Covering the world of competition in the dirt
Volume 14 -Number 11 November 1997 DllliJlilllHG Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation Vance Scott Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photogra.phy Carol Clark Jim Culp John Elkin Bomer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martir-. Holmes Ralph Mason Daniel Mainzer Jimmy Messick Ron Miller Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith Trackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry Worsham ~ ~w.a ..... MC'IM __, Subscription Rates; $20.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited con-tributions, but is not responsible for such material. Un-solicited material will be returned only by request and . with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright by Hill-side Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POS1MASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20751Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new ad-dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. snapshot of the Month ... There used to be a guy who campaigned a neat looking Nissan truck, and he ran in the desert and did some short course too, but like old soldiers, he just faded away. Has anyone seen Spencer Low? Spencer, where are you? DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies' or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self addresssed envelope. Only Black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue ... FEATURES PAGE Chevrolet World Championships at Crandon by Judy Smith .................... 8 Neste 1000 Laakes of Finland Rally by Martin Holmes ............................. 18 Glen Helen - Round Five by Ron Miller .................................. _. .................. 20 Best In The Desert Vegas To Reno by John B. Calvin .............................. 26 Australian Off Road Championship - Round 4 by Darryf Smith .............. 30 MDR Sahara 250 by Jimmy Messick ............................................................ :34 Fud Bud 200 By Fud .................................................................................... 38 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ........ : ...................................................................... ,.................. 5 Trail Notes ...... .................... .......... ...................... ......................... ... ......... ... . 6 Checkers by The Big Wahzoo ....................................................................... 41 Baja Pits by Carl Augustyn ........................................................................... 41 CRS Report by John Elkin .......................... , ................................................. 42 Good Stuff Directory ................................................................................... 44 Classified Ads .................................................................................... 40, 49-51 I dex To Advertisers ................................................................................... 51 ON THE COVER - Scott Douglas beat out twenty-three other competi-tors to win the $25,000.00 Borg Warner Manufacturers Challenge at Cran-don and he finished second and third in the regular Class 4 races as well. Curt LeDuc was the big winner in the Best In The Desert Vegas To Reno race, winning his class and the overall as well. Curt covered the 500+ miles in 10:22:23. Color Photography by Track.side Photo Inc. S~70.W, DUSTY TIMES THE FASTIST GROWING on ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNIIIY! ! □ 1 year -$~0.00 □ ~ years -$30.00 □ 3 years .. $40.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus .. Free one time classlfled ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside h~<=k pagt") Name ________________________ _ Address-----------------------Ciry Statc _____________ Zip __________ _ &nd chc-ck or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilb St .• Cl,ai:swnf"th, CA 913 I 1,4408, (818) 882-0004 Canadian - I yc;1T" $15.00 U.S. •Ovcncui;nb!;("ription rarcaon ~qUC$C) Dusty,,'Pimes November 1997 Page3
1997-1998 Happenin9s ... P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 June 20-21, 1998 Crandon, WI July 18-19, 1998 Joliet, IL · August 1-2, 1998 Bark River, MI August 22-23, 1998 Luxemburg, WI September 5-6, 1998 Crandon, WI September 26-27, 1998 Indianapolis, IN (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen ASOCIACION ESTATAL Fair Haven, VT 05743 (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 de AUTOMOVILISMO (802) 265-8618 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (71?) 653-8449 Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose de! Caho Baja California de! Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSIDP Darryl Smith I 9 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 01 l-18-07-3298-5522 AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1 T7 (514) 622-4440 BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico Mexicali (65) 5542-83 Off Rood Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 CBoulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627 B.O.R.E. BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1997 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Mitchell, CRS Director 530 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 280 Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 523-1387 Michael Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 935558 (619) 375-8704 October 31 November 2,1997 Treeline Rally November (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada CANNING ATTRACTIONS P.O. Box400 Maywood, CA 90270 (213) 560-SHOW May 21-25, 1998 Memorial Day Charity Car Show C.O.D.R.A. Central Oregon Desert Racing Association Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541) 389-2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Dusty Times CLAIRTON ID-JACKERS l.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison Cou~ Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SANVICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico . USA Jan Wright (011 52 61746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) CMC Continental Motosporc Club CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 01152 (65) 66-6080 CORR Championship Off Road Racing · Carla Reid (317) 272-2828 Short Course Racing December 6-7, 1997 Glen Helen, CA May 23-24, 1998 Beaver Dam, WI June 6-7, 1998 Antigo, WI CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 November 4,26, 1997 Southern California CORVAJamboree Frank Rains Park Lloyd Losinger 1 800 42 CORVA Ext. 501 D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (520) 855-6125 EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder. Sr. 1091 Township L~e Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ESTERO BEACH SHORT COURSE RACING Victor Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico 011-526-1176-6225 Continued ..... Celebrating 25 Years of Record-Setting Performance ■llll ■ Bl Winner's Circle ---•~oollolle __ ,..,,...,_w""'9"" _"-':,...~_,"'..._... ~~-.w111,_ .. ..i...,_ ......,..,_o..,.,._"',_1_(1o(')UN. -tio-.,_hll,_.,.,,.,.__ -~--,---~-----°"""'•----......---,.000-__ .-:o....,.-~ ,.._ ... tl>Q<llt ___ ~ ,o...,________ _ .. .......,,.,_-...,._ _ .. _ ... 91:XJR1i: ____ "',__..,..,.-»_ _ ...... _ _ __ ...... __ .. ~ Go With S/Jal9/n1 A Winning Tl'•d!Uon In Off•Road RM;Jngl ~--tt.E~;:.:~ ~ Winner'& Circle Brind~I and Hughes Share Class 5 -1600 Viclory ~----!k~-•M.---• . ...,.._ .. c..,.~--,.--..... --.. ~~ _IC(WIII;_,,,.$,.__ ~~·.------.. ---~ '-----·----------,,._...,,._ ~-~--"Tlol ______ ..,..,. --... :....,~-.., ...... <Os..,----..·--... _,...._ _____ ... _,.,. ... i;,.i .... .,...._...,_ ----~--__ ,..,......., ... __ _ Go With Bl,_,._,,,, A WEnfflng T,-dition In 0#--ROH RIH:lngl .. tl ...... ~ .. on-Aoall~~ ~ CIIMl'",--..sJl-1-_ _.!-!:..'e:.._~~-Winner"& Circle Bl Winner'B Circle Parker ProTruck Victory To Steve Barlow's Ford Winner"& Circle John Herder Wins Again At SCORE San Felipe 250 Tw~M_t_..,...._ ...,_1111_,., .. ~.,,,INI,..._ '"'-"'"""""--~-.,,.,.~, -1"'1......-~t--_.., .. , .. ,i-.--11.r:wt __ ,.,_Ollllld.....,W~....,., .... ,.:tr.,......... • .... c-.--~ ... ----. ~.,.,.....,...._..-..:;a ~-""-o-.. ~,w,.. ~ ...... _ ....... iNCt> _____ ..,...,. _ _ ___ ..,,.,.....,...,. -· ..... ---·------·--___ .. -·--(loll ..... -.. --,..-...... _--__ ..,.. ___ ,.......,... Go With Silar,,lrd A WiM#ng n-.ctfflon In Off-Road Rllcin9I ....... .._ _____ O!MloMllaefr't~ 1119 c:.IM"'"ICIIWUt·,_ --!~=~~....!!.=!.-BILITEIN Winner's Circle . Sieve Williams Cops San Felipe In LA Sheriff's Ford Ranger s...-....._ .. .._...-. ......... #ri;l-.1o ... """"• --.. -... c------· ......,_U:,11 ____ _ _,_9()011111____ '"'"""'.._ __ .,._'° __ . -.. ... 1.,0-~ .... ____ ... ._,. ~"'":':..-:r'11:11 .... _,~ ... -~~~~-= -"=----........... 'l!.J __ ......... ,_ ... _ .......... ~211-..... -n.--··---""--- -•-900flfC--_...,, ____ 111 ... -Go With Bll•t•lnt A Winning TrtldiUon In 0/f•Road Rlldngl ,..,.. .. .,. ...... -... °"~~0.,,.-~ C..TD1"-IOlll'!511•1-, , - ..... •~M.5-0f,u&fec;A-Winner"& Circle Chuck Han1s Wins Again In Prolhlck Class . ,:,,.d..,..,..,!..oo...._,O#l-♦ °""""t,,,1M~>,ll...,_,.. --•,..._~c-•!U: ,_,.~----.---.....,..,.,..-..-~-•""' __ ,__l,._,.,,_a...._11,; ._,.~..,,,-..~........... __ _,...,.,, ... .._ __ ,... ,__,. ... ...._ ... ~ ---11.....-i,_ .. ._ _ _.._ .__.., ___ "'-"""~ --------.-.,; ... ,_..__,.. ____ -~Pofll,a---.... ........ ___ ,.;_____ _ ______ ... __ _ _,.. __ ..... _,,.,......,. _'I_.....,,_ __ Go With Silstelnl A WJnnlnfl T'radftlott In Olf,,Ro«J Rlteiflgf .. ·----~-<W411Mid,......0.. ... -~ Clill'M"-IDQID1•,C. _ _,!.!,=~-°!-~!.-BILIIIEIN Winner'!s Circle Dave Sykes Was Flawless In Partcer Stock lhlck Win °""'" ..... .,, .... u..,.cir,,-·,..-"'"""_, __ _.,. .....,,.. .. _,..,._f'.,.,<w<;ti _....., _____ ..,. __,,_-..sco,w,.--... , .. __ ...,... G.M•--:~ ...... --1'-1511 :.6:'"~:.::.-=---,,_,_,_8a)fl€_ ............ ___ ...... ,..,_ ----...~--... .,,,, ........ _____ _ _._._.,._'°_, __ ._,_..."'-or,c.~o••--,._.. _,_.,.........,.tit'_,,_ .-,,~-----...... Go Wilh Bil•t.;n/ A Winning Tradltlon In D"•Road Roclngl ,_.,.._,__ ___ Olf""-11""'11111~= ~ ___ c;;;.7::~...:..-: ..... _,. ~ . And Still Bringing Back The Winners! Go With Bi/stein! A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 @ KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX 619/453-0770 November 1997 . Pages . '
FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Associaton 27 50 Cozumel Drive # 11 16 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GLEN HELEN RACEWAY P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Glen 1-telen Short Course Championship Series October 26, 1997 Round Seven - Sunday November 23, 1997 Round Eight - Sunday December 5-7, 1997 Off Road Winter Series Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91760-0762 (562) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420-Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA· Great Planes Off Road Racing Association 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 (402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 4964846 Eve. (AU races are slwrt course, stadium style. Classes: Trophy, 11-1600, 5, 7S, I and Quads) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves. Keidl (604) 828-1795 anytime (AU Events start 7 miles NW of Kamloops) Ll.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 JimAruta (408) ·24H40.2 MICHIGAN BU®Y BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 4881) (517) 543-n.14 · · .. ' MICHIGAN Off ROAD CHAMPlONSHIPS · M. T .B. Enterprises Inc, · 15529 Jones Road Grand .Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 · MID-AMERICA Off ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Press: Dirty Dave Cronin (618) 765-2199 VP: Walter Flack (217) 987-6568 LTOR-Lincoln Trail OffRoaders Pres: Brad Key (217) 446-4556 Steve Sabo (618) 327-9312 (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series Produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaden) Page& MOJAVE DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1863 Glendora, CA 91741 (626) 914-7029 Phone (626) 914-9169 Fax November 28-29, 1997 Thanksgiving 250 Lucerne, CA January 9-10, 1998 Mojave 200 Lucerne, CA February 27-28, 1998 Wild Wash250 Barstow, CA April 17-18, 1998 Ridgecrest 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 19-20, 1998 Lucerne 300 Luceme,CA August 14-15, 1998 Spangler 200 Ridgecrest, CA October 30-31, 1998 Barstow 200 Barstow, CA M.OR.E. Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts 25277 W. Main St., Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 (760) 253-4453 November 7-9, 1997 Wild Turkey 225 Lucerne. CA MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TUFF TRUCK ASSOCIATION Butch Chapin Motorsports Promotions 1404 East 3rd Street Hastings, MN 55033-1415 (612) 437-2459 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OFEL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 AU races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take I-IO Horizon Blvd. exit east 12 miles) OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 JimKendel (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison · County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichboume, Public Relations (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913 (W) PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY 18700 lake Perris Drive Perris - Riverside County, CA 1-800-976-RACE PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 PROTRUCK RACING ORGANIZATION (619) 449-6252 February 28, 1998 Sam Boyd Stadium Las Vegas, NV , March 28, 1998 Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles, CA April 11, 1998 New Mexico State Univ. Stadium Albuquerque, NM May 16, 1998 Tacoma Dome Seattle, WA May 23, 1998 Mile High Stadium Denver, CO TBA Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, AZ S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 SCORE' Score International 22287 Mulholland Highway, Suite 405 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 November 12-15, 1997 T ecate Baja 1000 B.C.,MX SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 4524522 December 5-6, 1997 Vegas 400 Jean. NV SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Office Manager: Mary Carson 2285 Tracy Avenus Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 526-a805/Fax:(805) 584-8518 Internet: SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224).272-5400 November 29, 1997 6 hours Vienna, Georgia SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) November 2, 1997 SUPER SERIES (PTY) LID. P.O. Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (011 ) 880-2170 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry W~lfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX) TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Camey, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin,.NY IJ732 (607) 625:5676 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 152-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UORRA United.OffRoad Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, Nf08853 · (908) 369-655·0 (AU·~ents at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 October 25-26, 1997 1997 Season Championship November 1997 Trail Notes ... SODA FINALS -The final SODA race of the season was held at Oshkosh, WI, September 13 and 14 and both days saw some great racing, befitting the Grand Finale. Here are some of the winners on that weekend and some of the season points winners. Class 4 saw Rob MacCachren win on Saturday and Sunday in his BFG shod Ford, Jamey Flannery taking second both days and Scott Douglas taking third in both contests. In the final points tally, Scott Douglas took the matbles with 226 points, MacCachren was second with 220 points and Jack Flannery was third with 200. Class 7S finale had Johnny Greaves take both wins in his Toyota/BFG pickup, beating out Art Schmitt each time. Season points went to Greaves with 282, Jeff Kincaid was second with 241 and third belonged to Art Schmitt with 169 points. Class 8 belopged to Jimmy Johnson on both days, he took his BFG/Chevrolet to the checkers but missed out on the season points. Final points standings were; Scott Taylor in the BFG/Ford with 241 points, Jimmy Johnson next with 238 and the ever exuberant Brendan Gaughan in third with 230 points. SODA CHAMPIONS -The SODA series drew to a close at Oshkosh, WI and here are all the Series Champions. Class 1, Jeff St. Peter Qimco/Goodyear); Class 1-1600, Jason Crowder (T.A.D./Goodyear); Class 2-1600, Jason Crowder (T.A.D./ Goodyear); Class 4, Scott Douglas (Ford/BFGoodrich); Class 5- 1600, Johnny Greaves (VW /BFGoodrich); Class 6, Bill Groboski (Chevy/BFGoodrich); Class 7S Johnny Greaves (Toyota/BFGoodrich); Class 8, Scott Taylor (Ford/BFGoodrich); Class BS, Michael Oberg (Ford/BFGoodrich); Class 9, Jeff St. Peter (St. Peter SC-2/Goodyear); Class 11, Glen Mathews, (Phazer/BFGoodrich); Class 12, Glen Mathews (Phazer/ BFGoodrich); Class 13, Brian Collins (Chevy/BFGoodrich); SODA Lites, Cory Friday (Genesis/BFGoodrich); Women's Ltd, Karen Christensen (Attig Terminator/BFG); Women's Unltd, Paula St. Peter Qimco/Goodyear); Women's Hvy Mtl, Valerie Rehn (Ford/Goodyear). BLM STRIKES AGAIN - Will they ever get it straight? The land the BLM administers is OUR LAND but yet they constantly look for some excuse to deny all us AMERICAN CITIZENS access to OUR land on one pretext or another. The BLM has announced that approximately 170,000 acres of Public Land west of El Centro is now closed to competitive events. The reason given is to protect the Flat-Tailed Homed lizard, which is not listed as a threatened or an endangered species! The BLM just wants to eliminate motorized vehicle travel in the desert! OON'T LET THIS HAPPEN! You should read, sign and send off the letter on page 40 as requested to: FRT, 250 Kennedy, Unit 2, Chula Vista, CA 91911. Isn't it about time that the land grabbing is put to bed? We certainly think so! If you really want to get involved contact Fud at or and offer your services. C'.'NORE LOSES A CHAMPION - A sad note for us is the fact that Joe Ross, Upresident of SNORE the past few years is leaving not only SNORE, but the state of Nevada as he and his wife Roxanne and their charming daughter return to their birthplace, Havre, Montana, way up there near the Alberta/Saskatchewan border. We here at Dusty Times wish them a long and happy life in their four season climate and hope we will see them or at least talk to them every once in a while. Jean says hi t-00! . MORE SHORT COURSE RACING -Protruck Racing Organization announced a stadium style Protruck off road six race series for the 1998 season The series commences in February, '98 and ends in May with another venue with a date yet to be announced. The season opens in Las Vegas, then to Los Angeles; Albuquerque, Seattle, Denver and the unannounced date in Phoenix. A per-race purse of $24,500 is offered and a minimum year end series purse of $37,000. The series plans to expand into other cities in the western half of the country during the next three years. See Happenings for dates in information. SNORE 250 • The 28th annual Gold Coast SNORE 250 was held on September 27 just south ofJean Nevada and it was a great race and a great racing day. Ron Brant won Class I and the overall, Mark Bunderson took Class 10, Jeff Carr held all the cards in 1/2-1600, Earl West was the big Class 9 winner, Barry SlatterwonMini-Metal, and Denriis Wesseldine broke tradition and won 5-1600. Sport Buggy was won by John McCormick while Bob Ryan won Sport Truck. The race was run in memory of the Dusty Times founder, Jean Calvin and for which we truly thank SNORE. Read the full 250 story in the December issue. Congrats to all! 1 Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 53t!-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL Off ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 . (412) 532-0802 . WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 £:Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 WISCONSIN Off ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSIDP October JO-November 3, 1997 Rally of Australia Perth Australia November 21-24, 1997 Network QRAC Rally Chester, Engand 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)426-0470/(414) 982-7306 ·AnENTION ·11oee & ll0l1Y O,ganlzers List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club list. Don't call, but mail your 1997 schedule ·as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you . some extra entries! Mail your race · or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91344-4404. Dusty Times
• Internal or External • 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 Diameter · • Position Sensitive • 12 to 20 inch travel ! I , ' ' , I 1 J, i I ., !,. ,-20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 Fax 818-700-0947 Performance Products Used By .. JACK FLANNERY JEFF ST. PETER CURTLeDUC MIKE JULSON DARREN SKILTON GEORGE SEELEY ERIC PAVOLKA LARRY ROESELER DANNY LEDEZMA JEFF LEWIS ROD MULLER DANBAUDOUX JASON CROWDER BRADY HELM JERRY PENHALL BOB GORDON ROB MacCACHREN LARRY BOLIN DALE WHITE STEVE BISHOP CHRIS HARROLD TOMMY BRADLEY VICTOR BARAJAS JOHN BRINDELL MARK RUDDIS. JOEL WHITTED JC DEAN ROBBY GUEVARA JEFF GEISER RON BRANT 20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 Fax 818-700-0947
SODA RACING AT CRANDON INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Scott Dougl~s Takes The Big Pot Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. Scott Douglas took a second and a third in the Class 4 racing at Crandon but he won the Borg Warner Challenge Cup and took home the $25,000 that goes with the win. Good show! Scott Douglas cook home the big pot Warner Manufacturer's Champion-at SODA's second Crandon event of ship, for which the fastest 25 drivers the season, but it wasn't easy. A per- had qualified on Friday, had to hap-sistent rainstorm on Saturday made the pen by 4 p.m. so that the officials would track into a bog and as a result most of be able to make their flights home. the racing had to be rescheduled for There was a lot of planning and strat-Sunday. That meant that those run-egy discussion going on as the teams ning the three classes that must race debated whether they should go for the twice each weekend had to get all their $25,000. Borg Warner win, or concen-racing in on one day. Lots of hustling trate on Class points. for the pit crews. Friday had been a beautiful day, and When they rescheduled Sunday the qualifying for entry into the big-they not only started the day earlier money race went off without a hitch, and shortened the races, but they had with Jack Flannery taking the $4,000 to space Classes 4, 7S and 8 so they'd prize and top spot at 1:26:55 in his have time for repairs between events. Chevy. Rob MacCachren, in his Ford, Andjusttocomplicatematters,thebig had the second fast time, at 1:26.76, event of the weekend, the Borg and Douglas put his Ford into third place at 1:27.61. The course, never rough, had been resurfaced with about a foot of clay in an effort to bury the rocks that keep working their way up to the top and, tossed by competitors' tires, beaning drivers in other cars. It made a nice tacky surface, and was definitely holding the rocks down. Things looked bright for the weekend. The weather report said there was "a threat of rain", but the weather re-port always says that in northern Wis-consin, and no one was terribly con-cerned. At least, not until about three a.m., when the thunder shattered the peace of the night, and the clouds opened up. It was a deluge. But it died down and Saturday showed promise. Track officials gathered early in the morning to assess the condition of the track, and decided they'd cancel the usual few laps of on-course practice, and hope the weather would dry up. If the cars had practiced they would have packed the mud some, but no one would have wanted to be the first out on that track. The rain slowed to a mere drizzle, a mistiness, no more, and the racing started about a half-hour late. It was still plenty wet and slippery, but SODA racers are used to mud. The two-class event that opened up the festivities was for Classes 6 and BS, which means American made sedans and more-or-less stock two-wheel drive pickups, •",'.ho'd do a good job of packing the mud for the following racers. But it was going to be tough on them. While it was really not raining by Wisconsin residents' definition, it wasn't really dry either, and the clouds were not moving away. Nevertheless, the first race got off in good order; and a cadre of faithful spectators stood to cheer them on. There were tarps dot-ting the hillside and the costume of the day was the yellow plastic rain suit, but they were there to cheer on the rac-ers. Randy Krall put his Ford into the lead early on, and Joe Brozovich was second in another Ford. There was a lot of slipping and sliding. Krall and Brozovich held their front positions, and Michael Oberg had his Ford in third. They ran that way until the end of lap three, and then Oberg slid off the embankment near the tim-ing tower and had a bear of a time get-ting back up the slippery slope and on to the course again. That moved Greg DeMott, in another Ford, into third place. Oberg was back in tenth. It had begun to sprinkle. On the fifth lap, with Krall and Brozovich firm in front, Randy Zimonick moved into third in his Ford, but then on the next lap he got into the embankment while trying to pass a Class 6 car and was stuck fast. Mike Bergner moved to third, and Oberg was struggling to move back up through traffic, and was now eighth. From this point on the lead three cars stayed the same, as Oberg moved up through traffic. A couple of trucks Swan Dive? No, we think it's a Thank You Lord as Brendan Gaughan celebrates yet Michael Oberg was the big winner in Class BS, keeping the Ford Pickup in the lead another Class B win in his Chevy in Race #1, and he took second in the next race. and finishing with a twenty four second cushion on the rest of the herd dropped out each lap, and traffic had thinned a lot by the white flag lap. Krall, Brozovich and Zimonick fin-ished first, second and third, but they hadn't reckoned with the post race tech, which disqualified them all, re-portedly for using the wrong tires. Oberg, who'd got himself back up to fourth place, found himself declared the winner. John Chirco, also in a Ford, was second, the only other driver to finish eight laps. Meanwhile, the Class 6 cars were also on the track and Stan Ambroziak had his Chevy Blazer out in front. Run-ning second behind him was Shane Degroot in an El Camino, and Gerald Callaway was third in a Gran Prix. Ri-. chard Hieberg's car went up in steam and smoke and never got the second lap done. And Degroot got stuck in the embankment near the timing tower, immobilized by the mud, and done in before getting to his third lap. That put Callaway up into second place. Ambroziak held the lead, building quite a cushion, and Callaway stayed second. Behind them it was hard go-ing for some of the others. Stanley Wood's Chevy was puffin' steam, and Jeremy Flannery's Chevy ran hot also. The mud caked to the fronts of these cars was surely contributing to the overheating. Ambroziak and Callaway ran steadily for the remainder of the race, staying out of trouble and avoiding the mud. Behind them the ranks thinned dramatically. At the end it was Am-broziak and Callaway, the only Class 6 cars to complete eight laps. And it was still sprinkling. The Class 12 buggies were next, low slung and powered by 1600cc VW motors. There was a real herd of them braving the mud and threat of rain. They made it through the first couple of turns with no major disasters, and Andy Morter moved his Mirage up front, with Glen Mathews chasing in his Phazer. In third it was Gary Beh-rens in a Terminator. They ran this way for three laps, and then Morter disappeared, moving Mathews up front, with Tim Christensen second in his Mirage and Behrens third. Mathews had a good lead, but Beh-rens was close on Christensen and looking for a way around, while Greg Stingle ran fourth in his Terminator. As Mathews built his lead Behrens got past Christensen to take over sec-ond, and now it was Herman Barnum, in a Mirage in third, with Stingle in fourth. Jeremy Van Hulle was seriously stuck for a while and the roof flew off Bob Halleen's car, while Curt Gerald pulled out on the white flag lap. But Mathews, who reported that he'd got some special tire grooves for this race, stayed firm in front and went on to take the win. Gary Behrens stayed in second, and Christensen, who'd got mud in his eyes, also re-ported some good grooves for his tires and he finished third. Stingle bounced back up to fourth, getting by Barnum, who was fifth, on the last (continued) · Scott Douglas garnered a second and a third place spot in Class 4 Gary Behrens drives his Terminator to the silver medal in Class 12, Tim Christensen ran l)is Mirage as hard as he could but was only able during the weekend, but he certainly won the big bucks in the with the hillside crowd looking·on. to take third in Class 12 at the Crandon weekend festivities. Challenge. (see lead Pie) Pages November 1997 Dusty Times
F 0 RES T C 0 UN T y POTAWATOMI POJ.4WATOMI BINGO f 4fclsfN6t~i m BF Goodrich ---------------Ti~ [JJJJJJJJl . ..SI& PERFORMANCE ~ -~' BATTERY MILWAUKEE'S JACKPOT POJAWAJOMI BINGO ("":, o·l'D ,,. ,,, • ~-•n .,, ... ,,, .. ,. t ' --mm · CASINO TOYOTA mo"I:~ OUR MIMD .. "" ALWAYS~ACING ~ LAWSON ·fbii 1'.A&TEffll'IO ~ PERFORMANCE tfit-RAcE CLUTCHES} ,' I , f, ~t~1 '"' , .. I' -•• , '·,,, , ,~•>1;{ .•'-_.,";,': ,. ' ' . ...
