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1997 Volume 14 Number 4 Dusty Times Magazine

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ISSN 8750-173! Covering the world of com etition in the dirt

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CC> 1996 Fox Factory, Inc. All Copyrights Reserved

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Volume 14 - Number 4 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Edi~r Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation O .Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark Jim Culp John Elkin Homer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martin Holmes Daniel Maimer Jimmy Messick Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith T rackside Photo Inc. Art Director, Larry E. wc;;rsham April 1997 Subscription Rates: llrifS!ris_cfgJ'A,ad~• $20.00 per ye~r. 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY I TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without wri~en permission from the publisher. · . Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• The year was 1985, the race was the Delamar 400, the course ran through the towns of Caliente and Pioche, Nevada, the promoter was Silver Dust Racing ( Burt Vaughn) and the winner was -Rob MacCachren who won overall on a day when the temperature was 103 degrees, but the twenty-one year old showed no signs of fatigue. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies"or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 will be considered. Dusty Times April 1997 I In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page SCORE PARKER 400 by Judy Smith ....................... 8 Glen Helen Championships - Round 1 by Ron Miller . . . . . . . . . 16 M.O.R.E. Roaring Resolution by Jimmy Messick . ............ 22 SNORE Bottom Dollar by John Calvin .... ... .............. 26 Glen Helen 1996 Awards by Ron.Miller . ............. .... . . 30 FRT King Of The Desert by Judy Smith ................... . . 31 CRS 1996 Awards by Robert Tallini .................. : .... 34 International Swedish Rally by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 DEPARTMENTS Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes . ......... . ................................. . 38 CRS Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Mag-7 Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Classified Ads ........ ................... .... . ... 45, 46, 47 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 ON THE COVER-John Herder came over to the Parker 400 to show all the guys how to win, and win he did in his good looking J imco with Type IV power, averaging over 54 miles per hour for the 337 mile course. Seems like nobody noticed the new guy on the course until it was too late. Curt LeDuc figured he'd cool it a bit and go for the overall win at Parker, but the figures came out all wrong as Curt was the first vehicle to finish the race, the first Trophy Truck to finish, but he ended up third overall on elapsed time. Color Photograph:, b:, Track.side Photo Inc. S~7oaaff DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $20.00 □ 2 years - $30.00 □ 3 years - $40.00 (no orooit cards pl~ase) Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name ______________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City State -----------Zip-----------Send check-or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 Canadian - 1 year $25 .00 U .S.• _ Overseas subscription rate_s on request) Pag, · 3 I I I I I I I I I I I

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1997 Happenings ••• 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 March 28-30, 1997 Tonopah 300 BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 / ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector APT042 San Jose de! Caho Baja Calif. de! Sur, Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, • 4500, Australia 0l l-18-07-3298-5522 April 13, 1997 Port Pirie, SA May 25, 1997 Goondiwindi, WLD July 13, 1997 Kempsey, NSW August 1 7, 1997 Griffith, NSW September 21, 1997 Mt. Gambier, SA AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B lHl (514) 434-5792 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico (Mexicali (65) 55-62-83 Off Road Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director Tonopah, NV June 20-22, 1997 Silver State 300 Mesquite, NV to Ely, NV (point to point) September 18-20, 1997 Vegas to Reno, NV 500 mile point to point race BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. May 3, 1997 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 5, 1997 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 6, 1997 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA 1997 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715)478-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Chizma, CRS Director 521 Los Angeles Ave., #F Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 523-1387 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 May 2-3, 1997 Rim Of The World Palmdale, CA August 9-10, 1997 Gorman Ridge Frazier Park, CA September 6-7, 1997 Treeline Palmdale, CA October 3-5, 1997 llllinner's Circle John Herder Takes Parker Overall, Class 1 Honors John Herder of Tucson, AZ made his first SCORE car win a double by taking both the Overall and Class 1 victories at the season-opening Parker 400. Driving the Kendall Performance JIMCO Type 4 VW Class 1 car running on Bilstein shock absorbers, Herder started near the back of the 27-car field and passed them all for the lead in the second of three laps on the Nevada/ California course. Herder was driving so hard that he didn't know he was leading the race until the finish when he had won by over four minutes. "John drove a great race and the car never missed a beat," commented Bryan Kendall, the team's crew chief. "Our Bilstein shock setup was perfect and they allowed our car to out-handle the competition." Go With Bi/stein! · A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 §, KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 9212 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX: 619/453-0770 Page 4 April 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ November (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada C.O.D.R.A. CENTRAL OREGON Q~~T~CING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541)389-2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 GUMBO BUTTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS Communications & Information Scott Olson (605) 224-5822 FAX (605) 224-5822 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. Tom DeLauder Sr. 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 May 3, 1997 June 21, 1997 July 26, 1997 August 23, 1997 September 2 7, 1997 Short Course Off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds, Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (6163717 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 (714) 367-1141 Fax: (714) 367-1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-60 80 April 4-6, 1997 Cerro Prieto II Southern Baja May 2-4, 1997 San Felipe San Felipe, BC, MX August 1-3, 1997 (Tentative) Santa Veronica Summer '97 Tecate Area October 10-12, 1997 Carrera De La Raza Laguna Salada 180 Mexicali West CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Fax (818) 957-4435 November 4-26, 1997 Northern California CORV A Jamboree Frank Rains Park Lloyd Losinger 1800 42 CORVA Ext. 501 November 10-12, 1997 Southern California CORVAJamboree Hungry Valley, Quail Canyon Jim Peterson 180042 CORVA Ext. 509 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 June 14, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 12, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon Dusty Times

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July 13, 1997 2 Hour Enduro Olympia 10:00a.m. July 19, 1997 Short Course Belling 7:00 p.m. August 16, 1997 Short Course Belling 7:00 p.m. August 23, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon September 13, 1997 Short Course Olympia All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 March 28-30, 1997 KC HiLites Havasu Happening Open Motorsports Show Lake Havasu City, AZ May 9-10, 1997 KC HiLites Hot Boat Happening Parker, AZ July 1997 (Date not yet set) KC HiLites Mountain Happening Flagstaff, AZ September, 19-20, 1997 KC HiLites Country Happening Valley Center, CA EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom DeLauder, SR. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 {330) 532-4589 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 {407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 March 29, 1997 Buzz Bomb Plaster City East, CA July 19, 1997 Conquista Gran Carrera Los Sahuaros Park Tecate, Baja, Mexico September 13, 1997 Fud 200 Plaster City West, CA October 25, 1997 Superstition 250 XII Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 9241.2 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series April 13, 1007 Round Three - Sunday July 27, 1997 Round Four - Sunday August 24, 1997 Round Five - Sunday September 28, 1997 Round Six - Sunday October 26, 1997 Round Seven - Sunday November 23, 1997 Round Eight - Sunday Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91762-0762 (310) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA Dusty Times 1362 i" Pierce St. Omaha, NE68144-1122 ( 402) 333-051 7 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. (all races at Weslfair Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course similar co the MTEG cracks, and Classes 1, 1-16oo, zS and Quad under SODA rules) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/ Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS. MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 {714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WD'CLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob (604)374-7175 days Randy ( 604) 5 79-9621 eves Keith ( 604) 828-1795 anytime (Alle11eT1ts start z miles NW oTKamloops) L.I.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 Jim Aruta (408) 247-4402 Mav 17, 1997 Short Course Race Trucks, Buggies, Pilots Two 10 lap motos each class Hollister Hills, CA -Upper Ranch MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 {517) 543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517) 627-6200 MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION Steph Sabo, Vice Pres. MAORA 19 Lakeshore Dr Nashville, IL 62263 (618) 327-9312 Mike Turner, Vice Pres. L TOR 2508 Pine Mattoon, IL 61938 (217) 235-2473 April 27, 1997 Nashville, IL May 17-18, 1997 Casey, IL June 14, 1997 Casey, 11. July 5, 1997 Nashville, IL July 26, 1997 Danville, IL August 9, 1997 House Springs, MO August 23, 1997 Danville, IL September 20, 1997 Danville, IL October 4-5, 1997 Casey, 11. (M.A.0 .R.A. sanctioned races. Series produced b;y Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) MOJAVE DESERT RACING 438 W . Arrow Hwy., Ste #30 San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 394-3265 Phone (909) 394-3266 Fax May 2-3, 1997 Stoddard Valley 200 Barstow, CA June 20-21, 1997 Lucerne 300 Lucerne, CA September 5-6, 1997 Sahara 250 Lucerne, CA October 10-11, 1997 Barstow 200 Barstow, CA November 28-29, 1997 Thanksgiving 250 Lucerne CA llllinner's Circle Larry Roseler Wins At Parker; Team MacPherson Rolls On Roseler took the Class 7 lead just five miles into the race after starting second. He was never challenged on his way to the win despite down time with a broken spring. Larry Roseler added another triumph to his illustrious off-road racing career when he won Class 7 at the SCORE Parker 400 driving the Bilstein shock-equipped Team MacPherson Chevy S-10 pickup. -It was the first solo drive to victory in a truck for Roseler, who, with his many motor-cycle victories, is the winningest active driver in SCORE competition. "The Bilstein shocks continue to amaze us with their long life, consistent performance," noted team manager Jerry McDonald. "Our ongoing work with Bilstein only makes us a stronger team." Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 Ii> KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX: 619/453-0770 April 1997 Page 5

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M.O.R.E. 25277 W. Main St., Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 (619) 253-4453 Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts March 21-23, 1997 Mighty Mojave 230 Barstow, CA May 23-25, 1997 · Shake, Rattle & Oops 250 Lucerne, CA July 25-27, 1997 Night Owl 200 Lucerne, CA September 19-21, 1997 Shocker 250 Barstow, CA November 7-9, 1997 Wild Turkey 225 Lucerne CA MSBA Michigan Spore Buggy Association Dave Barrett 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 736-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95518 (707) 822-8508 May 9-10, 1997 Redwood Coast Jamboree Fort Bragg to Eureka, CA June 13-14, 1997 Big Bear Adventure Big Bear Lake, Ca August 15-17, 1997 Gold Rush Adventure Nevada City, CA September 12-13, 1997 Gose Town Adventure '97 South Lake Tahoe, CA October 3-4, 1997 Kern River Jamboree Kernville/ Lake Isabella, CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OFELPASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 (All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake Take l-zo Horizon Blvd exit east 12 miles) OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County FairgTOunds, Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Bob Joseph, President 80 Hempstead Dr. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada LBW 2E7 -(905) 574-7068 PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY 18700 Lake Perris Drive Perris, Riverside County, CA 1-800-976-RACE - ' " PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/ (518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 April 11-13, 1997 Wild West Little Creek Casino Olympia, WA May 2-4, 1997 Rim of the World Palmdale, CA June 6-8, 1997 STPR Wellsboro, PA July 25-27, 1997 Maine Forest llllinner's Circle Page 6 Parker ProTruck Victory To Steve Barlow's Ford Round One of the 1997 SCORE ProTruck Class season at the Parker 400 went to Steve Barlow driving the Chey's Racing Ford full size pickup running on Bilstein shocks. Barlow, from Thousand Oaks, CA, started sixth in class at Parker and finished over one hour ahead of the ProTruck competition. Barlow has become the man to beat in ProTrucks as his win at Parker was his third victory in the five races he has entered in this new class. "We were hooked up today," said Barlow. ''The Bilstein shocks gave us consistent performance to allow us to run hard all day." Starting its second season in SCORE racing, Ivan Stewart's ProTrucks have become a popular and highly competitive class. Bilstein shocks are standard on all of the full size pickups running in this class. Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: · Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 §, KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX: 619/453-0770 April 1997 Rumford, ME August 22-24, 1997 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji,MN September 12-14, 1997 Sunriser 400 Chilichothe, OH October 3-4, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ October 17-19, 1997 Lake Superior Houghton, Ml SCORE Score Internacional 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 April 18-20, 1997 Primm300 Primm (Stateline), NV June 6-8, 1997 T ecate Baja 500 Ensenada, B.C., MX July 11-12, 1997 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA October 3-5, 1997 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV November 12-15, 1997 T ecate Baja 1000 B.C. MX SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 March 22, 1997 6 hours Tallahassee, Florida April 26, 1997 3 hours Montgomery, Alabama May 25, 1997 3 hours Vienna, Georgia July 5, 1997 3 hours Tallahassee, Florida August 30, 1997 6 hours Montgomery, Alabama November 29, 1997 6 hours Vienna, Georgia SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Woodlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL April 6, 1997 May 4, 1997 June 1, 1997 July 6, 1997 August 3, 1997 September 7, 1997 October 5, 1997 November 21 1997 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 May 16-17, 1997 Caliente 250 Caliehte, NV August 1-2, 1997 Midnight Special Nellis Dunes, NV September 26-27, 1997 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Jean, NV October 24-25, 1997 Twilight 200 Eldorado Valley, NV December 12-13, 1997 Vegas300 Jean, NV Dusty Times

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SUPER SERIES (PIT) LTD. P.O. Box706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011) 788-5138 Fax (011) 880-2170 SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODA May 24-25, 1997 Chevrolet Memorial Day Kevin Dawson 1015 Bloomfield Road Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (414) 248-8566 June 7-8, 1997 Off Road Championship Joe Servie - P.O. Box 339 Antigo, WI 54409 (715) 623-4134 June 21-22, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Nationals Ionia, Michigan Mike Brunton, 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 June 28-29, 1997 Chevrolet Brush Run Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 August 2-3, 1997 Chevrolet UP 100 Off Road Race Brian Adams, Box 26 Bark River, Ml 49807 (906) 466-2723 August 16-17, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Challenge Luxemburg, WI - Dick Shinnick 1801 Industrial Park Green Bay, WI 54302 August 30-31, 1997 Chevrolet World Championships Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 September 13-14, 1997 Chevrolet Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI Greg Witte 165 W. Arndt St. Fondulac, WI 54935 (414) 924-6805 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (All events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 4341 Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 March 22-23, 1997 1997 Season Opener 1 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA April 26-2 7, 1997 Spring Special 2 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA May 24-26, 1997 Yerington 300 Desert Race 300 Mile Desert Race, 4-75 Mile Laps Race Headquarters: Dini's Lucky Club Yerington, NV June 28-29, 1997 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Top Gun Drag Strip 12 Miles South of Fallon Hwy 95 July 26-27, 1997 Top Gun Twilight Race Fallon NV Dusty Times August JO-September 1, ·1997 WlflPLASH MOTORSPORTS Cordoba, Argentina Yerington to Fallon & Back 2939 E. Grovers June 6-19, 1997 125 Mile Point to Point & Return Phoenix, AZ 85023 Acropolis Rally 'T'Fie Checkered· :Ffae Race Headquarters: Casino West (602) 971-3730 Athens, Greece Yerington, NV WISCONSIN August 1-5, 1997 October 4-5, 1997 OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Rally of New Zealand Is ..'A.t :Jfa(f :Mast. Fall Short Course Race Terry or Bev Friday Manakau City, New Zealand 1 Mile Short Course Race 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 August 29 -September 1, 1997 Lonnie Jfawiins Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA Oshkosh, WI 54901 Neste 1000 Lakes Novem~r 1-2, 1997 (414)688-5509 Jyvaskyla, Finland 1997 Season Championship FIA WORLD RALLY September 17-21, 1997 Went On :Jfis Last 1 Mile Short Course Race CHAMPIONSHIP Rally of Indonesia Prairie Ci~ SVRA, Sacramento, CA March 6-7, 1997 Medan, Indonesia United Arab Emirates October 11-15, 1997 WESTERN OFF ROAD March 22-27, 1997 Pre-Jiun RACING ASSOCIATION Rally d'Italia Larry Henderson Rally of Portugal Sanremo, Italy (604) 538-0692 Figueira da Foz, Portugal October JO-November 3, 1997 Sat11:rday WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 April 13-16, 1997 Rally of Australia Sumas, WA 98295 Rally of Spain Perth Australia Catalunya-Costa Brava November 21-24, 1997 :February 8, 1997. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Spain Network QRAC Rally WHEEL TO WHEEL May 4-9, 1997 Chester, England OFF ROAD RACING Tour de Corse SOLO:N(g Patrick McGuire Rally of France 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1255 Waverly Drive Corsica 1665 Delaware St. .1-f.'A W .X Latrobe, PA 15650 May 20-24, 1997 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (412)532-0802 Rally of Argentina (414) 426-0470/ (414) 982-7306 llllinner's Circle Dave Sykes Was Flawless In Parker Stock Truck Win Dave Sykes of San Diego, CA ran a near perfect race in taking the Stock Full truck class victory at the SCORE Parker 400 in his Bilstein shock-equipped Andataco Ford F-150 pickup. Sykes, the 1995 SCORE class champion, drew the second starting position and took the class lead within the first 10 miles. He domin-ated throughout winning by over 15 minutes. The Andataco Ford team, running exclusively on Bilstein shocks, made a strong showing at Parker. Sykes' brother, Marc Stein, finished second in the same class while their teammate Gordon Decarlo took fourth also among Stock Full drivers. "The win at Parker was a flawless race," said Joe Haight, Sykes crew chief. "Bilstein shocks really made a difference for us." Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 <i, KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX: 619/453-0770 April 1997 Page 7 .

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SURPRISE WINNER AT SCORE'S PARKER 400 John Herder Wins First Time Out Troy Herbst gave it the good fight all race long but was unable to hold first in Class 1, settling for second and second overall. John Who? That was the question as John Herda charged through the pack to take the overall win as well as the Class 1 at the Parker 400. His win skyrocketed John Herder into contender status for the season points. John Herder has been racing for about three years, but the Ari:ona driver was a virtual unknown at the Parker 400; one of those cars no one remembered to watch. That is, until he'd finished his first lap and they figured out that he had the lead. And he still had that lead at the end of the day, winning overall in his Type IV powered Jimco. SCORE's season opener was a little shorter this year, after the amputation of about 20 miles of the course, and the total length worked out to about 33 7 .6 miles. As is usual at Parker, the three ended up taking the original laps were not identical lengths, outward-bound road back to the thanks to the arrangement of the start/ finish, measured 117 miles start/ finish line. The cars were according to SCORE's informa-flagged off alongside the river, tion packet. down near the Blue Water The weather is sometimes a Marina, whereupon they traveled major factor at Parker, but this about 13 rocky miles before they year Mother Nature didn't play hit the main part of the course. dirty. There'd been a string of Then they circumnavigated the storms in Southern California, loop, completing 113 .6 miles on and a few of them had traveled lap one. The second lap didn't in'land to dampen the desert travel down into the neighbor-around t'arker a bit, but the rain hood of the start line, and held off for Friday and Saturday therefore measured just 107 of the race weekend. While miles, while lap three, which . Friday had been sunny and bright, Saturday dawned cloudy and windy. This wasn't terribly comfortable for the spectators, but it meant that none of the racers had to start off into a blinding rising sun, nor did they drive into a blinding setting sun at the end of the day. The clouds hung around for the duration, and the wind helped clear the course of dust. Very nice racing weather. The cars started out at 7:30 a.m., single file, thirty seconds apart. The Trophy Trucks, now racing as a regular SCORE class, started in front.Jeff Lewis had his Chevrolet at the front of the pack by the end oflap one, with a zippy Trophy Trucks are running with the rest of the pack now but it mattered little to Curt LeDuc as he brought the Jeep Cherokee home first in Trophy and third overall. . average speed of 59 miles per hour, and only 10 seconds in front of Curt LeDuc in his Jeep. Mike Tieman, in a Chevrolet, was ', third, about five minutes later. Tim and Ed Herbst had blown the front shocks on their Ford and spent a long time with repairs, while Danny and Marty Letner were changing a transmission in their Chevy. On the second lap Lewis lost his motor, and Tieman dis-appeared for undisclosed reasons. LeDuc now had a shoo-in, if he could but finish. He decided to cool it and concentrate on getting to the finish line, hoping to time it just right so he'd get the overall . win, as well as the class victory. But his timing was off, and while he won the Trophy Truck race handily, he was able to finish only third in the overall ranks. The Herbsts were second, over two hours behind him, and the Letners were third, another four hours later, after replacing a c. v. joint and a U-joint. LeDuc's average speed for the race was 58.03 mph. In the Unlimited class Herder's bright red and yellow Type IV poweredJimco had the spectators taking notice, as he forged , through traffic. He'd started 24th and was sixth on the road when he finished that first lap, and had over three minutes on Troy Herbst in a Porsche powered Mike Smith chassis. In third it was Bob Gordon in his Toyota Chenowth, and Rick and Randy Wilson ran fourth in their A-armed Jimco. John Cooley was fifth in Carlton Post's '97 Jimco. At the end of the second loop, Herder was second on the road, with only Herbst in front of him. Herbst was second on corrected time, and Gordon held third, about three minutes back. In fourth it was the Wilsons, followed by Doug Fortin, Jr. in his V 4 Chevy powered Chenowth. But the W ilsons lost ground on the last lap when they broke a . trailin arm, and Fortin dis-Bob Gordon gave it everything he had in the race to the checkers in Class 1 but ended up third in class, about 12 minutes out of first. Ray Croll enjoyed his first race in Class 1. using the Toyota motor to take him to a solid fourth in class and Ray is certainly looking forward to the rest of the season. Page a April 1997 I appeared all together. On that last lap Herbst charged 1 hard, hoping to shake Herder, but I it wasn't possible. Herbst crossed the finish line first, but Herder i showed up in time to get the overall victory, and bump Herbst to second, five minutes and 37 seconds back. Herder's average speed was 59 .534. In third place it was Gordon, who'd had a shock , problem and Ray Croll moved up to fourth, enjoying the power of his new four cylinder Toyota, in his first race in the unlimited class. Croll had been a Class 10 racer for years. Mark McMillin finished fifth, saying he'd run in . fourth and fifth gears full time in ' his Porsche powered Chenowth. The Class 8 trucks were next to take off, and Brian Collins put his Chevy out in front, a narrow 42 seconds in front of teammate Dale White in another Chevy. In third it was Dave W esthem in another Chevy, while last year's season champions, Dave Ashley and Dan 'Smith, were struggling with flats, ,and ran fourth in their Ford. !Collins increased his lead to five minutes on the second lap, and it lwas still White in second place. now Ashley and Smith were up to !third, and Steve Sourapas had moved to fourth. Sourapas, in a Dodge, was out for his first race in a Class 8 truck, a big switch from his previous ride in a buggy. Collins looked good for the win, but part way through the last lap he lost a steering box, and also replaced the rear end which had been going away during the second lap. White moved to the front and came home with the win, even without power steering for the final 50 miles. He averaged '54.29 mph. Ashley and Smith were having a transmission replaced and W esthem had lost two hours on the second lap. 1Dave Vanyo and Bryan Christen-\sen finished second in their first , race, which was also the first race ;for their truck, a '94 Ford which 'they'd spent the last year and a · half building. Lonnie Helmbolt and Vernon Lamprey were third in a '67 Ford Stepside. Ashley and Smith salvaged a fourth place, two and a half hours behind the winning truck. Class 10, ·which started next, has a new look for '97. It's been split. In an effort to bring back the racers who own cars based on the VW beam-type suspension, which are powered by VW air cooled motors, SCORE has segregated them. Actually; they can still race with the A-arm water . cooled folks if they like the challenge, but for those who choose it, there's a new class, . called SCORE Lites_, _meant Dusty Times

