Volume 14 - Number I -February 1997 $t.OO OOR RACING !11:.,Goodrich ■ii·■ ISSN 1750-1731: Covering the world of competition in the dirt
Contact Jim Conner Racing for KC H.I.D,S and the entire KC Product Line at: 520/855-0912 ~ -------'----·-HIGH INTENSITY DISC GE LIGHTING AVAIIABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 800/528·0950 1.-'l.-'L...= '&~ Avenida De Luces Williams, AZ 86046 (520) 635-2607 © 1997 KC HILITES, Inc.
Volume 14 -Number 2 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Edit~r Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark Jim Culp John Elkin Homer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martin Holmes Daniel Maimer Jimmy Messick Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith T rackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry E. Worsham SNAPSHOT February 1997 Subscription Rates: llnlSeriesrfgrBrqlRacing" $20.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepllid. DUSTY TIMES assum~s no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. . DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Fo~r weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. OF THE MONTH ••• -I •-t· • Now listen Jim, you know damn well that when you get this_ thing fixed an? ~e get r_o the_ fi~ish ~hey'll be wanting to take pictures of me and that's why I have to stay nice and clean, am t that nght Jim. Jim. , are you going to fix it or not? DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies"or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 will be considered. Dusty nmcs February 1997 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Salute To Champions hy Jean Calvin . ...................... 12 SCORE Awards hy Jean Calvin . ........ . . ..... ............ 2(~ SODA Winter Series hy Ron Miller . . . ..................... 22 Holden Rodeo 400 -Goondiwindi Ry Darryl Smith ..... . ..... 3(1 GORRA Thanksgiving 250 hy Roh Rule . ................ ... 32 SNORE 300 hy John Calvin .................. ... ......... H RAC· Rall y hy Martin Holmes .... . ........................ 40 FRT Dunawa y Dash hy Fudpucker ............... ... ...... . 42 Salute to Australian Champions hy Darryl Smith ..... . ...... . 44 Rally of Spain hy Martin Holmes . . ............ . .... ....... 46 DEPARTMENTS Soap Rox hy Ed Rohinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trnil Notes . . . ........................................ . •. 4 Happenings . . . ... ...... .................................. 6 Fair News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Good Stuff Directory ......... ....... .... .... . . .......... 4H Classifie,I Ads ....... ... . ... .......... . . . . . . . . . ......... 54 ln,k x to Advertisn s . ............... . .................... 55 ON THE COVER - Gracing thL· L't)Ver this month in uur Salutl' tu Champions is Andrew Wehe, the young man from Fallhrook, ( 'A who, with his co-driver Kevin Davis kL·pt the neat looking.JIMCO far enough up front throughout the season to take the SCO RE overall championship. · Rohhy Gordon, what more can he said ahout Rohhy; he huilt a truck that eVL'n he couldn't hreak, he d rove it at supersonic· spL'cd, hL· won just ahout every race he enterecl, and he rightfully took homL' the sc:O RE Trophy-Truck honors for I 996. Rohhy and his crew mack it look easy. Dan Smith wanted to cap the seaspn with a win at the Raja 1000, hut it was not to he. Dan finished SL"Cond in that racL' hut he won ;1 hunch of others and made off with the SCORE points championship in Class H for a great '96 season. Color Photography: Tracksidc Photo Inc. S~7odatf ea DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $20.00 □ 2 years - $30.00 □ 3 years - $40.00 (no credit oar<L. pl~a .. e ) Take advantage of your subscription bonus •. Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name ______________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City --··----------------------Scace ---______ __ Zip-----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 ·1 · Canadian - 1 year $25 .00 U.S.• Overseas subscrintinn r,w•c ~-·~--·--·' - · Page 3
SOAPBOX By Ed Robinson Well here we go again! Yes as car counts go down at the races along comes another promoter to set the world of off road racing on its ear. Yes this promoter prom-ises "Best of The Desert races in 15 years". New adventures, new areas, something different. We got hats, shirts, hags, metal pins, overcoats for the cold winters, we got more damn junk to haul off you'll need another trailer to get all your stuff hack home. By putting on only a three race series for your $25,000 race car, equipment, and race crews, your whole team can now sit around for the rest of the year. Yes, now you can sit in front of your TV for your high hy watching racing 49 weekends a year with your family and friends. Look at all the money you're going to save he says. Entry fees arc still the same if not more than any other race organization (I don't get it). His races are farther away than any one else's (Tona-pah, and a race to Ely) now all you have to do is drive you and your entire race crew across the state of Nevada and back. Plus chase your race car along the race course. This is a really big savings com-pared to a loop type race where you can set up a permit pit for you and your family to watch the race from and be involved. After all the gas prices arc only a $1 .50 a gallon now. New rule hooks for everyone. Because no one has the right rules yet. This way if you don't like the rules where you are racing now, come race with us we will write the rules to suit you. Or who cares ahout stinking rules anyway. Besides we need another restric-tor plate size and weight limit( was that wet, dry, or on the rocks). New and adventurous places to race THIS YEAR ONLY! Other promoters have worked many years with the BLM and sur-rounding land owners to establish good places to race. Creating, grading, and maintaining roads guaranteeing that in the future there will be off road racing in specified areas for years to come. Welder/Generator EW171 • .moo Watt \Vel<ler/Cencrator • Honda 11 l!P OllV Cun1111en:ial • }()(XI walls of J)l,)Wt"I Enb,ine • 170 AMI' DC tor Welding • Oil Alert' • Oil . .\lert. -• ~mulla.11t.•uu:,,Al"/IJL U34." • ..\utomatic !Jle • ~u1x·1 CjUh I • Elt.....:tr1111i1.: l~lllllltll Now it seems who cares, we're going to tear up new parts of the desert never raced on before. Oh hell Nevada is a waste land any-way! This will really put the environmentalists on our side now. Sure everyone loves competi-tion. But when the competition is out to take you out so he can win, may he its time to look at the over-all picture of the sport. I like rac-ing with my fellow competitors, and in the asociation I know and support. If this sport is to survive we all need to stick together and race together under the same rules and in established well known rac-ing organi:ations. Stop and think is it time to just jump into another racing series and race with a few guys that show up or stay with the more proven racing association. A good racing group can only sur-vive if it has enough entries to pay its bills. If we're all out running around chasing every new associa-tion that comes along, it could happen that when you are ready to return to your long time well established racing association it just might not he there. Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of the sport. Your words, short of being libelous, will be print-ed. So, send along your praise or damnation to the address on page 3. RACER DISCOUNTS PARTS SHIPPED BY UPS DAILY HONDA MOTORCYCLES -SCOOTERS ...._ ATV'S & GENERATORS ~~ '--, BMW MOTORCYCLES 5 =m!! .i SEA DOO WATERCRAFT tfl'(. BILL ROBERTSON+ SONS. INC . IN BUSINESS FOR OVER 30 YEARS 5626 -Tujunga Blvd., North Hollywood 41HONDA 1 ·(800) .800-6134 O»neridewithus. 1 (818) 766-6134 Page 4 February 1997 Trail Notes ••• NEW BEGINNINGS-Off road racings hest friend, Michael Gaughan has t·xpanded his empire with the addition of a hrand new hotel, The Orleans, just a stones throw from the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas. The addre•ss is 45(\l West Tropicana, west of the freeway. The Orleans opened for husiness just hefore the end of 1996 and it sure is impressive. Stop hy your next time in tmrn an,! look owr the latest in comfort and southern style. L,\RGER SELECTION -Sway-A-Way Corporation, under the direction nt '\rian Skipper has expanded its product line with the acquisition of the K 1Hcr Shock Ahsorher line. Sway-A-Way can now provide \'Ou with their , ,111, line of shocks as they haw heen doing for quite: some time, and now :1dd rlw wl'll rt·s11e·cted Kuster line as well. Congratulations Flrian, Wl' arl' certain I\' !.!l:1,l to st·t· t·xpansion in the racing world. FIRST RACE -Mojave Desert Racing had their first race at Rarstow !:1st wvl'k and 1K vehicles showed up to do hattle in the first race· of the \'l'ar, not too !,a,! for an initi:1! showing. Looks like Kory Schl'eier won Cl:1ss IO as wl'll :is 1l\·c-rall. followl'd hy John Lucas in Class 2, only eight minutl'S hehind. We'll havl' :1 romplete n·port on thl" race in nl'xt months issue. SHORT COURSE -S.S.O.R.R.A (Southern Short Course Off Roael Racing Association) has scheduled a full plate of racl'S in thl' Tampa, Florida area. Ekven races are scheduled throughout 199,, working around traditional dates in the southeast so as to avoid conflicting dates. See their ad on page,-;_ LONGER COURSE -The 199, Southeastern Off Road Chalelngl' has a s,·hl'duk of six races running in Florida, Alahama and Georgia. Course length will he· at ll'ast one mile and your participation is requl'sted. For mort· information contact Steve Rule at (110) 963-0252. SHORTER COURSE-PACE Motorsports is having a stadium race in the ~iln·r Dome in Pontiac, Michigan on March K, 199-,. PACE produces tht· AMA Supl'rcross Series and this is a natural spin-off. Thundl'r Trucks :m,l I id1t Sport Trucks will he featured as well as Fluggies, ATVs and Od)'SSL'\' !'dots. PA( 'E will put on two races in 199,, increasing to fivl' l'Vents in 199K :ind :1 full schedule of tl'n events in 1999. LATE THANKS-We were remiss last year in not ml'ntioning Harrah's Hotl'I and Casino in heautiful downrown Laughlin, Nevada, in particular Mr.Bill Keena who hdped out the Dusty Times gang in their hour of nel'el. Thanks a hunrh Flill' Have A Successful 1997 Racing Season Dusty Times
© 1996 Fox Factory, Inc. All Copyrights Reserved
1997 Happenings ••• ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector APTO42 San Jose del Caho Baja Calif. del Sur, Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Qµeensland, 4500, Australia 0 l l-18-07-3298-5522 April 13, 1997 Port Pirie, SA May 25, 1997 Goondiwindi, QLD July 13, 1997 Kempsey, NSW August 1 7, 1997 Griffith, NSW September 21, 1997 Mt. Gambier, SA AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Qµebec, Canada K7B lHl (514)434-5792 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico (Mexicali (65) 55-62-83 Off Road Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Foiles, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 March 28-30, 1997 Tonopah300 Tonopah, NV June 20-22, 1997 Silver State 300 Mesquite, NV to Ely, NV (point to point) September 18-20, 1997 Vegas to Reno, NV 500 mile point to point race BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. May 3, 1997 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 5, 1997 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 6, 1997 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1997 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, Wl54520 (715) 478-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Chizrna, CRS Director 521 Los Angeles Ave., #F Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 523-1387 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 February 8, 1997 America 2000 Ensenada, Baja CA, Mexico February(TBA),1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada March 1, 1997 PRO Rally Workshop Ridgecrest, CA May 2-3, 1997 Rim Of The World Palmdale, CA Page 6 August 9-10, 1997 Gorman Ridge Frazier Park, CA September 6-7, 1997 Treeline ' Palmdale, CA October 3-5, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ November(TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada C.O.D.R.A. CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541) 389-2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) ( 605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 GUMBO BUTTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS Communications & Information Scott Olson (605) 224-5822 FAX (605) 224-5822 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. Tom DeLauder Sr. 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course and Cross Country Off Road Racing at Lil' Beaver Park, Lisbon, Ohio CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USAJan Wright(Oll 52 617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 (714) 367-1141 Fax: (714)367-1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtt, President (719)531-3642 W / (719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-60 80 January 31-February 2, 1997 Laguna Salada 200 Western Baja April 4-6, 1997 Cerro Prieto II Southern Baja May2-4, 1997 San Felipe San Felipe, BC, MX August 1-3, 1997 (Tentative) Santa Veronica Summer '97 Tecate Area October 10-12, 1997 Carrera De La Raza Laguna Salada 180 Mexicali West CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 June 14, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 12, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon July 13, 1997 2 Hour Enduro Olympia 10:00 a.m. July 19, 1997 Short Course Belling 7:00p.m. Augu1t 16, 1997 Short Course Belling 7:00 p.m. Augu1t 23, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon September 13, 1997 Short Course Olympia 12:00 noon ( All events at Hannigan race tTack, Bellingham, WA' OT Thurston Count, ORV Park, Olympia, WA') DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/ (214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 March 28-30, 1997 KC HiLites Havasu Happening Open Motorsports Show Lake Havasu City, AZ May 9-10, 1997 KC HiLites Hot Boat Happening Parker, AZ July 1997 (Date not yet set) KC HiLites Mountain Happening Flagstaff, AZ September, 19-20, 1997 KC HiLites Country Happening ____ V_alley Center, CA --FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACINGTEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 February 8, 1997 The King Lake Superstition, CA March 29, 1997 Buzz Bomb Plaster City East, CA July 19, 1997 Conquista Gran Carrera Los Sahuaros Park T ecate, Baja, Mexico September 13, 1997 Fud 200 Plaster City West, CA October 25, 1997 Superstition 250 XII Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster City west, CA GLEN HELEN RACEWAY P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series February 2,,1997 Round One - Sunday February 23, 1997 Round Two - Sunday April 20, 1997 Round Three - Sunday July 27, 1997 Round Four - Sunday August 24, 1997 Round Five -S1•nday September 28, 1997 Round Six - Sunday October 26, 1997 Round Seven - Sunday November 23, 1997 Round Eight - Sunsay Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91762-0762 (310) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 { 404) 963-0252 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. _Keith Koesters February 1997 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS. MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (7 I 4) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy ( 604) 579-9621 eves Keith ( 604) 828-1795 anytime M.O.R.E. 25277 W . Main St., Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 (619) 253-4453 Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts January 10-12, 1997 Roaring Resolution 250 Barstow, CA March 21-23, 1997 Mighty Mojave 230 Barstow, CA May 23-25, 1997 Shake, Rattle & Oops 250 Lucerne, CA July 25-27, 1997 Night Owl 200 Lucerne, CA September 19-21, 1997 Shocker 250 Barstow, CA November 7-9, 1997 Wild Turkey 225 Lucerne CA MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 48813 (517) 543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION Steph Sabo, Vice Pres. MAORA 19 Lakeshore Dr Nashville, IL 62263 (618) 327-9312 Mike Turner, Vice Pres. LTOR 2508 Pine Mattoon, II. 61938 (217) 235-2473 MOJAVE DESERT RACING 438 W. Arrow Hwy., Ste #30 San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 394-3265 Phone (909) 394-3266 Fax February 28-March 1, 1997 Wildwash 250 Barstow, CA May 2-3, 1997 Stoddard Valley 200 Barstow, CA June 20-21, 1997 Lucerne 300 Lucerne, CA September 5-6, 1997 Sahara 250 Lucerne, CA October 10-11, 1997 Barstow 200 Barstow, CA November 28-29, 1997 Thanksgiving 250 Lucerne CA MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barrett 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 736-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 - Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95518 (707) 822-8508 Mav 9-10, 1997 Redwood Coast Jamboree Fort Bragg to Eureka, CA June 13-14, 1997 Big Bear Adventure Big Bear Lake, Ca September 12-13, 1997 Gost Town Adventure '97 South Lake Tahoe, CA October 3-4, 1997 Kem River Jamboree Kernville/Lake Isabella, CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OFELPASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Bob Joseph, President 80 Hempstead Dr. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada LBW 2E7 - (905) 574-7068 . PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY 18700 Lake Perris Drive Perris, Riverside County, CA 1-800-976-RACE PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 {303) 779-6622 February 7-9, 1997 Sno'Drift Atlanta, MI March 14-16, 1997 Doo Wop III & IV Olympia, WA April 11-13, 1997 Wild West Little Creek Casino Olympia, WA May 2-4, 1997 Rim of the World Palmdale, CA June 6-8, 1997 STPR Wellsboro, PA July 25-27, 1997 Maine Forest Rumford, ME August 22-24, 1997 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji, MN September 12-14, 1997 Sunriser 400 Chilicothe, OH October 3-4, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ October 17-19, 1997 Lake Superior Houghton, MI SCORE Score International 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 (1997 Dates are Tentative) January 24-26, 1997 Parker 400 Parker, AZ March 7-9, 1997 T ecate San Felipe 250 San Felipe, B.C., MX April 25-27, 1997 Primm300 Primm (Stateline), NV June 6-8, 1997 T ecate Baja 500 Ensenada, B.C., MX July 11-12, 1997 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA October 3-5, 1997 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV November12-15, 1997 Tecate Baja 1000 B.C. MX SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Dusty Times
Call: f-B3ll-BB3-4B10 ,~ .• .NA11 5 ACTION PACKED CLASSES: ar lax: I-B30-BB3-liB4B • STADIUM THUNDER TRUCKS ((LASS4,8,13) • LIGHT SPORT TRUCKS ((LASS7S) • BUGGIES ((lASS½AND½o) • ODYSSEY/PILOTS •PRO QUADS THUNBEBJi ·,, . , ............. 4,881·):w t : :::.u:· 4 ............... 1,888 5 .................. 588 & .................. 481 7 .................. 388 8 .................. 218 9 ................... 158 ,. 10 ................. 188 . ._ ............ 2,1 2 .................. 750 4 .................. 410 5 .................. 350 N 8 .................. 3ID 7 . ................. 250' ,w.; .................. 280 • Entry tee tor STAOIIIM and LIGHT SPORT TRI/CH: 5100. !l!l BUSBIES .,, .......... .. 2,000 2 .................. 751 ,,, ;,2 .................. 351 3 .................. 811 , 3 .................. 311 4 ......... ......... 481 4 ................... 258 5 .................. 351 5 .................. 288 8 .................. 310 n 8 ................... 150 7 .................. 251 t ................... 125 8 .................. 211 * 9 ..................... 75 ">If· 18 ................. 101 10 ................... 58 • Entry tee tor 81/GGY: 515. !l!l • Entry tee tor ODYSSEY/PILOT: 550. !l!l All entry tees include two 121 all access ,asses and lwtl 1%J .. f(mned access ,11 ,ass,sl _,,,.,,.,,.,,.,..,,.,._..""""'""'""""*"""' »: .--"~-~-~ ~i-N.::-1,/f:J.0:Jki 0 ~ x.,, ~&,·i. ,.:JS;:m•:}fii:~:s~-.::;;:~.w,;~~'%:?i~::.witJJiitaififtttt:ltf~.-~ .. -:-. ~ ~;._ .-;/·*~ .-c • ,;;~':, • .&:trtk.<:.'f<;.~_ }'.ii;:::, far entries and/or mare information: Name: Address: Pllaae: Class: Return ta: Pace Matar Sports • 411 E. Butterfield Raad, Suite taa • I.am/Jard, Illinois BBtfB
~ Keith Stewart {714) 522-1899 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 {714) 783-8293 SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (334) 272-5400 March 22, 1997 6 hours Tallahassee, Aorida April 26, 1997 3 hours Montgomery, Alabama May 25, 1997 3 hours Vienna, Georgia July 5, 1997 3 hours Tallahassee, Aorida August 30, 1997 6 hours Montgomery, Alabama November 29, 1997 6 hours Vienna, Georgia SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Woodlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL February 2, 1997 March 2, 1997 April 6, 1997 May 4, 1997 June 1, 1997 July 6, 1997 August 3, 1997 September 7, 1997 October 5, 1997 November 21 1997 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 February 7-8, 1997 Bottom Dollar Nelson Hills, NV March 14-15, 1997 Southern Nevada 200 May 16-17, 1997 Caliente 250 Caliente, NV August 1-2, 1997 Midnight Special Nellis Dunes, NV September 26-27, 1997 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Jean, NV October 24-25, 1997 Twilight 200 Eldorado Valley, NV December 12-13, 1997 Vegas300 Jean, NV SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (Oll) 788-5138 Fax {011) 880-2170 SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODA May 24-25, 1997 Chevrolet Memorial Day Kevin Dawson 1015 Bloomfield Road Lake Geneva, WI 5314 7 (414) 248-8566 $10 volunteer fee in effect all classes Classes Tuff Truck Atv( 4 wheel) Street Rail Limited Baja Cballenger/11 1-2 1600 Unlimited R,FL 444 Entry fee $10 $10 $10 $15 S40} Pro Classes sso 100% Payback $60 ~ /.~~ Roo,-1N11 INC. "Tho Bal Abo.a tho ...... THE "It) Ml-4111 CING WRIGHT June 7-8, 1997 Off Road Championship Joe Servie - P.O. Box 339 Antigo, WI 54409 (715) 623-4134 June 21-22, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Nationals Ionia, Michigan Mike Brunton, 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 June 28-29, 1997 Chevrolet Brush Run Box 101 Crandon, Wl54520 (715) 4 78-2222 Augu1t 2-3, 1997 Chevrolet UP 100 Off Road Race Brian Adams, Box 26 Bark River, Ml 49807 (906) 466-2723 August 16-17, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Challenge Luxemburg, WI • Dick Shinnick 1801 Industrial Park Green Bay, WI 54302 August 30-31, 1997 Chevrolet World Championships Box 101 Crandon,Wl54520 (715) 478-2222 September (TBA), 1997 Chevrolet Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI Greg Witte 165 W . Arndt St. Fondulac, WI 54935 { 414) 924-6805 SWORDS South W etit Off Road Racing Deeert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Camey, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 {607) 625-5676 TOYS FOR TOTS {619) 252-1197 / {619) 252-3093 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (All events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 March 22-23, 1997 1997 Season Opener 1 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA April 26-27, 1997 Spring Special 2 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA May 24-26, 1997 Yerington 300 Desert Race 300 Mile Desert Race, 4-75 Mile Laps Race Headquarters: Dini's Lucky Club Yerington, NV . June 28-29, 1997 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Top Gun Drag Strip 12 Miles South of Fallon Hwy 95 July 26-27, 1997 Top Gun Twilight Race Fallon NV August 30-September 1, 1997 Yerington to Fallon & Back 125 Mile Point to Point & Return Race Headquarters: Casino West Yerington, NV October 4•5, 1997 Fall Short Course Race 1 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA November 1-2, 1997 1997 Season Championship 1 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City Svra, Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson ( 604) 538-0692 WORRA, P.O. Box3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 {412) 532-0802 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 {602) 971-3730 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 {414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 {414) 426-0470/ (414) 982-7306 AfflNTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 1997 schedule as soon as passible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4404. S.S.O.R.R.A. PRESENTS 1997 Stadium Off Road Series June 1, East Bay Raceway Feb 2, Mar 2, ,Apr 6, July 6, TAMPA, FLORIDA Aug 3, Sept 7, May 4, Oct 5, Nov 2, SERIES SPONSORS 5126 S. Lois v,. TAMPA, FLA. 33611 (813) 837-8696 STOCK VW PARTS & ACCESSORIES Daily Schedule Gates open 7:00 a.m. Tech/Regis 9:00-11 :00a.m. Mandatory drivers meeting 11: 15a.m For rules and regulations contact James Lair at: (813)968-6375 (813)962-2857
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Robby Gordon won the Trophy-Truck title, winning more than four races in the series, missing one event because of Indy Car commitments. He placed high in the other events and ended up with 354 points, 49 more than second place. In fact Robby and his father Bob each won their division at a race last summer. He has gone to NA SCAR racing and, although we will sure miss him, we wish him the best in stock car racing. Andrew Wef'le surprised a lot of folks as he won the Class 10 championship in his Jimco, and won by 39 points, a big margin in this class. He finished the year off by winning the Baja 1000 with Kevin Davis co-driving the Jimco, powered by Toyota, not the most popular engine in Class 10. Wehe is planning a new car for 1997, but it probably won't be ready in time for Parker, but this young man has a bright future. · Salute To Desert Champions By Jean Calvin The annual Salute to Desert Champions has a different format this year. We will return to featuring SCORE International only, who have their records ready and enough classes to keep anyone happy. SCORE always starts the year at Parker, AZ in late January or early February with the registration at the Elks Club, contingency on the Main Street, tech in the park and the start at the Blue Water Marina. The conting-ency donors cover four or five city blocks and there was a county fair atmosphere to the day. In 1996 the Trophy-Trucks replaced the bikes and A TVs in the line up and they left early Saturday morning. They ran three laps of a shorter course, one full loop of the course for a total mileage of 197 .29 miles. There were just ten starters, and they had the course to themselves. Jason Baldwin was the early leader followed by the Simon brothers, Ivan Stewart, Robby Gordon and Rob MacCachren in a brand new truck. Gordon had fast time on lap 2, but Baldwin still led by seconds. The Simons held second followed by Gordon, Stewart and MacCachren. The others were all having troubles, but were still running. On the third lap Gordon moved into the lead ahead of the Simons by inches, next came MacCachren, then Baldwin. Gordon still led on the last lap as the competition all had mechan-ical trouble. As Gordon's crew was working on the A-arm chassis out in front of the Ford the Simon truck went into the lead just 16 miles out. But Gordon was running fast. Simon took the checkers first but Gordon was in his dust and Robby took the win by 31 seconds. Jeff Lewis drove a refurbished Class 8 Chevy to third followed in by MacCachren, who was fourth who inherited third on a penalty and Curt LeDuc was fifth. It was an exciting start to the race weekend. The Pro classes didn't start until 10 a.m. and Class 1 was first away. Steve Sourapas had his Type IV RCD A-arm chassis out front by six minutes over Mark Post in his Chevy powered Riviera Eagle. Bob Gordon was third in his six cylinder Toyota Pag~ 1i powered Chenowth followed by Corky McMillin in a Porsche powered Chenowth and Brent Grizzle in a Type 4 powered Jimco. Twenty started in Class 1 and the pace was quick. Sourapas led through the first half of lap 2 when he stopped to put co-driver Dave Richardson in the car. Dave built the lead back to six minutes. Mark McMillin was now second in his Chenowth Porsche. His dad Corky ran third and Ron Brant was now fourth in a Porsche Raceco. Richardson led until a heim joint broke at Midway pit area. The breeze had died and the sun was setting and Dale Ebberts in the Grizzle car got fast lap of the race on the last lap and took the lead in Class 1. Brent Grizzle and Dale Ebberts celebrated their first attempt at unlimited car racing with not only the win but overall victory. Ron Brant drove solo into second, two minutes back, Mark Miller and Chad Ragland were fourth behind Sourapas and Richardson. The Class 8 trucks initially had a close duel between Dan Smith, Ford, and Dale White, Chevy. Darren Skilton was third in his Jeep and Dave W esthem fourth in his Chevy. Smith continued to run hard, but he stopped to get his brakes fixed and hand the wheel to Dave Ashley, but they still led lap 2. Dale White was out with engine trouble, Skilton was second and had 14 mintues on Randy Salmont, now driving Westhem's truck. Ashley had brake trouble but still brought Dan Smith's Ford in for the Class 8 win. Salmont and W esthem were second and Skilton took third. The new Pro class was next away, five of them. Steve Barlow only went a few miles and a broken distributor gear put him out and the Ampudia truck lost a head gasket. The other three carried on with Chuck Harris leading by 20 minutes after one lap. Gustavo Vildasolo ran second in his Ford and Rick Galles was third, a minute later in a Chevy. It was Harris out front on the second lap and all the way for the win. Vildosola had power steering trouble, handed the truck over to co-driver Brian Stewart, Phows: Track.side Phou, Inc. who held second place. Galles handed over to his son Jamie, his first off road race, and despite getting stuck and digging out finished third a minute behind Stewart. The Galles ended up second after Vildosola suffered a penalty for speeding in the pits. Class 10 had 26 starters and a barn burner of a race. The first lap lead went to Andrew Wehe in a mid-engine Toyota powered Jimco, about seven minutes ahead ofJerry Penhall and Ben Schlimme in a Toyota powered Penhall. Third was Ray Croll in another Toyota powered Jimco followed by Larry Bolin in an air cooled Raceco. Wehe got class fast lap on the second round, increased his lead to eight minutes, Croll was now· second, seven minutes up on Bolin followed by Pen-Hall/ Schlimme. As darkness fell the course was becoming a dust bowl. Wehe had no troubles, recorded another class fast lap and the 19 year old got to victory circle first. Bolin who had no fourth gear for 50 miles and had a flat took second, ahead of Croll and co-driver Tom Rhodes, who had been crowded into a tree by a chase truck. Dan Worley recov-ered from a first lap roll over to take fourth in an air cooled. In fifth it was Bill Hernquist and Kevin Basore in an air cooled Jimco. In all 13 of the 26 starters managed to finish. Class 5 was next and the Grabowski brothers, Mike and Neal led the first lap followed by Michael James/Mike Kalicki, then Richard Boyle in Morgan Malocco's car. In fourth it was George Seeley, finally in his own new car. The Grabowskis had a really fast second lap and led James/Kalicki by nine minutes. Boyle/ Maiocco lost the neck of their fuel filler but they held third, with Seeley in fourth. The Grabowskis had another good lap and took their third win at Parker in four starts. Boyle/Maiocco, who recorded fastest last lap for this class, moved up to finish second seven minutes later. James/ Kalicki were third after hitting a tree, Seeley fell back and Greg Diehl/Brad Person moved up to finish fourth using lots of oil . to get to the finish. February 1997 There were 22 1-2-1600 cars at the start and lots of potential winners. Scott Webster /Rodney Woolf in their ORBS led the first lap by 22 seconds over Frank Rusich in his Jimco. Third came Gary Cogbill and Doug West in a Jimco, less than a minute back, followed by Craig Forest and John Prosser in a Mirage also less than a minute back. Danny Porter ran fifth in his new Porter Race cars chassis, 18 seconds out of fourth. Webster and Woolf disappeared on the next lap and the Rusich brothers moved into the lead, with five minutes on Porter's co-driver Mark Ruddis. He was over a minute in front of Jim Disney/ Todd Teuscher in a J imco. Forrest/ Prosser were still fourth, and Lorenzo Rodriguez had moved his Lothringer into fifth place. It was still a close race. This class arived after 7 :00 p.m. at the finish line and they all described the course as unusually dusty. Porter waited anxiously, hardly daring to believe that the car he'd finished building at noon Thursday could finish a race on Saturday. But finish it did and won the tough 1600 class, and they had no "new" car problems. They thought the course terribly dusty. In second it was Tom and Frank Rusich, also complaining about the dust, but they had no mechanical problems either. Jim Dizney and Todd Teuscher reported no trouble en route to third, just terrible dust. Rodriguez took fourth and said he had no trouble, only getting lost for a while. Cogbill and West were fifth. There were six starters in Class 7 and Larry Roeseler put the Chevy S-10 out front by five seconds over Chris Taylor, Ford Ranger. A.J. DeNuinzio was an hour back in third in his Toyota. He said he was still getting used to wider vehicles. He had some mishaps on the first lap but held the lead when he handed over to Jerry McDonald. The Taylor truck was second, an hour down and Bob Land was another hour down in his Ford, just a minute ahead of Chris and Rick Taylor. At the flag it was Jerry McDon-ald/ Larry Roeseler winning, Bob Land/Don McCarthy second, the Taylors were third and the last finisher. There were eight in Class 7S and David Winner/ Alan Blom-gren were the early leader in a Toyota with just 32 seconds over Larry Plank in a Ford; Brady . Helm was third in a Toyota. Plank and co-driver Scott Steinberger took the lead on lap 2 despite problems; Helm and co-driver Bob Graham were now second with Steve Luport and Mike Duenas in third in a Ranger. Despite problems Plank and Steinberger won Class 7S. Brady Helm/ Bob Graham took second and Charles David Sr. and Steve Ogle in a Ford were third as Luport had a long last lap. Six of the eight starters finished the course within the time allowance. Todd and Jim Gartell were the only entry in Class 3, but they were serious. They did all three laps in their Propane powered Chevy Blazer to get a finish and the Class 3 victory. Merely seven were in Class 5-1600 and Gerardo Iribe took the early lead three minutes ahead of Robert Wright. Vince Alcoul-oumre was third in his Surf Bug. Wright lost his motor on the second lap, and a couple others went missing. Iribe held the lead despite engine trouble and the Surf Bug was second. Despite losing the oil cap Iribe struggled in for the win. The Surf Bug held second and nobody else finished in class. Class 9 started nine cars and the course was going away for these limited cars. Rick Poole and Mike Faulkner in their homemade Challenger had an 18 minute lead on lap 1. Sean Moss and Kody Wright were second followed by Jorge and Mango Vargas in their JEFE car. On lap 2 both the Poole/ Faulk-ner and Moss/Wright teams fell out and now Greg Ander-son/ David Barron took the lead followed by Kim Petersen and Joseph Key who were a half hour in front of the Vargas team. Driving their first SCORE race, they stayed in front and took the win. Jorge and Mango Vargas and Adrian Lozana took second despite troubles, and Petersen and Key were third, the last to finish with electrical problems slowing their pace. The Stock Full Size class had only two laps to complete the course. After one lap the lead belonged to Robert Hayley, second was Steve Olliges/John Swift .and both teams drove Fords. James Hall and Richie Mandel ran third in another Ford. All eight finished one lap. Hayley had a major problem and dropped four hours. Olliges put his new . co-driver Joh1_1 Swift behind the Dus~Ti~s