Jamey Flannery was third in the first Class 4 race at Crandon in his The Chevy pickup of Jed Flannery was second across the finish line Scott Taylor was only able to grab a pair of third place finishes in the Class 8 races, not too far from the silver each time. Chevy only eight seconds out of first. in Class 8, race one, ten seconds away from the gold medal. lap. This bunch reported that the who'd moved into third on the third buggies lined up for their race, taking course wasn't too bad, except for the lap. The cars got so strung out there the green flag about 20 after two. The section between the start and the first wasn't much chance of a pass, and as schedule was seriously behind by now, turn, which was rough and had big it continued to rain and the course andtheskywaslookingominous. Thir-puddles. It was a second gear stretch grew slicker, it was less and less likely teen cars braved the weather, and Ja-for this class. that anyone could get around in any son Crowder went to the front in his As the Class 5-1600 cars got ready case. It was rapidly becoming a one- T.A.D. chassis. He had Steven to start the clouds thickened, the sun line track, and off-line was a slimy trap Federico behind him in a Probst La-disappeared completely, and it really for the unwary. Mud was making it ser, and then Mark Steinhardt in an-began to rain. But a little rain doesn't hard to see and even Greaves, out in other Laser ran third. In fourth it was faze this group. There were 12 of them, front, had to change goggles halfway Larry Manske in a Terminator and · and they all made it past the first bottle- through the race, and he had had the · Todd Crump was fifth in his Mirage. neck at Turn l, led all the way by John foresight to tape a drop-down shield It continued to rain, and the course-Greaves. Tim Christensen ran second to his helmet visor, to help protect his was essentially one lane wide, making in his convertible, with Ron Karlman eyes from the muck. it nearly impossible to drive around an-third in his sedan. John Mason, in an- Greaves took the win, with Chris- other car. But they tried now and then. other convertible, was fourth. This cUd tensen second and Mason in third. Crowder built a good lead, enjoying a not look like convertible weather. SODA- president, Terry Wolfe, fin- · relatively clean drive, while his cohorts Greaves built a big lead, with Chris- ished fourth in his sedan. became mud-colored blobs behind him tensen equally far ahead of Mason It was still raining, but the 2/1600 Stei.nh.rdt moved up to second place c E IE'SAI F s lJ I-ILTE S .,__Yi_o_a_r1 ..... o.11111ft,.111111-R11111110.1111111~~---i ll SPECIALISTS/ ~ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 ill PE'RFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 : DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME t w C w T2 BOOT HOLDER .......................... , ............... MRB-86-9305 a? 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-3 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 I-i:i z z w en w en a: w UY en w 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK~0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR .............................. :MCK--0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE I ................... ::-.............. HDR-113-sof:331 CV JotNT TYPE II .................................. HDR-211-501-331 B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501-3310 875 STD BALL ............................ ,: .......... HYP.-19005 934 STD BALL ................................... : .... H)'P-19006. >-CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 w CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 w CV GREASE CART-RIDGE ........................ WES-4401 ~ CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 . CV,GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY 's-TD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 s'M BOOT ................................................... s·uP..102 u BATES BOOT ......... ~: .................................. BAT-BOOT 930 ROTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 1-p34 ROTAT LEATHEl3 ........ ~ ..................... STC-6001 . ', . E FLOATER NO BRG - LE~, HER ............. STC-6010 L FLOATER NO BRG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF .... , ................. MCK-0113T ECONO DIFFT-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFFT-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEA~ .......................... MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVERS/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 a, ~ m :c en • a, 0 :c • -< 0 6 I ~ )> • 0 C I 0 ;:: ;:: m :c 0 ~ • 0 m ~ m :c r 2 m ~ m m f;; • 0 I )> ;:: ..,, 5 z . . • ~:MPSON e BEARD SEATS e !PF e _KC-• . CtBIE LIGHTS .• BUG_PA,CK It REDtl!'IE (?IL• FUEL SAFE • OEM ·• SWAY-/!.:Wf'tY. • S&S Page 10 November 1997 Jason Crowder hustles his T.A. D. through traffic on his way to the Class 2-1600 win, taking the mud in stride and winning with a twenty eight second margin. on the second lap as Federico dropped to third. By the third lap they were al-ready dealing with lapped cars, b;t the lead group ran widely separated from one another. Federico dropped out after four laps, and the order was Crowder, Stein-hardt, Manske, and Michael Seefeldt in his Hesco ran fourth, with Michael Notary, in another Hesco, in fifth. They single-filed it to the finish, ex-cept for Notary, who'd been mud cov-ered and ran with his visor up for a while and as a consequence couldn't see at all. He pulled out just at the start of the last lap. At the finish it was Crowder, Stein-hardt, Manske and Seefeldt, all com-pleting nine laps. Notary was fifth, with just eight laps done. It was still rain-ing. At three o'clock the Class 13 trucks took their green flag, in steady rain. As they tried to maneuver around the big turn under the Sky Boxes there were trucks facing in all directions, slid-ing more than driving, through the mud. It was pretty clear that Evan Evans had his Chevy in front because it was possible to see a big patch of yel-low not yet covered by mud, but it was impossible to identify the other trucks by color or make. The number plates were rapidly becoming mudded up also, and the timing and scoring per-sonnel got ready to stop any truck whose number couldn't be read so they could hose it off with their garden hose. It's a thing that's been done before, with some success. But not this time. First of all, the garden hose didn't really have enough water pressure to clean the clay off the plates, and it was taking so much time that anxious driv-ers put their trucks in gear and charged off. Another enterprising scorekeeper had a roll of paper towels and bravely walked up to the trucks to swipe the mud off, which was fast, but danger-ous. And of course some drivers, not believing that the black flags could be meant for them, just charged past the confusion without stopping. And -since their numbers couldn't be read the scorekeepers didn't know which oneshadslippedthrough.Whilesome drivers waited patiently in line for number plate service, others went on and got into trouble. There were a couple of trucks jammed together at one point, and another nosed into the embankment halfway through Turn 1. When some trucks completed their lap it was found that they'd already thrown so much mud on their number plates that they couldn't be read, again Fi-nally the score keepers phoned the of-ficials and declared that the race should be stopped because there was no way it could be scored. So it was red flagged, much to the relief of everyone. The officials decided to take a half-hour break and then make a decision (continued) left Kincaid soars to victory in the first Class 7S race, winning by twelve seconds and he took the silver in the next race, just one second out of first place. Dusty Times
ClllBRATIIIG 15 YEARS IISIRVI/IG DUR CUSTOMERS ~lTsystemsN. IIIICT WIii II TIii iTAi/Miii WIT/I 1'18 IIM11111 c,11111 •1111111 c• IIIWIII WMIII WAIi, TIii PIIBIT 81111., IC/I" TAfl/111, JACI IUl/llll IIAff CIIIIII Ill Al Will WIIUT68I CI/ITIM Ill/CT WIii Tl/AT IPL/Tl A/8 lllW Tl II/Ill/ AIIII MIi/Ti/ AlllWIIIG 118 I/GIEi A/8 lllW WITIIIIT 1m111111111111 BllWIRI · ~Usystems" 111181 TIii W/1/IIT IEIECHIII II BllWIBI A,AUA/lll 115-151 CIM 1/IIIIT 8llWl81 IUTl/811112 ,. , I. 11/8" 8llWIBl6nlT IPTIINAI ITAIIIA//1118 IIEIEBT IPICIAI 111118 Bl/NIii/Ci/i Rl118 MIii/iT WITI STIii -Ill CUIIP-1111111181 CllllRI //111//81111 A M,111 ... IEIICTIIIIM FM MIi/EU CAii lU8 TICII. IIIPPIIIT 118 IEIP WH/111118 A/IPUCAT/111
Jimmie Crowder, the Florida Silver Flash, had a decent day in his Lee O'Donnell flies his Toyota in front of the crowd on his way to a Tracy Peebles could only muster a fourth place in Class 11, and yet Ford, second in race #1 and fourth in race #2. nice third place in Class 7S at Crandon. he was only four seconds out of first place in the race. Brian Collins enjoys racing and he especially enjoys winning and that's what he did at Crandon, winning Class 13 easily in the Chevy truck. Kevin Probst was the gold medal winner in the first Class 4 race, but could only get fourth in race two. about what to do. After about 40 min- schedule the rest of the racing for Sun-utes, when it was past 4 p.m., they de- day and Monday. Then it was decided cided that they'd call it a day and re-that Monday was out, even though it WE CARRY AURORA, PYROTECJ; PARKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, SIMPSON J.T. INDUSTRIES, SWAY*A*WAY WRIGHT PLACE, SACO, EARLS YOKOHAMA, SUPER TRAPP, AUTO FAB SWEPCO, BEL-RAY, TANAKA, S&S BUG PACK, CHENOWTH, UMP BELL HELMETS, KEP, FODDRIL UNI-FILTER, ·K&N, TRI-MIL, PIAA PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, SCAT COMP-U-RRE, WEBER CARBS was a holiday (Labor Day), because neither the ESPN film crews nor the VIPs associated with the Borg Warner SAND TIRES & RIMS, BOGART WHEELS CNC, ULTRA WHEELS, SIMPSON CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEELS MECHANIX WEAR, WCM, FUEL SAFE "WE ARE NOW A DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS" CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-755-5900 Page 12 WE CAN SHIP UPS TO YOUR DOOR 1111.... '1. R~~~.1Ufflt?ll 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 89102 HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702}871-5221 FAX November 1997 event could stay over for another day. They went to work rescheduling the racing for Sunday. And the rain con-tinued to fall. Overnight the weather front crept on, and by morning the rain had stopped and a thick fog enveloped the area. It was hard to see from one side of the track to the other, but the weather channel, closely watched by the racers and fans this weekend, was promising sunshine by noon. An army of earth-movers was out, having started working at first light, scraping the mud off the surface and piling it · over to the sides of the track. The new schedule called for racing to start at 9 a.m.1 and there would be no.practise. All events except the Borg Warner were1shortened to six or seven laps, with the hope that none would take longer than 15 minutes. By the time the front-loaders had got to the bottom of the wet stuff, they'd removed all the carefully laid down clay, and were back to native, rocky Crandon soil The nice sticky clay lay in boggy patches to the side of the track, ready to trap unwary drivers. Class 4, potentially the busiest gro~p on this Sunday, ran the first race and they got off to a roaring start at 9: 15 a.m., a time when they're usually still having breakfast. There were 14 of the • big trucks and Kevin Probst had his Chevy in front from the green flag. But Jamey Flannery, in another Chevy and Curt LeDuc in a Ford were hard after him. Walker Evans found the going slippery in his Chevy, did some sliding around and collided with Gerald Fos-ter in a Ford. Evans ended up nearly last, with all his front "sheet metal" gone. Now he was making a charge from the back, frustrating for him, but always enjoyed by the spectators. Mud was flying, but Probst stayed relatively clean out in front of the pack. Behind him a uniformly brown group changed positions. LeDuc moved up to second, with Flannery third and Scott Douglas in fourth in his Ford. Jack Flannery's Chevy had a rear flat which sent him to his pit for a change, and now he was at the back of the pack in fact, but actually running near the leaders. Foster had to stop to have his number plate washed off so the score-keepers would know who he was. Probst held on to his lead and LeDuc fell back when he lost his front-wheel-drive and spun out. Now Jamey Flannery was back up to second, and Douglas was third and trying to get past him. Rob MacCachren had fourth place. All these drivers were acutely aware that they had two more races to run this day, and one of them was for big money. No one w~s taking unnec-essary chances. Probst had built quite a lead and stayed out in front, to take the win, claiming that he'd made a good tire choice that morning. In second it was Douglas who'd moved up on the last lap, and Jamey Flannery finished third.· They sent the Class 8 trucks out next, a group of 10, and Greg George got the hole-shot in his Ford, but couldn't hang on to the lead. Brendan Gaughan put his Chevy in front, with Jimmie Johnson behind him in another Chevy, and then Jed Flannery, in still another Chevy. Johnson bumped Gaughan, got sideways and got stuck in some of the scraped-off mud, losing a position before he was moving again. Gaughan started to widen his lead early while Flannery, Johnson and Scott Taylor, in the first Ford on the road, followed along. While the track was giving off wisps of dusts in the inost-used center lane, it was still very slippery along the sides, and.hard for these two-whee.1-drive trucks to pass. Lo~e Andrews went up in a huge cloud of smoke, but the others kept coming around. Gaughan's lead grew, while Johnson and Flannery did some banging as they struggled for that sec-ond position. By now the hill was crowded with spectators, who were just loving the show. In fourth place Tay-lor got winged by a rock, which caught him in the forearm, and really smarted, but he kept IJlOving along. Gaughan took the win, with Flan-nery second and Taylor in third as Johnson faded with a right rear flat, result of some serious pushing and shoving. It was later, much later, dis-covered that Taylor's arm had been broken by that rock. By about 10 after 10 it was time for the third race of the day, the mini-trucks. There were 20 of the little trucks, and some of them had to splash through big puddles as they charged from the start line to the first turn. Paul Morris's truck started smoking right away and he managed to get only one lap done. Todd Attig had his Ford out in front, with Jeff Kincaid second in his Toyota and Jimmie Crowder third in his Ford. Art Schmitt ran fourth and John Greaves was way back in fifth place with a right rear flat. The trucks were running single-file for the most part, but every now and then some-one would pass Greaves as the tire grew flatter and flatter. On the third lap Attig rolled over in the quarry tum and Kincaid moved to the lead, with Schmitt second, Dusty Times
Chad Hord beat twenty seven other cars to the finish line to take a nice second place in Class Crandon in his Toyota powered Probst Laser. Michael Seefeldt gets airborne in his Hesco as he rushes to a nice George Halaja Jr. comes over from Pennsylvania to compete in Class second place in Class 1-1600, just five seconds short of the win. 1-1600 and at _Crandon he grabbed the bronze medal. Crowder third and Lee O'Donnell in fourth in another Toyota. Greaves had fallen back still further and was now running on his liner. On the founh lap Schmitt's car died as he exited the quarry turn, an ignition problem as it turned out. Now it was Kincaid, Crow-der and O'Donnell. And that's how it went to the finish. Kincaid, explain-ing his muddy track strategy, said, "I was real patient -if you pulled out you went backwards." He'd learned that the hard way, trying to pass Attig. The fog continued to thin, but it was · still hovering as the Class 11 cars, 32 strong, took their green flag at quarter to 11. Tracy Peebles jumped to the front in a Rylon chassis, followed by • Cory Friday in a Friday, and Glen Mathews in a Phazer. Bob Halleen slid off the track and got stuck in a muddy berm, while Jerry Binder broke some-thing major in his front end. All told, five cars were out by lap two, and an-other four quit on the third lap. But Peebles was building a good lead, while Mathews put up a good fight, trying to pass Friday. Keith Berard, one of the wounded, broke a c.v. and Aaron Be-hrens developed a rear flat. Peebles continued to lead, with Fri-day second and now JeffHyde third in a Phazer, as Mathews fell to fourth. Jim Wallace, enjoying his best Crandon race ever, was running fifth, only ·to come to a sudden stop when a c. v. ex-ploded. On the fourth lap Peebles'fell back to third place as Friday moved up to first, followed by Hyde. Gary Behrens was now fourth in his Terminator, and working to get around Peebles. Friday was driving with no reverse gear, and also no brakes to speak of. Friday took the win in this six lap event, followed across the line by Be-hrens, Hyde and Peebles. Tim Chris-tensen was fifth in his Mirage. Mathews, after a good race, got off in • the soft stuff and got stuck, in the last turn of his last lap, so never got credit for that sixth lap. These drivers re-ported that there were still big puddles on the flat after the start line. And obviously, it was still pretty much a one-groove track. Class 9 also had a big crowd, with 30 cars taking the green flag next. It was a clean start, but as they came around the timing tower turn the first time, where they officially start, some-one bumped Scott Schwalbe and he ended up parked up to his belly pan in a bog of really nasty mud. There wasn't a hope that he'd get out under his own power, but he didn't realize that and kept trying. He had a flat and had lost his air cleaner, and when the car was finally pulled out of the mud it wouldn't run. In the meantime the rest of the pack was going around and around, led by Chad Hord in a Probst Laser, and with Phil Gourlie hard on his heels in a Beavco. In third it was Mark Oberg, with Larry Gourlie, Phil's brother, fourth in a Chenowth. Hord continued to lead and attri-Dusty Times tion set in behind him as Tommy Bra- the fourth lap Gourlie passed Hord in win, his second this season, and his first tidying, getting it ready for the single dley, Jr. and Larry Gourlie both devel- the air on the Rancho jump, to take at Crandon. Hord was second, with seat 1600cc buggies. This was another oped rear flats, and Pat Dean had over the lead. Hord tried to regain his Oberg third and St. Peter in fourth big group, with 26 entries, one of somethingbrokeninhisfrontend.Phil position, while Oberg held third and place. which,JeffKarlman,didn'tquitemake Gourlie was running strong in second, Jeff St. Peter moved up to fourth. Now the front-loaders came out to it through the first turn. The rest of with Oberg hanging on to third. On Gourlie stayed in front to take the work over the courie, smoothing and them went on hot in (continued) DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greates! name In driver safety equipment. 4•polntsandra//seatbelt . . $74.95 RACE.BELTS 2"·5polntmount : ........ $79.95 3"-Spoint.mount ......... $99.95 . SIDE COVERS IRS ... ... ... ........•... $54.95 Swing axle ... . ·: ..•....•. $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm.'1700# ............ $79.95 200mm•up to 3000# ... ..... $99.95 GERMAN. AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# -2400# . . from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ........ ....... $39.95 4puc /erramlc ... . . , ...... $44.95 4 puc lerramlc with spring hub ..... . · -· ... ·-· ................ $54.95 SACO MA.GNUM RACK. Billet housing. 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .................. $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-21/anges . ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) . ... ea $15.95 930 CV star ......•.....•...... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8' travel-stock width .... $199.95 e• travel-widened beam . $219.95 10• travel·stock width .•.. $224.95 10' travel-widened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11 1/," chrome ......... $ 98.95 T·11½"raw . ........... $ 65.95 T·115tB• chrome ...... · .$105.95 T-11518" raw ........... $ 72.95 T-4chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw . ................ $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .. _. $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS . .' ............ $8.50 specify M.CG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, ut/1/zes T•1 alternator, Includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I ..........•........ $489.95 MK II ................• . $589.95 I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal . ...... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacements/ave ..... . $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The tout,hest available anywhere, alloy gears, lull contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion· .$269.9,5 Mount plate . ........... $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8 .. 95 Rack steering stops .. · .... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style /Its 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished /In/sh, bolt together rears lite.spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS .Link pin ......... · ... 4130 Chromo/y Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 1¼ •longer .......... pr. $474.00 2¼ • longer ......... . pr. $499.00 4 • longer-co// over style pr. $54 9. 0 0 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods w/ends. (specify Ford or International} set ... _ ........ __ .. ........... $89.95 !~c! ~~~~ ~~.~~~~~:4~:~J 1-21600, 5-1600. -........ $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 _ 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa. Fe Springs, _CA .90670 · 31.0-863-1123 .FAX 310-929-1461 November 1997 Page 13
Joe Zilisch drove hard in the Chevy in his chase of first place in Class 13, but was only able to catch the second place spot. Curt LeDuc was a disappointing fifth in the first Class 4 race but was Karen Christensen only got three laps in during the Womens Limited second in the second race, only two seconds out of the gold. Buggy race but she still got second place at Crandon. Cory Friday found the mud to his liking at Crandon, taking the win in Class 11 over some pretty stiff competition. pursuit of Mark Krueger, in a Taylor/ Krueger chassis. Marty Neri had to pull out with a flat rear tire, and Kevin Feck had a broken front trailing arm, while Steve Socha had no right front tire, which wasn't bothering him at all. Krueger kept a firm hand on the· lc,id, stretching the space between him.sei( and Michael Seefeldt in his Hesco. Steven Federico ran third in a Laser, while Larry Manske was fourth. Jason Crowder, usually at the front of the pack, had got a poor start, and was trying to work up through traffic. On the second lap it was Krueger, Seefeldt, Federico, Manske and Crow-der, and by lap three Crowder was . fourth. But by then the lead pair had moved way out, and this was only go-good show as Evans worked to catch and surely acutely aware that this ing to be a seven lap race. Crowder up with the field. There were 17 start- would be only a seven lap race. As the kept trying, and got up dose behind ers. leaders held their position he caught Federico, but it was not going to be It was definitely drying out, and up with Nicole Schlueter, in her Ford, easy. there was even some sunshine, but the and she was intent on holding her po-As Krueger and Seefeldt moved edges of the course still gleamed with sition. They dueled for a lap, and on smoothly around the track Crowder mud, piled deep in some areas, and still the last lap went into the quarry tum tried to pass Federico, who was not giv-a serious threat to a car that wandered and didn't come out. Evans, probably ing in. Krueger was enjoying his lead, a bit off course. Joe Zilisch took the a little over anxious, had tried a pass finding the track pretty smooth, except early lead in his Chevy, with Brian on the wide tum but miscalculated and for some rocks and ruts out in the back. Collins, another Chevy, right behind rolled himself over. Schlueter got a He stayed in front and got the win, him. Then it was Dennis Ferdon in little banged up in the process, but followed in by Seefeldt. Meanwhile, another Chevy, and Dave Hackers in stayed on her wheels. Federico and Crowder, busy with their a Ford. Dan Baudoux got his Ford off-Collins took the win, grinning and own race, were somehow passed by course a bit and lost a couple of posi-saying it was "so much fun". Zilisch was George Halaja, Jr., of Pittsburgh, who tions, and Mark Deaton was squished second, down on oil pressure and fight-finished third, leaving Federico in up against the fence on the Sky Box ing a sticky throttle. Hackers was third. fourth and Crowder fifth. All but four tum. Now it was one o'clock, there were cars were still on the lead lap. Collins took. over the lead with a few fading clouds, bright sunshine Now it was time to try the Class 13 Zilisch second and Ferdon third, while and a slight breeze. It was t-shirt race again. After its few red-flagged Evans blasted over the course, running weather again, and time for the sec-laps on Saturday, the officials had de- about five seconds faster than anyone ond Class 4 race. There were only 12 . dared that there had been no race, so else as he tried to undo that handicap. left by now, and Gerald Foster didn't they were starting from scratch now. By the second lap he was ninth, but survive the start melee. Neither did Al Almost. In a kind of Catch-22 situa- then he got into a berm and lost a Drews, who lost his right front tire. tion, Evan Evans had been given a 45 couple of positions. Kevin Probst had the lead again, second handicap, due to rough driv- Collins was building a good lead, with Walker Evans in second in his inginthe"nonexistent"Saturdayrace. while Zilisch held second and Hock- Chevy, and Curt LeDuc third in his While Evans' fans were-dismayed by ers moved into third. Evans steamed Ford. Bu·t Jack Flannery pushed his the n('ws, th('y wer(' al'i0 girnrnn~ed a through traffic, body panels flapping, Chevy past -LeDuc, and then_went to -.!!117-2 -25th Anniversary --.aa7 ATTE.NTIONf 5/16001s & Class 31s ,,,4;1;on J;t/eGI cAsHPAtoAr In the beginning, Bajas /now NMJ'J111!!4AA[{ PRE~~::~oNt 5/1600/ and Jeeps/Broncos Schedule•• NO PRE-RUNNING & NOAIRSUPPORT /now Class 3/ were prominent, 12 HOUR TIME LIMIT FRIDAY 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM .... CONTINGENCY/ VENDOR ROW prevalent and prestigious, REGISTRATION/ TECH s:oo PM to 10:00 PM .... BLOCK PARTY R o\\ 1:Jo PM ......................... DRIvERs· MEETING Poker un •e~ 8:00 PM ......................... POSITION PILL DRAW Sunday! 0vt::>'-SATURDAY 6:00 AM ......................... STAGING 7:00 AM (START) ......... FIRST CAR OFF THE PAVEMENT, DOWNTOWN PARKER VIA A (12 HOUR TIME LIMIT) GREEN (TRAFFIC) LIGHT 6:-00 PM ......................... STEET PARTY 8:00 PM ........................ TROPHIES & AWARDS PRE-ENTER SUNDAY 10:00 AM ....................... POKER RUN WITH A 5:00 PM ......................... POKER RUN PAYOUT $2$ /JEPOSl~H PRE-ENTER BY THANKSGIVING TO BE INCLUDED ANIJ ::'!:::: Oil IN PRINTEDPROGRAM OR LATE FEES WILL APPLY. TO r; N AIJIIANCE FO~:E:,-'tf :1tt:~i~~N_f,?,:'fs1'J~N, PAt' ,1., CHECK NOSTALGIC CAR SHOW Prizes, added purse plus bonus for: Fastest Lap ~ Slowest Lap Longest Tow Best in Show Most Nostalgic Class 3 Most Nostalgic 5/1600 Sponsored by: Mile High Cellular, The Machine Shop, Bar S Machine, Southwest Landscape, Vigilante Offroad, Earthworks Landscape, Southwest Offroad News, and The Formsmith, Inc. If you'd like to be included as a sponsor of the "Big Buck Bonus," contact Mile High Cellular Racing at (520) 636-4017 or Whiplash Motorsports at (602) 971-3730. PRE-ENTER BY THANKSGIVING TO BE INCLUDED IN PRINTED PROGRAM OR LATE FEES WILL APPLY. Page 14 November 1997 Dusty Times ...
Crystal Kozloski was not the happiest contestant in Womens Limited Dave Hockers drove his Ford to third place in Class 13, giving it all he Pat Dean tried, but he only got five laps in during the Class 1 race and Buggy but she still finished third in the race. had and ended up only two seconds out of second place. finished a disappointing eleventh place.===;;; work on Evans. Something odd hap-pened to Rob MacCachren, and for a brief while his Ford had a death rattle and was smoking like a goner. But then the terrible noise died down and he was back at it for a few more laps. Probst had a huge lead through the third lap, with Flannery still trying to get around Evans. LeDuc was holding fourth, and Scott Douglas had his Ford next in line. Along the way a rock had flipped up and bent Walker's rear drive shaft, and after a lap or two it flew off, putting him out. Flannery now set his sights on Probst, and was right on his tail on the white flag lap. Then as they rounded Tum One for the last time it was Flannery in front, and there he stayed to the finish. LeDuc followed him in second place, Douglas was third and Probst had fallen to fourth. Flannery, who finished on a flat, said it was the "toughest day I've ever raced in my life." He also said he'd "nudged the Chevy", explaining what had hap-pened to Probst. The second Class 8 race was next on the track, and the spectator area was packed solid as.11 trucks took the green flag. Once again Greg George got the hole shot, and this time his Ford stayed in front, Brendan Gaughan ran second in his Chevy, with Scott Tay-lor, a brace on his injured arm, in third. Evan Evans and Joe Zilisch, both usu-ally Class 13 racers, were running in this event, in order to be eligible for the big Borg Warner race later on. · George stayed in front, with Gaµgh-an second, but Johnson pulled off and parked down by the small pond. Jerry Bundy had front end damage on his Ford; and got hung up on the mud berm in the Timing Tower tum, and had to be pulled off. Still, George stayed in front, while ·Gaughan tried to catch up and Tay-lor, his arm hurting, ran in third place. George was finding his truck a little hard to steer, and gradually Gaughan was catching up. They ran a couple of laps nose to tail, and often side-by-side, but he just couldn't get by. Meanwhile, Johnson, after fiddling with his truck for a while, was back on the track, hav-ing made a temporary fix for his bro-ken throttle cable. George held his lead, and Gaughan dropped back for a few moments, but then closed again just before the fin-ish. They rounded the final turn cheek-by-jowl, and as George took the win,. Gaughan spun and finished by sliding backwards through the checkered flag. Taylor was third and Dan Yanden Heuvel finished fourth in his Chevy. Gaughan drove off the track, flash-ing a "thumbs up" at George as he wem by the victory circle celebration. He returned to his pit and after talking to his crew chief, climbed out of his car. Then his knees buckled and he landed on the ground. It developed he'd taken a rock in the head and not only didn't remember talking to his crew chief, he didn't remember the race he'd just fin-ished. He was taken to the hospital for a quick check up, and released to race Dusty Times Phil Gourlie comes all the way from Seattle to run in Class 9 and he took the checkers for a decisive win at Crandon. again. Next it was the· second Class 7S race, and things had dried out enough that there was dust in the first tum again. There. were 16 of the little trucks, and Art Schmitt was in front in his Nissan. But he had the Toyota twins, Jeff Kincaid and John Greaves right on his bumper, with Todd Attig behind them in the first Ford. Schmitt was ·really charging, and he began to pull out a good lead. As Schmitt moved out Greaves got by Kincaid for second place, and they ran that way for the next three laps. Meanwhile Attig was fourth, with Jim-mie Crowder in fifth in another Ford. It was pretty much a single file race, but moving at a good clip. On the last lap, as they topped the hill below the Sky Boxes for the last time, Greaves got up close and gave Schmitt a little nudge. It was enough. to tum him around. Then Greaves bi-cycled and got himself up on the bank, and the only thing keeping him from toppling over was Schmitt's truck, now stalled and sliding helplessly back-wards, and holding him up. As they stopped moving, Schmitt slid down off the track, frantically trying to restart his truck, as Greaves, with Kincaid in spoiling distance, going on to the fin-ish. Kincaid held back and let Greaves take the win, with Kincaid in second, and Attig third, followed in by Crow-der. The disappointed and frustrated Schmitt never did get his car moving again. The Class 1 race was next to start, and there were a couple of dozen of them when the green flag flew the first time. They didn't all make it through the very dusty first turn, and those that were left were in such a tangle that the officials had to red flag the race so they could separate them.Tom Bradley was parked at the base of the em-bankment in Turn One, and Keith Koesters was parked in Bradley's front end, with his car aimed sky-ward up the embankment. They had to get a front loader onto the track to separate them, and Bradley's car wasn't drivable when it was all cleared away. On the restart, 20 minutes later, four cars were left parked in that first turn, jammed together, and once again, unable to untangle themselves. They waved the red flags again. This time was the end of things for Dan Baudoux, who blew his motor on the second aborted start. Now they had to un-tangle Owen Walther, Mark Oberg, Joe Wutke and Larry Gour-lie. When they first got to Gourlie he was unconscious, and when he came to his neck hurt, so they were being very careful about getting Greg George corners hard in the Ford, running to first place in the second Class 8 race and Greg was certainly happy with the win. November 1997 Mark Krueger flies his mud spattered Taylor to a win in Class 1-1600, winning by a five second margin at Crandon. him out of the car. Ultimately it was discovered that he'd taken a hard hit to his leg, which was badly bruised, but his neck was fine, and he was soon back at the track to watch the racing. · Once the cars were cleared off the officials had that turn watered to hold down the dust, and the third start was a good one. Brian Collins put his Chenowth into the lead, with Tommy Bradley second in his Bradley, and Pat Dean right behind him. Scott Schwalbe ran third in his Taylor. The race, after the terrible starts, was fairly un-eventful, and in fact, the most memorable thing that happened was when the big inflatable BFGoodrich tire broke loose of its moorings and sailed away over the tree tops, dangling its generator be-low it, its caretakers in hot pursuit on foot. Collins drove a beautiful race, but Dean dropped out two laps shy of the finish when a rear hub seized. Schwalbe moved up to second place and Brian Bernloehr to third, with Bradley fourth. At (continued) Jack Flannerys Chevy is shy a few bits of body panel as he hurries to the checkered flag in Class 4, race two. Johnny Greaves had a tough fight in the second Class 7S race, but he flew to victory in the Toyota. Page 15.
