both of his arms. The motorcycle wheeled up the back of the van and popped off the gas cap. Art was left sitting with the bike on rop of him. The gas spilled down che front of him and about the ground. His niece came back to see if. he was okay. She was standing nearby when the vapors were ignited by an unknown source unleashing flames on the pair. He yelled at his niece to get away and she did. However, Arr was left helpless with broken arms unable to get the bike off 0f him. The two were rushed to Har-bor General hospital in Torrance (now called Harbor-UCLA), since it was closest trauma center. Bue, since they didn't have a burn unit the pair were immediately trans-ferred ro Torrance Memorial hos-pital. His niece was 45-50% "i_"'OIJGII OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS All ATL Cells Carry A Full Race Approval To FT-3 Or FT-5 Regulations ~ 'I!:::!] l!:!] C-, ® Laps Ahead Of The Comp AERO TEC LABORATORIES INC. oo\ SPEAR ROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK \& 533 RAMSEY, NJ 07446-1251 5~6-TEL: 201-825-1400 • FAX: 201-825-1962 Page 12 burned about her lower body, while Art was amazingly burned over 85% of his body. The most startling pare, they had put a tag on his roe and pulled the sheet over his head at Torrance Memorial because he showed no signs of life. However, Art sat up after hearing rhe screams of his niece, alarming everyone. He wanted co, " ... comfort her and calm her down!" Arr had very little recollection of many of rhe events. He put together rhe pieces from newspaper accounts and a conver-sation with the Fire Captain who witnessed many of this after rhe ac-cident. Arc spent about four months in the hospital ar Torrance before he was transferred to Ranchos Los Amigos for rehabilitation. There he underwent numerous surgeries with his lase one being nearly nine years ago. Ir was during rehabilitation his interests in off-road were spawned. His wife, Susie, would bring him rhe la rest issues of all the off-road and 4X4 magazines. He read about rhe icons of rhe sport -Ivan, Walker, and of course Mickey. Art admits, "T,hey made me become a wannabe. After he was released from rhe hospital an old CB radio friend, Gary H"1~·rook, who worked with Arr has started his own company called, All Race Technical & Safety (ARTS). So, not only does he work for SCORE, he is the Tech & Safety director for Ivan Stewart's PRO Truck group. Under his own umbrella (ARTS), he does work for Glen Helen, SODA West, and Mohave Desert Racing series (MOR). When he is not playing with his two kids, Guy and Ivy Rose, or working on rhe honey-do list, he spends time speaking to others about the dangers of fire or coun-seling those who have been burned. Some of his speaking engagements As any racer knows, a strong family and friends network are one of rhe most important things in life. Thar is why he wants to thank all of those responsible for his re-covery. Especially, his wife and late mother. In turn, I want co Thank Art Savedra for allowing me co be a part of his life and for the knowl-edge that I have gained as a result of knowing him. Lastly, Arr says, "Thanks Malcolm!" A NEW FEATURE in Dusty Times, on this page for the first time, is the "Profile" featuring people who have been instrumental in the promotion of off road racing or who have contributed to the betterment of the sport. We hope you enjoy this new feature as we enjoy giving these people their rightful due. OUTLAW RACING Famous "Outlaw'' Winningest Baja Bug in the Desert Class!> Unlimited Champion 1994-1995 Highest Finishing. Ratio of Any Pro Buzzy In 3 years, Outlaw Finished 19 out of 21 SCORE Races Milestone Award Winner 1996 SOL8 "RACE liEADY'' \'VITI-I SF'ARC PARTS FGP. :::>E1 A:LS. 8ALL BAJA BROKERS !iEr #572 760-723-2117 $29;900 June 1997 Dusty Times
BAJA SIJIJ SPEC THE ROADMASTER VHF -FM 2 WAY RADIO IS A LEGEND IN IT'S TIME. IT TALKS FARTHER WITH ITS 60 WATTS OF POWER. YOU'D HAVE TO SPEND AT LEAST $990.00 FOR A RADIO TO MATCH THE QUALITY & PERFORMANCE OF THE ROAD MASTER. NOW ON SALE $589.00 INCLUDING THE ANTENNA & MOUNT ( A $49.00 TO $63.00 SAVINGS). OFFER EXPIRES JUN. 30, 1997. , r•,1\/',/',I"· ■-■------■J:L...-.:a-·■ ■■•■■:a:.-•---■~-c■-■ ■ ■ ■-■-■-■--:Jl:IL-■ c■ ■-■-■·■------,. -~-----=v■.'U'."r--ii: ■J---... _ _______, ___ • ____ • ___ . _._._.___. • .• JL■J■J■------•-~ ■ • -• ----•--•-• •• ■ ■ ■ •• -~~-- •-•. • -• .. •--=--•--~-■----•■----■--■--■~!!I-~~---PC-I C-J\l:-iU45 ~£/\I \Z-e,LOW £\Z-MOiO\Z-45 iWll-£ it-\£ All2-FLOW OF Oit\£12-\?LOW£'2-MOiOtz-45 • ~lN6.L£ ~£P..i (10,; C.Mf) MOTOtz. P..~~£Mf,L 'I .; ......... ~it;.oo • DUP..L ~£P..i (1,;o C.Mf) MOTOtz. p..~~£Mf,L'/ .......... ~12-,;.oo • 4 ft. f,LU£ 'PUM'P£tz. t\O~£ ..................................... ~14.oo LAF-l,£ lNV£Ni012-V \?£LL ~ 'bt\0£l t\£LM£i'b, 'bN£LL 'bA 'f'5 ~ M 'f'5 t:.N:iU'b 12-AC-£Altz. 012-'biANDAIZ-D BEST PRICES P..N'l 1W£ t\£LM£i Wltz.lN6. ONLY ~no.oo P..i ilM£ Of 'PUtz.c.t\P..~£. e,uv,,... N£W t\£LM£i flZ.()M 'PC.l ~ W£ WlLL 'P\Z.Oi£C.i li Wlit\ ,,... FJZ.££ 'PV\Z,Oi£C.i fL££C.£ LlN£D t\£LM£i e.Abt O{Z. P... Dl{Z.ie.Abt'b t\£LM£i 'i>OC.t(. 0fff.12- £)(Pttzf,'b JllN. ~o. l'f'fl. ,[:§)~@lJ§@'lf) SAFETY EQUIPMENT I l SHORT COURSE RADIO SYSTEMS 1 • 11 ' PCI COMLINK VI INTERCOM 1. VERY LOUD - Loudness - 7 watts audio per channel. 2. PERFECT CLARITY -No noise interference 3. NO SIDED TONE - You will not hear the engine or the exhaust amplified thru the intercom. 4. RELIABILITY /DURABILITY - Housed in a small, rugged, water resistant, bullet proof housing. 5. MULTI USER OPTION - for 3 or 4 seat pre-runners. 6. AFFORDABLE INVESTMENT: $359.00 MOTOROLA RADIO SYSTEM: i II • 2 MOTOROLA RADIUS P110, 2 CHANNEL, 4 WATT, UHF-FM 2- I , WAY HANDHELD RADIOS WITH WALL CHARGER. , 1 • 1 DAVID CLARK TYPE CREW CHIEF HEADSET W/PTT ON EAR ! 11 CUP. : • 1 HELMET WIRED WITH CUSTOM MOLDED EAR PIECES. • 1 RACE CAR TO RADIO WIRING HARNESS WITH REMOTE PTT. • 1 RACE CAR ANTENNA SYSTEM. $1649.00 TRACKMASTER RADIO SYSTEM: • 2 TRACKMASTER 12 CHANNEL, 4 WATT, UHF-FM 2 WAY HANDHELD RADIOS, WITH SCAN, & DROP IN CHARGER. • 1 DAVID CLARK TYPE CREW CHIEF HEADSET W/PTT ON EAR CUP. • 1 HELMET WIRED WITH CUSTOM MOLDED EAR PIECES. • 1 RACE CAR TO RADIO WIRING HARNESS WITH REMOTE PTT. • 1 RACE CAR ANTENNA SYSTEM $1449.00 PC/ RACE RADIOS ~0©0[l 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 ~~ (562) 427-8177 (800) 869-5636 FAX (562) 426-3589 ~
The Peugeot 306 Maxi showers the camera with dirt as Adruzilo Lopes and Luis Lisboa take second place in W2L, fighting suspension Harri Rovanpera in the SEAT Ibiza Kit Car led W2L early on but an Masao Kamioka and Kevin Gormley drove hard all the time and ended problems and finishing 48 seconds out of the lead. , overheated engine forced him to retire after the 22nd stage. up 6th overall in the Subaru lmpreza 555, best of all the Subaru entries. RALLYEDEPORTUGAL Tommi Makinen on Top Again After Six Month Gap Text and Photos: Martin Holmes The Toyota Ce/ica GT-Four driven by Freddy Loix arid Sven Smeets powers around a corner on the way to second place in the dusty Portugese rally. coming on fast! Makinen's choice of tires on the lase three stages later in the evening left a lot to be desired, costing him a bit of rime bur he certainly con-tinued in the chase .. In W2L McRae had fallen back due tQ power steering problems, the two Renault Maxi's had retired from che fray with engine problems while Adruzilo Lopes was running smoothly all the way. Tommi Makinen and Seppo Harjanne fly their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV on their way to a resounding victory in the Rally of Portug~, breaking the six month winning streak of Subaru. A job well done. Leg 2 showed Makinen to be in great form and he started to pull away from Eriksson. Eriksson said he was nervous because of many spectators on the road, causing him to brake on occasion to avoid them. Richard Burns retired with gearbox failure, holding down fourth place at the time. Freddy Loix was unable to match the pace of Eriksson and Makinen in his Toyota Celica, mostly because of poor tire choices. Rudi Madeira was running fourth in the Subaru lmpreza, ran off rhe road and lose lots of time getting going again, in seventeenth place, find allowii'ig Armin Schwarz co move up co fourth. Yukihiko Sakurai in the Subaru lmpreza 555 retired from the fray with an engine slowh· <:!"-ing away after completing twenty stages. Makinen evencu.ally passed Eriksson and went into the lead on stage 18, with only two more stages to go, Tommi was 22 seconds out in front and things were close, but locking gaged Makinen needn't have worried, Eriksson succumbed Nor everyrhing goes ro plan in rallying. Subaru wenr ro rhe '97 Portugal Rally wirh hope rhar their proven lmpreza World Rally Cars would gain the reams 6rh succes-sive rally win, bur engine problems pur an end to rhar hope. World Champion Tommi Makinen was back on mp again after a six month gap. Mirsubishi's Group A car bear the much admired World Rally Cars for the first time, on an event of which the team had lirde previ-ous experience. Ford had lots of rransmission problems yet Armin Schwarz was able to fin ish well up due in part to his own talents. Alisrer McRae rook advantage of Peugeot's problems and rook the W2L victory in the VW. Of the three rounds heldso far, the top four reams have each led a round at some rime or another, set fastest times on various stages, but here in Porrugal they were only able ro Page 14 set fast times. For the first time since I 978 the event was not in early March, but three weeks later and so rempera-rures were higher and the ground was hard and dusty. The Rally was to have one of the longest days of activity in many years, the first main day starting at 5 :30 a.m. and finishing at 11 :20 p.m., with three stages, including rhe traditional jump at Fafe in the dark. Monday morning dawned bright and dusty. Colon McRae pulled ahead but his engine was starring co misfire and although he ser fastest rime on stage 5 in the afternoon, the engine finally ex-pired and he was finished. Carlos Sainz Ford didn't even get to the end of Stage 5, his transmission seized, snapped a drive shaft and he was history. All of chis left Ken-neth Eriksson with a 14 second lead over Tommi Makinen who was JOth TAP -R~llye de Portugal 23/26.03.1997 1 (1) TOHHI HAKINEH/Seppo Harjanne 2 (7) Freddy Loix/Sven Smeets 3 (6)."· ARHIN SCHWARZ/Denis Giraudet 4 (26) Gregoire de Hevius/Jean-Harc Fortin 5 (17) Jean-Pierre Richelmi/Thierry Barjou 6 (Jl) Hasao Xamioka/Kevin Gormley 7 (24) Gustavo Trelles/Jorge del Buono 8 (25) Han!red Stohl/Peter Huller 9 (12) Alister McRae/David Senior 10 (16) Adruzilo Lopes/Luis Lisboa 11 (18) Erwin Weber/Han!red Hiemer 14 (21) Pavel Sibera/Petr Gross· 23 (61) Victor Pascoal/Duarte Costa 25 (86) Jean Louis Fabre/Hare Boyer Other important finisher 15 (8) Rui Hadeira/Huno Silva Hltsubishi L~~cer Evolution Toyota Calica GT-Four Ford Escort WRcar Ford Escort WRCar Ford Escort P.s Cosworth Subaru Impreza 555 Hitsubishl Lancer Evolution Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution vw Golf Kl t Car Peugeot 306 Haxi SEAT Ibiza Kit Car Skoda Felicia Kit Car 1600 SEAT Ibiza GTI Peugeot 106 XSi Subaru lmprez~ 555 World Championship points WCR WCD W2L 4h.53m.Ols.• 10 lO _ 4h.57m. 06s. 6 ◄h.59m,J◄s. 4 5h.05m.29s. 3 5h.10m.17s. 2 Sh.lOa.40s. 1 5h.10m.S4S . • 5h.11m. 04s. 5h.12a.54s.•• Sh.1Ja.42s.•• 5h.18m.011.•• 5h.21m.371.•• 6h.16 ■.251.•• 6h. ll111. 041. •• 5h. 25m,59s. 10 6 4 J 2 1 Armin Schwarz and Denis Giraudet kick up rots of dust in the Ford Escort WRCar, finishing a strong third in spite of mucho transmission troubles throughout the rally. Gustavo Trelles with Jorge de/ Buono riding shotgun get it all off the ground as they speed to the Group N victory in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Ill in a dustless section of the rally. June 1997 Dusty Times
The Renault Maxi Regane of Jose Carlos Macedo lost a wheel and The ever-ugly Renault 4GTL driven by the brothers Pinto dos Santos rolled or rolled and lost a wheel. No matter which it always hurts to be The Skoda Felica Kit Car 1600 prepares for touchdown as pilot Pavel ended up in thirty third position after a long, long rally. a DNF. Sibera rushes to a third in W2L in the Portugese outback. Colin McRae has the attention of the crowd as his Subaru lmpreza Dust was the word of the day as Raphael Sperrer and Per Carlsson Always be prepared; if your car breaks down there is always a long WRCar captured three fastest stage times but retired with engine led their class for a while but retired after 14 stages with a clutch wait 'ti/ it and you get back to your mechanics tools, so read the hours failure. p'-r_o_b_le_m_._____________________ away. 13, Sainz 12-an~~S~c-w-arz- -l -1 -w~i-~o_t_s __ w_i_th_a-lo_n_g_s_eas_ o_n_ye_t_t_o_g_o_,_w_e_ar_ e to terminal engine failure on the final stage, giving Tommi a three minute advantage which he held to the end, and winning all the stages on the sec-ond leg cercainly helped a lot. In Group N, Manfred Stohl was the quickest on most of the. stages and gradually overtook Gustavo Trelles, taking the lead on the last stage of the day. In W2L Raphael Sperrer and his Renault Maxi Mcgane gave up the ghost on Stage rwo with terminal clutch trouble. Emil Triner contracted terminal gearbox failure in the Skoda Felicia on stage 21 whilst the Mini ofTrevor Godwin retired on stage 20 with bro-ken steering. Lopes was still leading in the Peugeot and McRae was a minute ahead of the SEAT's, who were third, fourth and sixth. On leg 3, Makinin had a comfortable lead on Freddy Loix whine ail the other drivers seemed to be content to hold position and none of them was try-ing to claw their way to the top. Tommi said he tried to slow down a bit bur he had to get back up to speed to keep his rhythm and concentra-tion. In W2LAlisterwas in good shape, thirty odd seconds behind Lopes and slowly catching him up. Alister took the bit in his teeth and won six of the last eight stages, going into the lead three stages from the end. On stage 23, Harri Rovenpera's engine in the SEAT lbeza Kit Car over-heated and died, taking him our of the fray. In Group N. Gustavo Trelles started his charge and Manfred Stohl was suddenly in danger. With two stages to go, Trelles went into the lead, turning fastest time on the -last Stage, the first time a Group N car had won a stage on a World Championship Rally in ten years! This then was the end of thirty years of rallies, it was the tenth year ofSainz's career in the championship and for Freddy Loix his second place a fitting climax of his first year at the top level. And so ends the Rallye de Portu-gal, late in March 1997 run in warm and dry conditions. Makinen was the big winner in the Mitsubishi Lancer . Evolution, winning by four minutes and fifty seconds, Freddy Loix took a great second in the Toyota Celica GTFour, just a bit off the pace and Armin Schwarz dragged the Ford Escort WR Car into third overall, about six minutes in arrears. Gregoire de Mevius brought the sec-ond Ford Escort WR Car to fourth Overall and yet another Ford Escort, of the RS Cosworth variety was fifth across the line.Gustavo Trellis won the gold in Group N and Alister McRae took top honor in W2L in the VW Golf Kit Car, edging out Adruzilo Lopes On the Peugeot 306 Maxi. Ninety eight cars took the green flag, and anise silly four of chem failed in one way or another, and while 64 of them did finish and the competition was tough in many cases. Stage leaders of which there were only three made it look easy, as follows; McRae won stages 2, 4 and 5, Eriksson took stages 3, 6 through 17, and Makinen 18 through 31. The entire rally covered 1,684 kilo-The center of attraction here is Alister McRae and David Senior in their VW Golf Kit Car, 1st W2L in the Portugese Rally and in the same car that won the Vauxhall Rally of Wales the week before! Dusty Times meters, 418 of which were stage km's and four of those stages were run in darkness. Drivers World Champion-ship points are; Makinen 18, McRae more rallies to go. Manufacturers points not yet ready to pick a winner. Stay show Subaru in the lead with 33, tuned for the Rally of Spain com-Mitsubisl-ii 26, and Ford with 23, and ing soon to your post box. • OilAlcn' • ~unultAJtt."tHI:, A\ /) JL u::.l· • :,upc:1 Cfllll I Welder/Generator EW171 • 4000 Watt Welder/Generator • Honda 11 HP OBY Cummercial Engine . • 170 AMP DC for Welding • Oil Alt!rt" ... • Automatic hlle " RACER DISCOUNTS PARTS SHIPPED BY UPS DAILY BILL ROBERTSON+ SONS. INC. IN BUSINESS FOR ov~ 30 YEARS 5626 Tujunga Blvd., North Hollywood e'HONDA 1 (800) 800-6134 Comeridewithus. 1 (818) 766-6134 June 1997 Page 15