wheel who picked up the pace and brought it in for the victory. In second it was Marc Stein who'd had a radiator problem. Twenty minutes later David Sykes and Gordon DiCarlo were third after fixing a flat. There were eight Stock Mini Trucks also doing two laps. The early lead went to Allen Harris in a Ford Ranger. Second was Leo Brown and Scott Moffatt in another Ranger followed by Jeff Richardson and Steve Harris in a Toyota. Steve Williams took over the leading Ford and had some power steering problems, but held the lead. Williams and Harris won the class; Brown and Moffatt were a half hour back in second, and Glass was a long third. Class 11 ran two laps also the there was only one entry. Matt McGrath and Jeff Hanson completed both laps to earn their trophy. The VW suffered a flat, a broken headlight, a bad shock and a lost fender. The point leaders are the class winners at Parker, SCORE's first race of the year. So we move on to San Felipe in mid-March. This round the Trophy-Trucks, an even dozen on the line, started after the bikes and A TVs and before the Pro classes. U nfortun-ately the party animals had been at work overnight and built a huge booby trap about four miles into the course. It didn't bother the bikes, small enough to avoid it, but the obstacle was built of telephone poles, tires and packed dirt. Ed Herbst was first off the line and first to hit the trap. It tore one of the Ford's rear trailing arms off. Since they started a minute apart, Larry Ragland was next to roll his Chevy going completely over, losing a tire and damaging the exhaust. Most seriously damaged was Javier Espinoza, his first time out in his new Trophy-Truck. Both he and the truck were done for the day. Meanwhile Rob MacCachren led for.a while, then Ivan Stewart, a minute ahead of Robby Gordon. Curt LeDuc had his Jeep in third. At Borrego Gordon had taken over the lead by three minutes over Stewart, LeDuc had a flat but held third, Jeff Lewis, fourth and Baldwin lost a motor. Gordon used his horsepower to stay ahead of Stewat, LeDuc held third, Lewis fourth and MacCach-ren fifth. Stewart finished first on the road but Gordon right behind him at the finish. Gordon won by just over four minutes. Behind Stewart, MacCachren was third and Lewis in fourth and Ragland in fifth. After the Trophy-Trucks the Pro Classes lined up to start about 8:30 a.m. Class 1 was first off the line and were cautious after the disastrou_s Trophy-Truck start. Early on there was a tie on time between Bob Gordon, V6 Toyota and Nick Baldwin in a Chevy powered Raceco. Troy Herbst ran second with Porsche power and Tom Bradley in a Type 4 Raceco and Greg George in a Type 4 Jimco. Ebberts who was doing most of the driving in the Grizzle Jimco had to change a flat, but most were all still close. Baldwin lost a motor and retired but Gordon, George, Miller, Bradley and Ebberts were in good shape. Gordon led at Borrego by 51 seconds over Mark McMillin and Ebberts was up to third followed by Miller and Bradley, all within three minutes. Gordon lost his . Dusty Times Brent Grizzle came out of the Imperial Valley and surprised the Class 1 regulars by winning the title by 34 points, even though he did not win in Baja. He thanked his co-driver Dale Ebberts for helping earn points. power ·steering but still led with a two minute lead over James' co-Ebberts and McMillin tied for driver Mike Kalicki followed by third. Further down the road Bill Gasper, Seeley's co-driver. Gordon blew a corner and Despite running out of gas Ebberts passed into the lead. Grabowski and he crossed the McMillin had a flat and drove on finish line four and a half minutes it to a pit, breaking an A-arm ahead of James and Kalicki. In along the way. Ebberts had to stop third came Seeley and Gasper and to put his driver of record behind five finished in Class 5 the wheel to get the points. Now The 19 1-2-1600 cars started Gordon was ahead on the road next and by Check 2 the leader but Grizzle stayed on his tail close was Frank Rusich, Jimco, who'd enough to secure the win over already lost the power steering; he Gordon. Mark Miller was third had seven seconds en Scott followed in by Tom Bradley and Webster in his ORBS. In third it Greg George/Carleton Post were was Patrick Burton, followed by fifth. Dale Ebberts and Brent Danny Porter. Don Lampus Jr. Grizzle won Class 1, overall for was fifth in a Jimco. At Borrego the second time in the 1996 Rusich was still in front, now by series. about four mintues on Webster Class 8 held eight starters and and the others stayed in order. As Dan Smith, Ford, and Dale they headed south after Morelia White, Chevrolet were tied on time at the early checks. Dave Wes them ran third in his Chevy and Dave Crinklaw, fourth in his Ford, and they held their positions until much later. Dan Smith won by nearly an hour and was fourth overall. Dale White was second about four minutes back. Dave W esthem got stuck in a wash, but he and Randy Salmont still held third. Dave Crinklaw and John Penner were a long fourth. White was disquali-fied in post race tech, moving Westham to second and Crinklaw to third. Seven of the eight starters finished the race. Don Lampus Jr. is the new Class 1-2-1600 champion, with some driving help from his dad, Don Sr. on the longer races. His was a tough fight to win, taking the title by only three points. Webster, who was driving solo, had the lead by a minute over Tom Rusich who fought the lack of power steering. Porter's co-driver Mark Ruddis was third, with Don Lampus Sr. in fourth followed by Rafael Navaro fifth in a Lothringer. About 50 miles from the finish Webster lost a front tire, he doesn't carry a spare and decided to drive in on the flat. Tom Rusich, his hands badly blistered, got past for the lead and the Rusich brothers took the win. Only three minutes down Webster finished on a rim for second. In third it was Porter and Ruddis followed by Jim Dizney and Todd Teuscher and the Lampus team was fifth. A dozen 1-2-1600 cars finished out of 19 starters. WECARRY The new Pro · l ruck class was next with seven on the line. The Ampudia brothers took the early lead in a Chevy followed by Steve Barlow, Ford, and Charles Harris, Chevy. A couple made early pit stops. At La Ventana the Ampudias still led with Barlow second. Now Dave Ashley had moved his Ford into third but Ashley was soon to break down. At Borrego Gustavo Vildosola and Brian Stewart had climbed up into the lead after a long early pit stop. Rick and Jamie Galles were second in their Chevy. Todd Clement and Rich Minga also had a long early pit stop and were third. Ampudia was losing a fuel pump. Barlow was sidelined with power steering trouble. Gus Vildosola r,r A herd of24 Class 10 cars took the green flag next. At Check 1 Robert Harman had the lead in his single seat car by a minute over Jim Pierce and Jim Kirk with Toyota power. They had a minute on Kyle and Joel Whitted, Jimco, and Kevin Basore/ Bill Hernquist, J imco who were tied for second. Harman held the lead, lost reverse and first gears, managed to get stuck but had 11 minutes on the Whitted brothers who had no power steering. As Mike Harman braked for a washout near the finish a Class 1 car ran into him with force. His car was OK, but his head was sore, and he got the Class 10 win and seventh overall. The Whitted brothers were second followed in by Pen-hall/Schlimme in about four minutes. Rod Muller was fourth and Carlos Rivera, fifth. AURORA, PYROTECT, PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, CACTUS RACING BAKER BATTERIES, SWAY A WAY WRIGHT PLACE, EARLS, YOKOHAMA SUPER TRAP, SWEPCO, TANAKA Class 5 was up next and at the second checkpoint MichaelJames was in front by about a minute over Neal Grabowski, and George Seeley was next making a pit stop, followed by Morgan Maiocco. Seeley, James and Grabowski all arrived at Borrego in the same moment. On Elapsed Time Seeley was in front by a flicker, with James second and Grabowski third, eight seconds behind. Halfway on miles Grabowski had. BUG PACK, sas, CHENOWTH UMP, BELL HELMErS, ICEP, SACO FODDRIL, UNI-FILTER, KAN, TRI-MIL PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, PIAA DIRT BAGZ, COMP-IJ-FIRE, WEBER CARBS SAND nRES a RIMS, RIP ROD, CNC CENTERUNE, ULTRA, SIMPSON, SCAT CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEEL MECHANIX WEAR, BOGART RACING WHEELS RC TRANS & MUCH MUCH MORE ... WE ARE NOW AN OFFICIAL DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS!! 301U S. VALLEY VIEW * LAS VEGAS, NV * B9102 HOURS: MON-Fiil 9AM4PM * SAT 9AM -5PM (702}871-tr" 1 * (702}871-5221 fax February 1997 Page 13
Neal Grabowski and his brother Mike had a good battle in Class 5 to win the title in their always tidy Baja Bug, and they won the battle by a mere six points at season's end. r,r and Brian Stewart managed to stay in front all the way to the finish and the victory. The Galles team, which had lost the left front suspension and broken a tie rod as well as being stuck once, pulled it all together to take second place and Todd Clement and Rich Minga were third with Barlow a distant fourth. In Class 7 the early lead went to Larry Roeseler in a Chevy. Steve Lawrence in second was having a rear shock problem in his Ford and Chris and Rick Taylor had fuel line woes with their Ford. Roeseler had no troubles, and his co-driver Jerry McDonald took over for the second half and also had no troubles. With starter problems the Taylors were moving along. Roeseler and McDonald took the win by over two hours, followed in by the Lawrences father and son, with no brakes, and a front flat. The Tay_lors were third just ten minutes shy of the cut off time. So three of the five starters finished in Class 7. The Class 7S trucks were off next and David Winner had the early lead in his Toyota, by 14 minutes at Check 2.-Bob Graham was second and he had already had a flat on his Toyota. In third, another seven mintues back was Charles David in a Ford. Winner had fuel pump trouble but he had a 29 minute lead on Graham and his co-driver at Borrego. David was another ten minutes back. David Winner got stuck for about 15 minutes on a sand hill, but stay-ed in front and went on to the the 7 S victory. Helm and Graham got stuck but managed to get loose and go on to second place. Nobody else finished. Class 3 had just one entry of Todd and Jim Gatrell in their Chevy Blazer. They had a tough day which included a transmis-sion fire, lots of help from other crews, and finished the laps for the victory. In Class 5-1600 13 started but just five finished. Mario and Elias Ledezma over cousin Danny Ledezma and he was a minute ahead of Gerardo Iribe; Jorge Sanchez was fourth. At Borrego Danny Ledezma led by under two minutes on Iribe and Mario and Elias were another two minutes back in third. More than half the pack had broken so far. Danny put his dad Hector in for the second half and he increased the lead to five minutes. Carlos was . now driving the second place Iribe HE BUMP STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. The .. Bump Stop• come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece and enough valving to get the Job done. ECOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 PER PAIR. !INCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE AND THE GRADE 8 BOLTS) SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-520-427-3551 Page 14 OR CALL US DIRECT. 102 Cnatview P.O. Box 845 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 Rookie Tom Dittfie/d and veterans Darryl and Alan Cook combined to bring Tom the Class 5-1600 championship by just five points, and they won in a really tough class. car. In third now was Sanchez and Covarrubias as M. Ledezma lost wheel bearings. Hector Ledezma had no troubles and finished first the winner. The lribes were seven minutes back in second followed by Manuel Covarrubias and Jorge Sanches in third; they had a late flat tire which slowed them. Carlos Davila and Pietro Barssea were an hour down in fourth followed in another hour by Tom Dittfeld and Bryan Moynahan fifth and the last class finisher. Class 9 started next and there were 13 on the line. They had close battles all day. At Check 2 it was Luis Guevara and Federico Montes in front by a minute over Daniel Mora and Eric Fisher. Then came a tie five minutes later between Jesus Luna/ Bill Rodri-quez and the team of Ed McLean and Phillip Breedlove. McLean was celebrating his 70th birthday. At Borrego there were two close races. Mora and Fisher led by over three minutes on Guevara and Montes who were followed in three minutes by Brian and Jim Jeffrey. About nine minutes back came McLean and Breedlove just 21 seconds ahead of Alfonso LaCarra/Lalo Mayoral. The . Jefferys reportedly lost their motor. Montes and Guevara had shifter trouble and lost second gear about 30 miles out but they held the lead to finish first in Class 9 . Fisher and Mora had no problems except soft suspension, were just four minutes behind in second. LaCarra and Mayoral were third and McLean and Breedlove were fourth and happy and Luna and Rodriquez were fifth with a broken shock. At the San Felipe 250 the Stock Full Size trucks ran the entire distance with the same 10 hour time limit. As they reached Check 2 David Sykes was in front with 21 minutes on Steve Olliges who was one minute in front of Marc I Stein, all three driving Fords. They stretched out a bit, but the order was the same at Borrego. On the south end of the course Sykes felt his motor going away, his lead was down to 12 miutues at Morelia and now it was Rob MacCachren in Olliges' truck closing in second spot. Olliges and MacCachren had no prob-lems, took the lead and went on to victory. Stein finished second and Sykes, with six cylinders working was third, the last finisher out of seven. The Stock Mini Trucks went the distance also and two of the five finished. Steve Williams had his Sheriff's Dept. look alike Ford out front early, with Alan Russell running second and Jeff Richard-son in third, both in T oyotas. February 1997 Near Borrego Williams hit a rock and took out his front wheel drive, but he still led the other two. They all got stuck in one uphill wash for varying amounts of time. Russell was stuck many times and couldn't get up the last hill. So Richardson and Steve Harris inherited second place, as Williams won again. Class 11 had to run the entire distance at San Felipe, only one finished out of seven starters. At Check 2 Victor Barajas was tied with Hector Sarabia for the lead seven minutes ahead of Juan Mayoral and Ruben Espinoza, and Eric Solorzano, another 15 minutes back. At Borrego which all seven managed to reach, Sarabia led with about 11 minutes on Barajas. Mayoral and Espinoza ran third, about 15 further back. Only four made it to Check 4 led by Barajas who had 24 minutes on second running Sarabia. Mayoral and Espinosa were third and Solorzano was still moving and fourth at this point. Barajas lost his motor, Sarabia just disappear-ed. Mayoral and Espinoza made it to the checkered flag just seven minutes before their time ran out. None of the Sportsman entries finished. The April race The Primm 300 ran out of Stateline, NV spon-sored by the three Primm Hotels at Stateline and all activity was there on the east side of 1-15. Registration was in the hotel, tech and contingency behind Buffalo Bill's in the parking lot and the start finish was right there as well, enhanced by a short stadium type route to the flag. The Trophy-Trucks started at dawn and ran three laps of a 48 mile course and then one long lap to the finish. The Primm people brought in a grandstand and in the early morning it was full of folks. Starting a minute apart the T roph y-T rucks followed Jason Baldwin onto the course that was soon one giant dust cloud. Baldwin had a great dust free advantage. The wind blew, not always the right direction to help the racers. At the end of Lap 1 Baldwin was still first on the road but Rob MacCachren had the lead by 10 seconds. Third was Robby Gordon another 20 seconds back, having started tenth on the semi inverted start from the last race finish. A minute later Ivan Stewart was fourth, with Curt LeDuc fifth in his Jeep. At the end of the lap the water trucks had really over watered the short course. The Simon brothers Ford slid past the finish line, took out some snow fence, stalled, and then drove over a stop sign while getting going again. At the end of lap 2 Baldwin was leading having cured a fuel injection problem. He had 10 seconds on MacCachren, the Simon Ford and Gordon was fourth now ahead of LeDuc. Larry Ragland was running again after curing first lap drive line trouble, a full lap down. Baldwin still led on the road going into long last lap but Gordon had recorded the best short lap time, and was second by under two minutes. Dave and Paul Simon ran third less than a minute later, MacCachren was fourth and LeDuc was fifth. Baldwin was first to the finish line, Gordon was pushing hard but he had a flat front tire. Then Baldwin got the unpleasant news that his pit crew had serviced his fuel injection in an area where no pits were allowed, so he had a one position penalty hanging over him. When Gordon finished nearly nine minutes after Jason Baldwin, Robby's time was 24 seconds slower than Jason's. But SCORE officials levied the penalty giving Gordon the win, third in a row and Jason settled for second. Ivan Stewart taking full advantage of the rough course was third in his Toyota about eight minutes later. Rob MacCachren was fourth and LeDuc finished fifth. Gordon's three wins gave him a leg up on the points race and his place in the Tropny-Truck record books. The Pro Classes had to wait for the Trophy-Trucks to clear the course and Class 1 took off about 10:30 a.m. with a 10 hour time limit. On the first lap Dale and Mike Dondel had taken advantage of their up front starting position, and were first on the road in the Jimco, with a bit over a minute lead on Tom and Tommy Bradley, Raceco; Mark Post was third in his Aceco with Brent Grizzle in a Jimco in fourth, followed by Bob Gordon in a Toyota powered Chenowth, fifth and just six minutes behind the leader. On lap 2 the Bradleys broke a c.v. and while the Dondels still led, Gordon moved into second place, about eight minutes back. Chet Huffman was third now with Ron Brant in fourth after having shock trouble on the first lap. Grizzle had a flat and dropped to fifth and the dust was getting thicker. The Dondels had a long cushion starting the third lap but their luck didn't hold. About three-quarters thru the last lap they had an electrical fire and stopped. Frank Arciero, in Gordon's car took the lead but he was no luckier. The transmission went a few miles down the road. Meanwhile Huffman had a flat and Brant, whose car wasn't quite healthy avoided the pitfalls and took the checkerd flag in a solo drive. Huffman came in second and Grizzle, with no power steering, was third. Rick and Randy Wilson were fourth, Tom and Steve Martin, fifth. Frank Arciero was towed in from where he broke by Robby Gordon, Bob's son. Robby towed at a good clip with his pre-runner, Frank hanging on in the two seater as they went over the jumps in the short course section. The substantial crowd loved it, but perhaps Arciero didn't.· Class 8 left next and there were only seven on the line. Dale White pushed his Chevy into a minute lead on Dave W esthem, Chevy, on the first lap while Dan Smith slowed with overheating in Dusty Times
his Ford. White held the lead but Smith, overheating cured, ran fast lap for Class 8 and moved to second. Westhem, having trouble with belts was third, and Dave Ashley in Dan Smith's Ford was third. Early on the last lap White lost his power steering, Ashley took over the lead and he and Dan Smith won Class 8, Dave Westhem had no more trouble and was second and a weary Dale W hite was third as five finished the race. Class 10 was 20 strong at the start and Ray Croll led from the start. After lap l Croll had three minutes on second place Dwight Lundell. Third was Chris Harrold followed by Tim Scalzo and Ryan Arciero. Brendan Gaughan ran fifth havng already tossed a fan belt. Croll's second lap time was identical to the first and he had passed 25 or so vehicles that started in front of him. He ran fourth overall. Lundell held onto second and George Erl/Mike Halliday moved into third, and Harrold dropped to fourth. Scalzo and Arciero had a disaster with a c.v. and disappeared. Croll motored on moving up in t~e overall standings but his alterna-tor light came on. He checked to see if his belts were all there and they were. So Ray Croll finished just ten seconds behind Brant winning Class 10 and second overall. Lundell was second breaking a spindle on the finish line jump, and in third came Erl and Halliday who'd lost a belt early in the day. Kory Scheeler and B.J. Richardson made up time after a first lap rollover, then lost third and fourth gear on the last lap and finished fourth. Brendan Gaughan was fifth with a broken tooth on the steering rack. Class 5 saw Michael James lead the first lap with George Seeley under two minutes behind him in second in his new car. Neal and Mike Grabowski were third, the silt bothering their air cleaners. Seeley took the lead on lap 2 as James and co-driver Mike Kalicki struggled with a broken input shifter shaft. Grabowski's air cleaners were history and he spent lots of time rebuilding the carbs. Seeley lost a rear trailing arm on the last lap and he took the win. Kalicki and James were second 15 minutes later, nobody else finished. Seeley was protested on technical grounds, found legal and took home an extra $500 for his trouble. The Pro Trucks were started in front of the 1600 buggies even though their lap times are consistently slower. Gustavo Vildosola and Brian Stewart led the first lap, while Chuck Harris got out of the silt beds and ran second. John Della Penna, driving the Galles truck ran third, having been caught in a traffic jam. Six had started in the class and three were having serious trouble. Vildosola and Stewart led through the second lap, Harris, having carburetion trouble was about 13 minutes behincl them. Della Penna and Rick Galles lost over an hour with a steering box crisis but were still third. Chuck Harris got his Chevy in the lead and said it had been an easy race as he won the class. Vildosola lost their front shocks and the upper shock mount, borrowed parts from the display truck and were second. Galles and Della Penna took third, pleased with their finish. There were no other Dusty Times Class 3 doesn't attract much entry but the three regular teams really dice it out in the desert. Todd Gatrell and family won the class 3 championship by 50 points, a big margin in a sma/(cfass. Jerry McDonald won Class 7, with a lot of help from Larry Roese/er, by a huge margin of 53 points, as they won almost every time out in the Chevrolet S-10. finishers in Pro Trucks. There were 24 1-2-1600 cars on the line and the first lap leader was Don Lampus Jr. about 30 seconds ahead of Jason Hatz who was 35 seconds ahead of Gary Cogbill. Darnen Jefferies was fourth and Brian Maginnes·s and Randy Ross ran fifth, just a minute 45 seconds behind the leader. Lampus had no problems and stayed ahead on the second lap, about a minute 30 seconds in front of Cogbill who had 10 seconds on Jefferies. Hatz was fourth another minute and a half later. Tom an·d Frank Rusich moved into fifth as Maginness and Ross lost nearly an hour. Their times not varying by three to four minutes a lap the lead three cars continued to run close together up front. Lam pus had no problems at all, and took the victory by over two minutes. Jefferies, who also reported stopping only for fuel was second and Cogbill was third a minute later. The Rusich team was fourth a little over six minutes later, followed by Rick Paquette and_ Brad Maurer in fifth place. Class 7 had a familiar look out front in his Chevy S-10; he had a 33 minute lead at the end of one lap and Bob Land was second in his Ford. A.J. DeNunzio ran third in his Ford and the others were doing repairs. Attrition was high in this class. At the end of lap 2 Larry Roeseler and Jerry McDon-ald had an hour and 15 minute lead over Bob Land who had shock problems. McDonald went on to the checkers and a fine 14th overall. Land took second despite his problems, DeNunzio had big trouble and couldn't get the third lap done. In the 7S class Larry Plank had the Ford in front on lap l by 18 minutes over Brady Helm in his Toyota. Steve Luport was another 16 minutes back and the rest of the eight starters were making repairs. Plank and co-driver Scott Steinberger had a 35 minute lead after two laps. Helm and co-driver Bob Graham were second and David Winner and Ron Stockwell had climbed to third, about an hour back. Plank and Steinberger had to repair the distributor but went on to win Class 7S. Helm and Graham had two flats and took second, and Winner and Stockwell set class fast time on the last lap and they were third and the last to finish. Class 3 fielded three trucks and Todd Gatrell had the first lap lead in a Chevy by 14 minutes over Kirk Kovel in a Ford Bronco. On the second lap Gatrell lost an hour and a half and Kovel moved into the lead. But neither managed to finish the third lap so Kovel won on his two lap time. Class5-1600hadonlyatwocar Fords. In third it was Steve field and at the end of lap 1 Willia m s , Ford, about ten Gerardo lribe was leading Bryan minutes down after a flat. Rob Moynahan by over two minutes. Reinerston was fourth already On lap 2 lribe's car had shock two hours down with broken trouble and after the driver shock mounts on the Toyota but change to Carols lribe the left rear were running fifth. Martin and wheel fell off. Moynahan mean-Brown finished lap 2 in almost a while stopped and put Tom dead heat, and when the times Dittfeld in the car and the air came out Martin won by 51 filters were completely plugged seconds over Brown. Williams up. On that lap the Iribes led by broke his win streak and finished over two minutes. On the third third about two hours back. Carlos lribe finished with a , -broken throttle cable for the win. ' Brya n Moynahan and Tom Dittfeld were pleased with the new car in second place on its : third time out. Class 9 had six starters and the first lap leader was Daniel Mora b y six minute s ove r M ark Bunderson . Russ Hippler and Mike Fish ran third followed by Jim Jeffrey in fourth, just 11 seconds later. On lap 2 Mora by six minutes over Mark Bunder-son. Rus Hippler and Mike Fish ran third followed by Jim Jeffrey in fourth, just 11 seconds later. On lap 2 Mora dropped out and Bunderson moved to the front. Hippler and Fish were second 27 minutes back, while the Jeffreys were replacing a rear skid pan and ran another 20 m inutes back. Bunderson had a smooth run to the finish and the win. The Jeffrey brothers, last year's champions, added oil often but got second place as only two finished. Victor and Angel Barajas were : the only Class 11 entrant and they did the required two full laps in good time and won, complaining I that there was too much silt. This is the i;ystem run by most off road race winners Ghamari and Saldana took fourth with only 22 minutes left on their time allowance. The first of June is Baja 500 time and this year it started in Ensenada. The new course was longer and tougher than normal at this race but it was well liked by the participants. There were a lot of tight twisty trails, and on the Gulf side of the peninsula it was hot! The Trophy-Trucks started at 8 a.m .. ;,r TRI-MIL BOBCAT , ClfROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER The Stock Full Size trucks were running the full course, three laps, and at the end of lap l David Sykes was in front with 14 · minutes on James Hall, both in Fords. About 12 minutes back Mike McComas was third in the only Chevy entered in this class. Sykes led the second lap, and now Steve Olliges and John Swift were second in their Ford. Robert Heyley was third and Hall lost a couple of hours. Sykes over-heated his transmission on the third lap and did not finish. Olliges and Swift lost first gear and had a broken leaf spring for the last 30 miles but they moved up front and won the class. Robert Heyley and co-driver Jarit Johnson had front end problems, and finished for second place with just over three minutes left on the allowed time. So two out of eight starters managed to cover the three laps. ·13220 Ji~DALE AVENUE GARDENA, ·cA-90249· · 310-217-9233 The Stock Mini Trucks were required to cover just two laps. Leo Brown led the first lap by about eight minutes on second WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED place Michael Martin, both in _ _ ______ _ _ _ February 1997 Page 15
Scott Steinberger and co-driver Larry Plank won some races, fought hard in all of them in the Ford Ranger and worked hard all year and won the championship by 15 points. r,r and they had a generous 20 hours time allowance. There were 11 on the line and they were facing heavy dust conditions early on the course. At Check 2, 159 miles into the race, Larry Ragland led in his Chevy but Jason Baldwin was only a minute behind in his Ford. Ivan Stewart ran another minute back in his Toyota and in fourth it was Rob MacCachren, another minute back with Curt LeDuc another minute back in his Jeep. Jimmie Smith, filling in for Robby Gordon, lost a power steering pump early on and Jeff Lewis was stuck on a hill, and finally went around it. Simon and Simon had flames in the rear of their Ford, finally got the fire out and went on. Ivan Stewart lost his motor and MacCachren took the lead by a minute over Ragland. Baldwin was third, fourth came Ed and Tim Herbst followed by Curt LeDuc in fifth. At Check 6 MacCachren had merely three minutes on Ragland, who had no drinking water in the heat, but Rob MacCachren hung on to win the race in his Ford. Larry Ragland was second just five minutes later. An hour later LeDuc was third. The Herbsts were fourth and then came Paul and Dave Simon. Troy Herbst started up front in Class 1 in his Porsche powered two seater in clear weather. Ryan Thomas led at mile 159, Check 2, with a half hour on Doug Fortin Jr. Troy Herbst was another four minutes back followed by Brian Ewalt in Corky McMillin's car and Brent Grble ran fifth. His was the last Class 1 to start. At Check 4, 357 miles into the course, Troy Herbst was back in the lead by seven minutes. Grizzle's co-driver Dale Ebberts was second here with Corky McMillin in fifth. Herbst was having a good run and led at mile 434 and all the way home, and won by seven minutes over Thomas who was followed in by McMillin and Ewalt, then Grizzle and Ebberts were fourth and Fortin fifth. Class 8 held only seven starters and Dave Ashley took the early lead. At Check 4 Ashley was nine minutes ahead of second place Dale White, three minutes up on Randy Salmont with Dave W esthem taking over the Chevro-let. Dave Crinklaw was fourth. Ashley's co-driver Dan Smith took over the Ford, and ran trouble free to victory. Running solo Dale White was 14 minutes hack in second in his Chevy. Westhem and Salmont were third and Crinklaw took fifth and was the last class finisher. Class 10 had 23 starters but only four finishers. At Check 2 seven were gone. Ray Croll and Darren Ebberts were in the lead in the Jimco, three minutes up on Charlie Townsley with Acura power. Kevin Davis ran third in Andy Wehe's Jimco and Jim Pierce and company were fourth. Tim Scalzo was fifth, just IO PIKE'S SERV·ICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ... ~~ THANKS! ... . - . RESTAURANT SERVICE EVERY DAY OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR .ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 16 at Rumarosa. The Craft car was running without trouble but the Dittfeld /Cook team had to change points and a needle and seat and others had bigger trouble including St. John who lost his trans and was out of the race. At Check 6 it was still Craft/ El W ardani an hour up on Ditt-f e Id /Cooks and not much changed. Ross and Jim Craft and Ramsay El Wardani took the win by 55 minutes over the Cooks and Dittfeld who had no more trouble. In third came Carlos and Gerardo lribe, and more straggled in during the night. In Class 9 the leader at Check 2 was Brian and Jim Jeffrey followed in two minutes by Steve Dan Smith set out to repeat his 1985 title in Class 8 at Parker and he did just that in the big Ford, with an occasional assist from Dave Ashley. Dan won by 25 points. Downing/Mike Stroh. They were Gustavo Vildosola had his Ford 15 minutes in front of Daniel 14 minutes ahead of Rogerio and Mora. Seven were missing at Rodrigo Ampudia in a Chevy at Check 4 and the leader by seven Check 2. There were only four minutes was Luis Guevara and starters, and Chuck Harris ran Federico Montes. Ed McLean and third. At Check 4 Harris had the Phillip Breedlove ran second, lead but his truck was overheat-followed by a two way tie; ing. Todd Clement had rolled Shatynski and Hansen were on over but was still running. the same minute with Scott and Vildosola broke his power ToddJohnson. minutes behind the leader, and another half dozen cars were close behind. Croll and Ebberts went missing and another eight cars were gone at Check 4 . Davis got out and Andy Wehe was in and in front with 12 minutes on Pierce; in third it was Scalzo and Arciero and several more were close. At Check 6, mile 434, Wehe was still in front by 15 minutes. Pierce, Kirk and Geiser held second place, followed by Scalzo and Arciero and Honold and Santana, Rene and Cesar Alfaro. The Alfaros and Townsleys vanished on the !ext leg. Meanwhile Wehe and Davis had no troubles and not only took the win but were sixth overall. Pierce and company held second, followed by Honold and Santana. Arciero ran afoul of the 'hill' but spectators got him going, then the electrics quit so he finished on a flashlight. It took a long time to go the last miles but Arciero finished fourth, the last finisher. Class 5 had six starters and Neal Grabowski had a three minute lead on George Seeley at Check 2. At Check 4 Grabowski lost his left front shocks and Seeley took the lead by nearly an hour. Kalicki was now third after serious repairs, and Teran and Moreno were still fourth but about four hours down. No other Class 5s were running now. Seeley stayed in front by the skin of his teeth, taking the win by a minute 42 seconds. The Grabowskis were second. Seeley's car was protested again, and this time it lost for the same reason! Neal and Mike Grabowski got the win, followed nearly four hours later by the James and Kalicki team, officially second and last. Class 1-2-1600 had 12 starters and a good race. L.J . Kennedy led in Danny Porter's car with a minute over Tom and Frank Rusich.' In third another minute back was Don Lampus Jr. only a minute in front of Jason Hat: who had been stuck on the hill. Jim Dizney ran fifth behind him. At Check 4 Mark Ruddis was out when a retainer spring broke, so Dizney 's co-driver Todd Teuscher was in front at Check 6 seven minutes up on Hatz's co-driver Tom DeNault. In third was Lampus St. Teuscher had trouble on the last uphill bu_t spectators got him going. He and Di:ney took the win by 49 minutes. The Lampus family finished second. DeNault went over the side on that last hill, was rescued and he and Hat: finished third, followed in by John Watkins and Todd Martella and the Rusich team was sixth, moved to fifth on a penalty in front of them. The Pro Trucks were next and February 1997 steering ram two times and When they got to Check 6 it dropped to second at Check 4. was still Guevara and Montes in The Ampudias broke a spindle front about 45 minutes up on the after Borrego, got that fixed only Johnsons. Shatynski and Hansen to soon lose the transmission. were third and McLean and Clement was third now hours Breedlove ran fourth. Then the back. Harris had some brake leader got stuck on the 'hill', and problemsalongwithoverheatbut the close race between the ran solo to victory. A bit over an Johnsons and Shatynski and hour back Brian Stewart in Hansen was now for the win. The Vildosola's car finished second Johnsons got the win by about and Todd Clement was third two minutes in an exciting race. almost four hours down, with just Breedlove and McLean were third a half hour to spare on the 20 and Guevara and Montes were hour time limit. fourth glad to be finally off 'that There were seven in Class 7 and hill'. only one finished. Chris and Rick In the Stock Full Size trucks Taylor had the early lead four there were seven on the line. Marc minutes up on Bob Land, both in Stein led teamed with Gordon Fords. Larry Roeseler was third in Di Carlo ·at Check 2 with 11 a Chevy. At Check 4 it was A.J. minutes on Matt and Noah Pike, DeNun:io in front by a half hour, and then it was Chad and Rod over Land in second. Everyone Hall in their Hummer on the same else was gone. Roeseler said his minute as Robert Hayley and Jarit truck became a V-4 and couldn't Johnson, Ford. At Check 4 Stein pull the sand. The others just and DiCarlo still led, but David disappeared. Land went to the Sykes was second 18 minutes hospital suffering from heat, his back and now Hayley and truck went on. Michael Jenkins Johnson were third. The Halls had and crewman Don McCarthy Turbo woes and fell back. At went on to be the only Class 7 Check 6 apparently Stein and finisher and they won! DiCarlo still led, had a problem At Check 2 Dave Winner had a but no flats and went on to win. two minute lead in his Toyota in Sykes who drove all the way was Class 7S over Greg Hibbs in a second. Hayley and Johnson were Ford, Sean Mecham was tied with two hours behind but third and the Carranzas for third. At Check Chad and Rod Hall were fourth. 4 Mark Hansen led by 18 minutes The Stock Mini Trucks had on Winner, and in another 18 only five starters and one, Greg minutes Mecham was tied with Foutz lost his motor early. At Brady Helm, Toyota. Hansen had Check 2 Dennis Milner and an hour lead when he handed over Martin Choquette led in their to Malcolm Vinje, having no Toyota, Leo Brown and Scott problems with his Ford. Hansen Moffatt were 20 minutes back in and Vinje got their win and their Ford. Michael Martin rolled Falkosky and Hibbs were second over at mile 35 but recovered and with Mecham and Robinson only ran third. Martin took the lead by 11 minutes back. Winner and Check 4 and had over an hour Stockwell were fourth and the lead on Milner and Choquette Caranzas finished fifth with just who were 40 minutes ahead of six minutes left on the clock. Brown/Moffatt. At Check 6 The biggest class in the race Martin was in command leading Class 5-1600 started 22 Bugs and by nearly two hours over Brown 13 finished. Ross and Jim Craft and Moffatt. Michael Martin took and Ramsey El Wardani had the· the win, followed in by Steve fead by a minute over Rick St. Williams and William Bartlett, John/Steve Miszkiewicz and Tom Ford, who recovered from an Dittfeld was three more minutes early roll over. Milner and back. They were still just two Choquette were third and the last minutes apart. Dittfeld and his co- class finisher. drivers Darryl and Alan Cook Class 3 had one starter, the were third, back a little after being Chevy Blazer of Todd and Jim stuck. Alonso Acostra arid Juan Gatrell, and they didn't get as far DeGracia were fourth, three as Check 2, no reason available. minutes back, followed in four Class 11 had a good entry, eight minutes by Hector and Danny on the line. Victor Barajas led at Ledezma who also had been stuck Check 2 and half of them made it Dusty Times
