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1997 Volume 14 Number 1 Dusty Times Magazine

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. $2.00 ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt

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Volume 14 - Number 1 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editqr Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark Jim Culp John Elkin Homer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martin Holmes Daniel Maimer Jimmy Messick Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith Trackside Photo Inc. .\rt Director, Larry E. Worsham SNAPSHOT January 1997 Subscription Rates: 111n1Snscf(flbl!Radng• $20._00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not _responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assum~s no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla·St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. OF THE MONTH ••• I tlll,I rhis jerk in the Chevy to stay the hell out of my way or I'll run him off the course! W ell, he ~skef for its~ it", gllodbye Chevy. I'm pushing, oh S*#&. he's hacking up! It's reVt'rse no:rfmg. 1s ht• gonna gt:t it rom mt:. Cir,·a: Rarstow Fireworks I 9fi'5. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies"or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo retl-'.rned, encl_ose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered. Dusty Times January 1997 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Baja 1000 by Judy Smith ....... ............. ........... . . 12 SCORE Baja 1000 Trophy-Trucks by Judy Smith ............ 20 VORRA Prairie City by Troy Robinson . . . ................. 22 Lake Superior Pro Rally by Tom Buchoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 La Rana High Desert 200 by Jimmy Messick .•............... 28 Marlboro Desert Challenge by Martin Holmes ............... 33 Hong Kong Rally by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 FRT Superstition 250 by Judy Smith ............ . . ......... 36 Glen Helen Round 8 By Ron Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Rally San Remo by Martin Holmes ................. ........ 42 SNORE Twilight 200 by Jean Calvin ....................... 44 Little Creek Casino Pacific Forest Rally by Jim Culp .......... 46 Divisional Pro Rally Championship by Jim Culp ............. 48 DEPARTMENTS Soap Box by Dan Newsome ....... .. .. .................... . 4 Trail Notes .............................................. 4 Happenings ... .............. .. ........... . ...... : . . . . . . . . 6 Annual Centerspread Race Calendar .............. ..... . . 30, 31 Checkers Report by The Big Wahzoo ................. . ..... 32 Mag-7 Report by Phillip Breedlove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 COD RA Report by Terry Silbaugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 CORE Notes by Jimmy Messick ........................... 51 Good Stuff Directory .................................... 52 · Classified Ads .................................... 57-58-59 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ON THE COVER: Scott Steinht'rger and Larry Plank ran an almost flawlo:ss Raja I 000 to tako: the Class 7S win and the SCORE season championship points as well and the win certainly capped a great st·ason of racing for tho: guys. Larry Ragland rushes the Chevy to victory in rho: Baja 1000 in his final rido: for Nelson and Nelson. Ragland rook ovo:r the lo:ad of the Trophy-Tru~ks about half way through rho: race and hdd on to tho: end. A titting finale. Color Photography by Tracksidc Photo Inc. S~7Malf ta DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $20.00 □ 2 years -$30.00 □ 3 years -$40.00 (no credit card& please) Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _____________ ________ _ Address ____________________ _ City _______________________ _ Stace ----- ---- --Zip __________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 Canadian - 1 ear $25 .00 U.S. • Overseas subscri tion rat s ~ L Page 3

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SOAPBOX By Dan Newsome Mgr, TI A Off Road Racing Preparing for the Baja I 000 is a major task for all involved. SCORE, its teams, sponsors, journalists, guests and support crews all spend a great deal of time nnd effort making sure they're ready for the higgest event of the season. At BFGoodrich, the effort is similarly intense. We haw a great responsihility to our teams to prepare for them the hest products, maps, chase notes and pit support availahle. Insuring that all of these things are in place is a challenge wt· look forward to all year. When planning for races, particularly in Baja, we spend a great deal of time considering every detail, every angle and every potential prohlem so that we can avoid prohkms, make the joh go as smoothly as possihle for our crews so they can he ready to provide top notch service for our teams. Until this year's Raja I 000 we have hl'en very lucky not to have encountered any serious prohlems ... a lot of headaches, hut no potential disasters. Rut as anyone who has ever experienced Baja knows, you have to count on the unexpected. When I receiwd a message in Ensenada on Thursday night hefore Friday morning's start of the race that the Spirit tractor trailer was on its side at Diahlo Dry Lah, I knew that the hullet we had dodged for so many years had finally honed in on us at RFG. After confirming that no-one was injured, the first thing I thought was that our second pit was done for the race. Close to 70 teams who had their fuel, tires and parts on that tractor trailer would sho\\" up expecting snvice only to get thL· surprisl' of thL·ir lives. I immediately hegan hurning up thl" phones and radios trying des-perately to get more information and details. But it soon hecame apparent that a trip south to SL't· the situntion first hand would he Do You Have Som..-hln9 to Say About The s,ort of Off Road Racing? Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of the sport. Your words, short of being libelous, will be printed. So, send along your praise or damnation on your Soap Box topic to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. ~IGGER· ·1s BE14TER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and.transmission.output bells to accept the 1~19~ 9.v. ioints .• Convert Type I stub axles and output bell to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. _ Convert Type 11 stub axles and output bell to accept 930 C.V. joints. 1AII axles and bells for Type II or Type IV .;c:;,:V.s can be threaded ¾-24 or stock 8mm. {All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be i threadP.rl 3/•a:>4ru.._stock 10mm threads. ' FIT YOUR OFF ROADER . .WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flangll on your su~plied parts. ER Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bHmp stop system. Tt-;~~ Bump Stops· come complete with a mounting system, poiy-eurethana er,.; piece, and enough valving ,o ~..t the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. Including the mounting hardware and the GR8 bolts SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. Yarnelf Specialties, Inc. 102 Cn!stview P. 0. Box 845 1-102-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ. 85382 Page 4 necessnry. Traveling south on Hwy 3. I hegan to pick up information via our radio relays that things werL' already· happening on the Drv Lah·. And to makl' a Vt'r\· long story short. hy thL' timl' I got south of Ojos Negros it hl'caml' npparL'nt that not only wns I not nel'Jed, hut thnt the situation was almost fixed. l'vl' said all that to say this. For year's I've heen tL'lling peopk that thL' only thing I run is m y mouth ... that all the real work is donL' hy our crl'WS at thl'Sl' races. Mayhl· now people will heliL'VL' mL'. For it \\'as our crL'WS and lo\'al. ,kdi-ca tL'J people associatL'd \\'ith RFGoodrkh who immL·,liatl'ly reali:L·d what \\'as at stakL' and \\'hat must hl' Jone. Our J'l'Opk neL'deJ no onL' to tl'll them what to Jo, they actl'd! I'm so proud nf thesL' people I could bust! ThL'rl''s no group like thl'm in the workl as far as I'm concL'rnl'd. So, a VL'r\' warm thank \'OU nL'eds to hL' expressL',I to this group and I ,lo so on hl'half of our compan)' an,! thL· many teams who nl'VL'r woul,I have gottL"n past our SL'con,l pit. To thL' Navarro fa mil\' ofl\·tt-'s Camp in San Fl'lipl', fothL'r an,I son in particular, who organb·,I anyonL' nn,l evl'ryone in toll'n with hL·avy equipment thL'y coul,I find to hl'lp rl'scue thl' Spirit tractor traill'r anJ \\'ho \\'orkL·,1 until 4: 30 am ran· morning to get things in placL' ... thank \'Ou! To thL' Spirit L'fl'W! Whar l"lsc· nL'eds to hL' said. The Spirit crtw is the most adaptahk, L'nL'rgl'tic and committed groups in thL' sport. I should haw known they woulcl nevL'r ll't thL'ir teams down. Tlwy ,lid thL" joh ... transfrrrL'd 2,000 i_!nllons of fuel nlong with parts and close to a hunJrL'd tirL'S, all thL' pit support L"quipmL'nt and WL'rL' ready to'' open thL' doors'' at thl' pit h\' 4: 30 am racL' morning. Thnnks a million! To Kevin Coner)' his crew who wns our Sulfur Mine pit. For providing communications -il'rvicL', l'quipment, an,! a concerned crew of Jl'dicated ml'n and women to help Spirit gl't h:Kk on thL'ir frl't and ready for tht· race. Thnnks! To our radio rl'la \' tean1 at thl" Ohservntory and all OVL'r thL· course ... Thanks for coordinating communications Lluring this timL' when \'OU too shoulJ havL' heL"n askq") getting ready for the r:KL' .. Thanks! A n LI to t h L' m a n \' o t h e r voluntl'l'rS whom I am not ,·vL'n awarl' of that madL' it a II happen ... Thnnks. I know this may sound a hit like an awar,ls hanquL't spL'l'ch. hut I can't help it. Thl'se pL'opl,· neL'd to he rL'cogni:ed for what 1, !1d an,! thankL'd for thL'ir 1 n ,, I, i'-;h L'ffort. If most of thl' ,·,1111•, knL'W what was happL'ning .,·,1r ..;;an FelipL' the night hL"fore h,· 1:.1ja 1000. their normall1· · ,,·n, 111s night's slL'L'p would haVL' '<'<<>lllL' a nightlong nightmarl'. 1\iar,k~ to our crews, L'vnything \llrk,·J out. That's thL' kin,! of ,,111,iiitment Wt' have to our '"•"""· We'll alwa)'S hL' th,·rt· for them. January 1997 Trail Notes ••• AN E~ ENDS -When you race a SCORE race in 1997 and you drive up to the staging area, don't be surprised if you have to hunt around for a familiar face. Roberta and Charlie Lavelle have decided to take a well earned rest after three hundred years of Start/Finish Operations management. Both Charlie and Roberta and their kids and their kids have all helped out at one time or another and I know there was many a race when we stood out there and sweated or froze together. Th~ir motorhome base was a haven to all and Roberta, in particular was a fountam of knowledge on the race in progress. I know we'll see them at the races in a spectator capacity and we just want them to know that we love them very much and will miss them sorely. A~OTHER ~RA ENDS -Robby Gordon finished third in the SCORE ~aJ~ 1000 but 1t was enough to get him the Trophy-Truck Championship, a fitting award as Robby reluctantly hangs up his off road gloves and moves on to even greater fa~e ~n~ glory in NASCAR Winston Cup. Robby freely admits th_at th_e de~ert 1s his f1r~t lov~ and h~ wi~l miss it as the sport of off road racing ~ill mis~ him. ~e all wish him well m his NASCAR ride, and hope to see him m the wmners circle often in his new endeavor. All The Folks At DUSTY TIMES would like to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dusty Times

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Equipped with NE Brent Grizzle & 1996 SCORE Of erall vi © 1996 Fox Factory, Inc. All Copyrights Reserved

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997 Happenings ••• Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 February 8, 1997 America 2000 Ensenada, Baja CA, Mexico ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector APTO42 San Jose de! Cabo Baja Calif. de! Sur, Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 0l 1•18-07•3298•5522 AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert Tonopah 300 Tonopah, NV June 20-22, 1997 Silver State 300 Mesquite, NV to Ely, NV (point to point) September 18-20, 1997 Vegas to Reno, NV 500 mile point to point race BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627•B.O.R.E. February (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs•Laughlin•Las Vegas California & Nevada March 1, 1997 PRO Rally Workshop Ridgecrest, CA May 2-3, 1997 Rim Of The World Palmdale, CA August 9-10, 1997 Gorman Ridge Frazier Park, CA September 6-7, 1997 Treeline Palmdale, CA 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B lHl (514)434•5792 May 3, 1997 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 5, 1997 Jackpot200 Jackpot, NV October 3-5, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 3 l / 163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico (Mexicali (65) 55-62-83 Off Road Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD. S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340•5750 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 September 6, 1997 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KQK.lH0 (613) 475•1102/Fax (613) 475•3250 1996 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon,Wl54520 (715) 4 78•2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Chizma, CRS Director 521 Los Angeles Ave., #F Simi Valley, CA 93065 November (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs•Laughlin•Las Vegas California & Nevada C.O.D.R.A. CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541) 389.2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224·9481 (702) 457•5775/Fax (702) 641·2431 (805) 523.1387 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 GUMBO BUTTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS Communications & Information Scott Olson (605) 224.5822 FAX (605) 224•5822 March 28·30, 1997 c E ZIE'SAI Fl E S K& UNI-FILE S .,__Yi_O_'I/J_'ll_O._~-,__-,,-Q-~-D--. ~ SPECIALISTS! ~ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 ~ PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 • a: w 0 w ~ :c 1;l • ...J ~ ii: >-• ...J <C w z • z w § iii • >-0 w z z w !>I:: • g ~ • Cl) a: w ~ a:, Cl) a: w ;. -~ Cl) • Cl) ~ z w :c • ------------------------------... 11111111111111111111111111111111111111~111111"' DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME ► "' T2 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER .......................................... MRB·86-9305 5 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-3 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR .............................. :MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE I .......... , ........................ HDR-113-Sof:331 fl CV JOtNT TYPE II .................................. HDR-211-5Q1-331B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501-3310 875 STD BALL ............................. : .......... HYP-19005 934 STD BALL ........................................ H.YP-19006 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF ...................... MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFF T-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .......................... MCK-0103·2 SIDE COVERS/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 m :rJ Cl) 0 m --i m :rJ C m :c m r;; 0 :c )> 'tJ i5 0 ~ CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 o al CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 !!j .§ '.CV-GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY • o STD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 ~ • SM BOOT ........................................•.......... SUR-102 ° w u 'S a. • BATES BOOT ............................................. BAT-BOOT : :~~ :g;~; t~~;~~; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~;g::~~~ ; ~ E FLOATER NO BRG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 ·~ , J .. L•F•L•O•A•:r•E•R-N•O•B•R•G--■L■EA■:r■HmE■R-.. •· ··.··•···•··.·s.T■c■-■60■2■0-■■•--------------■■• ! e SIMPSON • BEARD SEATS • IPF e KC • . CIBIE LIGHTS .• BUGPACK • REDLINE OIL • FUEL SAFE e OEM ·• SWAY·l'.·WAY • S&S .. _ . . ~T' ..-.d!M d. ! *· :www#z;;;d ' . 3 . 1 .! BS !. . 41 A . I -6& .¢Li . Page 6 January 1997 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS I.C.O. Tom DeLauder Sr. 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course and Cross Country Off Road Racing at Lil' Beaver Park, Lisbon, Ohio CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (6163717 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690.3178 (714) 367.1141 Fax: (714) 367•1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531•3642 W /(719)687·9827 H P.O. Box 8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-60 80 January 3 l•February 2, 1997 Laguna Salada 200 Western Baja April 4-6, 1997 Cerro Prieto II Southern Baja May 2-4, 1997 San Felipe San Felipe, BC, MX August 1-3, 1997 (Tentative) Santa Veronica Summer '97 Tecate Area October 10-12, 1997 Carrera De La Raza Laguna Salada 180 Mexicali West CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237.5436 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339.9079 (All short course events at Thurston County ORV Park) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Torn Allen (800) 662•3649/ (214) 641.2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 March 28-30, 1997 KC HiLites Havasu Happening Open Motorsports Show Lake Havasu City, AZ May 9-10, 1997 KC HiLites Hot Boat Happening Parker, AZ July 1997 (Date not yet set) KC HiLites Mountain Happening Flagstaff, AZ September, 19-20, 1997 KC HiLites Country Happening Valley Center, CA FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254.5167 FUDPUCKER RACINGTEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427.5759 December 30-31, 1996 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA February 8, 1997 The King Lake Superstition, CA March 29, 1997 Buzz Bomb Plaster City East, CA July 19, 1997 Conquista Gran Carrera Los Sahuaros Park Tecate, Baja, Mexico September 13, 1997 Fud 200 Plaster City West, CA October 25, 1997 Superstition 250 XII Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster City west, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714)880•1733 (Contact BBM Marketing Promotions, P.O. Box 582, Lakewood, CA 90714 (310) ()88-6250 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144·1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. (all races at Wes1fair Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course similar to the MTEG tracks, and Classes r, 1-1600, zS and Quad under SODA rules) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Clew s, Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937·3816/Fax 474•2769 INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WD'CLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C•5L2 Bob (604) 374•7 l 75 days Randy (604) 579•9621 eves Keith ( 604) 828• l 795 anytime (All events start 7 miles NW oTKamloops) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1365 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 240•1335/ (619) 240-1312 Fax: (619) 961•7407 M.O.R.E. 25277 W . Main St., Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 (619) 253-4453 Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts January 10·12, 1997 Roaring Resolution 250 Barstow, CA March 21-23, 1997 Mighty Mojave 230 Barstow, CA May 23-25, 1997 Shake, Rattle & Oops 250 Lucerne, CA July 25-27, 1997 Night Owl 200 Lucerne, CA September 19-21, 1997 Shocker 250 Barstow, CA November 7-9, 1997 Wild Turkey 225 Lucerne, CA MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 48813 (517) 543.7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION Steph Sabo, Vice Pres. MAORA 19 Lakeshore Dr Nashville, IL 62263 (618) 327.9312 Dusty Times

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Februrary 7th, 8th, 9th 1997 $500.00 additional· bonus to first in Class 1/2-1600 Ill $1500.00 guaranteed 111ini11111111 purse to the first place finishers in Class 1/2-Unlimited, 5-Unlimited, 1/2-1600, Class 10, Heavy Metal, and Mini Metal with a 10 car Minimum class! $1000.00 guaranteed 111ini11111111 purse to the first place finisher in Class 9 and 5-1600 with a 10 car minimum class! Entry forms for preregistration are available from SNORE. Contact Joe Ross c/ o Tate & Snyder Architects, 709 Valle Verde Court, Henderson, NV 89014, Tel. 702-456-3000 for forms. Entry fees/deposits are not refundable. However, if notification is made to SNORE prior to roce registration that you cannot compete in the event, fees may be transferred to another SNORE race within the same calendar year. There is a $10.00 fee on all returned checks. Registration will take place from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Terrible's Town Casino & Bowl, Major & Boulder Hwy. Henderson, Nevada Friday, february 7th. Technical Inspection & Contingency will be held on Friday, February 7th at Terrible's Town Casino & Bowl , in Henderson, Nevada from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Drawing for starting order will be Friday, October 25th after Sign·up, Tech, & Contingency at Terrible's Town Casino & Bowl. There will be no fun run or pre-run for this race. If you are on the course before the race you will be disqualified with no refund of entry fee. Mandatory Drivers Meeting will be held at the Start/Finish Line Saturday, February 8th at 8:00 pm SHARP! Race Starts at 9:00 am SHARP !!!! The Course is apprc»<imately 32 miles per lap. Class 1/2-Unlimited, 1/2-1600, 5-Unlimited, & Class 10 will run 5 laps. Class 5-1600, Class 9, Heavy Metal, Mini Metal, Sportsman Truck, & Sportsman Buggy will run 4 laps, Class 11 will run 3 laps. Awards Banquet will be held 10:00 am on Sunday, October 27th at Terrible's Town. Hotels & Motels are near by here are some names and reservation hotlines: SNORFS Prefered Hotels The Gold Coast Hotel & Casino 4000 West Flamingo Road 800-331-5334 Vacation Village 6711 Las Vegas Blvd. South 800-658-5000 Sam's Town 5111 Boulder Hwy. 702-457-7777 Super 8 5288 Boulder Hwy. 702-435·8888 Boulder Station 4111 Boulder Hwy. 702-432-7777 ~RACING ·'#/,I GASOLINE ---■ ~-~- ~--~~ r•L■ L~ ■ ■ ■ •~ ■ 'fhe Official fuel of SNORE Don't forget to pre-order your race fuel from Screamer Enterprises at 310-802-8913 CLASS 1/2, 1/2-1600, 5, 10 HEAVY METAL, MINI METAL CLASS9 CLASS 5-1600 CLASS 11 SPORTSMAN BUGGY AND TRUCK RACE MANAGMENT FEE INSURANCE ALL CLASSES $310.00 $310.00 $165.00 $165.00 $75.00 $75.00 $10.00 $95.00 FOR MORE 1NFO CAll THE SNORE HOTl1NE 702.,452.,4522 CACTUS RACING SWAY•A•WAY DUffl TIMES BFGaadricfi TOTAi. PERFORMANCE RACEAIR HELMl'li j ACCESSORIES ~ ,4'.,,.,....~.,.,.Jtfflptl/lMf .. ~DIPOfllMANCC "'0DUCTW DAIICIIO ftSUSl'ENSION. TAIC~ ..... _... (I DE N_y~1Q)J ~ ~Lctl&.lf>---.t C:.U.U.Om,/ ..,.....,Mt1,..,1.,.....,..

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'5C.O\l-£ C.U\'5'51'5 C.\-\1\M'PION. 'PC.I 12-AC-IN6. ~OULD LIi'£ 10 i\-\1\NI' OU\2-f\l-l£ND'5 ~ '5'PON'50\l-'5 f Oil-i\-\£1\l-'5UVPO\l-i i\-\1'5 V£A\l-. ~ OU\l-'5-PON'501Z-'5 ... MOTOF-C.OMl'ANY FOil-A TF-E,M£NDOU'i>LY TOUl,,11 ~C.I( BFGoodricfj 3':/' fJ/\J/\ T/(>.:'5 NO FLATS AU Y£AfZ.! e/;f'l/ll;I,,_ 115 ... OC.T/\Nf, M/\D£ IT 6.0 (IT £V£N LOOI(';, f:c-'5M£LL'5 · Racing Caso/inn OUtz. Dtz.lV£tz.45 '5C.OTT '5T£1Nf7£~£tz. f:c-LA~Y l'LANI'. OUIZ-C.0- D~V£tz.'5 D/\V£ 'NAc.HT£tz., 1'/\T ULL, TIM JON£';,, f:c-DUNC./\N 'NALI.Ac.£. OUtz.€,W C.~'N C.\-\£1f, D/\Nf, C./\tz.DON£, 1(£LLY/\NN '5T£1Nf7£~£tz.. '5\-\£Lf7Y '5T£1Nf7£~£JZ., C.\-\~'5 \-\£1N~C.\-\, ~C.I', f,~ND/\, f:c-L0Ul'5 J0\-\N'50N, TIM J0N£'5, JIM f:c-'5/\Nt>Y T£JZ.JZ.Y. JIM ~YNOLt>'f:>, N£'5T£tz. f7£AAJZ.Dl, AA~N l'll'l(lN, 1'/\T f7£LL, C.\-\UC.l(Y, f:c-t>/\V£ 'NACHT£JZ.. OUtz. THANl''b TO OUtz. C.U45TOM£tz.45. ~ l'LAN~ MOTOF-'i>l'OF-T'i, w~ll~:t:ov~ ~~l' l'!lDf.L£M. ~~~~H6F'~~;~:; PIAA l'~F£'5'510N/\L H/\L06.£N LAM1''5 LIT OUIZ-W/\Y. tz.Al.lN6.. \.0::n~::cH r,,. llAltlC.110® Lll.llTINl,, ~D 'i,I\OC.~'i, MAD£ A C.OMf.lNATION TIIAT ff,W ~C.~'i, C.OULD f-QU/\L IN TH£ ~UG.H. Duralasf FO\Z-TH£ l'OW£12-W£ D£1'£ND£D ON. BATTERIES , £NG.IN£ FO\Z-LAUG.HUN f:c-TH£ fJA'S'/\ tooo. DAV£ WAc.HT£1Z-l'AlNT D£'5l6'N'5 fr fJA'f:>F l'AlNT~ FO\Z-TH£ ALWAY'5 FIZ£'5H LOOI(.. '516.N 1'~'5 C.U'5TOM L£TT£~N6. FO\Z-TH£ l'~F£'5'510NAL J'OfJ. M06.I TAAN'5Ml'5'5l0N f:c-TH£ C.ONV£F-T£JZ. '5\-\01' C./\N f1AA6. OF A ~Uf7L£ FIZ.f,£ 3 Y£Al2-'5 OF '5Ul'l'LlN6. TH£ ~ £,Nl,,IN£ l'OW£F-TO Tl\£ Wl\££L'5. ---FO\Z-1'£12-Ff.C.T AADIO C.0MMUNIC./\TION'5 AT £V£12-Y AAc.£. KEEP THE MONEY IN THE SPORT.

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Mike Turner, Vice Pres. LTOR Take I-10 Horizon Blvd exit east 12 miles) 22048 Vivienda Ave:. Antigo, WI 54409 April 26-27, 1997 2508 Pine Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (715) 623-4134 Spring Special Mattoon, IL 61938 OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. (714)783-8293 June 21-22, 1997 2 Mile Short Course Race (217) 235-2473 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE Chevrolet Off Road Nationals Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA (M.A.0.R.A. sanctioned races. Series New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. Ionia, Michigan May 24-26, 1997 t!!oduced /!l Lincoln Trail Off. Roaders l Jim Kendel 4305 Woodlark Drive Mike Brunton, 15529 Jones Road Yerington 300 Desert Race MOJAVE DESERT RACING (216) 339-4674 Tampa FL 33624 Grand Ledie, MI 48837 300 Mile Desert Race, 4-75 Mile Laps 438 W. Arrow Hwy., Ste #30 All races held at Hamson (813) 962-2857 (517) 27-6200 Race Headquarters: Dini's Lucky Club San Dimas, CA 91773 Coun!l Fairgr_ounds1 Cadiz1 Ohio All Races at June 28-29, 1997 Yerington, NV (909) 394-3265 Phone ONTARIO OFF ROAD Eastba:, Raceway, Tampa, FL Chevrolet Brush Run June 28-29, 1997 (909) 394-3266 Fax RACERS ASSOCIATION January 5, 1997 Box 101 Top Gun 250 Desert Race Crandon, WI 54520 January 3-4, 1997 Bob Joseph, President February 2, 1997 (715) 478-2222 Top Gun Drag Strip Mojave 200 80 Hempstead Dr. 12 Miles South of Fallon Hwy 95 Barstow, CA Hamilton, Ontario, Canada March 2, 1997 August 2-3, 1997 July 26-27, 1997 February 28-March 1, 1997 LBW 2E7 - (905) 574-7068 April 6, 1997 Chevrolet UP 100 Top Gun Twilight Race Off Road Race Wildwash 250 PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY May 4, 1997 Brian Adams, Box 26 Fallon NV Barstow, CA 18700 Lake Perris Drive June 1, 1997 Bark River, Ml 49807 August 30-8eptember 1, 1997 May 2-3, 1997 Perris, Riverside County, CA July 6, 1997 (906) 466-2723 Yerington to Fallon & Back Stoddard Valley 200 1-800-976-RACE Aufe:ct 16-17, 1997 125 Mile Point to Point & Return Barstow, CA August 3, 1997 Chevro et Off Road Challenge Race Headquarters: Casino West PIKES PEAK September 7, 1997 Yerington, NV June 20-21, 1997 P.O. Box 6962 October 5, 1997 Luxemburg, WI - Dick Shinnick October 4-5, 1997 Lucerne 300 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 1801 Industrial Park Lucerne, CA November 11 Green Bay, WI 54302 Fall Short Course Race September 5-6, 1997 (719) 685-4400 August 30-31, 1997 1 Mile Short Course Race S.C.A.T. INC. SNORE Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA Sahara 250 Michael R. King Southern Nevada Off Chevrolet World Championships November 1-2, 1997 Lucerne, CA P.O. Box277 Road Enthusiasts Box 101 1997 Season Championship October 10-11, 1997 P.O. Box 4394 Crandon, WI54520 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (715) 478-2222 1 Mile Short Course Race Barstow 200 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 Las Vegas, NV 89106 Prairie City Svra, Sacramento, CA Barstow, CA (702) 452-4522 Se~tember (TBA), 1997 November 28-29, 1997 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES February 7-8, 1997 C evrolet Wisconsin Off WESTERN OFF ROAD Thanksgiving 250 Sports Car Club of America Bottom Dollar Road Festival RACING ASSOCIATION Lucerne, CA P.O. Box 3278 Nelson Hills, NV Oshkosh, WI Larry Henderson MSBA Englewood, CO 80112 March 14-15, 1997 Greg Witte (604) 538-0692 (303) 779-6622 165 W . Arndt St. WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Michigan Sport Buggy Association Southern Nevada 200 Fondulac, WI54935 Sumas, WA 98295 Dave Barrett SCORE May 16-17, 1997 ( 414) 924-6805 6363 Nightingale Dr. Score International Caliente 250 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Flint, MI 48506 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Caliente, NV SWORDS WHEEL TO WHEEL (810) 736-9221 Las Vegas, NV 89124 South West Off Road Racing OFF ROAD RACING NATIONAL MUD RACING (702) 361-5404 August 1-2, 1997 Desert Series Patrick McGuire ASSOCIATION ( 1997 Dates are Tentative) Midnight Special 4209 So. CR 1300 1255 Waverly Drive Rt. #1 -Box 380 Nellis Dunes, NV Odessa, TX 79765 Latrobe, PA 15650 Dave or Marlene Ryan January 24-26, 1997 September 26-27, 1997 Mike Parker (412}532-0802 Parker 400 Palatka, FL 321 77 Parker, AZ Gold Coast SNORE 250 (915) 337-3437 WlilPLASH MOTORSPORTS (904) 325-5422 March 7-9, 1997 Jean, NV (All races held at Notrees, TX 2939 E. Grovers OFF ROAD ADVENTURES T ecate San Felipe 250 October 24-25, 1997 2~ miles west o( Odessa, TX Phoenix, AZ 85023 Four Wheel Drive Excursions San Felipe, B.C., MX Twilight 200 TORA (602) 971-3730 P.O. Box 1154 April 25-27, 1997 Eldorado Valley, NV Truck Racing Association Arcata, CA 95518 December 12-13, 1997 WISCONSIN (707) 822-8508 Primm300 Vegas300 Ray Carney, Director OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Primm (Stateline), NV 7 Prutell Drive Terry or Bev Friday May 9-10, 1997 lean, NV Apalchin, NY 13732 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Redwood Coast Jamboree June 6-8, 1997 SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. (607) 625-5676 Oshkosh,WI54901 T ecate Baja 500 Fort Bragg to Eureka, CA Ensenada, B.C., MX P.O. Box706 TOYS FOR TOTS ( 414) 688-5509 June 13-14, 1997 July 11-12, 1997 Parklands, 2121 (619} 252-1197 / (619) 252-3093 FIA WORLD RALLY Big Bear Adventure South Africa Big Bear Lake, Ca Fireworks 250 (011) 788-5138 UORRA CHAMPIONSHIP August 15-17, 1997 Barstow, CA Fax (011) 880-2170 United Off Road Racing Association 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. Gold Rush Adventure October 3-5, 1997 SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD Dave Urbanowicz, President 1665 Delaware St. Nevada City, CA Laughlin Desert Challenge DRIVERS ASSOCIATION 589 Amwell Road Oshkosh, WI 54901 Laughlin, NV Neshanic, NJ 08853 (414) 426-0470/ ( 414) 982-7306 September 12-13, 1997 November12-15, 1997 Terry Wolfe (908) 369-6550 Ghost Town Adventure '97 7839 W. North Avenue ATTENTION South Lake Tahoe, CA Tecate Baja 1000 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (All events at Owego Motor Sports Park, October 3-4, 1997 B.C. MX (414)453-SODA Rte. 1H• Owego, NYi RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS Kern River Jamboree SONS OF THUNDER May 24-25, 1997 VORRA List )'OUT coming events in DUSTY Kernville/ Lake Isabella, CA 4WHEELERS Chevrolet Memorial Day Valley Off Road Racing Association TIMES free! 1t is the only wa:y some fans OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS Race .Division Kevin Dawson 1833 Los Robles Blvd. know about )'OUT event, if they don't happen OF EL PASO Keith Stewart 1015 Bloomfield Road Sacramento, CA 95838 to be on )'OUT club mailing list. Don't call, Joey Vasquez (714 l 522-1899 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (916) 925-1702 but mail )'OUT 1997 schedule as soon as 13180 Round Dance S.C.T.A. (414) 248-8566 March 22-23, 1997 possible for listing in this column; it could El Paso, TX 79936 Southern California June 7-8, 1997 1997 Season Opener bring )'OU some extra entries! Mail )'OUT race (915) 855-8899 Timing Association Off Road Championship 1 Mile Short Course Race rail:, schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 2075 1 All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake Elice Simonis Tucker Joe Servie - P.O. Box 339 Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA MarillaSt.1 Chatsworth, CA 91311-4404. SCORE 1995 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! ~ ~ ~m...~ ~ ~ m"::;:~~ ~~ ~:$:~@\.~ "'~ ::si ~~~ ®~ ~ ~~",$-s:~ ~~~ ~ ~ lSi lSi ~ ~ ' Congratulations to these outstanding Champions and Points Leaders! 1996 SCORE Desert Championship Series Class 1 First Brent Grizzle/Dale Ebberts Third (VW Type IV) Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero (TOYOTA V-6) Class 5 Second Mike James/Mike Kalicki Third Class 1 O First Second Third (VW Type IV) George Seeley (VW Type IV) Andrew Wehe OVERALL BUGGY CHAMPION (TOYOTA 4AG) Ray Croll (TOYOTA 4AG) Jerry Penhall/Ben Schlimme (TOYOTA 4AG) 1996 SODA Short Course Championship Series Class 9/1 O Second Scott Schwalbe Class 1 /1600 Class 2/1600 Class 7S First Second First Second We use & recommend (TOYOTA 4AG) Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Mike Seefeldt (VW Type I) Mike Seefeldt (VW Type I) John Greaves (TOYOTA Tacoma) TA~CK racing gasoRne RACING ENGINES, T~NSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 ~~ ~~~-~-~~ , • ~-, m · ~-...~"-": , ~"<;:,,.'«:;»....,,.,._~~ ~~fu~ ~ ~~ ~~ Page 10 January 1997 SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993 and 1995! PBRl'ORMAICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 Dusty Times

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would like to congratulate DAN NEWSOME of BFGoodrich fame asthe 1996 SCORE "Person of the Year" and ROBBY GORDON on his 1996 Trophy-Truck Championship and wish him well in his NASCAR career

