Volume 14 - No. 5 -May 1997 il.00 155Nl750-1731 ~------------------Covering the world of competition in the dirt
Volume 14-No. s Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Edit~r Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark Jim Culp John Elkin Homer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martin Holmes Daniel Mainzer Jimmy Messick Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith Trackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry E. Worsham May 1997 -ILLS OffmaD IM:11111 '-T Subscription Ra.tes: lbld&riesf'qfaafRncing~ $20.00 per ye~r, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editi.ng. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Fo~r weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• At any off road racing group gathering there are always those who think they can out "BS" anyone in the place. It is an art, a God Given Gift and those who have the gift utilize it constantly. Here are two of the world's most talented artists, shown here locked in mortal combat in the "All-Pro Division." We don't know if it is two falls out of three or you just loudly declare yourself the winner. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies"or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered. Dusty Times May 1997 I In This Issue ••• • . FEATURES Page SCORE San Felipe 250 by Judy Smith Round 2 at Glen Helen OHV Park by Ron Miller Off Road Racing in Florida by Wayne Simmons Crandon Sweet 16 Australian Stadium Off Road Racing by Darryl Smith Outdoor Camping by Thomas Lieverscheidt Sno*Drift Pro Rally by Tom Buchkoe SNORE Terrible's 200 by John Calvin Doo Wop I & 2 by Jim Culp WRC Safari Rally by Martin Holmes DEPARTMENTS Fair News by Joy Bancroft Happenings Checkers by the Big Wahzoo Good Stuff Directory Classified Index to Advertisers ON THE COVER 12 20 24 28 30 32 34 36 39 40 5 6 10 44 49 51 Brian Sallee and Stan Hignett were part of the fifteen car Class 9 entry at the SNORE Terrible's 200 and they led the class almost the entire race and went home $2500 richer. Troy Herbst took first overall at the SNORE Terrible's 200 in a great drive over the silty, rocky course and can't wait 'til next year in Pahrump to do it all over again. Color Photography by Track-side Photo Inc. S~7~ DUSTY TIMES. THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$20.00 □ 2 ye~rs -$30.00 □ 3 years -$40.00 (no credit cards pl~ase) Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _____________________ _ Address _____________________ _ City ________________________ _ Stace ---------·-Zip--------- - -Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882--0004 ( Canadian - I year $25.00 U .S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3
Jean Calvin Off Road Racing's Best Friend! What do you call a person who has been actively involved with the sport of off road racing for almost thirty years? Crazy, ignorant, a glutton for punishment, a masochist, any of the above? Well, I guess you would have to say a bit of all of them, but that's what makes Jean Calvin unique in this sport. She was sort of conned into the sport in 1969 and it certainly took hold of her. It became her greatest passion in life, the participation, the information she is able to disseminate to the people, the love of racing, the love of driving, the peopl~ involved in the sport, but mostly it is the compel-ling urge to succeed, to overcome the obstacles that arise in front of her and overcome them she does. Never known as a quitter, Jean attacked the sport of off road racing .with vigor, finding a great outlet for her competitive spirit, racing not only against some other driver, but against the elements themselves. There were days (and long nights) when the temperature was in three digits, when the silt was so thick you could never even see the hood of the car, when the snow was so deep you couldn't find the race course, when your crew stood out there like frozen fools, listen-ing for "Tl)eir" engine, and then watching their driver plow on by, and Jean was one of those drivers, either freezing or sweating or choking or being blinded in the dust and in spite of it all, having the best time in the world because you were racing, off road racing, and there was still one lap to go, or 300 miles to go, it didn't matter, you were where you belonged and you were putting forth your best ef-fort, that too was Jean at all times. Now mind you, Jean wasn't the only driver out there having all that fun, she was one of maybe 450 to 500 active drivers in those days, but she was one of the few women racing the desert and she did her best to beat everybody else out there. Jean raced sports cars with the SCCA for many years before entering the off road world. She had an Austin-Healy Sprite, which was near and dear to her heart and even though it was known as a miserable ill-handling car, she raced it for years, competing against mostly men and refusing to enter the "Women's Races", racing in-stead against the good ole boys, who detested her when she beat them to the checkered flag. Jean had her share of accidents and flips, including one five time end over end at Santa Barbara; it destroyed the car (except for the roll bar) and Jean ended up with a broken nose and a severely wrenched shoulder. However, as soon as possible an-other Sprite was built and she was at it again. Jean entered the off road world when she did an article on Les Choate, owner of Les's Auto Salvage. Les was involved in the fledg-ling sport of off road racing and offered Jean and her husband a ride in a "Burro" (state of the art for the time) in the upcoming Baja 500 and except for losing a steering box it was a very successful race. Jean kept running with Les's Auto Salvage Team, sharing the driving with Les and his ~on Eddie in many races over the next few years, until the "F" bug bit, in this case "F" stands for Funco and that was the beginning of part two for Jean in off road racing. Jean made a deal with Gil George at Funco and a brand new single seater was born, a car that was raced to death but came through the flips and the crashes without too much long term damage. Jean raced the little Funco, mostly in Class 9, then in 1600 and for the most part, enjoyed every minute of it. Lots of help came to her through Dick McCool and Jerry Lawless who always made sure the car was up to par and both these guys shared the driving chores with Jean on numerous occas10ns. We are unable to count the times Jean has taken the green flag in off road, but racing full time for too many years to mention with SCORE, SNORE, WRA, ARVRA, and many many other sanction-ing bodies, she has had plenty of seat time in the desert. Jean had worked for Peterson Publishing back in the sports car days, then put out SCORE News for Sal Fish for some time but in December,-1983 the first issue of Dusty Times hit the presses and the rest is history. Jean knew that the sport of off road racing needed an unbiased journal o( the happenings in the desert racing community and Dusty Times was the answer. With help from her husband, Brad Goodrow, Don Goodrow and Jerry Lawless, Dusty Times was born and became another consuming passion in Jean's life. Jean continued racing and publishing Dusty Times with Judy Smith covering some events, and it wasn't too long before Jean and Dusty Times were becoming the voice of off road racing. Dusty Times was soon covering rallying in Europe and Africa through Martin Holmes and the Australian races were covered by Darryl Smith and Mick Myers. Jean was badly injured in a Baja 500' some years ago and her racing activities were brought to a sudden atop. Jean now covers the races for Dusty Times and devotes her entire being to make Dusty Times the best looking and most informative journal available for the off road racer and rallying type to read. Off Road racing is still a family sport, a blending of people from all walks of life, all wanting the same thing, to compete in a sport they love and hopefully· to be successful at it. Jean enjoys putting your name in the paper, your picture too for she realizes that only the racer and their family and friends who support them can keep the sport growing. Don't forget to look Jean up at the end of the race and give her your war story for the article. Jean has been blessed with the willpower, the guts, the deter-mination to keep going on, covering the races, making each edition of Dusty Times the best she can make it, having it go out on time and always has the time to sit and talk about off road racing. She really is a champion! Side Note: In her youth, Jean was a professional Ice Skater with Holiday on Ice and she toured South America with the group and also skated with The Sonja Henie Ice Show. She was also a member of the Air Force in Special Events. -
FAIR NEWS By Joy Bancroft know FAIR has missed a couple of issues, sorry guys, I guess we will never be as on track as when Dave Massingham was writing the News. WE MISS.YOU DA VE! So I will try to play some "catch up" on what is happening with FAIR. To some of you this will sound like old news. Here are a few highlights ... sorry ifwe didn't mention everyone. Between John Lucas and I, we will try and keep up with this. FAIR started off the season with Casey Folks flying in to at-tend our FAIR meeting to share his events for the season. Thanks Casey for your time and the dona-tion to our George Morgan Memorial Fund. We know we al-. ready have lots of racers planning on racing "Best in the Desert" se-ries, especially Vegas to Reno. FAIR had 10 racers for Parker, in-cluding Jason Hatz who took first place in Class 1600., We saw sev-eral third place wins by, Tom Rid-ings. Frank Omboli, and Darnen Jeffries. And don't forget the old racers with new cars, Scott Stein-berger racing ProTruck and Brian Parkhouse with a new unlimited class car. The Steinberger/Clement Pro Truck got a fourth place and Brian's car had those new car bugs ·that we will eventually work them-selves out. F Al R has already made a big stand at the MOR races. F Al R is suppo1ting IO to 15 cars at each MOR race. Some racers who are racing for the season are Bill Markel, Tim Braden, Outhouse Racing, Harry Dunne and Roy, the group of John Lucas, Rich Fersch and Ron Osburn. All have had first place wins so far except for Out-house racing. WE KNOW YOURS IS COMING! The Fays and John-sons are having big wins racing the M.O.R.E. series. Good Luck! San F:elipe, a few racers participated, Jeff Randall was the Race Manager and coordinated the race with some backup members and we pulled it off Tom Ridings had a great day with second place in Class 12, SCORE Lites. Scott Steinberger ran out of fue l but still hurried to the finish with a second. Lorenzo Rodriquez raced his 1-2-1600, managed to roll the car ever so slightly, lost some time and ended up with a tenth place. Mark Stall and Mike McComas asked FAIR for pit support but DNF'd, I believe early on. Sorry Guys! Results from last MOR Race -February: Bill Markel, Class 7 truck - I st Place; Tim Braden, Class 7 truck -DNF; Paul Moen, Class 9 - 3rd place; Harry Dunne and Roy, Class 9 - 2nd place; Max Hanberg, Class 9 - I st place; Outhouse Racing -DNF; Bill Swisher, 11 car fin-ished; O'Donnell/Reynolds, Class IO· - 4th place; Osbum1Fersch, Class 2 - 2nd place; Richard Woods, Class 10 - 2nd place. And last but not least the lost F Al R Dusty Times team of Greg Powell and Randy sert" event in Tonopah. Good luck Coleman who seem to realize they to John Lucas, T&J's team, Boonie need FAIR ... and DNF'd, but will and Heiden team, and Stiles team. remember FAIR next time. F AI R's annual Fun in the Desert FAIR really want;, to show weekend is set for April 25, 26, their appreciation to all the mem- and 27. We all join together for a bers who contribute their time at campout off of Bessimer Mine Rd. the races and has initiated an We enjoy skeet shooting, motorcy-award known as the "GO TO" cle riding, and some good old fun award. Rich Fersch, Race Director around the campfire. The SCORE presents this award to members PRIMM 300 looks like a big race who go oul of their way to donate for F Al R, whic_h we haven't seen a most of their time at a race event to lot of lately. So far some racers support the racers. At the end of coming out of the closet to race a the year we hope to present a BIG SCORE race will be Gary Ban-award to the member who has been croft, Jeff Madrid, Don Bowler, presented with the most "GO TO" and Wes Wisdom and Sons. They awards. will all race against each other in Some coming events for FAIR Class 1-2-1600. But it is still are ... it looks like there will be four early ... we are hearing lots of ru-race teams for the "Best in the De- ;nors. Bill Markel is the Race Manager and we may end up with as many as 16 cars racing. Well, I tried to catch up on all that I could recall about FAIR in the last couple of months, if I for-got anything, you will have to take it up with me. You know I spend a lot of time at races and unlike Checkers... women help to take care of FAIR at the meetings and the races. It's the girls who take care of you guys on the radio at the races! F Al R meets every first and third Wednesday of the month. Our meetings are at the Holiday Inn in Fullerton, at Harbor and the 91 freeway. We invite you to at-tend anytime, we have a raffie on the second meeting of the month, and we can usually count on Bill Thompson from Carrera Photogra-phy to come with his slide show as often as once a month' Yours Truly, your FAIR Secretary, Joy! ATTENTION PIT TEAMS Send us your tales of conquest or woe and, space permitting, we will feature them on these pages. Please send to : Dusty Times 2075 1 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 9 13 11-4408 A-re You Getting, The Message? -BILSTEIN """". Wins Five Straight Big Ones! • Fireworks 250 • Laughlin Desert Challenge • Tecate Baja 1000 • Parker 400 • Tecate San Felipe 250 Class 1 Class 1 Class 1 Overall & Class 1 Class 1 Bob Gordon Ryan Thomas Ryan Thomas John Herder John Herder And There's More! Read On! May 1997 On Bilstein On Bilstein On Bilstein On Bilstein On Bilstein Pages
1997 Happenings ... ASOCIACION EST AT AL deAUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector APTO42 San Jose del Caho Baia Calif. del Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMONSHIP Darryl Smith I 9 So111ers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 0l 1-18-07-3298-5522 Mav 25, 1997 Goondiwindi, WLD July 13, 1997 Kempscy, NSW August 17, 1997 Griffith, NSW September 21, 1997 Mt. Gambier. SA AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class IO cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B IHI (514) 434-5792 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 392 Cablexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 3 I/ 163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico Mexicali (65) 5542-83 Off Road Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas. NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 June 20-22, 1997 Silver State 300 Mesquite, NV to Ely, NV (point to point) September 18-20, 1997 Vegas to Reno 500 Mile point to point race BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (80 I) 627 B.O.R.E. May 3, 1997 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 5, 1997 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV Septembe.r 6, 1997 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-I HO (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1997 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box IOI Crandon, WE 54520 (715) 478-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Chizrna, CRS Director 521 Los Angeles Ave., #F Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 523-1387 Michael Giheault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 935558 (619) 375-8704 May 2-3, 1997 Rim of the World Palmdale, CA August 9-10, 1997 Gorman Ridge Frazier Park, CA September6-7, 1997 Treeline Palmdale, CA October 3-5, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ - November (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada llllinner's Circle John Herder Wins Again At SCORE San Felipe 250 Tucson, Arizona's John Herder continued his consistent winning ways taking the Class 1 victory at the 11th annual Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 race in Mexico. Driving the Kendall Performance JIMCO Type 4 VW car running on Bilstein shock absorbers, Herder drew the first starting position and led from start to finish. Herder's drive in the desert was his third straight class off-road win dating back to December of last year. With his underpowered Type 4 VW engine, Herder ran like David against the Goliath Trophy Truck Class entries and passed six of the eight trucks to finish third Overall at San Felipe. "Between our car setup with the Bilsteins and John's driving ability, we've become a strong team;' commented crew chief Bryan Kendall. 'We can hardly wait to go racing again:' Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Page6 Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 ~ KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 9212 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX: 619/453-0770 May 1997 C.O.D.R.A. CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terrv Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541 ) 389-2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr I 091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville. Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 May 3, 1997 June 21, 1997 July 26, 1997 August 23, 1997 September 27, 1997 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AllTOMOVllJSTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (0 I I 52 61746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Vijeo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-60 80 May 24, 1997 San Felipe San Felipe, BC, MX August 1-3 ,1997 (Tentative) Santa Veronica Summer '97 Tecate Area October I0-12, 1997 Carrera De La Raza Laguna Salada 180 Mexicali West CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 COR VA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 November 4,26, 1997 Southern California CORVA Jamboree Frank Rains Park Lloyd Losinger I 800 42 CORVA Ext. 501 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 June 14, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 12, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 13, 1997 2 Hour Enduro Olympia 10:00 a.m. July 19,1997 Short Course Belling 7:00 p.m. August 16, 1997 Short Course Belling 7:00 p.m. August 23; 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon September 13, 1997 Short Course Olympia (All events al Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park. Olympia. WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Dusty Times
Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 May 9-IO, 1997 KC HiLites Hot Boat Happening Parker, AZ July 1997 (Date not yet set) KC HLites Mountain Happening Flagstaff, AZ September, 19-20, 1997 KC HLites Country Happening Vallev Center. CA EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Associadon 2750 Cozumel Drive# 1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 July 19, 1997 Conquista Gran Carrera Los Sahuaros Park Tecate, Baja, Mexico September 13, 1997 Fud 200 Plaster City West. CA October 25, 1997 Superstition 250 XII Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster Citv West CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardirio, CA 92412 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series July 27, 1997 Round Four - Sunday August 24, 1997 Round Five - Sunday September 28, 1997 Round Six - Sunday October 26, 1997 Round Seven - Sunday November 23, 1997 Round Eight - Sunday Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco. CA 91762-0762 (3/0) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 GORRA Georgia off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA 13621 Pierce St. Otmaha NE 68144-1122 (402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 4964846 Eve. (All saces at Wesifair Fair Gounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a 3/8 mile course similar to the MTEG Tracks, and Classes I, 1-1600. 7S and Quad under SODA rules) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOIORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLLIB P.O. Box465 Dusty Times Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves. Keidl (6---) 828-1795 anytime (All Events start 7 miles NW orKamloops) L.I.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926 0522 JimAruta (408)247002 May 17, 1997 Short Course Race Trult'ts, Buggies, Pilots Two IO lap motos each class Hollister Hills. CA - Upper Ranch MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 48813 (517) 543-7214 f MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 MID.AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION Steph Sabo, Vice Pres. MAORA 19 Lakeshore Dr Nashville. IL 62263 (618) 327-9312 Mike Turner, Vice Pres. LTOR 2508 Pine Mattoon, IL 61938 (217) 235-2473 April 27, 1997 Nashville, IL May 17-18, 199-7 Casey, IL June 14, 1997 Casey, IL July 5, 1997 Nashville, IL July 26, 1997 Danville, IL August 9, 1997 House Springs, MO August 23, 1997 Danville. IL September 20,1997 Danville, IL October 4-5, 1997 Casey, IL {M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series Produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) MOIA VE DESERT RACING 438 W. Arrow Hwy. Ste #30 San Dimas. CA 91773 (9o9) 394-3265 Phone (909) 394-3266 Fax May 2-3, 1997 Stoddard Valley 200 Barstow, CA June 13-14,1997 Lucerne 300 Lucerne, CA September 5-6, 1997 Sahara 250 Lucerne, CA October 10-11, 1997 Barstow 200 Barstow, CA November 28-29, 1997 Tharisgiving 250 Lucerne. CA M.OR.E. 25277 W. Main St.. Suite 283 Barstow, CA 923 1 I (619) 2534453 Moiave off Road Racing Enthusiasts May 23-25, 1997 Shake Rattle & Opps Lucerne, CA July 25-27, 1997 Night Owl 200 Lucerne. CA September 19-21 , 1997 Shocker 250 Barstow, CA November 7-9, 1997 Wild Turkey 225 Lucerne. CA MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt.# I - Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka. FL 32 177 (904) 325-5422 OF'F ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excurdon P.O. Box 1154 J\rcata.CA955l8 ~ llllinner's Circle ~-✓ MiRCSTEII 8/LSTEIN !-=AW -"''""' . Marc Stein is Fine on Bilstein For Stock Pro Truck ·Win Marc Stein of San Diego, CA persevered in a tough race-long battle to come from fourth to first in the last 15 miles and win the Stock Full Pro Truck class at the Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 off-road race in Mexico. It was the third San Felipe 250 ~ictory in four years for Stein driving the Ace Uniform/BF Goodrich Ford F-150 pickup running on Bilstein shock absorbers. Stein overcame a crash with his brother, Dave Sykes, and some close rac-ing with Manny Esquerra before claiming the win·. Driving an Andataco Motorsports entry, Stein is in his fifth season of solo driving in SCORE competition. "Bilsteins are the finest shocks available for a stock off-road truck;' noted Stein. "And now, Bilsteins have also become the leader in shocks for off-road racing trucks." Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 @) KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX: 619/453-0770 May 1997 Page 7
(707) 822-8508 Jim Kendel (303) 779-6622 ·Primm 300 May 9-IO, 1997 (216) 339-4674 May 24, 1997 Primm (Stateline), NV Redwood Coast Jamboree All races held at Harrison Rim of the World June 6-8, 1997 Fort Bragg to Eureka, CA C'oun!J!. Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio Palmdale, CA Tecate Baja 500 June 13-14, 1997 ONT ARIO OFF ROAD June 6-8, 1997 Ensenada, B.C., MX Big Bear Adventure RACERS ASSOCIATION STPR July 11-12, 1997 Big Bear Lake, CA Bob Joseph, President Wellsboro, PA Fireworks 250 August 15-17, 1997 80 Hempstead Dr. ,July 25-27, 1997 Barstow, CA Gold Rush Adventure Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Maine Forest October 3-5, 1997 Nevada City, CA L8W 2E7 - (905) 574-7068 August 22-24, 1997 Laughlin Desert Challenge September 12-13, 1997 PERRIS AllTO SPEEDWAY Ojibwe Forests . Liughlin, NV Gost Town Adventure '97 18700 lake Perris Drive Bemidji, MN November 12-15, 1997 South Lake Tahoe. CA Perris -Riverside County, CA September 12-14, 1997 Tecate Baja l000 October 3-4, 1997 1-800-976-RACE Sunriser 400 B.C. MX Kem River Jamboree PIKES PEAK Chilichothc, OH SONS OF THUNDER Kernville/Lake Isabella CA P.O. Box 6962 October 3-4, 1997 4 WHEELERS OFF ROAD PROUllCTIONS Colorado Spring, CO 80934 Prescott Forest Race Division OF EL PASO (719) 685-4400 Prescott, AZ Keith Stewart Joey Vasquez S.C.A.T. INC. October 17-19, 1997 (714) 522-1899 13180 Round Dance Michael R. Icing Lake Superior S.C.T.A. El Paso, IX 79936 P.O. Box 277 Houghton. Ml Southern California (915) 855-8899 Morrisonville, NY 12962 SCORE Tin_1ing Association (All races are al Mo11n1ain Shadoll' lake (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 Score International Elice Simonis Tucker Take I-IO Hori=on Blvd. ex11 eas/ 12 miles/ SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. 22048 Vivienda Ave. 01110 OFF ROADERS INC. Sports Car Club of America Las Vegas, NV 89124 Grand Terrace. CA 92324 1427 Goshen II ills Road S.E. P.O. Box 3278 (702) 361-5404 (714) 783-8293 New Philadelphia. Ohio 44663 Englewood. CO 80112 ----April 18-20, 1997 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD llllinner's Circle Steve Williams Cops San Felipe In LA Sheriff's Ford Ranger Steve Williams turned in a strong driving effort to win top Class Stock Mini honors at the Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 race. Driving the LA Sheriff Deputies/ARCO Ford Ranger pickup equipped with Bilstein shocks, Williams won in the first race for the team's new truck on Bilsteins. It was the third straight San Felipe 250 win for the team which is a two-time SCORE Class champion. Williams started fourth in the class and quickly moved up to second after 35 miles of racing. He took over the lead 60 miles into the event and cruised to the victory. "We depend on Bilstein shocks to finish these rugged off-road races," Williams said. ''They have never let us down over the years." The team uses the race truck to promote their anti-drug program, SANE, in area schools. Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Pages Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 @) KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX: 619/453-0770 May 1997 CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 April 26, 1997 3 hours Montgomery, Alabama May 25, 1997. 3 hours Vienna, Georgia July 5, 1997 3 hours Tallahassee, Florida August 30, 1997 6 hours Montgomery, Alabama ovember 29, 1997 6 hours Vienna, Georgia SOUTHERN SHORT COllRSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813)962-2857 All Races al Eastbay RaceH"ay, Tampa, Fl May 4, 1997 June I, 1997 July 6, 1997 August 3, 1997 September 7, 1997 October 5, 1997 November 2, 1997 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 4524522 August 1-2, 1997 Midnight Special Nellis Dunes, NV September 26-27, 1997 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Jean, NV October 24-25, 1997 Twilight 200 Eldorado Valley, NV Derember 12-13, 1997 Vegas 300 Jean. NV SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011 )788-5 I 38 Fax (011 ) 880-2170 SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD l>RIVIRS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolle 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODA May 24-25,1997 Chevrolet Memonal Day Kevin Dawson IO 15 Bloomfield Road Lake Geneva, WI 5314 7 (414) 248-8566 June 7-8, 1997 Off Road Championship Joe Servk - P.O. Box 339 Antigo. WI 54409 (715) 6234134 June 21-22, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Nationals Ionia Michigan Mike Brunton, 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 June 28-29, 1997 Chevrolet Brush Run Box IOI Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2222 August 2-3, 1997 Chevrolet UP 100 Off Road Race Brian Adams. Box 26 Bark River. Ml 49807 (906) 466-2723 August 16-17, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Challenge Luxemburg, WI - Dick Shinnick : 80 I Industrial Park Green Bay, WI 54302 August 30-31, 1997 Chevrolet World Championships Box 101 Crandon, Wl54520 (715) 478-2222 September 13-14, 1997 Chevrolet Wisconsin Off Road Fesdval Oshkosh, WI - Greg Wine 165 W. Arndt St. Fondulac, WI 54935 Dusty Tiines
SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 so. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (All events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434. Owego. NYJ-VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 April 26-27, 1997 -Spring Special 2 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA May 24-26, 1997 Yerington 300 Desert Race 300 Mile Desert Race 4-75 Mile Laps Race Headquarters: Dini"s Lucky Club ·Yerington, NV ,June 28-29, 1997 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Top Gun Drag Strip 12 Miles South ofFallon Hwy 95 July 26-27, 1997 Top Gun Twilight Race Fallon NV August JO-September I, 1997 Yerington to Fallon & Back 125 Mile Point to Point & Return Race Headquarters: Casino West Yerington, NV October 4-5, 1997 Fall Short Course Race I Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA November 1-2, 1997 1997 Season Championship I Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL Off ROA D RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 (412) 532-0802 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ. 85023 (602) 97 1-3730 WISCONSIN Off ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy45 Oshkosh. WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP April 13-16, 1997 Rally of Spain Catalunya-Costa Brava Spain May 4-9, 1997 Tour de Corse Rally of France Corsica May 20-24, 1997 Rally of Argentina Cordoba. Argentina June 6-19, 1997 Acropolis Rally Athens, Greece August 1-5, 1997 Rally of New Zealand Manakau City, New Zt:aland August 29 - September I, 1997 Neste I 000 Lakes Jyvaskyla, Finland September 17-21, 1997 Rally of Indonesia ou·sty Times Median, Indonesia October 11-15, 1997 Rally d"ltalia Sanremo, Italy October JO-November 3;1997 Rally of Australia Perth Australia November 21-24, 1997 Network QRAC Rally Chester, Engand 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Osh\OSh, WI 54901 (414)426-0470/(4 14) 982-7306 ATTENTION Race & Rally organizers list your coming events in DUSTY Tl MES free! It is the only way some f ans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mai/iing list. Don't call, but mail your /997 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries.' Mail your race or rally schedule to: coming Next Month ... Best in the Desert Tonopah 300 MORE Mighty Mojave 230 MDR Wild Wash 250 Doo Wop Pro Rally Rally de Portugal Brisbane Off Road GT DUSTY TIMES. 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth. ••• and all the regular features! CA 91344-./404. llllinner's Circle Chuck Harris Wins Again In ProTruck Class Chuck Harris from Las Vegas, NV drove his Carl_uccio's Restaurant Chevy C-1500 pickup to the ProTruck Class win at the Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 in Mexico. Following an early-race flat tire, Harris dropped to seventh from his fourth starting position. From there he ran a flawless race taking the lead for good at the halfway point and scored his first win at San Felipe. Harris, the 1996 SCORE ProTruck and Rookie of the Year champion, has become the man to beat in the ProTruck Class. He has now won five of the nine races he's run and is currently tied for the class points lead. "Even with a less.than ideal spring setup, the consistent performance of our Bilstein shocks allowed me to run strong all day," Harris said. "I feel totally confident with Bilsteins." Go With Bi/stein! A Winning_ Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details. contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 (I, KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-TT23 • FAX: 619/453-0TT0 May 1997 Page9
w.~~ 'The Straight Poop from the Big Wahzoo' HAWKINS IS GONE - Over the years the Checkers have en-joyed some real characters· as our Club brothers but Lonnie flawkins was definitely something special. Sadly, he recently.died in San Feli.-pe after a long battle with Lou Ge-hrig's disease. Amazingly he passed away peacefully asleep in his own bed. THE HA WK was a man probably born a couple of generations too late. I mean if he had of been running around loose back in the days of the OI' West and the Gold Rush the legend of 'EL HAL,CON' surely would have been known a lot farther and wider than it is. Despite his seemingly cavalier attitude, Lonnie was a winner who 1ived by his wits and always seemed to exit from life's little problems having the last .laugh. He was a born Checker and off road racin' fit his personality perfectly. After surviving a deadly private plane crash, he carried on with his life quite well thank you with only one lung. While up in Alaska working as a pipeline supervisor he got involved with the law over a strange disappearance. Seems one of Lonnie's crew disappeared one night from a snowed in camp out in the middle of nowhere with-out a trace. Apparently the local Sheriff didn't quite buy Hawkins' explanation of "Hey, the last time I saw him he was headed outside to piss " and suspicions arose. (Rumor has it Lonnie actually killed the guy in a fair fight involv-ing fireanns during a high stakes poker game, and fed his cheating ass to the bears.) Eventually, our boy was al-lowed to leave Alaska rather than. stick around and go through a pro-longed legal inquiry. Sometime later back in L.A. Hawkins once again found himself involved with ,the law. This time in front of an alimony judge in divorce court facing endless indentured servi-tude to his now soured school teacher wife. True to character, when the dollar amount was an-nounced our hero stood up and shouted "f--k you" at the judge. Thus making it clear to his Honor that he wasn't gonna pay her a dime! Of course, he was immedi- he became the acknowledged hon-ately thrown into jail forever for orary gringo Mayor. of town. Life contempt, or until he could get his. was good for this senior Checker head straight When his lawyer ti- , and San Felipe naturally became nally got him temporarily free, the Checker's home away from Lonnie grabbed everything · he home in Baja . . could get a hold .of and disap- Hawkins was one of those few peared across the border into Mar- truly memorable individuals that a garitaville. Even today, the State man runs across in life. The kincJ. of California probably still has an of guy you'd want to have with ya open arrest warrant out for his un-if things suddenly got really seri-lawful abandonment of a big titted ous., or, if you're just lookin' for a blonde. But, settling down in San fun time with a good dude. I once Felipe the Hawk never missed a threatened him that I was gonna beat in his pursuit of enjoyin' life. stop writing this column as soon as He was now the 'Checker in he died so everybody would think charge' ofCheckerville-south, with he was the real Wahzoo. He only all the responsibilities that position smiled and laughed then told me entailed. Plus he even got to know he'd already set aside enough everybody in town, married a local money in his will to expose my ass Mexican cutie, and started up a properly to all those innocent peo-brand new family. As years passed pie I've pissed off over the years. Nobody rattled the Hawk. This Club Brother lived an exciting life that most of us can only envy, and few of us would dare. A true Checker in life, and now a Club legend that will only grow around late night pit fires for years to come. We'll see ya later Lonnie ... llllinner's Circle MOR BARSTOW - on a shortened 35 mile course, Mojave Desert's Racing's second event saw the number of its entries increase impressively to over 50 cars. With both some beautiful weather to race in and the Krepsz's water truck in charge of dust control on pit roads 3 of our 4 Checker en-tries finished this "Wild Wash 250'. Brindell and Hughes Share Class 5 -1600 Victory Co-drivers John Brindel! and Howard Hughes took the Class 5 - 1600 victory at the Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 in their first race with a new suspension setup featuring Bilstein shock absorbers. Driving the Off-Road Warehouse entry, these two San Diego drivers started last in the class, passed all their competitors and led the last 25 miles to log the win. The driving duo of Brindel! and Hughes is a six-time class winner in SCORE competition. Running only a limited schedule, these drivers have either won or finished in the top three in 11 of their last 14 races. "The Bilstein shocks played a major role in our new suspension setup," noted Brindel!. "Winning the first time out is an impressive testimonial to the quality of these shocks." Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing -Department: Page 10 Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 @, KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Aehco Road• San Diego, CAi2121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX: 619/453-0770 May 1997 New guy, Bob Wright, had a Checker-like run in his Baja Bug. This prospective member defi-nitely made a good first impres-sion Congratulations to Bob Wright, I st in Class 5-1600. Russ Butow started his 1/2-1600 car, only to barrel roll it over twice about 5 miles from the finish of his first lap. Luckily our hero was able to continue on to the main pit, but . had to get out of the car with a badly rung bell. What followed was a bunch of unplanned stops. First McCool took over the driving a lot earlier then expected, with Russ' kid staying in as the passen-ger. Then when Butow Jr. quickly got enough of Handsome Billy's driving, he was replaced with Mc-Cool's dad. And finally, with his head now clear Butow senior re-placed Billy, and he and Pop Mc-Cool ran it to the finish for another 3rd place finish in a good 12 car class. Another new prospective member. Marty Seefreid, saw Checker Main quickly R&R the engine in his 1/2-1600 buggy to weld up the mounts. Thus allowing him to continue to a 6th place fin-ish in class. Hey guys, good show! Craig Dillon put on an im-pressive-run in the Dillon's IO car, turning close to 60 mph laps and leading overall, until he holed the bottom of the tranny and had to park It. The Krepszs also had some bad luck at this race, and they wer-en't even entered. Seems a Baja Bug went out of control and left pit road during the race, smashing into their parked chase truck. De-spite these disappointments, mi~ race saw a good Checker turnout Dusty Times
Trail Notes ... END OF AN ERA - Jean Calvin, Editor/Publisher of Dusty Times Newspaper passed away March 31, 1997 succumbing to inj uries suf-fered in a household accident on Easter Sunday. Jean was one of the early off road enthusiasts and spent the last twenty-five years of her life writing about the sport and promoting off road racing to all. Jean was seriously injured racing in Baja some years ago end though the injuries slowed her down, they never stopped her. Jean's love for the sport was boundless and eternal and we know she will be sorely missed by all. Jean's legacy to all of us is Dusty Times and we here will carry on in the tradition of honest journalism and complete promotion of off roading. Jean, we love you, we miss you and we wish you eternal peace. SCORE VINT AGE OFF ROAD CARS - Since plans for the Baja 1000 to go to La Paz this year have been dropped, there is a big ques-tion about the plans for the Vintage Car buffs who had thought to be a part of the 30th anniversary celebrations in La Paz. Folks who are inter-ested in the Vintage Car Class can call SCORE at 310-457-4823, or FAX them at 310-589-9268 with their questions. Discussions are still open about whether or not to invite the Vintage Cars to join in the fun for the Ensenada to Ensenada 1000 in November. SCORE will need or-ganizational help in this endeavor in any case and any interested people are asked to call. OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS - We mentioned Rick Sieman's school for off road journalists in last months issue but the computer gremlins got hold of Rick's phone number and did a number on it, so here is the number to call to inquire about the journalism course. The number is 011-52-661-33480. Sorry for the inconvenience to all who tried to reach Rick. BEST IN THE DESERT - Casey Folks hosted a bunch of cars and trucks in Tonapah, Nevada on Easter Saturday and a great time was had by all. Kyle Taylor was the overall winner in his Chevy truck, taking Class 8 as well, and the Brothers Stiles were right there to take the Class I win and then we had Danny Anderson and Rob MacCachren, third overall and Class 10 winners. Complete details in the next issue. FUD'S IOTH ANNUAL BUZZ BOMB -The second round of the FRT 6 race series happened on March 29 and the overall honors in the car/truck classes went to Gary Hamlin and Steve Mamer in their Class IO car, while Mike Hart won the Unlimited honors. More next issue. S.O.D.A. - Just a friendly reminder that the I 997 S.O.D.A. Series be-gins at Lake Geneva, WI , The Chevrolet Memorial Day 100 and the season opener is always a thriller. Be there and either spectate or par-ticipate. MIGHTY MOJAVE 230 - M. 0 . R. E. held their Mighty Mojave 230 late in March near to beautiful downtown Barstow, CA and reported a well attended successful race with Kevin McGilltvray and Jim Green-way taking the overall win and first Class I 0, Malcolm Bryce and Perry King winning 1/2-1600 and Todd and Scott Johnson sweeping Class 9. We will detail the race in the next issue. PERRIS' NEW SEASON - Perris Auto Speedway, Perris, CA com-mences Off Road Racin'on April 20 with eight or more classes of cars, trucks and A TV's for your viewing pleasure on a man-made course that should incorporate "every condition you'd run into on a Baja race." Call 1-800-976-RACE for more info. RIM OF THE WORLD- May 2 & 3 are the dates for the Rim Of The World Rally, part of the Michelin SCCA Pro Rally Series and once again many drivers will be competing against the clock and the Califor-nia mountain terrain in their bid for the win in their individual classes as well as competing for $ 1000 in prize moneys from the Wings Corp, the GAB distributor. Spectating can be hard to get to, but well worth the ef-fort and the weather should be good. ESPN2will air Rim on May 25th at 8pm and May 27 at 3am. PROTRUCK EXPANDING - Ivan Stewart announced that PRO has added Gary Mastrolia to their executive roster and DeAngelo, Minton & Associates as the official marketing and public relations agency for Protruck Racing Organization to better direct their efforts to owner services, turnaround time, etc. Dusty Times all the way around. KEN MILLER is currently battling a serious illness and all his fellow Checkers are pullin' for his complete recovery. Give it hell, Kenny. SAN FELIPE 250 -In the kind of weather that makes ya think about moving down there, seven Checker cars left on SCORE's one long loop starting and ending in San Felipe. George · Seeley got a 2nd place in Class 5, but more on that in a second. Robert Harman once again soloed the Harman clan's IO car. And, de-spite a number of stops for repairs, Bullhorn backed up his 2nd at Parker with a 3rd place in SCORE's first Baja race of the year. Good run Guys! Tom Koch, with Danny Reider in the passenger seat, flipped his open buggy during the first half of the loop and had to settle for an I I th place after re-pairs were made. Meanwhile Reider's Class 5 car, driven by a non-Checker, found no Danny at the planned driver change. So, he continued on, only to lose the mo-tor just a couple of miles from the finish line while fighting for the lead. Larry Bolin once again lost a tranny in his Class 10 car. Moyna-han and Prince ran their I /2-1600 and open sportsmen buggies re-spectively, but I got no info on how they did. Kevin Davis blew the engine in his brand new unlim-ited buggy while doing a little day before the race testing and did not start. And now back to Seeley. Cur-rently George is in the Club's dog house, as he's been stompin' on his johnson pretty regularly of late . . His name is now on all the Club's deadbeat lists and been noticeably absent from all the recent meet-ings. The last part is not surprising since his race car was just featured in a couple of magazines without any Checker stickers on it, and he knows the guys are layin' for him. With all that in mind, let me tell ya a little detail about this ap-parently ungrateful Checker's 2nd place finish at this race Down in the Matomi Wash, last check be-fore the finish the Checker and BFG pits were located right next to each other. This presented Seeley with a clear choice when he came in on 3 wheels, since he signs up for pit support with both. Passing up the chance for a possi-ble 'group hug' at Crowley's pit he pulled into BFG (probably cause they had his spares). Then, as the Checkers watched and listened fro.m next door, all the BFG guys walked around looking at his front end shaking their heads. Eventu-ally suggesting George oughta park it. Pit Captain Crowley finally walked over and asked George if he needed any help "Can you guys fix this?", asked our Driver of the Year. "Probably", responded Den-nis, "But not here!" When the car was moved and the Checker crew finally did get busy on the Seeleymobile, they surprisingly found that the only piece of the May 1997 wheel left on his badly battered front comer was a small ring of aluminum right under the lug nuts! All the rest of the rim had been beaten away, along with some other important stuff But, with some parts help from his chase crew, Seeleys second choice Checker buds got his ass back on the road fast enough for him to sal-vage a good second place finish. Shame on you George! May every Checker at your next race do their best to cover that ugly-assed paint job of yours with as many Checker stickers as possible every time they catch you stopped. Obvi-ously, no hug for you, Seeley. OUR NEW PREZ, Joe Gif-fin, recently presided over an un-usually loud and argumentative Wednesday night meeting. In fact, it started off with our fearless leader getting chose off by a pro-spective member who apparently took· offense to a sarcastic remark. This brain dead wanna be was on his second time around, having al-ready been black balled once, and has apparently now lost all sense of humor and any chance of suc-cess Although completely willing to step outside and resolve the matter, the members present in-sisted Giffin ignore the fool and get on with the important Club business at hand. This was a wise move, since the Prez had his hands full for the rest of the meeting with the guys still in the room. After grilling and then voting on a new Checker member, the Club com-menced to flog to death two im-portant proposed By/Laws changes. When the dust finally set-tled, the secret marble box vote was retained and the-annual point requirement for members with be-tween 5 and IO years of member-ship was raised from 5 to 7 points. GREG HULEN survived both this raucous Wednesday night meeting and the dreaded secret marble box vote to become our newest Checker member. Part of the Wrightwood crew, a member of the Rev's congregation, and re-portedly the designer of the Hulen tranny. Welcome aboard Greg! THE BIG WAH ZOO -Every so often I have to remind long time readers and inform new ones of the Wahzoo's status and modus operandi. I'm a Checker but not a spokesman for the Checkers. I serve as the regular volunteer writer of .our Checkers Column at the courtesy of the membership in general (a simple negative majority show of hands at any Checker meeting and I'm his-tory). I report the 'Straight Poop' to my Checker buds, not the sugar coated dance around the edges crap accepted elsewhere. I'm irrev-erent, politically incorrect, and sometimes use four letter words. Although I occasionally address race and sex I'm not a racist or a sexist, just not afraid to comment on the humorous and irritating dif-ferences. A 'Checker Supremacis1 ' with a sense of humor would prob-ably be the best description of the Big Wahzoo. If this kinda frank Checker to Checker passing of in-formation is gonna bother any of you non-Checker eavesdroppers out there, then please consider but-tin' out! But, if you're seriously in-terested and would like to better understand the Checkers and our Column. Then, all ya really gotta do is just keep this one simple thing in mind when readin' it... When it comes to Desert Racin'. it's us Checkers against the rest of you shoe clerks and we intend to dust your ass and take your money! HE BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. TheH Bump Stopa come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece and enough valving to get the job done. ECOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 PER PAIR. fINCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE AND THE GRADE 8 BOLTS) SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-520-427-3551 OR CALL US DIRECT. 102 Crestview P.O. Box845 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 Page 11
SCORE SAN FELIPE 250 LeDuc Reigns Curt LeDuc ran securely in second place most of the race, had first place in sight close to the finish and cruised in to take the Trophy Truck win with about a minute in hand. Curt is shown here powering the Jeep to the checkers. Curt LeDuc drove his Jeep Cherokee to the overall victory at SCORE's March San Felipe 250, barely edging out Larry Ragland and his Chevrolet for the top pri:e. The 238 mile loop was extra rough for a Baja course, and in the early miles the racers floundered in thick dust. They traveled northward from San Felipe to a point about 10 miles north of Highway 3 ( the Ensenada to San Felipe route), and then headed down to parallel that highway a while, before tur'n'ing southward and traveling the length of Diab lo Dry Lake. As they continued southward the racers found them-selves battling lots of soft sand, and the big wash at the southern-most end of the course was par-~-i ' ...... ~-.. ~ ,., """ fl"~ _...-ticularly treacherous. ·once through it however, it was fairly straightforward, back up the old road, and in to the San Felipe arches and the finish line. After a spring like day for con-tingency and tech inspection on Friday, Saturday enjoyed near perfect racing weather. It wasn't as hot as could have been expected, but it could also have been breezier, to move the dust away a bit quicker. Still -there were no complaints. The motorcycles and A TVs started out ar-six a.m., but the cars and trucks didn't start until 8, when they took off single file, 30 seconds apart. And the trophy trucks were first to take the green flag. It was dusty for the first 60 miles or so, but even with that the David Ashley and Dan Smith teamed up to win Class 8 after a series of agoniz-ing nats early in the San Felipe race, fortunately their only problems. trucks ran close together and at Mile 51 Ragland and his Chevro-let had a slim lead of about two minutes on LeDuc, who was on the same minute as Ed and Tim Herbst in their Ford and Mike Teiman in his SlO. When they had rounded the northern end of the course and got to the top end of the dry lake, Ragland had built his lead to just over three minutes and LeDuc was firmly in second place. The Herbst truck ran third, with Tie-man in fourth place. Ron Brant, in Danny Letner's Chevy had a major slowdown when the differ-ential of the truck disassembled. Jeff Lewis and his Chevy fell back when a flat tire shredded and wrapped itself around the track rods. At our next unofficial sighting, Mile 211, which was just before they turned out onto the Puerteci-tos Road, Ragland led by almost exactly three minutes, and it was still LeDuc back there in second place. The Herbst brothers were third, but had dropped to about a half hour down after being stuck for a while. ' As they neared the finish LeDuc had Ragland in sight, but he remembered that last year at the same race Ivan Stewart had finished first, but Robby Gordon had been right behind him to take the win. LeDuc decided to do it the way Robby did, and not take a chance on trying to go around Ragland. Ragland, who said his top speed was by now limited to ......--~,~--John Herder, shown here going quite fast led Class 112 all race long, had a trouble free day and took the win with about five minutes in hand. 88 miles per hour because of a . (80,000 miles on the odometer) bent drive shaft, pushed his car as that they'd installed when their hard as he dared, and did get to race motor couldn't be ready on the finish line first, but he knew time. Tom Ebberts and John LeDuc was right there. And, sure Townsend were fourth in t~eir enough, in came the Jeep, drag-new Jimco, and Ray Croll ran tifth ging abut 30 feet of barbed wire in his Toyota powered Jimco. By from a fence on the outside of one now the dust had thinned for of the last t1,1rns, to take the win. them. Ragland's corrected time put him Herder, who had pre-run on a in second, one minute and three motorcycle, and was wearing a seconds back. The Herbsts, braceonhisrightkneeasaconse-whose problems included a water quence, was having no mechanical pump failure and a lost alternator trouble at all. His knee wasn't .aswellasaflat,werethird,about bothering him either, and . 35 minutes later. although he'd never raced this Class 1 took off next, with a course before, it didn't seem to be roster of 21 cars, fully half of a handicap. He was almost five which could be expected to come minutes on Gordon at Mile 211. up winners. There wa~ a lot of Now Croll was up to third, and in talent taking off into the desert, fourth it was the team of Jerry and they stayed close in spite of Whelchel and Park Post in a the dust for many miles. At mile Chevy powered Riviera Eagle. 38 they were in a very tight clump They'd been having flats. Run-with about 10 cars running within ning fifth about a half hour later 90 seconds of one another. But at was their team member, Nick Mile 51 it had thinned out some Baldwin, In a Chevy powered and John Herder, winner at Aceco. Townsley's car had come Parker, had already moved into to a sudden halt when a bolt fell the lead· in his Jimco. And when out of a rear trailing arm and the they arrived at Mile 108, the axle pulled out. . northern end of Diab lo Dry Lake, Herder stopped for nothmg but Herder had four minutes on Bob gas all day, and went on to get the Gordon in his Toyota powered win, making him two for two this Chenowth. Charlie Townsley ran year. Gordon ran out of gas down third there in a Chenowth near the southern end of the powered bv a junk yard Acura . course, and lost a few minutes, ~~ . ,-:t,A ''< "'., ,-,,~· ~,-,;'" ,-~ .. i .,( ··~-~· . .Ji&..,~.;'\. ~ ..... ,k!..,--:;.,..;i;~,. Class 10 belonged to John Phillips in his Jimco as he had a trouble free race and came home the winner with about six minutes in hand. Larry Ragland led the Trophy Trucks for the entire race, crossed Bob Gordon chased first in Class 1/2 all day but just couldn't get Brian Collins had some major shock problems, a throttle sticking open now and then but raced on to take second in Class 8, just ten minutes out of first. the line first but was second on the clock in his good looking better than second, and running out of gas didn't help. Chevy. Page 12 May 1997 Dusty Times
