covering the world of competition in the dirt •.•
5~ *YPAS'S' THE COA,PET~ ... W ---• Internal or External • 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 Diameter • Position Sensitive • 12 to 20 inch travel -20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 Fax 818-700-0947 Performance Products Used By .. · JACK FLANNERY JEFF ST. PETER CURTLeDUC MIKE JULSON DARREN SKILTON GEORGE SEELEY ERIC PA VOLK.A LARRY ROESELER DANNY LEDEZMA JEFF LEWIS ROD MULLER DANBAUDOUX JASON CROWDER BRADY HELM JERRY PENHALL BOB GORDON ROB MacCACHREN LARRY BOLIN DALE WHITE STEVE BISHOP CHRIS HARROLD TOMMY BRADLEY VICTOR BARAJAS JOHN BRINDELL MARKRUDDIS JOEL WHITTED JC DEAN ROBBY GUEVARA JEFF GEISER RONBRANT 20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 Fax 818-700-0947 ·
Volume 14 -Number 12 December 1997 DllliYljlllH Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark Jim Culp John Elkin Homer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martin Holmes Ralph Mason Daniel Maimer Jimmy Messick Ron Miller Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith: Judy Smith Trackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry Worsham &_ llrlflrillt(pmadw· SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $20.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request CONTRIBUTIONS: DUSTY TIMES welcoms contribu-tions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolic-ited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. CLASSIFIED ADS: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no Liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright by Hill-side Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written pennission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20751Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new ad-' dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. A Very Merry Christmas from all of us at Dusty Times . to all our friends all over the country and the world. Happy Holidays In This -Issue ... FEATURES Page SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge by Judy Smith.................................... 8 · Rally of Indonesia by Martin Holmes .......................................................... 18 28th Annual SNORE 250 by John Calvin .................................................. 20 SCCA Michelin Ojibwe Forests Pro Rally by Paula Gibeault ................... 24 Glen Helen - Round Six by Ron Miller ....................................................... 20 Gorman Ridge Rally by John Elkin .............................................................. 30 M.O.R.E. Shocker 250 by Jimmy Messick ................................................... 32 Whiplash Motorsports Snowflake 175 by Daryl Drake ................ : ............ 34 B.O.R.E. Bonneville Challenge by Jim Baker ............................................. 36 Australian Off Road Championship - Round 5 by Darryl Smith .............. 38 VORRA FaJlon 250 by Troy Robinson .................................................. : ..... 42 VORRA Yerington To Fallon and Back by Troy Robinson ....................... 44 SODA Lake Geneva Late Report by Jeanne Brown ................................... 48 DEPARTMENTS Happenings .................................................................................................. 5 Trail Notes................................................................................................... 6 Soap Box by Rich Severson ........................................................................... 38 Checkers by The Big Wahzoo ................ _ .............. '. ........................................ 50 Goodies Galore ............................................................................................ 51 Good Stuff Directory ................................................................................... 52 Classified Ads .......................................................................................... 57-59 Index To Advertisers ................................................................................... 59 ON THE COVER - Mark Post did the big number at the SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge, beating all the other heavy hitters in his Riviera Ebony · Bomb in a decisive Class 1 and overall victory. Ron Brant was the overall winner at the SNORE 250, taking the lead from the get-go and running trouble free to a great victory in the 28th An-nual, run in honor of Jean Calvin. Congrats to a good driver and a nice guy. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. cSuhscrihe 'Joda_y lo DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year ~ $20.00 □ 2 years -$30.00 □ 3 years -$40.00 (no credit cards please) Take advantage of your subscription bonus ... Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (See form in Classified section) Name -------------- - ----Address ------------------City --------------------State Zip -------------------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 Canadian - 1 year $25.00 US ■ Overseas subscription rates upon request Dusty Times December 1997 Page 3
1997-1998 Happenings ... ASOCIACION ESTATAL CHAMPLAIN VALLEY de AUTOMOVILISMO RACING ASSOCIATION Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector C.J. Richards Apco 42 P.O. Box 332 San Jose de! Caho Fair Haven, vr 05743 Baja California de! Sur. Mexico (802) 265-8618 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers Sc. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 0l l -18-07-3298-5522 AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1 T7 (514) 622-4440 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Aparcado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico Mexicali (65) 5542-83 Off Road Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD. S.A. Lou Peralca P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 CLAIRTON HI-JACKERS l.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 61746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Mocosporc Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholcz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-60 80 CORR Championship Off Road Racing Carla Reid (31 7) 2 72-2828 Short Course Racing December 6-7, 1997 Glen Helen, CA May 23-24, 1998 Beaver Dam, WI June 6-7, 1998 Antigo, WI June 20-21, 1998 Crandon, WI July 18-19, 1998 Joliet, IL August 1-2, 1998 Bark River, MI August 22-23, 1998 Luxemburg, WI September 5-6, 1998 Crandon, WI September 26-27, 1998 Indianapolis, IN CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 (AU events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649i(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ESTERO BEACH SHORT COURSE RACING Victoria Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 011-526-1176-6225 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Associaton 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 rJfr BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 April 17-1.9, 1998 Tonopah300 June 26-28, 1998 Celebrating 25 Years of Record-Setting Performance Silver Scace 300 October 1-4, 1998 Vegas co Reno December 4-6, 1997 T erribles Town Pahrump, NV BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627 B.O.R.E. BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1997 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Mitchell, CRS Director 530 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 280 Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 523-1387 Michael Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 935558 (619) 375-8704 November (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box 400 · Maywood, CA 90270 (213) 560-SHOW May 21-25, 1998 Memorial Day Charity Car Show C.O.D.R.A. Central Oregon Desert Racing Association Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541 ) 389-2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCJA TION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 Dusty Times Winner's Circle Andrew Wehe Captures SCORE Overall Crown .,..,... .. -... ,., • ..,.......... • ......... =, ... ,,_.._.."""' ... •-!-, ... _ :> .... - .... ,_.,.,_.-,, .......... ...,_ _.""11:·•0-'<•~l-"''♦:l'°&'J(''-"'"' - tto-•-M•-"•-.-....i C...·1C,,,..,,•·· .. ..,-•"')•• .... ~ .. --.. ~"" 0"""'£11,\)IC,1•• ... --l',o,Cl,o('Olt$tl)IJQ .... , """""'"".,.._..,,NCc,,_-a... -.,,.,._.,.()l,_..,.. ..... w. ,o .... ,._.,.,,,._.._.,.. • ...,. __ .,,. .... .,_,....-11..,,,.,.,.,,.."'9·-1_,..,_,~10)1'.f;..-..,.,. ..... , '1 .. -.,,.,,...-..;;o_ .. ..,,.w,.•1• ••--.,_-,....,-... -Go With Bllsttlln! A Winning Ttadlllon Jn Off-Road RK.Jng! l'or .. 1:Wdiftalil.--lhlO,,.llolld~Ditparw,wtlt. ~ "c.lll<ll~-IIIOIIJ'l'•IC-,. ~ Winner's Circle Brindel! and Hughes Share Class 5 -1600 Victory -: ......... ..,,.a;.; .... _,_ !!loo-""1-•llo<----· ·-•-• .. .:-•-·--,·-·---1,9(:l;Me--~-O"»'"Ot:1!-~---,..,,-... -.-....--:: ... 7.:.::.==-·--~ ~:::,:i.:.:. ......... _ ... °"~ ... ..,..-..,-.,,,........, .,,.._,,._.,,....... • ., __ ---~~-.,_,,OOlbo.:1ooh .,,_ ____ ._,_ .. -.,..~.-:-...... -~-,:.iw .... ~ ........ _ ........ ......._ -~---•-,---_._,.,. ______ _ Marc Stein is Fine on Bilstein For Stock Pro 1hlck Win """'' __ ,_""""'c,.,..~-.,: =--... ~~---..--... ,. • .....,.~ ..... '--•-•MJI "'11....,_,f ____ llll .... _.. ... _,~,-.. ,._.,_,.... . ... Or"""'I ... ___ ..... ,. .. 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W-viv<l""'·--· ·•-.-., -·--··•· .. -· .. ~---'f""l~-----•-... rt~•--...... &.,,,, .. i~---... -,.,.,....,,,_~ .. ~-L.-..... -••l"~-1CORfC.....c.._.., ~1"-""..._!,,0HC ••~-Winner's Circle Chuck Hanis Wins Again In ProTruck Class ~ .... ,J!..__ .. ,.,u._>«-• -i:..•~..x.~ ..... ,. ..... ..., .,.;.;.,,..,.,u__.,.._._.,..;.,~ -<f-------•-~•·-""'·•.,_c-.-•""' --, .. -~ .... ,..,,._~ ... -,:co,W:'>ot1f◄ .... ~ ...... - ,,. .. _ _. .... $. .. ___ ,. .... ,,_,.,._._,..__,IW,_,. _ _. ___ .., __ _ "'-~"'-""_,,...,___ ,--·---~-, ............. .._, .. , .. ,.~~..... ,:.-...... -·-·~ .....,.,.....,"'"""'.in-,..-, __ ,...,.,._"""'.,. ..... _ ........ -.-1<--.. ~--_,.,.._,, __ ..... .. EIN Winner"s Circle Dave Sykes Was Flawless In Parker Stock Truck Win o. ...... ~,,,t,.,,,t,,,cv.C..., .... ~. n.,--..,...:._ -_1 ...... ,--. .. tl<d,,,,j-_...., .... .,_ ____ ,. __ ,. ... \O')lllf:,--..... .-........ ---=-°"'""""'_,.,.,..~ =-:::-::.=;.::.:;-:_ s,,,,,,..-•-~A,11<.._ __ _,,..,..,_._ .,_ ... _1_'!1_>1_........ "Tt,t~ .. ,. .... ..., ___ ...,._. _ __ .,._,o.......,--., ,...,;,ciwa,,o..,,-o_<...._._ _,.,.luQh' .... ""'""!ll'>i'"'•'~-• .... .M.....,, ___ ,,_.,. Go With Dilslfflnl A Wlnnl"fl Tradition In OIi-Road Racing/ ,oo .. .,._...coooUcthOI'.,..,_,~~ ~ c.tTdlP:,...,_,..,,1095 . ._ ---·•••-••-or,...,_ .. ·-,._.,. . And Still Bringing Back The Winners! Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 & KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX 619/453-0770 December 1997 Pages
Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GLEN HELEN RACEWAY P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series November 23, 1997 Round Eight - Sunday December 5-7, 1997 Off Road Winter Series Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91760-0762 (562) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 (402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 4964846 Eve. (AU races are short course, stadium style. Classes: Trophy, ll-1600, 5, 7S, land Quads) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (AU events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves. Keidl (604) 828-1795 anytime (AU Events start 7 miles NW of Kamloops) L.l.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 JimAruta (408) 247-4402 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 48813 (517) 543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Press: Dirty Dave Cronin (618) 765-2199 VP: Walter Flack (217) 987-6568 LTOR-Lincoln Trail OffRoaders Pres: Brad Key (217) 446-4556 Steve Sabo (618) 327-9312 (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series Produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) MOJAVE DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1863 Glendora, CA 91 741 (626) 914-7029 Phone (626) 914-9169 Fax Only November 28-29, 1997 Thanksgiving 250 Page 6 Lucerne, CA January 9-10, 1998 Mojave 200 Lucerne, CA February 27-28, 1998 Wild Wash 250 Barstow, CA April 17-18, 1998 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 19-20, 1998 Lucerne 300 Lucerne,CA August 14-15, 1998 Spangler 200 Ridgecrest, CA October 30-31, 1998 Barstow 200 Barstow,CA M.OR.E. Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts 25277 W. Main St., Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 (760) 253-4453 MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING AS~OCIATION Rt. #1 -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 AU races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take 1-10 Horizon Blvd. exit east I 2 miles) OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 All races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichbourne, Public Relations (5I9)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913 (W PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY 18700 lake Perris Drive Perris - Riverside County, CA 1-800-976-RACE PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION (619) 449-6252 February 28, 1998 Sam Boyd Stadium Las Vegas, NV March 28, 1998 Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles, CA April 11, 1998 New Mexico State Univ. Stadium , · Albuquerque, NM May 16, 1998 Tacoma Dome Seattle, WA _ May 23, 1998 Mile High Stadium Denver, CO TBA Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, AZ S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3 208/ (518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 SCORE SCORE International 22287 Mulholland Highway, Suite 405 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 November 12-15, 1997 Tecate Baja 1000 B.C.,MX January 30-February 1, 1998 4th SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV March 20-21, 1998 12th Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, B.C., Mexico June 5-7, 1998 29th Tecate SCORE Baja 500 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico July 17-1 8, 1998 27th SCORE Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 11-13, 1998 3rd SCORE Las Vegas Primm 300 Primm,NV November 11-14, 1998 3 1st Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 Baja Norte to La Paz, B.C., Me~ico SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 4524522 December 5-6, 1997 Vegas 400 Jean. NV SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Office Manager: Mary Carson 2285 Tracy Avenus Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 526-a805/Fax:(805) 584-8518 Internet: SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-54()() November 29, 1997 6 hours Vienna, Georgia SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (All Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) November 2, 1997 SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (011 ) 880-2170 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX) TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive · Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 U.S. OFF-ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Pace Motor Sports 630-963-4810 900-PRO RACE January 3, 1998 Houston, TX January 10, 1998 Pontiac, MI January 31, 1998 December 1997 Trail Notes ... CHARLIE'S PART-Y - A "party", called by the Irish "A Wake" will be held for Charlie La Veile January 17th, 1998 at Lou's Ranch in Cantil. Potluck barbecue starting at l p.m. 'til ??? Roberta would like you to bring photos, written anecdotes, etc., for a "Memory Board" for Roberta to keep. Mark the date on your calendar. 1998 SCHEDULE -Dusty Times is gathering promoter's schedules for 1998 for inclusion in our Centerfold Calendar and we need your schedules mailed or Fax'd to us as soon as possible. Remember, it's your race and it should be in our calendar. Hurry, Hurry!!! PARIS-GRANADA-DAKAR 98 -The 20th Paris-Dakar Rally will set off from Versailles on January 1, 1998 and will finish 18 days later in beautiful downtown Dakar, Senegal on the western most tip of the African continent. Three Protrucks are already entered, driven by our own Larry Ragland, backed up by Henri Pescarolo (4 time winner at LeMans) and Pierre Lartigue (4 time winner Off Road Rallies World Cup). This "Rally" covers many thousands of kilometers and on the African continent there is more sand that you can imagine. It is indeed a test of the vehicles, the preparation and the maintenance en route and of course, the driver, whose skills and endurance are tested for 18 days. We certainly wish full of all sorts of info for your enjoyment: and you may also contact the organizers on this site. PROTRUCK NEWS -Protruck has an inviting schedule for 1998, six different venues, all in the western part of the US and we just learned the other day that Madeline Bullman, late of DeAngelo, Minton and Associates has left the long winters of Ohio and returned to her native land, now in the employ of the Protruck organization. Welcome back Maddie!!! THANK YOU -Dusty Times would like to thank Harrahs in Laughlin, Nevada for their consideration at the SCORE race early in October, especially Bill Keena and we would also like to thank Michael.Gaughan and the staff at the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas for their consideration and help throughout the years. PARKER REVISITED --Whiplash Motorsports is picking up the Parker race on December 5 through 7, starting in town, on the pavement and it should go well. Parker has always been a tradition and we hope it will continue to be. More info is available in advertising in this issue or call Whiplash at (602) 971-3730. 1\. TEW ORGANIZATION -If you look on page 33 of this issue you 1 "I will see a declaration of a group of concerned racers and racing oriented people who are attempting to change or reshape some of the ways things are handled before, during and after a race. This group, called "Summit", makes no demands, but offers suggestions on ways we can better serve our sport and how it may better serve us. There is a 15 member board of directors and they are all long time participants in the sport and they are activating the class rep system to interpret the rules and perhaps to amend them for the good of each class. Please read their statement, think about off road racing as an entity, where it is going and what would be most beneficial to all of us involved in the sport. We here at Dusty Times feel it would be good sense to join them in their mission. Think about it! Phoenix, AZ February 7, 1998 Las Vegas, NV February 15, 1998 San Diego, CA February 28, 1998 Minneapolis, MN March 14, 1998 Saint Louis, MO UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (AU events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 (412) 532-0802 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP November 21-24, 1997 Network QRAC Rally Chester, Engand 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)426-0470/(414) 982-7306 AffENTION Race&Rally Organizers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 1997 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: . DUSTY TIMES, 2075 I Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91344-4404. Dusty Times
SCORE'S 1997 LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE Mark Post Wins overall By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Frank Rusich set fast time in 1/2-1600 for the weekend and a first on day one and a second on day two was the key to the gold medal. Mark Post was the big winner in Class 1, winning on Saturday, ·third on Sunday but his total time had all the others beat by nearly two minutes. · Mark Post enjoyed the race of his lifetime at SCORE's Septem-ber Laughlin Desert Challenge, when he drove his Class 1 Riviera to the overall victory against an improbable backdrop of glittering casinos and looming mountains. The format for this event was a big change for most ofSCORE's racers, what with a 13 mile course and a two day schedule. There were six races each day, each with a time limit of one and a half hours. Most events featured com--bined classes, but Class 1/2-1600 and Class 1 ran by themselves. Each race was a five lap event, and for some classes it proved to be impossible to complete the 65 mile race in the allotted time. The course started in a man made infield, which consisted of turns in both directions and a bunch of jumps to entertain the spectators. Then it progressed outward into the desert, where there were a couple of pit areas, before it wound back to the main pits and into the infield again. In general the lap times ran from a very quick 12 minutes plus to about 18 minutes. The weekend's festivitie·s started with contingency and tech inspection on the rear parking lot of the Ramada Express. It was hot and muggy, the weather left over from Hurricane Norma which had brought rain all day Thursday. It was uncomfortable for the partici-pants, but the course was nicely wetted down, and dust was non-existent for the guided pre-run. Racing started on Saturday at 6: 15 a.m. and they took the green flag at 30 second intervals, begin-ning as soon as it was light enough for the flagman to see his watch. Ther~fter the flagman waved the green flag at two.hour intervals, until the final event went off at 4:15 p.m. each day. Mark Post and his Class 1 com-petition were the final event of . the afternoon, both days, so they ran on a course that had been chewed up a bit by the previous five events. There were 16 cars, and even with all the Judy Smith earlier racing the course was still damp enough on Saturday that dust was not a big factor. Ryan Arciero and Tim Scalzo had their new VB Chevy powered Aceco out for this race, and with Arciero driving it took the early lead. His time for the 13 miles was 12:28, the quick time for this class for the weekend. But he was only 15 seconds in front of Troy Herbst in his Ford powered Mike Smith. Then it was Post, whose single seater is powered by a 5 liter V6 Chevy, another four seconds back. All told, nine of the 16 cars were within a minute of one an-other_ Arciero continued to lead, with Ryan Thomas had a first and a second in Protruck and it gave him the checkered flag after a hotly contested race. Pages Herbst and Post following, as Carl Renezeder, out in his new Class 1 car for the first time, was sidelined with a blown motor. The racing was fun to watch; these cars were really fast, and they came 'round close together so the spectators got to see some catching and passing. No one looked slow. At the end of the third lap Gus Vildosola snagged ·one of the concrete barriers that made up the chicane at the en-trance to infield "short course" section, and ruined a c.v. He lost so much time with repairs to his Toyota powered Jimco that he couldn't complete his five laps. David Ashley took a first and a third in Class 8 at Laughlin and his total time gave him the win by two minutes over the competition. Post took over the lead on the fourth lap, and now had about 26 seconds on Charlie Townsley, in his Honda NSX powered Chen-owth. Herbst, running with only third gear, ran third three seconds behind him. Bob Gordon had his Toyota powered Chenowth up near the front and was charging hard, but tiring because he'd been without power steering for a while. Jeff Quinn was losing alter-nator belts and Kory Scheeler caught his thumb in the steering wheel and decided it was broken. John Herder's shifter broke and the transmission locked up, bring-ing him to a sudden and essen-tially permanent stop. Bob Lofton looked good in his Jimco, and was defending his position from Gor-don when his car took a bad hop and rolled over, breaking a front · shock inount and putting him out. Lofton was unhurt. In the meantime, Post went on trouble free and took the win, while Townsley, running second behind Judy Smith him, got to within a mile of the finish and felt his transmission let go. Gordon moved up to se_cond place and Doug Fortin put his four cylinder Chevy powered Chenowth into third. It was different on Sunday. For one thing, there'd been another five events on the course, so it was considerably rougher. They de-scribed it as "deeper and wider" also. The weather was much hot-_ter, and there was dust now, but there was also a stiff breeze to blow most of the dust off the course. There was less traffic this time, since only 10 of the original 16 managed to start on Sunday. Herbst put himself into the lead right away, with 18 seconds on Post, who had 16 seconds on Townsley. Butch Arciero, driving Gordon's car (while Bob went to Fontana to watch son Robby race in a CART event) went over the i-----'.: ( --_ . . . ;.; . . . . . . . ~ ~- .ff' < Damien Mavis' times of 1 :29 and 1 :25 were great and he won Class 7 easily, being the only truck in class to complete the required laps. December 1997 first jump and lost an axle. Herbst had a different transmis-sion for this race, having bor-rowed it from his brothers' Tro-phy Truck, so he had a·ifhis gears, for a while. Townsley and Post were pushing hard behind him. And there was disappointment and frustration for some of the others. Scalzo, who got to try the new car, managed to get only one lap in, and Scheeler's car was out on lap two Herder gave it another try and lasted only two laps, while Vildosola's spare tire mount broke, then tipped into his ignition and made the engine run poorly. Herbst continued his fierce charge, even though he lost sec-ond gear, and he stayed in front to the end of this five laps, taking the Sunday win, but ending up second behind Post whose two day total was a minute and 40 sec-onds quicker. Townsley finished second on Sunday, but had not completed five laps Saturday, so Fortin, who was third on Satur-day and fourth on Sunday finished third for the weekend. Confused? Every class had a $1000. Laughlin Leap prize up for grabs, and many made the effort on their last lap. Post took the honors for Class 1 with a 59 foot leap. Class 1/2-1600 had the biggest entry for the weekend, and 21 of them took the green flag for the fifth race on Saturday. Frank Ru-sich put his Jimco into the lead, with eight seconds on Vi<: Bruck-mann in his Judy Smith Chen-owth. In third it was Dale and Darren Ebberts in their Neth/ Chenowth. Rusich held the lead, but Jason Hatz moved up to sec-ond in his Dunrite ·chassis on lap two, while Don Lampus was third in his Jimco. The Ebberts fourth and only 30 seconds ·sepa-. rated all four positions. It went like that for the rest of the race, with none of (crmtinued) Dusty Times
872 -25th Anniversary -1887 -----..... n n ,;u. 'He~ ~ riP~A~ OFF ROAD DESERT RACING· ... the Parker Area Tourism Committee, the Parker Area Chamber of Commerce, along with the Parker Rotaries, Jaycees, Main Street Committee, the BLM and the Parker Community . . NO PRE.,;RUNNING & NO AIR SUPPORT For Professional Pit Support Contact The Checkers or Whiplash. '/f/ 12 HOUR TIME LIMIT . • THE TllAD/T/ON t/V[.,, • FOR THE FIRST TIME! - START 1N TOWN Contingency: ,.11✓.'/TH EXCITING NEW . ON THE PAVEMENT! . r#rJ.A/lGEST CONT/NGENCJ' 8 . ~OURSE CHANGES! • NEW SPECTATOR AREA! ,n~ VENIJO/l AREA IN • WHIPLASH'S MUCH LOWER ENTRY FEES (J,rrDAAn DAAIAIA/ WEB Site Into at: AND GREAT PAYBACKS! rrnv,,v ""~//'IU~ & • SPECIAL NOSTALGIA SHOOT-OUT FOR BLOCK PARTIES S.I Schedule: s11600 & cLASs 3 BIG PR1zEs/BoNus! sTREETDANCE . FRIDAY 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM .... CONTINGENCY/ VENDOR ROW REGISTRATION / TECH 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM .... BLOCK PARTY 7:30 PM ......................... DRIVERS' MEETING 8:00 PM ......................... POSITION PILL DRAW SATURDAY 6:00 AM ......................... STAGING 7:00 AM (START) ......... FIRST CAR OFF THE PAVEMENT, DOWNTOWN PARKER VIA A (12 HOUR TIME LIMIT) GREEN (TRAFFIC) LIGHT 6:oo PM ......................... sTREET PARTY ·cAsH PAID AT 8:00 PM ........................ TROPHIES & AWARDS TROPHt' SUNDAY 10:00 AM ....................... POKER RUN PRESENTATION! 5:00 PM ......................... POKER RUN PAYOUT I ALL CLASSES - PLUS WHIPLASH SPECIAL CLASSES: CLASS LAPS ENTRY PAY-BACK PRO 1-2, 10, 8, 7, 5, 1-2/1600 3 PRO 4, 6, 9, 11 PRO 3, 5/1600 Spec Truck (PRO Truck Class), Vintage PRO & TRUCK TROPHY TRUCK .2 2 2 3 $400 $300 $300 $300 $700 PARKER -ARIZONA··/ CA Contact Whiplash -See details in this issue or an issue of the Southwest Off Road News
Jason Hatz was third in Class 1/2-1600 both days but his consistency Curt LeDuc_ had a lousy Saturday, a second place on Sunday and all Brian Collins hurtles his big Chevy towards the finish, taking a third and a second and winning the silver medal by over eight minutes. put him into second spot if only by 24 seconds. told it got him a second place for the weekend in his Trophy Truck. the leaders having major prob- up into a tie with Hatz for third, Trophy Trucks. In the Trophy lems. Hatz thought his car wasn't and·they were just six seconds off Truck group Jeff Lewis put his running quite · right, but Rusich Rusich's bumper. By the third lap Chevrolet into the lead with nine was having "awesome fun". Dizney had the lead, with Hatz seconds on Curt LeDuc in his Rusich recorded the quick lap second and Rusich, who'd had a Jeep. In third it was the Herbst for this race on lap four, at 15:20. flat, third, a full 12 seconds back. brothers' Ford, with Ed at the Hatz was second at that point, Dizney stayed in front, and Ru- wheel. and the Ebberts brothers ran sich recorded another blistering On the second lap LeDuc ran third. They all ran another quick lap to put himself back upto sec-the fast lap for the entire week-lap just over 15 minutes, and the ond, where he finished. Hatz was end, at 12:05, and that moved Ebberts car edged out Hatz by third. When the two day results him into the Judy Smith lead. At eight seconds. It was Rusich, were totaled, Rusich had the win the end of lap three he had a Ebberts and Hatz. by five seconds, with Hatz second minute and 28 seconds on Lewis, Most of them made it back on and Dizney third. The long jump who'd been in the pits, and he had Sunday, and there were 19 start- money went to. Vic Bruckmann, 27 seconds on the Herbsts. On ers. Rusich got out in front again, who, with co-driver Adam Pfank- the fourth lap Lewis lost his power with Hatz second and Mitch Grif- uch had an otherwise unsuccess- steering pump, and while his crew fin third. Rusich recorded ful weekend. did a phenomenally quick change, Sunday's fast lap for the class, at The fourth event of the day put at about 14 minutes, he'd effec-15:39, on the second lap, but he a collection of 24 fire breathers on tively lost a lap. LeDuc still led, still had a hard job ahead of him. the track. It was a combination with the Herbs ts second. But Jim Dizney had moved his Jimco of Class 8, the Protrucks and the LeDuc didn't get the last lap ti; w a (.) g o <( UJ CD z 0 a: ~ <( :r (.) a: a CD Cl) ...J UJ UJ :r s: UJ z ::J a: UJ !z UJ (.) Cl) a: UJ s: g CD <( ~ CD Cl) a: UJ ~ u:: z oa :.:: :.:: ~ ('.J ::::, CD S PE TRAPP UTO ETE LEE YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS/ C C JJ Gi :r -I PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441•1622 2366 E. 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SUPER TRAPP The ONLY muffler on the market that allows you to detennine and set sound level, power band, and performance. / REMOVE discs to decrease ✓ exhaust opening & increase back pressure. - this decreases powerband to give more low-end torgue - decr~ases exhaust tone • enriches the carburetion ~ to increase exhaust opening & reduce back pressure. - this increases powerband to give more top end -increases exhaust tone - leans out the carburetion The Ultimate Starter for Faster, Crisper Starts ~rz-(f J ~ The OPTIMA's "Spiralcell" technology provides more power for faster crisper starts. The aoou and 800S 12-volt models deliver 800 Cold Cranking Amps at 0° Farenheit. l ... ~ .. ,&,.2,&tk_ 22Z fO SETRAB OIL COOLERS SET-125-AN6 SET-619-AN6 SET-619-ANB SET-625-ANS SET-634-ANS SET-644-ANS SET-644-AN12 6x25Row-6AN 11x19Row-6AN 11 x 19 Row - 8 AN 11 x25 Row -SAN 11 x 34 Row - 8 AN 11 x 44 Row - 8 AN 11 x 44 Row -12 AN" -I ~ 0 z :,, ?-JJ 0 Cl m z Cl Cl) B cJ 0 r Cl -< CD ;= ~ m z c... )> ~ :0 "Tl x Cl) :r 0 0 & )> C :0 0 :0 )> Page 10 December 1997 done: he lost a gear and then lost the rear end out on the course. Herbst, having lost second gear on the fourth lap, and first gear on the last lap, did some care-ful driving to take the win. Lon-nie Helmbolt was second in his Ford and Lewis, new pump in-stalled, finished third. On Sunday the Trophy Trucks were shy one entry, as Tim Lawrence, who'd made only one lap on Saturday, never got back under steam. Lewis put the Chevy into the lead again with a very fast 12:07, considering the battered condition of the course. The Herbst truck was second, and Danny Letner ran third in his Chevy, running with the six cyl-inder motor, which the crew later admitted had been a tactical er-ror. Lonnie Helmbolt rolled his truck on the first lap, and though he and his passenger were OK, the truck never got going again. And Michael Tieman was also out on the first lap. But there was an incredible battle raging between the Herbsts and Lewis. The Herbst truck, by virtue of Saturday's victory, was first on the road, but Lewis, run-ning 11 seconds faster on the sec-ond lap, was slowly gaining on it on the road, and was ahead by a minute on elapsed time. They went through the infield together, Lewis doggedly looking for a way around Herbst, to the delight of the spectators. And then he got it done! The crowd was howling as the two roared out of sight onto the desert part of the course. But then just moments later word came over the radio that Lewis was out - his transmission had given up. Now the Herbsts were in the lead and LeDuc was second, but almost four minutes back. After the third lap they were the only two Trophy Trucks moving. The Herbsts went on to take the Sun-day win, with LeDuc in second place. And the Herbsts were the winners for the weekend, the only Trophy Truck to manage 10 laps. In the Laughlin Leap contest, Lewis took the prize with a 57 foot jump. Judy Smith In Class 8, which was running at· the same time as the Trophy Trucks, the fast lap for Saturday belonged to Brian Collins, who put his Chevy out in front with a 13: 17. But he had his partner, Dale White, in another Chevy, right with him, four seconds later, and followed by Dan Smith in his Ford another four seconds back. Smith moved into the lead on the second lap, now with just one second on Collins, as White broke; Dave Westhem, with the fastest second (continued) A pair of first place finishes was the key to the overall Class 7S win, Don McCarthy and his Ford winning by a four minute margin. '• ·"':· ',v Steve Williams takes the LA Sheriff's Ford to a nice win in Stock Mini at the Laughlin Desert Challenge. Dusty Times