NORTHWEST RALLY REPORT Doo Wop 3 and 4 Ralph Kosmudes and Joe Noyes claimed fitst overall in both Dao Wop 3 and 4 in Ruby's Toyota Supra. When you sec a rally won by 14 seconds you know you've seen some great competition. When you see two rallies in two days won by a total of 14 seconds, you muse have been watching Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes at Doo Wop 3 and 4. Kosmides and Noyes drove the powerful Lincla Tenney's Toyota Supra to two victories in two days to capture the Doo Wop ~enes ot Northern Pacihc Uiv1-sional, Spores Car Club of America pro-rallies held in the Capitai For-est near Olympi,a, WA. In Doo Wop 3 Kosmides/ oyes swapped the lead with Janice Damitio and Amity Trowbridge in the 4WD Crazee Espresso Celica before edging ahead by 13 seconds at the fini sh. In Doo Wop 4 the Supra crew jumped into the lead and then held off the charging Audi Quamo of Rui Brasil and Carlos Tavares to win by a single second. Doo Wop 3 Kosmides, from Newport Beach, CA. and Noyes, from Seattle, jumped into the early lead on Doo Wop 3, besting the 4WP cars through melting snow and heavy rain. DamiriolTrowbridge grabbed the lead on stage three with an amazing run chat topped even na-tional champ Paul Choiniere in the Hyundai Tiburon who was run-ning the Doo Wop National, held concurrently with the divisional rallies. Damitio's lead was brief. Kosmides/Noyes and the Ruby's Supra regained the lead on stage four, pulled ahead on stage five, and held on for the overall win and the over-two-liter (02) class title. DamitioJTrowbridge in the Rage Racing/Crazee Espresso Celica claimed the 4WD class. Brasil and Tavares, slowed by a bent driver's side A-arm, finished third in Doo Wop 3. Todd Hartmann and Kirk Knestis continued their early sea-son domination of the under-rwo-lirer (U2) class with a fine fourth overall in the lncrax Volkswagen Golf Gri. Jake Dekovic and Karie Callahan were fifth in the Jim Adams Auto Clinic Mazda 323 GTX. Sixth overall, and second in 02, were the Northwest Region's group 2 winners, the Hintz brothers Dave and Rick, in the Extreme Rallying Mazda RX3. Seven th were the region's group 3 leaders, John Lane and Scott Huhn in the C&S Auto Rebuild Volvo 262. Monty Horn teamed with first rime co-driver Jiselle Waterhouse cruised to eighth spot, second in U2 with Horn's Datsun 510. Ninth were the east coast team of Lesley Suddard and Anne Thomas in the Maaco Dodge Charger. Mark Simons and Chris Volk finished tenth in a Toyota Corolla. DNFs included Tim Paterson/ Joel Wright in the Falcon Racing Mazda 323 GTX, out with a bro-ken brake rotor, and Doug Schrenk/Bob Walden, with a rolled Scandia Au!osporr Saab 900. 25 of the 33 starters survived the run through Capital Forest. DooWop 4 Dave and Rick Hintz claimed the regional Group 2 class in both Dao Wops in the MazdaRX-3. Ir was a repeat performance for Kosmides/Noyes and the Ruby's Supra in the anal Doo Wop rally of the winter. The Toyota team jumped into the earl_y lead, post-ing fastest times on stages one and two. Brasil/Tavares were 14 sec-onds back at the midpoint, and then the SunTrips Audi crew turned it on to cut 13 seconds from that gap in the final two stages. That one second margin may have left Brasil wondering, "what if" But second overall was good enough for the 4WD class victory, as the Audi edged the Damitio/ Trowbridge Celica by 17 seconds. Hartmann/Knestis picked up another U2 class trophy with an-other fourth overall. The lnrrax VW finished just ahead of the SimonsNolk Corolla in fifth. The second place 02 finishers were Suddard/Thomas in the Maaco Dodge, sixth overall. Seventh was the Leading Edge Auto Glass Volvo 262 of John Lane and Scott Huhn. Dave and Rick Hintz finished eighth in the RX3. Ninth were Ken Stewart and Doc Shrader in the American Racing Chevy S-10 pickup. Stewart hails from Grove, OK, and the S-10 is not just your average northwest 4WD pickup, given its turbo Y6 power. The barrle for tenth overall was a classic Datsun show with Robert and Scott Trinder's 240Z edging the t lorn/Waterhouse 510 by three seconds. DNFs included Dekovic/ Callahan who lost a fuel pump and Glynn Trafford and Bart Yogeizang who left early to catch the ferry home to Duncan, BC in their Mazda 323GTX. John Lane and Scott Huhn were the regional Dao Wop 3 winners in Rui Brasil and Carlos Tavares finished one seconu behind in Dao Dao Wop 3 saw Monty Horn and Jiselle Waterhouse take second in the Volvo 262. Wo 4 in the Sun Tri . the U9 class in the Datsun 510. ==================,----------=-Neophytes Shawn Callahan and Mark Craig took fourteenth overall Mark Simons and Christopher Volk were fifth overall in Dao Wop 4 in Jake Dikovic and Katie Callahan got back into shape and went on to on Dao Wop 3 in the VW Scirocco. the Toyota-Gorolla. fifth place in Dao Wop 3 in the Mazda 323. Page 16 June 1997 Dusty Times
June 20, 21, 22, 1997 ~ SAUARA HOIIL ANO CASINO U.S VIGA.S Kawasaki Let the good times roll. GENERATORS 5 ILWIB~ S ~ IB • • • • • CARS : . • TRUCKS .•• · • MOTORCYCLES •QUADS .. : ~ ~ A 300 MILE ONE WAY NEVADA OFF-ROAD ADVENTURE • • • • • • • • • • • • I\ ~ • • • ELY • BESTiruTHE DESERT ,,,-;"tcJN(~ .l\sc._.oc,.011f•t'\1 FOR MORE INFORMATION: 3475C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775 (Fax (702) 641-2431 www.bitd.com
Sam Berri won both heats although not without some strong challenges from the rest of Class 1, but his victory was no to be denied. This years season opener was full Class 7 was created for all mini of excitement and new cars. With trucks at the same entry and pay-new classes created and a lot of back as Class 9. Novice class was classe~ dissolved at the rules meet-opened up to allow drivers to stay ing back in November, competi-there until they are fast or experi-rion level and class counts were all enced enough to bump up to vet-just about even. eran or pro dasses. Back in November at the rules The Sportsman Novice class was meeting VORRA redesigned and first to take the green on this warm, eliminated some classes. Class I, breezy Sunday morning with 8 1600, IO and 8 stay the same with women and men taking the green Class 8 being all heavy metal lim- flag in the run-what-ya-brung, ired to 15 inches of travel and must rookie driver class. Taking the run fenders. Veteran classes were holeshot from row 2 was newcomer redesigned; Veteran Buggy is all Tim Lowe (93), with Shane open wheel cars and Veteran Truck Zerlang (22), Steve Millward (61), is all trucks, Class 8, 4, 3, 7 (etc.). and Brian Carpenter (96) giving [IP.JI.~] • Largest Selection Of Rodends & • Spherical Bearings • BACKSAVER • FIREBOffiES · • BATTERIES • SPAL FANS • SETRAB COOLERS • FLUIDYNE COOLERS • AEROQUIP PLUMBING • SILICONE HOSE NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • GREASES • AUTOMOTIVE & RACING COOLANTS WE HAVE OVER THE COUNTER SERVICE CALL US FOR A FREE CATALOG! WE WILL SHIP AS FAST AS YOU NEED IT ". TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ~ · (562) 427-2375 FAX (562) 426-5294 \ BAKER PRECISION BEARINGS [1111•1 )UPS ' I VISA I \ ~ 2865 Gundry Ave.• Signal Hill, CA 90806 ~ -Page 18 Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA · 1997 22nd Annual VORRA Season Opener Shane Balch came over from beautiful downtown Fremont to contend for the 1600 victory, took the first moto easily but had to fight for the win in moto 2 to become the class big winner. close chase. By lap 2 Millward was -in 2nd and Zerlang was dropping back and later rolled on lap 3 after blowing an outside rear tire. This put Tina Robinson (16) up to 4th behind Carpenter. At mid race Car-penter was in 2nd after getting around Millward and Lowe was almost 1/2 a track out in front driv-ing smooth and hard on the gas. On lap 6 Lowe broke a rear drum and nearly rolled, taking him out of the race. This put Carpenter out front, with Millward and Robinson battling it our for 2nd. Robinson had 2nd for a while but a tangle for the pass with Millward sprained and tore ligaments in her wrist and she settled for 3rd. Carpenter held on for the moto win and Millward was 2nd, William Hale (66) was 1 lap back in 4th. Moro 2 had Eric Jenkins (77) come from the last starting posi-tion to take the first lap lead with Tim Lowe in 2n.:i, Millward 3rd and Ali Miller driving for Brian Carpenter in 4th. At the mid race point, Jenkins broke a front spindle and cried to make some more laps but just couldn't keep the car going straight. This put Lowe in the lead until ignition troubles dropped him from the top spot. This allowed Miller to move into the lead followed by Millward and Tami Moore driving for the injured Tina Robinson in 3rd. Final re-sults: Brian Carpenter and Ali Miller back to back moto wins for I st, Steve Millwards two 2nd's landed him 2nd and Tina Robinson and Tami Moore in 3rd. Class IO action was next with 5 caking the green and it was a dog fight all the way to the end in both mows. Jumping out to the first moto early lead was Steve Bradford (1008) with Garry Pinheiro (1029) giving strong chase. Ben Wald (1099) and Dana VanNoort (1057) were not far behind in this pack. On lap 4, Pinheiro drove under Bradford to cake the lead, then simultaneously blew his tranny and spun the car due to the lack of power. This left Bradford in the lead with Wald and VanNoort in a three car bumper to bumper freight train for 3 laps June 1997 until VanNoort made a pass for the lead after Bradford and Wald had engine troubles. Final moto results were VanNoorc, Bradford, Wald and Jim Jukes (1031) in 4th. Moro 2 was just as fierce· and once again a Bradford was out front, this time Steve's dad, Ace Bradford. Jukes, Wald •and VanNoort were in hot pursuit un-til lap 3 when VanNoorc made an off crack excursion and rolled his car several times. This brought out a full course red flag as officials and medical personnel attended to Karen VanNoort, Dana's wife and codriver who was shaken up in the ' .;;:•' Y,~: incident. She sustained a broken left wrist and ankle injuries but was otherwise OK. On the restart, Bradford regained the lead with Wald all over him. On the last lap, last turn, Wald and Bradford tangled sending Wald over the guard rail allowing Bradford to take the moto win. Overall results were Steve and Ace Bradford I st, Ben Wald 2nd, Jim Jukes 3rd. Class 9 lined up with 6 limited cars and Tom Hatch (911) taking the early lead given chase by Harry Trombley (967), Forrest Creasy (91 O), and Dave Tarrant (904). Lance Rhinehart (916) broke a ball The Brian Carpenter/Ali Miller besmudged buggy floats across the track on the way to the Sportsman Novice victory after some hard fought laps of the track. The Bradford's, Steve and Ace hold a slim lead here as they took second in the 1st moto and 1st in moto 2 for the Class 1 0 overall win for the day. Dusty Times
Forrest Creasy led the first moto from lap 2 and breezed home for the win and duplicated the feat in moto 2 for Sunday's overall win in Class 9. Fred Ca/lasso in his appropriately numbered truck was the big winner in moto 1 and also in moto 2 to take top honors in the newly formed Class 7. joint on the first lap and pulled into the "camping area" to change it and was not allowed to return after making the repairs. Creasy moved into the·lead on the 2nd lap and never looked back. Trombley dropped out after 5 laps with en-gine troubles. Hatch held on to 2nd until lap 7 when Tarrant made his move for the runner up spot. That's the way they finished with Eric Stieger (956) in 4th with a broken ball joint. Second Moro had Rhinehart take the early lead followed by Creasy and Tarrant. Creasy drove around Rhinehart to rake the lead. Rhinehart was out of the race on lap 4 with a broken front drum, giving 2nd place to Tarrant and 3rd to Gary Steele driving for Tom Hatch. 4th place belonged to Eric Steiger. That's the way they fin-ished with the overall standings Forrest Creasy 1st, Dave Tarrant 2nd, Tom Hatch & Gary Steele 3rd, and Eric Steiger 4th. 1600 action lined up next with 6 cars and Shane Balch (I 602)rook the early lead ahead of Arden Dennington (1621). Larry Folsom ( 1691) and Bruce Baum beck (I 637) were battling for 3rd. Dennington stayed close and made attempts for the lead but just could not make the move. At mid race Randy Miller owned the 1st moto had to do some trick driving to take the 2nd moto . and was certainly victorious in the Veteran Buggy Class. · trtco•s 2Vax[id fromlMay ~o~;g;· ~ with D Lunch/~in (limit one coupon per perso racing in what else is there for you in ENSENADA? * Award winning cuisine *The# I Steakhouse in BAJA * The Best Mexican Hreakf ast in Ensenada * The Best Mexican Break( ast Buffets Saturdays & Sunday . * Wednesdays Mexican Dinner buff et 6-10 pm * Original Dishes · * The only 11ori9.inal11 semi-progressive-sf ring limited-leaf suspencled-rotating tractor sea bar stools in the world * Ouer I 50 prepared drinks ~ BRONCO'S BRONCO'S ~ STE4K HOUSE 1 ST. Street & Guadalupe Ense Tel. 7849-DD Baumbeck passed Folsom for 3rd. At the finish line Balch was 1st, Dennington 2nd and Baumbeck 3rd. Moro 2 had Dennington take the holeshot with Balch giving challenge. Folsom and Baumbeck were back in 3rd and 4th with Kevin Lewis ( 1677) following in 5th. Dennington held the lead with Balch all over him trying to take the lead. On the last lap as the announcer almost fell off the an-nouncing trailer in excitement, Balch made the final move and stuck it for the number 1 spot. Dennington was 2nd, Folsom 3rd and Baumbeck 4th. And that was the final standings. Class 8 lined up with 3 pro's and 1 veteran taking the green. Don German ( 401) _rook the early lead and held off the challenge from Jim Cope (414). Jarad & Chad Wilson (320) were back in 3rd and Don Sutton (51-vet) in 4th, 1st in class. German held off Cope for the 10 lap race for the win, Cope was 2nd, Wilson 3rd. Moro 2 had Cope off to the early lead with Chris German back in 2nd. Cope held off the challenge for half the race until a transmis-sion cooler hose broke and he slowed to stay in 2nd behind Ger-man and ahead of Wilson. Final Standings in the class was Don & Chris German 1st, Jim Cope 2nd and Jarad & Chad Wilson 3rd. Don Sutton finished both motes for 1st in the redesigned veteran Class 8. New class to VORRA this year, Class 7 Jined up with 4 trucks en-tered. Fred Calosso (777) was off to the early lead and Mike Koenig (701) 2nd, Ken Bittancourt (775) 3rd. Bill Manfroy (767) built his new truck and the VORRA internet sire in less than 6 weeks. The ream wasn't finished with the truck bur entered anyway driving only 1 lap and getting valuable sea-son points. Koenig pulled off with a blown headgasker on lap 4, and Birtancourt rolled 2 laps later. This gave the easy moro win to Calosso with Birtancourt regaining and fin-ishing in 2nd, 1 lap back. The second moro started with the remaining 2 trucks. Bittancourt drove to the early lead bur Calosso passed and went on to rake the moto 2 win and the overall in Class 7, Ken Bittancourt was 2nd. Five Pilots were next up and Ken Bittancourt rolled the Toyota in moto 1 but came back for a neat Arden Dennington heavily contested the lead in moto 1, fell to 2nd in 2nd place, led moto 2 but ended up 2nd for a g_ood 2nd overall in Jim Cope crowded. first place in moto 1 all race long, led moto 2 until moto 2 at the last moment for a final of second overall in Class 1600. Class 7. · mechanicals slowed him but still took 2nd overall in Class 8. Dusty Times June 1997 Page19
Dave Tarrant's neat looking buggy was second in moto 1, also 2nd Steve Millward was neverwoise than third inmoto 1, a strong second in moto 2 for, you guessed it; 2nd for the day in Class 9. in moto 2 which gave him 2nd overall in Sport Novice Class. Dennis Dugan rampaged from last to 2nd in moto 1. almost got the win in moto 2 and settled for 2nd in points in Class 1 for a not too bad Sunday. . back of che pack for che first lap (34). Johnny Flud (24) was run-our front with Wald in 2nd, and lead. Lee Farhola (11) was running ning 3rd but rolled several times Robby Wright (82) in 3rd. At the 2nd but broke an axle shaft on lap on lap 3 retiring him for the day. finish line it was Wolsey, Wald and 2 g~ving 2nd place to Andy Wald By mid race Wolsey was half a lap Wright. Wolsey was docked l po-sicion however for passing under a yellow flag which gave Wald the moto win. Second moto was just the same DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. • 4·point sand rail seat belt .. $7 4. 95 RACE BELTS 2"•5pointmount ......... $79.95 3"·5pointmount . ........ $99.95-SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swing axle ............... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm."1700# ............ $79.95 200mm•up 103000# .... . ... $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#·2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ............... $39.95 4 puc ferram/c ............ $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . .. ...................... $54.95 GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 'lz • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .................. $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ......... ea $44.95 930orT-4orT·21/anges .ea $15.95 Trick boots {specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star ................... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS s• travel-stock width .... $199.95 B" travel-widenedbeam .$219.95 10• travel•stock width ... . $224.95 · 10• trave/·wldened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½"chrome ......... $ 98.95 T-11 ½•raw ............ $ 65.95 T-11518" chrome ........ $105.95 T-11518" raw ........... $ 72.95 T-4chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw ................. $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 !fpecily M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ . . .......•......... $489.95 MK II ...•••. •.•.••••... $589.95 I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184. 95 With hydrau/lc throttle ... $259.95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion .$269.95 Mount plate ............ $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8.95 Rack steering stops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no teak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 1'/, • tonger .......... pr. $4 7 4 .. 00 21/, • tonger ......... . pr. $499.00 4 • longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly lie rods wlends. {specify Ford or International) set ... ........................ $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" ................ $435.00 1·21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 "!1324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 Page 20 June 1997 -as Wolsey went to work out front and Wald and Farhola fought it our for 2nd until Farhola drove under Wald and made the pass stick to the checkers for 2nd. Final results were Clint Wolsey 1st, Andy Wald 2nd and Robby Wright 3rd. The redesigned Veteran Buggy C lass lined up with 4 cars and Randy Miller (96) was off to the early lead followed by Rob Parsons ( 1 O) and David Kordonowy (20). Brian Holloway (14) had electri-cal problems that kept him in 4th. Miller stayed our front the entire 1 0 laps for 1st and Parsons was 2nd and Kordonowy 3rd. Moto 2 had Parsons jump out to the lead followed by Holloway and Miller. Kordonowy was work-ing our problems and was back in 4th. Holloway was off rhe pace with the same electrical problems. As rhe leaders caught up to orher class back markers on lap 8. Miller made an awesome inside pass on 2 cars including Parsons to take rhe lead which he never gave up. Final results had Randy Miller lsr, Rob Parsons 2nd and David Kordcinowy 3rd. Miller's car #96 worked double dury with double wins in this class and in rhe novice class where daughter Ali and Brian Carpenter drove for rhe win. Class 1 opened up with 6 cars and Dennis Kordonowy (1007) took the holeshor but tangled with Dennis Dugan ( 168)raking Kordonowy our of the race and purring Dugan back to last place. This handed rhe lead to Sam Berri (149) with Everett Paul (143) 2nd, Charlie Kerren ( 18.1) 3rd and Allen Biggs (281) 4th. Ar mid race Paul broke an axle and was limping around the track, Biggs was run-ning good in 4th, Ketten was back in 5th and Dugan was flying from lasr place to 2nd and was making a challenge on Berri. Berri was able to hold on to 1st ar rhe finish wirh Dugan 2nd, Biggs 3rd and Paul 4th. Moto 2 had another bad start for Kordonowy as he headed off and crashed on the first lap. Sam Berri took the earl y lead followed by Tyler Mort, raking over for Everett Paul, and Dennis Dugan. Dugan was back in 2nd dropping Mort to 3rd. Ken McKim, driving for Allen Biggs, was in 4th and Ketten was in 5th, driving with a broken ex-haust header. On the last lap, last turn, Dugan tried a little too hard co catch Berri and spun, allowing Mort to pass and take 2nd behind Berri. Final results were Sam Berri 1st, Dennis Dugan 2nd, Allen Biggs & Ken McKim 3rd and Tyler Mort & Everett Paul 4th. Finally, check VORRA out on-line at WWW.VORRA.COM, our seep into cyber space. The site is still under major construction but we'll get it going strong as soon as we can. Dusty Times
