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1997 Volume 14 Number 3 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 14 - Number 3 - March 1997 $9.00 ISSN 8750-1732 Covering the world of competition in the dirt

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E4uipped with NEW Fox 2.5 Pro-Series Racing Shox. Brent Gr·izzle & Dale Ebberts have dominated the 1996 SCORE Off-Road Championship Series with First ()vend I victories al Parker and San Felipe.

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Volume 14 - Number 3 March 1997 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Edit~r . Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributon Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark Jim Culp John Elkin Homer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martin Holmes Daniel Maimer Jimmy Messick Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith Trackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry E. Worsham ~ Subscription Rates: lltrilSnscfqJ"Amllacilg• $20.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assum~s no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may · be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical · Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Du.sty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. HaveA Successful 1997 Racing Season Dusty nmcs March 1997 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Interview with Jim Clements hy Jimmy Messick ......... 8 FRT Dunaway Dash hy Judy Smith . . ......... ....... . IO La Rana Grand Finale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 8 SNO RE Awards hy Jean Calvin ......... .... ......... 22 WRC Monte Carlo Rall y hy Martin Holmes ....... ... . 24 S.S.O .R.R .A . Season Opener ...... . .... ... ...... . . . . 28 MOR Inaugural hy Jimmy Messick . . . ................ 30 Glen Helen Pictorial ............. . ...... ......... ... 34 DEPARTMENTS Hap~nings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notl'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K Chech-rs Report hy The Rig W ah:oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Nag-, Report hy Phillip Rrl'lllow ............ ........... 32 CRS Ll·tter hy Rohert Tallini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 GooJ Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ClassifieJ AJwrtising ..... . . ................... 45 , 46, 4, Index of AJwtisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,· ON THE COVER-Kl'vin McGillivra y and.Jim Grl'rnway :m· two quick anJ hard runnin' guys. Contl'ndns in l'VlTY ral·l· thl'y vntl'r thl'\' arl' shown hnl' on thl'ir way to thl' ovn all win at thl' Mojave OffRoaJ Enthusiasts ( M .O.R .E. ) Roaring Rl'solution at Rarsto w last January. Kory Schl'l'llT was thl' hig winnl'r at thl' Mojaw [)l'Sl'ft Racing ( MDR) Inaugural racl' l'arl y in January in thl' Barstll\\' ,k-snt. Kory took C lass IO as Wl'll as thl' overall in his highl y visihll' Jimco. to Color Photograph y -Tracksidc Photo Inc. S~7oaalf DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$20.00 □ 2 years -$30.00 □ 3 years -$40.00 (no orooit oardt. pleas~) Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _____________________ _ Address ____ _ ________________ _ City ______________ -----------Stace ------_ Zip---- ------Send check or money order to: DUSTY·TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 C:1nadian - 1 year $25 .00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3

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1997 Happenings ••• ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector APT042 San Jose de! Caho Baja Calif. de! Sur, Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 011-18-07-3298-5522 April 13, 1997 Port Pirie, SA May 25, 1997 Goondiwindi, WLD July 13, 1997 Kempsey, NSW August 1 7, 1997 Griffith, NSW September 21, 1997 Mt. Gambier SA AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B lHl (514)434-5792 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico (Mexicali (65) 55-62-83 Off Road Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/ Fax (702) 641-2431 March 28-30, 1997 Tonopah 300 Tonopah, NV June 20-22, 1997 Silver State 300 Mesquite, NV to Ely, NV (point to point) September 18-20, 1997 Vegas to Reno, NV 500 mile point to point race BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627--B.O.R.E. May 3, 1997 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 5, 1997 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 6, 1997 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 l 997'BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon,W154520 (715) 478-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Chizma, CRS Director 521 Los Angeles Ave., #F Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 523-1387 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 February (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada March 1, 1997 PRO Rally Workshop Ridgecrest, CA May 2-3, 1997 Rim Of The World Palmdale, CA August 9-10, 1997 llllinner's Circle Page 4 Andrew Wehe Captures SCORE Overall Crown Andrew Wehe, a 20-year-old college student from Fallbrook, CA, led all drivers in winning the Overall title in the 1996 SCORE Desert Championship Series. Driving a Bilstein shock absorber-equipped, A-arm suspension JIMCO single seat Class 10 entry, Wehe posted four class wins and finished all seven '96 SCORE events on his way to the title. Wehe started the season winning his class and taking fourth overall at the Parker 400. He then took his 1650cc Toyota-powered entry to wins at Laughlin as well as both the Baja 500 and 1 ,000 races. "I knew that shocks absorbers were vitally important to winning in off-road racing," Wehe noted. "The Bilsteins on my JIMCO allowed me to outhandle the the competition all year." Go.With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition .. ln Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA A Company of the Krupp Hoesch Automotive Group March 1997 Gorman Ridge Frazier Park, CA September 6-7, 1997 Treeline Palmdale, CA October 3-5, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ November (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada C.O.D.R.A. CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541) 389-2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 GUMBO BUTTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS Communications & Information Scott Olson (605) 224-5822 FAX (605) 224-5822 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. Tom DeLauder Sr. 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course and Cross Country Off Road Racing at Lil' Beaver Park, Lisbon, Ohio CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (6163717 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 (714) 367-1141 Fax: (714) 367-1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W /(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-60 80 April 4-6, 1997 Cerro Prieto II Southern Baja May 2-4, 1997 San Felipe San Felipe, BC, MX August 1-3, 1997 (Tentative) Santa Veronica Summer '97 Tecate Area October 10-12, 1997 Carrera De La Raza Laguna Salada 180 Mexicali West CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Fax (818) 957-4435 March 7-9, 1997 CORVA Annual Fund Raiser Poker Run Imperial County, CA Geoff Teare 180042 CORVA Ext. 512 November 4-26, 1997 Northern California CORY A Jamboree Frank Rains Park Lloyd Losinger 180042 CORVA Ext. 501 November 10-12, 1997 Southern California CORY A Jamboree Hungry Valley, Quail Canyon Jim Peterson 1 800 42 COR VA Ext. 509 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave Everett, WA 98201 Dusty Times

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(206) 339-9079 June 14, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 12, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 13, 1997 2 Hour Enduro Olympia 10:00a.m. July 19, 1997 Short Cone Belling 7:00p.m. August 16, 1997 Short Course Belling 7:00 p.m. August 23, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon September 13, 1997 Short Course Olympia All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 March 28-30, 1997 KC HiLites Havasu Happening Open Motorsports Show Lake Havasu City, AZ May 9-10, 1997 KC HiLites Hot Boat Happening Parker, AZ July 1997 (Date not yet set) KC HiLites Mountain Happening Flagstaff, AZ September, 19-20, 1997 KC HiLites Country Happening Valley Center, CA EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom DeLauder, SR. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 March 29, 1997 Buzz Bomb Plaster City East, CA July 19, 1997 Conquista Gran Carrera Los Sahuaros Park Tecate, Baja, Mexico September 13, 1997 Fud 200 Plaster City West, CA October 25, 1997 Superstition 250 XII Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster City west, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series February 23, 1997 Round Two - Sunday April 13, 1007 Round Three • Sunday July 27, 1997 Round Four • Sunday August 24, 1997 Round Five - Sunday September 28, 1997 Round Six • Sunday October 26, 1997 Round Seven - Sunday November 23, 1997 Round Eight - Sunday -Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box762 Norco, CA 91762-0762 (310) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 Dusty Times GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 (402)333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 496-0846 Eve. ( all Taces at W eslf aiT FaiT GTOunds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¼ mile co1me similaT to the MTEG tTacks, and Classes 1 , 1-16oo, zS and Quad undeT SODA rules) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( All events staged at the club wounds in Cleves, Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS. MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714 )364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WD"CLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves Keith ( 604) 828-1795 anytime ( All events stan z miles NW o[ Kamloops) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1365 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 240-1335/(619) 240-1312 Fax: (619) 961-7407 M.O.R.E. 25277 W. Main St., Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 (619) 253-4453 Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts March 21-23, 1997 Mighty Mojave 230 Barstow, CA May 23-25, 1997 Shake, Rattle & Oops 250 Lucerne, CA July 25-27, 1997 Night Owl 200 Lucerne, CA September 19-21, 1997 Shocker 250 Barstow, CA November 7-9, 1997 Wild Turkey 225 Lucerne CA MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 (517) 543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517) 627-6200 MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION Steph Sabo, Vice Pres. MAORA 19 Lakeshore Dr Nashville, IL 62263 (618) 327-9312 Mike Turner, Vice Pres. L TOR 2508 Pine Mattoon, IL 61938 (217) 235-2473 (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series produced lry Lincoln Tmil Off Roaders) MOJAVE DESERT RACING 438 W. Arrow Hwy., Ste #30 San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 394-3265 Phone (909) 394-3266 Fax February 28-March 1, 1997 Wildwash 250 Barstow, CA May 2-3, 1997 Stoddard Valley 200 Barstow, CA June 20-21, 1997 Lucerne 300 Lucerne, CA September 5-6, 1997 Sahara 250 Lucerne, CA October 10-11.1997 Barstow 200 llllinner's Circle Jerry McDonald Dominates In Team MacPherson Chevy Veteran off-road racer Jerry McDonald enjoyed his most successful season in win-ning Class 7 in the 1996 SCORE Desert Series driving a Team MacPherson Chevy S-1 O pickup truck running on Bilstein shocks. McDonald and his co-driver Larry Roeseler led all SCORE competitors with six wins in the seven-race series. It was the fourth class championship for McDonald who now has won 39 off-road races in his 26-year career. Team MacPherson continued their winning tradition on Bilsteins. The '96 class title was the fourth straight crown for a Team MacPherson Chevy truck on Bilstein shocks. "We credit Bilstein shocks for a great deal of our success." commented McDonald. "Bilsteins have been bringing us back as winners with consistent performance over the years. We wouldn't run any other shock absorbers than Bilstein." Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! Fo~ all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA A Company of the Krupp Hoesch Automotive Group March 1997 Page 5

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Barstow, CA August 15-17, 1997 80 Hempstead Dr. Olympia, WA November 28-29, 1997 God Rush Adventure Hamilton, Ontario, Canada May2-4, 1997 Thanksgiving 250 Nevada City, CA L8W 2E7 -{905) 574-7068 Rim of the World Lucerne1 CA September 12-13, 1997 PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY Palmdale, CA MSBA Gost Town Adventure '97 18700 Lake Perris Drive June 6-8, 1997 Michigan Sport Buggy Association South Lake Tahoe, CA Perris, Riverside County, CA STPR Dave Barrett October 3-4, 1997 1-800-976-RACE Wellsboro, PA 6363 Nightingale Dr. Kern River Jamboree PIKES PEAK July 25-27, 1997 Aint, Ml 48506 Kernville/Lake lsabella1 CA P.O. Box6962 Maine Forest {810) 736-9221 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS Colorado Springs, CO 80934 Rumford, ME NATIONAL MUD RACING OFELPASO {719) 685-4400 August 22-24, 1997 ASSOCIATION JoeyV~uez S.C.A.T. INC. Ojibwe Forests Rt. #1 - Box 380 13180 Roun Dance Michael R. King Bemidji, MN Dave or Marlene Ryan El Paso, TX 79936 P.O. Box277 September 12-14, 1997 Palatka, FL 32177 (915) 855-8899 Morrisonville, NY 12962 Sunriser 400 {904) 325-5422 ( All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake {518) 561-3208/{518) 236-7897 Chilichothe, OH Take l-10 Horiton Blvd exit east 12 miles) October 3-4, 1997 OFF ROAD ADVENTURES SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Four Wheel Drive Excursions OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. Sports Car Club of America Prescott Forest P.O. Box 1154 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. P.O. Box 3278 Prescott, AZ Arcata, CA 95518 New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Englewood, CO 80112 October 17-19, 1997 (707) 822-8508 Jim Kendel (303) 779-6622 Lake Superior May 9-10, 1997 (216) 339-'4674 March 14-16, 1997 Houghton, Ml Redwood Coast Jamboree All races held at Hamson Doo Wop lil & IV SCORE Fort Bragg to Eureka, CA Coun!l Fair&!ounds, Cadit, Ohio Olympia, WA Score International June 13-14, 1997 ONTARIO OFF ROAD April 11-13, 1997 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Big Bear Adventure RACERS ASSOCIATION Wild West Las Vegas, NV 89124 Big Bear Lake, Ca Bob Joseph, President Little Creek Casino (702) 361-5404 llllinner's Circle Chuck Harris Takes Top ProTruck, Rookie Honors Chuck Harris, a 38-year-old businessman from Las Vegas, NV, delivered another SCORE Desert Championship Series crown on Bilstein shocks when he captured the first Pro Truck Class championship. This new SCORE Class, developed by long time Bilstein driver Ivan Stewart, features iden-tical spec, Bilstein-equipped full size off-road trucks with different body and engine options. Harris logged four wins in his first full season of SCORE desert racing to produce the title. Driving his Chevy C-1500 pickup, Harris also was named the 1996 SCORE Rookie of the Year. "I knew Bilstein shocks were successful in off-road racing," Harris said. "But now having raced on them all season, I can appreciate just how good they perform." Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Page 6 Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA A Company of the Krupp Hoesch Automotive Group March 1997 ( 1997 Dates -are Tentative) March 7-9, 1997 T ecate San Felipe 250 San Felipe, B.C., MX April 18-20, 1997 Primm 300 Primm (Stateline), NV June 6-8, 1997 Tecate Baja 500 Ensenada, B.C., MX July 11-12, 1997 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA October 3-5, 1997 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV November 12-15, 1997 Tecate Baja 1000 B.C. MX SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 March 22, 1997 6 hours Tallahassee, Florida April 26, 1997 3 hours Montgomery, Alabama May 25, 1997 3 hours Vienna, Georgia July 5, 1997 3 hours Tallahassee, Florida August 30, 1997 6 hours Montgomery, Alabama November 29, 1997 6 hours Vienna, Georgia SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Woodlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL March 2, 1997 April 6, 1997 May 4, 1997 June 1, 1997 July 6, 1997 August 3, 1997 September 7, 1997 October 5, 1997 November 21 1997 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 March 14-15, 1997 Terrible's Town Southern Nevada 200 May 16-17, 1997 KC Hilites Midnight Special August 1-2, 1997 NapaJ&P Autoparts 250 September 26-27, 1997 28th Annual Gold Coast SNORE 250 December 12-13, 1997 Vegas400 SUPER SERIES (P'rY) LTD. P.O. Box706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011) 788-5138 Fax (011) 880-2170 SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION ·· Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Dusty-Times

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Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODA May 24-25, 1997 Chevrolet Memorial Day Kevin Dawson 1015 Bloomfield Road I.alee Geneva, WI 53147 ( 414) 248-8566 June 7-8, 1997 Off Road Championship Joe Servie - P.O. Box 339 Antigo, WI 54409 (715) 623-4134 June 21-22, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Nationals Ionia, Michigan Milce Brunton, 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517)627-6200 June 28-29, 1997 Chevrolet Brush Run Box 101 Crandon,WI54520 (715) 4 78-2222 Auguat 2-3, 1997 Chevrolet UP 100 Off Road Race Brian Adams, Box 26 Barie River, MI 49807 (906) 466-2723 August 16-17, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Challenge Luxemburg, WI -Diclc Shinnick 1801 Industrial Parle Green Bay, WI 54302 August 30-31, 1997 Chevrolet World Championships Box 101 Crandon,WI54520 (715) 478-2222 September ~3-14_._ 1997 Chevrolet Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI Greg Witte 165 W. Arndt St. Fondulac,WI54935 ( 414) 924-6805 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Milce Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX TORA T ruclc Racing Association Ray Camey, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (All events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 March 22-23, 1997 1997 Season Opener 1 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA April 26-2 7, 1997 Spring Special 2 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA May 24-26, 1997 Yerington 300 Desert Race 300 Mile Desert Race, 4-75 Mile Laps Race Headquarters: Dini's Cuclcy Club Yerington, NV June 28-29, 1997 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Top Gun Drag Strip 12 Miles South of Fallon Hwy 95 July 26-27, 1997 Top Gun Twilight Race Fallon NV Auguat 30..September 1, 1997 Yerington to Fallon &. Baclc 125 Mile Point to Point&. Return Race Headquarters: Casino West Yerington, NV October4-5, 1997 Fall Short Course Race 1 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA Dusty Times November 1-2, 1997 1997 Season Championship 1 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City Svra, Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 (412)532-0802 WlDPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP February 7•10, 1997 Swedish Rally Karlstad,_Sweden February 28-March 3, 1997 Safari Rally Nairobi, Kenya March 6-7, 1997 United Arab Emirates March 22-27, 1997 Rally of Portugal Figueira da Foz, Portugal April 13,16, 1997 Rally of Spain Catalunya-Costa Brava Spain May 4-9, 1997 Tour de Corse Rally of France Corsica. May 20-24, 1997 Rally of Argentina Cordoba, Argentina June6-19, 1997 Acropolis Rally Atnens, Greece August 1-5, 1997 Rally of New Zealand Manalcau City, New Zealand August 29 • September 1, 1997 Neste 1000 Lalces Jyvaslcyla, Finland September 17-21, 1997 Rally of Indonesia Medan, Indonesia October 11-15, 1997 Rally d'Italia Sanremo, Italy October 30-November 3, 1997 Rally of Australia Perth Australia November 21-24, 1997 Network QRAC Rally Chester I England 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 · (414) 426-0470/ (414) 982-7306 AffENTION RACE&RALLY ORGANIZERS Lis t your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know ahout your t.·wnt, ifthey_don't happen to hl· on your cluh mailing list. Don't call. hut mail your 1997 schedule as soon as possihle for listing in this column; it could hring you soml' t.·xtra entries! Mail your race or rally schedult to: DUSTY TIMES . 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4404. Off-road racers introduce passengers to the desert-I n some respects, it was not an unusual Saturday. There were Ivan Stewart, Mark McMillin, Steve Sourapas, Perry McNeil, Steve Lawrence, Brian Ewalt and a handful of other top off-road racers cavort-ing in the desert. What made it special was the presence of 150 youths from Chula Vista and the Imperial Val-ley. The event was the second an-nual Day in the Desert spon-sored by the Chula Vista Police Department's Police Athletic League. The idea is simple: Bring city kids to the desert and introduce them to an environment many of theQl didn't know existed. Oh yes, and have them meet some people who are at the top of their game and, excuse the pun, go along for the ride. BILL CENTER ------·· MOTORSPORl'S l . The big draw was the chance for the youths to t:J<e one or two 10-minute rides across the desert as co-pilot for a top driver in a variety of buggies and desert trucks. But there was much more, according to Chula '/-ista police chief Richar(I P. Emerson. "Out here today, we have a lot of kids facing problems and tough decisions meeting men who are both very successful and enjoying life," said Emerson. "The rides are secondary in my mind to the interaction." In reality, the rides filled little of the day. But the day \vasfull. Off-road superstar Stewart signed posters with a message about the importance of reading and delivered a short talk about the pursuit of an education. Various agencies-the Navy, the Border Patrol, the Bureau of Land Management, the California Highway Patrol and two police departments -had informational displays. And a group of San Diego firms volunteered lunch, support personnel and supplies. But much of the afternoon was spent on a one-t<Hme basis. Kids, buggies and drivers. "I don't know if they're faster or louder," said Eduar-do, 12, who was getting his first look at a desert buggy. "When they said what we were going to be doing, I didn't understand because I had never done this before. It was fun. I just don't know why the buggies don't fall apart." It was as much fun for the participating drivers. March 1997 After returning from a run with a young boy, McMil-lin was shaking his head. "I'm flying down the back section of whoops and I look over to make sure the boy is OK," said the five-time overall winner of the Baja 1000. "And the kid looks back over at me and says, 'Does this thing go any faster?' " "I don't know if this was better for the kids or the drivers," said Sourapas after countless runs in his four-passenger Dodge Ram pre-runner. Stewart knew. "We need more programs like this," said the off-road superstar, who has been involved in a nwnber of promo-tions during his quarter-century in the desert. "Person-to-person. One driver, one kid." One great day. And maybe more. Chief Emerson would like to see the program expand-ed next year to include other areas from the county. Maybe a day for Chula Vista, a day for El Cajon, a day for San Diego. All it takes is more drivers and buggies. There are more than enough available kids. Bringle, Smith, Wehe win The motorcycle team of Greg Bringle and Craig· Smith and Andrew Wehe's buggy claimed the major overall titles at last week's District 38 Dunaway Das& race at Plaster City. Bringle-Smith were first overall and first open pro In the motorcycle division. Jason Corfman and Steve: Rich were second overall and first in the 250cc class. l)ewey Belew and Bill McNeer were third overall and first vets. Grea Gibb• and Troy Phel,-were first in the ATV division, and Rob Archibald was first in Super~ lites. Although Wehe was first overall and first in Class 10 buggies, Chuck Hovey won the season title. Jim Grill's 1600cc Baja Bug was the fust car and Rodd Fantelli won the truck title. Mlsceffany ■ The Los Angeles Coliseum will be home to Super-crosses the next two Saturday nights. The Coliseum replaces Anaheim Stadium and San Diego Jack Murph} Stadiwn as venues because both are being renovated. ■ Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey will host both the IMSA World Sports Car and SCCA Trans-Am se-ries Oct. 24-26. Page 7