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Two second place finishes and Gary Mecham takes flight and the silver medal in Class 7 at Laughlin. Bruce Landfield chased first place in Class 7S both days but only managed a second place for the weekend, two laps ahead of his competition. Leo Brown chased the cops all weekend but could only pull second place in Stock Mini out of the hat, but.he was close. lap, moved himself into third place in his Chevy. Smith and Westhem poured on the steam on the third lap, while Collins had a flat changed and dropped back about a minute. It was now Smith, Wes them and Collins. Wes them had a small scare when he stalled the truck in a tum on the fourth lap, but lost only seconds, and stayed in second place. Smith, who'd lowered the truck a little for this event, decided the desert part of the course was t0ugh enough that they'd better make it more like a desert truck for Sun-day, and Westhem was already planning to rejet his truck. Smith . took the win, Westhem was sec-ond and Collins third. On Sunday, Dale White was running again, and he went into the lead on the first lap, with 'Dave Ash.ley, Smith's co-driver, in second place, and Collins third. Westhem didn't complete the first lap. White and Ashley fought a tough battle for three laps, as Ashley's power steering pump in-sirhously leaked fluid, unknown to him. At least it was unknown for a while. Collins was driving with a blown rear shock reservoir and a broken front bump stop, which made his truck look decidedly unwieldy in the turns. White held a steady pace, while Ashley stopped for fluid and Col-lins manhandled his truck in third. But, as White took his win, with almost a four minute lead, a giant split for this event, Collins moved into second place while Ashley added power steering fluid and finished in third. Ashley and Smith were the winners for the weekend, their time being almost exactly two minutes quicker than second place Collins. Wes them jumped 44 feet to win the Laugh-lin Leap money for this class. The Protrucks ran with this group also, and put on a great show, their times very close to those of the Judy Smith Class 8 trucks. Ryan Thoma~ put his Dodge into the first lap lead and he had Jeff Hoskins in a Ford and Steve Barlow, also in a Ford, tied for third just 24 seconds later. Thomas continued to lead through the second lap, but now it was Barlow in second and Scott Steinberger, in another Ford, in third, one second behind him. They were still close through lap three, but on the fourth lap Tho-mas put on a burst of steam and recorded the fast lap for the class at 13: 50, and gave himself a small breather. Now he had a minute and 27 seconds on Hoskins who'd moved into second place. Barlow was still third. They were running Manny Esquerra races for the finish line in the big Ford and Manny won the Stock Full class with over a lap to spare. ' Andrew (remember when he was Andy?) Wehe turned a 1 :09 and a 1: 1 O and that was more than enough to take Class 1 O by over five minutes. Page 12 around the course like a freight train, nose to tail, separated at most by a few car lengths. It made a great show. After another really close lap, the win went to Thomas, with Hoskins second, ·and Rick Johnson, who'd been up near the front in his Ford all the way, mov-ing up to take third. On Sunday they were shy two trucks, as Steinberger and Michael James were both missing, Thomas put.himself into the lead again, with Rick Johnson second . and Hoskins third. Hoskins has a much softer suspension than the other Pr!)trucks, which give him a rolling motion as he negotiates the turns, but he says he likes it like that. Barlow rolled his truck over 011 the first lap, and lost a full lap getting his truck back up on its wheels and moving again, a wretched tattered shadow of its former self. Thomas and Hoskins had a re-ally tight battle, and on the third lap Hoskins. recorded the fast lap for the cfass for the d;iy, at 13:53. He was in the lead then, with six seconds on Thomas. They were running in sight of one another the entire time, and from the third lap were right with each other. Hoskins was second on the road, and though he got close enough to get Thomas, he found there was too much dust to risk the pass. He knew he didn't have to go around to take the win, and take it he did, by 19 seconds. Tho-mas was second, with Chuck Har-ris, now nearly fully recovered from his hernia and able to drive the full 65 miles, in third. The winner for the weekend was Thomas, by 54 seconds, and he took the Laughlin Leap also, with a jump of 44 feet. Hoskins finished second for the weekend. Judy Smith The third race of the day in-cluded four truck classes: 7, 7S, Stock Mini and Stock Full. In Class 7, which had onlv five en-tries, Bob Land had the lead in his Ford by 10 seconds, and Damien Mavis had his Chevy second by five laps in an hour and a half. 46 seconds over Larry Roeseler, McCarthy was running trouble in another Chevy, who'd had a free, and on lap three he recorded flat on the first lap. the class fast lap at 16:02, increas-On the second lap Roeseler re- ing his Judy Smith lead to a little corded the fast lap for this group over three minutes. It was still for the weekend, at 14:09, and Turley and Graham behind him. moved himself into the lead. Now And that's how it was at the fin-Land was second and Mavis was ish, though Graham was unable to third. But on the third lap Roe- finish the fifth lap within the time seler lost his transmission, and limit. while his crew made a heroic but Sunday's race was pretty much futile trans change, Mavis moved a carbon copy of Saturday's. Mc-into the lead Land lost 13 min- Carthy went into the lead right utes with a steering pr.oblem on away, with Bruce Landfield, the third lap, so Mavis now had a T urley's co-driver, second behind little over two minutes on Gary him and Graham's co-driver, Mecham in a Ford. Brady Helm, third. And they ran Mavis went on to drive two that way for the rest of the way. more evenly paced laps and took On the fifth lap Landfield ticked the win as Mecham disappeared off the fast lap for this session, at on the last lap. 16: 19, but it wasn't enough to let On Sunday Roeseler was back him catch McCarthy. McCarthy in running order, and he moved had an extra treat on Sunday, as right into the lead. Mecham was his 13 year old son, Daniel, was second, nearly three minutes riding with him. They lost oil down, followed by Pat Arnold, pressure, but the motor held up Mavis's co-driver, who'd ridden long enough for them to finish all with him on Saturday. five laps and take the two day win. Things were going well for Roe- Landfield, whose brakes were go-seler this time, and he continued ing away, was only two seconds to lead all the way, while Mecham behind him on Sunday, and was also had a good day and held on second for the weekend. Helm to second place. Arnold ran and Graham didn't finish the fifth steadily in third, and nothing lap either day, but were third for much changed for the five laps. the weekend. McCarthy put the Roeseler, who said the course was icing on his weekend by winning "15 feet wider and four feet the Laughlin Leap with a 33 foot deeper" than on Saturday, took vault. the win. In the Stock Mini Class the But Mavis and Arnold had the early leader was Greg Foutz in a win for the weekend, and they Ford, but he had Steve Williams were the only team to finish all in another Ford only 10 seconds ten laps. Mecham, with nine laps behind him. On the second lap, completed, was second. Roeseler Williams moved to the lead, and won the Leap, with a 45 foot Leo Brown put his Ford up into flight. second place, about 19 seconds In Class 7S Saturday's early behind him. Then Williams re-lead belonged to Don McCarthy corded an 18:03, for the fast lap in his Ford, and he had 54 sec- in this class, and increased his onds at the end of the first lap. It lead to a minute and a half. Still, was Brett Turley in second place, he knew that if he couldn't get in another Ford, and then Bob down to about 1 7 minutes he Graham third in a Toyota. This wasn't going to make the time group was a little pressed, because limit. And he didn't, though he they were painfully aware that any gave it a serious try. At the end problem at all would probably ren-of the fourth lap, still leading, he'd der them unable to complete the used up an hour and 13 minutes. ~-------------------------~ He went out to do chat fifth lap anyway, but it didn't count. Wil-liams took the win by a little over two minutes, and Brown, driving with no rear drive shaft for the last two laps, was second, also with four laps completed. No one else could get four done. On Sunday the Stock Mini class all came back, but Rob Rein-ertson couldn't get through the first lap. Leo Brown and Greg Foutz had a dead heat going at the end of the first lap, and Steve Williams ran third 11 seconds be-hind them. Mark Turner had some problem and was nearly a full lap down by the time he came Judy Smith around. David Callaway put a first and a second together to take home all the marbles in SCORE Lites, winning by a margin of less than a minute. Foutz moved into the lead by the end of lap tw0. but Brown was only two sernnds back, and Will-December 1997 Dusty Times
A win and a second place. in Stock Full gave Robert Hayley the silver Pete Sohren soars across the Laughlin skyline on his way to a second Rod Muller put two third place finishes together and ended up in second medal for his Laughlin. place in Class 5 , 11 minutes ahead of his competitors. spot for the weekend in Class 10. ~----,-------,;--------=--,---,----------,-~ iams ran just 14. seconds behind someone noticed that his rear fac- Olliges had moved into second Mc Comas now second in his · second, less than a minute back, . him. Brown t.ook over _the lead on ing yellow light wasn't working. place, and now Stein was third. Chevy. Esquerra had moved up_ to with Mc Comas third another hp three; .with_'Williams in sec-By the time his crew had replaced But on the next lap Stein took third with his hard driving. eight seconds later.· ond ahd :fo_Htz,'droppe~ .to· third, . it and he was allowed to take off over the lead, and Olliges was sec-On the last lap Sykes recorded On Sunday there were only five · U ~econcJs back. The: fo1,1rth lap he was working with nearly a five ond, and they were separated by the fast lap for the class at 14: 14, of them and Sykes went into the spelled the end for Foutz wheQ lie ' minute handicap. And he was 26 seconds. However, that was but it wasn't enough to overcome lead again, with Esquerra, .· .· . : ... · broke: a spin9le.)3rown kepr his · ·driving like a man possessed. the last lap for Stein, and Olliges his very long third lap. Olliges to Judy Smith start on time this . _ h:ao ·a·n·d fook· the win,· even . · Sykes continued to lead, but went into the lead, with Mike took the win, and Esquerra was time, in second. (continued) . 'though :Williams got _the· fa~:t-.lap. · ~: ~------------------------, for this ·event,-at -18:18.: Brown had him by· 18 seconds at.'the end . of his fourth lap. Willia.ins had the -' best two day time, and took the win for the weekend. This class had no Laughlin Leap winner, be-cause none of them even tried the big jump, knowing they'd be flirt-ing with disaster if they did. In the Stock Full Class David Sykes had the first lap lead in his Ford, four seconds in front of Marc Stein in another Ford. Steve Olliges was third in Robert Hayley's Ford, just 24 seconds later. Running last was a frus-trated Manny Esquerra, in Chris-tine Reno's Ford. He'd been all lined up in staging and about two Darren Skilton took his Kia Sportage to a nice overall win at Laughlin, driving hard Brian Jeffrey took no prisoners in Class 9, running hard and fast he took the win cars from the green flag when and finishing with over a lap on the competition. _w_ith_olli_e_r _a_la~p_in_h_a_n_d_. ________________ _ Dusty Times CHARLIE LaVELLE March 19, 1932 - October 10, 1997 This is the Charlie "Tuna" LaVelle we all knew and loved and this is the way we should remember him. A big lovable guy; always working and never too busy to spend a moment or two with his friends, and he had lots of friends. The "other" Charlie always accused him of swiping his best Jack Daniels and replacing it with some cheap substitute, but we know that never happened. I know that Charlie and Jean Calvin spent many happy hours trying to outbullshit each other, and I'm sure it was a draw as they both were good. Charlie and Roberta started working for SCORE at SCORE's very first race and did all sorts of chores aside from their regular start/finish and staging duties until 1996 when they retired from the off road activities. They were sorely missed and Charlie will certainly never be out of our thoughts. Charlie was born in Southgate, California, served in the U.S. Marine Corps, and left us to join many other luminaries in the eternal off road race on October 10, 1997. Charlie, from all of us who knew you and loved you, sleep in peace. December 1997 Page 13
George Erl finished second and first at the Laughlin race and scored Todd Gatrel and the propane powered Chevy took a first and a second The Chuck Hovey/Tim Christensen combo scored a first and a second a big second in the SCORE Lite class. place, only good enough for a second overall in the Class 3 battle. place for a Class 9 overall second place at the Laughlin contest. place. And on the second lap ski. Seeley, who ran five very place. Holmes had a nearly per- and Dave Sundquist also put his Sunday's race, and Ledezma put Sykes disappeared arid Esquerra evenly paced laps, all between 13 feet race, his only problem being car on its lid. his crumpled bug into the lead · went to the front. Stein was sec- minutes and 33 seconds and 13 a broken exhaust on the last lap. From that point on Wehe again. He had 31 seconds on Mis-ond, and Hayley ran third, about minutes and 58 seconds, went on He led all the way to take the win stayed in front, and he took the zkiewicz who ran second. lribe, four minutes back after a long first · to take the win. Sohren finished by nearly three minutes. George win by 51 seconds. Scheeler was who had his dad, Carlos, in the lap. McComas lost about 13 min- second, and Jakobson was third. Erl was second in a Raceco, and second and Muller was third. passenger seat this time, ran third utes on this lap, and was running The Grabowski car didn't make Dallke and Cobb were third. Rid-On Sunday they were short a about four seconds later. with no power steering. it back for Sunday's race, but all ings broke on the third lap. couple of players, but Wehe was Ledezma stayed in front, re-Esquerra had no problems at the rest were there. And Seeley On Sunday they all came back back in first place. He had 15 sec- cording the fast lap for the session all, and stayed in front all the way, went into the lead again.·Sohren except Ridings. This time the lead onds on Ricky Geiser, in Phillips' at 16:26 on lap four. lribe was still taking the win by almost six min- was second, and Jakobson was belonged to Erl's co-driver, Jerry car, who ran second. In third it second, and Tim Smith had utes, driving on a broken spring third. On the second lap Sohren Penhall. He had 15 seconds on was Scheeler. Wehe was having moved up to third. Miszkiewicz part of the way. None of the oth- lost his fourth gear, but he was David Callaway, Holmes's part- no problems and stayed in front. rolled his car on the fourth lap ers managed to finish five laps. able to keep on moving. Seeley ner. And Steven Greinke ran Muller lost both fourth and fifth and went no further. Ledezma Esquerra, the only one to com-had another trouble free day, and third in his Suspensions Unlim- gear, but it didn't slow him much. went on to take the win, by two plete all 10 laps, finished as the went on to take the win, with ited car. Wehe went on to take the Sun- and a half minutes. lribe was sec-winner for the weekend, and Hay-Sohren second again. This time Penhall continued to lead. He day win, with Geiser second and ond, and Smith third. lribe was ley and Olliges were second, with Dave Cua moved up to finish was having-no problems, but Cal- Muller third. Wehe got the week- the winner for the weekend, with nine laps done. David Sykes took third, while Jakobson dropped out laway lost fifth gear on the third end win, with five minutes and 2 7 Ledezma second and Smith third. the Laughlin Leap win with a after three laps. lap. Nonetheless, he stayed in sec- seconds on Muller, who was sec- None of the others managed to jump of 40 feet. Seeley took the win for the ond place, and Greinke ran third. ond for the weekend. Phillips and get all ten laps done: lribe won the The second race of the day in-weekend, and Sohren, whose Dallke and Cobb were close for Geiser took the Laughlin Leap, long jump with a 31 foot leap. eluded Classes 5, 10 and 12. transmission packed it in at the four laps, but didn't get lap five with a 44 foot effort. In Class 9 the early lead be-George Seeley put his Snoddy finish line, was second. He also finished on time due to three The first race of each day longed to Darin McGuffin, with Special into the lead on the first won the Laughlin Leap. Cua was tossed fan belts. started just as dawn broke over Rick Poole in second in a Jimco. lap, with Pete Sohren running third. Penhall had nu crouble and the Colorado River. It was barely Chuck Hovey was third in his second, just 19 seconds behind The Class 12 troops were rep- cinched the win, but Holmes and daylight when the 5-1600 cars Jimco. McGuffin ~ontinued to him. Then Mike Jakobson and resented by only five entries for Callaway were a minute and six headed out: into the desert for lead through the second lap, but Michael Nix were tied, another this event. It was John Holmes in seconds faster for the two day to- their race. Danny Ledezma went Poole disappeared· and Hovey 34 seconds back, in fourth. the early Judy Smith lead in his tal, and got the weekend win. into the lead early, with Gerardo moved to second place. Lobsam On the fourth lap Seeley re- · Dunco chassis. In second place it Th~y also took the money for the lribe chasing after him in second Yee was third in his Tubular De-corded the fast lap .time for the was Tom Ridings in a Mirage, and Laughlin Leap, with a 39 foot place, and Eric Pavolka in third. signs chassis. group, at 13:33. He had built his then Ron Dallke and Jason Cobb flyer. They were within 19 seconds of McGuffin led for another lap, lead to a minute and 11 seconds in their Raceco ran third. Class 10 ran with the Class 12 each other. Ledezma recorded the but couldn't finish his fourth loop, by then, his car working perfectly. On the third lap Holmes re- and Class 5 cars, and in this group fast lap for the group at 15:49 on and Hovey took over at the front. Sohren was still second, with Ja- corded. the fast lap for the class, the first lap leader was John Phil- the second lap, and then he had Now Hovey had clear sailing, with kobson in third. Nix was out, and at 13:46, and he continued to lips in his Jimco. He had ten sec-41 seconds on Pavolka. lribe was Yee in s·econd place and BrianJef-so were Mike and Neal Grabow- lead, with Ridings still in• third• ondson Kory Scheeler in-a Jimco, third. . frey running third in his Lothring-Gerado tribe and father Carlos couldn't be beaten at Laughlin, they took 5-1600 with ease, having almost five minutes on their competition. who was tied with Rod Muller in On the third lap Ledezma er. Daniel Mora had the fast lap another\Jldrew Wehe ran rolled his car and Pav6lka went for the group on the fourth lap, fourthiri hh Jimco. Wehe hadn't into the lead, with Iribe in sec-at 16:40. ' raced desert since February. He's ond and now Steve Miszkiewicz ·. Hovey took the win, a minute been competing in the Nelson ·was third. There was still less than and 37 seconds in front of the Yee Spec Truck series, and also rac- · a minute separating the lead three car, with Jeffrey third·just 17 see-ing a Toyota Supra. He had this cars. Ledezma got his crumpled onds later. weekend off and decided to come car back on its wheels and was On Sunday morning the class out for some dusty fun. moving along at a good clip again, was three cars short. Jeffrey went Phillips led through the second only to break the pin in his brake into the lead early, with 32 sec-lap, with Scheeler second and pedal. onds on Hovey. Yee ran third an-Muller in third. But then Wehe's Pavolka continued to lead, but other 11 seconds back. This class crew got on the radio and told he had only five seconds on lribe, really struggled with the course on him he needed to hustle a bit, and who was only 41 seconds in front Sunday, finding it deep and soft, he did. On the third lap he ticked of Miszkiewicz. At the finish it and rough on their limited sus-off the fast lap for the Judy Smith was Pavolka, whose only problem pension. Jeffrey led all the way, class, at 13:35, and moved into had been a little ·trouble down-with Hovey working hard, but the lead. Phillips, meanwhile, shifting. lribe was second, report- feeling a bit underpowered. Jeffrey rolled over, and lost about 16 ing no problems, and Miszkiewicz took the win, and Hovey was sec-minutes .. He wasn't alone. Ron finished third. Judy Smith ond. He ran five laps, but the last Brookshire had already rolled, The entire group returned for one was just a bit over the time limit, and didn't count for him. Jeffrey took the class win for the weekend, the only one to finish ten laps. Hovey took the Laugh-lin Leap with a jump of 27 feet. Judy Smith Victor Barajas did it again, winning the Laughlin race with a first and a third place for Troy Herbst flies the super powerful "truggy" to a fourth and a first at Laughlin, not There were three Class 11 cars, and officially they were expected to run five laps like everyone else. But they got together and decided that wouldn't be possible, and the consensus was that they could complete three laps in the time al-lowed, so that was what they did. Horacio Pereyra led for the first lap, but then he had a flat and fell back. Victor Barajas went into rhe lead on lap two, and stayed there through lap three, when he ran the quick time for the class, at the Class 11 win with over four minutes in hand. ______ too far out of the Class 1 win. ----------------Page 14 December 1997 Dusty Times
Seventh place on Saturday, first place on Sunday gave Danny Horatio Pereyra drove his keen looking Class 11 to second overall in Dan Beaver ran hard as he could but the best he could muster was a Ledezma the second overall in 5-1600. class after a second and a first place over the Laughlin weekend. third overall in the Class 8 contest. 20:2 7. Barajas took the win on have his second wind, and. he completed nine laps to Gatrell's But in Sportsman 7S, John Hoff- broke after two laps on Sunday. Saturday. charged hard through the desert, eight. But Gatrell took the Laugh-man managed to complete only Greer was a busy man, also driv-On Sunday they were all back, but still couldn't complete more lin Leap for the Class, with a jump one lap in two days of trying. ing in a Protruck, teamed with and this time the Pereyra car had than four laps in the time allowed. of 32 feet. Maybe the truck needs to go back Larry FoddrilL The team finished the early lead again. Roman Skilton ran a close race behind In the Sportsman classes Mark to the drawing board. only four laps on Saturday, but got Pereyra was driving this time. Eric him, but couldn't catch the in- McKinley finished three laps each Also driving as a Sportsman, five done on Sunday, for a good Solorzano ran second. Angel Bar- spired Gatrell on Sunday. But day in his Class 11 car, with times Glen Greer managed to complete showing their first time out. ajas, Victor's nephew, drove their when the two days were totaled, that make it look as if he's ready five laps in.his Class 12 (SCORE Many racers had started off the car, and he had to stop to square Skilton had the win because he'd to race with the Pro class folks. Lite) on Judy Smith Saturday, but weekend with (continued) away a loose alternator wire. Pereyra took the win, with Solor-zano, who had the fast lap on Sun-day, in second place. But the Bar-ajas team had the win ·for the weekend. The Pereyra team took the Laughlin Leap prize money with a jump of 10 feet. Class 3 found the going a bit tough at Laughlin, but they had a good time also. Darren Skilton led all the way on Saturday, in a Kia, recording the fast lap of 17:04 on lap four. He took the win with five laps completed just barely under the wire. He had only a minute and 16 seconds left to go. Todd Gatrell had second place with his four laps completed in his Blazer. On Sunday Gatrell seemed to Ed Herbst rocketed through the desert, winning the Trophy Truck class both days and Ed was the only one to finish the ten required laps. George Seeley was the Class 5 winner on both days, finishing the ten required laps and winning with a four minute margin. COAST RESORTS! Flamingo Road & The Strip 888-227-2279 Dusty Times Tropicana Ave. & Arville 800-675-3267 December 1997 • West Flamingo & Valley View J 888~402-6278 ----·--·· . Page 15
serious doubts about how much they'd like this format. But at the end of two days of racing the con-sensus seemed to be that it was a lot of fun, and they had enjoyed themselves immensely. There were a few died in the wool long course desert racers who enjoyed the racing, but would still prefer a long course, but in general ev-eryone seemed to feel that once a year it was fun to do a little short course type racing. The drivers es-pecially seemed to like the fact that they were out on the course with other cars like theirs. There were no slow cars getting in ~he way of the fast trucks, and no big trucks threatening the limited classes. r---------------,-......,.,=-,,--__,,,-----,-.==,...,.., SCORE went straight from Laughlin to Baja to button up the details on the 30th Anniversary Baja 1000, scheduled for mid-No-vember. ■ Danny Letner plowed through the desert for a third and a fourth place Charlie Townsley was eighth and second and ended up fourth overall Jim Dizney, who graced our cover 13 years ago took a fifth place and and ended up third overall in Trophy Truck. in the Class 1 conflict. a first place to garner third overall in 1/2-1600. Kory Scheeler had a second on Saturday, a fifth on Sunday and it all John Phillips drove his neat looking Class 1 Oto a fourth and a second Ron Dalke took a third and a fourth place at Laughlin, good enough aqded up to a third overall at Laughlin. which got him fourth overall over the weekend. for a third overall in SCORE Lites class. A fourth place and a third place on consecutive days gave an overall Lobsam Yee touches down at Laughlin, he took a second and a third Eric Solorzano heads into the finish line, a third and a second netting of fourth in SCORE Lites class to Steve Greinke. and ended up third overall in Class 9. him the bronze medal in Class 11. A fifth place and a third place in 5-1600 was the reward for Tim smith, Dave Cua flies high at Laughlin heading for the bronze medal in Class Jeff Lewis soars like an eagle, but the third and fourth place finishes shown here on the way in to the finish for the bronze medal. 5 after a weekend of racing. in Trophy Truck garnered fourth overall. Doug Fortin was third overall in Class 1, over a lap ahead of his nearest Dale Ebberts had a lousy weekend, second on Saturday but he was Eric Pavolka won 5-1600 on Saturday but problems on Sunday only competitor at Laughlin. unable to finish on Sunday in Class 112-1600. allowed him four laps so he ended up fourth overall for the weekend. Page 16 December 1997 Dusty Times
Clll8RATI/IG 15 YEARS IISIRVI/IG DUR CUSTIIIIRS HIIMITS ~USystemsN 1/ICT WIBI II TIil STAI/JABIi W/1111'18 JIAU TIil Cl/881111 WIIISTl/1 CI/J 1181'181 WAIIEB WA/IS, TIil PBl8ST 8811., SCI" TATUJR, MCI IUll/llBl IIA'1 Cl/Ill/I /IS AS Will WE IUTl/81 CISTIIM Ill/CT WIii Tl/AT SPOTS AIR lll/W Tl SI/Ill/I Alli MIi/Ti/ 6ll/JWIIIG 1/18 I/GIER AIB ll/JW W/T/1111 GEm/1111811111 BIIWIRS ~Systems~ 11m11 TIil II/I/EST 1111cn111 II 8ll/Wl8S A,AJ/Ull 115-151 CIM 1/ESEBT 8ll/Wl8S IUTl/81 1112 ,. , I. 1118" 8ll/WlB II/HlT IPn/1/IAI STA/II/ARI/ 18 1/lltBT SPECIAi l/1118 Bll/lllBCEII IIITEB •11111 WIT/I 11611 -Ill CUMP-1/I IIITtBS CIIIIRS Ill 111/BIEU A IA,,8. . . · llllCT IBIM FM MIi/EU CAll 118 TECH. l6PPIBTIIB HELP WIT/1111/8 A/IPL/CAT/II -
22ND RALLY INDONESIA Sainz sweeps Indonesia Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya fly through the palm plantation on their way to the overall win in Indonesia in the Ford Escort, second win for them this year. Carlos Sainz and Ford gained their second successive win on the Rally Indonesia and it was also his 20th World Championship career win. Tommi Makinen's retire-ment on the 13th stage brought Sainz to within eight points of the series leader with three rallies yet to go. Colin McRae's retirement, Kankkunen's second place and the M-Sport Team's continuing reliability boosted Ford to within one point of Subaru in the Manu-facturers Series. Conditions changed with treacherous suddenness during the event: this led to McRae's sec-ond accident in two years while leading and led also to many wrong tire choices. Subaru's en-gine troubles did not recur but the two Toyota Corolla World Rally cars retired with electrical woes. Subaru were optimistic that re-cent engine modifications would make them very reliable. McRae and Eriksson were entered in this event while asphalt specialist Piero Liatti preparing for the San Remo Rally. Ford drivers Sainz and Kankkunen were start-ing with the best records of reli-ability in the series so far. Mitsu-bishi fielded two Ralliart prepared Yoshio Fujimoto and Arne Hertz are watched by one lone spectator on their way to fifth WCD, fifth overall in the Toyota Celica GT-Four. Evolution IV cars, for Makinen and Richard Bums. Toyota made· their second official team entry with the Corolla World Rally Car, although it would be San Remo before they could benefit from the experience of previous rallies. Di-dier Auriol led the Toyota team, Neil Bates was second driver and it was a first in Indonesia for both of them. This years route was similar to last years, running through rub-ber, palm and tea plantations. The difference in conditions be-tween wet and dry was enormous. The surfaces are hard, and good for driving in the dry. In the wet, they tum to remarkably slippery mud. Sainz said, "I have never seen anything like the conditions here in the wet. In some places it is hard to stay on the road even at lOkph." Also, Indonesia offers a powerful combination of heat and humidity, over 100 degrees and over 90% humidity. Both Ford and Subaru equipped their drivers with watet cooled jackets. The FIA accepted a proposal from the organizers that an ex-tended tracking system be used on the rally and so, for the entire event, all 71 entries were moni-tored on special stages and on road sections via satellite. Also, there was a new arrival of a new manufacturer at the Indonesia Rally, Timor, the assemblers of Kenneth Eriksson and Staffan Parmander fly the Subaru lmpreza to a third overall in Indonesia, 1: 19 in arrears. the Kia cars in Indonesia. They entered the Timor S515I in Group N and next year they hope to enter World Championship ral-lies with a World Rally Car. The rally consisted of 22 stages, broken down as follows: Leg 1 consisted of eight stages, a total of 138 kms, Leg 2 also eight stages and 149 kms and Leg 3 consisted of six stages 116 kms in length. All stages are gravel, the weather varied in temperature and humid-ity and all stages were run in day-light. Leg 1 - Colin McRae took up his unfinished business from last year, quickest on five of the eight stages, he arrived at the first night halt at Parapat with over 30 sec-onds on Tommi Makinen. Weather was mixed,'.the last stage being very slippery and a torren-tial downpour on the road section in the evening on the way to the halt. It was a great day for Pirelli, their new tire called "AMS" which Subaru used for most of the stages and it was really working well. The two Fords were well off the pace and Sainz was.not happy but he did.switch to the shocks Kankkunen was using and things got better immediately. Both Mitsubishi's were having fuel pressure problems. They were misfiring and changing to the backup fuel pump eliminated the problem. Toyota had a mixed day, Neil Bates slid off the road on stage 1 and lost six minutes. Au-riol had a broken oil seal in the front differential and with no pressure it was operating in pas-sive mode, to wit; virtually rear wheel drive only. Bates had a bro-ken fresh air system valve which kept the throttle stuck open. The Michelin teams were using the WB Mud Tire nearly all the time. Yoshio Fujimoto went off course on stage 7 and lost three minutes and Raul Sufan went off on stage 3 and was too late to continue. Bates never reached the end of Leg 1, the Toyota's engine run-ning very badly and the apparent sticky throttle made it unsafe to continue. Stage eight was a night-mare for many of the drivers, Makinen hit a bank and broke the intercooler and bent the front of the car, and with reduced turbo boost he lost 25 seconds to Bums, his teammate. Subaru sent Eriks-son out on snow tires, bad news, he dropped· back to sixth place and many other cars came out of that stage in all manner of disre-pair. In W2L Bell led for the first seven stages then slid off the road on stage eight and lost ten min-utes. Rovanpera had been catch-ing up and he did take the lead. "I tell you, I have never driven so slowly in the mud, ever!" Weber was trying the 16 inch mud tire on the SEAT for com-parison. Ferran Font was fifth in his Group A SEAT and Andy Jachmoon was sixth in a Group A Timor and Saladin Mazlan suf-fered an oil leak in the turbo and soon retired with engine failure. Leg 2 -This was a day full of excitement. Makinen and McRae both retired, Toyota lost their other car and the Fo.rds came back to Parapat i~ first and sec-orid place. The day dawned over-cast and dull, but by mid morn-ing the sun was out and the hu-midity died down. Tommi's day started badly,, on stage 9 he drove over a rock which flattened the exhaust and moved it against the driveshaft. He continued with a terrible vi-bration and lost time to Colin. Auriol was out, the oil seal prob-lem reoccurred and then in the middle of stage 11 the car quit with electrical problems and the second Toyota was out. 6. The major decision for stages 11 and 12 was tires as these stages were the worst of the lot last year. Mud or snow tires were advised, but by the time the cars got to these stages the course was dry and firm. Kankkunen passed Makinen who was shod with snow tires, moved into second place Harri Rovanpera and Voitto Silander took their SEAT Ibiza Kit Car to Shigeyuki Konishi and Tony Sircombe corner the Subaru lmpreza Nobuhiro Tajima and Glen MacNeall, shown on their way to third place first place in W2L with four minutes on their competition. WRX-RA, finishing second in Group N, eighth overall. in W2L in the Suzuki Baleno Kit Car. Page 18 December 1997 Dusty Times
Colin McRae and Nicky Grist scream through the palms in the Subaru Wayne Bell and lain Stewart corner hard in the Hyundai Coupe Kit lmpreza WRCar, but an accident put them out on stage 15 while they Neal Bates and Coral Taylor got out of this fix but electrical failure put Gar as they achieve fourth in W2L and a fine 17th overall. were leading the rally. them out on stage 9 for a not-so-happy ending. and was 41 seconds behind the ahead of Sainz and 57 in front of proved noticeably as the morning service but a broken engine pre- turers Championship is now wide leader. The Fords were using WB Eriksson when heavy rain began got warmer. Kankkunen had spent vented him from finishing. Pribadi open, only nine points separating tires and they worked well. to fall. But, on the last stage of the prior day with a broken starter took tenth place, the highest" fin- all three registered teams, so it's Midway through the day Colin the day, Kankkunen was 22 sec- motor but on leg three the car was ishing Indonesian for two years run- anyone's game at this point. SEAT had a comfortable lead, Kankkun- onds slower than Sainz and lost working fine. ning. are way out in front in W2L, hav-en was 16 seconds in front of his the lead to his teammate, arid The Mitsubishi engineers figured There are now three events left ing twice the points of their near-fellow Finn and Sainz was three there was more fun further back. the cars would accumulate over in the championship, San Remo, est rival Peugeot and Gustavo seconds further back. Kankkun- Kataoka in the Group N Mitsubi- 50kgs of mud between service Australia and the RAC and things Trelles has already clinched the en was having a driveshaft bear- shi had two flats on the last stage, parks. The major drama of the day are still very close. In the drivers Group N Cup, and Sainz needs one ing problem and Fujimoto was the one spare tire so he arrived at the came on the final stage when race, Makinen leads Sainz and more win to equal the number of only Toyota left, very happy with final service with a badly used Kataoka who was third in Group N McRae by eight and 20 points re- wins of his teammate Kankkunen. his Celica. wheel, then Hardianto arrived landed hard and broke the radia- spectively and it is going to end up It all points towards a very excit-Then came the awakening! with front suspension problems, tor. He was pushed into the final in a closer race yet. The Manufac- ing finish to the '97 season. McRae slid into a tree on stage caused when he spun and was 22nd Rally Indonesia (RI) Hedan 19/21.09.1997 WC round 11 APC round 5 World Championship h d d h h h b points: WCR WCO W2t. 13, damaging t era iator an e t en it y Katoaka. l (5) Carlos SAINZ/Luis Hoya B Ford Bscort WRCar oA P9FHC (GB) 4h.37m.30s.• 10 10 got stuck. Soldiers stopped the In W2L Rovanpera led all the ~ ::: i~~~e~~N~~~~::i~~~~a~:~~ Pamnder :1" :~~~r~·i~~~e~:c:~car ~ :~~~c1m, :~:~~:::::: : 6 spectators from helping and the way and was now four minutes ; l~l ~~;~1~dF~~~=~~~~~:~! ::;~. ;~s ~~~~~~i~~ti~:rg~;0~~ ~ ~~i~~~o~Gf~> !~:;:::~!!: 3 ~:ie ~~t;a:1t;;~J t~e; fi~~~t;i :te:i:it:e!7th :n~.\~~ ~o~~ ! 1m ~~f~!:~~r!~~~~mm~r~i~~~:~~ ~:z mt:!bii~:~te:~-RA ~ mm~:m :~LI !Ui::m: :. = lO sixth. Then, on the next stage, other two minutes going through ~o l ~~ l :~;!n P~;~:~{7;~!~:dw~~~:er ~110 ~~~!r~b~!;r:~~ ~;; ~ :~~~~ig l :L ~~: t~~: ~;:: .. -the engine caught fire, the car was stage 14 in the rain and mud, his t~ ml :~b~~~~~o;~ii~=~~;:; HacNeall :?us ~~~~~~i=~te~~n~!~ ~:~lution ~ :i~~:~um~ (J) ~~: ~1:: ~1:: .. -taken to service where there was competitors having gone through 17 ( 12) Wayne Bell/ lain Stewart AUS Hyundai Coupo Kit Car A HRS009 ( NSW ,AUS I 5h. 23m . 36s · •• -h f d h b r h d h 23 (23) Ferran Font/Joan Sureda AND SEAT Ibiza Kit Car A C5002 (AND) 5h.52m.54s.•• -yet anot er ire an at t is point e10re t e OWnpOUr. Jae mOOn 24 (39) Andy Yachmoon/lchwan Habib Nasutlon RI Timor S515i M B515AY (RI) 6h.08m.06s.•• -Indonesia again defeated McRae still held sixth, Timor were in line as the car was retired. Not to be for one championship point and in left out, on stage 13 Makinen no- Group N Konishi was up to fourth, ticed his water temperature rising behind Miyoshi and Singh's Proton alarmingly, found the cooling fan was over seven minutes in the lead. had come loose and had cut into Leg 3 - Sainz cruised to the fin-the radiator. They tried to ish, driving on a flat for the last struggle through stage 14 but sur- eight kms. The event started in very rendered in the middle of the muddy conditions, in fact, stage 18 stage. was delayed wh:ile conditions were With two stages of leg 2 to go, checked. Several teams asked for Kankkunen was nine seconds the stage to be. deleted but it im-Richard Burns and Robert Reid hustle their way to fourth overall in their Mitsubishi Garisma GT. Karamjit Singh and Allen Oh took their Proton to the Group N victory in Indonesia and were sixth overall as well. Dusty Times w pt on e r • • wide teflon coated piston wear band for with big tubes so that it does not drop_into large ports. "'" • sealed piston for low speed control a~ n external bypass. • high temperature stainless steel allo~ • unique rod end design and material'lo · d ands from breaking. • high temperature Viton seals and ~ , I • large aluminum reservoir for inc!},!Ss. e ~!i:>,lion (2X) and weight savyigs.~ • 1" shafts are micro-polished t~ a"injrror -6rt e finish of a 3-5 RMS. ; • stainless steel teflon lined sQ}l~ri_ral bea · L!s ith 1/2" or 5/8" ID spacers(,/ • shoe~ are all own {t;1e,,w7iith n'o Ia tools to purchase. J... 1 . ·/ --/,{_. ·w • ~j :l!'I • arae., /4'~ub:S ,, high flow (weld on kits a{';lable s~parate). ,--., ,!'1· A , / 9 ' ' • T~e locations can be placed to order or weldecl on by the customer. " •'°'Valvi he piston for smooth damplng'transitions . .,, • Check val~ maclii m 4140 and heat tre~ted 17-4 stainless for long durability. • far~ ODt heck' valve spri_ng designed Jith low opeptting stress levels. • /'plggyb ck" style reservoir mounting,Jor the rear of bu ies and trucks. ; # ~ ff ~:i'f-. 1Jtt')0 I ;Mi FM§! ,t§ ii P:1 ,HAI· / 1 Custom wound springs for 3" shocks in stcfck. Eibach s We do custom shock work and vehicle set up. ._ Custom de~igned and mfg. shocks & parts available ( airs , pistons etc.). Desi ned and manufactured b the same erson that d cks. December 1997 Page 19