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SCORE TECATE BAJA 1000 Thomas Makes It Two In A Row Bob Loftin and Mike Julson in their Jimco ran in the first five all race long and had to settle for second in Class 1, second overall, about 13 minutes off the pace. powered A-armJimco. Ron Brant had his Porsche Aceco in fourth, and in fifth it was Mark McMillin in his Porsche powered A-arm Chenowth. McMillin was only seven minutes in back of Thomas after 235 miles. Ryan Thomas makes it two in a row in the Chenowth as he captures first place in the Baja 1000. Ryan lost the lead near Santo Tomas on the way in but was able to retake first place about 50 miles from the finish and that's where he finished. Congrats ... After Diablo they had some nice roads, then some patches of silt and the treacherous Matomi Wash, where they have to maneuver through narrow slots between huge boulders, and keep moving steadily enough to avoid sinking into the deep sand. At the end of the wash the course turns northward on the old, old road ( and race-course) headed to San Felipe. Midway along here they skirt the edges of an old sulphur mine, and at that point, 356 miles along the way, as darkness fell, Thomas was in front, and Gordon and Arciero were second, less than two minutes back. In third it was McMillin, and fourth behind him were his dad, Corky and his co-driver, Brian Ewalt, in another Porsche Chenowth. Julson and Lofton had dropped to fifth after a flat. Still, only 15 minutes separated the lead and fifth place, and there were another eight or ten cars plowing along behind them, hoping to move up. Ryan Thomas drove his single seat VW powered Chenowth buggy to the overall victory in the Pro Class division of SCORE's season ending Baja 1000. Tho-mas' victory came on top of his overall win at the Laughlin, Nev-ada event in October, giving his season a happy ending. The course was an amalgam of everything possible in Baja. There was high speed travel, flat out across Diab lo Dry Lake for exam-ple, and the slow, tortuous, care-ful picking through the rocks that it takes to navigate Matomi Wash. There was silt, and there were long, soft washes. A stretch of the old highway was used here and there, as from Puertecitos to San Felipe, and there was even two-way travel on the paved road between San Matias and the road to Mike's Sky Ranch. Winding trails through the pine forest marked the early part of the day, and then again they climbed up a mountain road on the way to Mike's, and struggled out of the resort on a steep hill, bordered by a sheer drop off, and cursed with a surface of loose boulders. There were mud holes and streams and at least one good river crossing, as well as a jaunt along the Pacific Ocean. For 714 .6 miles the racers toured Baja, and they got the works. It was hot on the Gulf side and cold up at Mike's. They had daylight, sunset and darkness, and then some had sunrise and day-light again. About the only thing they didn't have was rain. The weather stayed good. In fact, it' was the nicest weather anyone could remember for a Baja 1000 in years. The start was in Ensenada, right on the road that edges the bay, and after the tour, which traveled Mark McMillen's Chenowth ran third for quite a while, took the lead at Uruapan and held it 'ti/ a flat forced him to stop, ending up third in Class 1, five minutes out of second place. · a bit northward, but mostly south to Puertecitos, and then back up and across the peninsula, it fin-ished in the same place. There was a 29 hour time limit, and for some it was not long enough. Everyone was required to run the entire course. Even Class 11 and the Sportsman classes had to do it all. The motorcycles and A TVs started at first light, and then the Trophy-Trucks took off at nine a.m. It was 9:30 before Class 1 finally took to the road, and they had a dog-fight at the front of the pack. When they had reached the southern tip of Diablo Dry Lake, 235 miles into the race, Bob Gor-don and Butch Arciero had their FAT Toyota powered Chenowth out in front, but they were only a little over four minutes in front of Thomas and his Major Type IV motor. In third it was Bob Lofton and Mike Julson in their Toyota In the next stretch Gordon and Arciero broke a fitting on their power steering, and had to stop for repairs. Everyone else was having a good day, except for Brant, who had front end trouble and had dropped back. Charging Gorky McMillin and Brian Ewalt were ever in the first group throughout the race and they finished a very creditable fourth in Class 1, and fourth overall as well. Dale White led Class 8 most of the race, buried himself in the sand at one Andy Wehe and Kevin Davis kept the Jimco in the top five in Class 10 all poin"t but recovered and came in to take the class win, about 21 minutes ahead through the race, lost the lead late in the race but still finished first because of of second place and a nice 7th overall in the neat looking Chevy. a penalty and they also took season points for the class overall. Page 11 January 1997 hard behind them, and trying to make up time, was Doug Fortin in his V4 Chevy powered Che-nowth. He'd been stuck in a silt bed early, along with Tommy Bradley, Jr. in a Raceco, and the two had made a pact to help each other out. Both being honorable men, they did just that, but lost about a half hour in the process. And, they lost the base ofFortin's bumper jack, and a bit later when he had a rear flat he couldn't fix it and had to drive a long way to his pit for help on the flat. When they all dropped onto the beach on the Pacific side, Thomas was still in front. But then they climbed up off the beach, through Santo Tomas, and up the highway for a few miles to Uruapan, and Thomas made a wrong turn. McMillin shot by and into the lead, and Thomas resigned himself to following him in to the finish. It was so dusty he couldn't see how he'd be able to pass and regain his lead. But when · they'd got to within 50 miles of the finish, McMillin had to pull over to fix a flat. Both Thomas and the Julson/Lofton car flew past before he could get going again. Thomas went on to get his win, followed in by Julson and Lofton, about 13 minutes later. In third it was McMillin, who also drove all the way, followed in five minutes later by his dad's co-driver, Brian Ewalt, who was mut-tering about" mountains of mud" on the final stretch. Gordon and Arciero took fifth. The consensus was that the course was tough, but fun. They liked it. Thomas, who started at9:39 a.m. on Friday, fin-ished at about 1 :35 a.m. on Sat-urday. Brent Grizzle and Dale Ebberts, who finished seventh in their FAT VW Jimco, after sev-eral rear flats and wandering lost for a while, still earned the points to take the Class season champ-ionship. In the Class H trucks Dale White was leading with his Chev-rolet when they reached the end of Oiablo, and he had a hefty 18 minutes on Darren Skilton in his Jeep. Then it was Dave Westhem and Randy Salmont in their Chevy, another 1 7 minutes back, and followed by Brian Collins, also Chevy, who had Troy Herbst, usually found in an unlimited buggy, listed as his co-driver. Dan Smith was fifth in his Ford, having made what he called "a little pilot error" at mile 59 which resulted in him being stuck for about 40 minutes. His long-time co-driver, Dave Ashley, who was in a Pro Truck for this event, pulled him out when he got there. Skilton moved into the lead by the time they'd reached the Sul-phur Mine, but he had only nine seconds on White. White had ·stopped in the dust and when the Dusty Times

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Dan Smith had a few problems during the race but managed to bring the Ford home in second place in Class B, 10th overall and took the season championship in class. Jerry Penhall and Ben Schlimme drove the Penhall for all it was worth, finished first by about two minutes but a penalty set them back to second in Class 10. Ray Croll led early in the race in the Jimco, but had some major problems near Puertocitos but nailed it all back together and finished third in Class 10. 12th overall. dust cleared he'd been buried in the sand, and he had to get out and dig. Smith was up to third now, about a half-hour down, and then it was Westhem and Salmont another four minutes on. Collins was out after blowing a main seal at Puertecitos. Herbst didn't get to drive. White had regained the lead by the time they got over on the Pacific side, and now he had 33 minutes on Skilton, who'd had a flat which had damaged a wheel bearing, and ll)eant a long pit stoo. Smith was third, less than a minute behind him, aiid W esthem and Salmont ran fourth, with Beny Canela, John Kearney and Dennis Milner about eight hours back in their Ford, after several fires under their hood, and being stuck a few times. White managed to avoid flats for the whole trip, and had no mechanical troubles as he went on to take the win, his second succes-sive Baja 1000 victory. Asked how he felt when he knew he had Dusty Times it handled, he responded, "You never really know you've got it handled!" He was seventh overall. Smith worked his way back up to second place, securing his Class 8 season championship. Skilton fin-ished third, with W esthem and Salmont in fourth. They'd been caught in the silt behind Fortin and Bradle , and had been la in catch up all day. Canela, Kearney and Milner were 10 hours down, but did finish in fifth place, the last Class 8 truck to get all the way around. In Class 10 things went much the way they did in Class 1. A small pack got to the front and stayed there, switching positions a bit, but in general staying in con-George Seeley had major problems right off the start, made everything right and finished second in Class 5, but a time penalty to the class winner gave the win to George and he was glad to take it. ES January 1997 · trol. At El Rayo, which is up in and then Kory Scheeler, B.J. the Pine Forest, and 120 miles Richardson and Larry Job in a into the course, the lead belonged W iks VW J imco, ran fourth. to Ray Croll, in a Toyota Jimco Jerry Penhall and Ben Schlimme A-Arm, and he had half a minute. had their FAT Toyota Penhall in on the team of Jim Kirk, Jim fifth. Pierce and Rick Geiser in their When they went through Puer-T oyota Raceco. In third it was tecitos, about 335 miles along the Kevin Davis in Andy Wehe's way the order had changed, but it Toyota powered A-Arm Jimco, was still Danny Porter, eta/ had a great race in the Porter, leading most of the way, changed a c. v. in Trinidad and motored on in for the win in Class 1/2-1600, about forty minutes ahead of the competition. Page 13

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The Grabowski's pulled over to let another car pass, rolled over on a hill, fell into a giant mud hold and came in to the finish in first place in Class 5, but a penalty put them back into second. Teuscher, Webster and Dizney ran second most of the race in their Jimco and second in Class 112-1600 is where they finished even though they lost a fuel pump and themselves a few times. Bob Land was bothered by all sorts of major and minor problems all throughout the race, plus, a rollover shortly before the finish but still managed second in Class 7 and lots of bent sheetmetal Jerry McDonald and Larry Roessler led in the Chevy early on. had a major problem that took hours to fix but they retained the lead in Class 7. took the checkers and the season points win too. ,,,. the same bunch. Now Davis and Wehe, in spite of being lost a bit, were in front. Penhall and Schlimme ran second, six minutes later. Scheeler, Richard-son and Job were third, with Pierce, Kirk and Geiser fourth and Croll in fifth. Croll had lost a shock reservoir, and as it went it tore off a fuel line. The car sput-tered to a stop and when Croll looked back he saw a jet of fuel being pumped in the air, and noticed a river of the stuff flowing The Beal clan came in from Texas in their Nissan, led Class 3 wire to wire, with everybody getting a chance to drive and won the class with three hours in hand over second place. 01' Joint Jigger Tube& Pipe Natcher Tube notching is simple with the 0/' Joint Jigger. Using standard bi metal hole saws, and a 1/2" hand drill or small drill press to provide the power, this heavy duty fixture notches quickly and accurately the ends of tube or pipe up to 2" OD. Page 14 r Scott Steinberger and Larry Plank had a basically trouble free race, led Class 7S all day and took the win in class and the season championship to boot. under his seat. He turned his fuel pump off and jumped out of the car and got far away. For about 10 minutes he waited for it to burst into flame, and when he decided it wasn't going to, he finally got up the courage to put things back together, with the help of Dale Ebberts (Brent Grizzle's co-driver and brother of Croll's co-driver), and get going again. But he was fuel soaked himself, and none too comfortable. Coming down onto the beach the Davis/Wehe team still held the lead, with Penhall and Schlimme about 12 minutes back. -Schlimme was. star.ting to have trouble with his face shield, which was getting dirty and scratched. In third it was Croll and his co-d river, Darren Ebberts, while Scheeler, Richardson and Job had dropped to fourth. Wehe, who'd been stuck in a . ravine for a while, got lost at about 50 miles out from the fin-ish, and Schlimme, in Penhall's car, moved to the front. He was now having trouble seeing, his face shield so dirty and scratched that he'd opened it up, and, since he wears contact lenses, his eyes weren't in good shape. He also went astray for a while, taking a wide loop just outside of Ojos Negros, which, while it didn't shorten his trip any, did manage to miss the checkpoint. He circled around in the dark trying to find it, and finally gave up and went on. He and Penhall finished first, with Wehe and Davis coming in second, about two minutes later. Croll and Ebberts were third and Scheeler, Richardson and Job, who'd started late because they'd had to change a clutch, and then had to replace a C.V. and add water to their radiator several times, finished fourth. In fifth it was Pierce, Kirk and Geiser, who'd been too late getting their good lights on, and also set the car on its side for a while. After a protest was filed, the CRB penalized Penhall and Schlimme 10 minutes for missing the check, and that moved Davis and Wehe up into the class win, and also the season points win. The Class 5 cars were next off the grid, and our unofficial car-trackers caught up with them at Puertecitos. At that point the lead belonged to Michael James and Mike Kalicki, in their '94 convert-ible. They had about 37 minutes on Neal and Mike Grabowski, while Enrique Ruiz ran third. George Seeley and Cain Smead were fourth in their Special Con-vertible, but were two hours down because they'd blown a C.V. while still in Ensenada. Class 5 hasn't had a good year, and this weekend was no excep-tion. The Grabowskis got through the river at Simpson's Ranch, and then pulled off to the side to let a late-running Class 1 car go by, and slid off the hill, rolling over and down into the shrubs. They lost an hour and a half, but met some Ernesto and Adolfo Arambula rolled their car but soldiered on to take the win in Class 5-1600 by a bit over two minutes in the hotly contested class. January 1991 . nice folks from Simpson's Ranch. James and Kalicki blew a tire and a whip of rubber snaked up and removed their carburetor and damaged their intake manifold. They spent some time trying to locate a replacement manifold, but it's not an item most folks stock with their spare parts. They had to silicone and duct tape it back together, and the results were less than perfect. They car-ried on, determined to finish. See-ley, meanwhile, was moving steadily, except for being stuck in Matomi. Richard Boyle, Jeff Smith and Danny Reider were having C.V. problems. Going through Llano Colo-rado, 534 miles into the race, and nearly down to the Pacific shore, it was Kalicki and James in front. Ruiz was running second there, and the Grabowskis were third, with Seeley, closing up some, in fourth. Somewhere in the last stretch there was a monster mud-hole. It sucked up both the Grabowskis and Ruiz, while Kalicki and James fell into a ditch somewhere. See-ley lost a voltage regulator. James and Kalicki blew their clutch get-ting out of their ditch, and they also broke a king pin. But they were still going, and going, and going. Meanwhile, the Grabows-kis got out of the mud hole (but Ruiz never did), and they came on in to finish first. Seeley and Smead were second to cross the line, rather unheroically, clunking into the post-race area with a fried transmission, about five minutes later. Boyle, Smith and Reider fin-ished another three hours later, and James and Kalicki were a half hour or so behind them. None of the others made it in. There was a protest, as there has been almost every race this year in this class, and the upshot of it was that the Grabowskis were penalized 10 minutes for an on-course infraction. That gave See-ley the win, and dropped the Gra-bowsk is to second place. The Grabowskis took the season points championship. The Pro Trucks were down to two tor this race. It's a tough race to chase and pit, and if a team can't see a chance to move up in the points they often stay home from this one. Chuck Harris was the leader in the points, with four wins under his belt, a tremendous record for a genuine rookie driver. But this wasn't to be his race. Todd Clement and Tim Scalzo put their.Ford into the lead and had about two hours and 45 minutes by the time they'd reached the end of Diablo, and they had already run out of gas and lost two hours. Harris was apparently having major trouble of some sort. Clement and Scalzo had no mechanical troubles, but suffered another two hour delav Dusty Times

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-Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen made a valiant run at first place in Class 7S but were troubled with sick drivers and ended up second in class. Danny, Hector, Mario and Elias Ledezma all had a turn behind the wheel, got to the finish line first but lost it on elapsed time and settled for second in Class 5-1600. Breedlove, Bignell and McLean shared the driving chores in their Jimco, had the usual problems throughout the race, finished on a flat but took a hard fought second in Class 9. when they stopped for a stuck VW and got stuck themselves. By the time they got to the Sulphur Mine they had six hours on Har-ris, and then he falls off the charts. Clement and Scalzo took the win, and Harris got his first DNF, though pit crew notes record that he was still trying, though getting to some late Checkpoints after they had closed. He never got to the finish line area, but he still got his season points championship. Running in a Pro Truck, but as a Sportsman, Dave Ashley had a one-truck race. His Ford broke an upper A-arm rod end, and he had to limp to the highway for a fix, losing an hour. Then he got stuck in a traffic jam, waiting to cross the river at Simpson's Ranch. But once out of that neighborhood his troubles were over, and he had a good race'. He finished in front of. Clement and Scalzo, but hasn't been running for class points anyway. In Class 1-211600 the team of L.J . Kennedy, Mark Ruddis and Danny Porter had their Porter in front at Puertecii:os, with Jim_ Dizney, Scott Webster and Todd Teuscher, in a Jimco, in second place. Dizney had been hung over the edge of an embankment, and when nearby pit folk tried to help him ease off, he rolled over into the rocks, and lost a half hour. In third it was Matias Arjona and Bruce Conrad, in a Chenowth, followed by Don Lampus, Jr. and his dad, Don, Sr., and Steve Dodd in a Jimco. Running fifth was the team of Jim Fishback, James Har-ris and Ron Gardner. When they got to Llano Colo-rado the Porter, Kennedy, Ruddis team had 24 minutes on second place. Their only problem so far had been a bad C. V. boot, and they'd changed the whole axle/C.V. assembly in Trinidad. Dizney, Teuscher and Webster were also having a fairly clean race, losing a fuel pump and get-ting lost now and then. They were still second. In third it was now the Lampus/Dodd team, and Arjona and Conrad had dropped to fourth after Conrad parked the car on its side in a ditch for a while. Fishback, Harris and Gardner were still fifth. Porter, Kennedy and Ruddis cleared all the obstacles near the end of the course, and got home safely with the win. Teuscher, Webster and Dizney were second, about 40 minutes later. The Lam-pus pit-crew waited nervously at the finish line, and finally got word that their car was nose-down in a mud hole, and they had no reverse gear. Arjona and Con-rad, without power steering for the final 60 miles, came in for third place, and finally, four-and-a-half hours behind the winner, the Lampus/Dodd team came in for fourth. After a long wait they Dusty Times had been helped out of their hole by some spectators. Not only did they get fourth, but they won the season points championship also. In Class 7 Jerry McDonald and Larry Roeseler put their Chev-rolet into the lead early on, and they had an hour and 45 minutes on Chris and Rick Taylor in their Ford at the end of Diablo. Bob Land and Mike Jenkins were run-ning third in their Ford another hour down. When they had the transfer case, and all the 011 reached the end of Matomi, drained out. They cooked the McDonald and Roeseler had transfer case, and the spare parts about three hours on the rest, but were a long way away. While they they also had a problem. They'd waited for the pit crew, the other~ broken a fitting on the cooler for caught up again. r,r Winner's Circle Ryan Thomas I cads 7 Bilstein Winne1-s At Laughlin Challenge Ryan Thomas paced a strong showing by Bilstein gas pressure shock absorbers when he won Overall and Class 1 honors at the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge off-road race in Laughlin, Nevada. Driving his Chenowth single seater equipped with Bilstein shocks, Thomas drew a 20th starting position but drove through the dust and traffic to win by over one minute for his first victory of the season. SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Winners On Bilstein •Overall and •Stock Class 1 Ryan Thomas Chenowth Full Size Marc Stein Ford F150 •Stock Mini Steve Williams Ford Ranger •Class 9 Brian Jeffries JIMCO •Class 7 Jerry McDonald Chevy S-10 •Class 10 Andrew Wehe JIMCO •Pro Truck Chuck Harris Chevy Go with Bi/stein -- A Winning Tradition in Off-Road Racing! For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road, San Diego, CA 92121 -- Phone 619/453-7723 January 1997 Page 15

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and Dave Shively. Three or four others were close on the lead pack. And way in the back was the team of Albert Castro and Ignacio Carrillo, who'd blown their clutch about 10 miles into the race. They replaced it and went on, very late. The Felix and Barro team ran their Class 9 Jimco hard all day in a very tightly I contested class. They won the class with just about ten minutes in hand after 22 hours of racing. ~ >OY.,~m,~~n~»'"'·=,.:.:°""<· A us tin Robison and Josh Hall had not the best of days, getting stuck, moving dead cars out of the way, but they carried on and won Class Stock-Full with only twelve minutes on second place in class. When they arrived at Erendira St. John and Miszkiewicz still led, with 45 minutes on the Ledezmas, who were having a lot of flat tires. Dittfield and the Cooks were third, and having all kinds of problems. Dittfield had hit a big rock, blowing a tire and spraining his wrist early in the day. Then, they'd been stuck and got rear-ended so their exhaust was crushed and they were down on power, and then Alan had hurt his wrist, and drove from Matomi to Matias with one hand. The Arambulas were fourth, having rolled the car, losing gas and about 15 minutes. And Wright, Bolha and Shively ran fifth, with no mechanical trouble. ,,z,:,;, . _ ... Greg Foutz an Mike Martin suffered only minor problems during the race and were able to take the win in Class Stock-Mini with about two hours to the next truck. At the Sulphur Mine, while still in front, they had only 10 minutes on the Taylors. Land and Jenkins were about two and a half hours further back, having a mixed bag of problems that incuded losing their exhaust, a battery cable and a distributor. McDonald and Roeseler had no further problems and went on to take the win, and the season championship. The Taylors, though running second at Llano Colorado, Mile 534, didn't get to the finish, and Land moved into second place, surviving a rollover just before the finish line. In Class 7S Larry Plank and · Scott Steinberger had the lead at the end of Diablo, their Ford about 20 minutes in front of Mal-colm Vinje and Mark Hansen in another Ford. Then it was Brady Helm and Bob Graham in a Toy-ota that was having brake prob-le ms. Dave Winner and Ron Stockwell were fourth in a Toyota that was overheating. When they got to the Sulphur Mine Steinberger and Plank were still in front, with Vinje and Hansen holding on tight in second place. Helm and Graham, having some wiring trouble and getting stuck, still ran third, now an hour and 20 minutes further back, and West·coast• Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF·ROADGEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE OUR PR'ICE $69_5■-00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Valley-Performance McKenzie Performance Products 3700 Mead Ave. 2366 East Orangethorpe Las Vegas, NV 891(12 .Anaheim, CA 92800 702/873-1962 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 16 In the final stretch things changed a lot. St. John and Misz-kiewicz lost about 45 minutes. The Ledezmas, who'd broken a throttle, and had to run about 20 miles on one of their flats, got to the finish line first. But the Aram-¾= bulas were there just moments Eric Solarzano got at least as far as the 350 mile mark but he and all the rest of I d the Class 11 entries failed to finish the race. ater an got the win, finishing just two minutes and 24 seconds followed by Winner and Stock-well, 40 minutes later. Steinberger and Plank con-tinued to hold their lead. Hansen, who took over for Vinje, had been sick all day, and at Trinidad he wanted out, so Vinje had to get back in. At Erendira he was only 10 minutes behind the leader, but at Santo Tomas, only a few miles down the road, he was tired out, and also sick, so he put his long-time passenger,Jim Gilchrist, into the driver's seat. Helm and Gra-ham were now two hours back, and Winner and Stockwell were over three hours further down, having bent a drive shaft, broken their steering ram twice and blown up a gear oil pump. Steinberger and Plank had only one broken shock to trouble them all day, and took the win, and the season points championship. Vinje, Hansen and Gilchrist were second, 40 minutes later. But Helm got to within five miles of the finish and rolled his truck, which put it on its side in a ditch. Winner and Stockwell went by and on to the third place finish while they struggled to get out of their predicament. It was a near thing, and Helm and Graham had only an hour and 10 minutes to spare when they finally crossed the finish line. And at that, Helm and his passenger, Steve, had to push it across. No one else in the class made it in. Class 3 blossomed with five entries for this tough race, and three of them managed to finish. won as champion in Japan. His team had decided to make a motor change the night before the race, and while they started work early in the evening, the replace-ment motor didn't get to Ensen-ada until 1 a.m. race day. It fired up for the first time at 8 a.m., and started the race at 10:36. The Don-A-Vee Jeep team performed the heroic transplant. Running third, another 55 minutes back, was Dick Sasser, in his 197 7 Scout. Early in the day he'd lost a hose, and lost some water, but was able to continue by using his on-board Gatorade to fill up the radiator. No one caught their times through the Sulphur Mine, but down at Erendira the Beal family had stretched their lead to about three hours. They were having a flawless day, and Hibbs hadn't had to get out of the car so far. Hanawa ran second here, and he'd had to have some broken suspen-sio n parts welded. Sasser was about 45 minutes behind him. He'd been high-centered out of Mike's and one of the Hummers had graciously pulled him free. The Beals went on with their clean run, not even having a flat tire, and took the win. Poor Hibbs had sat so long he could hardly unkink his legs when he finally got out of the truck. They did say they'd been held up for about a half-hour right after the start, by some stuck 5 I 1600s. But then all • the Class 3 cars were in the same jam up, so it made no difference. Hanawa took second place, and Sasser finished just under two hours later, weary, but happy to be back. The others didn't make it At Diablo the lead belonged to the Beal family, four strong, with Kelly, Carter, Carl and Spencer taking turns driving, while their race-prep man, Bryant Hibbs, sat in. hostage in the passenger seat of The Class 511600 cars were led their Nissan all the way. At the by Rick St. John and Steve Misz-bottom of Diablo they had about kiewicz at Puertecitos, where they 40 minutes on Ikuo Hanawa, had 14 minutes on the second from Japan, who was doing the place car, the Ledezma entry, with race in a rent-a-Jeep Grand Che-Danny, Hector, Mario and Elias rokee. He had Ty Godde as a pas- all taking turns at the driving. In senger and for help with repairs, third it was Ernesto and Adolfo but Hanawa, who is a seven-time Arambula, followed by Tom Dit-Japanese off-road champion, was tfield and two of the Cook broth-doing just fine. His entry in the ers, Alan and Darryl. In fifth it Baja 1000 was part of what he . was Robert Wright, Jeff Bolha January 1997 in front on elapsed time. The Ledezmas were second, with Dit-tfield and the Cooks taking third place. They also won the season points championship for '96. In fourth it was St. John and Misz-kiewicz, never reporting what caused their time loss. And Wright, Bolha and Shively were fifth. Castro and Carrillo, with the early clutch trouble, ran against heavy odds, and lost at the end, finishing 35 minutes overtime. Class 9 had a tough race, and more of them didn't make it back than did. At Puertecitos our unof-ficial timers show the team of T avo and Rafael Felix and Antonio and Alfonso Barro in front in their Jimco. In second it was Phillip Breedlove, Charlie Bignell and Ed McLean, in another Jimco, who'd made a last minute transplant from their pre-runner to the race car overnight, when the transmis-sion had made an "unacceptable noise" in the race car. And then Andy Blue, Jim Zabrowski and Dave Collier ran third in a Sus-pensions Unlimited Car. The Felixes and Barros were having a smooth day, and didn't even flatten any tires. They were still in front at Erendira, by about 10 minutes. lt was McLean, Breedlove and Bignell in second place, and they'd had one rear flat and lost reverse gear. In third, having a much more complicated trip, were Blue, Collier and Zabrowski. They'd been stuck in a couple of traffic jams, had been pushed out of the way by one of the Hummers, and had a couple of flats. At the finish line they were still in the same order, with the Barros and Felixes taking the win by a little over 10 minutes. In second it was Bignell, Breedlove and McLean (at 70 years old, possibly the oldest entrant in the race), fin-ishing on a flat front tire. Zabrowski, Collier and Blue fin-ished third, about three-and-a-half hours later. In fourth it was Luis Guevara and Federico Montes, in a Tubular Designs car, taking the overall season points Dusty Times

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for this year. In Class Stock-Full it was Rod and Chad Hall in~ front, in a Hummer at Mile 235, the end of Daiblo. They had less than a min-ute on Marc Stein in his Ford who ran second, and then it was another two minutes back to Aus-tin Robison and Josh Hall in another Hummer, in third. They'd already been stuck a cou-ple of times, and had resorted to pushing buggies out of their way in order to get moving. JaritJohn-son and Robert Hayley ran fourth in their Ford, followed by Darren and Darryl Oliver in another Ford. Chad and Rod ran out of gas in Matomi wash, and waited for help for three hours. In the meantime, everyone else went on. They were timed as they passed the turn-off from the Highway to Mike's Road, Mile 448 of the race. At that point it was Robison and Hall in front, with Hayley and Johnson a close second, and Steve Olliges and John Swift up to third in their Ford. Olliges had been high-centered in a ravine for a half nour. David Sykes and Gregg Woodington ran fourth in another Ford, with Matt and Noah Pike fifth in their Bla:er. Stein had broken his rear end and hit a cow, and the Olivers lost their front end. At Erendira the order was the same, and they went on to finish in the same order. Robison and Hall were the winners, with Hay-ley and Johnson second after a scary few moments just before the finish. They tipped the truck up on its side, fuel spilled and they had a fire. Luckily, it was speedily extinguis hed and spectators helped them right the truck quickly, so they could hold on to their second place. Olliges and Swift, with only one flat all day, were third, and won the season points in this class. The Pikes fin-ished fourth, and the Senior Hall and his other son, Chad, were fifth. Class Stock Mini was led by Leo Brown in his Ford at the end 1 of Diablo, and he had about 40 minutes on Greg Fout: and Mike Martin in their Ford. In third it was Steve Williams, Chuck Braden and Will Bartlett in another Ford. They'd already been rolled over, and had used up two hours getting back on their wheels with the help of a tractor. When they got to the Sulphur Mine Brown was gone and Foutz and Martin were in the lead, with almost three and a half hours on Williams, Bartlett and Braden, who'd rolled over a second time. Foutz and Martin had only a broken motor mount and one flat to trouble them all day, and they went on to get their first finish since building this truck, and the win. Williams, Bartlett and Braden were second, two hours later, and they took the class sea-son points also. Class 11 had a bad day. Not one of the stock Volkswagens man-aged to finish, and only one man-aged to come back to the finish line to tell what had happened. Elizabeth Wayas and Rueben Fernande: had lost an hour with a fuel pump problem, when they sent someone down into Ensen-ada to get a replacement. Then they flattened two tires in the first ten miles. They got only to Check 5 before being out of time. Our BFG time-keepers don't have any times on anyone in the class, Dusty Times though they do note th2t Arturo Valazco was heading into Matomi after 8 a.m. on Saturday. The FAIR people at Puertecitos, who also wrote down times as the cars passed, noted that Eric Solor:ano, Norbert Rivera and Jose Marquez, Edgar Vargas and Adrian Lozano, and Hector Alatorre and Carlos Murillo all got to Mile 335. But we have no further times, and none of them got back to Ensenada. In the Sportsman Classes there was one Class 3 entry, the Su:uki of Xavier Reyes, who did not manage a finish. But in the Class 1 Sportsman group, Walter Prince, Doug Browne and Marc Prince brough.t their Car.dy Cane Raceco back to the finish after replacing a dead battery and some leaky shocks. Michael Domino in a Raceco and Richard Bliss in a - Mirage were both DNFs however. DEIST SEAT BELTS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. • 4-pointsandrailseatbelt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2'·5pointmount ....... . . $79.95 3"-5pointmount ....•.... $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swing axle ............... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm•1700# ........... . $79.95 200mm-up 103000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks . .............. $39.95 4puc ferramic ............ $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . ........................ $54.95 In the Class 10 Sportsman, the team of Doug Naylor, Alan Bar-rett and Rick La:elle broke a tor-sion bar and had a few flat tires, and still managed to get their Toyota Raceco to the finish line. But Bob Parsons was a non-finisher in his HI Jumper. In the 1-211600 sportsmen, both Gary Jones in a Mirage and Jack Gla-:ener in an Anderson & Son chas-sis, failed to finish. And there were a couple of Class 11 Sports-men, Arturo V ela:co and Edgar Vargas, who were also non-finishers. Both of the 511600 Sportsman entries, Joaquin Gon-:ale: and David Van Ness, failed . to make it in. · This was the finale for SCORE's 1996 season, and they get a few weeks with no course-marking, before heading to Parker for the season-opener for 1997, which is scheduled for January 24th and Wafter Prince and the Candy Cane Raceco won the Class 1 Sportsman group with an elapsed time of twenty-four hours and fourteen minutes and an almost trouble-free day. 25th. I'd like to thank the BFG Relay folks who have forwarded to me their notes and lap and/ or check-point times for all the races this season, and the FAIR pit people who sent me times from the point-to-point races in Baja. Without the help of these dedi-cated folks there'd be might) scant data on many of the races. I'm very grateful for the help. GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 '1, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops ................. . $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges .ea $15.95 Trick boots /specify) .... ea $15.95 930CVstar ................... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS s• travel-stock width .... $199.95 B'travel-widenedbeam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width .... $224.95 10• travel-widened beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-111/z •chrome ... . ..... $ 98.95 T-111/, • raw ............ $ 65.95 T-11518" chrome ........ $105.95 T-11518" raw ........ '. .. $ 72.95 T-4 chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw ................. $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .. .. $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utlllzes T·1 alternator. includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ ................... $489.95 MK II .................. $589.95 I _,,,,-I -=~ PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The tou/lhest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate ......... ... $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8.95 Rack steering stops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44,95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ..... .... pr.$449.00 11/," longer .......... pr.$414.00 21/, ' longer .......... pr. $499.00 4 • longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3' X 3' ................ $435.00 1·21600, 5-1600 ......... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk-Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 January 1997 · Page 17

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Bob and Butch ran with the lead pack all day, but power steering troubles made them settle for fifth in Class 1. James and Kalicki had major problems all through the race but managed a fourth place finish in Class 5. Rick St. Johns led early on in Class 5-1600, fell to fourth late in the race and that's where they finished. Olliges and Swift were third in Stock Full but it was enough for the season points win in class. Arjona and Conrad in a Chenowth lost to a ditch, had power steering problems but still took third in 1/2-1600. Page 18 Darren Skilton led Class 8 at times but a bad wheel bearing made him settle for third in class. The Pro Truck class had only two entries this race but the Clement/Scalzo team won in 25'!, hours of racing. Zabrowski, Collier and Blue didn't have the best of days, but they took third in Class 9, three hours out of first. Wilfiams rolled a couple of times but still finished second in Stock-Mini and took the season points too. Danny Reider and crew had the c. v. blues during the race but still managed a third in Class 5. January 1997 Kory Scheeler started late with mechanical troubles but ran hard and finished fourth in Class 10. " :rJE 9ifjlW The Lappus Jimco had a terrible experience with a mud hole but finally finished fourth in Class 112-1600. Johnson and Hayley finished second in Class Stock Full in spite of a tip-up and a fire. Dave Ashley had a fairly uneventful day and ended up taking third in Sportsman Truck in the Ford. Dittfield and the Cooks took turns spraining wrists during the day and still managed a great third in 5-1600. Dusty Times

Page 19

TEAM Steve OLLIOES 196 STo-cK FULL CHAMPS John SWIFT would like to thank their sponsors: flllllllllll GW• /bwm7iAJN BF Goodrich 1 .. NEVADA'S LARGEST YOLU ... ;:;u:;i, .. ,L.ER"I ------T,res 1-11 11,\lrtj~~., E,,.IGINE:E#UNG ~/(6,,----------TRUCK PREPPED BY------,_ ( · ~ f RIINDlY f ORD Fraley's Performance _j Engineering 702-365- 855 Service Dept. Also special thanks to Team members Bruce Fraley Bob woodsford Richard Olliges Mike Coleman Dave Huddleston Bill Slaton Jamey Cannedy Dan Smith Dan Huddleston Andy Waters Ron Brecheisen Larry Diaz Doug Barnett Tim Bennd Micah Perida Josh Hayden • Dan Reuben Chris Curtis Keith Macleod For making Team Lightning the winningest Stock Full truck of all time!

