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1995 Volume 12 Number 7 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 11 - Humber 7 - July 1995 1.00 ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt

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ire R 0 u N D 5 Drawing: June 23 Publicity Run: June 24 (702) 361-5404 BFGaadrich ------Tires _,.... a ... Ta,. tllRCICIUCTa . ..C

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Volume 1 i - Number 7 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Michael Ward Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark Don Dayton John Elkin Homer Eubanks Don Holbrook Martin Holmes naniel Mainzer Ken & Nicole Ruff Bob-Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smitp. Judy Smith Tony Tellier _ _Irackside Photo Inc._ Art Director Larry E. Worsham SNAPSHOT July 1995 -ILL■ OffllOAD IACIIIII IIDOH Subscription Rates: lbrfdSeriestfq/fBDadRacingGP $20 .00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may ' be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address cl\ange to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. OF THE MONTH ••• . Shades of the Bolshoi Ballet! Shane Balch and Arden Dennington perform a synchronized roll over in the "Salute to Our Flag" at Prairie City SVRA. The film is now playing at your local theater. Shane managed to get third place when the checkered flag fell, but Arden didn't quite finish . Photo by Air and Auto Sports Photography. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar interest on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 preferred but clear color prints will be considered. Dusty Times July 1995 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page SCORE Trophy Trucks at Las Vegas by Judy Smith . -........ 12 SCORE Las Vegas 250 by Judy Smith .................. _ ... 14 The Florida 400 by Wayne Simmons ............ -.......... 24 Newcastle Yokohama Stadium Gran Prix by Darryl Smith ..... 26 FRT Bu:: Bomb 150 by Judy Smith ........................ 28 SCCA Wild West PRO Rally by John Elkin ................. 34 Land Rover Discovery by John Bryce Calvin ................. 36 VORRA Prairie City Season Opener by Troy Robinson ....... 38 CODRA Bear Butte 300 .................................. 42 WRC Tour de Corse by Martin Holmes .................... 44 Bridgestone International - Kempsey by Darryl Smith ......... 46 VORRA Spring Special by Troy Robinson ................ . . 50 Northwest Divisional Rally by Jim Culp ..................... 53 Cologne Off Road Show by Thomas Liverscheidt ............ 54 DEPARTMENTS Competition Review Board by Reese King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Trail Notes .............................................. 6 Checkers by the Big W ah:oo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Spirit At Las Vegas by Sam Wilshire ....................... 48 California Rally Series Report by John Elkin ................. 49 Fair News by Dave Massingham ........................... 49 Good Stuff Directory .................................... 56 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 ON THE COVER -The name of the May race in Las Vegas changes almost every year, and the descendant of the Mint 400 was short this year but no sweeter to racers than the longer course. Most of the participants still call the race "the Mint" even though the 240 mile edition this year was staged out of Jean, NV. Tommy Bradley was the most happy winner realizing a long held ambition in winning the Class 1 title and he arrived first on the road to take the checkered flag, but was second overall. He was bubbling, I've wanted to win this race for many years, at last! Equally happy was Paul Simon, earlier in the day, who won the Trophy-Truck division who were through in time for lunch. Simon drove alone, his brother Dave being on the injured list from a non racing mishap, and Paul kept the big Ford together in one good looking piece, and he won the fancy truck race by over five minutes. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. to S~7~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $20.00 □ 2 years - $30.00 □ 3 years - $40.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _______________________ _ Address _____________________ _ City Stace ----_________ Zip------------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 ll Canadian - I year $25 .OO U.S. • Overseas subscription rates _on r~quest) Page 3

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Competition Review Board Report Las Vegas 150 By Reese King A new race and a new place and aftt•r three consecutive races without the need for a CRB meet-ing, we're hack. Actually there was a protest filed at the Parker raCl', however the protester foiled to show and the case was dis-missl'd. Apparently this competi-tor thought twice about the valid-ity of his daim that an open whl'l'led racer would intentionally strike another open wheeled car amidships with his front wheel, whik· in contention for the win. Thl' Las Vegas 250 Board Administrator was Gary Bancroft of the F.A.I.R. Pit Support team. Class reps were Dale White, Class 8, Mike Harman, Class 10, Dave Massingham, Class I, Steve Wil-liams, Stock Mini, Dan Smith Board Alternate and Reese King, CRR Marshal. The CRB for the inau1:ural Las Vegas 250 was hdd in thL· second floor conference room at the Vacation Village Hotd & Casino. This place was made for off road racers. In other words, lots of room at the bar, and lots of room in the parking lot. According to Larry Rae the Ford Motorsports team and Spirit Racing have heen using Vacation Village as their hasc of operations in Las Vegas for yea rs. Mike Harman Class JO compet-itor imd Checker Off Road vice pn·sident was dismissed from hoard service because hoth cases hefore the hoard involved Class IO entries. One other item before we review the cases. I have talked with more than a few racers dur-ing the past year who said they had wanted to file non-technical protests, hut could not afford the $500. SCORE rule GP-I states, Tcdmical /1rotc1r1 rcc1uirc a $,oo cc11h (cc (or cad1 item Jmncstcd . There is no fee required for non-technical protests. Our first case of the evening was a claim of abusive nerfing brought against entry #1015 Larry Job by Class 5 points leader Mike Jakobson, #505. In his writ-ten statement to the board, Mike related, "I was driving at my pace at approximately mile marker 1.5 prior to the railroad crossing. I was nerfed hard hy Larry Joh. I stepped up my pace through the multiple lane silt heds, all the time figuring Larry would take a differ-ent line. I was nerfed again in the silt hed, where there are multiple choices of lanes. At check one I pulled over and let him by. After the race, noticing the dama1:e to the rear of the car, l approached Larry for an explana-tion for his action. He said, "I don't care what you do. I drive a low horsepower car and I fol-lowed you for 15 miles and you wouldn't pull over. (Mike noted that the mileage was closer to fivt·.) Ht• showed the same regard for me after the race as during." · Speakin1i hefore the hoard, Mike stated that he had heen running at a reduced pace on his second lap, with a fifteen minute lead, when Larry hit him hard and almost immediately hit him a second time. In response to questions from the hoard, he said he received no warning that Joh was hehind him, and he didn't move over because they were approach-ing the tunnel at the railroad crossing. Larry Joh was called before the hoard and advised of the charge against him. He related to the hoard that he and Jakobson had hl'gun dicing hdore the railroad tracks coming into the start, fin-ish, on the end of their first lap. "I caught him about two miles ht·forl' the railroad crossing. He rook an outside line, I took an inside line, and he cut me off. We went under the tracks together. I was hehind him. I caught him again on the road that parallels the tracks hefore the silt bed. I honked and tapped him once. He then accelerated and heat me across the silt." Joh said he didn't see Mike again until about two miles before checkpoint #1. "I did nerf him about two miles from checkpoint #1, and he ran away from me again. I couldn't catch him in my ten car. At check # 1 he pulled over and waved me by." Larry stated that if the damage to Jakob-son's car occurred between the start;finish and the railroad tracks, "It was not me." Before the deliberations began, I instructed the board to disregard a series of photos that had been supplied by Job. The photos depicted the undamaged front bumper of an open wheeled car. I gave this instruction because there was no evidence as to when the photos were taken, or if they were, in fact, Job's car. As the members began to dis-cuss the case, the question of other vehicles being involved was immediately brought up. In order to investigate this possibility, a request was made to SCORE offi-cials for passing times and Mike Jakobson was recalled to the hoard. In answer to the board's query, Mike stated that he saw no other vehicles during these inci-dents, nor did any other entries come through checkpoint # I while he waited for Job. The pass-ing times from SCORE's startl -fin ish were not yet available. Members of the board also attempted to clarify the inconsis-tencies in the two competitor's statements as to where the con-tacts occurred.Mike now recalled that the first contact did happen before the start/ finish, but main-tained that the second occurred just before the railroad crossing leaving the start/finish. He had no recall of the contact prior to Checkpoint #1. As deliberations continued, thrl'e questions surfaced above all else. Was the location of the con-tacts germane to the case? Could a IO car carry enough momentum in the silt to do the damage des-cribed by Jakobson! Should he have moved over after the first ncrf? The members of the board felt that the evidence offered by each driver paralleled to the point that minor discrepancies in loca-Trackside Photo, Inc. Racing photography since 1970 We cover all La Rana, SCORE and MTEG events. For professional quality photos, call us! Call us for photos for: Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (310) 670-6896 July 1995 tion were irreievant. Most doubted that a 1650cc car could run fast enough in the silt to catch and damage a 3 liter car. All agreed that Mike should have pulled over and allowed Larry to pass after the first contact before the start/ finish. When you con-sider that he admitted to racing at a reduced pace, moving over to allow another competitor to pass makes a lot of sense. Class 8 racer and hoard alternate Dan Smith, "Anytime somebody hits me; you've caught me and I'm going to pull over. In a 5-0 vote the board dismissed the protest against Larry Job. Our second case was another claim of abusive nerfing. Kevin Graves, entry #902, filed the pro-test against the Class 10 entry of Rick Romans, #1020. Speaking to the hoard Kevin said he was racing at approximately mile marker 74 and had just been passed by the Class 8 of Rick Johnson. He described the area as silty, with three lanes of travel. Due to the major dusting he had just received, he had raised his face shield in an attempt to clear his vision when he was struck from behind, causing his face to strike his steering wheel. The apparently uninjured Graves went on to say, "I'm going slow at this time and I looked to the right and saw Rick Romans, #1020, coming by me on the rii~ht. I raised my hand like 'What the hell are you doing?'; he raised his like 'Oh well, that's the way it goes'." Kevin had been running in first J:'OSition at the time of the inci-dl'nt and was able to continue to a third place finish. He said the drop in position was not rclatl'd to the incident with Romans. Graves told the board that he felt it was unsafe and negligent of Romans to race at high speeds when the visibility was so low, due to the dust conditions created hi' the silt and the Class 8 truck. When asked by hoard member Davl' Massingham if the incident could have been an accident, Graves replied that it was possi-hk. hut that it did not excuse an l'ntrant from overdriving when unable to see. Rick Romans was called before thL· hoard and asked to share his "idc of tht· incident. Romans statl'd that he was on the course whL·re it parallels the railroad when he was hit by Rick John-son's Class 8 truck. "I moved over, and he Wl'nt on by in a cloud of dust. So I went to the left because the wind was blowing the other way, and there's a frw lines thl'rL'. Prior to that, I could sec that nine car, hut he was quite a ways up there. All of a sudden, there he was. I don't know ifhe hit his brakes or went in a hole. He told me he opened his shield or soml'thing. I hit my brakes as hard as I could. I didn't deliberately nerf him." When asked if he had been running in Johnson's dust, Rick rl'plied that he was, and it was bad. The deliberation on this matter was brief and easy for the hoard. Both stories matched without doubt on either party. All members felt the contact was accidental, and Graves was equally culpable due to his admit-ted slowing and the ill-advised opening of his face shield under the cloud. In a 5-0 vote the protest was dismissed. Every member of this board voiced a strong opposition to nerfing, with some going so for a to say it should he illegal. Some drivers helieve that it is illegal. The fact is, nerfing is tolerated and is only illegal when judged to be ahusive. So when it is ahusive? First define nerfing. My defif)i-tion is: Intentional non-dcinwgin.~ h1m1/1t'r-ro-/,um/1er conraa initiated In-t!tt• /mrrnin.~ wliideasc1 meanso( t·omnumicming tlie desire w />c1.11. I say my definition hecausl' I am not aware of any other puhlished definition. It is supposed ro go likl' this; Racer A is traveling down the course when he comes upon the slower moving Racer B. A wishes to pass Band sounds his horn to advise B of his prt·sence. Wht.•n B fails to respond to thl' horn A 1:ives him a tap on the rear hum per. B moves over and A goes by. Sounds simple enough and relatively easy to accomplish . Provided the pursued Vt·hicle dol'S not change speed or attitude or hoth. In an off road racl' with 15 different classes of vehicles · with varying capabilites and humper heights? Maybe it is not so easy. Why doesn't A just 1:0 around R. Prohahly hl'caust· the terrain is so poor that he will he unahle to maintain the speed nccl'ssary to pass B and might l'Vl'n damage his vehicle. Yt·r he has no problem asking B to move into this same area. And, in all _ likelihood, B probably has less suspension travel. So, say A i:ivl's B a tap and B decides to mow over. Dol'S A hack off rcali:ing that H will probably have to slow l'Vl'n more to move into thl' unde-sirahk area? Is A patient enough to wait for B to find a suitahk plarl' to move ovl'r? What if, instl'ad of movinii over R hegins runnin1: faster? But not fast enouiih to satisfy A who taps him again? Only harder. So when is it abusiw? Many factors contrihutc to makini: a nerf abusive. Thl' level of damage inflicted is certainly -ont· of them. The number of con-tacts made is another. The prim-ary factor in most cases is the judgment exercised by hoth par-ties. I have seen hoard ml'mhers who wcrl' passionate in their opposition to nerfing, listen to a case and chan1~e their attitudl' to. He dl'served it! Conversely there havl' hcl'n boards whl'rl' hard chaqiir11\ unlimited racers were rendered Sfll'l'chkss by talcs of fl'ar and loathing from limitl'd class drivers who were outriJ,ht assaultl'd hy fastl'r classes. Ba,i-cally 'ahusive' is decided by ca ·h CR Rand doesn't clarify the issl,C. So what's the solution. Peacl', lovt· & understanding? Asking l'Wryhody to he considerate and respectful of each other? All join hands and sing a Jesse Colin Young song? ( Hcn1· c1/ima limirin.~ t!tl' ht·i,~/lt and /111/k o( from h11m/1er1 on ,d I met' cc1r1 mi ( tlicv liit tlil' .~uv in (rmir il co11/cl wkl' ma r/ieir rculiaror or at tht· IL'mt thl' itt't'Ting. cd) I don't know how to put a stop to ahusivl' nerfing. But I do · helieve that many of thl'sl' cases would nl'ver reach the CRH staiie if parties involvl'd would calmly discuss the matter after thl' race, and say "I'm sorry." The protes-ters in the preceding cases werL' thankl'd for bringing thl'se mat-ters to the hoard's attentton, and were encouraged to continue to do so. Larry Joh and Rick Romans were cautioned that the same cases brought before a dif-ferent board could result in quite different decisions. Dusty Times

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.A Re#«.1r.-. #c, #he Clc:assic C>ff-Rc,c:acl Pre>V"i.-.g Grc,«.1.-.cls! .,. . ,z;fbJ C> Kawasaki~~=~~~, ... ~:::;;:::::::~~~•~ Gooa!YEAR Ho membership Required! Just a promise lo have FUN! CALifORNIA CITY ms BACl(I A lm@ irLID@ IB@f' ~f ,Y@'-' ~@ ~@LIOO@~ 150-.Mile Off-Road Race for Cars, Bajas, Trucks, SS, .MCs and ATVs Motorcycles and ATVs start 4 p.m. • Race two. 47-mile laps! All others Four-wheel start 7 p.m. • Race three. 47-mile laps! &.A.II.A. PRC>~C>TIC>NS J.;I0JIJll3.lJ!.!l P.o. Box 8938, Calabasa:s L. 4:;·~i .. ~n. _ 2-(818) 340-5750/992-6366 t' Fax (818) 348-4648 0 i{ !' FRIDAY 14TH EARLY REGISTRATION: 9 A.M.-12 P.M. RACER'S GOLF TOURNAMENT: 10 A.M. PRE-RUN #2: STARTS AT S P.M.

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1995 Happenings ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector APTO42 San Jose de! Cabo Baja Calif. de! Sur, Mexico June 24-25, 1995 Coyote 300 KM La Pa: to La Pa: loop La Pa:, B.C.S. August 26-2 7, 1995 Corona 500 miles San Ignacio to La Paz Baja Calif. de! Sur October 15, 1995 T odo Santos to La Pa: 180 miles La Pa:, B.C.S. November 20, 1995 Short Course Race Cuidad Constitucion Baja Calif. de! Sur AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 0l l-18-07-298-5522 July 16, 1995 Griffith New South Wales September 10, 1995 Mt. Gambier South Australia November 12, 1995 Puckapunyal Victoria AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B IHI (514) 434-5792 BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645-00031(817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh (817) 790-8268 nights 1995 Season Canceled BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31 I 163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico ( Mexicali ( 65) 55-02-83 Off Road Races July 8, 1995 Rancho La Ponderosa Poblado La Rumorosa La Rumorosa 150 August 26, 1995 Rancho La Ponderosa La Ruinorosa 200 October 7, 1995 Mexicali 400 Laguna Salada Mexicali Super Cross en el Estadio Nido de Los Aguilas June 17, 1995 July 1, 1995 Motorcycles & ATVs Only Mexicali, BC, Mexico BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A . . Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 Golden Crown of Baja Series October 6-8, 1995 Gran Carrera de Sonora 150 miles, multi-lap December 15-1 7, 1995 Gran Carrera de Campeones 250 miles, multi-lap The first Annual Off Road Open far Cars, MCs, ATVs, Trucks etc. will be on July 14-16, 1995 California City, CA BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-4775/FAX (702) 641-2431 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1533 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. July 1, 1995 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 9, 1995 Bonneville Challenge Wendover, USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1995 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 June 24-25, 1995 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 1-3, 1995 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI PIKE'S SERVICE. CENTER BAKER, CA.LIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! 'fi!~~nySJ RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS -· SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 6 . . CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Debbie Turner, CRS Director 25885 Stanford Hemet, CA 92544 (909) 925-0870 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 July 8-9, 1995 *Prescott Forest Rally National & Divisional Prescott, AZ September 30, 1995 ( tent) Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA October tba, J 995 Treeline Rally December 2-3, 1995 I East of Indio Indio, CA *Final 1995 So. Pacific Divisional championship e11e11ts C.O.D.R.A. CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 ( 503) 389-2044 October 14, 1995 Whiskey Springs 400 Millican, OR CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Kevin Miller (Baja) ( 605) 224-0923 Don Engleman (Motocross) ( 605) 224-4967 GUMBO BUTTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS Communications & Information Scott Olson ( 605) 224-5822 FAX (605) 224-5822 June 18, 1995 Pierre, SD July 23, 1995 Pierre, SD August 27, 1995 Pierre SD CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (6163717 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags P.O . Box830 Adelanto, CA 92301 (619) 246-7262 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholt:, President (719) 531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. I 5073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 (303) 936-5960 CORVA 160 I 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Co:umel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 ( 407) 254-5 I 67 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 rrr (619) 427-5759 i.r July 1995 Trail Notes THE SODA SERIES OPENED -in Lake Geneva Wisconsin on Memorfal Day weekend with a husky entry in many classes and few were discouraged by the threatening weather. Friday had beautiful spring weather for the tech and registration, and there were some who had work to do to comform to the new rules for 1995, but with the long hours of daylight in the area they were all ready to roll in full legality on Saturday morning which was overcast. By the time they got started with the racing there were light sprinkles, which later turned to serious rain, but they slogged through the mud, some to finish and many to fail to mud related mechanical problems. The tire companies on hand, BFGoodrich and Goodyear were busy grooving tires,• especially for the truck classes. The Soda Lites started the action and Phil Doyle of Davis, IL took the checkered flag followed by Tim Juskiewilz, Arlington Heights, IL and Mike Cherry of Grand Rapids, Ml. Next up was Class 6 led most of the way and to the flag by Bill Graboski, of Oshkosh in an all Wisconsin show driving a Chevy Lumina. Darrin Parsons, No. Fond du Lac was second in his Ford followed by David Holewinski, Neenha. A small field of5-1600 cars tackled the mud bogs in another Wisconsin show led home by Tim Christensen, Gillett. Then came SODA president Terry Wolfe of Wauwatosa and John Mason of Plymouth. Dan Baudoux, Hemlock Ml got his Mirage into the win in Class 2-1600, followed by young Jason Crowder, Tallahassee, FL and Bill Scott, lnterlochen, Ml. The thunder ofV -8 power marked the start of the Class 8 race with a pair of Californians battling for the lead, Walker Evans of Riverside and Scott Douglas of El Cajon. Late in the race Evans had steering troubles, but kept going and Douglas got himself almost half a lap lead to win Class 8, both driving Dodges. Evans held second over a fast closing Jimmie Crowder of Tallahassee, FL in his Ford. The combined Class 9 and I was equally wild with both favorite Jeff Probst from Illinois and Californian Jerry Whelchel trying his stadium car on the longer, rougher Lake Geneva course both retiring with engine trouble. Defending champion Todd .Attig of Dixon, Illinois roared on to victory followed by Dan Baudoux and Bill Lefeuvre from Limehouse, Ontario, Canada. The thunder was back as the Class 4 field started and it was really raining by this time. Rob MacCachren, Las Vegas, NV drove the Rampage Racing Ford to a convincing victory, by about half a lap margin. Kevin Probst, New Lenox, IL, got his GMC home, second followed by last year's Pro points champ Greg Gerlach from Dakota, MN in a Dodge. Saturday finished with a drenched race course and spectators and the double seat Class 11 s. They had a terrible time in the deep water on one part of the route, and attrition was high. But t odd Frehse got the win followed by fellow Rhinelander racer Glen Mathews, and Gordon Cudahy of Appleton in another all Wisconsin show. It rained all night, but was drying a bit and the course was a bit better but still muddy when racing began on Sunday. Class l / 2 started the action with a slim field and many packed up with mud right away.Todd Attig has a handle on mud racing and won the class followed by Jeff Probst and Scott Schwalbe, Rhinelander, WI. Class 7S had a good field and was led most of the way and to victory by John Greaves in a Toyota, but Art Schmitt, Pittsburgh, PA, kept him honest in his Nissan and took second, followed in by Joe Dunlap of Plymouth, Ml. Jason Crowder took Class 1-1600 with Todd Crump, Garden City Ml, right on his muddy bumper and Peter Kowatsch was third. Michael Oberg, Eagle River, WI won single seat Class 11 followed by Larry Bayer and Todd Frehse, both from Wisconsin. The Heavy Metal Challenge was a real mud race, but once Jack Flannery· got his Chevy out front there was no catching him and the Wisconsin Dells racer won over Rob MacCachren, who was having trans trouble, by a goodly margin. New Rough Rider this year Geoff Dorr, Rockford IL, took third in his Ford. The Unlimited Buggy Challenge went to Dan Baudoux followed home by Bill LeFeuvre. Richie Ault, Bark River, Ml was third. The Class 13 final was a big field. The class was so big on Saturday they were split into two heat races to determine starting position on Sunday, but no results were available of the heats. Dan Vanden Heuvel of Appleton won the 13 honors, Don Gregoire,Jr. was second and Ed Schultz of Kenosha was third, all Wisconsin drivers, and all in Ford based trucks. · The Limited Buggy Challenge went to Michael ·Seefeldt, Sussex, WI, followed in by Dan Baudoux and Todd Crump. Sarah Sa wall, New London, won the .Women's Limited Buggy race, with Karen Christensen of Suring and Shari Huven, Hortonville following to the flag, all Class 11 cars and all from Wisconsin. The Women's Heavy Metal race was a good one, and in the end Valerie James of Appleton, WI started the year with a victory in her Ford. Buggy driver Rhonda Smith had her first truck ride in the Parsons Chevrolet, and the Minnetonka, MN driver was a strong second, followed by Robin Schultz of Kenosha in a Ford. Despite the off and on again rain it was a good race weekend, and the series moved to Antigo, WI two weeks later, happening just as this issue is being mailed. We'll have a full report on the Lake Geneva mud baths and hopefully a dry Antigo in the August issue. FANTASY FLIGHT-Last December the employees of United Airlines in Los Angeles sponsored an event called Fantasy Flight. The Fantasy Flight took 125 orphan and foster care children on a forty-five minute sight seeing flight on board a United Airlines 767. Upon landing the children deplaned at one of United's international gates which had been decorated as the north pole. The children were greeted by a group of elves and many United employees and a few minutes later Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived on an airport fire truck. All the children met with Mr. and Mrs. Claus and left with toys that United employees and many outside vendors donated. Every United employee including the pilots, flight attendants, elves, helpers and Mr. and Mrs. Claus donated their time to make the event a special memory for some very needy children. The 1995 Fantasy Flight will depart Los Angeles on December 9, 1995 and again carry 125 very special passengers on board. Along with asking United employees for toys they are seeking companies that will provide door prizes that can be used for various fund raisers during the course of the year. They would be pleased and honored to have off road companies donate door prizes to help enhance the 1995 Fantasy Flight. More information is available from Thomas F. Smith, Fantasy Flight Committee -United Airlines, P.O. Box 92245, Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles, CA 90009. ATIENTION CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS-We regret that we must boost the price of the Classified advertising as of the August issue. The last postal rate raise was a whopper for second class mail and we have already r~i~ed the subscription rates by five dollars. So we must do the same for the Class1f1ed ads. As of July 1 a Classified ad will go up to $20.00 the issue, but adding a picture will remain at $5 .00 extra, so it isn't much of a raise but is sure will help pay the postage as the classified section is really growing this year. Dusty Times

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BFGaodricti p R E S E N T AUGUST 23-27, 1995 RENO, NEVADA Tires s NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK An exciting new event, which highlights the role of the truck in contemporary American life, is being presented by BF Goodrich Tires in Reno, Nevada on August 23-27, 1995. Under the direction of Double Bar S Productions, Inc., the week will be devoted to truck-oriented events with judging in 15 categories (including 4-wheel, 2-wheel, full-size, compact, vans, mini-vans, sport/utility, RV and many others). In short, anything built on a truck frame is eligible to compete! A low registration fee of $25. 00 per vehicle gives you a packet that includes all truck events, souvenirs, the Consumer "Expo" show and the exciting ''RENO 300" Off-Road race, hosted by the legendary Rod Hall! RIJJ!,f,lJf!. 11RENO 30011 OFF ROAD RACE For the second year in a row, the "RENO 300" Off-Road race will be staged at the 100-mile Off-Road course, located 30 miles east of Reno on 1-80 at the Truck Inn in Fernley, Nevada. Once again, legendary Rod Hall invites his fellow Off-Readers to join him on this new, challenging desert course! Since the "RENO 300" is an independent race, there are no points, but plenty of perks and parties! So, if you belong to a racing association and are out of the points race by the first of July, we urge you to sign-up for the 11RENO 3008! Your modest entry fee of $395.00 wiU return 50% in Prize Money and also a number of valuable merchandise coupons. Plan on coming to Reno this August, where Off-Road racing is fun again and the driver is KING! Once again, the race is being sponsored by RANCHO Suspension. 11NTW11 CONSUMER TRUCK 11EXP011 Scheduled to coincide with the first-ever NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK celebration is the NTW TRUCK "EXPO" which is geared to the consumer looking for after-market items for his truck, van or sport/utility! A family-oriented show, the N1W "EXPO" is being presented by PACIFIC AUTOMOTIVE SHOW and CXJUBLE BAR S PRODUCTIONS. You'll see the latest in after-market accessories, attend free seminars, participate in parades, show and shines and interactive events with major manufacturers and their products. If you are an exhibitor, please use the coupon below to reserve space early and take advantage of the "early bird" discount for booth space! -----------------------------------YES, I am interested in getting more information regarding NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK, the RANCHO "RENO 300" OFF-ROAD Race and/ or THE NTW CONSUMER "EXPO"! Please send information regarding: □ NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK □ Rancho Suspension "RENO 300" □ NTW CONSUMER "EXPO" Name: ________________ _ Address: -----------------City, State, Zip: ______________ _ Phone: Fax: ---------------PLEASE CUP THIS COUPON AND MAIL OR FAX TO: National Truck Week • Attention: Laurie Hall 1360 Kleppe Lone, Sparks, NV 89.431 Phone 702-331-.4800 • Fox 702-331-5107

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July 29, 1995 Rancho Santa Veronica Gran Prix 4 laps around a 40 mile loop ATVs, Bikes, Desertlites, Buggies, Cars & Trucks Tecate, Baja California, MX October 21, 1995 Superstition 250 XI 4 times around a 60 mile loop ATVs, Bikes, Desertlites, Buggies, Cars & Trucks Lake Superstition El Centro, CA December 3 1, 199 5 Dunaway Dash ATVs, Bikes & Desertlites Double Points 5 times around a 25 mile loop Buggies, Cars & Trucks Plaster City West El Centro, CA District 38 Schedule All events near El Centro, CA August 26, 1995 Night Team Race September 1 7, 1995 The Stuart):ngineer Desert Sprint October 1, 1995 The Smitty's Cycle Center Mudhen II November 19, 1995 Notorious Dawg 3 hour T earn Race December 3, 1995 Rudolph's Revenge Desert Gran Prix GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714) 880-1733 McKenzie Series Races June 25, 1995 August 6, 1995 October 22, 1995 December 3, 1995 Glen Helen Special Events Contact BBM Marketing Promotions, P.O. Box 582, Lakewood, CA 90714 (3w) 988-0250 USA Sand Drags (909) 877-5045 July 15, 1995 September 16, 1995 October 14, 1995 November 11, 1995 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 (402) 496-0846 Eve. June 17, 1995 July 8, 1995 July 29, 1995 August 19, 1995 (all races at Weslfair Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course similar to the MTEG tracks, and Classes z, l-I6oo, 7S and Quad under SODA rules) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O . Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714)364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Boh (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime ( All events start 7 miles NW of Kam loops) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O . Box 1365 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 240-1335/(619) 240-1312 July 21-23, 1995 Johnson Valley 200 Lucerne Valley, CA September 22-24, 1995 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 17-19, 1995 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 (517)543-7214 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517) 627-6200 July 10, 1995 7:00 p.m. Hartford, MI July 22, 1995 7:00 p.m. Fowlerville, MI July 30, 1995 4:00 p.m. Mason, MI August 3, i 995 7:30 p.m. Sandusky, MI August 9, 1995 7:30 p.m. Bad Axe, MI August 12, 1995 4:00 p.m. Corunna, MI August 19, 1995 Motorcycles and ATVs only Mt. Morris, MI August 24, 1995 7:00p.m. ~ Hudsonville, Ml ~ more Trail N.otes ••• TEAM GREEN GOES ON PATROL-K~wasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A., based in Irvine, CA, has been awarded the largest motorcycle contract ever issued by the California Highway Patrol, for the purchase of nearly 3,000 law enforcement equipped units. Delivery of the motorcycles began late in 1994 and continues through December 1995. Kawasaki has been awarded the prestigious CHP contract in 15 of the past 19 years for their 1000cc displacement motorcycle, assembled in Lincoln, Nebraska. The law enforcement agency is one of more than 900 departments using the )(awa·saki police unit. All companies bidding for the contract must submit their motorcycles to rigorous testing procedures administered by the CHP. Among the tests conducted are those relating to top speed, braking distance, turning radius, acceleration and flat-tire retention. The latter test refers to the motorcycle's ability to maintain control at freeway speeds with a totally flat tire. Maybe off road racing contributed to the developement of flat tire retention, but it is neat to see Kawasaki gain such a prestigious contract. MIKE OLSON of Olsen Brothers Racing in northern California, had a stroke last May. We are happy to report that he is doing well, and will be home from the hospital early in June. Olson is the major sponsor of the Olson Brothers Racing 1600 driven to the VORRA Championship last year in the 1600 class by Roger Caddell, and Shane Balch has been driving the car and often winning in VORRA events in 1995. We wish Mike a speedy and total recovery. THE GLEN HELEN OHV PARK management has some ambitious plans for the winter months for a new short course series, sort of an east-west · challenge.We know Glen Helen has been talking about this for some time, calling it the winter series challenge for SODA racers to take a few weeks, come to California after their series is over and run some races at Glen Helen. The plans call for tow money from sponsors for the mid westerners, and it is also a good place for stadium cars to get some exercise, since it is the only short course track in constant operation in southern California. There are a number of different track designs that can be used and the midwesterners are already excited about the prospect of "another Riverside" in this proposed series of three to four events. It sure would be a good thing for the sport if it comes off this fall, and everyone would be home by Thanksgiving. THE FINAL FLAG• Five time Baja champion Danny Hamel was killed Saturday, June 3rd when his motorcycle collided with the car of a motorist who strayed onto the off road race course during the running of the Baja 500. Hamel, 23 of Boulder City, NV was 10 miles into the race and in third place when a car driven by an unidentified driver turned onto a paved section of the course. Hamel's Kawasaki teammate Larry Roeseler stated that Hamel's motorcycle and the car collided head-on, and Hamel slid under the vehicle. Hamel was transported to a hospital in Ensenada where he was pronounced dead of chest injuries. The race continued despite the fatal accident. Our sincere sympathy goes to Danny's family, his friends and teammates. Via Con Dios, Danny. SECOND Page 8 FLAMINGO RD. & THE STRIP • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 1-800-634-6755 WEST FLAMINGO & VALLEY VIEW 1-800-331 -5334 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA July 1995 TO NONE Dusty Times

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August 26-2 7, 1995 l:00p.m. Off Road Nationals Kalama:oo, MI Other Dates Pending November 4, 1995 Banquet at 7:00 p.m. Diamondale, MI MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION David Cronin, President. MAORA 2590 Mullanphy Florissant, MO 63031 (618) 765-2199 June 4, 1995 Albin Pond Raceway Neoba, IL June 24, 1995 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Casey, IL July 8, 1995 Washington County Fairgrounds Nashville, Illinois Septt'lllber 9, 1995 Lincoln Trail Motorsports Casey, IL (M.A.0.R.A. sanctioned races. Series produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barrett 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, Ml 48506 (810) 736-9221 September 9-10, 1995 Mt. Baldy Hill Climb Silver Lake St. Park, MI NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK 1360 Kleppe Lane Sparks, NV (702) 331-4800, (702) 331-5107 Fax August 23-27, 1995 Truck Show Reno 300 Off Road Race NTW Consumer Truck "Expo" OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 June 16-18, 1995 Ghost Town Adventure '95 South Lake Tahoe, CA August 18-20, 1995 Gold Rush Adventure Nevada City, CA September 15-1 7, 1995 Kern River Jamboree Kernville1Lake Isabella, CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasque: 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915)855-8899 July 1-2, 1995 September 2-3, 1995 November4-5, 1995 ( A ll races are at Mountain Shadow Lake Take l -10 Horizon Blvd exit east 12 miles) OHIO OFF ROADERS ASSOCIATION P.O . Box 15 Stonecreek, Ohio 43840 (216) 339-4674 or (216) 897-5100 Hill Climb & Stadium Si,le Off Road Racing at Bear Creek Amphitheater Boliuar, Ohio July l. 1995 July 29, 1995 August 12, 1995 September 9, 1995 Bear Creek Ampitheater September 23, 1995 Cadi: Fairgrounds ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd. N Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416)427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 Dusty Times S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-32081(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 July 7-8, 1995 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ July 28-29, 1995 Maine Forest Summer Rally Rumford, ME August 25-26, 1995 Ojibwe Forests Pro Rally Bemidji, MN Houghton, MI December 1-2, 1995 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME SCORE Score International 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, NV 89124 ( 702) 361 -5404 June 30-July l, 1995 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September8-10, 1995 Nevada 300 Laughlin, NV November8-11, 1995 Tecate Baja 1000 The Peninsula Run Baja California December 2, 1995 Awards Banquet July 1995 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Bo~ 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 July 21-23, 1995 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September ·29-0ctober l, 1995 SNORE250 Las Vegas, NV October 27-29, 1995 Double Trouble Las Vegas, NV December 1-3, ,1995 Eldorado 250 Las Vegas, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODAI( 414) 257-0422 June 10-11, 1995 Antigo Kiwanis Antigo, WI June 24-25, 1995 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI July 8-9, 1995 Fox Riverfest Luxemberg, WI July 22-23, 1995 Great Northern Challenge Lake Odessa, MI Page 9

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August 19-20, 1995 Road America Elkhart Lake, WI September 1-3, 1995 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 16-18, 1995 Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Camey, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowic:, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (All events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916)925-1702 June 23-25, 1995 Fernley 250 Desert Race Truck Inn Fernley, NV July 29-30, 1995 Fallon 250 at Night Fallon, NV September 2-4, 1995 Y.-rington to Fallon and Back Yerington, NV September 30-October l, 1995 Fall Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento. CA Class Stadium 1650* Stadium 1600* PRO Buggy* PRO Baja* Superlites* · PRO Pilots* October 28-29, 1995 Championship Off Road Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA November 18, 1995 Awards Banquet Reno, NV WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson ( 604) 538-0692 WORRA, P.O . Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WESTERN PENSYLV ANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 ( 412) 532-0802 June 17-18, 1995 Steel City Raceway All Classes Pittsburgh, PA August 26, 1995 Challenger Raceway 4x4s Only Indiana, PA September 23-24, 1995 Challenger Raceway 4x4s Only National Race Indiana, PA September 30-0ctober l, 1995 Steel City Raceway All Classes Pittsburg, PA October 14-15, 1995 Steel City Raceway All Classes Pittsburgh, PA WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 Weekend Entry Fee (602) 971-3730 June 17-18, 1995 Short Course • Ma1ror, AZ September 2, 1995 Snowflake 200 Snowflake, AZ · October 7, 1995 Buckeye Bash I 25 Buckeye, AZ December 2, 1995 Point to Point 1 SO Rocky Point, Sonora, MX WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 ( 414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP July 5-8, 1995 Argentine Rally -F2 Argentina July 27-30, 1995 New Zealand Rally -WC, F2 I AP New Zealand August l 7-25, 1995 Rall1r of 1000 Lakes -F2 Finland September 15-18, 1995 Rally Australia -WCIAP Australia . October8-12, 1995 Sanremo Rally -F2 Italy October 22-25, 1995 Spain1Catulunya -WC November 19-22, 1995 RAC Rally-WC England 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 5490 I ( 414) 426-04 70, ( 414) 982-7306 August 11-12, 1995 Third Annual 4x4 New London Off Road Jamboree (Near) New London, WI ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! lt is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail you 1995 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally scheldule to : DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 9r3r r-44o8. $ 50.00 , ~""""""'-$ 75.00 • · $ 75.00 ~~-•"· $ 50.00 -... . Trophy & Stuff Bike PRO* Sportsman Buggy** Non-PRO Bike** $150.00 $100.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ ·50.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Trophy & Stuff -. ..:. - -Mini & Pee Wee Bike** $ 25.00 Trophy & Stuff l?!Jtite Per/or11tr111ee)klflites ATV1fHM'OUT'1 ATV PRO* $ 75.00 $ 7 5.00 Plus the RPM -=.:.,_.::,ii,_.. $1000.00 Guarantee! Trophy & Stuff -:.-Trophy & Stuff 4~ · ATV Non-PRO** ATV Limited** $ 35.00 $ 30.00 ATV Jr & Pee Wee** $ 25.00 Trophy & Stuff 6"".-..---ALL ATV Entrants will recieve a $20.00 Gift Certificate from RPM ta Weekend Pit Pass includes General Admission W".,:_., Pre Enter and Race on Friday-You Get: ALL MONEY and g-,---*2 FREE Pit Passes **1 FREE Pit Pass PRIZES PAID £.ridaY saturdaY SATURDAYNIGHT Practice & Practice.Last Chance Qualifying Qualifying & FINALS For infonnation call: Whiplash Motorsports·• (602) 971-3730 Mohave County Fairgrounds South of 1-40, Between StocktonHill and Andy Devine Page 10 July 1995 more Trail Notes ••• CAL CITY RACE-Baja Promotions/ BP Racing announcd last month that they had received all needed approvals, permits etc. to conduct the first annual "Midnight Romp at Cal City-150" off road race July 14-16, 1995. The actual race day is Saturday the 15th when Motorcycles, ATVs and all classes of four wheel vehicles including buggies, trucks, sedans, and super trucks will compete in the 150 mile race around a 50 mile course. The race venue is located on the outskirts of the city of Californis City, just off Highway 14, and it will use 100% designated Cal City dirt streets. Actually the city streets being used are just dirt trails full of normal course hazards, and are generally very rough terrain. However, according to city plans, these are proposed city streets which were laid out in the early 60s. Race promoter Lou Peralta of Baja Promotions/BP Racing has a program that includes a day, probably a week before the event, for pre-running at controlled speeds. On Friday July 14 at 5:00 p.m. the registration, contingency row and technical inspection will take place in Cal City going on until 8:30 p.m. followed by a racer's reception and the drawing for starting positions. On Saturday the race will start at 4:00 p.m for motorcycles and A TVs, and they will do two laps for an official finish "'.ithin a four hour time limit. Lou Peralta stated he expected the evening into night format would help control the race, and he said the course design is excellent for the first race, taking place mostly at twilight and at night. The event is expected to not only bring off road racing back to the area, but to also bring an economic windfall to the city. "You've got to remember," said Peralta, "that an off road race of this type brings not just participants, but their families and crews that may have as many people as ten per team." He went on to say he has been working on this event since 1993 and hopes to have additional races around California City in 1996. That is all we know, and for further information contact Baja Promotions at (818) 340-5750/922-6355 or check the advertisement in this issue. LATE NEWS FLASH -BAJ A 500-Early reports as we go to press indicate that Curt LeDuc won the Trophy-Truck race with Jason Baldwin in second and Ivan Stewart third. Mike Julson won Class 1 by just seconds over Ed Herbst and Larry Job was triumphant in Class 10. Kawasaki riders Kraus & Smith were winners in the motorcycle division. We will have all the information and the full race story in next month's Dusty Times. Coming Next Month ••• SCORE Baja 500 SODA Memorial Day 100 SCCA Rim of the World National Rally ••• plus all the regular features Dusty Times

