Volume 11 - Number 10 - October 1995 $1.00 ISSN 8750-173!' Covering the world of competition in the dirt
PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS ADULTS-$10 12 TO 15 YRS OLD-$5 12 & UNDER-FREE Championship Series An Approved ~ Concessionaire o~ G/fUUIIHll:S 8M ~ LMSIN NINnNC IIIVICI IA ■ IEUAIIDIID, CWfDl■A
Volume 11 - Number 10-October 1995 CAIJF<JRNIA RALLY SERIES Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Michael Ward Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Carol Clark Don Dayton John Elkin Homer Eubanks Don Holbrook Martin Holmes Daniel Mainzer Ken & Nicole Ruff Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smitp Judy Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Inc .• Art Director Larry E. Worsham SNAPSHOT ___,,ILL8 OffllCWI IUCIIIQ _., Subscription Rates: RlrilSnscf~Radng~ $20.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. F~rei~n Sub~ription rate~-on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may ' be subject to editing. , DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408, (818) -882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 9131_ 1--4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408. OF THE MONTH ••• · Everybody who is anybody reads Dusty Times, even when they are engaged in more pressing business at hand. This young reader is Roger Atchley who will probably not like this exposure in later years, but it sure is a cute picture. The snap was sent in by Shawn and Kelly Atchley. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures -of similar interest on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES wtll,pay $10.for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 preferred but clear color prints will_ l,e c~idered. Dusty nmcs October 1995 ., 1'9 This Issue ••• FEATURES Page La Rana Johnson Valley 200 by Judy Smith ................. 10 Fireworks 250 Trophy-Trucks by Judy Smith ................ 15 Whiplash at Mayer, AZ by Tony Tellier ..................... 16 SNORE Midnight Special by Jean Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 · Prescott Forest Rally by John Elkin ......................... 21 Mountan Shadow 150 by Joe Vasquez .................. .... 22 WRC Rally of New Zealand by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chevy S-10 Pickup by John B. Calvin ....................... 26 CODRA Report by Terry Silbaugh ......................... 27 Firestone Jackaroo 500 by Darryl Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 FRT Conquista 200 by Jean Calvin ......................... 32 Toyota T-100 Pickup by John B. Calvin ..................... 35 WRC Rally Argentina by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Gumbo Buttes Baja by Scott Olson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 SODA Winter Series .......................... . ......... 41 McKenzies Glen Helen Championship by Ron Miller .......... 42 SODA Luxemburg Off Road Challenge by Barb & Marilyn Schultz .............................. 44 DEPARTMENTS Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Trail Notes .............................................. 6 Checkers Column by El Chismoso de El Chinero . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Baja Pits by Carlos Orozco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Fair by Dave Massingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Classified Ads .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . 57, 58 & 59 ON THE COVER-Randy Spahr got his first overall win at Johnson Valley and his Lothringer came through the hot and dusty race in great shape. He was really thrilled to have the first place honors in his Class 10 car against a tough field of veteran racers. Gustavo Vildosolo flies his Baja Bug over the rough deset in fine style in one of four or five in a row victories with Charlie Watters in the 5-1500 bug. A record like that deserves a place on the Dusty Times cover for sure. We congratulate all the drivers who helped the record for both these ' entries and it is quite an effort for a privateer these days. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. to S~7odatf DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $20.00 □ ·2 years - $30.00 □ 3 years - $40.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I _, Take1 advantage of your subsaiption bonus •• I - .I Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. I . . I (Form on inside back page) I I I Name ________ ~-------------I I Address ____________________ , .I City ___________________ j I State -----------Zip ___________ I I Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES I I I I 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 I 1( Canadian - 1 year $25 .00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) I Page 3
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1"5 Nappcni_ngs ASOCIACION ESTATAL de AUTOMOVILISMO ·Jam Lasell, Tech Inspector APTO42 San Jose de! Caho Baja Calif. del Sur, Mexico October 15, 1995 T odo Santos to La Paz 180 miles La Paz, B.C.S. November 20, 1995 Short Course Race Cuidad Constitucion Baja Calif. del Sur AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 19 Somers St. Cashmere, Queensland, 4500, Australia 0I 1-18-07-298-5522 November 12, 1995 Puckapunyal Victoria AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B lHl (514) 434-5792 BADDOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645-0003/(817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh (817) 790-8268 nights 1995 Season Canceled BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico ( Mexicali ( 65) 55-62-83 Off Road Races October 7, 1995 Mexicali 400 Laguna Salada Mexicali BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 Golden Crown of Baja Series October 6-8, 1995 Gran Carrera de Sonora 150 miles, multi-lap December 15-17, 1995 Gran Carrera de Campeones 250 miles, multi-lap BEST IN THE DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Casey Folks, Director 3475 C Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 457-4775 /Fax (702) 641-2431 March 1996 Vegas to Reno Off Road Race Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, ATVs BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1533 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1995 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2222 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Debbie Turner, CRS Director 25885 Stanford Hemet, CA 92544 (909) 925-0870 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 Page 6 September 23, 1995 Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA October 14, 1995 Treeline Rally November 18, 1995 East of Indio Indio, CA *Final 199.5 So. Pacific Divisional championship e11ents C.O.D.R.A. CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 (503) 389-2044 October 14, 1995 Whiskey Springs 400 Millican, OR CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 Kevin Miller (Baja) (605) 224-6923 Don Engleman (Motocross) (605) 224-4967 GUMBO BUTTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS Communications & Information Scott Olson ( 605) 224-5822 FAX (605) 224-5822 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (6163717 0034) CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags P.O. Box830 Adelanto, CA 92301 (619) 246-7262 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719)531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. 15073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 ( 303) 936-5960 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-36491(214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 ( 407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 October 21, 1995 Superstition 250 XI 4 times around a 60 mile loop ATVs, Bikes, Desertlites, Buggies, Cars & Trucks Lake Superstition El Centro, CA December 31, 1995 Dunaway Dash ATVs, Bikes & Desertlites Double Points 5 times around a 25 mile loop Buggies, Cars & Trucks Plaster City West El Centro, CA District 38 Schedule All e11ents near El Centro, CA September 1 7, 1995 The Stuart Engineer Desert Sprint October 1, 1995 The Smitty's Cycle Center Mudhen II November 19, 1995 Notorious Dawg 3 hour Team Race December 3, 1995 Rudolph's Revenge Desert Gran Prix GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714) 880-1733 McKeruie Series Races October 22, 1995 December 3, 1995 Glen Helen Special Events (Contact BBM M~rketing Promotions, P.O. Box .582, Lakewood, CA 90714 (310) 988-<>2.50 Soda Winter Series November 30, 1995 December 1, 1995 December 2, 1995 December 3, 1995 USA Sand Drags (909) 877-5045 September 16, 1995 October 14, 1995 November 11, 1995 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA 13621 Pierce St. · Omaha, NE 68144-1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. ( all races at W eslf air Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course similar to the MTEG tracks, and Classes 1, 1-16oo, 7S and.Quad under SODA rules) IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All ewnts staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) INTERNATIONAL ICE RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 8105 St. Paul, MN 55108 Steve Beddor (612) 937-3816/ Fax 474-2769 INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714)364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob(604)374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime ( All e1leTlts start 7 miles NW of Kamloops) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1365 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 240-13351(619) 240-1312 September 22-24, 1995 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA October 14-15, 1995 La Rana Trophy Dash Barstow, CA November4-5, 1995 La Rana Trophy Dash Barstow, CA November 17-19, 1995 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN BUUUY BUILDERS 3749 Needmore Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 (517) 543-7214 October 1995 Trail Notes ••• NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK in Reno, Nevada late in August was spon-sored by BFGoodrich Tires and the centerpoint was a big truck show and what was planned as a big race on the same course that the Rod Hall Invitational was run last year, this year sponsored in part by Rancho Suspension. Well the organizers and VORRA came to loggerheads over use of the land, the private property they had to cross to get to the BLM land that was the bulk of the 90 mile course. The unhappy result was that VORRA's race was cancelled the Friday of race weekend some weeks earlier leaving the T ruckin at the start/ fin-ish with reserved rooms canceled and too much food on hand and a big loss. The Reno Hilton was headquarters and a fine host for one truck show and the tech and contingency row on Friday August 25 for Rod Hall's efforts. Also many of the VORRA racers who had pre-entered failed to show and only 24 of the 54 odd entries showed on the starting line. It is a real shame and we'll have the full story next month. The results show that Todd Denton won Class 10 and overall by about 13 seconds over Deve Westhem in his Chevy Class 8 pickup. Bill Webb was third in his Class 10 followed by Sid Smith in a 1600. Check the story next month with details and photos. It is a great race course in the Mint 400 tradition, long, tough and a real challenge. BRUSH RUN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RACE - Sponsored by . Chevrolet and a host of associate sponsors the annual Labor Day frolic set all manner of records last Labor Day. There was a good crowd on hand even on Friday to watch the afternoon qualifying, and a huge crowd, like a Sunday nor-mally, on Saturday and on Sunday they were hanging from the rafters every-where to·watch the 1995 champions to be in action. And the new World Champions are Todd Attig in Class 2-1600, Glen Matthews in Class 11D, Steve McCrossan in Class 3, all the way from Ontario, Canada. Class 6 honors fell to Allen Fannin, in a Chevelle on his home track, Class 8S winner was Kelly Worrall and Class 9/10 went to Jeff Probst, which was no surprise. Class4 is the Governors Cup, and Rob MacCachren drove the Rampage Racing Ford to that prestigious victory. Art Schmitt won Class 7 in a Nissan, Joe Zilisch won Class 13 in a GMC truck, and Walker Evans took the Class 8 victory. The SODA Lites finish the Saturday program with Holgeir Oksnevad taking the victory. More and more people poured into the race track overnight and the Sunday program was also a dandy. Todd Attig started out with another win, this time in Class 1/2, SOD A's president Terry Wolfe won Class 5-1600 and Michael Oberg won Class 11S. Floridian Jason Crowder won Class 1-1600 followed by fellow Floridian Michael Notary. The Challenge race for Classes 6, 7, and 8S went to Art Schmitt and his Nissan, while the Unlimited Buggy Challenge was won by Jeff Probst. The Heavy Metal Challenge went to Scott Douglas closely followed by Brendan Gaughan. The high dollar Borg Warner Challenge went to another Californian Steve Kelley in a Dodge.Todd Attig was back winning the Limited Buggy Challenge. Gwen Holmes won the Unlimited Women's race while Sarah Sawall continued her winning streak in Women's Class 11. Sherri Parsons was the big winner in Women's Heavy Metal in her Chevrolet. We'll have an in depth report by Judy Smith next month, so you'll get all the details on each event. ON THE MEND -VORRA racer and overall points leader at this writing • Sam Berri suffered a ruptured appendix on Friday September l. It was non race involved and he was flown from the race site in Yerington, NV to Sacramento, CA for surgery. The ruptured appendix poisoned part of his intestine which were also partly removed. We all wish Sam Berri a speedy recovery and he is not supposed to race for three months. He did and will have a substitute driver at the remainder of the 1995 VORRA races. Mind the doctor Sam! THE RESULTS ARE IN FROM THE YERINGTON TO FALWN VORRA RACE in northern Nevada and it is a new format tried this season and seemed popular. Mike and Floyd Haas driving a Mini Mag got their first Pro class win in Class 1 in such a little car. Congratulations fellows. The Class i Vet winner was Dale Carr and it was his first ever win. Class 10 went to Tom Bowman and George Reese, and Bill Webb took the Class 10 Vet honors. Larry Folsom was tops in Class 1-2-1600. Steve Bruner took Class 4 while Jarad Wilson topped the Class 4 Vet group. Lance Rhinehart won Class 9 in his second race and it was his second win. Sportsman Novice honors went to Doug Seymour and Ben Wald won the Pilot Class. In Overall order it was Steve Bruner first, Mike and Floyd Haas, second, Tim Bowman/ George Reese third and Dale Carr in his Class 1 Vet car. Again details and pictures will be along soon THE SODA RACE AT ROAD AMERICA, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, happened on August 19-20, with a good turnout of racers from all over the eastern states. It started with the new Class 8S stock truck, the win went to Mike Mischler in a Chevy. Bill Groboski won Class 6 in a Lumina, and Michael Brue was on winning form in a Class 5-1600. Top honors among the two dozen double seat Class 11 cars went to Curt Gerald. John Greaves was the front runner in the 14 truck Class 7 bash in his Toyota. Scott Schwalbe won Class 9/10 and Geoff Dorr won Class4 in his Ford. Scott Taylor won Class8 in his Rough Riders Ford. Todd Attig won Class 2-1600 and SODA Lites honors again went to Hol_gier Odsnevad. Todd Attig started off Sunday's run with a win in Class l /2 and Dan Van-denhuevel won Class 13 in a Ford. Jason Crowder came from Florida to win Class 1-1600 and single seat Class 11 went to Dan Baudoux in his Mirage win-ning over 26 other starters. Walker Evans won the 2 x4 and 4x4 Challenge in his Class 8 Dodge and Michael Seefeldt won the Limited Buggy Championship. Dan VandenHeuval won the Non-Production Heavy Metal Challenge, back on top form. Ruth Schwartzburg won the Women's Unlimited Challenge while Sarah Sawell dominated and won the Women's Limited race. Sherri Parsons won over an eleven truck field to take the Women's Heavy Metal tide in her Chevrolet. The full race story will be along in an upcoming issue. SCORE INTERNATIONAL acquired a new sponsor last summer, begin-ning with the Baja 500 and it is Johnson Controls Battery Division. So begin-ning with that race SCORE had a new look and the series a new tide -The Eveready Desert Championship Series. SCORE International and Johnson Controls Inc. of Milwaukee, signed a long term agreement. The makers of the Eveready line of automotive and truck batteries are the first series sponsor for SCORE in 13 years. Johnson Controls make a variety of automotive products besides batteries, but they should not be confused with the flashlight batteries, and the company is a group marketing all over the world. In addition to becoming the namesake for the series Johnson Controls also plans to utilize the new relationship to launch an extensive marketing a.nd !ldvertising effort built around the Eveready brand. The shirts for SCORE officials are only the beginning of their identification with off road racing. Dustynmcs
MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517) 627-6200 Other Dates Pending November 4, 1995 Banquet at 7:00 p.m. Diamondale, MI MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION David Cronin, President. MAORA 2590 Mullanphy Florissant, MO 63031 (618) 765-2199 (M.A.Q.R.A. sanctioned races. Series produced b, Linroln Trail Off Roaders) MSBA Michigan Sport Buggy Association Dave Barrett 6363 Nightingale Dr. Flint, MI 48506 (810) 736-9221 NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 - Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK 1360 Kleppe Lane Sparks, NV (702) 331-48001(702) 331-5107 Fax OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-8899 November4-5, 1995 (All races are at Mountain Shadow Lake Take l-10 Horizon Bl\ld exit east 12 miles) OHIO OFF ROADERS ASSOCIATION P.O . Box 15 Stonecreek, Ohio 43840 (216) 339-4674 or (216) 897-5100 Hill Climb & Stadium Style Off Road RacinS!re, Bear Creek Amphi Bolioor, Ohio September 23, 1995 Cadiz Fair!,lrounds ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Bob Joseph, President 80 Hempstead Dr. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada LBW 2E7 -(905) 574-7068 October 7-8, 1995 Grand Bend Octoberfest Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada (Tentative) PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 ( 303) 779-6622 October 20-21, 1995 Lake Superior Pro Rally Houghton, Ml December 1~2, 1995 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME SCORE Score International 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 November8-11, 1995 T ecate Baja 1000 The Peninsula Run Baja California December 2, 1995 Awards Banquet Page 8 S.C.T.A.· November 18, 1995 Southern California Awards Banquet Timing Association Reno, NV . Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. WESTERN OFF ROAD Grand Terrace, CA 92324 RACING ASSOCIATION (714) 783-8293 Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 SNORE WORRA, P.O. Box3241 Southern Nevada Off Sumas, WA 98295 Road Enthusiasts WESTERN PENSYL VANIA P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 WHEEL TO WHEEL (702) 452-4522 OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire September 29-0ctober 1, 1995 1255 Waverly Drive SNORE250 Latrobe, PA 15650 4s Vegas, NV ( 412) 532-0802 October 27-29, 1995 - September 23-24, 1995 Double Trouble Challenger Raceway Las Vegas, NV 4x4s Only National Race December 1-3, 1995 Indiana, PA Eldorado 250 Las Vegas, NV September 30-0ctober l, 1995 Steel City Raceway SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD All Classes Pittsburg, PA DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe October 14-15, 1995 7839 W. North Avenue Steel City Raceway Wauwatosa, WI 53213 All Classes (414) 453-SODA/(414) 257-0422 Pittsburgh, PA September 16-18, 1995 WlflPLASH MOTORSPORTS Wisconsin Off Road Festival 2939 E. Grovers Oshkosh, WI Phoenix, AZ 85023 SWORDS (602) 971-3730 South West Off Road Racing September 16, 1995 Desert Series Veterans Memorial Coliseum 4209 So. CR 1300 Arizona State Fairgrounds · Odessa, TX 79765 Phoenix, AZ Mike Parker October 7, 1995 (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX Buckeye Bash 125 25 miles west of Odessa, TX Buckeye, AZ December 2, 1995 TORA Point to Point 150 Truck Racing Association Rocky Point, Sonora, MX Ray Carney, Director . 7 Prutell Drive WISCONSIN Apalchin, NY 13732 OFF ROAD FESTIVAL (607) 625-5676 Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 UORRA Oshkosh, WI 54901 United Off Road Racing Association ( 414) 688-5509 Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road FIA WORLD RALLY Neshanic, NJ 08853 CHAMPIONSHIP (908) 369-6550 SefJtember 15-18, 1995 (All e1!e11tS at Owego Mocor Sports Park, Ra ly Australia -WCI AP Rte.434,0we&o,NY) Australia VORRA October8-12, 1995 Valley Off Road Racing Association Sanremo Rally -F2 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Italy Sacramento, CA 95838 October 22-25, 1995 (916) 925-1702 Spain/Catulunya -WC September 30-0ctober 1, 1995 November 19-22, 1995 Fall Short Course Race RAC Rally -WC Prairie City SVRA Park England Sacramento, CA October 28-29, 1995 4x4 FOREVER, LTD. Championship Off Road Race 1665 Delaware St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 Prairie City SVRA Park ( 414) 426-04701(414) 982-7306 §_acra~ento, CA AffENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS -Now is the time to send us your 1996 racing calendars to be included in the Happenings section of Dusty Times. Our annual Centerspread Racing Calendar i~ published in the January issue and to be included. in this issue we must have the information by the middle of November. Don't call but send your information to: . DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408 October 1995 -111orelrail Notes ••• MISSING PRIZE WINNER - A couple of months ago our picture of month was a buggy racing at the Memorial Day 100, so covered with mud t the hat ng, was the two guys inside had tiny peep holes to see through, but they kept on rad A fellow called us after hours, when we tend to get rummy a bit, and said it him, so we ordered his prize. Trouble is we have lost your name and addre Please call or write again sir, so we can send off your memento of that rac ss. e. CALIFORNIA RALLY-SERIES POINTS -With three more r~fiies -for pen Bill 1995 the California Rally Series points are tight in some classes. In 2WD 0 Class Harris Done has a slim lead in the drivers section, 780 to 740 for Malik. The co-drivers points are equally tight as Roine Anderson has 670 Mike Taylor at 630 and Larry Scott at 610. It is close in Stock Class also Mike Marcy leads with 770 to Bobby Webb at 710 and Andrienne Scott to as at 670. On the co-driver side of this class Steve Scott leads with 690 over Bob Scott at 670, then it drops to 500 for Larry Hook. The 4 WD class is tight do wn Rui 35. Ara the 1ed eir ble his the ranks but Chris W eleff leading with 800 biints will be hard to catch. Brasil is second with 485 over Vartan Samue ian, 445 and Roger Hull at 4 The co-drivers are almost the same as Brian Paul leads with 800 points. Manoukian has 445, Sean Gallagher has 435 and Jon Weigley has 395. In performance Stock class Lon Peterson and Dennis Chizma are absolutely t" for the lead at 800 points each. Jeff Hendricks is third at 720 points. Th co-drivers are not quite so close as Bill Gutzmann has 800 points over No Jones at 720 and John Moore at 700 points. It is almost anyone's game int class if one of the leaders fails to finish in the coming events. Over in the Southern Pacific SCCA Division Pro Rally standings as of] uly ris at 16 the names are familiar but the classes vary slightly. In 4WD class Ch Weleffleads here also, but his 288 points are followed closely by Rui Brasil 276 and third is Jason Priestley. The co-drivers in 4WD class are Brian P aul 56. lik 08 leading at .288 followed by Carlos Tavares, 162 and Kevin Caffrey, 1 Leading drivers in over 2 liter 2WD class are Lon Peterson with 308, Bill Ma at 288 and Harris Done at 216. The co-drivers are Bill Gutzmann leading.at 3 followed by Raine Anderson at 288 and Larry Scott and Terry Stonecipher tied for third at 180 points. Jeff Hendricks leads the Under 2 liter 2WD cl are ass In with 312 followed by Dennis Chizma at 290 and Robert Tallini at 160·. I co-drivers Noble Jones leads with 304 points followed by John Moore, 2 70 a Bob Scott at 238. Of course this could all change by the time you read this iss nd ue. THE SODA WINTER SERIES AT GLEN HELEN OHV PARK is real ly of es w shal?ing up to be a big event. With a tide sponsor like Chevrolet and a bunch associa~nsors from all over, local drivers are planning on the race in drov and a g ly band of midwesterners are planning on towing through the sno in late November for the six race series, November 30, December 1, 2, and The long range plan is to build the Winter Series into a real happening akin 3. to ck re the late lamented SCORE fall race at Riverside International Raceway. Che the details on the ad on page 31, and bu,et ahead for this meet. They a carvinf a.brand new course out of the Ian at Glen Helen so there won't be ts much ocal advantage; it will just be Midwest against West and the winner ge the prize money, ARENALITE (SUPERLITE) NATIONALS -Herndon Ente:rrises hleased to announce that plans are in the works to stage the first o what is is is to oped to become an annual event for Arenalites. The two day event which being scheduled for sometime next Spring in the Los Angeles area is expected draw the largest field of Arenalites ever assembled. The race will be conteste d ly d. on a smaller, more intimate race track, one which is being designed specifical for Arenalites and a totally new to off road racing format will be utilize Competitors will compete in a series of heat, semi and last chance qualifiers t 0 lar A determine the main event starting grid each night. The format which is simi to that currently utilized in USAC Midget competition and in the AM Supercross series will enable the Arenalites to compete in their own progra without playing second fiddle to classes such as the Grand National Spo m, rt re m er of al e Trucks and without the support of other classes. "While other classes we showing declines in participation over the past few years in MTEG stadiu racing, their Superlites continued to show incredible growth", said promot Don Herndon. "I think the Arenalite contingent is as strong as in any form racing and I believe the Arenalites can run a very exciting and profession program on their own. Negotiations are currently underway with th management of a large rodeo arena within the Los Angeles basin and an eve nt tr or 9, sponsor is currently being sought. Competitors are encouraged to add the· name to the mailing list or for additional information you can write telephone Donald Herndon Enterprises, 23441 Golden Springs, #31 Diamond Bar, CA 91764, (909) 860-3822. h. THE SCORE BAJA 1000 will start in Tiajuana, Baja California next mont The first race to La Paz started there 28 years ago, so in a way the race · IS returning to its roots. The Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor have offere whole hearted support for the race, which will travel east out of the city, turnin d g e e e r. lt e e e south before reaching Mexicali and from there it will visit San Felipe befor taking more familiar trails as the route winds its way south. It is estimated th race will stretch a bit more than 1000 miles, ending just short of reaching th pavement at La Paz. If running this race appeals to you do it this yea Encroaching civilization up and down the Baja California peninsula is making· more and more difficult to find a viable race course, and they only run this rac once every three years, but that could change too. The plan is to alternat starting points between Ensenada and Mexicali the next two years to satisfy th tourist depart:ments in each of the three major cities in Baja California d Norte. el SCORE'slaughlin Desert Challenge was quite a success, just over a day ago a we go to press. They actually ran four races, one for the fast buggies and one fo s r e y the slower buggies on Saturday, and one for all trucks Sunday morning and th Trophy Trucks on Sunday evening. We have some results. Ed, Tim and T ro Herbst won Class 112 in their Class 2 racer, followed by Corky McMil lin/ Brian Ewaltthen Mike Julson. Mike Jakobson was the only finisher amon eight that started in Class 5 with a time that would have put him fifth in Class 1 g t d In the huge Class 10 field Larry Job and Rob MacCachren got their Jimco ou front on time early in the game and not only won the class but they finishe third overall. Dale Dondel was second and Larry Bolin third. In the second rac e n on Saturday Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis won Class 1-2-1600, Dea Bayerle was second and Brent Grizzle took third. Class 5-1600 went to J.T Holmes, followed by Gustavo Vildosol;i and Vince Alcouloumre. BrianJeffre won Class 9 , and Rick Sherard was second. Class 11 went to Terry Kieley y followed by Victor B. Barajas, they did only three laps, the others all did four In the all truck race Sunday Dave Westhem won Class 8 and overall in th Chevy, Dan Smith was second ina Ford and Kyle Taylor third ina Chevy. Th Rick Johnsons won Class 7S, fifth overall, Jeff Lewis won Class 7, and th e e e a n r Trophy-Trucks had only three finishers with Ivan Stewart and the Toyot winning followed in later by Paul Simon, then Jimmie Smith. Jimmie Johnso won $7,500.00 for the longest distance on the infield jump built for spectato pleasure by the Laughlin folks. Full report next month. Dusty Timcs
l!i na to .,··.•··• Paz, alifor 381-5406 BFGcJ. odricH ~ ----------77,es . llllllll:5) ~mOFFROAD ~'c..JIWfUFACTVRING SMITTYBJLT-
LA RANA JOHNSON VALLEY 100 Randy Spahr Wins Overall ~ Jud;1 Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Randy Spahr had a great day in his Class 10 Lothringer, didn't even have a flat tire, rare on this course, and he sailed into the overall and Class 10 victory and it was his first overall win. RandySpahrdrovehisClass 10 served to· promote the sensation' Randy Fortune, had a couple of. Lothringer to the overall victory of cooler weather. It also helped flats and then began to lose their at La Rana's Johnson Valley 200 to keep visibility up out on the rear suspension. Nunez and Han-in late July. course. away had another long lap and Ninety-six entries braved the The first group to take the faded away. By the end of lap '95 heat wave to race the late green flag were ·the unlimited . three Roeseler had nearly an afternoon into night event. With trucks, Class 150, and Larry Roe-hour's lead. He had some myste-the start/finish at the familiar site seler had his Ford in the lead by rious problem for the last six off Camp Rock Road, outside of two minutes and 13 seconds at the miles or so, when the truck would Lucerne Valley, the course end of lap one. He'd lost a little hardly run, but still made it safely stretched eastward in a ragged time bypassing his power steering to the finish line for his victory. butterfly shape, measuring 50 cooler when it broke. In second it The Fortunes were second and the miles around. Four laps were wasGuyFortuneinanotherFord, last to finish. required for most classes, with a very exotic looking, but not-In Class 2, which was next to Class 1100 and Desert Stock quite-finished, vehicle. His truck start, Mark Post had a blistering required to finish only two laps. was overheating some. Sergio first lap in his new Riviera, There was a 10 hour time limit. Nunez and Eric Hanaway lost powered by a Chevy V6 motor, It was hot. The desert had been nearly an hour in their Toyota on with a time of 57:37:94. He was baking in triple-digit weather for that first lap. first on the road, which gave him a days, and it didn't back down for Roeseler had no troubles for a dust-free run. In second place it this weekend, but a stiff wind was couple of laps, and built a good was Mike Stickle in a Raceco, fol-blowing from west to east and . lead as Fortune, and his co-driver, lowed by John Lucas, in another :: ,.._ Larry Roese/er and Regie Dunlap were first away in the Unlimited Class Ford that Larry says is street legal and he took an immediate lead, had over an hour in hand when the truck wouldn't run well, but won the class at third OfA. Raceco. Brian Atwood was thewininspiteofhavingbrokena reported to have endoed his spindle and torn off a rear wheel Raceco, and never got any laps in. in the course of the event. Kreger On the second lap Stickle· finished second, just 10 minutes moved to the front, and Lucas later, and Bristol and Miller came up to second, as Post disap-hobbled in about an hour later, peared. Word was that his car, third. brand new, had been overheating Next to take off were the Class in practice before the race, so it 800 trucks, and at the end of their may have continued its bad habit. first lap Mike Bragg, who'd John Miller, who'd taken over for already fixed a flat on his Ford, Rob Bristol in their Raceco, was was in the lead. Eric Heiden, in now third, in spite of having another Ford, had been slowed missed a turn while driving into by some problem that lost him thesuninthedust,andlosing20 about 30 minutes, and ran minutes. Derek Kreger, in a second. Mazda powered Meco, which had Bragg had a sort of guest pas-quit on him at the end of lap one, senger riding with him on his first was now up to fourth. Nick Bald- lap, his old friend, Dan Smith, winwasfifthinhisRaceco,having who's been campaigning with lots of problems. Dave Ashley in the big Class 8 At the end of lap three it was Ford in SCORE races this year. still Stickle in front, with 17 min- Perhaps Bragg got some pointers utes on Miller, who'd stayed out from Smith, but he's also been of trouble and had a really good absorbing off road racing by lap. In third it was now Kreger, as osmosis from his dad,J.M. Bragg, Lucas disappeared and Baldwin one of off road's most fiercely was up to fourth, and last. competitive drivers, who will be Things changed. Stickle broke remembered by those who saw for good, and Bristol, who'd him race Jeeps in the '70s. taken over for Miller, broke a rear Smith, apparently not liking to hub nut, and not knowing that ride any more than he had to, got Stickle was broken just ahead of out after one lap, and Bragg stayed him, didn't plan his repair job to in front, as Heiden had more conserve time as he might have. problems, and then failed to come Kreger also had some problems around a third time. Bragg went that lost him about 20 minutes, on to have a third good lap, but on and Baldwin suddenly found him- lap four he got high centered and self in front. He went on to take lost about 30 minutes which hurt ",,m his pride, but didn't affect his win. · The Class 10 cars were next to get the green flag, and at the end of the first lap it was Larry Bolin in front in his Raceco. He'd recorded the fast lap for the class, at 58:24:71 , and was second on the road, having passed all the Class 2 cars but Post, and all the unlimited trucks. But his motor gave up the ghost a few miles down the road, and he pblled across whern the course narrowed down close to itself, and parked in his main pit where major repairs were begun. Nick Baldwin and Carl Post started out fine in the Class 2 Raceco and ran just behind the ·1eaders, some of whom had last lap troubles, Baldwin and Post found themselves leading and they won Class 2. --~'""""""""''---.•. Second behind Bolin were Paul Retter anl;l Mike Dailey, in a Sus-pensions Unlimited car, followed by Randy Spahr, who hit another car and tore off his right front . Derek Kreger had this wild Meco, Mazda powered of course, running well in Class 2, kept it together for a competitive second in class, 10 minutes out. -Page 10 Mike Bragg had Dan Smith riding along on the first lap, then carried on alone in the Class 8 Ford, still leading when he got high centered and took 30 minutes to get unstuck, but he won Class 8 anyway, the only finisher. Rich Fersch and anchor man Wilfie Melancon got the fancy Mirage going with the leaders and Wi/fie finished just a minute out of the win, second 0/A too. October 1995 Mike Harman drove solo this race in his Lothringer and moved into third midway in the race, and Mike was six minutes back third in Class 10. ' Dusty Times
Young Jason Hatz drove the Suspensions Unlimited car to a strong second in Class 1-2-1600, his only down time involved getting the light bar on right. Bob Plaskon drove alone, had brake trouble most of the race in Wade Prince and Josh Rider slide the Class 9 Chenowth past the Mirage but he carried on with no other trouble and took third some really big rocks, had serious steering trouble but survived in Class 1-2-1600. · to take second in class. ----------------------. another good lap, avoided flats . Reider went on to finish his The 1600 cars came next, and at the end of the first lap it was Craig Forrest in the lead, in a Mir-age. He'd broken a throttle spring at mile 40, but there was a broken-down racer parked nearby, and he made the repair while Forrest sat neatly belted into the car. He was mighty thank-ful for that handy racer. Billy McCool, in Russ Butow's Mir;ige, was second, in spite of a sticky needle and seat, and Jason Hatz ran third in his Suspensions Unlimited car. In fourth it was Brad Inch, in a Lothringer, and Frank and Sean Krepsz ran fifth in their Jimco. altogether and took the win, his second lap, still leading, though first. He was only a minute and he had a leaky rear main seal. He two seconds in front of Melancon was now three hours up on Weir. who'd also had a steady day, in At the end of his second lap spite of three flat tires. Harman Weir decided it was enough. He was third, followed in by the was worn out from the exercise of Powells, and then Burl Beveridge changing that torsion bar in the and Bill Robertson, whose heat,andvariousotherproblems, Raceco had been running with no and he· knew Reider was way fourth or fifth gear for much of ahead of him, so he pulled in and the evening. Bolin did eventually parked his car. After standing get his car repaired, ran a couple around for almost an hour, how-of good laps, and finished ninth. ever, it dawned on him and his Craig Forest and John Prosser led 1600 class after one lap, increased the lead midway when Prosser took over the Mirage, had no late breaking trouble as others did, and they took the win in 1-2-1600 action by under five minutes. shocks. Jim Greenway was fourth Spahr was having _a good day, in a Chenowth, and Mike Har-and held his lead, while Harman, mon ran fifth in his Lothringer. also having a good day, moved up Class 5 started after Class 10, crew that Reider hadn't shown up and Danny Reider, who fouled a at the finish line. Someone told plug right off the start, still had him Reider was broken, so Weir the lead at the end of the lap, put his helmet back on, buckled almost by default. Scott Weir was himself back into the car, and busy changing a broken torsion went out to do his third lap. At , bar, and Brett Poenisch and Will the end of which he had the win. At the end of the second lap Forrest had just 32 seconds on McCool, who was a minute and a half up on Hatz. The Krepsz car ranfourth P'" As Bolin labored to replace his to second. The only thing he had head and fan shroud, Spahr, to stop for was drinking water. In who's been off roading for years third now it was the Powells, and and recently decided it would be Willie Melancon, who'd taken safer to go racing, moved into the over for Rich Fersch in a Mirage, lead. He had a minute and six was up to fourth. Fersch had i seconds on Greenway, who was driven just the le·gal amount just eight seconds up on Harman, necessary to earn points ·and had who was now third. In fourth it headed south for a school reun-was Retter and Dailey, followed ion, leaving Melancon to finish by Don and Ed Powell in a Mir- the race. Retter and Dailey lost age. From first to fifth they were about 20 minutes and dropped to separated by only two minutes fifth. and 36 seconds. Spahr's luck held and he ran Mike Barnett and Chriss Win·n had a good lead midway and kept it through lap 3, but three laps was all it took for the win as there were no finishers. The lone Class 7 Ford of Barry Slatter was combined with Classes 6, 850 and 4 for the purse, and Barry took over the group lead on lap 2 and he beat all the V-Bs, finishing all four laps in the Ranger. Dusty nmcs Domschot didn't manage to get Reider never got his third lap their car around a whole lap. finished. .. .. en m w ~ Q. en w -I >< < .. .. ** TORSION BARS** AXLES** SPRING PLATES** COIL SPRINGS•• SWAY·A·WAY 7's MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY OFF R9AD SUSPENSION COMPONENTS . ,FOR OVER 2() 0VEARS . NEW PRODUCT TNTERNAJ,-UYPASS SBQCK THE ONLY INTERNAL-BYPASS SHOCK IS NOW ON THE MARKET + 10", 12", 14", 16", 18" TRAVEL • • .r-z ;:,iii; + 6 REMOVABLE BYPASS TUB:ES : + EXTERNALLY INDIVIDUAL~ Y & INDEPENDENTLY ADJUSTABLE en ... .. en CJ z cc ~ ·u.. ·cc w ·-I + ANY COMBINATION OF COMPRESSION & REBOUND TUBES + 3 1/2" PISTON + COIL OVER/BYPASS/BUMP STOP IN ONE SHOCK + GREAT FOR" A-ARM" FRONT ENDS *INTERNAL-BYPASS SHOCK RESULTS* LA RANA CLASS 10 POINTS LEADER - LARRY BOLIN ·~ 2ND IN CLASS, 2ND OVERALL - LA RANA JOHNSON VALLEY 200 ~ 2ND IN CLASS, 4TH OVERALL -SCORE FIREWORKS 250 en DON'T BE LEFT IN THE DUST SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TO.DAY! CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG ;:,iii; z G) . "D z en • • en :c if en • .. r-e G') z . C ~ • • , 20755 MARILLA ST. I CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91·3.11 I 818·700-9712 ..,'~ October 1995 Page 11
