Volume 14 -Number 10-October 1997 $1.00 ... ~ Covering the world of competition in the dirt
-SWAY•A•WAY ... "(a,... . • Internal or External • 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 4.0 Diameter • Position Sensitive • 12 to 20 inch travel 20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 Fax 818-700-0947 swayaway@hotmail.com Performance Products Used By .. JACK FLANNERY JEFF ST. PETER CURTLeDUC MIKE JULSON DARREN SK.IL TON GEORGE SEELEY ERIC PAVOLKA LARRY ROESELER DANNY LEDEZMA JEFF LEWIS ROD MULLER DANBAUDOUX JASON CROWDER BRADY HELM JERRY PENHALL BOB GORDON ROB MacCACHREN LARRY BOLIN DALE WHITE STEVE BISHOP CHRIS HARROLD TOMMY BRADLEY VICTOR BARAJAS JOHN BRlNDELL MARKRUDDIS JOEL WHITTED JC DEAN ROBBY GUEVARA JEFF GEISER RON BRANT 20755 Marilla Street Chatsworth California 91311 Ph 818-700-9712 Fax 818-700-0947 swayaway@hotmail.com
Volume 14 -Number 10 October 1997 Publisher Emeritus Jean Calvin Editor John Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calv1n Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark . -Jim Culp John Elkin Bomer Eubanks Michelle Halverson Martin Holmes Ralph Mason Daniel Mainzer Jimmy Messick Ron Miller Troy Robinson Bob Rule Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith Trac.kside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry Worsham --.nu.a ...... Mna .... Subscription Rates: $20.00 per year, 12 issues, USA, Foreign Subscription rates on request Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited con-tributions, but is not responsible for such material. Un-solicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or. errors;· All ads may .be subject to editing. ·· DUSTY TIMES: (ISSN 8750~1732) is published monthly by Hillside. Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright by Hill-side Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without ·written permission from the pub-lisher. Periodical Postage paid at Chatsworth, .CA 91311 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DUSTY TIMES, 20751Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new ad-dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. snapshot of the Month ... Do you remember? The ye:;ir was 1982, the place was Las Vegas, the race was the Frontier 250 and to.open, tech and· contingency we had the ever popular Siegfried and Roy and one of their "children". Who won the race? Jack Johnson, that's who! · DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies' or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self addresssed envelope. Only Black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered. In This Issue .... FEATURES PAGE. SNORE NAPA J&P AUTOPARTS 250 by John Calvin .......................... 8 Acropolis Rally by Martin Holmes ............. , ..... : ............................................ 12 Glen Helen • Round Four by Ron Miller .................................................... 14 New Zealand Rally by Martin Holmes ......................................................... 20 Australian Off Road Championship • Round 3 by Darryl Smith ......... '. .... 22 SODA Antigo by Jeanne Brown ...... · ......................................... _ ................... 24 Oregon Trail Rally by Jim Culp ........................................................ .' .......... ·28 1st Mainland China Rally by Martin Holmes ............ : ................................ 30 VORRA Top Gun 250 by Troy Robinson ................................................... 31 FRT Conquista Gran Carrera by Judy Smith ........... _ ................................... 32 Australian Finke Desert Racy by Darryl Smith .......................................... 36 M.O.R.E. Night Owl 200 by Jimmy Messick.. ............................................. 39 DEPARTMENTS Happenings ... ..... ....... ................................................. ............................... ... 5 Trail Notes ............................................................................................. : .. : .. · 5 Checkers by The Big Wahzao ....................................................................... 27 FAIR News by Joy Bancroft ......................................................................... 27 Good Stuff Directory ................................................................................... 40 Classified Ads ............................................................................................... 4.5 · Index To Advertisers .................................. : .............................. : ................. 4 7' ON THE COVER - Danny Anderson takes no prisoners in his Wik's pow-ered.Mirage out of Fraley's Performance Engineering, winning all five races · he's entered this year. Pretty great performance and being a good competi-tor certainly doesn't hurt. Color Photography by Carrera Photography Kenneth Eriksson was the big winner at the Rally of New Zealand, taking the lead on the eleventh stage and staying ahead all the rest of the . way for his second win this season in the Subaru Impreza. Color Photography by Martin Holmes S~7~ . . DUSTY .. ·TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING on ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$20.00 □ 2 years -$30.00 □ 3 years .. $40.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time daulfled act up to 45 words. (Form on inaide ha~" pagl·) . Name _____________________ _ Addr~ss ____________________ .;..._ __ _ Cify Statc ____________ Zip ___________ _ &nd c~k or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Mari lb St .• Chamwnnh, C :A 91 J 1 l --4408, (818) 2482.()()()if Canadian - J y(';'lr $15.00 l.l.S. •OYCru::ui1nb!i<'ription rates on req1X$C) October 1997 Page 3
1997 Happenings ... CMC Continental Motosport Club P.O. Box 3187 Mission Viejo, CA 92690-3178 Fax: (714) 367-1608 November 4,26, 1997 Southern California CORVA Jamboree Frank Rains Park Lloyd Losinger Valley Center, CA EASTERN OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Delauder, Sr. ASOCIACION EST AT AL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector Apto 42 San Jose del Cabo Baja California del Sur. Mexico AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 01 l-18-07-3298-5522 September 21, 1997 Mt. Gambier. SA AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Renald Vaillancourt 3069 Dagenais West Laval Quebec, Canada H7P 1 T7 (514) 622-4440 September 20, 1997 Olympic Stadium Montreal, Canada BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico Mexicali (65) 5542-83 Off Road Races BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta . P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-5775/Fax (702) 641-2431 September 18-20, 1997 Vegas to Reno 500 Mile point to point race BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 . Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627 B.O.R.E. September 6, 1997 Bonnev.ille Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-IH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1997 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WIS4520 (715) 478-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Donna Mitchell, CRS Director 530 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 280 Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 523-1387 Michael Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 935558 (619) 375-8704 October 3-5, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ October 31 November 2,1997 T reeline Rally November (TBA), 1997 Palm Springs-Laughlin-Las Vegas California & Nevada C.O.D.R.A. Central Oregon Desert Racing Association Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (541) 389-2044 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 Dave Adams (Pilots and Bajas) (605) 224-9481 Don Engleman (Bikes) (605) 224-4967 Dusty Times CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLAIRTON ID-JACKERS l.C.O. Tom Delauder Sr 1091 Twp. Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 September 2 7, 1997 Short Course off Road Racing At Harrison County Fair Grounds. Cadiz. OH CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 61746834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (61637/7 0034) COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W/(719)687-9827 H P.O Box8286 Colorado Springs, CO 80933 (719) 653-8449 CORP Cachanillas Off Road Promotions P.O Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 · 01152 (65) 6(?-60 80 October 10-12, 1997 Carrera De La Raza Laguna Salada 180. Mexicali West CORVA 1500 West El Camino, Suite 352 Sacramento, CA 95833 1-800-42 CORVA Ext 42 Fax (818) 957-4435 1 800 42 CORVA Ext. SOI D&T PROMOTIONS Dave Van Deren · 2405 Baker Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (206) 339-9079 September 13, 1997 Short Course Olympia (All events at Hannigan race track, Bellingham, WA or Thurston County ORV Park, Olympia, WA) DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 DESERT STEEL MOTORSPORTS 1865 Commander Drive Lake Havasu City, AZ. 86403 (520) 855-6125 September, 19-20, 1997 KC HiLites Co·untry Happening 1091 Township Line Road Wellsville, Ohio 43968 (330) 532-4589 ESTERO BEACH SHORT COURSE RACING Victor Galindo Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico . 0l 1-526-1176-6225 October 3-5, 1997 SODA Format All Classes-Buggies, Trucks, Motorcycles, Quads FORDA Florida Off Roaders .Drivers' Associaton 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 Celebrating 25 Years of Record-Setting Pert ormance ■ll■T. IIILIII Winner's Circle Winner"& Circle =,--=*" Winner's Circle Andrew Wehe Captures SCORE Overall Crown -----~--.. "" ....... ,.., .... ._..,,..,... """"""""',__i;.,.,,.,i~-.. ·---.--.. ·--;;::-c:.=.,-,;,::•,..9CU'I#. ~=-=~-=-.:..."':::;';.""' °"""111~-----___ ,.ooo_, --.-..:0 ..... -0.. ,~-------,a~_,.....____ _IO ___ • _ _....,._ ____ IOOFI( ___ --i ... -..... ,111,1(;0-__ ... _ _ __ ..... __ .. __ Go W1Ut BU.:.in! A W/"""'11 Tradition In Off-Road Rklngl ,,_.,._....., ____ Cln-llciad.....,.~~ ~1 ... ,._IIIQIV1•1-. ~-·-·-------Winners Circle Brindell and Hughes Share Class 5 -1600 Victory ~~.-M--.-').~-.,~---• ·-•--.:.-•-·---.... ·---•.SC.l)ff(:....,.c,,, "-'JO(lilOf ..... ~:,a,,,__ _..,. _____ _ =--===---"" ~=:.:.: ....... __ _ ~-~--..,.. _ _,,... ... __ ---~-....... -...... ____ ._.__ _ ,__ _____ ... _ ~ ... --............ _ -----.--. --..,-~ .. (--· Go Wilh lltlst.in! A Wir,ning Tradition 1rt Oft-Road R•eingl F,o, ........ ~ .. ~~~~ c.11~ l',-IOfWSV.10eb . ~ --~-~~~~--..!!"~~-(;. Marc Stein is Fine on Bilsteln For Stock Pn, nuck Win -.... __ ,,_ BILll1 Winner's Circle ··--· ··-... -~--,,. Parker ProTruck Victory To Steve Barlow's Ford John Herder Wins Again At SCORE San Felipe 250 : .... -. .......... ,_, __ ""_,._ ... _____ ,.,.._ .,.. ___ ,.. __ >j ... C-1 -...-.. -'•·--->'1':,,1>111t1-6'lKa-#X""'---.. u.lll~--~~ _,.....-.,.............. _'-__ ,__ ____ ,.,. ~ ... -wi,....._,.-.cn -·--°"""" ..... """'. ..,,., ___ ~ ... ---~--.... --. ........ ____ .,.MC_..,.,._ -• .... --i-•~ ----•-_l_,, _____ ..,.. _ ___ ,.._.....,.__ -... ---.............. Go With Bitsltllnl A w~ ~ '" o,t.no., lachtgl ,.. ...... -c:-:,:::::=--~ ~ --.!-!!"!:~~°'-'=!.--lllllilE5' B: Winner's Circle ~: Sieve Williams Cops San Felipe In LA Sheriff's Ford Ranger _ ....,,,._ ... .._....... _ _..._ .. ,. __ ---.. o..-, ... --_.., _______ _ -~..,.IOOM-...... l!IG--._ ______ _ -,. .. u-o.i.-...vw:io _____ ,.,....., -~----------·---.. -"'.._ __ ..,..,. _ _ ._....__:_ ..... _ .. _ .. _ _. _____ .__ .,..,., _______ ,..,.... ....... -...... 2511_____ _ ___ ..__._ __ -a·••--91Xl111'---...----••N-Chuck Hanis Wins Again In ProTruck Class r..,.,,.,,.,.i.too,.,:.oo_No/_.. ,...,-..,.~~i-... ,... -t:1o-•,..._..~c-•~ _,..,.._.,_.....,_ _ _..... tw'C'••·,..,__Gloeo __ ,,,_ --..... il, ..... ,.,,.,,..,..u. .. 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A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing For all the details contact the Off-Road Racing Department: Call Toll Free 800/537-1085 &> KRUPP BILSTEIN OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road• San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: 619/453-7723 • FAX 619/453-0770 October 1997 Pages
FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 September 13, 1997 Fud 200 Plaster City West, CA October 2S, 1997 Superstition 250 XII Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1997 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA GLEN HELEN RACEWAY P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series September 14, 1997 Round Six - Sunday October 26, 1997 Round Seven - Sunday November 23, 1997 Round Eight - Sunday December S-7, 1997 Off Road Winter Series Contact: BBM Marketing Promotions P.O. Box 762 Norco, CA 91760-0762 (562) 988-6250/Fax: (909) 280-9097 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 4 20 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 (404) 963-0252 GPORRA Great Planes Off Road Racing Association 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 (402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 4964846 Eve. (AU races are short course, stadium style. Classes: Trophy, 11-1600, 5, 7S, 1 and Quads) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( AU events staged at the club grounds · in Cleves. Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada VZG5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves. Keidl ( 604) 828-1 795 anytime (AU Events start 7 miles NW of Kamloops) LI.T.R.E. Jeff Elrod (408) 926-0522 JimAruta (408) 247-4402 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needrnore Hwy Charlotte, Ml 48813 (517) 543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 1S529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 4883 7 (517) 627-6200 . MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION MAORA Press: Dirty Dave Cronin (618) 765-2199 VP: Walter Flack (217) 987-6568 LTOR-Lincoln Trail OffRoaders Pres: Brad Key·(217) 446-4556 Steve Sabo (618) 327-9312 September 20, 1997 Vermilion County Speedway Oakwood, IL Page& Brad Key (217) 446-4556 October 4-S, 1997 Lincoln Trails Motorsports Park Casey, IL Obstacles and Heats - 100km Enduro (All Classes) Larry Tipsword (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series Produced hy Uncoln Trail Off Roaders) MOJAVE DESERT RACING 438 W. Arrow Hwy. Ste #23 San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 394-3265 Phone (909) 394-3266 Fax October 10-11, 1997 Barstow 200 Barstow, CA November 28-29, 1997 Thanksgiving 250 Luceme,CA M.OR.E. Mojave Off Road Racing Enthusiasts 25277 W. Main St., Suite 283 Barstow, CA 92311 (760) 253-4453 September 19-21, 1997 Shocker 250 Barstow, CA November 7-9, 1997 Wild Turkey 225 Lucerne.CA MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barret · 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 730-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 AU races are at Mountain Shadow Lake. Take 1-10 Horizon Blvd. exit east 12 miles) OHIO OFF ROADERS INC. 1427 Goshen Hills Road S.E. New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663 Jim Kendel (216) 339-4674 AU races held at Harrison County Fairgrounds. Cadiz, Ohio ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Rick Tichboume, Public Relations (519)-681-4192(H)/(519) 457-2913 (W) September 27-28, 1997 Brighton Speedway PERRIS AUTO SPEEDWAY 18 700 lake Perris Drive Perris - Riverside County, CA 1-800-976-RACE PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. Icing P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 September 12-14, 1997 Sunriser 400 Chilichothe, OH October 3-4, 1997 Prescott Forest Prescott, AZ October 17-19, 1997 Lake Superior Houghton. MI SCORE Score International 22287 Mulholland Highway, Suite 405 Calabasas, CA 91302 . (818) 225-8402/FAX: (818) 225-8102 September 26-28, 1997 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV November 12-15, 1997 Tecate Baja 1000 B.C.,MX SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 4524522 September 26-27, 1997 Gold Coast SNORE 250 Jean, NV December 5-6, 1997 Vegas 400 Jean. NV SONS OF THUNDER 4WHEELERS Race Division Keith Stewart (714) 522-1899 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Office Manager: Mary Carson 2285 Tracy Avenus Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 526-a805/Fax:(8.05) 584-8518 Internet: http://scta-bni.org SOUTHEASTERN OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Steve Rule . (800) 313-5621 or (770) 963-0252 Mike Moore - (224) 272-5400 November 29, 1997 6 hours Vienna, Georgia SOUTHERN SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD RACING ASSN. 4305 Wootlark Drive Tampa FL 33624 (813) 962-2857 (AU Races at Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, FL) October S, 1997 November 2, 1997 SUPER SERIES (PTY) LTD. P.O. ·Box 706 Parklands, 2121 South Africa (011)788-5138 Fax (Oil ) 880-2170 SODA Short Course Off Road Drivers Association Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA September 13-14, 1997 Chevrolet Off Road Finals Oshkosh, WI Oreg Witte 165 W. Arndt St. Fondulac, WI 54935 (414) 924-.6805 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa. TX) TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Camey, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 TOYS FOR TOTS (619) 252-1197 /(619) 252-3093 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (AU events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 October 4-5, 1997 Fall Short Course Race I Mile Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA November 1-2, 1997 1997 Season Championship I Mile Short Course Race October 1997 SODA NEWS -Our ace correspondent, Judy Smith was at Crandon, WI over the Labor Day weekend and gives us the following news: " At the recent Crandon Labor Day event, Marty Reid told us that the new sanctioning organization, C.O.R.R., is moving ahead with plans for the 1998 season. In fact, their "First" event will be the SODA West Series, as it has been known in the past, which takes place at Glen Helen on December 5, 6 & 7. This is a one weekend series, as always, but for the first time it will be presented by CORR, and it's being thought of as the first event of their '98 season because the TV won't show up 'til '98. "As to their mid-western schedule, Reid says they have firm commitments for two events at Crandon, on the traditional dates (late June and Labor Day), one at Antigo early in June, one in Bark River the first week in August, and the final event of the season is scheduled to happen at the fairgrounds in Indianapolis, the last weekend in September. "We also spoke to Terry Wolfe, President of SODA, who recently attempted to get an injunction against O.R.E. (Off Road entertainment), SODA's former marketing agency, in an effort to stop what was perceived as the luring of SODA drivers and sponsors to a new proposed series while under contract to SODA. "While the SODA folk did not get the injunction they had hoped for, they have nevertheless gone ahead with plans for 1998 also. Terry Wolfe tells us that they expect to announce a TV and sponsorship package at their last race of the season, in Oshkosh, WI on the weekend of September 13 & 14. And, there will be a SODA board meeting on October 11, at which time they expect to announce which promoters have asked for SODA sanctioning. Their '98 schedule, which will include racing for all the classes they've run in the past should be firm by mid-October." Thanks, Judy. FINAL FLAG -Off Road Racing has lost another one of its champions,· Rich Richardson lost his long battle with cancer and passed away on August 14th. Rich graced us with his presence for 55 years and leaves his wife, Pamela, sons Theron, Paul and James, his father Theron, Sr., two sisters, a brother and three grandchildren. His involvement in off road racing began as a spectator at the '69 Borrego race. In the 70's he was a painter and pit/ chase crew member for MacPherson Racing. He started racing in '76 in Class 2 and he stayed with big motors 'til '79, when he converted the car into a 1600 and he competed in that class until 1981. In 1986, Class 9 was born and Rich got a new car and won the Baja 500! In '89 and '90 Rich won the Class 9 Series Championship and in '91 he won the Baja 1000 AND the Championship. Rich won the Baja 1000 five times! Rich was always profuse in his praise of his sponsors and of all those who supported his racing efforts. Rich was a love of a person, cheerful, non-complaining, and a true competitor; we will miss him. Off Road Poker Run -It's that time of the year again a·nd the Toys For Tots Off Road Poker Run is scheduled for October 251h and 26'h at the Slash X Cafe, just 12 miles south of Barstow on Highway 247. Starting at 8am both days, with two (2) 25 mile loops, one for motorcycles and ATV's, the other for four wheel vehicles. Get out there and help support the various charities this run will benefit. Information is available at 760-252-1197 (Slash X Cafe) or 760-252-3093 (Mal/Connie Wessel). Glen Helen, Round 5 - 65 assorted four wheel vehicles had a great day of racing at Glen Helen, the fifth round in the Short Course Series and there was lots of competitive racing in all classes. Just the highlites here, a full accounting in next months Dusty Times. Jason Miles was the Class I winner, Kathy Fay won 1/2-1600 and sister Stacy won Superlites. Steve Bishop won 1/2-1600SC, Todd Wittman won Class 8 and his wife beat the boys in Class BS. Class 5 was won by Ron Satter, David Anckner took 5-1600, Raul Flores took Class 7, Rick Huseman in 7S, Arto Ylikangas won Class 9, Dennis Sletten in Class 11, Tim Casey in Stock Mini 2WD, Chad Gall took Super 1600. ATV-Pro belonged to Eric Cobb, Intermediate to Dave Anderson, Richard DeHojos took Beginner and Clint Wolsey won the Pilot Class, Dick Stokes took Odyssey and Steve Errea won the Rally Class. Three more rounds to go and the competition stays hot and heavy. Stay tuned for the Glen Helen Series. (More TRAIL NOTES on page 47) Prairie City SVRA, Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson . (604) 538-0692 WORRA P.O.Box 3241 Sumas WA 98295 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 (412) 532-0802 WIIlPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 so. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP September 17-21, 1997 Rally of Indonesia Median, Indonesia October 11-15, 1997 Rally d'ltalia Sanremo, Italy October 30-November 3, 1997 Rally of Australia Perth Australia November 21-24, 1997 Network QRAC Rally Chester, Engand 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. I 665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)426-0470/(414) 982-7306 AffENTION Raee&Ral/y O,ganizers List your corning events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailiing list. Don't call, but mail your 1997 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91344-4404. Dusty Times
SfiORE NAPA 250 Anderson Axes Ely Extravaganza By John Calvin Danny Anderson was the Class 10 winner and the overall winner at the SNORE NAPA 250, running trouble free, shown here leaping towards the finish line. · · The town of Ely, Nevada gave weekend but mostly is was blue a hearty welcome to the SNORE sky as only blue can be in rural racers for the J&P Autoparts elevation of 6,000 feet. NAPA 250, held the first week-The race actually started next end in August and the spirit of to the small town of Ruth, just a cooperation in the town was evi-few miles east of Ely on US 50. dent. to all who attended. For SNORE would like to express those of you not too familiar with their thanks to the BLM and Bro-Nevada Geography, Ely is ap-ken Hill Properties, over whose proximately three and a half hours land the race was run, for their almost due north of Las Vegas and cooperation and their help in the welcome mat was definitely solving the many problems that out. arise in the production of an off The weather gods were smiling road race. Fifty cars arrived in Ely on the SNORE racers as the to do battle over the six lap evening temperatures were mild · course, through the trees, running and the daytime temps were kinda up and down hills with lots of fast warm, but not miserable. A few stuff and LOTS of turns, lots of clouds were evident during the turns. The course did get a wee bit dusty/silty as the race pro-gressed and that was a major com-plaint of the drivers, however, when asked if they would come and race here again, to a man they all responded with an enthusias-, tic yes! The race started at ten am and the cars left at thirty second in- . tervals, ran out of our sight for · three or four miles and then ap-peared adjacent to the Start/Fin-ish area, climbed a very steep hill and then disappeared into the hinterlands, returning in less than an· hour to commence their next tap. . . Fifty cars registered but only forty nine took the green flag, one If your power steering goes out, you just have to try harder, and Jeff Carr did just that, winning 112-1600 in his keen looking car. Earl and Genavive West had no mechanical woes, switched to BFG's and came home the winner in a 14 car Class 9. of the Class 9 contenders unable to answer the starting bell and · 55% of the entries finished their required laps, a formidable amount for the course. First group off the line was Class 10 and they were twelve strong in their hunt for the check-ered flag. BJ Baldwin was first to start, ran at the end of the pack on the first lap but slowly climbed up the ladder to finish third in class, having endured a broken throttle cable and a flat along the way. Cain Smead left next, ran second for the first two laps, had a terribly long third lap and re-tired from the contest. The Greip-entrog/Lothringer entry was next to go, ran in the middle of the pack, had one flat, lost the clutch but carried on for a nice fourth in Class 10. , Casey Jones, the youngster who calls Ely home, was fourth off the line and was hoping for a great performance for the hometown crowd but had a really lousy day as he and Joe Scalzo · fought ·the mechanical gremlins for half the race, finally replacing the fuel sen-sor, fixing a broken throttle cable and having no top gear for the last three laps, finishing sixth in Class 10. John Rawlings was next up, ran five laps and went out, rea-sons unknown. Tom Sturgis never made a lap. Ken Flippin was next off and he was having a great race, run-ning third on the third lap but then two broken front shocks rel-egated him to a fifth place finish in Class 10. · Shad Baldwin was next to leave, ran a good first 1ap and was never seen again. Dee Val Towles was having trouble getting all the rpm's out of his engine but he still took yet another first in Class 5-1600. Sportsman Buggy belonged to Andre Gremm who had a great day, no real problems and only the dust and silt to fight. Danny Anderson was next to take the green flag and he com-menced to run a terribly quick six laps, setting fast lap midway and reporting absolutely no mechani-cal troubles along the way and completing the run in 4:56.13 for a fine first in Class 10 and first Robby Guevera had a few mechanical problems throughout the race Mark Rencher scoots through the brush , wending his way to the BJ Baldwin had a few minor problems during the race but he was able but still managed a nice second place finish in 112-1600. finish line and a nice second place finish in Class 9. to get a nice third place in Class 1 O at the NAPA 250. Pages October 1997 Dusty Times
on 35 watt HID Pair Packs Suggested Retail $1,479 Jim Coll1eP Oiscllllt -2fll . Racel'Net 1,279 . Faclll1y /ltdJate -1 IXJ . /Jaja 1000 Special Ptv $ 1, 179 Contact Jim Conner Racing for this limited time special offer-at: 520/855-0912 · KC HID's have bee , used by· aja Winners over the past two years with absolutely NO failures Avenida De Luces Williams, AZ 86046 (520) 635-2607 © 1997 KC HiliTES, Inc.