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Big Time Down and DI. AUGUST 19-20 £//<hart Lal<e, Wisconsin The nations top .off~road racers -including Walker £vans, Jack :Flannery and the Probst Brothers*-take on the Sport's most challenging closed course in a Factory vs. Factory truck &. buggy shoot-out. • 16 Bone-Jarring Races! • 22 Competition Classes! •Panoramic Views of Action! • Great Food! • Free Parking! 0 Sheboygan Fond=~1 mlAmerico Milwaukee ILLINOIS Chicago •Expected to compete ·'=:::!I e Elkhart Lake, WI ROAD AMERICA Road America is located midway between Milwaukee and Green Bay on Wisconsin Hwy 67 and County J-about one hour from Milwaukee~ 2-1 /2 hours from Chicago and 4.1 /2 hours from Minneapolis. Enter thru Gate 4 on County J ADULT ADMISSION: $10·.00 Children 12 and Under Admitted FREE with Paying Adult

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Ivan Stewart started out running second in the Toyota, the only small engine in the field, but later a broken shock dropped his effort back to fourth 0 /A. Robby Gordon matched first lap times with the leaders in the fancy Ford, but later on he had to replace the driveshaft, which put him back to fifth place. Bob Richey and Tom Baker have a Ford Ranger base for their Trophy-Truck, broke a wheel on the first lap which cost a lot of time and they finished in sixth. SCORE TECATE TROPHY-TRUCK SERIES Simon a Simon Win At Las Vegas· 1so Ford's power steering.Tom Baker lap, and came up to third. Stewart and Bob Richey had lost time on was fourth, only two minutes lap one with a broken wheel that behind him, followed in by Gor-broke a brake caliper on their don. LeDuc lost his trans, had it Ford, while Jim Baldwin's Ford replaced, and then discovered had oil running out of the rear that he'd lost his rear end also. He end. Marty Coyne lost two drive-never got to the finish line. shafts in his Ford, and Jack John-The most dramatic finish of son holed the trans of his Dodge this class was accomplished by on a rock, and it froze up and Rene:eder, who had been running refused to move any more, just as in the top five on the last lap when he got to the end of his second lap. he rolled over, about seven miles He was a couple of minutes too before the finish. No one could late to be allowed out on his third say whether he'd rolled and broke lap. Jason Baldwin also missed the the front end, or whether the cutoff, having spent so much time front end had broken and he'd replacing parts. Roger Mears and rolled. It had the same effect By Judy Smith Paul Simon drove the distance to win the Trophy-Truck race in hts trusty and well developed Ford. Attrition took out half the field but Paul did his solo act very well and won by a good five minutes. Paul Simon drove the family Ford to victory at SCORE's Las Vegas 250 to earn the first win of the season for himself and his hrother, Dave, and the first win for Ford in this year's series. This was the third event in the seven race series, and it proved to he tougher than had been antici-pated. While the course had neither the length nor the geogra-phic characteristics of the old north Las Vegas race course, it turned out to be so rocky that drivers couldn't just blast through the desert. They had to pay attention. The Trophy-Trucks started at six a.m., a little over four hours hefore the Pro racers in the Las Vegas 250. They ran on exactly the same three lap course, but they faced a two lap cut-off time of four hours. Any Trophy-Truck driver who hadn't completed his second lap before his four hours were up was not allowed to go past the start/ finish line. SCORE didn't want to have a bunch oflate running T-T drivers out in the desert mixing it up with the rela-tively defenseless limited classes. The trucks lined up in the pre-dawn of a cool, windy day, ready to be flagged off at 30 second intervals. For this race, which had no television cameras watching, there would be no mandatory pit stops, no mandatory tire changes and no limit to the numbers of pit people who could work on the truck at one time. At the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Jim Smith in his Ford, who'd started fourth, and was now first on the road. In second place it was Ivan Stewart in his Toyota, just 16 seconds later, with Simon only 25 seconds behind him in third. In fourth it was Carl Rene:eder, in a Ford, another 37 seconds later, and fol-lowed by Walker Evans, 4 7 seconds behind him. Javier CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' - any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY 5153 Bowden Av,.• San Diego• CA• 92117 • (619) ~i-2509 Page 11 Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Espinoza was already out, after endoing his Chevy about one mile into the race, when he went into a wash too fast, and instead of' launching into a nice four point landing when he came out, he bumped his rear end up, so he landed on his nose and went over and over. Ramon Castro, one of SCORE's most successful Class I I racers ever, was riding, and had a grip on the roll cage cross bar. His hands were reportedly banged up, though reports were that neither were seriously injured. Jason Baldwin got no distance at all before he was in trouble, sliding off to the side about six truck lengths into the race when· he lost his transmission or torque convertor, or both. His crew went to work to find replacements, and get them installed. And another first lap victim was Brady Stiles, who was debuting the new Chevy that Nelson & Nelson had just completed for Larry Ragland. This was to be its shake down cruise, and the truck was reported to have been ultra-quick across the desert. But there were drive-shaft problems, and Stiles never did complete the first lap. At the end of the second lap Simon had taken the lead, and he had about a minute and 15 seconds on Rob MacCachren, Ford, now in second. In third it was Evans, followed by Curt LeDuc, in his Jeep, and then , Rene:eder in fifth. Stewart had fallen back a bit with a broken rear shock. Smith had lost his transmission, and Steve Kelley was completely out of it after tear-ing up the rear end of his Dodge on a big boulder. ~;~~;J~~ ~h~ fi~~shii~:g:~e~o7td either wa Y • His crew rushed out to piece the right front corner hack time. Simon lead-footed it through the last lap, in close· communion with his crew on the radio, and they kept reporting that Mac-Cachren, who was in front of him, was catching him on elapsed ti~e. And MacCachren did get the lead for a while, but about six miles hefore the finish, Simon went by him, as MacCachren climbed out of his truck to wait for his crew to come and replace his transmis-sion. Simon went on to take the win, the third for the team since the start of the series. Evans, who'd had a couple of flats, but said his motor ran "perfect", was second, about five minutes later. Larry Ragland, who'd had two flats on the first lap, and then played catch up, ran the fast lap of the class, at 1:23:14, on the last together so he could get a finish , and they hoped , earn some points. But ahout three miles before the finish, it broke again. Rene:eder was determined. He jettisoned the useless parts, and came on in on three wheels, the right front corner of the truck missing. The entire A-arm assem-hly was gone. A member of his crew stated that a broken upper control arm pivot holt was the culprit. Rene:eder was ahout 19 minutes overtime, and didn't get an official finish for his trouble. The Trophy-Trucks reach the halfway point in their series with the running of the Baja 500 early in June. They go into that event with Stewart leading, Evans second and MacCachren and Gordon tied for third place. Simon had stopped for fuel at the end of lap one, and for some reason hadn't been given quite a full tank, which the pit crew didn't discover until after the truck was part way through the second lap. That meant that Simon had to make an extra stop for a splash, which he did at the end of lap two. Now he was care-fully threading his way through the rocks, which his passenger, Don Tebbe, builder of the car, described as " like a million land mines". Paul was driving all the way in this event, his brother, Dave, who usually drives half, was recovering from a broken rib, result of a non-racing accident. -~· -~*' Robby Gordon had to replace a driveshaft in his Ford, and John Swift had overheating problems, brake problems, and lost his July 1995 Walker Evans moved his Dodge into second late in the race, had run in third for some time but finished second adding the coveted points to his total score. Larry Ragland gave the old Chevy one last ride, he says, and it was a good one as he finished less than a minute behind Evans in third overall this race. Dusty Times

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I A 0 u N D & 14 Pro and Sportsman Classes For Cars andTrucks . I SPECIAL FORMAT• 40M1LE Loop Drawing: Aug. 26 Publicity Run: Aug. 26 (702) 361-5404 BFGaadricli -----Tires

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SCORE'S LAS VEGAS 150 Dan Smith Takes Overall Win By Judy Smith Phot.os: Trackside Phot.o Inc. ~ .. "i.~- -i:.. .. -Dan Smith drove his Enduro Racing Class 8 Ford to a resounding overall as well as class victory at the Las Vegas 250, renamed this year and staged out of Jean, NV. Smith had no trouble, not even a flat on the rough course on his way to first overall in a solo drive. Dan Smith drove his Ford truck to the overall win at SCORE's April event, the Las Vegas 250, descendant of the old, much loved, Mint 400. In the eight years or so since there's actually been a Mint 400, the race has seen several sponsors, a change in the start/ finish area, a relocated contingency (from Fremont Street to the Gold Coast parking lot), and now a major switch in location. SCORE Chief, Sal Fish, explained that the move from the familiar and well liked area north of Las Vegas, on Highway 15 as it heads to Utah, was mandated because of the additional cost of holding the race out there. He said that along with BLM fees and permits, there would have-been about $15,000 in additional permits for using Indian lands and private property. SCORE decided to cut costs. Many racers were initially disappointed at the substitution of the much used Gold Coast course, even though it was run "backwards", and the relative shortness of the event, at 240 miles. It seems they're ready for a 400 miler in the spring. Nonetheless, they showed up in pretty good numbers, with 157 starters, including the Trophy,Trucks, which was just seven shy of last year's total entry on the old course. Early on it seemed as if even more of the Las Vegas magic had been wiped out, when SCORE announced that the contingency and tech inspection would take place at the start/finish area, along the paved road that is pit row. This meant that contingency folks would be parked in the dirt. There would also be no handy rest rooms, coffee shops, slot machines or ice cream counters as there had been at the Gold Coast in recent years. But the contingency teams were handed a last minute reprieve (so last minute that some didn't hear about it until they Tommy Bradley Jr. and dad Tom Sr. had dreamed of winning "the Mint" for many years and despite running out of gas they regained most of the time and were first in the Class 1 Raceco and second overall. were at Jean looking for their bumper were Tim and Ed Herbst parking place) when a host hotel, in their Porsche powered Mike the Vacation Village on the Smith chassis, tied with Doug extreme southern end of the strip, Fortin, in Steve Sourapas's A, took up the slack. They provided armed Racecar Dynamics chassis. all of the above, and a crowded, About a minute and a half later but cheerful, contingency row came Pat Dean in a Porsche was set up on their paved parking Chenowth, and behind him, Chet lot. Their facilities were also used Huffman and John Hagle, in their for the drivers' meeting, C.R.B. Nissan powered Chenowth. meeting, and awards presentation At mile 38 of the second lap on Sunday after the race. It was a Bradley ran out of gas, and lost definite improvement on the pit about 12 minutes. Then he made row arrangement. a driver change, putting Tommy This was a one day event, with in at the midway point, and all the Trophy,Trucks getting a that cost them their lead. Now sunrise start at six a.m., and the Dean, another Las Vegas resident, Pro and Sportsman classes taking was in front, with about five the green flag at about 10: 10. All, minutes on the Bradleys. And the including the Sportsmen, Class Bradleys had something to worry 11 and the "stock" truck classes, about. When Tommy had ,were required to run three laps, stopped at the start/ finish check and the time limit was 10 hours at the end of lap 2 the car had for everybody. stalled. It took the combined The Unlimited cars were first efforts of Danny Cau and Paul to go, single file, and 30 seconds Fish, SCORE Officials, to get him apart. They left when the Trophy, moving fast enough to restart the Trucks were about four hours engine. Tom and Steve Martin into their event, and those that had now moved up to third in were going to finish were already their Pontiac powered Raceco, on their last lap, hence not in while the Herbsts, who had some much danger of intermingling. power steering trouble, were The first car to take to-the desert, fourth, followed by Bob Lofton the Raceco of Tom and Tommy and Mike Julson in a front,A, Bradley, Las Vegas residents, was armed Jimco. Lofton, who'd also the first car to come back started, had been slowed a bit by a around, and they had the lead by a freight train style bumper cars very slim 20 seconds. It was Tom, incident in the silt, and had also Sr. driving. Nibbling at his had two flat tires. Julson had · · taken over midway through the second lap, and he'd clipped a tire on a truck as he passed it, and was sent into a multiple barrel roll out into the weeds. After a quick once,over of the car, he'd hopped back in to continue the race, shaken, but uninjured. On the last lap Dean stayed in front until very close to the end, with the Bradleys running second. Then the radio reports said they'd both had flats and the Herbsts were in front. But the Herbsts also flattened a tire, and it was the Bradleys who took the win. The Herbsts finished just eight minutes later, followed in by Lofton and Julson, who did the final portion of the race with no power steering. In fourth it was Fortin and Sourapas, fighting electrical gremlins, and running on three cylinders for two thirds of the race. Dean, who had run out of gas after fixing his flat, was fifth. Plowing a typical Jean, NV silt bed didn't slow Rick Johnson too much as he Although slowed by electrical trouble and running on three cylinders Steve put the Chevy home second in Class 8 and lost his early lead with power Sourapas and Doug Fortin Jr. came in fourth in Class 1 and were 12th overall. steering trouble but was eighth overall. The Class 8 trucks started next, and Rick Johnson was in the lead at the end of the lap, in his Chevrolet, with just under eight minutes on Dan Smith in his Ford. Dale White, who had to do a major rebuild on his Chevy after his San Felipe endo, ran third after a flat, followed by Steve Barlow in John Swift's Explorer. Sergio Nolasco, in a Dodge, was slowed for a while by a flat, and ran fifth. Page 14 July 1995 Dusty Times

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Johnson had a power steering problem, and Smith, with no second gear, moved into the lead, now about 23 seconds ahead of Johnson. In third it was still White, but Nolasco had moved up to fourth, with Darren Skilton, in his Jeep Grand Cherokee, now in fifth, all recovered from sliding into a big ditch. Smith was one of the few who had no flat tires all day, and he held his steady pace to take the win, followed in by Johnson, a little over a half hour later. Nolasco was third, with White, who'd hit a rock and flattened another tire, in fourth. Skilton was fifth, only three minutes behind him. All the finishers, in . all the classes, talked about rocks. They agreed that the rocks were a big hazard, and most called it the rockiest course tney'd run. Class 10 was big at 22 starters. but coming off a win in California. Rick Sergio Nolasco and Alejandro Abaroa got a flat in the rocks on the San Felipe Romans took charge early on lap 1 in his Raceco Rabbit leading by seconds winning Dodge, and he moved from fifth to finish third in Class B. 9th O/A. through two laps and won Class 10 by four minutes and was fifth overall. Class 10 was next to go, and at the end of lap one Rick Romans had the lead, in his Rabbit Raceco. He had exactly one minute on Tom Schilling in his Jimco A-Arm VW powered car. In third it was Rod Muller, in another Jimco A-Arm, this one with Pontiac power. Robert Harman ran fourth, in a VW Lothringer, and Andy Wehe, in a VW Jimco two seater, was fifth, " ~, £M M just four minutes and 48 seconds Tom Schilling kept the leader in sight in his Jimco VW. dropped a little on the Young Andy Wehe and Jimmy Weitzel have another one of those fast VW powered Jimcos. had some trouble in the traffic but were third in Class 10, seventh O/A. in back of the lead car. i last lap in the dust but took a close second (n Class 10 and sixth overall. Romanswashavingagoodday, _ in front of Lee Finke, who's. his co-driver, Lee Patten, moved minute on the Bayerles. Dizney were now in third, 34 seconds and his co-driver, Ross Craft, later, and V and continued to lead, now only moved up into the Pro class, after into the lead, with just over a eight seconds in front of Schilling, doing last year as a Sportsman. In who was also having a good day. fourth it was Michael James In third it was Wehe, and then who'd had a rear flat, put on his Larry Job, who'd been stuck on a spare, and then flattened another rock when a wheel came off on the rear. He had to drive 11 miles to first lap, and his co-driver, Rob his next pit on that flat. MacCachren, who'd just finished Jakobson held his lead through his Trophy-Truck race, were lap two, and now he had less than fourth. MacCachren said it was a a minute on Grabowski, and his big letdown to go from the 100 brother Neal, who ran second. mile per hour Trophy-Truck to James, and his co-driver, Mike the Class 10 that had a top speed Kalicki, were up to third, as Finke of about 60 in the fast sections. had a long lap and dropped to Jim Zupanovich, who'd taken fourth. Jakobson lost his motor over for his son, Mike, was now on the last lap, and dropped out, running fifth in their Toyota and the Grabowskis were first for powered J .M.R. an eye-blink, but then broke a Romans and Schilling held on torsion bar and had to do a quick to their positions in front, with change. In the meantime, James Romans getting the win and andKalickimotoredonby,andto Schilling second, only about four the win. The Grabowskis were and a half minutes later. Wehe, seconq, only two minutes and 41 who said his on! y problem had seconds behind them. No one else been with traffic, was third, and managed to finish. Job and MacCachren, who'd had In Class 1-2-1600, the first lap no brakes, and a trans that leader was the team of Dean and popped out of third, finished Mark Bayerle, in their Raceco. fourth. The Zupanovich team had They had 39 seconds on Don a close call when they ran out of Lampus, Jr., in a Jimco, who'd gas about four miles out from the rolled over about three quarters finish. But they managed to get a of a mile into the race. In third it splash from somewhere, and was Ron Wilson, followed by Jim came in for a fifth place. Dizney, in a Jimco. And Rick Class 5 lost one entry early Paquette and Mike McClune, in a when Vance Allen rolled over Raceco, ran fifth. This class was only a few miles into the race. even closer than Class 10, with Mike Jakobson took the lead, first and fifth places separated by with three minutes on Mike an even three minutes. Grabowski, who was 12 minutes On the second lap Wilson and Michael James and Mike Kalicki ate a lot of dust on the dry lakes in the swift Class 5 Bug, but they took the lead on the last lap and sailed on to finish first in Class 5 and 30th overall. Dusty Times cKE ZIE'S IA ILTERS KN YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: {714) 441-1622 ill PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE .• ANAHEIM. CA 92806 a: 0 0 (.) en ..!. I-.,! w z z w lii iii >-w _, I-(.) en a: w ti a: Ill '!l en ~ z w :I: w ::, _, :s 11. 1-£1 CD DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME > T2 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER .......................................... MRB-86-9305 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-3 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR ............................... MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE .....................................•.. MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 . CV JOINT TYPE I ................................... HDR-113-501-331 CV JOlNT TYPE II .................................. HDR-211-501-331B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501-3310 • ./ i{if/ . 875 STD BALL ........................................ HYP-19005 934 STD BALL ........................................ HYP-19006 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF ...................... MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFF T-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .. ........................ MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVERS/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 CV GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY STD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 SM BOOT ................................................... SUP-102 BATES BOOT ............................................. BAT-BOOT 930 ROTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 934 ROTAT LEATHEl3 ................................ STC-6001 E FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 L FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 s .so ROSE JS P C CIBIE UGH S B GP CK Ill 5 m en 0 0 m :n 0 )> r 0 --i m :n m 0 ;:: .,, 6 July 1995 Page 15

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Neal and Mike Grabowski ran second in Class 5 from the green flag, stayed out of trouble and finished second about two minutes, 41 seconds out of a win. ~ followed by Lampus. In They didn't discover until after fifth it was still Paquette and they'd stood around the finish McClune, still only five minutes line for a while that their power behind the lead car. steering belt was gone. Dizney, But lap three was another who started his off road career in matter. Wilson and Patten didn't Class 9 when it was a 1200cc survive, nor did Paquette and class, was delighted with his first McClune, and their stories go win in 10 years. Danny Porter and untold. But the Bayerles had the , Mark Ruddis, who'd lost the misfortune to be right behind a powersteeringontheirSuspensions mini truck of some sort that chose Unlimited car at mile 40 of lap a bad moment to come to a one, finished second, about six sudden stop. The Bayerles car slid minutes behind the winners. In in underneath its bed, and became third it was Lampus, who'd had a inextricably tangled. They didn't momentary scare when his car finish the third lap either. quit about a quarter mile before In the meantime, Dizney and the finish. It fired up again and got Craft, who avoided the pitfalls, him to the checkered flag. Brian struggled a bit with their trans and Scott Steele, who'd struggled . sticking in gear, and took the win. with a "flat" motor all day in their A long time team Jim Dizney and Ross Craft got into a 1-2-1600 Jimco for their return to action, stayed close to the leaders who fell out on lap 3, and they motored into the class win and 16th overall. Suspensions Unlimited car, were second lap, holding on to the lead, pleased with a fourth their first even though they were having to time out in the new race car. stop at every pit to add power In Class 7 it was Tim Lawrence steering fluid. Lewis was down so infrontinaFordSplashattheend far he was "just cruisin' ", but of the first lap, and he had about Taylor's brother, Rick, in the eight minutes on Jeff Lewis, in his truck now, was pushing hard, and Chevrolet, who'd lost his front was in second place. They were drive, and an idler arm. In third it going to race as long as the rear was Chris Taylor, in his Ford axle housing could take it, Lewis Ranger. He had thought he was had dropped to third. done for on Friday when he broke Now it was Robert Guthrie's a rear axle housing, but John turn in the lead truck, and he Swift's crew had welded it stayed out in front also, still together, which Taylor thought adding power steering fluid, to was impossible, and they'd told give the team their win. Lewis, him to go racing, so he did, but who had decided he might have a not anticipating much success. chance if he really pushed it, had Lawrence got out, and his co-poured on the steam for the last ·driver Ron Norton drove the lap, and, when the Taylors got high centered about 10 miles from the finish, he moved up to RACING PRODUCTS & CHASSIS take second place, only a little under four minutes behind first place. The Taylors, hardly believing their good luck with that rear axle housing, were third, only another two and a half minutes later. The Class 7S trucks started next, and it was Larry Plank and Scott Steinberger, in their Ford Ranger, in front by 38 seconds at the -end of the first lap. Mark Hansen ran second, in another Ford, while Billy Bunch and John Kearney were third in their Ford. John Becker, in still another Ford, was fourth. In fifth it was the two Rick Johnsons, in yet another Ford, already having stopped to add power steering fluid. There were only two non Fords in the class; the Toyota of Brady Helm and Pete Swift, and another Toyota, belonging to Scott Sells and Alan Ross. Sells and Ross were aleady in trouble, however, and never did their second lap. Steinberger and Plank were running trouble free, and had a lead of six minutes at the end of lap two, with the Johnsons running second. Hansen, and his co-driver, Malcolm Vinje, were now in third, and the truck had an odd symptom that felt like it might be running out of fuel, but it wasn't. In fourth it was the Beckers, who'd knocked a line off their dry sump with a rock on the first lap, and now had some carburetion trouble. Helm and WE CAN HANDLE ALL OF YOUR OFF-ROAD CHASSIS AND SUSPENSION NEEDS Don Lampus Jr. and Sr. had a good run in their 1-2-1600 Jimco and despite a right off the line rollover they survived to finish third in the class. FOX RACING SHOX REBUILDING STATION Fox RACING SHox VP RACING FUEL BEARDS SEATS SUMMERS BROS FUEL SAFE SWAY-A-WAY CNC WRIGHT PLACE UMP PRODUCTS JA -MAR PRODUCTS 42425 5TH STREET EAST UNIT C & D LANCASTER, CA 93535 (805) 940.-5515 (805) 940-5514 FAX Page 16 July 1995 .-:"i.""< Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis kick up dust on a dry lake in the 1-2-1600 Suspensions Unlimited car, and had power steering loss but were second in class. Brian and Scott Steele plow a little silt in their 1-2-1600 Jimco, had a flat motor all day in their new Jimco but brought it home fourth in class. Dusty Times

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Swift, not happy with their suspension, were fifth. Plank and Steinberger had a smooth day, without even a flatto slow them down, and took the win by 13 minutes. That gives him three for three this year. The Johnsons ( who are not related) were second, followed in by the Beckers, Vinje and Hansen, • mystified by their gasping engine, finished fourth, and Swift and Helm got their Toyota to the checkered flag in fifth, the last finisher in the class. This was apparently a tough race for Class 3. Robert Hayley Tim Lawrence, Ron Norton and Robert Guthrie took turns driving the Class 7 and Vic Bruckmann had their old Ford Splash and they stopped often to add power steering fluid, and they led Jeff Lewis lost his front drive in the Chevy S-1 O right off the line or close to it, Bronco in the lead at the end of . a// the way to victory in the rough going. but he carried on, went fast on lap 2 and was second in Class 7. the first lap, with just under two trouble on lap two and lost about I the edge of not having enough races, had no flats, and no only two laps, were fourth. minutes on Todd and Jim Gatrell • an hour, as the Gatrells, who get time to complete his third lap in problems, beyond one fuel stop In Class 5-1600 Gus Vildosola in their propane powered Chevy three miles to the gallon on their the limit, so he was flagged in. that took 10 minutes, and went took the first lap lead, with a Blazer. Dick Sasser, in an propane, necessitating a fuel stop Sasser had apparently had enough on to complete their third lap, and minute and 14 seconds on Danny International Scout, ran third, atthe end of each lap, moved into by then anyway, and wanted out getthewin. Hayley and Bruckmann Ledezma. In third it was Vince and Kirk Kbvel and Mike Abbott the lead. Sasser was still third, of the car, and a nice, comfortable were never seen again, but on the Alcouloumre, with Jeff Holmes in were fourth in their Bronco, but dropping bits and pieces, like his I chair to sit in. strength of their two lap time, fourth, a minute and 48 seconds obviously having problems. . exhaust and a shock, but still The Gatrells, who've run the . were second, with Sasser in third. • back. Holmes had Art Saavedra, Hayley and Bruckmann had , moving. However, he was just on same set of tires for their last four Kovel and Abbott, who also did one of SCORE's tech inspectors, ,,._,,ycce,,• in the passenger seat. It seems that w Holmes hadn't really planned to race, and had dug the car out of the spring mud up in Palo Alto· only a few days before the race, and hadn't left himself time to find a passenger, so Art was pressed into service. He reported that he thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Scott Steinberger and Larry Plank are really on a roll, as they drove the Ford Ranger to the third win in Class 7S in as many races, ran trouble free not even a flat and won by a stout 12 minutes. Rick D. and Rick L. Johnson come out of the high desert with a potent Class 7S Ford and moved up from fifth on lap 1 to take second in Class 7S action. At the end of the second lap the lead belonged to Ledezma, and Charlie Watters had taken over for Vildosola, who headed south to Mexicali, for a family reunion. Alcouloumre was still third, with Holmes' brother, John, now driving, and still in fourth. Ledezma ~ t)NNUAL] Saturday, July 1, 1995 in Jackpot, Nevada at 9:00 a.m. SHARP ... SPECTATORS FREEi ENTREE FEES: Pro Racer -$320 • Class 9 & 5/1600 -$250 • Sportsman -$125 · FRIDAY, JUNE 30 Pre-running 25 MPH Speed Limit Registration, Tech. Inspection. & Car Display 4:00-8:00 p.m. at Barton's 93 SATURDAY, JULY 1 Driver Meeting at 8:00 a.m. \lilt 1)e,d,iJ ~ t1ie ?~N~£VE_NT Hospitality and added purse from the Community of Jackpot Added cash bonus for all class winners!! Spec,ial, ~~ to to.all,OWJ,/995~ ... * * * * * * * * * * TWIN FALLS Century Automotive Machine Commercial Tire Curt's Car Care Brico of Idaho, Inc. Gem State Welders Supply Hi-Tech Welding Metal Research S&D Automotive Sheet Metal Fabrication JACKPOT Barton's Club 93 Cactus Pete's The Four Jacks The Horsehu Spanish Gardens RV Park State l'..ine Liquor Davison Signs 4x4 Plus The Renter Center The Window Welder T.F. Body and Paint T.F. Truck and Equipment Twin Lawn Mowers Magic Valley Early Iron Independent Auto Sorenson Construction OGDEN Felt Auto of Ogden Bonneville Offroad Racing Enthusiasts VP Race gas available by Preorder ONLY. BRICO of IDAHO, Inc. 1800657-1062 RACE/ P.O. BOX 1583 • OGDEN, UTAH 84402 • (801) 627-BORE (208) 733-9084 Dusty Times July 1995 Page 17

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to second. Steve Olliges and Tim Casey, in a Ford Lightning, ran third now, fighting some fuel pressur~ troubles, and Stein was in fourth after losing about a half hour. Sykes had no major problems, and took the win, followed in by Robison, who'd driven the last lap with Hall riding in the passenger seat. Hall declared he was ready to retire again -probably. In third it was Olliges and Casey, and Dale Sykes, brother to Dave, moved up to finish fourth. Steve Wi/fiams and Charles Braden drive the LA County Sheriff's Ford in the John and Mike Becker also had to stop often for power steering fluid, a Stock Mini Truck class, and they are quick, don't damage the rig and this race In the Stock Mini Truck class it was Matt Vaughan and Kevin Brown, out in front in their Nissan, with Leo Brown and Mike Horner, in a Ford, in second place. Steve Williams ran third in his Ranger, after a minor front end problem. On the second lap Brown and Horner moved into the lead, and they'd had to change a radius arm bushing. They had only 20 seconds on Williams, who was now second, and Vaughan had dropped to last with a broken ball joint. common problem it seemed, but they kept moving in the Ford for third in 7S. brought them their second win this year in the Class. ~ . and Watters had been. five miles the other axle broke,. having a back and forth duel, and now he didn't have a spare. . taking turns at the lead, and. In the meantime, Alcouloumre. Watters had a flat on the last lap, lost his clutch, and the Holmes car letting Hector, Danny's dad, who moved up. Watters had no more was now driving, get by. Then troubles, and got a win for himself Watters saw Hector working at and the absentee Vildosola. The the rear of his car, and assumed Holmes brothers were second he'd had a flat also, but it was about 27 minutes later. In third it much worse. Hector was changing was Steve Miszkiewic: and Rick his broken axle. When he got it. St. John, who'd tipped their car. repaired he took off again, but in up on its side close to where SCORE LAS VEGAS 250 Resulta -April 29. 1995 # Poe Driver/~Drlver Vehicle Osaa 1/2 -Unlimited single & two aeat - 18 start - 9 finish 101 1 Tom Bradley Jr. & Sr. Raceco/Porsche 116 2 Ed & Tim Herbst Mika Smith/Porsche 119 3 Mike Julson/Bob Lofton Jimco VW 102 4 Slave Sourpas/Doug Fortin Jr. OJI 118 5 Pat Dean/Keith Underwood Chenowth/Porsche 1602 1 1608 2 1607 3 1603 4 1606 5 349 1 303 2 500 1 507 2 505 3 554 1 551 2 555 3 550 4 702 1 701 2 703 3 724 1 738 2 721 3 735 4 722 5 801 1 804 2 809 3 805 4 806 5 900 1 948 2 902 3 901 4 1020 1 1004 2 1005 3 1015 4 1019 5 1101 1 1100 2 779 1 777 2 761 3 763 4 863 1 861 2 860 3 866 4 864 5 1051 I 1653 2 1651 3 16 1 20 2 80 3 11 4 55 5 Oaaa 1/2-1600 -1600cc Restricted Engine - 19 atart -12 finish Jim Dizney/Ross Craft Jimco Don Lampus Sr. & Jr. Jimco Danny Porter/Mark Ruddis Suspensions Un ltd Brian & Scott Sleele Jimco Gary Anderson/Brian Howe Homemade aaaa 3 - Short we 4x4 - 4 atart -1 finish Todd & Jim Gatrell Chevy Blazer Robert HayleyNic Bruckmann Ford Bronco (2 laps) Oaaa 4 - Long WB 4x4 - 0 start - 0 finish Oaaa 5 - Unlimited Baja Bug - 7 atart - 2 finish Mike James/Mika Kalickl Baja Bug Neal & Mike Grabowski Baja Bug Mike Jakobson Baja Bug (2 laps) Oaaa 5-1600 -1600cc Baja Bug - 7 atart-4 finish Gustavo Vildosola/Charlie Watters Baja Bug J.T. Holmes/John Holmes Baja Bug Sleva Miszkiewicz/Rlck S1. John Baja Bug Danny & Hector Ledezma Baja Bug Oaaa 6 - Production Sedan - O atart - O finish Oaaa 7 -Unlimited Mini Pickup - 6 atart - 3 finish Robert Guthrie/Ron Norton/T Lawrence Ford Splash Jeff Lewis/John Chapman Chevy S-10 Chris & Rick Taylor Ford Ranger Oaaa 7S -Stock Mini Pickup -10 atart -5 finish Scott Sleinberger/Larry Plank Ford Ranger Rick D Johnson/Rick L Johnson Ford Ranger John & Mike Becker Ford Ranger Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Ford Ranger Brady Helm.'Pete Swift Toyota Oaaa 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup - 16 start - 9 finish Dan Smith (solo) Ford F-150 Rick Johnson (solo) Chevrolet Sergio Nolasco/Alejandro Abaroa Dodge Dale White/Mike Petersen Chevrolet Darren Skilton Jeep Grand Cherokee Oaaa 9 - Restricted Buggy - 5 atart - 4 finish Daman & Willie Jeffries Jimco Brian & Jim Jeffrey Raceco Kevin & Hal Graves Jimco Attonso Lacarra/Lalo Mayoral Jimco Oaaa 10 - Unlimited 1650cc - 22 atart -13 finish Rick Romans Raceco Tom Schilling/Dave Richardson Jimco · Andrew Wehe/Jimmy Weitze! Jimco Larry Job /Rob MacCachren Mirage Mike & Jim Zupanovich J.M.R. Oaaa 11 -Stock VW aedan - 3 start - 2 finish (1 lap) Thia claaa required to run only two laps Victor Barajas/Raul Gilbert VW Beetle Terry Kiely/Chris Woodward VW Beetle Oaaa Mini Stock - Stock Mini Trucks - 5 start - 3 finish Sleve Williams/Charles Braden Ford Ranger Michael Martin/Greg Foutz Ford Ranger Leo Brown/Mika Homer Ford Ranger Matt Vaughan/Kevin Brown Nissan (2 laps) Oaaa Stock Full -Stock Pickup Truck• - 8 atart - 6 finish W. David Sykes/Greg Woodington Ford Austin Robison/Rod Hall Hummer Slave Olliges/Tim Casey Ford Lightning Dale Sykes/Jeff Yocum Ford Chad Hall/Kevin Horan Hummer aaaa Sportaman - 8 start - 3 finish Mike Powada/David Villafana Todd Burt Bob & Steve Rule Trophy-Trucks -19 atart -11 finish Paul Simon Walker Evans Larry Ragland Ivan Stewart Robby Gordon Class 10 Raceco 1600 1600SS Ford F-150 Dodge Chevrolet Toyota SR5 Ford F-150 Time 4:58:09 5:06:42 5:08:19 5:38:14 5:50:09 5:57:06 6:03:17 6:03:58 6:09:04 6:10:03 8:59:23 6:15:11 6:19:52 6:21 :01 3:46:34 6:32:03 6:59:30 7:24:00 8:04:40 7:44:35 7:48:28 7:50:55 6:09:55 6:22:09 6:31 :44 6:35:55 8:17:32 4:52:35 5:27:01 5:30:56 5:37:57 5:40:41 7:08:41 7:11:09 7:14:55 8:11:40 5:11:46 5:16:13 5:24:03 5:35:51 5:54:12 3:22:54 3:32:09 9:16:09 9:33:17 9:35:09 8:45:23 7:26:36 7:32:11 7:34:39 7:59:59 8:02:03 7:55:24 8:57:59 9:26:35 4:15:11 4:20:25 4:21:13 4:23:18 4:26:42 Total Slarters, 157 -138 9 Pro Classes - Total finishers. 85 cars - Course - 79.91 miles per lap-3 laps for most classes required for an official finish . - 10 hour time limit -Fast Time - Pro Cars/Trucks - Dan Smith - Class 8 Ford - 4:52:35 Page 18 0/A 2 3 4 12 14 16 18 19 21 23 68 30 31 36 42 48 61 54 55 57 22 32 35 38 63 ,. 8 9 11 13 43 45 47 62 5 6 7 10 15 70 73 74 49 50 51 59 60 58 · 66 71 Williams h~d a flat free race, ... ~ f'--~--•·;~ -and moved up to take the win, Todd Gatrell's brother Jim hangs on to Class 3 driving their Chevy Blazer, that turning on his Sheriff's lights and is powered by propane gas, so they had to stop every lap tor fuel, but they got his siren as he crossed the finish the lead on lap 3, had no problems and won Class 3· line. Michael Martin and Greg Alcouloumre sat with his broken hit a big bump a'nd lost his Fout:, in a Ranger, also had no clutch. Alcouloumre helped them• contacts. flats, but had tossed belts and had right the car, and watched them go . Sykes, who broke a tie rod, and power steering trouble, yet went off to a third place finish instead also lost a fuel pump, held his lead by Brown and Horner on the last of doing it himself. And the throu,gh lap two, and had 11. -lap to move into second place. Ledezmas, after getting that minutes on Hall, who'd come up Horner, who was fumbling alon~ second axle and installing it, finished fourth, and last. ...... ~ .,o,,,t ¥ .,,. w ;? , '-.... < The Class 9 troops were led by Jim Jeffrey in a Raceco at the end of lap one, and he had only 35 seconds on Kevin Graves, in a Jimco, who was only two minutes and eight seconds up on Darnen Jefferies in another Jimco. Alfonso Lacarra and Lalo Mayoral, in still another Jimco, clobbered a rock with their torsion housing, and broke their torsion bar, which cost them about 25 minutes. On the second lap Graves moved into the lead, with about three minutes on Jeffrey, and his co-driver, Brian = Jeffrey, who was now at the wheel. Jeffereries still ran third, and he'd had to stop to readjust his rear suspension. Gustavo Vildosola and Charlie Watters led the first lap in Class 5-1600, dropped to second at the driver change as Gus had to go to Mexicali, family -stuff, but Charlie won the close fight with Ledezma and won the class honors. Graves put his dad, Hal, in for the last lap, and he led most of the way, but then hit a rock hard, and twisted his wrist so badly that he thought for a while he might have .,, to park. But he motored on. Jefferies, meanwhile, having no problems, went past him about 50 miles into the last lap, and went on to take the win. The Jeffrey team moved up to finish second, ~ -about two and a half minutes "=< later. Then it was the Graves J. T. and John Holmes bury the rear wheels in a silt bed, decided to race at the family, in third, three and a half_ last moment and the hasty prep job worked fine, good for second in Class minutes back. Lacarra and 5-1600. M·ayoral were fourth, almost an ------------------------------hour down. The Stock Full trucks, along with Stock Minis and Class 11 had for some reason decided to run all three laps at this event. No one seemed quite sure why. It was tough, but they made a good showing. At the end of lap one it was David Sykes in his Ford, leading by three minutes, over Marc Stein, in another Ford. And in third it was Rod Hall, in a Hummer. Hall came out of retirement, sort of, and was giving his new driver, Austin Robison, who's been driving since the Parker race, a few lessons. In fourth it was Dale Sykes, who'd. July 1995 Darnen and Willie Jefferies were in the lead Class 9 pack from the flag, had to stop for a rear suspension fix, but had no further problems and got the lead 50 miles from pay dirt and they held it in the Jimco to win Class 9. Dusty Times