to Check 4. Barajas and Raul Gilbert led by half an hour over Hector Sarabia and Jose Lencione followed by Fernando and Gerardo Montijo and then Norberto Rivera and Marcos Nunes. There were four running at Check 6, running the same order. But only two got to the finish line. The Montijos got there first but a penalty for speeding on the highway put them down to second. So Norberto Rivera and Marcos won Class 11. The season was half over on July 4 with the traditional running of the Fireworks 250 near Barstow, CA. The 13 Trophy-Trucks led off at dawn and they ran three laps of the 62 mile course the same as the Pro classes. Robby Gordon led the first lap with two and a half minutes on Carl Renezeder. In third was Dave and Paul Simon and Rob Mac-Cachren was fourth. Ivan Stewart was fifth in his Toyota. Now first on the road Gordon's second lap lead grew to more than four minutes. Despite shock problems Simon and Simon were second, MacCachren was third and Stewart was fourth. Despite shock problems Ed and Tim Herbst had their Ford in fifth. Most of the others had problems or were spending time in the pits. Gordon stopped once for fuel and changed tires and recorded the class fast lap at 1 :04: 18 on the last lap and won the race. Simon and Simon were second with a blown shock and flat tires. MacCachren was third finisher with a bald rear tire, Larry Ragland fourth suffering five flat tires, and Renezeder was fifth with more flat tires. Robby Gordon led the points with 261 to MacCachren's 223. The Pro classes were led by Class 1 taking the green flag at 9:00 a.m. Steve Sourapas had the RCD in front when they came back recording fast lap for the class and he was two minutes in front of Brent Grizzle. Troy Herbst ran third in his Porsche powered Mike Smith chassis, followed by Bob Gordon, Chenowth, and then Mark Miller, Chenowth. Sourapas continued first on the road, but Gordon closed up and had the lead by 19 seconds after two laps. In third it was Grizzle enjoying his first up front start in several races. Herbst was fifth, some seven minutes behind the leader. On the third lap Grizzle's co-driver Dale Ebberts had moved in front as Gordon/ Arciero had power steering problems. The Wilsons ran third now with Herbst up to fourth and Sourapas and Rich-ardson had major problems and lost hours. Despite a pair of late flats Frank Arciero had his crew there and got him going and he got to the finish first to get the win for himself and Bob Gordon. Ebberts was pushed in telling everyone he wasn't a finisher, but several crews dove in, got him in running condition, he went back to where he broke and came in to a legal finish and he and Grizzle were second in Class 1/2. In quick succession came Carlton Post and John Cooley, J imco, Troy Herbst who ran out of gas on the last lap was next to arrive, bumped to fifth on a penalty. Wayne Morgan and Dave Massingham were third after Post/Cooley were also penalized. So Bob Gordon and his son Robby each won their class, a first we thjnk in SCORE racing. Dusty Times Luis Guevara took the Class 9 Championship by 16 points, a big margin in this close running class. He competed all year and it paid off with the championship. Victor ,Barajas and his nephew Angel worked hard in Class 11 and were rewarded with the class championship which they won by 46 points, and they competed in all the stateside races as well as the three in Baja. Class 8 had nine start and four finish. After one lap Dan Smith was in front in his Ford, Dale White, Chevy, was seconqs behind and third was Dave Westhem, Chevy. Everyone else was having troubles. Smith logged class fast lap next round but White was still close, 38 seconds behind. W esthem was third now 11 minutes down. A long way back Dave Crinklaw was fourth. Westhem put Randy Salmont in to finish and he was holding firm in third place. Crinklaw's co-driver John Penner broke a wheel, had a flat tire and dropped time but nothing else was running in Class 8. It was a drag race to the finish with Dan Smith winning over Dale White, each having flats, and each earning a speeding penalty. So Dave Westhem/ Randy Salmont won, Smith second and White third. Crinklaw and Penner were a distant fourth. Class 10 was a big group at 21 starters. Ray Croll led the first lap in his A-armed Jimco by 27 seconds over Andrew Wehe in another A-armedJimco. Running third was Jerry Penhall feeling the heat, about 115F. Croll turned class fast lap on the next round, but Wehe stuck with him only ten seconds slower and still second, now by 37 seconds. Penhall hung on in third but was really sick now; Kory Scheeler and B.J. Richardson had their Toyota powered Jimco in fourth hardly missing fourth gear which had gone away. Carlos Rivera was fifth. On Lap 3 Wehe put co-driver Kevin Davis behind the wheel and he moved into the lead seven minutes in front of Penhall's co-driver Ben Schlimme. Scheeler and Richardson were now third, Croll dropped to fourth with a wheel problem. Davis got a rock stuck in a caliper on the last lap, and he thought the trans had let go and parked. Schlimme had a flat. Scheeler and Richardson had a clean lap, moved to the front and took the win by 48 seconds. Schlimme not feeling so terrible now were second, Croll was third, Rivera was fourth. Davis got the rock loose and drove off finishing fifth. Class 5 had seven entries and they all made it through the first lap. Mike James/Mike Kalicki recorded the class fast lap, less than a minute in front of Neal and and Mike Grabowski who were just 18 seconds up on George Seeley. Danny Reider ran fourth. On the second lap the Grabow-skis went into the lead with Seeley second and James and Kalicki, third. A big fast buggy ran into the rear of Reiders Bug pushing the cage into the case, breaking it and ending his race. All the others disappeared on this lap also. On lap 3 Seeley went into the lead with about eight seconds on the Grabowskis who had some shock reservoir problems. Kalicki and James were about seven minutes behind. The Grabowskis got things going smoothly for the last lap, moved to the front and took the victory. Seeley had a couple of flats and dropped six minutes back to second place. Kalicki and James were 32 seconds behind him. Seeley and James/ Kalicki were pulled into impound and the wheelbases measured again. To George Seeley's horror the tech people said his wheelbase was too long and he was disqualified again. The Fireworks 250 attracted 21 1-2-1600 cars and all but one made it through the first lap. Craig Forest had the lead in his Mirage but only a second ahead of Darnen Jefferies in aJimco. Third was Scott Webster and Rodney Woolf in their ORBS while Brian Steele ran fourth and Lorenzo Rodriguez ran fifth, a minute 29 seconds behind the leader. Steele cranked out the class fast lap the second time around and took the lead with Jefferies now second and Forest in third. Webster and Woolf dropped to fourth, Don Lampus was fourth and Steele's co-driver Larry Rosevear was fifth after a front flat. Jefferies moved into the lead on lap 3 and had 30 seconds on Forest's co-driver John Prosser who was up to second. Web-ster/Woolf were third about six minutes later with Lampus in fourth and Steele's co-driver Larry Rosevear in fifth after a I front flat. Jefferies had no problems to slow him down besides his rider and brother's broken pumper helmet. Darnen and Casey Jefferies won with Craig For-est/John Prosser second about a minlite and a half later. In third it was Steele and Rosevear with another \f' • unique high flow piston designe ards • wide teflon coated piston wear ba e so that it does not drop into large ports. • sealed piston for low speed cont in external by~ss. • high temperature stainless stee • unique rod end design and mat od ends from breaking. • high temperature Viton seals a 1 • Large aluminum reserve· inc. eas ci n {2X) and weight savings. ~,. ·--• Large 3 ~r 191}1 low (weld on kits availc!bfe separate). • All bores m I o d atJer welding to maintain,lfo~oncentricity. • Tube loya!icfn~ c;,an pJa~ to order or weld~~rN:lY the customer. • Valving on t e fston for smooth dampJf g transftions. ris4J~'t-<ffl¥i lf.t§i ibti·i'h.ridti ~ • sear kits for 2" & 3" shocks • piston wear bands • oil • valving • shaft bushings '-/ • end caps (KING) • rod ends ~ • bearing and -spacers • coil over kits ~ • etc. 'I King Shock kits available to convert 3" coil over Kuster',s to position sensitive coil covers. .._ Kuster Shock service ancttechnical advice also available. ~ r; CNC machine services available. Custom wound 3" shock springs in stock. '?I Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts availab { air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same person that designed all Kuster Shocks. February 1997 •King Shock Technology A Shock Manufacturing Company (714) 530-8701 Fax: (714) 530-8702 10402 Trask Ave., Unit C, Garden Grove, CA 92843 Page 17
Deputy L.A. County Sheriff Steve Wi/fiams and several others built this Ford from scratch, and they use it for promotional activities as well as racing. They won Class Mini Stock by 81 points. This year Steve Olliges enlisted John Swift to help drive the Stock Full Size Ford and had fun racing. This has proved a popular class in desert racing. They won the class championship by 17 points. f1r , front flat and Lampus was fourth, exhausted after his solo drive. In Pro Trucks Steve Barlow took the early lead in the five car field, his Ford a scanty three seconds ahead of Gus Vildosola in his Ford. Steve Krieger was third in a Chevy, Todd Clements was fourth in a Ford and Chuck Harris was last with a carburetion problem. On Lap 2 Barlow expanded his lead with class fast lap while Vildosola held second and Krieger was third with Harris up to fourth as Clement lost an hour. On Lap 3 Barlow, who drove all the way was ahead by 19 minutes over Brian Stewart, Vildosola's co-driver, who had fuel pump problems. Harris was overheating and was now third as Krieger broke and Clement was fourth. Nobody caught Barlow on the last lap and he took the victory, his first in this class. Stewart had some breakage but finished second, with Harris third. Clement was fourth about 25 minutes later. Class 7 was led by Chris and Rick Taylor in a Ford on Lap 1. They had about 10 minutes on Mario Gutierrez, Ford. Then came Pat Arnold and Damien Mavis in their Chevy followed by A.J. DeNunzio in his Toyota. Larry Roeseler had run into a racer backing down the course in . "l a; . the dust and broke a.ball joint. He were second and Winner and third. Martin had a perfect day· ,was a half hour down after Stockwellplacedthird. despitetheheat,hadnoproblems repairs. Roeseler had a good Class5-1600wasdowntofive andbeatallthefullsizestockersto second lap and moved into the cars at Barstow. After the first lap the finish line to take the win. 1 ea d. Gutierrez was second, Tom Dittfield was in front with Williams had a trouble free day Arnold and Mavis were still third less than two minutes on the also and held second. Richardson and DeNunzio was fourth. The Surf Bug of Vince Alcouloumre. was third, but less fortunate, and Taylors had inherited fifth after In third it was Gerardo Iribe and had broken shocks, broken losing one and a half hours. Jerry Martin Stull/Patrick Lowry ran steering wheel and lost his spares I McDonald ran class fast lap on fourth. Dittfield had no trouble in addition to having ignition Lap 4 and took the win for on Lap 2 and held the lead with trouble. Martin Choquette and himself and Larry Roeseler in the Alcouloumre less than two Dennis Milner were a long fourth. , Chevy S-10. Gutierrez and the minutes back. Iribe held third but In Stock Full Size Trucks, two Lawrences were second and was down a long time with stub another three lap class, Steve i:ione of the others managed to axle woes. Lin Neal and Paul Olliges put his Ford in front right finish. It was just too hot! Schafer were a distant fourth. away with class fast time. He had Class 7S had a hard day, but Dittfield put Darryl Cook in to about a minute on James Hall and after one lap Sean Mecham led by drive the second half. He still led Richard Mandel, Ford; they were near! y an hour over Scott but he had been rear ended by 13 minutes up on Robert Hayley Steinberger and Bruce Landfield Dale White in his big Chevy, and andjaritJohnson, and Marc Stein in a Ford. Scott blew the engine in the Bug had taken quite a hit. The was fourth; all driving Fords. Hall his Ford, no time to fix it so he Surf Bug lost a stub axle on Lap 3 and Mandel had a good second lap rented the ride in Landfield's and it tore up the trailing arm so and took the lead four minutes truck to keep earning points. he was out. Cook had a good ahead of Olliges and John Swift. Dave Winner and Ron Stockwell fourth lap and he brought home Hayley and Johnson were third ran third. Brady Helm lost his the win. The lribes took second and Stein was fourth, almost an Toyota'smotorleavingtwooutof overanhourlater,andnooneelse hour down. The lead trio were five starters still running. On the finished. having a good race. On the last lap second lap Mecham still led now Class 9 was also a small group at John Swift took back the lead and by a half hour over Stein-Barstow with only four cars. Jim reporting only two flats for berger/Landfield having lots of Jeffrey took the lead with class trouble en route to victory. troubles. Winner and Stockwell fast lap on the first one, about six Hayley and Johnson were still recorded class fast lap and closed minutes up on Daniel Mora. In third moving into second where up in third. At the end of three third it was Luis Guevara and they finished. James Hall lost all laps it was apparent that none Federico Montes, both teams hisforwardgearsbuthestuckitin could complete the fourth lap in from Ensenada and in Barstow for reverse and did the last 11 miles the nine hour time limit. Mecham the first time. Russ Hippler and looking over his shoulder out the was the winner, but no finishing Mike Fish ran fourth, already rear window, but he finished points, Landfield and Steinberger . nearly an hour down. Mora took third. ·' over the lead on Lap 2 regretting Class 11 showed up with four his rear suspension was so soft. cars for their three lap race. • Mc:KENZJE'S AIR FILTERS e KAN e UNt•FILTERS e DEALER INOUIRIEB WELCOME t i I Guevara/Montes were now Victor Barajas led at the end of second about four minutes later, Lap 1, five minutes ahead of 'withBrianJeffrey,inforJim,now Norberto Rivera and Marcos third and feeling the heat. Mora Nunez. In third was Hector still led the third lap, Guevara and Sarabia and Rene Maldonado. Montes had no radio and their They all had long second laps and chase truck broke down but they McGrath and Andrews closed in. werehangingontosecond.Jeffrey Rivera and Nunez led with was third and very late, Hippler Barajas, with a broken c.v., in and Fish were fourth. Mora got second, Sarabia and Maldonado the win, Guevara and Montes, in third, and Matt McGrath and ' were second saying this race was Dana Andrews only four minutes tougher than the 1000, and behind them. Barajas shared the Jeffrey in at third. Hippler and driving with his nephew Angel, Fish got to within a mile of the moved up front again in Lap 3, finish and lost the transmission. despite a loose muffler and he lost ~ I . 4-SPYDER SUPER DIFFS ll /! There were two in Class 3, his skid plate, but he got to the required to cover only three laps. finish line to take the victory. Kirk Kovel led all the way in his They were the only finisher '67 Bronco. One small problem within the time limit. Tl IRS II/ I • Made from.ductile iron. ~ The, Cast Ditt is back! • Utilizes 4-Spiders for added strength. I • This 4-Spyder Super Diff comes suppplied t with precision-ground pins and block. ~ MCK-0265 • ~ i1. 8 Greatly Reduced Price/-T21RS All New to the industry! Economica/lY Priced! . • Ultimate strength/ I • Made from ductile iron. ~ • Available in 3 different configuratio'ns. i 002 CAST 4-SPYOER OIFF MCK-0114-0Q2-15 Fa1CHcxfl~ MCK-0014-002-17 Fa11-Tcxfl~)dars ~ 091 BILLET RACE DIFF • ~ Made from 4140 Chromoly. , MCK-0114-091 Supplied with pins and block. "' 091 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF • Supplied with Billet Cover, pins and block. 091 BILLET COVER ~ it; MCK-0101-1 ~ i3 .,.MCK-0102 Made from 4140 Chromoly. ~ -------------------------· e SIMPSON I BEAAD SEATS • IPF • KC e CIBIE LIGHTS e BUGPACK e REDLINE OIL • FUEL SAFE e OEM e SWAY·A-WAY e SI.S Page 18 was all he had and he won Class 3 SCORE next went to Laughlin, by 37 minutes. Todd Gatrell NV and they had quite a list of drove his propane fueled Blazer, things to watch. On Friday night had overheating problems but he they had a pit crew contest finished all three laps for second in front of the grandstands. place. Paul and Dave Simons pit team TheStockMiniTruckshadfive was the fastest and won $2500. starters facing three laps for a And on Friday the Laughlin Leap finish. The early lead was in had the trucks soaring off Michael Martin's hands in a Ford. the infield jumps, part of the Hewasoverfiveminutesaheadof short course for this race. The Steve Williams, Ford, and he was winner wasJeffLewis at 107 feet, 14minutesuponJeffRichardson five inches. Jeff won $5,000 in a Toyota. On Lap 2 Martin for his effort. The T ~ophy-T rucks recorded fast class lap and now didn't start until 2:00 p.m. had a 23 minute lead on Williams. · Saturday afternoon. They had a Richardson continued to run short race, four laps of a 26 mile February 1997 course. They ran on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, a ploy we think to keep people in Laughlin. Robbie Gordon ran his Ford into the lead on the first lap with fast lap of the afternoon. Curt LeDuc ran second in his SODA Jeep only 25 seconds later. In third was Paul Simon followed by Rob MacCach-r en, both in Fords. Larry Ragland's Chevy was fifth, only a minute 45 seconds behind Gordon. Rodrigo Ampudia broke his transmission and a new one was being installed in the Chevy. Scott McKinney had rolled and his Dodge was out for the day. On Lap 2 LeDuc trailed Gordon and now MacCachren was third, Ragland fourth, all within 2½ minutes of one another. Jeff Lewis had ball joint trouble in his Chevy and would be two wheel drive now. Gordon still led Lap 3 but by only 13 seconds over MacCach-ren and Simon finished the lap on a flat. LeDuc had to fuel every lap and was fourth followed by Ragland who had a flat that tore off his shock cooling lines. Simon trying to make up time rolled his truck just a short way into the last lap. Gordon meanwhile was leading but ~econd on the road. Just four miles from the checkers a steering bolt broke, and there was none on board. His crew was quick to get to him and replace the bolt. Meanwhile MacCachren charged across the finish line to take the win, Simon was about nine mintues behind in second, Ragland another 14 minutes back in third. Gordon came in fourth and LeDuc was fifth also with steering woes. Just moments into the Sunday race Rodrigo Ampudia rolled his Chevy, complaining of back and neck pain. He was airlifted to Las Vegas to the University Medical Center where he was treated for a broken neck but is recovering nicely. The other Trophy-Trucks were having no major problems. Ragland was in good form leading at the end of Lap 1, with MacCachren who had a front flat in second. LeDuc ran third and Simon was fourth with Scott McKinney in fifth and overheat-ing. Smith was in the pits with overheating. It was a hot day in October on the Colorado River. LeDuc moved to the front on Lap 2 with Ragland second, MacCach-ren third, followed by Simon and McKinney. Ragland moved back into the lead on Lap 3 as LeDuc lost some belts and his power steering, got high centered and had to dig, but he held onto second place. Simon was third and MacCachren was fourth, and had to finish within 23 minutes of Ragland to get the two day win . Ragland had a trouble free day and took the Sunday win, followed in by MacCachren, then Simon, McKinney and Smith as LeDuc dropped to eighth after digging out. When the two day scores were toted up Rob MacCachren had the win, and Paul Simon, who drove all the way both days, was second about 10 minutes back. Ragland was third and Gordon/ Smith ended up fourth, with LeDuc fifth for the weekend. SCORE ran the Pro Buggies on Saturday morning and the trucks on Sunday morning. The weather was a bit cooler in mid October and it brought out a hefty 178 cars and trucks. After tech and contingency was over the pit crew Dusty Times
contest and the Laughlin Leap happened on Friday. Winners of the Open Wheel Pit Contest in front of packed grandstands were the Harbor Diesel team of Mike Zupanovich who earned a tidy sum of $750.00 for their expertise. They are long time desert racers. The Stock Mini Truck team of Jeff Richardson also won $750.00 for the truck division victory. There were five Laughlin Leap winners. In the Pro Classes these folks took home $1,000 for a first place win. The· spectators really-enjoyed these shows and stayed in the grand-stands until the last leap was over. Racing started at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday with all car classes on the schedule. It was barely daylight when Class 1 started, but by the time they got back it was sunny, hot and dusty. The first loop leader was Bob Gordon in his Toyota powered Chenowth only two seconds up on Ryan Thomas in a Type 4 powered Chenowth and he was just four seconds ahead of Steve Sourapas, who was two seconds ahead of Doug Fortin in a V -4 Chevy. Ron Brant with Porsche power was another ten seconds back. Several cars had major problems before they got out of sight. Now the leaders charged on the second lap. Fortin moved into the lead with 22 seconds on Gordon, who was four seconds ahead of Mark Miller in his Porsche Chenowth. Now Thomas was fourth, 35 ,seconds later and Sourapas ran fifth, three more seconds back. Brant developed power steering problems and fell back. Fortin stayed in front, Gordon got lost and course conditions worsened. After Lap 3 Thomas was second, just 19 seconds back of Fortin. Sourapas was third, Gordon fourth, Troy Herbst fifth. On the final lap Fortin had a front flat but regained the lead, then his ignition quit. Sourapas and Gordon went by him, these three had a near photo finish, but six minutes later along came Thomas, who started back in the field and Ryan Thomas won Class 1 on elapsed time; Fortin was second, Gordon third, Sourapas fourth and Chet Huffman fifth. Andrew Wehe put him Jimco Toyota into the Class 10 lead on the first lap with 13 seconds on Steve Melton. Todd Denton was third, Dwight Lundell fourth and Charlie Townsley fifth. On Lap 2 Wehe did class fast lap and solidi-fied his lead, over a minute in front of Melton. Meanwhile Wehe marched on, leading by over three minutes at the end of Lap 3. Mike Zupanovich moved into fourth, Lundell was now second and Denton was back up to third. Wehe had a rear flat on the last lap so it didn't cost him much time. He went on to take the win by 2½ minutes. Todd Denton lost fourth gear but finished second, followed by Ray and Steve Croll in third followed in by Tim Scalzo and Ryan Arciero. Kory Scheeler and Larry Job in fifth. Class 5 left next and George Seeley had the first lap lead just three seconds in front of Neal Grabowski, and he was just nine seconds in front of Mike James who was third. Mike Jakobsen was fourth. On the second lap James took the lead, 34 seconds ahead of Jakobsen in second and Grabowski was third, Seeley had a . flat and was fourth. On Lap 3 Jak-Dusty Times obson took the lead, James was second and Seeley who recorded fast class lap, now in third, fol-lowed by Lee Finke and Gro-bowskis had major problems. James had no more trouble, took the lead on the last lap and won Class 5. Seeley was second, Jakobsen third and Finke was fourth. They measured both the Seeley and Jakobson cars for wheelbase. They were OK this time! Class 1-2-1600 started 26 cars of which 19 finished. Jason Hatz led the first lap by 35 seconds on Don Lampus Jr., who was tied with Arden Dennington for third. L.J. Kennedy ran fourth 10 seconds later and DamenJefferies was fifth. Hatz continued to lead, now by only four seconds and Tom Rusich was second after Lap 2, Dennington was third and John Prosser fourth in a tight dice. Hatz ran fast lap for the class on Lap 3, Rusich only 45 seconds behind him. Scott Webster was third in his ORBS, Dennington ran smoothly in fourth and Lampus was fifth, only 3½ minutes behind the lead car. Hatz avoided trouble on the last lap and came in the 1600 winner. Scott Webster moved up to second followed by Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis in third. Fourth was Don Lapmus and Arden Dennington finished fifth; he was just two minutes and 20 seconds behind the class winner. Gerardo lribe led the first 5-1600 lap by over two minutes. Eric Pavolka and Ron Dallke were second and third was Albert Cas-tro and Nacho Carrillo and then Martin Stoll and Patrick Lowrey. On the second lap lribe kept the lead with another quick time and Dallke and Pavolka in second and Tom Dittfield in third recovering from a roll over. lribe put his dad Carlos in the car for the last two laps, and he kept the lead, stayed out of trouble but dad broke a u-joint in the steering and didn't make it to the finish on time. Pavolka and Dallke went in to win, Dittfield was second with best last lap time, Stoll and Lowry finished third, Castro and Car-rillo were fourth and the lribes salvaged fifth. In Class 9 the first lap leader was the team of Rick Poole and Mike Faulkner with class fast lap. They were just over two minutes up on Brian Jeffrey who had brother Jim riding in the family Lothringer. Tied were Mark Bunderson and Wayne Ritayik/ Kevin Pratt. Poole and Faulkner stayed in front through Lap 2, now just 30 seconds ahead of the Jeffrey brothers and Bunderson was third. On the third lap Poole and Faulkner lost over an hour, and although they lost a rear shock and rolled over Jeffrey was in the hunt. The Jeffrey brothers moved into the lead. Bundeson was now second. The Jeffreys lost a coil wire and had to zip-tie their oil cooler on during the fourth lap, but lost little time and took the Class 9 win. Bunderson, about 3½ minutes behind them, said his only problem was that he didn't drive fast enough! In third it was Vincent Leone with Aguiar and Gonzales in fourth. Poole and Faulkner didn't make it in. fender to take the win. Matt McGrath and Jeff Hanson ran right behind them, just nine seconds back on Lap 1, and only seven minutes out after two laps. Barajas went on to take the win and points, the other car, an Elvis VW, of Matt McGrath and Jeff Hanson finished about 14 min-utes behind for a solid second place. The truck divison started early Sunday morning after the Trophy-Trucks. Class 8 was first away and Brian Collins put his new Chevy truck in the lead off the line with just under a minute on Dale White, Chevy, who built the Collins truck. In third was Dan Smith with his Ford already missing second gear. Dave Wes-. them ran fourth in his Chevy and Dan Beaver was fifth but rolled over starting the second lap in his Ford, ending his day early. On Lap 2 White had pulled into the lead and was now just over a min-ute in front of C.ollins; Smith was still third another 22 seconds back, followed by W esthem, nine seconds later. Collins recorded fast lap for the class and retook the lead. White was less than a minute back in second, Smith held firm in third, Wes them still in fourth, now a bit off the pace. On the last lap Collins lost his batteries and everyone got past him. White who had no prob-lems, stopped only once for fuel and took the win. Dan Smith hit a big rock, tore up his right front tire and A-arm losing about 45 minutes to repairs. W esthem was second, and stuck in the finish line silt, and Smith rallied to place third, Collins fourth after losing much time. The Pro Trucks saw Chuck Harris put his Chevrolet in the lead on the first lap. Several would be contenders had time costly problems on the first lap. Harris was having no trouble and had a comfortable lead on the second lap. But Barlow was back running after fixing the rear end steering box on the first lap. Har-ris started to slow on Lap 3, some mysterious electrical or fuel prob-lem plagued him, but he still led. Barlow was hustling and recorded class fast lap on Lap 3. Harris was in second gear for most of the last lap and got to the finish line first for the win. Barlow had a good lap and was second Pro truck. None of the others finished. Class 7 was led by that familiar Chevy S-10 of Larry Roeseler and Jerry McDonald all day. They led the first lap by eight minutes over Bob Land, Ford. Tracy Rubio and Scot Murphy were third, Tim Lawrence fourth, all Fords. Chris Taylor was out with a broken spindle in his Ford. On Lap 2 the Chevy built its lead to an hour, Land lost over an hour and Rubio and Murphy were second now, A.J. DeNunzio was in third in a Toyota. After Lap 3 the lead Chevy had no trouble at all, had an hour, twenty minute lead and went steadily on to take the win in Class 7 and Roeseler and McDon-ald scored second overall in truck classes, just 15 minutes behind the Class 8 winner. Rubio and Murphy were second in class almost two hours later followed in by a disappointed DeNunzio who worked his way up to second only to lose a wheel before enter-ing the finish stadium area. Chuck Harris worked long and hard at the Pro Truck Class. won bug bucks along with the class championship. Bruce Landfield and Brett T urlev in a Ford too. Malcolm Vinje was going solo this race in his Ford and was third. Plank turned class fast lap on Lap 2, and had a 12 minute lead with Landfield now out and Vinje in second. David Winner was a close third, and the rest of the class were sidelined. Scott Steinberger took over from Larry Plank and kept the lead, He had about 15 minutes on Vinje. Vinje was adding brake fluid often and third place David Winner had fuel pump trouble with the Toyota. In the last ten miles Steinberger lost oil pres-sure, but he got the win for him-self and Plank. Vinje was second despite having electrical failure in the infield jumps. Winner was about five minutes back in third. In the Stock Full class the entries decided they wanted to run four laps; most of them didn't make it. Steve Olliges had his Ford in front at the end of Lap 1, with about six minutes on Jarit Johnson in Robert Hayley's Ford. In third was Herb Reno in another Ford and Marc Stein was fourth in still another Ford. Olliges lost a drive shaft on the second lap, and Johnson and Hayley moved to the front with less than two minutes on Stein. Olliges was back and in third. On Lap 3 Stein took the lead with class fast lap. Hayley and Johnson were now second and Olliges and Swift were third with no first gear. Stein had a day with no mechanical trouble and went on to take the win, finishing seven minutes in front of Hayley and Johnson who were without power steering for 15 miles. Olliges and Swift were third another 14 min-_utes back and the last Stock Full finisher. The Stock Mini Trucks also ran all four laps and many of them must have regretted that decision. Steve Williams got off to a good start by recording class fast lap in his Ford, and he had an eight min-ute lead. Matt Vaughan and Adam Medina in a Nissan ran second with Jeff Richardson and Steve Harris third in their Toyota. On Lap 2 Vaughan and Medina moved into the lead even though they lost their brakes, as Williams hit a rock and lost front wheel drive. Richardson and Harris were still third and now Michael Martin ran fourth. Williams moved back into the • lead on the next lap and Vaughan and Medina broke a shock tower and dropped to third as Richard-son and Harris moved up to second, as Martin was gone now. Dennis Milner ran fourth. And that is almost the way they fin-ished Steve Williams missing his . 4 WD got stuck once but stayed in -front and took the win. Matt . ished the race stuck in second gear . and in second place. Dennis Milner was third about four min-utes later, only 12 minutes behind the winner. Class 3 had three starters and did three laps. Jim Gatrell led in his Chevy Blazer by 20 minutes over Dick Sasser, Scout and Robert Hayley was changing a tire. Gatrell led all the way and got the victory. Hayley was second finishing six minutes before the cut off time. No one else made it. We ran out of time and space to include the Baja 1000, but the whole story was in the last issue. In case you missed the January issue's full coverage we can tell you who won what.Ryan Thomas won Class 1 and overall in a Chenowth, Mike Julson/Bob Lofton were second in a Jimco. Dale White won Class 8 in a Chevrolet, Jerry McDonald and Larry Roeseler won Class 7, Chevy S-10, Danny Porter/Mark Ruddis/L.J. Kennedy took the new Porter to win Class 1-2-1600, Noberto Rivera and Jose Marquez won Class 11, Class 5 went to George Seeley and Class 5-1600 to Ernesto and Adolfo Arambula. Class Pro Truck was won by Todd Clement/Tim Scalzo in a Ford. Class Stock Full went to Austin Robison/Josh Hall, Hummer, Class 7S Mini Truck to Scott Steinberger / Larry Plank, Ford, Class 3 to Kelly, Carl, Carty & Spencer Beal. Class 10 winner was Andrew Wehe and Kevin Davis, A-arm Jimco, Class 9 Rafael & Tavo Felix/ Antonio & Alfonso Baro won by 10 minutes. Class Stock Mini Truck, Greg Foutz/Mike Martin won in a Ford. In Trophy-Trucks Larry Ragland won in a Chevrolet, Ivan Stewart was second, Robby Gordon third. That is all for the 1996 SCORE Series. The winners really earned their honors as most of the courses were rougher than normal and now everyone is busy building their car for the upcoming 1997 Parker 400, the traditional season opener in Parker, AZ. Class 11 fielded only two cars, required to do three laps. Victor Barajas and his Nephew Angel, put together three steady laps, only one flat and one crunched The 7S trucks were next and Larry Plank was the early leader, . with less than two minutes on . Vaughan and Adam Medina firi-February 1997 Page 19
