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1995 Volume 12 Number 3 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 11 - Number 3 - March 1995 $1.50 ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt

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Volume 12 ·- Number 3 • 1 .... : :!: . -~. ~ ', . ' . " . . , Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Barry Don Calloway Carrera Photography Carol Clark Don Dayton John Elkin Homer Eubanks Don Holbrook Martin Holmes Daniel Mainzer Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh ' Darryl Smitp Judy Smith Tony Tellier T rackside Photo lnc. Wizer Photos Art Director Larry E. Worsham rSNAPSHOT March 1995 Subscription Rates: lllril&.riestf~~,. $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subsc~iption rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-440~. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. OF THE MONTH ••• If you like wheel to wheel action try watching a SODA race. It is non stop action for two days, they have so many classes, and so many cars in most classes. The TV coverage is great, but limited on clas_s coverage, al)d face it they favor trucks for advertising purposes. But scenes like this at Road America ~fa dice betwee_n_ the 1-1600s of Greg Smith and Todd Crump, fighting for second place, are common. Smith got the pos1t10n. Crump was third. Photo by Dan Schlosser. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar interest on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for_ the p~cture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclo~e a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Black & white pnnts, 5x7 or 8x10 preferred but clear color prints will be considered. Dusty Times March 1995 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Racing in Baja Sur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 La Rana New Years 200 by Carol Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Maine Forest Rally by John Elkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 SCORE International Awards Banquet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Australian Championship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sonoyta to Rocky Point by Tony Tellier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Mickey Thompson Stadium Racing Awards Banquet .......... 28 FRT Dunaway Dash by Judy Smith ......................... 30 WRC Catalunya-Costa Brava Rally by Martin Holmes ........ 34 1994 Australian Champions by Darryl Smith ...... : ......... 36 Vista Off Road Street Show by Homer Eubanks ........... ... 38 Central Oregon Championship by Terry Silbaugh ............ 42 Skoda Felicia Kit Car by Martin Holmes .................. _ .. . 43 DEPARTMENTS Soap Box by Tony Tellier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes : .... .-........................................ 4 Happc;nings . ...................................... , ....... 6 California Rally Series by John Elkin ...................... . 40 Fair News by Dave Massingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Checkers Column by the Big Wahzoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ON THE COVER - Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway joined forces this year to drive the La Rana Series, and they started out the New Year by winning Class 10 and overall in Kevin's always sano Chenowth. Jim enjoyed his return to desert racing after a hiatus to build his new home, but it looks like this team will be the one to beat in the Johnson Valley and at Ridgecrest. They won the New Year's 200 by a close margin. Rod Millen flies the Toyota through the air in a stadium and you probably \;\'On't see these highly modified trucks in any series this season. Millen has the unique honor of winning the Grand National championship three years in a row including the class swan song in 1994. Somebody give this man a desert truck, he is a winner. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. to S~7~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTE$T GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year - $15.00 □ 2 years - $25.00 □ 3 years -$35._00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name __________________ ---''----Address ____________________ _ City State ---________ Zip-----------f Send check or money order to: _J DUSTY TIMES l 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 I (Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) I Page 3

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SOAPBOX A Crack of the Whiplash Tired of the same old dog-beat , courses? Sick of paying big bucks for small paybacks? Why not try friendly Arizona and Whiplash? Whiplash Motorsport's Unlimit-ed Pros ... Class 1-2 ... pay only $350 per entry for a $225 payback. That's an amazing 64% yield! The other promoters charge anywhere from $375 to $705 for an entry -which may include some mysterious fees and charges -for paybacks ranging from a low of 23% (112.50) to only 44% ($175.00). Sure, SCORE pays back that same $225 ... but that is only 32 percent of that huge $705 Cash outlay. All other Whiplash Pro entries simply pay $225 for a $100 return which is a 44% payback. Sportsmen ante up a so-low $125 for trophies ... 1st thru 3rd ... and bragging rights. These are the highest paybacks and the lowest entry fees you will find. Check it out for yourselt. In order to encourage the entry of all those older cars that lurk in cluttered garages, Whipmaster Jay McKinley has initiated a Vintage Pro class for cars twelve years and older. These cars that are getting out of date need a place to race, too. The $225 entry, with a $100 payback, should get those garage queens out and busting the berms. While there is no pre-running at Whiplash events, there is the Pre-Runner class. "You got 'em? Show 'em off!" The 4-seaters/2-seaters run with_the Sportsmen in a separate GP finish race held before the Pros. In direct contrast to California and Nevada's vast! y over-used controlled desert recreation areas, Whiplash never repeats a race site over a years' seven-race series. There are no blasted out OHV sacrifice areas, just the dynamite Upper Sonoran Desert to race on. Summertime races are held on the northern mile-high Colorado Plateau while so-called "winter" races are run at pleasant sea-level ,elevations during a time when residents of the snow and ice states flock to the Southwest to experience the desert in bloom. During the spring and fall, Whiplash utilizes the beautiful, lush low deserts around the west Phoenix area, conveniently located near Interstate 10. Whiplash courses are indeed challenging but not car breakers. W-i-d-e sand washes; ranch roads; mining trails and barely burned-in two-trackers will impress, challenge and reward all desert rats. Whiplash accommodates both the family oriented drivers and the hard core racers with such events as the mile-high Labor Day lets-get-out-of-the-11 OF-degree-heat "Snowflake Buggy Bash." Equally engaging are the famous "Gila Bend Grand Prix" with it's ·The Off-Roader' s Choice· Page 4 • E-Z ur INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 seconds! NO missing parts NO center poles NO ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter La Rana Contingency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS~ INC. 1ci44'N. C"ole Ave. . Los ~n_geles, _CA_ 90038 CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 Photos: Tony Tellier max' A/B gravel washes ~nd the so-close-to-California ''Vulture Mine 200" held out legendary Wickenburg way. The jewel in Arizona's off road crown, the "Sonoyta to Rocky Point" race to the Sea of Cortez ( one of the few point-to-point desert races around, if there are any others at all), ranks as one of the neatest races anywhere. Think of it as a Sonoran "Mexicali-to-San Felipe" run. Out-of-state racers need only drive an extra two, three hours over and above the time required to teach the higher-priced and less-payback Imperial Valley, High Desert and Nevada events. And no bands of ro~ming bureau-crats and armed authority figures will interfere with your desert communion. SCORE car racers will be able to register with Jay and Jackie at Contingency for a $40 entry fee discount. Sign up, display two "Whiplash" decals and get a break on the bucks. Motorcycle and A TV riders will get ten bucks off the already low bike entry fee. In addition, Dual Sport riders will have a separate class this year. Licensed motorcycles only, please. Contingency sponsors include such well-known supporters of off roading as Sway-A-Way; PCI; McKenzies and Unocal 76 plus a variety of local racing enthusiasts. And for those that pre-enter and simply attend the Driver's Meeting, special cash drawings are held at the post-race award ceremonies. An extra $600 was won by Levi Beard at the Snowflake race last year! Membership fees? None, if you are not interested in a series championship. $25 if you are. Late fees? Ten dollars. Not that hard on the old too-thin racing wallet, huh? Call (602) 971-3730 for further information.· Try Whiplash ... you WILL like us! Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of the sport. Your words, short of being libelous, will be printed. So, send along your praise or damnation on your Soap Box topic to Dusty Times, 2075 1 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 913II-4408. March 1995 Trail Notes ••• THE ROUGH RIDERS EXPAND - The FordlBFGoodrich Rough Riders program has two new entries for the 1995 off road racing season. The Rough Riders compete in three light truck series, the SCORE International desert series, the Superior Off Road Drivers Association (SODA) Series in the Midwest, and the newly reformatted Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group's (MTEG) stadium off road series. Joining the current teams for 1995 will be Steve Olliges' Team Lightening in the SCORE Pro Series and Geoff Door in Class 4 in the SODA series. All will wear the familiar red, white and blue paint scheme of the major team sponsors, Ford Motor Co. and BFGoodrich Tires. Running under the Rough Rider banner in the SCORE/ Tecate Trophy-Truck Series for 1995 will be Pau~ and Dave Simon, Ford F-150; John Swift Motorsports Ford Ranger, and defending Champion Rob MacCachren in the Venable Racing Ford F-150. Enduro Racing's Class8 Ford F-150 will be piloted by David Ashley and Dan Smith in the SCORE Pro Series. In desert competition the addition of Steve Olliges and Tim Casey in their Team lightening 2WD Ford Lightening F-150 will represent the Rough Riders in the SCORE Pro Series Full Stock class. Olliges, of Las Vegas, and co-driver Casey from Brea, CA qptured the Full Stock title in 1994, their first complete season in off road competition. The Full Stock class will increase oportunities for the Rough Riders motorsports partners to test and develop O.E. and aftermarketcomponents and products on a completely stock racing vehicle in the grueling desert environment. · Carrying the Rough Rider banner in the SODA Series for 1995 will be Scott Taylor who joined the group last season. Scott will agaip field a Class 7S Ranger and his Class 8 big engined Ford. On his way to his fourth consecutive Class 8 championship in 1994 Taylor earned seven victories in the 10 race series, his first season as a Rough Rider. The Belvidere, IL native Rough Rider sophomore will be joined by a freshman in 1995, Geoff Dorr of Rockford, IL. Although he may be a Rough Rider freshman, Dorr is by no means a freshman on the SODA circuit, with some 30 years of off road racing experience. He will drive a Class 4 Ford F-150 in the SODA series to defend his title in that class. He brings 4WD back into the Rough Riders stable. In the MTEG Stadium Series Rob MacCachren will drive a Class 8 type 2 WD V -8 full sized F-150 in the reformatted Thunder Truck class. So, the Rough Riders have ten drivers, seven teams, fielding nine Fords in three racing series for 1995. The Best Never Rest. THE HAVASU HAPPENING has a new location this month. The Havasu Happening for street rod, race car, muscle car, truck, off road vehicle, boat, motorcycle and golf car show will be on the golf course at the lovely London Bridge Resort in Lake Havasu City, AZ on March 31, April 1-2, 1995. This open show is sponsored by Bud Light, K C HiLites, BFGoodrich, Ultra Wheels, Southwest Chevrolet, KFLG Radio and the friendly merchants of Lake Havasu City. Features include a Friday night cruise to Chili Charlie's restaurant with a no host bar and old time parking lot cruisin'. The show and , shine on the grass Saturday will have a model car contest for kids and is followed by a banquet with music, dancing and a 50's period costume contest. Early entries are entitled to special drawings for a set of Ultra Wheels and a set of BFG tires. Bring your Harley and your trick golf car to cruise around with, we'll even have classes for them and special rates for multiple vehicles. Please call our show hotline at (602) 855-6125 (24 hour recorded message) For vendor information please call our office (602) 855-2208. MARTIN HOLMES RALLYING has produced another fine hard cover book, that covers the entire 1994 international season. The proper title is Pirelli World Rallying by Martin Holmes and this year enthusiasts can get a copy in the USA. The distributor is Andrew Wos, Rallysport Inc., 18 Madison Road, Fairfield, NJ 07004; telephone(201 )575-4144, or Fax(201 )575-2508. The book is full of outstanding color pictures as well as the text covering several series. It is well worth whatever the costJor the true rally enthusiast. NEWS FROM GLEN HELEN RACEWAY came just as we went to press. McKenzie's Performance Products of Anaheim, CA will sponsor the 1995 Short Course Championship Series at Glen Helen near San Bernardino. With McKenzie's as the new title sponsor of the 1995 Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series the series has been renamed McKenzie's Short Course Championsip at Glen Helen. BBM Marketing Promotions of Long Beach will host the Series at Glen Helen Raceway in San Bernardino for the second year running in conjunction with Glen Helen Racing Inc. The only off road series of its kind in southern California, the Series moves from Saturday to Sunday this year beginning with the race on February 5, with six subsequent races to be held March 19, April 30,June 25, August 6, October 22 and December 3. Designed by BBM's Bob Beyer to recreate the Baja experience on a smaller scale for California off roaders, this hair raising, fast paced one mile off road event features classes for both stadium and desert race vehicles, including A TV, Pilots and Odysseys. "Bob and I are really excited to have Jeff Quinn of McKenzie's on board for '95," said Glen Helen President Bud Feldkamp, an off road racer himself. "The relationship couldn't be more ideal. Having an off road racer, fan and dedicated supporter like Jeff sponsoring the McKenzies' Series is exactly what we hoped for. With.McKenzie's as a major sponsor, we are well on the road to building Glen Helen as the #1 off road venue in southern California. We're thrilled to be working with a friend and colleague who really understands off road and what it means to those who love it." Glen Helen opens each Sunday race day at 6:30 a.m. for registration. practice begins at 10:00 a.m. and racing starts at noon in front of the grandstand seating. Low gate fees -$10 for adults, $5 for teens age 12 to 15 and children under 12 are free. Low racer entry fees continue to make this an affordable all day activity for the entire family. Free overnight parking is available for racers on the Saturday preceding each race. For more info call BBM at (310) 988-6250. Located five miles north of San Bernardino at the San Bernardino Regional Parks and Recreation area in Devore, the Park is at the Palm Avenue/Kendall Drive exit of the I-215. The exit west to the park. DAY RACING - In 1987, when Day Racing and Fiesta Ford began to put together a new entry in off road racing we had a goal in mind. In 1990 when Day Racing and Fiesta Ford oflndio, CA, joined together as a Professional Off Road Racing Partnership we had a goal in mind, In 1994, when Day Racing-Fiesta Ford negotiated with existing and prospective sponsors for the 1995 season we had a goal in mind. The goal I am referring to was to build our outside sponsor base to the point that our racing program was self sufficient in terms of outside sponsorship funding. From the beginning we knew that to meet our goal of outside sponsorship P" Dusty Times

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1995 Happenings ASOCIACION EST AT AL de AUTOMOVILISMO Sam Lasell, Tech Inspector APTO42 San Jose de] Cabo Baja Calif. de! Sur, Mexico March 19, 1995 4 laps of 50 miles each San Jose de] Cabo, B.C.S. April 30, 1995 Dos Mares -300 miles Coast to Coast Loop La Pa:, B.C.S. June 24-25, 1995 Coyote 300 KM La Pa: to L1 Pa: loop La Pa:, B.C.S. August 26-2 7, 1995 Corona 500 miles San Ignacio to La Pa: Baja Calif. de! Sur October 15, 1995 Todo Santos to La Pa: 180 miles La Pa:, B.C.S. November 20, 1995 Short Course Race Cuidad Constitucion Baja Calif. de! Sur AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 011-18-07-298-5 22 April 16, 1995 . Kempsey New South Wales May 28, 1995 Goodiwindi Queensland July 16, 1995 Griffith New South Wales September 10, 1995 Mt. Gambier South Australia November 12, 1995 Puckapunyal Victoria AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Rlainvilll', Quebec, Canada K7B 1 HJ (514) 434-5792 BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645..0003 , (817) 641-9985 Gme Peugh (817) 790-8268 nights 1995 Season Canceled BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31 . 163 Mt·xicali, BC, Mexico ( Ml'xicali (65) 68-34-72 BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 Golden Crown of Baja Series May 26-27, 1995 Gran Carrera de T ecatl' 250 miles, multi-lap Tecate, RC. Mexico October 6-8, 1995 Gran Carrera de Sonora 150 miles, multi-lap December 15-17, 1995 Gran Carrera de Campeones 250 miles, multi-lap The first Annual Off Road Open for Cars, MCs, ATVs, Trucks etc. will be on June 30-Jul-:, 1-2, 1995 California Cit-:,, CA BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702)457-4775,FAX (702)641-2431 BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Page 6 Jim Baker P.O. Box 1533 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. May 20, 1995 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 1, 1995 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV September 9, 1995 Bonneville Challenge Wendover, USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Can,1da KOK-I HO (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1995 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box IOI Crandon, WI 54520 (715)478-2222 June 24-25, 1995 Spring Run 101 Crandon. WI September 1-3, 1995 Brush Run IOI Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Debbie Turner, CRS Director 25885 Stanford Hemet, CA 92544 (909) 925-0870 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 May 5-6, 1995 *Rim of the World National & Divisional Rally Palmdale, CA July 8-9, 1995 *Prescott Forest Rally National & Divisional Prescott, AZ September 30, 1995 ( tent) Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA October tba, 1995 Treeline Rally December 2-3, 1995 East of Indio Indio, CA *Final 1995 So. Pacific Divisional championship =ts , C.O.D.R.A. CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 ( 503) 389-2044 March 11 , 1995 Millican 250 Millican, OR April 29, 1995 Rear Butte 300 Millican.OR May6-7, 1995 Olvmpia Enduro Thurston County, WA October 14, 1995 Whiskey Springs 400 Millican, OR CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 Kevin Miller (Baja) ( 605) 224-6923 Don Engleman (Motocross) /605) 224-4967 GUMBO BUTTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (01152617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (6163717 0034) . CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags • P.O . Box 830 Adelanto, CA 92301 (619) 246-7262 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholt:, President (719)531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. 15073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 ( 303) 936-5960 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, GA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-36491(214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 ( 407) 254-5167 FU-DPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619)427-5759 February 11, 1995 King of the Desert ATVs, Bikes & Desertlites; Buggies Cars & Trucks Lake Superstition El Centro, CA April 8, 1995 Buz: Bomb 180 ATVs, Bikes, Desertlites AM Buggies, Cars & Trucks: noon Plaster City East El Centro, CA May 13-14, 1995 Off Road Endurance World Championships aka The 24 Hours of LeFud ATVs, Bikes, Desertlites The most laps around the official 10 mile track in 24 hours wins. 7:am Saturday to 7:am Sunday Plaster City West El Centro, CA August 5, 1995 Rancho Santa Veronica Gran Prix 4 laps around a 40 mile loop ATVs, Bikes, Desertlites, Buggies, Cars & Trucks Tecate, Baja California, MX October 21, 1995 Superstition 250 XI 4 times around a 60 mile loop ATVs, Bikes, Desertlites, Buggies, Cars & Trucks Lake Superstition El Centro, CA December 31, 1995 Dunaway Dash ATVs, Bikes & Desertlites Do~ble Points 5 times around a 25 mile loop Buggies, Cars & Trucks Plaster City West El Centro, CA District 38 Schedule February 18, 1995 District 38 Awards Banquet All e11et1ts near El Centro, CA February 26, 1995 Coyote Wash Bath Hare 'n Hound March 12, 1995 Cycle Parts West March Madness March 26, 1995 Attack Kamakize Desert Gran Prix May 7, 1995 Sweetheats Kiss A~gust 26, 1995 Night Teai;n Race September 1 7, 1995 The Stuart Engineer Desert Sprint October 1, 1995 The Smitty's Cycle Centei;.Mudhen II November 19, 1995 Notorious Dawg 3 hour Team Race December 3, 1995 Rudolph's Revenge Desert Gran Prix GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714) 880-1733 Series Races March 19, 1995 April 30, 1995 June 25, 1995 r,r March 1995 more Trail Notes ••• funding that we must first pass many milestones along the way. We had to present a professional appearance. We had to represent our sponsors in a professional manner, we had to be competitive and ·we had to win. From the beginning we also knew that our goal of outside sponsorship might take awhile. We knew that we had to present a program that had the internal financial stability and technical ability to perpetuate the program while we built our outside sponsor base. Finally we knew that even if we did all the things necessary to reach our goal there was a possibility that our goal would still be beyond our reach. During our six years of Professional Off Road Racing we reached all of the milestones along the road to reaching our goal, including victories in Class 7S and the points title. During these six years the majority of the funding for Day Racing-Fiesta Ford came from within. This was never a problem when a growth pattern was evident. Over the past year and a half we had seen a major slowdown in our outside sponsorship funding growth pattern. After careful consideration to all aspects of our racing program and the sport of off road racing in general, it became apparent to us it was time to either procure acceptable outside sponsorship funding or cease operations. Negotiations with existing and prospective sponsors for an acceptable level of funding for the 1995 season proved unsuccessful; therefore the decision to cease operations of Day Racing-Fiesta Ford was made. At this time I would like to thank our sponsors, vendors, team members and others who were an important part of our racing program. It was through your united effort that we were sucessful in reaching all but one goal. -Darren York. THE SCORE NA TURES RECIPE PARKER 400 opened the desert racing season for SCORE late in January and it was a huge success. 182 cars took the green flag, a far better number than in recent years, even though the motorcycle classes were not scheduled and did not run the event. There was also a big increase in the Trophy-Truck ranks, an all time high of 20 starters. Ivan Stewart, Toyota, won the race Jim Smith was second and Rob MacCachren third, the two nearly tied on time. It was a good race for this class, not a parade as some have been. In the Pro Classes Mike Julson and Bob Lofton won Class I and overall in an A-Arm, VW poweredJimco. Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis won Class 1-2-1600 in a Suspensions Unlimited car by a good six minutes, a wide margin for this class. Of the trio in Class 3 one finished, Robert Hayley and Vic Bruckmann won in a Ford Bronco. Mike Jakobson went solo to win Class 5 by a bunch, and Gus Voldosola and Jay Vreeland did the same in 5-1600. Jeff Lewis won Class 7 by a scant eight seconds in the Chevrolet and Scott Steinberger and Larry Plank won Class 7S in the Ford by nearly half an hour. YoungJimmie Johnson won Class 8 in a Chevrolet by 30 minutes, a rising star for sure. Class 9 went to Rick Poole and Mike Faulkner who survived the mud the quickest. Class 10 was huge, 33 starters and Kevin Davis with Adam Wik won by 12 minutes in the new DavisJimco with a new Wik engine in the tail. Terry Kiely and Chris Woodward started their Class 11 title defense by winning the duel. Another defending champ Steve Olliges and Tim Casey won Class Stock Full in the Ford Lightening. Out of the past came Carl Jackson with Brian Morris to win Stock Mini truck class in a Nissan. The fastest Sportsman was the Mirage of Rigoberto Arzate, Jr. and Sr. That is all we have on Parker right now, but watch for Judy Smith's in depth coverage in the April issue. THE MICKEY THOMPSON STADIUM OFF ROAD SERIES kicked off the weekend before the Parker 400 at Anaheim Stadium. It was rather a slim entry in most classes, the bikes were waiting on the Supercross the following weekend, many cars were on the Parker desert race and MTEG had eliminated both the Grand National trucks and the Sorts Utility class from the program for 1995. The crowd was good, and the debut of the Thunder Trucks was less than spectacular. Only six were on hand for the V-8 class, and Rob MacCachren won both the heat and the main event in the Rough Rider Venable Racing Ford. Bill Goshen won the first Super 1600 heat in a Chenowth and Jimmy Nichols, Chenowth, won the second heat. Nichols won the main event and Goshen was second. The usual herd of Superlites brought the crowd to its feet as Jimmie Johnson returned to the class winning the first heat in the Nature's Recipe Briggsbuilt. Casey Mears won the second heat in another Nature's Recipe car and the team dominated the winners circle. In the main Jimmie Johnson and Casey Mears staged a thrilling side by side battle and Jimmie edged Mears for the win. The 4 wheel ATVs had a good entry also. Mark Ehrhardt won the first heat on.a JP, Greg Stuart won the second heat on a Laeger, and Niclas Granlund won the main event on a JP. Jaimy Scevenels won the first Ultracross heat on a Honda and the second heat fell to Larry Brooks aboard a Yamaha. Kyle Lewis won the main event, also on a Yamaha. Kristie Shealy of Houston, Texas put her name in the reord book by registering the first ever Women's Stadium-Cross Championship Series win in the 15 race motorcycle circuit's inaugural event. We will have the full story and pictures next issue, and maybe the San Diego race also as the series is compressed into six months this season. · RACE ATTENDANCE IS ON THE RISE-Once again a rec·ord number of spectators made their way to auto race tracks across North America in 1994. According to statistics compiled by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. more than 14 million watched auto races last year, an increase of more than half a million spectators, or 4.5 percent, compared to last year's racing attendance. And probably the only off road racing that is counted is the MTEG events and possibly some of the SODA races. But it sure doesn't include the hords of non-paying spec ta tors that come to watch the desert races and probably not the , Pro Rally spectators either, huddled in the usualy cold and damp woods to catch a glimpse of their hero drivers. Wonder what the figure would be if there was some way of counting the masses that watch NASCAR and Indy car racing on TV as well as viewers of drag racing, even off road racing. MARCH 1996 is projected date for the Vegas to Reno off road race presented by Best in the Des_ert, primarily a motorcycle racing organization, and we understand they have run such a race with bikes in the past. The course is laid out, the permits are in hand, and over 500 miles of fun in the rugged Nevada desert awaits the bold and the brave. Classes will include motorcycles, cars, trucks and quads, and this will be the longest off road race currently in the United States. The Best In The Desert head man is Casey Folks who has a good relationship with all the government officials one must deal with on the desert these days. In fact his various permits have been approved, more than a year before his race date. So save up your dollars as this will be a race you won't want to miss. In fact get yourself on the mailing list for information l;,y writing Best in the Desert, 3475C Boulder Highway, Las Vegas, NV 89121. Dusty Times

Page 7

APRIL 7-9, 1995 -RIDGECREST, CA .,, I 1/f:llt.f:i.U.,,, Desert Racing PROMOTIONS IN·c . . 619-240-1335 KERR McGEE CENTER, FRJDA Y APRJ 7th FROM 11am TO 5pm RACE INFO 200 MILES, 4 LAPS 50 MILES EACH RACET START SAT. APRJL 8th AT 9:00am t

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I I ~ I t August 6, 1995 ROD HALL INVITATIONAL September 22-24, 1995 Mickey Thompson South Lake Tahoe, CA October 22, 1995 5445 Equity Ave. California 200 Entertainment Group August 18-20, 1995 Reno, NV 89502 Ridgecrest, CA P.O. Box 25168 Gold Rush Adventure December 3, 1995 (702) 856-3100 November 17-19, 1995 Anaheim, CA 92825 Nevada City, CA Glen Helen Special Events IOK FOUR WHEELERS High Desert 300 (714) 254-3001 September 15-17, 1995 April 2, 1993 P.O. Box 36 Lucerne Valley, CA February 25, 1995 Kern River Jamboree Glen Helen Off Road 100 Cleves, Ohio 45002 MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS Jack Murphy Stadium Kernville/ Lake Isabella, CA San Diego, CA August 20, 1995 ( All events staged at the club gmunds 3749 Needmore Hwy Glen Helen World Championship in Cle11es, Ohio) Charlotte, Ml 48813 (Contact BBM Marketing Promotions, INTERNATIONAL (SI 7) 543-7214 P.O. Box 582, Lakewood, CA 90714 ICE RACING ASSOCIATION MICHIGAN OFF ROAD (310) 988-0250 P.O. Box 8105 CHAMPIONSHIPS USA Sand Drags St. Paul, MN 55108 M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. ( 909) 877 -5045 Steve Beddor 15529 Jones Road March 11, 1995 (612) 937-3816/Fax 474-2769 Grand Ledge, MI 48837 February 11-12, 1995 (5 I 7) 627-6200 April 22, 1995 Thunder Bay Harbor (double points) July 1-2, 1995 May 27, 1995 Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Off Road Nationals July 15, 1995 February 18-19, 1995 Kalama:oo, Ml September 16, 1995 Lake Altoona (season finale) July JO, 1995 Eau Claire, WI 7:00 p.m. October 14, 1995 INTER-SHOWS. Hartford, Ml November 11, 1995 MOTORSPORTS July 22, 1995 GORRA PROMOTIONS, INC. 7:00 p.m. Georgia Off Road P.O. Box 2910 Fowlerville, Ml Racing Association Mission Viejo, CA 92690 July 30, 1995 420 Hosea Road (714) 364-0515 4:00 p.m. Lawn:nceville, GA 30245 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER Mason, MI ( 404) 963-0252 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 465 August 3, 1995 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD 7:30 p.m. RACING ASSOCIATION Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-SL2 Sandusky, MI GPORRA Bob (604) 374-7175 days 1362 I Pierce St. Randy(604)579-9621 eves August 9, 1995 Omaha, NE 68144-1122 Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime 7:30 p.m. ( All events start 7 miles NW of Kamloo{!_s) Bad Axe, MI ( 402) 333-05 I 7 Eve. August 12, 1995 Keith Koesters LA RANA DESERT RACING 4:00 p.m. 6716 N. 106th St. P.O. Box 1365 Corunna, MI Omaha, NE68122 Apple Valley, CA 92307 ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. (619) 240-13351(619) 240-1312 August 24, 1995 7:00 p.m. May 6, 1995 February 17-19, 1995 Hudsonville, MI Presidential 250 May 20, 1995 Barstow, CA August 26, 1995 June 17, 1995 April 7-9, 1995 7:00 p.m. Kalama:oo, MI July 8, 1995 Spangler 200 Ridgecrest, CA Other Dates Pending July 29, 1995 May 19-21, 1995 November 4, 1995 August 19, 1995 Lucerne Valley Jam 250 Banquet at 7:00 p.m. (all races at Weslfair Fair Grounds, Lucerne Valley, CA Diamondale, Ml Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course July 21-23, 1995 MICKEY THOMPSON'S similar to the MTEG tracl<s, and Classes 1, Johnson Valley 200 1-1600, 7S and Quad under SODA rules) Lucerne Valley, CA Page 8 FLAMINGO RD. & THE STRIP 1-800-634-6755 WEST FLAMINGO & VALLEY VIEW • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 1-800-331-5334 OFF ROAD STADIUM SERIES March 1995 March 18, 1995 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Kingdome Joey Vasque: Seattle, WA I 3 I 80 Round Dance April 1, 1995 El Paso, TX 79936 University of (913)855-8899 New Mexico Stadium OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS Albuquerque, NM OF EL PASO April 8, 1995 Joey Vasque: Sam Boyd Stadium 13180 Round Dance Las Vegas, NV El Paso, TX 79936 April 29 or May 6, 1995 (915)855-8899 Pontiac Silverdome April 29-30, J 995 Detroit, MI May 20, 1995 July J-2, 1995 Mile High Stadium September 2-3, 1995 • Denver, CO November 4-5, 1995 June17,1995 ( All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake Rice Stadium Take I-1 o Horizon Blvd exit east 12 miles) Salt Lake City, Utah MID-AMERICA OHIO OFF ROADERS OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION P.O. Box IS David Cronin, President. MAORA Stont•creek, Ohio 43840 2590 Mullanphy (216) 339-4674 or(216) 897-5 100 Florissant, MO 63031 (618) 765-2199 Hill Climb & Stadium Sryle (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series Off Road Racing at Bear Creek Amphitheater produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) Bolivar, Ohio NATIONAL MUD RACING ONT ARIO OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION RACERS ASSOCIATION Rt. Ill -Box 380 Jeff Sargent Dave or Marlene Ryan 1480 Lakeridgc Rd . N Palatka, FL 32 I 77 Ajax, Ontario, Canada (904) 325-5422 (416) 427-4782 OFF ROAD ADVENTURES PIKES PEAK Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O . Box 6962 P.O. Box 1154 Colorndo Springs, CO 80934 Arcata, CA 95521 (719) 685-4400 ( 707) 822-8508 May 19-21, 1995 S.C.A.T. INC. Redwood Coast Jamboree Michael R. King Fort Bragg to Eureka, CA P.O. Box 277 June 16-18, 1995 Morrisonville, NY 12962 Ghost Town Adventure '95 (518) 561-3208 (518) 236-7897 SECOND TO NONE Dusty Times