28TH ANNUAL GOLD COAST SNORE 250 Ron Brant Takes 28th Annual By John B. Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Ron Brant had a trouble free run at the SNORE 250, took home all the marbles with a first in Class 1, first overall and a lot of prestige. It was 28 years ago that the Southern Nevada Off Road En-thusiasts held their first SNORE 250 and the rest is history. The club is still going strong after all these years and this reporter has seen second generation racers ar-rive on the scene with third gen-eration on the way. I can still see a six year old girl handing out tro-phies at the Sheriff's Posse hall on a Sunday morning, watching her grow into a lovely young lady who lives and dies off road racing and has become- one of the'mosf ag-gressive drivers out on the course. The passage of years has seen many people and events come and go but the SNORE 250 goes on and on, many of the people have changed over the years but the newer ones are just as friendly and helpful and wonderful as those they replaced. Just think of Ken Freeman, his son, Kenny Free-man, Jr. and his son, Bryan Free-man, all racing along with Bekki and Day Gang. God, what a group, but they're not unique, SNORE is full-of people and fami-:' lies like that and that's what makes it all so rewarding. Enough nostalgia. The 1997 edition of the SNORE 250 took place just south of Jean, Nevada and was run in honor of Jean Calvin, the founder and guru of this paper you are reading and it was a very success-ful event, run in perfect weather and all the chicks came home to roost uninjured. The SNORE 250 has been sponsored for many years by Michael Gaughan and the· Gold.Coast Hotel and once again the sponsorship of the race came under their wing and they did their usual bang-up job, provid-ing the Gold Coast parking lot for contingency arid tech and then hosting the awards breakfast Sun-day morning at the Gold Coast. There is no way any of us can ever give enough thanks to Michael Gaughan for his magnificent par-ticipation. Ron Brant came up from Tor-rance, CA to try his luck and he was lucky indeed, running an ab-solutely trouble free race and smoking the entire field with a great run of 4:28:35 for the four laps and won quite a bit of money as well. Ron was the first car to leave and he led the entire race and was the Class 1 winner and Earl West didn't let any grass grow under his feet, took the Class 9 lead on the the overall winner too! Congrats ;:=.==:;:;:;=================·=:;;::;;=====·=· :::;-; Ron, keep on rf¼-Cin'! Mark Bunderson and Jim Price leaped into the Class 10 lead early in the race and they remained the leader, taking the checkers with 20 minutes in hand. Jeff Carr took the 112-1600 lead on the first lap at the SNORE Z50, and ran away with the first place positioo, 17 minutes ahead of his competition. Tommy Bradley, John Gaugh-one flat and they ran in second an and Todd Burt (who was a late spot and that's where they fin-starter) all went off the line in ished, second in Class 10 . . Class 1 with lots of horsepower Jim Price and Mark Bunder-but all fell to myriad problems, son were sixth to leave and they Burt getting in three laps before immediately jumped into the retiring while John Gaughan only lead on time and there they re-got in one real fast lap before go-mained, splitting the driving ing on the trailer and Tommy Bra-chores and running trouble free dley had serious breakage in the for a great Class 10 win and a rear and never got one lap in. second overall to boot! Meanwhile, Richard Boyle ran Casey.Jones and Tom Sturgis four fairly fast laps and took the were seventh and eighth off the silver medal in Class 1, overcom-line bu.t Casey only managed ing power steering problems and two laps and Tom never com-c.v. problems in his Mirage and pleted one lap. Dan Bently and was fourth overall as well. Bob Matthews were next and Class 10 had all the fixin's of they had a trouble free race, a_ real battle but they soon took over third in Class 10 on sorted themselves out and ran lap 3 and in third they finished, their individual races. Robbie eight minutes out of the place Goerke and Clay Flippin were position. the first two cars off the line; Adam Daffner never made a Robbie ran two good laps · and lap but BJ Baldwin, JB Meeker retired while Clay had two very and Robbie Woolworth ran well, long laps before heading for the suffered battery failure on the trailer. JC Dean and Kenny third lap and ended up fourth in . Flippin, Jr. were the next to go Class 10. Steve Thompson was : and JC had two mediocre laps last Class 10 to go, Steve got in :; and pulled· out and Kenny had two good laps and retired from the ' one ho"rrendously long lap and fray. . exited for home. Kent Lothring- Class 1/2-1600 was the next er/Gene Griepentrog were next class to leave and the ever ef-off anct,they had a,•good d-ay, just fervescent Day Gang was first to · · · === · go, Day turning a great 1: 19 on . th:e,:fir~t lap for a strong second in class but the engine went on lap ,2 and that's the partial end ' of h'.er birthday race story: stay tuned. Jay Shain. and Bryan Freeman were the next two cars · .. ro Jel;lve arn;twhile Jay never fin-ished lap !;'seventeen year old Bryan charged around the course for his four _laps and took the bronze medal, just three : minutes away from ·the silver. Bekki Freeman and her brother Kenny Jr. were the next two cars away and this gets good. Bekki lost the torsion adjuster and a lot of time on the first lap and when out on the second lap Barry Slatter, wife Pam and son Scott all did their part in the Mini Metal win at the SNORE 250, just a few minor problems causing them grief. DennisWesseldinetookthe5-1600"/eadonthelastlapandgothisfirstvictorywith, saw her niece, Day, at Butch a five minute cushion as well. Deans pit waving her on. Bekki, Page 20 December 1997 Dusty Times
Malcolm Bryce lost a wheel near the end but still finished second in Amanda Dixon had some shifter problems at the SNORE 250, but Richard Boyle had power steering troubles and cv problems too, but Class 112-1600 17 minutes in arrears at the finish. she carried on and took second in Class 9, a fine finish. he managed a nice second place finish in Class 1. Dan Bentley and Bob Matthews took their keen looking Class 10 toa Bryan Freeman had a trouble free run, taking third in 1/2-1600just a Bryant Sprague won the bronze medal in Class 9, overcoming oil nice third place finish at the SNORE 250. few minutes out of second after a tiring race. problems and top end power loss, still just a few minutes out of second. ever the forward thinking driver done, true love always finds a Jeremy ran two good laps and a cushion, no problems but a bro- power loss, little suspension and that she is, realized that Day's way. Kenny, meanwhile, flipped disastrous third where he left the ken exhaust. Jeff wanted to no brakes on the last lap. car had broken, so she turned the car on the third lap costing field, Chris had two mediocre laps thank Webb Weld and Keith Class 9 was the next class up back to the pit (off the course, him some twenty minutes and and called it a day. Brian Steele Underwood for their help. and a good lineup it was and of course) and put Day into her he ended up fourth in class, and Jeff Carr were next to go Robby Guevara and Malcolm with only three laps to race it car, being it was her birthday, some fifteen minutes behind his and Brian never made a lap . Bryce were the next two cars should have been a real shoot-so Day got to finish the race in son. while Jeff took the class lead on and while Robby had major out. Dan Ferrell and Joel Davis Bekki's car while Bekki cheered Jeremy Gubler and Chris lap 1 and there he remained,. shifting problems and never were the first two cars away and her from the sidelines. Well Hansen were off next and while taking the win with a 17 minute completed a lap, Malcolm went while Dan had some major prob-------WE CARRY AURORA, PYROTECT, PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, SIMPSON J.T. INDUSTRIES, SWAY*A*WAY WRIGHT PLACE, SACO, EARLS YOKOHAMA, SUPER TRAPP, AUTO FAB SWEPCO, BEL-RAY, TANAKA, S&S BUG PACK, CHENOWTH, UMP BELL HELMETS, KEP, FODDRIL . UNI-FILTER, K&N, TRI-MIL, PIAA PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, SCAT COMP-U-FIRE, WEBER CARBS SAND TIRES & RIMS, BOGART WHEELS CNC, ULTRA WHEELS, SIMPSON CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEELS MECHANIX WEAR, WCM, FUEL SAFE "WE ARE NOW A DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS" CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 Page 22 WE CAN SHIP UPS TO YOUR DOOR -····i -c~~~ ••• 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702}871-5221 FAX December 1997 chasing the class leader but lems on the lap, he settled in never did catch him, ending up and ran well from there on and in second place after losing his finished fourth in class and Joel left front wheel on the last lap. had his problems on the second And, many thanks to Robby G lap and finished in fifth place. for the stickers that graced ev-The next were Ryan Schank ery car. Thanks a mil. and Tony Leonard. Ryan set fast Jeff Shiroky and Andy Ander-lap on lap 1 but was never seen son were the last two in class-; aga1n and Tony never completed Andy not finishing lap 1 but Jeff lap 1. ran four close to identical laps Earl West and Amanda Dixon and finished fifth in 1/2-1600 left next and these two finished for a good run in spite of severe in the same order, Earl winning John McCormick won the Sportsman Buggy Class in his great looking car, leading all the way at the SNORE 250 at Jean, NV. Gene Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer ran hard all day, had some problems and ended up second in Class 10. Dusty Times
¼;.-< .. . ~·, Wallace Hrdlicka was second in Sportsman Buggy, chasing the lead Dee Val Towles had some problems before the start but ran hard and all day but finishing with a 12 minute deficit. took the silver medal in 5-1600, six minutes in arrears. Bekki Freeman had her problems a long first lap but then handed the car to niece Day Gang who celebrated her birthday with a finish in Bekki's car. Class 9 with a comfortable mar- 250 went into the record books, Gold Coast Hotel, a fantastic gin and Amanda who had some most having a good time and breakfast for all and the trophies shifter problems finished a great some being rather down because and money were dispensed with second in class. of their problems and finishing lots oflaughter, some solemnity Tom Brown and John Poling positions. and a few tears from your re-left in that order and finished The awards were held Sunday porter. A personal thanks from in the reverse order, each com-morning at the ever benevolent Jean and I to all of the SNORE folk for the 28 years of friend-ship and love you have given us. We will say an unofficial good-bye here to Joe Ross and his wife Roxanne as they head north to Montana at months end. We will all miss them ter-ribly. All to you on your new venture. SNORE's next race is the Buffalo Bill's Vegas 400 on De-cember 5 thru 7 at Primm, Ne-vada. See ya ther.e! pleting two laps and winding up seventh and eighth in class. Bryant Sprague w~s the ninth car to start in Class 9, ran two laps and Jed McMillan finished the last lap and after a few prob-lems they finished third, just a few minutes out of second. Ron Reed left next, got in two laps GERMAN AUTO but failed to finish. Matt Cunningham and Todd Dukes were the last two cars in Class 9 and both only got in one lap , ending up ninth and tenth in class. Mini Metal saw Barry Slatter cruisin' to the win after some shock problems and battery troubles too. Son Scott rode lap two with dad and mom Pam had the last lap honors, all having a great time. Class 5-1600 was next to start and three of them had a pretty good fight. Dennis Wesseldine was first off and although he ran second for the first two laps, Dennis turned up the wick on lap 3, set fast lap for the class and took the gold medal, with the rear shocks going away fast. This was Dennis' first win and we were happy to record it. Congrats Dennis! Mike Bean and Mike Dunn were next off, Bean getting in two laps and retiring, Dunn, meanwhile had a real fun day, water in his fuel, lost his brakes and got stuck, but, in spite of it all finished third and was glad to be there. Mike Powada started next but never completed a lap. Last, but not least to start was Dee Val Towles who started late due to seat belt problems, lost the brakes somewhere along the way but still finished second in 5-1600, the first race he hasn't won this year. Go Dee! Sport Buggies were next up and Andre Gremm and Thomas Reck were the first two cars to leave, Reck suffering a terribly long second lap and retiring from the fray while Andre had a long first lap, settled in and continued on for a third in class .. John McCormick left next, then Wallace Hrdlicka, John leaping · into the class lead and Wallace giving chase. John had only one flat, changed passengers twice and went on for the class win in 4:36:23-Wallace finished in sec-ond spot, about 12 minutes be-hind.-Sport Trucks were next, but it was rather anti-climatic as neither Bob Ryan or Tom Dunn DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. • 4-pointsandrai/seatbelt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2'-5poin.tmount . ....... . $79.95 3' -5 po!nt mount ......... $99.95 • SIDE COVERS IRS ............ ..... .... $54.95 Swing axle ............... $54.95 KENNEDY· PRESSURE PLATES 200mm."1700# ..... . ...... $79.95 200mm-up to 3000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES RACING 200mm 1700#-2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks . ............ . . $39.95 4 puc /erramic .... ., ... · ... $44.95 4 puc lerramic with spring hub ..... . ..... ...... .. ... .... .... $54.95 SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 11/, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops ..... ........ ... . . $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930orT-4cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2/langes .ea $15.95 Trick boots {specify) . . . . ea $15.95 930 CV star ................... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS B' travel-stockwldth . . . . $199.95 B' travel-widenedbeam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width . . . . $224.95 10• travel-widene·d beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-111/, 'chrome . . . ...... $ 98.95 T-11'/,'raw ..... . . .•... $ 65.95 T·115l8'chrome ..... , .. $105.95 T-115/8' raw . . ......... $ 72.95 T-4 chrome .. · ........... $189.95 T-4raw . ............... ·.$154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS ... . $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS ...... ........ $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG . PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, Includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ ................. . . $489.95 MK/I ......•.•.. •...... $589.95 I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ....... . $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The touflhest available anywhere, alloy gears, lull contact housing, hard anodlad. Standard railt. and pinion ·. $269.95 Mount plate ......... · ... $ 9.9·5 Coupler ... ~ ..... : ...... $ 8 .. 95 Racksteerl~'gstops . . .... $ 19.95 · VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 rn•tonger . ......... pr.$474.00 21/, • longer .......... pr. $499.00 4 • longer-coil over style pr. $54 9. 00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods w/ends. /specify Ford or International) set ... ......... .............. . $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3' X 3• ................ $435,QQ /.2 1600, 5-1600 . . . ....... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 · completed a lap. So, the 28th annual SNORE .11324 Norwalk Blvd. santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 31.0-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 Dusty Times December 1997 Page 23
SCCA MICHELIN OJIBWE FORESTS PRO RALLY Back In Form Again • Choiniere and Buffum score 1·2 Finish By Paula Gibeault Photos: RC Imagery & Jerry Winker Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker are back in the saddle, first in Open, first overall and back in the championship lead in the Hyundai Tiburon. One of the most enjoyable as-pects of running SCCA's Miche-lin PRO Rally Championship is savoring what is known as "local color" in some very remote cor-ners of our country. This thought crossed my mind as I hitched up mv driving suit so I could clam-ber up int~ the open palm of a two story high P3ul Bunyan for a photo. This startling statue is the pride and joy of the little town of Akeley, Minnesota, and our ser-vice crew was parked r'ight in front of it. Running the Ojibwe Forests PRO Rally, August 22-23, gives one a taste of all that Minnesota's North Woods have to offer: ten thousand lakes (no exaggeration), Paul Bunyan curios, many huge trees and just as many huge mos-quitoes. And of course, some of the most enjoyable roads in the series - although the heavy sand can become deeply rutted in the corners, the roads have a nice flowing quality to them and the trees tend to behave themselves and stay out of reach unless you really try to find" one. I had welcomed the chance to co-drive for Dave White in his Group 2 Class VW GTI. One rea-son is that Ojibwe is "The Friendly Rally" to me, with enthu-Bryan Pepp and Dean Rushford poured on the secret sauce and a lot of speed to win Production GT in the Eagle Talon. siastic workers that seem to enjoy their event as much as the rallyists. The schedule is demanding, though, with very tight transits and a lot of stages over two days The first night alone the service crews must move to three different towns, inrb :ling Akelev Whe~ we puiled into the first service break and found our crew chief, Guy Light, had parked next to Big Paul, I had one of those re-assuring revelations - this man runs a tight ship. Reading magazines in lawn chairs had been the primary activity of the afternoon while wait-ing for the start; the tidy little Volkswagen sat fully ready to go. Dave's goal for the event was to fin-ish sixth or better overall and earn Seed One. Guy was a firm taskmas-ter, giving Dave strict orders to push hard on the first stages, and not sacrifice any time "warming up." Good advice, for it looked like Ojibwe was following the pattern of other events this year with a strong Open Class entry. There were no less than five potential overall winners, so we knew there would have to be a lot of attrition for us to reach our goal in a Group 2 car. Like the Susquehannock Trail event in June, John Buffum was there "as insurance," running the Hyundai Elantra that won the championship last year and hoping John Buffum and Neil Wilson are very determined rallyists, winning 1 ~ of 19 stages in the Hyundai Elantra, second in Open, second overall. to help boot teammate Paul Choiniere back into the points lead. This has been the toughest year in recent history for Paul-a DNF, an off, and a rollover are almost un-heard of for the five time overall champion, and he has had all three this ·season. His new Tiburon has had minor teething problems, but the real reason seems to be the re-lentless pressure from the other drivers in his class, all gunning for the king of the hill. Their cars have · improved, their times are competi-tive, and reinforcements keep ar-riving in the form of fast new teams! Even with "JB" backing him up, Paul had no room for error, and had to run clean to reclaim his lead. Points leader Henry Joy, with co-driver Michael Fennell, has achieved his goal of staying within a minute of Paul's times to keep the pressure on and it has paid off - last year a brilliant last stage effort gave him the win at Ojibwe. At first we were surprised to see Henry at all, for his wife Robbie was due to have their second baby. A chartered plane ready to whisk him home and a cell phone in his Mitsubishi Lancer explained his presence -now, that's determination! The other nemesis for the Libra Racing Hyundais was, of course, Carl Merrill, who can always be counted on to charge hard and to up the ante with new equipment for his 400 hp Ford Escort Cosworth. Demonstrating this drive and com-mitment, he is also leading the Ca-nadian championship. The newest threat in Open Class, tha-nks to sponsorship from Castro!, is the Audi Quattro of Canadians Frank and Dan Sprongl, who have already won two events this year in our se-ries. After three stages we hit Park Rapids, our second service stop. Guy thrust his head in my window and demanded, "Are you making him go fast? Can you tell if he is pushing TOO hard?" I laughingly assured him that David was follow-ing his orders to a tee, and since the car seemed to need no· atten-tion, I trotted next door to see what was happening. Carl Merrill had been right on John Buffum's tail, and was only 21 seconds behind him. But WeeGee Smith, his crew chief, was the picture of conster-nation, sitting in the driver's seat running through every diagnostic he could think of. The new ECU had simply quit, and as anyone knows, when the computer dies, you're out of luck. The mood in the Libra Racing camp seemed bright, and I got a chance to ask JB's co-driver and old racing partner from England, Neil Wilson, how he liked the event. He was enjoying himself and finding the simple route book a pleasant change from the last minute course plotting he must do on the Euro-pean vintage car rallies he has been running. A look through the classes showed Henry and Frank one sec-ond apart, about half a minute be-hind Paul. Four Production GT cars were lying within a minute of each other, and we had a nice 49 second lead over the other four Group 2 cars, also running in a tight clump. I was suspicious that Bill Malik, usu-ally so fast in our class, was having problems in his speedy Volvo 240, but he told me "All I need to be doing is staying ahead of the other class points leaders." Little did ·1 know my innocent inquiries were lighting a fire .... By the eighth and final stage of the first night, we were ready for a break, though we had had no prob-lems whatsoever. Not everyone was so lucky - Steve Gingras's debut in his new Production GT Eagle Talon, proudly sporting the logos of his sponsor Act II Popcorn, was cut short by a broken fuel line. We learned that all the flurry around the Cal Landau/Eric Marcus Mit-subishi Eclipse at the final service was a lengthy alternator change that plunged them from the Pro-duction GT class lead to 20th place, 12 minutes behind. They were not dead last, how-ever, as that honor was held by the Krolikowskis, whose Dodge Shadow had lost the bolts from the Newcomers Richard Losee and Kent Livingston show lots of promise, A tight battle in Production GT resulted in 2nd in class, 6th overall for taking their VW GT/ to a great 2nd in Group 2, 8th overall all in their The Mitsubishi Eclipse of Cal Landau and Eric Marcus suffered the Mitsubishi Eclipse of Chris Cyzio and Eric Carlson. first season. alternator failure that dropped them to 3rd place in Production GT. Page 24 December 1997 Dusty Times
Bryan Hourt and Jay Kowalik fought hard for the win in Production Henry Joy and Michael Fennell corner their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Henry and Cindy Krolikowski lost time with wayward turbo bolts but Class, but eventually had to settle for second spot. II hard to gain 3rd in Open, 3rd overall . recovered enough to take 2nd in Group 5 in the Dodge Shadow. turbo wastegate. Cindy explained shop offered to fix it and then didn't aging the steering beyond repair. stages. I asked what he was do-Dave had really set some good to me that they had managed to fish charge them a dime, feeling bad Points leaders Pete Lahm and ing, and he happily claimed to be times and was completely com-around wearing fireproof stuff and that they had driven all the way Jimmy Brandt liad gone off on the "using secret sauce.' When fortable with the roads. Still, we find some of them, but lost 15 min- from Oklahoma only to break! The same comer we had nearly tangled pressed he admitted he was just could not catch the teams ahead utes. Their class, Group 5, had been fix had not lasted, unfortunately, with. Though they missed the trying different driving tech-and decided that a clean finish dominated all night by Sam Bryan but Ken and Doc were feeling stump, it was a long time before one niques -but he wouldn't let on and Group 2 win was quite satis-and Rob Walden's factory sup- pretty good about the.typical local 0£ the divisional cars back in the what they were until he made it factory. ported Saab 900 Turbo, which was hospitality. . pack stopped to pµll them out, even to the finish and was sure they. The final transit back after the running a strong fifth overall. The As we set out, we· noted the chough Jimmy claimed they were worked! In fact, they did work, last stage suddenly turned very other Group 5 threat; Bruce morning cloud cover that had waving a fistful of mon'ey! (The lo-and he eventually won Produc-foggy, and everyone felt their way Newey's Toyota Celica, lost six rained earlier was clearing, and we cal_ dnver who helped them, ~ric tion GT, but I never did catch up back to the headquarte_rs at half minutes changing a flat on a tran- might again have ideal conditions Schroeder, didn't accept the cash). with him to find out his secrets, • speed. To·no one's great surprise, sit, had no fourth gear and clutch for this ·event - moist (read "dust This tum,of events caus"ed· an Alas, Sam Bryan's perfect run, .JB had had a -"mysterious prob-problems, and had hit a porcupine. free") but not muddy roads. The imrtiedi11~e.p6\y~0~.wit~ the boss, eight minute class lead, ancl_ fifth lem" on the last stage which had "However, other than that," Bruce fields alongside the highway were a Guy .Light, ~ho had,·~en;Ju~~tng, •.. oy~.ral,l. evapor'ated when -heat -Sidelined him just long enough for told us cheerfully, "we'rejust crank- startling bright green, edged by the over· the car tryirigto find things to lr6m a leaking ~xhaust m;mifold Paul to slip by into first place. It ing along!" miles of darker forest. The first two fix. Should ·we push hard for the - damaged the alternator. The al: was a perfect and perfectly con-Even Paul Choiniere, less than a stages of the day were our favorites, coveted sixth place finish, and risk ternator was replaced at service trolled run for the old master at minute out of first place, had had fast and honest and harder packed, our Group 2 lead? Richard Losee but the whole process repeated the game. Paul had also driven a his share of troubles - an exhaust a great shakedown. While waiting and Kent Livingston, a very fast pair · itself on the next stage - and the · flawless rally once again, and had leak into the car, two flat tires on for a stage start I got a chance to of newcomers, were only a minute team was out of alternators. Bruce to feel pretty good about rhe one-transits (though no time lost), and chat with the two teams that had and a half behind, less than a tire Newey and Matt Chester inher- two Hyundai finish and regaining an odometer that had quit upon inherited the Production GT lead change back. No, it was better to ited the Group 5 lead for good, the points lead over Henry. In a leaving the start line and looked and were now duking it out - the continue right where we were and and the championship points lead · nice speech at the awards he re-like a terminal case. The Sprongls Chris Cyzio/Eric Carlson Eclipse, hope attrition might move us up as well. In Production Class, Al vealed that Jeff Becker had only were finding the gearing in their 'and the Eagle Talon of Bryan Pepp . from our eighth overall spot. Kaumeh~iwa (known for obvious been late on one call, in ~rite of transmission far too tall for the and Dean Rushford. They were So much of successful rallying reasons just as "K") and Craig no odometer for the ent>e two tighter roads, and were losing time. separated by four seconds at the is strategy, and as we looked at the Sobczak looked like they were fi-days of rallying - an amazing per-Henry Joy, in third a minute behind start of the day, and were both en-Open Class standings before we nally establishing a solid lead, in formance that all of the co-driv-Paul, was running (ine but sheep- joying being the leaders. Chris had set out again, we came to wonder their Dodge Neon, over the Hon- ers could really appreciate! i~hly admitted to being in the dog- won the Friday Divisional event run what the Libra Racing team was da Civic of Bryan Hou rt and Jay It was a pleasure to accept the house for waking up his little son concurrently with the National. up to. It was obvious that John Kowalik. unique handmade trophies that with yet another phone call home On the fifth stage of the day, our Buffum, who had won all but two A slight delay at the start of the are a special feature of this event. at one of the later service breaks. luck nearly changed, on a nasty stages so·far and held nearly a two next to last stage gave us a chance We congratulated the organizers, We counted ourselves lucky for blind cornerthat tightened around minute lead over Paul, was not to' extinguish all our lights and Bruce Weinman and Beryl Ann a clean run but began to wonder if a big mud puddle in the apex. playing the usual role of provid- enjoy the magical atmosphere of :\3urton, for again· making us feel the hatchet would fall the next day. About the tjme Dave decided to go. ing insurance for his teammate. the deep Northern woods at night welcome "in the land of Paul However, we also discovered that wide around the mud, he noticed Why was he pushing hard, with - and also note that with Sam's Bunyan and giving us a chance to Bill Malik had turned up the heat the huge stump we were drifting that margin? It occurred to us that demise we had now moved up to experience Minnesota's great and finished the night eight seconds toward on the outside of the cor-he might be trying a different seventh. In the last four stages scenery and fine roads. ahead of us! He smiled apologeti- ner, and corrected in time. All game, playing rabbit to tempt cally and explained he just needed credit given to Daves skill and his Henry and the Sprongls into a a bit more margin over the other cars responsiveness, this co-driver desperate push to catch him. The guysinclass.Wedidn'tbelievehim notedgratefullythatthestumpwas tactic had worked at STPR, for a minute and decided we had on HIS side, always good for speed- where Henry's brilliant first stage better respond to the challenge! ing up the driver's reflexes .... Then was followed by a crash. But The next morning the cars were three comers later we blasted past Heriry is truly showing maturity all put on display in a Pare Expose Bill Malik and Farina O'Sullivan, these days as a driver, and had at the (w!.lo else?) Paul Bunyan and it was obvious their rally was already decided to stick to his Mi1,ll in downtown Bemidji It was a over, and probably their champion- game plan of one minute behind pleasant two hours to bench race ship hopes as well. We heard later Paul, then wait and see. The and chat with interested locals, and they suspected a broken driveshaft. Sprongls continued to have minor catch up on stories from the night The dinner break in Park Rap- problems and had resigned them-before. One of the best was Ken ids followed this fateful stage and selves to fourth another minute Stewart and Doc Shrader's tale of Series Steward John McArthur back, so JB wasn't getting any tak-their Chevy S-10, which had cameovertoaskusifwehadputa ers. stripped a gear in their Stage 13 Hex on the other Group At the final service back in transmission's governor on the way 2 teams. Jerry Sweet and Stuart Akeley, Bryan Pepp had suddenly to the Friday morning press stage. Spark had gone off the road, their pulled nearly two minutes ahead The proprietor of a local tranny Saab 99 hitting a stump and dam-of his rival, Chris Cyzio, in four A letter perfect rally in the VW GT/ saw Dave White and Paula Gibeault nail first place in Group 2 and 7th overall as well. The brothers Sprong/, Frank and Dan were a bit over-geared in the Hard charging Sam Bryan and Rob Walden had Group 5 secured but Bill Malik and Farina O'Sullivan were the pace setters in Group 2, but Audi Quattro, but managed 4th in Open and 4th overall. alternator woes dictated a DNF in the Saab 900 Turbo. drivetrain problems put them out oi the rally. Dusty Times. December 1997 Page 25
GLEN HELEN SHORT COURSE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Round & of series Under Cloudy Skies By Ron Miller Sean McKenzie was the dominant 'truck at the Glen, winning both races and holding a pretty fair lead in the Class BS season points as well. · · . .· · · Round number six, of the eight Forgiv,e me for downshif ting thriHs and enjoyment that we de-rounds the 1997 folks, but I've been struck of late rive through racing, as well as all "Short Course Championship Se-by the yearlong rash of notables the wonderful friendships that we ries", hosted by the fine folks of who have passed away, Nothing hold so dear, are all treasures be-. Glen Helen raceway, was held on seems to·put our priorities in their stowed· upon us through God's September 14th. A pale shadow pr.oper prospective better than the most gracious gift of life. I ask that huQg over tl1.:: track all day, while passing of someone dear. From you readers please join me, for one almost everyone in attendance movie stars like Brian Keith and silent minute of reflection, bv set-kept one eye on the racing and Burgess Meredith, to those loved ting down your Dusty Time~ and the other eye on the ever -build-around the world like Princess giving thanks to our Lord for not ing band of rain clouds. The tern- Diana and Mother Theresa, and only how blessed we are, but also perature struggled to reach 80 de- even our own beloved editor Jean for the great comfort that we take grees, thanks in part to something Calvin, this year has carried a pro-in knowing that our dearly de-named "Linda" which was ex- longed sadness for all of us. The parted love ones live forever by pected to rock us like a hurricane eternal struggle of life itself, rep- his side. Thank you. about race time. The proclaimed resents a far greater challenge Back to the business of racing. "meteorological marvel" that than any course, class, or com-The first race of the day was for seemingly kept attendance down, petitor. And while these pages the A TV's. A total of 2 7 entrants scored only two sets of sprinkles report monthly on the epic battles took to the track, led by a pair of and a brief downpour in the early fought in the sport of off road rac- Pros. The remainder of the field heats, and a DNF in "The Main". ing, we must occasionally stop and was comprised of 15 participants The rainfall in San Bernardino admit that only in our race to from the Intermediate Class, and County was minimal and in the heaven is a DNF unacceptable. another ten from the Beginner Los Angeles County Fair. Let us never forget that all the Class. In the Pro Class, Eric PIKE'S SERV·tcE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS-! Mobil RESTAURANT ·SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND OPEN 24 HOURS THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 26 Cobb's determined run to defend his '96 Pro Class Champi-onship has finally landed him in the points lead. Cobb's pair of high-flying heat wins from Round 6, now finds him 29 points clear in his quest -to repeat as Glen Helen's top Pro ATV racer. An-other flawless performance by Cobb, meant that fellow Pro Pete Salassi was relegated to the run-ner-up spot again. There was ac-tion aplenty as usual in the Inter-mediate Class, as another full field slugged it out beneath threaten-ing skies: Charley Rennie, who has had more than his share of tough luck this season, put it all together on this day. Rennie sat just off series points leader Dave Anderson in the early going, be-fore forging his way into the lead and going on to the Heat One win. Anderson hung tough to take the second spot, with Chris Al-varado finishing in third. Richard Yakkey was next in fourth, fol-lowed by Douglas Peters in fifth. The remainder of the field in their order of finish were Scott Le Tour-neau, Chris Parro, Raul Perez, Bryan Yonan, Larry Hamilton, Joe Noon, Tony Cresci, Steve Mar-shall Mike Nishimoto and Ron D~cember 1997 Andy Anderson was the big winner in Short, Course 1/2-1600, seen here accelerating to the gold medal in both races. Holthaus. It was encore time for Rennie in the main, as he flashed past Yakkey who led until lap three, and powered his way to the Round 6 sweep. Yakkey held gamely for second to also gamer the overall runner-up spot. Noon took third in the heat, ahead of Parro who was fourth. Holthaus grabbed the fifth spot by outfinishing Anderson, while Hamilton completed the results of heat number two's top seven fin-·ishers. In overall scoring, taking • third back of Rennie and Y akkey was Anderson, followed by Parro (4th), Alvarado '(5th), Noon (6th), and LeTourneau (7th). Continuing the day's pattern of "sweeps" &, Steve Cobb fash-ioned a pair of victories in the Beginner Class. Rob Baumsteiger, ·who now holds a 25 point lead in the series, finished up second ·· back of Cobb in the opener. Chris Pletcher was third, with Richard DeHojos fourth, and Tony Okada fifth. In Heat Two-, it was Pletcher who finished nearest to Cobb, and that result was also the day's over-all finish. Heath Clegg nipped Baumsteiger for third in the main, but the latter was still third over-all. Okada, who was fifth in heat placed fourth overall, while De-Hojos placed fifth on the day. The remaining sixth through tenth po-sitions overall went to Cindy Gib-son, G. Miramontes, Bert Hilliard, Clegg, and Nathan Alvarado, re-spectively. Race number two on the day was for the Superlites, Pilot, and Odyssey Classes. A strong field of eight Superlites faced the starter, and it was Bob Briggs who won the holeshot. Briggs quickly opened up a sizeable lead, and never was threatened while scoring an ultra-impressive win in the opener. Pe-ter Kujundzich placed second, ahead of Stanley Bennett who t09k third. They were followed by Matt Scaroni in fourth, Kenny Kendall in fifth, and Ryan May who finished sixth. In Heat Twb, · Briggs again grabl--ed the lead, with Kendall in hot pursuit. Late in the heat though, the early lead-ers ran into trouble :md suddenly Kujundzich inherited the lead. An opportunistic "Peter K" took 'em the rest of the way to score the victories in both the heat and overall. The second through fourth place finishers were iden-tical in heat and overall, with Kendall second, Scaroni third, Charley Rennie, shown here before the mud bath took both races at the Glen, and he's only 4 points out of third place for the season. Eric Cobb added two more wins to his account and hot-dogs for the camera during the ATV-Pro rate. Dusty Times