Page 20

SEASON RNALE AND SWAN SONG FOR TROPHY-TRUCKS Ragland Wins the Race, _ Gordon Gets The Championship Larry Ragland took the lead around mile 350 in his Chevy, his only woes were an exhaust pipe breakage which caught the spare tire on fire. But no harm done and Larry went on to win his last race in the Chevrolet, in fact it was probably his last major off road race. Robby Gordon got his Ford all muddy in what may be his last off road race in a long while. He led for about 300 miles but a problem with a hub put him a half hour down, but he c · e back to finish third. Ed and Tim Herbst and other brother Troy, had a good run in their Ford, reported losing a brake cylinder and an hour in repairs, but they kept up their pace and finished fourth. · Price $13 $13 $5 $3 Name: Address: Phone: Page iO Official SCORE/Tecate Baja 1000 Shirts and Souvenirs Still Available Item Baja 1000 Tee Shirts Qty: S_ M_ L_ XL XXL Baja 1000 Hats (one size) Qty: __ Baja 1000 Pins Qty: __ Baja 1000 Patches Qty: Shipping & Handling Grand Total Make check/money order payable and send order to: Rich Bigi 10044-2 Larwin Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818) 886-1503 Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery Total$: $5.00 January 1997 Ivan Stewart stayed with the front runners but his 6 cylinder engine did not keep pace with they V-Bs on the long, fast, smooth roads. Ivan worked hard to bring the Toyota in second, about 12 odd minutes out. Larry Ragland pushed his Chevrolet truck hard in his fare-well performance, to take the win in SCORE's 1996 season-ending Baja 1000. In what was not only the final race of the season, but also Ragland's final race for the Nel-son and Nelson team, who are moving on to different kinds of racing, Ragland took over the lead a little over halfway through, and never faltered. The Trophy-Trucks started before the Pro Classes by about a half hour, taking off at one minute intervals, as they dodged through Ensenada, up the smelly wash and out into the open country. For the point-to-point races like this they run the same course as the rest of the entries, the only difference being that they generally get'a lit-tle bigger space between starters. For this race it was a full minute. The SCORE officials hope this will reduce the dust in the early going, and give the big trucks some time to move out and get going before they run into each other's dust cloud. Robby Gordon, who had reserved this weekend in Baja when he signed on with his new NASCAR ride, had the early lead in his Ford, with a minute and 20 seconds on Ragland at Mile 235; just off the southern tip ofDiablo Dry Lake. In third it was Ed and Tim Herbst in their Ford, with Dave and Paul Simon running fourth in their Ford, after being tangled in some barbed wire, and Ivan Stewart running fifth in his Toyota-. Ro6 MacCachren was reported qn his side in a gully, his Ford suffering suspension damage in the mishap, about 10 miles into the r-ac;e_Jett'-Lewis was replacing a transmission in his Chevrolet. When they went past the Sul-phur Mine, at Mile 356, Ragland had the lead, and had been with-out second gear for about 30 miles-;--and Gordon was 2 7 seconds behind him in second. Simon and Simon ran third, with Stewart in fourth and Herbst had fallen to fifth place. Curt LeDuc had blown a ring and pinion in his Jeep. In the next stretch Gordon had a problem with a hub, and had to pit for repairs. When they got to the road that leads up to Mike's Sky Ranch, Mile 448 in the race, Ragland led by five minutes and it was Stewart in second place. Ragland had had some trouble in the San Felipe area, when his exhaust broke and the hot exhaust set his spare tire on fire. He and his passenger didn't know it was even happening, but his pit crew spotted it when he pulled in, and quickly set things right. The Herbst brothers were third, with Gordon down to fourth and Simon and Simon in fifth place. They were stretching out some, and while Ragland, Stewart and the Herbsts were close, Gordon was now a half hour behind the leader and the Simons were another half hour behind him. Back down out of the moun-tains, the trucks headed for the beach and ran along the shore, and when they reached Erendira Ragland had six minutes on Ste-wart. Ivan and his team had planned to set a comfortable pace, save the car and let the others self-destruct. They were hoping their Baja know-how would carry the day, since the six cylinder motor couldn't hope to catch the high-horsepower Fords and Chevies. Now Gordon was in a dead-heat with the Herbsts, about 15 min-utes later, and the Simons with a mess of problems ran fifth. They had a broken header, water in their distributor, a broken brake line and a couple of flats. Finding this race tougher than last year's run to La Paz, Ragland was still pushing hard, wanting the win badly. And he got it. He took the win with 12 minutes on Stewart. Said Ragland, "This is the goal. This is the win. I'd sacri-fice a couple of other races to win this one." Stewart, in second, was 14 minutes up on Gordon, who finished third, and, while he didn't win the race, he did win the season points victory for Ford. TheHerbsts finished fourth, after losing a brake cylinder and about an hour in repairs, and Simon and Simon followed them in over an hour later. in fifth. LeDuc fin-ished sixth, another five hours down, reporting that he'd had to change a transmission at Mike's Road. And finally, Jeff Lewis brought the Chevy home, in sev-enth place, after changing two transmissions. No one knows what will happen to the Trophy-Trucks in 1997. SCORE plans to convert them into a regular class, with regular entry fees and normal payback. They will probably be started at the front of the starting order. It's hoped that some of the more or less retired trucks may come back to race under those conditions. There are also quite a few Trophy-Trucks that have never raced with the elite group, but have instead run in some of the s m aller events on the calendar. It's hoped they'll find their way to SCORE racing also. And so an era ends. Dusty Times

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VORRA'S 1996 CHAMPIONSHIP RACE Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA By Tray Robinson · Shane Balch was the big winner in Class 1600 as he led both heats all the way for an undisputed first place in the VORRA Prairie City race. I was calm as I was pre-staged, it's been almost a year since I last raced. I was starting 3rd row out-side next to my teammate Rob (Chavez), there were 10 open cars in my heat. As I rolled down to the start line, I was starting to get butterflies and I could feel my blood pressure start to increase and my heart started to pump. In front of me a fully independent suspension open truck that I could drive under, "I think he's going to dart left, I'll go right", I thought to myself. George Hanley the flagger now looked over the field then twirled the rolled up green flag above his head--it was time and I suddenly forgot all about my heart rate as I put the car in 2nd gear and burped the throt-tle. George is now in his crouch stance barely peeking over the flag stand and my right foot crept up . to 314 throttle, second gear, my left foot is twitchy on the clutch, my left hand is lightly gripping the steering wheel (thumbs out), and my right hand is on the shifter with two fingers pulling on the turning brake to keep the car rol-ling. WHOOSH!! There goes the flag as the noise from all the cars around me is so deafening I can't hear my own engine to know when to shift to 3rd, but I think it's time as the acceleration has peaked. Rob is pulling me pretty good and the truck is too far out-side now to make a threat. I'm going to have to try and box Rob out of the first turn to come out ahead but I'm going to have to get through clean to make anything stick. The 2nd turn left hander can he tricky with big holes and whoops before heading into the long, Chris Vian led flag to flag in the first heat, took the lead in the second heat on lap three and was the winner in the Prairie City Novice class. CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' -any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We 'Ship UPS $299.oo WITH SKIRT sweeping left hander straight. Stabbing the brakes going into turn 2 I realize that there's not much rear brakes as the front of the car starts to push through the turn letting Gary Pinheiro get under me and drive me down the straight. Getting a little out of control before the first jump Gary was pitched a little sideways left then over-correcting right-right in front of me making contact with my left front to his right rear col-lecting both of us in a cloud of dust until I see both of his rear tires go up in the air and I stab the gas and drive through into the clean air and look ahead to see I'm in 4th place, now behind Roh--this one was for bragging rights--it's the first time we've raced against each other. Coming around to end-lap 1--RED FLAG--it was all for nothing and a com-plete restart. Now I'm fired up and ready to go racing, "Let's go". With VORRA's restart rule, I now found myself on the outside front row with a great holeshot and 8 lap lead for the mo to win, just ahead of Rob. The 2nd moto I was calm, not wanting to push the car, I'm almost guaranteed to be in the main, "An easy start and smooth moto is all I need to make it to the money round" I kept saying to myself. But when I rolled down to the line for the start I found myself on the 2nd row inside behind Charlie Ketten. Awesome! I thought, and with the same start setup from moto 1, 2nd gear, fin-gers on the turning brake, 3 14 throttle, down the inside in front of Charlie was going to be my line. When the green flag dropped, Don German and his ageless vehicle finished second in the first heat, first in the second heat and was the big winner in Class 4/7/8 Vet Pro. that was where I was and Sam open and that made up my mind Berri was to the outside. "Trust", as to what kind of race ot have, I thought as I went in to lean on fast till it breaks. Doing my usual Sam and trust it was between us as 2nd gear, ¼ throttle start, I could he pulled me down the straight. not wait to see haw fast Phil Gour-For two laps I stayed under Sam's lie was going to make it to the first rear number plate with no inten-turn from the outside of me, or tion of passing him--! already had how long it was going to take Sam the best moto finishes and would to catch me. Green flag, GO, and be on the front row for the main, much to my surprise, I was hang-just stay cool and think. I could ing with Phil, until I grahhed 3rd see Tina, my wife, on the gear, neutral, AHHHGGGHH, VORRA trailer giving me signs to down to 4th, there goes Phil. Up go faster and catch Sam and for to the east turn cleanly, I could eight laps I waived them off with look hack and see when.• ewryh-signs of my own to "think": I just ody was. Where was ewryhody? needed to stay in front of Roh We had pulled a decent lead and I who was running third, 1 / 2 a was staying right with Phil, could straight away back. As the laps a win be in my sight? "Righty wound down I went for 3rd gear, Tighty, Lefty Loosey", the axle nothing there, guess I got a 3 nut might just self-tighten and speed. Now I started thinking stay on. By lap 4, I had no sight of ah(,ut the main because there was Sam or Ty !er Mort, and Roh was no hreak after this race to the in 3rd. But, was the axle hearing main. What was I going to check? going to stay together, what's that CV's, gas? What about the trans? noise? I can't see Roh anymore White flag--hanging in there, and Sam's closing in fast. The Checkered flag--back to the pits. hack end is a little loose, Uh, Oh, In the pits I jump out of the car, hearings gone, I can hear the drum take a quick look at the front--all hitting the hacking plate, just hold OK, go around to the hack to together I thought. M y crew check CV's, since I did break one thought to pull me in hut there in practice, wait a minute, the was no way they could get me off rightrearwheelhasexcessiveneg-this track no w, just hold my ative camber, and loose, AH breath going into the left handers NUTS, wheel bearings broke. I and drive hard into the rights. Lap yell out to the crew and they get to 1, east turn, Phil's stopped. Holly work. I try to buy some time and $•}{,*& , stay cool and go around. the officials just said get it done. nope, he's restarted and going. So with 10 people gathered Now that's all that's running around working on the car, it was through my head is the article I'm time to get in, belt up, and wait going to write about the race. I've and see it the car was going to got a good idea, I'm going to write make it. It seemed like hours went what I'm thinking and get all the by until the jack finally dropped readers' hearts to race just reading with the final word from the crew, about it and thinking about what "remember, no 3rd gear". Racing they think about when they race. through the pits using the engine It'll be a great article, I'm sure eve-as a horn getting people out of the ryone will comment about this way, all I could think about was one, what checkered flag, a the fact that the axle nut didn't second place, YEAH right on, this tighten down far enough to get the car shouldn't even be rolling. cotter pin through, how was I With all the standard introduc-going to race, fast till it broke, or tions to stories, I thought this slow and keep it together. might be a change and offer some Pulling up to the line I was sur-excitement to lead into the prised to see that they held my ChampionshipracewhereChampions front row, inside starting osition would be crowned. With over 65 entries and 38 Ladies and Mechanics entered, this was VORRA's biggest race ever. First race of the day the 9 car novice field lined up in some good conditions, not as muddy as what they're used to. Taking the lead from the first lap, Chris Vian (6) was back on the winning track he left last April. Ali Miller & Brian Carpenter (96) were running second but dropped out after lap 1 handing 2nd over to Chris Fallin 5153 Bowden Ave.• San Die.go• CA• 9211,7'. • (619) ~79-i5o9 ( 49 ) who made a great charge up from the last starting position. Joyce Biggs (81) started third and was still running 3rd on lap 2 but was passed by Tina Robinson Larry Gourlie (927) had a second place in heat #1, won the second heat and ( 101) on the back straight-away. thus became the winner in Class 10 at Prairie City. At the finish line Chris Vian had a Page 22 January 1997 Dusty Times

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Tina Robinson ran a good strong third in the first heat, got tagged real good in the second heat and was retired from the fray unwillingly. Third place in the first heat belonged to Dennis Kordonowy, duplicated in the second heat, but not good enough to get near the winners circle in Class 1. Joyce Biggs didn't fare too well at Prairie City but her prior successes made her the VORRA 1996 Novice Class Champion. huge lead with Chris Fallin hack in second. Tina Robinson 3rd, Josh Robh (1628 ), driving his first race in his dad's car was 4th. In the 2nd moto, Tina Rohin-son dove into the first turn off the start and spun around in front of the entire field, surprisingly only getting hit hy one car, unfortu-nately taking her out of the rest of the race. Jon & Dan Gurney ( 40) pulled off a great start to lead the field around for the first lap until Chris Vian could pull through the field and make a pass on lap 3. At the finish line Chris Vian took the hack to hack moto wins with Jon & Dan Gurney in 2nd. Chris Fal-lin worked his way up to 3rd fol-lowed hy Steve Millward (61 ). Final results had Chris Vian I st, Chris Fallin 2nd and Joe & Dan Gurney 3rd. Seven I 600's lined up next with Shane Balch ( 1602) taking the flag to flag moto win. Larry Folsom ( 1691 ) tried to make a charge hut just could never catch Balch and settled for 2nd. Keith Rohh ( 1628 ), Lance Rhinehart (916 ). driving his Class 9 car, and Lance Ahreu ( 1658) rounded out the 8 lap finishers. Moto 2 was much the same as moto 1 out front with Shane Balch. Lance Ahreu was running 2nd taking lots of heat from Larry Folsom who finally passed on lap 6 to finish in 2nd, Abreu was 3rd. Newcomer Bruce Baumhush (7) had a good race going and finished 4th followed hy Lance Rhinehart and Arden Dennington ( 1661 ). Final results: Shane Balch 1st, Larry Folsom 2nd and La nee Ahreu 3rd. Class 4 / 7 / 8 vet/pro action had 10 heavy metal line up with Jim Bosman (601) taking the lap 1 lead followed hy Sid Smith (852) and Don German ( 40 I ) who was working his way up through the field from his last row starting position. By the 3rd lap, Bosman was working his way through lapped traffic while German worked his way up to 2nd. At the checkered flag, Bosman was the winner followed by German, Smith, Chad Wilson ( 420). and John Chapman (6R). Chad Wil-son was the 1st vet with Chapman 2nd in vets. Second moto's inverted start had. Chris German on the front row and Bosman mid-pack. By the end of lap 1 , Bosman was up to 2nd and making a charge on German. Sid Smith was running good back in 3rd with Wilson 4th and Chapman 5th. German held on to the lead to the end followed hy Bosman• and Sid Smith. The vet class had Wilson and Chap-man in a good battle and it was John Chapman who came out with the better moto finish over Wilson. Overall results for the pros was Don & Chris' German I st, Jim Bosman 2nd, and Sid Smith 3rd. The vet final results had John Chapman 1st, Chad Wilson 2nd, Fred Colosso 3rd. and Joe Bosman (822) 4th. Next up, Class 10, with five entries, three of which were the Quick-N-Brite team from Wash-ington state. From the first lap, Phil Goudie (925) was on the gas anJ out front. Ben Wald ( 1099) was hanging in for 2nd until lap 3 when Larry Goudie (92 7) made a pass. At the checkered, Phil Gour-lie was the moto winner followed hy Larry Goudie, Ben Wald, Jim Jukes (1031) and Bill Carlson ( 132 ). Second moto was action packed on Phil Goudie had the lead on lap 1 followed hy Larry Goudie and Ben Wald. Phil and Larry would tangle and tum the lead over to Wald until Wald dropped out on lap 4 turning the lead over to Larry. Phil would have problems and go down two laps handing 2nd over to Jim Jukes. The final results had Larry Goudie 1st, Phil Goudie 2nd and Jim Jukes 3rd. Class 9 was the Forest Creasy ( 91 7) show as he went flag to flag win with Lance Rhinehart (916) a distant 2nd. Dave Tarrant (904) gave chase but could only come up with 3rd place. Lance Rhinehart took the lead on the second moto but hroke a ball joint on the 3rd lap and was out of the race. Tom Hatch (911) was the recipient of the lead after Lance's breakage and Dave Tar-rant was up to 2nd. At the finish line, Hatch was 1st, Tarrant 2nd, Eric Steiger (956) 3rd, and Creasy 4th. Final results: Forest Creasy 1st and Dave Tarrant 2nd. Mitch Kurtella (100) led the seven pilot field with Andy Wald (34 ), Tyler Mort ( 14) and Clint ~ ·::r.-= .. Wolsey (7) giving strong chase. Saxelby (1031-Jim Juke!i), 2nd Wolseywasupto2ndbymidrace place Garland Dyke (401-Don and into the lead getting the white German), 3rd place Brian Busken flag lap as Kurtella dropped out of (85-Mike Koenig) and 4th place the race. Andy Wald finished the was Scott Vian (6-Chris Vian). moto 2nd, Shawn McDonald ( 28) Division 2 Mechanics was won by 3rd, Tyler Mort 4th. .Patrick Timmons (243-Everette . S~cond motowasall Wolsey as Paul/Tyler Mort), 2nd place Edd he led the moto flag to flag with Rauch (61-Steve Millward), 3rd Kurtella doing the same in 2nd. place Chris Radborn (33-Rob Andy Wald held a solid 3rd Chave~) and 4th place went to through the moto followed by Bruce Grissom ( 601-J i m Bos-Shawn McDonald. The final man).Theladiescarracewaswon results declared Clint Wolsey the• . by Leslie Anderson (92 7 -Larry winner followed by Andy Wald, . Goudie), 2nd place to Kendra Jacobs ( 49-Chris Fallin) and 3rd place to Dona Cocking (925-Phil Goudie). The Ladies Pilot race was won by Marcia Matias ( 7 -Clint Wolsey). Now it's back to the garage for everybody to work on their cars through-out the winter, getting them ready for next season. Look fnr a 1997 preview in an upcom-i n~ issue, VORRA is looking (p1 ward to it's 22nd year of off-. road racing. and Shawn McDonald. First heat for Class 1 had Phil Goudie (925) take the early lead with Dennis Dugan ( 168 ), Everette Paul (243 ), Alan Biggs ( 281) and Dennis Kordonowy ( 1007) giving chase. By mid race liourlie was still out tront, Dugan was still 2nd and Kordonowy had worked his way up to 3rd. At the checkered flag, Goudie was the winner with Dugan in 2nd, Kor-donowy 3rd and Paul 4th. The 2nd moto had Phil Goudie out front again this time being chased by Kordonowy with Tyler Mort driving for Everette Paul close behind. Wes Elrod was hack in 4th just out doing some testing for the upcoming SODA winter series. Positions stayed the same until the white flag lap when Tyler Mort made a pass on Kordonowy up to second. At the checkered flag, Goudie was the winner, Mort 2nd, Kordonowy 3rd, Elrod 4th, and Randy Miller 5th. Main event qualifiers for the outside row: Phil Goudie, Dennis Kor-donowy, Tyler Mort, Dennis Dugan, Randy Miller and Tom Schult:. The other side of the ladder, Division 2, qualified Troy Robin-son, Rob Chave:, Gary Steele, Charlie Ketten, Sam Berri, and Bill Carlson. The Main event pro winners were Phil Goudie 1st, Troy Robinson 2nd, Sam Berri 3rd, and Everette Paul & Tyler Mort 4th. The Vet winners were Dennis Dugan 1st, Randy Miller 2nd and Roh Chave: 3rd and Gary Steele 4th. With all the championships decided, it was time to let the ladies and mechanics go at it to end the season. Taking the win in Division,. 1 Mechanics was Tony NEW IN '97 ... from WELD RACING® ~MODULAR Specialty Racing Wheel • Mud Drags • Sand Drags • Truck Pullers • 4x4 Trucks • Dune Buggies, Etc. • True 3-Piece Modular Design ... A Genuine Racing Wheel. • Super Strong ... Nobody Builds a Stronger Racing Wheel ! • Super Light ... Lightest Wheels Available! e Really Wide ... From 3½" to wide in 15", 16" and NOW 16.1" • Versatile Fitment ... 4,5,6 and 8 Lug -Back Spacings from 2" to 8". • Fast Service ... All Orders \ $/l-2 1\ Shown with . Optional Double •. Bead-Loe™ Built within 5 Working Days. ~/l-28 Prices s229ooa---• ~=i~ect: each l~H~!;-J }-800-488-9353 Dept. SR © 1997, Weld Wheel, Industries Sam Berri, ever a contender finished in third place in the Jon and Dan Gurney led the first lap of the second heat, Main Event Pro race, shown here taking the outside line. but surrendered it soon after, yet they managed to finish third in Novice Class for the day. 933 Mulberry St., Kansas City, MO 64101 816/421-8040, Fax: 816/842-6747, Web Site: http:/ / m Dusty Times January 1997 Page 23 .i

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LAKE SUPERIOR PRO RALLY -SCCA P ul Choiniere wins his Sixth National Championship "Kinder, Gentler'' Rally a Success with Competiton Phor.os: Tom Buchoe & Rick Corwine The Hyundai of Paul Choiniere and John Buffum won the Lake Superior Rf!.IIY overall by a couple of minutes. It was Paul's sixth victory this year and it did secure the National Championship for him. The rally purists were scream-quarters in Hancock. Only 10 ing, but the organizers of the were going the 'divisional only' SCCA/ Michelin Pro Rally event route this rally. Missing were reg-in Houghton, Ml, the D&N Bank ulars Tom Ottey and Pam Lake Superior PRO Rally, took McGarvey, Hyundai, as is the 510 the nation's longest running rally Datsun of Pete Lahm/Jimmy race and moved it from two days Brandt, declared a total loss after a to one day, and replaced the axle-hard crash at Sunriser last month, breaking traditional course with a but Lahm has a new 510 for the fast, slippery one. It paid off how-Olympia event. ever, as the 31 car field ran faster The overall championship than they ever have through the points chase all but ended last Ottawa National Forest on the month at the Sunriser Rally in Upper Peninsula. Only four Ohio. All Paul Choiniere has to National competitors failed to fin-do is start the event. The two ish it. It was a far cry from what starting points he will receive will was expected when the replace- clinch his sixth national cham-ment for the Press On Regardless pionship in seven years and his Rally which was Time-Speed Dis- fifth title in a row. This accomp-tance in format and the whole lishment might be unprecedented thing was a stage. 1996 marked in the annals of U.S. professional the 48th running of the rally in the motorsports. Even John Buffum U.P. A two day event for years, in his day never accomplished the 1996 was a one day only rally that feat. However, Paul still has a on Saturday. ways to go to match Buffum's 11 The weather was cold in the low National titles and 108 National 40s to 20s in the night. No snow Rally wins. or rain is forecast for the 31 cars Thl' points race in two other on hand at the 2:00 p.m. start on classes is over as well, with Mike Saturday from the D&N head- . . Whitman clinching the Group 2 title in Ohio. Whitman's Datsu~ 510 has been unbeatable this year, winning all five national rallies it entered, and using co-drivers Ben Bradley and Paula Gibeault along the way. Ms. Gibeault currently leads the co-drivers points, with none of her closest competitors running here this weekend. Whitman is using rally veteran Dave White as his navigator this weekend, and Jimmy Brandt, Lahm's regular co-driver, will be navigating for Open class compet-itor Gail T ruess, and will not earn Group 2 points here. Besides Group 2 the other class which has already been decided is Production GT, where Selcuk Karamanoglu and Y orgi Bittner have smoked the competition, winning one event overall ( the Doo Wops in Washington in March), and going undefeated in the five national rallies they entered. Even more impressive is the fact they finished second overall three times, third overall once at those rallies, often match-ing or surl?assing stage times of the Open class cars which have as much as 150 more horsepower than Selcuk's Eagle Talon. For the second straight rally Selcuk has moved into the Open class in order to gain a little more speed without Production GT restric-tions in order to gain the maxi-mum amount of overall points. Currently he is only two points behind second place Carl Merrill. The continuing saga of the FIA seed start order was settled on Friday night as Paige Wagner from the SCCA National office drew the starting numbers. Carl Merrill drew first on the road, with Selcuk Karamanoglu cl'k-brating his newly earned FIA seed with a second position on the road. Henry Joy and Paul Choi-niere followed in the third and fourth positions. There was an all points bulletin issued for all licensed, unoccupied co-drivers Saturday morning as Michael Fennell, Henry Joy's regular co-driver, had his flight delayed from Kingston, Jamaica, and did not arrive until about one-half hour before the start time. Brian Pepp from Marquette was the primary candidate, but everyone from Tom Grimshaw to Murray Tho-mas was preparing to step in to make sure the popular Mitsubisht Lancer could start the event. 31 cars started from the D&N Bank corporate headquarters in Hancock, and ran the first two stages in the Baraga area before stopping at the L'Anse Citgo Quik Food Mart. 30 of the 31 cars made it through stage 2, with the Mazda RX-7 of Ted Grzelackl -Dan Gildersleeve off the course and out of the event. Any div-isional competitors who DNF on the first seven stages have a chance to enter the second divisional rally which starts on stage 8. The Jason Anderson/Jared Kemp Dodge Omni hit a rock on stage 1, bending both the left front wheel and control arm. Anderson was going to nurse the car to the next service and replace the control arm. After two stages, the Henry Joy/ Michael Fennell Mitsubishi Lancer has a seven second. lead over the Eagle Talon of Doug Shepherd/ Pete Gladysz, with the Carl Merrill/John Bellefleur Ford Escort Cosworth third. The Kara-manoglu/Bittner Eagle Talon is fourth, followed by the newly crowned 1996 SCCA/ Michelin PRO Rally champion Paul Choin-iere/John Buffum Hyundai Elan-tra. Choiniere chose a narrower tire for the first two stages think-ing it would be muddy, but the moisture was more of a surface variety; Paul found himself 30 seconds behind the leader Joy. The other two key battles -Production and Group 5 - are progressing as expected in the early going, with the combatants trying to stay on the road instead of shaving seconds off their stage times. The Henry and Cindy Kro-likowski Dodge Shadow has a slight lead over the Toyota Supra of Ralph Kosmides/Joe Noyes for the Group 5 title, while Lon Peterson/ Bill Gutzmann in their Kia Sephia are leading the Jim Anderson/Tad Ohtake Honda Prelude VTEC. After the Archer Brothers in Duluth rebuilt Steve Gingras motor after Sunriser, the former Marquette native, along with Michigan Tech alum and co-· driver Bill Westrick, is flying through the stages at the rally, leading the divisional event and running in the top ten in the national in his Mitsubishi Eclipse. The cars have arrived at Kenton, the first major service and reseed after stage 7 of 15. Henry Joy and Michael Fennell were leading the rally until stage 5, when the car started to run hot, engine temps reaching more than 280 degrees F. Joy had to slow down, relinquishing the lead to Choiniere and leaving crew chief Murray Thomas with a headache at the service. The car had blown a head gasket and was forced to retire. Ditto for the Carl Merril-l /John Bellefleur Ford Escort which was smoking badly. Crew ChiefWeegee Smith replaced the turbo but it continued to smoke and lose oil, so Merrill retired from the event rather than risk engine damage. Karamanoglu and Bittner's Eagle Talon is now second to Choiniere, 30 seconds behind the Hyundai. Doug Shepherd /Pete Gladysz Eagle Talon is now run-ning third with the dropouts. Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes drove their Toyota Supra to second in Group 5 and finished seconds behind the winners in a classic east-west duel. It is a joy to see a VW Beetle on the rally trails: this one driven by Rene and Mike Villemure placed fourth in Open class and ninth overall. Wayne Prochaska drove the VW Golf hard, stayed out of trouble most of the time and they ended up in the rear of the finishers but second in Group 2. G_alifornians Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzmann were second Production car in the national Rally and drove the Kia Sephia hard all night for the honors. Page i4 Doug Shepherd and Pete Gladysz are POR veterans but they had some troubles with the Eagle Talon en route to third overall and third in Open class. January 1997 Ken Stewart took to the truck class a few years back wh.en it began. Now the numbers are slim but his Chevy S-10 keeps on winning the class. It is a 2WD unit too. Dusty Times

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They lost two minutes to the field with a flat tire. In the Group 5 hatrle the K rolokowskis hold a 25 second lead over Kosmides/ -Noyes despite continued power steering problems. The Gingras/-Westrick Mitsubishi Eclipse is fourth overall and leading Pro-duction GT, and they also won the Lac Vieux Divisional overall by almost four minutes. In Pro-duction the Peterson/Gutzmann Kia has a 1 :45 second lead over the third place car of Anderson/ -Ohtake for the national points chase. The Neon ofKaumeheiwa/ -Sobczak is currently second in A very convincing performance by Henry and Cindy Krolikowski in the Dodge Class. Shadow secured for them a National championship in Group 6, which they As the cars came into the final won here by seconds, after several years of rally_ing they won the National title. service in Kenton after 12 stages, brake line severed and they were Al Kaumeheiwa /Craig Sobe-the Paul Choiniere/John Buffum unable to continue after stage 9 . zak, coming from behind after the Hyundai sported a gash in the On the very last stage, the Doug Lon Peterson/ Bill Gutzmann Kia right rear fender, the result of Shepherd Eagle Talon, a little Sephia ran into transmission swiping a herm near the rnd of more than a minute behind the problems, took the Production stage 12. Choiniere continues to Eagle Talon of Karamanoglu, class win in their Dodge Neon, lead, now by almost two minutes tried to catch Selcuk but rolled his while Henry and Cindy Kroli-over Selcuk Karamanoglu/ Yor'gi car again -just .6 of a mile before kowski scored a narrow victory in Bittner in the Eagle Talon. The the finish. Group 5 to clinch their first Doug Shepherd /Pete Gladysz The D&N Bank Lake Superior national championship. The Kro-Eagle Talon rolled on stage 12, Rally is now finished. The Paul likowskis also edged Ging-·denting the car all over, blowing Choiniere/John Buffum Hyundai ras Westrick for the Ottawa out the rear vent windows, caus-Elantra has scored its sixth victory Forl'St Challenge divisional ewnt. ingagreatdealofdamageforsuch of the season, clinching the Gringas had scored a win in the a short·service, 30 minutes that national championship, and sec- Lac Vieux divisional l'arlil-r in thl· followed the stage. Ironically, uring Choiniere's place as the evening. Shepherd lost only a few hun-premiere rally driver in America. The hattle that shapl',l up dredthsofaminutetotheleaders He beat Selcuk Karamanoglu by hetween the Krolikowskis and in spite of the roll. There was more than two minutes. First in Kosmides-· Noyes made this )'l'ar somequestionwhethertheSafety Production GT and third overall special. Ralph winning earl)' Steward would nllow the cnr to was the Steve Gingras/ Bill Wes-ewnts and huilding a points lead. continue because of the cracked trick Mitsubishi Eclipse.Mike Henr)' and Cindy, Vl'tnan windshield, but the crew taped Whitman/Dave White won rall)'ists nnd former divisional theedgesandtheywentbackonto Group2intheirDatsun510,with nationnl champions, had alwa)'s the course. A disappointing end Whitman already clinching the run national ewnts hut not for a for the Carl Redner/Lynn Dillon class championship at Sunriser. championship. The Drolikow~kis Mitsubishi Eclipse, which was Karamanoglu clinched the Pro-won ever)' event the)' entered running as high as sixth overall; a . _ duction GT title earlier this year._. scoring five nationnl wins and a age Catalog! ■ Technical Assistance Available I Quality Parts! Steve Gingras and Bill Westrick drove the Mitsubishi Eclipse hard and came in fourth overall and first in the Production GT Class, seven minutes behind. divisions! win l'nroute to thl'ir Dodge team fought back and f i r s t n a t i on a I PR O R a 11 \' scored a 2 7 second victory over Championship. Kosmides/Noyes. Both teams This victory wasn't easy, as were so emotional at the end that Kosmides drove his best rally of the Krolikowskis were too numb the season, took advantage of a to celebrate and Kosmides was power steering problem on the too disappointed to do anything Dodge to forge a 15 second lead but congratulate the winners. . with three sta es to o. But the Henry and Cindy Krolikowski won Group 5 in the National Rally and were forth overall, they also were second in the Lac Vieux Divisional and won the Ottawa Divisional: quite a night for the veteran team. Oo Dusty Times • I i I I BAKER ROD ENDS BAKER Precision Bearing carries one of the largest selections of rod ends and spherical bearings in the United States • We represent companies like NHBB (NMB), Radial, Aurora, Timken and SKF. PUR-0-SIL HOSES Vacuum, heater, turbo or coolant hose PUR-0-Sll silicone hose is the best. The leader and pioneer in silicone hose. The only one In the business with the "Million Mile Warranty". BAKER BEARINGS We only slock the best products in the industry and we are the largest stocking dealer in the U.S. Our bearing & rod ends are made ol 17-4 stainless steel and high quality chrome molly. Call us lor prices! EARLS PRODUCTS EARLS has provided 1st class quality_ products to the performance industry since the early 1960's. There isn~ another competitor that even comes close to their· list of winning customers. SETRAB COOLERS The largest selection of cooler sizes and types for all your cooling needs. The finest race car coolers made in Europe. Used in all forms of European automotive racing. Made of aluminum. FLUIDYNE COOLERS All Fluidyne coolers are of the finest race quality, hand-welded, for hi-flow excellent cooling capabilities. Complete line of water to oil heat exchangers to heat oil to maintain temperature in the engine. PERMA COOL PRODUCTS Complete line of PERMA COOL products, fans, coolers, remote & sandwich adapters. PERMA COOL, The Industry leader in High Quality and Innovative Design for Over 20 Years. Also available billet remote adapters. FIRE BOTTLES The "Firebottle" system discharges completely when activated, and can be recharged saving you the cost of a new system. Once extinguished, no messy residue remains. CALL FOR PRICES TODAY! WE WILL SHIP IT AS FAST AS YOU NEED IT! TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: BAKER BATTERIES BAKER High Performance Batteries are gel lilied, deep cycle, vibration resistant, and totally sealed. large selection for RV, off-road, marine, passenger cars, and Indy. Also available Is a battery tender. Just plug it inl NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS NEO lubricants are 100% synthetic. The NEO line consists of Motor Oils, Gear Oils, ATF Fluid, Motorcycle Lubricants and more. With NEO lubricants you can expect long drain intervals, increased performance & protection. (310) 427-2375 ~ FAX (310) 426-5294 ~ '"' """• .... [1■ ,] r,r,;s I I WM I ' Long Beach, CA 90806 ~ -January 1997 Page 25

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La Rana High Desert 100 Dan Fisk and Jeff Quinn ran hard all day and found it tough with no rear brakes, but they still managed first in Class 200 and second overall. a fun course but had some rough hurt besides their pocket-hook. spo ts and even though Kathy The team would like to thank doesn't want us to know this, she Fernandos Autohod y for the got lost and almost hit a rock . hodywork he'll he doing that he They would like to thank their doesn't know ahout yet, Barry at Dad. Also congratulations to B.K. Fabworks, Atlas Springs, Kathy, her boyfriend proposed to Mht Wheels, Carol and Lonny her at the race. I wonder if he'll get for putting up with all· this and sick of the racing like some wives Davis Motorsports. Randy Spahr and Craig Dillon won the High Desert 200 overall and Class 10 also with a total time of three hours and 34 minutes, after a fairly trouble free day. do. 2nd in class was Dennis Pruett The Class 800 winner was no and Michael Dill. The team was' surprise and that was Mike Bragg doing very well, then they rolled with co-drivers Gregg Bragg and the truck outside of check 2 on Chris Reilly. The tt·am hroke a _ the last lap. There was no-one top heim, the truck died on lap 2 It was a very cold and windy day in the Lucerne Valley desert with Tech and Contingency on Saturday morning with the race starting after. T here was a total of 10 cars leaving the line and 2 1 fin-ishing the 50 mile course. It was no surprise to see Randy Spahr and Craig Di!Ion taking the over-all win in a total time of three hours and 34 minutes, finishing three minutes ahead of Dan Fisk. The Class 200 winner was Dan Fisk and Jeff Quinn with co-driver Steve Thomas. The team suffered from having no rear brakes all day, other than that they had no other prohlcms. They said it was a fun course and would like to thank Steve Thomas, Jack Crawly, Paul Bradly and the crew. 2nd in class was Steve Houstan with co-driver Alvin Yamaguchi. The team had one rear flat and had a real hard time staying ahead of O sburn. Last races' overall winner Ron O sburn with co-d rivers John Lucas and Matt McMillian didn't have as good of a day having power steering prob-lems, torsion was out of adjust-ment and had ignition problems. The team would like to thank McKen:ies & Dave Folts Tranny. A great congratulations goes out to the Class 5-1600 winner Keith Westerfield with co-driver Brian Logan. This was the team's first win and they did a very good job. They had one flat and got tangled up with the Wrights, breaking a shock tower. They would like to thank Checkers, and Lothringer Engineering, Wiks Racing Engines and all the people that have helped him out. 2nd in class was Robert Wright with co-drivers Russel Granath and Kim Wright. The team had no problems and would like to thank Charlie Lamohn, D.S. Race Prep, Crew Chief Frank McClain and the rest of the team for com-ing out for a great race. 3rd in class was Danny Drake with co-drivers Rich Fersch and Steve Drake. The team lost the coil and ran the last lap with no clutch and were very happy to finish the race for the points. They would like to thank The Muffan Man, All Steel Motor, Dave Folts Trans, all their friends and family, and Danny has to thank his wife considering she was standing by him for the interview. 4th in class was Robert Moore with co-drivers Eddie Faulkner· and Tim Zandbergen. The team ran out of gas and broke the front stops off. I think this team should get some special award for con-secutive 4th place finishes this whole year. The only non-finisher was Frank Ombo li with co-drivers Jim Cochran and Billy Snyder. The team completed three laps. The Class 700 winner was A.J. Farris with co-driver Karl Stokes. The team got stuck in the silt bed and was very happy to finish their first race since 1993. 2nd in class only comp leting o ne lap was First if] Clas:; 5-1600 went to Keith Weste-rfield and Brian Logan for ·a great race. In spite of a flat and a broken shock they still got the Job done. Jerem y Lachenmyer with co-Class 700 belonged to A.J. Farris and Karl Stokes in spite of getting stuck in drivers Kevin Davis and Ryan the silt: they had an otherwise uneventful day and took the win. Budinko. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;======:::::::= ::=.:::=~~::;:;:,:,===-=-The sisters Fay were up to their usual habit and took Class 750 ,at the High The Class 750 winners were Kathy and Stacy Fay. The team broke a rear leaf spring, said it was , Desert 200 in their tidy Ford ranger. Who got Lost??? Page n "Your One Stop Trailer Shop" Any Style Trailer Available C--=---& s~~\J\C~ R~~~~\~ 1~~\\.~ • FINANCING AVAILABLE •COMMERCIAL• RECREATIONAL •UTILITY• CAR •LANDSCAPE• CUSTOM CAR HAIILERS • CONCESSION UNITS• ENCLOSED & FLATBED TRAILERS • TRANSPORT & MOTORCOACH CONVERSIONS• PARTS • REDESIGN EXISTING UNITS• LIVING QUARTERS UNITS Quality Metal & Aluminum Construction Large Stock Of Trailers, Parts & Accessories January 1997 Class 800 was the domain of Mike and Gregg Bragg and Chris Reilly in the Ford pickup and in spite of some problems they took the checkers. Dusty Times