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SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES May 13-14, 1995 Sports Car Club of America Caliente 250 P.O. Box 3278 Caliente, NV Englewood, CO 801 12 July 21-23, 1995 (303) 779-0622 Midnight Special * Indicates Divisional Rally Las Vegas, NV with 6o percent National Points September 29-October 1, 1995 SCORE SNORE 250 Score International Las Vegas, NV 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. October27-29, 1995 Las Vegas, NV 89124 Double Trouble ( 702) 361-5404 Las Vegas, NV March 10-12, 1995 December 1-3, 1995 Tecate San Felipe 250 Eldorado 250 San Felipe, BC, Mexico Las Vegas, NV April 28-30, 1995 SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD Nevada 400 DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Las Vegas, NV Terry Wolfe June 2-4, 1995 7839 W. North Avenue T ecate Baja 500 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Ensenada, BC, Mexico (414) 453-SODA/(414) 257-0422 June 30-July l, 1995 May 28, 1995 Fireworks 250 Memorial Day 100 Barstow, CA Lake Geneva, WI September 8-10, 1995 June 10-11, 1995 Nevada 300 Antigo Kiwanis Laughlin, NV Antigo, WI November 8-11, 1995 June 24-25, 1995 T ecate Baja I 000 Spring Run 101 The Peninsula Run Crandon, WI Baja California July 8-9, 1995 December 2, 1995 Fox Riverfest Awards Banquet Luxemberg, WI S.C.T.A. July 22-23, 1995 Southern California Great Northern Challenge Timing Association Lake Odessa, MI Elice Simonis Tucker August 19-20, 1995 22048 Vivienda Ave. Road America Grand Terrace, CA 92324 ( 714) 783-8293 Elkhart Lake, WI September 1-3, 1995 SNORE Brush Run 101 Southern Nevada Off Crandon, WI Road Enthusiasts September 16-18, 1995 P.O. Box 4394 Wisconsin Off Road Festival Las Vegas, NV 89106 Oshkosh, WI ( 702) 452-4522 March 17-19, 1995 SWORDS Twilight 250 South West Off Road Racing Las Vegas, NV Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 TRI-MIL EXHAUST SYSTEMS 1 /38 TYPE 1 RAW ...................... $69. 95 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 ( All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowic:, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-0550 (All events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Ree. 434, Owego, NY) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916)925-1702 March 18-19, 1995 Season Opener Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA April 22-23, 1995 Spring Special Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA May 27-29, 1995 Yerington 300 Desert Race Yerington, NV June 23-25 or June 17-18, 1995 (alternate dace) Virginia City 200 Virginia City, NV July 29-30, 1995 Fallon 250 at Night Fallon, NV September 2-4, 1995 Fallon to Yerington and Back Fallon, NV September JO-October l, 1995 Fall Short Course Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA t1EVflDA OFFROAD 8(1(iGY 13/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ............... $100.00 Page 10 11/2 TYPE 1 RAW ...................... $65.95 11/2 TYPE 1 CHROME .............. $100.00 15/8 TYPE 1 RAW ...................... $73.95 15/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ............... S10i.95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200MM DISC ~PUCK ................ $48.00 200MM 1700 PRESSURE PLATE$85.00 200MM 2500 PRESSURE PLATES 103.95 *EARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2" ...................... $23.95 LAP BELTS 3" .............................. $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3" .................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/STERNUM .. $72.95 5 PT. SIMPSON SET BLK.BLUE,RED ...... . $89.95 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW LAS VEGAS,NV 89102 PHONE (702)871-4911 FAX (702)871-5221 March 1995 October 28-29, 1995 Championship Off Road Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA November 18, 1995 Awards Banquet WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WESTERN PENSYLV ANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 ( 412) 532-0802 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 February I l, 1995 Vulture Mine 125 Wickenburg, AZ March 25, 1995 Gila Monster 200 Gila Bend, AZ April 29, 1995 Sonoyta 150 Son yta, Sonora, M X June?, 1995 TBA new course September 2, l 99S Snowflake 200 Snowflake, AZ October 7, 1995 Buckeye Bash 125 Buckeye, AZ December 2, 1995 Point to Point 150 Rocky Point, Sonora, MX WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)688-5509 PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP February 9-12, 1995 Swedish Rally - W CIF2 Sweden March 6-11, 1995 Portugal Rally -WCIF2 Portugal April 13-17, 1995 Safari Rally -F2 Kenya May 1-6, 1995 Tour de Corse -WCIF2 Corsica May 27-31, 1995 Acropolis Rally -F2 Greece July 5-8, 1995 Argentine Rally -F2 Argentina July 27-30, 1995 New Zealand Rally -WCIF2 I AP New Zealand August 25-17, 1995 Rally of 1000 Lakes -F2 Finland September 15-18, l 99S Rally Australia -WCI AP Australia October 8-12, 1995 Sanremo Rally -F2 Italy October 22-25, 1995 Spain, Catulunya -WC November 19-22, l 99S RAC Rally-WC England AffENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming etleT\ts in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your etJeT1t, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 1995 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 2075 r Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 9r3 1 r-44o8. WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ........... $62.95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE ........................................ $ 154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB .............. $32.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER ................................... $ 159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX ..................... $89.95 ULTRA WHEELS 15X4 FRONTS ........................................... $80.00 15X7 REAR STD. OFFSETS ...................... $85.00 YOKOHAMAS REARS 33X 10.50. 15 .................................. $109 .00 HIGHWAY TREAD & TRACTION .............. $85.00 WORTH 1 LAYER DRIVING SUITS ........................... $87 .95 OPEN 6 DAYS, MON-FRI BAM-SPM SAT 9AM-5PM Dusty Times

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• THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN polishing, stroker cranks, etc. This class is great for that old Class 1 car parked behind the barn.You know, the old stand-by that you used to love to race. Classes 8 & BS -Two Classes; the Super 8s or almost trophy trucks, must have suspension limiters same as SCORE Class 8 and run with a 10 minute per 100 km handicap against the almost BS trucks. racers understand Gringo and the other 50 percent will always try. At least 25 percent speak better English than I do. If you should wish, after racing an event, not to have to trailer your vehicle back to the USA and back again, remember "mi casa, tu casa". It could be stored safely here for the next· event. The A.E.A. can arrange discounts at local hotels, and as I have previously said, "mi casa, tu casa". There is always a place to stay. All of the events are CLEARLY marked well ahead of time for leisurely pre-running. Desert Racing Way Down South In Baja California By Sam Lasell Amigos! Do you know that in . Baja, California Sur there is another alternative for desert racers? We have in B.C.S. some of the most challenging, beautiful and fastest off road race courses in the world. Can you imagine racing in this area almost every other month of the year? Racing on different courses too! Wow! In 1995 there will be six ( 6) desert races and one short course event. The shortest desert race is from T odo Santos to La Paz, approximately 120 miles. The longest is from San Ignacio to La Paz, 500 miles over the same route as the Baja 1000, that will go all the way to La Paz this year. All of our races are sanctioned by the A.E.A., Asociacion Estatal de Automovilismo, which consists of the Presidents of the six state clubs. Plus the Presidents there are six secretaries, treasurers and tech inspectors, one from each club. This is under the auspices of the F.M.A.D., Federacion Mexi-cana de Automovilismo Deport-ivo, A.C. We have races close to Cuidad Constitucion. Very fast and straight from Caho San Lucas to La Paz. There are challenging mountains, fast coastal trails and everything in between. Then there is the Dos Mares (Two Seas) start-ing in La Paz and going north friend, willing to go out of his or along the Sea of Cortez, crossing her way to help. By the way we the peninsula to the Pacific don't have a Powder Puff Class. Ocean, down to .El Tomate and Anyone that has what it takes to across the peninsula another time race off road is welcome here. returning to La Paz. GREAT Watch out -someone's mother RACE! just might beat you. The San Jose Del Caho race will This aritcle was written before be four laps around an approxi-the crash of the Mexican Peso the mately 50 mile loop for a total of first of the year, but then the entry 200 miles. This is a super cha!- fee for each race was 350 new lenging course with some fast pesos ($70 approximately) and running with lots of second and 170 new pesos (approximately third gear in between the fast $34.00) The payback is 100 stretches. The Coyote 300 Km is yrcent with as much contingency approximately 180 miles of the money as the local clubs can get most challenging roads you have thrown in to boot. ever seen. Then there is the Our classes are are similar to Corona 500 (miles) being held SCORE with a few exceptions. August 26-27. The very same Class 11, 9, 5, 5-1600 are exactly course as the Baja 1000. This the same as SCORE rules. Class 7 event is designed to be a practice and 7S run together here with the pre-run for the 1000 at 100 plus fastest first and 7 has a IO minutes miles per hour. And, these are just per 100 km handicap over the 7S some of the events for the season. trucks. Although Class 1-2-1600 What else - Full radio coverage is the same as SCORE rules, we of events by local radio clubs, also run in this class the Mexican Race Club pits, a sponsoring club. Standard Class. This is any 1 or 2 Old fashioned racing like your seat tube frame, no coil overs, no dad talks about all the time. Don't ' secondary suspension, any length know anyone in Mexico? Here we or width and a BOX STOCK say "Mi casa, tu casa" which 1600 dual port motor with PCT means "My house is your house". 34 carb. With the exception of a I found this hard to believe -just valve job no head work is allowed. an old expression I thought. NOT PERIOD. The deck height ~nd SO! When you arrive you will compression are open, but no fly find every racer here is your cut heads. No balancing, porting, Class 6 is a 4 wheel drive production type automobile. Old SCORE rules apply in this category. Class 1 / 2 Open or Libre - 1 and 2 cars only! No trucks. All classes must have a fuel cell, fire extinguisher and amber light (25 watts or more) rear brake light, first aid kit, 3 red fl3i,5 or emergency triangles, nets, etc. You don't speak Spanish? Not to worry. Over 50 percent of the If you have any questions please call me, Sam Lasell at any of the numbers listed: Day 011-52-(114) 2-05-95, Evening 011-52-(114) 2-11-35, FAX 011-52-(114) 2-05-95. Or call Race Ready, Bob ( 619) 691-91 71. Check the Hall)enings column fo; their race dates. Hasta Luego. ~95 Off ROAD -~dHd,!5ulu . ~ ~u . \ ?Races in ?Places! U.1HJ1A:}N1 ~H/ TRUCKS & BUGGIES ----nred or beat;ng on·-------nred orb;g ent,r,,rees · the same old ground? and smaH paybacks? RA1iT~~es =~~~i~ ~iii~ 1 2 3 q. 5 6 7 February 11th Vulture Mine 125 Wickenburg, AZ WHIPLASH Unlimited 1-2 $350.00 $225.00 64% Rough mine roads and flat out along power lines SCORE Unlimited 1-2 $705.00 $225.00 32% March 25th Gila Monster 200 Gila Bend, AZ 50 mile loops, dirt roads and wide washes April 29th Sonoyta 150 Sonoyta, Mexico 50 mile loops, just south of the border .June TBA ?, AZ Working on a new course; details later September 2nd Snowflake 200 Snowflake, AZ October"t' Elevation 6,000 feet, dirt roads and way fast! Buckeye Bash 125 Buckeye, AZ Ed "Beard Seats" Beard's back yard December 2nd Point to Point 150 Rocky Point, MX Rough mine roads and flat out along power lines Fudpucker Unlimited 1-2 $375.00 $138.00 37% SNORE Unlimited 1-2 $405.00 $165.00 38% Larana Unlimited 1-2 $495.00 $112.00 23% Baja Promotions Unlimited 1-2 $395.00 $175.00 44% WHIPLASH All other Pros $225.00 $100.00 44% SCORE All other Pros $705.00 $225.00 32% Fudpucker All other Pros $375.00 $138.00 37% SNORE All other Pros $405.00 $155.00 38% Larana All other Pros $495.00 $112.00 23% Baja Promotions All other Pros . $395.00 $175.00 44% WHIPLASH Chai / 5-1600 $225.00 $100.00 44% SCORE 11, Full & Mini $555.00 $125.00 23% Fudpucker Chai / 5-1600 $375.00 $138.00 37% SNORE Chai / 5-1600 $255.00 $ 80.00 31 % Larana Chai / 5-1600 $495.00 $112.00 · 23% Baja Promotions 11, Full & Mini $245.00 $100.00 41 % * The above figures were obtained verbally from individual promoters. Whiplash accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions or inaccuracies. All purses paid in cash at the event • If you break down on the course, we'll pull you in • Free camping • Restrooms • Friendly Racers I Whiplash Motorsports • 2939 East Grovers • Phoenix, Arizona 85032 • (602) 971-3730 • Fax (602) 992-5432 Dusty Times March 1995 Page 11

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/ • LA RANA DESERT RACING The All American High Desert Trophy Challenge New Years 100 By Carol Clark The new team of Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway plus Kevin's Chenowth made a great debut, taking the Class 10 and overall victory, but they had to fight for it all the way, nursing a sick engine to the flag. This race was the lowest on account of weather was the Thefolksthatstayedhomefor number of entries in a long time. I Mint 400 back in '87 or so and this race really lost out because was talking with Eddie Castro at that was called because the wind the weather was actually mild, the the finish line and was asking him was blowing over 50 mph and it course was a muddy mess, but the what he thought the reason was was becoming very dangerous for cloud cover kept the tempera-and he seemed to think that the all concerned. They could not see tures from plummeting. At the weather was a big factor. He said anything including the pits and very last few minutes it sprinkled they had gotten a lot of calls thefinishline,Iknow,lwasthere a little, just enough to get my wantingtoknowiftheracewould andalllhadtodowasgiveoutthe paper wet, but nothing that be cancelled if it rained or hats and champagne at the finish couldn't be dealt with. snowed, these folks obviously are line to the Yokohama winners and The total number of entries was new to the sport, we race no I was parked about 10 feet from only 74 with 66 starters and 37 matter what the weather is. The the checkered flag and I couldn't finishers. The Class 10 cars onlyracelknowofthatwascalled see who the finishers were · numbered 12, with eight finish-Another new pairing were in the Mirage, Rich Fersch and Bill Varnes, and they also did a fine job in Class 10, finishing second in Class 10 and overall, nearly six minutes back. Larry Bolin is making quite a splash in Class 10 in the season openers, and at Barstow, not far from home, he put the Raceco home third overall and in Class 10. ing. Leading the paek was the newly formed team of Kevin McGillivray and Jim Greenway. Both of these guys have been around the sport for a long time, but not together, so they both have the experience and hopefully will do well together, if this race is any indication, they are off to a good start. They were not full of Bob Scott started the New Year right in his Class 1600 Lothringer. He had scant problems except for one hard landing and the mud, but he finished the His winning streak was broken at this race, but John Prosser and Craig Forest any great stories about the day's events. Jim took the first two laps and wife Lisa said that they were both uneventful. Kevin took the last two and said that the radio went out on the last lap and then the last five miles or so, the car started running real bad, so they figured that they had lost a cylinder or two, Kevin just kept nursing it alQng and knew that he had to keep going if he wanted to take the overall as well as the class win. He did just that and finished just about five minutes before the team of Rich Fersch and Bill Varnes. Bill took the first two laps and stopped only to take on fuel, the car ran great, of course he expected nothing less. Rich said that after he got in, he had a little problem with the throttle stick-ing, but that problem seemed to work itself out and that was the only problem. Rich had tried just about all the classes and likes Class 10 the best even though it is more expensive. He said that the trucks (limitecl) are a little too rough, feels like a BB in a freight car. race first in 1600s and fourth overall in the tough going. Jerry Penhall ran alone in the Penhall car, his own handiwork, and it did very. well as he took fourth in Class 10 and 6th overall in the single seater: Page 12 put the Mirage in second in Class 1600 and a fine fifth overall too. Scott and Mike McKinney took stadium racer Gary Gall along for a ride in the Class 8 Ford, and they not only won the class, despite a few new wrinkles in the body, they finished eighth overall. March 1995 Five minutes after Rich and Bill finished, in came Larry Bolin who has been doing consistently well since his return to the off road community. Poor guy could not even see when he hit the kill switch on the race car, his eyes were so full of mud it was a wonder he could see the race course. He said that the face shield had broken on his helmet, so had no choice but to drive without it. He got lost for about five minutes on the first lap, but got back on course and it was pretty clear sailing the rest of the day, the mud posed a problem in some places, but in general had a good day. I think he wanted to find a place where he could just stick his face under some running water and get the boulders out of his eyes. Bob Scott took first place in the Dusty Times

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Kevin Davis and Adam Wik enjoyed the new Davis Class 10 Jimco, even with the mud, and they had a few delays, but finished fifth in class and 7th overall. Mike Duenas shared the driving with B.J. Bates in his 1600 racer and they come in third in the competitive class and ninth overall, a minute behind. Frank and Sean Krepsz whip over some dry desert in their 1600 Chenowth on their way to fourth in the tight running class and tenth overall as well. Stan Hignett and Brian Saller got muddy early and stayed muddy in the Class 9 Chenowth. They had no problems at all, and went on to take their first ever class win, and they were 16th overall too. 1600 class and finished just about · eyes, but managed to say that he , nine minutes behind the overall had a pretty good day thanks to winner, so it looks like it is the newly awakened Don Hatz entirely possible for a 1600 to motor. Bob said that Don finally take the overall in the future. He took the governor off the motor did have one "landing" out on so that he could run with the big course that damn near knocked boys. The WR Transmission him out and for sure knocked the worked great and the Lothringer wind out of him along the freeway Chassis held together real good, whoops, but being the tough guy even though Bob did his best to that he is, he decided he could ride break it. He did have one flat but it out and not be a wimp. Bob too his excellent pit crew was there had a few pounds of mud in his almost before he came to a stop, Jeff and Tom Bo/ha kept the Baja Bug on the clean side of the road as they sailed on to win Class 5-1600 by about five minutes. The car wasn't this clean at the finish line though. All alone in the 2WD mini truck class Dan Cannon, with both John Harvey and Mike Fetcho co-driving the Fora Ranger, finished all four laps, but the truck had a lot of breakage in order to win the points. Dusty Times _ got it changed and sent him on his way. It did rain a little while somewhere out on course and when it quit he got stuck behind a 5 or 5-1600 for a while, but fir:ally got around him and started playing with John Prosser in his 1600 car and said that John really gave him a good race. When Bob did finish, he had a square front wheel and his right rear was mangled to the point that the tube was sticking out between the wheel and the tire, but was still holding air and got him to the winner's circle. John Prosser did finish second in Class 1600 and fifth overall, but it did take some doing. He was doing pretty good until he flipped the car somewhere near Wild Wash in the wash, said he was just going too fast and lost it, he got out at the end of the second lap and turned the car over to Craig Forrest who managed to keep the car on all 4s most of the time; he just ran into a few things and broke a brake link pin about 20 miles from the finish line, so just kept his stops to a minumum and quit thinking about it. Jerry Penhall took fourth in Class 10 and sixth overall in his Penhall car. He had the lead by about 10 minutes by the third lap when his fuel pump went out and then he got a flat after getting the fuel pump replaced, so it just wasn't meant to be this time. The Bates family is special to off roading, led by their ever loving Patriarch, Gary. Gary and Maxine's little boy BJ emerged from the Mike Duenas 1600 car in third place. Needless to say they were surrounded by some jubilant Checkers dudes, elated by the fact that yet another one of their own took another checkered flag to victory and to be ever implanted in the memoirs of the Checkers files. BJ said that his two laps were a real problem because one of the spark plug wires kept coming off and made for a very bad running motor. Then the shifter got stuck and wouldn't move so he just had to keep her wide open and hope nothing happened that he would have to stop for. During the first two laps, Mikewas fP'" cKE ZIES AF L E S NI· ILTERS YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS! m PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 CJ> .PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 ---------------------------... ~~~~~~~~•"' w 0 w ~ l;l :::! _,_ (/) (/) z :c w ..J a, < :::, 0 w ~ a. :c Q DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME T2 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER .......................................... MRB-86-9305 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-3 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR ............................... MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................ ~ ................. 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MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVERS/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 CV GREASE ................................................ SWE-101 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 CV GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY STD BOOT ................................................. SUP-101 SM BOOT ................................................... SUP-102 BATES BOOT ............................................. BAT-BOOT 930 ROTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 934 ROTAT LEATHEf;I ................................ STC-6001 E FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 L FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 S _SON B A SE TS IPF C CIBIE LIGHTS BUG :A.CK a, 5 m :D (/) () ~ m :D C m :c m g; () :c ,, 5 z a, ~ § 0 m in () () (/) ,, m =l ~ ,, ,, March 1995 Page 13

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Don Bowler and David Moor found some major mud puddles with the Chenowth, but they kept moving ahead to finish_fifth in 1600 class and 11th overall. Greg Saaverdra and Mike Eads take flight in fine style in the Class 8. Ford, and they ended up second in Class 8 and 15th overall in the muddy going. Broth!JrS Todd and Scott Johnson had dad Jerry Johnson riding shotgun as did Kim Martin in the Class 9 Meridth, and the bunch finished third in class. Steve Poole and Joel Mohr managed to keep half of the Jimco visible in the mud baths, and they kept it moving to fourth in Class 9 at the flag. Doing a little nose dive on the not-so-dry lake Jim and Lyndon Petersen recovered nicely with Ken Harris co-driving to second in Class 5-1600. The father and son team of Charlie and Danny Smith had oil cooler trouble, electrical woes, but carried on nicely to finish third in Class 5-1600. IP'" behind the wheel and he only had a flat, so he had a little easiertime of it then BJ. BJ wanted to thank Mike for lettinghim beat two finishers. Scott McKinney the boogers out of his• car. and brother Mike share the Class 8 had three starters and driving chores With Scott taking the first two and he said that the visibility was real bad because of the mud and then he said the truck started handling real bad Second place in Class 8 went to Greg Saaverdra, who drove all four laps and said he had two flats and lost some body parts, things like fenders were falling off here and there but not a problem, the crew was going around picking up most of what fell off. He said that it took his crew 40 minutes to get to him for one of the flats and he had to wait for them because his air jack wouldn't work and there was no one else around to help him. Greg wanted to thank Gary at Tubular Motorsports for welding the spindles that he had .. .. (/) a: LU 0 c( a. (/) LU ..J X c( .. .. (/) a: w .... (/) :::::, ci c( .. .. (/) C, z a: a. (/) u. ct w ..J .. .. (/) C :::::, t; ..J LU w :c 3:: .. .. ** TORSION BARS** AXLES** SPRING PLATES** COIL SPRINGS** SWAY·A·WAY MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY OFF ROAD SUSPENSION COMPONENTS FOR OVER 20 YEARS • • • • • • PRESENTS NEW FROM SWAY-A-WAY MODIFIED 300M RACING BARS NO NEED TO "RESET THE BARS" AFTER FIRST RUN WILL HOLD RIDE HEIGHT FROM THE START 3-5% HIGHER SPRING RA TE FOR GIVEN DIA 5-10% HIGHER MAXIMUM ANGLES OF TWIST MORE WHEEL TRAVEL ANY DIAMETER AV AI~ABLE LA RANA CALIFORNIA 200 CONGRATULATIONS: JERRY LEIGHTON, 1ST OVERALL ON NEW SWAY-A-WAY MODIFIED 300M TORSION BARS JOHN PROSSER, DOMINATES CLASS 1-1600 AT LARANA AGAIN FOR THE THIRD TIME SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG 20755 MARILLA ST. I CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91311 I 818-700-9712 Pagc .14 March 1995 • • !: z " "O z (/) • • " z C) :2 z (/) • • (/) :c s:: (/) • • r-e C) z C ci1 • • and he sort of lost it and sort of · flipped it, but luck was with them, no one got hurt and they landed on all 4s, facing the right direction and just kept on going. When , Mike took over he said that he just hit some killer rocks and thought for sure he'd get a flat but the Good years held tight and the only stops they made were for the driver change and fuel. It was a pretty good day of racing. Bill Barke/ and John Daly were the only entry in the 4WD mini trucks in the Toyota, but they also charged on through the muck and mire to finish four laps and earn the.class honors. . The Class 5 entry was slim at this race, but the competition was fierce. At the flag, after a race long dice, Danny Reider, with Jeff Minor, came out the winner by a considerable margin. Dusty Times

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Tom Costa got his Jimco built Baja Bug in second in Class 5 Patrick Rozier and Brian Grouws had a good run until close to Nathan Ellis and Dave Fisher are local boys from Barstow, but it didn't help much in the unusual mud, but they finished fifth, a/14 laps in Class 9. despite a first lap disaster that cost a good hour and a half in the finish when the Toyotais rear end went mushy, but they down time, but he finished. finished second in Class 1500. -----------------------broken earlier in the week. Greg pitted them and sent them on Second place in 5-1600 goes to said that last year he had lots of their way. Ross said that things Jim Peterson and Ken Harris who motor problems and wasn't going got a little rough on the third lap say that they had a 10 minute lead to go through that again this year, and he pretty much got knocked on the first lap and after they did too much last minute stuff just out for a few seconds, but the driver change, the car would made for problems he said. This - recovered quickly. not start. They had a heck of a time trying to find out what the problem was, finally the car fired up and first time driver Ken just wanted to get out there and keep going. They figure they could have taken the class if it weren't for the electrical problem. Third place in 5-1600 goes to the father and son team of Charlie and Danny Smith. They suffered only a broken cooler and one flat so they [S7 time he got done with everything and got the truck on the trailer, one week before the race. He is hoping for a great year and even though he got lost on the first lap this time, he says if that is the worst thing that happens, he'll be very happy. Class 900 was out in force today with 19 starters and eight finishers. Stan Hignett and Brian Saller took first in class and were real pleased with themselves. This was their first win ever and they said it felt real good. It took them 6:43 to finish the race and said that it was just a perfect race, nothing went wrong thanks to Lee Perfect, Warren Messick, Rick Johnson, Willy's On & Off Road and DJ Transaxles. Back in the driver's seat once again is Apple Valley dude, Dennis Peterson. This was his first race in over a year and he drove the whole thing himself and said he was a little out of shape, but it felt good. He wanted to thank Mattingly Motorsports for his help in getting this win and said that nothing broke, fell off, went flat or started on fire, so he had no complaints at all, and was real happy with his second place finish. Third place went to the Johnsons, Todd, Scott and Jerome along with co-rider Kim Martin. They said that they just had an awesome day and had lots of fun. They ran out of gas on the last lap and third gear is real questionable, the boys said if it weren't for Grandpa "The Old Goat" they wouldn't have made it. The kids used to chase him in the car and now he watches them and is re-living his days behind the wheel through them. Todd said that they just about flipped the car and landed on one front wheel, but luck was with them and the other three followed real quickly. They ran the last lap with a hole in the tranny case and would put the oil in and it would run out just as fast as they put it in. The Bohla boys from Yucca Valley took first place in Class 5-1600 along with their co-riders Scott Boyd and Ross Myers. Jeff & Scott took the first two laps and Tom and Ross took the last two. They said that they went and did a 360 on course along the Hodge Road area and tore the skid plate off the car but that was about it for Jeff and Scott's excitement. Jeff said that he got pretty tired and was pretty glad to turn the car over to brother Tom who ran out of gas twice and got a flat. Tom said that Dave Parsons Dusty Times ■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■71117111 ■ ■ ■ ■71117111 TEAM DON-A-VEE Jeep DON-A-VEE Jeep,, Eagle Eagle America's #"1 Volume Dealer For The Last 5 Years Team DON-A-VEE 1993 Baja 1000 Winners and 1994 Baja 1000 winners Too! #1 JEEP SALES• #1JEEP ACCESSORIES• #1 JEEP SERVICE Only Minutes From You in L.A. or Orange County 800.366.JEEP 800.909.JEEP March 1995 ■■■■■ ■■■■ Page 15