Jim Pierce and Jim Kirk had an electrical fire but continued on for George Seeley's day could only be called a disaster with myriad a nice second place in Class 10, showing four hours and forty min- problems but he soldiered on for second in Class 5, a very long Tom Ridings ran out of gas near the end of the race but luckily got fueled quickly and took second place in SCORE Lite, a few min~ utes away from the win. utes for their total time. ------•r--~--way out of first. but managed to finish second just -=,_.,.....,,.,..,..........,,_......., under five minutes back. In third it was Croll, who'd had a rear flat late in the day, and had to get.out and change it himself. Whelchel and Post finished fourth, fol-lowed in by teammate Baldwin, in fifth. The Class 8 'trucks took the green flag next, and after running the first 40 miles or so in a thick cloud of dust, emerged into the clear air at Mile 108 with Larry Plank in front of the pack in his new truck. He had about four minutes on Jeff Stower and Alex Bourland in a Chevy. In third it was Brian Collins in· his Chevy, while Dav.e Ashley was fourth in his Fotd;recoverfng from a series of flats picked up while trying to Pete Sohren had a mostly trouble free race, staying first in Class 5 all race long and ended up with an hour and a half lead at race end. Joel Whitted had the flu but his Jimco didn't and although he could see second place in his mirror most of the day he took the win in SCORE Lite class by two minutes. : navigate in the dust. By the time they all got_ to the ·south end of the course the Ford was in front, with Dan Smith at the wheel. He had a lead of seven minutes on Collins whose rear shocks weren't working, and whose throttle atbitrar:ily stuck full on a couple of times. Stower and Bourland were running third 110w, another six· minutes back and Dave W esthem. had moved up to fourth in his Chevy. Plank was out, reported to have broken a front end. Ashley and Smith went on to take the win by about 11 minutes. Collins was second, just ten minutes in front of Stower and Bourland. In fourth it was Westhem, and then Dale White finished a very late fifth place, his Chevy needing a trans-mission replacement early in the day, and a new ring and pinion later on. The Class 10 cars were next to start. This is the group with water cooled motors and A-arms, limited to 1650ccs. Drivers who run VW beam-type cars with air cooled motors can also run in this class if they wish. It was an A-armed Jimco in front at Mile 108, with John Phillips at the wheel and about four minutes in front of Jim Pierce and Jim Kirk in their Toyota powered Raceco. In third it_ was Jerry Penhall, followed by ...... ~ ·% Rod 11uller and Mike Halliday in their Pontiac powered A-armed Jimco. Robert Harman in a VW powered beam car, was fifth, only eight minutes behind the leader, and he'd already had a flat. Down at Mile 211 the lead still belonged to Phillips, who was having no trouble at all. Pierce and Kirk were still second, with Harman now up to third, only six minutes behind them. Muller and Halliday held fourth, even though they'd lost fourth and fifth gears by now, and their steering was "weird". And Larry Foddrill and Kevin McMullen ran fifth, their Chenowth missing third gear. Phillips, who avoided flats and had no other trouble,. stayed in front clear to the finish line for the win. He was just about six min-utes in front of Kirk and Pierce who thought they were in for real trouble when their wiring caught fire late in the day. It turned out that the only thing to suffer was the pumper helmet, and while that wasn't exactly terrific, it meant that everything else kept functioning and they got to the finish line in second place. Har-man, who said he had "no real trouble", was third in his VW beam car, and then it was Muller and Halliday, followed in by Fod-drill and McMullen. In Class 5 the early lead Mark Ruddis flies through the air on his way to a great win in 112-1600. Mark led all day, had no problems and won with four minutes over second place. Dusty Times ZIE'S I FILTERS K U I-Fl T RS T2 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER .......................................... MRB-86-9305 BOOT HOLDER·CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ............................ ,. .. MCK-0108-3 en DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 ..!. ;;! w z I-0 w w en 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR .............................. : MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ....... : ................................ MCK'-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ...................................... ~ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE I ................................... HDR-113-5of;331 CV JO.':NT TYPE II .................................. HDR-211-501-331B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501-331 D 875 STD BALL ........................................ HYP.-19005 934 STD BALL ........................................ HYP-19006 fi: CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 ~ CV GREASE ...... _ ......................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 :::, CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 ...J CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 < ~ CV-GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOL Y o STD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 S~ BOOT ........................................•.......... SUP,-102 S BATES BOOT ............................................. BAT-BOOT 11. 930 ROTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 934 ROTAT LEATHEf3 ................................ STC-6001 1-E FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 £1 L FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF ...................... MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFF T-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .......................... MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVERS/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 en a, 0 0 0 ;:: m fl ;; r 0 m -I m r z m ::c m m r (/) 0 0 z a, !l;! 0 8 frl· § • ..., t: • (/) C "O m JJ' -I JJ )> "O "O .. __________________ -______________ _.. • SIMf".SON e BEARD SEATS e IPF e KC e . CIBIE LIGHTS ♦ BUGPACK ti REDLINE OIL e FUEL SAFE e OEM -• SWAY-A-WAY e S&S ~ , ... ~•?N,.,Pi µ::;.;a.xwau· a - . : a: ,)24.UJ& ,wi!.i&;a ... May 1997 Page 13
w, Frank Rusich had more than his share of flats during the race but still managed second in 112-1600, not very far out offirst in class. The Steinberger/Clement Pro Truck had a miserable day, getting Bob Land ran out of gas in nowheresville and lost mucho time, but stuck and then some, running out of gas but they carried on for went on to finish second in Class 7. belonged to George Seeley, but by Mile 108 Pete Sohren had taken over in his Fod-Fab. He had less than a minute however and it was Seeley in second place. Danny Reider and Richard Boyle were third in their convertible, with Enrique Ruiz fourth. Sohren and Seeley had a wheel to wheel battle during the next stretch, and as they charged down the last big wash, Sohren had regained the point after a couple of switches, while Seeley chased. second in class. Sohren knew George was just same side of the car. Things went right back there, so when his car frorri awful "to miserable. He quit he was panicked. He undid changed one tire, got another at a his belts and got ready to get out pit, then flattened both of them to look for the problem, and the again, individually. Then his front car started up again. Now Pete's shocks came off and he had to pushing hard down the wash, try-make more repairs, and finally, ing to get his belts buckled up his .rotor broke and he had to with one hand and drive with the cadge one from a local spectator. other. He finally had to slow to a Sohren, always thinking Seeley crawl and get properly fastened was coming behind him, ran on · in, and Seeley did not catch him. hard to take the win, finishing an That's because Seeley had hit a hour and a half in front of the rock and flattened two tires on the beleaguered Seeley. Mike Jakob-• Largest Selection Of Rodends& Spherical Bearings • BACKSAVER • FIREBOTTLES • BATTERIES • SPAL FANS • SETRAB COOLERS • FLUIDYNE COOLERS • • AEROQUIP PLUMBING • SILICONE HOSE NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • GREASES • AUTOMOTIVE & RACING COOLANTS son was third, and there were reports that he'd rolled at about 10 miles into the race, but we could not find him fo confirm the story. Ruiz finished fourth, well over two hours behind the winner, and last in the class to make it all the way around. The SCORE Lite cars were next to go. This is the class for VW beam type cars with VW air cooled motors of 1776ccs (single sea ters) or 183 5 ccs ( two sea ters). It was very close for the first 50 miles or so, but when they thinned out the lead belonged to Joel Whitted, in a Jimco. He had only a minute and a half on Tom Ridings in his Mirage, and he was only four seconds in front of Arturo Honold in another Jimco. In fourth it was Ruben Lopez and Martin Duarte, San Felipe resi-dents, in still another Jimco. How WE HAVE OVER THE COUNTER SERVICE CALL US FOR A FREE CATALOG! WE WILL SHIP AS FAST AS YOU NEED IT ~ - (562) 427-2375 FAX (562) 426-5294 . # ,.._ ,•;'I' •· "$, -~ .,. Chuck Harris, '96 Pro Truck champion showed the same winning form as he mo-tored on to win the class by nearly two hours over the competition. many times do you suppose they . Whitted never had to stop for pre-ran? anything ~ut f~e~, and went on to Whitted had the flu and was take the wm. R1dmgs, who ran out feeling terrible, but he had no of gas near the end of his da~, mechanical trouble and still had mooched fuel from some Mex1-the lead at Mile 211, He hadn't can quad riders, and finished shaken Ridings, who was· about second o~ly a littl~ over two min-40 seconds behind him. And utes behind Whitted. Honold Honold was still third, though br~mght his_ tired c~r home in he'd dropped back after losing his th_1rd place, JUSt 18 mmut~s-la~er, power steering at Morelia. He'd with Dalke and Cobb fm1shmg also been without third gear since fourth. . about 45 miles into the race. Now One of the bigger classes at San it was Ron Dalke and Jason Cobb Felipe was the 1-2-1600 buggies, in fourth in a Raceco as Lopez and with 21 entr_ies. They got t_o Mile Duarte lost about four hours with 38 all m a tight bunch, with the some major problem. . first five cars running within 50 seconds of one another, and Mark Ruddis holding a very thin lead in his Porter Racecar. He was having to drive this race all the way because his partner, L.J. Kennedy was home awaiting the imminent birth of his first baby. 1 :.;., ;,.:_.~~ .:-;;*"it'" At Mile 108 Ruddis was still in front, and now he had a minute and 4 7 seconds on Frank Rusich, in a Jimco. Darnen Jefferies ran third in his Jimco, another two minutes and 12 seconds later, fol-lowed by Patrick Burton and Nick Bruinsma in a Homebuilt car, who'd had a flat very early in the day. Vic Bruckmann was fifth in his new Chenowth. Ruddis was having a trouble free race, and pulled his lead out to four minutes by Mile 211. :Rusich was still in second place (actually first 1600 car on the road thanks to his early start posi-tion), and now Bruckmann's co-driver, Dean Bayerle had moved up to third place. They were hav- · ing a remarkably trouble free race for a brand new car. In fourth it was Jefferies, who didn't like the way his motor was working, but couldn't figure out what it was. Burton and Bruinsma ran fifth. This late in the race the differen-tial between first and fifth was only 11 minutes. Any one of them could have taken the win. ·1F TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL \ BAKER PRECISION BEARINGS ups -r \ ~ 2865 Gundry Ave.• Signal Hill, CA 90806 [111 ·J I DAILY 11 v, " I Brady Helm had some problems mid-way but got the Toyota fixed and took the win in Class 7S. But Ruddis did it. He had a trouble free day and finished a lit-tle over four minutes in front of Rusich, who'd had three flats on his way to the finish line. In third Page 14 May 1997 Dusty Times
Equipped with NEW Fox 2.5 Brent Grizzle & Dale Ebber 1996 SCORE Off-Road Ch irst Overall victories at P <Cl 1996 Fox Factory, Inc. All Copyrights Reserved
it was Bruckmann and Bayerle, with a good ride for a new car, and they were followed in by Jefferies who didn't like his suspension any better than he liked his motor this race. Burton and Bruinsma finished fifth, still only 10 min, utes and 18 seconds behind the winner. Another 11 cars in this class also got to the finish line. The saddest story of the day came in this class. About noon there was a report on the radio that car number 1609 had hit a cactus and the driver was imprisoned, unable to SCORE SAN FELIPE 250 MARCH 8, 1997 SA,'I FELIPE, MEXICO OFFICIAL RES UL TS POSITION CAR# DRIVER/CO-DRJVER VEHICLE TIME O.ACLASS Class I Pro - I & 2_ seat cars, unlimited -21 starters, I I finishers IO I John Herder Kendall Perf Jimco 4 2 110 Bob Gordon Toyota Chenowth 5 I 03 Ray Croll Toyota Jimco 6 4 124 Mark Post/Jerry Whelchel Shaver Chevy Riviera Eagle 19 5 118 Nick Baldwin/Pat Dean Shaver Chevy Aceco Class 1-2/1600 Pro - I & 2 seat cars, limited to 16UUccs -14 starters, 16 hrushers 23 I I 6 I 2 Mark Rudd is · Porter Racecar 25 2 I 602 Frank Rusich unk 26 1613 Vic Bruckmann/Dean Bayerle Chenowth 2 seat 27 4 161 I Darnen Jefferies Jimco 28 5 I 604 Patrick Burton/Nick Buinsma Chris TOO I Homebuilt Class 3 Pro - 4X4 Utility Vehicles 108" or shorter - 4 starters. I finisher 90 302 Darren Skilton Kia Sportage Class 5 Pro - Unlimited Baja Bugs - 9 start~rs, 4 finishers I 6 I 507 Pete Sohren Fod-Fab 4 7 2 506 George Seeley VW Baja Bug 50 3 502 Mike Jakobson VW Bug 67 4 503 Enrique Ruiz VW Sedan Class 5-16 Pro - Baja Bugs limited to J600ccs - 24 starters, 11 finishers 34 579 John BrindclVHoward Hughes '69 VW Bug 35 2 566 Ernesto Arambula '68 VW 38 554 Hector & Danny Ledezma '68 VW 51 4 556 Carlos Davila/Jorge Vargas '65 Davila VW 59 5 558 J A.& Manuel Covarrubias L.Mayoral Vicser VW Class 7 Pro -mini or mid-sized pickups - 6 starters, 4 finishers 55 705 Chris & Rick Taylor Ford Ranger 69 2 706 Bob Land/Mike Jenkins Ford Ranger 83 700 Larry Roeseler Chevrolet 98 4 703 Gary Mecham/BraMon \Valders Ford Ranger Class 75 Pro - Stock mini or mid-sized pickup - 2 starters, I finisher 75 n~ Brady Hclm'Bob Gral,am Toyota Class 8 Pro. Two wheel drive utility vehicles -11 starters, 5 finishers 9 800 David Ashley/Dan Smith 11 2 806 Brian Collins Ford F-150 Chevrolet 18 809 Jeff Stower/ Alex Bourland Chevrolet 29 4 808 David Westhem/Anthony l\lcCormack Chevrolet 89 80 I £?ale White Chevrolet Class 9 Pro - I & 2 seat cars IOO" wheelbase - 9 staners, 5 finishers 42 903 Alfonso Lacarra/Lalo Mayoral Jimco 4_4 2 901 Daniel Mora/Rafael Aguilera Major VW Chenowth 49 904 Rich Richardson/Doug Perrault Jimco 62 4 906 Lobsam & Elizandro Yee Tubular Design. 79 5 902 Ed McLean/Phillip Breedlove Jimco Class IO Pro - I & 2 seat cars, 1650ccs, A-arms permitted - 9 starters, 5 finishers 4·03:30 4·08: 13 4: 13.23 4 27.34 5:01:07 S: 12:08 S 16: 16 S: 19:54 5:21:54 5:22.56 9:43 :14 4:58:00 6·29: 18 6.401 7:41:56., 5:53:07 5:54: 10 5:59:47 6:45 :24 7:06:28 7:00:24 7:51:33 8:32 51 9:59:34 8:00·39 4:38.00 4:48.09 4:59:00 5·39:03 9: 17: 19 6:21:19 6:23 .30 6:35:44 7:20:58· 8:21:00 8 1002 John Philli~s unk. 4:34:57 10 2 1003 Jim Pierce/Jim Kirk Toyota R.aceco 4:40:46 12 1049 Robert Harman Lothringer 4:48:27 IS 4 1004 Mike Halliday/Rod :-Vfuller Pontiac Jimco A-arm 4:51:27 17 5 1005 Larry Foddrill Toyota Chenowth 4:58:06 Class SL Pro • SCORE Lites, t & 2 scats, VW beams, J 776ccs & 183 Secs -IO starters, 5 finishers 13 I t 205 Joel Whitted Major VW Jimco 4:49:08 14 2 1207 TomRidings Mirage 4:51:17 22 1206 Arturo Honold Jimco 5:09:30 46 4 1204 Ron Dalke/Jason Cobb Raceco 6:26:32 56 5 1208 DavidCallaway/JohnHolmes Dunright 7.01:15 C!Jss 11 Pro . Stock Production VW sedans - 6 starters, 3 finishers 85 92 93 I 2 I I 00 Victor & Angel Barajas 1104 l\liguel Mexio/Oscar Corona 1105 Horacio & Roman Pereyra Class PT Pro - Protrucks, spec class - 6 staners, 4 finishers 21 cSO Charles Harris SJ 2 270 Scott Steinberger/Todd Clement 57 250 i\like James/Mike Kalicki 86 4 20 I Steven '.\1iller Class Stock Full Pro - stock full sized trucks - 7 starters, 5 finishers 4) 862 i\!Jrc Stein 5~ 2 877 Robert Hayley/Steve Olliges 61 80 I Dove Sykes 63 4 864 Christine Reno/Manny Esquerra 80 86) Gordon DiCarlo Cla.s.s Stud..: ,\tini Pro - stock mini-trucks - 5 starters. 4 finishers 45 760 Steve \Villi1ms 58 2 76) Leo Brown 68 3 779 John Kearney/Clive Skilton 81 4 761 Greg Foutz/Steven Wheeler Class I Sportsman - unlimited class - 1 starter, 1 finisher 76 150 Walter Prince/Doug Browne Class 1-2/1600 Sportsman-buggies, l600ccs -2 starters, 1 finisher •74 VW 8:42:36 vw 9:47:51 vw 9:48:01 Chevrolet 5·07: I 5 Ford 6:56.45 Chevrolet 7:01:19 Chevrolet 8.51.25 Ford 6:21 44 Ford 6:56.01 Ford 7.11:0( Ford 7.24: J,I Ford 8.07:2·1 Ford 6:24.~>J Ford 7:05.: : Jeep 7:46:30 Ford 8: 16:45 Raceco 8:0 1:16 77 1651 J.E. Becker & John Becker Hatz Motor Anderson 8:02:32 Class 3 Sportsman -4X4 short wheelbase - I starter. 0 finisher Class 5-1600 Sportsman - limited Baja Bugs - 4 starters, 2 finishers 66 I 583 11,liguel Gonzalez 71 2 581 Prieto Retamoza/Emesto Ibarra Class 7 Sportsman - mini or mid-sized pickups - I starter, I finisher 54 716 Rod Fantelli/Charlie Bignell Class Trophy Trucks - unlimited trucks - 8 starters, 7 finishers 1 43 CurtLeDuc Jeep Cherokee 2 2 80 Larry Ragland Chevrolet 7 3 19 Tim & Ed Herbst Mike Smith 41 4 7 Mike Tieman Chevrolet S-10 69 5 39 DaMy Letner/Ron Brant Chevrolet '64 VW sedan 7:40:25 '68 VW Bug 7:55:24 Ford Ranger 6:57:5! 3:52:43 3:5):46 4:29:42 6:08:21 7:56:57 Total Entries: 168 total finishers: 99 Course: one loop, 238 miles, very rough, dusty Weather: mild. breezy, suMy Page 16 In the Protrucks it was neck and neck early in the day with Scott Steinberger and Todd Clement, in a Ford tied with Steven Miller in his Chevy for the lead. But by Mile 108 it was Chuck Harris, last year's champion in this class, out in front, in another Chevy. He'd already had a flat, but he had a 20 minute lead on Michael James and Mike Kalicki, in their Chevy. Steinberger and Clement, who'd had a flat and then got so stuck that it took two trucks to pull them out, were now in third, a "" half hour off the lead pace. ·',I By the time the class got down to Mile 211, Harris, who was ·'-" struggling with a bad suspension John Brindell/Howard Hughes took the lead at the 200 mile mark and there they set up, was in the lead by nearly remained to take 5-1600 by a minute and change. ~ ·W two hours. Everyone else had ·*' apparently had worse problems. Steinberger and Clement had run out of gas and lost a lot of time, and then when the car quit a second time they thought they , were out of gas again, only to finally discover it was a faulty breaker. They were second, and only four minutes in front of James and Kalicki. Miller, run-ning fourth was another hour and forty minutes back. The Class 9 win went to Alfonso Lacarra and Lalo Mayoral, but in spite of some brake and shock problems they finished two minutes ahead of the competition. move. Imprisoned? How? Well, it bump he got stuck. seems he had cactus stuck all over Maginnis, in the meantime his body, and he couldn't move. wasn't feeling so hot, and they The car was actually O.K. But the made sure the first aid crew had a chase crew, who'd gone in to help good look at him. They gave him him, were frantically calling for some penicillin just in case, and help. They wanted medics, or told him to watch out for infec-someone, with pliers, to help get tion. He went back to his pit and their guy out of the car. SCORE settled in to do nothing but rest sent Paul Fish and a medic out to' and eat while he waited for the car the scene in a helicopter, with pli-· to finish. Ross made it all the rest ers. There sat Brian Maginnis with of the way, and was the last car in little cholla cactus balls all over the class to finish. Maginnis met him. Luckily he'd had a full face him at the finish line, but was not helmet on, so none got in his face, really very chipper. We wish him but he was a mess. They pulled a speedy recovery, but suspect spines out of him for an hour. he'll be pulling cactus spines out After a while he was able to get of his body for weeks. For those out of the car, and then they put a who are unfamiliar with the nasty big folded blanket over the seat, things, you should know that which was also full of spines, and every Challa spine has a fish,hook his co-driver, Randy Ross, got in tip on it, so when you try to pull it and went on with the race. He out it takes along a bit of your later. said that every time he hit a flesh. Maginnis_ has my sym a thy. PIKE'S SERV·ICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FR!Et-lDS ..... THANKS! OPEN 24 HOURS . . -'( ~ - . . , ·-· -. SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESER.T ------------May 1997 Harris avoided any major trou-ble and went on to take the win. Steinberger and Clement finished second, still nearly two hours down. James and Kalicki were third, about five minutes behind them, in what must have been one of the better races of the day. Class 7 was the next group off the line, and Larry Roeseler put his Chevrolet into the lead early in the day, and he had nearly an hour on Gary Mecham in his Ford by the time they got to the top of Diablo Dry Lake. Another six minutes back it was Chris and Rick Taylor in another Ford. . They'd lost an oil line at Mile 20 and had used up about 40 ·minutes getting it repaired. As they crossed the dry lake Roeseler had a tire go soft, so he made a stop for a new one, and then as he headed south in the . !Jl0re remote part of the course the transmission started to slip. It finally quit. When the leaders got to Mile 211 it was the Taylors in front, with Bob Land and Mike Jenkins running second, 40 min-utes back, after losing an hour and a half when they ran out of gas in their Ford. Roeseler was now third, another 30 minutes back, and his transmission was running hot again. As they left the wash, the Tay-lors lost their fuel pump when a rock hit a wire, and when they had it fixed they discovered that their starter didn't work. Still, they got things going again in time to get to the finish line first and take the win, their first. Land and Jenkins were second about 51 minutes later and Roeseler finished about 35 minutes behind them, saying, "It was a much longer day than we anticipated." In Class 7S Brady Helm and Bob Graham had the early lead in their Toyota. Then, when Alfonso and Alvara Escobedo ran into problems with their truck, Helm and Graham had the race to themselves. They had rear end problems midway through the race and it took a while for their crew to get to them, but once repaired thay ran on steadily to get their win. Class 5-1600 was another big group, with 24 entries. As they passed our vantage point at Mile 38, the Iribe family, Gerardo and Dusty Times
ii-":. .,., ,.::, ciltf~~d,;,;,; ,. -~ ,, Daniel Mora and Rafael Aguilera had a mostly trouble free race, Bob Hayley and Steve 01/iges suffered a flat and a broken spring Leo Brown suffered one flat near the end of the race but came on bringing their Chenowth home in second place in Class 9. in their Ford but came on in for second in Stock Full Pro. in for a nice second place in Stock Mini Pro. C~rlos, had the lead ~ya bit over a few frustrating minutes when the and had just moved to Guadala-and Doug Perrault in a Jimco. lake it was Christine Reno and mmut~. I~ second _it was Steve car quit and he poked around jara about eight months ago. Iribe Lacarra and Mayoral were Manny Esquerra, teamed in a Meszkiewicz and Rick St. John, cleaning the jets and the carbure-invited him to ride in his 5-1600 gradually losirig their brakes, but Ford, in front by 52 seconds. a_nd then t_here was a ~aggle of cars tor before he could get it going and the unsuspecting fellow took nothing else bad happened and Running hard behind them was tied for fifth place, Just another again. Brindell and Hughes had a him up on it. They had a variety of they stayed in front, though not David Sykes, in another Ford, and minute back. T ey included torn c.v. boot to watch, but problems,andfinishedlOth,after bymuch.MoraandAguilerawere hehadRobertHayleyandSteve Howard Hughes and John Brin-Arambula had no problems. nine hours and 56 minutes. When only four minutes behind them at Olliges, in still another Ford, try-dell, Ernesto Arambula, and Arambula actually crossed the I asked, him if he'd enjoyed the Mile 211. Richardson and Perault ing to catch him. Marc Stein, also Danny and Hector Ledezma. finish line first, but the rear start-ride he said ( through his interpre-were up to third, and the Yees Ford, was fourth at that point. When they got to Mile 108 the ing Brindell and Hughes car came ter) that he thought the "ride was were fourth with Ed McLean and There was only one Chevy in this Ledezmas had moved up to the through just moments later to get a little too long." Elf, incidentally, Phillip Breedlove, in aJimco, now group, the entry of Mike McCo-front, with five minutes on the win. Arambula was second, is the sixth biggest oil company in up to fifth. Lacarra and Mayoral mas, and he didn't manage to fin-Hughes and Brindel!. Arambula describing the course very sue-thtf.world. had lost a rear shock mount at ish this time. was third, and then J.A. and cinctly, with an "Ugh!", and the Class 9 went next and early on Mile 188, but figured there was Reno and Esquerra had things Manuel Cavarrubias ran fourth. Ledezma team finished third, only had a tie at the front of the pack, not time to make repairs, so they working well and they held their Carlos Davila and Jorge Vargas six minutes in back of the winner". · between Alfonso Lacarra and babied the car a bit as they headed lead through Mile 211, and now it were fifth. In fourth it was Davila and Var-Lalo Mayoral in their Jimco, and for the finish line. They managed was Stein in second place, a little The lead cars were having no gas, and the Covarrubias team was Adam Pfankuch and Dave Die-to get there first, taking the win, over 30 minutes back. He'd lost a problems, and kept moving· at a fifth. trich in their Jimco. But Pfankuch but Mora and Aguilera were only couple of shocks, and had been in steady pace, very close to one Carlos Iribe, who usually does and Dietrih disappeared before two minutes and 26 seconds a dodge'em car type incident with another. At Mile 211 the Brind- really well in this class, did not they got to our unofficial spotters behind them in second place. Sykes, which had left his left side ell/Hug~es team had moved up have a splendid day this time. at Mile 108. So it was Mayoral Richardson and Perrault were fairly crumpled, and the driver's front, with Arambula second and Which was too bad, because he and Lacarra out in front, with just third, with the Yee brothers in side door latch non-functional. now the Ledezmas were third. had a special guest riding in his under two minutes on Daniel fourth and McLean and Breed-Theyhadtotiethedoortokeepit T~ere was a s~read of ~nly eig_ht car. The gentleman, whose name Mora and Rafael Aguilera in their love finished fifth. closed. Hayley and Olliges ran minutes from first to third. Davila we didn't get unfortunately, is the Chenowth. In third it was Lobsam The Stock Full trucks, which third, about a half hour later, a and Vargas ran fourth at this new General Director ofElfLub-and Elizandro Yee in their Tubu-ran the same race as everyone else broken leaf and a flat taking up point, and the Covarrubias team ricants of Mexico, a new sponsor lar Designs car and they had about this time, took off next, and as some of their time. In fourth it was fifth. Hector Ledezma had a for SCORE. He's from France, 12 minutes on Rich Richardson they reached the top of the dry was Sykes, who'd lost a wheel,. DEST Dusty Times May 1997 Page 17
,.., -"""~ . ·--~\,11·~--Tim and Ed Herbst lost an alternator, a water pump and had a few flats to boot but hung in there and finished third Trophy Truck. Ray Croll slowly moved up through the Class 1 pack during the Jeff Stower and Alex Bourland got up as far as third in Class 8, fin-race but a late race flat locked him into third, about ten minutes out ishing well but twenty one minutes in arrears. · of first. ~. Dave Westham had problems all race long and ended up fourth in Class 8 at San Felipe. Robert Harman had a flat but no other trouble and he finished a Mike Jakobsen chased the leaders in Class 5 all day and ended nice third in Class 10. Arturo Honold lost third gear and the power steering so a tired Ar- Ron Dalke and Jason Cobb fly a jump in their chase for position turo and the car were glad to get third in SCORE Lite. and got fourth in SCORE Lite class. up settling for third in class. Vic Bruckmann and Dean Bayerle took their brand new Chenowth to a nice third in Class 1\2-1600, only seven minutes out of first. Darnen Jefferies had some sort of motor problems and he ended At the 100 mile mark the Ledezma's were leading but they fell Fourth place in Class 5-1600 was earned by Carlos Davila and up fourth in 112-1600 with a real good elapsed time. back to third in 5-1600, still only six minutes out of the win. Jorge Vargas as they recorded a decent run at San Felipe. Larry Roese/er had a hell of a lead in the Class 7 Chevy but tranny Walter Prince and Doug Browne flew around the course in a bit troubles and some soft tires relegated him to third place. over eight hours to take the Sportsman Class one honors. Page 18 May 1997 ·~ ,/ ,d4"•· ~: ~~·-· mi<-db{'~>-~~~~~~~-{ b ~ ~ Miguel Mexico and Oscar Corona had some major front shock problems but ran as hard as they could and captured second in Class 11. Dusty Times