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Interview With Jim Clements By Jimmy Messick I recently had a talk with Jim Clements of Mojave Off Road Enthusiasts (MORE) which should supply some of the whys and whats of the new organi:ation out of Barstow, CA which will have already held their first race hy the time you read this. I asked him "How long have you heen an off road racer!" His reply says it all. "My first race wns in 1976, the Firecracker 250. I placed fourth. My first win wns in January of 197H. In my years of rncing I have raced C lasses I, IO, 5-1600, 1-2-1600, 9, I nnd the old C lass 9 1200cc. I have won four class championships with High Desert Racing, and three class championships with La Rana Desert Racing. I had 29 wins out of 71 races with only five DNFs." "Why did you start M .O .R.E.?" "Talking with many racers I could sec that they, like myself, were not satisfinl with what we had to choose from, as far as racing organi:ations in the area. One was hci ng hoycottl·d, another was too far away and the other was too expensive. And the rest of them were putting on ( to quote the Rig Wah:oo) "weak suck" races. So the hig question of 1996 was "where do we race?" "Also, in this case, the timing was right, as I had hccn giving much thought to retiring from my contracting husiness. I was ready for something new and exciting. I felt confident that I knew enough ahout off road racing and husiness management that I could put together a program that the racers THE would really appreciate. That has been my goal -to give the racers a dependable, well established racing organization that offers them more of what they want. This is how the name M.O.R .E. came to he." "How do you fed ahout the comments made hy the Big Wah:oo? And also comments from Lou Peralta?" "Some people arc just not receptive to chnnge -hut that is their prohlem. It is time for fresh new ideas geared more to the racers." "How does M .O .R .E. differ from the other rac e organ-i:atioris?" "In many ways, first of all, I am a racer and I feel I know what the racers want. I have set this program up with a most reason-able entry fee, while offering back the most unselfish and profitable payback of any race promoter ever." "We are offering a graduating payhack schedule ranging from $125.00 per car to $200.00 per car, depending on the total numher of entries. Which simply means the more the racers support us, the more we can give hack to them in terrific payhacks. For example -if we could draw the numher of cars that La Rana was drawing at its prime, we would he paying back $175 to$200 per car, every race. "We are also offering five cash bonuses for every race; four $500 hon uses depending on total number of cars in the race. The fifth bonus will be IO percent of f.111 -'WRIGHT 9420 Flinn Sprl..,. Ln. Pt·ACE El C.,,,, ~ 120i1 . .• I~~••· Page 8 the T-Shirt sales going to the overall winner at each race. These bonuses are added money back to the racers. Instead of putting it in my pocket I'm putting it in theirs. It is my way of giving our racers more!" "Another way we differ is in our Points Program. Not only will we offer the standard class points championship, we will also offer an overall points championship that will allow all the classes to have a chance to win overall, not just the classes with the most entries. Weat M .O.R.E. intend to recognize all our champions throughout the following year. Something else that is really new and different is the points system we have designed for the cluhs. The duh that earns the most points will he awarded cash pri:es and rccogni:ed as " Cluh of the Year" with full hragging rights." "And last hut not least we will he awarding two consolation pri:es to the first out of the money in two sekctt.·d dasses every race.'' "How has the response heen?" "It has heen great! I have spoken with. many people, new and old friends alike. who arc very excited ahout our program. They really like what we have to offer. One of our main efforts at this point, is to reach ALL the racers. So I would like to invite any interested racers who would like more information o r have any questions to please fed free to call me at (619) 253-4453 and I will be happy to get the information back to you A.S.A .P.O, March 1997 Trail Notes ••• RIDGEC~EST, CA -The Ridgecrest Pro Rally School experience will let you cxl:'enence the thrill of driving a stage at speed and the challenge of co-dnvmg a ~ro ral(y stage. W e are offering an intensive and in depth work shop on the fmer pomts of driving and co-driving a Pro rally car on March 8th ~nd 9th. The California Rally Series will be offering a work shop that also includes a national licensing class, team management, sponsorships, and how to prep your car from ex_~rts who kr:iow what to do. We will also be running a couple of non-competitive stages with the rally school. Tht.· cost of the school is $50 for those who want to drive or co-drive, and $35 for those who just want the class time. For more information on how you can participate call Ray Hocker (619) 375-1028. SONOMA, CA - Ryan Arciero proved that family racing tics run deep hy grabbing Rookie of the Year honors in the 1996 Russell Championship Series, an open wheel racing series sanctioned by the United States Auto Club. He also t.·arned a spot on the year end podium by finishing third in this tightly fought spec series. Arciero was cited as the stand out rookie from among 90 different drivers who competed in the '96 series. NEW SANCTION FOR EASTERN OFF ROAD RACERS -The Eastern Off Road Racing Association (E.O .R.R.A.) is currently being organi:cd. It is headed by long time off road racer Tom Delauder Sr. He has hl·cn racing since 1974 at various club tracks in W . VA, PA, and Ohio. There arc a lot of off road racers in the East, hut nobody is promoting the sport Delauder says. They all keep a low profile, run different rules, and race with fellow duh members, in some races not knowing that there arc other racers and events in their area. The E.O .R.R.A. plans to promote the sport through maga:incs and other sports media. If you arc an Eastern racer and want to sec the sport he recogni:ed contact Tom Delauder Sr., 190 I Township Line Road, Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (Phone 330-532-459K). GLEN HELEN RACEWAY announced a date change for their Short Course Championship Series. The races scheduled for April 20 have been moved to April 13th to alleviate a conflicting desert racing event. For more information call (310) 988-6350. SNORE held their season opener on a chilly hut sunny February 8 and despite all the racing out of Barstow they drew a goodly number of 40 cars. It was a fast race and cars that ran at Parker were in the line but some of them hadn't had enough prep time. It was high attrition for a SNORE race and they don't have another on the schedule until March 15. They had smoothed the course in the Nelson Hills some, and Jim Price did the first loop in less than 45 minutes. He came to grief on the last lap. Casey Jones driving a borrowed car because his wasn't Jone yet did very quick laps and not only won Class 10 hut he won ovcrall honors too. Robbie Guevara had class fast lap on the first one in Class 1-2-1600 and he won the class hy around three minutes. Flut right behind him on time was Bryan Freeman and he turned excellent times, and he is the teen age son of Kenny Freeman Jr. Moving down to Class 9, 14 strong at the start, sevcral fell out on the first loop. But it was a close race for the class honors finally going to Ryan Schank hy just a few seconds and Brian Ficgcr was second. We'll have a full report with photos next month. Dee Val Towles won the two car (:lass 5-1600 and John Rawling won Sportsman Buggy. Barry Slatter heat · Scott Noal in the Mini Truck action. SUE "S" HEADS FOR GREENER PASTURES -Rumor has it that Sue Smuskiewic: has resigned from SCORE after many years of service to the off road worlcl. We hope that Sue will find the challenges she needs in her new endeavor and we certainly wish her well. SCORE WILL TELEVISE THREE MEXICAN RACES - Sal Fish announced that SCORE will have a new television package in '97 that will "Bring hack the fbvor and atmosphere of desert racing." They will air five and a half hours in 1997, hegmning on air in May. Cable networks that will he involvcd will he announced hy April 1. MORE TELEVISION -1996 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP - Subaru of America has announced the showing of the entire 1996 FIA World Rally Championship series on ESPN2, unfortunately commencing in January of 1997. Some of the rallys have already aired hut we submit here the balance of the schedule for your viewing pleasure. Check your local listings for exact time of program. Feb 23 Mar I Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 15 Mar 15 Mar 17 Mar IK Mar 19 Mar20 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26 Mar 27 1996 FIA Mid-Season Recap . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 p.m. Telstra Rally Australia ................ K:30 p.m. 1996 World Rally Season Preview ...... 6;30 p.m. International Swedish Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. Safari Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. Rally of Indonesia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. Rally Di San Remo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 p.m. 1996 FIA World Rally Season Review ... 6:30 p.m. Acropolis Rally ...................... 6:30 p.m. Rally Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 p.m. Neste 1000 Lakes Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. 1996 FIA Mid-Season Recap . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. T clstra Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. · Rally Di San Remo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. Rally Catalunya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m. 1996 FIA Rally Season Review ......... 6:30 p.m. As you can see, the rallys arc repeated for your convenience. Watch them and enjoy the best in the world of rallying. 1997 HI-DESERT CHARITIES POKER RUN - Mal and Connie W cssel are doing it again! Come out and drive a prescribed 25 mile course in the Barstow desert April 26 and 27, all for charity. Call the Slash X Cafe for info at ( 619) 252-1 I 97. You can enter either day or both days and the best poker hand wins. ALL proceeds go to help the Barstow Charities. Get your butts out there! . Dusty Times -

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Contact Jim Canner Racing far KC H.I.D,S and the entire KC Product Line at: 520/855-0912 800/528·0950 ....,....,~ '[g!§ Avenida De Luces Williams, AZ 86046 (520) 635-2607 © 1997 KC HILITES, Inc.

Page 10

Wehe Wins FRT Dunaway Dash By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Race Photos Andrew Wehe had a good race in his A-armed Toyota powered Jimco leading most of the way and overall, but he had '5!__hustle to hold the overall, ran out of gas on the. last lap, spectators gave him gas and he won overall and in Class 10. Andrew Wehe found one of his C lass 10 Jimco hard to stay in . down in the low desert area of. :.he best ways to celebrate New front, but some great driving and Plaster City, where the day started Year's, when he drove to the a little luck gave him the win with off with a motorcycle and ATV overall victory at the FRT 20 minutes to spare. race. Then thecarsgottheirgreen Dunaway Dash. He had to push. It was, as usual, great weather __ flag at noon, and were scheduled · to run six laps on the 25 mile Gary Hamlin ran into a giant ocotillo plant, but recovered to run third most of the distance and he moved the Jimco into second in Class 10, seventh overall. PIKE'S . .. . . SERVICE .CENTER -course, with a cut-off time of six p.m. It had rained some the night before, so the top layers of the desert were damp. Pre-runners reported that the course was rough, with lots of cross-grain. The Class 10 cars were first off the line, and Chris Harrold, the '95 season champ, was first to start in his new mid-engined . Honda powered A-armed J imco. .~~'❖.,':,::'i;,>_:$:;'" ,., Jake and Jeff Searle drove the only Class 5 at the race and they did evenly paced laps to finish all six rounds and win the class at 15th overall. Harrold had been testing the car like a hetter het to them if he'd for a couple of days, and wasn't drive the old, proven finisher in sure it was completely ready, hut Class 10 and let Richardson test had finally decided to go for it. He the new car. But Harrold wanted had his old tried and true air-to try out the new car himself, for cooled beamJimco with him, hut which he surely couldn't he had generously handed that over hlamed. to Dave Richardson to drive in At the end of the first lap Wehe theunlimitedclass(withtheClass had the lead in his A-armed 10 motor). There were some pit Toyota powered Jimco, and no row denizens who thought he one else was even close. Alan should have done it the other way Barrett had endoed his Raceco around. Since he was a contender he fore he'd gone two miles, for the season points, it looked . putting both himself and the car '"' out of the race. He had chest pain, BAKER,' CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING The 1600 class had the best race of the day. After one lap Tom Watson was in front, 21 seconds ahead of Scott Webster in his ORBS. But Watson was on a roll in his Jimco. The top three raced wheel to wheel but Watson won 1600 class and was third overall. and was hustled off to the hospital for a once over, where it was determined he suffered from a hruised sternum, painful, but not serious, and he was released. Harrold's new car wouldn't run well much of the time and wouldn't run at all part of the time. He lost a half hour. The team of Jim Pierce, Jim Kirk and Rick Geiser ran second in their Toyota Raceco, and Gary Hamlin was third, but 30 minutes off the pace, which amounted to almost a full lap, after running his Jimco into a giant ocotillo plant in the dust and getting hung up. It took a long time to get untangled from the spiny beast. And then he found he'd bent a rim and got it stuck in the caliper. 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ...... THANKS! REs-rAURANT EVERY DAY ' OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR _ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Joey and Ricky Kern had their Kernco up front despite a first lap flat in Class 100 action. The brothers built a lead margin lap by lap and won by 25 minutes and were fifth overall. March 1997 Wehe was having no problems, and ticked off another good lap, building his lead. Kirk, Geiser and Pierce had a much better second lap and held on to second place, with Hamlin in third. Harrold was in and out of his pit several times, gradually solving his new car blues, but so far back he had no chance to catch up. They ran in that order for two more laps, and then Pierce, Kirk and Geiser retired after losing over an hour. Wehe was having a very close battle for his overall position, so he couldn't relax at all. He came around right on schedule every lap, holding his lead, and recorded the fast lap of the day on lap five, at fP"'" Dusty Times

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PCI SHOEI RACEAIR HELMETS 1. FIT -No other helmet fits soo goood. 2. LIGHTEST PUMPER STYLE HELMET 3. MOLDED AIR INLET 4. BETTER AIR DISTRIBUTION: 8 vents onto shield. 5. SUPER VISABILITY 6. LARGER OPENING -No more folded over ears. 7. THE SHIELD SEAL - A rubber O ring, tested with 160 lbs. of pressure, NO Leaks, NO Messy Foam. . THE PRICE -wired, with a Nomex skirt: $399.00 SAFETY THAU QUALITY RATCHET, TOW & AXLE STRAPS l't:l t:Al: TU'b 12-AC-£Al 12-e,LOW £12-MOTOIZ-'b W£ C.OULD t\AV£ 0i££N Tt\£ IMATATO~ ~ 6tAV£ YOU Tt\£ ~AM£ 1-AM'P Dl2AW 0iLOW£~ MOTO~ Tt\£ C.OM'Pf.TITION t\A~. W£ IN~T£AD C.t\0~£ TO e,f, Tt\£ INNOVATO~ ~ 6tlV£ YOU A 4 AM'P Dl2AW MOTO~ ~ TuJIC.£ Tt\£ Al~ FLOW. 4blNG.L£ 4b£A.T (105 C.fM) MOTO'fl.. A.4b4b£M0-LV: $15.oo DUN-4b£AT (150 C.fM) MOTOfl.. A.4b4b£M0-LY: $11-5.00 l'C.l t:OMLINI' VI INT£12LOM I. V£fl..Y LOUD - Loudness - 1 watts audio per c.hannel. 1-. P£fl..F£C.T C.LA'fl..lTV -No noise interferenc.e. 3. NO ~ID£ TON£ -1ou wil\ not hear the engine or the e~haust amplified thru the 4. fl..£LIAl3-ILITY/DUAAl3-ILITY - housed in a small. ru99ed. water resistant. bullet proof housing. 5. MULTI U4b£fl.. OPTION - for 3 or 4 seat pre-runners l#. AffOfl..DA0-L£ investment: $351.00 (~m~m) SAFETY EQUIPMENT DRIVING SUITS, UNDERWEAR, SHOES & GLOVES, NECK SUPPORTS SEAT BELTS & PADS MADE IN THE USA OADMASTE 2WAY RADIO 1. OUT PERFORMS OTHER BRANDS BY 5 TO 10 MILES OR MORE. 2. LARGE HEAT SINK TO DISSIPATE THE HEAT GENERATED BY OVER 60 WATTS OF POWER. 3. MODULAR CONSTRUCTION - CAN BE REPAIRED EASILY, EVEN AT RACES. 4. THE PCI COMLINK VI INTERCOM WAS MADE TO WORK WITH THIS MOST POPULAR RADIO ( OVER 3000 ROADMASTERS ON RACE COURSES) 5. STILL ONLY: $589.00 EVERYONE ENJOYS THE SUPER COMPETITIVE PRICES . . \Muddoff'\ FOR SALE 1996 SCORE 7S CHAMPION FORD RANGER 4 X 4, LOTS OF SPARES FOR INFORMATION CALL BAJA CONCEPTS {619) 723-2117 KEEPS · MUD & DIRT FROM STICKING WE AR SHORT COURSE RACERS SA 95 HELMETS TN STOCK SHOEI SA 95 HELMETS SHOEI SA 95 RACEAIR HELMETS BELL SPORT II FORCED AIR CALL FOR INFORMATION & PRICING. ~ PC/ RACE RADIOS 2888 GUNDRY AVE., SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 ~ (562) 427-8177 (800) 869-5636 FAX (562) 426-3589 _ _: ____ --.· ... ________ .. -.-............. -... ---~-·-.. - . .. .. ~-,., .. __ .., --.... -- ----· ------------·D.I·~-· .. -~

Page 12

Chuck Hovey ran with the Class 1 leaders to the half way point, when his Raceco had problems, but he nailed second in class two and a half hours behind the winner. Ross and Russ Whitmoyer had their Mazda powered Foddrill, had a little trouble keeping it running, but it brought them in third in Class 1, only 10 minutes behind Hovey. No doubt where this team hails from, and Scott Webster and Rodney Wolfe were up front all the way and they finished second in 1600 class and fourth overall. electrical problems, finished three minutes on Hovey. And second, nearly SO minutes later, Richardson was another three feeling lucky to be there. None of minutes back, slightly handi-the others made all six laps. capped by his smaller motor. Harrold took the season points Wood was fighting for the championship in spite of his bad overall, and was virtually tied day. with Wehe. In the unlimited class it was At the end of the third lap Richardson who moved into second as Hovey lost an hour and 45 minutes. Jim Nickles and John Currier were now third in their Raceco, with Russ and Ross Whitmoyer only a couple of minutes behind them in their Mazda powered Foddrill, which was not running well. the fourth lap, recording the class fast lap at 32:51, and continued to lead both his class and overall with Richardson second and Currier and Nickles in third, just ahead of the Witmoyers. On the fifth lap Wood started to tire, and was about nine seconds slower, while Wehe got word from his i}7 31: 17. But as his crew gathered at the ·finish line the minutes dragged out. He was a little late, then five minutes late, then IO. Folks rememhered the same race in '95 when his front end hroke within two miles of the finish after he'd led most of the way. Finally word came thathe'd run out of gas. Some friendly spectators gave him five gallons of pump gas, and he fired up and came on in, 20 minutes off his pace, hut in no danger of losing the Class IO victory. Hamlin, who had a couple more flats, and some Rueben Wood out in front in his Wood had taken over the overall new rear engined Type IV lead,andwaslOmintuesaheadof Wood charged hard through _ pits that he'd better hustle, and he powered A-armed Jimco, leading hy just a few seconds over Chuck Hovey in his Raceco. Richardson ran third in Harrold's old Class I 0 car. On the second lap Wood held on to his lead, which was now This is the ~ystem run by most TRI-MIL BOBCAT • QIROME off road race winners Page 12 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR l" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED ·"'' M ~ =,=::.\= ·wx,, ··=~•e:::;.~: Class 5-1600 went to Jim and Brian Grill, who had fast class lap on the first round, lost the lead for a time, but retook the lead on the last lap for the victory and they were 11th overall too. Rod Fantelli was the only survivor in Class 7, doing five laps in 4:50:00, and he ran up front all day, taking the lead late in the race and did six laps, but was over time on the last one, but he got the win and the season championship. • 101 103 104 106 FAT DUNAWAY DASH RESULTS -December 31, 1996 Plaster City West Poe Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Claaa Open - Unlimited Single & Two seat - 6 start - 4 finish 1 Dave Richardson · Jimco 2 Chuck Hovey Raceco 3 Ross & Russ Whitmoyer Foddrill 4 Jim Nickles /John Currier Raceco Claaa 1-2-1600 -1600cc Restricted Engine -12 start-5 finish 1 Tom Watson Jimco 1657 1656 1651 1654 4 2 Soon Webster/Rodney Wolfe 008S 3 Rob3ert Landrt Jimco Charlie Watters/Kevin Basore Todd McAlester/Scott Plunkett Jimco MECX) 1659 5 501 1002 1001 551 556 901 900 799 Class 5 -Unlimited Baja Bug - 1 start• 1 finish 1 Jake & Jeff Searle Baja Bug Class 10 • Unlimited 1650 cc • 5 start • 2 finish 1 Andrew Wehe Jimco 2 Gary Hamlin Jimco Class 5-1600 - 1600cc Baja Bug - 7 start - 2 finish 1 Jim & Brian Grill Baja Bug 2 David Lytle/Victor Herrera Baja Bug Claaa 100 - 100 inch WB I & 2 Seat Buggy -5 start - 3 finish 1 Joey & Ricky Kern Kernco 2 Richard Burnworth Chenowth 3 Bob Short/Michael McClintock Chenowth Claas 9 - 1600 cc Restricted Buggy - 4 start - 2 finish 1 Kevin & Hal Graves Jimco 2 Dave Dietrich/Adam Pfankuch Jomco Claas 7 - All Trucks - 4 start - O finish 1 Rod F antelli Ford (5 laps only) Total Slarters -44 - total finishers -19 - • denotes overall winner Course: 6 laps of a 25 mile route - Weather: warm, (rain the night before) March 1997 Time 3:59:1t 5:29:48 5:39:07 5:41:24 4:06:13 4:08:t3 4:27:27 4:43:00 4:57:27 5:38:16 3:38:04. 4:27:'.39 5:23:28 5:26:35 4:21:51 4:46:37 5:55:42 5:30:48 5:43:48 4:50:00 QIA 2 picked up his pace hy 20 seconds or so. That put Wehe into the overall lead, but Wood was still secure in his class lead. Richard-son continued to run second, with Hovey back up to third as everyone else had some kind of problem. At the end of that fifth lap Wood decided to give the car to Rick Geiser, who hadn't got his turn at the wheel in his Class 10 ride, and he went off into the last lap in front. But he never came back. The transmission gave up the ghost about three quarters of the way around the lap. Richard-son moved to the front and was feeling real pleased with the situation until he ran out of gas about a mile out from the finish. Once again, it was spectators to the rescue, and they dumped enough in his tank so he could get the finish, and the win, though he lost about 15 minutes. Hovey had salvaged a second place, and the class season points win, while the Whitmoyers brought the Ma:da home in third place. Jake andJeffSearle had the only Class 5 entry for this event, hut drove a very evenly paced race to finish all six laps. A whole gaggle of 1600 cars turned out for the season finale, and they had the hest race of the day, if not the year. At the end of the first lap it was Tom Watson in front in his Jimco, with just 21 seconds on Scott W ehster in his ORBS. In third, another 11 seconds back it was Dave Hendrickson in a Raceco, and then came Charlie Watters in Gus Vildosola's new Jimco, another 25 seconds hack. Running fifth it was Andy Estrada and Jeff Bennett in their Jimco, a minute further hack. By the end of the second lap there was a three way tie, with Wehster, Watson and Hendrick-son. And they were physically neck and neck on the course, entertaining the spectators as they fought for position. They seemed to never have more than one wheel on the ground at a time. Watson changed a coil when he stopped for a quick dump of fuel. In fourth place it was Watters, who was finding that the new car had over-stiff rear suspension, and Robert Landry now had his Jimco in fifth . At the end o f la p three Hendrickson had ahout a minute on Webster and Watson, and Watters~ Dusty Times

Page 13

Curt LeDuc Winner Parker 400 Trophy Truck Class • EXTERNAL VALVING ADJUSTMENTS MAKES DAMPENING CHANGES A CINCH. • CUSTOMER RE-BUILDABLE • 3 INCH DIAMETER SHOCKS AVAILABLE IN 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 AND 18 INCH STROKES . • 2 INCH DIAMETER SHOCKS AVAILABLE IN 6,8, 10, 12 AND 14 INCH STROKES • ALSO AVAILABLE, BYPASS SHOCKS, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL. ALONG WITH S\VA Y-A-,VA Y BUMP STOPS AND AIR JACKS . . > ; .. ,~ iifr _~: .· 3· / .··· 4 -~~~)r<ft ·\~;~,;A·· ·f.t:> · · ; SWA Y.A•WAY Has Purchased The Complete KV STE H SHOCK line And Will Continue To Produce And Sell Them Along With Our line Of High Qualify Products.

