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1994 Volume 11 Number 8 Dusty Times Magazine

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VolulN 11 - Mulllber I -~ 1994 $1.50 ISSN 87,.1731 . Covering the ·world of competition in the dirt

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,roo,c rHIS CE LIGHFLY. Nrw 1IGHrwllGHr, V6-P0WEIID TororA WINS BAJA 500 FROPHY• TRUCK IAcr. Flying across the treacherous Baja Peninsula, Ivan "Ironman' Stewart drove Toyota to .a sixth straight class victory in this prestigious event. It was the first SCORE Baja 500 run since j,.jQ:i+'i•1f•fflf•1+'£fZ&Jil;zj(d:f f// the unveiling of Toyota's new P.P.I.-prepared desert truck. A truck not only more powerful, but also an amazing 800 lbs. lighter than its predecessor. Of course, building powerful, efficient trucks is something Toyota knows quite a bit about. Take the Toyota Tl0O for example. It's the first production truck ever available with a sophisticated 4-valve-per-cylinder DOHC engine - a design famous for its power and efficiency. Even to this day, no other truck manufacturer offers such an engine. Come to think of it, though, no other manufacturer has won six straight Baja 500s, either. Gee, think there's any connection? ®TOYOTA Trucks "I love what you do for me!' ©1994 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.

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Volume 11 -Number 8 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Barry Don Calloway Carrera Photography Carol Clark Don Dayton John Elkin Homer tubanks Don Holbrook Martin Holmes Daniel Maimer Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith ' Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Inc. Wizer Photos Art Director Larry E. Worsham August 1994 -ll'IILl.a OffJl0AD UCIIIII U10H Subscription Rates: Mlri.lSeriescf~Racing* , $15.00 per year, 12 issues, LJSA. t'oreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth CA 91311--4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without w~itten permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-;4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, 'CA 91311--4408. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• If you read Jim Ober's comments last month about the dangers at the jump near the El Alamo road crossing during the Baja 500, a brave man took this shot of Curt LeDuc in the Walker Evans Dodge cresting the hill into a sea of people. These people are daring the racers to avoid them or hit them, and it seems an unsolvable problem at this and some other locations. Our thanks to Robert Phillips of Centerline Photography for catching this action. Hope he had a long lens! DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar interest on this page ea_ch month. Send us_ your snapshot_ of~ something-comic-orsome disaster for consideration. Dl:JSTY~TIMES-wdl-pay.$--10 for_-tlre p~cture used. lfyou wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 preferrP<i but clear color prints will be considered. Dusty Times August 1994 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page The Feldkamp Saga by Sam Wilshire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The SCORE TECATE BAJA 500 by Judy Smith . ........ : ... 12 BAJA 500 TROPHY-TRUCKS by Judy Smith . . . ........... . 17 SODA Memorial Day 100 by Barb & Marilyn Schultz ....... . 20 GMC Sierra Club Coupe Pickup by John Calvin ... .......... 27 Australian Jackaroo 500 by Darryl Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 WRC Acropolis Rally by Martin Holmes . . . . ............... 32 SNORE Haycock Caliente 250 by Jean Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SCCA Rim of the World Rallies by John Elkin . , ........ .... 38 B.O .R.E. Wendover Express by Jim Baker . .... .... .......... 42 FRT 24 Hour Rock Around the Clock by Jean Calvin ......... 44 The McRae Drama in Greece by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 DEPARTMENTS TRW Hard Luck Award ................ .............. .. .. 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 CRS-So-Pac Division Report by Lynnette Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Chapala Dusters Race Reports by H. Henesey & Mike Shatynski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Checkers Column by the Big Wahzoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 F.A.I.R. News by Dave Massingham ................ ........ 47 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Trail Notes ............................................. 53 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Index to Advertisers ................................... .. 55 ON THE COVER -This month we feature a pair ofT ovota Trucks that race 2000 miles apart in different venues. Above is Johnny Greaves who a couple years ago bought the Toyota from Mike Falkosky. The truck has since grown up, rebuilt to be a full fledged short course racer, featured in both the Memorial Day 100 and Crandon TV coverage, winning Class 7S in both events. This is quite a feat as the field of 18-20 mini trucks hold a dozen serious and many well backed racers. Greaves is an independent, but could use some top drawer help from Toyota. Moving out to the desert to SCORE's new Trophy-Truck series Ivan Stewart leads the points, we think, as he has won three of the five events so far this season, winning again in both the SCORE Baja 500 and the SCORE Fireworks 250. Our congratulations to both men for such sparkling performance in their Toyota trucks. Color Photography by Daniel Mainzer and T rackside Photo Inc. to-S~7fMUUf DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year -$15.00 o 2 years -$25.00 □ 3 years -$35.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name ______________________ _ Address ___ :...._ ________________ _ City ___________________ _ Stace ___________ Zip-----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES __ I 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408, (818) 882-0004 I ( Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U .S.• Overseas sul:iscription rates on request) Page 3 I I I I I I I I I f