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Brian and Jim Jeffrey led Class 9 after one lap in the Raceco, but dropped a little time on the next round, but they came back fighting to be second in , class. The Class Full Stock was eight strong at the start and six of them finished and had a good race. The Ford of W David Sykes and Greg Woodington built a lead, fixed minor troubles in the field, and took the victory by about six minutes in a fine drive. with only his stock headlights, and finding things dim, got .. back in time to salvage a third place for himself and Brown. They were also the last finisher, and they had only 25 minutes before the time limit was up. Class 11 dido 't fare so well. Victor Barajas and Raul Gilbert led at the end of their first lap with 10 minutes on Terry Kiely and Chris Woodward. But simple math indicated that they couldn't do two more laps in the time left, though that was ostensibly the plan. Time passed. Somewhere about 3: 15 in the afternoon, when Jeff Hanson and Matt McGrath hadn't yet completed one lap, and The Class 11 group wanted to go the full course, but one was out early, the other two struggled around for a lap and Victor Barajas and Raul Gilbert did their lap ten minutes faster than the other one and they wo_n the class. Rod Hall co-drove with Austin Robison in the Hummer, giving some hands on lessons, and Hall even rode while Austin drove the last lap to second place. they discovered that they were Along about 9: 15 p.m., as they supposed to complete three, they struggled through their second decided to quit. Or so the reports lap, trying to stay ahead of the went on the radio. It is certainly closing times of the check points, true that they did not complete an anonymous radio operator any laps. who'd been in contact with them, Meanwhile, Barajas and Gilbert reported that they said they had ran into trouble, and were seen "10 hours, and by God, they were leaving the area on a trailer. That gonna use 'em." But the clock ran left only Kiely and Woodward. outonKielyandWoodward,and the. start/ finish folks had folded their flags up, turned off their lights and left, before they finished their second lap. In the Sportsman classes the best finish went to Mike Powada and David Villafana, in a Homebuilt Class 10 car. They shared the driving and riding, and had no flats and no other trouble~ In the 1600cc Sportsmen, it was Todd Burt, in a Raceco, who drove all the way, and in spite of throwing a couple of belts and running out of gas, managed to stay ahead of the others in his class to take the win. In second it was Bob and Steve Rule, who ., came all the way from Deluth, Georgia to compete. They finished, with only a little over a half~hour to spare, with no lights at all. One other Sportsman team did remarkably well, although they didn't get a finish. That was William Swisher and Tom Mangione, in a Sportsman Class · 11. They managed to accomplish what none of the Pros did, and got two laps in, though it took them nine hours and 39 minutes to get . around. They had one flat, ran out of gas, and rolled the car over in the process. This time there were a couple of matters for the CRB to discuss, . both concerned with abusive , nerfing charges. In both cases the charges were dismissed after some . discussion. No technical disquali~ fications disrupted things either. SCORE moved on to Baja to ready things for the Baja 500, scheduled for the first weekend in June, and to be followed by the Fireworks 250, June 30th and July 1st, in Barstow. ♦■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■~• -------Nf Y~D~ Off lO~D BOGGl NEVADA'S LARGEST OFFROAD, SAND, STREETVW PARTS STORE TRI-MIL EXHAUSTS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW ........ $69.95 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME .. $100.00 11/2 TYPE 1 RAW ........ $65.95 11/2 TYPE 1 CHROME .. $100.00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ........ $73.95 1 5/8 TYPE 1 CHROME .. $107.95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200MM DISC 4-PUCK ... $48.00 200MM 1700 P-PLATE .. $99.00 200MM 2500 P-PLATE.$125.00 *EARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELTS 2" ...... $23.95 LAP BELTS 3" .............. $58.95 SHOULDER BELTS ........ $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM ................................. $7!!.95 5 PT. SIMPSON SET BLK,BLUE AND RED ..................... $89.95 WE CARRY AURORA VDO BAKER BATTERIES SWAY AWAY WRIGHT PLACE EARLS SUPER TRAP SWEEP CO. BUG PACK EMPI CHEMOWTH FODDRIL UMI-FILTER K&M TRI-MIL PERMACOOL BEARDS PIAA FOX SHOXS COMP-U-FIRE WEBER CARBS SAMD TIRES & RIMS GERMAMAUTO CEMTERLIME ULTRA SIMPSOM SCAT RACE READY 11 GALLONS DUMP CANS.$69. 95 CHEHOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE ............... $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB ................................... $32. 95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER ........ $159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX .... ................................... $89.95 ULTRA WHEELS 15X4 FROHTS ................. $80.00 15X7 REAR STD. OFFSETS.$85.00 YOKOHAMAS REARS 33X10.50.15 ......... $109.00 HIGHWAY TREAD & TRACTION .................................... $85.00 WORTH 1 LAYER DRIVING SUITS ... $87.95 3054 S. VALLEYVIEW PHONE (702)871-4911 OPEN 6 DAYS, MOM-SAT ---·---LAS VEGAS,MV 89102 FAX(702)871-5221 8-5 MOM-FRI 9-5 SAT ·_.>·■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ -· Dusty Times July 1995 Page 19

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Pat Dean was a favorite to win in the Chenowth Porsche, and led Class 1 for some time, but a late flat, and later running out of gas dropped him to 5th. Steve Miszkiewicz and Rick St. John got the Bug over on its side early in the race, but they got moving again and came in third in Class 5-1600. Dale White, in his completely rebuilt Class 8 Chevy, had a couple of flats but the truck ran fine despite the delays, and Dale finished fourth in class. Larry Job and Rob MacCachren had mishaps, Job stuck on a rock, for example, but they soldiered on to fourth in Class 10 and 10th 0 /A. Steve O1/iges and Tim Casey drive a Ford called Lightning in Class Stock Full, survived fuel pressure problem to finish close, third in the class_. Page IO Gary Anderson and Brian Howe say their 1-2-1600 is home-made, but it worked just fine at Jean, and the pair stayed close, were fifth, just 13 minutes out. Chris and Rick Taylor rise out of a silt bed in their Class 7 Ford that had a broken rear axle housing Friday, got welded, and it held to third in class. Darren Skilton makes the silt fly in this rutted road in the Jeep Grand Cherokee, also fell in a ditch, but ran quickly into a good fifth in Class 8. Mike and.Jim Zupanovich stayed with the leaders in the big Class 10 bunch, ran out of gas once, but recovered to take fifth in Class 10 in the J.M.R. Michael Martin and Greg Foutz drive a tidy Ford Ranger in Stock Mini class; they tossed belts, had no flats but power steering woes, finished second in class. July 1995 Robert Hayley and Vic Bruckmann gave it a good try in the Class 3 Ford Bronco, lost about an hour on lap 2 and never made it in to complete the last lap. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen ran second in the 7S Ford, later developed an engine gasp that cost them time trying to cure and they were fourth. Kevin and Hal Graves could almost taste the Class 9 victory in their Jimco, but Hal hit a rock and hurt his wrist on the last lap and limped to third. Defending class points champion Terry Kiely and Chris Wood-ward, like the others had a tough time, but they got in one good lap for second in Class 11. Leo Brown and Mike Horner lost the Stock Mini lead on lap 2 fixing things, later the electrics went out, they drove on head-lights and were third and the last finisher. Dusty Tlma

Page 21

Nl&HTRACE! PRESENTS THE $500.00 BONUS BUCKS TO FIRST IN CLASS 5/1600 SATURDAY JULY 22nd NILLIS DUNIS, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA lf_llDAY, ,uLY 21, l99~ 6-9 PM TECH INSPECTION at THE NIW 25 CLUB 4531 LAS VEGAS BLVD. NORTH (across from the Nellls AFB main gate) 9PMDRAWING SATURDAY, JULY 22, 19.9$ ' PRE-RUN 12 PM 'TIL DUSK ltOO PM DRIVERS MEETING at START /FINISH 9100 PM RACE STARTS SUNDAY_,._ __ I_ULY .23, ,t.t-5 AWARDS 11:00 AM at THI NIW 25 CLUB ENTRY FEE $310.00 CLASS 9 ENTRY S160.00 5-1600 ENTRY S160.00 SPORTSMAN TRUCK AND BUGGY $7 5.00 RACE MANAGEMENT FEE $10.00 INSURANCE ALL CLASSES $95.00 Nl8H1 RACE! lle!illS TAiC~ \iiuii1 .......... ~DUfflTE ~~ CACTUS RACING ~ itiiilillll/Jiffilaiij . . ~ DE,§)J · SWAY•A•WAY = i!;'1 IAtl~ ~..,.... .... r; .. ~~•·'· •i,,u,i:-= . {J/,(J TOTAL PERFORMANCE ~ , • 1' ::. • ~ ~· • , • • • ' . . ' ,, . -.• l ; 'I '• t ~ .J • ' r I,

Page 22

•••••• !HE~iic;A .. - --r-.•.,,-•~. ~. ·-'The Straight Poop' From El Chismoso de El Chinero (The Big Wahzoo's little pal) SCORE NEV ADA 250 -"Sr. Pescado" reportedly "forgot" to file the proper paperwork to make the "Nevada Gold Coast" a 400-miler so we got another 250 mile race in lieu of the traditional May melee -sans any hotel's dis-count or a parking lot, of course. Well, how about an "Erotica Motel 69" next year? The public-ity run supposedly counted as one lap so the racers only got three circuits on race day. Checkers had"a rough day in Jean. Seeley dumped a transmis-sion and never made a lap. Luport and Duenas replaced a rear end then misguided electrics got in the way of even one completed lap. Mike was reported to have been driving the pickup like he did his 1600. Kevin Davis' non-Checker driver drove a stone through the skid plate and into the gearbox and ruined it. Stuart Chase "donated" the tranny out of his Type IV prerunner and after some field die grinder work on the input shaft, Kev and crew got it going. Only to hour out by a min-ute or two: a "good try" by the Hedge Clipper. Bil!y Robertson was allowed to start in Chase's Porsche (after running over and breaking a small bone in his own foot in Contin-gency) and got speared in the dust. Bad. Daddy Steve Harman and the boys at Pit E -Baywatch Josh, peter Peter, Bruce, Bates and El Nelson de La Rana -used a torch and a jack to get the power steering pump back close to being in line. (And speaking of Rosenstein, what's with this invisible" 1600"? Sounds suspiciously like other non-existent Checker units such as Seeley's "new" car and Jirka's four-seater. "It got three hubs, one torsion and a couple of seats.") That flog was after Billy and his Checker-less pal tore apart the crushed sections of the nest-of-snakes header system. Then Pit Main 's main man Jeff Lothringer goober-welded pieces of scrap onto the engine cradle. Functional job, but don't try to get a job in the family bi:, 'Ringer. (The pits had a nice tool box, I understand). Chase then did two laps for Ninth place and got a royal Checker Salute for his troubles. Greg Hawks had an old MC riding buddy come ride with Stuart and when they were done the guy was speechless. · Tom Koch and Jimmy Tucker got out of shape and endoed, los-ing the spare tire rack in the pro-cess. A front arm later broke and Glen Galbrath got it apart while Koch fruitlessly went to find another part: DNF. Earlier, Koch was so bore-sighted that he just HAD to pass Robert the Prez on the asphalt. In doing so he over-cooked a corner and took down a whole SP full of sand-filled bar-rier barrels leading to the Finish Line. The Pre: and Jackman pushed a "1600" underneath a "7 ", shear-ing off their" 10" bash bar. A bad flat tore a brake line that was eventually fixed and bled to their satisfaction by Rev. Roy, acolyte Keith and Mister Dillon. The Gardena Card Room Gang gar-nered an 11th. Scott Steele was back on the track after his car-crushing flip at last year's Fireworks. Brother Brian sold it to a non-Checker ... would this eventually be grounds for litigation? These little car guys did another great Checker job to take 4th in a brand new car. Brian went to pass a mini-truck in the silt but it was hooked to some "2-1600"! ( Call the Harman's for a Checker explanation.) John "El ( ex)Presidente!" Hast-ings was listed as MIA by his Pit E Pals and was eventually located bothering Red Ludford and the finish line crew. Later, at the Gold Strike bar, Frank Krep: was clean-and-jerking everyone from Steve Luport ("He had me over his head!") to Hastings. Then the Brother Big verbally ** TORSION BARS** AXLES** SPRING PLATES** COIL SPRINGS** .. .. Cl) cc UJ 0 <( C. Cl) UJ ..J >< <( .. .. Cl) a: w ti '::J .., C <( .. .. Cl) C, z ix C. Cl) ·u. ·c w . ..J : Cl) C ::J t; ..J UJ w J: 3: .. .. SWAY·A·WAY MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY OFF ROAD SUSPENSION COMPONENTS FOR OVER 20 'VEARS PRESENTS NEW FROM SWAY-A-WAY MODIFIED 300M RACING BARS • NO NEED TO "RESET THE BARS" AFTER FIRST RUN • WILL HOLD RIDE HEIGHT FROM THE START • 3-5% HIGHER SPRING RA TE FOR GIVEN DIA • 5-10% HIGHER MAXIMUM ANGLES OF TWIST • MORE WHEEL TRAVEL • ANY DIAMETER AVAILABLE MIKE JULSON & BOB LOFTON OVERALL WINNERS AT PARKER ON SWAY-A-WAY PRE-STRESSED TORSION BARS JO~ PROSSER, DOMINA TES CLASS 1-1600 AT LA RANA AGAIN FOR THE THIRD TIME SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG 20755 MARILLA ST. I CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91311 I 818-700-9712 Page 22 July 1995 • • C z " :2 z en • • " z G) 'ti z en • • en :::c s:: en • • r-e G) z . C ci1 • • assaulted Robby Gordon, off road racing's only active IndyCar Pilot: "Hey! Stop at a Checker pit next time. So we can clean the dust off your shield ... when you're a back marker! And how come you're not in Formula One?" Frank suggested, according to a well-informed source (Little Scotty Urquhart), "You should ask those guys over there about me." (Nodding toward the Gor-don crew) "They'll say '(I'm) a real dick' ". Frank was last seen raking in the big chips at the craps table. Unca Max? Well, that's tough to say whether he made it back to his room intact. LA RANA LUCERNE -The first hot desert day of 1995 saw two Firsts by Checkers. Fred "Half" Nelson had a trouble-free day as he won not only his truck class but the combined pay-back super class. BJ Bates finished second in the Challengers, driving the second half in a non-Checker car. The scion of the Bates Clan was then awarded the win when his adversary was found to have illegal gears sets. Nothing like backing in to the cash. Larry Bolin ran a typical race in his Ten, taking second overall and second in class while R.A.C.E. Grafx' Danny Reider took a DNF with a busted tranny. But the Bus-ter Boys, Sean and Frank Kreps:, smoked their 1600 to first on the road but were rear-ended at a check by Jim Greenway in another pit organization's car. The radio was alive with dire pre-dictions of what the Hermanos Grande might do to the de-frocked Checker. But Frank admitted that he had oversho·t the check and was backing up when the alleged perp, who burned the check too, collapsed Frank's exhaust system. No harm, no foul, both stoops. The boys fin-ished fifth and moved danger-ously close to the points lead when the series leader DNF'd. POLITICALLY INCORRECT • Morgan "Reno" Molacco and the new slimmer John "Newt" Hastings are actively lobbying for the 1996 Presidential Campaign . Both are promising plush cabinet positions and heavy "pork" for supporters: Walter Prince may turn· up as the new Al Haig or even a gentile Henry Kissinger. SILENT WHEELS -Rick the Dick (non-Checker's names are never mentioned in this column!) recently went to his reward think-ing that George Thompson was the Wah:oo. He certainly went unenlightened! RtD had passed on after a battle with leukemia. Saul Zambrano was so dis-gusted by recent printed com-ments about RtD in this column that he threatened to resign since the Rickster deserved "a printed apology ... although I know this is not your sty le." Not only was the Wah:oo taken to task but the ever-pleasant Smoky Stove Hibbard was equally vilified for HIS incessant ·"as usual" rumor mongering. It appears that ol' Rick got on the wrong side of certain Checkers and could never cross back over that line. "Style" or not, Zambra-no's points have not fallen on totally deaf ears. · Saul's words say it all: "Rick will be sorely missed; ... unselfish dedication; ... he was responsible for George Seeley's champion-ship in a car long since past its prime(!); ... always ready to help; ... helped fix the unrepaira-ble; ... I consider myself lucky to have known him and learned from him." Blah, blah. The Big Wah:oo sent a sym-pathy card. We figure Rick is now working a Remote Pit In The Sky for See-ley. Hope he took some extra CV boots on the trip with him. MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS PRIVILEGES -Mark Herrick was formally voted into our Brother-hood in spite of well-known and documented associations with the Als Longs and Dennis McGeorge. And he seemed like a nice guy. The Wah:oo screwed up (hard to believe, I know) last month and forgot to mention that Herrick had been voted in. Welcome aboard, Mark. CHECKER SUMMER PAR TY -The annual Checker blow-out -on July 8 - will NOT be held at Lucerne's Cougar Buttes this year. True. The Peruvian Prince has allocated a portion of his pala-tial Cantil cultish enclave for the blast. (Check your atlas or GPS for the location ... somewhere between Mojave and Ridgecrest.) Never one to miss a lick, Peralta has scheduled the Party to coin-cide with the pre-run for yet another Baja de Lou venue. Bring your personal watercraft to Lou's Town: There will be a pool. There will be a pond. (The pond'! be good for you, Brooks.) Will Glen Galbrath clean the chip detector on his Jet Ranger? Hope Danny Reider gives away another helmet paint job ... and.will Dou-gie Brown recycle that ancient Honda generator another time? And who has to bring Turbo? Plan on a bar-b-q, free mot_or home parking, live band (not that dead one from the banquet!), Checker games and draft beer. CRUISIN' THE VAN NUYS DUGOUT - Check out Com-m and er Ferd's tota l! y-sano, award-winning '64 El Camino at a meeting. It's real shiny. Detailed like only an aircraft mechanic could. Stainless steel exhausts ... the whole nine yards. SAN FELIPE REDEAUX -Did Alan King ever go back down to Lonnie's to pick up the tires he unceremoniously dumped a day AFTER the scheduled tire pick-up? LA TIMES may soon publish an investigative report featuring misappropriations, shernanigans and malfeasance regarding Hib-bard's Firemen's Fund a la the film "Chinatown!" (But with less incest.) The reclusive smoke eater· may have to start packing heat -" concealed carry" -for personal protection. IN CONCLUSION -Who has their "I'm A Friend of Lonnie Hawkins" sticker proudly di~-plawd? With "Checkers!" miss-pelled. Qh, well., AffENTION PIT TEAMS Send us your tales of triumph and tr~:mbles and they will be featured on these pages. Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 Dusty Times

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Florida 400 Text & Photos: Wayne Simmons Scott and Bob Hair took the early lead in Unlimited class, but electrical and carburetor trouble slowed them and they dropped to second at the flag. time sped by Gordon had man-aged to lap the other drivers only to have his steering go out on him. He managed to get the car into the pits and spent what seemed like countless laps repairing his machine, before sending out his co-driver. Hair had developed some carburetor trouble but quickly cleared it up in a pit stop. With yet another driver change Bob Bohres deserted off road racing for a time, but he came back strong in the Florida 400 last spring. He ran second for the Morton team and some for a time in his new car, took over first place early on, and Bob and his crew won the Unlimited class. . serious rear cage bending from Once again Tallahassee, Florida proved to be a challenge to several. jump the ditch and was in pursuit. heing tagged by an unidentified was a hu:: with racing action. It drivers. of Gordon as she completed the rail, they began to make up some was the 25th running of the The day was as good as the first lap. Rabbit Hair was quickly lost ground. The Pritch bunch "BEAST OF THE EAST" the track, with temperatures in the closing the gap on Morton and was not having one of their better FLORIDA 400. Drivers from all low 80's, partly cloudy to sunny soon overtook her position. days as the transmission mount around FLORIDA, GEORGIA, and dry. It was not long before the Charlie Pritch was still in the pits broke ending their day. Gordon' and ALABAMA were on the road pits had the familiar sounds of trying to put a new master was now just doing laps to finish again, with high hopes of compet-man and h'is machine, preparing cylinder on his car. He had arrived out the race as time began to run ing in a race where sometimes for the day's activities. Although in town with a leaky cylinder the out. It was Hair taking the win, serving is winning all on its own. all the classes were run at the same night before, picking one up from with Morton second and Gordon The track was in the best of time, there was good competition a parts house as they were closing. third. This was Hair's twentyfifth shape. Once again Jimmie in each class. As luck goes when you think consecutive FLORIDA 400 and Crowder and crew did a fine job LIMITED BAJA: The race was nothing else can go wrong it does. his first time to win. of prepping the track. Extra clay held up for a few minutes while The part was the wrong one, a CLASS 1: Only two drivers had heen dumped on some of the one of the BAJ A's was fished out mad rush back to the parts house showed up to race in this class. It positions known for their 'ruf-of the ditch. Cathy Morton, being race morning to correct the trou-was high speed action as Ssott and fness', also the track had been her first time to race "THE hie, put them into the race thirty Bob Hair took off to an early lead widened in some spots, but the BEAST", was a little confused on minutes after the start. Gordon over Bob Bohres. Bohres had usual trade marks of the track the parade lap, misjudged the was setting a hard pace to stay beenoutofoff roadingforashort were still there. The long straight track and drove into the ditch. All with as he slowly increased his time but was now back with a new away, the tight turns, and last but was o.k. and she was soon back on lead. Morton made a pit stop for a car. Although the Hair's got out not least the double jumps. the starting line. . driver change and was off and earlytherewasnoroomforerror, Because of several severe acci-Mark Gordon pushed his car running. Pritch was just cruising as Bohres was just around the dents, the second jump had been into an early lead, as he maneu-the track waiting for any of his corner. A few quick stops for filled in and rounded off to form vered the track for the first time fellow competitors to break giv-driver changes and gas had an off camber ridge. This still . also. Morton had mana ed to ing him a chance to move up. As changed nothing, with about an It was another win for the Hair boys as Rabbit won the Limited Baja class after ,a tough fight with some of the early leaders who visited the pits often. Rabbit .didn't have much trouble and on'the 25th consecutive Florida 400 he _took his 25th victory in the race. Congratulations Rabbit Hair. Marty Neri took an immediate lead off the line in the 1600 class, widened his lead lap by lap, and had one flat for trouble and he won the class as he had here last year, and had a big margin in victory. hour left to go. Then out of the blue an electrical problem forced Hair into the pits. Bohres was now in the lead in spite of a minor steering problem. Hair had cleared up the trouble and had reentered and was a short distance away. It might have been close, but this time the carburetor on Hair's car put them in the pits again and out of a chance for the win. They worked feverishly to fix the trouble, but it was too late to challenge Bohres as the Hairs did managed to finish the race in second, leaving the win for Bohres and crew. CHALLENGER: Some days are just no fun. Tony Glenn and crew found out as the race got under way. After completing the parade lap, the car broke right on the starting line. As quickly as traffic passed several people helped push it to the side. The prognosis was not good. The retainer clips had come off the throw out bearing, destroying everything they touched.Even with replacing some of the parts the damage was too much for the-car to continue, ending their day before it got started. Andy Matti-son and competitors Kyle and Ed Vollenweider battled it out as the race got under way. David Green was in striking range but was unable to move up at this point. As things got underway people in the pit crew of Matt Lufpher became concerned when they noticed his car had not made it around yet. He was spotted mov-ing slowly around the track and heading for the pits. An electrical problem was the culprit. Lufpher was soon on his own and was just about as quickly back out with a broken transmission. Bob and Chad Halleen were still working out the bugs in their new car when a tire came off and raced them down the track. With Vollenweider, Green and Mattison setting the pace for the rest to follow, "THE BEAST" was taking it's toll. John Soock was temporarily out with a broken spindle. With parts from another broken car he was back in The early leader in the Limited Baja bunch was Kathy Morton, fell back, then stopped for a driver change; and the team carried on to finish second in class. New to this track didn't stop Mark Gordon from taking an early lead in the Limited Baja class, lapped his field, broke the steering, got fixed and finished third. Marty Pounds was the second 1600 off the line had big trouble with two flat tires at the same time on course, but he came back to take second in class. Page 24 July 1995 Dusty Times

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Steve Rule led the 1600 class at one time but despite leading some laps, he was hit hard, dazed and lost the trans after a few more laps, but was third. David Green ran with the leaders all the way in Challenger class until his engine threw a rod out the side, but remarkably he was still second in class. It was the first time out for James Lair and his new 1600 racer and early on he Jost control and went to the woods. He got back running again, rolled the car twice more before the race ended, and he was probably fourth 1600. the race again. Mattison had been. running really smooth until he flattened a tire on some rocks in the track. This gave the lead to Vollenweider with Green not far behind. As the hours ticked off the day got worse for several driv-ers. Soock lost two tires, Vollen-weider started to have motor trouble, and the Halleen's went out in a blaze of glory when their car caught on fire. The driver was o.k. but unable to retrieve the extinguisher after getting out 0£ his car. A passing driver stopped and tossed out their fire extin-guisher and continued on as Hal-leen battled the bla:e. By the time help arrived the fire was out and so was the car. Time was running out as Vollenweider ended a fine race early with a bad motor. Soock deserted his car on the track when the motor went leav-ing a large hole in the block. it looked like only two drivers would finish the race until Green's motor threw a rod com-pletely through the block. Matti-son took the win, finishing the day in good shape with only one flat. l 600's: Marty Neri shot into the lead, with Marty Pounds and Wayne Mills in pursuit. It only took· Neri a few laps before he started to put some ground between the rest of the pack. It was the first time out for James Lair, who was working the bugs out of his new 1600; he wasted no time in thrilling the fans. In only a few laps Lair lost control on a jump, sending him into the woods, ending up on his side. He was o.k. but it took a few minutes to figure out how to get his car back onto its wheels. With extra help he was rolled completely over one more time, and soon on his way. Steve Rule had maneu-vered through the other traffic to overtake Mills and slowly close the gap on Pounds. Once again lair was the talk of the pits, after bringing his car up on two wheels and taking around a turn and turning it over. Mills had to call it a day when the transmission gave up before the race had gotten. started good. Pounds had been unable to gain on Neri, but was feeling pressure from Rule. It was a battle to watch as the two fought for position, with Rule taking the upper hand. Rule gained the lead when Neri pitted for a flat. Rule's fifteen minutes of fame were short lived when a c.v. joint went, forc-ing him into the pits. Pounds in the mean time had ran over some-thing that had flattened two tires at the same time, while off the far side of the track. By now Neri had returned to the race and was again in the lead, and never looked back. Lair was not having a good day as he rolled his racer two more times, severely bending a front wheel. None of this had dampened his spirit as Lair was determined to finish the race. Rule was slammed hard by another driver as the two went into a turn at the same time. The impact jarred Rule so bad that he had to take a few laps in the pits to shake it off. Pounds had regained his lost position when the trailing arm and spindle broke. Finding a ■Thousa . • ■ Open Monday:. ·... · l'ee 60 Page Catalog!~·· ■ Technical Asslstan · able ■ Qualify Parts! 1111.H PERFORMANCE CV500 GREASE NETWT. 1 LB. CV 500 GREASE KEEP COOL • Formulated to resist heat up to 600'F without drying out. • Lasts 8-10 limes longer than the competition. • Used professionally by racing motorsports. · • CV Joints are only packed once. Keep Cool is a radiator protectant that helps eliminate rust, corrosion and material deposits with better heat transfer. Lubricates the water pump without leaving any gummy residue on the thermostat. Non toxic and biodegradable. Simply mix a small amount to the water in your radiator and start protecting your cooling system. $6 .'»/A BOTTLE fellow competitor who loaned row. Pounds trailed in second him the parts he needed, Pounds several laps down, Rule was third was able to continue on. Rule had and yes, Lair did finish the race go~ten back into the driver's seat almost turning over again in the only to be put out of the race by a last turn to the finish line. That broken transmission. Neri fin-brought yet another exciting race ished the race way ahead of the to an end. Hope to see you at the next closest driver, giving him a next one. FLORIDA 400 two years in a The Challenger class had a good entry, and Andy Mattison battled it out with the Vollenweiders in the early laps each leading a bit, then pit stops came. Mattison had only one flat and he won the race of Challengers. v~,.,,,.._., ; < ,,·, /J ' ..... , .,,._ ~ - -R40 MOTOR OIL NED Synthetic motor oils are available for gasoline, diesel and LPG engines, either water or air cooled. Used exclusively by team MacPhearson and PCI. Fully tested and approved synthetic engine lubrication that lasts 3 to & limes longer than most synthetic and . petroleum based oil. $4.50/QUART STAINLESS STEEL BEARINGS& ROD ENDS We only stock the best products in the industry and we are the largest stocking dealer in the U.S. Our bearing & rod ends are made of 17-4 stainless steel and high quality chrome molly. Call us for prices! $25,00/CAN AUTOMATIC (ATF} TRANSMISSION FLUID BAKER LIGHT WEIGHT HIGH PERFORMANCE BATTERIES §FLU/DYNE WE WILL SHIP IT AS Dusty Times 100% synthetic and recommended for use in transmissions requiring GM Dexron® II; Ford Mercon®; Ford type F; Ford M2C 138-CJ, M2C166H, M2C163A2; Allison C-4; Caterpillar TO-. 2, Sperry Vickers, Denson and Sundstrand Hydraulic Pump Systems. Also Suitable for use In power steering systems. GM acknowledges NED ATF as a recommended ATF fluid. $8.75/Quart PB15275 Cranking Amps, Size 6.9L 13.4W 15.1H ............... $81.93 PB17 230 Cranking Amps, Size 7 .1L 12.9W l 6.5H ............... $77 .63 PB28290 Cranking Amps, Size 6.SL l4.9Wl 6.BH ............... $74.75 July 1995 HIGH PERFORMANCE FAST AS YOU NEED IT! COOLERS FOR TOW/RV TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL .::t~c:::~AffONS (310) 427-2375 FAX (310) 426-5294 AND PRICES ~ .~.I~!~ 1~· IIIWDED HOSES, OIL COOLERS ~ '\ SWIVEL SEAL HOSE END '\ BAKER HIGH PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS [1111] I ~f.~v 11 v,sA I 2865 Gundry Ave. Long Beach, CA 90806 Page 15

Page 26

NEWCASRE YOKOHAMA STADIUM OFF ROAD GRAN PRIX Action A Plenty In Off Road Stadium Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Bruce Watman spent the 1600 heats swapping the lead with his brother Chris. Each won a heat and then he diced it out in the final with brother Chris and won the main event over second place Chris. There was a packed house at Newcastle Motordrome to witness one of the most spectacu-lar night's racing of the Off Road more involved in this relatively Stadium kind. Yokohama has new sport and it was certainly an showed great interest in becoming event of great spectacle. Not only Not only did Yokohama sponsor the racing, but their lead driver Daren Wefls won in his heat races for Open Class, and he also managed to win the last race, the Buggy Feature Finale. did Yokohama sponsor the racing but their lead driver Daren Wells won both his final races. There are three basic categories of racing, firstly there were the 1600 buggies. This group had 14 starters and it was Matthew Owen that opened the night with a heat win over Bruce Watman, Graham and Ziems who was still suffering from a week in hospital from salmonella poisoning. Their next heat saw a brotherly competition in Chris Watman leading home Bruce Watman and then Scott Brown doing a top job in the Class 3. Heat 3 again saw the Watmans leading the pack and indeed having a very close dice them-selves. It was Bruce that ·ust held :• <,,:,::~ ,~·' . :)ti; The Warman cars look like purpose built twins, and soar like a lightweight stadium car. Chris Warman ended the action in 1600s with a main event second. Tony Guy was in the thick of action among the 1600s, doing no worse then fourth and he kept it tidy in the feature to finish the night in third place. out Chris this time with Ziems third just over a fast finishing Tony Guy. So it was Final time for the 1600s and yes it was the Watmans that took over from the start. Hartnett hooked onto Ziems and dragged him back to last. Tony Guy was through the pack and into third. Brown too got clear and although looked to endo any lap kept in touch. Bruce Warman took the win in the Goodyear car over brother Chris, Guy ran third over Brown. The Open buggies also had a strong roll up. Paul Styles broke a gearbox in practice but all attention was on the debut of the Colin Jobe new car; a brand new Chenowth from the USA with Ct ~ Nissan FJ20 turbo and Porsche gearbox!!! Daren Wells who ran second the week before at Kempsey was there with a spare motor in and although lacking some power than normal was going to be favorite because of his ability to stay out of trouble. Heat 1 was another contest of brothers: This ex Roger Mears Nissan is now a quad cam Holden Rodeo V-6. Mark Lacking a podium at this stadium, the podium drivers are, left to right, Scott Manns ran away with the first Tin Top heat, took second in heat 2, won heat 3 Brown, third, Daren Wells, first, and Tony Guy, second after the Buggy and again ran away from the pack in the Feature Final.~-~;;;; Feature Finale. Chris Owen took the win over Glenn with Wells third. Come-land ran a fine fourth but was then out with gearbox failure. Heat 2 saw Wells coming from the third row and leading by the first corner. Jobe was running second but got into contact with Chris Owen dropping both out, Owen for good with gearbox breakage. In the end Wells won over Glenn Owen and high flying Matt Martin. Heat number 3 saw Wells again-leading and Jobe putting in HUGE jumps until he got caught up with Glenn Owen and ended up sitting high and dry on a tractor tire. As in heat 2 Wells won over Owen and Martin. In the Open Final it was Wells an early leader with Owen getting a poor start. Martin was in second until a c.v. broke. Maggs was finally amongst the front runners even though he had a very rough motor. Owen caught up and tried everything to get past Maggs, at one stage clipping wheels and almost going over. Eventually Owen got past but the race was over with Wells winning, Owen: Scott Brown did a top job in his Class 3 enduro car among the ·stadium 1600s, ran all the heats and the main event, where he finished well, fourth. Page 26 Glenn Owen, left #102, and Richard Bennett race down a short straight dicing for second place. Owen did take second and substitute driver Bennett, fourth. July 1995 -Running in Open Buggy competition can be tough. Daryn Maggs finally ran with the front bunch in the Open Final and he ended up finishing third. Dusty Times

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David Mendham calls his Special a Nissan and it looks like a former MTEG truck. He did well in the heats and was a strong second in the Final. Ed Mulligan has a fancy bodied Mitsubishi and he fought with Manns in a pair of heats then faded to third in the tight bunch contesting third in the final. Jeff Bryant raced a Corvette Special and did very well, among the Tin Tops and did well in the heats and finished fourth in the main event. second and Maggs third. Richard Bennett was driving Mick Cowie's buggy after Cowie dislocated a thumh, and brought the Firestone car home fourth. The Tin Top category always bring the cmwd to their feet and this time was no exception. There was the ahsolutely stunning debut of the ex-Roger Mears stadium USA truck now in the hands of Mark Manns and fitted out as a Holden Rodeo with quad cam Jackaroo V6 motor. Manns ran away with the first heat from Finney'sJeep, and Taylor's VW. Heat 2 saw Manns off the rear and it was Mulligan having a drive of Garland's Mitsuhishi that held the lead to the finish. Manns came through the pack to grab second over Mandham also in an ex USA truck. Heat 3 was a close contest hetween Manns and Mulligan, hoth off the front row. Manns was holding the slim lead while hack in tht· pack Pagan slipped off the track in the Ma:da truck only to clip Mendham coming back on and spun Mendham around and over. Then Finney hroke his steering and ran into the wall. Manns though had extended his lead over Mulligan at the finish while third was close with Newton's VW just pipping Bryant's Corvette. The Final saw Manns once again run away and after eight laps had a clear win over Mendham who in turn had a gap to the tight bunch in Mulligan, Bryant and Newton. The night finished with two · Feature Finals where the fastest cars started from the rear of the grid. In the Tin Top race it was Taylor's VW that cleared out from the pole. Manns was having a hit of trouble getting through the traffic. Finney dropped out of second with no drive while Taylor got clipped and had a flat tire. Bryant had taken over the lead and Mendham was holding second while Manns had got· through to be third. The race between Mendham and Manns began getting quite physical with the Nissan getting more dents every lap. All the while Bryant was enjoying a run at the front while the two argued over second. The crowd was going wild at the antics of the two trucks trying to get a shot at the Corvette. The laps ran out thankfully for the exhausted Bryant who took a popular win. The battered Nissan of Mendham took second with a close gap to Manns also with the· odd panel hanging off. Mulligan, Newton, and Taylor were the only other finishers. The buggy Feature Final had both open and 1600 cars. Wells was off the back, while Lia's 1600 I grabbed the lead. Guy was in second but soon slipped by into j the lead. Bruce Watman was into second already, brother Chris not Dusty Times so lucky;· rolling at the frantic Many a time Watman and Wells start. Bennett and Lia got tied up were side by side, but Watman and both were out. Owen was in soon pulled out after some third when his motor lost power damage started an electrical fire. and he shut it down. Wells had Wells was all on his own and moved through and the order was clearing out as the end came. A now Warman, Wells an? _guy. fine drive saw Tony Guy run second, an equally top drive put Scott Brown in third with such a hard landing on the finish jump that he broke the brake pedal off. Hartnett, Maggs and Ziems finished the order. In all a fantastic night of racing that kept the sport of Stadium Off Road racing very popular with the Newcastle fans. My personal thanks must go to Isu:u for the Holden Rodeo making the journey so much easier and more economical. DEIST SEAT BELTS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-point sand rail seat belt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2'-5po/ntmount ........ . $79.95 3'-5pointmount . . . . . .... $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swing axle .....•.•.•...• . $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# .......... .. $79.95 200mm-up 103000# . . ...... $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# . . from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ............... $39.95 4puc lerramlc ........... . $44.95 4 puc /erramic with spring hub . , .... ...................... .. $54.95 GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 11/, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .................. $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930orT-4cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT..forT-21/anges . ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15.95 930 cv star ....... . ........... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS B' travel-stock.width ... . $199.95 a• travel-widened beam . $219.95 10• travel-stock width .... $224.95 10• travel-widened beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T·11½"chrome ..... .... $ 98.95 T·11½'raw ............ $ 65.95 T-115/8' chrome ........ $105.95 T-11518' raw ..... ... : .. $ 72.95 T-4chrome .......• .... . $189.95 T..fraw . ............... . $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS ... . $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .......... .... $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN-SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, uli/izes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I . .................. $489.95 MK II ....•••.•.•..... . . $589.95 I PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ...... . . $164.95 With chrome pedal . ...... $184. 95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacements/ave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The tout,hest available anywhere, alloy gears, lull contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate ............ $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8.95 Rack steering stops . ..... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style lits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $~4.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length .... ..... pr. $449.00 1¼ •longer .......... pr. $474.00 2¼ • longer ......... . pr. $499.00 4• longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set ... ............. .. ........ . $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3• )( 3• ................ $435.00 1-21600, 5-1~ .......... $415.00 CATALOG .. ........... US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 July 1995 Page 17