Gene Griepentrog· ran some fast laps but not fast enough, with a flat Bryan Freeman wastes no timeinhispursuitof a win in 1/2-1600. and BJ Almberg and John ran with a few problems during the day and yet here and there and some clutch problems they salvaged fourth in at Ely he was able to garner a fourth place in the dusty race. were still able to get a third place in 1/2-1600. ,...,.,.-=-----_C_la_s_s_1_0. __________________ _ overall as well. Danny had almost good laps through lap 5 then ma-next but only completed four laps fifteen minutes in hand at the end jor engine power went away on before disappearing for good. Jake and spoke only of the dust and dif-the last lap and he· ended up Maness was eighth to leave, ran ficulty in passing slower cars. fourth in class. Kenny Freeman, _ well the first two laps, but then Clay Flippin was tenth to start, Jr. was third to leave the start, but problems set in and Jake slowed a ---rim.well for two laps, then had his he didn't have a good day, losing lot and retired after lap 5. left front wheel take off on its own shocks, having flats and dueling Jay Shain was next, leaving the and that caused a lengthy pit stop with trees, and quite happy to fin-start in ninth. place but never and a seventh place finish in Class ish sixth in 1/2-1600, considering completed the first lap. Bekki 10 was the result. Robbie and Billy a very long day. · Freeman was up next, looking for Goerke started eleventh, ran su-Fourth off the line was Jeff a good race, had a nice first lap per hard all day, had no mechani- Carr, making it two wins in a row and then transmission troubles cal woes, their only complaint as he sailed through the trees for put her out of the running. BJ being that it was hard to pass but first in 1/2-1600, setting fast lap Almberg was the eleventh starter finished a fine second in Class 10. for the class in spite of losing the in 1/2-1600, moving up through James Price was the last Class 10 power steering on lap 3. Jeff spe-the class but a flat and some way-starter and he retired after one cifically wanted to thank mom ward spark plug wires put them lap. and dad and Webb Weld for all into third in class. Class 1/2-1600 was the next their help. Robby Guevera was starter RobbyandBillyGoerkehadagoodday, theironlyproblemwaspassingothercars group to go and they were 13 Don Lampus Jr. was next up number twelve in 1600 class and in the dust and they finished a fine second in Class 10. strong at the start. Clay Carr was but expired after lap 4. Dan Bra- he fought hard for the win but some good times but also suffered line and in first _ he remained for the leadoff man and ran quite well dley was the sixth starter, drove once again was to be denied, suf- from tranny failure and only com-the entire race, only having 'til the last lap when he and a three laps and then turned the car fering from a pretty hard hit in the pleted three of the six laps re- trouble passing in the dust and horse trough got together, cost-over to Kitty, who enjoyed the outback, a broken exhaust and quired. holding an eight minute margin ing him about 25 minutes and it drive 'til she flipped for her first distributor problems, but still fin- Class 9 was next up and 14 of on the next finisher for a great relegated him to fifth in 1/2-1600 time and she finished a bit gun- ished a great second in class. Last them made the start for the five win. Mark Rencher and Cameron Bryan Freeman, ever taller son of shy but took seventh place hon- to start in 1/2-1600. was the·ever laps they were required to com- Blakely left next, had no real Kenny, Jr. was next and he turned ors in 1/2-1600. Scott Smith left enthusiastic Day Gang, who made · plete. Earl West was first off the problems but dropped about a II A' ",@ ' '~ Flamingo Road & The Strip 888-227 -2279 Dusty Times Tropicana Ave. & Arville 800-675-3267 October 1997 West Flamingo & Valley View 888-402-6278 Page 10
John Poling ran as quick as he could, making great time but missed Mark Bunderson was leading the large class-9 group most of the race Kenny Freeman, Jr. had some shock problems, a flat and had a few the silver medal by just over a minute and ended up third in Class 9. but lost a battle with the wat9r and ended up in fourth place. trees bite him during the race but he finished sixth in 1/2-1600. ,,:i-:-.❖: =~. ~-a horse trough on the last lap cost him dearly and he finished fifth. rollover but continued on for a fifth place finish in Class 9. David Morse lost a ball joint, had some dust pro6iems buts a sixth place finish in the Class 9 competition. minute and a half a lap to first place and they grabbed the silver in Class 9. Mark Bunderson was the fourth starter and he finished in fourth as well, having been stuck for a while in one of the water crossings. John Poling was seventh off the line, complained only of the dust and ran to a great third in Class 9, only min-utes off the pace. David Morse was next and he was running fairly well 'ti! a broken ball joint had him fin-ish in sixth place in Class 9. Tom Brown started twelfth, ran five rather lengthy laps and finished ninth in class, but we missed him in impound so can't tell you what problems he had. Ivan Ishihara and Greg Becker were thirteenth in Class 9 to start and in spite of a decent rollover they had no major problems and were able to take fifth in the large competitive class. Todd Dukes was fourteenth off the line, fol-lowed by Randy Reid ·and these two ran just about in sight of each other all day, finishing seventh and eighth respectively. John· Winn only got in four laps, Tony Leonard and Matt Cunningham only finished three, Glenn Cain finished two laps and Brett North only finished one lap in the Class 9 contest. Class 5-1600 took the green flag next and Dee Val Towles was first off and first he finished, fight-ing an uninstalled rev limiter for . most of the race, winning by a long margin. Mike Dunn started second in 5-1600, had some trouble with the steep hill at start/ finish and only completed four of the five required laps. Last to leave, but not least, Dennis Wes-seldine hustled around the course, set fast lap for the class but retired after three laps with MAJOR sus-pension failure. Sportsman Buggy was won eas-ily by Andre Gremm, having a few problems on lap 1, but from there on he was untouchable, having only one flat and having troubles only with the dust. Thomas Reck only finished one lap. Bob Ryan had a lousy first lap, a terrible second lap and that's as far as he got in Sportsman Truck, easily beating Rudy Suriano who didn't complete a lap. Raymond Fisher was first off in Heavy Metal, hit another truck fairly hard in the dust but ran fan-tastic lap times and took the gold in record time. Kenny W arluft was second to leave in Heavy Metal, but he and Lee Ann Rav-enscroft had no front brakes for most of the race and they were very happy with a second place finish. Mike Snodgrass never completed the first lap. So the first SNORE race in Ely came to a successful conclusion, everyone we talked to admitting Raymond Fisher Took the good looking pickup to a nice win in Heavy Metal, in spite of a collision in the outback. Dusty Times to having a good time and wait-ing to do it again, and I'm sure they will as the spirit of coopera-tion between the locals and • SNORE is most amiable. There was a well attended Bar-B-Que at the Ely Community Center early in the evening of race day, fol-• wide teflon coated piston wear ba not drop into large ports. lowed by the awards presentation and basically everyone had a good time. I'm sure we'll all be there again next year. • sealed piston for low speed cont • high temperature stainless steel • unique rod end design and ng in external ~ass. rod ends from bre.akihg\ • high temperature Viton seal I • large aluminum reservoir n (2X) and weight s • 1" shafts are micro-polis of a 3-5 RMS. • stainless steel teflon ' or 5/8" ID spa • shock are all owner r purchase. . . October 1997 flow( ed to or n for sm and heat design oun · long durability. ss levels. trucks. , pistons etc.). ocks. Page 11
ACROPOLIS RALLY Sainz Wins in Greece By Martin Holmes Photos: Martin Holmes and Maurice Selden Garfos Sainz and Luis Moya ford (Get that, Ford) a stream on their way to victory in the 44th Acropolis Rally and a resounding win for the Ford Escort WRCar. Europe's toughest rally was the make the difference, at least ac-eighth round of the 14 event se- cording to the Engineers. This ries, the 44th Acropolis Rally and · was Tommi Makinen's 50th ap-from the beginning it was going pearance in a full world champi-to be tires and cooling that would onship rally. He went to Greece WE CARRY AURORA, PYROTECT, PAIIKER PUMPER TURBO BLUE, VDO, SIMPSON J.T. INDUSTRIES, SWAY*A*WAY WRIGHT PLACE, SACO, EARLS YOKOHAMA, SUPER TRAPP, AUTO FAB SWEPCO, BEL-RAY, TANAKA, S&S leading the series and in spite of his third place finish he left Greece still leading the series. Subaru did not finish the rally but they retained their lead in Manu-BUG PACK, CHENOWTH, UMP "''B!<\i. BELL HELMETS, KEP, FODDRIL __ _ _ UNI-FILTER, K&N, TRI-MIL, PIAA PERMA COOL, BEARDS SEATS, SCAT COMP-U-FIRE, WEBER CARBS SAND TIRES & RIMS, BOGART WHEELS CNC, ULTRA WHEELS, SIMPSON CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WHEELS. MECHANIX WEAR, WCM, FUEL SAFE "WE ARE NOW A DEALER FOR FOX SHOXS" WE CAN SHIP UPS TO YOUR DOOR Page 12 -··~ -RW~Ml7~ 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW #3 * LAS VEGAS, NV * 89102 HOURS: MON-Fill 9AM-6PM * SAT 9AM-5PM (702}871-5221 FAX October 1997 Tommi Makinen and Seppo Harjanne set up for a left hander In the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, finishing third in the Acropolis Rally. Thomas Radstrom and Denis Giraudet send the dirt and mud a flyin' as they run to a nice fifth overall in the Toyota Celica GT-4. facturers Points. Ford had no less than four World Rally Cars entered, two for the official team of Carlos Sainz and the new teammate Juha Kankkunen and two others for the Belgian de Mevius and the other foi: the Greek champion Kirkos. It was at this rally in 1987 that Michelin introduced the puncture proof mousse insert and it has cer-tainly changed the face of rally-ing as drivers changed their driv-ing styles in many ways, having no fear of deflation woes and this in turn caused the engineers to re-evaluate suspension and driveline components as much higher speed cornering caused stress and strain never before encountered. Mousse inserts are now also used by Dunlop and Pirelli, much to the joy of their drivers. Leg 1 saw 101 teams start the rally, this days contest on seven gravel stages, stage distance of 142 kms. And what a day it was, Subaru, Ford and Mitsubishi all led sometime during the day, all won stages and five different driv-ers had the lead. Kankkunen took the lead on the fifth stage saying, "This is the roughest Acropolis Rally I can ever remember!" Steering problems affected the Subaru team, both their drivers having led but the problem caused McRae to retire on the second stage and then Eriksson on stage six, overturning the car. Mitsubi-shi had tire wear problems and eventually Ford took the lead. The cars had to cover three stages before the first service. McRae hit a large bump on stage two and he slid into a bank and damaged the suspension. He con-tinued slowly but the steering joint broke and he was done. Eriksson also damaged his steer-ing but was able to continue on to service where the rack was changed. Makinen took the lead on stage two, just ahead of Eriks-son, then Sainz passed Eriksson while Kankkunen was fourth. Stages four and five were the most abrasive of the entire rally, and if you avoided tire problems here you were in good shape. With McRae out, Sainz had an unexpected four minute gap on the road after Makinen and he found spectators wandering all over the road on stage four' and Yukihiko Sakurai and his Irish buddy Ronan Morgan fly across the gravel (?) stage in their Subaru lmpreza 555 finishing a nice eighth place in Greece. Dusty Times
The SEAT Ibiza Kit Car, piloted by Oriol Gomez and Marc Marti hangs The Skoda Felicia Kit Car 1600 races through the stage, Pavel Sibera Producing tons of dust, the Renault Clio Williams of "Dim" and Kostas a har.d left on their way to the W2L victory at the Acropolis Rally. and Petr Gross having a great day with a second in W2L. Stefanis heads for the finish line for a third in W2L. he went off the road when his view of a corner was blocked by specta-tors, knocking off the muffler and the excessive heat in that area caused shock failure. Makinen took it easy on stage four, conserving tires 4◄-th Acropol.is Rally eho.6.97 Athens (GR) WCR round a World C~amp1onship and this let Eriksson into the lead. Kankkunen had absolutely no rear tires left after stage five, Radstrom was taking it eai;y with a broken driveshaft and De Mevius took it easy on stage four but broke two shocks on five and Uwe Nit-... tel had a loose wheel. On stage six Eriksson's steering locked up and he rolled the car onto its side, spectators righting the car but he lost about ten minutes. Kankkunen was 21 seconds in front of Burns and Makinen was just behind in third. On stage seven he caught up with · Burns and they were tied for second place while Uwe Nittel finished the day in seventh. • In W2L, Weber was pulling away in his SEAT, and both Oriol Gomez and Erwin We-ber had power steering failure, Weber broke his suspension and it was not repairable within· the time limit and he was presumed out. The. new W2L leader was the Renault Clio Will-iams of "Dim", thanking the mousse for keep-ing his tires on the car. Leonidas withdrew before the first stage with engine problems and Nioras quit with gearbox failure . . In Group N, Trelles was running away, as Kurt Gottlicher crashed and quit on the first stage and Mazdas were running third and fourth. Leg 2 was made up of seven gravel stages, 1 (5) Carlos SAINZ/Luis Hoya 2 ( 6·) Juha KANKKUK!N/Juha Repo J U) Tommi MAXINEN/Seppo Har janne · 4 ( 2} Richard BURNS/Robert Reid 5 { 7) Thomas Radstrom/Oenis G1r.1udet 6 ( 10) Uwe fflttel/Tina Thorner 7 ( 8) Grago ire de Hevius/Jean- Harc Fore in 8 ( 18) Yukihiko Sakurai/Ronan Horgan 9 (11) Aris Vovos/John Alvanos 10 (14) Leon.1das Kirkos/Nikos Panou 13 (15) Gustavo Trelles/Jorge Del Buono 15 (22) Oriol Gomez/Hare Marti 16 ( 21) Pavel Sibera/Petr Gross 17 (33) 'Dim'/l<ostas Stetan1s 18 (23) Emil Tr1ner/Karel Jiratko 20 ( 34) 'Stratissino' /George Petropoulos 22 (52) Kostas Argiriou/Tzannis Vlahos 101 sta.rters. 57 finishers. over stages 79.12kph. •Group w-inners . · 126 kms long and it was here that Makinen had much trouble, to wit: sticky wastegate on the turbo, slid in the mud and put the car on Thehillsarea/ivewithspectatorswatchingtheToyotaStarletofKostas its side, damaging the rear suspension which Argiriou and Tzannis Vlahos on its way to a points finish in W2L. they fixed, broke a driveshaft and drove a stage • in two wheel drive and then broke a brake line. Whew! Tommi was now almost four minutes behind the leader, a remarkable feat with all those problems. Burns was. running well and was pressing Kankkunen who broke a front strut but repaired it immediately. Eriksson retired With a broken track rod and Richelmi rolled his Ex-Works Group A Ford in the middle of a narrow roa-d, engine on fire and a broken fuel line, the reason, according to Richelmi, "I was driving too fast." Makinen left the lpatis Service Park late, (10 second penalty), bent a steering arm for an additional loss of 70 seconds, Burns dropped back, spin-ning out and having trouble with the sequen-tial gearbox, Aris Vovos lost four minutes with a collapsed wheel, and, Burns time loss allowed Sainz into second spot. In W2L the officials allowed Weber to re-start, amidst much confusion but it all ended when he retired with terminal front suspen-'-=11=0-m- m-=-i M=-=-ak-=-i:--n-en~pe=rc--+"hes on the Mitsubishi's wing, no doubt in thought sion problems. Gomez had passed "Dim" de- _o_f a_wo_rl_d_c_h_a_m~ip_io_n_s_h~ip_,_·n_'9_7._. ____________ _ spite having two broken front shocks. Leg 3 consisted of six gravel stages, 123 kms long and Ford's lead was iffy if Burns contin-ued putting on the pressure. But, Burns had a leaky brake line on the first stage and was now a minute behind and then he started overheat-ing, due to a cracked block. Kankkunen found the lead difficult as the stage had been graded and was full of loose stones, and de Mevius had lost third gear. At this point M-Sport Chief Wilson declared team tactics, "Sainz will win, on the stages. Juha is to go slower to make this possible." Conditions were rough as ever and the weather continued warm and sunny. Only two stages lay between Ford and a great victory. Carlos went into the lead one stage from the end and there it ended with Kankkunen 17 seconds behind in second place. At rally's· end, Sainz hugged Kankkunen, Malcolm Wilson hugged Sainz and all was well with the Ford Escort Team. Dusty 'Times Sainz, Moya, Kankkunen and Repo, eta/ rearrange the bonnet of the Ford Escort in celebration of a one, two victtJry at Acropolis. October 1997 points WCR wco W2[, E FIN FIN GB S/f D/S B Ford Escort WRCar gA P8PHC (GB) 4h.56m.24s.• 10 10 -Ford Escort WRCar H1tsub.1.sh1 Lancer Evolution H1tsub1sh1 Lancer Evolution Toyota Calica GT-lour Hitsub1sh1 !.ancer lvolution Ford Escort WRCar A P6FHC (GB) 4h.56m.Hs. · 6 6 -A P22HRE (GB) 5h.0lm.27s. 4 4 A P2HRE (GB) 5h.0lm.Jls. J J -J/ IRL GR GR ROU/RA E CZ r,R CZ CR GR Subaru Impreza 555 Subaiu Impreza 555 Ford Escort WRCar H.1.tsub1shi t.ancer Evolution SEAT Ibiza 1<1 t Car Skoda Felici.1 Kit Car 1600 Ranault Clio W1ll1ams Skoda Fellcia Kit Car 1600 SEAT Ibiza Kit Car Toyota Starlet A K-AH2555 (D) 5h.04m.Us. - 2 A N7HRB (GB) 5h.06m.26s. • I A HHJVWC (GB) 5h.07m.49s. A H528UWL (GB) 5h.Um.15s. A 648 (GR) 5h.12m.05s. A 609 (GR) 5h.14m.3Js. H GG·H19 (D) 5h.3lm.35s.• A 87SSOTD (£) 5h.39m.17s.0 A HBSOl-12 (CZ) 5h.42m.40s.u A YBY2800 (GR) 5h.43m.37s.u A HBS28-96 (CZ) Sh.52m.45s.•• A 641 (GR) Sh.58m.5is.u A 8188315 (GR) 6h .13m.29s.0 .,..W2L. •••La~ies winner. HAN'UFACTURERS DRIVERS. Winner's average speed PRP Premier Racing Products $149.95 each plus shipping & handling Proudly introduces the "Premo" full suspension seat, at an affordable price with quick delivery and many stylish colors. This is the premier seat for your jeep, truck, race car or buggy. • 3/4" x .065 steel frame for strength • Ballistic nylon inner liner for strength and true suspension feel. • Stylish outer cover with extra foam for comfort and support • High quality vinyl and 100% polyolefin tweed with high resistant to fraying and fading used on cover • Slotted for harness style belts • Four standard colors in stock at all times for quick delivery, many other color combinations available. • Low backs and bench seats available If you have any questions about colors and styles, or would like to place an order please give us a call. We would be more than happy to help you out. PRP Premier Racing Products 1-800-317-6253 I Fax 909-676-6311 "Racers Helping Racers" 10 6 4 J 2 1 Page 13
Glen Helen Short course Cha111pionship series Round Four ' .. . By Ron Miller Photos:.Ralph Mason Rennie Awana is always the man to beat in the Superlites and Round 4 at the Glen was no exception, as Rennie has a huge lead in season points too! The smiling faces said it all. heart grow fonder, and it was The cover was blown, on one of quite apparent that these short the southland's best kept secrets, . course specialists were badly when the first of this summer's missed. The eternal love affair scheduled race-a-month events between the area's off road faith-was hosted on July 25th. The roar ful and their heavy metal heroes, you probably heard came from was rekindled on a spring-like those on the scene, when summer day. stadium's stars o' the sport kicked There were pleasant surprises off the summer spectacular in everywhere you looked on race awesome fashion. It was in 'real- day. The entry box was nicely ity Round 4, but following a bet- stuffed with the names of better ter than three month hiatus, it than seventy of racing's most as-sure felt like an opening day. Ev- piring stars. The grandstands, hill-eryone from competitors to spec- sides, and pitting areas, all were tators looked rested and rarin' to filled to levels that easily shat-go. Absence really does make the tered the series' previous atten-dance record. There was "some old", "some new", and some of the "same old extras" that have for years made this park a favorite stop for racing purists of all ages, makes, and models. Just a few items before we drop the green flag on "Trip le R Time". Thanks are.extended to Fabtech Motorsports for providing the hats and T-shirts that were raffled off (more on that later), but I do have a sneaking suspicion that their celebrity voice of World Wres-tling Federation's Randy "Macho Man" Savage may have been im-personated ... Anyway, it's on to Art Velasco M-t)l1 both heats in 1/2-1600 Desert class and is the points leader in the Glen Helen series as well. Marshall Ziegert made his first start in 1/2-1600SC, winning Heat #1 and finishing second in the second heat. Ron's Race Recap. Superlites, Pilots and Guy Zilla, I mean the Odyssey Class. Super-lite action turned out to be a showcase for the talents of de-fending Class Champion Rennie Awana. Awana, sporting the fa. miliar blue and orange colors of the Nature's Recipe team, blitzed his foes both early and late. He was the easiest of winners over runner-up Joe Price in Heat One, with Stacy Fay checking in third. Teammates Peter Kujundzich and Josh Hulsebosch placed fourth and fifth, while another addition to the Glen Helen scene, Matt Scaroni, completed the finishing results. . Heat Two, Awana gave an en-core performance, but it wasn't nearly as easy as in Heat One. That's because one of off road's most promising young writers, the aforementioned Ms. Fay, showed she's talented enough to compete both on track and on paper. She closed resolutely throughout, giv-ing Awana a good run for the win before settling for second place, and second overall. Hulsebosch finished up third in the heat and fourth overall, with Price scoring just the opposite. Jeff Pearl was the only entrant in the Pilot Class, and thus his Round 4 victory was assured when the green flag was dropped. This series' defending "Odyssey Class Champion", Guy Savedra, also won unopposed on the day. Todd Wittman pilots the Class B Chevy to first place in the second heat, after a third place finish in Heat #1 in his new truck. Ron Satter had it all his own way in both heats, two victories and lots of -Hang Race Three had a field com-prised of four 1/2-1600 vehicles, two each in Short Course and Desert. There was also a quartet of Class 9s and a six-pack of 5-1600s. In 1/2-1600 Short Course, MarshaU Ziegert made his first '97 start in this series a winning one. It appears that Zegert has made it all the way back from the serious injury that he suffered in 1993. Navarro staged a comeback of his own when he rebounded nicely to score the win in Heat Two. His earlier heat difficulties proved costly however, as Ziegert was awarded the overall win by virtue of his 1-2 finishes. Paul and Steve Borio share the 5-1600, one heat each and.Paul was the big winner at the Glen, taking the gold in Heat #2. Page 14 Time", and Ron had a tremendous lead in Season points in Class 5. Tim Casey had a great day in the Toyota, winning both Stock Mini 2WD heats in his initial appearance in this class. October 1997 In 1/2-1600 Desert action, two . more first time starters in this se-ries squared off. Art Velasco proved best on this occasion, rac-ing to a pair of fine victories over runner-up Alex Zapata. It turned out· to be a banner day for the Velasco family, as both Senior and Junior took home first place tro-phies in their initial starts in this year's series. The younger member of the Dusty Times