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There is a new and somewhat novel race by race award circulat-ing in the La Rana Desert Racing Series called the TRW Hard Luck Award. It is the brainchild of Jim Butler Motorsports who are representing TRW at the La Rana contingency row action. The winner of the award can have his or her bad tuck going to the race, at the race or going home from the race. There is no cost to enter, just pick up the form and decals in contingency row at any La Rana race, and if you have a bad weekend, it is worth writing your tale of woe on the back of the entry form and sending it to Jim Butler. The prize is definitely worth your time. It is any set of pistons from the TRW catalog, and they mean any set. They do not have to match your race car or tow truck or anything you have on hand. The award winner from the Presidential 250 last March fol-lows, and they even sent along a picture. Driver of Record Wayne Camarano of #553 said the race started out just fine in his 5-1600 racer. He had passed 551 and 552 before the five mile mark on the first lap, and was approaching mile mark 30. "l was just coming out of a long sand wash "fast area" made that hard left and built up speed again and wham!! All of a sudden a hard right appeared! Well, going too fast I rolled twice over and luckily landed on my wheels, facing on-coming racers. By the time I got the car started again I was passed by two Baja Bugs in my class and I continued , pursuit." "Well the second and third lap passed with luckily no mishaps. So, when I pitted after the third lap my crew informed me I was still second or third. I was doing good lap times and a few other 5-1600 cars had broken. So, after hearing this I ate a Snickers bar and tried to make a little mort! time up by driving faster, testing the car as they say. Since it was my second race, for the car too, ldidn't get a whole lot of practice time in the car. I must have beendoing35-40 in third gear flying over those 2-3 foot whoops. Next thing I know the horizon line is tilting and I was rolling again, doing a V/2 twist and landing hard on the lid, coming to rest on the passenger side about 3:30 p .m . Well, we climbed out only to find that the wheel was missing and sheared the stub axle off at the backing plate and to make matters worse the radio didn't work in the canyon we were in. So the next racer passed the word at the next checkpoint which was# 1." "Well my co-driver hiked to the freeway and thumbed back to the main pitwhilemychasedudes found me at about 7:30 and had to go back for the trailer. I was glad to see some A TC riders stop and they offered me a couple of beers and a sandwich for the wait and that made it easie~. The crew finally showed up at 10:45 p.m. with trailer and cameras, so we snapped a few for you hoping this will help win that hard luck day award I talked about with you at tech inspection on Friday." Wayne Camarano, from Canoga Park, CA won the set of pistons for the Presidential 250 race. At the April Spangler 200 at Ridgecrest the winner was Wes Wisdom from Huntington Beach, CA. His story concerns both the race car and support vehicles. The story is as follows. "Few races are uneventful, but our team's expe-rience preparing for and racing the La Rana Spangler 200 was more than a little frustrating. Our problems started almost imme-diately after the previous race as the replacement parts we needed were not immediately available and had to be ordered. With five weeks to race day we .figured we had plenty of time, but the trailing arm was not finished and was shipped overnight on Tuesday before the race. We felt lucky to get the part three days before the race and planned -to leave early Friday morning. My brother found out he had to work Friday after having planned for weeks to take the day off. So with my dad and I leaving Friday, I got up early Friday morning and moved the car, tools, spares, etc., out to the front of the house to make it easy to load the trailer. About an hour after my dad was supposed to have arrived he came walking down the street. He said he was having electrical problems with the. motorhome and was parked· about two blocks over. I went with him to fix the motorhome and asked my son and wife to watch the equipment. After get-ting the motorhome fixed and returning home, my son told me that while he was inside the house getting a drink, someone had taken all of the tools, nitrogen bottle, kids' bikes, etc. After some intense swearing and storming, we loaded the car and what was left of our equip-Every ~ther ·hotel Page4 • zsan also ran. 1-800-634-67 55 Las Vegas, Nevada August 1994 ment and sent my dad on his way. I waited for the police to arrive and take a report, then my sons and I left to catch up to dad. We found him in Garlock parked on 395 with another wiring short. After again fixing the problem we decided to just head to Ridgecrest and check in the car. This turned out to be the most simple and trouble free task of the weekend. We ·had dinner in town and headed out to the track. Feeling optimistic that most of our trouble was behind us we got busy running the race. But all our bad luck was not over yet. During the first half of the race a shock broke which caused very poor handling of the car on the rough course.We continued in hopes of ·just running steadily and finish-ing. About 10 miles into the last lap the tran& began growling sounding like a ring and pinion on the way out.We reduced our pace some more to try and finish the race before the trans gave out. On the way we passed several cars in our class ( 1600) that were down, so we were happy to see our posi-tion improving. After 'cruising' for about 30 miles expecting,that all cars in our class had either fin-ished or were broke, we suddenly were passed by the car that had started directly in front of us. In hopes of saving our finishing posi-tion, we tried to keep the car within sight. This proved to be a futile effort as the trans would not let us keep up. This added insult to injury because if we had pushed just a little harder earlier in the lap, we would not have lost the sixth position, as it was only by a couple of minutes. Trying to convince ourselves that it was better to have lost sixth place and finished than to have pushed a little harder and possibly lost the trans, we packed and headed home on Sunday. The drive took longer than normal due to the high winds and one more stop for a short in the motorhome wiring. All in all, one of our more frustrating races. Now the race car is sitting in my garage exactly like it left the track because I don't have a screwdriver or wrench to my name. I will have to borrow and/ or purchase new tools to begin the work of prepar-ing for the next one. Racing is such great fun!!" Well Wes, at least you have a new set of pistons thanks to TRW and Jim Butler Racing. Check it out in La Rana's contingency row! Du1tvTlme1