Page 28

FRT IIUZI BOMB Harrold a Snaith Win Overall By Judy Smith Phtots: C&C Race Photos Chris Harrold and Bob Snaith led after one lap in the Class 1 0 Jimco despite a rollover, had a narrow leading margin after two laps, kept increasing the time gap and won Class 10 by 19 minutes and were first overall. Chris Harrold and Bob Snaith . ran second in his Raceco, only 46 rolled over. Snaith got out and let teamed in their Class 10 Jimco to seconds later, and followed by Chris Harrold takeover, and Kern win the FRT Buzz Bomb overall. Doug Naylor, in a Toyota gave way to Mike Pfankuch. Nay-The event, in early April, enjoyed powered Raceco. In fourth it was lor was set to drive all the way, mild temperatures, with strong Larry Kern in a Jimco, back a bit and so was Stroud, because his seasonal winds to keep the dust because of a flat. usual co-driver, Scott Prill, was moving along the 30 mile course, Sna i th continued to lead ill, and couldn't help this time. which was described as rough by through the second lap, with Running in fifth it was Jim those who had pre-run. The for-Stroud just 28 seconds behind Mamer, in a Raceco, and he was matforthisracewastypicalofthe him now, and Naylor holding sharing the driving with Gary FRT, with motorcycles and ATVs firm in third, with Kern fourth. Hamlin. in the early morning, and a high Bill Pate and Brian Ewalt, who'd Harrold kept up the good. noon start for the cars and trucks. been up most of the night trying work, and held onto the lead, with The Class 10 cars got to head to get their Raceco race-ready, Stroud a little closer, thanks to out first, and at the end of that had blown their motor on the first that driver change, at just 22 first lap the lead belonged to lap, and Todd and Jamie Pankratz seconds off the pace. Naylor, Snaith, in spite of what seems to spent over three hours getting the who's still learning to drive his be the obligatory rollover for the first lap completed in their newly purchased race car, held team. He lost his radio antenna, Raceco. strong in third, with Pfankuch in which had just been replaced At the end of the third lap fourth, less than two minutes because of Harrold's rollover in Snaith had about a minute and a behind him. Hamlin was now the previous race. Even with his half on Stroud, and Naylor was only three minutes behind him, in mishap Snaith had the fastest lap about eight minutes back in third. fifth. for the day, at 39:36. Ken Stroud . In fourth it was still Kern, who'd. Harrold, who'd finished lap " ,, " MMM w, four on a flat, took time to change it on lap five, but still held the lead, partly because Stroud. picked that lap to stuff his car and ruin a stub axle. Naylor now moved into second place, with Pfankuch third, a bit over a min-ute later, with his clutch going away, and then Hamlin in fourth, just three minutes back. By now the Pankratz boys were running again, but a couple of laps, and several hours, behind. Harrold kept his cool, stayed upright, and brought the car home for the overall win. Naylor, whose times improved in the late In Class 100 Tom Ferguson led the first lap With class fast time in the Funco laps, said he discovered that the SS2, and with Ken Hargrove co-driving, they lost time with clutch and shock faster he went the easier it was, troubles, but they won the battle, the class title and ninth overall. , and he earned second place. Kern ti+l~IP1&1Mllltll~!U•~!lttJl1illlS~I We would Ifke to thank and congratulate all FAT has dominated SCORE Cla·ss 10 these :FAT powered 1994 Class points champions: M'fEG Super 1600 Champion SODA Class 2-1600 Champion SODA Class 1-1600 Champion SODA Class 5-1600 Champion SODA Class 9-10 Champion SODA Class 7S Champion -~ORE Class 10 & Overall Cbalhplon Jerry Whelchel Todd Attig Todd Attig MikeBn1e Todd Attig John Greaves Mike Flinn RAONG ENGINES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send or call for our new catalog S5.00 . Page 18 racing, with 4 different winners. Ne\lada 400 McDonnell & Kmger Baja 500 Penhall & Erl Flreworlu 250 Ray Croll Gold Coart 300 .Job & MacCacbren -.Bit.Mai: 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-288!'.Max (714) 637-7352 July 1995 The Unlimited Class had a good field of eight starters, but as the V-Bs faded Mike Hart was third midway in his Hi Jumper with a slipping clutch. He moved into the lead after a quick fix stop on lap 5 and he went on to win the class and second overall in what he calls the 'K-Mart' Special. and Pfankuch, who'd had no face to race the Class 9 car for a year or shield for a while, finished third. so because it "teaches you disci-Pfankuch was horrified atthe way pline." The two stayed in the car the "dirt had just rolled in" to his all day, simply switching seats mouth. He'd never raced bare midway. faced before. Mamer and Hamlin Ryerson, who'd apparently got finished fourth, four minutes all the testing in he wanted, later, the last in the class to com-parked his truck at the end of lap plete six laps. two, and Thomas lost a power The unlimited cars took off steering pump mounting bolt, and next, and Steve Scaroni, still hav-that let the oil leak out of his ing fun with John Swift's old motor, so he also quit. At the end Explorer, put himself into the of that third lap Scaroni had taken lead with the class fast lap of 40 the lead again, with Hart, whose minutes flat. He had a minute and clutch was slipping, in second 43 seconds on Mike Hart in his Hi place, and the Hoveys in third. In Jumper. In third it. was Ronnie fourth it was Kirk McDaniel, in Ryerson, out to test his new Ford his Mini Mag, about 23 minutes trophy-truck, and Ryan Thomas, down. Nobody else was moving. who'd been lost, ran fourth in his At the end of the fourth lap Che~owth, which had acquired Scaroni had just two and a half an A-arm front end just recently. minutes on Hart, who calls his car Chuck Hovey, in a Raceco, had a "K-Mart special", when com-just moved up from Class 9, and paring it to others, alluding to its looked right at home in the low-buck nature. The Hoveys had quicker class, in fifth, but less switched seats, and were now than four minutes behind the first third, with Dean at the wheel, car. while McDaniel held fourth. On the second lap Thomas Scaroni broke a balljointwithin moved into the lead, with Scaroni sight of the start/ finish check on now in second, and Ryerson in the fifth lap, and Hart, who'd had third, followed by Hart in fourth his pit adjust his clutch, moved place, only three minutes and 14 into the lead. Scaroni was a half seconds behind Thomas. Hovey hour behind him when he got was still fifth, getting used to his going again, and the Hovey car big motor. He later said he and his was just seven minutes off his dad, Dean, had owned the unlim-bumper, in third. McDaniel was ited car for a year, but had decided still fifth, but another hour down, The KIT means "Keep it Together" and Jenny Pfankuch and Larry Kern did just that in the Class 9 Kernco, lost the lead when the car stalled on lap 3, but the pit folks rescued the car and they went on to win Class 9, eighth 0/A. Jeff Franklin and Charlie Bignell were the fastest of the 1600 cars in their Jimco, but the class was ill fated and none finished. These winners managed to cover four of the six laps for the honors. Dusty Times

Page 29

Doug Naylor had a good day in the Toyota powered Raceco ran no worse than third in his new Class 10 car, finished second in class and third overall. Mike Pfankuch and Larry Kern had some clutch trouble but moved into third in the Class 10 Jimco later and finished third in class and fourth overall. Steve Scaroni is having fun with the ex-Swift Ford Explorer and led off the start in Unlimited class, then broke a ball joint and dropped to second. Jake Batu/is and Mike LaP/ant Jed Class 100 mid race by two minutes, but couldn't finish the last lap and they ended up second in Class 100 in the Hi Jumper. Dennis Daniels and Ray Miller had shock problems with the Class 9 Jimco, but they soldiered on to third place, then finished second in class, tenth OJA. The three man Class 9 team of Dave Dietrich, Robert Gillingham and Jack Hettinger swapped driving often, had fun and finished a close third in class. and rapidly running out of time. Hart went on to take the win, and second overall, his best over-all finish in the Fud series, and he credited his crew, and their extra special prep for the good results. Scaroni was second, still a half-hour down, with the Hoveys in third. They'd had their motor in and out of the car four times the night before the race, trying to solve a throw-out bearing prob-lem, so they were mighty glad just to finish, not to mention the fine third place. McDaniel made only five complete laps. Josh Waddell was the only Class 5 entry for this event, and he had an excruciatingly long first lap, and then went no further. In the 1600 buggies, Gary Bates kept a string of bad luck going, when his Raceco tandem was in trouble, and out of a motor, after about 12 minutes of racing. Dave Baeskens, who was at the wheel, was looking for a tow back to the pit before the others had com-pleted half a lap. And it was Jeff Franklin, in a Jimco, who had the lead, followed by Mike Johnston and Todd McAllaster, in a Bunderson, about two and a half minutes later. But on the second lap both cars had problems, and Franklin and co-driver, Charlie Bignell, lost about an hour with a broken link pin, while Johnston and McAllaster blew a c.v. They didn't have a radio, or a spare c. v., so they had to borrow one from the Pankratz team, and all told, lost nearly three hours. It was no contest from there. done, while Ferguson and Har-Franklin and Bignell, who had grove completed all six to take the shock problems also, managed to win. get in a total of four laps to take Next to take off were the Class the win, while McAllaster and 9 cars, and at the end of the first Johnston, who twisted their front lap it was Jenny Pfankuch, in a end later in the afternoon, could Kernco, in the lead. She had only finish only three laps, for second 33 seconds on the team of Jack place. · Hettinger, Robert Gillingham and In Class 100, it was Todd Fer- Dave Dietrich, in aJimco. ln third guson, in a Funco, leading at the it was Dennis Daniels, in another end of lap one, and he had the Jimco, and Jorge Vargas, in his class fast lap at 48:04. Jake Batu- J.E.F.E., was fourth, with Vince !is, in an old Hi Jumper, with "no and Bryan Leone, in a Chenowth, suspension to speak of", ran in fifth place. second. Keith and Scott Hewitt, Pfankuch, whose dad was busy in another old Funco, had some driving in Class 10, held the lead problems, and ran a distant third. through lap two, with just over a If the brand names of the cars minute on Dietrich, Gillingham don't make it obvious - this class =and Hettinger. Vargas and his co-driver, Adrian :::iotelo were now third, with Daniels in fourth, struggling with shock problems. In fifth it was the Leone car. Pfankuch stalled the car on the third lap, and it wouldn't restart. The crew had to go out on the course to get it going again, and in the meantime the Gillingham, Hettinger and Dietrich car went into the lead, with Daniels now up to second, and Pfankuch, who'd lost about 10 minutes, was in third place. Vargas and Sotelo were fourth, with the Leone team in fifth. On the fourth lap Hettinger, Dietrich and Gillingham held their lead, but 16-year-old Larry Kern, who took over for Pfan-kuch, ran the class tast lap, at 52:24, and moved himself back up to second place. Incidentally, his fast lap was only 30 seconds quicker than Pfankuch's first lap. He had Ray Miller, Daniels' co-driver, just four minutes in back of him, still struggling with sus-pension trouble. Vargas and Sotelo were fourth, and all the others were gone by now. Kern, remembering that the car wouldn't start if he stalled it, ran another good lap, and moved into the lead at the end oflap five, with about seven minutes on Dietrich, Gillingham and Hettinger, who'd made their second driver change. Miller, his hands hurting from fighting with IP" is for older cars with wheelbases •----------•-------•---------------------11111 of 100" or less. The two lead cars ran almost identical times on lap two, and Ferguson stayed in front, with Batulis still second, while the Hewitts lost about three hours and then pulled out. Now it was a two car race. At the end of lap three Batulis had the lead by just over two minutes on Ferguson. Then at the end of lap four it was Ferguson and his co-driver, Ken Hargrove, back in front, their clutch giving them a bad time. Batulis had handed his car over to Mike LaPlant, who had his 12 year old daughter, Beth, riding with him. Hargrove lost some time with a broken shock on the fifth lap, and his lead dropped to about three minutes and 40 seconds, but then La Plant didn't get another lap, Class Three Champion 1993-1990-1989 ENDURO RACING Dan Smith Bronco Heavy Metal Champion 1993-1990-1989 Baja 1000 Winner 1993-1992-1990-1989 Plus wins at Baja 500, Goldcoast, Fireworks 250, Parker 400, Nevada 400 (Mint), San Felipe 250, Nevada 500, and the Mojave 250. "' ~;<'... '{'i:t' -FOR DETAILS CALL (909) 381-4088 $58#900 Brothers Greg and Paul Harrold had their 5-1600 Baja Bug tuned for this race and ran a tight second, took the lead on lap 3 with class fast lap and had a slipping clutch with a leaky rear main seal, but went on to the win, 15th OJA. Dusty Times July 1995 Page ff

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Todd McAlaster and Mike Johnston started well in Class 1-2-1600, but they broke a link pin in the wild, had no radio, and lost three hours and a lap, but came in second on the charts. Page 30 Jim Grill led off the line and for two laps in Class 5-1600, then ran just seconds behind and finished just over three minutes back, second in class. July 1995 Dennis Milner was driving just his second race in the Toyota, had a slipping clutch, but stayed close and finished second in Class 7 just five minutes behind, also doing four laps. Josh Waddell was all alone in Class 5, and he abandoned the race after one lap; of course that lap took him 3:34:48 to complete in the Baja Bug. Time 0/A 4:20:06 2 4:50:57 6 5:06:59 7 5:27:24 5:14:00 4:56:38 4:59:56 5:15:00 4:44:39 4:49:51 3:09:12 5:33:48 8 5:54:38 10 5:55:57 11 4:05:10· 1 4:24:29 3 4:26:11 4 4:30:50 5 5:42:48 9 4:52:49 3:34:48 Dusty Times

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~ ~mer ~ Automotive O 1> · INTERNATIONAL ~ ..i, I> ~-qi - ~0Ao R,..c '' '' ••• A Great Race AIV\/ays Mal<es Great Headlines. Announcing ...

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The World's Greatest Off-Road Race! RACE NAME The Borg-Warner Automotive World Championship Off-Road Manufacturers Challenge RACE TRACK International Off-Road Raceway, Crandon, Wisconsin World Championship Off-Road Races RACE DATE & TIME Sunday, September 3, 1995 Pre-Race Festivities: 3:45 pm Race Action: 4 pm QUALIFICATIONS: Friday, September 1, 1995 at 3 pm Mandatory Class Racing: Saturday, September 2, 1995 FIRST PLACE PRIZE The Borg-Warner Automotive World Championship Off-Road Race Trophy to be presented to the winning driver and vehicle manufacturer. Trophy replica for the driver Driver signature permanently affixed and immortalized on trophy Manufacturers logo reproduced in 3-D and permanently affixed to trophy $25,000 in guaranteed "winner-take-all" prize money ADDITIONAL PRIZES Additional race prize money, qualification prize money and details available from track officials at the International Off-Road Raceway, Crandon, Wisconsin RACE FORMAT Twin "Borg-Warner Stampedes" (two heats) separated by a mandatory 1 5 minute pit stop and restart.

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ENTRY FEE The International Off-Road Raceway in Crandon, Wisconsin has established a $200 entry fee for this prestigious World Championship off-road race. ENTRY RESTRICTIONS Mandatory qualification session on Friday afternoon, September l , 1995. Maximum of 20 vehicles allowed in race with four (4) provisionals. All entries are subject to review. Entry fees will not be refunded once driver has prerun before qualifying on Friday, September I, l 995. Driver & vehicle qualify. All participants must be a member of SODA before prerun on Friday. Deadline for entries is July 15, 1995 REGISTRATION Registration and entry forms are available by contacting the International Off-Road Raceway, PO Box IO I, Crandon, WI 54520. Telephone: (715) 478-2222 Fax: (715) 478-5815 Contact Virginia Brownell BORG-WARNER AUTOMOTIVE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD MANUFACTURER'S CHALLENGE Rules & Regulations Entries in this World Championship race at the International Off-Road Raceway must comply with general and competition regula-tions for the following SODA & SCORE Classes: 3,4,8, or SCORE Trophy Truck or SCORE Class 6 (trucks, SUVs only). All rules strictly enforced. No exceptions. Additionally, the following supplemental rules, restrictions and allowances apply: WC I) Entries must pass 1995 tech inspection rules for their class. WC2) All entries must declare a Class of entry from ONE of the above categor!es. Vehicles are restricted to truck and sport utility vehicles. WC3J All entries must be based on a 1989 or later model production vehicle. Vehicles must be of a professional appearance with sheet metal or body panels in the likeness of late model production trucks. Qualifications for this will be the sole judging of the race sponsor and track officials. WC4J Engine, transmission and transfer case must match body maker to be eligible. WCSJ Engine, transmission and transfer case must be components in production or certifiable planned for OEM mass production. WC6J Weight: All entries for all race events (qualifications, class race, and main event) must have a minimum of eight pounds per cubic inch per SODA regulations. WC?) Engine Management Note: Certain SCORE Classes permit use of factory fuel injection systems. Such systems will be allowed on SCORE vehicles entered in the race. WC8J Vehicles must display the logo ID and name of the truck manufacturer on the upper windscreen. This decal must be no small-er than 6" high and centered on the screen. This decal required for admittance to staging area. WC9J Vehicle must display the logo of Borg-Warner Automotive on the upper-left windscreen; or the lower windscreen, approximate centered and unobstructed by the hood. In the case of hood scoops, ID decal must be displayed immediately in front of the driver. This decal provided upon completion of tech inspection and required for admittance to staging area. WC I OJ Vehicles entered in the race must have not only entered but competed in a sanctioned race within the past 36 months in their series and must display a tech inspection sticker ("Passed") or provide appropriate paperwork from their series. WC I I ) All entries must compete in a class race at Crandon on Saturday, September 2, ~ BorgWau :nar ~ Automotha

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WILD WEST NATIONAL PRO RALLY Hyundai Wins Again the first stage of the second day when they became high centered. Stuck fast, all efforts to free the car failed and they beca~e spectators. Autosport Saab 900. Only two seconds back came Dave Whi-te/ Ben Greisler in the Light Per-formance Works VW GTI. n.. John Elkin Pho J C l Janice Damitio/ Berry Berg are ..., __ J __________________________________ w;..· _s: .... im __ u __ P_ an unlikely team. Janice, married Bryan/Walden were not as happy with their performance as after their DNF in Ohio for a broken camshaft gear they had to quickly refurbish a wrecking yard engine for this event. While it lacked the power of his usual Scandia engine it was doing well enough. Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker had to work hard to gain the Open class and overall victory this round, winning by just 25 seconds after a real battle with Henry Joy in the late stages, but they got the Hyundai Elantra 4WD home first. The Michelin PRO Ral1y most as clear skies and tempera-. Championship started it's west tures in the mid 70's would dom-coostswinginOlympia, Washington, inate the weekend, not a drop of at the Wild West Rally. It is rain would be seen. Luckily it had always a well attended event and a been raining early in the week favorite of both east and west keeping the roads fairly wet, coast competitors. Bob Grass and although there would be some John Forespring and the volun-dust in the clear-cut areas where teers of the Northwest Region the sun could dry the road. It always strive to put on a good would not be a determining factor event, and in 1995, even in the in the weekend. face of adversity, they came up The festivities started in head-with a challenging and fun rally quarters town, Olympia. The with a civilized schedule. Early in Tyee Hotel was again headquar-the year it became apparent that ters for the rally and serves as the the Capitol Forest roads would final time control in two days of not be available to the rally. This competition. South Sound sent the region into a hurried look Community College donates it's for new roads in the Shelton area. auto shop facility every year for Thanks to the gracious efforts registration and scrutineering of of the people at the Simpson cars. At the end of the rally they Paper Company, roads were pro-also are the location of the awards cured. As a result competitors ceremony providing an excellent were treated to stages never seen buffet for hungry teams, crews before by local divisional teams and workers. The city of Shelton and national competitors. This would be the site of most of the would also be a great equalizer as rally action as passage controls everyone was on truly unknown and service areas would be located roads. in downtown Shelton, also the The weather was a sur rise to location of all 16 stages. Henry Joy and Chris Griffin came close to winning, only 12 seconds behind at I the end of the first night in the Mitsubishi Eclipse that had fast time on three of the last five stages, but they were second overall. ------------------Tad Ohtake and Bob Martin made the trek west from Michigan worthwhile as they were eighth 0/A and the Ford Escort GT took home the Production win. Page 34 There were no entries in the . to Ray Damitio, long time rally Truck class as it's future con-supporter and worlds oldest navi-tinues to look grim at best. With gator, was driving. Barry Berg is a the ARA looking to cut two long time TSO aficionado from classes this year it would seem Minnesota who was talked into that it and Group A are on the running by northwest match-chopping block with Production maker Ben Bradley. The match being spared, at least for now was good as Janice and Barry took while arguments rage over possi-the Toyota Celica into an early ble rule changes deleting the pow-lead over Jason Preistley/ Kevin erful Honda VTech engine Caffery. Preistly/ Caffery had to Preludes. be running a bit paranoid as their In Production it was well worth past two attempts to run in the the two westward for Tad Ohta-northwest have met with mechan-ke/Bob Martin as they ran an ical ills and a small driving error incident free rally on their way to that put them out early in both victory and a well deserved eighth Doo Wops. Janice held her lead overall finish. The Ford Escort over the other Toyota throughout driver's win was his second in the first night to start the second class on the Michelin circuit. day with a minute and a half!ead. Group A had no finishers in Preistley/Caffery edged a few Washington. Chris Weleff/ Brian seconds back in the opening Paul looked to have things sewed stages of day two but Janice and up in class when a wheel was Berry were staying at a steady sheared off the car by an errant pace.Onstagel2of16Preistleyl -rock on stage 11, but the ride was Caffery embedded the Toyota not over, the car slid across the Celica off the road and lost 20 road into another rock that took minutes. It was a matter of finish-off the other front tire. Weleff, ing, which is what both teams did always a good sport about such as Janice won her first class things looks to Rim of the World victory in national competition. to exact his revenge. Group 2 was a battle royal with In Production GT it was a pair no less than three in contention of Toyota's versus lone Ma:da for tht lead at all times. The win and Eagle representatives. The would be decided on the final Toyota steamroller went through stage. It was a surprise to most to to a powerful one-two victory as see Goran Ostlund back rallying disaster struck both lone entrants. in America again; the driver who Dale Beard/Richard Simmons are spent last year commuting from a big threat in their native his job in El Salvador to events Washington, local knowledge not has been relocated to Estonia, in withstanding Beard is simply a Europe. He made the trip here to very aggressive and talented run both west coast Michelin driver. But, all that talent and events. Ostlund/ Steve Bakec, in aggression can only get you so far their Scandia Autosport Saab 99, when your turbocharger packs it has been out of the picture for a in by stage five. Selcuk Karamo-while but definitely not out of noglu/Constantine Mantopoulos practice. By the end of six stages led early in the Eagle Talon and the first night they held a minute ranashighasfourthoverallinthe in hand over teammates Sam field before misfortune struck on Bryan/Rob Walden in a Scandia Back into day two Ostlund/ -Baker continued to lead until stage 12 when the throttle linkage broke. They rigged a wire as a lin-kage and got to service where the malady was fixed, then heading into stage 13 the ignition gave up on the Saab 99 and they had to call it a day. Dave White/ Ben Greisler worked their way past Bryan/Walden during the morn-ings stages and with two to go led the class by exactly 30 seconds and were sitting fourth overall. Bryan /Walden considered the situation and decided to push their junkyard engine as hard as it would go; they would win or break trying. With two stages left the team took a ten second chunk out of Whitel Greisler and the final stage would be a 9.02 mile test of wills; who wanted it most? Their driving styles are vastly different from a spectator's point of view. Bryan, wild and throwing caution to the wind as he makes his Saab do unnatural things in corners. White, a calculating driver, ra:or precise and smooth. Neither driver made a mistake in stage but it was Sam Bryan/Roh Walden who would garner the victory with a six second cushion on White/ Greisler. "He drove one hell of a stage, it was good rally between us two", said White after the end. White now leads the Group 2 points. Bill Malik /Roine Andersson made the third place in Group 2 in their Valencia Volvo Independent 240. Several cut tires would drop them out of lead contention early but an inspired drive would see them through to a trophy spot. David Peterson/Greg Chaloupka would take fourth in a VW GTI. It has not been an easy road for Chad Dykes/Pat Hanson in get-ting their Dave Turner Motors-portsl BF Goodrich Toyota truck sorted out. A bad radiator this time would slow the pair early and see them struggle with the prob-lem all rally long. Persistence is a virtue however, and they did record a finish and fifth place in the class. Paul Choiniere has something to prove; that Hyundai's are via-' ble rally cars. Henry Joy has The Group 2 winners were local folks Sam Bryan and Rob Walden in fourth , something to prove; that he is a 0 /A, their Scandia Saab 900 edging out Dave White/Ben Greis/er by just 3 viable driver capable of winning a seconds. ---------------------------• national event. Carl Merrill and Janice Damitio, with Barry Berg navigating the Toyota Celica GTS, 'took the Production GT win, her first National title, and the team also finished in ninth overall on a rally in which local knowledge didn't help. July 1995 Peter Moodie had nothing in par-ticular to prove, they just wanted to beat Choiniere, both now have victories in the series. Rui Brasil had something to prove also. That it does not take a megabuck budget and unbelievably trick car to win at the national level. The overall honors would be decided between these five drivers, not all would be at the finish, but all would play a part in the "Battle for Shelton". Carl Merrill/John Bellefleur drew first blood after stage one by taking the best time overall by one second over Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker and Peter Moodie/Mi-chael Fennell, who tied. Henry Joy/Chris Griffin were close just Dusty Times

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In third place it was Carl Merrill and John Bellefleur, the Ford Escort Cosworth fastest on six stages but an early flat on stage cost too much time. Jason Priestley and Kevin Caffrey must feel snake bit in the northwest. An off course trip on stage 12 put the Toyota down to 13th, second in Group 2. Peter Moodie's Mazda got a little night service on drive line components, after stage 3, but the Jamaicans failed to finish, retfring after stage 5. a couple ot seconds back being chased by the Rui Brasil/John Elkin Audi. By stage three the top couple had already had a shakeup. Carl Merrill/John Bellefleur had a flat tire in the Norseman Resorts Ford Escort and lost five minutes in changing it in stage two. Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker took the lead in the Libra Racing Hyundai Elantra but was just ten seconds up on Henry Joy/Chris Griffin's TAD/Stopped Motion Motors-ports Mitsubishi Eclipse. Peter Moodie/ Michael Fennell had the Executive Motorsports Ma:da 323GTX within a half minute of the lead fray with the Wheels, Wings and Things Audi 4000 of Rui Brasil/John Elkin also close. Things would shake up again as at the end of stage five. Right hefore the finish of the stage the Ma:da of Moodie/ Fennell had a lower control arm fold up on the Ma:da which tore out the front axle shaft doing damage to the input shaft area of the transmis-sion housing. They would be spectators for the battle to come. With Merrill/Bellefleur bat-tling back through the field after the puncture, the first nigh tended with Choiniere/Becker leading Joy/Griffin by just 12 seconds. Brasil /Elkin were another two minutes back in third overall after suffering a stuck throttle cable in stages three and four and then in stage five the front right suspen-sion on the Audi came undone from the strut tower after the crossmember bolts fell out. The Audi was repaired during a hasty service but the two had to slow through the final four mile stage. The final day and ten stages lay ahead of the leaders. Choiniere and Joy were ready to go with no problems with their cars. Brasil had his car repaired by the folks in a local shop in Shelton called W agen Werks, and while they could only do so much the car was more driveable for the last night. No matter what was done by Choiniere/ Becker it was matched by Joy/Griffin. This was the fin-est showing yet by the TAD Motorsports team and many wondered if this new found com-petitiveness would be too much pressure for Joy. By stage eight it was a two horse race as Brasil/ El-kin were a casualty of the rally as a right sweeper caught the ill han-dling Audi out and they rolled the car. Both occupants were sore but uninjured. Joy started a charge on Choi-niere in the late stages, taking some stage wins and chunks of time out of the Hyundai's lead. With one stage to go Choiniere had a better than forty second lead. Joy, not one to give up and lay down, drove a spectacular stage, gathered back over 20 seconds in time but fell 25 seconds short of the win. Dusty Times Hyundai has now won both full rally and were looking forward to rounds of the Michelin Cham-better days ahead. pionshipandleadsthepointsbat-Ralph Kosmides/Joe Noyes ties. Carl Merrill/John Bellefleur had another generation Ford clamhered their way back up into Escort in the top four as they out-third overall by the end of the dueled Rick Beson/ Ben Bradley in the hybrid Mazda Protege by eight seconds for the fourth place in class. Only 13 of the 22 starters fin-ished in a very challenging event. The Shelton roads are less unfor-giving and more treacherous than the Capitol Forest roads, and while all had a very good time we hope that the Capitol Forest will host the second day of next year's event. ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ···-~•■-■■II TEAM DON-A-VEE Jeep DON-A-VEE Jeep,. Eagle Eagle America's #"1 Volume Dealer For The Last 5 Years Team DON-A-VEE 1993. Baja 1000 ·Winners and 1994 Baja 1000 winners Tool #1 JEEP SALES • #1 JEEP ACCESSORIES • #1 JEEP SERVICE Jee 1¥t Only Minutes From You in L.A. or Orange County ,. 800.366.JEEP 800.909.JEEP -;•.•······••■-■-■•■ July 1995 Page 35

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The 3.9 liter aluminum VB produces 182 horsepower, 232 foot pounds of torque, and is electronically fuel injected. Formidable looking from any angle, the Defender 90 is a go anywhere, do anything vehicle and fits in fine on Rodeo Drive or the Mojave desert. With the soft top in use, the Defender 90 is truly weatherproof and with the integral adjustment straps there is no flapping whatsoever. DRIVERS IMPRESSIONS - 1994 LAND ROVER DEFENDER 90 Roses Ar• Red, Aren't They? Text & Photos: John B. Calvin ·-weather and our old creaky bones, according to the manual it goes down fairly easily and takes a bit more to get it upright again. The Defender 90 is sort of the rich man's answer to the various four wheel drive vehicles; it is expensive for a sort of spartan four wheeler, but they seem to sell a bunch of them so it truly does have a lot to offer. It comes with the very latest in trick stuff and there are many options listed that you can have installed with the stroke of a pen. Almost every-th in g is available and the Defender 90 performs well enough to be named Four Wheeler Magazine 1994 Four Wheeler of The Year. This particular Defender 90 , came in Portofino Red with an ash gray interior, fully carpeted of The Land Rover Defender 90 is definitely an all around, all purpose vehicle. Notice the protective roll cage which is standard for the driver/passenger section. course and I must say the interior . The 1994 Land Rover Defend-: good sized V8 lies under the, was well furnished. The view from the bridge is excel/en~, a:'t~he ;n.struments are easy to read and er 90 is quite a vehicle. First of all hood, but we will get to that later. The aluminum VS is of the 3.9 .1 a// the controls are w,th,n easy reac O e r,ver. itisa truly husky looking vehicle, This particular model had a soft liter variety and 182 horsepower, needs and multi point-fuel at first glance. There is air and it not only looks husky, it is top, and although we never got to is available under your right foot, injection only enhances the conditioning and there is ade-husky! It is also very powerful asa put it down because of the lots of P,OWer for any of your operation and there is over 230 quatef1owthroughairandthereis •----------------------■· --■--------. pounds of torque to go along with power steering to assist you in Make your bug fly! Congratulations t~ Jim Dizney, Ross Craft & crew for winning the Las Vegas 250 Class 1/2-1600 ■ Desert • Street • Sand • Drag ■ Superlite spun aluminum ■ Welded, 2-piece construction ■ Smooth surface (no rivets or bolts) ■ VW wide 5 lug pattern ■ Sizes from 15"x 31/2" to 15" x 14" !iouthwe!it Performance Marketing 3919 Portola Place■ San Diego, CA 92103 Q Phone/Fax: (619) 298· 2921 Page 36 July 1995 it.Thetransmissionisafivespeed your daily driving chores, manual, something we really although you have to get used to enjoy driving with as long as it's the steering as it is very quick and not in bumper to bumper traffic. the vehicle reaction is very rapid. Permanent four wheel drive is There is a bit of wind noise at employed utilizing a two speed speed but that is to be expected center differential with a manual with the soft top. lock. There is a decent sized console Big BFGoodrich Radial Mud between the front buckets and it Terrain T I A's compliment the locks too! Mounted in this center power nice! y, quiet on the console is the AM/ FM Stereo highway but the Mud's do quite and, to us, this is strange, only nicelyonthedesertterrainandwe from years of dash board were able to navigate anywhere we mounted radios, but we soon wanted to with no problems at all. adapted and the only problem we Also, there is a full size spare saw with the radio was it was hard mounted on a swing away rear tire to tune it manually whilst keeping mount. All these are mounted on an eye on the road too! aluminum five spoke wheels, The instrument cluster has all highly polished and definitely the necessary guages, speedo-good looking. meter, tachometer, fuel and Stopping power, you want temperature, all easily read and stopping power? Well this is the well within the drivers vision. Just vehicle for you, four wheel disc below the gauges are many, many brakes with ventilated fronts and, warning lights to warn you of any believe me there is adequate impending disaster. stopping power to handle any There are a few things on the emergency. Defender 90 that take a wee bit of There is a "Safari Cage" around getting used to and here are a few: the passenger compartment, 1. The ignition is on the left side known to us here as a "roll cage" of the steering column and the key to protect you even further in case turns towards the driver to start of a real accident. Twin bucket the engine. seats give you an absolutely 2 .Thereisanelectronicgovernor comfortable ride and there are installed that limits your top many adjustments to add to your speed to 89 miles per hour. comfort.Your ride is enhanced by These are a few things that take front and rear anti-sway bars, live some getting used to but it all axles front and rear and coil comes easily after a few tries. spring suspension on all four We enjoyed running around wheels. . town and the desert with the Creature comforts are plentiful Defender 90 and I think you will but some of them are not evident find it a very enjoyable time too! Dusty Times

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Prairie City Revisited By Tray Robinson Photos: Air & Auto Sport Photography 1 Class 9 champion and fourth overall in 1994 points, Forest Creasy started the new season right in the big turnout of Challengers. He was second in moto 1, and strong in first in moto 2 and first on the day's points. Brian Holloway chases Garry Pinheiro en route to a second and a first in Sportsman Veteran action and Holloway had the points to take the victory. Eric Jenkins grabbed the lead off the line in Novice sportsman moto 1, and he kept the lead to the flag. He broke a spindle in moto 2, but still had the points for the win for the day in class. $175 .00 for pro with $80 into the Class 9, ·$200 Sportsman Veter-purse and $20 into the year end an, $150 Sportsman Novice and points fund. Class 9 entries are · $100 Pilots. Pilots are welcome at $100 with $40 into the purse and all VORRA races. $10 into the year end points fund. At 5 p.m. there was a rules Sportsman Veteran entries are meeting recap. The original rules $100 with $25 into the purse and meeting was prior to the awards $10 to the points. Sportsman banquet in Reno in November. Novice (less than two years The meeting was to recap the driving experience) are $50, changes for 1995. Some of the trophies only and Pilots are $50 changes are 1) a $30 season pass with $25 into the purse. While fortheshortcourseracesallowing we're on the subject of entry fees, family members admission to desert entries are $400 pro, $275 Prairie City races at a lower, one Prairie City SVRA, Sacramen-and Saturday rains. The race to, CA, April 2, 1995. After more could have been run but parking than a month of heavy rains and conditions would have been less flooding in Northern California, satisfactory in four inches of mud. the VORRA season opener Theracewouldbeoneweeklater. originally scheduled for March 19 Again, four days of heavy rains had to be postponed at the last forced an earlier cancellation of minute because of solid Friday the race. Finally, on April 2, the. _West Coast Distributor fOff HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1{ti2 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 38 race would be run in sunny, dusty and very windy conditions. Saturday afternoon activities started at 3 p.m. with early registration and tech until 5 p.m. Registration at VORRA is painless on the pocket book. Short course entries are only •· time rate. 2) In the desert races, Jim Cope had a see saw battle all day in Class 4 taking second in moto 1 and won the second moto, and that was good enough for the 4x4 title and cash. Larry Folsom used part of the spectator hill to square off the corners and he ran second in moto 1, and he won the hard fought moto 2 which brought him the 1600 class win on the day. July 1995 VORRA has established a $1000 overall winner purse. This money will be put up by the towns we race in and outside sponsors. 3) Drivers are responsible for their pit crews. Any unsafe behavior of pit or chase crews may cause disqualification. and 4) grounds for disqualification are: bumping and nerfing in check point areas, racing at unsafe speeds into check points and in the main pit areas, not stopping for a stuck stub, and not following the directions of VORRA officials. Race morning started with a wake up song from our announ-cer Garland Dyke "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" from the musical Oklahoma ( what a way to get into race mode). Late Registration and tech started at 8 a.m. with practice at 9 a.m. Races start promptly at 11 a.m. with the Novice Sportsman taking to the freshly watered, slimy track. Five cars took the green in moto 1 and Eric Jenkins (77) quickly moved to the front and pulled an adequate lead. Richard Fletcher (27), Jon Gurney (79), Brian Carpenter & Ali Miller (96), and Tina Robinson ( daughter-in-law of race promo-ter Ed Robinson driving her husband's car #101) fought for second position. The more experience of Fletcher put him in second until a solo roll over on lap six cost him a lap and moved Carpenter /Miller into second. Dusty Times