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Robert Landry had his Jimco in the front 1600 group, who changed position constantly. He lost brakes and power steering, but finished third, sixth overall. Richard Burnworth had oil light woes in his Chenowth but he kept moving in Class 100 and he finished second in class and a fine ninth overall. Bob Short and Michael McClintock had no big troubles on the course and they ran their pace to third in Class 100, and they also finished 19th overall. 117" was still fourth with Todd McAllaster and Scott Plunkett now in fifth in their MECO. Hendrickson's time of 39:50 was the fast lap for this class. Through the fourth lap it was Hendrickson, then, neck and neck Rodney Wolfe (Webster's co-driver) and Watson, who was soloing, and now Watters' co-driver, Kevin Basore, was fourth, with Landry in fifth as Plunkett and McAllaster broke a couple of link pins. The fifth lap spelled doom for Hendrickson. An oil fitting gave "'..,_:t;;;..: '1-f,· ,,...,, up and all the oil spewed out of his motor. That left Wolfe, who hadn't pre-run, to do battle with Watson, who had, and they were at it hot and heavy. Watson had a minute on Wolfe and Webster, with Landry in third, and Basore, hating that stiff rear end, in fourth. Plunket and McAllaster were up and running again, but they were fifth and last. Everyone else had expired. Watson nosed out Wolfe and Webster by exactly two minutes to take the win. Neither car had any problems, all the drivers had a ::::::~ -«-. ~ ;;::;:~ blast. Landry, with no brakes and no power steering, finished third, followed in by Basore and Watters, and then McAllaster and Plunkett. Estrada and Bennett were the season champions. In Class 100 the first lap leader was Ricky Kern in his Kernco, in spite of a flat tire. He had the fast lap for the class, at 41: 15, and was a minute in front of Richard Burnworth in a Chenowth. In third it was Bob Short and Michael McClintock, in another Chenowth. At the end of the second lap it was the same order, though Kern now had six minutes on Burn-worth. And at the end of the third lap, when he'd had another flat, Kern had an 18 minute lead. Burnworth had an oil light that kept flickering, and he was understandably nervous about it and kept stopping to check. He was 25 minutes up on Short and McClintock. They ran in that order for the final three laps, except that Joey Kern took over for Ricky. Their lead was 22 minutes by the end of the fourth lap, but Burnworth had replaced a throttle spring. At the finish it was the Kern brothers, winning by 25 minutes. Burn-worth was second, and mighty lucky there were no more laps, because he discovered his front beam was badly cracked. Short and McClintock were third. In Class 9, Larry Kern, cousin to the Class 100 winners, took the early lead in his Kernco, with the class fast lap, at 47:40. He had over three minutes on Kevin Graves in his Jimco, who had about six minutes on Dave Dietrich in another Jimco. Kevin and Hal Graves took the Class 9 lead on the second lap, had a clean race and won the race and the season points title and also finished 14th overall. Dave Dietrich and Adam Pfankuch were second in Class 9, but it was a struggle. They broke a wheel on lap 5, and found the lights didn't work so they were led to the finish by another car. David Lytle and Victor Herrera had a good lead in Class 5-1600 until they ran out of gas on the last lap, but salvaged second place in class and 12th 0 /A, just 13 seconds behind the winner. ~BILSTEIN'S ~BUILDABLE SHOCKS 14" Rebuildable w/reservoir 12" Rebuildable w/reservoir 1 O" Rebuildable w/reservoir 1 O" Coil-over Shocks 8" Rebuildable w/reservoir 186.00 186.00 179.00 160.00 179.00 w/o reservoir 125.00 w/o reservoir 125.00 w/o reservoir 118.00 w/o reservoir 118.00 BILSTEIN 60 mm Xi,n,etyon,e .'>Cutt,c)wJ Seued 17" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 14" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 12" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 10" Rebuildable 9100 w/reservoir 519.00 All 60 mm with 4 Bypass Tubes 989.00 VALVI#~ l(ITS • REBUILD l(ITS • SEAU • ROOS Page 14 MOGI AUTO TRANSAXLE SPECIALS: Winter's Shifters 210.00 011 ,,,,,,, 1.i,11 Ar1 ••• Bugpack, CNC, Deist, Fabtech, Fod-Fab,Saco, Jamar, King Shocks, Mechanix, MSO, PIAA, Suspensions Unlimited, Sway-a-Way, Fortin, UMP, VDO, VP Racing Fuel, Bilstein,Beard, Autofab, PCI Radios, F&L Fuel, Auto Meter, Mastercraft, NO FEAR, SPY Sunglasses, Fuel Safe Cells March 1997 fiberglass ~'i'J "UPGR~ NOW OPEN in Fallbrook 1 04-0 South Main Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 619-723-21 17 Phone 619-723-9938 Fax BajaRac«" Qua\it1 Used 'Parts: _. 7 Fan Shrouds 3 Distributors 7 16" Centerlines F-150 Auto Fah Kit 2 9" Summers Rearends 3 C-6 Mogi Trannys Doug Nash 5-Speed '90 and up Ran2er Lites/ Grill 4 '89-'92 Ran2er Grills CNC Pedal AssemblJ Spirit Shock Tower Set 4 6" CNC Billet Calipers 3 6" JFZ Calipers 12 Limit Straps 21 Bilstein Shocks 13 Fox Shocks 7 Cibie Oscar Li2hts 14 KC Li2hts 5 UMP Air Bous 9 Auto Meter Gau2es 1 PCI Road Master 2 PCI Intercoms Summers VW Disc Kit 16 Torsion Bars-VW 8 CV and Ca2es Over 2000 Gently Used Items In Stock. .. and we've only just begun!!! Dusty Times

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..__...._ ____ _.Mfi..tdi!i-""""'w...."'-'.....ilJ.'=,,.---.,,,..8a@%.! Alan Barett endoed his Raceco before he had gone two miles and both he and the car were battered and bruised, but he was OK, the car was not and they were out of the race, As he started out onto his second lap Kern hit a hole, endoed his car and broke the nose cone of the transmission, He tried to continue, but the car wouldn't shift, and he was sidelined, When the rest of the group finished the second lap Graves had the lead, with 10 minutes on Dietrich, Jim Zabrowski and John Castillo had major clutch trouble in their Suspensions Unlimited car, and lost a full lap, Graves had a clean day and continued to lead, Dietrich put Adam Pfankuch in his car, and he maintained a good pace, and stayed firm in second place, Graves put his dad, Hal, in for the final two laps, and Hal had no problems, beyond finding the course very rough, Pfankuch however, wasn't having such a good time, He broke a wheel on the fifth lap, and lost some time, and then when it got dark on his last lap he found out that his lights weren't working right, The Graves team finished first, neat and clean, without even any dirt on the skid pan, to take the win, and clinch the Class 9 season points. Dietrich and Pfankuch, who had to be led in by another car for the last 15 miles or so ( it was a dark night}, were second, and none of the others finished the six laps, In Class 5-1600 the early lead went to Jim and Brian Grill who ticked off the fast lap for the class at 47:10, They had two minutes on Tony Steingraber, and he was two minutes and a little more in front of David Lytle and Victor Herrera who ran third after fixing a flat. In fourth it was John and Dave Gaddis. Steingraber moved into the lead on the second lap, and he had just a minute on the Grills, who ran two minutes in front of Lytle and Herrera. The Gaddis team was still fourth. At the end of the third lap it was still very close with Steingraber just a minute in front of Lytle and Herrera, and the Grills just a minute further back. The Gaddis team was having mechanical troubles and lost about 13 minutes, Steingraber fell out on the fourth lap and Lytle and Herrera moved to the front, with Grills six minutes behind them. Bobby and Byron Ross were third now, about 35 minutes off the pace, and none of the others were still running. Herrera and Lytle continued to lead through the fifth lap, with the Grills, who'd been without second gear since the second lap, holding second place. But on the final lap Herrera and Lytle ran out of gas in Coyote Wash, and lost 15 minutes. The Grills kept it moving forward to take the win, and Herrera and Lytle were second about 13 minutes later. The Grills won the season championship also. In the truck class the fast lap of Dusty Times It's tough to wreck your car just a few miles into the race, 45:01 was set by Steve and Tim the Lawrences second and Smith after the six p.m. witching hour, Lawrence in their Ford, and they and Felix still third. They ran that his sixth lap didn't count had a lead of 11 minutes at the end way for another lap, and then officially. Still, on the strength of of the first lap. It was Rod Fantelli Smith and Felix disappeared. The his five completed laps he did get in second, in another Ford, Lawrences got their fourth lap the win, and the season points followed by Brett Smith and done, and then they never came championship, weather. Many of the pits wen: transformed into instant parties as their racers finished, and folks settled in to the serious husiness of welcoming in the new year. The FRT has a six race series planned for '97, starting in Fehruary with the King of The Desert event at Lake Superstition, Andy Felix in a Mazda, in third. around again, but Fantelli kept So the FRT closed out the year The Lawrences had about an going, and going, and going. in its usual fine style, enjoying hour downtime on lap two, and Ultimately he did six laps, but some of the best racing seen all Fantelli moved into the lead, with since he was about 15 minutes season, and some of the finest DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. • 4-point sand rail seat belt , ,$74.95 RACE BELTS 2• -5pointmount,.,,,,,, ,$79.95 3"-5pointmount, ,,,,,,, ,$99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, ,$54.95 Swing axle,,,,.,.,.,.,,,, $54.95 KENNEDY -PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700#,,,,,,,,,,,, $79.95 200mm-upto3000#,,,,,,,, $99.95 GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES RACING 200mm 1700#-2400#,, from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,$39.95 4pucferramic,,,,.,,,.,. ,$44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub , , , , , , ,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,$54.95 GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 'I,• allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops,,,,,,,,,, , , , , , , ,$395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930orT-4cages,,,,,,, ,ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges ,ea $15.95 Trickboots(specify),,, ,ea $15.95 930CVstar,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stock width , , , , $199.95 8" travel-widened beam ,$219.95 10" travel-stock width , , , , $224.95 10• travel-widened beam , $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½"chrome,,,,,,,, ,$ 98.95 T-11½"raw ,,,,,,,,,, ,,$ 65.95 T-11518" chrome,,,,,,,, $105.95 T-11518" raw ,, ,, ,, ,, : , ,$ 72.95 T-4chrome,,,.,.,,,,,, ,$189.95 T-4raw,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,$154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS,,,, $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS,, ... __ ,,,,,,, $8.50 specify M.LG,XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand , $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,$489.95 MK II ,, ,, ., • ., • ,, ,, ,, ,,$589.95 I I ,. <• , .. -) --=--· «.tit= PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal,,,,,,, ,$164.95 With chrome pedal,,,,,, ,$184.95 With hydraulic throttle , , ,$259.95 Replacement slave , , , , , , $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The tou/lhest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized, Standard rack and pinion ,$269.95 Mount plate ,, ,, ,, . ,, ,, ,$ 9.95 Coupler,, ,, ,, ,, ,, , ,, . ,, $ 8.,95 Rack steering stops,,,,,,$ 19.95 \w.-/~1·~ VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1,7, 1,8, and 2,0 , , , , , , , , , , ,pr, $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Unkpin, ,,,,,,,,,, ,4130Chromoly Stock length,,,,,,,, ,pr,$449.00 11/, •longer,,,,,,,,, ,pr, $474.00 21/, • longer , , , , , , , , , ,pr, $499.00 4" longer-coil over style pr, $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends, (specify Ford or International) set , , , ______ , ___ , __________ , _ ,$89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3", , , ... , , , , , , , , , , $435.QO 1-21600, 5-1600,,,,,,,,,, $415.00 CATALOG .. . ,,,,,., ,., US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 _ 11324 Norwalk-Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 March 1997 Page 15

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"The Straight Poop From The Big Wahzoo" were great and a good time was had by all. Kassanyi, fresh from apparently successful heart surgery, reemerged with his tradi-tional and innovative Dr. Checker Awards. Good to see ya back, Steve. Van Ella Award -For well CHECKER ELECTION over ten years now, the Checkers results for 1997 were as follows have been awarding this special ( with nicknames in italics): Our perpetual trophy to individuals in new Checker Prez is Joe Legs Gif-our sport that the Club has judged fin. Vice President is The Reverend · to have, "nwde a significant contri-Roy Moore. Our Club Secretary lmtion to the S/>ort of Off Road Rae-is Dan 0/>ie Martin. Peter the ing". It is named after Vic Van money changer Rosenstein, will act Ella, a Checker who died of a as Club Treasurer. And Sergeant killer heart attack while in the at Arms for '97 will be Tom the heat of competition. In typical rookie Dittfeld. Hey guys, we'll Checker fashion, Brother Vic was follow ya anywhere! flat out in fourth gear in his unlirn-SCORE AW ARDS -The fol- ited buggy when he suddenly and lowing Checkers were honored at most unexpectedly got his final SCORE's season ending awards call. Over the years this irnpres-banquet: Torn Dittfeld, as Class sive trophy has been presented to 5-1600 Points Champ and also as a wide variety of special individu-SCORE's 'Rookie of the Year'. als, most of them non-Checkers. Walter Prince, as Points Champ-Their names are permanently ion of the Open Sportsman Class. engraved on this monster and And, Kevin Davis as co-driver for they get to keep it for a year. both the Class 10 and Overall When this year's awards banquet Points Champion. Congratula-presentation was made to Sal tions guys. Fish, he was visibly taken back by CHECKER BANQUET -thehonor.AndjustlikeEdPearle-About 100 folks gathered at man of NORRA, a prior recip-Thumper's Elks Lodge for our ient, Sal confided to the Club how traditional year end awards rarely promoters get awards of dinner. Appreciation Awards any kind, much less one of this were presented to our out going magnitude. Despite our past dif-officers, along with Dennis Crow-ferences, along with those we'll ley, Sean Krep.:, Jean Calvin, and surely have in the future, the Judith Burke (Jeff's wife) for their Checkers rightfully honored an contribution during the year. The individual who has indeed, 'made Club's Annual Performance a significant contribution to the Awards went to the following Sport of Off Road Racing'. I Checkers: 'Pit Person of the Year' mean, among other things, Mr. was Michael Lee Thompson. The SCORE has for as long as this two 'Pit Captain of the Year' Wahzoo can remember stead-honors went to the Reverend Roy fastly and with style maintained Moore and Morgan Maiocco. the annual running of our tradi-Checker 'Rookie of the Year' was tional Baja races. A tradition that Tom Dittfeld. Our 'Driver of the has given our sport so much cred-Year' for '96 was George Seeley. ibility. Congratulations to Sal And, 'Checker of the Year' was Fish. Hey Sal, You've clearly Morgan Maiocco. Congratula-demonstrated that you're a true tions to all! survivor, a quality admired by As usual, the food and beer every Checker. West·coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 8910'l 702/873-1~ McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 16 Racing Schedule -As expect-ed, the Checkers voted not to support the new M.O.R.E. Bar-stow /Lucerne racing series in '97. Our active drivers made it clear that they wanted the Club to sup-port the SCORE races, the Best in the Dez races up in Nevada, and MDR's new local series. From here on out, results of Checkers running in desert races not offi-cially supported by the Club will be listed in our new 'Cherry Pickers' section, if at all. Meetnig Changes -The Van Nuys Dugout was recently con-demned for having an unsafe roof, one that the Club has raised on many occasions, and the Check-ers have been temporarily holding our meetings over at the Lamp-lighter restaurant on Van Nuys Blvd. in Sherman Oaks. Sup-posed! y, once a new roof in installed on the />it, we will be returning to our regular hang out. Starting in February the Club will experiment with having our Wednesday night meetings on only the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. If you haven't been receiving any Club newsletters detailing all these changes, your current address is probably out of date on the Club roster. If that's the case, call Reverend Roy @ 619-249-6710 and give your latest address and phone # to the nun that answers. M.D.R. Barstow -About 40 cars showed up for Mojave Desert Racing's first event. Not really anything to write home about, but considering the current situation and thar this was his first race, nor roo had either. In a 7 car class, brother Butow and Hand-some Billy had the 1-2-1600 class won. It was the last lap, the finish line was only a couple of miles away, and McCool was in the leader's dust with a 2 minute start-ing time advantage. Safe bet, huh? Not quite. Snap went a stub axle and Billy ground to a stop. Russ's buggy was quickly repaired, but they could only salvage a 3rd. ' Good show guys. Holliday and Robertson ran Steve's open buggy in one of M DR 's t~o open classes. (?) They beat the other car handily, but visited all the Checker pits in the ·process.The Krepzs Brothers ran their 1-2-1600 car and once again · pissed everybody off in the pits with their non stop babble on the Club's race frequency. These guys are way too big to beat up, but there is a move afoot to force 'em , to get their own channel to bull-shit on. When they broke early at this race, the pits were finally able to turn the volume back up on their radios. Ya know? You Krepzs just might be missin' out on a successful career in radio. Maybe as a talk show duo? ... hopefully in Blythe. MICHAEL GAUGHAN, probably the Club's richest Checker after Symonds, recently opened up a brand new Hotel/ -Casino in Vegas called 'The Orleans'. This impressive new Checker establishment is right near his familiar Gold Coast Hotel and will surely become another Club hang out. When ya stop in, just tell'em you're a . Checker and that. brother Mikey sent ya! E-MAIL -The Wahzoo would like to apologize to all those Wahzoo fans who have sent me e-mail messages. I'm receiving them OK, but I'm still not set up to reply to you directly witho_ut March 1997 divulging my real identity. Please bear with me. CASEY FOLKS showed up as a Guest Speaker at our W ednes-da y night meeting prior to the Parker race and gave a very inter-esting talk. Being an old estab-lished desert bike racer, Folks talked a language that the Check-res likes. 'Best in the Dez' not only offers an alternative to SCORE, but his 3 race series in '97 will run entirely over little used roads and trails in Nevada's high deserts. Compared to some of the really torn up areas we're currently using, his courses sound kinda like Rally Racin', but without those sti~kin' stages. Look for 'Best in the Dez' to grow. PARKER 400 -On a beauti-ful Arizona weekend 144 vehicles took the green flag at Blue Water Marina for this 338 mile SCORE event. Of those, 91 entries completed the 3 laps. Before I get into how the Checkers faired, let the Wahzoo comment a bit on the mighty fall of those vaulted Trophy Trucks. This was the year that their fac-tory sponsor money left to go Super Truck racin' with NAS-CAR. Also dissappearing was their exclusive TV coverage and other special treatment by the promoter. This resulted in the remaining independent trophy truckers being demoted back into the real race with the rest of us. Although leaving the starting line first, the seven hi-dollar trucks entered in this race got very little respect from the buggy ranks. The winning truck got soundly beaten by 2 unlimited buggies, and the second place trophy truck got beat by a Challenger car. Hey, welcome back guys! George Seeley was Checkers' Driver of the Year of '96, and at this race he once again showed everybody why. Soloing the See-leyrnobile with Rosy riding shot-guy (Rosenstein not Tokyo), George won his class by over 16 minutes. It wasn't too long ago that Seeley was known more for emptying the pit boxes of oil and greasin' up the pitters with his constant c. v. repairs. But, George now spends a lot more time on the road than in the pits, and is now the guy to beat in Class 5. Con-gratulations to George Seeley, FIRST PLACE in Class 5. (His real name is George Seeley Jr., but there are no juniors in the Checkers). Robert Harman soloed his ten car to an impressive 2nd place fin; ish. Bullhorn had the lead during the last lap with his ft. heam/ ty/1e , car, but apparently got run down on the fast roads going in by an a-arm/ water /ntmJ1er Class 10 car. Jim Greenway, with a new Class 10 ride, had some down time early after being smashed into by a truck. The team ended up with a 5th in class. Good run guys! Sadly, 4 of our 7 Checker cars DNFed at this race. Our new Prez, Joe Giffin, lost the engine in his 1-2-1600 car on the 2nd lap. Both Larry Bolin and Cap'n Hook lost trannys at about the 10 mile mark in their Class 10 & Challenger cars respectively. Jason Devos, our latest prospective member, had engine problems with his 5-1600 ride and they parked it on the 2nd lap. Although only a shadow of its former glory, this year's Parker event was once again a good race. But, this Wahzoo is gonna quit goin' to Parker as soon as the ever growing number of cops in the Parker area finally surpasses the number of race cars entered. State cops, County cops, City cops, Indian cops, BLM cops and off-duty cops earnin' a buck, all seem to show up there at once. I mean, who the hell do they think is run-nin' these races, the Bloods and the Crips? During the Parker 400 weekend, the greater Parker area surely must be the most policed place on earth. Local revenue enhancement rather than crime control is obviously the reason for this overkill. CHECKER PIT SUPPORT has been limited to Memh~rs Onlv. Any member will tell ya, "ya cm{'r /my your «'ll'/ into the Checkers, 'Ill go·tt~i earn ic!" Although that's completely accurate, there is a way any non-Checker car owner can easily get full Checker pit support any time he wants. All they gotta do is put a Checker member into their car during the race, as either a co-driver or a pas-senger. This apparent loop hole in our normal members only policy has always been a win/ win deal for the Club. Car owners once exposed to the Checkers winning ways of doin' things often hecome good Checker members. This rule has also put dozens of Checker members into race cars over the years that normally wouldn't have gotten the chance. Three of our seven Club entries at this Parker race were cars owned by non-Checkers. And, they were all elig-ible for full Checker pit support for their racing effort because a Checker member was scheduled to get into their car sometime dur-ing this race. Now, before all you non-Checker car owners out there start swampin' us with calls to reserve a Checker member for your next race, let me caution you on a few things. If you have a teen-age daughter, this program may not be for you. Or, if you or your crew have trouble getting along with others ot superior attitude, this deal may result in a priinful adjustment. Plus, if your wife runs the show, be advised that no women are allowed in any Checker meetings, and that includes yours. But, if you're pretty much of a regular guy, and are looking for the best pit sup-port in the desert ... then we do have Checkers available in all shapes and sizes for your convenience. AffENTION PIT TEAMS Send us your tales of triumph and troubles and they will be featured on these pages. Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 207 51 Marilla Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 Dusty Times