SCORE 1996 AWARDS SCORE Awards Banquet By jean Calvin Andrew Wehe was the Class 10 champion and the overall champion of SCORE. The 20 year old driver had Kevin Davis co-drive in the two tong Mexico races. But Wehe won a lot of tough races alone. With the end of the year in . you could hardly see across it. sight there were still events to be Some of us left the racing at Glen covered (SODA Winter Series) Helen early on Saturday after-and the always important awards noon to grab a motel, change party. As they have in recent clothes and go to the SCORE years, SCORE held their awards awards. party in San Diego at the huge After the cocktail hour every-T own and Country Resort, and one got seated and no sooner had there was an excellent turnout of the salad arrived than the awards folks that filled the room, so large began. The Master of Ceremonies Brent Grizzle won top points in. Class 1 and had a very good year with a P1wtos: Carrera P1wtography Bob Bower began by thanking SCORE's major sponsors BF-Goodrich Tires, Duralast Batter-ies and Tecate Beer, as well as Bil-stein Shock Absorbers, Quaker State Oil and Coca-Cola Industria Mexicana. Many others were listed as occasional sponsors too. The SCORE Desert Champion-ship Series for 1996 champions were interspersed with the Off Roadsmen of the Year, hut we are going straight through each sec-tion, otherwise we might leave someone out hy mistake. Brent Gride was the Class 1 champion, 34 points ahead of Ron Brant. Boh Gordon was third. In Class 1-2-1600 Don Lampus Jr. won hy just three points over Jim Di:ney. Danny Porter was third, Class 3 was an easy win for Todd Gatrell some 60 points up on Kirk Kovel. Class 5 was close as Neal and Mike Gra-bowski took the title by six points over Michael James. George See-ley was third. Tom Dittfeld was tops in Class 5-1600, five points up on Carlos Iribe. Danny Ledezma took third. Class 7 belonged to Jerry McDonald with the help of co-driver Larry Roe-seler. Robert Land was a long second and Steve Lawrence was an even longer third. Scott Stein-. berger and Larry Plank took Class Victor Barajas came in with 116 7S honors with ease, hy 15 points. points to win the class. Norberto David Winner was second and Rivera was second with 69 points Brady Helm, third. and Matt McGrath third with 52. ProTruck, a new class last year In the Stock Mini Truck class it for basically stock trucks, had a was no contest. Steve Williams close run all year for the title. In scored the victory with 180 theendearlyleaderCharlesHar-points. Michael Martin was ris took home first place and some second with 99 points and Greg husky money. He was 21 points Fout: was third. In the Stock Full ahead of Gustavo Vildosola and Si:e group Steve Olliges and John Todd Clement was a long third. Swift won hy 17 points and they Class 8 went to Dan Smith who fought hard for the title all season had 25 points on second place long. Robert Hayley was a strong Dave Westhem. In third it was secondandMarcSteinwasaclose Dale White almost 30 points third. These stock classes, mostly more heh ind. Class 9 went to Luis Fords, including the two winners. Guevara hy 16 points, Brian Jef-Moving over to the Motorcycle frey was second with 94 and Ed and ATV classes we have a lucky McLean third with H9 points. 7 assorted winners. In Class 21 it The overall championship in was tight. Edy Garcia won with 69 cars went to Class IO with pointsoverMarcBurnett,62,and Andrew Wehe scoring 241 TimMorton,60.InClass22Paul points, seven more than Brent Krause not only won the class but Gri::le. To he fair the fields were also overall motorcycle honors down in Class I this year, making with 95 points. Johnny Campbell it even harder to amass the needed was second at 4 7 points and Tim points. Wehe cut his teeth racing Staab took third with 33 points. a quad with the Fudpucker Racing In Class 30 David Roys won with Association, starting at 16 years 60 points, Chris Haines was old.Hisco-driverKevinDavisdid second with 40 and Gerardo the Baja 1000 with him and that Garcia, third with 34. In Class 40 race pulled out the points for the score Michie Orimo first with 30 overall title. Ray Croll went solo points followed by David in his Class 10 and he finished 39 Lapraik, 5. In Class 50 Richard points behind and Jerry Penhall Jackson won hy 10 points with survived a penalty phase to place 69,'13ill Nichols, second at 59, and third in points, 34, good for third Jim Moore third with 29 points. place. Moving into the four wheel Class 11 had several contenders ATV classes Angel Garcia won but only one made the trek to all overall and Class 24 with 81 races. So, it was good to see his points. Eric Dunlavey was second . perserverance was rewarded. _, with 72 points and Ruben Martin third at 68. In Class 25 Carmen Cafro won with 58 points, Jim Knorr was second with 30 points, and William Yokley was third with 20 points. Each Sportsman Class, 15 in all, was scored separately, Class 1 went to Walter Prince and his group at 55 points, and that is a hall park figure and may not be accurate. The Trophy-Truck Series actually came down to the wire at the Baja 1000 last Novemer. However when the points were totaled up Robby Gordon was the overall winner at 354 points. Rob MacCachren was second with 305 points, followed by Paul Simon minimum of mechanical trouble to slow his pace. He gave credit to his co-1 Mike Julson was voted Chassis Manufacturer of the Year, and for sure his driver Todd Tuescher for his part in earning the title. Jimcos are popular models and they also do a Jot of winning at the races. , and his brother David at 288 points, all three driving Fords. . Larry Ragland got the Chevrolet Tom Dittfield is a rookie so he enlisted Darryl and Alan Cook·as co-drivers and they had a great time winning Class 5-1600 on points. and he was up for Rookie of the Year as well. Page 20 Don Lampus Jr., with help from his dad, pulled out the win in the tight running Class 1-2-1600, and this race came right down to the wire and the points were close. February 1997 Stock Mini Truck winner Steve Wilfiams Jed on points nearly all year. He had various co-drivers during the season. He finished 81 points ahead of second place. Dusty Times
Steve Olliges enlisted John Swift as co-driver on the Ford, and with Swift as anchor man they seldom lost and were Stock Full Size champion. The Pro Truck class was led by Chuck Harris all season in his Chevy and he won the class championship and some very husky money for his win. Kawasaki was the most popular motorcycle, and Paul Krause rode his Open Class Kawasaki to the Class 22 win and overall motorcycle points. -··-·-·--·------------------in fourth at 253 points just edging out Ed Herbst at 252. Curt LeDuc was sixth at 232 and Ivan Stewart was seventh in his Toyota. In all · 15 drivers scored points in the 1996 series. Robby Gordon was the peo-ple's choice, and typical of the man he brought his entire off road team on the stage with him, a good 15 people. Robby made a super speech, calling each man by name and saying what he did for the team. He then remarked that off road was his first love in racing, but career needs led him else-where - first to the CART Indy car circuit and now to the NASCAR Winston Cup Series. He regrets having to relinquish driving his truck, but he said he has to go on with his career. It was a dandy speech, Robby got a standing ova-tion, and thus nearly ended the long evening of awards, and an era in off road racing. Ford won the Manufacturers title with 97 points over 48 for arch rival Chevrolet. Toyota scored 32 points and Jeep 24. In the battle of the tire manufactur-ers in Trophy-Trucks BFGood-rich was the big winner, 105 points against 26 for Goodyear. To be fair when the series started Robby Gordon brought his entire 16 man crew on stage to shart the Trophy-Dan Newsome accepts one of many awards for BFGoodrich, Contingency Truck Championship moment and his speech calling every man by name and I Company. Pit Support Team, and Entry Sponsor of the Year and Dan himself what he did on the crew. It was a nice touch. , was voted Man of the Year, presented by Sal Fish. It was well deserved. they were required to run of the Year title produced a tie Manufacturer of the Year was to accept the Pit Support Team Goodrich, so why change when vote between Chuck Harris and Jimco. Moving into the sponsor's trophy. The last three awards are the tires keep coming? Look for Tom Dittfeld, so duplicate area, the Contingency Company personal. The Journalist of the vastchangesintheTrophy-Truck trophies were awarded. The of the Year was voted to be YeartrophywenttoJudySmith,a program in 1997. The plan is to MechanicoftheYearhonorwent BFGoodrich, and the Entry well deserved honor for the lady integrate them into the Pro De,;ert to Steve Silverthorn. Engine Sponsor of the Year also went to who writes so many tough articles Series, run the same course etc. Builder of the Year was a tight BFGoodrich. Don't go away there for us. Next came Photographer Stay tuned. vote but in the end FAT is more to come. of the Year and Bill Thompson Finally we come to the Off Performance took the coveted The Pit Support T earn of the accepted for his Carrera Phot-Roadsman of the Year Awards award. Year is between three buggy pit ography. which are voted on by SCORE The Motorcycle of the Year was teams and in trucks BFGoodrich. Last but far from least is the members, press and associated no surprise; it was Kawasaki, who Again it was no surprise to see Person of the Year award, the people. These are a prized trophy have a heavy presence in SCORE Dan Newsome of BFGoodrich absolute top drawer of these and desired by many. The Rookie desert racing. Original Chassis make his third trip to the podium awards. -MIKE DOHERTY RACING Doherty Motorsports would like to thank our sponsors, ' friends, and crew for their support in winning the Whiplash Arizona Desert Series Class Eight Championship. Empire/Caterpillar BF Goodrich Arizona Subway Doherty Plumbing M&M Motorsports The Depot Art Carr ORC Race Radios Ultra Performance Tuff Off-Road Dusty Times We are looking forward to a successful 1997 season and remember, "If you can't SCORE, WHIP it!" February 1997 PIT CREW Tom Wrttges (Co-Driver) Ellen Doherty Mark Dorman Jim Sabo Kevin & Patti O'Connell Frank Kilpatrick Paul & Renee Doherty Kevin & Lori Patrick Page 11
1996 SODA Winter Series at Glen Helen Olf-Hi9hwayVehicle ~ark By Ron Miller Ph~tos: Ralph Mason & T rackside Photo Inc. Jimmie Johnson in the Herzog Chevrolet was the king of the SODA Chevrolet Winter Series. Jimmie dominated Class 8 as well as the Heavy Metal Challenge and took home all the marbles in both classes. In a word, Sensational. From , the weather, to the hype, to the I racing, the invasion of Glen Helen by stadium racings "A Team" was an incredible show. This race had been eagerly anticipated the entire year by those associated with the sport, and for good reason. Never before have so many outstanding racers graced the grounds at "The / Helen". Virtually all the sports marquee names were on hand, creating an "All Star Game" , atmosphere which lent a special flavor to the proceedings. Even for the most casual fan, the opportunity to meet racing legends like Walker Evans and Ivan Stewart would have been worth the price of admission , alone, but there was sooo much more. The park was packed all weekend long, with the finest racers from throughout the country, and with appreciative fans who weren't afraid to show their love for their heroes. The "New Generation" of superstars likeJimmieJohnson, Curt LeDuc, and Evan Evans were ready to show that they've earned their place among racing's elite; while the local stars were afforded the golden opportunity to test the best, and strut their stuff in front of a national audience. Two full days of metal mayhem, a vehic-ular venture taken by the classiest competitors and the mightiest machines which truly entertained everyone. The weather had been excep-tional for each of the previous races run over this track in 1996, with hot and sunny conditions as the norm. Mother Nature was so excited about the arrival of the big weekend that she decided to water j the track and the surrounding hills with a gentle California ' shower. Ma however, got carried away just a bit with her power display and the wet conditions forced Friday's practice session to be rescheduled. The unexpected storm, and the mud it created, turned out to be the only Pro Truck overall was won by Steve Barlow. Steve won the first heat on Saturday and Heat four on Sunday and the Thousand Oaks resident went home with the title in hand. inconvenience faced by fans and watching fearless Warriors in racers on this otherwise perfect racing rockets that are frighten-weekend. lncidentl y, torrential ingly fast, doesn't get your heart rains also flooded the area the pounding, then there's probably entire week following the no reason to read on. But if you conclusion of racing on Sunday, seek adventure, crave speed, or which made it obvious to me that possess an insatiable appetite for the ruler of the heavens must thrills and excitement, then come surely be off roads biggest fan. with me. Whether by coincidence or [ With Terry Wolfe and Bob spiritual design, the Lord stopped Beyer, two of the nations premier the rain just long enough to bless I racing officials, combining talents this epic event with clear blue for this event, everything seemed skies and warm December to go according to plan. The sunshine. announcing duties were placed in The brilliant minds of those the very capable hands of Brl!ce who prepared these awesome Flanders, and a special thanks vehicles had done their part, and should also go out to Race it was then left up to the skill and Staffers B~d Feldkamp, and Brian courage of the drivers themselves, Church. Saturday, there were a to assure that their team's dreams total of 16 races contested, with became reality. The fans came out each of the participating classes in record numbers and you could racing in an early and a late heat. feel the excitement in the air. Glen With such an overflow cast taking Helen's unique and beautiful part in this years festivities, races course stood ready, a most were run with a ten minute system challenging test of a drivers talent in place. There were a number of and strength. The stage was set for spectacular crashes, and very few an incredible total of 33 action competitors actually exited the packed races to be contested over course with their vehicles still a two day period. The rest of the sporting all body parts intact. The universe hardly existed to those racing kicked off on December fortunate enough to witness this 7th, and did much to enhance and spectacular speed show. If upgrade the memory of the date which until now had lived in infamy. Class BS was the domain of Sean McKenzie, shown here navigating around the wounded. Sean won three of the four heats and finished second in the fourth to take the class win. Todd Gatrell runs propane in his Chevy and he must have scared everybody else off as he was the only Class 3 entrant and thus the class winner. The weekends biggest winner turned out to be 21 year old sensation Jimmie Johnson. Johnson scored the overall win in the Heavy Metal category in his awesome Class 8 Chevy. Johnson, who won in dramatic fashion and by the narrowest of margins, battled all weekend long with Curt LeDuc and Greg George as each took aim at the crown. But in the end it was the sweetest of victories for Johnson, as he celebrated his So. California homecoming by proving himself "best of the best". A few of the other big winners on the weekend were Johnny Greaves (Class 7S), Brian Collins ( Class 1 ), and Steve Bishop (Class 1/2 1600 Short Course). The racing was incredib-ly intense and the action virtually non-stop. A dream come true for serious off road fans. The competition, weather, and attendance were outstanding. If you weren't able to attend this magnificent spectacle, take my advice and make plans now to be part of the 1997 edition, you won't want to miss it. A three year deal was recently inked which guarantees that this "Superbowl of Stadium" racing will continue to be run into the 21st century. These guys have the most fun. Clint Wolsey (#17) won the Pilot Class, shown here dicing with Bob Briggs who won the Sodalite class. Clint won two heats and so did Briggs, giving themselves a fine weekend. Chad Houck ran first both days in an uncontested battle in his Odyssey, shown here in flight at Glen Helen. February 1997 Before we dive into the racing highlights, I'd like to congratulate all the racers who competed, and also the officials who put on this phenomenal show. It took a Dusty Times
herculean effort from everyone, to make this event the rousing success that it was. Up next is a Dusty Times tribute to all the winners in their respective classes. Each should be proud of securing his place in the history of this great race. Class l /2: Brian Collins, Class 1/2 1600 Desert: Mark Ruddis, Class 1 /2 1600 Short Course: Steve Bishop, Class 3: Todd Gatrell, Class 4: Curt LeDuc, Class 5: Jerry Miller, Class 5-1600: Dave Anckner, Class 7S: Johnny Greaves, Class 7: Tim Carroll, Class 8: Jimmie Johnson Class 8S: Sean McKenzie, Pro Truck Class: Steve Barlow, Class 9: Mark Bunderson, Class 9 /10 Super 1600: Tom Bradley, Class 11: Robert Henderson, Class 13/Desert Unlimited: Evan Evans, Class Pilot: Clint Wolsey, Class SODA Lites: Bob Briggs, Class Odyssey: Chad Houck, Heavy Metal Class: Jimmie Johnson, Women's Heavy Metal Class: Stacey Fay. . Next up is a summary of the eight races run in both heats 1 and 2 of Saturday's action. The opening act of the weekend extravaganza was a race marked by the debut of the newly formed Pro The combined Class 1 /2 heats had Brian Collins winning two of the four races and finishing well up in the remaining heats to grab the class victory for the weekend. Shown here working his way through the traffic. Truck Class, and also Classes 3 driven by Chuck Harris of Las and 8S. The Pro truck Class is the Vegas, NV. Another Chevy, this result of racing great Ivan one piloted by Bud Feldkamp, Stewart's desire to establish a Glen Helen's C.E.O., finished class of vehicles, that was both heat one in the third spot. In the reasonably affordable, and also second heat it was all Craig one which gave no single driver an Stewart of Lakeside, CA, as "The unfair advantage. The opening Ironman's" son grabbed the kickoff to the festivities saw Steve holeshot and powered his way to a Barlow of Thousand Oaks, CA fine victory. Bud Feldkamp made race to a fast start. He won the a valiant attempt to steal the win days first race with a strong effort, on the last lap, but unfortunately as he went on to victory in his rolled his truck in the process. Ford, over the runner-up Chevy Thus Chuck Harris inherited the runner-up spot, and Ryan Thomas of El Cajon, CA moved up to third. In Class BS, Sean McKenzie of _ Pacific Palasades roared to the win Johnny Greaves makes it look real easy in Class 7S as he and his Toyota swept all four heats and garnered an impressive amount of points and even though he was closely pursued at times, nobody could beat him. in his Chevy. McKenzie bested the two wiley ole veterans who staged Fordof"DynamiteDan"Cannon a season long battle for class of Covina, CA who finished in supremacy which wasn't decided second. The Ford of Scottsdale, until the final race of the series. Arizona's Todd Wittman had Cannon was able to secure the grabbed the holeshot and was title, but this race clearly belonged leading early on, when he was to McKenzie. sidelined with differential There was only one Class 3 problems. When they recon-vehicle mixing it up in the days vened after the break, it was first event. He was Todd Gatrell simply more of the same, as of Prescott, AZ who won McKenzie again earned the win. uncontestd in his propane Mark Stein of San Diego, CA powered Chevy Blazer. finished second, while Cannon Race Two was contested by the had to settle for the third spot SodaLites, Pilot and Odyssey after leading to the cross flags. At Classes. Bob Briggs of Alta Loma, that point Cannon suffered the CA gradually drew off to an easy same fate as Wittman had in heat win in heat one of Sodalites one. McKenzie and Cannon are action. r,r c E IE'S IA FILTERS UNI-FILT RS Three heat wins and a second place put Tim Carroll and his James Gang Ford into undisputed first in Class 7 for the weekend and although there was lots of competition, Tim was hard to beat. Steve Bishop is hard to beat in 1-2-1600 Short Course Class and there were no exceptions at the Glen as Steve took two first and two seconds to beat out the competition by over 20 points. ,;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;--:;:;;:~:==:::;;::;:;:;::;:--:;:;;::;;;::::;;;:::;;;;:::;;;::-::--==:--:::::;;;:;;;;;;:::::::-A right front flat tire didn't hinder Mark Ruddis too much as he won the first two heats and was able to hold a three point margin on second place in 1-2-1600 Desert Class and make the weekend his as the winner. Dusty Times ..J ~ ~ • ;;! w z • z w .... ~ ai • 15 w z z w '"' • g ~ • (/} a: w ~ a: JD (/} ii: w ~ .?!; (/} • (/} ~ z w :I: • 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR ............................... MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE . ...............•............... . MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE 1 ................................... HDR-113-50f;331 CV JOINT TYPE 11 .................................. HDR-211 -501-331B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501 -331D 875 STD BALL ........................................ HYP-19005 934 STD BALL ........................................ H.YP-19006 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 CV GREASE ............................................... s ·wE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF ...................... MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFF T-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .......................... MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVER S/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 0 -< m :D r z m m G 0 -0 6 ~ CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 li} al CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 in < ·. e:;V..GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY : C • w (.) ·:s c.. STD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 o . ~ z ~t~~~~oi:-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~:~~~T ~ (/} 930 ROTAT LEATHER .......................... ...... STC-6000 r;;. ._ 934 ROTAT LEATH El;! ................................ STC-6001 m !i: E FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 ~ '·L-F.LO·A·T·E·R-N·O·B·R·G--.L.E·M·H-ER_ ..•..•.. ·.··.···.·s.T.c.-.6.02.0 __________________ .! • ~Mf'.SON • BEARD SEATS • IPf: • KC , • .. CIBIE LIGHTS .. BU~PACK • REDllNE QIL • FUEL SAFE • .OEM ·• SWAY-~·Wf\Y • S&S February 1997 Page 13
Class 4 was a great battle all weekend and in spite of some course flags flying around in the cockpit, Curt LeDuc took the class win with two firsts, two fourths and that five point lead made the weekend his. Evan Evans Barbary Coast Chevy is a stormer and in spite of the loss of some body panels here and there, Evan used both hands well and took the Class 13 /Ille by eight points, a well deserved win. ,,,-Next across the line was a game Denise Wittman of Scotts-dale, A.Z who finished first in the Pilot Class. Wittman was followed by the Pilot runner-up, Clint Woolsey of Tulare, CA. The Sodalites runner-up was Norman Ludwig of El Carisa Village, CA while Chad Houck of Vista, CA won uncontested in his Odyssey. In heat two Wittman and Woolsey gunned to the early lead, but around the races mid-way point, Bob Briggs took over command and never looked back. Briggs completed his Saturday sweep, this time with Rennie Awana of Cerritos, CA finishing up as his closest pursuer. Clint Woolsey was again third ( first in Pilot), after just failing to hold off the charge of Awana. Andy Wald of Concord, CA took second in Pilot results. Three first place finishes in heats and a fourth place finish gave Class B to Jimmie Johnson and he won the weekend with a 10 point margin over second place. Tommy Bradley is impressive on a short course as well as in the desert and although he didn't win every heat he did win one and placed well up in the others and was able to win Class 10 Super by 10 points on second place. The third race of the day was second go around of the day, it for Classes 1 and 2 combined. was Cory Witherill of Encino, The victory went to standout CA who stole the show. Witherill racer Brian Collins of Las Vegas, blasted to the early lead and NV. Collins had a tremendous refused to relinquish it. Following 1996 and took the "checks" here Witherill past the checkered flag while the second spot went to was Jimmy Nichols of Alpine, David Bonner of Riverside, CA. CA. Brian Collins did well to Following Bonner was Ryan finish in third, especially Thomas, who finished ahead of considering the fact that the Doug Fortin of El Cajon, CA the inverted start rule was in effect. fourth place finisher. In their . This rule meant that Collins, as well as all the other heat one winners, were forced to start at the back of their respective fields, TUCKER TIRE COMPANY since Heat 2 's starting lineup was determined by reversing the order of finish from Heat One. IIIC. TUCKER TIRE COMPANY HAS A LIMITED SUPPLY OF YOKOHAMA SUPER DIGGER Ill 33x10.50x15 RACER COST $129.00 ALSO 700x15 TRACTION@ $85.00 700x15 HWY (GROOVED)@ $85.00 HD TUBES FRONT $7.00 REAR $13.50 Race Four was contested by Classes 7 and 7S. In Class 7S it was all Johnny Greaves, as the Depere, WI resident out-classed his rivals in his Toyota. Art Schmitt of Pittsburgh, PA took second in his Nissan, ahead of the Ford driven by Indio, CA's Ramiro Gonzalez. Russ Jones of Santa Barbara, CA beat out Tim Carroll of Long Beach, CA for the Class 7 win. In Heat Two, Greaves was even more impressive. Despite starting last, Greaves sliced through th·e field like a hot knife through butter. Prior to reaching the "rocker section" of the course, and before even one lap had been completed, Greaves had already asserted his superior-ity and made his way to the lead. Greaves made it look almost too easy, as he chalked up victory number two on the day in a total romp. It was a long way back to the second place truck of Art Schmitt, who had lost second gear but still managed to earn the runner-up spot, again with Ramiro Gonzalez taking third. In Class 7, Tim Carroll turned the tables on Russ Jones and the result was a reversing of their heat one finish. Race Five was for the 1-2-1600 set, both the Short Course and Desert. In Short Course action, it was Glen Helen's Racer of the Year Steve Bishop who scored the win. The pride of Riverside, CA proved best while "Big Dan" Mathews of Buena Park, CA was earning second place, ahead of Culver City, CA's Sean Ziegert, who checked in third. In Heat Two it was Simi Valley, CA's Randy Jones grabbing the early lead with Tom Surace of Mays-landing, NJ in hot pursuit. These two dueled on the front end, while Steve Bishop was skillfully working his way towards the leaders. In the end Bishop's gallant effort to win from last fell just short. Instead it was Surace who withstood all challenges and scored a hard fought victory. Bishop lost nothing in defeat and did well to place second ahead of Jones, who took third. In 1-2 1600 Desert, the winner turned up in the person of Mark -Ruddis of Orange, CA. Ruddis topped Larry Folsom of Sparks, NV while the third spot went to Gary Bussjaeger of Stevenson Ranch, CA. The same exacta reappeared in Heat Two as Ruddis again took the win to complete the sweep. Larry Folsom again finished closest to the winner to take down the runner-up slot. Third place this time went to Becky Freeman of Henderson, NV. In post-race interviews, both of Heat Two's top finishers expressed satisfac-tion with their efforts on the day, and both were poised to make a big run at the overall win on Sunday. Race Six literally brought the capacity crowd to their feet, as the Heavy Metal set took to the track. Classes 4, 8 and 13 were represented and these guys fairly defy description. The heat one winner after a scintillating performance, was Greg George ( Class 4) of Lake Elsinore, CA driving a Dodge. Second place went to the Don-A-Vee Jeep piloted by Curt LeDuc ( Class 4) of Cherry Valley, CA. Following •.""f CALL 818-332-1142 818-966-7508 909-598-2495 Class 5 was Jerry Miller's all the way, shown here in normal race trim, and he won every heat throughout the weekend and took a 16 point lead over second place. Page 14 February 1997 Dusty Times
LeDuc was the Chevy of Rancho . Santa Margarita, CA's Jimmie Johnson (first in Class 8). The mind-boggling mega horsepower . put out by these dream machines really took hold of the spectators. _. These incredibly fast vehicles ~ were flying at speeds almost too quick for Glen Helen's challeng-ing design, which made for some anxious moments as many fans_ simply held their breath and watched in awe. Feeling the ground tremble and the surround-ing hills reverberate, as these motoring marvels thundered past, was a truly unforgettalbe feeling. Dan Vanden Heuvel was second in Class 8. The first finisher in Class 13 was Evan Evans, and second went to Jason Taylor. Heat. Two was one of the weekends most eventful! races, with problems galore from the start. DNFs were aplenty as Murphy's Law seemed to finally catch up with the "Heavys". First to exit was Greg George, who was involved in a spectacular crash and roll. Then Jack Flannery dropped out, closely followed by Walker Evans, who's engine problems led to a premature end Mark Bunderson, another racer from the Silver State was able to win all four heats through the weekend and took home the honors in Class 9 by 20 points. Robert Henderson and his nifty Class 11 made it look sort of easy as he won the first two heats, finished well up in the next two and won the class for the weekend. a nice win. of his Saturday action. Scott Taylor was the next to go, and when the three lead vehicles tangled at the base of the "Wall of Fear" out came the red flag. All the carnage and shrapnel didn't seem to bother Jimmie Johnson ( Class 8) however, as he won the restart and opened '-;IP an insurmountable lead. Curt LeDuc ( Class 4) was ultra-impressive in coming from dead last to take the second spot. Dan Vanden Heuvel ( Class 8) of Appleton, WI and his Chevy, both looked strong in taking third, and Brian Collins ( Class 8) was back in a Chevy and placed fourth. Class 13 results again read Evans first and Taylor second. Race number seven was for Classes 9, and IO /Super 1600. Scoring a convincing win was Tommy Bradley of Las Vegas, NV. Bradley battled most of the race with his North Las Vegas neighbor Aaron Hawley, who finished second, while Gilroy, CA's Wes Elrod earned third spot. With so many excellent racers coming out of "Sin City" it's pretty obvious that there's more to Las Vegas than just slot machines and buffets. Cory Witherill, Larry Goudie, and Kyle Vestermark completed the top six spots. In their second heat, the win was scored hy Larry Foddrill of Glendale, AZ. Pat Dean improved on his earlier race result by placing second this time. This left Sundays remaining races for the overall win wide open, as several of the competitors remained within striking distance of the top prize. The inverted starting order, coupled with such a full field, made the task of winning from behind a monu-mental one. The third through sixth spots in heat two went to, in order, Bradley, Phil Goudie, Vestermark, and Eddie Lynch. The final race of Heat 1 was the eighth on the day, and was comprised of racers from Classes 5, 9, 11 andS-1600. The runaway winner was Jerry Miller of Rancho Mirage, CA. Miller in his Class 5 vehicle, was one of the few competitors able to sweep all four of their races on the weekend. The Class 9 wins in both heats went to another North Las Vegas, NV resident, Mark Bunderson. Class · Dusty Times 11 saw the win go to Indio, CA's spot was taken by Toby Thiel of Robert Henderson on this Dana Point, CA. The Class 5-occasion, while the runner-up 1600 win was scored by Dave Anckner of Grand Terrace, CA who topped second place finisher Sean Bennett of Crestline, CA. In their Heat Two rematch, Miller again smoked the competition in another fine r,r Winner's Circle Ryan Thomas I eads. 7 Bilstein Winners At Laughlin Challenge Ryan Thomas paced a strong showing by Bilstein gas pressure shock absorbers when he won Overall and Class 1 honors at the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge off-road race in Laughlin, Nevada. Driving his Chenowth single seater equipped with Bilstein shocks, Thomas drew a 20th starting position but drove through the dust and traffic to win by over one minute for his first victory of the season. SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Winners On Bilstein •Overall and •Stock Class 1 Ryan Thomas Chenowth Full Size Marc Stein Ford F150 •Stock Mini Steve Williams Ford Ranger •Class 9 Brian Jeffries JIMCO •Class 7 Jerry McDonald Chevy S-10 •Class 10 Andrew Wehe JIMCO •Pro Truck Chuck Harris Chevy Go with Bi/stein -- A Winning Tradition in Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road, San Diego, CA 92121 -- Phone 619/453-7723 February 1997 Page 25