Andrew Lindquist and Brian Lopez moved up to third, then dropped back some, but worked back up the ranks to finish third by just over a minute's time. Cliff Carter and Joel Mohr call the Class 9 a OGKLER got lost, Frank Omboli and Jim Cochran had fuel pump problems, lost the coil wire kept falling off and had sundry woes but they two of them, and many other problems beset the team but they finished a good fourth in class. · finished second by seconds in Class 5-1600. ------=----::-:--::-:~;::;;::;;;;:;:;;:::::;;;;;;;;;:;:::::;;;;;;;;;;;:;::::::;;;;;::::.....;;;;;:;;: and Lopez had moved up to third, with Peterson, who'd blown his front shocks, now in fourth and Wade Prince and Josh Rider in a Chenowth, in fifth, their steering dampener gone. As night settled over the valley the Johnsons slowed a little, but held a nine minute lead on Petersen's co-driver, B.J. Bates, who'd brought the car up to second. Lindquist and Lopez held third place, with Prince and Rider now in fourth and Hignett and Salles had dropped to fifth after reportedly rolling over. They • • . . , were going to try to limp to the , Dennis Peterson had early shock trouble m the Class 9 car, a 19 car field. 8.J. finish. SteveCirilloandDrewHovetoppedthefourstartersinClass750intheir4Wff Bates, the co-driver, brought the car up to second and when race long' The Johnsons got part way Toyota. They led the first lap, later dropped to second, but others dropped out leaders, the Johnsons had to repair things on the last lap Bates brought the d th t l t l d b oke an and they won the class by about 45 minutes. car home a winner with a 21 minute margin. _ aro1 un d ah_las hap and r . ~---------------=-------.--:-. ----=-- -axe, an w I et ey ma e repairs, ~ . another minute and 12 seconds back, followed by Patrick Burton, in a Raceco, just 15 seconds later. It was still anyone's race. But not Inch's, he'd lost a valve spring. John Prosser replaced Forrest, and he held on to the lead, with just under two minutes on Hatz at the end of lap three. Burton was third, another two minutes back, and the Krepsz team was fourth, followed by Bob Plaskon, in a Mirage. He'd lost his brakes, but was holding his own. Prosser had no problems, and motored on to take the win by just a bit over three minutes. Hatz fin-ished second, his only lost time coming when his crew tried to install his light bar, which was . bent and didn't want to fit. In third it was Plaskon, trouble free except for the brakes. Burton fin-ished fourth. In Class 600 Barry Bates got his _ Neither team managed to get a . third laps, and Cirillo and Hove Bates and Petersen, with no more Blazer around once, with a good fourth lap done, so Barnett and stayed in front. They continued to troubles than a broken exhaust, time of 1:08:57, but never came Winn got the win, with thelsmails · lead on lap four, with Markel and went on to take the win. In second around again. And in Class 850 second. Daly still healthy in second. But it was Prince and Rider, worn out. Steve Cristiano and Jason There was only one Class 700 Markel decided to pull in to the Their steering shaft bushing had Appleby also managed only one truck for this race, the Ford of pittochec~thetruckover.He_got disintegrated, and it hadn't been lap in their Chevy, but got the Barry Slatter and Kurt Miller. But out of the truck to look at thm~s easy driving with a steering wheel class win, since Tom and Mike for this event it was pitted against and when he went to get back m that moved up and down and side Barnett used up over five hours the 850s, the Class 400s and the the door handle broke. He had to to side about four inches. Lind-making a lap in their Jeep. Class 600 for the purse, though make a slithery entrance th~ough quist ,and Lopez, their motor The Class 4 folks had better each group ran for its own points. the windshield, but got himself going sour, were third, and Cliff luck. At the end of the first lap it Slatter, who drove all the way, behind the wheel and went on. Carter and Joel Mohr, in a D.G . was Mike Barnett and Chriss was second to Cristiano's Blazer at Cirillo and Hove had the win, Kleber /Messick chassis, were Winn, in a Jeep, looking quick the end of lap one, but had things with Markel and Daly second. fourth. Their coil wire had kept but uncomfortable, and in front all his way from then on. He had a In Class 725 it was Doug Sie- falling off, and they'd been lost on of Mike andJefflsmail, in a Scout, very smooth evening with steady wert and Gary Keller, in a Chevy, lap two, accidentally getting onto by about a half hour. lap times and stayed out of trou-in front, with Ronnie and Gary a piece of last year's course. Barnett and Winn continued to ble, not even flattening any tires, Goodwin in second. in anoth~r Hignet and Salles had reportedly lead, with the Ismails holding to take the group win. Chevy. Keller and Siewert built rolled again and did not finish steady in second at the end of lap In Class 750 the first lap lead their lead to over an hour at ~he their last lap. two. And through lap three it was . belonged to Steve Cirillo and .. end of lap two, and by the third. Donald Kleinhenz had his Sel-still Barnett and Winn, though Drew Hove, in a Toyota. In lap they had nearly three hours stad running here, and the Ultra-they'd lost about 25 minutes. But second it was Dean Galloway and and the win. Neither team got a light type car was required to do the Ismail team had a similar hol-Joseph Doyle, their Toyota a half fourth lap in. only one lap, which he accomp-dup, and sat firm in second ... hour ahead of John Daly, in TheClass9carswentnext,and lishedinalittleoveranhouranda · another Toyota, who was driving at the end of the first lap ~twas half, looking plenty quick where PIK.E'S in a race for the first time. He'd Scott and Todd Johnson m the we were watching. But he had no had to replace his front driveshaft. Meredith, in front by two and a company in his class and looked a Cirillo and Hove led through half minutes. Stan Hignett and bit lonely out there. lap two, with Galloway and Doyle Brian Salles ran second in their In the 5-1600s the first lap SERVICE CENTER--BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ... ~. THANKS! Mobtr RESTAURANT SERVICE EVERY DAY OPEN 24 HOURS 'YEAR .ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESER.T Page 11 steady in second, while Daly's co-Chenowth, with Dennis Petersen leader was the team of Jeff and driver, Bill Markel, had closed up third in his L.H.F. In fourth it was Tom Bolha, who had almost two the gap some with a trouble free Darnen Jefferies, in a Jimco, and minutes on Chris Heryford and lap. Andrew Lindquist and Brian Jeff Rawell. ln third it was Dennis Then Galloway and Doyle dis- Lopez ran fift~ iQ a Dirtrik. Sletten, who'd lost his radio appeared and Cirillo and Hove OnthesecondlaptheJoh_nsons already, and Charles Lamar ran had only Markel and Daly to race · held steady, and had five mmutes fourth, followed by Keith and . with. They had nearly identical . . on Hignett and Salles. Lindquist. Tony Sato. • Dennis Sletten lost his radio on the first lap but ran third in his 5-1600, then the early leader broke on lap 2 and that moved the Sletten team out in front, and they won the class in the dark by just 36 seconds. The Bolhas broke for good on the second lap, and that moved Sletten into the lead, with Jim Cochran in second now nearly eight minutes down. Lamar had come up to third, with Heryford in fourth and Robert Wright and Don Thompson now in fifth place. It was dark -by the time these folks got into their third lap, and Sletten had stopped to put his light bar on, his only stop so far. But he'd lost some time when one checkpoint said he didn't stop properly, so he made a big circle out and around and back, losing two positions, which he then had to make up. He was still in front at the end of the third lap. Cochran's co-driver, Frank Omboli, was Dusty nma
second struggling with some problem that caused two fuel pumps to go bad. They also had a rear adjuster problem and a front flat, and their steering wheel had come off. Not their best day. In third it was Lamar's co-driver, Pete Dutton, and they felt their car wasn't handling too well, but it gave them no serious problems. Dan and Steve Drake had moved up to fourth now, and Jim Peter-son, taking over for Lyndon Peterson, his father, was running fifth. Their car was behaving well now, but it had quit for 15 min-utes at the end of the first lap. Sletten drove all the way and got the win, finishing just five minutes in front of Omboli, who'd not had an easy time of it. At one time his car had made some really bad noises which he thought meant that the transmis-sion was going away. So he slowed down. Then the noise quit. And when he investigated he disco-vered that it had been a fender· nearly falling off and rubbing on a rear tire that had caused the sound. When the fender went completely it got quiet again, and he was back to racing. In third place it was Lamar and Dutton, followed in by the Petersons in fourth. In Class 1550, which had to run only two laps, Fred Nelson andJoeJohnson had their Ford in the lead on the first lap, by just under three minutes. Brian Valdez and Todd Graydon, in another Ford were second. On the second lap Nelson and Johnson broke an axle, and Valdez, racing at night for the first time, took over the lead. In spite Patrick Rozier and Brian Grouns picked up the Class 1500 lead on the second Carlos Lopez Jr. was bothered by the Toyota's habit of jumping out of gear lap, the four truck class required to do only two laps, and they held the lead to but he pressed on and was delighted to take the Class 1525 win by just 49 win in the Toyota in the 2wo·stock class. seconds. -----------------------------of radiator trouble and losing. some transmission fluid, he and Graydon took the win. Nelson and Johnson did eventually finish, about two and a half hours later. In Class 1500, another two lap class, the first lap lead belonged to Jamie Campbell in a Ford, with Brian Grouws, in a Toyota, in second, just four minutes back. Kathy Fay's Ford lost a right front radius arm, which she got fixed, and then, at mile 40, lost a shackel mount. Her first lap took just over four hours to complete. And behind her George Perrot had a four-and-a-half hour lap, and then couldn't get the last one finished. second lap. They didn't really trust the new battery either, so they drove about 10 miles of their second lap with a flashlight for illumination. They knew they just had to finish to get their win, because by now only Fay was left, and her crew was replacing her transmission. Grouws and Rozier did take the win, and Fay, who gives her pit crew all the credit for this finish, was second, three hours later. lights that came up on his rear bumper, and was horrified to dis-cover that it was Lopez, who was now in front. He diased him hard, but couldn't get back around him, and Lopez took the win by just49 seconds. So one more Johnson Valley 200 goes into the record books, and the next La Rana event will be the California 200 at Ridgecrest on September 22 an 23. Campbell didn't get that second lap finished either, and was seen on a tow strap leaving the course. That put Grouws and his co-driver, Pat Rozier out front. They'd had a bad alternator, and had to put in a new battery on the Class 1525, with just two entries, proved to be one of the closest races of the evening. On lap one· Larry Gross had his Toy-ota in front by a little over six minutes, followed by Carlos Lopez, Jr., in another Toyota, which was popping out of second gear. On the secnd lap, as Gross con-tinued to lead, being careful to stay out of the way of faster vehi-cles,-he pulled o_ver for a set of Brian Valdez and Todd Graydon won Class 1550 in the Ford. It was the first ever night race for Brian Valdez. He had radiator trouble and also was losing trans fluid but won the class. •I : ! i 1 BAKER ROD ENDS BAKER Precision Bearing carries one ol the largest selections ol rod ends and spherical bearings in the United States. We represent companies like NHBB (NMB), Radial, Aurora, Timken and SKF. PUR-O-&IL HOSES Vacuum, heater, turbo or coolant hose PUR·O·Sll silicone hose is the best. Tbe leader and pioneer in silicone hose. Tbe only one in the business with the "MIiiion Mlle Warrant(. BAKER BATTERIES BAKER BEARINGS We only stock the best products in the industry and we are the largest stocking dealer in the U.S. Our bearing & rod ends are made ol 17-4 stainless steel and high quality chrome molly. 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FIRE BOTTLES The "Firebottle" system discharges completely when activated, and can be recharged saving you the cost of a new system. Once extinguished, no messy residue remains. CALL FOR PRICES TODAY! WE WILL SHIP rr AS FAST AS YOU NEED ff'! TO ORDER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: (310) 427-2375 BAKER High Performance Batteries are gel lilied, deep cycle, vibration resistant, and totally sealed. large selection lor RV, off-road, marine, passenger cars, and Indy. Also available is a battery tender. Just plug it in! NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS NEO lubricants are 100% synthetic. The NEO line consists ol Motor Olis, Gear Oils, ATF Fluid, Motorcycle lubricants and more. With NEO lubricants you can expect long drain intervals, Increased performance & protection. ~ FAX (310) 426-5294 ~ "'5G"1dlyAve •11 JPS II® I ' Long Beach, CA 90806 DAILY -
I~·•--, Randy and Guy Fortune keep working on development of their one off Unlimited racer and they finished second in the Class 1 war despite some overheating. Burl Beveridge and Bill Robertson lost fourth and fifth gear in the Raceco but they soldiered on to finish fourth in Class 10 despite the troubles. Patrick Burton and Randy Walton call their 1-2-1600 car a Rodeo, were in contention all the way and were fourth in class by just a minute margin. Steve Cristiano and Jason Appleby also got in just one one lap in their Class 850 Chevy, but the other one went down, and these boys were the class winners. Jim Peterson and his father Lyndon recovered from a first lap loss of power and finished well, fourth in the tight Class 5-1600 position battle. Page 14 Rob Bristol and John Miller were abut an hour behind in their Raceco, as they missed a turn driving into the setting sun, but they finished third in Class 2. Perry and Jay King tried Class 9 in their_ Jimco and after four laps they came in fifth in the 19 car class, not bad for the former truck racers. Barry Bates got the winning points in Class 6 in the Chevy Blazer, but he covered just one lap, the only one in the class and he turned a good time. · Bill Markel and John Daly are in traffic here, but they led Class 750 in the Toyota from the green flag and stayed in front to win the class at the flag. Kathy Fay had a lot of down time and four hours or so on lap 1, but thanks to dad Jim Fay and his helpers she went on to finish quite late in second. October 1995 Ed and Don Powell ran with the leaders in Class 10 in the Mirage and they were fourth in class after one lap and they held fourth to the checkers. Scott Weir broke a torsion bar on lap 1, and retired to his pit, then found he had the Class 5 lead midway, got back in and did the third lap for the win. Gary Keller and Doug Siewart managed three laps in Class 725 in their tidy Chevy, nobody else was running so they retired the class winners. Charles LaMar and Pete Dutton had no big troubles, poor handling was all and they moved right up to third in Class 5-1600 at the end of four laps. Larry Gross led the first lap in Class 1525 bllt a miscue on lap 2 in the-dark dropped him to second, and he finished second just 49 secnds behind. Dustynma
Ivan Stewart tries hard with his six cylinder Toyota, but on fast courses like this it can't keep up with the huge V-Bs. Ivan finished a good third. Steve Kelley enjoys racing, almost anything, and Steve drives a Walker Evans Dodge in Trophy-Truck action, and he brought it in fifth, just barely, by a minute. Patriarch of the Baldwin racing clan, Jim had his best day ever in his Trophy- Truck, finishing sixth, the last one on the lead lap at that. SCORE TECATE TROPHY-TRUCKS AT BARSTOW In the meantime, the rest of the. Simon a Simon Get Their Second Win racers, not knowing what had occurred, were battling to finish the tough event. Gordon's car had serious rear suspension problems, and his lead began to shrink. He finally had to stop to have some repairs made, and the Simons By Judy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. moved back to the front of the ~-----=~==~=~=~~~~~~=~~~~~~~-~~""'"':-~--~-pack. -~'' .. ,:.~;;.;.~ ...... , .. ,,-•.;.,;;. Paul and Dave Simon used the two driver method, figuring a change halfway on a very hot day would give them a fresh driver on the dash to the flag, and it worked as they won the race by nearly three minutes. Round five of the SCORE already fifth. fifth in his Dodge. Jimmie John-And they stayed there. At-the son had touched wheels with end of the 12 lapsitwasDaveand Jimmie Smith's Ford as they were Paul Simon in victory circle, get-dicing, and Johnson went end ting their second win of the year. over end, landing on his top. He Jason Baldwin took his second and his passenger were dazed, but place, and Stewart was third. uninjured, although the truck was I SCORE officials declared all the through for the day. finishes below second as provi-At the end of the ninth lap, as they rounded the corner from the pits to the start/ finish area, Evans was trying to catch and pass Ste-wart. In the effort the trucks touched and Evans was pitched up onto two wheels. He struggled in vain to regain control, but could not do it, and his truck veered off the track through some of the plastic fencing and into a parking and spectator area. Most of the people standing in the vicin-ity were able to safely run to the side but Gieck!, intent on his film-ing, apparently never saw the truck coming. He was critically injured, and was immediately sional, until they had investigated . the cause of the accident. Once they'd reviewed videos and spoken to witnesses, the finish . order remained as it had been. Gordon finished fourth, only 20 minutes out of first for all his problems. Steve Kelley was fifth in his Dodge, and Jim Baldwin, Jason's dad, was sixth in another Ford. He was the last truck still on the lead lap. The Laughlin Race in mid-September will be another fairly short course format, with a 42 mile long loop, but then it's off to Baja, and a long, long trip down the peninsula. Trophy-Trucks ran at Barstow in By the third lap Jack Johnson early July, but due to the tragic had the lead, with Gordon in accident which resulted in the second place, and Jimmie Johnson death of video cameraman Mark in third in his Chevy. He was driv-Gleckl, results were not made ing the truck with which Larry official until mid-August. Ragland had won the San Felipe pronounced dead. Evans, shaken It was the best race to date for the Baldwin Trophy-Trucks. Jason was third and ill, was out of the race. midway in the fray and his Ford moved into second place at the checkers. The trucks ran on a 21-mile event. Ragland was in his new track, part of which would be in Chevy at Barstow. Carl Renezeder the longer course used for the Pro had his Ford in fourth, and the racers on the following day. This Simon truck was down to fifth. race was a Friday morning affair, At the halfway point it was the date reportedly having been Gordon in front, with Jimmie juggled to adjust for some sche-Johnson in second and Jason dule conflicts among the racers. Baldwin up to third in his Ford. In order to get some miles in, The Simon truck, with Paul driv-the 18 trucks were required to run ing now, was in fourth. The the-12 laps on the short course, and ory was that he would be fresh that was sure to mean some close and unfatigued for the second half racing, and some passing, which of the race. often does not occur unless By the eighth lap, as the weather someone has a mechanical prob-got hotter and hotter, Gordon !em on the long courses. had the lead still, but Simon had Dave Simon had the Ford in the brought the truck back up to lead at the end of the first lap, with second, perhaps demonstrating Jack Johnson second in his that their theory about a fresh Dodge, and Robby Gordon, second driver isa sound one. Ivan who'd been the last to start, mak-Stewart now had his Toyota in ing his way up through the ranks,. fourth place, with Walker Evans Robby Gordon came from the back to second place then led many laps but around lap 13 he had to pit with rear suspension troubles, got partially fixed and made up a lot of time to bring the Ford in fourth, 20 minutes behind the winner. Dusty nmcs Ultra"fakes the desert by stornil October 1995 Page 15
WIii .. .&&!U MO~oRSOm for some ditch ... and I didn't. r~ 'I' Hey, and I have no cutting brakes like those other cars." With drum Thunder Valley Gran Prix t~:~ib~a~~~~~:1rt·Dalkereally In light of the tight terrain and B, Ton, Tellier tag,team tactics, retiree Don Sedona's Greg Christy won Class 1/2 in his short wheelbase racer, and overall. The car was last raced at the 72 Mint 400! Christy and his home rebuilt racer took home $1,050.00 from the Big Dogs. . a Formula One track; position was everything." Phoenix heart surgeon Dwight Lundell installed desert tires on his brand new Honda "10" car and went Struttmann and the other strut, . Clayton in third behind Albert's ting men, Tom and Mike, elected two seconds. to head back to Sun Lakes while Dalke explained that the the sun was still up. After spend, second Pro "One" and "Ten" ing beau coup bucks at Brand, heat was a freight train for five wood Buggies repairing severe laps. "There was Mike Perez in damage suffered at Gila Bend, that loud Mazda rotary two, they looked askance at the crash, seater, Spencer, me and two other and,bang practice and decided to 'Tens'." He held his hand apart: wait for another day. "We were all just two feet apart." The biggest motored big cars in Ron continued that "Spencer put Pro l / 2 were at a disadvantage on too much pedal down and spun the relatively tight course , there . out. I got by Perez when he lifted . were no one hundred miles per Ron Dalke ran a series of flaw, less races while taking the Pro. 10 win at Whiplash Motorsport's Thunder Valley Gran Prix on Father's Day Eve. Contemporary thinking would place the odds in favor of the stadium cars over the two mile, motocross,style, closed course near the upland mining town of Mayer, AZ. But according to Dalke "they didn't fit in. It killed them." nowhere. Fast. MTEG,less Dan Ron Dalke ha~ one of his best ~ays among recent good days, and took home Olson's stadium buggy went over th~ Class 10 victory, and we think he was second overall as well, on the two l h . ' mile motocross race course at Mayer. The course was not a suspen, sion course. And obviously not a horsepower track, either. It was red clay sweepers and easy jumps prepped by a morning drizzle and surrounded by little cedars and small high desert bushes. It was all second and third gear after a four, wide, two,deep land rush start, funneling into a tight one,eighty. Al Vesterdal said that it was " like at east t ree times. Dalke's win puts him firmly in the driver's seat for the Pro Ten points series over Buckeye's Wood Brothers who were missing at Mayer due to lengthy re, engineering of their cars at Fod, Fab. Clayton Etcheson, a recent Tucson transplant from Nampa (ID), was third in the first of two forty,five minute heats. Clayton's two,seat Bunderson desert car then broke a tie rod in an alterca, tion with other cars in final race, putting the Spudman on the side, lines. Lundell ended up ahead of -west Coast Distributor--·Fo•f HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS OUR PltIGE [$'695.00] . hour sand washes, Phoenix car innovator Dan Spencer and partner John Emerson, with an ECU,controlled Toyota V6 engine in their car, tried hard and as hard as it may be to believe, had too much power. Larry Foddrill started blowing oil out of his Dat, sun engine then flipped it into a "nice little ravine, according to dad Dan: "The course was a little fast for a stadium car." The Sahuarita brothers, Steve and Al V esterdal, tried to muscle the course to little reward. Steve's huge V6 Toyota/Jimco was an awkward dinosaur as was Buck, eye racer Shannon Schulz's Porsche twin,seater. (Al's smaller buggy, however, was able to . extract a fine second place out of the eight strong Unlimited Sportsman ranks.) Spencer was chagrined to have trouble getting up the hill that followed. Black box woes, you know. Dan ran his own lonely race to fifth as Bob Weber, Doug "Pussy Cat" Syl, vester and Pete Sohren's bodiless "5" all DNF'd. The unlikely overall winner of the nine,car Pro l /2 field was unknown Greg Christy in his short, short homemade buggy . Greg won the first heat handily over Ross Whitmoyer's bellow, ing Mazda and Shannon Schulz' Porsche and V esterdal. After a lot of head scratching and "Who's THAT guy." talk the final race was gridded. Schulz got the hole shot in the ex,Herbst two seater and fought the no compression braking aspect of his automatic. Christy held off Whitmoyer's concerted attack as Larry Foddrill ran away from Vesterdal for fourth. Spencer parked it. The winning car sported a Delorto,ed 2270cc Type I, with "weird heads we built ourselves, sorta 'hemi' '' , in a 97 ,inch wheel base frame built in 1970. "We first raced it in the 1972 Mint," Greg's dad Max chuckled. "It weighs, oh, maybe twelve, hundred pounds." When promp, ted about suspension details he admitted to "an assortment, Bil, steins, four Mickey Thompsons and a couple of KYBs." In a nod to the '90s, however, the rear was widened four inches and the beam eight. "We had a great time listen, ing to all those other guys trying to figure out how we won," Christy laughed, all the way to the Bank of Sedona with $1,050. Perhaps Greg had a couple of quartz crystals in his crankcase, as Sedona is the site of harmonic convergence and hemisperical synchronicity. It was jokingly remarked that Christy's purse was probably worth more than his entire car. Jay McKinley, Mister Whiplash, said that second place Shannon could only shake his head at the awards ceremony. ALL GEARS,. ·Per Set 2 Ratic:).'s Available There were a good turnout of John Lee dug out yet another Challenger race car from the TUF Off Road Class 8 trucks with Don "Capt. _ba-:::c_k_l=o=t,=a=n=dc:::r=ac:::n,....,s_te_a_d.:....y_to_ta_k_e_h_o_m_e_t_h_e_C_la_s_s_9_b_u_c_ks_o_nc_e__.:ag=-a_i_n_. ___ Weenie" Kolt being the class of AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley-Performance 3700 Mead Ave. L~ Veg~, NV 89100 -70'2/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 E~t Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 16 ~ % ~ Steve Vesterdal stayed ahead of Bobby Weber, following Kevin Patrick launches his street legal stove bolt Chevy here, to bring the Jimco/Toyota V6 home fourth in Class in fine style; he placed second and third in the Pro B 1 /2 and seventh overall for the day. heats and probably drove it home. October 1995 Dusty Times
Shannon Shulz flies his ex-Herbst desert Unlimited two seater powered by Porsche. He fought the automatic trans on his way to second in Class 1 /2. Ross Whitmoyer took third in his super loud Mazda powered race car, finished third in Class 1 /2 despite this nose dive on the course, it ran fine. Don Ko/t's handsome Class 8 Ford went on its ear after trading dents with Mike Doherty, but the truck survived and went on to second in Class 8. the class. Except for an ill-advised rollover. Don was planning on taking leader Wes Holmes to task when he lost it on the outside of a sweeper and went on his top. Unfortunately "Subway Mike" Doherty was already there after previously getting bumped in the butt by Kolt after breaking a drive line. Don, surprised to see Doherty on the outside of the turn, made a good evasive move but turned the truck over. Oddly e'nough, Mike had been out and under his car for an on-the-track drive line assessment at the time of the incident. No (serious) harm, no foul; other than some sheet metal tweaking from the drive shaft/ nerfing affair. Don then kicked butt in the second heat, taking full measure of the six other trucks. However his imprudent first heat action left his two race finish total one point behind top money winner Holmes in his three-ton, 454 Chevy-powered, 4WD Mad Max machine. Kevin Patrick, in the Rad Chevrolet, wisely avoided Holmes' course-clearing unit and, with pride going before a fall, ended upin third. Big Tom Buck's 401 cid Honcho got a DNF in his first heat and a distant fourth in the final. Doherty struggled to fifth. Union 76 vendor Sean Mecham found mechanical woes before the first race and was a spectator and gas man for the day. Sixteen hundreds are now a missing link in Arizona. No one seems to be interested in this active, fun and {relatively) affor-dable class. Hard-driving Darrell Hale, Jr. dismissed newcomer Jerry French from the get-go and was rewarded with the rwo-car purse in Pro 1600. The Challengers did not flock to this venue as expected. John Lee and sometimes-SCORE racer Kody Wright traded wins but Wright's first race DNF gave the dollars to Lee. Tucson ball joint king Mike Long was unable to repair damage suffered in practice and sat this one out. In Unlimited Sportsmen Mike Herrick's sano Hi Jumper took full measure of the eight car trophy class with 114-tonner Alan V esterdal trailing in both races. The rwo car team of Bob and Scott Weber ran their "10" car to third over Jack Farmer's Toyota rwo-seater while Melissa Hall parked her "Pretty in Pink" Sportsman buggy on its roof. Partner John Harris then ground a pound out of the 1650's transaxle for an ignominious DNF day. An easy course was still found to be hard on hardware as many a racer kept it pinned over the . jumps. Bill Fielder put his Holstein-painted Bug on the trailer after an early failure. Limited ·Sportsmen are the limited Limited class and it was all Richard Thomas as Clay Poul-son's 5-1600 could not match Thomas' Bug and eventually failed to finish the second heat. The Sport "Trucks" were a mishmash of oddball vehicles, more like a SODA race than any-thing else. David Doty's Oldsmo-bile sedan was well-suited to slip-pin' and a-slidin' and was able to easily outrun Mark Beeler's high-stepping little CJ. But Doty had to stand by for race rwo and Beeler back-doored into the trophy. Arizona Fabrication News according to Danny Foddrill, the King of Drop Spindles, his shop has been so busy he had to tell Mike "Miggie" Jakobson, the Fab Flipping Fiver, to go elsewhere. "We've put together six 4-seaters. One guy, from Sacramento, had a V6 Chevie with a five-speed bus box and a manual locker from · some sort of 4WD Vanagon. He likes to go four wheeling so the box has a granny gear." For doing the Rubicon with Chase, perhaps? "And we got rwo more orders from Tucson." On the racing scene, a new Unlimited Chenowth is being completed for XR600 rider Jeff Darland while Reuben Wood had a new beam installed with Kusters Tim Smith's super sano Pro 5-1600, with matching outfits for the crew too, was the class winner at Mayer, despite a lack of seriou or many racers in the class. Dusty Times plus Sway-A-Way shocks on the back ... and a Toyota. I guess that VW wasn't fast enough since Albert {McMullen) bet him at Sonoyta." Brother Robert sent for a Kenny Major motor while Randy Maddux put a Hewland in his "10" car: "He needs shocks, now." Fod is also totally redoing the front and rear suspension on Jim Pierce's old Church/Toyota "10". To keep up the {swing) arms race, McMullen then had to chop his car up and put a set of Sway-A-Ways on the rear! Danny then looked homeward: " Larry and I are going to build an A-arm two-seat '10' For fun in, like, Baja." The ebullient Dan Spencer has done several A-armed 4-seaters, the latest with a rwin-cam Toyota. Sometimes-race announcer Jim Darrell Hale found a mud hole on course somewhere, but the mud's extra weight on the car didn't stop him from taking first place in 1600 class. 7<etd Cunningham, ofBrandwood Saudis {is there another kind?). Buggies, has shipped some basic So where is this econimic down-swing-axle sand rails to wealthy . turn we hear about? ~~~ OFF ROAD COMPONENTS -,-,,-.,..v------~ * MADE BETTER IN THE U.S.A. * YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING ... WE HAVE BEEN LISTENING TORSION BARS ARE HERE! 300 M & Intermediate Grade Material. All Lengths & Diameters. SPRING PLATES, LINK PINS, LINK PIN BUSHINGS & SHIMS ROD END ADAPTORS, SHOCK SPACERS, TIE RODS PREDRILLED CV BOLTS, AXLES CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE PRODUCT CATALOG OR CONTACT ONE OF THESE REID PRO DEALERS KENDALL RAaNG ENTERPRISES H0nlNE AUTOMOTIVE JIMCO RACING PRODUCTS DENIMZIO RACNG PRODUCTS 3434 East Kleindale 6951 ldlewylde Circle 10965 Hartley Road, Ste. A P.O. Box 6075 Tucson.AZ 85716 Melbourne, FL 32904 Santee, CA 92071 Santa Batbara, CA 93111 (602) 881-5224 (407) 724-1270 (619) 562-1743 (805) 683-1211 FEX PERFORMANCE MlC OFFROAD PERFORMANCE LOTHRINGER ENGINEERl'«i J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS 1098 Stockton Avenue 1613·State St. #5 416 Fleetwood 1660 Babcock, Bldg. B San Jose, CA95110 Barstow, CA 92311 Glendora, CA91740 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (408) 295-0707 (619) 255-2990 (818) 857-7223 (714) 650-3035 SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED T.U.F.OFFROAO OFF ROAD BUGGY SUPPLY McKENZIE'• PERFORMANCE 1345 Dy~mics, Unit D 3255 E. Columbia 2525 E. 16th Street 2366 E Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tucson, AZ 85714 Yuma, AZ 85365 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 996-6260 (602) 294-3511 (602) 783-6265 (714) 441-1212 SCHROEDER RACING PRODUCTS BRANDWOOD CARS 800 S. Flower Street 4319 E University Burbank, CA 91502 Phoenix, AZ 85040 (818) 845-8283 (602) 437-3107 AEROSPACE QUALITY • RACE PROVEN PRODUCTS Dealer Inquiries Are Not Only Invited, But Encouraged! (619) 240-2266 October 1995 Page 17 ·
SNORE KC HIUtes Mldnl9ht Special -~ . ~.ii J.C. Dean collected several flat tires on his seven lap romp to the Unlimited Class victory in the Chenowth Porsche. Flats were his only problem as he won the class by over an hour and might inherit the overall win. The SNORE Midnight Special Club, just across the highway race was even more special this I from the main gate of Nellis Air year as long time sponsor, until Force Base. Scheduled from 6-9 recent years, KC HiLites was back p.m. the affair ran late, but despite on board, their business healthy the congested parking lot, the again. The race is run entirely in place was friendly and the food the dark, because the Bureau of was good. The Bonus Bucks of Land Management says the turtles $500 to a class winner was to go to don't retire to their burrows until 5 -1600 class, but none entered, after dark. The race was moved to maybe remembering the rough the Nellis Dunes, with the start I -run and the rugged hill climbs finish line just northeast of the over the dunes. After the drawing Air Base runways, the same place for starting numbers, in the club, that the last of the HORA/ people went home or to their :SCORE400milespringraceused campsite to finish working on for the same purpose. their car so they could sleep in on The activity started on Friday Saturday, race day. Entrants evening,July 21 with tech inspec-could pre-run from noon to dusk tion and contingency row set up on race day, and most of the in the parking lot of the New 25 .. nearly 50 entered did just that. Las Vegas in July is generally hot, and hotter, and July 22 was no exception, but there was a decent breeze around the start line and pit row, at least part of the time. The drivers meeting hap-pened at 8 p.m. but officials stuck to the 9 p.m. start. The race was scheduled for six laps for the fast cars and five laps for the slower classes. But, in a most unusual move, one competitor asked if they couldn't do another lap, and incredibly the BLM rep at the drivers' meeting said it was all right to add a lap. People scurried back to town to get more gas. The course was about 30 miles in length with few if any fast straight roads. Mike Tieman with co-drivers Joe Ferrara and Brad Collie ran their modified Ford truck in Unlimited class, got in all seven laps and finished second in class. It was a three way battle in Unlimited class until lap 6 when Tommy Bradley went out with ring & pinion breakage. Earlier he set fast lap of the day. Just before nine the racers start- I having such a good time he must ed lining up on the straight road have flagged away half the field. It into the start line. This is the is keen to have such an enthusias-famous start where you don't get tic sponsor. Among the leaders to second gear before you drop J.C. Dean was first around on lap off a cliff on a very steep road with 1, but headed for his pit with a flat a hard right tum at the bottom. tire. Tommy Bradley went by They all made that tum OK, at meanwhile to enjoy the first on l~st we didn't hear any crashing the road dust free running. Dean and shouts from the spectators was back running in two minutes, and there are plenty at the bottom and did a fast 39 minute second of the hill. They started a little late lap, but Bradley was even faster. with the Unlimited l / 2 class off Mike Tieman was doing well run-first. There were six in class led ning third, Lonny Helmbolt had a away by Lonny Helmbolt, Ford, nearly five hour first lap, did two Mike Tieman, Trophy-Truck, more before running out of time. Tommy Bradley, Raceco, J.C. ToddVandawalkerdidn'tcovera Dean, Chenowth/ Porsche, Brad lap, officially, must have blown a Thomas, and Todd Vandawalker, checkpoint or two as his team was Baja Bug. disqualified. Brad Thomas got his Peter Brown, President of KC car working after a couple of laps HiLites, was recruited to wave off but only did four rounds before the first few starters and he was vanishing into the night. Meanwhile up front it was a three way battle between Dean, Tieman and Bradley. They all made pit stops on lap 4, according to the times, but Tieman was fas-test by a couple of minutes on lap 5. Flat tires plagued Dean all the way to the checkers, his only troubles, and he won the class by over an hour over Mike Tieman, Joe Ferrara and Brad Collie and the Ford truck. Tommy Bradley and crew went out with trans trouble on lap 6, ring & pinion out was reported. But he was third anyway, and got credit for fast lap John Gaughan and Pat Dean had the Class 10 field covered until lap 5 which of the night at 38.16. took an extra hour, but got moving to cover all seven laps, second in Class 10. The five Class 10s left next and Robbie and Billy Goerke topped the five car Class 10 field, had very steady lap times all seven rounds, and they won Class 10 by about 30 minutes despite blowing a turn and some valuable time. Jeremy Gubler was first on the road and on time after one lap in Class 1-2-Despite major trouble on lap 6 Ken Flippen Jr. and Tom Franczak took third in 1600, and he finished with overall fast time but results of a protest on a course _ Class 10, even though they didn't finish the last of seven required laps. infraction are still pending as we go to press. ran tight on the first lap as Pat Dean/John Gaughan finished second car on the road after the first lap right behind Pat's little brother J.C. with a 40.56. Clay Flippen and Rod Thacker were a minute back, did another 41 min-ute lap arid were seen no more. It was tight on the next lap as Mark Davidge/Kevin Colan had a 40.21, class fast lap, Dean a 40.55. Ken Flippen Jr. was run-ning fifth here behind Robbie and Billy Goerke. Davidge lost seven minutes on lap three, Dean/ -Gaughan took over the lead and Flippen was working up speed, but still behind Goerke on time. Gas stops scrambled the running order, then Gaughan /Dean dropped over an hour on lap 5, no Page 18 October 1995 Dusty Timcs
B.J. and Jon Almberg reported no serious woes with their 2-1600 racer and they were second in 1600 action on time about 25 minutes behind Gubler. report on wny, but got back on Francza_k had a 1:55:33 sixth lap, . track with a couple of 45s and and retued. Pat Dean and John finished second, only one of two Gaughan pushed on to a 1:48 last who did. Davidge/Colan broke a lap, and were second in class. The trailing arm on lap 6 while lead, ' winner with steady mid 40s laps in , Ken_ Flippen Jr. and Tom I all night was Robbie and Billy Hard luck dogs Kenny Freeman Jr., but he finished third 1600 after hitting a wall which broke a tie rod and power steering bracket, bent the rack & pinion steering, but 25 minutes later he was back on the road and ended up in third. Sammy Ehrenberg and Jack Bassett had shock problems with their 1-2-1600, but kept up a steady pace and took fourth in the close running and tough class. Jeff Carr has an immaculate Class 9 and it runs as good as it looks. Jeff had most consistent lap times for the six laps required, seldom more than a minute apart, and he· won Class 9 by a whopping 39 minutes. Doug Ingram, like Carr, ran solo for the six Class 9 laps and also ran very consistent laps and apparently had no trouble at all and was second in Class 9. Dustynma Goerke who split-the driving, blew a turn, but had no real prob, lems, saying it was a boring race. Next away was the 13 car Class 1,2, 1600 and they had heavy traf, fie. Jeremy Gubler was up to first on the road and on time on lap 1, surprising nobody. Danny And, erson was next, a minute back and two minutes ahead of the herd. Joseph Hoak didn't make a lap and Ruben Rodriguez retired after a three and a half hour second lap.Anderson was next to retire, . vanishing on lap 4 while Chris and Craig Simmons were gone after five laps as was Todd Burt, both running competitive laps. The other eight 1600s finished seven laps. Up front Gubler continued his quick pace, getting a bit lost at one point, but regained the course and made the checkpoint. _ It was a . October 1995 Defending 1-2-1600 points champion Rob Guevara had his troubles on laps 5 and 7, but made back time to finish well, fifth in this competitive class. black night, the moon long since and Kenny Freeman Jr. was then. having gone down behind the second follo,Fed by Rob and Bob mountains. Gubler led midway Guevara. fP"' · Page 19