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Robert Wright pilots his sanitary Bug to a nice second in Class 5-1600 as they completed a trouble free day in the Lucerne Valley. Dennis Pruett and Mike Dill were doing just fine in Class 750 but somehow rolled the truck on the last lap. In spite of this mishap they still took second. Eric Heiden had a fairly good race going for three laps until they rolled the truck on lap four and were forced to abandon the Class 800 fray. Scouting around in Class 850 were Mike and Jeff Ismail who gave it their all but were only able to come up with a second in class. David Calloway and crew didn't have a good day, flat tires, broken torsion, radiator hoses all went kaput but they managed to bring the car home in second place in Class 10. Second in Class 1600 was Randy Ross who only suffered one flat all day and brought the nice looking car in for the finish. and had to get it jump started, got a flat and the rear window broke out and the muffler fell off. They would like to thank Maupin Field Repair, Awards and Signs and Competition Transmissions. Also this was Chris' first ever race and he said it was better than sex. The only non-finisher was Eric Heiden with Thomas Jeahnig and Ron Feil co-driving. The team completed three laps then rolled their truck on the last lap. The Class 850 winner was Ray Currie with co-drivers John Cur-rie and Charles Currie. The team had no problems at all, said this course was a lot rougher than the last Lucerne Race. They would like to thank Goodyear, Ameri-can Racing Wheels and the crew of Currie Enterprises. The 2nd place finishers were Mike_andJeff Ismail in their Scout. 1rd was Mike and Tom Barrett with Gene Jacobsen co-driving. Class 900 had two start and two finish, and the class winner was Max Hamberg and Don Johnson. The team blew the rear shocks out and saw Fogg roll right behind him. 2nd in class was Jay Fogg with co-drivers Jim Malinowski and Rodney Stoye. The only information we have on them is that they rolled on the last lap but were still able to finish the race. The Class 10 winner and the overall winner was Randy Spahr with Craig Dillon co-driving in his own car. The team had no pob-lems passed the Kawasaki car and almost rolled with Craig driving the first three laps. The team would like to thank The Check-ers, Wiks Racing Engines, Tucker Tire, Lothringer Engineering and Environmental Safe. 2nd in Class 10 was David Cal-Iowa y with co-drivers John Holmes and Fred Erler. The team had two flats, blew a radiator hose and broke the torsion on the last lap. Tim Schmidt and Mark Lundberg were the only Bracket Class racers completing only one lap. . Ray, John and Charles Currie were the big winners in Class 850 as they motored around the course with no mechanical problems at all. also like_ to tqank JQhA "of guys to, hint, hint. DJTransaxles, Mom anJ DaJ, · 2nd in class was Randy Ross and Willie for co-driving. The reporting of; 1 flat tire and was team had some fast lap times and thankful for the wind that kept all you people interested in span-the dust off the track. 3rd was soring somebody these are the Wes and Brady Wisdom. They The Jeffries clan were the big winners in Class 1600 at the High Desert too. They had a trouble free day and motored on in for the class win. The Class 1600 winners were Dammon William and Casey Jeff-ries. The team had no problems starting 3rd and having the lead in 10 miles. The team said this was 0 n e Of the s m O O the st races Steve Houston hikes the rear end as he tries to make up time after a flat. Steve they've ever raced. They would and Al Yamaguchi finished a nice second in Class 200. Dusty Times ·January 1997 Max Hamberg and Don Johnson took the Class 90 honors in spite of having some shock problems during the race. had a long day, the ignition went out right away and there was nothing they could do about it, lost 4th gear on last lap. They would like to thank Jeff Madrid # 1603, for lending them a throttle cable which is good sportsman-ship because they are 1st and 2nd in the points battle. 4th in class was Tom Dittfeld and Brad Inch in Brad's car, but Brad for some reason, didn't want to be in the car', so he put Dennis Dean in his place when Tom was done with his two laps. The only non-finisher was Malcolm Bryce and Perry King. The team only com-pleted one lap, then blew the tranny on the 2nd. PIKE'S SERV:ICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ...... THANKS! RESTAURANT EVERY DAY ' OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 29

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UNI FILTER, INC. TWO STAGE AIR FILTERS AND FILTER WRAPS l 54 l S. HARRIS COURT ANAHEIM, CA 92806 714-93 9-6300 TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING RACE TRANS BY JEFF FiELDS 818-998-2739 SWAY-A-WAY SUSPENSION COMPONENTS 20755 MARILLA STREET CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-700-9712 FAX 818-700-0947 S. N. 0. RE. -V. 0. R. R. A. WIKS RACING ENGINES WOODS WHEEL WORKS . B&RB NORTHERN CALIFORNIA & NEVADA OFF ROAD RACING SERIES 1833 LOS ROBLES BLVD SACRAMENTO, CA 95838 , 916-925-1702 FROM PARTS TO COMPLETE ENGINES 535 EAST CENTRAL PARK· ANAHEIM, CA 92802 714-956-9457 Off ROAD rP.ODUCTS FRONT/REAR TRAlllHG ARMS srlNDLES. CUSTOM WHEELS SUSPENSION SPECIALISTS JACK WOODS 2733 W. MISSOURI PHOENIX, AZ 85017 602-242-0077 VW & OFF l & ACCE! 1523 ! OCEANSIDI 619-72: 1997 DUSTYT OFF ROAD COMPETITIOJ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 (J) Mojave 200, Barstow, CA - D @ Eastway Raceway, Tampa, FL -SC . @· Roaring Resolution 250, E January February CD Laguna Salada 200, Western Baja, M.X - D · @1 Eastway Ra·ceway, Tampa, FL • SC I I I CD (TBA) Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas I I I March CD PRO Rally ~orkshop, _Ridgecre~t, CA 0 W1ldwash 250, Barstow. CA -D_ @ Eastway Raceway, Tampa, FL -SC 0) An:ierica 2090, Ensen~da, B.C. "(v',. @ Bottom Dollar, Nelson Hills, NV - D ® Tecate San Felipe 250, San Felipe, B.C. M.X - D @) ( Q IF \'OU REALLY WANT TO RACE-.1L-___ _.;.----4 __ -+--+------l-.,,,,.--+-=--+--=-+------'"---+--,,--:--~-=--+---+--+----+---+--YOU WANT TO RACE S.N.O.R.E. ; CD CD CD Cerro Prieto II, Southern Baja, M.X-D @ Eastway Raceway, Tampa, FL -SC 702-452-4522 SCORE. INTERNATIONAL THANKS THE STAFF Of DUSTY TIMES FOR THE WONDERFUL COVERAGE OF OFF ROAD RACING ALL YEAR Race Ready Products ·· Competition Proven High Performance VW Equipment Specializing in the Off Road MaikeJ 103 Press Lane, Suite· 4 Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 691-9171 ~(10-65()-3376 PRO TRUCK "MAKIN(; nllNGS IIAr,rEN" "WE'RE MAKING Ol'l'ORTUNITIES FOR YOIJ TO BE ABlE TO ENJOY SOME OF THE BENEFITS THAT I HAVE HAD IN OFF ROAD RACING" 9419 ABRAHAM WAY (STE 8), SANTEE, CA 92071-2584 619-449-6252 April May June July CD CD -CD CD Wendover Express, Wendover, UT • D CD, I CD Ril!) Of The ~or1d Rally, Palmda_le, CA CD (Di Sa[l Felipe, San Felipe, BC, M.X - D (J): Stoddard Va_lley 200, ~rstow, CA - D I · I ml' Eastway Raceway, Tampa, FL -SC © ©' KC Hilites Hot Boat Happening Parker, AZ @ Eastway Raceway, Tampa, FL-SC ® 0.) (9) Tecate Baja 500, Ensenada, B.C., M.X - D @ @, Off Road Championship, Antigo, WI • SC 0.' Jackpot 2001 Jackpot, NV - D ; G:; Fireworks 250, Barstow, 0 I @' Eastway Raceway, Tampa, FL -SC (D (TBA) KC Hilites Mountain Happening, Flagstaff, AZ -____ --a;;_...._ _ _ ® © I CD Sa,:ita Veron!ca Summ~r '97, Tecate Area BC, M.X-D CD August . @ @ ,Viidnight Si;>e~ial, Ne_llis Dunes, NV - D . I @ @ Chevrolet UP 100, Bark River, Ml • SC @ Ealtway Raceway, Tampa, FL. r CD Gorman Ridq~ Rally, Frazier Park, CA @, (TBA) Chevrolet Wi~onsin I 0 1 Bonneville ~h~llel}Se, Wendover, USA· D · Off Road FE:stival, Oshkosh, WI • SC CD I CD Tr~elme Rally, Palmdale, CA · September @ Yerington to Fallon I © cqDRA (Te~tative) -1? I & Back, Yerington, NV - D 0 (j) Sahara 250< Lucerne, CA· D • . I &, Eastway Raceway Tamoa, FL · SC October (3) CD CD Pr~scott Fo~est Rally, ~rescott, AZ · I 0 . 0 Barstow 209, Barstow, CA· D ® ® ® Laughlin Desert Challenge, Laughlin, NV. D ® CD CD Carrera De La Raza, Laguna @ Eastway Raceway, Tampa; FL -SC I @!Fa.II Short Course, Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA -SC 1- I I I ~Id Turk~ 225, Lu~eme, CA; D (I; I · © I. © P.C.I. RACE RADIOS @ @' 1997 Season Championship, Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA• SC PYROTECH November I I ® ® ® ,@' Eastway Raceway, Tampa, FL ~ SC ( RADIOS-INTERCOMS-ANTENNAS 't----0)· (TBA) Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas ~----+---+----+,;.--+----lf----+---+-~~+----.-+----i-@ @ Vegas ~00, Jear HELMETS WIRED ' 310-427-8177 800-869-5636 December NEVADA OFF ROAD BUGGY MOJAVE DESERT RACING EVERYTIIING FOR THE RACE CAR ALL TIIE MAJOR BRANDS / 702-871-4911 FAX 702-871-5221 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OFF ROAD RACING IN BARSTOW AND LUCERNE 909-394-3265 FAX 909-394-3266 McKenzie's Performance· Products Off Rood is Our Business 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 714-441-1212 714-441-162214'AX . LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO rouR SPECIFICATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 917411 818~857-R.\.CE *CUSTOM CHASSIS •RACE PREP *ALUMINUM WORK •WELDING *ROLL CAGES 818-852-8852F AX KAL OFF RO CUSTOM METAL I 103 CAPITOL. PASO ROBLES, 805-238-5

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UGGIES tO.A.D PARTS SSORIES i. HILL E, CA 92054 2-1266 CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN RACE TRUCKS -PRE RUNNERS 84-89 RANGER FIBERGLASS DIMPLE DIES CURT LeDUC 909-845-8820 N CALENDAR 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY BILL & DIANE THOMPSON P.O. BOX 5221 BUENA PARK, CA 90622 714-969-6820 CD Best in the Desert, 3475C Boulder Highway, Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775 , G) Bonneville Off Road Racing Enthusiasts, P.O. Box 1583, Ogden, UT 84402 (801) 627-8ORE 0) (alifornia Rally Series, 521 Los Angeles Ave. #F, Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 523-1387 © C.O.D.RA. -Central Oregon Desert Racing, 20515 \'1/hitehaven Circle, Send, OR 97702 (541) 389-2044 . CHAMPION BEAD LOCK A QUALITY BEAD LOCK FOR Off ROAD RACING 1671 N. BRAWLEY FRESNO, CA 93722 209-275-5183 © CORP - Cachanillas Off Road Promotions, P.O. Box 392, Calexico, CA 92232 Ph: 01152 (65) 66-<:JJ 80 © Desert Steel Motorsports, 1865 Commander Drive, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 (j) Mojave Desert Racing, 438 W. Arrow Hwy, Ste #30, San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 394-3265 @ M.O.R.E., 25277 W . .¼lion St., Ste. 283, Barstow, CA 92311 (619) 253-4453 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 larstow, CA - D . Parker 400, Parker, AZ -DI® ® Laguna Salada 200, Western Baja, MX - D © · Wildwash 250, Barstow/ CA -~ · !) :D CODRA (Te~tative)-[? @)I Southern Nevada 200, NV - D ® /~onopah ~00, Tonopah, NV- D · '.D · 0 I (i) KC Hi Lites_ f:iavasu H~ppenins,_ Lake Hav_asu City, Al ~ © I® ® . ®· Mighty Mojave 230, Barstow, CA - D I @ @I 1997 Season Opener, Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA -SC 0 CODRA (Tentative) - D @ G) @ Primm 300,-Primm (Stateline), Spring Special, Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA -S( @ @ ·@1 Caliente 250, Caliente, NV - D : ® ® S~ake, Ratt\e & Oop2_ 250, Lu~erne, CA - D .. @ @ : Chevrolet Memorial Day, Lake Geneva, WI -SC i Yerington 300, Yerington, NV - D ·@ @ 1 @ . ·' ---+---+----,--+---+--Si Iver State 300, Mesquite to Ely, NV~ D :CD CD ,CD Chevrolet Brush Run, Crandon, WI~ ~CI @ . I Lucerne 300, Lucerne, CA- D\(i) 0 Top Gun 250, Fallon, NV- D :@ Chevrolet Off Road Nationals, Iona, Ml -SC @ ·@ I\ - D '® '@ ·@ Night Owl 200, Lucerne, CA -D '@ Top Gun Twiligh_t ~ce, Failor\ NV - D @ Chevrolet Off Road Challenge, Luxemburg, WI -SC · Chevrolet World C ampions ips, Crandon, WI - S ® Yeri.ngton to.Fallon & Back, Yerington, NV: D'@ 0) (i) . (6) ® (i)jVegas to Rei:,o, Las y~gas, NV-~- · ;@) ©I KC Hilites Country H~ppening, ~alley Center, CA ® ® Shocker 250, Barstow, CA - D \@)' Gold Coast SNORE 250, Jean, 0 1CODRA (Tentative) - D 1 Salada 180, Mexicali West, MX - D · @)1 Twilight 200, Eldorado Valle~; NV - D D Tecate Baja 1000, B.C., MX - D 1, NV-D AD RACING FABRICATION Hltl DRIVE CA 93446 731 jlfv\CO OFF ROAD RACE CARS 10965 HARTLEY ROAD SUITER SANTEE, CA ?2071 619-562-1743 1 Thanksgiving 250, Lucerne, CA (j) H M ENGINEERING PERFORMANCE ROD END COMPANY 1161 MARTENS RIVER CIRCLE FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 92708 714-979-6631 OR 714--979-5953· FUD RACES DESERT RACING FOR BIKES AND CARS AS FAR SOUTH AS YOU CAN GET IN CALI FOP.NIA AND TECATE. BAJA, A-\EXICO 619-427-5759 C. 0. D.R. A. ONLY OFF ROAD RACING IN THE NORTHWEST 4 GREAT RACES IN '97 541-38CJ-2044 ® SCORE International, 1 '1997 Las Vegas Blvd. So., Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 @) SNORE - Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts, P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 @ SODA - Short Course Off Road Drivers Association, 7839 W. North Ave., Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA @ Southern Short Course Qff Road Racing Assn., 4305 Woodlark Dr., Tampa, FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 @ VORRA -Valley Off Road Racing Association, 1833 Los Robles Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702. DENUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS BILSTEIN, HELLA, PYROTECT FUEL SAFE, WRIGHT, JAMAR 805-683-1211 OR 800-622-3939 E-Z UP CANOPYS FREE STANDING RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET UP IN SECONDS AUTHORIZED DEAlER CASTEX 213-462-1468 FABTECH MOTORS PORTS. PRE-RUNNERS BUMPERS CAGES FIBERGLASS FENDERS & BEDSKINS TOYOTA-NISSAN-FORD-CHEVY, ETC 4610 N. PALM STREET UNIT 1~3 F.ULLERTON CA 92635 714-870-9422 FAT PERFORMANCE OFF ROAD RACING ENGINES & TRANSAXLES. PARlS & ACCESSORIES. CENTERLINE WHEELS ENGINE BUILDER OF lHE YEAR SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF lHE YEAR 199& 714-637-2889 FORT1N TRANSAXLES GET YOUR SHIFT TOGETHER 3006 COLINA VERDE LANE JAM U l, CA CJ2O35 619-669-4727 FOX RACING SHOX 364 l CHARTER PARK OR SAN JOSE, CA 95136 408-365-'700 FAX 408-365-9701 F & L RACING FUEL FUELS & LUBRICANTS COMPANY 1537 E. DEL AMO BL VD CARSON, CA 90746 310-603-2200 310-60.l-2257F A.X

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-J:;:~N .. --::r-.-~ --~. ■ •• The Straight Poop From The BigWahzoo LAUGHLIN -The Checkers only had three cars to go up to SCORE's pay-per-view Laughlin Desert Challenge. Seeley got a 2nd in Class 5. Dittfeld and McCool also got a 2nd, but Tom rolled his 5 11600 twice in the process. Bolin had a shitty day with his ten car and ran out of time for a DNF. CHERRY PICKERS - Mikey Duenas got a 1st in Class 1 /2 1600 at La Rana's rccl'nt Barstow race, and Craig Dillon overalled La Rana's Lucerne race with his ten car. Both of these races had 30 entries or less. Castro then promptly canceled his last race of the year ... well, sort of. Seems he quickly got a lot of pressure from the guys running for the points money, and all those other fools who paid up front to run all of his races. And now, it's supposedly on again. Is it possible that this last La Rana Ridgecrest race will forever be remembered as the "Funeral 300"? Bye, bye, Eddie. SNORE - Koch ran a recent SNORE race in his open buggy and performed some awesome aerobatics on his way to a DNF. Seems his second rollover com-bined his normal blinding speed with a large brim to produce a spectacular leap, with a slow roll, of well over 100 feet. Way to go, Tom! CIRCLE JERKERS actually drew more Checker entries than any of the above races, as four Club drivers hauled race cars out to Ventura Speedway to go round and round on the Baja 1000 wee-kend. Seldom seen Gary Hymes showed up in a rented Legends Car to do battle with Handsome Billy. During their Legends Car main event Gary got collected in a wreck and broke a spindle. On the other hand, McCool was just that, and came home with a 5th place finish in his first attempt on the clay. Way to go, Billy! On the down side, Round Brown broke an axle in the Dwarf Car and Tif-fany failed to qualify his TQ midget. Hey, don't you guys get dizzy doin' that? HTf"P./WWW.VMAR.COM-IDRA/ -Don't miss the latest Checker story on our World Wide Web Page. This month's tale graphically demonstrates why it's foolish to start sockin' on a Checker, even if ya are an ESPN Commentator. A BIG FAN -Carl Perez, a FUD racer from Arizona, wrote in to say that he t;1inks that the Big Wahzoo is "The Biggest Asshole In The Free World", and that he feels the Checkers are "A beer swilling support group". Oh Carl, you're way too kind! Please feel free to stop by a Checker pit for a cold one anytime. Just tell 'em the Wahzoo sent ya. Unfortunately, Carl and I didn't quite see eye to eye on my recent analysis of the 'State of our Sport', but I'm glad to see that we obviously agree the Big Wahzoo is Numero Uno in my category. CRITICS -Jim Clements, one of the new promoters in town, also took· some issue with my recent remarks about our local weak mck races. Claiming that he is not to blame as he has not even put on a race yet, and may actually be the solution to our problem. Interestingly enough, nowhere in his letter did Clements concede that he may.actually be worsening the current situation. Obviously, time will tell whether Mr. Cle-ments is inde'ed The High Desert Savior, as he hopes, or just another local promoter of weak suck races. Note: Things luwe taken a down turn for M.O.R.E. as FAIR recently uoted not to support his races. A decision the Checkers will likely second at an upcoming meeting of our Club's actit1e driuers. Jerry Herbst is also unhappy with the W ahzoo. The Patriarch of the Herbst Clan recently cor-nered Uncle Max in Mike Gaugh-• McKEHZ>E'S AIR Flt.TERS • K&H e UNI-FILTERS e YIJUR OFF-RMD i _ SPECI/Jl/STS! ! PHONE: (714) 441-121.2 FAX:(714) 441-1622 PE;RFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2366 E. awlGETKlRPE AVf., ANNEIM, CA mo& • _..,.......,_,_......,__,;.__, ........... _.._ __ ~~~~~ i i I : . ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ;!;'. I • I 4-SPYDER SUPER DIFFS ll I< . i;i ~ ~ i ~ Tl IRS ffi I • Made from.ductile Iron. Th~ Cast Oiff is back! ~ j • Utilizes 4-Spiders for added strength. : This 4-Spyder Super Diff comes suppplied i with precision-ground pins and block. '!' MCK-0265 T21RS All New to the Industry! Economica/lY Priced! • I • Ultimate strength/ • Made from ductile Iron. ~ • Available In 3 different configurations. ~ 002 CAST 4-SPVDER DIFF 8 Greatly Reduced Price!· ~ MCK'0114-0Q2-15 Fi:110-Tocfl~ ; i:! MCK-0014-002-17 Fi:111-Tocfl~:,ms • 5 § • 091 BILLET RACE DIFF 091 CAST 4-SPVDER DIFF • ~ Made from 4140 Chromoly. . MCK-0114-091 Supplied with pins and block. l" • Supplied with Billet Cover, pins and block. 091 BILLET COVER ;i: ,. MCK-0101-1 .. ~ ;.__~---------•~•C•K•·-01•0•2•M•ade-fr•om-41~~-~ ..... rom-~~1.,.. ...... ~! • SNPSON ' BEARD SEATS • WF • KC • ct8IE UGHTS • 8UGPACK • AEOUNE OL • FUEL SAFE • OEM ♦ SWAY.A,,WAY ♦ SU Page 3i an's suite u·p at the Las Vegas Speedway, and spent about 45 minutes chewing on him about that damn Wahzoo. "After all we've done for the racers with our helicopter", was his basic justifi-cation for thinking that the recent negative actions of his chopper should have been ignored. Brother Gaughan didn't help mat-ters much, as he repeatedly stirred up his business partner with comments like, "Hey, Max is the Wahzoo". And, "If Max ain't the Wahzoo, he knows who is!". When the old man finally ran out of steam, wt· still hadn't gottl.'n an apology for the incident. But ... now that the Wahzoo has appar-ently gotten his attention, let me once again repeat the definition of Checker Air Space: "1 t' s that dear area directly aboue any Checker gathering, and It's for members only!" Comprende? Dan Newsome, the BFG Hon-cho, recently openly expressed an opinion that the Big Wahzoo him-self has been gettin' a little weak suck oflate. You know, not main-taining that ol' go for the throat journalism style which the Wah-zoo is so known for. Now New-some is probably expecting me to lash out at him and his over paid pitters for this insult. But no, quite the contrary. This is the 'Straight Poop' and the Wahzoo is obliged to give Mr. Dan a lot of credit for keeping those Tire Salesmen of his out of our hair for such an amazingly long time now. Keep up the good work, Tire Dude. Your time will come soon enough. BAJA 1000 -The Checkers had a typically great run at this year's SCORE event, with six victories spread among our eight finishers. The weather was great and parts of the course were rougher than hell for our eleven entries. Nine Checker Pits covered all the famil-iar spots around this 711 mile course and kept things moving. And, before I get into our racers' heroics, let me give an honorable mention to all our dedicated Pit Captains at this race: Max Norris, Morgan Maiocco, Frank Krepsz, Howard Anderson, Dennis Crow-ley, Alex Long, Dan Martin, George Espino, and Michael Lee. Good show guys! Co-driving a non-Checker's Class 10 car, a ride he's won with earlier this year, Kevin Davis found his way into the Winner's Circle in more ways than one at this race. First off, the team crossed the finish line in 2nd place, less than two minutes . behind the leader. This was cause for celebration in itself since they had not only wrapped up a Class 10 Points Championship, but also earned the car owner the 'Overall Points Championship'. But, there was more. It was soon discovered that the lead car had missed a check point. When pressed on this, Paul Fish, SCORE's Vice Prez, said that there would be no penalty because somebody out at this hard to find check point reportedly saw the leader driving around in the area. After thinking about this for a while, the Checker obviously came out in Kevin. The next thing ya know he was nose to nose with the head Fish demanding to know 'why the hell SCORE puts all those check points out there if ya don't have to go thru 'em?' Common sense regarding this basic requirement in off road racing finally pre-vailed, and Sal over ruled his January 1997 Nephew's call. The leader was then accessed a 10 minute penalty, which put him back in second and moved Kevin and his go-fast buddy up into 1st Place. Congratulations to Kevin Davis, 1st Place in Class 10 and a share of two impressive points champion-ships. Way to go Chicken Lips, you're lookin' more and more like Officer material. Over the years our Sofa Dude has been called a lot of things. But after this race, he'll also be forever known as 'A Baja 1000 Winner'! Seeley had his share of problems in route, but handled them well and kept up a steady pace to the finish line, earning an apparent 2nd place finish. But, what's this? The first place Class 5 car was caught running on the highway and disqualified. Now ain't that a switch? The only thing between George and this big win now, was that Tech guy with his measuring tape. But wisely our Hero had installed his finish line limiter straps on the Seeleymobile, and they sailed right through to take the gold. Congratulations to George Seeley, Winner in Class 5! Bet ya George is gonna wear that wrist band for a long, looong time. Note: Rumor has it Seeley now neuer mns his car anywhere without his large assortment of different length limiter straps. When he puts the real long ones on, his unrestricted suspen-sion is said to stretch out his wheel-base to well over 120 inches. But, with the short ones, it's back to w4.9" at the finish line. George may look more like a deuil than a fox, but the results are the same. Tom Dittfeld, Alan Cook, and Daryl Cook shared the driving duties, with the Reverend Roy Moore ridin' shotgun and han-dling communications with the Lord. At one point, Tom got his 5 11600 car high centered on a boulder in a tight wash and asked the Rev to get out and see what he could do. Unable to budge it, the Rev's prayers for assistance were quickly answered in the form of a big Class 8 truck, who pulled up behind them. Motioned to give the Baja Bug a bump, the truck driver gassed it and banged Tom's car in the rear ... but it hardly moved. The guy backed up and looked at Roy, who without any hesitation, yelled at the driver: "HIT IT HARDER" ... SMASH! Both the exhaust and the rear cage were damaged, but our boys were now free and back in the race. Obviously the Lord works in mysterious ways. Although they could only manage a 3rd place in this race, the team's main concern was winning Brother Dittfeld a class points championship. Luck-ily, their main competition was havin' some serious problems, reportedly even changing engines in an attempt to continue on and earn as many points as possible in SCORE's complicated formula. When the dust finally settled, our guys had successfully won the ti tie by a single point. Congratulations to Tom Dittfeld, and all his helpers. SCORE's Class 5 11600 Points Champ! Walter Prince had some com-petition this time around and actually had to finish this race to continue his win streak in the Open Sportsmen Class. Proceed-ing at a pace slow enough to still throw candy canes to the specta-tors. Walter and his rag tag team blew away the competition to convincingly hold onto his title of . 'The Fastest Sportsman in Baja'. Congratulations to Walter, 1st Place in Open Sportsmen and Class Points Champ! Danny Reider had a full ticket this race, earning both a 3rd in Class 5 and a 12th in Class 1. First off the line as nart of the Koch /Reider I T u~ker I McGee team in Tom's Ridgecrest Rocket, · Danny suffered through a lot of engine down time with Koch. But, they still got it to the finish line in time for Danny to drive back out to the last pit and take over the wheel of his own Class 5 car. And then, run it in for his second checkered flag of the day. Good show guys. Our other two finishers were Alan Smith in his 1 / 2 1600 car and Larry Bolin co-driving an unlimited buggy. Alan and his non-Checker co-driver picked up a fine 7th place in that competi-tive class, and Bolin came home with a 9th. Our three DNFs were as follows: The Holladay/Ro-bertson /Doug Brown Class 1 entry parked Steve's buggy at about the 120 mile mark after finally running out of spare dis-tributor caps?? Greenway tagged an outhouse sized boulder that shortened Frenchy's Class 10 car considerably, and the pair even-tually parked it about the halfway point. Richard Young saw the engine in his open buggy go south about a hundred miles out. PIT HIGHLIGHTS - a couple of our Pit Captains were repeat-edly turned back at the border because of the large quantity of racing fuel they were hauling, and had to drive hours around to another crossing to finally find some border guard who didn't give a shit. Pretty soon we're gonna be faced with smuggling stuff into Mexico. Now ain't that weird? The locals in Valle De Tri-nidad will not soon forget Dan Martin and his band of Checkers at this race. It seems Dan used a whole bunch of abandoned race gas and a large grease wood bush to demonstrate to onlookers how the Checkers create the Mother of all bonfires! From about a mile away they say it looked kinda like maybe a tanker truck had crashed at Checker Pit #7. The only real damage was one incinerated bush and some severely burnt dirt. "Si, si, loco gringo Checkers" mur-mured the crowd who quickly gathered to watch Opie's Fire. And finally, working the dark-ness down at the mouth of the Matomi Wash, Dennis Crowley and his crew may have started a new and more sensitiue Checker tradition. Well into the race, Crowley spontaneously started celebrating their pit's excellence every time he and his crew suc-cessfully got another Checker back on the road with a big 'Group Hug'. Not only was this a unique bonding experience between the Pit Captain and his crew, but also a surprise for any unknowing driver who got out of a car at that location. This new demonstration of Checker Broth-erhood had another positive benefit. The locals apparently were not at all interested in getting involved with these Group Huggers, and conveniently kept their distance from the pit. VIV A BAJA! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL, EVEN YOU NON-CHECKERS! Dusty Times

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Bruno Saby and Navigator Didier Serieys collect their trophies Former U.S. Motocross champion Pierre Ka rsmakers finished Entries come from.all over and this Mitsubishi Challenger wa. crewed by Masouka, Japan, and Schultz, Germany: the· event i turning into a United Nations Rally Raid. from Sheikh Mohammed bin 'Rashi d al Maktoum and sixteenth in the event, also driving a Mitsubishi Pajero. Mohammed bin Sulayem. They won in a Mitsubishi Pajero. 1996 MARLBORO DESERT CHALLENGE -~ew Mitsubishi Challenger driven Saby Breaks Jinx in Clean Sweep for France by Masuoka from Japan. The best Arab driver was the enigmatic Yahya Bilhili, who, despite com-peting in a very basic Tl (basic production) car, finished in 6th position, ahead of some of the biggest names in cross country ral-ramp in Abu Dhabi on W ednef day, October 30th and only 2 cars made it eventually to the fin ish in the same town four day: later. RESULTS: 1. Saby/Serieys, France, Mit-subishi Pajero T3, 18.31.28. Text & Photos: Ed Heuvink ,ff:;,,;;}f I In search of his third successive victory on this event, Jean-Louis Schlesser leaves the starting ramp in Abu Dhabi on the UAE Marlboro Desert Challenge. But this year he had trouble and finished second. --------Frenchman Bruno Saby broke a four year jinx to win this year's U AE'Marlboro Desert Challenge o n November 3rd, as double defending champion Jean-Louis Schlesser was hit by a last leg disaster. Holding a 13 minute overnight lead on Saby in the Sonayto team's all new Mitsubishi Pajero, Schlesser saw his hopes of a hat-trick in the event disappear into d ust, as mechanical problems made control of his car difficult, and hampered efforts to free him-self from very soft sand just before the last refueling point, 60 kms from the finish. "The throt-tle got stuck wide open, so to reg-ulate my speed I had to switch on and off the fuel-pump", was the reactio n of Schlesser after he made it to the finish. While it was a frustrating end for Schlesser, victory was sweet for Saby whose own hopes had been dashed by a series of mechanical problems over the last three years. Clearly delighted with his win, Saby said, " My win is fantastic! Finally, after four attempts I have done it! It was a very big stage today with huge dunes. I had Schlesser in my mirror for quite some time, but then he disappeared somewhere after PC." He continued, "I said to myself that if I didn't win this year, then I wouldn't return in 1997. But now I have won, I will definitely be back. ,It has been great preparation for the Dakar event next year and that is now my main target." The Mitsubishi Pajero has been built according to the new 1997 FIA cross-country rally regulations and Dubai was its first outing. After fourth stages of Desert Challenge, one of the most popu-lar events on the FIA World Cup country raid calendar, Saby fin-ished with a 12 minutes 19 seconds lead over Schlesser in his buggy. During the rally those two Frenchman were always close in the overnight results. Both had their share of incidents and got stuck in the sand times. It is a big desert to race and that spec of white in the lower middle of the picture is Bruno Saby on his way to outright victory, in the Mitsubishi. Dusty Times lying. " I got the car out off the .. Nissan showroom two weeks ago Schlesser in turn was 42 minutes and only changed the safety items and 53 seconds in front of team like harnesses, fire-extinguisher m ate Jutta Kleinschmidt, who and race seats to make it eligible. takes third for the second year Being an Arab and used to driving running and wins the ladies title in the sand of course helps a lot", for the third time in succession. were the words of a delighted Bil-Both Schlesser Seat buggies are hili after the finish. rear-wheel drive while all the A total of 1460 kms of special other entrants used four-wheel stages had to be covered in the driven cars and trucks. vast deserts of the United Arab Fourth overall was the brand Emirates. 58 cars left the starting ' .A . . :f•',N/'. . .t\ .. W/.1-! . ' ,-, ·"'~·-,, . .,.,_,.;1,.~ ~. 2 . Schlesser/Monnet, France. Schlesser Seat T3, 19 .03 .4 7. 3 . KleinschmidtlBoutaire, Germany/France, Schlesser Seat T3, 19.46.40. 4. Masuoka/Schultz,Japanl -Germany, Mitsubishi Challenger T3, 20.45.49. 5. Strugo/Cattarelli, France Mitsubishi Pajero Tl, 21.22.34. o. Rilhili i Marjan, UAE, Nissa, Patrol Tl, 21.58.16. POSITION ·sENSIJIVE ""NOT ALL SHOCKS ARE CREA TED EQUAL, IT'S WHAT'S INSIDE THAT COUNTS" THE /BS SHOCK BY SWAY-A-WAY FEATURES: POSITION SENSITIVE ➔ EXTERNALLY ADJUSTABLE ➔ INTERNAL BYPASSING / COIL-OVER ➔ REMOVABLE BYPASS TUBES . SWAY-A-WAY WOULD LIKE TO SEND OUT A SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE THAT HAS HELPED US DEVELOP OUR SHOCK PROGRAM ... LARRY BOLIN, RUDY TOWNSLEY, BILL VARNES, BUTCH DEAN, JIM MOUL TON, DANNY,FODDRILL, BRIAN COATS AND _ MANY OTHEf!S. January 1997 SMfAY·A·IVA~ ~ 20755 MARIL/A STREET, CHATSWORTH, DI 91311 Dill OR WRITE FOR YOIJR FREE DITALOG TODAY! 818-100-9112 Page 33