Dan Cannon flies to second place for the meet with a pair of second place finishes, a pair of third place finishes and another season championship at Glen Helen. Doug Fortin gets airborne as he chases Brian Collins. Doug racked up enough points to take second place for the weekend, a job well done. Ramiro Gonzales came up from Indio, fought all weekend with Greaves and Art Schmitt and pulled second place in Class 7S for the four heats, a great job. ,,;: re: :$ An absolutely beautiful Toyota, piloted by Steve Ghamari was ihe Class 7 runner-up for the weekend, shown here throwing dirt for the crowd. A first, a third, a fifth and a tenth gave Tom Surace the points necessary for a second place in Short Course 1600, a nice finish for the guy from New Jersey. Larry Foddrill flies across the track in a valiant chase of first in Class 10 Super but he could only manage second place, not too bad when you consider the competition. fir performance. Dave Anckner made it two for two by again besting the 5-1600 Class. Next came Lyn Mocaby oflrvine, CA who took second in Class 5, followed by yet another repeat winner on the day, that being Class 11 's Robert Henderson. Jeffrey Hantz of Lake Elsinore, CA took second (Class 5-1600), and Toby Thiel repeated as runner-up in Class 11. Half down and half to go. With Sundays two heats on the horizon, there was little time to do anything more than catch your breath and hold on for the wild finish that would see the champions in this East vs. West showdown crowned. Now on for the dramatic conclusion of the 1996 edition of the Chevrolet Off Road Winter Series at beautiful Glen Helen Raceway. Sundays racing action consist-ed of a total of 1 7 races, with the additional race being an exhibi-tion event slated as the days finale, and for the ladies only. Getting the start of the final day under way again fell to the same classes that had also launched Saturdays show. These included Pro Truck, and Classes 3 and 8S. Everyone's favorite racer from Redlands, CA, Bud Feldkamp wasted no time in grabbing the early lead, with Craig Stewart and Ryan Thomas giving chase. When the "checks" flew it was Ryan Thomas who greeted the flagman. Thomas secured the win with Feldkamp taki"ng second, and Stewart placing third. In Sundays main event Steve Barlow shot to the front and was long gone. The victory, which Barlow later termed a "team effort" culmin-ated a highly successful debut of the Pro Truck Class, which is certain to grow rapidly in popularity. Second and third in their final heat were Chuck Harris and Bud Feldkamp. Also taking part in race one were Classes BS and 3. Sean McKenzie picked right up where he left off on Saturday with yet another strong win. "Dynamite Dan" Cannon also raced well and collected another second place finish. Todd Wittman completed the top three finishers in Heat One. Wittman came right back in the main event and spoiled McKenzie's bid for a weekend sweep. Obviously saving his best for last, Wittman put it all together in a memorable per-formance that marked his farewell to the 8S Class. Wittman is sure to make an immediate impact in 1997 as he becomes a regular competitor on the SODA circuit. Sean McKenzie was better than ever in scoring the overall win in BS, despite his runner-up finish in t h e main. "Dynamite Dan" CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' -any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS Page 26 ·s299 ... WlTH .. S~T Cannon took third in the main and second overall, and his fifth consecutive championship season makes Cannon another one to watch as he continues his ascent in the sport. Again Todd Gatrell was in a class of his own ( Class 3) and was unopposed. The second race of the day was again a showcase of the immense talents of Brian Collins. Collins added another win to his story-book season by powering his way to an excellent victory over Aaron Hawley. Hawley narrowly placed second by winning a three way photo between himself, Doug Fortin, and Corey Witherill. In their final race of the weekend the winner turned out to be Jimmy Nichols. Nichols was followed by Doug Fortin in second and Ryan Thomas who finished third. Brian Collins was declared the overall winner on points, and there could be no more fitting way for his season to end. Collins was brilliant in 1996 and has proved time and again what a true champion he is. Race Three on Sunday saw Denise Wittman get off to her customary fast start. After two laps Rennie Awana moved up to challenge for the lead, and these two dueled the rest of the way. Wittman was extra game in repulsing every challenge and held on for the win. Awana was a clear second and Clint Woolsey was . next in third. In the Sodalites main event it was Woolsey who .seems inadequate. It was a grabbed the holeshot. Awana masterpiece, a true work of art by wrestled the lead from Woolsey a truly deserving champion. before suffering problems and Incidently, Mike Falkowsky of relinquishing the top spot. Escondido, CA had the honor of Woolsey inherited the lead once placing second behind Greaves in more and this time he kept it. the finale, while Ramiro Gonzalez W oolsey's-timely win in this final shared the same honor in the heat also earned him the overall overall results. I should also Pilot Class victory for the mention and congratulate Tim weekend. Bob Briggs meanwhile, Carroll who quietly captured the took home top prize in the Class 7 win for the weekend by Sodalites Class. The husband and sweeping both heats on Sunday. wife duo of Doug Goodenough The Fifth race on closing day and Stacey Fay from Chino Hills, was for both 1-2-1600 Classes. CA finished second and third John Grossini of Arroyo Grande, respectively in the main event. CA grabbed the holeshot and held Race Four was the Class 7 and a clear lead until Bakersfield, 7S event. Ramiro Gonzalez raced CA's Rick Boyer took over. In the exceptionally well, and seemingly end though, it was Steve Bishop did everything in his power to again proving why he was selected stop the winning streak of]ohnny as Glen Helen's "Racer of the Greaves. In the end though it still Year". Bishop has made all the wasn't enough. It seems no one right moves all year long, and this can stop the 7S sensation, and Heat One victory was accomp-G re aves just sat chilly and lished in typical Bishop fashion. eventually slipped past Gonzalez He simply ran hard and wore for the win. Gonzalez held for down his rivals. Boyer finished second and finishing runner-up to runner-up with Randy Jones next "Little Ironman" is not bad at all. in third. In the Short Course In their final heat it was really no finale, "Big Dan" Mathews contest. Greaves simply blew by returned to the form that saw him everyone and made it a perfect crowned Glen Helen's 1995 four for four on the weekend. So "Racer of the Year". Mathews thorough was Greaves' domina-took over the lead on lap three tion of his competitors that it from Grossini, who had again made me wonder how he ever holeshoted his way into the loses. For the weekend Greaves pacesetters role. In the end it came was totally unbeatable. So down to the same stirring duel flawless was his performance that that local fans have seen countless the title " Best of the Best" almost . times in recent years, that being Bishop vs. Mathews. In another terse battle of wills, Mathews turned back the clock to yester-year and refused to let Bishop by. It was a great win and well timed, for the man who has stood in Bish~p's shadow all season long. Bishop capped his remarkable season by fittingly earning the overall victory for the weekend, and New Jersey's Tom Surace took some of the drag out of his long drive home by placing second in points. Chuck Harris drove his Chevy Pro Truck to a neat second in class with three second place finishes and a fourth, finishing only three points out of first for the weekend. The 1-2-1600 Desert Class action turned into a virtual matchrace between Jeff Kawell and John Hulsebosch. In both of Sundays heats, Kawell raced to victory with Hulsebosch finishing . runner-up. But the top honors for February 1997 Dusty Times
Gregg George chased first in Class 4 all weekend but it wasn't in the cards, so Greg settled for second place for the weekend. Three seconds and a third place in Class 8 gave Dan Vanden Heuvel the second spot for the weekend, finishing ten points behind the young lion. The last race of Sunday was for the ladies, and although no pictures exist due to their lightning speed, here they are after their race. L to R: Cathy Fay 3rd place, Stacy Fay 1st and Denise Wittman 2nd. Hopefully, many more races for them. the weekend were taken by Mark Ruddis, who was able to best Kawell for the overall title and the victory spoils, despite scoring a fourth and seventh on Sunday, with Larry Folsom claiming third overall. Race Six was an exciting event for Class 10/Super 1600 which saw the early lead seized by Jimmy Nichols. Nichols was never seriously challenged throughout and continued on to victory. Fontana, CA's Gary Gall made a good run to capture the second spot, ahead of third place finisher Tommy Bradley. In the main, Chad Hord oflron Mountain, MI got off to a quick start and held it until Nichols again came calling. Nichols then opened a clear lead en route to a convincing win. Hord managed to keep second safe and Larry Foddrill outfin, ished Aaron Hawley for the third position. In overall results for the weekend the top prize was taken by Tommy Bradley, with Foddrill placing second, followed by Dusty Times Dean, Elrod, and Gourlie. the second spot. Scott Taylor of Race Seven was the headliner Belvidere, IL was next followed and main attraction for the by Dan Vanden Heuvel and Evan weekend. As the big guns made Evans. In the main event and their way onto the course, the season finale Walker Evans increasing buzz of the crowd competed in a borrowed truck, reached fever pitch. When the but it simply was not his weekend. green flag dropped, the Chevy Evans, Flannery, George, LeDuc, blurr that exploded to the lead Johnson, Vanden Heuvel and was that of Wisconsin Dells, WI even Collins all took their best resident Jack Flannery. Flannery shot before calling it a day. The nearly hit warp speed as he race within the race came down to outdragged Walker Evans for the an outright war between Curt holeshot. The only thing that LeDuc, Greg George, and Jimmie could possibly stop Flannery this Johnson. In the end it was LeDuc race was a red flag, and it did. who scored the final heat victory. Riverside, CA's Evan Evans and Johnson caught George right at Hemet, CA's Kyle Taylor got the finish for second, with a little tangled up and forced the race to help from George's rear flat tire. be restarted. Flannery stayed AndsothenameJimmieJohnson focused on the business at hand will forever be remembered as and again took control. He would having scored the overall win in make no mistakes in this race, and this historic battle of "Short was ultra,impressive in distancing Course Racings Heavyweights". himself from the rest of the Heavy Race Eight was the next to last Metal band. Greg George showed contest run on getaway day. In the incredible courage when he early heat Jerry Miller again had bounced back from Saturdays an easy time of it, while winning "Crash of the Weekend" to take Class 5. Paul Borio of Westmin, DEST February 1997 ster, CA enjoyed a short,lived weekend of racing that was the leaders role, before being passed highlight of the 1996 season. by Miller and Dave Anckner. Just a few random thoughts to Robert Henderson also held the relay in closing. First and lead over his bro in the early foremost, this wonderful sport stages, as did Mark Bunderson that we all derive so much over his class. In their finale it was pleasure from is a . window that Miller who completed his own allows the world to see the soul of four race sweep and sent a those trusted with its fragile majority of the spectators heading · existence. If the sport is to for the exits. continue growing and flourishing It wasn't until the crowd heard then we must all care for it. We theroarofVBsthatmanyrealized must see to it that the basic that one more race was still to be philosophy of sportsmanship and run. It was the Women's Heavy love of competition itself, are the Metal race, led by the racing Fay overriding factors in determining sisters, Stacey and Cathy and also the course that we will chart in the featuring Denise Wittman. These coming years. This great sport has gals put on a spirited show and the ability to fill stadiums fans actually returned to the everywhere, just as America's grandstands to watch the all, other sporting attractions do. We femme finale. For the record cannot let foolish greed, poor Stacey Fay got there first, but judgement, and the rearing of Denise Wittman made her work jealousy's ugly head keep it from for it, and Cathy Fay raced well realizing its maximum potential. despite piloting a vehicle that As always, thank you for your wan't anywhere near peak loyalreadershipandtheverybest condition. This exhibition race of racing luck to all of you in ~rough down the curtain on a 1997. Page 17
co 1996 SCORE CHASSIS OF THE YEAR j~~&~~~ & ~ ~ ~ aJnJt u all 4 00/); ~ r flwv ~ iJn, 199G. c9 ~ W<llTIL ~ u '""I~ wnd ~. ~ ~ bJJ ~ ~ ~3mCl9 aJi,wJ, @/ ~ wJ. hood fuJ, aJnJt F 'UU.UTllf iJn, 19 9 7. STEVE SILVERTHORN 1996 SCORE MECHANIC OF THE YEAR TURNKEY OFF ROAD RACE CARS CHASSIS AND SUSPENSION ALUMINUM BODIES JIMCO 6!:!aa·119 P~ (619) 562-1743 RACE PREPARATION COMPLETE SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES
BFGOODRICH/HOLDEN RODEO GOOMDIWIMDI 400 Simpson Takes The Race: Burrows Takes The Title Test & Photos: Darryl Smith ,¾ ~1w;.;c..; ..•. ..,, Paul Simpson certainly justified the expense of his USA Import racer as he dominated the event from flag to flag holding a nine minute lead on the first lap: he had one flat for trouble and won overall and in Class 9. Plowing a litt1~1!:1t didn't slow Steven and Frank Graci down much as their Southern Cross, their Challenger held the course and won Class 6 by 43 minutes. Paul Simpson has justified the expense spent on his USA imported off road buggy by totally dominating the final round of the Australian Off Road Championship at Goondiwindi. It was back in 1980 that Simpson won the race at Goondiwindi and has shown in his return this year he has lost none of his talent. The radical mid mounted, Toyota quad cam V6 machine came home 14 minutes ahead of last year's winner Brad Zacka also in a USA imported machine, sporting sim-ilar A-arm front suspension. Prologue and Fabio Zarfati ( transfer case) in the Pajero. Leading the Class 2-1600 field was Bill Buchanan, while on Class 3 1200 it was Dar-rell Johnson despite a big lose off the edge of a drop off only to pull off the escape act of the day. Nev Taylor lead the Class 4 VWs while champion elect, Robert Pagan had control of Class 5 in the mighty turbo rotary Mazda ute. Steven Graci lead the Challenger buggies while as expected Les Siv-iour lead Class 7 which provided action a plenty as Eric Whitbread rolled his Landcruiser off the rise and out over the boundary fence!! Grahame Baxter pushed his VS patrol to lead Class 8 over Reg Owen. Class 1: Front runners, Mend-ham was in early trouble with a fuel pump problem, while Zacka changed a tyre, as did Lee. Glenn Owen lead the class even with an engine misfire. Russell Hartnett was out after rear arm damage on the now famous gate post. Rose• came back with a great time on lap 2, as did Zacka who had a collision with Burrows as the two took dif-ferent lines. Rose now lead the class over Zacka, Owen, Lee and Burrows. Owen losing ground though with the misfire and parked it after lap 2. Mendham was making time up until a CV , collapsed putting him out. Lee was out the next lap with a broken steering wheel. Rose got a flat at the start of the last lap and struggled as Zacka went past. Zacka went on to claim Class 1. Burrows wanted to cement his hold on the Overall Champion-ship and drove hard into 2nd. Rose was disappointed to lose his grip and fall to 3rd. Boyes had also driven a hard but conservative race and followed his Firestone team mate in. Bob Mowbray had brought his unlimited Baja out and was rewarded with a fine drive into 5th place. The top five Class 1 's were in close company and filled the 2nd to 6th places overall. Class 2: Fastest qualifier, Buch-anan was the first out of the event with steering problems. Mark Twine lost out in a passing move in the dust and hit a post. Mean-while; Matt Owen was leading over Keith Honour who won Class 3 here last year and had moved up to a 1600. John Brand fell back somewhat by losing a front tyre. Bryan Basham had done just that, rearranging the front end which affected the steer-The severe dust that rose up as the cars started the qualifying sent the message it would be vital to be up the front of the field. In the end it was Kevin Lee in the turbo buggy that claimed pole spot with a time of six minutes 20 seconds. Simpson was next and first of the single seat Class 9 cars. Making a welcome return to desert racing was David Mendham, who moved into third in the turbo Rotary. Zacka and Terry Rose completed the top 5. It was rare to see a few of the top runners with problems; Glenn Owen (gear linkage), Neville Boyes (gate post - flat tyre), Mark Burrows (front arm), L,eading the large Class B class to the checkers was the Nissan Patrol of John Hendrics who won the class by under a minute and was 13th overall too. ,. """'· ing. Owen lead into the second tory was assured even though he lap. Brand had made up quick was having oil pressure dramas. time and was following Honour. Taylor took the win some eight These two staged a dog fight for minutes clear of Campbell. the next two laps, all the while Class 5: Once again early attri-being watched by Andrew Ziems. tion wiped out half a class. Ste-However, it was Owen who took phen Hilton's huge Ford truck the win in a car his father had broke a front beam, John Hinz's driven at many Goondiwindi Karman Ghia broke a gearbox, races in the early 80's. He also Paul Grant's Datsun blew a slotted into 9th overall. The battle motor, and Les Marshall's Kar-between the two central Queens-man Ghia broke a torsion bar. land coast drivers ended in Ross Watson was out for a change Honour's favour. Brand stormed of luck for the better and he home to be 3rd. Ziems drove a looked good in the V8 Rodeo tak-consistent race to take 4th, while ing quickest lap 1, albeit only six 5th went to Don MacArthur. seconds quicker than Tim Class 3: The small field was Unsted's Falcon sedan. Robert reduced quite quickly when Pagan joined the battle with Glenn Hancey went out on lap 1, quickest lap 2 time. Watson kept as did Johnson with shock theleadmarginthoughandtooka absorber trouble. Graeme Julius class win. Pagan developed a mis-took command after an all night fire on the last lap but still took motor rebuild after a spare motor 2nd. Unsted finished a fine race in was brought up from home. He the "flying red falcon" by taking was not going to take the win 3rd in class. Jim Smith circulated lightly and pushed his way up the steadily in the Bash Falcon and outright standings. Mark Whisker took 4th in class. had a slow lap 2 and was fighting Class 6: Only two starters in the clock to be the remaining car this class. Steven Grocl lead the in the class. In the end Julius took opening lap while John Wager a fine class win and 16th overall. had trouble off the line but then Whisker came home for second. got going and put in some good Class 4: Sadly this was another laps. Grocl, however, had opened class with low numbers.With Les up a sizable lead and was unchal-Rowsell out on the opening lap lenged to take the win. Wager and Kevin Hufschmid out shortly came home strong and finished after with tie rod and tree damage, second in their first National. it was another two-car class. Nev Class 7: With Whitbread out Taylor was edging away from after his prologue rollover it was Greg Campbell after each lap and down to four cars. Siviour's Nis-then with Campbell changing a san took control as expected, but tyre on the last lap Taylor's vie-the battle for second was on. Paul BF GOODRICH/HOLDEN RODEO 400 - GOONDIWINDI 1996 Australian Championship -Round 5 NOVEMBER 2 & 3, 1996 , Poa Driver/Co-driver Vehicle lime 0/A Class I -Unlimited Two Seat - 18 start -finish 186 1 Brad Zacl<a/Gary Turn er Kuster/Porsche 4:00:35 2 121 2 Mark Burrows/Mick Shannon Cougar 4:11:46 3 111 3 Terry & Maureen Rose Raceco 4:12:()2 4 103 4 Neville Boyes/Coleen Roper Hunter Rivmasta 4:14:45 5 105 5 Bob & Ashley Mowbray Jimco Baja 4:17:15 6 Claaa 2 • 1600 cc Two Seat • 18 start - 9 finish 241 1 Matt Owen/Clayton Taylor Funco 4:19:53 9 276 2 Ke~h Honour/Trevor Burgess Hornet 4:21:17 10 287 3 John Brand/Peter Fry Hornet 4:25:11 11 202 4 Andrew & Alex Ziems Rivmasta 4:35:()4 12 297 5 Don & Russell MacArthur Cobra 4:44:22 17 Claaa 3 - 1200 cc Two Seat - 4 start • 2 finish 303 1 Graeme Juiius/Vinoe Evans Bullet 4:42:45 16 308 2 Mark & Keith Whisker Rivmasta 6:21 :37 37 Class 4 - Baja Bug - 4 start • 2 finish 401 1 Nev & Ryan Taylor Baja Bug VW 4:57:39 26 409 2 Greg & Mal Carfl)bell BajaBugVW 506:14 30 Class 5 • 2WD Sedan & Pickup • 10 start - 4 finish 501 1 Ross Watson/Peter Charfl)ion Holden Rodeo 4:44:36 18 530 2 Robert & Nobby Pagan Mazda Rotary 4:52:42 23 558 3 lim Unsted & Scott Martin Ford Falcon 4:57:31 25 553 4 John Sm~h/ John Leadbetter Ford Falcon 6:26:23 38 Class 6 • aianenger 1600 Buggy -2 start - 2 finish 601 1 Steven & Frank Grod Southern Cross 5:01:31 29 609 2 John & Rob Wager Cobtra 5:44:20 35 .Claaa 7 • Production 4x4 • 5 start • 3 finish 701 1 Les Siviour/Geoff Miller Nissan Patrol 4:37:22 14 770 2 Robbie Butler/Trev or Davies Toyota Landcruiser 5:07:01 31 781 3 PeterlseppVScott Erickson Nissan Patrol 5:18:57 32 Class 8 • Unlimited 4x4 • 9 start - 5 finish 822 1 John Hendries/Paul Weel Nissan Patrol 4:36:32 13 801 2 Grahame Baxter/Nigel Burley Nissan Patrol VS 9 4:37:29 15 831 3 Kees WeeVRod L~tle Nissan Patrol 4:58:46 27 813 4 Ken Sm~h/Wayne Bell Holden Rodeo 4:59:12 28 828 5 Dale Waters/Dale Ryan Toyota Landcruiser 6:04:28 36 Class 9 -Unlimited Single Seat • 5 start - 4 finish 918 1 P,1ul Sirfl)son Jirnco/Toyota 3:52:36 1 959 2 Hayden Bentley Buggy 4:17:29 7 923 3 Glenn flossow Rivmasta 4:50:13 21 903 4 Norm Vesty Hunter Rivmasta 5:19:21 33 Starters 76 · Finishers 38 , Finishing Ratio 50% -Race Distance • 360 krns (230 miles) Brad Zacka with Gary Turner riding along in the Kuster Porsche had a great race going: then he collided with Burrows, but recovered and carried on to win Class 1 by five minutes and ~ere second overall. Mark Burrows with Mick Shannon had the Cougar roaring this race and he drove very hard to cement his hold on the Overall Championship and went into second in class and third overall by flag fall. If this looks like a Funco, it is! Matt Owen and Clayton Taylor put this beauty in ninth overall, and they won the 1600 class by about two minutes. Page 30 February 1997 Dusty Times
The 1600s ran like a train, with second placing Keith Honour and Trevor Burgess getting the Hornet in second in class and a smart tenth overall. Graeme Julius favors an almost enclosed called a Bullet. He and Vince Evans got the 1200cc car home first in class and 16th· overall to boot, winning by almost two hours. · Class 5 for 2WD"trucks and sedans had a nusky entry, our Hoss Watson and Peter Champion got them all on time winning by eight minutes at 18th overall. Zacka who is something of a Goondiwindi legend was into second in the Rodeo, with Robbie Butler's Landcruiser ute next over Petr Iseppi's Patrol. Zaca's run came to an end as a tailshaft bear-ing :et go. Butler started a string of tyre problems, so Iseppi seized the chance to grab second behind Si v-i our. The Nissan ofSiviour pulled away from his ex-navigator, but then Iseppi had tyre problems allowing Butler back into second. That was the finishing order with Siviour, Butler, and Iseppi the trophy winners. Class 8: Grahame Baxter went out to the early lead followed by the two Kees W eel Safari Patrols; one driven by motorcycle star, John Hendrics and the other by Weel himself. Fabio Zarfati didn't have a good start. He stopped with fuel pressure problems only to eventually find a stick jammed up under the car blocking the lines and damaging the front shaft in the Pajero. Reg Owen was out early with a broken shock tower while Barry Massey took a more Dusty Times dramatic exit when a rear wheel broke off the Jeep. Zarfati came back with a blinder of a second lap even with only the rear wheels driven. It would all be too much for Zarfati's car as an axle gave way under the immense horsep-ower. Baxter lead into lap 2 with Hendrics driving aggressively in second. Ken Smith had moved up to be applying pressure to Weel. Baxter tragically slowed on the last lap with a severe rattle in the rear. This was enough for Hen-Nev and Ryan Taylor corner hard in the Class 4 Baja Bug, and they drove the full bodied car hard to win Class 4 for Bajas and got home 26th overall. Oft time winner in Class 7 Les Siviour with Geoff Miller in the Nissan Patrol won again, had no serious problems, and placed 14th overall as well. drics to grab the class win in only the class. Surprising many was his second drive. A devastated Glenn Rossow in the Subaru Baxter found only the jack had powered car all the way down come loose, but claimed second from Julia Creek, who was run-all the same. The battle for 3rd ning second. Nev Marshall had went to W eel with a fine drive in the Rotary buggy into 3rd until an the second Patrol. Smith brought electrical problem saw his motor the turbo Rodeo into 4th half a cry enough. Hayden Bentley had minute behind. The trusty V8 jumped up into second but all was Landcruiser of Dale Waters ran in vain as Simpson extended his all day and took 5th in class. lead on the class and in fact, the Class 9: With the absence of entire field. Even stopping for a McMillan and Cottee, Simpson flat tyre early on the last lap, com-had less pressure for the class win: plete with a faulty jack, didn't The opening lap alone saw Simp-hamper Simpson who went on to son make a nine minute gap over . a fine class win as well as the over-Pe ■Thouta Items In ■ Open Mo • aturday I Free 60 Page Catalog! ■ Technical Assistance Available ■ Quality Parts! all winner of the BFGoodrich / _ Holden Rodeo sponsored event. The track is now regarded by many as their favourite true off road track, despite taking out exactly half the field with only 38 cars out of 76 completing the journey. There were plenty of smiles in the Burrows/ Bridges-tone pit~ though as Mark Burrows secured his 4th Overall Drivers Championship and his navigator, Mick Shannon took the Naviga-tor's award. Burrows also took the Class 1 championship for 1996, with oo.a BAKER BEARINGS SETRAB COOLERS Andrew Ziems t:'!king Class 2, C?raeme Juli us Class 3, Greg Campbell Class 4, Robert Pagan took Class 5, while Steven Grocl was the winner in Class 6. Adding to his record was another Les Siv-iour Class 7 Championship while Grahame Baxter secured his second Class 8 crown. Paul Simp-son's dominance in Class 9 easily saw him take the laurels. In fact, only Burrows.Julius, Siviour, and Baxter finished every race in 1996, so tough are the elements in off roading. BAKER ROD ENDS BAKER Precision Bearing carries one of the largest selections of rod ends and spherical bearings in the United States. We represent companies like NHBB (NMB), Radial, Aurora, Timken and SKF. We only stock the best products in the industry and we are the largest stocking dealer in the U.S. Our bearing & rod ends are made ot 17-4 stainless steel and high quality chrome molly. Call us for prices! The largest selection ot cooler sizes an~ types for all your cooling needs. The finest race car coolers made in Europe. Used in all forms of European automotive racing. Made ot aluminum. PERMA COOL PRODUCTS Complete line ol PERMA COOL products, fans, coolers, remote & sandwich adapters. PERMA COOL, The Industry Leader in High Quality and Innovative Design for Over 20 Years. Also available billet remote adapters. PUR-O-SIL HOSES Vacuum, heater, turbo or coolant hose PUR-0-SIL silicone hose is the best. The leader and pioneer in silicone hose. The only one in the business with the "Million Mile Warranty". EARLS PRODUCTS EARLS has provided 1st class quality. products to the performance industry since the early 1960's. There isn~ another competitor that even comes close to their list of winning customers. FLUIDYNE COOLERS FIRE BOTTLES BAKER BATTERIES BAKER High Performance Batteries are gel filled, deep cycle, vibration resistant, and totally sealed. Large selection for RV, off-road, marine, passenger cars, and Indy. Also available is a battery tender. Just plug It In! February 1997 All Fluidyne coolers are of the finest race quality, hand-welded, for hi-llow excellent cooling capabilities. Complete line of water to oil heat exchangers to heat oil to maintain temperature in the engine. The 'Firebottle" system discharges completely when activated, and can be recharged saving you the cost ot a new system. Once extinguished, no messy residue remains. NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS NED lubricants are 100% synthetic. The NED line consists of Motor Oils, Gear Oils, ATF Fluid, Motorcycle Lubricants and more. With NED lubrlc.ants you can expect long drain intervals, increased performance & protection. CALL FOR PRICES TODAY! WE WILL SHIP IT AS FAST AS YOU NEED IT! TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: ~ (310) 427-2375 ~~. FAX (310) 426-5294 ~ 2865 Good~,,. 1•1 [ups" I I ~ I ' Long Beach, CA 90806 ~ -Page 31
GORRA Thanksgiving ·1so Jay Outram arrived early for Thanksgiving and went on to do what he has done all year: he took all the money with co-driver Matt Baggs, with the win in the challenge race and the overall victory. Steve . Rule and Banks Behling combined to win the 1600 class despite breaking a c. v. on the third lap. Quick pit work got them back in the race and they drove the Bo/ink/Goodyear sponsored car to third in class too. The 11th annual Thanksgiving. 250 promoted by the Georgia Off Road Racing Association (GORRA) was run Thanksgiving weekend. Racers from 10 states showed up at GORRA's home track located near Vienna, Georgia ( 150 miles south of Atlanta). This particular weekend has brought many different weather conditions. This year's was almost perfect. Temperature in the mid 60s and a little overcast and the wind was blowing just enough to keep the dust moving. The racers started showing up o n Wednesday before the holiday. Jay Outram and his group from Florida showed on W ednesday and camped out at the track for three days. They smoked a turkey and had all the fixings to boot. Sounds like a good meal to me. Big Mike, Stacy, and Rob Crawford joined in the feast and camping. series in Tampa, Florida. Interest-ed racers can contact James at (813) 962-2857 or968-6375 for information. James supplied a keg of beer for all the racers at a post race party in the parking lot at the Holiday Inn. The Lupfer's had a BBQ there also. The start and the entire race was great. On the start the entire field w;ed their beads. It seemed like everyone knew there was six hours to go and drove according-ly. No crazy driving, no dumb moves, no nothing, just good clean fast racing. We tried to find out from each driver what problems they had during the race and here is what we found out. Our apologies to those we overlooked. If we made an error in what went wrong or who broke what, again we're sorry. Steve Rule in #671 had the first problem among the starters. The transmission bell came loose and caused a c.v. to break. This 47 minute pit stop put him 30 laps down from the 1600 field but their day wasn't over. Steve pitted at the five hour mark and Banks Behling took over the driving. They went on to win the 1600 class and finish third overall. Banks had to pit with just 10 All but two cars took the green flag. #900 Bob Halleen, first time out with a new car (Mike Hester built) Bob was 11 minutes late starting but was not too upset. This was a shakedown race for the new car and Hester had Mike Notary on hand to check out the new car and offer advice. Bob rolled the car sometime during the day (an interesting observa-ti tion about Mike Notary was when he went out on the track to bring the car he took a helmet with him for the tow back. Mike's a regular on the SODA series and safety is first in his mind.) Good idea Mike. minutes to go with a k;ocking motor. Grass had filled up the screen and the motor was not getting enough clean air. Bob Bohres #138, he had trouble and lost oil and water just 30 minutes into the race. That set the theme for his entire day. They made numerous stops all day. #912 Lance & Margaret Smith had the dubious honor of being the first out, only running 22 laps. They broke a torsion bar. #924 pitted with a dead battery just 25 minutes into the race. This car, driven by Bill Whatley, Dean Anderson and Wayne Simmons had problems all day, making five or six stops, but they drove it on the trailer. #020 Greg Ward from Flint, Michigan pitted at the 25 minute mark with a clutch cylinder problem. Then they had to change a transmission. They only ran 43 laps for the day. Greg came down with Jack Haenlein. #988, and speaking of Jack. He was back at the Thanksgiving 250 after a two year absence. His luck was bad, bad, as he only ran 53 laps and finished fifth in Class 1-10. #969 Ray Atkins & Robert Height pitted at the 45 minute mark for a driver change. Ray out/Robert in. Robert is a stock car driver and was running his first off road race. Their problems, clutch cable, push rod tube, bolt came out of the shifter tube and broke a tie rod. They ran 157 laps and finished third. # 172 Team Fuzzy Butt, Mark Lupfer. First time ou·t in a new car, first in class and second overall. Mark won over $500.00. The day was not without a small problem as they broke a caliper but were able to repair it quickly. After the race his group hosted a BBQ in the Holiday Inn parking lot. They cooked Burgers, Chicken and Oysters. #669 Matt Lupfer & John Soock. Talk about problems and bad luck: they were leading the 1600 class with a 14 lap lead, just a mere 30 minutes to go and they broke a pivot arm bolt and could not find one. #119, Fred fobinchak, SODA regular pitted early for gas (had a small SODA tank. 1 hey only run 20 minutes so a large tank is not needed.) He a !so had in take manifold problems, clutch and starter problems. Fred turned 168 laps for a second place finish. Fred's co-driver Mike Moore will promote some off road events in Montgomery, Alabama, includ-ing two of the "Southeastern Challenge Cup" races. More on #613 James Lair also had problems getting his car to run (fuel problems) and started 32 minutes into the race. He had pit stops to adjust the clutch, change a plug, as well as having problems on the track. They ran 25 laps before retiring for the day. James is going to promote a short course Rabbit Haire, right, has been around southeastern racing for many years. Once again he won the Sedan Class with Bobby Bramblett co-driving. Page 31 February 1997 the Challenge Cup at the end of the story. #962, Jay Outram & Matt Baggs. They had a good day despite rolling twice, a broken shock, then they ran out of gas coming up to take the white flag. They ducked into the pits for a splash of gas and then rolled the car on the white flag lap. Despite all that they finished first in class and first overall, winning over 400 dollars. #675 James Hester, fuel line came out of carb and then a stub axle broke. He turned 134 laps for a fifth place finish in 1600. James and his family did a great job getting the track ready for the race. #928, Robbie Kuhn, had a flat, fuel pump problems and the shifter broke. This was Robbie's first trip to a GORRA race and he finished second in the Challenger class. #035, Dennis Aiken. Former GORRA points champion. Lindy Herrell was his co-criver despite a broken rear torsion they finished third in the open class. #570, Charlie Pritchard, Charlie's wife Kim was his first rider in the sedan then young soccer star Michael Thompson rode the rest of the race. Charlie drove all six hours in his first race of'96. They had several problems on the day, two flat tires forced them into the pits and they also had the motor bolts come loose. #526, Rabbit Haire and co-driver Bobby Bramblett had a good day despite some problems. They broke a c.v. 1:45 minutes into the race. #618, Marty Neri in a SODA 1600 car broke a rear torsion after the shock mount broke. Marty was chasing down the leader at the time. He finished sixth with just 84 laps on the day. Our workers did a great job all day. Supplying the tow truck and always being around when a racer needed a tow into· the pits was Andy Mattison. He was assisted by Raymond Ellison. Great job fellows. Score keepers. Not enough can be said about Joy Porter. I thmk she has scored every race GORRA has had in it's 20 year history. Joy was helped by Sherry Thompson back at a race after being gone for about three years or so. Sherry's husband Jack helped with the flagging as well as helping in the "Rule" pits. Jack's great to have around if your car needs quick pit work. He is one of the original GORRA members. The entire "Hester" Family did a fantasitc job of getting the track. Mr. Hester and sons James and Joey took care of getting the track ready and have volunteered to do the same next year. Kim "Rule" Pritchard, helped with t-shirt sales and took some photos for this story. Next year she will take an active part on the "Bob Rule Motorsports" Racing Team. Plans for next year include at least one desert race (Primm 300) and the six Challenge Cup races. Theresa Atkins, she helped with the gate and took video all during the event. Anyone interested in a copy of the video ( if available) contact us. (Bob or Steve Rule) Steve Rule, retiring GORRA president, has done a good job trying to keep the club together when our turnouts were not so great. He was responsible for most of the work leading up to the race, including some greatlooking t-shirts. Steve will be part of the Steering Committee that GORRA will have for '97, (instead of a president) Those names will appear in the mailing for the SCC (Southeastern Challenge Cup) . "GORRA CARES" This remark was made more than once by visiting racers and it's very true. We want every racer who attends to go home happy and talking about their next GORRA race. If we can help a competitor get his or her car back on the track that's what we're going to do. One of our cars may get beat or lose a position but that's what we're all about. "Send Everyone Home Happy" So for myself and all the GORRA family we are glad everyone came and hope to see you at our first sec race in March. It was quite a reunion at the race and the men standing from right to left are Jack Thompson, Bill Porter, both former GORRA Presidents and Bill Shipperd. GORRA couldn't say enough thanks to long time score keeper Joy Porter, left, and Sherry Thompson. (Get those guys to rent you a motor home for this race) Dusty Times