tim~s and took second place. Ed Dunn and a host of others never did get a lap under an hour but they covered all six for third in class at 7: 15: 10 total time. James Cannedy, Doug Barrett and Jim Nolan just missed running out of time on the eight hour time limit, turning their only lap, a 59, under the hour on the last lap to finish fourth at 7:50 flat. That's nearly five o'clock in the morning! Rick Paquette and Brad Maurer s-,owed their pace some on the second half of Brett North, David Jones and Bill Holbrook ran a slower pace, but kept the the race but they held on to their hard earned third place in 9 at the checkers. . Class 9 together to finish fourth in class, the last six lap finisher in 9. There was a separate entry in Class 10 Sportsman Buggy of Mike Andress and Larry Job. They started with a 48: 15 but then spent two and a half hours on the next lap, did a 49 and a 50 and went home after four laps. The only Sportsman Truck entry was actually a car, the Oldsmobile of John Phegley, who started with remarkable time for a sedan on this course, a 1 :09 then did a 1 :22 and a 1 :23 and retired the class winner. . engine buggies, who have little to none in the way of suspension also. Eric Schenberger went fast on lap 1, set Class 9 fast lap on lap 2 and was looking at a victory when the ring & pinion broke on the sixth and last lap. Eric was fifth in Class 9. Consistency paid off for Jeff Carr with four laps in the 50s, a 53 and a 49, and he won Class 9 by 39 minutes. He ran along and said he had no trouble at all; good thing since the radio didn't work. He thanked Eddie and Dick Webb for their help with the car. Douglas Ingram slid home second in class with most consistent times except for the last lap. Rick Paquette and Brad Maurer slowed a bit after the first two laps but finished third in Class 9. Brett North and David Jones, and their V. Then Freeman hit a wall, broke a tie rod and a power steering bracket, bent the rack & pinion, made repairs, losing about 25 minutes and got back in the game about one in the morning. Bekki Freeman had distributor · problems on the third lap, with her niece Day Gang riding shot-gun. They could be sisters, But she got rolling again to finish sev-enth in class, just ahead of her dad Ken Sr. who had time costly trou-bles on the last lap, but he fin-ished. Dan Bradley and Tom Bradley Sr. had their woes on the first and last lap but arrived sixth in class a half hour behind Rob and Bob Guevara in fifth spot who lost 40 minutes on the last lap. Jeremy Gubler led the pack to the finish line, his time of4:52:20 good for first overall. But there was a protest on his off course excursion, and a month later we still don't know how it was resolved. B.J. and Jon Almberg took second, about 25 minutes in arrears, reporting no big troubles. Kenny Freeman Jr. with his wife Keri and son Bryan alternating riding worked back to third, just . eight minutes out of second in a Page 10 remarkable drive back from disas- ringer Bill Holbrook, had good ter. Sammy Ehrenburg and Jack laps, slowed on the last lap and Bassett ranged from 4 7 to 51 in took fourth place, the last fin-lap times, had shock woes but isher. Eric Shenberger had a cruised into fourth in SNORE's heartbreaker, after having led tough 1600 class. Class 9 through five laps he lost There were 11 Class 9 cars out the ring & pinion on the last lap to cover six laps of this unforgiv-and was fifth. Sixth was M. ing course, one a 5-1600. Firstlap Dwayne Bracken and Tim Logs-honors belonged to Eric Shen-don three hours back in the 5-berger with a 49:12 round, and 1600, followed by another five his second lap was class fast lap at lapper Bill Avery and Tom Brown 48:21. After two laps second in seventh. Brian and Ed Fieger place was a toss up between Jeff covered four laps for eighth in CarrandJimO'DonnellandRick Class 9. Paquette/ Brad Maurer got close There were seven in the as did Frank Baird, but two laps Sportsman Buggy Class and four was all he covered. After a three of them finished their six laps. hour second lap, Matt Cun-Eric and Andre Gremm had fast ningham and Dale Looney van- , time on lap 1, then set class fast ished on lap 4 . After three very I lap at 45:56 on the second round quick times Jim O'Donnell was to keep the lead. Regan Gubler also among the missing: The changed co-drivers nearly_ every course had some sand hills to lap, giving the whole family a ride, climb, hard on these restricted and he was second after two . The only car in Sportsman Class 10 was an automatic winner, even with a two hour second lap. Mike Andress and Larry Job did four laps and retired. October 1995 rounds. On the damage side of the equation, Dennis W esseldine and James Pierce did not cover a lap, down with engine woes, nor did Jay Shain who broke a torsion bar on the first lap. Ed Dunn had a two hour first lap but carried on; Jamey Cannedy turned a pair of 1: 10s for the first two laps. Ron Reed and Richard Peters had a late start and a two hour first lap, then an hour lap followed by another two hour excursion and they retired. Up front the Gremms charged on, making a gas stop on the third lap, then did a 46, a 47, and another 4 7 to win the class by over an hour, obviously having no trouble at all. Regan, Jenni, Tam-mie and Jason Gubler had a mar-velous time, turned up the wick the last two la s to 54 and 55 Around eleven in the morning the survivors of the Nellis Dunes in the dark gathered at the New 25 Club for the awards and the tradi-tional complimentary breakfast, very good by the way. Next comes the club's premier race, the 26th SNORE 250 Presented by the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino, the center of pre and post race activ-ity. There is a Pre-Run Fun Run on Sept. 23 and the race on Sept. 30, outofJean, NV. Check the ad in this issue for more details. Eric and Andre Gremm were the fastest of the seven Sportsman Buggies, doing class fast lap on the second round, and kept up a fast pace not having any trouble at all, and they won th_e_ class by over an hour. Ed Dunn and company started out with a two hour lap, but they got fixed, did some decent lap times and finished all six for a strong third in Sportsman. John Phegley and his cohorts'put the Oldsmobile in Sportsman Truck class, the only entry, but John and the team boomed through three laps on the way to the class win. Dusty Times
PRESCOff FOREST PRO RALLY Harris Done and Larry Scott set records at Prescott, their Mazda RX-7 the first Group 2 car to ever win a Photo: Trackside Photo Inc. National Pro Rally overall and their Harris Don• Wins Overall By John Elkin Your basic rally car has to be an . adaptable automobile, regardless of class or horsepower. It has to be tough as an off road racing machine, nimble as a road racer, handle like a Formula One car and as well prepared as a l')JASCAR Winston Cup car. Likewise your basic rally driver has to possess the concentration needed in endurance racing, the unyielding drive to win of a Winston Cup driver and the physical toughness of an off road racer. This makes rally drivers and navigators mas-ters of changing situations and car control. A Winston Cup car may encounter changing track condi-tions but in the long run it is st~ll going around in circles on the same surface. A Formula One car still shifts in the same place and brakes in the same place, lap after lap after lap. So versatility is a virtue, normally. So, as teams rolled into the delightful mountain top com-munity of Prescott, Arizona, for the Prescott Forest Rally all this that is stated in the previous para-graph goes right out the window. You need to be tough in Prescott, your car has to be a Sherman Tank, your tires have to find the proper pressure as to not suc-cumb to the rocks. Your kid-neys ... well, let's just say do not count on the same functional uri-nary tract health for a few days after the rally. But as tough as the roads are, as rough as it can be here, there are sections of roads, and stages that make the trip and the pounding worthwhile. This year's Prescott doubled as a divisional rally and an event counting to 60% points in the SCCA/ Michelin National PRO Rally Championship. Jeff Hen-dricks and his crew of devoted volunteers strived to, and suc-ceeded at putting forth a well run, first class rally. And while none of the east coast teams saw fit to rev-isit Prescott, divisional teams had visions of glory dancing through their heads as one lucky CRS team would be listed as an overall National winner when it was over putting their names forth with Moodie and Choiniere and ... uh ... no one else has won one have they? All the National classes and all four CRS classes were repres-ented in Arizona. Five stages were on tap for the rally, and while that sounds low of a rally of this importance, keep in mind that stages two and three would be a 18.8 mile road that would have a deciding effect on the outcome in almost every class. A short three mile stage would familiarize the teams with the uni-que Prescott stages. In covering the National classes, many were repeat winners in the divisional classes, and some national winners were not in their divisional classes. So we will enterprise to condense the cover-age so we are not too terribly repetitious. A convincing victory in the Truck Class propelled Dave Turner and Ben Bradley into the national Points lead ahead of Greg Healey. This also gave Mitsubishi the Manufacturers lead in the class also as they piloted the truck over the stages that definitely . Dusty Times catered to the toughness ot a tuu . the Toyota to the side of the road first National win. ,;; · _ .,, _ , - . . . """" framed vehicle. it was a ten minute repair to get They also won the Divisional Rally in1first overall and in Two Wheel Drive National Production class fell going again. Meanwhile, up the Class. Quite a ,record rally for Done and Scott. to the new kids on the block as stage Mike and Steve had their was a broken wire to the throttle Floyd Shrader debuted a new Kia proved that their car is tough Sapporo very close to the end of position sensor. It was fixed, but Chevy S-10 truck with a wild sus-. enough to withstand rocks, dust, this despicable piece of road when not before five precious minutes pension and trick body-work to a holes and even Lon Peterson, as the Sapporo vapor-locked in the had passed. They finished just 30 second place finish. Said Stewart he and navigator Bill Gutzmann unforgiving heat. Behind these seconds out of second spot. after the rally, "The chassis flogged the tough little car to a two, and soon to be in front, was Robert Tallini and Terrdog worked well, I just need some well earned fourth overall finish. Bobby Webb, Kenya's gift to US (Terry Stonecipher) kept it a more motor." Ken Cassidy and Group A saw two entries as PRO Rally, and Tim Sardelich. close race by finishing in fourth Karen Burrows took the right' Chris Weleff and Brian Paul took Their Datsun 510, an indestructi-position, but just another minute hand drive Mitsubishi Galant of Toyota to the winners circle over ble mountain goat of a car by· back. With such close competi-TonyTakahori, who is rebuilding the Mitsubishi Galant of Ken Cas- design, was taking all the abuse tion for positions two' through his home after the Kobi, Japan sidy and Karen Burrows. W eleff that Bobby could throw at it and four it seems that the pack was earthquake, out for a drive and recorded the third overall spot in never missed a beat. evenly matched. they did well for a couple of navi-the process. At the top of the 90 minute Two Wheel. Drive Open gators in the same car* (*credit Occasionally it is your day, and turnaround area the second and included much of the same com-for that lines goes to Roger Hull T_ony Chavez has been waiting ~or third place stock class teams petition as covered in the Group 2 who uttered the words at the his d~y for many moons (native decided that since this would be portion of this report. Harris awards presentation). Rui Brasil Amencan_forlotsofday~)andthat I thefirsttimeforWebbtoleadshe · Done and Larry Scott, on top of and Carlos Tavares had a misera-da~camemtheoppressive_heatof might crack under the pressure. their National success also bletimeatPrescott.First,Ruiwas Arizona as he and Jose Sona took For the remaining three stages the notched the first in class and not even supposed to run this the!r two wheel drive _Mitsubishi trailing teams would drive flaw- overall here. Bill Malik and Roine event as he had business in his Eclipse ~urbo t~ a N~ttonal O1><:n lessly, trying to mount pressure Andersson were second with native Portugal, but a window of Class wm, des~ite a t_ire change m on the sophomore team, but to no Whitman and Linville next.Tony opportunity opened up and he stage three. Rm Brasil and Carlos benefit as Bobby and Tom earned Chavez and Jose Soria came in put in a 26 hour airport hopping Tavares nabbed the second spot their first stock class win. fourth with their Mitsubishi trip to reach Prescott in time for in their Audi 4~00 Quattro. Adrienne and Bob Scott drove Eclipse turbo. Arthur Ober-Jowi the rally. On stage one the Audi _R~ger Hull is no stran_ger ~o into second place in the Toyota. and Robert Logue came from Dal- ran well but on stage two it was an wmmng on the SCCA/Michelm Performance Stock was five las, Texas, and drove their Toyota overheating problem and two flat trail, but never before m Produc-strong atthe start, and four would Corolla to a fine fifth place class tires that slowed the car. At the tion GT class. He and S~an G~l- \ see the finish. The tow east would finish for the rookie driver and his top of stage two Rui found that he leg~er ?att~ed an overheating Mit-prove fruitless for Garnet and experienced navigator. Another had only one spare tire, relegating subishiEchpseandtheMazda323 PamBaril,whoseVWGTlwould rookie effort and experienced the Audi driver to drive a 18.8 of David Ralaki~ all_the w~y ~o the go only 3.2 miles before coughing navigator combination, Greg mile stage on a rear flat tire. Stage end to record his first wm m the up a fuel pump; they would, how- Hodges and Dave White made four he won overall but then a tie new car• ever, be awarded the CRS Bomb their way through the drivers first rod problem plagued him on stage Group 2 was a large class, and Out Award as a reminder of their PRO Rally and did very well; five and dropped him way down one that would produce the over- first out of rally position. however with an on board coach the order to fourth in class. Roger all winner of the rally• A Group 2 Back in the land of the running like Dave White it was no wonder Hull and Sean Gallegher nabbed car had never, before this, won a it was going to be a Kia day again that they did. fifth in the Mitsubishi while being Nationaloverall.HarrisDoneand as Lon Peterson and Bill Gutz-Four wheel drive open was a cautious in the overheating Larry Scott will go down in the mann overwhelmed the competi-lock for Chris W eleff and Brian Eclipse. record books as the first. They tion and won the class by a six Paul as their Toyota Celica All While it was a rougher than tooktheirMazdaRX-7anddrove minute margin. It was not a lan-Trac offered up an outstanding normal rally in Arizona it did the wheels off it to beat the Volvo guid drive for the pair as in stage effort in the inhospitable condi- separate the prepared from the of Bill Malik and Roine Anders-two the Kia started running on tions on their way to a fine win, not and the lucky from the merely son by a minute for the win. The three clinders for much of the and a huge lead in the CRS class talented. Mazda had a blown out strut, but stage. Whether due to the unden- championship. Ken Stewart and when would that ever slow down iable talent of Peterson's driving Harris? Mike Whitman and Kevin or the solid construction of Linville had been leading by the Korea's "well-built car" they still end of stage two in their Datsun set a fast time for the stage but 510, however, heading back ( could not find the trouble vexing down the same rough and rock their car. It would be the efforts of strewn road a wayward rock took their stiffest competition that out their brake line, not that a l~ck would fix the car, John Moore of brakes would slow Mike explains, "We knew that we Whitman, but the lack of them could not beat the car or Lon, he caused Mike and Kevin to slam a had even beaten us on three large rock and hurt a rear axle. cylinders. Dennis (Chizma) and I The~ limped out of the stage and figured that we should help repaired the car and went on to because it would look less· finish third in class and fifth demeaning for us to lose to a car overall. running all four cylinders than With the National class~s just three." A loose wire to a fuel \ covered we now turn to the Cah-injector was found and corrected , fornia Rally Series classes, where and the balance of the rally was you may experience some redun-uneventful sans one corner where dancy or deja vu. Peterson hit a large rock and put a Stock Class was a three horse small hole in the fuel tank which race, and as far as the age of the leaked all the way back to the fin-carsgoes itwas twothoroughbreds ish but didn't cost the team any versus an old plow horse, but time. never count out a plow horse. At Dennis Chizma and John the end of stage one Mike Marcy Moore, the Kia-saviors, had their and Steve Scott had a good lead in Rabbit in fine form and ran well the Plymouth Sapporo. Adrienne with no troubles sans a lack of and Bob Scott came next in the horsepower at the higher altitude Toyota Corolla followed closely of Arizona's mountain country. by Bobby Webb and Tim Sarde- Dave Turner and Ben Bradley, lich in a Datsun 510 (read as who won the National class did "plow horse"). Next was stage not have such an easy drive in the two, where a comedy of errors ' divisional as just a mile into stage would padlock the win from the one the Mitsubishi truck just two thoroughbreds. Adrienne rolled to a stop like it was out of and Bob Scott were charging hard fuel. Turner, a first class race car up the rocky canyon when the builder, quickly jumped under-steering wheel popped off in neath the hood and searched for Adrienne's hands. After wrestling . the cause of their maladv. which . · October 1995 IGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pm-'runn~r, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission·output bells to accept the ta_rger cy.joinys. .. •, Convert Type I stub axles and output bell -to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. Convert Type II stub axles and output bell !to accept 930 C.V. joints. ,All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV Jc.v.s can be U,readed ¾-24 or stock .8mm , -1AII axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be {threaded 3/a-24.w:.stock 1 0rrt_m threads. ;, FIT YOUR Off ROADER , - · WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange' on your supplied JBrt,s. . Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. Bump Stopa come complete with a mounting sys~, poiy-eurethane nd piece, and enough valving 10 '~t the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED·AT.$319.90 per pair. lncludin!:l the mounting hardware and the GAS ~ . SEE Y"'.IJR OFF FOAD RACNG PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. 'Yarnell Specialties, Inc.. 102 Crnhiilw · . P. 0. Box MS 1-802""'27-3551 Y.-nel, AZ.15312. Page 11
OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Lalo Fuentes from Juarez, Mexico. Mountain Shadow··1so After the first lap several lead changes took place. Joseph Bom-badier fell out with a broken spindle. James Martin moved into first place followed by Joe Vas-quez in second place andJeffHus-tin in third. Lalo Fuentes, first time racer, showed what the Fuentes racing team is about on the first half of the course; he caught most of the front runners only to meet the WALL in the Arroyo. This WALL has put out more racers and riders than any other part of the course and has been responsible for our only real injury in the last six years of rac-ing. After getting unstuck and reentering the race, Lady Luck was not riding with Lalo and Jaime. On one of the turns Lalo over shot it and rolled, this seemed to do some serious dam-age to the electrical system and put them out of the race. getting a new tire and starting his fifth lap he broke a torsion adjus-ter putting the 199 car out of the race. This left James Martin and Jeff Hustin running for the money. James Martin on the last lap and less than a 100 yards from the finish blew his valve cover off and lost his rocker shaft and push rods but in true off road fashion he limped his car in on two cylinders and won the race. Jeff Hustin came in second and Joe Vasquez nursed his car in for third. By Joey Vasquez Welcome to El Paso, Texas and the Mountain Shadow 150 Desert Race. This race was a half day and half night race. At start time, 7:00 o'clock, the day was 90-95 degrees and had a 15 mile per hour breeze, just a perfect day for racing. But what day isn't perfect for racing, right? The course was 19 miles long, first six miles consisted of sandy whoops and desert terrain, the middle part had a small mountain, more desert terrain, two and a half miles of straight away and four miles of rocky, sandy arroyo not to mention a waterhole that appeared on the second lap. The cars would race till midnight if they had no problems. Second lap saw James Martin come around in first place, Joe Vasquez in second place,JeffHus-tin in -his Class 5 unlimited in third place. The Sportsman Class were the next class off with Chuck Wright first off the line followed by Ali Bahr, and third off was Larry Salcedo from El Paso. The pro cars started first with Joseph Bombadier from Tucson, Arizona leading them off, Jeff Hustin also from Tucson left in second position followed by James Martin from Odessa, Texas ran a nearly trouble free race in his Class James Martin from Odessa Texas, 10 Chenowth, and he won the Open Pro Class in the Mountain Shadow 150. • Joe Vasquez from El Paso and The fourth lap left Joe Vasquez· on the Mountain with a flat tire in the worst part of the course. After We had three newcomers from Dallas, Fort Worth, and Tucson, Arizona. #5 7 Albrecht "Ali" Bahr, and his copilot Jim Hudson, #40 Chuck Wright his son and copilot James, both from the Dal-las /Fort Worth area. #1077 Joseph Bombadier and his family came from Tucson, Arizona. Although Joseph and his family broke down on their first lap we hope they will come back and race with us again. W e enjoyed their company after the race was over and would like to thank Jennifer for her help at the award presenta-tion "Thank you Jennifer". After a broken shock, a flat tire and a broken torsion adjuster, Joe Vasquez from El Paso, Texas limped his broken Raceco home third in Open Class. Lalo Fuentes was a first time racer and he finished fourth in the Groupo Fuentes Class 8 truck, a keen way to start for the Juarez based racer. After a string of DNFs and also some hard luck Kevin Ohara pulled out a second place finish in Open Sportsman, almost as good as a win for Kevin. Pagett ,.. Chuck was out here last April, but broke down early in the race. Ali came with him and must have gotten hooked on the desert as well, since both he and Chuck came back to the Mt'. Shadow 150 Desert Race. Ali and Chuck are familiar with off road racing from the Barn Yard Baja series in Sul-phur Springs, T exas and both did well considering that their cars are built for short course racing. Ali told us that the desert already cost him a spindle, trailing arm and a front wheel and that was just pre-running Friday, but he was pre-pared and had everything fixed Rudy Rosales from Juarez Mexico looked good here passing a checkpoint in before the Saturday evening start. =h'=·s=1:-::6:::00~,-:b::-u_t::-h:---e:::b;;;r;;;;ok=e=do;-w---:-n _f u_r_th;;-e;;;;r:---dc-;o;;w;:;n;;;t_h_e_r-;;o;;:u:-gh-:;;;;;ro:;a;:;d:---a;;;;h_e;;;a;;;;d;;. ;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; . Al though he and his U -Turn Rac-ing Team were race ready to take on the desert in the third lap his engine dropped oil pressure and had to settle for a seventh place finish. Better luck next time Ali. Chuck Wright had a little bit better luck this time out. After replacing two rear shocks he fin-ished five laps until a broken spindle put him out but finished 4th place in Sportsman Class. Ali told us about a person who did double duty work Saturday night, Chuck Feazell who is Ali's crew chief worked helping Ali all day until Ali broke then instead of kicking back went to work help-ing #40 Chuck Wright. This is not an uncommon thing we have The Ramierez Brothers Racing Team ran a trouble free race and finally put seen so many race teams help one their Raceco in the winners' circle with first place in Open Sportsman. . another in time of trouble. I think Larry Salcido drove the Johnny O's 1-1600 car to a third place finish in Open Sportsman class: here he carefully avoids the middle of the road puddles. October 1995 this is one of the reasons Off 'Road Racing is so special as com-pared to other forms of racing. Our pit crews are the very best. First lap in Sportsman Class saw several regulars fall to the way side. Rudy Rosales from Juarez, Mexico, who. usually does well DNF'ed early in the race. Our hardship award went to Alonzo Guitierez of the Guitierre: Bros. Racing T earn. Alonzo worked all month trying to get a motor together for their car; after bor-rowing and begging parts he finally got one together finishing up at the last minute only to break a torsion bar UNLOADING IT. OFF THE TRAILER. I think lots of us can relate to this. Sorry Alonzo s~e you at the next races. Dusty Times
Second lap saw a lead change. #1602 Danny and George Ramierez came around first with #92 Kevin Ohara in his Alamo Auto Parts c·ar. And third place #1669 was Larry Salcido in the Johnny's O car. Third lap saw Ali Bahr drop out, and also #1601 Arturo Lujan and Chuy Rosales. Chuy and Arturo won the last race we had and were very disappointed they broke so early in the race but they assured us that they will be back to regain their title as the Wild Things of the desert. Still in first place #1602 was followed real close by #92. Third place was #1669. On the fourth lap #6 Sal-vador Andrade, first time racer with us, had problems the first · two laps, but after ironing them out the Bugs started burning up the course only to run out of time. Salvador said his new Race Shock Co. shocks turned his old car into a different and better handling car. Fifth lap saw #1602 Danny and George Ramierez holding off #92 Kevin Ohara for first place. Seems our timing crew were really get-ting into the race, they said these two cars ran bumper to bumper all day and night. Larry Salcido still in third place trying to make up some down time. Sixth and final lap saw #1602 Ramierez Racing T earn pulling off their first ever win with a trouble free race in the pretty Raceco 1600 car. These guys have been racing for a few years and always been a bridesmaid but never the bride. That changed July 8. Con-gratulations Danny and George, Arturo Lujan and Chuy Rosales are the reigning champs in their 1600, but not this race. After grabbing some major air they broke two axles and DNF'd. also to their crew chief Cecil and family. #92 Kevin Ohara came in second. Kevin has had a dry spell lately but that looks like things are changing. Coming in second to a factory built car is not bad. I'm sure he is looking for his first win real soon. Maybe that married life is changing his luck. #1669 Larry Salcido took third place and on all four wheels this time. Larry had some problems but again his pit crew kept him going for a finish. ORP would like to thank all the racers and their families, the checkpoint people, timing crew and marking crew. Thank you very much and see you at the next one. On a personal note. Sometime ago I went to my first Mint 400 race. I was so nervous and excited or whatever you call it, that I went two weeks before the race. We were only supposed to go one week to pre-run but I couldn't wait I had to get there. We drove out to the Start/Finish line to get our pit assignment. When I was greeted by a big burly looking guy in shorts and work apron he asked "What can I do for you?" I told him I was looking for our pits he said "You're too early for the race". I said I couldn't wait. He laughed, looked up our naine and sent us on our way. He was the first person I met from HDRA his name was Andy Deshong; since then some nine years later he was my friend and mentor. I looked forward to going to the races but also seeing Andy. My friends and I would get together and watch the races on tape or on cable and when Andy would show up flagging I would jump up and say "Hey, look ther<s Andy he's Chuck and James Wright did better this time out than they did last April. They placed fourth in July, despite the heat, in the Open Sportsman Class. Ali Bahr got a good start but then he had engine troubles and had to park. But he vowed to come back and not only finish but win the Open Sportsman Class. a friend of mine", after a tew of these . they would start popping me up the side of the head. Andy was a very special friend. I would like to extend my condolences to Linda and his family for their loss. I'll miss him very much. "Goodby Andy". ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ~~v,o, Off ~o, D BOGGf NEVADA'S LARGEST OFFROAD, SAND, STREET VW PARTS STORE TRI-MIL EXHAUSTS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............. $75.50 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ...... $119.95 1 1/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............. $79.95 11/2 TYPE 1 CHROME ...... $115.95 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............. $95.95 1 5/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ...... $127.95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200MM DISC 4-PUCK ... $48.00 200MM 1700 P-PLATE .. $99.00 200MM 2500 P-PLATE.$125.00 *EARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BEL TS 2 • ...... $23.95 LAP BEL TS 3 • .............. $58.95 SHOULDER BELTS ........ $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM ............. , ................... $72.95 5 PT. SIMPSON SET BLK,BLUE AND RED .......................... $94.95 WE CARRY AURORA VDO BAKER BATTERIES SWAY AWAY WRIGHT PLACE EARLS SUPER TRAP SWEP CO. BUG PACK EMPI CHENOWTH FODDRIL UNI-FILTER K&N TRI-MIL PERMACOOL BEARDS PIAA FOX SHOXS COMP-U-FIRE WEBER CARBS SAND TIRES & RIMS GERMAN AUTO CENTERLINE ULTRA SIMPSON SCAT RACE READY 11 GALLONS DUMP CANS ... $69.95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE ............... $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB ................................... $32.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER .............. $169.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX .... ................................... $89.95 ULTRA WHEELS 1 SX4 FRONTS ................. $80.00 15X7 REAR STD. OFFSETS.$85.00 YOKOHAMA$ REARS 33X10.S0.15 .............. $124.00 HIGHWAY TREAD & TRACTION .................................... sss.oo WORTH 1 LAYER DRIVING SUITS ....... $99.95 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW PHONE (702)871-4911 OPEN 6 DAYS, MON-SAT LAS VEGAS,NV 89102 FAX(702)871-5221 8-5 MON-FRI 9-5 SAT ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■II ■ra■ ■ ■■■ ◄r~-Dusty Times October 1995 Page 13
15TH SMOKEFREE RALLY OF MEW ZEALAND Colin McRae and Subaru Win for the Third Year in a Row Text & Phot.os: Martin Holmes .,,:«w/$ Colin McRae and Derek Ringer won for the third year in a row in the Subaru lmpreza 555. McRae took the lead on the first long stage and basically had no trouble, never looked back and is now fourth in driver's points. Colin McRae won the Rally New Zealand for the third succes-sive time and for the second time made a remarkable performance on the slow Motu Road stage, the longest stage in current World Championship rallying. "If I told you my secret for Motu, it would be too dangerous for me and I would have to kill you!" he joked, after the event. The Toyota team, in cars less agile than McRae's Subaru, finished in the next three places, ahead of Kenneth Eriks-son in the sole remaining Group A Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. Eriksson's teammate Tommi Makinen led in the early stages until he crashed, and although Mitsubishi's third driver Ed Ordynski earned them valuable points through his Group N car, Toyota took a 16 point lead in the Manufacturer's series. Didier Auriol's second place gave him a slender one point lead in the drivers' series ahead of teammate Juha Kankkunen and the injured Carlos Sainz. The rail was a disaster for Ford: Francois Delecour was ill all event and Bruno Thiry retired after the engine refused to fire up when leaving a service point. Toyota won the 'WZL' category after David Black fended off a last min-ute attack by the Suzuki of Pikes Peak winner Nobuhiro Tajima, and became the seventh make to win the category this year. While Peugeot took the lead in the ser-ies, Opel excluded themselves from the possibility of winning the title because they have not contested an event outside Europe. Group N became a pro-cession of Mitsubishi cars after the challenge by Andrea Navar-ra 's Toyota ended when he went off the road on the third day. The rally was not only the fifth round of the World Rally Cham-pionship but doubled as a round of the W arid 2-liter Champion-ship and the Asia-Pacific series. All four World Championship teams were present with three official team cars, the one missing ~ \ . "J ~ ~-qi David and Jane Black scored one for New Zealand by winning the World l 2-liter category over factory teams from near and far in their own Toyota Corolla. They finished 29th overall in a near trouble free rally for them. Page 14 factor was Carlos Sainz, current leader in the Drivers' points. With 87 cars on the entry list the rail y promised to be the best sup-ported Rally New Zealand since the first one in 1977 when 100 crews participated. The Toyota Castro! T earn pre-pared four cars for this all gravel event for World Champion Did-ier Auriol, Juha Kankkunen and Armin Schwarz while Safari Rally winner Yoshiro Fujimoto made a support appearance. All the Toy-otas had a new central differential system, an active type, this time without the back-up viscous cou-pling facility. Despite the new regulations "It will be almost like the old days," said TCT Team Manager George Donaldson. "Here we can sometimes change tires after as little as 14 km of stages, much more often than ear-lier this year. Normally the dis-tance between service points is 50 to 60 km, and the reduced distan-ces here gave the tire companies a chance to use much softer tires than normal. McRae was leader of the 555 Subaru World Rally Team, after his teammate Sainz withdrew because of a slow healing shoulder injury. Sainz had won the event three years running, from 1990-1992. Richard Burns drove in place of Sainz with double Asia-Pacific Champion Possum Bourne in the third car. Mitsubishi were leaders in the Manufacturers' Championship and again split their representation. Ralliart had a new sponsor in Rothmans for the World Championship. Two Group A Evolution III cars were for Eriksson and Makinen. The Group N driver they nominated for Championship points was the privately entered Australian Ed Ordynski with a new Mark III and he brought a third tire brand to the series, Bridgestone. Ford, with only one World win in the past 11 months, ventured down-under with novelties, firstly two of their cars, for Dele-cour and Thiry, had the new active central differential coupled ~ith traction control. They had appointed New Zea lander Neil Allport as third team driver. Allport had been national cham-pion three times with Ma:da and last rallied a Ford in 1984 and found things very different. "This is the first time I have used a seven speed gear box and the first time I drove it was three days before the start. It is also the first time I have rallied a left hand drive·car ... " The rally was notable for being the first time for many years a major event used a special stage in both directions. For about 15 years this system was banned because of the dangers of colli-sions during training, but now with regulated training schedules the hazard is not so great. This is the feature of the Motu Road, the stage that takes the longest time to cover in current championship rallying. There has been a gradual shift in stage location too, new stages were found towards the east coast of the North Island. After training stage 16 was can-October 1995 The new wc·driver's points leader is Didier Auriol, the defending champion. With Denis Giraudet he was second O/A in the Toyota Celica GT-Four, and Toyota now has an 18 point lead in the Manufacturers' point chase. celed because of the softness of were trying the new W type tires, the tracks. The drivers led by though the traditional FB was still Auria! petitioned to cancel stage felt superior on harder conditions. 17 as well because it was too fast. Tajima pulled ahead of the Auria! was discreet, bearing in WZL opposition in his old model mind the current hatred of the Suzuki, while there was a close normally placid New Zealanders fight for second between the Toy-towards the French on account of ota Corolla GT of Black and the plans for a nuclear test explosion Peugeot 306S16 of Craig Mar-in the South Pacific. shall, SPn of former leading rally One surprise considering the driver Mike Marshall.Jointleader status of the event was the absence on stage 1 wa_s Hynes' Honda but of European based Formula 2 he damaged the suspension and teams. Three top contenders in retired after stage 3. Mitsubishi the World 2-liter series were Lancer Evolution cars won every actually regular Asia-Pacific rac- special stage and led all the way in ers, The Suzuki ofT ajima and two Group N. The only non-Mitsubishi Taiwanese Honda Civics of Aus-was Navarra's Toyota, damaged tralian Leigh Hynes and David on stage 3, but finished the day in Yein. 16 cars were entered from fifth. Bin Sulayem had a loose six different makes in WZL. The turbo pipe on stage 2 and then points leader Renault had no complete transmission failure at entries and there were no kit cars. the start of stage 3 causing him to Another change was the event was retire. Kamioka hit a fence on run over four not three days. The stage 1 and badly damaged the government intervention can-rear suspension. He tried to drive celed the ongoing sponsorship of across Auckland to service, but Rothmans of this event, but they police stopped him. paid the same funding, if it was Last year McRae jumped into called the Smokefree Rally. It the lead on the first long stage of was, and Rothmans took their the rally. This year he did the money to Mitsubishi. same on Etape 2 rising from fifth The rain of the past month place at the end of stage 9 to first eased as the cars left Auckland on after 10. His task was made a little Etape 1 but there was the tradi- easier when the leader Makinen tionalcoveringofstonesandmud went off the road, and just on the tracks. The effect of this beforehand the battle for second was drivers running further down place had been very close, with the field had clearer road surfaces five drivers separated by four and made better times. Running seconds. Walking back from the first on the road Colin McRae scene of his indiscretion, found the going heavy, especially Makinen, expressed his dismay. on the longer stages, while "ltwasnobody'sfaultbutmine. I Makinen running seventh car on just complete! y forgot a pace note the road had much better condi-instruction". His speed had been tions. "We had the disadvantage ama:ing, increasing his lead from today that many drivers know 8 seconds to 28 seconds in three these stages very well, but tomor-stages. Main troubles of the day row when we have many new were the early retirement of Joe stages we will be able to enjoy McAndrew on stage 7, gearbox drivingknowingotherpeoplewill failure, while Gronholm had not have any advantage at all. engine failure on stage 8 and "Three different drivers shared Fujimoto; lost front wheel trac-the lead during the short, half day tion, costing about ten minutes of activity; Schwarz's and Auriol's and fell to 26th. T oyotas alternated for the first Ford were not doing very well. three stages before Makinen 's Thiry hit a rock in the road on Mitsubishi made time 11 seconds stage 11 and broke not only the faster on stage 4 and led for the wheel but the strut. He changed rest of the leg. The first stage saw a the flat tire but struggled through lot of damage after cars hit fence the foretunately short stage 12 posts alongside the track; Isolde before things could be repaired. Holderied retired when her front Delecour was feeling very ill and suspension was badly deranged, his energy on the longest stages her first ever retirement from a escaped him, but on stage 15 he World Championship rail y. tried a new harder tire(FB74 )and Allport broke the front of his car scored Ford's first fastest stage at the same place as well. By stage time of the event. Immediately 2 T oyotas were 1 ying 1-2-3. afterwards Thiry tried to change Bourne spun on stage 4, enough his gearbox at service. This opera-to drop him behind the Finn, tion worked well but they could Marcus Gronholm. There were not start the engine in the time few troubles among the top available, still it started without teams, most drivers knew the trouble later on; he was forced to conditions the following day retire. Allport was gradually would mean the starting order understanding his car, but once would be critical. Michelin users again on the first stage of the day Dusty Times