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La Rana Grand Finale Text & Photos: Jimmy Messick Randy Spahr decided to win Class 10 over all the other starters and win the class they did, and the overall as well. Congrats on a great drive. Randy Spahr and Craig Dillon, clinching the points champion-ship in Class 10. had stee~ing problems and a flat tire while setting fast lap for the class. Rob Chavez finished third in class, having a very long day on the rough course, rough com-pared to the VORRA desert courses they are used to during the season. Scott McKinney got Mike Giantassio in the drivers seat for his first ride in the Class 5- 1600 belonged to Danny Drake and Rich Fersch. driving the neat looking bug to first in class and class points champion for the year. On December 14th, 1996 the last ever La Rana race was held in the Lucerne Valley near Victor-ville, CA. The race had the best showing of the year with 4 7 cars leaving the line. The race was not put on by Eddie Castro as he had dosed up La Rana Desert Racing in October. John Lucas and Rich Fersch and the FAIR pit club pitched in to organize the race so that the year long struggle for points would not have been in vain. The two offered the race for a $250.00 entry fee to settle the year end points battles among the drivers. The overall winners were The Class 1 winner was Scott McKinney with new driver Mike Gianitassio from Low Temp, driving for the first time in the truck and doing a very good job. Scott is preparing for his new sprint car ride in 1997. Class 200 had nine start with Ron Os-bo1rne, John Lucas and Matt McMullin coming out on top, clinching the class points. The team had carb problems en route to their win. Second in class was Dan Fisk and Jeff Quinn. They Class 5-1600 had four start with only one finishing -that was Danny Drake and Rich Fersch. ' The team had a flawless day while clinching the points title in the class for the year. There were three in Class 700 with Keith ·, Landfield coming out on top. Class725 IP'" Class 5 Unlimited Champion 1994-1995 OUTLAW RACING Famous "Outlaw" Winningest Baja Bug in the Desert Highest finishing Ratio of Any Pro Buggy In 3 years, Outlaw rinished 19 out of 21 SCORE Races Milestone Award Winner 199G SOLD "RACI: READY" WITII TONS or SPARE PARTS FOR DETAILS CALL 619-445-5797 $35,000 Page 18 March 1997 Steve Carillo and Andy Helquist drove hard alt day. lost second gear. but still managed to beat out the other two entrants in Class 725. Class 8, the big honkers only had two starters °but Mike Bragg flew the big t[uck to the win and were second overall in the _race. Dusty Times

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Jeff Quinn and Dan Fisk gave it their all in the run for the checkers but came up second in Class 2 having power steering problems and a few flats. They did set fast lap in class. Eric Heiden grabs a lot of air in his chase for first place in Class 8 but a few problems kept him from completing his mission and he took home second place. Jeff Madrid was the first 1600 across the finish line but on time they could only garner second place in a well fought battle for the class title. , ~•; Wes Wisdom used his wisdom and took home all the marbles in Class 1600, wining the class and the year end points title in his class. lnternationa/'s Jive forever -Just ask Mike Ismail, shown here sailing after first place in Class 850. Too bad, second place was all they got in the race to the flag. IMPORTED r,tEtlCO EIITRt Total Race FEES / Payback PRO 1 /2 $375 / $225 ALL Other PROS $250 / $100 Sportsman $150 / $0 Late Fee $10 Optional License $25 ../f Page !O -L"!!l.?O,V."\ -V.S.,., A-1E,r1c.o - -Ray Currie sees the finish line as he pilots the big Ford to a first in Class 850. beating out the other three trucks entered in the class battle. Class 9 had seven start in class but all the marbles went to Max Hanberg. shown here saving rear tire wear on his quest for the checkers. -----· ... -··. - -.. March 1997 IP'" also had three start with Steve Carillo and Andy Helquist finishing first. The team lost second gear on the last lap. They were swapping seats after each lap and having a great time. Class 750 had three starters with Kathy and Stacy Fay taking first place in their Ford and securing the points title in class. Class 800 had two start and two finish. Coming out on top was Mike Bragg, and his team. They finished first in class and second overall. They reported no problems at all. Second in class was Eric Hieden with Greg Adler co-driving. This team had coolant problems, hut Stop Leak held it together. Class 850 had four starters on the line with Ray Courier taking first place and Mike Ismail placed second. Third in Class 850 was Gene Jacobson with co-drivers Dan Noah, Don Smith and Mike Bisner. The team had shock problems, which isn't bad considering Gene's last race was the 1983 Mint 400. Class 900 had seven starters. First in class was Max Hanberg, having minor prohlems, but he was able to clinch the class points. Second in class was David Rodgers and Keith Williams. This team had a good day except for one flat and a broken tranny Dusty Times

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Davin Rodgers and Keith Williams chased first place all day but were only able to grab second place in Class 9, fighting a broken tranny mount. Shown here. hanging a hard left in the California desert is Ron Osborne, with help from John Lucas and Matt McMullin on their way to the Class 2 victory and season points win. strap. Class 10 had seven starters also. Randy Spahr and Craig Dillon won the class and first overall! They said this was one of the best races of the year and they won by over 15 minutes. They would like to thank Checkers, Lothringer and Tucker Tire for their help. Second in Class 10 were Gil and Dean Sundahl. They had a good time, everything worked fine. Class 1400 had only one start and that was Robert Wilks. He and his team had a flawless race and they clinched their class points title. The best race of the day was between the 1600 cars. First across the line was Jeff Madrid and Gary Bancroft. The Wisdoms were right behind them, using their rear cage for brakes. Wes Wisdom won the race on time and the year end points in Class 1600. Jeff Madrid took second Trackside Photo Racing photography since 1970 We cover La Rana, SCORE, SODA amd SNORE events (and others too!) For the best professional quality photos, call usl P .0. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 Please note our new phone number: 805-578-3470 and was glad to see the Wisdoms end up with the points title, since ·they didn't. Victor Bussey finished third in class. This was his first race in his new 1600 car and he seems to like the ride better than the 5-1600. After the 1996 season the points champions were: Class 200, Ron Osborne; Class 10, Randy Spahr; Class 5-1600, Danny Drake; Class 1600, Wes Wisdom; Class 900, Max Han-berg; Class 1400, Robert Wilks; Class 150, Scott McKinney; Class 725, Steve Carillo; Class 750, Kathy Fay; Class 800, Mike Bragg; Class 850, Ray Currie. Everyone would like to thank John Lucas and Rich Fersch for all their hard work in putting the race on. Everyone seemed to have a good time and liked the course. After the race there was a Bar-B-Que and raffle at the finish line. I personally would like to thank John Lucas for all the results and phone numbers and everything I needed to complete this article. DEST . -Dusty Times March 1997 Page i1

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S.N.O.R.E. Awards Banquet By Jean Calvin SNORE has always held their awards party at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in early January, after the demands for such parties has dissipated. It was the first Saturday of the year when the SNORE folks gathered in a banquet room at the Gold Coast. Genial host Michael Gaughan hosted an open bar for the troops and no one abused it. The man himself was back in Wisconsin with his son Brendan at the SODA awards, since Brendan won Class 8 and the champion-ship ring from two Crandon races. The Gold Coast Hotel is like a second home to us, and we have been staying there since the doors swung open some ten years ago. After an hour of just visiting with folks, dinner was served and it was delicious and meanwhile SNORE's hard working President Joe Ross, started the proceedings in hopes of unloading the multitude of trophies that covered the front tables. They also had a bunch of door prizes, so Joe started in while most others were eating. Rohby Goerke was tenth overall in points, for which he received $100 cash and a free entry in a 1997 SNORE race. In ninth overall Jeremy Gubler won $200 and a free race entry. 'Eighth overall on points Gene Griepen-trog won $400 and a free race entry. Jeff Carr was seventh and earned $600 and a free race entry. And Kevin Streety was sixth, good for a cool $800 and a free entry to the SNORE 250, SNORE's premiere race. Then came some special awards starting with Jerry Stewart who was given the True Grit Award, a special award. Jerry spent a lot of time getting his Oldsmobile welded in the pits and he was a popular winner. Driver of the Year was named Doug Ingram, who was Class 9 and overall champion in 1995. Then the drawing hegan for the door prizes. You got a free ticket with your dinner ticket and of course could buy more at three for a dollar. The pri:es wcre certainly worth it and SNORE is grateful to all the generous donors. Then the new Board of Directors were intro-duced including the new club officers. Everyone settled back in their chairs as Joe Ross began more racer awards. Welder/Generator EW171 • 4000 Wall \Vdder/Cc.:nerawr • llunda 11 HP Oil\' Cunuuercial • 100.J walls ol puwt·r Enb,ine • 170 AMP UC ior \Vdding • Od AJcrt' • Oil .-\lert. • !:,imuluuu .. "tni:. Al· / 1 >1.. U~l-• Automalic Idle ' • l:.h.-..:lr111111.: 1~111U11Jo The Sportsman Class overall winner was John McCormick who had done a lot of winning during the year. The Sportsman Truck winner was Mike Snod-grass and the Class 11 title was a tie hetween Ed McCormick and John Houlton. The Heavy Metal Champion again was Jerry Stewart in his Olds and the Mini Metal Champion was Barry Slatter in his Ford Ranger. Kevin Streety repeated from last year as the 5-1600 champion, taking the trophy back to California, and taking home the Class 1-2-1600 honors '"".as B.J. Alm berg and his crew. Class 10 went to Gene Griepentrog with Kent Loth-ringer, and Gene, another Californian, after years of racing with SNORE had switched classes and got his first SNORE champ-ionship. Class 1 /2 belonged to Mike Tieman and his truck. It was time for more personal achievement awards. Mechanic of the Year was a tie vote between Dick Webb and Kevin Bunder-son. The Engine Builder of the Year was Victor Torres and the Transmission Builder of the Year is Troy Young. The Rookie of the Year is Brian Sallee, but he gets RACER DISCOUNTS PARTS SHIPPED BY UPS DAILY BILL ROBERTSON + SONS, INC. IN BUSINESS FOR OVER 30 YEARS 5626-Tujunga Blvd., North Hollywood 4f'HONDA 1 ·(800) .800-6134 O»neridewithus. 1 (818) 766-6134 Page n March 1997 • N more -read on. Returning to the last of the money winners, Joel Mohr, also from California, was fifth overall and earned$ 1000 and a free race entry. Fourth place went to Las Vegan Doug Ingram, last year's point champion, and he earned $800 and a free race entry. In third overall it was Roh Guevara, second in 1-2-1600, and he got $1600 and a free race entry. In second overall was B.J. Almherg, who earned $2000 and a free race entry. The latter two are hoth from Las Vegas. It was time to crown the overall champion. lt was Brian Sallee, who races in Class 9 with Jon Hignitt who shared driving the winning Class 9, and he took $4000 of SNORE's points fund home to Barstow, ·cA . As usual with SNORE they get a free entry to every one ofSNORE's races in 1997, and there are eight of them. That is prize money worth racing for! Our congratulations to Sallee and Hignitt and it sure makes the 1 70 mile drive seem well Seasons Greetings from B.O.R.E. By Jim Baker A very SJ'l'Cial thanks to all those who helped make the 8.O.R.E. tl'nth anniversary hanquet and the 1990 racing season a succl'ss. It has heen a pleasurl' to work with and for each of you. It is always my hope that evl'ryone had a good timl', because after a II what l'lse is there? When racing is no longer fun ... we'll all he gonl'. Therefore you should hrace yourself for anothl'r great season n>ming up in 1997, when we will Sl'L' morl' entries, higger honusl·S, anJ L'Ven hetter racl's. And you just hl'arJ it from the l'tl'rnal optimist. If you missed the hanquet at Wendover this yl'ar you just missed an l'Vl'ning of gooJ fun. We had some goofy awards, soml' frivolity, rewarded some achieve-ments and gave away a tahle full of goodies. Rick Taylor even serenaded us with his own song, the highlight o f the evening. Thanks Pal!!! Speaking of awards I apologi:e for the oversight of not presenting class winner plaques to Rick Taylor and Jeff Rohinson. The plaques have heen sent to them along with the traditional points champion and runner up jackets, not ready when we left for Wendover that Jay. The jackets are hlack with logo, points lettering and names. Rick's is Season Points Champ and Jeff's is Runner Up. WL' had rems of valuahle door prizes from two way radios to air compressors. Sets of Yokohama tires, and a hox of BFGoodrich goodies did not arrive until the following week. There were tool sets, jackets and lots more from our sponsors and local folks. Our annual Dell Heninger Sportsman of the Year honor was once again given to a man justly deserving . As you know, it is you, the drivers, whose nominations and votes determine the recipient each season. As is usual the voting represents your esteem for many of the 8.O.R.E. memhers, and whilt· voting is normally close, worthwhile. The Perfect Attendance award went to Matt Cunningham. The Race Sponsor of the Year was KC HiLites, Contingency Company of the Year was, as everywhere, BFGoodrich, Sportsman of the Year, Jim Conner. There were a number of Awards to Race workers that we missed getting on paper.We couldn't write as fast as Joe Ross can talk. And the final presentation was the Jimmy Schaefer Award created in memory of Jimmy Schaefer who died suddenly the year he was President of SNORE. This oddly enough was a tie vote, and only previous winners of this award are allowed to vote. The winners were Mike Looney, a tireless \.\'.Orker for SNORE, and President Joe Ross almost equally tireless. With that the har stayed open for a half hour, people gathered in clumps and the 1996 SNORE season was over. The 1997 season starts soon on Fehruary 10, in the Las Vegas area. See you there. there i;, always a clear choiCl'. This year that rl'cognition Wl'nt to car owner, a hdping hand to any racer nl'l'ding him, and hl' is onl' of our tl'ch inspl'ctors. Congratulations Ll's Wolfe!!' You ckscrvl' thl' honor. Earlier I alluded to the fact that I am the eternal optimist. In order to improve on my success as an optimist. some of you are going to hl' called upon to exert some monumental efforts to huild our numhns. This is your racing association, dedicated to offer you, thl' racer, a great race venue, competitive, hut never to lose the warm and friendly family fun and spirit we have always had. Just recently some of our memhers have related several had experiences they had at other racl'S which cost them any chance of doing well. I do not for a moment think that other associa-tions want nor promote that type of reputation. As always the prohlems stem from individuals who, for whatever reason, have an attitude. They Jo not have the R.O .R.E. attitude unfortunately. As we grow, it is not unlikely Wl' will have such individuals visit us, to race or spectate or help someone else race, what we might say to them is hest demonstrated hy the examples we set. In that same vein of thought, we have very rarely had to reprimand anyone. When we did have to, every attempt was made to make it courteous, fair and friendly. It is never our position to make a 8.O.R.E. race anything hut as much fun as you can stand ... This is the Holiday season. Your officers and Dorothy and I all wish each of you the very merriest Christmas and a pros-perous New Year. Dusty Times

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March 14th, 15th, 16th 1997 $500.00 additional bonus to first • ,n Class 9 ''' ••• $1500.00 guaranteed ,nini,nu,n purs·e to the first place finishers in C lass l/2-Unlimited, 5-Unlimited, l/2-1600, Class 10, Heavy Metal, and Mini ME.otal with a 10 car M inimum class! $1000.00 guaranteed ,nini,nu,n purse to the first place finisher in Class 9 and 5-1600 with a 10 car minimum class! Entry forms for pre-registration are available from SNORE. Contact Joe Ross c/ o Tate & Snyder Architects, 709 Valle Verde Court, Henderson, NV 89014, Tel. 70 2· 456-3000 for forms. Entry fees/deposits are not refundable. However, if notification is made to SNORE prior to race rA::;:: .. t1•J~ that you cannot compete in the event, fees may be transferred to another SN ORE race within the some calendar year. There is a $10.00 fee on all returned checks. Race Storts at 10:00 om SHARP !!!! The Course is sandy, rockY, bumpY, dusty, dirty and oil of the other adjectives used to describe an off rood course. Location to be announced Awards Banquet w ill be held 10:00 om on Sunday, March 16th at Terrible's Town Casino. Hotels & Motels ore near by please coll the SNORE hotline for a foxed list of the hotels when the course location is determined. CLASS 1/2, 1/2-1600, 5, 10 HEAVY METAL, MINI METAL CLASS9 CLASS 5-1600 CLASS 11 SPORTSMAN BUGGY AND TRUCK RACE MANAGMENT FEE INSURANCE ALL CLASSES $310.00 $310.00 $165.00 $165.00 $75.00 $75.00 $10.00 $95.00 Registration will toke place from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at a Terrible's Town Casino near you FridoY, Morch 14th. SNORE 1997 RACE SCHEDULE Technical Inspection & Contingency will be held on Friday, Morch 14th at a Terrible's Town Casino near you from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Drawing for starting order will be Friday, Morch 14th ofter Sign-up, Tech, & Contingency at Terrible's Town Casino. There will be no fun run or pre-run for this race. If you are on the course before the race you will be disquali-· fied with no re fund of entry fee. Mandatory Drivers Meeting will be held at the Start/Finish Line Saturday, Morch 15th at 9:00 am SHARP! EVENf rERRIJLFS fOWN SOUfHErtN NEVAPA ZOO KC HlllrES MIPNIGHf SPECIAL NAPA Je-P AUfOPARfS Z50 tsrH ANNUAL GOLP COASf S.N.O.ltE. t50 VEGAS 400 IUcCE PAfE MARCH 15 MAY 17 AUGUSf Z SEPrEMMR t:/ PECEMMR 6 PIUcWINt PAfE MARCH 14 MAY 17 AUGUSf Z SEPrEMMR 1.0 PECEMMR 5 fbl1-CACTUS RACING swAY·A•WAY DUSTY TIMES BFGaadrich TOTAL PERFORMANCE .~ .;;;;;;;;.;...;;;,.,;;.. ___ r,,.., PDraillllci DANCIIO ft'susl'ENSION. RACEAJR HELMETS~ ACCESSORIES ~ ~11'1\H''"""':'""'"'"""1' e~~'6t~N~ · EtA,1fl.!! -~ .. c.,. {I DE N.Y~IQ]] ~~ IY.'.MNW,IWl \~\lLE~J ~ ~ AnwLc.a.n GOOD/YEAII ~SAFETY/ Poo,o,._,.c• PROOUCTS T~~tt lY,.t-1:) ~~ ,.--.. -,-" .. --------, F(lsifox ~~~9 -------, . ~---

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65TH MONTE CARLO RALLY Piero Uatti Crowned His Career With The Win In A Subaru Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Starting in the rain did not bother Piero Liatti with navigator Fabrizia Pons and Liatti who went on to score his first WRC win in the WRcar from Subaru, an lmpreza. All 23 world championship contenders took the start and finished the test. Subaru's part time driver won navigating, scored a storming win the 1997 Monte Carlo Rally. in treacherous conditions, after Piero Liatti, with Fabrizia Pons teammate Colin McRae crashed, and early leaders Carlos Sainz and Tommi Makinen fell back after bad tire choices. This was a debut WE CARRY AURORA, PYROTECT, PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, CACTUS RACING BAKER BATTERIES, SWAY A WAY WRIGHT PLACE, EARLS, YOKOHAMA SUPER TRAP, SWEPCO, TANAKA BUG PACK, S&S, CHENOWTH UMP, BELL HELMETS, KEP, SACO FODDRIL, UNI-FILTER, K&N, TRI-MIL PER/WA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, PIAA DIRT BAGZ, COMP-U-FIRE, WEBER CARBS SAND TIRES & RIMS, RIP ROD, CNC CENTERUNE, ULTRA, SIMPSON, SCAT CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEEL MECHANIX WEAR, BOGART RACING WHEELS RC TRANS & MUCH MUCH MORE ••• WE ARE NOW AN OFFICIAL DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS!! Page 14 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW * LAS VEGAS, NV* 89102 HOURS: MON-Fiil 9AAUIPM * SAT 9AM -5PM (702JB71-tr,. i • f702J871-5221 '41K March 1997 Second came Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya in the Ford Escort WRcar and they did well in the snow and ice. - win for the Impreza World Rally Car and a remarkable success for a driver who will only contest some of this year's championship events. "It is a nice end to a long struggle, with three times coming second on world championship rallies, and especially after the disappointment of losing last year's Catalunya rally in the late stages." This was Subaru's and Pirelli 's third successive world championship win and a dramatic way to start a whole new rallying era. Subaru heads the world championship though the diffi-cult weather conditions meant it was hard to gauge the real effect of the new car regulations. The World Rally Cars finally broke cover at Monte Carlo which heralds the start of a new style world rally championship, and which saw significant changes in the format of the world's most famous rally after decades of tradition. We saw not only new cars but new championship systems, new rules and new philosophies as well. But, strang-est of all, we didn't see just one Monte Carlo Rally -but two; the World Pro Rally Championship .::ounting for points and the far larger amateur rou who scored no WCR points, thus excluding many competitors from scoring points in Group N and WZL, unless they entered the profes-sional event. In accordance with the 1997 rules, the three top teams each entered two cars. Their principal challengers were Toyota Celica GT-Fours driven by Freddy Loix and Isolde Holderied. At the elev-enth hour Didier Auriol was entered in an Escort Cosworth and even later came the entry of former European champion Cesar Baroni entered in a similar car, privately. Professional drivers were excused from the long Concentra-tion road section, but they had to carry out repairs in modern style Service Parks. The other rally was for amateurs who had to make their way to Monte Carlo from three different starting locations, but had the freedom to carry out service where they wished. The division of the entry list meant the event which still holds the record for the greatest number of entries, 299 in 1973, now also holds the record for the smallest. For the first time since the '60s special stages were held over part ofthe [P'" Tommi Makinen and Seppo Harjanne brought their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolu-tion IV in for third place overall as here they cruise the street circuit. Pavael Sibera and Petr Gross brought the Skoda Felicia Kit Car 1600 in second in W2L and they had a good rally with the small engine. 12th overall. Dusty Times