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Alex Zapata didn't win a heat, but he scored a pair of second places Jeffrey Hantz took second in both heats at the Glen, and he also Dan Cannon grabbed a third and a second in Sundays action in Stock in 1/2-1600 in his very neat and tidy looking car. garnered the most points for the da in Class 5-1600. Full at the Glen, and he continues chasing first in season points. Je"od Wedell was the first heat winner in class 75, but was unable to repeat the win in the second heat, but still won the day on points. Scott Weers first attempt in-Class 9 at the Glen was quite eventful, fourth in Heat #1 and a great first place in the second heat. ra-.!ng Velasco family, Art Jr., had to \\\. ,-J<-decidedly harder to earn his win in Class 9. In Heat One, defending Class Champion Dan Mustoe continued racking up the victories, with another sterling performance. Mustoe was fol-lowed across the finish line by Velasco, who took the second spot. Arto Ylikangas beat out newcomer Scott Weers for the heat's third slot. Heat Two was a story in itself. An eventful run from start to finish, with bumps, crashes, flips, and more. Mustoe, the first heat winner, was roosted by a wall of mud sprayed by the lead vehicles. Without tear-aways, he and Velasco pinballed on a number of occasions while Mustoe battled for his vision. At one point these two came to-gether and were joined shortly thereafter by Ylikangas in a three car pileup. Amid all the action Weers spurted into the lead and raced to the Heat Two win. Velasco's repeat runner-up plac-ing in the "main", was just enough to give him the overall victory over Weers in a tiebreaker. Class 5-1600 had a somewhat similar plot as did Class 9. An-other family played a key role, and the overall winner had a pair of runner-up efforts. Heat One saw another terrific effort turned in by Dave Anckner., Anckner's win Jacob Brown got a lot of attention for his debut, third in the first heat and a nice win in the second heat. Page 16 The Stock, Full Size class belonged to Sean McKenzie, shown here in flight on his way to two resounding wins in class. Adam Rasmussen puts a lap on a 1600 car as he cruises to a win in Class 1 o and maintains his huge lead in season points. came at the direct expense of his main rival]effrey Hantz, who fin-ished second. Steve Borio fol-lowed Hantz across the finish line to take third. Paul Borio took the · wheel for the Borio family in Heat Two, and he also took the check-. ered flag. Borio's win relegated Hantz to another second place finish, but he probably didn't mind. That's because Hantz was awarded the day's overall victory for his pair of steady seconds. Kent's third completed the finish-ing order both in heat and over-all results. Act IV on the program was for Classes 10 and Super 1600, 5, -11, and Rally. Ron -Satter had no competition in Class 5, but he still put on a great show for the fans, and, he also increased his seasonal points lead to a healthy 59 points over his nearest pursuer. Adam Rassmussen followed suit in Class 10, as he too raced to victory and at the same time padded his ever growing points lead. Class 11 's ongoing family feud finally reached this series in Round 4. Brothers Dennis Sletten and Robert Henderson renewed their on track sibling rivalry, much to the delight of those on hand. Henderson pulled all the stops in beating his bro to the checkered flag on both occasions. Matt Sweeney had no trouble at all in his run to a win in both heats in the Rally Class at the Glen in July. October 1997 "It's about time I beat my little brother", Henderson said after the second of his wins. A field of four faced the starter in Class Super 1600. Chad Gall continued his string of impressive victories in the opener. Gall blasted to another fine win over a trio of newcomers. Henry Brown took second and Jacob Brown third. When the 1-2 finishers from the first heat tangled in Heat Two, the result was Jacob Brown racing to both the "main" and overall wins. Henry Brown beat out Gall for the second spots, but· Gall has amassed a 70 point lead in totals. In the Rally Class, both defend-ing champ Matt Sweeney and newcomer Steve Errea made their series debuts. Sweeney had little trouble scoring a pair of victories on the day. Errea raced well to fin-ish second in the opener, before encountering problems in Heat Two. The final race on this glorious day was for all the truck classes. In Class 7, it's going to take some-thing unforeseen to keep Raul Flores from winning the class championship following his solo romp in this race.-In the Stock Mini ZWD Class, Tim Casey made an auspicious debut on the scene with a pair of wins. Bill Barnes, who holds a 35 point lead in the points chase, fin-ished second in Heat One and overall. There was action aplenty in the 7S Class, as a field of six were entered. Jarrod Wedeffbattled his way to the Heat One victory, over runner-up Jim Highley. Yet an-other newcomer to Glen Helen, Troy Lindstrom, finished the opening heat in the third spot. Completing the finishing order in the heat were Bob Dziuraweic {fourth), Bill Madagan (fifth), and Rick Huseman (sixth). The track during both heats had trucks tangled, off course, and facing in all directions. The mcing was in-tense and that usually leads to this type of metal mayhem. In their "main", it was Huseman who emerged victorious. The second place truck driven by Wedell though, was declared the overall winner on points. "Big Bob D" improved to take the third spot in heat, and thi_rd overall just back of Huseman. In Class BS/Stock Full Size, the "Big 3" had at it again. Defend-ing Class Champion "Dynamite Dan" Cannon, Denise Wittman, and Sean McKenzie all put on their usual excellent show. McK-enzie was· just too much for the other truckers, and he literally blew them all away. Wittman in Heat One, and Cannon in Heat Two, took turns chasing McKen-zie to the checkered flag, but his Dusty Times
Art Velasco Jr. put a pair of second places together in Class ~ for a great earned points finish at the Glen. pair of wins was never in doubt. After all the banging and bump-ing had subsided, Cannon edged Wittman out for the second spot in overall scoring. This pair is vir-tually deadlocked in the series' points chase. Stacy.Fay grabs a lot of air on her way to a third place and a second place in Sunda s heats, a true competitor in her Superlite. Class 8 had a trio of competi-tors set to do battle. Our first glimpse of the recently unveiled Class 13 SODA truck of Todd Wittman,_ was not exactly as we expected. The vehicle looked and sounded spectacular, but Witt-man caught some SODA-style quagmire halfway through lap one and rolled. Wittman did finish the heat in third, but it was Dwight Greene who scored another game win in the opener. Scott Conaway, the second place racer in series points, was also second behind Greene in Heat One. "Wittmanmania-was every-where in Heat Two, as the "can't . miss" superstar redeemed himself with a superb victory. It's really hard not to root for a guy who truly has everything, except an ego problem. The All-American young man with the movie star looks and the beautiful wife, is just as humble today as he was when he raced locally with the Super-Rafael Navarro had problems in his first 1600SC heat, but he came back strong to take the win in Heat #2. Dwight Greene pushes his Class B Ford hard and it pays off, first in Heat #1 and a second place in Heat #2 and the season points lead is his tool lites. Another rising star emerging from the local scene is Heat Two's runner-up Dwight Greene. In beating out Scott Conaway, who was third in heat and overall, Greene scored his third consecu-tive overall win in Class 8. He also holds a 16 point lead in the series points chase over Conaway going into Round 5. And speaking of Round 5, Au-gust 24th will be the date when the second of Glen Helen's three big summer races is contested. · Dont miss out on any of the great racing action in the months ahead. . . David Anckner was the big winner in Heat #1 at the Glen but was unable to take the green flag for the second heat .. Chad Gall took the gold in the first heat in Class 1600, but could only pick up a third place in Heat #2. Dusty Times ~ DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME ji ...J < w iii .... ...J .... u T2 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER .............•............................ MAB-86-9305 . BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ..•............................. MCK-0108-3 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 930 CV ...................................................• MCK-0250 934 CV ..................................•................. MCK~0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR .............................. :MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140°1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE I ................... , ............... HDR-113-Sof:331 CV JOl:NT TYPE II .................................. HDR-211-q01-331B CV JOINT TYPE IV .. .............................. HDR-113-501-3310 875 STD BALL ........................................ HYP .. 19005 934 STD BALL ................................... : .... HYP-19006 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF .... , ................. MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFF T-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .......................... MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVERS/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 > CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 x CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 ..., CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 : CV.GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY STD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 SM BOOT ........................................•.......... SUP..102 BATES BOOT ......... : .................................... BAT-BOOT 9~0 f:\OTAT LEATHER .... : ........................... STC-6000 ,934 ROTAT LEATHE~ .......... _. ..................... STC-6001 E FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 L FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 i • m 0 ;JJ • • October 1997 Page 17
Denise Wittman took a second and a third in the Class BS heats and Scott Conaway picked up 21 points in both races and he is second in Richard Kent finished third overall in class 5-1600, not too bad for first is second in season points. season points in Class 8. time out. ------~-----------------Henry Brown flies to a pair of second place finishes in his Glen debut. Chris Alvarado flies his Yamaha to a first and a third in Intermediate Dave Anderson is all business, second overall on Sunday and leading ATV for a great run. Intermediate points. ;::;;:==:::::;::================================:::::::::::;;:::;::::,:;-----~-------------------Bryan Yonan rode his Yamaha to third overall in Intermediate, fourth Joe Price was third overall at the Glen and Joe is third in season Matt Scaroni made his debut in Superlites, finished sixth in the great in series points. points as well looking car. ;;;;;;;.:;;;:;;:;;::::;:;;;;;;;;;;;::::::;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;~;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;:::::;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;:::::::::.:;-Guy $avedra and his Odyssey never miss a race and he has a huge Josh Hulsebosch took a nice fourth overall and is sixth in season Raul Perez readies for takeoff on his way to fourth overall in the fan club at the Glen. points in Superlites Intermediate Class. ==================-,,------,----Mike Nishimoto was fifth overall at the glen in the Intermediate class. Robert Henderson had a pair of firsts and leads Class 11 in season Is it mating season? Gary Gall and Henry Brown await their trial points. --------~--------_se~p_a_ra_tio_n_. _______ _ Page 18 October 1997 Dusty Times
-.. ::/ j\ '.;'.'. ___ ,,, ' • :~:;: ,. ,, p, """" .... ,.... " ~ _, • •. : ~:::.: .. .•: \ .. : .:::: :/f ...... = .... .:.:,:-:-?,'• ENTRY FEES 1-2/1600, 5/600, 9 MOTOS & ATV'S, SODA LITES 11, RALLY, SAFARI, 80 cc. MOTOCYCLES. $100,0Q di~. S 75.00dts. PILOTS & ODYSSEY $ 50.00 dis. ..
•riksson Wins In New Zealand Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Kenneth Eriksson and Staffan Parmander corner hard in the Subaru lmpreza on their way to victory in New Zealand, their second victory of the season. THE WORLD'S STRONGEST VW GEARS • 40 DIFFERENT 11 3 MAINSHAFTS • 48 RATIOS OF 11 3 3rds & 4ths • 1 5 DIFFERENT 091 MAINSHAFTS · 31 RATIOS OF 091 3rds & 4ths (888) VW GEARS U.S. WHOLESALE & RETAIL · (909) 689-4430 Phone/Fax · (808) 878-6812 OUTSIDE U.S. e-mail: gears@gte.net _Pag~ 20 October 1997 The SEAT Ibiza Kit Car of Oriol Gomez and Marc Marti flies over the boards on the way to a nice victory in W2L in New Zealand. Gustavo Trelles and Jorge Del Buono emerge from the palm trees in the Mitsubishi Evolution on the way to victory in Group Nin New Zealand. After the mid-season break of the circuit, the World Rally con-tenders gathered in New Zealand early in August to con-test the New Zealand Rally over 24 gravel stages, 396 kms in length and quite a contest it was. Kenneth Eriksson got his sec-ond win of the season, Carlos Sainz's chance of winning was .lost to a hapless sheep, Kank-kunen developed a light right foot, allowing Sainz to beat him (for the points, of course) . In the Group N and W2L cat-egories, Oriol Gomez and Gus-tavo Trelles gained their second victories in a row. It all started with a major at-tack by Colin McRae, who led the first eight stages and Tommi Makinen who was pushing hard. Makinen crashed hard on stage, recovered only to have his en-gine stop on the ninth stage. Brand new ball game! Sainz led for two stages, but on stage 11, a wrong tire choice hampered him and he fell 15 seconds be-hind Eriksson. Eriksson remained in the lead for the rest of the rally, although Sainz reduced the deficit to eight seconds on stage 18. On stage 19 Sainz and the sheep did their thing, Kankkunen realized that he could not beat Eriksson and decided to ease the pace a bit and let Sainz pass him on time. The result was that Sainz moved up to second in points, only eight behind Makinen and two points ahead of McRae. In W2L SEAT was the only European team in attendance, and Gomez ran well, losing a fan belt and overheating but the en-gine held together 'til the finish. Hyundai lost their number one car with engine problems, but Nicoli in the number two car eventually finished third. In Group N, Trelles, in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution led all the way in the Mark III; he'll be in a Mark IV at Finland. Kataoka retired his Mark IV with engine troubles and Konishi had the electronics fail in his Subaru. Reece Jones ran second in his Mark IV and third was Karmajit Singh in a Proton. Leg 1, consisting ofl0 stages, 143 kms, all gravel saw McRae and Makinen leave the rally. Carlos Sainz led, Burns was hav-ing tranny troubles. In W2L Bell's Hyundai wouldn't start Sunday morning and Rovanpera was out also. Leg 2 was made up of eight stages, 157 kms, all gravel and Eriksson took over the lead on stage 11 as Sainz was having tire troubles. Burns was fastest fo:r the day and Eriksson held a 15 second lead 'til the last stage when Sainz pulled back six sec-onds. Leg 3 held six stages, 96 kms long and it was here that Sainz collided with a sheep and Kank-kunen slowed to let Sainz pass him into second place for points and it was a good move as Sainz is now only eight points behind Makinen. Third and fourth place W2L drivers both retired, moving Nicoli up to third in that category. SEAT was the only European presence in F2 and Gomez won easily with six minutes in hand, his second victory of the year, and there were new introduc-tions of KIT Cars by Hyundai and Suzuki. Trelles had his sixth Dusty Times
Carlos Sainz made a strong run_ at the lead in the Ford Escort but was Richard Burns and Robert Reid had some mechanical woes on Leg Nobuhiro Tajima and Ross Runnalls drove the brand new Suzuki only able to get within 13 seconds of the gold medal. 1, but continued on to fourth overall in the Mitsubishi Carisma GT. Baleno Kit Car to a fine second in W2L, a great debut for the car. The debut of the Hyundai Coupe Kit Car, driven by Robert Nicoli and Neal Bates and Coral Taylor hustle the Toyota Ce/ica GT-Four through Colin McRae and Nicky Grist led the first eight stages in the Subaru Jim Carlton was a success, finishing third in W2L in New Zealand. the stage to finish sixth overall in the New Zealand Rally. lmpreza but were soon out of the rally with engine failure. Group N victory of the year and dard. Once again, an animal 2Hh Smokelroe Rally New Zealand 2/S. 8 . 97 Hanukau (NZ) WCR round 9 ~~~~~3 Champ1on=~~pwco W2L has a 39 point lead in FIA Pro- played a key role in the outcome 1 (4) Kenneth ERIKSSON/Staffan Parmander 5 Subaru lmpreza WRCar gA PllWRC (GB) 4h.Hm.lls. • 10 10 -d C f ld h h d , 2 (SI Carlos SAINZ/Luia Hoya I Ford Escort WRCar A P9FHC (GB) 4h.Hm.24s. 6 6 UCtion ar Driver points. 0 a WOr C ampions ip an it S 3 (6) Juha KANKKUNEN/Juha Repo FIN Ford tscort WRCar A PllFHC (GB) 4h.14m.30a. 4 • This rally was held in a new not that unusual in rural/farm- : ::: :~~=:!de!~~~=~~~::~tv~~~:nt ;: :~~=~e1;:;r~:!i~~; GT ~ :~~R~"~~B) !~:~g::~::: ~ format, based all the time at ing areas where livestock roam ~ gf I ~~=~a!it;:~i~;:}J~:~;0~.1 Buono :~~/RA ~~r~~~i~~!i~=n~;;r~~~lution ) ~~=n 1~~51 :~: g:: ~~=: • _ I Manukau, a new city just south freely, not being used "to high 8 ( 24) Raul Sufan/Hart,n Chrut1e RA Toyota Collea GT-Four A K-AH926 (D) 4h. 29m . 23s. l d h l h d 9 (28) Br,an Stokes/Garry Cowan NZ Ford Bscort RS cosworth A UK2407 (NZ) 4h 29m 38s of Aukland. The traditiona spee ve ices int eir omain. 10 (26) Reece Jones/Leo Bult . NZ Hltsubuhi Lancer Evolution N WE8612 (NZ) 4h:29m:s1s: stages, far to the east were not Now, on to Finland for the ~~ ~l~~ ~~~~~i:m;:~~:!/R~:!t~un.nall• ~/Aus :~~!kib~!~.~~tw~:~n Kc : :!~~~!0<~~! :::~::~~~:::: = included, but it did result in a 1000 Lakes Rally where who 24 (231 Robert Nicoli/Jim Carlton AUS Hyundai Coupe KC A HRSOll (NSW,AUS) 4Shh._soss"' .. ·_4047ss._:: = 30 (75) Grant Liston/Ross HcCorquodale NZ Suzuki Baleno A LISTO (NZ) much better organizational stan- knows what will unfold. .32 (78) Fred Herkin/Tony Aimers NZ Suzuki Baleno A WD7943 (NZ) Sh.08m.43s: .. -34 (74) Grant Aitken/Ralph Andrewa HZ Suzuki Salano A BAL£NQ (NZ) ~b. 09m .26&.•• -.,. ... ··. _;. ~ ~ . -_·_ : ._· --. -· . ~~-~ i: .. Winner: .., 10 6 • 3 ' . ✓Big BBQ ✓Race Trucks on Display .'. Dusty Times I -Parker San Felipe Barstow October 1997 t rm._ ..... e ✓Prerunners ✓Brand New Race -• ~,,. . ! / . '~,~~, I -Page 21
AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP • ROUND ! over Neville Boyes (also second overall), then Kevin Lee in fifth overall. Lee however would start stopping for power steering top ups. Terry Rose stopped with a flat tire but began to charge back with some quick laps. Boyes had a steering component let go on a fast section and ended up slamming a tree. Both crew appeared to be OK after a check up. Rose had indeed shot from 16th overall to second in two laps but then pulled out with bro-ken engine mounts. With the nine laps completed, Mark Burrows bounced his way through the fin-ish chicane totally void of any brakes. However the win was his and added to his '94 win this was indeed sweet. Burrows lead gap was amazing , next place in class after a great comeback was Nev Taylor back in fourth overall, some 3 7 minutes behind Burrows. Taking third in class in a poor physical state was Brad Zacka totally drained of any muscles in his arms. Kevin Lee managed to salvage a fourth in class , last of the Class ls to complete nine laps. Borrows Beats the carnage Text & Photos: Darryl Smith The Mark Burrows/Mick Shannon Cougar combo was at it again, showing everyone the way to win, taking Class 1 and the overall by a hefty margin. The Bridgestone International at Kempsey, New South Wales, is tra-ditionally the toughest race of the Australian Off Road Champion-ship. This year supporters of tradi-tion were rewarded with a very high level of retirements as once again the conditions took their toll. How-ever drivers were once again left in awe as to how to conquer the Macleay Valley. Of the leading cars, there was amazingly only one that escaped the carnage and that was Mark Burrows. Burrows was unmatchable as he dom.inated from the start and went on to win by a _ huge 32 minutes. . Prologue: The qualifying at Kempsey is all important ready for the narrow, tree · lined course. Heading the overall list wheri · all was quiet was Burrows with only a gap of less than a second back to the amazing John Towers in the little but potent buggy. Both were Class ls. Doug McMillan was the first of the Class 9 single seaters in third overall. Leading the 1600s in Class 2 was Matt Owen in the car his father drove to victory at the first Kempsey race 17 years ago! He was in seventh' overall. Heading Class 3 for the 1200s was Glenn Hancey, while Greg Campbell led the VW Bajas. Robert Pagan pushed the rotary turbo Mazda to lead the large Class 5 field while Glenn Spizo-was impressive in the leading Class 6 Challenger buggy. As expected Les Siviour put the Nissan at the front of the Class 7 4x4 group while leading the modi-fied 4x4's was Fabio Zarfati's Pajero up into sixth overall. Kings of Kempsey. This years entertainment after the Prologue Hayden Bentley made a steady run through the trees, got a bit muddy but took the gold medal in Class 9 and wa=s=s=ec=o=n=d=o=111=e=ra=ll=to=boo=t.========= Andrew Griffin showed all of Class 2 the way to do it, beating out 25 others in class for a great win in his Trekka buggy. Page 22 was a run off between the top ten buggies. McMillan wasn't to run as he had split a dry sump tank. All the drivers were at 10/lOths with the chance of improving their start position. None more spectacular than the two father and· son Simpson ,Jimco USA cars. The son, Dion put on a display never seen before as he soared off the big drop offs around the arena leaving the crowd stunned. His father, Paul did the same but then missed a turn with an overheating motor getting his attention. The final order after the Kings read; Dion Simpson, Bur-rows, Kevin Lee, Zarfati, Laurie Svenson, Owen, Andrew Ziems, Paul Simpson, Towers (seized mo-tor), and McMillan.