Armin Schwarz and Klaus Wicha had a fine run in the Toyota Celica GT 4, so it was Toyota 2-3-4 overall, with the Germans taking fourth overall. he misjudged the effectiveness of the anti-lag system, used to left foot braking, spun and stalled. Toyota drivers were 2-3-4. Schwarz was opening the road but was nervous, though the faster stages later in the day could help the T oyotas. He stayed ahead of his teammates however. Earlier he had been watching the lines of Makinen who was the one car in front, and reckoned they went too close to the edge of the road for comfort! In Group N Ordynski was struggling, unable to account for his loss of form. The Champion-ship hopes for current leaders Mitsubishi rested squarely on a good performance by the Austral-ian in Group N. Navarra started his attack, working from the dis-advantage of lying 21st 0 / A, he had to tackle the two longest stages in darkness. The Toyota driver finished the day second in Group, 13th O IA, just 16 seconds behind Recalde. His only trouble was being stopped three times by the same policeman! Singh 's Proton was well back with brake problems. Tajima lost the W2L lead with severe misfiring on his Suzuki. So for the first time this year a Toy-ota Corolla ( that of Black who won F2 here last year) led W2 L. Deane Buist in another Corolla was second. Of the 16 W2L star-ters, 14 were still running. Once again on Etape 3 McRae did what he is best at, driving hard for long periods of time. On the longest stage, 44.80 km, McRae was 35 seconds ahead of Auriol on the stage and enlarged his lead from 12 to 47 seconds. With his teammate Burns out of the event after damaging his radiator at a water crossing in Motu, and Bourne five minutes behind, Sub-aru's hopes rested on the Scots-man. T oyotas were still I ying 2 , 3 , 4 though Eriksson had been in front of Schwarz before making a bad tire choice and spinning. Rally conditions were becom-ing increasingly pleasant, but stage 22 was canceled when dam-age from the first passage threa-tened to make the track impassa-ble for later runners the second time through. On the second pass through Motu the route was divided into two stages, but the second one ran planned. This created a crisis of tire choice; sev-eral drivers, especially Kank-kunen and Eriksson, had already chosen tires with maximum tire cuts, which lost them time on the remaining stages not knowing about the impending cancellation. Burns' exit on stage 19 was dis-appointing. "We continued los-ing water and the power steering belt was detached." Ford were in more trouble. Delecour hit the rear suspension against a rock on stage 21 and lost two minutes. He drove a long way on the public roads to the rest halt at Matawai with the rear left suspension col-lapsed. Brian Stokes had two flats and retired when the steering Dusty Times Kenneth Ericksson and Steffan Par-mander had some problems but kept going in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolu-tion Ill to finish fifth overall at the flag. failed. Bourne spun when steam permeated the cockpit after he crossed the Motu ford. Ordynski started the day with power steering failure but Singh had fixed his problem with the turbo. Navarra's challenge ended on stage 21 when he went off the road, leaving Mitsubishi Lancers holding the top ten Group N pla-ces. Miyoshi was in despair: "Everything we try to make the Subaru faster ends up with us fal-ling further behind." Reece Jones, National Championship leader fell back when he lost engine oil while Recalde and Madeira were now over ten minutes ahead of Miyoshi. Recalde tried hard to make up for delays on day 2, when he was trying out various tires, but lost it all when he was blocked by Stokes' stranded car. Raising a little wet dust Francois Delecour and Catherine Francois were the top Ford, taking the Escort RS Cosworth to a fine sixth overall finish. Third place Michael Lieu retired after losing a wheel. In W2L Tajima finally solved his wiring problem. He was over six minutes behind the leader Black but by the end of the etape had cut this to 2 ½ minutes and was up to second. Black had the exhaust fall off at Motu while Buist stopped to change a flat tire. Fifth placed driver Marshall's engine mountings failed on a road section while Malcolm Stewart in his seventh running Peugeot 106 said the condition of Motu was so bad by the time he passed that he was skating along on the sumpguard. There was frost on the Etape 4 stages early on, but through the day the weather was nicer and for the first time the tracks were beginning to dry out. Colin McRae continued to push ahead Jorge Recalde and Martin Christie ran close to Rui Madeira and Nuno Silva the whole rally and won Group N over them by one second in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II. New Zealand girls won the Ladies prize in the Subaru lmpreza Group N car and Samantha Haldane navigated Vanessa Slee to fourth in Group N and they came in ahead of all the W2L cars too. 25th New Zealand Rally Colin McRae/Derek Ringer CJ3 Subaru lmpreza 555 A• 5 :33:06 Didier Aurlol/Oenls Glraudet F Toyota Calica GT-Four A 5:33:50 Juha Kankkunen/Nlcky Grist SF/GB Toyota Calica GT-Four A 5:34:15 Armin Schwarz/Klaus Wiehe D Toyota Calica GT-Four A 5 :34:51 Kenneth Eriksson/Steffan Parmander s Mitsubishi Lancer Ev. Ill A 5:35:38 Francois Delecour/Catherlne Francois F Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 5:37:30 Possum Bourne/Tony Slrcombe NZ Subaru lmpreza 555 A 5 :42:01 Nell Allport/Craig Vincent NZ Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 5 :54:47 Jorge Recalde/Martin Christle RA Mitsubishi Lancer Ev.II N• 5 :57:45 Rul Madeira/Nuno Sliva p Mitsubishi Lancer Ev.II N 5 :58:16 Ed Ordynskl/Mark Stacy AUS Mitsubishi Lancer EV. Ill N 5 :58:49 Vanessa Slee/Samantha Haldane(28th) NZ Subaru lmpreza WRX-RA N# 6:23:55 David & Jane Black (29th) NZ Toyota Corolla GT A• •s:26:33 86 starters • 56 finishers • •Group Winner •· F2 winner • # Ladles winner Winnefs Average Speed over Stages 89.93 kph. World Championship Points • Toyota 217, Mitsubishi 199, Subaru 193, Ford 169. WRC Drivers Points • Aurlol 51, Sainz & Kankkunen 50, McRae 40, Delecour 36. Group N Points • Madeira 43, Recalde 30, Holderled 27. FIA Ladies Cup Points • Holderled 32. World Makes Championship for 2·Utre • Peugeot 212, Renault 175, Opel 165, Skoda 114. October 1995 This man Nobuhiro Tajima beat out Rod Millen by milliseconds at Pikes Peak, but his luck changed here, and he was second in W2L in the Suzuki Swift. There was curiosity about the position of Ordynski, Mitsubi-shi's registered Group N driver, lying third behind the two non-regulated Mitsubishis of Recalde and Madeira. Would Recalde and Madeira be asked to slow down and let Ordynski through? As Makinen had already retired would Mitsubishi lose their lead in the World Championship because of this matter? Calcula-tions were done and eventually it was discovered they would lose the lead in any case, so Ordynski stayed put. Fujimoto went off the road on stage 30 losing a further 20 min-utes and Eriksson spun. The W2L battle went eventually to Black who survived a split oil cooler. A This ~the liystem run by most off road race winners Possum Bourne and Tony Sircombe, a pair of New Zealanders, got the Subaru lmpreza home seventh over-all in the rally, surviving all the hazards well. lot of stages had been regraded, which in New Zealand terms meant adding more large stones to the surfaces, but Colin McRae took no risks and let the drivers behind make the running. McRae's win took him to fourth place in the World Drivers' Championship and a 17 point lead in the Asia-Pacific Series. Toyota leads the Manufactur-ers Championship by 18 points, Didier Auriol leads the Drivers Points with 51, with Sainz and Kankkunen at 50. Rui Madeira leads Group N with 43 points, and Peugeot retains the lead in W2L by 37 points. In the Asia-Pacific Championship Subaru . leads Mitsubishi by 15 points trailed by Toyota, a ways back. TRI-MIL BOBCAT CllROME 1984-91 CORVETTE 2 1/2" OR 3" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 13220 HALLDALE AVENUE GARDENA, CA 90249 310-217-9233 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 25
Really good looking from any angle the '95 Bi••· The 4.3 liter Vortec V6 delivers over 190 horsepower and 260 pounds of torque very quietly and efficiently too. Chevy S Series pickup also has steel beams A leather covered steering wheel contains the inside the doors to prevent intrusion to the air-bag and also enhances the dashboard. All Even from the rear, the wrap-around effect is present. With the heavy duty tow package you can haul three tons with ease whilst sitting in very comfortable bucket seats. passenger compartment in an accident. controls are within easy reach of the driver. DRIVER IMPRESSIONS - 1995 CHEVROLET SERIES Super Sport SS • Red Is The Color Of My True Lo•'•·•• Text & Photos: John B. Calvin A truly good looking pickup with a heavily raked windshield and a sleek nose, the Chevy S Series is an eye-catcher wherever you go. Red is a · color that really . adhesion in the wet as well as the attracts attention so one must dry. Stopping power is supplied remember that it also attracts the from power assisted front discs Highway Patrol as well as the and rear drums, with ABS of lovely blonde girls at the beach. course, and there is plenty of Luckily for us, while we had the stopping power provided. 1995 Chevy S Series we attracted Starting with creature com-. neither one but we thought we forts, the bucket seats are high would warn you anyway before backed and cloth covered and are you run out and purchase a red adjustable in a myriad of ways, Chevrolet. ensuring your comfort, particu-This particular Chevy SS was larly on those long, long trips that red all over, and not from embar- we are so often taking. Nestled rassment either, every bit was between the buckets is a handy painted red, including the console complete with cup bumpers, and I must say it was a holders, a nice deep depression great looking package, guaranteed for your whatchamacallits and the to turn heads wherever you might ever present coin holders, some-be driving, and that's not all bad! thing we hardly ever use as we Under the hood dwelt a 4 .3 have no toll road out here in Cali-liter "Vortec" V6 engine, with fornia. (Yet!) Every other surface central port fuel injection and is carpeted and is quite good look-producing 191 horsepower for ing as well as spill-proof. your driving pleasure. 260 The good old standard instru-pounds of torque at 3400 rpm ment package is there too, old helps you along in the rough faithful, everything in its rightful country and also when you partic- place. A speedometer that goes up ipate in the stoplight Grand Prix. to where you'll never go, a six The engine is really quite power-thousand rpm tach, fuel and oil ful and yet is smooth and quiet as pressure gauges as well as temper-well. ature and battery condition feed Enhancing the Vortec V6 is the you all the information you really super-smooth 4 speed electronic need to know. The rest of the automatic transmission, complete warnings are conducted by warn-with overdrive, another strong ing lights to alert you that your selling factor in my book. A 3.42 door isn't closed, belts not fas-rear axle ratio completes the tened, etc. power package and all this adds Immediately to the left of the up to a three ton towing package, instrument cluster are the head-another great feature. light switches and located on the Great looking cast aluminum drivers' door arm rest are the wheels dress up the SS package electric window controls, the even further and mounted there- , door locks and the electric mirror on are BFGoodrich P215/65R controls. A nice feature is that at 15WL tires which give you great. night all these controls are backlit, Page 16 making them easy to find in the. darkness, a feature we greatly appreciated. Center dash are the heat and air controls, nothing new here either,. good solid easy to read and easy to understand controls with the cap-ability of freezing or boiling you to death within a matter of min-utes. My kind of system! Also located center stage is the sound system, AM /FM stereo with CD player, scads of station locating buttons and a nice digital clock thrown in for good measure. Immediately beneath this elec-tronic array is the cigarette lighter, ash tray and a couple of power ports to plug your phone or lap-top or FAX machine into. The extra features never stop do they? We put about a thousand miles. on the SS in the short time we had it and we enjoyed driving it. There is lots of acceleration and there is plenty of braking power to go • with it. This was a two wheel drive version so off road activities were limited to known trails in the desert and we did do a bit of sight-seeing out thfre. The gear selector is on the steering wheel column which is novel to us while the left side stalk controls the inter-mittent wipers. The Sport Handling package was installed also., giving a nice firm ride and helping out quite a bit in the steep curves one encounters every now and then. A twenty gallon fuel tank, coupled to a twenty mile per gal-lon fuel consumption gives you well over a 400 mile range. We made no attempt to conserve fuel October 1995 The head-on view shows the sleek lines of the S Series pickup. The wrap-around windshield aids in reducing wind noise to zero. -and averaged just under twenty around town and a bit over twenty on the road and I'm sure that could be greatly added to with a bit lighter right foot. Some other amenities included the sliding rear window (helps keep the air off the back of one's neck with the regular window open), a leather covered steering wheel, a rear step bumper, reading lights with a 15 second delay to off and a remote keyless entry sys-tem, a tilt steering wheel and speed control. Lots of creature comforts. On the highway the 1995 Chevrolet S Series SS is powerful and also very quiet. There is zero wind noise at speed and the tires were silent too. Steering is quick and positive which gives you a feel-ing of absolute control, and all the instruments are well within your line of sight while driving nor-mally. Creature comfort buttons are also well within reach and easy to see. Driving was fun, we wished we could have done more off road but it was not to be. This two wheel driver would be a welcome addition to anyone's stable, for the store, the drive-in or the drive-thru it would be well worth your while to stop in and drive one, get the feeling of a sure-footed personal sized pickup. IE'BE OR TIIE MOVE In an effort to provide our customers with the absolute best possible service, we have relocated our aluminum wheel straightening shop to a new home. ♦ Twice The Space ♦ Twice The Equipment ♦ Quicker Turn Around and ♦ Daily UPS Always Die and Press Straightened and "Never" Heated or Beaten Straight nterprises 31510 223rd Street East • Llano, CA 93544 805/261-3202 Dusty Times
C O D a a .. rl ·· weekend of August 1£ was to ♦ ♦ .....~ have been another CODRA cam-By Terry Silbaugh pout and desert clean_up weekend. TO ALL COD RA MEMBERS & FRIENDS: Thanks for your support at the April 29 Bear Butte 300. When talking to a racer from the southwest recently, he was com-plaining about the extreme dust conditions at all of the courses. I informed him I had a sure fire cure ... just let me try to promote a race. T hink about it, a snow storm at an August Barstow race. We had 19 cars show up and 18 brave the snow and ice to take the green flag. Most cars held up pretty well though. When cleaning up the course on Sunday, Perry and I saw some trees that were fatals and one huge one split in two. We found Tony's nerf rails beside a very dead juniper and some tire tracks resembling Calvins that ended in the center of a very large tree, splitting it in two. There were no fences or gates hurt this time and best of all, no one was hurt. . Special thanks to the following people who pitched in and again helped make this race a success. T o Chris and Perry Warren for flagging, Shelley Warren and Ginny Silbaugh for the computer scoring, Rick Silbaugh for keep-ing the generator and computer up all day, Ralph Mabee and Ron Silbaugh, our two EMT's who were not needed but were there, to the COMAC members for the checkpoints and to Tony Allen and crew for another great job at Tech. THE CAMPOUT IS OFF: The . I Number one there 1s not much junk to pickup, number two, sev-eral teams are planning a Nevada race the end of August and number three, the cattle guards are not here??? What cattle guards??? After my having to post gate guards at two gates at $50 each because BLM never told me there were cattle in the area. After the race I contacted the BLM and requested they obtain some cattle guards through the A TV funding committee. I requested eleven. We were to have been able to get a backhoe from the BLM and put them in during the campout. This would help all of us in racing as well as the area ranchers. The cat-tle guards have been put on hold until the BLM completes the area management plan to ensure we will be able to use the area for the next ten years. FOR SALE: Brad and Genelle Standiford are selling their #56 Sportsman car. It is a two seat buggy with a lot of history. I can remember seeing that car in Hot VWs about 20 years ago when it was the Vinagaroon Special. It ran in the northwest for many years with current drivers Steve Read and Kenneth Dare as the Pork Brothers car. The Standifords can be reached at ( 503) 389-0883. The rumored price is$2,200 with some spares. I am also going to sell the 16' Shasta camp trailer that I have used as the CODRA office. It is clean, no leaks, has a porta potty elec and gas refrig, gas stove and heater, sleeps 5 at_1d tows great. l'm asking $2,000. Oive me -a call · if interested. I'm also attempting to clean out my yard and have a Baja Bug (Hank Williams old pre-runner) for sale for $200. For that price you get a complete Baja with blown motor, bad tires and a floor with a few minor rust holes. Ever-ything else is there for a project car. If you act quick, I'll throw in a whole lot of left over VW stuff including adjustable push rod tubes, elec fuel pump, block, transaxle, front end and mucho misc. C.O.D.R.A. IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF YEARS: Yeah I know, I said I wanted out as the promoter, and here I am talking about the future of C.O.D.R.A. We thought we had a person that would take over the promotion, but that did not work out, so here I am again. The first issue is the number of races we will put on ourselves and which other races we will give points for. The past three years we have given points for our members best finish in a VORRA event. We also gave points for a member's finish in the Jackpot 200 by B.O.R.E. The idea was to get a tradeoff going. Other than Tom Scahill, who has raced in the northwest so long I don't think of him as a VORRA member, we have only attracted one other car from the south. We saw one BORE car at our March 95 Milli-can 250. We have given CODRA points for members competing with the Bronco Busters and in turn we have seen many of them at our races. Presently I am investi-gating a couple of options for 1996 that we hope ~ill attract drivers from other areas. I know that several of you have also been talking to drivers when visiting other races and that helps. One option is to put on the same three race schedule as in 1995. Another is to add a race in Brothers ( if the BLM is willing) sometime in July or August, which would make a four race ser-ies. And another option which is also being investigated is to attempt to get a series going between CODRA and an organi-zation in northern Nevada (Reno). However, I have to do some real serious checking on this one due to a recent conflict in Fernley which I am sure you have all heard about by now. All I can say at this point is there were two sides to this story and reasons for canceling the VORRA race. I want to know everything before going further on this one. BFGoodrich rep Jeff Cum-mings called me to say that BFG will support our October event and wants to be on board for the 1996 CODRA races. We hope to have Jeff and Diane at the October race. Jeff stated that BFG has a new three year contract with Time Warner to sponsor three hours of TV programs such as Raceday and Speed week. He said there will be some coverage for local organi-zations which will, in turn, give your sponsors some recognition on TV. I am in contact with our local VP Fuel man to see what he can or will do in 95 and 96. If any of you know of a potential product sponsor for race day prizes, please c_Qntl!Ct t~m,_ RUMOR MILL: I heard that Tom Scahill is about done with his new Class 8 truck. The Kel-logg's have a new truck to replace the old "Bishi". Ed Burnap went out to his shop and actually con-templated working on his new truck and I heard that Leonard Day is about to complete his new car and may again team up with AJ. NEXT EVENT: The next CODRA event will be the Whis-key Springs 400 mile race on the south course(behind the store) in Millican Valley. This will be the third year in a row that we will also have a 100 mile horse race going on at the same time in the same area. Our course will be the same as last year and will be run counter clockwise. Pit road speed will still be 20 mph and will be checked by radar. Registration will start at noon on Friday as will tech inspection. Course preview will be all day Friday with speeds limited to no greater than 35 mph. TO HELP THE PROMOTER, please preregister or call the promoter by the pre-entry dead-line to let us know you will be there. There will be a cash draw-ing for all those pre-entered by the deadline. Classes will again be Open, 1600, Heavy Metal, Sportsman Veteran, Sportsman Novice and Sportsman Trucks. I know sev-eral more cars would be entered if we had a Class 10. l would love to see three or more Class 10s show up. If that happens, we will have a Class 10. We did that with the Class 1600. At the last race, how-(Continued on Page 57) ....... , . •'-· .. ,.'>..., SECOND FLAMINGO RD. & THE STRIP LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 1-800-634-6755 WEST FLAMINGO & VALLEY VIEW • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 1-800-331-5334 Dusty Times October 1995 TO NONE Page 17
RRESTOME/ JACKAROO 500 Owen Overwhelming In Off Road Ordeal Text & Photos: Darryl Smith The Class 2-1600 Hunter Rivmasta of Bill Buchanan and Kaleb Schmidt had a tight dice all the way with the lead pack, starting third on Sunday, but Buchanan pulled out the win by a skinny 21 seconds for 335 miles. to be leading after the first lap. sidering he was without 2nd gear Stormingthroughthepackaftera and had fuel leaking from a rare DNF in Prologue was Brett cracked tank. Owen dropped off Osbourne who moved into the pace somewhat until he saw a second. After the Saturday ses- charging Rose closing in then he sion Owen led Osbourne by a took off again and held the slim six seconds. Burrows, Rose number one spot he got on that and Zacka followed although openinglaptobefirstattheendof Zacka had completed the session the final 11th lap. The combina-with no clutch. Early retirements tion of Osbourne running out of included Johnson (turbo) and fuel on the last lap and Rose set-. . . Svenson ( torque convertor ). ting fastest time of the race on the Glenn Owen won_at Grtfftth tn 1994 ov~rall, and with Brent Hill riding in the Trekka won Class 1 and overall again last The Sunday start saw Owen last lap saw the Firestone car of July. He held a slim lead most of the distance, then pulled out to win by over three minutes. d O b I h Th R k d · 1 d , an s ourne c ose toget er. e ose ta e sec on m c ass an The 1995 Australian Off Road Championship reached its half-way mark with the running of round 3; the Firestone/Jackaroo 500 at Griffith in New South Wales. The weather hadn't been kind to the organizers and rain in the lead-up meant for a slippery Doug McMillan rules the Class 9 (single seat unlimited) roost in his Raceco, worked up through the pack, moved into the top five on Sunday, never backed off and won the class by 36 minutes and took third overall. • Poa Driver/Co-driver Firestone Jackaroo 500 Results -July 16, 1995 Griffith, New South Wales Vehicle 102 1 103 2 106 3 183 4 216 1 201 2 202 3 269 4 248 5 356 1 302 2 320 3 409 1 486 2 401 3 501 1 506 2 533 3 522 4 503 5 621 1 602 2 701 1 702 2 704 3 803 1 834 2 913 1 907 2 992 3 Claaa 1 -Unlimited Two Seat - 22 alllrt - 4 finiah Glenn Owen/Brent Hill Trekka Terry & Maureen Rose Raceoo Brett & Mary-Jane Osboume Southern Cross Wayne Attard/Peter Ross Rivmasta Claaa 2 - 1600 cc Two Seat - 14 atart - 7 finiah Bill Buchanan/Kaleb Schmidt Andrew & Alex Ziems Bryan & William Basham Dick AHporVAndrew Clements Donald & Russell MacArthur Hunter Rivmasta Rivmasta South " Cross Buggy Cobra Claaa 3 -1200cc Two Seat -8 atart - 3 finiah Geoff & Sean Dow Horn°t Darrell & Paul Johnson ..ORT Graeme Julius/Vince Evans Claaa 4 -VW Beja Bug - 6 atart - 3 finish G<eg & Allison Campbell Baja Bug David and Damon ~ Baja Bug Nevme & Annette Taylor Baja Bug Claaa 5 - 2WD Sedan A Picltup • II atart - 7 fin:'lt Ross & Maura Watson Holden r" odeo Rod KibytMark Knight Toyola f-liLux John Hinz/Phil Andrews Karmann Ghia Bruce Muir/Alan Bae Mitsuoishl l200 Les MarshalVJohn Graham Karmann Ghia etaM 6 - Challenger Buggy - 4 atart - 2 finish Wayne & Darrell Green Rivma<;ta Michael EggerVDennis Green Redback ClaM 7 -Limited 4x4 - 6 atart - 3 finish Les Siviour/Geolf MiUer Nissan Palrol Eric Whitbread/Norm Needham Toyota Landcruiser Gary Weatherley/Gary Pursehouse Suzuki Sierra CleM a - Unlimited 4x4 - 6 atart - 2 finish Graahame Baxter/Nigel Burley Nissan Patrol David Richards/Greg! Jenklnaon N•ssan Patrol etaM 9 - Unlimited Single Seat - 6 atart - 3 finish Doug McMillan Raceco Shane Cottee CR Exatar Bill Vosty Hunter Rivmasta Time 6:07:59 6:11:44 6:26:37 7:52:06 6:41:34 6:41:55 6:53:49 7:15:51 8:02:55 7:34:06 7:38:40 8:43:31 8:11:13 9:15:23 9:17:34 7:14:32 7:51 :27 8:05:11 8:07:05 8:50:27 8:27:32 8:36:05 7:11:43 7:45:25 8:41:33 6:48:18 7:24:02 6:12:27 6:48:55 8:00:26 0/A 1 2 18 5 6 9 12 20 14 15 28 23 32 33 11 17 21 22 29 24 25 10 16 27 7 13 3 8 30 track and a shorter lap than . pilot of the ultra-light overhead second overall. Osbourne came expected. Last year Glenn Owen was busy calling the order as they back to get third in class and only ran two events and won them swapped positions many times fourth overall. The attrition rate both, one of which was Griffith. per lap. Carving his way through saw only one more car finish, that This year he still retains that the pack was Daren Wells who of Wayne Attard. The awesome magic as he came and conquered started Sunday in 58th spot after a horsepower of the Owen Nissan 2 once again. fuel blockage. The fight for third litre SR20 turbo buggy certainly The Class One field had a very was full-on too with Burrows suited the Griffith track and the full 22 entries with many top fighting with Zacka, however that still self-sponsored car seemed to names. Leading th_e qualifying was would soon be over as both were do it easy in the end. the Firestone car of Kevin Lee parked for the day; Burrows The Class 2 /1600 didn't start who also grabbed the pole spot (gearbox)andZacka(diff). Boyes very well with the popular overall. That was about as far as was battling with no brakes before Warren brothers having a nasty Lee's luck went as a rattle in the a broken king pin stopped him. crash. Driver, Mark suffered bad motor early in the race laps put Wells had put in fastest lap seven breaks in both legs and ankles him out. There were three laps of time before he suffered a split while navigator, Daryl cut his leg racing Saturday afternoon in radiator. Sitting comfortably in as the car slammed into a tree. which 4th qualifier Neill Morri-4th spot had been Hayden Bentley Both are OK and recovering and a son didn't get co finish after a tire but his downfall came in the form generous presentation fund rais-change led to slipping into a tree. of a broken axle. Back at the front ing has helped the likeable pair Glenn Owen came from 6th spot Osbourne was running well con-with financial troubles temporar-... Les Siv1our and Geoff Miller were on their home track here, had a costly flat on the Nissan Patrol, but Les got back up front on Sunday and won 4x4 Production class by 34 minutes and took tenth overall as well. C'ass 8 for Modified 4x4s had a high attrition rate, and when the leader hit a stump, Grahame Baxter and Nigel Burley took over in the Nissan Patrol and wor: tlJ class net c ne tn seventn overall 0c ily. Leading the Prologue was Andrew Ziems with Matt Ow~n next and then Rod Simpson. The engine/ gears must be identical with the Ziems and Owen cars as the pair ran nose to tail the entire 3-lap first session. This though put Owen in front on corrected time to start Sunday. Simpson was already out with a blown big end bearing. Moving up quickly was Bill Buchanan who was in third. Midway through the Sun-day racing the Owen car was parked after losing a belt and overheating the motor, leaving Ziems to hold off Buchanan for the class lead. It was a close battle with the end result going to Buch-anan with a slim 21 seconds back . to Ziems!! Basham came from a low start spot to take third place with Allport and MacArthur following. The Class 3 11200 buggies saw the Honda power of Geoff Dow take out the prologue session, but then the Johnson car came back and assumed the lead right from the opening lap. Early retirements included Wood (motor) and Brown (gearbox). Darrell Johnson still led on the Sunday laps while Dow came under pressure from Perrin. Then with only two laps to go the Johnson car suffered CV failure seeing a trackside replace-ment. Dow took over the lead while Perrin dropped out. John-son came back with some quick lap but Dow had the race v.on nd took n overdue cl D
The Challenger Class 6 had a slim entry, and Terry and Maureen Rose set fast lap of the race on the final round and they nailed down second in Class 1 and second overall in the Raceco in a fast finish. Ross and Maura Watson had trouble right Class 4 is for Baja VW Bugs, and most of them only half of them finished, and when the fast away, but got fixed and got moving in the had problems on course, but Greg and Allison I qualifier went out it was a tight battle all the Johnson claimed second with Julius taking third after being in a lowly 64th spot early on. The VW Bajas in Class 4 had just the six entries. Warren Irons certainly was the pace setter as his quick prologue put him 9th over-all. That was short lived though as he went in a deep gully and bent a tie rod on the opening lap. Greg Campbell was back behind the wheel of his much loved and much traveled VW and apart from a bent front arm, which was fixed on the Saturday night, was having a lot of fun leading the class. Taylor broke a secondary torsion bar but soldiered on. Allport was slotted into second and running well. Campbell con-tinued to lead all day and took the chequered flag first in class, his only problem was that a chrome strip had come off the immaculate car!! Allport dropped back with late problems but still took second over a flat tire stricken Taylor. In the 2WD class for tin tops it was as usual when Ross Watson started first in class in the Holden Rodeo truck although right beside him was the Hi Lux turbo of Rod Kilby. Watson pushed a sump guard onto his steering within the first half mile and dropped to last spot fixing it. Kilby grabbed the class lead and wasn't about to give it up and drove superbly. Watson began climbing his way back through the field; luckily there was zero dust problem. It wasn't until lap 10 that Kilby had a fuel problem and Watson took back the class lead. Kilby stopped again just short of the finish with a boiling auto. Watson took the class win and placed 11th overall in what would go close as the drive of the day after being 80th at the start!! Kilby came in second in a fine drive with · the hoodless Karman Ghia of John Hinz third. The Mitsubishi L200 from central Australia of Bruce Muir took fourth with the Karman Ghia of Les Marshall fifth after a series of problems including electrical and turbo troubles. Vesty and Southey also finished the distance. A small field of Challenger Holden Rodeo to work their way into the 2WO" Campbell held their Bug together the best and ' way, but the title went to Wayne and Darrell Tin Top Class 5 victory. won the class by over an hour. I Green in a Rivmasta by about 8 minutes. "buggies in Class 6 saw Grocl the before the charging Mitsubishi quickest qualifier. Indeed after grabbed the lead back. Smith the Saturday racing Grocl still led, meanwhile was having more bad albeit, three seconds to Wayne luck with the Rodeo; this time the Green then 21 seconds to Michael steering box broke away. Waters Eggert. On the Sunday, though, too had trouble in the form of a the first car parked was the Grocl flat tire. Baxter waited close machine with gear problems. behind for Zarfati to have trouble Fitzpatrick had a flat tire and got and it came in the form of running bogged. Meanwhile Green had out of fuel. Baxter grabbed the kept the lead and won the class. lead back. A further flat tire for Eggert came back at him late but Zarfati sealed the class win for had to settle for second. Baxter. Zarfati thought he . had The limited 4x4 'sin Class 7 had second place except for the fact Les Siviour on his home track and his refueling was found to be ille-he was quickest in time trials but gal and he was dismissed. That early on in the race suffered tire gave second place to David damage after hitting a stump on Richards having his first outing in the edge of the slippery track. The the ex-Safari Nissan wagon. There Manns Jackaroo took over the were no other finishers in the time class and restarted Sunday some allowed. 2½ minutes clear of the Patrol. The single seater buggies in Siviour closed the gap and was Class 9 had the battle between looking to overtake Manns when Shane Cottee and Doug McMillan the job was made easier when the as main interest. Cottee outquali-motor blew in the Jackaroo. fied McMillan but then realized Meanwhile Whitbread 's Land-what a pain flat tires are when you cruiser truck had got past Wea-race on your own ... McMillan had therley'sSu:uki to followSiviour. taken over the class and ran in 6th With the Toyota of Manwaring overall while Cottee had slipped and the Nissan of McWilliam to 70th place. Hilton lost second already gone it was just now a place when a steerihg joint let go. three car class. Siviour moved Luckily for Cottee the track was further up the overall list and perfect for passing and when wasn't afraid to pull the front Sunday started he began the climb wheels high in the air for the start-back. McMillan was still leading line spectators either. Whitbread .... and moving into the top five while suffered a flat tire late in the race but still stayed second. Siviour stormed through each lap and fin-ished first in class and a terrific 10th place overall. Whitbread came home a deserving second place while the little Suzuki of Weatherley bumped and jumped its way around to come in a fine third place. In the Class 8 field of modified 4x4's the Pajero of Fabio Zarfati gets quicker each race. Not only did he win the class in Prologue but he placed second overall to start off the front row. Two laps into the race and he was changing a tire after slipping into the same stump that Siviour had hit earlier. That allowed Baxter into the lead in the V8 Patrol. Baxter started the Sunday racing with a one minute gap to Zarfati, but to his credit held it for a couple of laps • ' I THE In Class 3, for 1200cc buggies, Geoff Dow won the Prologue in the Honda powered Hornet, dropped back in the race, but with two laps to go the leader was out of the running and Geoff and Sean Dow took the victory. Cottee was driving his heart out 11 laps and took third place. making up places; at one stage he Only 34 cars did in fact com-pulled in 21 places in one lap!! plete the full journey, once again With Todd and Sowter gone, making the Griffith track one that Vesty was the only car left sitting needs to be approached with in third. McMillan was having fun much respect. The Championship as he joined Rose at the front try-I now heads for Mt. Gambier in ing to run down leader, Owen. South Australia on September McMillan had the class won but 10, and sees McMillan leading on followed his Firestone teammate 40 pts with Boyes on 22 then Rose across the line and took · Zacka and Owen on 20. My per-third overall. Cottee took second sonal thanks go to Nissan Austra-in class but more incredible he lia for the loan of the very power-had come back to end up 8th ful yet economical turbo diesel overall: another chance of Drive Patrol for the journey to Griffith. of the Day. Vesty completed the --Shane Cottee out qualified the eventual Class 9 winner in this handsome single seater, had a flat that dropped him to last, but ended up second and incredibly, all the way from the back, in eighth overall. WRIGHT 9420 Fllnn Springs Ln. PLACE El Cajon, CA 92021 · INC. Dusty Times October 1995 Page 29
FRT CONQUISTA IOO Chris Hanold Wins Overall In Mateo B, Jean Calvin Photos: C&C Race Photos Chris Harrold drove nearly all the distance in the Class 10 Jimco and he led off the line, and kept building a lead all the way, stopping to put Bob Snaith in for the last mile to earn the points. He had no troubles at all and won overall, the first to finish too. Over the years there have been several different race organizers involved in off road racing in Baja California. But it is quite a switch when the Mexican folks come north seeking a promoter to organize a race in their area. Late last year the people from the Hacienda Santa Veronica came to · the Fudpucker Racing team ask-ing Fud to have a look at their facility and hopefully schedule a race in 1995. The Hacienda has colonial style rooms, about 12 to a building all on the ground floor and all with hot water! And in a separate building is a good sized dining room and bar with the . . . . swimming pool just outside. Todd Barnhill drove alone m his Class 10 Raceco and had some down time for There is a campground close by as repairs, but he was second in Class 10 and overall, seven minutes behind. 1 we II, and nearly boundless --· Jim Mamer and Gary Hamlin took third in their Class 10 Raceco, had trouble passing in the early laps and they did get through to a fine third overall. acreage just over the rise that could be used for racing. It seems like the ideal place to stage a race as long as the entry didn't grow too big for the Hacienda to han-dle. If you wonder exactly where this spot is, cross the border at Tecate and head east on the high-way toward Mexicali for about 20 kilometers then south for a few more kms on a dirt road to the Hacienda Santa Veronica. It is a real getaway place, and close to the border with no long miles on crowded weekend Mexican highways. Your intrepid Dusty Times reporting team had a bit of trou-ble getting there, all on the U .S. side of the border. A 40 minute · dela on 1-5 oin south toward ~-· The B2TW Hi Jumper of Mike Hart and Dqn Gibson leading off the line, and they ran a strong second for seven laps behind the leader who broke, and after eight laps they zipped under the checkers the Unlimited class winners. ' Catching some air for the spectators here Andy Blue and Jeff Brown and the other two Class 5 Baja Bugs were all DNFs. This team won after three laps. San Diego due to a wreck, this on a Thursday afternoon, and a long delay on the two lane road head-ing to Tecate with a 13 fire truck grass fire closing the road on a hot July afternoon. Then we headed for the dining room and suddenly th.e lights went out, the fuses hav-! ing blown on the generator that , powered this building. We sus-1 pect the unusual amount of : campers using the hookups was · the cause but there was no way they could cook. Moral - always carry some MREs when you go to an off road race. We visited with Fud as the registration was in a large motel room, where the power came from a different generator, and Fud had all sorts of goodies for the entrants, a pair of T-shirts, two comerative drinking glasses and decals, free drink cou-pons at a bar in T ecate, and more I stuff, a full bag to cart off along with the essential course map. Meanwhile the boys from the Collier Electric Class 100 entry were working on the generator; mexineered it together without the needed fuses, and the margar-' ita mixer was back in business, and the kitchen came up with chicken dinners. It was still warm, but a pleasant breeze cooled by the pool make it pleasant in the dining room,. where we had enjoyed the candlelight while we . had a cool one. ---.... Activity began early as the bik-ers ran their District 38 event and were fortunate to be racing before the sun got high in the sky. The course was just over 20 miles long, and was described by Fud as typical Baja dirt routes sur-rounded on both sides by thick brush and weeds. Then throw in ! some rain ruts a few rocks the si;e of large motor homes and some twisty turns. A hill climb took I you to Check 1 and more twisty roads and then down a hill toward Check 2 and then onto a fence line road with a big tree and a big hole and lots of rocks until you reach El Compadre Trail for a brief dash on it to the finish line and the designated pit area. Many car racers enjoyed the breakfast buffet before going to the start/ finish area called Neji for the drivers' meeting. We counted 4 7 cars off the line right on one in the afternoon after all the bikes had cleared the course. Chris Harrold led off the line, a great advantage because it was dusty all the way. The Class 10 Raceco sounded strong, and was followed by seven more Class 10 cars. They were scarcely gone when word came that the Frank Molina car was down and out of the race. But the rest raced on. Harrold set fast lap on the first in clear air at 22: 11 and carried on out front. Harrold had no down Brent Miller and Steve Wright stayed close up front in the Unlimited Raceco, and they turned quick times and were right in line running second when the leader expired on the last lap. Andres Estrada and Jeff Bennett started third and finished third in the Unlimited class despite having terminal ills on lap 6 of the eight required. Simon Ruiz Torres and Espan Cons Molina were second in Class 5, their Baja Bug about an hour behind the class leader in · their three lap race. Page 31. October 1995 Du1tyTimc1