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Ed Herbst was literally flying as he tried to make up time after a first lap problem. Ed settled tor the silver after a day long chase in Trophy Truck class. David Vanyo drove the neat looking Ford to second in Class B, the first race tor them and the truck, can't do much better that that. Robert Harman took his Jimco to a nice second place in Class 10, running hard all day and ending up two minutes in arrears. exclusively for cars with the. beam-type suspension and air cooled moters of 1776cc or 1835cc. SCORE started the water cooled Class 10s just behind the Class 8 trucks, and when they completed the first loop it was Jerry Penhall in front, with three and a half minutes on Rod Muller and Mike Halliday in their Pontiac powered A-armedJimco. In third it was Robert Harman in his 1776cc VW powered beam-type Lothringer. Harman didn't think there had been any need to split the classes. Running fourth it was Chris Harrold in a new Acura powered A-armed Jimco, while the team of Larry Foddrill and Jim Greenway were fifth in a Toyota powered Chenowth. Penhall's lead had grown to nearly five minutes by the end of the second lap, and it was still Muller and Halliday in second place, after two flats. In third it was now Jim and Mike Zupano-vich in a beam-type J .M .R. powered by a Toyota, and driving conservatively because they knew the starter wasn't working and they couldn't afford to get into a fix with a stalled motor. Foddrill and Greenway were fourth, their rear suspension not right, and Bill Hernquist and Scot Cochran held . fifth place in a 1776cc VW . losing about 20 minutes. Seeley powered A-arm had an uneventful day and took Penhall disappeared on the the win. Sohren, who lost his third lap and Halliday and Muller, clutch on the last lap, was second their power steering gone for about l ?minutes later. Jakobsen much of the lap, moved up to the finished third another six minutes front and took the win. Harman, back. All three drove all the way. who'd had a blinking oil light to Seeley's average speed was 4 7.542 worry him some, finished second, mph. a little over two minutes later. He The SCORE Lites, the air said his biggest problem had been cooled Class 10 cars, started next, four chase vehicles on the course and it was Arturo Honold and on the last lap. In third it was the Rafael Echegollen, in a Jimco, Zupanovich team. Hernquist and with 1776 ccs, in front at the end Cochran were fourth, and of the first lap. They had 18 Cochran, who drove the last lap seconds on J.C. Dean and Billy was happy to get to the finish so and Robby Goerke in their he could remove the spare rocker 1835cc powered two seater. In arm from his-uh-lap, where he'd third it was Tom Ridings in a carrieditjustincase.Foddrilland Mirage, and Jay Reichart was Greenway who'd had to revalve fourth in another Mirage. George their shocks and weld their spark . Erl ran fifth in his Raceco. On the arrestor back on, were fifth. second lap Honold and Eche-gollen continued to lead, and now they had almost two minutes on Dean and the Goerkes. Erl had moved up to third, with Clay Flippin and Thomas Franczak in fourth in their Raceco. Ron Dalke and Jason Cobb had their Raceco up to fifth. Honold, who did more driving than he planned to, because Echegollen got sick partway through his section, led the class most of the way through the third lap, and then had major front end problems. As he made repairs Dean and the Goerkes, whose crew chief told us they wouldn't have raced if the class hadn't been split, went to the front. They'd had no problems beyond an early run-in with a truck that cost them their front bumper. They went on to take the win with an average speed of 50 .02 miles per hour, and 45 minutes in front of the second place car. That was Dalke and Cobb, who'd outlasted their rear suspension and had to wait for gas at one pit. In third it was Ridings, who'd broken a valve spring on the second lap, and fourth place went to Erl, who said he'd had a terrible day, with a broken c .v. on the last lap. Honold and Echegollen managed to get back in time to earn fifth place, disappointed to finish so far back after doing so well for most of the day. In the l-2-1600s, which had a good sized group for this race, the early lead belonged to Frank Rusich and ,,,-& U • ILTE S In Class 5 Pete Sohern took the first lap lead in his Fodfab, but he had only a scant 59 seconds on George Seeley in his Seeley special. Enrique Ruiz ran third, about four minutes later. Mike Jakobsen, in his Mig Tee, had a caliper problem, and also picked up a nail that flattened a tire. YOUR o,,-RoAD SPECIALISTS/ Seeley went into the lead on the second lap, with 40 seconds on Sohren. Jakobsen moved up to third, and Ruiz fell to fourth after . w Iii iii > w z w ..J CTS PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 en 23.66 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME T2 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER .......................................... MRB-86-9305 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOL Y ..................... MCK-0108 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-3 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR .............................. :MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE 1 •••••••••••••••••• ::-: •••••••••••••• HDR-113-501~331 CV JOl:NTTYPE II .................................. HDR-211-501-331B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501 -331D 875 STD BALL ............................ :: .......... HYP-19005 934 STD BALL ........................•. : ........ : .... H.YP-19006 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S m 6 m :Jl en C Dale White drove the good looking Chevy to a solid first place in Class 8, beating out the competition and finishing in just a bit over six hours. THREADED DIFF .... , ................. MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 m m Class 10belonged to Rod Muller and Mike Halliday as their Jimco ran second most of the day and took the lead on the last lap for the big win. Dusty Times ::c w :::, ..J a, C w u a. ~ CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 CV GREASE ................................................ s·wE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 ~<CV.GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY STD BOOT ············ .. ···································suP-101 S~ BOOT ................................................ ... SUP..102-BATES BOOT ........... . .............................. BAT-BOOT 930 l;lOTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 934 ROTAT LEATH~~ ................................ STC-6001 E FLOATER NO BAG -LE,A.THER ............. STC-6010 L FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 RACE DIFF T-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .......................... MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVERS/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 f;; o · ::c " 5 • $1M~SON • BEARD SEATS • IPF • KC • . CIBIE LIGHTS e BUG,PACK e REDl.lNE QIL e FUEL SAFE e OEM ·• SWAY·~:W/\Y . e S&S April 1997 Page 9

Page 10

Pete Sohren led on the first lap, slipped to second on lap two, lost the clutch on lap three but still got the silver medal in Class 5. Ron Dalke worked his way through the Class 12 pack, had a few major problems along the way but took second place in class and was happy to be there at the end. Tom Ridings took his Class 12 Mirage to a neat third in class, in spite of some real troubles on the second lap. · .,-_ Gary Gall, in a J imco. They had just six seconds on Scott Webster and Rodney Wolfe in their ORBS, and they were only 40. seconds up on Bekki Freeman in her Bunderson. Then there was a tie for fifth between Jason Hatz in his Dunrite and Arden Dennington. The fifth place cars were just one minute and one second behind first place. Hatz moved into the lead on the second lap, even though he was having some trouble seeing, because his pumper helmet had quit and he had to drive with the visor up, and was in quite a lot of dust. Now Craig Forrest and John Prosser had come up to second place in their Mirage, having lost a little time with repairs to their mandatory rear-facing amber light. In third it was Darnen Jefferies, in a Jimco, whose spark plug wires kept popping off, and then came Gus Vildosola and Charlie Watters in their new Jimco. They'd replaced their points and had a rock in a power steering belt. Rusich and Gall had fallen to fifth, nine minutes behind the leader, and then they didn't come around again . Freeman fell back with two flats on the same side at the same time, and later her motor was reduced to three cylinders. And Webster and Wolfe broke a rear adjuster finger and lost a lot of time replacing it. Hatz had n.o problems, or at least he didn't think he had any. His alternator was about to fall off, and his pit crew knew it, but they didn't tell him, because they didn't want him to slow down. So he didn't, and it lasted long enough for him to get the win, a nice way to break in a new car. He averaged 48.46 mph. Forrest and Prosser were second, only a little over five minutes later, followed in by Jeffries, a minute and 45 seconds behind them. In fourth it I was Patrick Burton and Nick Bruinsma, in a Suspensions Unlimited car which Bruinsma · had rolled on the first lap. Vildosola and Watters finished fifth. The Pro Tucks started next, and in this group the first lap leader was Steve Barlow in his Ford, with almost 10 minutes on the second place truck of Michael James and Mike Kalicki. This team has switched from a Class 5 car for this season. In third it was Scott Steinberger and Todd Clement in a Ford, only a minute back. Steinberger has moved into • Pro Trucks from Class 7S, but . Clement was driving in the class his horn shorted and caused the last year. Also new to the trucks motor to quit . M i 11 er , not was Ryan Thomas, who had knowing what had happened, nearly no seat time in his Dodge thought he'd run out of gas, and before the start of the race, and lost a bunch of time before the was finding that he needed to real culprit was discovered. employ a different driving style ln Class 7 it was no contest. from what he used in his Larry Roeseler got to drive the unlimited buggy. Barlow, another Chevrolet all the way, and except one who had trouble with a for an early brake problem which pumper helmet giving up, was he had fixed at Swansea, where squinting through the dust, and they also discovered a broken held onto his lead through the spring, and fixed it on the same second lap. Thomas moved into stop, had had no trouble. When second place, and Chuck Harris, Roeseler has no trouble he's hard last year's champion, was now in to beat, and everyone else in the third in his Chevy. Steinberger class did have trouble this time. and Clement had trouble with Chris and Rick Taylor ran second bolts coming loose, and Harris on the first lap, in their Ford, with had tire trouble, brake trouble Tracy Rubio and Scott Murphy, and more, after becoming also in a Ford, in third, about 10 distracted for a moment and minutes later. running into something. By the end of the second lap Barlow didn't even have a flat Roeseler had over two hours on to slow him down, and with a the Taylors. Bob Land, who'd clean run ( except for the dust been in the hunt in his Ford, had inside his helmet), he went on to lost his motor, and Rubio and take the win, finishing a beautiful Murphy had broken also. Now it 12th overall, with an average was Damien Mavis and Pat speed of 51.008 miles per hour. Arnold in third, in a Chevrolet. James and Kalicki were second, They had blown a water-pump almost an hour later, and Steve gasket, and had front balljoint Miller was third in his Chevrolet. trouble, as well as rear end Miller, who used to race Class 10, problems, but kept moving. was delighted with his truck even Roeseler, with nothing going after a quirky problem. It seems - wrong, moved on smartly to take -m ~ , F-A ';E:~ 1$'-the win, enjoying his first solo drive in the truck. He averaged 50.3 miles per hour. The Taylors faded away on lap three, and Mavis and Arnold moved up to take second place, over four hours behind Roeseler. Class 7S didn't show up in big numbers, but they had a good race nontheless. Brady Helm and Bob Graham had their Toyota in front at the end of the first lap, with Bruce Land field and Brett Turley only about four minutes back in their Lothringer Weapon, after a flat. Landfield :>.nd Turley started under something of a handicap, not having got to Parker until about 3 a.m. on race morning. Helm and Graham had to make a quick repair to a lower A-arm mount, but still had about 15 minutes lead at the end of the second lap. But on the third lap their front suspension was going away, and they slowed a bit, letting Land field and Turley close up. At the finish it was Helm and Graham taking the win by just six minutes. In Class 5-1600, the early lead belonged to Danny and Mario Ledezma, and they had eight minutes on second place Red Burgin and Rich Fersc9. In third it was Guillermo· .,,,-George Seeley took the lead in Class 5 on lap two, and after a trouble free run all race, cruised to the checkers with about seventeen minutes in hand. AIRBORNE OFF-ROAD RACING BAITERIES have been race tested and proven in the extreme racing conditions of Southern California, Arizona deserts, and Baja, California. They have been race tested and proven since 1981 and have been in the Winner's Circle numerous times. We now offer the most High Tech Off-Road Racing Battery available -the Airborne Off-Road PRO-SERIES. Manufactured with aerospace technology by the company who is the exclusive manufacturer of batteries for some of the most high tech military aircraft in the world; including the Stealth Fighter. The type of battery these aircraft use is VR.S.L.A.B. technology (Valve-Regulated Sealed Lead Acid Batteries) making gel electrolyte batteries obsolete. This technology immobilizes the electrolyte in a fiberglass mat material. Every other plate is enveloped in a polypropylene pouch making internal shorts virtually nonexistent. Our modified versions are handmade and each cell is bonded at the bottom and top of the battery and has inter-cell connections twice the size of other batteries. These modifications make it possible to take the constant pounding that short-out normal batteries. Our batteries have a high cranking amp rating along with excellent deep-cycle capabilities. They can be mounted in any position. This battery is truly state-of-the-art and has been race tested and proven. We are so confident of the quality of this product it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and a 6-month full-replacement warranty. This is probably why people like Dan Cannon (4 time Class 7S La Rana Champ), Kent Lothringer (Class 10 SNORE and Overall 1996 Champ), Craig Dillon and Randy Spahr (1996 La Rana Overall Champs) and Dennis Peterson (1996 Class 1600 La Rana Champ) all have won using our product. For more information contact: BATIERY SALES UNLIMITED, 651 E. Alosta Avenue, Glendora, CA91740; (818) 914-3717 /FAX: (818) 914-2121. Page 10 April 1997 JC Dean and the brothers Goerke were second on the first two laps, took the lead on the last lap and took home all the marbles in Class 12 ( SCORE Lites). Dusty Times

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George Erl was fifth on lap one, mov.ed up to third on lap two, bvt disaster struck on the third lap and he ended up fourth in Cl.i::.s 12. The Burton/Bruinsma 1600 rolled over on the first lap but they raced on to finish fourth in 1600, shown here passing Bekki Freeman's ailing car. r~l . .,,,.,, .. · ... , . . .. Da111ien Mavis and Pat Arnold had lots of trouble in their Chevy b,:t 111mg in there and ended up second in Class 7. Richardson/Bunch/Perrault, eta/ gave it all they had but were onlv able to garner second place in Class 9. Bob Hayley and Steve 01/iges had some power steering problems early on but still took third in Stock Full, only four minutes out of second place. Page 12 Craig Forrest and John Prosser had a decent day, a few minor problems but they managed to get into second place in 1600 in their Mirage. The two Mikes, James and Kalicki ran their first Pro Truck race and finished a great second place. looking for first in San Felipe. Gerardo tribe and his dad broke a c.v. on lap one but continued the chase and ended up in second spot in 5-1600. Jeff Geiser had driving help from the Pierce's, had a few problems but went on to take third place in Class 9. Leo Brown and Mike Horner had all their problems on lap one, drove their Ford hard as they could and took second in Mini at Parker. April 1997 Darnen Jeffries had electrical problems all race long but hung in there for third in 1600, only a minute out of second place. Steve Miller took his Chevy to a nice third in Pro Truck after fighting a most unusual electrical problem during the race. A slight rollover and subsequent help from Bob Wright, a-rel/ow 5-1600 competitor enabled Frank Omboli to grab third place in the Arizona desert. Marc Stein and his Ford were fifth. then third and finally moved into second place for a nice finish in Stoc-" Full. The Kiely/Woodward Class 11 started late, got lost, lost some shocks but still gathered in second place, the end of a perfect day. r,r Dusty Times

Page 13

Contact Jim Conner Racing for KC H.I.D!IS and the entire KC Product Line at: 520/855-0912 I INTENS DISC Aven'ida De Luces Williams, AZ 86046 (520) 635-2607 © 1997 KC HILITES, Inc . .. --------------- --.. _4' _________ ---______ ... -----------------------·--·--·-· .......... ---~-................ ·········• •·•·•·• ..................................................... ..

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Twenty-two 1600s took the green flag, Jason Hatz was fifth on lap one, moved into the lead on lap two and took the checkers in his brand new car. f/ir Quintero and had run into a car in the dust and Francisco Ortiz, Jr. Eric and rolled his own Bug, landing on the Shane Pavolka ran fourth. lid. Fellpw 5~1600 competitor Gerardo Iribe had broken a c.v. Bob Wright stopped to help him on the first lap, and Frank Omboli get it back on its wheels, proving &CORI PARKER 400 , P• Dttver~ AESUL T1-J11nuary n, 24, • 1N1 Vehlde Tin. . 0/A a... Trophy-TNCk-7awt • a flnleh 43 1 Curt LeOuc Jeep Cherokee 5:49112 3 53 2 Ed & Tlm Herbs! Ford 8:15:27 53 91 3 Danny & Marty Leiner Chevy 12:5'1:54 a... 1/2-Unllmlted Single & Two -t • 22 etart • 15 tlnlllh 124 1 John Herder Jlmco Type 4 5:40:1• 1· 106 2 TroyHeibst Mike SmMh Porache 5:'5:51 2 119 3 Bob Gordon Frank Arclero Jr. Toyote Chenowth 5:52:24 4 110 4 RayCroN Toyota Jlmco 5:57:52 5 109 5 Mark McMlllln Porsche Chenowth 8:05:50 4 118 8 Kory Scheeler/8.J. Richardson Toyota/Jlmco 6.07.28 5 Qua 1-2-1800 -1800cc Afftrlc:1ed Engine• 22 atart • 15 tlnlllh 1801 19 JuonHatz Don Hatz VW/Ounrlte 8:57:58 111 1808 20 Craig ForesVJohn PrO&Ur Mirage Stealth 7:03:01 20 1810 22 Darnen Jefferies Jlmco 7:0.-:08 22 1812 25 Patrick Burton/Nick Brulnsma Tool Raoe/Home bultt 7:15:35 25 1808 28 Gustavo Vildosola/Charlie Watters Jlmco/Major VW 7:22:46 28 a... 3-Short we 4x4 • 2 atart • 2 tlnlah 300 1 Todd & Jim Gatrell Chevy Blazer 11:43:40 74 301 2 Darren Skilton Kia Sportage 10:18:41 711 0.M 4-Long WB 4x4 • 0 atart • 0 flnlllh 0.M 6 • Unlimited Baja Bug • 5 atart. 4 ftnlah 508 1 George Seeley Baja Bug 8:49:25 17 501 2 Pete Sohren Gelger Fod Fab 7:08:03 23 502 3 Michael Jaoobson/ Mike Kallckl Baja Bug 7:1:15 2, 505 .. Enrique Rulz/GuHlerrno Leon Baja Bug 8:13:46 51 ClaM 5-1800. 1800cc Baja Bug. 8 atart • 4 flnlah 552 1 Danny & Marlo Ledezma Baja Bug 7:51:15 40 553 2 Gerardo & Carlos lribe Baja Bug 8:52:18 65 558 3 Frank OPrri>oll & Jim Cochran Baja Bug 11:19:11 70 Cl•aa a. Produetlon S.dan • o ,art • o flnl•h ClaM 7. Unllmlted Mini Pickup. e atart. 3 flnlllh 701 1 Larry Roeseler/Jerry McDonald Chevrolet S-1 o 9:09:38 30 702 2 Robert Land/Don McCarthy Ford Ranger 12:24:27 55 703 3 Chris & Rick Taylor Ford Ranger 12:25:44 56 0.M 7S • Stock Mini Pickup • 8 aart • 8 flnlllh 724 1 Soott Steinberger/Larry Plank Ford Ranger 9:31 :08 38 725 2 Brady Helm/Bob Graham Toyota 11:57:44 37 739 3 Charles David Sr JSteve Ogle Ford 11:09:54 52 722 .. Steve Luport/Mlke Duenas Ford 11:43:29 53 723 5 Sean Mecham Ford 12:33:11 57 CIHa 8 • 2WD Standard Pickup • 9 atart • 6 flnlah 800 1 Dan Smith/Dave Ashley Ford F150 7:29:30 5 805 2 Dave Westhem'Randy Salmon! Chevrolet 8:07:19 13 803 3 Darren & Gavin SklMon Jeep Grand Cherokee 8:09:07 14 801 4 Dave Crinklaw/John Penner Ford 10:28:46 46 809 5 Mark Anderson/Beny Canela Ford 10:47:06 49 a ... 9 • R••trlc:1ed Buggy • 9 atart. 3 flnlah 905 1 Greg Anderson/David Barron Fortune 11 :03:08 51 906 2 Jorge & Mango Vargas/Adrian Lozano J.E.F.E. 12:5'1:28 59 907 3 Kim Peterson/Joseph Key Jlmco 13:24:43 81 Oaaa 10. Unllmltad 11150cc. 211 atart -19 tlnlah 1008 1 Andrew Wehe Jlmco 7:22:29 3 1005 2 Larry Bolin Racaco 7:50:42 9 1020 3 Ray CrolVTom Rhodes Jlmco 8:10:22 15 1023 .. Dan Worley Jlmco 8:37:14 22 1028 5 BIii HemqulsVKevln Basore Jlmco 8:52:51 27 Claaa 11 • Stock VW Mdan • 1 alllrt • 1 flnlllh (this class was only required to COl'rf)lete 270.55 miles- 2 laps) 1101 1 Matt McGra1h/Jeff Hanson VW Beetle 11:53:50 Oaaa 2 Pro Truck•. A SPEC CLASS· 5 atart • 3 tlnlah 280 1 Charries Harris Chevrolet 9:19:37 31 255 2 Rick & Jamie Gall88 Chevrolet 9:30:37 34 210 3 Gustavo VIidosoia/Brian Stewart Ford 9:33:48P2 311 ClaH Mini Stock • Stock Mini Trucka • 8 atart. 5 tlnlah (this class was only required to COl'rf)lete 270.55 miles) 780 1 Steve WIiiiams/Ai Harris Ford Ranger 7:37:18 788 2 Leo Brown/Soott Moffatt Ford Ranger 8:05:28 777 3 Macrae Glass/Greg Foutz Ford 9:38:41 764 .. Jeff Richardson/Sleva Harrie Toyota 10:31:12 782 5 Steve GharnarVPeter Saldana Toyota 11:55:5'1 CIHa Stock Full • Stock Pickup Truck• • 8 atart • 5 ftnlah (this class was only rcarloequlred to OOl'rf)lete 270.55 miles) 870 1 Steve Olllges/John SWll1 Ford Lightening 8:15:35 860 2 David Sykes/Gordon OICa~o Ford 7:11:32 863 3 Marc Stein Ford 6:50:56PI 864 4 James HalVRichle Mandel Ford 9:17:20 879 5 Robert Hayley/Jarit Johnson Ford 10:25:18 Sportaman Oaaa • 3 atart • 1 tlnlah (this class was only required to COl'rf)leta 270.55 miles) 1051 1 Stan Ragsdale CRlS 7:34:11 Starters • cars 151 -finishers, cars 99 (Including Trophy-Trucks) • 65% Raoa Distance• Trophy Trucka 197.211 m11.., Sportaman cla-• 270.55 miles Raoa Distance 3117.33 miles for Proa Fut Tlme • Cars/Trucka- Blent Grlzzla/Oale Ebbtorla • Cllu 1 Jlmco • 7:17:17 Weather: clear, aunny. warm. No wind. dully Page ~4 in still another ford. Fourth place belonged to Herb and Christine Reno in still another Ford, while Marc Stein was fifth, 19 seconds later in, yup, a Ford. There was a Chevrolet, driven by Mike McComas, and at this point he was sixth, 46 seconds further back. Pro Trucks belonged to Steve Barlow who had a trouble free race, no mechanical problems or flats and took the class by almost an hour and twelfth overall as well. Sykes, who was driving the same truck he's run for several years, held his lead, and had 20 minutes at the end of the second lap. Olliges and Hayley, who'd lost power steering fluid when a nut backed off, were second, with Stein now up to third. He'd been run into extra hard early in the day, and when he had a flat discovered tha the hit had runined his jack, so it took a long time to change the tire. Oliver and Griffith were now fourth, and Gordon DiCarlo and Greg Woodington were fifth in the new Ford that will be Sykes's from now on. They were "testing" it for him. once again that off roaders are terrific people. On the second lap the Led-ezmas held their lead, and still had eight minutes ~n Burgin 1,tnd Fersch. Iribe and his dad, Carlos, had moved into third place. The Pavolkas were out, as was Good Samaritan Wright. Quintero and Ortiz lost an hour and a half on that lap and Omboli and his cc;>-driver, Jir? Cochran, were up to fourth. On the third lap the Ledezmas tossed an alternator belt, but had no other trouble, and took the win. They had just a little over 10 minutes on Burgin and Fersch. But the tech team discovered something illegal in Burgin's. carburetor, and DQ'd the car. That moved the Iribe family up to second place, almost exactly an hour behind the winner. Omboli had a rock in a caliper and thought his transmis-sion was going on the last lap, so he babied the car for a while, until the rock apparently wore down to nothing, or tell out, and the noise stopped. He and Cochran took third, saying it was their first trouble free race since '95. In Class 9 the first lap leader was the team of Michael Faulkner and Rick Poole in a Jimco. They got a late start because their plugs fouled at the start, but still had 11 minutes on Rich Richardson in another Jimco. In third it was the team of Jeff Geiser, Greg Pierce and Jason Pierce, all racing for the first time, in a Geiser / Dirtrix. This crew is all related to Jim Pierce, in Class 10, who surely gave them all sorts of good advice, and the benefit of an experienced support team. Lobsam and Eli Yee, from Tijuana, 1 ... , fourth iri th-err '93 SPCNS. Chuck Hovey and Martin Christensen had fixed a broken balljoint on their Jimco, and were fifth. At the end of the second lap it was still Poole and Faulkner in front, and now they had about 12 minutes on Richardson's co~ driver, Billy Bunch. In third it was the Pierce/Geiser team, who'd had a flat. The Y ees lost some time when Eli rolled over, but they were still fourth, with Hovey and Christensen close in fifth. Poole and Faulkner had only one problem, a plug wire that fell off, and held a steady pace to get the win. It was Poole's third victory at Parker, but the first win for the car. In second it was Richardson, Bunch and their third driver, Doug Perrault, who complained about being "out of shape." Third went to the ,Geiser/ Pierce team, who'd lost their antenna and had no communications most of the day. lfovey and Christensen came up April 1997 to fourth, squeaking by the fifth place Yees by just 19 seconds. In Class Stock Full, the first lap leader was David Sykes in his Ford, driving in silence, his radio and intercom both out of order. He had seven minutes on second place Steve Olliges, in Robert Hayley's Ford, and in third it was Darren Oliver and Rick Griffith Sykes had a clean day, and took the win with about 15 minutes to spare. Stein, who also drove all the way, finished second, ~ith > " Larry Roessler ran the Chevy solo this race and with just a few minor problems he rocketed around the course for an easy Class 7 win. The Helm/Grady Toyota held the lead all race long in Class 7S, were slowed with suspension problems near the end but took the win by six minutes. Danny and Mario Ledezma took the lead early in 5-1600 and there they stayed all race, had a minor problem on the last lap but took the win by nearly an hour. Dusty Times •