Mark Steinhardt finished all seven laps in 1-1600 but was a very Gerald Callaway finished in second place in the American Sedan Class Kevin Beaty had a good time in his Briggsbuilt at Crandon, finishing disappointing thirteenth in the heavily contested race. 6 race, but he was still thirty eight seconds behind the leader. _fo_u_rt_h_in_t_h_e_S_O_D._~_L_it_e_s_cl_a_ss_. ___________ _ the finish it was Collins, taking his of special lap prizes to be awarded also. LeDuc took the early lead in his Ford, the press of time. By now it was 5:30. finished second, followed by Kozloski second win for the weekend, then Earlier in the weekend Borg Warner with Jack Flannery right'behind him, The unlimited cars started first, and in third place. Schwalbe and Bradley, who got by had held a press conference to an- and Scott Douglas close~behind him after they'd done a lap they let the The Women's Heavy Metal event Bernloehr on the last lap. nounce that they will continue this in third. But it was·Douglas who got Class 11 cars take off, reducing their was next off the line, and Samantha Now it was time for the big race of event, and the purse, through the year up front and stayed there. He had total race even more. Votis rolled her truck, while Jill the weekend, the Borg Warner 2000. Probst in second place, with LeDuc In the Unlimited cars Paula St. Pe- WalkowskigotherChevystuckin the Manufacturer's Challenge Not only Originally some 25 cars had quali- third and Jimmie Johnson in fourth. ter, in her SC-2, went into the lead mud. Nicole Schlueter put her Ford was there a purse of$25,000, but there fied for this race, but several had come So it was Ford, Chevy, Ford, Chevy. and stayed there. Behind her it was out in front, followed by Sherri Par-was a nice $5,000 contingency if the to grief in their regular class events, Jack Flannery had already disappeared, Bekki Freeman, a desert racer out from sons in a Chevy. Behind them it was winner happened to be driving a and now there were only 20 starters. and Jed Flannery was also out early, Las Vegas for her first try at a short- · Brenda Hockers in a Ford, with Vale-Chevy. The winner's name.would be And only 19actuallyleftthe line, while parked in the infield with a broken courseevent. lnthirditwas Day Gang, rie Rehn, another Ford, trying hard to engraved on the huge silver and gold Joe Zilisch watched them go, his truck steering shaft. JeffKowatsch somehow another Las Vegas desert racer out for get past her. perpetual trophy, and there were lots sidelined by a dead battery. Curt ended up with his Ford parked on the the first time here. Leslie Anderson Schlueter stayed firm in front, with NEW IN '97 ... from WELD RACING® TM MODULAR Specialty Racing Wheel • Mud Drags • Sand Drags • Truck Pullers • 4x4 Trucks • Dune Buggies, Etc. --~ ~ • True 3-Piece Modular Design ... A Genuine Racing Wheel. • Super Strong ... Nobody Builds a Stronger Racing Wheel ! • Super Light ... Ligh1est Wheels Available! e Really Wide ... From 3½" to wide in 15", 16" and NOW 16.1" • Versatile Fitment ... 4 ,5 ,6 and 8 Lug-Back Spacings from 2" to 811• $/l-2 \ · Shown with \"""".::!..~ • Fast Service ... All Orders , Built within 5 Working Days. :G"/<-28 ~~g~~29ggGa-J Racer Duect. - A , 1-800-488-9353 Dept. SR © 1997, Weld Wheel, Industries 933 Mulberry St., Kansas City, MO 64101 816/421-8040, Fax: 816/842-6747, Web Site: Page 16 embankment near the timing tum, was fourth. Gwen Holmes had hit one Parsons, whose truck started to smoke, high centered and there for the dura-of the fence posts by the pond and in second. The Hockers/Rehn race was tion. peeled the left side off her car, ending the one to watch. Schlueter took the Douglas started to lengthen his lead, her race early. win followed in by Parsons, and Hock-with Probst following and LeDuc, St. Peter stayed in front but Free-ers held off Rehn all the way to take Johnson and Walker Evans in a tight man dropped out when she spun, got third. knot, fighting for third place. Rob hit and her steering broke. Tracy OnemoreCrandonBrushRunl0l MacCachren rolled his Ford truck, and Crump moved up to second place in went into the records as a fine event. while he got it going again, he'd de- her Mirage, and Gang was third. St. If the crowd wasn't the biggest ever, it veloped a big fire when he got around Peter took the win, with Crump sec-certainly came close, and they surely near the pits, so he parked it and bailed ond, and Gang third. Ruth Schwartz- went away happy. The racing was out. burg moved up in her Laser to finish great. Sunday's program, with the Douglas continued to lead with fourth. shorter races all crowded together, was LeDuc following, and both Johnson In the meantime the Class 11 cars terrific for the spectators, though it was and Dan Vanden Heuvel began to were led by Sarah Tate, in a Gilson, tough on the pit crews who had to re-smoke. Jerry Bundy had front end all the way. Behind her it was Karen ally keep hopping. problems on his Ford, Probst was out Christensen. Lorri Poiorski ran third There will be two events at Cran-with driveline troubles, and by the fifth for a while, but then dropped out and don next year, but they will apparently lap there were only seven trucks run- Crystal Kozloski moved up to third. not be SODA races. Instead they will ning. ' Tate, in a car borrowed from Greg fall under the auspicesofC.O.R.R., the Now it was Douglas, in a Ford, in Stingle, which didn't quite fit her, went new organization formed by Marty front of Walker Evans, Evan.Evans on briskly to finishfourlaps, one more Reid and Jim Conway. As C.O.R.R. andBrendanGaughan,allinChevys. thananyoneelseinherclass.Thiswas and S.O.D.A. get their 1998 sched-LeDuc and Johnson were out. only her second race this year, but she ules firmed up you'll find the updated Douglas was un-catchable. He held hasn't forgotten anything. Christensen information in Dusty Times. ■ his lead, his truck in good shape, and not enough traffic to give him trouble. Behind him the traffic thinned, with Walker Evans second, then Evan Evans and then Brendan, essentially all the same team. No one else was on the lead lap by the sixth lap. And it went on that way to the finish of the nine-lap event. Douglas, who said he'd "cooled it a bit in the Class 4 races to have a truck left for the BorgWarner.", took the win, and got tossed into the pond in celebration. Evans, Evans and Gaughan finished behind him. Nicole Schlueter, one lap down, was fifth in her Ford. They had to use a front-loader to get Kowatch's truck off the big embankment, and managed to get the front-loader stuck in the process, Brian Collins competes in his Class 13 truck and his Class 1 car and is quite giving the audience a little more en- successful, shown here in flight on his way to victory. tertainment. The SODA Lites took to the track next, with 13 vehicles on the track. Phil Doyle took the early lead in his Briggsbuilt, and stayed in front all the way. He was chased by Rennie Awana, in another Briggsbuilt. For a while it was Holgeir Oksnevad in third place, in still another Briggsbuilt, but then he fell back and Kevin Beaty, Briggsbuilt, moved up. ' As Doyle built his lead, Oksnevad developed a front flat and dropped back several positions. Now it was Doyle, Awana, Beaty and Bob Briggs, and yes, he was driving a Briggsbuilt. Doyle went on to take the win, fol-lowed, in by Awana and Briggs, then Beaty and Cory Friday in a Genesis. T he Women's Buggies took off next, Paula St. Peter races hard in her Class 1 car, and it pays off as she is shown here reduced to a five lap event because of heading for the checkered flag in Women 's Unlimited class. November 1997 Dusty Times
NESTE RALLY OF FINLAND 1997 Makinen Makes Most of Finland By Martin Holmes Photos: Maurice Selden Tommi Makinen and Seppo Harjanne in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution were the big winners in Finland and now lead the Drivers f)oints by eighteen. • wide teflon coated piston wear ba 1_Aj~i:p1ll")) t it does not drop into large ports. • sealed piston for low speed cont • high temperature stainless steel • unique rod end design and • high temperature Viton seal • large aluminum reservoir n (2X) and weigh • 1" shafts are micro-poli of a 3-5 RMS. • stainless steel teflon ' or 5/8" ID spa • shock are all own purchase. flow (weld on ). d to order or omer. n for smooth d . • Ch~ I 40 and heat treat a 17 for long durability. ¼ a . spring designed h low ope stress levels. • " I , ervoir mo · he rear -bu ies and trucks. \ Custom \.;ou d springs for 3" shocks in We do custom shock work andv ehicle se Custom designed and mfg. shocks & parts a { air shocks, water cooled, pistons etc.). Designed and manufactured by the same person that designed all Kuster Shocks. Page 18 King Shock Technology A Shock Manufacturing Company (714) 530-8701 Fax: (714) 530-8702 10402 Trask Ave., Unit C, Garden Grove,c..CA 92843 }'. November 1997 Harri Rovanpera and Voitto Silander drove the SEAT Ibiza Kit Car to the W2L win, beating second place by fourteen seconds. Juha Kankkunen and Juha Repo fly the Ford Escort towards a second overall in Finland, they finished seven seconds in arrears. Tommi Makinen won his fourth successive "1000 Lakes Rally", now officially known as the Neste Rally Finland, beat-ing his long time mentor, Juha Kankkunen by just seven sec-onds after running 22 gravel stages consisting of 380 kilome-ters, all run in daylight and all in warm and sunny weather and Tommi was very pleased with the result. It was Tommi's tenth full World Championship Rally win and the 99th in the history of Finnish rally drivers. Carlos Sainz was a threat for the win but it all faded on the last day with gearbox problems while Subaru had an absolute disaster, both of their lmpreza cars retiring with camshaft pul-ley failure. SEAT won the World 2-liter category, their fourth in a row and Mitsubishi drivers had an unprecedented day, taking the top ten places in Group N. Toyota arrived with their new Corolla World Rally Cars, Didi-er Auriol and Marcus Gronhelmin doing the driving. They were in the rally under special exemption; they must contest the res t of the season with two WRCar entries and they cannot score points, re-gardless of finishing position. Mitsubishi Ralliart entered only one car, a new Group A Evolution IV for the reigning World Champion and current points leader, Tommi Makinen, and obviously it was the proper choice for this event. Leg 1 consisted of four stages, just under 200 kms in length and all gravel,_ which was lying loose on top of the road surface, wait-ing to be swept clean by the passing cars. Troubles struck a few drivers before the start of the event. Colin McRae found on test day that his car was fit-ted with the wrong front suspen-sion and in spite of the hotline to Britain it was at the second service on day one that the proper suspension was fitted. Carlos Sainz had a panic when an electronic system check showed a bad transmission with four minutes ·to the start of stage 1, but a loose connection was found and there was no prob-· lem. He did go on to set fastest time on the stage. Kankkunen was having troubles with too soft a tire choice and both the Toyotas of Didier Auriol and Marcus Granholm arrived at the service park with half of their front spoilers missing, lost in a rutted stretch of road with lots of good sized rocks. Tommi Makinen was running first on the road but the next four or five cars behind him were clocking faster times so it was evident that on the longer stages T ommi would be overtaken. Makinen's thoughts were to clock into the final control late and drop down the restart order but in the long run decided against such a move. Sainz did clock in late and fell from second to sixth in just a moment. In W2L there was great com-petition between SEAT, Harri Rovanpera, VW with Tapio Laukkanen and Toni Garde-meister in the Nissan Sunny. Per Svan was out after the first stage with engine failure, Rovanpera had overheating problems on stage 1 and Gomez had brake problems. Mark Higgins Miera Kit Car led the 1300cc class and fourth place was up for grabs be-tween the two Maxi Meganes of Sperrier and Kruse. Kruse's se-quential gear selector was giv-ing him grief whils t Triner and Stolfa were first and second in class in their Felicias. In Group N Puhakka was overheating on stage 1 but still led the class. Leg 2 was ten stages of gravel, 186 kms in length and Makinen was running fourth on the road. Dusty Times
Kenneth Eriksson and Staffan Parmander had the attention of the The Nissan Sunny Kit Car, shown here just before landing and piloted crowd but they retired the Subaru lmpreza with camshaft pulley by Toni Gardemeister and Paavo Lukander finished third in W2L in The Skoda Octavia Kit Car piloted by Pavel Sibera and Petr Gross problems. Finland. · retired from the fray after stage 6 with transmission problems. Marcus Gronholm and Timo Rautiainen were in third place but were forced to retire.after stage 20 with fuel pressure problems in the Toyota Corolla. Gustavo Trelles with Jorge def Buono took the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution to a fourth in Group N. Trelles is the Group N champion for 1997. Above Far Right: Tapio Laukkanen and Risto Mannisenmaki took the VW Golf Kit Car to an impressive second place in W2L, only fourteen seconds behind the leader. The first big shock of the day was when Colin McRae lost the camshaft pulley on his Impreza as he finished stage 5. Gronholm had increased his lead to seven seconds and he held this through the second stage al-though troubie was on the way. He was one second in front of Kankkunen after stage 7 and by the end of stage 8 Sainz had taken the lead. It was truly great rallying! After stage 7, driving four different types of car, the top five drivers were separated by four seconds. From stages 8 through 11, Sainz and Kankkun-en were one-two but Tommi Makinen was coming on. Changing the turbo after stage 11 and on stage 12 Tommi beat the Fords by 11 seconds! This was big doin's and was a portent . of things to come. Tommi was excited about starting first on the road the next day while in the Ford camp, where every-thing had been looking good for another 1-2 finish, frowns were replacing smiles. Shock #2 was the retirement of Kenneth Eriksson, his Im-preza out of it with the same problem as McRae had suffered, camshaft pulley failure. The two Toyotas began slipping down the leader board, Grenholm be-ing very cautious after a very large jump and a heavy landing while Auriol had lost rear wheel drive, an output shaft in the tranny shearing from a pinion, costing him eight minutes and there he remained for the rest he fell to 13th in the rally. of the rally, following Makinen. In W2L Laukkenen began to Gronholm was up to third and slow a bit with differential prob- he set some fast stage times on !ems and an overheating clutch. 18 and 19 but had ignition prob-Sperrer lost time changing an al- lems on the transition and re-ternator, Gardemeister was hav- tired. Auriol was back in 4 wheel ing gearbox troubles, Adam . ·drive mode but he too had a Kent crashed his semi-kit Peu-cracked transmission housing geot 306 on the first stage, Sib-and oil was being added at ev-era retired the Octavia after los-ery opportunity but in spite of irig a shock and then having the all the problems he finished rear suspension collapse. Rovan-eighth overall, ten minutes away pera led all the way, Gomez had from the lead. a broken rear suspension mount, Makinen did a bit of body dam-the two Skoda Felicias were 7th age near the end, Kankkunen and 8th and Higgins continued hit some barriers on the road, to lead his class in his Miera Kit Kytolehto had suspension Car. troubles and Lindholm was hav-In Group N Korhonen retired ing rear suspension problems but from third place with engine troubles while fourth place they all soldiered on and fin-driver Tuohino broke a crank-ished well. The top four were all shaft. On stage 13 Westerlund Finns. lost a wheel, Kangas lost four In W2L, Rovanpera in the Seat minutes, both cars had rolled. Ibiza Kit Car had fought all rally Leg 3, 8 gravel stages, 124 ki- long with Puhakka, the Group lometers, again all gravel and N leader, but melting sparkplugs lots more misfortune to come. became a problem and Puhakka Sainz's nightmares are not beat him by twenty two seconds, over, just as in New Zealand and finishing 9th overall, but Rovan-at this rally last year, the prob-pera was the big W2L winner, lems came back to bite him, here followed by Laukkanenin the the gearbox housing cracked, VW Golf Kit car. losing oil, affecting the front dif-So, the 4 7th Rally Finland ferential and the power steering. ended with Makinen in the Mit-They disconnected the front drive and continued with rear subishi Evolution besting Kank-wheel drive but other maladies kunen in the Ford Escort by cropped up and Carlos was seven seconds. Seven of the top forced to retire. · ten finishers were Finns, hard to Kankkunen was second and beat on their home territory. ■ ~-'7th tlt!.H<: F<.:1lly F1nl..1nct 2:UJl.S.9., Jyvd..,k.yi1 1r'iN, :,..·,:t1 t.:..:..n.i ;,) Wv l t-1 1,. l,.1,t,t • .•.• ,t,ll'-~i~i;!. Lss. • ·~~R ~5° w:L 1 (lJ TommL HAK!~Etl,3e~p,:, H,HJann➔ FIU H1tsuri1sh1 L.lnC~I Ev,)lUtto n ,JA PSSHRE (GB, (6) Juha KANKKUNEN / Juha Repo FIN Ford Escort WRCar A R2FHC (GB) (9) Jarmo Kytolehto/Arto Kapanen FIN Ford E3~0rt WRCar A USS31 (FIN) (11) Sebast1a.n L1ndho l m/ T1mo Hantunen FIN Ford Escort A U5566 (FIN) (13) Tomas Jansson/Per- Olaf Svensso n S Toyota Cel1ca GT-Four A K-AH40Zl tD) (12) Pas1 Hagstrom/Tero Gardemt!lSter FIN To yota Ct?l1ca GT-Four A U5600 (FIN) 7 ( 2) Uwe NITTEL/TlOJ Thorner 0/S HLtsub1.;h1 Lancet Evolutlon A N'7HRE (GB) 8 (7) 01,11P.r Aur1ol,'[,Pn1s GlCJ.Udt!t F' Tvyot,1 Coroll.J WRCa r A K -AH607 (0) 9 ( 17) Jouk,.:, Puh.Jkka/KelJO Eerola FIN Hltsub1sh1 C . .1t1sma GT N U~720 (FIN) 10 (21) H;i.rr1 Rova:np,na/Voltto S1lander Ftr4 SEAT Ibl:!3 Klt Car A 87501TK (El 11 (23) Tapio LdU~k.Jn~n/R1sto Hann1senm3kl FIN vw Gol( Kit c~r A T6079 (FIN) 1 : (22) Toni Gardamt!1ster/Paavo Lukander FIN N1s3an Sunny Klt Car A P6NHE (GB) 15 (28) Raphael Sperrer/Per Carlsson A / 5 Renault Hax1 Heoane A KI- HAXOl CA) 16 (27) Jonas Krust?/Hakan E~holm s Renault Maxi Hegane A HEGANE (S) 23 (24) Oriol Gomez / Ha r e Hartl E SEAT Ibiza Klt Car A 87500TK (El OTHER IMPORTANT FINISHER 17 (16} Gustavo Trelles/Jorge del Buono ROU/RA H1tsub1sh1 Lancer Evolution N GG- UZ7 (0) 37 (10) Freddy Lo1x/Sven Smeets B Toyota Cel1ca GT- Four A K-AMc735 (D) 3h !om.;:~;; . )h l3m. lS3. )h.lSm.~3s. Jh.)lm. 12s. Jh. 22m .4Bs. Jh 25m .15;;. Jh. 26m . 51s Jh.27m.S9s.• )h.2Sm.2ls. u 10 Jh.28m.35s.•• O Jh. 32m.l4s.t• 4 Jh.33m.59s... 3 3h.34m.05s.•• 2 3h.39m.16s.•• l Jh . Hm. 50s. 4h.08m. 25s. 103 starters. SO f1n1shers. •Group winners. •1tW2L . No L3d1es starters. REGISTERED DRIVER. Winner's average speed over stages 116. 62kph. Dusty Times November 1997 This is the system run by most off road race winners TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 19
GI.EN HBSt SHDRI COURSE DIAIVPIGNSHIP SERE5 • ROUND 5 Nelg Neleh Trobs Esruoc Pihsnoipmahc Seires Dnuor Evif By Ron Miller Photos: Ron Miller Steve Bishop was moving just a bit too quick for our camera as he continued his winning ways, taking the gold in both_ heats and leading season points in 1/2-1600SC by a mile. Riddle me this faithful subscrib- year. I submit as evidence a pair of ers. What had no cheetah and very unusually early exits made by pe-little dynamite, 260 wheels, cost less rennial champs Rennie Awana and than express mail, brought an end "Dynamite Dan" Cannon. Also to the "dog days" of august, and was consider as exhibit "A", an im-dominated by brothers, sisters, and promptu and unscheduled right-married folk? That's right, the fifth hand tum by Scott Conaway. The round ·of exciting short-course result of the ensuing crash was that championship series racing held at only the tree (not the truck) was Glen Helen on August 24, 1997. I _able to finish out the day. The news tried to disguise the answer above, wasn't all bad though, here's what but you readers are far smarter than else transpired: any ordinary group of sports fans. Both the Wittmans wen1 home winners Race day was warm, and made it a While Eric Cobb just cruised, virtual "Labor Day'' for the 65 en- Satter scored solo & S:okes really trants taking part. Whether it's the smoked heat and the season's long grind, or While Guyzilla and Mustoe each the striking UPS and downs of off snoozed. road competition, everyone seems Arulerson, Anckner, and Arto all aired to push a little harder this time of Arul Chad Gall won another unfazed, Rick Huseman flies his Ford to victory in both races on Sunday at the Glen, and Rick has a insurmountable lead in Class 7S. Sletten was jettin' & Bishop was back While the Fays both had really big days. Rick Huseman continued to hold a hot harul Ana "Mighty Casey" came through again too, Errea arul Miles each were all smiles While Wolsey arul Flores both flew. I'm pretty sure that covers all the days winners, Oh except Richard DeHojos who spanked the beginners. I try to make reading results·enter-taining By being either funny or clever, But even I've had more than enough Of this silly poetic eruleavor. I sure hope my boss thought this stuff was OK, ]us·t in case I'll make this my last rhyme, If you"re all still awake 'twas no real mistake, So it's on to Ron's race recap time. The day's racing was neatly di-vided into an eight race package, with four events in each of the two heats. Batting lead off for these boys (and girls) of summer was the A TV set. Twenty-six entrants were out hunting the checkered flag, with a pair of them representing the Pro class, fourteen from the Intermedi-ate class, and the remaining ten comprising the Beginner class. In the Pro set, it's hard to envision Eric Cobb having an easier time than he did in winning both heats. Cobb could have probably swung by the AM-PM Mini-Mart for a soda, and still returned in time to score the Todd Wittman took a pair of wins at Glen Helen Round 5, seen here just slightly airborne as he gathered 38 points in Class 8 for the day. David Anckner was the big Class 5-1600 winner, sweeping both heats on Sunday and taking the lead in season points. win. Pete Salassi, the other Pro in attendance, finished a distant sec-ond. Dave Anderson continued his string of impressive performances in the Intermediate class. Another pair of determined efforts were turned in by the man who currently holds down the top spot in series point totals (250). Anderson swept both heats to open a 3 7 point gap over defending class champion Ri-chard Yakkey. Chris Alvarado beat everyone except Anderson, while registering a -solid pair of seconds on the day. Yakkey was third in the opener, with Charlie Rennie tak-ing fourth. Newcomer Rick Kresge's debut was a fifth, while Scott Letourneau placed sixth and Douglas Peters took seventh. Fol-lowing Anderson and Alvarado in the second heat, was Joe Noon who took third (5th overall), Kresge in fourth (3rd overall), and Chris Parro next in fifth ( 6th overall). Richard Yakkey took fourth place overall, but wasn't helped by his untimely last lap tangle. Tony Miller placed seventh in heat two, but the overall spot went to Peters. In the Beginner class, Rob Baumsteiger raced to the win in heat number one. Richard DeHojos took the second spot, ahead of third place finisher mike Johnson. The fourth and fifth spots went to Steve Cobb and Chris Fletcher respec-tively. DeHojos rebounded in heat two to score the win and che over-all victory. Cobb improved to take second ahead of Baumsteiger in the heat, but couldn't quite win placing. Following Baumsteiger was Johnson, who was fourth over-all and in heat two as well. Next came Bert Hilliard, who earned fifth place in those same two cat-egories. The remaining racers in their heat two finishing order were Jerome Rodela, Nathan Alvarado, Cindy Gibson, Chris Fletcher, and Tony Okada. A mere seven points is all that separates Johnson and Baumsteiger going into round six. Denise Wittman took a first and a second in her races at the Glen and is second in Clint Wolsey is the season points leader in the Pilot class after a pair of wins at the Race number two on the day was comprised of Superlites, Pilot, and Odyssey classes. A field of five faced the starter for heat number one. Rennie Awana continued his march towards another series championship with a superb win in the opener. Stacy Fay grabbed sec-ond place ahead of Matt Scaroni, who was followed up in fourth by newcomer Kenny Kendall. In heat two, around the race's halfway point, Fay inherited the lead when Awana was forced to exit. From that point on if was simply a mat-ter of margin of victory, as "Racy Stacy" carried the Powerslide rac-ing colors to the heat and overall win. Kendall, racing out of upland, made an auspicious debut when he powered his way to second place in the same two categories. A most noteworthy accomplishment in this, his first career start. Scaroni finished the scoring in heat two and overall results by placing third. Fay has quietly crept within 35 points of Awana and looks poised for an upset run. In the Pilot class a quar-tet did battle, but it was clearly Clint Wolsey who owned this day. Wolsey, who claimed he was a bit on the rusty side, was much the best as he smoked 'em early and late. Damon Block in heat one and Jeff Pearl in heat two, both placed run-ner-up back of Wolsey with Pearl earning the overall second. An-other newcomer to the scene, Dee Mcjunkin, placed third in heat two to complete the scoring. It was no surprise that only one (continued points in Class BS for the season. Glen; shown here in perfect flight. ---'-"---'-'--...:..:..::..'-"-'-_:_,::_~..:..:....:=:..:.:.._--------------Page 20 November 1997 ..... . ~= z _ ... Ye-.. ~ t siF >.i: & D~sti Times_