-time I -but he did have a slipping clutch the last two laps. He , stopped once after four laps for fuel, and later to put Bob Snaith in the car for the last half mile so he could get the points; that was his race. No fuss, no stories, just a good fast race and at 3:36:09, he not only won Class 10 he also won overall. Todd Barnhill ran with the leader in Class 10 almost all day, led Class 10 for a time during fuel stops, had trouble with the torque limiter and fuel pre~sure regula-tor, and came up seven minutes out after eight laps, second in class and overall. His time was3:43:38. Jim Mamer and Gary Hamlin The team of Gary, B.J. and Maxine Bates and Shirley Scott had it all their way Keith and Scott Hewitt had the Funco roaring as they led every lap in Class were third in Class 10 and overall in Class 1-2-1600, averaging about 30 seconds a lap for the eight laps. They 100. They not only had no trouble with the car, but had clear sailing on the in their Raceco from Brawley, stopped once for gas and a crew change, won the class and were fifth overall. 1 track and won Class 100, doing all eight laps, the only car that did in class. CA. Mamer took the first four .. could do no wrong this day in the pre-running on Friday, but fixing. way in the race. Their tota1 time of. J imco and they had good lap laps and had no troubles other Raceco averaging roughly 30 the oil breather was the only dam-3:59:20 is pushing Class 10 times. times, 29s and the low 30x until than passing, and he said there minutes a lap for each of the eight age visible. They stopped once for Jeff Franklin and Charlie Big- lap 8, and we didn't catch them to were a lot of stuck cars in corners rounds. BJ. had rolled the car . gas and a crew change about mid- nell were second in 1-2-1600 in a find out (SY· He also said there was a lot of _ .. ~ ---~ ~ -----where it was too narrow to pass. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -~ civilian traffic on some parts of Ir■ ■ ■ ■71 Ir■ ■ ■ the course. Hamlin drove the last four laps and they were happy to finish third 0 / A. Mike Pfankuch and Larry Kern finished fourth and fourth overall in their Jimco running just a few ticks off on time all the way. They reported no big troubles except the dust was as heavy as the traffic. Several driv-ers remarked that this course def-initely needs to be longer than 20 miles in the interest of both com-petition and safety. Finishing all eight laps in Class 10 were Arturo Hanold and Jose Santana taking fifth place at 4:01 :03 and Auturo Lizarraga and Ray Gastelum were fifth and the last finisher in Class 10 at 4:59: 19. Bill Pate got through five laps, before vanishing into the fields. The five Unlimited cars were next away with the B2TW Hi Jumper of Mike Hart and Don Gibson leading the way. Brent Miller and Steve Wright were next away in a Raceco followed by Andres Estrada and Jeff Bennett and Dean and Chuck Hovey in a Raceco. The Mini Mag of Chris Garrett was last away. The first lap leader was Morgan Maiocco at a time of25:32 and although oth-ers got close he held the lead for all the laps except the last one that he did not finish. He clearly was on a winning track. Not quite so fast but a bit stronger was the B2TW Hi Jumper, running a steady pace and finishing all eight laps for the victory. Hart and Gib-son ran a string of 30 minute laps to finish in 4:55:28. Andres Estrada and company got through six laps before having terminal trouble that started on lap 5. The Garrett Mini Mag had mechanical problems on the lap 4 and parked early, not having the right stuff with them apparently and no other Mini Mags around. The Hoveys had two good laps, a two hour plus third lap and parked. There were three Class 5 Bugs, but one didn't make a lap. The other two all decided three laps was enough apparently, as they went no farther. The winner was the Andy Blue/Jeff Brown Baja Bug that won by over an hour over the Bug of Simon Ruiz Torres and Espan Con's Molinas. Don't know if they all decided to give it up, or if they perhaps could go no farther. Four teams arrived to contest Class 1-2-1600 led by Gary and B.J. Bates an their riders Maxin Bat 'ld S1'1rley Scott This re rn TEAM DON-A-VEE Jeep DON-A-VEE Jeep .. .Eagle Eagle America's #1 Volume Dealer For The Last 5 Years DON-A-VEE 1993 Baja 1000 Winners and 1994 Baja 1000 winners Toof #1 JEEP SALES • #1JEEP ACCESSORIES • #1 JEEP SERVICE 111111419YM Only Minutes From You in L.A. or Orange County 800 66.JE P 800.909.J EP
Jeff Franklin and Charlie Bignell were second in Class 1-2-1600, William and David .Pate ran their 1600 Raceco in the low 30s A mere three plus minutes behind came Jorge Vargas and Adrian Lozano in the JEFE; they had no problems on course but couldn't quite catch the leader and were second. had good times until the last lap which cost them over half an except for lap 6· which was well over an hour. They finished 8 houJ on total time. laps and were third in class. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;;;;;;;:;::;;;;~~;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;:~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.., Jenny Pfankuch and Larry Kern drove the Kernco to third in Class 9, and they are really doing well in this class this season. Might be the '95 champions. Victor Herrera Jr. and Michael Webb placed second in Class 5-1600, leading on total time through the halfway point, but they lost a few minutes on the later laps. David Hendrickson and Bill Grant started out fighting for the 5-1600 lead, but as the race wore on they lost a little time here and there and were third, another eight minutes back. ~ what happened but that lap took an hour and five minutes bringing their total time to 4:38:42, but, they held onto second in class. William and David Pate ran in the low 30s except for lap 6, an hour seven plus minutes, but they got fixed and finished all eight for third in class. Kennedy Valencia and Pedro Santana also had good lap times until Jap 5, over an hour, but they also got patched up and finished fourth at 5:27:16. This was the only class with a 100 per-cent finish rate, all four in impound. The four Class 100 cars were next off the line led by Richard Kem. Keith and Scott Hewit with low 30s lap times were tops in this bunch, and they led every one of the eight laps to victory. They obviously had no trouble and were the only class finisher. The Kerns got in two laps, a 32 and a 40, and were not seen again. Jake Butulis covered only one lap for third in class, and the very helpful That's what "clunker" regulations are all about, that's what they could do. They're also called "old-car buyback programs" and "accelerated vehicle scrappage pro-grams" to make them sound nicer. But they aren't nice; clunker issues are about "big government" and "big indus-try" invading our right to enjoy auto-motive hobbies and motorsports. If you want to know more, call .. .fof a detailed description, including what you can do to help prevent more "big government" and bureaucratic overregulation. Page 34 ARMO AUTOMOTM RESTORATION MARKET ORGANIZATION electrician Dave Collier didn't The 5-1600 Baja Bugs were the cover a lap. biggest class in the race 14 strong Four of the six Class 9 cars had off the line and they all made at a real dice going for more than least one lap. It is a favorite class half the race. But in the end it was for club racing in northern Baja, the steady mid-30s lap times of and many were on hand. Roberto Dave Dietrich and Robert Gil-Jimene: Jr. and company turned lingham that won the class in the 29s and 31 s most of the day, and Jimco. Obviously they stopped finished eight laps in 4:14:38, only for gas, probably on lap 5 excellent time. Needless to say and covered the eight laps in this car won the class. Not far quick time 4:50:44. It's good that behind at 4:22;54 was Victor they hustled down the trail, Herrera Jr. and Michael Webb because right behind them all day who had slowed on lap 6, proba-were Jorge Vargas and Adrian bly a flat, there was a lot of that on Lo:ano in their JEFE car. They this course. They were happy with ' had no delays either and did eight a solid second place at the flag. In laps in 4:54: 19, and that's close! third was the Bug of Dave Hen-Third and final finisher in class drickson and Bill Grant who had a was the Kernco ofJenny Pfankuch few extra minutes on course on and Larry Kem and they were laps 4 and 8, finished in 4:30:57. down almost two hours on lap 6 Michael Stroh and Tom McA-, but got nailed together and fin-dams ran in the low 30s except for ished the eight laps for third in two laps in the high 30s, for a 5:44:31 . close fourth at 4:34:08. The fourth adversary was T he Bugs began to stretch out a Dagoberto Sala:ar Jr. who was bit and in fifth were some familiar keeping up until lap 6 when his names, Mario and Elias Lede:ma. Chenowth was down for two They had great lap times for seven hours, 20 minutes, but he got laps, but lap 8 added nearly 18 runningtofinishthelapandlap7 minutes to their time. Don't and then retired. Dennis Alan know what happened as it was late Daniels and Ray Miller got in four in the race. Rick St. John and quick laps before vanishing into Steve Mis:kievic: had four excel-the desert. And Sergio Moreno lent lap times, then it all went did not complete a single lap. away, and they piled up the time A pair of Class 7 trucks started to finish sixth at 4:52:32 in this but the Jaime Medina entry did herd of 5-1600s. Jim and Brian not cover a lap. Lloyd Riggins and Grill got off to a good start than a Andy Calhoun got their Chevy more than an hour second lap. around in good time until a two They got running in the 30s, then hour plus lap 6 put them on the 40s and the last lap was nearly an trailer. But they were winners. hour, b~ they finished sev~b_ in 5:47:13. - - -.. ----only got to cio t-haton~Tap· for-The last finisher, not only in 14th place. class but in the entire race was the The pool was busy, as was the 5-1600 of Tony Steingraber and bar and Tecate had a post race John Castillo. They had some beer party under a tent in the good laps and some disasters, but patio. The racers celebrated, they plugged on doing a 33:51 on winners and losers alike, and eve-lap 8 to place eighth in class at ryone seemed to like the Hacienda 6:02:03. Among the others Greg Santa Veronica as a race host. and Paul Harrold got in five laps Many told Fud to do this twice a with excellent times, then were year, maybe not in such hot gone, and Jose and Alberto Garcia weather if he can help it. It was a also did five laps, a bit slower. refreshing change from the stand-Three laps were it for Rick Flores ard race courses we visit, but and Scott Herron an hour faster needs a longer course. than Gerardo and Humberto Before we get a lot of mail, we lrribe who had trouble from the know we have misspelled a lot of start. Finally Ross Craft did two names, not being able to decipher laps and then flipped on a side the handwriting. For this we road heading to the pits. Only apologi:e, and also for not getting doing one lap were Pietro Bvas-to talk to more racers. sera and Mi uel Flores \Vho sadly Dave Dietrich and Robert Dillingham had a battle with three more 9 cars, of the six that started, dicing most of the way, but at the finish line they were ahead in the Jimco, first in Class 9. Lloyd Riggins and Andy Calhoun were one of two mini trucks on hand, and as Class 5-1600 had 14 Baja Bugs on the line, so it was a real contest Doing the only survivor, after two hours on lap 5, they then retired as the class eight laps in excellent time was the bug of Roberto Jimenez and his several winner. The spectators liked the paint scheme. co-drivers. They won Class 5-1600 by eight minutes. October 1995 Dustynrncs
.;;,.; Instruments and controls are easy to see and read. An air bag nestles in the steering wheel. Rack and pinion steering is a great feature. Great looking from any side, the Toyota T100 is an eye catcher. I The Xtracab seats three in the rear and the bench seat up front makes it able to carry six adults. The seats are cloth covered and are very comfortable. A pull down center arm rest resides in the center section. DRIVER IMPRESSIONS - 1995 TOYOTA T100 PICKUP TRUCK Garnet Is A Great Color Text & Photos: John B. Calvin Long and low looking, this 1995 Toyota T100 is also a great workhorse. The very sleek lines belie the rugged features that make it a practical all around work truck. Garnet is a semi-precious stone but when it is painted on the 1995 Toyota TlO0 pickup it becomes very precious. It is a very deep red in color and on this particular body it looks like a million bucks and the metallic paint only enhan, ces the depth and the color. This truck is Toyota's answer to the "Big Truck", a/k/ a the American big or standard sized pickup and this Toyota does, in fact, do everything its big Ameri-can brother pickups do. Most pickups are bought by working folk to be used in the line of their work and mostly the imported pickups were a bit too small to perform the task required by the American contractor, but all that has changed. We'll get into that a bit later but suffice it to say that the TlOO is really a great truck. Engine, you want a powerful engine, well, the TlOO pickup with its V6 powerplant produces 190 horsepower and 220 foot pounds of torque with its 4 cam, 24 valve powertrain. More than enough power for any of your needs and you can burn rubber in just about any gear if you've a mind to. The 24 valve V6 is quiet as well as powerful and will cer, tainly fit your every need. wheeling activities must remain a small portion of our driving activities. There is plenty of stopping power with front discs and rear drums, power assisted of course, and with anti,lock thrown in, you have a great package. Connection to the ground was via great looking Bridgestone SF-408 P235175R15 108S tires giv, ing you great traction on the highway and pretty good traction off road too. The Bridgestones were nice and quiet on the road, always a blessing when you do a lot of driving, and we usually do on these road test jaunts of ours. A full size spare tire is located under the bed. And, speaking of beds, this is the answer to every working mans dream. The Toyota TlO0 bed is over eight feet in length and is over four feet in width between wheel wells, so the proverbial sheet of plywood will lay flat in . the TlO0 bed, an absolute pre-requisite for any contractor for they must have plywood in the bed, no matter what job they are doing, and finally there is no further excuse. Also, a genuine Toyota bedliner is available, another worthy extra as it comes up and covers the top of the side-rails too! You want creature comforts, · well, they are all here! Two com-fortable bucket seats fit your par, ticular dimensions with a huge center console and a center seat back section that pulls down for a two party arm-rest which is very comfortable, and the center sec-tion can seat another person with comfort. This was the Xtracab model so there is seating for three more in the rear, not lots of room but it can be done. The rear quar-ter windows open and with the sliding rear window there is fresh air a-plenty for all. The seats are covered with a heavy duty good looking cloth and everything else is nicely covered in cut-pile carpeting. Instruments are well laid out, easy to see and easy to read and included a zero to eight thousand . rpm tachometer, a one hundred and ten mile per hour speedome, ter, along with a fuel gauge, temperature, oil pressure and bat-tery condition, all the other func, tions and alarms being relegated to warning lights and buzzers. A digital clock is located just to the right of the instrument cluster. Electric window controls and door locks are located on the driver's door. Mounted center on the dash is the heat and air conditioning con, trols, also easy to see and to understand and just beneath is the audio center with cassette and six, Sitting just behind the V6 is the good old smooth as silk 5 speed transmission which is also a plea, sure to use. Quiet and smooth it compliments the V6 and creat~s quite a package. This particular TlO0 was of the two wheel drive persuasion so there was no other gear lever available. Actually, we do about 99% of our driving on the highway and about 1 % off the road, personally we would like to reverse those figures but one does what one must and our four The bed is over 8 feet long and over 4 feet wide between the wheel wells. The bed liner is a smart move, well worth the extra dollars. DustyTimes Octobcr1995 count 'em folks, six speakers .. If you need to be surrounded by sound, your wish is granted here. There were lots of extra goodies such as map lights, tilt wheel dual cup holders of course, and one tremendous feature, an illumi-nated ignition key ring ( very handy). Performance is really great. The V6 power is more than adequate and the handling is real good too; there is almost no body roll in heavy cornering and the TlO0 is very quiet at any speed, including both tires and engine. The power assisted brakes are powerful and bring you to a stop with very little nose div/ng. Mileage is very good for the way we drove the TlO0. The book says 17 around town and 20 on the highway, but we broke 21 miles per gallon on the road with-out even trying and just a bit over 19 in the city. The cost of this particular Toy-ota Tl00 is above twenty thou-sand dollars but that is in line with today's vehicle pricing. Remember too, this is the Xtra cab model with just about all the goodies available installed and we did enjoy every one of them. Do yourself a favor and try a TlO0 for yourself. I'm sure you will like the Toyota pickup as well as we did. ..., The four cam, 24 valve V6 produces 190 horsepower with Jots of torque. It is wonderfully smooth, quiet and economical too. PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS e McKENZJE'S AIR FILTERS • K&N • UN-FILTERS e YOUR OFF-ROAD ~ SPEC/Al/STS! ! PHONE:(714)441-1212 FAX:(714)441-1622 ! 2366 E. ORANGETlfJRl'E AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 • DEALER Nll.lAES WE1.COIIE E i • • i • g 4-SPYDER SUPER DIFFS I l1 . Tl IRS !2 The Cast Diff is back! I ~ • Made from ductile Iron. ! • Utilizes 4-Splders for added strength. • This 4-Spyder Super Dlff comes suppplled ~ with precision-ground pins and block. ; MCK-0265 • w ~ ! Greatly Reduced Price/ T2IRS I All New to the Industry/ Economica/lY Priced! I • I • Ultimate strength/ • Made from ductile Iron. • Available in 3 different configurations. i 002 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF MCK-0114-002-15 fi:r1().Tocll~ MCK-0014-002-17 fi:r11-Tocll~)dlls • 091 BILLET RACE DIFF 091 CAST 4-SPYDER DIFF ! Made from 4140 Chromoly. , MCK•0114·091 Supplied w;1h pins and block. ! • Supplied with Billet Cover, pins and block. 091 BILLET COVER ~ ~ MCK-OlOl-l MCK-0102 Made from 4140 Chromoly. I I~~~~ ..... ~~~ ..... --------------~• • SIMPSON • BEARD SEATS e IPF • KC • CIBIE LIGHTS e BUGPACK • REOUNE OIL • FUEL SAFE e OEM e SWAY./lrWAY e S&S Page 35
'The Straight Poop' from El Chismoso de El Chinero ( the Big Wah zoo's little pal) LA RANA JOHNSON VAL-LEY 200 -There was a big Checker turnout for the night chase. And, thankfully, Minor Bates WON the Challenger class -by virtue of that victory this here fill-in Wahzoid does not have to generate any laudatory prose for a Checker "Character" as noted in last month's column. I mean ... where would you continue? The Wahzoo has already listed all the famous Checker characters. Who's left? A "TO" tale, perhaps? Anyway, B.J. got in the non-Checker car after two laps in fourth, moved 'er up to second. Then the leader broke just before the finish. At least the win wasn't obtained in the Tech line. Or the squared circle: Veep Mike Harman soloed to Third in "Ten" and 4th OA -Robert had to go back to New Jersey for some sort of millwright whing-ding. Bad Back Mike only drank water at HIS pits. Finally a smooth run ... and without Robert. Vindicated, huh? Checker and a non-relative team members who floundered with lots of little problems. Stick with a Checker, OK? The Krepsz', once again, did not fail the club. Frank -the one who yells and screams and flips, the Mike Harman of the Krepsz' -got confused at the Start-Finish and took down a mile of nylon snow fence. After doing a big cir-cle looking for the check he got the lengthy red-ass lecture from Eddie, then split. It was then Sean's turn to get chewed on. Anyway, our Hermanos Grandes ran hard and strong until this higger one (a scary thought in its.elf) got lost in the dark. After wandering through the wasteland ( for what may have seemed like forty-days-and-forty-nigh ts) Frank K repsz stumbled upon some non-race-aware campers, whom he queried (i.e., screamed at) for directions. never comes back. I'll bet they packed up and moved off to Morongo Valley tout d'suite (ask Frenchy for a translation). Frank finally got it in in Sixth. Larry Bolin ran hard, real hard, in the Overall position then broke. The crew ran into town, came back and replaced the crank for a points-paying Ninth in "Ten 11• Robertson showed his non-member car owner how a Checker really keeps on running, even with top gear missing, ending up with a Fifth finish in Class 10. Hot Billy McCool ran half the race then told Blutowski that "the carb blubbers on the smooth stuff but cleans out if you drive off into the rough. 11 After the pit crew changed a CV boot that was cut up by fixing the carb "in the rough," Butow and his daughter had to stop when she hurt her wrist. It's getting to always be something, Russ. Pump her full of opiates BEFORE the start! They got 8th "l-2-1600." "White Leg Joe" Giffin dug out a new (to him) "1600" and only had minor problems and some suspension stuff that needed to be dialed in. JG got a seventh, with NO (reported) tranny problems. Greg Hawks and his UCLA partner debuted their new-chassis outfitted with parts pirated from Hawks' old car. The shake-down cruise was that, a cruise to Tenth. This Hawkish partner is the guy who rode with Stuart Chase at Fred Nelson was Second in his Stock Truck class but Fourth in the combined cash deal. After two good laps he put in some non-Picture yourself as a city-slicker camper, complete with a sniveling spouse, too many bullet-headed offspring and perhaps as many ( retarded) buddies as a non-Checker could amass squatting out in the desert getting high. OK, so the scene's set. So Frank thunders in, KCs a-blazing, and "asks" for directions to a race that you have never heard of. "Hun'red miles!" you quickly stutter in reply. "A good hun'red miles, off over that-a-way! Sure. Over there. Go fer it buddy." All the while hoping that FRANK . Jean ... and immediately disap-• Oil Alert• • ~J11Uh.ant..,,usA\'/l>L u~l· • ::,.,1p1,:1 (JUlll • Ek-..:uuui,: IJ.!IIIUuu Welder/Generator EW171 ' • 4000 Watt Wdder/(;enerator • Honda 11 HP Oil\' Cummercial Engine • • 170 AMP DC for \Vdding • Oil . .\lert" • Automatic !Jle' RACER DISCOUNTS PARTS SHIPPED BY UPS DAILY HONDA MOTORCYCLES -SCOOTERS _.. , ATV'S & GENERATORS ~ --BMW MOTORCYCLES ~~ ·--J!US~ SEA 000 WATERCRAFT 'fl'(. BILL ROBERTSON+ SONS, INC. IN BUSINESS FOR OVER 30 YEARS • N 5626 -Tujunga Blvd., ·North Hollywood #HONDA 1 ·(800) 800-6134 Comeridewithus. 1 (818) 766-6134 Page 36 October 1995 peared after that Nevada finish was reported) while Tony Tellier line. and Alan Smith were press-DNFs were Dan Martin who ganged to provide Checker-lost an engine in his new" 1600" quality support for Billy Robert-after two laps; Danny Reider was son who raced a non-Checker leading "5" when he lost the "10". Billy McCool came out to common ground on his motor watch his sister race in a truck and Mike Duenas never even got with her husband (i.e. McCool's to get into his non-Checker drive. Bike Checker brocin-law) and was At the meeting after the race enlisted for radio relay work. there wasn't even enough attend-McCool and his gal friend sucked ance for a membership voting suds all day. Kenny Miller was quorum. In a rare audience with also sent out for relay chores and theWahzoo("Paynoattentionto was alone all day and night. A that man behind the curtain!") we good thing. The hatter y in discussed the recent performan-Miller's vehicle went down so he ces of the democratically-installed had no radio at all. he didn't even ruling class: Missed or late meet-know when the race was over ... ings; holding the meeting waiting since there were only three cars on for the Blue Plate Special to be a 60-mile loop ( another one served; no newsletter; no race withdrew before the start). A bad maps; no sign-up sheets. "We're thing. winding down into mediocrity!," Robertson had a flat in the pontificated the Great One. A single-seater and, apparently hav-mediocre man is, however, always ing never changed a tire before(by at his best! himself), knocked the car off the LONNIE HAWKINS Rx RE-jack and wasted fifteen minutes. PORT(byanon-Checker)-"ljust He then roared into the pits with got back from a week n San Felipe. K repsz-like orders to "pull the Lonnie (the Hawk) is really not light covers!" They were already well. He is losing almost all ability off.He got second place. to move his arms. He cut short a Only three cars, Lou? Say it trip to Washington due to his wasn't so! condition worsening. When the CHECKER PARTY -Cambria VA still couldn't help him, he Road? Van Winkle? La:enby's visited an accupuncturist in San Pistachios? Larkin Wight? What Diego, he needed to get a liver could thse all have in common? panel blood test from a lab in San "A tragedy!" - J. Hibbard. Felipe so the guy could figure out "A sorry night in Checker his-where to start sticking needles or tory!" - D. Brown. whatever the hell those guys do. I "###kin' A" - J. Hastings. . hope that works, our kind of doc-It would be difficult to point tors haven't been able to do shit, "The Finger" at all of the perpe-so he is going to try the Oriental trators of this reported debacle. stuff. 11 I'm sure he still plans to But, hey, let's try! have the Checker Pit at his shop The night was tense. No doubt. this year, but he won't be lifting Could it have been someting in any tires, or wrenches for that the beer? (Or. Checker was NOT matter. (What's new about this!?) there so ... well, perhaps, no.) It Not to let him think we're all feel- certainly was not the fine food, ing sorry for him though, I am carefully catered by "Fidel" Cas-thinking about reissuing the Lon-tro and his amphibia. It wasn't the nieHawkinsbumperstickersfor rockin' band -"Common the coming season. Ground" - with the Checker's FUD TECATE -At this non-own Jaggeresque Danny Reider CheckereventoutsideofHacienda ("Pleased to meet you ... can you Santa Veronica (once the "soul" guess my naymmm?") getting property of Peralta) "B.J. won for down hard on the bluesy vocals the second week in a row" ( this and his drum kit. Without even a time in the tandem "1600"), car~ hit of"Wipeout", either. rying Mom for the latter half Morgan Maiocco won the entry while Gary and Ms. Vance Scott to the "Baja 1000" while Petey took the start. They were a very got the thirty gallons of-race gas. strong Fifth Overall, even though That was a popular pull of the Minor Bates laid it over on its side stub. ( Now he needs to unveil his pre-running. Craig Dillon was "5" mysterymobile.) The Very scheduled to race but couldn't get Right Rev won a La Rana entry the" 10" race ready. Molacco and and thirty gallons of race gas. Roy Tellier were to try Morgan's new couldn't find anyone to race with car but Morgo's only available but Castro will honor the pri:e for body panels were cardboard any race. Right, Eddie? Everyone reefer boxes so he passed on this else won a three-pound bag of event and, instead, gave Bates the goobers and a Baja Productions Checker Salute all day. Late that cap. evening, the Bates Boys-battled Hastings broke a torsion on his the Race Ready Rockers to a Bug on the way to a check then, bloody-nosed, black-eyed draw adding insult to injury, Josh bur-due to criticism regarding Gary's ied El Presidente's truck in the driving ability and the pinching of sand. Larry Bolin locked his keys BJ's gal pal. Alcohol was reported in his car and not even one Peral-to be a factor. Master Bates then ta's cholos had a slim jim. With close-lined the malefactor with 'em, anyway. The Jet Ranger III three high-speed haymakers; the rides were well-received and all anonymous miscreant later said LZ fees were covered. Glen pulled that he had no trouble with the plenty. of collective over the big kid but "that old man sure hits rocks, thank God. Big John Files hard!" got a flat on his trailer on the way WATERWORLD-Robertson home to jail. Joe Giffin and Jeff and Doug Brown got (Sit down! Hibbard had a "white leg-off" but Get a cold rag! You 'II have to be both were disqualified for com-strong!) comped entries to Lou's mon decency. Long Beach jet ski race. Comped? Some of Peru Lou's homies got By Louie? Billy beat Doug. into fisticuffs because of Checker CAL CITY -Lima Lou's Cali-Secretary Rosenstein's excessive, fornia City Caper had some unof-mid-crowd fireworks display. BJ ficial Checker activity. Unca Max · did try to de-fuse the situation, was on-site watching over Lou performing the Hesperia Two-( and doing a poor job of it, so it Step on a flaming "1000-Missile Dusty Times
Battery" but the final straw was when one of Rosenstein's mis-guided missiles exploded behind a totally oblivious Danny Reider, who was concerned in decanting 1 more agave. juice into his quart-si:ed on-stage drink container, sending a slug of decomp granite smack into his back. Unreliable reports indicate that Billy McCool was leading the charge up Mt. Suribachi to discipline the miscreant( s ). Randy LaCore's boy, plus his gal pal, ended up getting bopped pretty good during the fren:y. (Remember, Randy. There is no such thing as an INNOCENT bys-tander!) The dice took place up ON the Cougar Buttes and most of the ten ( or more) participants got "00" -sanded by the rock. Josh actually came out looking pretty much untouched and unscathed. Lou, with all of the jousting equipment, then left in a huff (he came in a bus) ... If Josh's level of fireworks were too much, it's a good thing Dave Pick showed up late and did not pyrotechnic the group: "No flash ... but lots of bang!" "The man we all love to hate" -Lurkin' Larkin Wight, the Prince of Lucerne -won the $53 poker run pot on a stacked deck. He then took a tumble while stylin' (on, what else, a borrowed motorcy-cle) and broke his clavichord. And several ribs. At the hospital he gave his name as that of Don-nie, t h e recently-deceased D in gus-type, but the ER still refused to give him a five-pound bag of Percocets TM. They threw the mold away when they cast Larkin. Phwew! Thank God. According to Frank Kreps:, Larkie was lucky. "If I'd been there when he was bothering my sister, well ... Sean's more easy goin' than me!" (At.a poker run Checkpoint, Larkin was overly-vocal regarding Ms. Kreps:' for-midable physical attributes, as it were. Sean was getting used up from herding his tiny-tired Honda Esprit d'Corps scooter over the sands of time. ) And during the joust, the aforementio ned Lark in re-appeared, came off his sick bed, to stick a stick in the Rev's spokes ... so Bates and a wild-eyed Kenny Miller could win. (How can Lar-kie get around so well with so MANY painkillers in his system?) And it wasn't the first time the Prophet of Wrightwood bit the dust that day, as he had stuffed it big time in a wash on the run for the cards. Rev's pool a la dum/1ster had more gene-altering chemicals in it than Three Mile Island, Times Beach and Love Canal -combined. B.J. Bates won the jack race even after TaTa DQ'd him -but Gary then forced a reversal of the decision ( a "jack-off", so to speak) with a little show of force. Come on, you guys. You're sup-posed to cheat! And take it like a Checker. TaTa and Thumper, Lads 'n' Dads, then "officially quit the club" while fill-in MC Hasting's choice of adjectives-"###king!" -continued to grate and offend more than a few. His bugle-ing actually chased the Kreps:' par-ents away: They up and left! Big-gest John needed a rev limiter on the mic. Or maybe adult supervi-sion. The Pre: finally took over but could no.t keep the momen-tum as the show's pacing got way off line. Z··-····0---7• Can't make up DustyTirnes for a lack of fun with yelling, Skinhead. As much as The Big Wah:oo would hate to admit it, the Checker Party needed Peralta's erudite and scintillating MC skills. Badly. And Bates! He spent all morn-ing removing wound-up mattress springs from the bandstand truck's drive shaft - a bad move -then was left all afternoon at a Poker Run checkpoint. A badder move. With plenty of beer. The baddest of bad moves. Non-Checkers on the stage was the final straw as Steve Brown's offspring took over the mic after Robert Rodman gave up. Of course, the flier had prom-ised and predicted this of all: "Same as it ever was ... Bates fight-ing ... belligerent non-members ... belligerent members ... various hangers-on ... " Can't say nobody wasn't warned. Thanks to the DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name In driver safety equipment. 4-polnt sand rail seat belt . . $7 4.95 RACE BELTS 2• -5polntmount ......... $79.95 3"-5polnt mount ......... $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swing axle ..... _. ......... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# ............ $79.95 200mm-upto3000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ............... $39.95 4puc ferrsmic ............ $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . ....................... . $54.95 Vance Scotts for the horses-dee-ovaries and the fourteen gallons of bar-b-q sauce that went unused. And once again Checker Char-acters had surfaced, rearing their ugly heads, so to speak. Another Checker party to be remembered. "Shake it-up!" indeed. PARTY POST-MORTEM -Hastings was chagrined and subdued at the following Wed-nesday meeting, as were many of the alleged malefactors. Big John II promised to write an apology letter to the rank-and-Files. Did you get yours? Me neither. "Auntie" Max -Uncle's strong-willed and hard-nosed sis-ter -penned a major, massive mis-sive (a small portion of which fol -lows) to The Checkers in general ( but not in private) regarding this faux pas wherein she hinted at var-ious forms of corporal punish-ment administered by the Sergeant-At-Arms. "A little overboard ... even by Checker standards ( Checker Standards? Is this not a contra-diction in terms?). PARKER POOP -Stuart Chase's expansive and toy-laden Moovalya Keys Estates has come under fire from the local Health Authorities for excessive fecal fractions - E. coli 0157:H7, sal-monella, giardia, corn kernels, etc. - in the adjoining back bayou waters. But could the source really be from up-river, from the Max Norris home site (a noted hull s/://://:1 producer)? And did you see on TV off-roading's lndyCar guy put the Checker-style post-flag nerf on that whiny Italian-surnamed kid? All Checkers ought to ante up a buck or two for the kid's$10,000 fine fund. It was very Koch-like. Gotta love it! SEELEY - Says that his new car will he ready for Laughlin! One is tempted to laugh "Ya ha ha!", but stranger things have happened ( like George Thompson showing up for a race.) George wrote that he borrowed his Muffler T uhe Special from a (Branch) Davidian! Honest! JUST IN FROM THE CRB -CHECKERS IN THE NEWS! -"Checkers past president John Hastings, a/ k/ a "El Presidente", made a brief appearance on the evening edition of the news Fri-day. The local NBC affiliate, KNBC, was doing a segment on ant abatement ( that means" to get rid of", Lou) and apparently decided to consult with a retailer who markets pesticides. Hastings, looking slim and handsome, was interviewed regarding his/ ACE Hardware's recommendations. Sadly, John was either unwil-linft or unahle to mention the Checker~. GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .................. $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4csges ........ es $44.95 930orT-4 orT-2flsnges .es $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... es $15.95 930CVstsr ................... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stock width .... $199. 95 8" travel-widened beam . $219.95 10• travel-stock width .... $224.95 10• travel-widened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½"chrome ......... $ 98.95 T·11½"raw ............ $ 65.95 T-11518" chrome ........ $105.95 T·115l8"raw ........ : .. $ 72.95 T·4chrome ............. $189.95 T-4 raw ................. $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .... .......... $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK / ................. . . $489.95 MKII ........ .......... $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblles /or cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184. 9 5 With hydraulic throttle ... $2 59. 95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The tou1}hest available anywhere,• alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate ............ $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8.95 Rack steering stops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAIL,NG ARMS Link pin . ....... 1 ••• 4130Chromoly Stock length .... t ...• pr. $449.00 11/,"longer .......... pr.$474.00 21/,'longer .......... pr.$499.00 4 • longer-coll over,style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. {specify Ford or International) set ... ........................ $89~5 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3• X 3• ................ $435.00 1·21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 October 1995 Page 37