- _ Class 1. An impressive list of 22 starters in the open buggy group and all the talk centered around the fact that Burrows had elected to forgo his usual tire sponsorship for his own choice of imported racing tires. Off the start line in groups of four ,and Burrows led one of the best drags ever, and left the arena as car one. The two big USA cars in Brad Zacka and Nev Taylor had early dramas as Zacka had uo power · steering and Taylor rolled. Both were set to charge on though. Barry Johnson went out with broken shocks while Svenson sadly had belt problems on the motor, Nigel Burley clipped a tree in the ex Morrison car while Rod Brand blew a head gasket after getting up to fifth in class .. Burrows kept up the pace and after setting what would be the quickest lap of the day on lap four, had a good six minute lead Class 2: A huge field of 26 1600 buggies fronted. Matt Owen bolted as expected and raced up to sec~-ond overall after the opening lap. Making his task easier ofleading the class was the dismiss of Bill Buchanan (pivot box) and John Brand (hit tree) who were in sec-ond and third. After stopping for brake adjustments Owen slipped back but still led the class at the four lap point. Andrew Ziems had closed up to be only 10 seconds behind Owen. Paul Allport held third until a CV let go. The Owen/ Ziems battle continued and at the seven lap regroup, Ziems had moved into second overall with Owen less than a minute behind . That next lap was disastrous as Owen stopped with a distressed navigator while Ziems broke a front bolt in the arm. Having a steady yet quick i:un was Andrew Griffin who Ken Smith flies the Holden Rodeo to a great win in Class 8, winning the 4x4 contest by over fifteen minutes at Kempsey. Robert Pagan flies the Mazda pickup to a nice win in Class 5, beating all the others to the checkered flag. October 1997 grabbed the class lead with joy and crossed the finish line very pleased. He also took seventh overall. Ziems struggled in, now with a broken rear torsion as well, and took second in class, 11th overall. The rest of the Class 2 placings were taken by Ken Collier (third), Werner Zettl (fourth), and Neil Duck (fifth). Class 3: Another large group, this time 13 of the 1200 buggies. The early pace setter was Darren Perrin storming through from 4 7th over-all to 13th in just the opening lap! Graeme Julius was in second with Scott McNeil in third; all being lo-cal drivers. Hancey was out with fuel injection woes. At the four lap mark it was left for Julius as Perrin slowed with a holed sump. Mark Whisker had moved into second · over McNeil. The attrition factor continued as Whisker had brake problems. The next lap Julius was to accept a rare· dnf as the gearbox let go. McNeil greeted the class lead and crossed the finish the class win-ner and in eighth overall. His was such a fast race, the next car, that of Paul Johnson who had some shocker problems was over an hour behind. Taking the minor placings were Stephen Bromfield, Peter Avery and Tony Lia. Class 4: Sadly a small group of only five VW Bajas, that was down to three after two laps with Les Rowsell dropping out, then Kev Hufscmid breaking a torsion bar. It was however David Allport that led the class early on and only lost the· class lead stopping with shocker problems. Greg Campbell then took . the lead while David Nikiforoff stopped. The two car race ended in Campbell's favor with a win to the reigning class champion. Allport came in for second in class. Class 5: Another record entry; this time 16 of the 2wd tin tops. Right from the start Pagan looked unbeatable as the tiny truck got all its power down beautifully. The tough conditions took their toll, mainly on the sedan based cars with at least half a dozen gone after two laps. Norm Vesty had brought the ·p100 out for a rare run and was up to second when engine mounts stopped him. Les Marshall moved his V6 Karman Ghia into second ahead of John Hinz also in a V6 K-G. Soon after Peter Briggs joined the battle for second in his Com-modore truck. The big-dollar Com-modore of Peter Champion was having trouble keeping belts on the motor and soon used up all its bat-tery. Marshall soon left the fight with brake problems. Pagan went on to take another win in the mighty Mazda, grabbing 13th over-all. Despite some overheating prob-lems Hinz came home second, with Briggs talcing third. Paul Adams didn't make the cut for the last lap in the Datsun 200B. Class 6: Only three cars sup-ported the Challenger buggy class this time. All seemed reliable enough, just a little off the pace. None were to score the nine laps. Gavin Card did eight laps while ea-rly leader Glenn Spizo and Sandra Duck both did seven laps. Class 7: A good field of eight cars in the limited 4x4 group, As ex-pected the Nissan of Siviour took early command. The local utes of Scott Foster and Lindsay Collits were out early. Siviour meanwhile was struggling to keep the Nissan on the track without power steer-ing. The inevitable happened and Siviour went off and bent the steer-ing. Added to that was a lengthy Dusty Times
Mark Bush in the Hunter Rivmasta saves tire wear on his way to a Ex two wheel champ Alan Roe took the Nissan Patrol to a nice second Brad Zacka flies the BFGoodrich Jimco to a nice third in Class 1, fine second place in Class 9, missing the win by nine seconds. place in Class 8, finishing the nine laps in ninth overall as well. finding out how invaluable power steering is during the race. pit stop to repair it. After four laps it was very rare to see Siviour not leading, but who would have ex-pected to see the multi champion back in fifth in class. Geoff Pickering's Mitsubishi held a one minute lead over Craig Mc William's Nissan. Chris Brown-ing was having his first ever drive of the Mitsubishi ute and was in third. Pickering's fine run became hampered by blown rear shocks. Browning had slipped by Mc William to take the lead. Siviour meanwhile was making up for lost time. McWilliam was out with a box of neutrals. The crowd sensed something was not right. Could this be the first time since September '91 that Les Siviour wouldn't win the class. Chris Browning knew that for sure as he took the checkered flag. The 24 year old was the new sensation of the 4x4 racing scene .Eric Whitbread had come home strong and took second. Siviour took third and was too tired to seem to even know what had happened. Pickering came through to grab fourth in class. Class 8: Continuing to lack in entries is the modified 4x4 group. Only five cars this time. But all were quick and reliable. Zarfati had pushed his turbo Mitsubishi up to be second overall after two laps then by the four lap mark had slipped after a flat tire. Keeping him ' honest was Grahame Baxter in the V8 Nissan. Baxter had moved into the class lead and third overall one place up on Zarfati. The Class 8s were setting such a pace all five qi.rs were in the top 14 at the half way point. Zarfati got caught out in the tight tree lined section and clipped one, sending the car into a series of rolls. The car was indeed a wreck and will be out of racing for quite a while, if not forever. Baxter still had the lead. but now had Peter Hadlow's turbo Mitsubishi truck on his tail. Then the unthinkable as the ever reliable Baxter stopped with a blown motor. Hadlow took the lead, but he too had problems, a broken spring sending him into the pits. All the while Ken Smith was pushing hard in the turbo Holden Rodeo. With the nine laps up it was Smith taking the class win, his first for a while. To prove his speed he was placed a creditable fifth over-all. Also. proving he is very fast is Alan Roe who was racing at Kemp-sey for the first time and finished second in class in his V8 Nissan, and a fine ninth overall. Hadlow got back in the race and took third in class . Class 9: There were 11 of the single seaters on hand to race and the current points score leader Paul Simpson was indeed the very first car to retire after clipping a gate post and breaking the steering. Doug McMillan was out soon after also with steering failure. Dion · Scott McNeil/ hustles the Hornet around the course in the small engined two seater for a nice win in Class 3, having over an hour in hand. Simpson was to get a flat tire. Shane Bowen took the lead over Matt Martin, but then Martin had brake troubles. Scott Johnson went out with broken shocks while leader Bowen had a gearbox fail-ure. Although he had started way back Hayden Bentley was now leading the class. Mark Bush hasn't raced for a couple of years but was back to his old form and sat sec-ond in class. Simpson held third despite stopping with fuel pump problems. On his second last lap though, Simpson limped in with a broken cliff. Bentley appeared to be in cruise mode but still took the class win and to his amazement he was second overall too. Quite a just reward for an unlucky '97 so far. Bush seemed to be driving harder but was second in class and third overall. The gap from Bentley to Bush was incredibly eight sec-onds. Driving a steady race after a crash here last year was Gordon Scott who took third in class al-most an hour back. He just kept · out Bob Todd who had to settle for fourth in class. In total only 31 out of the 109 starters managed to beat the Greg and Alison Campbell took the tidy looking VW Baja to a nice win in Class 4, beating out the competition by almost half an hour.· · The Mitsubishi Triton of Chris Browning and Dean Mavin heads for the checkers in Class 7, and Chris was fourteenth overall also. Sunday drive ! ! ! Kempsey conditions. The most obvious result though was that so many of the leading group failed; in fact only five out of the top 25. qualifiers were in the finishers. -Once again the Bridgestone Inter-national proved to be one tough Personal thanks must go to Mit-subishi Motors for the kind gener-osity in supplying a vehicle for the weekend making the task so much easier. 1997 Australian Off Road Championship . Round 3 . Bridgestone International . Kempsey NSW. July 12 & 13 No. Pos. Driver I Navigator Vehicle Time ~-Un!i.!futed.JwQ_Seater 22 start · 4 finish 1 1 Mark Burrows / Mick Shannon Cougar 186 2 Nev & Clay & Annette Taylor Kuster Raceco 150 3 Brad Zacka / Garry Turner Jimco 109 4 Kevin Lee I Eric Syrjanen Rivmasta Class 2 16QQ Iwo Seater 26 start......:..___6riisb._. 231 1 Andrew Griffin I ? Trekka 201 _2 Andrew & Alex Ziems Rivmasta 223 3 Ken Collier I Brett Price Rivmasta 232 4 Werner Zettl / Robert Simmonds Buggy 280 5 Neil Duck / Chris Kirkman Buggy Class 3 l 2QQ Tw~eate[ 13 start 5 finish. 358 1 Scott McNeil / Tim Battle Hornet 343 2 Paul Johnson/ Terry Honeychurch Bazco 380 3 Stephen Bromfield/ Steven Millgate Cobra 372 4 Peter Avery / Phil Horn Phorn 388 5 Tony Lia/ John Bega Buggy Class 4 VWBaia 5 start · 2 fioisb 401 1 Greg & Alison Campbell VWBaja 486 2 David & Damon Allport VWBaja Class 5 2ll\lD Ii□ Iops 16 start._;_:ui.o.isb. 501 1 Robert & Nobby Pagan Mazda 533 2 John Hinz / Phil Andrews Karman Ghia 531 3 Peter Briggs i Bill Rossiter Holden Commodore Class 6 Cballeoge[ Bugg~ 3 stact Q finish~ Class 7 - Limited 4114 -a start· 4 fi□isb 778 1 Chris Browning I Dean Mavin Mitsubishi Triton 702 2 Eric Whitbread / Glen Oram Toyota Landcruiser 6.43.00 7.20.16 7.23.31 7.39.58 7.28.33 7.41 .26 7.52.21 8.40.26 8.59.21 7.32.17 8.38.36 8.39.53 9.01 .16 9.32.49 8.18.27 8.45.11 7.48.01 8.08.17 8.14.34 7.52.20 8.04.22 Overall · 1 4 6 10 7 11 15 25 27 8 23 24 29 31 21 26 13 17 19 14 16 · 701 3 Les Siviour / Geoff Miller Nissan Patrol 8.36.20 22 Nev Taylor in the Kuster Raceco survived a rollover and continued on, charging to a nice second in Class 1 at Kempsey. October 1997 710 4 Geoff Pickering / David Brims Mitsubishi Pajero 9.11.32 30 Class 8 Modified 4114 ~ start · 3 finish 803 1 Ken Smith / Wayne Bell Holden Rodeo 7.21 .33 5 822 2 Alan Roe / Mick Dunne Nissan Patrol 7.37.05 9 821 3 Peter & Glen Hadlow Mitsubishi Triton 7.45.35 12 Class 9 Unlimited Singl~ater 1 l start · 4 finisb 903 1 Hayden Bentley Rivmasta 7.15.10 2 9041 2. Mark Bush Hunter Rivmasta 7.15.18 3 969 3 Gordon Scott Fire Fox 8.13.05 18 905 4 Bob Todd Buggy 8.15.53 20 Starters= 109 . Finishers= 31 . Finishing Ratio ( 9 laps)= 28% Fastest Prologue = Mark Burrows 4 05 Kings of Kempsey winner = Dion Simpson 2.23 Fastest Lap = Mark Burrows ( lap 4) = 42.53 Race Distance= 500 kms { 31 0 miles) Page 23
Shane 011Groot flies hi• Chevy El Camino to a nice win In 0111, 8 on The Ford of Michael Oberg gets alrl:Jorne on the way to victory at Gary Behrens took the C/a,s 12 win, citing the proper cholc, of tires a vt mvdd. da In Anti o as evidenced b the color scheme. Antigo, besttnq all the other ent,.nt, In C/111 BS. l n s slbl fi LATE, VIRY LATI RIPORT SODA Antigo In June Text & Photos: Jeanne Brown Aaron Hawley came to Ant/90 from Las Vegas and Aaron took a great win In Class 9 op Satvrday and came back Svnday for a stron sec()nd on Svnda In the Classic Plumbln To ota. The Langlade County Fair• Thb $econd rac in the ight hi_p battle, began. 'grounds grandstands were over• race erle~ would s e the first wim First race on Saturday was Class flowing as the SODA off road se• of the eason for Jeff Kincaid, 6 and Shane DeOroot got his first ries made it~ appearance in An-Brendan Oaugha.n and Rob Mac• win of the ~ea$on, followed in by tigo, Wisconsin early in June. Cachren as the_ class cham lon• Gerald Calla war. and Leonard 0 hl picking up the bronze, HE BUMP' STOP HERE , atop the up-tr vel 011 your su pension wltb this adv need bump top y t m. ', Th••• Blimp top• oorn• oomplet• with a mountinc ay t. m, poly•eurethane end piece and tnou1h valving to 1•t th• job 4one. ECOMICALLY PRICED AT $319,90 PER PAIK flN~LIJt>ES.MOUNrING liA.RJ)WARE AND THE GRA1>£ & BOL'l.~, SE1'.. \'OUR OFi' ROAD RACING PAR'!' SUPPLIER Yarnell Sp•cialti .. , Inc, -S 0-427-3SS1 0~ CALL U DIREC l' 10~ Cn.wi•w P.O. Box 84S Yamell, AZ 85362-084!' ClasR 8S wa.$ up next, and Michael Oberg in his BFO shod Ford work d his way to the front of th elm, _plowing thr ugh the muddy conditions to take first, with Randy Krall and Cory Friday finishing second and third respec-tiv ly. Again, the right choice of tires, along with som excellent maneu-vering brought Oary B hrem, in hi Class 12 T rmlnator to the wlnn rs circle. Chall nglng him ~ r the first pl ce position wa Olen Math ws, who finished ec-ond, and H rman Barnum who r Unqulsh d the win and s tcled for third. As usual, there is lw ys a lot of action tak~!}g place during the 5-1600 race. When you have Tim Christensen, John Greaves and Terry Wolfe mixing it lffi, you al-ways have a good race. They keep it interestinJl for the fans by con-stantly challenging for position and putting out a lot of hard work on th still muddy crack. Tim Christensen worked his way into the winning po ition, leaving sec• ond place to John Greaves while Ron Karlman took third. · With the track tarting to dry out a little, anoth r challenging mce is on the way, Class 2-1600. Twelve cars lined up for the start , and what a ~tart it was. When the green flag dropped there were twelve cars going into the first Johnny Greaves was twelfth off the line bvt he worked his way through CltJss 7S for th, win on Saturda and a second place finish on Svnda , corner, wondering which dr!ve·i-will work his way through to jump into the lead. The battle starts, with Michael Steinhardt, Michael ·Seefeldt and Mark Krueger strug-gling to get the job done. Persis-tence prevails and Steinhardt com s out on top with the win, followed In by Seefeldt and Krue• ger. With the track now almost dry, -the crowd begins to stir i!-S they see eighteen Class 13 trucks line up for the next race. There is a thrill a minute a~ the drivers get the green flag. Did you ever no-tice than when you get eighteen trucks going into the first corner together there seems to be a lot of banging of metal, cracking of fiberglass and sometimes a few tires take the worst of the abuse of the heavy trucks. Once the trucks make it through the first three corners they start making their moves. Brian Collins, in his Chevy, was making Evan Evans work for the win. Evan, ln his Chevy sponsored truck got his second win for the year, Collins finishing in second, Dave Heck-ers third and Joe ~ilisch bringing Flannery fife~ th, Ch1vy to victory In Class 4 on Saturday after a long fight nd Jack finished $'1Cond on Sunda , 10. Jimmie Johnson took the lead early In Class 8 on Saturday and fought hard to maintain his lead and take the checkers at Antigo.
Tim ChrlatsnHn won th, hard fought oattlfl on Saturday In Cla,s 6· Marl< Stslnhardt WH the big wlnn,r In Class 2·1600 at Antigo, but It A hug, crowd of Class 13 trucks had• r,al mlx-,m•up race, and 1600, taking the checkered flag for• nice win. was a tou h fl ht to the front of the ck. __ Evan Evans took the win after a hard fouH_ht battle. Paula St. Peter took the win In the Wom,n's Unllmlt,ct Class, holding Scott Schw1Jlbe fllfls In front of the crowd at Antigo, winning th, Class John Huven had to beat 26 c rs In Class 11, and he did, scuffling all off al/ comers In the To ota owered Jlmco. 1 battle for! nlcs win on Sunday, the wa In a heav/1 cont,sted battle. up ourt place. -the track coruiition is very slick, seventh lap, when ignition failure Art Schmitt with Todd Attig in season, followed by Jeff Sc. P ter A rain shower arrived and put Jeff Kincaid worked his way into stopped his Toyota. Half the field third. and Chad Hord. the track back int a muddy and the fim turn first, taking th lead. passed him while he switched to A e-lass that is c ntinually The thunder r-Us, not in the very slipP.ery condition as seven• Close b hind him was Tom Hock-backup ignition and he rest rted growing in size ts Class 9 .and they ky, but on the track a th Class te n true.ks made their way to the ers, Jlmmi Crowder and Art the truck, going on to finish in lined up with twenty three driv• 4 trucks throw down the gaunt• tarting lme for the Clim 7~ race. Schmitt along with Todd Attig, eighth position. By th~ third lap, ers waiting for the green. Aaron let, Everyone knows thi will be a Starting back in tenth position Is And, along with all this action Oreaves had worked his way into Hawley, in his Toyota powered thrilling, hard fought battle. The Jeff Kincaid with his teammate Johnny Oreave is slowly workini secon_d place ~nd he took home vehicle worked his way through green flag drops and Kevin Probst Johnny Greaves in twelfth. They his way up to the front. Jeff yet another wm in the Tacoma the huge class on the still muday gets in-to the corner first with Rob get the green flag and although Kincaid held onto the lead 'til the truck, relegating second spot to track to take his first win of the MacCachren in his Ford moving Dusty Times ~I<>~ U ..................... A ITE WHERE 'TH co:m::m:~~ FOL~ 0,...-...-..-., GET INFOR:m:ATION ONYOURRACE , RALX...IE -, ETC., SEND 'THE:1VI 'TO E>"'CJ"S'r~ TI:Dt.l:13: , WE'X...X... ~~IN'r 'TH~:Dt.l ~ YO""l.TWIX..L 0 ~ ~ :m: ~:13: 'TO~O~ :13:~~ -octob r 1997 Page 25
Michael Notary came up from Florida to do battle in Class 1-1600 and Jeff St. Peter flies towards the checkered flag in the Unlimited Buggy Womens Heavy Metal on Sunday saw Nicole Schleuter locked in his Hesco buggy finished first but it wasn't easy. Challenge, edging out all others in his Jimco. battle, which she won in her Ford in a good contest. into third place, still on the first ing not-too patiently behind Mac- mie Johnson in his Herzog Chevy, them answered the flag. Brendan tion. lap. MacCachren was determined Cachren was Jack Flannery, push- heading towards the front of the Gaughan took the lead and in the The Unlimited Buggy challenge to get into the lead, and he did, ing his Chevy into the lead for his pack. Johnson took an early lead, lead he remained, taking the Or-was the penultimate race on Sun-having some slip in second gear, spot in the winners circle with followed closely by Scott Taylor leans Hotel Chevy to victory over day, only six cars taking the flag which soon went away, but keep- Scott Douglas' Ford finishing sec-and Brendan Gaughan. Jimmie Jed Flannery and Dan Vanden and Jeff St. Peter took the win, ing his right foot buried he man- ond, and Jamey Flannery taking was hoping his dry tires would Heuvel, a Chevrolet sweep of the followed by Dan Baudoux and ·aged to hang on for seven laps, but third spot. hook up and they did, giving him class. Tommy Bradley. on lap 11 he lost third gear as well The track is definitely drying the spotlight in the winners circle. Class 4 got ready for their sec-The final event was the Lim-and finished the race in fourth out after the Class 4 race, making Scott Taylor took the second spot ond race of the weekend, tw.dve ited Buggy race and thirteen place. And yes, everyone noticed life better for the Class 8, two and Brendan Gaughan collected trucks in the starting gate. buggy's raced around the ti:ack, Walker Evans had a steering wheel drive trucks. The flag the bronze. They're off and Rob MacCachren Mark Krueger taking the win, fol-problem but it was soon corrected waves, and pulling to the outside Next up was the Women's Lim- flew into the lead and never lowed by Jason Crowder and and he was back on track. Wait- from the rear of the pack is Jim- ited/Unlimited Buggy Challenge looked b;ick. He opened up a Michael Seefeldt. NEW IN '97 ... from WELD RACING® TM MODULAR Specialty Racing Wheel • Mud Drags • Sand Drags • Truck Pullers -• 4x4 Trucks • Dune Buggies, Etc. • True 3-Piece Design ... A Genuine Racing Wheel. • Super Strong ... Nobody Builds a Stronger Racing Wheel ! • Super Light ... Lightest Wheels Available! e Really Wide ... From 3½" to wide in 15", 16"· and NOW 16.1" • Versatile Fitment ... 4,5,6 and 8 Lug -Back Spacings from 2" to 8". • Fast Service ... All Order $/l-2 . Shown with \ Optional Double \ Bead-Loe™ Built within 5 Working Day . -28 Prices $22900 Starting at each J :JI Racer Direct: 1-800-488-9353 Dept. SR © i997, Weld Wheel, Industries 933 Mulberry St., Kansas City, MO 64101 816/421-8040, Fax: 816/842-6747, Web Site: http:/ /www.weldracing.com and Lorri Pozorski took first in the comfortable lead and held it all And so this event at Antigo was Limited class in her Gilson and the way to the winners circle, his history. Stay tuned to Dusty Crystal Kozloski was second, Lisa first win of the year. Jack Flan-Times for more SODA racing Andrews taking the third posi~ nery followed in second and next issue. tion. Unlimited Division saw Walker Evans got the third posi-Paula St. Peter battling with Tina Crowder for the lead. Paula ended up in first place in her Jimco buggy, Tina Crowder taking sec-ond and Ruth Schwartzburg grab- · bing third place. Sunday, day two and the track is fast. The .Women's Heavy Metal Challenge is up first and eleven trucks take the inverted start which puts Val Rehn, Robin Schultz, Brenda Hockers and Nicole Schleuter at the back of the pack. They're off and Val Rehn and Nicole Schleuter battle hard for the lead and bring the crowd to their feet. After a hard fought battle, Nicole takes the win, with Rehn in second, fol-lowed by Robin Schultz. Flip of The ever good looking Toyota of Jeff Kincaid moved quickly to the front of the class the day went to SamVotis during 7S battle and he flew to victory on Sunday in Antigo. the Heavy Metal race. Soda Lites was next, nine bug-gies taking the flag and Phil Doyle showed them all the way home, followed by Zane Roberts and Kevin Beaty. Class 1 was next to start and Scott Schwalbe worked his way through the twelve car field_to the lead, and there he finished, fol-lowed by Aaron Hawley and Owen Walter. John Huven had his first win of the season in his Huven Buggy, besting everyone in the twenty-seven car Class 11 race. Huven, Andy Morter and Glen Mathews battled hard for the lead position, Brendan Gaughan took the lead early in Class Band he took a fine win on Sunday but John asserted his power and at Antigo in the Orleans Chevy truck. stretched out his advantage, tak---~------~----------------ing the win with Morter second and Mathews third. Class 1-1600 had twenty cars line up for the start and it was show time. Michael Notary in his Hesco buggy finished first but was continually challenged by Jason Crowder in his T.A.D. and by Michael Seefeldt who took the third position. Class 7S had seventeen trucks come to the starting line, Greaves and Kincaid sitting side-by-side. Jeff Kincaid worked his way to first early on and there he stayed for the win, Greaves in second and Art Schmitt third. Class 8 was out again for their Sunday showing and twelve of Rob MacCachren, shown herein battle with some of the other Class 4s on Sunday, stayed in front and took the checkered flag.