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P" Grand Prix circuit, both at the start on Sunday for all the entry, and at the end, just for the top drivers. In between there were three days . of action on wintry roads. The event ended W ednes-day evening with the second sec-tion round the streets of the Prin-cipality for the top cars only. The performance of the World Rally Cars would be indicative, both to see whether they were fas-ter than the orthodox Group A designs, and also to see how ready the cars were. This year the FIA rules limited official teams to just two cars each with both cars scor-ing points and every event count-ing, which demanded a high degree of reliability. And with eight of 14 qualifying rounds before the middle of June, there will be a strong advantage for teams whose cars start the season well sorted and reliable. By the morning of Etape 1 the weather had changed. It rained all night and was still falling when daylight arrived. Spectators how-ever gathered all around the har-bor front using countless natural grandstands. They expected to see the cars make two laps of the circuit, then leave the seafront track to head away north into France. Then the rally seemed to start early. Overnight officials decided that every driver should have a warm-up lap and this gave spectators a chance to see the cars three times. It was an excellent show, notwithstanding the weather. On stage 10 Auriol retired with transmission trouble, which could only be changed at the end of a leg so there was no chance to carry on. Auriol had been leading to this point. The last stage saw Sainz have misfiring problems and the rally stars were having trouble. Sainz picked up time on the next stage and fin-ished 18 seconds behind Makinen and in third place overall three seconds behind Liatti. Soa Group A car was beating the new wonder machines and at two thirds dis-tance only three out of23 cars had retired. The cars all sounded dif-ferent. Makinen 's car seemed to swoosh along too quiet for specta-tor safety. The Fords banged loudly, epecially Auriol's. The Subarus with their more efficient BACDAVER • FIREBOTil.ES • BATTERIES • SPAL FANS • SETRAB COOLERS • FLUIDYNE COOLERS • AEROQUIP PLUMBING • SILICONE HOSE NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • GREASES • AUTOMOTIVE & RACING COOLANTS WE HAVE OVER THE COUNTER SERVICE CALL US FOR A FREE CATALOG! WE WILL SHIP AS FAST AS YOU NEED IT W TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ~ _, (562) 427-2375 FAX (562) 426-5294 BAKER PRECISION 11.,::ARINGS • , UPS 11 M I \ 2865 Gundry Ave.• Signal HHI, CA 90806 DAILY -Page 16 inlet manifold had lost much of their famous boxer sound, while the T oyotas were as loud as and as purposeful as ever. In Group N Herman Gessner went off the road losing about 23 minutes and damaged the steer-ing. Armin Ramer was carefully learning the event. Manfred Stohl was enjoying his first event in a Group N car. Trelles Depping retired was controlling the scene. In WZL Gomez had more prob-lems, his shock absorbers were sticking on rebound while Harri broke a driveshaft and lost about four seconds ... Rain again! As the cars left the overnight halt at Gap there was drizzle and lowering clouds. The ascent of the Col·de Fontbelle, the famous Sisteron stage came strainght away. Baroni crashed one km before the stage start. Henrik Lundgaard brought his Celica up to sixth place when Depping retired after cam belt failure. There were 17 still running! It was only when cars reached the start that crews realized some-thing was amiss. Sainz had fallen further back while in third. Makinen was checking tire pres-sures before the stage started and heard the sound of a deflating tire. We only just started the stage and before the end ot the prior stage there were nails all over the roads. Third in W2L came Harri Rovanpera nad Viotto Silander in the SEAT Ibiza Kit Car a"t 14th overall. In ensuing chaos of having to get . . the spare tire out of the well. First in Group N was defending ch_amp,on Gustavo Trelles and Jorge Del Wh h d h £ Buono in a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and they were ninth overa/11 at appene was tat 1our ,_. :::..::..::..:....:....:......::.._:___:__ ___________ :..._ ______ -:--_~ kilometers. On the third stage In conditions similar to last year technical delegate said all I rt:ally itself there was a patch of slippery with rain falling all the night the want to know is whetht:r thest: wet black asphalt. Liatti spun on it event really started. Already miss-WRC cars are fastt:r than Group andhitthefrontofthecardamag-ing was Dron with the Mini A? In these conditions it is diffi-ing the intercooler pipe and lost Cooper that had had engine fail-cult to know. Liatti had lt:d a some minutes. It could have cost ure. Loix lost his lead Tire choices goodly portion of the route after himtherally.Holderiedovertook were critical. There was some Auriol retired. Winning was Trelles into eighth, and Nittel 8km of snow covered road on the Piero Liatti with fellow Italian next. The stage was the three lap stage. Sainz who had the longest Fabrizia Pons navigating the Suh-race around the streets. Both experience of this rally among aru. They were ahead of Tommi Schwarz and Liatti were worried team drivers had the lead appro-Makinen BY A FULL MINUTE. about their gear boxes as the rally ching the first Service Park. As The World 2-liter cars this year headed back towards Monte theafternoonstartedMcRaewent tackle the same events as tht: Carlo. There were two major off the road on stage 5. The FIA championship. stages still to come. The planned one over T urini which replaced the traditional night ofT urini was shortened and the downhill second part of the stage was diverted because of the landslides there. Couillole and the three lap race around the harbor was a for-mality before the floodlit finish beneath the Principality's castle. In WZL Rovanpera began to catch the Skodas. T riner had good luck, eight km from the end of the stage he hit a stone but the tire remained inflated, and both he and Sibera were trouble free. In Group N Stohl went off the road on a transport section avoiding a non-competing car and only just 1 reached the time control without Amateur rallying Fiat Cinquecento (left) and a Group N f-1ini Cooper. penalty. Now the championship circus for the more consistent but still snowy stages of Sweden. After unpreMitsubishi car will still keep up with the new WRD cars dictable Monte Carlo stages it will be interesting to see if the Group A. Liatti did the final stages with no drama and he was smiling at the midway halt at Annot. There were two major stages ahead. There were no last minute sensations. When the checkered flag came out it was for Piero Liatti and Fabrizia Pons in the Subaru Impreza. All 23 champ-ionship contending cars started the test. Holderied slid off a cou-ple times while Nittel also hit some protective piles of tires. McRae, Makinen both Monaco residents must have felt at home. March 1997 Colin McRae (R) and Nicky Grist retired the Subaru fmpreza later due to accident damage and were no doubt happy to be out of the cold weather. Dusty nmcs

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Season Opener For s.s.o.R.R.A Test & Photos: Wa)'ne Simmons Jason Crowder was the man to beat at the SSORRA Season opener but he was not to be denied, getting strong finishes n the first two heats and winning the third one in a hotly contested battle. Many things start with the SOUTHERN SHORTCOURSE S.S.O.R.R.A., for short course numher one. The first day of the OFF ROAD RACING ASSOC-racing in Florida. The new kid on year, your first race car, and the IATION. Off road racing has a the block has a full slate of off first race of the season for the new lease on life through the roading once a month, through-cKEN 'S IR FILTERS U I-FIL E ---------------0 YOUR OFF-ROAD ~ SPECIALISTS/ : PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 ill 23_66 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 ,---------------------------------.a a, DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME t a: 0 0 a: :c 0 Cl) T2 BOOT HOLDER ................................ -......... MRB-86-9305 930 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 930 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-3 934 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK;0108-1 -'-I----' w z w 1-, '.:'.l iii ~ w z ---' l-o Cl) w l-o a: m 'fl ::, Cl) Cl) ~ z w :c ::, ---' 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR .............................. '. MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE._ ............................................. MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE 1 ................................... HDR-113-50f;331 CV JOlNT TYPE II .................................. HDR-211-501-331B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501-3310 875 STD BALL ......................... --............. HYP-19005 934 STD BALL-.. -...................... -.............. HYP-19006 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ····-··················· WES-4401 CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 .§ ~ fJV GREASE···················-··························· RED-CV2-MOLY o STD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 ! S~ BOOT .................................................... SUH-102 .~ BATES BOOT ........ , ........... _ ........................ BAT-BOOT o.. 930 f;lOTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 • 934 ROTAT LE.11.THEl;l ........ . ..................... STC-6001 E FLOATER NO BRG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 L FLOATER NO BRG - LEATHER ........... STC-6020 :c £1 B RDS S IPF .Cl IELI TS UGPAC Page 18 / "❖\., '),,__ ff'•·. 9-t,l '=+: . .· .#' DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF _ ...... -... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF ....... -............. _ MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ..................... _ MCK-0101 RACE DIFF T-2 ...................... -... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR ........... -.............. MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVER S/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 March 1997 a, 6 m :D Cl) 0 -< m :D m m m f;; 0 .,, 6 T The Tuff Truck class drew four entries for this first race of the season and when the smoke had cleared, Don Gatton was the big winner. out the year at EAST BAY hy hystanders she was soon RACEWAY, in Tampa, Florida. headed back in the right direction. The idea of the association is to Driven on by the frantic screams put the fun back in racing with a of their parents it was hard to tell quality place to race and make it a who was having the most fun. day for the family. Now it was time for the hig You could not have asked for a boys, the TUFF TRUCKS. Four better race day for a season drivers lined up side by side for opener. The turnout of cars and the first of a set of three races. It drivers was much better than wasabaddayforMikeWalterson expected, with one driver towing as motor trouble ended his day in from Michigan and a couple from just two laps. A failure of the Georgia, as well as the local drive shaft put Mark Reed out for drivers of Florida. The day was as the remainder of the day also. good as it gets with scattered With two very competitive clouds and temperatures pushing drivers left it was a wheel to wheel the 80 degree mark, and a relative dash the rest of the cay as David smooth fast track. Walterson a.k.a. (RED ROOS-First up on the slate was a race TER) and Don Gatton see-sawed for the little kiddies. A small fleet positions into the final few laps. of battery powered cars was set up Suddenly smoke started to bellow and ready to go on a short oval out from under Roosters hood, as track. It was a dash into the first the motor slowly ground to a turn at a blinding speed of almost stop. Gatton easily finished to four miles per hour. This was take the win for the day. nothing short of big time racing as STREET RAILS: Terry Fiegel the leader cut his fellow competi-and Donald Hann dominated the tor off in the turn. One young girl first heat, as Larry Fiegel and Matt got so caught up in watching the Beggs battled close behind. T . car beside her that she missed the Fiegel soon put some distance on turn and drove into the crowd. the rest of the pack as Beggs With the help of quick thinking moved up to challenge Hann. In a w,-::" ThtJ;W ." Challenger cars have a class too, and as seen here they really get into it with each other. Bob Halleen looks a bit out of shape here but he went on to win all the marbles. CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' - any Length Hose • Pree Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $299.oo WITH SKIRT '-5153 Bow~en Ave.• S~n Diego• CA• 92117 • (619) ~79-i509 Dusty Times

Page 29

hrid few laps it was over as T. Fiegel took the win. In the next heat Craig Dicker-son grahhed the lead early and was quickly challenged hy Matt Beggs. Jeff Golding was fast making up lost ground as he maneuvered through the pack and into fourth. Jessie Paul had a solid hold on third that no one could take. Beggs and Dickerson went into the white flat lap humper to humper with Dickerson holding on for the win. Last race for STREET RAILS: Craig Dickerson led the first lap then fell to the wayside with car trouhle. Matt Beggs grahhed the rosition as several other drivers . . . . . . moved up to challenge him. Then Street Rails are another mnovatt0n ,n SSORRA racing and here we see Jessie Baja Bugs forever! The ever popular racing class goes on and on as here we f h h h d r 1. f Paul and Rob Crawford battling for position. see Leaella Snider saving tire wear as she drove to an easy victory in the class. outo now eret at a ,ee mgo _ -·····-·---·--····-- -----------------trouhlc hit Beggs as he hegan to Bittering both were working out and holding it for the checkered. slow and lose ground. Phil the hugs as the day went hy. InthesecondheatJacksontook Somers was right there to take Bittering was out for several laps the lead off the line but was soon over the lead, hut was feeling as Snider went for a Sunday drive joined by Crowder and Neri. It pressure from Terry Fiegel. It was and the win for the Jay. was a wheel to wheel race as a dash for the flag as Somers edged In the CHALLENGER cars it Crowder and Jackson battled for out Fiegel for the win. was Boh Halleen all the way. Once most of the race. Craig Schroder A new class of racer this year is Halleen got his car into the lead he in a lap car gave Jackson the the GADGET ca rs. Just th rce never looked back. Jay Ourtam chance to get the upper hand and showed up to try their hand at off was his only hard challenger as the the win as the race wound down. roading. Most of the time these lead changed a few times in the Jackson again had the lead with cars are running flat tracks around course of the day. Ourtam lost his Neri hot on his tail as the last race the state. Rick Cronce was the chance when his car rolled putting got under way. Crowder quickly leader all day hut not without him down a few laps. Tony movedupandwaistednotimein heing challenged at every turn hy Harworth and Cathy Morton taking over the lead. Neri moved Scan McCulloagh. Dustan Har-hattled each other through the in behind Crowder putting den hrokc the right wheel off his day with· Haworth edging out Jackson back into third. With no car early in the first race to end his Morton at the final flag. other challengers to their day early. McCulloagh tried all 1600s: In the first race Jason positions Crowderled the way for day to pass Cronce hut just was Crowder and Marty Neri led most the other two drivers till the final not fast enough, with Cronce of the race, with Crowderleading. flag. . taking wins in all races. Carlton Jackson got his chance to CLASS I : Fred Badinchak a bad day, with two roll overs and motor trouble all day. It was some good racing but Bohees was just not fast enough, and had to settle for second while Crowder rolled to victory. CHALLENGER AND BAJA move into the battle as the leaders pulled from Michigan to take in . . . . . . .. CLASS: Two drivers hrought out came up on lap traffic. Neri took some racing and good Florida Fred Babmchak trailered down from M1ch1gan for the Flortda fest1v1t1es but their new BAJA cars for todays advantage of the situation sunshine. In spite of only three was plagued with bad luck all day. seen here awaiting help from the course events. Leaella Snider and Terry overtaking Crowder for the lead, drivers in this class Badinchak had . _w_or_k_e_rs_. -----------------------RACERS SUPPORT YOUR ·SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RACING ORGANIZATIONS N'F:ED YOlJR SUPPORT! IF YOU'RE NOT RACING OR PPTJNG, CALL YOlin LOCAL RACE ORGANIZATION AND OFFER YOUR HELP. WARM BODIES ARE ALMOST AI.WAYS WFtCOME! GLEN HELEN SHORT COURSE CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA CRS VORRA BRUSH RUN SERIES OHIO OFF ROADERS FUDPUCKER RACING CODRA -SORE Dusty Times · MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS LA RANA DESERT RACING ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD SNORE CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS D & T PROMOTIONS SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES SCORE BEST IN THE DESERT WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS SODA COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSN SUPER SERIES LIMITED CHECK THE HAPPENINGS FOR THE LOCATION AND DATE AND HELP IF YOU CAN! March 1997 BAJA PROMO'TTONS PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY

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MOJAVE DESERT RACING Kory Scheeler Wins The Inaugural Race At Barstow By Jimmy Messick Phot.os: Track.side Phot.o Inc. Mike O'Donnell drove his husky looking Class 10 car to a good second place, finishing a bit behind the class winner at the end of the day. Kory Scheeler took his Jimco to the Class 10 win and the overall win as well as he and B.J. Richardson motored around the Barstow course, finishing with a ten minute lead over the second overall car. hub and blew two front shocks on their way to the finish line. Third in class was Jerry Miller. Class 500nad two entries and they were Tim Highfill taking the class The Class 1 car of Bill Robertson was airborne most of the day, flying to honors by laps. Phil and Mike victory in spite of lots of problems enroute. McClusky got one lap done and -settled for second in class. was Kevin Davis who did finish Class 5-1600 had a real good five laps to win the class. His was showing with eight Baja Bugs the only entry in the class. leaving the line. Keith Westerfield Class 725 had two entries and put on a good show leading the. Tim Braden and Mitch Griffin first two laps of the race but then broke an axle, losing 45 minutes to repairs. But, he was able to . • ·> ... --, ..... ,. .,y.0". took first with a somewhat uneven set of lap times, but they got in all five laps for the win. Doing just four laps with a two and a half hour third lap Bill The Lucas!Osborne/McMillen Raceco suffered a few minor problems through-out the race but took a very strong first place finish in Class 2 and were second overall as well. amazingly make up the time and win Class 5-1600 by a healthy margin, 19 minutes. Finishing second in class was Frank and Sean Krepsz who brought their pre-runner out to race and did a good job. The team got lost and also had their motor separate from the tranny. Frank would like to thank his girl friend for riding with him in her first race ever. Also I think the waitresses at the Quigley's Restaurant would like to thank the Krepsz co-driver for his assistance in waiting on tables. (You had to be there) On January 4 Paul Duffy put on his first race in Barstow, CA, The Mojave 200. There were over 40 entries and 38 of them actually took the green flag. It is not bad for so early in the year and the first race from a new promoter. M.D.R. (Mojave Desert Racing) offered a low entry fee with not a real high payback. It worked for the racers who didn't care much about taking a lot of money home. The overall winner was Kory Scheeler with B.J. Richardson in their Jimco A-arm Class 10 car. They finished 10 minutes ahead of second overall, the car of John Page 30 Lucas. Class 100 had one starter but he got in all five required laps. Bill Robertson had pittman arm trouble and exhaust problems en route to the finish but he got it all handled and carried on to the flag for the official Class 100 victory. There were three Class 200 cars and John Lucas, with Ron Osborne and Matt McMillen co-driving, took first in class and second overall. The team had a flat tire and a hole in a push rod tube which kept them from the overall win. Second in class was Steve Houston who lost the rear Third in Class 5-1600 was Charlie Smith and taking fourth was Aaron Bennett. Fifth was Jack Zandbergen, sixth was Stephanie Lozano, seventh was Lin Neal and Mike Pike finished it taking eighth place. Only the first four in 5-1600 class finished the five laps I required. The Class 700 winner f "Your One Stop Trailer Shop" C\l :t E~"\R & s~R\J\C~ 1f\"\\.~R ~ •FINANCINGAVAILABLE •COMMERCIAL• RECREATIONAL •UTILITY• CAR• LANDSCAPE• CUSTOM CAR HAt,LERS • CONCESSION UNITS• ENCLOSED & FLATBED mAILERS • mANSPORT & MOTORCOACH CONVERSIONS• PARTS • REDESIGN EXISTING UNITS• LIVING QUARTERS UNITS Tim Highfill motored around the Barstow course with apparent ease and handily won Class 5 by a few laps. Quality Metal & Aluminum Construction Large Stock Of Trailers, Parts & Accessories Class 5-1600 had eight _entries, a good race most of the day but it was Keith Westerfield overcoming a broken axle to come on and take the class win. March 1997 Dusty Times

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Markel was second and last in Class 725. There was only one Class 8 truck and it was in Dan Cannon's hands. Dan had a three plus hour first lap, did a good second lap and parked some-where, but he did get the class win. Class 900 had three start and two finished the six laps. Harry Dunne had a new co-driver this race and that was Joel Mohr with Jimmy Messick riding. Starting second and taking the lead in three miles Joel gave the car to Harry with a 20 plus minute lead; and Harry kept the car going to a Class 900 victory with nearly a 30 minute lead. Mike Haddock was second in class and had a clear day until the tranny let go a half mile out from the finish line on the last lap. They were able to push the car in to take the flag and second place finish points. Art Velasco Jr. in his first ever race driving, blew a tranny on lap 2. Frank and Sean Krepz brought their pre-runner out for the race, got lost once and had some mechanical troubles but still pulled second place in 5-1600. Charlie Smith charges around the course in his tidy 5-1600 taking a nice third in class in a darn good class race. Class 10 also had a good showing with six cars. Coming out on top with the class win as well as the overall victory was Kory Scheeler with B.J. Richard-son co-driving. The team had no troubles to report other than getting lost on lap 1. Mike O'Donnell took second in Class 10 59 minutes behind. Richard Woods placed third about 35 minutes further back and he was the last Class 10 finisher. Brent Foes completed three laps to take fourth and Gary Price was fifth Class 9 was led all day by Harry Dunne with help from Joel Mohr and your author riding along. The guys had a completely trouble free day and took first place in class with a long lead. HE BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. Th• .. Bump Stopa oom• complete with a mountlnc system, poly-eurethane end piece and enough valving to get the job done. ECOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 PER PAIR. (INCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE AND THE GRADE 8 BOLTS) SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-520-427-3551 Dusty Times OR CALL US DIRECT. 102 Creawiew P.O. Boa 845 Yamell, AZ 85362-0845 with two laps done. Craig Dillon did not finish the first lap blowing the motor right from the start. The only Class 11 starter was Bill Swisher who got in three long laps for the title. Class 12 had two start. First in was George Perret who had a good race and was real excited to be there. He did two laps and had to nurse a weak engine all day, and also got lost. He would like to thank Lucas Oil, Cross Roads, L&H Molds and Dee Engineering. Second in class was Dennis Pruett, who also did two laps, the second one being five and a half hours long. Class 13 had only one entry and Jon Jacobson did three laps for a win and a finish. Class 14 also had one starter and that was Steve Ruddick. He completed three laps in 7: 15: to get his finish and win. enjoyed the course. Russ Butow took third just seven minutes later. Fighting a cold Victor Bussey finished fourth. Neither Ryann Ross or John Kenney finished more than one lap. Most everyone that raced enjoyed the course, just wishing it was marked a little better, because a lot of drivers got lost. The race started 45 minutes late because the lap fP" ,f Class 1600 had six starters with Tony Murray taking the win after having a flawless day. He had a real good time and thought the course was rough. Second in class was Patrick Burton, who had a flat tire and the skid plate came loose; they also missed a turn but Patrick Burton drove a good race. had a few problems but hauled into second place in 1600 class for a good day. TUCKER TIRE COMPANY HAS A LIMITED SUPPLY OF YOKOHAMA SUPER DIGGER Ill 33x10.50x15 RACER COST $129.00 ALSO 700x15 TRACTION@ $85.00 700x15 HWY (GROOVED)@ $85.00 HD TUBES FRONT $7.00 REAR $13.50 CALL 818-332-1142 818-966-7508 909-598-2495 March 1997 Page 31