SNORE VEGAS 300 SNORE 300 Belongs To Jim Price By John Cal11in Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. W• James Price replaced a rod end, had a flat tire but still held on to take first in Class 10, First Overall by two minutes flat and can't wait for the '97 season to start. The SNORE Vegas 300 was. held on Decemherr 14 at heautiful downtown.Jean, Nevada on a cold and windy day with forty-four entrants in nine classes taking the green flag. Takeoff time was 9:00 a.m., leaving every thirty seconds on the long drivl' south to the underpass and then attacking the terrain on the west side of the main Los Angeles - Las V l'gas highway. Douhling hack from Stateline, still west of thl' frl'eway to a point seven or eight miles north of Jean Dry Lake, tht:ncl' under the freeway to the l'astern side, south to Jean Dry Lake, south and east through thl' gravel pits, south and east to Bl'l'r Bottle Pass and finally west and north hack to the start finish line, some three miles south of Jean. First off the line was Class 1-2 . Unlimited, Lonny Helmholt having the honor. Lonny turned a I :03 for lap onl' hut he was slightly heh ind Mike T eiman on the course and on time. Tieman turned just an hour and small changl' on each lap 'ti! the last, when he had a flat and got himself stuck for a hit, still turned a I :24, had a total timl' of 5:44 and took the class hy 13 minutes while losing thl' overall hy two minutes even. Anthony McCormick suffered only a few flats during thl' race and garnered second in class while Phil McCluskey took the third spot, almost two hours out of second placl'. Helmholt ran four of the five laps hut never appeared at the end. Class IO was next to go, led hy James Price and he led almost all ·the way all day, had a flat tire,•-took ahout six minutes to replace a rod end and took the class win with an impressive 5:42:26 and the overall win too! Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway had a great day, losing the clutch, getting stuck and finally a flat on the last lap, taking the checkers fiteen minutes out of first and happy to he finished. Tom Sturgis finished third in six hours flat, surviving a flat on every lap and a plug wire gone astray. Kent Lothringer and Gene Griepentrog also had a marvelous day, losing a c. v. on lap 3, add a flat and the loss of 2nd and 3rd on the last lap and you have a 6:00:39 fourth place finish. Class 1-2-1600 was next to go Mike Tieman took the ever good looking truck to a first in Class 1 /2 Unlimited, got himself stuck on the last lap and lost some time but got his class win anyway. B.J A Imberg had power steering problems all dav but ran consistent laps and ! took the checkers in Class 1-2-1600 with a nine minute margin. · Brian Sallee had a wonderful day, no flats, no problems, ran consistent laps, took the Challenger win and won the SNORE overall points for the year as well. Anthony McCormick chased first in Class 1/2 Unlimited all day long, suffered a few flat tires and ended up thirteen minutes behind the class winner. Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway are always a threat, but the loss of the clutch and a flat gave them second place in Class 10. =,:-<,, .:.-"':\<:. -lf Bekki Freeman was not a happy camper as she had a couple of flats, kept losing the coil wire but still finished only a few minutes out of first place in Class 1-2-1600. Joel Mohr only suffered a broken shock during the race, had a great day and took second place in Challenger, about twelve minutes out of first. Page 34 John McCormick stopped to help upright a competitor, sufferea some power loss from a broken exhaust but still got second place in Sport Buggy. February 1997 Tom Sturgis had the frustratio n of a flat every lap, a plug wire gone astray but still turned a few hot laps and grabbed third in Class 10. Dusty Times
Jason Gubler took over from Jeremy and had his first trip in 1-2-1600. Jason ran some hot laps and it looks like another young man will be making his presence felt real soon. Doug Ingram, the defending Challenger champ lost a shock, had ignition problems yet finished third in class, about fifteen minutes out of first. Steve Thompson decided to practice racing with minimal tire wear, shown here racing through the desert. Fortunately, only Steve's pride was hurt and we'll look for him at the nest race. with Ken Freem:m Sr. first off the line. Ken got in four good laps and failed to surface o n thl' fifth. Bekki Freeman, ran hot laps all day, actuallly had the lead going into the last lap hut suffered t.vo flats on the fifth lap and lost the coil wire not once hut four times. Bekki finished a great second in class. Jason Guhkr got into the I 600 car th is race, after Jeremy started and ran hard all day, had no major prohlems and fin ished a nice third in class. B.J. Almherg was the :,ixth starter in 1600, lost the power steering hut soldiered on to take a well deserved class win with heautifully consistant lap times. Next away were the Class 9 Challengers and although they were the last Challt.·nger to start, Brian Sallee had the lead hy the second lap and continued on for the win; Brian Sallee and Stan Hignett took home all the marhles in Class 9 and won the SNORE overall points championship as well. Hignett ran the first two laps sans pumper and the guys wanted to thank CORE, Bilstein, DI Trans and Willies Off Road and all the help from Barstow. Congrats, guys! Not to he forgotten is Joel Mohr who missed first in class hy nine minutes whilst fighting a hroken shock all day and Doug Ingram, last years overall points champion in SNORE who turned good consistant lap times all day with a hroken shock and ignition trouhks hut still finished third. Less than a minute hehind was Earl W est, and Brett North was the final finisher with a terrihly long econd lap. Sport Buggies came next and Rick Duncan ran at the hack of the pack o n the first lap, moved into the lead on the second lap and that was the end of the story as Rick flipped the car hut still hree:ed on to take the win in 5:25, seventeen minutes ahead of Second place. Second spot helonged to John McCormick who, in true sportsmanship stopped to help his competitor, ·* ~ The Sport Buggy class was the domain of Rick Duncan in his very good looking car. Rick flipped the car (see bent roof) but got back on his wheels and won the class by seventeen minutes. Barry Slatter ran steady laps all race long although he fought a brake problem and carburetor problems most of the day. Rick Duncan turn his car hack on during the year. its wheels after his flip and John Mini Metal wns the domain of certainly gets our admiration as Barry Slattn, turning his laps in well ns Ricks, we assume. the low I :30s, all without hrakcs Heavy Metnl only had two for most of the race and n entrie~ nnd one of them, Jerry cantnnkerous carhun·tor that Stewart took the green flag hut kept Barrv alert all day. was never seen again. Steve The 5-1600s took the green flng Olliges, however turned a great next and it was a hank hetween firstlap,thenlosttherearendon Kevin Streety and Dennis the second lap, had the win as they W l'Sseldine, hut Kevin had major were the onl y truck running in trouhles on the second lnp and class hut went all the way hack Dennis came home the winner, into Las Vegas to get another rear finishing two laps in three and a end so Steve's mom, Pat could get half hours. a ride. Steve especially wanted to Ah, C lass 11, the hack-thank J<?hn Swift for all his help hreaking, hone jarring VWs, known to some as Hitlers Revenge, were the last class to k·nve the starting line and the first Onl's in.John Houlton was the hig winner, fighting a hood that kept hlowing up hut finally super tape won out, the hood stayed in place and they finished their two laps in four hours and thirty-four minutes. Ed McCormick took second, after losing a valve cover in the outhack, hut they hunted it down and came on in for a finish. The taped down hood was the only problem John Houlton had on race day as So ended the last SNORE race of 1996, a "Race For The Kids" to henefit the Candelighters Foundation. Thanks SNORE, from a lot of kids _in Las Vegas. See you 11ll again on February 7 at the Bottom Dollar when it starts all over again. he motored around the 62 mile laps for a nice win in Class 11. Dusty Times February 1997 Steve Olliges had to run back to Vegas for another rear end but he and his mom still had a good day as he won the Heavy Metal class on a cold and blustery day. Dennis Wesseldine is finding Class 5-1600 more to his liking as he took the Coolexx colored racer to a first place even though there were many problems during the day. 'I,.OVG-II OFF-ROAD FUEL CELLS All ATL Cells Carry A Full Race Approval To FT-3 Or FT-5 Regulations c& '\!:::!] f!::::!l 0 ® Laps Ahead Of The Comp AERO TEC LABORATORIES INC. aoo\ SPEAR ROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK \ S~~ RAMSEY, NJ 07446-1251 5~6• TEL: 201-825-1400 • FAX: 201-825-1962 Page 35
FAIR News By John Lucas A lot of FAIR members had a great day at the last La Rana Race. The racing was great, and FAIR finished with most of the class titles. The weather had been bad all week, but on race day the sun was out, and the racers were ready to go! FAIR had 20 cars of the 48 that started. Ron Osburn finished first in Class 200. Tom Mangione repaired a loose carburetor at Pit B, that cost them about 20 min-utes, but other than that he had a trouble free day, this victory gave Ron the points championship in Class 200. FAIR teams had quite a battle going in the 1600 class between Wes Wisdom & Sons, and the Clearwood team of Jeff Madrid and Gary Bancroft. Gary was the first to the finish line, but Wes Wisdom beat them on time. It was hard to tell at the finish line as they both arrived at the same time in a big cloud of dust. Wes used Gary's angle iron on the back of Clearwoods cage for brakes. Only a little damage, both are good friends, they battled all year right up to the last couple of feet for the class championship. Danny Drake and Rich Fersch in 5-1600 finished first in class. They ran flawless all day, and with their first place finish they clinched the points championship for the year. Bob Wright who rolled his golf cart at Glen Helen the week before injuring his shoulder, saw his hopes for the points championship go out the window when he lost his ring and pinion. Kathy Fay won another class championship in their truck. I think she needs to move up to a larger truck so she can carry all the first place trophies with her. Max Hanberg won Class 9 and also clinched the points championship in his class. We did not get a race report from all the FAIR racers, so we are playing it by ear. Also in Class 200 Hal Hibbard started strong but blew the motor on the first lap, we also had Gary Steele, and Rob Chavez run in Class 100, they are from VORRA. Gary blew the torsion housing out; they tried to weld it at Pit A butl don't think they could get going again. I believe Rob finished, but it was a long day. They said they liked the courses in So. California with all the whoops and rocks, they race more on flat roads and washes. Dan Fisk and Jeff Quinn finished second in Class 200, they had lit-tle problems all day, power steer-ing, tire, fuel pump, but Dan did get fast lap for the day. I don't know what kind of a day Don Bowler had in his 1600 car racing, but he was the big winner at the raffle taking home $500.00 in CASH. Don Moore and Charlie Lamar, Outhouse Racing, made a last minute decision to race, I think that made the motor unhappy as it decided to stop before the race was over. Jay Fogg with Clear-wood Racing and Max Villabos in their 9 car had problems all day. Harry Dunne tried to fix Max's car over the radio but they just did not want to finish. I didn't hear how Mike and Tom Barnett from T&J Racing did, but I didn't have to buy more welding wire for our welder so they must have done OK (inside joke, sorry Tom). Tim Braden did not give us a report, but he was the big loser at the raffle. Tim's name was drawn first for the $500.00, but he had gone back to his pit, Don Bowler thanks him!!! Robert Wilks had the only 1400car, they finished, and said they were mov-ing up in class for next year. All in all it was a great race day and a great way to say goodbye to La Rana. All the racers banded together for this one. FAIR, Checkers ( congrats to Randy Spahr and Craig Dillion for First Overall and points champion Class 10), CORE and all the in-dependents. It didn't matter who you were affiliated with, we all got together, and had a great time. I have to give special thanks to Joey Bancroft who fed the group, the only thing we had left over was empty plates. Thanks again La Rana for many years of desert rac-ing. Special Note: Keep Dave Massingham in your prayers and thoughts. Dave has taken some time away from racing to be with his family. This is his column when he returns (hurry up Dave). ANYONE WHO'S ANYONE READS THE ONLY WAY TO KEEP UP ON OFF ROAD/. SUBSCRIPTK>N$-A.IIB ,ao.oo FOR ONE FEAR. ,ao.oo FOR TWO 1'.EARS · aon1 IAPIJ-LA sr, c&tnnl0Jtfll'C4 91311 . uu•a-0004 CLEAN AIR RACING Along With DILLON RACING Would Like To Thank ALL INVOLVED That Helped Us WIN The 1996 LaRana Class "10" Championship ! SUPPORT Spahr Family Dillon Family Burke Family Kurt Barron VBS Racing Dangerzone Racing Checkers OFF Road WIK'S RACING MOTORS MENDEOLA TRANSMISSIONS SPONSORS Lothringen Engineering Tucker Tire Co. Environn1entally Safe Equipment Co. Industrial Powder Coating SPECIAL THANKS To Mom & Dad Spahr Mom & Dad Dillon DRIVERS: RANDY SPAHR & CRAIG DILLON CHASE: KURT BARRON & FRIENDS Page 36 February 1997 Dusty Times
BIGGER BOULDERS • BETTER BUMPS • BOUNTIFUL BRUISES Other associations race, BUT NONE DO IT BETTER THAN B.O.R.E.! MAY 3rd Wendover, USA ~kttu~to4fted, de4d.~! JULY 5th Jackpot,Nevada ~takde~. "tpUt, t:ta,,e// SEPTEMBER 6th Wendover, USA 200 miles of great desert running at every B.O.R.E. Race! Best payment at 65o/o, plus the lowest entry fees. Bonus cash every race, above purse to all pro classes. PRO CLASS "A" 1 /2 Unlimited 10 1/2-1600 Mini Metal entry $245. 00 insurance 90. 00 use fee 10.00 $345.00 PRO CLASS "B" Challenger and 5/1600 entry $165.00 insurance 90. 00 use fee 10.00 $265.00 SPORTSMAN For the Almost-a-race-car, it's run what you brung. entry $45. 00 insurance 90. 00 use fee 10.00 $145.00 EXTRA: Current/Valid membership in any off road association will be honored by B.O.R.E. at your fll'St race. EXTRA: $20.00 off entry fee for early entry with $100.00 binder receive at least two weeks before any race. BONNEVILLE OFF-ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS P.O. BOX 1583 OGDEN, UTAH 84402 (801) 627-2673
I !NORE OVERALL POIIIT! & CLAS! 9 CHAKPION! I SPONSORS ~ -WILLIES ON ~ & OFF ROAD J for a strong, trouble free motor i BILSTEIN .E SHOCK for a :! durable and ~ responsive product -D1 TRANSAXLE ~ for a smooth f transmission_ 0) i ~ CII -RACE TECH for perfect radio communication i -CARRERA L _: for capturing the ,?, moment Thanks to our families, sponsors, and friends for their support throughout the year. 8N'alf ~/lee &-J'talf llt;lfett --,. ·~-:ff):,'.:'"'. ~ :--f~\::tt¾"'~ :v-~ ~ .;;-.~--.... :._. J< !iJ2f·_ t.,( ::·/~-~-~-~:/~f:,:;\ .'. · .. ~ ~ ;:r DI 3 DI 6 FAMILY & :r FRIENDS c6' ;;i: c6' ;:r ... C o - d r i v e r s: (I) 1eff Stafford and Bobby Wallace a, & Our wives for their l love, support, and 3 patience ! Eddie & Marcia ~ Sallee for their unending support [ i C .O.R.E. pit Support,. Ed ~ Wilkinson, Robert () Wilkinson, Steve & t:-::::, Gail Valdez, Brady i Salano. 'Dewey & Gina Lamora,· Lee Perfect, and Rick & a, Kerry 1ohnson i } 996 SCORE CLASS 5-1600 CHAMPION TOM DITTFIELD -ROOKIE OF THE · YEAR WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING FOR ALL THEIR HELP DURING THE 1996 SEASON. CO-DRIVERS -ALAN & DARRYL COOK CANYON MOTORS OFF-ROAD COOK BROTHERS RACING JEFF FIELDS TRANSMISSIONS ADAM WIK MOTORS ALL VALLEY CARBURETORS PROWLERS SPEED & CUSTOM CHECKERS OFF ROAD TEAM AUTO BODY SPECIALIST MR. G'S BAR & GRILL CO-RIDERS - MARK MATULA &REV.ROY INTERNET CONSTRUCTION BRADINCH-PIT SUPPORT -CHECKERS OFF ROAD RACING TEAM BEST IN THE DEZ! SUSPENSION SERVICE
SIMD NETWORK Q RAC RALLY Annin Schwarz Wins For Toyota Text & Phoros: Marrin Holmes opposition from Ford drivers headed by Ari Vatanen, privateer Jarmo Kytolehto and Formula 1 star Martin Brundle, and secondly the climax to the W2L series dominated by Renault, SEAT, and Skoda. SEAT started with three kit cars, Renault with four and Skoda with five plus an orthodox Group A car as well. This RAC Rally was an historic occasion for Skoda, the 25th year the team has contested the event, and on the previous 24 events the team had won their class on 22 occasions. Brundle was very pessimistic! He admitted the week before the event that he had to decide within Armin Schwarz and Denis Giraudet in a Celica GT-Four prepped by Toyota moments whether to accept a Team Europe, made a near clean sweep of the rally, leading most of the way drive on this event. "I said yes but and when it counted at the flag: it was a great day for Armin Schwarz. mayhe I was too impetuous. Now Eight years on, Armin Schwarz. teammates Emil Triner and Pavel I think I have bitten off more than came back to where his career had Sibera wrecked the Czech I can chew! The problem came all begun for him. His first world company's hopes of a title, which when rallymen said I should go championship rally was the RAC then went instead to SEAT. very well if I could see where to in an amazing fifth place overall, a After their year of enforced go. Then they explained that on position which introduced him to absence on top level official the RAC Rally it was often dark the life of professional ~allying competition, Toyota came back and foggy!" Brundle continued; roundtheworld.Thisyearhewas to rallying in full glory, with a ''As soon as we started the backandwinning.Therallyitself threecarteamofCelicaGTFours training I realized the main did not have ch amp ions hip prepared in Cologne by Toyota challenge was the difficulty in standing, but it was a rally as Team Europe and driven by Juha listening to a co-driver talking to tough as any in the British history Kankkunen and Armin Schwarz you, and the need to pay attention of rallying. with another car for Ian Duncan to everything he said." His co-As usual it was an event full of from Kenya on Britain's major driver was Roger Freeman, the surprises, with a traditional last- ra 11 y. The RAC wasn't a full national champion ten years ago. day twist. The twist came in the World Championship rally, on The top three W2L could play World 2-liter Championship for account of the FIA rotation tactics. It was far from certain that which this was the final round, system and, despite an immensely any of the three would win the and in which SEAT, Skoda and strong Formula 2 presence, had a W2L title outright this time. The Renault started on theoretically very poor top driver presence. favorite was the Ford Escort equal hopes. Skoda took full Toyotalivenedupaneventwhich RS2000 Kit Car of th 1996 advantage of the conditions and otherwise would have been British champion GwydafEvans. Stig Blomqvist eventually took dominated by front wheel drive Then there was the Nissan Sunny the category and finished the cars. This year the event had two GT! car of Mark Higgins, an event in third place overall with a separate appeals: firstly there was orthodox design of F2 car but 1600cc car. Engine failures for his . the battle of Toyota against .. another team which, although not regularly competing, beat the full Renault Ma Ki Meg_ane team of kit cars on a test rally, the Midland Rally in Wales in October. The large number of full kit cars down the field, more than ever seen on a single event before was evident. Skoda, Renault, SEAT, Ford and VW (for the first time) all ran W2L cars with the optional kit car modifications of free inlet and exhaust manifolds, wider suspen-sions and roof level rear wings. " " Stig Blomqvist and Benny Melander are real veterans in international rallies and they guided their Skoda Felicia KC 1600 carefully but quickly. They won the W2L section and were third overall in the rally. There was an amazing record turn-out on the RAC. 182 cars started the event, far in excess of any world championship event for nearly two years, and the 121 cars qualifying for W 2L points beat the record of such cars at the 1995 Monte Carlo Rally. The RAC Rally was an event on which a remarkable number of other but failed, and the car then national champions take part: toppled on to its roof as it fell Gwyndaf Evans, Britain, Armin downhill. His co-driver went to Schwarz, European, Gregoire de warn other competitors of the Mevius, Belgium Renault F2, unexpectedly icy place, but Stephanie Simmonite·, British Kytolehto hit the bank on the Ladies champion, Ford F2, other side of the road. He got to K r:ystof Holowc:yc, Poland, and the end of the stage but the engine Serdar Bostanci, Turkey, both in was damaged and he had to retire Fords. with head gasket failure. An icy The weather was a concern, rally where the top three Finns go Not many crews were physically . off the road is very very strange! able to cover every special stage in Sch war: had been ahead all the pre-rally reconnaissance because time, but now in second place was ofthesnow.Theorganizerswere the Japanese driver Masao afraid of more snow. The Kamioka, driving an ex-works problem was that when the lmpre:a, enjoying his lower temperature fell in the late starting number IH. On various afternoon the stages could stages the starting number was become glazed. On th is event critical. Of the first nine stages, studded tires are forbidden. one was won by /:149, another by Kenyan Ian Duncan claimed he /:164, and three by /:118! A driver had never seen snow before enjoying the conditions, despite except for a long way off on the this being only his seond outing in slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. a Ford, was the former Toyota Malaysian Karamjit Singh had driver Holowc:yc who was lying been to Finland the previous fourth, with number 20. winter and received winter Things were not so good for driving tuition from Jarmo Brundle; he went off the road at Kytolehto. The snow would be a walking speed and then slid off major factor in the race to the the road on the inside of a hairpin. W2L championship. Eventually he was towed back on On Etape 1 Martin Brundle the road by Louise Aitkin-looked into the darkness at the Walker in her Honda Civic, who start, but put on a brave face. had gone off-on the next bend. "I've driven competition cars at Brundle was so late that it seemed night at LeMans, Sebring and the no-finishing record for FI Daytona, but I haven't driven a drivers o n theis event would competition car out of a hotel on remain intact. Sch war: pulled s heet ice before!" The M6 comfortably a head on the motorway was a mixture of clear Pundershaw stage when his timl· conditions, hail and slush, of 39m27s was nearly two and a sunshine and rain; once the half minutes faster than the next daylight arrived the colors of the car. When Duncan went off the clouds were very strange, even road on stage 7, the German the orange at times. The conditions the last Toyota driver left. on the stages were even more In W2L the story was ama:ing. amazing. The first three stages Twenty-five years ago a Swede won were fully snow and ice, with no the RAC Rally in a car which by way to gauge exactly just how today's standards is an F2 car. slippery each bend would be. This was Stig Blomqvist, with a Kytolehto spun three times and Saab. Now he is driving a Skoda, finished third. Schwarz was the and leading the W2L category all only driverto cover the section in the way, finishing the day three less than a half hour even though minutes ahead of his nearest rival, he drove for 12 miles with a Evans in a Ford, and was third puncture. Vatanen claimed his overall. Of the nine·' stages turbo had failed shortly after the Blomqvist made best W2L time start, and then he hit a rock in the on five stages against once only road which broke the suspension. for his teammate Sibera, and on It was becoming a very odd. three occasions for Mark Higgins rally indeed, especially when in his orthodox Nissan, which Blomqvist's W2L Skoda was finished the day sixth in W2L, sixth fastest. Vatanen struggled to over ten minutes behind Blom-service in time enough, but then qvist but who lost four minutes he was forced off the road by a when his jack hroke as he trie,l to non-competing vehicle, on the change a flat tire. narrow approach to the service Alister M cRae no sooner area, and went out of time announced his agreement to allowance trying to get back again. continue driving for VW in 199, He was very angry, and even than h e began a series of swore when asked by TV misfortunes. He spun and stalled, interviewers to explain what the engine kept stopping, and happened. It was on stage three then he went off for half an hour, that the rally lost its credibility. too late (so he assumed) to carry Kankkunen went off the road and on. The Skodas were going well almost drove the car back again, .. with three cars in the top nine Masao Kamioka and Kevin Gormley got the Subaru lmpreza 555 through the snow without problems. In fact they had a smooth rally and took second overall about eight minutes behind the winner. Harri Rovanpera and Juha Repo drove the highest placed SEAT Ibiza Kit Car, eighth overall and fourth W2L. The points earned helped SEAT to the title in the World Championship 2-Liter for Makes. places overall, but on the final stage of the day Emil Triner retired with a cambelt tensioner failure. The order at Leeds was Skoda, Ford, Skoda, Renault ( de Mevius), VW, Jorgen Jonasson), happy he didn't have the full kit car engine, and Higgins. Head was eighth after stopping to change a wheel on a stage and then going off for four minutes. Clearer stages were promised for the second day, even if they would be shorter, but Renault would start off nearly six minutes behind Blomqvist and the fastest SEAT (Rovanpera) over 11 minutes behind the Swede. Things looked to be going Skoda's way. If things stayed put they would lead the series by 12 points in front of Page 40 February 1997 Dusty Times
Mark Higgins and Philip Mills splash through the mud and took the Nissan Sunny G Tl to fourth overall and second W2L. Gregoire de Mevius and Jean-Marc Fortin had plenty of oddball troubles with the Renault Maxi Megane, but they kept going to fifth overall, fifth W2L. Raimund Baumschlager and Klaus Wicha drove the VW Golf Kit Car to tenth overall and sixth in W2L on its world debut. It is a nice looking rally car. Renault who ~ould be another 13 . in front of SEAT. On Etape 2 the problems for the organizers began when reports came through that competitors had become stuck in the seventh stage, Hamsterley. lnstructions were given that competitors should be diverted so that they could stay in the event. But the organizers were left with difficult decisions about ~hich driv.e.rs were stilt eligible to continue the next day. Everyone was told to make the restart but the organ-izers never published a list of those allowed to officially carry on. Martin Brundle, running about an hour behind schedule, was left in; Ian Duncan, his car stranded, could not carry on. The greatest problem was that the rally colunm had been extended from 3 hours 30 to 6 hours. After Martin Brundle eventually retired on the final day it was calculated he had come within two minutes of exclusion on the first day. The greatest irony was that when MWM mechanics were told not to bother to repair Vatanen's suspension the first day; they should have done, because Ari in fact would subsequently have benefited even at that time of the · event from extended overall lateness rules. --------------0 on in gt on and there was heavy . front of Renault with SEAT four snow on the road section across to more behind. IF they finished in Trentham. The main challenge the same positions. was the rule that all had to Ford's new team manager compete on the same set of tires. Malcolm Wilson opined on Being a non WCR event competi-television that nothing much tors, however, could cary two would happen on the final day. spare wheels. Skoda opted to The weather in Wales was wet carry snow tires, Nissan gave their rather than snowy, but except for teams racing tires for the air field the top three drivers, Wilson was tests. The top cars had few wrong! Brundle met his final problems. Brundle was running a disaster. He restarted in 73rd long way behind the leaders but position and had already passed they made fifth best time at five cars on the first stage when he Chatsworth and second fastest approached the sixth car he did. time on stage 17. not notice a road coming in from The excitement came with the, the right and slid into a culvert. W2L cars, particularly at a certain The black Escort came to a very tree stump in Chatsworth. The sudden stop and caught fire. day started without Jonasson, Schwarz had a moment of concern having arrived at the overnight when the power steering failed halt with a blocked gearbox. He and he lost road penalties, while did not restart. Evans slid on an Kamioka continued in his ex-icy, but flat-out stretch of road works Subaru still without and touched the tree stump at problems. high speed, crashing heavily, but In W2L Rovanpera overturned after a while was able to finish the but lost only half a minute and stage. The shock of the impact some glass, while the Simmonite was so severe he collapsed in pain sisters overturned their Escort. at the finishline and was taken to Renault lost Alain Oreille when hospital for a check-up, and his car stopped with electrical released very stiff the next trouble on stage 20. On stage 21 morning. Then a few cars later, Skoda lost Sibera with a broken Robbie Head hit the same tree and connecting rod. This completely his Maxi Megane was thrown into upended the championship, and a series of dramatic rolls and he •. for Skoda it could not have come. had to retire as well. Raimund Baumschlager's VW went off the -----------------at a worse moment, for reports had just arrived that the comp-any's Chairman had just lost his life back home in a road accident. DeMevius had a clutch problem for two stages halfway through the day, and the road penalties let Higgins take his Nissan into second place. Nissan had another success when Geoff Jones won his class easily in a 1300cc Group A Miera, a prize drive for a development car after winning the Nissan Challenge. The RAC Rally ended an era of. uncertainty and confusion in the sport of championship rallying. The problem of being unable to say in simple language what was important about an event had for the past three years been a most damaging episode in the history of the sport. How could the huge number of cold and wet spec-tators in the forests know who to cheer? Happily the damage is now over. A new exciting and meaningful rallying era is now about to happen. Ari Vatanen shows the crowd how to get a Ford Escort RS Cosworth around a tight corner. An unfortunate accident with a non-competing car forced Ari and Mike Calvin out of the rally because of the time loss. The weather improved; it was clear and dry on the first stage on the outskirts of Leeds, but the vivid orange sky was a portent' of worsening conditions. It was grey and dark at Chatsworth, sheet ice at the service park at Chesterfield, raining at Clumber, sleeti_~~ at. road for a couple of minutes. Blomqvist and Higgins both had four fastest times in the category, and Skoda was still smiling cautiously. The theoretical Official SCORE/Tecate Baja 1000 championship situation was that Skodawould finish 16 points in Harri Rovanera, seated in the car and new SEAT engineer Benoit Bagur discuss the way the rally is going in a quiet moment. Harri brought the new SEAT Ibiza Kit Car in eighth overall. 52ND NETWORK Q RAC RALL Y1996 Armin Schwarz/Denis Giraudet D/F Toyota Calica GT-Four A 4 :46:50" Masao Kamloka/Kevln Gormley J/GB Subaru lmpreza 555 A 4:54:42 Stig BlomqvlsUBenny Melander s Skoda Felica Kit Car 1600 A S:02:02•• Mark Higgins/Philip Mills G3 Nissan Sunny GTI A 5:09:11 Gregoire de Mevius/Jean-Marc Fortin B Renault Maxi Megane A 5 :11 :20 Jeremy Easson/Alun Cook G3 Ford Escort RS Cosworth N 5 :13:59" Dominic Buckley/ Neil Ewing G3 Subaru lmpreza WAX-RA N 5 :16:54 Harri Rovanpera/Juha Repo ~ SEAT Ibiza Kit Car A 5 :20:40 Erwin Weber/Manfred Hiemer D SEAT Ibiza Kit Car A 5:22:24 Raimund Baumschlager/Klaus Wiehe AID VW Golf Kit Car A 5:23:25 Andrea Hall/Sue Mee G3 Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 N 6:19:15# 182 starters - 82 finishers - "Group Winner •• F2 winner - #Ladles Cup Winner Winner's average speed over stages-SI mph ,48.33 mph W2L - FINAL W2L points SEAT 312 (274), Renault 265, Skoda 280 (264, Peugeot 168, GM 103, Suzuki & Hyundai 52, Daihatsu 50, Honda 43, Nissan 42, Kia & Toyota 32, Renault (RA) 28, Citroen 27 etc. Dusty Times Price $13 $13 $5 $3 Name: Address: Phone: Shirts and Souvenirs Still Available Item Baja 1000 Tee Shirts Qty: S_ M_ L_ XL XXL Baja 1000 Hats (one size) Qty: __ Baja 1000 Pins Qty: __ Baja 1000 Patches Qty: Shipping & Handling Grand Total Make check/money order payable and send order to: Rich Bigi 10044-2 Larwin Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 886-1503 Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery February 1997 Total$: $5.00 Page 41