Choiniere and Becker Open 97 Rally Season With Victory in Washington Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker collected all the marbles in the first outing for the Hyunuai Tiburon at the Dao Wop National Pf!O Rally. __ _ A new season and a new car, bur ir was a familiar pair of win-ners ar rhe Little Creek Casino's Doo Wop National PRO rally in Washington's Capital Forest on March 16. Six rime national rally cham-pions Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker finished first in their brand· new 1997 Hyundai Tiburon coupe from Libra Rac-ing. The 370 horsepower, 4WD Tiburon is the first Hyundai competition car that really starts ro look like a racer. Michigan's WE CARRY AURORA, PYROTECT, PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, SIMPSON J.T. INDUSTRIES, SWAY*A*WAY WRIGHT PLACE, SACO, EARLS YOKOHAMA, SUPER TRAPP, AUTO FAB SWEPCO, BEL-RAY, TANAKA, S&S BUG PACK, CHENOWTH, UMP 5Jr/B:!. •. BELL HELMETS, KEP, FODDRIL UNI-FILTER, ·K&N, TRI-MIL, PIAA PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, SCAT COMP-U-FIRE, WEBER CARBS SAND TIRES & RIMS, BOGART WHEELS CNC, ULTRA WHEELS, SIMPSON CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEELS MECHANIX WEAR, WCM, FUEL SAFE "WE ARE NOW A DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS" CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 Page 22 WE CAN SHIP UPS TO YOUR DOOR -. . . . " ~ ~Wifflf ?JJ -3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 8111.02 HOURS: MON-FRI fAM-SPM * SAT fAM-SPM (702}871-5221 FAX June 1997 Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes finish Stage two in the Toyota Supra, aka the Group 5 win_n!!!.:.._ Henry Joy and Jamaica's Michael Fenneli finished second, more rhan three minutes behind the Hyundai in Joy's righ r-hand-drive Mitsubishi Lancer. The Doo Wop National, sec-ond round of rhe Michelin PRO Rally Championship, was run through rhe Washington woods in a variety of weather condi-tions. Choiniere was fast through everything, besting the field by 44 seconds through the heavy melting snow on the first stage, winning four of the first six stages in rhe rain, and sweeping the fi-nal four stages as the roads dried our. Choiniere, from Shelburne, VT and Becker, from Great Neck, NY were last seen at rhe Little Creek Casino in Novem-ber, dancing on the roof of their 96 Hyundai, as they claimed rheir sixth national PRO Rally ride in the last seven years. Li-bra Racing team boss John Buffum called the inaugural Tiburon victory "money in the bank," and the Tiburon looks like it may be capable of hauling a lot of cash in rhe race for the The Crazee Espresso Toyota Celica was the winner in Production GT Class, under the sure hands of Janice Damitio and Amity Trowbridge. t~f'\-,·"'~ ~--=· ··-~f~' . • With the Capital Forest for a background, Lee Shadbolt and Paul Eklund rush to second place in Production GT in the Subaru lmpreza. Dusty Times
97 Michelin championship. The Ruby's Restaurant/Linda Tenney's Toyota Supra of Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes was the fastest two wheel drive car, claim-ing the Group 5 class title with a fine, fast, third overall, 1:47 be-hind Joy's 4WD Lancer. Janice Damitio and Amity Trowbridge claimed the Production GT class, placing the Crazee Espresso 1988 Toyota Celica All-trac fourth overall, only 31 secqnds behind Kosmides' winged Supra. Rui Brasil and Carlos Tavares in the open class SunTrips Audi Quattro lost rime after an early bump bent an A-arm. The San Jose duo struggled ro a fifth place finish, ahead of rhe cast coast Maaco Dodge Charger of Lesley Suddard and Anne Thomas. The quickest pickup in Grove, OK. finished seventh overall with Ken Srewarr and Dr. Floyd Schrader at the controls of the · Cooper Tires/American Racing 4WD Chevy S-10. John and Chris Forespring were eighth in Walt's F;1t Ford Mustang. Lee Shadbolr and Paul Eklund fin-ished ~ccond in PCT class, and ninth overall in the Hairpin Racing Subaru lmprcza, with Trevor Danison and James Braczeale tench in the North-west Cansulring Mazda 323 GTX. The DNF list featured Jack Brodhead and Jim Jump, who stuffed their Jump'n Jack Espresso Mazda 323GTX on stage one, and California Rally Series By John Elkin As all of you know by now Rally and Off Road Racing has lost of its best and most powerful sup-porter with the death of Jean Calvin. or much can be said here chat has not been covered in this publication; which is now a legacy of her love of our sister spores, Rally and Off Road. Donna Mitchell sent a card on behalf of the CRS, donations to the Salva-tion Army are appreciated. Our sympathies and prayers go out to John Calvin, and an invitation to join us at CRS events anywhere. The impact of her loss should never eclipse the impact she made while she was here with us. While ar a rrade show here in Portland I happened upon Arc ]urges from Hclla, he is rhe west-ern regional manager. He intro-duced me ro rhe new Hella 4000 light, iris now constructed with a meral case, like rhe old 2000, which should srand up better to the punishment of rally stages than the old plastic cased 3000. HID lighrs are available now, but the price is steep ar $800.00 per light. Centerforce Clutches also was talk-ative about rally, being they are headquartered in Prescott, Arizona, now. Centerforce has always had employees as workers at Prescott, there could be an extra presence chis year as they calk with Jeff Hendricks about his even c. These are two good companies wirh ex-ceptional product char should be on every rally car. Rule change proposals hang in Dusty Times Leslie Suddard and Anne Thomas finished second in Group 5 in the Maaco Dodge Charger ill the Doo Wop PRO Rally. Spinning is not part of the drill and John and Chris Forespring recovered to take third in Group 5 in the Ford. Ken Stewart and Doc Schrader took seventh overall in the 4WD Turbo V-6 Chevy S-1 O Pickup Cornering hard in the dirt. Trevor Danison and Jim Breazeale scooted their flay to tenth overalt in the Open Class Mazda 323GTX. the factory Group 5 Saab 900 of Sam Bryan/Rob Walden who lost their differential early in the event and re-tired after stage three. rhc air over our driving suits. They arc asking for SF! spec suits, two layer chick. A one layer suit would have to be worn with nomex un-derwear, bur still be SF! spew Whether you support the rule change or not your voice needs to heard. Send comments co SCCA or Mike and Paula and they will be forwarded to the PRO Rally Board. Have you priced suits lately? June 7, 1997, will be a co-effi-cient three event near Portland, Oregon, called Oregon Trail run on roads west of town. The roads rival Capitol Forest for fun, the or-ganization is solid, and if you're thinking about the SuperDiv title then chis is a must for you. If you only try one out of division event rhis year then chink about chis event. The locals have no more knowledge of the roads than you do, they are all new. The CRS has a new sire on the world wide web, as does George Pisek and a hosr of others. If you are web-capable I suggest starring our ar Ben's Rally Page, he has links to all rhe new pages, old pages and world rally championship pages, and besides, his is rhe only URL I can remember off rhe rop of my head .... hrrp://www.reed.edu/ ~bradlcy/ The web is becoming quire rhc rally friendly place, with more than 200 rally related web sires for Special Sragc Rally. Feel free to contact me for a complete list of rally people who are on line ar JElkin@compuserve.com With Rim done and committee: to memory (nor ar chis writing, but by publication at least) we look for-ward to the rest of the CRS sea-son, which is detailed in the calen-dar section at the front of this magazine. Gorman, Treeline, Prescott, Palm Springs and several close non-CRS events in Oregon, Nevada andWashington lay ahead. Until next rime ..... c ZIE'S Al FIL S a--,o-~-,,-0.-IFl'---R-O. ... !A ... D~-. i UN-FILTER ; SPECIALISTS! ll m PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 'J) 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE.. AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 a, DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME t • a: w 0 w 0 a: ::r:: u (/) • ...I ~ ii: f-• ...I <( w z • z ~ ai • l:i w z z w " • g ~ • (/) a: w ~ a: m (/) a: w ~ .~ (/) • (/) > a: z w ::r:: • w :::, ...I m :'; 0 • w ~ 0.. • T2 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER ......................................... MRB-86-9305 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-3 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR .............................. :MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE 1 ................................... HDR-113-501;331 CV JOlNT TYPE II .................................. HDR-211-501-331 B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501-331 D 875 STD BALL ........................................ HYP.-19005 934 STD BALL ........................ , ............... HYP-19006 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DiFF ...................... MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFFT-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .......................... MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVER S/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 a, 5 m JJ (/) a, 0 JJ 8 ;;::: m JJ (') > r-m -i m JJ C m ~ m r-(/) (') 'U 6 z a, CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 g. CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 ~ r,v. GREASE ................................................ RED-CV2-MOLY • sTD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 9 C: 3M BOOT .................................... ., ............. SUP,-102 • 9ATES BOOT ......... '.: .................................. BAT-BOOT 00 830 RO TAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 ~ .:34 ROTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6001 ~ ~ E FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 1 a: -- FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 ~L.---:..---------------!"'~~11111111~~~~~~~~~~• • JIMPSON e BEARD SEATS e IPF • -KC e. CIBIE LIGHTS e BUGPACK e REDLINE~ • FOEL SAFE • OEM -• SWAY·A:WAY. • S.i& June 1997 Page 2::: 1
M.O.R.E. MIGHTY MOJAVE 230 McGillivray and Greenway Take Class 10 and Overall -Again! By fimmie Messick Mike Bragg flies the big Ford to victory in Class 8 in spite of some flat tires and a bit "' of brake trouble along the way. Malcolm Bryce is all in the air after winning Class 1/2-1600 by over 15 Minutes at the Mighty Mojave 230 after encountering some mechanicals before the race. Turning some very fast and consistant lap times at the M.O,R.E. Mighty Mojave 230, Kevin McGi/livray and Jim Greenway haust valve, a clogged fuel filter and having an oil breather line fall off slowed them down a bit, bur they still turned some good lap times in their brand new M&T Racing chassis car. I've got to give credit ro Tommy Craig for not get-ting any flars or dinging up any wheels this time but he does owe his dad a role roll of pink ribbon char he dragged around for a lap, bm hey, rhose are bonus points. Brian Walsh completed only two laps in his Jimco A-arm. race encry fee. Class 1600 had seven leave the line with rliree of them complet-ing the eight laps. Coming out on top was Malcolm Bryce and Perry King who had troubles before rhe race and starred behind the 9 cars. Perry pur the car on rhe roof but had no orher rroubles ro report of in their first ever win. Second in class was Mike Danley with Lani: finished first overall and first in Class fO. The M.O.R.E. Mighty Mojave 230 had 27 cars leave rhe line, and improvement from last rime. The race went smoothly with no real problems for the M.O.R.E. orga-nization. They ran a 30 mile course with eight laps on a course that was really tight and challeng-ing and that made it a lot of fun. The overall winner again was The brothers Johnson run through the soft stuff as they head for the checkers in-Class 9 and the second overall position as well. PIKE'S SERV;ICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! SERVICE EVERY DAY OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 24 Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway who had tranny and brake problems en route. The ream turned some fast and consistent lap rimes and M.O.R.E. has put up a $500.00 reward for anyone who takes the overall win away from these guys. And if they don't watch our, the Johnsons in their Class 9 car might do it as they took second overall at the Mighty Mojave. The Class IO winner was also the overall winner and that of course was Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway. Taking second in class was Steve McMullin (an old grandpa now) and Tommy C raig with Rick Taylor and Robyn McMullin co-driving. Losing an ex-There was once again one Class 8 and one Class 7 so they com-bined them into one class and Mike Bragg took the win in good time, having a few flats and brake troubles which isn't good in that big truck. The Fays took second in class and received $250 off the next Barrie Thompson flies his neat looking Baja Bug towards the checkered flag in Class 5-1600, turning some real quick laps with consistancy. Randy Ingraham won the Sportsman Class by a yard, shown here kicking up a bit of dust on the way to the finist:,. June 1997 Dilbeck co-driving. ,\!like ,1.1rted and turned some f~sr lap times for his first rime driving in a race. The ream had a c.v. joint break and an alternator belt come off in their M&T Racing chassis car. Third in class was Tom Malloy who drove the first laps and tore rhe front shock towers off, then gave the car to his son who rook the last seven laps, setting a handful of fast laps. Andrew Lindquist with Marr Stankavich co-driving had the lead when the alternator took a dump on lap 7. The ream rook the class points lead and are becoming hard chargers in their M&T Racing Chassis car. Matt retired after this race and moved to Michigan to go to work for the company that does all four wheel drive stuff on the Team MacPhersons Trophy Truck. "GOOD LUCK MATT!" Tony Ramirez completed six laps, Ray Wright finished five and Brad Inch dropped after four. Class 9 had the largest field with nine cars leaving the line. The Johnson brothers once again took the class win as well as second over-all, having no problems en route. Second in class was Darrin McGuffin who set fast lap of the day for class finishing IO min mes behind rhe Johnsons. Third in class was Brian Lopez who was worn out after two laps, giving the car to J. D. Ward who broughr the car around setting fast lap on lap 4. Jeff Holmes finished fourth in his firsr ever off road race with help from Jeff King. Robby Cockroll and Mike Depue with Matt Gumz and Ross Andie co-driving dropped af-ter five laps due to tranny failure. Your reporter Jimmy Messick brought my new M&T Racing car out-and had a good first through third laps losing 15 minutes in the heights on lap 4 with a bad airer-Dusty Times
The Ford of Stacy Fay had a terribly long second, lap but she still took Mike Danley and Lane Dilbeck had a broken c. v. hinder their run for the Steve McMullin had various troubles on the second and third laps yet second place in the combined class. gold on lap 7, but they sewed up second place in Class 1/2-1600. in spite of that took the silver in Class 10. Darrin McGuffin scalded the course with a forty-four minute, thirty- Brian Lopez, aided by J. D. Ward ran as hard as they could but their seven second lap, fastest for Class 9, but still ended up second in Tom Malloy and son suffered through some front end problems for a day only allowed third in Class 9, about eight minutes out of second Class. couple of laps but still grabbed third in Class 112-1600. place. nator. I then turned the car over to my dad Warren Messick and Rick Taylor. The tranny broke on lap 5 but wee all had a really good time. I've got to thank Tommy Massi mini who did a good job riding the four laps with me. I'd also like to thank my dad and my uncle Rick who built and set the car up for me, working real hard and late to get it done. Now hopefully my dad can get back to working on his 10 car. Next I'd like to thank my sponsors, Barstow In-dustrial, Brubaker Mann, Howard Drilling, Barstow Motorcycle Cen-ter, Kathy's Copies and Printing of Barstow, CA, Sign Pros, Hot Roads Only and Bill Gust fro building me a great motor. Dave Girdner finished four laps having a real tough time. Chris Marcum drove his facher-in-law's car, running really hard until the motor blew on lap 4, This was his first ever time to drive in an off road race. He got the itch and has a brand new 1600 car being built. Michael Rix dropped after lap 3. Class 5-1600 had three start and only one finish and ch;:it was Barrie Thompson in a good looking Baja Bug. John Lucasey finished four laps and Chip Davis completed two. Th.ere were two Sportsman cars; ~----------------------Randy Ingraham cook the class win, was kind of a pain at the awards but did a pretty good job. Mike Goodenough took second in their first ever race. They rolled their Bug but had no ocher problems en route. The next M.O.R.E. race is sche.duled for May 23rd and 24th in Lucerne Valley. Lee's hope the races keep picking up entries like this each time. I would like ro send my sympa-thy ro John Calvin and the whole staff of Dusty Times on the death of Jean Calvin. Jean was a very great person who raught me a lot and gave me the chance to write for her paper. She was a great friend and I know she will always be missed by many. Her spirit will always be in rhc dust of every off ro.ad race. Rest in Peace, Jean. JIMCO CHASSIS TYPE IV PowEtiEo BY KENDALL PERFORMANCE, TuscoN, Az. . --~ RAC/IVG CAMS 1815 MASSACHUSITTS AVENUE _. RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA A 909/369-5144 _. FAX 909/369-7266 Dusty Times June 1997 Page 25