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Hayley and Olliges in third place. Di Carlo and Woodington were fourth, and McComas and his co-driver, Steve Christensen got their first finish in the Chevy, in fifth place. · The Stock Mini trucks didn't have a go0d day. Allen Russell and Scott relt started out in the lead in their Toyota, with 'Jreg Foutz, Mike Martin and Si:eve Wheeler runri~g second in their Ford, less than a minute back. In . third it was Allen Harris and Steve Williams in their Ford. On the second lap Foutz, W~eeler and Martin moved into the lead, with Williams and Harris second, as Russell dropped to third. Leo Brown and Mike Horner, another Ford, were fourth after a kng first lap because of a siezed bearing that caused the wheel to come off, and then a radiator that had to be replaced. They were running strong now. Williams and Harris continued to have a good run, and finished first, with Russell, who'd had rear shock problems, second, a half hour later. Meanwhile, out on the course, Foutz, Wheeler and Martin were down to five cylinders and their transmission was going away. They tried driving in reverse for about five miles, but that broke the rear end. So they stopped and welded it, then took two junk transmissions and combined them into one usable one, and installed it in the truck. All this took a couple hours. Meanwhile, Brown and Horner were still running fine, ;and closing up on them some. And, back at the finish line, someone decided that the tech inspectors needed to look at the Williams/Harris truck, which had already been released, so it was recalled to the tech area. Upon inspection the inspector decided that it had· an illegal firewall, so they disqualified it. Stock Full Class had some great racing but the race belonged to David Sykes The team of Poole and Faulkner made it look easy as they raced to the win in in his Ford who had a perfect day and took the class win with fifteen minutes their Jimco in Class 9, winning the class by twenty minutes. to spare. Then they decided to look at trouble with a-motor mount that They'd put in so many hours Russell's truck for good measure, kept coming loose and a spring getting ready for the race that they and didn't like something about tha! wor~ed loose also. Mea~-overslept on race morning and his motor mounts, so they while, Skilton had found that his started the race 45 minutes late. disqualified him also. Now they fuel pickup worked only if the Then they managed to get lost. had no finishers, But after about fuel tank was nearly· full, so he They were a half hour behind the an hour and a half the Foutz/ -kept stopping to top off the gas. leader at the end of lap one. For Wheeler /Martin team showed The Gatrells too1: the win with this race the Class 11 s were up, to get the win. And another Skilton, who pla_1s. to campaign required to do all three laps, just hour after that Brown and Horner the Kia all season, second by like everyone else. got in to take second place. The about a half hour. On the second lap the Sol-tech people checked them out Class 11 was led by Horacio orzanos disappeared. The Pereyra also, but apparently found and Roman Pereyra at the end of team stayed in front, and now nothing illicit. the first lap, in a '69 VW. In Kiely and Woodward were only Class 3 had only two entries for second it was Dennis Sletten and about 15 minutes behind them. this race, butthey had a great time. Robert Henderson, in a '65, 10 Sletten and Henderson lost an Darren Skilton had the Kia minutes back. Eric and Albert hour and then didn't finish their Sportage that ran the Baja 1000 in Solorzano ran third, while Terry third lap. '95 and then did the taco Kiely and Chris Woodward, ThePereyrashadonlyoneflat, commercial. It hadn't been 1995 class champions, were and nothing but traffic to bother worked on since, so he worried trying to make up for lost time. them 9therwise, and drove a steady pace for the win. But Kiely and Woodward, still fairly embarrassed about oversleeping on race morning, were slowed a bit when their shocks went soft. They got their second place, about 45 mnutes behind the winner. Thete were only two Sports-man cars entered, both in Class 9, and only one of them managed to get a lap done. Jim and John Bridger used up over seven hours to complete one lap in their HiJumper, which gave them the class win. SCORE next.moves to Baja for the e_arly March San Felipe 250, and then on to Las Vegas for i:lie Primm 300, at Stateline. about its transmission a bit. He --------------------------------------had the lead at the end of the first lap, but Todd and Jim Gatrell were only seven minutes behind him in their propane fueled Blazer. Then Skilton had a fuel pickup problem and lost about 40 minutes. The Gatrells had a lead of three minutes at the end of the . second lap, but they were having WE CARRY AURORA, PYROTECT, PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, CACTUS RACING BAKER BATTERIES, SWAY*A *WAY WRIGHT PLACE, SACO, EARLS YOKOHAMA, SUPER TRAP, AUTO FAB SWEPCO, BEL-RAY, TANAKA, S&S BUG-PACK, CHENOWTH, UMP The team of Foutz/Wheeler/Martin had the lead on lap two in Stock Mini but disaster struck on lap three (over six hours) yet they made it to the finish and took the win. BELL HELMETS, KEP, FODDRIL UNI-FILTER, K&N, TRI-MIL, PIAA PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, SCAT COMP-U-FIRE, WEBER CARBS Horacio and Roman Per-:,yra suffered only one flat during the race, watched their mirror ever so carefu/l_v and took first place in Class 11 in just over ten hours. Dusty Times SAND TIRES & RIMS, BOGART WHEELS CNC, CENTERLINE, ULTRA, SIMPSON CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEELS MECHANIX WEAR, RC TRANS, FUEL SAFE & MUCH MUCH MORE ••••• I WE IIRE NOW IIN OFFlfllll t>EIILER FOil FOX i'UOXf !! -··~ " R~8IJ.~7Jl 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW ST #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 891.02 HOURS: II/ION-FRI 9AIIIUJPIIII * SAT 9AM-5PM (702)871-4911 * (702)871-5221 FAX April 1997 Page .15

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Glen Helen 1997 Short Course Cha111pionship Series Round One By Ron Miller l'hotos: Ralph Mason Steve Bishop, who else, dominated the 1-2-1600 Short Course in both heats and began anew his 1997 search for "Racer Of The Year" which he won last year. 1997 was barely a month old, bowl" which was contested the when the gates swung open and Sunday before, the "pack was folks everywhere began descend-back". Perhaps only the return of ing upon Glen Helen's beautiful Springtime (and maybe the com-off-highway vehicle park, for the pletion of traffic school), can opening round of Short Course compare to the feeling one gets action. February 2nd was the when we wipe the slate clean and exact date, and like the "Super-start anew in a fresh season. Only . in Round One can you find a raw "rookie" deadlocked in the stand-ings with the reigning "Racer of the Year". Until that first flag drops, all racers are on even terms, sharing equal space at the top of their class. The dawning of . the '97 series had arrived, and DEST Page 16 April 1997 Jeffrey Hantz piloted his good looking 5-1600 to wins in both heats and his quest for the 1997 points title begins. each aspiring "King" of the ( off) road clearly "had a dream". It was time to begin the long journey, down that familiar road, that would lead to the 1997 cham-pionship crown. Boh, Greg, John, Art, and the rest of the fearless crew, took up their usual positions, as we set sail on a three hour tour that was the '97 opening kickoff. Attendance was impressive as the sports true patriots streamed into the park. These greenback payers packed the stands as the start of the big show neared. The big cheese reported a sparse number of rac-ers on hand, but it seemed to make no difference to the sud-denly large number of cheese heads assembled. There was no penalty for delay of game, espe-cially since entries are sure to increase as the season progresses. ('..s this years players emerged from the huddle and lined up for play, there were some exciting new changes and formations. Sev-eral racers had switched classes and a few even swapped vehicles. A new class made its debut, and an interesting course change was made for ATV racers. O .K., all right, I'll get to the race, just one last item on the importance of 1;etting off to a good start. Word: HOLESHOT pro-nounced (Hol-shawt) noun/defi-nition: 1. To prove fastest of all competitors at the start of a race. 2. The term that describes the act of the racer quickest off the start-ing line when a race begins. 3. Description of the earliest possi-ble leader in a race. (i.e., as in Ramiro Gonzalez again grabbed the holeshot). Finally, without further delay, (and no commmer cial messages) the 1997 curtain is raised. ,,,-Dusty Times

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starter in his class, as he launched his bid for a repeat title with a win. Race three was for Classes 9, 10, 11, 1-2-1600 Short Course, and 5-1600. In 1-2-1600 there were three entrants signed up, and Steve Bishop (#21) again was superb. Showing the form that earned him "Racer of the Year" status in 1996, Bishop had little difficulty separating himself from the others. The result was a pair of decisive victories on the after-noon. Taking second and third in both heats were Sean Ziegert (#5) and Rafael Navarro (#56) respectively. Adam Rasmussen didn't have much competition in Class 10 but took both heats and leads the class in points tor '97. Toby Thiel took the Class 11 win, shown here powering into a turn with all horsepower available. Class 5-1600 had a pair of entrants, and the match race was between Jeffrey Hantz (#588) and Kyle Sullivan ( #553 ). It was Hantz who got his season off to a fast start, when he was able to out-run Sullivan to the "checks" in both heats. Race One was an ATV event praised Yakkey's talent, while cal-for Pro, Intermediate, and our ling for any "Pro" racers out there newest edition, the recently to "come on out". In Intermedi-formed "Beginners Class". Greet- ate Class there were 14 entrants, ing the opening race competitors but it quickly became the Richard was a motocross style set of sue- Yakkey show. Yakkey (#25) dis-cessive jumps, which replaced last tanced himSf!lf from his rivals, years "table top section". While while sweeping both heats 1 and this brought the action much 2.RonHolthaus(#26)hadagood closer to the fans, it sure seemed day and scored a pair of seconds. to take it's toll on the racers. Dave Anderson (#36) was also There was only one "Pro" on consistent and ·scored a pair of hand, and that was (#10) Ron thirds.Fourthinheatonewentto Collins. Collins thusly, scored an Matt Duh,amell (#33), while both uncontested sweep of the two fourth in heat two and overall heats, but last ~ason's Interme-results went to Bryan Yonan diate "Champ" Richard Yakkey (#27). In the debut of the gave him quite a battle. After "Beginner Class", a field of three winning the second heat, Collins. saw action. Racing to a sweep for . • unique high flow piston designed to stop valv • wide teflon coated piston wear band for u .r.:.u~ not drop into large ports. • sealed piston for low speed control • high temperature stainless steel all • unique rod end design and mat 'al • high temperature Viton seals a • Large aluminum reservoir f • • oil • sh • ro • co the day was Mike Johnson (#76). Taking second in the opening heat was Rob Baumsteiger (#72), while the second in heat two and' overall went to G. Miramontes (#88). Race Two was for the Superlite, Pilot and Odyssey classes. It was a big day for Todd Wittman, as he scored the win in both heats, and . did it most convincingly. Wit-tman ( #5X) scored the Pilot Class wins over the only other entrant in the class Clint Wolsey ( #7 ). Con-tinuing the string of sweeps on the day, both Superlite Class wins went to Rennie Awana (#3 ). Awana faced four competitors, and finishing second in heat one to convert 3" hock servic position sensitive coil covers. also available. CNC machine services available. Custom wound 3" shock springs in stock. Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts avail ( air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same person that designed all Kuster Shocks. Page 18 April 1997 was Joe Price (#5). The third and fourth spots went to the husband and wife team of Doug Good-enough (#32) and Stacy Fay (#10) respectively. In heat two and in overall results, the second spot went to Fay, and the third spot to Goodenough. Last sea-son's Odyssey Class Champion Guy Savedra (#88) was the lone Class 9 had a field of four tak-ing part. When last season's "Champ" Dan Mustoe (#900) experienced problems in heat one, an opportunistic Arto Yli-kangas ( #902) raced on to vic-tory. John _,,,-, Ron Collins hurtles into a turn on his way to an uncontested victory in Pro Class. Dusty Times

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WENDOVER, USA 200 MILE OFFROAD RACE MAY 3, 1997 Whar s neHt at the JACKPO 200 • on July 5th at Jackpot Nevada Why go to that httle town?? 'Cause they PRO CLASSES: 180 and 200 MILES -SPORTSMAN CLASS: 100 MILES like ra.cers ... 'Cause REGISTRATION and TECH INSPECTION FRIDAY 4:00 to 8:00 PM at the SILVERSMITH CASINO WEST PARKING LOT DRIVERS MEETING SATURDAY 8:00AM LATE ARRIVALS REGISTER &TECH 7:00 AM SATURDAY at the BUS START/FINISH LINE RACE ','JILL START AT 9:00 AM SHARP SATURDAY START FINISH LINE IN GRAVEL PIT NIE OF WENDOVER OFF EXIT #4 Pro Entry: $245 • Sportsman Entry: $45 • Class 9 -5/1600 & Desert Lites :$165 INSURANCE -ALL CLASSES $90 • USE FEE $10 ALL CLASSES I 6C~to-tpue'9 ... STA1' Lin,/ SILVCR SffilTU WENDOVER CASIDOS NEV AD A 1-800-848-7300 For more information, write: BORE Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 8440 (801) 627-2673 WENDOVER EXPRESS, May 3rd JACKPOT 200, July 5th BONNEVILLE CHALLENGE, Sept. 4th ~ I there isn t any better offroad racing anywhere, 'Cause B.O.R.£. treats racers to low entries, excellent $$$ paybacks with additional cash bonus in every class, 'Cause you will see lots of "new" country on this year's 40 mile loops, and cause the folks I in Jackpot and at B.O.R.£ . , t you to nyou JUL JA, ; OT ~~~~

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r,r Kelty ( #905) took second; with Mustoe next in third. Mustoe however, regained his winning ways in the "main" and powered his way to a fine score. Ylikangas, despite suffering from a painfully sore back, man-aged to hold on to second. Pete Saldana ( #916) finished third in heat two, while Kelty claimed the overall third spot. Ylikangas injured his back just prior to arriving for this race, but still took home a narrow overall win over Mustoe. It had to be a special vic-tory for "Arto", who competed with "the most pain I've ever had". Classes 10 and 11 were both walkovers, as each class had but single entries. The solo score in Class 10 was registered by Adam. Rasmussen ( # 1007 ), while Toby. Thiel ( # 1140) did likewise in Class 11. Competition will even-tually rule in these normally hotly contested classes, as the season wears on. The final race on this abbre-viated program was slated for Classes 7S and 8, and 8S. A quartet of 7S trucks faced the starter, and the day clearly belonged to Ramiro Gonzalez (727). Gonzalez blitzed his foes early.and late to complete his per-fect day, and also get his season off to a fast start. Rick Huseman (#736) raced well and took second in both heats and overall. "Big Bob" Dziurawiec (#731) scored a pair of thirds on the afternoon, to also claim third overall. Dziurawiec, macle a smooth transition from buggy ( 1-2-1600 Desert) to truck, as he made his 7S debut in the. truck Richard Yakkey outdistanced the other 13 entrants in Intermediate Class in both heats for a very successful day. previously driven to three co,1-secutive championships by Dean Williams. Class 8 had only a solitary sign up, which meant that Scott Con-way's (#824) victory was never in doubt. In Class BS a 4-pack did battle, but it was really no contest. Denise Wittman ( #85 7) made her debut in the 8S Class a winning one. With the greatest of ease, Denise stepped up from the Pilot Class to Full-Size truck and took home a pair of victories. Right from the start there were serious problems for the remaining trio. Sean McKenzie (#855) suffered a broken ring and pinion, and "Dynamite Dan" Cannon (#851) a broken axle. These two "game-cocks" will live to fight another dav, but on this occasion they couldn't do much than spectate. Shad Kennedy (#859) was knocked out of heat one about the halfway point with engine trouble. Thus McKenzie placed second and Cannon third in heat one and overall results. Kennedy did come back to race well and grab second in heat two, but his heat one problems proved costly in overall scoring. It's far too early in the season to make an accurate assessment of, or pass judgement on Round One's trends. I was somewhat taken aback by the conspicuous absences of some of the regular competitors on this circuit. But the year round racing grind seems to call for every racing team to take a breather at some point dur-ing the season. It was business as usual at the turnstiles though, as there was ample fan support. All of us connected to the sport are truly grateful for your patronage. It's no secret that you, "THE FANS", are the ones that provide gie opportunity for these rac;:es to Rennie Awana took both Superlite heats and headed for the points lead, shown here in battle with Stacy Fay. be staged, and for these great rac-ers to entertain us all. In closing, I would like to invite you all to join me at "Round 3" of Glen Helen's Cham ionship Series, on April 13th. The reading of oegrees on the thermometer, as well as the number of fans and racers attend-ing, should be up, when we next reconvenP. See you in San Berdo, HONDA Power Equipment KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER Racer and Spectator D'iscounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PuRPOSE ENGINES =-· • ~ ATER PuMPS •?UTBOARD ENGINES I ' ~:. ' LAWNMOWERS LAWN TRACTORS EB6500SX . • RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY IF We DoN'T HA ve IT, N·o ONE Does/ DEUVERY TO 1HE RACES AVAILABLE • I'LEAsE CAIL AHEAD -. ~ -~ ~ -----. ~o:::} --1 -'--' • • II'::#- • " ~ .b---EX1000 KAWAGUCHI HONDA 3532E.3RoSJ:La;~CA9CXJ63•213.264.3936, 264.SSSS FAX 264.2136 Power . Equipment Page 20 i VISA I s A L E s ' s E R V I C E ' p A R T s 1'. T-+-h;r\n-' • -HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST .l. ~U.LU)5Seaslef. liCi For opumum pcrfonn;in« :Uld sal~ty. plC'aS< tr:id thr o"',1rr·s nl.:lnual b...•forr Opt'r.ttlng your Honda Po1,1,,•rr Equipmcr ;, S~k~:10:-:" subjttt to c-h.J.n\lC' 1,1,,1lhout notk."r. •Esthn.UC' only. b:1~d on r.itN11oad. •Battrry not uu:1udrd "1th EM35005.'0(I. E'.\t5000S.'O( I and £80500S.X. ♦ +\\"U.h battrry tray kit. wh«ls &. han!J,tt. Conntttlon to hou~ powrr Rqulrrs tr.msfrr d~1« to .woltl posslb1r lnju~• to pcN,-rr company pcrsonnrl. Consult .1. qu3.ltftl!'d rlttU1cl3n. April 1997 Dusty Times

Page 21

~ OOIDil C§J ; t ;§ utlli)] ~ i ; i O ~ 0 :ij ; J O ~ ii} -.•••. :: '·:. -.. . '., . .. : . . ·- / . . . ,· _, . . '··, . . -~-·: .·. . .. . . .. . .. . . .:' ~ ru ;J ?I ?i ©!4 ?I ;J IT©~ ij ~WiJ ;J ~<i •~©@RI fBtiY ill ;foJW?rR§lEfffit§fii ~ e ?li1 Mf:11} ~ ~ i ij;jij@ffi~~f_:i ~j§ D l.illSJ~ffi ~ i :ij ; tf ~\VJ :ij ; 0 @D,fi£3 ™ tfililll@~~~ ?fuIB~nfill,f;?@J;J ;f;ffl ~~ •atar•partr~ An Approved Concessionaire of BOB BEYER IOTORSPOnS IIIIETING PIOIOTIOIIS P.O. B017&2 • NORCO, CA 91710 ti! iii @ ffi II II ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -.■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3■M■~8■■■■■■ I■■■■■■■■ OFFICE: (! 1 D) 988·6251 • FU: (909) 281·9197 DEVORE ONTARIO TO LOS ANGE.£5

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Stacy Fay always runs hard and the Roaring Resolution was no different as she took Class 7S handily. The Bragg's came out to Barstow to win and win they did in their Sandy Parker chased the Johnsons all race long but in the end husky looking Class 8 truck•. had to settle for second in Class 9. M.O.R.E. ROARING RESOLUTION Kevin McGillivray Wins In Barstow By Jimmy Messick The first race from M.O.R.E last January, the Roaring Resolu-tion drew only twenty cars but they put on a pretty good show, running eight laps on a thirty mile course that used a lot of roads that haven't been raced on since the 1970s. The racers really enjoyed the exciting and well marked course and the pit folk and specta-tors enjoyed the eight laos , This is the system run by most off road race winners because they got to see a lot of cars more often. Jim Clements of M .O .R .E worked with long time off road racer Tom Craig, Sr., to make the course fun and challenging. The next race scheduled for March 22, in the Barstow area is again run-ning a thirty mile course with eight laps required for an official finish. Twenty miles of the course TRI-MIL BOBCAT qIROME 1984-91 CORVETTE; 2 V2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER ...... Page 22 132~0 .HAl.4DALE AVENUE GA'FIDENA, 'CA-90249 310-,217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. will be run up in the hills near the start/ finish area; so you should be able to see 50% of the course through binoculars from the main pits. A lot of people were really impressed with the payback on only 20 cars. The race started right on time at 8:00 a.m., with Warren Messick of Barstow lead-ing off in his Class 10 car. Class 10 drew only two cars. Kevin McGil-livray and Jim Greenway took over the lead on the first lap and the pair hung on in the car to win the race and were first overall! The team had no trouble on course and took home a check for $1,200.00; not too shabby a showing for two cars. Messick had his problems including a broken brake caliper, boost bottle problems and a handful of flats, but he turned some impressive lap times for his first time out in his 10 car. Class 1-2-16, 1600, had a total of five start, but only two of them finished the eight laps. Taking the class win was Brad Inch who had brake troubles en route to the checkered flag. He also received a check for $825. Second in the 1600 class was Andrew Lindquist and Matt Stankavich; this team had a flat tire, and carb problems; Matt would have to keep the car running from the passenger side as Andrew stopped for the check-points. The two soloed turning some consistent lap times. Third among the 1600 cars was John Hicks. Taking fourth in 1600 class was Mike "one nut" Danley. He let Tom Craig Jr. start the race, but broke a gland nut on lap 3. But Tommy was still able to bend up a few of Mike's new pol-ished Centerline Wheels in the short time. Fifth was Malcolm Bryce and Perry King, who dropped out after 10 miles. There was only one Class 5-1600 and that was Chip Davis, who went out after six laps. Rea-son unknown. There was also only one Sportsman Buggy and that was Paul Smith, who had a good run finishing the race. There were only two trucks entered. The Braggs in their Class 8 and the Fays in their Class 7S. So what M.O.R.E. did was com-bine the two classes so they could have a class winner, as well as first out of the money would receive a free entry to the next race. The Bragg brothers took the class win as well as second overall. They turned fast lap of the race too. The Fay sisters brought their Ford Ranger around for a solid finish and they took home the free entry to the next race. Class 9, with nine cars taking April 1997 Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway took their neat looking Class 10 into the lead on the first lap and there they stayed for first overall and $1200 in winnings. Brad Inch's car finally gave him a win in the Roaring Resolution as he bested all comers in 1-2-1600. The Johnson guys put it all together and kept it together for the big Class 9 win in the biggest class of the race. the green flag, was the biggest class at the race. It was no surprise to see the Johnson brothers come out on top with a flawless run. The team took home over 1100 dollars and were real pleased with the M.O.R.E. organization. Not far behind was Sandy Parker who took second in Class 9, also hav-ing a clean run. Third was Dave Girdner who had troubles with his car the week before the race so he borrowed Jim Clements car so he could make the race. Dave had his grandson Davey ride with him, then iet k yan Shank and Stan Hignett take the last part of the race who made up some pretty good i:ime in the competitive class. Finishing less than a minute back was Darin McGuffin. Fifth was Michael Rix and tak-ing sixth was Danny Fox. Rodney Stoye completed five laps to take seventh, eighth was Robby Cock-roll and Mike Depue with Ross Andie and Matt Gumz co-driving. The team lost a tranny on lap 5 but did a pretty good job, consid-ering this was their first ever r,ace in their home built car they built themselves in their High School metal shop class. Brian Lopez and J.D. Ward had a ball joint and tranny problems take them out after lap 4. M.O.R.E.'s next race will be March 21 and 22. Dusty Times

Page 23

Indy. LeMans. Daytona. Crandon. The 1997 Chevrolet Brush Run. Greatly anticipated. Finally here. June 21 -22, 1997. Crandon International Off-Road Raceway. GOOD),'i'EAR NOTIIlNG BEATS~ ABUD~ CRANDON, WISCONSIN Featuring class events and a special Manufacturers' Challenge % race for the Potawatomi Bingo Northern Lights Casino "Governor's Cup". 1995 Governor's Cu Winner: Rob MacCachren ~\la~.~-.' • ·, ! -., ~ BorgWarner ~ Automotive ~ Performance Exhaust PEl:'SI Am..e.-rLGa.n ~ < Wh.e:e.u.a miitm 111114: B,at..t,hunaSrl\lJJLw ....a-,sKOAL ~) , RACING ~ KC HiUTtS 1·· Cherry Valiey, CA Las Vegas, NV \J Cherry Valley, CA The M1s1 llepend1ble, L111Gesl-Lulln1 Tracks. CHEVY TRUCl{S &&-, For registration and spectator i11;fonnation contact Crandon International Off-Road Raceway at 715-478-2222 BFGaadricH ----nd ~I((,,,-

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PCI SHOEI RACEAIR HELMETS 1. FIT-No other hehnet fits soo goood. 2. LIGHTEST PUMPER STYLE HELMET 3. MOLDED AIR INLET 4. BETTER AIR DISTRIBUTION: 8 vents onto shield. 5. SUPER VISABILITY 6. LARGER OPENING -No more folded over ears .. 7. THE SHIELD SEAL - A rubber O ring tested with 160 lbs. of pressure, ' NO Leaks, NO Messy Foam. . THE PRICE-wired, with a Nomex skirt: $399.00 · SAFETY THAU QUALITY RATCHET, TOW & AXLE STRAPS 'PC-I C-N:-TU'f> 12-Al-£1\l~ e,LOW£~ MOTO~'f, Wf. C.OULD t\AV£ ~££N it\£ lMATATO~ ~ 6tAV£ YOU Tt\£ ~AM£ 1--AMl' DAAW ~LOW£~ MOTO~ it\£ C.OMl'f.TlTlON t\A~. Wf. IN~Tf.AD C.t\O~£ TO~£ Tt\£ INNOVATO~ ~ 6tlV£ YOU A 4 AMl' DAAW MOTO~ ~ 1"'1lC.£ Tt\£ Al~ FLOW. ~IN6.L£ ~£AT (105 C.fM) MOTOfl.. A~~£M6'LY: $15.oo DUAL ~£AT (150 C.fM) MOTOfl.. A~~£M6'LY: $11-5.00 'Pl.I l.OMLINI' VI INT£12-C-OM I. V£fl..Y LOUD - Loudness - 1 \llatts audio pe.r t.hanne.1. 1-. 'P£fl..F£C.T C.~TV -No noise. 3. NO ~ID£ TON£ - 'fOU \Iii\\ not hear the. engine. or the. e.1-haust amplified thru the. inte.rrom. 4. (Z.€.LIA6'1LITY/DU~6'1LITY - housed in a small. ru99e.d. water· re.r,istant. bullet proof housing. 5. MULTI U~£fl.. O'PTION -for 3 or 4 seat pre.-runne.r& v. AFFOIZ-DA6'L£ investment: $351.00 1~ffl@fir§@'lf) SAFETY EQUIPMENT DRIVING SUITS, UNDERWEAR, SHOES & GLOVES, NECK SUPPORTS SEAT BELTS & PADS MADE IN THE USA OADMASTE 2WAYRADIO 1. OUT PERFORMS OTHER BRANDS BY 5 TO 10 MILES OR MORE. 2. LARGE HEAT SINK TO DISSIPATE THE HEAT GENERATED BY OVER 60 WATTS OF POWER. 3. MODULAR CONSTRUCTION - CAN BE REPAIRED EASILY, EVEN AT RACES. 4. THE PCI COMLINK VI INTERCOM WAS MADE TO WORK WITH THIS MOST POPULAR RADIO ( OVER 3000 ROADMASTERS ON RACE COURSES) 5. STILL ONLY: $589.00 EVERYONE ENJOYS THE SUPER COMPETITIVE PRICES. · \ MuddOW \ -=-:J.::JCJS Hll=-::J~OOICJIROl(JIT ~C:Jl::Jlll:O~U:xJll.:R:acJll.:SJICJllll.:EJICIIJ FOR SALE 1996 SCORE 7S CHAMPION FORD RANGER 4 X 4, LOTS OF SPARES FOR INFORMATION CALL BAJA CONCEPTS (619) 723-2117 KEEPS MUD & DIRT FROM STICKING WE AR RACERS SA 95 HELMETS IN STOCK SHOEI SA 95 HELMETS SHOEI SA 95 RACEAIR HELMETS BELL SPORT II FORCED AIR CALL FOR INFORMATION & PRICING. PC/ RACE RADIOS 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 (562) 427-8177 (800) 869-5636 FAX (562) 426-3589