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SEVENTH 555 HONG KONG-BEUING RALLY· 1996 Ari Vatancn Wins Overall In A Mitsubishi Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Ari Vatanen with Tolber navigating, didn't have time to pre-run this rally but he won it anyhow overall, by less than a minute from teammate Richard Burns in another Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. Mitsubishi's guest driver Ari ent driver to win an APC event Vatanen won the 1996 Hong this year. Kong - Beijing Rally, final round This was the final event in the in the six event FIA Asia Pacific series of Hong Kong Beijing mara-series, after his teammate Richard thons, and probably the final FIA Burns spun and lost time halfway championship rally run as a mara-through the event. Invited to thon rather than in a cloverleaf drive for them on this event format. The long distance, con-because of the near clash of dates stant moving of base and high with the Sanremo Rally a few days proportion of road sections to earlier, Vatanen led a Mitsubishi stage distance now makes this walkover which clinched the event an anachronism. Apart Asia-Pacific manufacturers' title from the hard pressed APC con-under the best-four rule. Neither tenders who had rushed in from Subaru team cars finished, both Italy, and would rush back to drivers had been competing at Spain, it was enjoyed as a holiday Sanremo Rally and both went off event by competitors. For every the road. Piero Liatti when he was team it is an expensive event, leading, while Eriksson had especially for the regular con-already won the APC drivers' tenders who needed two trips to title. Vatanen was the sixth differ- .. China: one for the controlled Nobuhiro Tajima got his Asia-Pacific Formula 2 championship by five points. The long hard rally gave him few problems in the Suzuki Baleno Sport Wagon. Hong Kong-Beijing Rally October 1996 Ari Vatanen!Tilbar' Mitsubishi lancer Evolution Ill N5:01:27 Richard Bums/Robert Reid Subaru lmpreza 555 Kenjlro Shlnozuka/Fred Gocentas Mitsubishi lancer Evolution Ill Karamjit Singh/Allen OH Mitsubishi Proton Wira 4WO Yoshihiro Kataoka/Satoshl Hayasi Mitsubishi lancer Evolution Tony Chun Klan/Xian LI Shan Subaru lmpreza WAX-RA Nobuhlro Tajlma/Sukosl Visut Suzuki Baleno Sport Wagon Chi Wah Chan/Po Lin Tang Toyota Calica GT-Four Takeshi Nakano /Hakaru !chino Subaru lmpreza WAX-RA Pak Wing Tam/Kenneth Look Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 52 starters - 23 finishers - •Group Winner •• F2 winner Winner's average speed over stages 93.66 kph APC Drivers Final positions. Eriksson 65 Now CHAMPION; Bums 55, liattl 43 Asia Pacific Cup for F2 drivers. Tajima 34, Bell 29, Triner & Weber 16 A 5:02:10 A 5:23:55 N' 5:25:26 N 5:29:13 N 5:59:58 A 5:53:02 N 5:53:45 N 5:54:38 N 5:59:49 APC Makes (best four scores only) Mitsubishi 134 (152), Subaru 124 (131) Toyota 72, Ford 41, Suzuki 31, Hyundai 11, Nissan and Oaihatsu 6. reconnaissance, in which each driver is allowed one run over each stage, on an event heavily biassed in favor of those who have competed before; and one for the event. The 'Formula 2' series leader, stayed away daunted not only by costs but also pressure of prepar-ing for next season. Their compe-tition chief Wayne Bell hoped that a misfortune for Nobuhiro Tajima would give him the 'F2' title. Kia were also absent. Kenneth Eriksson had clinched the APC drivers' title on the penultimate round in Australia but the manufacturers, F2 and Group A titles were waiting to be decided on this final qualifying event. This promised to be another Subaru versus Mitsubishi battle. Subaru brought their two drivers straight from Sanremo but Mitsubishi's three drivers came here fresh. It seemed strange that Ari Vatanen should be invited to compete when he wasn't able to attend the reconnaissance due to a clash of dates with the Masters Rally Raid, and left his co-driver 'Tilber' to make pace notes in conjunction with Ari's son Kim. "There were only six venues that were new to me, so the problem was less serious than it sounds." In fact out of the top drivers Vatanen was the most expe-rienced, this being his fourth time Kenneth Eriksson and Staffan Parmander had already won the Asia-Pacific championship before they started, and the rally gave many problems: they eventually went off the road and retired the Subaru. here, while Burns and Eriksson crashed Lieu, who was lying were here for the third time. second in Group N, landed off the Etape 1 (HongKong-Conghua) road beside him. Kataoka was was the shortest leg of the event, comfortably ahead in this cate-with a token asphalt sprint behind gory as Karamjit Singh in his the official startlocation on Army Proton, had suspension prob-land in Hong Kong itself, a trip lems. For Singh to win the title he over the border than one stage on had to win the category on this gravel just north of Guangzhou. event and also for Kataoka to fin-Piero Liatti was in good form and ish lower then second. In 'FZ' took an immediate lead on the Tajima led but Palmer retired on first stage, eight seconds in front the road section to Shaoguan ofVatanen, who admitted it had when the engine dropped a valve been a long time since he last without warning. drove a 'proper' rally car in Etape 3 (Shaogun - Changa action. The drama came shortly Sha) was a strange day. Competi-after. Vatanen was stopped for tors awoke to see a macabre sight ovl'r 20 minutl's at thl' frontier outside their hotel; suspended in because he possessed (like many the air under a large crane was the of the European personnel work-wreckage of Liatti's Subaru, like ing on the event) two passports, the body of a disgraced and which the Hong Kong customs deposed tyrannical leader. A very officials found confusing, and good way to prevent unauthorized then there was a moment of ten-import of specialist rally parts, sion at the start of stage 2. Just as however! There were just two Eriksson was about to start, a veh- stages, each intended to be tackled icle came down the stage towards twice. Shortly after the start there him. Eriksson, who had hit a was a very long road section course car going the wrong way on north. The second of these stages a stage in Malaysia, was very was canceled first time round unnerved. He jumped out of the because of non-competing traffic car to reason with the officials on the road. "Sure it was a justi-about the security of the stage, but fied decision, but a little ironic. they urged him back and sent him The man who stopped me starting on his way, even before he was was the man who made me start fully seated again. He lost all his the stage yesterday", said Ken-confidence and dropped 74 neth. These stages Vatanen had seconds against his teammate not seen before and he was Liatti. Russell Palmer took the relieved that his teammate Burns initial lead in 'F2' with his new was slowed when he hit a rock, Group A Satria but on the second punctured and the steering was stage Tajima's Baleno went ahead misaligned. The Italian Fabrizio despite a broken exhaust and an de Sanctis retired his Galant VR-4 overheating engine. Michael Lieu with a broken gearbox. In Group led Group N with his Impreza but N Kataoka slowed with a cracked was then slowed by bad dust and differential casing which meant he Yoshihiro Kataoka went ahead had to drive only in front wheel with his Mitsubishi. drive letting Singh close right up. Etape 2 (Conghua - Shaoguan) In Formula 2 Tajima went cau-comprised four stages and saw a tiously in his Baleno, with steering spectacular end of the Subaru problems. domination. Liatti paid the price The day it all happened was for his inexperience, cut a corner Etape 4 (Changa Sha -Wuhan)! which other competitors knew David Y ein, lying third in "F2 ", should be taken wide, and went retired his Honda after a road off the road as the corner later accident with a truck parked tightened. Burns inherited the across the road ( though his lead. A few minutes after Liatti teammate Stephen Murphy from Formula 2: Tajima-Now Champion, Bell 22, David Black (Toyota)10 etc. Anal positions for Manulaclurers In Asia Pacific Series:Mltsublshl 173 (134), Subaru 175 (128); Ford 60, SUZ1Jkl 39, Hyundai 20, Skoda 15. This was the debut appearance of the Group A Proton Satria of Russell Palmer but unfortunately the car suffered too much engine trouble and was retired. Ireland had been ahead of him). There was anxiety before the start of the second stage, the longest ( 43km), because it was so impor-tant. There was further tension at the stage finish with stories that the rally had been delayed due to spectator problems and then extra delays which were not explained. Finally nearly an hour after they were due the first car came, but not Burns as anticipated but Ari Vatanen. Then no Eriksson and no Fujimoto. Eventually the sto-ries emerged. Burns spun on a slow corner and hit a tree with the front of the car. This crimped a turbo pipe and severely reduced the power.Towards the end of the section he sensed that teammate Vatanen must be closing and Page 34 January 1997 Dusty Times

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It was a disasterous rally for the factory Subaru team, as they both went off the road. This may be the remains of Liatti's entry before the parts hunters got to it. pulled over so as not to slow him down in his dust. For Eriksson there was more drama. "As soon as I started the stage I noticed the car suddenly changed its handling characteris-tics, apparently due to a central differential problem. I tried to get to the end of the stage safely but as I tucked the car into a corner it spun and went off the road. Ken-neth's misfortune was unlucky for Burns because Mitsubishi ordered that Vatanen should maintain his lead and Burns had to settle for second. As another service car ~ent up the road to retrieve the Toyota, the edge of the road collapsed and the van somersaulted down the hil-lside. Later, when they _went to retrieve that vehicle they knew things were bad when they saw local people carrying a rally car strut into their village. The van was completely bare. Mitsubishi were now 1-2-3 with Singh's Proton, which had been second fastest on the infam-ous stage 12, ahead in Group N in fourth place. Tajima continued to lead F2 but clocked in five min-utes early at a time control, after a power steering problem proved insoluble. He held his lead ahead of Stephen Murphy's Honda. reflected the orders to make sure the drivers would all be in Beijing in one piece. Vatanenadmitted to one bad moment, a jump which he did not expect to be hazardous. At this place only 500 meters from the end of the stage, one of the two Group N Subaru lmpre-zas of T earn China, that of Lu NingJun, crashed and retired. His teammate Kian Tong Chun con-tinued in sixth place, third in Group N, the leading Chinese driver on the event. Etape 6 (Zheng Zhou - Shijia-chuang) was the last proper day of competition. The spectacular Grand Canyon stage was the high-light. Burns reduced the leading miJ.rgin, but with only 18km of stages on the final day, the signifi-cance was unimportant. Only one car retired, the Toyota Corolla of Siu Kee Chu who had crashed the day before and tried to continue without a windscreen. The rally which had begun in beautiful cloudless skies was now in over-cast condition but still dry. whose aspirations collapsed in Indonesia when he was excluded in controversial circumstances for a lighting offense. Tajima's win put him ahead of the absent Wayne Bell in the F2 series. Next year the world series will be increased from nine to 14 rounds, thus excluding the chance for such a dedicated challenge by the top teams, and the China Rally will be held around Beijing rather than as a marathon. This was the first 'real' rally for Vatanen since the Swedish Rally in February. He said ~hat lack of training was a cause tor caution. "You never know if the notes made by someone else are correct. The Hong Kong-Beijing Rally is no ordinary event and this year it was the end of an era. In terms of personal effort, it was far harder than an event suc!1 as the Masters rally raid (Paris-Ulan Bator, which Ari won one month ago). I have enjoyed Gompeting on this event over the years and we have seen a fascinating evolution of China, but now I suppose it is time to look to the future and base ' the event at Beijing". Then came excitement for Fujimoto. He had been suffering from power steering trouble and on a tightening right hand bend after a long straight the car went off the road and damaged the left rear suspension against a tree. This was not his team's rally. A service van had, the day before, a head-on collision which left one mechanic with a badly broken leg and another with a broken pelvis. Etape 5 (Wuhan - Zheng Zhou) was the longest day of the event, distance-wise, with 888km of driving and 133km of stages, but by now much of the sting of the event had gone. The Mitsubishi team were keeping control on their drivers and their stag_e times Etape 7 (Shijiachuang-Beijing) had two short stages (including the usual spectacular of passing through the Great Wall of China. The only drama was when the class winning Nissan Miera of the Japanese privateer Mitsugu Hasegawa crashed. Vatanen fin-ished 43 seconds in front of Burns with the veteran driver Shinozuka over 20 minutes hack. Mitsuhishi Lancer cars, in one guise or another, took the five top places, in front of Xian's Subaru. Kataoka finished second in Group N and took the title in that category by two points from the Proton EON of Karamjit Singh, , Nobuhiro Tajima poses with his championship winning Suzuki. Remember he won Pikes Peak over Rod Millen in 1985 or thereabouts, in a Suzuki Special. HONDA . -Power . Equipment --KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER Racer and Spectator Discounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PuRPOSE ENGINES =-·--;:._ •~ATER PUMPS •?UTBOARD ENGINES I_ , ;;:,, LAWNMOWERS LAWN TRACTORS EB6500SX ' • •RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY IF WE DoN'T HA VE IT, No ONE Does! DEUVERY TO nIE RACES AVAIIABLE • PLEAsE CALL AHEAD KAWAGUCHI HONDA -~<>.•=-:::::-~= 1 ' ~CI:SJ , 00 ~\ •' -?;;i-:-./ #--EX1000 3532 E. 3Ro Sc Las~ CA 9CXJ63 • 213.264.3936? 264.5858 FAX 264.2136 ·eoNDA Power Equipment Dusty Times ! VISA I s A L E s t s E R V I C E ' p A R T s ~•I H O N DA p O WE R E QUIP MEN T S P E CI AL IS T Nothings easier. .. For optimum performance and ~ety. plc-:t.'C te:id the O\\1ler·s nianual t>..•ro~ OJM'r:,,Ung your Honda Po-.~r Equipment. SpttifiC'3tlOnli subject. to ct-..m~e \\1lhout noth.~. ·E.sthn;J.te only. b:i~d on rated load. tB:incry not im:luded \\1th E!\.t3500SXXI. E~15000SXK1 and EB0500S.X. HWilh b.tttcry tr.1y kit. whn-ls & han~er. ConnttUon to hou.M' po-.·er requires transfer d~1k to a,·ohl possible lnJury to· pov.·er company pcrsonnd. Consult .:a qu.:allftc-d e1N:U1ci3n. January 1997 Page 35

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FRT SUPERSTmOH l50 HoNy Wins Overall By Judy Smith Chuck Hovey won the FRT Superstition 250 overall, covering the four 58 mile laps in three hours and 26 minutes with a completely trouble free run in his Class 1 Raceco. Chuck Hovey soloed his Raceco to his first overall win at the FR T Superstition 250 in October. This race was held on the eastern edge of the Plaster City OHV area, and, with typical FRT economy, there was a motorcycle and ATV event early in the day, and a race for cars and buggies in the late afternoon. It wasn't a totally night race, but there were a couple of laps of darkness for most of the drivers. The weather was warm, with a stiff breeze to blow the dust away. In fact, it was a howling gale for a little while, and occasionally dusted sections of the course where there was no traffic. The Class 1 cars took to the dirt first, and at the end of the fitst lap Hovey had the class all to himself as John Currier and Jim Nickles had already broken their Raceco. But Hovey knew he wanted the overall win, so he kept his Raceco moving at a good pace. He'd had a "near miss" with a spectator truck on the first lap, but the rest of the race was what he character-ized as a "dream run", with no problems at all. The Class 10 cars took off next, and at the end oflap one it was Bill Hernquist in front in his Jimco. He had recorded the fast lap for the class, at 48:31, and had less than two minutes on Kyle andJoel Whitted who ran second in their Jimco. Gary Hamlin and Jim Mamer were third in still another Jimco, while Chris Harrold, in yet another J imco, wandered around, trying to find his way, lost because the wind blew so hard it had obs-cured the course at a crucial point. It was still Hernquist in front on the second lap, with the Whit-teds hanging in there in second, now about five minutes back. Hamlin and Mamer were still third, and Harrold finally on track, in fourth. At the end of the· third lap, Hernquist's co-driver, Kevin Basore, was in the lead, but he had some problems with his lights. Hamlin and Mamer had moved to second as the Whitteds had light troubles. Harrold had closed up a bit, but was still fourth. whose only trouble had been with lights, to move up to the front and r;ike the win. They were second overall. Harrold, whose car was missing, nevertheless had a pretty good last lap, and moved up to second, while Hernquist and Basore were third. Whitted, still unable to see, was fourth only two seconds later. The lone Class 5 car, driven by Jake Searle and Jody Arney, had one miserably long lap, and never came around again. In the 1600 class, the first lap lead belonged to Vic Bruckm;mn and John Brindell in their ORC. They'd recorded the fast lap for the class, at 59:20. In second place it was Andy Estrada and Jeff Ben-+1ett, i_n a Jimco, and Bill and Bryan Pate ran third in their Raceco. Todd McAlaster and Scott Plunkett were fourth in a MECO. They ran in the same order through the second lap, with Bruckmann and Brindell building their lead to three minutes. When they made the driver change at the end of the second lap, they had a little trouble putting their lights on, but still held their lead at the end of the lap. Brindell, who was now driving, had never raced a buggy before (he's a 5-1600 driver usually), and was finding it "a lot harder than people think". He was also having trouble find-ing his way around the course in the dark. Still, at the end of the lap they had seven minutes on Estrada and Bennett who had problems with plug wires and the coil wire, and also got lost. In third it was the Pates who'd been lost on the first la . McAlaster Photos: C&C Photos and Plunkett, who'd also been. lost early in the race, were feeling that they needed taller gearing, but stayed firm in fourth. Brindell and Bruckmann went on to take the win, the first for car owner Bruckmann, by 15 min-utes. Estrada and Bennett were second, while McAlaster and Plunkett moved up to third when the Pates rolled over and took a long time getting back on their wheels. In fourth at the finish it was Keith Hovley and Shawn Hernandez, who'd also rolled on the last lap, but had some handy spectators to set them back on all fours. The Class 100 cars were next to get the green flag, and in this group the first lap leader was the team ofJoey and Richard Kern, in a Kernco. They had the fast lap for the class at 1 :00:37, but were less than a minute ahead of Ken and Bob Hargrove in their Funco. Bob Short and Michael McClintock ran third in a Chenowth. On the second lap the Kerns continued to lead, with the Har-groves second and Short and McClintock still second. The Kerns disappeared on the third lap and the Hargraves took over the lead. But they couldn't get through the fourth lap, and it was McClintock and Short who took the win after a long last lap. Class 9 was missing the team of Larry Kern and Jennifer Pfan-kuch, who were sidelined because Kern, a teenager, didn't keep his grades up and lost some of his financial support from his family. They'll be back. Kevin Graves put his Jimco into the lead, with four minutes on Rhonda and Kevin Walsh, ina T-Mag. In third it was Rob and Dwaine Walters, in their Hart. They'd had to stop to check on a noise, which turned out to be a rock in a caliper. On the second lap Graves' motor quit, and he couldn't find the problem. While the Walsh team went into the lead, the Walters, who were rac-ing for the second time ever, and with a quicker time, were closing up. Meanwhile, somebody in Graves' pit noticed that the dis-tributor cap was moving when he tried to start the motor, and when they investigated, they discovered that the rotor had popped up. So they made repairs, and he was back on the road. At the end of the third lap the Walters team was in the lead by two minutes, and the Walsh car ran second, with Graves, now 35 minutes down, in third. The Wal-ters brothers went on to take the Basore got about a third of the way around his last lap and had a flat, and had to find a friendly pit · to help change the tire. That allowed Hamlin and Mamer, The Hart of Rob and Dwaine Walters went to the front of the Class 9 group on the third lap and there they stayed for a nice win with about twelve minutes in hand. Page 36 January 1997 Gary Hamlin literally flew the Jimco around the course, running in second on the third lap, moving into first on the last lap for the Class 10 victory. Vic Bruckmann and John Brindel/ set fast lap in Class 1/2-1600, held the class lead all the way and a took well deserved checkers, the first win for car owner Bruckmann and by a fifteen minute margin to boot. win, with the Walsh team in second and Graves and his father, Hal, who drove the last lap, in third. Class 511600 was off the line next, and in this group Tony Steingraber and Skeeter Jones went into the lead. In second place it was Jim and Brian Grill, with Victor Orellana and Jose Patron running third. On the second lap Steingraber ticked off the fast lap for the class, at 1 :08: 12, and improved his lead to two minutes. It was still the Grills in second, but now Randy Brossart and Greg Harrold, who'd broken a wheel cylinder, had moved into third as Orellana arid Patron disappeared. On the third lap it was still Steingraber in front, having no problems beyond briefly being lost one time. The Grills began to have transmission trouble, but stayed in second, and Harrold and Brossart were still third. Brossart Bob Short and Michael McClintock worked their way through the pack in the Chenowth and took the win in Class 100 and finished 13th overall too. FRT SUPERSTITION 250 RESULTS-OCTOBER 19, 19961996 LAKE SUPERSTITION, CA I Poa Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Time 0/A Class Open - Unlimited Single & Two seat - 2 start - 1 finish 101 1 Chuck Hovey Raceco Class 1-2-1600 -1600 Restricted Engine -7 start - 6 finish 1653 1 Vic Bruckmann/John Brindel! at: 1654 2 Andy Estrada/Jeff Bennett Jimco 1655 3 Todd McAllaster/Scott Plunkett MEGO 1656 4 Ketth Hovley/Shawn Hernandez unk. 1651 5 Bill & Bryan Pate Raceco Class 5 - O atart - 0 finlah Class 5-1600-1600cc Baja Bug -5 atart-3 finish 599 1 Tony Steingraber/Skeeter Jones Baja Bug 551 2 Randy Brossart/Greg Harold Baja Bug 553 3 Jim and Brian Grill Baja Bug Class 10 - Unlimited 1650cc - 4 atart - 4 finish 1003 1 Gary Hamlin/Jim Marner Jimco 1000 2 Chris Harold Jimco 1002 3 Bill HemquisVKevin Basore Jimco 1001 4 Kyle & Joel Whiitted Jimco Class 7 - Unlimited Mini Pickup - 4 start - 2 finish 730 1 Brett Smith/Andy Felix Mazda 799 2 Rodd Fantelll Ford Class 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup - 0 start - 0 finish Class 9 - 1600 cc Restricted Buggy - 3 atart - 3 finish 917 1 Rob & Dwaine Walters Hart 904 2 Rhonda & Kevin Walsh T-Mag 903 3 Hal & Kevin Graves Jimco Class 100 -100 Inch we Buggies -3 start -1 finish 3 3 Bob Short/ Michael McClintock Chenowth Class 300 -Short WB 4x4 - 0 atsrt - 0 finish Total starters- 29 - total finishers - 20 - •denotes overall winner•• 3:26:24-4:12:49 6 4:27:10 7 4:29:08 8 4:41:27 9 4:49:52 11 4 :45:17 10 5:17:48 12 6:06:55 3:28:53 2 3:35:24 3 3:38:10 4 3:38:12 5 5:46:05 5:32:02 5:19:30 14 5:32:28 6:20:16 5:18:25 12 Course 4 laps of a 38 mile rough and dusty route - Weather: sunny, warm, windy Dusty Times

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Chris Harrold lost the course in the blowing sand but managed to find it again and climb back up to second place in Class 10, only seven minutes behind the leader. ll I .,,. Andy Estrada and Jeff Bennett launch for orbit in Class 1/2-1600 Todd McAllister let the MEGO get him lost early on but recovered in their Jimco. Plugs and coils held them back for a while but nicely and took third in 1/2-1600, only two minutes out of they got second in class, about fifteen minutes behind. second place. ----------------------drove the final two laps, and it was . his first race. He'd ridden the first two, so he could pick up some pointers. Steingraber had a rattle in the back, which turned out to be the remnants of a fender that'd been torn off in a collision with another 5-1600, but he had no real problems, and took the win. Harrold and Brossart moved up to finish second, while the Grills struggled with their transmission. By now they had no second or third, and would have to stop, shut off the motor, and put it into low gear whenever they got to a rough part of the course. They finally limped in for third place. the second lap Smith's lead grew McMillan at the wheel, had !ems, now was second. They ran to 10 minutes, with Fantelli struggled through a long first lap, early equal timed laps on the last second, and Searle and Loomis and then didn't get any more laps time around, though Fantelli had falling back as they lost a half hour in. a flat. Fantelli actually finished and then had an extra long third On lap three Fantelli went into first, but when the check points lap. The only other vehicle, an the lead with a zinger of a lap, and reported in, it was discovered that International Scout, with Ray Smith, who was having no prob-.somehow he'd missed one, so the FR T officials had to penalize him. Smith and Felix got the win, with Fantelli in second place. After this event there's only one race left in the 1996 series, the Dunaway Dash, which happens on New Year's Eve. In the small truck class the first lap leader was Brett Smith and Andy Felix in their Mazda, and they were four and a half minutes in front of Rodd Fantelli in his Ford who'd broken a shock. In third place it was Jeff Searle and Michael Loomis in a Nissan. On Tony Steingrabber wheeled the neat looking 5-1600 Baja Bug to a nice first in class. He won by half an hour in spite of getting a wee bit lost in the outback. Class 7 belonged to Brett Smith in his neat looking Mazda pickup. He had no problems during the race and took the checkers in five hours and forty-six minutes. $10 volunteer fee in effect all classes Classes Tuff Truck Atv( 4 wheel) Street Rail Limited Baja Cballenger/11 1-2 1600 Unlimited Entry fee $10 VE SAN CRYSTAL RIVER, FL (904) 628-9444 HESCO RACING 1·407-855-4041 Dusty Times $10 $10 $15} $40 Pro Classes $50 100% Payback $60 THE lltll 511-4110 WRIGHT S.S.O.R.R.A. PRfSEtJrs 1997 Stadium Off Road Series Jan 5, June 1, East Bay Raceway Feb 2, July 6, TAMPA, FLORIDA Mar 2, Aug 3, Apr 6, Sept 7, May 4, Oct 5, Nov 2, SERIES SPONSORS January 1997 Daily Schedule Gates open 7:00 a.m. Tech/Regis 9:00-11 :00a.m. Mandatory drivers meeting l l:15a.m For rules and regulations contact James Lair at: (813)968-6375 (813)962-2857 Page 37

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Glen Helen Short Course -Championship • Round 8 Class 1/2-1600 Short Course winner of Glen Helen, Round 8 and "Racer Of The Year" was Steve Bishop who had an incredible season and will wear the crown well. The Eighth and Final round of "The Helen's" Championsh_!p series took place on October 27, 1996. Since as they say, "all good things must come to an end", this event brought down the curtain on the '96 season. Whatever sad-ness might normally accompany this type of ending is quickly for-gotten when recalling the terrific year just completed. The sport now possesses a huge amount of momentum as plans for the 1997 season are laid. It's been a grand year for Glen Helen Raceway, and The Dusty Times, as well as for B.B.M. Marketing, Off-Road Racing and even each and every one of it's fans. Substantial gains have been- registered in the sport as a result of expanded coverage and also the long overdue public acceptance of this game's most unique and appealing form of entertainment. From Jean Calvin to Bob Beyer, and from ESPN to TNN, each has played an impor-tant role in giving the sport a much needed boost into the spot-light. Through the hard work and dedication of these people and others, everyone from the high profile types like Marty Reid and· D~ve An_ckner had a third place in Heat one in the 5-1600 class, came back G S t th with a w,n ,n the second heat and took the overall class w,n ,n Round 8. reg oaper, o e unsung heroes behind the scenes like . most heartfelt THANKS to all days first event. Race One was Doug Stokes and Sheryl Cannon, those who've made this a year to comprised of competitors from countless hours have been spent remember ... And to all you fans the Superlites, Pilots and Odyssey to see to it that this, their beloved and especially the racers them-Classes. In Superlites action a sport, has flourished ... and it truly selves, THANK YOU for a field of three started and both has! wonderful journey filled from Heat One and the day belonged to As we say goodbye to 1996, let start to finish with memories, Josh Hulsebosch. Hulsebosch us embrace the warm memories of thrills and fun that I will forever took the checks, while his rivals thrilling victories, great competi-cherish. Please forgive me for suffered trouble which caused tion, hard work and dreams both drifting, but I can't think of a them to make early heat exits. dreamed and realized. It seems as more wonderful group of people Hulsebosch then completed his though 1996 flew by in the blink to be associated with, than the sweep in Heat Two by besting ofaneye,butifonlyforamoment ones that I've met through this runner up Doug Goodenough. let me freeze time and extend a great sport. Goodenough's second.also Now it's back to the business of secured him a second overall. "Round 8". Ideal racing condi-Hulsebosch'slateseasonimprovement tions were again prevalent as the resulted in his finishing the season racers took to tht' track for the in third place, a most respectable THE WORLDS FINEST RACING EQUIPMENT GREJ.lT ODEJ.l For Christmas, Birthdays, Sho~room decoration, Corporate gifts, Trophy rooms, Top selling employees. Authentic Autographed racing Gloves l!x..; Emerson Fittipaldi, Al Unser jr, Paul Tracy, Jean Alesi, Alain Prost, Mario Andretti, Michael Andretti, Scott Goodyear, Jimmy Vasser, Stefan Johansson, Scott Pruett, Danny Sullivan, Davy Jones, Buddy Lazier and many more ... for only $295.00 Actual size of display case is 28"x 14 1 /2" x 2" Hurry only few left !!! Also available NASCAR Tires from certificate of authenticity and your team EUROPARTNER n,o~ -------· .... -·. favorite Team name. $50.00 EUROPARTNER MOTORSPORT Tel: 520-774-7605 Fax: ~20-n4-2~~7 with each Page 38 January 1997 a Class 9 had some real good racing in both heats and although Arto Ylikangas finished second in both heats, he got the big win on points. Class 1 went to, who else, Brian Collins as he cruised to first place in both heats and also claimed the title of Class Champion. Dusty Times

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showing in this his first venture into this class. In the Pilot Class there was and is Denise Wittman. Wittman has been the first and last word in this class all year. Competition or not she has competed the only way she knows how, fast and furious. Her all out effort this entire sea-son has won her scores of fans, as well as the Pilot Class Champion-ship. On this day there were no other Pilots on the scene, but that shouldn't detract from a season that saw the "fairer half" of Team Wittman win her title by a stag-gering 198 points. , .... The Odyssey Class victory for both the day and the season went to Guy Savedra. Despite a DNS in Heat One, Savedra raced to the Heat Two win and put the finish-ing touches on his highly success-ful '96 campaign. Jerry Miller had literally no competition during Round 8 as he breezed to victory in both heats and took the season championship in Class 5. When Tommy's hot, he's hot and he was hot during Round 8, showing everybody the way home in Class Super 1600/10, in both heats: very impressive. We like his cheering section too! Race Two was the A TV Pro and Intermediate event. For the Pros a compact field of three took part. Eric Cobb continued his ascent with yet another sweep of the Pro set. Cobb may have come up a little short of winning the season championship, but he has clearly established himself as the premier ATV racer on the grounds. Cobb, Adam Campbell, and Brent Spooner did battle this day, with Cobb taking home the victory spoils. Campbell was able to out finish Spooner for the second spot in each of the heats to earn the overall second for the day, and also earn third place for the series. In the Intermediate Class a strong field of 15 faced the starter in Heat One. Richard Yakkey clinched the season champion-ship by besting his rivals in the opener. A game Chris Alvarado took second behind Yakkey in the race and also in seasonal point totals. Scott( s) Roberts and LeTourneau took third and fourth respectively, with Mike Nishimoto, Bryan Yonan, and· Cory Clarizio rounding out the top 7 placings in Heat One. A field of 13 took part in the ''Main", and Yakkey again emerged victorious. LeTournl -u jumped up to the second spot, with Joe Noon finishing in third. Fourth went to Roberts, ahead of Chuck Rice and Douglas Peters, with Clarizio matching his earlier seventh place finish. Rounding out the third through fifth spots in season ending totals were LeTourneau, Buzz Clucas and then Clarizio. Race Three was an exciting event contested by racers in the l /2 1600 Short Course and Desert Classes, and also Classes 9 and 5-1600. In l/2 1600 Short Course action, Glen Helen's soon to be crowned "Racer of the Year" Steve Bishop, finished his incredible season in most fitting fashion. Bishop's brilliance this year and his near flawless perfor-mances throughout the entire sea-son are worthy of the highest of praise. It took strong performan-ces nearly every round for Bishop to wrestle the Class Champion-ship from Dan Mathews. But Mathews, who again had to settle for runner up in both of the day's heats and year end points, should feel no shame in passing the "Racer of the Year" title to Bishop. Congrats to both these standout racers on the great show they put on all year long. Sean Ziegert finished a respectable third in both heats, as well as in overall on the day and the year. In l / 2 1600 Desert happenings Gary Bussjaeger won Heat One en ., •.••.-.· "'' Matt Sweeney won the Rally Class easily with a win in both heats and won the season class title by a lot of points. Class 11 is usually dwarfed by other vehicles and there is no exception here as Deanis Sletten, hiding behind the big tire finished 2nd in Heat one, first in Heat two and took the overall point title in class for the season. Dusty Times route to also claiming the class title. Bussjaeger, like Bishop has also enjoyed a banner season, as he has consistently proven him-self deserving of championship status. Bob Arthur took second in the opener, with Doug Goode-nough showing his versatility by besting John Hulsebosch for the third spot, after having competed · earlier in the Superlites Class. In Heat Two it was Hulsehosch scor-ing the win over Bussjaeger with Arthur placing third. Hulsebosch placed second for the day and the Season back of the Buss' (sorry), and the overall third for this round went to Arthur. Class 5-1600 had five signed up for battle and winning Heat One was Paul Borio. Borio proved best over Carlos Zuniga with Dave Anckner back of them in third. In Heat Two Anckner earned the overall victory by scoring a fine win. Sean Bennett beat out Zuniga for the second spot, but overall results for these two were the opposite. Bennett moved into the top three in the class by earning a third in series ending point totals. Class 9 had a trio of competi-tors this day and Heat One went to Pete Saldana. Saldana's first appearance in this series proved successful as he finished ahead of runner up Arto Ylikangas. In the "Main" it was Martin Gill who came back after Heat One prob-lems to score the victory. Ylikan-gas ran another steady race to fin-ish second in the heat and did Welder/Generntor EW171 • 4000 Watt Wdder/(;enerator • Honda 11 liP OHV Cumrnen:ial Enbrine • l(X)O waits 01 powl·r • 170 AMP DC ior Welding • OilAkrl" • Oil Alert'" • ~111ulta11t.•uus Al ·; 1 JL u~l· • Automatic Idle' • ~Ul)t:l QUh,: I • Ek'l.:'1.rUlli,.: 11,!Jllllllll likewise in season ending totals. However, on this day, he was rewarded with the win for his pair of seconds, while Saldana edged Gill for the overall second. Race Four on the program was for Classes 1, 5 and Super 1600 / l 0. In Class 1 Brian Collins again left the fans buzzing. Collins powered his way to victory in both heats and left no doubt as to who the Class Champion is. Col-lins first took the measure of Jeff Quinn in Heat One, with Roger Lord grabbing third. He then scored the Heat Two victory over Dan Fisk, with Lord again third in the "Main" and also overall. Quinn and Fisk shared the overall second spot. It will come as no surprise r,r RACER DISCOUNTS PARTS SH-IPPED BY UPS DAILY HONDA MOTORCYCLES • SCOOTERS .._ H,r~ ATV'S & GENERATORS ~~ BMW MOTORCYCLES . :::-:. . ····-•&t;z 1> SEA DOO WATERCRAFT 'f1'(_ BILL ROBERTSON+ SONS, INC. IN BUSINESS FOR OVER 30 YEARS 5626 -Tujunga Blvd., North Hollywood ~HONDA 1 ·.(800).800-6134 Comeridewithus. 1 ·(818) 766-6134 January 1997 • N Page 39