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Tina Robinson fought off the mud and fought hard for second in the Novice Sportsman moto 1, was third in moto 2 and took second in her first race ever. Dave Tarrant got an "old" car out of retirement and won the first Class 9 moto, moved up in the second to finish there and for the day on the points. Don and Chris German share the ride in the Chevy powered Jeep and Don won the first moto and son Chris was second on a flat in moto 2 and they were second in the Heavy Metal Class 4. The slippery mud was a problem for Carpenter/ Miller as they spun in the finish line turn collecting Gurney allowing Robinson to drive around and hold on to second to the checkers. Final moto results: Jenkins, Robinson, Fletcher and Carpenter/ Miller. The second moto was the same as the first as Jenkins took the holeshot with Robinson, Fletcher and Gurney close behind. Moto 1 experience helped Robinson as she stayed with Jenkins and didn't let him pull too far away. Fletcher tried and tried to pass Robinson but could never get close enough. Carpenter/ Miller also used the moto 1 experience to pass Fletcher then Robinson on lap seven. The next lap, as Carpen-ter/ Miller closed in on first place Jenkins, Jenkins broke the left front spindle and was passed by Carpenter/ Miller for the moto win. Robinson tried a last ditch effort in the final corner to pass the crippled Jenkins, but couldn't pull it off. At the end of the day, Jenkins was the overall winner with Robinson in second. and Carpenter/ Miller third. Seven cars entered Class 9, the biggest turn out ever for a VORRA race. 1994 points champion Forest Creasy (917) was in the groove and by lap three had moved into the lead. VORRA newcomer Bud White-field (915) and Dave Tarrant (904) were in a battle on their own chasing Creasy. Creasy would suffer problems on the last lap allowing Tarrant to take the moto win dropping Creasy to second. Danika McLean & Ken Pfeiffer (910) ran a consistent race to finish third as did Eric Steiger (956) to finish fourth. The second moto had Creasy take the holeshot with McLean/ Pfeiffer and Steve Souza (921) following. Creasy and McLean/ Pfeiffer had a close fight for the lead while Tom Hatch (911) moved into third. On lap four, Tarrant took over third from Hatch. Positions stayed the same as attrition took it's toll on most of the field including a wicked six rolls by second place McLean/ Pfeiffer on lap nine. The team would not lose a position but was black flagged for losing a net and the roof in the roll. Final moto results were Creasy, Tarrant, Steiger, and Hatch. In the end, top running gave the overall to Creasy while come from behind aggres-siveness gave second to Tarrant. Steiger finished third, McLean/ Pfeiffer fourth and Hatch rounded out the top five. The Sportsman Veteran Class had 13 cars this race. Moving up from Novice this year is · second place 1994 novice points champ-ion Patrick Timmons, Garry Pinheiro, Eric Lund, Terry Shelton, and Randy Noriega. All. Dusty Times these drivers have raced in the Final results: Jim Cope first, Don novice class for two years and & Chris German second and could post a challenge to the Jared Wilson third. veteran class drivers. Nine 1600s were on hand and Sid Smith ( 1652) to take a violent four rolls on lap three taking him out of the race. Dennington was leading until lap six when he and Shane Balch ( 1602) would do a When they took the green for Keith Robb ( 1628) took the lead moto 1, 1994 veteran points with Roger Caddell (1605) champion Rob Chavez (33) got a r--------------------------------------si mu I taneous,. r,r moving through the pack from the seventh starting position. Arden Dennington ( 1661) got past Robb in the finish line turn on lap two. A typical tight pack of 1600s were the story that caused li ttle loose in turn two and collected Glen McAdon (76) and made all others behind scramble for unoccupied real estate. Up front, Gary Steele ( 44) was leading but Randy Miller(96) was challenging and would take over the lead on lap three. Brian Holloway (14) moved into fifth after Bill Webb (22) slowed way up coming out of a yellow flag situation. Terry Shelton (89), Garry Pinheiro (29), Holloway, and Patrick Timmons (21) were having a great race for third with Webb and Jerry Wald (46) gaining on the pack. By mid race, any one of the'six cars could have taken third. By lap six, Steele was dropping back with mechanical troubles but remained third as the pack thinned out. In the end, Miller was first, Holloway second, Steele third, Timmons fourth and Wald fifth. The second moto started with a five way battle for the lead between McAdon, Pinheiro, Jim Hanson ( taking over for Bill Webb), Mike Beardon (taking over for Jerry Wald) and Holloway. By lap six, McAdon, Holloway and Pinheiro were in a close race with Rob Chavez (33) gaining. McAdon would go wide on the last lap allowing Holloway, Pinheiro and Chavez to get past. Ch ave: passed Pinheiro who came back in the east turn and rolled Chave: in what "rough driving" ( if VORRA had a rough driving committee) would have looked at. McAdon would slow consid-erably with steering troubles and take third. Holloway would take the moto win with Timmons second. Final overall results: Brian .Holloway first, Patrick Timmons second, Jerry Wald third, and Garry Pinheiro fourth. The Heavy Metal Class lined up next with four vehicles entered. Don German ( 401 ) took the lead on the first lap with Jim Cope ( 414 ), Eric Lillund ( 45) and Jared Wilson ( 420 following. Lillund would suffer mechanical troubles on lap one and come back to finish eight laps. German and Cope would have a close race but Cope would never get past German. Wilson ran slow and consistent laps to finish third. The second moto had young Chris German taking over· for father Don and led Cope. Again a tight race between German and Cope. German would suffer a flat from what was later determined an illegal "hook" bumper on Cope. Cope would take the moto win with German second and Wilson another consistent third. July 1995 Page 39 •

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-Shane Balch overcame a first moto rollover in 1600 action to challenge for the moto 2 lead, but he finished second and was third on class points too. Michael Daws chased Ben Wald in Pilot action, but he won the first moto by default and was second in the next moto and second in Pro Pilots on points. Mitch Kurtella piloted his CW Honda to an uncontested victory in Novice Pilot action, as he was the only entry. ,,,-slow motion double roll. In the end it was . Caddell first, Larry Folsom ( 1691) second, Robb third and Walt Lewis ( 1677) fourth. take the overall win with Robb . were Daws, Wald, Wolsey, and second, Balch third,' and Caddell Stewart. fourth. The second moto was a repeat Nine Pilots entered the pro of the first with Wald taking class and three were in the novice another huge lead. Wolsey was class. In moto 1 Ben Wald (99) once again second but dropped jumped to an early and huge lead. out on the first lap giving second Clint Wolsey (7) was running to Daws. Bray would overtake second until lap four when second as Daws would fall to the Michael Daws ( 10) took over. end of the pack. John Flud (24) Scott Stewart ( 1) ran a distant worked his way up to third which fourth with Steve Bray(6) in fifth. is where he would finish behind Waldwouldlaterbeprotestedfor Wald first and Bray second. leaving the track and cutting Overall results for the _day: Wald, across the infield area before re- Daws, Bray, and Keith Haas (34) entering. The final moto results • in fourth. In the novice class, .. The second moto had Folsom take the lead with Balch and Caddell battling for second. Caddell would drop out on lap four. Balch would challenge Folsom for the lead who was in the groove using every inch of the track plus some to stay in front. Folsom would take the moto win with Balch second and Denning-r9n a distant third. Folsom would This is the ~ystem run by most off road race winners TRI-MIL BOBCAT I CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Pagc40 --Mitch Kurtela would lead both motos for the unchallenged . . . overall win. Sam Berri started off the 1995 season like he ended t~e 1994 series, Wt(h the : Class 10 had three cars with Clas~ 1 win, leading moto 1 from flag _to flag and tak,ng two laps to ga,n the ! D V N ( 1057) 1 cl. lead ,n moto 2 and lead the Class 1 po,nts. ana an oort ea mg . -------------------------Denny Spohr Jr. and Nick Ramponi. The second moto had Robin-Ramponi ( 1017 and Steve In the pro Class 1 race, Sam sonholeshotandleadfortwolaps Bradford ( 1008). Van Noort Berri ( 149) would take t~e until Berri would pass. Robinson would win the moto with holeshot and lead flag-to-fla~ m would stay in sight but could Spohr/Ramponiand Bradford frontofthethreeotheropenclass never catch Berri. Haas was having a close race with Spohr/ cars. Floyd Haas Jr. (123) would equally spaced back in third. Ramponi coming out on top. challenge Berri for the lead but Overall final results were Berri, Mato 2 had Van Noort out front would find himself on his lid on lap Robinson and Paul/Marks third. again with a big lead and this time two. Berri would hold on for first, When the final flag fell, it was a Bradford would cross the stripe in Everett Paul & Peter Marks (243) great day of racing and a great way second. In the end it was Van second and (yours truly) Troy to start off VORRA's 20th year Noort, Bradford, and Spohr/ Robinson(lOl)third. of off road racing. Final Results. Prairie City,SVRA. Sacramento, CA, April 2, 1995 (denotes moto finish) Sporsman Novice 1st Erik Jenkins (1-2), Santa Rosa, CA--Heritage Painting, Triple J Guns & Supplies, Ronnies Copper Kettle, Rich Signs 2nd Tina Robinson (2-3), Sacramento, CA--Autosport, California Coach, House of Signs, VORRA Class 9 1st Forest Creasy (2-1), Pollock Pines, CA--Hiatt's Metal Fab, Spenski Engineering, Stoops Body Shop, Bob Creasy 2nd Dave Tarrant (1-2), Petaluma, CA--Tire Source of Petaluma 3rd Eric Stieger (4-3), Elk Grove, CA Sportsman Veteran 1st Brian Holloway (2-1), Sacramento, CA 2nd Patrick Timmons (4-4), Sacramento, CA--Garland Construction, Mobile Equipment Repair, Tm-Truss Engineering 3rd Jerry Wald & Mike Bearden (5-5), Concord, CA--Wald Family Racing 4th Garry Pinheiro (9-2), Hilmar, CA--P & F Machine, Baggettt's Tire, S & S Body Shop, Tomco Inc. Heavy Metal 1st Jim Cope (2-1), Livermore, CA 2nd Don German & Chris German (1-2), Petaluma, CA--G B Iron Works Restricted 1600's 1st Larry Folsom (3-1), Sparks, NV--RCS Motorsports, D & D Tire Stores, Southwest Builders, Folsom Racing 2nd Keith Robb (2-5), Pittsburg, CA--Philastre Racing, Lee Hamilton Engineering 3rd Shane Balch (6-2), Fremont, CA--Goodyear, Olson Bros Racing, Denunzio, Fox, 76 Gas Pilot-Pro 1st Ben Wald (2-1), Concord, CA--Wald Family Racing 2nd Michael Daws (1-4), Los Gatos, CA--CW Racing Engines, Fox Racing Shox 3rd Steve Bray (5-2), Petaluma, CA--California Pilot Racing Pilot-Novice 1st Mitch Kurtela (1-1), Union City, CA--CW Racing Engines Class 10 1st Dana Van Noort (1-1), Clovis, CA--Rose Automotive Class 1 1st Sam Berri (1-1), Arnold, CA--Tom Martin Lqgging, Press Kleen, D & E, Skips Machine, Highlands Quick Lube 2nd Troy Robinson (3-2), Sacramento, CA--Autosport, California Coach, House of Signs, VORRA July 1995 Dusty Times

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Sandy, who started, and Jim Ka/leek came from Gaston, Oregon to race, and later Jim took over, and the couple scored second in Heavy Metal in the Chevy pickup. Loyd Kruse and Bill Ballester ran in a leading four minute blanket early on, avoided serious contact with the trees and the two seater finished 2nd Open. Tony Schwab came from Tacoma, Wkin his 1600 car, lost time on lap 3 hitting a tree which flipped him, got going again and finished third Open in the 1600. CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING ASSN. Bear Butte 300 By Terry Silbaugh Harvey Lange, inactive in racing in recent years, came back with a bang and not only won the Sportsman Vet Class going away, he beat all the pros in the snow and won the race overall. As a now seasoned off road rac-sun came up because we never saw ing promoter ( 4 seasons), I know the sun all day) we all got up early better than to go out on a limb and and greeted the new arrivals in tell everyone we are going to have camp. Almost to a person the new nice weather on race day. Even if arrivals would ask "What's the that'swhattheweatherforecasters forecast?" In my best seasoned are saying on the 6 o'clock news. desert rat voice I would tell them · Perry Warren and I headed for that Saturday was supposed to be the desert area east of Millican on clear. For some reason or another, Thursday to mark our course. It they all would then look for high was overcast with a heavy threat ground to set up their pit space. of a monsoon lurking over the Tony Allen and his great team course area. We got the course opened tech inspection at noon marked, some tree limbs out of and I opened registration. Unfor-the way and made sure there were tuntely, I believed the forecasters enough rocks in the course for and set up camp in a low spot. everyone to enjoy. A few hardy Crews had to wade to my front souls even arrived with their race door to register. They all would equipment early Thursday. then ask again, "What's the Fridaymorning(Iwon'tsaythe weather going to be tomorrow?" Like I should know? With my I usual aplomb I informed them it would probably snow 6H by morning. I went to bed that night secure in the fact that I probably had everyone worried about a -snowstorm ... the end of April. Saturday morning I stepped out of my trailer and observed a heck of a snowstorm. The 9 a.m. driv-ers' meeting was spent around a campfire with me attempting to explain myself. Not about the rac-ing rules, course changes and BLM regulations. I still do not think I was successful in getting anyone to believe I had anything to do with the snowstorm. We had 19 cars registered and only one decided to leave his in his enclosed trailer and spectate. As it turned out, Joe and Ki Chainey were the smartest ones. Cars lined up in the snow for the traditional 10 a.m. start. The first class to start was the Open Class with Kamloops, BC driver Calvin MacKenzie the first to leave. Second off the line was Todd Francis from Vancouver, WA in his Chenowth. Third to start was the lone 1600 car with Tony Schwab at the wheel. Since Tony was the only 1600 car to Gordon Scott had a great day in his CJ Jeep, ran second from the start in the Todd Francis split the driving with Brian Johnson in the Class 1 Chenowth, took the lead early in the race, changed drivers midway and had no trouble at all on the way to the class win and second overall. enter this one, he ran for Open probably as a result of his impact-Class money and was given 1600 ing a tree head on. That put John-points (Don't try to figure it out, son first and Ballester second. we just did it.) Fourth off the line Wright completed two laps and was the potent two seater driven parked the modified with a by Bill Ballester from Eugene, broken panhard mount. Schwab Oregon. The last car to start in the was running third and still fast Open Class was the most unique, when he came into the pits at the a 60's style modified that had seen end of lap 4 minus the left front many years acti_vity on cir lee wheel. Some quick help and parts tracks. It was driven off the line by from MacKenzie's crew put him Jim Wright from LaGrand, backontheroad.Atthehalfway Oregon. The car was an eight. It point Francis took over for John-was powered by a Chev VB, had son and Ballester gave the drivers eight inches of ground clearance seat up to Loyd Kruse. Schwab and eight inches of wheel travel. drove the entire race solo. At the At the end of the first of ten 30 finish it was Francis/Johnson mile loops, it was Tony Schwab in first, Ballester/Kruse second and the Rhino Linings 1600 car in Tony Schwab third. The wait to first followed closely by Brian see who was the overall winner Johnson in the Francis car, MacK- was now on. enzie and Ballester, all within four Second class to start was the minutes of each other. Bringing Heavy Metal Class. There were up the rear but still moving good, five entries and. the first off the to everyone's surprise except line was Tony Allen in his hot their crew, was the old modified Chev Bla:er. Second was Gordon driven by Wright. As the cars Scott in his CJ. Third to start was returned from lap three, Schwab John Crouch from LaGrand in his was overdue. When he did arrive Jeep Honcho, then Sandy Kalleck late, there were telltale signs on driving hubby Jim's Chev pickup the car thatthe roof had contacted and last but not least was Don the ground. Tony had slid rapidly Endean from Kamloops, BC in his into a Juniper tree and flipped. He very fast Class 8 Ford. At the end wasabletogJtgoingagainbutwas of lap one, Allen, Scott and now down several minutes to the Endean had moved up through leaders. MacKenzie finished lap 4 the open buggies. At the end of and called it quits as the steering lap 3, Endean was done with an gear came loose from the frame, exploded differential. Crouch was tricky going as the 4x4s moved through the buggies, got a 5 second lead on John Huffman ran his 1-1600 car in the large Sportsman Vet class, had minor lap 5 and held on to win the Heavy Metal Class. delays, but cruised right into second in the class and a great third overall. July 1995 Dusty Times

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,. J&, ..• A,i<>k,,£ . -f~·: Tony Allen and his Chevy Blazer led the pack on lap 1 and beyond, but got stuck in a rock pile, with a seized rear pinion bearing, but had enough laps done to place 3rd in Heavy Metal. An oft time winner here Dave Brown put his venerable Baja Bug in Class Vet Sportsman, diced for the lead before running out of gas, and was third in class. At the drivers' meeting Terry Silbaugh explains he had nothing to do with the great Millican race day phenomenon of always snowing in April. Richard Muhlhauser took first novice honors in his first off road race got in three laps before retiring, and they were so stoked you'd have thought they won O/A. moving well until going out on lap 5 with a broken frame. At the end of lap 5, Allen and Scott were running identical times overall, with Scott in front by 5 seconds. Then on lap six word came hack to the pits that Allen was stuck in the rock pile. Tony was now out with a rear pinion bearing that sei:ed and tore up the center sec-tion. The raee settled down to the Scott Jeep which was now driven by Eric Kosel and the Chev pickup now driven by Jim Kal-leck. The result was Scott first, Kalleck's second and Allen with enough laps to finish third. Third class to start was the usu-ally large Sportsman Vet's. T his time, however, there were only six cars to start. T here would have been seven but Joe Chainey was the smartest person in the pits and decided to leave his in the dry, warm covered trailer . First to slide off the wet starting line was Harvey Lange in his two seater. Next was newcomer Robert Stan-erson from Mt. Angel, Oregon in a 5 -1600 followed by a sponsor turned new racer, Mike Webb, in his recently purchased 1-1600. Following Webb was Mike Strong from Tacoma in Audie Brook's Class 5 . Next to start was another very fast Class 5 driven by Dave Brown from Gresham, Oregon. Last off the line was Seat-tie's-John Huffman in his Class 1-1600. It was obvious from the star·t that Harvey Lange was going to be the car to watch. On lap one five miles short of the pits the Staner-son car discovered the Millican rocks are more powerful than a speeding VW. They not only flat-tt:nL'd both rear tires hut des-troyed the bellhousing as well, ending their day on a cold wet scenic wayside. At the end of lap one it was Lange, Strong, Huf-fman, Brown and Webb. Then on lap 2 Strong encountered a prob-lem and dropped to 5th. Lange kept a very fast pace and by the eighth lap it was beginning to look like he could take the overall win, which he did hy 3:41 over Todd Francis. Huffman also was cruis-ing and was second in class and third overall only 12 m inutes behind Lange. Third in class in spite of running out of gas on course was Dave Brown. Brown was sixth overall. Mike Webb was trying to get former owner Perry W arren to suit up and take over the driving. Perry reminded Webb that the campfire was more comfortable than the race car seat. W ebb made a couple pit stops to change goggles and finished the ninth lap very wet and cold. He was informed he could go another lap but could not improve posi-Sam Smith was the only Sportsman truck starter in his Dodge Ram pickup, and he got in over one lap before mechanical woes sidelined him for the day. Dusty Times tion. That was all the incentive it took to stop Webb, who ran a very smooth and smart race for his first ever drive, ending in fourth. Lap six a long one for Strong and he called it quits on the seventh in fifth place. There were two more cars to start. First to get starter Chris Warren's green flag was Sam Smith in his Dodge Ram pickup. Sam was the only starter in a once large class of Sportsman trucks. Sam had one fast lap and deve-loped problems on lap 2 ending his day. The other car to get the green from Chris was first time drivn in Ki Chainey's older sportsman buggy, Richard Muhl-houser from Albany, Oregon. Richard and crew had a ball for three laps and encountered the typical first timers woes. When they finally completed their third lap after some down time · would have thought they had just won the Baja 1000 they were so wired. It's good to see that kind of enthusiasm on such a cold mis-erable day. The awards were presented about a half hour after the last car came in and at that time it appeared everyone was having a good time and had enjoyed the race, not the weather, just the race. Deschutes County Sheriff's Search and Rescue was presented a check for standing by with three rescue vehicles, which fortunately were not required. Central Oregon Motorcycle and ATV Club were also presented a check for their usual fine job of running the checkpoints and road guards. Chris and Perry Warren did not enter their Class 5 and took over the thankless job of flagging. One job that is most important and rarely seen is the scoring. This was Welder/Generntor E\\'171 • .H)()() Wall Wdderf(;eneratur • llunda 11 liP Oil\'. C,,m111t:rcial · • J(J(AJ walls ot puw,:1 Engine • 170 .-\MP I lC tur \Vdding • OilA.krt' • Oil .-\lert • • ~multanc..·uu::. A,· t & ll. u::,,: • Automatic Idle · • :'.)Up c: I (IUh i done by Shelley W arren and Ginny Silbaugh. Between their sharp eye and the computer, we never have a scoring problem. The next CODRA event is not a race, it is an event that the envir-on mentalists wish they had thought of. On the weekend of August 12 we are camping in the Bear Butte pit for our annual Mil-lican Valley cleanup. A couple years ago CODRA adopted all 96 square miles of the Millican Val-ley ORV area. The first campout we collected over 1000 pounds of other people's trash. Since then the area has remained pretty clean. CODRA members and friends spend a weekend together playing and doing a good service at the same time. With my luck, it will probably snow in August. The next race will be the Whis-key Springs 400 on October 14 in Millican. RACER DISCOUNTS PARTS SHIPPED BY UPS DAILY -~ . HONDA ~ ''.- MOTORCYCLES • SCOOTERS ..-ATV'S & GENERATORS ~~ . ·----·-·-----·-- -~ . ~. -----,, --......., -~--. BMW MOTORCYCLES ._, 3 . SEA D00 WATERCRAFT 'fl'(. BILL ROBERTSON+ SONS. INC. IN BUSINESS FOR OVER 30 YEARS 5626 -Tujunga Blvd., North Hollywood ~HONDA 1 (800) 800-6134 ComerideUJithus. 1 (818) 766-6134 July 1995 • N Pagc43

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39TH TOUR DE CORSE Didier Aur10·1 Claims His SiJlth Win. In Corsica Tex.t & Pho'-ws: Martin Holmes It was a close battle up front between a trio of drivers, but one broke late in Etape 3, and the other hit a rock getting suspension damage. So, Didier Auria/ and Denis Giraudet moved right into the victory scoring the first WC win for the Toyota Celica GT-4 ST205 model. Didier Auriol has now won the Tour de Corse six times, his country's World Championship Rally, but never before after such a last minute panic. The day before the start his regular codriver Bernard Occelli had to return home on family matters so he took his course opener Denis Giraudet instead. Gradually Didier became accustomed to the unusual voice beside him and trusted everything Denis said, and a few stages before the finish rose to second place. It seemed that Ford was set to score an historic victory, the first time they had used more driver-friendly six-speed gearboxes, and the first time a Belgian driver (Bruno Thiry) was in line for a World Rally win. But two stages from the end Thiry had wheel bearing failure and service restriction rules prevented him from continuing. His teammate Fran-cois Delecour's hopes of challeng-ing Auriol were dashed when he damaged his suspension on a rock. Not the most convincing circumstances for the first win of the Celica GT-Four, but quite acceptable. The best entry of the season contested the Tour de Corse, the second of three all-asphalt rounds · in the 1995 World Rally Series. All four manufacturers entered; Toyota, Subaru, Mitsubishi and Ford fielded full three car teams, while works supported entries from Renault, Skoda and Peugeot contested the 2 Liter Champion-ship. In Group N Toyota ( through the Castro! car of. Mohammed bin Sulayem) and Mitsubishi were both officially supporting leading entries as well. Mechanically the rally provides a shop window for the latest rally· car technology. Toyota had body strengthening and improved weight distribution aimed at creating the best balance possible. Mitsubishi debuted newest version of the Lancer Evolution III; a less developed version of which came second on the recent non-points Safari Rally. This car has been specifically developed for the Asia Pacific series, and current! y the Tour de Corse is the only time it is expected to run in Europe. Mitsubishi used anti-lag fuel injection systems for the first time and had permission to use 18 inch diameter wheels. Ford launched their new six speed gearbox, while Subaru recently homologated water injection for the Impreza 555. The new moulded tire rules, which ban slick tires used previously in dry conditions, made further de-mands on the longevity of racing tires, especially with the restricted service opportunities, which means teams often have to tackle a series of stages with the same tires, regardless of weather conditions. A moment of personal achieve-ment was gained as soon as the rally got on the road. Juha Kankkunen became the third driver to make 100 starts on a World Championship Rally, a feat only previously achieved by Hannu Mikkola' and Markku Alen. Mikkola currently compet-ing on the London-Mexico his-toric car marathon rally, passed on a message of goodwill to Juha, who on his previous rally (Portu-gal), became the first driver to score a career total of over 1000 World Championship points. Mikkola pointed out that the on! y fully committed rallymen are still Finns, and they are set to maintain this record for a long time to come. The next most experienced rail ymen still active on the W arid Championship scene are Carlos Sainz ( this was his 70th event), and Didier Auriol (his 69th), so the Finns can expect to remain supreme until well into the late 1990s. It was a glorious first day for the event. Ford's rally manager John Taylor summed up the spirit of the event. "Everyone seems to be completely at ease. It is remarka-ble that nobody is complaining. All the teams seem to have got good value out of testing. It is a pity not everyone will be able to win." Pirelli's competition chief Dario Cal:avara said "For me this is going to be the best race for the past five years or more. We can't wait to see who is going to be bet-ter, them (Michelin) or us!" The World 2 Liter drivers were not so happy as last minute meetings failed to sort out a satisfactory solution about tires. While they had a choice of tires, they were restricted in the chance to change tires. Etape 1 was to be incredibly close fought, but the Fords of Delecour and Thiry edged ahead, with the Belgian just in front. "I do not know how it will be on other events, but for here the six speed gearbox works really well." Delecour was even more effusive. "It makes driving much easier. I want to have this gearbox for every rally and be finished with the old seven speed unit!" There was only one six speed unit for each driver, and only for these two drivers. Several drivers had chosen tires and suspensions that were too soft, but the rules forbade changes until after stage 3. Auriol was driving cautiously with his new codriver, but was always close behind the Ford. Kankkunen had steering problems; the pump was making right hand corners stiff. Sainz spent the morning with cen-ter differential oil pressure trou-bles but in the afternoon Thiry started to tackle stages he had not checked proper! y before the event. On the first such stage his 12 second lead fell immediately to 3. Tommi Makinen was always •just outside the top ten and lost time on stage 8 when he spun, but ahead of him the race was amaz-ing. Thiry led Delecour to Bastia by six seconds; eight drivers were within a minute of him. Isolde Holderied lost a minute on stage 1 when her Group N Mit-subishi gear linkage became 'det-ached, and Yves Loubet had a broken gearbox on the same stage which cost him 23 minutes late-ness at the ensuing control. He continued in his rented Escort and had a series of good stage times when other problems per-mitted. Eventually the organi:ers stopped him from continuing for having exceeded the maximum lateness allowance. Bin Sulayem was complaining about the brakes on his GT-Four and also a er n-nial lack of engine power. In the 2 Liter Championship there were first stage dramas when firstly the rally lost Emil Triner with rear suspension trouble, his Skoda teammate Pavel Sibera lost time when the throttle linkage broke, and Philippe Bugalski had his accelerator cable become det-ached as well. Tires were the big question. Renault drivers formed a strict routine of swapping the tires round between every stage. As the day warmed up the tires became even more of a challenge. Jean Ragnotti said his tires were breaking up dangerously. Overnight the pundits looked to discover whether this had been the first time a Belgian driver had led a World Championship rally.· It was the first real stage event for successful achievement although others names were mentioned as having led the Ivory Coast Rally on occasions. Thiry solved another query on why he did part of his training in a Peugeot 106 rental car. "The engine in one of ,my recce cars broke before we even started training." Delecour was also frank. "Yesterday I only had one real problem. His name is Thiry! He's going really well, isn't he!" On Etape 2 suspension set-up was the main topic of conversa-tion. Most drivers were trying to stiffen their cars. Sain: was still unhappy especial! y as he struggled to keep ahead of teammate Liatti. Liatti made fastest time on stage 12, at 31 km the longest of the event, seven seconds faster than Auriol and ten faster than the Spaniard! At the end of the day, Sainz was lying fourth overall, one second in front of the Italian. "It isn't what I had wanted, but in fact for the World Championship our placing isn't too bad." Thiry broke an anti-roll bar in the morn-ing but kept about a quarter-minute ahead of teammate Dele-cour when the latter spun. Auriol was concerned when his brakes were not properly bedded-in but kept up the pressure. He was bemused by the performance of the Fords. "I cannot understand how they are going so well. Cer-tain! y I cannot keep up." The main story of the day came on stage 13 when ~elecour lost third Taking third in Formula 2 in the Peugeot 306S16 it was Gilles and Herve Panizzi. scoring needed points for the team effort with teammates just 19 seconds back. Pavel Sibera and Petr Gross went well in the early stages but the engine blew after stage 7 in the Skoda Felicia Kit Car 1500 and they were out. Freddy Loix and Sven Smeets had handling troubles with the Opel Astra GSi, and late in the rally were close to Peugeot times. but ended up fifth in Formula 2 ranks 14th overall. -----------Page 44 July 1995 Dusty Times

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gear; he dropped nine seconds there and another 11 on stage 14, arriving at Calvi only two seconds in front of Auriol. Before the arri-val Delecour had his gearbox changed to a normal seven speed unit and he prepared himself for a different driving technique on the final day. McRae plodded on. "We gave up trying to change things yester-day. It is disappointing not to go as fast as the others, but we are happy to be in the running." After two days he was only 105 seconds behind the leader. Liatti was cur-ious how he was quicl5est on the long stage. "I think the car liked the smooth surface, ~nd certainly Andr:a-Aghini and Sauro Farnocchia brought the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution ! we prefer stages which are more Ill in third overall in the Wotld Championship debut of the new model. Philippe Bugalski and Jean-Paul Chiaroni won the Formula 2 category in the Renault Clio Maxi taking the lead late in the rally and they were ninth O/A. level. We have no confidence on .._ the downhill stages." Kankkunen .. but changed a rear driveshaft. Bin news that Thiry was out. was still only ninth but two Sulayem had brake trouble and The sad news for the Belgian seconds behind Rernardini. "We lost one minute road penalty. cameafterDelecourhadadmitted had a heart stopping moment Both Holderied and Jorge Recalde that Thiry would walk away with when some cows were on the road continued without troubles, all the event, that his colleague had on stage 13." The other surprise three using cut slicks rather than adjusted to the new tire rules and was when a stone split open the moulded tires, which were the 34mm restrictor better than inside of a wheel: the mousse allowed for Group N cars, even he had done, and who had been expanded but no time was lost. He though they were registered for knocking hard on the door ever was running on these stages with the World Championship. since he arrived at Ford, would be no spare wheel at all. For Delecour on Etape 3 the the winner. A vibration on the a front wheel and splayed the SUS-but the weather was just too· hot pension. "My fault, I cut the for us. We now have to work on corner ... " Auriol had taken the traction control urgently and we lead with two stages to go. The need to have tires specifically for wishes of century driver Kank-F2 cars if we are to progress", said kunen had come true: "Didier, Renault team manager Landon. that man Giraudet was lucky for His drivers finally started to be me in Finland two years ago, I consistent when they adapted. hope he will be lucky also for their styles to suit. In Group N the you!" Auriol won by about 15 three Mitsubishis continued in 1-seconds over Delecour. 2-3 formation to the finish led by Main disaster of the day was the. worry of Thiry pulling ahead was stage was the first indication, the retirement of Schwarz at the start almost more captivating than the road section where servicing was of stage 10 with no battery and fear that Auriol was threatening forbidden. The Belgian checked alternator trouble. Kankkunen him for second position. Francois everything and found the front fell to ninth from eighth with con-now had a seven speed gear box in left wheel bearing had failed and tinued steering trouble and then his car. "It fee!s better, but we he was out of the event. Then the lost a minute road penalty having know from tests that it is some Frenchman was in little better this changed at service.'Makinen four tenths of a second per shape. He hit a rock at a place wasstilluneasy,hisstagetimesfar kilometer slower than the six whichhenotedas'don'tcut'with slower than Aghini with the speeder." Juha Kankkunen lost rebuilt test car and others had five minutes off the road and trouble also. stopped threatening Bernardini In Formula 2 Ragnotti fell well Rui Madeira. Auriol continued to . back behind Bugalski; on stage 20 the end without problem, but he hit a parapet and damaged his there was one final twist. Subaru front suspension and only just fin- asked Liatti to arrive at the final ished in front of the two Peugeots, control one minute late, letting who had their most reliable event the regular championship driver since they first appeared a year Colin McRae gain two points for ago. "We wondered if he might gaining one extra placing. match the speed of the top cars '-" In Formula 2 Bugalski made for eighth place. The slide rules best time on every stage and drew came out. Ford looked like jump-level with leader Ragnotti on stage ing in one bound from last to first 12, then pulled 20 seconds ahead place in the Championship and by evening. Ragnotti had endless became the third manufacturer troubles, mainly with tires and out of four to lead the series this throttle response. The litany of year. Sain~ was in desperate troubles was long, but Freddy straits. He knew that if he kept Loix was gradually getting the using the hard tires he would Opel to handle well and started never catch Aghini in fourth to approach the stage times of the place, so for the final group of Peugeots, but far slower than the stages in the hot midday sun he Clio Kit Cars. In Group N Rui opted for the sofer tire, but it did Madeira held his lead afl the day not work. After stage 20 came the >=:::=::•=·=! ~# The course was tough for the Group N cars and the winner at 18th overall was this Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Ill of Rui Madeira and Nuno Silva of Portugal. 38th Tour -de Corse May 3-5, 1995 Didier Aurlol/Denls Glraudet F Toyota Calica GT-Four Francois Dalecour/Catherlne Francois F Ford Escort RS Cosworth Andrea Aghlnl/Sauro Famocchia I Mitsubishi Lancer EV Ill Carlos Sainz/Luis Moya E Subaru lmpreza 555 Colin McRae/Derek Ringer Gl Subaru lmpreza 555 Piero Liattl/Alessandro Alessandrini I Subaru lmpreza 555 Patrick Bernardini/Jean-Marc Andria F Ford Escort RS Cosworth Tommi Makinen/Seppo Harjane SF Mitsubishi Lancer EV Ill Philippe Bugalskl/Jean-Paul Chiaroni F Renault Clio Maxi Juha Kankkunen/Nicky Grist SF/GB Toyota Calica GT-Four Jean Ragnottl/Glles Thlmonier F Renault Clio Maxi Gilles & Herve Panlzzl F Peugeot 306S16 Ruf Madeira/Nuno Sliva (18th) P Mitsubishi Lancer Ev. II Isolde Holderled/Tlna Thorner(19th) D/S Mitsubishi Lancer Ev. II A• 5:14:49. A 5:15:04 A 5:1 5:46 A 5:16:07 A 5:16:32 A 5:17:16 A 5:1 7:54 A 5:19:39 A•• 5:20:25 A 5:24:50 A•• 5:27:15 A•• 5:28:22 N • 5:43:43 N# 5:44:49 91 (44 F2) starters - 44(25 F2) finishers; "Group Winner •• F2 winner -# Ladles winner Winner's average speed over stages 93.21 kph (W2L 91.58 kph) World Championship Points - Mitsubishi 168,Toyota 163, Subaru 145, Ford 143 WRC Drivers Points - Sainz 50, Kankkunen 38, Aurlol 36, Delecour 30, Makinen 28 Group N Points - Madeira 33, Holderled 27, Recalde 17, Camandona & Backlund 13 Formula 2 Points - Renault 153, Peugeot 137, GME 136, Nissan 37, Daewoo 35, Sko!!a 33 Dusty Times YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING . . . WE HAVE BEEN LISTENING . TORSION BARS ARE HERE! 300 M & Intermediate Grade Material. All Lengths & Diameters Even 1 /2 mm Sizes Are Available CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE PRODUCT CATALOG OR CONTACT Ot-!E OF THESE REID PRO DEALERS D.G.RACING DJ TRANSAXLES JIMCO RACING PRODUCTS DENUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS 17485 Catalpa, #85 10623 Blackfoot Rd. 10965 Hartley Road, Suite R P.O. Box 6057 Hesperia, CA 92345 Apple Valley, CA 92308 Santee, CA 92071 Santa Barbara, CA93111 (619) 947-6365 (619) 240-3930 (619) 562-1743 (805) 683-1211 FEX PERFORMANCE HOTLINE AUTOMOTIVE LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS· 1098 Stockton Avenue 6951 Id lewylde Circle 825 N. Glendora Avenue 1660 Babcock, Bidg. B San Jose, CA95110 Melbourne, FL 32904 Covina. CA 91723 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (408) ~95-0707 (407) 724-1270 (818) 915-2212 (714) 650-3035 SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED T.U.F. OFFROAD OFFROAD BUGGY SUPPLY McKENZIE'S PERFORMANCE 1345 Dynamics, Unit D 3255 E. Columbia 2525 E. 16th Street 2366 East Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tucson, AZ. 85714 Yuma. AZ. 85365 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 996-6280 (602) 294-3511 (602) 783-6265 (714) 441-1212 SCHROEDER RACING PRODUCTS BRANDWOOO CARS 800 S. Flower St. 4319 East University Burbank, CA 91502 Phoenix, AZ. 85040 (818) 845-8283 (602) 437-3107 CUSTOM LENGTH AXLES ARE NOW AVAILABLE • CALL FOR PRICE AND DELIVERY (619) 240-2266 Dealer Inquiries Are Not Only Invited, But Encouraged! July 1995 Pagc45