Page 25


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Terrible's Town SNORI Bollom Dollar By John Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Tim Scalzo and Casey Jones won Class 1 and Overall too as they ran five quick consistent laps and ended up at the checkers with five minutes in hand. The SNORE Bottom Dollar kicks off the racing season each year and the SNORE troops were out in force to get some season points under their belts from the first race of the year. Terrible's Town sponsored the race and provided an area for Technical Inspection and Contingency on race eve in the parking lot ofTer• rible's Town Casino & Bowl in beautiful downtown Henderson, Nevada. Contingency started at six p.m. and went on until nine. There was a goodly crowd of folks on hand before actual starting time and although the temperature was. dropping like the flag at sunset. there were a lot of spectators wandering around throughout the evening. Registration was in the Terrible's Casino/ Bowling Alley and some folks found it to be a nice respite from the chill outside. The drivers meeting was at eight o'clock on Saturday morn-ing and the drivers and crews from thirty nine cars all gathered around to get the latest scoop from SNORE President Joe Ross and the NEW Race Director Eric Shenberg~r. Eric is taking over from Bill Shapley who was the SNORE Race Director for about fifty years. Class 10 was first ott the line to run five laps of the thirty-two mile course in the Nelson Hills. JC Dean was first off the line in the seven car class and he set a pretty good pace, turning in a 46 minute lap, but disaster struck on the second lap, breaking a rear hub and rotor and that was the finish of the Gold Coast entry for this race. The rest of Class 10 all came around within a minute of each other, and the race was truly joined. Tim Scalzo and Casey Jones were the leaders after the second lap, just about a minute ahead of Jim Price and the rest of. Ken Flippin chased first place in Class 10 all race long but was only able to grab second place after a quick trouble-free run. The Goerke clan, shown here In full pursuit of the leader In Class 10 had a great day going 'ti/ they lost the clutch on lap five and ended up third In class. the pack were within a few min- utes on Ken Flippen who ran won-utes of the leader. Not much derfully consistent laps but missed changed after the third lap as the win. Third place went to the Casey and Tim still held the one· Goerke's, whose clutch went minute margin over P'rince. The south on the last lap, just short of end of lap four had Tim Price· in the finish but they crossed the the lead by almost five minutes as finish line. Steve Thompson and he set fast lap for the class at Wayne Lugo took fourth in Class 44:38. When the checkers flew it 10, twenty some odd minutes out was Casey and Tim back in the of first, and an unknown malady lead in just under four hours for on the last lap dropped Jim Price the day, and even with a flat and a to fifth place. Tom Sturgis only broken hea~er they held five min, finished three laps and the aforementioned JC Dean only got in one lap in the books. Robbie Guevara won Class 1-2-1600 by over twelve minutes, set class fast lap at 47:51 and outside of a broken header had no problems all day. Bryan Freeman drove Grampa's car and the youngster showed himself as a future winner, turning very quick laps, lost the clutch and st/II finished second in 1600. The next class to start was 1-2-1600 and there were ten of them there to contest for the points. Robbie Guevara was the first car off the line in class and Robbie went on to set fast lap for the class on that first lap, and he was never headed throughout the race, run-ning consistant laps and finishing in four hours and three minutes, some thirteen minutes ahead of second place. Robbie broke the exhaust on the last lap but came on in for the win. Congrats Rob-bie! Day Gang was second to go on the green but it was not her day, the car didn't run well and no amount of tweaking could cure it so Day ended up sixth in class, . almost an hour out of first place. Steve Thompson and Wayne Lugo had some terribly quick laps but a third lap flat threw them off their pace and they settled for fourth in Class 10. Page 26 Jim Price led three of the five laps, turned a sizzling 44:38 on lap four (fast lap of the race) but had a disastrous fifth lap and ended up fifth in Class 10. April 1997 Jeff Carr lost an alternator, got hit hard enough to roll the car but st/II got to the finish fourth in Class 1-2-1600. Dusty Times

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Jay Shain ran some quick laps but not quick enough and was only able to garner fifth place in 1-2-1600 at the Bottom Dollar. Day Gang, the second female leadfoot in the Freeman clan did not have a good day: her engine never ran right, still she muscled her way into fifth in 1600. Randy Reid and Jason Romans had their troubles, (a rollover, no starter) but soldiered on to nab third in Class 9. Dan Bradley was next off the line but he too had a bad day with most of his laps in the one hour range, finishing all five in five hours and twenty-two minutes for a seventh in class. Jay Shain was next off and he too was rele-gated to laps in the mid to high fifties, salvaging a fifth place in 1600, forty-six minutes behind the leader. Matt Shephard was next to go but after a very long first lap they abandoned the chase. Kenny Freeman, Jr. was next up and he too had a miser-able day, with a two and a half hour fourth lap, finishing almost two hours behind the class leader. Bryan Freeman, son of Ken Jr. was the seventh 1600 to start and although he did his best to get in first place, he never got closer than two minutes behind Guevara. He lost the clutch on the last lap and took the checkered flag thir-teen minutes out of first. Good show! Jim O'Donnell and Jeff Lothringer turned fast consistant laps all day to end up Ryan Schank had some clutch problems, lost a brake line but set fast lap in two minutes out of second in 1-2-1600. Class 9 and took the win by less than a minute. Jim O'Donnell and Jeff Loth-ringer were the eighth car to start and they ran in third place all day, having no real problems but suf-fering from the dust quite a bit. They seemed quite happy with third in class, just two minutes out of second place. Fourth place in Class 1600 belonged to Jeff Carr. Jeff was only able to turn a few good laps as he had battery/ _ alternator problems, and he rolled the car too. Steve Meier-drecks and Matt Shephard were the other two starters, only get-ting in two laps and one lap respective! y. Class 9 showed up fourteen strong and it was a battle royal all day long. The nines only had to run four laps and they surely did run them! Ryan Schank was the tenth car off the line, set fast lap for the class on the first lap and precariously held onto the lead for all four laps. And, even though he had a clutch problem on the third lap and broke a brakeline, he finished the race in 3:48:49, fifth-six seconds ahead of the second place car. Brian Fieger was seventh off the line, chased Schank all day, lost third gear on the second lap and ended up fifty-six seconds in arrears. That's close! Third place was the realm of Randy Reid and Jason Romans. They rolled on the first lap, lost the starter (always fun) but sailed through the day with great lap times and finished two and a half minutes out of second. Earl West started fourth in Class 9 and that's where he finished. Earl ran well all day, had no major problems and finished less than two minutes out of third. Greg Anderson and Jimmy Hook were the last Class 9 to start, finished the first lap in fifth place and there they stayed, due in part to a fouled plug but they finished a mere three minutes and change out of fourth place. They both thank the Checkers for their help. Tom Brown, Kevin Steele, John Poling and Amanda Dixon were the other finishers in Class 9 'and yet another five cars either fin-ished only one lap or none at all. Class 5-1600 only had two entries for the Bottom Dollar and it was never even close, competi-tively. Dee Val Towles and Mike Johnson . .,-Dee Val Towles was going so fast we only caught part of his car as he motored into the finish line, taking a first in 5-1600. Dusty Times Welder/Generntor EW171 • 4000 Watt Welder/GeneraLOr • Honda 11 HP OHV Commercial • 100, watts ol puwt·1 Engine ·. • 170 AMP OC for Weh.lin~ • Od Akn' • Oil Alert'" • SimulW1L·ous Al.. ·11 )L u~.-• Automatic Idle" • !)upl."I QUlt.:I • Ek.,;truni1..· iJ.!IIIUuu RACER DISCOUNTS PARTS SHIPPED. BY UPS DAILY HONDA MOTORCYCLES -SCOOTERS ..._ AlV'S & .GENERATORS ~~""' -BMW MOTORCYCLES SEA D00-WATERC~FT BILL"ROBERTSON + SONS, INC. ............ IN BUSINESS FOR OVER 30 YeARS ---.:..;_-==-• H 5626 -Tujunga Blvd., ·North Hollywood 4fHONDA 1 I(800) .800-61.34 Cnrneridewith us. 1 (818) 7-66-6134 April 1997 Page 27

Page 28

Earl West h then two m;8d a trouble free r . nutes and all in alr;~:;11ssed third in Cl a good day. ass 9 by less Greg And on in erson had fou good enough t' ght a fouled pl f ,me to take fifth p~iceor a while but mot ,n Class 9. ored The afl 118""-f!oll-A-lletl _!EEP ACCESSORIES CATALOG /Ill'.,_-_.; everythin9 tor the JEEP i,nthusilJSf.,.aCCf!ISsoritJS, parlll, apparel and ,r,ore ••. order now $6,00 Reluodable with '/RP' first order. ,' \ WW Page 28 1997 JEEP Call·1 ERS CAT Parts & accessor;es fo~:a~l?-533-7~~0G o,me ' CJ, Cherokee and G ••• ,.., rand Cherokee state 0 --• rder by phone JEEP model or mail this co ... DDN A --Y"' I upon' • •VEE p -I ~ Je ...,,...,,ss~ Acceseft -~ II•••• 17308 Bellflower Bl so ,es~ • • • • • • vd., Bellflower, CA 907 I -----06 •••• I _____ .. April 1997 Mike Dunn had malady was n a long first I ever seen again . ap and due to ,n Class 5-1600. some unknown ting fast la . three B P 10 class on g . . arry said th number omg away e tranny t near th d was ogether for th _e en but held chased Barry all dm. Scott Noall h~lrc~md in class:~· an~ ended Thmmutes out of tut six and a e last cl irst. Sportsman Bss to start w arrived four st uggy and th:s Last of the r rong for their r y R 1· iour t ace. h~:r Tg ripped off thr!tart, John flata dps, finished _eh under an . an took h wit an ho m class with a 3~me all the baci~ laps. Jeff Sh' k.57:48 for all f laps . iro y on! our T m and set f I y got three om Reck ast ap in I , and John M~Cly finished twi tss. around on la ormack never caaps R Pone me ecap t' · ime lo k 1· cars started, 26 f ~ tke this: 39 required laps r m1shed all th . rat Th ior a 67'~ f· etr e. ere 10 mish· filed f were a fe mg the d or nerfing but w p~otests p . ust they c • considering 01nts leader is Rame to naught f 4 to his mdit ru Sch,nk with y Robbie G ' o owed close! then Casey J ueva'.a with 660y everyonewasfr:t Wtth 632. Mos~ nes_s set in anlhhd before dark-mS~ accidents a~d ere _w_ere no ta ~RE has five mno m1uries. p this year and th o'.e races on e wmner is??? Dusty Times

Page 29

Curt LeDuc Winner Parker 400 Trophy Truck Class • EXTERNAL VALVING ADJUSTMENTS MAKES DAMPEN-ING CHANGES A CINCH. • CUSTOMER RK-BUILDABLE • 3 INCH DIAMETER SHOCKS AVAILABLE IN 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 AND 18 INCH STROKES. • 2 INCH DIAMETER SHOCKS AVAILABLE IN 6, 8, 10, 12 SHOCKS AND 14 INCH STROKES • ALSO AVAILABLE, BYPASS SHOCKS, INTERNAL AND EX-~w~r~,w~rn~~ f ~~mA~w r Hf L~Mf lm ~~~[~ ~~~L~ l!Nf M~ mu L~~N~f r~ f OOWtf M~ ~fU r Hf M ~WNb mm~~~ . l!Nf ~f HbH ~~Aurr f m m~MNU f ~~Wtffi TERNAL. ALONG W"ITH SWAY-A-WAY BUMP STOPS AND AIR JACKS. .,,.,, ..... SWAY·A•WAY ....__1'">?> IIIIRII■ ~ .._.. ~ SUSPENSION COMPONENTS 20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 Fax 818-700-094 7 ------·-----..--,.---··-··----·--· ...... ·-....... ,. ......... ~ .... -o0s.-.......... ,. ...... _ .. _. ___ ----------__ _.. ... _,.,,____ _ ......... .

Page 30

Glen Helen 1996 11 Awards'' Luncheon By Ron Miller Steve Bishop accepts his award as Glen Helen's 1996 1-2-1600 Champion as well as "Glen Helen's Racer Of The Year" ... February 1st was the day the Coordinator; Sergio Franco "Off Road Set" paid tribute to Course Crew; Art Harris -Tow Glen Helen's 1996 "Class Cham-Vehicle Crew; Damien James -pions". A fine and festive crowd Asst. Course Crew Manager; assembled at the park, and the Steve Larsen - Flagman; Chris usual serious feelings of competi-Lesch -Course Crew Manager; tion there, was replaced by a Jim Lesch -Course Crew; Joan warm feeling of friendship and Lesch Course Crew; Thomas fun. With the park's main man Navarez -Course Crew; Victor Bob Beyer acting as Master of Navarez -Course Crew; Mark Ceremonies, a make-shift picnic Rankin -Course Crew; Ted Riley area was set up in the pit section of & Crew -Tow Vehicle Crew the grounds. The informal setting Manager; Art Savedra & Crew -and mile weather conditions Tech Director; Shane Scarpiello -made the ceremony both relaxing Staging Crew; Darin Sherlock & and enjoyable. Before any awards Family -Course Crew; Greg were handed out, Bob and his ' Soaper -Event Announcer; Lori "crew" treated those in attend-Yarnell and Crew - Statisticians. ance to a tasty fiesta featuring Now onward to the coronation enchiladas, burritos, and all the of '96's brightest "stars". The fixin's. Nobody left hungry, first class featured was Class 1. thanks to the unlimited portions The "Class Champion" was one doled out by the event's most gra-of the premier racers of the sport, cious hosts. After the racers, and Brian Collins. Runner up went to their families and friends, had Christopher Neil, and thira in completed their "feeding frenzy", class was Tom Maynor. Maynor it was on to the days business. was moved to give thanks to A sincere thanks was extended Danny Mathews and Bill Brett. from Mr. Beyer to the many men Class 1-2-1600 Short Course and women who made the 1996 was next, and it's undisputed season so successful. He also "Champion" was Steve Bishop. handed out "Special Recognition Bishop, like almost every one of Awards" to a number of those on those honored, was quick to hand. The ovation from the thank Bob Beyer for.the outstand-crowd let these "special" cast ing job he and his crew does in members know just how truly putting on the races. Bishop also appreciated they are. As you gave thanks to sponsors J .D. peruse the names of these pre-Trans., Golden Construction, viously unsung heroes, be sure to McKenzie's Products, Sway-A-savor each one. For a team is only Way, and Bishop Racing, before as good as it's players, and thanks exiting the podium. Second in to the high performance of these class went to Dan Mathews. racing professionals, the Glen Mathews, like Bishop, thanked all Helen team fires on all cylinders those in attendance for their sup-year round: port. After a genuine thank you to Joyn Beyer -Asst. Race Coor-the Lord, Mathews also gave dinator; Keith Black - Asst. Race_ thanks to Carl, Kevin, and "eve-Page 30 rybody else" who made his season a success. Third in class went to up and comer Sean Ziegert, who thanked his brother, and his dad, who he termed the "Owner, Crew Chief, and also my Mentor". In Class 1-2-1600 Desert, the "Class Champion" was Gary Bussjaeger. Bussjaeger took the title the old fashioned way, he earned it. Buss' gave thanks to his family, including wife Denise, and kids Aly and Brandon. Addition-ally, he gave a special thank you to sponsors Star Ford and Wiks. Second in class was John Hulse-bosch, who thanked his wife, son _and crew. Hulsebosch also showed his class, by thanking the Lord for blessing the racing sea-son, which thankfully was com-pleted without any serious acci-dents. The third place finisher was Bob Dziurawiec, who gave a spe-cial thanks to his "wife Suzie, and to all of his friends as well. Next up was the 5-1600 Class. Repeating as "Champion" was Mario Bustamante. Super Mario has obviously mastered this game, as evidenced by his ::title" replay. Bustamante thanked Chino Bicy-cle for their part in his success, and also gave special thanks to his girlfriend Carla and his good friend George. The runner-up spot went to Jeffrey Hantz, and third in class was Sean Bennett. The "Class Champion" in Class 5 was Jerry Miller, while finishing the season series in second place was Dave Dietrich. The 1996 "Class Champion" in Class 7 was Rosario Adkins. In Class 7S, scoring his third consecutive "Class champion-ship" was Dean Williams. Accepting the award for Williams was Bob Dziurawiec. "Big Bob", in one of the days lighter moments, confessed that he couldn't remember "the spiel". He did however, thank sponsors Orange Coast, Tubular Concepts, and Rancho Suspension, on beholf of Mr. Williams. The second spot in class went to Ramiro Gonzalez, while third place was taken by Stacey Pike. The Class 8 title was won con-vincingly by Jason Taylor. This was the second, consecutive year in which a "Taylor" was crowned as "Champion" in this class. Jason successfully followed his brother Kyle, who had reigned as 1995 Class 8 Champion. Jim McKenzie, part of another racing family finished second for the sea-son. McKenzie thanked "all fam-ily and friends who supported me". The third place finisher for the season was Dwight Greene. Next up was Class BS. Making a successfl jump from 7S to "BS Champion" \1/aS Dan Cannon. Cannon heaped praise in all direc-tions, as he thanked among oth-ers, Bob Beyer, his competitors, his DANCO crew, BFGoodrich Tires, American Racing Wheels, Fox Shox, Turbo Blue Racing Fuel, Airborne Batteries, and last but not least, all those in attend-ance. The Runner-up in class was Todd Wittman, who was· happy with his second place finish, after entering BS competition near mid-season. After leaping from a Superlite to a full-size truck, Wit-tman was able to score victories in four out of the five races he partic-ipated in. The soft-spoken talent with the brightest of futures ahead of him, thanked his mother Dee, and his wife Denise, as well as all those on hand. The third place in class went ot the other member of the racing McKenzie family, Sean McKenzie. Since his brother Jim hand thanked "all family and friends who supported me" in his speech, the often outlandish Sean simply thanked "everyone else". Class 9 was the next group honored, and winning the April 1997 "Championship" for the season was Dan Mustoe. Speaking of honor, Mustoe, who'd greatness of the track matches his on track talent, dedicated his series "Championship" to his fater, who passed away in September. He then presented his award to his mother and stated "I love you Mom". It was a very touching moment from a man who truly exudes class. Before closing, Mus-toe also thanked his girlfriend, Classic Imports, Dan and Sheryl Cannon, his friends, and even that wizard of words and master of metaphors, the "gent" who cov-ers Glen Helen's off road racing for The Dusty Times (Thanks Dan). Runner up in class went to the ever improving Arto Ylikan-gas, who gave thanks torus team, friends, family, partner Ken, and also Bob Beyer. Finishing third for the season was Dan Berry. photographers Cow Racing and Trackside, and several others. The runner-up in class was Clint Wolsey. The 1996 Odyssey "Class Champion" was Guy Savedra. Savedra gave thanks to his Dad, Bob .Beyer, a·rid "everyone who supports us". Next up was the Rally Class, and the runaway winner of the "Class Champion-ship" was Matt Sweeney. The second place racer was Stanley Bennett, while third for the sea-son went to Steve Scott. A TV -Pro was the next class to be honored, and the "Class Champion" was Steve Owens. Owens thanked "Bob and his guys", as well as "everyone here" for a great series. Second place for the year went to Eric Cobb. Rel uctan ti y, Cobb's father' accepted the second place award, on behalf of his son who he related is "recovering from surgery". Mr. Cobb thanked Eric's sponsors, and Bob Beyer "for giving them a place to run". Before exiting, Mr. Cobb explain-ed "that if Eric were present, he would want most of all to thank me" (his Dad). The seasons third place finisher was Adam Campbell. In Class 10/Super 1600, it was Gary Gall who captured the "Class Championship". Gall, one of the more polished drivers on the circuit, was followed in second place by runner-up Aaron Hawley, while third place went to Pat Dean. Next up was Class 11, and Dennis Sletten was crowned "Class Champion". Sletten, who termed racing at Glen Helen "a family thing", explained just how enjoyable racing there is. He thanked his kids, as well as Grey-hound (for shipping parts). Most of all though, he thanked his brother, the runner-up in class Robert Henderson, whom he stated was the only one "nuts" enough to get started racing with him. Next up was Mr. Henderson, who jokingly said "I don't know why he (brother Dennis) beat me". Henderson thanked among others, the Neese brothers, his team, Carl and also Bob Beyer. Third place for the season went to Jake Batulis. The Stock Mini 2WD Class Champion was Den-nis Beckwith. The Superlites "Class Cham-pion" was Rennie Awana. Awana had a terrific season, afternar-rowly missing last seasons title by a mere eight points. This year he would not be denied, and gave special thanks to Nature's Recipe and Mr. Beyer. Finishing in second place was Joe Price. Price, who is confined to a wheel chair, thanked everyone for supporting the series, and is truly an inspira-tion to both racers and fans alike. He may have placed second for the season, but to me and the scores of off road fans who've watched him compete, the man is a true "champion". The third spot in class went to Josh Hulse-bosch, who had won last years Odyssey "Class Championship". Hulsebosch thanked his Mom and Dad for their support, also Peter Kay, and Bosch and Cagles Appliance. Scoring her second consecutive Pilot "Class Championship"' was Denise Wittman. The transfor-mation that takes place, when this stunning beauty climbs into her race vehicle, is shocking. The other half of "Team Wittman" (along with husband Todd) is oh so sweet when not on the course, but once on the track, there is no more fierce competitor than this ultra-talented young lady. Wit-tman gave thanks for her excep-tional season to the Lord, her mother-in-law Dee, husband Todd, Woody, Art, Guy, Angie, Bob and crew, Tim of Sign Pros, The final class to receive awards was the ATV-Intermediates. Tak-ing the "Class Championship" for the season was Richard Yak-key. Y akkey seemed to get better as the series progressed, and really finished the year strong. Yakkey kept his speech" short and sweet" and thanked the Glen Helen folks for providing "a place to race". He also thanked his "friends" and looked forward to seeing eve-ryone "next year". Second place for the season was Chris Alva-rado. The series' third spot went to ScottLeTourneau, who thank-ed "family and friends", and also the Glen Helen crew. Fourth for the year was Bmz Clucas, while the season's fifth spot went to Cory Clarizio. Clarizio a lso thanked his" family and friends", as well as, his crew, Roll Design, and all "volunteers". The final award presented, was for the coveted "Racer of the Year". Taking this most presti-gious honor was the pride of Riv-erside, Steve Bishop. Bishop was quick to give credit for his bril-liant season, to the man who he succeeded in earning this title, Dan Mathews, Bishop stated that Mathews "really made him work for it", and that he "wanted it bad". Bishop also mentioned the consistent and improved perfor-manced of Sean Ziegert, as having pushed him to winning this award. Finally, he stressed the importance of not scoring any DNFs, and credited Goodyear . tires for helping see that he had none. The ever eloquent Mr. Bob Beyer brought a close to the pro-ceedings, by thanking everyone for their contributions to the just concluded season, and also for their having attended the awards ceremony. I would like to join Mr. Beyer in his final wish, that everyone enjoys "the very best of luck in the 1997 season". It's now official, '96 is hostory, and by the time you read this, the wild ritle towards 1997's dass champion-ships will already be underway. Let's not miss any of the thrills in the upcoming months ahead, as both the weather and the points chase begin to heat up. Speed safely, and I'll see you at the races. Dusty Times