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Dan Cannon didn't win either heat at Round 8, but he did take the Class BS championship for the year and it was a happy crew that helped him celebrate. Dan Matthews flies his Tubular Concepts car to second place in both heats in Class 1/2-1600 Short Course and finished second in points for the year too. John Hulsebosch was fourth in the first heat, took the win in heat two and therefore placed second in Round 8 racing at Glen Helen. ,,,-to this reporter if Mr. Collins is seen posing for winning snapshots after the Soda West Winter Series races are com-pleted. In Class 5 only Jerry Miller was present this day, but if fans only got to see one at least they saw the best. Miller raced well, albeit uncontested, and went on to lay daim to the 1996 Class 5 Cham-pionship. His year ending points total saw him nearly 50 points clear of his nearest rival. In Super 1600110 action the much travelled Tommy Bradley tested this ultra-tough class for the first time in this series. The result was a pair of very impres-sive victories. In Heat One Brad-ley scored the win over J imm Nichols, another top class racer Classes 8, 8S, 7S, 11 and Rally ( former MTEG Champion), mak-were represented. The Rally Class ing his first Glen Helen appear-was a showcase for this season's ance of the year. This season's Class Champion Matt Sweeney. runaway Class Champion Gary Sweeney's only rival this day was Gall had to settle for the third Stanley Bennett, and Sweeney was spot in the opener. When the field able to show why he's on top. He reassembled for Heat Two Brad- raced to victories in both heats to ley proceeded to spank them a cap a season that saw Sweeney second time. This time it was draw off to distance himself from Cory Witherill who grabbed the the competition by 143 points. second spot with a strong run, and Bennett finished runner up in the Pat Dean secured third place. The final standings for the season, as Heat Two finish was also the day's well as in the Round 8 heats. overall results, with Bradley ( 1st) Class 11 again came down to a Witherill (2nd) and Dean (3rd). match race between Dennis Slet-Dean having earned the third spot ten and Robert Henderson. These in year end points. two friendly rivals again took The Fifth and final race of the turns beating each other, as first day officially brought an end to Henderson (Heat One) and then the '96 Championship Series. Sletten (Heat Two) claimed vic-~n;;,..,, " ·iii%& , ··-' -Carlos Zuniga whips around the turn on his way to second place in heat one, third place in heat two and second place in Class 5-1600 for the day. Pete Saldana flies his good looking Class 9 to first place in heat one and slipped into second place for the day in Round 8. Page 40 ~RACING VII/GASOLINE For the distributor nearest you call: 800-345-0076 January 1997 tory. Sletten was awarded the overall win by virtue of his "Main event" score. Similar results held true for the series as Sletten earned the title of Class Champion, with Henderson fin-ishing nearest to him in second. Class 8 had but one competitor and that was Jim McKenzie. McKenzie toured the course while racing to the uncontested victory. With the points from Round 8, McKenzie will wind up second in series ending totals. Class 7S had three of the top four racers in the standings on hand. Dean Williams won Heat One and will reign as Class Champion in 7S for the third con-secutive season. Congratulations to Mr. Williams on this most noteworthy accomplishment. Second in the opener went to Bill Markel. In Heat Two Stacey Pike continued his late season charge with another fine win. This up and comer who commutes from Kingman Arizona to compete on this circuit has turned more than a few heads with his impressive per-formances. Watch out for Pike and Markel when next season rolls around, as these two talents attempt to put an end to Willi-ams' dominance of the 7S class. In the 8S Class the "Big 3 " were on hand as Wittman, Cannon and McKenzie had at each other for the fi nal time in the series. " D ynamite Dan" Cannon was clinging to a slim lead over Sean - McKenzie in the chase for the Class Championship going in. Cannon's entire season came down to one tum early in the heat. He came into the front straighta-way just a bit too hot and as his team gasped in horror his truck appeared certain to roll. But in an unbelievable bicycle move that smacked of divine intervention, Cannon was able to save it and continue on. While Cannon was giving thanks to the "Big Racer In The Sky", Wittman went for the Hent One win. A tou~h-luck McKenzie had problems which ended his day early and when Wittman took the "checks" it was the DANCO Racing Team that celebrated winning the Class Championship. Heat Two became a mere formality as only Wittman and Cannon raced. Since the title was already his, Cannon appeared to have rolled his truck like a football player spiking the ball after a touchdown. Wittman again had an easy time of it as he added yet another win to his highly successful season, while Cannon placed second for the day. Well almost as quickly as it began it's a part of history now. Could that really have been a whole year? W ell if it was I must wrap it up and begin preparations for the 1997 venture down this same ( off) road. In closing, I'd like to THANK YOU for your support of this great sport and also for your loyal readership!! . See you next year ... Jim McKenzie took the uncontested victory in both heats and with those points ended up second in points in Class 8 for the season. Class BS saw Todd Wittman take first place in both heats in a decisive manner and thus win the class for Round 8 at Glen Helen. Dusty Times

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MAG-7 1996Wrap Up By Phillip Breedlove If you need pit support in 1997. please contact Wayne Newdl at (619) 745-5740 or Phillip Breedlove at ( 619) 2 79-0411 ext. 3440; e-mail Phillip(iilconic. If there is sufficient interest, we will consider supporting any race within our reach. MAG-7 congratulates all who acepted the challenge of this year's BAJA 1000. For many race teams, the greatest challenge presented by this year's 1000 was simply finishing the 715 mile course within the 29 hour time limit. MAG-7 participated in the pre-race contingency display and supported MAG-7 racers with 10 pits at approximately 65 _mile intervals. Valvoline Oil Co. represented by Bill Enderle (Jr. and Sr.) and Jim Arbuckle again provided product support as they have done for the l'ntire year. This support is sincl'rdy appreciated as well as support and participation of the independent race teams and voluntl'l'r pit crews. MAG-7 radio communica-tion was excellent thanks to thl' efforts of Terry Walsh an.J Steve Stenberg. Steve also worked very hard to provide the pit captains with well stocked pit boxes and he succl'ssfully tackled the tough joh of equipment coordination. Hats off to Wayne and Dehhie Newell for their efforts coordinating race logistics. Terry Walsh and company spent the day prior to the race at the MAG-7 contingency display while the pit crews headed out to set up for the race. Some of the normal contingency sponsors were missing this year due to a new tax imposed by the author-ities and we sincerely hope that this trend does not continue. The good news is that due to some apparently good coordination by SCORE, no passports or drivers licenses were confiscated as tqey were at the 500. The ovl'rall mood was festive, howl'ver, and the MAG-7 crew was kept busy taking care of MAG-7 racers, showing off the BAJA SPIRIT award, recruiting new members and handing out "Steeeckers" to local kids. The sightseeing \' 't bad either. Humberto Iribe, Mike Pen'ian and Ed Mclean stopped hy and graciousl'y left" their race vehicles on display for a while. It was really nice to see some of the present and former MAG-7 members who came down to participate in the event. Judge Penick showed up with a vintage 1971 Mexican 1000 MAG-7 T-S hi rt that listed the likes of Penick, Hussong, Thompson, Jimmie Jones, Sal Fish, AT Wells, Mickey Quaid, Frank Howarth, Hary Jackman, Bill O'Brien -That must have been one heck of a race! It was rumored and later confirmed that next year's 30th anniversary Baja 1000 will go to La Paz and that there will be a "Manx Rally" to commemorate the early races to La Paz. At the end of the day, over 200 Bikes, A TVs, and four wheeled vehicles had passed through t!!ch and contingency. There's definitely something special about mixing the excitement of a crowded street in Ensenada with high tech race cars, the smell of racing fuel and Dusty Times anticipation of the start of the Baja 1000. The race started at the Riviera convention center and proceeded down "Arroyo Ensenada' to Avenida Ruiz prior to heading north out of Ensenada. While pre-running prior to the race, we and several others had become mired in the "caca mud" of Arroyo Ensenada so the appear-ance of bulldozers the afternoon before the race was a welcome sight. We wondered why SCORE had bothered with this section, but it was obvious on race day that the Ensenada locals appre-ciated the opportunity to be a part of the "Baja Mil". The first MAG-7 pit was captained by Shaw,, .Wells and was located near Ojos Negros at approximatily mile 70. This pit was a double (pits 1, 10) with a lot of action early and a looong wait until closing (approx 28 hours). The first and last 70 miles of the course was thought by many to be the most difficult and Shawn reported a lot of broken and late vehicles through his pit the first time PIT #2 was captained hy Rod Cunningham and located at Rancho Candolphi Road (mile 141 ). Rod says the wind was fierce with a mass quantity of blowing dust and sand. T he pit was located about 6 miles from camp and Rod would like to thank one of his crew members for remembering to bring the 'three cans ofDinty Moore stew to the pit. It seems that Rod forgot all the food at camp and couldn't reach his motorhome until the pit closed (22 hours). He was also concerned about his dog who was also left at the motorhome when th e big brush fire startd. Ever ything turned o u t OK, however, and Rod's crew had no other problems to speak of. Mike Wickersham was in charge of PIT #3 located at Mike's Road (mile 200). This pit was another double (pits 3, 7) wit_h_a steady flow ofMAG-7 and other racers from late afternoon Friday through Saturday morning. Since this was a designated point for some teams to complete a driver change, the racers really apprec-iated the first class service by Mike's pit crew and the amenities provided by Liz Wickersham and her crew. W e also felt very safe because of the Acetelyne tennis ball cannon Mike's crew provided for our safety. Any time during the night when we felt afraid, one of Mike's guys would fire another round into the darkness to frighten away the evil spirits. In years to come, local ranchers will stillwonder how all those tennis halls arrived at Mike's road! PIT #4 belonged to Bob Bryson and was located just off Morelia road (mile 254 ). Bryson reported no major or minor catastrophies and indicated things went according to plan. Of course, how can you go wrong in the San Felipe area? You're always just a fish taco away from paradise. The other two San Felipe area pits were captained by Mark Cran-more (#5) and MAG-7 Race Director Wayne Newell (#6 ). All reports indicate that these were two "First Class" pits as is the norm for these two seasoned Baja veterans. There was a MAJOR PROBLEM, however, transport-ing race fuel across the border at Mexicali. Wayne and MAG-7 owe a sincere debt of gratitude to TEAM GREEN for taking out fuel with them across the harder at Tecate. This is Wayne's account of the" nightmare border crossing" that was also experienc-ed by other MAG-7 team members Charlie Bignell ( Char-lie's Garage, Ramona) and Mark Cranmore: "Three hours at the border just waiting for a ruling! We were pulled over at the crossing and told that 'Mexico sells gasoline; you are allowed a full tank in your vehicle( s) and one 5 gallon can per ATV / Race vehicle. Nothing else can pass unless you go back to Tijuana where SCORE has make arrangements for transp9rting fuel.' Without help from TEAM GREEN, we would have been forced to leave the fuel behind. MAG-7 hopes that this problem can be avoided in the future. If a special agreement is necessary to allow transportation of race fuel for a race, MAG-7 recommends that the pit organiza-tions that support the race should be informed of this agreement and provided with a copy of the agreement to assist them in crossing the border. If, for some reason, SCORE is unahk to include one or more border crossings in their agreement with Mexican officials, then the pit organi:ations should be informed of the situation prior to the race so other arrangements to trans-port the fuel can be made. Dave Sickles was responsible for PIT #8 located in the wine country prior to Llano Colorado ( mile 52 7 ). He reports that all MAG-7 racers with the exception of two made it through his pit looking none the worse for wear. The SIMON and SIMON Trophy-Truck made an exciting unscheduled pit stop at about 8:00 p.m. Friday night. Dave's crew gave the truck a '' once over'' while they drained and replaced the brake fluid. Dave says that the location of the pit provided an awesome vantage point of the whole valley which meant the crew could also keep track of three brush fires burning in the area and incoming as well as outgoing race vehicles. Luckily for the crew, none of the fires came close enough to cause concern. PIT #9 was located close to Santo Tomas (mile 592) and Bruce Barlow (also of Los Ancionos M/ C Club) reported nothing out of the ordinary. His pit was looking excellent at about 4:45 a.m. when our car stopped for fuel. Thanks Bruce for the expert pit service! MAG-7 Race Results ... MAG-7 had 12 total entries and 7 finishers. Ed Mclean (#948) took 2nd place in Class 9 only 10 minutes behind the first place car and finished 43rd overall. Dick Sasser (#302) took a 2nd in Class 3 and fought hard to finish 75th overall while beating the time limit by 18 minutes. Mike Pen.Ian ( team Georgia) took l st place in Class 25 Sportsman. Mclean, Sasser and Pen.Ian are also owed contingency awards by MAG-7 for their first and second place finishes in their respective classes once the results are confirmed with SCORE. CON-GRATULATIONS!!! Other finishers were: #6X (lkeda/Ume-tsu) 7th place Class 22; 9X (Arakawa/Kawakatsu) 8th place Class 22; 302X (Hiroto/Ume-kawa) 8th place Class 30; 104X (Hayashi/Matsumoto) 5th place Class 21. Congratulations to all and thanks for . .running with MAG-7 ' SEASON POINTS RE-SULTS ... After a long seson of hard racing, congrat u lations to Carlos/Humberto/Gerardo Iribe of Iribe Superior Racing Technology ISR T for a very hard fought 2nd overall in SCORE Class 5-1600. Thank you for showing us your BAJA SPIRIT. Congratulations also to Ed Mclean of Mclean Racing Enterprises MRE who won 3rd place overall in SCORE Class 9 and was also awarded the 1996 BAJA SPIRIT AW ARD by SCORE. At 71 years young, Ed is still out there dicein' and finishing races. Congratulations also to Michio Ori mo for l st place overall in SCORE Class 40. LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE. The older Mclean (Ed) threw down the Gauntlet and the younger Mclean (Hugh) with co-driver Kevin Walsh waltzed across it. Congratulations to Hugh and Kevin for a hard fought 5th place finish in Class 9. Due to transmission problems Ed and Breedlove weren't able to finish the third lap. SUPERSTITION 250. Former MAG-7 president Terry Walsh accompanied his daughter (Rhonda) and son (Kevin) to Lake Superstition and proudly watched as the younger Walsh's almost won Class 9 but ended up with a solid second after 4 60 mile loops. Charlie Bignell of Charlie's Garage in Ramona was a co-driver with Rod Fantelli in Rod's Class 7 truck (#799 ) and they were the first across the finish line in their class. It was later decided by the pmvLrs that he that they should he awarded second place. Rod is still firmly in the running for the FUD Class 7 championship, however, that will be decided New Years in the FUD season finale. Attention Pit Teams Send us your tales of triumph or woe and they will be featured' on these pages. Send to DUSTY TIMES: address on page 3! TUCKER TIRE COMPANY IIC. TUCKER TIRE COMPANY HAS A LIMITED SUPPLY OF YOKOHAMA SUPER DIGGER Ill 33x10.50x15 RACER COST $129.00 ALSO 700x15 TRACTION@ $85.00 700x1 5 HWY (GROOVED)@ $85.00 HD TUBES FRONT $7.00 REAR $13.50 CALL 818-332-1142 818-966-7508 909-598-2495 January 1997 Page 41

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38TH RALLY SANREMO Colin McRae Wins The Rally• D'ltalia Text & Photos: Martin Holmes The week after he was offered another two year contract Colin McRae repaid his team's trust by winning the 1996 Sanremo Rally. The victory was too late for his personal chances of retaining the world drivers' championship but it gave Subaru a good chance of taking the manufacturers' title for the second year running. He led the rally from start to finish, although Carlos Sainz's Ford closed to within six seconds on the final morning. There was an extraordinary :rash by the new world champion r ommi Makinen one kilometer rom the start of the first stage, in vhich Seppo Harjanne hurt his Jack. An uncharacteristic acci-lent also sidelined Uwe Nitttel, ind after leading the Group N Joints since the Acropolis Rally 10w finds privateer driver Gus-This Is the i,ystem run by most off road race winners tavo Trelles ahead of him with one round to go. On home ground Pirelli tires were unbeat-able, winning overall and also in GroupN. The Sanremo Rally with its mixed surface route was a unique event in the series. Future one-surface rules say this will be the final time any world champion-ship rally can be held on both gravel and asphalt stages. Route shortening rules mean that this rally can no longer be so far flung as at present. The mixed surface event was limited. It ran on gravel until the last day where the route moved to asphalt, and it seemed the last hurrah for asphalt. Didier Auriol made a welcome return to the championship scene in the second official Mitsubishi. Auriol is the only driver to have com-peted for all three championshio TRI-MIL BOBCAT C{IROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 Page 41 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED teams, Ford, Mitsubishi and Sub-aru, and driven for Toyota and Lancia as well. The Subaru and Mitsubishi teams were each entered for both the Sanremo Rally and three days later in the Hong Kong - Beijing Rally, the final round of the Asia Pacific Series. Subaru's drivers for both events were Kenneth Ericksson and Piero Liatti, the lat-ter won Sanremo in 1995. Mitsu- . bishi had separate driving teams for the events, and it was all the usual cast. The Sanremo rally witnessed the debut appearance on a world championship rally of Ford's 'Formula 2' Escort RS2000 kit car driven by Dome-nico Caldarola. After the excite-ment of Australia when two titles were settled, one more title might be resolved on this event, that for Group N drivers. Favorite remained the German driver Uwe · Nittel, but Uruguayan driver · Gustavo Trelles was closing up the points gap. The event started with a non-. competitive run on Sunday even-ing from Sanremo to Gubbio: the first special stage being held the next morning. The format for the Monday was daring: two stages, each done twice, total stage dis-tance 160 km -38% of the whole · stage distance of the event and just two venues! Monday and Tuesday saw the stages on gravel, W ednes-da y the asphalt sections. The emphasis this year reverted to gravel, the majority of total stage · distance. On Etape 1 an easterly breeze at the start of Sanremo bode ill for the weather for the following day: it was damp overnight, with rain falling in Gubbio an hour before the restart, but it cleared up and the day turned out to be fine and sunny, with dry, dusty stages which favored the later runners. One kilometer after the start of the first stage the route turned slightly left, into a tricky downhill off camber bend. Makinen had judged this to be something equi-valent to an 'easy left', but found it much more severe at speed. The car was in the gravel at the edge of the road, slid into the ditch along-side the track, then hit a concrete . block which spun it round in the air. The front suspension was · damaged but the problem was that codriver Seppo Harjanne hurt his back and was flown to a hospital where it was discovered he had a crushed vertebrae. The stage was blocked for 40 minutes. Then 15 minutes later, only 200 meters from the start and in full view of those waiting to tackle the stage, Kytolehto found his car uncontrollable and crashed ' through a telegraph pole off the road. By this time there was such a collection of people in the area the stage was stopped. Seven cars fin-1 ished the stage, the last one being Nittel, the only Group N car to ' pass. The stewards canceled the stage altogether. The later runners were enjoying themselves. Dallavilla, leader in the Italian championship, com-peting on his third ever gravel rally was in the lead but McRae January 1997 Colin McRae and Derek Ringer led the rally from start to finish in the Subaru. lmpreza 555. It was Colin's seventh world championship win and it gives Subaru a good chance at the manufacturers title at the RAC. Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya had good days and bad days in the Ford Escort RS Cosworth, but finished second overall, running six seconds behind. was pushing hard. Eriksson com-road. Sixth placed Cunico was pletely destroyed his tires on stage depressed; although he was the 4, the ART Subaru of Andrea highest placed Italian champion-Navarra had electronic troubles -ship contender, he needed to fin-at stage 4 it would not fire up. ish higher than fourth to improve Auriol was beginning to go well his chances, and that seemed on his debut with Mitsubishi, remote. Loix was running well while Sainz was trying hard even though he spun on the final stage though the gear lever kept jump-trying to catch Cunico. Mitsubi-ing out of gear. Thiry had trouble shi were struggling as Auriol had with his water injection fuses to drive two stages with only rear which worked intermittently and drive, while Ford had one of their Monte Carlo Rally winner Patrick most trouble free days this sea-Bernardini had a puncture and a son. Subaru reported the only spin. problem for the drivers were a In Group N Nittel's hope of couple of heavy landings for taking the title disappeared when McRae. he went off the road and lost a lot In Group N Jorge Recalde's of time. The car was withdrawn Mitsubishi retired after it failed to on arrival at Arezzo, and the clear restart from Pare Ferme at Arezzo, leader now was Trelles. At the so the Belgian Mitsubishi driver arrival at Arezzo something dra- Pascal Smets was up to second matic happened Carlos Sainz behind Trelles. In Formula 2 the clocked in one minute (ten Renaults of Andreucci and seconds penalty) late, to drop him Longhi were going well. Longhi 's from running fifth to eighth on suffered the loss of two gears, but the road on the second day. was still second behind An-Overnight weather had deterio-dreucci, while the Peugeot 306 rated and it was raining. Maxi kit car of Pierre Cola rd was On Etape 2 it had been raining third in front of Kris Rosen-only spasmodically before the berger's orthodox Opel and the first stage held at daybreak was Ford kit car of Caldarolo, which run, but the surfaces were still dry h:id a lack of power compared and Sainz was fastest, 16 seconds with the Renaults. better than the leader McRae. No The overall situation at the end sooner had McRae and Liatti of two days on gravel showed started stage 9 then a cloudhurst McRae 32 seconds in front of hit the scene. McRae took 29 Sainz and another two ahead of seconds off Sainz there alone. Liatti. In the Manufacturers' Thiry hit a dip too hard and the scene, life was bad for Mitsubishi. intercom stopped working, and Only one of three nominated there were many more such tales. entries was still running, Auriol, By the time the rally reached Vol-who was in ninth. Subaru looked terra after stage 9, Sainz in three good with three cars in the top stages climbed from eighth to four; fourth being Kenneth who second and was 50 seconds had a remarkably fast and steady behind Dalavilla who had been run, particularly as it had been sixth after stage 7 and then rolled eight years since he was here the twice on stage 9 ·and dropped to last time. Ford was unusually 13th. good with second and fifth. On the final gravel stage On Etape 3 the asphalt was Madeira went off, demolished a likely to be the deciding point. Of brick bridge parapet and was thesevenstagesthefirstwastobe stuck almost vertically beside the the longest. At 40 km it was Dusty Times

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Seppo Harjanne gets comfortable in the medic helicopter en route to the hospital after the crash. He travels in style, note the mobile phone. Didier Auria/ and Denis Giraudet got the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Ill home in eighth overall, although they did have a few woes en route. The first Formula 2 car to finish and win the category, was the Renault Maxi Megane of Paolo Andraucci!Simona Fedeli, this was not a points event for this class. They finished 12th overall. almost one-third ot the whole day's competition. The weather started off damp and was gradu-ally drying, but with a lot of mois-ture on the fallen leaves. First shock of the day was wh;en Piero Liatti could not start in the morn-ing from Pare Ferme: There seemed to be a complete absence of power to the spark plugs. The winner last year said "I've never had such an unlucky event. I should have won the first stage, but they canceled that, then this!" Carlos was determined to win. He gained four seconds on the long first stage, ten on the second and on the fourth stage, when Colin had a problem with shock absorbers which were set too hard, another fifteen, which brought Colin's lead down to six seconds. A close race further down the field for the amateur 'Gentle-man's Cup' was effectively settled in favor-of the Frenchman Freder-ick Dor with his Subaru, when Rallye SanRemo 1996 Colin McRae/Derek Ringer CB Subaru lmpreza 555 A • 4 : 26 :5 7 Carlos Sainz/Luis Moya E Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 4 :27:19 Bruno Thiry/Stephane Prevot B Ford Escort RS Coswoeth A 4 :29:06 Freddy Loix/Sven Smeets B Toyota Celica GT-Four A 4 :29 :48 Kenneth Eriksson/Staffan Parmander S Subaru lmpreza 555 A 4:29:51 Glanfranco Cunico/P. Scalvini I Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 4 :30:41 GIiberto Pianezzola/Loris Roggia I Toyota Calica GT-Four A 4 :30:58 Didier Aurlol/Denis Giraudet F Mitrsubishl Lancer Ev. A 4 :31 :50 Angelo & Barbara Medeghini I Subaru lmpreza 555 A 4 :34 :59 Patrick Berrrrnardini/D.Savignoni F Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 4 :34 :59 Paola Andreucci/S. Fedell (12th) I Renault Maxi Megane A· • 4 :45 :1 o Gustavo Trelles/Jorge Del Buono ROU/RA Mitsubishi Lancer Ev. N • 4 :48:32 Patrizia Sciascia/Laura Novella I Opel Corsa GSI A# 5 :52 :23 ·Group Winner •· F2 winner - # Ladies winner Winner's Average Speed over Stages 85.02 kph World Championship Points - Subaru 337. Mitsubishi 304, Ford 274. WRC Drivers Points - Makinen 115, Sainz 89, Eriksson 76, McRae 72 WRC Group N Points - Trelles 42, Nittel 40, Miyoshi, Lieu, & Ordynski 13 etc. HOURS M-F 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 Daily UPS Visa and Mastercard We are happy to announce our new BOD toll free number. (800) 656-337~ Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" .IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon "Fast-Fill" dump cans. Both new products can save you race time. Race Smarl-Be Sate 103 Press ~n. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • (619) 691-9171 • FAX (619) 691-0803 Dusty Times rival Pierlorenzo Zanchi (Lancia) went off the road for three min-utes. In Group N the third placed car, Manfrinato's Ford, was slow-ing down with gearbox trouble. Tension in the fight for the lead was increased when the last stage was delayed by 25 minutes. In the end Colin was able to take 11 secondsoffSainzonthefinalstage aru) and Bernardini (Ford), and won by 22 seconds. There resolved in favor of the Italian. was a recount of Eriksson's times Gustavo Trelles won Group N and in the end it was Loix who having led all the way except on took fourth place, three seconds the first two stages, and this meant in front, after catching two places he now took a surprise lead in the during the day. There was a tie for series. Andreucci won "Formula ninth place between Junior team 2" having led all thl' way . drivers A_ngelo Medeghini (Sub-WECARRY AURORA, PYROTECT, PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, CACTUS RACING BAKER BATTERIES, SWAY A WAY WRIGHT PLACE, EARLS, YOKOHAMA SUPER TRAP, SWEPCO, TANAKA BUG PACK, S&S, CHENOWTH UMP, BELL HELMETS, KEP, SACO FODDRIL, UNI-FILTER, K&N, TRI-MIL PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, PIAA DIRT BAGZ, COMP-II-FIRE, WEBER CARBS SAND TIRES & RIMS, RIP ROD, CNC CENTERUNE, ULTRA, SIMPSON, SCAT CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEEL MECHANIX WEAR, BOGART RACING WHEELS RC TRANS & MUCH MUCH MORE ... WE ARE NOW AN OFFICIAL DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS!!j -~ 3064 S. VALLEY VIEW * LAS VEGAS, NV* B9102 HOURS: MON-FIii 9AM-4PM * SAT 9AM • SPM (702)B71-4911 * (702}871-11221 fllK January 1997 Page 43

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-KC HiUtes/Terrible's Town's Twilight SNORE 100 By Jean Calvin Photos: Carrera Photography --------Danny Anderson has a little body work to do on his Class 10, but it didnt' keep him and Rob MacCachren from winning the race overall and in Class 10 of course. Their time was 3:52:18 for the four laps. In southern Nevada racing they do surprising things. Formerly called the Double Trouble, they found a new host and a new for this race route. The host was the Terrible Herbst Bowling Alley and Casino in Henderson, NV. They welcomed the racers set aside part of their parking lot for tech inspection, and provided a room for the awards presenta-tions on Sunday. The race course was the one used earlier in the El Dorado Valley, just east of Boulder City, NV. Activity started about 6 :00 p.m. on Friday with tech and con-tingency inspection in the Terri-ble's Town parking lot, registra-tion was inside fortunately, as there was a chill wind blowing outside. It all went smoothly last October, as the weather was warm and the skies were clear too. When they were through at nine p.m. they went inside the bowling alley section and held the drawing for starting numbers. The race started at three p.m. on Saturday afternoon in beauti-ful sunshine, and the weather just got better during the day. Some Page 44 35 cars were signed up, and of these most started the race from the old bicycle motocross start/ -finish area. The course was rough heading into the foothills, ran over a section of course called BLM's Revenge and later got liva-ble heading toward the end of the lap. The laps were approximately 40 miles each. Classes 1 / 2 Unlim-ited, 1-2-1600, 5 and Class 10 ran five laps. Classes 5 -1600, 9, RL'aV\' Meta.I and Mini Metal, Sportsman Buggy and Truck ran . four laps and Class 11 did three laps. All vehicles were required to have auxiliary lighting. A brief drivers meeting, mostly about road action was held, then they lined up. The course was cleared and at three p.m. the first car was off; it was the Class 10 of Gene Greipentrog and with no dust he turned fast lap of the race on the first lap ut 56.21, and he was the first one back across the finish line. But Danny Anderson was a mere 30 seconds behind him on lap 1 and the pair tied on time on lap 2 at 57.19. Kevin McGillivray was next in with Jim Greenway driving the 10 car five minutes back, followed in a min-ute by J.C. Dean. There was just one minute separating the first four overall and in Class 10. Six of the seven Class 10 cars ran stron the whole race with no Jeff Carr set fast lap for Class 9 on the first one, kept going fast and he won the class and the $1000 bonus as well as the standard class payback. January 1997 Gene Greipentrog and Kent Lothringer are having a good time in Class 10. They led quite a distance on the road here, had fast lap of the race, and were second in Class 1 O and overall. long pit stops to slow them. All were flagged in after four laps, still scant minutes apart. Greipentrog put Kent Lothringer in the car for the last laps, and he had a flat, the only trouble they had, and they were second overall. Danny And-erson put Roh MacCachn:n in his 10 car, for the last two laps and Rob had to dismantle the left rear of the car in order to fix things, but brought the car in for the win at 3:51: 1 K. G reipentrog was second in Class 10 at 3:57:20 fol-lowed b y McGillivray and Greenway, who had a first lap flat, at 4:05:07 and J.C. Dean was fourth, said he had no trouble at all, at 4:07:23. Tom Sturgis fin-ished fifth at 4:32:40 and Robbie Goerke got in three laps in nearly five hours. Class 1-2-1600 started second, also with seven on the line, a pow-erful bunch, almost all former winners of the class. Kenny Free-man Jr. was around quickly with class fast lap at 59:48 with Robby Guevara close behind at 59:51. It can't get much closer than three . seconds! Jeremy Gubler was next at 1:00:43. On the second lap they were all just over an hour on time, except Robby Guevara who got faster with a 59:39 . Ken Freeman Sr. turned two l:04s to follow his son and lead his grand-daughter Day Gang who had a 1 :04 and a 1 :06 at the midway point. As a matter of fact Robby Guevara was leading the class with a pair of 59s midway, but in the end both Guevara and Gubler were disqualified, we think for having chase vehicles on the race-course. This left the 1600 class to the Freeman family and daughter Bekki was not even in the race. Neither B.J . Almberg nor Jay Shain were credited with a single lap. After lap3 Ken FreemanJr. had a good lead of six minutes over Ken Sr. who led Day Gang by four minutes. Kenny Jr. did a last lap of 1:03:30 to win the class and place third overall. He said he had a : relatively trouble free race and . finished in 4:04:45. Big Daddy Ken Freeman Sr. was second in class and fifth overall at 4:23:38. and he let his grandchildren drive ,the last two laps. Even with a last lap of 2:01:00 Day Gang and company finished third in class at 5:23:06. Class 9 was roaring this race, all chasing points. T he defending champion Doug Ingram took a late start and was not able to make up all of the lost time, eventually finishing eighth. Jeff Carr turned fast lap for the class on the first lap, even though he started eighth in the class, a 1:08:34. Nobody else got within three minutes of his fast time. He kept up his pace with a 1:09:25 and a 1:13:39 for his required three laps and won the $1000.00 bonus money with a total time of3:3 l :38.Jeff said he had no troubles at all on the road, an unexpected pleasure. He wanted to thank WebbWeld, Victor Torres motors, Keith Underwood, Performance Tran-saxles and more folks that pit and chase for him. Joel Mohr ran second all the way with a 1:11:33, 1:12:2 1 and a 1: 16:02 for a total time of 3:39:56 and he won $231.00. Chasing points Brian Sallee came from Barstow to place third at 3:46:29 but he is leading the points overall by about 50 with one race to go in the series in December. Ivan Ishi-hara was fifth, won some money in the big 13 car Class 9. He had a 1: 14:31, a 1: 15:09 but the third and last lap was his downfall, 1 :31 :44. O ther finishers were Dayne Bracken with matching times for all three laps, Doug Ingram and Amanda Dixon, and Roger Schank whose journey took 5:27:45. The smaller classes ran close together. Class 5-1600 started . three Bugs and they stayed close together. Kevin Streety got fast class lap on the first go around at Brian Sallee comes from Barstow to race with SNORE. He is the current overall points leader and he added fourth place in class for points this race. Dusty Times

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Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway had a little shock problem, lost a few minutes but the team sailed on into third in Class 10 at the flag. J C Dean came out to play in the Class 10 car, did three laps under an hour, had no trouble at all, all day in the car built for tough going. Big Daddy Ken Freeman Sr. had various co-drivers, and he finished second in Class 1/2-1600 with no real trouble. Grandaughter (to Ken Freeman Sr.) was third in Class 1/2-1600, had trouble on the last lap but out of seven starters in class, only the Freemans finished. Joel Mohr lost a minute or two each lap to the winner, but he too had no serious trouble and he claimed second place in the three lap Class 9 race. Ivan Ishihara had a smooth run for two laps but the third cost an extra 15 minutes. He stayed with it and finished fifth in Class 9, in the money. 1 :20:48 but new to the class Den-nis W esseldine was close at 1 :24: 13. Kevin sailed on with a 1:22: 11 second lap and a 1:29:03 final third lap to win the class at 4: 12 :02 reporting no serious trouble on the route. Wesseldine made a pit stop on the second lap for a check on a strange noise in the rear. The crew couldn't find any problem so he went on to a 1:36:10. Dennis did a last lap at 1 :29:09 for a total time of4:29:32 while Streety's total time was 4:12:02. But Dennis got the second place trophy. With four in the truck class, all in different classes, they ran together for the cash, but got points in their classes. In a 7S truck Rick Harrah did a 1 :27:43, a . 1:42:45 and a 1:37:41 for a total time of 4:48:09 to win the com-bined class.· Barry Slatter set class fast lap on the first round at 1:18:21, then a 1:24:49, but trouble with his springs set him back to second with a 2:23:39 third lap, but he got second place honors at 5:06:49 total time in his Class 7 Ford. In a Jeep CJ 7 Jeff Judge did two laps, a 1:43:41 and a 1:38:37 for a total time of 5:06:49, good time for a CJ on this rough course, and last was the Class 6 Oldsmobile of Jerry Ste-wart who got but 12 miles from the start when a steering rod broke. They hiked back to the Slatter pit, got the parts welded together and hiked back to the car. Their first lap was 3:39: 16, the second was 2:05: 16 and at that point they were flagged in with a 5:44:32 total time. There were three Sportsman Buggies in the entry but those of John McCormick and Thomas · Reck did not finish a single lap. But Alan Romans started with a 1: 12:00 first lap, carried on with a 1:18:59 and a 1:16:39 third and final lap. He was, of course, the Sportsman Buggy winner at 4:48:09 total time. The race wound down in the wee hours and the folks went home in droves. The awards were presented in a private alcove in Terrible's Town in Henderson Sunday morning, but this race there was no breakfast, just what you could buy in the bowling alley. There were lots of trophies Dusty Times Kevin Streety comes from LA to race with SNORE - he has for years: this trip he won Class 5-1600 by 17 minutes and said he had no big trouble. Just nagging little things. The Heavy Metal and the Mini Metal were combined making four for the cash awards. Rick Harrah took the lead somewhere in the third lap and he went on to greater glory, winning the cash and getting class points. and plaques to present, but they had full lap by lap results for eve-rybody and also the points stand-ings, with Brian Sallee still lead-in p'oints will be at the final race ing, now by 51 points over Doug December 14, location to be announced. Check the ad in this issue. Ingram. You can bet the top men --.. ------------•-----•-------• There were just three in Sportsman Buggy and Alan Romans turned a 1:12:00 on his first lap, and when the other two did not complete one lap he retired with an intact car and the win. January 1997 SCORE LEGAL L TRANS: Fresh Fortin Rebuild DG300 Hewland built & malntaln~d by Doug Fortin Chrome Moly frame, Calif. rerformance, BRAKES: Raceco, Jerry renhall Front: Summers Discs Zero miles on the 1996 total rebuild Rear: Summers Ml floaters. Equipment: Front SU1p: J.4" travel Fox coll-o-weB, 2 per wheel, Wright fralllng ann,, Raceco Beam. Rea, Susp: 24" boYel, toqlon w/secondary torsions, Raceco 6x6 rear arms. 4 Fox shocks per wheel. Summers axles. 930 cv's. Jamar pedals, Saginaw pwr stmg, bead lock Centerline wheels, Goodyear Hres, 30 gal Fuel Safe cell, VDO Marine and Autometer gauges. Roadmoster Intercom & radio. Beard seats, Simpson hamess' Many spare* $34,500 Invested DAYS - 541-312-0748 WHf lrade for equal ~ or $25.000 cash HITES - 541-.182-02"4 Page 45