. Am•n·ca 1000 Rally most of the event among some • CRS teams and one Mexican By John Elkin team. Early on the VW GTI VR6 -----------------------------~~ of Augustine Zamora and Jaime What could be better than a Wood, Dennis Chizma and the de! Palacio took the lead over visit to Baja? How about a race in Dela Cuesta family rounded out Tony Chavez and John Elkin in a Baja? Maybe a visit to Ensenada the large entry. ✓W Reynard golf on the pave-during Carnival, Ensenada's ver-Some subtle differences await ment. Lon Peterson and Bill sion of Marde Gras? Well, what if competitors when they venture Gutzmann had an uncharacteris- . there was a race, in Ensenada, dur-south to run a rally, that are worth tic flat tire on the paved stage and ingCarnival?Thatwould be some explaining. First of all the lost a couple of minutes right off weekend, wouldn't it? Well mileage'sareallinkilometers,but 'the bat. Bill Nation and Andrea Ladies and . Gentlemen, it was! an easy math calculations can get Botas in a Mazda RX-7 were in The powers that be in Mexico your odometer to run that way. third at the top of the Laguna City's office of the FIA were so The route books are quite differ-Hansen stage behind Zamora and happy with Ensenada's round of ent as they describe the corner by Chavez, but being chased down the Mexican National series last degree of severity using the cau- by Peterson who was now battling June that they granted another tion exclamation marks that we a bent driveshaft for two stages on round for the 1997 champion-use here in the USA. But the main top of the lost time for the flat. ship, the opening round this time. difference is that teams have the Other teams in two wheel open It was, to the relief of many, much option of usingpacenotes in Mex-who normally are front runners cooler than the June date. ico, thus making the odometer met with doom early but are T we! ve teams came from main- and worry about kilometers moot deserving of mention. George land Mexico to do battle with sev-if you do it right. Another dif- Pisek and-Mark Rathsam in their era! local Ensenada teams and 21 ference is that the navigator Saab 99 had a motor fail at the teams from the CRS. This event does his or her own writing on the end of stage three while running would also count as an alternate time cards and is responsible for well. Cable and Tyler Rhodes event for the 1997 California keeping the correct accumulated were back in a new Mazda RX-7 Rally Series Championship's four time figured out. These variances but they had a big mechanical classes. The event would use some were easily adapted to by all. failure early also. Ricky Della of the roads becoming familiar In Stock Class the entry topped Cuesta and J .D. Recto were from the past two events, mainly out at four teams, and early on the debuting their new Dodge Colt the Highway 3 section from competition looked wide open but a wheel bearing failure Ensenada to Ojos Negros, and the for the three teams that made the stopped them early also. Punta Cabras stage from Santo second stage. Dennis Chizma and Heading back on the pavement Tomas to the Pacific ocean and Claire Shelton, back.in the trusty, Zamora I de! Palacio lengthened back. New stages included a dead- rusty Rabbit, had an oil pump their lead slightly on Chavez/ El-end turnaround stage from High- sei:e in the early going and were kin who were now battling a way 3 to Laguna Hansen, and a never a factor. Tony Dela Questa transmission that was stuck in four stage loop in the San Anto-and Steve Scott also suffered a fifth gear for the final paved stage · nio Valley north of Ensenada off whee:ing engine early in the brand back to Ensenada, but it was a the T ecate road. Rain before the new built Toyota Corolla. This good gear· to be stuck in and they event made the road to Laguna left the classic Datsun/Toyota turned an excellent stage time. Hansen somewhat rougher and struggle of years ago to resurface Nation/Batas had the RX-7 wetter than expected, but ·it wa as Frank Parades and Roger Alli-wound tight and in third still still a fun stage for those that sur-son campaigned the lJatsun 510 while Peterson /Gutzmann still vived. Th_e four stage loop was a against Pete Morris and Dave were fourth. fun, fast and scenic run through Robertson in an early 70's Toyota On day two, stage one, the the hills toward La Mision. Corolla. The battle raged early Zamora/ de! Palacio came to an Friday night would see the rally with stage times leaning towards early close as the VW had a ball start on the main boulevard of a the Datsun on the rough stages, joint failure early leaving Chave-town for a ceremonial start to the the Toyota edging ahead on : / Elkin in the lead. The Multi-11 kilometertransittothestartof smoother more horsepower Pack GTI was dislodged from the paved stage to Ojos Negros. oriented roads. On day two the fifth gear, but the team would not From there teams would transit to transmission for Frank and Roger be able to use the gear again in the the Laguna Hansen stage for the started acting up, but the duo kept event for fear of getting stuck dead-end turnaround and then the fight alive as long as they could again, and as such lost some top hack to the pavement for another until finally Frank was left with a end. Nation/Batas had a several run on Highway 3 back to Ensen-box full of neutrals. Pete and Dave minute excursion into the weeds ada and an early end to the firSt sailed through the stages for an on ·stage I but did get out eventu-night. ama:ing sixth overall finish and a ally to keep running. Peterson The International field had convincing class win, even as the took half a minute back against many favorites from north and only finisher they showed them- Chavez who had a rear flat for south of the border. Lon Peterson selves to be competitors for the three miles· of the stage; while a was back in a Plymouth Arrow championship. failing strut started to plague the with Bill Gutzmann at his side. Rui Performance Stock class was a Arrow. On the way back down Brasil and Carlos Tavares had the two vehicle affair with yet a single the stage positions stayed the venerable Audi ready to go. Tony finisher. Terry Stonecipher and same time wise, as teams made Chave: and John Elkin debuted a Chrissy Beavis took "Murphy" their way back to Ensenada for a VW GTI carrying sponsorship the Toyota Celica to a win. "T er- service halt and then the north from M ultiPack, one of several rdog" did a third overall best stage loop. cars associated with the well estab- time on stage two of day two. Re-Teams. transited to the north lished team. Roger Hull and Sean entering the rally scene was Doug loop by taking Highway 1 north Gallagher made the tow from Ari-and Sue Robinson in a Mazda RX-to the Tecate Road and heading zona as did Karen Burrows and 7. Off Roaders will remember into the town of San Antonio de Ken Cassidy, both in all wheel Doug from his Jeep Honcho days las Minas, where the next service ez/Elkin to a minute and six Danielle Cardone were third in seconds. In the next stage, the last Group B in a Golf. Pete Morris before service, on a·long straight- was second in Group C followed a-way the engine blew on the by the Ensenada team of Porfirio Chavez GTI ending what would and Sergio Gutierrez in a Pontiac have been an exciting battle unre-Fiero. Gabriel Marin and Ed-solved with just two stages wardo Rodriguez were second remaining in the rally. Peterson Group A in their Plymouth Laser claimed the win and second over- fighting a lagging turbo all wee-all by over 13 minutes over Bill kend. Robert Garcia and Robert Nation/ Andrea Batas in their Arriega in a two wheel drive Budweiser of Mexico Mazda RX- Eclipse claimed third Group A, an 7. Thomas Bier/Ole Holter in a American team that did not enter Saab 99 claimed third spot while the CRS portion of the event. Jose Pauletti and Ben Bradley All in all the event was a raging nailed fourth in their Dave Turner success for Ensenada, San Anto-Motorsports Plymouth Arrow. nio de Las Minas, MultiPack and Four wheel drive open was the · ,e San Nicholas Hotel the spon-dass with eight entries, all of them sors of the event. There is a local excellent vehicles and drivers·, it series starting due to the fascina-would be shaping up like a real tion of rallying that the CRS battle royale. But it never shaped helped bring to Baja, and there is up much as attrition reared its some wild rumor about FIA peo-ugly head early and claimed Rui pie scouting the event for future Brasil/Carlos Tavares Audi on International status. There is a stage two with broken steering. wealth of roads down there, and Ron Wood/ Kelly Walsh would thepeoplearealwaysfriendly, the break an axle and have electrical' cities willing and sponsors are ~ troubles keeping them out of the plentiful for those with the right running after the Friday stages. ideas, like several teams this event Karen Burrows and Ken Cassidy from America that were spon-in the right hand drive Mitsubishi sored by Mexico based comp-Galan t were dG>ing very well anies. through day two until a myste-The CRS now takes a break rious electrical failure crippled while we get our kidneys ready for the team at Punta Ca bras. Bob Rim of the W arid in May. Pendergrass and Jon Weigley in--------------their Chevy Blazer were on stage two when a pitman arm failed sending the Blazer into a road blocking position as the driveline would be damaged as well tram the resulting failure, and unmove-able without help. This slowed several teams by minutes until enough people could move the large Blazer from the road but that is what the French call force majure. In the long run it would not change the results for teams at the finish. Roger Hull and Sean Gallagher in their Goodyear Tire Eagle Ta Ion made the best times, ran smart and lead the event overall from almost the start. This was not an easy cruise for the crew as on stage two of day two they had a flat tire early enough to have to change it in stage or risk damaging the car. After the tire change the team climbed into the car and tried to move, but the Eagle would not. A quick inspection found that the wheel spacer plate was left out on the tire change, so they had to take the tire off and remount the spacer. This allowed the two wheel drive battle to get very close to the leading pair, but subsequent stage times would counter the threat and leave Hull and Gallagher in the lead when it mattered, at the end. John Brasil and Nelson Sousa in an Audi 4000 suffered ills early and fought back all event long until they claimed the second spot and thir-teenth overall. America 1000 Rally Enscnacla Baja Califomia Now that the America 2000 Rally is in the history books, I would like to take this opportun-ity to say thank you to all of you who made it possible. To the competitors, without whom there would be no rally, thank you for coming to Baja California to run our event, I hope it was the kind of rally you were looking for. A very special thank you goes to Nancy Peterson for running our scoring, and especially to Mike and Paula Gibeault who helped us from the beginning, to the extent of not running their rally ready car in order to continue helping during the event, we thank you for it. We also thank the Club de Automo-biles de Frances (CAF) for sanctioning the event and the Automobil Club de Ensenada (ACE) for providing the volun-teers. Our final and very special thank you must go to the members of the California Rally Series, first for allowing the America 2000 Rally to be a part of the 1997 CRS calendar, and second, for the great number of CRS competitors that showed up to run. painted in Bridgestone Tire livery, would be held after the first drive Mitsubishi Products. well, before that they did rally northern loop of two. The service Augustine Zamora and Jaime del events, and now were back to would be on the east side of town Palacio were the favorites from check out rallying ten years later. on the Highway. Teams would Mexico City in a VW GT! VR6 ,,, They set out to finish and regain have a chance to eat some great along with the Mitsubishi of Hugo the form of driving_a rally stage food supplied by local restau-Gallo and Javier Marin. Gallo had that can wick away from a person rants, the proceeds of the food after a little time away. Doug and purchases would go to aid the Sue did well, turned in very good orphanage and needy families in itmes, but on stage two of the the town of San Antonio. It is second day the radiator broke on always refreshing to see local the Mazda too far from help and towns and peoples benefiting they called it a rally. It should be from a rally in their community. mentioned that "Terrdog" In the next stage, a short, fun entered Performance Stock so as blast down a fast road saw Peter-not to get involved in running for son close on Chavez a couple of a championship like last year, but more seconds as the loss of fifth now with the win and an amazing gear continued to plague the VW. fourth overall finish who knows The next stage was a long, twisty what he'll do. and deceptive road, in other not been competing for a couple of years but the rust was not evident as he won the opening stage but re-tired shortly thereafter with a head gasket failure. Gabriel Marin and Edwardo Rodriguez were the other favorites from the mainland but turbo troubles kept them from con-tending for the overall. A host of CRS regulars made for great action in the f9ur classes with familiar contenders like Terry Stonecipher, Bill Nation, George Pisek, Ron The two wheel drive open words a road built for Peterson as skirmish was a real dogfight for he narrowed the lead of Chav-All CRS entrants were also entered in the Mexican National class that their vehicles were legal for. Group A is for four wheel drive vehicles, or vehicles that are larger than the limit for Group B, which is for two wheel drive vehi-cles, normally aspirated. Group C is a stock class like our own. Roger Hull won the National events Group A and overall while Lon Peterson won Group B and second overall a full three minutes back. Mexican team Luis Lagos and Alejandro Aguilar in a VW Golf won Group C and nabbed third overall. Terry Stonecipher was four.th overall and second Group B while Raffaele and The organization of the America 2000 Rally consisted of three different clubs from three different cities, two different countries and two different I languages, nine different vehicle I classes, and three different 1 championships. As you can imagine it was very confusing, hut at the end, everything worked out for th'e better, probably because most people helped put this rally together. I Personally, the biggest reward I was seeing so many friends come 1 out and support this rally, I promise you to do my best to I make it better next time. Thank you Amigos, Tony Chavez. Page 26 June 1997 Dusty Times