Off Road Trucks, Buggies, Superlites, Pilots, ! Odysseys · Also: Pro, Int. t Beg. ATVs DEVORE ~ -3rd Annual EXXON SUPERFLO OFF ROAD WINTER SERIES 24HOUR INFO LINE (909) 880-3090 GATES OPEN AT 6:30 AM ADULTS -$10 PRACTICE STARTS AT 10:00 AM 12 TO 15 YRS. OLD -$5 RACING BEGINS AT 12:30 PM UNDER 12-FREE """'•• ~...-•••••~-... ••.• w,· -.,. -~ ... ~ -~-• ...,. )Cl;( :;;.....,-.-N BOB BEYER MOTORSPORTS MARKETING PROMOTIONS w-t• OFFICE: c562}988-62~0·FAX;{909\280-9097 .,________ . E-MAIL: BBMRACING@AOL.COM . · ---.. - . -
Richard Stokes in his debut at the Glen found it to be a winning one Kathy Fay was unable to start heat 1, but she was the second heat Dennis Sletten refuses to be deterred in his search for victory and in taking both heats in the Odyssey and collected series points as well. winner at Glen Helen, and is fourth in Class F-1600 season points. spite of the errant hood, he took a second and a first in Class 11. Odyssey was entered, what was sur- while, took things even a bit fur- three rounds yet to be contested. when "Dynamite Dan" Cannon en- books on round five now, and in prising was that it wasn't Guy Sa- ther when his pair of unopposed In Class 11, the beat(ings) goes on. countered terminal axle trouble al- doing so we've also raced past this vedra. Yet another new face on the · wins upped his series points lead to Those battling brothers in their bad most immediately from the start. series' halfway mark. Each race grounds was Richard Stokes, who a staggering 105. Arto Ylikangas Baja Bugs, continue to slug it out Sean McKenzie also had axle prob- from here on out grows increasingly took advantage of Savedra's ab- found a way to finally best his rival with each other. Seriously though, lems in heat number one, but he in importance, as the 1997 class sence by winning both heats uncon- (and good friend) Dan Mustoe in these two racers are really a treat still limped to the win over runner- championships come into focus. tested. Class 9. Reportedly an unreturned to watch, as they seemingly root for up Denise Wittman when her The final two rounds, October 26th Race three was made up of part, lent to Ylikangas, kept mustoe each other while touring the track. brakes locked up. It was an alto- and November 23rd, figure to be all Classes 1/2-1600 Short Course and on the sidelines for round five, but Robert Henderson won heat one, gether different story in the 8S rub- that remains by the time your mail-Desert, 5-1600, super 1600, 5, 9, these two will resume head to head but Dennis Sletten swiped the vie- her match though. McKenzie did man (finishes reading?) delivers this and 11. Ron Satter opened his se- competition next round. Mustoe, tory in heat two. Henderson still en- all he could to finish, while Witt-issue. So whether you choose to call ries' Class 5 lead to nearly 100 who's vehicle sports a unique Chee-joys.a 12 point lead in totals, but man enjoyed a problem free run it "crunch time", "do or die time", points with another uncontested tah paint job, is now clinging to a that could all quickly change, so that found her speeding merrily to or just "time to get serious", there's pair of romps. Chad Gall mean-15 point lead over Ylikangas with stay tuned. Frank Rusich made his both the heat and overall victory. simply not much time left. Do your-• largest Selectloll OfRodends& Spherical Bearings • BACKSAVER • FIREBOTTLES • BATTERIES • SPALFANS • SETRAB COOLERS • FLUIDYNE COOLERS • AEROQUIP PLUMBING • SILICONE HOSE NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS • MOTOR OILS • GEAR OILS • ·GREASES • AUTOMOTIVE & RACING COOLANTS WE HAVE OVER THE COUNTER SERVICE CALL US FOR A FREE CATALOG! WE WILL SHIP AS FAST AS YOU NEED IT ~F\·· TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL \~~ - (562) 427-2375 FAX (562) 426-5294 \ 't;;& BAKER PRECISION BEARINGS UPS -\ ~ 2865 Gundry Ave.• Signal Hill, CA 90806 [tlil·•J I DAILY 11 v,SA I Page 22 Glen Helen series debut in Class 1/ Class 8 was also a bit short on quan- self and your family a favor, and 2-1600 Desert in round five. Ru- tity, but certainly not in quality. comeonouttoGlenHelenandjoin sich won the opener in a walkover The top three points earners in the in the fun. There's no words to when Kathy Fay, the other class class were lined up and ready to completely describe the rush offeel-entrant, did not start. Just the op-strut their stuff. Todd Wittman ings you'll experience when you posite occurred in heat number two emerged victorious, and completed spend the day there. Truly unique asRusichcouldnotanswerthebell, "Team Wittman's' big day, when is the way that class, strength, and Fay raced to the uncontested he flew to a sweep of both heats. beauty, and drama, team with raw heat and overall victory. It was Dwight Greene had his winning speed and high flying heroics, to great to see the Fay sisters both streak snapped when he twice make for a show that leaves every-earning wins on the day. Their tra- placed second behind Wittman. He one feeling like a winner. Oh, and dition rich family must be very did however maintain his series speaking of winning, here's an idea proud of the accomplishments points lead, which reads 36 going where you simply can't lose .. Since these two classy gals have achieved, into round six. The unfortunate they're creeping ever nearer and both on the track and off. Steve story on this day involved Greene's you just can>t stop 'em, theh:ilidays Bishop returned to action in the 1/ closest pursuer in the points chase. that is, now might be the perfect 2-1600 short course class. Bishop That would be Scott (don't call me time to reduce your Christmas list turned in one of his usual efforts by George of the jungle) Conaway, by purchasing gift subscriptions to methodically distancing himself who broke his front end just prior "The Dusty Times". It's the per-from the field in both heats. Bob to crashing hard into one of Glen feet gift for guys or gals, beginners Dziurawiec had the honor of fin- Helen's healthiest eucalyptus trees. or pros, young or not as young. You ishing second both times behind I'm glad to report that Conaway was just cap't beat the price and the en-last season's "Racer of the Year". able to walk away from the crash joyment they'll get from your "most Rafael Navarro placed third in heat apparently uninjured. excellent" gift idea, which will be one, while Greg Sullivan finished Well folks you can close the remembered all through the year! up third in heat two and overall. Class 5-1600 had only a field of three, but there was no shortage of action. The predicted battle be-tween Jeffrey Hantz and Dave An-ckner took very little time to ma-terialize. Anckner however got all the best of it, as he pulled away to a pair of hard fought wins. S'teve and Paul Borio each took a second place finish respectively on the day, while Hantz grabbed third in heat one, after falling victim to what ap-peared to be a little rival induced roll. The final event of the day was the race for all truck classes. New-comer Jason miles was placed in a Chad Gall has an absolute lock on Super 1600, winning both heats on Sunday at class of his own and therefore the Glen, shown here flying to victory. . earned the Class 1 victory uncon-tested. Such was also the case in Class 7, where Raul Flores contin-ues to amass win after win while hoping for some competition. In the Stock Mini 2WD class, Tim Casey and Bill Barrens squared off in their own personal matchrace. Barn!!s won the battle (and heat one) but Casey w.on the war, since the over-all win went to the main event's winner. Class 7S was totally domi-nated by Rick Huseman. Huseman · held his own against all the trucks and easily proved best over his class rivals. Jerrod Wedell twice gave game chase before settling for sec-ond, while Jeff Richardson took third in heat two and overall. Class BS was reduced to a _matchrace November 1997 Steve Errea was the lone entry in Rally class this time, won both heats and has a fourteen point lead in season points over the competition. Dusty Times
Do You remember the ExciteMINT of running 400 miles in the Nevada desert? SNORE presents the • a O I Vegas 400 a race to Ben if it the Candlelighters Foundation December 5~ 7, 1997 - Primm, Nevada 5 - 80 mile laps $1500. 00 guaranteed minimum purse to the first place finishers in Class 1/2-Unlimited, Class 10, 1/2-1600, 5-Unlimited, Heavy Metal, and Mini Metal with a 10 car Minimum class! $1000.00 guaranteed minimum purse to the first place finisher in Class 9,· 5-1600 with a 10 car minimum class! Friday, December 5 Saturday, December 6 Sunday, December 7 12:00 pm - Controlled Speed Fun Run. You must start 6:00 ani - Signup, Tech., & Contingency Starts at Start/ 11 :00 am _ Awards Presentation with the group! No other · Finish 6:00 pm - Signup, Tech., & Contingency Starts at Buffalo 8:00 am - Manditory drivers meeting at Start/Finish Bill's in Primm, Nevada I 0:00 pm - Sign up, Tech., & Contingency Closes at Buffalo Bill's in Primm, Nevada 9:00 am - Race Starts Be sure to mention SNORE when you call the Buffalo's Bills to make your room reservations to receive special room pricing! Call the SNORE hotline for additional information. 702-452-4522
VEGAS TO RENO • SEPTEMBER 1997 LeDuc Wins one In Nevada By John B. Calvin Photos:Trackside Photo Inc./Grumpy Curt LeDuc flew across the terrain to take first in class, first overall at the Vegas To Reno event, had no major mechanical woes and finished in ten hours, twenty two minutes. It was another textbook opera-tion, the second annual Las Ve-gas to Reno race, the flagship of Casey Folks Best In The Desert organization and the weather co-operated, hot but not boiling for continger; and technicai in-spection, a nice breeze on race day as the bikes and cars wended their way northwest to Reno and a spa-cious finishing area where lots of people congregated from 5 :00 p.m. on Friday until the wee hours of the morning. It did get rather chilly late in the evening and your reporter's tired old bones certainly let me know the temperature was dropping. Contingency and technical in-spections for all involved was at the Sahara Hotel and Casino, out in the back parking lot and a very iarge area was cordoned off for the event. There were lots of contin-gency troops there, both for the cars and the bikes and the festivi-ties went on from 10:00 a.m. 'til six in the evening. All vehicles were impounded after tech and while the bikes were able to re-trieve their machines quite early and get them out to the gravel pit south of Sloan; Nevada, the offi-cial start line, truck and buggy impound was opened around 8:00 a.m. and then a controlled parade out to the start line for a 10:00 a.m. start. The route was weH over 500 miles in length, taking the rider/ drivers through some of the most Godforsaken country in our US of A as well as through some mag-nificent acreage, pine trees, beau-tiful mountains, real live streams and rivers and all sorts of sp_ec-tacular views. Basically the route followed Ed, Tim and Troy Herbst split the driving chores, had more than a few flats on their way but finished a strong second overall, twelve minutes in arrears Danny Anderson teamed up with Rob MacCachren in the Wiks Mirage and they blistered the desert with an 11: 19.59 ET, first in class, fifth overall. highway 95 through the Silver State, commencing in Sloan, through Pahrump, then northerly through the Amargosa Valley, to Beatty, thence to Goldfield, to beautiful downtown Tonopah, continuing northerly to Mina, to Gabbs, to the Top Gun pit near NAS Fallon, then west to Weeks and then finally to the finish line, just outside of Dayton, 535 miles of very demanding race course and we certainly salute all those who completed in this fun but grueling event. First of the cars and trucks to start was Class 1400, Trick Trucks, and Curt LeDuc was first to head north on a perfect race day, perfect for Curt, to be sure. He worked his way north in the Jeep Cherokee at a very rapid speed and only had one problem, losing the power steering about 100 miles into the race but it was repaired at the next pit and Curt continued on to take the check-ered flag, first in class and first overall as well! John Swift was next off the line, John's truck be-ing a bit more tame than the Tro-phy· Trucks he was competing against and John soloed the long course, suffering through two flats along the way, but no other prob-lems and Swift was third in class, seventh overall and John tra-versed the route in less than 14 hours and was seventh overall. The brothers Herbst were next off the start and they split the driv-ing chores in the nasty looking Ford, Ed, Troy and Tim driving in that order, about one third of the race each, but four flats throughout the day slowed them Austin Robison suffered only one flat as he took the Hummer to victory, finishing in 13:49.59, first in class and 17th overall. Greg Foutz throws dust lls he heads for the finish line, arrived first in his class after a bit and they arrived second in class, second overall, 12 minutes and 12 seconds away from the gold medal. Next to finish in class was the Ford of Kip Whitnack and Sid Smith who split the driving chores and their co-rider Dwight Lunkley, who rode the entire dis-tance. Dwight was badly injured ' in an accident some time ago, lost both of his arms and he was very badly burned, but his love of the sport and his friends made a long ride to Dayton a marvelous expe-rience. Hope you make many more Dwight. The guys finished fourth in class and were eighth. overall at Dayton. The Fabtech truck was well driven by David Winner, arriving first in class after a grueling thirteen and a half hour day on the course. Page 24 eighteen long hours on the course. Tom Scahill ran second all day but somebody elses gremlin took over and Tom took the gold in Dayton with five minutes in hand. November 1997 Next class off the line Was 1500, unlimited buggies and these guys haul a-·-, lots of power, lots of suspension and they really fly. Mark McMillin was the class win-ner in his Chenowth with Ford V6 power and in spite of seven, yes, seven flats along the(continued) Dusty Times
on 35 Watt· HID .Pair Packs -Suggested Retail $1,479 0 Jbn c,,., Oisctllll -2llJ lla'Net1,279 fldlf /ltJJ8le -1 IIJ ll8ja lOOO S/Bi8I Pl'a $ 1, 179 Contact Jim Conner Racing for this limited time special offer at: 520/855-0912 C HID's have been used by Baja Winners over the past two years with absolutely NO fai[ures Avenida De Luces Williams, AZ 86046 (520) 635-2607 © 1997 KC HILiTES, Inc.
John Swift drove the good looking Ford through the Nevada Chad Hall had a few mechanical problems to nag him all race long but countryside with ease, had a few flats, no mechanicals and finished Kip, Sid and Dwight ran their Ford well and arrived in Dayton at the he soldiered on and arrived at the finish line second in class, just third in class, seventh overall. ========== finish fourth in class, eighth overall, a nice run. minutes out of the lead. two flats en route, no first gear or reverse and no starter, a welcome finish for them, sixth overall as well! Next in Class 10 was the aged Aceco of Tom Koch and Rex Keeling, having plug wire prob-lems all the way but third they fin-ished in Marty Reiders old car that actually won the 1981 Baja 1000. How's that for your trivia book? The LaPlante family fin-ished fourth in class in their Raceco while John Watkins never made check 1. Jim Bosman came over from Red Bluff, spent a long time out on the course but still took the class win in the good looking Jeep Darren Skilton ran the Jeep Grand Cherokee to a nice first place in class, arriving at the finish in fifteen hours and change. Brady and Scott Wisdom were the only finishers in Class 2000, making the long trek in their Mi-rage in 15 hours and five minutes, twenty-first overall and very happy to be at the finish. Frank and Sean Krepsz's Jimco never made check 4. way he soloed the race and arrived at the finish line with an elapsed time of 11 hours and four min-utes, third overall in the race and fifteen minutes ahead of his com-petition, his father, Corky McMillin. Corky ran half the race ~ then Brian Ewalt ran part two and they were second in class, had some power steering problems and one flat and chugged into Dayton after 11 hours and 19 minutes on . the course, fourth overall in their endeavor. Next across the finish line in Class 1500 were the broth-ers Stiles, Jeff and Jim suffering the loss of a trailing arm and one flat and they arrived with an ET of 12 hours, 15 minutes, third in class, tenth overall in the race. Roger Norman and Kevin Colan were the next two 1500 finishers while Kory Scheeler, Ron Osburn and Mark Weyrich never made it to the finish line. Class 8000 was next to leave and Tom Scahill ran solo in his Chevy pickup, ran in second spot most of the day, lost and replaced a power steering belt, had two flats, the left front and right rear at the same time but came into the finish to claim the gold medal in 12 hours and 50 minutes, elev-enth overall. Steve Sourapas and Mike Lund teamed up in the Dodge pickup, had a bunch of flat tires but led the class until they got buried in the silt just a few miles from the finish line, and af-ter digging out for an hour or so, came in for second place in class, twelfth overall, less than six min-utes out of the win. Kyle Taylor and JP Galloway were next in and TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING Hi Performer Of The Month Max Hamberg & Don Johnson Transaxle Engineering pays $200.00 contingency in most classes at all major off road races. We service all types of transmissions from Class 1 automatics to Class 9 swing axles. We also provide in-house Magnaflux for ALL your race car parts. Please contact Transaxle Engineering for further information. Transaxle Engineering Jeff Field Page 26 818-998-2739 9833 Deering Avenue -Unit H • Chatsworth, CA 91311 November 1997 took the bronze medal in their Chevy. Bob Nyeste, Tom Barnett and Eric Heiden never made it to the end. Class 10 was next off the line and there was never any doubt of the outcome as the team of Danny Anderson and Rob Mac-Cachren leapt into the early lead and there they remained, having one flat early on and then just haulin' for the finish, and they made the trek in 11 hours and 19 minutes in the Wik's Mirage. Next in Class 10 was Mike Mc-Gee and Jim Tucker who were thrilled to be there, having had Class 5100 Baja Bugs were next to start and Mike Blanks ran sec-ond early on, dropped to third place but by check 4 was in the lead and moving away for the rest of the race. They got their gold medal, finishing 50 minutes ahead of Scott Pearson, who was lead-ing through check 3 when disas-ter struck and although Scott gave chase, second was it. Frank Omboli was there too, ran well most of the race but failed to ar-rive at check 7. • Mark McMillin lets no grass grow under his car as the V6 power rocketed him to first in class, third overall on the Vegas to Reno run. Mike Blanks and Bill Driggs took the lead at check 4 and they continued on to the gold medal after twenty and a quarter hours of running time. Dusty Times
Steve Sourapas and Mike Lund led all race long 'tit shortly before the finish when they were bitten by the silt bug, cost them over an hour Jeff and Jim Stiles led for a while early on, but trailing arm problems Gorky McMiflin and Brian Ewalt thunder across the desert on their on the Raceco cost them and they ended up third in class, tenth wa to a fine second in class, fourth overall on the Ve as to Reno run. overall. and they finished second. Class 7000 left the start next and Bob Land and his Ford ran second through check 1, but he was never touched again as he took the lead before check 2 and that's where he finished, first in class after a long day. Gary Me-cham had the class lead through check 1 and failed to make check 3. Steve Robiedo and Joe Keilogg, both in Ford trucks failed to ar-rive at check 4. Class 7100, Stock Mini Truck was certainly one of the hardest fought and a nail biting finish to be sure. David Winner drove the first half and Jerrod Wedell drove part two, took the class win but they and second place were never more than a few minutes apart, the lead swapping constantly back and forth and David ended up first, overcoming a flat tire, a bro-ken brake caliper and had an elapsed time of 13:32.53, not too bad! Next in was Malcolm Vinje/ .Mark Hansen combo who have been winning races since time began. Mark drove part one but had some delay when his rider got ill, Malcolm drove the second half and they had one flat, a broken bolt on the alternator which plagued them a lot and they were second in class, ET of 13:33.05. They missed numero uno by 12 seconds after 13 hours of driving. Can't get much closer. Mike Mountz's Ford finished in third, five hours hter and Al Hogan never made it to check 6. Class 3000 started next and this class too wa~ no contest as Dar-ren Skilton took the lead in his six banger Jeep Cherokee and went on for the win with an ET of 14-1/2 hours. The Beal clan, Carty, Carlton and Spencer drove their Nissan hard but only man-aged second in class, 3 7 minutes in arrears and Scott Murphy and his Jeep only managed to clear through check 6. Class 8100 Stock Full Pro wai, next off the start and the Hum-mer of Austin Robison led almost the entire race, one flat to keep him honest and he finished first in -class and he had an ET of 13:50, moving right along! Chad Hall, his teammate worked hard to win but a broken shock mount (never fixed), a flat and a broken battery hold down relegated him to second spot, just ten minutes out of first. The David Sykes/ Mark Stein Ford pickup took the third spot, while Eric Henn and Mark Floyd, .each in a Hummer finished fourth and fifth. Darren Oliver's Hummer never made check 6 while Tom Warnberg only got through check 2, Rod Hall only got through 1 and Terry Sheitch never got to 1. Class 7300, Pure Mini Pro and Greg Foutz was the only entry in class and he soldiered on to Day-ton and the finish line, arriving Brady and Scott Wisdom skip across the desert on their way to first in class in their Bob Land held the lead from check 2 for the first place win in class, and was also Mirage, arriving in 15:05.19 for the day. the only finisher, after a long fifteen and a half hour run in the Ford. Team Green is awfully proud of Donnie Book and David Ondas, shown here flying to first overall on the Kawasaki, 9:29 elapsed time, PDQ. Nick and Russell Pearson hail from Pioche, NV but they are big timers here, first 250cc, fourth overall, a great achievement for them and KTM. just over 18 hours later for his first place medal. Class 6000 Pro was the last class to leave and the Jeep of Jim Bosman motored on up to Day-ton to 16-1/2 hours to take the class. His only competition, Randy Holland in a Ford never cleared check 1. Motorcycles and quads left the start well before the cars and trucks, for safety's sake of course, and although Dusty Times nor-mally omits the two-wheelers and the quads we must mention here a few of these heroes who traverse the terrain in very rapid fashion and are certainly a credit to the sport. Donnie Book and David Ondas, Open Pro Class, Team Green Kawasaki have won three in a row, they made their way to Dayton in nine and a half hours, flying low, Nick and Russell Pear-son on a 250 KTM whose com-bined age is 36, arrived in Day-ton with an ET of 9:49.25, fourth overall on a 250! ! ! ! ! Is that tal-ent? You bet it is! Darryl Folks, first over 30 pro on a KTM, sev-enth overall had a great ride that Friday while Quint Betts and Abe Baumann won 125 Pro on their Kawasaki, just under 11 hours ET, while Larry Roeseler brought yet another Kawasaki to the finish in Ironman Expert Class under 11 hours ET. on a Honda, their time just un- lute all of you, no matter where Tons of credit and admiration der 13 hours. Quad Expert was you finished: go to the following guys who ride/ won by Gary Jackimowicz, Dwight So it ended, the second Best In manhandle the Quads for all Lowell and Charles Lamson riding The Desert Vegas to Reno Ra~e, . those hours. Jason Sparks and Eric a Honda and finishing in 14 hours on a happy note, all the driver/ Dollente were first in Quad Pro and 40 minutes. We certainly sa- riders said they (continued) ~-------------------~ John Rudder (seen here) and Daryl Folks were the over 30 Quint Betts and Abe Baµmann rode their Kawasaki to the pro champs, riding their KTM to an impressive victory. checkers in 125 Pro, fourteenth overall on the tiny machine. ;;.D.;;;;u.;;;,.st~y:....;;.T~im~e.;;;,.s ______________ N_o_v_e_m_b_e_r_1_9_9_7 ________________ ___,, __ P_a...;g_e...;,;,;,;2;.;.;.7• •.