Page 46

Uttle Creek Casino Pacific Forest Pro Rally Text & Photos: Jim Culp #1 Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker in the Hyundai Motors/Libra Racing 4WD Hyundai Elantra, fastest on the road, but pushed to second by a time panalty. Carl Merrill and Lance Smith in Choiniere and Becker were five the Norseman Ford Escort Cos-minutes faster than the Escort, worth claimed a tainted victory in posting the fastest time on ten of the Little Creek Casino Pacific the rally's thirteen stages. The Forest Rally, the final round of event turned on a ten minute the SCCA/Michelin Pro Rally penalty applied to the Hyundai Series, held near Shelton, hours after the rally finished. At Washington. the end of stage five, the last night For the official record, Mer-stage on the rally's first day, rill/Smith finished five minutes Choiniere suffered a clutch fail-ahead of series champions Paul ure. While Choiniere was fastest Choiniere and Jeff Becker in the on that stage, he was unable to Hyundai Motors /Libra Racing continue uphill after stopping for 4WD Hyundai Elantra. But that the control at the end of the stage. record is flawed, on the road Choiniere opened the hood to • --THE WRIGHT 9420 FHnn Sprlnp ln. PLACE El ~Jon, ~A 920~1 . _ · INC; ·-Pagc46 diagnose the problem while still in -the finish control. According to the rules, opening the hood is a service, and you can't do that in a, control zone. Several competitors protested this "service" and the result was the penalty. The break-down also resulted in a sleepless night for the Libra Racing crew who performed the real service during the overnight rest stop, replacing two clutches, and finally the throw-out bearing, to allow the car to continue. Paul Choiniere (right) gives co-driver Jeff Becker a sip of the bubbly, while the two celebrate their sixth Pro Rally Championship. Behind the two leaders was one January 1997 great battle between three west coast crews. Rui Brasil and Carlos Tavares limped home in the Sun-trips Audi Quattro to claim third overall, 11 seconds ahead of Janice Damitio and Amity Trow-bridge in the Crazee Espresso Toyota Celica. Just 32 seconds behind the Toyota were Sam Bryan and Rob Walden in the daz-zling yellow Saab 900SE. What a battle it was, with Bra-sil/Tavares starting fast and _ barely holding on a- :heir ewer-heating Audi lost power and time while the rally ran on to the finish. Damitio/Trowbridge started the rally's second day just hoping for a finish to capture the Production GT class. But with the driver bat-tling illness as well as the course, the ladies from Washington zipped to the fastest time on the final stage to clinch fourth place. Then there were Bryan/Wal-den and Saab. After a long season ofDNF's and DNS's, the Scandia team finally made it to the finish, #4 Sam Bryan and Rob Walden, the first finish for the dazzling yellow Saab 900SE, fourth overall and first in class. Dusty Times

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to be rewarded with the Group Five class win, and a standing ova-tion from their fellow competi-tors at the awards dinner. Sclcuk Karamanoglu and Y orgi Bittner finished sixth in their open class Eagle Talon, after run-ning second only to Choiniere in the early going. After a season of almost flawless drives, Karama-nogl u slipped off the road on stage eight and lost 12 minutes and pos-sibly the overall win. Seventh spot was filled with the second two-wheel-drive finisher, Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes in the Ruby's Restaurant Toyota Supra. The finish clinched the Group Five manufacturer's championship for Toyota. An ecstatic Jim Anderson and Martin Dapot finished eighth in the Honda Power Equipment Pre-lude to capture the Production Class championship for Ander-son. The Honda was slowed by the rough roads during the rally's opening day. "We were dragging the skid plate most of the night," reported Anderson. Flatter, and faster, roads through the Simpson Timber Company forests proved more suitable for the Prelude VTEC in the later stages. Ninth overall were Scott Fuller and Ben Bradley in the 4 W O Volkswagen Rallye Golf spon-sored by Schnell Motor Technik. Lon Peterson and Bill Gut:mann finished tenth in the Kia Motors America entry. Second in the Productio n C lass was good enough for Kia to capture the Production Class manufacturer's crown. Rounding out the 12 fin-is hers were Rick Beson and Mic hael Fenter in the Western T urho Ma:da Protege and Gerry Valentini and Lee Sorenson in a Ma:da RX7. There were several interesting DNF's from the 20 car entry, including an unofficial finisher, the sharp Michelin Audi Quattro S2 driven by Frank Sprong!. The Audi started the event with Dan Sprong! in the co-driver's seat, hut illness forced John Bellefleur to substitute after two stages. The Audi continued, and turned in some competitive stage times, but the rules prohibited the entry from receiving a finis hing position. · Henry Joy and Michael Fennell ran out of road on stage five and were unable to get the Stopped Motion Mitsubishi Lancer back on course in time to continue. Guy Light and Dave White retired the Red Line Oil VW GTi ' after a broken ball joint on stage eight, knocking the only Group Two entry from the event. Dodge finished second in the final Group Five standings after the entries of Dave C lark and Ben #12 Officially Frank Sprong/ and John Bellefleur were a DNF in the Audi 1. #23 Selcuk Karamanoglu and Yorgi Bittner slipped off the road, but still Quattro S2 after a co-driver change early in the event. finished sixth in the Eagle Talon. ··="fffi=r=· ,,----------::-,-----,--====,..,...,.=c-===---,-------Bath, Maine's Selcuk Karamanoglu captured the Production GT class title Lon Peterson struggled to finish second in Production class and claim thE with a string of early season victories. manufacturer's title for Kia. Greis le r, and Leslie Suddard and Anne Thomas failed to finish. Clark's Stoneguard Shelby GLH with a blown motor, and Sud-dard 's Maaco Charger with a clutch lost while pulling Karama-noglu's Eagle out of a ditch. Ten years ago, the world was watching as two drivers dueled for the World Rally Championship on the gravel roads of southwest Washington state. Covered by the daily press fro m Helsinki -to Tokyo, car maga:ines from Ger-many to Argentina, and television crews from Britain, France, and Italy, it was hard to miss. What a difference a decade makes. T he SCCA Pro Rally series is Ameri-ca's invisible mo torsport. The 1996 season quietly wrapped up at the Little Rock Casino, with no local press coverage, and only promises of obscure satellite tele-vision glimpses. Michelin North America's Jerry Rinaldo announced at the awards ceremony, that Michelin would be back as series sponsor for three more years. The series will now be known a s the "Michelin PRO Rally Champion-ship". Eleven events are planned for 1997, starting at Atlanta, Michigan in February. - - - -----------------------Show your colors T-shirts and sweatshirts Style l : Dump the draft dodger! on the front, with a larger version on the back Style 2: Dump the draft dodger! on the front, with quotes from Clinton's letter to Col. Holmes on the back "I want to thank you .. .for saving me from the draft" "I have written and spoken and marched against the war'' "After I left Arkansas last summer, I went ... to England to organize the Americans here for demonstrations" © Dump the draft dodger! Style 3: "How can you lead a free people if you can't tell them the truth?" on front, "Whitewater, Whitewater, Whitewater ... " on the back (see illustration below) Style 4: "See Slick run. Run, Slick, run!" on the front (see illustration below); and the back reads, "Run for the border was Clinton's favorite slogan long before that taco outfit picked it up." Style 5: "Mornin' Saddam" greeting from a fully loaded AH-64 Apache gunship Style 6: "Mr. Hussein, your wakeup call is here" greeting from a fully loaded AH-64 Apache gunship and four assault helicopters wumWATU WHITEWATEII 1flll'fEW A. TEil Wlll'fElf ATEU 1flll'fE11' A'fEll \THI'l'Elf A'fEU See Slick run. Run, Slick, run mornin' -a rr~~* Sadd~m your wakeup call i;U!~.rn Heavy-duty pure cotton T-shirts• Short sleeve $18 • Long sleeve $20 • XXL add $2 Dusty Times T-Specials: 2 short-sleeve $32 • 2 long-sleeve $36 Extra-heavy sweatshirts $25 • XXL $27 S, M, L, XL, XXL • white, ash (light gray), black, navy blue, red Dump the draft dodger! Hats, burnpe• stlclll:e•s anil' pins Hats, sturdy white design with cool mesh sides and back $12 Bumper stickers, big & bold 3¾ x 15 in. size $5 Pins, striking 1 ¼ in. design with glistening polymer coating $6 Specify color, size and style number when ordering shirts $4 shipping/handling• Ohio residents add 6.5 percent tax• 4 weeks delivery Visa• MasterCard • American Express • Check • Money Order Coyote Mountain Traders #44 Jim Anderson and Martin Dapot captured the Production class in the Honda Power Equipment Prelude VTEC. L · P.O. Box 19179 • Akron. Ohio 44319 • USA 330/645-6787 • FAX 330/645-2945 __________________________________ ____J Dusty Times January 1997 Page 47

Page 48

SCu\ 1996 DMSIOMAL PRO RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Northwest Rally Report Test & Photos: Jim culp #16 Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes grabbed the over-two-liter crown in the Runoffs in the Ruby's Toyota Supra. Janice Damitio and Amity Ben Bradley in the Schnell Motor tio-dropped as far back as fourth Trowbridge claimed their second Volkswagen Rallye Golf, and Rui place, while first Brasil and then consecutive SCCA Divisional Brasil and Carlos Tavares in the Fuller took turns in the lead. PRO Rally Championship as they Sun trips Audi Quattro. At the With only two stages to go, Brasil pulled off a stunning come-from-finish Damitio/Trowbridge in the seemed in control, 36 seconds behind victory in the Dryad Cra:ee Espresso Toyota Celica ahead of Fuller and 1:27 ahead of Quest Rally, the 1996 Divisional were24secondsaheadofFullerl -Damitio. Then as the sun sunk Runoffs, held near Shelton, Bradley, and 53 seconds ahead of down behind the firs, the Sun-Washington. Brasil/Tavares, but just getting to trips Audi sunk down on the time Running third with only two that finish was a struggle. Follow-charts, leaving a trail of blue stages ~o go, Damitio/Trow- ing a week-long bout with a flu smoke from a tired, overheating bridge edged past Scott Fuller and bug, and a sleepless night, Dami-motor. Show your colors ~ oy:nP Jr•'tc d,adgerl Remind your fellow Americans that honesty and integrity do matter T-sllll'ts and Slllfeatsllll'ts Page 48 Style 1: Dump the draft dodger! on front, larger version on back (left) Style 2: Dump the draft dodger! on front, with three quotes from Clinton's letter to Col. EugeneJ. Holmes on back (right): "I want to thank you ... for saving me from the draft" "I have written and spoken and marched against the war'' "After I left Arkansas last summer, I went ... to England to organize the Americans here for demonstrations" Heavy-duty 100-percent cotton T-shirts Short sleeves $18 ■ Long sleeves $20 ■ XXL add $2 Dusty Times T-Specials: 2 short-sleeve $32 ■ 2 long-sleeve $36 Heavyweight sweatshirts $2 5 ■ XXL add $2 S, M, L, XL,XXL ■ white, ash-(light gray), black, navy blue, red Hats, bumpe• stlcken and pins Hats, sturdy white design with cool mesh sides and back $12 Bumper stickers, big & bold 3¾ x 15 in. size $5 Pins, striking l¼ in. design with glistening polymer coating $6 Specify color, size and Style 1 or Style 2 when ordering shirts $4 shipping/handling■ Ohio residents add 6.5 percent tax■ 4 weeks delivery Visa■ MasterCard Coyote Mountain Traders P .□. Box 19179 • Akron. Ohio 44319 • USA 33CY645-67B7 • FAX 33CY645-2945 January 1997 #17 Janice Damitio and A,;,,ity Trowbridge come from behind to win the Dryad Quest Rally, the 1996 SCCA Divisional Runnoffs in 4WD class, their second such victory. #22 Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzmann claimed the under-two-liter Runoff's award in the Kia Sephia. With only one stage to go, Fuller seemed in control, 19 seconds ahead of Damitio, and 45 seconds ahead of Brasil. Only one short, dark, 3.76 mile stage to go, and the Washington women turned it up a notch. Urged on by Trowbridge, Damitio somehow managed to push the Celica All-Trac home in 4: 19. That's 43 seconds faster than Fuller, 27 seconds faster than Brasil, and even 7 seconds faster than Carl Merrill, winner of the Pacific Forest National.-After the final stage, the con-trast couldn't have been greater. Brasil and Tavares sat at the finish line on flat tire with steam pour-ing from the engine compartment, while their Northern Pacific Div-ision rivals Damitio, from Mont-sano, WA., and Trowbridge, from Seattle, collected their second 4WD class victory in the SCCA Divisional Runoffs. DamitioiTrowbridge led a west coast sweep of all three 1996 divisional runoffs crowns, with Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes grahhing the over-two-liter class for the Northern Pacific, and Lon Peterson and Bill Gut:mann claiming the under-two-liter award for the Southern Pacific. Kosmides and Noyes also #25 Rui Brasil and Carlos Tavares flew through the night to win the Tour de Forest Rally, but slipped to third in the Divisional Runoffs. Janice Damitio, on the left, and Amity Towbridge repeated their triumph of 1995, winning the 4WD class in the 1996 SCCA Divisional Runoffs last November. The girls were on home ground in northwest Washington state. DustyTI~s

Page 49

#20 Scott Fuller and Ben Bradley slid to second overall in the #45 Jake Dekovic and Katie Callahan in the Jim Adams Auto #116 The Toyota of John Sparks and Don Schroeder topped all 4 WO Schnell Motor Volkswagen Ra/lye Golf. Clinic Mazda 323G TX were Northwest Regional class 3 winners. of the U2 class cars in the Dryad Quest. topped the 02 Class in the rally, Peterson and Gutzmann fin-Stewart and Doc Schrader never . seventh, trailed by the Toyotas of . Forest included Dave and placing the Ruby's Restaurant ished twelfth overall while claim-even made the start for the Beard/Simmons, and Sparks-Rick Hint: in the Extreme Rally-Toyota Supra fourth overall. Tim ing the Runotfs' U2 Class in the runoffs after damaging the trans-/Schroeder. Dave Clark and Ben ing Ma:da RX3 in Class 3, Gary and Penny Paterson returned to 1.2 liter Kia Sephia. The Kia mission in their turbo V6 Greister in the Stoneguard Dodge and Carolyn Caffroy in the Issa-the Falcon Racing Ma:da 323-Motors America entry was beset powered Chevy S-10 pickup dur-Shelby closed out the top ten as quah Tire Ma:da RX3 in Class 2, GTX for this event and finished with problems, first incurring a ing Friday night's Tour de Forest 27 cars ripped through pockets of ;ind Jack Horn and Eric Schild in fifth overall. two and a half minute road Rally.Theyweren'talone,asonly fogtothefinish. theClass4Ma:daGLC. John Sparks and Don Schroe-penalty for speeding on a transit, 21 cars out of a 39 car divisional Regional class winners in the der slid the Engine Rebuilder's and then exploding the catalytic entry made the finish line of the SupplyToyotatosixthplace,and converter after a water crossing. Dryad Quest, and no one an under-two-Ii ter class victory in Remnants of the converter reported sighting a dryad. the rally. MarkSimonsandChris-plugged the exhaust system, and A Tour de Forest victory was topher Volk in the Scandia Auto-hasty repairs (poking holes in the the consolation pri:e for Brasil/ -sports ioyota, and Dale Beard exhaust pipe) led to a car filled Tavares. The San Jose Audi crew and Richard Simmons in the withassortednoxiousgasses. racedthroughthedarknesstotop Jump n' Jack Espresso Toyota The divisional competitors Damitio/Trowhridge by 1 :04. FX 16 filled the next two spots with the longest tows to the Doug Schrenk and Michael Leo-with two more U2 cars. runoffs suffered the worst of nard in the Autosport James and Kara Unger in a fates. The New England team of Saah 900 were third overall and 4WD Toy'ota Celica finished LeslieSuddardandAnneThomas firstinO2ontheTour. ninth overall and first in the in the Newark Maaco Dodge Kosmides--'Noyes claimed Northwest Region's Class 3, just Charger DNF'd after cooking the fourth, with Rick Beson and six seconds ahead of the regional clutch. It was even worse than it Michael Fenter in the Western Class 2 champs.Jake Dekovic and sounds, since last year's 02 class Turbo Ma:da Protege fifth. U2 Katie Callahan in the Jim Adams runoff winners lost the clutch pul-class winners Vern Johnson and Auto Clinic Ma:da 323GTX. ling Selcuk Karamanoglu's Eagle Don Schroeder in the Engine Regional Class 4 winners were Jim hack to the road following an off-Rebuilder's Supply Toyota were and Cristy Brea:eale in the Red course excursion. sixth. Hook Brewery Rabbit. The Central Division's Ken Peterson Gut:mann's Kia was 1 Ralph Kosmides, right, and Joe Noyes nabbed the 02 Class divisional championship at the 1996 SCCA Divisional Runoffs last November and they too were on home ground in the northwest rally trails. RACERS SUPPORT YOUR SPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RACING ORGANIZATIONS NEED YOUR SlJPPORTI IF YOU'RE NOT RACING OR PITTING, CALL YOUR . LOCAL RACE ORGANIZATION AND OFFF_.R YOUR HELP. WARM BODIES ARE ALMOST ALWAYS WELCOl\,fE! GLEN HELEN SHORT COURSE CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA CRS VORRA BRUSH RUN SERIES OHIO OFF ROADERS FUDPUCKER RACING CODRA BORE Dusty Times MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS LA RANA DESERT RACING . ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD SNORE CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS D & T PROMOTIONS SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES SCORE ffEST IN THE DESERT WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS SODA COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSN SUPER SERIES LIMITED CHECK THE HAPPENINGS FOR THE LOCATION AND DATE AND HELP IF YOU CAN! January 1997 BAJA PROMOTIONS PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY Page 49

Page 50

Central Oregon Desert Radng Association By Terry Silbaugh, CODRAPromoter November 21, 1996 TO: CODRA members, friends and fellow racers SUBJECT: Our future with B.L.M. For many years, desert racers in the northwest have had a good working relationship with the Prineville B.L.M. office in Oregon. We were able to work together and put on two or three interesting races a year, always using variations of the same courses. Things were so rose colored that CODRA even adopted the entire 96 square mile area known as Millican Valley under the B.L.M. Adopt an open space program, making sure 'our area' was always clean. We even undertook a program of grading some of the bad areas at our own expense after each event. Many of us like the area so well we bring our families there for evening A TV rides or weekend campouts. About five years ago, the BLM decided it was time to review and renew if necessary, the out-dated Millican Valley ORV Area management plan. I was asked to represent off road car racing and law enforcement on the commit-tee. This was due to my being involved with the area for 15 years both as a race medic, racer, promoter since 1992 and as a Sergeant with the Sheriff's Dept. I was most happy to join other interest groups on this citi.:ens advisory group. Also represented were area ranchers, environmen-talists, BLM reps, a rep from the Blue Ribbon Coalition and others interested in Millican Valley. We met at least once a month and began speaking our piece, listening to others ideas and finally, incorporating all of the ideas into six alternatives. An open house was held for public comment and the results were over whelmingly in favor of the OHV interests. We thought the Area Manager from BLM-would then make his recommendations and sign the plan, giving us something to work with. Not to be. The plan was then referred to an in-house staff committee within BLM. Over the next year or so, the alternatives were dropped to only three. This was alright, it made it easier for us to make a logical decision. One plan was for status quo, no changes. Another was to make several changes, eliminate some trails and put in camping spots. Not bad. The third was done by a couple over zealous staff members with their own personal agenda on Millican Valley. This would almost close everything except for sage grouse nesting and viewing areas. Another couple open house sessions were held for public review and comment. The results were again overwhelmingly in favor of OHV users. Several long time CODRA members attended and added, according to BLM, some very favorable comments. This was evidentally not what some select few within BLM wanted to see. Back behind closed doors they go for more of whatever they do behind closed doors. That was last spring or early summer. Granted, a few wildland fires put their time frame behind. A couple weeks ago I submitted applications for the four 1997 CODRA races to the BLM office in Prineville. This has been what they have wanted for years, submit your dates by the first of the year. On November 20 I received a letter from the Area Manager in Prineville stating they received the applications and appreciate this and that. The letter also stated they were aware of our needs to get approval as prompt as possible, due to our ordering the insurance, getting permission from other land owners, ordering trophies, toilets and of course, sending entry forms to you racers and getting the advertising into Dusty Times. The letter stated they wanted to fully respond to our needs. Now the "however". "How-ever, as you are aware, there are sensitive resource issues in the same area where you have proposed to hold the spring and fall events. One of these issues will he the potential for impacts to sage grouse habitat. We will evaluate the proposals based on our most recent resource data and knowledge and potential effects of each event proposal on these resource values". Just as a side note, all four races are on courses that have been raced over since the '70s. "I expect to he able to notify you in January 1997 of our decision regarding the proposed spring events". These dates submitted are March 15 and April 26. "I will notify you of my decision regarding the proposed fall events as soon as possible, hut no later than March 199,. I expect to make my decision regarding your foll event pro-posals under the guidelines established for events in the Decision Record for the updated Millican OHV Management Plan". Since they have heen working on this plan for five years, I really doubt they will have it done hy March '97. "Depending on the timing, the decision on the spring events could fall either under the current plan or updated plan. We have not yet completed the Millican OHV Managment Plan, including decisions regarding competitive and organi:ed use of BLM lands. This is the reason why decisions regarding your spring and fall event applications can't be made at this time". Talk about giving a promoter ulcers. In reading this letter over and in talking with a BLM rep or two, I cannot see where we will he able to get everything put togetht·r on a race by race basis, let alone a full season. I also feel this is probably just what a few key people in BLM and of course the environmentalists want. This also makes it hard on you racers. I know that many of you have to take vacation time to race and Trackside Photo Racing photography since 1970 We cover La Rana, SCORE, SODA amd SNORE events (and others too!) For the best professional quality photos, call us! P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 Please note our new phone number: 805-578-3470 Page 50 January 1997 many have to set those dates the first of the year. Now is the part that hurts me deep! y. Because of the 'great indicisions' from the Prineville office of the Bureau of Land Management, C.O.D.R.A is postponing the promoting of racing events in Millican Valley. Th is wi II he for the 199,· season. We will keep monitoring the situation and are prepared to fiµht for our little chunk of the pie and will fiµht to keep RLM from takinµ our land away. I urµe each and ever one of you to contact thl' RLM at the following address. Bureau of Land Management, Prineville District Office, P .0 . Rox 550, Prineville, Oreµon 9,·,·54_ Or call area manager Jim Kenna at (541) 416-6,.00 and state your views and concerns. Who knows, if enouµh of us keep at them, we may µet some favorable decisions... hut don't count 6n it. C.O.R.E. Notes By Jimmy Messick As the 1996 season wraps up for most pit clubs CORE has one race left this year at the S.N .O.R.E. Vegas 300 with a good points battle coming down to the last race with C.O.R.E. members Brian Sallee and Stan Hignett right in the middle of things and we're hoping that they will come out on top. The S.N.O.R.E. 250 wasn't a good race for C.O.R.E. members. Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway made a lap and a half before blowing a transmission. Jim started and had the Class I 0 lead and set fast lap for the 'Class of the Day' before the tranny let go. Malcom Bryce and Perry King had brake troubles, a cracked valve cover and the car stalled and had to be jump started in route to their 7th place finish. Andrew Lindquist with cherry co-driver Tommy Massimini decided they needed to vent their motor case after 55 miles. Brian Sallee and Stan Hignett with co-drivers Jeff Staford and Bobby Wallace had a flat tire and had to tape their loose gas cap in route to their 4th place finish. A possible new member Darren McGuffing driving a Class • J • J • • 9 car blew a tranny on the 2nd lap. Joel Mohr finished 8th in Class 9 having a flat i:ire and other problems along the way. Brian Lope;: andJ.D. Ward took 6th in Class 9. TheJohnson Brothers ran with C.O.R.E. this race doing a very good job leading the whole race winning by over nine minutes, but were disqualified by fellow C.O.R.E. members Roger and Ryan Shank due to a quarter-inch too long wheelbase. The Shanks had no troubles in route to their class win. The Twighlite 200 had five C.O .R .E. cars entered. Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway finished 3rd in class, having two flats along the way. But here's the funny part, Jim started and got a flat on lap one so Kevin threw a spare in the back of Jim's rent-a-car to take it out to the pit that changed it. On the way out there the car died and wouldn't start, but luckily Gri::ly Adams came hy and gave Kevin a ride hack to the pits with five minutes to spare hefore he got in the car. Brian Sallee and Stan Hignett with Robhy Wallace and Jeff Stafford co-driving, had a clean day just wanting to finish ahead of Ingram for the points and did so takinµ a 3rd place finish in Class 9. Roger and Ryan Shank went thru start finish on the wrong side and did not get counted for the lap so they ended up having to run an extra lap. ' Joel Mohr ran a trouble free day finishinµ 2nd in Class 9. Kenny Freeman Jr. ran a good race finishing !st in Class 1600 and 3rd overall. The only C.O.R.E. member to run the Laughlin race was Andrew Lindquist, riding with Joel Stankavich in the Class,· Ford Ranger hreaking after a lap and a half. The Sidewinder 300 had one C.O.R.E. car and that was Brad Inch and Dennis Dean. The\' broke a front shock tower and called it a day. The Lucerne 200 had two C.O.R.E. cars. Malcom Bryce and Perry King hlew a tranny. Brad Inch was supposed to drive his car hut he got too husy making hamburgers so Tom Ditfield and Dennis Dean drove his car to a 4th place finish. • • I • I • 4-SPYDER SUPER DIFFS I • • Tl .IRS I The. cast DiH is /Jadt! Gn!atlJI Reduced /'rice/ • T21RS All New ID ,,_ lndusfryl OOZ CAST 4-SPYDfR_ Dlff IICK-41114-0Q2·1S-ra»Tcdl~ IICK-G014-002•17 Rr11-Toott~ i / ,091 BlllfT RACE Dlff 091 CAST 4-SPYDfR Dlff , 'I' l·111ac1e from 4140 Chromoly. . IICK-e114-111 Supplied with pins and block. ' Supplied with Billet Cove~ pins and block. 09 I Bu ,;,..,.: rftl ..,n IICK-0101-1 o.u:.I -..wvLn ~ 'IICK-0102 Mada from 4140 Chromoly. i!--~---------,--------------...,j .. • ........ ___,.,.. • .. • trC • caEUIIHTI • 11--=a e MIJLIEC&. • PWI..UIIE e oal • -...We Dusty Times

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 1320 N. Miller St. #B Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging •Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons , •SODA and SCORE approved Leaders in Custom Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-5330 RAMSEY, NJ USA • PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke . RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories ~~§I Export & Int'l Sales Rae~ Car Preparation Consulting & Management 1040 S. St..1:Fallbrook, C,\ ~~0~8 (619) 723-2117*F AX (619) 723-993& HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets BDR McKenzies 714 650-4566 714 441-1212 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ_L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 8532.6 (602) 386-2592 -----------OFF ROAD RACERS ! "Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" I ••o 1.uao.l Wide Assortment of Colors and Sizes -CUSTOM SUITS -In-Store Measurements (10 DAY DELIVERY AVAllABLEJ LARGE' SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock We also carry a full selection of • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • • Fire Systems • Shoes • Gloves • '10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 111,..__ MOB~r~ FAX (619) 562-6151 ~ ,v,wrv,,.,.,. Lankershim & 1-S 9017 San Fernando Rood, Sun Valley, (A 91352 (818) 768-7770 Fax (818) 768-1840 . JOHN KEARNEY . SECRETARY/TREASURER IIVB'TRUM..NTS Auto Meter instruments are the No. 1 choice of racers worldwide. Our tachometers, speedometers and gauges offer the finest in accuracy and durability. Send $4.00 for Color Ca1alog 1-800-724-7839 l3 j POWDER COATING 68399 Perez Rd. Ph. 619-324-1143 Cathedral City, CA 92234 . F-x. 6 l 9-328-5046 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3:lP7 Custom V~hicle Shifter e" ¥."'?1 tP PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies ACCOUNTING -INCOME TAX -CONSULTING I RS REPRESENTATION MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant SHERYL CANNON, CPA OWNll!R 280 S. GLENDORA AYE. SUITE 2.01 {818) 919-101 1 Wm:•T COVINA, CA 91790 l"AX (818) 919-0211 BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ====CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 906?2 8" · 8" · 1 0" · 13" · 15" • 16" · 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ {p(Q) !f{[f .,[L (Q) (f ff( SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 [209] 275-5183 FAX [209] 276-2365 [CNC] CNC, Inc. ·1221 West Morena81vd . San Diego, CA'92YI 0 (619) 275-1663 Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles T~rottle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• t'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465

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MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ .d_31,, (WU~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 ~~RACINGi .GASOLINE~ LEADED 110,114,118 OCTANE ii CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR I 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA CPC Cadmium-Chrome-Gold A nodlze-Electroless Nie kle Aluminum Die Casting Home of f.O.A. Racing Tieman Connector Plating Corp. 327 W 132nd St. Los Angeles. CA 90061 310-323-1622 • 310-323-1749 Fax 3 J0-323-l5 I 7 Ask For Mike DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO ( 805) 683-1 211 P.O. Box 6057 .Santa Barbara, CA 93111 JOHN VERHAGEN'S m PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLA8KFOOT ROAD 619-240~3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308-T)ON~ijOE ~-7'.:&-:IN4 ENTERPRISES • RACE TRUCKS • PRERUNNERS • CONSULTING • DEVELOPMENT • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE 957 N. ENTERPRISE DR. KREG DONAHOE OWNER ORANGE, CA 92867 (714) 771-7349 $5,000.00_ CONGRATULATIONS ... McKenzie's Short Course Champions!!! Dan Mathews Steve Bishop Glen Neese 440 S Gaffey SanPedro, Ca 90731 Phone (310) 831-103S Fax (310) 833-3477 "&-Ma&l"dpt.Eahnn.Com Over 20 Years experience in building & design of competition racipg heads Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K & L Street, Offroad, Production Santee, CA 92701 Aluminum Welding 619-258-2575 re= ES;;'I_47Z~ER 5) ~------ENGINEER/NG FORD RACING PARTS: RANGER 2.3 OVER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPE@ PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.3 80 P6. CATALOG PHONE (818) 444-4919 1438 POTRERO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. El.MONT£. CA. E-Z UP"( INSTANT ~ • !,. SHEL1ER$ ~~ '-..Q.'1Glll~\. <, FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER. CASTEX RENTllS 2i3-462-1468 PRE-RUNNER SPECIALIST • 6UMPERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT KITS • LOWERING KITS • DUALLYS AIR 6AG SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & DISPLAYS • ATV FA6 WORK EXPERT INSTALLATION & FABRICATION AVAILA6LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS & BEDSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 4010 N. PALM STREET, UNIT 103 (714) 870-9.422 FULLERTON. CA. 92635 FAX (714) 870-9132 714-997-1362 \ t~~;,ts qast RACE CAR FABRICATION Eddie ROLL CAGES • ALUMINUM WORK TUBE BENDING • HELIARC 1045 W. Collins Ave., #D Orange, CA 92867 CUSTOM TOOLING· PRODUCTION - REPAIR FIBERGLASS KEVLAR CARBON FIBER CHUCK GUY PH 619 766-4941 39225 Jewell Valley Way - Boulevard, Ca 91905 25 years experience 6 -RACING ~.Fl/El.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd caraon, CA 907~ Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2!?$7""· 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin 4-08.365_97001 Visit our Web Site fil ~llsystems" BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 810A S. ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HTS., IL 60005 PHONE:(708)259-3810 FAX:(708)259-9705 THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! 800-869-9712 SOS-266-2275 Racina Radios Two-Way Radios Scaanen Headsets Rentab Available USED BY WALKER EVANS FRISK FAB Custom Metal Fabrication Design • Development • Production Trophy Truck Technology .... Affordable Price. 20 Years Off Road Racing Experience. • Crew Chief/ Des Fabrieafbr,iSimon & Simon, Nelson & Nelson allceffva0$ !;lacing. • 1992 Baja 1000 over?:U 4-Wieel Vehitle Cliampfun • 4 straight SCORE/.HDRA Championships , ,,-• Built ove:r 17 f!4cff;£"afs & Ji ffom lh9.glound uq1 Culitom Cqm iii I sla, AU A~ of cSteflJ Sheet Metiit and repai~ an:: TruckS 'ATV's • 2 & 4 Wheel ,Ives ser~.• \t.,. , ., 1' • C ' ' ing: Mig, Tig, & Arc." ~Tu6i, VJA~ing • Sh ork • Production Runs • 'rfachine Work • Electnca Wiring• Complete Race Prep. With all our years of racing experience and working with the best, we're 11.1!1 just another Fab Shop! Call Today ! Ed Frisk (909) 693-9333 • Fax (909) 676-1859 Temecula, CA I -