''Tiie Straight Poop from the Big Waru:oo" SUMMERPAR'IY -Danny Reider and his band rocked the 'Buttes' well into the a.m., and the batbecued chow was excellent as usual. Weather was mild for July, producing a perfect desert night for a party. There were a lot of new faces in a crowd of about 130, and a good time was had by all. The poker run went well, and soundly out-drew MORE'snightracebeingrunjustdown the road. The tap beer was cold and flowed freely, and the pool was clear and refreshing. Plus, nobody was injured dur-ing the balloon jousts, there were no fights and the cops only showed up once. Our Club's tradition of great Checker summer parties continues. Aside from thanks to all those Checkers and family which made a spe-cial effort to make this party a success, a Checker thanks goes out to all those folks who contributed to this years mon-ster raffle. Notably, the three Club sup-ported promoters each donated a free entry this year. Sal Fish, our sports pre-mier promoter, kicked in a freebie for • his SCORE Laughlin race . Paul Duffy, of Mojave Desert Racing, also offered up a free entry to one of his popular MDR races. Plus, Casey Folks of Best in the Dez, put a free 'Vegas to Reno' entry in the pot A big Checkers thanks! Without you promoter guys we'd only have each other to race, and that might hurt pit morale. . BITS & PIECES - At last report, Mikey Duenas is still pursuing his shot at sporty car racing, running at Willow Springs and headed for Laguna Seca. Billy Robertson and Dougie Brown picked up a first, second, & third at one of Lou's recent 'Aqua-Motos' in Laugh-lin. And, Steve Brown earned a third · place main event finish out at Ventura Speedway in the Hibbard/Brown dwarf car. Desert racin', pavement racin', circle racin', water racin\ or chasin' chicks ... Checkers are always looking for a challenge. ACE IS TIIEPIACE-Atouronly August Wednesday night meeting, a good turnout of members finished off the left over beer from our summer party while checking out a possible new 'Checker Club House'. Big John Hast-ings, multi-past-prez and all around good guy, offered up a converted two-car ga-rage and his adjoining Ace Hardware parking lot as a place to hold our peri-cxlic Wednesday night Club meetings. After checkin' it out the guys over-whelmingly agreed. Our new Club House is finished in-side and out and has a bathroom. What it doesn't have is any carpeting, fancy lighting, tables and chairs, functioning bar, or any other kind of comforts. In other words, what we got here is a new Club Projea, one that will benefit all of us when finished. Please, no old sofas, but applications for good lookin' wait-resses are now bein accepted (It's re-ported some of Dittfeld's pit tootsies have volunteered till so~ebody perma-nent is found.) Make a point to attend a Wednesday night meeting in the near future (check your schedule) and see if you've got anything stored somewhere that could contribute to the decorating of our new meeting place. Hastings Ace Hardware store is located at 1111 Foot-hill Blvd., La Canada 818-790-1161. Use the Angeles Crest Highway exit off the 210 Freeway just east of the 210 and Glendale Freeway (2) interchange. Come check it out! RUMORS & STIJFF -Ask Gene Dillon if you can see his new scar. He Dusty Times claims it was simply a sloppy lyposuction RaceShock-Arizona, and Bonfire Rac-job, but this W ahwo is thinkin' more ing. offered some drinks that looked like they could not have been for human consumption. They always appreci-ate FAIR's help and bring food and gifts. Outhouse racing in their Class 5 Baja, had broken a stub axle with some down time. Later after Robert took his time around the course, Pit along the lines of an. alien birth. A wide-SPF.CI.AL TIIANKS, goes to the spread fear has recently developed promoters who provided free race en-among the membership that Thumper tries, SCORE -Sal Fish, MDR -Paul may have been workin' up in San Fran-Duffy, Best in the Desert -Casey Folks, cisco way too long. Sadly, it's rumored and Glen Helen -Bob Beyer. This was that our boy recently got "Love ya Big the highlight of the close of the dinner, Jack" tattooed on his rump. With a new and many of our members will enjoy chassis by 'Jason', look for Randy and thisgenerousdonation.Allthesespon-Jason LaCore to debut their new ten sors and supporters are what keeps off car in the very near future. Hey Prez, road racing ALIVE. Thanks again, and how'd ya like your new BFGs? Now that if I missed anyone, just know we appre-SCORE has dropped the Parker 400, . ciate all the support that FAIR contin-how many of SCORE's regulars will re-ues to receive. began, and they got underway, Clare Ross the co-driver, got a flat, later to also replace the rear end. Their luck didn't get any better, than having ex-haust problems and ending up with only second gear on the third lap. As they were struggling along after Pit E they got slammed by Jeff Lewis, al-most destroying the whole back of the car. The co-driver experienced some injuries and was taken for medical care and later released. What a day, but we're glad everybody is OK. Brian Dague and Mike Nix in their 5 un-limited car had a great day. We only know of a flat, and they ended up with a second place. Randy Ross' pal Maginnis didn't have a great day ei-ther, he had problems on every lap, in-cluding replacing two transmissions. But he hung in for a long day, finished with · an 11th place. The Wisdom's in their 1/2-1600 car found several problems with their car at Tech on Friday. They found some front end sag, ni-trogen was out of the front shocks. Scott was going to race the whole race but ended up with some major re-pairs, such as broken exhaust and rear end problems (repaired three times). Sorry, Scott ... then the trans went which brought the car to the trailer. Dave Matsui in his 1/2-1600 car which occasionally comes out to race from Japan, had one of his best races. He had a pretty trouble free day, ex-cept for some flats, and finished with D felt compelled to drop their shorts .. .,,-.. :nt~t~it:~rii~~~ ~:t~:J it turn out of habit to run Whiplash's ver-Since I missed the last Dusty Tunes, sion? Also, those infuriatingly slow I need to be faithful to all our members weekend golfers should be forced to and come back to the highlights of the share a few of those fancy golf courses SCORE -Fireworlcs 250. A total of every year so we canrun some off road 11 cars started for FAIR, which is more races over their cute lil' cart paths. Now than we usually see for a SCORE race. that would make for some great lV. Brian Parkhouse in his unlimited car ' ~-.... fifth. Max Hanberg had an unusual '::;Q:· day for Mr. Consistency, and blew·a Jj/ main seal, and lost the motor. He -~,;f ended up with a DNF. We had ac-::.3 quired a new member, number 151, BIG BROTHER-At a recent BI.M had some shock and rear end problems meeting to explain some new rules for and a DNF. Fisk;Quinn never started 1998, ~as disclosed that the race due to a trans problem. Tom Ridings promoter's drawing for race dates will had several problems with changing a have a couple of new twists. Each pro-tire, battery shorted out, and dumped a rooter will only be issued two race per-fuel pump. He ended with a fifth place. mits for any one particular designated . The PCI.,Clement Pro Truck started area. Besides MDR and MORE draw-' with the lead on the first lap, after that ing for a series of events, some rich kid the day started to look bad with a real from Bars~ w will also be in the draw-bad flat tire, to pinched brakes an~ wa-ing trying tO get a nwnber of dates for terpumpproblem. Every pit he stopped some hi-dollar unlimited short course for water with a final neck and neck raceshe'splanning.And,eacharea, like race with Barlow to finish fifth. Well BarstowandLuceme, willhaveanum- Randy Ross in his 5 unlimited car ber ofBLM set race courses already laid endoed up with a whole interesting out and permanently marked. weekend. Friday before the race they Promotorswillthenbeas.5igned,ontheir broke the torsion housing on the car race date, a specific course to run on and repaired it all night After the race according to the BIM's pre-planned _ an eighth. The Matsui team really had a good time fooling around with the Wisdom's at MAIN, when they Scott Barron and Martin, and he ended up rolling the car and couldn't .:J · ' finish. Everybody was OK ... they said they had a good time anyway. With all the major repairs ann the FAIR racers endured, the pits reported that they were very busy. We want to thank Bill Markel's mom for the fabu-lous Bar-B-Que she helped put on with the assistance ofBill and his sis-ter. Keep in mind the FAIR "Great Desert Adventure" Outing tenta-tively set for October 24th and 25th is around the comer. FAIR always enjoys this excursion traveling in pre-runners on a designated trail for the . weekend. It's lots of fun, and includes some fees to pay for the meals. FAIR meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at the Holiday Inn in Fullerton. Were the 91 Freeway and Harbor Blvd. meet. Any OFF ROAD enthusiast is welcome! rotation. Hmm? If ya ever wondered what our government does really well! This is a perfect ex.ample. Government 'Regulators', busy as can be, enlatging their bureaucracy and regulating their own job security. How many problems of conflict these changes will cause,with regard to SCORE events and the Ve-gas to Reno race remain to beseen. Just about the time the market place picked MDRas the main low-budget race pro-moter in the area, the regulators are gonna stir the.pot again. What's next? Well, don't~ too surprised if the tor-toise rangers don't start forcing every-body out at the races to buy those $5 a PORSCHE · day 'Adventure Passes'. And then de-clare the designated.pit areas as $15 campsites! FAIR News I By Jay Bancroft FAIR's ANNUAL NOSTALGIA DINNER, WAS A HUGE SUC-CESS! FAIR members enjoyed a most tasty dinner, withasimplyyummychocolate cake for desert. But the best part of the evening was the rafile that went on for almost two hours. We had enough rafile items that we could have provided a gift to all the 97 people who attended. FAIR collected almost $1,CXX) in the raffle, which I think broke our record. These funds will go towards repairs on the FAIR van and some much needed equipment. Bill Markel did an A WE-SOME job coordinating the raffle item.5. It was the best show of merchandise FAIR has ever seen. FAIR would like to thank all the JUernbers, race teams, and race sponsors who were so kind to donate their goods. Some of the gener-ous donators were: PCI Race Radios, Turbo Blue, Dusty Times, Outhouse Racing, KAR1EK, SighPros, T&J's Offroad, 4Wheel Auto Parts, Mike Nix, W&R Racing, Parker Pumper, IDK (Pat Faulkner) , Ed Faulkner's wife), AIRBORNE Off Road Racing batter-ies, DuffCo,. Carrera Photography, OFF-ROAD TRANSAXLES · r . PHOE~IX GEA~~: , A ...... I(.f f "41f r. i - j ·~rr •'·t -., . 5-SPEED G-50_':tt;~::IL~~~ . 4-SPEED 930 ·~ , .J', ~ -\_ · -ff'~ _,.., }"\ ·' Jr \_2-" - --~ ~ ;;,--L '1':I~ • LOW MAINTENANCE ,_, . ~ •COMPETETIVELY PRICED ~)-It. •FULLY SYNCHRO 4 & 5-SPEED llt.,l(.'t,GJ.JI!. •ULTRA-STRONG HELICAL GEARS )-'9 · STRONG REVERSE GEARS WON'T BREAK • WIDE RANGE OF RATIOS FOR ALL CLASSES •MID-ENGINE CONVERSION AVAILABLE (FLIP R&P) WITH ALL NEW COMPONENTS AND ALL THE BEEFY EXTRAS: - 4-SPEED $8, 185 . 5-SPEED $9,635 p~gt,_~~:fl (BBB) 89 GEARS-ouTs1DE U.S. Ph I Fax (808) 8 78-6812 P.O. Box 158; Kula, HI 96790 e-mail: gears@gte.net October 1997 Page 27
• NORTHWEST RALLY REPORT: Oregon Trail Rally By Jim Culp #110 Tim Paterson and Joel Wright dominated the Oregon Trail Rally. leading all the way In the Falcon Racing Mazda 323GTX. Tim Paterson and Joel Wright blasted through the Coast Ranges to claim victory in the Oregon Trail Rally, the latest round of the Sports Car Club of America's Northern Pacific Divisional Rally Series. Paterson and Wright, in the Falcon Racing Mazda 323GTX, totally dominated· Oregon event, jumping out in front on the first stage and increasing their lead throughout the rally. At the end of the day the Mazda team from Redmond, Washington had posted the fastest or equal fastest time on each of the rally's eight stages, and covered the 80 stage miles in 1 :41: 28. The win was Paterson's first since he teamed with wife Penny to bring the Falcon Racing RX7 home on top in the 1995 Oregon Trail Rally. The 96 edition was washed away when spring flood-ing hit the northern Oregon hills, but for 97 the forest roads near Vernonia were fast, and the weather cool, perfect conditions for the turbo boosted 4WD cars that claimed the top three spots. Behind Paterson and Wright, Janice Damitio and Amity Trowbridge marked the return of the Crazee Espresso Toyota Celica with a second place finish, 1 :59 behind the winners. The Rage Racing Celica now sports a slick new paint job in Toyota rac-ing colors. Another 4WD entry the Jim Adams Auto Clinic Mazda 323 GTX of Jake Dekovic and Katie Callahan claimed third overall. Behind the 4 WD leaders, Todd Hartmann and Kirk Knestis cap-tured the under two liter title, fin-ishing fourth overall in the Intrax Volkswagen Golf GTI. The first 2WD finisher would have finished even further up the order except for problems that c;ost them four minutes on the second stage. Hartmann recovered to claim equal fast time with the winning Mazda on stage five. Todd Lengacher and Tina Warner followed their strong run in the Wild West Divisional with an excellent fifth overall in Or-egon. That place was good enough to claim the divisional over two liter class, the regional class three crown, and also make the Portland duo's Datsun 210 first among the Oregonians. The closest racing of the day was the three way battle for the regional class two title that filled #85 Todd Lengacher and Tina Warner captured the divisional over two liter class and the regional class three crown. #43 Regional class two winners James and Kara Unger in the family 4WD Ce/ica came from behind to claim the trophy. sixth, seventh, and eighth over-all. James and Kara Unger in the family 4 WD Celie a overcame the early lead of Monty Hom and Jisselle Waterhouse to grab the class win by just 19 seconds after almost two hours at speed. Jack Brodhead and Jim Jump in the Jump'n Jack Espresso Mazda 323 GTX finished thitd in class, 14 seconds behind the Horn/ Waterhouse Datsun 510. Ninth overall, and second in regional class three, were Lee Shadbolt and Paul Eklund in the Royal Moore Subaru Imprezza. George Plsek and Mark Ratsam struggled to a tenth in the Cali-fomia Wave Line Saab 99, one spot ahead of another impressive class three team, Paul Mariga and Chris Kouba in the Don Averill Trucking Toyota Corolla. Trevor Donison and Erik Th-ompson were twelfth in the Northwest Consulting Mazda 323 GTX, followed by Bob W akehouse and Todd Terp in the Twisty Roads Rally Group Fiat Xl/9. Rounding out the 15 finishers were Jack Hom and Eric Schild in Walt's Mazda GLC, the only re-gional class four entry, and Kirk Simons and Geof Case in the Big 0 Tires Dodge Omni GLH . #17 Janice Damitio and Amity Trowbridge brought the rebuilt Crazee #22 Third overall was the best finish yet for Jake Dekovic and Katie #11 Todd Hartmann and Kirk Knestis were fastest among the 2WD Espresso Toyota Celica home in second overall. Callahan in the Jim Adams Auto Clinic Mazda 323 GTX. entries, finishing fourth in the Jntrax Volkswagen Golf GT/. #31 Monty Horn and Jisselle Waterhouse finished second in class # 19 Californiaris George Pisek and Mark Ratsam struggled to a tenth #87 Another novice team, Paul Mariga and Chris Kouba dazzled the two, just 19 seconds back. in the California Wave Line Saab 99. crowd in the Don Averill Trucking Toyota Corolla. Page 28 October 1997 · Dusty Times
-.,,. / 1ST CHINA RALLY · B:Y Martin Holmes Colin McRae Wins Fir.St, China, Rally · Photos: Martin Holmes & Maurice Selden Colin McRae/Nicky Grist set up for a left hander on the China Rally, taking the Subaru lmpreza WRCar to a nice win on the Chinese mainland. · 1st 555 China Rally (CN) Beijing 20/23.06.1997 APC round 2 l (1) Colin McRae/Nicky Grist GB Subaru Impreza WRCar gA ~h.12m.07s:• 2 (31 Kenneth Eriksson/Staffan Par~ander S Subaru Impreza WRCar A 4h.12m.52s, · 3 (5). Yoshie Fujimoto/Arrie'Hertz J1s Toyota Celica GT-Four A 4h.24m.49s . . 4 (8:J Shigeyuki Konishi/Tony Sircombe J/NZ Subaru 'rmpreza WRX-RA .N 4h .'35m·.04s .. • 5 (6) Rudi Stohl/Jurgen Bertl A/D Audi Coupe S2 A 4h.40m.30s. 6 (18) Chi Wah Chan/Po Lin Tang HK Mit. Lancer Evolution N 4h .44m.51s. · 7 (23) Ningjun Lu/Jianping Ding cN· _Mj,t. Lanc;er Eyo_lut_ion N 4h.47m.07s. 8 (10) Jung Yong Park/Damien. Long .ROK/AUS KIA Sephi-a . ·. N 4h.59m.22s.•• 9 ( 26) Yau Kwan Wong/Paulo Lou · 'HK• Subaru Impr·e:::a·. WR'l.-RA N 4-h . 59m. 53s. 10 (21) Yau Name Chan/Koon Kuen Hu1· HK Subaru Impreza WRX-RA N 5h.05m.lls. 32 starters. 16 finishers. •Group win!lers. ••F2 winner. No r:a,:Ji~es starters. Winner's average speed over stages 87.85kph. · IF YttlJ ~IRE1 ·. RACING ON DIRT -LOW ENTRY FEES -H-OT COMPET-ITION -You'.11 LOVE ,_ SCCA PRO RALL\'! You've read the rally coverage in DUSTY TIMES: local events with entry fees as low as $250, national events with the Michelin PRO Rally Championship, even FIA World Rally Championship events. All you need is a · street'!'licens-ed and insured vehicle with basic safety equipfllent such as a roll cage. Pre-runners are perfect! For information call the Sports Cai Club of America: (303) 779-6622, FAX (303) 694-3654 E-mail <76243.I467@compuserve.com> Web Site: http:/ /www.scca.com/amateur/michpro/ Page 30 October 1997 Shigeyuki Konisi and Tony Sircomb in their Subaru impreza WRX-RA won Group N with over nine minutes in hand, seen here hurtling over the stage. A new door has been opened as the first major rally held en-tirely on Chinese soil was held the third weekend in June and the big winner was the 555 Subaru Rally Team, featuring Colin McRae, who led all the way and beat his teammate by less than a minute. Provisionally, Subaru also took Group N with the Konishi/ Sircombe Impreza and the KIA of Park/Long took the Formula 2 category. The rally was based at a holi-day resort north of Beijing where the rally returned each evening. Thirty-two cars were entered in the rally and some of the "differ-ences" were: no competitor can display the number 4, no vehicle associated with the rally could go into Beijing and there. were no taxis at the event so you were sort of locked in at the rally. Leg 1 started at six in the morn-ing in a surprisingly sparsely popu-lated area so close to the capitol . and McRae led all the way al-though· he did damage ,the front spoiler after a steep jump on stage 1. _Eriksson was having overheat-ing problems whilst Fujimoto was arguing with his brakes but he held third and Rudi Stohl was having a ball in the S2 Audi coupe. The F2 . lead was held by Tajima in ~he Su-zuki Sport and Konishi held the reins in Group N. Leg 2 had McRae leading all day again and pulling away from the competition, including Fujimoto whose Toyota was over-heating. The stages were the same as. Leg 1 and Subaru was testing shock and suspension settings and tires too and it showed as McRae was over three minutes faster that the day before. In F2 Tajima blew it! He was battling with Stohl who had just passed him in the ancient Audi and Tajima got too.exuber-ant and spun off into a big rock and out of the rally, and the F2 leader was now Park in his KIA. In Group N, Konishi was still leading in his Impreza, still fight-ing overheating. Leg 3 saw McRae continuing to lead while Eriksson and Konishi still were having ·overheating problems. McRae broke a shock on the stage and slowed a bit un-til it was changed at service. Konishi also had some shock fail-ures but continued on for the Group N win and also a double win for Subaru. Park continued on for his big win in F2. The big question· is, will this be the first on an annual trek to the Chinese mainland for future com-petition or is it a one of? The teams are already stretched to the limit and this could be an addi-tional burden on them. Time will tell. Jung Yong Park and Damien Long took their KIA Sephia to the F2 win in the first Mainland China Rally. Nobuhiro Tajima and Glenn MacNea/1 led F2 for twelve stages, but a crash on Leg 2 took the Suzuki Baleno out of the competition. Dusty Times
TopGun25D By Troy Robinson Gary Wise battled all race long for the lead, and took the overall and Class 1, being the big winner ($1,500), running the 90 mile loops in less than six hours. The beautiful facility of The Top Gun Drags trip played host to the fourth race ofVORRA's 1997 season. The dragstrip is located l3 miles from the town of Fallon, Nevada and has some of the best desert to race in nearby. The track was lengthened to 90 miles per lap due to the fact that the race course would have to cross High-way 95 twice per lap, in order to race the eastern side of the Top Gun. Officials thought this would be a traffic congestion problem ·· since the highway traffic had the right of way but it turned out to have no problems at all at both highway crossings. Fifty-three cars entered the race which drivers de-scribed as fast, but technical enough to make it an excellent off road race. Class 1 was the biggest class with 13 cars entered and a very good 65% finish rate. Gary Wise and Sam Berri battled for the lead throughout the day and finally af-ter 5:53:13, Gary Wise came out on top of the class and the over-all field, winning over $1,500.00. Sam Berri finished second in class and second overall with a time of 5:40:58. Tyler Mort and Everett Paul overcame last lap down time for third in class and third overall and a time of 6:10:39. Dale car and the Cobra Racing Team cruised all day with consistent lap times and no down time for fourth in class, fourth overall, clocking in with a tlme of 6: 18: 14. Round-ing out the finishers in class was Dennis Dugan, with a time of 6: 24: 12: for fifth place; Mike Vandenburg debuted.his new car for sixth, finishing the day in 6:32:56; and Allen Biggs in sev-enth, with a time of 7:59:27. Class 10 had five cars lined up with pre-race favorite Tim Bow-man and George Reese out of the race by the end of the quarter mile dragstrip, the race was up to any-body. Haas Brothers racing took command of the class, leading up to the last lap, last checkpoint, but dropped out with unknown problems. This let Ron Foster, who wasn't too far behind any-way, take over the lead and win the class with a time of 7:14:42. Jim Jukes had considerable dam-age time but finished second in class with a time of 7:54:48. In the four car class 1600 field, Abreu Racing jumped out to a slim lead, but had some down time on lap 2 and called it quits after that, placing third in class. Keith and Josh Robb ran consis-tently on the first two laps, had some down time on the last lap, but pulled off their first win in over 12 years of racing. A big con-gratulations and job well done on a well deserved win in the com-petitive 1600 class. Their winning time was 6:51: 17. Larry Folsum rolled on the first lap and lost some precious time and had to settle for second with a time of 6:54:17. Class 8 lined up next with five cars and it was Chris German who was running such a good pace and kept the Jeep out front that he solo'd the entire race and didn't let his dad do any of the driving. Chris finished the race with a time of 6: 18:29. Jim Cope ran strong for second place, finishing in 7:04:09. Jim Bosman rounded out the clclsS finishers in third place with a time of 8:43:56. Sportsman Veteran class had a very large, competitive field with ten cars in the class. Ta king the early lead was Mike Johnson and Jon English by just minutes but Sam Berri obviously was giving it all he and the car had for the win, but had to settle for second in Class 1, second overall at the VORRA Top Gun. Dusty Times October 1997 they dropped out after two laps, ished in 6: 15:07 for fourth while placing seventh. Rob Parsons took Bill Manfroy and Roger Radboum over the top spot' and -held--on to_~J)laced their Ford Ranger in fifth win.the class, hav_ing very fast lap witli a· time of. 7:54:54. times and a finish time of 6: 19: 18. In Class 9, Lance Rhinehart - -Jeff Panelli had ·a good day and edged out Tom Hatch by just finished second with a time o( 0: 14: 18 for the class win. 6:29:46. Kenny Ott and Louis In Sportsman Novice, Joe Gur~ Lazenby overcame some down ney was the sole finisher in front time on· the second lap and fin-of the four car field, taking the ished in 6:52:11 for third place. Gurney Family Teams long Hooter Meyer and Larry Naso awaited first ever first place vie-worked hard and finished in tory. fourth in 7:09:45. Randy Miller In the Pilot class, Andy Wald and Nicole Ruff rounded out the was the only finisher in the re-finishers in fifth and sixth respec- quired 1 lap distance with a time tively. of 2:26:30. Class 7 had its biggest entry yet All in all, it was a good race to date with six trucks taking the with no formal protests filed, so green and an amazing five finish-that must mean that everybody ing the race. Taking top honors drove a clean race or is just keep-was Mike Koenig in his Toyota ing to themselves about it. The with a time of 5:04:56,for the re- highway crossing that was a big quired two lap distance. Andy concern of the BLM and VORRA Mcbride debuted his Toyota0for a went very well and the BLM said very respectful second in just there were no problems, so we can 5: 12:38. Fred Calosso plqced his look forward to another Top Gun Ford Ranger in third with a time 250, which turned out to be the of 5:45:44. Doug Seymour fin- 300, or a Top Gun 400 in 1998. • .Largest Selection 8fladends& ,, Spherical Bearings t;. BACKSAVER ?) . . 