I I • I I Tom Koch and Rex Keeling gave it their all on the Reno run, Malcolm Vinje and Marl< Hansen claimed a close second place in Mike McGee and Jim Tucker ran their Lothringer quick as they could encountm9d some electrical problems but slid into third place in class, class, only 12 seconds behind the winner, after 13 and a half hours of ninth overall as well. racin . .;:..:___;...:.....;c.L-',.;..;;...;;...;.;..;,,..~-'-'-'-"'-""'-'-..;..;..;.;;_..;...,....;.;.._......, _______ _ Larry Roese/er won the lronman Expert title with ease as he sailed into Dayton on his Kawasaki in less than eleven hours on the course. enjoyed the event, the hospi- • his staff for all the work they tality at each end was superb, did to produce this very diffi-we didn't hear of any major in-cult event and wish them juries which is always a plus nothing but success in the future. and we thank Casey folks and See ya next year! ■ Page 28 ':?,; 1w .... ~ . e· Flamingo Road & The Strip 888-227-2279 Jason Sparks (shown here) and Eric Dollente rode their Honda Dwight Lowell, (here), Gary Jackimowicz and Charlie Lamson to first Quad Pro with apparent ease, winning by over 30 were the Quad Expert winners on the Honda, taking the gold minutes. after fourteen and a half hours. Tropicana Ave. & Arville 800-675-3267 November 1997 West Flamingo & Valley View 888-402-6278 J Dusty Times
AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP • ROUND 4 Burrows Unbeatable Yet Again Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Marie Burrows and Mick Shannon put the Class 1 Cougar in front early on and continued to the win at Griffith, finishing with ten minutes in hand. The Australian Off Road Championship moved to Griffith, NSW for the 4th Round. However, despite a different location the script read as per the last round where Victorian Mark Bur-rows dominated from the start and won by a handsome margin. The Mazda turbo Class 1 buggy of Burrows came home almost 10 min-utes clear of Neville Boyes who had fixed his car from a bad crash at the previous race. Only two minutes back from Boyes was another car that had somehow been re-paired after a massive crash last race and that was the Mitsubishi Pajero 4x4 of Fabio Zarfati proving he is well and truly capable of running with the buggies. Prologue A healthy 68 car field was set to fight out the starting order for the Firestone 500. PORSCHE OFF-ROAD TRANSAXLES PHOENIX GEARS 4-SPEED 930 5-SPEEb GSO • LOW MAINTENANCE • COMPETETIVELY PRICED • FULLY SYNCHRQ 4 a S·Sl'EED • ULTRA•STRONG HELICAL GEARS • STRONC REVERSE CEARS WON'T BREAK • WIDE RANCE OF RATIOS FOR ALL CLASSES • M/D .. ENCINE CONVERSION AVAILABLE (FLIP R&P) AU NEW COMPONENTS AND ALL THE BEEFY EXTRAS: 4 .. 5p££D $8, 185 5-SPEED $9,635 TOLL·FREE (888) 89 GEARS OUTSIDE U.S. Ph/Fax (808) 878 .. 6812 e•mail: Page 30 In the end it would be Mark Burrows off the front row with the debut of Andy Brown resulting in second spot. Brown hasn't raced a buggy for some six years and was more than happy with his new Cougar/Nissan turbo. Third place was taken by Kevin Lee who found a blown motor for his efforts. Leading Class 2 was Matt Owen, with Scott McNeil leading the Class 3, 1200 buggies. Warren Irons came out for a run and was quick-nun 1<u111o ~ .... , . ~-••-~• ... c,, •1111 .,----.;;;;;;;;:;;;----...... a:; ....... _ ...... -~~~~~]-~~~-----g-----·· o:---.. _ ·-!"' -------·---.. --... _w;__ -"''--... ------·---'------'----'-"-----'----"--. ;::-::.;----· ... --------··--·-·----~--.-.-·._ .. _ .. __ .. _ ... _____ ,, -... ...--. -November 1997 Matt Owen and Paul Walsh put their Funco into first place in Class 2, running fast consistent laps and were sixth overall tool est VW Baja while John Hinz put his Karman Ghia V6 ahead in Class 5. Les Siviour was the leading Class 7 4x4 on his home track while Zarfati put the modified 4x4 at the top of Class 8 and 5th overall. Doug McMillan took the single seater Class 9 lead, up in 8th overall. Class 1 A strong group of 15 Open buggies but the two-a-time start promised plenty of ac-tion. Burro·ws and Brown banged wheels to sort out who would lead and it was Burrows. More action soon after as Jamie Robinson· rolled on the first corner af-ter fighting with Paul Simp-son. The Griffith dust began to pick up and Burrows made the most of it. Early retire-ments included Terry Rose (motor), Brad Zack a (mo-tor), John Towers (Motor), and Barry Johnson (turbo). At the end of three laps was a pit break, and Burrows still lead although Brown was just as quick being a slim 22 sec-onds behind despite being in Burrows' dust. Boyes was making it a Class r top 3; be-ing just three minutes behind Brown. David Mendham was out with a broken ax-le while Nev Taylor was off the pace due to total lack of brakes. Burrows continued to reel off fastest laps but with only 1-1/2 laps to go Brown was missing. A cv joint problem being the culprit. Burrows went on to take his second win in a row in the still-unsponsored car. Boyes made Firestone happy with a fine 2nd place almost 10 minutes back. Taylor's persistence paid off with a 3rd in class despite being back in 11th overall. David Simpson was further back, but 4th in class with Nigel Burley taking 5th. Class 2 The 1600s had 13 cars and it was the oldest car in the group that was again the fastest; Matt Owen led off the line and basically led the entire race. Bill Buchanan slotted into second and tried in vain to close on Owen. Stephen Burrows was hold-ing a close 3rd behind Buchanan when he went off into the trees breaking the rear arms and gearbox. An-drew Ziems had already gone from· 4th with electrical woes. That left a clear run into third for Ken Collier. With the seven laps com-plete, Owen took the class win with all laps being very close and consistent. Owen came in 6th overall. Buchanan was pleased with a second in class and a 8th outright. Collier hung onto 3rd, while Werner Zetti took 4th with Len Levi in 5th. Class 3 The little 1200 buggies re-ally get screaming on the fast Griffith track. Scott McNeil was setting quick laps early but he had actually slipped to 3rd behind Darren Perrin and then Paul Johnson. With Graeme Julius out with gear-box failure it was set to be a 3-car race. Just prior to the pit stop Johnson got a flat tyre dropping him back, while McNeil went back into the lead. Perrin was to lose time with a broken exhaust dropping back to 4th behind Stephen Bromfield. In the end it was McNeil taking his second class win in a row. He got up to 17th overall. Local, Johnson is enjoying driving Scott McNeil and Peter Avery led early in the Hornet and took the Class 3 lead for good just before half way and finished in 5 hours 14 minutes. Dusty Times
his father's car and came in second. Perrin came storm-ing through to steal 3rd back, with Bromfield taking 4th. Class 4 , Only 4 VW Bajas lined up, but all were quick cars. War-ren Irons went out to the early lead. Greg Campbell · was just holding out David Allport for 2nd. At the pit break all cars were still go-ing strong and it was now Campbell, Allport, and Irons, all covered by 1-1/4 minutes. Soon after bad luck began hitting the VWs with Nikiforoff losing a motor, then Allport dropping ari oil seal onto the clutch. Irons then had steering woes leav-ing Campbell unchallenged to take the win. . Class 5 Reigning class champion, Robert Pagan had the Mazda on the trailer before the race started with motor problems in the rotary. That left only three 2\'(lD tin tops to fight out the class. Early leader was Geoff Teagle in the Ford Falcon light truck. Hinz had the Karman Ghia V6 just ahead of Paul Grant's Nissan truck. Teagle still lead at the break, but just into the sec-ond section he had a cliff let go. Hinz took over the lead and soon after.Grant was out when he dropped a welsh plug. Hinz took the class win. Class 7 On his home track Les Siviour seemed unbeatable in the Nissan Patrol 4x4. Af-ter two laps one of the five cars was out; David Richards was losing fan belts in the Nissan. By the pit break Siviour was up to 10th over-all. It was close for second with Craig Mc William ahead of Eric Whitbread by 12 sec-onds. McWilliam's fine drive came to a rude end when a tyre rolled off in a corner rolling and wrecking the Nis-san. Moving into 3rd was then the most popular car of the day. 18 year old Bobbie Siviour (Les' daughter) mak-ing her debut. With all laps complete Les Siviour took the win and ended in 9th overall. Whitbread• had a trouble-free run into second and then to a huge roar from the crowd the Siviour girls, Bobbie and Katie took 3rd in their Suzuki 1300. Class 8 Zarfati stunned all that he had the Mitsubishi rebuilt after the crash last race, let alone that he was setting the pace for the modified 4x4s. Within one lap he was up to 4th overall as well. Trouble on lap 2 for two of the four competitors when Grahame Baxter bent a wheel and damaged a brake caliper and Ken Smith had turbo troubles. Zarfati continued to lead while Alan Roe who has to be the find of the year was moving up in his VB Nis-san. Zarfati bear an over-heating problem and took the class win as well as mov-ing into a fine 3rd overall to be on the podium. Roe con-tinued to be q_uick and took 2nd in class and a great 7th overall. Baxter came back in the VB Nissan and place'd 3rd in class with Smith some way back in the Rodeo. Class 9 One qf the finest group of single seater buggies were on hand to fight it out. Of the 12 cars it was Paul Simpson that John Hintz and Phil Andrews ran hard against stiff competition and it paid off as they scored the victory in Class 5 in the good looking Ghia. Les Siviour and Geoff Miller in the ever handsome Nissan Patrol beat out their Class 7 competition by almost half an hour. Dusty Times was the early leader but he had David Leach, McMillan, Bob Strawbridge, and Dion Simp-son all in a row behind him and separated by just one minute. However, Paul Simp-son had troubles with a bent wheel jammed on the brakes and slipped back. McMillan was off the pace with turbo problems and Dion Simpson had fuel ·pump dilemmas. Leach was back in long course racing after quite a while and lead· the class in a 5th overall. Strawbridge was less than a minute. behind. Hayden Bentley was out with clutch difficulties. Both Simpson cars began storming back, although Dion still had fuel problems and towards the end Paul had air in the injection. Leach too had troubles; losing oil and then an electrical wire. Greg and Allison Campbell took the Class 4 lead just after half way and they continued on in the keen looking VW to the checkers. Strawbridge too had backed off to save his clutch. In the end it was Paul Simpson that took the class win and filled 4th overall. Leach was in the next spot behind (continued) JAMAR-BUGPACK-PCI RACE z 0 en 0.. RADIOS-FUEL SAFE-CNC-SACO-LOBRO-BILSTEIN ,•· .. · :· ,le >·. ,~,,;;;,,.,,_ :< -,i> :"_ 14" Bllateln w/ res 10" Bllateln w/ res 60mm. Bllsteln all w/ res 80mm. Bilsteln bypass SWAY0A0WAY 8"•14" w/ rn SWAY·A•WAY 16"·18" w/r11 SAW Coil-over kits ~dd SAW 4" Bump stops {}JJltiny Ustd Pm-s . Truck Tranny's • Calipers• Radios 186.00 ea. 179.00 ea. 519;00 ••• 989.00 ••• 870.00 ••. 980.00 ••• 215.00 ••• 235.o"O ea. ~r•·~[-Manifolds• 760-72)-2117 Brakes Heims • Tires • Engines • Carbs Spindles • CV joints • Cages Guages • Rotors • Pedals • Trailing Arms • Pit Equip. • Torsions bars Filters • Drivelines • Fiberglass 1040 South Main St. Fallbrook Ca. 92028 760-723-2117 (voice} 760-723-9938 (fax) SCORE TROPHY TRUCK ROCKBUSTERS AND MORE TO COME Just Completed & Race Readyl S.C.O.R.E. Legal 5-1800 en C "O '" :II en '" ,.. -t en • If you want to get started in off-road racing, I have the car for YOU! . Lothringer Engineering built the chromoly chassis and we finished it up with ONLY the BEST! Here's what you get: • Don Hatz Racing engine • WR Racing Transmission • Beard Seats • Yokohama rubber • Centerline wheels • Mastercraft accessories • Wright Place Combos November 1997 •VDO Gauges • Fuel Safe Cell • UMP Oversized Can • KC Daylighters • Sway-Away Bars • Parker Pumper • Fox Shox with Remotes Page 31
David Leach ran a strong second in Class 9 in the Manxco, leading Neville and Coleen Boyes raced the good race and fought for and for a while but electrical faults dropped him to second, but still fifth Alan Roe and Mick Dunn flew their Nissan Patrol to a second in Class won second place in Class 1, second overall as well in the dusty race. overall. 8, seventh overall, a really great drive at Griffith. Class B belonged to Fabio Zarfati and Dallas Pope as they won their class in the Mitsubishi Pajero and they were third overall too! and happy with the race. Dion McMillan for 5th. Simpson managed to salvage a In all only 34 cars com-3rd in class after many stops. pleted the race distance, but Strawbridge came in using nevertheless most competi-only 3rd gear but got 4th while tors enjoy the Griffith race Paul Allport edged out and this year's Firestone 500 was no exception. Personal thanks to Mitsubishi Motors for the loan of a Pajero mak-ing the task of following the race so much easier and comfortable. ■ 1997 Australian Off Road Championship . Round 3. Griffith . NSW . August· 16 & 17 . Firestone 500. No. Pos. Class 1. 1 1 1Q2 2 186 3 125 4 124 5 Class 2. 202 1 216 2 223 3 232 4 212 5 Class 3 . 358 1 343 2 Driver / Navigator Unlimited Two Seater . Mark Burrows / Mick Shannon Neville & Coleen Boyes Nev & Clay & Ryan Taylor David & Maicolm Simpson Nigel Burley /Ross Mason Vehicle 15 Start : 6 finish Cougar Hunter Rivmasta Kuster Raceco Rivmasta Hunter Rivmasta 1600 Two Seater . 13 start : 8 finish. Matt Owen/ Paul Walsh Funco Bill Buchanan Hunter Rivmasta Ken Collier/ Brett Price Hunter Rivmasta Werner Zettl / Robert Simmons Buggy Len Levi / Blake Sutton Manxco 1200 Two Seater . 6 start : 4 finish Scott McNeil/ Peter Avery Hornet Paul & Andrew Johnson Bazco Time 4.31 .55 4.41.44 5.01 .43 5.27.47 5.55.13 4.51.48 4.56.17 5.14.04 5.27.21 5.28.49 Overall 1 2 11 20 29 6 8 16 19 23 Paul Simpson led Class 9, had some mechanical woes that put him back for a 331 3 while, but he recovered and took the win in great time and was fourth overall in the 380 4 Jimco Toyota. Darren Perrin / John Stevens Rivmasta Stephen Bromfield /Shane Millgate Cobra 5.14.42 5.30.20 6.28.49 6.30.13 17 25 32 33 • McKENZIE'S AIR FILTERS • K&N • UNI-FILTERS • YOUR OFF-RO/JO ~ ,Vl~41W.;;;Jl~J._,,."";; SPECIIJl.lSTS! i PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-162.-j PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2366 E. ORANGEnORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92eof • DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME t i . I 4-SPYDER · SUPER DIFFS ll I'-. 0 Tl IRS ·12 Tb~ Cast Oiff is back! I ~ • Made from ductile iron. i,. • Utilizes 4-Spiders for added strength. • This 4-Spyder Super Dill comes suppplied ~ with precision-ground pins and block. f MCK-O265 T21RS All New to the industry! Economica/lY Priced! • Ultimate strength/ • Made from ductile iron. ~ ; ! ~ . 0 !z~ • Available in 3 different configurations. ; R 002 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF ~ Creaf/y Reduced Price! MCK-O114-OQ2-1s Fato-TcmSp)<BS :~ ; MCK-OO14-OO2-17 Fa-11-TcxllSp)<BS • 6 0 • 091 BILLET RACE DIFF 091 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF ~ ~ Made from 4140 Chromoly. . MCK·O114•i>91 Supplied with pins and block. :,, • :,~~~~~0~i'.~ Billet Cover, pins and block. 091 BILLET COVER ~ I ·"MCK-O1O2 Made from 4140 Chromoly. ~ ~ ... ___________________ __. . • s~ • BEARD SEATS • IPF • KC • CIBIE LIGHTS • BUGPACK • REDUNE otL • FUEL SAFE • OEM • SWAV-A•WAY • sas Page-32 Class 4. VW Baja . 4 start : 1 finish . 401 1 Greg & Allison Campbell . VW Baja Class 5. 2WD Tin Tops, 3 start : 1 finish , 533 1 John Hinz/ Phil Andrews Karman Ghia Class 6. Ch~llenger Buggy o start . Class 7, Limited 4~4 . 5 start : 3 finish, 701 1 Les Siviour / Geoff Miller Nissan Patrol 702 2 Eric & Mark Whitbread Toyota Landcruiser 747 3 Bobbie & Katie Siviour Suzuki Sierra Class 8. Modified 4x4 . 4 start : 4 finish . 802 1 Fabio Zarfati / Dallas Pope Mitsubishi Pajero 822 2 Alan Roe I Mick Dunne Nissan Patrol 801 3 Grahame & David Baxter Nissan Patrol 803 4 Ken Smith / Wayne Bell. Holden Rodeo Class 9 , Unlimited Single Seater 12 start : 7 finish . 901 1 Paul Simpson Jimco 935 2 David Leach Manxco 919 3 Dion Simpson Jimco . 916 4 Bob Strawbridge Southern Cross 927 5 Paul Allport Firefox Starters = 62 . Finishers = 34 . Finishing Ratio = 54 % Fastest Prologue= # 1 Mark Burrows 6.31 Fastest Lap = # 1 Mark ·Burrows 37.39 November 1997·, ·--· 5.28.11 21 5.28.26 4.56.57 5.22.20 6.19.12 4.43.49 4.55.17 5.07.25 5.52.22 4.44.08 4.47.53 4.59.10 5.02.46 5.05.21 · 22 9 18 31 3 7 14 28 4 5 10 12 13 Dusty Times 1 :i ms 1 ,,1 aw a 1'!U&!ll 1 i •:@ n • --------___________ ,,...__ ~-------,-.._....--------~ --- -- -:.- -. .
1!172 -25th Anniversary -1!1!17 n l1 ',Ill, 'H~~ y riPl,A~ . OFF ROAD DESERT RACING ... the Parker Area Tourism Committee, the Parker Area Chamber of Commerce, along with the Parker Rotaries, Jaycees, Main Street Committee, the BLM and the Parker Community. NO PRE-RUNNING & NO AIR SUPPORT . •ft/ 12 HOUR TIME LIMIT • ·-'---'-'=.J rHf T/IAD/1/0N l/Vf e1~ • FOR THE FIRST TIME! • sTART 1N TowN Contingency: / I WG NEW ON THE PAVEMENT! iflrttf CONT/NGENCJ' & WITH EXC/T/i NGES' • NEW SPECTATOR AREA! THE lAflu~~. ~ IN COURSE CHA · • WHIPLASH'S MUCH LOWER ENTRY FEES VENJJO! '!fl/),n,fl/ WEB Site Info at: AND GREAT PAYBACKS! Off/lOAv lf,.~/ltlU• S & Schedule•• • SPECIAL NOSTALGIA SHOOT-OUT FOR BLOCK PART/£. 5.t 5/1600 & CLASS 3 BIG PRIZES/BONUS! STREET DANCE.. · FRIDAY · 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM .... CONTINGENCY/ VENDOR ROW REGISTRATION / TECH 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM .... BLOCK PARTY 7:30 PM ......................... DRIVERS' MEETING 8:00 PM ......................... POSITION PILL DRAW SATURDAY 6:00 AM ......................... STAGING 7:00 AM (START) ......... FIRST CAR OFF THE PAVEMENT, DOWNTOWN PARKER VIA A (12 HOUR TIME LIMIT) GREEN (TRAFFIC) LIGHT DAT 6:00 PM ......................... STREET PARTY CASH PAI 8:00 PM ........................ TROPHIES & AWARDS TROPHt', SUNDAY 10:00 AM ....................... POKER RUN PRESENTATION! 5:00 PM ......................... POKER RUN PAYOUT I ALL CLASSES • PLUS WHIPLASH SPECIAL CLASSES: CLASS LAPS ENTRY PAY-BACK PRO 1-2, 10, 8, 7, 5, 1-2/1600 3 $400 $200 PREE TH • NTER By PRO 4, 6, 9, 11 PRO 3, 5/1600 Spec Truck (PRO Truck Class), Vintage PRO & TRUCK TROPHY TRUCK ALL SPORTSMAN POKER RUN (NON COMPETITJVE) 2 2 2 3 2 $300 $300 $300 $700 $150 re :~i~GIVING IN ••CLUDED $150+* PRcillNTEo Mrf~~~R $150 LL APPLY. RE FOR $500 INF~~~~1ION SEE THE ON, $150 0 IN THIS rsii~s APPROX. $30 (1 Hand) BIG PRIZES 70 MILES $40 (2 Hands) CASH & STUFF PARKER -ARIZONA· / CA Contact Whiplash -See details in this issue or an issue of the Southwest Off Road News
MDR SAHARA 250 Dillon Does It Again Text & Photos: Jimmy Messick Bob Wright took the 5-1600 lead at the start and there he remained, ripping off his six laps in six hours and nine minutes. Craig Dillon and Randy Spahr led from the get-go, literally flying around the course, winning overall and Class 10 handily in their Lothringer. Scott Barron inched his way into the lead in Class 200, and he took the win in 5:31.45, although it was close, only 26 seconds ahead of the next car. HE BUMP-STOPS HERE Stop the up-travel on your suspension 9iitb this ad~anced bump stop system. Th••• Bump Stopa. come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece and enough valving to get the Job clone. ECOMICALl.tY PRICED AT $319.90 PER PAIR. i I fINCLUDES MOUNTING HARDWARE AND THE GRADE 8 BOLTS) •; . . SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 1-520-427-3551 Page 34 OR CALL US DIRECT. 102 Crestview P.O. Box 84!5 Yarnell, AZ 85362-0845 The M.D.R. Sahara 250 Night Race put on a good show with 58 cars taking the green flag, but only 32 completed the required laps. They ran six 40 mile loops with the race finishing a couple of hours after dark. The weather was a little hot during the day but cooled off in the evening with a nice breeze to keep the dust off the course. Roger Starkey was the man to beat in 1600 Class, taking the win by fourteen minutes and fourth overall as well. The overall winner was Craig Dillon and Randy Spahr who completed their six laps in just under five fours, averaging 49.4 mph in their super fast A-Arm Lothringer car. Class 200 had a total of five start and three of them finished. Gregg Moser was the overall leader on the road for the first two laps, but dropped out on lap three for a dnf. Scott Barron took over the lead and hung onto it, finish-ing first in class and fifth overall, averaging 43 .4 mph. Finishing second in class was Livinou Lalatna in the Stuart Chase open car, only one minute back. Steve Houston had a good run going but Matt Thomas drove his good looking Ford to the Class 7 win, taking the lead on lap 2 and taking over from there on. November 1997 his tranny let ·go on lap 3. They changed it but the two hour time on lap 3 was only good enough for 3rd in class. Ron Osburn and Rich Fersch dropped out on lap 1 in the mirage. Class 5 had three start with Dave Cua being the only finisher, having no problems, just cruising around to finish after the others dropped out. Phil McCluskey went out on lap 3, while Ron Sat-ter Jr. had a bad rollover, taking them out on lap 2. Class 5-1600 once again had a good show with 10 cars leaving the line and six finishing. Bob Wright was flat getting with it, leading the class flag to flag. He had some longer laps towards the end but averaged 39 mph which is what the 1600 cars were aver-aging. I think Bob needs a 10 car. Also running real hard was Rob-ert Moore and Eddie Faulkner, who finished only four minutes back. The team had a great time, no problems at all and would like to thank F.A.I.R. Edwin Enter-prises and all the Outhouse guys. Keith Westerfield finished seven minutes out of second in his Wiks powered Lothringer. 4th in class was Marc Deshane who had a long lap 3. Charlie Smith was in for 5th and Guy Peterson was the last to finish, 6th in class. Frank and Sean Krepsz ran hard but a broken stub axle on lap 5 took them out. John Strode dropped out on lap 5 also. Stephanie Lo-zano finished but it wasn't within the time limit. Class 700 had three start with two finishers and Matt Thomas took the win, setting fast lap for the class on lap 2 in 1 hour 14 minutes, averaging 29.2 mph. Curtis Guise finished 2nd in class, 14 minutes back. Class 725 only had one entry and that was Tim Bradden who lost a tranny on lap 5. Class 800 had two start with Dusty Times
Dennis Sletten was the only Class 11 entry so he cruised around for Livinou Lalama took the Class· 200 lead on lap 3 but he slowly lost Robert Moore and Eddie Faulkner fought the good fight but Jost time his four required laps and took the win. ground and on the last lap became the second place car. on the fourth lap and ended up second in 5-1600. Jimmy Hooks and B.J. Bates fought tooth and nail for the win in Class 9 but settled for second place, less than two minutes in arrears. Brett Loughran and David Little had a trouble free race, running fast Randy Ross, shown here poised for takeoff ran consistent laps all and finishing second in Class 1 0, averaging almost 47 miles per hour. race Ion but still ended up in the second spot in Class 1600. Rick Holmes taking the class win, setting fast lap on lap 3 at 48 min-utes, averaging 46.4 mph, finish-ing in a time of 5 hours 10 min-utes. Pete Blood dropped out on lap 1. Class 850 had two start with both finishing their six laps. It was Mike Ismail in the Scout once again for the win in 7 hours 15 minutes, averaging 33 mph. Fred· Nelson ran his brand new home built Ford, having no problems and setting fast lap on lap l in l hour 7 minutes, finishing only one minute back, averaging 33 mph. Class 9 had a total of five start with three finishers. Roland Barry and Ryan Shank took the class win by a little over two minutes. The team ran some fast lap times in just over one hour each, aver-aging 3 7 .6 mph. Their Leighton shocks and The Pit Shop motor and trans helped the car have a clean run in the competitive class. Finishing second, only two min-utes back was Jimmy Hook and B.J. Bates. The team had a flat tire and broken shock to keep them from the win but they were real happy to finish in their second race in this car. They would like to thank Most Groovy Racing and Checkers for all the help. Hook also set fast lap for the class on lap 2 at 59 minutes. Max Hanberg. had some troubles on lap 3 and 4 but made it to the finish some 13 minutes out of first. Harry Dunn and Joel Mohr ran Roy Smith's car and had a lot of troubles in route, but a broken shock mount on lap 6 took them out for good. John Kelly also dropped on lap 6. Class 10 had a total of nine start with only four finishers. The class winner, as well as first over all was Craig Dillon and Randy Spahr. The team had a rollover on lap 3 and set fast lap of the day in 45 minutes en route to another win. Finishing 2nd in class, 16 minutes back, was Brent Loughran and David Little who had a clean run and would like to thank M.D.R. for putting on a great race. Larry Bolin brought his Toyota A-Arm out to finish 3rd, just sec-onds out of 2nd place, having Dusty Times Rick Holmes didn't have any competition in Class 8, all DNFs but him so he motored around for the win. some longer lap times towards the end. Richard Woods finished al-most four hours out of first but got all six laps in to take 4th. The non finishers were Mike O'Donnell who dropped out on lap 6, Brian Walsh who went end over on lap 1, same as Gary Price who crashed at mile 4 on lap 1. ·Justin Lacore broke on lap 2 and Steven Greinke went out on lap 3. Class 1100 had one entry and that was Dennis Sletten who fin-ished the required four laps in just over seven hours. Class 1200 had two start and both finished. Dennis Beckwith was the winner, finishing almost two hours ahead of Dennis Pru-ett who set the fast lap for the class on lap 1 but a long lap 3 kept them from a win. Class 1600 had a total of eight start with seven finishing. Russ Butow and Billy McCool had the lead and 3rd overall on lap 1 but rear shock mounts took them out on lap 2. The class winner was once again Roger Starkey, as well as finishing 4th overall, setting fast lap for the class in 51 min-utes and .averaging 44 mph, he finished over 10 minutes ahead of Randy Ross, who averaged 43 mph, turning some consistent lap times. Tony Murray finished 3rd, Class 9 saw Roland Barry take the lead late in the race and he bested his competition by less than two minutes. November 1997 Mike Ismail and his companion Scout took the 850 class lead on lap 4 and he raced to the end, winning by just 27 seconds. almost one hour out of first. 4th in class was John Kennedy who had a long lap 4. Rick Gamble fin-ished 5th in class, 6th was Steph-en Reeves and Ben Bell was the last to finish over two hours back for 7th. HOURS M-F 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 Paul Duffy has been picking up and losing a few cars each race but the number continues to be in the high 50s proving this to be a steady and strong organization. Their next race will be in Barstow on October 10-11. ■ Daily UPS Visa and Mastercard We are happy to announce our new 800 toll free number. (800) 656-3376 .. Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon "Fasf-:Filf" dump cans. Both new products can save you race time. Race Sman-Be Sate 103 Press Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 9191 0 • (619) 691-9171 • FAX (619) 691-0803 Page 35