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Class 1600 had a good entry and Tony Murray had a trouble free day and took the class win easily, in spite of what he deemed a real rough course. -----•---• ----· --· ------· fP" top computer system failed. T here were also a couple of angry drivers because Duffy's eight hour time limit was changed to six hours without notification. And some drivers could not get the last lap done in time, so they missed getting finisher points. M.D.R.'s second race is scheduled for February 28-March 1, 1997 in Barstow, CA. It will probably be quite similar to this edition. Our congratulations to M.D.R. on having a good first race. NEW IN 197 ... from WELD RACING® TM MODULAR Specialty Racing Wheel • Mud Drags • Sand Drags • Truck Pullers • 4x4 Trucks • Dune Buggies, Etc. • True 3-Piece Modular Design ... A Genuine Racing Wheel. • Super Strong ... Nobody Builds a Stronger Racing Wheel ! • Super Light ... Lightest Wheels Available! e Really Wide ... From 3½" to wide in 15", 16" and NOW 16.1" • Versatile Fitment ... 4,5,6 and 8 Lug -Back Spacings from 2" to 8". \ $/l-2 \\ Shown with Optional Double \ Bead-Loe™ • Fast Service ... All Orders Built within 5 Working Days. ~/l-28 Prices $22900 )d'c•~• Starting ~t . m ~lli('{t =f ~ ~ Racer Duect. • !.~~~ ... ~~ ...... ~•~ 1-800-488-9353 Dept. SR © 1997, Weld Wheel, Industries 933 Mulberry St., Kansas City, MO 64101 816/421-8040, Fax: 816/842-6747, Web Site: Page 32 Class 725 saw Tim Braden finishing all five laps for the class win, having some u_!!_kno_w~-troubles out on the course, but not enough to stop them. Steve Rudick was the only starter in Class 14 so he just motored around for three laps and got the uncontested win. Jon Jacobson took the Class 13 win in his neat looking car although they o~ly got three laps in. --··-·-·-01' Joint Jigger Tube& Pipe Notcher ~ · •01' JointJigger:,. ~ ..• " ~ ~ Tube notching is simple with the 0/' Joint Jigger. Using standard bi metal hole saws, and a 1/2" hand drill or small drill press to provide the power, this heavy duty fixture notches quickly and accurately the ends of tube or pipe up to 2" OD. Dale Wilch Sales & Mfg. P.O. Box 12031 • lfansas City, KS 66112 Phone: (913) 788-3219 • Fax: 788-9682 Check us out on the \\'eh@ u·u·u• For info or to order call TOLL FREE! 1-800-NICE CUT (642-3288) March 1997 MAG·7 1997 Kick■off By Phillip Breedlove With the running of the 30th Bai a l 000 this year, The Magni{• icient 7 Off Road Racing T cam will commemorate close to JU continuous years of involvement in Off Road Racing. During our existence, MAG-7 has had the honor of association with some of the greatest names in racing and we have also witnessed many changes in the sport. We have seen race teams, sponsors and support groups come and go. But, as much as the sport has changed, the challenge that brought us and our equipment to Baja and elsewhere still remains the same. MAG-7 has made a committ-ment in 1997 to support all SCORE races in the US and Mexico. We are also prepared to provide support for FUD events and Casey Folks Best In The Desert Silver State Series if there is enough racer interest. MAG-7 will also continue the tradition of providing the "hot towel" lunch stop for the Tecate Enduro Trail Ride sponsored by Los Ancianos MIC Club in April. While it is true that some of the major sponsors of various off road events have significantly reduced their programs and budgets, the independent race teams will continue to make the sport thrive as they always have. MAG-7 was conceived to support independent race teams and we are committed to continue doing so. If you are a race team in need of pit support or if you simply want to enjoy off road racing as a member of MAG-7, please contact us at the numbers listed below and we will send you a 1997 MAG-7 event calendar: Phillip Breedlove: ( 619) 2 79-0411 x3440 (voice mail); Wayne Newell: (619) 745-5740.• FRT DUNAWAY Dash MAG-7 accepted FUD's invita-tion to spend New Years Eve manning check #2 just below the awesome "Sand Hill Climb". MAG-7 brother Charlie Bignell (Charlie's Garage, Ramona) was going to do whatever was necessary to help his racing partner "Rocket" Rod Fantelli (Spirit Racing) win the race and the points championship in his Class 7 Toyota. According to FUD's complicated calculations, all Fantelli needed was a win to secure the championship. Any thing less than a win made things more complicated. Bignell and Fantelli's strategy was to maintain consistent lap times and allow nature to take its course. The strategy worked to perfection as they not on! y won the race to take the points championship, but they were also the only Class 7 to finish the very difficult race in the time limit. Congratulations to Rod Fantelli, Spirit Racing and Charlie's Garage in Ramona. SCORE PARKER 400 The Parker 400 was attended by MAG-7 in support of Hernquist Racing {Bill Hern-quist # 1004 ), the ISRT Racing Team (#553 Carlos and Gerardo lribe), and MAG-7 provided emergency support for Robert Hayley ( #877 ). Hernquist overcame early problems caused (Continued on page 39) Dusty Times

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Page 34

A Pictorial Salute to Glen Helen Page 34 1997 JEEPERS CATALOG Cal I: 1-800-533-7696 Parts & accessories for Wrangler, CJ, Cherokee and Grand Cherokee address ______________ _ city ________ s1a1e __ 11p ___ _ phone _______ JEEP model __ year __ ~hone... DDN•••VEE Please enclose $5.oo or mad this coupon! M: ~Atc:s:oftes ~ 17308 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706 ·------------------------· March 1997 Jason Taylor was great as Class 8 champion. Greg Soaper. the voice of Glen Helen. Dusty Times

Page 35

Stacy Pike appeared late but came on strong. Gery Bussjaeger was best in 1-2-1600 Desert. Ario Ylikangas improved every time out. To':, ~r_adley finished 1996 strong. Matt Sweeney dominated the Rally Class. Eric Cobb was consistently spectacular. Kyle Vestermark. another tough Super 1600 competitor. Erik Cobb & Adam Campbell, two of A TV Pro's finest. Robert Henderson was a force in Class 11. HONDA Power Equipment KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER TO_~-D Racer· and Spectator D'iscounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PuRPOSE ENGINES =--,, ... •~ATER PUMPS "?UTBOARD ENGINES I . . ;;: ··. LAWNMOWERS LAWN TRACTORS EB6500SX J , • RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY IF We DoN'T HA VE IT,· No ONE Doest DEUVERY TO nIE RACES AVAII.ABIE • PLEAsE CAIL AliEAD -..-;;-.;:::::--:-= '9ac:Is;J · 00 ;.\ ,' ~--· # - -EX1000 KAWAGUCHI HONDA 3532E.3RDScLos~CA9CXJ63•213.264.3936, 264.SSSS FAX 264.2136 HONDA Power Equipment ! VISA l s A L E s ' s E R V I C E ' p A R T s N)+h;~_N s easier. -HO N DA POWE R E QUIP MEN T S PE CI AL IS T 1U JJJ)E, ~ rar optimum pcr!omunce 31\d ~..-,y. pl..-.,~ tud lh..-O"'-,,..-r·s m.mual b<for..- opc-r:>.ting your Honda Po1i1.·..-r Equipm..-n1. Spc-c-ific,3t1on:1 subJ«-t to l't-..1.n~e v.1thoul noth.~. •E~thn.ue only. b=l~d on rat~ load. •S.·utc-ry not im.·lud~ "-1th EM3500S.XKI. E~t5000SXKI and £B0500S.X. +♦With bcittery tr.1y kll. whn:-ls ~ h.m!{c-r. ConnttUon to hous.t" po-.~r rcqulrN tr.msfc:r d<"\1tc: t~ on-01,t pouiblr bijury to ~~r company pc-rsonnc-l. Consult ;1 qu.lJUlrd c-lttlncbn. IF Dusty Times March 1997 Page 35

Page 36

.. It's anybodies race as the season starts. Guy Savedra was Odyssey Class champion. Stacy Fay raced good enough to do the family proud. Dave Anckner looked good all year in 5-1600. "I"'OIJGII OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS All ATL Cells Carry A Full Race Approval To FT-3 Or FT-5 Regulations cd¥ 'I!::!] f!:::!/ t:-, .. Laps Ahead Of The Com AERO TEC LABORATORIES INC. aoo\ SPEAR ROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK \ 5:.\3 RAMSEY, NJ 07446-1251 5~6• TEL: 201-825-1400 • FAX: 201-825-1962 Page 36 Another fine year for John Hulsebosch. Hard charging Pilot Class champ Denise Wittman. Dennis Sletten, champion in Cfass 11. March 1997 Gary Gall was King of Class 10/Super 1600. Ii,. Dean Williams scores third consecutive 7S title. Sean McKenzie fought all season long in BS. Rennie Awana finished on top of the Superlite Class. Dusty Times

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Clint Wolsey was consistent all year. Jimmie Johnson proved best of the best. Curt LeOuc ended up on top in the Heavy Metal "Main". . \ .. Steve Bishop had a storybook season as "Racer of the Year". Dusty Times Jerry Miller en route to the Class 5 title. Sean Ziegert will be one to watch in 1997. • unique high flow piston designed to stop valve ¾sshers from bending Inwards • wide teflon coated piston wear band for use in"external bypass with big tubes so that it does not drop into large ports. '"P'J;I / , • sealed piston for low speed control,and l'h'axrmum damping in external bypass. • high temperature stainless steel alloy valvi6g. / • unique rod end design and material to stop shafts and rod ends from breaking. • high temperature Viton seals and~ ~ings. / • Large aluminum reservoir fo inc eased heat dissipation (2X) and weight savings. ,./// / I /,/ vtffi§ m~ ,~ ~ ,f . • Large 3/4'\t1.1,bes;for high:flow;(weld on kits available separate). • All bores m.a.9J;line,honed after welding to maintain bore concentricity. • Tube lo~: tj,2fs c;.an be pJp"ced to order or welded on by the customer. • V hg on the ).:1tston for smooth damping transltio.ns. =,_-I>; I ~ ··~-rt!~ ~¢1.<a &f, \ • seal kits'for 2' & 3" snocks • oil / ~ • shaft bushihgs ,{, ~ • rod ends ~ ~ • coil over kits • piston wear bands • valving • end caps (KING) • bearing and spacers • etc. King Shocl(;kits available to convert 3" coil over Kuster's to position sensitive coil covers. Kuster Shock service and technical advice also available. CNC machine services available. Custom wound 3" shock springs in stock. Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts available ( air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same person that designed all Kuster Shocks. March 1997 Page 37

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,, 4-: ·': .,,,;· ,t·,, .. "'.;:.,,.•c.-<~s~:-:-. The Heavy Metal class was no place for the timid. Class champ in A TV Intermediate, Richard Yakkey was brilliant, Steve Bishop also blitzed SODA foes, David Hendrickson shot to the front Mario Bustamante again finished on top, P~RFORMANCEPRO0UCTS ~ I" !l iii • McKENZIE'S NA FLTERS • K&N e lJM.Fl.TEAS • YOUR OFF-ROAD ~ _ SPECll1l.lSTS! I PHONE:(714)441-1212 FAX:(714) 441-1622 f 2366 _E, OFWlGETl()APE AVE, ANAHEIM, CA 92!06 • DEALER INOUIRIEB WELCOME f i • 4-SPYDER SUPER DIFFS Tl IRS i2 The Cast Ditt is back! I i; • Made from ductile iron, I • Utilizes 4-Spiders for added strength, • This 4-Spyder Super Dill comes suppplied ~ with precision-ground pins and block, ~ 'I' MCK-0265 . ~ I CreatlY Reduced Pricer i 091 BILLET RACE DIFF , t.Aade from 4140 Chromo:-,_ _ • Supplied with Billet Cover, pins and block, !i MCK-0101-1 T21RS All New to the industry! Economica/lY Priced! • Ultimate strength/ • Made from ductile iron, • Available in 3 different configurations, 002 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF MCK-0114-0Q2-15 Fa10-To:fl~ MCK-0014-002-17 Fa11-To:fl~)(DS 091 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF MCK-0114-ll91 Supplied with pins and block, 091 BILLET COUER , .. ____________ .,. _____________ .. • SIMP90N • BEAA0 SEAJ'S • IPf • KC • aBE UQHTI • IUGP#ICK • REOUNEOL • AIELSN£ • ca& e SWAY..lirWAY • AS ,,,MCK-0, :..l Made from 4140 Chromoly, Page 38, I 1 Stanley Bennett had a fine season, March 1997 . Ron Miller and Ralph Mason bringing Glen Helen racing to all with their pen and camera, Jerrod Wedell made things tough in limited appearances, Team Borio was always in the thick of it,

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CRS Letter By Robert T allini The 1996 season proved to he one to remember. Great battles were fought in all the classes and competitors overcame everything from forest fires to new stage roads. Southern California roads were in the greatest shape in years, allowing for fierce competition and a relatively low DNF rate. Congratulations should go out to the 1996 class champions. The Four-wheel Open driver champ~ ion was Denn-is Chizma and navigator champion was Carlos Tavares. Bill Malik and his navigator Farina O'Sullivan took the top honors in Two-wheel Open. The Performance Stock champions were driver Robert Tallini, along with his navigator Steve Scott, who scored his third CRS Championship in a row! Finally, Stock Class was won by the rookie sensations of Terry Stonecipher and his navigator Michelle Gibeault. The CRS Board of Governors met in November and agreed on a few changes for the coming year. Discussions revolved around the 1997 schedule and the proposal of new events. Firstly, the Ensenada 2000 event, organized by Tony Chavez, will count for CRS points in 97. It will only count as a substitute event, but being the first race of the year means competitors are compelled to attend. The standout event of the year, Rim of the World, has also been discussed by the BOG. This year will see a modified format for divisional competitors and a slightly shorter course than the National Competitors. Still slated for the 97 season are the Gorman Ridge Rally, Presc?tt Forest Rally ( once again a tull National Event) and the Treeline Forest Rally. Omitted from this year's schedule will be the Norpac Reno Rally. Finally there are two desert events scheduled for the fall of 97. These events are both organized by Roger Allison. The dates need to be firmed up, but look for them to take place in November and December of 97. Another topic of the BOG meeting was a Pro Rally School. All BOG members agreed that a school would be a good idea and would be a great way to introduce the sport to new rallyists. Therefore, CRS is putting on a Pro Rally Workshop and School. lt is scheduled for March 1 and will be held in Ridgecrest. The school will allow CRS veterans and champions to pass their vast driving and navigating experience on to new rallyists. Anyone interested in enrolling or assisting with the school should contact Ray Hocker or Paula Gibeault. We look forward to seeing you there. The 97 CRS season appears to be a pivotal one for rally. New to the schedule this year are rallies such as the Ensenada 2000 and Roger Allison's Palm Springs to Las Vegas events in the fall. As well as new events, many rallyists who sat out last season are rumored to be returning in 97. Furthermore, 'outside interest in rail y seems to be growing. Force feeding the public on rally seems to have finally paid off. It seems they have acquired a taste for us. This season many National events are scheduled for television broadcasts ( ESPN) and Roger Allison's desert rallies are negotiating both television coverage and large prize funds. This can only spell growth for the sport and a bright future for the California Rally Series. MAG·7 (continued from page 32) by a "microwave sized" boulder that was left in his path by a Class 8 truck that he was attempting to pass in the first 20 miles and a broken rocker in the last lap to finish a very respectable fourth in a very competitive class. The lribe team had the misfortune of breaking an intermediate axle early in the race which cost a precious hour. They drove like heck chasing Ledezma and wound up in the second position. Congratulations to the lribes' and Bill Hernquist . Robert Hayley finished third in pro-trucks without any emergency support required. Congratulations also to Robert. The Shea Road pit captained by Steve Stenberg with help from Wayne Newell and Andy Pina which also served as the main pit for Hernquist reported no problems out of the ordinary. The Mineral Wash Pit captained by Shawn Wells with help from Mark Cranmore served as an emergency pit and saw plenty of action in that remote area of the course. Midway was captained by Charlie Bignell and also served as lribe's driver change area. Charlie reported tough radio commun-icatios due to the power lines. MAG-7 would like to thank Bill Hernquist and J imco (Mike Julson) for backing us up at· Midway and Graham Wells. What's next ... MAG-7 will run a radio checkpoint for the FUD King of the Desert race 2/8197. We will also support the next SCORE race which is the San Felipe 250 (317-9197). Final pit locations will be determined at our next meeting. Best wishes for a prosperous and Happy 1997 to all! COMING NEXT MONTH ••• Parker 400 -SNORE Bottom Dollar M.O.R.E. Roaring Resolution Plus All The Regular Features e looking for the perfect finishing touch for your truck ... You're looking for quality and styling ... • You're looking for a wheel backed by a Lifetime Structural Warranty ... {r\ . .l I > • I, I J.' ; . / / __ ,,;v ':},-;,~;,,.-he many ailable1 hen t,,«st ... SCORE 1995 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! .• ~ ~).:*"~ ..;;,;:@...~ $i ~ Congratulations to these outstanding Champions and Points Leaders! 1996 SCORE Desert Championship Series Class 1 First Brent Grizzle/Dale Ebberts Third (VW Type IV) Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero (TOYOTA V-6) Class 5 Second Mike James/Mike Kalicki Third Class 10 First (VW Type IV) George Seeley (VW Type IV) Andrew Wehe OVERALL BUGGY CHAMPION (TOYOTA 4AG) Second Ray Croll (TOYOTA 4AG) Third Jerry Penhall/Ben Schlimme (TOYOTA 4AG) 1996 SODA Short Course Championship Series Class 9/1 O Second Scott Schwalbe Class 1 /1600 Class 2/1600 Class 7S First Second First Second We use & recommend (TOYOTA 4AG) Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Mike Seefeldt (VW Type I) Mike Seefeldt (VW Type I) John Greaves (TOYOTA Tacoma) TAic~· racing gasoline RACING ENGINES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 ,,,,, ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ "" :...,» "~ ''t> -"" "' '" "' :C:-' "''''''"''''~:,;-:..,-....-.: ,,.,,.., .... ,:,: ,..,,, ,-.: :,:,,:, "»'' :..,,-.:.:,:,,,,," ,,,,:,:,..,,,.,·❖-~❖-'""'':-.''"-'':,'>,.''''"'~"' "' ... ~--•-<:,.~-....,---.:,._,"'»-""~" ~ I:'!<: :-:~,'l »..'l ~ "@ "' " :,: ::,:.,.-.,:,;<❖ March 1997 SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993 and 1995! PBRFORMIICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 .. Page.39·

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 1320 N. Miller St. #8 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 IENGINIEIERIED FU/El C/E11S • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging •Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons •SODA and SCORE approved Leaders in Custom Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. .AK-■•■, RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-5330 RAMSEY, NJ USA Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke '10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 •• (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-61'>1 aiax AUTO WRECK_ERS, INC. COMPUTER PARTS LOCATOR NATIONWIDE 84-851 AVENUE 48 COACHELLA, CA 92236 HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS .: ,· Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets. .. · BDR McKenzies · 714 650-4566 714 441-1212= SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ_L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 8532_6 (602) 386-2592 THE ONL V REASON FOR NOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY TIMES IS BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE ·-------------OFF ROAD RACERS ! "Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" I Pllo 1.uao.1 Wide Assortment of Colors ond Sizes -CUSTOM SUITS -In-Store Measurements (10 DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE) LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock We also carry a full selection of • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • • Fire Syslems • Shoes • Gloves • JOHN KEARNEY SECRETARY/TREASURER (619)398-0147,345-3353 ··1..800-6()6-6043 FAX (619) 398-0596 · ,.~ BELL Lankershim & 1-S · ~ MOTORSPORTS 9017 Son Fernando Rood, Sun Volley, CA 91352 INSTAUMIENTS /> Auto Meter instrnments are the F No. 1 choice of racers worldwide. r Our tachometers, speedometers and gauges offer the finest in accuracy and durability. I¼ If( A Dl·:AI.M< Ni.Ak You: Sen<! <,4 ,x, for Color C:.11alug 1-800-724-7839 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT --~~ Off-Road ~~ , Fabrication & Accessories Export & lnt'I Sales Rae~ Car Preparation Consulting & Management 1040 S. Main St.*Fallhrook. CA ~20~8 · (619) 723-2117*FAX (619) 723-993 Wko ...... olt,.i-1,IW""",""-(818)768-7770 fox(818) 768-1840 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-31()7 ~ Custom V'3hicle Shifter . // . (_I~/'¥ /f 7/. U7 PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845--8820 _ Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr1t-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fit,erolass l)imple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ===CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 s· • s· • 1 o· • 13• • 1 s· • 1 s· • 17· RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ /fJ(Q) {f{[f o{L (Q) CC ff( SIMULA TED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 (2091 275-51 83 FAX (2091 276-2365 OCNCJ Manufacturers of · . Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy' _ ~ Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena,lvd. San Diego, CA.'921'10 (619) 275-1663 • Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• i-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ J_31,, ~~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 ~RACING! ~ GASOLINE ~ LEADED 110,114,118 OCTANE CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 . 0ISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE ~y ()IL_~ANY, SANTA _FE SPRINGS, CA