when his lug nuts sheared. The wheel took the brakes with it, and he lost about an hour. Reno got up the Puertecitos road to about 15 miles from the finish, still in front and then a king pin fell out and the front wheel fell off. The car did some interest-ing acrobatics, but basically stayed on the remaining three wheels, and they settled in for some repair time. Stein moved to the front and took the win, fol-lowed in by Hayley and Olliges. Sykes was third, and then Reno and Esquerra were fourth, now an hour behind the winning truck . In the Stock Mini class the leader at Mile 108 was Steve Wil-liams in his Ford, and he had Greg Foutz and Steve Wheeler second in their Ford, about eight minutes back. In third it was Leo Brown in another Ford. Clive Skilton and John Kearney ran fourth in a Jeep which has been sitting in Skilton's Don-A-Vee Jeep showroom for about four years. It was last driven in the 1993 1000, by Chuck Johnson, in what was then Class 6. He won. It's not a highly modi-fied racer, but it has one truly lovely feature for off roading, elec-tric windows. By the time they got to Mile 211 Williams had a lead of over a · half hour, and it was Brown in second place, having a smooth day except for one flat in the last wash. Skilton and Kearney were third now, about 40 minutes further back, after replacing a fuel pump. Clive had taken over the wheel after being at the finish line to congratulate Curt LeDuc on his overall win. At the finish it was Williams still in front, reporting only one flat and a lot of good racing with Brown. Brown held together to finish second, and it was Skilton and Kearney in third. Foutz and Wheeler were fourth. Class 3 had an entry of four cars, but only one managed to fin-ish. Our unofficial spotters didn't see any of them anywhere along the way, except for Darren Skil-ton, in his Kia Sportage. It's Marc Stein lost some shocks, had a good sized fenderbender but took the win in Stock Full Pro with about forty five minutes in hand. unknown what happened to Todd their oil filter housing, ·and had to and Jim Gatrell in their Blazer, or keep stopping to add oil. Miguel to Kirk Kovel in his antique Mexia and Oscar Col'Ona were Bronco, though he was reported · also running well, except that stopped somewhere in a wash. they'd broken their front shocks Scott Murphy and Mitch Mon-and had to drive a bit gingerly. ' tague, in another Jeep, were also 'The Barajas car had clutch among the missing. trouble for the last five miles or But Skilton had enough trouble so, but had a good enough lead for the whole class. The Kia lost that no one caught them, and they its transmission one gear at a time, took the win by a little over an and he stopped at Mile 76 to hour. Mexia and Corona finished replace it. When they got the second, with. the Pereyra team repa'irs all done the starter only 10 seconds behind them in wouldn't work. That was replaced third after all those miles. None of and he was sent on his way again. the others finished. Then the hose came off the oil In the Sportsman classes the . pressure gauge, inside the cab, and first place finisher was the team of sprayed Skilton and everything Rod Fantelli and Charlie Bignell else with a film of oil. By now he'd who ran their Ford in Class 7 as a reached Mile 82. From then on, Sportsman. They actually fin-beyond a non-serious head-on with a chase truck, his day went smoothly. It took him nine hours and 43 minutes to get his victory. Class 11 ran the full race course at San Felipe, and it was too much for some of them. But they all made it through Mile 108, where Horacio and Roman Peryra had the lead, some 22 minutes in front of Victor and Angel Barajas. Ger-ardo Montijo ran third. The Barajas team moved into the lead by Mile 211, catching up after being stuck early in the day. They were having to be careful because they'd broken their reverse gear. Montijo was now second and the Pereyra team had dropped to third. thev'd broken Victor and Angel Barajas took the Class 11 lead at the 200 mile mark, having lost reverse gear and gotten stuck earlier on, but they came through with the class win. ·ft .i'M;)A Ii , I Stock Mini Pro was the domain of Steve Williams in his Ford as he had a trouble free race and took the win by a forty minute margin. ished in front of all the Pro Class 7 one shock per corner on the front. cars in spite of one flat and some In the 1-2-1600 Sportsman fuel pump problems. This was class John Becker brought his son, their first SCORE race, and J.E. Becker, out from Texas to they're looking forward to many race with him for the firt time 'in more once they get their new his Anderson chassis. They got truck built. their finish in just a little over Next to finish in the Sportsman eight hours. categories was Miguel Gonzalez, Many thanks to the busy folks ·in a Sportsman Class 5-1600. He from the BFG Radio Relay who took the win in his class by just 15 forwarded their notes and times minutes over Prieto Retamoza to us. Without their information and Ernesto Ibara, both from we'd never know who was where Mexicali, in another limited bug. and when. It's a great help. Walter Prince and Doug Thanks also go to the FAIR pits Browne brought the Candy Cane who recorded the cars as they Raceco to the finish line in went by and shared the data with Sportsman Class 1. They'd had us. one flat tire when a wheel broke, SCOR E's next event will be the and then lost their front shocks, Primm 300, and then they go back and finished the race with only to Baja for the 500 early in June. ··:<-,.,,,..~~--""--~ 1997 JEEPERS CATALOG Call: 1-800-533-7696 Parts & accessories for Wrangler, CJ, Cherokee and Grand Ch.erokee name-----------------aiddress _______________ _ city _________ s1ate __ zip ____ _ phonfl ________ JEEPmoctel __ year __ Order_by ~hone... DDN•••VEE Please enclose $5.oo or mall this coupon! M Todd Fantelli ran his Class 7 as a Sportsman and they beat all the other Sports-man by about an hour, not bad for their first SCORE race. vvvvvv.donavee.com I I ~Afc!'s:oftes ~ 17308 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706 I I ·------------------------· Dusty Times May 1997 Page 19
Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series Round I Steve Bishop again won Class 1/2-1600SC with apparent ease and after round 2 at Glen Helen he is the overall points leader in cars/trucks. February 23rd was the date of the second round of this track's 1997 off road series. On a day when fans were teased by the sun and courted by the chill, those on hand were treatd to the usual fine assemblage of motoring expertise. It seems almost<} given that when-ever you're at "The Helen'': a Bishop will blast 'em, Wittman will win 'em, Mustoe will be mot-orem', Savedra will be scorin', and "The Yack" will be leadin' as Dwight Greene scored a long overdue win in Class 8, and, Damon Block took home the 7S victory. At this early juncture of the season, it's been the ATV racing that has provided the most excit-ing action' for the viewing public. The Pro Class has, so far, belonged to Ron Collins, albeit as a result of limited entries. The Intermediates have had no such problem, though, with full fields and stiff competition. Richard Y akkey, last season's Champion, has thrilled fans as he has pres-sured and battled Collins while leaving his peers to shoot for second. Even the new "Beginners Class" has begun to pick up momentum. Now, on th the day's results and highlights. A full day's racing was again neatly packed into an eight race package, with four events in each of the two heats. Troubles in the first heat forced Josh Johnson to retire but he finished a nice second in heat #2. · the pack. That's just the way things go in these parts, and it was more of the same on this crisp day of off road action. There were a couple of mild surprises, though, ~~':·~,"~'~·-• Gary Bussjaeger flew his neat looking car around Glen Helen in both heats and being uncontested, won with ease. Adam Rasmussen was a loner in Class 10 so all the marbles were his as he raced his way to victory at Glen Helen. Page 20 Race One was the ATV event for Pro, Intermediate, and beginners. Only two A TV Pro racers were on hand, and, scoring • his second straight win was Ron Collins. Collins secured the win over Steve Owens in the opener, then kept his series record un-blemished with an uncontested victor in the 'main". No less than 1 7 Intermediate challengers took to the track for the opener. The aforementioned Mr. Yakkey also ran his season total to four heats and four wins. Yakkey engaged in a spirited duel with Collins, and is certain to reach "Pro" status in the not-too-distant future. Dave Anderson, quickly establishing himself as a force on the scene, sped to a pair of seconds on the day. Third place in the opener ( as w<:ll as in overall Ron Satter was the unopposed entrant in Class 5 so he sort of cooled it and picked up all the class points. Jeffrey Hantz got beat in heat #1 but came back strong in heat #2, first in points for the day and a healthy lead in season points. .May 1997 scoring) went to Bryan Yonan. Kevan Zeidler (fourth), Charley Rennie (fifth), Ron Holthaus (sixth), and Scott LeTorneau (seventh) completed the fourth thru seventh spots in heat one. In their second heat, Holthaus took third, which was good for an overall fourth place finish. After Yonan's fourth in the main, came Zeidler ( fifth), Chris Alvarado (sixth), and Mike Nishimoto (seventh). Each of these fifth thru seventh place finishes matched the racers overall scoring on the day. The remaining racers in the class, while unable to reach the top seven spots on this occasion, are still responsible for making this class so competitive. They were: Douglas Peters, Tony Miller,Joe Noon, Matt Duhamell, Matt Pearlman, Raul Perez, Tony Cresci and Daniel Yonan. In the Beginners Class, Mike Johnson continued his winning ways by sweeping both heats. Johnson thus earns membership into 'The Helen's" list of unde-feated racers to date. Jeff Dixon made a .good debut on the circuit with a second in heat one, as did another newcomer, Cain Snead, who finished third. In heat two . (and in overall scoring), finishing back of Johnson were Randy Bradley (second) and Rob Baum-steiger ( third). Race two on the day was for Superlites, Pilot, and Odyssey classes. In Superlites action, the day clearly belonged to Bob Briggs. Briggs, who employed the proverbial broom as he "swept" his way to a pair of victories. Rennie A wana took second in the early heat, with Joe Price grabbing third away from Josh Hulsebosch (fourth), scoring, was Price (second), Hulsebosch (third), and Peter Kunjund.zich (fourth). Stacy Fay took fifth in the "main", but her "main' squeeze, Doug Goode-Dusty Times
Curt LeDuc ~W~MW~r ~~~ f ~~rn~~f ~ r~f [~Mf Wf ~~gm ~~~G~ l!Nf ~N~ ~ll [~N!IN~f r~ -~~ ~, f~~mLf M~~m r~fM~WNb ~m~~~ {·"-~ :. ··· ·-·-· --~ l!Nf ~f ~lb~ ~~~urr f rnm~M~NLff ~~wa~ Winner Parker 400 Trophy Truck Class • EXTERNAL VAL YING ADJUST1\1ENTS MAKES DAMPEN-ING CHANGES A CINCH. • CUSTOMER RE:-BUILDABLE • 3 INCH DIAMETER SHOCKS AVAILABLE IN 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 AND 18 INCH STROKES. • 2 INCH DIAMETER SHOCKS AVAILABLE IN 6, 8, 10, 12 SHOCKS AND 14 INCH STROKES • ALSO AVAILABLE, BYPASS SHOCKS, INTERNAL AND EX-TERNAL. ALONG WITH S\VAY-A-"'AY BUMP STOPS AND AIR JACKS. 11111111,,u,c111WJMQNl ~~:t~ ~~lY·A•,"!AY ~ SUSPENSION COMPONENTS 20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 ·Fax 818-700-0947 swayaway@hotmail.com
Chad Gall did his dad proud as he flew to victory in both heats and holds the lead in season points in Super 1600. Damon Block took second in heat #1, third in heat #2 and that gave him the Class 7S overall for the day at Glen Helen after some hard fought battles. nough, took fifth overall. In Pilot Class action, there was a nasty tangle which knocked both competitors, Todd Wittman and Clint Wolsey, out of the race. The impact from the crash drove both vehicles off the course and into a ditch, with Wolsey coming to rest on his lid. Once extracted, only Wittman could answer the bell for round (heat) two, as he went on to the "main" and overall wins. 1996 Champion Guy Savedra, again, was in a class of his own, adding another win to his growing resume. Any other Odyssey rac-ers out there needn't be fright-ened off by Savedra's trademark "Guyzilla" figurine mounted on his vehicle. It's not real, but his need for some competition is. Race three sported an interest-ing mesh of Classes 1, 5, 9, 10, Super 1600, 5-1600, 1-2-1600 Short Course, and 1-2-1600 Valley Performance Custom Accessories Competitive Prices Now Available: Two Seater Dan Mustoe was last years Class 9 champ and he was victorious in both heats, running up a bunch of points for another championship. Dwight Greene was third in heat #1, first in heat #2 and the overall victory for Class 8 was his in round 2 at Glen Helen. Desert. I'll start with 1-2-1600 months. Short Course. It was the man who The Super 1600 class appeared all but owns this course, methodic-to find Gary Gall back on track. ally rolling to victory. Steve But, upon closer examination, it Bishop, last season's "Racer of was revealed that Gary's son, the Year", doesn't seem to care Chad, was piloting number five. who they put on the track to Chad certainly did his dad proud oppose him, he just smokes 'em. as he won both early and late Bishop and Sean Ziegert were the heats. Grabbing the second spot only entrants in their class, and in heat one, and overall, was Ty each raced well, with Bishop beat-Godde, who was also making his ing everyone to the "checks". So initial start of the series. far, this pair has run 1-2 in each Class 9 had a trio of competi-heat contested this series, with tors set to do battle in their first Bishop holding four aces. Last season's 1-2-1600 Desert cham-pion, Gary Bussjaeger, made his '97 series debut in Round Two. With nary a classmate in sight Buss' scored the uncontested win'. Class 5 saw the series debut of Ron Satter, who, like Bussjaeger, was unopposed, winning in a walkover. Class 10 was yet another with but a single entrant. Adam Ras-mussen kept his perfect season intact, partly through the cour-tesy of those Class 10 racers who are too frightened to compete with him. Class 1 was a match race heat. Dan Mustoe, who seems to be making all the right moves these days, was clearly best, Mus-toe, last season's Class Champ-. ion, scored the heat one wiQ_over runner-up Martin Gill, -with A.rto Ylikangas ending up thir.d. ' Yli-kangas was nearly a casualty.iii .i:he opener, as he exited the course at the worst part of "animal leap".' His car did not start in the second heat, butArtodid. Thatwascour-. tesy of Mr. Mustoe, who was more than glad to take Ylikangas along for the co-ride. Mustoe proceeded to complete his sweep with another strong run, finishing ahead of Gill, who's pair of seconds on the day earned him second overall. The fourth and final race on the dav was for the truck classes. Cl~sses 7, 7S, Stock Mini 2WD, 8, BS/Stock Fullsize were repres-ented. Class 7 had only one entrant, which took the suspense out of Raul Flores' victories. Likewise in the Stock Mini 2WD class, where only Bill Barnes signed up, and, not surprisingly, won. In Class 7S, a quartet faced-the starter, and Round One's winner, Ramiro Gonzalez, didn't miss a beat. He scored the heat one~win over newcomer Damon Block. The remaining pair, Rick Huse-man and Bob Dziurawiec, ran into considerable trouble and made early exits. In heat two, Huseman came roaring back and stole the "main" event win. Dziurawiec also fought back and secured the second spot over Block. Gonzalez' bid for a fourth straight heat win · came up short, and, when he 'was unable to finish, the overall win was awarded to Block. Huseman, Gonzalez, and Dziurawiec com-pleted the overall scoring. . , Class 8 had a trio slated for action. Last season's Class Champ-ion, Jason Taylor, had little trou-ble scoring the opening heat win over Scott Conaway. Dwight Greene's third completed the Barbary Coast Class 2 $45,000 between Tim Lewis Jr. and Joshua Sean McKenzie had it all his way as he swept to victory in both heats in Class Johnson. It was Lewis who 8S,shownhereinclosecombat. emerged on top this day, as he sped to a pair of wins, Johnson sufferd trouble in the early heat and exited prematurely, but he came back in the "main" to take second, and second overall. Call Dave or Lenny at 702-247-1266 Page 22 3636 Mead Avenue Las Vegas1 NV 89102 702-247-1266 . Another match race was on tap m the 5-1600 class. This battle pitted two game racers, Jeffrey Hantz and Dave Anckner, against each other. Hantz had swept both heats in Round One, but, in the first heat this day, it was Anckner who proved best. Hantz, though, seems to really be coming into his own lately, and he was able to turn the tables on Anchner in heat two. Thus, Hantz made it two for two on the young season, by scorin~ · the overall victory. Watch for these two well matched racers to put on quite a show in the coming May 1997 Bob Briggs bested all comers in both heats for Superlites, shown here powering his way to victory. Dusty Times
Dan Cannon fought hard in both heats but was only able to secure Rick Huseman retired early in heat #1 but came back very strong A TV action is always hot and heavy at Glen Helen as dozens of riders sweep into a tum en masse and the racing is always spec-tacular. second in both and thus finished second for the day in Class BS. in heat #2 and that victory gave him second in Class 7S. early heat results. When the "main" rolled around, it was quite a different story. Taylorsuf-fered day ending problems when he threw a rod while leading the race. It was unfortunate that, while treating the crowd to some Taylor family "cookin' ", he left the door to victory wide open. Enter the opportunistic Mr. Greene, who seized the chance, and went on to a milestone vic-tory. This was the first victory on this circuit for Greene, who's patience and persistence were at long last rewarded. Congratula-tions, Dwight. Here's hoping it's the first of many. Conaway, meanwhile, had his pair of seconds hold up for an overall secpnd placing, just ahead of the toygh-luck Taylor. · In Class 8S, the same quartet that squared off in Round One was back at it again in Round Two. This time, though, there was just no stopping Sean McKenzie. I McKenzie had to call on all his I guile to take both heats, but he did i just that. He had a relatively easy I time of it in the opener, with "Dynamite" Dan Cannon taking second ahead of Denise Wittman (third), and Shad Kennedy (fourth). Kennedy, meanwhile, had anything but and easy time of. it. He was involved in a spectacu-lar crash and roll that totally dec-imated his truck and brought the race to an abrupt halt. In heat two, it again came down to McKenzie vs.~Cannon. When McKenzie got a little squirrelly in front of the stands, Cannon went for the pass. McKenzie had to cross the entire width of the track to keep Cannon behind him, but, horsepower ruled, and the win was secured. Cannon's pair of seconds earned second overall, while Wittman's pair of thirds saved "show dough'' for the Round One winner. That about does it, but ... wait! Not so fast! before I cut you folks loose to resume your places in the real world ... a ... um ... can we talk! I've heen thinking a lot lately about you, the readers of The Dusty Times. For quite some time now, I've been watching and writ-ing about the noble men and women · of this great sport. The response from these high-speed daredevils has ranged from sin-cere appreciation to very touching displays of gratitude. But, what about you readers! It recently dawned on,me that, perhaps I've failed to give you subscribers a real chance to speak your mind. There, unquestionably, must be things, areas, and portions of these stories that you really like or really don't "love" as much. If you've ever wished there was more of something, or a lot less of something else ... well, here's your chance to speak up. I find it virtu-ally inconceivable that all you Dusty Times wonderful, intelligent, and, may I add extremely beautiful readers out there are so thrilled and enter-tained by these well thought out pearls of wisdom, that you wouldn't change a thing. But, if that's the case, I'd love to hear so (not from you, mom)! Please feel DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment." 4·pointsandrallseatbelt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2'·5polntmount ......... $79.95 3" ·5point mount ......... $99.95. SIDE COVERS IRS ........... . . ........ $54.95 Swing axle . . ............. $54.95 KENNEDY•. PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# . ........... $79.95 200mm-upto3000# . . . ..... $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# -2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH -DISC Cushlocks ............... $39.95 4puc ferramic ............ $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . ........................ $54.95 free to drop me a line to let me know how I can better serve you, or even just to clue me in as to how you feel about the articles you've read, and the paper as a whole. Perhaps I could even get some of your ideas and thoughts into print, that is, if you're not too terribly rough on me. Okay, I did it ... I sure hope this works! O.K., now everybody, all together, take thirty-two cents out of your income tax refund(!), buy a stamp, and tell R .M. what's on your mind. Good, bad, or in between ... I'll be waiting by my mailbox. And, as always, I thank you for yo.ur loyal readership. Ron Miller 260 S. Glendora Ave. Suite 2101 West Covina, CA 91790 Fax(818)919-0211 GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops ......... ........ . $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges .ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star . ................. : call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stockwidth .... $199.95 8" travel-wldenedbeam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width .... $224.95 10• travel-widened beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½ " chrome ......... $ 98.95 T-11½"raw ............ $ 65.95 T-11518' chrome ........ $105.95 T-11 518" raw . ... .. .. : .. $ 72.95 T-4 chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw ............. : . . . $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .. .. $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ ................... $489.95 MK/I ................ . . $589.95 I ,_,/ -=-'a= PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The tou/}hest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate .......... . . $ 9.95 Coupler .........•....... $ 8.95 Rack steering sto~s ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1. 7, 1.8, and2.0 ......... . . .... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from$99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ........ . ... 4130 Chromoly Stock length ....... . . pr. $449.00 1 'I,• longer .......... pr. $4 7 4.00 21/, • longer .......... pr. $499.00 4" longer-coil over style pr. $549.01) CHROMOL Y TIE RODS· 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" . ............... $435.00 1-21600, 5-1600 .....•.... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 113~4 Norwalk-Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 May 1997 Page 23
Off Roading Florida Style Text & Photos: W a)'ne Simmons Mark Reed took control of the big truck class, as he won both heat races and · the main event in his Class 8 truck and he had to fight for the spot hard, in all three races. While the rest of the nation was in the grip of the cold hand of win-ter, things were heating up in Flor-ida. It was yet another fine day of Florida sunshine as S.S.O.R.R.A. opened the gates for another splended day of off road racing. This was the second race of what looks like a promising season for the Southern Shortcourse Off Road Racing Association. With the sun rising high in a clear blue . sl<y, it was not long before the pits were abuzz with the activity of race day. With race time quickly approaching, track officials con-vened for the drivers meeting to go over the details of the day. While the Drivers started stag-ing their cars the first race was already under way. It was the kids time to race, on the short oval set up to the side. It was easy to spot, as the shouts of the parents coach-ing the young drivers could be heard across the pits. TUFF TRUCKS FlRST HEAT: Mark Reed took control of the lead with Don Gatton a.k.a. (K-9) for his mascot, close behind. Chris Smith headed to the pits early with mechanical trouble, WE CARRY AURORA, PYROTECT, PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, SIMPSON .J.T. INDUSTRIES, SWAY*A*WAY WRIGHT PLACE, SACO, EARLS YOKOHAMA, SUPER TRAPP, AUTO FAB SWEPCO, BEL-RAY, TANAKA, S&S and was unable to return. It was a battle between two brothers as David Walterson (Red Rooster) and Michael Walterson moved up from the rear. M. Walterson overtook K-9 but was not able to challenge the leader as Reed easily took the win. . SECOND HEAT: K-9 and. Rooster jumped into the lead side by side. Reed lost ground at the start and could not close fast enough on the leaders. Rooster was being pushed hard by Walter-son when something broke, let-ting Walterson move ahead. Time ran out leaving Reed with third, Walterson second and K-9 first. FEATURE RACE: Reed and . Rooster went at it side by side as the race got under way. K-9 lost it in a turn and went sliding all over the track. By the next turn both Rooster and Reed lost it, with both out of control Walterson was able to close the gap on the two leaders. Reed was able to regain control and maintain the lead. Rooster was not as fortu-nate, and wound up in the drain-age ditch for the track. Reed went on to victory, with Walterson pushing his bumper for second, and K-9 coming in third. STREET RAILS FIRST HEAT: It was a wild start as cars bumped BUG PACK, CHENOWTH, UMP Sll/11-·f ... -'.·-_ -. BELL HELMETS, KEP, FODDRIL ~--. UNI-FILTER, K&N, TRI-MIL, PIAA PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, SCAT COMP-U-FIRE, WEBER CARBS SAND TIRES & RIMS,_BOGART WHEELS CNC, ULTRA WHEELS, SIMPSON CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEELS MECHANIX WEAR, WCM, l;UEL SAFE "WE ARE NOW A DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS" CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 Page 24 WE CAN SHIP UPS TO YOUR DOOR -··~ m a~Ml7.~7J! 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 8111..02 HOURS: MON-FRI 9Al'tf.6PM * SAT 9AM-IJPM (702)871-5221 FAX May 1997 tires and exchanged paint with each other. Then out of the con-fusion the driver Jesse began to pull away from the rest of the pack. Darrall King and Matt Beggs established themelves in the next positions. Jeff Golding soon put the pressure on Beggs but was unable to overtake him in the short time remaining. It was an easy win for Jesse with King and Beggs in second and third. SECOND HEAT: Jesse again had the lead into the first turn, but went wide letting Marlon Durbin and Matt Beggs slide under him. Thomas Trippany nearly end-o-ed off a jump getting the attention of the fans. Golding had manu-vered up and was now challenging Jesse. With time running out Beggs made a daring airborne pass while crossing over a jump to take the lead and the win. Durbin second and, hanging in there, was Jesse for third. FEATURE: Larry Fiegel got the hole shot but was forced to the side lines with motor trouble. Durbin and Beggs were at it again going in the first lap, with Rob Crawford in hot pursuit. Jesse moved up fast but not without Golding stuck to his bumper like glue. Crawford was not able to hold off the attack of Jesse and Golding in the last few laps and dropped back a few places. Beggs had positioned himself in the tf lead, and had to battle all the way to the finish line to take the win, with Durbin in second. Jesse and Golding came in a very close third and fourth. BAJA: Three drivers took the green, with Chad Halleen the first one to bite the dust. it had been a full year since his car had been on a race track and it was a little temperamental about it. Cindy Snider and Terry Bittering were in a battle until Bittering began to sputter and slow. Snider coasted on to victory. SECOND HEAT: Halleen was unable to make the line up, leav-ing Bittering to take the green, who then drove right back in to the pits. Snider went for a Sunday drive, to take the checkered. FEATURE: All three drivers dashed off the line as they headed into the first turn. They were still bumper to bumper at the midway point with Halleen leading. Bitter-ing again began to slow, soon fal-ling to the wayside. Snider went whee.I to wheel with Halleen, taking the lead while passing on a jump. It was short lived as the torsion broke on Snider's car forcing her out of the race. Hal-leen went to the finish, the only Baja left running. CHALLENGER FIRST HEAT: Bob Halleen grabbed the lead off the line but spun going into the I Don Gatton, aka K-9, flies high in his big truck as he won the second heat by virtue of attrition, but a win is a win and they all count the same. James Lair flies high in his single seat buggy and had a good day with second place in both the first and second heat, and went on to place second again in the Class 1 main event. Street Rails are a Florida class and we don't know the rules. Leading here is Jesse, who won the first heat and took third the next two races. Following here in Street Rails was Jeff Golding Dusty Times
Contact Jim Conner Racing for KC H./.D!IS and the entire KC Product Line at: 520/855-0912 800/528·0950 Avenida De Luces Williams, AZ 86046 (520) 635-2607 © 1997 KC HiliTES'. Inc.