An Open Letter ta SODA embers ... What you don't know won't hurt you??? ... Subject Urgent lencr·to the SODA membership and interested parties from se\'cral SODA drivers. There has been a lot happening in the SODA series this season. There are man1· rumors floating around and many misinformed dri\'ers quoting misinformation to other dri\'crs. The following letter is for 1·ou as a SODA member so that you \\ill be able to make a decision about the future of SODA. MRE, ORE, and CORR Think about the future of our series seriously when you consider the follo'l\ing lcuer. To the best of our ability. the information was deri\'ed from direct contact \11th persons in\'olved on both sides of this issue and is based in fact. The purpose is to fill in the information not given to you by the SODA board and President. Let's start al the beginning. Not the point which Mart~· Reid Enterpnses (MRE) and Off Road Entertainment (ORE) ga,e SODA the initial proposal (in conlr.lct form) back in Augus, 19?6. Let· s go back further to show the reasons that MRE sa\\ the need to change tho s11u:111on on S0~1\ The reason MRE/ORE delivered this proposal to SODA \\as that they listened to the dmcrs and sponsors about the need 10 change. The costs of the vehicles. the purses for racmg these classes. the need for umformed tech and compct1tion dirccti\'cs and the need to mo\'c outside Wisconsin to enable additional sponsorship from other regions ncrc on many class-'· class 8 and class 7 dri\'ers' rrunds. The dri,•ers were not the only ones saying these things. The current sponsors m the series "ere tellmg MRE/ORE that changes \\ould be nccessa~· for sponsorship al these levels to continue. It was getting harder to JUSti~· the cost of sponsorship for a series primarily in Wisconsin They needed to see changes in how the series conducted itself and where the races were to be held There were many sponsors sitting back and waiti~g for the right situation to happen before the~· would become involved in this form of motor sports. TI1e other half of this discussion was the fact that lhc SODA board had ~n hearing some of the same concerns from drivers but they kept putting their heads in the sand. Their response was that they don 't think there are any problems \\i th the series just the way it 1s. The)' arc wrong! Changes \\Cre necessary for the series to continue to grow and secure additional sponsor dollars. The series \\Ould have lost several key sponsors thereby losing money and contingency for all the racers. With this in mind. MRE/ORE came to Tc~· Wolfe (SODA president) with a proposal to move the pro series in a different direction. This proposal. in contract form was gi\'en to the SODA president to look over at a race and to gi\'e to the cxecuti\'C board of SODA at the next meeting for further review. The cxcculi\'C board decided to reject 1hc proposal in its entirety withoul looking at each line of the contract on its own to sec if there was any common ground. The Board got their noses out of joint only because someone wanted to '"STEAL THEIR BEST CLASSES". In reality, the proposal wanted to move the Pro classes in a different and more professional direction. while still maintaining the sportsman classes for those racers who choose to remain in these classes. The concept was similar 10 what NI-IRA does \\ith their PRO classes and SPORTSMAN classes. Keep the regional series for the Sportsman classes and let the Pro classes mo,·e around through national e\'ents. This concept works well and would take several years to implement, but the board never got past their initul feelings about SOMEONE ELSE CONTROLLING 11-{E PRO CLASSES. They ne\'er tried to negotiate in good faith \\ith MRE/ORE on ani· of the lines in the contract. They never tried to find any common ground to start a dialog as would be done \\ith any negotiation. SO. here we arc SODA Drivers, \\ith a board of directors not responding to the concerns of t!'e drivers. We have a board of directors rejecting a major proposal without negotiating. We ha,:e a board of directors not responding for 7 months to a request from MRE/ORE to counter their proposal. We ha\'c a Board of directors who. after 7 months. comes back to the table \\ith the proposal. (Can't we just extend our conlr.lct for another year. C\'e~1hing is great•). What was MRE/ORE supposed to do? Let your sponsors go away and II)' to pick up the pieces of a deteriorating series! They couldn't let that happen because they were under contract \\ith ESPN to deliver OFF ROAD RACING for 2 more years. They also had invested a significant amount of time to get the series recogniled and respected and didn't want that to die. Thus the reason for the formation of the CORR (Championship Off Road Racing) series announced at a meeting in mid Jul)' at the 2nd Lake GcnC\·a C\'ent. This was also the reason the SODA Executive board decided to file for a tempor.11)' restraining order and also file suit on Marty Reid and Jirn Conway for theft of service. The SODA ex_ccu1ive board keeps 4 telling drivers that Marty Reid just wants to steal the series. The fact is he docsn 't want the split, not in the beginning, in Lake GcnC\•a. or now! He keeps stating to many people that they would still be \\illing to~· and keep the series together. Then came the Bark River race. Tc~· Wolfe and Marty Reid just happened lo be in the same area and a group of drivers started to confront them both on the situation at hand. They tallced about the pending lawsuit as well as the split and the ramifications of a split. Both parties were requested to attend a meeting after the da)'S racing to discuss the mauer in detail. II was decided to let each class choose 2 reps to allend this meeting to try to resolve the situation. T~· Wolfe was told by the drivers to make sure the Executive board members that were present at the race would also attend this meeting. ALL PARTIES SHOWED UP. The meetmg started at 6:00 p.m. \\ith a role call for each class and board member. After 2 ½ hours'of listening to all parties. ihe reps decided that there was no reason the 2 sides couldn't work out the differences. Marty Reid agreed to negotiate onl~· if the lawsuit was dropped. The ctn,·ers · reps called for a ,·01e to have the executive board drop the lawsuit and work out an agreement "ith MRE/ORE. Aller hearing all this tallc and listening to both sides, YOUR EXEClJTIVE BOARD VOTED 6 to 4 NOf TO DROP mE SUIT AND NOf TO WORK WITH MRE/ORE. This was against the \\ill of the dri\'Crs whose class reps had just voted unanimously the opposite direction. ISN'T SODA A DRIVERS ORGANIZATION? With ~-n executive board who would not listen to the drivers. The dri\'ers reps left this meeting be\\i ldered by the boards· dec1S1on 10 continue on their path. With no other alternative, MRE and ORE left Bark Ri\'er with little hope of reconciliation due to the pending lawsuit. Both sides went to court and the judge found no grounds for the SODA action and dismissed the case both umes. Soda had no Justification to continue this legal path. In conversation$ "'th Mart~· Reid it \\35 a:nd still is his contention that he docs not want a split in the senes and would like to get this situation resolved No" we are at the end of the season and our board is still conunwng io disregard the \lishes of the ctn,·crs claiming their best interest. I wonder how many SODA members knO\, the facts about th.IS entire s1tuat1on. Herc are more "Points 10 Ponder". DID YOU KNOW? I. The contrJct MRE/ORE ga,·c SODA \\3S negotiable. 2. Marty Reid never \\anted to ha,·e this happen. And still docs not wanl a split. 3 On August 24. the board voled to disband SODA rather than work \\ ith Marty Reid and Jim Con\\a)·. (mmutes.R-24) 4. The 5% number in the contract that some SODA Board members say is nol negotiable is negotiable. SODA never asked' 5. MRE will lelC\ise the 4 sportsman classes at all Pro and Sportsman races at no cost to the dri,·ers. 6. Many of the current series sponsors have already c r,,milled a deal \\ith CORR ChC\)', Ford. Goodyear. and BFG. 7. 5 current tracks have commined to CORR Crandon (2). Antigo. Bark Ri\'er, Luxemburg 8. 3 new trJcks ha,·e com mined to CORR. Joliet. fL. Indianapolis. IN. and Bea,·cr Darn. Wl. 9. CORR is willing to pul al least $25000 into the point fund for lhe sportsman classes if SODA docs not dual sanction 10. The promoters ha\'e said they will ha\'e sportsman classes at the 1998 CORR race \'enues. I I. CORR docs not want to make the sportsman classes 1r.1,·el more than a 250-mile radius from Milwaukee. 12. SODA \\OUld have had use of all the tech equipment CORR purchased for the PRO Series if they had asked. 13. rnE LEGAL ACTIONS AGAINST MRE/ORE COST US (the drivers) $32.332.26 14. Since the driver's reps voted to drop this legal action at Bark River. \\ho should be responsible for pa)1ng the legal bill" 15 Take a look at "hat your cxccuti,·c board is doing. SHOW UP AT ll-lE OCTOBER MEETING l Green Ba~) ~-~,-.1.L..,.. . .-, j \ M V)o..l'C {A4t4JV . . -·· ·--r c,~f+rr.U.. I .. ~ .. ~ 44t.J./-&__ ~~Fa;,4 ~. C Page 36 November 1997 Dusty Times
C.OOD/'iEAII Rl_.__,,.._..l..__,_ CHEVY TRUCKS ~ ~ Performance Exhaust -[fflr,{J • . . . IIAT'~ TV COVERASE -. BFGoadricH /~·.·. ~ ----r..,. -.-,1(6,-.. ~/ . ; ~~,~ S A N Q C ~ BERNARDINO· ~ [~)8~□ -□WW f IAII CBIVIOLlfe AICI JLAIIIIY • IVAI 11111 • ,1■■11 jOIIIOI • WALIII 1¥111 fi~k • . ~ !IL_ -• .,«DUN.£DP ~ 1\1~1:,i;;::: ; 1 • • ~ -~: &1 •· ~Simplytlle/Jestforyour/Jike. Wlll&'Q l'IJ1J@:f!) I~~ ICUfflor--. • • ""'~"""~ ~ • '/"909-889-1033 Friday: Practice 1:00 pm• First Race: Saturday 10:00 am -Sunday 10:00 am ~ CLER HELEN UCEWJUf PARK ""'""""'""--11 !tt!Z!:~~-Nortll of Son llelllilrdlno, Rrke 1-21S .NOl'tll, Exit Poln,/llendoll, go west & lollo'w tlle signs. ENTRIES & INFO: • OVERNIGHT MOTORHOME . • GATES OPEN: SAT. 6:00 AM 909•880•3090 ~ PARKING AVAILABLE ~ SUN. 6:30 AM C
• I BUDWEISER FUD 200 Hovey Does It Again! By FUD Photos: C&C Race Photos Bill and Shauna Gill had the early lead, but were soon relegated to chasing the lead and eventually ended up fourth Unlimited, fifth overall. Chuck Hovey took the Unlimited overall lead early on the first lap and there he remained, while everyone else played a futile game of catch-up with the good looking Raceco. It was an early morning cakewalk for Chuck Hovey at the Bud Fud 200. Due to the luck of th,e starting po-sitions, someone actually was ahead of Hovey for a few miles, but Hovey came on like gangbusters and took the lead easily in the race and never surrendered it. Chuck set fast lap of the race each and every lap and there was no stopping him and he and his Raceco added yet another victory to his resume. Our congratula-tions to him! flag waved and Bill and Shauna Gill were off and running. It was the first time they had ever led over-all and they were literally on cloud 9, racing across the desert with no one in front of them. A few miles later Bill overshot a turn and they Dave Brown also led early on but lost the lead and chased it the rest of the way, ending up second in Unlimited and second.overall as well. Page 38 At exactly 7am, the green promptly went to third. sweeping left _turn Hovey Dave Brown was now in dove in low, came out first front with Hovey breathing and from there on everyone down his neck. On a long else was racing for second 1998 OFF-ROAD RACING CALENDAR $10.00 EACH PLUS $2.95 FOR SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEATURING ROBBY GORDON, IVAN STEWART LARRY ROESELER, CURT LE DUC, THE HERBSTS AN·D MORE-! ---------------------------------------------------MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P .0. BOX 306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 NAME ______________ _______ _ ADDRESS __ -:------------------CITY STATE ZIP CODE ---------------------PHONE NUMBER _________ _ NUMBER OF CALENDARS ORDERED X $10.00 = ----------SHIPPING & HANDLING + $2.95 TOTAL DUE $ _______ _ -VISA/MASTERCARD# ___________ EXPIRATION DATE ____ _ PLEASE ALLOW 2 TO 3 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY November 1997 Dusty Times
place. Ron Brookshire and Doc Miller joined Dave Brown in the fight for second. Lap af-ter lap they went, with Miller pulling out a leadand Brown dropping back a couple of minutes. At the halfway point, Travis Brookshire swapped places with his brother Ron and then had the dubious dis-tinction of being the driver when the car threw a belt, and they retired shortly thereafter. Miller saw the white flag at the close of lap 9 and he had a seven minute lead on third place Brown. Within sight of the finish, Miller's car decided it was tired and should rest for a while and Dave Brown's heart skipped a beat when he saw Miller parked on the side of the course and he danced into second place. A very disappointed Doc Miller was third. Shauna and husband Bill were fourth Unlimited and Josh Waddell took fifth. Class 9 was the closest race of the day, Larry Kern and his youngest daughter Becky went head to head, or should we say nose to tail w.ith the brothers Walter, Rob and Dwaine. The gap between the two cars was about four seconds with the Kerns in front on the road but with the Walter broth-ers ahead on time. After four laps Becky got out and after lap 5 Adam Pfankuch replaced Larry Kern. At the same time the Walters were changing drivers and co-drivers, Adam Pfankuch drove a wheel off the car trying to win, steering wheel that is! The three bolts holding it on just plain sheared off! The dice for third was just as tight as for first, only a tad slower. Tim Bebieff and Julie Kern were in front of Dave Dietrich and John Castillo for half the race, but only by a few seconds. At the close of lap 5, Jack· Hettinger replaced Deitrich and "Sundowner" Zeke tried to overcome the hole Joh n Castillo had left his car in. Hettinger was the quickest of the bunch, pulling out a slight lead until the skid plate came loose. So· he now had a ground anchor and could not hold off Bedieff, who went on to capture third in Class 9. Meanwhile, Zeke had filled the hole he inherited and was about to surprise everyone with a last lap dash when the throttle cable broke at the pedal as-sembly and he was out of it. Dave Lytle and Victor Herrara, Jr. and the Deens, Eric and Winford went for each o ther's throat in the 5-1600 Class. Eric, fresh off his victory at the Conquis ta was brimming with confi-dence and led the first lap. From there it was all down hill. Dave Lytle caught and passed him on the second lap when a sparkplug wire came off and melted to the mo t or. Thus, Lytle started building a lead that Victor Herrara Jr. extended all the-Dusty Times Brent Miller thought he had second in the bag but last lap problems relegated him Dave Lytle and Victor Herrara drove the neat looking 5-1600 to the checkered flag to third in Unlimited and third overall. with ease as troubles hindered the early competition. Rob and Dwayne Walters had lots of comP,etition in Class 9 but they duked it out Tim Bebieff and Julie Kern were in the midst of the Class 9 fray all race long an and were the big winners at the Fud Bud 200. finally ended up in third place. Dave Dietrich and Jack Hettinger were in great shape 'ti/ the skid plate came adrift and that put them into fourth in Class 9. way to victory lane. Mean-while, Eric found out that after a roll, welders are a necessary pit tool anq it sure helps to have a tow rope. But, putting all that asid·e, the biggest war of attrition was in Class 100. Joey Kern and Ricky Schnitzel (Kern) ganged up on "Rollover" Richie Burnworth. The Kern car had been prepped by BUDWEISER FUD 200 TOP TEN FINISHERS 1. Ctiuck Hovey 2. Dave Brown 3. Brent Miller 4. Rob/Dwayne Walters 5. Bill Gill "Never Ready" and was banging instead of purring. Rollover was burning up the course. He was so far in front that the Kerns were ready to give up when they went a lap down: While they were debating their fate, it was brought to their atten-tion that Burnworth was missing. Miles from any-where, he had rolled and Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Class 9 Unlimited 6. Dave Lytle/V Her~rra Class 5-1600 7. Larry/Becky Kern Class 9 8. Tim Bebieff/J-Kern Class 9 9. D Dietrich/J Hettinger Class 9 10. Sundowner Zeke/J Castillo Class 9 November 1997 Ron and Travis Brookshire were ready to do battle but shortly after their driver change they retired from the Unlimited fray. asked a spectator if his coil that was running like a push wire was off. No, was the re-lawn mower, Joey and Ricky ply, the coil wire is there Kern won the class. but the coil is missing. A The next event is the frantic search failed to find Budweiser Superstition 250 the· missing coil and XIII, Saturday, October Burnworth was forced to 25th, 1997 at Lake Supersti-wait until his chase crew tion. _Bikes ignite at 9 am showed up and then they while the cars dash into the had to use the coil off the night at 4 pm. It's a 40 mile chase truck. In spite of a loop, six times around. BE worn out clutch and a motor THERE! ■ CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES ~ELL,SHQ_EI,SIMPSO~ Helmets. SNELL 95. SA 95 for SODA Complefe Blower SystemsTor Single or Double Seat Cars. Helmet Conversions. f'..ool.B~.-Compleie Une of PYROt ~CT, FILLER Safety Products & BU, MOTORSPORTS *e,Mllp UPS D?ilY . Fronl.S29!i>:OO Helmet&~ I Visa -Mas1etca1·d .\MEX -DJifOYf'r 5153 Bov,,den Ave.• San Diego• CA• 92117 • (619) 279-2509 Page 39
Coming Next Month ... Laughlin Desert Challenge SNORE 250 ■ Rally of Indonesia Ojibwe Forest PRO Rally Glen Helen -Round 6 Estero Beach Short Course ... and much, much more! Additional Classified ... (More Classified Starting Pg 49) FOR SALE: Class legal5-1600, Wiles motor, WR trans, Wright R&P, Wright combos, Fox shocks, Dual pumpers, Sway-A-Way, Beard seats, Yokohamas, Fuel Safe cell, Brand new paint, Competitive car, $4,500.00 obo. Call Mike (909) 860-3286. FOR SALE: 1988 Class 12, 109" wb single seat, New 1776 VW, 13" front travel, 4" front arms, Fox coilovers, Combos, 4 Wheel disc 14" Bilsteins, 22" rear travel, 930s, Fresh type 2 -486 w/Hewlands, Beard, Wright, Charlyn p/s, Flame-out, just prepped, can deliver $8,750.00 Robert Ranallo (714) 998-3201. FOR SALE: New Class 7 Ford Splash, best of everything, everything new, Cone 9", Big Kendall shocks by-pass, Fox bumps, built moter by Ed Hale, Dry-sump oil, Barry Grant carbs, Howe steering, Ram, National spring, Fox bumps, too much to list. SCORE ready. Craig Stuart prepped (619) 466-7879. FOR SALE: SODA Legal Class 8 or 13. Parson Chev. trkdrivenbySherri Parsons & Jed Flannery to many top 3 finishes. New propower ultimate short course motor. Tricked turbo 400 Cone 40 spline, Lee steering Kuster/Randy Anderson shocks, Many spares. Race prepped $35,000.00 (715) 627-4888. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Lothringer Hatz motor 091 Hewland Power steering, radio - Pumper - Fox bypass shocks. Car weighs 1555 full or 1460 w/alu-minum skid plate, 4 BFG rears, 4 BFG front, 4 Yokohamas & spare parts, car almost new $9,500.00 Bob Scott (626) 442-1090, (760) 949-1049. ALSO 1972 Ford 22 ft box truck w/ complete living set up, 2 air conds SKY gen, shower, AC/DC gas Fridge, chrome wheels, gas eng 4sp/w 2 speed rear end $4,500.00 or trade Ford 1979 22 box w/lift gate, runs good $2,QOO.OO or trade. JOB OPPORTUNITY: FIELD SER-VICE TECHNICIAN; Semiconduc-tor Process Equipment Corporation is growing again. We have openings for technicians in Austin, TX, San Jose, CA and Valencia, CA Indi-vidual will do installations, upkeep and customer relations. Qualified candidate will have mechanical, elec-trical, and pneumatics experience, good customer relation skills and abil-ity to work independently. If you're looking to make a. positive career change, please call or send resume to SPEC, 25167 Anza Drive, Valencia, CA 91355 Attn: KevinMcGillivray (805) 257-0934. Valley Performance Custom Accessories Competitive Prices Now Available Barbary Coast Class 2 Two Seater $45,000 Call Dave or Lenny at 702-247-1266 , Page 40 3636 Mead Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-247-1266 STOP THE LAND GRAB! The BLM is at it again! They are trying to close thousands of acres to vehicular travel-for their own purposes! Help to keep things honest! Sign and date the letter below and send to: FRT 250 Kennedy -Unit #2 Chula Vista, CA 91911 Duncan H,mter, Representative aeo s Pierce Street. Sul:e E El Cajon Ca g2020 Honorable Duncan Hunter, I am vehemently opposed to the Flat-tailed Horned Lizard (FTHL) Rangewide Management Strategy. II i& note strategy to protect the FTHL, but a new tool to eliminate motorized recreation.from public lends in :mperial County. The Strategy cloeee 166,500 acres to competiUve events and.diicourages ell motorized recreational activitiea. but encourages non-motorized recreational activities, GUch es rock hounding; hiking, backpacking, non-vehicle baaed camping, picnicking, bicycling, horseback riding, hunting, bird watching and nature study. The 166,500 closed acres were "Limited Use· areas with designated routes of travel used for both oompetlttve events and recreational use, however these designated rout•• of travel UH 1&88 then 1% of the la~. 'Nhlch Is IN91()NIFICANT) Thus Iha aC1iom1 taken against motorized recreatlonal vanlcles is not justified! The strategy pays no attention to the 1860 Califomi11 Desert COnnrvation Area paaa11d by Congreee, Ignores tne 1986 Plan Amendments, disregard• the 1 IIB5 SLM/Navy cooperauve agreement and tossea sai::le the currer.t management plans of the West Mesa and the Yuh a Desert. I urge you have the entire Fist-tailed Homed Lizard Aangewide Management Strategy rescinded. However, this takes time and In the meantime two (2) Interim etepa must ba taken. The flrat is to allow competitive avants 1n the Management ArlWl'S under the current management plans and the other is to permit competitive events on the fringe of targeta 101 and 103 as agreed to In the 1906 6LM/Navy cooperative agreement Please uee all your in1luence and skins to reeclnd the Flat•talled Homed Lizard Aangewlde Management Strategy. Sincerely, Signature · Print Name Street Addr~es City, State, Zip Phone {Include area eode) cc: Edward L. Haety State Director, BLM Sam Sharp, Imperial County Supervisor Jim Battin, Assemblyman November 1997 Dusty Times
'The Straight Poop' From The Big Wahzoo KEN MILLER is gone. This ten year Checker recently passed away in the prime of his life after a nasty battle with can-cer. Aside from that time he in-vited a bunch of "Desert Angels" out to one of our summer par-ties, and that irritating dog he used to bring out to the races, Kenny was one of our quieter members. Besides racing his own Class 10 car, he was in the pro-cess of building an open buggy. He also rode with Butow and some other guys over the years. Plus, he was always ar. asset when out at the pits. Kenny Miller was a unique individual, which typically makes for good Checker members. He'll be missed. MDR LUCER.NE -Paul Duffy billed his Sahara 250 event (40 mile loop times 6) as a night race. Hey Paul, do you really think that any local off road racer actually believes it gets dark at 4 pm. in September in Southern California? A little more truth in advertising and an actual full night race sometime in the future would be appreci-. ated. Aside from this example of standard nit pickin', the Check-ers seem to be.pretty happy with MDR's promotions so far. Running 1st in Class 10, Craig Dillon was sailing right along when he came upon Jimmy Hook busy drivin' his ass off in his Challenger car. But when Craig tried to move out and around at speed, th·e ruts grabbed him and he flipped it. At one point Dillon was reportedly upside down, above, and closing fast on the "Hookster!'; with Jimmy oblivious to it all. After the dust. cleared, Craig found himself back on all fours with the car apparently not seriously damaged. At the next pit his Checker buds replaced some-se--riously bent wheels and such, and then sent our hero back out into the hunt. ·Cr-aig· quickly brought it back up to speed and pressed on to a big overall win. Congratulations to the Dillon Clan on their second straight overall and Class 10 -victory at an MDR event. Way to go, guys! Bob Wright won a race for us as a prospective member and now has won again after recently being voted in as a full member. I guess he wasn't just teasin' us with that first one. Impressively, 'Big Air Bob' soloed this race in his 5/1600 car, running trouble free. Naturally, this produced a convincing class win. The only thing close to a misstep by this new Checker was at the Awards, when he almost ~alked his way · out of the money after he got up to the mic. Congratulations to Bob Wright, 1st Place in Class 5/1600! Great run Dude. Fred Nelson put his new Class 7 truck into action for the first time at this race, and almost won with it! "Fordly" turned fast lap in class with his big 460 pickup, ending up 2nd, only 25 seconds back from the leader. Jimmy Hook and BJ Bates pushed Hook's Challenger car to a fine Dusty Times finish. Despite significant down time with early shock problems, the team finished only 46 sec-onds out for a good 2nd place finish. Larry Bolin, soloing his Class 10 car, had a second place in hand when he had a flat tire late in the race. Pulling into the next Checker pit for a routine NASCAR-like stop, Larry had to suffer through an unexpected jack problem for an unusually long stop. At the finish Bolin sal-vaged a 3rd place, 2 7 seconds out of 2nd. Three close races where the Checkers came up short. Now that's weird, must have something to do with El Nino. Good racing guys. Three of our eight Checker car's DNFed this race. Randy and Jason LaCore went out after a couple oflaps in Class 10 car after experiencing cv problems. But, while they were moving, Jason really thrilled the crowd going 'off the wall'. The Krepsz Brothers had stub axle problems before finally breaking the tranny in their 1/2-1600 car. Sadly, the brothers large ended Reverend Roy's impressive win streak as a roving right seater at this race. God help you guys! Russ Bu tow put Handsome Billy behind the wheel of his 1/2-1600 buggy for the first half and hap-pily saw McCool get it up near the overall leader. Then, the lower rear shock mounts pulled out of his trick new trailing arms for a disappointing DNF. Valiant Checker-like efforts all. Our Checker web page has been updated again this month with another installment of the 'Checker Crime Report'. This month's edition is thanks· to some burglars who foolishly made the mistake of targeting the Bates Family. Oops! ACE IS THE PLACE -Us Checkers now have a new home away from home. ACE is synony-mm~s with #1, so it's only appro-priate that the winningest team in the history of desert racin' is now meeting in its own club house behind an Ace Hardware store. Hey guys, we got out own place now.and can run it accord-ing to our own rules! Some of the currently talked about im-. provements are: A small wet bar next to our new $25 refrigera-tor, some appropriate mood lighting, a couple of those tables with a brass pole in the middle, and some handicapped parking spots up near the door for the occasional non-Checkers that stop by. Our new club house is easily accessed by using the al-ley behind 1111 Foothill Blvd., in La Canada. Use the Angeles Crest Highway exit off the 210 Freeway. Our Wednesday night meeting dates for the rest of the year are as follows: OCT. 8 & 15; NOV 5 & 19; DEC3 & 17. O r, if-you're still confused, you can contact President Joe Giffin at 'JG Transwerks' during busi-ness hours at (714) 632-1240. PUBLIC N OTICE - Please bear with me as I once again have to include our annual gov-ernment required 'Statement of Privacy': "This is-the Checkers' Column and it is presented exclu-sively for members only. Non-Checker eavesdroppers should be advised that the unauthorized reading of this column is a viola-tion of Rule #642-03.6 of the U.S. Department of Information". Thank you for your cooperation. talists who run the BLM are slowly gonna strangle our sport to death with increasingly re-strictive government regulation if we don't stand up soon. and vote out the liberal politicians who give them their power. Re-voking the woman's right to vote would be another common sense solution. But, whatever hap-pens, the Checkers will always reign as the real power in the area whenever ya get out in the boonies ... Just ask us! ■ Baja Pits By Carl Augustyn VEGAS TO RENO -Only 3 Checker entries ventured up to Nevada to participate in this cold and windy 500 mile trek across the silver state. Starting at Sloan, this race took its regu-lar historic/whore house route up through Beatty, Goldfield, Tonapah, etc., and on up to a finish in Dayton. Information was scarce at press time, but in Class 10, two of our cars had good runs to the finish. Jimmy Tucker and Mike McGee shared the duties while grabbing a 2nd Place in th at competitive class, with Koch and Keeling earning a third in Tom's car. Good run guys! The Krepsz Brothers had a frustrating series of events that put them on the' trailer early. First, one of them rolled it, breaking off a stub axle. After getting the car back on all four wheels out on the course, they Welcome Off-road Racing Fans stopped in at the next Checker throughout the world. pit for further repair on the EXTRA!!! EXTRA!!! brakes. Then, when leaving that Baja Pits and Union 76 of pit, they tangled with a race Mexico have joined forces for the truck breaking off the other stub 1997-98 off-road racing season. axle and damaging the trailing Although Baja Pits has. fewer arm. Hmm? Hey Frank, ya ever problems than other race teams heard of divine intervention? organizations, this partnership Casey Folks drew about 70 cars enhances"Baja Pits ability to pro-plus a bunch of bikes and quads vide on course fuel to race driv-to this year's running of his Best ers, minimizin g "Empty G as In The Dez 'Vegas to Reno Tanks", during the race. Race'. Just to keep everyone on top of BLM FOLLOW UP -Well, what Baja Pits has been doing in the BLM recently had their offi-the past months, here is a run _ cial drawing for '98 race dates in down of our activities. the Barstow and Lucerne areas -May 1997 uncler the BLM's new rules (see (Corp) Laguna Salada 200 out last month's Column for details). of 74 cars Baja Pits/Union 76 had And typically, the bureaucrats 26 cars entered. were in fine form. Seems the new June 1997 would-be short course promoter (SCORE) Baja 500, Baja Pits from Barstow got lucky and drew had 21 cars and two bikes. the best dates, leaving MDR an_d July 1997-MORE with poorer conflicting (SCORE) .Firt!crackt!r 250,-four dates. Recognizing the problem, Baja Pits cars . . · the tortoise rangers declared July 26, 1997 that drawing null and void ... and Ojos Negres 200, five Baja Pits then held another one! This sec- cars. ond drawing produced _:k~ept-· Nly.27; 199-7 . able dates for both MDR an·& ·-· Ffrst Annual Baja Pits Short MORE, but left the short course Coi,use. · 7 cars. and /3 _trucks, guy from B.arstow a _5Q mile _ ever short course race fat uj_uaria. loop out in Lucerhe for one .of There were over 7,000 screaming his event.s. Fair? Stupid would be · fans that.saw an awesome display a better question. But hey, they ofoff-road machinery. could award all the race dates to-August 2, 1997 the Sierra· Club and what the hell could we do _about it? But, (Corp) Santa Veronica 300, 11 Baja Pits cars. August 9, 1997 (Fud) Conquista Gran Carrer-a, Baja Pits provided radio com-munication and pit support for all the racers, and Baja Pits had 2 bikes, 2 quads and 2 cars. August 9, 1997 (San Vacente off-road) Ojos Negres 200 Noche, Baja Pits pro-vided radio and pit support for six cars. September 20, 1997 (San Vacente off-road) San Felipe 200, 7 Baja Pits cars par-ticipated. September 28, 1997 (SCORE) Laughlin Desert Challenge, Score Off-Road Race, 4 Baja Pits entered this race. As you see Baja Pits has been quite busy, providing logistics sup-port, communication support, transportation and of course, the pit crew personnel. In addition, we have provided education and training to low budget racers and new Baja Pits members. In the future Baja Pits hopes to have the capability to provide EMER-GENCY FIRST AID at each pit location. Baja Pits Upcoming Events: Oct. 3, 4 & 5 Estera Beach Baja 1.5 mile SODA type racing. Oct. 10, 11 & 12 (Corp) Laguna Salada 180 mi. Nov. 13-15 (SCORE) Baja 1000, Ensena-da to Ensenada . ATTENTION: Baja 1000 1997 drivers. Baja Pits will be-provid-ing 10 pit locations for the Baja 1000. In addition, we will have course information and maps. Contact:· Lee Caldron - (619) 267-9928 Carl Augustyn - (6,19) 448-1912 Carlos Orosco - ( 619) 449-7777 Baja Pits extends a SPECIAL INVITATION to off-road driv-ers. Our well staffed pit person-nel provide expert mechanical assistance. Driver welfare and safety is our goal. YOU'VE . TRIED THE REST, NOW DRIVE · WITH THE BEST!!! ■ in the short term, MDR (our promoter of -choice) h as two good race dates in both Barstow and Lucerne in '98 and is trying· to line up bot_h a Ridgecrest and Cal City event to fill out his six race series. PIKE'S Interestingly, at this meeting there was also a good indication where these environmental pin-heads are headed next. Sal Fish was put on notice that the BLMers in-charge were not happy with SCORE's racing lim-its on the marked course. Cur-rently it's fifty feet off either side of the center line of the course. This has always been the rule at the traditional July 4th Fire-works race, along with all of Sal's international events. But, the BLM stated that they're gciing to address this concern in the very near future, with an idea of re-ducing it to 30 feet. Transla-tion: "In the future, you guys are gonna be restricted to runnin' pretty much in single file until you reach one of our official BLM designated PASSING AR-EAS". The dictatorial environmen-November 1997 -BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING so·vEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! Mobil RESTAURANT SERVICE EVERY DAY OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 41