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Cliff Carter and Kevin Reid didn't have the best of days in their Class 9 Kleber with co-drivers Mel Wolf and Rick Windust: they were eighth in Class 9. Frank Omboli with Jim Cochran and Billy Snyder, drove this clean looking Baja Bug to a fine fourth in Class 5-1600, although it got much dirtier. Dave Hendrickson and Brian Maginnis had trouble on the first lap, got in a good second lap, then vanished but were credited with fifth in 5-1600s. Kathy Fay started the season where she finished last year, by winning the Mike Barnett with co-drivers Tom Barnett, Steve Benveniste and Gene 1500 class honors in her tidy Ford Ranger. Sister Stacy and dad Jim were her Jacobsen had some serious suspension woes with the Jeep but got the two co-drivers at Barstow. laps done to win Class 1575. ~ Mickey Moused a by-pass for the cooler problem and changed the flat and hit the gas, but possibly a little too hard and stood the car on its nose at checkpoint 1 and just kept her going to the finish line after that, perhaps just a little more cautiously after that. The Class 7 trucks were combined for money, but even at that there were only two, a 725 driven by Dan Cannon and a 750 driven by Bill Markell. ls this a class or group that is dying out or· what; there used to be lots of 7s, where'd they go? Dan Cannon was the only one out of these two to get in his four laps and it was an effort, too. The rocks were simply everywhere, you couldn't even go around them, they were just everywhere. Dan said he was going to be sure to thank Eddy the next day for placing the rocks out on the course so strategically, he doesn't think he missed a single one. This was such a rough course that it broke his truck, the cab was pulling away from the bed of the truck, so it's back to the shop and fire up the welder time for this West Coast Distributor fOfl A new class this year, 850, had two starters, and Steve Christiano got in three of the four laps to take the win in the clean white stock 8 truck. HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance f>roducts 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 16 truck. Dan got the class champ-ionship here for the last three years and is going for yet another. He missed the Glen Helen point championship by just three points, so will try harder down there this year. Dan wanted to thank his pit crew for the great job and of course most of all, wife Sheryl, who keeps it all together for him. I managed once again to completely miss two finishers. I don't know how, but it seems that the Class 5 finishers Danny Reider and Tom Costa, first and second respectively, just blended in with the cars and since 98% of the world is taller than me, I could not see them. My able bodied assistant, Ex Road Crossing Dave, helps me a lot, but sometimes he finds a long lost buddy and starts flapping his jaw and doesn't watch for the incoming cars and I lose yet another ·hot interview. We will be kind though, Dave will be 62 years old this coming Sept-ember, his days of observing are probably getting to the point where we will have to hire him an assistant, so one can talk and one '_can help me watch for finishers. · Luckily when the two lappers started finishing, there were not a lot of others around, so I was able March 1995 to pretty much handle these guys and gals myself, leaving Dave to jabber and nap at a moment's notice. The Fay Family was the first to finish in Class 1500. Kathy drove both laps so they would not lose the time in a driver's change. For awhile things were pretty cheek to cheek so they thought it best to keep things the way they were. Kathy said that nothing went wrong and she just kept the truck at a good steady pace and ran at just about 85 percent most of the time, occasionslly if she saw that someone in a stone stock was gaining on her, she'd push it a little more, but only when it was absolutely necessary. The mud wasn't too bad until they got passed by a Class 8 truck, after that it was basically racip.g by the Braille method. Once again she wanted to thank Poppa Jim Fay for prepping the truck for the girls. Maybe next race sister Stacy will be able to take over the wheel for a bit if time permits. Second place in 1500 went to Patrick Rozier who said that they (he and Brian Grouws) had a pretty good day up until the halfway point of the second lap when they thought for sure that they had lqst a rear shock. but ·" after jumping out of the truck and checking it at the finish line, it looked like everything was intact and nothing where it shouldn't be. Brian said that he drove about 10 mph on the last 20 miles because the rear ehd was so mushy. Class 1550 had one starter and one finisher, that being Brian Valdez. He had his fair share of problems for the day but was glad to just finish. On the first lap he had some electrical problems and had about a half hour down time before check 1, then got that fixed and broke a lower shock mount and lost a coil spring and then the shock itself broke, this took another hour to fix and they wanted to thank the Checkers at Pit E, namely Morgan and Dennis for welding up the shock mount. By the time they got to the last part of the second lap, they had no shocks left at al( and said to hell with it, let's tighten the belts and go for the finish and to make up time. By the time they got to the finish line they had broken the frame in half and just about broken themselves in half also. They really don't think that they could have made it much further. Finally we come to Class 1575 which also had one starter and one finisher and that was the team of Mike and Tom Barnett. Mike said that on lap one he passed a black truck and played with the two 7 trucks, my notes are very mushy here, as this is when it · started to rain and the press room leaks. It says to the best of my ability that the right front tire kept coming up into the fender well and the axle leak left the rear right front spring bent, then broke. ????? On the second lap the left rear axle bearing went (don't know where it went), new axle, busted front spring. Made a funnel out of a new can to pump oil to housing. The initials DNF are not in their vocabulary, at this point I don't know if it's in mine. Usually I can make sense of my notes but this time I couldn't· figure it out. They wanted to thank Kevin De Vault for the axle, as it was removed from his truck to put on the race tiuck. They had to take it back to him so he could go home. The thanks went out to Tom for being a great brother, T&J 4WD, Anaheim Gear, North American Spring, Drivline Shop of Orange Co., BFG for yet another race with no flats, Neo Synthetic, Explorer, the whole bunch of pit peaple, especially Phil Terrazas and Hoss Massey the crew chiefs. Thanks also go to the Don-A-Vee crew who pitched in and helped all the other racers who were courteous and encour-aging at the same time and Ed Castro for yet another good race. Dusty Times

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• Maine Forest Rally By John Elkin Shown here on a Canadian rally, Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker introduced the new Hyundai Elantra to SCCA rally folk in Maine and very nearly won the event, setting fast stage times on the second section and were tied for the lead going into the final stage: but close to the end, the Hyundai broke a drive axle, so Choiniere and Becker were second, merely five seconds behind. What must people think of four wheel drive. All other classes rallyists? We run in the darndest were represented. conditions under the best of Weather is a bigger factor here circumstances. Blind roads, than most rallies, but mother mostly at night, tight time sched-nature was co-operative for the ules, cliffs, and all forms of water second year in a row as tempera-lining the roads at times. But now . tures were in the 20s the first leg we go to Maine, in December; to of the rally and then shot into the rally. Winter rallies are not new to 50s for the second leg. Rally-the average rallyist, there have master John Buffum reported icy been several incarnations of conditions the first leg which was winter rallies (all seem to be put a boon to Michelin ice tire and on by our own John Buffum) but Hakkapelitta sales. this one does have a special flavor. Rumford, Maine, is where the For those of you that have not rally is centered. Close to ski journeyed to Maine _yet ~or t~is resorts and hunting areas the round of the ?C~A/M1chelm _ town opens itself to the rally. PRO Rally Senes It should be on · Once started the rally heads north your schedule next year. Even if and west onto various paper you do not enter it is quite the company roads around a small hoot to spectate. hamlet known as Oquossoc. Four This is the final event in the stages are run the first night, then 1994 season, most of the points four the next day. The schedule is titles have been wrapped up, sans civil and almost leisurely, teams Group A, but that did not deter get a full nights sleep before 28 National entries from partici- restarting the second day. pa ting. Most of the heavy hitters The Producton class fielded came, the on!~ major missing cars two entries, Bob Elliot/John Hart that have put ma full season were in a VW GTI from the frozen and the Jeff Zwart Porsche, the Eclip_se icy northeast against Jim Ander-of. Selcuk !(aramonoglu, st~ll son/Jim Hurley from the warm bemg repaired from a roll m and seldom icy south. See a Ca~a?a, and Ivan C?risek who is pattern here? Anderson has been bu1ldmg a new Audi for 1995. contesting most of the season and Still there was some pre-rally is starting to become a standout excitement as Paul Choiniere takingsecondplaceinthechamp-wheeled his new high tech Hyun-ionship his rookie year. But Bob dai into scrutineering for it's rally Elliot is a standout winter driver debut. Bruno Kreibich.entered in and defending champion in class an Audi ( what else?), he has not from last year. Bob and John Hart stretched his driving legs since did an incredible drive with the STPR in June. West coaster Sam VW GTI and not only won the Bryan would also try his luck on class convincingly but posted a the icy trails in an effort to clinch fourth overall finish as well! second place in Group 2 points. Anderson and Hurley did a great Some teams that clinched titles job dealing with the icy and slushy came east to catch the action in roads and finished, and clinched the woods as spectators, accept the runner up in the drivers their trcphies at the year end championship in class. Also to awards bash and II each other, Anderson and Hurley's credit "Had I brought the car we would they stopped in stage to help right have been much faster than a rolled over vehicle in stage one. whatshisname ... " Dave Truner, Group 2 continued a -strong Bill Gutzmann, Jeff and Cindy showing in the icy nether-regions Hendricks were there to name a as six cars entered and five would few. As such, with the title sewn finish. Sam Bryan and Rob up, no entries were received for Walden would be the only non the Truck Class, however rumors finishers but their start would be aboundaboutvehiclesundercon-enough points to clinch the struction for the 1995 season runner up spot in the national when the rules take a dramatic championship. The Saab team turn allowing sport utilities with was stµck on stage one and sub-Dusty Times sequently time barred even though they completed the four stages the first night. After the first night the VW GTI of Karl and Wayne Sheible trailed the Toyota Corolla of Damon Mayers and Matt Chester by just 30 seconds, fairly amazing considering a rear wheel drive car was leading on icy roads. Mike Hurst and Rob Bohn had their Nissan 200SX three minutes back from the leaders and well ahead of the rest of the field. Going into the second day the battle intensified for the lead until Damon Mayers had the welded rear end break in the Toyota and was now limping to the finish trying to maintain a good placing. Karl and Wayne, now with a cozy lead cruised in the winners in Group 2 with a healthy margin on second place of almost two minutes. The battle for second looked good for Hurst and Bohn as the Nissan was running well and gaining on the limping Toyota until a tailshaft bearing spun in the Nissan, throwing 90 weight on the roads and in the car via the transmission tunnel. The two wounded cars battled as best they could to the end where Mayers and Chester came home best. John Pezzi and Gary Jones moved into the third spot over the ailing Nissan in-their VW Golf. Hurst and Bohn would salvage fourth and lose the runner up spot in Group 2 points by one. It had been a while since we have seen Cal Landau and Eric Marcus have the success they enjoyed while running Produc-tion Class; it has taken a bit longer for them to master the Mitsubishi Eclipse than planned, but talent like theirs cannot be stifled long as they broke through in Maine with a convincing win in class. Jim Briggs and Chris Poulin took their Mazda 323GTX and brought home a well deserved second place in class over the four starters. Group A was the battle that everyone wanted to watch. The points were at stake between Peter Moodie and Rick Davis. Now, Moodie is a Jamaican and we have it on good authority that snow is seldom seen in Jamaica. Rick March 1995 Davis is from Pennsylvania, big snow area. Have we not this scenario in the movie "Cool Runnings"? However an equaliz-ing factor was Moodie's four . wheel drive to Davis's rear wheel drive. Here was the explanation before the rally: If Moodie were to DNF then Davis wins the champ-ionship. If Davis wins and Moodie finishes second then Moodie wins by one point. If Davis wins and Moodie finishes third or lower, Davis wins. If Moodie wins, he wins the champ-ionship. If Davis wins by any two positions, he wins. Got that? Four Would start in Group A, four would finish. Vinnie Fron-tinan and Frank Arruda have finally gotten the Toyota sorted out for the class and proved it by winning handily. They reported no ills or woes, just a clean run to a sixth overall finish. His team-mates, in his old car, were Frank Cunningham and Pat Cunning-ham, Pat made the trip from Ireland to navigate. The team suffered through then fixed a small clutch problem on the first night but then settled into a comfortable third position in the end. Peter Moodie and Michael Fennell had hoped for more snow, running on the sheets of ice was different than having some traction while sideways, such as snow gives, but the Mazda team obviously adapted well with a second place finish in class, just a minute and a half back from the first and seventh overall. With the Rick Davis and Ben Greisler BMW never contending through-out the weekend with their rear wheel drive it was a title run for the Mazda and the runner up spot for BMW. Open class had all eyes on it. Would Choiniere be fast in the debut of the new Hyundai? Certain I y, there was enough competition to test the new combination. From Canada came Frank and Dan Sprong!, Carl Merrill and John Belefleur were in their backyard. At the start it was the Sprongl's Audi jumping into an early lead with Choiniere and Jeff Becker next. Carl Merrill and John Bellefleur were having some trouble keeping the Ford Escort's 400 horespower on the ground but still held third. The positions stayed the same through the first night's stages. Starting day two Frank and Dan Sprong! had the Audi 40 seconds ahead of Choiniere and Becker in the Hyundai. Merrill and Belle-fleur were a minute further back. K reibich and Hendrickson were now four minutes in arrears but having fun. Choiniere started to up the stakes by taking a couple of fastest stage times and by the end of stage seven had tied the Audi going into the final stage. Sprongls had been here before and won a couple of years ago under very much the same circumstances, it was going to be a wild final stage. At a spectator point part way through the stage reports were that Choiniere and Becker had maybe a second or two better on the Sprongls. With just a mile or so to go in the stage the Hyundai broke a driveaxle, Choiniere, never one to concede anything until i• is over, pushed as hard as he could to the finish but would be five seconds shy. Frank and Dan Sprong! had won their second Maine Forest Rally over-all. Carl Merril and John Belle-fluer had an off stage excursion on stage five and bent some suspen-sion parts, slowing them a bit but still maintaining third place in open and overall position. Bruno and Rod pulled into Rumford fourth place in class and fifth overall. Henry Joy and Brian Maxwell thought they were ready for Maine this year, Henry had been ice racing this year hoping that it would help his Maine efforts. Did you know that ice racers get to run studded tires? Did you also know that studded tires are not legal in SCCA/Michelin competition? Henry summed up his plight by saying he and his crew were, "Studs, without studs." Still the Michigan driver (a place known for snow) pulled off a fifth place finish in his hi-bred Mitsubishi Eclipse. The Audi 4000 of Jon Kemp and Paul Barrows nabbed the sixth spot in class and first of the "low buck" teams. After the rally ended it was a couple of hours break before heading for the Eagles Hall for event and year end awards. Next season there will be two full National rallies in Rumford, Maine, one in the summer and then the season finale here. As 1995 starts to unfold in front of us we have learned that Michelin will continue as title sponsor of the National series. The schedule for next season shows little change from this years, sans the above mentioned Maine addition and a move of the Sunriser 400 to an April date.We would like to thank the Michelin people, the American Rally Association and all the organizers, workers, drivers, navigators and service crews for a successful 1994 SCCA/Michelin PRO Rally Series. RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' - any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • WeShipUPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY 5153 Bowden Av~ .. • San. Diego• CA • 9.~117 .• (619).279-~5Q9 Page 17

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SCORE Crowns its 1994 Champions By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Rob MacCachren accepted the inaugural SCORE/ Tecate Trophy-Truck title and the largest off road championship earnings in the History of SCORE racing on December 3 at the annual off road balquet. Early in December, as usual, SCORE held their annual banquet honoring the points champions and the OffRoadsman of the Year in various categories. The major change was the loca-tion, the Town & Country Hotel in San Diego, CA. In most recent years the banquet had been held in Las Vegas, NV. This is another affair that we missed due to lingering illness, but we under-stand it was a grand affair and the room was sold out, plus the food was good too. After the introduction of visiting officials from both sides of the border, the Master of Ceremonies job was passed to Bob Bower, formerly in west coast marketing for BFGoodrich. Bob did know most everyone by sight, and had some good stories, along with pronouncing the names right also. In between the various activities there was a keen slide presentation of the winners and other events of note from the 1994 season and from all reports . it was a dandy evening. The Trophy-Truck drivers got the big buck checks topped by a $50,000.00 award for winning the championship in this comp-etition in its inaugural year. Rob MacCachren, from Las Vegas, NV, scored 315 points to 272 for second placing Jim Smith of Buena Park, CA. Smith took home $17,000 from this rich series. Steve Kelley oflrvine, CA, scored 265 points in third place, Ivan Stewart collected $7,000 for his fourth place with 260 points. Moving down to fifth spot it was John swift, Oxnard, CA, $6,000 richer, and Paul Simon, Fall-brook, CA was sixth with 241 points and collected $2,000. Other point scores in the series were: 7th Larry Ragland, Phoenix, AZ, 233, 8th Walker Evans, Riverside, CA 223, 9th Scott Douglas, Riverside, CA 187, 10th Bob Richey, Riverside, CA 119, 11th Curt LeDuc, Cherry Valley, CA, 84, 12th Keith Jackson, Hollywood, CA, 69, 13th Frank Vessels, Bonsalls, CA 63, 14th Roger Mears, Bakersfield, CA 51, Jimmie Smith was named Person of the Year, a well deserved honor. 15th Robby Gordon, Orange, CA 40, 16th Doug Fortin, La Mesa, CA 35, 17th John DeVito, Lake Forest, CA 32, 18th, Danny Letner 0. Last month we featured the car class champions in our Salute to· the Desert Champs. Rookie ( to SCORE) driver Rob Nolin was picked as SCORE's Rookie of the Year and he a'nd Todd T uescher also won the overall points title in a very close battle by 13 points over Brian Stewart and another eight over Ryan Thomas. All three teams were in line for the overall starting the Baja 1000, but the bigger numbers in the 1600 class made the difference for Nolin. Jim Baldwin won Class 1 points, Nolin, the 1-2-1600 honors, and Dick Sasser took Class 3 while Michael James won Class 5 . Danny Lede:ma won Class 5-1600; Victor Acevedo won Class 6, Sergio Nolasco took Class 7 and Jeff Lewis won Class 7S. Class 8 went to Brian Stewart and Class 9 to Darnen & Casey Jefferies. Ryan Thomas won Class -10 and Terry Kiely took Class 11. Stock Full went to Steve Olliges by just 5 points over Rod Hall, and Stock Mini honors went to defending champion Scott Sells. In the Motorcycle Division Danny Hamel won overall and Class 22 with a variety of co-riders throu hout the season. Genial Dan Newsome accepted BFGoodrich trophies for both Pit Support Team of the Year and Contingency Company of the Year. Brian Stewart accepted the Entry Sponsor of the Year award for the Barbary Coast and here he holds his own True Grit award. Engine Builder of the Year honors went to Adam Wik, most deserving as his small bore engines are winning in five different series. Page 18 March 1995 Dusty Times

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• Chenowth won the Off Roadsman trophy for Original Buggy Chassis, Mike Thomas accepting. Named Rookie of the Year was Tom Rusich who also gets a Toyota Milestong trophy. Named Ph.otographer(s) of the Year again were Bill and Diane Thompson. · · nominees in each category were listed on the program, the final vote had been taken a couple weeks earlier b y mail and the. winers would take home the unique Off Roadsman trophies featuring a la rge rock on the wooden troph y plus a large plaque. The Motorcycle Manufacturer of the Year ho n o r went to Kawasaki, and the Original Buggy Chassis Manufacturer of the Year honor went to Chenowth, accept-ed hy boss man Mike Thomas. The chosen Engine Builder of the Year was Adam Wik and Russ Wernimont was chosen Mech-anic of the Year. The Photog-· rapher of the Year trophy again went to Carrera Photography, and Jean Calvin again won the Flanked by some of his partners Danny Hamel was overall and Class 22 champion. Les Unger of Toyota Motorsports is the centerpiece in this collection of winners of Toyota's True Grit and Milestone Awards for endurance. Journalist of the Year honor. Tom Rusich and he and brother EntrySponsoroftheYearwasthe Frank really were rookies in Barbary Coast Hotel, and 1994. BFGoodrich won double honors. Les Unger, Toyota Motorsport The popular tire company was Manager, presented the awards to Class 20 went to Jason Tuck, all his True Gritters for 1994. Class 21 to Tim Morton, Class 30 ~ This is the program sponsored by to Jesse Ellico, Class 40 to Bob Toyota that rewards those drivers Van Dyke and Class 50 to Leroy who have finished every mile of (Skip) Crew. Ben Schlime won every SCORE race. All get a the 250cc ATV overall and in Milestone memento, and those Class 24. Just four points behind top guys with the quick mph for the overall was the Class 25 average speed also get a trophy winner Carmen Cafro. and cash. It is a fun series within UltnJ takes the desert &y stori :=, The evening wore on and it was the series with ..;ery real rewards. time for the 1994OffRoadsman Finally the Grand Pri:e the Awards and these winners were trophy for the Person of the Year kept secret until the banquet was displayed. It was a tough presentations. The three top choice among many deserving awarded the Contingency Comp-people, and in 1994 the choice any of the Year trophy and also was Jimmy Smith, truck racer, the Pit Support T earn of the Year wheel manufacturer, generous to honor. Rookie of the Year was the racers and all around good guy . The Motorcycle of the Year honors, not surprisingly, went to Kawasaki. Dusty Times March 1995 Page 19

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Glenn Owen played the spoiler again and with Brent Hill riding he not only won Class 1 but won overall in the Trekka, beating the 1994 champion by nearly two minutes in the season finale. ar urrows successfully kept his points lead scoring second in Class 1 and overall, with Mick Shannon riding in the Trekka. Mark Burrows is the 1994 Australian Off Road Champion, winning outright in three races and he was second in the other two. AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 5 -BFGOODRICH -V6 JACKAROO 400 Owen Grabs the Season Finale Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Mark Burrows may be the new Australian Champion, but it was Glenn Owen that stopped 1994 being a Burrows benefit. Of the five rounds, Burrows won three and came second twice, on both occasions being beaten by Owen, the latest being in Victoria at the BFGoodrich -V6 Jackaroo 400. Last year the course included many creek crossings, but this year it was a very dry and extreme-ly dusty track that greeted the 68 starters. Firstly in Class 1; it came as no real surprise to see Brett Os-bourne set fastest prologue time overall. Burrows, Rose, Wells, Owen and Morrison followed. By winning the start and having a dust free run, Osbourne set fast-est lap while Owen moved up into second over Burrows, Rose, and Wells. Robinson, from Western Australia, was out early with a cracked gearbox, but then the next out was, sadly, leader Os-bourne with a broken output flange. At the end of three laps there was a refuel break and it was Burrows that had got up into the lead role. The Class 1 cars held the Grahame Baxter and Nigel Burley did well in the Nissan Patrol in Class 8 as some of the favorites had big troubles, but he stayed with the leaders, took the lead later on, and with V-8 power won the modified truck class. , BF Goodrich V6 Jackaroo 400 Rasuhs-November 26-27, 1994 Puckapunyal, Victoria • Po. Driver/Co-driver Vehicle Time Qua 1 • Unllmlted Two Seat - 18 atart • 11 flnlah 123 1 Glenn Owen/Brent HBI Trekka 4:28:56 1 2 Mark Burrows/Mick Shannon Trekka 4:30:33 102 3 Daren Wells/Ian McPhee Rivmasta 4:34:28 151 4 Les & Amie Brown Hornet 4:37:11 104 5 Hayden Bentley/Nev Day Rivmasta 4:41:22 Qua 2 - 1600 cc Two Seat -13 atart • 1 flnlah 204 1 Bryan & Bill Basham SoU1hern Cross 5:15:50 ClaM 3 -1200cc Two Seat - 7 start• 2 flnlah 301 1 Mark & Daryl Warren Southern Cross 5:07:26 364 2 Darrell & Paul Johnson BAB 6:27:43 Qua 4 -VW Baja Bug - 4 start. O finish ClaM 5 - 2WD Sedan & Pickup - 4 atart - O finish Qua 6 - 01allenger Buggy - 7 start - 2 flnlah 601 1 Ken Houston/Darrell Green· Aligator 6:34:19 611 2 P-aul Styles/Deon Beattie Rhino 6:29:13 Claaa 7 - Limited 4x4 - 3 start - 2 finish 701 1 Les Siviour/Geoff Middleton Nissan Patrol 5:17:55 707 2 Eric Whitbread/Wayne Hasleham Toyota Landcruiser 5:40:18 ClaM a . Unllmlted 4x4. a atart - 4 finiah 803 1 Grahame Baxter/Nigel Burley Nissan Patrol 5:19:41 802 2 Peter Hadlow/Scott Foster M~subishi Triton 5:23:34 801 3 Ken & Laureen Smith Holden Rodeo 5:24:48 814 4 Fred & Theresa Parker Landrover 6:12:09 ClaM II - Unlimited Single Seat • 4 start - 1 finish 925 1 Anthony Horkings Buggy 4:54:04 Starters 68 - Finishers 23 - Finish ratio 33% Race Distance 500 kilometers (310 miles) Fastest Prologue -#106 Brent Osbourne 4:14- Fastest Long Lap #106 Brent Osbourne, 36.00 Race Distance - 385 kilometers (240 miles) Page iO 0/A 1 2 3 4 5 12 10 22 28 23 13 19 14 16 17 21 9 top 10 places and the top five were within two minutes of each other, and included Burrows, Owen, Rose, Wells, and Morri-son. Jamie Robinson was off the leaders with a sticking throttle, a problem also hampering Southey. The next lap Owen grabbed the lead back even with a broken shock and bent tie rod! Morrison though was struggling on without power steering. Rose too had a lot of oil over the motor. Owen con-tinued to lead and without a clutch and rear brakes opened up a one minute lead. Morrison was out with a broken turbo oil line, Rose too stopped with a rattled motor, while Johnson surprised all by getting within one lap of the finish before a fuel pump let go. Lee was without 1st and 3rd gears, while Svenson had a broken front beam but continued on. It was a well deserved chequered flag that greeted Owen, who was happy with the Nissan 21 turbo having its first long course run. It was a 1 ½ minute win to Owen over Burrows, with a further four min-utes to Wells. Ever reliable Les Brown came in fourth with Hav-den Bentley coming in fifth after clouting a tree. W .A . 's Steve Graydon drove a good race to be a very close sixth. This series has some really swift 1200cc cars and Mark and Daryl Warren were the quickest in Victoria, winning Class 3 in their Southern Cross and going .fast enough to take tenth overall. Unfortunately there was no such close battles among the Class 2, 1600 buggies. Ken Holt was the· quickest in prologue over Rod Simpson in the ex-Prendergast car. One of the first cars out of the race though was the already elect-!:t: ed '94 champion, Andrew Ziems. He stopped with no oil pressure, but got it topped up and all looked fine but knew if he re-joined, the absurd rule regarding outside assistance would disqual-ify him. Matt Owen also was out with a misfire caused by a rock breaking off part of the main pulley. It was close at the front though with Holt leading Simp-son on his tail, but then in the same lap they both went out. Simpson bitterly dissapointed, a clutch stopped his points chase. That left Bryan Basham as the sole survivor of the class and he went on to win and place 12th overall, his best result ever. In Class 3 for 1200 buggies it was Mark Warren again setting the pace even though he already had the '94 crown yet again. Dean Williams had the tiny turbo sorted and followed. Indeed Warren led the field through the early parts of the race and despite a flat tire held the lead at the pit break. Johnson had closed up to be only three minutes back though. Moore was out with a flat and a faulty coil, Perrin had done Tony Horkings drives in the growing unlimited single seat class and he not only won the class, in fact the only class finisher, he also placed ninth overall in the car he calls simply 'buggy'. March 1995 a motor, but worst of all, Wil-liams had a fire break out and despite using his extinguisher could not control it. Only for the unselfish actions of others who stopped, was only the rear of the car damaged. The class race came down to two, and it was the Warrens that took a fine win and ran a great 10th overall. Johnson capped off a determined year with a rewarding second in class. In the Baja VW category, it was the turbo Renault powered machine of Nev Taylor that set fastest qualifying time. He was also looking to get enough points to win the class championship and opened up a huge lead over his nearest opposition in Troy Gard. The car of Irons was having trou-ble burning out points while Earp's car had the rear shocks break. Taylor then had severe trouble with the front brakes and withdrew. Irons was overheating then broke a c.v., leaving Gard as the only survivor. But he was off the pace a little and was told with one lap to go he wouldn't make the cut-off, so there were no . finishers. In the 2 WO tin top Class 5, it was the Vesty FlO0 with a new gearbox that stormed through prologue to set fastest time, over Watson's VB Rodeo truck. Kilby's turbo HiLux developed fuel problems and didn't start. Watson had the better run in the opening laps and narrowly led Vesty before the Rodeo devel-oped a motor rattle and Vesty was left on his own. But two laps later he too pulled out with motor troubles, so another class had no finishers. The Challengers in Class 6 had a big battle on to see who was going away the '94 champion, and it was reigning champion, Ken Houston that wanted it again by setting fastest prologue time. Dusty Times

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Bryan and Bill Basham won the 13 car Class 2, 1600 2-seat, in their tidy Southern Cross, and they were the only survivor in the class at 13th 0/A. Darrell and Paul Johnson were a long second in 1200cc Class 3 action in their BRB but they did finish, and only two in the class managed that feat. Despite an early flat Peter Had/ow and Scott Foster kept the Mitsubishi Triton near the front all day, took advantage of other's flats and came in second in Class 8 by five minutes. After three laps of racing though it was Paul Styles leading at the pit stop, but it was a very tight group in Steven Grocl, Houston and Wayne Green behind. Grocl though would lose 2nd gear and then the cliff the next lap in the brand new car. Styles was having his motor misfiring and Houston slipped by to regain the class lead and hold it to the end and secured the title. Styles struggled in and beat the cut off time by a mere 4 7 seconds! The limited 4x4s in Class 7 were again headed by Les Siv-iour's Patrol. However catching a slower car in prologue meant he wasn't as far up as normal. After the opening lap of racing though it was the V6 Jackaroo of Mark Manns that indeed led. Siviour soon closed the gap and slipped back to the lead as the Isuzu de-veloped gearbox problems that soon meant his retirement. Eric Whitbread meanwhile was push-ing his 'Cruiser truck along in second. Siviour had a front end problem putting the Patrol into 2WD, then some later brake problems added to his problems. Finally a flat tire for the Nissan, but Les still took the class win, making '94 a perfect year with five wins from five starts. Whitbread completed the distance in fine form to finish second despite a flat tire across the finish line. In Modified 4x4 Class 8, as ex-pected the twin turbo Pajero of Fabio Zarfati set fatest time trial over Baxter's V8 Patrol. After two laps of racing Zarfati had opened up a sizeable lead despite breaking a front axle and being in 2WD. Baxter followed then Smith's Rodeo. Hadlow had lost time with a flat tire. The Pajero continued its trend of breaking axles and stopped with the rears gone. Flat tires were the order of the day and most blame was on 1 bits of shrapnel lying around the army grounds. Baxter suffered a flat and let Smith take over the lead. Pickering's day was done with a blown head gasket. Baxter increased his pace and soon had the lead back over Smith. Then it was Smith that had a flat tire, allowing Baxter to increase his lead and Hadlow into second. That's the way they finished: Bax-ter, Hadlow, and Smith with Parker hanging on for fourth. The '94 championship for the single seater buggies in Class 9 was still open, and it was the big Race-co of Doug McMillan that stop-ped at nothing in prologue and led the class and placed second over-all. McMillan's race though was over very early, with a broken 3rd gear. That left last round winner, Shane Cottee in control, until he Ken Houston and Darrell Green won Class 6 for Challenger Buggies in this car which is named Aligator. Despite a tough battle reigning champion Ken Houston won the race and the title. Les Siviour and Geoff Middleton rode the trusty Nissan Patrol to victory, Les finishing the season . with a perfect score of five wins in Class 7, the Production 4x4 class that was slim on entry here. Dusty Times Eric Whitbread and Wayne Hasleham kick up a cloud of dust with the Toyota Landcruiser on their way to a fine second in 4x4 Production Class, crossing the finish line on a flat tire. Daren Wells and Ian McPhee always have the Rivmasta up front with the Class 1 leaders and at the final race he was thir,d in class and overall, about five minutes back. slammed a tree in the blinding dust. Tony Horkings was leading on points and after Jones went out was the only car left. He still worked on an outright placing pushing higher on the jumps than anyone else. Horkings came 'T<eut through the seven laps to take the class and place ninth overall with the turbo 1800 Nissan. In all only 23 or one-third of the field completed the race dist-ance at the BFGoodrich -V6 Jackaroo 400, which was a very tough and dusty way to finish the 1994 Australian Championship. Personal thanks go to Isuzu General Motors for the loan of a neat turbo diesel Rodeo which impressed me immensely with comfort and power. --1",efJ--O_F_F_R_O_A_D_C_O_M_P_O_N_E_N_T_S_~ * MADE B R IN THE U.S.A. * YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING . . . WE HAVE BEEN LISTENING • • • TORSION BARS ARE HERE! 300 M & Intermediate Grade Material. All Lengths & Diameters Even 1 /2 mm Siz~s Are Available ---~---CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE PRODUCT CATALOG OR CONTACT ON.E OF THESE REID PRO DEALERS D.G.RACING DJ TRANSAXLES JIMCO RACING PRODUCTS DENUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS 17485 Catalpa, #85 10623 Blackfoot Rd. 10965 Hartley Road, Suite R P.O. Box 6057 Hesperia, CA 92345 Apple Valley, CA 92308 Santee, CA 92071 Santa Barbara, CA93111 (619) 947-6365 (619) 240-3930 (619) 562•1743 (805) 683-1211 FEX PERFORMANCE HOTLINE AUTOMOTIVE LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS 1098 SIDckton Avenue 6951 ldlewylde Circle 825 N. Glendora Avenue 1660 Babcock, Bidg. B San Jose, CA95110 Melbourne, FL 32904 Covina, CA 91723 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (408) 295-0707 (407) 724-1270 (818) 915-2212 (714) 650-3035 SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED T.U.F. OFFROAD OFFROAD BUGGY SUPPLY McKENZIE'S PERFORMANCE 1345 Dynamics, Unit D 3255 E. Columbia 2525 E. 16th Street 2366 East Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tucson, AZ 85714 Yuma, AZ 85365 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 996-6260 (602) 294-3511 (602) 783-6265 (714) 441-1212 SCHROEDER RACING PRODUCTS BRANDWOOD CARS 800 S. Flower St. 4319 East University Burbank, CA 91502 Phoenix, AZ. 85040 (818) 845-8283 (602) 437-3107 CUSTOM LENGTH AXLES ARE NOW AVAILABLE • CALL FDR PRICE AND DELIVERY (619) 240-2266 Dealer Inquiries Are Not Only Invited, But Encouraged! March 1995 Page 11