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FRT CONOUISTA Hovey Takes It All By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Race Photos Ron and Travis Brookshire split the driving in the Jimco, won Class 10 and missed the overall by less than a minute at the Conquista. said he'd never driven in so much a good first lap, but became ill dust. He kept getting right up on from exhaustion (many long pre-Brookshire's bumper, and as he r.ace hours working on the truck) described it, "Every time I'd suck during the second lap and pulled him up, it would get too hairy and out of the race. I'd have to let him go, with all the . In Class 100, which was next dust." Hovey had stopped for 17 to take off, Dave Collier and Ed gallons of fuel on the second lap. Fries didn't manage to get Chuck Hovey. in his Class 1 Raceco was never first on the road at the FRT Conquista, but he led almost the whole race on time and finished first overall for a great win. By the end of the third lap the through the first lap. That left frustrated Brookshire, who didn't Rick and Joey Kern, in their single stop for fuel, was still in front but seat Kernco, dueling with Rich-the persistent Hovey ran just 19 ard Burnworth in a Chenowth. seconds back, and thus was actu- Both teams ran 1835ccs. At the ally leading because he'd started end of the first lap the Kerns had 30 seconds back. Hovey wanted a minute and two seconds, but to pass him, but didn't have to, then Burnworth pushed a little and knew the smart· thing to do harder, and by the end of lap two, was just stay right with him. while they still led, their cushion Chuck Hovey played it smart at the FRT Conqui$ta just outside of Tecate, and took the overall · win in his Raceco, on a cool Sat-urday afternoon. A combination of things kept the entry low at the FRT's lone Mexican event, but the racing was a lot of fun for those who did show up. There had been two events in the same general area of Baja in the weeks just preced-ing the FRT race, and there was another one on the same week-end, also in northern Baja, which pulled more entry. And the weather, which had been wick-edly hot for over a week, fright-ened some off. Thinking it would be too hot to be comfortable, some folks stayed home, not real-izing until it was too late that the weather would break and a wel-come cloud cover would settle over the area for race day. The site for this event is a wa-ter park just on the outskirts. of T ecate. A complex of pools and slides, situated next to a restau-·rant and ·surrounded by a primi-tive camp ground makes a great setting for off-road racing. The start/finish area nestles in a bowl, so spectators get a good view of the proceedings, and that section of the course is treated like a short-course, with a series of switch-back turns, a couple of jumps and then it heads out onto the 42 mile lap again. This was a four lap race. Since there was only one en-try, the Class 10 team of Ron and Travis Brookshire was running for ¾ Rick and Joey Kern in their Kernco won Class 100 easily and finished third overall as well, only six minutes out of first overa/11 the overall win in their 1776cc powered A-armed Jimco. They had the advantage of taking the green flag first, and thus avoiding the heavy dust. Hovey, who started second in his 2735cc pow-ered conventional suspension un-limited class Raceco, ran in their dust all day. At the end of the first lap he led by just three seconds, though he was still behind the Brookshire car. Travis was driv-ing. Dave Brown ran third about a minute and a half later in a Raceco powered by 2 700ccs. And in fourth it was Brent Miller, in still another Type IV powered Raceco, this one claiming 2800ccs. At the end of the sec-ond lap though Brookshire was still in front, Hovey had increased his lead to 21 seconds. He later The Brookshires had planned had dropped to six seconds. Un-to change drivers at the end of the fortunately, what looked like an-second lap, but with Hovey so other really good race came to an close decided not to take the end when Burnworth's car gave chance. But then, as they saw that up. The Kerns went on to com-they couldn't shake him, Travis plete all four laps in good time, decided that Ron needed his and took the win, with Burnworth chance to drive, so about two recording a second place for his thirds of the way through the last two-lap drive. The Kern's third lap they made a driver change. lap was the quick one, at 49:59. Hovey went ahead, delighted to The Class 9 cars were next off get to drive in the fresh air for a the line, and Adam Pfankuch had while, and took the checkered no luck at all, losing the transmis-flag first. His fourth lap, at 43:50 sion in his Kernco on the first lap. was the fast lap of the day. The That left Dave Dietrich, in a Brookshires, still looking clean J imco, and the team of Jim and fresh, finished just 5~ seconds Zabrowski and Andy Blue, in a later. Brown completed only two Suspensions Unlimited car, to do laps, and Miller finished third. the racing. On the first lap Jody Mason had his Class 8 Zabrowski missed a turn and Ford truck at Tecate, and he had ended up parked in a giant shrub. Some friendly local folk appeared out of nowhere to help him get loose, but he lost a good 10 min-utes in the process, giving Dietrich a nice lead of 12 min-utes. Zabrowski charged hard on the second lap and caught up to within nine minutes, and then he turned the car over to Andy Blue for the last two laps. Blue re-corded the fast lap for this class, at 55:32, and brought the team up to within a minute and five sec-onds of Dietrich by the end of the third lap. On the last lap, as Blue sailed along trouble-free in Zabrowski's Jim Zabrowski and Andy Blue each drove two laps, lost lots of time in the flora but car, Dietrich ran into a big rock soldiered on to take the win in Class 9. and bent up his front end a bit, so Dave Dietrich led three of the four laps at the Conquista in his Jimco In 5-1600, Chris Andrus couldn't catch the leader, then had tranny Brent Miller in his Raceco ran as hard as he could but was only able but lost a battle with a boulder and ended up in second spot in Class problems on the last lap and ended up in second place at the FRT to grab second in Class 1, fourth overall at the Tecate race 9. Conquista. Page.32 October 1997 Dusty Times
Jody Mason runs above the rtis,rvolr, filn qU/ckly on thfl first lsp but Ray MacMIiian and Bill Powers brought th11r Scout out In Clas, 3, but Dave Brown took th• Rsc,co for s good run at T,cat, but h• had t~ub/,s snd only ao~pltJJed two of the four la~. The winged Class 11 of Phil Santos and John Cole finished t.ap 1 In Richard Burnworth made s good show of It In Class 100 for s few laps H,ctor Teran entered his Class 5 oar but we have no Information on ood time but broke a c. v. on the first turn of th• second lap. but succumbed to t!!!mlnal problems.,!.nd n,v,r complet(i(J the l'llCe. him and do not know What ut him out of the Con ulsts. Win DHn and hi• ,on Erle lild th, entire distance In 5• 1600, spilt the rJrlvlno ch<Jr,s and finished first In e111S with forty I/VI mlnut1s In hsnd. steering became rllther difficult. Deen, who had about 15 minutes The Zabrowski and Blue c am on Chris Andrus, who was hav• made it back to the finish line ing some electrkal problems. By first, taking the win by eight min• the end of tht second lap Oe~n utes. Dietrich, tired from his solo increased his lead to al:iout 25 drive, was second. minutes, and then he handed over In the 5/1600 Baja Bugs, the the driving to his son, Bric, who flrsc lap lead belonged co Win stayed in front. Andrus was mov• HOURS M·F 9:00 -6:00 Sat. 10:00 -3:00 Daily UPS Visa and Mastercard We are happy to announce our new BOO toll lrH number. (800) 656-3376 • • Use It to call and Inquire about our "Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon • Fasf-Fllllt dump cans. Both new products _can· save you. race time. Race Smad-Be Safe 103 Prost Ln. M • Chula V1111. CA 81810 • (818) 881-9171 • FAX (8~8) 881-0803 ...... ing steadily, but not catching up. Tnen Deen made it even harder, by recording the fast lap for che class, Bt 51:31 on lap four, and bringing the family car home in fim place about 45 minutes in front of second place Andrus, who had a rough last lap when he lost his second gear. In Class 3 there was only one entry, the Scout of Ray MacMillan and Bill Powers. Un• fortunately, they managed to complete only one long lap, and then didn't come around again. And the Class 11 .entry of Phil Santos and John Cole made one lap in an hour and 10 minutes, which looked pretty good for that class, They zipped through the start/finish line and took off on their second lap, only to bre k a c.v. on the first tum, That was the end of their d y, FRT CONQUISTA Those who were there were unanimous in their enjoyment of the race. All liked the course, and had a great thne, just wishing more folks had showed up to play . with them. The racing was all over by mid-afternoon, and since the sun had come out, there was plenty of time to enjoy those swimming pools and water slides after a dusty day of racing. AUOUST 9, 1997 TECATE, BAJA CALIFORNIA POSITION CAR# DRIVER/CO-DRIVER VEHICLE TIME Cla s 1 O • I & 2 seat, 1650cc &. 1776cc cars • 1 starter, 1 finisher 100 I Travis and Ron Brookshire Class t - I &. 2 seat unlimited Cars • 4 starters, 2 finishers I 2 100 103 Chuck Hovey Brent Miller Class 100 • 1 &. 2 seat cars, I 00° wheelbase • 3 staners, I finisher l Rick & Joey Kem Cla11 9 •·I & 2 aeat cart, l 600cc1 • 3 starters, 2 finishers I 2 903 909 Jim ZabrowskV Andy Blue Dave Dietrich Cius S/1600 • Baja Sup, limited to I 600cc1 • 2 entries, 2 finishers I 2 553 556 ..Overall Winner Win A Brio Deen Chrl1AndN1 Total entrltt: 15 total ftnl1htr1: I Cour11: 42 miln, 4 lapt, lllty Wathtr: warm, cloudy OCtoller1117 A-armed Jimco Raceco Raceco Kemco Suspen1ion1 Unlimited Jlmco vwau1 vwau1 2:58:40 2:S7:47u 3:22:07 3:03:46 4:00:59 4:08:02 ·3:45:53 4:31:IS DllltYTIIMI
FINKE DESERT RACE, ALICE SPRINGS, CENTRAL AUSTRALIA Simpson's Desert storm By Darryl Smith Paul Simpson suffered only one flat tire during the race and he and his Toyota Jimco were the Class 9 winner and the overall winner as well. Darrin Jocey took-the SA Enduro Class gold medal, finishing with almost a half hour in hand on the competition. Australia's best real desert race has been run and won; the twenty-second Finke Desert Race which runs from Alice Springs in the Northern Territory to the Town of Finke and then back the next day was taken out by a rookie, Paul Simpson; the form driver on the Australian Championship, won at. his first attempt on the race . Simpson had a duel with Mark Bur-rows both ways and finished some six and a half minutes ahead of Burrows. In all 29 of the 65 starters in the Auto division managed the journey down and back . The auto drivers are still striving to beat the motorcycles that also race the course . This year the bikes kept their record in tact when Stephen Greenfield on a Honda CR500 came home some nine minutes ahead of Simpson on corrected time. quickest in class and second over-all. Bob Strawbridge was next in sixth overall with Glenn Rossow close behind in seventh overall. Dion Simpson had a recurring elec-trical problem that would eventu-ally halt him in the race as well. The first day's racing saw the cars head south and Simpson was in second most of the way until his Class 1 rival Burrows had a flat tire and Simpson stormed into the lead as he reached Finke. The class was depleted somewhat as Ray Farrow, and Tony Bynes went out and then Bryan Granshaw rolled badly . Also rolling was Bob Strawbridge who couldn't right his car on his own . He eventually got going only to run out of time. At half way Simpson led Chris Sollitt, and Rossow in class. On the trip back to Alice Springs Simpson made the most of his lead spot . He suffered a flat tire that started tearing apart the car so he changed that and continued on as the lead car crossing the line as the winner . Rossow had powered back into contention taking second in class and fifth overall. Sollitt had blown both front shocks and limped in third. Class 1: A quality field of 16 open buggies fronted and Mark Burrows sent a clear message as he qualified on the pole . Slotting into second in class, third overall was Kurt Johannsen driving the ex-Poole '96 winning car . He just edged out Steve Graydon now with a trick Chev four cylinder supercharged Class 9: All eyes were on the two Simpson USA cars of Paul and son, Dion. But the entire eight car field of single seaters was impressive. After the prologue to determine starting order Paul Simpson was Dennis Imhof won Class SB with a ten minute cushion after a great run to Finke and back and finished a super ninth overall. Mark Burrows was bitten a few times by the tire bug, but he came on in to finish first in Class 1 and a great second overall. Locky Weir in his Toyota powered Southern Cross was the big winner in Class 2, and he was a fantastic third overall too! motor. Local favorite David Fellows had overheating woes . Into the race and Johannsen was out before the Rodinga checkpoint with mo-tor failure. Burrows held his lead spot until 30 kms from Finke when he suffered a flat tire . Graydon had been sitting second in class until an alternator let him down. Fellows had come up to be in third in class right behind Eric Schmid having car with self designed A-arms but the motor expired :very early. . another great drive in the VW bod-ied buggy. Local Rod Smith was de-huting a truly sensational looking On the return run Burrows led the class but Was second overall. His bad luck with tires worsened when his spare broke its mounting, and then he got a flat tire . He found one at a control but had lost any chance of regaining the lead and came into Alice Springs second overall but first in class. Warren Rossow had been climbing steadily throughout the race and he was rewarded with second in class I-HE 22nd FINKE 01::SER I HACE 199i: JUN!: /t11, 8th, 9th Alice Springs - Finke - Alice Springs Northern Territory , Australia _ No Pas Driver I Navigator Vehicle Time Overall Cl.!s.s_1 __ l_w~~gj_e_s_ 1601cc to 6fil10 cc Starters= 16 Finishers.=-2 1 1 Mark Burrows I Mick Shannon Cougar 4.09.24 2 133 2 Warren Rossow I _Donna Fortaine Buggy 5.00.58 7 161 3 Paul Way I Barry Gay Mako 5.22.31 10 140 4 Wally Bruce I Phillip Stretan Mako 5.39.44 14 148 5 Bradley & Patrick Geraghty Southern Cross 6.46.00 25 Q9-.s_$_2_Two Seater Buggies up to 1600 cc 255 1 Lachlan Weir I Patricia Hall 22~0 2 Breit Taylor/ Barry Smith 303 3 Darrell & Paul Johnson 274 4 Shirley Whatman I Julie Wallace Starters = 11 Finishers = 4 Southern Cross -4.37.04 Southern Cross 4.37.40 Bazco 5.51.24 Southern Cross 6.41.02 Class 5 A 2WD enduro up to 2000 cc . Starters = 8 Finishers = 3 3 4 16 23 597 1 Darrin Jocey-Prior / Daniel Johnson Toyota Hilux 6.22.11 19 543 2 Tom Braham/ Maurice Sacilotto Toyota Celica 6.48.1 O 27 589- 3 Trevor Flavel / Neil Brown Datsun 6.56.48 28 Cla_s_s___5_JLW_p enduro . 2001cc to 4000 cc Starters = 1 o Finishers = 6 527 1 Dennis Imhof I Andrew Mowles Toyota Hilux 5.14.47 525 2 Wayne Sanderson I Peter Hayward Toyota Hilux 5.24.38 522 3 Bruce & Alex-Muir Mitsubishi L200 6.02.49 537 .4 Allen Stay!/ Eddie Smulders Holden ute 6.27.18 577 5 Martyn & Geoff March Datsun coupe 6.39.08 Class 5 c 505 1 572 2 508 3 594 4 2WD endure over~~ Ross & Maura Watson Holden Rodeo 4.53.29 Theo Van Luenen / Steve Sauerwald Mitsubishi L200 5.33.58 Bill Montgomery I Rob Pearson Holden ute 6.23.48 Mark Sheedy I Paul Ha~mond Ford F100 6.42.15 CJ~s_I..&..e--1M..up to 6000 cc Starters = s Finishers-=--1 808 1 Bruce Garland I Harry Suzuki Holden Jackaroo 5.12.00 816 2 Glenn & Jason Wainwright Jeep ute 5.34.00 817 3 Gary Brosnan I Steve Floriani Nissan Patrol 5 57 04 Class 9 Single Sealers up to 6000 cc Starters = B Finishers = 3 901 1 923 2 925 3 Paul Simpson Jimco 4.02.47 Glenn Rossow Rivmasta 4.51.39 Chns Sollitt Rivmasta 5.49 29 Total Auto Starters= 65 Finishers = 29 Finishing Ratio = 44 % MQ\9 rcy.cleJ).iYislQfL. 4 1 Stephen Greenfield Honda CR 500 3.53.02 9 11 18 21 22 6 12 20 24 8 13 17 1 5 15 The Hofden Jackaroo V6 worked up to first in class 8 on ·the way to Finke and held the lead all the way back to Alice, eighth overall. , 21 2 Jason Hill Honda CR 500 3.59.01 1 2 3 53 3 Michael Vroom Kawasaki KX 500 4.04.06 Page 36 October 1997 l)usty Times
WalT8n Rossow in his Subaru powered buggy came through the field Brett Taylor, an _Alice resident chased first place In Class 2 all race taking a nice second place In Class 1 and was seventh overall at long, finished second in Class 2, 36 seconds In a"ears and fourth Wayne Sanderson drives the V6 Toyota from the back seat, but It race end. overall. works; he finished second In Class 58 and was 11th overall. Schmid, Fellows and Glenn Wallace all went out on the return race leaving the way open for a horde of local drivers to claim the minor placings; Paul Way third, Wally Bruce fourth and Bradley Geraghty fifth . Class 2: Much like the situation in Class 1 there were some ex-tremely quick local buggies in the 1600 class. The qualifying set the picture for the whole race with Locky Weir just edging out Brett Taylor. These two Alice Springs drivers were to duel all race long . Mick Cowie would be the third Class ·2 away in the race . However when the race commenced Cowie , would be an early casualty with · motor problems . Similarly Gary Nicolle dropped an oil line before Deep Well. By the time the cars got to Finke, Weir was leading and in fifth overall . Taylor was next back in eighth with Neil Anderson right on his tail in ninth. Heading back the next day, saw Taylor pull out · all the stops and put in section times quicker than Weir but the lead that Weir had from the day before was enough and Weir took the class vic-tory . To his credit he also placed an impressive third overall. Taylor stormed in to be next only 30 odd seconds behind. Unfortunately for Anderson he went out with a burnt out computer only four kms from the finish . Darrell Johnson who . took on the 1600 cars with his 1200 powered machine came good after a series of shock problems and placed third in class. Shirley Whatman had a flat on the jour-ney down but h_ad a good run back and took fourth in Class 2 . Class 5A: There is such a huge participation in the 2WD Tin Top group for the Finke that there are three classes . Class 5A caters for cars up to two liters. Leading the Prologue was ex buggy driver, Jon Patard, who in fact was faster than all the other Class 5s bar one, in his HiLux. The HiLux was the popular truck with both Marc Renshaw and Darrin Jocey-Prior following also in T oyotas. Sadly Patard was one of the first to retire When the racing commenced. It's. a tough course for the little trucks but· at the half way it was Jocey-Prior that had the lead over Tom Braham's Celica and Trevor Flavel's tiny Datsun mini truck . The Monday return run saw little · change in the class as they held their positions with the HiLux of Jocey-Prior taking the class win over Braham and then Flavel. Class 5B . This class was for 2WD's with motors between two ·litre and four liter. Locals and fa-vorites Bruce Muir would be quick-est qualifier in his Mitsubishi mini truck . Wayne Sanderson was next in a unique car; a HiLux dual cab with the driver in the back seat and the V6 motor in the front seat ! ! Into the race and Muir had all sorts of problems starting with a broken Dusty Times fuel tank fitting which lost most of their fuel. A flat tire later put them way down the order. When the group reached the tiny town of Finke it was Dennis Imhof who had come through the pack to lead in his neat HiLux . Bryan Cartwright DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greates! name In driver safety equipment. • 4-polntsandrallseatbelt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS • 2"-5polntmount : ........ $79.95 3"-5polntmount .' ........ $99.95 . SIDE COVERS . IRS •.............. ...... $54.95 Swing axle .... ·: ......... $54.95 KENNEDY· PRESSURE PLATES 200mm:1700# ............ $79.95 200mm-up to 3000# .•...... $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks .......... ..... $39.95 4 puc ferramlc .... . , ...... $44.95 4 puc ferramlc with spring hub ....• . ........................ $54.95 was next in his Nissan Lite with Sanderson third in class and within the top 20 overall Imhof stretched his lead on the return run and easily took the class win and placed a creditable ninth overall. With Cartwright out Sanderson powered on to second in class with Muir charging back to grab third in class after returning some 45 minutes quicker than his southbound journey. Allen Stayt in the gas powered Holden Lite grabbed fourth, with Martyn March in the Datsun coupe taking fifth . Class 5C: The 2WD's with mo-tors over four liter comprised this class which seemed it would be dominated by Richard Bennett's Chevy Thunder Truck. It was quickest in Prologue taking fifth GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACt<. BIiiet housing, 11/, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .......... ........ $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges .ea $15.9':i Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star ................... call ti "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8"travel-stockwidth .... $199.95 8" travel-widened beam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width ... . $224.95 10• travel-widened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-111/, • chrome .... . . ... $ 98.95 T-111/, • raw ....... ... .. $ 65.95 T-115/8" chrome ........ $105.95 T-11518" raw ........ ~ .. $ 72.95 T-4chrome ......... · .... $189.95 T-4raw .......... ....... $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS.: .. ... ....... $8.50 specify M.lG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, ut/1/zes T-1 alternator, Includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I .................. . $489.95 MK/I ..... . . • .•••...... $589.95 -PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Repla·cementslave ... ... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The tout,hest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion .$269.9,5 Mount plate ............ $ 9.95 Coupler .......... ...... $ 8 .. 95 Rack steering stops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "nD leak" style fits 1. 7, 1.8, and2.0 .............. . pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin . . . ...... · ... 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 1¼"longer .......... pr.$474.00 211, • longer .......... pr. $499.00 4• longer-coll over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. · (specify Ford or International) set ... .. ... ................... $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARM§ 3• X 3•: ............... $4·35.0Q 1·21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG .. ... ........ US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11.324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA _90670 31.0-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 October 1997 Page 37