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to set up his run to a second straight title. With only Rounds 7 and 8 remaining at press-time, Errea and one point are all that stand in his way. It was no sur-prise to see the familiar blue blur of number "5" racing to another uncontested win in the Super 1600 Class. What was surprising was that it was Gary Gall, and not his son Chad, who was out there torching the track. Dad took mat-ters into his own capable hands on this occasion, but the younger Gall is still sporting a 101 point lead over his mentor and nearest foe .. Matt Sweeney won both races at the Glen in the Rally Class, and is 1 point out of Raul Flores flew the Toyota to a first in both races, the season points victory already first in season points. in hand. The final race on this abbrevi-ated day, was for all the truck classes. Only a field of eight took part, mostly due to the conspicu-ous absence of any Class 7S en-tries. One 7, two 8s, two Stock Mini 2WDs, and three 8S's made up the field. Raul Flores, the only Class 7 again, must strike more fear into people than an IRS Au-ditor. With the season series nearly completed, the easygoing Flores still has yet to face a single competitor in his class, oh well. There was a good battle in the Stock Mini 2WD Class, as Tim Casey and "Wild Bill" Barnes staged their own little match race. These two put on a spirited duel for those fans who weren't scared -off by the "Hurricane Linda" forecast. Casey and Barnes bumped, tangled, and banged bodies in both heats, with Casey taking Heat One and Barnes Heat Two. Along with his Round 6 win, Barnes looks like a lock for the "Class Championship". It clearly wasn't a great day for Class 8, although Todd Wittman did look good in scoring the opening heat win. Just after taking the checkered flag though, something went awry and Wittman never did make it back for Heat Two. The only other entrant in class was Scott Conaway, and he didn't fare much better. Conaway was able to start both heats, but he was unable to finish -------------------------Jeff Pearl was victorious in both races at the Glen and he has the Open Odyssey/ Superlite class sewed up. of several different classes and types of vehicles. There were four 1/2 1600 Short-Course vehicles, three Class 9s, two Class 5-1600s, two Rally Cars, and one Super 1600. There really wasn't much suspense in the 1/2 1600 Short-Course Class, once the field of four was dis-patched. Andy Anderson had little trouble separating himself from the remainder of his rivals. Anderson took the measure of his foes in both heats with relative ease. The always competitive number "5" has earned 120 points in this year's champion-ship series. Normally, that would be good enough to hold a three point lead in class over defending "Racer of the Year" Steve Bishop, except for one minor detail. And that is that those points are split into thirds between Anderson, Sean Ziegert, and Marshall Ziegert, who have each been behind the wheel. Credit Anderson though on this occasion, as he twice bested runner-up Bob Dziurawiec. Following "Big Bob" in each heat was third place finisher Rafael Navarro and Frank Rusich. In Class 9, Dan Mustoe came back strong after being forced to sit out Round 5. Mustoe's cheetah-spotted vehicle bolted like the family pet and May fourth. There was only one entrant in the Pilot Class, representeJ by the familiar red number "5X" that has been a mainstay at Glen Helen for quite some time. In the past, Denise Wittman has dominated the Pi-lot Class in "5X", and even her husband Todd has scored with the same vehicle. Now in keeping with family tradition it is Todd's mother Dee who is piloting the "win machine". Official credit goes to Dee Mcjunkin for the Round 6 win, as she clearly proved that rac-ing talent runs ii\ the family. There were a pair of Odyssey racers on hand for this event, and each went home a winner. Richard Stokes scored another uncontested win in the Stock Odyssey Class, while Jeff Pearl did the same in the Open Odyssey Class. Race number three was a mesh TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING Congratulations, First Overall at Laughlin, First Class 1 Mark Post Transaxle Engineering pays $200.00 contingency in most classes at all major off road races. We service all types of transmissions from Class 1 automatics to Class 9 swing axles. We ~lso provide in-house Magnaflux for ALL your race car parts. Please contact Transaxle Engineering for further information. Transaxle Engineering Jeff Field -Page 28 818-998-2739 9833 Deering Avenue -Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 December 1997 leaving the vet when the Class 9s left the line. Despite a good battle put up by second and third place finishers John Kelty and Arto Yli-kangas, Mustoe was able to sweep both heats. Their 1-2-3 finishes were the same in both heats and overall. In Class 5-1600 it looked for almost the entire day like Jef-frey Hantz was going to score yet another of the day's "sweeps". Hantz looked strong in racing to the Heat One win civer his main rival David Anckner. And for nearly the entire second heat, Hantz contin-ued to hold Anckner at bay. But it was all for naught, when Hantz slid off the course, and got hung up at the base of the "Wall of Fear". That allowed Anckner to snatch victory out of the mouth of defeat, and also put one more point between these two evenly matched competitors. After six rounds of their eight round bout Anckner holds a slim six-point lead over Hantz for the two top rac-ers in the Rally Class saw action this day. Steve· Errea seems to have his sights set on dethroning Matt Sweeney as Glen Helen's Rally Class Champion. Sweeney would have none of it though, on this occa-sion. He scored wins in both heats Richard Stokes scored a pair of wins at the Glen and has second place in series points locked up. Gary Gall just does his own thing which is usually winning and win he did, both races at the Glen in Super 1600. Dusty Times
Dan Mustoe won all the marbles at the Glen, taking Class 9 by storm In 5-1600, David Anckner took a second and a first: and holds a tiny Todd Whitman won the first race, but was unable to answer the bell for the 2nd race, problem unknown to us. and leads in the season points _le_ad_,_·n_se_a_so_n~po_ in_ts_. -----~-------either one. Thus the win was driver's seat in more ways than the second spot back of McKen- ahead and take this opportunity to awarded to Wittman. The terrific one. McKenzie has had a banner zie. In Heat Two and overall, it give thanks to those of you who trio of Class 8S stars that has season, and he turned in another was "Diamond Denise" who have allowed me to become a regu-thrilled fans all season long, had great performance this day, with placed runner-up. lar part of the off road racing scene. at it once again on this day. Sean a pair of easy front-running vie- Now if I guess correctly, this is-To all of you racers out there, from McKenzie, who has taken turns tories. "Big Mc" now enjoys a 29 sue of the "Dusty Times" should first place to last, and to all of you beating, and being beaten by, ri- point lead over Wittman in his make it's way to you folks about the fans and readers, from part-time to vals Dan Cannon and Denise quest for the 8S crown. In Heat time that the smell of turkey begins every time, THANK YOU. To my Wittman, is now clearly in the One, "Dynamite Dan" secured to fill the air. So I think I'll just go family and friends, and to the Cannon's, Bob Beyer and most of a:ll the Calvin's I REALLY CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. Happy holidays to all of you, and don't forget to be at Glen Helen on December 5th, 6th, and 7th, for the climax of the off road racing season. Bill Barnes flies the Ford Ranger to victory in race 2, after a 2nd place Richard Yakkey grabbed a fourth and a second at the Glen and is BobDziurawiecchasedthefirstplacecarin 1/2-1600SCin both races in race 1, and he holds a good lead in season points. second in season points in Intermediate ATV. but was only able to manage second both times. 11-!!11172 -25th Anniversary - 11!!11!!1117 ATTENTION! 5/16001s & Class 31s cAsHPA10Ar In the beginning,· Bajas /now ,,1/:'.:1,, flMIJfll!!4~K{( PRE~~~~:~0111 5/1600/ and Jeeps/Broncos Schedule•• NO PRE-RUNNING & NOAIRSUPPORT /now Class 3/ were prominent, 12 HOUR TIME LIMIT FRIDAY 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM .... CONTINGENCY/ VENDOR ROW prevalent and prestigious, REGISTRATION / TECH \ 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM .... BLOCK PARTY R O~ 1:30 PM ......................... DRIVERS' MEETING Poker un •e~ s:oo PM ......................... PosmoN PILL DRAW Sunday! 0ve;,\ SATURDAY 6:00 AM ......................... STAGING 7:00 AM (START) ......... FIRST CAR OFF THE PAVEMENT, DOWNTOWN PARKER VIA A (12 HOUR TIME LIMIT) GREEN (TRAFFIC) LIGHT 6:00 PM ......................... STEET PARTY 8:00 PM ........................ TROPHIES & AWARDS pRE-EIITER SUNDAY 10:00 AM ....................... POKER RUN WITH A 5:00 PM ......................... POKER RUN PAYOUT $ZS DEPOSl~H PRE-ENTER BY THANKSGIVING TO BE INCLUDED AIID BR/IIC :: OR IN PRINTEDPROGRAM· OR LATE FEES WILL APPLY. TO rH; ~":v1111cE FOtE:\<;:Ji'6':!~i~/4N-f~ f rls7J~N, PA>';., cHECI< -~■ifil:v:13 i'il ~13 ~~~ PARKER -ARIZ~~CA NOSTALGIC CAR SHOW Prizes, added purse plus bonus for: Fastest Lap Slowest Lap Longest Tow Best in Show Most Nostalgic Class 3 Most Nostalgic 5/1600 Sponsored by: Mile High Cellular, The Machine Shop, Bar S Machine, Southwest Landscape, Vigilante Offroad, Earthworks Landscape, Southwest Offroad News, and The Formsmith, Inc. If you'd like to be included as a sponsor of the "Big Buck Bonus," contact Mile High Cellu!ar Racing at (520) 636-4017 or Whiplash Motorsports at (602) 971 -3730. PRE-ENTER BY THANKSGIVING TO BE INCLUDED IN PRINTED PROGRAM OR LATE FEES WILL APPLY. Dusty Times December 1997 Page 29
Gorman Ridge Rally at the dinner break Peterson and Gutzmann were lying first in class with 45 seconds on Pisek and Rathsam. Chavez and Elkin were next trailing the Saab by nine sec-onds. Malik and O'Sullivan were just a half second behind, their Volvo working well. A minute and change further back was the VW Rabbit of Tony Tavares and George Tavares, followed by rookie rallyist but expe-rienced off road ·racer Fred Ronn and John Dillon in a Toyota Celica. Tom Bier and Ole Holter in Saab were sev-enth. Rod Koch and Nick Craig brought out the old VW 411 and were having fun getting back into the swing of things in eighth. By John Elkin Gorman has undergone immense amounts of change since its begin-ning. It has changed organizers sev-eral times, coefficient ratings, names and event headquarters locations. And while all these changes have been for the better or to necessitate changes in the growing area, some things never change. The challenge that Gorman unveils to teams is leg-endary. Even teams that have been coming here every year since the first · event in the mid-eighties are continu-ously learning new things about stages that, frankly, many of us have memo-rized. This year's event was what has become known as a "standard" Gorman, with one minor change. The final stage of the rally in years past, the Ridge Route, is now closed to us as the road has attained histori-cal status. This means that no speed events are now allowed on it. The first six stages would happen on the Gorman ORV Park, our two favor-ite stages, North fuundary and Power Line. A dinner break back at the headquarters hotel, and then on to tackle three more roads two times each for a total of 12 special stages. Rally organizers Harris Done, Donna Mitchell and Larry Scott, again, did an exceptional job in mak-ing "things happen", both on time and safety. The rally featured a feast of a barbecue at the end of the event to serve as our "dessert" to a wonderful day of sideways action in the dirt. But, before the meat and ketchup started flying, the dust did, in what was a battle royale between the fast and fu-rious. In Stock Class four cars started the rally, a pair of Toyota's taking on a VW Rabbit and a Dodge Omni. Jeff Bruett and David Beam jumped into the fray early in their Omni, swap-ping stage times and the lead with the VW of Dennis Chizma and Claire Shelton. Adrienne Scott and Patti Wagner in the first of the Toyota Corolla's stamped their name on third followed by Pete Morris and Eric Oyague. In stage five Bruett and Beam were chasing down the Rabbit which had stretched our a ten second lead, when they found themselves chasing one of their tires when a hub broke on the Omni. A less than anticipated end to a shorter than anticipated day. Chizma and Shelton were now a minute and change clear of the pair of Toyota's, but could not rest com-fortably at the dinner break when repairs had to be made to a broken rear suspension arm. In a flash of mechanical wizardry the repair was made and the pair continued, albeit a tad nervously: In the final stages it was an easy cruise for the VW crew. The old Rabbit came home a winner over Scott/Wagner in the Toyota Corolla, as the all female crew continues a steady run that nets points towards the championship. Morris/Oyague cruised in third place after a steady drive. Terry Stonecipher and Chrissy Bea:vis returned to the competitive aspects of rallying after helping make the Rim of the World such a success this year. Doug and Sue Robinson were back out in an immaculate· Mazda RX-7, and just to show that is not just a pretty car they took the lead in the first two stages with five sec-onds in hand over the Toyota Celica of Stonecipher/Beavis. On stage three the Robinsons encountered a nine minute loss of time due to fuel pump troubles, ruining what was looking to be a great run. Stonecipher, who is becoming an old pro at winning events, managed his car and times well to take the win. The Robinsons Valley Performance Custom Accessories Competitive Prices Now Available Barbary Coast Class 2 Two Seater $45,000 Call Dave or Lenny at 702-247-1266 Page 30 3636 Mead Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-247-1266 never let the time loss get them down and managed a second place finish in class. Two wheel drive open was thick with talent and impressive machin-ery. The usuals were out to battle again, Malik, Chavez, Peterson, and Pisek were all there, .along with Jardevall, Koch and a host of others. Varying degrees of rally experience combined with varying combinations of horsepower and drive configura-tions would make for an interesting day. Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzmann in their Plymouth Arrow wasted no time in proving that old age and treachery is still better than youth and skill any day, they nabbed a half sec-ond lead in stage one over Bill Malik and Farina O'Sullivan in their Volvo 240. Carl Jardevall and Ben Bradley were just ticks behind in a Volvo 740 Turbo with the Saab of George Pisek and Mark Rathsam, and the VW Golf Reynard of Tony Chavez and John Elkin right there with them. . In stage two Peterson lengthened his lead to 11 seconds, despite the car sounding just horrible and idle tem-peratures approaching 280 degrees. The car, however, worked fine at high revs, which was bad news for the rest of the field. Pisek really turned the wick up and moved into second. Chavez, despite a disastrous corner where the car nearly went over the edge, kept his composure and stayed in third. Malik missed a corner and lost nearly twenty seconds, dropping him to fourth. Jardevall, who was having some handling troubles with the new Volvo, spun once and dropped to fifth. It was a harbinger of things to come as Jardevall and · Bradley would become spectators af-ter stage five when the transmission broke. Through the end of the sixth stage Into the night stages, an uphill silty, twisty affair of a road that was at times fun and other times simply terroriz-ing. In short, a road custom built for Peterson. He and Gutzmann stomped the field by half a minute adding to an already comfy lead. Pisek held the bridesmaid spot as Malik edged past Chavez by one second. Heading into the next stage, the same as the first only more silty than the . last time. Peterson still held the fast time in class, beating Chavez by four seconds. Plsek was next another four seconds back, and Malik followed eight seconds after that. The final four stages were fast and flowing roads along the ridges that make up the Libre Mountain range. The roads were made for high horse-power cars and drivers with iron wills (and other body parts). This was were Malik and O'Sullivan knew they had the opportunity to catch up to the leader, and they took advantage swip-ing 18 seconds back on stage 9, an-other 12 on stage ten. On stage 11 Malik won the stage overall and gained another 31 seconds on Peter-son. The last stage saw Peterson cling-ing to a 32 second advantage facing a 12 mile stage. One would have to say that no driver would be safe from a charge by Malik on the tibre Moun-tain stage, and Malik did again win the stage, but just by 26 seconds, leav-ing Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzmann TllE BUMP STOPS HERE Stop t.he up-travel on your ~uspensi.on wit tJ this advanced bump stop system. 1'heso Stops con1e complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece and enough valving to get the job done. ECO~ICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 PER PAIR. jINCL,UbES M?UNTING HARDWARE AND THE GRADE 8 BOLTS) SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-520-427-3551 December 1997 OR CALL US DIRECT. 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 with another win, and a fine third overall finish. Pisek and Rathsam were sitting well in third place starting the final four stages, a determined Chavez and Elkin had gained some time back in stage eight, and charged hard in stage nine to regain third spot. The chase remained on through stages ten and eleven as the VW Reynard held a 40 second advantage. Midway through the final stage a drivetrain problem sidelined the Saab, cruelly taking away a good finish for the crew. Tony and George Tavares held on in the VW to grab fourth in class. Rod Koch and Nick Craig took fifth place just seconds ahead of the Saab of Tom Bier and Ole Holter. Fred Ronn and John Dillon had some indisposi-tion on the way to the finish but sal-vaged a seventh place. Four wheel drive open sported six starters, and five would finish the rally! As quick as you could say "fub's your Uncle!", Ron Wood and Kelly Walsh were off into a commanding lead in the Audi Coupe Quattro. They won the first seven stages of the rally and at the service break between stages seven and eight held a 37 sec-ond lead over Vartan Samuelian and Ara Manoukian in the Mitsubishi Eclipse. The eighth stage saw Vartan win the stage and gain 3 seconds on Wood. Samuelian would, in fact, win the next four stages setting up a tri-umphant comeback. At the final ser-vice halt in Lake Hughes a scary moment for Vartan and Ara as their service crew got lost and hence did not show until half way through the allotted time. Wood still held the lead by 16 seconds, but remarked how he would have to start pushing harder to retain the top spot. The final two stages were amazing to watch as at the end of Maxwell West the Eclipse was just five seconds behind the Audi. Like a predator nip-ping at the heels of his prey and work-ing its way up the leg there seemed no way to thwart the attack. Some-where the middle of the final stage on an imagined clock that really does not exist except in a driver's head, Vartan moved past Wood and claimed Gorman Ridge as his own. His first overall win would not be denied to him. It is becoming appar" ent that Samuelian and Manoukian are now a force in which to be deemed a threat from now on. John Brasil and Carlos Tavares came home a distant third place in class in an Audi 4000 after a well driven rally. Ben and Tony Mederios were in their Mazda 323GTX and made a fine fourth place finish out of a string of good stage times while the unwieldy mass of Chevy Blazer captained by fub Pendergrass and Jon W eigley brought up the rear of the field, but they always seem to be smiling when they finish, no matter where. Gorman is not what I would call an event favoring a full size Blazer. On Sunday morning the awards were handed out to the winners, the top three in each class. The bombout award to the first out of the rally was handed to Mark Timmerman and Mark Nelson who lost the water pump in their Mazda 323GTX. The award for the most family members in one rally went to the Tavares fam-ily, with three brothers running, and finishing! Oldest car went to Rod Koch with his vintage VW 411 Fast-back. And the oldest driver/co-driver combination went to Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzmann, proving once again that being old doesn't mean you have to act old. The Prescott Forest event in Oc-tober will be second time a CRS event will be featured on ESPN2. Dusty Times
Do You remember the ExciteMINT -of running 400 miles in the Nevada desert? ·SNORE presents the • ao Vegas 400 's a race to Benifit the Candlelighters Foundation December 5-7, 1997 - Primm, Nevada 5 - 80 mile laps $1500. 00 guaranteed minimum purse to the first place finishers in Class 1/2-Unlimited, Class 10, 1/2-1600, 5-Unlimited, Heavy Metal, and Mini Metal with a 10 car Minimum class! $1000.00 guaranteed minimum purse to the first place finisher in Class 9, 5-1600 with a 10 car minimum class! Friday, December 5 Saturday, December 6 Sunday, December 7 12:00 pm - Controlled Speed Fun Run. You must start 6:00 am - Signup, Tech., & Contingency Starts at Start I 11 :00 am -Awards Presentation · with the group! No other Finish 6:00 pm - Signup, Tech., & Contingency Starts at Buffalo 8:00 am - Manditory drivers meeting at Start/Finish Bill's in Primm, Nevada 9:00 am - Race Starts I 0:00 pm - Signup, Tech., & Contingency Closes at Buffalo Bill's in Primm, Nevada Be sure to mention SNORE when you call the Buffalo's Bills to make your room reservations to receive special room pricing! Call the SNORE hotline for additional information. 702-452-4522 DUSTYTIMD GOOD/YEAII =i'~~-[(DE,-J_yrg,fil -1~1.{l/JJ ~~ ~"f!: ~fJA.C(li • li,l',Alf!:! (i) .;S __ FGao ______ d_n_·r:fj ~ qstm TOTAL PERFORMANCE ~ ..., Tjj~K•◄c,;:i<' RM!Sl!I. ~ .......,
Steve McMullin and Tom Craig ran in and won the special class for most consistant lap times and won the class by over nine minutes. The M.O.R.E. Shocker 250 in Barstow only drew 13 cars Sep-tember 20th. The overall winner was Mike Danely and Lane Del-beck in their 1600 car, finishing the required 10 laps in a little over five hours. Class 10, 7S and Class 5-1600 were combined to run a six lap race, seeing who could tum in the most constant lap times and take the class win and they would run the last four laps to see how they would place overall. Steve Mc-Mullin and Tom Craig ran their Class 10 car the most constant, taking the class win, having shock problems and a flat en route. Kathy and Stacy Fay ran the 7S Ford Ranger X-tra cab to second NEW IN '97 ... from WELD RACING® TM MODULAR Specialty Racing Wheel • Mud Drags • Sand Drags • Truck Pullers · • 4x4 Trucks • Dune Buggies, Etc. • True 3-Piece Modular Design ... A Genuine Racing Wheel. • Super Strong ... Nobody Builds a Stronger Racing Wheel ! $//-2 Shown with Optional Double Bead-Loe™ • Super Light ... Lightest -Wheels Available! e Really Wide ... From 3 ½ " to -wide in 15", 16" and NOW 16.1" • Versatile Fitment ... 4 ,5,6 and 8 Lug -Back Spacings from 2" to 8". • Fast Service ... All Orders Built within. 5 Working Days. $//-28 Prices $22900 ~ . ~:1!~b~ect: each~,i~HJiJz-J }-800-488-9353 Dept. SR © 1997, Weld Wheel, Industries M.O.R.E. SHOCKER 250 Mike Danely Takes overall By Jimmy Messick Mike Danley and Lane De/bee~ hurry across the desert on their way to first in 1/2-1600 and the overall win as well. First in Class 9 once more was Darin McGuffin who finished a fast ten laps in five and a half hours. CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON Helmets SNELL 95, SA95 for SODA Complete blower systems for Single or double seat cars. Helmet conversions, Cool boxes, Complete line of PYROTECT, FILLER Safety Products & BELL MOTORSPORTS From $299.00 Helmet & Skirt Visa-Mastercard AT LEFT: Paul Smith and Tommy Massamini were the big winners in Sportsman class, running for mos; consistant lap times. in class. Chip Davis dropped on lap two for third in the combined class. , Another class that ran for most consitant laps was the Sportsman class, which had three entries. Jimmy Messick finished first, but Paul Smith and Tommy Massa-mini completed their six laps in the most consitant manner, hav-ing no problems en route. Jimmy Messick and Andrew Lindquist with Steve Haver and Rena Mes-si'ct!: (my mom) finished second in class,. g~ ting a flat tire on lap I and I took my mom for a great ride on the last lap, rolling the car two miles from the finish. Gotta thank the Pit Shop tranny that held up even with Andrew Lindquist's 1-1600 motor behind the 9 car, and my dad, M&T Racing for a great car. Bill Swisher ran his Class 11 in the Sportsman finishing third, over two hours back. Class 1600 had two start and two finish. They had a real close race until the last lap when Brad Inch broke a throttle cable, hav-ing no other problems and finish-ing nine minutes behind Danely who ran a great race averaging 41.7 mph. Class 9 once again had the big-gest crowd with five cars. Bobby and B.J. Procter ran hard the first four laps breaking the car on lap five and ending their day. Robbie Cockrell and Mike Depue were again running hard and steady, keeping a good pace with the leader, but their motor went south on lap 3. First in class was once again Darrin McGuffin who fin-ished the 10 laps in 5 1/2 hours. · Finishing almost 30 minutes back was Michael Rix who had some longer laps at the end, keeping them from the win. 933 Mulberry St., Kansas City, MO 64101 816/421-8040, Fax: 816/842-6747, Web Site: http:/ / , We ship UPS Daily The last finisher in class was Dan Fox with help from Ryan Shank who wasn't even expected to drive until the ·car came into the pits. The team had balljoint problems and had to deal with a ill handling car tm•·'.1rJ5 the end. :> 1 :-~ t!owden Ave.• San Diego• CA• 92117 • (619) _279-2509 Page 32 December 1997 Dusty Times·
IT'S HERE! OUR MISSION STATEMENT OFF ROAD RACING is a collection of Dedicated IndiYiduals and Companies banded together with the common goal to participate and compete in a sport that we all lo\'c. Competition. High AdYenture. Skill. and Courage are all commonplace. Our Sport oYer the years has earned a reputation for a place where only the ,·cry toughest dare compete and the name BAJA all O\'er the world is associated with one thing. THE BAJA 1000. Presently we are at a turning point and it is time for a new VISION to insure the continuing future by encouraging POSITIVE changes in rules, safet~·, • sanctioning bodies, 1u·omoters_and com1>etitors. We thus form an alliance of ALL people and companies linked together to proYide the needed collecti\'C leadership to insure a prosperous future. FROM THIS DAY FORWARD THE SPORT IS OURS, CARE FOR IT, PLAN FOR THE FUTURE. If Wt: Wt:~ Ae-Lt: iO iUl2-N it\£ C.LOC.!( e,,A.c.!( ON it\£ $1'012-i Of Off 12-0AD 12-AC-ING., A.ND Wt:~ A.e-Lt: iO Dl~l.i Ii$ G.12-0Wit\ fl2-0M t\lND"i>IG.t\i, it\t:N 1'£12-t\A.~ iODA.Y Ii WOULD e,£, ON AN t:QUA.L fOOilNG. Wlit\ Dl2-Al,i 12-AC-ING., NA"i>C.A.12-012-INDY. Ii WOULD "i>ilLL e,£, £VID£Ni it\Ai it\£ e-ASA IOOO t\A"i> e,t:t:N, AND "i>ilLL l"i>. it\£ e,£,"i,i !(NOWN A.ND it\£ MO"i>i C.t\A.LLt:NG.lNG. Of ANY M0i0!2-"i>l'0!2-i t:Vf.Ni ON it\£ A.Mf.!Z-IC.A.N C.ONilNf.Ni"i> A.ND 1'£12-t\A~ IN it\£ W012.L.D. it\£ NAM£ SCORE INTERNATIONAL l"i> "i>YNONYMOU"i> Wlit\ it\l"i> AND Oit\£12-~Mlf.12-Off 12-0AD f.Vf.Ni"i>. l'f.12-t\A~ A$ MANY A$ "i>l)(iY Dlfff.~Ni C.ONC.£12,Nf.D l'f.12-"i>ON"i> IN OU~ YOU!2-"i>l'OF-i t\AVf. Mf.i C.ONilNUA.LLY OVf.12-it\£ l'A"i>i ff.W Wf.£1($ AND C.OLLf.l.ilVt:LY it\Ai it\£ e,E,"i,i l'O"i>"i>le-Lf. lMl'Ac.i Wf. C.OULD MAI(£ f0!2-it\£ e-£11£12-Mf.Ni Of it\£ $1'012-i, WOULD e,f, iO "i>UWOF-i A.ND A.UG.Mf.Ni SCORE'S f.ff0!2-i"i> iOWA!2-D"i> 1'12-0VIDING. "i>Ul'f.12-QUA.LliY f.Vf.Ni"i>. Wf. G.Avt: OU!2-"i>f.LVf."i> A NAM£, "S. U. M. M. I. T." Ii t\A.$ NO Mf.A.NING. Oit\f.F- it\A.N A. l'LACf. IN e-MA. it\A.1$ A e,irc.t\ iO G.f.i OVf.12-, 012-lf"i> DIC.ilONA.F-Y Dt:flNlflON, "it\£ t\lG.t\f."i>i Df.G.~f. Of Ac.t\lf.Vf.Mf.Ni 012-"i>iAiU"i>". Wf. t\AVf. Mf.i Wlit\ $AL fl"i>t\ SCORE'S C.£0, AND Wf.~ Wf.Lc.OMf.D \'Jlit\ Ol'f.N A!2-M"i>. Wf. t\,'\Vf, ~lNlflAif.D ft\£ C.l.A"i>"i> ~l' "i>Y"i>if.M A.ND t\,'\Vf. AWOINif.D VOUJNif.£12-Ac.ilN6. ~~-it\£112-l'Oe-1$ fO C.ONiAc.f ,'\$ MANY 12-AC-f.!2-"i> A$ l'D"i>"i>le-Lt: AND Df.if.!2-MINf. it\£ 1%Uf.$ fAc.lNG. f.Ac.t\ C.l.A"i>"i>. A l'OLL Of it\£$£ 1%Uf."i> 1$ e-f.lNG. iA!(f.N iO Df.ff.!2-MINf. Wt\Ai 12-ULf.$ Nf.f.D Aiif.NflON ,'\ND Wt\£~ 01'1'0!2-'fUNlilf.$ f.)(l"i>T iO ~Al(£ A C.l.A% e-£11£!2-. Wf. A~ t\f.Ll'IN6. iO C.LA!Z-lfY ft\£ SCORE 12-ULf. e,oo!( AND MAI(£ Ii ft\f, G.UIDf.LINf. fDl2-ALL Of Df."i>f.12-i 12-AC-ING.. DU!Z-"i>t\D!Z-i if.12-M 6r0AL"i>: • iA!(ING. l'OLL"i> ON 1%Uf.$ fAc.lNC.. ft\£ INDU"i>itz.Y IN AN f.ff0!2-f iD G.AIN A ft:f.L fO!Z-ft\£ Nf.t:D"i> AND ~ND$ IN OUl2-$1'012-i. • 1'12-0VIDf. A Nf.W"i> C.OUJMN IN ft\£ PUS TY TIM£5 AND ON it\£ lNff.12,Nf.i. • fO 1'12-0VIDf. Ol'f.N LlNf.'i> Of C.OMMUNIC.AilON e,f,fWf.f.N ft\£ A'i>'f>OC.lAilON, SCORE, AND Oit\f.12-1'12-0MOit:F-'i>. it\l"i> WILL ALLOW ~VIOU"i> WOUND$ iO t\f.AL AND AND e-ul2,Nf.D e-!Z-IDG.t:'i> fO e,f, "i>l'A.NNf.D Wlit\ Nf.W UNDf.!2-"i>iANDIN6.. • fO G.AIN A t\UG.f. Mf.Me-£12-"i>t\ll' Of C.A!Z-ING. INDIVIDUAL$, MANUfAc.fU~l2-'i>, C.DNilNG.f.NC.Y C.OMl'ANlf.$~£ 'i>UW0!2-f C.UJe-'i>, AND Of C.OU!2-"i>f. it\£ 12-AC-f. C.Al2-0WNf.F-'i>, D!Z-IVf.12-'i>, AND "i>UW0!2-f C.~\'J"i>. . • iO INC.012-1'0!2-Ait: - f.Lf.C.f OfflC.f.!2-"i>, A l'f.!2-MANf.Ni e-OA!2-D Of Dl~C.f012-'i> AND fl2-0M f.Ac.t\ C.l.A'i>'i>, f.Lf.C.i l'f.!2-MANf.N'f C.L.A-% ~~-• iO 'i>t:C.U~ flNA.NC.lAL t\f.Ll' fl2-0M Mf.Me-£12-'i>t\ll' ff,f,'i, ( 'i>ilLL iO e,f, Dt:if.12-MlNf.D), fl.ND "i>l'ON'i>0!2-DONAilON"i>. OUF-ULTIMATE. G.OP..L I':> TO l'UT OUF-':>l'OF-T ON p.. FOOTING. w,n, D~ 12-AC-ING., NP..':>C.P..F-OF-INDY. OUF-INT£F-M£DIP..T£ G.OP..L I':> TO C.F-£,P..T£ MOF-£ f.NTF-1£':>, MOF-£ C.0NTING.£NC.Y, LAF-G.£F-l'UF-':>£':> AND MOF-£ 01'1'0F-TUNITI£':> fOF-':>l'ON':>OF-':>1-\11":>. ACTING BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTING CLASS REPS CL..\SS N..\l\lEOFREP. PHOM•: & F . .\..X #'S \IIC'II.-\L BELL 619-272-3922 1 R.\NDY WILSON 562-634-7933 619-232-6426 F..\X FROM THIS DAY FORWARD 562-634-6545 FA,\'. D..\ YID S~ODD\' 909-687-5118 1/2 1600 D..\NNY PORTER 909-687-5718 W 909-687-0417 FA.\'. THE SPORT IS OURS; 714-288-0461 JI IL\ROLD :'\ICKS 909-360-5906 909-687-0417 F..\X BOB STEl:'\BERGER 562-427-8177 CARE FOR IT, 5 GEORGE SEELEY 818-242-2161 \\' 562-426-3589 F.-\X PLAN FOR THE FUTURE. 818-246-2560 FAX KE:'\T LOTIIRl:'\GER 626-857-7223 5-1600 BILL GASPER 800-800-7759 \\' 626-852-8852 F.-\X PLEASE 714-779-7220 IHLE EBBERTS 909-244-2552 714-992-5088 FAX 909-439-2997 7 JERRY McDONALD 714-768-7222 W \IIKE TIIO:\I..\S 619-449-7100 714-830-6853 FAX 619-449-7103 J<'..\X 7S MALCOLM VINJE 760-743-1214 \\' BRlT'F, CO:'\R.\D 310-603-2200 760-739-0343 l•AX 310-603-2257 FAX JOIN us. 8 DALE WHITE 702-871-1661 BOB GORDO:'\ 714-771 -1537 702-871-6480 l•AX 714-639-3336 9 BILL RODRIGUEZ 011-52-66-80-2840 11 562-598-4106 F..\X 011-52-66-83-5603 FAX D..\ n : ASHLEY 909-381-4088 10 BILL IIERNQUIST 619-465-681611 909-889-0157 FAX 619-641-7600 W ROD :\ll"LLER 909-687-0515 619-641-7609 FAX 909-688-8424 FAX WRITE TO: 11 RAMON CASTRO 011-52-61-77-0034 II/FAX :\IIKE .Jl'LSO:'\ 619-562-1743 12 DAVID CALLA WA\' 909-672-4453 II .Jl"D\' S:\IITII 818-700-9712 \\' SUMMIT OFF ROAD 909-683-8839 W 310-306-6131 II P.O. BOX 4645 909-784-4715 FAX 818-700-0947 FA..\'. PRO SCOTT STEINJJERGER 714-761 -0235 II BILL RODRIGl'EZ 011 -52-66-30-8204 CARSON, CA 90749 TRUCK 562-427-8177 W .JERRY :\kDO:'\ALI> 714-768-7222 \\' 562-426-3589 FAX 714-830-6853 l•AX STOCK LEO JJRO\\' ' 714-633-9424 II H ILL 562-947-3821 W JJIKJ<:S PAl'L KRAl lSE 714-651-0523
WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS SNOWFLAKE 175 wood wails At snowflake, ·or Reuben Romps Photos: 3D Photograph-y[fhouglu Patterns Photography Buckeye Blaster Reuben Wood put his Type IV power to the ground, grabbing the overall and Pro 1-2 win in an effort he called •uneventful. n Buckeye., Arizona's Reuben Wood has been arouncl the off road racing scene for many years, com.._ peting on motorcycles and ATVs as well as Class 10 and recently in the Unlimited ranks. But he hadn't been able to put -together as race winning run for quite some time. He led most of the last Whiplash Motorsports event only to be slowed by transmission woes not far from the finish. So he was ready for the win as he started the ':Snowfake 175," the twentieth running of Arizona's fa. vorite mountain race. Of course, so were the other 77 entries. A twenty-seven mile loop through the White Mountains of Sitgreaves National Forestr "Snows flake" is famous for its wide open meadows, tricky tree lined trails and hundreds of "water bars" (read JUMPS), thoughtfully supplied by the Forest Service. The Pro Division would run six laps this year for a total of 162 miles. We took up a position not, far from.the end of the loop early ~t-urday morning at a spot I'd gotten Damon Franks sailed through the muck to cruise home with the Pro 5 in his great looking convertible. soroe good photos at in years past. Over the hill we could hear the high reving strains of the _engines as the race-rs started their assault. Not long after, a blue and silver flash streaked past us. Hqoke<;l up and Hauling, Reu~n Wood and his type IV powered Jimco A-arm were first on the road. His driving and suspension floated over the four foot ditch. The car was working so well, I was going to need a whole crew ofB~a Spectators with Back-hoes if I ".¥t!~vgoing to get an action shot. Second on the road was another Jimco, that of Tucson's John Herder. But first on time was the· Springelville bred Dwight Lundell with a 25 second lead over Wood. Phoenician Tom Struttmann was third in yet another Jimco, with Mesa's John Raitter a minute back in fourth. The angry sounding Por-sche machine of Glendale's Brian Brown held fifth. Herder reached his pit but not the flag and was out with engine troubles. Also down for the count were Randy Maddux, Craig Deck and Ron Bassett. Next time around, Lundell set "Quick Lap of the Day" with a 28:39 and Phoenix' Jeff Darland was moving up after a dismal first The Bruce Mills/Randy Miller _team earned their second consecutive win in Pro 10, third overall and a trouble free run. lap. But Wood was quicker, as well, laying the foundation for a strong finish. Ryan Phillips moved up into third, ahead of Struttmann. Brown held fifth by ten seconds over Tempe's Carl Perez. Meanwhile, Desert Tour points leader Raitter was out of control as his steering shaft detached itself from the rack - at speed. Halfway through, Woods ce-mented his position with a five minute lead over Phillips. Struttmann was third, withLundell falling to fourth ori wnai w~:mld b_e his final lap. Brown held onto fifth. Wood held the lead on the r-oad wire to wire, bringing in -the BFGoodrich/Geiser .Brothers De-sign & Development single seater with a time of 2:59:28 to take the Overall and Unlimited honors. "Uneventful," grinned the' soft spoken Wood, "Everything went great. fiat - they spotted it right here"in front of the pits and I had to tum around and come back. That was on the third lap. "First two laps were nice and wet and tacky, but the last two laps were real dusty with lots of traffic. A lot of cars to pass out there. And a few weren't that courteous today. "I'd like to give special thanks to Rick Geiser. He does everything on the car. Without him, it would be real tough. And, of course, BFG§" Phillips, winner of Whiplash's Wickenburg race, was second five minutes back but five minutes ahead of Team Struttmann's Chevy V-6. Brown, not quite another five minutes in arrears, took fourth and another Buckeye Blaster, Jim Pierce, rounded out the top five. Raitter lost a couple hours to the steering troubles and struggled in as the last Pro finisher, taking 5: 10:55 to complete the course. Six cars turned out to battle in Class 10 this time. Ceasar Fuentes led the first loop with a minute on Randy Mille'r, who was thirty sec-onds quicker than Billy Tsakiris. Dave Sundquist was another minute back for fourth and Brian Knapp bit slower for fifth. Fuentes picked up another minute on lap two, while Glen Greer moved up to fourth. At the start of the final lap, Fuentes still enjoyed a lead of two minutes on Miller but it was not to last. Unknown woes (hey I can't be everywhere - Do I look like Jack Arute?) slowed him as Miller roared past for the second consecutive win for the Gila Bend, AZ team of Mills and Miller. "Never even pulled into the pits!" beamed Miller. "Just waved as I went by." He cruised the Johnny-on-the-Spot/Beard's SuperSeats/Arizona Southwest Truck & Trailer Service single to a-fine third overall finish and the class win at 3:07: 10. "It was muddy on the first lap, and dusty from then on," contin-ued Miller. "And it got worse as the day went on. It was getting hard to pass, but sometimes I think that was to my advantage. The car never missed a beat all day and I'd like to thank Rick Geiser." Fuentes held on to second, five minutes back. Tsakiris took third hom,e a couple minutes back with Gtec;r @.~d Sundquist a distant fourth ,imd fifth. Rolling thunder crackled through the hills as thirteen - count 'em 13 - Class 8 trucks roared through the trees. Tucson's Mike Doherty led on the road, with the ex-Turben truck on his tail. But the Rich Thomas T earn held the lead on time, alas, its only completed lap. Doherty held second, the Danny Sullivan T earn was third, David Vanyo fourth and Shannon Campbell fifth. Doherty inherited the lead on lap two. Vanyo pulled into second, Campbell took over fourth and Rick Wiseman moved into the front five. But Doherty was not to survive lap. three, allowing Vanyo to lead. And so it would go to the finish, with Sullivan second, Campbell third, Wiseman fourth and Don Henriques fifth in the parade. But the heavy metal excitement wasn't over yet. After bringing the Four Wheelers' Supply/ Advanced Auto Body/BFGoodrich/Ford Motorsport/College Book Centers '97 F-150 in with the winning time of 3: 16:30 for eighth overall, Vanyo got a little overenthusiastic. Jammin 'Jeff Geiser won the Challenger trophy. beating Kurt Brewer by ~6 seconds after a race long battle. David Vanyo and Brian Christensen flew their Ford through the trees to the win in Pro BC/ass. "Ah ... Well I got a little carried away pulling into the pits," hedged Vanyo. "Excessive adrenaline, ... and looped it over on the passen-ger side. Right in front of our pit, pushed it back up over and drove it in. Little embarrassing, just a little cosmetic damage. It'll be all patched for Laughlin. "I took over beginning of lap Page 34 December 1997 Dusty Times
Local feller nome of Dwight Lundell was the quickest car out there but John Woodruff blew a c. v. but some good help got him back on course The Prescott boys hustle to get Mike Herrick out for the Sportsman he disappeared after three laps. four. We ran strong Four. Real strong Five, and then eased out of it a little bit on Six. We knew we were about twelve minutes ahead of Danny Sullivan. All ran well. Truck ran good, we had a great time. I'd like to give special thanks to our crew." . Brian Christensen piloted the first three rounds and had these comments: "First lap was real loose, real slippery. Second two were real nice, real tacky. It was a great race. We were first off, but lost a little time on the first lap with electrical shorts after I hit that big puddle. "I'd like to thank Jay and Jackie (McKinley, Whiplash promoters), they do a great job. Its definitely a · · good race out here. You get every-thing, a little mud, a little dust, coupla rocks. Running in the is interesting, but you sure don't want to hit one." . Two 7 s ran among -the Bs·, with the Kelly/McNeil team finishing ahead of Mark Wright. An even ten tried their luck in the hotly contested 1/2-1600 ranks. But they all chased the team of Pete Gannon and Ron Dalke to the checkered as Brian Wilson battled to take second 13 seconds ahead of Steven Long. Erik Jones was fourth another couple minutes back but four in front of Dayne Bracken. With a time of 3:35:38, the T.U.F. Off Road/Tucson Weekly/ Pueblo Investments 1-1600 just missed the top ten overall. Eight turtles turned out for the 5/1600 festivities. Shane Pavolka led til a long third lap slowed his charge and he was never seen again. Tim Smith then moved into the lead and kept it together for the win with a fine 17th overall in the Mile High Cel-lular/The Machine Shop/Doug's Shell sedan. Allan Schaible was twelve min-utes back for second ahead of Michael Del Col, Kevin Barton, and John Woodruff. Another class showing a resur-gence at Whiplash is the short wheelbased 4wds in 3. Randy Ellis led four competitors a~ the end of lap one, but then Mark Beeler squeezed into a 13 second lead af-ter two. Carey Campbell was third, Larry Phoenix fourth and Tom for a fifth in class. overall and Unlimited win. Dave Beeler brought out his Chevy.powered· CJ-and got the win in a growing Pro 3 Running with the big guys in Pr,o 8, the Kelly/McNeil team was first of the Mini Trucks, seventh in class. class. · ,,, . , Swa~son was parked. . _ '~.:,,:• Beeler has been running aga.inst and'beating the Class. 8s at earlier even~s, and it was to little siiipn~e. that he dominated in a real-''Jeep" . race.His time of 3:32: 40 ga~ethe Chuck's Speed Center/Beeler,_Prop-erties/Beeler Ice Cream CJ-7~ 20th overall finish and a twenty rrt~riute margin in class. . A long fifth lap dropped Ellis to fourth behind Campbell and Phoe-nix. "Pretty fast course!" said Beeler. "Hit a couple mud puddles and couldn't see for awhile. But ended up being first at the end. Broke a shock on the last lap, but we had enough of a lead we could motor on in . . Other than tha~ -~autiful ser Brothers Design & Develop-weather and it was just a good day! . ment/Goodyear/Fly-N-Hi/Pierce Kinda neat to have some more .Aviation single with a winning time competition . .l'd like to give special . of 3:40:12 . . than\cs to I,,ee Finke at.Race-Shock Brewer, the only other finisher, and my wif~ and family." . . was a mere 46 seconds back. Just three Class 5s took the green And four "dinosaurs" were slated. flag. Damon Franks leadJeffHustin for six laps. Three made it with the and Scott Baxter. Then Hustin fell Teal/Fanning Team taking the out, followed by Baxter. Franks honors at 3:31:57 in the Navajo cruised alone the last three laps to OCR Tire Center/Cobre Tire/ take an easy win at 23rd overall Joh'nny-on-the-Spot car over Jim with a time of 3:37:42 in the Taggart and Ron Dalke. unsponsored convertible. In the afternoon, as the thunder-Four Challengers were next off. heads mounted, eleven Sportsman Jeff Geiser, the Bob Sohren Team, racers set out to try and get four laps Kurt Brewer and Mark Milne were in on the now chewed up trail. Rick all over each other, but at the Averaino led 'em around first, then checkered it was Geiser in his Gei- disappeared. Mike Herrick had suffered a flat on his first lap but was clearly the nian to beat and took the Sports-man Unlimited win in the Herrick Motorsports/Flame Propane Funco. Alan Vesterdal gave a valiant chase but ended up second three minutes back for second Sportsman Unlim-ited. Steve Kuker was third, for the Sportsman 10 win and Tom Rex was fourth overall to garner the Sportsman Limited win. Getting in three laps were Mark Cowan and Chris .Victor, first in Sport Truck and Sport Mini respectively. Next up was the Sonoyta to Rocky Point 125, a lovely jaunt from the border to the Sea of Cortez, ran on October 18th, 1997. The great looking 5-1600 of Tim Smith took the lead on lap 4 and took the checkers The Gannon/Dalke effort payed off, taking the Pro 112-1600 class and an eleventh overall as well. with a 12 minute margin. _________________ _ Chris Victor was tops 'midst the Sport Mini's with three laps The Rex/Romero combo had a great day, taking the Sportsman Limited Steve Kuker was the top gun in sportsman 10, !hird overall Sportsman, completed. win, fourth overall Sportsman. _______ ____ seen here in landing mode. Dusty Times December 1997 Page 35
.. • Jeff Judge, winner of the Jackpot 200 makes hill climbing look easy in Bob Sims crests the hill with ease, running a strong second at the Scott Butcher, winner in May and all upset in September, shown here the powerful Jeep. Wendover Express in May. at the start of the roll that ended his day. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING Smith Snags season Win By Jim Baker Like a lot of guys, Scott Smith had a goal to take the Season Points Championship, but .it wo.uld not be. easy. In fact it didn't Photos: Johnnie Patterson look possible at all after the Wendover Express in May. Todd Bingham held the edge, winning O\rer the nine entries in 1/2-1600. ~J • Largest Selection Of Rodends & Spherical Bearings I • BACKSAVER • FIREBOTTLES • BATTERIES • SPAL FANS • SETRAB COOLERS • FLUIDYNE COOLERS • AEROQUIP PLUMBING • SILICONE HOSE NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • GREASES • AUTOMOTIVE & RACING COOLANTS WE HAVE OVER THE COUNTER SERVICE CALL US FOR A FREE CATALOG! WE WILL SHIP AS FAST AS YOU NEED IT \~1 (562) 427-2375 FAX (562) 426-5294 -~~ \ TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL \ 't;;& BAKER PRECISION BEARINGS . ups ~ \~ .2865GundryAve.•SignalHill,CA90806 [lil1]loA1Lvll ' I Page 36 Scott Smith decided he had to go real fast to win, part of the time he just flew and became the season points champion. Even that win was only good a statement. They were saying it's a ten minute win over Bob Sims. enough for second place in the the year of the big iron and eleven The extra entries in class also points as the heavy metal class of them backed up the statement gave him the points lead of ten was coming to B.O.R.E. to make at the start line. Scott Noall took p©ints over Todd. Mark and Dave Howtrfiwished second in their 1-1600 for sixth on the points chart. One class ten and three unlimited cars joined in a four car unlimited class with Gary Wise taking the win over.Everett Paul. The Chal-lengers fielded five cars and Scott Butcher took his first win in the class beating Glenn Cain by a bit over two minutes.• The win put Scott fourth on the points chart. A fourteen minute win over Andy Schiffinelli and two other cars in the Sportsman class by Roger Bowers gave him the Sportsman · Point s lead. The B.O.R.E. Sports-man class has it's own race for the championship and Roger had his eye set on winning it. At Jackpot on July 5th the whole picture was shaken up but when the dust settled it looked like this. Again there were only three ten cars, and a single un-limited and a new winner, Mike Flinn who was the only finisher. The 1/2-1600 class lost a couple entries and-it was important: Scott Smith set out on a mission, to go fastest and finish quickest. He did, for a class and the overall win. Todd Bingham pushed him hard all day but had to sett.le for a second. But when one class drops a couple entries and another adds a truck then the pressure is rea!ly on the previous winner to repeat and maintain the lead. Scott Noall pushed his Ranger hard all day but came up twenty minutes Dave Morse gets a wee bit dusty as he goes on his way to the Class 9 win at the short giving the win to Jeff Judge Bonneville Challenge who just ran flawlessly in his Jeep December 1997 Dusty Times
Cam Peacock, shown here pushing very hard for a second place at Sandra Gerkey in her first race! Main purpose was to scare the hell Free car wash at the Bonneville Challenge as a unidentified truck takes advantage of the opportunity. the Bonneville Challenge. out of Jim Price in the shotgun seat. the team of Cameron Blackley and Mark Rencher. The only steady performer this season was Roger Bower in Sportsman Class. He posted his third win, this time over first timer Sandra Ger key, to take the Sportsman Class Points Championship. Who won the Pro Champion-ship? Well, Scott Smith picked up enough points to go from sixth to first. Todd Bingham held· onto enough points for second place. Scott Noall lost enough to drop him to third place. The staff of B.O.R.E. take this opportunity to congratulate each of the racers Todd Bingham, winner in May at the Wendover Express, shown here on his way to who competed this year, and es-thi; 1 place at the Bonneville Challenge, second in points. pecially the winners, Scott Smith Scrambler. With twelve entries in heavy metal they were in the cat-bird seat to shape the points battle., and the second place fin-ish was good enough to keep Scott :a the lead, widening the edge over Todd to thirty-five points. In the Challenger class Glenn Cain and Scott Butcher traded. posi-tions with Glenn winning this time, but the class had suffered major entry los·s, starting only three cars. Our man in Sportsman class, Roger Bower was still keep-ing his eye steadily ahead. He posted another win, this time over the Baja of Tom McCully.,1The Jackpot 200 turned out to be the richest in B.O.R.E. history with a $500 Cash Bonus going to every class winner and when that was added to the purse there were some real happy racers at the awards. A little less than $7000 plus contingencies was given to the money winners among the twenty nine entries. All the money at Jackpot couldn't give us a points winner so it was off the Bonneville Chal-lenge at Wendover on September 6th to settle the race. Remember our leader was Scott Noall then Todd Bingham, Jeff Judge, Glenn Cain, Scott Butcher and Scott Smith, with 90 points separating first from sixth, so the Bonneville Chaltenge was· critical. Once again there were two · tewer cars in 1/2-1600 with only five start-ing. Scott did everything he could do, he won. Todd was doing all he could too, but two flat tires on the last lap moved him to third with second place going to the Mark and Dave Howe entry. But the Heavy Metal class fielded nine cars so it really looked good for Scott Noall or Jeff Judge. All ei-ther of them had to do was win or finish well, however Kenny Wart-luft took this day to flex his leg muscles, taking the win by two minutes over Cam Peacock. A fourth place finish for Scott and sixth for Jeff really messed up the numbers. And then the whole Challenger picture changed with Dave Morse taking the win over Dusty Times Roger Bowers, shown here disguised as a dust cloud went on to win the Sportsman Point Championship. Scott Noa/I with most of his Ranger intact, points leader all season 'ti/ the last race, a win, a 2nd and a 4th. Kenny Wartluft on his way to his first win at the Bonneville Chall~nge in September. December 1997 in "Pro" and Roger Bower in the Jackpot, the many backers in "Sportsman" class. Twin Falls and Jackpot, Felt Auto The eleventh annual Awards in Ogden. We also thank our Banquet at the Silversmith Hotel/ friends at BFGoodrich, Casino on the 22nd of November Kellerstrass Oil & Unocal, Brico will be a gala event, honoring the of Idaho, Sandy and Mick our Champions, the Dell Heninger Snortin' Norten friends, plus the Sportsman of the Year, all the rac-management at Diesel Electric ers and especially their wives. We Sales and Service Company in thank all the sponsors of our sea- Salt Lake City, these and many son, the Silversmith and Stateline more are responsible for all the Casinos in Wendover, the fun we have in the name of off Horseshu, Cactus Petes, Club 93, road racing. See you next year. and the Four Jacks Casinos in PRP Premier Racing Products From $ 149.95 each plus shipping & handling Proudly introduces the "Premo" full suspension seat, at an affordable price with quick delivery and many stylish colors. This is the premier seat for your jeep, truck, race car or buggy. • 3/4" x .065 steel frame for strength - • Ballistic nylon inner liner for strength and true suspension feel. • Stylish-outer cover with extra foam for comfort and · support • High quality vinyl and 100% polyolefin tweed with high resistant to fraying and fading used on cover • Slotted for harness style belts • Four standard colors in s_tock at all times for quick delivery, many other color combinations available. • Low backs and bench seats available PRP Premier Racing Products 1-800-317-6253 / Fax 909-676-6311 Page 37
YOKOHAMA BLUE LAKE CITY 400 Fifth and Final Round Of The Australian Off Road Championship Dion Simpson drove the Jimco Toyota to a marvelous first in class, first overall, leading all the way and finishing with over 2 minutes in hand over the next car. • The fifth and final round of the Australian Off Road Champion-ship was the Yokohama Blue Lake City 400 at Mount Gambier South Australia. A huge field of 95 cars took ro the track and the end re~ suit saw·a first ~ime . .win for Dion Simpson, who only began driving at the first round this year. The early leader of the race however was Dion's father, Paul Simpson who has invested heavily in off road racing importing two state of the art Jimco buggies from the USA. That day he was rewarded, not only watching his son win but getting enough points himself to be the 1997 Australian'Off Road Champion. Prologue: The Qualifying track at Mount Gambier is a good one ith three of the rock quarries used. Coming out on top was tMark Burrows who made it a 1 OOo/o record of winning every Prologue thi$ year. Alongside him on the front row, just like last race, was Andy Brown also in a Class 1 ( 2 seater) . The second row was to consist of two quick Class .9 ( single seater ) cars in Paul Simpson and David Leach. Leading the Class 2-1600 field was Mick Cowie who had his self built Mick and Todd Cowie won Class 2 in spite of some clutch problems and had over twelve minutes in hand over their competition. car really sorted out now. As ex-pected Class 3 would be lead by a local and it was Robert Moore. There were no Class 4/Baja en-tries but heaps of Class 5 cars and heading the pack was the fearless Jon Patard in the Hi Lux 2wd. Only one car in Class 6 and that was Brendan Wilson. The 4x4 classes were lead by Les Siviour · and Fabio Zarfati who just made the top 10. · Class 1: A field of 26 cars which was the best for over two -years. The two Cougar chassis cars of Burrows and Brown lead the field away. But it wasn't to stay that way for long. Burrows was without brakes and went off the track only to rejoin with gear-box problems and retired. Brown too, looked out of luck with an intercooler pipe coming away. Neville Boyes assumed the class lead with only a slim gap back to Phil Fraser debuting a sensational looking car. At the halfway pit break though, Fraser was out with gearbox woes. Jamie Robinson too was a spectator after a c.v. let go. Boyes still lead although Brown had clawed his way back. Nev Day was in third in class after James Madden had problems. Brown was soon calling it quits still with intercooler problems. Nev Taylor was meanwhile com-ing back albeit without third gear. Neville and Coleen Boyes hustled the Hunter Rivmaster to a fine first in Class 1, second overall with six minutes on the next car. Cameron Ritchie had a fire, as the leaders prepared for the sprint to the finish. Boyes who was in second over-all was in a comfortable spot to win the class and that he did. Nev Day had driven a top race con- · sidering he started in 32nd and took second in class and fifth overall. Greg Fraser who drives the ex Daren Wells car came in next while Stuart Crowe took fourth. Gary Turnbull overcame a couple of problems to grab fifth. Nev Taylor's race turned sour on the last lap when he left the track at high speed and destroyed his car amongst the trees. The all fe-male crew of Debbie Bennett and Lorraine Vickers got to the finish on fuel vapor back in eighth in class. Class 2: A big group of 23, 1600 buggies turned up. Reigning class champion Andrew Ziems was going to be busy after start-ing 87th due to being penalized for a jump start in Prologue. Mick Cowie was the early pace setter with a tight bunch on time behind with Ziems, Peter Stevenson, and Matt Owen all very close. Graham Tickner who was driving event director, Adrian Ferguson's car then went hard into tlie trees de-stroying the car and giving navi-gator Peter Burdett severe leg in-juries. Simon Barbary moved up into the lead group but unknown to him was going to receive a pen-. alty for short cutting. Ziems was down on power with a broken exhaust, while Stevenson lost his motor altogether. Allan Fraser was out with a c.v. problem but not before putting in some huge · jumps. At the break Cowie still lead with Ziems even closer only· 20 seconds back. At the regroup prior to the last lap Cowie real-ized he would have to pit to change a blown clutch cylinder. This he did in a very short time. Matt Owen meanwhile was to fl have a very rare DNF with a bro-ken gearbox. The ever consistent Ken Collier had moved up the order, but there was no stopping Cowie scoring his best result by far by taking the class win. He was placed 12th in the overall list .. Wayne Green had made a late charge and ovt:!rtook Ziems to grab second in class. Ziems settled for third. Barry Gray took fourth spot with Collier in fifth. Barbary would have come second if not for the penalty. Class 3: Mount Gambier has one of the strongest group of 1200 buggies around. There were 12 altogether and it was Murray En-gland as expected that took the early lead. Robert Moore was quick until he got a run of flat tires. England's usual sparring partner Trevor Oakley sure enough began closing the ;;ap. Dean Williams was out early with motor problems then the car of Scott McNeil had distributor fail-ure. Graeme Julius was hoping to take it up to the locals but had a water pump let go. All the while Oakley had closed right up on England. The cars from Griffith of ul Johnson and Maurice Wood had moved up into the lead pack. It wasn't until the second last lap that Oakley moved past England and they stayed that way to the finish. Oakley took the class win and a 11th overall. En-gland was only some two minutes behind. Moore made it into third, while Wayne Scott slotted into fourth. Paul Johnson came in with a fine fifth in class. Class 5: A varied group of 15 cars in the 2wd Tin Top category. Jon Patard was certainly going to be the most spectacular in the class and it looked like he was going to be the quickest until he got a run of flat tires beginning on the second lap. Paul Grant rattled a motor while the Peter Cham-pion Commodore had an alterna-tor and battery give up putting them down the order. The attri-tion rate was high and by half way eight cars were missing. The or-der at the break temained until the end and that was that Scott Hart won in his EA Ford Falcon sedan. Barry Ross in the thunder-ing VB Torana sedan came in sec-ond white GeoffT eagle took third in the Ford Falcon ute. Sadly Pa-tard had lost more time with a broken brake caliper and was out of time to_ start his last lap. Trevor and Annette Oakley took the lead on the penultimate lap and beat the other 1200cc cars by at least two and a half minutes. Scott Hart and Alan Hatcher drove the keen looking Ford Falcon to a nice first in Class 5, vesting 14 other cars by over eight minutes. Class 6: Only one starter in the Challenger buggy class, but Bren-dan Wilson could have been the Overall Championship winner with just a finish. Unfortunately after just four laps he retired with gear box failure. (continued on page 40) Page 38 December 1997 Dusty Times
SOAP BOX ••• Rich Severson, Flaniingo Racing Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Bpx" and fill this space with their views, good or bad, about Off Road Racing. Anything short of libelous will be considered for pub-lication at editor's discretion. I want to submit the following article for publication in the Soap Box section of Dusty Times·. I hope that you can see my style is not to offend, but to call out to those that used to -be the back-bone of a once proud and very popular class. When I participated in the '89 Mint 400 we had 33 errtries and each entry did have a real chance of winning, even though Adams or Schwellinger usually did. Where have all the Class 3s gone? By Flamingo in Feenix. What has happened to that American built icon that liberated so much foreign soil during the big one? That flat fendered, short wheel based, 4WD that used to roam the toughest deserts 1n the northern continent. That's right race fans, I'm talk'n Jeep. Last month at my 4WD club me~ting I received a book touting the re-sponsibilities of the off road en-thusiast and the Tread Lightly! program. Much to my surprise on the inside cover is a Kia partici-pating in a SCORE event with nary a speck of dust trailing its path. Now I don't want to seem too over patriotic, but shouldn't that book have contained a burly dude from the greater northwest in a flannel shirt sitting in his open air Jeep looking at a forest surrounded lake? Now I'm read-ing in my Dusty Times about this very same vehicle dominating the Class 3 Division. I've never had the pleasure of swapping paint with this sport utility and I'm sure Team Skilton is a great bunch of folks, but just what the heck is this Kia thing? Well my chance to eyeball the hi-cech-wunuei Cini~~il the ta~i: Baja 500. Posing as your average six foot ten chase dude for an-other Class 3 team, I checked out. the competition. With notebook in hand and sketch pencil wait-ing to detail each suspension trick I stalked the unwary prey. It does have a slick paint job and the crew seemed very professional but it just seemed too cute. There was no cagework hanging out in the open to mount the hi-lift jack. The doors opened. The tires were the ever steady BFG's, but it still seemed like the enter of gravity ~as too low to keep the skid plates from working way too hard. They fired up the engine and it sounded pleasant. It had GPS onboard! I couldn't take it any more. I recalled the days in my old CJ-7 where GPS meant Get-it-Pointed-Straight! The roar of the V-8 stayed with you for days after an event (should have worn ear plugs). With the average winning speeds around 35 mph it was hard to get lost. Even if you did get momentarily misplaced, that kid-ney busting, straight axle, Ameri-can metal would go over or through anything and get you back down the right wash to the checkered flag. Rumor has it, guys like Ivan and Rod were weaned in a Jeep before their fast flying days. Where are those locked up ...D::::1a 4f :'±dPs n.ow? Over the · years the ol' AMC his lendecloff the Montero, the Trooper, the Pathfinder, even the unique Quillmobile. Not until those Mo-tor City madmen showed up with the double digit travel-, horse-power from Hell, dirt eat'n Bronco did the end of an era seem to ring out. Well boys, I'm calling ya out to dust off those 401s, Krylon up the. nerf bars and top off the transfer cases. Surely there must be a Gadzooks, Buffalo; Conejo, Randall, Plum Crazy, German, Dorr, Arnold, Bell or Robinson that can reclaim the title for the once almighty Jeep. Even if you had to use one of those yuppie Wranglers, it's a start. Stop the madness before the next season champ is a Geo. Thanks for the opportunity. Rich Severson Flamingo Racing 2422 North Ramada Street Mesa, Arizona 85215 PORSCHE • LOW MAINTENANCE • COMPETETIVEL Y PRICED •FULLY SYNCHRO 4 & 5-SPEED • UL TRA·STRONG HELICAL GEARS • STRONG REVERSE GEARS WON'T BREAK • WIDE RANGE OF RATIOS FOR ALL CLASSES • MID-ENGINE CONVERSION AVAILABLE (FLIP R&P) ALL NEW COMPONENTS AND ALL THE BEEFY EXTRAS: 4-SPEED $8, 185 5-SPEED $9,635 TOLL-FREE (888) 89 GEARS OUTSIDE U.S. Ph/Fax (808) 878~6812 e-mail: Fudpucker Racing Te~,iJ ,., I ' Celebrate New Year's Eve atthe FudRace suoWE,seR' Dunaway D~sh XI with our *.*Sponsor's Money_ ' and RISING • plus our usual payback equals lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$ for EVERY Pro Class Info Anytime: 619-427-·5759 • www.fudrace .. com Dusty Times December .31, 1997 Leeation: Plaster City West • Eneouraged • 8 Times around a 25 ·mue loop Bikes Ignite at 7:00am While it's a fflgh Noon Showdown for the Baggies, Cars-• Traeks s-etloned hy the s-Diego County Sports Committee lne. • BLM Approved • LESAB Desert Beseae · Eveat T's •Y TOPS· 1nteraadonal • Pro Eatry Fee: $400 o■ or ltefore Deeemlter 13, 1997 • Spertsm-Entry Fee: $150 on or hefore Deeem1ter· 13, 1997 • Start Position Drawing and Contingency Show@ ~hlno Unlnga of North County, San Marcos• December 13, 1997 •• see December's announcement in Dusty Tlmes for details ([-~.-class size requirements & etc.) and SPONSORS December 1997 _Page 39
Paul Simpson dominated the Class 9 action 'ti/ fuel pump problems dropped him to 3rd in ciass, but he i'"iaS third ovem.lJ qfsv. Nev Day and Gary Miller drove a hell of a race, taking the Mantis to The Baxters, Grahame, Michael and David took their Nissan Patrol to 2!?'1 fn C!ess 1 and tc St.": cvcra!! as !Ye!!. a 2nd in Ciass 8, and they were 9th overaii in the race. Class 7: Only four cars in the limited 4x4 group but it was good to see Doug Coleman return af-ter some time and he was keep-ing Geoff J:>ickering honest for second place. Meanwhile Les Siv-iour was way out in front but cau-tious of a possible overheating problem. Craig McWilliam had pulled the Patrol out after break-ing two pan hard rods. Siviour continued to pull away and at the finish won by some 16 minutes in the Nissan. Pickering's Mitsubishi came home second in class with Coleman further back after extra fuel stops. Class 8: Again. the usual four cars in the modified 4x4 category. Fabio Zarfati went out to the early lead in the V6 Mitsubishi while Grahame Baxter kept in touch in the VB Nissan. Baxter found the task even harder with a broken rear torsion mount, but by the half The Les Siviour/Greg Allen Nissan Patrol led all the way in Class 7, taking the Fabio Zarfati and Dallas Pope drove the Mitsubishi Pajero V6 to a nice win, and in checkers with over 16 ·minutes in hand. spite of last lap problems still had 9 minutes in hand. way was only six seconds in ar-rears. Ken Smith called it quits with gearbox problems in the hane Cottee drove the Toyota powered buggy to a great 2nd in class, and he was rd overall as well. -;iQURS M-F 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 Daily UPS Visa and Mastercard We are happy lo announce our new 800 loll free number. (800) 656-3376 Use it to call and inquire ·about our .. Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon "Fast-Fill" dump cans. Both new products can save you race time. Race Smart-Be Sate 103 Press Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • (619) 691-9171 • FAX (619)£91-0803 Page 40 Holden Rodeo. Zarfati pulled out a quick lap and very soon took the class win as well as filling sixth spot overall. He was lucky as he had run over some ·wire which tore away at the underneath of the car cutting brake and fuel lines just prior to the finish. Bax-ter had slipped back a touch but still took second in class. The ever reliable Alan Roe drove consis-tent as ever and brought his VB Nissan home in third spot. Class 9: Ten of the strongest single seaters in the country lined up and right from the start Paul Simpson wanted the lead spot. His opening lap would be the fast-est lap of the race. There was however a tight trio close behind in his son Dion Simpson, David Leach, and Shane Cottee. This was a welcome return for Cottee after more than a year fitting a new turbo Toyota motor and Por-sche gearbox. Hayden T atnell had started from position 84 rather than position two after a penalty in the Prologue but he was soon coming through the field. Bob Strawbridge ended a bad race with computer failure. Soon after that Leach joined him with a motor failure. Brad Chasemore had been putting in quick laps and joined on the tail of the lead group. At the break Paul Simpson lead the class and the race itself being first overall by some five minutes. Dion Simpson followed in third overall with Cottee on his tail. It was in the next couple of laps that Paul Simpson realized he had a fuel pump problem and after the regroup he shot into the pits to fix it. At the same time Dion Sim-pson had stormed into the lead spot. Cottee lost a little time with a flat tire. Shane Bowen lost time too, fixing, broken front shock mounts. The checkered flag greeted Dion Simpson for the overall win, his first ever. In fact he only began driving this year. Cottee proved he was back with vengeance and took second in class and third overall. Paul Sim-December 1997 · pson took third in class and fourth overall, enough to give him the 1997 crown for overall Cham-pion. Chasemore had pitted for a water top-up and came home fourth in class. Tatnell had carved his way through the pack :lll day and took a fifth in class. starters made it to the finish prov-ing once again in the sport of Off Roading getting to the finish is a feat in itself. The Mount Gambier event though was a good one and capped off a great year in the Off Road Championship. In all only 3 7 out of the 95 Personal thanks go to Nissan Australia for the loan of a car 1997 Australian Off Road Championship. Round 5 . . Yokohama Blue ..ake City 400. Mt Gambier SA September 21 . No. Pos. Driver I Navigator Vehicle Class 1 Unlimited Two Sealer 26 start · s finish 102 1 Neville & Coleen Boyes Hunter ivmasta Mantiss Rivmasla Rivmasta 197 2 Nev Day / Gary Miller 169 3 Greg Fraser I Geoff Millard 189 4 Stuart & Steven Crowe 179 5 Garry Turnbull/ Chris Proud Buggy c1ass2 261 1 219 2 201 3 236 4 223 5 Class3 371 1 323 2 305 3 314 4 343 5 Class 4 r.i....5 548 1 512 2 555 3 "'-I Qee? 701 1 710 2 717 3 1600 Two Sealer Miele & Todd Cowie Wayne & Greg Green Andrew & Alex Ziems Barry & Mark Gray Ken Collier / Brett Price 23 start · a finish Rimco Hornet Rivmasta Southern Cross Rivmasta 1200 Two Seater 12 start· Z tioisb Trevor & Annelle Oakley Buggy Mimiy England/ David Oakley H~er Robert Moore/ Michael Altorfer Hunter Rivmasta Wr,rte Scott I Chris O'Donnell Rivmasta Paul Johnson/ Terry Honeychurch Baza, VWBaja PMl 2111112 Seda• lllll Jnns-l5111d· 3fmli Seal Hart/ Alan Hllchlr Fonlfllcon Barry Roa/ Phil Halely Holden 'Ta.. Geoff & S,..,. & Tip Tagle Ford Falcon Ula Clwll•IIII• 1 11111 · D lnillh l.idld 4lef 411111 · 3 tnjlh LaSiwiour/GNgAIIIII Neun,__ Gd Pic:lllring I Dllwd 8rima MINlilhi f'lieto: Daugl ....... Callmal NilunPIIIIII aw• M fl 14114 411111· 3tnjlh IGl2 1 F_,Zarfli/DlllsPape .....,.,,. 801 2 O,..,.lllidlell & D11wict a... Ni1un PIiia! 122 3 AllnRoe/llcl& Nilsa!Pllral ~a Unlmilfld Single Sealf!II' 1Qlila[l · 919 1 Dion Simpson Jimco 907 2 ShaneCottee Buggy 901 3 Palf Simpson Jimco 922 4 Brad Chasemore Chaseco 920 5 Hayden Tatnell Hunter Rivmasta Starters = 95 . Finishers = 37 . Finishing Ratio = 39 % Time 4.04.16 4.17.27 4.30.31 4.41.59 4.44.51 4.31.58 4.43.17 4.44.05 4.47.48 4.48.00 4.31.34 4.33.58 5.03.13 5.05.05 5.06.12 5.18.0t 5.24.:ZS 5.50.00 4.42.05 4.58.04 5.21.05 4.21.19 4.30.08 ,uua 4.01.52 4.10.15 4.13.50 4.21.24 4.21.50 Over 2 5 10 14 18 12 16 17 20 21 11 13 26 27 29 ,,.____ 32 33 37 15 , 24 34 e 9 19 1 3 4 7 8 Fastest Prologue= # 1 Mark Burrows 3 06. Fastest Lap= # 901 Paul Simpson 37.27 Dusty Times
__ El_lis Desert Racing Championships Class I Cars Only!! · t, JANUARY 2-3, 1998 BARSTOW', CA 225 ~fiLE Pu\CE -9-25 ~1:Il~E lAPS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ . lSN'T'RY. re:e: fl2.50 $1000 goes to purse. ALSO INCL't;IDED IN PURSE: $ 100% of all sponsor and advertisement money $ $ 50% of all spectator money $ Each team can be a promoter and advertise a business at$ 300. . Adults: $10 12-15:S5 11-under: Free •J ALL NEW FORMAT!! *Starting two cars at a time * Qualifying for starting position ., Picture and Autograph session Video of Race available . through E.D.R.C. 4 in-car camera installations $350 each I 3 week notice required Bleacher section for 500 people on exciting part of the race track E.D.R.C. will make banners 20. cars entered -:· · I Food &d,lnks avallable $20.,000 ·Water trucks 1t➔.i.;.diisf contr.ol m ,:•, I . • \_ -,. • ~r ~.:;_ ... ,_ .:. ~,":~,:..,.,~ ., '"•·~••. -~ l-i: •~:#'; bleacher area ~ . . , 9.0; tean1s advertising= Spfctator 1 none)~ , ~ :,~,.,~~g '.:· ( · ·;,.:.,. ··'··RU¥~~ ~R'~tiSS;· '-•• ~ - , "• ... j ~. ' ,. >. ·.:· •• : Engio~· r.e)na(n~ behi.nQ,~driver Baf stow sponsor:s::::, .,_ . $ '2,q~o . . . l ,, . , . ' ' : . . :. , . :: Maxim ~m e hg {Jf ~ ! ze~'i/ ty 1 i nders f 170,rA.L, PlJBSE == -~}qpgo ..... , . ! " .. ' ' .. .' .. _. ,>· ·. I ' Buggy. style car C : · * Schedu~~ 'fo( JanJary'.s Event will 9e in next issue* --· Spectators come watch and· support the fastest race cars in the desert battle it out for the . BIG BUCKS! . For Entry Package: Ellis Desert Racing Championships 930 Lillian Dr. Barstow, Ca. 92311 (760)256-0454 Fax (760) 256-8059 Please Notify by December 3, 1997 Thank You.