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Melton, Brown and Abbott Rock Rocky Point By Tony Tellier In a most unusual finish Steve Melton, with his new Major motor, finished in an absolute tie for first overall with Brian Brown on elapsed time. The Class 10 winner had a clean run and praised his new engine. Senior "B" champ, agreed with failed to reach the finish line. Schmid, a Class 50 rider and Emerging ace Brandon Lauder-professional pinstriper, that "this bach won the Pro ATV class but was the best racing in a long time. struggled to fifteenth overall It's great to be able to ride full four-wheeler as Beginner (!?) bore next to someone you can Stuart Parker took the overall. trust." In Cars the Class 1 Unlimiteds Quick racers turned out in had an unusually sketchy turn-great numbers to dominate the out. Dan Spencer was moving his standings as small bore whiz shop and couldn't find his car Steve Richards and Sahuarita's among all the stuff while Jim David Perez battled to fourth and Pierce loaned his car to a Buckeye sixth in the Expert ranks. San buddy. No matter, as Brian Manuel's Cliff Hagen demon-Brown ran a flawless race in his strated why he was so successful multi-hued Brown and Brown in the Baja 1000 as he pounded two-seater and collected the the dirt on his high-powered Unlimited win over a fading XR600 to second in the Expert field. · category behind Desert .Center Promising rookie John Herder Brian Brown had a flawless race in the Unlimited two seater, but the class did have a small turnout. It was a perfect bl d h · RCR p h (CA) wunderking Matt Murphy aste 1s ex-orsc e l day.for a low-key guy who got the class win and first overall. -----~======="'="~=~~==============================----.xrho-wl as making his return to Audi automatic trans-SONAYT A, SONORA, MEX, smoked the Sonoran sands to Mark Johnson's organization. racing pleasant enough with a missioned behemoth into a lead DEC. 10, 1994 victory over Snowflake Senior KTM's Destry, who ended this fourth overall. The tough teen- after the 10 second start interval. Newly-signed Kawasaki rider Pro racer Gwin Vaughan and season as the AMA Hare and ager had been injured some The Tucson ex-ATV racer Destry Abbott was the overall Tucson's Todd Davis in the 150 Hound 250 Champion and months ago and had even been i,n built up a five minute lead over motorcycle winner and the fast-mile Sonoyta-to-Rocky Point national number 6, will ride a wheel-chair for several weeks. Brown by the Curio Shop -that's est finisher at Whiplash's Son-desert race. (Vaughn - a known 1995 on Kawasaki's 250 "A" Theracer'sfriend,EdMarcilli, located a 42M -where he oyta-to-Rocky Point desert race hardcharger-wasfinallybackon teaminSCORE(with250Champ showed up with two KX500s stopped for a splash and go.·His while Class Ten's Steve Melton his CR500 after a broken collar Tim Morton, perhaps?) plus and, typically, ended up riding pumped up pit crew, anchored and Unlimited driver Brian bone,crackedribsandashoulder AMAH&HsandQualifiersplus neither. "Mike Young found a by Doug Boelman and spark-Brown were both crowned over- separated two months ago at Gila the BitD events. "I'm really crack on his borrowed bike's · plugged by on-the-ball, take-all car winners in a very unusual Bend.) The 30 degree Mexican looking forward to racing in tank on the jetting loop," the charge girl friend Paulette were tie finish. Scored on elapsed · morning had many of the 100 Baja," the well spoken and soon garrulous truck driver said, "so already savoring the delights of time, Melton and Brown had plus riders shivering before the to be very busy Arizona native we loaned him the Sylvia leading the pack by a large identical times down to the last start but Glendale's Abbott and smiled. "I'm starting college, Marcelli Racing pre-runner. margin. The joy was not to last. digit: 2:52:50. Since Pro purses Davis heated up the rough 30 too." Mike was seventh in Beginner in The hard charger had sub-are only paid according to class mile loop around the granite The senior Expert race was his very first race. Mike Petty was sequently built his advantage to entry, the overall honors were mountain as Todd rode within literally a neck-and-neck chal-on our Baja race bike but had over fifteen minutes by the not fiduciary, but only for those several bike lengths of the new lenge as Kent Nichols and Tom been coming back after a dis- half-way point but was suddenly very important bragging rights. father's KX500. Schmid traded the class lead located shoulder a year ago so shut down by cylinder head Whiplash's Jay McKinley Abbott had to stop at the 20 several times and were often we're all just glad he finished." -problems. The right hand side's proved all the doomsdayers and mile point to open a gate and running side by side. Tom, who two plug ~arrera casting suffered doomsayers wrong and pulled off Todd took full advantage to take trailed at the flag by some fifty Petty admittedly struggled, some sort of irreversible diffi-the first non-ADRA Point-to-the lead into the pits. A Davis yards, could only laugh and finishing ninth in the Experts culty and they wisely caged it. Point race in several decades miscue on the return through the shake his head: "In the end it was while Big Jim "No Race To They were running hard ... is without any hitches. At least starting line area gave Abbott a a horsepower thing. Kent's big Small" VeSterdal flogged his there another way? ... in the deep none that were apparent to the lead that he never forfeited. Des bore just walked away from me CR500 to a more than decent sand heading toward Check 5 racers and what more could you ran the 150 mile course in down here by the beach." third place in the Novice when passenger Bryan Kendall want? Struggling against the 2:45:20 and ran wide open for "Schmid's CR250 worked division. Don "Ain't No" Bull saw the temps climb and told inertia of years of tradition, Jay scores of miles over the unsullied · better in the tight rollers around was third in the Super Seniors John to pull back a bit. When the was apparently able to contact beach sands. Gwin edged Todd the mountain," Nichols admit- while the Hogan boyS, Tim and gauges dropped they thought that the "right" Puerto Penasco by six seconds in spite of being ted, "where he could push right Pat\ had mixed resultS, finishing they had the situation ID'd and people which certainly.included thatbarelyrecuperatedfromthat past me over the deep 'buggy' third Intermediate and a DNF Bryan said "Hit it!" When b k 11 b h O h d seizure at 127 miles in Senior d d Tecate Beer and the Department ro en co ar one. w oops." n t e wi e open Her er id, there was a "Pop!" of Tourism, resulting in a sue-Sporting a black eye suffered roads, Kent's new 440 KTM ExpertS, respectively. They limped into the check cessfulevent.· during the previous week' s couldrunfasterandthatwasthe Quadracerssufferedtheslings where Larry Ragland (honest ... ) In Motorcycles Destry Abbot Laughlin BitD, Abbott was final 19 second margin after the andarrowsofoutrageousfortune listened to it and summarily demonstrated why he is now· ecstatic about his up-coming '95 final forty some miles. Kent, the as local hot dog Russ Pruett and recommended the trailer. riding for Team Green as he season with Jose Gonzalez and '94 AMA Hare and Hound TUF rider Don Weiser both Looking forlornly at the oil-The Struttman clan finally got the EFI V6/Powerglide Jimco working just right as Tom and Mike trailed Brown to the checkered flag by just three minutes, using the latest software for the EFI system. Page 22 ~ ·~ Mike Perez pushed his loud RX7 engine working through a Porsche gearbox to third in Unlimited class and ninth overall. Ross Whitmoyer chased this race. March 1995 Robert Wood had his best ever finish in a trouble free run in the blue A-armed car to fourth overall and second in Class 10 compettion. Dusty Times

Page 23

Farmington's favorite son Stan ~teele drove the ex-Tim Chol/a Boyz Bobby Kirkwood and Andy Megaw had a smooth McDonnell "Mint" winning car to a good third in Class 10 and run to fifth in Class 10 and seventh overall and this team also Dad Jerry Des Roche flew Am West pilot son Jamie to second in class, upgrading the Ford Ranger to 8, and car owner Fred Blumenhagen was happy at the flag. fifth overall in the clean and tidy single seater. p_raised their new Ken Major motor. regretted it in the least. Rueben's • "We're gonna run 'em down brother Robert had an outstand-today!" ... but was on the trailer ing and trouble free run in the early with no rear brakes and a little blue A-armed car to fourth subsequently related broken tie overall and second "Ten" class. rod. Thanks for making the long Texan James Martin, the drive,guys. Ai;cordingt"reliable Prince of the Permian Basin, local sources, that Odessa oil came out with big plans... money spends p=-streaked Raceco, chassis special- ballast, Shannon took off after Steve had a clean run and has ist Bryan Kendall could only Herder. But his run was curtailed been nothing if not effusive shakehisheadandwonderabout by a broken oil cooler line about the engine that Kenny the supposed longevity of the big suffered out past the middle of Major built for him. Last year 3.6 liter motor. "Oil temps. nowhere. was a nightmare of engine woes Cylinder head temps. EGTs. The Farmco boys were tmable and the resulting DNFs. He They were all low. Hey! It's a to make the necessary field finally bit the checkbook for a cool day," he questioned. "This repairs. "We went through seven real power plant and has not will not be cheap," he quietly quarts of oil," the amenable ,------------------------------------------exhaled. "maybe we'll start doing gentleman farmer remarked over our own engine work here in a rare beer. JP's old Chaparral Tucson." Bodman offered that, must be getting long in the understandably, Herder was tooth ... just pre-running for the "discouraged. He's bummin' "1000" it -lost two torsion bars hard." Then gave the Racer's and an engine. Creed, "He's getting pretty up In Pro Ten Overall winner about Parker." Gotta ·love that Steve Melton, in beating twelve 'tude. other Class Ten racers, only had The Struttmann clan finally to say that it was "Super sweet" proved their point in the V6/ as the Buckeye-ian was also cele-PowerGlide Brandwood as Tom brating the birth of his son, and Mike trailed Brown to the Hayden, born a slim three days end by three minutes. Detail before the race. The large field maniac Don has fought an uphill promised a $ 1300 purse but the battle with the electronic Fl race should have been a simple system. "l finally got rid of one-on-one between Melton and ( version zero) and bought the Rueben Wood. latest software. Now it starts all But Ed Beard, The King of the time." A protracted hardware Buckeye, put the ju-ju on Wood deal had the team wrapped by rigging a flare, a "D" cell and around the axle regarding up-and wire "bomb" to his nerf bar. It down-stops on the front end. "l apparently worked as Wood only don't trust metal to metal went a mile before a torsion limiters ... metal has a memory." mount failed. "I can't blame Don never rests. Danny," Wood explained. "Or Mike Perez got his rotary can l?" Ed had decided to re-try rocket out of the garage and, with his A-armed Toyota car after partner Ross Whitmoyer doing finding out that "the toe-in was chase duties, pushed the earsplit- way off. I needed to fix up a ting two-seater to a third place. In trammel." He explained that the spite of a too-soft front end, the car's radical king pin inclination GM Proving Ground engineer's made. for false readings. Ed car was scooping up gravels at hammered the Toyota around every dip and scattering pit the mountain on the ragged edge personnel right and left. Gary of disaster, styling big time. In Anderson drove a good race and fact he soon met disaster and was able to keep in touch with disappeared from the scene. Son Brown for some time but then Levi's "normal" Razzell Dazzell broke up and was on the road car did not fare any better. Later, home before dark. Rueben and the even louder Don Odds-on favorite Shannon Ewing got to tell all of the bar Schulz was still in the throes of crowd how they fixed the Baja reassembling his· recently purch-"1000" overall Pro and Class ased Ed Herbst two-seater using "8" winner Dave Ashley's carb. the components from his Porsche "Buckeye comes through again!" Chaparral so he borrowed Jim Melton was running his Pierce's Type IV pre-runner. normally agressive race ready to With Shane Hill stra ed in for. pick off the slower" 1" cars. But. Kevin Patrick and his stunning wife Laurie are consistent winners in Class 8, and they won this race and finished 18th overall in the street legal Chevy. Dusty Times -to-one. Our patent adjusting, deflective valving system delivers continuous suspension rough yet maintains a c:ornfortable ride on the street Truck and sport utility vehiqe drivers demand more shock performance and Bilstein provides .. . • Highest gas pressure for fade-free long life • 98% efficiency over 100,000 miles • Largest piston worl<ing area (1.81" diameter) • Limited lifetime warranty These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that ~ noonally cost up to $119.00 each. Act now and save! : ID 5.: *Limited time offer on selected applications Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA Performance Products NEVADA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. Toyota Specialist Friendly Ford CALGARY, AB · 403/279·2807 VAN NUYS • 800/553-2840 LAS VEGAS · 702/877-6546 Bramall Turbo Supply COLORADO NORTH CAROLINA MARKHAM, ONT · 800/567-7559 Automechanika Rowells, Inc. ARIZONA ENGLEWOOD· 800/582-2886 CHARLOTTE· 704/333-5213 Race Shock Company CONNECTICUT Autosport Gallery PHOENIX· 602/254-0744 William Sander RALEIGH· 919/872-2002 CALIFORNIA BEACON FALLS • 800/227-9763 NEW JERSEY Euro Tire APS • 800/423-3623 GEORGIA FAIRFIELD· 800/631-0080 CAMARILLO· 805/388-7171 Specialty Parts Warehouse Woodlawn Auto and RV Service McKenzies Performance Products LIBURN · 404/978-2801 LINDEN· 800/959-3658 ANAHEIM· 714/441-1212 HAWAII OREGON Auto Service & Performance Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. ipd MOUNTAIN VIEW· 415/969-1050 . HONOLULU • 808/595-5381 PORTLAND • 800/444-6486 Fairway Sport and Performance ILLINOIS TEXAS PLACENTIA · 714/528·4670 Precision Frame Pro Am Parts and Accessories HIGHLAND PARK· 708/432·0082 HOUSTON· 800/847·5712 AS I · 800/683· 2890 INDIANA VERMONT SAN DIEGO· 619/584·2890 Power Brake and Spring Rovers North·-Rover Specialist Off-Road Wharehouse SOUTH BEND · 800/282-1044 WESTFORD • 802/879-0032 SAN DIEGO· 619/565·7792 LOUISIANA WASHINGTON Downey O.R. Toyota Specialist Brinson Northwest Off· Road Specialties SANTA FE SPRINGS· 310/949·9494 HARAHAN · 504/733· 7326 BELLINGHAM· 206/676·1200 March 1995 Page 13

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John Herda blasted his ex-RCR Porsche/Raceco/Audi automatic transmissioned Class 1 into the early lead, the promising rookie had fifteen minutes on the eventual winner when he lost an expensive cylinder midway in the race. The man from Odessa, Texas is very competitive in Pro Class 10, but this time out he lost his brakes, carried on, then the front end went and he retired. Ed Beard tried again with the A-armed Toyota Class 10, but the "King of Buckeye" had several problems and did not finish, must be discouraging. ~ r eal well in Buckeye. Randy Miller and Bruce Mills have been a solid team for several years, working out their driving assignments in an orderly fashion. "If Randy hasn't driven that race or a certain section, then that's his job "for that race," Br uce explained, " W e want to experience it all." Miller was driving the full race because limited course access, high speeds and the relatively short distance would make any crew swaps counter productive. Driving a well balanced Toyota they have been hampered this year by "the small stuff." "Aire.raft quality throttle cables break; things that should last forever,'' Bruce shrugged. Randy experienced more of that "small stuff" and that was, as they say, that. The othe r Gila Bend team , Ray Echard ana Art Jones, have a different rule. "If Art don't finish his race then he has to start the next!" Looks as if Art is on line to start the next race. They were trailer fodder early. Farmington (NM) Stan Steele made a major change as he showed up in Mike McDonnel's Nevada 400 winning single-PageU ,, tsman 1 winner Tony Pedotto (who would have been third in Pro 1) /es Jim Thompson's Challenger while Bob Weber waits behind to pass m both. sntt'r. Perfectly detailed, the car looked ready for a Hot VWs spread. Stan admitted that the little m otor required more shifting than his " 2" car needed but was pleased with his ride to thirJ place and fifth overall. One more of the Buckeye Brigade, Daniel Hyde, was si delined temporarily with yet anl>ther flat tire between Steele a nJ Bobby Kirkwood. (You knuw, Daniel, if you are actually buying all these tires I'm putting m y stocks into Michelin/BFG t o morrow. ) Hyde, who is nothing if not fast, will be sharing SCORE driving duties with Shannon in 1995. Better get to k nr_,w Dan Newsome real well, pal. Uninformed people may ask: "What's with this Buckeye?" Good question. Buckeye ·is a wide spot on the state highway west of Phoenix that exists to support the numerous cotton and alfalfa megafarms that spread southwest almost to Yuma. If it wasn't for the Buckeye racers, it wouldn't be worth it to throw an off road race car in Arizona. The Woods; Hyde; Shannon; Ed, Barbara and Levi Beard's Supcr-Sea ts; Shane Hill; Jeff Knupp; Melton; JP and James Kirk are all regulars on the local desert car circuit. The Challa Boyz, Bobby Kirk-wood and Andy Megaw, had a smooth run to seventh overall and fifth Class 10 in the ex-Brent Bell two-man " Ten" car. "That 'Major' motor gives major power," Bobby offered over a cool drink. "And I thanked Danny (Fodrill) a couple of times when we hit big stuff." John Nault - well known for hitting Tom Koch's tree-bound Raceco at Parker in his "Ten" with the odd Xtracab-style windows -stopped at the Curio Shop to complain bitterly about getting hit "real hard" by Randy Miller. John then had to get his open gas filler neck plugged with an inner tube square and duct tape. A lanyard on that lost gas cap would have been a good idea. It was a moot point as John ,,was not destined to finish. · · Newcomer, to buggies but not to desert racing, Mark Miller brought out his yellow ex-Cam-eron Steele "1600" pre-runner and took the class win with a tenth overall. Mark, who has such illustrious credentials as a ·"125" class win in the "1000" -"I was on the bike for 12 hours" -with Danny Ashcraft, took wife Danielle for her first car race. "She did great, called all the arrows." But her mic went silent when Mark had to work around the truck of Kevin and Laune Patrick going around the mount-ain. "I was pushing and pushing him. I tried to go inside on the March 1995 Joe Bombardier clears a road crossing on his way to first in Sportsman Class 10, and this was his second victory in just two starts in the car. turns. No way. I broke out all my good sport, Mark has enlisted the lights on him!" help of Cory Sappington for car Mark laughed, explaining how prep. In order to counterbalance he had the most expensive pit . that aspect, Kenny Major will be crew: "Larry Ragland poured gas doing the power plant. for me!" A long time friend, "1600"competitorsJim-Sorell Larry was Mark's role model. and Nels Dutton, finishing ' ' Remember when Larry and second, were lucky to finish at all (Jimmy) Halford won the '500' after a protracted stop to investi-in that pee-yellow Funco? Well, gate an oil light question. "The-that color worked for him so I gauge went to zero right when the figured I'd try the same color red light came on," Nels tried to scheme." He likened racing a explain. "It's full of oil and isn't "1600" to racing a" 125". "You making any noise so we sentthem gotta keep it pinned, they are so on." underpowered." Perhaps ... but In Trucks Mister Consistency, his tenth place finish was a good Kevin Patrick, admitted that he start. And just to show that he is a stopped the Rad Racing Chev-Dusty Times

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rolet "to pee" and that is when the Des Roches passed him in the Propel "7S", which was entered in "8". Kev, with engaging wife Laurie riding shotgun, continues to dominate thls fun-level class. Des Roches' Ranger owner Fred Blumenhagen was _pleased with the second place effort against engines twice their size. Jerry Des Roche did the full driving chores although son Jamie confided (but not off the record) that "Dad scared me a few times." Subway Mike Doherty seems to be using all of Patrick's bad luck for him as Kevin and tall drink of water Laurie pulled out yet another heavy metal win from the helmet. Doherty had yet another sub-level day. With a fresh new 12 .5: 1 V8 nestled between the Subway colors, he took charge from the get-go only to fall afoul of the desert once again. "I broke a coil in a front spring and ( the truck) would corner real great in one direction but, wow, not the other way." On a particularly sharp, too-fast turn, Mike put the newly painted Chevy over on its side. "That girl · in the buggy stopped and put a strap on me and pulled me back over," referring to Melissa Hall's Sportswoman "10" car. Mike then got going ... only to break a ball joint. It was a long day for the new dad. Thunderbird School of Man-agement MBA grad (pretty soon there will be mo re of these running around than all the attorneys in LA) Nick Vanderway started his day off on the wrong T I A All-Terrain shod foot when the 350 V8 refused to start. They tried some ether ... then sprayed it in the carb. Hotwiring it directly cii:cumvented a faulty throw switch. Nick then lost his battery-literally -out of the truck's bed and that ensuing brouhaha turned into a lost four hours. Nick and Mike both finished but their drives took well over five hours. In Sportspersons Tony Pedoto had out-run his chase crew and was lucky to have Jeff Hustin's second leg crew -Ron Colucci and Phil Klingler -waiting (and waiting and waiting) there to help change Tony's flat right rear and immobilize a busted shock ... damage that was found both on the same side. You don't suppose the two events were related, do you? Never missing that missing red coil-over, Tony smoked the final 70 miles to the Sportsman "1" win and an outstanding eighth overall. (Hustin's Pro 5 car eventually found its way to the finish line ahead of Tom Buck's massive 401 cid Honcho ... which lost an oil cooler and loads of time.) The rookie Pedotto was all smiles over a Tecate, or two, at The Reef -the finish line host bar. "This has been a great first season and this was my best drive ever. I can run with the Pros but the entry difference -$200 -is tough on me." He thanked Lost Boy Jim Cunningham and Competition Engineering for their extra efforts and added that race car genealogy indicates that Jack Johnson once raced his rig. Pedotto and his crew burned the race channel airwaves with incessant calls to, from and about " Race one-niner-niner." Sportsman Al V esterdall was proud of his new coil-overs and different arms on his "1' two-seater. "Of course," he realized, '' now the back end will need more Dusty Times work." Al's two-seater was chunky-jam full of big guys as Al put Jeff Phillips in the right seat as an honorary ''¼-ton brother.'' They edged Ryan May by 47 seconds; May who had his steering coupler come apart. "The column dropped into my lap!" So they did the desert deal and duct taped it together for a third place ahead of fun-loving Ken Moore who had the ladies take the choppy run around Sierra Cip-riano before he took over the wheel. The Ball Joint Brigade! The Challenger challenge boiled down to two old rivals: Dave Anderson and Hot Rod Hayes. These two teams run The Good Race plus have the same type of pit crews -that is, anchored by two world class BSers. The advantage goes to Anderson's Rick and Eileen Vogel organization by virtue of DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4·polnt sand rail seat belt .. $7 4. 95 RACE BELTS 2"·5pointmount ... ..... . $79.95 3"·5polntmount ......... $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS .......... . ........ . . $54.95 Swing axle . . ..•....... ... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm·1700# ............ $79.95 200mm•up to 3000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# - 2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks .... . • . . ....... $39.95 4puc /erramic ....... ... . . $44.95 4 puc lerramic with spring hub ..... . ... ........... .......... $54.95 • the mass of"Big Larry" Kimmett. As Rod's pit mouthpiece, Parker Auto's Dick Newell said about Larry: "He makes two of me." But not on volume, Dick. Not on sound volume. Particularly when backed up ( against the wall) by off road sycophant Dino Gory. Dave got a love tap from Sportsman winner Joe "Geron-imo" Bombardier, sending the little OREO buggy out amongst the jumping cholla, kicking up those sharp-needled bolls which, of course, found their way right into the car. "I just flicked them out with my glove. Look here's another one," Anderson grinned at the finish flag. As is often the case, the crews got more excited than the drivers. Words were exchanged at the Well Road stop. But not by the drivers. Rookie Joe, in his second Sportsman win in that many SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 111, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops . ........... . .... . $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930orT-4cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT•4orT-21/anges .ea$15.95 Trickboots(specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star ... . ............... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel·stock width ... . $199.95 8" trave/-widenedbeam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width .... $224.95 10• travel-widened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½"chrome . . . ...... $ 98.95 T-11½'raw ..... · . . . .... $ 65.95 T-11518' chrome ....... . $105.95 T-11 518" raw . .......... $ 72.95 T-4chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw . . ............... $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS ... . $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .. ............ $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG events, was wouncfiighter'n a two peso watch as he finished a lucky thirteenth and an hour or more ahead of Pretty in Pink's Melissa Hall. Challenger driver Mike Long had hamburger hands by the fifty · mile point: "My toe-in was way off," he explained while looking for a big hammer. "I took that road crossing ( at the upper end) at full speed and I should'a been just crawling over it. I thought they were waving me on. I thought I broke my back." With his tie rod well-bent, and him not wearing any gloves, he had to gut it out to reach his pit crew ... where he then discovered that he had a flat right rear tire. That turned out to be the beginning of the end of his short but painful day. Brother Steve, third in "9", tooled into the fin1sh line with a full radius scallop shoved deep into his bumper, looking like a cartoon-character dent. "Oh, I ran off the course and hit this big saguaro. 'Boom'!" He suffered a spr~ined foot and had to be carried out of the bar. Or so the excuse went. Other DNFs included many a local "name" as Pete Sohern's Pro 1 VW ragtop; "Parker 400" Challenger winner Rick Poole; Tucson's Ron Dalke (without Walt Baronick); heart surgeon Doctor Dwight Lundell; the venerable Bill Kurg and jet-setting bayou oil man Dean Whitaker all fell by the wayside. Whiplash's 1994 series point award banquet and blow-out will be held on February Fourth at a site to be determined. And "Thanks" to the person who stole this author's Malcom Smith tool-la_den fanny pack fitted with a radio holster. Jerk. VALVE COVERS PORSCHE STYLE FAN-SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T•1 alternator, Includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I ............. .' ..... $489.95 MK II ....... . .....•.. . . $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, lull contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269. 95 Mount plate .... ........ $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8.95 Rack steering stops ..... ,$ 19.95 T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ........ . ...... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 /¼' longer .......... pr.$474.00 21/, • longer ....... . . . pr. $499.00 4" longer•coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set ... ... .... .... ... .......... $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" . . . ...... ....... $435.00 1-2 1600, M600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 · 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 March 1995 Page 25

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"The cowards neve: The experience is c HOTEL & CASINO, LAS VEGAS THE Formerly known as the "Halloween Haunt" Annual R OHV PARK • SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA NI~ COIICIISiollli11 al FIIIMOIIE 11\fORMATIIII ❖-•:•:•:•:-:-:,:.•.• .:::::•:-:-:;:;:•:• •• SUNDAY SC PlfllE Cllff lCT: G t o a es en ............ .

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r started and the weak died along the way. II -Kit Carson 111 yours .... so is the pleasure! Be a part of history. 'ace. ~HEDULE ............. 6: 3 ..... 6:30-8:3 .............. 9 :0 ............ 10:00 a.m All Classes Welcome Six Entries Make a Class Free Overnight Parking for Race Teams on Saturday Starting Positions Determined by Entry Postmark Mll!ll~!IIF!!ll•!l!lll.lJ!il-■~ flt/ .-5::•:•=::;::= PARK ADMISSION Adults-$10.00112-15 Years old-$5.00 Under 12-Free Pre-Entry Until- 3/24/95 Post-Entry Fees- $225. 00 -..