THE 15TH RALLY YPF OF ARGENTINA Skoda Wins In South America Text & Photos: Martin Holmes cars is lost. All they know is that the current rules have stopped the top drivers from coming. Of the top W2L teams only Skoda went to Argentina as well. For Skoda it was the first time their official rally team had ever competed in Jft,H'!f South America, and their cars "' 4'" ,_;i_ '"' 1 k The Group N winner Stefan Reininger was eighth overall in the Renault Clio l~ere the on Y it cars on the entry Williams, where here he poses happily with a new found friend in impound. 1st. The rally entry comprised both_ Trelles from Uruguay, .both of He had no trouble though team-an international and a national_ whomhadrentedLanciaHFinte-mate Emil Triner chanfied his event; the international received a grales from Italy, while the young clutch and gearbox after the total of 76 entries of which only Paraguayan driver Marco Galanti clutch started to slip. Bescham six did not comply with the rules had ah ex-factory Toyota Celica had a lot of troubles with his Peu-for the 2-Liter Championship. In Turbo 4WD. Recalde won the geot; all four shock absorbers addition there were another 36 event outright in -1988 driving an failed at one time or another, and cars, all front wheel drive, nor-official Lancia and is the only he also changed his clutch in the mally aspirated 2-liter vehicles, South American to ever gain a evening. His teammate Raul some of which are not homolo-World Championship Rally Sufan fell back when he had to gated by the FIA, entered in the victory. change a flat on a stage. The race national category. Skoda's main The event itself was smaller for the veteran Renault 18 GTX rivals were championship cha!-than ever, two and a half days of cars was led by little known driver lengers Renault France repres-competition (shorter in time than Walter Suriani, in sixth place ented by four cars, including the anyWorldrallysincethetwoday overall after Luis Oxcoteguy locally run Clio Williams of 1987Swedish).458kmofstages brokeawheelwhendrivinginthe Gabriel Raies. He is reigning were planned compared with 565 dust of a slower driver. national champion and category in 1994. The stage mileage was Other adventures of the day winner on this event for the past further reduced when stage 4 was concerned the Paraguayan Toyota Jorge Recalde and Martin Christie led every stage the first day, and most of four years. There was also a canceled because of withdrawal of driver Galanti. He tipped his them following, all the way to a nine minute victory margin in the Lancia HF G r T b 4WD · f h lntegrale. · roup N version ror Austrian consent from a local estancia · ur o onto its roo , wit ---------------------------. -privateer Stefan Reininger. The owner (sounds familiar), reduc-little damage except for a broken Skoda scored their first 2-litre of Jorge Recalde, ahead ot the s1m-FIA rules say that the locally built ing the first day's stage total by screen. But without spectators it Wa nodrltdh eC1_hrafm1_ rpsiot n1_ nshtiepr nevaetn1_ t0wn ain1 Tilar car oCf G1_ustTavobT re41Wles0and thef Renault 18 GTX cars, of which 42 21: 10 km. took ten mTinhutes bhefohre he c2o~ldh oyota e ica . ur o . car o . were entered, would give points continue. at nig t e was ot championship event victory for Marco Galanti, all of which are to Renault Argentina rather than The crowds seemed as excited overall. Reininger was leading nine months, when Pavel Sibera's ineligible for the W2Lchampionship. Renault France. as ever watching the 7 3 crews Group N with his Renault. official Skoda Felicia Kit Car fin-There was a familiar feel to the The main challengers were leave the main square in the center On Etape 2 37 cars restarted ished fourth overall in the Rally effect th.at the FIA event rotation expected to be the Peugeot of Cordoba on Etape 1 after today. After the first six rounds of Argentina. Sibera's car was the system had on t_he rally. Lik~ the 405Mil6 cars run by the Menem l~nch. A Lada Samara and two the W2l in which five different latest of six different marques to recent Acropolis and Safan ral-Competition Team, which started Frnt Regatta ZOOOs were. among types of car had won, we now had gain victory in the seven rounds of lies, the in~ernational p~rpose of operations the second half of last I the non-s_tarter~. J uSt like the another type in the lead of the the W2L series held so far. The theArgentmeRallywas1tsWorld year. The 2-liter cars had already Acr_o~olts, d _rivers of non-championship category, the Peu-fight for the lead in the series has Championship status for the gained national championship ~ualtfymg LanCla cars were mov-geot405Mil6. And the Skoda has become remarkably close with ten W2L cars, who had no chance of wins and the late Carlos Menem . t~g ahead. Recald~ won every spe-yet to win a championship quali-points separating the top three overallvictory,expectedtocome Junior won the Gran Premio at eta! stage pullrng ahead of fier,andinequalthirdplacewasa manufacturers. The 1.5 literSko-from one of the turbocharged the end of 1994 and team leader GuStavo Trelles when the Uru-Renault 18 GTX, so the odds das of Sibera and Emil Triner cars, none of which were state of Jorge Bescham the second round guayan had a s~ortage of l:'ower, were strongly in favor of yet were unable to match the speed of the art WCR machines. Only of the 1995 championship. The the cause of which wasevast~e but another type of car ending up the the locally prepared full 2-liter Jorge Recalde ~as a r~gu)ar ~n the cars were homplogated in France, w~s assume~ to be electromc. On winner. Renault were dismayed Renault and Peugeot cars, but World Champ10nsh1p c1rcu1t.. making them eligible for the this sh_ort firs~ day ~)Ver sandY having lost Gabriel Raies and the when the top two Argentine driv-The pleasant resort of Villa W arid Championship points. stages 111 the Sierr_a hills w_eSt of domination of the Peugeot of ers retired, the Skodas led the Carlos Paz, where the event was Thesadnessofthenationwastyp-Cordoba, the_leadmg Lancia was Bescham. However, Bescham category 1-2. Triner then . effectively based was a shadow of. ified by the eulogy on the side of nearly ~o mmut~s ah~ad of the _ arrived at the main service area dropped a long way back with its former sdf. Hotels usually . the yellow Menem Peugeots, say-firSt 2-ltter champi_onship car, the after the first three stages with steeringtrouble.,butrosebackto brimmingwiththeentourageofa ing that the memory of Carlos Peugeot 405Md6 of_Jor~e smoke billowing out of the sixth overall, third in W2L by the full World Championship event Junior (killed earlier this year in a ~scham. The_Renal;1lt Cho Wil-exhaust, having been running on end. The main event was won bv were empty in a ghostly way. For helicopter crash), would always hams of Gabr!el Rates, went off three cylinders for a while. the privately run, four wheel drive Argentine enthusiasts the differ- stay in the hearts of the team. One the_ road to retirement on stage 3, Mechanics found that a piston turbocharged Lancia HF Integrale . ence between Formula 2 and top .. year before it was Carlitos himself while the l .9 Peugeot of Carlos had failed. On! y one of the 405s who had a message on the side of Mala_rczuk damaged the rear ~u~-was now left, that of Sufan who. his car, remembering his long p~nston. The two_ Skoda Feltci_a overnight, had been lying 15th. term assistant Sonja who, a few ~it_ cars of Pavel Stbera ~nd Emil Sibera was now third overall days before, had been killed in a Trmer were fourt~ an_d fifth over-and leading 'F2 ', 25 seconds car crash. Opel cars were among all, second and th1rd 10 WZL. ahead of Triner. But on stage 9 the missing here. All the stages were held in clear Triner suffered steering failure, Gabriele Raies and Jose Maria Volta went off the road in the Renault Clio Wilfiams, forcing them out of the rally on stage 3 of Etape 1, maybe they should not have dusted these spectators. Page 38 Whereas the W2L cars were daylight, a stiff breeze helping to the wheels splayed out and he lost numerically quite the most domi-disperse the dust. "We are getting 20 minutes trying to bring the car nant 4WD turbocharged cars to like this event," Sibera said. back to drivable condition. Mat-attra~ted veterans Jorge Recalde "The sand on the stages is more ters were made worse because the from Argentina and Gustavo abrasivethanyoumightimagine.". route between the stage and the next was an official no-service area. Suddenly the second Skoda dropped way back, but by the end of the day T riner worked back up to ninth overall and sixth 'F2'. In the race for the overall lead Trelles had a bad day, losing con-siderable ground with a lack of power which he could not explain. He had to stop to change .,. a tire on stage 11 too. Galanti, who had been lying 27th over-night had been allowed to restart in 12th place on the road, and was rapidly pulling back; 20th after one stage, he was fifth after two more and fourth by·the end of the Skoda drivers try to pick up one more horsepower for their cars. Pavel Sibera, day. Leader Recalde was going left, and Emil Triner sample some of the local attractions. consistently well. He had scored October 1995 Dusty Times
f The crowds were enthusiastic in Argentina in this shot of Wafter Suriani and Edgardo Galindo in a Renault 18GTX. They retired with engine troubl~ on stage 15. Second in Group N, first in class and 14th overall, Eduardo Aguire and Carlos Boero drove hard in the small displacement, 1.3 liter, Suzuki Swift. Carlos Malarczuk and Jorge Gonzalez retired their Peugeot 405Mil6 aHer only two stages, having damaged the rear suspension in an accident. best time on the first ten stages, . then had gear linkage failure and the car was stuck in third. He drove stage 12 and the following road section very carefully. Trelles made two best times, but he was seven minutes behind the leader, less than three in front of Sibera. Local drivers were gradually establishing their form. Gabriel Raies' younger brother Juan Pablo was driving the leading South American built car in fifth place. Suriani, the star of the first etape, was gradually catching up after a time consuming flat. Oxoteguy broke all the shocks, while Sufan had one shock absorber fail. This was the longest day of the event with 209 stage kilometers but the final day would still be a major challenge, with 177 km of high speed action. The man with most to gain was Triner, now four minutes behind the car in front. The gap between the top driv- ing the leading Argentine built ers and the high attrition rate . car, stopped on stage 22 with forced man y drivers to ease their damaged rear suspension which pace on Etape 3. There was a first brought T riner up to third in 'F2' stage shock when Walter Suriani and also enhanced Renault's and stopped with engine trouble Peugeot's championship points. which let T riner up to eighth To add to the already mounting place. It was a sad end to a remar-suspense the final stage was kable effort for this driver from • delayed because of a fire in the the Rio Negro region in the south, hills behind La Cumbre. Organi:-who had only begun national championship rallies last year. The similar Renault 18 GTX of Ricardo Pasi was lying seventh, but had a puncture which brought T riner up another place; on stage 20 Pasi then retired with gearbox trouble. When the results began to become settled it was evident that the efforts of Stefan Reinin-ger, who was leading Group N with his Clio, were also going to give Renault France sufficient points to overtake GM for the lead in the series. With two stages to go came news tha't Juan Pablo Raies driv-F~urth overall and the W2L winner, the Skoda Felicia Kit Car 1500 of Pave 1 Stbera and Petr Gross looked smooth climbing the sand hills, giving away a lot of horsepower. It was Skoda's first W2L qualifier victory. 15th Rally YPF Argentina Jorge Recalde/Martin Christle RA Lande HF lntegrale A•· 5:22:11 Gustavo Trelles/Jorge del Buono ROU/RA Landa HH lntegrale A 5:31 :44 Marco G_alentiNictor Zuchlni PY/RA Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD A 5:37:50 Pavel Srbera/Petr Gross CZ Skoda Felicia Kit Car 1500 A·# 5:39:30 Mrguel Torres/Edgardo Gan RA Renault 18 GTX A· 5:57:58 Emil Trlner/Pevel Slane CZ Skoda Felicia Kit Car 1500 A• 6:00:18 Raul Sufen/Daniel Rama RA Peugeot 405Mi16 A• 6:07:48 Stefan Reininger/Robert Csosz A Renault Clio Williams N • • 6 :17:46 Luis Oxoteguy/Martln Olhaberry RA Renault 18 GTX A• 6:18:32 Alejandro Salllen/Claudlo Henln RA Renault 18 GTX A• 6:44 :42 Walter Boetti/Gustavo Fernandez RA Fiat Regatta 85 (12th) A· 7:05:18 Eduardo Aguirre/Carlos Boero RCH/RA Suzuki Swift 1.3 (14th) N • 7: 14 :40 73 starters - 4 7 finishers In FIA event.-.. Group Winner ·, F2 winner Wlnnefs Average Speed over Stages 81.53 kph. World Makes Championship W2L Points· -Renault 175, Peugeot 169, Opel 165, Skoda 114, SEAT 89, Nissan 62, Renault Argentina 45, Citroen 41, Daewoo 35, Fiat 33, Suzuki 31 etc. , Dusty Times October 1995 ers worried whether it was safe to The attrition among local driv-run the section and sent helicop-. ers had been astonishing. Of the ters to check the road and 26Renault18GTXcars,onlyfive directed fixed wing planes to were still running at the end. Had dump water on the flames. The the drama finished? No chance. stage was a half hour late starting, On the final stage Oxoteguy which meant the· rally finish in slowed with a puncture and Rei-Cordoba would run into the time ninger was able to finish eighth, of Argentina's crucial football which gave Renault France two match with Bolivia! Page 39
Wes Jobgen kept the leaders in sight in Class 13 and was a contender for the win. But this race he had to settle for third in class, second in points. Clint Neilson and Marlin Sandoz fought hard for fourth, got the position only to see his newly rebuilt transmission stick in low gear, then fail completely. After a spirited battle for fourth spot, Brad Houck and Clay Riggle had serious radiator trouble, got it fixed after a time, but back on the track the cooling problems came back and they were fifth. Gumbo Buttes Baja By Scott Olson Kevin Miller and co-driver Mark Adams, #1313, won the Class 13 Gumbo Buttes Baja in Pierre, SD,July 23. Miller, in only his second start behind the wheel, paced the field leading from start to finish. Tim Blow and co-driver John Bren, #1388, kept close tabs on Miller during the two hour race, and June's Baja champ. Wes Jobgen #1306, also kept things interesting by staying within ear shot of Blow for most of the race. Stuart Dahlin #592 took an uncontested win in the Class 5 buggies and generally had a good time by coming into the pits every 15 to 20 minutes to get a new co-driver -more on this later. Dahlin, the points leader in this year's Class 5 series, was still one of the fastest vehicles on the track. Dahlin said, "thi., track is so rough and technical that it allows a Class 5 buggy to just about match the pace set by the bigger hp trucks. It's only on the 100 mph-plus straightaway that the ¾r~<' ..... -,,;,:«,,,,.-.,:;.::,,-.:,:,:<::,,,.,«,,.:<-!: .,_, trucks have a big advantage." While Miller, Blow andJobgen battled for the top spot, Clint Neilson with co-driver Marlin Sandoz # 1368 pushed Brad Houck and co-driver Clay Riggle #1369 for the fourth position. Houck left the race early with a gushing radiator -which they would fix during the race using a torch retrieved from Houck 's home only a few miles from the track. Meanwhile, Neilson pushed out to a several lap lead over Houck only to see his newly rebuilt transmission stick in low gear then fail completely. With 25 minutes left in the race Houck got his radiator braised and headed back out to try and catch Neilson for fourth. Yet it was not to be as Houck again ran into cooling problems and had to put the truck on the trailer before he could complete enough laps to catch Neilson. While Houck and Neilson were playing out their on again off Running on dry trails is not common in Dakota, so Tim Blow and John Bren enjoyed the firm ground last July in the Gumbo Buttes Baja. CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' -any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS Pagc40 $235.eo HELMET ONLY again battle for fourth i:he three leaders kept pacing each other looking for an opportunity to spring into the lead. With three trucks within a lap or two of one another a breakdown would lead to a position change in five to ten minutes - as a good lap time was 3-4 minutes. The Gumbo Buttes Baja track · again became the main competi-tor, but this time it wasn't the Miller/ Adams team who went down first. WesJobgen, who was putting on a second-hour surge It was a battle all the way among the top three trucks, but Kevin Miller, with trying to catch Blow had his race co_-dr~ver Mark Adams won the battle ~hrough the grasslands, and it was only day end when the connecting bolt -_Mxiitimlleiiirmstiswewicwowinmdwiswtarnrwt bwiewihwt;;;;nd;;;;;;th4e;;;;;iw;;;;;h;;;;ee;;;;I;;. ¥4V&m&m&•~·~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, for his brake broke. Then Blow, "' with only minutes left in the race, found himself up to the rear 'bumper in some muddy gumbo as he made an attempt to get around Houck who had paused on the track to let Blow by. Blow then asked co-driver Bren to get out and push -both laughed later and said they knew their day was done at that point. Blow drove into the mud mainly because his steering arm had become bent and the front wheels were constantly try-ing to go in opposite directions. So with two races completed, Miller & Adams have the Points lead with Jobgen and Blow close behind. The third race, August 27, will determine the Class 13 champion for 1995 with any one of these three racers with an equal chance to win. It comes down to whomever wins the last race will . win the 1995 Gumbo Buttes Baja Championship. With fifteen minutes left in the race Class 5 winner Stuart Dahlin pulled in to get the last of his four co-drivers of the day. That hap-pened to be me. As luck would have it we came back out on to the track right behind the race leader Miller. Miller, who had put his truck in cruise mode, was just try-ing to finish the race without breaking something - Miller had no idea that Dahlin was going to have some fun by showing me what it's like to take a Class 5 buggy and get around one of the big trucks. Immediately we found our-selves about three seconds behind and just far enough away to enjoy a full dusting. During the next three laps Dahlin had the buggy at full race speed while fighting an ever thickening curtain of dust. I had a lot of faith in Dahlin's expe-rience as a driver or I never would have been able to endure the second lap when I couldn't see much of anything most of the time. Dahlin just kept getting closer and closer and my vision less and less. Octobcr1995 Race winner Kevin Miller, left, and second placing Tim Blow, bench race the event after the awards presentation. Only three were on the lead lap in Class 13. Stuart Dahlin was all alone in Class 5, went fast but stopped often to give people a few laps ride in the quick Bug. Without those stops Dahlin would no doubt have won overall. During this blind rush to get around Miller, Dahlin launched the buggy off one of the tall table top hills. When the dust cleared we found ourselves catching some big air and a bit out of shape as we landed hard on the right front wheel half-way down the hill -now we were having fun. On the next lap Dahlin took a different lii_:ie on this same table top jump and got around Miller -who said "I didn't even know you were there." The last two laps were at an even faster pace, but didn't race my heart much since I could now clearly see every bump and turn. I appreciated getting a ride in the Baja and even more the oppor-tunity to get a glimpse at what makes Baja racing so thrilling for the competitors. Dusty Times
Marc Prince flies his spiffy Super Lite over one of the natural Jay Huss flies his Class 9 in tidy fashion, and he was on his way Steve Bishop has been winning in Class 1-2-1600 almost since the OHV Park opened at Glen Helen. It should be a good race in this class. hazards on this often changing terra'in. to a class win last August when the camera caught him. SODA Midwest Off Road Series To ln•de The West Coast Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, August 16, 1995 , Terry Wolfe, president of SODA (Short Course off Road Drivers Association), announc, ed today the expansion of the SODA series to the West Coast with the new SODA Winter Series. The Chevrolet Off Road Winter Series will run on November 30 and December 1,2,3 1995 at the Glen Helen Raceway Park, near San Bernard, ino, California. Chevrolet, a division of General Motors located in Detroit, Michigan, is the Title Sponsor of this year's inaugural event. The SODA World Series of Off Road Racing currently runs an eight race series in the Midwest, Wisconsin and Michi, gan, from May through Sept, ember. "This is a natural extension for SODA," said Terry Wolfe, SODA's president. "It represents the growth of not just our series but short course off road. racing in general. For years now, we've had top notch West Coast drivers race in our Midwest series and we realized the need to bring Midwest and West closer together. It gives our Midwest drivers an opportunity to extend their racing season into Winter and it also gives our West Coast friends a chance to race in our series but compete on their own turf. We are excited about this opportunity and are looking forward to a long and successful relationship with Bud Feldkamp and the entire Glen Helen Raceway Park staff." Glen Helen Raceway Park is in the foothills of the San Bernard, ino mountains, and it has some uphill and some downhill trails. The race tracks are for off road cars and motorcycles and sand drags. Glen Helen is a vast county regional park, but close to the city Dusty Times Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. of San Bernardino. If you are looking for it on the map it is off 1,215 just at the split with 1,15 at Devore. The Race Track entrance is just down the road from Devore. The Chevrolet Off Road Winter Series will be promoted by Bud Feldkamp, the Glen Helen Raceway Park president and five time Baja overall winner when he teamed with Malcolm Smith. "Glen Helen Raceway Park is very proud to host the first SODA sanctioned off road event on the West Coast," said Feldkamp. "As America's premier sanctioning body for short course off road racing, it is only fitting that SODA expands to California, the birthplace of off road racing in America.We are hoping to revive the off road excitement Mickey Thompson created in the 1970s at Riverside International Raceway and recreate it in San Bernardino for the many off road racers and fans who are committed to bringing short course off road racing back to the Inland Empire. We've already received responses from dozens of well known racers who are interested in competing. California's racing fans have been starved for this kind of event. They are going to be able to gorge themselves on world class off road racing this winter at the Chevy Series at Glen Helen. And I, for one, can't wait , Off road racing is in_ my blood." Located just minutes from legendary Route 66, Glen Helen Raceway Park is situated in the Glen Helen Regional Parks and Recreation Area in Devore, California. This beautiful 300 acre facility offers a spacious on site campground as well as grandstand seating for 3,000 and festival seating for 8,000. Currently, Glen Helen Raceway Park features a Sand Drag track, a three mile Baja style off road course, three Motocross tracks, a 1 /8 mile dirt oval and a brand new, 1.5 mile off road track, designed specifically for the SODA Winter series, which utilizes much of the natural terrain mixed with some high jumps, tight turns and a rough rhythm section. The Chevrolet Off Road Winter Series will be televised on ESPN 2 and will be produced by Marty Reid Enterprises. It will air in the first quarter of 1996, for 12 weeks, with the first air in East Coast Prime Time. Each class (4, 8 and Unlimited Truck) will be seen four times for a total of 12 half hour shows. In addition to . three televis~d classes, all other SODA classes will run during this weekend, as well as a few desert buggy classes. Off Road Entertainment, the promotional and marketing arm of SODA, will be responsible for attracting additional sponsors for the SODA Winter Series, all media communications and will be the primary contact for all sponsors, racers, the promoter and Marty Reid Enterprises. The Official Product sponsors of this year's Chevrolet Off Road Winter Series are Chevrolet and Goodyear Tire. The Associate sponsor is BFGoodrich. SODA World Series of Off Road Racing is the sanctioning body for the Chevrolet Off Road Winter Series. Drivers will compete under SODA rules and regula, tions. c E IE'SAJ FILT S K U 1-FILT RS YOUR OFF-ROAD SPECIALISTS/ PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 Cl) :PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 _, _, z iii en er UJ J: 0 er en a: ::;; :::, en UJ :::, _, ID 0 1-J: C!l cc DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME > T2 930 930 934 BOOT HOLDER .......................................... MRB-86-9305 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... 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HDR-211-501-331B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501-331D 875 STD BALL ........................................ HYP-19005 934 STD BALL ........................................ HYP-19006 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF .... , ................. MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFF T-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .......................... MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVER S/A ..................... MCK-0111 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 CV GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY STD BOOT ........................... : ..................... SUP-101 SM BOOT ................................................... SUP-102 BATES BOOT ............................................. BAT-BOOT 930 ROTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 934 ROTAT LEATHEl3 ................................ STC-6001 E FLCJATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 L FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 s1 ~so BE RD SE TS IPF C Cl EUG TS UGPACK ID 5 J:J en r-0 m rri C m m r-0 ,, 6 October 1995 Page 41
-GLEN HELEN SHORT COURSE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Round FIN, August 6, 1995 By Ron Miller Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Ti'm Highfill scored first in Class 10, with a third in the first heat and a second place in the final heat, and he flew high all around the track. With the McKenzie's Glen Helen Short Course Series now past the half way point many of the Round Five competitors seemed to be sporting a sense of urgency. The season champion-· ships are still wide open in many classes, with the points chase heat-ing up like Devore's noon day sun. Everyone in attendance was affected by the sweltering heat, and the sauna-like conditions took their toll on many of the day's racers. The faithful fans in attendance were cooled by Glen Helen's water truck, but for the Dan Mathews is on a winning streak, winning the second heat and the cash in class for the day. racers this was no relief from the dizzying heat. Although the racing was fast and furious it was unus-ual to see such a high number of crashes. Those who had settled into their seats on time were treated to a superb battle in the day's first event. In the 1-2-1600 Short Course Class Dan Mathews led every foot of the race except the last one. Mathews and Steve Bishop reached the checkered flag almost simultaneously. While Bishop was able to eek out a first heat win, it was Mathews who took the overall victory by win-ning the day's second heat. Runner up spot on the day went to Dan's brother Bob Mathews with Bishop taking third, Glen Neese who was involved in a spec-tacular crash early in the day didn't get a top. three placing but proved what a game performer he is by coming back strong in the 1-2-1600 main event. In the Superlites Marc Prince took down top h_onors with a first Cory Witherill gets a good leap off the turn in his short course car, and he won the second heat, dnf'd the first and was second on the day's points. Chris Neil soars high in his ex MTEG Ford UltraStock racer, and he had a good day; second in heat 1 and he won the second heat and the class on the day. in the main event after having ing Millan to slip by. The day's earned a second behind Jarit overall win went to Butler, who Johnson in the first heat. Todd turned the tables in the final and Wittman· placed second overall took home top honors. The ATV with Norman Ludwig third. In the Intermediate Class trophy went to Pilot Class Denise Wittman was Tom Stuckey by virtue of his ariother of the day's unfortunate winning both heats. Shane crash victims. Although unable to Harper, Kevin Ziedler, Stan return for the main event she'll no Wyman and Patrick Ferro earned doubt return at a later date to do second through fifth place for the battle on a course she's looked day. Josh Hulsebosch first again very impressive on in the past. was uncontested in the Odyssey In the A TV Advanced Class Class. Scott Butler and Jeff Millan put The Class 10 hotshoes put on a on a good show with Millan pre-good battle with Gary Gall taking vailing in the first heat after a the first heat win over Aaron spectacular finish when Butler Hawley. In the second heat Gall launched over the last jump allow-·. did not finish and Hawley did not Mario Bustamante flies flat and level in his 5-1600 racer, well on form last August, winning both heats and taking the points for the total event. Dean Williams had to work hard for his victory in Class 7S, placing second in the first heat, but he moved up fast and won the second heat honors. start. The third place finisher in the first heat Tim Highfill came back in the main event and took second to receive the overall win for the day. Cory Witherall who DNF'd in the first heat won the main event and took second over-all. The Class 1 W in went to Chris Neil followed in second by Tim Lewis with Tim Hulshof third after a nasty spin. Neil and Lewis both liked the track and wanted to thank the fans. In the 5-1600 Mario Bustamante swept both heats for a decisive win over Doug Goodenough who finished second ahead of Bryan Brime-combe the third place finisher. Bustamante, Goodenough and Brimecombe ran first, second and third consistently in both heats Tim Lewis tried hard to catch his buddy Neil, but a third in heat 1 and a second in heat 2 put the not quite finished racer down to second in Class 1. Pagc41 Bob Mathews points the nose of his short course 1-2-1600 skyward, but kept control to take second in class with a second and a third in the two heats. October 1995 With a little less altitude Doug Goodenough also has a level flight out of the turn. Doug was second for the day with a second place finish in both heats. Dusty Times
Bob Dziuraweic gets a smooth flight in his desert class 1-2-1600, and he did well, scored in heat 1 and third in heat two and second for the day's points. Jerrod Wedell swings the Fab Tech 7S truck hard around the corner and he was second in Class 7S in the Toyota with a third and a second in the heat races. Jarit Johnson, Jimmie's younger brother, flies down a very nasty hill in his Superlite and he won the first heat, but was a dnf in the second, for fifth. Fresh off his overall victory in Prescott, AZ Harris Done kept up _the pace in the Mazda RX-7, and was second in the rally class, a second and a third. Dan Hook converted to pro rally competition a few years back, deserting off road racing. In this rally sprint, he was third and fourth for third overall. Tony Chavez gets the white flag on his way to a win in rally class in the second heat, but he didn't finish the first heat, still fourth in class. and for the overall. Bustamonte said it "was a lotta fun" and Goodenough thanked his wife and Jim Fay for all their help. Another strong performance was turned in by Oddie Munoz who won Class 11 over second place finisher Tom Haliburda. Apparently there was.a protest in Class 11 , as Oddie Munoz was called to post-tech inspection over the P.A. system. The official results, however, have Munoz as the winner. In the Rally Car Class Steve Scott, who had blown the rear end out on the way to the races, was the winner with Harris Done and Dan Hook rounding out the top three. These three ran 1 -2-3 in the first race and 2-3--4 in the second race with Tony Chavez ~ leadin the way to the main event win. This class is rapidly growing and these fellows put on a really good show. The 1-2-1600 Desert Class top honors went to Ed Faulkner with "Big Bob" Oziuraweic second and Gary Bussjaeger third. Faulkner who ran a 1-2 for the overall said in a post race interview "there was good racing!" Big Bob who was fifth in the first race and came back to win the main event, wanted to" thank his friends, fam-ily and sponsors". Gary Buss-jaeger was consistent with a 3-3 finish. Jay Huss in Class 9 tore up the track solo for the victory in class. The Truck Race was the final event. In Class 7 Tim Carroll fin-ished with a 1-1 while mi_xing it up with the other truck classes. Class Oddie Munoz wishes some Class 11 Beetles would come to Glen Helen, and race with him. He had one adversary in class, but he won both heats and points. The rally cars run as a class in the McKenzie Series, under Cf!S s~nction. Steve Scott won the class with a first and a second for the bragging nghts. DustyTimcs 7S was as spectacular as always. Dean Williams was first on the day with Jerrod Wedell second and Bill Madigan third. The first race saw Williams battling with Dan Cannon early in the race. Williams took an easy roll and was back on his wheels without losing a lap. Cannon romped to an easy win in the first heat and took a nasty spill in the finals ending his day. We're glad to report Dan escaped serious injury, despite how violent the roll looked. Jer-rod Wedell, in the Fab-Tech Motorsports sponsored Toyota was a respectable second after bat-tling a sour motor all day. Watch for the action to heat up in this class in Round· Six. The Stock Mini 2WD Class winner on the day was Pat Soffe. Soffe ran with the 7S trucks looking very impressive, while giving credit to Jim Crawford for making him work for the win. Josh Mussche and Crawford were second and third respectively. Mussche rac-ing here for the first time said he "liked it a lot". The Stock Mini -4 WO winner was Jerry Beall over Chris Roberts. Rumors were cir-culating that Roberts is planning a move to Class 7S next season. Greg Soaper, the voice of Glen Helen, once again did a superb job of announcing the day's events. A special thanks goes to Bob Beyer, all his course workers, medical crew, and the many unsung heroes who make this series a rousing success. That's all for now. See you in the motorsports pages. BERGLAS -RANGER EXPLORER BRONCO II FULL SIZE FROM MILD TO Wlll) PRE RUN TO RACE EXCEPTIONAL LOOKS COMPLETE KITS 100% FUNCTIONAL PROVEN IN THE BAD LANDS OF ·eA.JA October 1995 Page 43 -
-SODA's Luxemburg Off Road Challenge By Barb & Marilyn Schul~ Photos: Jeanne Brown Leonard Gehl got off to a.good start in Class 6 but after six laps he was out o.' the race with a broken ball joint, but got credit for second. Rick Rayford heads for the winners circle in his well muddied Class 6 sedan, and he worked for the glory without benefit of a big spectator crowd, being the first race Saturday. Gregg Smith (599) in the background and Terry Wolfe had a race ·Iong battle for second place in Class 5-1600. Mike Brue won the race and Smith just Luxemburg, Wisconsin isn't steady Friday night slate of stock the biggest dot on the map but if car racing. The ~ .1 mile off road you wanted top quality off road course, located at the Kewuanee racing, it was the place to be for County Fairgrounds, is designed th_!! weekend of July 8 and 9! The on and around the existing clay fourth race on the SODA Series, oval track and featured many the Luxemburg Off Road Chai-exciting jumps, tight turns and a lenge has become a race and race good mogul or rhythm section. It track that SODA racers and fans was presented by promoters Dick definitely look forward to being Shinnick, Lee Louis Anderson at. The small town is race oriented and Steve Groth. with signs welcoming racers and a Does it get hot in July in Wis-John Greaves did a flag to flag leading performance in his Class 7 Toyota, never really threatened for the win, although others did catch up from time to time. Jeff Probst had a string of wins starting on Saturday with a win in Class 9/10; took second in Sunday's Class 1 /2 bout, came back later in the program on Sunday, and he won the Unlimited championship going away. Page44 cons in? you betcha• it does! t · _ed_g_e_d_W_o_lf_e_a_t _th_e_f_la_g_. ------------~------Combine temperatures in the low 90's with the famous Wisconsin humidity and you've got all the fixin's for feeling nasty! But the racing? Top of the line, nothing short of the best, and a large crowd was on hand to watch the first Classes take the track. First things first: the Kewaunee County Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts led the crowd in The National Anthem -and what a super sight and sound that was! Classes 6 and the new 8 Stock (BS) green flagged together begin-ning the first day of racing with a hearty hi, ho and a cloud of incredible dust. The early going of Class 6 had Bill Graboski off the line with a blaze of glory, to last a very short time as Graboski lost the right rear tire! Graboski made it around the challenging track for a total of.six laps and a third place finish. Leonard Gehl counts bad luck as the only luck he gets. Gehl Tom Hackers was having a good run in his Class 7 S Ford Ranger until he was too high on a bad corner and danced over on the side of the truck; he was 7th. Scott Schwalbe placed third in Class 1 /2 in his big car, got in a tune up before the Un{imited Challenge where he was second behind the same Probst. October 1995 got off to a good start but went down with a broken ball joint also with six laps in. Gehl started the lap before Groboski thus giving Gehl second place. The winner in this triumph of disasters? We're here to tell ya' that Rick Rayford went the entire distance with a mighty fine run in first place. Class BS driver Randy Krall had the whole enchilada ... for a while. Krall had the misfortune of acquiring a right front flat tire, struggled around the track for two more laps and then smoked a guard rail putting him out of the winner's circle. He did take second place. With Krall off the track Mike Bergner cruised on in with the win having run a steady ·and consistent race. Mike Mischler also green flagged, ran into early troubles and exited the track in a cloud of white smoke or steam. Eight Class 5-1600 machines lined up, took off the dead start and got over the front table top and through the following tight 180 turn in good shape. Fact is they stayed, despite some lead changes, in good shape to lap four. Whoop, Steve Plummer went into a roll over in the first part of the back section putting him and father co-driver out of the show. Terry Wolfe had the lead for the first two laps but the incredible Mike Brue made the position pass and went on through the race for the win. Greg Smith, behind the wheel of the Joe Eppers machine, made a nice pass on Wolfe but the action between the two remained intense for the entire race. Fans got quite a show with Wolfe trying every trick in the book to get around Smith. Smith held the door closed how-ever, and in the finish was about one quarter of a "Bug" ahead of the hard charging Wolfe. This gave Smith second and Wolfe third. Scott Miller held down fourth. Tim Christensen was in Dusty Times , I
the hunt early on, went out with a flat tire, came back out and came back on the course, came into corner one a little too hot and went over on his lid. John Mason held on to fifth with rookie David Allen holding down sixth. All in all, 'twas a crowd pleasing, hard fought race - nice job gentlemen! A whole raft (21) of Class 11 Double Seat Cars took the track next and if you couldn't find good racing action, well, you just wer-en't looking! Veteran Curt Gerald came out of the green flag in first and was running like the prover-bial bat out of hell when damn the luck, as he approached corner one finishing lap 9, the front end of the car gave up the ghost. This was no heartbreak for Glen Mathews or Todd Frehse. Frehse and Mathews went at it tooth and nail with Lonnie Andrews breaking their ranks for position through-out the rest of the race. At the checkered flag Mathews had the win, Andrews took second and Frehse had third. Gary Behrens and Dave Tate were duking it out for their positions finishing fourth and fifth respectively. Uh-oh, Frehse got the DQthus mov-ing Behrens into third and Tate into fourth. Shucky-doodles, Peter Kalewski had a heck of run going when the right front wheel told the rest of the car "adios"! Ben Sylvester, Todd Irvine, Gor-don Cudahay, Jim Wallace and Tom Hoppock rounded out the top ten. Every driver in the Class 7S line-up had all four cylinders wound up and ready to rock and roll! Yep, they rocked, they flew over the table top, hit corner one and rolled mega big time! JeffKin-caid went a full 360 degrees around, trucks avoided him to smoke someone else and in general, there was chaos. How-ever, no one was out of the race at this point! Lap one and here T~m Schwartzberg ran to a strong fourth place in Class 9/10. On Sunday his wife Ruth drove to a commanding second place in the Women's Unlimited buggy race with a smaller motor than some. Heath Schooley took a fine fifth place in Class 9/10 at Luxemburg but didn't appear for the other races his car was eligible to run. Maybe he just had troubles he couldn't repair. ====================== Looking a little splay legged here, Rob MacCachren drove the Rampage Jeff Holtger had a good time in the Class 4 race and he was fourth in class and Racing Ford to the Class 4 victory, but the damage was serious and Rob did on Sunday he finished sixth in the Heavy Metal Challenge event. not make the Manufacturers Heavy Metal Challenge grid. screaming around at .59. Greaves Sec On d p 1 ace? Kincaid with comes John Greaves out in front second and Kincaid -trom last had to know that the pace had Schmitt driving like the Pony with Art Schmitt breathing down place -to third! Nu ts, it's picked up as he held on to the lead Express to get there on time! Nice his neck. Joe Dunlap was on the Crowder's turn to do the old and went in for an awesome win. showguys!TomHockerswasona r back end of Schmitt with Bill doughnut trick putting him way Now Schmitt and Kincaid are decent run until he went a little Bowles and Robert Chasteen back in the pack. Let's take a going door handle to door handle too hot into that wicked inside chasing him down. And here quick look at lap times. The - ·oh wow! With four laps to go corner. Whoop, up to high Tom, comes Kincaid! Holy Hannah, the course is just a shade over one Schmitt has to take a turn at the and over on the side he goes. Bad dude flew around the track, the mile long and Greaves is turning full spin out. Kincaid gets by and break for Hackers. Crowder rec-competition and anything else in times of 1.02, Schmitt is clocked Schmitt puts on an incredible overed nicely from his doughnut the way. What a show! Lap two, at 1.03 and Kincaid comes driving show to catch back up! and took .frr it's Greaves in front, Schmitt in . ,.,,,..-------------•--------•-----••----..... California 240 Ridgecrest, Gt Sept 22-24, 95 High Desert 300 Luceme Valley, Gt Nov. 17-19, 95 Summer Heat Trophy Dash Series Trophy Dash ROlJND, 2 Trophy Dash ROIJND#, Barstow, Gt Barstow, Gt Oct 14 & 15,95 Nov. 4 & 5, 95 fT THE FACTS! G GET RACE RESULTS, ENTRY FORMS, AND LOTS Kevin Probst was the early leader in Class 4 action in the GMC, but retired from the race, got it fixed up for the Sunday Manufacturers Heavy Metal Challenge and he won that leading almost every lap. OF OTHER RACE INFORMATION DIRECTLY OVER YOUR FAx, FROM OUR 24 HR INFOLJNE !I OR USE A YOUR PC TO GET ALL THE INFO YOU WANT FROM THE OFF-ROAD FOLDER ON THE ,. Midway in the Class 8 race Wafker Evans got the big Dodge out front working through the traffic, and he won the race in a real battle with the herd close behind him to the flag. He also was third in the Challenge event. DustyTimcs MOTORSPORTS BULLETIN BOARD ON AMERICA ON LINE. (ll(i1ltoJ:D Desert Racing PROMOTIONS INC. PH: 6f9-240-f335 E-MAIL: la Rana HQ@AOl.com 24HRINFOIJNE: 6f9-96f-7407 October 1995 Page 45