FALLON 250 AT NIGHT FALLON, NV· JULY 28, 1997 Sam Berri Wins Again In The Nevada. Desert By Troy Robinson The Class 1 driver, Sam Berri, and multi-season class champion (ought off early challenges but maintained a steady pace to stay just in front of the competition. A total of 49 cars lined up for this years only "night" race staged at the Top Gun dragstrip, just 12 miles south ofFallon NV. The entries were up 20% over last years night race and it is more likely that was because of the move out of the desert and to Top Gun. The course was the best that off-roading could offer once again. The first 15 miles I described as a roller coaster: very slow, rocky uphill rolling over the other side and across a short fast valley then clickety-clack back up the other side to do it over again. In order to keep the race traf-fic off of the access roads, a new sec-tion of only three miles was added just before the finish line. This new This is the :.ystem run by most off road race winners section was cut out of new terrain and was very, very slow and very, very rocky: it seemed that this section was 20 miles long, it was so slow. The rest of the course was very fast, some sandy and not much straight lines. All this comprised the 60 mile laps that was to be covered four times by the pros, three times for Limited Pros and Sportsman Novice. The 4 p.m. start time guaranteed at least one lap would be run with headlights in use. The hot story of the race night was the weather. Just at dusk the silt bed was given a sudden rain shower and the pit area a spectacular lightening storm. This brought down all the ra-dio antennas. The rain brought con-cern to the racers wondering if the silt bed would be passable. Friday morning the same area received rain and cars and pre-runners were find-ing alternate routes to get around. TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 Page 42 • WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Fortunately, as quickly as the rain brought concern, the rain went past and just lightly covered the area. Off to the races. 12 cars lined up in Class I led off by the drag race be-tween Jerry & Linda Wald and Gary Steele. Starting one minute later was Sam Berri who led the first lap by two minutes over Gary Steele and Patrick Timmons and a four minute lead over Everett Paul & Tyler Mort. Running Just over five minutes behind Berri were Troy Robinson, Jerry & Linda Wald, Dale Carr, Dennis Dugan and Mike Webb. After two laps Berri was still on a fast pace which was too much for Timmons and Steele as they dropped out. This handed sec-ond over to Paul/Mort with the Walds close behind. Robinson was just fourth and Carr just seconds behind in fifth. Dugan and Webb were hanging on for sixth and seventh. Downtime started playing the key as most were dropping up to five minutes a lap. The Walds were hung up in a bottle neck on the roller coaster section, their big truck couldn't get around a stalled car in the center of the track but the other smaller buggies could get around on the low side of the hill. This dropped the W aids out of the top six with over 1: 10:00 of downtime. After three laps, Berri was still out front now with Paul/Mort nine minutes back in sec-ond, Robinson two minutes back in third, Dugan 11 minutes back in fourth and Webb and Carr over an hour back. Heading into the last lap, Berri knew he just had to stay out in front. Robinson was patient knowing he didn't have the top end speed to make up time ~m Paul/Mort and just waited for-them to have downtime. Robinson's 'break came when he passed Mort just getting back into the . car a:t the 10 mile mark. Robinson hammered down to stay out in front for second place not knowing that Mort broke a CV joint at check 2 dropping them out of the race. Berri went on for the win with a 16:4 2 lead over Robinson. Dugan held on for third, 32:05 out of first. Carr came in fourth, 1: 12:00 back, Webb rounded out the finishers in fifth, 1:47:37 be-hind Berri. Class 10 had a competitive field of seven cars take the green. After one lap, Tim Bowman & George Reese had a 1:04 lead on newcomer Mike Lehners followed by Mike Turner 12:25 behind, Jim Jukes 13: 12 be-hind, Ace & Steve Bradford were just 19:00 back but failed to complete two laps as did Richard & Ryan Lesher who took 3:52:33 to complete lap 1. On the second lap, Lehners took the lead by 6:36 over Bowman/Reese and opened up a 1 7 :04 lead over T umer, who dropped out on the next lap, and a 33:07 lead over Jukes who was set on a pace to finish. Kurt Holes took over the driving for Lehners and as darkness fell he kept up a slower pace but that's all that was needed to stay out front and take the win in class by 49: 28 over Bowman/Reese, and 1:44:l0over Jim Jukes. Up next, four 1600 cars lined up to have a battle of the least down time. Abreu Racing had a trouble free first lap and set the fast lap in the class a 1:21:38 and took a 9:31 lead over Dennington Racing, with Larry Fol-December 1997 som 1:02:01 back in third and Keith Robb l :02:06 back in fourth. Abreu's had their troubles on lap 2 giving up the lead and 30:46 to Dennington's. Abreu went on to blow a motor and drop out on lap 3. Folsom was up to second on the third lap 52:02 behind the leader but dropped out of the race on the final lap. This let Dennington go on to win by 1: 19:30 over Keith Robb. Class 8 had a great battle with four of the five heavy metal within 10 min-utes of each other after the first lap. They were lead by Tom Scahill with Don & Chris German second, Jim Bosman third, and Jim Cope fourth. Chad &Jarad Wilson completed only one lap with a time of 4:07:31 plac-ing fifth. After two laps, Scahill stretched his lead to 8:01 over Ger-man. Cope moved into third 18: 11 behind the leader, and Bosman dropped off the pace and was run-ning fourth, 30:4 7 back. Eight miles into the third lap, Scahill was caught in the same bottleneck that Wald was caught in and got stuck trying to get around also. This cost them about 10 minutes and allowed German to move up to just 3: 11 behind. But on the final lap, German had some seri-ous down time of almost 2: 15 which dropped them to fourth. Scahill went on to win with an 18:46 lead over second place Jim Cope, and a 25:39 minute lead over Jim Bosman. Ger-man finished 2:19:16 out of first place. Sportsman Veterans started the same way with the top four cars within less than a minute. They were led by Keith Haas with Randy Miller in second, Buster Harling in third, Rob Parsons in fourth. The rest of the pack were within 30 minutes of Haas and had Mike Johnson running fifth, Kenny Ott in....sixth, Hooter Meyer & Larry Naso in seventh, Joe Bos-man in eighth, Nicole Ruff in ninth and Scott Harjo completed only one lap with a time of 2:03:26. Haas' pace was a bit too fast however and he -dropped to sixth after two laps and then dropped out on the third lap. Taking the lead was Miller and Par-sons moved up to second just 1:25 back. The rest of the pack started to space out a bit as third place was now Harling followed by Ott in fourth, and Ruff 47:57 back in fifth. After three laps, Parsons moved into the lead 1 :43 ahead of Ott as Miller moved back to third 13:52 back and Ruff was l :04 back in fourth and Bosman now moved up to fifth as Harling, Haas, Meyer/Naso all droppeJ out. The final lap had Ott drop out placing fourth and Bosman out placing fifth. Also on the final lap, Parsons had three hours of downtime waiting for his chase crew in a remote section dropping him to a third place. Up front Randy Miller took the win just 15:58 of the constant Nicole Ruff. With a low turnout in Class 7, 9 and novice, VORRA combined these classes to make one seven car field for more competition. Taking the lead after one lap was Tom Hatch with Lance Rhinehart just 1 :34 back. Joe Gurney was just 11:42 back for third, Doug Seymour 15:55 behind in fourth. Steve Millward was fifth fastest but only completed one lap. Mike Koenig was sixth and Forest Creasy was seventh. After two laps, Rhinehart moved into the lead and had 13:51 over Hatch. The rest of the pack was further back with Sey-mour 1:06:43 back and Gurney, Creasy, and Koenig over two hours back. At the finish, Rhinehart took the win with a 34:59 lead over Hatch. Seymour placed third, 1:35:53 back, Creasy fourth, 2: 13: 25 back, and Gurney finishing fifth, 2:28:06 behind the winner. In the Pilot Class, Andy Wald took a slim 1:06 win over Robby Wright in the one lap, 60 mile race. Clint Wolsey finished third, l :34:43 out of the top spot. In the battle for the overall, Sam Berri came out on top and took $500 of the $ 1000 bonus to the overall winners sponsored by the Fallon Tourism. Second overall in a Cla~s 10 car was Mike Lehners taking $250. Third overall was Troy Robinson in Class 1 winning$150. Fourth overall time was Tom Scahill in his Class 8 truck, but the flyer stated that you must be present at the awards to win the bonus and he was absent. So the foutth overall $100 bonus went to Dennis Dugan in Class l. • This was a great race for VORRA and it appears that the night race will be here to stay as the entry count was up over last years. Hope to see every-one at a VORRA race soon. Cory conquers Canada Southern California's Cory Witherill went to Canada in Septem-ber, competing in the All Canada Autocross Valvoline Gran Prix held in the Olympic Stadium in Montreal. Cory showed all the other guys the way home, winning in front of some 55,000 rac_e fans. It is the second time in three years that Cory has won this prestigious race, taking the gold in 1995 as well. Cory wi~ be ra~ing at Glen Helen the first weekend in December, competmg agamst some of the best in the country. Cory also races in the Formula Ford (FF2000) National Series. We wish him lots of success in his blossoming career. Dusty Times
Yerington to Fallon 1997 By Tray Robinson Photos: Deb & Chris Radboume & Soni Timmons Gary Wise debuted his new car and a great debut it was, taking the Class 1 win and the overall win (with cash bonus) as well. Success again in the northern 2nd half of the race back to Yer- Dugan who was just 5:01 out of Nevada desert. VORRA success- ington. the lead. Fourth finisher in Fal-fully completed the third running Ten cars took the green flag in lon just 10:44 back was ·the car of of the Yerington to Fallon desert class l led off by Allen Biggs who Troy Robinson who had a flat at race. A race which runs from had some early electrical troubles checkpoint 3 but lost little time Main Street Yerington, 125 miles less than a mile off the star . This getting the tire changed in an out Northeast to Main Street Fallon let third starter Sam Berri jump pit. Dale Carr finished the first leg and back to Yerington on the out to an early lead followed by in fifth, 14:29 out of the lead same course, and through three Gary Wise who was debuting his while Mike Vandeburgh was counties, all on the same day, with new single seat car. Wise and 24: 10 back in sixth. Charlie awards later in the same evening. Berri battled for the lead until Ketten, Everett Paul & Tyler 57 cars, trucks and pilots took the Wise got a flat tire and had to race Mort and Chris Fallin rounded 9:00 a.m. green flag start and had the last 40 miles with a spare on out the finishers in seventh, a 2:00 p.m. cut off time to make the rear position. In Fallon at the eighth and ninth respectively. the distance to Fallon or trailer time out, Berri had a 3:57 lead On the return trip to Yertng-their broken cars to Fallon, make over Wise. Finishing in Fallon in ton, Mike Vandeburgh was first repairs and still participate in the a well deserved place was Dennis off the line followed by Tyler Mort. Mort was just catching The Dennington team rolled early on, but came back to take the checkered flag in Class 1600 albeit through the back door. Vandeburgh through the dust when Vandeburgh caught a berm and pitched the car in the air, for-tunately coming down on the wheels. Unfortunately Mort saw the berm too late and didn't have ti~e to react, his car pitched in the air and went end-over-end three times, ending his day. Sam Berri started sixth behind Troy Robinson and had just about caught up to Robinson when his engine blew ending his day. Rob-inson caught a flat on the rear and limped into the next visual for a change, dropping him back a few positions, later, a lost power-steer-ing belt cost him about five min-utes of downtime for repairs. Meanwhile, Gary Wise h ad started fourth and was on a fast SCORE 1996 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! FAT MOTORS SCORE IN LAUGHLIN: SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge, Sept. 26-28 Class 5 1st George Seeley (VW Type IV) Class 10 1st Andrew Wehe (Toyota 4AG) Class 12 1st Dave Callaway/John Holmes (WI Type I) CONGRATULATIONS POINTS CHAMPIONS SODA Series Class 1-1600 Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Class 2-1600 Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Class 7S John Greaves (Toyota Tacoma) All Australian Champion Class 1 Paul Simpson (Toyota V-6) We use & recommend RACING ENaNES, nANSMl5SIONS AND Of'FROAD PARIS Send or call l'0r our new catalog $5.00 Page 44 TR~c~· racing g;,,solJoe SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995 & 1996! PERFORMANCE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 December 1997 The Haas Brothers ended their dry spell in a convincing manner, winning it all in Class 1 0 with over 16 minutes in hand. setting pace. Despite fighting the dust, he won the second leg with a time of 2: 13 :09. Dennis Dugan held in there for a flawless run and finished only 4:59 behind Wise. Despite some downtime, Robin-son finished a decent third, just 16:04 out of the lead. Having their troubles on the return trip, Alan Biggs managed to get his car to Fallon, make repairs and race back to Yerington and was the fi-nal finisher on the return trip, 1:09:35 behind the leader Wise. With his consitently fast ef-forts, Gary Wise pulled off the Class 1 win and the overall win with a combined time of 4:23:37. This earned him the overall bo-nus of $500.00 from Casino West as well as the Class 1 money. Den-nis Dugan ran strong enough all day with little trouble and placed ;second in class and third overall, just 8:03 out of first. Troy Robinson's combined times earned him third in class, just 22:53 out of the lead and only :04 out of the top four overall, settling for fifth overall. With only the three finishers completing both legs, the final positions were de-termined by the fastest time on the only leg completed. Thus Sam Berri was given fourth place, and Dale Carr placed fifth. Class 10 had a great field with 10 cars taking the green flag. Overcoming new car woes, the Haas Brothers finally saw the fin-ish line taking the first leg win. Following just 4:53 back after the first 125 miles was Michael Leh-ners. Abreu Racing likes the switch from 1600 to Class 10 and proved it with a first leg third place, only 8:36 behind. Jim Jukes, Brice Crawford, Ace & Steve Bradford and Richard & Ryan Lesher rounded out the fist leg finishers in class. Jumping out to the early lead on the return, Haas Brothers were out to prove that their car could win and did it convincingly. They won the second leg a1so with a time even faster than the first of 2:12:29. Michael Lehners fought the dust and slower traffic to fin-ish in second, 11:35 out of first. Abreu Racing backed up their third place with another third fastest time, 12:57 back. Bryce Crawford, Ace and Steve Brad-ford, and Jim Jukes rounded out the first leg finishers in Yerington. Ta king the Class 10 win and second overall with a combined time of 4:30:06, was the Haas Brothers. This was a great success for the team and a great end to a dry streak in the team's new car. Michael Lehners combined times were 16: 28 slower than the class winner. His times placed him sev-enth for the day and third over-all. Abreu Racing had another great day to follow up their great day in Fallon just a month earlier, they finished third in class just 21 :33 out of the win. Fourth place went to Jim Jukes whose com-bined times were 1:00:24 out of the win. Rounding out the finish-ers were Brice Crawford, fourth, and Ace and Steve Bradford, fifth place. Six cars took the green in the 1600 class and it was Larry Fol-som who was the fastest to Fallon with a time of 2:21:20. Denning-ton Racing overcame a rollover and front end damage to finish second, just 7:22 back. The team of Brad Clausen & Matt Miller Were 16: 15 back in third after having a flat tire early in the race. Keith Robb & Rick Philastre were 25:53 back in fourth while Walt and Kevin Le:wis had troubles but finished fifth, 1:04:24 behind the leader. ·on the race back to Yerington, Folsom fought the dust but still edged out Dennington by : 21. Clausen/Miller had a near flaw-less run until 50 yards from the finish line; where (continued) It was nip and tuck to Fallon and back, the battle was fierce, but when all was said and done, Tom Scahill took the honors in Class 8. _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ Dusty Times
Dennis Dugan ran a great second in Class 1, and was third overall on his two lap odyssey. Brad Clausen and Matt Miller kick up the dust as they head for their third place finish in 1600. Jim Cope took the silver medal in Class 8 and his good times had him less than five minutes out of the class win. they rolled the car. Still, they crossed the line 6:40 out of the lead. Robb/Philastre finished in fourth, 7:39 back and Lewis' had a better race back to Yerington finishing just 20:30 out of the lead. Dennington Racing was awarded the class win after Larry Folsom failed the post race in-spection and was penalized one position in class. Folsom's com-bined time did stand and he was fast enough for third overall. Clausen and Miller placed third in class, 22:55 out of the win and Robb/Philastre were fourth, 33:22 back. The Class 8s are getting more and more competitive at each race. Seven heavy metals lined up to do battle and the team of Don and Chris German and Tom Sea-In the overall standings, Tom hill had a fierce battle for the first Scahill's consistent finishes gave 125 miles but it was the German's him the win with a combined time who edged the leg win with a time of 4:48:43 . Jim Cope placed in of 2:34: 17. Tom Scahill was just second, 4:45 back. Don and Chris ;21 behind the Germans. Just 6:04 German finished third, 10:55 back was Jim Cope for third place. back and Jared and Chad Wilson Chris and Roger Gray finished in were the final finisher, 1:27:11 in fourth place, 1 7°:30 out of the top fourth. spot. In the sportsman vet class, Rob On the race back, Erik Will- Parsons edged out Randy Miller iams and Keith Fontana and Tom for the first leg win by only 1 :31. Scahill and Jim Cope had a three Kenny Ott finished second, 8:39 way battle to the finish and it was back. John English and Greg Williams/Fontana who had the Johnson and Kevin Mills finished fastest time of 2:26:56 edging out fourth and fifth. On the race Scahill by :59 and Cope by 1:13. back, Kenny Ott set the fast time The German's finished 12:55 of 2:26:12 to edge out Randy back for fourth and Jared and Miller Sy 1:05. English/Johnson Chad Wilson were 42: 13 back in finished in third and Rob Parsons fifth. in fourth. In the overall standings, Randy Millers combined time of _ 4:57 :06 was 5:01 quicker than Kenny Utt for th1.: class win. En-glish/Johnson were third and Rob_ Parsons fourth. In the Class 9 battle, Lance Rhinehart started first but broke a throttle cable less than five miles out of the start, costing him about 30 minutes of down time. This handed the lead over to For-est Creasy who won the first leg by 23:3 4. On the race back, Creasy had a flat and Rhinehart won the leg by 5:42 with a time of 2:34:20. With a combined time of 5:21: 10, Forest Creasy won the class and edging out Rhinehart by 18:52. Randy Miller was second on both legs but his combined time gave him first place in Five Mini trucks took the green for the Class 7 race. Fred Calosso won the first leg with a time of 2:56:24 but on the escort into Fallon, the driveline broke and took out the trans, driveline and rear end thus ending his day. Mike Koenig finished second, 17:49 back and Doug Seymour was third, 58:30 back. Doug Sey-Sportsman Vet Class winning by over five minutes. Fuel Sale's "Pro Cell" is our top·of.lhe·line racing cell that comes ready to install and il's backed by a full 10 year warranty. Page 46 • Custom Pro Cell Bladders with seamless super-tough, triple coated construction • 10 year Bladder warranty · • Safety loam baffling • Custom manufactured aluminum containers • FIA-FT3, SCORE and SODA approved • Custom manufactured fillers • (800) 433-6524 technical hotline • Over 25 years experience For more info call or write to: Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing. Inc 18062 Redondo Circle. Huntington Beach California 92648 (800) 433-6524 1714) 842-2211 . mour won the race back by 36:37 over Koenig, but Koenig won the class with a time of 5:21 : 10, 18:52 over Seymour. In an improvement from earlier this year, the Novice class had an impressive eight cars take the challenge. Rich Fletcher had the fastest time in his desert debut with a time of 3:43:01. Bill Hail finished in Fallon 48:04 behind Fletcher. Steve Millward finished in third after having electrical problems less than five miles from the finish line. Joyce Biggs fin-ished the first leg in fourth, she was 1:26:23 out of the lead. Erik Jenkins was the final finisher in Fallon for fifth, he was 1:31 :50 out of the lead. Four of the cars started the race back to Y ering-ton but none of them finished, therefore the winner was deter- · mined by the fastest time in the first leg. Fletcher was first, Hail second, Millward third, Biggs fourth and Jenkins fifth. Three pilots took the green to December 1997 race the entire distance but after won and impressive three of the racing 125 miles for over three four races and is five of six for wins and a half to four hours, they on the year. Class 10 was won by called it a race in Fallon. Clint Tim Bowman & George Reese Wolsey finished for the win with who had some wins early in the a time of 3:22:43. Second place season but failed to finish the last went to Robby Wright who was two events in Fallon and Yering-1: 15:39 back and glad to get out ton. 1600 class desert win went of his car after the first 125 miles. to Dennington Racing while Class As the desert series for 1997 8 is a tie between Jim Cope and came to a close and we head into Tom Scahill. Class 9 was won by the final two short course races, I . Lance Rhinehart, Class 7 by Mike would like to congratulate the Koenig, Sportsman Vet by Randy desert series class champions. Miller, Sportsman Vet 8 by Lisa Class 1 went to Sam Berri who Fuqua & Tanya Reinhardt, Mike Koenig took the honors in Class 7, beating the next best time by almost 19 minutes on the run to Fallon and back. The Pilots only ran onir--way, to Fallon and the winner of the one lap was Clint Wolsey who won the class by well over an hour. Lance Rhinehart broke a throttle cable en route to Fallon, got it all together on the return but his elcpsed time put him in second place in Class 9. Dusty Times
-----SATURDAY, MAY23 - ---- ·- ------- ---------SUNDAY, MAY-24 -.a,w: --== _ .... ------ ------- ------ -- - ------- -- - ----~ ~ ~ ~-~-==---~ .. - I , •. . · I -~ ii:'~ !ff ··:i.· j 1 ,-y ".!J' C ' -(-,---......, .£?r( •~-/;' I t,.. ' < .\ . y'•; ti' r.' A ,1,X . ~-\if1;J ~===-c:::::i.:...::. . --~i-~~ \ / • .... ~j:· T · , ~~r\ •'.ut-t . .v:-·..J:=\r=========~ . -~'i •~::::::,;;,.a..i.. ~-= ,(; ~==----- , -· --- --t l I · - - -·-:~-I --•• ~ /l -~ , V i ~~~~ • . . '--'\ ' ;... . 5j:- . j ~ ' . +~ -, .,._.,_ \ ' ~ I ~w 1 -~~~= ,'. . -~ ~ . - - .--C:- · ~ • -:: . • - - -~,,....-~.,,.. ,...-;..- .. . ? ~ -/" ..-::·· · r ~·. ' i..- ----~---=--.:..,,-----~ .....:.......-::::11 ~----7 ---- • \. - . . ·- - ---~-~~ -· ..-< . - - . ~ -....,.~--r · ~ - ·-...--~ ' -=:·-. --_,...-T' .. --llirtd 5i!nrs of ~llood ~ +Racing Starts at 11 A.M. Both Days♦ One Mile South of Lake Geneva on Co. Rd H, Then 1 /2 Mile East on Bloomfield Rd. For Information Call ( 414) 248-8566 And, don't forget the Chevrolet Off Road Nationals July 11-12, 1998 - - -- ------•
-. LATE REPORT FROM JULY . SODA At Lake Geneva Text & Photos: Beanne Brown Johnny Greaves took the checkers in his 5-1600 on Saturday and won both Class 7S races in a definite show of strength at Lake Geneva in July. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, was the setting for the second time this summer for a SODA Series race weekend. The first class out is the 8Ss to start the weekend. It was a great start as usual with 13 trucks coming over the top of the oval. Battling for the front posi-tion was Rick Rayford, Eric Dawson. Mih, Rergner along with several other 8Ss. When it came down to the last lap Mike Oberg took the checkered flag for an-other win, with Cory Friday in second followed by Greg Demott. The next class made up mostly of the older Novas, Grand Prixs along with a Blazer is the 6s. Stan Ambroziak jumped out to an early lead and held on for the win. Gerald Callaway and Bill Gra-boski kept the challenge for sec-ond and third going all the way to the end. Gerald lost out to Gra-boski who finished second giving Callaway third. Merging out to the inside of the oval to line up for the next chal-lenge is 18 Class 12s. The weather is holding up great however, a little dusty until the track is wa-tered down a little. Glen Matthews did more of his steady driving, with Gary Behrens and Herman Barnum working their way towards the front of the pack. Yet, Glen kept a steady hand to take the checkered flag with Be-hrens and Barnum following closely to finish second and third respectively. If you want to be nostalgic you need to spectate the 5-1600 class or commonly referred to as the "Baja Bugs". The dependable VW might surprise you when the green flag is dropped. Tim Christensen, Ron Karlman and Terry Wolfe top the oval with Johnny Greaves and John Svanda following closely in the trail of dust. Its amazing how fast the lead changes during the race, and when it came down to the end of the race Johnny Scott Douglas was the big winner in Class 4 both-dt:Jys in Lake Geneva, shown here flying just below the overcast qn a chilly day. . Greaves pulled out anoth_er win ers driVing for. his Dave with Christensen and· Karlman (who is-r_ecovering from an _acci-dropping down to second and and Pat _Flan!).gan, Mark is third. - . . . . · unable-· to: compl~ti the.··first lap, Time for more VW mo tor~ ex- qoweve_r, · Flanagari" c·ontinues but cept these are two-seat buggies. is black flagged for a window net Hopefuls such as Mike s·eefeldt, down. Joe Zilisch ·and Jack Steve Federico and Michael No- Johnson driving for Brian Collins tary along with nine other drivers are battling it out for the lead po-line up for the start. The battle is sition. Evan Evans in his Chevro-on with Jason Crowder, Mark let has made his way to the front Krueger and Mark Steinhardt and takes the checkered flag for working their way towards the yet another win. Zilisch finished front of the pack. Crowder and second with Johnson in third. Steinhardt make the challenge for The Forest County Potawatomi second interesting along with Racing Team continued their ab-their continually pressing Mike solute domination of the Class 7s. Seefeldt to hold on to his first Johnny Greaves brought their sev-place position. Mike took the enth consecutive win to the fin-checkered flag with Jason and ish line .. Johnny and teammate Mark close behind. Jeff Kincaid worked their way Heavy metal roared pass the from the back of the pack (11th grandstand for their introduc-and 12th place) to first and sec-tions. Eighteen of the Class 13 ond. Art Schmitt finisheci in trucks inch toward the staggered third. As usual Jimmie Crowder lineup. They have the green and and Todd Attig were battling a chill goes over the crowd as the among the rema,nder of the class trucks leap forward. After the first along with Tom Hockers, Mark jump off the oval, there is the Eberhardt, Randy Ellers. sound of cracking fiberglass and Class 9 lines up next with metal. On the second jump con-twenty-two drivers awaiting the tact is made between Mark Hock- checkoff from the flagman. Sur-prisingly they came through the first two jumps with out too much damage. These buggies can really move, Scott Schwalbe along with Pat Dean and Trent Hanson work their way around the track with Jeff St. Peter and Dan Baudoux hot on their trail, and as usual persistence pays off Jeff St. Peter finished first with Aaron Hawley in second followed by Dan Bau-doux. Paula St. Peter shows the right flight attitude as she heads for the checkered flag in Womens Unlimited Buggy. Again the roar of the heavy metal passes in front of the grand-stand. Ten four wheel drive trucks top the oval and Kevin Probst jumps into the lead. Jack Flan-nery, Curt LeDuc and Gerald Fos-ter follow Kevin into the first tum. Scott Douglas is making his Dan BadoiJx flies the Mirage towards the checkered flag on Sunday in Lake Geneva, · move to the front of the pack and winning Class 1 on Sunday. eventually gets into the lead. Since the spring Crandon Douglas and his crew have put a lot of thought and hard work on im-proving his Ford. Yes, Scott Dou-glas has his first win of the year with Walker Evans in second and Gerald Foster finishing third. Jeff St. Peter, besmirched with mud had a great day on Saturday, winning Class 9 Michael Oberg was the Class BS winner on Saturday at Lake Geneva, taking the Jimmie Johnson reclaimed the two-wheel drive divisional point lead by taking his fourth win of the season. Jimmie started in ninth place Saturday due to the inverted start position. Scott Tay-lor knew Jimmie wanted the win and Taylor had to watch his ev-ery move. Among the Class 8 drivers Johnson had to maneuver around Jed Flannery, Dan Yan den Heuvel and Brendan Gaugh-an. Taylor dropped to second with Flannery grabbing third. over 22 other class entrants. _____ Ford in for the gold medal. ------Page 48 December 1997 Dusty Times
Women's Limited Buggy is next on the line with eight ladies tak-ing the green flag. Lorri Pozorski grabbed the win along with Karen Christensen in second and Crys-tal Kozloski finishing third. The Unlimited Buggy for Women found Paula St. Peter in first with Tracy Crump in second and Leslie Anderson rounding out the third place fini_sh. Sunday July 14th What a way to start off Sunday, MUD, MUD and MORE MUD. It rained no, it poured most of Saturday night leaving the track nothing but a rained drenched mud bath. Yes, a mud bath for the Women's Heavy Metal. You know the old adage when it rains it pours well I gotta believe that's the way Sherri Parsons felt, dur-ing the start of the race some-where along the muddy track she tangled with another truck and her window net wa~ knocked down, then she gets a black flag, she goes to the pits to get the net fixed and upon reentering the track loses control in the mud and smacks a tree putting her out of the race. In the meantime Nicole Schleuter and Valerie Rehn along with Robin Schultz are slipping and sliding to see who can take the lead. Val takes the lead and holds on for her second win of the year. Chervl Walton in her BS fin-ished s'!cond and Robin Schultz claimed third. SODA Lites and interesting but growing class. The track has dried out a little from the WHM trucks, but the Lites take off from the center of the oval. Coming across the top of the oval Curt Parsons is in front along with Holgeir Oksnevard and Phil Doyle, followed by Cory Friday, Kevin Beaty and Dave Tlusty. Don Vanhoozer worked his way to a sixth place finish with Tlusty in fifth. Kurt Callahan finished first, followed by Curt Parsons and Kevin Beaty. Cory Friday finished with a fourth. Dan Baudoux out of Hemlock, MI out drove his competitors with his V4 Mirage. Jeff St: Peter and Tommy Bradley along with Pat Dean and Aaron Hawley tried desperately for the win but found to be unsuccessful. St. Peter fin-ished second with Bradley in third. Thirty Class I l's rolled out to line up for the next race. Hope-fuls such as Greg Stingle, Tom Phillips and John Huven along with Karen Christensen wait for the green. When you see 30 bug-gies come over the top of the oval • you start to wonder who is going to claim the win. Surely Andy Morter had his work cut out for him, because he worked his way to the win for this race and was accompanied to the finish line by Herman Barnum and Bill W ojhan for second and third. Mark Krueger in his Taylor built 1-1600 took the victory with Michael Notary and Jason Crow-der close behind. Again on Sunday it was the Potawatomi Racing Team in-vic-tory lane. Greaves finished first with Kincaid in second and Schmitt in third. This put Greaves in first for the Champi-onship Points standings, Kincaid second, Crowder third Attig fourth and Eberhardt in fifth. Be-fore Greaves took another victory he had to deal with a little rain shower, and Jeff had to really do some excellent driving to work his Dusty Times Stan Ambroziak didn't leave much of the mud on the ground as he slithered his way to the Class 6 win. Mark Krueger won the 1-1600 race on Sunday and placed third in the Limited Championship race later in the day. way around Attig. We're back to the roar of the Class 8 with eleven trucks taking the green flag. Amidst a torren-tial downpour, Taylor powered his truck to his first win. Jimmie Johnson who Taylor had battled against on Saturday, settled for the second place along with Bren-dan Gaughan finishing in third. Class 8 points after this weekend, leaves Johnson in first, Taylor second, Gaughan third, Vanden Heuvel fourth, George fifth, Jed Flannery sixth. Two races left and its still rain-ing. The 4s start to lineup and you can be sure the only thing going thru Scott Douglas's mind is lets do it again. Their off and running. There is a battle between just about every truck out there. Walker Evans, Curt LeDuc, Kevin Probst and Jack Flannery Scott Taylor won Class 8 on Sunday, and took second on Saturday at Lake Geneva, shown here in his Ford on the way to the flag. Jimmie Johnson had a win on Saturday and second place in class Bon Sunday, not too bad a weekend for the Herzog team. December 1997 Michael Seefeldt beat out -all the other guys in Class 2-1600, taking the win on a very muddy race track. Glen Mathews races his Phazer to a nice win in Class 12 on Saturday, showing the 18 other guys the way home. come over the top of the oval four wide. Douglas started at the back of the pack and is slowly working his way up, half way through the race they start to drop out. Dou-glas found he had lost oil pressure four laps left to finish. He held on for the second win of the week-end. Jamey Flannery followed Douglas with a second and Evans finished third. Holtger came across the finish line on 'fire and proceeded to drive fnto a water filled ditch to extinguish the fire. What a fiery finish Jeff. Class 4 points after Lake Geneva are as follows: Jack Flannery first, Dou-glas second, Evans third, Jamey Flannery tied with Rob MacCach-ren fourth. Limited Buggy Championship gave Tom Surace a first place win followed by Michael Notary out of Florida ,md Mark Krueger with a third. Quick Recovery to Dave Hackers from all of SODA PSONc. JI,, 3::: J> :a = C: C) "O J> 0 ;,: ;, Page 49