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-The Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group Awards Banquet By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. The most presitgious award each year is the Golden Heart Award in memory of Mickey and Trudy Thompson. This . past season the choice was the entire Whelchel Family, from the left, Jerry, Tisha, Julie and Bryce. It was most deserving as the Whelchels have worked hard in the sport for many years. We missed the MTEG Banquet for the first time this year, so we also missed out on the gossip about who is doing what in 1995 in the series. It is a fact that both Chevrolet and Toyota have with-drawn from the Grand National Sport Truck competition this year, and that Ford is considering cutting back to one truck. We find out for sure later in January when the series opens in the Anaheim Stadium with an exhibi-tion run scheduled for the Spec Truck class coming in 1996. The only other news of note we gath-ered was that the accelerated· schedule of the series, all over in June this year, is partly to allow the short course racers a chance to run in the midwest or other ven-~es without long, long commutes. Also the series will move to the TNN TV network for coverage for 1995 through 1997. W e do want to show you what the champions look like without race suits and dirty faces. The MTEG affair is very formal com-pared to most in off road racing, and the drivers and riders were all spruced up for the affair. We will start with Rod Millen, the incredible record setting ex-New Zealander who wins in inter-national rallying, Pikes Peak and in off road racing with Toyota. Millen set a record that will be hard to match. He has won the Grand National Sport Truck drivers title for three years in a row, a feat thatnobodyelse in any class has accomplished. Only his Toyota teammate Ivan Stewart has three drivers titles in Sport Trucks, but they were not on ~on-secutive years. Our congratula-tions to Rod, and extend more congrats for his being named to the AAR WBA All America First Team of drivers from every major form of motorsport for the sec-ond time, on the first team in 1992 also. Showing his pleasure that his two drivers, Rod Millen and Ivan Stewart, and the entire P.P.I. org-anization brought Toyota another Manufacturers Cup in Sport Trucks, Les Unger of Toyota said this was the firm's eleventh MFG Cup in the 12 years it has been offered. Now they will give an-other manufacturer a chance to win the big cup and the honor that goes with it. Another strong supporter of many teams, including Toyota, all year was the BFGoodrich group headed by Dan Newsome out of Akron. Dan and his band of"tire busters" and the bright colored tractor-trailers were a fixture all year, and many before this one, at the MTEG pit areas around the country, as well as helping the SCORE desert racers with pit teams all year. Congrats go to this entire group of friendly folk that man the pits in the confines of a football stadium. Jerry Whelchel has been nearly unbeatable in the special Super 1600 car originally built for him by Nye Frank. His title is no fluke as 1994 is the fourth time in the history of the series that Jerry has · won the title. A former motor-cycle champion, Tommy Croft is the star of the Sport Utility Class driving a Jeep. He won the champ-ionship last season in a factory Jeep, but Chrysler withdrew from the series in 1994, but Croft and his new team went right on win-ning in the Jeep that looks like a Cherokee. Tommy is also a four time champion, three times in Sport Utility and once in Super 1600. Congratulations to both of these repeat champions in sta-dium racing. ~""'''·"---"'1 . •·.•·•···•·•· ,, Greg George has driven in every one of the car classes in MTEG racing, but in recent years he fav-ored the small Superlite cars for his competition. He scored his third championship in 1994 in this class, driving for the Nature's Recipe team, who are the power-house in this class. Our congrats to Greg on yet another title. Gary Denton rode to the 4 Wheel ATV Championship aboard a Laeger and that is one tough class in stadium racing. Our congratulations to Gary Denton for his outstanding success and also to the Laeger Co. who won the A TV Manufacturers Cup for the second year in a row, despite a strong factory effort from other and bigger manufactur~rs. Kyle Lewis won the UltraCross championship on a Yamaha, fight-ing for the title every inch of the way with his teammates. He did a lot of winning and up front fin-ishes to earn the championship. A fine team of riders brought Yamaha the points needed for the UltraCross Manufacturer of the Year honors. Congratulations! Personal honors went to Robert Gayton of Albuquerque who was the Rookie of the Year. Coming from southwestern desert racing in a buggy, he adapted to his Ford Sport Utility rapidly and really wa's a rookie at stadium racing. Clari:.: Jones of Team Noleen was picked as Mechanic of the Year, ·another well deserved honor for one of the best in turninf wrenches right. Cor:igratulations to both of these men. The final award of the evening, and the most prestigious, is the Golden Heart Award in Memory of Mickey and Trudy Thompson. This year the choice was the entire Whelchel Family - Bryce, Jerry, Julie and Tisha. The family has worked hard for the sport, and they truly deserve this outstand-ing honor. No doubt the bench r,icing · went on for hours in Costa Mesa that evening, so we bring you a final picture of the Whelchels, the champions choice for the Golden Heart Award. For the third year in a row Rod Millen captured the Grand National Sport Truck Championship, a feat never accomplished before. It was almost down to the wii'e but they pulled it out and Rod won again. · · Along with Millen winning the driver's title in Grand National Truck competition, Les Unger of T.oyota Motorsports accepted the Manufacturers Cup for the 11th time, missing only once in the 12 years the Cup has been offered. Everybodies favorite man from BFGoodrich Dan Newsome hauled this giant size trophy off to Akron as once again BFG was named the Tire Manufacturer of the Year, a·well deserved honor. Page 18 March 1995 Dusty Times

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Jerry Whelchel repeated as the Super 1600 Class points champion. It is the fourth time Jerry has won the title in his career, and he did well in the Grand National Truck action late in the 1994 series too. Gary Denton keeps right on winning in competition and we think he has won this championship at least once before, maybe more. He started the 1995 season in fine form too. Former desert buggy racer from Albuquerque, Robert Gayton had a great year in the stadium series running a Ford in the Sport Utility Class. Gayton took home the "Rookie of the Year" honors. Dusty Times Tommy "the Tomahawk" Croft three peated as the points Champion in Sports Utility Class and, back when, he also won a championship in the Super 1600 class, and many, many bike races in his salad days. Win·ner last year of the A TV Manufacturer of the Year honor, Laeger repeated and won the Cup again in 1994's season. This is one of the largest entry classes in MTEG and winning this one takes plenty of effort. It was a fight down the line to the finish between contenders for "Motorcycle of the Year" honors, but in the end it was Yamaha that won the giant Manufacturers Trophy. March 1995 Greg George is a three time champion in the Superlite Class of exciting racing. Greg is the only one we know that has raced in every car division in the Mickey Thompson Stadium Series. Kyle Lewis rode his Yamaha in the tight UltraCross competition hard enough to just edge out other Yamaha riders for the UltraCross c(lampionship. We ·never forget who makes these machines race ready for the fans to enjoy the action. They don't get much of the glamour, but here we have the 1994 winner of the Mechanic of the Year honor, Clark Jones, of Team Noleen. Page 19

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FRT DUNAWAY DASH McMillin Wins Overall l3y Judy Smith Photos C&C Race Photos "' ~ Mark McMillin put a new A-arm front end on his Chenowth and was pleasantly surprised at how well the car handled; he set fast lap of the day and won overall by just 2½ minutes. Mark McMillin put a new A-1rm front end on his Chenowth, md then drove it to the overall ,ictory at the FRT New Year's ::'.ve Dunaway Dash. He had perfect weather for his . rear end celebration, with clear ;kies and balmy breezes over a :ourse that had been nicely lampened about a week earlier by 1 heavy rain. This event followed regular . ◄ T procedure, being preceded ~arlier in the day by the bikes and \TVs. Then there was a break of 1 couple of hours, just time for the irivers' meeting, and the green lag flew at noon. The course was ;ituated at Plaster City West, and ·an a little over 29 miles in length, .vith five laps required. According o pre-runners, it was rough. The Class 10 cars were first to start, single file, one car every 15 seconds. When they'd completed their first lap they were closer than that. Mike Julson had the lead, in a Jimco, but he was only one second in front of Steve Sourapas in his new RCD, which is an A-arm car, all the way around. In third it was Reuben Wood in a MECO, and in fourth it was Craig Dillon in a Lothring-er. followed by Rick Geiser, in a borrowed Chenowth with an A-arm front end. Julson recorded the class fast lap on his second time around, at 32:45, and built his lead to a big three seconds. It was still Sour-apas in secona, but now Dillon ran third, almost three minutes later, followed by Geiser, and then Brian Ewalt, in a Rabbit powered, A-armed Raceco. This car used to belong to Ron Ryer-son, but Bill Pate, Jr., stepping up from his two seat 1600 car, bought it, changed it around a bit, and gave Ewalt, who usually teams with the McMillins, a chance to try a one seater. He liked it. At the end of the second lap, Julson hopped out, and the owner of the car, Kevin Davis, also stepping up from a 1600 car, took over for the balance of the day. He had three minutes on Dave Rich-· ardson, in Sourapas's car, at the end of the third lap. Richardson and Sourapas, racing the new car for the first time, were using the motor and trans they'd run in the Baja 1000, so were happy for $4800.00 EXCH . . ROSE TRACTION;~, CONTROL ~~~' $4800.00 EXCH. --------r (NltRNl'IIIONl'II -----r CONVERT YOUR BUS BOX INTO A FULL RACE BOX! AVAILABLE IN 2, 3, 4 SPEEDS ~ LARGE HD ----~ -BEARINGS ~ TIIROUGHOUT _ _,,,,--DESIGNED FOR _,,,, OFFROAD RACING -ALL NEW PARTS ALL COMPONENTS BUILT FROM TI-IE ._____ . BEST STEEL ----AVAILABLE! BIG~ 9310 RING & PINION BUSES OR HEWLANDS DON'T EVEN COME CLOSE TO DIE S'IRENG'IH! ~~~~-~~ EASILY MADE INTO M•I D-ENG FOR NEW A-ARM CARS * OVER THE LAST 2 YEARS RACERS LIKE: Jimmy Nichols, Art Schmitt, Dick & Mark Weyrich, Bill Goshen, Rafael Echcollegen, and Wayne Brinkley have torn up the tracks and competition in SCORE, SODA, MTEG, LA RANA, & FUD. Some have won points championships. All of them are faster. WHY? Their transaxles never break! They're guaranteed not to! Something other builders can't build or do! IT'S "SIMPLY THE BEST". Contact: CHRIS ROSE 1700 E. Main St. El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 579-8861 March 1995 Mike Julson and Kevin Davis shook down Kevin's new Jimco and they ran up front all the way to win Class 10 taking second overall too in a really see-saw battle in Class 10. This race is often a test ground for Parker 400 entries, and so it was with Steve Sourapas in his RCD single seater that he drove to second in Class 10, third overall. every mile they got. In third now it was Geiser, with Mike Cohen, taking over for Dillon, in fourth. Ewalt had handed over to Pate, and they were still fifth. On the fourth lap Richardson ran about nine seconds quicker than Davis, but Davis still had a lead of a little over three minutes. Geiser was steady in third, enjoy-ing his first FRT race, and just three minutes in front of Cohen, who was finding the course dusty. Pate ran· fifth, having some carb-uretor problems. He got out at the end of the lap, and put Don Pax-ton in for the last lap. Davis, who says the Class 10 car suits his driving style better than his old 1600, had no prob-lems, and hung on to the lead, being pressured by Richardson, to take the win, and second overall. Richardson, who said of the new douple A-arm chassis, "the harder you go the better it goes ... but you pay a bigger price when something goes wrong.", Rick Geiser drove the race solo in the Chenowth he borrowed for the occasion and he came in third in Class 10, fourth overall in his first try at Plaster City. / Josh Waddell had a good time in his Class 5, outlasted the other entry, and with three laps in with good time he retired the Class 5 winner. Dusty Times

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Gorky McMillin decided to race at the last minute, but it runs in the family, running fast in buggies, and Gorky was second in Unlimited and sixth 0 /A. Robert Wagner and Craig Corda had some troubles with the Unlimited Class Ford but they took third•in Unlimited class after some work and 10th 0 /A. Bill Holt and Darren Hardesty split the driving evenly, started out fourth and unfortunately broke a c.v. on the last lap, but held on to second place in Class 2-1600. ;-:-b-::-ro-=-u:-:-g:::;h~t:i~t-;-in~fo-=-r=-=-se:--c--:o--:n--:d;-p-::-;-:la--:c-:-e-a-n--:d;---;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;:;;;..,..,:::;;;:;::--::-:::-::.::.:;.;;;;.;;:.;.;;;:._~:;:..::..::..~;:..:;;;....;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;----;-h-:-is-s-o-n-,~Bryan, in· the driver's seat. on to second place, as Franklin third overall for himself and He'd been riding for two laps, so and Gall, after a good third lap, Sourapas. Geiser, who drove the • had a good feel for the course, and couldn't complete another. whole thing, got a nice third place stayed on track, and in front. Holt The Class 100 race was led on for his first try in Plaster City, and got out and put Darren Hardesty the first lap by Dave Bonner, in a in fourth it was Cohen and Dillon. in, and he held on to second, "One Of A Kind", recording fast In fifth it was Gary Hamlin and while Franklin and Gall trailed, in lap for the class, at37:54, while he Steve Mamer, in a Raceco. third. was at it. In second place it was Mamer, a biker who'd switched to Pate continued to lead, but Rich and Rick Flores in their Baja four wheels, was racing a car for Hardesty recorded the fast lap for Bug. Bob and Ken Hargrove, in a the first time. the class, a zippy 39:38, and Funco, made a stab at it, but The unlimited cars got the flag closed up the gap a bit. Then, on couldn't complete their first lap. next, and in this batch it was also the final lap, as the Pates finished Bonner had a good second lap, hot 'n heavy, with McMillin tak- their race untroubled, and first, but had to pit to have a broken ing a very slim five second lead Hardesty broke a c.v. He lost 55 front adjuster welded up, and lost over Steve Scaroni in an ORBS. minutes with the repair, but held some time. He ~ Another 29 seconds later it was John DeVito, in his Chevrolet Trophy-Truck, in third, and then In Class 8 David Sykes and Greg Woodington had the big Ford in the lead Corky McMillin, in his mid-from the green flaf!. The competition faded, but they ran all four laps at a good engined, front and rear A-armed .. p_a_c_e_t_o_t_ak_e_th_e_v_,c_t_o_ry_. -------------------Porsche Chenowth was fourth. Just behind him came Robert· Wagner in his Ford Trophy-Truck. . Mark McMillin was finding himself pleasantly surprised, as he raced his new front A-arms for the first time, at how well the car handled. He racked up the fast lap of the day his second time around, at 32:44 (but only a flicker faster than Julson), and increased his lead tQ two minutes and 11 sec-onds as Scaroni dropped out. De Vito was now second. Wagner ran third, followed by Mark's dad, Corky. On the third lap Mark had built his lead to 11 minutes, with Corky now in second place, and Wagner, struggling a bit with ·a broken ram mount, in third. Brent Strait and Paul Ludwig, in a Raceco, were fourth. McMillin continued to lead through lap four, and now had 13 minutes on his dad. Strait and Ludwig had moved to third, and Wagner had put Craig Corda into the cockpit, after a spell in the pit trying to fix that mount. They now had power steering only part of the time. De Vito, in the mean-time, had endoed his truck, and, while no one was hurt, the truck was out for the day. McMillin's luck held, and after stopping only once, for fuel and a In Class 2-1600 the first lap was a close race, one leader vanished, others had troubles but Bill and Bryan Pate, who split the driving, took the lead and ran trouble free to the checkers. change of passengers, he motored the '95 Parker race, he chose to steadily to the finish line and the save it, take the loss, and the overall win. His dad, Corky, season win. But Josh Waddell who'd planned just to watch, but gave it a good try. He did three had been pressed into racing at the laps, though his third was obvi-last minute, was second, and. ously troubled, and it was his last Wagner and Corda had moved lap. Still - he got the win. back up to finish third. The Class 8 race was also fairly Class 5 consisted of just two short. David Sykes had his Ford cars, and their race was mighty in the lead from the first, with short. Vance Allen put himself Reed Myers and Greg Wright, in a into the lead, and after completing '69 Ford, running second after his lap, pulled into his pit and some problem that cost them an parked. It seems he needed to run hour. They then had a good sec-only one lap to cinch his class ond lap, but that was all they championship for the year, and, managed, and Sykes went on all as his car was already prepped for. by his lonesome. He ran a good, consistent pace for four laps, and then put Gregg Woodington in for the final go-round. They took the win, enjoying their first FRT event. The Class 100 race was led from lap 1 by Dave Bonner and Mike Hawley, w,ho have had a good season. They lost time getting welding done, but came back strong to win Class 100 by over half an hour. In the two seat 1600 class, the first lap leader was Gary Bates in his Raceco tandem. He had 24 seconds on Bill Pate, Sr., who ran second in his Raceco, a minute and 35 seconds in front of Jeff Franklin and Russell Gall in their Jimco. In fourth it was Bill Holt, ina Chenowth. Bates, who'd been on three cylinders when he finish-ed his first lap, never even tried for a second, and Pate moved into the lead, with 10 minutes on Holt, as Franklin and Gall lost about an hour and a half. Pate then got out and installed Dusty Times March 1995 This is the :;ystem run by most off road race winners TRI-MIi, B CHROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED CAT Page 31

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Rick and Rich Flores drive a very tidy Baja Bug in Class 100, and they ran a steady pace in second place all the way, and finished a strong second. Vi<;tor Herrera was driving his first race and held fourth in Class 5-1600 in the early going, co-driver Mario Ledezma moved into second at the finish. Bill Osborn and Tim Hart apparently rolled the Bug somewhere but they soldiered on and placed third in Class 5-1600, well back on time though. Ken & Hal Graves led for four laps, set fast lap for Class 9 in the Jimco, but lost a little time on the last lap and finished second in Class 9. While 16 year old Larry Kern ran second for some distance, his father and Dave Dietrich got past and finished third in Class 9, a minute up. Flying flat and level here, Scott Young and Mike Smith had some serious pit time mid-race, but caught up some in their Ford, and finished second in Little Truck class. fP"" put Mike Hawley into the driver's seat to do the final three laps. Meanwhile, the Flores family ran a steady pace in second. Bonner and Hawley went on to take the win, with the Flores team finishing second. In a class by himself, Bob Snaith ran his Baja Bug in what will be the '95 Class 100. There's m~re latitude with regard to motor size and wheelbase, which it is hoped will entice even more of the older cars out to play. Snaith started right with the other Class 100s, and he had a really good dice with Bonner for a couple of laps. He went on to run a smooth race in what is actually his pre~runner, beating Bonner and Hawley by about the length of time they lost with the broken adjuster. Snaith -was proclaimed Bob Snaith ran the 'new rules' Class 100 in his Baja Bug, the only entry, and the winner and he also finished a smart eighth overall in the race. winner in Class 100, 1995. He'd brought the Bug out because his Class 10 car was committed for FRT DUNAWAY DASH RESULTS - December 31., 1994 Plaster City Weat, CA • Pa. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Qua Open -Unlimited Single & Two aeat -11 atart - 5 finlah 103 1 Mark McMillin Chenowth/Porsche 108 2 CorkyMcMillin Chenowth/Porsche 102 3 Robert Wagner/Craig Corda Ford 109 4 Brent Strait Raceco 105 5 Bil Hammack/Phil Bell HI Juffl)llr a... 1-1600 -1600cc Reatrlc:ted Engine -0 atart -0 flniah Claaa 2-1600 -1600 Aeatric1ad Engine - 4 atart -2 flnlah 853 1 Bil and Bryan Pate Raceco 1651 2 Bil Holl/Darren Hardesty Chenowth Clua lllnl Mag - 0 atart - 0 lniatl a... 5 -Unlimited Baja Bug - 2 atart - 0 finiah 501 1 Jo6hWaddel Baja Bug (3 laps only) a... 5-1600 • 1600cc Baja Bug - 8 atart • 5 llniah 553 1 Charla Watters/Bob Hurrrnell · BajaBug 554 2 Victor Herrera/Mario Ledezma BajaBug 551 3 Bil Osbom/Tlm Har1 BajaBug 563 4 Dave and John Gaddis Baja Bug 584 5 Howard and Jason Landman Baja Bug a... 7 • Unlimited Mini Pickup - 3 atart - 2 llnlah 704 1 Michael HenryNictor Lopez Ford 711 2 Scott Young/Mike Smith Ford Qua 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup - 2 atart -1 llnlah 864 1 David Sykes/Gregg Woodington Ford Qua 9 -1600 cc Raatricled Buggy -11 atart -10 llnlah 900 1 Ray MHler/Oennis Daniels Jimco 905 2 Kevin and Hal Graves Jirnco 903 3 Dave Dietrich/ Larry Kern Jirnco 901 4 Jenny Pfankuch/Larry Kern Kernco 908 5 AJonso Lacarra/Lalo Mayoral Jirnco a... 10 -Unlimited 1650cc -11 etart - 7 finieh 1020 1 Mike Julson/Kevin Davis Jirnco 1040 2 Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson R:D 1030 3 Rick Geiser/Robert Wood Chenowth 1004 4 Mike Cohen/Craig Dillon Lothringer 1005 5 Gary Hamlin/Jim Mamer Raceco Claaa 100 -100 Inch we Buggie• - 3 alert - 2 finish 6 Mike Hawley/Dave Bonner One of a Kind 2 2 Rick & Rich Flores Baja Bug a... 100 - '95 rulee - 1 alert - 1 finieh 4 . 1 Bob Snalth • Baja Bug • Denotes overall winner Total starters• 54- total finishers - 36 Course 5 laps of a 30 mile route Page 31 Time 0/A 2:48:34 ·1 3:04:39 6 3:36:49 10 3:36:54 11 5:02:32 •26 3:30:32 9 4:32:28 20 3:33:54 3:46:45 15 3:54:41 18 4:35:02 21 4:40:57 23 4:55:41 25 4:15:16 19 4:43:53 24 4:39:45 22 3:44:20 13 3:45:24 14 3:50:56 16 3:51 :02 17 3:58:58 19 2:50:59 2 2:54:09 3 2:59:43 4 3:04:31 5 3:19:21 7 3:39:10 12 4:16:41 21 3:15:21 8 Parker, and ready, and he hated to miss the New Year's Eve fun. The next batch to take off were ' the 5-1600s, and atthe end of the first lap the lead belonged to Charlie Watters, who had 25 seconds on Dave Hendrickson, in second. In third it was Bill Osborn and Tim Hart, followed by Victor Herrera, driving in his first race, in fourth. Jim and Brian Grill ran fifth. Watters ran the class fast lap, at 42:34, to build his lead to 10 minutes, as Hendrickson faded from sight. Herrera had _moved up to second place, with Osborn and Hart holding on to third, in spite of a newly crumpled look that hinted at a rollover. In fourth it was Howard and Jason Landman, followed by Dave and John Gaddis, who'd been rolled over on the first lap. The Grill team had some problem and lost a whole lap. Watters was holding steady, and continued to lead, building his cushion to 15 minutes at the end of the third lap. Herrera got out midway through that lap and installed Mario Ledezma, who held on to second place. Hart and Osborn were still third, followed by the Landman team, and then the Gaddis car. His regular co-driver, Brian Goodrich, had to work this week~ end, so Watters had enlisted the help of Bob Hummel, to drive the final two laps. This created their only problem. Watters, who's as March 1995 Catching some air past the spectators Charlie Watters led from the green, set class fast lap on the second, handed over to Bob Hummel on lap 3 and the pair won the Class 5-1600 honors by eight minutes. big around as a broomstick, had to loosen up the seat belts to allow room for Hummel, who is a bit more padded. Hummel still led at the end of the fourth lap, but Herrera's co~driver, Mario Ledezma, was only eight minutes back. Osborn and Hart hung on to third, the Gaddis team moved up to fourth, and the Landmans had dropped to fifth. • Hummel, who had Watters' wife, Shari, as a passenger, seemed not to have forgotten anything in the several years since he'd raced, and he maintained the winning pace to give the team the win. Herrera and Ledezma were second, just eight minutes later, and then it was Osborn and Hart. Class 9, the big_gest group_ for· this event, was led by Kevin Graves, inaJimco at the end oflap one. He and his dad, Hal, hadn't raced all year, needing the time to rebuild both the motor and trans, as well as their bank accounts. In second place it was Dennis Daniels, also in a Jimco, only 27 seconds back. In third it was 16 year old Larry Kern, driving in a race for the first time, in a Kernco. His experience had all come from riding with the gentleman who was in fourth place, the other Larry Kern, his dad, in Dave Dietrich's J imco. Fifth place belonged to Kevin Pratt and Wayne Ritayik, in another Jimco. Graves ran another good lap, and held his lead, but the young Kem was right with him, and was Class 9 was the biggest in the race, and Ray Miller and Dennis Daniels had the Jimco ready, worked their way into second spot, then slipped past the leader on the last lap to win the class at 13th 0/A. Dusty Times

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Michael Henry and Victor Lopez got their Ford out front early in the Little truck class, had some good competition most of the distance, but held the lead all the way to home check, winning_the class. only 55 seconds back, in second quicker lap and caught up some. place, being pushed hard by Then, on the last lap, they Daniels, who was another 13 recorded the fast lap for the class, seconds later. The three of them at 40:51, but their heroic effort came through the start/finish check in a clump, entertaining the spectators with some fine racing. The elder Kern was fourth, and now Lalo Mayoral and Alfonso Lacarra had moved their Jimco up to fifth. On the third lap Graves zipped around in the fast time for the class, at 41 :56, and pulled out a bit, so that he was a minute and nine seconds in front of Kern fils. Daniels still ran third, another minute and 24 seconds later. Kern's dad was still fourth, followed by Lacarra and Mayoral. There was a bunch of other cars still running, any of which could have stepped into the breach if one of the leaders faltered at all. Graves put his dad, Hal, into the driver's seat for the last two laps, and he held onto the lead, staying in front of Daniel's co-driver, Ray Miller, by 18 seconds. Papa Kern moved up to third place now, as teenager Larry got out and installed Jenny Pfankuch in the driver's seat. The 17 year old was driving for only the second time in a race, and she was now fourth, coming in on a flat rear tire. Lacarra and Mayoral were still fifth. None of these folks were having any problems, and Miller and Daniels went on steadily to the checkered flag, slipping by the Graves car to take the win by a minute and four seconds. Dietrich relieved Papa Kern for the last lap, and they finished third, with Kern and Pfankuch ( the second genera-tion) taking fourth, only six seconds later. The little trucks took the green flag next, and at the end of the first lap it was Mike Henry and Victor Lopez, in a Ford, in front. Scott Young and Mike Smith, in an-other Ford, ran second behind him, followed by Lloyd Riggins, long delayed by some problem needing a welder, in third, in his Chevy. Riggins was on one side of the railroad tracks and his crew, · with the welder, was on the other, and they could not get together because one or the other couldn't go through the trestle. There was lots of radio conversation on the topic, and miles of extra driving before !hey could get the welder to the race truck. Meanwhile, Henry and Lopez carried on, as Young and Smith lost about 20 minutes. Henry and Lopez led through the third lap, as Smith and Young continued to struggle. uJfEIP/1//J REQI//RE/Ju Of the two 4WD starters Larry Phoenix and Tim Kaiser took an immediate lead on lap 1, doing class fast lap at 1 :01 :39 on the second lap, and they went on to lead to the checkered flag in the Ford Bronco. wasn't enough. Henry and Lopez only three laps done. took the win, with Young and There were two four wheel Smith second, and Riggins, drive entries, and at the end of the running out of time, in third with first lap it was Larry Phoenix anl Tim Kaiser in front in their Ford Bronco. They had just two minutes on Dale and Janice Wentworth in their Isuzu Amigo. · Phoenix recorded the class fast lap at 1:01:39, the next time around, and built his lead to seven minutes. But at the end of that lap the Wentworths, apparently victimized by some problem, pulled out and left him racing by himself. Phoenix drove five even! y paced laps, and took the win. Once again, the FR T had finished the year with a bang-up race. The weather stayed beauti-ful, and racers and their friends settled in to see the old year out in style. The FRT has a five race desert series planned for '95, starting with the King of the Desert event, on February 11th . . IF Y/JII /JHIIY A NISSAN PICR-1/P Ill ---dR PATIIF/IYPER Ill Yd/I JIAY /JE IIYTERESTEP IN dl/R NEW /JI/Al FRdNT 51/()Clf QT, FdR 86/ -94/ N/55AAt 2W/J ANP 4W/J l,fl/Clf.S: MCIHM IMWdliilMMM+M 4-VMiMH ii®liHWIIIHIHI C/Jf' /JI/Al S/ltlCI! l(ITS ARE EIYG/IYEEREP Ttl I/SE A LARGE 1/J-IIYCll ll?AJ/EI ~lltlC~ Ttl G///E Ytlll JIAUJll/111 PERf'tlRJIAIYCt; tllY AIY/J tlf'f'-RtlA/J. hiMIHNMiiiHIPHPPHMiPDWIPhlMYIIIYl!IMIDIMillrnMI PIIIIHWMPA/R!iUHIIMMMIIIAOPlhilHmmqHPHI F(JR 111/JRE IIYF(J CAIi: i'IIST/JJI PESI/JN • • BIIIRICAT/JRS • FOR MORE INFO CALL: On the fourth lap the lead still belonged to Henry and Lopez, although Young and Smith, apparently finally repaired, ran a SlltJCR ABStJRBERS AII/J /IISTAIIAlltJII AWAI/ABIE CAIi FtJR PRICES I 619-247-1400 Dusty Times March 1995 Page 33