Anthony Howarh, leading here, and Jay Outram fly a jump together, but Howarth is in a Class 1 car and he didn't stay with A pair of gadget cars attempt the jump together and we don't know who won this battle, in fact we didn't get a report on the race for Gadget Cars look similar to Superlites on the west coast and we wonder if they go as fast as a Superlite. This is a good shot at any the Class 9 very long. the Gadget Cars this month at all. first turn. As Halleen brought his. car back around he blocked the rest of the pack. Jay Outram, also in a slide, managed to get passed, Halleen taking control of the lead. Halleen had regained control and . was in pursuit of the leader, with . her car bringing up the rear. Hal, Anthony Howarth hot on his tail. leen caught up to and was side by Robby Kuhn moved up and over, side with Outram going into the took Howarth, but was not fast last lap. Outram held on by a half enough to overrun Halleen. Cathy car length for the win with Hal, Morton was having a bad day with leen a very close second and Kuhn • • l(XU waits ot 11owt:r • OilAlert' • Ek....:Lro11ii..· i).!1Ulll11 1 "Your One Stop Trailer Shop" n &. Se~\J\Ce E~~e~~~Y' 1~~\\.; •FINANCING AVAILABLE •COMMERCIAL•RECREATIONAL •UTILITY• CAR• LANDSCAPE• CUSTOM CAR HAHLERS • CONCESSION UNITS• ENCLOSED & FLATBED TRAILERS • TRANSPORT & MOTORCOACH CONVERSIONS• PARTS • REDESIGN EXISTING UNITS• LIVING QUARTERS UNITS Quality Metal & Aluminum Construction Large Stock Of Trailers, Parts & Accessories Welder/Generator EW171 • 4000 Watt Welder/Gc::nerator • Honda 11 HP OHV Cummen:ial Engme . • 170 AMP OC ior \Vdding • Oil Alert·· • Automatic Idle RACER DISCOUNTS PARTS SHIPPED BY UPS DAILY -BMW MOTORCYCLES SEA 000-WATERC~FT l BILL 'ROBERTSON + SONS, INC. IN BUSINESS FOR ov~ 30 YEARS 5626 -Tujunga 81'11., North Hollywood 4'HONDA 1 (800) 808-6134 Comeridewithus 1 -(818) 766-6134 Page 26 rate. not a far third. . was a battle royal down to the SECOND HEAT: Morton and wire, with Jackson out maneuver, Outram dashed off the line and ing Crowder to take yet another into the first turn still wheel to. victory, Crowder a very close wheel. Morton lost control fore, second, and Neri third .. ing Outram off the track. How, FEATURE: Once again it was a arth and Halleen took the lead. battle between Neri and Jackson Kuhn in an effort to move up ran as the two quickly put some off the track, dropping to last ground between the others. Pace place, with Morton. Outram was and Russell were bumping wheels making up lost ground fast as he more than once as they tried to closed on the leaders. Halleen had gain control of third position. started to pull away from How, Crowder started to make his arth, as Outram moved up the move and was taking no prisoners challenge, for positon. Halleen as he moved up to challenge the had a large distance out front for leaders. Jackson got a little loose the lead, with the real battle going in a turn, winding up on a stack of on for second.The checkered flag tires, and falling to last place. Neri told the story, as Halleen sailed in was helpless to stop Crowder on for the finish. Coming out of the his way to the lead. Hester had last turn still side by side was gotten the carb trouble worked Howarth and Outram. Howarth out and passed Russell and Pace looked like he had the flag until to challenge Neri. The laps ran out his right front wheel came off. too fast for Hester, after battling Outram managed to miss the Neri for several laps, the flag made swerving car to take second, with the call. Hester had to settle for Howarth limping across in third, Neri a hard fought second third. and Crowder his first win. In their last race Halleen got the CLASS 1: James Lair dashed lead early but lost it to Outram in off the line for1the lead with Mike a tight turn. Howarth was right H ester on his bumper. Mark there with the action as Morton's Lupfer and Bill Harris were right car got slower and slower. Kuhn behind the leaders waiting for was in fourth waiting for a chance their chance to move up. Johnny to challenge for position. Halleen Mock was having his own trouble and Outram see,sawed the lead as he brought up the rear. In one for a few laps until Outram cut of those weird things that happen under in a turn to regain the lead. all at once, Harris did a three sixty Halleen tangled wheels with degree spin in front of Lupfer Howarth allowing Kuhn to pass without losing his position, and both drivers. It was over at the Hester out powered Lair for the wave_ of the flag as Outram took lead. No one was able to better his first, Kuhn second and Halleen position as the flagman waved the edging past Howarth for third. final flag. Hester first, Lair second Somewhere in the confusion of and Harris third: theracebothOutramandHalleen SECOND HEAT: Johnny drew a disqualification, moving Mock had full control of the lead Kuhn into first, Howarth second, in :this heat as James Lair and and Morton third for the final Mark Lupfer trai(ed the leader. result. Mike Hester had come off the line 1600s: In the first race Sam a iittle slo:w but was working his Pace, one of the drivers coming way up fast as he passed Bill Har, out of retirement, took the lead ris. Lair had been passed by early but was soon overtaken by Lupfer, but was still not qut of the Carlton Jackson and Marty Neri. . challenge as they closed on the The battle was heating up fast as leader. Mock struck a large tire in James Hester joined in. By the a turn sending him into a spin in next lap carburetor trouble had front of oncoming traffic, and slowed Hester's car. Jason damaging his car. Lupfer thought Crowder moved in to battle with he had the lead, but Hester sped Pace. The two leaders were pul, by Lair and Lupfer to take the ling away · with Jackson outdis, lead, leaving the other two to fight tancing everybody. Ed Russell it out to the wire. White flag lap and Craig Schroder were wheel to Lair passed Lupfer headeo down whe~l but were too far back to the home straight, leaving Lupfer challenge the lead pack. In the in third, Lair second and Hester final laps Crowder moved past first. Pace for third place, Neri second, FEATURE: Again Lair had the and Jackson first. early lead but was unable to fend SECOND HEAT: The pack off Hester. Once Hester took the spread into a single line as Neri led lead he never looked back. Harris the train for several laps. Crowder had moved up and passed Lair. soon put the pressure on Neri for Lair did not give up easy and the lead. Neri, unable to maintain passed Harris back. With only a the pace, gave way as Crowder few laps to go Harris and Lair took control. Neri now had to changed places several times, until fightofftheattackofJackson:with Harris broke something and time fast running out. With just a slowed, with no time left. Hester few laps to go Jackson passed Neri took the victory, Lair second and · and set his sights on Crowder. It Harris third to wrap up the day. Dusty Times
OFF ROAD "SWEET SIXTEEN" NAMED BY CRANDON Off Road lacing's Top Track Names Leading Money Winners of the 1990s CRANDON, Wis.,Crandon International Off Road Raceway, home of the richest and most prestigious professional off road races in the world, has announced its second annual listing of the "Sweet Sixteen", the top purse winners at the famous off road track in the 1990s. Combined purse money paid out to the Sweet Sixteen exceeds $450,000. Crandon has been a· financial Mecca for professional off road race teams and drivers seeking the most lucrative prizes in off road racing. Compared favorably to both the Indy 500 and Daytona 500 as the premier track for its niche in the world of motor-sports. Crandon races draw fans from across the U .S. and from overseas as well. "Our enormous fan base has allowed us to provide the most substantial purses in off road racing for many years," said Cliff Flannery, track president. ! 'We are fortunate to amass Tecord breaking purses which attract record breaking crowds, the top off road teams and drivers and top notch sponsors," he noted. Crandon will again lead the way in 1997 with a total purse exceeding $160,000. The track will conduct a pair of Short Course Off Road Drivers Associa-tion races in 1997 -the Chevrolet Brush Run races on June 20-22, 1997 and the Chevrolet Off Road World Championships this coming Labor Day weekend.· "Our 1997 season starts with the traditional Brush Run races," said Flannery. "This weekend will· feature a special Manufacturers' Challenge race for the Potawa-tomi Bingo Northern Lights Casino Governor's Cup with thousands of dollars of winner-take-all first place prize money." he said. Flannery noted that "the Crandon Brush Run offers the largest purse in off road racing by any track, exceeded only by our World Championship weekend," he said. Flannery said that off road racing continues to expand dramatically. He acknowledged' that larger purses, the national . exposure of television coverage, and investment by a growing national and regional sponsor base are helping to drive the sport forward. "Professional off road racing has really come into its own in the 1990s," said Flanery. "We have been running World Champ-ionship off road races for 28 years and we have seen more growth in the last 36 months than we have in the last 10 years." Not surprisingly, the second annual Crandon "Sweet Sixteen" HONDA Power continues to include many of the top names in off road racing. The first nine and 12 of the 16 drive trucks. And two of professional off road racing's top names broke into the "Sweet Sixteen" for the first time. Making a huge move to the top of the list is "Mr. Chevy· Thunder" - Jack Flannery. By virtue of his dominating victory in the World Championship Manu-facturers' Challenge race last Labor Day weekend, Flannery added more than $31,000 to his Crandon earnings which now total $66,689.06. "Jack won the largest purse in the history of off road racing at· our World Championships last year," acknowledged Doug Davis, track vice president of marketing. "The total purse for the nine lap race exceeded $50,000." he said. "Jack Flannery set a new track record at the 1996 World Championship Manufacturer's Challenge winning the event in just over 14 minutes. He earned more than $2,200 for each minute of driving." said Davis. "More and more sponsors are realizing the importance of off road racing at Crandon and we anticipate even more and larger prizes in the future." In addition to the huge purse, Flannery, Wisconsin Dells, WI, also took home the $100,000 sterling silver and 18K gold Borg-Warner Automotive Cup on behalf of Chevy Trucks -the most treasured off road prize in the world. Flannery supplants hard charging Art Schmitt lll, Pitts-burgh, PA, who was number one on the list last year. Schmitt added more than $2,500. to his Crandon earnings last season for a second place total of$50,952.26. Crandon Favorite Scott Taylor, a Ford Rough rider, nicked Cran-don coffers for nearly $5,000 in 1996 to retain his hold· on third place. Taylor, of Belvidere, IL, barely edges out championship driver Walker Evans, who fell from second to fourth place on the 1996 "Sweet Sixteen". Perennial World Champion buggy driver Todd Attig, Dixon, IL, now driving a Class 7S truck, continued his hold on fifth place with a grand total of$34,916.98. Also earning in excess of$30,000 were sixth place Johnny Greaves, DePere, WI., and Steve Kelley, Irvine, CA. Two Illinois racers, drivers Jeff Probst of New Lenox and Geoff Dorr, Rockford, are eighth and ninth on the list respectively. Holding down tenth position· is buggy driver Greg Smith of Hopkins, MN. He earned just under $21,000. Dan Vanden Heuvel, Appleton WI, kept a grip on the 11th slot by winning more than $3,000.00 at Crandon last season. Vanden Heuvel is followed closely by "Sweet Sixteen" newcomer Curt LeDuc. While a newcomer to the list, LeDuc, Cherry Valley, AC, is a veteran off road racing superstar and one of the most popular drivers at Crandon. LeDuc swept the high performance, high horsepower truck races at the 1996 Brush Run Races winning more than $11,000 for the weekend and his second Governor's Cup. In just three races at Crandon in the 1990s, LeDuc has earned more than $16,600. LeDuc is followed by three buggy drivers -Jeff St. Peter, Belgium, WI; Dan Baudoux, Hemlock, Ml; and Lee Wues-thoff, Mequon, WI. Rounding out the "Sweet Sixteen" is Class 4 truck racer Rob MacCachren, who like LeDuc, is a newcomer to the "Sweet Sixteen" but one of off road racing's brightest stars. And, MacCach-ren, like LeDuc, has raced at Crandon just three times in the last two years yet has earned $10,801.00 and is the only other driver besides LeDuc to win the Governor's Cup. "It's nice to be named to Crandon 's 'Sweet Sixteen,' said MacCachren. "but I am determined to be number one on the list ASAP." MacCachren, Las Vegas, NV, has a chance to do just that as the combined purse at Crandon for all the high performance 4x4 truck classes and challenge races this season approaches $60,000.00. "If I can sweep Crandon in '97," said MacCach-re n, "it will make me, my· sponsors and my bank very happy," joked the Baja 1,000, SODA Class 4 and Crandon World Champion. Equipment KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER T0_~-0 Racer and Spectator Discounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WATER PUMPS •OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS •RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY . . -IF WE DoN'r HA VE Ir, No ONE Does! DELIVERY TO 1HE RACES AVAILABLE • PLEAsE CALL AliEAo KAWAGUCHI HONDA • EX1000 3.':G2 E. 3RD Sr. Las~ CA 9CXJ63 • 213.264.3936, 264.5858 FAX 264.2136 .... ~ ............ · ! VISA I s A L E s ' s E R V I C E ' p A R T s 1'.. T-·thing' • !1:I HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST 1 ~ Seaste[ 'HONDA Power Equipment Page 28 lii1i For opumum perfonnancc and s.:,.!cty. plc-ak: tc:1d the ov.,1cr·s manunl txrou o~r:i:lne. your Honda Power EquipmC'nl. Spc'Cltlcatlon:1 subjttt to ct-...u1~c-"'1Lhout nolil~. •Es~lm.itC' only. b:u<"d on rated load. +&ncry not mclud~ "ith E~13500SXKI. E),15000S.xKI and EB0500SX. +♦With battC"ry tr.ty kit. v.-h«ts & h.-ui~c-r. Conn,e,cUon to housc-~~r rcqulrc-s transf,cr dc.-o.it-.:-to .1,·01tl ~siblC' injury to p0'A·c-r company p.:rsonnC"l. Consult a qu3liRC'd c-lttU1cl3n. ·May 1997 Dusty Times
_Indy. LeMans. Daytona. Crandon. The 1997 Chevrolet Brush Run. . Greatly anticipated. Finally here. June 21-22, 1997. 1tANDo t 4' ~~ -'V~:;, 0 f f l,.,ITIINArt<lNAl • •AT ·Rfl,\Jl RAr,f. Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. GOOD),'i'EAR NOTIDNG BEATS~ ABUD~ CRANDON, WISCONSIN Featuring class events and a special Manufacturers' Challenge · % race for the Potawatomi Bingo Northern Lights Casino "Governor's Cup". 1995 Governor's Cu Winner: Rob MacCachren Las Vegas, NV _., Cherry Valley, CA ~ BorgWamer ~ Automotive ~ Performance Exhaust ~~1 The Mast lie11enll1ble, l1aaest-Lut1n1 Tr ■clls. CHEVY TRUCl{S Anwi..Ga.n R-a.c)--!Y3 Cu4t.omW~ r-~r:' .;;;,~ For registration and spectator ir1:fonnation contact Crandon International Off-Road Raceway at 715-478-2222 ~tf BFGaadricli ----~a ~I((,-
Paul Styles runs a turbocharged Ford in his car, imported from the Wayne Attard was quiet in the heats, but he was resting for the Mark Manns had three second placings in the heats, but he came USA.He ran well all night and took second in the Open Class Final Feature Final. and he came to life winning the Feature Final with back and finished with a third in the Feature Final in the Holden for the meet. no extra strain. Rodeo. Australian Stadium Off Road Racing Report Bruce. Watman drove the Bond Roll Bars Mazda to win a heat and the class final in 1600 class, and won in the Mazda truck in the first heat and took second in the class finals and had a busy day of it. The Fraser Park Speedway in be beaten, but what they wit-Canberra, has been rocked again nessed the other weekend proved by the onslaught of the Stadium the action just keeps getting bet-Off Road Racers. Spectators ter. A lot of the reason was the thought the action of'96 couldn't increase in the number of USA imported cars. The crowd favour-ite Stadium Trucks have in fact doubled their numbers. SPORTS TRUCKS There were eight fast and fiery HOLLISTER HILLS <>F~◄ ~<>.A.I> ~C:E 1VLA..'"Y1S 199'7 RACE THE SAN ANDREAS FAULT LINE L.I.T.R.E. SERIES PRESENTS "THE TRACK BY THE CRACK" • SATURDAY TECH & REGISTRATION • 7S TRUCK ENTREE FEE $150.00 • 12:00 NOON UNTIL 6:00 PM • $1.000.00 TO WIN 7S CLASS • GATES OPEN SUNDAY 6:00 AM • ALL BUGGIES ENTREE FEE $150.00 • TICKETS $10.00 UNDER 12 FREE • $100.00 EACH BUGGY TO PURSE • CAMPING $5.00 PER CAR LOAD • CAMPGROUND AREA SEPARATE • PILOTS $45.00 TROPHY ONLY • SATURDAY NITE GROUP BBQ • 2 10 LAP MOTOS EACH CLASS • SATURDAY AFTERNOON LIVE BAND • 2 5 LAP PRACTICE EACH CLASS THERE IS A SOUND LIMIT. MUFFLERS ARE MANDATORY INFO: (408:) 9.26-0522 (408:) 247-4402 Page 30 ·May 1997 Paul Wee/ is 17 years old and had his first drive at a stadium race. The former motocrosser surprised everyone by winning the feature final, at his first ride on four wheels in the stadium. trucks lined up for heat l. Bruce W atman has taken over driving duties of the Bond Roll Bars Mazda which has also been con-verted from turbo to super-charged. Wa.tman asserted his new role as a truck racer by clear-ing out in the first heat and taking a convincing win over Mark Manns (Rodeo) and another newcomer Paul Weel (Toyota). Heat 2 saw W eel off pole but the power of Chris Owen ( twin turbo V6 Nissan) soon had him in the lead. Wee! was trying everything to get past Owen but to no avail. Meanwhile, the three Mazda trucks; Watman, Alex Fitcher & Robert Knott were having a great tussle further back. Wee! in fact left a small gap and allowed Manns through, so at the finish it was Owen, Manns, and Wee!. The action continued as Wayne Attard clipped Wee! after the fin-ish and rolled the Dodge. Heat 3 saw the Manns truck grah the lead while Fitcher landed heavily on Owen. Wee! wanted the lead and soon pressured Manns into leaving a gap and Wed was through. Not so lucky was his K & J Radiators teammate and father, Kees Weel, who was out with motor problems. Paul W eel had a good lead over the tight hunch for second in Manns, Owen, & Warman. In the end it was Wee! over Manns, and Owen. The Class Finals have taken on even more importance this year as they count towards a Stadium Championship. Off the line the Owen and Warman trucks stormed through from row 2 to squeeze W eel out, but Manns had the lead. Fitcher had a wild moment as he was pushed over as they crested a jump, resulting in a wall rqb along the top of the wall. There was nothing separating Manns, Watman, & Owen at the front. W eel tried too hard to catch up and rolled bringing on a restart and putting him back to seventh. On the restart Manns spins and is slammed by W eel and the two storm back onto the track. Owen meanwhile has the lead with Warman close behind and that's the way they finished. Attard who had been quiet through the heats and therefore had more panels intact than anyone else came in third. Weel made a last corner nudge on Manns and grabbed fourth with Manns fifth. The big one; the Feature Final saw Attard grab the lead while Manns got spun around. The re-start saw more action as Warman cut down in front of Knott with the former rolling over and the latter going up and over the top. Yet another restart saw Attard lead away yet again, with Fitcher and Watman following. Owen was out with suspected electrical problems. Watman forced Attard wide and slipped through, Wee! too snuck into the gap and into second hehind Watman and this pair swapped the lead many times hefore Watman pulled out. Then it was Attard 's turn to grah the lead hack hut in lapping traffic it was W eel who took over and raced on to the checkered flag where the 1 7 year old ex-Motocross rider celehrated the memorable occasion of winning a Feature Final in his first ever meeting. Attard came home second with Manns very close behind for third. The identical, ex-factory Ma:das of Fitcher and Knott followed. UNLIMITED BUGGIES A top class field of nine open buggies lined up and much inter-est centered on reigning champ, Daren Wells who now had a USA imported car as his weapon. Byron M urfet had come over from Tasmania but his race was short lived as he endoed off the jump breaking the front end. The restart saw Wells soon take over and go on to win with Glenn Owen next followed by Paul Styles. Heat 2 saw Matt Martin come from row 2 to assume the lead over Wells and Nev Taylor who was debuting his latest acqui-Dusty Times
They do nice things at their presentations. Daren Wells earned three heat race wins for the night but then he Glenn Owen was second in every eat, but he won the Open had gearbox problems, so packed it in for the meet. ' Class Buggy Feature Final in his turbo Nissan powered desert buggy. the line. However it would be his brother Chris with backing from Truckmate that would dominate Heat 1 and take the win over Andrew Ziems and Bruce Wat-man. Heat 2 saw Mark Medrano cure his misfire and become unstoppable in the new ~RB buggy, going on to win over Chris, then Bruce Watman. Heat 3 saw the two W atmans fighting .:.t out with Bruce getting the upper hand. Bob Graham was pressur-ing Ziems and soon moved into third. The race ran without inci-dent and saw Bruce Watman lead his brother Chris home wth Gra-ham in third. Truck Feature Final they got the winners' sash and a trophy. Paul Wee/ took first in his first attempt, Wayne Attard, left, was second, and Mark Manns was third. They sure have a variety in taste for driving suits. sition; the ex-Zacka desert car. Wells soon had the lead and went on to win over Owen once more. Third went to Martin closely fol-lowed by an ever improving Tay-lor. Heat 3 saw the extra horse-power of Owen put him into the lead. But before long the better jumping car of Wells had com-mand back. Paul Styles sporting Bridgestone backing held third place. Wells completed the hat trick by taking three wins in the Heats by leading home Owen and Styles. The Class final saw Wells off pole but again Owen powered into the lead. Taylor held onto second with Wells third. A roll-·over by Jimbo Kerle brought on a restart which Owen again led from. Taylor and Wells had a coming together and soon both were out. Wells lost second gear and Taylor broke a diff. This presented Styles1a gift of second place. Owen took the points scor-ing race just like his brother did in the trucks. Styles held on for second with David Parsons com-ing good to take third over Martin. 1600 BUGGIES A closely matched group of six 1600 buggies lined up. Bruce Watman was doing double duty as he would have to literally jump from the truck into his bu The Class Final was another Watman affair. M·edrano was hanging onto the pair and keeping Graham at bay. Ziems was coming back after a spin and was working on Scott Davis. There was nothing separating the two Wat-man cars, but in the end it was Bruce taking the win and adding to his second place in the trucks, keeping his new sponsor in Fair-fax Classifieds more than happy. Chris Watman came in a close second with Medrano grabbing third over Graham. The Feature Final for the bug-gies as it includes both 1600 and Open cars with the fastest at the rear. With Wells, Taylor and Howard Ford out it was up to Chris Owen won a heat in the twin turbo V6 Nissan, and then took a win in the Truck Final and he now leads the points score. Matt Martin had bad luck in the heat races, (three flat tires). But he came in good in the feature final 1600 race and won the race, his first win. Dusty Times Owen to take on the 1600s. But with his run of flat tires in the · heats everyone forgot about Matt Martin who grabbed the earl;y CACTUS RACING lead. Chris Watman ran off the track and made a spectacular return up and over a big mound of dirt. Martin was still leading when Kearle stopped on the track and brought on a restart. Martin still led over Owen and a hard charg-ing Bruce Watman. Owen was soon out after popping a tire. Bruce Watman went after Martin but to no avail, the end of the 14 laps came and for the first time, Matt Martin took a Feature Final win. Bruce Watman capped off a great night by taking second. It was close for third but it would be Chris Watman over Paul Styles. Then followed Ziems, Parsons, and Davis. RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON Helmets. SNELL 95, SA 95 for SODA Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars. Helmet Convenlons. CQOI Boxes~ Complete Une of PYROTECT, FILLER Safejy Products & BELL MOTORSPORTS, We ship UPS Dally From S2'9.0 tt_· Helaiet & Sldn 5153 aov,,den Ave. • San Die_go • CA • 92117 • (619) 279-2509 • unique high flow piston designed to stop valv • wide teflon coated piston wear band for u r<ul-.,t,,in,.,,,~ not drop into large ports. • sealed piston for low speed control • high temperature stainless steel all • unique rod end design and mat ·a1 • high temperature Viton seals a • Large aluminum reservoir f • • oil • valv g • sha • rod • e,2 cap • ea,ing • coil tc. King available to convert 3" coiJ ver Kuste!15 to position sensitive coil covers. Kuster Shock service ancf technical ~vice also ~vailable. CNC machine services available. Custom wound 3" shock springs in stock. Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts availa e ( air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same person that designed all Kuster Shocks. ·May 1997 •King Shock Technology A Shock Manufacturing Company (714) 530-8701 Fax: (714) 530-8702 10402 Trask Ave., Unit C, Garden Grove, CA 92843 Page 31
This looks like the second story is for sleeping in this rig, and for This truck should have tons of storage space, with the box A two room tent gives bug-free open air dining, private quarters for packing things away. Just don't park near a low bridge and perched on top of the cockpit and all that room inside and to the sleeping etc. Like most of those pictured here this doesn't_ seem to unpack. rear. have much ground clearance. i !·!;;;~_;; This camper looks more normal except what looks like a forward Nothing unusual about this except it looks like a short wheelbase unit, for the job? Note the outside lights for working on the bike, inside or out, depending on the weather. facing window up top. The front of the camper shell doesn't look secured to the cab roof but perhaps it was just put on for the What's a . standard camper shell without two upstairs windows? The big one is no doubt in the kitchen. but we wonder about carrying the spare tire on the nose. show. of the owners. Outdoor Camping By Thomas LietJerscheidt . This van, painted California, looks like a one off, and maybe it is! At any rate it was our favorite picture from the Dusseldorf Show and they do find the odd rebuilds and display them. Every once in a while, you might feel the urge to leave every-thing behind and roam the great outdoors. Since the U.S. is still blessed with a large number of legal trails - even though certain organizations, whose names don't need to be told, are trying to shut down as many as possible -most of us have a selection within a days drive. Sooner or later you're about to face a dilemma. The O .R.V. areas in close proximity are becoming so familiar, that your vehicle finds it's way around even without a driver -just put it Page 32 in gear and leave a brick on the accelerator. If you want to travel a bit further, be it way down south to Baja California or up to the South Dakota Badlands, accomo-dation becomes a limiting factor. If you need the comfort of a soft bed, a pool and airconditioned rooms, don't waste your time by reading any further. But _if you actually like to camp outdoors, it may be interesting. While· tents and air-matresses are easy to pack and quick to set up at your proposed overnight stop, they offer a few limitations. . When it starts to rain you might find yourself afloat in the morn-ing, not to mention close encoun-ters of the creepy-crawly kind, related to bush and desert areas. A roof-mounted tent is the easiest solution to these problems. The Italian-built Maggiolina's are available in several sizes. The smallest can even be mounted on a cam pact car or 4x4, the biggest is roomy enough for three adults. Top and bottom are made from Fiberglass, the sides are from cot-ton. When it's closed, there's still room" enough on the inside for your sleeping bags and your clothing. Other models have an enclosed awning down to the ground to give room for a table anp chairs or for one or two additional sleepers overnight. When closed, the tent can be stored upright in the garage until it's needed again. But sooner or la·ter another problem occurs. The additional height isn't much of a problem as long as you don't face low hanging branches, but the weight of a roof-tent is a bit more challenging. With two adults, two kids, the family K-9 and food and clothing for a week or two, the comfort oriented suspensions of modern SUV's have a little bit too much give. You might end up with a shiny new family hauler with oice bold M IT tires, a powerfull winch up front and everything but the kitchen sink on the inside and -WOW - this thing has less ground clearance than a Super-truck. Looks stupid? You bet! But most folks pack their trucks just like that and forget an important item -the trailer hitch. A solid roof SUV may accept 200 lbs of weight on the roof and another 1000-1500 lbs on the inside, including the passengers. Your vehicles legal towing capac-ity usually ranges from 1500 lbs to 7700 lbs for your Range-Rover and Mercedes G-Wagen owners. Life's a drag, isn't it? From the open box trailer up to cross country caravans, the choi-ces are seemingly endless. Start with ·a tent trailer like the dutch Holtkamp Flyer. Several sizes are available, the biggest one sleeps up to eight persons. In folded position the top of the lid offers room for equipment like spare wheels, bike racks, gas cans and the likes. Still very compact it has a few disadvantages, climate-wise. Even though the tent skin is water-proofed, dropping temperatures or monsoon-like rainfalls, so com-mon in tropical areas, can tax not only the fabric but also the nerves May 1997 The next step would be a cara-van like the Hymer Touring. It's compact size means if your four wheeler is able to pass through some narrow spots, so will the caravan. The body is welded from 20mm square tube and plated with aluminum panels. Several experienced travellers have mounted the camper body on a heavy duty boat trailer. As a result ground clearance is improved, the caravan uses the same wheels as the truck, thus eleminating the need for two different sets of spare wheels and load capacity is increased. On the inside the cara- · van can seat four and sleep two-three adults and offers amenities like kitchen, heating and a bathroom in the larger models. Slide in campers would be the choice for owners of pickup trucks. While models like the Knaus Explorer don't limit the truck's off road capabilities, larger models like the Traveler XF are not supposed to be dragged over bumpy trails. They serve as base camps and _allow closer examination of the surrounding area. Or what do you think about towing a caravan and a dirt bike to your favorite spot. The Knaus Sport & Fun offers this oppor-tunity thanks to an extra wide rear mounted door. T!;te bed in the front of the caravan tilts upward and several mounting systems allow safe transport of your dirt bike. All these possibilities arc more than adequate as long as you stay within proximity of "civiliza-tion". But once you decide to travel to remote countries you need something different. Ever thought of travelling the Trans-amazonica Highway or the Afri-can Desert with a SUV and a cara-van? Sure, it'll work. But for adventures like these you might wanna try something different. In comes the Expedition Truck. The most popular Base vehicle for this application is the Mercedes Unimog. If you read reports about "Fourwheel Magazine's" Top Truck Challenge and see how 30 year old Unimogs perform, that shouldn't be a surprise. Companies like Pro-Cab manu-facture Trucks according to cus-tomers requirements. Single or Crewcab, short or long wheel-base, the camper body is built and equipped just the way you like it. Don't think it's cheap. With a price of around $80,000 for a new Unimog Chassis-Cab, the whole combo might end up in the $SOOK region. Well, as· I said, it might. Take a used Unimog for $25,000 and delete Solarpanels, Sattelite phone and a few other options and you'll end up some-where around 150K to 200K. On the other hand, prices for E~pedi-tion trucks are like SoCal Earth-quakes -the big one is yet to come. This is the ideal ~olution on what to do with noisy kids. The carrier is made to carry everything, personal clothes, bedclothes, anything you might want on the road, and have room left over for a tent. Dusty Times