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ROUND 1 AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP Doug McMillan Wins Overall At Kempsey By Darryl Smith The Bridgestone International at Kempsey has always been the toughest off road event on the calendar; 1995 was no exception. large numbers of the front runners dropped out and there was also some controversial penalties given out. The race will probably be known not as the race Doug McMillan won, but the race that Shane Cottee lost. The unsponsored Cottee unknow-ingly broke the rules during a Pare Ferme and was penalized suffi-ciently to lose his victory. The weather too was uncharacteristic with rain on the Saturday. There were, however, some close races within the classes. Firstly, Class 1 dominated the Prologue as the track was drier in their session. Kempsey local, Kevin lee led the 128 cars with a 14 second break over Morrison, then Rose, Wells, Owen and Towers who is a Dune Buggy con-vert. Owen was leading the class after the opening lap but that didn't last when he broke a stub axle. Other early retirees were Zacka (steering), Robinson (brakes), Towers (electrical), Bentley (motor), Brand (chassis) and Willett (clutch). Wells took over the class lead and held that for some time. Burrows in a new car was closing on Wells as was lee. Mowbray too was with the front runners even stopping for a loose plug lead. Rose was having trouble with wheel nuts coming loose as the track became rougher. Morrison broke an input shaft while Svenson dropped off the lead group with a broken wheel. Towards the last two laps and there was concern amongst the leaders: Wells had a hole in his sump, Burrows had a crack in his fuel tank, Lee and Boyes were without brakes and Mowbray was leaking oil too. Burrows was the first to drop out with the fuel tank problem, then Lee got a flat tyre, Wells pitted for more oil, and Boyes stopped to replace a dry sump belt. In the end it was Wells that hung onto the class win over Lee, Boyes, Mowbray and Luke Pell in the turbo VW buggy. The cars in Class 2 were the first to do Prologue and the track was saturated. They didn't fair too well in the overall list but lead-Daren Wens won the prologue in the Class 1 Rivmasta, led the race for quite some time, holed the sump on a late lap, stopped for oil often and came in not only the Class 1 winner but second overall. Page46 ing the class were the new '94 champions in the Ziems brothers. Behind them came Buchanan, Duck, Webb (from WA), and Crane. Andrew Ziems held the lead briefly until Brad Cook came charging through the field to take over. Warren didn't have a good transition from Class 3 as they Doug McMillan won the Prologue at ninth overall in the Raceco Porsche, and went out early with electrical dominated the class despite a couple flat tires in the race, lost the race on problems on the Honda motor, as time, but a penalty elsewhere made him a repeat Class g and overall winner. did Addams with a broken trail- Bromfield. Then it changed again Kilby ran out ofluck as well as oil ing arm. Cook's glory was over when Bromfield lost a gearbox. It in the auto. This left Briggs in the with water pump failure. Bucha- was then Dow, Julius, Brown. brand new Commodore ute to nan too left the scene with a Wood was out with suspension open up a good lead over the Lees broken steering rack plate. Owen problems and then Dow too Porsche. Watson came back to was happy with the new Toyota dropped out. In the end it was third until a steering problem put motor but not with a gearbox of Potter taking the win over Julius, him out. A similar problem then neutrals. At the Pare Ferme Brown, Perrin, and McNeil. caused Briggs to withdraw leaving Regroup wit~ two la_ps to go Ziems The VW Baj as in Class 4 had a Lees in command but the clock still led but Webb was close. fewnewfaces.Oneofthem,Steve beat them all and stopped any However, Webb had lost his air Williams led the prologue over Class5carsfromcompletingall9 cleaner top and headed for the Kevin Hufschmid and then Baker, laps. Lees covered the most dis-pits in a manner seen to be illegal and Allport. Taylor fixed his mis-tance over the new Falcon ute of by the officials and they put a . fire overnight and was soon back Southey and the Datsun of penalty on him. Ziems took the at the front after the opening race Whackett. class win for Yokohama over lap. It was a position he would In the Class 6 Challenger bug-Basham, Kennedy, Simpson ( who hold all day and his fellow Bris- gies it was Eggert setting quickest overcame an early misfire) and bane driver Hufschmid followed Prologue time over Fit:patrick Webb who finished 5th with the him in second. Williams dropped and then Grocl. It looked like a penalty time added to his fine a trailtng arm, and Baker rear sus- Eggert and Grocl battle though as drive. pension. Taylor took the win with the race started. Eggert led for the In the 1200 Class 3, the big Hufschmid in second at his first first two laps until Grocl took surprise came when Glenn Han-Kempsey, and Allport in third. over for the next two, then Eggert ceyputhiscaratfourthoverallin Therewasahealthyl4carfield got it back. While these two Prologue.Brownwasfurtherback of two wheel drives in Class 5. fought it out the mother and ahead of Johnson, Dow and Alan Dobbs from WA. was daughter Duck crew were out, as Wood. Hancey as expected led quickest prologue in his new was the Fit:patrick car. The class lap 1 but then stalled getting off Fl SO Ford. Following were leadwasstillbeingswappedbutin the track and received alternator Pagan, ·Lees, Vesty and Kilby. the end it was Steven Grocl that damage getting a hefty push start. Kilby went straight to the lead on took the win with Eggert taking Wood pitted with gear selector the opening lap in the immaculate second. problems, Brown had no brakes HiLux turbo. Dobbs though was In the limited 4x4 Class 7 it and Johnson stopped with electri- having trouble with springs that was Siviour qualifying quickest cal problems. Dow took over the were too hard. Marshall broke a but what was surprising was the class lead over Potter and Perrin. rear arm in the Karman Ghia and fact that he was 50th overall. This The order was changing rapidly Watson had to fix a brake prob-was due to the on and off rain. and soon read Dow, Brown, !em before his race even started. Foster, Manns and Dymock fol-The VW Bajas had many new names in the entry, but at the finish i-t was a very familiar name, Nev Taylor with Bob Oxley, who won the class by just four minutes and were a keen 16th overall. July 1995 lowed. Siviour held the lead spot as the race started while Whit-bread lost time with a broken shock. Both Mitsubishi utes of Foster and Dymock suffered motor problems as Siviour extended his lead over Langham's Courier, and Whitbread's Land-cruiser. Muldoon dropped out with motor problems and Mc Wil-liam lost time with fuel pump failure. Manns dropped back with electrical problems while Siviour went on to take yet another win. Langham held on to second over Whitbread, Manns, and the mighty Suzuki of Weatherly. There was a strong field of modified 4x4's in Class 8 also. Heading the group after the quali-fying was the V8 Patrol of Baxter, albeit one second quicker than the V6 Pajero of Zarfati. Hadlow, Knott and Smith followed, the latter debuting a much improved and radical Rodeo. Local, Hadlow took over the early lead but then struck major dramas with a broken ball joint and resulting flat tires. After attempts to weld it all together he was way behind. Smith wasn't even that lucky after the main rear arm pivot broke and eventually withdrew. It was close at the front with Baxter, Zarfati, and Knott. Broken front shock mounts put. out the Mattiussi Scout, then broken engine mounts stopped Knott. The Dusty Times

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Shane Coffee drove this CR Exetar hard, and was first across the finish line but received a massive penalty for a pare ferme infraction and dropped well back. Kevin Lee won the Class 1 prologue in his Rivmasta with fast lap, led the race until he had a flat, and finished second in class and third overall. Bryan and William Basham fly over the muddy field in their Southern Cross and they finished strong, second in Class 2 and a fine tenth overall as well. Steven and Frank Grocl drive a Southern Cross Challenger, were third in the prologue, then had a see saw battle for the lead all race, finally keeping it to win Class 6 by about nine minutes. Les Siviour with Josh Golsby-Smith seems unstoppable in the Nissan Patrol, qualifying quickest, took the Class 7 lead at the race start and apparently led from flag to flag to win another Class 7 crown. Bridgestone International April 15 & 16, 1995 • Kempsey NSW # Poa Driver/Co-driver Vehicle aaaa I • Unlimited Two Seat - 35 start - 8 finiah 125 1 Daren Wells/Ian McPhee Rivmasta 109 2 Kevin Lee/Erkki Syrjanen Rivmasta 107 3 Neville Boyes/Coleen Roper Hunter Rivmasta 105 4 Bob & Jeanette Mowbray Jimco Baja 117 5 Luke & Mark Pell Rivmasta Qaaa 2 -1600 cc Two Seat -28 atart -10 finiah 201 1 Andrew & Alex Ziems Rivmasta 202 2 Bryan & William Basham Southern Cross 203 3 Derrick Kennedy/Francee Stephenson Stealth 205 4 Rod Simpson/Andrew Glasson Southern Cross 234 5 John Webb/Gary Kynaston (time penalty) Hunter Rivmasta aaaa 3 -I200cc Two Seat - 13 start - 6 finish 332 1 Ted & David Potter Rivmasta 320 2 Graeme Julius/Vince Evans Veroo Hornet 312 3 Soon Brown/Tony Burgess Edoo 303 4 Darren Perrin/John Stevens Rivmasta 358 5 Scott McNeil/Barry Lee Hornet aaaa 4 - Baja Bug - 6 start - 3 finish 401 1 Nev Taylo,/Bob Oxley Baja Bug 412 2 Kevin Hutschmid/lan Prescott Baja Bug 486 3 David & Damon Allport Baja Bug aaaa 5 -2WD Sedan & Pickup -14 start - o finish 511 1 Graham Lees/Mark Joris Porsche 911 516 2 Geoff Southey/Deon Beattie Ford Faloon ute 586 3 Wayne Whackett/Mark Stevens Datsun P510 Claaa 6 - Challenger Buggy - 4 atart - 2 finish 610 1 Steven & Frank Grod Southern Cross 602 2 Michael EggervDennis Green VW Buggy Claaa 7 - Production 4x4 - 9 atart - 5 finish 701 1 Les Siviour/Josh Golsby-Smith Nissan Patrol 741 2 Chris Langham/Peri Robinson Ford Courier 702 3 Eric Whitbread/Wayne Hasleham Toyota Landcruiser 703 4 Mark Manns/Allen Cartledge lsuuu Jackaroo 704 5 Gary Weatherly/Gary Pursehouse Suzuki Sierra Qaaa 8 -Unlimited 4x4 . 9 start . 3 finish 807 1 Fabio ZarfatUGreg Carrpbell Mitsubishi Pajero 803 2 Grahame Baxter/Nigel Burley Nissan Patrol 828 3 Dale Waters/Dale Ryan Toyota Landcruiser Claaa 9 -Unlimited Single Seat - 10 start - 2 finish 913 1 Doug McMillan Raceco Porsche 907 2 Shgane Cottee CR Exetar Starters 128 • Finishers (9 laps) 39 • Finish ratio 30% Race Distance 460 kilometers (285 miles) Fastest Prologue • # 109. Kevin Lee (4:38) Fastest lap• #913 • Doug McMillan (39:36) (lap 91 Dusty Times lime 0/A 6:39:25 2 6:46:00 3 6:48:13 4 6:50:54 5 7:11:50 8 7:02:21 6 7:13:43 10 7:21:19 7:30:47 7:46:41 7:45:39 7:51 :00 7:57:30 8:14:04 8:16:32 12 15 21 19 22 24 29 30 7:31:23 16 7:35:29 18 8:32:11 33 8 laps 8 laps 8 laps 7:45:53 7:55:09 7:08:43 1:23:25 7:31:51 8:07:27 8:19:49 7:13:36 8:03:35 8:38:04 6:38:23 8:16:411 20 23 7 13 17 28 32 9 27 37 1" 31 Baxter/Zarfati battle continued, with only 10 seconds separating them at half distance. Zarfati was down to 2 wheel drive, but then so was Baxter after a spectacular frotn shaft breakage that came up through the floor! With one lap to· go Zarfati held the lead but had a flat tire. Baxter though had the greater share of bad luck as a rear arm broke seeing him pit bound for welding. The Falken tires Pajero ofZarfati took the win over the Hankook tires Patrol of Baxter. Along way back but nevertheless a finisher was the VS Landcruiser of Dale Watters. Hadlow staged a strong come ' back but was beaten by the cut off time. In Class 9, the single seater buggies, all attention was on Doug McMillan to see ifhe could repeat his 1993 effort in winning the race · overall. McMillan had a slippery prologue but was still first in class and 9th overall. Behind him came Hilton, Cottee, and Trees. McMillan started the race dominating the class with Trees the next best. Marshall was out when a rear pivot broke while O'Connor ran out of fuel and Hilton broke a cliff. McMillan had a flat tire but still kept the lead. Copeland ran out of fuel 500m short and was denied -refuelling. Cottee meanwhile in his self built and unsponsored car was creeping up on the field and making an impression on the overall listing.• The cars were then put into the regroup paddock for the last two laps and here is where the trouble started. Cottee had the front rod holding the top arms on, break and it was rubbing on his tire. He removed it without thinking and the officials slapped a 100 minute penalty on him! ! However, he didn't know this and drove his heart out for the next two laps. McMillan had yet another flat tire and Cottee drove through to take over the class win and the overall lead as well. He took the Che-quered Flag p-Jamar Super Shifte Make missed shifts a thing of the past! Fortin CV Cages Polished & Strong! Available in both: 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 103 Press Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 July 1995 Page 47 •

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then was told the bad tainly grabbed everyone's atten-news. The look of devastation tion with one of the all time great cannot be described but he cer- drives of off roading. McMillan Fabio Zarfati and Greg Campbell almost tied for the prologue win in the tidy Mitsubishi Pajero, ran second and third in the race, had the least woes of all in the class and won handily by 50 minutes. SPIRIT and the SCORE/ Las Vegas 150 By Sam Wilshire : everything being moved to the ·Vacation Village hotel/ casino complex at the far south end of the strip and a few miles closer to the start/finish line area in Jean. It was later learned, not from SCORE officialdom I might add, that the costs of promoting the event in the Jean area were sub-stantially less than having the four Jean, NV - a bit of pre-race 100 mile loops north of Las Vegas mutterings. Whoa ... hey guys, and there were a lot less applica-where did the Nevada 400 go? The tions, notices and other types of sport was all set to take the late city, state and federal paperwork April trek to the glitter gulches of required. Hey, that works for Vegas and now we're relegated to me ... the windswept reaches of old And the Jean based course, highway 15 just south of the while maybe not having the "teeming" metropolis ofJean, challenges or traditions of the old-Nevada. What the hell's goin' on? · Mint400 course, has proven over · Oh well, on to the present... the years to be just as difficult a Early press releases had race venue with maybe the exception registration, drivers meeting, of the Rock Garden and there awards, etc. for this new event all ain't nothing in this world that happening at the SCORE head-compares with that 14 mile quarters out on South Las Vegas stretch. As a matter of fact, BFG Boulevard (at Walt and Edna did some tire testing the week Lott's old place, I think). Then after the Las Vegas 250 and guess about a week before the race, a where the tests took place ... you second release hit the streets with got it ... the Rock Garden. :i. Graeme Julius gets some good altitude in the 1200cc Verco Hornet in Class 3, taking second in the prologue and finishing close, five minutes back in second in the 285 mile race . Fighting for seconds and the lead in Class 8 with Zarfati, Grahame Baxter had the most trouble and ended up second in class, after a great dice. . had charged through that last lap and set fastest lap of the day as he was greeted with the news he was indeed the Class 9 winner as well as the Overall winner. This pair were the only class finishers. This year saw the conditions on Sunday being the best possible at And as in the past, a few of Spirit's finest went over a couple of days before the event while the bulk of the team drove up on Friday morning. The Vacation Village parking lot looked "carni-valish" with Contingency Row laid out in a half-moon design that worked well for all concerned even tho' most companies there were rather close together. But, all in all, Charley Engelhart did an outstanding job in putting the layout together on such short notice. Spirit once again represented Ford Motor Company in conting-ency with the blue and white marque, lots of Ford race posters and several of the Ford Rough Riders team there to autograph the posters ... seeing all those posters makes one wonder, just how many rooms in Las Vegas and Mexico have Ford wallpaper. And with a certain profession-alism in mind, Spirit's thanks go to both Ford and BFG for the Contingency unforms and the jackets. Of course, it was sorta a Kempsey track. There was min-imal dust which was the greatest advantage. In all there was an increase in finishers completing all 9 laps. A total of 39 cars out of the 128 starters conquered the track. The top ten overall read McMillan, Wells,_Lee, Boyes, unusual to receive heavy winter jackets this time of the year but Dan Newsome, ofBFG, indicated he had no control of distribution. Anyway, thanks. And no, I ain't gonna wear black men's shorts. The one thing I noticed about the companies' displays and offerings at the event was the presence of so many A-arm front ends that were being offered to the racers. It really brought back memories of Jim Sheehan's front "and" rear A-arm suspensions that he designed, fabricated and offered to the racers about 15 years ago. The prototype was tested by Dennis Hamilton ( of Coors two seater fame) but it didn't, at any time, prove success-ful. In retrospect, and looking at the A-arm products that are out there now, I would suggest that Jim was well ahead of his time. .Mowbray, Ziems, Siviour, Pell, Zarfati, and Basham. The Cham-pionship now moves to Goondi-windi, QLD on the 28 May. My personal thanks go to Isuzu for the privilege of driving a turbo diesel Rodeo. Superb on econ-omy and performance. to chase the LA Sheriff's Ford Ranger so he, Eddy and Jeremy would, and were, kept busy throughput the day. As a matter of fact, Jeremy co-drove the last lap and a half. The #12 RCR Ford of Richey and Baker, who were first off the line, came over the hill and into the pit at 06:48:04, in need of a new right front wheel and tire. Problems with the right front end of the RCR rig saw an eight minute stop which allowed about 12 Trophy-Trucks to get past the team. Now that the event was underway, we all realized it was gonna be a long day. We had tons of tires and several hundred gallons of fuel; the wrenches, welders and all else that makes a pit function ·was out and ready ... and so was the Spirit pit crew. Ultra takes the desert by stor; 1:,_ And for the Spirit bunch, the Vacation Village bit worked like clockwork 'cause we had rooms at the same complex so all's well that ends well. Of course there's always a few "odd men" out and for this event it was Papa Ken ( our Michelin 4 star chef), Dave Woods (our "hell-bent for leather" and expert semi driver) and yours truly ( the dude with the funny cowboy hat) ... it was our turn to baby-sit the semi once it was placed on-course at our pit location. By the end of the day, 46 teams had used our services in one way or another. The #114 two seater of Baldwin and Post visited twice, the first time for welding of the left front suspension and the second time for the welding of the right front suspension. I think these guys were hitting rocks big-ger than their car. The #1012 Chenowth of the Rivera's required welding of a rear shock mount. The #779 Ranger of the Sheriffs were in for fuel and right out of the pit they sheared a right front spindle. Steve Spirkoff was right on top of the problem and had the Sheriffs underway in about five minutes. Pagc48 July 1995 For this go, we were once again placed (by BFG) on the east side of the Jean dry lake at pit " E". Since this was a three lap event on an approximate 80 mile loop, our location was at the 39 .54 mile point on lap one, the 118.64 mile point on lap two and the 197.74 mile point on the final lap.· History has shown that lots of competitors can do about 120 miles on a tank of fuel so we were ready for lots of refueling stops • during the second lap. Once into, and set up at, pit "E" it was discovered that dinner would not be served so Steve Spirkoff, Spirit's owner, bundled us all up and took us over to state-line for some eats. Then it was back to the semi for a good nights sleep. Everyone else on the team was back at the Vacation Village and was supposed to arrive out at the pit at about 4:30 a.m ... didn't happen cause the wake-up calls reportedly went astray. We finally started the final · setup of the pit at about 5:30 after everyone had arrived. Hell, the · firstTecateTrophy-Truckwasoff the line at 6:00 a·:m., so we scrambled on the pit setup. Steve, as during the first events . of '95, was once again contracted At about 3:30 p.m. BFG main radio came out with the word that checkpoint 5, at the 50.11 mile mark, would close at 8: 10 p.m. That checkpoint was about 11 miles past us so we realized that the day wouldn't be so long after all ... about 14 hours in all. As is always the case, the Las Vegas 250 was a total team effort for Spirit. In this event we also had the pleasure of having help from the Sheriffs in the form of . Christie Barry, who helped with timing, and Gary Ross, who kept calling everyone "sir" on the radio. Hell, even Radio Bob complimented Gary for his abilities ... hey, that don't happen too often. So the Spirit team chalks up another Qne for the racers, ·Ford and BFG. The pit crew, number-ing eighteen, made this event happen for those 46 teams who stopped by for service. The Baja 500 cou·rse has already been pre-run so look for the Spirit semi at Valle de Trinidad or there-abouts. Hey, we at Spirit will see ya in Baja ... Dusty Times

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(alifomia Rally Series By John Eikin Now that the Rim of the World is over with most teams can make their decisions about how much rallying they are going to do in what remains of 1995. Those chasing the points titles now can plan their assault accordingly. Those running for fun a-n·d personal thrills can pick the events they like best. Those who did badly at Rim now are under tremendous pressure to perform well the rest of the year. But what is left to run? We know Prescott is July and Gorman is September. But what of Indio and Treeline. Scott, a determined competitor now with a better car. Dave White rode a hot streak from Washing-ton to win on night one. The debuts were a bit less than stellar as Roger Hull and Tony Chavez need a bit more R&D on their Eclipse/Talons. But they will get them straightened out, unfortun-ately for the rest of us. Next month we should know more about the upcoming Super-Divisional Series, and I will try to explain it so even the drivers can figure it out. Any changes to the schedule should be known by then and we should all be thinking about the upcoming Worker Appreciation Picnic in August. In talkingwithJeffHendricks it looks as though Prescott will be a lot of fun. The traditional turn-around stage, now known as "Anton's Stage" will be used, as will a turn-around stage last seen in the National of 1993. The usual other stages have been changed around and rearranged to give the rally a better flow. The Railroad Grade stage will not be used, and in all likelihood will not be again as heavy rains and a lack of maintenance have damaged the road very badly. There will be some rough spots, it would not be a Prescott without them, but the majority of the event will be as good as last years roads. Right now Indio is scheduled for the week preceding Thanks-giving. T reeline is in a complete state of flux right now as its future is in question. New demands by the powers that rule over the Lake Hughes and Acton roads could make things ugly for future organizing attempts other than Rim. In any case we have the beginnings of a road problem. There is only one way to solve a problem like this, find new areas to rally in; this will take the burden off the same stages we have all seen for the past three years. There is talk of some new things happening up in Northern California, there is a glimmer of hope in Carson City of someone picking up the ball left behind by George Gornick. There is one person looking into the untapped San Diego area and another looking into southern Nevada. It may take just a rallysprint event in these areas to start an interest in the sport there. If we play our cards right we could be more like the California Rally series of the mid eighties and earlier. For those of you who missed on that era we had events almost every month in many places, Ridgecrest, Bakers-field, Carlsbad; Hawthorne, Nevada, just to name a few. Most places could still be available as organizer burn-out was a major' factor in the death of these events. Now, with a better support system in place for organizers this would not happen. Who will be next? Who will pick up the ball? Speaking for a group of individ-uals who. organize now, and an even smaller group that make the CRS part of their everday lives; we cannot take on much more. Somebody has to take the step to contact the Gibeaults or myself and ask, "What can I do?". You know how to contact us. Usually this type of plea yields nothing, but this time I have a feeling you're ready. So what did happen at Rim. A lot of us broke our cars ( and spirit) on the roads. Some of us had some success. Congrats to the winners, covered elsewhere in this issue. Lon and Bill have a grandchild. count fast gaining on the Walton family, and yet Grampa Lon and Grampa Bill proved once again thet "Old age and treachery overcomes youth and enthusiasm everytime." How about Harris Done and Larry Scott, from worst to first overnight. An inspired drive for the Mazda crew despite a stage stuck in third. How about Dan and Larry Hook, decimating the stock class, twice. Adrienne Dusty Times We 'II see you here next month ... same Dusty time, same Dusty place. FAIR News By Dave Massingham I need to start off by saying I'm sorry for some incorrect information last month. I hope everyone understands that I do this column to keep FAIR members in the "NEWS". I don't get paid, nor do I really have the spare time, but I try each month to get as much info as I can. I would like after each race, every team to fax me their highlights of the race. This way I wouldn't have to spend so much time on the phone trying to get all the details. My fax at work is (714) 634-4438, please send all information, good and bad, within one week after the race. My deadline for Dusty Times is the third week of each month. Fair has a "RACE COMMENTS" sheet to be filled out, pick one up at the next meeting. RESULTS - LAS VEGAS 250 on April 29th. Dick and Mark Weyhrich eighth Class 10. Dick started and was scheduled to drive the first two laps and Mark would finish. Dick was doing very well, so well Mark insisted he stay in and finish. Dick took on fuel and went out for his last lap. Unfortunately, around pit E, he had a flat. Pit E gave him a FAIR spare and one mile later that tire went flat. This was due to a faulty recap or an old tire, let's all try to send race ready spares to the pits. Steve Poole DNF Class 10. Steve started off by asking for help at the start line with a wiring problem on the co-driver's pumper. Then all we heard was the co-driver giving us a mile by mile location report of where they were. Hey Steve, tell him we don't need that kind of detail. They did not complete the first lap due to motor and ignition problems. Tommy and Steve Martin (THE MARTIN BROS.) DNF Class 1. Tom took the first half, running seventh after one lap,· in a Trophy-Truck at the SCORE Steve in for the last half of the races. He is making it a habit of second lap, running third. Then winning overall at La Rana races, the LAS VEGAS DEVIL struck. says a lot for his Penhall chassis. Broken oil line, roasted motor, Jerry did have two flat tires on the put them out. last lap, thanks to ??? pit for Scott Steinberger and Larry helping. Bob Plaskon won Class Plank FIRST in Class 7S and 1-2-1600 and was fourth overall 22nd overall! Larry ran hard the in his Mirage chassis. Not bad for first half and Scott finished off, this retired drag racer in his walking away from the entire second year of off road racing. class. Guess what Scott said about Bob stopped on! y after two laps, the BAJA 500, "I'll be back" for saying all I need is gas. After a four in a row! quick gas and go at the main, he Mitch Griffin eighth Class 1-2-went on to win the class. Ata boy 1600. Mitch complained the Bob, we knew you could pull it motor was under powered, two off. flats, throttle and suspension Bill Markel and John Daly won problems all day. I guess he is Class 750 in their 4WD modified lucky he finished. Lee Finke DNF Toyota. Bill drove the entire race Class 5 . Lee and Bob Austin ran with John riding, they ran trouble good for two laps. After stopping free and flat free. Bill said thanks at the main pit for some lunch and to Goodyear for the tire support. a drink, their problems started. John will be driving the next race, After their third lap, they came since it is a partnership. Bill is the into the main with a broken rear class champion from last year and arm. After close inspection, it was it looks like he is on the way to determined, it could be welded. another class win. Mike Stock-Unfortunately, at pit C their day berger and his wife Cindy won ended, the arm broke again. Class 1525 4 WO stock class in Gary Powell and Mark Lee their Toyota. They ran two laps, DNF Class 1-2-1600. Mark ran first lap no troubles. The second the first lap with an hour down. lap they had a broken motor Having distributor problems in mount and broken throttle cable. the silt wasn't fun. Mark said he Pit A welded the mount and Mike learned an old trick from Kit was able to repair the cable. TrenholmJr.andwasabletojurry Kathy and Stacy Fay took rigitandcontinue.Garygotinfor second place in Class 1575. This the last two laps, looking real ended their winning streak. Kathy good on the second lap, under started and at pit E, they broke a three hours. Half way around the spindle. Dear old dad Jim brought last lap, the transmission gave up. one out to the pit and got them on Since this was their first race, we their way. Stacy finally got to think they did excellent and will drive and finished the race, with be out at the next race with bells no more problems. This team is on. Thanks to Gary and Mark for what all off road teams should be. riding around with me in the old They helped the truck that won Red Thing marking the pits. their class, back on it's wheels Bill Swisher and Tom Mang-after rolling over. Remember, ione DNF, but won in Class 11. what goes around will come This was going to be the longest around. PS, Stacy was the radio day of their lives. Bill drove the mike really between your legs? first lap and Tom rode. It took Steve Poole and Joel Mohr only five hours to complete! Tom finished second in Class 9. No got in the drivers seat, with a new details received. due to no practice changing tires~ makes sense to have a practice session. Hey Frank, what happens when you leave the tool box unlocked? Rich Fersch finished second in Class 10. I guess Rich chased Jerry Penhall and Larry Bolin all day, having suspension problems. Mike Rebolledo finished in Class 5-1600. Mike had a pretty good day, having some problems with the alternator belts and a broken brake line. The car worked great and the WR transmission was perfect. The last race it sounded like Mike had problems with the transmission, it was the shift coupler, not the trans. Jeff Madrid and Gary Bancroft were fifth in Class 1-2-1600. This was the first time out in their new car, recently purchased from the Rusich Bros. Sorry I didn't get any more details. Looks like Fair had a large percentage of finishers for the 40 that did finish. I heard the BBQ had some problems, who was supposed tc, bring the BBQ and all the other items?? Now for other club business, Bob Steinberger wants to have a nostalgia dinner on August 16th. This will be for all members, present and past. As well as for friends and pit crews. Pass the word around, Holiday Inn, August 16th, 8:00 p.m. Located in Fullerton at the91 freeway and Harbor Blvd. New deal; from now on, all Fair racers are required to pay your support fees before the race, not after. Fair meets the first and third Wednesday each month at the Holiday Inn, Located in Fullert n • on Harbor Blvd. and the 91 freeway. Subscribe to Dusty Times see form on Page3 co-driver and set out to finish. At Frank Omboli and Jim Coch-7: 15 p.m., we recieved word from ran were second in Class 5-1600. Tom, "We are out of gas". They A flat cost Frank eight minutes were around pit E, rescue 3 truck ------------------------------heard the call and took gas to them. They decided it was too late to finish and loaded it up. They were the only Class 11 to get that far, so we feel they were winners. Thanks to Bob Plaskon for pitting for Bill and Tom, nice to see a La Rana racer at a SCORE race. Thanks to everyone for all your help in the pits, everything went very well. At the La Rana Lucerne Valley 250, Fair had nine entries. John Lucas won Class 2. Not bad for his first race. John bought an old Class 10 car for a toy at the river. John installed a type 1 motor and had so much fun, they decided to try a race. Friday night they noticed an oil cooler leak, had one brought to the race from McKenzies. Ten p.m. all repairs complete, ready to race. John drove the first two laps with no problems. John said they took their time to learn and moved over for all faster cars. John's partner Ron Osburn rode for two laps and drove the last two. Matt McMillan rode all four laps, since he does most of the prep. They had no flats, found out they need some good shocks and had a good time1 Looks like off road racing has hooked another team, welcome guys. Jerry Penhall won overall and Class 10. Jerry is a regular racer with mv grandooo.Dannv Letner July 1995 ~GOOD NEWS!~ RACESHOCK COMPANY Phoenix, Arizona Is Now Offering ~SHOX SALES AND SERVICE • Complete Line of Shocks • Revalving/Rebuilding Service • Application Assistance • Equipment Upgrades Call Anytime! RACE SHOCK COMPANY Tel. (602) 254-07 44 • Fax (602) 493-0975 "See Ya At The Races" Page 49

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VORRA Gets Back On Schedule At Prairie City SVRA By Tray Robinson Photos: Air & Auto Sports Photography MTEG racer Bill Goshen did double duty in the Toyota powered Class 10, taking two wins in the Class 1 motos, but he suffered a flat tire in the main event. Danny Spohr tries to sneak inside Bill Goshen around the Anthill at the start Danny and Nick Ramponi finished second in Class 10 action. In the wak~ of the Mickey's going sandy mud to marbles. The The new vet rules are 1) the racer -under, the phones at the VORRA course this race was shortened must declare one of the pro office were busy with racers slightly from the last race due to classes. The vets and pros will race wanting info on the upcoming heavy rains the week prior together on the track at the same short course race. When the flooding one of the turns. The time but for separate points. 2) phones quit ringing and it was change was good for short course $25 .00 from the vet entry goes Troy Robinson finished second in both. Class 1 motos, and in the main he time to go racing, VORRA was cars but some of the bigger desert into the purse for the overall I made a laSt lap pass to come out on top m Class 1 for the day. pleased to welcome MTEG racers cars didn'tlike the new tight turns combined vet and pro class organization and the cost ot the the sixth lap of 10, Jenkins BillGoshenfromLosAngelesand (maybe us short course cars winner. The purpose behind this cordless mike was a hard hit. dropped out with a blown motor Roger Caddell and Tony Com-should complain about the desert was to break up the potentially Garland is the motor mouth of giving the lead to Robinson and stock {Driving a Tommy Croft races being too long). large vet class and encourage VORRA and allowing him to be second to rookie Brian Carpenter ~ c r)fromWashingtonstate;allof NewforthisraceistheVeteran racers to race pro. VORRA mobile was fantastic and really (96) (driving vet-l's Randy which are Super 1600 cars. Total Sportsman racing format. For believes it was a success as three boosted his announcing abilities. Miller's car), and third to Richard entries for the event were 62: one new readers to VORRA, VORRA vets went to vet Class 10 and two During intermission he would do Fletcher (27) followed by Jon of the biggest short course has a novice class for drivers with vets bumped up to pro Class 1. drivers interviews, talk with Gurney (79) and the Quick-n-turnouts for quite some time. less than 2 years experience, a Another new item for VORRA spectators and promote conces- Brite car of Steve Wimmer (33) The temp in Sacramento was a veteran class for the racer that at this race was a cordless mike for sion sales. from Seattle, WA. Finish order beautiful 80 degree spring day races for fun and doesn't want to our announcer Garland Dyke. The racing action started in would stay that way till the end: with little winds. Track condi-put up the money to race pro, and Now VORRA's not in the stone typical VORRA fashion prompt-Robinson, Carpenter, Fletcher, tionswerealittledryandvariedin four pro classes: Open Class 1, age,wehavesignalsatourcheck ly at 11 a.m. with the Novice Burney and Wimmer. a lap from blue groove to soft Class 10, 1600sandHeavy Metal. points, we're just a lower budget Sportsman first moto. With six The second moto started ,-----------------------------------·- · -------. cars taking the grnen, current without Jenkins and was led flag N S rt Kit points leader Eric Je_nkins (77) toflagbyTinaRobinsonfollowed ew Po Sman jumped out in the lead but was by Ali Miller taking over the soon overtaken by second in driving for Brian Carpenter; points Tina. Robin_son ( 101 ). On Richard Flet~her, Lee Watkins This kit contains all the outstanding features of the highly successful PRO Race Box. Bolt your existing bus box, _ 1st through 4th gears, bellhousing, end covers and carrier on to these PRO Box Parts and achieve the same competitive results and reliability that Rose transaxle racers have seen during the last three years! The best news, if you haven't heard it already, is that this kit is available for only $2800.00 in kit form! Making your standard bus parts obsolete, if not foolhardy to reinstall. Kits are in stock and ready to race! Builders & Distributers: CALIFORNIA PERFORMANCE Doug Ingles (909)699-8898 Pagc50 ITS Mike Thorton (619)579-2601 etc; 1n RING i PINION eta I-Ill 8EARIN<;S 8ft; HEAW lll/1Y MAIN QASE eta PINION WRING HOI.ISING etc; 300M INPl/T SHAFT eta ST\J£>J)Y SID£ (!O~tRS AU Nl/TS, eoLTS i SPAC!ERS SHAU ON PRICE/ SIMPLY IHE EESrl CHRIS ROSE (619) 579-8861 JG Transwerks Joe Giffin (714)632-1240 MIRAGE CHASSIS DanBaudoux (517)642-2333 July 1995 Roger Caddell made the long trip from Washington state to win the 1600 class. He also drove his stadium car in Class 10 but did not finish in both motos. Tina Robinson "Shreds the Cushion" to her first ever victory, and it was only her second race weekend in competition in the Novice Sportsman class. Dusty Times

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Larry Folsom is starting off the season well, with a win at the season opener early in April and a second here at the Spring Special in the 1600 class. Sam Berri ran well, winning both motos in Class 1 and 10 combined, but in the main event the big desert car did the tight turns OK but had to settle for second overall. Don, who drove moto 1, and Chris German, who is pictured here in moto 2, held off the Class 4 Heavy Metal contenders in winning moto 2 and the class too. taking over for Jon Uurney and Steve Wimmer who had fan belt troubles all day. Overall finish order for the day was Tina Robinson, Bri,m Carpenter & Ali Miller, Richard Fletcher, Jon Gurney & Lee Watkins and Steve Wimmer taking fifth. Class 9 had another good turnout with seven cars entered. Moto I started with Steve Sou:a ( 92 I ) taking the lead from the front row starting position followed by Dave Tarrant (904) who moved up through the pack from row three. Ken Pfeiffer & Danika McLean (910) were running third but draped back and eventually finished seventh. Tom Hatch (911) started seventh and moved steadily through the field and was running third by lap seven. I 994 points champion Forest C·easy ( 91 7) had prob-lems on .ap two and spent the remainder of the race playing catch up. In the end it was Tarrant, Sou:a, Hatch and rookie Mike Gilmore (918). Moto 2 had Tarrant starting on the second row and taking the lead by the end of the first lap and never looking back. Creasy, Pfeiffer, McLean, and Sou:a were running in that order until lap eight when the order changed to Pfeiffer/McLean, Sou:a, and Creasy which would be the second, third and fourth order for the moto. After the second moto, cars were impounded and weighed to check for legalese on the new VORRA scales. Turns out, no one knew what their car weighed and only the winner Dave Tarrant (904) was within the legal weight. What was VORRA going to do, dock all the other cars one position - not! Second overall was Steve Souza, third Mike Gilmore (a good show in only his second VORRA race) then Forest Creasy fourth. Class 10 featured six pros and three vet-1 Os. The stadium cars of Bill Goshen and Roger Caddell were the pre-race favorites, with their sleek Chenowths. Goshen ( I 025) led while Caddell ( 17) with more ·Prairie City track experience gave chase. Denny Spohr Jr. & Nick Ramponi ( IO 1 7) held third followed by vet-10 Jim Hanson (22). On lap four, Goshen and Caddell would t angle giving Caddell trans problems that would eventually take him out of contention. Goshen would hold on for the uncontested win while Tony Comstock (25) started slow and made a steady climb to finish second. Denny Spohy Jr. & Nick Ramponi ran a consistent race to finish third and Jim Hanson held on for fourth overall, first in vet-10 followed by pro-10 Dana Van Noort ( 1057). The second moto had Van Noort leading lap one followed by Comstock, Bill Webb taking over for Jim Hanson (22 ), Caddell, and VORRA had another large turnout in Class 9 and Dave Tarrant won both of the class motos, and pulled off a convincing victory in the class. With the skins off it's a good guess it's a Dodge. Larry Deaton had a pair of · seconds, was leading the main until a last lap spin put him in third at the flag . . Dusty Times Goshen. By lap two Comstock · Lillund & Jon Diner ( 445 ), and had taken the lead with Goshen Jim Jennings (801) following. moving into second by lap three. Cope and German would have a By lap four Goshen was back on good battle with the lead changing top with Comstock, Van Noort three times before finally Jim and vet-10 Brian Holloway ( 14) Cope would come out on top. rounding out the top four. Van Meanwhile Lillund and Jennings Noort regained and held on to battled for third until Lillund second as tie rod breakage caused would drop out with mechanical Comstock to drop off and finish troubles giving third to Jennings. sixth. Goshen would win the Second moto had young Chris moto followed by Van Noort, German taking over the driving in Holloway and Spohr/Ramponi. 401 and being a little more Overall pro-10 results were first aggressive than Jim Cope. Once Bill Goshen, second Denny Spohr again Erik Williams & Deanne Jr. & Nick Ramponi, third Dana Lillund ( taking over for Eric Van Noort and fourth Tony Lillund and Jon Diner) dropped Comstock. Fifth overall and vet-out giving third to Jennings. Chris IO winner was the team of Bill German took the moto win giving Webb & Jim Hanson. the father and son team the Heavy Metal Class had four overall win for the day and Jim entries with points leader Jim Cope would settle for second. Cope ( 414) taking the holeshot The always competitive 1600 with Don German ( 401 ), Eric class had seven 1550+ P<?Un_d cars July 1995 entered ( they were weighed after technical inspection). Moto 1 started with points leader Larry Folsom (1691) taking an early and short lived lead. By lap two, Roger Caddell ( 1605) would take the lead and a four way freight train of Caddell, Folsom, Arden Dennington (1661 ), and Keith Robb ( 1628) pulled from the rest of the pack. Dennington and Folsom swapped position several times but finally Dennington held on for second, Folsom third Robb fourth. As usual with the 1600s, there was -0-attrition in moto 1. Moto 2 had Larry Folsom move from sixth starting position to lead lap one. · Roger Caddell would soon overtake the lead on the second lap and let the only race be for second. Larry Folsom would lock in second while Robb and Arden .,-Pagc51