Theo Van Luenen was the second place finisher in Class 5C, running hard in the Turbo Mitsubishi and having a great race. Glenn and Jason Wainwright ran second in Class B most of the race Glenn-Rossow ran third in Class 9 at halfway and ended up second at and there they finished in the big Jeep VB 4x4. the ch~kered flag, fifth overall in the Subaru powered Rivmasta. overall too. Next some 20 places away was Theo Van Leunen's Mit-subishi turbo light truck. Ross Watson had a big off and was back in third in the Holden Rodeo. This was to be yet another class that lost its fastest early as Bennett was gone before Deep Well ( the first check-point) with a split oil line. The at-trition spread thrqugh the class with Alan Dobbs out with steering fail-ure, and the girls in the big Chev driven by Yvonne Johnston having more than their share of flat tires. Into Finke at halfway and Watson led and had moved to 10th overall. Following were Van Leunen (de-spite a flat tire) and Mark Sheedy in the Ford FlO0. Despite this be-ing his first race at Finke, Watson was handling the track well and on the run home picked up the pace to come in a confident class win-ner . He also took sixth overall to be first tin top home. Van Leunen came in next minus the side of his tray and Bill Montgomery had moved into third in the Holden Lite after Sheedy rolled . Sheedy did Ross and Maura Watson took the Holden Rodeo VB for its maiden voyage in '97, won Class 5C easily and recorded a marvy sixth overall for good measure. however eventually make it in for fourth. Class 7 & 8: Sadly only a small field of 4x4s . Bruce Garland how-ever would guarantee plenty of ac-tion in the Holden J ackaroo. He was quickest in Prologue over Glenn Wainwright's Jeep V8. The Police T earn Toyota Landcruiser suffered motor damage and sadly didn't start. Into the race and Gar-land pulled away and up the field, his only incident was hitting a hole very hard; so hard it knocked the coil lead off. Finke driver Bill South had entered a Range Rover but didn't make it to his home town. The order at Finke read Garland, Wainwright, and Gary Brosnan in Alice resident Stephen Greenfield literally flew the big Honda to Finke and back, covering the entire course under lour hours for a fantastic ride. the VS Nissan Patrol Lite. On the return run the next day nothing much changed and Garland took first in class and eighth overall . Wainwright came in next with Brosnan following . Congratulations must go to the Outback Desert Racing Club for organizing one sensational event . The hospitality shown was second to none and it is no secret that the organizers would like to see some USA or indeed any foreign teams try and fit this race into their 1998 schedule . As said this is a true desert race boasting some of the best racing conditions as well as a · friendly atmosphere, I for one had the best time for many a race. HONDA Power · Equipment l<AWAG UCHI HONDA CORP. POWER TO_~D Racer and Spectator Discounts •GENERATORS •WELDERS •GENERAL PURPOSE ENGINES • WATER PUMPS •OUTBOARD ENGINES • LAWNMOWERS • LAWN TRACTORS • RIDING MOWERS •TILLERS CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT PARTS AND INVENTORY -IF WE DoN'T HA VE Ir, No ONE Doest DEUVERY TO TiiE RACFS AVAIi.ABLE • PLEAsE CAIL AliEAo KAWAGUCHI HONDA 3532E.3RoS-CLai.AN:iEu:s,CA9CXJ63•213.264.3936, 264.SSSS FAX 264.2136 • VISA : s A L E s ' s E R V I C E ' p A R T s . . ' . . EX1000 '_HONDA Power .... ....i............ '.Ill HoNDA PowER EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST Nothingseasier. Equipment ~. f or opttn:um pi.·~or.n.inc-c-and ~t>ty. pl~.ts.< lr-:id L~t" 0\\1lc"r·s ni.u,ual b..·for" o~r:iti.ng your Hond:i Po,.1.-c"r Equipm"nl. SP"cilk;1t1on:i1 subJet"t to ch.u~~<" 1,1,iL'iout noth.'"· "E:Hhn.lt<" only b:i~c"d on r.litt"d load. •Battc"ry m:it u11:ludc"d "-1th E~1J5v0SXKI. E'.\.150005.XKI and E805005.X. +.Wilh bJae-r'\· tr.w kit. whc"t<ls ~'< h.\.""ll{c"r. Conn~Uon to hou5t" powc-r requlre-s tr.msfor dc"\itt" to ,woi,! po:ssiblt" lnju:-y to powc-r romp"'ny pc:rsonnd. Consult 3 qu.il!Oc"d c-lC'CUi,;i;Jn. · · · Page 38 October 1997 Dusty Times
MCMUiiin Wins' Night Owl By Jimmie Messick Photos: Carrera Photography Steve McMullin and Tommy Craig were the Class 10 winners and the overall as well at the Night Owl,' covering all eight laps in just over four hours. The M.O.R.E. Night Owl, 250, running in the Lucerne Valley on the last weekend in July was not the most popular race of the sea-son as far as number of entries was concerned, but the racing was good and everyone that raced the Night Owl was glad they had come. The overall winner of the Night Owl was a Class 10 car, no, not the usual winner but Steve Mc-Mullin and Tommy Craig who took home all the marbles for the class win and of course, the over-all too! They ran their eight laps in 4:04.50, averaging just under 57 miles per hour and that is ha_ulin'. They were really thrilled with the win as this was only the second race in the brand new car. Kevin McGillivray led the first four laps but transmission prob-lems took the wind out of his sails and they never finished lap five. Class 1/2-1600 had a great battle going for almost the entire race with Andy Lindquist and Jeff Stafford leading for the first three laps on time, setting fast lap for the class on lap two, turned the car over to tbe co-drivers, rolled the car real hard in the dark on lap 6 and that was the end of their night. Mike Danley and Brad Inch were going at it hammer and tong, fighting for the second ·spot in class and they ended the .night with Danley in second and Inch taking third place, four minutes behind. Meanwhile, Mike Malloy was running his own race and he· was well out in front of the other class battles and he took the class win with ease, finishing with ten minutes in hand in a great solo · drive at the Night Owl. Class 9 had a great race also, Sandy Parker taking the lead on the first lap, but slipping to sec-ond on the next lap and Sandy · continued to lose a few seconds each lap to the leader, suffering a flat tire but still finished a great second in class, not too far out of the gold m_edal. Darrin McGuffin took the Class 9 win, co-driving with Brian Jeffrey, setting fast lap for the class and taking a nice win. Third place went to Robby Dusty Times Chip Davis was the only 5-1600 entry so he just cruised around the course for six laps and then was seen no more at the M.O.R.E. Night Owl. • McKENZJE"S AIR FILTERS • KIN • UNI-FILTERS e PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS YOUR OFF-RO/lD ~ SPECl/ll/STS! ! PHONE:{714) 441-1212 FAX:{714) 441-162,' ~ 2366 E. ORANGETKlAPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 9280( • DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME ~ i 4-SPYDER SUPER DIFFS Tl IRS ffi The Cast Diff is /Jack! I ::? • Made from ductile iron. • Utilizes 4-Spiders for added strength. ! This 4-Spyder Super Diff comes suppplied f with precision-ground pins and block. MCK-0265 Creaf/y Reduced Price! 091 BILLET RACE DIFF Made from 4140 Chromoly. . Supplied with Billet Cover, pins and block. MCK-0101-1 T21RS All New to the industry! Economica/lY Priced! 0 % • Ultimate strength/ • Made from ductile iron. ~ g :i: • Available in 3 different configuratio'ns. ~ 002 CAST 4-SPYOER OIFF MCK-0114-0Q2-15 Fa-10-Tocfl~ MCK-0014-0Q2-17 Fa 11-TocflSp)<EIS 091 CAST 4-SPYOER OIFF MCK-0114-391 Supplied witli pins and block. 091 BILLET COVER MCK-0102 Made from 4140 9hromoly. C ' ~ ~ ~ ._ ____________________ .... ___ ...., ......... S1"1PSON. BEARD SEATS• IPF •KC• CIDIELIGHTS • 8UGP4CK • ~~DUNE Oil• FUELSAFE • OEM e SWAYA·WAV • <.::&!:i October 1997 Mike Malloy took the 1600 class le§id on the fourth lap and he continued to fead to the checkers, about ten minutes ahead of his competition. Class 9 belonged to Darrin McGuffin, taking the class lead on lap 2 and holding off the challengers and had four minutes in hand at the end. Cockrell who got off to a slow sound mind and body just cruised start but carried on through the around the course, but still had a night and took a nice third in class · problem and dropped out on lap while John Copeland finished 7, but being the only entrant had fourth. Bob Proctor hit a phone the win in hand. booth? Out in the middle of no- Last, but far from least was the where, rolled the car and was fin-Ford Ranger of Stacy Fay who ished for the night, Messick blew turned some nicely consistent the motor on lap 6 and Barry lost times for the first four laps,, had the tranny on the second lap and some problems on lap 5 and called did not finish the race. it quits on lap 6, finished for the There was only one 5-1600 en-night. try, Chip Davis, who, being of · Valley Performance Custom Accessories Competitive Prices Now Available Barbary Coast Class 2 Two Seater $45,000 . . Call Dave or Lenny at 702-247-1266 3636 Mead Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-247-1266 Page 39
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Chassis And Suspension For Racing And Recr_eation MIKE MONOHAN 1320 N. Miller St. #B Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 524-1050 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road fabrication & Accessories Export & lnt'I S,1les Rae~ Car Preparation Consulting & Management !040 S. i\•lain StJ'Fallbrook. CJ\ ~?.o~~ I, (760) 723-2117 F.'\X (760) 723-9',13.43 .------------------------.( -'R~Zi'~ BATTERIES FOR ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD NEEDS HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY P.O. BOX 306 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 (714) 969-6820 E-MAIL: CARRERAPHOTO@MINDSPRING.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CARRERAPHOTO.COM 8" · 9" • 1 0" · 13" · 15" · 16" , 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ [P(Q) [f{[(o/l@<t: 1K SIMULATED BEADLDCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. BATTERY SALES UNLIMITED Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets 651 East Alosta Avenue/ Glencfora, CA 91740 BDR McKenzies . (818) 914-3717 / FAX (818) 914-2121 714 650-4566 714 441-1212 .l1' ~--FRESNO. CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 FAX (209) 276-2365 ,_ ________________ __J~-==---.L!-~~ ■ aJax AUTO WRECKERS, INC. COMPUTER PARTS LOCATOR NATIONWIDE 84-851 AVENUE 48 COACHELLA, CA 92236 (619) 398-0147, 345-3353 JOHN KEARNEY 1-800-606-6043 SECRETARY/TREASURER FAX (619) 398-0596 ENGINEERED FUEL CELLS • Lightweight and Rugged •Complete Fuel Scavenging •Standard Sizes, 8 to 44 gallons •SODA and SCORE approved Leaders in Custom Fuel Cell Design and Fabrication. .A-I *I ■ RACING FUEL CELLS 800-526-5330 RAMSEY, NJ USA • _,.,...._'1_~-~WY /,,_ ...... .,. ,, e, ''fqa, ,. . .'3/ , Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages . John Ehmke 10996.N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 •-· -.1-: ~,, .' ' ,,;;;:,::.:;;::!.iiiilf:C, 2" Sport-Comp & Ultra-Lite Gauges • Check our Web Site @ www.autometer.com •~ (815) 895-8141 M·F 8-5 CDT • _send S4.00 For Complete 1997 Catalog (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 [11,Auta Yllt~ll.t: Auto Meter Products, Inc. • 413 W. Elm St. • Sycamore, IL 60178 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS • HARNESS PADS AJ.L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SU.PER SEATS'' ED. & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 OFF ROAD CERS ! "Nobody Beats Our Quality or Prices" IPROSURO.I Wide Assortment of Colors and Sizes -CUSTOM SUITS -In-Store Measurements ( l O DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE) -1~!,!!!s I ldkaRegft1eredT1odemo1•olBe11Spaiis,l111 LARGE SELECTION Suits and Helmets, Crew Shirts In-Stock We also carry o full selection of • Standard & Custom Harnesses • Fuel Cells • • Fire Systems • Shoes·• Gloves • Lankershim & l·S 9017 Son Fernando Rood, Sun Valley, CA 91352 {818) 768-7770 Fax (818) 768-1840 BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines · and other applications 602-437-3:11)7 Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 Cus·tom V~hicle Shifter . • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Oies □CNC:J' Ma",fodu,eool ~ : Bmke o"d _tt,t,h Pedal AH) Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staaing Brakes Hydraulic Thro~s Throttle Pedals CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena .. vd. San Diego, CA.'9211'1 O (619) 275-1663 . Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS'• r-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree, Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d31, (llJU-~~-Parts, Equipm~nt, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Driv~ 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd.• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 i0RACING ltE ~ GASOLINE LEADED 110,114,118 OCTANE CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, NTA FE SPRINGS, CA
CPC Cadmium-Chrome-Gold t,. nodize-Electroless Nie k!e Aluminum me Casting Home of f .O.A. Racing Tieman Connector Plating Corp. 327 W 132nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90061 310-323-1622 • 310-323-1749 Fax 310-323-i 517 Ask For Mike DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Paul Ortiz 2 I 540 Vine Street Wildomar, CA 92595 Santa Bareara, CA 9$111 • Specializing in Custom Roll Cages • Welding/Fabrication • Tube Bending • Off Road Suspension (909) 471-0692 l>ONIJf,fOE ~~.&IN4 • RAcE TRUCKS • RACE PREP • PRERUNNERS • CONSUL TING • DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISES • RACE SHOCKS • FULL FABRICATION SERVICE f<REG Dot-wiOE 0wNER Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.1:>.S. 2831 EAsr WHITE STAR UNIT H A~ElM, CA 92806 ·•1,; PHONE (714) 632·3033 · , FAX (714)-632·3835 4.·Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing ED.DCO Wheel Co. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K& L Santee, CA 92701 619-258-t~7!i re= ES.;;;_7,:t/~ER 5') ~-ENGINEERING FORD RACING PARTS; 8.AN6ER 2.3 OVER3000TOP QUALITY SPEED PINTO 2.0 PARTS IN STOCK. STOCK ·2.3 80P6.CATAL06 PHONE (818) 444-4919 1438 POTRERO FAX (818) 444-3046 SO. E.1..M_ON"fE., CA. E-ZUP-INSTANT ~~~ ~ SHELTERS .• ...~ ... ~116111~\ FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 PRE-RUNNER SPECIALIST • l}UMPERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LOWERING KITS • DUALLYS AIR ~AG SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & DISPI.AYS • ATV FA6 WORK EXPERT IN5TALLATION & FA6RICATION AVAILA6LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS i. BEOSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 4010 N. PALM STREET. UNIT 103 (714) 8'70-9.422 RACE TRUCK ENGINEERING/DEVELOPMENT CHARLIE FOREMAN 3438 LOCKWOOD DR. SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 467-9211 FULLERTON. CA. 92635 FAX (714) 870-9132 , FBI Fuel Systems Fuel Tanks: 5 to 40 Gal in stock Fuel Bladders: Alcohol or gasoline Accessories: Plates, Caps, Foam, etc. USAC-SCCA-SCORE-etc, APPROVED Jim & LC Charlesworth (619) 669-4727 3006 Colina Verde Lane Fuel Bladders, Inc. 4231 Spencer Street Torrance, CA 90503 310-542-~835 phone Jamul, California 91935 Doug Fortin 310-542-3836 fax 6 'RACING ~. Fl/El.:• ..... FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd carton, CA 90746 Phone: (310)603-2200. FAX: (310) 603-2!!S7' ·tpuow .1ad oo··sz;~r(.p.1aw a.1e 9PV A.10:a:,;>.1Ja JJOlS poon •uawo:asn, Ai\au ,pea.1 pue .. A ll0.1.33:lllO !{!{(US aoon .. aq:a UJ p.1e:> H.lUJSnq .1noA l"d ·news .10 IJq •s.au,snq .1noA :anoqe :ano p.10M aq:a la!) OTORSPORTS, k l'OP ALL YOUR l\RAn<KT. un:TY • l'UEL CELL. AND SUSPEKSIOH n:~os CJlLL roR A CA!rALOG " TOLL FREE: 1-800·528-2059 ff CII UN[: 1-602·264·7646 3719 N. 32nd AVE PllOf.NIX. A? 85017 ~1fsystems~ BY RAFFO RACING LTD. 810A S. ARTHUR AVE. ARLINGTON HTS .. IL 60005 PHONE:,(8◄1) 269-3810 FAX:1 (841) 2h9 9 /0t, THE BEST AIR SYSTEMS IN RACING YOU CAN BUY! NOW YOU CAN GEl'TRE RACING GfABS THE WINNEIS ARE USING ll"IA FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (:\ l•l\ NI-~~'~· t<°"" (II Ill\ l<J.;.11i .ih I THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set ' by ~:=•tio~~ !:.~-= . II· Alrcr1tt ll1bller 11Hal1ctari•1, t•c. '~-. 18062 Redondo Circle. Huntington Beach. CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (714) 842-2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 • Off Road Style Fiberglass Fenders Graphite/ Cabon A & D Services 1 · Custom Fiberglass Fobrlcatlon 15341 Pipelinr Lanr #8 ', Huntington Beach .. C . .\ 92649 I ~ :1111 GlASSU.JORKS Unlimited (714) 903-5644 4-oa_355_g7001 _
~HONDA \7§¾i•t·f PERSONAL WATERCRAFT JET BOATS l I BILLY ROBERTSON (818) 766-6134 (213) 877-7272 BILL ROBERTSON & SONS, INC. 5626 TUJUNGA AVE. FAX (818) 766-9397 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. 91601 9S80 Nillvale In. Lakeside ca s,20•0 tfil9J 5&1-77&4 Pager 40&-2550 Specializing in high per#or,nance Power Steering #or Racing Magna'1ux ins,:,ec~ion a'llailable [JAMES GA-NG -f RACING PRODUCTS . ARLINQTON SHEET METAL CORP. ' U+l◄ Imperial Hwy. • Sana F1: Sprinp • C/. 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax {310) 926-0699 Owner James Hall JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner· Desert, Short Course & Street VW_ Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JtMCO 10965 HARTLEY RD. ~UITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 (714) i-332-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PR~PARATION (619) 562-1743 MIKE JULSON V-111& MIC bl ...... --■---Gauge Antm •• ~acer Discounts 809-F N . Lakeview Ave • Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fax 714-779-2316 · RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER PREP & FABRICATION £:~• CUSTOM TRAILERS Russ Jones Motorsports CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 (805) 238-573 t l -~ - ----'!8!'= ---= ~ -----=------KARIS COMl\!UNICATIONS, INC 3463 \1ass1llon Road, Suue B Un1on1own, Ohio ➔➔685 Athene Karil" -330-699-1777 Fax 330-699-1771 HONDA Power Equipment . OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E ~HERING Thomas E. Lee ART 1<AWAGUCHI FAX (213) 2~4-2136 (ZlJ) l64-!SSS8 LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818)- 768--0371 A full line of Power Staring gears, pumps and accessories for Any type af racing. Magnaflux apd Zyglo facilities available. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 818-857-.RACE 818-852-8852F AX KENT LOTHRINGER · LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING MAGNAFLUX Service Suspension Transmission Engine QUALITY RACE CAR CRACK CHECKING DONE BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW RACING 818-857-7223 Perfut;,ic1NG. ENGINES .Assembly-MachlneWork,Parts , Engine Dyno Facility 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C Santee. CA 92071 619-596-0886 619-596-0625FAX KenM~oi' PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orn.ngethorpc Ave:. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel ('714) 44l-12f2 Fax(7l{l 441-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissioos Parts & Service 290 TRO[SD..\LE #I&J cm;LA VI_STA CA 91910 Ql9-69 l -l 000 FA .. X 619-691-1324 MESSICK RACING PHOTOS ,. ETAL SPINNING : P'OR ALL INDU~T~lr!~. CALL 562-928-9838 FAX 562-928-0778 SUNDRY ME,TAL CRAFTS ' =~~ RED TUBE ~ ill I I ' ; =LANGED DISC 6729 Suva St. Bell Gardens, CA 90201 ACCOUNTING· INCOME T A X -CONSULTING IRS REPRESENTATION MILLER & CANNON Certified Public Accountant SHl!:AY~ CANNON. CPA OWNER 2110 5. GL.IENOOAA Ave:. SUITE 201 (818) 91,9-1011 VJE•T COVINA, CA 91790 P°AJl (1118) 919-021 I
805-940-5515 Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication Bu887 . S1111pplly 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85365 . '602) 783-6265 • 1 (800)231-8158 · ORC Race Radios Fax: (602) 437-1306 4107 E. Winslow #D Phoenix, AZ 85040 Paul Sigmundson Office: (602) 437-8164 Mobile: (602) 377-1983 OFF ROAD CHASSIS {i) • • (j "fl'-"ee>'t>lfj• B UENA PARK, CALIFORNIA C.omplete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE • WELC::11'G & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 761-9460 OFF-ROAD TRUCK FIBERGLASS -25 Years in the Fiberglass Business -Builder of 16 Factory Team Truck Bodies -Custom Molds and Repairs Trailer Products Inc. 1121 N. Buena Vista Hemet, Calif 92543 . Ph:909-654-7334 (909) 360-5906 FAX (909) 360-0436 ,FR· PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 10427 San Sevaine Way., Ste. L Mira Loma, California 91752 HAROLD NICKS :!Ji!: ,~W{g3(QJ'1(rr=3@7f I SAFEn' EQUIPMENT MAXON, MOTOROlA, ROAOMASTER, VERTEX R40IOS BELL, SHOEI, SIMPSON HELMETS IN STOCK WIRiNG FOR RADIO &/OR INTERCOM STIU. ONLY S 12';. 2888 GUNDR~ AVE. SIGNAl Hill, CA 90806 310-427-8177 f 800-869-5636 Jerry Penhall 714 • 650 • 3035 Fax 714 • 650 • 4721 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B A High Perform:u,-ce \ .8 R:tcc Truck Series "Tbe True Drirer's Class" Tel. 619.449.6252 Fax 619.449.64-o 9.119 Ahraham \\av. See. B Santee. CA 92071-2584 10-l0 South Main Street. Fallbrook. CA 92028 I',\\: 760-72.1-2117 F-~l.\11. hajara,e ,itth.cnm PIIONI: 760-7~3-2I 17 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 1 '-PORSCHE G50 31CN'1H NVO noA NVHl SS3NISn8 3HOW 3AVH ACV3H1V noA 3SnV038 SI S3Wl.l A.lSna NI ~NISllH3ACV .-=-.lo=-,N,....,.....,..,1::1-=o ...... ::I NOSV31::1 A 1NO 3H.l ......----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.-Fraley s Pc-rfomiance , Enginee.ring * All Type• of Steel fJ Aluminum Fabrication • Tube Beadine * Aluminma U StNl W.ldinc * Custom Machine WOl'k * All Types ol Race Cars 5831 W. Flamia10 Rel. Lu Vepa, NV 8910:J Bruce Fraley (70%)3-.S-94tH tl'ARACING Y.f61GASOLINE "100. 110 114 118'' rnell1anol & n1tro Steve Poole C.L. Bryant, Inc. 13415 Carmenita Rd. Sante Fe Springs. CA 90670 Office (310) 802-8913 fax (310) 802-0274 • Commercial Fuels & Lubes • High Performance Lubes • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Technical Assistance • Fuel & Lubes Handling Equip. ~\lt> stul) -? .. _ ~ --v.; ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1ion I/lay, /,/d, 1 -800-929-4360 '• RACESHOCK R).VRACINCI 'J'\...BHOCKB OFF-ROAD BOGART''-. ;e._,7"""4 , • Off-road products and services for recreational and racing applications • Shock services for rebuilding and application assistance • Sales of new & pre-owned suspension components • We take trade-ins LEE FINKE 1711 WEST CULVER #1 PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 ·R OCX.--RoL L ~(C[E !p>IH](OiJ'(O) •1F YOU'U. SHOW OFF ... ••• WE'U. SHOW lP'I {714) 722-0491 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 MOBILE: (602) 376-0944 MIKE INGALSBEE PO BOX 2696 COSTA MESA, CA. 92628 RACING TRANSAXLES . 1700 EA$T ·'AAlN :;r. l:l CAJON. CA ~2021 S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" fll. 700 N.E. 117th Strut " ~ Vancouver, WA 986&S.$ HCR66, BOX 11030 ;ot.a ;:> PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 Phone "'1.r/O & ~'1f, Fax ' (702) 372-5335. 360-574-5474 n 360••516-1109 -1-'------------------1
TIM CECIL 849 Lambert • Brea, CA 92621 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 672-9246 JOB SITE SIGNS • BANNERS • IWWOW LmEAll,G • C,\R LETTERING • GRAPHICS SGUEAK & MARGIE COATS 5101 Gai·.vay C,rc!e • Hunt:ngto1 Beach CA 92649 (714) 897-0075 • F2, (7141 594.9557 j ~ s~~-z~ '8dt"Ptato &~to'kli# e'®NH, ~ 6 !9-347-5052 45-410#/0~·St. '7#40, t3A 9220 ! 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 j ~~~o (213)583-2404 I:?<?.~ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. ()()lj/ METAL PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Srr.itti El Centro, CA ................... 800-989-4645 El Cajon, CA .............. , ....... 800-458-2711 Indio, CA ................................. 800-989-3278 Las Vegas, NV .................... 702-643-9200 ;Long Beach, CA ................ 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA ........................... . 805-485-6900 Perris, CA ............................ 800-969-3835 Van Nuys, CA ...................... 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA ................... 909-877-0226 All Other Inquiries, contact Sports Racing at P.O. Box 610, Long Beach, CA 90801 800-836-5355 ~ EVERY RACE. EVERY TRACK. EVERY LAP. -;~IMPSON RACE PRODUCTS. _____ .. -· • DRIVING SUITS • DRIVING SHOES ~ ' TO OROER YOUR NEW • DRIVING GLOVES ~''' FULL COLOR, 6OPAGE CATALOG• RESTRAINT SYSTEMS , _•__J' • ' . CALL 1·800·654-7223 • HELMETS-DRIVING & MOTORCYCLE • CREW UNIFORMS & WRENCHERS PRODUCTS \ · . • ACCESSORIES 241SAMSLERS1. 10RRANCE CA 90505 r£L 1310/3201231 FAX 1310/320·1179 SO. CALIFORNIA BUMPSHOP PRE-RUNNERS, CHASE-TRUCKS, STREET TRUCKS & CARS BAJA-BUGS, DUNE-BUGS, VW AND MORE ROLL-OARS, BUMPERS, SHOCK-HOOPS LIFfS & LOWERS. ROOF-RACKS, WELDING CUSTOM-SUSPENSION, FABRICATION AND MORE 1 733 W. PACIFIC COAST HWY HARBOR CITY. CA 90710 (310) 513-1805 ~-DoN STEVES CHEVROLEl ,._,."!fi'i:-4___,__, ,.~;~ -~ ': • w~_,., • --.!'..:i....:.J!-~IITI ... -~ ... ~~ .. ~~~--s.-:;~....__~~ ~;-----!:a(r, ••• ,:;,T .. .,, (!c.te, ASK FOR TUCKER Motorsports Director Sales & leasing Whittier Blvd. al Harbor La Habra, California 90631 (310) 691-6704 (714)521-1102 Fax (310) 691-9396 Custom Preparation & Fabrication Race Trucks • Buggies · Pre-Runners (619) 449-9728 FAX (619) 449-2678 9419 Abraham Way, Suite "A", Santee, CA 92071 Trackside Photo Off-road race photography since 1970 Fidel Gonzales 805-578-34 70 P.O. Box 747. Moorpark, CA 93020 Ill/CE Tl(ANS BY JEFF FIELD'S TRfiNSflXLE ENGINEE~NG JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST Special/zing In High Pert. Transaidss • vw • PORSCHE • Off ROAD ratJ5•~ ac1 · USTOM EARBOX UILDING ce or P/11 , WERACE WHAT WE Sal. Paul Smiley • Salton City, CA , (619) 394-0039. 1-- \ n Q ... . . :-:=::{it:~.-.-:-:-:•.·. acing 11a~oline_._.::::::~:;~;~j~~;:=11~ r::r :r:1::;;:::t1~~~~:Jt1~t;;11,t:::1 ¾=::ii::11 ----------=nl ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING · 31510 223rd street East Llano, CA 93544 805-261-3202 OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WELDING • FABRICATOV • FLAM£WT71NG • FFDVTEIJDS • REAR TRAILING ARMS RACEOIASSIS • PRERUNt-.ERS • FOXRAONGSHOX LARRY ROSEVEAR 134.5DYNAMICS. UN/TD ANAHEIM, CA 92806 PHONE {714} 996-6260 FAX {714} 996-6405 TOTALLY TRUCKS Inc. Off Road and Street Truck After Market Parts, Access?ries, Installation a11d Complete Custom Audio -netf rech · 3520 East Charleston Blvd. f Las Vegas, Nevada (702) 457-2809 'Rof'CJ,o • D LJft • Supei: Ro Corr1( • l(oil Mo~ter U!ff":(fec ·ff • MsP gr,,ift~ A. ifo Mefef l(&N•....-.:.-:.-.·.::. ·:::· · CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION . :-:-:-:•:•.-:::::;:: .. ::•·-·.·.·.·.· For information and a distributor nrar you, call . -.-:::::: . . . . . . 1~800-444-1449 .. ... ·_-:::~:::-So. Cal. Distributors• ('310) 928•2i-8 Lyn. Goruon. or ~like 619/449-9690 UNIQUE MET AL PROOUCTS 10729 WHEATLANDS AVENUE SUITE A SANTEE, CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES ·vF RACING,& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHO? (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.)