Steve Gingrass runs a Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX with which he has beaten several Open Class cars, on his way to winning Production GT. He comes from Minnesota. Cal Landau wanns up for the rally on this snow covered trail. He also runs in Production GT and comes from Ohio. The upper midwest is heavy on winter rallies with no stock or crops in the fields. Gerald Sweet and Navigator look in full control here. We like the picture because it is rare to see the navigator at work as they cover the road. 1997 SMO*DRIFT PRO RALLY Auto Racing Comes To Atlanta Atlanta and Montmorency County will host the first round of the 1997 Michelin Pro Rally Series on Saturday, February 8. Pro Rallying has been a popular form of auto racing in Michigan since the mid 60s when rally "stage" racing first began in the United States. Each rally team consists of the This is the :,ystem run by most off road race winners car, driver, co-driver (or naviga-tor), and the service crew. Drivers are experts in car control, able to race under any conditions, rain, snow, ice, night or day. The co-driver is the key to success, he or she is equipped with precise course directions and highly accurate rally computers indicat-ing exact mileage allowing the co-TRI-MIL BO__.BCAT QIROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR l" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER ~ Page 34 13220 HAlLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED driver to "navigate" the team. briskly through the course. Rally cars are street legal production cars with special safety equipment. The fastest cars are custom racing machines equipped with four wheel drive and as much as 400 H.P. However, classes are arranged to allow competition between front and rear wheel drive cars, dividing engine sizes between under two liters ( Group 2) and from two liters up to five liters (Group 5). Production and Production GT classes include cars stock from the manufacturer with only safety enhancements allowed. A big favorite to win the Michigan rally is Frank and Dan Sprong/, the Canadian National Champions, experts in the snow, and they are expected to lead the event most of the time. Rally fans will be disappointed to hear Paul Choinere and Jeff Becker will not be able to make the event in their new 1997 Hyundai Tiburon. T earn manag-er, and rally legend John Buffum, explains that the engine was leaking oil at last weeks Canadian rally and there would not be time to make sure the engine was right before this weeks event. In the Hyundai teams absence, look for the Canadian National Champ-ions, Frank and Dan Sprongl to lead the event. Carl Merrill is a top Open Class driver in many different vehicles. If he enters expect him to give some real trouble to the leaders. There will be five classes of cars ·~ tough competition. The Produc-has the largest number of" new" competing and each will have tion GT class (stock, 4wd cars) competitors; many of these 'I""'OVGII OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS All AT L Cells Carry A Full Race Approval To FT-3 Or FT-5 Regulations c& 'I!::!] l!:::!J 0,. Laps Ahead Of The Comp AERO Tee LABORATORIES INC. oO\ SPEAR ROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK \& 533 RAMSEY, NJ 07446-1251 5~6-TEL: 201-825-1400 • FAX: 201-825-1962 May 1997 drivers have years of experience but have not driven four-wheel drive cars in competition. Classes: OPEN: The fastest class, modifications are essentially unlimited as long as the stock vehicle shell is used, the body is factory or very closely resembles the production car. OPEN class cars typically have between 350-400 H.P., four wheel drive, and pure race suspension and brakes. POT: PRODUCTION GT cars include four wheel drive produc-tion cars, Mitsubishi Eclipses, Eagle Talons, and Ma.:da 323 make up the crowd. Possible new entrants include Subarus, Audi"s, and 4wd sport utility vehicles. P: PRODUCTION includes vehicles with two wheel drive and engines under 2.2 liters, stock from the manufacturer. This has been a growing class. Gr5: Group 5 , created in 1996, allows big engined two wheel . drive cars to compete sucessfully: These are essentialy two wheel drive open class cars, with displacements allowed up to 5.0 liters. Gr2: Group 2 is for cars with under 2 .2 liters, and two wheel drive. This ever popular class is always very competitive. Dusty Times
1st Annual SNORE Terrible's 200 By John Calvin Photos: Carrera Photography & Trackside Photo Inc The Tenible's Town Casino in beautiful downtown Pahrump hosted contingency and tech inspection of Friday a11d was also the ceremonial start/finish for the race with the big dollar payoff, held last month in Nevada. I remember Pahrump when it w~s literally a wide spot in the road, the sixty some odd mile run from Vegas, the Terrible Herbst gas station on the edge of town, the Cal-Vada Country Club, a t ·ouple of small casinos, a small airport a few miles upstream to-wards Johnnie, lots of alfalfa fields off towards the west, and it was a small town, a few thousand people spread out over quite a bit of terri-tory, a nice place to live. Well, a lot of the snallness is gone now as the population grows past the twenty five thousand mark, Pahrump is still a small town but it has been discovered by some of the Las Vegas folks and it is grow-ing like a weed. More and more people, more and more houses and quite a few of our friends have mi-grated over the hill to Pahrump to get back to a slower paced more normal life for themselves and their kids. There have been a few off road races start in Pahrump and there have now been a few races _go through town on their way to Reno but nor we have a new era, a newer larger town and some really great sponsors for the first annual SNORE Terrible's 200, The Broth-ers Herbst and their before the tum of the century motif casino and the employees thereof who made each and every one of us feel at home. A big thanks to you all from all the · racers and their crews and from Dusty Times as well. The Terrible's Town Casino in s ..j.~&' , • ., The overall winner, $11,500.00 to be exact, was troy Herbst who completed the trek through the silt and rocks in four hours and twenty five minutes, won the big $ prize he had posted, and has scheduled it to go to a worthy cause. Pahrump was offering $27,500 in was not seen again. Tommy Bra-prize money for this first annual dley was next away but he too suf-_ SNORE promoted race. There was fered major problems and ended a payoff of $10,000 to first overall . up on a tow strap. Reuben Wood with no ri!strictions at all, and then was third off the line and he led prize money of $1,500, $2,000 and the race for a lap or two and in $3,000 in classes if there was at spite of a total engine shutdown least ten cars in the various classes and finally a restart and a flat tire, and then SNORE was throwing in Reuben finished second in class, an additional $500 in 5- I 600, 9, second overall, less than two min-Heavy and Mini Metal with a three utes away from the big. $10,000 car requirement in each class, so that went to first overall. Troy the drivers were looking at almost · Herbst was the fourth car away, $30,000 in prize money for a led laps one, three, four and five friendly little SNORE race. Not and took the overall honors with too bad! one minute, fifty nine seconds to As it turned out, none of the spare and thus collected the first classes had ten cars in them, ex- overall ten grand. Troy had one cept Class 9, but it was close and flat tire, had a run-in with a stalled if it was close then the Brothers car in the silt' but still took the top Herbst awarded the money to the honors and managed to set fast lap winners. More of that as we go for the race with a thirty-five min-along. ute fifty-four second fourth lap. The race, ah yes, the race. Troy stated that the prize money First class away was 1/2-Unlimited will be turned over to a charity or with nine starters taking the flag. perhaps rolled over for next year Ed Herbst was the first away in the making it a $20.000 reward for Trophy Truck and he ran the leg first overall. That would certainly out to the course in good time, double or triple the amount of ma-turned a pretty slow first lap and . jor players in next year's race. Six Class IO cars were next to leave with Kenny Flippin being number one but Kenny disap-peared somewhere on lap three. J.C. Dean was next up and he dominated Class IO the entire race. JC finished almost an hour ahead of second place and was very pleased to pick up $3,000 for his win. in spite of lots of silt and lots of rocks he made it through with only one flat. JC also set fast lap for the class on lap 3. Reuben Wood charged hard all day, had the engine mysteriously shut down for some unknown reason and took second in Class 1, just two minutes away from $10,000. J.C. Dean had one flat, complained about lots of rocks and silt but won Class 1 0 handily in a bit over five hours and took home $3000 for his troubles. Class I /2- 1600 als_o had a nine car entry and it was literally nip and tuck for the first two cars all race long. B.J. Almberg spent the day trying to keep on top of the class leader and they were never ~-,,$zjf• • Tim Scalzo and Casey Jones rolled the car on the first lap and then chased first in Class 10 all day but took second place honors in a hard fought run. · Page 36 Robby Guevara had to deal with a broken exhaust system but that did not deter him from his first place goal in 1-211600 and Robby pocketed $3000 as well. May 1997 more than a minute or so apart but BJ had some shifter problems and was only able to take second in class, about three minutes out of the win . Robby Guevara was the fifth car to start in 1/2-1600 but he immediately made his presence known by taking the lead on the first leg and staying there through-out the entire race, setting the fast lap for the class on lap 3 and end-ing up with a bit over three min-utes in hand at the checkered flag and $3,000 richer as well, which will easily pay for the broken ex-haust he suffered during the race. Jeff Carr soldiered through the day in his red rocket, reported no prob-Dusty Times
resents the p sNORE. C Midnight Special May 16-18, 1997 - Eldorado Valley Friday, May 16 6:00 pm - Signup, Tech., & Contingency at the Hotel San Remo 115 EastTropicanaAve. Las Vegas, NV 10:00 pm - Drawing for starting positions and door prizes inside the Hotel San Remo. Saturday, May 17 12:00 pm - Controlled Speed Fun Run. You must start with the group 7:00 pm - Manditory drivers meeting at Start/Finish 8:00 pm - Race Starts Sunday, May 18 11 :00 am - Awards presentation at the Hotel San Remo 5- 40 Mile Laps, 4 - Pit Areas Be sure to mention SNORE when you call the Hotel San Remo 1-800-522-7366 to make your room reservations to receive special room pricing! Call the SNORE hotline for additional information. 702-452-4522 ,~10P..1 BFGoodricfj . . (KO). RML'.ffo'l ~ ~ $1500.00 guaranteed minimum purse tothefirstplacefinishers in Class 1/2-Unlimited, 5-Unlimited~ 1/2-1600, Class 10, Heavy Metal, and Mini Metal with a 10 car Minimum class! $1 ooo~oo guaranteed minimum purse to the first place finisher in Class 9 and 5-1600 with a 10 car minimum class!
... B.J. Almberg had a cantankerous shifter for most of the race, Earl West lost the clutch halfway through the race but charged Kevin Steele solo'd the race, had some shifter problems but came chased first in 112-1600 all day long but came up short by two min- through the silt for a great second place in Class 9, missing the on strong for a nice third in Class 9 in the Terrible's Town 200. utes and missed the big payoff. win by a few minutes. !ems during the race except for lots of silt and was able to snag third in Class 1/2-1600, about seven minutes out of first place. Dan Bradley ended up fourth in class, seven minutes out of third and stated that the car was great but the driver was off the pace. Hang in there Dan! Kenny Freeman, Jr was the first car to start in l /2-1600, only had one flat . to bother him all day but had some long laps as he struggled through the silt and ended up fifth in class. Class 9 had fifteen starters and they had quite a battle for the four laps they were required to do. Brian Sallee and Stan Hignet were the last car in Class 9 to take the ·green flag but made themselves known to all comers as they took the class lead on lap two and there 15 cars started in Class 9 but Brian Sallee and Stan Hignett were a determined pair and they beat everybody else to the checkers by a wee bit over two minutes, and the $2500 wasn't too bad either. they stayed to finish in five hours lost the clutch about half way and eight minutes, in spite of a through and still managed to pull broken lower arm on the third lap second in class out of the hat and they collected $2,500 for their some two minutes behind th~ efforts. Earl West soloed the race, leader. Kevin Steele drove alone .-i , all day, fought the shifter most of the race but ended up third in Class 9, posting five hours and twenty seven minutes for the race. Ryan and Rodger Schank were the first car off the line in Class 9, set fast lap on the first lap and then the steering wheel broke and had to be welded. This made their lap 2 over an hour and a half long and D_ee Towles bitches a lot about what went wrong ; throttle sticking, loose belts, steering wheel came off, face shield stayed open so he got ugly etc.,but he sure turns some good times in his 5-1600 bug and won the class with ease. HOURS M-F 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 . ~ Daily UPS Visa and Mastercard Barry Slatter and son had no contenders for the Mihi Metal class so after son Scott got his back tweaked they retired from the fray. Good that they have a chi-ropractic sponsor. they considered themselves fortu-nate to salvage fourth place. chael Bean, Sr. set fast lap for the class with an impressive fifty one minutes and change, took second place after a flat tire and some c. v. problems throughout the day. Mini Metal had only one en-try, Barry Slatter, racing in his home town with son Scott riding shotgun. Barry ran a few quick laps, had a nerfing incident that hurt Scott's back and called it quits for the day. Only four 5- l 600s were on hand to run their four laps of the rocky silty course and they were in close contention through the first two laps but then Dee Towles took a nine minute lead on the third lap and that's all she wrote. Dee al-ways gives me about twenty things that went wrong during the race but somehow he always ends up in first place, this time with thirty minutes in hand and got $goo for He~vy Metal also had ~ne en-his trouble. Not too shabb ! Mi- . try, ~hns Gray, who ran his neat Y looking truck all four laps, had a good dirty time and is looking for-ward to more contestants in class next year. . =·"""" Sportsman Buggy had four entrants and although there is no money at stake, only trophies, these guys go at it for real. Andre and Eric Gremm turned all four laps under an hour each, suffered one flat tire, lost third gear ( ouch) but motored in to take first place by three minutes. John McCor-mick was on. a roll, literally, as he put the car on its roof twelve miles out from the start, but got it going again, set fast lap for the class and took home the second place tro-We are happy to announce our new 800 toll free number. (800) 656-3376 Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon "Fast-Fifi" dump cans. Both new products can save you race time. Race Smarl-Be Sate 103 Press Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • (619) 6~1-9171 • FAX (619) 691-0803 Page 38 Andre Gremm had a long first lap but stayed with it and won the Sportsman Bug-gy class by a thirteen minute margin. phy, less than three minutes out of first. Overall, the I st Annual SNORE Terribles' Town 200 was a success! Considering the terribly short notice on the change of venue and the rocky silty course, remembered by some of the old--timers there was a good turnout. The Brothers Herbst, (Troy, Tim "' and Ed) can't wait for the next one and SNORE is ready, willing and "'I able to put the race on. The Dusty Times crew had a good time, al-" ways enjoying seeing lots of SNORE folk that we hold dear and Chris Gray was the only Heavy Metal entrant so he cruised around the course, took in the sights and took home first place money and hardly hurt the truck. we are already getting set for the 2nd Annual SNORE Terrible's Town 200. May 1997 Dusty Times
Dave and Rick Hintz drifted their Mazda RX-3 to fifth overall and James and Kara Unger brought the family Celica home first in first in regional Class two in Doo Wop 2, and they finished second Class 2, in Doo Wop 1, but did not finish on top the next day in in Class 2 and ninth overall in Doo Wop 1. They will be winning Richard Losee and Kent Livingston claimed Class 3 in Doo Wop 2, with a fine seventh place finish. but the report from Doo Wop 1 is not quite so rosy. Doo Wop 2. soon, no doubt. NORTHWEST RALLY REPORT Doo Wop 1 and I By]im Culp Maybe it's the alignment of the stars, or the phase of the moon. Whatever the cause, every so often the convential wisdom falls flat and a two wheel drive car storms to the top of the charts, claiming an overall victory in a northwest rally. That's just what happened when Doug Schrenk and Rob Walden teamed to put a Saab on top in the first round of the 1997 Northwest Rally Series. Doo Wop 1 The Sports Car Club of America's pro-rally cars returned to the classic forest roads of Capitol State Forest, near Olympia, Washington for the U.S. Bank Doo Wop 1 Rally. Thirty cars started the event, including nine four wheel drive ( 4WD) entries, but at the finish it Doug Schrenk and Rob Walden captured first overall in Dao Wop 1 in a rare northwest win for a 2WD entry on those dandy Forest roads, in the Scandia Autosport Saab 900. ¾ Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes slid the Ruby's Restaurant Toyota Supra to the 02 class trophy, and second overall in Doo Wop 2. Todd Hartmann and Kirk Knestis drove the lntrax VW Golf to the U2 class win in Doo Wop I, came back the next day and won aga,n in Doo Wop 2. Dusty Times was Schrenk and Walden with the best Saab finish in many years. The Scandia Saab 900 posted the fastest time on five of the six stages on their way to a 45 second victory over Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes in the Linda Tenney Toyota Supra. Walden claimed the Saab only touched the advertised 10,000 rpm "a couple of times," during the run through the woods. "9,000 rpm was more , common." Second place finishers, Kos-mides and Noyes, found the fast forest roads working for their over-two liter (02) car too. The Supra edged past the 4 WO class leader on the last stage to beat Janice Damitio and Amity Trowbridge in the Crazee Expresso Toyota Celica All-trac by four seconds. Fourth overall, and second in 4WD, were Tim Paterson and Joel Wright, who struggled with low turbo pressure in the Falcon Racing Mazda 323 GTX. The first under-two liter (U2) car was the fifth place lntrax Golf driven by Todd Hartmann and Kirk Knestis. Sixth were Jake Deko-vich and Katie Callahan in the Jim Adams Auto Clinic Mazda 323 GTX. Another 4 WO Toyota Celica, driven by James and Kara Unger, finished seventh overall and first in the regional class two. First in regional class three, and eighth overall were John Lane and Scott Huhn in the C&S Auto Rebuild Volvo 262. Last season's class three sensations Dave and Rick Hintz finished second in class two, and ninth overall, in the Extreme Rallying Mazda RX-3. Tenth were John and Chris Forespring in Walt's Fat Ford Mustang, as 23 of the 30 starters made it to the finish. Doo Wop 2 Things got back to" normal" in Doo Wop 2, when Damitio and Trowbridge put 4WD back on top with a victory for the Crazee Espresso Toyota Celica All-trac. Doo Wop 2, sponsored by PDE Body Shop and Duane Dewees Chrysler /Plymouth /Dodge I -Jeep/Eagle, again featured the smooth, fast roads of the Capitol State Forest. The Rage Racing Celica posted equal fast time on the first stage, and outright fastest on the remaining three stages to seal the victory. Kosmides and Noyes claimed another second place finish in the Ruby's Supra, this time taking the 02 class title as well. Hartmann and Knestis repeated their U2 class win with a fine third overall for the lntrax Golf. May 1997 .... Janice Damitio and Amity Trowbridge were shining in the Crazee Expresso Toyota Celica, were third in Doo Wop 1, but they had a good rally in Doo Wop 2, winning overall in the Toyota. Paterson and Wright put up a strong challenge early in the event, equaling the fastest time on the first stage, and running only one second behind Damitio after two. Problems on the third stage dropped the Falcon Racing Mazda back to fourth. The Hintz brothers in the Extreme Rallying RX-3 claimed first in regional class two, finishing fifth overall. Six seconds back was the Unger family Celica, second in class two. Seventh overall was the first class three car, the Bon Losee U2 Volkswagen Golf of Richard Losee and Kent Livingston. Eighth were the father/son team of Robert and Scott T rinder in the Bumper to Bumper Datsun 240Z, a car prepared for the classic Panama to Alaska Rally. Dekovic and Callahan were ninth in the Jump'n Jack Espresso car driven by Jack Broadhead andJimJump. 25 of the 2 7 starters made the run to the Oakville Grange to finish the rally. The Capitol State Forest is 90,125 acres of timber lands managed by the Washington Department of Natural Resour-ces. In addition to the great weekend recreational opportun-ities available on the rally roads and mountain bike trails, this is a working forest. The timber grown here is sold to fund construction of Washington schools. e McKENZIE'S AIR FILTERS e K&N e UNI-FILTERS e I . . 4-SPYOER SUPER DIFFS § i ~ . Tl IRS ffi ; • Made from ductile iron. i ! • Utilizes 4-Spiders for added strength. Th~ Cast Diff is back! iii • This 4-Spyder Super Dill comes suppplied -.. with precision-ground pins and block. ~ MCK~0265 " GreatlY Reduced Price!· . ~ ~ T21RS All New to the industry! Economica/lY Priced! I • Ultimate strength/ • Made from ductile iron. • Available in 3 different configurations. i 002 CAST 4-SPVDER OIFF MCK-0114-0Q2-15 Fa10-Tocf1Sp)dars MCK-0014-002-17 Fa11-Tocf1~)(B'S ! 091 BILLET RACE OIFF 091 CAST 4-SPVOER DIFF ~ ~ Made from 4140 Chromoly. . MCK-0114-()91 Supplied with pins and block. ~ • Supplied with Billet Cover, pins and block. 091 BILLET COUER ;:: i ~CK-OlOl-l ' MCK-0102 Made from 4140 Chromoly. I 1 ________________________ _.. • SIMPSON • BEARD SEATS • IPF • KC e CIBIE UGKTS • BUGPACK • REOUNE ON.. ♦ FUEL SAFE e OEM • SWAY.Ar-WAY e SIS Page 39
54th ANNUAL SAFARI RALLY McRae Wins in Ke~ya Text & Photos: Martin Holmes .,.. -,;;.$¥~" "' "' f.. •;;:.c:;; Colin McRae and Nicky Grist won the Kenya Safari Rally in the Subaru lmpreza in a hard fought battle, the fifth succes-sive win for Subaru, and the first time a British driver has ever won the Kenyan Rally. It as five all the way in Ke,nya! Once again Subaru has won a world championship rally, their fifth in succession, and for the fifth time in a row a Toyota team driver finished as best non--registered competitor. Colin McRae became the' third different driver to win a rally in a Subaru this year, and it was the first time a British driver has ever won this classic event. Colin McRae inher-ited the lead of the 1997 Safari Rally at the start of the second day holding off a determined challenge from Richard Bums. McRae drove with a degree of re-straint appropriate to the stricter service rules on world champion-ship rallies which were being ap-plied to an African championship rally for the first time. Other driv-ers did not adjust themselves suf-ficiently. Each team could only bring one of their two works driv-ers to the finish; Carlos Sainz and Kenneth Eriksson retiring on the first morning and Tommi Maki-nen on the second. The third round of the I 997 world rally championship was an-other event where it was difficult to predict the outcome! Mitsub-ishi won the event last year, while Toyota had won the Safari Rally three times in the last four years. Ford, Mitsubishi and Subaru had as usual nominated, their teams · for the world championship yet the non-championship contenders Toyota had the best pedigree of success in Kenya! This year Toyota were officially repre-sented by the cars of Jan Duncan and Karim .Hirji, both in Celica , F-. ~ ':e~z!?~ --,=:m-=, Richard Bums with Robert ~eid chased the winner for most of the Safari but were only able to get the Mitsubishi Carisma GT to second place. GT-Four cars prepared at the TTE workshops in Cologne. The Kenyan, Duncan, victor in 1994, was the only African .resident driver to have won Africa's big-gest motorsports event since the early 80s. Hirji hoped to become the first Ugandan resident to win since the winning ways of Shek-har Mehta ended 15 years ago, but he knew he had a fellow Toyota driving Ugandan who would challenge him, Emmanuel Katto. Toyota wanted to add a ninth win to the eight they had al-ready scored here. The line up of the top teams produced few surprises. Champi-onship leader Subaru fielded 1995 world champion Colin McRae and Swedish Rally winner Kenneth Eriksson. Ford had their usual two car team: Driver's championship leader Carlos Sainz and his teammate Armin Sch-warz. Mitsubishi's leader the reigning world champion Tommi Makinen was paired this .. time with Richard Bums, who drove a car in disguise. The two cars . in their team were in reality Lancer Evolution IV models, but Bums' was called a 'Carisma GT ' for promotional reasons. From a sporting aspect, work for the Safari Rally had been made easier for the drivers this year. Not only was this the shortest Safari Rally ever but also the first and third legs of the route were identical, reducing the time required for pre-event route in-spection. Each day's rallying again ended in Nairobi. The big-gest and most telling change this year was the complete ban on servicing work outside the offi-cial Service Parks. Helicopters bearing spare parts were no longer allowed to land alongside a stricken car, nor could a service car dash off into the bush with specialist mechanics able to carry out complex repairs. This factor demanded a new psychological approach from the drivers. Either . The Toyota Ce/ica GT4 of Ian Duncan and Dave Williamson throws lots of silt on their way to a third place finish, their third place in as many years. AIRBORNE OFF-ROAD RACING BATTERIES have been race tested and proven in the extreme racing conditions of Southern California, Arizona deserts, and Baja, California. They have been race tested and proven since 1981 and have been in the Winner's Circle numerous times. We now offer the most High Tech Off-Road Racing Battery available -the Airborne Off-Road PRO-SERIES. Manufactured with aerospace technology by the company who is the exclusive manufacturer of batteries for some of the most high tech military aircraft in the world; including the Stealth Fighter. The type of battery these aircraft use is V.R.S.L.A.B. technology (Valve-Regulated Sealed Lead Acid Batteries) making gel electrolyte batteries obsolete. This technology immobilizes the electrolyte in a fiberglass mat material. Every other plate is enveloped in a polypropylene pouch making internal shorts virtually nonexistent. Our modified versions are handmade and each cell is bonded at the bottom and top of the battery and has inter-cell connections twice the size of other batteries. These modifications make it possible to take the constant pounding that short-out normal batteries.Uur batteries have a high cranking amp rating along with excellent deep-cycle capabilities. They can be mounted in any position. This battery is truly state-of-the-art and has been race tested and proven. We are so confident of the quality of this product it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and a 6-month full-replacement warranty. This is probably why people like Dan Cannon ( 4 time Class 7S La Rana Champ), Kent Lothringer (Class 10 SNORE and Overall 1996 Champ), Craig Dillon and Randy Spahr (1996 La Rana Overall Champs) and Dennis Peterson (1996 Class 1600 La Rana Champ) all have won using our product. For more information contact: BAITERY SALES UNLIMITED, 651 E. AlostaAvei:me, Glendora, CA91740; (818) 914-3717 /FAX: (818) 914-2121. The Ford Escort World Rally car of Armin Schwarz and Denis Giraudet had lots of problems on the Safari but still finished fourth with better days coming. Page 40 May 1997 Dusty ,Times