California Rally series By John Elkin On September 13, a wedding took place joining Mike Whitman and Bobby Webb into matrimony. They were married near Soledad, California, at a ·beautiful winery surrounded by green vineyards, a cool breeze, family and friends. It would be an understatement to say that the wedding had a decid-edly rally motif to it. The dirt road to the winery was complete with control arrows, and a flying fin-ish. The wedding party marched down the center aisle which was marked as a triple caution, and the altar was the finish time con-trol. The groom was resplendent in his tuxedo and nomex driving shoes. The vivacious couple are honeymooning in Sweden before returning for the Prescott Forest Rally. · Prescott should have been an interesting event, however, at this writing it hasn't happened yet we are all looking forward to the de-but of Rui Brasil's new Audi S-2. Since the Mike Whitman's Dat-sun 510 is now community prop-erty, Bobby has liberated it for the rally. The rally will be featured on ESPN 2 next month, however, with the heavy Open Class em-phasis in National competition don't look for many of us to make the big show. The date is now January 1, 1999, we all need to have new driving suits as mandated by the SCCA recently. Keep an eye out for deals on SFI spec label 3-2A/ 5 or higher suits. If you already · have 3-2A/1 suite you must now add nomex underwear, but at least it will be legal. Any three layer suit will be legal. The weekend of November 21, will be a social gathering at the Luxor Casino in Las Vegas (you kriow, the big pyramid). Roger and Lynette Allison are hosting a Sega Rally Challenge. The entry fee is $20.00, with half the purse going to the prize fund. The best times win. This sounds like an incredible amount of fun, and well worth the trip to Las Vegas for bragging rights to the crown of the fast cyber-Rally driver around! Leave the helmet and suit at SCORE 1996 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! ' , " ' FAT MOTORS SCORE IN LAUGHLIN: SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge, Sept. 26-28 Class 5 1st George Seeley (VW Type IV) Class 10 1st Arorew Wehe (Toyota 4AG) Class 12 1st Dave Callaway/John Holmes (\JIN Type I) CONG RA TULA TIONS POINTS CHAMPIONS SODA Serles Class 1-1600 Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Class 2-1600 Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Class 7S John Greaves (Toyota Tacoma) All Australian Champion Class 1 Paul Simpson (Toyota V-6) We use & 111cornmend TAlCK ,adng_,,_ RACING ENGINES. lRANSM.ISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARI'S Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 · 'HONDA SCORE Engine Builder of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995 & 19961 Uta PERFORMAICE 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 Power . Equipment home, but you might want to bring the gloves. Congratulations to Vartan Samuelian and Ara Manoukian, who took their first overall victory at Gorman Ridge this last August. It was quite a battle them and Ron Wood and Kelly Walsh. Mitch McCullough announced that he and his wife Kim have moved to Davidsonville, Mary-land. Mitch plans some rallying next year after they are settled in a new house. Kim has landed a high profile job with Land Rover's newest line, the Discovery. He talks about Rim next year, and we would love to see him back again! Next month we will congratu-late those that kicked butt on the National scene and bring you up to date on all the news that is fit to print. more Trail Notes ... SCORE IAUGlll..IN DESERT CHALLENGE -The 5 laps each day of two days evidently was a success at the Laughlin race last month. The two day format was interesting to say the least and there were mixed reviews from the drivers. A quick rundown of the winners follows. A complete story will be in the next issue of Dusty Times. Trophy Truck went to Ed & Tim Herbst, Mark Post took Class 1, Frank Rusich owned F-1600, Darren Skilton took Class 3, George Seeley won Class 5, Carlos Iribe and son won 5-1600, Damien Mavis won Class 7, Don McCarthy owned 7S, Dan Smith was the Class 8 winner, Brian Jeffrey won Class 9, Andy Wehe came back to take Class 10, SCORE lites was David Callaway's, Victor Barajas won Class 11, Steve Williams took Stock Mini, Manny Esquerra won Stock Full and Ryan Thomas was the Protruck boss. Congratulations to all entrants. · TISTERO BEACH SHORT COURSE - Gerardo Novelo put on his second short Uourse race on October 4 and 5 at the Estero Beach Hotel and it was quite a show. Thousands of spectators, we would estimate around 10,000 and a great show in eve~ race. The highlight of the weekend was the duel between Curt 1.eDuc and Evan vans who battled fiercely in both of their races and had the crowd on their feet for the duration. Gerardo is planning another short course event in the spring of '98 aiperhaps some linkup for a series. More on this in the next issue. R LY PIC WINNER -We finally got all the entries together on the Pie 'O Month identification contest from the September issue. All the correct answe went into the hopper and the name drawn was Fred Anderson from Marquette, MI who identified John Buffum during the Acropolis Rally. Congrats Fred, your lifetime subscription is on the way. THE FINAL FLAG -It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of .1. Charlie LaVelle. Charlie passed away at Loma Linda, at four in the afternoon, October 10. Our thoughts go out to Roberta and the children. Charlie, now may you rest in peace. We love you. KAWAGUCHIHONDACOR~ POWER TO_~-D Racer· and Spectator D'iscounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES =--·· ,. • WATER PUMPS •OUTB_0ARD ENGINES t . ... :;~ . •LAWNMOWERS •LAWN TRACTORS EB6500SX j ·, •RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY IF WE DoN'T HA VE IT, No ONE Does! DELIVERY TO TIIB RACES AVAILABLE • PLEAsE CAIL AHEAD KAWAGUCHI HONDA ex,ooo 3532E.3RoSJ:I.os~CA.9CXJ63•213.264.3936, 264.5858 FAX 264.2136 HONDA Power Equipment Page 42 . : VISA 1 s A L E s , s E R v I c E , P A R T s - H O N D A PO WE R E QUI PM E. N T S PE CI AL I, S T Nothings easier. [i1i f or opun:unt pcr!orm.mcc :ind ~t'ty. pk.\f< lnd ~(' 0\\,1t'r·s nunuril b.:forc-o~r:iHng your Honda. Po-...·('r Equipment. Sp«<IOC'atton:1 subJttt to"'ithout noth:c-. •£ only. b:i,-c-d on r:ued 1oad. •B.:l.ttery not mdudl!'d "1th E:'\135vOSXKI. E'.\t5000SXKI and ES0500S.X. H\\"ilh bdaery tr.1y kit. whn-ls t< h.\.'l~c-r. ConnttUon to houSt' po,...·er rrqulres tr.u1sfcr d~1« to ,woi,! po:ssiblc lnJury tu p<N,'f!'r C'omp.a.ny ~rsonnf!'I. Consult 3 qu,1.liftt"d f!'IC'CU1\'.'lan. November 1997 Dusty Times
3 TIME WORLD SODA CHAMPIONS ' ___ Lt_, .... -r~--i ca£-==-~--(ST.PETER RRCING/ All of us at St. Peter Racing would like to thank our World Class Sponsors Goodyear American Racing Wheel Toyota Bearings, Inc. Fox Racing Shocks Race Ready Products Mendeola Racing Earl's Servi-Shop #3 · Jimco Off Road Race Cars Hypercoil Web-Cam · Ron Davis Racing Products Weld Specialt Supply Corp. CNC Products Without your support, our season wouldn't have been possible Photos by Jeff Eissing
/'££CD Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recreation MIKE MONOHAN 1320 N. Miller St. #B Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 aja AUTO WRECKERS, INC. COMPUTER PARTS LOCATOR NATIONWIDE 84-851 AVENUE 48 COACHELLA, CA 92236 (619) 398-0147, 345-3353 JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 SECRETARYfrREASUREA FAX (619) 398-0596 ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging •Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons •SODA and SCORE approved Leaders in Custom Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-5330 RAMSEY, N.I USA • e, . ''f14-. .!" Off-Road Fiberglass • Off•Road Truck Fabrication urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 2" Sport-Comp & Ultra-Lite Gauges Auto . _ ,_, -·~' ,, .. _,..,,.,,.,. n ..,,... ••• •..f.hQM; (815) 895-8141 M-F 8-5 COT ~ ~ON~!!!: • Send S4.00 For Complete 1997 Catalog Auto Meter Products, Inc.• 413 W. Elm St.• Sycamore, IL 60178 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Export & lnt'I Rae~ Car Preparation Consulting & Management· 1040 S. St.·:.-Fallbrook. CJ\ ~?.OtH ·/'760) 723 ''>1 '}'7 F "Y f'"'tt,-0\ '7'l~_on·:lu ,~ J -.;,._a. 1 1..·1.✓._,, ,,-v..,J,.._l,J SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES "JETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ_L ~EATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 0Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" I PllO SUllO.I Wide Assortment of ColO!s and Sizes -CUSTOM SUITS -In-Store Measurements (10 DAY DELIVERY AVAllABlf) 208 4th Avenue E. · Buckeye, AZ 85326 . (602) 386-2592 LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock We also carry a full selection of • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • • Fire Systems • Shoes • Gloves • Lankershim & 1-5 9017 Son Fernando Rood, Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 768-7770 Fax (818) 768-1840 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3:JP7 Custom V9hicle Shifter GP /,I ' (,1r1'¥/<?l~Q PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Speciatty Race Trucks Pr~Runners 84-89 Ranoe, Fiberglass Dimple Dies CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX 306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINDSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW,CARRERAPHOTO.COM 8" • 8" · 1 0" • 13" • 15" · 16" · 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ ffe@rttrr .. fL @ rt: fr( SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 (209) 2?5-5183 FAX (209) 276-2365 [CNC] Mo~ufacturers of Broke and Clutch Pedal Ass) Moster Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttl,es CNC, Inc. Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morenafllvd. San Diego, CA '921'10 (619) 275-1663 .. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS'• t'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree, Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Driv~ 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd.• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 i!4tRACING ■V.,,GASOLINE LEAD EC . 10, 114, 118 OCTANE CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANT~ ~E SPRINGS, CA
CPC-Cadmium-Chrome-Gold ,t,. nodize-Electroless Nie k!e Aluminum D;e Casting Heme cf f .O.A. Racing Tieman Connector Plating Corp. 327 W 132nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90061 310-323-1622 • 310-323-1749 Fax 310-323-i517 Ask For Mike DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Paul Ortiz 2 I 540 Vine Street Wildomar, CA 92595 . ~nta Ba.rcara_. CA 9$111 • Specializing in Custom Roll Cages • Welding/Fabrication • Tube Bending • Off Road Suspension (909) 471-0692 l>ONIJffOE ~-».&IN4 • RACE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSULTING • DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE KREG DONAHOE OWNER Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. 2831 EAsr WHrre STAR UNrr H . ANAHEIM, CA 92806 ·;• PHON~ (714) 632-3033 ·I FAX (714) 632-3835 Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K & L Santee, CA 92701 619-:.!58-:.l57!i cs: ES.;;;_7;,2:;; ER 5) ENGINEERING FORD RACING PARTS~ RAN6.E.R2.3 PlNfO 2.0 OYER 3000 TOP QUALITY SPEED PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK 2.S 8OP6.CATAL06 PHONE (818) 444-4919 1438 POTRERO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. El.MONTE., CA. E-ZUP-INSTANT _ ~.JUI£ SHELTERS 'Ii~~ ' --.......,QIIGlll._\. FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcLTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALE.R .-CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 I :AMotorsport PRE-RUNNER SPECII\LIST • l}UMPERS • C,._GES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT KITS • LOWERING ms • DU...LLYS AIR BAG SUSPENSION • SHOW C,._RS & DISPlAYS • ,._TY F,._B WORK EXPERT INSTALL"TION & F,._BRIC,._TION AV,.,IL"BLE FIBERGL-"SS FENDERS i. BEDSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 4010 N. PALM S"TREET. UNIT 103 FULLERTON. CA. 92635 (714) 870-9.422 FAX (714) 870-913?-' FBI Fuel Systems Fuel Tanks: 5 to 40 Gal in stock Fuel Bladders: Alcohol or gasoline Accessories: Plates, Caps, Foam, etc. USAC-SCCA-SCORE-etc, APPROVED Jim & LC Charlesworth FOREMAN ----;.E>-RACE TIM,JCK ENGINEERING/ DEVELOPMENT FABRICATIONS/ RACE PREP CHARLIE FOREMAN (619) 467-9211 3438 LOCKWOOD DA. SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 669-4727 3006 Colina Verde Lane Fuel Bladders, Inc . 4231 Spencer Street Torrance, CA 90503 310-542-3835 phone Jamul, California 91935 Doug Fortin 310-542-3836 fax 6 ·RACIN, ~. Fl/El.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd carton, CA 90746 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2!?$7 -,puow .J.)d oo·,: 5Z/~P.I.)W .).le spv A.101Jg.1,a nms poon ·uawo1m:, Mau ,pea.1 pue .. A ll0l.~3lll0 !l!l.n.LS aoon .. ~'fl u, p.1e:, ,s3u,1nq .1noA l"d ·news .10 IN 'sS.JuJsnq .1noA 1noqe 1no p.10M: .np 13£) '~~" OTORSPORTS, k - - . --- . l'OP A.LL YOUR Wt.Ano:T, SAn:TY , t'U'EL CELL, AND SUSPENSION NKKDS CALL YOR A CA!l'ALOG TOLL FREE:1 -000·528·2059 fFCII LINE:1-602 164-76 46 3719 N. 32nd AVE PIIOF.NIX. A7 8501 { c::::> -==--==-. ~ifsystemsN BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 810A s. ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HTS .. IL 60005 l'HONE:,(8◄7) 269-3810 FAX:1 (1141) 2b9 !I /Ob THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! USED BY WALKER EVANS NOW YOU CAN GET THE RACING GEARS THE WINNEIIS ARE USING 'IA FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 ,(8\i)) 294-~~,9. t'tu<(HIO) z93.1li36 Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associatio11s. For your local dealer ~ . Call or write for call (800) 433-6524 ~ our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Manulactunng, Inc. 18062 Redondo C,rcle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 US A Ph (714) 842-2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 Off Road Style Fiberglass Fenders Graphite / ((ro()n A & D Services Custom Fiberglass Fabrication 15341 Pipeline Lane #B GLASSWOAKS Unllmlted , Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 903-5644
~HONDA f7§¥1·1·f PERSONAL WATERCRAFT JET BOATS I ~ I ! ~ BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (213) 877-7272 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. FAX (818) 766-9397 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 ff$i>Jf£ .1e,, Howe •~•o Hillvale In. Lakeside CII 92040 (619J 561-7764 Pager 406-2550 Speciali:tlling in high per,or,nance Pa-er Steering #or Racing Magna#lux inspection a11ailable IJAMES GANG -f RACING PRODUCTS ARLIN9TON SHEET MET Al CORP. tl-+24 l111pnial Hwy. • Santa Fe Sprinp • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (31 O) 926-0699 Owner James Hall I•. JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" Desert. Shon Course & Street VW Rac ing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim. California 9281)6 JIMCO 10965 HARTLEY RD. &UITE A SANTEE, CA 92071 (714) 532-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON bl. _.C.N K.■NN• Gauge-Aaem ••· · ~ Racer Discounts 809-F N. Lakeview Ave • Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fax 714-779-2316 RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER PREP & FABRICATION CUSTOM TRAILERS L:~~Z:\ Russ Jones Motorsports CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 .-==--=--=-.-:-~ - -==-- -KALOFFROAD Fiberglass Fenden~ · Metal Fabrication , Speed Equipment (805) 238-5731 . ..:aalL.: --=-=-===-!'!!"'"· -"!"'!C ··--==--==~:-=-::_~ -------=-KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3463 \1ass,llon Road. Suite B Uniontown, Ohio ·H685 330-699-1777 Fax 330-699-1771 HONDA Power Equipment Athene Karis + OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E ~TEERING ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (2.13) 2.64-1136 (213) ZCS4-~858 LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818)-768--0371 A full line of Power Stering gears, ~--•••• pumps and accessories for Any type of racing. Thomas E. Lee Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 .81S-85J-JUCE 81S-852-8852F A.X KENT LOTHRINGER LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service Suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 818-857-7223 . Perfo'J.c1NG. ENGINES .Assembly- Machine Work, Parts , Engine Dyoo Fadllty 10122 Kenney Street, s• c · Santee. CA 92071 619-5%-0886 ' 619-596-0625F~-X Ken Major PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel (714) 441-1212 Fax(714) 441-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissioos Parts & Service .1290 TRO[SD..\LE #I&J cm:L.A "1STA CA 91910 Ql9-691-l 000 · FA .. "\ 619-691-1324 MESSICK RAQNG PHOTOS j Ph 760-253-5689 760-256-3011 .. JIMMY MESSICK• 35124 Cedar Road J3c;t(!t9.!!''-9A_ 92311_ FOR ALL INDUSTRIES CALL 562-928-9838 FAX 562-928-0778 SUNDRY M~TAL CRAFTS V ".,.IRED TUBE ~ ill =LANGED DISC 6831 Suva St. Bell Gardens, CA 90201 ACCOUNTING -INCOME TAX .. CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant SHERYL CANNON. CPA OWNER 280 !I. GLENDORA AYE. SUITE 201 (818) 9,9-101.1 Wl!■T COVINA• CA 91790 P'AX (818) 919•0211
805-940-5515 ., , •. •1,-;,1 ·••1,•41 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [9~ SJ _857-5200 Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication B 1Uggy S1!.11 ppll y 1 (800)231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85365 (.602) 783-6265 • ORC Race Radios Fax: (602) 437-1306 4107 E. Winslow #D Phoenix, AZ 85040 Paul Sigmundson Office: (602) 437-8164 Mobile: (602) 377-1983 OFF ROAD CHASSIS <ffu11inee J<h17 B UENA PARK, C AUFOR~IA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS. VANS & M IN I TRU C K S PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 761-9460 OFF-ROAD TRUCK FIBERGLASS -25 Years in the Fiberglass Business -Builder of 16 Factory Team Truck Bodies -Custom Molds and Repairs Trailer Products Inc. . . · 11'·2·1 N. Buena Vista' Hemet. ·Ca'lif 92543 . Ph:999-654-7334 ,~W~(Q)V~3@'1fl SAFETY EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROLA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX RADIOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRING FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STlll. ONLY S12'i. 2888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, Ci\ 90806 310-427-8177_ 800-869-5636 A High Performance VB Race Truck Seri~s "The True Dril'er's Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.6470 9419 Ahraham \\'av. See. B Santee. CA 9 2071-2584 I 040 South Main Street. Fall brook. CA 92028 Fr\:\ 7611-72.l-2 I I 7 l:-M.-\IL hajarace •iitth.cnm PHONI' 760-7~ 3-2117 Jerry Penhail 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B \, C.ALL U'5 flF-'5T! Costa Mesa, CA 92627 , ________________ _ 310N'1H N\fO noA N\fH.l SS3NISna 3HOII\I 3A \fH AO\f31::11'1 noA 3Sn\f038 SI s3w1.1 A.1sna NI ~NISl.ll::l3AO\f ...,......,,......,.., __ .....,....._ .lON~O~NOS\f31::1A1N03H.l .-ralcv s . ' Pl'rf orniance I Engineering * All Types ol Steel U Aluminum Fawicatioa *Tul,e Beaclinc * AlmainlD UltNl W.ldinc * Custom Machine Work * All Types ol 1'aee Cars 5831 W, Flamin10 llcL Laa Vegas, NV 8910J Bruce Fraley .(702) Jtos ... 11 HA RACING Y.fiVGASOLINE "100. 110. 114 118" methanol & 111\ro Steve Poole ~ ■ ar■ .~ ... ~ ■ ar•~ ■ ■ ■ ■ •~• ■ IILl!r■ C.L. Bryant, Inc. 13415 Carmenita Rd. Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Office (310) 802-8913 fax (310) 802-0274 • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes • Ori-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assislance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. 1 -800-929-4360 RACESHOCK FOWRACING !/\,._BHOCKB OFF-ROAD ~RACINO V.:,CASOLINE BOGART'-. ~ 7(/fuu , • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and applic3.tion assistance • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components • We take trade-ins LEE FINKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 RO-CJ< . ..-RoLL M©le l:P'IXl©ir© "IF VOO'LL SHOW CFF ... ... WE'LL SHOW lFI (714) 722-0491 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE:: (602) 376-0944 MIKE INGAI SBf.E PO BOX 2696 COSTA MESA. CA. 92628 RACING TRANSAXLES 1700 EA $T ,\,\A IN ;r_ "f:L CAJON. CA 412021 .:.;..H,i:; i<C;E I tc» 19) 443-2460 -----------------------e:"t:---------------------'"'+.-,--------------RH (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 10427 San Sevaine Way., Ste. L Mira Loma, California 91752 HAROLD NICKS ·~\l\> stu1, tJ ~ ~ Todd Francia ~ Pr1ci1io11 Alloy, J,/d,· f/1. 25805 HE 46"' Avenue II t RldgeOeld, WA 98642 $ ~ » Phone ~~$. ~~ Fax 360-887-2000 10n & ~ 360-887-7279 LAURA ~ ~ RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOTu HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89048 (702] 372-5335
TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • 1wmow LffiERlt,G • CAR LETTERING • GRAPHICS SQUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Galway Circle • Huntington Beach. CA 92649 (714) 897-007.5 • Fax (714) 694-9567 j 4M s~~&~ &~ to-'iflue {3ua-, ~ '&It~ 45-410#/0~St. 6!9-347-5052 ?~. eA 92201 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 ~~D (213)583-2404 SANQERS SERVICE, TNC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Srnlth El Centro , CA ................... 800-989-4645 El Cajon, CA ...................... 800-458-2711 :Endio, CA ................................. 800-989-3278 Las Vegas, NV .................... 702-643-9200 Long Beach, CA ................ 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA ............................ 805-485-6900 Perris, CA ............................ 800-969-3835 Van Nuys, CA ...................... 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA ................... 909-877-0226 All Other Inquiries, contact Sports Racing at P.O. Box 610, Long Beach, CA 90801 800-836-5355 SO. CALIFORNIA BUMPSHOP :iJi·i Pre-Runners, Chase-Trucks, Street Trucks & Cars Baja-Bugs, Dune-Bugs, VW and More. Roll-Bars, Bumper'S, Shock-Hoops, Lifts & Lowers, Roof-Racks, Welding Custom-~uspenslon, Fabrication and More. Call Voice 733 West Pacific Coast Hwy Harbor City, CA. 90710 (310) 513-1805 DoN STEVES CHEVROLE1 .... .. ~fa:='f-;;;.,::,00~ ,~t.. _. ~~-i::;~4"-:-~~- -'.~ s«r,, """ s~.~ e,~.. ASK FOR TUCKER Motorsports Director Sales ~ Leasing (310) 691-6704 Whittier Blvd. at Harbor (714) 521-1102 · La Hobra, California 90631 Fax (310) 691-9396 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Truc#cs • Buggies • Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 nl ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31510 223rd Street East Llano, CA 93544 805-261-3202 , . ,,.. ct:MPLJTEfl(./ZEO VINYL GIV\PHICS & LETTEfl(.ING 111,1 I VIM I ""LO-COST 1'LDGSIGNS(Atr. PROCESSES) -"" Tfl(.AOE SI-OW OISPLJ\1'5 ,.._ ~,,._CING GR,,.,,.HICS ,,.. OETA /LEO & I.N/QUE OESIGNS ,.._ FLEET VEHICLES ;. HI-Q/.JI\LTTY f!>A.NNEl(S ,.._MAGNETICS ""U)GO fl(.EPf<!tJOUCTONS ,.._ f/eEAL ESTATE ;. LOGO & GR,._PHIC OESIGN ,.._ OEC/\LS OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WflD/NG • FABRICATUV • FuWIECUTTING • FFOVTEf./05 • REAR TRAIL/NGARMS RACE OIASSIS • PRERUNI\EFIS • fDX RA ONG SHaX 134_5DYNAMICS. UN/TD ANAHEIM, CA 92806 LARRY ROSEVEAR PHONE /714/ 996-6260 FAX {714/996-6405 TOTALLY TRUCKS Inc. Qff' Road and Street Truck After Market Parts, Accessories, Installation a11,I Complete Custom Audio -Sell Tee~ Ri,11cho • • Sur,et: uft 3520 East 'Ji'o Coll'IP • T,oil Mo~ter Charleston Blvd. u~r:rte1;__.i.,,;ft • M,SD Las Vegas, Nevada g.,,ll '!f'-A -~to M,eter (702) 457-2809 f(& N •f'UI' Trackside Photo O.ff-road race photography since 1970 Fidel Gonzales 805-578-34 70 P.O. Box 747, Moorpark, CA 93020 NACE THANS BY JEFF flllJ)'S TRA.NSflXLE ENGINEElUNG JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST Spaclalizlng .-, High Pert. Transa,des ~ • vw • PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WERACE WHAT WE SEU. (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Noonandia • T orranca. CA 90501 CUSTOM GEARBOX BUILDING lt1ce or /llt1pl Paul Smiley .-Salton City, CA • (619) 394-0039 _ URBD BLUEJµJ,,i Racing Gasolines P~ So. Cal. Distributors• (310) 928-2Z-8 Lyn. Gordon. or Mike [UMP] 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PROOUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE SUITE A SANTEE. CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEAMER SYSTEMS FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES ·vF RACING-& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHO;> (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.)
BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 67 4-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 RACE CARS ~AJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V.W & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYOTA • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding Lorenzo Rodriguez Off Road Race Truchs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication Dale White Racing 3940 Maranatha Circle LilS Vegas, NV 89103 10Z-B71-1661 -i----------------------~ • 515 So. Vermont, Glendora, CA 91740 • (818) 914-8147.L--------------========= . ~ PAl,tr /IND aJ411NGS«GRAIWn3* J(JGOG # · . •PJ'CI TO b1Cfi MAJNIZNANCI'• &m/lYAf:1t;J,Jl'tf.RIN&-._· . "<WAJ1 fdYt)($'"For R~lJp t¥/ .•61 O· 0 LAURIE DUNLAP VICE PRESIDENT l 81 5 MASSACHUSETTS AvE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 USA 909-369-5144 FAX 909-369-7266 Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service 535 East ~ .. ,..,•r:1/ Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 Off Road Products Front and Rear TraWing Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ. 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 Classified ... AlsoSeePage40 FOR SALE: MOTORS-(2) Toyota 2Tc 1650cc VERY FAST. 170 hp Arras pistons, Toy motorsports, TRW, Ford pushrods, Web-Cam, New Kennedy clutch, Includes Alt, gwr str, radiator. Lots of spares incl. belts & hoses. ALSO (2) stock block Toy 2TC. $2,000.00 for all Rob (310) 608-8490. WANTED: Class 2 or 10 - 2 seat less motor and trans - trade for boat 19 1/ 2 ft, 125 hp O.B. Open bow - 1989 Magnum-Force with trailer great condition low hrs Northern Calif. 2()() 772-0215. FOR SALE: '63 Baja - Street legal but built for Off Road. 1776 cc, close ratio 3rd & 4th, 6 Bilsteins, Sway-A-W ay, Beard, CNC. Great first desert car. $3,900.00 obo with T-trailer. Call Mike at (714) 770-0597 eves. FOR SALE: 86 2wd Toyota Xtra cab & frame rolling chassis, no dents, perfect frame $750.00; 22r freshly FOR SALE: 1976 Ford FlOO desert rebuilt $450.00; Brand new 20r Head FOR.SALE: 1981 Toyota4x4comp. orarige 12" lift, 40" tires, alum. rims, fresh H.P. 350 Chev,·TRw Pistons, Sig Erson com, Offy holley, Custom headers, Turbo 350 trans, Hurst shifter, 9" Ford rear end, 18 Duesh Tech shocks, Am-Fm cassette and equal $6,500.00 obo ALSO Large va-riety of used tires and rims, TOM (714) 554-3300 or 530-8807. FOR.SALE: TI-IE BEST CLASS 10 MONEY CAN BUY: '97 Jimco SS Mid-Engine Toyota A-Arm. Only 3 races on this state of the art Jimco "tum key" car. FA T's best 4AG, Fortins best 5 speed, Kuster bypass shocks, Summers etc. Meticulous at-tention to detail, powder coating, prepped w/spares. Over 70K invested asking $49k ir will consider "Off -Shore" marine ans sports car trades. Todd@ (702) 348-7812. pre-runner, Pro built, through dash $100.00; 3 toy trannies 15 speed FORSALE: 1992ChevyK1500Pre-full cage, reservoir racing shocks, 4 $300.00, 4 speed $250.00, auto Runner,fullpower,a/c.350Dana60 FOR SALE: 97 Lothringer 2-1600. pt Simpson harnesses, fresh paint, $100.00;84-88 toysteelhood$75.00; rr w/4.56 gears, MIT Alcoa wheels, FOR SALE: Great SCORE Light Brand new Car only 5 races, Cur- new interior, new 33" BFGs, Billet 4 Ford 14x7 Mag wheels & tires Fox Shocks, Beard seats, front and Class 12 car. Single seat, many good rently 2nd points, selling after Baja center caps, 3 51 w built, C-6 $200.00; 89 Ford Stock chrome rear glass, interior cage, 32 gallon fuel runs in LaRana, no DNFs, ready for 1000. Tum key Lothringer Car. Fox, aircondition, ps, pb, fiberglass hood, bumper frt & rear $100.00; new Art cell, Deaver Springs, 14 speaker SCORE Racing, type one, 4 speed Sway-A-Way, CNC, Fodrill, Art Carr trans, andshifter$6,500.00 Carr shifter $200.00; Ask for Mike sound system, $15,000.00 obo (714) bus box, Raceco Chassis, $7,500.00 Mastercraft, Simpson, PCI Radio and (909) 899-9423. (213) 276-0556. 956c8542. obo (805) 943-80%, (805) 943-2119. Intercom, Billet aluminum rear • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • ■ • • ■ • ■ • drums, Yokohama, Centerlines, • Thousands in spare parts and Trailer, ■ Wiks racing engine, Wr Trans. Com- • plete package. $21,000.00Call (760) : 337-6108. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $20 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7". NEW AND RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a p.hoto in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER -CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED -YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER . • • • .■ • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • FORSALE:'88FordF-700BoxVan, : -------------------------------------------: 83,000miles,429cilndustrialengine, • Enclosed is$ ____ (Send check or money order, no cash) Please run ad times • 5 speed, 24' box, 6 new, balanced • ---• Michelin tires,60galmain, 50galaux : Name________________________________ Mail to: • tanks, Pioneer AM/FM stereo, 18"h • Address _________________ Phone ___________ DUSTY TIMES : x 20"d belly boxes (1350 cubic feet) • 20751 Marilla Street • $12,700.00 (702) 362-9416 or 596- • City ----------------State __ Zip ________ Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 • • ~ZQ =••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••= Dusty Times November 1997 Page 49
Simply Quality: This Trophy Truck is a looker and it works! Ford Ranger XtraCab Body, Beautiful Fabrication Throughout, 26" Front Travel/28" Rear Travel on Mike Smith Bypass Shocks, Chris-man Rear End, 13" Disc Brakes All Around, CNC Billet Calipers, 3 7" BFG Tires on 17" Ultra Wheels. Parabok built Ford SVO 430 cid VB, dual MSD Ignition System, 650+ HP, Ken Mogi C-6 Race Transmission Reverse Pattern Shifter. All of these things work to-gether to make this the best Ford Trophy Truck for sale. $64,000.00. Baja Brokers Ref #492 (760)723-2117. PACKAGE DEAL: Class 8 Ford, 15" Travel front/20" travel rear,, Kuster coil over shocks, 35" BFG Baja T/As, 488 cid VB, Cobra Jet heads, MSD ignition, Powerhouse motor, Mogi C6 transmission, Chrisman 9 3/4 rear End, 46 spline axles, 80 gallon fuel system, spares included. $32,000.00 and if you are looking for a hauler here's this: 53 FOOT TRAILER: Kentucky Air ride trailer, Luxury transportation, generator, 10,000 lbs, winch, tool boxes, Belly Boxes, NC l 10/12V Lighting, air compressor, $32,000.00 Baja Brokers #569 (Class 8)_, ref #567 (trailer) (760) 723-2117. EXPERIENCED PARTS!! Lots of 930 Axles, VW Axles, Etc. Fod Fab King Kong Spindles, $500.00, Spring Plates, $20-$60; Many, Many VW Torsion Bars, $20-$50; Jeff Fields Bus Tranny, $2,800.00; Bus Tranny Core w/f op Mount Bellhousing, $150.00; Aluminum Engine Adapter Plate-Chevy V6 to VW, $75; Uniden Race Radios, $350.00; Oil Coolers, $40-$70; 25"x22" Radiator w/aluminum Shroud, $175; VDO Monster Tach, $30; BoxesofLights $10-$55; Empty flame Out Bottle $45;Bilstein Posi-tion Sensitive Challenger Rear shocks, $130.00, 12" Bilstein w/Res-ervoirs $100.00; Limiting straps up the wazoo, $10; Class 7 Ranger !-Beams, Radius Arms, Tie Rods, Steering Arm $1000.00; Keith Black 440 cid VB Dodge Motor, $3,500.00; Auto Fab 15" Travel F-150 2wd Complete kit! $1,200.00, Supertrap 19" Stainless Steel Muffler, $120.00; Full Race 9" Rear End $3,000.00; Dana 60 Summers Race rear End $1,800.00; Mogi Race C-6 with Torque Converter, $1,200.00; 17'' Wheels $100.00; Lots of 35" Tires!! THE SECOND LAP (760) 723-2117 or Fax us Your list at (760) 723-9938. SUSPENSION UNLIMITED CLASS 12: This 2 seat Class 12 by Suspension Unltd. Only has 1 1/2 races on it! Very light and strong. Motor by Rosever to SCORE Class 12 specs. Very quick. Transaxle is full-race bus box with close ratio gears. SACO Rack and Pinion Fox Coilovers with 2.5'' in Rear, Summers Bros. brakes. Yokohama tires, Beard seats, 14" Front Travel and 20 + Rear Travel. Baja Brokers Ref# 602 $19,000.00 (760)723-2117. Page so Top of The Line 7S: Ford Ranger 4WD, New Model Body, 3.0L 4 Cyl-inder, 290+ HP, Mogi C-4 Tranny, 4 7 gallon Fuel Cell, Fox Front Shocks w/Resevoirs and Adjustable Damp-ing, Kuster Rear Shocks, National Spring, Chris-man 9" Rear End With 300M Axles, 9 First Place Finishes Including the Baja 1000. Many, many spares, including spare race motor available. Baja Brokers Ref #584. $40,000.00 (760) 723-2117. ALLORPART: 2SeatMoltonClass 1. 3.2 Liter Porsche by Fat, Doug Fortin 5 speed, Fox Rear Shocks, Raceco Rear Out Board Summer Arms, Mastercraft, Park-er Pumper, PIAA, Radio, Intercom, Fire System, Fodrill Front Suspension, Coil OveF Fox, ETC!! Tons and Tons of Spares: Tires, Wheels and Parts! $24,000 Ref #555. If your looking for a hauler, here it is: 20 FOOT Hauler: Ford F-600 Hauler, 429 Motor, 5 speed Tranny, 2-speed Rear End, Excellent Vehicle, Built for Off-Road Racing. Kitchen Area, Belly Boxes, Welders and EVERYTHING else you need and it hauls the race car! $22,000 Ref # 554 Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Awesome Trophy-Truck, thousands in spares, Form-er Robby Gordon Frank Vessel, 38" rear 32" front travel with the best of ev-erything. This truck is a winner. Could be made Class 8 legal. $70,K or will consider trade for real estate Roller's For Sale: Single Seat Chen-or!! Ref #489 Contact Baja Brokers owth Chassis, No Motor/No Trans.; 760 723-2117 • , FodFab Front End, Super Strong, FOR SALE: 95 Ford Ranger 7S Fresh Esslinger 2.3 4 cyl, stroker motor, 2-2 BBL 44 Weber carbs, Mogi C-4 Tranny, 44 gal. Fuel Cell, BFG.33-1050 Custer Shocks Ford 9" Rear, 40 spline axles, Flame Out. Fresh Prep _ race ready, many spares $40,000.00 Consider some trade. 1600-10 car or ? 40' enclosed goose neck race trailer avail. (702) 457-2809. FORSALE: l-1600Chassis-Woods front arms, Fuel Safe cell, Beard su-per seat, Wright rack, rear torsion bars, Sway-A-Way spring blades 2-12" Fox shocks, 2-14" Fox Shocks, 2 sets of body panels (318) 834-3999, pager (818) 229-1200 ($3,100.00 oho). 2WD Blazer Pre-Runner: Here it is! This Blazer is a fully functional pre-runner that is tame enough for every day driving. The best of both worlds. Completely CA Smog legal, fully caged, good travel, 300+ HP, 3 seats. What more could you ask for? 350 cid Chevy motor by Don Hatz, bored +.030. Valley 1997 classified ads Valley Transmission, TH-400 with RV torque converter and Art Carr Shifter. Stock Car Products 9" Lim-ited slip rear end, 4.56: 1 Ring and Pinion. Suspension has 15" travel in Front on A-arms damped by 2.5'' Fox Shocks. Rear is a Quarter Elliptical setup with 16" Travel on Fox shocks also. 36" Goodyear GS-As on Alcoas round out the rolling stock. Baja Bro-kers Ref#610$16,500.00 (760) 723-2117. Huge Coil-over Shock Mounts, · Foddril Chromoly Rear Trailing Arms with Summer's Bros: Flanges, 40 gallon Fuel Cell, Seat, All Alumi-num Done, 2 Bodies! Baja Brokers Ref #576 Make Offer. AWESOME DEAL: 2 seat '96 Aceco chassis. No Motor, No Trans., Class 1/10/12, Fod Front End, Drop Spindles, Bilstein Coil-over Shocks, Bypass Shocks, Char Lyn, Mastercraft, Simpson, Su-per Nice, Baja Brokers Ref #585 $19,900.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Class 11/12 SODA off road racer, Gerald Engine, St. Peter Transmission, 1996 Rookie of the Year car, race ready $5,500.00 with spare engine, trans, parts and trailer: Class 8/13 SODA off road race truck, rolling chassis rebuilt in 1997, King/ KM coil over shock suspension, $13,500.00 (920) 834-5733 or 834-1583. FOR SALE: 4 seat pre-runner -Class 2, 2180 Motor, Hewland gears, 4 Coil overs front end, 6 Fox and Bilsteins on rear with Fox Secondaries, Sum-mer Bros. Hubs, disk brakes, 930s, 20 gallon fuel cell, Power steering, CNC pedals, 4 Beard seats and full Simp-son belts, 16 channel radio with in-tercom, Double bead locks rear, single bead locks front, Full lights with overhead light bar, New pow-<; coated panels, Extra tires with Centerlines and Fox Shocks, 65 miles on car since prep, will sell with or without dual axle trailer, Must see -l of three Raceco 4 seaters produced, many other spare parts not listed, $20,000.00 takes everything Call Topper (714) 963-5200 (phone/fax). FOR SALE: 1996 Porter Racecar 1-1600, all the best equipment. 2 Rose-vear engines, 3 Weddle trans, 8 FIR spares, 3 pit boxes, many spare parts, $20,000.00 Gary Porter (714) 974-7284. November 1997 CLASS 7S Ranger: 1995 Ford Ranger 7S Chromoly used through-out, 2.5L HaulButt Motor with Deep Sump Oil Pan, Ken Mogi built C4 Auto Tranny, Full Race 9" Rear End, CNC brakes, Nationals, Fox Shocks, 35 gallon Fuel Cell, Autometer, Completely prepped and ready to go!! $17,900.00 Baja Brokers Ref # 366 760 723-2117, A_·· • ;·i."' TOY OT A Xtra Cab 4WD: Downey Long Travel front Suspension, Kuster Front Shocks, Downey Leafs under the axle, Fox Shocks in Rear, 22 Gallon Fuel Cell, Fresh Clutch, Tie Rods , Pitman Arm, Idler Arm, New Water Pump, Timing Belt, Head Gasket at 55,000 miles. BFG Mudders on American Wheels. Fi-berglass front and Rear with new Paint. This truck will make a great pre/Run/support/Daily Driver Ve-hicle. ALSO available: Nissan Xtra Cab Pro Built with Ranger Suspen-sion on Fox coilover, 2 + Travel, Nationals, Fiberglass Front end. Baja Brokers Ref #597 $10,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: 1997 Ford Ranger, 7S SODA legal, Auto Meter gauges, Bilstein reservoir shocks, Beard seat, Dana 60 with 35 Spline spool, very strong motor, lots of good parts, Call for details, $17 ,000.00cdn or best of-for. Call Thormi.s 705 786-1879. FOR SALE: Mid Engine Sand car -Turbo charged Pinto engine, turning brks, rev limiter, chrome A-arm sus-pension - Current reg. Like new smoothies & paddles, much more · $6,500.00 (760) 342-1946. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 Baja 1000 Class winner, totally fresh, extra parts, ready to race, see April 97 VW trends magazine feature. Best offer: Either you race in the Baja 1000 or I will!! ! 408 354-1090Fax 408 354-8058. Class 8/Pre-Runner: SNORE '95 Class Champion and street legal. · Widened I Beams, Extended radius Arms, 18" of travel on (2) Custom Built Shocks per wheel, Quarter El-liptical Rear Suspension, 4 link Bars, 24" of Travel on (2) Custom built Bypass shocks per wheel, 351 cid, B&M C-6 Tranny with Art Carr Shifter, Autometer Gauges, Beard, PCI, BFG Baja Tires, TIO welded full cager Extremely Clean vehicle. Baja Brokers Ref# 612 $16,000.00, (760) 723-2117. HELP WANTED: Experienced Chassis and suspension Assy & Fab-rication, Sano Mig welding a must. Tig welding a bonus. 40 hour work week. No traveling necessary. Con-tact Grant or Gil @ Funco. (909) 421-2558. FOR SALE: Class 10 Raceco air cooled 1776 bus 4 speed Hewland gears, Fox Shocks, Fodrill ft end, well maintained, prepped ready to race $12,000.00; minus motor $10,000.00 oho (209) 486-0280 or (209) 645-· 5716. FOR SALE: 94 Triple E, 2 seat Desert Lite Class 77 District 38, Chromoly main rails and arms, double rear shocked, Centerlines, Billet clutch, dual exhaust, fresh tranny, 4 wheel disc brakes, spares, must sell $7,000.00 or best. (619) 685-8733 or (619) 440-4577. FOR SALE: Fun Pre-Runner 1992 2wd 4 passenger 4 runner (street le-gal) Custom air cleaner, Downey guard, front dbl. shocked with Bil-steins, HD torsions, Downey rear springs, rear MV-12s, rear ARB locker, aux. tank, Centerline wheels, fresh PCI race radio. $15,000.00 Downey Off Road Mfg (562) 949-9494 days (562) 699-2496 eves. FOR SALE: Roller Jimco Single Seat Score Lite. Very Competitive. Fox Coil Over front w/reservoirs, Fox Bypass rear w/reservoirs, Wright front end, Summers Bros. Hubs, Complete Power steering, 930 c. v.s, axles, CNC pedals, Spares, etc. Complete chassis prep, Mint condition. $12,250.00 oho FOR SALE: 1994 7S Ford Ranger, Fat Motor raced only one time, Alu-minum heads, steel rods, Chromoly cage, Aluminum 9" floater, LeDuc Lightning Rod shocks, C-4 Auto, Beard seats, 12 Beadlocks with tires, Fuel Safe, Race Ready with lots and lots of extras! $28,000.00 Must sell due to wife's illness (608) 845-9354 (Cst). Dusty Times
FOR SALE: 1997 Subaru lmpreza A WD ProRally car. Current Produc-tion GT points leader, never crashed, no DNFs. Professionally engineered and prepared, best of everything. Dual odos, fire system, intercom, and much more. Absolute turn key for $17,000.00. Less w/o Zeron, Cobras, Hellas, etc. Lee (503) 624-6366 or 1997 Class 7 Chevy S-10: Laugh-lin Winner! 4.SL V6 Monster Mo-tor, 300+ HP, 700R-4 tranny, 9" Mark Williams 40 spline full floater rear end, 12" travel in front on 3 Bil-steins per wheel, 1 7" rear on Kuster 18" stroke Bypass Shocks, hydraulic Bump Stops front & rear, 33" Baja T/As, Lee power steering with ram assist, 44 gal fuel cell, PCI radio & intercom included in sale. Baja Bro-kers Ref #605, $25,000.00 (760) 723-2117. Here it is! + 1997 Junco Class 1 + new Jimco A-arm w/less than 200 miles on it. Fox 2.5'' coilovers in front w/Fox 2.5'' coilovers and bypass shocks in rear. BFG tires on headlock wheels. Leighton 2912cc Type 4 motor, approx 22+hp, Fortin transaxle, best of the best! PCI, CNC, UMP, Fluidyne, Fuel Safe, Flame-Out, etc, Completely prepped and ready for you to win. Fire sale at $49,000.00. Baja Brokers Ref #613 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: RACE READY FOR GLEN HELEN WINTER SERIES Ford SODA Class 13 or SCORE Class 8. 466 cu. in. motor by Hol-brook, C-6 trans and torque con-verter by ATD. Dual Kuster shocks all around. Has passenger seat, great pre-runner. $30,000.00 Test drive in Phoenix, call Dennis (602) 759-9071. Stock Full F-150: Very nice truck! 3 51 cid by Leon Patten. Valley trans-mission did the C6, and Currie built the 8.8" rrear end with a spool and 35 spline axles. 17" of front travel with 1 custom Kendall shock. Na-tionals in rear with 19" travel on 1 custom Kendall shock per wheel, 3 5" BFG Mud Terrains on American Eagle alloys round out the package. Very competitive truck, ready to race & win! Baja Brokers Ref #618 $53,000.00 (760) 723-2117. SODA Class 4 Chevy: I beam 4WD front suspension, Cone full floater 9" in rear, 42 spline axles, Kuster coilovers setup by LeDuc, Fox air bumps, 35" Goodyear SODA tires on headlock wheels, 368 cid motor by Ron Hutter, roller cam, trick alumi-num heads, est 650hp. Fresh Bill Weigle Racing tranny w/costom torque converter, BorgWarner trans-fer case, Autometer, Mastercraft, Simpson, spares w/same, possible transporter trailer. Baja Brokers Ref #615 $40,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Chevrolet Bus and car hauler, 20' aluminum diamond plate deck, Belly boxes & other storage, new 16x20' roll out canopy, 454 en-gine, 4L80 Automatic trans. Air con, NEW 11 :00x20 tires, Conversion in-terior with captains chairs and sofa bed, toilet. Good looker and runner $5,800.00 (715) 627-4888. ROB HERMAN would like to thank RICK SHERRARD and his family, as well as, All those good friends in the pits. I would also like to thank MIKE HERMAN for his Limitless patience and support. CON-GRATULATIONS to MATT SHERRARD on his engagement to Yolanda. FOR SALE: Class 11: Sway-A-Way, BFGs, Beard seats, Bilstein $3,500.00. Call John for Details, Afternoon and evenings (760) 868-5694. Outstanding Class 5: Winningest Baja Bug in the desert. This car is race ready w/spares. Available with or without brand new FAT 2. 7L Type 4 motor and fresh Fortin/Hewland 5 speed tranny. Fox Shox, Summers Bros hubs, outboard 930 c.v.s. This car's record is amazing. Class 5 cham-pion 94-95. In 3 years this car fin-ished 19 of21 races. 1996 Milestone Award winner! Baja Brokers Ref #572. $14,900./00nomotorortrans, or $29,000 complete. (760) 723-2117. STEAL THIS: 1986 44x102" fifth wheel Competitive trailer. It has it all. Aluminum diamond plate floor, 6.5 kw generator, air compressor, built in cabinets and work bench. Front living area with all the ameni-ties, too much to list, only $13,500.00, ask for Lance (818) 998-9811. FOR SALE: 1997 FORD F-150Class 8S SODA truck. All Chromoly con-struction. Complete with lots and lots of extra parts. List upon request. $25,000.00 (517) 838-4103 or (517) 236-7296. Class 8/Pre-Runner: SNORE '95 Class Champion and street legal. Widened I Beams, Extended radius Arms, 18" of travel on (2) Custom Built Shocks per wheel, Quarter El-liptical Rear Suspension, 4 link Bars, 24" of Travel on (2) Custom built Bypass shocks per wheel, 351 cid, B&M C-6 Tranny with Art Carr Shifter, Autometer Gauges, Beard, PCI, BFG Baja Tires, TIO welded full cager Extremely Clean vehicle. Baja Brokers Ref# 612 $16,000.00, (760) 723-2117. See Additional Classified pg 40 INDEX To Advertisers Baja Racing Products .......................... 31 Baker Performance Products .............. 22 Barbary Coast, Gold Coast, Orleans Hotels ................................ 28 Bilstein Corp of America ..................... 5 Cactus Racing ..................................... 39 Carrera Photo ...................................... 38 Cycle News ......................................... 31 FAT Performance ................................ 42 Fox Racing Shox .................................. 2 Fresh Air Systems ............................... 11 German Auto ....................................... 13 Glen Helen Raceway Park ............. 21, 37 Greaves/Kincaid Motorsports ............. 9 KC Hilites ........................................... . 25 Kawaguchi Honda ............................... 42 King Shock Tech ................................. 18 McKenzie Performance Products ... 10, 32 Mojave Desert Racing ............. Back Cover Nevada Off Road Buggy ...................... 12 PCI Race Radios & Equipment............. 4 Phoenix Gears ..................................... 30 Pike's Family Restaurant .................... 41 Race Ready Products .......................... 35 St. Peter Racing .................................. 43 SNORE Vegas 400 ............................... 23 Sway-A-Way Corp ............................... 7 Transaxle Engineering ........................ 26 Tri-Mil Industries ................................ 19 Valley Performance ............................. 40 Weld Racing ........................................ 16 Whiplash Motorsports ............ 14, 33, 51 Yarnell Specialties .............................. 34 FOR SALE: 1985 Toyota Stock Mini 4x4 X-tra Cab, Fox, Parker Pumper, National Springs, Flowmaster, 4:88 gears, 10" Travel front, 12" rear and more, 3 time Class champion, $6,000.00 with trailer, $5,000.00 without trailer obo. Must sell!!! Eve. (909) 790-9263. 11972 -25th Anniversary -11997 ... -----~--. r.------------, Whiplash Parker 400 Entry Form1 Class ___________ Yeh# ____ Whiplash Lie# -, Name ________________ Soc. Sec.# ______ _ Co-Driver's Name ----------------------1 I Street Address __________________ Apt# __ _ City _____________ State ____ Zip Code ___ _ ~HIP~ASH C,FFHC,.AC:, C:,ESEHT H.ACffVG CAIN PA/DAT TROPHr PREIENTATION! Home# Work# Mobile# I --------------------Emerg. Phone# ________ I ALL CLASSES • PLUS WHIPLASH SPECIAL CLASSES: CLASS LAPS ENTRY PAY-BACK Age_ Occupation ______ _ PRO 1-2, 10, 8, 7, 5, 1-2/1600 3 PRO 4, 6, 9, 11 PRO 3, 5/1600 2 2 In Emerg., Notify ___________ Relationship _______ 1 Important Racing Accomplishments $400 $300 $300 SPEC TRUCK (PRO Truck Class), Sponsors ________________________ _ I I I I I I I Vintage PRO & TRUCK 2 $300 TROPHY TRUCK 3 $700 $500 ALL SPORTSMAN 2 $150 0 POKER RUN (NON COMPETITIVE) APPROX. $30 (1 Hand) BIG PRIZES 70 MILES $40 (2 Hands) CASH & STUFF RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND I INDEMNITY AGREEMENT I understand racing is a DANGEROUS SPORT and I may be injured. crippled or killed. I hereby assume full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury, death or property damage due to the I negligence of releasees or otheiwise while in or upon the restricted area and/or while competing or for any purpose participating in this event. I the undersigned have read and voluntarily sign this release ALL DRIVERS/CO DRIVERS Parti,;ipating in Competitive Events must I and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement. I further under-have WHIPLASH LICENSE at $25 each or pay a $5 NON-LICENSE FEE stand NO medical insurance is available at this event. and I am WHIPLASH SPECIAL CLASSES· -E/IITER WITII solely responsible for any. medical. assistance. treatment and/or · PRE 5 DEPOSIT I transportation to any medical facility as a result of any mJury VINTAGE PRO Class - Chassis 12 yrs or Older, 11 O" or Shorter, A ;2;;,R//1/G cASII sustained while participating in any way at this event. Signature of: NO Coil-overs or Externally Valvable Shocks ":: TIIE Er,E/IIT OR .. · · /II ADr,A/IICE Part1c1pant TRUCK - Must Look Like a Truck, Sound Like a Truck and Be PAI' I CIIECI< I -------------Reasonably Safe. Please NO Trophy Trucks in this Class Bl' MAIL ENTRY TO: Whiplash Motorsports, Dusty Times I 2939 East Grovers, Phoenix, AZ 85032 Pre-Entry Deadline: November 28, 1997 71:AL-----November 1997 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date received Entry fee 1998 License fee _____ _ Non-license fee _____ _ Late fee Total fees due Deposit paid Balance due in cash at the track Balance paid BRING CASH TO THE TRACK! I Page 51 «-.