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CPC Cadmium-Chrome-Gold Anodize-Electroless Nie kle Aluminum Die Casting Home of f .O.A. Racing Tieman Connector rlatlng Corp. 327 W 132nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90061 310-323-1622 • 310-323-174t Fax 310-323- 1517 Ask For Mike DE UNZIO RACING PRODUCTS. . HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa 'E3arbara, CA 93111 JOHN VERHAGEN'$ IJl] ... -:.-... .:::ES PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLA~KFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308-l>ONIJtfOE ~-11.&-IN~ • RACE TRUCKS • PRERVNNERS • CoNSULTING • DEVELOPMENT • RACE SHOCKS • Fuu. FABRICATION SERVICE ENTERPRISES KREG DONAHOE OWNER Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. 2831 E. WHITE STAR. UNll H ANAHEIM, CA 92806 714-632-3033 .lfAX 714-632-3835 Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K& L Street, Offroad, Production Santee, CA 92701 Aluminum Welding 619-258-2575 re ES;;:_7,::,2::;ER SJ ~------ENGINEERING FORD RACIN6 PARTS: llAN6M 2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2 .• 3 80 PG. CATALOG PHONE. (At A) 444-4919 143A POTRE.RO FAX (At A) 444-3046 SO. El.MONTE, CA. E~Z Up-· INSTANt , SHELTERS; ~ . ~ ... '-!•1,111t.\ '> FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcl TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEAl.£R . ·CASTEX RENTA;LS 2i3- 462-14"68 •a tar sport PU-IWNNB 9rf.CW.15T • ltUMf'B5 • CME5 • 5HOCX MOUNTS SEAT M0UN1S • LF1' ms • ~ ms • DUAU.YS NI. MG SU5rEN5l0N • SHOW Cl«5 & DISnAYS • ATV FM~ Ea"BT IN&TAI.IA110N & FAl!ltJCA110N AVAII.Aei.E FIIHGLASS FEN DEIS i. IEDSKINS ' TOYOTA-cHEVY-NISSAN-FOIIO-ETC. '4010 N. P'ALM STREET, UNIT 103 (71,4) &70-9422 FULLERTON. CA 926:55 FAX (71-4~ &70-913~, CUSTOM TOOLING - PRODUCTION -llEPAlll FIBERGLASS KEVLAR CARBON FIBER CHUCK GUY PH 619 766-4941. 39225 Jewell Valley Way-Boulevard, Ca 91905 25 yean experience 11:a RACIN, .-c. Fl/El.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Carton, CA 90746 . Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: {310) 60~2~S?"-DUSTYTIMES INVITIS you·,o IIICOMI A DEAL• Each month ten or more cqp1es of the curren_t issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is a great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. COHTAa DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin 4-08. 365. 9700 Vblt .......... . WWW ......... ~■•--" -~ystems· •r IIAFFO IIAC/IIO LTD. 610A 6. ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HT&, IL ~ l'HONE:(TOIIJZSll-31110 FAX:(TOIIJZIJll-11705 THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY/ ........... ....... Q' ....... enarc711'11 .......... ._talsAfflllal,Je USED BY WALKER EVANS FRISKFAB Custom Metal Fabrication Design • Development • Production Trophy Truck Technology .... Affordable Price. 20 Years Off Road Racing Experience. • Crew Chi Nelson • 1992 B ".,.•• • Production Ru Work • Elect~caf Wiring• Complete Race Prep. With all our years of racing experience and working with the best, we're !!J11 just another Fab Shop! Call Today ! Ed Frisk (909) 693-9333 • Fax (909) 676-1859 Temecula, CA ·NOW YOU CAN an THE RACING GlllBS THE WINNERS ARE USING 'FTC Racing . Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (810) 294-5858 Fax (810) 293-0736 Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associations. • ......... ,s ~ call (800)433·6524 ~ Call or write for our FREE catalog Aircraft Rubber Maaulactwrlng, l■ c. 18062 Redondo Circle, Hunlington Beach CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (714) 842-2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 -GlASSUJOAKS ..-----~-Unllmlted Design Graphite/ Carbon A & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fabrication 18101 Redondo Cirde, Unit T Huntington 8eoch. Cfl 92648 (714) 841-8814 • -----______ I

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MACHINE WORKS High Performance Dr/vellne & Suspension Parts BIiiet 4WD Yoke Axles • 4 Pinion Dlfls Front & Rear Floater Hubs • 300M U-Jolnt• sway Bars • Ball Joints • VW Stub Axles Running Springs, ca (909) B67•4656 V111 &MIC GaugeAnembli• ,.ON IIC:■NN• Racer Discounts 809-F N. Lakeview Ave• Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fox 714-779-2316 KAL OFFROAD RACING !.._ HM ENGINEERING A. ~ PERFORMANf:EROO.ENO&B~fNGCO ~ . :Jfwt abw11.i, (;~ • *NO MINIMUM . *DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME "MADE \N 'tHE USA *CALL FOR FREE CATALOG ·11161 MARTENS RIVER CIRC\.E "A" 714-971-16'31 ,FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA. 92708 . FAX :714-979-StS'l .leff Howe ffif9J Sfif-7764 Pager 619-406-2550 Speelol#zlng In lllgll per#ormonce Power Smerlng For Racing Ma1naflwr. Inspection ,..,,,lloble JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINQTON SHEET MET AL CORP. 13424 leprrial Hwy. • Sut.1 Fe Spriap • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning' Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 Owner James Hall JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner· WNNNNM Desert. Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N: Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO 10965 HARTLEY AD. SUITE A SANTEE, CA 92071 . RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER "PREP & FABRICATION (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON CUSTOM TRAILERS '1161 'ODBI 'Olon,porl'I CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 (805) 238-5731 103 Capitol Hill Drive Paso Robles CA. 93446 KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3463 \fa~sillon Road , Suite B Uniontown, O hio 44685 Athene Karis -330-699-1777 Fax 330-699-1771 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card_ in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merel~ 25 .00 per month. OUT BOARO ENGINE• GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LINCO TEMPERATURE STRIPS Easy to uae, 11\expenslv• & accurate! All strips are aeH adhesive and labeled In Fahrenheit and Celsius. Strips are $2.00 each or $1. 75 each over ten. For a FREE brochure or to order, contact: LINCO 13337 E. South St., #344 Cenitos, CA 90701 Phone/Fax: (714) 821-6542 ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (213) 264-2136 (ll J) 264-~8~ LEE MFG. CO. 1)661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (81Si 76&--0371 A lull line of Powe• $leering gear!!:, pumps ano acc11ssoriei for ar.~ type of racing. Mag!"l:.flux ,:1nd Zyg!o facll!Hta ..,.,_aiitple. 111111 REVERSIBLE STRIPS ~' ov, constnnt temperature monitor-1ng Ranges fron1 32 to 19-l F IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record the mulmum temperature reached ol the Item they are applied to. Ranges from 120' to sss·F. IEJ • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACEPREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLLCAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, C~ 91740 .81&-857:-.RACE 81&-852-8852FAX KENT LOTHRINGER .Assembly- Machine Work, Parts ,Engine O,.F.rut,, 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C Santee. CA 92071 619-596-0886-619-59~0625F AX KenM.-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Ornngethorpc Ave. Anaheim. CA 92806 Tel (714) 441-12i2 Fax(714) 441-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service I 290 TROUSDALE #l&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 619-69.1-1000 F~~X 619~69f-i324 II ETAL 5 PIN.MING ~_gR ALL.INDUSTRIES C;II (310) 928-9838 SUNDRY METAL CRAFTS • \ I ! ~ ~LANGEO DISC . 6729 Suva St. Bel! Gardens, CA 90201 -

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MESSICK RACING PHOTOS PARKER PUMPER HELMET SAN SEVAINE WAY: L MIRA LOMA, CA 91752--1-800-929-4360 RACESHOCK COI\IIPANV 909-360-5906 COMPANY ~ UghtTruck 909-360-0436 = [iy-li7".ij= : s..-~~~g t--------------------r-~~:!!!:!!!~~~~::!!:::!!::~~:!!!:~·.!■!::!l"'=I~!!.:!!aa!~ · · · -i~M~! ---· Shocks ACCOUNTING -INCOME TAX -CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION t::Y""\VRACINCI ~A■HOCKB ,1:§!)~~©'lt) 0 F F - R O A D BOGART"-. ~~ r SI\FElY EQUIPMENT MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant SHl!:ftYL CANNON, CPA OWNER 2.eo s . GLENDORA AYE .. SUITE 201 <•••> 919•1011 WKaT COVINA, C:A tlt171H> P'AX (818) 91P-0211 805-940-5515. MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROADMASTER, \IERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STILL ONLY $12$. 2888 GUNDR\' AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 31M27-8177 f 800-869-5636 • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and application assistance • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components • We take trade-ins LEE FINKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE: (602) 376-0944 Ab RACING VGASOLIN~ "100, 110. 114. 118" methanol & nitro Steve Poole C.L. Bryant, Inc. 13415 Carmenita Rd. Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Office (310) 802-8913 fax (310) 802-0274 • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. Jerry Penhalf 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #8 Cosio Meso, CA 92627 +--------------------4 * AD Types ol Steel fl (911) 2.0-2295 2.4-2695 2.7-2995. 3.0-31951 3.2-$3695 3.6-$4995 Turbo 3.0-$3995 3.3-$4495 Engines are rebult to exacting standards developed 011 the race tracks of Cattfornla. Racing upgrades avattablel "Largest" Porsche rebuilder in U.SA. Fralcy's crforman "ngineer· Almaiaam Fabrication * Tuhe Beadine * Alumin-fl .... W.ldinc * Custom Machia• Work * All Types ol Race Cars 5835 W. Flaminso llcl. Las Vegas, NV 89103 Bruce Fraley (7oz) 3tts-90H RACE CAR DYNAMICS OFF ROAO RACE CARS 3552 FOWL.ER CYN RD. JAMUL., CA B '7935 PH. CB'JBJ 440-2B'74 FAX CS '7 BJ SBB-4237 RON HEMPHILL ~E!!§£1:i.~ 930 4-S!!ED~QCJC.,RoLL WITH NO CRACKED ~•,. , ' 1.74 PICTIJRED: ~CIE [p>[}{)©)if'(O P11KE I PO BOX 2696 COSTA MESA, CA. 92628 GEARS OR PINIONS ! , • 1 ,-3rd ~ I.SO 4th "IF vt?"U. SHOW OFF ... • SYNCHROMESH OR 4 ~ ... WE U. SHOW lP"I OOG-ENGAGE KlT 4 •• (714) 722-0491 • 4.22 R&P (4.88 OPTION) • • • 1/ • SHOTPEENED VACUUM 9310 A • WIDE SELECTION OF RATIOS • • ... I .. I • • • ., i .. • . CHOICE OF INPUT SHAFTS a.. g & • # & GEARSETS & COMPONENTS 1490 HENRY BRJ:NNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 COMPLETE RACE TRANS FROM $6,930 [9~ ~J ·es7-52DD . PHONE /FAX u~!ee :~: :~8~6~tf8 ~~~----11111111-------~ · Q it' it' Race Car Chassis t lC lC ~ ... \ln s UIJ Race 'Car Parjs ~ ·r ~ R -1l Aluminu·m bodies ~~ Todd Francis ~ <D it ~1 1/2-1600 Motors Buggy ~~:.!::achine ,,,ci1i111 llloy, /,/d, S Work & Fabrication fl). 100 N.E.117th StrNt 11 } t . Vancouver, WA 9888S.$ ~"IJ.)P)P Y 2525 E. 16th St.• Yuma, Az. 85~ ;(>~ ~ . (f:IJ1.) 783-6265 • Phone ~8/ ~~ F~ 1(800)231-81ss 360-574-5474 on & 36()'.:s'f6-1109 OFF ROAD CHASSIS <ffnfl~'iu.mtfl' BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • ·cusTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 711-9460 A High Performance VS Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.6470 9419 Abraham \\ay, Ste. B Santee, CA 92071-2584 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON, CA 92021 CHRIS ROSE (619) 443-24801 LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335

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Fox -Bilstein -Motorcycle I BESTPRICE /' SHOX SERVICE ~.., 15454 EL CENTRO ti' HESPERIA, CA 92343 ~ 619-948-0325 El Centro, CA ..................... 800-989-464S El Cajon, CA~ ..................... 800-458-2711 Indio, CA ............................. 800-989-3278 Lancaster, CA.. ..................... 800-461-9499 TRANSMISSIONS WEST Sp«Jalz/ng h High Pert Tranwles • vw ·•PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WERACE WHAT WE SB.L !L----------------ir-E~~~::::::::::::::::::~!:!fiE -l---11:-iii:-I: .. :-iI~· ,;_~;;;1-------~-=---=--1=---':":'·-·,':":'---':":'--_-l':":'----=-=--•~----;,--;;:"'.""'.•--~~--1.:-_~®-=---1::-1::r:-:-~::::-i:-:,:r Perris, CA .....•...................... 800-969-3835; • . · ·· I . . _ .. -:=:•, Van Nuys, CA ...................... 818-786-8180' ... /:,. · acina gasoline .·.·.·AI i:~ (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Nonnandie •Torrance, CA 90501 · TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 §V~W fl@(;M ---==~w~. ==I~ ~J ~=== ! 5101 GALWAY CR., HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 FAX (714) 894-9567 ~ SITE S~S-IWWERS · Wlm lfTJEIIHj • CAR l£TIERWG • ®fftXS ~ ~~e~ ~f4-1Ul# e~~"""9 '&It~ 45-410#/0~St. 6l9-347-5052 9#40, eA 92201 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 < Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 ~~o (213)583-2404 . SANQERS SERVICE, tNC,.-. METAL PROCESSIN.G· 5Y-'1 WHrnfngton Ave., Los Ang~les, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MA\:iNETIC PARTICAL FLOU~ESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith . Riverside, CA ....................... 909-877-0226 :~::f.::=:::~:~~;.;llt.:t• .... :.:s.: •••••• :... .~--~f:~ '.-t? \ :=~:::::::::::::::::::·-f~{i."eAD0E"ri°iN HIGHPERFORMXNCE ::-:::=:: ... :: ::~ All other Inquiries, ;:'.{/\\::=;:;:::i';l!~~. R~E PROVEN IN~°".'-~~ .<::/t}•::~.:) contact Sports Racing at :-:-:-•,·-:: : ·: · ·.·.·-:-::::·:·: 10 MILLION MILES OF·'.-.· . ·.·.-:····:-:-:-<· .·.:,❖:t:i ·:·.:_:_:_-:·:·· ·.·,· · CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION . :-:-:-:-:-.-:::;:f. P. o. Box 610, L~g Beach, CA 90801 :::-:-.-.·.·.· Fo~ information and a distributor near you. call . . ·.-:::~; J10-518-7JUI ·: ·. . 1~800,-444-1449 , .. ·.·. : ·.·.·:~:::. Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Truclcs • Bugles • Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 Strai.ght line ---------Ent ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING TS PERFORMANCE AND REPAIR Fox Shox Service • Crankshaft Rebuilding 2-Stroke Engine Service • Cylinder Re-Chrome Cylinder Boring • Porting • Carburetion 1191 Drager Rd. Eagle River, WI 54521 TONY SWIONTEK 715-479-6681 31510 223rd street East Llano, CA 13544 · So. Cal. Distributors• (310) 928-2278 Lyn, Gordon, or Mike 805-201-3202 OFF ROAD RAGNG SPECIALISTS Jll,ELW\G • FABRICATDV • RAMEaJTT/f\G • ffOVTBEJS • FEARTRALI\IGARMS RACE OIASSIS • PRERll'IEFIS • FOX FIACIIVGSHJ)( I.AR[?Y ROSEVEAR 1345DYNAM1CS. l/NfTO PHONE{714J99662B0 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 FAX (714) 996-6405 Trackside-Photd, Inc . . Jim Ober · CQmmerclal Phofog(aphy 310-67p;-6897 P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 JEFFRELD' 11a-Hl-2'13t r Jeering UnltH .. «th, CA 91311 (I.IMP) . 61~•·~••00 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223-PROSPECT AVENUE.SANTEE. CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SVSTE~ FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES OF RACING-& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) BRUCE HENDEL Regionai Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wil~omar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392

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RACE CARS BAJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V.W. & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYOTA Performance Camshafts Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle Off Raad Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 Dale White Racing 3940 Maranatha Circle Las Vegas. NII 89103 1oz-s11-1661 Lorenzo Rodriguez ~-THEUVINK CONSULTING l'lllll n: Ill I A flON~ ~ MARKI' IINC; En HE.UvtNK 515 So. Vermont, Glendora, CA 91740 • (818) 914-8147 M.I<.:DIACENTRllM UTRECHT HENGEVl:Ll>SiRAAi 1.,t416, ?-572 KH lJTRECHT PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C. JACOBS PRESIDENT TIJE NJ:THERLANDS !!00 STATE Mill ROAD AKRON. OHIO .. 4319 :·: TEL. 030-2722133, :FAX 030-27226.\2 Monn,E D6-5~25:\5ss. HoME/PR1V1o~. 030-:n1QJl's • -------r-::~iiiiii 330-6-' .. -TTT" .... Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service Ultra High Quality Gears that outlast and out-perform all others. Available in 113 (keyed), 002 (splined), 091 Bus, and MD4S transmis· sion configurations. Huge selection of ratios in stock. 535 East C11n*ra/ Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 Classified ••• FOR SALE: 1988 36' Interna-tional Tran sporter: Professionally built, 7 .3 ltr. turbo diesel, 5 plus 2 trans, only 18K miles. Livingqtrs-11 ', shower, bed, complete kitchen, AIC, heat, 140. gal. fresh, CD stereo. Car area-17', hardwood floor winch, alum. ramps, cabinets, locker, tire rack. Honda 6.5 kw gen. on sliders. 36' x 15.' alum. fully encl. canopy, el«. outlets & lights inside/out, alarm, tow package. Imron paint, belly boxes wltons of storage. Excellentcond. garage, very trick, rl'g. as R.V. Sacrificl' $39K, call" Todd at (702) 348-7812. FOR SALE: Turn kl'y IO car Rundl'rson chassis, single Sl'at, 1 ong wht.'d hast.', racl' rt.'aJ y ( no jokl') dt.'Sl'rt car. Nl'w Fat Pt.'rformancl' watt.'f cooll'd motor. Zl'fo miles (no jokl') Hurst shifrl'r, Ht.'wland gl'ars. Rimco short hlock. Nl'w $700.00 Fud Cd!. 12 Fox Coil ovt.'r shocks-Frl'sh prl'p. Wl'hl'r 44, Summt.'rs Huhs, Sway-A-Way, Wright Rack & frt.'sh paint, Extras, Motivatl'J, RL"Juct.'d t o $13,500.00 (619) 757-K709 or (pgr) (619) 999-2552. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 1996 2 sl'at I() with only 1 ract.'s. IK15cc w/ nl'w FTC Rus Rox. Foddrill Arms & Spindll's, Rug Saco. l 'mp. Sum-mers, Sway-A-Way, 2.5 Fox hypass, Micro stuhs, Cl'ntl'rlinl'S, Fresh pcoat on panels. Car is frl·sh, fast, light. $21,0()()_()() (KIK) 575-7664 wk (714) M0-9K51 homl'. FOR SALE: Class 4, Fl SO, Kus-ter shocks & springs. Dana 60. SVO 496. C6 with Art Carr 9" Convertor. 6 Alum wheels & BFG tires. Dual MSD ignition. Spares & molds for all body pan-els. Many drivetrain spares. Only ran 6 races. l can demo running & jumping. $ l 5,000.00 obo. Call Basil or Kathy (717) 297-2166 days (717) 537-2644 evenings. Pennsylvania. FOR SALE: 1986 RANGER · King Cab, updated to 90 sheet-metal, Ford 9"' floater, double shocked (Bilsteins) all around, 32 gal. fuel cell, fiberglass fenders & 1/4 panels, 4 wheel disc brakes, real Centerlines ( 16"') Xlent pre-runner. $8,800.00 Russ (818) 357-7241. FOR SALE: SCORE Class 7 17S Toyota, 3rd ovl'rall '95, 4th owrall '96. Dl"signl"d & huilt hy McPherson's l'nginl'l'r. 10 Fox shocks, 4 hump stops, RFG tirl's, H l' ll a li ghts, PC I radio & intl'rcomn, Sway-A-W ay tl hars, Craigl'r whl"ds, National sprinl!S-Rl"ard Sl'ats, Pytotl'ch hdts, CN< · pl"da ls, Holly, Fram, Auror.1. Aeroquip, Ful'l Safr, Rl'st of l'Vl'rythinl!, Lots of sparl' parts. Extra cliff. w spool, l'Xtra Sl't c,f 300m axlt.'s, l'Xtra transmissions, hl"ads, pistons, t:tc. Extra stl'l'ring hoxl's, l'Xtra tirl's and wht.'ds, til'- ·1 -rods, hl'arings, hall joints, and lot morl'. lncludl's hl"avy duty Tandl'm trailer widl'ctric hrakl's & parts hox. $I, ,500.00 r;icl' rl'ady with pit support" first two SCORE or SNORE ract.'s, or $15,000.00 as is. For information call Dl"Nun:io Racing Products'"' K00-622-3939. FOR SALE: 7S 1993 Ford Ranger, Roush motor, Steel rods, Billet crank, Chromoly cage, LeDuc Lightening rod shocks, Alum 9" floater C4 Auto, Lee, Beard, Fuel Safe, 8 Beadlocks with Tires, Race ready, with Many extras, must sell, $21,000.00. Call (608) 845-9354 (CST). March 1997 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. ~ 85017 1995 Briggshuilt Supl·rlitl', most currl'nt wrsion, Fox air shocks w 'hypass, 400cc Pilot motor, hiBl't gl"ar hox, 6K0 lhs, Outhoard c.v.s, Rillct huhs, all chroml'moly, cost ovt.'r 2nk Ol'W, many sparl's, ract.'d Glen Hl·ll'n, Pl'rris, SODA, $ 15,500.00 rni,.1-,. tradL', (602) +:--.,'-,. I l)l) I HOURS M-F 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 Jack Woods 1602) 242-0077 FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000 S-Seat, combo's w/2' offset, 10 over front end w/ new chromoly F-trailing arms. Bus trans w/930 c.v.s and chromoly R-trailing arms. Doestech shocks, & Fox's. Almost new 1600cc motor and some spare parts. $7,500.00 obo. Greg (817) 548--850 l or write to P.O. Box 301918 Arlington, TX 76007. Daily UPS Visa and Mastercard ~Ve are happy to announce our new 800 toll free number. (800) 656-3376 Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon "Fast-Fill" dump cans. Both new products can save you race time. Race Smarl-Be Sate 103 Press Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • (619) 691-9171 • FAX (619) 691--0803 Page 45