"The Straight Poop from the Big Wahzoo" LAUGffiIN -SCORE's Saturday and Sunday combine the times desert moto thing was not really a big hit With the Checkers. Three Checker teams went over there to race, but this event was not designated as an official Club supported event. Nor, with its shorter course format, did it need to be. George Seeley padded his Class 5 points lead by wining his race on both days. Larry Bolin DNFed on Sataurday, but gabbed a third in Class 10 on Sunday. Good show, Guys! Jimmy Hook and Tom Angerman showed up to help race in another one of Hook's non-Checker Chal-lenger rides. Sadly Jimmy's buddy flipped his own car, losing the end of one of his fingers in the process, plus scaring the shit out of Tom. SAL FISH- It was only appropri-ate that Mr. SCORE International be the first Guest Speaker to be in-vited down to our new Club meeting place in beautiful La Canada. For 25 years now Sal has been promotin~ our sports showcase series, with the Checkers being there to race every single one of them. During all those years this promoter has made regular pilgrimages down to Checkerville to address the membership. These get-togethers have produced some var-ied results, not all of them civil. In some of the earlier turbulent years Sal repeatedly made the mistake of some-times tying to dodge the tough ques-tions with salesmanship. And, I'm sure on more than one occasion during the ride home, he swore "never to go down there again". Eventually, Sal figured out that more of a, "Hey, I've got a business to nm here and can't do that" attitude worked better with this crowd. Not that this change in strat-egy had much effect on his wins and losses, but over the years he's gradu-ally earned considerable respect from the Club for his repeated willingness to come right down into the lion's den and frankly address the questions of the day. Well, apparently the Club felt that Sal might be gettin' a little too confident during his recent visits and decided to change our strategy a bit. Not surprisingly? Sal handled the change well. Unfortunately, since this meeting was designated a closed af-fair I'll have to dispense with the de-tails, except to say a good time was had by all. Hey Sal, rest assured the tape of that meeting will only be shown at selected official Checker gatherings. You can trust us on this. MDR BARSTOW -The early morning wind was biting cold as five Checker cars took off for five laps in this 200 miler. And with Reverend Roy, Alex Long, Crowley and Mor-gan captaining the four pits round the course, the Club produced some im-pressive results even by our standards. Sadly, Joe Giffin picked this race to have the best outing ever in his 1/2-1600 single seater. Giffin and pro-spective member Mike Foster, a.k.a. 'Sporto', earned fine third place fin-ish ita this competitive class. I say sadly because the Prez turned out to be the only Checker who didn't dominate his class at this race. And, at the post race tire meeting/get-to-gether the Prez took quite a verbal pounding from his Checker buds for his failure to complete the sweep. Our leader also screwed up at the Awards when he failed to thank fellow Checker Jeff Stoops for sponsoring his entry at this race. Hey Prez, don't feel bad. I mean it coulda been worse. You could've blown a tranny or gotten beat by that chick. Fresh from three disappointing races in his new unlimited car, Kevin Davis finally took a small step back-ward to solve his maddening power steering problem. The tranny driven power steering pump was replaced with a standard belt drive pump run off the motor. And what do ya know, our hero went right back up to the front. As the first race car off the line, it was a wire to wire run to the flag. Unexpectedly, after tweaking his back during a landing Kevin turned the car over to his engineman at the midway gas stop. Then hardly miss-ing a beat, the team continued on to a big victory in the unlimited buggy class. Hey, our go fast gardener is back! Good show, Kevin. Class 10 saw a Checker 'threepeat' by Craig Dillon at this race. At the previous two MDR races the Dillons have won Class 10 goin' away. And, after aver-aging 62 mph, this race was no ex-ception. This despite a slight delay when his co-driver slid into Checker Main and knocked his own quickfill flying. Good run Craig. Hey Gene, how do ya spell "quadrapeat"? Be it "Big Air" "Bad Air", or "Hot Air", Bob Wright has clearly demon-strated he's got two qualities that all us Checkers admire; Fast and Lucky! With his business reportedly gettin' real busy? Bob's pre-race prep since his win at MDR's last race was pretty much to change his shorts. On top of that, shortly prior to this race he discovered a developing crack in his engine case that was starting to seep oil. But hey, the pits had plenty of oil, this was only a sprint race, and our boy had come to race. And rase he did. In an impressive solo wire to wire class run, 'Big Air Bob' won by over seven minutes. Congratulations to Bob Wright, first Place Class 5-1600! Hmm? This presents us with an obvious question, doesn't it? Which Checker really is the fastest 5-1600 driver, Wright or Dittfeld? Speaking of contenders, Jimmy Hook is currently not only battling BJ for the Club's Class 9 braggin' rights, but is also right up there in the runnin' for the Club's # 1 race car whore. Co-driving another one of his friend's Challenger cars, Captain Hook once again had an exciting race. After a steady competitive run, the team had the buggy running first in class on the last lap with a 30 second lead on the second place car. When they crossed finish line they had maintained their lead on the car they were concerned about, but a rear starter in the class put on an unnoticed last lap bonsai charge to almost steal their win. Whew! Congratulations to Jimmy Hook, first Place in Class 9 ... by 19 seconds! Now that's five entries, five finishers, resulting in four firsts and one third place finish. A true Checker-like effort. NEW MEMBERS -At our Oc-tober 15th meeting three prospectives were thoroughly grilled and then voted in as full fledged Checker members. Dick McCool overcame two major strikes against him, as both an acknowledged past officer of CORE and the sire of Hand-some Billy, tp finally become a mem-ber of the winningest team in the his-tory of desert racin'. In a tense vote, Pop McCool a noted buggy racer from yesteryear, had obviously proved during his prospectiveship that he was a valuable enough asset to the Club to overlook his past. Congratu-lations Dick! Rob Myerly and Alan Hensley are partners in a 1/2-1600 effort who six months ago decided they ought to be racin' with the best, instead of against us. During that time both Alan and Rob did everything expected of them as prospectives; pitting, acting as pit captains, work-ing at the Checker garage, as well as being in attendance at most of the Wednesday night meetings. This may have gone unnoticed by some, as both of them are pretty quiet by Checker standards. Whether that unusual trait will continue as full members, especially when they get their car up and running again, is questionable. Welcome aboard? Gentlemen! Add three more good men to our Club roster. Hey guys, you're Checkers now, feel free to act like it. AW ARDS BANQUET -This years Annual Awards Dinner will be held on Saturday night, December 20th, at Thumper's Elks Lodge in Azusa. Reportedly, as a special favor to a friend, Marv Albert has agreed to MC this years affair, plus put on a lingerie show after the raffle. Addi-tional information and tickets for this event will be available at our Decem-ber third and 17th meetings. Or con-tact one of our Club Officers. AND FINALLY, the Big Wah-zoo wants to wish all my Checker buds and their families the happiest of holidays and a most prosperous New Year. 1998 is shapin' lip to be another winnin' year for the Check-ers, be a part of it! 1998 OFF-ROAD RACING CALENDAR $10.00 EACH PLUS $2.95 .FOR SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEATURING ROBBY GORDON, IVAN STEWART LARRY ROESELER, CURT LE DUC, THE HERBSTS AND MORE! MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P .0. BOX 306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 926~8 NAME ------------------------------ADDRESS ----------------------------CITY ________ STATE __ ZIP CODE ___ _ PHONE NUMBER _________ _ NUMBER OF CALENDARS ORDERED ___ X $10.00 = ___ _ SHIPPING & HANDLING+ $2.95 TOTAL DUE$ ________ _ VISA/MASTERCARD# EXPIRATION DATE ------------------------PLEASE ALLOW 2 TO 3 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY Page so December 1997 Dusty Times
I Christmas Gift Goodies Galore .•. Tie It Up Tight AH.A.A Enterprises has the latest trick way of securing your favorite , motorcycle or any other cargo. Alu-minum rails are installed on the bed sides and a super strong easy to use tie-down system is all yours. Instal-lation -kit comes complete with mounting hardware and is available in 67", 90" and 95" lengths. Call Larry Rubin at 619°291-9025. . Garvin Industries RoofRack A brand new Safari roof rack is available from Garvin Industries. Designed for Sport Utility Ve-hicles and trucks, it easily stores your spare tire, jack, tools, etc. up information call Buddy King at ARB, and out of the way. For more in- 800-425-6253. formation·call 619-440-7415. NewFrom VDO VDO has a brand new catalog, 40 pages of color, yours for the asking and YOO is also announcing a brand .new generation of recording tachom-eters for all your racing activities. Call Robert Williams at.540-678-2022. New ARB Lights ARB is the latest distributor for IPF aftermarket lighting products. Five unique lights are being offered, cov-ering the spectrum of need in every-day (or night) driving, rallying, and any type of foul weather. For more MSD Ignition For Every Driver MSD Ignition Controls are the most used ignitions in racing applications and are also available for daily street driving. From the economical Blaster Ignition to the super powerful MSD 7AL-3 racing application, your par-ticular needs are awaiting your order. Call 915-857-5200 for more info. KCHiLites 35WattHID KC HiLites 35 Watt HID lights are super powerful, 600,000 candle-. power, lost oflight. These lights have been used by the Baja winners the past two years with absolutely no fail-ures. Contact Jim Conner at (520) 855-0912. . HellaHID Auxiliary Light Hella announces its High-Intensity Discharge (HID) auxiliary driving lamp produces 2.5 times more light · than a standard halogen and draws only 2.9 amps. A revolutionary mounting system permits precision beam aiming without tools. Contact 800-247-5924. F.pic ~eelsNewport Epic Wheels announces their new "Newport" wheel, one piece alloy available in FWD sizes, RWD sizes to fit most Sport Utility Vehicles and passenger cars. For more information call Epic at 714-774-2412. ·19980HRoad Calendar If you need to count the days in 1998 or need a gift for a friend or relJ:1.tive, you should contact Ca-rrera Photography for some abso-lutely gorgeous pictures ofbuggys and trucks. For information call 714-969-6820 American Racing Wheels· The new "Nitro" wheel from Ameri-can Racing Wheels, made especially for import and domestic trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles. American Racing has a complete line of over 80 wheel styles for you. For more info, write to: American Racing Custom Wheels, 19067 S. Reyes Avenue, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221. HONDA .. · ; Power· · · · . . . .. Equipment . . · KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER TO_~-D Racer and Spectator Discounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES •WATER PUMPS •OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTOilY -•.. --=IF . . . ES WE DON'T HA VE IT, No ONE Does! DELIVERY TO 1HE RACES AVAILABLE • PLEAsE CALL AHEAD • • . -KAWAGUCHI HONDA· EX1000•213.264.3936, 264.5858 FAX 264.2136 _BONDA Power Equipment Dusty Times ----· ~ LV~SA . s A L E s , s E R v I c E , P A R T s No+-h;r\_ra-'s P#'JC'lPr. • . H O N D A P 0 WE R E Q U I P M E N T S P E C I A LI S T 1U ill)t::, \..;~Iv. ~ r .. ,r <>µ:,::aim ?'-"~l•rm.tnl·C' ;u1d ~:L'"ety. pll·.\:-< lt'.Ji::! 1.!~C' cm,1,;-r !It nu .. -,u.,I t-..·forC' c,p!'r:t:m; y"u: H .. ,nrfa P('lwt'r Ec;u:pmC'nt\c,r.~ subJC'C"l to c-!":.11~~C' "~l!"luut n<..1tke . . - -~ •f.~:im.lll" l•nly b.t:.<C'd o n r.-itc-d l<.".ld. •0,\UC'ry n1.'l tt\\.·lu...!C"d w,th E'-t35.)\)$X,K l. E.,-1:0()v('IS.'O\ I .u1d t'.SC:.500SX. • •·W::~ b.,::\"~- tr;,~ kit, wh,·t"l:!> ,-,_ h.\.-.~('f. Connt."ct1on l\.l hou~C" P,.'\~t"r rC'GUlrt'~ tr,m:oif<r dt"\"'l.:'l" hl .n,11,! ~ll'l~S1t-lC" 111:u~ h.> ~1v,:er C'1.'mpAny p1.•rsonnd . Cor.suh .1 qu.1!i!\C"d C'IC"nn1.·1.1n. December 1997 Page 51 ...
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 1320 N. Miller St. #8 ,, Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 0 -~~g,~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS BATTERY SALES UNLIMITED 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glendora, CA 91740 (818) 914-3717 / FAX (818) 914-2121 • a1ax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. COMPUTER PARTS LOCATOR NATIONWIDE 84-851 AVENUE 48 COACHELLA, CA 92236 JOHN KEARNEY SECRETARY/TREASURER (619) 398-0147, 345-3353 1-800-606-6043 FAX (619) 398-0596 ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging •Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons •SODA and SCORE approved Leaders in Custom Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. ..A-■•■ , RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-~330 RAMSEY, NJ USA • -=---~~ .~.~~ '~4-{r~ ~-e~L! , ~ Off-Road Fiberglas's • Off-Road Truck Fabrication urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke · 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 2" Sport-Comp & Ultra-Lite Gauges • Check our Web Site @ •~ (815) 895-8141 M-F 8-5 CDT • Send $4.00 For Complete 1997 Catalog (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Auto Meter Products, Inc. • 413 W. Elm St.• Sycc:rnore, ll 60178 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Export & lt1t'I Sales · Raci Car Preparation Consulting & Management \040 S. Main St.'.'l•'al~brook. C,.\ ~~oiH /'7L0) '723 'l1:J'7 FA y .~t.:..O\ '7'l~~on~(l, \ 1 V , -..:.. a. 1 1.· 1..,, (, U ! , -'-" 7 , '-, ... HELMET~/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets ·BDR McKenzies . ~__--1..!....71!_!4'.L_6~0-4566 714 441-1212 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOLBAGS• HARNESSPADS ,AJ..L SEATS. CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPE-R SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 OFF ROADRACERS ! "Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" l••osuao.l Wide Assortment of Colors and Sizes -CUSTOM SUITS -In-Store Measurements (10 DAY DELIVERY AVAILABU) LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock We also carry a full selection of • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • • Fire Systems • Shoes • Gloves • 11Ub §~_,_LL Lankershim & 1-s· ~ •vwwn-n<•~ 9017 Son Fernando Road, Sun Volley, CA 91352 w •• ..,..,.i~ ... w.a.-~--(818) 768-7770 Fox (818) 768-1840 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3:IP7 GP> Custom v~~icle Shifter r el' ¥ ./'?I ~p PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr~Runners 84-89 Ranoer Fiberglass Dimple Dies CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX 306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINOSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM B" • 8 " · 1 O" • 13" , 15 " • 16 " • 17 " RA C ING W HEEL BEAD LOCKS $ ffJ(Q) [f{[f ,,[L (Q) ~ /){ SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 [209) 275-5183 FAX [209) 276-2365 -□CNC:J Manufacturersof ·► · · Brake and Clutch Pedal Ass) -;;; _ Master Cylinders · Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and StaQ!.i1ng Brakes Hydraulic Throtifhs T~rottle Pedals arid all of our accessories. CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena~vd. San Diego, CA.9211'10 (619) 275-166~ • Send $3.00 for Catalo~ FLOATER REAR ENDS'• i-'RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree, Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIK,E • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • 'ANDY ~ _d_SI, cwu·~~-Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service · 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Driv~ 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 -•·-RACING ~. J ti GASOLINE LEADED 110,114,118 OCTANE CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIP$ AVAILABLE C~BY OIL ~OMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
CPC Cadmium-Chrome-Gold /:,. nodize-Electrol~ss Nie k!e Aluminum D;e Casting Home of f .O.A. Racing Tieman Connector Plating Corp. 327 w I 32nd st. Los Angeles. CA 9006 I 310-323-1622 • 310-323-l749 Fax 310-323-1517 Ask For Mike DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO ( 805) 683-1 211 P.O. Box 6057 Paul Ortiz 21540 Vine Street Wildomar, CA 92595 • • • Specializing in Custom Roll Cages Welding/Fabrication Tube Bending • Off Road Suspension (909) 471-0692 l>ONIJffOE ~..:P&-IN~ • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSUL TING • DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE KREG DONAHOE OWNER Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. 2831 EAsr WHITE STAR UNIT H ANAHEIM, CA 92806 '• PHONE(714)632-3033 FAX (714) 632-3835 Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Street, Offroad, Production Suite K& L Santee, CA 92701 61!1-~5S-t57!i Aluminum Welding · cs= ES.;;;_7~~ER 5) ENGINEERING FORD RACING PARTS: RAN6£R2.3 PINTO 2.0 OVER 3000 TOP QUALJ.n' SffED PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK ·2.3 80 PG. CATALOG PHONE (818) 444-4919 1438 POTRERO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. El.MONTE., CA. E-zur INSTANT '\~~ ~ SHELTERS 'Ii .,-t-" '-,J!tlGlll~\. FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcLTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALE_R 'CASTEX RENT1U,S 213-462-1468 ~Motor sport f'RE-RUMNER SPECL',LJST • ~UMPERS • C,'\GES • SHOCK MOUNT:• SEN MOUNTS • LIFT J(JTS • L(MIERING ms • DU,'\LLYS AIR !MG SUSPENSION • SHOW C,'\RS & D15Pt.AYS • ,'\lY F,'\8 WORK EXPERT INSTALL,'\TION & F,'\8RICATION AV"-ll,'\BLE FIBERGLASS FENDERS I. 8EOSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 4010 N. PALM STREET. UNIT 103 FULLERTON. CA. 92635 (714) 870-9.422 FAX (714) 870-9132' FBI Fuel Systems Fuel Tanks: 5 to 40 Gal in stock Fuel Bladders: Alcohol or gasoline Accessories: Plates, Caps, Foam, etc. USAC-SCCA-SCORE-etc, APPROVED Jim & LC Charlesworth FOREMAN ~ RACE TIM,JCK ENGINEERING/ DEVELOPMENT FABRICATIONS/ RACE PREP CHARLIE FOREMAN (619) 467-9211 3438 LOCKWOOD DR. ' SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 669-4727 3006 Colina Verde Lane Fuel Bladders, Inc. 4231 Spencer Street Torrance, CA 90503 310-542-3835 phone Jamul, California 91935 Doug Fortin 310-542-3836 fax RA(JN, Fl/El.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Car~n, CA 90746 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: {310) 603-2:!$7 ·q:iuow .J.ld oo·~~l~•.l.l.lW .J.Je spy A.10:,».1!a J.Jn:IS p<>OD •u3wo:,m::, M3U q~.1 pue .. A ll0.L;:)3lll0 .¾!IC1.LS aoon .. :tql U! pie::, !IS3U!Snq .moA l"d ·news .10 a!'t •ssau!mq .1noA :,noqe 1no p.10M 3\fl l3D r o p ALL YOUR O.RA.n<F.T . S.An:TY • ~UEL CELL' AND SUSPENSION KKKDS CALL YOR A CATALOG TOLL FltEE: 1 ·808·528·2059 fFCII LJN[:1·602 764-7646 3719 N. 32nd AVE Pl I0ENIX. A7 85017 ~ifsystems" BY RAFFO RACING LTD . 810A S. ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HTS .. IL 60005 PHONE:,(847) 269-3810 FAX:1(841) 2b9 9 /0b THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! NOW YOU CAN en THE RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ARE USING FTC Racing Equipment, Inc~ 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (311)) 2'l4-~l(·,9. F,u<(RIII) 2\J,.117 iii Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~ Call or write for call (800) 433-6524 ~ our FREE Catalog Alrcralt Rubber Manufaclurong, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 U S A Ph (714) 842·2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 Off Road Style Fiberglass Fenders Graphite/ Carbon A & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fobrlcotlon 15341 Pipeline Lane #B GlASSUJORKS Unllmlted , Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 903-5644
~HONDA fi§¾1•1·f PERSONAL WATERCRAFT JET BOATS BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (213) 877-7272 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. FAX (818) 766-9397 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 •sao MIiivaie In. Lalre•ide -•2-0 ""•' s&•-n&11 Pager 406-2S50 Specializing In high per#or,nance Po-er s~eering ,orRacin,i Magna,1ux in•pe~ion a.,ailable IJAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLlNyTON SHEET MET AL CORP. ll424 1.,.:.W .J:I"·~ S,...., • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 Owner James Hall JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" -Desert. Shon Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions JOO Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO 10965 HARTLEY RD. &UITE A SANTEE, CA 92071 (714) 532-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON V•a&MIC Gaug.A .. -bli• .. ON K■NN• _,. Racer Discounts 809-F N . Lakeview Ave• Plocenlio, CA 92670 Tel/Fox 714-779-2316 · RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER PREP & FABRICATION CUSTOM TRAILERS L-~:'!__Z:\ Russ Jones Motorsporls CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop:. (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 Fiberglass Fenders(~ Metal Fabrication Speed Equipment (805) 238-5731 ii:-'!' --KARIS .. COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3463 Massillon Road, Suite B Uniontown, Ohio-44685 330-899-1777 Fax 330-899-1771 HONDA Power Equipment Athene Karis_ _,. . OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR ' SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E ~TEER ING ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (213) 164--1136 -(213) 164--~~ LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818)- 768-0371 A full line of Power Staring gears, pumps and accessories for Any type of racing. YOUR OFF-ROAD Catch us on the Net/ SPECIALISTS/ ... PHONE: (714) 441•1212 FAX: (714) 441•1622 MENDEOLA RACING_ Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissioos Parts & Servi~e -1290 TROl:SD..\LE #l&J cm;LA '\-1SL\ CA 91910 ~l9-69l-l 000 · F.~X 619-691-1324 MESSICK RACING PHOTOS Thomas E. Lee Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities . Ph 760-253-5689 ...... ~ ~"'-'i~ JIMMY MESSICK. 35124 Cedar Road Bf~~,9A ~2~1 t available. F.a.x_ 760-25~~~9.ti Engineering • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK ·• WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 818-857-RACt 818-852-8852F A.'X KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service Suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 818-857-7223 .Assembly-Machine Work.., Parts , Engine Dyno Fadllty 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C Santee. CA 92071 619-596-0886 · 619-596-0625F AX KenM~ II ETAL s PINNING'. FOR ALL INDUSTRIES CALL 562-928-9838 FAX 562~928-0778 SUNDRY METAL CRAFTS iii ~ =LANGED DISC V =~ARED TUBE ill I , , ' 6831 Suva St. Bell Gardens, CA 90201 ACCOUNTING -INCOME TAX -CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant 2eo 9 ~ GLIENDO .. A AYE. SUIT E 201 (818) . , 9•101 I W••T COVINA, C A 917.0 P'AX (81 e ) •t 9-021 I
805-940-5515 a •1,-;,, ·••4,•4+. 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [941 SJ 857-5200 Roil<el Buggy Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication S1t.11pplly 1 (800)231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85365 (.602) 783-6265 • ORC Race Radios Fax: (602) 437-1306 4107 E. Winslow #D Phoenix, AZ 85040 Paul Sigmundson Office: (602) 437-8164 Mobile: (602) 377-1983 OFF ROAD CHASSIS @ • • 0 li[/I J/H! J<l.Jlf/ BLJCNA PARK. CALIFOR,.,IA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCl-<S. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • C USTOM SUSPENSION AX!..E SERVICE • V.'EL;:)11'.G & FABR1CATICN Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 761-9460 OFF-ROAD TRUCK FIBERGLASS -25 Years in the Fiberglass Business -Builder of I 6 Factory Team Truck Bodies -Custom Molds and Repairs Trailer Products Inc. 1121 N. Buena Vista Hemet, Calif 92543 Ph 909-654-7 3 34 ~R (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 10427 San Sevaine Way., Ste. L Mira Loma, California 91752 HAROLD NICKS !:I!: ,~W~(.Q)V~©'lfl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STILL ONLY S 12;. 2888 GUIIIOR\' ,\\IE. S161\1,\l Hill, C.\ 90806 310-427-8177 I 800-86~5636 Jerry Penhall 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B Cosio Mesa, CA 92627 PORSCHE G50 • FIVE YEARS OFF-ROAD RACED _, . ~ WITH NO BROKEN ~ ~ ~'F_~ GEARS OR PINIONS '· -1' r-'~ , · . - . .. ,._ 1... -•FULLY SYNCHRO , r·,Jt,;,, '"'~fr 1;-. . ..:- , , FIVE - SPEED , -.. _ .(L ·/,, _ - \ \ 1jA ; CEARSETS OR . W~~---, ,:fj~,9/ COMPLETE GEARBOXES -~•-:-·,1' · Ph/Fax (808) 878-6812 (888) 89-GEARS .-Fraley s Pl"rformance l(nginee,·ing ' * All Types ol Steel fl Aluminum Fabrication * Tube Beadinc * Almainma fJ Steel Weldin& * Machine Work • AU Types ol Race Cars ~SW, Flamingo llcL Lu Vegaa, NV 8910) Bruce Fraley (7oz) J--S-90H C.L. Bryant, Inc. 13415 Carmenita Rd. Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Office (310) 802-8913 fax · (310) 802-0274 "100. 110 114 118" ine111anol & n1tro Steve Poole • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Pertormance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. ~ .. \l\> stu1, ~\> ~~ ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr,cision Alloy, II/d, · fl'J. 25805 NE 46t1o Avenue ~ t,Ridgefield;WA 98642 $ ;o~ ~ Phone ~s. ~'Jo Fax 360-887-2000 '0n & 360-887-7279 r\ High Performance \"8 R:icc Truck Series "'Tbe Trtte Dril"er's Class" Tel. 619.4-19.6252 Fax 619.4--19.6rO 9-119 Ahraham Wav. Ste. B Santee. CA 9~071-~58-l Qua\it~ Used 'Parts l¾Tl.¼LtJJ I 040 South Main Str~-.:t. Fallbrook. CA 92028 Fr\'\ 760-n.l-2 117 l:-~l.-\11. hajaracc "(t'tth.cnm PIIONI ' 760-723-2117 --------------... -1-800-929-4360 RACE SHOCK COIVIPANY FO>V°RACING ~SHOCKS OFF-ROAD BOGART'-~'ltl-, • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and application assistance • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components • We take trade-ins LEE FINKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 (909) 889-5612 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE: (6.02) 376-0944 Rev-Power Products VW & PORSCHE MACHINE WORK 268 CLUSTER STREET SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 RO-CX."ROLL ~©~ [P'IX]<O)if"<O) MIKE INGALSBEE PO BOX 2696 COSTA MESA, CA. 92628 "IF Y0U'LL SHOW 0FF ••• ••• WE'LL SHOW lP"I (714) 722-0491 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EA ::i -',:,.\ H'-< :?T tl CAJON. CA ~202 ! ---------~--I ·--•~Kf .. ) :1,\..J..;.C to i9 j ~43-:L4d0 S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 890-.8 (702) 372-5335
TIM CECIL · 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • WINDOW LffiERING • CAR LETTERING • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle• Huntington Beach. CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • Fax (714) 594.9557 j ~ s~e~z~ &~ (b 7,(/i# e~~ ?Jitt 'Ptato. 4S-4K0 # 10 ~ St. 6l9-347-S0S2 ?~. eA 92201 15855 Dell View Rd. . ,l.1· Steve Sp1rkoff/Owner El Cajon, California 92021 619/561-2913 j {!l/4~· 0 ffi3ffi30 (213)583-2404 f \ \) SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ~ METAL PROCESSING . 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Srr.ith El Centro, CA .................. . 800-989-4645 El Cajon, CA ...................... 800-458-2711 Indio, CA . .............................. 800-989-3278 Las Vegas, NV .................... 702-643-9200 Long Beach, CA ................ 310-432-3946 . Oxnard, CA ....................... ..... 805-485-6900 Perris, CA ........................... . 800-969-3835 Van Nuys, CA. .................... . . 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA ................... 909-877-0226 All Other Inquiries, contact Sports Racing at P.O. Box 610, Long Beach, CA 90801 800-836-5355 '""' SO. CALIFORNIA BUMPSHOP Pre-Runners, Chase-Trucks, Street Truc;ks & Cars Baja-Bugs, Dune-Bugs, VW and More. Roll-Bars, Bumpers, Shock-Hoops·, Lifts & Lowers, Roof-Racks, Welding Custom-Suspension, Fabrication and More. Call Voice 733 West Pacific Coast Hwy Harbor City, CA. 9071 0 (31 0) 513-1805 Whittier Blvd. at Harbor La Habra, California 90631 (310) 691-6704 (714) 521-1102 Fax (310) 691-9396 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies • Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 370NVH NVO noA NVHl SS3N1s·na 3l:IOW 3A VH A0'13HlV noA 3SnV038 SI S3WllAlSna NI DNISllH3AOV -lO_N_H_O_~NOS'13HAlN03Hl TOTALLY TRUCKS Inc. Off' Road and Street Truck After Market Parts, Accessories, Installation ,111,l Complete Custom Audio -gell• ,ec~ 3520 East Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada (702) 457-2809 Rorick>• " LJft •.::,U~ "fto Cotr1[ • -r,oil ML,ste, U!4f":'tec ·ft • M,SD Stl'lrtt~w " .. fo M,ete, K&N•""" Trackside Photo Off-road race photography since 1970 Fidel Gonzales 805-578-34 70 P.O. Box 747, Moorpark, CA 93020 !iACE Tl(ANS BY JEFF RELJJ'S TRfiNSfi}(LE · ENCilNEERINCi JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST. Specializing In High Pert. Tran&aJtles • vw • PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WE RACE WHAT WE SB.L (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Normandie • Torrance, CA 90501 t----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.L---~-,;---.-------------------------------------------------------, nf. ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano, CA 93544 805-261-3202 Design Fabrl:::atlon lnstailatlon Darren Ebberts Tony Cerone (909) 340-4684 FAX (909) 340-4689 490£ PRINCELANDCT SUITE4 CORONA CA 91719 ,-. CCMPUTERIZEO VINYL GRAPHICS & LETTERING ,,.11 I I ,._ LO-COST 6LOG SIGNS (ALT. PROCESSES) . ~ ,,.., TRAOE SI-OW 0/SPLA'l'S ,-. /o. OETAILEO & u-JIQUE OES/GNS RACING GRAPHICS ,,.._ Hf-QUAUTY MNNERS ""' FLEET VEHICLES ,-. LOGO REPRl:JOUCTONS ~~:zN:J.:-;._~E ,-., LOGO & GRAPHIC OES/GN ,-. DECALS ,,.. ... SUSPEIVBIONS ,.,, : .. l:Jfvi1MillED OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS ... WELDING • FABRICATION • FulMECUTTING • FFIOVTCIJOS • REAR TRAIUNGARMS RACE CHAS51S • PRERUNN£RS • FOX FIAONG SHOX 1345DYNAMICS. UN/TD ANAHEIM, ell 92806 LARRY ROSEVEAR PHONE {714} 996-6260 FAX (714} 996-6405 TratJ5•Tech USTOM EARBOX UILDING 'J 'tlce ,, P/111, ~ ~ URBD ·~BLU~t Racing Gasolines P~ So. Cal. Distributors• (310) 928-2r8 Lyn. Gonlon, or .\like [UMP] 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE SUITE A SANTEE. CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES ·•:>F RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHO? (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.)
BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 RACE CARS BAJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V.W. & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYOTA • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding Lorenzo Rodriguez Off Road Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication Dale White Racing 3940 Maranatha Circle Las Vegas. NV 89103 702-B71-1661 ~--------------------i • 515 So. Vermont, Glendora, CA 91740 • (818) 914-8147 ____ .....,._....:.--------==-==-===== . 7(' PAINT /INPC(J.4T/NGt),i,:_f;RAPIIICS* Ji¥0G #-· ·~ ro Md MA/Nf£A/AN{,'/'• fx~/IY/W)'ll;/,J/tMINC-•· · -;,-~$11 MYtlv.fB"ForRcklJp~ 0610• o ' I.AURIE DUNLAP VICE PRESIDENT ] 8 ] 5 M ASSACHUSETTS AvE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 USA 909-3 6 9-5 1 44 FAX 909-369-7266 Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service 535 East ~ .. ,..,tr:1/ Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 Off. Road Products Front and Rear Tra~ing Jl<ms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ. 85017 Jack Woods (6021 242-0077 Classified ... Simply Quality: This Trophy Truck is a looker and it works! Ford Ranger · XtraCab Body, Beautiful Fabrication Throughout, 26" Front Travel/28" Rear Travel on Mike Smith Bypass Shocks, Chris-man Rear End, 13" Disc Brakes All Around, CN C Billet Calipers, 3 7" BFG Tires on 1 7" Ultra Wheels. Parabok built Ford SVO 430 cid VB, dual MSD Ignition System, 650+ HP, Ken Mogi C-6 Race Transmission Reverse Pattern Shifter. All of these things work to-gether to make th1s the best Ford Trophy Truck for sale. $64,000.00 . Baja Brokers Ref #492 (760)723-2117. FOR SALE: Awesome Trophy- FOR SALE: 97 Lothringer 2-1600. FOR SALE:Turn key 10 car Bund-T ruck, thousands in spares, Form-er Brand new Car only 5 races, Cur- erson chassis, single seat, long wheel Robby Gordon Frank Vessel, 38" rear rently 2nd points, selling after Baja base, race ready (no joke) desert car. 32" front travel with the best of ev-1000. Turnkey Lothringer Car. Fox, New Fat Performance water cooled FORSALE: RollerJimcoSingleSeat erything. This truck is a winner. Sway-A-Way, CNC, Fodrill, motor. Zero miles (no joke) Hurst Score Lite. Very Competitive. Fox Could be made Class 8 legal. $ 70K Mastercraft, Simpson, PCI Radio and shifter, Hew land gears. Rimco short Coil Over front w/reservoirs, Fox or will consider trade for real estate Intercom, Billet aluminum rear block. New $700.00Fuel Cell. 12 Fox Bypass rearw/reservoirs, Wright front or!! Ref #489 Contact Baja Brokers drums, Yokohama, Centerlines, Coil over shocks-Fresh prep. Weber end,SummersBros.Hubs,Complete ( 760) 723-2117. ThousandsinsparepartsandTrailer, 44, Summers Hubs, Sway-A-Way, Power steering, 930c.v.s, axles, CNC FOR SALE: Class 11/12 SODA off Wiks racing engine, WrTrans. Com- Wright Rack & fresh paint, Extras, pedals, Spares, etc. Complete chassis road racer, Gerald Engine, St. Peter plete package. $21,000.00 Call (760) . Motivated, Reduced to $13,500.00 prep,Mintcondition.$12,250.00obo Transmission, 1996 Rookie of the 337-6108. (760) 757-8709 or (pgr) (760) 999-(760) 753-6620. Year car, race ready $5,500.00 with FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 Baja =25..,,..5 __ 2..,,.. ______ .,..,.... _______ _ FOR SALE: 1996 Porter Racecar spare engine, trans, parts and trailer: 1000 Class winner, totally fresh, FOR SALE: 1997 FORD F-150 Class 1-1600, all the best equipment. 2 Class8/13 SODA off road race truck, extra parts, ready to race, see April BS SODA truck. All Chromoly con-Rosevear engines, 3 Weddle trans, rolling chassis rebuilt in 1997, King/ 97. VW trends magazine feature. struction. Complete with lots ana lots 8 FIR spares, 3 pit boxes, many KM coil over shock suspension, Best offer: Either you race in the of extra parts. List upon request. spare parts, $20,000.00 Gary Por- $13,500.00 (920) 834-5733 or 834- Baja 1000 or I will!!! ( 408) 354- $25,000.00 (51 7) 838-4103 or (517) ter (714) 974-7284. 4583. 1090 Fax (408) 354-8058. 236-7296. ...................•..................................... -.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES . .. • • • • • • • Classified Advertising rate is only $20 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use • : of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7". NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO • • DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, : • · enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED • • - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. • . ~ . FOR SALE: Class 11: Sway-A-Way, • • BFGs, Beard seats, Bilstein$3,500.00. : ---------------------------------------------• Call John for Details, Afternoon and • ------------------------~--------------------: evenings (760) 868-5694. • • FOR SALE: RACE READY FOR : ---~------------------------------------• GLEN HELEN WINTER SERIES • ---------------------------------------: Ford SODA Class 13 or SCORE • Enclosed is$ ____ (Send check or money order, no cash) Please run ad times • Class 8. 466 cu. in. motor by Hol- • ---• brook, C-6 trans and torque con- • Name________________________________ Mail to: • verter by ATD. Dual Kuster shocks : Address _________________ Phone ___________ DUSTY TIMES : all around. Has passenger seat, great • 20751 Marilla ·Street . • pre-runner.$30,000.00Testdrivein • City----------------~ State __ Zip ________ Chatsworth, CA 91311 -4408 • Phoenix, call Dennis (602) 759-9071. : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •: Dusty Times December 1997 Page 57
Outstanding Class 5: Winningest Baja Bug in the desert. This car is race ready w/spares. Available with or without brand new FAT 2. 71 Type 4 motor and fresh Fortin/Hewland 5 speed tranny. Fox Shox, Summers Bros hubs, outboard 930 c.v.s. This car's record is amazing. Class 5 cham-pion 94-95. In 3 years this car fin-ished 19 of 21 races. 1996 Milestone Award winner! Baja Brokers Ref #572. $14,900.00nomotoror trans, or $29,900.00 complete. (760) 723-2117. ., -~ -~;,_:-, Top of The Line 7S: Ford Ranger 4WD, New Model Body, 3.0L4 Cyl-inder, 290+ HP, Magi C-4 Tranny, 4 7 gallon Fuel Cell, Fox Front Shocks w/Resevoirs and Adjustable Damp-ing, Kuster Rear Shocks, National Spring, Chris-man 9" Rear End With 300M Axles, 9 First Place Finishes Including the Baja 1000. Many, many spares, including spare race motor available for $ l 5K. Baja Brokers Ref #584. $40,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 95 Ford Ranger 7S Fresh Esslinger 2.3 4 cyl, stroker motor, 2-2 BBL 44 Weber carbs, Magi C-4 Tranny, 44 gal. Fuel Cell, BFG.33-1050 Custer Shocks Ford 9" Rear, 40 spline axles, Flame Out. Fresh Prep race ready, many spares $40,000.00 Consider some trade. 1600-10 car or ? 40' enclosed goose neck race trailer avail. (702) 457-2809. Class 8/Pre-Runner: SNORE '95 Class Champion and street legal. Widened I Beams, Extended radius Arms, 18" of travel on (2) Custom Built Shocks per wheel, Quarter El-liptical Rear Suspension, 4 link Bars, 24" of Travel on (2) Custom built Bypass shocks per wheel, 351 cid, B&M C-6 Tranny with Art Carr Shifter, Autometer Gauges, Beard, PCI, BFG Baja Tires, TIO welded full cager Extremely Clean vehicle. Baja Brokers Ref# 612 $16,000.00, (760) 723-2117. WANTED: EXPERIENCED F AB-RICATOR. CALL MIKE JULSON ATJIMCO (619) 562-1743. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited pre-runner, street legal, new tags, Type CMS motor, big box with Ump power steering, Foddril arms with Summer hubs & disc, 930s, ·Fox Shox, Beard seats, PIAA lights, $7,500.00 oho. (760) 949-2073. Page 58 SODAClass4Chevy: Ibeam4WD front suspension, Cone full floater 9" in rear, 42 spline axles, Kuster coilovers setup by LeDuc, Fox air bumps, 35" Goodyear SODA tires on headlock wheels, 368 cid motor by Ron Hutter, roller cam, trick alumi-num heads, est 650hp. Fresh Bill Weigle Racing tranny w/costom torque converter, BorgWarner trans-fer case, Autometer, Mastercraft, Simpson, spares w/same, possible transporter trailer. Baja Brokers Ref #615 $40,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: THE BEST CLASS 10 MONEY CAN BUY: '97 Jimco SS Mid-Engine Toyota A-Arm. Only 3 races on this state of the art Jimco "turn key" car. FAT's best 4AG, Fortins best 5 speed, Kuster bypass shocks, Summers etc. Meticulous at-tention to detail, powder coating, prepped w/spares. Over 70K invested asking $49k or will consider "Off Shore" marine ans sports car trades. Todd 702 348-7812. 1997 Class 7 Chevy S-10: Laugh-lin Winner! 4.SL V6 Monster Mo-tor, 300+HP, 700R-4 tranny, 9" Mark Williams 40 spline full floater rear end, 12" travel in front on 3 Bil-steins per wheel, 17" rear on Kuster 18" stroke Bypass Shocks, hydraulic Bump Stops front & rear, 33" Baja T/As, Lee power steering with ram assist, 44 gal fuel cell, PCI radio & intercom included in sale. Baja Bro-kers Ref #605, $19,000.00 (760) 723-2117. Here it is! + 1997 Jimco Class 1 + new Jimco A-arm w/less than 200 miles on it. Fox 2.5'' coilovers in front w/Fox 2.5'' coilovers and bypass shocks in rear. BFG tires on headlock wheels. Leighton 2912cc Type 4 motor, approx 220+ hp, Fortin transaxle, best of the best! PCI, CNC, UMP, Fluidyne, Fuel Safe, Flame-Out, etc, Completely prepped and ready for you to win. Fire sale at $49,000.00. Baja Brokers Ref #613 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: MOTORS-(2) Toyota 2Tc 1650cc VERY FAST. 170 hp Arras pistons, .Toy motorsports, TRW, Ford pushrods, W eh-Cam, New Kennedy clutch, Includes Alt, gwr str, radiator. Lots of spares incl. belts & hoses. ALSO (2) stock block Toy 2TC. $2,000.00 for all Rob (310) 608-8490. ----------FOR SALE: 1994 7S Ford Ranger, Fat Motor raced only one time, Alu-minum heads, steel rods, Chromoly cage, Aluminum 9" floater, LeDuc Lightning Rod shocks, C-4 Auto, Beard seats, 12 Beadlocks with tires, Fuel Safe, Race Ready with lots and lots of extras! $28,000.00 Must sell due to wife's illness (608) 845-9354 (Cst). Stock Full F-150: Very nice truck! 3 51 cid by Leon Patten. Valley trans-mission did the C6, and Currie built the 8.8" rrear end with a spool and 3 5 spline axles. 1 7" of front travel per wheel with 1 custom Kendall shock. Nationals in rear with 19" travel on 1 custom Kendall shock per wheel, 35" BFG Mud Terrains on American Eagle alloys round out the package. Very competitive truck, ready to race & win! Baja Brokers Ref #618 $53,000.00. 760 723-2117. FOR SALE: 2-1600 Raceco, FAT motor, Fox Shox, Bus trans, SCORE legal $8,500.00 oho.Trade for Harley Davidson (602) 465-2519. FOR SALE: Class 2 two seater Raceco. Race ready, fresh 2886 FAT motor, new trans, new Yokohamas, Parker Pumper. All Fox shocks, $20,000.00 oho. ALSO have multiple trailers, (909) 279-8344. FOR SALE: 1965 Baja Fresh 1835cc full cage 22 gallon fuel cell. Beard seats, new tires. Have Centerline wheels, plus lots of parts. $3,500.00 oho 909 653-2606. Just in time for PACE Stadium Se-ries ... Buy my SODA Lite $4,000.00 Including spares!!! Everything except motor. This car won Pontiac last March. Phone (715) 478-2558 (work) Ask for Jay. FOR SALE: 1997 Chevy Pro Truck. Raced 3 races. Truck has all upgrades including 2 stage suspension, 2 bodys, spare tires and wheels, dump cans. Priced to sell (702) 595-8738, (702) 252-1605. December 1997 FOR SALE: SODA Lite, Briggsbuilt chassis, Custom built long travel rear trailing arms. Fox and W arks Perfor-mance Shocks, Full coilover suspen-sion, Fresh Klemm Honda FL 350 motor, BFG tires, Champion wheels. Complete and race or play ready, fresh and fast, $6,500.00. Phone Michigan (906) 466-2680. WANT TO WIN? PROVEN WIN-N ER IS AN UNDERSTATE-MENT!!! FOR SALE: Class 9, single seater, Chromolly Chenowth 1000, Fox Shocks, Fields Trans, extra body, Pit/Part boxes and spare tires in-cluded 1993 L.R.D.R SECOND IN CLASS AND OVERALL POINTS. In 23 races this car WON 9 TIMES, 3 SECONDS, 3 THIRDS, AND 2 FIFTH PLACE FINISHES, with an average of 18 cars in class, collected winnings over $20,000.00. $7,500.00. Contact Sandy Parker (818) 772-7758. FOR SALE: Kathy and Stacy Fay's Ford Ranger. MDR & MORE legal stock class. Many spares. Call Jim (310) 83 7-0796, will send flyer on request. Asking $10,000.00. FOR SALE: VW 2276 High Perfor-mance motor. Pro-built for racing. Ideal for sand buggy. Fresh overhaul. Ready to bolt in. Okrasa crank. Cima 94mm pistons. Total seal rings. Dyna soar full flow heads ported, polished with big· valves. Weber 44rnx carbs. Engle cam. Tri-Mil H.D. clutch. In-terested? Call Tom (619) 445-9973. FOR SALE: F-150 Street Legal pre-runner. Built in 1996, 1981 frame, Hi-Performance V-8 built C-6 transmis-sion, 9" rear end, 4.56 gears, Autofab Suspension, 15" front, 18" rear, 35" tires, Alcoa wheels, PS, PB, NC, Autofab fiberglass fenders, hood & bedsides, Must See $14,900.00 (714) 361-5191. WANTED: RACE DRIVERS & CO-DRIVERS: Unique All Inclusive package to race a Class 7S Ford Ranger built by Curt LeDuc in Baja lOOOor"SCORE, VORRA, MORE, MDRA & BITD" . .You bring only Helmet, Drivers Suit & $$$$. Ser-ious inguiries only. (714) 376-8306. (916) 573-1225 (888) 396-8937 FOR SALE: $10,000.00 EACH OR BEST OFFERS. 2 Raceco Class 1 cars. 1 s/s, 1 2/s, including trailers. Both cars won at least 1 race each year since '94. Thousands worth of spares go with each car. Both deals are less motor, tranny, starter, oil cooling systems, wheels and tires. Call Stiles racing at (707) 374-6814 days or (916) 777-5020 nights. FOR SALE: '84 Toyota race truck. 8 Rancho rebuildable shocks w /res, 30 gal Fuel Safe, National Springs frt & rear. Trailer w/large front storage box $6,000.00 both oho (909) 845-9241. FOR SALE: Chenowth pre-runner/ play car: Chenowth 2 seater, 2180cc. Type 1 w/Porsche shroud, custom geared bus box, Sway-A-Way suspen-sion components, reinforced IRS rear end, Neil pedals, hydraulic throttle, steering brakes, KYB shocks, KC lights, VDOgauges, Tri-Mil exhaust, Centerline style rims + extras, comes 2/16' Zenith car hauler trailer with the overhead rack for storage. $5,500.00 Call David @ (408) 723-3738 or E-Mail: dnovelo FOR SALE: Class 1 or 12. 2/16 Raceco Frame widened 1 O" front and rear. 115" wb, Mastercraft seats, De-ist belts, Ump ps, KCs, Wright arms & spindles, Wright rack, Fox w/res., Fuel Safe 22 gal cell, 930 c.v.s. CNC pedals, Jamar shifter, Yokohamas on Centerlines. Car is complete less motor and trans. $4,000.00 oho Bill Pate (619) 435-8936. WILL PAY UP TO $1,000.00 FOR 1 ;68 TO 1 BUS REDUCTION GEAR SET (16X27 teeth) Call (702) 385-4 700. Ask for Ned or leave mes-sage. FOR SALE: Hewland DG300 gears - New 18:37, 21:34, 21:32, 21:29, $235.00 each; USED: 16:40, 18:37, 20:33, 21:32, good $150.00 each; 22:30, 24:32 fair $120.00 each (310) 787-5613. FOR SALE: Class 9 single seater. All the best, too much to list. 4 races in '97. Fast lap in all 4, 2 wins is fast, reliable and ready to win. $6,800.00. Trades considered. Rodger (702) 897-4785. FOR SALE: FAT Toyota V-6 en-gine, 0 miles on FAT rebuild, 3 We-bers, TRD intake, S&S coated head-ers, all new rings, bearings, pistons, timing belt, clutch, head prep, studs, water pump, ignition, FAT alumi-num air filter. Strong reliable engine. $12,000.00/make offer. Days (520) 806-3258 Evenings ((520) 625-8080. FOR SALE: Toyota 4AG Class 10 Motor: Top Line Fat Performance. Prepped by Toyota factory engineers. 1 race since total rebuild. New JE pis-tons & rings, valves/valve job, Web-Cams, clutch & pressure plate, bear-ings/seals. Includes Electromotive ig-nition, power steering pump, spare 100 amp alternator, Modine radiator &fan. $7,000.00 310 787-5613. FOR SALE: Class 1 Raceco -125" wheelbase - 3000cc Autocraft Rac-ing Engine - Electromotive fuel in-jection - Hewland DG300- Summers Brothers front and rear hubs - Fodrill Heavy duty front beam and spindles - Bilstein shocks -27 spare tires - 6 radios with base antenna - too many extra parts to list - 30' trailer - this car is very competitive - $25,000.00 oho Bernie (505) 255-0212. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited, 2800cc, Type 4 Hew land DG300 5 speed, Summers outboard hubs, 4 wheel disc brakes, all chromolly frame and suspension, Fodrill drop spindles, Kuster bypass shocks, 20 rear 14 front travel, very fast car, '97 San Felipe 1st, '97 Laughlin 2nd, $18,000.00 w/ spares, $9,000.00 w/o motor, trans. Pete Sohren 602 918-3868. ROLLER FOR SALE: Awesome Deal!!! Scalzo's 2 seat Aceco chassis, No Motor, No Trans. , Class l /10/12, Fod Front End, Drop Spindles, Bilstein Coilover Shocks, Bypass Shocks, Charlyn, Mastercraft, Simpson. This car is extremely clean and has beauti-ful fabrication work throughout, Baja Brokers Ref #585 $19,900.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 9 Two seater. 1996 Glen Helen champion. Current points leader for 1997. New front beam. Fresh motor and tra,:.s, ready for desert or short course. Current registra-tion. $4,500.00 (909) 629-0876 -Dan. FOR SALE: New Class 9 Single seat. Everything new and never out of ga-rage. SAW 300m, Fuel Safe, FOX Shox, BFGs on Chrome. Parker, Beard, Saco, UMP, CNC Dual Cyl-inder. New Beautiful aluminum, WR trans, PCI mount. Needs motor and wiring to race. Divorce sale $3,400.00 or Best/trade (562) 930-0615. Top of the line Toyota Pre-Run: Fabtech developed their awesome Toyota suspension using this truck as a test bed and it is sweet! Travel in the front on (2) Fox Bypass shocks per wheel, Cone hubs, National springs in the rear with a top mount center line, (l) Fox 2.5'' PRO Series shock per wheel for 16" Travel. Currie 9" Rear End with aluminum center section, 35 spline axles, Spooled, 3310.50" Bajas on Beadlock wheels. This truck is all chromolly and was done right the first time. Call for all the hot details!!! Baja Brokers Ref #619 $15,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 10 SL Pro SCORE Lite, l 18wb, new 1643 engine, Bus Box w/Hewland gears, Coil over front w/Bilsteins all around, lots of good l'arts on car and spare parts. $7,500.00 oho. Call Mike (801) 955-1834 days (801) 985-5770. 1996 Lothringer 2-1600: Chromoly chassis with Wright front trailing arms and spindles. SAW 300M tor-sion bars, axles, and chromoly spring plates, 930 c.v.s all off Lothringer chromoly rear trailing arms. C~r is dampened by ( 4) Fox shocks with position sensitive sleeves in the rear and (2) Fox Shocks in the front. Tranny by WR Racing with FTC gears, billet SuperDiff, Wiks 1600cc motor, 22 gallon fuel cell, Yokoha-mas on Centerlines, Good car! Baja Brokers Ref #630 $17,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 9 SODA buggy. Fox shocks, aluminum radiator, alu-minum wheels, disc brakes, alumi-num and fibrglass body, no motor. $4,000.00 (920) 682-2272 nights. Smokin' Deal: Class 8 Ford, 15" Travel front/20" Travel rear, Kuster Bypass shocks, coilovers, and air bumps, 35" BFG Baja T/As, 488 cid V8, Cobra Jet Heads, MSD Ignition, Super powerful motor, Mogi C6 Transmission, Chrisman 9-3/4" Rear End, 46 Spline Axles, 80 gallon Fuel System, Spares Included. Great pack-age deal also available with semi-trailer. $32,000.00 oho Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. LOST!!! 2-33xl0.50xl5 Baja T As at MDR night race. We have no bud-get and we need these back. Please contact Davis Motorsports (626) 963-5133. Coming Next Month ... SCORE Baja 1000 Estero Beach Short Course Round 7 at Glen Helen MORE Wild Turkey 225 Annual Centerfold Pull-Out Calendar ... and much, much more! INDEX To Advertisers Baja Racing Products ........................... 49 Baker Performance Products ............... 36 Barbary Coast, Gold Coast, Orleans Hotels ................................. 15 Bilstein Corp of America ...................... 5 Cactus Racing ...................................... 32 Carrera Photo ....................................... 50 Ellis Desert Racing Championships ...... 41 FAT Performance ................................. 44 Fox Racing Shox ................•.................... 7 Fresh Air Systems ................................ 17 Fudpucker Racing T earn ....................... 39 Fuel Safe Racing Cells ......................... 46 German Auto ........................................ 23 Glen Helen Raceway Park .................... 27 Glen Helen Winter Series ....... Back Cover KC Hilites ............................................. 11 Kawaguchi Honda ................................ 51 King Shock Tech .................................. 19 Lake Geneva Raceway -Memorial Day 100 ........................... 47 McKenzie Performance Products ... , ..... 10 Mojave Desert Racing .......................... 43 Mojave Off Road Enthusiasts ............... 21 Nevada Off Road Buggy ....................... 22 PCI Race Radios and Equipment........... 4 Phoenix Gears ...................................... 39 Pike's Family Restaurant ..................... 26 Premier Racing Products ..................... 37 Race Ready Products ........................... 40 SNORE Vegas 400 ................................ 31 Summit Off Road Racing Association .. 33 Sway•A-Way Corp ................................ 2 Transaxle Engineering ......................... 28 Tri-Mil Industries ................................. 42 Valley Performance .............................. 30 Weld Racing ......................................... 32 Whiplash Motorsports ................. 9,29,59 Yarnell Specialties ............................. ,. 30 "11!!1172 -25th Anniversary - "11!!11!!117 ..------.... ---r.------------, Whiplash Parker 400 Entry Form1 ,gj/iDP tive~I 4'~HIP6,ASH ~FFR~AC:, C:,ESERT llACIIVCi CASH PA/DAT TROPHY PRESENTATION! Class ___________ Veh#____ Whiplash Lie# . Name _______________ _ Soc. Sec.# ______ _ Co-Driver's Name _____________________ _ Street Address __________________ Apt # __ _ City ___________ _ State ___ _ Zip Code ___ _ Home# _______ Work# ______ _ :\-Iobile # _____ _ I I I I Emerg. Phone # ________ I ALL CLASSES - PLUS WHIPLASH SPECIAL CLASSES: CLASS LAPS ENTRY PAY-BACK Age _ Occupation ______ _ PRO 1-2, 10, 8, 7, 5, 1-2/1600 3 $400 In Emerg., l'iotify ___________ Relationship ______ _ I PRO 4, 6, 9, 11 PRO 3, 5/1600 2 2 $300 Important Racing Accomplishments $300 SPEC TRUCK (PRO Truck Class), Sponsors _______________________ ~--I I I I I I I Vintage PRO & TRUCK 2 $300 TROPHY TRUCK I l:\DE:\1:\ITY AGREE:\IE:\T ALL SPORTSMAN 3 2 $700 $150 0 $500 RELEASE A:\D WAIYER OF LIABILITY A:\D I understand raeint! is a DANGEROUS SPO RT and I mav be injured. crippled or killed. I hereby assume full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury. death or property damage due 10 1hc POKER RUN APPROX. $30 (1 Hand) BIG PRIZES I negligence ofreleasccs or otherwise while in or upon 1hc restricted (NON COMPETITIVE) 70 MILES $40 (2 Hands) CASH & STUFF areaandorwhilecompctingorforany purposc participating in this C\'ent. I lhe undersigned have read and \'Oluntarily sign this re lease ALL DRIVERS/CO DRIVERS Participating in Competitive Events must I and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement. I further under-have WHIPLASH LICENSE at $25 each or pay a $5 NON-LICENSE FEE Sland NO medical insurance is available JI this event. and I am 111/ITII sokly responsible for any medical assistance. trcatrm:nt and or WHIPLASH SPECIAL CLASSES: . PRE-EIIIT~OSIT I 1ransporta1ion 10 any medical facility as a rcsuh of any injury VINTAGE PRO Class - Chassis 12 yrs or Older, 11 O" or Shorter, ;,",.,;~'/1110 CASH sustained while participating in any way a11his e, ent. Signature of: NO Coil-overs or Externally Valvable Shocks TO THE EI/E/1/T OR .. TRUCK - Must Look Like a Truck, Sound Like a Truck and Be PAI" f/11 :::::'CE 1· Part,c,pan1. -----------·------Reasonably Safe. Please NO Trophy Trucks in this C~~ Bl" MAIL ENTRY TO: Whiplash i\lotorsports, ■ ~ ~ n, • 'J ~ • ■ 2939 East Grovers, Phoenix, AZ 85032 -■ ■l:A::),'7 A~ LI • J -1 ■ .■_III Pre-Entry Deadline: November 28, 1997 PARKER -ARIZD / CAL Dusty Times December 1997 OFFICIAL CSE O~L Y Date received Entry f..:c 1998 License l..:e _____ _ :--ion-license t..:..: Late fee Total fees du..: Deposit paid Balance due in cash at the track Balanc..: paid BRING CASH TO THE TRACK! I Page 59
GOOD/YEAII ~f NAT'L TV COVERAGE 1111 MUI ._ ... II. ta11ut-l11t111 -•• -CHEVY TRUCKS G& ~ Performance Exhaust BFGaadricH ____ , .. , .,/((;-S A N C. ,.. Tl.AM CHIVIO!lf! A.lCI J!.lllllf 1 · 1,11 1111·1 1 A!MM!I AOHIAOI a W.l!III IV.lit ~,b-~-. ~ LA .... ~it ..,KDUNZ.O.P .!lllL ~·~ ll1'11A:A rf~'""""'""'M • , ~ ~~~: ,, ·._ . ~Simplythe/Jestforyour/Jike. ~ WISi6CD.. u~ JI 11~~ ,,,,,,,.,._,__ ,.,,,.., ... ~ ~ 909~89-0133 Friday: Practice t:00 pm. First Race: Saturday 10:00 am• Sunday to:oo am ~ CLEN HELEN UCEWAV PARK '"'""""'-,.~,., 1E1 714-870-;; -~ North ol San Bernardino, 'Rike l•2f5 North, Exit Palm/Kendall, go West & follow the signs. ,.. ___ _ ENTRIES & INFO: 909-880-3090 IVIVIV.,.lenllelen.eomtr-lenllelen 0 O~RNIGHT MOTO:~OME r1. GATES OPEN: SAT. 6:00 AM ~ -PARKING AVAILABLE ~ SUN. 6:30 AM '•