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FRT KING OF THE DESERT Wehe Docs It Again By Judy Smith 28:49 for the 30 miles. In second it was Todd Barnhill, in a Rabbit powered Raceco, who'd already had a flat and lost his power steer-ing. Travis Brookshire was third in an A-armed Jimco, with a 1776cc VW motor, and then it was Steve Mamer in another "' 1776cc powered Jimco. They were all within two minutes and 20 seconds. But Mamer's car gave up on the second lap. Wehe continued to lead, but now Brookshire was in second place and Barnhill third after some time in the pits to fix the power steering. On the third lap it was still Wehe, and Brookshire held second, with Barnhill a close third. Wehe stopped and took on a full load of gas at the beginning of his fourth lap, remembering the New Year's Eve race when he nearly lost because he ran out of gas. Brookshire put his brother, Ron, in for the last two laps, and Todd Barnhill had power steering problems that cost him some time but he still managed second in Class 10. Andy Wehe showed them all the way in his Jimco as he dominated Class 10 and took the overall as well in the FUD King Of The Desert last February in the California lower desert. Andrew Wehe took his Class 10 J imco racing in the desert east of San Diego and won the FR T King of the Desert event overall. When the FR T marks the course for the King of the Desert event, they throw in a section of short course type obstacles for the last mile or so of the loop. Built on the dry lake, the short course con-sists of a couple of flying jumps, one tricky double jump, some hair J.,in turns, a couple of patches of moguls, and a big hole with a kicker and a jump on the exit. All this is great fun for the spectators and pit crews who have excellent seating around the perimeter of the dry lake. 12 noon start. The Class 10 cars took off first, and at the end of the first lap it was Wehe in front with . the fast lap of the day, a quick Barnhill kept motoring along. W ehe had 12 minutes on Brookshire at the end of lap four, and he'd made only two stops, once for gas and once to work a cramp out of his leg. He confessed that he hadn't worked on the car since the New Year's race. But apparently, it hadn't needed any work, because it just ran smoothly to the finish, and W ehe got his Class 10 win as well as the overall victory. Brookshire got to the finish area next, running a solid second, and then made a major error. When he got to the table-top jump, nearly at the end of the short course, and in sight of the checkered flag, he hit it a bit too fast, sailed clear over, landed like a javelin, n.ose buri.ed in the dirt, and then iJT All told it was a 150 mile race, with five 30 mile loops, character-ized as fast by the folks who'd pre-run. The weather was mild and cloudy as the cars lined up for the Chuck Hovey had a perfect day in the Raceco as he breezed along in first in Class 1 all race long and finished a fine second overall. Greg Harrold and Randy Brossart had a great day, led Class 5-1600 every lap and reported no troubles during their five laps. ~BILSTEIN'S ~ BUILDABLE SHOCKS 14" Rebuildable w/reservoir 12" Rebuildable w/reservoir 1 0" Rebuildable w/reservoir 1 O" Coil-over Shocks 8" Rebuildable w/reservoir 186.00 186.00 179.00 160.00 179.00 w/o reservoir 125.00 w/o reservoir 125.00 w/o reservoir 118.00 w/o reservoir 118.00 BILSTEIN 60 mm :Jl,in,ety0tt,e «Xu-nvwa Set:,i,e,o 17" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 14" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 12" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 10" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 All 60 mm with 4 Bypass Tubes 989.00 VALVING l(ITS • REBUILD l(ITS • SEALS • ROOS Dusty Times MOGI AUTO TAANSAXLE SPECIALS: Winter's Shifters 210.00 O,r Pr1i,ef Li,11 Ar1 ... Bugpack, CNC, Deist, Fabtech, Fod-Fab,Saco, Jamar, King Shocks, Mechanix, MSD, PIAA, Suspensions Unlimited, Sway-a-Way, Fortin, UMP, VDO, VP Racing Fuel, Bilstein,Beard, Autofab, PCI Radios, F&L Fuel, Auto Meter, Mastercraft, NO FEAR, SPY Sunglasses, Fuel Safe Cells April 1997 NOW OPEN iil Fallbrook 1040 south Main Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 619-723-2 l l 7 Phone 6 l 9-723-9938 Fax Qua\it1 Used 'Parts: 7 Fan Shrouds 3 Distributors 7 16" Centerlines I F-150 Auto Fah Kit 2 9" Summers Rearends 3 C-6 Mogi Trannys Doug Nash 5-Speed '90 and up Ranger Lites/ Grill 4 '89-'92 Ranger Grills CNC Pedal Assembl~ Spirit Shock Tower Set 4 6" CNC Billet Calipers 3 6" JFZ Calipers 12 Limit Straps 21 Bilstein Shocks 13 Fox Shocks 7 Cibie Oscar Lights 14 KC Lights S UMP Air Boxes 9 Auto Meter Gauges I PCI Road Master 2 PCI Intercoms Summers VW Disc Kit 16 Torsion Bars- VW 8 CV and Cages Over 2000 Gently Used Items In Stock ... and we've only just begun!!! Page 31

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Travis and Ron Brookshire were second in Class 10 for a while but fell to third after a disaster just before the checkers. The Pates, father and son had a delightful race, traded 1600 for Class 1, enjoyed all that Type IV power and ran second all day with no problems. Brent Strait took over third place in Class 1 on the third lap and that's where he finished, a couple of minutes out of second. Dave Brigman and Marvin Osgood were not happy campers as they only got in two laps before retiring from the race. tumbled over and over. The car ended up on its wheels and stalled, and when the groggy Brookshire tried to restart it, it wouldn't go. And while he and his crew tried to figure out what was wrong, along came Barnhill to take second place. The Brookshire crew finally had to give up and push the car, which sported a snapped lower A-arm brace, to the line for the third place finish. The Unlimited class cars had been second off the line, and in this group Chuck Hovey had his 2800cc powered Raceco in front, with the fast lap for this class, at 29:33 for the lap. He was finding the course very dusty, and was driving blind a lot. In second place it was Bill Pate, out for his first trip in an unlimited car. He'd recently purchased the Steve Sou-ra pas RCD, with a Type IV motor, and was having a blast. He's been driving a 1600 car for a couple of years. In third it was Mike Hart and Rob Ranallo in a Funco, and Brent Miller and Steve Wright ran fourth in their Raceco. Hovey, whose car is a bit on the elderly side, really wanted to chase Wehe, but wasn't sure his car would last ifhe ran it that hard for five laps. So he cooled it a bit, running just fast enough to stay in front of his class. He still had his lead at the end of the second lap, and now was about three minutes in front of Pate. Miller and Wright had moved up to third, and now Hart and Ranallo were · fourth. At the end of the third lap it was still Hovey, who was having what he called a "very good, unevent-ful" race. He stopped once for fuel, and had no flat tires. Pate still 199'7lFO~ F'-:ino WI'X.lfI S:P.A"R.:E: E::J!lifG-~. '.I"IC.A1V1S:JIIIISSION"., a.rd :Jlil:El:11.CBE::R. .A.1.!il-:D lll:olR...tb;.. Page 32 Cl.ALL :0.A ~ .A.8:&:LEV aN.Du:B.O :RA.OIN"G-909-38.I.,•4088 Hal and Kevin Graves had help from dad Hal, but all of Bob Landry ran his 1600 with the Class 100s and had a them couldn't catch up to first place so they took the great day as he and the Jimco took second place in cl'ass. silver in Class 9. ran second, but had fallen back a . iittle after running into a 5-1600 and getting stuck. And now Brent Strait was third in his Raceco/ -Foddrill, with a 2851cc motor. He'd been lost right off the start, and had also had a couple of flats. Hart and Ranallo held fourth, and Miller and Wright were out. Hovey held his pace and stayed healthy, to go on for the win, and a fine second overall. Pate put his dad, Bill Sr., in the car for the last two laps, and he decided that the big motor would go faster than he wanted to go. Nonetheless, the Pates were second, followed in by Strait, who was delighted to fin-ish, in third. Hart and Ranallo were fourth and Josh Waddell, in a 2100cc Goodsell, finished fifth, after a tough first and second lap. His throttle stuck for the whole first lap, and his radio fell off also. Then his roof came off on the second lap, and he had to replace a throttle spring, but after that the race went all right and he got his finish. Larry Kern and Adam Pfankuch shot into the early lead in Class 9 and there they stayed, taking the win by about fifteen minutes. 2400ccs for two seaters, was next for their own class points. There was one Class 8 truck at this event, but the Chevy truck, driven by Pete Blood, managed to complete only one lap. off the line. They're also limited On the second lap, as the Kerns to 18 inches of travel..The first lap expanded their lead, Landry held lead belonged to Ricky and Joey on to second, but now Ken and Kern, in a Kernco. They recorded Bob Hargrove moved up to third the fast lap for the class at 32:48 in their Funco. Their car, an older for the 30 miles. Bob Landry, in a generation of the Kern's, has only 1-2-1600 car, a Jimco, ran lSinchesofwheeltravel.(Forthe second, followed by Todd McAl-Historians among our readers: it lester and Scott Plunkett in their was originally Scott Gillman's MECO. Landry was running in short course car, back in the late this group because he was the only '70s.) The Kerns were running 1600 car racing on this weekend, smoothly, and continued to lead, and the officials decided to group with Landry doing a good job in him with the Class 100s. Each ran second and the Hargraves firm in Class 100, for cars with 107" or shorter wheelbase and limited to 2200ccs for single seaters and # 1004 1001 1002 100 104 107 106 106 551 59\l 552 701 801 999 900 901 3 5 1 6 FAT KING OF THE DESERT RESULTS - FEBRUARY 8, 1997 Poe Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle aaa■ 10 -1 & 2 seat cars -I650cc 4 start - 3 finish 1 Andrew Wehe• Toyota A-arm Jimco 2 Todd Barnhill Rabb~ Raceco 3 Travis & Ron Brookshire A-arm Jimco Casa Open • Unlimited Single & Two seat. 8 start. 6 finish 1 Chuck Hovey Raceco 2 Bill Pate J1. & Bill Pate Sr. R:D 3 Brent Stra~ Raceco/Foddrin 4 Mika Hart/Rob Ranallo Funco 5 Josh Waddell Goodsell aa .. 1-2-1600 -1600 Restricted Engine. 4 atart - 3 finish aa .. 5 • 1 atart. o finish aa .. 5-1600 - 1600cc Baja Bug. 4 start -3 finish 1 Randy Brossart/Greg Harrold Baja Bug 2 Eric 099n Baja Bug 3 Rich & Rick Floras Baja Bug Casa 7 • Unlimited Mini Pickup. 1 start . 0 finish 1 David Brigman/Marvin Osgood Toyota Casa 8 • 2WD Standard Pickup • 1 start • 0 finish 1 Pete Blood Chevy Cass 9 • 1600 cc Restricted Buggy -5 start. 3 finish 1 Larry Karn/Adam Pfankuch Kernco 2 Hal & Kevin Graves Jimco 3 Zeke Zabrowskl/John Castillo Susp.Unlim~ed Class 1 0 • Unlimited 1650Cc -4 start • 3 finish Class 100. 100 Inch WB Buggiea -6 start. 4 liniah 1 Joey & Ricky Kern Kernco 2 Bob Landry 1600cc Jimco 3 Ken & Bob Hargrove Funco 4 Todd McAllester/Scott Plunkett MECO 1600cc 1 lltal entries · 29 · total finishers• 19 •· •denotes overan winner Course: 6 laps of a 30 mile route • 5 laps April 1997 llme 2:36:44 2:53:30 2:55:46 2:43:00 3:04:31 3:07:51 3:07:52 3:38:12 3:44:28 4:00:29 4:18:26 (2 laps only) (1 lap only) 3:28:23 3:43:40 4:33:22 2:59:01 3:14:58 3:26:07 3:30:31 0/A 1· 3 4 2 5 third place. McAllester and Plun-kett were running fourth after a long second lap, when McAllester ran out of brakes, got into trouble and rolled the car. He lost about 20 minutes. No one else in the class was still running. By the end of the fourth bp the Kerns has 11 minutes on Landry, and he had nine minutes on the Hargraves. And they ran like that to the finish line, with the Kerns, hoth teenagers inciden-tally, taking the win. Landry took second place with his 1600 two seat car, and the Hargroves were third. McAllester and Plunkett finished fourth, about three and a half minutes later after a fine last lap. Class 9 took the green flag next, and it was another teenage team, this time Larry Kern and Adam Pfankuch, who took the early lead. They had their Kernco three minutes in front, with a time of 36:38, fast time for the class. It was Hal and Kevin Graves in second, Kevin at the wheel of the Dusty Times

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Pete Blood took the big Chevy out in Class B but only comp-leted one lap before falling off the face of the race. Eric Deen had a trouble free day, chased first place all five laps but was in second place when the checkered flag waved. Rich Flores with dad Rick riding shotgun were the third place finishers in Class 5-1600 after suffering some clutch problems in the neat looking bug. Jimco, and three minutes in back of the lead car. Tom Preston and Robert Gillingham ran third in their Chenowth, and Zeke Zabrowski and John Castillo had their Suspensions Unlimited in fourth. Pfankuch, 16 years and Kern, 1 7 years, continued to lead, with the Graves close in second at the end of the second lap. Preston and Gillingham were still third, but lost their motor on the third lap. That moved Zabrowski and Cas-tillo into third at the end of the third lap. And no other cars were running. It was a duel between Kern and Pfankuch and the Graves car, but the teens retained their slim lead. Zabrowski and Castillo ran third, about 40 min-utes off the pace after losing third gear and spending some time in their pit trying to fix it. At the end of the fourth lap the Kern/Pfankuch team had three and a half minutes on Graves. Kevin Graves decided he prob-ably couldn't catch them no mat-ter what, so he took the time for a driver change, to give his dad, Hal, a chance to have some fun. But it wasn't Hal's lucky day. A rear shock bolt broke and that made a big difference in the handling of the car. Not quite sure what was wrong, Hal slowed, to preserve both the car and his backside. Kern and Pfankuch took the win by 15 minutes, and the Graves preserved their second place. It was nearly 50 minutes before Zabrowski and Castillo got to the finish line. In the 5-1600 cars the first lap lead belonged to Greg Harrold, who got lost off the start. He had Randy Brossart, the car's new owner, riding in the passenger seat, and pre-running. Their first lap time was the quick time for the class, at 30: 17. Eric Deen was running second, about four minutes later, with Rich Flores in third, his dad, Rick, riding in the passenger seat. Crecencio Cortez, Juan Guillen and Daniel Flores ran fourth. Harrold continued to lead through lap two, with Deen run-ning strong in second and the Flores team in third. And they went the same way through the third lap. Then it was time for changing seats. Brossart moved into the driving seat while Har-rold rode, and in the Flores car, Rick took over the driving while Rich rode. It was still Brossart and Harrold in front at the end of the fourth lap, and now they had 13 minutes on Deen, who had 11 minutes on the Flores team. No one else was still running. And at the finish line it was Harrold and Brossart in front. Brossart, who has moved up from Quad racing, was pleased Dusty Times to get a win in only his second car race. Deen who reported no trou-ble at all, finished second, fol-l owed in by the Flores team, who'd had to readjust their clutch and let some air out of their tires. There was only one small truck at the KOO, and David Brigman and Marvin Osgood didn't have a very successful day in their Toy-ota. They managed only two laps, one very lengthy, and then were done for the day. The racing was over by the time the sun had set, and the FR T was already looking forward to their next event, the Marth 29th Buzz Bomb 150 at Plaster City East. It's planned as a six lap 150 mile event. GERMAN AUTO DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. ' 4•polntsandrai/seatbelt .. $74.95 RACE BELTS 2'·5pointmount : ...•.... $79.95 3• -5pointmount ....•.... $99.95. SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swing axle .... ·: ......... $54.9~ KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# ........... . $79.95 200mm-up to3000# ....... . $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ............... $39.95 4 puc ferramic ............ $44.95 4 puc ferramlc .with spring hub ..... . ...................... .. $54.95 SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops . ................ . $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges .ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star . ........ . . . . ...... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS a• travel-stock width .... $199.95 B• travel-widened beam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width .... $224.95 1o• travel-wldenedbeam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11 ½•chrome ......... $· 98.95 T-11'/z'raw . ......... . . $ 65.95 T-11518" chrome ..... 0 • • $105.95 T-115/8' raw ... ........ $ 72.95 T-4chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw . . ............... $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, ut/1/zes T-1 alternator, Includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ ................... $489.95 MK II ...•.•.•.•.•.•.... $589.95 I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ..... ... $164. 95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle . . . $259.95 Replacements/ave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toul7hest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate . . .......... $ 9.9·5 Coupler ................ $ 8 .. 95 Racksteeringstops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromo/y Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 1 'I,• longer .......... pr. $4 7 4.00 2¼'/onger .......... pr.$499.00 4• longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set ... ........................ $8L95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3' X 3 ' ." ............... $435.0Q 1·21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11.324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA_90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 April 1997 Page 33

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1996 California Rally Series Awards By Robert T allini the top finishers were made up of_ teams that ran all year together. In fact, the '96 Stock Class season turned out to be one of the hottest battles of the year. Pete Morris, driver and ~ teammate Eric Oyague wound up Third in class. This team is composed of experienced rallyist Pete and rookie Eric. They showed flashes of brilliance this season and I suspect they will put their experience to good use in '97. First and second in class became a fight to the end. Both teams made up of rookies, the team of Terry Stonecipher and Michelle Gibeault pulled out the Championship. Their Toyota _ pulled out the class win in Prescott and the season's top Ch d D.M ---, honors. They are to be congratu-a , arco presents the Zimmerman Award to recipient Lon Peterson l t d f · · _____ _c_ _________ _..:.._:__..:___:_:_.c_:_::::.:.:.=:.:_:__:::::.=:::.::.·_ a e a ter an impressive year On Ja_nuary 25th the CRS ·--was a guest speaker, Larry-- w~ere t~ey came ~rom behind to community came together in· Saavedra of Sport Compact Car·-~m r~lhes and wm the Champ-Pomona, CA to pay tribute to the Magazine. He spoke about plans ionship. Unfortunately, every competitors, organizers and rally his magazine has for increasing gr~at battle must have a seco~d enthusiasts of the 1996 season. their rally coverage on '97 and el111ce. Frank Paredes and. Bill As usual, the awards possessed a how we might work to make our -=>ta ey took those honors. It is an good mixture of ceremony and sport more popular and widely honor they w~rked hard f~~-fun. Thiswasachanceforrallyists recognized. He conveyed the fact They began the season well, to recount the season, honor that readers have responded well winning at ~im of the World and achievements, ponder the future, to past rally features. In the Reno. Their season ended in and just plain visit with those future, their magazine wishes to Prescott where they showed their people we have come to know do race reports, rally car features, all or ~othing com_mittment in the through competition. and perhap_s driver interviews. pursmt of the title. They also The banquet began with Nowitwastimetohonorthis deserveto~congratulated. cocktails and a delicious dinner. year's achievements in CRS. The Out_ of this battle came the CRS After dinner the awards began on awards ceremony began with the R?okies of the Year, Michelle a light note. Some of the veterans season's top finishers in Stock Gibeault, only 16 years (?ld and of rally, Lon Peterson, Ray Class. The fourth place finishers Terry StC?nec!ph~r who i,s also new Hocker, and Roger Allison put on in class came from a mixture of to the driver s side of the car. Both an entertaining skit on what rally teams. Neal Gaborno took the of them ~howed_ veteran like skills might be like in the year 2020 .. honors for driver and Tim andconfidencem'96andontheir The skit was humorous and Sardelich for co-driver. Neal is way to the Championship. Terry assumed that the present senior new to the driver's seat this year drove quick a~d mistake free all members of rally might still be and should be happy with his fine season a~d Michelle perf~rmed around in 20 years. It was well season results. Tim may have her navigator chores like a done and complete with props upped his year end standing if he seasoned adult. and costumes. It was a nice way to would have ran the entire season. Next came t_wo o~ three awards begin the banquet. None the less, he finished well in that are held highly m the realm of The first speaker of the night the races he did run. The rest of CRS and Pro Rally. The Galal . ~ "' • McKENZJE'S AIR FR.TEAS • K&N e l.8Fll.1ERS • • • I • I ·-Rookie of the Year recipients Terry Stonecipher and Michelle Gibeault. Souki Award is one of these. This near the top of the timesheets. His award is given to the Stock Class navigator did one better. Shawn competitor that assists others in Gallagher wound up third in Four-th~ ~lass and best represents the Wheel Class. He raced with Roger spmtoftheStockClassCompeti-in CRS and has apparently come tor. This year's recipient was into his own on the passenger side Terry Stonecipher. He definitely of the car. They guys in the Eagle represents the class well and is a Talon did a great job this season. great ambasador of the sport. The next team, Ron Wood and Ray Hocker presented the next Kelly Walsh, ended the year in award in honor of his friend the slightly different positions as well. late Bill Moore. The award was Ron Wood finished third out of presented to Robert T allini. This the Four-Wheel drivers while his award is given for outstanding teammate Kelly Walsh finished service to the sport as a competi-second for co-drivers. They raced tor, organizer, and overall theentireseason,buthadtosort sportsman. This year Robert did out their new Audi while they all of those things as well as pursued the Championship. anyone, and was truly honored and None the less, the car more then plea~antly surprised at receiving this met Ron and Kelly's expectations cherished award. and I'm sure next season will see · Competitor class awards· for the two even closer to the top at Four-Wheel Drive followed. the end of the season. N'?ne of these a~ards saw teams Rui Brasil was once again paired up for their awards. There second in the class. Unfortunately were a variety of reasons for this. he missed Reno and Gorman this Co-driversClaireSheltonandJon year, otherwise he would prob-Weigley were awarded fourth and ably be Champion. This is the fifth place respectively. Both second year he has finished navigators did a fine job this year second after consistently setting and may have bettered their fast times at most of the rallies he positions had they campaigned raced. His navigator Carlos the entire season. Tavares was 1996 Four-Wheel The first driver to be honored Co-Driver Champion. Like Rui was Roger Hull. He too did not said at the banquet, "I guess he run the entire season so his fourth really is good." He is good and in place year end award is also a fine 1996 he was the best! Carlos die! . accomplishment. Roger is always get to run the entire season. His brother Tony drove for Rui at Reno and Gorman. This allowed Carlos to secure the Champ-ionship. Alone at the top in the class was Dennis Chizma. Driving his 3000GT, Dennis secured the driver's Championship in Four-Wheel Drive Class. He was consistent and quick all season and managed to keep his car together until the end of the year . Dennis knows what it takes to win championships. This is his second in a row!! I 4 WO Open Class winners Left to Right: Jon Weigley, Dennis Chizma, Claire Shelton, Ron Wood, Kelly Walsh, Rui Brasil and Carlos Tavares. The next set of awards to be handed out were for CRS Performance Stock Class. The awards were presented by Bob and Addrienne Scott. The Fourth Place navigators award went to Roger Allison. He teamed up with Gary English for most of the year. This year marked his return to competition after a few years of organizing and servicing exclu-sively. Jeff Hendricks was fourth in class for drivers. He is a previous Champion in this class and would have finished much better had he run a full season. 4-SPYDER SUPER DIFFS Tl,IRS T21RS t! I • Made from.ductile iron. ~ I • This 4-Spyder Super Diff comes suppplied Tb~ Cast Diff is back! • Utilizes 4-Spiders for added strength. All New to the industry/ Economica/lY Priced! • Ultimate strength/ I ~ • Made from ductile Iron. ~ with precision-ground pins and block. ; MCK-0265 • Available in 3 different configurations. ~ ~ ~ 8 CreatlY Reduced Price/-002 CAST 4-SPYOER DIFF MCK.:0114-0Q2-15 Fa-10-Toctl~ MCK-0014-002-17 Fa-11-Toctl~)(BS 8 ~ 091 BILLET RACE OIFF 091 CAST 4-SPYOER DIFF ~ Made from 4140 Chromoly. MCK-0114-091 Supplied with pins and block. • • Supplied with Billet Cover, "pins and block. l'! i MCK-0101-1 091 BILLET COUER i f ,,.MCK-0102 Made from 4140 Chromoly. ~ • ~.IMPSOH~~.~-~~o S~EA~rs~.■...PF~. ■-'.c~.~Cl .. Bl■.'E .. U""1S ....... eu"'GPACK--.-•• -ou-.-. Oll.-.• -FU-EL_SAFE_,;._ -OEM-.---,. ... -... -.-.J..: Pag~ 34 2WD" Open Class winners Left to Right: Bill Holmes, Chris Bradshaw, Mark Rathsam, George Pisek, Fiana O'Sullivan and Bill Malik. April 1997 Roger's teammate Gary English finished third in the driver's championship. He drove•-his Alfa to a win in Reno and was in the hunt for the Championship until a DNF at Gorman. Noble Jones also finished in Third Place for the year. He navigated with Jeff Hendricks at Rim of the World, Dusty Times

Page 35

where they won on Friday. Their. season began and finished at Rim, but it was good enough for third. One of the teams who finished the year very well was Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzman. They both finished the year Second in the class. Their KIA won two • events in '96 and stunned everyone with their overall win at Gorman. This year's Performance Stock Champions were Robert Tallini and Steve Scott~ They worked hard all year to secure the class title with one race left in the season. After their win at Rim of the World the two raced smart to defend their points lead and win Performance Stock Class. The proceedings broke away from the class awards to present the Kenneth Zimmerman Award. Chad DiMarco presented the award to someone who gives as unselfishly to rally as the late Dr. Zimmerman had done in the past. This cherished award went to a long overdue Lon Peterson. Lon has long given to the sport on every level and contributed in ways that most people don't know. He is looked up to by all in the sport and is truly an outstanding choice for the Zimmerman Award. The ceremony continued with the final class awards of the night, Two,Wheel Drive Open. Fourth place awards went ot Mick Kilpatrick for driver and John Elkin for co,driver. Mick raced on a couple of events but John ran with Tony Chavez who was very fast this year but had lots of trouble finishing rallies. John would have finished much better had they not DNFed so often. They were very fast in '96. Third place was Chris Brad, shaw as navigator and Bill Holmes as driver. Chris navigated with Mick and filled in with Robert Tallini at Reno. He did a great job. Bill Holmes returned to rally after many years away from the sport. He won Rim of the World in the Ford Truck and led the points for the class. He did not compete in any other events. First and second place on the year saw a battle of the Scandin, avian cars. George Pisek and Mark Rathsam's Saab started the year well but had mechanical woes near the end. This left the door wide open for the '96 Champions, Bill Malik and Farina O'Sullivan. The Volvo had what it took to win '96 for both driver Bill and navigator Farina. They are incredibly fast and deserving of the Championship. · The ceremony changed gears and the lights dimmed. Ray Hocker began the slide presenta, tion which looked back at the 20 years of the California Rally Series. The slides, set to music, brought back many memories from past years of Rallying. Old faces and cars were brought back to like fin the hundred of so slides Ray had compiled. It was a great presentation and one that everyone enjoyed. As it grew late in the evening, one award was left to be presented. This award is a tradition in CRS and no one starts the season hoping to win it. The Captain Crunch award goes to the worst crashing team of the season. Teams are nominated and called up to the front to explain what happened. The audience decides the winner. Many stories i:vere told but the winners were The Scott Brothers. Bob and Dusty Times Performance Stock Class winners Left to Right: Rob Tallini, Steve Scott, Lon Peterson, Bill Gutzman, Gary English and Roger Al/Ison. Stock Class winners Left to Right: Terry Stonecipher, Miehe/Id Gibeault, Neal Garbono, Pete Morris, Eric Oyague, Frank Parades and Bill Staley. Steve had one of the worst rally. them you don't lift off the throttle . crashes I have ever seen. In in fifth gear, then you add a few Mexico, the two endoed half a holes, hold on tight and the lights dozen times in their Corolla. How IJ!O out! We are glad we· can laugh do _you do that? According to .. about it now. Congratulatjons. Scotts. Mitchell, the Gibeaults, Petersons The California Rally Series and all that helped to put it banquet was a pleasure to attend together. Look forward to more and greatly appreciated by the info and updates in the CRS members. Thanks to Donna. letters to come. Venable Racing & Venable Research & Development li:ORSALE 1 Yr. old Score Trophy Truck, 1 Yr. old class 4 Soda Truck, Trucks, Vans, Semi Trailer with Lift Gate, Wheels, Beadlock Wheels 15" & 17", Welders, Lathes, Mills, Saws, Grinders, Work Benches, Hand Tools, Engine Stands, Engine Tools, Tool Boxes, Pit Boxes, Jacks, Hoists, Hardware, Nut/Bolt Bins, Jack Stands, Dump Cans, Pumps, Pressure Washers, Lubricants, 1 yr old Dyno, Steel & Alum. Tubing, Radio-Systems; Base, Car & Hand Held, Office Equipment, Office Furniture, and much, MUCH more! ! ! For information: 909-654-0053 or Fax Questions to: 909-654-0217 OPEN HOUSE I EVERYTHING· GO'S SALE April 4, 5, &6 1997 at: 582 Grand Avenue, San Jacinto, CA April 1997 Page_35