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AUSTRALIAN RACE REPORT Brisbane Stadium Off Road Gran Prix NEW IN '97 ... from WELD RACING® TM MODULAR Specialty· Racing. Wheel • Mud Drags • Sand Drags • Truck Pullers • 4x4 Trucks • Dune Buggies, Etc. • True 3-Piece Modular Design ... A Genuine Racing Wheel. • Super Strong ... Nobody Builds a Stronger Racing Wheel ! • Super Light ... Lightest Wheels Available! e Really Wide ... From 31/2" to wide in 15", 16" andNOW16.l" • Versatile Fitment ... 4,5,6 and 8 Lug -Back Spacings from 2" to 8". Sl<-2 Shown with ·, Optional Double Bead-Loe™ • Fast Service ... All Orders 1/ Built within 5 Working Days. : ·-'$/l-28 1 Prices $229QQ~--.. Starting ~ . .eacn 1Mua1-J Racer Direct. J_ ~ , 1-800-488-9353 Dept. SR © 1997, Weld Wheel, Industries 933 Mulberry St., Kansas City, MO 64101 816/421-8040, Fax: 816/842.:.6747 Web Site: http:/ /www.weldracing.c~m Page 28 Mark Ma.nns won one heat and the class final in Brisbane; shown here in the supercharged Holden Rodeo. The grounds of rhe famous Ex-hibi rion Speedway in Brisbane shook like never before and rhe packed crowd saw a show like non other when the Yokohama Stadium off Road Gran Prix went off. Ir was the first rime the stadium racing had been in Brisbane for over 10 years and the crowd weren't disap-pointed as they watched Mark Manns fight his way through the clouds of fiberglass panels to win the Truck Final, while Daren Wells won all before him in the buggy Finals. Stadium Sports Trucks: There were 3 hears then a class final for all groups . The first Truck heat was on a wet and slippery track bur it was Mark Mann< char held on in the Holden Rodeo with Wayne Attard trying ever} :hing but settling for second. A dos~ battle for 3rd saw Chris Owen edge out Bruce Watman's Australian built Mazda. Hear 2 saw Chris Owen's Nissan lead, but a rollover by Paul Wee! brought a restart but Owen still kept the lead and won with Warman close behind and Kees Wee! 3rd. The third heat saw the commencement of some seri-ous pushing and Owen was held out wide by the mid field as Manns led . The fight for 2nd was between Paul Wee! and Attard's Dodge. Wee! eventually got free and set after Manns who he caught and slipped by on the 2nd last corner to take a win . The all important Class Final saw Manns and Warman lead away but the group was all together in the first Corner and Warman's yel-low panels soon covered rhe track . He however now led as a pileup for 3rd saw Owen blow a tire from a king hit. Paul Wee! slipped past Manns and closed on Warman, but Wee! was handed the lead as Warman pulled over with simply a blown fuse. Wee! took the win fol-l_owed by Manns. Kees Wee! had a gearbox let go but limped across the line followed by an equally slowing Attard. Paul Weel was somehow singled out for careless driving and dropped to 3rd. The Feature Final turned out to be a finer with attrition the only winner. A massive pile up saw Attard actually stacked on top of June 1997 Racing doesn't get any closer than this as Paul Wee/ gets into Chris Owen. Owen. Warman meanwhile broke an axle. Kees Weel was our too. Paul Wee! was left to lead bur with less than a lap to go he had a bat-tery blow up, handing the race to Manns. Joining the field from the Tin Top group were Nev Taylor's VW and Rod Buckley's Suzuki and they filled 2nd and 3rd . While Attard was the only ocher finisher limping home in 4th a lap down . Unlimited Buggy: Daren Wells was keen to per-form for his host sponsor Yokohama and lead the IO car field a merry chase in Hear 1 . Paul Styles rook second with Laurie Svenson in 3rd. With Wells off the rear in Heat 2 Glenn Owen seized the opportunity and took a com-fortable win over Matt Martin with Dave Parsons 3rd. Wells was back on pole for heat 3 and cleared our as Owen climbed over the back of Parsons fighting for second .Mar-tin had a spin, while Byron Yiurfer all the way from Tasmania closed in on Owen for 3rd. Wells took the win while Parsons drove superbly for :nd and Owen just 1,eld out Mn, 'et for 3rd. The Class Final saw Wells and Parsons lead the field away. The hairpin shambles saw Owen end up on his roof but racing continued. After a couple of laps a restart was ca!led and once again a single dr" er was blamed . This rime it was Parsons put to the rear. Wells once again cleared out while Murfet had to try and get his origi-nal spot ba1:k off Swenson. Styles had a spin while Murfet got into second and actually closed in on Wells when the checker fell. Wells won over Murfet and Svenson. Owen was next in but it was un-sure whether he was any laps down. 1600 Buggies: . The fiery. bunch of 1600 bug-gies never fail to provide plenty of action and this night was no ex-ception. Heat 1 saw Chris Warman lead and continue through to win over Andy Ziems with Bruce· Warman in 3rd once again swap-ping between truck and 1600. Hear 2 saw Mark Medrano make his presence felt as he lead the pack . Ir was a close race though bur Medrano held on to win with Bruce Warman and Col Jobe very close behind. Hear 3 saw just how potent Col Jobe's new Honda mo-tor is as he came through the pack to rake the win with rhe Warman brothers, Bruce and Chris follow-111g. The 1600 Class Final saw car-nage off rhe line as Medrarlo, Ziems, and Derrick Kennedy all jammed against the fence. On the restart, ache two Warmans lead Jobe at the front, but it wasn't long before Jobe tied together a couple of nice moves to progress to the front. Jobe took rhe win on his debut 1600 class night ahead of Bruce Warman, Chris Warman and the battling pair of Medrano and Ziems. . The Feature Final for Buggies rncluded both Unlimiteds and 1600\. With Wells off the rear of the IO car group it looked like a great race was ahead. On the green there was a nose to tail and Murfet was slammed and was our. Styles then ran wide and got caught on an outer berm. The cars of Jobe and Chris Warman there had a wild ride locked together which ended in Warman parked on an inverted Jobe. Meanwhile Ziems was lead-ing and Wells closing fast . Wells slipped by his team mate and took command. Bruce Warman pulled out as Wells rook the win with Ziems 2nd. Martin was in 3rd and despite tearing the steering wheel off with one lap to go, got home on the turning brake ! !! Behind him came Chris Warman, Styles, Parsons, and Svenson. Desert Tin-Tops: In addition to the stadium classes there were two extra classes of racing, one was for trucks and sedans built for the desert type of Steve Hilton takes the big Ford F150 carefully inside of Nes Taylor's Baja Bug during his chase in the Desert Heavy Metal Class. Dusty Times
Darren Wells won two heats, the Class Final and the Feature Final Mark Medrano and Bruce Watman battle it out in 1600 Class in Chris Hutton won one heat and then the Final for the 1200cc in his Simon & Simon car witrh Turbo Nissan power. -=--se::..:a-=--~-=--ch-=--o.:..:f....:t-=--he::......:..:cl-=--as::..:s-=--w_,_·n_. _ ____________ _ Challengers_. ________________ _ racing. 7 cars fronted, and Heat winners included Nev Taylor's VW Baja, Steve Hilton's Ford Fl 50, and James Corbett's Renault bodied buggy. The Class Final saw Taylor jump up to join Corbett at the front, the two leaning on each other neither giving an inch . Tay-lor came off worst and slipped back . Corbett took the win, with Hilcon's big truck 2nd and Taylor in for 3rd. Following were Tim Unsted's Falcon and Rod Buckley's Suzuki. Class 3 & 6 Buggies: The other class co add to the spectacle were the 1 200 class 3 's and the Challenger class 6's. Again an eager field of 7 cars fronted . Heat winners included Daniel Hickson, Alan Nicoll, and Chris Hutcon. Action included a rollover by Hickson in Heat 3 and very close racing by all.The Class Final saw Nicoll grab the lead but soon after Hutton was chasing him . A great Battle for 3rd was on between Troy Wahry, Hickson and Michael Viericz. Towards the end and Hutton Sipped by into the lead and won che race. Nicoll took 2nd over Vieritz, Hickson and Wahry. A truly sensational night's rac-ing and as usual the crowd wenc home more than happy with what they had seen . le certainly seems chat Stadium off Road Racing is a boom spore in Australia, due in part to che importing of the USA trucks. os,,AI\"" Chris Watman gets the upper hand on Col Jobe in front of a bunch of people at Brisbane. Col Jobe won a heat and the all important 1600 Class Final , looking very determined here. Chris Owens Nissan gets a gentle nudge from Wayne Attards Dodge during some hot and heavy racing in Brisbane. HONDA Power Equipment K A WA_ G U C H I H O N D A C O R P. POWER ro_$_-D Racer and Spectator Discounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WATER PUMPS •OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY -IF We DoN'r HA ve Ir, No ONE Does! DEUVERY TO TIIE RACES AVAILABLE • PLEAsE CAIL AHEAD KAWAGUCHI HONDA EX1000 3.532 E. 3RD Si: Los~ CA 9C063 • 213.264.3936, 264.SSSS FAX 264.2136 . ! VISA j s A L E s ' s E R V I C E ' p A R T s No+-h;~n-' . ..._..._. .. _..._ [11-i HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST 1U~\SSeaslef. Dusty Times .s : or oµumum p.:r."orm:.mc~ :uid saf<"ty. pl(.".\!< te:id lh<" o,\,t('r·s manual ~-fore opn3tlng your Honda PO'-''<'r Equipment. Spectllc:Jtlons subJe<'l to ch..u11tZC \.\1lhout noth.·e. E:1thn.He ?nly. b;:iS<d on r:ited load. •BattC'ry not im:ludro \\ith EM3500S.'(Kl. E),15000SXK I and EB0500S.X. H\\'ith batt(ry tr~,.v kit. whttls & h.ui~C'r. Conn~Uon to house powc-r requlrN tr.tnsfer d~16:-h> ,woi,1 p,0$S1ble injury to p<N'('f company personnel. Consult :i qualified elecU1d:in. June 1997 Page 29
"The Straight Poop from the Big Wahzoo" JEAN CALVIN, the long time publisher of the Dusty Times, re-cently passed away. Naturally this Wahzoo feels it's only appro-priate to include a few comments in our Checkers Column regard-ing fee passing of this long time friend of the Club. Jean Calvin was one tough ol' gal. Outspoken opinionated , a right to the point lady, but al-ways fair. And she ran her month! y newspaper accordingly. On a personal note, the only rea-son the Big Wahzoo has been able to carry on for the last eight years in the forthright manner that I do, was Jean Calvin. She never once censored anything out of our monthly column. And, this unusual lady could also actually keep a secret. She not only liked the Checkers, but she also understood us. She spent a lot of time at Checker pits when out at the races, and was always ' ,.., •·· ~ ., . * !::f. .. $ - -welcomed in like she was one of the guys. Mrs. Calvin did a lot of racing in her time and ended up her career as the owner of our sport's premier publication. Sadly, Off Road Racing has lost one of it's biggest boosters. And, the Checkers have lost a good friend. We'll miss ya, Jean. PRIMM 300 -Almost 160 cars took the green for SCORE's 90 mile loop starting and end-ing behind Buffalo Bill's Casino in Primm, Nevada (aka Stateline). Six Checker pits sup-ported 8 Club entries at this race, producing six finishers. Granted, Fremont Street it ain't, but Primm definitely holds up it's end of the deal. I mean, flashy Nevada casinos and desert racin' have long had a rich history· of successful cooperation. Robert Harman continued knocking on the door this year while piling up points at this third SCORE event. Bullhorn soloed this three lap race for a fine third place finish in a large field of Class 10 cars. As the cur-rent class points leader, look for Harman to break out for a win in the near future. This Checker, ·-., • "' ?.-:;,, .,Z .-~ .-.--MY•· ,w a division of Baja Concepts Inc. , ' ,.. : ,,_ . ~r ~~~ ~~;~::~() BILSTEIN'S REBUILDABLE SHOCKS 14" Rebuildablew/reservoir 12" Rebuildable w/reservoir 1 0" Rebuildable w/reservoir 10" Coil-over Shocks 186.00 186.00 179.00 160.00 w/o reservoir 125.00 w/o reservoir 125.00 w/o reservoir 118.00 60 17" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 14" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 12" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 10" Rebuildable9100w/reservoir 519.00 All 60 mm with 4 Bypass Tubes 989.00 mm Page 30 VALVl#I l(m • HIUILO l(m • SfAU • ROOS All Available Now! Baja Racing Products l 04-0 South Main Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 760-723-2 l l 7 Phone 760-723-9938 Fax is long overdue. Brian and Scott Steele· were the Club's best fin-isher in a close and hard fought Class 1/2-1600 battle that had about 30 cars in it. Ending this close run, the brothers earned a good fourth place finish. Good show, guys! Larry Bolin finally lost the suspension completely on one front corner of his old ten car, but was still able to limp home with a seventh in SCORE's new class for obsolete ten cars. Impressively, this new Class 12 had about 20 cars entered. The Krepsz brothers also had a good run in their 1/2-1600 car. But apparently with a combination of an exhaust problem, that extra poundage they carry, and too much time spent on the radio ar-guing with Bates m usta slowed'em down enough that they could only manage an eighth. Mike Duenas suffered through a flat and a c.v. problem in his l /2-1600 buggy and had to settle for a 16th in class. Jim Greenway had some front end problems in his Class 10 ride fi-nally making it to the finish line near the back of the- pack. Commander Koch put the 'Ridgecrest Rocket' back into service at this race and was spec-tacular from blast off to landing. And, even after that, Tom was really jlyin' on the first lap over the kinda terrain he likes, But, then he hit a ravine at mach 1 and did a big time 'git over'. Then, while lying upside down on the course waiting for the dust to clear, our boy gets smacked into by another open car, spin-ning him further down the road. I'm sure Tom's gotta have some sore spots, but typically nothing was broken, Kevin Davis barely worked up a sweat on the first lap before he joined Koch as the Club's only two ON Fs. Report-edly our. hero lost his power steering drive about 20 miles our and parked his impressive brand new ul'limited bugr:y shortly af-ter th;1 Hey Kevi1:, that's a to-tal of only about 20 miles in two races?? You ain't workin' on that rhing yourself are ya? FAIR NEWS -"Joy" is now writing FA I R's Dusty Times col-umn. And for no apparent rea-son in her recent attempt at jour-nalism she just had to slip in a snide sexist remark about the Checkers. Now a snide sexist re-mark from a FAIR female is not the concern here, it's just that this embryo reporter got her facts wrong. Puttin' out 'Bad Poop', if you will. So with "Joy" in mind, let me clarify the Checkers no women rule a bit. First off, the Checkers love women. I mean, we do! All of us! Our manly brotherhood has always been a dedicated het-erosexual organization seriously intent on impressin' the chicks. Although _the Checkers have never accepted females as mem-bers, for years we let them attend our weekly Wednesday night meetings. But a number of years ago, in a desperate grab for some sense of order on Wednesday nights, we finally banned the la-dies from any involvement in the conducting of Club business. But, those Wednesday night meetings are the only area of Checker activity where women are prohibited. In all other as-pects of desert racin' and parryin' June 1997 our women folk play an impor-tant and attractive part in every way in helpin' us Checkers do our thing out in the deserts (in-cluding working the radios). This Wahzoo has nothing but the highest regard for all our 'Checker Ladies', be they of a permanent status or in transit. I hope this clears everything up and will put an end to any fur-ther gender harassment from FAIR's new Lll' lady reporter. SUMMER PARTY - Hey! Get out a big black felt tip marker and write July 26th on either your wife's ass or your kids fore-head, whichever ya see most of. That's the date of this years An-nual Checkers Summer Party out at Cougar Buttes and ya don't wanta miss it! Sean K~epsz is once again Party Chairman and promises to do an even better job than last year, so we can all ex-pect a doozie. The Prez has a guy coming out from V.W. Trends Magazine who plans on taking a group picture and doing a story on the C)ub. Also, Danny Reider and his · band are back together again and are comin' back out to 'Checker Cove' this year where they always sound so good. A lot of things seem to be gettin' put together a lot earlier than usual this year. So, if ya got something to contribute to this year's annual get together call either Sean or the Prez, or make it to a meeting in the near fixture. WAHZOO'S BACK! - Failing miserably in my attempt to shake a part time Checker Column writer out of the membership, the Big Wahzoo will return ro my old routine of writing a 'Straight Poop' column every month in the Dusty Times. They'll probably be a little shorter, but the info will tend to be a lot more current. Al.~Q, !Qb._r,:i_ Calvin has assured this Wahzoo that the agreement I had with Jean regarding the content of our column and se-crecy of it's author will continue to be honored as long as he's in charge. The Big Wahzoo appre-ciates John's confidence and sense of humor. HOURS M-F 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 MAG-7 News By Phillip Breedlove MAG-7 wiU provide pit service for the BAJA 500 as well as the re-mainder of the SCORE racing schedule. BAJA 500 pi~s will be lo-cated to provide coverage for mo-torcycle and ATV as well as Truck and Buggy racers. For further in-formation, please contact Wayne Newell at 619-745 5740 or Terry Walsh at 619-582-3728 or e-mail TerryWalsh@compuserve.com. For membership information please contact Phillip Breedlove at 619-279-0411 x3440 (voice mail) or Phillip@conic.Lmco.com (e-mail). SAN FELIPE 250 MAG-7 race headquarters for the San Felipe 250 was located at Campo El Paraiso, "Pete's Camp", where the Navarro family extended their always gracious hospitality to all. Mag-7 racers consisted of Bill Hernquists' air cooled 10 car #JOO 1, Ed Mcleans' "Challenger" #902, Pedro Vargas' Class 3 Blazer #351, Richard Jackson on a Kawasaki 500 #51 X and Earl Higpens' Yamaha 350 Wolverine #52A. Pit #A was located near El Chinero and was captained by Terry Walsh with help from Ray Frank and Manny Lozano. It was primarily a fuel pit for the MAG-7 ATVs arid also served as backup for the larger vehicles. Terry filed the following pit report: 'Terry Walsh, Manny Lozano and Ray Frank manned an auxiliary pit (pit A) in support of motorcycles and quads not able to reach the first major MAG-7 pit (Pit 1) located at the head of Diablo. The pit was located at EI Chinero just before the road crossing. The spot was perfect with a clear view of our banner by the racers. Use of the 2 meter radios, of which every MAG-7 pit always has in place, let us know when our vehicles were off. Ray Frank did a great job keeping the MAG-7 race log by recording racer numbers and times as they cleared the pit. Thi< Daily UP~ Visa and Mastercarrl We are happy to announce our new 800 foll free number. (800) 656-3376 Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our l l gallon "Fast-Fill" dump cans. Both new products can save you race time. Race Smarl -Be Sate 103 Press Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • (619) 691-9171 • FAX (619) 691-0803 t---------------------------· Dusty Times
Indy. LeMans. Daytona. Crandon. Great names. Great tracks. Great racing. The 1997 Chevrolet Brush Run. Greatly anticipated. Finall_y here. June 21-22, 1997. Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. CRANDON, WISCONSIN .. , ..... ~. -;_,;-;_·:;,,.· ; _ _. ,.._ .. :l..)},j,,~·r_\~t•·r:, ,,,;, ·•1,-.-.z~1 .. ·:-...:.·t ~.''l'.~r: ..... •~•~~7':!"::.~•:" ...... : .,,.. ... ._..s, r,·. ' ...... -,,,.,,,,'I'... ·~7 ... ~ :.:.~.-,,.;-:--••"l.c,~:''~ .. 11':'".'...,:';:'.n:-.: ... 7,.·~--"';'."-.,.. . ,:' .. :·,.~., •--. ;-. -~-.. ,1::5.~.7:-{""':"''-: ..... ~~ .... • .• ..:.._.,.~ .... ,~~:"<1~_...!,_, ,1-:.:r.. .. _'i'+"''" "'M ... ,,,,fi::. Featuring SODA class events and a special Manufacturers' Challenge race for the Potawatomi Bingo Northern Lights Casino "Governor's Cup". 1994 Governor's Cup Winner: Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, CA 1995 Covernor's Cup Winner: Rob MacCachren, las Vegas, NV 1996 Governor's Cup Winner: Curt LeDuc, Cherry Vql/ey, CA For registration and ~pectator information contact Crandon International O.ff-Road Raceway at 715-478-2222 ................ .