Two Subarus and a Mini accept the adulation of the crowd, all neat and shiny after the grueling Safari Rally Kurt Gottlicher and Robert Csosz had major engine problems and Mark Tilbury and Bill Kirk took the Nissan Pulsar to a nice four-retired their Toyota Celica GT4 from the Safari. teenth overall, third in class on the Safari. Rudi Stohl with Jurgen Berti drove the Audi Coupe S2 to eighth · overall, the Audi's sixth Safari and boasting five finishes. Bad Luck was the catch phrase for Kenneth Eriksson and Staffen Thirteenth overall and second W2L, first W2L Group N car was Parmander as their three wheel experiment was a Dismal Failure, the Daewoo Cielo 3 Door driven by Azar Anwar and Arshad Khan. forcing them to retire. rivals on their national champion-shjp rallies last year, while this would be the first appearance of the Satrias outside Asia. The Group N category was less strongly supported: Njiru and long time enthusiast in Kenya Johnny Hellier both competed in private Subarus. A newcomer to the rally car reached the Service Park unaided by outsiders, or it was out of the event. This year the world's tough-est world championship rally h_ad ~ntered a new phase. which, de-manded compromises from the teams. Traditionally this event has required almost as much tech-nical innoyation as the rest of the se_ason put together. Now with 14 rather than nine rounds in the se-ries, pressure on available time h<!S forced teams to change their preparation priorities. Marc Am-blard, engineer for last year's win-ning Mitsubishi team and now with Ford's M-Sport team, ex-plained: "Teams are no longer de-veloping special modifications. They are concentrating on adapt-ing the parts they use on other events instead." The 1997 Safari Rally was held earlier in the year than ever before, in the dry season. The day of the start being statistically Kenya's hottest day of the year! Weather forecasts stated that pre-vailing drought conditions would continue, with the unlikely but possible exception of local and isolated storms. Local drivers suggested the rally, because of its shorter length, might lack its tra-ditional toughness. "Not at all" the organizers explained. "We have deliberately made the event easi_er for people to enter and pre-pare for. To finish will be no eas-ier than ever." Privateers entered this event in encouraging numbers. This year no fewer than 20 African drivers were on the entry list: it Dusty Times was only ten years ago that Pat-rick Njiru became the first Afri-can driver to finish the event. With 63 crews on the entry list, there were more crews on this year's championship event than at any Safari Rally in the past dec-ade. The W2L entry as contend-ing teams of Skoda and SEAT stayed in Europe, preparing for the Portugal Rally, in Kenya there were teams from Hyundai and Daeweoo, from Korea, and the Proton Satria from Malaysia, The two Korean teams were earnest the series was the Austrian Kurt Gottlicher in a Mitsubishi, "Not my type of rally at all! I'll never come back here again! You can't drive properly on these roads at all." The Safari Rally once again offered something for all rally en-thusiasts East Africa. There ~as a non-championship event for off road vehicles and another for Classic Safari Rally cars, of a type used in competition in previ-ous years. A former works driver for Mercedes and Porsche re-turned this year in a Mitsubishi Group N car, Solbieslaw Zasada; "In the old days it was more dan-gerous. We had to drive for so much longer, without sleep. Now it is much safer because we can sleep at night. In the old days the roads were much smoother, now they are rougher, so for the cars the rally is tougher." And this was the first time since 1979 that there was no private Team of Subarus from Japan, led by Noriyuki Koseki was a credit to the event. He had left a Sport Wagon Im-preza in Kenya for Njiru to drive, but that was all. The African driver was as bou~y as ever. "At least we have nobody now who will try to slow me down with team Orders.' There was a new step for-ward in ral_lying. The cars were, for the first time, sent out on the first day in world drivers 1997 points order, with Sainz the first car on the road. The weather fore-cast still promised a hot dusty three days. There was also a lot of wind during the day, but the organizers were worried about the early morning sections. Eventu-ally they ordered that the cars would start the second day at five rather than three minutes' inter-vals. Pre-running in Kenya is a unique occasion, this is the only Rally in the ,WCR where teams THE can use Group A cars. "It means transm1ss1ons and suspensions will be stronger, which is better", explained Makinen. Ford had only brought three cars for the event, so Schwarz had to use the car destined for competing on the actual rally for his recce. Punc-tures and bent shock absorbers were Ford's main pre-rally prob-lems. Bums was happy with his new Evolution IV. "The suspen-sion and the engine are now so much better you get a false sense of security and worry about the WRIGHT ·9420 Fllnn Springs Ln. p••ACE El Cajon, CA 920~1 ~ l~C . • May 1997 tires. During the recce he found his mentor David Williams, who was driving the event as amateur, broken down with power steering failure (which caused a fire) and his car needed to be taken to civi-lization. Burns towed his friends car to help. "He drove faster, with me behind him, than we had been driving ourselves, we even passed vans and trucks on the way"! ex-plained Williams afterwards. There were two route changes. The second · section ( used twice) was shortened be-Page 41
" . The Mini Cooper of Michael and Robert Plant undergoes surgery before getting to the finish of the Safari Rally, finishing we know not where. A nicely caged Subaru pickup truck heads for the Pare Ferme and the end of a long, long day on the Classic Safari. Looking rather dejected and slightly bewildered, Blyth Timkin and Andrew Doig contemplate his broken finger at Safari Rally's end. cause of possible shortcuts over ill-defined roads, while the final section on the second day was shortened because of road works which were constantly changing the route of the road. Gradually there seemed to be progressive satisfaction with the new fonnat. Team Toyota Europe manager George Donaldson said, "In many ways the new servicing rules have taken us back, not forward. We have to have a greater degree of reliability than ever before." The FIA were fully occupied with making the route checking satel-1 ite systems work to full effect, and had at their disposal two fixed wing planes to go immedi-ately to the place where any top cars stopped, to check the legality of the situation. There was anxiety for Proton when Pa_lmer's Group N team-mate Lindsey McIntire contracted German measles. She was re-NEW IN '97 ... from WELD RACING® TM MODULAR Specialty Racing Wheel • Mud Drp:gs • Sand Drags • Truck Pullers • 4x4 Trucks • Dune Buggies, Etc. -·-----~"' • True 3-Piece Modular Design ... A Genuine Racing Wheel. • Super Strong ... Nobody Builds a Stronger Racing Wheel ! • Super Light ... Lightest Wheels Available ! e Really Wide ... From 31/2" to wide in 15", 16" and NOW 16.1" • Versatile Fitment ... 4,5,6 and 8 Lug -Back Spacings from 2" to 8". • Fast Service ... All Orders $/<-2 \ Shown with '< Optional Double \ Bead-Loe™ Built within 5 Working Days. · $//-28 Prices $229QQ~A.A ~:1e~b~ect: each Tw,.as-J }-800-488-9353 Dept. SR © 1997, Weld Wheel, Industries 933 Mulberry St., Kansas City, MO 64101 816/421-8040, Fax: 816/842-6747, Web Site: http:/ /www.weldracing.com Page 42 placed by Satwinder Syan. There was one casualty before the cars even started, when Brighetti's Group A Subaru had engine fail-ure after scrutineering. Team Manager Martin Spurrell said, "I didn't know they had a turbo fail-ure on their previous event and hadn't cleaned out the engine af-terward." On Leg I there were four competitive sections, ranging from 155km long to the shortest, an incredibly fast section of 44.6 km. The challenge was to lie in the rocks! The first stage was the roughest overall, though the oth-ers had sections which were very rocky as well. For later runners the first section caused a lot of problems with sandy dry river crossings. The day was not as hot as expected, sunny, with strong winds which blew the dust from the tracks. It started very dramati-cally as Carlos Sainz punctured after some 20 km. He stopped to change the wheel and got going again before the second car, Ken-neth Eriksson's Subaru arrived. "There was a large rock in the road and I chose to drive over it rather than hit it with a wheel. · Unfortunately the rock deranged the rear suspension, and tore it all off." Eriksson arrived at the Serv-ice Park on three wheels and me-chanics tried furiously to repair the car in the time available. He missed his check out time from the Park by just one minute, but he was excluded. Punctures were being suf-fered by almost everyone. Tommi Makinen had to change a wheel and arrived with no brakes, though Schwarz was delayed by a bent shock absorber, McRae had a puncture and another tire de-flated after a rim broke, and Bums had another flat tire. Of the top drivers only Duncan escaped unharmed and he took the lead. On the long stage stage 2 Sainz stopped with broken wheel studs, and was out of the rally. It ap-peared that he swerved to avoid an animal, he went off the road and punctured. He then changed the wheel and set off, but soon af-terwards the new wheel became detached. Team manager Mal-colm Wilson sunnised: "I think impacted dust had slipped behind the wheel while it was being changed. Eventually the wheel was loosely fitted when the dust escaped and this broke the studs." Annin Schwarz took the lead: "Consistency is the most impor-May 1997 tant thing" but fading shock brakes. he still suffered absorbers and The rally leader Duncan was in trouble. A shock absorber leak-ing oil after the first stage, was changed. On the asphalt road sec-tion to the second stage the new unit failed completely and he lost nine minutes to the fastest driver Makinen. Bums had clutch trouble. The clutch pipe was split, but he suffered the problems for the rest of the day, even though he lost 50 seconds lateness leav-ing a Service Park. The third stage was the fast-est of them all: I 8ml2s for 44km by Colin McRae. Schwarz still led, having overcome earlier trouble with a blocked filter in the water injection system. This caused high intake temperatures and the engine automatically re-tarded itself. The final stage saw a fourth different fastest driver, this time Richard Bums although Schwarz retained his lead. Bums' achievement was doing this with-out the clutch. Makinen had two more punctures, Duncan had suf-fered on stages all event and rival teams started to wonder why Sch-warz seemed so confident. "My trick has been to keep driving in the middle of the track." People wondered if there was more to it than this. The results seemed to bear him out: he was 2m36s ahead of Bums, McRae and Maskinen, who were fighting for second place, and 11 seconds within each other. The secret came out that despite advice from Michelin to the contrary, Ford had been using mousse inserts on all but the second stage. Makinen was less happy and snapped at Michelin men trying to get de-tails. "What does it matter if it was a front or a rear, a left or a right side puncture. The tire went down." Other top drivers struggled to match the pace. President's son Jonathan Toroitich lost ten min-utes when the engine cut out, then restarted without problem, while Rudi Stohl had power steering failure and lost time. In Group N Njiru went into the early lead. He was the star of the show in the Service Park at Kajiado, indeed a here , when he swerved to avoid an ostrich. He then retired on the third stage with engine failure. Kurt Gottlicher hit a bump very hard and thought he had survived with just a bent sump guard; on stage three however he retired with engine bearing failure. The Austrian Stefan Reininger cele-brating his personal record of competing on his I 00th rally, was stuck in sand for a half hour, overheating the engine badly. He then retired with an engine fire that burned the starter motor on the second section. Hellier was now dominant in his Subaru. In W2L Palmer broke a wheel rim with his Satria Group A car: "I think I misjudged the necessary pace and was driving too fast!" In Daewoos Azar had a puncture and lost his brakes, while Sammy Aslam had his en-gine cut out as he arrived at the first service park. He retired for the same reason on the final sec-tion. Asad Anwar had computer box failure, causing the engine to cut out and lose time and went over time allowance with ignition trouble. In Hyundais Jimmy Wa-home had a puncture, and his teammate Phineas Kimathi had no fewer than five punctures on the first section alone. Michaeli Plant's Mini lost a half hour in the first stage, stuck in the sand, but expired on the second section. "We had survived the first stage when we lost the exhaust, had two Eleventh overall and first W2L finisher were Russell Palmer and Brian Harwood in the Proton USPD Satria. Dusty Times
Robert Col/inge and Anton Levitan won the Classic Safari Rally in their Toyota Landcruiser and did it all in about fifteen hours, good enough for sixth overall on time. punctures and no front shock ab-sorbers for 30 km, and we looked forward to the second section. Three quarters through we hit a pot hole and this snapped the track control arm, the end of the event for us. We have already made plans to go to Australia now." The second Satria (of Syan) twice stuck for about 20 minutes in a dusty river crossing. Palmer was now leading the cate-goI-y almost as he pleased. · On Leg 2 there were five competitive sections, and cars ran at five minute intervals instead of three. Schwarz set off with the lead but his glory did not last long. On the first section he had the right rear shock absorber sna:p, and he spent 12 minutes changing this himself in the stage. "The stage where it broke was tached to the throttle. Burns was unhappy! He had also lost time . when the car fell off the jack. came through the body work of their car. Malluki Ndeti retired his Daewoo with water in the fuel. Azar. Anwar eventually reached the end of the day despite clutch trouble. Palmer was still continuing with his ~ame suspen-sion units. These were only changed two stages before the finish. Zasada was gradually get-ting happier. despite a screen bro-ken exactly in the middle by a rock thrown by spectators. Jim Kahumbura went off the road in his Group N Celica, losing 26 minutes -and came back within one minute of being time barred. C. R. Patel (Group N Ford) had been stuck in deep sand and lost his brakes, claiming he was just two minutes away· from exclu-sion. Rory Green was now the highest placed Hyundai driver, even though he broke three shoe~ absorbers on the final stage. • The stages on the last leg were completely the same as those of the first day, starting with the rocky horror stage 3 where so many had punctures. Burns took a gamble and went 01' Joint Jigger Tube& Pipe Notcher flat out over the rocks, even though he had no A TS, but sur-vived with an intact car, two min-utes off McRae's time. "I want McRae to know we aren't going to give up", Richard said. Dun-can's Toyota arrived with bJood all over the front, evident of an impact with a gazelle, and for once Schwarz was almost happy. Katto lost time with a puncture and a broken shock absorber, while Stohl was in trouble. Be-fore he changed an alternator and lost four minutes, putting him be-hind the Satria. He overtook the little car, then punctured and fell back. Then the same thing hap-pened again, so he stayed behind until the end of the stage. Hirji's engine cut out and needed in-struction from TTE how to _restart this with a low battery . But McRae almost lost everything on the second stage when his alterna-tor failed. He was aware of a problem after 40 km. At first it was intermittent, then with 70km to go there was was no power and the team took instructions how to conserveenergy and we had a misunderstanding; they said if we had a problem, to stop, so we stopped and this cost a quarter minute. It was a tense time, but eventually we reached the end of the section, and beat Burns as well." That proved to be the turn-ing point of the event. S~hwa~z had the spanners out agam; this time the lead to the starter motor broke, and Armin burned his arm repairing this. "There must be a better time to come ... " Duncan broke a driveshaft and finally this was the end of the drama. Colin was about to breath comfortably again. The Imprezas cannot stop winning, even with their Group N cars. Hellier scored the eighth Group N win in as many years for Subaru. Tube notching is simple with the 0/' Joint Jigger. The final section was once again the toughest of the event -the section where last year a thun-derstorm in the 'Bamboo' Forest sidelined many crews. This year Colin had a rear damper go soft and eased his pace: Burns was some three minutes faster. Dun-can had a strut punch its way through the rear body work and smash the rear window of his Celica. Schwarz had more work to do: once again a shock ab-sorber needed changing and he eventually finished the work after darkness fell. The evening was very dark and there were fears of a thunder storm but the rally cars stayed dry. Behind the leaders Toroitich was lying fifth in front of Frederic Dor whose main problem had been a broken strut this morning. Dor had overtaken Katto and Stohl had turbocharger failure,and now to second. On the final stage Burns made best time and climbed back to second. McRae was third on the stage, but was six minutes in front of Burns with Duncan two minutes further back. Using standard bi metal hole saws, and a 1/2" hand drill or smaJl drill press to provide the power, this heavy duty fixture notches quickly and accurately the ends of tube or pipe up to 2" OD. in Group N Hellier was un-touchable as was the Satria of Palmer in W2L. The second Sa-tria lost road penalties because of a broken brake pipe and was ly-ing last overall, and went beyond the time allowance after a strut Dusty Times C J . ·J fbe slaf( J h a v111 an . . . I o n . . 1J /;le lo J/,an I Ti es wou J al Dus IJ ,m I . J f/,ouqhls an i our 1an all of you or IJ I lryinq /;me. I • /nis verl} aclions dUl',nq Perris AutO Sp1111dwa Stadium OFF-ROAD April 20 May 17 July 19 Aug30 Se t.14 Racing Off ...Road Races Off-Road & Spec. Trucks Off-Road & Spec. Trucks Off-Road & Spec. Trucks Off.Road & S ec. Trucks & SPEC. TRUCKS On the 1I2-Mi/lJ Oval compeUtor lnformauon: (714) 692-1431 Raes at ThB PAS! Page 43
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 1320 N. Miller St. #8 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Bl--'~~ Export & lnt'l Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management' ----------------------,i (619) 723-2117*'FAX (619) 723-993& -':e~'2?~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS. BATTERY SALES UNLIMITED Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 BDR McKenzies (818) 914-3717 / FAX (818) 914-2121 714 650-4566 714 441-1212 ~-------------------11"'--=~-~~L • aJax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. COMPUTER PARTS LOCATOR NATIONWIDE 84-851 AVENUE 48 COACHELLA, CA 92236 JOHN KEARNEY SECRETARY/TREASURER (619) 398-0147, 345-3353 1-800-606-6043 FAX (619) 398-0596 ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging • Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons •SODA and SCORE approved Leaders in Custo111 Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-5330 RAMSEY, NJ USA Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke ·10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 • Check our Web Site @ www autometer com •...eborut;_ (815) 895-8141 M•F 8-5 CDT • Send $4.00 For Complete 1997 Catalog , (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Auto Meter Products, Inc.• 413 W. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL 60178 SUSPENSION SEA TS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS A)._L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 -----------OFF ROAD RACERS ! , "Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" I ••o sullo.l LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock Wide Assortment of Colois and Sizes We also carry a full selection of -CUSTOM SUITS - • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • In-Store Measurements • Fire Systems • Shoes • Gloves • (10 DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE) 11111~~ BELL lankershim & 1-S ~ MOTORSPORTS 9017 Son Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352 W•••.,. .. .i1,...,.kolldS,..~1«. . (818) 768-7770 fax (8J8) 768-1840 BRANDWOOD CARS Custorr. V~hicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 /,/ . ( ./rl' ¥' ,x 71 r « PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr~Runners 84·89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Oies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ===CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK. CA 90622 8 " · 9" · 1 O" · 13" · 1 5" • 16" • 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ [f>(Q) !& Tr .. [L (Q) (f 1K SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO. CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 FAX (209) 276-2365 [CNC] Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal AssyJ Master Cylinders · Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes ! Hydraulic Throttles CNC, Inc. T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena81vd. San Diego, CA.92YIO (619) 27S-1663 • Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• t'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d~ @U~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & SeNice 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 ~RACINGi ~GASOLINE . LEADED 110,114,118 OCTANE CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 . DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
CPC Cadmium-Chrome-Gold J,. nodize-Electroless Nie k!e Aluminum m~ Ccstir.g Home of f .O.A. Racing Tieman Connector Plating Corp. 327 W 132nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90061 310-323-1622 • 310-323-1749 Fax 310-323-i 5 I 7 Ask For Mike DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 .Santa Barcara, CA 93111 T>ONIJijOE ~-11:&-IN4 • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSUL TING • DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE KREG DONAHOE OWNER Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. 2831 EAST WHITE STAR UNIT H ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE (714) 632-3033 FAX (714) 632-3835 Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K & L Santee, CA 92701 61 !1-25S-2575 FORD RACING PARTS: RANGER 2.3 OVER 3000TOP QUALITY' SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 PG. CATALOG. PHONE ($1$) 444-4919 143$ POTRE.RO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. £I.MONTE, CA. e~zuP-INSTANT· , SHELTERS ~ ~..., ~•1,111~\., FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHi:L TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER. CASTEX RENT1'LS 213-462-1468 ~Motor sport PRE-RUNNER SPECIALIST • 5UMPERS • CAGES • SHOCI-MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LOWERING ms • DUN.LYS /\JR. 151\G SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & Dl51'1.AYS • ATV FA5 'M)Rt-EXl'ERT INSTALLATION & FA5RICAT10N AVAILA5LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS i. BEDSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. -4010 N. PALM STREET, UNIT 10:3 (714) 870-9.422 FULLERTON, CA. 926:35 FAX (714) 870-91:3~ RACING FUEi.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Car$0n, CA 90746 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 V-udt our Web Site fiJ www.aqe-net.com/lrank4/ Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX:{310) 603-2:!57 (61'9) 669--4727 Doug Fortin 800-869-9712 805-266-227 Racina Radios Two-Way Radios Scanners Headsets Rentals Available THEONLYREASONFORNOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY TIMES IS BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE FRISK FAS Custom Metal Fabrication Design • Development • Production Trophy Truck Technology .... Affordable Price. 20 Years Off Ro~d Racing Experience. • Crew Chief I Designer,/ Fabricator: Simon & Simon Nelson & Nelson and Walhr Evans Racing. ' • 1992 Baja 1000 Overall 4-Wheel Vehicle Champion • 4 straight SCORE/HORA Championships • Built over 17 Race Cars & Trucks trom the gr<1und up Custom Components To Complete Chassis, All Aspects of Steel and Sheet Metal Fabrlcation, Modifications and repairs on: Trucks• Pro-Ru~119rs • 'B11111les • ATV's • 2 & 4 Wheel clrlves Services 0,1fered: • Custom Welding: Mig, Tig, & Arc. • Tube BJmding • Sheet Melaf Work • Production Runs • Machine Work • ElectricalWiring • Complete Race Prep. With all our years of racing experience and working with the best we're Mt just another Fab Shop! Call Today! ' Ed Frisk (909) 693-9333 • Fax (909) 676-1859 Temecula, CA NOW YOU CAN GEr THE RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ARE USING FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (810) 294-585& F'-"' (810) 293-0736 THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associations. For your local dealer call (BOO) 433·6524 Call or write tor our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Hunlmgton Beach, CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (714) 842-2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 • ~~ ___ G_lASSUJO ___ RKS_ ,,.. Unllmlted Design Graphite/ Carbon A & D Se.tvices Custom Fiberglass Fabrication 18101 Redondo Cirde, Unit T Huntington Beoch, CA 92648 (714) 841-8814 4-08 _ 365 _ 9700 ·11111 MARTE'HS RIVER CIRCLE "A." 714-971-6631 ~ystems'" BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 81DA S. ARTHUR AV£ ARLINGTON HTS •. IL 60005 /IHONE:,(8◄7) 269-3810 FAX:1(8◄ I) 2b9- !l'!Ob THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! USED BY WALKER EVANS !FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA. 9210B FAX ;714-979-5953 .Jeff Howe 113UIO Hllhlole In. l.olteslde CA 1120-f6f9J SSf-7764 Special/zing in high per#ormonce Power Steering For Racing Ma1naflux inspection . OIIOiloble . Pager 619-406-2550 -----------,--------------~-----------:---------------,-_,,.f,,i~ ···~ __,...,,--________ _
.JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINQTON SHEET METAL CORP. 13424 lap,rial H..,. • Santa fe S,,..,., • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase !rucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine- Tuning Crew Chief Phone (310) 921-2693 Owner Don Connors Fax (310) 926-0699 James Hall JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner" Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions J·oe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unil 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITER SANTEE, CA 92071 (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON VtSa & MIC Gauge.-1ssmY:r,11,'!S _.ON K■NN• R;ice, Discoun~ _809-F N. Lakeview Ave• Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fox 714-779-2316 · RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER ' PREP & FABRICATION CUSTOM TRAILERS Russ Jones Molorspons CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 KAL OFFROAD RACING --·· .,'/ ••. ✓-· /--···,, RACESKINS . ,. , ___ , --:: ·, ,. : -:~-- ; ,..' ,, ' FIBERGLASS '· :· ' ··· · --·'·-'' . ..,;,.._-,,· ··~, LIGHTWEIGHT -, ;/•,vt '°':'.~ .. :~::_~:·· _,-·.;_ · .~ '-. Rear Quarter panels · ,.i,,_ ~--,:{',.. ,"66 -77".BRONCO'S --;;ii\'!.h• KURT LARMEE (805) 238-5731 · • -:,.-=· ·· Custom Metal Fabrication 103 Capitol Hill Drive Paso Robles CA. 93446 KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3463 Massillon Road, Suite B Uniontown, Ohio ·14685 330-699-1777 Fax 330-699-1771 Athene Karis - • OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E STEERING THOMAS C:. LEE ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (21J) 264-2136 (213)%64-~ LEE MFG. CO. 1 ·1661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 . (81Si 761Hl371 A full line of Po.ve• Steering geart, pumps ano acc11.ssorie~ for a::)' type of racing. Mag!'l:,llux ,3nct Zyglo iacll!ll;:;, . -'•1Ji1\l)le. LIN CO TEMPERATURE STRIPS Easy to use, inexpensive & accurate! All strips are self adhesive and labeled in Fahrenheil and Celsius. Slrips are $2.00 each or $1.75 each over ten. For a FREE brochure or to order, conlact: REVERSIBLE STRIPS allow constant te_mperall.Jre monIlor-ing. Ranges from 32 to 194 F LINCO IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record the maximum temperature reached ol lhe item they are applied lo. Ranges from 120' to 555"F. 13337 E. South St., #344 Cenitos, CA 9070 I l'honc/l'ax: (714) 821-6542 VISA. , Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your busineS& card in the .. GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merel~f 2.s].00 per month. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEElWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 .818-857-.RACE 818-852-8852FA.X KENT LOTHRINGER ·~ Per#t;.k.1NG ENGINES .Assembly-Machtne Work, Parts _, Engine Dyno Fadllty 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C · Santee. CA 92071 619-596-0886 619-596-0625F AX Ken Major PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD JS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714) 441-1212 Fax(714) 441-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland OH-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service l 290 TROUSDALE #l&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910. 619-69_1-1000 FA .. X 619-691-1324-: MESSICK RACING PHOTOS f.t ETAL 5 PINNING FOR ALL tNDU~TRI~~ CALL 562-928-983H F,:.x 552-928-0778 SUNDRY M~JAL CRAFTS 1i\ V ''..,>.RED TUBE ~ =~ANGED DISC 6729 Suva St. Bel! Gai·dens, CA 90201 ACCOUNTING· INCOME TAX• CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant SHl!:"YL CANNON• CPA OWNll[R lHIO s. GLll:NDORA AYE. SUtTI!: ao1 (818) 91►1011 ~11:■T COVINA, CA 91790 P'AX (818) 919-0.t11 805-940-5515.