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46TH INTERNATIONAL SWEDISH RALLY The Scandinavians Continue To Win In Sweden Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Despite countless predictions to the contrary, the Scandinavian drivers monopoly of the Swedish Rally continued with Kenneth Eriksson's win on the 46th event in the series. Subaru gained their fourth world championship rally in a row with a different driver, beating their r~gular driver Colin McRae, and Tommi Makinen was the fastest car over the stages, but his hopes were dashed by three spins and, he had an 80 second penalty for delay in a service park, which put him down to third. The Major shock was the weather. Really it was too good! The Swedish Rally, the second. round in the world champion-ship, attracted a remarkably high number of top level drivers. Of the 81 crews due to take the start, PRECISI exactly one-third of the drivers had priority status from the FIA. While Manufacturers points were again to be taken only by Subaru and Ford, World Rally cars, and the Group A Mitsubishi Evolu-tion IV cars, this time there was also a strong back up field. Heading the 'non-manufact-urers' field were four Toyota Cel-icas driven by Thomas Radstrom, Tomas Jansson, the young driver Mats Thorszelius, and the Finnish champion Marcus Gronholm, who two weeks before had won the Arctic Rally, the opening round of the European Rally Ser-ies. The big shock in sports minded Sweden was that the man who won at Monte Carlo and leads the World Championship wouldn't be taking part. Engaged lil4'DJ • Largest Selection Of Roden & Spberica .. Bearin • BACKSAVER • FIREBOTTLES • BATTERIES • SPALFANS • SETRAB COOLERS • FLUIDYNE COOLERS • AEROQUIP PLUMBING • SILICONE HOSE NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • GREASES • AUTOMOTIVE & RACING COOLANTS WE HAVE OVER THE COUNTER SERVICE CALL US FOR A FREE CATALOG! WE WILL SHIP AS FAST AS YOU NEED IT -~~\,' TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL \~~ .-(562) 427-2375 FAX (562) 426-5294 \ ~ · BAKER PRECISION BEARINGS ups -t!Jr \ ~ 2865 Gundry Ave.• Signal Hill, CA 90806 Ill ] I DAILY 11 1 I Page 36 by Subaru solely for asphalt rally-ing, he was replaced here by Swed-ish driver Kenneth Eriksson. A late disappointment was that the Toyota of four times world champion Juha Kankkunen did not take the start. H.F. Grifone had made an entry at the last moment in hopes a plan could be arranged, but ultimately it couldn't. The high speed nature of the stages gave the advantage to more powerful cars in W2L but never count the Skodas out despite their smaller'engines. They had a 1-2 win at Monte Carlo, but Emil Triner had his third co-driver in as many events. The organizers said the strength of the ice on lakes was good for those stages. Because of the lack of snow this year they were thinking of chang-ing the Karlstad superspecial stage route to have more of the route on ice and less on land. The problem was serious as every day during training there was less snow and many stages had long stretches of gravel. Once again studs were expected to be the name of the technical game. The coldness isn't the most significant factor, more important is the way the Scandin-avian weather can change in temperature by a great amount and very quickly. Tommi Mak-inen explained. "No snowbanks means the roads will be wider and therefore faster. When the snow-banks are big•t is important to keep the car in the ruts, but the Mitsubishi was a narrow car and it was always good in the ruts. But this year wide track cars will go better. Certainly I think these conditions should be fairer to the different types of cars." Leg l and finally the show was on the road, or more correct! y, on the ice. The stage started at six o'clock, in reverse order, and remarkable crowds came to watch. Karlstad itself has a popu-lation of 50,000 with another 25.000 in Country areas nearby. Official attendance figures said 25,000! Several drivers had mis-Kenneth Eriksson drove the Subaru lmpreza to the overall victory in the 46th International Swedish Rally, Putting Subaru in a nice first place in manufacturers points. firing troubles after the endless water splashes round the route, but otherwise nothing untoward happened. Makinen and Rad-strom tied equal first, Jonas Kruse's Renault was four seconds faster than the next best W2L car (Svan's Opel), while in Group N Stig-Olaf Walfridsson and Joha· Kangas were equal, both in Mit-subishis. It was all good fun! But, the real rally was about to start next morning. A half hour before dawn the cars left Karlstad for the main road run to Hagfors and the first two stages of the day. The ground was brown not white, but the sky was clear and soon it was sunny as well. While the fields were com-pletely bare of snow, many of the roads were covered by icy patches, and walking around was treacherous. Without warning you would be on sheet ice. It was unknown territory for the com-petitors as well, and the world of stud retention became the most important factor of the event. The only driver out of salt~ was our 50 year old Suzuki driving friend. He arrived at the restart too late and was excluded from the event. There were eight stages in the day, and there were four different leaders, all driving different makes of car. Joint overnight leader Radstrom pulled into a clear lead on the first stage but fell back on the longer stage 3, when Sainz went ahead. Sain: slid into a ditch on stage 4 and fell back to third place, letting Eriksson go ahead. Makinen went in front on stage 6 for two stages but fell hack to third with stud trouble on the Ion ( 44km) stage when Eriksson !ff/lF""' went into the lead. However, after the delay leaving the Service Park at the end of the day, Makinen was down to fifth. At the night halt, Subaru and their Pirelli tires, were lying one-two, third was Sainz, and fourth, the best non-professional entry was the Toyota of Radstrom. While Subaru enjoyed their night's sleep at Borlange, it had been a day of strange fortunes for their rivals. Other than the stud problem Mitsubishi's single car for Makinen had no trouble until the evening service at Borlange. At the day's final Service Park they were about to send Makinen to the out control when the champion found he could not select any gears. Eventually he left eight minutes late (lm20s penalty). Uwe Nittel was on his first winter rally in the Group A Evolution III and impressed his masters. Ford, however, had many little troubles. It seemed like a better het for the long stage 8, and Sain: made a bad choice of tires for stages 6-7, opting for GA type (like Mitsubi-shi were using) instead of the G60. He wanted on-event exper-ience of the GA in these condi-tions, just in case it proved a win-ning trick later on. Schwar: slid off on stage 2 and damaged the rear suspension in the process. "I had been looking at the lines of the others, they had been off and on the track all the time with impunity. The one time I try to do that I hit a rock!" Then he had hrake problems with the car, and finally the handling of the car went all wrong on stage 9. "Des-pite the brake problem we did <41~"' , . ; , . . WW · :~• • . • •• - . Carlos Sainz rips around a corner in the Ford Escort in a vain pursuit of first place, ended up second in Sweden but leads in drivers points for the year. The Mitsubishi of Tommi Makinen awes the spectators as he corners hard and fast in Sweden. Tommi took third in the rally and is third in drivers points in '97. Thomas Radstrom with Lars Backman navigating in the Toyota Celica applies opposite lock on the almost snow-less stage: he won two stages and took second on two others. April 1997 Kenneth Baklund gives the Mitsubishi hard right rudder as he ends up eleventh overall and first Group N car. Dusty Times

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well on stage 8, and then lost it all in the stadium stage in Falun!" Private Fords were not going well. K ytolehto retired at the start of stage 4 with engine trouble. The butterfly control in the injec-tor had broken and a piece had been ingressed by the engine at the end of the second stage. Blom-qvist, in his Michelin-liveried Escort, was well off the pace, say-irig that the gear ratios were hope-less for the conditions, while Mats Jonsson, the man who had won the rally in a Toyota, was gradu-ally learning how to drive an Escort. The Toyota team were pleased with Radstrom, although Jonsson lost a half minute with a spin. Gronholm lost a quarter minute with a failed water injection sys-tem while Mats Thorszelius had shock absorber mounting prob-lems which cost him 50 seconds in road position. The big excite-ment was Radstrom's third best time on the stage, the best effort by Michelin. Studs and their length was the topic as the cars came in . Keeping the studs intact was the talk after the 44km stage. Group N was again a Mitsubi-shi walkover: the top eight at Bo"r-lange were Lancer Evolution cars, the top three being Scandinavians and fourth was Gustavo T relies, whose teammate Manfred Stohl was an impressive sixth on his first major winter event. In W2L the overnight leader wasJonasson ahead of Kruse: the top four crews were separated by 35 seconds. Svan was the fastest driver of the day but lost two minutes with a puncture on his Astra, which was on its sixth successive Swedish Rally. The only problem reported by Skoda (lying just out of the points in seventh and eighth) was a broken exhaust for Pavel Sibera while fifth place Tapio Lauk-kanen (VW) who hoped to rally wffh Lappi, used Michelins which went off after ten kilometers each stage. Henry Joki overturned his VW and lost seven minutes. Things were quite different on leg 2. Snow was lying an inch deep on the streets ofBorlange, and the prospects of a Subaru win, when faced with tackling the stages as the first two cars on the road, seemed to be fading. Mitsubishi were conscious of their serious problem the night before, when Makinen clocked out of the Ser-vice Park only two minutes before he would have been excluded for excess delay. They still had not finished the job it started with a routine gearbox change, but the new unit was faulty. They fixed it well enough to drive the car to the pare ferme and finished next morning and lost no more time. The temperature inexorably rose, snow turned to sleet and to steady rain. There continued to be amazing reliability among the top runners. Even by evening only one car seeded among the top 25 numbers was missing! Eriksson continued to lead for two stages as the snow turned to rain, but then had the gearbox start jumping out of sixth gear. He said "Conditions were slushy, and visibility was poor due to spectators fires and the mist and it was difficult to see where there was ice beneath the water on the road." Sainz, run-ning third car on the road, started the day 25 seconds behind the leader and ended up in the lead with 12 seconds advantage over McRae and another 15 on Eriks-son. Pirelli people put a brave face on their reversal of fortunes. "It is a pity that Subaru never tested their car in muddy conditions before the event ( when has the Swedish ever been muddy before?) but at least we lost no studs all day." They were silent about the misfortunes of their second WCR driver Nittel, who had two punctures and no EMI mousse inserts. Everything went well for Ford. Sainz admitted "We have learned a lot in the past 24 hours. We used GA tires and our testing yesterday had been useful." Schwarz had brake fade troubles, but nothing else adverse. Makinen had a good day but Nittel's punctures cost towards five minutes. Radstrom's Toyota hit a rock, which Makinen also touched; the Celica driver had to live with a bent rear chassis from there on. Jonasson still headed W2L, his car using a borrowed Lehmann engine for this eve·nt. "Our only problem was on the very wet stages, when the windscreen vis-ibility was impaired by misting"; Kruse's Maxi Megane went off twice and retired while Svan pressed hard in his aged Opel with the engine misfiring part of the time. Third place in W2L was Toni Gardemeister's Nissan, run-ning normally on Black Rocket tires, on only his second rally out-side his native Finland, ahead of Loukkanen who was still un-happy about _his tire availability. Skodas were lying fifth (Emil Triner who also had a broken exhaust) and Sibera just in front of Alister McRae, who had trou-bles the entire event. In Group N Backlund's domi-nation continued despite o ne puncture, while Kangas fell back to third on slower stages in the afternoon, which the Swedish drivers knew well. The girl driver Pernilla Walfridsson retired after a crash, keeping up with a tradi-tion on this event of unlucky drivers who had famous parents. lngvar Carlson's son Patric and Bo Thorszelius' son Mats had all gone off the road. What a day on Leg 3! Three different leaders in the first three stages. The stages were harder, Pirelli faces began to smile again, and Makinen gave himself the mission of trying to recover more of the time lost at Borlange. In the end the world champion came third, 26 seconds behind the winner. In the pressure of the morning McRae had a double spin on stage 22, lost a half min-ute, and any chance of a win. (He had also spun on stage three, two days before, an incident which the television in-car camera explained in detail!) Sainz was worrying all the time about his tires. He tried G60, then went back to GA but he could not match the speed of Makinen, who also ran GA but who had the advantage of running further back. "l actually felt positive when we restarted again today," Eriks-son said afterwards: "We had only lost an average of S seconds per stage in the unfavorable con-ditions: we knew we should be competitive in these conditions." Four drivers started the day with hopes of winning. For Makinen the options were easy to define: "It all depended on the weather. Pirelli is much better in hard con-ditions than Michelin. The surfa-ces were hard." On the day's second stage McRae passed Sainz into the lead: on the third stage Eriksson was three seconds in front of McRae: on the fourth stage McRae dropped to fourth and effectively the rally was over. In Group N Kenneth Backlund started the day with a tire choice error on the first two stages, giv-ing Walfridsson dreams of catch-• Toni Gardemeister in the Nissan Sunny pierce the dark-ness at speed: alas, engine problems forced his retirement. Jorgan and Nicklas Jonasson in their VW Golf G Tl Kit Car fly over the light snow to fourteenth overall and first W2L. Emil Triner in the Skoda Felica KC1600 suffered a broken exhaust and finished 22nd overall and 5th in W2L. Dusty Times Per Svan in the Opel Astra was fastest W2L on day two but lost two minutes with a flat and finished 15th overall. Second_W2L. April 1997 46th Rally of Sweden Feb. 7-10, 1997 Kenneth Eriksson/Steffan Erickson S Subaru lmpreza WRCar Carlos Sainz/Luis Moye E Ford Escort WRCar Tommi Makinen/Seppa Herjenne FN Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Colin McRae/Nicky Grist ra Subaru lmpreze WRCer Thomas Redstrom/lers/Backmen s Toyota Cellca GT-Four Armin/Schwarz/Denis Glreudet D/F Ford Escort WRCar Tomas Jansson/Per/Olaf Svensson S Toyota Celica GT-Four Marcus Gronholm/T.Rautlainen FN Toyota Celica GT-Four Mats Jonsson/Johnny Johansson s Ford Escort RS Cosworth Stig BlomqvlsVBenny Melander s Frod Escort RS Cosworth Kenneth Becklund/Tord Andersson s Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Jorgan & Nickles Jonasson s VW Golf GTI Kit Car 73 starters, 44 finishers. • Group Winner •• Formula 2 winner Winners average -speed over stages 106.52 kph. A. A A A A A A A A A N A World Championship for Manufacturers - Subaru 23, Ford 16. Mitsubishi 10, 3 :51 :49 3 :52:05 3:52:15 3:52:20 3:54:47 3 :55:45 3 :55:47 3:56:04 3 :57:02 3:58:35 4 :04:07 4:08:49 World Championship for Drivers - Sainz 12 points, Eriksson & Llettl 1 o, & Makinen 8. FIA Cup for Production Drivers - Trelles 16 points, Becklund 13, Kremer & Welfrtdsson 8 ing up, but then Walfridsson had finished 22 seconds ahead of a big spin and settled for second Svan. Sibera and Gardmeister place.lnW2LJonassonledallthe both retired, driveshaft and way - just! His heartache began engine respectively, but Alister when he was swapping tires front-McRae pulled up and passed to-rear before the last stage and T rinner into fourth place. found a wheel stud had sheared. The home team won: Swvdish He had to nurse his car through drivers won the rally overall. the final stage, and even so the left Group N and W2L; the legend front wheel came off as he was was intact and apart from the dis-braking. (Last year he lost a rear appointment about the weather, wheel on the same car and still everyone back home seemed finished .) Luckily the ensuing happy. service park was very close and he ·tor quaf)ty4 ..... king for a kedbya tructural nty ... he mony ailable, hen est ... :::,; '~-{ t&tf % Page 37

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PIKE'S: SE-RV·JCE GENTER BAKER, CALI_FORNIA CELEBRATING ' -50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ...... THANKS! - ' ---»e-••r's ·):·· ~~~ -.• '. ~ ~ .. i ' ' • ~ fo. ~ L .Ji.. __ __.,__ - • _ I SERVICE EVERY DAY -OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR _ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT NEW IN '97 ... from WELD RACING® TM MODULAR Specialty Racing Wheel • Mud Drags • Sand Drags • Truck Pullers • 4x4 Trucks • Dune Buggies, Etc. • True 3-Piece Mo u Design ... A Genuine Racing Wheel. • Super Strong ... Nobody Builds a Stronger Racing Wheel ! • Super Light ... Lightest Wheels Available! e Really Wide ... From 3 ½ " to wide in 15", 16" and NOW 16.l" • Versatile Fitment ... 4 ,5 ,6 and 8 Lug -Back Spacing s fro m 2" to 8". • Fast Service ... All Order ' g'/l-2 · Shown with Optional Double Bead-Loe™ Built -yvithin 5 Working Day . . 8 Prices $22900 Starting at each f Racer Direct: 1-800-488-9353 Dept. SR © 1997, Weld Wheel, Industries 933 Mulberry St., Kansas City, MO 64101 816/421-8040, Fax: 816/842-6747, Web Site: http:/ / Page 38 Trail Notes ••• THE FINAL FLAG FELL ON LONNIE HA WKlNS LAST WINTER, an old and dear friend and a Checker since birth, passed away on Saturday, February 8 at his home in San Felipe where he had resided for many years. Lonnie had been ill for quite a while and we will all miss him. God Speed Lonnie! BRAND NEW DRIVER! Scott and Kelly Steinberger, he weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and had a wheelbase of 20 inches. His name is Chase Jordan Steinberger. Our congratulations to all three of you. BEST IN THE DESERT has just announced there will be television coverage of all Best in the Desert races. One hour on each event on ESPN 2 or TNN. Also announced was that the Sahara Hotel will be the host hotel in Las Vegas, and the Peppermill Hotel in Reno for the Vegas to Reno race in September 1997. ATTENTION AUTOMOTIVE JOURN-ALISTS! Rick Sieman, expatriot from Granada Hills, who now resides south of the border, is conducting a journalism school, three days of intensive learning on how to be, do you want to be, etc. Rick has written for many publications over the years and I always found his writing informative and fun too. If you wanna try it, call Rick at 011-52-661-33479, BARSTOW RESULTS -MDR (Mojave Desert Racing) ran their Wild Wash250 on March 1 with 51 taking the green flag. The big winner was Steve Houston in Class 2 taking the class and the overall. He beat Ron Osburn by only two minutes in an exciting race. Dave Cua won Class 5, Mike Mocaby won 1600, Bob Wrighttook5-1600, Thomas Matt won Class 700, Bill Markel triumphed in Class 725. Class 9 belonged to Max Hanberg, Jon Jacobson took Class 1300, Class 100 was Bill Swisher, Dan Cannon in Class 850, Brent Loughran in Class 10, and Dennis Pruettook Class 1200. Full story next issue. OFF ROAD POKER RUN -We said it last month and we'll say it again: put aside April 26 and 27 for the Hi-Desert Charities Poker Run. It only costs twenty bucks and you can go off road and help out some people in need at the same time. It's at the SlashX Cafe on hwy 247. Call(619) 252-3093 for more info but GO GO GO ! S.S.O.R.R.A. (Southern Short Course Off Road Racing), but with a new name to the sport of off road. The group has a membership history of over 30 years, and is joining the growing numbers in short course racing. They kicked off the new season on January 5, at East Bay Raceway in Tampa, Florida. The 1997 points season will be an eleven race series of exciting off road action. This schedule of stadium short course competition will have races held the first Sunday each month at East bay Raceway. This schedule of stadium short course competition will be a change for our local old •----llllllllllllll~llll!lllll!l!l!l!l!llll!llll~~~lll!lll!!!!!!ll~lll!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!I!!!!!!!• timers, however it leaves open HE BUMP STOPS HERE dates for traditional Southern Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. The .. Bump Stopa oom• complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece and enou1h valving to 1et the Job done. ECOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 PER PAIR. (INCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE AND THE GRADE 8 BOLTS) SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-520-427-3551 OR CALL US DIRECT. 102 Cnatview P.O. Boa845 Yamell, AZ 85362-0845 enduramce challenges such as the 27th year running of the Florida 400 in late March and the Thanksgiving 250 in southern Georgia. I..ASfYEAR'S'IROPHY'IRUCK CHAMPION Robby Gordon now in his rookie year of NASCAR Winston Cup racing won the pole position at the Primestar 500 at Atlanta Race-way. Robbie led the early laps and finished just outside of the top ten in fourteenth position. We know this is just a portent of things to come as Robbie's natural abilities will meld with the Winston Cup car and victory should not be too far away. CRANDON RACEWAY an-nounced their "Sweet Sixteen" top money winners and Jack Flannery leads by a great margin. Art Schmitt was first runner up to Flannery and Scott Taylor retains his third place position with Walker Evans holding in fourth. Tune in next month for a full rundown of names and numbers in Dusty Times. "Your One Stop Trailer Shop" April 1997 Dusty Times