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Classified ••• FOR SALE: 95½ Lothringer 2-. 1600, new staged Fox Shoxs, new Wiks motor, new WR Trans. All new powder coated body, 0 miles on complete race prep, includes FOR SALE: FAT 1600 Motor. 100% complete. Only 150 miles since rebuild. $2,000.00 obo ·(602) 503-1733 hm or (602) 714-8336 wk. raceradioandspares$17,000.00 FOR SALE: Class 10 single obo. Lorenzo (818) 914-8147. seater, Bilstein coil over front FABRICATOR/PROTO-end, 118" wheel base, Hewland TYPER: Thorough knowledge of gears, 930 c.v., Pumper system, all forms of sheetmetal fabrica- Mastercraft seat, UMP air filter. tion, layout, tubular fabrication, Lots more good parts on car and welding, milling and turning lots of spare parts, $7,200.00 machines a plus. Only team-w/engine $6,200.00 without, oriented quality individuals need . obo Call Mike (801) 955-1834, apply. Five day work week, stable 485-5770. employment, competitive salary F_O_X_S_H_O_X_S_A_L_E-(4-) -14--F-and excellent benefits. Send or fax : in. ox shocks wlreservoir $150.00 resume and salary history to: each, (2) 14 in. Fox position sen-Rancho Industries Attn: Human sitivewlreservoir$150.00ea.(2) Resources Dept. 6925 N. Atlantic 14 in. Fox air shocks $150.00 ea. Ave. Long Beach, CA 90805 Fax: ALL Shocks are fresh. PLUS ( 4) ( 310) 531-6883 No phone calls Centerline wheels w /Bead locks please. Equal Opportunity mounted w/BFGs $150.00 ea. Employer. Bill ( 602) 245-2540 wk or ( 602) FOR SALE: 300m Henry's Ball 978-9762 hm. Joints, Upper and Lower sets-Polished, Brand new Never used $1,600.00 (619) 741-5089. FOR SALE: Chenowth Sandrail. Fresh 1600. Deist 3 pt sand belts, Jamar peddles with ultraslide, Neal turning brakes, Tri-Mill, Bil-stein shocks, Weber Carb, Hurst shifter, New gauges, Front spin-dles, 11 gal spun aluminum tank. New paint, T-Trailer inc. All cur-rent registration. Very Clean!!! $3,000.00 Phone (619) 252-5428. FOR SALE: '96 SODA 8S Champion. 365 ci, Dodge. Two races since new. Fresh 727 trans, Henry's balljoints, Dana 60 rear, Moser axles, 12 Bilsteins, National Springs, American wheels, Too much to list. Race Ready $9,500.00 or will part. (616) 267-5135. WANTED: Chenowth Magnum or similar short course buggy. Must be Class l, 9, 10 or Super 1600 ... 1st time buyer always needs quality, dependability ... Local racing demands car be very competitive ... Pocketbook requires reasonable price. Please call Steve (402) 443-4117 (wk), ( 402) 625-280 2 hm) ALSO: FOR SALE: ( 1) full Summers Bros. Floater upright & (I) Wil-wood micro stub upright, com-plete. FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat Bunderson chassis. New close ratio transmission. Lothringer shocks, Parker Pumper, Saco Rack, Mastercraft seat, CNC, 6 new Yokohama tires, Best of everything. Lots of spares, every-thing you need to go racing. $7,800.00 with Dico enclosed trailer $9,800.00 (909) 685-8213. FOR SALE: Class 5 PreRunner, street legal for towing, loaded, all the best parts. Plus VW Thing PreRunner, 1-2 1600 rear end, heavy duty front end. All new running gear. Needs wiring 4" lift plus 55 Bug body on rolling 62 pan. All for $5,000.00 or Best. (707) 374-6814 days, (916) 777-5020 nights. FOR SALE: 1996 Ford Ranger built by Johnny Greaves. All the good stuff!! $16,000.00 26' enclosed SS Trailer, inside fin-ished professionaly with benches & lights, $8,000.00. Package deal $22,000.00! Call Jon (414) 788-3360 (CST) 3X. FOR SALE: SODA Class 13 Ford Ranger, 355, 350 Trans, Coil suspension, Ranchos, Fast Relia-ble, fun. Asking $5,500.00 Make offer, Must go ( 4 I 4) 648-5097 Brian. FOR SALE: 3 Trucks - Class 7S FOR SALE: Mazda 7S Xtra cab. Toyota Second in points and 96#2truckatFRTseries,Ford9" Milestone Award for SCORE Wilwood disc brakes, Fox Shox, 1996 season 3 .0 l V-6, Mogi FOR SALE: 1965 Baja Pre-30 gal. Fuel cell, flame out, spares transmission w l custom made WANTED: Good used parts for runner, 4 seater, full cage, fuel tires, parts, Sway-A-Way, Beards, underdrive, Walker Evans Bypass Baja Pre-runner, ( 10") front beam cell, Beard seats, Fresh 1835, 76-Diests, Hella lights, fiberglass shocks, 11" front and 16" rear with Arms/Combos/Steering, 091 trans, Wilwood discs, Cen-hood fenders, and bedsides, fun travel,Nationals-Class7openLa Torsion Bars/spring plates, terlines, SAW, KYB, Bilstein, & reliable $7,000.00 obo (619) Rana 94-95 Champion, Fat Per-Extendedreararms/hubsl axles/ -VDO, full uph and glass, prof 744-1194. formance Motor, Mogi 4-speed turbo c.v.s lflanges, Type II built, AZ lie, will take fixer upper FOR SALE: Transmissions 2 Transmission, Kusters, Cone Full tranny parts, Type IV crank/ VW thing in partial trade fully built Type II, FTC gears, Floater, Nationals_ Class 7S rodsl cam/ carblshroud,fuelcell, $5,250.00 or best offer. (520) Saco carriers, 091 Dura Blue Short Course Wedell Racing 10", 12", 14" shocks, wheels. 778-5023. Flanges, Mendeola 4:57 rp. All Engines 4 cyl. Fox Water Cooled Anything else??? Paying cash LARGE INVENTORY: Genuine tricks done to trans, $1,300.00 shocks, 5 sp. transmission, now!!! (907)688-5178. 181 thingstubaxles-$80.00pair, ea. 1990 Winnebago Class C Nationals, TIO welded chassis, FOR SALE: Chevy 454 Pre-Type IV c.v.s -$90.00 set of 4, motor home 26' Ford 460, sleeps Summers Bros. Full Floater -40 runner engine, aluminum heads, Type IV 2 .0 !tr cranks -$80.00 5, generator & a I c, 39xxxx mi ft. enclosed trailer triple axle, 5 hp intake. MSD dist, BG carb, fresh ea. Rods -$70.00 set of 4, all parts excellent shape, great tow vehicle. compressor, 6500 watt generator. rebuild by Hammes Bro. racing used, never raced, can ship UPS Towed 26' trailer. $25,000.00. Call for prices, Serious inquiries engines(pretruck)yourchoiceof COD, leave message call (714) DonPonder(3114)631-8140or only Please! FabTech Motor-Camshaft, $4,500.00 obo (619) 839-0323. (314) 544-4074. sports (714) 870-9422. =72....,4,,..-2_0_3_8_. ______ _ ·r----------------~-...._, ____ __, ________ .....,_.__. ______ ..., _________ ....,_, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I DUSTY TIMES. I Classified Advertising rate is only $20. for 45 wofds each f11Qnth, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 tor use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum .size lix7 NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in y_ol;lr free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be-~ AID IN ADVANCE. . REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS L1llllTED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER/ FO R SALE: Berrien Laser Class I or 9. Consistant top5 SODA car, Best components, 2 stage Fox Coil over suspension, Bump stops, Wright Rack combos & Arms, Ump ps, 4 whl Summers disc brakes, 4 aluminum bead lock whls, Alum radiator, less motor & trans $8,500.00 Don Ponder (314) 631-8140 or (314) 544-4074. WANTED: Any 2WD Ranger suspension parts,.shocks, springs, fiberglass, etc. Have cash. Call Jeff at (619) 724-5012. FOR SALE: New Class 7 Ford Splash, best of everything, every-thing new, Cone 9", Big Kendall shocks by-pass, Fox bumps, built motor by Ed Hale, Dry-sump oil, Barry Grant carbs, Howe steering, Ram, National, Fox bumps, too much to list SCORE ready. Craig Stuart prepped (619) 466-7879. FOR SALE: 80 Ford Stepside prerunner. Blue printed 351 w lEdelhrock, Carter AFB, Hookers Flowmaster, Engine & trans coolers wl hraided lines. Art Carr Manual c-6, 4 .11 Detroit lockers. Fiherglass front end, full cage, suspension on poly bush-ings. Bead lock America w/ 37", Goodyears, triple Fox w/ kicker, Interior, engine c<;>mpartment & bed anodized aluminum, All VDO gauges in aluminum dash wlair conditioning, Pro Built! Not Abused! Asking $12,500.00 (619) 365-7188 (Dave) (619) 956-1228 (Ty). ~;;;;;;.,,_.;;;;;;.;;.;.ii FOR SALE: AWESOME Pre-Run or perfect 850 truck for MOR-FUD 77 GMC 350, Art Carr trans, Summers Bros. Re, 13" front Kusters, 15" rear Fox 2.0, PCI intercom, Parker Pumper, electric trans cooler, plus plenty of spares to start rac-ing. Call about RED DOG (714) 639-8550, $16,500.00 obo . FOR SALE: Ford 3.0 tail deck S.V.O. Block & Esslinger alu-minun head dare. Both new $1,500.0, 4 new 35"' Baja T /Aon American Bead Lock wheels, 5 on 5½ lug pattern new, $250.00 each. Call Rick (619) 253-7823 or (619) 253-7906. . , - I Enclosed is$ ____ _ (Send check or money ord~r. no cash). Please run ad _______ times. FOR SALE: 1981 Toyota 4x4, Orange, 12"' lift, 40"" tires, fresh f H.P. 350 Chev, TRW forged pis- . ton, Sig Crson cam, 4V Holley, J Turbo 350 trans, B&M shifter. I Lots of Duesh. Tsch shocks. I $6,500.00. Large variety of used ; tires & rims. Tom (714) 554-, I I I ~-Name_.:_ ______________________________ _ Address ______________________ Phone _______ _ ~ity ---------------,----·State _____ _ Zip __ _ Pagc46 March 1997 Mail to: DUSTYTIMES . 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA!91311-4408, 3300 or (714) 530-8807. Dusty Times

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94 BUNDERSON 1-1600 Front has Link Pin, Fox/Bunderson shocks off of top A-arm Wright spindles, rear has 2 Fox/ Bunder-son shocks per side, Bunderson T uhular Trailing arms, new SAW 25mm Torsion bars, 930 c.v.s, Hat;; motor, 25 gal Fuel Safe cell, Pyramid huilt tranny, New 4:86 ring U pinion, Jamar Pedals, Wired for PCI radios. Ref #551 $11,000.00 Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. ii;;;;;;~'llllll_t1-_illl!--_,-,,;;.,Jll-... -, FOR SALE: 1995 Ulti~ate Pre-Runner, Performance 305 V8, huilt C6 auto, 456 limited slip rear end, Autofab 18" travel, 10 Rancho shocks, Alcoa wheels, Yokohama 35x 12 .50s, AC, Ste-reo, 9500 mi. since built to the hilt, over $25,000.00 in receipts. Sacrifice $17,000.00 obo. Call Matt (916) 965-9163. AWESOME Pre-Run Ranger! 1990 4 Liter/ Automatic, 13" Front travel, 15" Rear travel, Nat'! Springs, BFG, Full Chro-moly Cage, 18 gal. Cell, Fiherglass front, rear, hood, bedsides and much much more. Fox shocks, JBA headers, All factory options: Heater, AIC, daily driver, perfect PreRunner. $14,900.00 Baja Brokers Ref #515 (619) 723-2117. ~-~ SWEET CLASS 8 Chevy, 600hp motor, JE Pistons, Brodix alum. Heads, 44 gal fuel cell, Art Carr Shifter, Beards Seats, Autometer gauges, MSD fgnition, Nat'] Springs, Rancho Lightning Rod Shocks, Summers Bros. Rear end and Brakes, Art Carr Trans, 23" Rear travel, Super Nice, Low Mileage, Excellent condition $55,000.00 Ref #539 Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. ALL OR PART: 3.0 inj. 4 cyl motor, dry sump, new heads, TOTALLY FRESH!!! Invested $19,000.00, Sacrifice $6,500.00! Fortin DG 300, 934.5, c.v.s, Impeccable maintenance. Ready, geared for you, fully prepped!!! $6,500.00 125" Cl. 1-2 seat, l 7"frt & 22" rear travel, Fod drops & arms, Saginaw/ Lee Box, Fox throughout, New parts Always, Best of best! Awesome prep!!! $14,000.00 or $22,000.00 gets you all of the above!!! Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 1987 Yamaha War-rior 350 Quad ATV. Elec start, reverse, in great condition. Pit bike, sand dunes, etc. $1,950.00 in Temecula area. Bill or Julie (909) 672-0154. FOR SALE: 1973 Ford 350 1 ton truck. 460 engine-Miladon gear drive, oil pump & 14 qt oil pan-roller rockers-custom gauges-dually kit-custom shell. Sleeps 2-80 gal gas capacity-AC-CC, tilt wheel, Alcoas, 10,000 miles on eng & trans $9,300.00. (909) 781-9287. CLASS 2 Rolling Chassis, no motor, trann_y and shocks. Best of everything: 130" Wheel base chassis, Front is 83" wide, rear is 90" wide but can be made 83". Ump power steering, Beard seats, CNC front hubs, SACO Oversize rack & pinion. Raceco rear arms (boxed), Chromoly tie rods wl big rod ends, Aluminum dash, 42 gallon cell, Summers Bros. Rear floating hubs wlvented rotors: AWESOME DEAL!!! $16,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #516 (619) 723-2117. UL TI MATE TOW VEHICLE-would work behind RV. '69 Baja Bug: Street Legal. Full Cage, 28 gal Fuel Cell, 2134cc Dual Port Motor, Close Ratio type I Tranny, Gussetted Rear trailing arms, KYB shocks, spare tire under hood, 4-speaker cassette stereo, alum dash w /VDO gauges, Tow bar, Custom inter-ior: Fully lined w I carpet Bucket seats, Headliner, full harness belts. $3,800.00 Ref #552 Baja Brokers ( 619) 723-2 11 7. FOR SALE: Class 9 2 seater. State of the art car. Fresh motor, 0 miles on W .R. Rino trans, Fuel Cell, Fox shocks, Beard seats, CNC brake & clutch, type III rear drums, SACO, Sway-A-Way, Diest, P. Pumper, K&N many extras. Total package $7,000.00 Details call Dick ( 818) 963-1445. FOR SALE: Awesome Trophy-Truck, thousands in spares, Former Robby Gordon Frank Vessel, 38N rear 32N front travel with the best of everything. This truck is a winner. Could be made Class8 legal. $70K or will consider trade for real estate or!! Contact Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 9, 2 Seater. 1996 Glen Helen Champ-ion. Fastest Class 9 Short Coursl· or Desert, fresh trans & l'nginc. Rt:gistcrcd thru 1998. Many spare parts. $5,900.00 oho. (81H) B0-0522 days or (909) 629-0876 l'Ves Ask for Dan. WANTED: 10,, Fox Coilover shocks with or without reser-voirs. Call (714) 963-5200 recording/ fax. THE MONEY MAN SAYS RACE WITH BORE JULY 4 & 5, 1997 Jackpot, Nevada. OR SALE: Everything you nl·ed togo racing. SCORE legal Class 8, 1994 Ford, fresh 488, K ustcrs, 1" hypass shocks, 14" Elliptics, Mogi C6. All the hcst. tons of spares. 51' Kentucky trailer, will haul r:lCl' truck plus pre-runner, tool hox, SS work hcnchcs, under toragc, Gen. Loungl·, AC:, TV, VCR. Complete package, I st class and ready to go $90,000.00 Call Daw ( 209) 618-4495. LETS TRADE: 1919 Ford Street Rod, Blown 502 Crate motor, Pro street, 4 link, Tuh, Full cagl', Disc hrakcs, Tuhc A-arms, Manual Shift 700R4, 9" Ford, A, C:, p. S, P W. Alum. Rad., Purpk·, PPG and Grey Tweed interior. Wants Class I 2 or Truck or Class 10, Lets Deal. (602) 582-9011. FOR SALE: Soda-Lite chassis, needs finishing, have front A-a rms, steering, spindles, Seat, radiator, Fuel cell, $1,500.00 obo Call (414) 255-2489 leave message. FOR SALE: FRESH Class 7 Chevy complete $20,000.00! Great Buy: 18" in the Rear and 1 I" in the Front! 3 Fox Shocks per side w/air bumps. ½ to Spindles, Wilwood Brakes, Summers Axles, Fuel Safe Cd!. It has it All!! Baja Brokers Ref #530 (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 1996 SODA Rolling Chassis: Very similar to Flan-nery's. Built by Clive Smith. Great SODA Truck! Willing to make trades, all offers considered, $19,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #534. (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Ford Ranger 7S, ., Readytorace,MogiC4, 12"front 20" rear travel, Chrissman rear end, CNC disc brakes, Cone 9" w/40 spline, all chromoly, Fox Shocks, National spring, Etc. Call Dave Shoppe at (909) 925-0595. PRE RUN Baja Bug convcrtahlc, 4 seat, Class 5 style, Simpson Belts, Full cage, Vido Gauges, High Torque starter, Wench, Saginaw Power Steering, KYB shocks, Close Ratio gears, Bus Tranny, Rear Coil over shocks, Great for Family Fun! $10,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #53 7 ( 619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited Baja Bug. SCORE winning car. Zero miles on total rebuild. Fat Type 4 (Fresh FAT rebuilt). Hewland DG 200, Fresh Fortin rebuild. Best of everything, this car is SECOND TO NONE! T oral race package, $34,500.00 in-vested -$25,000.00 cash or best offer. Call for details Days (514) 382-0748 Nights (541) 382-0294. TRACTOR TRAILER RIG: I 978 Freightliner w/Wing and Alloy Wheels, Has fresh engine AWESOME Condition, Detroit Diesel -8v92. 40' Trailer Completely set-up for racing. Belly Boxes, Rear Lift for truck, Cabinets, Complete workshop, 6 .5 kw generator, Air compressor, 300 gal. Water, 150 gal. Fuel, 40'x18' Awning $65,000.00 takes all! Baja Brokers Ref #540 ( 619) 723-211 7. March 1997 IVAN's PRERUNNER!! Toyota 4 runner and Ford Ranger Combo, Built by Spirit w l Bil-stei ns, National Springs, 9" Rearend, 302d V8 Motor, Doug Nash 5 sp, Autometer, Depend-able and lots of Spares!! Baja Brokers Ref #526 (619) 723-2117. Lowered to $28,000.00. FOR SALE: BUGGY BLOW-OUT!! 5 top quality cars & parts for sale. C lass I two scat V8/automatic. Class I or 10 single scat (2) to choose from. Class 1 or IO two scat ( 2) to choose from. Motors, trannys, shocks, tires, hrakcs etc. Will consider tradl·s. Fax list of wanted items toScal:o Racing( 7 I 4) 493-8800, call ( 714) 443-2100. ,.,-, .. FOR SALE: Class 9 Raceco 2 seater. SCORE CLASS CHAM-PION 1995. 2nd place, 1996. Ready to race and WIN. Bilstein, BFGs, KC, CNC, Beards, PC! Intercom, WR Trans. This car has been professionally maintained by Lothringer Engineering. Tons of spares, shocks, tires, arms, spindles, drop in tranny, engine parts, 4 new dump cans, too much to list. Complete package includ-ing 2 axle trailer: $9,500.00. Car only $7,800.00 Days (805) 269-8000 Evenings (805) 269-8040. fY_ f' lR T TWO TIME SCCA PRO RALLY NATIONAL /DIVISIONAL 4 WO CHAMPIONS seek Mega wealthy Bena factor to sponsor two greedy, competitive women needing funds to continue pro rail y racing addiction and winning ways. Send Resume, bank state-ments and money to Damitiol -Trowbridge, 794 Geissler Rd., Montesano, WA 98563. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS ATL Fuel Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Australia World Challenge . . . . . . . 25 Baja Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Baker Performance Products . . . . . . 31 Barbary Coast Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Best In The Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bilste111 Corp. of America . . . . . 4, 5, 6 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . . . . 28 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle .......... 34 FATPerformance . . ............ 39 Fox Shox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . l 5 Honda of North Hollywood . . . . . . . 2 2 Kawaguchi Honda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 KC H1L1tes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 King Shock Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 Mckenzie's Performance Products . . . . . . 28, 38 Mojave Desert Racing . . . . . . 33 Mojave Off Road Enthusiasts 2 7 Nevada Off Road Buggy ......... 24 Outlaw Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 P.C I. Race Radios and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l I Pike's Family Restaurant . . . . . . . . . l O Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . 45 SCORE Primm 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Simpson Race Products . . . . . . . . . 20 SNORE ..................... . 23 Sway-A·Way Company . . . . . . . . . . 13 Top Line Trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Toyota Motorsports . . . . . . Back Cover Trackside Photo Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Tri-Mil ...................... 12 Tucker Tire . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 3 I Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Weld Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Wilch Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Whiplash Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 31 - Page 47 ....

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