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-RALLY CATALUNYA-COSTA BRAVA FIA Qualifying Round Last November By Martin Holmes Enric~ Bertone and Max Chiaponi drove the ex-Aghini Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD to an easy victory, one of the few surviving full out Group A cars. They won overall by nearly four minutes. · Renault predictably won the Spanish FIA 2-liter Cup qualify-ing rail y in the hands of the 1994 Spanish national champion Oriol Gomez, who finished over three minutes behind the Toyota of overall winner Enrico Bertone. Gomez' only opposition came during the rains on the second day from Tommi Makinen 's Nissan but the Finn then retired with transmission trouble. Although Makinen 's position was immed-iately taken by his teammate Salvador Servia and the veteran Spaniard was lying more than ten minutes behind at the end of etape ■ THE 2, Nissan came away with eight points against the ten for Renault. Skoda finished fifth in the category, their four points reduced to two by the best-six rule. In the wet and foggy stages, F2 cars were competitive even against the overall contenders. The rally came to a climax on stage 15, the final stage on day two, when three of the top five drivers retired. This event also saw the return to orthodox rallying for the SEAT factory for the first time since the late '80s -when they rallied VW cars. Their two official Ibiza 1.8 16v cars fa -'WRIGHT 94:ZO.Fllnn Springs Ln, PLACE El Caton, CA 82021 I NC. both retired on the first day, but their development driver Jordi Ventura finished a remarkable fourth. The four top teams in the 2 liter Cup were present at Lloret de Mar amid an air of curiosity after the news that GME, second behind Skoda in the series, were under investigation for using the wrong fuel on the Rally Australia in September. And the national Spanish _team expected to carry the responsibility for this event, had withdrawn from rallying by request from GM Europe head-quarters to concentrate in future Pagc34 March 1995 The first Formula 2 was the Renault Clio Wilfiams of Oriol Gomez, the Spanish National Champion, and Marc Marti and they ran clean with only minor problems and they ran fast to second overall as well. on Touring Car racing. However there with Carlos Sainz and Colin they arranged for the 23 years old McRae who took turns to test and Freddy Loix from the Opel act as official course opening cars Belgium team to represent them at for the organizers. short notice, and it was his first The rally got off to an amazing time here and he was aware of the start. Erwin Weber, the 1992 slippery roads. European Champion was making Nissan was present with the a long awaited return to special young and the old. 30 years old, stage driving. He had brake Tommi Makinen led the NME trouble, left the road on the team, but guest second driver was second stage and retired his 50 years old Salvador Servia, damaged Ibiza 1.8 liter 16v. This winner of this event 10 years ago was a shame for SEAT Sport, just and celebrating his 25th year in making their return to world level top line competition. Skoda, as rallying. Another disappointment the series' leaders expected con-came when Freddy Loix crashed siderable pressure on the two his Opel Astra on the same stage. remaining 1994 events, because Not only did this badly damage in both Spain and Britain there are GM 's hopes of passing Skoda in 2 many competitive F2 cars. The liter Cup points, but officials had French Renault company were to 'interrupt' the stage in conse-fully supporting newly crowned quence. Freddy hit the up side of Spanish champion Oriol Gomes the mountain road and the result withhisimporters'ClioWilliams was a landslide completely and he was favored to win. A new blocking the road with rocks. F2 car entered the scene here, the The F2 category was being 195 bhp SEAT Ibiza driven by easily led by Spanish champion Erwin Weber, their Rally-raid Oriol Gomez. He claimed he was specialist. This was the most driving the Williams at "90%" serious entry in F2 by a Spanish and easily holding his own against built car to date. the international F2 teams, led by At the top level the entry for Tommi Makinen who was having the event was very thin with a brake problems with the brakes noticeable lack of top drivers with not bedding. All but the front run-four wheel drive turbo cars. · ners were having troubles, mostly When Alex Fiorio failed to mechanical. Overall rally leader appear Uruguay driver Gustavo was Enrico Bertone's Toyota Cel-Trelles, who rented a works ica Turbo 4WD. Second placed specification Ford from RAS Gustavo Trelles was becoming Sport in Belgium became the accustomed to the Ford. "It is favorite. Italian Enrico Bertone quite different to the Lancia had an ex-Aghini Toyota from which I am familiar with. " As HF-Grifone, run by the CW Oils Trelles got more used to the car he team from the Czech Repuglic. gradually caught Bertone, but Other South Americans compet-.then lost time on stage 8 with a ing included Gabriel Mendez, broken rear differential. In Group current Codasur champion, also N the Portuguese driver Rui from Uruguay, and the Argentine Madeira led in his ex-Holderied Gabriel Raies, both with F2 cars. Lancer Evolution. The wet asphalt provided a good 56 of the original 64 starters opportunity for testing for 1995 , completed the first day of the rally asthreeoftheeightroundsofthe but only 44 cars restarted. open World Championship will Missing cars were from both be run on asphalt. Subaru were . Hyundai and Peugeot in the one Third overall and the second F2 car was the Nissan Sunny G Tl of Salvador Servia and Xavier Lorza. Servia had won this event ten years ago and was in his 25th year of rally competition. Dusty Times

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Skoda has a fancy paint job this year, and here Emil Trine, and Jiri Klima slide the Favorit 136L past hillside spectators; they were fifth in F2. Rui Madeira and Nuno Silva came from Portugal to rally their Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution and they finished fifth overall and won the Group N title. The SEAT factory returned to rallying with the Ibiza 1.8 16v, and Erwin Weber and Manfred Heimer did well in Formula 2 until retiring in an accident. Borja Moratal and Alfredo Rodruguez went well for 15 stages in the Peugeot 306S16, but even with a handy pit, they retired the car with electrical woes. Expected to be an overall contender were Gustavo Trelles and Jorge Del Buono, but after 15 stages the Ford Escort RS Cosworth retired with electrical trouble. Both Carlos Sainz and Colin McRae tested '95 specification moulded tires on the route as they ran as the course opening car in the Subaru 555. make challenges,· where it was only necessary to contest the first etape of this event. After the first day's beautiful weather, the second day was very mixed. When the rally reached stages in the T arragona region there were many black clouds, and on the road sections there was torrential rain. Most stages were, however, run in the dry, but stage 11 was foggy for half distance, and this enabled Nissan's Tommi Mak~ inen to make best time outright. Gomez fought hard to hold on to his F2 lead but Makinen was attacking and made best time in the category on every stage in the morning. From .an overnight advantage of 57 seconds he was only 16 ahead after the first four stages. Initially he merely said he did not want to take risks in the rain, but the gap kept being reduced. On stage 12 Makinen used slicks, whereas Gomez used mixed. Behind them Moratal fell back in the Peugeot. On stage 12 the Peugeot stopped for a minute with an untraced electrical problem, and Mendez retired on Uruguayan stopped on stage 16 with electrical trouble, and this left the Italian with a lead of 2m49s in front of Gomez. Now third, Seriva was over ten minutes behind. In Group N, Madeira was four minutes in front of the Clio Williams of J aime A zcona's brother Javier. this will give him future oppor~ tunities. " I learned a lot in the rain. Normally our rallies are in t~e dry. It took a long time to adjust the set~up of the car, but finally it all came good for us." Now, we must all wait. The full importance of this event concerns the incredible Skoda team. Whether or not they are the Champions now depends on others. · this stage after driving the previous stage stuck in third gear. Casasayas had a lot of problems with his Honda: twice a driveshaft broke and his heater failed in the fog on stage 11 . Raies lost over a · half hour on stage 11 and retired. The main dramas were however ·saved for after the regroup. Gomez started to pull away from Makinen in the dry, but on stage · 14 the Nissan made unpleasant noises in the transmission, staggered through stage 15 and retired. Moratal had traced his trouble to alternator problems, but then the 306S16 stopped for good on the final stage, which at 36 km was the longest of the event. So now the battle for F2 was comfortably in Renault's favor, with Makinen's teammate Servia five minutes in front of a close battle between Ventura and Jaime Azcona's Peugeot 106 Rallye. Fifth was the Skoda of Triner. In the overall event Bertone kept ahead of Trelles but then the. Dusty Times ' Early morning sea mist made the stage 1 of Etape 3 foggy in parts and Gomez, Servia and Triner all misjudged bends, Triner bending two wheels in consequence. Heavy rain fell later and the regional prizewinner Sergio Perez, in a works~specifica~ tion Peugeot 106 Rallye nearly gave up when the windscreen wipers failed. Madeira's Group N Lancer was slowed by engine trouble and Ventura overtook him to fourth place. Bertone was delighted,with his victory, "This was my first important win ever. I have been rallying since the days of the Lancia 037, but always for fun. Now we have a factory Toyota from HF Grifone, and a lot of very enthusiastic sponsors from Moravia, in the Czech Republic. Winning here has been the best memory of my career!" Gomez has now made himself known internationally and hopes 1,~ .. ·1 .. ~~. ~~'-. . f' - ,,l L ~-., ,& ~-!·~ .* Tire grooving requires drawing a pattern first in the rally world. This will be a lost art soon, as on event tire cutting is banned in 1995 rallies. .. . March 1995 Page 35 •

Page 36

Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Australian Off Road Championship • 1994 Pictorial Summary Mark Burrows in the Bridgestone, Mazda turbo buggy is the only driver in Australian Off Road History to ever win two years in a row. Not only did he win the Overall Championship, but won Class 1 as well. Second in Class 1 was Glenn Owen, then followed Terry Rose, Les Brown, and Hayden Bentley. Page 36 J ABOVE LEFT: Andrew Ziems picked up Yokohama this year as a sponsor, and didn't let · · - them down. He finished in 4 out of 5 races and won the Class 2 championship. A win in the final race pushed Bryan Basham into second over Derrick Kennedy, then Rod Simpson and Bob Graham. ABOVE: Mark Warren finished the year with three class wins and is definitely the quickest car in the 1200 class, and was the '94 champion. Putting in a determined and successful year was the Darrell Johnson car which finished second over Darren Perrin, Barry Lee, and Murray England. AT LEFT: For over ten years Nev Taylor has been racing Bajas and never won the National Championship. This year he picked up a new machine with a turbo Renault and came away with enough success to get the crown. Warren Irons took 2 class wins but it was only enough to take second. Rodney Currie and Tim Baker were the only others to score points. March 1995 Dusty Times •

Page 37

Ross ~atson made the chan_ge ~rom buggies to a truck this year and wound up the 1994 champion for Class 5 2WD, m his VB Holden Rodeo. Graham Smith took second with his The Challenger buggies in Class 6 do it a lot tougher than the rest, but it was Ken potent Mitsubishi Ga/ant, while Les Marshal in another VB Rodeo picked up third. Paul Houston that made it two years in a row as champion, finishing with two wins and a Grant took fourth in the Nissan truck. ---------------------------------second. Michael Eggert came in second over Wayne Green and then Paul Styles. In the 4x4s of Class 7 it was once again total dominance by Les Siviour in the Nissan Patrol. It was a perfect 5 wins from 5 starts to give Les his 10th Class 7 championship. Eric Whitbread's consistency in his Toyota truck gave him second over the V6 Jackaroo of Mark Manns. Gary Weatherley's Suzuki was 4th over TerryMcWilfiams' Nissan. The modified 4x4s in Class B had a close battle all year. In the end with 100% finishes was Peter Had/ow in a turbo Mitsubishi truck. Ken Smith's turbo Holden Rodeo was next over Grahame Baxter's VB Nissan truck. Fabio Zarfati finished 4th in a Mitsubishi Pajero then in 5th was Andy Brown in the Donovan powered Nissan truck. -------------------:----:-----============::.-:--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-=--=--.-.-.-.-.. -!!-=•-111!!!-•-11!!-=•---11!!-:-•-111!!!-!!!!-:-~~---.-..-.-11111-.-.-.-.-•• -.-.-.-.-ll!-••• -;.-.-.111-.-.-BIGGER IS BETT.ER The single seaters in Class 9 were another close affair. In the end it was Tony Horkings who although only competing in three races, scored well in all those and took the class championship. There were then 4 drivers on equal points, but on a countback the order read: Jim Adness, Doug McMillan, Mark Bush and Shane Cottee in 5th. · Dusty Times March 1995 U-pgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the la!:9er C.V. ioin.ts. , Convert Type I stub axles and output bell -'to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. Convert Type II stub axles and output bell -toaccept930C.V. joints. , All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV • )c .v .s can be threaded 3/s-24 or stock .Bmm . . :All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be ·1 threaded 3/s-24 9r,stock 1 0nir 1 threads. FIT YOUR Off ROAD~R • . WITH UPGRAbEO AXLE-S AND BE.LLS · Only $49~95 per flanJllt on yo_ur supplie~ parts. Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. ER These Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED-AT $319.90 per pair. lncludinQ the mountinQ hardware and the GAS bolts SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. / Yarnell Specialties, Inc_. ~~~~ 1-802-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ. 85382~ Page 37

Page 38

I :, , . . . , I -~ '.§ -~··'" , This Jeep looks ready for some serious off roading, but the camper doesn't look like it would help the handling much, Even those who admire monster trucks had something to inspect and these huge vehicles are always popular at shows, There were some really trick quads on display and people to tell you all about modifying yours, It was a Dune Goon's dream. VISTA OFF ROAD SHOW ..... Vista Town Association Sponsors Off Road Show Text & Photos: Homer Eubanks Several streets were blocked for the show and everything from buggies to boats and accessories for them could be found at this off road show. An extimated 8,000 off roaders were drawn to downtown Vista, CA Sunday January 8th to see and be seen at the second annual Vista Town Center Association's Off Road & Truck Show. A great turnout considering nearby San Diego was tuned in to the Chargers playoff game with Simplythe Best! Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associations. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand the best and so should you, Fuel Safe Racing Cells • The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! Aircraft Rubber Manufacturtng, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle. Huntington Beach. CA 92648 (714) 842·2211 (800) 433-6524 (Outside CA) SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. Page 38 Miami, and serious rain clouds loomed overhead. Nine city blocks contained several aftermarket accessory dealers, product manufacturers, and several different groups of awesome off road machines. Included were Baja Bugs, sand rails, 4x4 trucks, various types of race vehicles, historic trucks, motorcycles, full size custom trucks(asearlyas 1900), monster · trucks and much more. A live band set up in the middle of the · displays to keep the onlookers entertained. Plenty of food and drink stands were accessible to make the serious lookers com-fortable throughout the day. This was truly a spectacle for , those interested in off road machinery. Off Road encom-passed any type of vehicle that runs off road. Not only were the buggies present but also Karts, and open wheeled speedway type cars as well. To give the show a full flavor of racing a special attraction included Sandy Dells Race Car and Boat Expo-Sale-Swap Meet. With the Dell show many road race vehicles were on display as well. To the pleasure of those hard core off readers Ivan "The Ironman" Stewart came out and as usual created a long line of autograph seekers. Ivan again proved his stamina by signing and chatting with all who sought his attention. For the historic buggy Various off road going machines drew the crowd's attention, and the younger set here were enjoying this Toyota's stereo. March 1995 Ivan Stewart was kept busy signing autographs on posters, and he worked out of the Downey Toyota booth for a proper backdrop. Bruce Meyers, Father of the Meyers Manx was on hand. Anyone too young to know, and for the other half that are old enough to have forgotten, the Meyers Manx was the first fiberglass dune buggy. The Manx was the concept that brought the buggy out of the sand and onto the streets. There were over 5 ,000 real Manxes made but the other 250,000 imitations were what stopped Meyers' productio~. However, those interested m having an original Manx are in luck. Meyers has a desire to build mo« of the Meyecs rr•· He 'l'i -doesn't want to build a big production but enough to keep him busy and out of trouble. Several washed their off road toys and laid out $15 in entry fee to take a chance at the multitude of awards presented by the associ-ation. In addition to taking a · chance at the nifty plaques each participant received a T-shirt and dash plaque. The Peoples Choice was given to John Bea tty's Chevy 4x4 which also won Best of Show 4x4. Bruce Meyers received the Best of Show Dune Buggy with his Meyers Manx. Doyle Bartlett took home ·1?' Bruce Meyers showed off one of his original Myers Manx that started a whole movement in the late '60s, and enough clones to put Bruce out of business. Llama rides were said to be the original mode of off road transportation, and it was a popular attraction at the Vista Show for the youngsters. Dusty Times

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Fuel Safe, best known for off road style fuel cells, was one of Optima Batteries came to Vista to display their new waterless Polaris offered tow straps and tie-downs in their all weather race related product displays offered at the Vista Off Road Show. battery. display booth. ----------------------Indefatigable Ivan Stewart signed autographs for hours. Ivan is VW Paradise was just that with all sorts of goodies for the VW Weekend Warrior showed how easy it is to take all the toys and particularly good with young children and here shakes hands enthusiast. have comfort too for the weekend or longer. with a youngster. the Best Sand Rail honors while Diego Off Road Coalition were Todd Arthur's "Instigator" was also on hand with petitions in an Best Paint Rail. Scott Parr had the effort to once again fight back best of Show Jeep. The quads those unknowing that would keep were also recognized as Jesse off roaders from enjoying the Munsoe received Best of Show deserts. quad and Garry Hough took Besides local event sponsors home Best Paint Quad with his MTEG was on hand with their multi colored Honda. The usual contingency of trade display rig and, offered free raffle tickets to the upcoming stadium show exhibitors with pots, pans event. Toyota of Escondido was andslicingmachineswereabsent. on hand and assisted Ivan Several off road supply houses Stewart. did bring out a nice selection of usefulaccessories.Inalltheshow The Vista Town Center had something for everyone. It Association has developed a would be safe to say that if you winniug combination that pro, couldn't find your off road needs motes our sport of off road while , at this show, it simply must not - also helping their own downtown exist. On the serious side merchants.Wonderifthissortof COR VA, California Off Road positive promotion would work _Vehicle Association and The San in your community? -· .. - ........ ··········-····--·· .. ····· ········ ·""--·-·········•-····,---····-·r--··--CORVA set up on the streets of Vista and offered information about the club's ., lobbying efforts and took in new memberships. Wes Harris was on hand with his Jaz products display, including all sorts of racing accessories as well as the usual stuff. Dusty Times Jamar Super Shifte Make missed shifts a thing of the past! - ---------------------Fortin CV Cages Polished & Strong! Available in both: 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 103 Press Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 l _._J March 1995 Page 39

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Callfomia Rally Series B:y John Elkin On January 14, 112 rally· drivers, navigators, service crew, workers, family and friends gathered at Barone's Restaurant for the annual social gathering of the year. Next year, around that time we will do it again. But what about all the time in between? Sure, we will compete, some will win, some will organize rallies and even more of us will continue to enjoy the extra benefits you get as a CRS member, great friends. Besides the rallies this year I want a promise from as many of you that came for the awards last month. In August the CRS throws its annual picnic, a summer gathering of rally friends without the hassles and pressures FAIR News Looks like 1995 will start off with 7 or 8 FAIR cars at the La Rana January 7th race. Wisdom, Persch, Hibbard, Fay, Duncan and Mangione have signed up as of our December 21st meeting. Parker will see 6 to 8 FAIR entries, Morgan, Martin Bros., Parkhouse, Jefferies, Rodriquez, Weyhrich and Steinberger. Looking back at 1994, FAIR had a pretty good year. **Darnen Jefferies - Class 9 Champs -SCORE **Kathy & Stacy Fay - Class 1500 -1st place La Rana **Danny Drake - Class 5-1600 -2nd place La Rana **Brian Parkhouse - Class 10 -3rd SCORE **Tom & Frank Rusich - Class 1-2-1600 -2nd SCORE **Lee Finke - Class 5 Sportsman -1st place SCORE Bob Steinberger accomplished several short and long term goals; 1. The meetings were returned to of competition. But this years picnic will be different, we competitors are throwing the picnic for the workers. We always · thank the workers, but now it is time to do more for these people that endure all that we do in a rally, sleep deprivation, high blood pressure and dust. Plan to attend and really thank the workers properly. · Back at the awards, and speak-ing of workers, we had a tie for the Workers of the Year. The winners were Judy Teeter and Nancy Peterson. Nancy we all know, she takes our money and finalizes our scores and puts up with Lon on a daily basis. Judy Teeter is the radio co-ordinator for Rim and helps with several other rallies, we never see her but at least now she knows we think about her. Other special awards were handed out to deserving individuals. Jeff Hend-ricks took the Galal Souki Award back to. Prescott for his sports-manship and professionalism in either of the two stock classes. Bill Gutzmann was the winner of the Bill Moore Memorial Award for all he does as a navigator and sportsman. Randy Hensley took top honor with the Keneth Zimmerman Award for lifetime contribution to the sport of PRO Rally. For fun we had the Cap'n Crunch Award, only no-one got to vote on the awrd this year, it was unceremonially awarded to Rod Wood and Kelly Walsh for their spill at Indio.We do need to make that a popular vote award again for next year. Terry Stone-cipher got an amusing award from Jeff Bruett for enthusiasm Above and Beyond Human Compre-hension, a small jar with all the dirt from the floor of the car from the season. Our high professional and moral standards here at Dusty Times forbid us from revealing the name Jeff gave the award, .amusing as it was. After the official awards Bob and Adrienne and Steve Scott threw a party at their house the Holiday Inn in Fullerton. 2. SCORE and La Rana Series, it We have a guest speaker at one becomes very difficult to keep up meeting a month. 3. We have a with the equipment and 'van. raffle at one meeting a month, Anyone wanting to donate their with donated prizes. 4. Dinner time to help Gary Bancroft as meetings every .3 or 4 months."5. Race Director, please call or talk More training for a perfect pit, . to him at a meeting. Gary needs "Good enough isn't." 6. FAIR good FAIR members to help van completely reconditioned, conduct work parties and be Race inside and out. The amount of Managers. time spent by Bob Steinberger, Race Managers duties are: 1. Gary Bancroft and Bruce Streeper Collect all racers names and work was beyond the call of duty! sheets for each race. 2. Conduct a Thanks, guys. work party to prepare the equip-Our pit coordination with the ment and van for the next race. Chapala Dusters came to an end It's just as important as prepping after the 1994 season. FAIR· the race car. 3. Assign pit loca-racers felt it was time we did it on tions to each race team with 2 pit our own. people. 4. Collect pit fees, $50.00 The new board of directors California, $75.00 all others. 5. have been ·busy diiping Fair on Conduct equipment handout and track. return check-in at the race. 6. President, Bob Steinberger Drive or arrange a driver for the Vice President, Mike Reboledo FAIR van. 7. Run the main pit Secretary, Lida Whitehead and resolve any problems that Treasurer, Tom Whitehead come up. 8. Give race report at Race Director, Gary Bancroft the next meeting. Sergeant At Arms, Bruce Streeper It's a lot of work to be a Race Thanks for all your time and Manager, but it can be very effort. With FAIR active in both rewarding. Trackside Photo, Inc. Racing phqtography since 1970 We cover all La Rana, SCORE and MTEG events. For professional qu~lity photos, call us! Call us for: Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets Page 40 P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (310) 670-6896 March 1995 (complete with route book instructions on how to get there) which went well, and on into the wee hours of the morning. We may have a new tradition in the CRS. As you read this the High Desert Stages is history, and being the first event of the 1995 CRS calendar I am sure everyone had their new fire extinguishers up to date with the rules. For those who missed the sprints ( shame on you) remember at your next rally if you are a normally aspirated rally car· you need two lOB:C fire exting-uishers in your car. If you are turbocharged then you need a total of 50B:C fire protection in two containers. If you have an on board fire system then you are still required to add another l0B:C removable extinguisher to your car. Our new director, Debbie Turner, wants everyone to know that she would like your input on ways to get the CRS more into the public eye. If you have any ideas Anyone wanting to donate tools, equipment, tires, nuts, bolts, oil, tape, wire, spray lubri-cants, grease, fire extinguishers, etc., please call us. It was brought to my attention that we have a few racers side-stepping their responsibilities. Becoming a FAIR member, having all who are driving and riding belong to FAIR is required. Filling out a work sheet and paying pit fees before each race is becoming a problem. It is very difficult to collect after a race, especially if you don't finish. Helping at the work parties and at the equipment handout is very important. Let's all try to do better in 1995. Bob Steinberger and the Board are working on creative ideas to attract new pit members and racers. They are considering a system of pit captains and volun-teers to man the pits. Anyone with ideas, please let Bob know. They are also looking at restruct-uring the membership dues and race support fees. The following are current members who will be racing in 1995; *Rich Fersch, Class 10 - La Rana *Kathy Fay, Class 1500 -La Rana *Lee Finke, Class 5 Sportsman -SCORE *Hal Hibbard, Class 10 - La Rana *Darnen Jefferies, Class 9 -SCORE *Martin Bros., Class l / 2 -SCORE *Wayne Morgan, Class l/2 -SCORE *Mike Nix, Class 5 - La Rana *Frank Omboli, Class 5-1600 -SCORE/ La Rana *Brian Parkhouse, Class 10 -SCORE *Bob Plaskon, Class 1-2-1600 -La Rana *Mike Rebolledo, Class 5-1600 - La Rana *Kevin Reid, Class 9 ~ La Rana *Rusich Bros., Class 1-2-1600 -SCORE . *Lorenzo Rodriquez, Class 1-2-1600 -SCORE *Scott Steinberger, Class 7 -SCORE *Dick/Mark W eyhrich, Class 10 -SCORE *Tom/ Lida Whitehead, Class 9 - La Rana *Wes/Scott Wisdom, Class about displaying cars and drivers at a local charity event or car show she would like to know about it. Call Debbie at any decent hour at (909) 925-0870. For input to the BoG you have two competitor liaisons to contact, Dave Turner who you can also get at the above number.John Moore who can be reached days at (619) 947-4309 and nights at (909) 880-8005. Use these two conduits of com-munication to get your thoughts and ideas presented to the BoG. Are you interested in being listed in our new worker data-base? Lynette Allison is compiling a CRS worker list for all organ-izers. Call her at (909) 736-1442 to offer yourself unto the CRS. Tony Chavez had agreed to continue as the Stock Classes Chairman, he will be conducting stock classes inspections at all events. He urges everyone to be familiar with the new 1995 rules and to remember' to bring your factory service manual to all events. 1-2-1600 - La Rana *Dave Zuniga, Class 1-2-1600 -La Rana *Bob Delosier, Class 8 -SCORE *Danny Drake, Class 5-1600 -La Rana *Duncan Bros., Class 10 - La Rana *Roger Caddell, Class 1-2-1600 -La Rana *Tom Mangione, Class 10 - La Rana *Dave Rogers, Class 9 -La Rana *Rick Boyer, Class 1-2-1600 -SCORE *Darryl Gibson, Class 1-2-1600 -SCORE *Pete Dutton, Class 10 - La Rana *Gary Bancroft, Class whatever -undecided *Harry Dunne, Class any -driver for hire *Rick Pew, Class Motor home -Barstow only *Charlie Lamar, Class 11-street legal - La Rana * A J Martin, Class dad's car - La Rana I hope I didn't forget anyone. The quotes of the year! George Erl "The only differ-ence between a FAIR pit and a NASCAR or Indy pit is their fancy uniforms." A J Martin - "The older they get, the slower they go." FAIR donated $500.00 to CORVA in 1994, to keep the desert open. We lost the battle but the war is still on. The second annual FAIR Fun In The Dt!sert was held in Lucerne and looks like it will continre. The FAIR Drivers Fund was renamed the George Morgan Memorial Fund in memory of George Morgan. R.I.P. FAIR meets the first and third Wednesday· each month. Loca-tion, Holiday Inn in Fullerton, 91 Freeway and Harbor Blvd., 8 p.m. See you at the races. AffENTION PIT TUMS Send us your tales of triumph and troubles and they will be featured on these pages. Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 Dusty Times