Page 39

california Rally Series By John Elkin~ National status in October, which should be a pleasant and inexpen-sive time of the year to visit that region of Arizona; and show them eastern boys and girls what for. Did you remember to check the A big hearty thank you to those dates on your seat belts? Remem-that voted me back as the CRS her the new five year rule, and also Press Liaison at the awards all belts have to be 16.1 spec or banquet. I wish I could have been better ( whatever that is). If you there but I was suffering the death need belts remember the rally flu from hell at the time. My· people that sell parts on the side. appearance would not have been a Road Race and Rally, Ron Wood, pretty one. Sube Sports and Rod Millen So many changes recently in the Motorsport are just a few to con-CRS, it is hard to know where to sider. And as long as safety is on begin. To start with; a big yourmind,howthinisthatdriving· congratulations to Bob Scott who suit getting? Has your helmet had has assumed the mantle of Stock a few hard knocks over the years? Class Czar, as a long time class Lets not skimp on safety, folks. competitor we know he'll Astheyearturnsoverwemtist maintain the integrity of the rules all remember that we owe Nancy and the fairness shown by those Peterson our CRS dues, most of that have served before him. A our rally cars are in need of a new welcome back to Donna Mitchell, annual tech inspection, don't put as she returns as our benevolent it off until the first event of the BoG Director. I am sure all of you year, call any one of our tech are aware that I call Portland, inspectors, Ron Wood, Garnet Oregon, home now as the lure of Baril, Matt Sweeney, Dan Hook big money, cheaper living and or Roger Hull, to arrange yours. cleaner air was too much to Next month I have some stories ignore. Anything concerning· to share with you all from Mexico press matters can be passed to me and the Doo Wops and how CRS via e-mail {75024.1561@compu-teams fair. It's nice to be back. or by telephone (503) 231-1328. CRSNews New vehicles and improve-, ments riddle the CRS family. Tony Chavez sold the Nuclear SFISPECDRIVINGSUITS:The Banana (Mitsubishi Eclipse) and SCCA Safety Committee and the has now in his possession a PRO Rally Board have proposed requ1rmg SFI specs for most driving suits. If your suit does not have an SFI spec label ( on the left shoulder) you will probably need to buy a new suit. If you have SFI 3-2A/ 1 you will need to wear nomex underwear with it. If you have SFI 3-2A/ 5 or higher or at least three layers then you are fine. This proposed new rule will be going into Sports Car for member comment. If you don't favor this change send your comments to: Howard Duncan at SCCA; Rally Solo Dept; 9033 East Easter Place; Englewood, CO 80113-2105-; or FAX (303)694-3654 or email: 76243.1467@ I Don't forget to replace your competition harnesses if they are notSFispec 16.1 (clearly marked and we don't mean with a Sharpie) dated no longer than five years ago. Deadline was January 1, 1997. Check out the new CRS WEB Page courtesy of Neal Gaborno at: http:/ lwww.av.qnet .. com/ -teamhke / crs / index. htm Ray Hocker is organizing the first Rally School CRS has had in six years! The date is Saturday, March 8 in Ridgecrest. The event will include a rally swap meet so we can all bring our rally stuff to trade and sell! Included in the school will be driving and co-driving training both in seminar and hands-on format, a car prep Reynard chassis VW GTI built to r-------------------------F2 specs in England. It will have a limited schedule in the CRS for now. Dennis Chizma has revamp-ed the blue Rabbit for stock class, instead of P Stock, and has the parts to fix his wounded 3000GT. Word is that the debut of the new .Bob Scott creation is not far away. I bought Dave Turner's Mitsubi-shi Rallytruck, and may even run some events, but I doubt anyone would be brave enough to navi-gate for me. Lon Peterson has a · new engine in the works that will be more powerful than his last one, and isn't that what we all want, Lon going faster? 01' Joint Jigger Tube& Pipe Notcher Tube notching is simple with the 0/' Joint Jigger. As you can see by the schedule printed elsewhere in this issue, we are pretty full of rally events this year. A return to Ridgecrest, even for a school should be nostalgic for us old timers. This is a great chance for everyone, old timer and rookie alike to benefit from this open learning environment. Then we are all off to Rim to repeatedly test shocks, springs and kidney health on waterbars, berms and scantily padded rally seats. Gorman and Treeline are firmly ensconced in their dates, those events are always a pleasure. Prescott has returned to full Using standard bi metal hole saws, and a 1/2" hand drill or small drill press to provide the power, this heavy duty fixture notches quickly and accurately the ends of tube or pipe up to 2" OD. Dale Wilch Sales & Mfg. P.O. Box 12031 • l{ansas City, KS 66112 Phone: (91:3) 788-3219 • Fax: 788-9682 Check u~ out on tlw \\'eh 0" 11·11•11·.dalell' For info or to order call TOLL FREE! 1-800-NICE CUT (642-3288) SCORE 1996 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! ' ~~~ Here we go again! SCORE Parker 400, Jan. 24-26 Class 1 3rd Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero (Toyota V6) 4th Ray Croll (Toyota Tacoma) Class 5 1st George Seeley (VW Type IV) Class 10 1st Rod Muller/Mike Halladay (Pontiac) 3rd Jim/Mike Zupanovich (Toyota 4AG) Congratulations to SODA Class 9/10 World Champion Tommy Bradley (VW Rabbtt) SODA Points Series Class 7S 2nd Jimmie Crowder (Ford) We use & recommend RACING ENQNES. TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS ~-~_:'.nd or ~I for_ our ne~ _ca ta.log $5. 00 _______ _ Dusty Times SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995 & 1996! PBIU'ORIIAICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 April 1997 session, a worker training session if enough sign up, and great food! Also included officially are a National Licensing School and a Beginner's Seminar. This is aimed at beginners and everyone who wants to brush up their skills but if enough interest is shown more can be included. Experienced drivers and co-drivers are needed to help, also rally cars! Please call Ray for more information and to offer your help. (619) 375-1028. Remember to renew your CRS membership now. $15 for Associate Members, $35 for competitors (payable to "CRS") to Nancy Peterson, 14550 Dos Palmas, Victorville, CA 92392, (619) 241-4704. Keep getting entry forms, results, and Dusty Times! MAG·7News By Phillip Breedlove MAG-7 will provide pits for the SCORE PRIMM 300 4 / 25 /97-4127 197 as well as the remainder of the SCORE racing schedule. Please contact the Race Director (Wayne Newell (619) 745-5740) for race information or the membership director (Mike Wickersham ( 619) 660-8029) for general membership information. MAG-7 will also provide lunch for the Tecate Enduro/Trailride in conjunction with the Los Ancionos MIC club 415 197 _ SAN FELIPE 250 MAG-7 headquarters for the San Felipe T ecate 250 will be Campo El Paraiso {Pete's Camp) where the Navarro family always graciously extends a hearty wel-come for Baja Racers. MAG-7 will provide four pits for the race with one "gas only" pit near El ( :hinero and main pits near San Matias wash, Morelia Junction an,l between Chanate and A:ufre washes. Details on the race will appL"ar next month. Best of luck to all and enjoy the fish tacos! FUD "KING OF THE DESERT" MAG-7 Operations/ equip-ment director, Steve Stenberg and company provided a radio check-point and emergency pit for the FUD "King of the Desert" race and filed the following report: "On Saturday 2 18 197, a MAG-7 radio checkpoint and emergency pit was captained by Steve and Melinda Stenberg with support from Wayne and Debbie Newell, Shawn Wells and Terry, Mark Cranmore with MAG-7 newcomers Norm Bisson and Todd Warner. The Checkpoint was up and operational by 7:00 a.m. and the first bike was through at 7:33 a.m. Dust was heavy at times as the bree:e went away early on in the race. Upon completion of the motorcycle/ -A TV portion of the race, the first buggy came through the check at 12:44 p.m. No major breakdowns were reported by the crew but the action was still fast and exciting. Looking forward to pitting at the San Felipe 250 in March. Adios until then - Steve Stenberg." Congratulations to Rocket Rod Fantelli and Charles Garage for another Class 7 win in the highly modified Ford!!!. MAG-7 Board of Directors Congratulations in your re-election and THANK YOU for a job wdl done in 1996 to the fol-lowing MAG-7 Board Memhers: PresidL"nt-Phillip BreL"dlove; Ract: Director-Wa\'ne Nt:well; Opera-tions and Equipmt:nt Dirt:ctor-Stt:ve Stenbt:rg; T reasurrr-T erry Walsh; Secrt:tary-Hugh McLean; Social Director-Mike Wickn-sham. Congratulations and HOOYAH to the newly dected MAG-, hoard members: Social and Membership Director-M ikt-Wickersham; Equipment Man-ager-Andy Pina; Communica-tions Dirt:ctor-Terry Walsh assistt:d by Jerry McMurry. All for now-Sec you at the ract:s. Valley Performance Custom Accessories Competitive Prices Now .Available: Barbary Coast Ciu.~,!'-2 Two Seater $45,000 Call Dave or Lenny at 702-247-1266 3636 Mead A,,enue Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-247-1266 Page 39

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 1320 N. Miller St. #8 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Export & lnt'I Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management! 1040 S. Main St.·::Fallbrook. C1' ~~OtH .... -------------------1 (619) 723-21 l 7*"F AX (619) 723-993& 0 -';e~g,~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS : BATTERY SALES UNLIMITED Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 BDR McKenzies .__ ___ (_s1_s_) 9_1_4-_37_1_7_f _FA_X_(_81_8_) 9_1_4-_21_2_1 ___ ..,._-==---.1.7.!...1.!_4.:..L_6~_Q-4566 714 441-1-212 • aJax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. COMPUTER PARTS LOCATOR NATIONWIDE JOHN KEARNEY SECRETARY/TREASURER 84·851 AVENUE 48 COACHELLA, CA 92236 (619) 398-0147, 345-3353 1-800-606-6043 FAX (619) 398-0596 ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging •Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons •SODA and SCORE approved SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS • HARNESS PADS AJ_L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 · (602) 386-2592 ~-----------OFF ROAD RACERS ! I "Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" jl'l\.01.UllO.I LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock Wide Assortment of Colors ond Sizes We also carry o full selection of -CUSTOM SUITS - • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • Lenders in Custom Fuel Cell In-Store Measurements • Fire Systems •Shoes• Gloves• Design and Fnbricntio11. no DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE) .4-••• a RACIN G FUEL CELLS ~ IIIJ!~~ BELL lankershim & 1-5 ~ MOTORSPORTS 9017 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352 8 0 0-526•5330 RAMSEY, NJ USA Bd k , 1.,., • • n,...,,wo111,o,,.,~. (818) 768-7770 Fax (818) 768-1840 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 2" Sport-Comp & Ultra-Lite Gauges JI f; . """ ~· ... "·. -·••-···"· ~',! ... !. •~(815)895-8141 M•F8-5CDT ~ ...... -• Send $4.00 For Complete 1997 Catalog COMPETITION INSTRUMENTS Auto Meter Products, Inc. • 413 W Elm St.• Sycamore, IL 60178 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 C..istorr. V~hicle Shifter e" ¥ .,x // r« PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84·89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON =.:=CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 8 " · 9" · 1 O" · 13" · 15" · 16 " · 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ {p(Q) [f{[f .. {L (Q) (f 1K SIMULATED BEAOLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 1209) 275-5183 FAX (209) 276-2365 r CNC1• Ma;~::::~d~C~~PodalA,'l' ~ ~ Master Cylinders -------~-Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles CNC, Inc. T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA.921"10 (619) 27S-1663 . Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS • f'RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ J:&, (WV~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep -2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-61 19 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 t!ttRACING ~ GASOLINE LEADED 110,114,118 OCTANE CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 . DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA

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CPC Cadmium-Cnrome-Gold Anodize--Ele-ctroless Nickle Aluminum Die Casting Home of f .O.A. Racing Tieman Connector flatlng Corp. 327 W 132nd st. Los Angeles, CA 90061 310-323-1622 • 310-323-l 74t Fax 310-323-i517 Ask For Mik:e DE UNZIO RACING PRODUCTS. , HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara_, CA 93111 T>ONIJtfOE ~A&-:IN~ • RAcE TRUCKS • PRERUNNERS • CONSULTING • DEVELOPMENT • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE ENTERPRISES KREG DONAHOE 0wNER Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. 2831 E. WHITE S'IAR -UNII H ANAHEIM, CA 92806 '714-(1.\2-~0J.l Ji,\)!. "t4-6J1-.l!B:' Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding Suite K& L Santee, CA 92701 619-258-2575 re ES.;;;_7,;,~EFl 5) ~---======== ENGINEERING FORD RACIN6 PARTS: RANGER 2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALrn' SPEED PINTO 2-0 PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 P6. CATALOG. PRON£ (818) 444-4919 1438 POTRE.RO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. E.LMONTE, CA. E-ZUIP" INSTANT· , SHELTERS ~ . ~~ '-£.116111~\ '> FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcLTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER 'CAS.TEX RENTA;[,S 213-462-1468 !'RE-RUNNER SPECl.',UST • 6UMPERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT "'1'5 • l.ONERING "'1'5 • DUALLY5 AIR 6AG SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & Dt5f'lAY5 • ATV FM WORK EXf'ERT INSTALLATION & FM_RICATION AVAlLA6LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS I. BEDSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. -4010 N. PALM STREEl. UNll 1O3 (714) 870-9.422 FULLERr0N. CA. 92635 FAX (714) 870-9132· CUSTOM TOOLING -PRODUCTION -REPAIR FIBERGLASS KEVLAR CARBON FIBER CHUCK GUY PH 619 7~941' 39225 Jewell Valley Way-Boulevard, Ca 91905 25 years experience RACING FUEi.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Car$6n, CA 90746 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX:{310) 603-2:?S1" (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin THE ONLY REASON FOR NOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY TIMES 15 BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE c:::::> F="" F="" F=I. c:::::> ~ r:::::::> 1. 4-08_365_9700 SOo-869-9712 80S-266-U7S Racina' Radioa Two-Way Radios Scaaaen Visit our Web Site ~ Headsea www .... Rentals Available ~ystems" BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 810A S . ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HTS., IL 60005 PHONE:(708)259-3810 . FAX:(708)259-9705 THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! USED BY WALKER EVANS FRISKFAB Custom Metal Fabrication Design • Development • Production Trophy Truck Technology .... Affordable Price. 20 Years Off Road Racing Experience. • Crew Chief/ Dest(n;d FaJJr~f!)t~•Simon & Simon~ Nelson & Nel,son_).rt~ Walter E~1ns-~acing. • 1992 Baja 1000 Overall4·. ' l'tle -=-"" • 4 straight SCORE/lf DRA C -• Built ovet 17 ~~P:-CaA & r, . Cuito111,c;11mponeols To Complele Chassis, All Shet!'i'Mtt,1 Fabrll:aU9ft, Moi!!l,~lloii,; and ij True.ks, ~ Pi1t Run w ' ATV's • 2 & Setil~~ I'" ½-• Cuat,oqr W•ft!ing: Mig, Tig, & Arc.'•1'111ie ding • Shefltln•t-Work • Production Runs • Machine Work • Electrical Wiring • Complete Race Prep_ With all our years of racing experience and working with the best, we're D.ll1 just another Fab Shop! Call Today ! Ed Frisk (909) 693-9333 • Fax (909) 676-1859 Temecula, CA NIW YH CAN COTIE RACING CfAIS TIE WINNEIS DE ISINC ~ 'FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (810) 294-5858 Fax (810) 293-0736 -THE RACERS CHOICE. I Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associations. For your local dealer call (800) 433-6524 Call or write for our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle. Hunlington Beach CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (714) 842-2211 fx (714) 842-6622 ~ ___ G_l.ASSUJO __ A_KS .... Unllmlted Design Graphite/ Cabon A & D Services Custom fiberglass fabrication 18101 Redondo Clrde, Unit T Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 841-8814 MACHINE WORKS High Performance & Suspension Parts BIiiet 4WD Yoke Axles - 4 Pinion Difls Front & Rear Floater Hubs -300M U-Jolnts Sway Bars -Ball Joints -VW Stub Axles Running Springs, ca (909) B67-4656

Page 42

1 HM ENGINEERING A· ~ PER_~OR~.~ JOO.END & BfMING CO ~ _ · :J~ · ~IA (lfi,oo:,Q; • *NO MlNlMUM *DEALER INQUlRIES WELCOME *MM>E \N 'tHE USA KAL OFFROAD RACING r•~r,. - _ .r0'),._, RACESKINS C!:;:. -~~~~-~,,_...'.;,--FIBERGLASS LIGHTWEIGHT Rear Quarter panels ."66 -77" BRONCO'S KURTLARMEE (805) 238-5731 .Assembly:.. Machine Work, Parts , Engine Dyno Fadllty 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C · Santee. CA 920'.71 *CALL FOR FREE CATALOG ----619-596-0886 ·11&fi1 MARlENS R\VER C\RCLE' "A" 714-971-{~631. __ _ _,.____ CuStom Metal Fabrication ,FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA. 92708 . fAX :7'14-979-5953 103 Capitol Hill Drive Paso Robles CA. 93446 619-596-0625FAX -=-=-:..:.::.:.:..:....::.=::.:...=~~__:__:_::_:_~~--4~~~~~~~~~-=--= Ken Major tlalfll 9t~Olll~t£ .Je## Hawe 93B0 Hlllvale In. Lakeside CA 92040 Specializing in lligll perFormance Power Steering For Racing Magnaflux inspection a11ailable KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC 3463 !\1ilss1llon Road, Suite B Uniontown, Ohio -14685 330-699-1777 Fax 330-699-1771 Athene Karis - · (6f9J Stif-7764 Pager 619-406-2550 -----------.J-.. JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINQTON SHEET MET AL CORP. U424 lmpn-bl Hwy. • Santa Fe Sprinp • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication Pre Runners Chase !rucks, Roll Cages, 'Bumpers, ' Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Phone (310) 921-2693 Owner Don Connors Fax (310) 926-0699 James Hall JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unil 0 Anaheim. California 92806 JIMCO 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 · RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER . PREP & FABRICATION (714} 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON CUSTOM TRAILERS Russ Jonas Mororspons CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 1 V•1&MIC auge.Aaembli81 .. ON KIINN• RacwDilcOunll 8 9.f N. Lakeview Ave • Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fax 714-779-2316 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (2}3) 264-2136 (213) 264 ~8!'!8 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merel}i$/25 ;.oo per month. POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LIN CO TEMPERATURE STRIPS Easy to use, inexpensive & accurate! All strips are sett adhesive and labeled in Fahrenheit and Celsius. Strips are $2.00 each or $1.75 each over ten. For a FREE brochure or to order. contact: ·UNCO 13337 E. South St., #344 Cerritos, CA 90701 Phone/Fax: (714) 821-6542 Engineering LEE MFG. CO. 1·1661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (81Si 766-0371 A full line of Po>Ne• Steering gear,::, pumps ano acc»ssories for d:':)' lype of racing. REVERSIBLE ST.fllPS allow constant le.mperature monitor-ing Ranges from 32 to 194 F. IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record the maximum temperature reached of the item they are applied to. Ranges from 120• to sss•F. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 .81~85J-.RACE 81~852-8852:FAX KENT LOTHRINGER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E.!thorpc Ave. Anaheim, CA 92800 Te\ ("114) ..141-1212 L1x(1l'4) 441-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 1 290 TROUSDALE #I&J CHVLA "1STA CA 91910 619-691-1000 FA .. X 619-691-1324 MESSICK RAONG PHOTOS METAL SPINNING ~RR ALL INDUSTRIES C~II (310) 928-9838 SUNDRY METAL CRAFTS ~ =LANGED DISC " u ''.A,.EO TUBE ill I ' , 6729 Suva St. Bel! Gardens, CA 90201

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ACCOUNTING• INCOME TAX· CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant SHIUIYL CANNON. CPA OWNIER 260 S . GLENDORA AVE. SUITE 201 (818) 919•1011 VI_/K9T COVINA, CA 91790 P"AX (818) 919-0211 805-940-5515. (911) 2.0-$2295 .4-695 .7-5. 3.2-$3695 3.6-$4995 Turbo 3.0-$3995 Engines are rebuit to exacting stcindards developed on I the race tracks of California. Racing upgrades available! j "Largest" Porsche rebuilder in U.SA.1 • •1,-;11 ·••1,•41 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [94115] '857-5200 ,~~©J'lJ§©"itl . SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BEll, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK I ' WIRING FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12,5. 2888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HIU, CA 90806 310-427-8177 800-869-5636 Fralcv's Pl'rformancc Engi1w('rin~ Jerry Penhall 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #8 Costa Mesa, c.A 92627 * All Types of Steel U Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Beadinc * Ahaainum U Steel W.ldine • Custom Machine Work * All Types of Race Cars S83S W. Flamingo llcL Laa Vegas, NV 89H:J Bruce Fraley (702} :J6S-905S DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DW.ER Each month ten or more cqpies of the current issue can he in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :i J:!re:tt traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. C0NTAO DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 1 -800-929-4360 R)W°RACING ~BHOCKII OFF-ROAD BOGART'-~'IU"-l4 , • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and application assistance • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components • We take trade-ins LEE FINKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE: (602) 376-0944 &RACING "100,110.114. 118" methanol & nitro Steve Poole C.L. Bryant, Inc. 13415 Carmenita Rd. Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Office (310) 802-8913 fax (310) 802-0274 • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. RACE CAR DYNAMICS OFF ROAD RACE CARS 3552 FOWL.ER CYN RO. JAMUL., CA 9'1935 PH. CB'f9] 440-2S'14 FAX {6'191 588-4237 RON HEMPHIL.L. RaceCarChassis PORSCl:-IE 930 4-SPEEDRQ-CX ... RoLL "::~= Race ·Car Parts . s YEARS RACE-TESTED , ~ , • , 1 74 RA nos ~©fE (p)l}{]©ii"© cosrA MESA. CA. 92628 R Aluminum bodies wirn No CRACKED •••• , · PICTURED, tr,,. ~ ,.Jl GEARS OR PINlONS ; r...... 1 3rd ' v :S,l t.Ll 1/2-1600 Motors . SYNCHROMESH OR • t B And Trans ooo-ENGAGE KIT , ~••• 't ,,. ~'I O''.tl"~.'1' •4.22R&;P (4.88OPTION) ' ••'7 '!w-1 .o>o✓ Custom Machine · . sttoTPEENED vAcUUM 9310 Work & Fabrication · wmE sELEcrroN oF RA nos S 1l • CHOICE OF INPUT SHAFTS 1Ul.JPJP>a}7 2525 E. 16th St.• Yuma, Az. 85365 GEARSETS & COMPONENTS (60">) 783 6265 • COMPLETE RACE TRANS FROM $6,930 • 1(800)231-8156 ~ -··· PHONE/ FAX 89-GEARS "IF YOO'LL SHOW OFF ••• ... WE'LL SHOW LP'I (714) 722-0491 t-________________________ _::O:_:::ther (808) 878-6812 ~\l\> st111, 11-~ ~ OFF ROAD CHASSIS <ff nfl<-· Jlinf/ BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE• WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 761-9460 PARKER.-PUMPER HELMET SAN SEVAINE WAY SUITE L MIRA LOMA, CA 91752· 909-360-5906 909-360-0436 COMPANY ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1ion I/Joy, 1,/d, ~. 700 N.E. 117th StrHt II ~ Vancouver, WA 9868S.$ ~ta ~ Phone ~~. ~'I', Fax 360-574-5474 10n & 36o::5'f6-1109 A High Performance VB Race Truck Series "The True Drivers Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.6470 9419 Abraham \\ay, Ste. B Santee, CA 92071-2584 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST ,\.iAIN ST. El CAJON. CA 92021 Ci-i~iS RC.;E (o 19) 443-:.24<30· LAURA -I M RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335

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Fox -Bilstein -Motorcycle ~ BEST PRICE $ ~ SHOX SERVICE ~~ 15454 EL CENTRO ; HESPERIA, CA 9234:S ')' 619-948-0325 El Centro, CA ...................... 800-989-4645 El Cajon, CA ....................... 800-458-2711 Indio, CA ............................. 800-989-3278 Lancaster, CA ...................... 800.462-9499 CUSTOM GEAROOX IUJILDING lice or /1/11I Paul Smiley • Salton City, CA • (619) 394-0039 1-------------------t-Las Vegas, NV ..................... 702-643~9200 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SHE SIGNS • BANNERS • WINDOW LETTERING • CAR LETTERING • GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax: (7141 894-9567 ~ s~e~e~ &~ ta 1(/i,e, e<tdom,~ '8itt Ptato. 619-347-5052 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 45-410 # 10 ~ St. '7~. eA 92201 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 619/561-2913 [fj;,' "n) 0 (213)583-2404 SAN~S SERVICE, fNC; METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOUFtESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith ~ong Beach, CA. .................. 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA .......................... 805-485-:6900 Perris, CA ............................. 800-969-3835 Van Nuys, CA .....•................. 818-786-8180 Riverside; CA ....................... 909-877-0226 All otber inquiries, contact Sports Racing at P. 0. Box 610, L~ng Beach, CA 90801 310-518-7318 gt,,wortc ~ I URBD ~~ ~B_LU~J. Custom Preparation & Fabrication Racing Gasolines Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 Strai.ght • ,n e ---------IIEnl ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano, CA 93544 805-261-3202 OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WEWING • FABRICA TVN • Fl.AME Ct.ITT/NG • FFDVT Ef✓DS • REAR TRAJUNG ARMS flA£E 0-IASSlS • PFERIJNl'ERS • fDX RAGNGSH:JX LARfiY ROSEVEAR 1345 DYNAMICS. UN/TD ANAHEIM, C4 92B06 PHONE {714/ 996'6260 FAX {714/ 996'6405 !(ACE Tl(,4NS BY JEFF f!EO)S TRfiNSfiXLE· ENGINEERING. ·1 JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST -Spacial/zing In High Pert. T ransaxlss 0-ll . vw • PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WERACE WHAT WE SEU. (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Nonnandie ~ T ()rrance, CA 90501 D So. Cal. Distributors• (310) 928-2278 Lyn, Gordon, or Mike (UJAP] 619/449-9690 ui~IQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223PROSPECT AVENUE_SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS·, FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES OF RACING,& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHO;> (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 1 Performance Camshafts Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266