information always comes in handy resolving chase problems future planning and even disputes. All MAG-7 racers received the re-quired service and cleared the pit in good shape." Finally. #879 (Gildos) stopped to have his hood secured. Well, that's all for now-See ya at the races."! Steve Stenberg. Coming Next Month ... Steve Stenberg filed this report on MAG-7 pit# 1: "MAG-7 Pit #I was located at the 100.8 mile mark near San Matias Wash, on the power line trail. The pit was captained by Stephen Stenberg with Shawn Wells and Terry per-forming equal shares of the work. We waved encouragement to #5 IX, Richard Jackson as he sped by at 8:21 A.M. Other than miss-ing his rear fender, the Kaw 500 was running great and he didn't need any help. Next was #52A, Earl Higpen, at 9:42 A.M. riding a Yam 350 Wolverine. No prob-lems with the quad, so we gassed the bike and sent him on his way. First vehicle for us was Bill Hernquist as he "FLEW" by at I 0: 13. No problems were reported and he appeared to be in front of the pack. Next was #902, drive_n by our Prez. Phillip Breedlove. No problems were reported although a shock had previously failed at mile 50. Pedro Vargas rolled into the pit at I: 11 reporting ignition and overheating problems. We gassed him, changed his coolant, filled his oil, and cleaned his pumper filter while the co-driver repaired the ignition. We gave him a mighty MAG-7 send off and he continued on. Three BFG racers also pulled in for emergency assis-tance. The first was # 1603 need-ing a gallon of fuel to reach the BFG pit. Second was #1208 (John Holmes) who needed to have new points installed. We installed the points, helped 'jump' the car to start it (after push starting didn't work) and sent him on his way. Pit #2 (MAG-7 Main) was lo-cated at Morelia Junction and captained by Wayne Newell. All MAG-7 racers reached his pit and he reported nothing out of the or-dinary. Pit #3 was located near Chanate wash with Mark Cranmore as the pit captain. He reported a fair amount of broken race cars as this pit was located well into the course and in a pretty rough section of the course. All in all, the MAG-7 team reported a first place won by Pedro Vargas in the Class 3 Sportsman and a fifth place finish by Ed McLean in Class 9. SCORE International Primm 300 "Wild West Rally Off Road Racing at Glen Helen Raceway -Round 3 Estero Beach Short Course Racing TECATE 250 ENDURO MAG-7 maintained the yearly tradition of providing lunch for the Los Ancianos TECATE 250 Enduro. Much thanks to the crew which consisted of Jeff Hill, Bill Krukmeyer, the Wickershams, Mark Cranmore and crew, Andy and Angela Pina and Andy's par-en ts, Hugh McLean and the Breedlove family. Lunch was served at the end of the second of three loops to an appreciative and hun-gry crowd of 175 plus support people. Rancho El Com padre pro-vided the location and the hospi-tality which were much appreciated by all. All the racers complimented· Los Ancianos on the course and they all seemed pretty weary at lunch, which is expected. After the event, MAG-7 invited the folks from El Compadre up for some MAG-R-ITAS and this is here my memory begins to fade ... See you next year!!! PRIMM 300 Congratulations to Bill Hernquist for winning Class IO in his air cooled JIM CO car and plac-ing in the top five overall. The course was rough and there was plenty of competition but he hung in there for the wins!! MAG-7 pro-vided Bill with two pits but there wasn't much to do except gas him up and let him fly. BAJA SPIRIT AWARD Long time MAG-7 Brother Jim Becker (presently racing class 5-I 600) presented a large check to Sal Fish as the first commitment to the MAG-7 Bruce Cranmore 'Baja Spirit" award for the BAJA 2000 in the year 2000. According to Sal at San Felipe, this is the first actual award commitment by anyone to the BAJA 2000. It is very fitting, however, because MAG-7 is certain that the BAJA 2000 will epito-mize the "Spirit" of Bruce and Baja. Thanks to John Becker for helping to perpetuate that spirit through this award. MAG-7 extends its'condolences to the Calvin family and the staff of Dusty Times on the recent pass-ing of Jean Calvin. Jean contrib-uted enormously to Our-sport over many, many years and will be sorely missed. AIRBORNE OFF-ROAD RACING BATI'ERIES have been race tested and proven in the extreme racing conditions of Southern California, Arizona deserts, and Baja, California. They have been race tested and proven since 1981 and have been in the Winner's Circle numerous times. We now offer the most High Tech Off-Road Racing Battery available -the Airborne Off-Road PRO-SERIES. Manufactured with aerospace technology by the company who is the exclusive manufacturer of batteries for some of the most high tech military aircraft in the world; including the Stealth Fighter. The type of battery these aircraft use is V.R.S.L.A.B. technology (Valve-Regulated Sealed Lead Acid Batteries) making gel electrolyte batteries obsolete. This technology immobilizes the electrolyte in a fiberglass mat material. Every other plate is enveloped in a polypropylene pouch making internal shorts virtually nonexistent. Our modified versions are handmade and each cell is bonded at the bottom and top of the battery and has inter-cell connections twice the size of other batteries. These modifications make it possible to take the constant pounding that short-out normal batteries. Our batteries have a high cranking amp rating along with excellent deep-cycle capabilities. They can be mounted in any position. This battery is truly state-of-the-art and has been race tested and proven. We are so confident of the quality of this product it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and a 6-month full-replacement warranty. This is probably why people like Dan Cannon (4 time Class 7S La Rana Champ), Kent Lothringer (Class 10 SNORE and Overall 1996 Champ), Craig Dillon and Randy Spahr (1996 La Rana Overall Champs) and \'I 11;1lum :11,11 '!OH~. all have won using our product. For more information contact: BATIERY SALES UNLIMITED, 651 E. Alosta Avenue, Glendora, CA91740; (818) 914-3717 /FAX: (818) 914-2121. Page 32 June 1997 .. And Much, Much More Northern California & Nevada DESERT RACES MAY2~2S&26 300 MILS YERINGTON, NV JUNE28&29 2SO MILS TOP GUN RACES FALLON, NV JULY26&27 2SO MILS TWILIGHT RACE TOP GUN RACEWAY AUG. 3a 31 & SEPT. l 22S MILS YERINGTON TO FALLON AND RETURN ENTRY FEES: PRO CLASSES: $400• SO% PAYBACK :¥$lOOO BONUS TO OVERALL WINNER$# PLUS SPORTSMAN VET AND NOVICE SHORT COURSE RACES -SEPTEMBER 27 & 28 PRAIRIE CITY SVRA· SACTO,CA OCTOBER 25 & 26 1997 CHAMPIONSHIP RACE PRAIRIE CITY SVRA· SACTO,CA ENTRY FEES: PRO CLASSES: $175• 60% PAYBACK PLUS SPORTSMAN VET AND NOVICE VALLEY OFF ROA£) RACJNB AGGOCATION 18"33 LOS ROBLES BLVD. SACRA.£MTNO, CA {916) 925-1702 FAX (916) 925-5217 WWW.VORRACOM Dusty Times
In Memorium I've lost a friend. Much more than that: Jean was a mentor, a sponsor, a critic, a co-worker, and an employer. She was all those things to me, but a friend most of all. I met Jean in 1971 at a BRA race when I introduced myself and told her I'd admired an ar-ticle she'd written. She was easy to talk to, and that was the first Valley Performance Custom Accessories Competitive Prices Now Available: Barbary Coaf-!t Class 2 Two Seater $45,000 Call Dave or Lenny at 702-247-1266 Page 34 3636 Mead AYenuc Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-24 7-1266 of a lot of conversations. For one thing, we were both racers at a time when there weren't many women driving off road, so we had a common basis for our talk. We could trade horror stories about bathrooms and one-piece driving suits and getting lost. For a time, in the late seven-ties, she had her office in the same building in which I worked. We often took lunch together. By then I was writing also, and of-ten for Jean. She taught me a lot about the craft and the industry. And I also co-drove with her in her race car. We ran in Class 9, and then moved up to the 1-2-1600 class. The racing was great, the friendship was terrific. with the loss of the lower part of her left leg, as well as the near con-stant pain from the plates and screws that held both legs together. Still, her indomitable will took her to work seven days a week, and to as many races as she could fit in. She broke her hip a couple of years ago and missed only a week at work, and when she had a slight stroke about a year ago she had to be persuaded to leave the office to see her doctor. Her grit and deter-mination were astonishing. The paper had to be got out. She set an example for all who saw her pace slow and her body grow ever more frail as she continued to work, con-tinued to get it all done. Jean was a tough old bird, stubborn, critical, loyal and hon-est. She never failed her friends or the sport she loved. I miss her, but at least I know she's not in pain any longer. Mental Images Whenever we hear words or phrases, our mind sorts through its' infinite data base and displays the • image that represents what we heard. As if by magic we have in-stant recall of the events that have made impressions on our mind. One of the bits of information that has made an indelible impression on my mind, is that of]ean Calvin. For those of you that did not have the opportunity to know her as I did, this is the image that my mind brings up for me to remember. It was the running of the 25th SNORE 250 in Jean, Nevada. A. J. and I decided to enter that race for its' historical significance. When the race was over, all of the finishers were gathered around the finish line for post race tech and inspection. Along with the racers there were the race officials, the media, and hundreds of spectators. Ir was quite impressive. Then, from out of the parking area, I saw Jean walking cowards the multitude of people that had converged upon the finish line. The parking area was on the opposite of the race course, so Jean had co negotiate the burms and ruts that had been carved our by the race cars. Thar, in itself, was no easy task for her, because she had lost half of her suspension system and needed a cane co maintain balance. As she approached the first burm, she took it at an angle, pausing at rhe cop. Proceeding at an angle, she re-peated the process. Down rhe face of the burm, pause, up rhe face of the middle of rhe burm, pause, down the burm, pause, up the last burm and she was across. You might say co yourself, why didn't you help her? Well I'll tell you why. she would have hit me with her cane! Jean was very independent. As she approached the throngs of people, her face lit up and paled the afternoon sun. She looked as if she had just achieved a life long dream. I said to myself, what's she smiling at? Then it dawned on me. she didn't look at the crowd as a bunch of dirty tired racers . She perceived them as conquering war-riors returning from some distant campaign. To her they were all he-roes. She wasn't there because she had to interview them, she was there because she got to interview them. Off-Road racing has lost one of its' champions, and I hope that your mental image of Jean paral-lels mine. When she started the Dusty Times she moved from our office building, but I was writing for her regularly, and we talked to each other often. Then in '94 she moved back to an office adjacent to mine. she was by then dealing JudySmith · Herman De Nunzio SCORE 1996 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! RR~ ~ . ~ And the beat goes on! SCORE San Felipe 250, March 7-9 Class 1 2nd Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero (Toyota V6) 3rd Ray Croll (Toyota Tacoma) Class 5 2nd George Seeley (VW Type IV) Class 10 1st John Phillips (Toyota 4AG) Congratulations to SODA Class 9/10 World Champion Tommy Bradley (VW Rabbit) SODA Points Series Class 7S 2nd Jimmie Crowder (Ford) We use & recommend ri:~~~1 RACING ENQNES. lAANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 :,.; :.; « ' :,.; ~. June 1997 SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995 & 1996! PERFORMANCE 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 Dusty Times
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN · 1320 N. Miller St. #8 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Bl::11~~ E~port & Int'! Sales Rae~ Car Preparation , I Consulting & Management .1040 S. Main St./'l•'a llbro()k, CJ\ ft2028 ~-------------------i 1 (760) 723-2117 .FAX (760) 723-9938 -'R~z!?~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BATTERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue / Glendora, CA 917 40 HELMET~/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS ,· Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets _ BDR McKenzies (818) 914-3717 / FAX (818) 914-2121 714 650-4566 714 441-f2121 ~----------------:----i""'".....,;;;=---L!.....!......!:..L....:" . . . ' SJ:B)X AUTO WRECKER·$ -,. INC. COMPUTER PARTS LOCATOR NATIONWIDE ... ~ . ... . JOHN KEARNEY SECRETARY/TREASURER 84-851 AVENUE 48 COACHELLA, CA 92236 (619)398-0147,345-3353 1-800-6()6-6043 FAX (619) 398-0596 ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging •Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons •SODA and SCORE approved Leaders in Custom Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-5330 RAMSEY, NJ USA ~ Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke ' 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 2" Sport-Comp & Ultra-Lite Gauges • Check our Web Site @ www.autometetcom •..fll2M; (815) 895-8141 M-F 8-5 COT (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ_L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD -•--208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 OFF ROAD RACERS ! "Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" 111'\I.OliUllO.I Wide Assortment of Colors ond Sizes -CUSTOM SUITS -In-Store Measurements ( 10 OAY DELIVERY AVAllABLE) LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock We also carry o full selection of • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • • Fire Systems • Shoes • Gloves • lllll~ BELL Lankershim & l·S : ~ MOTORSPORTS 9017 Son Fernando Rood, Sun Valley, CA 91352 I lolk ol,gklflodT,odtmo,koflolllpo•.""-(818) 768-7770 Fax (818) 768-1840 BRANDWOOD CARS Custom V~hicle Shiftel' for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3197 GD ~ C: ' ..,1,,¥',x71c.u PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc • Our Specialty 39067 Orchard St Race Trucks Pr~Runners BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 AMPION 8" · 9" · 1 O" • 13" • 15" · 16" • 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $IP@ /ft[!' .. [L @ rt: ff{ SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO. CA 93722 (209) 275-51 83 FAX (209) 276-2365 OCNC:J Mam,fad"'eBaf . ~ '. Broke a,d _c,,kh Pedal A»y . Master Cylinders . Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles T~rottle Pedals CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena 81vd. San Diego, CA'921"10 (619) 275-1663 . Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS ·• i--'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton. CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ J.31, ~~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-AThousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 Eli ~ G,RACING 's=a _t:=;g =-= ~ 31::: ~ GASOLINE :; LEADED 110,114,118 OCTANE CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR ~ 1-800-669-4504 ~ ~ ~ · ~ ~ • Send $4.00 For Complete 1997 Catalog I Cherry Valley, CA 92223 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass .5! DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE (909)-845-8820 Dimple Dies COS~Y OIL COMPANY, SANT~ FE SPRINGS, CA Auto Meter Products, Inc.• 413 W. Elm St. • Sycamore, IL 60178