It was a real dog fight for second in Class 8, but Scott Taylor held on to the position, once he got there, and took it all the way to the checkers. Jimmie Crowder has more horses it seems in the Ford this year and he.drove to fifth in Class 8, but his luck went away and he was well back in the Challenge. Class 2-1600 was the final race on Saturday, and there were a herd of these cars and action in every corner. Mike Seefeldt took a hard won second here. {IF , home a hard driven fourth place. Bill Bowles ran a very consistent race and rounded out the top five. The ESPN TV cameras had been rolling with the start of the Class 7 S race and they were most certainly in position for the ground pounding, teeth rattling Class 4 race. The crowd was hyped, the racers were hyped, hell, there was enough "hype" to fill two Madison Square Gardens -and for good reason! The only bummer was the ailing truck of Jumpin' Jack Flannery. Flannery hooked it in pre-run winding up in a roll over with no_t enough Scott Douglas was in the fight for second in Class 8, but at the finish he settled for third in the Dodge and didn't finish all the laps in the Challenge. Jamie Flannery took his Chevrolet to a sixth place finish in the Class 8 war and drove hard to sixth spot in the Manufacturers Heavy Metal Challange. Brendan Gaughan streaked away from the Class 13 field and the opening race boiled down to a run for second. Gaughan won easily, and was also a strong fourth in the non-production Heavy Metal Challenge. time for full repairs before the Class 4 race. Back to the action. The green flag dropped, the dust went bananas. Geoff Dorr had pole position, came out of the chute in first but by the time lap one could officially be put in Dorr had suffered dust related damage having lost sight of the track and running in the rough. The lead for the official first lap was all Kevin Probst's and the dude was grind-ing out a .55 second lap! Right on . . his tail was Steve Kelley in the Mike Leslie machine, Rob Mac-Cachren in Chad Schlueter's Rampage Racing truck followed by the not-to-be-out-of-it Flannery and a cast of thousands. Lap two and MacCachren has already put the move on Kelley with Probst still holding down first. Lap three, Probst still has the lead and driving an awesome race with MacCachren moving in, Kel-ley in third, Greg Gerlach in fourth. Lap three, MacCachren makes the pass on Probst with fast time for the weekend on a .52 second lap! Now, it's definitely worth not-ing here that Probst just disap-peared from the track. What could have been? Ya' have to just be happy with wondering. Kelley now moves into second place with hang-in-there Gerlach holding down a super third place. Dorr is still in this contest at lap two com-ing up on Flannery. Flannery gets side ways over the table top, Dorr hits the binders to avoid him, lands hard and loses the power steering and the front wheel drive. Ouch, Dorr finishes his race as a spectator on the sidelines. Flannery held on. With lap after lap of super intense driving through super intense dust the checkered flag found Mac-Cachren with the win and an elated crew, Kelley finishing on the lead lap for second. Gerlach kept third place, down one lap with good company. In fourth place Jeff Holtger. Holtger ran an outstanding race, while not a roo-kie per say, Holtger, as an inde-pendent, has done a fantastic job of moving up in a tremendously competitive class. Also finishing from the original field of 11 were Bryan Frankenburg, Jack Flan-nery and Scott Smith. The dust settled. Okay, the dust didn't settle for the Class 8 race. And by now, spectators were running amuck with excite-ment over the dynamite racing and they didn't settle down either. Eight Class 8 two wheel drive trucks lined up, took the flag and were off in a mighty roar of engines and an atomic bomb cate-gory dust cloud! Yee-ouch, before lap one could be put in Walker Evans' truck got sideways creating major maneuvering problems for everyone. This group of talented drivers pulled through what looked like a junk yard classic pile-up with no problem to go on with a fantastic show. Scott Tay-lor took the early lead with a .55 second lap. Scott Douglas in the Herzog truck, Jed Flannery in the Parson's Bad Bow Tie, Walker Evans in the Barbary Coast truck, Dave Hockers, Jamey Flannery, Jimmie Crowder and Brian Don levy were in hot pursuit.Two laps later Evans has put the moves on everyone and is sneaking up on Taylor's back door. Four laps later Taylor loses his line on corner one, Evans sees the hole and goes shooting through now with Taylor chasing his tail lights. Douglas has maintained a tight grip on third place with no inten-tions of giving it up to anyone in spite of the best efforts of fourth place runner Hockers. When Todd Attig and Jeff Probst come out of the get go running neck and neck, there's bound to be some action. The Class 9 / 10 race was no exception. Attig and Probst traded paint on lap 2 with Probst coming out with the lead and Attig down a couple of positions. Rick Welch was going great guns in second place with Jeff St. Peter directly on his case. St. Peter got just right serious about the whole thing and made the pass on Welch and came within two seconds of the hard charging Probst. Whew, just doesn't seem fair, St. Peter had a fantastic run going with five laps to go and had to shut her down on the inside corner. Up comes Welch again with Attig on his back door. At the checkers it was Probst in first, Welch in second and Attig with third. Tom Schwartzburg completed the top four, all finishing on the lead lap. Also finishing were Trent Hanson and Heath Schooley. Chad Hord had his Class 10 machine on the track but had obvious troubles -hope it all improves! Dave Marks is a top Class 13 competitor and placed sixth in Class action but he dropped to seventh in the late in the day non-production challenge. Rookie George Schultz ran fifth in the big Class 13 Ford, but luck left him when a ball joint broke midway in the action and he did not finish. Pagc46 October 1995 Dusty Times
The battle ·between Ja~ey -~ Flannery, Jed Flannery and Jim-mie Crowder was absolutely aw_e-some! Definitely a take no prison-ers race. Jed's holding off Jamey, Jamey's holding off Crowder but everyone is " holding off" by under a truck length. W hoa Nel-lie, Crowder and Jed Flannery get tangled up, Jed goes up in smoke and Crowder has the position. Jamey then sees the ripe moment, gets around Crowder only to have Crowder repass him on the next lap. So with all of this intense action, whose in first? Walker Evans takes first, Taylor has second, Douglas gets third with Hockers' fourth place putting the cap on the lead lap. Finishing fifth was C,;owder, followed by Jamey I Flannery and Donlevy. Super show guys! Jason Crowder is having a great season in the 1600 classes and he had a real close battle in Class 1-1600 but he got to the checkers in first place, but didn't run the challenge but was third in Class 2-1600. Greg Smith got his car dirty en route to third in 1-1600 racing, fourth in 2-1600 class and he also ran hard in Class 5-1600 action Saturday morning. John Huven is a strong and long time Class 11 competitor placing 11th in the . huge two seat race, and on Sunday he was second in single seat action in a 25 It's last race of the day, the crowd is staying in place and the excitement is still on! Class 2-1600 rolls out ready to rock and roll. No disappointments here as Mike "The Kid" Seefeldt and Todd Attig come out of the chute with determ ination in their engines. Seefeldt held the lead for two laps, comes into the last corner just a shade off and Attig slides by. Attig put a two second lead on Seefeldt by lap six creating just enough gap that unless Attig made a driving error, the win was his. A driver like Attig very rarely makes the error, he didn't, and Attig took the win with Seefeldt right on his tail pipe. Todd Crump was fifth in the 1-1600 race and had been sixth in the 2-1600 It was darned hard to decide bash and he took a fine second in the limited rear engine challenge event. car field. · where to focus your attention as Jason Crowder, Greg Smith and Mark Steinhardt had a cheek to cheek battle going for most of the race. This cheek to cheek dance went on with the three of them doing some steady gaining on the top two. During the last quarter of the race the dancing partners tightened up into couples with Attig out in front and Crowder dancing on Seefeldt's tail. Smith and Steinhardt were doing the . track tango right down to the last minute. Attig had crossed the checkers in first, Seefeldt in second, Crowder in third when within thirty feet of the checkers, Smith gets sideways and Stein-hardt gives him an uncontrollable love tap. Now it's a question of who can get turned around and/ or re-fired and to the flag first. Smith won the battle taking home fourth place with Steiny iri fifth. Both Todd Crump and Michael Oberg had trouble in Class 11 D and finished well back, but he came in fourth in single seat Class 11 on Sunday in the competitive 25 car field. Larry Bayer also had trouble in Saturday's Class 11 two seat race, but he climbed up to sixth in the big single seat class in the Sunday event. Dustvnma Mark Krueger finished on the lead lap. Those nice promoter folks at Luxemburg provided the racers with a nice dance and Mother Nature cooperated with a nice light to moderate late night rain-fall. The track needed the water, the racers needed the dance. Sunday's racing action was just , as good as Saturday's with Class ._ came around, went into a spin 13,theunlimitedtwowheeldrive before the front jump and trucks, taking first on the track smoked the wall. Meanwhile Don honors. Maybe the best way to Gregoire was busy fending off describefirstplaceistojustsay ... Tommy Drews, Bruce Shilts, "He was WAY Gaughan"!!! Dave Marks, R.J. Flanagan, Dan Young Brendan Gaughan came Vanden Heuvel and a cast of off the start in first, never looked thousands for second place. back and he was on a roll to the With Gaughan way out in front checkered flag. It just wasn't a the intense action was for second, good day for Bob Silloway as he third and 1(Pf" Lothringer Engineering Would like ~o congratulate B..J & Jon Almberg - 1st 1-2/1600 SNORE Midnight Special Randy Spahr - 1st OveraJI La Rana Johnson Valley 200 The Winning Combination You & Lothringer Engineering Ask about our discounts on ~rs ordered In September - October October 1995 416 Fleetwood Place Glendora, CA 917 40 Pagc47
Valerie James Rehn won the Women's Heavy Metal race, taking the lead midway in the contest and she sailed on to yet another victory in the close pack of lady truckers. I Robin Schultz was one of seve;a1 who led the Women's Heavy Metal contest, but she fell to second before the checkered flag flew in a good hard race. [J7 . fourth positions. Flana-gan and Vanden Heuvel, with -some high tech driving, worked their way through the pack to put a serious challenge on Gregoire and Drews. During this sneak attack move, Drews got around Gregoire. Uh-oh, Drews is-show-ing some smoke, Flanagan gets around but Vanden Heuvel is still trying to get around the ailing Drews. Drews holds Vanden Heuvel off but with four laps to go V anden Heuvel makes the pass. The battle is on and the front five trucks are holding things tight. Gaughan maintained a thirty second lead on the field but Flan-agan, Vanden Heuvel and Drews kept up a tight pace. The white flag goes out, Flanagan still has second place, they come around the back stretch and what-ho -Vanden Heuvel makes the pass and gets the second place posi-tion! Flanagan held third, Drews took a smokey fourth and Gre-goire held on to fifth. Hard charg-ing Dave Marks topped off the lead lap with sixth place. The battles between Todd Attig and Jeff Probst have become. · something of a legend at SODA . "The Kid" Seefeldt in first with Lyon pulled off fourth and races and the Class 1/2 race was Jason Crowder, Mark Krueger, Crump polished off the top five no exception. For. the entire race Matt Lyon and Greg Smith bear-and signaled the end of the lead the two talented drivers ran super ing down on him. Seefeldt and lap. Also finishing were Mark close and super tight with Attig in Crowder put a ten second lead on Krueger, Eric Brannstrom, Pete the lead and a smoking Probst in the rest of the pack with intense Kowatsch and Cliff "Doc" second. As Forrest Gump would racing action between the two. Holiday. say," And that's all we have to say Crowder found just the small hole Those crazy Class 11 drivers about that!" Jeff St. Peter had a he was looking for, went through never cease to amaze us! Twenty-great race going, was gaining on it and had "The Kid" chasing him five of these dudes lined up for the the leaders when zappo, he came for the rest of the race. Lyon ran green flag in the Class 11 Single over the front jump sounding like one heck of a race first holding off Seat race -now that takes raw someonehadborrowedoneofthe the formidable Smith and, then courage as we see it! John Huven cylinders and had left the remain- when Smith passed he did a heck and Glen Mathews put on an awe-ing ones severely damaged. Tough of a job staying right on Smith's some show for first and second break for St. Peter, he held on as bumper. Now, this whole time place the entire race. Huven held long as he possibly could but had Baudoux is fighting back! He got the lead first, then Mathews topulloffwithinfourlapsofthe around Krueger, he got around grabbed it about half way finish. This gave Scott Schwalbe Lyon, he was headed into doing through, held it for two laps and the third place position. Dan battle with third place Smith presto, Huven takes it again. It's Baudoux green flagged the race, when, there he goes again, he dis- , the white flag lap, they're running ran about a quarter of it, and all of· appeared.Todd Crump also did a neck and neck, Mathews pulls out a sudden he just plain disappeared! super job of maintaining his posi- a spectacular pass! They're on the Dan Baudoux's disappearance tion and then going into the checkered flag lap, it's Mathews in in the Class 1 / 2 race must have "making the moves" mode so that front with Huven hard on his been an omen. He was in trouble by the last three laps he was bumper, it's intense, it's great and real early in the following Class knocking on Lyon's back door. damn-Huvengoesintoafull360 1-1600 race. Baudoux and Pete With all of this disappearing, degree with the checkers in sight! Kowatsch got all tangled up knocking, seeking and finding - Mathews sails on in for the win before lap one could be counted how did the race actually finish?? with Huven in second place. giving both drivers big time trou-Crowder took the win, "The Kid" Great race guys! bles. The early going saw Mike . had second, Smith grabbed third, Now this is certainly not to say that there wasn't a whole lot more great racing -there was. Bill SCORE 1993 ENGINE BUILDER OF lHE YEAR! we wou1ci··1a;;;;u;;;;;i;·;.;;.i·;;;,;;;.,;;.;·,;.1·········•······ FAj·..;~·~sroo·afu•~ . . radng, with 4 different winners. these FAT powered 1994 Cl~s pomts champions: Nev.ia.flti · Mcn-Bc1:Knpr MTEG Super 1600 Champion SODA Class 2-1600 Champion ~ODA Class 1-1600 Champion SODA Class 5-1600 Champion. SODA Class 9-10 Champion SODA Class 7S Champion 'BO~ Class 10. &Overall Champion .Jerry Whelchel ToddAtttg Todd Attig Mike Brue ToddAfltg ·.John Greaves MlkeFllnn · Baja 508 PeJlllal cl: Erl .Jlreworb 258 Ra, Cnlll . GeW Cent 388 J .. cl: MacCllldlra W ojahn and Mike Oberg put on a similar show for third and fourth place with W ojahn coming out on top of that deal. And it's one more time for the disappearing Bau-doux act! Dan got off the line in great shape, came winging around in fifth place for three laps and wasn't to be seen again! Dan, in today's vernacular -that really sucks! Lonnie Andrews hard charged through this huge field to fifth place. Rounding out the top ten were: Larry Bayer, Steve Schleicher, Gary Behrens, Duane Velie and Troy Schuster. Call it Thunder In The Valley, call it "Bragging Rights", call it anything ya' want but the race is the 2x4 -4x4 Heavy Metal Chal-lenge. The trademark -the ground pounding roar of mega · horse-power backed by skilled drivers. Sixteen trucks took the starting line. With the wave of the green flag and the initial jump off the line enough dust was generated to put at least six machines out of the running before the first lap could be flagged in. Among the casual-ties were J umpin' Jack Flannery, Scott Douglas, Pete Kowatsch, · Jimmie Crowder, Jed Flannery and Bryan Frankenburg. The top dog? None other than Kevin Probst! Throughout an incredibly dusty field Probst kept the number one spot and did one hell of a job carrying it through to the checkers. The dude was hooked up and haulin'! The heavy duty battle was between Steve Kelley in the Mike Leslie machine and Walker Evans. What a show! In the early laps Probst was turning a 57 second lap time, Evans was clocked at .58 and Kel-ley had, toward the end of the race, to be turning just a shade faster than either machine. Kelley stayed right on Evans' bumper lap after lap and with three laps to go, made a fantastic inside corner pass. Then it was power down and go for the gusto to a second place finish. Evans took home third. Greg Gerlach ran a super race coming in a close fourth with Jamey Flannery finishing off the lead lap. Also finishing the race were Scott Taylor, Jeff Holtger, Dave Hockers and Clint Holst. Note worthy: there was a major mix up at the start of this race. A stalled vehicle on the front row was missed by the grid coordina-tor, as a result the race was green flagged with the dead truck still in line. This caused major chaos for those lined up behind the dead truck. The Unlimited Rear Engine Challenge was minus Todd Attig but provided Jeff Probst with an opportunity to get out there and show everyone just how fast a·n unlimited buggy can go! Probst . RAONG ENQNES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS 1558No:~-om~ge,CA92667 Send or call for our new catalog S5.00 ••,. _.._._. ••• w.w• •• , •• w.w,.•.w.w,• •• •.w,•.w.w •• •.w •• w •• w.w. • , •• •.w,•.•.•,w•••••••••••••w,•.w ••••w,• ·W,•,••••••••••••••••••••w•••••••J (714) 637-2~9; fax (714) 637-7352 The SO(!A Lite class is growing this year with five local boys taking the green flag_. Phtl Doyle won the contest this time, but it is always close and exciting racmg. Page 48 October 1995 Dusty Times
went on a flag to flag run with . ing assortment of seven Class 13 's . hard love tap putting Sa wall in a • kend fans had a great weekend see ya' next trackside at The Great Scott Schwalbe in a consistent andtwoClass7S'.Theheavyduty spin. Some driving! By the next hey,itwasagrea_twe~kend!We'li Northern Challenge! second place. Dave Hanson kept contest was between Lowell lap Sawall had the lead and took it -------------------------his driving skills sharp with chal-DeGreef and Dan Vanden Heu-on home for the checkers. Sillo-Coming Next Month ••• lenges from Chad Hord. Hord vel, the pair staying as close as way, Christensen and Shari eventually got around Dave and kissing cousins for most of the Huven went door handle to door SCORE Laughlin Desert Challenge went on for third place. race. Brendan Gaughan had handle for position. Huven made SODA Great Northern Challenge . With an unusally low number obvious troubles with his Dodge. the second place pass on corner of entries, the Limited Rear Thedudewasonthetrack,offthe onewithSillowaytightonhertail SODA World Championship Brush Run 101 Engine Challenge was a wild and track, seeming to be dead in the for third. Christensen placed a WRC Rally of 1000 Lakes · wooly race. There may have been water, re-fire and get back on the close fourth. Also finishing on the VORRA y erington to Fallon & Back only seven vehicles but the action track and was finally off for good lead lap were Annette Van was somethin' else. Lap one and after a very nice full spin. Attri-Wychen and Lisa Andrews. La Rana Short Course Racing at Barstow Mike "The Kid" Seefeldt has the tion acted as the big bite of the Trucks, trucks and more SCCA Ojibwe Forest PRO Rally lead with Greg Smith hot on his cookie for this race taking first trucks! Fans have most certainly tail. Lap two, Smith comes Tom Hockers, then Jason Janusz caught on to the fact that the last ••• Plus all the regular features around with the lead, he and "The with a roll over, out went Bruce race of the day, Women's Heavy Kid" get literally hooked together Sh.Hts, Dave Marks went down Metal, will provide some great in corner one and Dan Baudoux next, John Schultz had a nice run racing action! The stands remain-shoots into the lead. At this junc-going and bang, he's gone. ed packed as nine hard driving ture Mark Steinhardt moves into Gaughan, as we said, was on and ladies took the track. Katie Smet second, Todd Crump moves into off. This left Vanden Heuvel and had an excellent run going in first third, Smith has already worked DeGreef to battle it out for first place holding off Robin Schultz, his way back to fourth place and and second with Vanden Heuvel Valerie Rehn and Jodi Bornberg. "The Kid" is running dead last! holding DeGreef off to the end. Fact is, Smet held the lead until Matt Lyon and Gary Plummer are Third place went to Class 7S her machine went down with already out of the show. This driver Paul Corning. Sounds mechanical blues. Behind her stays cool for three laps. And here kinda' boring but it wasn't at all. Schultz, Rehn and Bornberg had we go again! Steiny and Baudoux Before engines died, tranny's col- quite a contest going! Bornberg get hooked up and Crump goes by lapsed, etc., there were some red had trouble handling her truck for the lead! Smith is now second, hot battles on the track. but was most serious about her Baudoux third, Seefeldt is up to The crowd stayed in place for ' race. Rehn made a clean pass on fourth and Steiny has last. theWomen'sBuggyracesandsaw Schultz,wasmakingahardcharge Another three laps go by, every-some exceptional racing by some atSmetwhenSmetlosthertruck. one maintains and they do it in a exceptional ladies. The Women's · Rehn took the lead and went on in real tight group. Uh-oh, the white Unlimited Class flagged first with for the checkered flag. Schultz flag comes out, Smith makes the Florida's Tina Crowder going the moved up into second and held move on Crump and goes in for distance for first. Ruth Schwartz-her position to the final flag. the win. Crump takes second, burg made a nice run for second. Brenda Hockers did a dynamite Baudoux at least was visible in Barb Schaden placed third. In the job of movip.g up through the third. Whoops, Steinhardt makes Women's Class 11 battle, Sarah field driving to a super third place a last ditch effort and gets around Sawall put on an amazing show to finish. Bornberg and Sherri Par-Seefeldt for fourth leaving See- go for her fourth straight' victory! ' sons got all tied up corner after feldt with fifth and last. Bummer, Sa wall had a good sized field to corner with Bornberg pulling out complete bummer. Seefeldt went, contend with - nine hard driving fourth place. Parsons topped off in that race, from first to last. And entries. Tracy Silloway came the list of finishers on the lead lap. just who says seven cars don't around with the early lead fol-With the wave of this race's make a race??? lowed by Karen Christensen and checkered flag, the Luxemburg The Non-Production Heavy the relentless Sa wall. Whoa, Off Road Challenge came to a . · Metal Challenge was an interest- · Christensen gives Sawall a mighty · close. Racers had had a great wee-Dustyflma Every other hotel • tsan also ran. 1-800-634-6755 Las Vegas, Nevada Octobcr1995 HOURS M-F 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 10:00 - 3:00 Daily UPS Visa and Mastercard We are happy to announce our new 800 toll free number. (800)· 656-3376 Use it to call and inquire about our "Quick Fix" IRS repair boots or our 11 gallon "Fast-Fill" dump cans. Both new products can save you race time. Race Smarl-Be Sate 103 Press Ln. #4 • Chula Vista, CA 91910 • {619) 691-9171 • FAX (619) 691-0803 .-
FAIR News By Dave Massingham A few corrections from last report: Bill Markel and John Daly were racing in Class 7 50 not 15 7 5 at the La Rana race last July. WR Racing lost a motor at the SCORE Barstow race not a trans. Sorry about the errors. I need some help for future races as I have asked for in the past. From now on, if I haven't received a written note about your race, I will only mention your name and how you finished. Please fax to me at (714) 634-4438, a short note giving me some details lap by lap good and bad. Something from both drivers and co-drivers will help. I would like to hear from all our pit crews also, I know there is plenty to print.With no races to report on, this will be a short report. The BAJA 1000 is starting to come alive, it sounds like the start is in TJ and will run south east to San Felipe. We will be pitting with as many pit support teams, even the CHECKERS, possibly. Looks like three pits between the start and Puertecitos and eight to nine pits from Bay of LA to the finish. Keep me in mind when you are making your plans for fuel and pit people.We will try to pool our fuel and send drums to each pit, if we can agree on one type of fuel. Please don't wait until the last minute. to let us know you are running. It is very difficult to make plans and then try to change at the last minute. I need to know who is running by October 1st. FAIR had a nostalgia dinner meeting on AUGUST 16. We had over 100 attend and I think everyone had a good time. Bob Steinberger out did himself with lots of raffle prizes including a set of four tires from BFG, won by Wayne Withers. Thanks to BFG, La Rana, McKenzies, Stone Pony, Fay Racing, Bonfire Racing, Union 76, Glen Helen, Race Shocks and Rancho Shocks. It was nice to see a few of the old members. Thanks to everyone that brought their photo albums and new articles, there were some great old shots. Thanks to Bill Thompson of Carrera for the slide presentation. The dinner was good and the two bottles of wine on each table was a nice touch by Bob Steinberger . Thanks to Tom and Lida White-head for their time at the door taking names and collecting money. By the way, congratula-tions to Tom and Lida, soon to be mom and dad for the first time. I met Bud Feldcamp the other night at a surprise birthday party for Jerry Penhall. Happy Birthday Jerry! The BIG 40! We all owe Bud a lot for sticking to his guns when he went nose to nose with the BLM, ovet his ticket at Parker two years ago. As you know he won and made his point. Bud sent me a flyer on a new series for Glen Helen, SODA WINTER SERIES. Bud has got together with SODA, Chevrolet to run on November 30 and December 1, 2 and 3, 1995 at the Glen Helen Raceway Park. Sounds like the old Riverside Raceway days again.ESPN2 will be there to film it and air time is set for the first quarter of 1996. Let's all try to make plans to attend and show them how much we love off road racing in Southern California. Anyone interested in joining . Dustvnmcs FAIR: for pit support or to be involved with THE BEST PIT SUPPORT TEAM, we meet the first and third Wednesday of each month. The Holiday Inn Harbor Blvd. and the 91 Freeway at 8 pm. AJA P1TS ,· t·· ., .... ,: ~ ~ • .e:::-: ~~ .J "1i:;'" ; . • t')"' • ' I).!....._ .: .. .:: ' -,. - ,. ..... :~ .. . f'l1 SEOVIC~ BAJA 1000 Tijuatia to La Paz November 1995 A big BAJ A YAHOO to all you friends of off road racing. This is BAJA PITS, coming to you from the third world, and home of the Mexican Fix-It, having helped many a racer finish his/ her? quest for the checkered flag and hopeful , placing. BAJA PITS is BAJA based and we meet every WED. at8:30 p.m. in T .J. ( strangers bearing gifts welcome). TECATES IS ON US. IMPORT ANT BUSINESS: The original BAJ A 1000 TIJUANA-LAP AZ event is upon us, and it looks like its going to be the best SCORE event ever. BAJA PITS has limited space for race vehicles. We have scheduled 14 to 16 pits down the peninsula, and as usual, we will have excel-lent radio coverage and commun-ication all the way down. If you want to race with the locals, we're it. If we can't get you going, you ain't going nowhere. F,ee for this 1100 plus mile event is a mere 500 Dollars. That's about 3100 pesos to us local dev~lued enthusiasts. For more info straight from the Cactus mouth call: Leo Calderon ( 619) 267-9928. VOLUNTEERS: BAJA PITS is an equal opportunity exploiter ( does such a word exist). We wel-come all to participate, if not with us, with one of the other excellent off road pitting clubs. LOGISTICS: Since we are Tijuana based, we get to sleep at home the night before the race. Ha ... Ha who sleeps? Teams need-ing special or VIP assistance, con-tact our J ef e Carlos Orozco ( 619) 449-7777. SPECIAL NOTE: Ron Carval-lijo, from VORRA arid ( 10 pit people will be running oqe of our pits. Lt. Ray Lunak, USN Ret. and a crew of 6-8 will be manning a pit. Los Trevieros Racing Team from National City, CA will be manning another pit. Miguel Angel Escalante and a crew of (10) will also be running one of our pits. Stay tuned... Next month the inside poop on the race course from Tijuana to San Felipe and more names of our pit crews. It's going to be wild. Send us your tales of triumph and troubles and they will ~ featu,red on th~se pages. Mail to: .DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 October 1995 Page 51 -
-GOOD STUFF DIR_ECTORY TOCRA PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke t,0996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 • FAX (619) 562-6151 . . RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories ~~~ Export & Int'! Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management 6630 MacArthur Dr.•Lemon Grove•CA.91945 QJ..:),,,AA. ti PERFO~~ mm "PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS FOR YOUR VEHICLE" OCNC:J Man"fa""-°' , ~ B,Oke and _tl""h Podal Aily , Master Cylmders · ----------- "Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. 1221 West Morena -.Slvd. San Diego, CA."92'10 72-120 Manufacturing Rd., Ste. B-E Thousand Palms, CA 92276 (619) 343-0088 (6 J 9) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for C_a_talog e, ¥."' ?I CP PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc , 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies Get the word out about your business, big or small. -Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merelv$!7{i.oo per month. ,· FLOATER REAR ENDS• f-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging TrE;)e Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 ~JON • OAVE -d~~ ®I?~~ Parts, Equipment. Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive -Mini Trucks Pre-Runners -Race Prep -2-Wheel Drive 619) 583-6529•FAX (619) 583-1851 .. 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd.• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 . HELMET~/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS . 1 Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets. . BDR McKenzies (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212 SUSPENSION SEA TS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ_L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ···su.PER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 8532,6 (602) 386-2592 · BRANDWOOD CARS for mid-engines and·other appllcatlons_ 602-437-3j07 Custom Vehicle Shifter BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON :==CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 -· HAMPION w1H1e•e1L*c1a!-s" • S" • 1 o· • 13" • 15" • 1 s · • 1 7" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ [p)(Q) If{[! .. [L (Q) (C If( SIMULATED BEAOLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 1 e,~'6e:iN, 1 I LEADED 108 OCTANE I .. I ''Official Gas of NASCAR,, I . CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (209) 275-5183 FAX (209) 276-2365 Chris, Vollcswagon Parts VW Dismantlers High Deserts Largest Supply of New-Used & Rebuilt Parts. Wt' Buy Your Old VW's 17011 Darwin Ave. (619) 24-4-34-46 Hesperia, CA 92345 Fax (619) 24-4-2218 PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308
KREG DONAHOE 310-S63-D935 Pager 31o-409-9694 DONAHOE RACING ENTERPRISES Race Truck• • Prerunners • Development Full Fabrication Service 3308 BANDIN/ BL VD. VERNON, CA 90023 LESLIE1S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER" <E> INCORPORATED (909) 877-6491 PARTS ,-Ni) SERVICE ON SPICER" <$-AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX (714) 877~203 California Watts 1-800-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continentel U.S. Watts HI00-525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92316 ~4 Hr. Ernargency Call Out Svc. (714) 876-3107 P.O. ROM ·,090, Cotton, CA 92324 , BENDERS . J 'ralt'f'l""~~&Ji.,, ... 652 S. Brookhurst St. #109, Anaheim, CA 92804 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding 9437 Wheatlands Ct. SuiteK& L Santee, CA 92701 819-258-2575 ~ . ~ :E~ZU~1 INSTANf SHEi.URS ~~ ~•1&111t.\ '> _ FREE-sf ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALE.R. · CASTEX RENT~S 213-462-1468 :AMotorsport · · PRE-RUNNER SPEClAUST • DUMPERS • CN;ES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT KITS • LOWERING KITS • DUAI.LYS . AIR 5.-.G SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & DISPLAYS • ATV FAD WORK EXPERT INSTALLATION & FA5RICATION AVAILA5LE .FIBERGLASS FENDERS L REDSKINS ' TOY OT A-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. -WIO N. PALM STREET. UNIT 10:3 (714) 870-9422 FULLERTON. CA. 926:35 FAA (714) 870-9132-6 ·RACIN,--·-WI• Fl/El.:• - FUELS & LUBRICANTS co. BRUCE CONRAD 1:, t , ' 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd carson, CA 907~. Phone: (310)603-::2200 FAX: (310) 603·2257'1'-,-Send For A Free Brochure For Fut Service Call 715-866-8111 Hwy36& County Road D EXPLORER ACCESSORIES .. l•J:l~BAKER'■ Box329 Webster, WI 54893-0329 PERFORMANCE PFJOOUCTS INCORPORATED (619) 669-4727 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 Doug Fortin ~A.,,...c:;lr---..J'C:3 seox·-JERRY WOHLGEMUlH SALES REPRESENTATIVE DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DIALm Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to· preferred customers. It is a great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. · CONTAa DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 -818-882-0004 ,. . 'Tr~irsrs,ems sy Raffo Racing, LTD. ✓ Ellmi111te helmet shield f199ln9, h11t buildup, & breathi11g/e1tit1g •uet. For the largest 11lectio11 of hi9h ~•rf1r1111n111 helmet ve11til1tio11 systems give us • call. Cell 708-259-Ht0 42S S. Du11to11 Ave. or Fu 708-2S.1-970S Arlington Heights, IL 60005-1907 Naw· . -, YIU CAN en TIE • UCIN8 8WS THE WINNEIS ARE USING A 1FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 THE RACERS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Custom & Standard Fuel Cells are designed.and manufactured to meet or exceed the safety standards set by all racing associations. For your local dealer ~ -Call or write for call (8001433-6524 ~ our FREE Catalog Aircraft Rubber Man1fact■rl11, l■c. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 U.S.A. Ph (714) 842-2211 Fx (714) 842-6622 G-FAB?lt-Prr Runners · Bumpers • Cages · Shock Mounts Custom Fabrication • Race Preparation Maxon Race Radios Gary Bancroft 1300 Pioneer Blvd., Unit K r Brea, CA 92621 (310) 690-5513 (310) 697-2752 Differentials Spools - Ball Joints Axles. -VW Components - Etc. 4720 Felspar Street Glen Avon, CA 92509 Phone: (909) 681-6889 Pax: (909) 360-9817 H M ENGINEERING 11661 Marten, River Circle Fountain Valley. CA 92708 (71'1979-6631 • Fax (714) 979-5953 ! -i~'-.. ,:""'""'"' "'' · \. !SHAKE ANO CLUTCH ASSY _ .,PE/lFOR.\IANCEl'fl(l{;iJCTS MASTER CYJ. I NOE RS . SI.AVE t:Yl,INOEHS TURNING & STAGING llllAKES sn I i---r.1:rns ·' AVAILARLF. AT FINF.H SPECIAl,TY SHOPS ' OEALEll_JNQURIES WELCOME ~~~~~Rg~~ ~" • ' 909-245-6050 · FAX 909•245-6052 ·JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINGTON SHEET MET AL CORP. U+U l•paW H..,.. • Sanai Fe S,,.., • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Joe Giffin Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 -JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· Desert, Short Course & Street .VW Racing Transmissions Owner James Hall · 1509 N: Kraemer, Unit 0 A.naheim, California 92806 (714} 632-1240 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" . 10965 HARTLEY RO. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY
RACE CAR/PRE-RUNNER PREP & FABRICATION CUSTOM TRAILERS Russ Jons• Molorspons CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93117 on K1nne · Shop: (805) 968-1067 Fax: (805) 968-3438 .NH Eledrical Wiring Desert and Stadium Transmissions Gauge Assemblies Automatic Trans. Specialist 80~.f N. Lakeview Ave• Placentia, CA 92670 Tel/Fax 7 14-779-231 KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE iiUffal . . RACING . · L ·e1LSTEIN • FOi. MOTORCYCLE·· 14519 MAIR STREET U11IT B1 619-:i144-9075 HESPERIA, CA. 92345 619-949-:il453 LIN CO TEMPERATURE STRIPS Easy to use, inexpensive & accurate! All strips are self adhesive and labeled in Fahrenheit and Celsius. Strips are $2.00 each or $1.75 each over ten. For a FREE brochure or to order, contact: LJNCO 13337 E. South St., #344 Cenitos, CA 9070 I Phone/Fax: (714) .821-6542 Engineering REVERSIBLE STfllPS allow constant temperature monitor• 1ng Ranges from 32 to 194 F IRREVERSIBLE STRIPS record lhe maximum temperature reached of the item they are applied to. Ranges from 120° to sss•F. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION 3463 Massillon Road , Suite B Uniontown, Ohio 44685 216·699·1777 Fax: 216· 699-1771 Athene Karis + 1 416 FLEETWOOD GLENDORA, CA 91740 (818) 857-RACE OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE • 2" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE • AIRJACKS · • BALL JOINTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 T~LEPHONE (310) 595-0661 HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAS) lD ST. LOS ANGEL, CA 90083 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE ART KAWAGUCHI FAX (21J) 264-2136. (213) 264--~~ LEE MFG. CO. : 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 A full line of Po.ver-!ileering gear~; · pumps ano accassoriet for ar.y type of racing. · Magnr,flux and Zyglo facll!tit3 .. avail~. (818) 858-8852 FAX KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly- Machine Work •. Parts Engine Dyno Fadllty 10722 Kenney Street, Suite C S~ntee, <;A 92071 (619) 596~0886 Ken Major PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax(714)444-1622 · MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 290 TROUSDALE #l&J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 619-69.1-1000 FAX 619-691~1324 II ETAL 5 PINNING ~R.A. ALL _INDUSTRIES C~II (310) 928-9838 SUNDRY METAL CRAFTS ' =:.ARED TUBE ~ "LANGED DISC . 6729 Suva St. Bel! Gardens, CA 90201 Mi T II L WOA If~ ■ DESIGN ■ DEVELOPMENT ■ PRODUCTION■ tu w ~ ~4-RAa/J~ ~ ~ Pre Rvnners • Alvminvm Bodies 4 Dashes ~ R~fk/1 ~ (909) 877-2923 ! 1245 N. Fitzgerald Ave. Suite 107 ~ Rialto, California 92376 c ~•M ~ WELDING ■ HELIARC WELDING ■ ~ 805-940-5515. •1,-;1+ ·••4,•4+ • 1490 HENRY. BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [9~ ~] 857-5200 MuclclOIE.· PIICIC-..,_.y _ _.,,,_, • KEEPS MUD, DIRT AND DEBRIS FROM STICKING . WILL NOT HARM PAINT, STICKERS, PLASTICS OR METALS .ENVIRONMENTALLYSAFE COMPLJES WITH ALL TRACK REGULATION~ -, MUD, DIRT AND DEBRIS COME RIGHT OFF! FOR DEALER INQUIRIES OR TO FIND A DISTRIBUTOR NEAR YOU, CALL (800) 742-2122 OTHER RACERS DON'T WANT YOU TO READ IT "SPONSORS: How to Get One; How to Keep One" Ewrything you nNd to know; wh•• to look, what your proposal mat say. · Find out what 1po~ors want from you and how to giw them more than th91 •k for. The book is $19.95 plus $1.05 postagllhandling. Send check or money ord• to: Nina Murphy, Murflnk, 1722 Wotlacott st, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Read th• b·ooic, ~nd me your proposal and I'll critique it for he .