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Jim Cope tried and tried to get past Don and Chris German, and he won the first moto, and in the end had to settle for second in Class 4 on the day. Is it a race car or a shovel? Gary Steele plows through the Prairie City mud to a well driven first in Veteran Class 1 in the main event. Bill Webb and Jim Hanson made the switch to the newly formed Vet Class 1 O and they finished first in the three car field. r,r Dennington 's dad Perry would battle for third. Robb would drop out on lap eight i~iving third to Dennington. and fourth to Dennis Dougan ( 1688). Overall results: Roger Caddell first, Larry Folsom second, Arden & Perry Dennington third, and Dennis Dugan fourth. Pro Pilots lined up with 10 Hondas and Ben Wald (99) took an early and uncontested lead. Steve Bray (6), Michael Daws ( 10) and Clint Wolsey (7) would battle back and forth for second. Checkered flag would fall on Wald first, Wolsey second, Bray third and Daws fourth. Moto 2 began with the same dominance of Ben Wald. Clint W olsev would settle for an easy second and Michael Daws third. Novice Pilots featured three with Mitch Kurtella leading Jason Andrew in both motos. Overall, Ben Wald would finish first, Clint Wolsey second and Michael Daws third. Novice overall ,✓inner would be Mitch Kurtella who had an unchallenged race day. With the new format for the Vet Sportsman · Class in effect ~here would be 17 combined vet-1 s and pro-1-s. Since the max-imum amount of cars allowed on the track at a time is 15, the class was split into two equal luck-of-the-draw divisions which would run two eight lap motos taking the top five to a 10 lap main event to determine the overall winner. Now that the alphabet soup is out of the way, down to the racing. Division 1 had eight cars and with Sam Berri ( 149) starting up front it was no contest for the lead. Following Berri by lap two was vet-1 drivers Randy Miller (96) and Gary Steele ( 44) with pro-1 Larry Deaton( 155)driving his big Dodge powered MTEG Thunder Truck close in fourth. The Type l's of Miller and Steele were no match for the big Dodge and by lap five Deaton moved into second. Much to everyone's surprise, Miller's Po::i built and Steele's Dads built VWs stayed up with Deaton who throws dirt by the ton ( trust me I've been there!!) With three laps to go, Deaton had dropped out giving· second back to Miller. Finish order for the moto was Berri, vet-1 's Miller ,Jerry Wald ( 46 ), pro-1 Terry Shelton (289) and vet-1 Rob Chave: (33 ). The second moto's inverted start put Deaton up front and Berri in the back. By lap 2, Berri had moved into second and on lap five took the lead from Deaton. Randy Miller was running a strong third but was overtaken by Steele on the second lap who eventually passed Deaton on the last lap to take second. Miller would finish fourth. In the end the top five that transferred to the BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepow~r off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the la!ger C.V. ioints. , _ Convert Type I stub axles and output bell to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. \Convert Type 11 stub axles and output bell ito accept 930 C V joints. .\All axles and bells for Type 11 or Type IV ;c .v .s can be threaded 3/a-24 or stoc·k .Bmm. !All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be ·( threaded 3/a-24 or stocK 10rrim threads. FIT YOUR Off ROADER ~ . WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flanglt on yo"r supplied parts. Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. es~ Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system. poly-eurethane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. lncludinQ the mountinQ hardware and the GAS bolts SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. /Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview · P; 0. Box 845 1-4102-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ 85382-0845 Page 52 main were Berri, Miller, Steele, Shelton, and Deaton. Division 2 had nine cars start and moto 1 had Bill Goshen 's ( 1025) stadium Class 10 car move quickly into the front with Troy Robinson ( 101 ) second and vet-1 Glen McAdoo (76) third. With a high attrition rate, the finish order would be Goshen, Robinson, McAdoo, Everett Paul (pro-1, #243) and vet-1 Eric Lund (99). The second moto started with Troy Robinson on the front row who would holeshot and lead for two laps until Goshen 's Toyota caught up and put on a~~e-saw battle for a lap until the Toyota pulled from the VW of Robin-son. Peter Marks driving for Everett Paul held a close third to the finish followed by Floyd Haas (123) and vet-1 Gary Pinheiro (29). Final transfer spots for the main went to Goshen, Robinson, Paul/Marks, vet-1 's McAdoo, and Lund. The final 10 lap main started with a democratic luck-of-the-draw for starting positions. Top pro-1 contender Larry Deaton drew front row while Troy Robinson and Everett Paul & Peter Marks were on the third row, Bill Goshen and Sam Berri on the final row. Vet-ls lined up with Terry Shelton on row one, Randy Miller and Gary Steele occupied row two and Glen McAdoo and Eric Lund were on row four. The green flag dropped and the banging began. Turn three and the "ant hill" turn four had had a tangle that eliminated Goshen with a flat and gave a huge lead to Deaton, Miller and Steele. Lap two was as far as Miller would make it and lap three had Robinson taking over second from Steele. Berri moved up to third on lap five and was gaining on Robinson who was gaining on Deaton. By lap eight they were within two car lengths of each other. On the white flag lap, Final Results--Prairie City SRV A, Sacramento, CA, April 23, 1995 (denotes moto finish) Novice Sportsman Deaton would lose side bite and spin allowing Robinson and Berri to move past. Robinson was able to hold off Berri and take his first ever pro-I win followed by Berri and Deaton. Vet-I class was no contest for Gary Steele who took the lead on lap two and never looked back except when Robin-son and Berri went past him. Second in Vet-I was Glen McAdoo. VORRA would like to thank their crew for putting on a fine race and the Quick-n-Brite team for bringing five cars down from Washington state; we hope they come back to race with VORRA again. For all you short course racers out there. come on and race with VORRA, you won't he disappointed with the quality of . the race you find here. After all, VORRA is the longest running short course and desert racing organi:ation in thL' Untied States with 20 years of L'XpniL'nCL'. ~ 1st Tina Robinson ( 1-1 )-Sacramento, CA--Autosport, Californal Coach, House of Signs, VORRA 2nd Brian Carpenter & Ali Miller (2-2)-Davis, CA--Pozzi's VW, Dollar Tow Company 3rd Richard Fletcher (3-3)-Pittsberg, CA--Cox Chiopractic, Trick Fuel, Quality Import Auto Class 9 1st 2nd Dave Tarrant (1-1)-Petaluma, CA--Petaluma Tire Source, Tarrant Contruction of San Rafael Steve Souza (2-3)-Orangevale, CA--Payless Foreign Auto Repair, Don's Muffler & Brake, Tokay Shell 3rd Mike Gilmore (4-5)-Sacramento, CA--Gilmore Lock & Key, Folsom Lock & Key Class 10-Pro 1st Bill Goshen (1-1)-Brea, CA--Quality First Concrete, Bob Goshen Racing Engines, BF Goodrich, VP Fuel, Web-Cam, Quick-n-Brite 2nd Denny Spohr Jr. & Nick Ramponi (3-4)-Cotai, CA--Redwood Oil Co., The Tire Shop, lbleto Meats 3rd Dana Van Noort (5-2)-Clovis, CA--Rose Automotive, Deaton Racing 4th Tony Comstock (2-6)-Seattle, W A--Quick-n-Brite, Steve "Dog" Wine, Goodyear Class 10-Vet 1st Bill Webb & Jim Hanson (4-5)-Fernley, NV--Hammer Motors, Stevenson Racing Heavy Metal 1st Don & Chris German (2-1)-Petaluma, CA--G. B. Iron Works, Archer Bros Jeep Parts of Hayward 2nd Jim Cope (1-2)-Livermore, CA Restricted 1600's 1st Roger Caddell (1-1)-Graham, WA--Quick Lube, Washington, Smokey Point Foreign Car, Bardahl, Quick-n-Brite, Steve "Dog" Wine 2nd Larry Folsom (2-2)-Sparks, NV--RCS Motorsports, D & D Tire Stores, Southwest Builders, Povery Motorsports, Folsom Racing, Scudders Performance 3rd Arden & Perry Dennington (4-3)-Tracy, CA--FEX, Gordons Auto Body Pro Pilot 1st Ben Wald (1-1)-Concord, CA--Wald Family Racing 2nd Clint Wolsey (2-2)-Tulare, CA--Richard Wolsey Farms, Unique Videos 3rd Michael Daws (4-3)-Los Gatos, CA--CW Racing Engines, Fox Racing Shox Novice Pilot 1st Mitch Kurtela (1-1)-Union City, CA Class 1-Pro 1st Troy Robinson (2-2-1)-Sacramento, CA--Autosport, California Coach, House of Signs, VORRA 2nd Sam Berri (1-1-2)-Arnold, CA--Tom Martin Logging, D & E Parts, Press Kleen Class 1-Vet 1st Gary Steele (6-2-4)-Pollock Pines, CA 2nd Glen McAdon (3-8-6)-El Dorado Hills, CA--Hiatts Metal Fab, Phenix, McAdon Construction, Bob Creasy 3rd Eric Lund (5-7-7)-Esparto, CA--Dollar Tow July 1995 Dusty Times

Page 53

Northwest Divisional PRO Rally Report Text & Photos: Jim Culp A couple of days in sunny Washington helped California rally drivers feel right at home as they swept to victories in the two Northwest Divisional PRO Rallies held over the fast Simpson Timber Company logging roads near Shelton, April 21122. Rui Brasil and John Elkin cruised through the sunset to a win under the stars in Friday's six-stage, coefficient-two Sou'wester Rally, while Dr. Dave White and Ben Greisler captured the ten-stage, coefficient-three Wild West Divisional in Saturday's sunlight. The Sou'wester featured a 37 car entry list, but none were able to keep up with the Brasil/ Elkin Azores Express Audi Quattro on this evening. The powerful San Jose-based Audi quickly jumped into the lead, posting fastest times on the first four stages. The Audi slowed late in the evening when a shock tower punched through a wheel well. "I don't remember hitting anything out of the ordinary," said Brasil, "but I guess we must have done something." Even with the damage, Brasil/Elkin posted a 2:07 victory over the second place Falcon Racing Mazda RX7 of Tim and Penny Paterson. The Patersons, from Redmond, WA, were the only Northwest finisher in the top five, as they captured the 02 class. Californians finished third, fourth, and fifth, led by White and Greisler a minute behind the Patersons in the Light Performance California teams did well in the Sou'wester. Carl Jardevall and Anders Karlsson drove the Saab 99 into first in "U2" class and a quick fifth overall. Jim and Christy Breazeale won Class 4 "Rally Lites" in both Divisional rallies driving the Red Hook VW surviving many course hazards along the rally route. John Sparks and Don Schroader run the Toyota Corolla in "U2" class, which they won on the Wild West Divisional, and placed second overall in the same rally. Dusty Times Works VW GTI. Riverside's Chris Weleff and Brian Paul in a · 4 WD Celica were fourth, and San Carlo's Carl Jardevall and Anders Karlsson in a Saab 99 were fifth overall, and first in the U2 class. Portland, Oregon's Rick Beson and Ben Bradley brought the Western Turbo 4WD Mazda Protege home in sixth, followed by the hardest working seventh place in memory for Ralph Kosmides and Joe Noyes in the Ruby's Restaurant Ford Escort. It was a long day for Kosmides. He clipped a rock and bounced into a ditch on the press run, spraining his wrist and tearing up the front of the car just hours before the start. It took a lot of hard work and a large ice pack just to get the Escort to the green flag. Rui Brasil and John _Elkin swept to first overall in the Sou'wester Divisional Rally Friday night, the Audi Quattro getting a good lead on the first four stages. slowed later with shock tower problems, but won the rally. Doug Schrenk teamed with Class 2 (experienced), Bonnie Lynn Homann to take eighth in a Hertz/Lance Guensch, Class 3 ScandiaSaab,withJaniceDamitio (novice), and Jim and Cristy and Barry Berg ninth in the Rage Breazeale, Class 4 (rally lites). RacingToyotaCelica. Duane and Several fast Northwest cars Mary Jo Bender rounded out the ended up on the Sou'wester's top ten in their Motorworks DNF list, led by defending Datsun. Northwest regional rally division champs Dale Beard and class winners were; Brasil/Elkin, Richard Simmons. The Beard Class 1 (expert}, Kosmides/ Noyes,_ Family Mazda 323 GTX lost boost early, then blew the turbo on stage six. Steve Walker and David Lowe in another Mazda 323 GTX retired after the first stage when a turbo hose melted. ~ , ~ ,_ h !'l';•,.,E,,•,,o'h Saturday's Wild West Divisional was a run in the sun for White and Greisler in the Red Line Oil VW GTi prepared by Guy Light's Performance Works. "Dr . Dave," the fastest dentist in Benicia, CA, turned in the quickest stage time on the final seven stages in the event. Saturday's Wild West Divisional was a sunny run for Dr. Dave White and Ben Greis/er in the VW GT. They raced to first overall in the Divisional and also were second in Group 2 in the Wild West National, run concurrently. Brasil and Elkin had started Saturday morning the same way they'd finished Friday night, but after posting the dominant time on the first stage, the Azores Express Audi Quattro ran out of road, rolled off some rocks, . clipped a stump, and slid into a ditch, all at 100 mph on the rally's fastest stage. In one more demonstration of the Audi's strength, Brasil and Elkin walked away. Second in the Wild West, 1 :48 behind the winner, were John Sparks and Don Schroeder in the Engine Rebuilders Supply U2 class Toyota Corolla. Third overall were Kosmides and Noyes in the Ruby's Restaurant Ford Escort turbo. Kosmides headed from the finish line to the hospital after two days of racing with a severely sprained wrist. Rick Beson and Ben Bradley finished fourth in the Western Turbo Mazda Protege to take the 4 WD Rick Beson and Ben Bradley won the 4WD"c/ass in the Wild West Divisional class, followed by Janice Damitio and were fourth overall despite a bent rim/flat tire combo or. the right front in and Barry Berg in the Crazee _th_is_sh_o_t_o_f_t_he_M_a_z_da_P_ro_t_eg.:....e_4_W_D_. ______________ .. Espresso Toyota Celica GTS. ~}if_~:~i:~~~\t:~~;Ji41t~~: The Mazda RX 3 still runs rallies in the northwest and Pete Shelton and Carl Hillman put this one home second in Class 3, 9th OJA in the Wild West Div. July 1995 Second in the U2 class, and sixth overall was the Datsun 210 handled by Richey and Howard Wantanabe, while Bill Malik and Raine Andersson lost time changing a flat, but still tossed the Valencia Volvo 240 into seventh overall. Eighth place was captured by Bonnie Hertz and Lance Guensch in a Dodge Colt sponsored by Deno's Pizzeria. Pete Shelton and Carl Hillman finished ninth in the Earl's Auto Mazda RX3, and the M udflap Racing Division 510 of Simon Levear and Lee Shadbolt rounded out the top ten. · Northwest regional class winners included White/Greisler in Class 1, Kosmides/Noyes in Class 2, Hertz/Guensch in Class 3, and the Breazeales in Class 4 . Pagc53

Page 54

1995 Cologne Off Road Exhibition Text & Plwt.os: Thomas Lieverscheidt From Iceland came the Toyota Icelander. To keep up with the snow during the long and hard winters, it's raised by a 4 inch body life to accommodate tires up to 36 inches in diameter. In addition a hydraulic steering eases the strain on the solid front axle and an extra transfer case gives a 100:1 low ratio. What goes up must coml' down! This isn't just trul' for avia-tion, hut also for thl' :n1tomotivt' industry. 1994 finall1• hrou1!ht rt·cession to Germany's Off-Road marh·t. Saks dropped h\' 14":, in total. Most 4wd \ar and truck manufacturl'rs lost morl' n1sto-mers than ever hefore. Thl' onl\' ., ones to increase their sak-,-. Wl'rl' companies that introducl·,l 11l"\\ or revamped vehicles. Tlw hig1!est losns were the LAOA Niva and thl' Opd Montt're\'. Thl' LADA is suffering from an old, undnpo-wered engine, the Opl'l Montl'rey is huilt in Japan and got more and more l'Xpl'nsive thanks ro thl' ris-in1! Yen. The· higgcst winner is thl· Ford Maverick. Ford sold 267<!;, more Mawricks than in '91. Strange though, since the Mawrick is a rehad1!ed Nissan Terrano II and huilt on the sameassemhly line at the Nissan plant in Rarcclona. Thl' Opel Frontaa Sport & Fronter:, ( lsu:u Amigo & Rodeo), still th,· market leaders in Germany with a total of 18•1:, in 4x4 sales, haw lost 23'/f, and encoura1!ed Opel for some changes. The kafsprun1: rearaxles haw heen replaced h1· coilsprung units adapted from thl· lsu:u Trooper. Both models arc sold now with an optiu'nal 2 .8 L Turho-Diesel from thl' previous Isu:u T roopcr. The 2 .4 L gas the Frontera wa-; a 2 .2 L 16\'alvl· ----.....i;== The BFG-booth looked like "a chunk of baja" with a wooden bridge over a small pond and the tires scattered around the place. It has a familiar look, doesn't it? Ecotec engine from Opel's car line. Also on the Opel hooth was the Campo Pickup. The 2 .5 L Diesel has heen replaced h y a 2 . 5 L turhocharged unit and is availa-hle with all 3 body styles, Sin1!le-, Sports-, and Crewcah. For the Sportscah,a3.1 L Turho-Dicsel is optional. Toyota displayed their line of 4x4 's. Starting with the Fun-cruiser, as the RAV 4 is ca lled now, over the Landcruiser K )70 and KJ73 up to the FJ80 imd A Defender 130 camper conversion. The pop-up roof enables the truck to be shipped by container. Roomy enough for 2 persons it is equipped with HDJ80. The FJ80 is new for Ger-refrigerator, stove and a chemical toilet. many. It was introduced last yt·ar . after the HDJ80 was taken off the -truck through their deall'r Jll't-market. The hig 4.2 L Turho-work in Swit:erland. Diesel didn't make the new Emis-Chrysler introducetl a nn, sion regulations and had to hl' ltalian-huilt 2.5 L Turho-Dil'sel redesigned. The Funcruisl'r was for the Cherokee. The 2. I L shown in 5-door configuration. Renault unit was so 1:utlcss. Even though the 3-door model Chrysler Germany sold only !KO was in the showrooms only hy (!)last year. The new mill has 115 mid-summer last year, it's already hp and is also availahk in tlw on 6th place in German sales. Voya1!er. The Grand Cherokl'l' Not on the Toyota hooth, hut wasshownwiththe4.0LHOand right next to it was the Huher the redesigned 3 ! 8 V8. The VK Company, one of the hest known lost 7 hp against last 1·ear's tuners for Diesel engines of all pumper, hut emission output was kinds. They took a hrand 11l''' reduced. Toyota DJ73 with the 3 LT urho- Chevrolet is a m·wcomer un thl' Diesel and tweaked it up just a market. Until no\\, little hit. First to come was an Chevys were imported throu1!h Intercooler, raising thl' output independent dealt'rs, except fllr from 12 5hp to 150hp and torque tht· S-10 Bla:er which was sold via from 200 to 230 lh-ft. An addi-the Opel dealer network. This tional Over-boost system, which \'ear, the Bowtie Bunch presl'ntl'd is controlled hy the engine com-the new Bla:er, Tahoe, Suhurhan ruter delivers an extra 20hr and and the S-10 Pick ur. Thl' Rla:cr is 20 lh-ft on demand. Thl' hif!)!l'St sold in Germany as a 4 d(xir \\ ith achievement by Huher is thl' fact the I 95 hp V6 and thl' 4 SJ'l'l'd that their product passl'd Swiss auto. The Tahol' and Suhurhan emission regulations, which are are offered with l'ither the ;:,50 or almost as strict as the California the 6.5 L Turbo-Diesel. Hoth ones. To ota decided to sell this eni:ines are mated to the 4 spel'd. -A Pinzgauer 6x6 from Austraia. Porta/axles, 3 difflocks and coi/springs add up to terrific Trai/capabilities. Mike Warn drove one of these on the 1994 Transsylvania Trophy. ~ .. automatic. The S-10 Pickup is available as Single-or Extended-cah' and the ZR-2 drivctrain. Per-sona II\' I'm looking forward to nl'xt yl'ar's sales figurl's . C:ht'V\' ,lisplayed an S-10 Extl'nded cah \\'ith the enhanced 4.1 L V6, auto tranny and the electronic shift transfer case. Thl' pricl' stickt·r \\'as an ama:in1! 61000 On1tsch-ma rks, ahout $41,000. That's l'Xactly the same truck that sells for around $2 I .000 in the I 1.S . of A. I wonder who's (!Oing to hu,· this thing. Mitsuhishi had their completl' linl' of 4x4s on thl'ir huoth C,01w is the Pajl·ro (Montero) clmverti-hk. Due to a large rollhar, Pajno drivers had less open air f°t-l'lin1! than in an lsu:u Amigo, \\'hich didn't quite hoost sales. Adcled to thl' product linl' were soml' limited l'dition models ,if thl' Pajero. The L200 Pickup was shown in both base-and Magnum-trim, With it's Crew-cab and 2 .5 L T urho-Diesl'I. the L 200 ( M ii!ht\' Max) is the hest Sl'llin)! Pickup truck in (-;nman\' at thl' monwnt, Volkswagen showed their 4x4 versions of thl' T4 Eurovan, tlw L T -Transportn line ancl thl· Taro. The Eurovan has VW',-. syncro 4wd system. Well proven in their paSSl'nger cars (-;olf an,! Passat, thl· syncro-system featun·s a viscous coupling rhat transfl•r-; power to the rear wheels as soon as thl' front whl'ds start to slip. The manual 5-speed has a (!ranny-low first, just like the Vanagon had, hut no lifted suspl'nsion. Unlikt• the Vanagon, the Euro\'an is not supposed to hl' used for OHV-trawl. Sincl' the Vana)!011 has seen use as an Off-Ruad camper from Iceland to Africa. VW's decision raisl',I quite a ,·l'\\' t'\'t·hrows among travl'lll'rs. Tht· LT, Volkswai~ens lif!ht transpor-ter ( that's what LT means) for CVW's from 2.8 tons up to 5.5 tons, has a conventional part-ti ml· The BxB MAN from SCOUT-LOGIC. This company takes care of the logistics on events like the Paris-Dakar Ra/lye or the Pharao's Ra/lye. The Multicar from East-Germany. With a size comparable to a CJ-8, it has a GVW of 9500 lbs. The Multicar has a 230:1 low ratio giving it a crawl speed of 0.3 mph. This 8-ton MAN was converted for overland travel by the Austrian ACTION-MOBIL company. Some technical highlights are a 220 hp, 6.9 L Turbo-Diesel, permanent 4 wheel drive and front, middle and rear differential lockers. Page54 July 1995 Dusty Times

Page 55

ABOVE: lronman Suspensions are available for the total range produced in Korea. It's moved by either a 2.2 L Diesel or a 1.8 L of Toyota, Rover and several Nissan trucks. lronman has 600 gas engine and has a 5-speed manual transmission. Available in models will be built in Osnabruck by Karmann, a company well known from building the convertible versions of the VW Bug and the VW Golf. retailers in Australia and distributors in 22 countries worldwide. 2 trim levels, the higher rated models have power steering and CENTER: The ASIA Rocsta is based on the Jeep CJ-5 and alloy wheels AT LEFT: The 2-door KIA Sportage. The German 4wd. L T's are mostly used by con-. The new Explorer was the cen-. Bucher LJuro. Mainly built tor the . tractors and available as Panel terpiece of the Ford booth. Just Swiss Army, the manufacturer is vans,Single-orCrewcabPickups, like the older model, the new now looking into the civilian Minibuses or as Chassis-Cabs. ExplorerissoldinEuropeonlyas market. The Duro's size is com-The Chassis-Cab sees use as base a 4-door with the 4-speed auto-parable to the Mercedes Unimog vehicle for camper conversions or ma tic and the new Control-Trac but it's less specialized and, there-for commercial applications, such 4x4. Next to the Explorer, visitors fore, far less complicated than the as Furniture truck or Fire couldseetheFordMaverick.The Mog. Powered by a 3.8 L VM Department truck. The Taro is a rebadged Nissan Terrano II is Turbo-Diesel mated to a 4 speed rebadged Toyota Hilux. Like availablein2wheelbaseswith3or autotrannyfromMercedes,itfea-Toyota, VW offers it only as 5 ddors and a choice of a 2.4 L 12 tures permanent 4wd, electronic Xtra-cab with a 2.4 L Diesel, valve gas or a 2.7 LT urbo-Diesel. transfer case, reduction gears in manual 5-speed and 4wd with . Both Mavericks have a 5 speed the wheel hubs and automatic manual hubs. manual and part-time 4x4. I 00'¾) Torsen difflocks. The BMW ... oops I mean Rover, BFGoodrich had the most Dura, which is offered as a 3-presented the New Range Rover interesting booth on this year's seater forward controlled chassis-and the Discovery. The Range show. They rolled their Semi- cab comes with several different Rover was shown with all 3 truck into the hall. This mobile cargo compartments. Customers engines available from the eco-workshop was surrounded by a can choose between pickup hed, nomical 2.5 TD Lover the 4.0 L wooden grating. Several truck-troop carrier or camper body. V8 up to the top-of-the-line 4.6 L loads of sand had been delivered The Manufacturer is current! y V8. The 2.5 L Turbo-Diesel was with cactus, a timber bridge and a working on an interchange sys-adapted from BMW's car line. small pond. The whole assembly tern. This means on workdays the The powerful 4.6L is currently with BFG tires scattered around Dura carries a pickup bed for undergoing some modifications looked just like "a chunk of Baja" contractors or a flatbed towtruck to conform it with US emission (SORRY MICKEY). and on the weekend the pickup requirements. The Disco was on Amongtheaftermarketequipment hox is changed for a camper and display in 3 and 5 door versions suppliers were some real surprises. off you go to Baja. with both the 3.9 L V8 and the Road-Ranger sells some products All the way from Australia 2.5 L TOI. And while the Range from LUND, like sunvisors, came the JSW Company, manu-Rover TOI is sold only with a 5 fender flares, etc. They highligh; facturer oflronman-Suspensions. speed manual at the moment, the ted their stand with the LUND With 600 retail stores in Austra-Discovery TOI is also offered S-10 Project Truck. This truck. lia and distrihutors in 22 coun-with a 4 speed automatic. which you might know from their tries worldwide, they sell more KIA introduced the 5 door ads in maga:ines like Off-Road, suspension systems than Old Man Sportage.Thiscompact4wheeler Fourwheeler and the likes, was Emu.Imustadmitlhaven'theard is about the si:e of the 5 door airlifted to Germany for this their name before the Cologne Su:uki Sidekick and the new 5 show. SCOUT-LOGIC had an show, but they told me they were door Toyota RAV 4. It's moti-8x8 MAN on their booth to pro-just starting in Europe. They offer vated by a 2 liter gas engine, either mote Off-Road seminars with Ex- -suspensions for Land Rover, a 95 hp 8 valve or a 128 hp 16 Army trucks. SCOUT takes care Range Rover, Nissan and the valve. of some of the logistics for the complete Toyota truckline. With ASIA showed the Rocsta, a CJ-Paris-Dakar and the Pharao's Ral-their name there's one guy in the 5 replica. The Rocsta is sold with lye. One of the things they offer is U.S. who's ideal to promote their a 1.8 L gas or a 2.2 L diesel in a quite interesting for competitors products in his tr1..1ck - Ivan Iron-choice of2 trim levels. Compared who drive on a tight budget. One man Stewart. Maybe they should to the CJ-3 replica Mahindra from 6x6 MAN is outfitted with stor-give him a call. India, the Rocsta is much more age lockers. If you're taking part ISFAR from Iceland is special-refined. on the Paris-Dakar for example, i:ed in converting trucks for the LADA finally reworked the you can leave your spare parts and snowy terrain of Iceland. Based Niva. The old 1.6 L gas engine was your luggage in a rented locker on on a Toyota Hilux Crew-Cab, the bored up to 1.7 Land received an the truck. The MAN will follow "Icelander" features36 inch tires, electronic fuel injection. A 1 .9 L the racers from camp to camp. So a 4" body lift, strengthened drive-Peugeot-Diesel is new for this if you're riding on a motorbike train components, hydraulic year. Other changes include a and you don't have the space for steering and a second transfer case more modem dashboard, com-spares, or you are driving a 4x4 for a 100: 1 (!) low ratio. They also fortable seats and a new rear anddon'twanttobotherwiththe convert U.S. Pickups and Vans, hatch. Several modifications have weight, call ·them up and use their using tires up to 44". The addi-been made to the drivetrain to service. tional reduction gear gives those reduce the noise level. trucks the ca abilit to crawl over • Volkswagen Eurovan Syncro. This bus was equipped with the Multivan weekender package. Unlike the old Vanagon, the Eurovan doesn't have more ground clearance than its 2wd brother, limiting it to the occasional muddy driveway. snow, where a man would sink in up to his shoulders. And what do you think about this! Do you like to have a Pickup with seating for 5 adults and a hox hig enough for a slide-in camper! No problem, the big 3 have-enough of those. But a Toyota like this was not around, until now. Normally.Japanese pickups share the same drawback. The longer the cah is, the shorter the hed gets. ISFAR converts a Toyota Hilux Crew Cab, hy taking off the 4ft long (or should I say short) hox. After that, the frame is stretched a few inches and the rear axle is rel-ocated. The last step is fitting the 6ft hed or an Xtra-cah to the stretched frame. The whole assembly, which also includes a longer driveshaft, new hrakelines and a longer Exhaust, is so clean, that the conversion is fully approved by the Germans TUY. Naturally, the 2nd transfer case or any of their Icelander options can he added. Several Off-Road Travelagen-cies promoted their trips in Cologne. Northern Africa is one of the major attractions for folks who want to leave Europe with its restrictions and crowded quarries and ravel pits. The TRO-Agency. of Bngisc·h-Cladhach will lead you to places like Tunisia, Libya -or Egypt. Their routes are laid out . for families trnveling in stock veh-icles, so neither a custom huilt trail machine nor the experience of a Paris-Dakar winner is needed. TRO hands out a Roadhook for the complete tour. Each evl'ninii, a camp is erected and a drivers' meeting for next day's route is held. Generally the tracks will also lead you to the cultural and touristic highlights. Other Agen-cies offer trips to the U .S., Aus-tralia, South America and even the Far-East. A number of manufacturers for Expedition Trucks appeared too. Starting with smaller vehicles like thl' Land Rover Defender 130, over the Unimog or the new MAN 4x4 with permanent 4wd up to the hig 8x8 MAN Ex-Army truck. While the Defender was outfitted with a camper body with pop-off roof and still is compact ' enough to he shipped in a stand-ard 20ft container, trucks like the 8-ton 4x4 MAN featured living accommodations with all ameni-ties needed for long overland travel to remote areas all over the planet. ABOVE: The Mitsubishi L 300 Van .. The Mitsu-Engineers mount-ed the body of the van on the chassis of the old short-wheelbase Pajero (Montero). Power comes from either a 2.4 L gas or a 2.5 L Turbo-Diesel. Traction is provided by a 5-speed manual and part-time 4wd with automatic hubs. CENTER: The Mitsubishi of Jutta Kleinschmidt. She finished 12th overall in this Class T1 truck in the 1995 Ra/lye Grenada-Dakar. AT LEFT: Toyota introduced the new 5-door Funcruiser (RAV 4). Even though this truck doesn't have a transfer case, the permanent 4 wheel drive makes it very safe to drive on slippery roads. Dusty Times July 1995 Page 55

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GOOD STUFF DI_RECTORY UTOC-RA ENGINES PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 I 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 . . RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT · Off-Road I Fabrication & Accessories . Export & Int'l Sales · Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management 6630 MacArthur Dr.•Lemon Grove•CA-91945 619) 583-6529•FAX (619) 583-1851 ~ HELMET~/FI_LTERED AIR SYSTEMS I ·-·. ' Featuring_ Arai & Bell Helmet~; . 'eDR: McKenzies: (714) 650-4566 : (714) 441-121~ . . . . -.. - - - -SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS !' TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS _ AJ,.L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ED & BARBARA . BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buck~ye, AZ 8532_6 (602) 386-2592 "PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS FOR YOUR VEHICLE" 72-120 Manufacturing Rd., Ste. B-E Thousand Palms, CA 92276 (619) 343-0088 f <ditP Curt LeDuc Ca-¥',H?IUI' PRE-FUN 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 .Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr~Runners 84-89 Ranoer Fiberglass Dimple Dies Get the word out about your business-, big or small. Fut your business card in the_ "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads arem~rely,$,~5 ,00 per month. BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ===CARRERA . . PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 - - - . - - ------HAMPION w1H1e•e1L*c1c!-e· • s· • 1 o· • 13" • 15" • 1 s" • 17· RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ffe)@~1-fL©<CIK SIMULATED BEADLDCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 FAX [209) 276-2365 . BRANDWOOD CA:~stom Vehicle Shiller ./ CHENOWTH aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•~r, ACING PRODliCTS •. INC~ · for mid-engines and ·other appllcatlons_ . 602-43,7-3l~7 I --· . . . --~ -·-- . - . t ; Check the Record; The Winners Choice; : · · #1 in Racing and Recr,eational · ' .Chijssis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way-Et C3:jory; CA9?020 (61~) 449-7100 ~ -. ··u': c·Nc~·I; Manufacturersof . . · I Brake and _Clutch Pedal Assy' Master Cylinders -----~----"'-_ _. - Slave Cylinders ·· Cuttihg and Staging Brakes · Hydraulic Throttles CNC, Inc. Tl)rottle Pedals' ' ·and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morenail,lvd. Sa;, Diego, CA''921'10 (619) 275-1663 -,. .. Send $3.00 for Catalog -FLOATER REAR END_S • i--'RONT HUBS• AXL,ES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS ( 805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hangirig Tr(;)e Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY -~ .fYM ·/·:'\· , ~ . . (WI?~ /~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & SeNice 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners ~ Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495~3344 FAX(805)495-2339 l~RACINGi · B .GASOLINE g I LEADED 108 OCTANE -~ I "Official Gas of NASCAR,, ·1 CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 -_· DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE ~ _BY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE_ SPRINGS, CA D.E UNZto· - RACING PRODUCTS. . • . HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. B_ox 6057. ..Santa Barbar~., CA 93111 DJESEilT' RACIN6 SCR££N SA V£R FOR WINDOWS 20 OF TH£ RADDEST OFFROAD RACIN6 PICTURES FOR YOUR PC % only $9.99 (Plus $3.00 S&H) (CA residents add 8 JM sales tax) SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: INDEPENDANT SOFTWARE 6ROUP 5321 MALV£RN AVE. SUITE F BUENA PARK, CA. 90621

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1 JOHN VERHAGEN'$ :m ........ PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER- INCORPORATED <0> (909) 877-6491 PARTS I\NiJ SERVICE ON AUTO, TRUCK. INDUSTRIAL, CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING • BALANCING FAX (714) BTT-6203 CUSTOMIZING California Watts 1-800-427-4238 1750 s Lilac Ave Continental U.S. Watts 1.aoo-525-0395 e1oom1ngi°on. CA 92316 ?4 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 876-3107 P.O. Rooc '1090. COiton, CA 92324 6 RACfN' :W&. Fl/El..• ..... FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD , 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Car'6n, CA 90746 Phone: (310)60~2200 FAX: (310) 603-2:?51" .. DENNIS )YAVNE PORSCHE PARTS 7e8-4SBS THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. Callorwritefor e your FREE copy of the Ufl SAf 1992 Fuel Safe Catalog 1/acb,gCdls For your local Fuel Sale Dealer call 1 ·(800) 433-6524 Aircraft Rubber Mfg., Inc. 5271 Business Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 Dlfferentlals Spools - Ball Joints Axles. - VW Components - Etc. 4720 Felspar Street Phone: (909) 681-6889 r----------------------+---------==-------------,..,.!Ll. -=~!en Avon, CA ____ 9_2_s_o_9 ____ F_u: (909) 360-9817 (714) 774-5454 Pager (714) 576-9003 EAGLE BENDERS ''/M oJJ, If"""~~ & ~ ,_k" 652 S. Brookhurst St. #109, Anaheim, CA 92804 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K& L Santee, CA 92701 619-268-2575 l"ltE-ltUNNER Sl'ECW.IST • 8Ut.lf'ER5 • CAGES • SHOCK t.lOUNT5 SEAT "40UNT5 • LIFT m5 • IDIWRING ms • DUAU.Y5 . ,.._ !MG 5U5l'EN5ION • 5HOW CMS & Pl5rlAY5 • ATV FM 'NORI( EXl"U.T INSTAU.ATlON & FMRICATlON AVAIi.Ml£ RBERGLASS FENDERS lo BEDSKINS . . TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. :4010 N. PALM 51'REET, UNIT 103 (714) 870-9422 , FULLERTON. CA. 926:35 Flv< (714) 870-913~ .\LLE SAFET. DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GL9VES • NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGL~S & HELMETS ·- - , 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, C.A 91352 81 ~.:Z~8.-7770 Send For A Free Brochure For Fast Service Call 71 ~866-8111 Hw-y36 & County Road D EXPLORER ACCESSORIES •I•J:l~BAKER■ Box 329 Webster, WI 54893-0329 PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS INCORPORATED ~ 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin SHOf JERRY WOHLGEMUTH SALES REPRESENTATNE r . ~r SfStems sy Raffo Racing, LTD. ✓ Ell11iHte helmet thleld fe91ln9, h11t buildup, & breathi1tf 11ti119 dud, For the l1r911t ttleetion of hlth ~•rfttMHH helmet vutilatio11 1ylfem1 9ive ., 1 ull. ·. C•II 701-259-1110 42S S. o.,.to11 Ave. or Fu 708-2S9-970S Arli119toa Hel9~fl, IL 6000S-1907 . ~ YH .::.,~-~~ . ·. UCINI lfllS TIE _.· WINNEIS AIE ISINI J-Df 1FTC Racing ,Equipment, Inc. · 31790GroesbeckHwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (31~t~7-~ ~~~Ii) (r i'··~' H M ENGINEERING 11661 Martens River Clrcle Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 979-6631 • Fax (714) 979.5953 . --~ \ MANUFACTUHERS <JI': . \. . HRAKE AND .CLUTCH. ASSY :._._pUJEORAIANCEPRl!CUC1S IIASTER CY!,I NOERS . . SI.AVE CYLINDERS TUR~ING & _.TAGINd DRAKES · -S!llFT.E.RS ' AVAILABLE AT I' INER SPEC I Al,'ry SHOPS DEALER_INQURIES WELCOME . ~~:~~~~":!. ~: 909-245-6050 FAX 909'!245-6052 ,PERFORMANCEPROOUCTS rJAMES GANG , RACING PRODUCTS I ARLINGTON SHEET MET AL CORP. 1:1424 I--1 Hwy. • Soaca Fe S,,.. • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner· Desert. Short Cours·e & Street · Owner James Hall I\:,_ _ .VW Racin9 Transmissions 1Joe Giffin ' 1509 N: Kraemer, Unit O 1 Anaheim. California 92806 (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" . 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY ' I