Page 41

~ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■· enough down time dwdngthe fiut ~HEi°'&ER; A · · half of ~he race that the t~am ran ----V out of ttme after completing only ......-.-. ■ ■ three laps. Cra;g Dillon lost thei< engine on the second lap, and 'The Straight Poop' Bruce's ~ide lost the rear torsion. From the Big Wafuoo Ce_rtamly the best Checker tale of this race was the last lap shoot DUNAWAY DASH-Although out between Frank Krepsz and BJ not a scheduled Club event, three Bates. Seems this was the fir~t Checker teams spent their New time out for a much more compet-Y ears Eve racin' with the Fudsters itive 1-2-1600 buggy recently outside of El Centro ... And purchased by the Krepsz Brothers dusted all but one of 'em! Kevin .to run the '95 season. The Club's Davis has taken a step up in class other 1-2-1600 entry was Mike from '95 with the recent purchase Duenas' older but recently re-of a competitive Class 10 buggy. worked buggy with Minor Bates In this first get acquainted race, co-driving. our boy apparently found the up- Sean & Mikey started their grade to his liking as he won Class respective cars, but with a big 10 going away, with only one hi-difference in first half results. dollar open car separating him Sean had a relatively trouble free from the overall. Congratulations run, while 'Da Penis' suffered to Kevin Davis, first in Class 10 through repeated plug wire prob-and second overall! lems and a flat. So obviously, The Dillons also ran their 10 when BJ took over, Frank Krepsz . car around and around Fud's 30 had already relieved Sean and was mile loop. and earned a respect-long gone. And then things able fourth in class. Gary Bates changed. started his tandem as the last To BJ's pleasant surprise he limited buggy off the line, passed found himself in a now well all the. other 1-2-1600s, then lost running car and took off at full a cylinder a few miles before the speed trying to improve on the start/ finish. Despite running on team's current seventh place posi-only three cylinders for awhile he tion. Meanwhile, further down was still the first 1-2-1600 car to . the course, Frank was learning finish the first lap, but trailered it that their new car can also flip shortly thereafter. Good show over. As he was stopped for a guys! while getting his car going again, NEW YEARS 200 -This four and then again at a Checker pit for lap La Rana Barstow race was a needed repairs, BJ was rapidly mess. Rain, mud and wind made closing the gap. But impressively, for some really shitty race day the 'Brothers Big' were still hold-weather, a pain in the ass for ing onto a career best third place. racers and pitters alike. Frank Krepsz was now back on Danny Reider was the Club's the road, his car battered, his ego onlyclasswinner,sortof.ltseems bruised, and in a highly agitated our hero missed the driver's meet- state when BJ went fl yin' past with ing, where they combined Class 5 a wave! Now this was especially with 2 & 8, therefore mistakenly embarassing since it was only a thinking the first place money was few hours earlier that our boy his when his Baja Bug was the first Frank had been raggin' on Brother Class 5 car across the line. Not! Duenas about what a turd box his I'm sure we can all appreciate the race car was. Hmm? Now, does bummer Danny suffered though this new Checker play it safe and when he discovered that as far as try to salvage another fourth the money was concerned ... ~•you place, and also accept the fact that got a third, dude". The Wahzoo he's gonna really have to eat some bets La Rana's reigning Class 5 crow at the_ finish? Or, does he Points Champion won't miss react like a true Checker and many more of Castro's pre-race haul ass after that cocky lil' meetings. shit? I'm proud to report that Larry Bolin once again unex- Frank picked B. pectedly showed up at a La Rana For the rest of the last lap these race to do battle in his Class 10 two Checkers really went at it. car. And as usual, this Checker Clank! An angry Frank signals was a factor all race long. Despite before bulling his way around the legitimate vision problems, Larry kid and back into third. Then once again didn't hit any bang and the evil BJ is back in Checkers on his way to a fine front. And so it went, all the way third in class and third overall. to the finish line. And, despite the Kevin Davis' engineman fact that BJ eventually won this (SCORE's Eng. man of the Year particular battle, Krepsz probably in fact) experienced some engine benefited the most. After BJ problems as he drove the first two prodded Frank into really hangin' laps in Kevin's Class 10 car. Then 1t out, Frank surely now has a lot Sprinklerman, who strangely more confidence that he can seems to have water follow him actually run that fast for an from race to race, took over at the extended period of time. A truly half way point after his co-driver valuable lesson. Good show guys! finally fixed the motor problem. Mike Duenas & BJ Bates, third in And then our Club hot shot really Class 1-2-1600 and ninth overall. put on a show. 'Chicken Lips', as And Frank & Sean Krepsz, fourth heisnowreferredtobyoneofour in Class 1-2-1600 and 10th Wednesday nite waitresses, clean- overall. A fine Checker effort ly clinked off the two fastest lap by all! times of the race! Hey Kev, just And finally, Greenway prob-think how much faster ya could ablydeservesa·mentionheresince go with a lil' Porsche power in that he co-drove a buggy that won this puppy.?? Chicken Lips and his race overall. Hey Jim, whenever non-Checker engine expert wound ya snag a good ride like that you're' up with a fifth in Class 10 and supposed to be trying to turn'em seventh overall at this race. into a Checker, not simply go off The Club's three DNFs con- whorein' with those other clowns. sisted of the Dillons in t~eir Class Speakin' of Willie, in last months 10 buggy and both Maiocco and Fair column Malancon was pub-Tiffany in Class 9 cars. Morgan's licly scolded for blastin' a Fair non-Checker car owner had crew with rocks as he left their pit Dusty Times in a snit. As a result, this W ahzoo feels a need to clear up a common misconception: "Without proper & periodic Checker supervision, renagade Checker co-drivers come with absolutely no guarantees"! AW ARDS DINNER - Breaking with custom a little, Big John assembled the members and their family and friends on a Friday night this year to honor our Club's best, and party down. Nevertheless a good crowd turned out to enjoy a traditional Checker Awards Banquet. Thumper's Elks Lodge in Azusa once again played host, and Danny Reider's band played the tunes. Naturally, Nurse Shirley & crew out did themselves with the decorations, and Peralta once again acted as the primary MC for the evening. After cocktails and a steak dinner, the awards were presented. First up were the Appreciation Awards for the outgoing officers. Next came the Checkers Official Achievement Awards. The ghost of Ray Bennet and Joe Giffin were both named 'Pitter of the Year'. The Reverend Roy Moore and Morgan Molocco were awarded the two 'Pit Captain of the Year' honors. In '94 Morgan earned as many points as is Checkerly possible by serving as a Pit Captain at every Club event. Very Impressive! Roy was close, but of course, on some weekends he had to stay home and tend to the sinners in Wrightwood. The Club felt it necessary to name two 'Rookies of the Year' for '94. First in the over 40 class, was first year member Fred Nelson. 01' Fred won the La Rana Class Points Championship in his "Stock" Ford truck, often in spectacular fashion. Our other 'Rookie' was Josh Rosenstein. 'Baywatch' impressed us all with his perform-ance in the 'Bat Out of Hell' Class. Congratulations to all these Checker overachievers! the Vic Van Efla Award has been This year's Checker 'Driver of given to a notable group of folks, the Year' was Danny Reider. Not butnonemoredeservingthanour only did Reider win La Rana's own Uncle Max. A true Checker Class 5 Points Championship, but Ambassador of Goodwill. did it with some classic Checker Kassanyi again presented his dogged .determination. Some of Dr. Checker Awards and Peralta the races produced impressive expanded his Butthead of the year wins, but he also suffered through award to two seats, one each for some way late finishes after finally Hastings and ·Robert Harman. completing some very major Speaking of the Harmans, they repairs. The selection committee have now almo'st taken over was also reportedly influenced by completely! Our newly elected Reiders 'ballsy' attitude of '95 Club Officers are as follows: runninghisfirstMexicanrace,the Prez-Robert Harman; Vice Baja 1000, only a week prior to Prez-Mike Harman; Secretary-his final La Rana points race with Josh Rosenstein; Treasurer-that Championship still up for Steve Burak (note that the only grabs. Congratulations Danny! old fart in this group still controls The choice of 'Checker of the all the money). Good luck guys! Year' was a snap for any member The awards ended with the who attended either one of the ' traditional mega raffle, then the Prez's pay-per-view Wednesday band fired up again and the night meetings. But 1994 was also Checkers partied into the night. a good all around Checker year, BRIAN CROWDER apparent-more racers, more pitters, and ly finally found a legitimate way to definitely more fun. The obvious get out of those 'Lamaze' classes choice for this award was Big John with his soon to deliver bride. Hastings! Congratulations Dude! Seems Brian got about 19 feet of The most emotional point of air over a 20 foot ditch while the evening was certainly the recently testing his latest crotch Club's annual presentation of the rocket, and is now sportin' some Vic Van Ella Award to Max serious plaster. Thankfully, all of Norris. Over the years this our hero's injuries are reportedly perpetual trophy has been repairable and he should be ready presented by the Club to those for diaper changing duty in a individuals who have made a coupleofmonths.GetwellBrian! significant contribution to the spirit of off road racing. It all began when Uncle Max talked the late Walt Lott, not a promoter known for being loose with a buck, into paying for a monster of a trophy to memorialize Max's Checker Bud. Van Ella had a massive heart attach while blastin' , across a Vegas dry lake bed at well over a hundred in a Porsche buggy, and died before the co-driver could stop the car ... Now if a fella can't die in bed ridin' his favorite female, then that's definitely the best way for an off road racer to go. Over the years MIKE SEEFELDT ES.Don't ch~ localfire off~for apenrut. A Public Service of This Magazine &. The Advertising Council THE WINNER OF SODA'S TRUE VALUE HARDWARE "HARD CHARGER AWARD " FOR 1994 WISHES TO THANK THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE: for providing me with the superior equipment It took to win this award. BFGoodrlch Kowalski Enterprises K & N FIiters fox Shox FAT Performance St. Peter Off Road V.P. Racing Fuels Friday's Off Road Thanks to Marilyn & Barb Schultz and Judy Smith for the great wrlteups In Dusfy Times and a special thanks to True Value Hardware for sponsoring this award. March 1995 Page 41

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Sportsman Novice Champion is Steve Reed from Eugene, OR. Rod Mondabaugh is Sportsman Truck Champion. Central Oregon Desert Racing Association -Open Class Champion is Everett Paul from California. January is about three months " ter the Whiskey Springs 400 and I am just getting around to writing the newsletter. I think I have an excuse, a feeble one but an excuse. I was waiting for the BLM to come up with something positive for a change. I was hoping the new Millican Valley Management Plan would be completed and in it I would find we would be allowed to run up to five races per year. After all we need to know in advance if we are going to be allowed to run the dates we have submitted. All of ..._ you need to know so vacations/ time off can be set with employers etc. The list of reasons we need advance approval goes on and on. Right now, as I am writing this, the BLM still has not made a decision. They say there is a lot of "teamwork" going on in their office behind closed doors. That means thay have drawn up the battle lines and are "discussing" our future. I got 'pissed' after talking to one team member who was the most negative person and wishy washy that I have ever known. I called his supervisor, a person I do have faith in. She told me not to worry, plan our races and for me to take a couple Valium and kick back. So, at this point I am again looking forward to 1995 on the Central Oregon desert. Our race dates are as follows: March 11 . PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... · THANKS! RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS Mobil SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 42 The Millican · 250. The course map I gave them is the OLD Millican course on the south side of Highway 20. It is about 25 miles and will be ten laps for ALL classes. The start will still be behind the Millican Store. Portions of this course have not been touched for over six years. April 29 The Bear Butte 300. This will be the same north course we have run the past three years with some small additions. May 6 & 7 Olympia Enduro in Thurston County, WA. Dave Van Deren is again doing the promotion on this event. We think this is the correct date and will let you. know for sure at our March race in Millican. August 12 & 13 The Annual Campout and Millican Valley Cleanup. This is always a fun family event. We will again camp at the Bear Butte pit area. Bring your off road toys and prepare for a fun time. October 14 The Whiskey Springs 400. We will again run the longer version of the south Millican old course as we did the past five years. This is a double points event. Bonus CODRA points.will be awarded to CODRA members for their best finish in a VORRA event and in the Kamloops Bronco Busters 400K event. Points will be awarded based on our point schedule. The points system will remain the same with one minor exception that was suggested to eliminate the chances of a tie at season's end. The addition is the awarding of 13 points issued to each member taking the green flag at each CODRA race only. For VORRA and Bronco Busters events we will issue finishing points only. The classes and entry fees remain the same as in 1994. Pro Classes: Open, Heavy Metal and 1600; $390 total entry, $150 pre-entry deposit, $250 from each entry into payoff. Pay 50% back. In the Sportsman Vet class: $175 entry, $25 into payoff, $100 pre-entry. Sportsman Novice and Sportsman Trucks: $150 entry, $100 pre-entry deposit, Trophies to 50% of field. Sportsman Veteran is a class for drivers with at least four years driving experience. It is a run what ya brung class. Sportsman Novice is intended as an entry level class only. There are no class rules, however if one driver or car so out classes the rest of the field, the promoter has the option of placing the car or driver into the Veteran class at the next event. The Radar Gun will be back in action in the oit area and on some March 1995 Joe Mabberly is the 1600 Champion from Kam/oops, BC. Heavy Metal Champion is Gordon Scott from Tigard, OR. chase roads that are open to the public. Our insurance man loves the idea, and from what I have heard, so do most of you.To date we have only penalized six drivers for exceeding the 20 mph pit speed limit. There have been no repeat offenders either. Race Laps: For the Millican 250 only all classes will run 8 laps. for the Bear Butte, Pros and Vets run 10 laps, Novice 8 laps. Whiskey Springs will probably be 10 laps for Pros and Vets and 8 for Novice classes. The payoffs and trophies will be generous. We will pay back to 50 percent of the field in each Pro class. This includes trophies and cash. The cash payoff schedule will be posted at the registration trailer. Since taking over as promoter in 1991 I feel we have grown slowly. At the present time we are on the edge of seeing a significant growth in entries at our events. I feel there are two main reasons for this. First and foremost is you racers. By everyone having fun and running good smooth and competitive races, the word is getting out to others about CODRA. Several of you have attended other sanctioning bodies events and have been our good-will ambassadors. The second reason I feel is the money spent advertising with Dusty Times. I receive an average of four or five calls a month from racers in other areas. This jumps to ten or so a month just prior to a race. I appreciate each and every one of you and the support you have shown since 1991 . You made the task of promoting an easy one. As I have stated in almost every newsletter since 1991, I only took over . promoting until someone else came along. I would not just give COOR A to someone that would not treat you as I have tried to treat youi As I have stated all along, I want to get back into racing. I have been lucky enough to have been offered a position with a brand new professional team owned by my close friends Shelly and Perry Warren. They recently purchased Scott Livernash 's sano Class 5 car. Congratulations are in order to the following 1994 CODRA Ch~mpions. Open Class -Everett Paul, Heavy Metal -Gordon Scott, Sportsman Veteran -Joe Chainey, Sportsman Novice -Steve Read, Sportsman Trucks -Ron Monc!aybaugh. , Hope that all come back to defend their title and bring someone with them to swell the entry numbers. Sportsman Veteran Champion is Joe Chainey. Dusty Times

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.. Skoda Felicia Kit ca,··1soo The Scoda Felicia Kit Car 1500 prototype was shown to the press last November. In this form it weights 850kg, has a 1492cc engine which provides 165 plus horsepower. The third car produced to the FIA's special Kit Car option under the 2-litre Cup regulations has been shown for the first time. This in Skoda's Felicia Kit Car 1500, the homologation applica-tion for which was lodged in Paris at the 15 November deadline, in time for the 1995 Monte Carlo Rally. Skoda, the legendary David among the Goliaths of the World Rally championship, are serious in their quest for continued international honours, and can see the chance of more success under the new regulations. Work on Skoda's Kit Car project started early in June 1994, immediately after the FIA produced their regulations. Ideas for such a car had been in Skoda 's mind a long time ago, but only when the detailed rules material-ised did engineering begin. The initiation of the project came from the Motorsport Depart-ment, but this is the first car which had been engineered by the Development Department, under whom the Motorsport Depart-ment now operates, before the revolution in November 1989, replacing the racing car depart-ment which existed. It was a pressing time all round in Mlada Boleslav, because work on the Kit Car coincided with work on the new Felicia road car which was being finalised, and the Kit Car project had not been scheduled in advance. The FIA's Kit Car regulations published in June 1994 left open some details and many teams claimed these were so fundamen-tal it stopped them planning the future, but Skoda (like Renault and Peugeot) did not find these matters a blockage to advanced design work. Team Manager Pavel Janeba: "We did not find this a problem, and we were certainly not worried about this. We had discussion with the FIA about how to modify the rear doors to take advantage of the opportunity to widen the bodywork, but that was sorted out. we think the Kit Car rules have given us the possibility to make good competi-tion cars and the original rules were quite good enough to start with." Eventually when other • matters were resolved, the forms for homologation were issued with a deadline of 15th November. "We knew that Renault were developing a Kit Car at the same time as us and they were facing the same queries so '?le were in Dusty Times contact. In fact Renault has helped us in some technical ways, particular regarding the power steering work. A long time before the detailed regulations came out we had been in discussions with the FIA about the possible rules, asking ways in which we would be allowed to increase power and reliability. There was a chance at one time we could have had a turbocharger, but we feel sure there is a limited future for turbocharging and we did not want to go that route. With a turbocharger we would have had the chance to go to the engine capacity limit for Kit Cars ( 2-litre ), but in fact by staying under 1.6-litres we have tha advantage of a reduced minimum weight rule, 850kg against 930 of the cars in the full 2-litre category." The choice of the Felicia as the 'Family' of car on which the Kit Car is based is self-evident: it is the only car in the Skoda range which fits the requirement of 25,000 production! The import-ant decisions were how the car could be adapted to the best advantage.Two specific engineers from the Development Depart-ment have been responsible for this work, Ing. Jan Nepomucky for the chassis work and Ing. Otakar Pile for the engine. Ing. Nepomucky took us through the rules, and how they affect the Skoda chassis: "The first requirement from the FIA concerns compliance with road homologation, but this was not a stumbling block for Skoda. For a long time, every new car leaving the factory has been fully approved by the national ministry for road use, and these require-ments are similar to those of the EEC. The Kit Car is no different to other competition machines: On specific modifications the FIA rules allow specific changes, which Skoda is offering. The shape of the front bumper is changed in order to give better brake cooling and in any case to cater for the wider bodywork allowed: the material is not yet defined (GRP or Kevlar). Regard-ing permitted aerodynamic devices: the only change is to fit a small spoiler on the fifth door, aimed at improving the drag coef-ficient rather than to create specific downforce or improve stability. is no aerodynamic device at the front. We have used new exterior mirrors, like the Group A ones. All cars will be made in left-hand drive version, and because fewer than on-third Felicia production is made with two door version, the Kit Car has to be in four-door form." Ing. Pile explained about the engine. "This comes from a 'model' produced in 2,500 examples, and this is the Felicia Combi, which is the same engine used in the Favorit. Next year the Felicia will also be fitted with new VW engines, 1600 and 1900 diesel versions, but whether these will be suitable for use in competition is not yet known. Under Kit Car rules only one homologation can be given in a -year. For homologations made ' now, it is possible to fit an engine produced in only 2,500 examples: next year the rules require the engine, as well as the basic family, to be produced in 25,000 examples. The basic engine for the 'Mark 1' Kit Car is 1300cc, which has been enlarged from 75.5 bore and 72mm stroke to 78mm square, making 1492cc. There had been plans to use a bigger engine, produced in limited quantities, but the new produc-tion rules will not allow this. Also, Skoda 's competition plans extend until 1998, which means that the homologation must be applied for according to produc-tion available in 1997. Last year a special 1600cc engine Favorit was seen at Czech events but that also cannot be used in the Kit Car because this was not in production." Noise and catalytic controls are demanded under the Kit Car rules, but are not a worry. Every competition car used by Skoda in 1994 was equipped with a catalyser and produces 97dB (96 for cars in 1995) compared with 100 required by the rules. Modifications are allowed to inlet and exhaust manifolds, but here Skoda had to raise various unexpected queries because only Skoda are planning to compete with an 8-valve engine, there being no 16-valve engine in their range. The main change is the use of multi-point fuel infection instead of carburetors on the Group A Favorit. At the first test the engine gave 150bhp, but an increase of 10% is expected before the car appears in competition. The FIA fuel and avgas are mandatory, the only problem being the cost of the FIA fuel. However, whereas ~op rally cars consume about 1-litre per kilometre of stages, the Felicia's stage consumption is about 1-litre for 2.5km, the same rate whether avgas or FIA fuel. The perform-ance using avgas depends on its specification: in Australia the lead-free avgas quality was poor and unexpected knocking was experienced. The other visible change in Kit Cars is the use of bigger wheels and tyres. Series production Skodas use 12 to 14 inch wheels, and it has been decided for competition to use 15 inch wheels, in which Michelin has a wide range of available tyres. Although the regulations allow tyres as tall as 650mm, tyres intended to be used are 18/58-15 for asphalt and 14/62-15 for gravel. The suspension is changed to take· advantage of the rules allowing wider bodywork. The front suspension is completely new using a sub-frame, the rear suspension is similar to existing production design, but widened. The front brakes are completely new, now using AP design but the rear brakes are the same as those used on the Favorit. The transmission has new stronger gearbox casing with new gear ratios, still six-speed like the Group A Favorits. These things have been the beginning, now comes an unprec-edented series of decisions about logistics and tactics. An obvious difficulty, quite apart from setting up the team ready to run in 1995 in a bigger Works Championship program than ever before, concerns how competition cars , will be run by private or semi-official teams. With 50 kits required to be made, Skoda knows there is likely to be a line of customers wanting to convert their Felicias into Kit Cars. They are currently considering how to handle the matter. Nonetheless, Janeba is bouyant with the idea of the 1995 season. "The champion-ship is going to be very interesting under the Kit Car rules. The basic opportunities are the same for everyone, we have had our budget for the 1995 season confirmed by the company and we cannot wait to start work." With eight of the ten qualifying rounds to be held by July, forward planning for the 1995 season is going to be vital, with the new car requiring testing for such conflicting conditions as asphalt for Monte Carlo, snow for Sweden and rough gravel for Portugal - rallies which are all to be tackled in ten weeks. And then comes the Safari! 1995 is going to be the most strenuous year in memory for the hard working friends in the Czech Republic. SCORE 1993 ENGINE BUILDER OF lHE YEAR! We would 'i'ck~ .. t~ .. th·;·nk and congratulate all · FAT has dominated SCORE Class 1~ racing, with 4 different winners. these FAT powered 1994 Class points champions: Nevada 4011 McDonnell& Kniger MTRG Super 1600 Champion SODA Class 2--1600 Champion SODA Clas~ 1-1600 Champton SODA Class 5-1600 Champion SODA Class 9-10 Champion SODA Class 7S Champion BORF: Class 10 & Overall Chalilpion Je...-y Whelchel Todd Attig Todd Attig Mike Brue Todd Attig John Greaves Mike Flinn RAONG ENGINES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 March 1995 Baja 500 Penhall & Erl Ftreworlu 250 Ray Cn,11 Gold Coast 300 .Job & MacCachren -B.litJIIAlfl1: 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889•fax (714) 637-7352 Page 43 ...

Page 44

GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY UTOCRA E PARTS - SERVICE Shawn Meadows 752 La Presa Ave s· , S" , 1 o· , 13" , 15" • 1 s" , 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ /p(Q) ~ ir a{L (Q) (C If( SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Spring Valley, CA. 91977 (209) 275-51 83 FAX (209) 276-2365 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 Auto Meter~ (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 . BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Custom Vehicle Shifter Auto Meter instruments are the No. I choice of serious competitors ~ . and professional racers worldwide. Our Tachometers and Liquid Filled Gauges are American engineered to provide the finest in ' . Fuel Regul;tor . accuracy and durability. ·-.. • •··· Lowers fuel pressure at part-throttle, to 1.5pal at Idle. Cleans up richness at the Power lttl1h Mileage • Send $3.00 for lfl JIUf:O your 1994 Catalog. ~t.!.f: • Auto Meter Products, Inc. Dept. DU 413 W. Elm St. Sycamore, IL 60178 (815) 895-8141 .RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Export & Int'! Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management 6630 MacArthur Dr.•Lemon Grove•CA.91945 .. 619) 583-6529•FAX (619) 583-1851 HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets. BDR McKenzies "(714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212: SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ.L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 853Z6 (602) 386-2592 lower end, tune for more po_,_ Models for all carburetors. Box 2536 Rolling Hills, CA 90274 310-377-7501 $57.45 delivered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax "PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS FOR YOUR VEHICLE" 72-120 Manufacturing Rd., Ste. 1H Thousand Palms, CA 92276 (619) 343-0088 /,I ' (/('/'¥/'.?I C.U PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ====CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~P,4CING PRODVCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, yA 92020 (619) 449-7100 ; ·o· , CN' CJ· Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Moreno Blvd. Son Diego, CA.921'10 (6 J 9) 275-1663 . . Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories . Send $3.00 for ~atalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• fCRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hangirig Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d~-<WV~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 1@)~'6Ll'i I LEADED 108 OCTANE I uotticial Gas of NASCAR,, I CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA ,

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I DE tJy~~IO I HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-121.1 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 DESSERT1 R$ACIN6 SCREEN SAVER FOR WINDOWS 20 OF TH£ RADDEST OFFROAD RACING PICTURES FOR YOUR PC " only $9.99 (Plus $3.00 S&H) (CA residents add 7.75 sales tax) SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: INDEPENDANT SOITWARE 6.ROUP 5321 MALVERN AVE. SUITE F BUENA PARK, CA. 90621 JOHN VERHAGEN'S IDJT 1 ...... UAAA ... ES PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLA8KFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER" <C'=-INCORPORATED SPICER-$ (909) 877-6491 PARTS ,-Ni) SERVICE ON AUTO. TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX (714) 877-6203 California Watts 1-aoo-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continental U.S, Watts Hl00-525--0395 Btoomlng1on, CA 92316 2-4 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc, (714) 876-3107 P,O, Ro,, ·,090. Cotton, CA 92324 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S, Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K& L Santee, CA 92701 619-258-2575 e-zur INSTANT ~t ~$'. SHELTERS "-...Q,116111~'-<; FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHi:L TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 PRE-RUNNER SPECIALIST • 6UMPERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT KITS • LGMcRING KITS • DUALLYS AIR 6"6 SUSPENSION • 5HOW CARS & DISPlAYS • ATV FA6 WORK EXPERT INSTALLATION & FA6RICATION AVAILA6LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS & BEOSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC, 4010 N. PALM STREET. UNIT 103 (714) 870-9422 FULLERTON. CA, 92635 FAX (714) 870-9132-\LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GL9VES 'NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818:.768-?'770 FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD , 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd car$0n, CA 90746 RE-WBLE V.W. PAim 1U523 SHELDON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA, 913152 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 Get the word out about your business, big or small. . Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merelv~i25Joo per month. Send For A Free Brochure For Fast Service Call 715-866-8111 Hwy36&. Count.y Road D EXPLORER ACCESSORIES •I•J:l~BAKER■ Box 329 Webster, WI 54893-0329 PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS INCORPORATED 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin SHOf JERRY WOHLGEMUTH SALES REPRESENTATIVE ,. ~irSYsrems sv Raffo Racing, LTD. ✓ Eliminate helmet shield fo99ln9, ht1t buildup, & breathing/eating dud, For the largest selection of hi9h performance helmet ventilation systems give us a call. Cell 708-259-3810 42S S. Dunton Ave. or Fu 708-2S9-970S Arlington Heights, IL 6000S-1907 ~ NOW YOU CAN GO THE RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ARE USING IIIA FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 1 31790GroesbeckHwy. 1 Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Sale's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. Call or write for your FREE copy of the 1992 Fuel Safe Catalog For your local Fuel Safe Dealer call 1-1800) 433-6524 Aircraft Rubber Mfg., Inc. 5271 Business Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 Differentials Spools - Ball Joints Axles -VW Components - Etc. 4720 Felspar Street Glen Avon, CA 92509 Phone: (909) 681-6889 Fax: (909)360-9817 ... Hffls.r,i_., Rebuild Rod Ends Helm ~olnt Specialist (714) 979~6631 11661 Martens River Circle, Unit H, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 { , . ' _· . ' . MANIJl'ACTUl!ERS IJF: ~ \ HRAKE ANO CLUT CH ASSY =ucr, MASTER CYl,JN0ERS SJ.AVE CYl, J NOF.HS TURNING & STAGING DRAKES SHii•"fJ;RS ,, AVAILABLE AT FINEH SPECIAi.TY SHOPS OF.ALER I NQUR I ES WEL,C:OME 1158FLINTSTREET ~ ELSINORE, CA 92350 ' ~, · PER~ORMANCE PRODUCTS ~ 909-245-6050 FAX 909°245-6052 JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINGTON SHEET METAL CORP. 13424 1--1 Hwy, • S...ta F• S,,..., • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 Owner James Hall .....

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JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· WNNNNlli Desert, Short Course & Street .VW Racing Transmissions .Joe Giffin 1509 N: Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 {714) 632-1240 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" . 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY . ' ~9!!!!!!!!!!W!!!w~, ~P'5~ :72,A,{!"S ~,.(C'/¥4 CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA 805-968-1061: -;e;r~E" Ci/~ ~ F:£L:,ev,v,v~ ~ti-£:eS I c#Ar:£ r,cvt:~ ~EP ~ ''I/ -r~ 91-IAE' c::;-A~#~ KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3463 \1assillon Road, Suite B Uniontown, Ohio 44685 216-699-1777 Fax: 216-699-1771 Athene Karis -► KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE • 2" [l)IAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE • AIR JACKS • BALL JOINTS . ~~oQ,· ~ c,'lf. c,o\O s0 <?'0to. \<.00 ~,o<-c,'lf. KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 POWER LEE MFG. CO. · 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 763-0371 E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE A full line o! Powe• Sieering gear~. pumps ano acc>1ssorie~ for a::y type of racing. Magm,flux and Zyglo faciHti~a _ availJ.l!le. FOR THE BEST LEE LEIGHTONS RACING ENGIN~S DYNO TUNE SERVICE 3961 ALAMO STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 909-682-3816 OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE iill'iiToR RACING d ·e1LSTEIN • FOX * MOTORCYCLE 14519 MAIN STREET Ul'IIT B HESPERIA, CA 92345 619-244-9075 LINC 0 TEfflPERATURE STRIPS Easy to use, Inexpensive & accurate! All strips are self adhesive and labeled in Fahrenheit and Celsius. Strips are $2.00 99 104 110 118 121 127°C 210 220 230 240 250 260°F REVERSIBLE STRIPS allow constant temperature monitor-ing Ranges from 32°F to 194°F each or $1.75 each over ten. For a FREE IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record the brochure or to order, contact: maximum temperature reached of the LINCO 13337 E. South St., #344 Cenitos, CA 9070 I Phone/Fax: (714) 821-6542 item they are applied to. Ranges from 120'F to 555'F. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE.PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N .. _GLtNDORA AVE: COVINA,X:A ~.l.723 (818) 915-2212 . KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly-Machine Work - Parts Engjne Dyno Facility 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596~0886 KenMajor PEF'rFC:>F?IVI.A.IVC:E 1-=>~C>C>LJC-7 ~ "OFFROAD IS. OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. 0rangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 9?.806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax(714)444-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 290 TROUSDALE #I&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 619-691-1000 F~X 619-691-1324 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lancaster, CA 93535 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 4··-, r 42425 5th St. E. Unit D · Lancaster, CA 93535 Racing Products Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 a •&9it4 •••4,•41 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [941 SJ 857-5200 NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class' Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. · CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ "Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overal! ........ ·Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Cl.ass 6 & 4th Overall ........ "John Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overa:i ........ •oavid Ashley Ford F150 4X Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ "Dan Smith Bronco 4X · Class7-S ................ Brown, O'B1ian & Johnson Ranger 2X ......... _. ...... .. ........ Scott DouQlass Dakota 2X 'Member BFG/Ford "Rough Rider· Off Road Race Team NSC Would Like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride With NSC Cuslom Computer Designed Leaf Springs. • . For More Info, Please Call !!!!!::tt'!:t. CHASSIS / BDDIIS / INGINfS / DYND SflVICI Complete Race Prep 909 / 676-5594 38970 Yuma Ln. Temecula Ca 92592 BOB NETH