CPC Cadmium-Chrome-Gold Anodize-Electroless Nie kle Aluminum Die Casting Home of f .O.A. Racing Tieman connector Plating Corp. 327 W I 32nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90061 310-323-1622 • 310-323-174? DE Fax 310-323-'1517 Ask For Milc:e UNZlO RACING PRODUCTS HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Paul Ortiz 21540 Vine Street Wildomar, CA 92595 Santa 'Ba.rbara1 CA 93111 • Specializing in Custom Roll Cages • Welding/Fabrication • Tube Bending • Off Road Suspension (909) 471-0692 T>ONIJffOE ~-11.&--1N4 • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CoNSULTING • DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE KREG DONAHOE OWNER Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. 2831 EAsT WHITE STAR UNrr H ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE (714) 632-3033 FAX (714) 632-3835 Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding Suite K& L Santee, CA 92701 619-258-2575 re= ES;;;_7,:;,~ER SJ ~-------ENGINEERING FORD RACING PARTS: RANGER 2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 so PG. CATALOG PHONE (818)444-4919 1438POTR£RO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. El.MONTE., CA. E".'zur INSTANT ~ • ~ SHELTERS ~~ -.......£.•u;no,\ '> FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcL TERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER 'CASTEX RENTA;[,S ~l3-462-1468 ~Motor sport PRE-RUNNER 5PECIAU5T • BUMPERS • CAGES • 5HOCI. l,,tOUNT5 SEAT l,,t()l)Nf5 • LIFT ms • LOY/ERING ms • DUALLY$ AIR !!AG SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & DISPLAYS • ATV F/15 WORI. EXPERT INSTALLATION & FA5RICIITION AVAILl\5LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS i. BEDSKINS TOY OTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. . FRISK FAB Custom Metal Fabrication Design • Development • Production Trophy Truck Technology .... Affordable Price. 20 Years Off Road Racing Experience. · • Crew Chief/ D~i~ ,[JabilD.r:;Simon & Simon, Nelson &J'elsoif11nd Walke(Eva0$,!;lacing. 4010 N. PALM STREEf, UNIT 103 (714) 870-9,422 FULLERTON, CA 92635 FAX (714) 870-9132-. • 199~ ,ai~ 1000 ~verall,4·W•~et v,:iitcJe Cliampi&n ,:; • 4 straight SCQflE/HO~A Chain'ptoiltltlp$ ; ,,.,, FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD ·1537 E. Del Amo Blvd car~n, CA 907~ 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, Califomia 91935 Visit our Web Site @ www.aqe-net.co~/ Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX:(310) 603-2:?$7 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin Racina Radios Two-Way Radios Scanners Headsets Rentals Available c::::::> F="" F="" .1 4-08. 365. 9700 ~.USystems'" BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 810A S. ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HTS .• IL 60005 PHONE:.(847) 269-3810 FAX:1(841) 2b9· o·,or, THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! USED BY WALKER EVANS • Byilt ovet 17 ~~ieCifrs & fr&m Ule, gfuund up Ci!ii;m. c,mpone11~ To Coli lele sis, All As• of Stfel a Sheet Met! I Fabrtcdo., icalions and repairs "Ort. Tru . rs• • ATV's • 2 & 4 Wheel rim \ ..... r • C re. T11be Sending • She k • Production Runs • M'achine Work • Elect~ical Wiring • Complete Race Prep. With all our years of racing experience and working with the best we're Ml just another Fab Shop! Call Today ! ' Ed Frisk (909) 693-9333 • Fax (909) 676-1859 Temecula, CA NOW YOU CAN GR TIE RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ARE USING A 1FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (810) 294-5858 Fa,c (810) 293-0736 THE RACERS CHOICE. I Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associations. For your local dealer ~ -El call (800) 433-6524 ~ Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle. Hunlington Beach. CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (714) 842-2211 Fx (714) 842-662~. Design Graphite/ Cabon R & D Setvices Custom Fiberglass Fabrication 18101 Redondo Cirde, Unit T Huntington Beach, CA 92648 GlASSWORKS Unllmlted (714) 841-8814 ·11H1 MARTENS RIVER CIRCLE "A" 714-979-~~31 1FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA. 92708 . FAX :714-979-5953 .Jeff Howe 9-0 Hllhlale In. £akeslde CA 92040 (6191 561-7764 Pager 619-406-2550 Specializing in high per#orn,ance Power Steering For Racing Magnaflux inspection · a11allable
JAMES GANG RACING PRODuc·rs ARLINQTON SHEET METAL CORP. D424 lapmal Hwy. • S-ui Fe SprinlJ • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 Owner James Hall JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" WNNNNNi Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 _ Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 (714) 632-124C OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON Visa & MIC . .-ON K■NNa Gauge Assemblies Racer Discolllils 809-F N. Lakeview Ave • Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fax 714-779-2316 RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER . PREP & FABRICATION CUSTOM TRAILERS Russ-Jones Motorsports CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 KAL OFFROAD RACING (805) 238-5731 - _.;_i,1'.iJfi ~ ".,,.":.-" "'C'_ ..... - - --.. - -Custom Metal Fabrication 103 Capitol Hill Drive Paso Robles CA. 93446 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. ' . . ( ,, l POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LIN CO TEMPERATURE STRIPS Easy to use, Inexpensive & accurate! All strips are self adhesive and labeled in Fahrenheit and Celsius. Strips are $2.00 each or $1.75 each over ten . For a FREE brochure or to order, contact: LINCO 13337 E. South St., #344 Cerritos, CA 90701 Phone/Fax: (714) 821-6542 Engineering LEE MFG.CO. 1 ·1661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 . (818i 76&-0371 A lull line of Powe• ~leering geart:, pumps ana accassorie~ for ar.y type of racing. · REVERSIBLE STf11PS allow constant te_mperature monitor-ing. Ranges from 32 to 194 F IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record the maximum temperature reached of the item they are applied to. Ranges from 120' to 555' F. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 .818-857~.RACJL 818-852-8852'.F AX KENT LOTHRINGER .Assembly-Machine Work, Parts , Engine Dyno Fadllty 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C · Santee. CA 92071 619-596-0886 619-596-0625F AX KenM~ PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orn.ngethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel ('714) 44l-12i2 Fax(714) 441-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 290 TROUSDALE #I&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (213) 264-2136 (213) 264- ~8~8 . 619-69.1-1000 F~X 619-691-1324 MESSICK RACING PHOTOS -II ETAL s PIN.MING FOi-ALL tt~DU~TRlE~ CALL 562-928-9~38 ~ =LANGED DISC . 6729 Suva St. Bel! Gardens, CA 90201 ACCOUNTING -INCOME TAX -CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant SHERYL CANNON. CPA OWNER aeo 9. GLENDORA AVE. SUITI!: 201 (818) 919-1011 WE■T COVINA, CA 11>1790 ... AX (818) 919-0:ll I 805-940-5515 • •&-;111••4,•44 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [9415] '857-5200 Roi1cl B1\Jlggy S1L1pply 1 (800)231-8156 Race Car Chassis Race ·car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine . Work & Fabrication 21i2S E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. &5365 (ii)1) 783-6:l65 •
OFF ROAD CHASSIS <ffn?~neeJ<Mifl' BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS, VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 761-9460 OFF-ROAD TRUCK FIBERGLASS -25 Years in the Fiberglass Business -Builder of 16 Factory Team Truck Bodies -Custom Molds and Repairs Trailer Products Inc. 1121 N. Buena Vista Hemet, Calif 92543 . Ph:909-654-7334 PARKER PUMPER HELMET SAN SEVAINE WAY SUITE L MIRA LOM.:z\., CA 91752. 909-360-5906 FAX 909-360-0436 COMPANY · --LI I U~..LLI-...IJ.J ~ ,~~™~©ltl SAFElY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIU. ONLY S 125. 2888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGI\IAL HILL, CA 90806 .-Fralcv's · Pl'rf oroiancc Engine~-•·mg 310-427-8177 f 800,869-5636 Jerry Penhall'" 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • AU Type• ol St.NI fl Aluminum Fabrication • Tuite Bendillc • AluminlllD fl StNI W.ldinc • Custom Machin• Work • All Type• ol II.ace Cars ~s w. Flamingo lld. Las Vegas. NV 99103, Bruce Fraley (7oz) :!t6'S-90H PORSCHE G50 • FIVE YEARS OFF-ROAD RACED WITH NO BROKEN GEARS OR PINIONS ' ~~· • FULLY SYNCHRO f _ _ r,~ FIVE - SPEED ..::: ;'= •1 GEARSETS OR COMPLETE GEARBOXES Ph/Fax (808) 878-681 2 (888) 89-GEARS ~\l\l Stllh ~ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1io11 Alloy, J,/d, f.11. 700 N.E.117th StrHt ~ i Vancouver, WA 9868S.$ ;o~ ~ Ph~ne ~$/ ~"I-F~ 360-574-5474 on & 36o·~s'f6-1109 A High Performance VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.6470 9419 Abraham \\ay, Ste. B Santee, CA 92071-2584 Qua\it~ Used 'Parts I 040 South Main Street, Fallbrook, CA 92028 FAX 760-723-it 17 E-MAIL bajarace@ttb.com PHONE 760-723-21 l 7 Truck Tranny's • Calipers • Radios • Wheels • Starters Wv Tranny's • Intercoms • Safety Equipment• Axles • Rear ::..:-~-::_:;~ ~.:;;::--__ -8=:'J!!!!..;,,.-~~~~---~ ~~--~ Ends • Lights • 1 ,. - -,. , ' Shocks • Manifolds .: ' £~perienc.ed 'P~'"!~ _; Brakes • Heims • ..-...,~ ~~-~-~--~~---Engines • Carbs • Spindles • CV Joints • Cages • Gauges • Rotors • Pedals • Trailing Arms • Tires• Pit Equipment • Torsion Bars• Filters• Drivelines • Fiberglass• c.ALL U'b Fl~'bT! THE ONLY REASON FOR NOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY TIMES IS BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE 1-B00-929-4360 RACE SHOCK FOWRACINB '-".BHOCKB OFF-ROAD ~RACINO Vl:/OASOLIN~ BOGART'-.. ~'Ill-, • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and application assistance • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components • We take trade-ins LEE FtNKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE: (602) 376-0944 A'ARACING Villi GASOLINE "100, 110. 114. 118" methanol & nitro Steve Poole C.L. Bryant, Inc. • Commercial Fuels & Lubes 13415 Carmenita Rd. • High Performance Lubes Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Office (310) 802-8913 • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance fax (310) 802-0274 • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. ..... •,.!~CD .. -~· ··• •::.. •••• RACE CAR DYNAMICS OFF ROAD RACE CARS 3552 FOWL.ER CYN RO. JAMUL., CA 9'7 935 PH. CS'79J 440-26'74 FAX C6'79J 5B8-4237 RON HEMPHILL R.Ac· .,. L NIKE INGAI S8EE M· ..A ... Ro L PO BOX 2696 ~(C[E [p>IX](O)if'(O) COSTA MESA. CA. 92628 "IF Y0U'U. SHOW CFF ... ... WE'U. SHOW lJl"I (714) 722-0491 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EA Si MAH-. :;r, El CAJON. CA 9202 l C.~i<i:; :'.(C.;E lO 19) q43-:.2430 • LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 Fox -Bilstein -Motorcycle ~ BEST PRICE G ~,$' SHOX SERVICE /Jt. 15454 EL CENTRO ; HESPERIA, CA 9234:J ')" 619-948-0325 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246
S.'~nF :'; .. .,-.,-:~ ~ !;' ... • .: ~L4J ,RACE L.ETTE,R-'.n,G JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • WINDOW LmEAING • CAR LffiEAING • GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 51 O 1 Galway Circle • Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax: (7141 894-9567 ~ s~e~&~ &~to-'Ulilt eudom ~ '8dt '7)Wo, 6/9-347-5052 45-4FO # 10 ~ St. ?dio-. eA 92201 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 [fJ;f:!JJO (213)583-2404 SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING· . 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 . SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith El Centro, CA. ..................... 800-989-4645 El c~;on, CA ....................... 800-458-271 l Indio, CA. ............................ 800-989-3278 Lancai;;t-'lr, CA ...................... 800-462.9499 · Las Vegas, NV ..................... 702-643-9200 Long Beach, CA. .................. 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA. ......................... 805-485-:6900 Perris, CA ............................. 800-969-3835• Van Nuys, CA ....................... 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA ....................... 909-877-0226 All other inquiries, contact Sports Racing at P. 0. Box 610, Long Beach, CA 90801 310-518-7318 Whittier Blvd. at Harbor La Habra, California 90631 (310) 691-6704 (714) 521-1102 Fax (310) 691-9396 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 Straight ----------Ent ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano, CA 93544 · 805-261-3202 ~ ~ SUSPENSIONS ,', .. UNLIMITED ~ ~ OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WELDING • FABRICATIJN • FLAME CUTTING • FRaVT ENOS • REAR TRAILING ARMS RACE OIASSIS • PRERUNNERS • FOX FIAGNG SHOX LARRY ROSEVEAR 134.SOYNAMICS. UN/TO PHONE/714)996-6260 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 FAX (714} 996-6405 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober 310-670~6897 Commercial Photogr.aphy P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 Ii/ICE TNANS BY JEFF flEOJ'S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST Specla/Jzlng In High Perl. T ransa,iles . Oll • vw • PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WE RACE WHAT WE SEU. (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Nonnandie •Torrance, CA 90501 CUSTOM GEARBOX :BUILDING lt1ce or Plt11l Paul Smiley • Salton City, CA • (619) 394-0039 ~ ·uRBa ~BLUE.kl. Racing Gasolines P= So. Cal. Distributors• (310) 928-2278 Lyn, Gordon, or Mil<: (UJt'P] 819/449-9990 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS i C•729 WHEATLAND'.:, AVl::NUE SUITE A ~3Ai\i rFE' . CA ~207 i CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTE FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES vF RACING-& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 Performance Camshafts Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave 909/369-5144 Riverside, CA 92507 Fax 909/369-7266 I, I
RACE CARS BAJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V.W. & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYOTA . !f'K PAINT /IND C04TINGS.-.GRAPIIKS* ff!//08 * : Off Road Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding I•~ TOMd MAJNTeNANCl'•5ml/Y~'lf;J,l/fUIHt;I-'.. "<W$d MY~"ForRck.lJp~ ·•19· o Dale White Racing 3940 Maranatha Circle Las Vegas. NV 89103 Lorenzo Rodriguez 70Z-B71-1661 • 515 So. Vermont. Glendora, CA 91740 • 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service Ultra High Quality Gears that outlast and out-perform all others. Available in 113 (keyed), 002 (splined), 091 Bus, and MD4S transmis-sion configurations. Huge selection of ratios in stock. Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri ·Phoenix. AZ. 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-00'/7 535 East C"n*ra/ Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 Classified ... f!OND -7•-~-:-,-,, -FOR SALE: Grear Pre-Runner single sear, Marshall Sergent de-signed & built VW powered. Ran ~rear but has been sirring for a few years. Comes with trailer. $2,250.00. Firm. Call eves. ask for Marshall. ( 408) 867-4 I 07. North-ern Calif. FOR SALE: Chaparral 5th Wheel Car Trailer, 38' x 8', side/rear doors, double axle electric brakes, canopy, winch, tire rack, cabinets, battery charger, diamond place floor, sec up for three small cars, lots of extras, $8,000.00 obo Phone (818) 346-5151. FOR SALE: Thing parts all types new and used, stub axles, rear drums, cransaxle flanges, c.v. joints, front beams, use Thing lower control arms and spindles co gee 3" of life for your Baja. Sand tires Unlimited Paddlon Trak 20.00 x 15 w/alum wheels, pair, $600.00 obo UPS, COD, Credit cards. 904 862-9850. ~.. ''~--~'''':~·, .. ,'-. ,/:·'.i';>"• ~'-· . ~ -,< .,, FOR SALE: 5-1600, Bilsteins, Wright combos, Beard seats, Fuel Safe, Wright Steering S.A.W. Bus IRS trans, Fresh motor, Centerlines, Goodyears, Car has won 24 of its last 28 races. $6,000.00 Wale (619) 949-9577 or Dave (619) 948-4979. Dusty Times FOR SALE; 5-1600 Pro Built Cal-Pre-Fun, Racerec Shocks with Cus-rom by-pass new motor, cranny/ Sway-A-Way axels, c.v.s, Belts. Too much co list. Turn key racer $ I 0,500.00 Will sell w/o motor & tranny (510) 534 1488. FOR SALE: Entire race operation. 1996 Soda Class 8/ 13 Ford Semi and 48' single drop trailer. Trailer will haul 2 full size trucks, built-in work benches, living quarters not finished but all there. Call for de-rails, $42,000.00 or best offer. Will separate. (414) 835-4800. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Chen ow th 930 c.v.s, Fox shocks, Wright com-bos, Suspensions Unlimited Beam and Rear trailing arms, Sec up for short course,, Ready co race. $6,500.00 pbo (714) 848-7915. FOR SALE. 77 GMC (Dave Westhams old Red dog) Great MDR, FRT or whatever you de-sire, everything new. Call for a complete list $16,500.00. ALSO: 4 Brand new 33x I 2.5x 15 Baja T/ As $600.00 (714) 639-8550. FOR SALE: 83 Ford Ranger -Great chase truck, Fiberglass front, flared bedsides, shock mounts, FOR SALE: Ford 7S/MiniMeral, front/rear bumpers, tire carrier arional springs, Rancho rake new paint, Esslinger exhaust, aparrs w/reservoirs, Beard seats, 32 BFG's $2500.00 obo. Credit cards FOR SALE: 93 Sancek 40' 5th gallon Fuel Cell, BFG's on Ultra OK. Ask for Jim (310) 542-2977. CLASS 7S Ranger: 95 Ford Splash body, 2.5L, 4 cyl, Fox shocks, long travel front suspension, Nationals in rear, Mogi C-4 auto transmis-sion, 9" rea r end w/40 spline ax-les, All 4130 Chromoly, Nice race truck!$ I 9,000, Baja Brokers Ref#366 (760) 723-2117. WANTED-PART TIME FABRI-CATOR: Lakewood/LongBeach area. Experienced in heliarc, mig and rig welding. (800)506-3433 wheel rec.veh.carrier. Holds 2 Wheels, G lass fenders, Jacobs FOR SALE: 1984 Chevy Sl0 Baja/Rails/Water coys/Bikes, Elcerronics, Holly, Offenhauser, Blazer 4 WD, needs rebuilt motor. FOR SALE: Class 9 Single sear, Queen/br, Coop galley w/micro, 1 Competition cams, K&N and Suspension 12" rear travel, 9 J/2" New Yokohamas, new trans, Fresh bath w/shower, roof antenna, TV/ much more. Asking $ I 0, 750.00 front. Rancho rebuildable shocks motor. Parker Pumper, Beard, re-Vcr, 3 axels, Elec. brakes, Jacks, will also consider trading for with reservoirs, Long Beach spring, built shocks, turn key, comes with gooseneck c~.uplin~, 2 roof a/c 6.5 Superlite car or modified pilot. 4: 11 gears, boxed A-arms, Sway- trailer and many extra parts and KW gen. 20 awning $30,000.00 (702) 274-8330 or (702) 647-· A-Way torsion bars $900.00 Good spares, dump cans, $3,200.00 2,bi> (714) 840-7675. 1582. J_am_es. ______ w -■-2~r~!!.;.rJZ14)_£9i:,lJ_42;_ __ J8.2,_5~~-!: ~-_ -..-.._, r-------------I I , Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in i : DUSTY TIMES. : I Classified Advertising rate is only $20 for 45 words each month, not inch:ding name, address and phone numl-er. Add $5.00 for use <,f I I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. , Maximum .size 5x7 I I NEW AND RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 wc:Jld Classified Ad is FREE if you an now and subscribe. If ~ I you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose_ $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I I RKl,fE:MBER. _CL_±1S$._lf!1.p 4];_$.E!.:1-.9..:f..JP Lt7ill..'fl[_l.::.__-_y1_.uR A D ,VlYBE P'UT O.f'F ONE I,'$_:$UI:;________ I IP }\/01' RECEIVED IN A TiliULLY. M>l1VNE .. l I ' H I I I , L Please run ad _______ times. I Enclosed is $ ____ _ (Send check or money ord1;r, no cash). Name----------------------------------Address _______________________ Phone _______ _ Cit State Zio June 1997 Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA f91311-440fs ! i , Page 41