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RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER PREP & FABRICATION CUSTOM TRAILERS Russ Jonas Moton,porl's CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 on Ifinne Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 Eledrical Wiring Desert and Stadium Transmissions Gauge Assemblies Automatic Trans. Specialist 809-F N. Lakeview Ave• Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fax 714-779-231 KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3463 Massillon Road, Suite B Uniontown, Ohio 44685 216-699-1777 Fax: 216-699-1771 Athene Karis. .. KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS .._ • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE • 2" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE OFFROADSHOCKSER~CE RRY LEIGHTOR,;-.-. · · - ,- - . ' " .... - . . . ,;,-, 1 ,:: , ~ ~ ' : , , ~ '(-~{.; _-,.-. ~. .-3 • • • ;i • . . . _ i,; . . -· MENDEOLA RACING 1 Volkswagen -Porsche - H_ewland · ! OH-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions ! 1. Parts & Service· ·9-LSTEIN ;:i:ij;~vct!'. · 14519 MAIR STREET URIT 111 6. ·--.,.: J HESPERIA, CA 92345 . · 19-244-80,v .. 1, . •·' J 290 TROUSDALE #1&.J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 ' 619-691-1000 FAX 619-691~1324 .. LIN CO TEMPERATURE STRIPS Easy to use, Inexpensive & accurate! All strips are self adhesive and labeled in Fahrenheij and Celsius. Strips are $2.00 each or $1. 75 each over ten. For a FREE brochure or to order, contact: LINCO 13337 E. South St., #344 Cerritos, CA 90701 Phone/Fax: (714) 821-6542 REVERSIBLE STRIPS allow constant temperature monItor-Ing Ranges from 32 to 194 F. IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record the maximum temperature reached of the item they are applied to. Ranges from 120• to sss•F. IEIEJ[Z • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RAC:E'f'REP· - . . • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUij SPECIFI~ATION 825 N .. J:ilENDORA AVE: COVTN~ 9,;_17.23 (818) 915-2212 · · KENT _LOTHRINGER THE ONLY REASON-FOR NOT ADVERTISINGIN · .DUSTY TIMES · .1s BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MOBE· BUSINESS.THAN YOU CAN HANDLE 'I 805-940-5515 · NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsf)orts Suspension gives smooth First Clas~ Finishes To 7 of i Classes, As Well As Th~ First 5 To · • Finish Overall. . CONGRATULATIONS.TO EACH OF YOU! Clas,, 1 & 1st Overall ...• '. ... •simon & Simon Ford F150 2X · Class 8 & 2nd Overall ..... ~. •Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Clas~ 6 & 4th Overall ........ *Johr:i Swift Explorer 2X ' Class 4 & 5th Overa!I ........ *David Ashley Ford F150 4X • AIR JACKS BALL JOINTS 1+--...------------~e--=------11 Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ *Dan Smith Bronco 4X · 1' Class7S ................ Brown, . O'Brian & JohnSQn Ranger 2X KUSTER PERFORMANCE' PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 . T~LEPHONE (310) 595-0661 OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE ART KAWAGUCHI FAX PHONE· (213) 264-3936 (213) 264-5858 . . LEE .MFG. CO. : 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352. (818) 76&-0371 . .! A full line of Po.ver-Sleering gea~. · pumps ano acc1tsioriei for .a::y type of racing. · . · Magn&flux · and Zyglo iacmtin _ ~:,,.ail.lbkl,. Assembly-M~~Work .. Parts Engine Dyno Fadllty 10722 Kenney Street. Suite C San~ ~.t\ 920_71 (619) 596;.0886 Ken Major PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orarigethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 .. Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 Class 7 .......................... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X 'Member BFG/Ford "Rough Aider· OIi Road Race Team NSC Would Like To Thank Ail Seven Class Winners, For Once Again , Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride Wilh NSC Custom Computer Designed Leal Springs. • ,. • For More Info, Please Call · !f!!!rt:tt~ CHASSIS / B0D11S / INGINES / DYND SERVICE Complete Race Prep gag , 676-5594 38970 Yuma Ln. Temecula Ca 92592 -.·o;rf ·1 ROa<lll. •Bmiggy · S11.iipply BOB NETH Race Car Chassis . Race Car P~i:ts Alumintfm bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication

Page 59

OFF ROAO CHASSIS ~Hfl.#-'.~1thi? BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road P,.,.ration FOR TRUCKS, VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION AXLE SERVICE• WELDING & FABRICATION BIii Montague Esl.1974 (714) 711-1480 PARKER PUMPER· HELMET VINEYARD ONTARIO, CA 9176i 909-923-7016 . PE COMPANY GUAUTY PAE•DWNED RACE CARS & PARTS CHRIS COLEMAN 10806 Prospect J\ve. #6 • Santee, CA 92071 (619) 258-8544 FAX (619) 258-4266 .. -~· .-.-.-.!~CD ··• -~ •••• RACE CAR DYNAMICS OFF FIOAD FIACE CAFIS 3552 FOWL.EA CYN AO, JAMUL., CA 9'7935 PH. CB'J8J 440•28'74 FAX CB'J8J 599.4237 JIM ASBURY ··§r~w a~~ ---::!:::~w~1~ ~J~=== = 5101 GALWAY CR., HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 '{714) 897-0075 FAX (714) 894-9567 .al Sile SKWS • IWJ.NERS • WltlXYN LETIERNl • CM l£TIERWG • ®fftxS ll'o-rERCOM SYSTEMS. HE~TS ~-HAND HELD RADIO~i· , -A.'IIITENNAS- .LEASING DALE JOHNSON · 15855 Dell View Rd .. r. 10319 LOS ALMllTOS BLVD. (310)-594-9418 UJ~ AJJ~~grg§, F~ 9q7~~ ~3 ~~~594-4397 FAX . · DUSTY TIMES BA.CK ISSUES AVAILABLE <· .;$L_75Jor a single copy -~ ea_ch fpr 5 or more copies ~ -mix of dates El Cajon, California 92021 ~teve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561·2913 , ....................... 702-'43-9200 FABRICATIONS · _Send check or inonev vder and vour UPS i6tiee.t address to: · Long Beach, CA.................... 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA........................... 805-485-6 900 Ul80 Baticock Bldg_. ,a ~..-,c.112827 Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 Fax# (714) qS0-4721 ~\l\> st111, ti ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1iaa Allay, /,Id, ti/,, 700 N.E. 117th StrNt C, \ Vancouver, WA 9H85-$ ;Q » Phone ~~$/ ~•~ Fax 360-574-5474 on & 360;.5'76-1109 STEVE BARTON • OWNERS LEE FINKE RACESHOCK • • l • • t COMPANY light Truck, Sport Utility, RV & Racing Shocks 1711 West Culver #1 Phoenix, Arizona Q5007 Rough Country Olf•Road Racing Shocks TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 DUSTY. - . TIMd. 20751 Marilla street Chatsworth. California 91311 (818) 882-0004 WILLS/fRUSTS, OTHER MATTERS TERESA M. SANDERS ATTORNEY AT LAW MOSER & SANDERS TELEPHONE (BIBI 892-2688 16921 PARTHENIA STREET, SUITE 301 SEPULVEDA. CALIFORNIA 91343 L~URA ~ RICHARD ~ \ S. B. ENGINEERING\ "SUPER BOOT11 \ HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 S!!!Mt~!! G,,o0'\.7 Computerized Vinyl Lettering /2' !f.c__t:::Q ; \-v--'c,\l-TIM CECIL f l:QEt.v ~ 4010 N. Palm Street. #103, Fullerton, California 92635 -(714) 447•3581 . · Fax (714) 870-9132 Van Nuys, CA ...................... 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA......................... 714-877-0221> , ,,· . ·,,o;,i,gT·H~NQU.IR1~9NTAC(~~dflTS R_ACfiNG~ ' ·. · . ~I , .., -:, ··,."' O.'IOX 610, lONG'lEACH, CA 90ilO . -~ ' _ (714) 363-1~~~- · -· ., ~ ... «<~ ~~o (213)583-2404 2)<,)lj/ SANQER_S SERVICE, IN,C.: · METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 . SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPECTION . MarkSmlth · .: Strai.ght li __ na •11!111--------Enl Larry Smith ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING ' 3142> 96TH STREET EAST LITTL.EROCK, CA 93543 . 805'944·2719 SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED -=:====::::::::::===:;;======! I * Welding * Fabrication* Flame Cutting * Front.Ends * Custom Chassis * Race Prep * Custom' Lt-Weight Trailers; ,' :. ' Mtg'r. of Blue-Flame Producls (714) 996-6260 j345 Dynamics-; Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806

Page 60

Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818·700-9712 FAX 818·700-0947 'Trackside :Photo, Inc. .Jim Ober C9mmercia1 1-'hotogr,aphy P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 /MCE T!(ANS BY JEFF flEDlS TRfiNSfiXLE -ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST • vw ·•PORSCHE • OFF ROAD WERACE WHAT WE SELL (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Nonnarde ~Torrance, CA 90501 ! CUSTOM RACE CAR FAS. MIG & TIG WELDING DAN MATHEWS 6925 Aragon Circle Unit 25 Bueno Pork, CA 90620 (714) 521-2019 (714) 523-0558 TURBO . BLUE . Rat:lng BnoHnff 1446 Garfield Ave.•· Bell Gardena, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2271 · Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp • (UJ,iP)•19t44~9690 UNIQUE METAL PROQUCTS . 10223 PROSPECT.·AVENUE_SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS\ .FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES vF RACING-& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) Louie Unser Engines RATTLESNAKE MOTORSPORTS, INC. LOUIE UNSER 1100 E. Ash A venue, Suite C Fullerton, California 92631 Phone and Fax (714) 879-8440 .DUSTY TIMIS INVITES.YOU TO B!ICOME A DEALER . . . Each month ten of more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to· sell or to present to preferred customer.s. It is a great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. · CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, ,20751 IVlarilla $t. Chatswor:th, CA 9131-1 818-882-0004 VIDEO VENDOR. OFF-ROAD RACE vmEOS VIDEO PORTFOLIOS IN CAR CAMERAS FROM Sll!!i.00 OFF' ROAD RACE VIDEOS FROM Sl!!i.00 BUSINESS COMMERICALS FROM Sll!!i..00 VEH1CLE ADVERTISING FROM S30.00 1-800·S87·38H l'..U: (619) 4'Z·:llfd QUALITY FUELS FOR MOTORSPORTS (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 (31 OJ 598-2731 . WEddlE ENGiNEERiNG. . . Exclusive distributor of Lock-RighfmVW·Locking Differentials PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLE PROOUCTS Billet Super-Diffs, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Parts WholeealeiRetall. Dealer l~ctulrlee W~lc;ome P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 90815 Off Raad Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication Dale White Racing 3940 Maranatha Circle Las Vegas. NV B!1103 10Z-B11·1661 Adam Wik 1994SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service 535 East Central Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 ' ~ HEUVINK CONSULTING PUQI IC REI ATIONS & MARKETING Eo HEuvtNK C AlTENHAGESrRAAT 558. 1411 CS NAARDEN THE NF.THF.RLANDS TH 011.31.2159 ~3464, FAX 01 i.3t .2i59 53452. HOME ()11.31.30 210095 PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT SOOSTATE MILL ROAD AKRON. OHIO 44319 12161644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Tramng Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom \I/heels ,; 2733 W. Missouri Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 Phoenix, AZ 85017

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Classified ••• FOR SALE: Class 9 two seater, FOR SALE: 1-1600, new Major new engine, new Fields trans, motor, fresh Mendeola trans, Parker Pumper, Fox Shox, CNC, Wright combos, ¼" Fox Shox, Deist, Beard, SAW, Wright rack. Mastercraft, Fuel Safe, Flame New tires• & wheels. Best of Out, power steering, new stub everything. Many spares, 95% Axles, c.v.s, Sway-A-Way plates complete, never raced, $4,500.00. and springs, lite, fast, tough. Price Will deliver to west coast. Call reduced to $10,000.00. Come Randy or John (310) 425-59:04. with complete spare race engine, MUST SELL: only $10,000.00 oho. This Class 4 truck has all the right stuff. The parts list reads like the "Good Stuff Directory". This truck is scary fast. I will deliver to your shop. Richard (916) 369-0906, work (913) 362-0554 x122. FOR SALE: Older short course car, 3x3 arms, 5" wider beam. Great beginner Glen Helen car. Make offer (909) 845-4555. FOR SALE: New Triple EEE Aluminum Superlite transmis-sion. HD spooler, 7 .26 gears. Paid over $1,400 will sell for $1,000.00. ALSO FOR SALE: New Wright Rack 1:1 $300.00. Call Dave Eves at (715) 627-2611 in Wisconsin or see me at SODA with new Genesis SODA FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000 SS, Class 1-1600, race ready, 102wlb, Centerlines, Fischer Racing trans., fiberglass and aluminum body parts, Wright rack, Sway-A-Way, pumper, DuraBlue, spare parts and two spare motors, must sell $6,500.00 oho. Peter (415) 391-2255 M-F, 8-5. FOR SALE: Class 2 per-run r race new. 2300cc Leighton, arpm, dry sump, new bus trnas w/4:86, ftc, Ump pwr steering, Bilsteins, Summers, fuel cell, Wright, Y oks 's $11,300.00 or trade for motorcycles, quads, motorhome, boat. Call (714) 758-9802. Dusty Times dump cans, etc. (619) 588-9226. FOR SALE: Curnutt coilover shocks. 12" stroke ¾" shaft 32" eye to eye with springs. Four available. $250.00 each. (714) 642-5158. FOR SALE: Proven Winner! Triple EEE Superlite, won MTEG San Diego Race in 95. Car is like new! The best money can buy. 400cc motor, new Billet clutch, new brakes, new shocks, every-thing is new. Tons of spare parts, including new spare engine. CALL Doug Davenport (702) 876-4600. FOR SALE: Rear disc brakes with axles. Out of Ford nini inch. One ton studs. Five lug pattern -$250.00 firm. Ask for Ezra, call any day after %;00. Also for sale C-6 transmission, rebuilt to stock -$200.00 (310) 377-9639. JOIN THE RAD TEAM: One of the World's Largest Non-Profit Racing T earns - FREE RAD T earn Racing Hat, Patch, RAD Team Decals, RAD Newsletters, Membership Card. Join with over 15,000 members! Call 1800-2-JOIN-IT! Ext. 1616. FOR SALE: Class 2 or 10 Sandhawk, complete Wright front end, Seco 3x3 arms, JAMAR pedals, Mastercraft, Simpson belts, Baja blower: 1641 motor & bus trans. $4,500.00 oho -2180 motor & race trans, $6,000.00 oho. Super starter car. (916) 381-8558. FOR SALE: Class 1, 2 seater, very competitive car. FATType4, best of everything, Centerline, Bilstiens, complete with 28 ft enclosed trailer. Many spare parts and tires. $18,000.00 oho. Call Tom at (602) 240-2488 days, ( 602) 953-0656 nites. Wanted: Drive for Baja 1000 with good, reliable team. Car, truck or buggy. Experienced in off road, pro rally, road racing. Quick, easy on equipment. Finisher in last two 1 00Os to La Paz. Possible magazine coverage. Must be on BFGoodrich. Ed Jacobs (216) 644-7774. FOR SALE: FUNCO pre-runner 1776 Gene Berg full-flow oil sys-tem, cooler, semi-hemi, Zenith, balanced. 4 like new Y okohamas, Centerlines, 100 in wb, 8 shocks IRS, Porsche c.v.s 2 seat, 5 point belts, 25 gal fuel cell, strong car! With trailer $4,000.0 oho. Don (714)997-1173. FOR SALE: Rear Suspension Components: Dual pivot trailing arms 6xl ½, Summers Bros. large stub axel disc brake set-up. 930 c.v.s with race cages, boots, flanQes, bqlts, b~arings, calibers, Sway-A-Way, drive axles, New $2,954.00, sell for $1,458.00. Call Lee at RaceShock Company in Phoenix (602) 254-0744. ALSO will sell 14" travel shocks with reservoirs and¼" shafts for this set-up at $249.00 each plus springs if needed. This system works!! Will send pictures. Can be seen at the SCORE Barstow race if still available. FOR SALE: Class 11 , 1974. Raced only once. Fresh engine & trans wlsuper cliff, BFG, Bilstein, Fuel Save, Carbeau seats, Parker Pumper, PCI radios w/inter com, Many spares, $5,500.00. Includ-ing trailer, Call Tim (714) 730-3689. • ' I THE NOW AVAILABLE on Video tape. 1995 Parker 400 as well as 1993 Parker 400, 1993 Baja 1000. All tapes include exclusive behind the scenes and interviews wltop racers. $20.00 each. Send check or money order to: Chris Rowland, 1525-2 Seneca Rd. #113, Victorville, CA 92392. Clean Out Your ~gc ~l-¥ °"" Bits and Pieces IqGHTfffflE FOR SALE: All the Class 9 fixins. FAT motor, 2-DJ trans's, 6-Fox Shox, Tmag chassis wire harness, -all accessories included, you build. Greg (818) 994-7475 $4,500.00. WANTED: Car builder, fabrica-tor, mechanic, must do it all, have at least 10 years exp in Off Road racing. Alum tig welding and machining capabilities. Send resume. Call(818)994-7475 ask for Gregg. FOR SALE: PCI Ro~dmaster radio and PCI intercom. $650.00 for the pair. ALSO Ultra rear Volkswagen racing wheels, never raced. $50.00 each:(619) 481-0923. F.A.I.R. PIT SUPPORT. OFF ROAD RACINGS OLDEST PITTING CLUB IS LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD PITTING PERSONEL TO AUGMENT OUR PITS AT SCORE RACES. VOLUNTEER POSITIONS AVAILIBLE ARE: MECHANICS WELDERS RADIO OPERATORS FUELERS STATISTICS KEEPERS ..... TRAINEES WELCOM£"""' ATIN; RACERS· 6 TO 8 EXTRA PITS WITH WELDERS & RADIOS, F.A.I.R. MEETS THE 1ST & 3RD WEDNSDAY OF EVERY MONTH FROM 8-10 PM AT THE FULLERTON HOLIDAY INN. (310)427-8177 [Ill -WRIGHT 9420 Flinn Springs Ln, PLACE El Cajon, CA 92021 INC. July 1995 Pagc61

Page 62

Classified ••• FOR SALE: 1993 Mirage MTEG Superlite, Fox Shox, FL· 350 fresh, new white paint, BFGs, race ready, goes with spare clutches, gears, arms, belts, tires, motor plus a lot more. Call John days (310) 327-8323 nights (714) 842-7238. $6,500.00. FOR SALE: Complete & Race Ready. Dualcarbaircooled 1650, Bus box w/Hewland close ratio& Henry's cliff. 4 wheel disc brakes, Fox Shox, Centerlines, fuel cell, Mastercraft seat, Jamar, Flame-out, Sway-A-Way, Summers Bros etc. Car is in excellent condition. $18,000.00 invested. $6,300.00 obo (714) 680-3185. FOR SALE: Raceco Class 1. Sin-gle seat 118" wb, Toyota power 4 corner disc brake UMP power steering, Coilovers, Fodrill front arms, super combos, Parker . pumper, Hewland gears, Fuel safe, Beard seat, Filler nets & 5 point belts. Power coated frame, outboard CV's many spares. Xlent cond. Fresh prepped & turnkey ready. $9,500.00 080. ( 805) 266-3662. FOR SALE: Class 9 and trailer. Single seat, turn key. New motor, new trans, new front end-Rear Bars-Pumper, New Y okohamas-Rebui It Bilsteins and spares. Quick dumps. Lots of spares and parts. Must sell $5,000.00 obo. Will sell less trailer. (805) 285-8159. FOR SALE: 1966 Class 11 , never raced, street lega 1, 99% race ready. $2,500.00. Call Dan (714) 498-3556. FOR SALE: 1994 Chenowth sin-gle seater. Foddril front end large beam 2 ½" Foddril combo link spindles, bumpers, skid plates, floor pans, firewalls, dash gauges switches wiring German Auto Magnum Rack Ump Ram CNC Front hubs, 1 l" rotors, tire rods w l rod ends, Foddril front arms, brake lines SS steering sadfy bat-tery pox. Full Chenowth body w /roof & visor, black front & rear shock mount for Kuster shocks. Foddril rear arms w/ full FOR SALE: ORE 1-1600, 115", prepped, ready to win. Best of everything. Hatz motor, Wright combos and arms, Durablue, bus tranny w/ Hewlands, 091 cliff., Ump Fox, SAW., Fuel Safe cell, Very competitive, Class champ HORA/SCORE and SNORE. Must see, $11500 .00 obo, serious inquiries only. (805) 297-3943. '! I FOR SALE: 1985 Raceco, 2 seater, Class 2 or BITCHEN prerunner, UMP ps, FAT type 4, Bus Bux w ltorque limiters, Hew land gears, Mastercraft, Yoko's, Centerlines, VERY good looking car! Coil over front, shocks in rear wi res., outboard CVs, Jamar pedals, pumpers, lights, trick body. Steal it fast. LOWERED TO: $-15,900 obo firm. Baja Concepts Ref #423. (619) 583-6529. floater plates & caliper mounts FOR SALE: 93 ORBS 1-1600. alum. radiator w/ fan & mounts Identical car to 93 Baja 1000 and FOR SALE: 118" single seat alum. scoop for radiator. 38 gal 94 San Felipe 250 winner. Very Raceco. Only raced 3 times since fuel cell. Master craft ribbon nets low race miles. Extremely depen-built. Would like to trade for a 2 black. 3-300m Summer Bros. dable. Brand new Lee Leighton 1 cl C II r motor. 0 m1·les. Mendeola trans. seator4seaterofequalvalue.Has axes an more. a ror more W'·· FOR SALE: Prerunne';,--Dodge Ram, Professionally built, Fiberlass fenders and hood, full cage, racing rear end, 727 race tranny, high stall coverter, Fox (3 per side), 14" rear travel, 12-13" front travel, National Springs, 2 gas tanks, 360 ci haul ass motor, Ultra Wheels, Yoko's, 3 Beards seats, Art Carr, Full Harness, Stereo, Race Radio, 2 Batteries, 2 Spares, AC: VERY HOT! $20,000 Baja Concepts Ref#305. (619) 583-6529. -;· . ... ,... . . . . .... ,, FOR SALE: FAROUT 1-1600, "All or Part" custom built for Ren Sport Racing by Derick at Finishline Prep. This beautiful car is complemented with the best of everything that money can buy for limited class racing. Fox shocks, FAT motor, BFG's, Centerlines. Excellent Car! Comes with a tremendous amount of spare parts, pieces, pit boxes, tires, wheels, etc. TOO MUCH TO LIST. The whole car and package can be yours for only $13,800! or $9,000 car only: make an offer! Contact Baja Concepts Ref #418. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Complete package-Class 9 Raceco single seat, FAT motor, DJ Transaxle, Bilstein, Wright, Chromoly Frame and tie rods, new front end, Diest300 m, Sway-A-Way, Simpson Helmet, FOR SALE: Class 10 A Arm Bunderson. Want to Win? For $24,000 (or make an offer with no motor, no tranny) get a turn key top 3 running vehicle all the time. Super fast, Toyota, FAT, BFG, Ultra Wheel, Mastercraft, Kuster shocks (big wheel travel -20" front and rear!), Rose Trans. This car is strong and dependable. Must see to believe. WIN NOW! Baja Concepts Ref #420. (619) 583-6529. Racing tires for Sale: Custom made for trophy truck racing or ultimate Pre Runners that do not want flats! 37xll.50xl7. Tires $75 .00 ea. plus shipping. Will sell all for special discount. 100 available: 80 Bridgestones, 20 General. Special! y made for Roger Mears racing available exclusively thru Baja Concepts. (Don't bother Roger!) Visa/MC/ Amex accepted. (619) 583-6529 or Fax (619) 583-1851. FOR SALE: '92 Dynastar 39 ft 5th wheel, triple axle, 102" wide, lined and insulated Kohler SK gen., Weld wheels, recessed exte-rior lights, workbench and cabinets, awning, 9ft. living quar-ters with bathroom, refer, micro tvl vcr, a/ c with heat. Impeccably maintained. $26,100.00 OBO. (916)635-2520/(916)552-1858. · f (714)4722024(] ) PLUSRaceco2seatUnlimited all the major name brand parts: 10 o. -erry . Fox 930s, Wright, Beard, Hew-Auto trans 2 Audi trans sections, car or great Prerunner. 2280 VW land and 2110 motor. Call (512) box of quick change gears 9" ring Mendeola trans. $16,000.00 for 368-2906TX.Selloutright & pinion 2 torque converters. both. Will sell separate. Make Diest Race Suit, Trailer, tons of _ _,."" spares and parts, dump can. Must sell$6,000.00 or best offer. (818) •• , $18,000.00. Lots of spares. offer. (619) 344-2056. 915-5635. r----------~~----------------~~~------~----~~-1 Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I DUSTY TIMES. - I Classified Advertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I I I I I. I I I I I " FOR SALE: 1992 Ford Ranger, pre-runner, AC, Locker rear end, 4 wheel disc brakes, V6, 5 speed. Very trick and clean $12,500.00 or trade for Class 10 car or ?? (702) 658-8538. I I I I FOR SALE: 1988 Raceco Class 2. I I 2850 Fat engine, Bus trans, I Enc,osed is$ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I w/Hewland gears, Centerline, I I Simpson, Summers Bros., UMP, I I PCI, Fox Shox. Not raced since Name ________ ....:::___________________________ Mail to: · 92. 20' enclosed trailer. Every-I DUSTY TIMES I thing in picture for $25,000.00 or I Address -------'----------------Phone-------20751 Marilla Street I car alone for $15,000.00. (916) l __ _:C~ity~-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-:__:S~t:_:at:_e=====.::Z:.!iP-:._-=-==-----=----=-..:=:=::.=.. _ _ c_h_ats_w_o_r_rh_,_c_A_~_9_1_3_11_-4_4_0_8 __ 1 __ 6_2_2_-4_6_1_0_. __ ----:::--::-::-::;:::-::::-July 1995 Dusty Times Page6i

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FOR SALE: Chevy Class 8, '92 and '93 La Rana champ, Class 8 · legal anywhere. 22" front & rear'. travel, ¼ Liptics, Kuster shocks : with bypass tubes, Dana 60 40 spline, custom spindles, 350 ci motor. First class parts through- . out. Trade for pre-run truck? & · cash.Just lowered to$43,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #428 (619) 583-6529. f'':; FOR SALE:' High J umpe-r f~eater Class l or 10, Excellent car. Bus box with Hewland Gears, all new Fox Shox front and rear. Dual coil~over up front with Fodril spindles and arms, 3x5 woods in rear with 930's CV's chromoly cages Ultra Wheels, Y okohamas, CNC disk brakes front and rear, fuel cell, Flame Out Mastercraft seats and belts, fresh prep, ready to race or Prerun, CNC pedals Lees Power steering-all new, SAW, Parker Pumpers, great condition, sell with 2333 dual ca rb motor for $16,600 or · without motor $13,600.00 ( 619) 743-6062. . FOR SALE: Fod Fab Class 1 , $14,000.00!!! No motor or tranny. Pro built Awesome Car! 16" Travel in front w/ Fox Res. Shocks and FodFab trailing Arms and Beam, King Kong Spindles and Pins, 20" Travel in rear, · Remote torsion wlsecondary, · Willwood disc & calipers all ' around, Summers Hubs, etc., etc!! . Best deal on our books! Ref #361, : Baja Concepts (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Chenowth i 12-1600 car, 115" wheel base, 2 seater, Beard seats, Sway-A-Way, Neal, Jamar, Fuel safe, Yokohamas, Flameout, Super clean car, ready to race. Race radio & spare parts included. Call James at (714) 893-2755 $5,500.00 OBO. F0R C:::Al J:' Pmfrssionally built Pre-Runner by Darrd Jakes of Venablt• Ra.-in1:. Nl'w r:1otor ready to \\ , d (!' C' :l()() OC1 ( 909) 654-4938 / (909) 654-4544. 25 new Goodyear 37" racing tires for sale. 1 FOR SALE: Class 5 I 1600 Super-trick. One of a kind car bus with Hewland Gears, Fox, Wright Rack. 1-2 1600 arm with long torsion bars. Parker pumper, many trick parts, Trick paint body, car is made for BIG PER-SON! Spares $6,000.00 oho. MUST SELL. (619) 766-4689. Complete race team, all or part. Class 11 D & 1-1600, very best parts availahle air pumpers Wright, Sway-Away, FOX (GEin Berge) each car has new PPG colors, new motor and spare motor, :ero hours, tons of spares 1 1 D-$4 ,000 .00. 1-1600-$8 ,000 Calvin Bailey, Indiana. (219) 892-6289 or (219) 892-5867. FOR SALE: 1985 Toyota Stock Mini 4x4, FOX, National Springs, Parker Pumper, 22 gallon Fuel Cell, Fuel Injected much more, rlus spares. $6,000.00 OBO. .f..fost sell. Call Jerry (909) 790-'.)263. FOR SALE: FULL BLOWN FORD CLASS 8 Weinermont tuned & rebuilt, Kuster, Big Travel. Position Sensitive, Sway Bar, 650HP, lost of new parts, and Everything Fresh, complete pack-age. Super Trick: Must see!! Con-tact Rich Minga for details and photos, $68,000.00. Ref #430. (619) 583-6529. Dusty Times SA VE 20<}{, on Baja 500 Rooms! When you stay over four nights combining prerunning and race, any day of the week. Low Rates. Limited rooms available. Prepaid reservations only. On first street-two blocks from START in Ensenada. FAX O I 1-52-61 7-62481. FOR SALE: JIMCO Four seater. Want to have some fun? Take your crew along. This thing hauls. Fresh type four, fresh Mendeola Bus Box, Intercom, Parker Pumper, Fox Shox, CNC, Summers Hubs., This car is a class one race car! $20,000.00. Call ( 619) 344-1925. Leave message. f:OR SALE: New 7020 SAW P.,·ar adjuster $150.00, IRS rear l'IVOt blocks $60.00. Long spring ,,Jares $130.00. Used: SAW 10" ~hnck springs 4-400 lbs, 2-275 J",; ~50.00 pair, 2-American l )utlaws II like new 5 on 5 by 1 O" \\ i rh Champion Bead locks ~2L10.00. Plus parting out 2-1600 ,·ar combo's, 930's, Wright rack, many other parts: Free frame with purchase of enough parts. Call Bob ( 414) 697-9043 or Owen (414) 694-7488 Kenosha, Wisconsin. I FOR SALE: 64 VW Baja, Cur-rent registration, no smog required, full cage, Beard seats, 3x3 Chromoly trailing arms, Dura Blue stubs, Turbo CV's, Sway-A-Way, Bus trans, 6" wider FOR SALE: 1970 VW V orra Sportsman or SCORE Class 11 or great PreRunner. 1776cc dual port, fuel cell, Full SCORE approved roll cage. Calif. street legal. X-tra parts: T ransaxel, sus-pension, engine, body, glass, etc. $2,500.00 (916) 582-4068. front beam, Fuel Cell. Too much to list. Over $7,000.00 invested, must sell $4,500.00 OBO. Call Gary days (310) 593-4932, eve/ msg (714) 842-1555. FOR SALE: 1994 Bunderson 1-1600. SCORE legal, Hat: motor, trick trans, super diff, Bunderson shocks, very trick. Best money can buy. $14,800 or best (702) 254-2394. FOR SALE: 19€9 Baja Bug prerun-ner, full cage from bumper to bumper. Fox Shox, Beard seats, 18 gal gas tank, Sway-A-Way torsion bars, UDO gauges, interior comp-lete carpet door panel, headliner, 1600cc motor-single carb, smog legal $3,000.00 (909) 591-9398. FOR SALE: 5-1600, All Chrom-oly. FAT, Mendeola, only 1000 race miles since new. Prepped & ready to race. $8,000.00 or best offer. ALSO: All pit& chase gear, radios, spares, etc. $1,500.00 or best offer. Chris Klick days (208) 726-3220, eves (208) 788-4359. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 9, 2 seater, this car is complete and competitive, staged FoxShox, fresh WR trans and WIKS motor, Yuaseu radio, Pumper, type 3 brakes, all the best equipment, car has 8 races since built. Works perfect, many spares. $6,500.00 OBO. (818)914-2152. , LOW PRICES? HIGH QUAL-ITY FOOD -Take advantage of our devaluated peso and when you come to Ensendada eat at Bronco's Steakhouse "#1 in Baja" steaks, Mexican breakfast buffets. Open 7 a.m. -10 p.m. weekdays. 1st street in front of San Mcolas hotel. FOR SALE: Great Glen Helen car. Chenowth Chromoly 1-1600. Last raced Ventura short course. BFG, Simpson, Beard, Halon, Centerlines. $3,800.00 firm Eves: (805) 484-2508, days: (805) 658-1952. FOR SALE: SODA Class 1 or 9 No motor or tranny. 5 link Fox air ride rear and Fox front. $3,800.00. Call (715) 344-5445~ WANTED: 2 seat chassis, 2 car or ~ 10-2 car. Chromoly preferred, .... must be reasonable. Live in Orange county, but will travel for good deal. Call Rob anytime. (714) 998-3201. FOR SALE: 91 Ford Ranger pre-runner l Chase truck-Built to last and made to haul ass! 302, V-8, C-6, 9", caged bumper to humper, 2 tire rack glass bubble fenders, IO Rancho Take-A-Parts, Beards, Full harness B& M, Le Carrea, Alpine, Fuel Cell, paint (white/gray, red strip and cage)'. Test flights available. $11,500.00. Daniel (619) 355-1500. FOR SALE: 1990 Jeep Com-anche, La Rana Class champion, SCORE legal, BFG, Centerforce, 4.0 liter, Flowmaster, Fuel Safe, All new, Nationals Leafs, Com-mercial Coils, Spare parts, ready to race-Unbeatable!! $13,900.00. (310) 542-2977. FOR SALE: Beard racing bucket seats. $250.00 pair (grey). White Simpson Nomex suit s:. lrg. $60.00. Red Simpson neon support $25 .00. Suit & new brace used twice. Excellent condition. Will consider trading seats for Toyota factory bucket seats (grey or black) for 84-88 4x4. (909) 597-1930. July 1995 FOR SALE: WINNING 7S, 89 Ford Ranger. Excellent condition: Race ready! Ted Kendall built, Ex-Douglas Bros. truck, 12-14" travel in both front and back. Art Carr Trans, Summers rear, Clark Steppler motor, best of best, tons of SPARES INCLUDED! Cherry $18,000.00 Baja Concepts Ref I #436 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Class 9 Chenowth 2 seater built by Baja Concepts. New prep, Bilsteins w /VW suspension in front, Sway-A-Way torsion and spring plates.JG Transwerks, Engine Ma.chine Service. Spares include: spindles, arms, torsion bars, spring plates, shocks, radios, helmets, driving sui~s. ETC!! Driver changing classes, everything goes for $7,000.00 CALL FAST!! Baja ·concepts Ref # 398 ( 619) 583-6529. CREW /CHASE MEMBER: Ventura, CA based crew member seeks serious ( but fun) race team to assist with SCORE/La Rana, races. Have 4x4 truck with tire racks, tools, etc. 5+ years pitting/ chasing/ racing. Pays own way ( hotels appreciated). Also race prep iflocal. Not a flake. Ken at (805) 445-4230. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Baja Promotions . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 5 Baker Hi Performance Products . . . . . . 25 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels . . . . • . . . . . . . . 8 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . 39 Bogart Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Bonneville Off Road Racing . . . . . . . . . 17 Borg Warner Corp ............. '. 31-33 Brush Run 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Enduro Bronco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 29 Enduro Racing . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . 30 FAT Performance . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 28 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Rod Hall Driving School . . . . . . . . . . . 42 • Honda, BMW, Sea Ooo of North Hollywood . . . . . • . . . . . . 43 La Rana Johnson Valley . . . . . . . . . . . 23 La Rana Desert Racing . . . . . • . . . . . . 41 McKenzie's Performance Products . . . . 15 Mirage Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Parker Pumper . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Pike's Family Restaurant . . . . • . . . . . 6 Race Ready Products . • • . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Race Shock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • 49 Reid Pro ..................... 45 Reno 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 7 Road America Off Road Race . . . . . . . 11 Rose Traction Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 SCORE Fireworks 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge . . . . 13 SNORE Midnight Special . . . . . . . . . . 21 Sway-A-Way Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Toyota Motorsports . . . . . . . . Back Cover Trackside Photo Inc. . . • . . . • • . . . . . 4 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 48 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Valvoline Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Whiplash Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . • 10,. Wilch Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 46 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • 61 Yarnell Specialties Inc. . • . . . . . . . . . . 52 Page 63

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INNING Is l'Hf ONLY PART I CONSTANTLY~ AToyota, we completely disassemble our trucks after every race. We replace or improve virtually all of the parts. But over the last 38 years, there is one component we just can't seem to find a way to replace. Our passion and determination to be the best. Believe it or not, trucks can talk. And they have some pretty amazing stories to tell, each one with a valuable lesson. So we listen. And we constantly look for smarter and safer solutions to transfer to the trucks we build for you. Because it's not just about being in the lead. It's about leadership. So, even though we've enjoyed unprecedented success in off-road racing, our most coveted victory is coming in first with our customers. OUR lt/llNDS ARE A&W-AYS IIACI