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NIW YOU CAN en THE RACING GfAIS THE #INNERS ARE USING ;>»,f 1FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (810) 294-5858 Fu (810) 293-0736 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' WNNNNNi Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N~ Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714} 632-1240 THE RACERS CHOICE. l Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and m~factured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associations. For rour local dealer ~ Call or write for call (800) 433·652,4 ~ our FREE Catalog ~It Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Hunlinglon Beach, CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (714) 842·2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 Design Graphite / Cabon R & D Services Custom fiberglass fabrication 18101 Redondo Cirde, Unit T Huntington Beach, CA 92648 . GlJtSSUJOAKS Unllmlted (714) 841-8814 IJ llmgler IJ G1111d Cherobt address City state zip -M-~-~-~-1:_:_s_ 1 JIMCO High Performance Qriveline & Suspension Parts OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION BIiiet 4WD Yoke Axles - 4 Pinion DIiis Front & Rear Floater Hubs -300M U-Jolnts sway Bars -Ball Joints -VW Stub Axles Running Springs, ca (909) B67-4656 J. HM ENGINEERING ~ ; ~ PERFO~~f;.ft.00.£ND & BEARING CO ~ • (/~ ~lb (lf~ . *NOMIN\MUM *DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME "MIi.OE \N lHE USA *CALL FOR FREE CATALOG . . ·11H1 MARTENS R\VER CIRCLE "A" 714-97t-6t.31 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA. 92708 'F1'X :714-979-5953 :~• \ . ' .• IIANIJFAC'fUflEflS IJF: =ucr$' IIAS'fEfl CYl,I NDERS \. UflAKE ANO CLUTCH ASSY SI.AVE C.:Yl,IN·nrms > TIIR'."INO M_S'fAr.JNG lll!AKES Sill FTJ::llS . AVAILAIJl,E AT l'INEII SPECIAl,TY SIIOP:; DE.Al.Ell. INQURIES WELCOME 570 CENTRAL AVENUE ~ -,0':":I BWGC . LAKE ELSINORE, CA.92530 -• PERFORMAN(',E PnOOUCrs 909-245-6050 FAX 909~45-60:>i · JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINQTON SHEET MET AL CORP. 114U 1_.a H-,. • S...ia F• s,n. • CA !IOll70 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax(310)926-0699 Owner James Hall 10965 HARTLEY RIJ. SUITE. R SANTEE, CA 92071 RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER 'PREP & FABRICATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON CUSTOM TRAILERS RussJonss Mororspons CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 .Ntn VISa &MIC GaugeAaembli• _.c»N K.■NN• Racer Discounts 09-F N. Lakeview Ave • Plocentio, CA 92670 Tel/Fax 714-779-2316 KAL OFFROAD RACING .. -'L --=.~::f\,,.✓--.--C~"/....~-RACESKINS (~~--J'"-( ')~)'::;',,_,. FIBERGLASS -· :-<., ~.....r,.).__ LIGHTWEIGHT , ...L· ~ Rear Quarter panels :<.~"66-77" BRONCO'S K.URTLARMBB (805) 238-5731 ·----~~--custom Metal Fabrication 103 Capitol Hill Drive P .. o Robles CA. 93446 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST ., ._,,vaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E STEERING THOMAS C:. LEE LIN CO TEMPERATURE STRIPS Easy to use, inexpensive & accuratal All strips are sell adhesive and labeled in Fahrenhett and Celsius. Strips are $2.00 each or $1.75 each over ten. For a FREE brochure or to order, contact: LINCO 13337 E. South St., #344 Cerritos, CA 90701 Phone/Fax: (714) 821-6542 Engineering ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (213) 164-1136 (1JJ) 264-~8~8 LEE MFG. CO. 1 ·1661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818i 76&-0371 A lull line ol Powe• Steering gear~. pumps ano acc11ssorie~ for a~y type of racing. Zyglo lacllill.:~• REVERSIBLE STRIPS al low constant temperature monitor• 1ng Ranges from 32 to 194 F. IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record the maximum temperature reached of the item they are applied to. Ranges from 120• to sss•F. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACEPREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEElWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 .818-857-RACE 818-852-8852F A..X KENT LOTHRINGER .Assembly- Machine Work, Parts , Engine Dyno Fadllty 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C Santee. CA 920'.71 619-~96-0886 619-596-0625F AX KenM•oi' PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS • "OFFROAD IS OUR. BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714) 441-l2f2 Fax(714) 441-1622

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MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissiont~ Parts & Service jfjf Race Car Chassis. Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Mc;,tors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication · Roce1cl ,Bussy Sll-11ppRy-l 290 TROUSDALE #I&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 . 2525J;. 16~h St. • Yuma, Az._ 85365 <HJ't) 783-6265 • • 619-691-1000 FA..X 619-691-1324-MESSICK RACING PHOTOS II ETAL s PIN.HING ~R.R ALL INDUSTRIES C;II (310) 928-9838 SUNDRY METAL CRAFTS ~ ., 1 (800)231-8156 . · OFF ROAD CHASSIS <f1~1teeJlt/11? BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS, VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • ·cusTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 761-9460 HAROLD NICKS a··' PARKER PUMPER HELMET SAN SEVAINE WAY L COMPANY =~ARED TUBE .:~ ,~~(gfif~©tf) mj1) . ~ SAFETY EQUIPMENT ~ . Mi\XON, MOTOROL\, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BEll, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRING FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12;, •LANGED DISC 6729 Suva St. Bel! Gardens, CA 90201 805-940-5515. • • . ,1,-,,1 ,, •• ,.,4 1 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR.1 EL PASO, TX 79936 [941 !:il -~857-5200 2888 GUNDR\' AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 ~ -(, . Fraley's Perf ormancc E~gineerfng 310-427-8177 i 800-869-5636 ' J 9 Penhall 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 ' 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • All Types ol Steel fl Alwaiflma Fabri•tion • Custom Machine WOl'k • All Types ol Race Cars ~\l\> stoh ~ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ P11ci1i1111 Al/11y, 1,/d, ~. 700 N.E.117th Street Cl.I ~ Vancouver, WA 98885-~ ~ » Phone ~~.,r.. ~~ Fax 360-S74-5474 lon & ~ 3eo·~s16-1109 A High Performance VB Race Truck Series "The True Driver's Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.6470 9419 Abraham \\ay, Ste. B Santee, CA 92071-2584 1-B00-929-4360 RACES HOCK COIVIPANV FDWRACINO ~BHOCKB OFF·ROAD ~RACINO ~QASOLINE BOGART'-~7(/,wU , • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and application assistance • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components • We take trade-ins LEE FINKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE: (602) 376-0944 A RACING '!,Ill GASOLINE "100,110.114. 118" methanol & nitre Steve Poole ,..,,---------■■7111■•~~ ■ ■ ■ 111111■ ■■■•~•■IL■ C.L. Bryant, Inc. 13415 Carmenita Rd. Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Oftice (310) 802-8913 fax (31 O) 802-027 4 • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. •••• ····~cD • • • • ··•. •••• . RACE CAR DYNAMICS OFF ROAO l=IACE CARS 3552 FOWL.ER CYN FID, JAMUL., CA· 9'1935 PH, CB'1BJ 440•28'74 FAX CB'1BJ 5BB-4237 JIM ASBURY

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RACING TRANSAXLES 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 1700 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON, CA ·92021 CHRIS ROSE Steve Spirkoff/Owner (619) 443·2480 619/561·2913 LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702] 372-5335 El Centro, CA ...................... 800-989-4645 El c~;,m, CA. ...................... 800-458-2711 Indio, CA. ............................ 800-989-3278 Lancaswr, CA ...................... 800-461-9499 1-----------------.......,t-Las Vegas, NV ..................... 702-643-9200 1◄'ox - llilstcin - Motorcycle ~ BESTPRICE 1,,,0 ~~ SIIOX SERVICE !4.,:}' 15454 EL CJ~NTRO ~ HESPERIA, C,\ 92345 ~ 619-948-0.US TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 Long Beach, CA ................... 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA .......................... 805-485-6900 Perris, CA ............................. 800-969-38351 Van Nuys, CA ....................... RlS--786-81801 Riverside, CA ....................... 909-877-0226 All other· inquiries, contact Sports Racing at P.O. Box 610, Long Be:tch, CA 90801 310-518-7318 {IJJ{IJJO (213)583-2404 SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPE:CTION Mark Smith Larry Smith Ill/CE Tf(ANS BY JEFF FIW'S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818·998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST Special/zing ki High Pelf. Transaxles -~ • vw • PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WE RACE WHAT WE SB.L (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Normandie • Torrance, CA 90501 TS PERFORMANCE AND REPAIR Fox Shox Service • Crankshaft Rebuilding 2-Stroke Engine Service • Cylinder Re•Chrome Cylinder Boring • Porting • Carburetion 1191 Drager Rd. Eagle River, WI 54521 TONY SWIONTEK 715·479·6681 FAX (619) 449-2678 So. Cal. Distributors• (310) 928-2278 Lyn, Gordon. or Mike 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 ~ s~~&~ &~to-1fli# e~ ~ '&ltPtat6 619-347-5052 45-410 #!O ~St. 9du. eA 92201 Straight ---------IIIEnt ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd street East Llano, CA 93544 805-281-3202 OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS ~ • FABRICATDV • R.A/11£aJTTING • FFUVTENDS • f£ARTRALIVGARMS RA£E D-IASSIS • PfERUMERS • FOX RAGI\G 9CJX 1345OYNAMJCS. UNITO ANAHEIM, CA 92B06 LARRYROSEVEAR PHONE {714) 996-6260 FAX {714) 9!JB.6405 [UMP] 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS FUU LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR AU TYPES OF RACING-& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHO? {TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.)

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BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7_392 ==~~PAINr tWPltJ411NGS'l('.G.R.AN"n;* /!(J/JOB * . •~ TO bl{'; MAJNUNANCJ'• ~IYAf#,J,J/'iµINIJ.* -.~-#.lrt_W~IJForRckllp~ ·•~· o. Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 34283 Monte Vista Wilclomar, CA 92595 1$--1HEUVINK CONSULTING Get the word out about your business, big or small. l'Ulll IC REt.,'ITlllNS & M1111.Kr, l"INC. En HEuv1NK MEDIACENTRUM UTRECHT HENGEVELl)STRAAT 2')/41{;, 3572 KH UTRECHT TIIE ~TIIERLANDS TEL. 030-27221.U, .FAX 030-2722632 MOBil,E 116-5~25'.\588, HoME/PRIV1<~.030-2Z1..!IJl'5 . Off Road Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication Dale White Racing 10Z·B11-1661 Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merel'Y$;25·.00 per month. Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines · Engine Dyno Service P4BLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT 900 STATE MILL ROAD AKRON. OHIO 44319" 330-644-777 A Off Road Products Front and Rear Tra~ing /lfms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri 0Phoenix, Al. 85017 Jack Woods 1602) 242-0077 3940 Maranatha Circle Las Vegas. NV B9103 535 East CP>n*ral Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 · Classified ••• FOR SALE: Kawasaki KX 500, Baja Ready, 100'¾1 fresh, only raced one time. Excell Rims, _Scotts, High output lighting system, race tank, all shock & fork mods, FMF, many spares, exlnt pre-run or ready to race, must sell, building truck, Over $10,000.00 invested, $4,600.00 obo. Riverside (909) 687-0808 days (909) 689-9101 eves. FOR SALE: Terrible Herbst Class 1 Buggy, Porsche 3.8 liter, Auto Trans, 1996 Baja 500 winner!!! Too large inventory to list spares. Call for fax list. $75,000.00 (714) 841-0563, ( 714) 841-0593 Fax. FOR SALE: Stadium Super 1600, Lee Leighton motor, close ratio Bus Box, Fox coil overs, Wilwood Summers Bros, Bead locks, All braided lines, perfect SODA, Glen Helen, Perris, etc ... Car has new prep and is light and very fast!! Many spare inc ... $5,500.00 obo (619) 244--4812. FOR SALE 1640 cc RABBIT Has the bottom-end of a Rabbit, with the top-end performance of a Toyota. Every part brand new, powder coated block, all parts plated, modified Audi rods, J & E pistons, Total Seal rings, de-stroked crank, new early style highly modified 40x35.5 cylinder heads w/O.S. buckets, Web custom cam, hand made intake mani-fold w/ Weber carb, custom built oil pan, thermal coated headers, crank-fire ignition. Dyno time only, 165 B.h.p- $6000.00, Contact: Bill Goshen, (714) 990-2091, Bob Goshen, (310) 534-1390 Dusty Times FOR SALE: '69 FlOO Class 8 or 8S, '95 LOR champ (stock) 390, C6 dual 2" Kusters per wheel, Kenwood, intercom, pumper, all the good stuff inside, 35 spline axles, spool, 5: 13 gears, very competitive. All new glass. Hellbent Motorsports(818) 815-8922 ask for Todd leave message $18,000.00 w /motor, trans, $16,000.00 without. FOR SALE: Class 5 sedan, Fresh WANTED: Need tires & wheels 2180, type II trans, Hewland for 1-1600 r:ar. Used or new, gears, 4-spider differential, Sway- Chris (800) 975-8643. A-Way, Wright front beam & rack, Master-Craft seats, Fuel Cell, turning brakes. Race her tomorrow!! $5,500.00 obo. , ( 408) 227-9116. SHOCKS FOR SALE: 2-Fox 10" coilovers with reservoirs $400.00. 2-Fox 12" air shocks $250.00. Bilstein 10" & 12" with & without reservoirs $25 .00-$110.00 (818) 761-0680. WANTED: 5-1600 car. Must be a clean, competitive car in good condition. Spare parts, radio, pit equipment, tires and trailer _also needed. Call Mike at (602) 396-14!;4° Iv message. ANYONE WHO'S ANYONE READS DUSTY TIMES ,, ''''''' _.,..,_ .. _~--~~ · THE ONLY WAY TO KEEP UP ON OFF ROADi ~UBSCRIPTIONS-ARE $20~.00 FOR ONE YEAR, $30.00 FOR TWO YEARS Z075f. ~ ST, C&TSWORTHCA 91311 . BIB-BB:l-0004 January 1997 Page 57

Page 58

Classified ••• FOR SALE' '83 Ranger, glass fenders, flared bedsides, 4 cyl--4 spd, Esslinger HOR-Exhaust. Inverted sl,iackles, 10'~ tr.ave! front/ rear, 30.9.50 BFGs, clean front/rear J:liumpers /skidplate, tire rack, new brakes, Just painted, very nice chase truck $3,250.00 obq (310) 542-2977 days, (310) 373-0405; .. m FOR SALE: 1995 Class 5 Unlimited, race ready, Best of everything. 500 miles on brand new race car. Fox Shox, front coil-over, disc brakes, fresh 2340cc Major motor, fresh trans, spa~~-s. $17,500.00obo~ ALSO: 1993, 21 ft enclosed trailer, work bench, · nice, $4,500.00 or $20,500.00 package deal. Call Jeff or Jake (619) 441-9057. WANTED!! I've got cash but no time to build a car. Driver looking for a partner with car to share costs in 1997 Baja 50011000. · Class 5-1600 or other 2 seat vehicle/ class. Contact Joe at ( 714) 641-9007, leave voice mail. FOR SALE: SCORE Race Car, Class 9, 1600cc, single seat, extras, w /Dico trailer $3,650.00. Call(909) 585-7007, (714 )840-3893 after 6. FOR SALE: '94 Chev S-10 Class 7 open, New V-6 5 speed, water cooled shocks-SO gal cell, 1/4 elliptic, 9" w40 spline, lots of spares included for sale or trade Class 10 or 16, phone (909) 487-1547. FOR SALE: '95 F-150 Front fenders, tailgate and front bumper. Fenders & tailgate are red and paint is in very good condition $500.00 for all or possible trade 4 a 9" rear end that will fit an F-150. Call Erik at (714) 497-2747. F R SALE: Jimco Single Seat Class 10, 1776cc Major Motor, Fortin 5 speed, Summers Broth-ers, Fox Shox, New Wright Spindles, Light Bars ( 1 hood, 1 roof+ spares), BFGs on Center-lines, Trailer, spares included, prepped & ready to race $20,000.00 (619) 753-6620. FOR SALE: Turn key 10 car Bunderson chassis, single seat, long wheel base, race ready (no joke) desert car. New Fat Performance water cooled motor. Zero miles (no joke) Hurst shifter, Hewland gears. Rimco short block. New $700.00 Fuel Cell. 12 Fox Coil over shocks-Fresh prep. Weber 44, Summers Hubs, Sway-A-Way, Wright Rack & fresh paint, Extras, Motivated, Reduced to $13,500.00 (619) 757-8709 or (pgr) (619) 999-2552. "'' ," ~ . "! \ . FOR SALE: New RCD 4 seater Pre-runner, Bilstein coil over front end, Wright Rack spindles, Ump power steering, 2 liter Major motor, Mendeola trans. 930 c.v.s, Big axles, best of everything, must see. $26,000.00 FOR SALE: SCORE Class 7 l 7S invested $22,000.00 Best offer Toyota, 3rd overall '95, 4th (619) 444-3252. overall '96. Designed & built by McPherson's engineer. 10 Fox FOR SALE: BUGGY BLOW-shocks, 4 bump stops, BFG tires, OUT!!5topqualitycars&parts Hella lights, PCI radio & for sale. Class 1 two seat intercomn, Sway-A-Way tl bars, VS/automatic. Class 1 or 10 Craiger wheels, National springs, single seat (2) to choose from. Beard seats, Pytotech belts, CNC Class 1 or 10 two seat (2) to pedals, Holly, Fram, Aurora, choose from. Motors, trannys, Aeroquip, Fuel Safe, Best of shocks, tires, brakes etc. Will everything, Lots of spare parts. consider trades. Fax list of wanted Extra diff. w / spool, extra set of items to Scalzo Racing (714) 493-300m axles, extra transmissions, 8800, call (714) 443-2100. heads, pistons, etc. Extra steering FOR SALE: 1996 2 seat 10 with boxes, extra tires and wheels, tie-FOR SALE: HERE'S A GREAT only 3 races. 1835cc wl new FTC rods, bearings, ball joints, and lot FOR SALE: Class 1 Chenowth 2 seater, Andial 3 .51 Porsche, Audi auto, Kuster by-pass, Foddrill front end, Willwood, Char-lynn, Fully up to date, this car can win in '97. Mark Miller {310) 260-6868 or (602) 502-2488. $35,000.00. • 1 ca-~ FOR SALE: VW Karmann Ghia pre-runner, 105" wheelbase, Wright 11/4" front arms, 3x3 rear, 300m, Sway-A-Way front and rear adjusters, Beard seats, Deist, CNC, turning brakes, Parker Pumper, VDO, Fuel cell, Bilsteins, Type II tranny, 1776 motor, $4,500.00 Call (714) 559-7252. FOR SALE: SODA Class 1-2-1600 Berrien Chassis, 2 motors, 3 trannys, Beard seats, Neal pedals, Fox Shox, BFGs American Racing Wheels, Former class champion car. Also 18 ft. enclosed trailer. No reasonable offer refused. Call Pete at(715)424--4300(days-or (715) 341-0553 (evenings). THE CALIFORNIA OFF-ROAD VEHICLE ASSOCIA-TION (CORVA) invites you to join their 2 7 year old fight to keep the deserts open for OffRoading. Only $30.00 a year includes monthly COR VA newsline. Send to 1500 W. El Camino, Ste 352, Sacramento, CA 95833. 1-800-42-CORVA. FOR SALE: '65 Baja Full race cage, Sway-A-Way6, Bilstien, Yokohamas, 1835cc motor, Bus trans, Rack & Pinion, Street legal, $4,500.00 (310) 328-0394. WAY TO ENTER THE SODA Bus Box. Foddrill Arm_s_ & more. Includes heavy duty SERIES!! FOR SALE: 1995 7S Spindles, Bug Saco, Ump, Sum- Tandem trailer wl electric brakes FOR SALE: '92 Jimco 1-1600 Ford ranger, finished 3rd in mers, Sway-A-Way, 2.5 Fox & parts box. $17,500.00 race '"93 SCORE Class Champion" points, four/2nd place finishes, bypass, Micro stubs, Centerlines, ready with pit support@ first two Fox, CNC, Ump, All the best, best of everything, tons of spare Fresh pcoat on panels. Car is SCORE or SNORE races, or Mendeola trans/Major Motor, parts-Call for more informaton fresh, fast, light. $23,000.00 $15,000.00asis.Forinformation trailer included. Repeatedly (715) 478-2894. Ask for Jeff (818) 575-7664 wk (714) 640-callDeNunzioRacingProducts @ prepped by Jimco. Call Mike First $20,000.00 takes all. 9851 home. 800-622-3939. $13,900.00 (619) 562-1743. rw----... -~w.-------ww---waa1------...--wwwwmw--...--------------~--.,. 1 · Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I ; DUSTY TIMES. : I Classifi~d Ad~ertising rate !s only,$20:(or 45 words each rnci~th, '}Ot inch).ding name·, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of I I bl~ck and white photo, or ~ "ery sharp color pript. 1 ~imllin •ize 5d · . I I NEW AND RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45iword Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If 1 I vou wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN AOVANCE. , I; I . REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD .MAY BE irrr' OFF ONE ISSUE_______ I I IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER/ I I I I --------------~------------I I ------------~-------------I I I I --------------------------1 I ---------------------------I : Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. . : I Name~-------~--------------------I I ~m I DUSTYTIMF.8 I Address -----------~----------Phone--------20751 Marilla Street -, I C· , . .., z,·p Chatsworth, CA:?Jl.311~ · • , -~~-------~--------~-~tate ____ ~ Page 58 January 1997 ''" " FORSALE: 5-1600,Bestofever-ything, Wiks Motor, Bus Box w/ Hewlands, Fox Shoks, Wright front end & steering Box, Sway-A-Way 300m _axles & torsions, new c.v.s, UMP, Parker Pumper, Mastercraft seats, New Harnesses, 18 gal. cell, PCI radio & Intercom Call for a complete list of many spares $10,500.00 obo. Less motor & trans. $7,500.00 Call Tim at (520) 636-1009 or (520) 636--4017. HAPPY BELATED 26th BIR TH-DAY to TIM JONES, From FX. FOR SALE: 1992 Jimco, Class 10, w.t. 1550. Complete rebuild & update on car. New wiring-plumbing (fuel-oil-power steer-ing) Bushings-bearing ( front & rear), Mendeola trans, Wilson mac. motor, Fox, Wright, Sway-A-Way, UMP, $12,000.00 Days (619) 344-0535 Eves (619) 344-1328. FOR SALE: 1995 Briggsbuilt Superlite, most current version, Fox air shocks wl bypass, 400cc Pilot motor, biBet gear box, 680 lbs, Outboard c.v.s, Billet hubs, all chromemoly, cost over 26k new, many spares, raced Glen Helen, Perris, SODA, $15,500.00 might trade, (602) 488-7991. FOR SALE: Class 4 Off road race, 400hp 360cid, Ready to Race, 1996 2nd place winner in desert and 3rd place overall. Spare parts also included. $9,000.00. Must sell (702) 972-0400. FOR SALE: Chaparral Two Seat Class 1, 12Y Wheel base, Ford 5.0 E.F.L, VS New: Fortin Trans, 934 c.v.s, Foddrill rear arms, Summers Hubs, Brakes, axles. Foddrill front arms, spindles, CNC Hubs, double brakes, four coilover 18n Kusters, Two 12" Kusters, race ready $27,000.00 obo. Calleves(602) 780-3653 or (602) 334-0096. FOR SALE: 1996 SODA Rolling Chassis; Very simiiar to like Flannery's! Built by Clive Smith. Great SODA Truck. Willing to make trades, all offers considered. $22,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref# 524 (619) 723-2117 . Dusty Times.

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FOR SALE: Raceco Ss, Class 10, new heads, FATaircooled l 26hp, 091 Bus, FTC gears, Summers, Floater rear end, secondary, coilover front end. New: spindles, arms. UMP, Bilstein , SAW, PC! radio equipment. Extra parts, tandem trailer. $10,999.00 oho (310) 322-4504. FOR SALE: Darren York's Class 7S Valvoline/BFG Ford Ranger. Now's your chance to race with the best truck in class. Winner of the 1995 Baja 1000 and multiple winner of all other SCORE races. This truck is fast & reliable with the best of everything including a new Ed Pink 3.0 litre motor. Complet truck 2 l huge spare parts inventory-$40,000.00. Call for details, Darren York. (619) 347-8660. PARKER 400 SALE: Shocks: Bilstein 9.5" coilover, 2mm shaft w /Resr-List $549.00 -Sell $290.00 ea; Bilstein 12", 22mm shaft w / lrg. Resvr., complete rebuild, plated bodies -List $499 .00 - Sell $250.00 ea; Fox air Shox 12" and 14" - new $225 .00 -Sell $175.00 ea., 1 pair 15.5" wi th rd body - New $315.00-Sell $195.00 ea; Fox Shox 10" emulsion rebuild $100.00 ea; BRAKES: 1 set (all 4) drum brakes wl studs, backing plates, shoes, springs etc -$150.00; CNC front disc brakes for large spindles -$500.00; COMBOS: Foddrill Large spindle w llink pins -$440.00; REAR ARMS: 6xl dual picot, Summers Bros, outboard hubs, bearings, calipers - A deal for $2,000.00; MISC: Aluminum Air log w 12 K&N Oil Breathers -$14 .00 ea; a few K&N Air filter elements. Call Lee at Race shock -(602) 254-0744 Credit cards OK -Good luck in 1997! NOW AVAILABLE FROM RACESHOCK: Large Body shocks ... Featuring 2 ½"Shock Body and Reservoir, Billet steel Top and Lower Loop, % shaft, Take apart-Rebuildable Rod Guides, Plated Bodies, Anodi:ed End Caps, Full Si:e Piston, 12", 14", & 17" Travel -$395.00 to $399.00 - Credit cards OK -We take trade-ins. Call ( 602) 254-0744. FOR SALE: FRESH Class 7 Chevy complete w/20 ft. trailer for $25,000.00!! Great Buy: 18" in the rear and 11" in the front, 3 Fox Shocks per side w l Air Bumps, ½ ton Spindles, Wilwood brakes, Summers Axles, Fuel Safe Cell. It has it all! Baja Brokers Ref # 530 (619) 723-2117. -------WINNER Ex-Robby Gordon and Rob MacCachren ride! Awesome Motor, C-6 tranny, Duster Air Jack, 21" in the front and 24" in the Back all on Bypass shocks! Tons of spares and trades are possible!! Race Ready! $75,000.00 Baja Brokers Ref #495 (619) 723-2117. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 1994 Bunderson 1-1600 New Hatz motor, new Pyramid Trans w/FTC gears, 300m bars, Fox Shox w/ Bunder-son sieves, Tubular rear arms, Wright front end, Charlyn, 25 gal Fuel Safe. Very fast and light. Best of everything, no expense spared, prepped and race ready. $12,500.00 obo. Ted (702) 592-6065 Scott (702) 362-8688. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Major motor, Mendeola trans, 930 c.v.s with Fortin cages, Fox Shox, CNC pedals, UMP, Beard seat, Wright rack, Centerlines with BFGs, Parker Pumper, Best of every-thing. Race Ready $13,500.00 (619) 497-7998 or (619) 670-8220 Matthew Schmoke. FOR SALE: Chrisman chromoly 9" rear end housing with spindles, no gears $300.00 KUSTER AIRJACKS like new $1,500.00. ALUMINUM RADIATORS $125.00 each. Call Jim Brown• (909) 381-4088 Tue-Fri 9am to 4pm. FOR SALE: Class 9, single seater 0 miles on rebuilt motor 0 miles on Trans-axle by Fields, FoxShox, Ump, SAW, Beard, Much, much more. Proven Class winner 1995, many, many spares, trailer included, went to Class 1, $7,500.00 obo Call days (619) 256-1313,(619)256-1899, evenings (619) 256-3652 or (619) 252-4232. - ~ FOR SALE: '85 Ford F150 Extended cab, 95 front end, 3 seats, am, fm cass., 2 way radio, fully caged, suspension by Curt LeDuc, 17" travel, 4 link, Kuster Shocks, Coil over & bypass on each wheel, Fox Air bumps, built 351 V8, Mogi trans, locker rear end, Summers Axles, rear disc brakes, CA Lie #3T56323 $40,000.00 Brian ( 310) 928-0421 days (310) 493-5113 Eves. FOR SALE: '93 Chenowth 117" Fresh 1776, Bus, Saginaw, Fox, 300m bars, axle. Chenowth rear hubs, stub. 26 gal fuel safe, flame out approx 4000 miles, no cracks lite and race ready w/spares $16,000.00 James Martin Odessa TX (915) 366-1000, (916) 366-7024. FOR SALE: Class 9 Challenger single seater. Fresh engine and close ratio gears trans. Pumper system, fuel cell Fox Shox, Mickey Thompson tires, Master Craft Seat. Ready to Race $3,500.00. Call Dennis (702) 254-7041. GREAT DEAL ON 2 Nissans: ( I ) Class 7 and (1) Class 7S both for the price of one! Ex-Mears truck, super history, multi winner, Summers Bros, Big Travel, bypass shocks, coil over, tons of spares, excellent maintenance, extra engine and ( 1 ) extra awesome Class 7S. Completely prepped and ready 2 car package for $60,000.00 obo Baia Brokers Ref #s 509 and 422 (619) 723-2117. t ~}>i.:;.. FOR SALE: Class 9 Challenger, 2 seat, Chenowth Chromoly frame, Pumper system $2,450.00 t1ho. ALSO Class 1-2-1600, race ready, power steering $3,600.00 (310) 690-6666. FOR SALE: 1988 36' Interna-tional Transporter: Professionally built, 7 .3 ltr. turbo diesel, 5 plus 2 trans, only 18K miles. Livingqtrs-11 ', shower, bed, complete kitcl}_en, AIC, heat, 140. gal. fresh, CD stereo. Car area-17', hardwood floor winch, alum. ramps, cabinets, locker, tire rack. Honda 6.5 kw gen. on sliders. 36' x 15.' alum. fully encl. canopy, elec. outlets & lights inside/ out, alarm, tow package. lmron paint, belly boxes wltons of storage. Excellent cond. garage, very ttick, rL'g. as R.V. Sacrifice $NK, call Todd at (702) 348-7812. MIRAGE or RACECO or both! '92 Class 10 - 1 · seat Mirage, Hewland, FGB & Type 1 engine Summers Hubs, Fox, Saco coils, BFGs. Ref #510 $20,000.00 -or-'88 Raceco Class 2 pre-run Toyota 22R & Bus Box, Fox, c.v. FOR SALE: BEAUTIFUL 4-SEATER!!! Built by Foddrill with Chevy V-6. Coil Over Fox Suspension, SAW axles wlSum-mers Stubs, Bus 5-Speed wllock~ er. Porsche c.v.s, Full windshield, Brakes, Tail lights & turn signals. The best one we've seen!!! Baja Brokers Ref #532. $21,000.00 or make offer (619) 723-2117. 1 clutches, CNC, coilover, Super Nice! Comes with trailer for $15,000.00 Ref #511 or by both well prepped VL·hi cle.~ fnr $30,000.00 all spares included!! Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. _,, ;,511 fl, -- I "#~~v-. FOR SALE: Triple "E" Superlite - New B.V. Motor -ran· read)' -trailer -E-Z Up - Pit lights -too many spares to list. Call for info. Bob or Chris (805) 252-8346, $6,000.00 obo. FOR SALE: SODA '96 Cham-pionship Class 9 single seat with-out motor & transmission. $13,000.00. ALSO: Two seat 1600 without motor & transmis-sion $5,000.00. ALSO: ScatV4 motor $15,000.00 ALSO: Rose transaxles $5,000.00 Class 9 & 1600 & 11 motor and part call for details. Dan Baudoux (517) 642-2333 days, (517) 781-0281 even-ings. GET SPONSORS!!! Learn to Raise funds for Racing. Find out what corporate marketing manag-ers Look For! Info on major sponsorship programs, sample proposals, everything you need to retain national and regional sponsors. What you learn could be worth $1,000s. For a complete kit, Send a check for $24.95 to TM Media 10065 Pico Vista Rd., Downey, CA 90240. January 1997 IVAN's PRERUNNER!! Toyota 4 runner and Ford Ranger Combo, Built by Spirit w/ Bil-steins, National Springs, 9" Rearend, 302ci VS Motor, Doug Nash 5 sp, Autometer, Depend-able and lots of Spares!! Baja Brokers Ref #526 (619) 723-211-,. $2H,000.00. MUST SELL: '83-'91 Ranger, Custom Glass, VERY clean: 4 cyl, 4 wheel disc, 4 speed full cage, birchen dash, Mastercraft seats, Simpson, BFG 32xl 1.S0, Auto-meter, 28 tank, Baja Brokers Ref# 518 (619) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Awesome Trophy-Truck, thousands in spares, Former Robby Gordon Frank Vessel, 38" rear 32" front travel with the best of everything. This truck is a winner. Could be made Class 8 legal. 90K or will consider trade for real estate or!! Contact Baja Brokers (619) 723-2117. w - " .. FOR SALE: 1993 RacL'CO 2-1600, huilt with only the hest top dollar parts and components• availahle. Everything in L'Xcelknt condition. Must see. Call for full details. 1995 SCORE third placl' points champion. Call for full details $12,900.00. (619) 655-15'i""i'0 (619) 6-,9-9786. f.> FOR. SALE: Raceco Two. seater, Fat type IV 2666cc, single carb. Bus trans w/ 091 Henry super cliff, Hewland gears and Curnutt Torque limiters. Fox coilover front end, 14" travel. All Fox rear, 21" travel, SAW primary & secondary torsions, Summers Bros. outboard hubs & axles. UMP Power steering, Pumper, etc. Completely prepped. $13,000.00 or will trade. Call Tom (310) 427-2779 or (310) 430-28H4. INDEX TO. ~ ADVERTISERS Baker Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . 25 Barbary Coast • Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . I 3 Bilstein Corp of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cactus Racing Producls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Class 5 Auto For Sale: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Coyote Mountain Traders ......... . 4 7. 48 DANCO Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Dusty times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Europartners Motorsport . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 FAT Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . I 0 Fox Shox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 5 Florida Short Course Racing . . . . • . . . . . . 37 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 17 Goshen Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Rod Hall Driving School , .............. 44 Honda of North Hollywood . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 KC Hililes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 2 Kawaguchi Honda . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 35 McKenzie Performance Products . . . . . . . . 6, 32. 50 Mojave Desert Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts ........... . 26. 27 Nevada Off Road Buggu . 1 . • • • . • • • . • • . 43 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 8. 9 Pikes Family Restaurant . . . . . • . . . • . . . . 29 Pit Club Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 49 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . 43 SCORE T-Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 20 Simpson Race Products .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 SNORE Bottom Dollar . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sway-A-Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 33 Team Lightning . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . 19 Top Line Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 28 Trackside Photo Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Tri-Mil Industries ...... • ............. 42 Tucker Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Unocal Racing Gasoline .............. 40 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 16 Weld Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Wilch Sales ......... .-·. . . . . . . . . • . . . 14 Wrighl Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Page 59

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'-DANCO Racing proudly congratu_lates namite" DAN CANNON on his 1 996 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series CLASS as VICTORY! FIVE years on the Off-Road Racing Scene and FIVE CONSECUTIVE CLASS CHAMPIONSHIPS!! whg have helped pave the way to our -,.,~·-· ,%< .::$: c<M ;~~:.,,:., ·'"'"' .. ,,:.~~~f-?~·[5···-Wf?Jr w,.,.i;f·: .<:::,:-·+··>.,;,~ · · .,_, -~ . ., . ..•. . -·· '%?·• ·· BFGoodrich Tires Sign Pros 39f California Bud's Muffl~n.,oi Covina DUFFCO Pre,runner Bumpers Miller & Cannon, C.P .A. ·-""' -·r:iJtllrirtg€~«ngineering . Auto Body National pring Co. T1•rho Blue F~,el Hollywood Machine Shop American Racing Wheels KC Hi-lites K&N Filters Fox Racing Shox Competition Transmission Service A very heartfelt THANK YOU to THE DUSTY TIMES for their continuing support of the Off-Road Racing Industry and THE BOWER GROUP for their continuing faith and support of our organization! Our Championship is a direct result of the devotion of our highly skilled and professional DANCO Racing Team Members of over FORTY Men, Women and Children! Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities Still Available for the 1997 Racing Season. Sheryl Cannon, General Mgr. 260 S. Glendora Ave., Suite 201 West Covina, CA 91790-3041 (818) 919-1011 (818)966-1393 FAX(818) 919-0211