Page 45

RACE CARS BAJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V.W. & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYOTA • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding Lorenzo Rodriguez • 515 So. Vermont, Glendora, CA 91740 • (818) 914-8147 - . . ·- . 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts ID Complete Engines Ultra High Quality Gears that outlast and out-perform all others. Available in 113 (keyed), 002 (splined), 091 Bus, and MD4S transmis-sion configurations. Huge selection of ratios in stock. Off Raad Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication Dale White Racing 3940 Maranathil Circle Las Vegas, NV 89103 10Z·B11-1661 Off Road Products Front and Rear TraKing Jl<ms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels Engine Dyno Service 535 East CPo'ra/ Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 2733 W. Missouri Weddle Engineering , 0Phoenix. N. 85017 Porformance Transaxle Products I \. Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 Classified FOR SALE: 80 Ford Stepside prerunner. Blue printed 351 w!Edelbrock, Carter AFB, Hookers Flowmaster, Engine & trans coolers w / braided lines. Art Carr Manual c--6, 4.11 Detroit FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000 S-lackers. Fiberglass front end, full Seat, combo's w/2' offset, 10 cage, suspension on poly bush-over front end w/new chromoly ings. Bead lock America w/37", F-trailing arms. Bus trans w/930 Goodyears, triple Fox w/kicker, c.v.s and chromoly R-trailing Interior, engine compartment & arms. D:.>estech shocks, & Fox's. bed anodized aluminum, All Almost new 1600cc motor and VDO gauges in aluminum dash some spare parts. $7,500.00 oho. w/air conditioning, Pro Built! · Greg (817) 548-8501 or write to Not Abused! Asking $12,500.00 P.O. Box 301918 Arlington, TX (619) 365-7188 (Dave) (619) 7.:...6:...:0..:.0..:....7. _______ _ 956-1228 (Ty). FOR SALE: 1996 2 seat 10 with only 3 races. 1835cc wlnew FTC Bus Box. Foddrill Arm.s & Spindles, Bug Saco, Ump, Sum-mers, Sway-A-Way, 2.5 Fox bypass, Micro stubs, Centerlines, Fresh pcoat on panels. Car is fresh, fast, light. $23,000.00 (818) 575-7664 wk (714) 640-9851 home. FOR SALE: Class 9, single seater 0 miles on rebuilt motor O miles on Trans-axle by Fields, FoxShox, Ump, SAW, Beard, Much, much more. Proven Class winner 1995. many, many spareswent to Class 1, $5,000.00 oho. Call days (619) 256-1313 evenings (619) 256-3652. FOR SALE: 1981 Toyota 4x4, , Orange, 12 n lift, 40" tires, fresh · H.P. 350 Chev, TRW forged pis-ton, Sig Crson cam, 4V Holley, Turbo 350 trans, B&M shifter. Lots of Duesh. Tsch shocks. $6,500.00. Large variety of used tires & rims. Tom (714) 554-3300 or (714) 530--8807. FOR SALE: 1995 Briggsbuilt Superlite, most current version, ,•ox air shocks w/ bypass, 400cc Pilot motor, biBet gear box, 680 lhs, Outboard c.v.s, Billet huhs, all chromemoly, cost over 26k new. many spares, raced Glen Helen, Perris, SODA, $15,500.00 might trade, (602) 4KK-,991. =-------FOR SALE: 1-1 nOO New Major motor & Ml·nJeola trans. 930 c.v.s with Fllrtin cages, Fox Shox, CNC pedals. L'mp, Wright Rack, Beard seat, Centerline with RFGs. Parker Pumpl.·r. Lots of spares, Best of ewrything professionally prep, Race Ready $13,500.00 (619) 6,.0-8220 or (619) 49,-7991-i. Dusty Times FOR SALE: New Class 7 Ford Splash, best of everything, every-thing new, Cone 9", Big Kendall shocks bv-oass, Fox bumps, built motor by Ed Hale, Dry-sump oil, Barry Grant carbs, Howe steering, Ram, National spring, Fox bumps, too much to list SCORE ready. Craig Stuart prepped ( 619) 466-7879. FOR SALE: 1995 Class 10 single seat, Lothringer, new Mendeola bus, fresh 1776cc. All the best parts, this car has been profession-. ally maintained, only 9 races on this car only in La Rana. $22,000.00 obo. Car will be at Parker. Ask for Randy pg (909) 243-8895, after 5:00 (909) 622-3530 or Contact Kent Lothringer (909) 214-0403. FOR SALE: Class 4, F150, K~;~ ter shocks & springs. Dana 60. SVO 496. C6 with Art Carr 9n Convertor. 6 Alum wheels & BFG tires. Dual MSD ignition. Spares & molds for all body pan-els. Many drivetrain spares. Only ran 6 races. I can demo running & jumping. $15,000.00 oho. Call Basil or Kathy (717) 297-2166 days (717) 537-2644 evenings. Pennsylvania. FOR SALE: SCORE Class 717S Toyota, 3rd overall '95, 4th overall '96. Designed & built by McPherson's engineer. 10 Fox shocks, 4 bump stops, BFG tires, Hella lights, PCI radio & intercomn, Sway-A-Way tl bars, Craiger wheels, National springs, Beard seats, Pytotech belts, CNC pedals, Holly, Fram, Aurora, April 1997 Aeroquip, Fuel Safe, Best of Tandem trailer wl electric brakes everything, Lots of .spare parts. & parts box. $17,500.00 race Extra cliff. wl spool, extra set of readywithpitsupport@firsttwo 300m axles, extra transmissions, SCORE or SNORE races, or heads, pistons, etc. Extra steering $15,000.00 as is. For information boxes, extra tires and wheels, tie- call DeNunzio Racing Products @ rods, bearings, ball joints, and lot H00--622-3939. more. Includes. heavy duty ------------CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' -any Length Hose ·• Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS :$299.oo 1wrmsKIRr \.. 5153 Bowden Ave.• San DiQgo •CA• 92117 • (~19)_279-2509 'I""OIJG-II OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS All ATL Cells Carry A Full Race Approval To FT-3 Or FT-5 Regulations c& 'i!::!J l!:/ C-, ® L~ps Ahead Of The Com AERO TEC LABORATORIES INC. aoo\ SPEAR ROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK \ 533 RAMSEY, NJ 07446-1251 5~6• TEL: 201-825-1400 • FAX: 201-825-1962 Page 45

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Classified ••• FOR SALE: 4 Seat Appletree Chassis with Fiberglass body. 1835cc, 44mm Webers, 041 Heads, Trimill, 049, Alternator, New Clutch, Billet front beam, rear disc, rear coilovers, new tires & rims. Custom trailer, very clean. $6,500.00 Daytime (313) 248-9449 Street legal. _ __;;.:__ ___ _ FOR SALE: 2 se~t Berrien chassis with Race Brace kit. 2.3L Turbo, Bus trans, New tires, rims, lights, hattery, gauges, wiring, front coilovers, duel rear shocks. T ubu-lar rear arms, disc brakes, H.D. spring plates. Aluminum dash & radiator. Neal pedals, Morse cahle. Street legal title. $7,000.00 Daytime (313) 248-9449 after 4 p.m. (313) 654-8530. FOR SALE: SODA Class I car, Esslinger huilt 2300 Ford, 2 trans, Fox coilovers, Bead locks, $7,000.00 or trade for ??? Mike ( 906) 466-9949. FOR SALE: Class 10 J imco Champion car. Fresh rebuilt trans. wl new FTC gears, Wiks motor, Fox Shocks, CNC, Ump. Race ready $16,000.00 obo. G~eat for new SCORE Super Ser-ies. Prep by Lothringer Eng. Turn-key ready. Must sell! Call Brian Logan (714) 821-8514. WANTED: 2-1600 car. Must be a well built competitive car in good condition. Spare parts, pit equipment, extra tires and trailer also wanted. Have cash for the right deal. Call Steve at (909) 423-5788. Lv message. FOR SALE: '86 Toyota Xtra cab 2 wd frame & cab in perfect con-dition, boxed in Fenderwells for 35" tires, perfect platform for race or street, plus 9" with Sumners axles, Richmond gears, spool, 57½ LongBeach springs, Beard, Fuel Safe cell, freshly rehuilt stock 22R motor, trans-missions, 33" Yokos, rims & spare parts all go $5,200.00 obo. ALSO gutted out '84 7S Toyota 400. Mike (213) 276-0556. FOR SALE: Class 10 S.S. ORBS. Sway-A-Way, Fox Air and Coil, Bumpstops, Wright, Umps ps, 4 wheel disc, BFG, B-TAs, Trick huhs, and a new Fuel Save. This car is super tight and really relia-hle. Call Stan Home (619) 392-0016 work (619) 227-3193. FOR SALE: 1974 F100 under construction ti! funds ran out, new strong 390. Spool rear, rear disk. Rancho Take a parts all around. Full cage, 5 point belts, new rims + 3 7 tires. 35 gal cell. Race or Chase, fun ready. $6,000.00 obo Glassworks Unltd. (714) 841-8814. FOR SALE: 1994 Single seat Challenger. Everything is new. 30 racing miles. 15 gal Fuel Safe. Fox front and rear. Ump filter. Beard, Simpson, 2 radios, 8 new Y okos. No rebuilt or used parts in motor. Great transaxle. $6,500.00 obo. Will trade for boat or 2 Water-bikes. Call Daryl (702) 972-3556 after 5 SWEET CLASS 8 Chevy, 600hp motor, JE Pistons, Brodix alum. Heads, 44 gal fuel cell, Art Carr Shifter, Beards Seats, Autometer gauges, MSD Ignition, Nat'l Springs, Rancho Lightning Rod Shocks, Summers Bros. Rear end and Brakes, Art Carr Trans, 23" Rear travel, Super Nice, Low Mileage, Excellent condition Lowered to $42,000.00 Ref #539 Baja Brokers ( 619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Desert buggy w /Class 1-2-1600ccmotor, swing axle, 4.86 R&P, super cliff, close ratio gears, dual rear shocks, five point harness, 15 gal gas tank, 4 wheel brakes, includes single axle trailer w lramps & tool boxes, $2,200.00 without motor $1,700.00. (310) 867-9377. FOR SALE: '94 Sus. Unltd. 2 seat, air cooled, 10 car. Fastest 10 car jlt La Rana in '95. ' Wik motor. Fox shocks, Full floaters, Fodrill, Wright drop spindles, etc. 5 rears & 8 fronts all with rims. Perfect for SCOREs new class. $18,900.00 w lout motor $22,500.00 w/motor. (310) 404-5607. FOR SALE: Toyota 8" Ring & Pinion. Richmond 4.56, new with receipts, never taken out of the box. $175 .00 obo. Call Ronald at (215) 619-5726 days or (215) 674-2379 eves. FOR SALE: 2 motors (VW). Class 10 1640cc, fresh, no races, new case, Super Flo heads, all top shelf, long block. $2,500.00. CLASS 1 1870cc only 300mi. since rebuild. FAT intake, incl. fan & shroud, alt & exhaust. Very strong. $1,800.00 (916) 731-4435. ~ -MUST SELL: '83-'91 Ranger, Custom Glass, VERY clean: 4 cyl, 4 wheel disc, 4 speed full cage, 94 BUNDERSON 1-1600 Front bitchen dash, Mastercraft seats, has Link Pin, Fox/Bunderson Simpson, BFG 32xll.50, Auto-shocks off of top A-arm Wright FOR SALE: Berrien Laser Class 1 me_!:er, 28 tank. A Steal! $5,500. spindles, rear has 2 Fox/ Bunder--·~~i or 9. Consistanttop5 SODA car, Baja Barokers Ref #5181619) son shocks per side, Bunderson FOR SALE: New RCD 4 seater Best components, 2 stage Fax72 __ 3_-_2_1_1_7_. _______ _ TubularTrailingarms,newSAW Pre-runner, Bilstein coil over Coil over suspension, Bump FOR SALE: 1996 Ford Ranger 25mm Torsion bars, 930 c.v.s, front end, Wright Rack spindles, stops, Wright Rack combos & built by Johnny Greaves. All the Hatz rr,otor, 25 gal Fuel Safe cell, Ump power steering, 2 liter Arms, Ump ps, 4 whl Summers good stuff!! $16,000.00 26' Pyramid built tranny, New 4:86 Major motor, Mendeola trans. disc brakes, 4 aluminum bead enclosed SS Trailer, inside fin-ring U pinion, Jamar Pedals, 930 c.v.s, Big axles, best of lock whls, Alum radiator, less ished professionaly with benches Wired for PCI radios. Ref #551 everything, must see. $26,000.00 motor & trans $8,500.00 Don & lights, $8,000.00. Package dea:l $11,000.00 Baja Brokers (619) invested $22,000.00 Best offer Ponder{314)631-8140 or(314) $22,000.00! Call Jon (414) 788-723-2117. ;(619)444-3252. 544-4074. 3360(CST)3X. ------------· _;;;;;;;; __ ;;;;;_;;;;:;:;;_;==--=~;-;;;;;=·=-=,?--=~=""""'""""'==----r-------------..... -ww-..... -----~wwwww-~www ..... ___ ~-----·--~, I · Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in · , : . DUSTY TIMES. :. I I Classified Ad~ertising rate is only $20. for 45 words each ~Qnth, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of : I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print.· M!)Ximuin.size _5x7 ·1 I NEW _AND RENEW AL_ SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I I you wish to use a photo m your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be -~ AID IN ADVANCE. I I _REMEMBER·· CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LlMlTED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE · I IP NQ.'J' RECEIV!;.!J_!Jt! A 1'IMEL_Y MANNER/ -------: I I I ----------------'----------------. I I ------------~-------------I I J I ---------------------,------1· I ---------------------------I FOR SALE: Class 1-10 Pre-' runner, 2 seat 86 Raceco, Origi-' nall y 2-1600 widened 10". Wright, Fox, CNC, Ump, Sway-A-Way, Mastercraft. 10 inches front travel, 15 rear. \lo motor, trans_, c.v_.s. CallJohn (619) 337-6108 or 344-2056 nights $4,000.00. I, FOR SALE: 3 Trucks - Class 7S Toyota Second in points and Milestone Award for SCORE 1996 season 3.01 V-6, Magi I transmission w / custom made : underdrive, Walker Evans Bypass shocks, 11" front and 16" rear travel, Nationals - Class 7 open La Rana 94-95 Champion, Fat Per~ formance Motor, Mogi 4-speed Transmission, Kusters, Cone Full Floater, Nationals -Class 7S f Short Course Wedell Racing i Engines 4 cy l. Fox Water Cooled shocks, 5 sp. transmission, Nationals, TIO welded chassis, Summers Bros. Full Floater -40 ft. enclosed trailer triple axle, 5 hp · compressor, 6500 watt generator. l Call for prices, Serious inquiries only Please! FabTech Motor-1 sports (714) 870-9422. __ _ FOR SALE: '94 & '95 La Rana Stock Mini Class Champion Toyota 4x4, Prepped & ready to race, Durable & dependable. No dnf's in last 3 years, I race on fresh motor, Mikuni Carbs, Header, Cam, 4:88 gears, Detroit locker, Bilsteins, Sway-A-Way, National Springs, BFG Bajas, · Mastercraft seats, Tons of spares $9,500.00 obo Ask for Larry ( 714) 366-684 7. FOR SALE: Class 10 single seater, Bilstein coil over front end, 118" wheel base, Hewland • gears, 930 c.v., Pumper system, · Mastercraft seat, UMP air filter. Lots more good parts on car and lots of spare parts, $7,200.00 w/engine $6,200.00 without, obo Call Mike (801) 955-1834, 485-5770. I Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money ordi;r, no cash). Pleas.e run ad _______ times. I I I I Name ---------=-----------------------J I ~~ 1· dd DUSTY TIMES I A ress -------------------,--------Phone-------, 20751 Mar.ilia Street ·f !. ___fity _ .s ~ . -State Zio Chatsworth. CA[9l311-4i08' · .,., . FOR SALE: 1990 Winnebago Class C motor home 26' Ford 460, sleeps 5, generator & ale, 39xxxx mi excellent shape, great tow vehicle. Towed 26' trailer $25,000.00. Don Ponder (314) 631-8140 or {314) 544-4074. Page 46 April 1997 Dusty Times

Page 47

1-i600 2x Cha~: pionship winner. Best of every-thing, Wright Combos & Arms, Ump p i s. and other, 930s, Bil-stein, Centerline, Fat, Mendeola, Yokohama, too many to list. Var-ious pkgs avail. Starting at $5,000.00 with or wlo engine, trailer, 3 PCI radios. Delivery available. (206) 460-1656. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600, Fresh motor & trans, Fuel Cell, Taylor made seats, Bilsteins, Roadmaster radio, PCI intercom, Ump, Wright, Parker Pumper, new Yokohamas w/ Centerlines. Tons of extra parts. $6,600.00 w/Tan-dem trailer ( 1995) $5,800.00 w l o. Call (714) 859-5179. ' ~ ~ ~-FOR SALE: Lee Leighton 1650 m0tor, Ump power steering, best of everything, 300 miles since major rebuild. $2,600.00 or best offer. COMPLETE SET OF FOO-RILL ARMS: 4 inches extended, giant king pin $480.00 or Best offer. Call (702) 877-1104 or after 7:00 p.m. (702) 254-2394. 5 BAJA T I A 35xl 2.5-15 $65.00 each. FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat, Fox Shox, Wright, Flameout, Parker Pumper, Major perfor-mance engine, fresh, turn key, race ready, lots of spares, new fuel cell, $6,000.00 (520) 669-6104 ask for Rod. AWESOME Pre-Run Ranger! 1990 4 Liter/ Automatic, 13" Front travel, 15" Rear travel, Nat'! Springs, BFG, Full Chro-moly Cage, 18 gal. Cell, Fiberglass front, rear, hood, bedsides and much much more. Fox shocks, JBA headers, All factory options: Heater, AIC, daily driver, perfect PreRunner. $13,000.00 Baja 8rokers· Ref #515 (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited Baja Bug. SCORE winning car. Zero miles on total rebuild. Fat Type 4 (Fresh FAT rebuilt). Hewland DG 300, Fresh Fortin rebuild. Best of everything, this car is SECOND TO NONE! Total race package, $34,500.00 in-vested-$20,000.00 obo Motivat-ed Seller. Call for details Days (541) 382-0748 Nights (541) 382-0294. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Awesome Trophy-Truck, thousands in spares, Former Robby Gordon Frank Vessel, 38"' rear 32 .. front travel with the best of everything. This truck is a winner. Could be made Class 8 legal. $70K or will consider trade for real estate or!! Ref #89 Contact Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Chenowth, 1600 VW Engine, Beard Super Seats, Bus, Fuel Safe, Fox, Bogard Wheels, Yokohama Tires, '95 Overall Whiplash Champion, Sportsman Unlimited '94, '95, '96, $10,000.00 oho. Call (520) 586-3741. TIRED OF CONFUSING BO-NUS PLANS? The money man says eliminate the confusion. Race with B.O.R.E. for generous payback & cash bonuses. July 4 & 5, 1997 Jackpot, Nevada. LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO RACE MOR WITH! Have stock mini-truck. Truck is ready to race in May. Small family race team looking to joint venture expences, in return for ride or drive. Let's talk. Dennis-Finally Racing (909) 735-6452. FOR SALE: Ultimate Budget Off Road 2 Truck or car hauler/shop setup, 28ft enclosed 3 axle trailer w/120 ac int lights/wiring, radio1 antenna mts, shelves, tie-downs, vise/grinder stand, I 0,500/:I rating, new paint, hear-ings, and brakes gd cond w 65 Ford F600 VE\ rehlt, 4 speed reblt trans, New clutch & linkage, 2 spd rr Tuns great gd tires needs paint $5,900.00 oho (916) 573-1225. OR SALE: 1996 SODA Rolling Chassis: Very similar to Flan-nery' s. Built by Clive Smith. 125" wheelbase. Great SODA Truck! Willing to make trades, all offers considered, Baja Brokers Ref #534 (619) 723-2117. . . AEROSPACE MACHINIST: Experience with CNC machine-5 Aces, lathe & mill, produce finish parts from CAD Cam drawings, able to program and edit machines, Also looking for general machinist with conven-tional lathe & mill experienc~. FABRICATORS: (Aerospace background preferred) Expe-rienced with using aluminum, stainless sheet metal and chro-memolly. Heliarch welding and tig welding are a must. SABCO Racing is looking forknthusiastic, open minded, self-motivated, team oriented with an under-standing committment to racing. Excellent benefits, salary negotia-ble. Send or fax resumes to: 273 Rolling Hills Rd., Ste 3B, Moo-resville, NC 28115. Fax: (704) 662-6196. BUY ME OUT OF STORAGE: I'm almost ready to race, 1-1600 car has 2 motors. Must liquidate my assets & toys must go. $5,500.00. Indiana, Call Calvin {days) (219) 936-6004, (even-ings) ( 219) 892-6805. _____ ...,....,_ b .-~ ..... J«·M;i-.:ciic; ff'&:.:_ . . ~ FOR SALE: Class 9 Raceco 2 seater. SCORE CLASS CHAM-PION 1995. 2nd place, 1996. Ready to race and WIN. Bilstein, BFGs, KC, CNC, Beards, PCI Intercom, WR Trans. This car has been professionally maintained by Lothringer Engineering. Tons of spares, shocks, tires, arms, spindles, drop in tranny, engine parts, 4 new dump cans, too much to list. Complete package includ-ing 2 axle trailer: $9,500.00. Car only $7,800.00 Days (805) 269-8000 Evenings (805) 269-8040. CLASS 2 Rolling Chassis, no motor, tranny and shocks. Best of everything: 130" Wheel base chassis, Front is 83" wide, rear is 90" wide but can be made 83". Ump power steering, Beard seats, CNC front hubs, SACO Oversize rack & pinion. Raceco rear arms (boxed), Chromoly tie rods wl big rod ends, Aluminum dash, , 42 gallon cell, Summers Bros. 1 Rear floating hubs w /vented rotors: AWESOME DEAL!!! $16,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #516 (619) 723-2117. •'·°" <:Ji:li~ PACKAGE DEAL: 2 Seat Mol-ton/Jimco Class 1. 3.2 Liter , Porsche by FAT, Doug Fortin 5 speed,. Fox Rear Sheaks, Raceco Rear Arms, Out Board Summers Arms, Mastercraft, Parker Pumper, PIAA, Radio, Intercom, Fire System, Fodrill Front Suspension, Coil Over Fox, ETC! Tons and Ton's of Spares: Tires, Wheels and Parts! $29,000.00 and if you're looking for a hauler, here it is: 20 FOOT HAULER: Ford F-600 Hauler, 429 motor, 5 speed Tranny, 2 speed rear end, excellent vehicle, built for Off Road Racing. Kitchen Area, Belly Boxes, Welders, and EVERY-THING else you need and it hauls the race car! $28,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #555 (CAR), Ref #554 (hauler) (619) 723-2117. DEAL OF THE MONTH!!! Awesome, Extremely Well Prepped, Very competitive Class 2 Car w/3 Liter injected motor, Fortin DG300 934 .5 Fox Shocks, 1 7" Front and 22" Rear travel, Fod Drop spindles, Saginaw Box, BEST OF THE BEST and all spares. $20,000.00 Must Sell ASAP!!! Will consider No motor, No trans, Call Baja Brokers ( 619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: A-arm. 10 or l, Fox, 21" ft, 20" rear, Summers, Lee ps, flame-out, Russell wiring, Davis alarm, Radiator, Taylor, Simp-son, Complete, no motor or trans. $10,200.00 oho ... MUST SELL 2-1600 HATZ Motor, Complete, $1,600.00 oho. Pre-Runner, Chenowth, 3x3 rear, AMS disc, PS, Wright, Bilsteing, ITS trans, no motor, Complete, $3,000.00 oho Bill (619) 435-8936. SALE: Everything you need to go racing. SCORE legal Class 8, 1994 Ford, fresh 488, Kusters, 3" bypass shocks,¼" Elliptics, Mogi C6, All the best, tons of spares. 53' Kentucky trailer, will haul race truck plus pre-runner, tool box, SS work benches, under torage, Gen. Lounge, AC, TV, VCR. Complete package, 1st class and ready to go $90,000.00 Call Dave (209) 638-4495. PRE RUN Baja Bug convertable, 4 seat, Class 5 style, Simpson Belts, Full cage, YOO Gauges High Torque starter, Wench, Saginaw Power Steering, KYB shocks, Close Ratio gears, Bus Tranny, Rear Coil over shocks, Great for Family Fun! $9.000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #53 7 ( 619) 723-2117. WANTED: Good used parts for Baja Pre-runner, ( 10"') front beam with Arms/Combos/Steering, forsion Bars/spring plates, Extended rear arms/hubs/ axle»/ -turbo c.v.s/flanges, Type II tranny parts, Type fV crank/ rods/ cam/ carb/ shroud, fuel cell, LO", 12"', 14"' shocks, wheels. Anything else??? Paying cash now!!! (907) 688-5178. April 1997 FOR SALE: FRESH Class 1 Chevy complete $20,000.00! Great Buy: 18" in the Rear and 11" in the Front! 3 Fox Shocks per side w/air bumps. ½ to Spindles, Wilwood Brakes, Summers Axles, Fuel Safe Cell. It has it All!! Baja Brokers Ref #t:. in (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: CHEVY PRE-RUNNER I-beam front suspen-sion, National Spring/torsion bar rear suspension w/ 4 Fox shocks per wheel. NEW Chevy 400ci motor, NEW Turbo 400 trans, NEW locker Differential, Fast, Fun and Freshly Prepped $19,500.00 (714) 472-2024. Call Jerry Whelchel for more details. l'~-•»W .': ·"' ~-~=-»,:¼,,~. b+PAkoti FOR SALE: 1989 Dirt Trix Clasi 10, Kuster, Fox, CNC, Ump Foddrill arms and prep 1776 ail cooled w/bus box, competitive finisher, turn kev race readv. $10,000.00 obo [60L) 't-97-5008. INUC.X TO ADVERTISERS Airborne Off Road Racing Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ATL Fuel Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Baja Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Baker Performance Products . . . 36 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . . . . 16 'Bilstein Corp. • of America ............ 4, 5, 6, 7 Bonneville Off Road Racing . . . 19 Brush Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . . 45 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle ........ 28 Enduro Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 FAT Performance ......... . . . 39 Fox Racing Shox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Glen Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Honda of North Hollywood ... 27 Kawaguchi Honda . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 KC HiLites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 King Shock Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 McKenzies Performance Products .............. 9 & 34 Mojave Desert Racing ......... It' Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . 15 P.C.I. Race Radios & Equipment ........ 24 & 25 Pike's Family Restaurants ..... 38 Simpson Race Products . . . . . . . 30 SNORE Midnight Special Back Cover Sway-A-Way Company ....... 29 Top Line Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tri-Mil Industries ............ 22 Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Venable Racing .............. ~ 3'5 Web-Cam ............... ; .. 11 Weld Racin! ................ 38 Wilch Sales ................. 39 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. . .... r. 38 Page 47

Page 48

resents the p sNORE C Midnight Special May 16-18, 1997 - Eldorado Valley Friday, May 16 6:00 pm - Signup, Tech., & Contingency at the Hotel San Remo 115 East TropicanaAve. Las Vegas, NV 10:00 pm - Drawing for starting positions and door prizes inside the Hotel San Remo. Saturday, May 17 12:00 pm - Controlled Speed Fun Run. You must start with the group 7:00 pm - Manditory drivers meeting at Start/Finish 8:00 pm - Race Starts Sunday, May 18 11 :00 am - Awards presentation at the Hotel San Remo 5- 40 Mile Laps, 4 - Pit Areas Be sure to mention SNORE when you call the Hotel San Remo 1-800-522-7366 to make your room reservations to receive special room pricing! Call the SNORE hotline for additional information. 702-452-4522 DUSTY TIMES GOOD/YEAII {I DE rJ_y~rg]J ~~ • ~~!1~~!! RACE RADIOS TOTAL PERFORMANCE l,ID GJi RA<JNG ,ys& & II/Et:-: ~-~-lLE-R/ li!,.t_i:) e TAICtt ,_,,,._.,,.,. l~l{ltIJ BFGaadric!;j (KO) Rf!ft1ffa'l ~ ~ $1500.00 guaranteed minimum pursetothefirstplacefinishers in Class 1/2-Unlimited, 5-Unlimited, 1/2-1600, Class 10, Heavy Metal, and Mini Metal with a 10 car Minimum class! $1000.00 guaranteed minimum purse to the first place finisher in Class 9 and 5-1600 with a 10 car minimum class!