BRUCE HENDEL Regional Manager VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Boi;c: 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 RACE CARS BAJA BUGS DUNE BUGS V.W & PORSCHE FOREIGN CARS NISSAN & TOYOTA Off Raad Race Truchs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication 702-871-1661 Dale White Racing • Transmissions • Parts and Service • Complete Welding : 3940 Maranatha Circle Lorenzo Rodriguez . I Las Vegas. NV B9103 4------------------~-------, • 515 So. Vermont, Glendora, CA 91740 • (818) 914-8147 ... ! _________ ...,... ______ -===--==-=-=-;;;;;-=====--LAURIE DUNLAP VICE PRESIDENT 1 81 5 MASSACHUSETTS AVE RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 USA 909-369-5 144 FAX 909-369-7266 Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service 535 East ~,.,,♦,:J/ Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 Off Road Products Front and Rear Tra~ing .Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, N. 85017 Jack Woods (6021 242-0077 Classified .•. FOR SALE: 1-1600 suspensions unlimited front and rear. Current points contender with SCORE. Tool racing motor, Carters gear box trans, all the best parts. Some-spares, call Pat days (909) 866-4686 nights (909) 585-8939 $8,500.00 obo. GET SPONSORS!! Learn to Raise funds for Racing. Find out what corporate marketing manag-ers Look For! Info on major spon-sorship programs, sample propos-als, everything you need to retain national and regional sponsors. What you learn -could be worth $1000s. For a complete kit., send check for $24.95 to TM Media 10065 Pico Vista Rd. Downey CA 90240. '.•. ;•;,.0r,,, FOR SALE: Mid engine sand car, 200 hp Turbo charged Pinto en-gine - Turning brks, rev limiter chrome A-arm suspension, Hy-draulic controls, current tags or car & trailer $8,500.00 (760) 342-1946. FOR SALE: FAT Performance Class 10 Rabbit motor complete $2,000.00. ALSO DG300 5-speed Hewland Race trans. Best of ev-erything-gear for Type 4 motor. Built by Jeff Field. $5,000.00 TOYOTA Xtra Cab 4WD: (909} 652-6589 or 927-4259. Downey Long Travel front Sus-FOR SALE: 1996 Ford Ranger pension, Kuster Front Shocks, Built by Johnny Greaves. All the Downey Leafs under the axle, Fox Good stuff!! $9,000.0026' Enclosed Shocks in Rear, 22 Gallon Fuel SS Trailer, Inside finished profes- Cell, Fresh Clutch, Tie Rods, Pit-man Arm, Idler Arm, New Wa-sionally with Benches and lights, ter Pump, Timing Belt, Head Gas-$7 ,000.00 Call Jon (4 l4} 788-3360· ket at 55,000 miles. BFG Mudders FOR SALE: 1993 Class 1/2-1600 on American Wheels. Fiberglass : res oyota Raceco 2 seater. 1995 SCORE 3rd front and Rear with new Paint. 4AG, New WR trans with slip-FOR SALE: Skillcraft shell for Toyota Extra-Cab 1989 to 1995-ALSO: Hood Front fenders, Bed sides and tailgate for 1992 Toyota Extra cab 4wd truck. $550.00 for shell $500.00 for parts. (714) 493-3385. Place. All the good stuff: Fox, This truck will make a great pre/ pers, Kennedy clutch plate, FTC FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat. FOR SALE: MOTORS-(2) Wright, Beards, Deist, VDO, Run/support/Daily Driver Ve- gears, new panels, Woods arms, Never an DNF! Fresh transmis-Toyota 2Tc 1650cc VERY FAST. Parker Pumper, PCI Radio & In-hide. ALSO available: Nissan Summer Bros hubs, Fox, SAW, sion, Parker Pumper, new belts, 170 hp Arras piStons, Toy motor- tercom, Cochran Motor, Hew- Xtra Cab Pro Built with Ranger UMP, Centerlines, PCI, CNC, new tires. Lothringer shocks, sports, TRW, Ford pushrods, land gears. 600 mi. on Full Prep. Suspension on Fox coilover, 2 + Professionally prepped, lots of Only the best equipment. Too Web-Cam, New Kennedy clutch, Spare wheels and parts. Travel, Nationals, Fiberglass spares. -injury forces· sale. many spares to list. Clean car. Includes Alt, gwr str, radiator. $12,000.00 obo days (602) 438- Front end. Baja Brokers Ref #597 $10,500.00 (909) 592-593 7 /(909) Must see. $5,300.00 oho Takes Lots of spares incl. belts & hoses. 3204/nights (602) 414-0510. $10,000.00 (760) 723-2117. 599-4859 lv mssage. all. (909) 685-8213. · ALSO (2) stock block Toy 2TC. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ $2,000.00 for all Rob (310) 608-■ 3490. ■ FOR SALE: 97 Lothringer 2-1600. Brand new Car only 5 races, Currently 2nd points, selling af-ter Baja 1000. Tum key Lothring-er Car. Fox, Sway-A-Way, CNC, Fodrill, Mastercraft, Simpson, PCI Radio and Intercom, Billet aluminum rear drums, Yokohama, Centerlines, Thousands in spare parts and Trailer, Wiks racing engine, Wr Trans. Complete package. $21 ,000.00 Call (760) 337-610 Dusty Times ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $20 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. Maximum size 5"x7". NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. REMEMBER - CLASSIFIED AD SPACE IS LIMITED - YOUR AD MAY BE PUT OFF ONE ISSUE IF NOT RECEIVED IN A TIMELY MANNER. Enclosed is $ ---~-(Send check or money order, no cash) Name ---------------------------------Address __________________ Phone ------.------City State _ _ Zip ________ _ Please run ad times ---Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 207 51 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • ■ • 'l ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ October 1997 Page 45
.FUK ~ALE: J/ loUU: ~way-A-Way, Beard seats, Ty 1 trans (or TY II), Centerlines, BFG, motor incl. Has only 3 races on it. $3,500.00 Call John (760) 868-5694 aft. & eve. FOR SALE: 1669 JMR 2-seat, Mid-engine, A-arm, Class 1 or 10. Sway-A-Way internal bypass shocks, Taylor custom seats w/air lumbar supports, CNC pedals & brakes, 30 gal Fuel Safe, all the best. No expense spared in the de-sign and construction of this beautiful car. $28k fully prepped, less engine & trans. Call Larry 1-800-54 7-2414. CLASS 7S Ranger: 1995 Ford Ranger 7S Chromoly used through-out, 2.5L Haul Butt Motor with Deep Sump Oil Pan, Ken Mogi built C4 Auto Tranny, Full Race 9" Rear End, CNC brakes, Nation-als, Fox Shocks, 35 gallon Fuel Cell, Autometer, ComJ?letely prepped and ready to go!! $17,900.00 Baja BrokersRef#366 760 723-2117, -FOR SALE: Awesome Trophy-Truck, thousaF1.ds in spares, Form-er Robby Gordon Frank Vessel, 38" rear 32" front travel with the best of everything. This truck is a winner. Could be made Class 8 legal. $70K or will consider trade for real estate or!! Ref #489 Con-tact Baja Brokers ( 760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: '92 Seven Seas by Cobra, Ford 460 fuel injected Motorhome. 28 feet, sleeps 8, generator, awning, roof air, mi-crowave, frig, shower. Self con-tained, 19,000 miles. Only used 8 times a year, kept in storage Oct-May each year. Transferrable extended warranty. Call (84 7) 249-2069. ' Simply Quality: This Trophy Truck is a looker and it works! Ford Ranger XtraCab Body, Beau-tiful Fabrication Throughout, 26" Front Travel/28" Rear Travel on Mike Smith Bypass Shocks, Chris-man Rear End, 13" Disc Brakes All Around, CNC Billet Calipers, 3 7" BFG Tires on 17" Ultra Wheels. Parabok built Ford SVO 430 cid VB, dual MSD Ignition System, 650+ HP, Ken Mogi C-6 Race Transmission Reverse Pattern Shifter. All of these things work together to make this the best Ford Trophy Truck for sale. $64,000.00. Baja Brokers Ref #492 (760)723-2117. FOR SALE: 1996 Class 7S Ford Ranger, Gilson-built chassis, alu-minum head, Competition spe-cialist-built engine, Dana 60 rear end, full floater, Custer Shocks, Fuel Safe cell, many spare parts, including spare engine. Total package $20,000.00 (920) 864-7215- .ask for Tom. 1997 Class 7S S-10: 4.51 V6 Mon-ster motor, 300+ hp, 700R-4 Tranny, 9" Mark Williams 40 spline full floater rear end, 12" Travel in the front on (3) Bilsteins per wheel, 17" in the rear on Kuster 18" Stroke Bypass shocks, Hydraulic Bump stops, Front and rear, 33" Baja T/As, Lee Power Steering w/Ram Assist, 44 gallon fuel Cell, PCI Radio and Intercom included in sale. Baja Brokers Ref# 605, $25,000.00 (760) 723-2117. FAT TYPE 4 MOTOR: Full on race motor by FAT, 2880cc, Dual Carbs, Dual Alternators, Dual Crank Fire Ignitions by Electro-motive, 009 Distributor, over $13,000.00 invested. This motor only h·as 300 miles on it. This is a heck of deal and must sell!! Baja Brokers $8,500.00 (760) 723-2117. WANTED: New rear Yokohama tires. Super Diggers III 35xl 1.50-15 or 16, or will buy all you have. (909) 652-6589 or 927-4259 FOR SALE: Class 11: Sway-A-Way, BFGs, Beard seats, Bilstein $3,500.00. Call John for Details, Afternoon and evenings (760) 868-5694. Top of The Line 7S: Ford Ranger 4WD, New Model Body, 3.0L 4 Cylinder, 290+ HP, Mogi C-4 Tranny, 47 gallon Fuel Cell, Fox Front Shocks w/Resevoirs and Adjustable Damping, Kuster Rear Shocks, National Spring, Chris-man 9" Rear End With 300M Axles, 9 First Place Finishes In-cluding the Baja 1000. Many, many spares, including spare race motor available. Baja Brokers Ref #584. $40,000.00 (760) 723-2117. WANTED: RACE DRIVERS & CO-DRIVERS Show up with your helmet, Drivers suit & wallet. We provide the rest! Race a Ford Ranger Class 7S Truck built by "Curt LeDuc" in "Best in the Desert or SCORE' Desert races. Serious Inquiries Only Cost$$$$ (714) 376-8306 or (916) 573-1225. PACKAGE DEAL: Class 8 Ford, 15" Travel front/20" travel rear,, Kuster coil over shocks, 35" BFG Baja T/As, 488 cid VB, Cobra Jet heads, MSD ignition, Powerhouse motor, Mogi C6 transmission, Chrisman 9 3/4 rear End, 46 spline axles, 80 gallon fuel system, spares included. $35,000.00 and if you are looking for a hauler here's this: 53 FOOT TMILER: . Kentucky Air ride trailer, Luxury transportation, generator, 10,000 lbs, winch, tool boxes, Belly . Boxes, A/C 110/12V Lighting, air compressor, $35,000.00 Baja Bro-kers #569 (Class 8), ref #567 (trailer) (760) 723-2117. SCORE 1996 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! . 4 , V ' ' , ' ''' ,-... S ' ''' S S S ._, ' S The latest FAT Performers: SCORE Barstow Fireworks 250, July 11-12 Class 5 1st George Seeley (VW Type IV) Class 1/2-1600 1st Rick Paquette/Brad Mauer (VW Type I) SODA Series Point Leaders Class 1-1600 Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Class 2-1600 Jason Crowder (VW Type I) Class 7S John Greaves (Toyota Tacom~) Class 9 Aaron Hawley (Toyota 4AG) . RACING ENQNES, lRANSMISSIONS AND OfTROAD PARl'S Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 ' .,,.,,,....,... , .... -~ .,.,.. ..,,..,. Page 46 WI US1 I 11co1111111nd SCORE Engine Builde.r of the Year for 1985, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995 & 19961 PBBl'ORMAICE 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92867 (714) 637-2889 • Fax (714) 637-7352 October 1997 BRAND W 1600: Never Raced, Outstanding Class 5: Winningest no miles. This car is built entirely Baja Bug in the Desert. This car of TIO welded 4130. Only the fin-is Race Ready with Spares. In-·. est parts throughout. Wright eludes Brand New Fat 2. 7L Type Front suspension with 11" of 4 Motor, Fresh Fortin/Hewland 5 travel on Fox Shocks, The rear Speed Tranny. Fox Shocks, Sum- features + l" trailing arms, 930 mers Bros Hubs, Outboard 930 c.v.s, Sway-A-Way 4130 spring c.v. Joints, This car's record is plates and 300M torsion bars, and amazing. Class 5 Champion 94- Fox 2.5 Pro Series shocks for 15" 95, In 3 years this car Finished 19 of wheel travel. The 1585cc mo-out of 21 Races! 1996 Milestone tor was built by Clark West with Award Winner. Baja Brokers Ref Cima pistons, a Bosch ignition #572: $14,000;00 • no motor, or system, Tri-Mil exhaust, and complete $29,900.00 (760) 723- Kennedy clutch components. The 2117. motor is hooked to a Jeff Fields Roller's For Sale: Single Seat Chenowth Chassis, No Motor/No Trans., FodFab Front End, Su-per Strong, Huge Coil-over Shock Mounts, Foddril Chromoly Rear· Trailing Arms with Summer's Bros. Flanges, 40 gallon Fuel Cell, Seat, All Aluminum Done, ·2 Bod-ies! Baja Brokers Ref #576 Make Offer. AWESOME DEAL: 2 seat '96 Aceco chassis. No Motor, No Trans., Cl~ss 1/10/12, Fod Front End, Drop Spindles, Bilstein Coil-over Shocks, Bypass Shocks, Char Lyn, Mastercraft, Simpson, Super Nice, Baja Brokers Ref #585 $19,900.00 (760) 723-2117. ALL OR PART: 2 Seat Molton Class 1. 3.2 Liter Porsche by Fat, Doug Fortin 5 speed, Fox Rear Shocks, Raceco Rear Out Board Summer Arms, Mastercraft, Park-er Pumper, PIAA, Radio, Inter-. com, Fire System, Fodrill Front Suspension, Coil Over Fox, ETC!! Tons and Tons of Spares: Tires, Wheels and Parts! $24,000 Ref #555. If your looking for a hauler, here it is: 20 FOOT Hauler: Ford F-6000 Hauler, 429 Motor, 5 speed Tranny, 2-speed Rear End, Excellent Vehicle, Built for Off-Road Racing. Kitch-en Area, Belly Boxes, Welders and EV-ERYTHING else you need and it hauls the race car! $22,000 Ref # 554 Baja Brokers (760) 723-2117. FOR SALE: Eagle Talon A WO Open Class pro rally car. Never rolled or crashed. Lots of wheels and spare parts. $25,000.00 for more info call Selcuk (207)371-2631. bus box with a 4.86 ring and pin-ion. Billet c.v. flanges, 930 c.v. joints and Sway-A-Way axles and stub axles turn the BFG Baja tires on Centerline wheels. Great Car! Baja Brokers Ref# 611 $15 500.00 760 723-2117. FOR SALE: '91 Ford Ranger Club Cab $16,500.00 or best offer, 27,000 original miles, 5 speed manual tranny, Fox Shoxs (2) @ each corner, Full inside roll cage w/cross brace, full skid plates (FRT, CTR, rear), PCI race ra-dio and antenna included, drive line components included, 4 point Diest lap a_nd shoulder belts, 9" trussed locker rear end by Mendeola with 100 miles since new, 4.0 liter mtr, Unique metals air cleaner system, Fox air bump stops 1 @ each corner, Frame crossed and braced, disc brake all the way around, tool box with front end suspension, National spring rear and coil fronts, 2 Tay-lor made race seats w/Ctr console, BFGs 33x10.50 tires w/2 mounted spares, Contact TOM SCHILLING dayTIME (619) 448-5392 x202, evening (619) 441-8936. FOR SALE: '88 Ford F-700 Box Van, 83,000 miles, 429 ci Indus-trial engine, 5 speed, 24' box, 6 new, balanced Michelin tires, 60 gal main, 50 gal aux tanks, Pio-neer AM/FM stereo, 18"h x 20"d belly boxes (1350 cubic feet) $12,700.00 (702) 362-9416 or 596-4020. FOR SALE: New 1650cc rev power Rabbit Race engine, best parts money can buy, Your choice of side draft or down draft carb. Motor is compete with big tube exhaust, alt. Electramotive crank fire ign. Fly wheel and Rabbit ra-diator. $3,600.00 oho Kevin McMullen racing. Home (602) 334-0096 or Beeper (602) 409-2526. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: PROVEN WINNER: Single Seat Class 9, fresh motor-trans-front end $7,500.00, in-cludes trailer, spares etc ... Call Tom Mattingly (760) 949-5020 after 6:00 p.m. FOR SALE; 1986 RANGER King Cab, updated to 90 sheetmetal, Ford 9" floater, double shocked (Bilsteins) all around, 32 gal. fuel cell, fiberglass fenders & 1/4 pan-els, 4 wheel disc brakes, real Centerlines (16") Xlent pre-runner. $8,800.00 Russ (818) 357-7241 ass 8/Pre-Runner: SNORE '95 Class Champion and street legal. Widened I Beams, Extended ra-dius Arms, 18" of travel on (2) Custom Built Shocks per wheel, Quarter Elliptical Rear Suspen-sion, 4 link Bars, 24" of Travel on (2) Custom built Bypass shocks per wheel, 351 cid, B&M C -6 Tranny with Art Carr Shifter, Autometer Gauges, Beard, PCI, BFG Baja Tires, TIG welded full cager Extremely Clean vehicle. Baja Brokers Ref# 612 $16,000.00, (760) 723-211 7. SUSPENSION UNLIMITED CLASS 12: This 2 seat Class 12 by Suspension Unltd. Only has 1 1/2 races on it! Very light and strong. Motor by Rosever to SCORE C lass 12 specs. Very quick. Transaxle is full-race bus box with close ratio gears. SACO Rack and Pinion Fox Coilovers with 2.5" in Rear, Summers Bros. brakes. Yokohama tires, Beard seats, 14" Front T ravel and 20+ Rear Travel. Baja Brokers Ref# 602 $19,000.00 (760)723-2117. ·coming Next Month ... SODA Crandon World Championships VORRA Yerington MDR Sahara 250 Rally of Finland ... and much, much more! more Trail Notes ... Dakar - Just the name brings up all sorts of visions of adventure and you can now actually become part of the adventure. For the 1998 event, the Paris to Dakar format is back, leaving Paris on New Years Day, finishing in Dakar on January 18, 1998. The route takes you from France, through Spain, into Morocco, Mauritania, thence into Mali and ending in Dakar in the country of Senegal. If you're up to this type of adventure, the local contact is: Philippe Danh, phone number 310-370-9856. Do you Dare? SODA - All the guys and girls got together at Crandon for the traditional Labor Day meeting called the Chevrolet Off Road World Championship and the weather was the big spoiler, canceling the Saturday races after 4 events had been run. The deeision to stop the racing was only due to the fact that the scoring team was unable to read the numbers on the vehicles, there was so much mud on the course, so basically all the racing was performed on Sunday, making for quite a busy day. We'll just mention a few of the winners here and you'll have to wait for the next issue to see Judy Smith's complete story on the Crandon extravaganza. The first Class 4 race was won by Kevin Probst, and Jack Flannery won the second race; the first Class 8 had Brendan Gaughan in the winners circle and Greg George won the second event; Class 7S first encounter was won by Jeff Kincaid, the second by Johnny Greaves, Class 13 had Brian Collins taking the gold and the extra special highly coveted Borg Warner sponsored race was won by Scott Douglas, to the tune of $25,000. Not too bad a days work, congratulations Scott. Some of the classes are very close in season points in the SODA Series and there is yet one more race before seasons end, the Chevrolet Off Road Finals at Oshkosh, WI, September 12 thru 15 and then we will know who the '97 champions are. Stay tuned and read it here . MORE CHARLIE TUNA - Many, many people have responded to our request for financial help for Tall Charlie, Charlie Tuna, you pick a name, the La Velle's, but folks, we need more help from more people. Please, please send your contributions to Dusty Times and we'll channel it right into their bank account. Take the time to sit down and write a check, it really will be appreciated. Thanks for your help, especially those of you who have given already. INFORMATION NEEDED - Dusty Times prints "Happenings" in every issue, listing all the racing and rallying activities that are known to us and we want to remind all you promoters of these events to send us your 1998 schedules as soon as they are available for insertion in Happenings. Don't forget! · WANTED: New rear Yokohama tires. Super Diggers III 35xl 1.50-15 or 16, or will buy all you have. (909) 652-6589 or 927-4259 INDEX To Advertisers Baker Performance Products .............. 31 Barbary Coast, Gold Coast, Orleans Hotels ................................ 10 PIKE'S I Best in the Desert ................... Back Cover Bilstein Corp of America ..................... 5 Donohoe Racing Enterprises ............... 21 SERV .. ICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! Mobil RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS -•-SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Dusty Times Estero Beach Short Course Racing ..... 19 FAT Performance ................................ 46 Fox Racing Shox .................................. 7 Fresh Air Systems ............................... 33 German Auto ....................................... 37 KC Hilites ........................................... 9 Kawaguchi Honda ............................... 38 King Shock Tech ................................. 11 McKenzie Performance Products ... 17, 39 Mojave Desert Racing ......................... 35 Nevada Off Road Buggy ...................... 12 PCI Race Radios & Equipment ............. 4 Pace Motorsports ............................... 15 Phoenix Gears ................................ 20,27 Pike's Family Restaurant .................... 47 Premier Racing Products .................... 13 Race Ready Products .......................... 34 Simpson Race Products ...................... 37 Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) ... 30 Sway-A-Way Corp ............................... 2 Tri-Mil Industries ................................ 47 Valley Performance ............................. 39 Weld Racing ........................................ 26 Yarnell Specialties .............................. 24 October 1997 EXPERIENCED PARTS!! Lots of 930 Axles, VW Axles, Etc. Fod Fab ~ing Kong Spindles, $500.00, Spring Plates, $20-$60; Many, Many VW Torsion Bars, $20-$50; Jeff Fields Bus Tranny, $2,800.00; Bus Tranny Core w/Top Mount Bellhousing, $150.00; Aluminum Engine Adapter Plate-Chevy V6 to VW, $ 7 5; Uniden Race Radios, $350.00; Oil Coolers, $40-$70; 25"x22" Radiator w/aluminum Shroud, $175; VDO Monster Tach, $30; Bil-stein Position Sen-sitive Challenger Rear shocks, $130.00, 12" Bilstein w/Reservoirs $100.00; Limiting straps up the wazoo, $10; Class 7 Ranger 1-Beams, Radius Arms, Tie Rods, Steering Arm $ 1000.00; Keith Black 440 cid VS Dodge Motor, $3,500.00; Auto Fab 15" Travel F-150 2wd Complete kit! $1,200.00, Supertrap 19"Stainless Steel Muffler, $120.00; Full Race 9" Rear End $3,000.00; Dana 60 Summers Race rear End $1,800.00; Mogi Race C-6 with Torque Converter, $1,200.00; 17" Wheels $100.00; Lots of 35" Tires!! THE SECOND LAP (760) 723-2117 or Fax us Your list at (760) 723-9938. This is the 1,ystem run by most off road race winners 2WD Blazer Pre-Runner: Here it is! This Blazer is a fully functional pre-runner that is tame enough for every day driving. The best of both worlds. Completely CA Smog legal, fully caged, good travel, 300+ HP, 3 seats. What. more could you ask for? 350 cid Chevy motor by Don Hatz, bored + .030. Valley 1997 classified ads· Valley Transmission, TH-400 with RV torque converter and Art Carr Shifter. Stock Car Products 9" Limited slip rear end, 4.56: 1 Ring and Pinion. Suspension has 15" travel in Front on A-arms damped by 2.5" Fox Shocks. Rear is a Quarter Elliptical setup with 16" Travel on Fox shocks also. 36" Goodyear GS-As on Alcoas round out the rolling stock. Baja Brokers Ref# 610 $16,500.00 (760) 723-2117. TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 47
,, • • SOU!l£RHNEVADA OfF~ HEAlJOUARTERS GOOD/YEAR ~ . == ---s,_,,'q~ 0ASJS4 IUOI T NOTll • o."'iii:«a MESQUITE • MEVADA @ 1suzu Kawasaki Let the lood times roll. 19#:t ¥Si•h½I ·~~ l'c1111cr111ill HOTEL C:.SINO RENO