FRT Dunaway Dash Dusty Times By Fudpucker December 31, 1996, Our New Years Eve celebration, The Dunaway Dash X at Plaster City West, CA: Craig Smith and Greg Bringle won the 7:00 a.m. bike race with a wire to wire victory. In the buggy, car and truck race Andrew" Any" Wehe was always the first one to cross the finish line. However, after the fourth lap he did give up the lead on elapsed time. Then he came roaring back on lap 5 with just a little sputter on the final sprint, to capture the overall win by over 11 minutes. Thl' 10th annual Budweiser Dunaway Dash was probably the toughest consecutive 150 miles any off road racer has traversed. There were whoops in whoops and just for good measure a few knee deep silt monsters that even the rain couldn't tame. However, thanks to an early morning shower the race was run under ideal conditions. As hundreds of spectators lined pit row and many thousands of others watched from strategic locations around the 25 mile loop, Craig Smith gracefully glided into the lead. His partner Greg Bringle added to it on his first lap and from then on thl'y built an insurmountable ka,I. Jason Corfman and Steve "No Knees" Rich finished first 250 an,! second overall, but just cnukl not keep up with the open hor,· machines. Dewey Belew and \X,'il,l Hill McNeer won the Vet class with a third overall finish. Andrew "Any" Wehe. He did the Nl'vada's Bill Maxim won the samL' thing aJ this year's Dash. In Super Senior Division and Aaron front from the git go he was Tuck won the Pro 125 class and suddenly a few minutes behind could win the overall 125 class Ruben Wood after the fourth lap. championship. Wood, from Mesa, AZ, had his Eric Dunlavey and his brother hrand new Jimco unlimited flying. Todd dashed into the ATV lead However new cars often get the only to be run down by Troy hlues.Hiswasmajorasthetranny "Trash Bag" Phelps when Todd's died. However, Andrew was not suspl'nsion turned into a hard home scot free, he ran out of fuel. riding pogo stick. Greg Gibbs and Luckily his motor will run on Troy Phelps lead looked secure, Pemex. He won Any Wehe! Dave hut on the last lap the Dunlaveys Richardson driving the G. Scott camL' crawling back to make it Asphalt Class 10 struggled all day cloSL'. However victory went to to finish out of contention. This Gihhs and Phelps. gave the high points champion-In thl' Desert Superlite Division ship to Chuck Hovey, the Roh Archibald had to fight off a unlimited class champion by one host of challengers to win. While point. _ hl' kd from start to finish two The best race of the day was in othL'r teams delivered their best the 1-2-1600 class. They came 12 shots only to become dopes-on-a-strong with two racers trying to rope for their efforts. Steve grasp the championship from Lucore Jr. was knocking on points leader Jeff Franklin. Vic Archibald's bumper for a lap and Bruckman bounced his way out of a half until his engine started contention with a first lap stuff. knocking and died. Ron Slade Andy Estrada hobbled, crawled drove his Pilot and harder than and putted around just enough, at anyone thought possible, even 8th in class, to win the champion-Honda, as finally the frame ship. A variety of leaders folded. That gave Archibald produced Tom Watson, going about a two year lead which he solo as the 1600 race winner. The nl'ver surrendered. winners were, in Class 100 HJoey Some things never change. andRickyKernandJimandBrian When Andrew Wehe was win-Gill wbn 5-1600 class. Rodd ning his first championship, it I Rantelli won the small truck class Sl'cmed that no matter what andthel006seasonchampionship. happened, he would win anyway. We will have a full race report Therefore we started calling him next month by Judy Smith. needs more dealers!!! Call Bekki at Dusty Times for • requirements. (818) 882-0004 HONDA · Power 1, Equipment .· KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER TO_~-D Racer and Spectator D'iscounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PuRPOSE ENGINES =--·· . • WATER PUMPS •OUTBOARD ENGINES I -:i~ ' •LAWNMOWERS •LAWN TRACTORS EB6S00SX · ·, • RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY IF We DoN'T HA VE IT, No ONE Doest ~ ... :::,-_::: =--I • lftll&Cl:SJ · 00 DELIVERY TO nIB RACES AVAII.ABLE • PLEAsE CALL AHEAD ~'i ·' ~=-/ .#--KAWAGUCHI HONDA EX1000 3.532 E. 3RD Sr. Las~ CA 9CXJ63 • 213.264.3936, 264.SSSS FAX 264.2136 . i VISA I s A L E s ' s E R V I C E ' p A R T s No~h;"'n-' . .................... -HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST . 1Ufil:1t:,Seastef. ·eoNDA Power Equipment iai for 01.111mum performa.ncr J.nd saf<-ty. pkaff lrad the-o,1m~r·s nianual bdorc- opc-r.itlng your Hond3 Po"·c-r EquipmC'nt. Sp«ificatlon:s subject to d'....Ln!.l,C' v.1thout notice-. •Estlm.ue only. b:iffd on rated load. +Battery not irn:ludll"d \I.1th £!\.t3500SXK 1. E~15000SXK I and EB0500SX. • +\\"llh b.u.u:rv tr.IV klt. wh«ts a. h.a.n111.er. ConnccUon to houK power requlrrs trnnsfer d~1t-c to ,wold pouible injury to ~ -er company pcr,onnel. Consult .1. qu,1.Ji8c-d rl~U1cl3n. · · · Page 41 February 1997 Dusty Times
AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIOMSHUIP Pictorial of Class Winners By Darryl Smith CLASS 1: Mark Burrows debuted this car last year and sorted it out. When 1996 started he proved he was once again a force to be reckoned with. Certainly Austral-ia's best all round driver; very fast, very tidy and so reliable. Attributes that not only saw Burrows win the Class 1 Champ-ionship but take his fourth overall win to be Australian Off Road . Champion Driver. Burrows was .. by not racing in round l. His one of only 4 drivers to score reliability then came through and points in every race. Burrows' even though he didn't score any navigator, Mick Shannon also class wins he was always there to took the Navigator's award. The take high placings. Ziems still top three drivers in Class 1 were believes a political decision Burrows (75 points), Neville robbedhimofthe '95 crownsohe Boyes (60 points), and T erry was determined to get it this year Rose (39 points). and that he did. Ziems won Class CLASS 2: 2 with 49 points over Matt Owen Andrew Ziems gave his opposi- ( 40 points) and Ian Tscharke ( 32 tion a head start in the 1600 class .. points) who won ~he first race . . overall but then had a string of_ CLASS 4: bad luck. The VW Bajas had a somewhat CLASS 3: small following this year. Greg The 1200 class contest was as Campbell's car might be older tight as ever and virtual new than most (it's 13 years old in comers to the scene, Graeme fact) but the preparation on it is Julius with navigator Vince Evans superb. This was evident in thier started this year with a new car ability to score 2 class wins and a and a potent Suzuki motor. They second which put them at the top put a lot of thought into their of the list at the end. Campbell racing and made sure they would won the class with 55 points, over finish each race. This was a feat Nev Taylor (32 points) and they achieved and joined the small Stephen Blair (15 points). group of gaining points in every CLASS 5: race and indeed finished with a The variety in the 2WD tin top win. Their determination gave class means some close racing. them 65 points which put them There were class wins by John ahead of Mark Whisker (55 pts) Ireland, Jan Hedley, and Ross and Darrell Johnson (35 pts). . Watson but it was Robert Pagan . _C_la_ss_4_-_G_r_eg_Ca_m_p_e_ll _____________ CJ_as_s_5_-_R_o_be_r_t P_a....:..g_an ______________ CJ_as_s~6_-_S_te_v_en_ G_ r_o_cl ____________ _ SCORE 1995 ENGINE BUILDER.OF THE YEAR! I * ~ ' ~ ~~ ~":'W ~~ " ~~ ~ ~:,-:: '' ' ~ * ~ '"'~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ " ~', ~ ~ ~" :::::: ITT ~~&..~ ::si ~ ~ ~ ~~-'* ~ Congratulations to these outstanding Champions and Points Leaders! 1996 SCORE Desert Championship Series Class 1 First Brent Grizzle/Dale Ebberts Third (VW Type IV) Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero (TOYOTA V-6) Class 5 Second Mike James/Mike Kalicki Third Class 1 O First (VW Type IV) George Seeley (VW Type IV) Andrew Wehe OVERALL BUGGY CHAMPION (TOYOTA 4AG) Second Ray Croll (TOYOTA 4AG) Third Jerry Penhall/Ben Schlimme (TOYOTA 4AG) 1996 SODA Short Course Championship Series Class 9/1 O Second Scott Schwalbe Class 1 /1600 Class 2/1600 Class 7S First Second First Second (TOYOTA 4AG) Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Mike Seefeldt (VW Type I) Mike Seefeldt (VW Type I) John Greaves (TOYOTA Tacoma) RACING ENGINES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS : Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 : ''"'"''''''''' ' ,,-:-,, ,,,:-; ''""❖""'"·"''❖' "'' ,, ,, ''""'",,;,,,:-,.-.;:,;,,-.;,, ' ,,, '''"'"='" ,, ,.,.,_.i:i Page 44 February 1997 SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993 and 1995! PERl'ORMAIICE 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 Dusty Times
Class 7 - Les Siviour who took two wins and the Class 5 championship. Pagan had the tough decision when his trusty little Mazda ute got destroyed in a Stadium Race whether to con-tinue or not. He soon found another identical car and decided to put in the biggest, fastest Rotary turbo motor he could find, and the result was a fine win with 55 points. Ireland came in second with 20 points and Hedley third with 20 points. ('LASS 6: The Challenger buggy class found it hard to attract numbers this year to the Championship which was unusual when there are so many that race on a local basis. Last year's champion, Steven Grocl was once again unbeatable and emerged the winner with 55 points. This gave him the win over Michael Eggert (20 points) and Rob Wager (15 points). CLASS 7: Who else but Les Siviour in his Nissan Patrol can be expected to dominate the class for 4x4s with limited mods. The last time Siviour didn't win his class was back in September 1991. Once again in '96 his tally was 5 wins from 5 starts. On two occasions Siviour actually finished in the top 10 overall too. His string of class wins would have to be some kind of record. A perfect score of 100 points gave Siviour the win, over Eric Whitbread (42 points) and Gary Weatherley's Suzuki (27 points). CLASS 8: There are some top cars with top drivers in the Modified 4x4 class. Reigning class Champion Grahame Baxter in his V8 Nissan proved reliability wins Champ-ionships by doing it again. Baxter was another driver to score points in all five events. His tally for '96 was two wins and three seconds, which amounted to 85 points. Next on the list was Fabio Zarfati with 4 7 points in the Pajero, over Ken Smith's Holden Rodeo on 44 points. CLASS 9: The unlimited single seater class saw the awesome debut of Paul Simpson's State of the Art USA Jimco. Complete with mid mounted quad cam Toyota V6, the car was basically unbeatable. Luckily for the overall contenders Simpson missed the first round. His end result for the year was four class wins from four starts. It would be a sure thing to assume Simpson will start '97 as firm favourite for the overall crown. His win came from scoring 80 points which put him ahead of Doug McMillan (30 points) and DustyTimcs Class 8 -Grahame Baxter Class 9 - Paul Simpson Hayden Bently (30 points). Championship reads: May 25 The Calendar for the 1997 April 13 Port Piere, SA July 13 Goondwindi, QLD Kempsey, NSW August 17 . September 21 Griffith, NSW Mt Gambier, SA DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. • 4-po/nt sand rail seat belt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2"·5polntmount ......... $79.95 3"-5polntmount . ....... . $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swing axle . .... _. . . ... ... . $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# .... ........ $79.95 200mm-up to 3000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cush/ocks ............... $39.95 4puc ferramlc ......... . . . $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . ... ............ ......... $54.95 GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 11/, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .................. $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ....... . ea $44.95 930 or T-4 or T-2 flanges . ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star ................... call t n "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS B"trave/-stockwidth .... $199.95 B"travel-w/denedbeam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width . . . . $224.95 10• travel-widened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-111/z"chrome ......... $· 98.95 T-111/z • raw ............ $ 65.95 T-11518' chrome ........ $105.95 T-115/8' raw ....... . ~ . . $ 72.95 T-4chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw ............ . .... $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS ..... ......... $8.50 specify M.tG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ .............•.•... $489.95 MK II .....•............ $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chronrepedal .... . . . $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacements/ave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The to~hest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housfng, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion .$269.95 Mountplata ............ $ 9.9'5 Coupler ........ ........ $ 8,95 Rack steering stops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 11/,'longer .......... pr.$474.00 2¼"/onger .......... pr.$499.00 4 • longer-coll over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromo/y tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set ... ........ ........... .... . $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3' X 3' : . . ............. $435.0Q 1-21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG ... ..... .. ... US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11-324 Norwalk-Blvd. Santa. Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1_123 FAX 310-929-1461 February 1997 Page 45
WRC RALLY OF SPAIN Colin McRae Wins The Catalunya-Costa Brava in Spain Oriol Gomez in a Maxi Megane. SEAT had many problems and struggled into third in the cate-gory. And the Skodas, fitted with the new VW 1.6 liter engines, struggled on this all asphalt event. This was to be the final round of the full 1996 world rally cham-pionship and the penultimate event in the World 2 liter champ-ionship. In both series there were major titles to be won. While the world Drivers' title was won by Tommi Makinen in Australia, all three registered manufacturers were still eligible to win the manu-facturers title. Subaru started the event as the favorite. This was the first {and only) time a world championshp rally was held this year entirely on asphalt. Subaru had their regular full driver line-up: Colin McRae, Kenneth Eriks-son and Piero Liatti. . They had planned to run for the first time, a team of three Group A cars, but Tommi Makinen's accident in Sanremo, together with pressure to compete in the recent Hong Kong-Beijing Rally meant they had to cancel the third entry for guest driver Didier Auria!, too late to nominate an alternative driver instead. Their drivers were therefore Makinen ( with a new co-driver as well, J uha Repo, replacing Seppa Harjanne whose back injury at Sanremo will put him out of action until the 1997 Monte Carlo Rally) and Richard Burns. Mitsubishi was sure to win the world Groµp N title with either Gustavo Trelles or Uwe Nittel; whichever one won here would take the Group N title. Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Colin McRae and Derek Ringer wanted this rally badly, and they won by seven seconds in the Subaru lmpreza 555. Subaru also are the WCR champions for 1996, the second year for the company. driver Bruno Thiry with Michelin headed his teammate Carlos Sainz before the Spaniard crashed early in the event. Later Thiry was slowed by clutch trouble but his fellow Belgian Freddy Loix chal-lenged hard until slowed by engine trouble in his Toyota. Subaru's success gained them . The performance of Mitsubishi was disappointing, but after an exciting battle Uruguayan Gus-tavo Trelles won the Group N category for them and therefore the FIA Cup. This was the first time a South American driver had achieved an FIA rally title. In the penultimate round of the world 2 Liter championship race there was a fascinating battle between Renault SEAT and Skoda for the lead. Twenty points now separate these teams. Winner of this event, for the third Mitsubishi had been unlucky. Ford were planning to go for victory without worrying about points. Their team driver Carlos Sainz was on home ground having won the event three times, and second driver Bruno Thiry had a special motivation as his position with the team next year is not con-firmed. In addition there were entries from Freddy Loix, who was remarkedly fast on damp asphalt stages in Sanremo, and Thomas Radstrom on his first asphalt event, in Toyota GT-Fours and Jarmo Kytolehto in a Malcolm Wilson prepared Ford Escort RS Cosworth. Colin McRae won his third world championship rally of 1996, after taking the lead on the final day of the Catalunya Costa-Brava Rally. He beat his Subaru teammate Piero Liatti by seven seconds on an event largely decided by the performance of the tires. Subarus with their Pirellis were dominant though Ford . the world manufacturer's title .. ""' -Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets had a very good rally in the Toyota Celica GT-Four. They stayed with the front runners most of the time and were fourth a mintue and a half behind the winner. A fine sunny morning welcom-ed the rally at the start of Etape 1 in Llorett de Mar. But as the cars came to the hills behind Vic the visibility was poor. One could see the sun was trying to burn its way Oriol Gomez and Marc Marti won W2L in the Renault Maxi Megane, and they have won the class before. They were dominant in this rally in this class and they finished eighth overall as well. 01' Joint Jigger Tube& Pipe Notcher Tube notching is simple with the Ol' Joint Jigger. Using standard bi metal hole saws, and a 1/2" hand drill or small drill press to provide the power, this heavy duty fixture notches quickly and accurately the ends of tube or pipe up to 2" OD. Page46 Bruno Thiry and Stephane Prevot led the rally from time to time, and won some stages in the Ford Escort RS Cosworth, but they were third over a minute out. -through the fog, but as the cars started the first stage it had not quite succeeded. This was the set-ting for one of the biggest sur-prises in the championship sea-son, Carlos Sainz crashing on the second stage and he was out. It was brilliantly sunny at the town of Ripoll, nestling in the foothills of the Pyrenees when word came through that Carlos was out of the rally. He slid off the road at a place which was unusually damp, yet none of the team ouvreurs had reported that the spot was treach-erous. Bruno Thiry said the last 15 km of the second stage was like ice, and he spun 500 meters before the end of the stage and lost time. In fact it cost him the lead at that time, but by stage 3 he had caught Liatti up again. Makinen reached the end of stage 2 with his wheels jammed with mud, where he went off the road at Sainz's corner. Rui Madeira frightened himself when he spun there as well. Thiry stormed into the lead on the first stage, and with his Ford teammate Sainz in second place there were suspicions that the world championship might be won by Subaru - because of the speed of Ford stopping Mitsubi-"Your One Stop Trailer Shop" Any Style Trailer Available cus"t r..\R "-s~R'J\C~ ~~RR~~~ 1R~~ • FINANCING AVAILABLE •COMMERCIAL• RECREATIONAL •UTILITY• CAR •LANDSCAPE• CUSTOM CAR HAt!LERS • CONCESSION UNITS• ENCLOSED & FLATBED TRAILERS • TRANSPORT & MOTORCOACH CONVERSIONS• PARTS • REDESIGN EXISTING UNITS• LIVING QUARTERS UNITS Quality Metal & Aluminum Construction Large Stock Of Trailers, Parts & Accessories Dusty Times
""'""' The World Champion elect had a new navigator, Juha Repo, and Tommi Makinen had some great stages and some not so great sections, but he came fifth in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. Jamie Azcona and Alfredo Rodriguez were second in W2L in the Peugeot 206 S16 and they finished 11th overall in the tight running class, four minutes behind the class winner. Finishing third in W2L and 12th overall were Jose-Maria Bardo-/et and Quin Muntades in the SEAT Ibiza Kit car. It was quite a mix of car brands. shi getting the results they needed. Makinen had not rallied on asphalt since he crashed here a year ago; Richard Burns was on his first major asphalt event for three years. Subaru were already showing the sort of confidence which should gain the title. McRae was driving first car on the road and being cautious. His only difficulty being a sticking shock absorber. Makinen was settling into the job of working in differ-ent with a new co-driver ( who didn't smoke), and lost time going off the road on stage 6. Thiry dropped back on the final two stages with a bad tire choice. Liatti was surprised to be in the lead on arrival back at Lloret de Mar. "I must say thank you to Luis Moya. Ifhe had not waved us down, we would have jo ined them." This was e m e rging as an extraordinary event, not the least because the professional teams had hardly any driver with a lot of asphalt rallying experience. Apart from Sainz there were other dra-mas. Radstrom had a driveshaft break on stage 5, losing about 90 seconds. Bernardini was delayed by shock absorber troubles and changed anti-roll bars. In Group N Trelles was gradually pulling ahead of Nittel, but on stages 5 and 6 he had brake trouble while Jorge Recalde had a puncture on stage 4 and ended the day 12th in category. In W2L Gomez was a miracle man in his Renault, lying sixth and making second fastest time on the slippery stage 2 and third fastest time on the long stage 5. Jose-Maria Bardolet, SEAT;s Guest driver, was second just in front ofJesus Puras, who lost time with power steering problems. Skoda lost their guest driver Bernard Muns t er when h e crashed on stage 5, and both Emil Triner and Pavel Sibera had brake troubles. The national Peugeot team lost Muniente Rodriguez off the road, also on stage 5, while · Daniel Alonso in the semi-kit Ford lost time with a broken fuel pipe. The Citroen of Uruguayan driver Gabriel Mendez went off the road and retired. On Etape 2 the rally was now full of motivated people. Leader Liatti and second man Thiry both had no contracts after this event and had points to prove. McRae's do-driver Derek Ringer similarly wanted a final win before he left Prodrive, and McRae wanted to avenge the disappointment of suf-fering from 'stay put' orders here last year. Ford was upset learning that they had lost Sainz's car and canceled their World Rally tests after the event. Altho ugh the ch ampionship scenario was beginning to look bad for Mitsu-bishi, there was a close battle for the lead, with only six seconds separating the top four cars. The restart at Lloret de Mar was held in the rain, but there were clear skies over the first stage. Makinen won this but Liatti took the next three stages. The midday halt at Vinebre came after stage 4, and there were lo ng faces am o ng Michelin users. Thiry explained, "We thought that stages nine and ten would be dustier as they were last year, and we chose tires that • were too soft." Makinen also had •~-extreme tire wear. Thiry fell back ....,....., ...... ,,_,..,.__,.=,m""""=~= = Gustavo Trelles and Jorge Del Buono won Group Nin their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, after a rally long battle with Uwe Nittel and Trelles in the 1996 Group N Champion. Catalunya-Costa Brava Rally of Spain NOVEMBER 4-6, 1996 Colin McRae/Derek Ringer Plero llatti/Fabrlzla Pons G3 I Bruno Thiry /Steeephane Prevot B Freddy Loix/Sven Smeets B Tommi Maklnen/Juha Repo FN Patrick Bernardinl/D. Savlgnonl F Kenneth Erlksson/Staffan Parmander S Oriol Gomez /Marc Marti E Rul Madeira/Nuno Sliva P Gustavo Trelles/Jorge Del Buono ROU/RA Subaru lmpreza 555 A· 4 :14:20 Subaru lmpreza 555 A 4 :14 :27 Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 4 : 1 5 :3 8 Toyota Ceiica GT-Four 1' 4:15:55 Mitsubishi Lancer EvolutionA 4 :16:12 Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 4 :17:30 Subaru lmpreza 555 A 4 :18:01 Renault Maxi Magana A • 4 : 1 8: 2 2 Toyota Celica GT-Four A 4 :19:19 Mitsubishi Lancer Ev. .N" 4:33:48 115 Starters - 58 Finishers - Group winners - No Ladies starters Winner's average speed on stages 92. 77 kph -18 stages -Positions In World Manufacturers Championship : Subary 401 points, Mitsubishi 322, Subaru now champion, . World Drivers Championship points: Makinen 123 points, McRae 92, Sainz 89. Production Car Drivers FIA Cup points: Trelles 55, Nittel 50 - Trelles now champion Dus~Timcs fro m second after stage 8 to fourth after stage 10. But Pirelli users Subaru were content. There was amazing mechanical reliability! Of the top 23 seeded drivers only one, Sainz, had retired. The only top t eam mechanical crisis among front runners came when Burns suf-fered a transmission oil leak which ruined a bearing, but it was repaired without having to remove the transmission. But his car lost four wheel drive in the afternoon and he had fallen from eighth to 11th. K ytolehto had turbo-charger failure on the first stage of the day. The driver changed the unit by himself in a no-service area, but arrived at the next time control 19 minutes late and was excluded. Patrick Bernardini however was going better than ever and passed Eriksson into sixth place. On stage 12 however he spun when he had brake.problems. The T oyotas had no particular prob-lems. Despite the warm weather Loix was enjoying the media attention and kept attacking. He finished the day 32 seconds behind the leader. Liatti was lead-ing once more, by three seconds, this time in front of McRae, not Thiry. McRae kept thinking about last year and wishing he was three seconds in front, not behind. In W2L Gomf'z st::ivf'd in ron-· February 1997 trol but was off the road for more than a minute on stage 8 . He had a flat and was unhappy with the handling. Apart from that section he made fastest W2L time all day but fell from sixth to eighth over-all. Puras passed his teammate Bardolet into second place on the first stage, but on stage 5 he ran out of brakes, went off the road for 11 minutes. Antonio Rius had brake bias trouble as well. Sibera drove two stages with a throttle that would not fully open, and both he and Triner struggled with the old 1.5 liter gearbox with their 1.6 liter engines. Sibera ex-plained, "We need closer ratio gears which we will eventually get with a special gearbox." While Subaru seemed to be cruising towards their second successive world manufacturers' title, the battle for Group N was moving toward Nittel. Trelles was having constant trouble with the brakes, while Nittel's similar car was trouble free. Gradually Trelles moved back in Group N. Michelin's disaster of the pre-vious day had a profound effect on Ford on Etape 3. Ford's com-petition chief Martin Whitaker was quoted in their official press bulletin, that Pirelli had taken away their opportunity to chal-lenge for the lead. The scene at the restart was also emotive in other ways. Subaru chief David Richards said there would be no team orders so long as Kenneth stayed in front of Richard Burns. There were signs of friendly rivalry between the two Group N drivers, but Trelles was wistful and determined. "This is my only chance. I'm going flat out to beat Nittel." Most of Trelles lead had been lost due to brake problems. The cars were beginning to show their tiredness. Freddy Loix had piston ring problems which caused him to run on three cylinders. Bruno Thiry reported he had a slipping clutch, then Radstrom retired with a broken driveshaft. "It was such a shame," said co-driver Denis Giraudet, one of the most experienced co-drivers on the event. The excitement before the final stage was electric. McRae, with his eye on second place in the drivers' championship, was five seconds ahead of Liatti, still with no team orders. T relles was now 37 seconds in front of Nittel. Richard Burns went off the road, which was the end of an unhappy rally for him. Jaime Azcona got in front of Bardolet's SEAT which had a puncture. McRae won the day and gained second place in the championship. Trelles beat Nittel to become the Group N cham-pion. Rius stopped on the stage. 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u GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 1320 N. Miller St. #8 Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories i!IIJ~~ Export & lnt'l Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management' .1040 S. Main St.":Fa llbroolc CJ\ ~20~8 1(619) 723-2117*rAX (619) 723-9938 ' • Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons -•SODA and SCORE approved Leaders in Custom Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. ~••■ a RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-5330 RAMSEY, NJ USA TOCRA PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Ureth_ane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke '10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 _ Auto Meter instruments are the No. 1 choice of racers worldwide. Our tachometers, speedometers and gauges offer the finest in accuracy and durability. Send $4.00 for Color Catalog Foll A DEALER NEAR You: 1-800-724-7839 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS I I 'f 1 'Featuring Arai & Bell Helmet~ ·BDR McKenzJes _ 714 650-4566. 714 441-12.13' SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES , NETS • TOOL BAGS• HAR.NESS PADS AJ-L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED ~BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 8532_6 (602) 386-2592 OFF ROAD RACERS ! --, 0Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" !PllOSUllO.I Wide Assortment of Colors ond Sizes -CUSTOM SUITS -In-Store Measurements (10 DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE) . Bel Is II hgislered Tndemcrk of Bell Spo,-11,, IIIL LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock We also cony a full selection of • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • • Fire Systems • Shoes • Gloves • lankershim & 1-5 9017 San Fernando Rood, Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 768-7770 Fax (818) 768-1840 BRANDWOOD CARS fonnld-engines and:other appHcations 602-437-3jp7 4&P Custom V~hicle Shifter· QP BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON :=:CARRERA PHOTOGJIAPHV (714) ~ P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 8".• 8" • 10 " • 13" · 15" · 16" · 17" RACING W H EEL BEAD LOCKS $ ff>(Q) I& 7f 0!L (Q) re ff( ~IMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 (209) 275-51 B3 FAX (209) 27 6-2365 rcN-c~ M•;::::::;:cr""hPodalA,,y U _ U· Master Cylinders ~ Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena-,Uvd. Sa;, Diego, CA.92J'I 0 (619) 275-1663 Cuttihg and Sta~ng Brakes -,• Hydraulic Throttf#s T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS-• f-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hangirig Tr~e Lane • TeITTpleton, CA-93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d3h, (WIJ~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service · 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495~3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 ~RACING ~GASOLINE
CPC Cadmium-Chrome-Gold Anodize-Electroless Nickle Aluminum Die Casting Home of F.O.A. Racing Tieman Connector rtattng Corp. 327 W 132nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90061 310-323-1622 • 310-323-l 74t Fax 310-323-1517 Ask For Mike DE UNZlO " RACING PRooutrs· . HERMAN DeNUNZIO .. (805) 683-1211 P.O. B.ox 6057. ~nta:Barbara1 CA 93111 JOHN VERHAGEN'S IJIJ ........... :::ES PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS . 10623 BLA~KFOOT RO~D 619,.240-3930'-APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308-l>ONIJffOE ~A.&IN-1; • RACE TRUCKS • PRERUNNERS • CONSULTING • DEVELOPMENT • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE ENTERPRISES KREG DONAHOE OWNER 957 N. ENTERPRISE DR. ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 771-7349 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K& L Street, Offroad, Production Santee, CA 92701 _Aluminum Welding 619-258-2575 re ES;;:_7:,~ER 5) ~------ENGINEERING FORD RACING PARTS: RAN6ER2.S PINTO 2.0 ml'ER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 PG. CATALOG PHONE (818) 444-4919 1438POTRERO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. £I.MONTE, CA. ·--_. . ~161~~\ '> FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! . . VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS -AUTHORIZED DE.t,.Ll;R OSTEX .RENTALS 213-162--14"68 l'RE·RUNNER Sl'ECIAUSf • OI.IMl'ERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUN1'5 5EA1' MOUN1'5 • I.Ff ms • LOWERING IQ1'5 • DUALLY5 M< MG 5U5fENSION • SHOW CMS & Pl5flAY5 • Al'V FA8 WORI(. ElCl'ER1' INSTALLATION & FABRICATION AVAILABLE FIBERGLASS FENDERS i. BEDSKINS . TOYOTA-cHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. ·-4010 N. PALM STREET. UNlf 103 (714) 670-9.422 FULLER10N, CA 926:35 F/,;t. (714) 670-9132_ Visit OU&" Web Site fif WWW .... .........,... .... , Racina Radios Two-Way Radios Scennen HeadMta Rentals A~le 714-997-1362' ~J. _!_,,. \ . t~~i,fS q~st RACE CAR FABRICATION Eddie ROLL CAGES •' ALUMINUM WORK TUBE BENDING • HELIARC 1045 W. Collins Ave., #D Orange, CA 92867 CUSTOM TOOµNG-PRODUCTION· REPAIR. FIBERGLASS KEVLAR CARBON FIBER CHUCK GUY PH 619 766-4941' 39225 Jewell Valley Way - Boulevard, Ca 91905 25 years experience FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD ·1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Car'6n, CA 907• 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 Phone: (31~)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2:?S?I_ (619) 669-4727 · Doug Fortin ... _..,D'"l Systems'" •r RAFFO RACING LTD. 810A S. ARTHUR AVE. ARUNGTON HTII,, IL 6000!1 PHONE:(708}2!19-3810 FAX:(708}2!111-970!1 THE BEST AIR , SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY/ FRISK FAB Custom Metal Fabrication Design • Development • Production Trophy Truck Technology .... Affordable Price. 20 Years Off Road Racing Experience. • Crew · Ne • ing: Mig, Tig, & Arc. • Sh Work • Production Runs • • Electrica Wiring • Complete Race Prep. With all our years of racing experience and working with the best, we're ruii just another Fab Shop! Call Today ! Ed Frisk (909) 693-9333 • Fax (909) 676-1859 Temecula, CA ·NW YHCIN DOTIE iAclNG GEARS TIE WINNERS ABE USING FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Frase_r, Ml 48026 (810) 294-5858 Fa (810) 293-0736 Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed_ and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associations. For rour local dealer ~ call (800)433-6524 ~ Aircraft ll■bber MaHlacblrl1g, l■c. 1 18062 Redondo Circle, Hunlinglon Beach. CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (71.4) 842-2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 . 4-08. 365. 9700 -GlASSUJOAKS --------Unllmlted Design Graphite / Cabon R&DSavices Custom fiberglass fabrication 18101 Redondo Cirde, Unit T Huntington 8eoch, CA 92648 (714) 841-8814