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Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts R Aluminum bodies <O ~ cl 1/2-1600 Motors B And Trans uggy Custom Machine Work & Fabrication St!..11.JPI?IY 2525 E. 16th St.• Yuma, Az. 85~65 (602) 783-6265 • 1 (800)231-8156 OFF ROAD CHASSIS lf_11-f/~·1te.P J<ill? BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS• CUSTOM SUSPF.:N<;ION AXLE SERVICE • WEI DING & FABRIC/\ I ION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 781-9460 f'. C. I. t\tv' t>. ::<A, \t\1t~0 ~,-~ .r~;~:1-s 11:JJ C.£ Jl/Jl)JD:3 ROADMASTER, MOTOROLA, Y AESU RADIOS SIMPSON. ARAI, BELL, SHOEI HELMETS ::!888 GUNDRY AVE ,s1mJAL HILL, CA. 90806 (:l10) 4L7-b177 TOLL FREE (800) 869 5636 PARKER PUMPER S VINEYARD HELMET ONTARIO, CA 91761 909-923-7016 FAX 909-923-3118 COMPANY J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 . 1eeo Babcock Bldg. ,a Coata Meaa, Ca 92627 Fax# (714) 650-4721 .. ~n stu1, ~VJ:" IJ ..... ~ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ P11ci1ion Alloy, 1,/d, Telephone: (714) S35-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 KaaXCJUNGE QUALITY PRE•OWNED RACE CARS & PARTS CHRIS COLEMAN 10806 Prospect Ave. #6 • Sa!llee, CA 92071 (619) 258-8544 FAX (619) 258-4266 STEVE BARTON • OWNERS LEE FINKE RACESHOCK COMPANY. Light Truck, Sport Utility, ~v & Racing Shocks 1711 West Culver #1 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Rough Co'L.lntry Off-Road Racing Shocks TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 486-4845 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER . Each month ten ot more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customer.s. It is :i grc:ir traffic builder, ·and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. ' Chatsworth, CA 91311 . 818-882-0004 tll. 700 N.E. 117th StrHt ~ ~ Vancouver, WA 9368S.H :D."'TERCOM SYSTEMS - HELI\<ll:TS ~ - HAND HELD RADIO~ . · k"ITENNAS - LEASING ~ Z, F Phone ~~.r/ '(0-~ ax 360~574-5474 on & 360~576-1109 · CUSTOM ELECTRICAL FABIUCA110N · FUEL INJECTION CONVERSIONS . · COMPLETE TURN KEY CARS · MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE RACE & CUSTOM CAR wm.ING 818-845-9473 1525 WEST BlJRBANK BLVD. BURBANK CA 91506 DALE JOHNSON 10319 LOS ALA.'\IITOS BLVD. (310)-594-9.08 I-OS ,\LA,'\ITTOS. CA 90720. (310)-594-4397 FA.X __ \-VILLSffRUSTS, OTIIER ~11\ TTERS TERESA M. SANDERS TELEPHONE (818) 892~2688 ATTORNEY AT LAW MOSER & SANDERS 16921 PARTHENIA STREET, SUITE 301 SEPULVEDA, CALIFORNIA 91343 S. B. ENGINEERING 11SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 . PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 S!!!Af~~~! G,-o0'7 Compuferized Vinyl Lettering /2' /j. C..EQ_ \-\)-/v \L TIM CECIL f {:_f?.. tS. S. 4010 N. Palm Street. #103, Fullerton, California 92635 Lo .5, (714) 447-3581 · Fax (714) 870-9132 5101 GALWAY CR., HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 ,714) 897-0075 FAX (714) 894-9567 x:e SITT s~s. BANNERS. Wlt«YN LETJEl!ti.1 · CAii lfTTERWG. r&fffXS 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 teve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 IF YOU READ IT, TIIEY Will COME "SPONSORS" HOW TO GET ONE HOW TO KEEP ONE Read the book that tells you what they want and how top drivers got theirs an_d more. $21 (includes shipping & handling) Send check or money order to: Murflnk 1722 woDacott street R.tdondo Beach, CA 90278 · anca er, las Vegas, NV ....................... 702-643-9200 Long Beach, CA.................... 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA........................... 805-485-6900 Van Nuys, CA ...................... 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA......................... 714-877-0226 -.: ALh·QTJ'!ER-!.NQUJRIES-CQNTACT _SPORTS RACit,1<3 - · . · r. o:aox '10. LONG BEACH, CA tOIOI L----------------------L----------------:--,---.....,.l...,_ __ ........ --~-1114)363-1236 -

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·· R·• .·.~· )~. ~~o . (213)583-2404 : -lj/ SANDERS SERVICE, INC. .. . '. MET,A°L PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOU~ESCENT INSPECTION :11:11:irT·A1·c -K··:1I:1f~ . .. :,:::(t: . ........ acing gasoline :•;•.·J( { }j ;:!:!:~=~~:,~_~;~~:~:~~:~~~:::·:-> ... ~~:~:i!~~,:!:~~,:;~i:,:.,J!i~}~~};.::···:~: ·:~-~-:,::::::::::::=::-:•::.-r:~1: LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE-::::;;:: .. : :: -:-:-·.·.·: :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:FUELS, RACE PROVEN IN OVER .·.-.-:-:-:-:, -: :::::>:::::::::·:····•:•:•::::,::·'.<10 MILLION MILES Of:;::::::.::>::::::~:::> .. , : .·.·.·.::. ·.·.· · .. · CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION -:-:->.· .. · QUALITY FUELS FOR MOTORSPORTS Mark Smith :::·:·-·.·.·.· Fo~ information and a distributor near yo~. c~i1':: :::: (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 Larry Smith L·_· · ___ · _· ·_· -_~,-~s~o~o:-4~4~4~-~144~9~-----· ~-:...:.···.:..:.-::.:..:~:::.-::.~=========~~~~!!!!!!!---~ Strai.ght Line ----------IEnt ALUMINUM _WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31420 96TH STREET EAST LITTLEROCK, CA 93543 805J944-2719 . - ' SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED *Welding * Fabrication* Flame Cutting * Front.Ends * Custom Chassis * Race Prep* Custom Lt-Weight Trailers Mlg'r. ol Blue Flame Products (714) 996-6260 .1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-700-9712 FAX 818-700-0947 . Trackside · ·Photo, Inc. , Jim Ober 310-s1p-ss91 Commercial Photogr,aphy P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 /?ACE TNANS BY JEFF f/ELD'S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TURBO BLUE Racing Onollnf!S 8446 Garfield Ave. • Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp (UJtlP) 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE.CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS·. FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR AU TYPES ·vF RACING,& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) THE ONLY. REASON FOR NOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY-TIMES IS e·ECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE Louie Unser Engines RATTLESNAKE MOTORSPORT S , INC. LOUIE UNSER 1100 E. Ash A venue, Suite C Fullerton, California 92631 RACE CAR BUMPER CUT TO LENGTH Phone and Fax , (714) 879-8440 $10.00 PER FT '1" VIP RUBBER COMPANY, INC. 540 South Cypress Street (310) 905-3456 (800) 722-4VIP La Habra, California 90631 FAX (310) 905-3460 ~ =~=-~PAINr /INiJC04TING9'1l.GRAhlKS* J,(J~-* -· •~ TO IMC; MAINTE~J'• fa/lYNl:~JJ/'f PING-* ."1H-#M MY66:1B"1orFick.l1p~ 0619• o 1 Automotive • ATV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave 909/369-5144 Riverside, CA 92507 Fax 909/369-7266 (310) 598-2731 WEddlE ENGiNEERiNG Exclusive distributor of I..J:x;k-Righfm VW Locking Differentials PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLE PROOUCTS Billet Super-Diffs, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Parts WholeealeiRetall. Dealer lnqulrle5 Welaome P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 90815 • From Parts lo ■ks Complete fnaines I ·=-. ..,,.,,... PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETIN G CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT 900 STATE MIL L ROAD AKRON, OHIO 44319 (216 ) 644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. ,AZ. 8501 7 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077

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Classified ••• FOR SALE: Lothringer 2 seat Class 9. Car is only 7 races old. Best of everything. Excellent con-dition, staged Foxes, radio, fresh Wiks motor & WR trans, Fuel Safe, Ump, Sway-A-Way, Wright, Yokohama, car works excellent. 100% finish ratio., $6,800.00 firm. (818) 577-9797. FOR SALE: Professionally built Pre-Runner by Darrel Jakes of Venable Racing. New motor ready to work. $25,000.00 (909) 654-4938/(714) 654-4554. 25 new Goodyear racing tires for sale. FOR SALE: 1982 Midliner Mack Boxtruck-AIC, PIS, 5 speed, 6 cylinder Turbo diesel, 75 gallon fuel tank, 10 mpg, Alcoa alumi-num wheels, new. Yokohama tires. 24' box w /belly boxes. Built in cabinets and work bench, vise, stereo, TV, VCR, tire rack, alum-inum diamond plate floor, for-mica lined walls and cabinets. E-T rack tied down system, 110 volt and 12 volt lighting, air compres-sor, 30x18 custom uilt alumi-num canopy, exterior lighting, · aluminum side door steps, alumi-num 16'drive ramps. Contact Kevin (818) 579-2135. FOR SALE: 1993 Fortin trans/ Hewland box, new cliff, ring & pinion 4:86. Ratios: lst3:00, 2nd 2:07, 3rd 1:67, 4th 1:29, 5th 1:12. Must sell $7,500.00 obo. Call (714) 441-1212 or (310) 865-6246. -~--------FOR SALE: ORE 1-1600, 115", prepped, ready to win. Best of everything. Hatz motor, Wright combos and arms, Durablue, bus tranny w/ Hewlands, 091 diff., L!mp Fox, SAW., Fuel Safe cell, Very competitive, Class champ HORA/SCORE and SNORE. Must see, $12,500.00, serious inquiries only. (805) 297-3943. FOR SALE: 1991 Chromoly Taylor 1-2-1600. Finished in the top FIVE in 1993, top SEVEN in 1994. FOX, Sway-A-Way, Beard seats, power steering, BFG's, FTC gears, Web cam, etc. 2 motors, 2 tran~. All spare parts go with car. $6,800.00. Must sell. Bowles Racing ( 414) 285-3075. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 1986 Raceco Class 2. FAT type 4, bus tranny w/Hew-land gears, Centerlines, Taylor seat, Fuel Safe cell, Bilstein & Fox, Summers Bros outboard disc brakes. TOO MUCH TO LIST: 125"wb, Killer Car - awesome race or pre-run car. Price lowered to $16,500.00 or with no motorltrany (make a 10 car) make offer. Baja Concepts ref #385. (619) 583-6529. -FOR SALE: Kevin Smith's win-ning Mirage Super 1600 stadium car. Complete coil car, Smart Per-formance Toyota, Fortin 2 speed, too much to list, wl many spares. Call for package details. (818) 579-2135. FOR SALE: '89 Toyota Class 7S, total rebuild, Fields trans and Ford 9" rear w/355 Spline-Axels-Spool, Fox Shox, Bump stops, Cone Ball jts. New motor. Com-petitive SCORE-SNORE-LA RANA. Race ready. Consider trades (need race trailer). $17,500.00 060(702)437-0117. FOR SALE: (5) New BFG Baja TA's 35x12.Sx15 (7) Mounted wheels & tires 7.00xlS Yoko-hamas, Centerline &' Weld Wheels. Used buggy fronts, good cond. (2) New 7.00xlS BFG fronts. ( 1) New Ultra buggy front wheel 15". Make offer on what you need. (310) 521-9303 Leave message. TRICK 1991 MTEG Magnum. Fresh! FAT Rabbit Race Motor with a complete spare included. Two "top-of-the-line" Bus Box trannies! Coil over Fox Shoxs, UMP Power Steering, 5 link rear, with disc brakes. Centerlines w/Beadlocks and BFG's! Com-plete Package. Baja Concepts Ref #384. (619) 583-6529. ATTEN SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS: House w/shop For Sale; Spacious 3 BDR 1&¾ bath wl newly remodeled kitchen. Top garage has roll up door, can be used as office or garage. Two car garage & (shop) attached below house. Plus 4 car HUGE metal shop w /200 amp electrical included with house at no addi-tional charge! Everything is new; roof, stucco, paint ( inside & out), wallpaper, etc. Fenced in profes-sionally landscaped front yard all on timers. Large back patio and big sun deck with brand new railing. Basement with crawl space under house. Centrally located in San Diego County. Must see! $199,000.00 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Class 8 -428 motor. Ready to race wltrailer,. spare motor and tire.s. 20" travel. $14,000.00. Tom (805) 251-. 5565. FOR SALE: Class 10, 118" wlb Bunderson frame, Race Ready, never raced since ground up rebuild, new motor and trans, new tires and rims. Lots of extras. This car is light and fast. $10,000.00 Trade?? (214) 424-9720. WANTED: Off Road race parts: By pass shocks, coil over shack's 14" & travel, Airbumps30 gallon and up fuel cells, Dana 60 or 9" Ford full floater rear ends, Wil-wood brakes, Mastercraft seats & misc. items - shifters, gauges, etc. (310) 425-2573. FOR SALE: Chaparral Class 2, Ump pi s, coil over, disc brakes, outboard rears, Hewland DG 300 w/c.v. clutches, FAT motor, FOO front/rear arms and spindles, 20" trvl, FOX 300m Webbers, Flame Out & more. Super clean! $21,000.00 obo. Baja Concepts Ref #415 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: 2 seat Class 10, DirtTrix, 120", Chromoly, Summers front & rear, 300m, Fox, Charlynn, Saco, CNC, bump stops, Willwood, Pumper, Wright, Fodrill, Woods, 28 gal. Fuel Safe, Dura Blu, Beards, Hewland trans, Toyota 2tg and spare, plus more, $12,500.00. Complete or $10,000.00 w /bus box. (602)892-3707 Pager{602) 227-1695. Ol' Joint Jigger Tuhe & Pipe Notchers ► Notches, copes, or saddles any round or square ~~e or pipe up to 2 diameter , J I,, Easy: ~etup. for angles to 45 Available direct or from quality dealers ►, Imitated but never duplicated - Buy with confidence Dale Wilch Sales & Mfg. P.O. Box 12031 (642 3288) For info or orders 1-800-NICECUT Kansas City, KS 66112 (913) 788-3219 FX 788-9682 . ,. ... ----~----------~-__, ___________________ __.. ____ till&-___ ~-------_.-... _,. I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I : DIJSTYTIMES. :~ I Classified Advertising r~te is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of I I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. . I I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I I vou wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I, f ---------------------------I I ~------------------------I I J I ------------------'-------------I: I __________________________ I I I I __________ __c__________________ I I ___________________________ I I Enclosed is$ _____ {Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I I I I Name ---------------------------------Mail to: I • I DUSTY TIMES I I Address ----------------------Phone-------20751 Marilla Street I I Chatsworth, CA;9f311-4408 I • City------~---------,----State _____ Zip___ . • March 1995 Page 49

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FOR SALE: Dan Baudoux two seat Mirage Class 11 car. Class champion in 1993 SODA series. $6,500.00 with spare parts. Will sell wino motor $5,000.00. Call (517) 642-2333 or (517) 781-0281. JOB AVAILABLE: International OffRoad Exp. a must, w/ Mrkting & Promo and SLS & Clsing skills, Computer savvy. Must have a knowledge of Mexico, have light mechanical and fab skills, be ambitious and self motivating and willing to relocate to So. Cal. Long term position wlgrowth potential. Fax r_esume to: Racing (619) 278-6220. We will be all inquiries on FOR SALE: Utility bed for chase truck. Custom tool box, co~ bot-tles with hose reel, oil and fluid shelf. Also full-width, locking tire rack. Will fit full size shortbed truck. Delivery available. $1,000.00 (805) 823-9612. FOR SALE: Funco SS-1 single seat off road Class 1 , motor and trans. one short race, long travel front end, Datsun half shaft IRS rear suspension $2,250.00 obo. Trailer with tire race $500.00. Delivery possible. Thing drums, stub axels, transaxels, c.v. joints, front beams, spindler, etc. available for sale (904 )862-9850. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Best in the Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 Castex Inc .. E-2-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Castex Truck Sale . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 51 -CODRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 F/\ T Performa_nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 43 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 38 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Glen Helen OHV Park Series . . . . . . • • 2 Spring Classic 100 at Glen Helen ......... ..... 26-27 Rod Hall Driving School . . . . . . . . . . . 24 La Rana Desert Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 McKenzie's Performance Products . . . . 13 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Nissan Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Pike's Family Restaurant . • . . . . • . • . 42 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Reid Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 21 Rose Traction Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 SCORE San Felipe 250 . . . . . Back Cover Mike Seefeldt . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 41 SNORE Twilight 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sway-A-Way ...... . ........... 14 Trackside Photo Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Tri-Mil Industries ............... , 31 Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Whiplash Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Wilch Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Yarnell Specialties Inc. . . . • . . . . . . . . 37 Page 50 FOR SALE: Fat Rabbit, New style head, Plenum manifold, 3 total races, 1 since fresh prep. $3,750.00 or possible trade for Toyota motor. (310) 618-4823 or (310) 318-6953. FOR SALE: AIRBAGS for late model ½ ton 2wd truck. Rear airlift #59103. New in box. $185.00 (714) 774-9489. FOR SALE: 1993 La Rana Desert Racing class champion Ford Ranger. Best of everything used to build this winner. Race ready with tons of spares. Ready to win 1995 La Rana or Glen Helen Short Course championship! Call for parts list and details. $12,000.00 obo (310) 988-6250. FOR SALE: 1973 VW Thing, late Bus trans. Gas heater, 2 gas tanks, tow lights, excellent top w/ sliding windows. Centerlines, new tires, tire rack, reclining seats, aluminum skid plates, special suspension. Trailer hitch, wide rear fenders $4,495.00. Days (209) 486-0280 or nights (209) 486-7634. WANTED: 4 coil over shocks, fully adjustable 10", 12" or 14" stroke. Call Steve (916) 725-7849. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Hil-borne fuel injection for Type I VW engine. Complete set up fuel pump is on oil sump pump, air cleaners, linkage, everything $800.00 or trade for FTC Bus gears, or front coil over Fox Shox. (909) 245-1603. FOR SALE: High Jumper play car. 2 seater 1776 dual port, Rancho suspension shocks adjustable, Sway-A-Way. Beefed up suspension, fiberglass body, custom top, CB radio, many extras. Runs excellent. $3,000.00 FOR SALE: 1970VW PIU. Mag obo (408) 272-7691. wheels, auto trans. $995.00. Days AVAILABLEONVIDEOT APE: (209) 486-0280 or nights (209) . 1993 Parker 400, 1993 Baja 486-7634. 1000. Tapes include exclusive FOR SALE: Chenowth Class 10, FAT Rabbit motor, new beam Foddrill forward mounted arms, Wright Big Spindles, Fox Shox, UMP, Beard seat, Parker Pumper, Flame-Out bus box w/ Hewland gears. Spare Fat air-cooled motor, spare tranny, trailer available, $16,000.00 obo. Bi 11 ( 602) 978-9762. FOR SALE: Raceco four seat Class 2. Brand new car prepared at Raceco. All first rate compon-ents used, Fox Shox, Beard seats·, Jamar pedals with turning brake, Wright arms, Centerlines with interviews and behind the scenes with top racers. Each tape $20.00. More races available soon. Send check or money order to: Chris Rowland, 15252 Seneca Rd. #113, Victorville, CA 92392. FOR SALE: Class 10 2 seat Woods Clark W est 10 motor-Extra 2180, Bus (Hewland) box, UMP's, 930 c.v.s, radio & com, Bunderson air springs, Fox coilovers, 17" front 20~' rear travel. Fresh car-race ready. $15,000.00 or best. (702) 658-8538. Possible trade for Harley or? bead locks, Porsche motor by FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum, Goshen Racing. lcechest mount, MTEG points championship fuel gauge, trai1er hitch etc. $251< stadium car. Best of everything. (714) 642-5596 ask for Brad. Long travel extra wide coil-over FOR SALE: New never used,. shocks w ladj. Bypass tube TripleEEESuperlitetransmission shocks. Call Frank Arciero Jr. · with: 7.28:1 gearing HD spooler& (714) 632-0134. · output shafts; HD slider gear. Paid over $1,400.00. Will sell for $1 ,050.00 firm. Need seat and small fuel safe for Superlite. Call Dave (715) 627-2611. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Jimco 80% complete, all the good stuff, Sway-A-Way, Fox Shox, Master-craft, CNC, Wright Place, Fuel Save, Parker Pumper. Need c.v.s, axels, floor plan, wiring and some prep. $15,000.00. ALSO TWO Aros Dual Axel Car Trailers. One 18' overall 14' hauling length. $ 1,000.00. One 16' overall 11½' hauling length. $1,200.00. Call Duane ( 619) 4 7 5-4608 eves only. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited, 2112 Type I, 30 gallon fuel cell, Beard seats, Wright front end, Woods spindles, Saco rack and pinion steering, Sway-A-Way torsion bars and axels, W inco trailing arm. Raced only three times $4,900.00 obo. (5 10 ) 484-3512. March 1995 FOR SALE: Class 10 two seat Berrien 1650cc Type I, Hewland transmission·, Fox Shox, BFGs, Centerlines, 930s, Sway-A-Way, Fuel Safe, Wright rack, power steering, Neal pedals, $6,300.00. ALSO 2300cc Type I Eliminator heads with dual Webbers, $3,500.00 firm. (906)466-1914. FOR SALE: Chevy Class 8, '9f and '93 La Rana champ, Class 8 legal anywhere. 22" front & rear travel, 1/4 Liptics, Kuster shocks with bypass tubes, Dana 60 40 spline, custom spindles, 350 ci motor. First class parts through-out, $49,500.00 (714 )838-6016. FOR SALE: Two (2) Class 9 cars. One tubular designs two seat best of everything with trailer and all receipts for parts plus all spares. Single seat T-Mag Class 9 with a lot of good parts. Great starter car. Sell everything for $9,500.00 obo. Will seperate. Call John Holmes (909) 784-6113. FOR SALE: 1970 VW VORRA Sporstman Class or SCORE Class 11. 1776cc dual port, fuel cell, full SCORE approved roll cage. Many extra parts: transaxle, suspension, engine, body parts, etc. $2,500.00 (916) 582-4068 leave message, all calls returned. FOR SALE: Class 5 Baja Bug with 0 hours on Leighton 2180 motor and Field's trans. Clean car makes a great pre-run, play car or easily converted to street legal. Priced to sell $4,500.00 obo. Call Jim at (80-5) 985-4457. FOR SALE: 2 Motorola hand held radios MT-1000 Xlent cond. with charger, remote mike & 2-ea.rphone mikes $750.00. CNC pedal assembly ( clutch, brake, throttle) never used $125.00. 2 Centerline wheels VW 15x5 used $150.00. Wright Place l¼" trail-ing arms 1 side top & bottom, used $150.00. (818) 761-0680. FOR SALE: 7S Ford Ranger, race ready, all the good stuff and lots -of it.Two complete motbrs, must sell ASAP. Make offer around $8,000.00 (414) 865-7792 Wiscon. area. FOR SALE: VW Rabbit perfect for Rallys. 1TB Road Race Rabbit, many track champions and record holder. Very fast. Full Tectonics motor, best of everything and tons of spares. Custom paint. Must sell $3,850.00 or Best Offer. Comes race ready with tandom axe! trailer. Call Tom, home (714) 537-5480, work (714) 534-0620.· FOR SALE: Ex-Class 5 racer, excellent pre-runner. New tires, new KYBs, VDO, 30 gal cell. Excellent fabrication, Centerlines, Deist, Baja pumper, 5-point harness, lights, limiting straps, 1835cc, Bus close ratio trans, 2 spare mounts, great car. (818) 451-3416 $3,950.00. FOR SALE: 5-1600 built by Bruce Farley, FAT motor and trans. All chromolly & heli arc, SAW axels, torsion, spring plates and front leaves, Wright rack, Type 4 c.v.s, Fodrill arms & spindels, Dura Blue axels, Kusters all around. One of the nicest 5-1600s built. $16,500.00 obo. (619) 258-8544. rOR SALE: Racing tires custom made for Trophy-Truck racing cir ultimate pre-runners that do not want flats! 37x12.50xl 7. Some wheels also available. Wheels $75.00 ea. Tires $75.00 ea obo. Will sell all for special discount. 100 available: 80 Bridgestones, 20 General. Specially made for Roger Mears Racing available thru Baja Concepts. Visa/MC/ AMEX accepted. (619)583-6529 or Fax (619)5 83-1851. FOR SALE: Mears owned Rally Cars, 300ZX twin turbo, propane powered. Both vehicles are record holders and in outstanding condition. Very low mileage, safety equipment. W ould make awesome race or street legal vehicles in Mexico. Must sell quick! $15,000.00 each. Call Baja Concepts for details ( 619) 583-6529 Ref #409 & #410. FOR SALE: '90 Nelson & Nelson built Class 8 w I new motor and tranny. Only 80 miles. Complet-ely race ready and tested. Package dialed in with lots of extras and spare parts; everything you need to go racing. 15" front travel, 20" rear! Ready for SCORE 1995. Knock offs available. Driven by Ricky Johnson and Jimmie Johnson. This Ultra Wheels/ Coyne Motorsports truck is fast and available as a complete package for $60,000.00. Please direct all inquires to Baja Concepts R ef # 4 19 ( 619) 583-6529. Dusty Times

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BEST FOR SALE: 1-1600 custom built FOR SALE: Class 9 - 2 seat forRenSportRacingbyDerickat Chenowth. Wright, SAW, Finishline Prep. This beautiful car Yokohama, Parker Pumper, is complemented with the best of RLH, Beard seats, Deist harness, everything that money can buy VDO gauges, Killer trans and for limited class racing. Fox Shox, motor. Complete package includ-FAT motor, BF Gs, Centerlines. ing pit boxes and spare parts. Best Excellent car! Comes with a of everything! Very competitive. tremendous amount of spare Must sell fast $4,900.00 Baja parts, pieces, pit boxes, tires, Concepts Ref #399 (619) wheels, ets. TOO MUCH TO 583-6529. IN THE DESERT OFP-ROAD RACING ASSOCJ:ATJ:ON "IT'S COMING" THE OFF-ROAD ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME LIST! The whole car and oackaQe ------------can be yours foronly $13,800 .00!! Contact Baja Concepts Ref #418 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum-Bilsteins, Wright, UMP, 300m axels, Fortin c .v.s, Beard, Summers. Needs TLC, minus motor, trans, tires & wheels. $3,500.00. Motors available. Will trade for Ford 7S parts. Call (712) 239-2888. FOR SALE: The hottest, lightest Class 10 Chenowth around! Buy Doug Fortin, Jr. 's Class 10 or 1 with optional Fortin or Hewland transmission ( negotiated by buyer at an extra charge). 1994 Parker 400 winner! Car with no tranny/motor fresh: The Best of everything! Foddrill, SACO, 20" travel in rear ( with custom made bypass position sensitive Bilstein shocks). SAW, BFG, Centerlines and extra tires. $16,000.00 firm. Must sell quick to ensure your win in '95. Baja Concepts Ref #417 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Chenowth 1-1600 Tall man's version, Lee Leighton motor,JG trans, Heim shifter, 22 gal Fuel Safe, Wright, UMP, Fox Shox, Parker Pumper, Jamar, Simpson, Mastercraft $8,000.00. Call Sean Krepsz(909)352-4421. FOR SALE: 1977 Chevrolet 1-Ton Duelley Crew Cab w/ sleeper 454, auto, 2 saddle tanks, plus 70 gal main tank. CD player. Pulls a 38' aluminum 5th wheel competitive trailer, hydraulic ram, 110, 12 volt lighting, recessed exterior lighting. $10,000.00 for all or obo. Call Bill at (619)461-4029. FOR SALE: Type IV 2733cc. Pauter 82mm crank, Billet Pauter rods, Wise Co. pistons; Manley SS valves (48x38) w/ Vasco jet springs, dry sumped, 44 IDF Webbers, WEB cam, Type I lifters, Porsche 911 fan w/ Fat shroud, 200mm-2000 lb. Ken nedy pressure plate wlspares, wedge matted flywheel, fifth stud, UMP can filter system $5,000.00. 3 convertible VW bodies $450.00 each. Neal Grabowski (909) 985-3553. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Class 9 - 2 seat, '92 chromoly 4130 chassis, FOX, SAW, Killer tranny, top of the line motor. Car is fresh! Nice looking alum. body. Simpson belts, Yoko tires. Top runner in SNORE series. Buy and win! $7,900.00 obo Baja Concepts Ref #403 (619) 583--6529. THE ADVENTURE BEGINS "MARCH 1996" FOR SALE: Class 10 A-Arm Bunderson. Want to win? For $24,000.00 get a turn key top 3 running vehicle All the Time. Super fast, Toyota; FAT, BFG, Ultra Wheel, Master Craft, Custer shocks (big wheel travel -20" front and rear) Rose trans. This car is strong and dependable. Must see to believe. WIN NOW! Baja Concepts Ref #420 (619) 583-6529. THE LONGEST OFF-ROAD RACE IN THE " UNITED STATES" OVER 500 MILES OF PURE ADVENTURE FOR SALE: Raceco 1-1600 new Major motor, fresh Mendeola bus trans, new 930 c.v.s, new Dura-blue stub axles, updated suspen-sion, FOX, Mastercraft, fuel cell, Flame-Out, power steering '94 FR T Class champion, light and fast ... Spare motor, tires, dump cans, etc. $12,500.00. (619) 442-9757. FOR SALE: '93 Jimco Class 10. Major motor, Mendeola trans, J imco prepped. No expense spared. Lots of spares. etc. Need to sell $22,500.00 obo. (909) 687-0515. FOR SALE: Raceco rear arms with early style out board c.v. FOR MORE J:NFO: BEST J:N THE DESERT 3475C BOULDER. HIGHWAY LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89121 (702) 4S7-S77S FAX (702) 641-2431 MOTORCYCLES QUADS Don't Be Locked OUT Of Your Favorite Riding Areas FIGHT BACK JOIN 8/ueRibbon Coalition CARS TRUCKS FOR SALE CASTEX RACING 1 994 TROPHY TRUCK CHEVY S-10 SJ?indles $500.00. Highjumper Receive one years' pick-up bed mounted buggy rack with electric wench. Great. for subscription. Your contribution Class 9 or 1600. $4~0.00 firm. will work immediately Saco power steering pump $125.00. Call John (310) 425-to fight land closures. 5904 or Jimmie (310) 867-6275. YES! I will join the BlueRibbon Coalition D New Individual Membership $20.00 FOR SALE: Chromoly Chenowth D Org~nization $100.00 All Dues are ALL THE BEST PARTS (RACE READY) Class 1 or 10. Fresh. FAT 1650 D Business S100.00 for one year Rabbit tube PortHead, fresh bus Name _________ _ trans, Hewland gears, super cliff. Fox Shox, Summers Bros. rear Address----------disc. New 3x3 rear arms, 30 gal City ______ State Zip fuel cell. Power steering, Jamar, Send contributions to: - -PCI radio. Race ready! Short BlueRlbbon Coalition, P.O.Box 1427 course or desert. $7,500.00 •'Idaho Falla ID 83403 / (208) 524-3946 (916) 272-2068. ' March 1995 PLEASE CALL BILL OR KEITH AT 213-462-4732 (SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY) Page 51 , ..

Page 52

. E IP E RI E N OE B AJA. C: ENJOY SEA OF OORTEZ. ~[i)[?@fu il@oil8 0 ~~ IF@ilfi[P@g llia©ag ~@~©© R•O•U•N•D 2 1995 DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES March 11 -8:00 a.m. March 11 -8:30 a.m. 23 Pro and Sportsman Classes OARS· TRUOKS • MOTOROYOLES • ATVs I I I Drawing - February 15 Pre-Running • February 17 -March 10 a TECAT1:1Dll -«Ll@~» &@~□~cB@@J CUSTOM WI-EELs TOYOTA THE OFFICIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL BFGaadricfi ---:Tires· The Official Tire of SCORE International (SM!'J',}'J!J!Jl'·} ~