TRICK CASS 11: Street Legal SCORE Class 11 VW, Bilstein shocks with reservoirs, Sway-A-Way springs front and rear, 1 inch tie rods, 1600cc motor, forged pis-tons, 9. 5: 1 compression ratio, Compu-Fire ignition, 4.86 ring and pinion. Full roll cage, extra parts galore. A competitive car for a competitive class. Trailer also available with car or separate for $1 ,000.00, spares for car nego-tiable. Baja Brokers Ref #543 $3,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: I 97 4 F 100 under con-struction til funds ran out, new strong 390 Spool rear, rear disk. Rancho Take aparts all around. Full cage, 5 point belts, new rims + 37" tires, 35 gal cell. Race or Chase, fun ready $5,000.00 obo Glassworks Unltd. (714) 841-8814. FOR SALE: SODA Class 4 Chevy S-10, 350 Small block, 650hp, MSD, Predator alum. heads, 8 Fox Shox, BFG on American Racing Wheels, ATD Turbo 400 tranny, Fuel Safe, Tons of spare & molds for fenders. Asking $14,500.00 w/ 24 ft Wells Cargo enclosed trailer. Best of the best buy and race to-day!!! Call (715) 367-4499. 01' Joint Jigger 'I'ube & Pipe Natcher ~ , • 01' Joint Jigger• ~ FOR SALE: 1987 bodied 2 wd Chevy race truck. SNORE heavy metal, Best in the Desert Class 8. Can be made street legal for pre-runner. 500hp small block Chevy, 20" of travel, fronr and rear. 20' custom trailer and all spares. $25,000.00 ask for Joe (702) 873-4953. FOR SALE; 4 seat Pre-runner, 128" wb. Fresh "Mendeola" bus trans, 1915cc Major motor, 6 rear Bilsteins, Front coilovers, adjust-able front and rear torsions, power steering, Wright wide beam, many extras, $11 ,500.00. May trade for Pre-Run truck. (619) 593-2146. FOR SALE: 1669 JMR 2-seat, Mid-engine, A-arm, Class 1 or 10. Sway-A-Way internal bypass shocks, Taylor custom seats w/air lumbar supports, CNC pedals & brakes, 30 gal Fuel Safe, all the best. No expense spared in the de-sign and construction of this beau-tiful car. $28k fully prepped, less engine & trans. Call Larry 1-800-547-2414. CLASS 2 Rolling Chassis, no mo-tor, tranny and shocks. Best of ev-erything: 130" Wheel base chassis, Front is 83" wide, rear is 90" wide but can be made 83". Ump power steering, Beard seats, CNC front hubs, SACO Oversize rack & pin-ion. Raceco rear arms (boxed), Chromoly tie rods w/big rod ends, Aluminum dash, 42 gallon cell, Summers Bros. Rear floating hubs w/vented rotors: AWESOME DEAL!!!$ 16,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #5 16 (760) 723-211 7. Tube notching is simple with the 0/' Joint Jigger. Using standard bi metal hole saws, and a 1/2" hand drill or small drill press to provide the power, this heavy duty fixture notches quickly and accurately the ends of tube or pipe up to 2" OD. FRESH Class 7 Chevy complete for $19,000.00 obo! Great buy: 4.3L V6, 220hp, Turbo 400, 9" 40 spline rear end, Summers axles, Fuel Safe cell, Hydraulic Bump stops, 12" front travel, 18" rear travel, many spare wheels and tires. It had it all!! Baja brokers Ref #530 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 9 Single seat. Everything new and the best, Never raced. SAW, 300M, Fuel Safe, Fox Shox, BFGs on Chrome, Parker, Beard, SACO, UMP, CNC dual master cylinder, New beauti-ful aluminum, WR trans, PC! mount. Needs motor and wiring to race. Divorse sale. $5,000.00 or best (31 O) 495-9760. FOR SALE; 1985 Honda XR350 Dirt Bike. Very good cond. Well maintained. Scotts Fork Mods/ Springs, rear progressive susp. spring. Spare Levers, Filters, shop manual, etc. $ I ,500.00. Greg (818) 890-5589. FOR SALE: Class l O Lite motor. Don Hatz 1720cc, 62 srroke x 94 bore. ARPM case, Auto-craft dry sump, Weisco piston, Autocraft cylinders, total seat rings, Pamer lightened crank, Carillo rods, Dual Webers, Ultra trick heads by Hatz. Kennedy clutch, custom exhaust, Unbelievable power. Over $9,000.00 for a new on.e.$3,300.00 obo (702) 898-7368. FOR SALE: Class 9 Two seat. Mi-nus eng & trans and rear shocks, has new Frt end with Bilsteins, Wright rack, 300m torsions, chromolly spring plates Parker Pumper, extra wheels & tires & spare parts. Class 9 champ 93 & 94 $1,500.00 (619) 258-0632. FOR SALE: 2 seat Raceco. Class 1-10 Pre-runner. Widened front end 10 inches, Reservoired Fox Shocks, Sway-A-Way, Parker Pumper, CNC, Wright spindles and rack, Ump power steering, Mastercraft, 15 rear travel, 10 front. Spare tire and mount. Yokohama, Centerlines, No motor , and trans $4,000.00. 2180 Motor $2,500.00. Trans $2,000.00. (619) 337-6108. Page 42 June 1997 FORCED SELL: 89 Ford Ranger, SCORE WINNER. Stock mini or 7S race ready w/many spares. 2.9 carb. 600 CFM Holley, Twin trans Cotter w/fan. MSD 6A ignition, Offenhauser intake, Art Carr Z gate shifter. A4Ld transmission, 8.8 rear end, 513 gears. 15" travel Fox Shocks w/reservoirs, Fuel Safe tank, 1.5" Chromolly cage custom-ized by Penhall. BFG Baja 33xl0.50 w/spares + rims. Beard seats, Roadmaster radio and many extras. Too much to list!!! NEED TO SELL FAST!! Winning truck w/Right driver. .. Our loss your gain only $15,000.00 obo (714) 515-9940. FOR SALE: 1971 Streetlegal Baja Bug Pre-runner. Built by Raceco, FOR SALE: Ford 9" full race rear axle w/4 link, rollers, 3rd member w/spool, Summers full float hubs and 40 spline shafts, 67.5" face to face: (4) 16" Kuster shocks 3" dia. w/3 by-pass t·ubes each. F-150 body molds w/complete set already made. Fuel tower, spare l 5x8 (5x5.5) wheels w/race lugs; Black-jack alu. floor race-jack; etc. (602) 951-0888. FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco cham-pion car. Fresh rebuild trans. w/ new FTC gears Wiks motor, Fox shocks, CNC, Ump, Race ready $16,000.00 or make offer. Great for new Class 12 SCORE Lite se-ries. Prep by Lothringer eng. Turn key ready. Must sell. Call Brian Logan (714) 821-8514. TO THE MAX Pre-Runner: '68 Chevy w/1990 Fiberglass front clip, 402cid Motor 450+hp, built Turbo 400, Sandy Cone full floater 9" rear end, A-arm front susp. w/ 20" travel and 27" in rear! Coil over Kusters ALL AROUND, Bitchin Prerunner $16,800.00 . obo. MUST SELL FAST. Baja Bro-kers Ref #578 (760) 723-2117. · Chromoly frame, 2600cc type 4 engine, Bus Box 930 c.v.s, 3x5 rear arms w/Kuster shocks, Coilover front end w/new Kuster shocks, Power steering, Summers Brothers front disc brakes! $13,500.00. Call '" Larry at (909) 652-6589 or (909) 927-4259. ACREAGE FOR SALE-One Sec-tion+ (644 acres) within Stoddard VAiley Off Highway Vehicle Area. Section 5, Township 7 north, Range 2 West, S.B.B.&M. Access from 1-15 at Hodge Road and Stoddard Wells Road. Asking $ 139 ,000/offer. Call (909) 849-7239. FOR SALE: 1996 SODA Rolling Chassis: Very similar to Flannery's. Built by Clive Smith, 125" wheel-base. Great SODA Tr1.1ck! Willing to make trades, all offers consid-ered, Baja Brokers Ref# 534 (760) 723-2117. :❖ FOR SALE: Chevy Class 13, 4x2 Race Ready less engine, I-Beam front 13" travel 1/4 liptic Rear 15" travel, 9" Ford rear end turbo 350 tranny, 32 gal fuel cell could be made SODA legal, raced in South Dakota, Must sell $5,000.00 obo Call Tim (605)224-6319 evenings HELP WANTED: FABRICA-TOR: Looking for dedicated, ex-perienced fabricator w/rhorough knowledge in MIG/TIC welding, sheet metal, tube fitting/bending & off-road racing. Work Includes: race trucks, pre-runners, prototype suspension kits. We offer long hours and .low pay Ex-trophy truck fabricators will feel right at home!! Fax or send resume-No phone calls please! Donahoe Racing Enter-prises 2831 E. White Star Ave. Unit H, Anaheim, CA 92806 Fax (714) 632-3838. RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES . BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON Hchm•ts. SNELL 95, SA 95 fol' SODA 'Complete Olower Systems for Single or Double St>at Car~. Helmet Conversions. C.qol Boxes. .Complete Linc or i;PYROTF.CT, FILLER :safrl.y Prodncls & 1rm1i MOTORSPOIHS, We ship UPS Daily From $299.00, I kinicl .,';. Skid Visa -i\lastcrcanl, 5153 Bov,,den Ave.• San Die_go •CA• 92117 • (~19)179-2509 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat. Fox Shox, Wright, Flameour, Parker Pumper, Major perfor-mance engine, fresh, turn key, race ready, !ors of spares, new fuel cell. $6,,,000.00 (520) 669-6140 ask for Rod. WANTED: Heuer stopwatches. MasrerTime, MonreCarlo, Sebring, Super Auravia era clip-board with mechanical stop-watches, Halda Twinmasrer-Tripmasrer-Speedpilor, Curra cal-culator, Judson-Shorrock Super-charger Porsche 356-912 motors, EN Okrasa-Denzel motors, EMPI Brmsr EMPI 5 spokes Meyers Manx, EMPI, Bug-In, Revmasrer ere. Carafogs, pro-grams, rrophys, jackets, parts ere. Chris Castle Box, 2030 Redondo Beach, CA, USA 90278 (31 0) 371-3919, fax (310) 371-4827 e-mail AS992@LAFN.org. FOR SALE: Awesome Trophy-Truck, thousands in spares, Former Robby Gordon Frank Vessel, 38" rear 32" front travel with the best of everything. This truck is a win-ner. Could be made Class 8 legal. $70K or will consider trade for real estate or!! Ref #489 Contact Baja Brokers ( 760) 723-2117. PACKAGE DEAL: Class 8 Ford, 15" Travel front/20" travel rear,, Kuster coil over shocks, 35" BFG Baja T/As, 488 cid V8, Cobra Jee heads, MSD ignition, Powerhouse motor, Mogi C6 transmission, Chrisman 9 3/4 rear End, 46 spline axles, 80 gallon fuel system, spares included. $38,000.00 and if you are looking for a pre-runner,, here it is: FORD BRONCO 4x4: 14" Travel front with Coil over Kuster Shocks, Custom 4x4 Beams, 15" travel Rear with National Spring Co. Leafs and Kuster Shocks, Cone 9" rear end. Bear disc brakes, 35 spline spool, $8,500.00 and if you are looking for a hauler here's chis: 53 FOOT TRAILER: Kentucky Air ride trailer, Luxury transpor-tation, generator, 10,000 lbs, winch, cool boxes, Belly Boxes, A/ C 11 0/ l 2V Lighting, air compres-sor, $38,000.00 Baja Brokers #569 (Class 8) Ref #568 (pre-runner), ref#567 (trailer) (760) 723-2117. Dusty Times PRE-RUN Baja Bug converrable, 4 sear, Class 5 style, Simpson Belts, Full cage, YOO Gauges, High Torque starter, Wench. Saginaw Power Steering, KYB shocks. Close Ratio gears. Bus Tranny, Bear Coil over shocks, Grear for Family Fun! $9,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #537 (760) 723-2117. SUPER PACKAGE PROTRUCK Chevrolet: Close competitive rac-ing among equal trucks. Join the fun. 21" front rravel/24" rear travel, Bilsrein Coil Overs, 250cid V8 9: 1 Compression P&M 3 speed automatic transmission, 35" BFG Bajas, PCI intercom and radio, spares Ref #562 $65,000 TRO-PHY TRUCK CHEVROLET: Race ready 4130 chromoly, front rravel/30 rear 680hp Shaver built all alum. Sm. Block motor, Crisman rear end, good support package: spares! Motivated Ref #563 $55,000.00. HOT DEAL! Nech 1-1600 1 Sear '93 Nech 1600cc, SAW, Fox Shocks, Rear link Yokohama's on Centerlines: Fresh and New! Ref #565 $12,600.00. Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 10-2 Sear Mi-rage, Wiks 1835, New 4:57 R & P. and F.T.C. gears, Fox, Masrercrafr, Fuel Safe, CNC, Foddrell, Summers Bros, Bead Lock Centerlines, Coil Over front. Some spares. $15,000.00 (310) 925-4111. ALL OR PART: 2 Sear Molton/ Jimco Class l. 3.2 Liter Porsche by FAT, Doug Fortin 5 speed, Fox Rear Shocks, Raceco Rear Arms, Our Board Summers Arms, Masrercrafr, Parker Pumper, PIAA, Radio, Intercom, Fire System, Fodrill Front Suspension, Coil Over Fox, ETC! Tons and Tons of Spares: Tired Wheels and Parts! Ref # 555. And if you're looking for a hauler here it is: 20 FOOT HAULER: Ford F-600 Hauler, 429 motor, 5 speed Tranny, 2 speed rear end, excellent vehicle, builr for Off Road Racing. Kirchen Area, Belly Boxes, Welders, and EVERY-THING else you need and it hauls the race car! Baja Brokers Ref# 555 (CAR), Ref# 544 (hauler) (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 9 car, turn key ready. 2 seater, New transmission, New Beard seats, PCI radios and intercom SACO Deist seatbelts, BFG tires. Lots of spares. MUST SEE! Tora! package $6,000.00 Call Robbie or Donna (818) 352-1079. FOR SALE: New RCD 4 seater Pre-runner, Bilsrein coil over front end, Wright Rack spindles, Ump power steering, 2 liter Major mo-tor, Mendeola trans. 930 c.v.s, Big axles, best of everything, must see. $26,000.00 ubvested, $19,000.00 Best offer (619) 444-3252. FUEL CELL FOR SALE: Alumi-num covered, 34 1/4 xl 7 l/2x9 l / 2. 16 gallon. $175.00 obo. Call Todd (702) 255-0519 leave mes-sage if not home. FOR SALE: A-arm 10 or 1. Fox, 21" frr. 20" rear, Summers, Lee ps, flame-our, Russell wiring, Davis alarm, Radiator, Taylor, Simpson, Complete, no motor or trans $10.200.00 obo ... MUST SELL!!! Bill (619) 435-8936. "-IO/i!IJl!!I! SWEET CLASS 8 Chevy, 600hp motor, JE Pistons, Brodix alum. Heads, 44 gal fule cell, Art Car Shifter, Beards Seats, Autometer gauges, MSD Ignition, Nae'! Springs, Rancho Lightning Rod Shocks, Summers Bros, Rear end and Brakes, Art Carr Trans 23" Rear travel, Super Nice, Low Mile-age, Excellent condition Lowered to $42,000.00 ref #539 Baja Bro-kers (760) 723-2117. 94 BUNOERSON 1-1600 Front has Link Pin, Fox/Bunderson shocks off of top A-arm Wright spindles, rear has 2 Fox/Bunderson shocks per side, Bunderson Tubu-lar Trailing arms, new SAW 25mm Torsion bars, 920 c. v.s, Hatz mo-tor, 25 gal Fuel Safe cell, Pyramid built cranny, New 4:86 ring & pin-ion, Jamar Pedals, Wired for PCI radios. Ref#551 $11,000.CJ Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 61 Baja IRS Close ra-tio, Bus trans type I I CV's, · J imco arms. adjusters front & rear Bilstein 20 gal fuel cell, 1900 Dual Port sin-gle Zenith street legal current tag $3800.00 more info call Mike (562) 981-0333. June 1997 FOR SALE: Dodge Ramcharger, pre-runner:Chevy 400 SB Turbo 400 Art Carr short railshaft, Lee steering, Cone hubs and ball joints, Dana 80 44 spline spool, Kuster dualrate coilover, Fox Air bumps, BFG Bajas, Beard seats, 24" front 29 " rear, Must sell $12,500.00 or pare our (310) 391-4953. FOR SALE: Class 9 2 searer. Scare of the art car. fresh motor, 0 miles on W.R Rino trans, Fuel Cell, Fox Shocks, Beard sears, CN C brake & clutch, type III rear drums, SACO, Sway-A-Way, Oiest, P Pumper, O&N many extras, Total package $7,000.00. Details call Dick (818) 963-1445. FOR SALE: Class 9 single sear. Fox, Sway-A-Way, CNC, this car has been prepped 100% from ground up. All new plumbing, electrical, plus a complerly new brake system. Lots of spares. May consider trade for boar. $3,300.00 (702)880-1563. FOR SALE: Class 2-1600, 500 miles on total rebuild. SAW 300m bars and axles, 930 c.v.s with cagers, Fox Shox, Wright arms box and combos, Lee ps. Built Bus Box, radio with intercom, pumper. Race Ready with spares, $8,000.00 obo (909) 943-1536 or (909) 736-0660. GET SPONSORS!! Learn co Raise funds for Racing. Find our what corporate marketing managers Look for! Info on major sponsor-ship programs, sample proposals, everything you need to retain na-tional and regional sponsors. What you learn could be worth $1 O00s. For a complete kit. Send a check for $29.95 to: TM Media, 10065 Pico Vista Rd., Downey, CA 90240. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Airborne Racing Batteries ................... 32 ATL Fuel Cells ..................................... 12 Baja Racing Products .......................... 30 Baker Performance Products .............. 18 Barbary Coast-Gold Coast Hotels ........ 11 Best in the Desert ............................... 17 Bilstein Corp of America ..................... 5 Bronco Steak House ............................ 19 Brush Run ........................................... 31 Cactus Racing Products ...................... 42 Checkers ............................................. 33 Fat Performance ................................. 34 Fox Racing Shox .................................. 7 German Auto ....................................... 20 Honda of North Hollywood .................. 15 Kawaguchi Honda ............................... 29 McKenzie Performance Products .... 9, 23 Mojave Desert Racing ......................... 21 Nevada Off Road Buggy ...................... 22 Outlaw Racing ..................................... 12 PCI Race Radios & Equipment ............. 13 Pike's Family Restaurant .................... 24 Race Ready Products .......................... 30 Simpson Race Products ...................... 14 SNORE ................................................. 27 Sway-A-Way Corp ............................... 2 Toyota Motorsports .............. Back Cover Tri-Mil Industries ................................ 8 Valley Performance ............................. 34 VORRA ................................................ 32 Web Cam ............................................. 25 Weld Racing ........................................ 28 Wilch Sales ......................................... 42 Yarnell Specialties .............................. 43 HE BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension wi.th this advanced bump stop system. Th••• Bump Stop• come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece and enough valving to get the job done. ECOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 PER PAIR. (INCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE AND THE GRADE 8 BOL T'>i SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER Y' arnell Specialties, Inc. 1-S 0-427-3551 OR CALL US DIRE.:·f 102 Cnawiew P.O. Boa 845 Yamell, AZ 85362-0845 Page 43