______ ...,......, _______ ,___........._ NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Clas§-Ffnishes To 7 of i Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. CONGRATULATIONS.TO EACH OF YOU! Clas:1 1 & 1st Overall .... ; ... *Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ *Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ •john.Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overall .......• *David Ashley Ford F150 4X • I Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ *Dan Smith Bronco 4X . ~\l\> str,1, ti ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1i1111 I/Joy, J,f d, ~-700 N.E. 117th StrNt ~ ~ Vancouver, WA 9888S.6 ;Q » Phone ~~$/ ~9-c; Fax 360-574-5474 on & 360;.576-1109 LAURA . RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 Class7-S , ............... Brown, O'Brian & JohnSQn Ranger 2xl+--------------------+-----------'----------, Class 7 .......................... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X "Member BF-G/Ford "Rough Ridor• Off Road Rae~ :_Team NSC Would Like To Thank Ail Seven Class Winners, ForOnce-Again ·Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin. , Ride With NSC Custom Computer Designed Leal Springs. . For More Info, Please Call Race Car Chassis Race 'Car ParJs ·R· . Aluminum bodies <O!ld 1/2-1600 Motors· B And Trans ·: . uggy Custom Machine Work & Fabrication ·. S1!-11 Jp>]?}y 2525 E. 16~h St. • Yuma, Az. 85~65 l., · ·: · '662> 783-6265 •: . l.1(800)231-8156 OFF ROAD CHASSIS C,1111in~e 1<i11? BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE•RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPEN'>ION AXLE SERVICE• WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 711-9460 PARKER PUMPER HELMET S VINEYARD ONTARI O, CA 91761 . 9.09-923-7016 FAX 909-923-31_18 .:LLI I I COMPANY .------...J .. · PENHALL',• 1880 Babcock Bldg. •B Coala M1111a..Ca 92627 '1 FABRICATIONS, Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 .' Fax# (714) 650-4721 STEVE BARTON • OWNERS LEE FINKE RACE SHOCK • I • • i COMPANY Light Truck, Sport Utility, RV & Racing Shocks 1711 West Culver #1 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 l!'ARACING '.fll/GASOLINE RoughCo\U'\try Off-Road Racing Shocks TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 493-0975 av gas • alcohol nitromethane Steve Poole --■••···········•J'I ■--~------------SCIU!Cimell. C~ 400 N. Colfax St. La Habra, CA 90631 Phone (310) 691-1683 Fax (310) 691-5110 • On-Site Fuel Distribution • Fuel handling & storage Equipment • Distributorships Available ... -.•.•~cz:, •••• ··•. •••• RACE CAA DYNAMICS OFF ROAD RACE CARS 3552 FOWi-ER CYN RO. JAMUL., CA B'l 935 PH. CB'IBJ 440-28'14 FAX CB 'I BJ 5B8-4237 JIM ASBURY I S!!!M~E~!! ('_cfJT7 . Computerized Vinyl Lettering./< ft.C..f:::Q_ . '-" ~v \L TIM CECIL 1 (21'?.. t5::Lo ~ \,-: 4010 N. Palm Street, #103. Fullerton. California 92635 _, (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 870-9132 §V~W D~(;ift --==~w::=, ==I~ ~J,-.:i!J=== = 5101 GALWAY CR., HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 ,714) 897.0075 FAX (714) 894-9567 .Ill SITE SG'IS • ~S • WINX.W lfTIERNl • CAR lETIERWG • ®fflXS 15855 Dell View Rd . El Cajon, California 92021 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 ·.,·s~·~)~ ~~o ·.• (213)583-2404 ' · lj/ SANDERS SERVICE, IN.C . . : · ~ META.L PROCESSING ; ; -.. . . . . . ~ :- .. 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 iIERCOM SYSTEMS -HELl\<IETS WIRED - HAND HELD RADIO~ . . . A.c"ITE.NNAS ~ LEASING .. SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL DALE JOHNSON ., FLOUAESCENT INSPECTION 10319 LOS ALA.'\,IITOS BLVD. (310}-594-9418 CA 90720 (310)-594-4397 FAX \VILLSffRUSTS, OTIIER ~1.\. TTERS TERESA M . SANDERS TELEPHONE (818) 892-2688 ATTORNEY AT LAW MOSER & SANDERS 16921 PARTHENIA STREET, SUITE 301 SEPULVEDA. CALIFORNIA 91343 Mark Smith Larry Smith • L. ,n e nl ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENINQ. 31420 96TH STREET EAST LJTTLEROCK, CA 93543 . 80S'944-2719
El Centro, CA ...................... 800-989-4645 El Cajon, CA ....................... 800-458-2711 Indio, CA. ............................ 800-989-3278 Lancaster, CA ...................... 800-462-9499 TURBO BLUE Racing OnoOnllS 8446 Garfield Ave.• Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp j t:J " ;Y 7 rformance ams Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 .. LasVegas,NV ..................... 702-643-9200 -+---.. -■--■-■-■-■-■-■-.._---------..+------------------, Long Beach, CA. .................. 310-432-3946 It pi1 (310) 598-2731 Oxnard, CA .......................... 805-485-6900 ,uM ' , 6191449-9690 · WEddLE ENGiNEERiNG Perris, CA ............................. 800-969-3835 Exclusive distributor of Lock-Right'mvw Locking Differentials Van Nuys, CA. ...................... 818-786-8180 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS PERFORMANCE R. ·d CA 714 877 0226 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 iversi e, , ....................... - - , ·1 TRANSAXLE PRODUCTS CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEAMER SYSTEMS~-All other inquiries, \ contact Sports Racing at I I P. 0. Box 610, Long Beach, CA 90801 FUU LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR AU TYPES vF RACING-& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Billet Super-Diffs, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Parts WholeealeiRetall. Dealer lnqulrlee Welcome 310-518-7318 PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 510815 OFF ROAD RACING SPECIALISTS WELDING • FABRIC'ATOIV • FLAMECUTTING • FRCNTENDS • REARTRAIUNGARMS RACE OIASSIS • PRERUNl'ERS • FOX RAO NG SI-OX LARRY ROSEVEAR 13450YNAMICS. UN/TO PHONE/714)996-6260 ANAHEIM, C4 92806 FAX {714} 996-6405 JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST • vw ·•PORSCHE • OFF.ROAD WERACE WHAT WE SEU. (800) 435-0416 • (310) 782-2413 22545 S. Normandie ~ Torrance, CA 90501 , Louie Unser Engines RATTLESNAKE MOTORSPORTS. INC. LOUIE UNSER 1100 E. Ash Avenue, Suite C Fullerton, California 92631 Phone and Fax (714) 879-8440 VIDEO VENDOR. OFF-ROAD RACE vmBOS VIDEO PORTFOLIOS IN CAR CAMEllAB FROM Sll5.00 OFP ROAD RACE VIDEOS FROM $15.00 BUSINESS COMMERJ~ FROM $85,00 VEHICLE ADVERTISING FROM $30.00 1-800-S87·383S J'Al( (6:19) 4'::1·:afa !ltil:::i::rr·A--~·cH·--:::r::::I~ ~It ,,.,,;ft·. . . . . acing ga'sali°;.e .. . •.-::{{ )l . ~i?~?~~~~: '. -❖:-:,:.:,t,:,:❖:.:❖~·-· ••• :::-:ii~~··r J ::gYo~! ~;n~~!L ?:;:::::;:/:\.:-~! LEADER IN HIGH PERFOR~;~CE ·/::;: :: /:~<::::::\:::::::::{~-~~() ~I~1~~0i~~;~~:::::::.:\:::::/\.. . . : .·.·.·.::. ·.·.· ·. CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION . :::::::.:-.-: :: <. ,:::-:-.•.·.·.· ~o_;. in_formation and a distributor near you, call . . . _.: ~-. 1~soo.,.444-1449 · ·: ·.-.-:~::. CUSTOM RACE CAR FAS. MIG & TIG WELDING DAN MATHEWS 6925 Aragon Circle Unit 25 Bueno Pork, CA 90620 (714) 521-2019 (714) 523-0558 VP Racing Fuels, West Coast P.O. Box 1319 34283 Monte Vista Wildomar, CA 92595 Phone: (909) 674-9167 Fax: {909) 674-7367 Pager: (909) 694-7392 ==~""--"'-PA/Nr poai411NGS...:C.RAM,,tl;* J(JGOB 'If. I · •~ TOMd MAINTeNANCJ'•~IIYNJtfJ,ltiDING-!c ~ ;;M MY~,;forHck,~~/ •619• 0 I Off Road Race Truclfs • Pre Runners Chassis Design • Engineering • Fabrication llllle White Rilcln11 :JNO ..,.., .. t,,. arc1e La, V..,•s. #V 119103 10Z-ll11-1Hl Adam Wik 1994 SCORE ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR From Parts to Complete Engines Engine Dyno Service 535 East Central Park Anaheim, CA 92802 714-956-9457 ~-HEUVINK CONSULTING Pun, u-RFI ATION~ & MARKETIN(; ED HEUVINK C,~·lTENHAC.F.SIRMT 5511. 1411 CS NAARDEN THE NF.THF.RI ANDS . TH 011.31.2159 ~?464. FAX 01 i.31.2159 53452, HOME 0 11.31.30 210095 PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT S00°STATE MILL ROAD AKRON. OHIO 44319 (2161644-7774 Off Rood Products , Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ 85017 Jack Woods. 1602) 242-0077 : ,,
F.I.A. CROSS COUNTRY IW.LIES WORLD CUP (RALLY RAID WORLD SERIES) Classified ••• Zaragosa: Spain • Success for Jeep FOR SALE: Two Kuster shocks Y dia. 18" stroke 48" with single springs Dana 60 full float rear-44 Spline axels with brakes $975.00 ea. ALSO 40' Gooseneck enclos-ed race trailer with front living quarters - 3 axle-110-120 generator $15,000.00 (702) 459-1398 PLUS Cone rear 456 gears 45 srline axel $2,500.00. FOR SALE: Type 4 engine $6,800.00 built by F.A.T., 2660cc, dual 44 IDF carbs, dual oil coolers with fan, complete & ready to run. Call Lee @ RaceShock in Phx (602) 254-0744. FOR SALE: Class 10 or 1 Chenowth single seat chassis. Full body panels. Fuel cell. Front trailing arms. Rear torsion bars, spring plates and arms. Wiring and shifter. Won last race. $2,500.00. Call days (818) 857-7223, evenings (909) 595-2779. · FOR SALE: Challenger/ Class 9 parts: front arms, spindles, drums-£ & r, axels, spring plates, . K IC lights. Also misc. parts for outboard arms. Call Lee @ RaceShock in Phx. ( 602) 254-0744. FOR SALE: 3 .4 Fat built Porsche, 5 speed Fortin trans, new 10,, travel FOX coilovers, new and used 35 Bajas, new 15x5 on 5 Outlaw II wheels, some spares. Ask for Bob (702) 362-9416. overall, and-FIRST in the Two Wheel Drive Divison. A truly outstanding result considering the · budget for this team. RACING RIMS FOR SALE: American Racing aluminum mods, 16x7, 5 on 5.5, 12 brand new in boxes, 2 mounted once to hold up truck. 65$ a piece, or 800$ for all. Two Art Carr Turbo 300 automatics, 300$ a piece, or 500$ for both. More available (909) 592-<i973. FOR SALE: 1967 (5-1600) IRS Bus, 1600 new unassembled, one piece front end, rack and pinion, YOO, Helmet air, Fuel safe, full cage, Boxed rear arms, race spring plates, trick wiring, w/ breakers, many extras, with trailer, over $10,000 invested, $3,500.00 Call after 7:00pm. (310) 547-1371. FOR SALE: Dual side draft Mukuni 44mm carbs-linkages rebuild kit-manual K & N filters. $200.00 firm. (909) 657-8866. (More Classifieds on next page) CODRA Report ' continued : Darren Skilton conquers the Spanish trailsjn his Jeep Cherokee. This test race was a huge success for all. Chrysler Iberia stole the show with the media. Darren Skilton and Don-A-Vee Motorsports now know what it takes to win on a world-wide basis. Back home in the U.S.A., team manager Clive Skilton, owner of Don-A-Vee Jeep/ Eagle, Inc. (America's #1 Jeep dealer), and Don-A-Vee Jeep Accessories Catalog Sales, said, "We'll be· back". ever, we only had one 1600.car. There are valid reasons why the others did not make it. I know a couple of Class 10 owners are staying away because they do not like to compete in the open class. I can show you lap charts where the Open, 10 and 1600 cars have very close lap times. One of the fastest laps ever made at the Bear Butte 300 was by Mike Jones in his · Class 10 car. Everett Paul in his open car only beat a 1600 for the overall win by 27 seconds in 1994. Don-A-Vee Motorsports Jeep driver Darren Skilton (28 ), and three crew members, Barrie Thompson (34 ), Gavin Skilton (25 ), and Ron Feil (31) took their five year old Cherokee Sport to Europe to compete in a round of . the F.I.A. Rally/Raid World Cup, and came out a winner. This July event at Zaragosa, Spain was to be used as an explor-atory race to evaluate the compet-itiveness of American off road racing vehicles against the highly sophisticated international teams of foreign manufacturers and private entrants who compete in this global series. The intent was to learn, and what a lesson it was! Team Don-A-Vee was invited to compete by Chrysler Iberia to capitalize on the great sales success of the Jeep Cherokee in Spain and neighboring countries. Four American companies, Rancho Suspension, American Racing Wheels, Goodyear Tire, and Don-A-Vee Jeep Accessories all recognized the international merit of supporting this venture by helping Darren Skilton and his small team. The Jeep Cherokee Sport that carriecCDarren to two Baja 1000 wins in '93 and '94 arrived in Bar-celona only two days before the event and came away a winner in the 2 Wheel Division, beating favorite Jean Louis Schlesser. The start order in World Cup events is determined by a qualifying 20 mile "prologue" the day before. An ignition computer Dustynma failure placed Darren in the 67th slot. He was hoping to be in the top 20. The European off road racers were shocked at the style, size, and technical sophistication of the Jeep. However, they said this small team would never be able to be competitive against their teams. The spectators had different opinions and were very pro-American, cheering "Los Americanos" at every vantage point. With only two rental cars and a poor start position, the Jeep team had more obstacles than just the 500 mile race over the toughest terrain Spain could throw at them. After 66 vehicles had left their mark on the course, Skilton quickly discovered that the Jeep's widened track would not fit in the groove left by the 150 m.p.h. carbon-fibered Turbo-charged rockets of the factory teams and scores of slower vehicles. Playing catch up with one wheel virtually off the course, the Jeep was eating up tires at an alarming rate, adding to a total of 2 hours down time, while the team's rental cars dashed back and forth to Zaragosa for replacements. Additionally, the slower cars were not courteous by moving over on the narrow course, and "nerfing" is forbidden. Skilton's patience was tried to the maximum, but he was the 16th race vehicle to arrive at the finish line after passing 51 competitors. Probably a record of some sort in this type of auto sport! On Sunday, July 23rd, the official results placed the Don-A-Vee Motorsports Jeep team 12th Thank you: Chrysler Iberia, Rancho Suspension, Mo par, American Racing Wheels, Valvo-. line, Chrysler Credit, and Goodyear. REMEMBER, WE PAY 64% OFYOURPROENTRYBACK TO 50% OF THE ST ARTERS! Trackside Photo, Inc . Racing photography since 1970 We cover all La Rana, SCORE and MTEG events. For professional quality photos, call us! Call us for photos for: Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets October 1995 P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (310) 670-6896 Pege57
Classified ••• FOR SALE: '94 Jimco Class 10 A-Arms. Best of everything, Majors motor, Hew land trans and FOR SALE: Bilstein Shocks -4-rack and pinion by Fortin, Fox 14H travel, 22mm shafts(¼), Shox, Ultras, BFG, Ready to 50mm shock tubes, 65mm Race. $29,000.00 oho. Ask for reservoir tubes, approx 1 year Victor (619) 422-5674 days, old, like new condition, new style (619) 427-1831 nights. , rod guides, non-leakers, fresh "'"~ .. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:.:;---=----::-::-;:;;::::=;;'. ; rebuild. List price $499.00 each, sell for $278.00 each. Call Lee at FOR SALE: Class 1g RaceShock Company, Phoenix Jumper, 2 seater, excellent (602) 254-0744. bracket car or pre-runner. Fox Shox, front and rear, Wright, front erid, new fuel cell, Flame , Out, Bus transmission, Sway-A-Way. $5,500.00 Will consider offer for car and 20' Dico ·" enclosed trailer. (909) 678-2073. FOR SALE: '69 Conv. Baja Project was Class 10 car, $15,000.00 plus invested,· 1650cc and bus trans, have less than 500 miles, Fuel Cell, Beard, 5pt., Centerlines, Summers Bros, and more. Needs completion to be street legal, parts are worth it. $6,900.00. Dallas, Texas area (214) 335-2228. FOR SALE: Class 4¼ elliptic rear w/Kusters, coil over Kuster front,351 builtto430 by Richard Parabok, FOX Air bumps, power steering wlump Ram, Cone full floater 40 spline rear end, Mogi C-6, Fresh prep, put on your paint and race. $35,000.00 with all spares. (619) 258-5876. FOR SALE: Porsche 3 .5 litre engine. 300 genuine horsepower, 290 pounds of torque. Carillo rods, Weber carburetors, W eh-Cam camshafts, Trimhill headers, dual sparkplug per cylinder heads, 90 amp alternator. Engine is 100% fresh. Built by Bobby Hart at California Motorsports. Contact RCR Racing (909) 371-5000. Ext 103. $11,000.00 oho. WINNING 7S, '89 Ford Ranger. Excellent condition: Race ready! Ted Kendall built, Ex-Douglas Bros truck, 12-14# travel in both front and back. Art Carr Trans, Summers rear, Clark Steppier motor, best of best, tons of SPARES INCLUDED! Cherry $18,000.00 Baja Concepts Ref . #436. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: "SAGE COUN-CIL I V AL VOLINE" Chevy Prerunner, I-beam front, Ford 9"' rear end, with full spool & floating axles, disc brakes front and rear, Magi trans, Cone spindles, Fox Shox, with res. AC stereo, Mastercraft, street legal, best of everything $19,500.00 oho. Must sell. Call Dan (909) 695-6640 or (909) 694-7963 (pager). FOR SALE: '92 Jimco Class 10 car, Mendeola trans, Major motor, FOX, CNC, Mastercraft, Sway-Away, new paint and aluminum work. Race prepped to go by JIMCO. $23,000.00. Mike (619) 562-1743 or Wayne (909) 947-8192. TOP RUNNER: Class 9 Chen-owth 2 seater built by Baja Con-cepts. New prep, Bilsteins w /VW suspension in front, Sway-A-W~y torsion and spri~!U)lates,JG Transwerks, Engine Machine Service. Spares include: spindles, arms, torsion bars, spring plates, shocks, radios, helmets, driving suits, ETC!! Driver changing classes, everything goes for $7,000.00 CALL FAST!! Baja Concepts Ref #398 (619) 583-6529. Racing tires for Sale; Custom made for trophy truck racing or ultimate Pre Runners that do not want flats! 37xl 1.50xl 7. Tires $75 .00 ea. plus shipping. Will sell all for special di-scount. 100 available: 80 Bridgestones, 20 General. Specially made for Roger Mears racing available exclusively thru Baja Concepts. (Don't bother Roger!) Visa/MC/ Amex accepted. (619) 583-6529 or Fax (619) 583-1851. FOR SALE: 1988 Raceco unlim-ited 2 seater 2850 FAT engine, Mendeola Bus trans with Hew-land gear, Centerline, Summer Bros., UMP, PCI radio, Simpson, Parker pump, FOX SHOX T I A tire $15,000.00. Not raced since '92. (916) 622-4610. FULL BLOWN FORD CLASS 8 W einermont tuned & rebuilt, · Kuster. Big Travel, Position FOR SALE: Yaesu VHF-fm , radio. Perfect chase or pit radio, 32 channel, alpha-numeric display, 5,25,50 watt output, scanning features, priority channel & many other features. Plus 2 Mag mount antennas. $450.00. Call Paul (714) 968-• .1221 wk. (714) 636-0480 hm. . Sensitive, Sway Bar, 650 HP, lots of new parts, and Ever.ything Fresh, complete package. Super Trick: Must see!! $68,000.00. For details and photos contact Baja Concepts Ref #430. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: 1988 36' Interna-tional Transporter: Professionally built, 7 .3 ltr. turbo diesel, 5 plus 2 trans, only 16K miles. Living qtrs-'<·· 11 ', shower, bed, complete ,:, _,.-.,. ~-"· kitchen, A IC, heat, 140 gal. · AWESOME '72 Brando. Cu~-fresh, CD stereo. Car area-I 7', rently being raced in SCORE. hardwood floor winch, alum. Built 351 Windsor, Unilite ramps, cabinets, locker, tire rack. Ignition. C-4 by Valley Trans, 4 Honda 6.5 kw gen. on sliders. 36' link on Hymes w/ 18"' in front FOR SALE: Kevin Smith's win-FOR SALE: Chenowth 1-1600 x 15' alum. fully encl. canopy, Quarter Eliptic w/ Kusters and~ ning Mirage Super 1600 stadium Tall man's version, Lee Leighton elec. outlets & lights inside/ ~ut, 9,,.-Ford in the rear. 15H Eagle car. Complete coil car, Smart Per-motor, JG trans, Heim shifter, 22 alarm, tow package. Imron pamt, · Alloy wheel on 35xl 2 .50x 15 Baja formance Toyota, Fortin 2 speed, gal Fuel Safe, Wright, UMP, Fox belly boxes wltons of storage. TZ, Beard Seats Diestbelts YOO too much to list, w/ many spares. Shox, Parker Pumper, Jamar, Excellentcond. garage, very trick, Gauges, Nice ~uck. $13,900.00 Call for package details. (818) Simpson, Masterc~aft $8,000.00. reg. as R.V. Sacrifice_ $49K, call I Baja Concepts Ref #448. (619) 579-2135, $28,000.00. CallSeanKrepsz(909)352-4421. Todd at (702) 825-1863. i 583-6529. · r--•--w-----w-sdl:.~:;;~;-;t;;;;;,.:;;~;;;c:-;;---=---~-... --7 1 - . DUSTY TIMES. . : I Classified Advertising rate is only $20. for 45 words each mon~~. ~ot including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use ot I I black and white photo,. or a very sharp color print. I I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I I you wish to use a J?hot~ in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads mus~ be PAID IN ADVANCE. I 1: I I I· I I, l I. Enc1osed is$ ____ _ (Send check or mopey order, no cash). I d . I-P ease run a _______ nmes. f. Name---------------------------------Address -------'----------------Phone-------Page 58 October 1995 Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, <;:Af913111-440a I I I l • FOR SALE: 2 ti~e Class 13 SODA points champion. 1991 Ford 2wd, Kuster duel stage coil over front suspension, National¼ Liptic rear, Summers axles, Dana 60, small block Chev, alum heads 650 hp. Turbo 400, Race Ready, spare parts $28,000, $18,000 w/out motor & trannys. (414) 739-7834. NOW AVAILABLE on Video tape. 1995 Parker 400 as well as 1993 Parker 400, 1993 Baja 1000. All tapes include exclusive behind the scenes and interviews wltop racers. $20.00 each. Send check or money order to: Chris Rowland, 15252 Seneca Rd. #113, Victorville, CA 92392. JIMC02 SEATERClass2-1600. Excellent starter car. Don Hatz built Type I motor, type II tranny, on board fire system. Uniden radio, Taylor seats, Deist belts. All shocks are Bilsteins w/reser-voirs, UMP steering, Wright rack, 26mm bars, Centerline wheels w/ Yoko's. $8,000.00 Baja Concepts Ref #445. (619) 583-6529. FORSALE: l-16Lothgrl550lbs wet, 091/HEW Don Hatz Fox by pass Tub rear arms P.S. Heim tie rods, radio new prep. $8,500.00. 1986 26 box competitive trailer, tandom axle, roof rack, 110v/12v. 12 v rear door 12 v touge jack, two 8 ft side wind, open up like awning 48H side door $6,000.00. Bob Scott (619) 949-1049, (818) 442-1090. Dustynmcs
FOR SALE: Mustang GT Pro Rall (85) Prepped for Safari Rally FIA Group A. 5 Liter engine, 4 bol. · carb. Some spares. Stored for 2 years, needs TLC. $2,500.00 oho (415) 391-4094 (San Francisco). I :,:;.. :~S'x;;. FOR SALE: '85 Toyota extra cab (partially disassembled for engine swap). New long block, new automatic trans., ale cage, Fox Shox, Downey springs, PPI fiberglass, 44mm Mikunis, header, as is-need some new parts. $2,500.00 oho, consider part trade KDX 200/250 or Mig welder. Call Mike (619) 922-9584. RACE REA-DY '89 Superlite, Bitchen short course car. Honda FL 350 water cooled motor. New Fab transaxle, Beard seats, Simpson belts, Werks axles, 13" Kieser wheels, BFG tires, many spares. $7,500.00 Baja Concepts Ref# 446. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: 1993 Jimco Class 10 single seat. Proven winner, Professionally prepped. Major motor, Mendeola trans, Fodril, Wright, Mastercraft, UMP, CNC, FoxShox, Fox bump stops, Summers full floaters, Yoko-hamas. Lots of spares. Car is fast and like new. $22,000.00 oho. Steve (909) 625-3381 days. (818) 339-3268 eve. FOR SALE: Class 9, 2 seater, fresh rebuilt eng and trans with close gear ratio, fuel cell, Helmet intercomm system, Halogen flame system, rebuilt Bilstein shocks, Chromoly spring plates, circuit braker system, Yokohama tires Score legal, $5,000.00 OBO. Call Leonard (619) 424-9451 or Gilbert (619) 429-0646. FOR SALE: Four ( 4) 103mm PERFECT SODA type truck ( ex-Score ). 2 motors: 1 equals 750 p. and 1 equals 550 hp., loads of i spares and equipment. Fox Shox, , probuilt, l / 4 eliptic, 4x4 Class 4 Jeep, gorgeously fabbed! FAST, excellent history. Steal this beauty for $24,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #244. (619) 583-6529. f ' EXTREMELY versatile 4-seat Pre Runner. Can be used for hunting, desert play, mountain exploring, etc. Whole Family Fun vehicle. Built by Unique Metal Products Wright Arms, Bilstein shocks: Neal brakes & hubs, etc., etc. Very low mileage, mostly stored! · Sacrafice $7 ,800.00! Baja Con-cepts Ref #435 (619) 583-6529. THANK YOU Drivers and Crew, Brett, Randy, Steve and Kurt of BEND Offroad Unlimited #728 for letting us experience the excitement, thrills and plenty of dust with them at the 250 night desert race in Fallon,· NV July 29th. YOU DID GREAT! Love, Nipper. 4th Place in Class 7. FOR SALE: FORD Class 8 short course, desert, or nice pre-runner, 1970's style body, Long Beach spring-Eibach, Big Bilstein bypass shocks, Art Carr, 35 gallon cell, Big block, Beards, BFG's, much more. Best reasonable offer, ask for Jim. (310) 540-1539. '_7 1 FOR SALE: 2275 TI motor, complete, built by Wiks 158hp, new heads, new case O miles $3,000 firm. Bus trans full Hewland 4:86 r & p 1.41 third, 1.14 fourth, Saco diff, built by JG Transwerks, one race $2,000.00 Rear Summers Disc brakes, 3 races $700.00. (714) 527-4495. Street Legal LOADED PreRun Truck. Nelson & Nelson built '79 . Chevy Stepside with '90 body update (new paint and glass). 12" travel in front on 3 Nelsons per side, beefed A-Arms, SAW, Wilwood discs, 9" Ford rear, 4: 11 r,ation in back, 525 hp Bitchen stereo and AC!! Take your wife to dinner in style! $15,000.00 Baja Concepts Ref #253 (619) 583-6529. JimcoC ss 10, Ex-Hernquist proven winner, New Major motor, fresh Fortin 5 speed Hewland gearbox, Newly rebuilt Fox shocks, Summer Bros. rear hubs, CNC brakes, coilover front end, fuelsafe cell, loads of spares, turn key on new trailer. $22,500.00 John ( 714) 496-2266. · FOR SALE: Michelin rally tires, 15" & 16" off road & tarmac. All priced at $145.00 each. Please contact Giles at Rod Millen Motorsports (714) 84 7-2111. PRICED TO SELL: SODA Class 13, fresh and ready to win, all the best parts, National Spring, Art Carr, FOX, American Racing w /locks, Summers Bros., always a front runner. Over $25,000 invested in parts, yours for $15,000.00 with all spare pai(S, will separate or trade for?? (715) , 635-7115 or (715) 635-2436 CST. FOR SALE: Triple EEE Ultra-lite, 350cc Chro_moly frame works shocks, rack pinion steering, foot controls, Beard racing seat, extra wheels and tires, low hours. $5,500.00 or best offer. (818) 359-8083. FOR SALE: 3 Class 2 C en. Andial Porsche 3 .6s, auio trannys, Kuster shocks 2. '92 and '94 class champs. With purchase of 2 or more cars you get a 32' . Dico enclosed trailer free. $35,000.00 ea. Kuster car. $32,000.00 for Curnutt car. (619) 244-5997. cylinders.Too scored for 103mm FOR SALE: Class 9 T-Mag, pistons. Good for boring to larger Proven car, SCORE champ, FAT size though. $80 .00 plus shipping. motor, Jeff Fields trans, new front Call Dave at (206) 888-5833. end, new Beard seat, 300m bars, · HOT DEAL"' Cla 2 S.A.W ., Wright, Ump, Air, ··· ss • no motor, , Shock Tech new Bilsteins · no tra~ny. Outboard 934.5, Yoko's, lots of soare oarts. Mus~ ' FOX, Disc brakes, Sagnman Box, sell, changing class. $4,500.00 300m bars and axles, everything (714) 366 9452 SUPER fresh!!! 125" wheel base. - . . FOR SALE: 1983 Chevy SlO Pro Built in '90 updated in '93 and FOR SALE: VW Bus transaxle, Rally Blazer 4WD. Supercharged 94'! 22" rear wheel travel, 17" Pyramid case. 5.38 r'np, 1.56 3rd, 350 V8. T400 automatic trans. front. Fod Fab arms and spindles. l.304th, fresh.from DJ Transaxle Ex-Ken Stewart. Eight time MUSTSEE.$15,000.00(orwith O miles, ready to race. Has divisionalchampion. 1995 Swdiv motor and tranny $25,000.00) mounting plate $850.00 Sac. champ. Strong, reliable and low Baja Concepts Ref #452. (619) Dave (805) 722-9574 or page maintenance. $5,875.00. Call 583-6529. (805) 538-5474 and I'll call you. Scott at (205) 881-8245. DustyTima October 1995 FOR SALE: SODA Class 11, Fox Shox, new rack, fresh motor, must sell $1,800.00. (906) 789-9655. Chevy Suburban, 5,000 miles since completion 1 year ago of a frame rail on up complete redesign, built sparing no expense and using the best materials and fabrication, never been off-road, receipts available, 573 C.l. big block engine valued at $25,000 motec fuel injection, frame completely boxed with chromoly entire chassis is tig welded, 4 link rear suspension with 12" travel, i!P'' • 11 front sus. is custom built A-arm FOR SALE: ORC 1-1600 Proven with 12" travei, 3 Kuster coil over car, 1994SCOREoverallwinner, shocks front-and rear, Kuster " class winner, true grite, Milestone 300m ball joints, 9" rear end built award winner, FOX, Wright, by Christman (floating hubs, Ump, Hatz motor, car is "Race locker, disc brakes, etc.), B&M Prepared" SCORE legal, divorce turbo 400 race type tranny, 37" forces sale. $10,000.00 priced to Goodyear race. tires with Ameri-,.,..;_: sell. (619) 278-5493 evenings. can Racing wheels, stainless;-FOR SALE: By Flannery Race T earn, Top running Class 8 truck, 1995 Chevy Thunder pick-up truck in SODA series, built with the BEST of everything. Running third in points standing as of midseason. Race ready-Asking price $79,500.00. (608) 254-4788. FOR SALE: 5-1600, fre~h motor, FAT, UMP, Wright combos, FOX front & rear, Beards, Wright steering, Centerlines & BFG's. This car is fast. $6,000.00 OBO. ALSO Chenowth 5 link chassis and most parts $3,500.00 OBO. (712) 239-2888. exhaust ( wheel well headers) large brake rotors to match 1 7" wheels, Corvette calipers with 2 per wheel up front, and much more. $48,000.00 Contact Brett King at Kuster Company (310) 595-0661. SALE: RaceCo 1-1600 • wheel base, race ready competitive car with fresh motor, JG Transmission, 930CVS, axles and cones new, freshly rebuilt FOX SHOX with reservoirs, UMP power steering unit and UMP Air box, Beard seat, 300m bars, many more extras!! Serious inquiries only, $9,000.00 OBO (D) (714) 871-2011 (E) (714) 776-6227. Ask for Greg. (More Classifie,ds on Page57) FOR SALE: Awesome Prerun-ner, built in 1993 by Mirage Racing, brand new 2110cc motor, fresh Bus Box with complete Hewland gears, Fox coil over front end with complete Wright components, Woods rear arms INDEX OF ADVERTISERS with Fox Shox, disc brakes front . · and rear m h A k· Baker H1 Performance Products •••• 13 ' uc more. s mg Barbary Coast -U&.500.00. Mike (702) 646-. . Go~d Coast Hotels_. ••••••• 20 & 49 • Bilstem Corp. of Amenca • . • • • • • • • 19 FOR SALE: 76 Ford longbed, feature truck in at least 10 magazines, truck is like new with 20,000 original miles, built from the ground up using all the best of everything, 636 C.l. Caterpillar VB Turbo Diesel with a dvno tested 375hp, well over 1,000 pounds of torque at 1200 rpm, extremely reliable, air research turbo, Allison AT 540 transmis-sion, 3" Kuster coil over shocks~ the front, 4 link rear air suspension controlled from cab, Dana 70 rear end with locker and disk brakes, taylor race seats, winters shifter, brand new 37" Goodyear race tires, All braided lines, aircraft hardware, and much more. Excellent trailer puller $24,000.00. Contact Lance King at Kuster Co. (310) 595-0661. Cactus Racing Products • • • . • • • • • • 40 Central Oregon Whiskey Springs 400 • • . • • • • • • . 7 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle ••••.••••• : 33 FAT Performance • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 48 Gennan Auto • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • 37 Glen Helen McKenzie Series • • • • 2 & 30 Glen Helen/SODA Winter Series • • • 31 Rod Hall Driving School • • • • • • • • • • 20 Honda, BMW, Sea Doo of North Hollywood • • • • • • • • • • • • • 36 la Rana Desert Racing . • • • • • • • • • • 45 Lothringer Engineering • • • • • • • • • • • 47 McKenzies Perfonnance Products ••••• 35 & 41 Nevada Off Road Buggy • • . • • • • • • • 23 Off Road Fiberglass • • • • • • • • • • • • • 43 Parker Pumper • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • 39 P.C.I. Race Radios & Equipment • • • • 4 Pike's Family Restaurants • • • • • • • • 12 Race Ready • • • • • • • . . • • • • . . • • • • 49 Reid Pro • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • 17 SCORE Baja 1000 •• .'. . . • • • • . • • • 9 SNORE 250 • • • • • • • . . . • BACK COVER Straight Line • • • • • . . • • • . . • • • • • • 26 Sway-A-Way Company • • • . • • • • . • .• 11 Trackside Photo Inc .••..••••••••• 57 Tri-Mil Industries •••••..••••..•• 25 Ultra Wheel • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . . • • 15 Valley Performance • • • . . . • • • . • • • 16 Vegas To Reno Off Road Race • • • • • 5 Wilch Sales • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • . • 51 Wright Place • • • • . • • . . • • • • • • • • • 29 Yarnell Specialties; Inc .•..••••••• 21 Pagc59