I 11 l .o-2295 2.4-2695 2. 7 -2995. 3.0-$3195/ 3.3-$4495, 3.2-$3695 3.6-$4995 Turbo 3.0-$3995 Engines are rebuit to exacting standards developed on the race tracks of Callfornla. Racing upgrades avallablel "Largest" Porsche rebuilder in U.SA. ·off Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors B And Trans Yti1ggy Custom Machine Work & Fabrication S1L1l}p>]Ply 2525 E. 16th St.• Yuma, Az. 853_65 (602) 783-6265 • 1 (800)231-8156 OFF ROAD CHASSIS <ff"7inee J<t'nf/ BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS, VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est 1974 (714) 761-9460 PARKER PUMPER HELMET SAN SEVAINE WAY SUITE L MIRA LOMA, CA 91752 909-360-5906 COMPANY FAX 909-360-0436 --J.J1Ll.i.J ... LLl'J .. JL.ILILI..IJt.ll.I...l._ !51!: •~~©Jtr§@'lfl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, \IERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRING FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIL.1. ONLY S 12',>. 2888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HIU, CA 90806 310-427-8177 800-869-5636 Jerry Penhall · 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #8 Costa Mesa CA 92627 * AU Types ol Steel U Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Belldinc * Alumin-tJ StNI Weldin& · * Custom Machine Work * All Types ol Race Cars ~ .. \l\> stuh ~ ~ .i-Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1ion Alloy, /,/d, fll 700 N.E. 117th Street ~ i Vancouver, WA 9868S.$ ;o~ ~ Phone ~$. ~~ Fax 360-S74-5474 '0n & 360~516-1109 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DIALER Each month ten or more cqpies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferre_d customers. It is :i ~rr:it traffic builder, and the cost ts minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 A High Performance VS 'Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.6470 9419 Abraham \.\ay, Ste. B Santee, CA 92071-2584 1 -800-929-4360 RACE SHOCK F01VRACINGI ~SHOCKS OFF-ROAD BOGA.RT"1,.._ ~ '1tlhd4 , • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and application assistance • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components • We take trade-ins LEE FINKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE: (602) 376-0944 • A'ARACING VIV GASOLINE "100,110.114. 118" methanol & nitro Steve Poole .,. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -~ ■ ~-~,.,.~~ ~ ■ ■ •~~J ■ ■J ■ ■ L~J IL■ C.L. Bryant, Inc. 13415 Carmenita Rd. Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Office (310) 802-8913 tax (310) 802-0274 • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. RACE CAR DYNAMICS OFF ROAO RACE; CARS 3552 FOWLER CYN AO. JAMUL, CA 91935 PH. CB1BJ 440,2814 FAX CB 1 SJ SBB,4237 0-C_l(_.-ROLL 111KE ING ~<C~ IP'IXKO>"ir© PO BOX 2696 COSTA MESA. CA. 92628 "IF YOU'LL SHOW OFF ... ••• WE'LL SHOW lP'I {714) 722-0491 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EA.::T :,,1;,,;N ~T H CAJON. CA ?202 l LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 . Fox -Bilstein -Motorcycle t BEST PRICE $ ~ SHOX SERVICE !J..~ 15454 EL CENTRO lb" HESPERIA, CA 9234:S ')' 619-948-0325 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246
• s. ,r rJ /IF i'; ".,---,-: ~ ~f....AIJ ~~!.,..,4"J l?ACE LETTEl?/.n,G JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • WINDOW LITTERING • CAR LETTERING • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax: (7141 894-9567 So.et~ee~e~ &~ta-'k/i#, e«d<Jm ?H,ad~ '8itt 'Ptata-619-347-5052 45-410 # 10 ~e St. ?~, eA 92201 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561·2913 f!!fJffJJD (213)583-2404 SANpERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING · 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION . Mark Smith Larry Smith , El Centro, CA ...................... 800-989-4645 El Cajon, CA ....................... 800-458-2711 lndio, CA. ............................ 800-989-3278 Lancuter, CA ...................... 800-461-9499 · Las Vegas, NV ..................... 702-643~9200 Long Beach, CA. .................. 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA. ......................... 805-485-:6900 Perris, CA ....................... : ..... 800-969-383Si Van· Nuys, CA ....................... 818-786-8180 .Riverside, CA ....................... 909-877-0226 All other inquiries, contact Sports Racing at P. 0. Box 610, L~ng Beach, CA 90801 310-518-7318 Whittier Blvd. at Harbor La Habra, California 90631 (310) 691-6704 (714) 521-1102 Fax (310) 691-9396 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 1 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 nt. ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano, CA 93544 805-261-3202 OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WEI.DING• FABRIGATCKV • FL:AMECIJTTING • FRCIVTENDS • REARTRAIL!NGARMS RACEOIASSIS • PRERUNNERS • FDXRAONGSHOX LARRY ROSEVEAR 134.5DYNAMICS. UN/TD ANAHEIM, C4 92806 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober ·commercial Photogr,aphy PHONE (714} 996-6260 FAX (714)996-6405 310-670~6897 P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 NACE Tl(ANS BY JEFF f/ELJ)'S . ' ~ TRfiNSfiXLE · ENGINEERING ! JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST • vw .. ·•PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WE RACE WHAT WE SEU-(800) 435-4416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Noonandie • Torrance, CA 90501 . CUSTOM GEAIIBOX BUILDING l(ICl ()f /1/(11/ Paul Smiley • Salton City, CA • (619) 394-0039 So. Cal. Distributors• (310) 928-2278 Lyn, Gordon. or Mike / 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE SUITE A SANTEE. CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEAMER SYSTEMS: FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES OF RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION-,SHO;> (TABS, BRACKETS,,BODIES, ETC.) , BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager ·VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wilcjomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: {909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 A i¥. ,,.IY ·-,, .,.,, rformance amshafts Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave 909/369-5144 Riverside, CA 92507 Fax 909/369-7266
RACE CARS BAJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V.W. & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYDU Off Raad Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding Dale White Racing 3940 Maram,tha Circle Las Vegas. NV B9103 Lorenzo Rodriguez· • 102·811-1661 • 515 So. Vermont, Glendora, CA 91740 • (818) 914-8147 Adam Wik• 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service Ultra High Quality Gears that outlast and out-perform all others. Available in 113 (keyed),. 002 (splined), 091 Bus, and MD4S transmis-sion configurations. Huge selection of ratios in stock. Off Road Products Front and Rear Tra~ing Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri ·Phoenix, AZ. 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 535 East CPn*!BI Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 Classified ••• FOR SALE: Dodge Ramcharger, FOR SALE: t ... I flOO 2 x ( :han1: prerunner, Chevy 400 SB Turbo pionship winnn. RL"st of l'Vl'f\'· 400 Art Carr short tailshaft, Lee thing, Wright Comhos & Arms, steering, Cone hubs and ball joints, -Ump P_ s. and othn. 930s, Bil-Dana 60 44 spline spool, Kuster·du-stl'in, ( l'ntnhm·, Fat, M~·nclt·llla, alrate c ·1 F A" b Yokohama,tooman1·tnhst.Var-?1 over, ox Ir .. umps, inus pkgs avail. Starting at BF:? BaJas, Beard seats, 24 front $5,000.00 with or ,,. u t·nginl'. 29 rear, Must sell $12,500.00 or rraill'r, , PC! radios. Dt"iivl'n· part out (310) 391-4953. availahlt-. ( 206) 460-1 (>56. · CLASS 2 Rolling Chassis, no motor, tranny and shocks. Best of everything: 130" Wheel base chassis, Front is 83" wide, rear is 90" wide but can be made 83". Ump power steering, Beard seats, CNC front hubs, SACO Oversi:e rack & pinion. Raceco rear arms (boxed), Chromoly tie rods w/ big rod ends, Aluminum dash, 42 gallon cell, Summers Bros. Rear floating hubs w/vented rotors: AWESOME DEAL!!! $16,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #516 (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 2 motors ( VW ). Class IO 1640cc, frL"sh, no rac·c·s. nl'\\' C\Sl', SupL'r Fin ht'acls, all top sht'lf, long hlock. $2,500.0C. CLASS I IK,Occ onl y 300mi sinCl' rl"huild. FAT intakt·, incl. fan & shrnucl. i1lt & t'xhaust. VL"r\' strong. $1,KOO .OO (916 l 'dl-4435. :,r-ww-·-~w~--·-------..... --w-------------w-ww-------~--... ~----------...... -,. ·1 Sell or swa,p your extra parts and pieces in · I . I DUSTY TIMES. 4 I PACKAGE DEAL: 2 Seat Mol- 11 Classified Ad:vertising rate !s orily-$20. for 45 words each t:nQnth, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of : bl3:ck and white photo, Ol' a very sharp color print. - Maximum size 5x7 ton/Jimco Class 1. 3.2 Liter - · · · · · I Porsche by FAT, Doug Fortin 5 I NEW_AND RENEWAL_SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES-A 45.word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I speed,. Fox Rear Shcoks, Raceco I you wtsh touse a _photo m y_our free ad, enclose_ $5:00. All Classjfied Ads must_be PAID IN ADVANCE. I Rear Arms, Out Board Summers I REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE Arms, Mastercraft, Parker I IF 1'{0T RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER/ --------11 Pumper, PIAA, Radio, Intercom, Fire System, Fodrill Front I I Suspension.Coil Over Fox, ETC! · I -------------~--------------'----------------------~ I Tons and Tons of Spares: Tires, I Wheels and Parts! And if you're --------------------------------'-----------------I looking for a hauler, here it is: 20 I I FOOT HAULER: Ford F-600 .I ---------------------------~-----------I Hauler, 429 motor, 5 speed Tranny, I ---------------------------.--------------------I 2 speed rear end, excellent vehicle, I I b(!ilt for Off Road Racing. Kitchen I Enclosed is$ -----(Send check or money or~i;r, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I Area, Belly Boxes, Welders, and I I. EVERYTHING else you need and I Name-----------,------------------------Mail to: it hauls the race car! Baja Brokers DUSTY TIMES I I Address -------------'---c--------'-Phone________ I Ref #555 (CAR), Ref # 544 20751 Marilla Street (hauler)(619)723-2117. ~. City -State Zip Chatsworth,_CAf91.3H-440'8- 1· Dusty Times May 1997 Page 49
FOR SALE: Toyota 4AG Class IO WANT TO BUY CHENOWTH engine- Built by FAT performance MAGNUMS OR SUPER 1600 with all the latest updates, Eketro-SHORT COURSE CARS-Class I, motive ignition, Carrillo rods, etc. Class I 0, Class 9, Class 5 Unlim-350 miles since complete overhaul. ited- Interested in complete or Complete engine and accessories partial cars reasonably priced. Call ready to install. $8,500.00 Call Terry Fitzgerald (402) 734-2676 FOR SALE: 1981 Toyota 4 x 4 Coop. Orange, 12' lift, 40" tires alum rims fresh H.P 350 Chev, TRW forged Pistons, Sig Erson Cam, 4V Holley, Turbo 350 trans, 9" Ford rear end, B & M shifter, 18 Duesh Th Shocks $6,500.00 Large variety of used rims & .tires. Tom (714) 554-3300 or (714) 530-8807. Mike (562) 591-5665 days (310) . OK TO LEAVE MESSAGE. 521-9303 eves & weekends. FOR SALE: High Jumper 2 seater, FOR SALE: PreRun Blazer, Ex----===========,--,rfass 1, 10 or pre-run, 2332 dual Arciero & RCR. 2 Wheel drive. Dellurto, Bus box with Hewlands, Frisk Twin I Beam front suspension 930 c.v.s, 3x5 Woods in rear, Fod- with Kusters. LeDue 4-link rear dril Spindles/Arms, all Fox shock suspension with Kusters and light-CNC discs, Lee Power steering, Ex- ening rods. Dana 60 spool. Mogi cellent condition. (805) 255-8128. T400. Parablock 388CI. Full cage. $14,000.00 New paint and interior 3 Master FOR SALE: 80 Ford Stepside craft seat. 50 gallon fuel cell. Lots FOR SALE: SODA Class 4 Chevy prerunner. Blue printed 351 of spares. Street licensed S-10, 350 Small block, 650 hp. MS- w !Edelbrock, Carter AFB, $40,000.00 080 (714) 673-8367. FOR SALE: Jimco 2-1600 1995 Fud Class Champion. Hatz motor, FTC Bus Box, Fox Big shaft shocks, Ump, ps Wright spindles, 3m torsion bars, race radio. Race prep, tons of spares. $13,500.00 Hookers Flowmaster, Engine & D, Predator alum. heads 8 Fox trans coolers w/braided lines. Art Shox BFG on American Racing Carr Manual c-6, 4.11 Detroit Wheels, ATD Turbo 400 tranny, lockers. Fiberglass front end, full Fuel Safe. Tons of spare & molds cage, suspension on poly bush-for fenders, Asking $14,500.00 ings. Bead lock America wl3r, w/24 ft Wells Cargo enclosed Goodyears, triple Fox w/ kicker, trailer. Best of1he best buy and race Interior, engine compartment & bed anodized aluminum, All today!!_ Call (715) 367-4499· VDO ga~ges in aluminum dash TROPHY TRUCK CHEVROLET: w /air conditioning, Pro Built! Race ready 4130 Chromoly Chassis Not Abused! Asking $12,500.00 27" front travel/30rear h,p travel, ( 619) 365-7 188 (Dave) ( 619) 680rShaver Built all aluminum . 956-1228 (Ty). _C_a_ll_,( __ 6_19--') __ 7_8_9_-_13_2_2_.=====- small block motor, Chrissman rear - - ----'-~---------end, Very good support package, lots of spares, Ref # 563 $55,000.00 Bai a Brokers (619)723-2117. CHEVROLET PRE-RUNNER: 2 seat Chevrolet S-10 X-tra cab, Fiberglass high Output VS, 9.8:! compression ratio, FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000 S-, 340 HP, I-Beam front suspension, 1Seat, combo's w/2' offset, 10 FOR SALE: Soda Lite or Stadium 911 rear end trailing arms. Ref # over front end wlnew chromoly Super Lite, Briggsbuilt chassis, 561 $)4 000.00 Baja Brokers F-trailing arms. Bus trans w/930 Klemm research built Honda (619) 723~2117 101600 NETH: 1 c.v.s and chromoly R-trailing FL..,50 BFG · Ch · arms. Doestech shocks, & Fox's. -' motor, tires, ampton seat '93 Neth 1600 cc Sway-A--Almost new 1600cc motor and wheels, Flameout system, Race or W~ Fox Shocks, Rear link, some spare parts. $7,500.00 obo. play ready 3rd Silverdome 97 Race, Yokohamas on Centerlin Fresh & Greg (817) 548-8501 or write to $6,000.00. Phone Michigan (906) new Ref # 565 $12,500.00 Baja P.O. Box 301918 Arlington, TX _4_66_-_26_8_0_. _· ________ Brokers (619) 723-2117. 7_6_0_0_7_. _______ _ TUCKER TIRE COMPANY HAS A LIMITED SUPPL y OF. YOKOHAMA SUPER DIGGER Ill 33x 10 .50x 15 RACER COST $1?9.00 ALSO 700x15 TRACTION@ $85.00 700x15 HWY (GROOVED)@ $85.00 HD TUBES FRONT $7.00 REAR $13.50 CALL 818-332-1142 818-966-7508 909-598-2495 Page so May 1997 FOR SALE: Class 9, single seater 0 miles on rebuilt motor O miles on Trans-axle by Fields, FoxShox, Ump, SAW, Beard, Much, much more. Proven Class winner 1995. many, many span:swent to Class 1, $5,000.00 oho. Call Jays ( 619) 2 56-1113 evenings ( 619) 256-3<,52. FOR SALE: 1995 Class 10 single seat, Lothringer. new Mendeola hus, fresh 1,,.6cc. All the hest parts, this car has heen profrssion-ally maintained, only 9 races on ·this car only in La Rana. $22,000.0() oho. Car will _h.t· at Parkn. Ask for Randy pg (909) 243-KK95, afrer 5:00 (909) 622-35 30 or Contact Kl'nt Lothringt·r (9()9) 214-0403. FOR SALE: Class 4, F150, Kus-ter shocks & springs. Dana 60. SVO 496. C6 with Art Carr 9" Convertor. 6 Alum wheels & BFG tires. Dual MSD ignition. Spares & molds for all body pan-els. Many drivetrain spares. Only ran 6 races. I can demo running & jumping. $15,000.00 obo. Call Basil or Kathy (717) 297-2166 days (717) 537-2644 evenings. Pennsylvania. FOR SALE: Ford Ranger 7S, Ready to race, Magi C4, 12"' front 20" rear travel, Chrissman rear end, CNC disc brakes, Cone 9" w/40 spline, all chromoly, Fox Shocks, National Spring, Etc. Baja Stokers Ref# 366 (619) 723-2117. ARE YOU READY TO WIN THE BAJA 500?? 1989 Ho'nda Fourtrax-5.25 gal aluminum tank race frame, PT pipe, Ohlins, Roll A-Arms & Swing arm, Chromoly skidplate, three 9" Hella's, 39mm PWK, Dunlop Rovers- Spare mo-tor, tire, rims, sump cans, and much more $7,500.00 (619) 464-3599 FOR SALE: SCORE Class 7, 7S _ Toyota, 3rd overall '95, 4th overall '96. Designed & built by McPherson's engineer. 10 Fox shocks, 4 bump stops, BFG tires, Hella lights, PCI radio & intercomn, Sway-A-Way tl bars, Craiger wheels, National springs, Beard seats, Pytotech belts, CNC pedals, Holly, Fram, Aurora, Aeroquip, Fuel Safe, Best of everything, Lots of spare parts. Extra cliff. w/spool, extra set of 300m axles, extra transmissions, heads, pistons, etc. Extra steering boxes, extra tires and wheels, tie-rods, bearings, ball joints, and lot more., Includes heavy duty Tandem trailer wl electric brakes & parts box. $17,500.00 race ready with pit support (a, first two SCORE or SNORE races. or $15,000.00 as is. For information . call DeNun:io Racing Prnducts ,,,, l-i00-622-3939. FOR SALE: Class 9 2 seater. State of the art car. Fresh motor, 0 miles on W.R. Rina trans, Fuel Cell, Fox shocks, Beard seats, CNC brake & clutch, type III rear Jrums, SACO, Sway-A-Way, Diest, P. Pumper, K&N many extras. Total package $7,000.00 Details call Dick (8 18 )963-1445. FOR SALE: A-arm. 10 or 1, Fox, 21" ft, 20" rear, Summt•rs, Lee ps, flame-out, Russell wiring, Davis alarm, Radiator, Taylor, Simp-son, Complete, no motor or trans. $10,200.00 obo ... MUST SELL! Bill (619) 435-8936. Dusty Times
LET THE MONEY MAN UNE FOR SALE: Off road YOUR POCKETS WITH BONUS racer/Thunder truck/Tuff truck--CASH B.O.R.E. Jackpot 200 July 4 Comanche pick-up-Roller. Fiber-& 5 Jackpot Nevada. glass body, Tube chassis, Dana 44 FOR SALE: 1996 Ford Soda Class axl~s, disc brakes 4. link-set up !or 13, Front runner. 358 CI, 650 hp Co1lovers, Amenqm Racmg Coil suspension, Fox Air bumps, Wheels, New Good~ear tires--Mark Williams, Tilton, too much to $4,500.00 Call Mike (616) list. $15,000 or will part. Don Gre-267-5946. go ire ( 414) 473-3430. FOR SALE: Esslinger 2.5 liter Ford / Motor, Aluminum radiator, Electro-motive Ignition for 7s truck, Class 1,2 bugg)' or ?? ALSO other Bug-gie parts for sale, including transmission, disc brakes, Fox Shox. Call Ste:ve at Home (402) 625-2802 or work ( 402)443-4117 Located in Nebraska. FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat, Fox Shox, Wright, Flameout, Parker Pumper, Major perfor-mance engine, fresh, turn key, race ready, lots of spares, new fuel cell, $6,000.00 (520) 669-6104 ask for Rod. ========--94 BUNDERSON 1-1600 Front has Link Pin, Fox/Bunderson shocks off of top A-arm Wright spindles, rear has 2 Fox/ Bunder-son shocks per side, Bunderson Tubular Trailing arms, new SAW 25mm Torsion bars, 930 c.v.s, Hatz motor, 25 gal Fuel Safe cell, Pyramid built tranny, New 4:86 ring U pinion, Jamar Pedals, Wired for PCI radios. Ref #551 $11,000.00 Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. · F ALE: Awesome Trophy-Truck, thousands in spares, Former Robby Gordon Frank FOR SALE: Class 10 Jimco Vessel, 38"' rear 32"' front travel Champion car. Fresh rehuilt _with the best of everything. This trans. w/ new FTC gears, Wiks truck is a winner. Could be made motor, Fox Shocks, CNC, Ump. Class8 legal. $70Korwillconsider R:1ce ready $16,000.00 oho. FOR SALE: 1996 SODA Rolling trade for real estate or!! Ref #489 Gr,·at for new SCORE Super Ser-Chassis: Very similar to Flan-Contact Baja Brokers (619) 723-i,·, Prep hy Lothringer Eng. nery's. Built by Clive Smith. 21J ,. Turn-key ready. Must sell! Call ------------125" wheelbase.Great SOD A IF OR SALE: Great Pre runner RrianLogan(714)H21-H514. Truck!Willingtomaketrades,all Class I susp. 1600cc motor Che~ WANTED: 2-1600car. Must he offers considered, Baja Brokers h fr ' ' Ref #534 (6l 9) 723_2117. nowt ame, runs great, excellent a wdl huilt competitive car in . . cond. $25,000.00 obo Call Robert good condition. Spare parts, pit HELP WANTED: FABRICATOR: (909) 877-1386 or pg · (909) equipment, extra tires and trailer Looking for dedicated, experienced g77_729I. also wanted. Have cash for the fabricator w/ thorough knowledge -=-P.:...A.:....C..:..KA=-::;..G:..:_E_D_E_A_L_:_C_l_as_s_S_F_o_r_d_ right deal. Call Steve at (909) · MIG/ JG Id" h I ' 423-5,HH. Lv message. m T we mg, s eet meta, 15" Travel front/20" travel rear tube fitting/ bending & off-road Kuster coil over shocks 35,, BFG FOR SALE: 1994 Single seat racing. Work includes: race truc_ks, Baia T/A's, 488 cid vs,' Cobra Jet Challenger. Everything is nl'\\'. 30 ~ racing miles. 15 gal Fuel Safr. Fox p~e runners, prototype suspension heads, MSD ignition, Powerhouse front and rear. Ump filtl'r. Reard, kits. We offer long hou~s and lo_w motor, Mogi C6 transmission, Simpson, 2 radios, I-\ new Yokos. pay Ex-trophy truck fabricators will Chrisman 9 3/4 rear End 46 spline No rehuilt or used parts in motor. feel right at home!! Fax or send axles, 80 gallon f~el syst~m. spares Great transaxle. $6,500.00 oho. resume-No ~hone cal!s please! included, $3S,000 and if you are Will trade for hoat or 2 Water-Donahoe RacmgEnterpnsess 2831 looking for a prerunner here it is: hikes.CallDaryl(i.02)9,·2-3556 E White Star Ave. Unit H Anaheim, FORD BRONCO 4 x 4; 14' Travel nfter c; Cm. Ca 92806 Fax (714) 632-3835. Rl 'Y ME OUT OF STORAGE: I'm almnst reacl\' to race, 1-1600 car has 2 motors. Must liquiclate m1· assets & t0\'S must ~n. $5,500.00. lncliana, Call Calvin (,l.1ys) (219) 936-6004, (cwn-in!.!~ l I 2 I l)) S92-6S05. front with Coil over Kuster Shocks, Custom 4 x 4 Beams, 15" travel Rear with National Spring Co. Leafs and Kuster Shocks, Cone 9" tear end. Rear disc brakes, 35 spline spool, $8,500.00 and if you looking for a hauler here it is: 53 FOOT TRAILER: Kentucky Air ride trailer, Luxury transportation, generator, I 0,000 lbs, winch, tool boxes, Belly Boxes, A/C I J0/l2V Lighting, air compressor, $38,000.00 Baja Brokers #569 (Class 8), Ref # 568 (prerunner), Ref#567 (trailer) (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: JlJ,4 FIOC unckr construction til (uncls ran ()Ur. nl'W strong 390. Spo()I rear, r,·;1r ,lisk. Ranch() Take a p;1rts ;ill around. Full L":t~l'. 5 p,iint h,·lr,. new rims t ,~- tires. 35 gal ,·l'II. Rael' nr Chasc. fun r,· :1,l·, $ (1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 o h n C: la ~" " " r k s !JnltJ. ( i 14 l M 1-~S 14 SCORE 1996 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! ~~ ~ ~ _&;.: ~ :&!"':~~ ~ N And the beat goes on! SCORE San Felipe 250, March 7-9 Class 1 2nd Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero (Toyota V6) 3rd Ray Croll (Toyota Tacoma) Class 5 2nd George Seeley (VW Type IV) Class 10 1st John Phillips (Toyota 4AG) Congratulations to SODA Class 9/10 World Champion Tommy Bradley (VW Rabb~) SODA Points Series Class 7S 2nd Jimmie Crowder (Ford) Dusty Times We use & recommend SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995 & 1996! PBRFORIIAICE 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889• Fax (714) 637-7352 May 1997 PRE RUN Baja Bug convertable, 4 seat, Class 5 style, Simpson Belts, Full cage, VDO Gauges High Torque starter, Wench, Saginaw Power Steering, KYB shocks, Close Ratio gears, Bus Tranny, Rear Coil over shocks, Great for Family Fun! $9.000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #537 (619) 723-2117. ----------MUST SELL: '83-'91 Ra~ger, Custom Glass, VERY clean: 4 cyl, 4 wheel disc, 4 speed full cage, birchen dash, Mastercraft seats, Simpson, BFG 32xl 1.50, Auto-meter, 28 tank. A Steal! $5,500. Baja Rnrokers Ref f/SIH ·(619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: '94 Sus. L1nltd. 2 S<.·at, air co()k-cl. IO car. Fastest I() car ;it La Rana in '95. \X/ik motor. Fox sh()cks. Full fl()atcrs, F()clrill. Wright ,lr()p spin,llt-s, t.·t.:. 5 rt.·ars & I-\ fr()nts all \\'ith rims. Perfect for S( '.OR Es nt·\\" class. $1 I-\ ,900 .00 \\' ()lit m()tor $22,500.00 w motor. (3 IO) 404-560,. Index Of Advertisers Airborne Racing Batteries 40 ATL Fuel Cells 34 Baker Performance Products 14 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels 17 Bilstein Corp. of America Brush Run Cactus Racing Products Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle FAT Performance Fox Racing Shox Enduro Racing German Auto 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 29 31 19 51 15 51 Honda of North Hollywood Kawaguchi Honda 23 26 28 KC Hilites King Shock Tech LITRE 25 31 30 McKenzie Performance Products Mojave Desert Racing 13,39 35 27 MORE Nevada Off Road Buggy 24 PCI Race Radios & Equipment Perris Auto Speedway 2 43 16 33 38 32 37 21 26 Pike's Family Restaurant Raffo Racing, Ltd. Race Ready Products Simpson Race Products SNORE Sway-A-WayCompany Top Line Trailer • , ota Motorsports Tri-Mil Industries Tucker Tire Valley Performance Weld Racing Wilch Sales Back Cover 34 50 22 42 43 · Wright Place 41 Yarnell Speciaties 11 TRICK CLASS I I: Street legal SCORE Class 11 VW, Bilstein shocks with reservoirs, Sway-A--FOR SALE: FRESH Clnss 7 Way springs front and rear, I inch Chevy complete $20,000.00! tie rods, 1584 cc motor,-Forged Pis-Great Buy: 18" in the Renr and ton, 9.5: I Compression ratio, 11" in the Front! 3 Fox Shocks per side w/air bumps. 112 ton C~~pu-Fire Ignition, 4.86 Ring and Spindles, Wilwood Brakes, Pmion, Fu~I roll cage, Extra parts Summers Axles, Fuel Safe Cell. It galore. A competitive car for a has it All!! $19,000.00 obo. Baja :ompetitive class. Baja Brokers Ref Brokers Ref# 520 (619) 723-21 17. t 543 $4,000.00 (619) 723-2117. 1997 FOH.::ill F-:..O-."Ji, .n,r:;r.rJr-X:-;g,~_;i._R _ _;;.;::, E~G-• . iwE. TR.AN"&.aJCI·SSX..O,N'~ .3i"<i. c;:;.ALL I>A. '17.E .h.SI"LL~...-Y ~ND~_RO "R.A..CX.--G-909-38.1--4.088 Page 51