MACHINE WORKS High Performance Drlvellne & Suspension Parts BIiiet 4WD Yoke Axles • 4 Pinion Dlffs Front & Rear Floater Hubs • 300M U-Jolnts Sway Bars -Ball Joints • VW Stub Axles Running Springs, ca (909) 867-4656 ~ HM ENGINEERING~-~ PER~ORMAN{:t; fl00.£NO & BEARING CO ~ • :J~ r::eawll.ll CP~ *NOMlN~UM · *DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME *Mil.OE \N 'THE USA *CALL FOR FREE CATALOG ·11iM MARTENS RIVER CIRCLE '"A" 7'\4-97'a-6i3'\ 1FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA. 92708 FAX :714--979-59!"13 .Jeff Howe 9:SSO Hlllllale In. l.alceslde CA 92040 Specializing in high per#or,nanee Power Steering For Racing Magnaflux inspection RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER PREP & FABRICATION D Wr11191tr D Gr11MI CherokH c,ty addrea., CUSTOM TRAILERS Russ-Jonss Molon,porl's CUSTOM FABRICATION a11aila1Jle 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 LIN CO TEMPERATURE STRIPS Easy to use, inexpensive & accurate! All strips are sett adhesive and labeled in Fahrenheit and Celsius. Strips are $2.00 each or $1.75 each over ten. For a FREE brochure or to order, contact: LINCO 13337 E. South St., #344 Cerritos, CA 90701 Phone/Fax: (714) 821-6542 Engineering REVERSIBLE STf!IPS allow constant temperature monitor: ing. Ranges from 32 _ to 194 F. IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record the maximum temperature reached of the item they are applied to. Ranges from 120• to 555"F. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACEPREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 818-857-RACE 818-852-8852F AX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly:.. Macbtne·Work, Parts Engine Dyao Fadllty 10722 Kenney Street. Suite C Santee. CA 920'.71 619-596-0886 619-596-0625F AX KenM~ ltif9J Stif-7764 Pager 619-406-2550 ------------if---~---~-,---........ ------~----+-;; I ' .• • j • • • . • \ MANI/FACTUIWR:; Ill': -llllAKE ANJl CLUTCH ASSY =--.PE11FORA1ANarnocuc1s' MASTER cn.1_NDERS SI.A VE CYI, INnrms > Tllll~INO I, _STAC,IN(; llllAKES }>111 FTJW.S ' AVAILABLE AT FINEii SPECIAl,TY SHOPS DEAL.ER I NQUR I ES WEl,COIIE 570 CENTRAL AVENUE ~ B~GC · LAKE ELSINORE. CA,81253() ! . . . • • • ~RFORMAN('.£ PnOoucrs 909-245-6050 FAX 909!'745-etl52 · JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINQTON SHEET METAL CORP. 134U I~ H-,. • S...ta f• S,..,. • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner· Owner James Hall ~Mm/-~ Desert. Shor! Course & Street :VW Racing Transmissions .J.oe Giffin 1509 N: Kraemer, UnilO Anaheim, California 92806 ·;JIMCO 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 ,(714) 632--1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS. ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON V•a&MIC Gauge Aaembli• .. ON IICIINN• Racer Discounts 809-f N. Lakeview Ave• Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fax 714-779-2316 KAL OFFROAD RACING ., ---=<=.--J~✓I'.-..,_.-•-v•~t!-~l,.,,__ RACESKINS -...:__1. q'i..·;---r-=-.,...-~__,,,_,., FIBERGLASS •---·)>-;_-:;:} :,i 0''---'-,!_'!:J __ .'1/.,..v-.f'j..__ LIGHTWEIGHT -'--,•;ct".:::;:'~-...c::...;_~J Rear Quarter panels },\. -' , {;-.;:,"66 -77" BRONCO'S c KURTLARMEE (805) 23 8-5 731 .--J ~-=---•~•• ',_,;,;~• a • --------Custom Metal Fabrication 103 Capitol Hill Drive Paso Robles CA. 93446 HONDA Pcwer Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp . 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, .CA 90063 POW~R E : STEERING THOMAS f. LEE . ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (113) 164-1136 (213) %64-!58!58 lEE MFG.-CO. 1 i661 PENDLETON S_TAEET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818j 76&-0371 A full line of PO#er;~eering gean:, pumps ano acc11saories for__.ar:y type of racing. ~agnz;;ftux' ,and Zygto lacilitit..i •~-YDIL PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714) 441-1212 Fax(714) 441-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service· 290 TROUSDALE #I&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910' _619-69.1-1000 FAX 619-691-1324-MESSICK RAONG PHOTOS
11,ETA.L SPINNING ~R ALLINDUSTRIES C;II (310) 928-9838 SUNDRY METAL CRAFTS ~ ' =LARED TUBE ~ FLANGED DISC OFF ROAD CHASSIS <ff,~n~m'? BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS, VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • ·cusTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 751-9460 PARKER HAROLD NICKS=.• PUMPER HELMET. = SAN SEVAINE WAY A High Performance VS '!,lace Tru~k Series The True Driver's Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.6470 9419 Abraham \\ay. Ste. B Santee, CA 92071-2584 1-800-929-4360 RACE SHOCK PHOENIX, ARIZONA MIRA L~MA, CA 91752--COIVIPANY 909-360-5906 COMPANY ~ ~ UghlTruck, _FAX 909-360-0436 = ~«!'(f!WL!Z-=: :i-:--~~=~~~~9 6729 Suva St. Bel! Gardens, CA 90201 -.... ~~Vi·!~}:! -· shocks 1---------------;=h~~:La.J~. ~~~·~·~--~~·~•~1~1y■~•~•:::a1· ·~·::.!·!::::!·!d!!!·b!,•, ACCOUNTING -INCOME TAX -CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant SHEJIYL CANNON, CPA OWNER 2•0 S, GLltNDOIIA AYE, SUITE 201 <•I B) 919-101 I Wlt ■T COVINA, CA 91790 P'AX (BIB) •19-0211 805-940-5515. ·•· ........ -~ .. -----.a...i-( 911) 2.0-$2295 2.4-$2695 2.7-$2995. 3.0-$31_95/ : 3.2-$3695 3.6-$4995 Turbo 3.0-$3995 3.3-$4495 : Engines are rebult to exacting standards developed 011 I the race tracks of Callfornla. Racing upgrades avallablel "Largest" Porsche rebuilder in U.SA. • • .,.,,, ,,,.,•,11. 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR.~ EL PASO,' TX 79936 ce.-.i 5] 857-5200 fif Race Car Chas~is Race 'Car P~rt.s R. AlulJ)inUm bodies <Dc£ld 1/2-1600 Mc;,tors B And.Trans· uggy Custom Machine Work & Fabrication Supply 2525.E. lf;th St.• Yuma, A~. &5365 . ~ 7133-6265 • 1(800)231-8158 -,~ •~~©J'lfl§©'ltl ~ SAFElY EQUIPMENT. J:::Y"°'\VRACINGI I '-..IA BHOCKB OFF-ROAD BOGART'-~711~ , MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and application assistance BELL SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIU. ONl.Y $12/'i. • We take trade-ins 2888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL. CA 90806 310-427-8177 I 800-869-5636 Jerry Penhall 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #8 LEE FtNKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE: (602) 376-0944 ·4tRACING '1WGASOLINE "100, 110. 114. 118" methanol & nitre Steve Poole C.L. Bryant, Inc. 13415 Carmenita Rd. Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Office (310) 802-8913 fax (310) 802-0274 • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Perfonnance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. .. Costa Mesa,_Cf\ 92627 -+----------~--------~ * All Types ol Steel fl Fraley's erforman n . .-Almaillua Famication * Tul,e Bendine * Alualm-fl ..... W.ldine ....1 I *Cutom Machin• WOl'k * All Type• ol Race Cars PH W, Flamin10 llcL Laa Vepa, NV 9910:J Bruce Fraley (79:1) :Jlo5-90H ... -. ..... •.!~CD ··• ~ •••• RACE CAR DYNAMICS OFF ROAD RACE CARS 3552 FOWi.ER CYN RO. JAMUI., CA El '7 935 PH. CB'7EIJ 440-28'74 FAX C6'79J l!SBB-4237 RON HEMPHILL f11(EINGNSBFE PO BOX 2696 COSTA MESA, CA. 92628 r~ 1 CHRIS ROSE 1619I 443·2480
-I .. RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 El Centro, CA ..................... 800-989-4645 El Cajon, CA.: ..................... 800-458-2711 Indio, CA ............................. 800-989-3278 Lancuter, CA. ...................... 800-461-9499 TRANSMISSIONS WEST • vw • PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WE RACE WHAT WE SEU. (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Noonandie ~ T ooance, CA 90501 i 1----------.;:...a_------+-. Las Vegas, NV ..................... 702-643-9200 . . Fox -Bilstein -Motorcycle R♦ BEST PRICE I SHOX SERVICE A,~ 15454 EL CENTRO ; HESPERIA, CA 92340 ')~ 619-948-0325 TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 · §f!(jW if~~M --==~t+~I~ ~J~==== 5101 GALWAY CR., HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 {714) 897-0075 FAX (714) 894-9567 .al SITE SKWS • BMNERS • WI~ lfTTERN:i · CAA lfTIERWG • GRAPltXS ~ s~e~e~ &~to-'iflue 8"4toM~ '8itt7)&,,to, 6l9-347-5052 Steve Spirkoff/ O9.'ner 45-410 # 10 ~ St. 1tt4,., 8A 92201 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 619/561-2913 ~ong Beach, CA ................... 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA .......................... 805-485-6900 Perris, CA ............................. 800-969-3835► Van Nuys, CA ....•................. 818-786-81801 Riverside, CA ....................... 909-877-0226 All other inquiries, con1ad Sports Racing at P. 0. Box 610, L~ng Beach, CA 90801 310-518-7318 ·~: ·~~· @[f!jjO (213)583-2404 · · · SANDERS SERVICE, tNC. . : METAL PROCEssiNG· 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOUFtESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith . TS PERFORMANCE AND REPAIR Fox Shox Service • Crankshaft Rebuilding 2-Stroke Engine Service • Cylinder Re-Chrome Cylinder Boring • Porting • Carburetion 1191 Drager Rd. Eagle River, WI 54521 TONY SWIONTEK 715-479-6681 --. gt,,wartf ~ 1 URBD ~c){w 1~BLU£Ld. Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Bugles • Pre-Runners Racing Gasolines 1'~ D (619) 449-972B FAX (6l9) 449-2678 So. Cal. Distributors• (310) 928-2278 Lyn, Gordon, or Mike 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 Straight Line -~-------Ent ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd street East Llano, CA 93544 · 805-281-3202 OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WELDI/\E • FAEIR/04TDV • FlAM:aJTTI/\E • FR:IVTENOS • REAR1RAIUVGARMS RACE OIASSIS • PRE1llJN/\ERS • FOX FIAOl'.G SH:JX 1345DYNAMICS. UN/TD ANAHEIM, C4 92806 LARflY ROSEVEAR PHONE (714} 996-6260 FAX (714} 996-6405 !(ACE lM[.t_ BY JEFF REI.D'S · TRAnSfiXLE -ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD' . 118-Hl-2731 9133°"""9 UnltH 01ataworth, CA 91311 (lliP] 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10?23-PROSPECT AVEt,WE _SANTEf CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEAMER SYSTEMS. FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES OF RACING-& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES f)RObUCTION SHOP {TABS. BRACKETS. BODIES, ETC:) BRUCE HENDEL Regiona1 Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wilqomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7_392
Off Raad Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication Dale White Racing 3940 Maranatha Circle Las Vegas, NV 89103 70Z-B11-1661 f Wll[l}~~ , Performance Camshafts Automotive • ATV • Motorcycle RACE CARS BAJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V.W. & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYOTA 1 S15 Massachusetts Ave 909/369-5144 • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding Riverside, CA 92507 Fax 909/369-7266 Lorenzo Rodriguez '-===================;t--,-----------------~• 515 So. Vermont, Glendora, CA 91740 • l ~-1HEUVINK CONSULTING J>Ulll IC RUATIONS & MARKHIN(; En HEuv1NK MEDIACENTRUM UTRECHT HENGEVELl)STRAAT 2,t416, 3572 KH UTRECHT TIJE J"l(J:TllERLANDS TEL. 030-27221.U, .FAX 030-27226;\2 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merel)I$ 25 .00 per month. PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING CONSULTANTS EnWIN C. JACOBS PRESIDENT !!00 STATE MILL ROAD AKRON. OHIO 44319" 330-644-777 4 . Monn,E 06-5~25lsss. HoMEIPRIVlt~.030-nl!Ul's ----;--------------------+--------------------1 Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Off Road Products Front and Rear Tra~ing Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom \I/heels VVWTOMC;MAIN!ZAJANCJ'.,f!a//YAfJ . ~* Engine Dyno Service 2733 W . Missouri Phoenix, Al.85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 .,•• =$/[I_MY~"J'orRck.llp~ .. 535 East CPr,tra/ Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 · RACERS SUPPORT YOUR SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RACING ORGANIZATIONS NbbD YOUR SUPPORT! IF YOU'RE NOT RACING OR PITTING, CALL YOUR . LOCAL RACE ORGANIZATION AND OFFER YOUR HELP. WARM BODIES ARE ALMOST ALWAYS WELCOME! GLEN HELEN SHORT COURSE CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA CRS VORRA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS LA RANA DESERT RACING BRUSH RUN SERIES ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD SNORE OHIO OFF ROADERS CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS D & T PROMOTIONS SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES SCORE BEST IN THE DESERT FUDPUCKER RACING WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS SODA COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSN CODRA BAJA PROMOTIONS SUPER SERIES LIMITED BORE CHECK THE HAPPENINGS FOR THE LOCATION PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY AND DATE AND HELP IF YOU CAN! • • .,. \ l .. Dusty Times February 1997 Page 53
Classified ••• ALE: Everyt ing you nee to go racing. SCORE legal Class 8, 1994 Ford, fresh 488, K usters, 3" bypass shocks, ¼" Elliptics, Mogi C6, All the best, tons of spares. 53' Kentucky trailer, will haul race truck plus pre-runner, tool box, SS work benches, under torage, Gen. Lounge, AC, TV, VCR. Complete package, 1st class and ready to go $90,000.00 Call Dave (209) 638-4495. FOR SALE: 1968 Pre-Runner, Chromoly roll cage FRT-RR 1835cc, Weber, Bus trans, HD gears, 930 c.v.s, Fox Shox, Frt-rr, W' wlstock FRT, 4" wl stk rr. R 7R steering BFG tires, Disk rr, Drum Frt. Good shape. Price $6,250.00 ph (714) 899-4966. W ANTEO: Front trailing arms 2¼" or 1" set for torsion leaf front end. Pair of Combo spindles good condition, able to pass mag inspection and fit type 1 brakes. Pair of aftermarket 930 stub axles, power steering unit. Call Todd (909) 925-7142 leave mes-sage. FOR SALE: '91 Ford Explorer 2 I door. Pre-runner/ Chase vehicle 9" rear with disc brakes, Dana 44 front end. Air compressor/Ran-cho suspension 33x12.50 CB and FM radios, CD player (714) 921-4656. ,, " FOR SALE: All or Part!!! Jimco Class II Fox coil-overs, 6 Fox oil cooled with Resvr, 2 Fox position sensitive, 2 Fox bumpstops, 4" Wright arms, Wright combos, Dura Blue axles, Summers Bros. hubs, Beard seats, Parker Pumpers. UMP all-alum. power steering, 32 gal fuel cell, Center-lines, 3" belts, $6,000.00 minus motor& trans. CallEverett(916) 273-9113 days, (916) 273-0890 eves. mi '*~ FOR SALE: 1990 Chenowth 112-1600, 1994 OVerall 4 Wheel Champion. Fox, Cnc, Ump, Mendeola Trans, Majors engine, Jimco suspension, New paint, A must see car. Many spare parts, $16,500.00 Daytime Call Todd (619) 232-6452. FOR SALE: SCORE Baja 1000 -Parker 400 winner. Class 10 Jimco. Fresh fully prepped and ready to race by Jimco. Best of everything. Call Larry (816) 461-2802, Independence, MO. FOR SALE: New Rev power Class 10 Rabbit complete. Side draft intake with 44 Webar, large tube exhaust, Alternator, Dowled Flywheel, and complete Electro-motive ignition. Engine has Corillos, etched balanced crank, Jande pistons, Big stainless valves, big head, Web Cam, total seal, race ready for $3,900.00 oho. Call Kevin McMullen Racing ( 602) 334-0096 or ( 602) 979-8077. FOR SALE: '86 Toyota Xtra Cab, Brand new rebuild on stock 22 R Motor, Bullet-proof 9" Sumners axles, Richmond gears, spool, Fuel Safe cell, Beard, LongBeach springs Yokohamas, plus tons of other stuff, needs to be put together $5,200.00 obo. ALSO: gutted out Toyota '84 7S, still has full cage and misc parts, $450.00 and Miller Econotig welder, perfect condition $900.00 Ask for Mike (213) 276-0556. WANTED PRE-RUNNER, Min two seater, must be reliable. Call Mike (lil FOA (310) 323-1749 or ( 702) 263-6631 . FOR SALE: Ford Ranger 7S, Ready to race, Mogi C4, 12" front 20" rear travel, Chrissman rear end, CNC disc brakes, Cone 9" w/40 spline, all chromoly, Fox Shocks, National spring, Etc. Call Dave Shoppe at (909) 925-0595. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited Baja Bug. SCORE winning car. Zero miles on total rebuild. Fat Type 4 (Fresh FAT rebuilt). Hewland DG 200, Fresh Fortin rebuild. Best of everything, this car is SECOND TO NONE! Total race package, $34,500.00 in-vested -$25,000.00 cash or best offer. Call for details Days (514) 382-0748 Nights (541) 382-0294. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 9, 2 FOR SALE: Soda-Lite chassis, Seater. 1996 Glen Helen Champ-needs finishing, have front A-ion. Fastest Class 9 Short Course arms, steering, spindles, Seat, or Desert, fresh trans & engine. radiator, Fuel cell, $1,500.00 obo Registered thru 1998. Many spare Call ( 414) 255-2489 leave parts. $5,900.00 obo. (818) 330-0522 days or (909) 629-0876 ~ eves Ask for Dan. FOR SALE: '94 & '95 La Rana Stock Mini Class Champion FOR SALE: 1995 Class IO single FOR SALE: Class 1 Woods 2 Toyota 4x4, Prepped & ready to LETS TRADE: 1939 Ford Street seat, Lothringer, new Mendeola seater, mid engine 4700cc alumi- race, Durable & dependable. No Rod, Blown 502 Crate motor, Pro bus, fresh 1776cc. All the best num V6 Chevy, Powerglide & dnf's in last 3 years, 1 race on street,4link,Tub,Fullcage,Disc parts,thiscarhasbeenprofession-quick change rear end, Woods fresh motor, Mikuni Carhs, brakes, Tube A-arms, Manual ally maintained, only 9 races on rear arms, Summers Hubs, 934 Header, Cam, 4:88 gears, Detroit Shift 700R4, 9" Ford, AIC, PIS, this car on! y in La Rana. c.v.s, Ump, Beards ultra seats, locker, Bilsteins, Sway-A-Way, PIW , Alum. Rad., Purple, PPG $25,000.00 obo, Car will be at Pumper, Spares, radios, etc. National Springs, BFG Bajas, and Grey Tweed interior. Wants Parker. Ask for Randy pg (909) $22,000.00 (602) 945-0291 or Mastercraft seats, Tons of spares Class l / 2 or Truck or Class 10, 273-8895, after 5:00/ (909)622-(602) 971-7386. Can be seen at $9,500.00 obo Ask for Larry Lets Deal. (602) 582-9011. 3530 or Contact Kent Lothringer. Parker. (714) 366-6847. ,.,..-- - · ---WW llilaiaiililifllli WWW WW - -W--- ·- -----WWW WWW WWW W.._... ___ ---------W--- -_....,..,_,_, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in . I : DUSTY TIMES. I II Classified Ad:,rertising rate !s onl~$~0. for 45 words each-~onth, '}Ot: incli.iding 0nam~, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of : black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5:x:7 I NEW _AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIIYflONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45:word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If II I vou wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I REMEMBER -CLASSIFiED AD SPACE IS LIMI.TED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE I I IF NOT RECENED IN A TIMELY MANNER/ -------I I ------------------"-----------I I _____________ ____,_ ____________ I I I I ------------~-------------I I --------------------------I I I I ---------------------------I I Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. : . I Name -----------------------------I I ~~ 1· dd DUSTY TIMES ,1 A ress ----------------------'-Phone--------20751 Marilla Street ·f f_._ City~------.___..~----~---State Zip Chatsworth,_CA{9t3il.+JOlf'. ..,. Page 54 February 1997 FOR SALE: FRESH Class 7 Chevy complete $20,000.00! Great Buy: 18" in the Rear and 11" in the Front! 3 Fox Shocks per side w /air bumps. ½ to Spindles, Wilwood Brakes, Summers Axles, Fuel Safe Cell. It has it All!! Baja Brokers Ref #530 (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 1996 SODA Rolling Chassis: Very similar to Flan-nery' s. Built by Clive Smith. Great SODA Truck! Willing to · make trades, all offers considered, $19,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #534. (619) 723-2117. AWESOME Pre-Run Ranger! 1990 4 Liter/ Automatic, 13" Front travel, 15" Rear travel, Nat'! Springs, BFG, Full Chro-moly Cage, 18 gal. Cell, Fiberglass bed sides and much much more! $14,900.00 Baja Brokers Ref #515 (619) 723-2117. TRACTOR TRAILER RIG: 1978 Freightliner w/Wing and Alloy Wheels, Has fresh engine AWESOME Condition, Detroit Diesel -8v92. 40' Trailer Completely set-up for racing. Belly Boxes, Rear Lift for truck, Cabinets, Complete workshop, 6 .5 kw generator, Air compressor, 300 gal. Water, 150 gal. Fuel, 40'xl8' Awning $65,000.00 takes all! Baja Brokers Ref #540 (619) 723-2117. ~-· SWEET CLASS 8 Chevy, 600hp motor, JE Pistons, Brodix alum. Heads, 44 gal fuel cell, Art Carr Shifter, Beards Seats, Autometer gauges, MSD Ignition, Nat'! Springs, Rancho Lightning Rod Shocks, Summers Bros. Rear end and Brakes, Art Carr Trans, 23" Rear travel, Super Nice, Low Mileage, Excellent condition $55,000.00 Ref #539 Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. CLASS 2 CHASSIS FOR SALE: Front beam w ltube type shock towers, rear torsion housing with adjusters, ton:,ion bars, end caps, spring plates. All alum: skid plates, body panels, roof, dash visors, floor pan; Elec: wire loom, switches, gauges, dash lights; Seat mounts, pedal mounts, set up for Type 1 & Bus box. Price $2,200.00. Call Lee @ Race Shock, Phoenix ( 602) 254-07 44. Dusty Times
NOW AVAILABLE FROM RACESHOCK: Large Body Shocks ... Featuring 2½" Shock Body and Reservoir, Billet Steel Top and Lower Loop, ¾" Shaft, Take apart - Rebuildable Rod Guides, Plated Bodies, Anodized End Caps, Full Size Piston, 12", 14", 17" Travel $379 to $399 -Credit Cards OK -We take Tradi-Ins-Call (602) 254-0744. SAN FELIPE SALE: SHOCKS: Bilstein 9.5" coilover, 22m shaft wlresvr. List $549.00 sell $290.00 ea; Bilstein 12", 22mm shaft w /lrg. Resvr., complete rebuild, plated bodies - List $499 - Sell $250 ea., 4 14,, Travel 2W Body Shocks w/ Resvr. ½,, shafts -$299 ea; 4 12" Fox Emulsion Shox $80 ea. CNC front disc brakes for large spindles -$550; COMBOS: Foddrill Large spindle w/link pins -$440: Steering wheels -$9 ea: Horse collars -$9 ea; a few K&N Air filter elements. Call Lee at Race Shock (602) 254-0744 Credit cards OK. Good luck in 1997!! ~ . ., .. ,_ ~ ~--.......t-~ WINNING MINI-MAG Fud and La Rana Champ! Completely Prepped in Excellent . condition Bilstein shocks rebuilt after every race! Disc brakes with Billet Rear Hubs, UMP Filter, Sway-A-Way, One owner, 5 years old! Tons of Spares! Best of the Best $8,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #538 ( 619) 723-2 I 17. ❖;•····.':';.; PRE RUN Baja Bug convertable, 4 seat, Class 5 style, Simpson FOR SALE: SCORE Class 717S Belts, Full cage, Vido Gauges, Toyota, 3rd overall '95, 4th High Torque starter, Wench, overall '96. Designed & built by Saginaw Power Steering, KYB McPherson's engineer. 10 Fox shocks, Close Ratio gears, Bus shocks, 4 bump stops, BFG tires, Tranny, Rear Coil over shocks, -Hella lights, PCI radio & GreatforFamilyFun!$10,000.00 intercomn, Sway-A-Way tl bars, BajaBrokersRef#537(619)723-Craiger wheels, National springs, 2117. ______ Beard seats, Pytotech belts, CNC pedals, Holly, Fram, Aurora, Aeroquip, Fuel Safe, Best of everything, Lots of spare parts. Extra cliff. wlspool, extra set of 300m axles, extra transmissions, heads, pistons, etc. Extra steering boxes, extra tires and wheels, tie-rods, bearings, ball joints, and lot more. Includes heavy duty FOR SALE: Awesome Trophy-Tandem trailer wl electric brakes Truck, thousands in spares, & parts box. $17,500.00 race Former Robby Gordon Frank ready with pit support@ first two Vessel, 38" rear 32,, front travel SCORE or SNORE races, or with the best of everything. This $15,000.00 as is. For information truck is a winner. Could be made call DeNunzio Racing Products@ Class 8 legal. 90K or will consider 800-622-3939. trade for real estate or!! Contact: Baja BrokersRef#489(619) 723-· 2117. ______ ) FOR SALE: 1995 Briggsbuilt Superlite, most current version, Fox air shocks wl bypass, 400cc IV AN's PRERUNNER!! Toyota Pilot motor, biBet gear box, 680 4 runner arid Ford Ranger lbs, Outboard c.v.s, Billet hubs, IS YOUR WIFE nagging you Combo, Built by Spirit w/ Bil- all chromemoly, cost over 26k about all the garage space your steins, National Springs, 9" new, many spares, raced Glen used race car parts are taking up? Rearend, 302d VS Motor, Doug I H e 1 e n , Per r i s , SO D A , DoYouknowthattheyareworth Nash 5 sp, Autometer, Depend-$1?,500.00 might trade, (602) something to someone but don't able and lots of Spares!! Baja 488-7991. know who? Would you like to Brokers Ref #526 (619) 723-make some extra cash? Call THE 2117. Lowered to $28,000.00. . SECOND LAP, your first stop ~=. =======~ ----for the sale of your used parts. Or, are you looking for some gently used race car parts for your over budgeted race car? We have everything from motors and trannies to shocks and wheels. Call THE SECOND LAP for all your used race car parts require-ments. (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 9 Single seat. Everything new and the best. Never raced. SAW, 300M, Fuel Safe, Fox Shox, BFGs on Chrome, Parker, Beard, SACO, UMP, CNC dual master cylinder. New beautiful alum-inum, WR trans, PCI mount. Needs motor and wiring to race. Divorce sale. $5,000.00 or best. (310) 495-9760. FOR SALE: BUGGY BLOW-OUT!! 5 top quality cars & parts for sale. Class 1 two seat VB/automatic. Class 1 or 10 single seat (2) to choose from. Class 1 or 10 two seat (2) to choose from. Motors, trannys, shocks, tires, brakes etc. Will consider trades. Fax list of wanted items to Scalzo Racing (714) 493-8800, call (714) 443-2100. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Class 9 Challenger single seater. Fresh engine and FOR SALE: 7S 1993 Ford close ratio gears trans. Pumper Ranger, Roush motor, Steel rods, I system, fuel cell Fox Shox, Billet crank, Chromoly cage, Mickey Thompson tires, Master LeDuc Lightening rod shocks, Craft Seat. Ready to Race Alum 9" floater C4 Auto, Lee, $3,500.00. Call Dennis ( 702) Beard, Fuel Safe, 8 Beadlocks 254-7041. with Tires, Race ready, with I -------------Many extras, must sell, $21,000.00. Call (608) 845-9354 (CST). 1 FOR SALE: 1968 ~• ln~ma-tional T ransportcr. Professionally built, 7 .3 ltr. turbo diesel, 5 plus 2 &-, ___ 1 tra~ onlY_ 18K miles. Livin_g qtrs-FOR SALE: 5-1600, Best of ever-fl , snower, 6cd,-complete ything, Wiks Motor, Bus Box ldtcb~n, AIC,..;heat, 140. gal. w/ Hewlands, Fox Shoks, Wright &nil, CD· stetto, Car area-17', front end & steering Box, Sway-u,rdwood floor win.cl_\, alum. A-Way 300m axles & torsions, fdll»1~1ockn,tittnck. new c.v.s, UMP, Parker Pumper, ~.' ·1;tw~~-~36' Mastercraft seats, New Harnesses, --. · f,iDy ·• QIMll)Y, 18 gal. cell, PCI radio & Intercom -; Cl!Udtta·&. lrjtta' ~/out, Call for a complete list of many ~ ll(liatpecl,p Jiiitbn paint, spares $10,500.00 obo. Less ~ ··hons w/toni •·.stonge. motor & trans. $7,500.00 Call Excelle~.cc:,nd..onK,C..L!tr_L~k, Tim at (520) 636-1009 or (520) reg. as R.V. Sacrifice $39K, call 636-4017. ··-Todd at (702) 348-7812. February 1997 FOR SALE: Hossfeld #1 & #2 Bender without dies. #1-$300.00 obo, #2-$400.00 obo (310) 421-1413 evenings. FOR SALE: Trade 1993 Chevy Dulley axle limited slip 456 gears, Brand new, has never had oil,I totally complete new price $4,100.00, sell for $1,200.00 obo. ALSO: 1994 GEO Prizm motor and auto trans brand new. 26 miles was electrican conver-sion. Has AIC compressor with tubes, pis, alt. with belts still on motor. EFI with computer, motor 1 $1,100.00, Trans $1,100.00 (909) 845-6624. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Major FORSALE:Classfsedan,Fresh; motor, Mendeola trans, 930 c.v.s 2180, type II trans, Hewland' with Fortin cages, Fox Shox, CNC gears, 4-spider differential, Sway-pedals, UMP, Beard seat, Wright A-Way, Wright front beam & rack, Centerlines with BFGs, rack, Master-Craft seats, Fuel Parker Pumper, Best of every- Cell, turning brakes. Race her thing. Race Ready $13,500.00 tomorrow!! $5,500.00 obo. (619) 497-7998 or (619) 670-, (408) 227-9116. 8220 Matthew Schmoke. 1 SHOCKS FOR SALE: 2-Fox 10" FOR SALE: Chaparral Two Seat coilovers with reservoirs Class 1, 123" Wheel base, Ford $400.00. 2-Fox 12" air shocks 5.0 E.F.l., V8 New: Fortin Trans, $250.00. Bilstein 10" & 12" with 934 c.v.s, Foddrill rear arms, & without reservoirs $25.00-Summers Hubs, Brakes, axles. $110.00 (818) 761-0680. Foddrill front arms, spindles, CNC Hubs, double brakes, four coilover 18" Kust<;rs, Two 12" Kusters, race ready $27,000.00 obo. Call eves (602) 780-3653 or (602) 334-0096. FOR SALE: Chenowth 1 seat, air ' cooled FAT VW. Mendeola Bus tranny. Perfect for new SCORE Class. BFG, Bilstein, Centerlines with Bead locks. Clean car, Low miles $15,000.00 with spares. Beard Seats Buckeye, AZ (602) 386-2592. • ""'"'' ,_,-;.,.m-.,-.,.:,:..~. FOR SALE: 1989 Dirt Trix Class 10, Kuster, Fox, CNC, Ump, Foddrill arms and prep 1776 air cooled w /bus box, competitive finisher, turn key race ready. $12,000.00 obo· ( 602) 497'-5008 or ( 602) 892-1565. FOR SALE: '92 Jimco 1-1600 '"93 SCORE Class Champion" Fox, CNC, Ump, All the best, Mendeola trans Major Motor, trailer included. Repeatedly prepped by Jimco. Call Mike $13,900.00 (619) 562-1743. That's what "clunker" regulations are all about, that's what they could do. They're also called "old-car buyback programs" and "accelerated vehicle scrappage pro-grams" to make them sound nicer. But they aren't nice; clunker issues are about "big government" and "'big indus-try" invading our right to enjoy auto-motive hobbies and motorsports. If you want to know more, call 800/514-SEMA (7362) .. .for a detailed description, including what you can do to help prevent more "big government" and bureaucratic overregulation. INDEX TO -ADVERTISERS ATL Fuel Cells . . . . . . . . . . 35 Australia World Challenge . . . . 1 I Baker Performance Products . . . . . . . . • . 31 Barbary Coast · Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . 2 7 Best In The Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bonneville Off Road Racing . . . . . . . . . . • 3 7 Broken Wrench Desert Racing . 43 Cactus Racing Products . . . . 26 Dittf1eld Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Drake Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 FAT Performance ..........•........ 44 Florida Short Course Racing . . • . . . . . . . . 8 Fox Racing Shox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Glen Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Honda of North Hollywood . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 JIMCO Racing Products . . . . . . • . 28 Kawaguchi Honda . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 42 KC Hilttes . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . 2 King Shock Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 McKenzies Performance Products . . . . . . 18 & 23 Mojave Desert Racing . . . . • . . . . . . 29 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . 13 Pace Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 P.C.I Race Radios and Equipment . . . . . . . 39 Pike's Family Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Sallee Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 SCORE T·Shorts ... ................. 41 Simpson Race Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 SNORE .................... Back Cover Spahr Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Sway-A-Way Company . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . 33 Top Line Trailers ................... 46 FOR SALE: 1991 Ford Explorer, 4WD, 4 door, auto, white. Purchase new and set up for 1991 Paris-Moscow-Beijing Marathon Raid. Never ran due to cancella-tion of event! Full FIA specifica-tions, roll cage, Cobra racing seats, 6 points harness, Terratrip, fire system, ATL fuel cell, custom suspension, American Racing wheel (8), BFG All Terrain tires (6). Low mileage on basically stock V-6 engine. Street legal. $14,500.00 Delivery possible . (607) 832-4340. Tri-Mil Industries . .... , . . . . . . . • • • . . . 15 Tucker Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 24 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . 4 7 Wilch Sales . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . 46 . Yarn11J! Specialties, Inc. . .••... , . . . . . . 14 . :•Page 55 .,
Fe_brurary 7th, 8th, 9th 1997 $500.00 additional bonus to first in Class 1/2-1600 Ill $1500.00 guare1nteed ,nini,nu,n purse to the first place finishers in Class 1/2-Unlimited, 5-Unlimited, 1/2-1600, Class 10, Heavy Metal, and Mini Metal with a 10 car Minimum class! $1000.00 guaranteed ,nini,nu,n purse to the first place finisher in Class 9 and 5-1600 with a 10 car minimum class! Entry forms for preregistration are available from SNORE. Contact Joe Ross c/ o Tate & Snyder Architects, 709 Valle Verde Court, Henderson, NV 89014, Tel. 702-456-3000 for forms. tntry fees/deposits are not refundable. However, if notification is made to SNORE prior to race registration that you cannot compete in the event, fees may be transferred to another SNORE race within the same calendar year. There is a $10.00 fee on all returned checks. Registration will take place from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Terrible's TONn Casino & Bowl, Major & Boulder Hwy. Henderson, Nevada Fridav. february 7th. Technical Inspection & Contingency will be held on Fridav. February 7th at Terrible's TONn Casino & BONI, in Henderson, Nevada from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Drawing for starting order will be Fridav. October 25th after Sign-up, Tech, & Contingency at Terrible's TONn Casino & Bowl. There will be no fun run or pre-run for this race. If you are on the course before the race you will be disqualified with no refund of entry fee. Mandatory Drivers Meeting will be held at the Start/Finish Line Saturday, February 8th at 8:00 pm SHARP! {/IO (KC) CACTUS RACING IIACEAIR HELME'/i i NXESSCRIES ~IUIPOIIMANC• ~ ODUCT.8 DANCIIO llfj'susPENSION. TAICtt ............ Race Starts at 9:00 am SHARP !!!! The Course is approximately 32 miles per lap. Class 1/2-Unlimited, 1/2-1600, 5-Unlimited, & C_lass 10 will run 5 laps. Class 5-1600, Class 9, Heavy Metal, Mini Metal, Sportsman Truck, & Sportsman Buggy will run 4 laps, Class 11 will run 3 laps. Awards Banquet will be held 10:00 am on Sundav. October 27th at Terrible's TONn. Hotels & M;fels are near by here are some names and reservation hotlines: SNORFS Prefered Hotels The Gold Coast Hotel & Casino 4000 West Flamingo Road 800-331-5334 Vacation Village 6711 Las Vegas Blvd. South 800-658-5000 Sam's Town 5111 Boulder Hwy. 702-457-7777 Super 8 5288 Boulder Hwy. 702-435-8888 Boulder Station 4111 Boulder Hwy. 702-432-7777 A'ARACING Vlf,/GASOLINE 'The Offlclal Fuel of SNORE Don't forget to pre-order your race fuel from Screamer Enterprises at 310-802-8913 CLASS 1/2, 1/2-1600, 5, 10 HEAVY METAL, MINI METAL CLASS9 CLASS 5-1600 CLASS 11 SPORTSMAN BUGGY AND TRUCK RACE MANAGMENT FEE INSURANCE ALL CLASSES $310.00 $310.00 $165.00 $165.00 $75.00 $75.00 $10.00 $95.00 FOR MORE 1NFO CALL THE SNORE HOTL1NE 702.,452 .. 4522 DUSTY TIMES BFGaadricfj TOTAL PERFORMANCE r.,RA(JNG IITJ FUEi.:•= [I DE NJJrEIQ)] -..-...,'1u.lf>......w CAMa.tomW~ • IIACERADIOS