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. Hell for Drivers ... Heaven for Fans '-J C Q 'Ii. □-rrun~ 'Ii. -■-:•\=~•:::-.-__ ......... . 1.61 u ~ ~ ~:;._~:;;:;,'",~~~ ~ ,::::::;:;::i:::;:::;::.::.:_:;: The·country's Finest Road Racing -Circuit ls Getting Down and Dirty 22 classes of truck and buggy competition. More than 300 entries expected. Don't miss the action of America's fastest-growing motorsports form over the country's finest new off-road course. At Road America, you'll enjoy a panoramic_ view of the action, plus the best food anywhere-including char-broiled brats and fresh corn-on-the-cob. No vehicle charge for ad111ission · 0 Sheboygan Fond=~1 ~Am.rice . Milwaukee ILLINOIS Chicago ~ ROAD AMERICA lUJQ~L Elkhart Lake, WI Road America is located midway between Milwaukee and Green Bay on Wisconsin Hwy 67 and County J-about one hour from Milwaukee, 2 1 /2 hours from chicago and 4 1 /2 hours from Minneapolis. ADULT ADMISSION: $10.00 1 V/S=A !!:.!...-! ~ Children 12 and Under Admilted FREE with Paying Adult ,.;

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1994 Happenings ••• A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34087 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 944-7541 AMSA Jim Webb P.O. Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 4 7 T eenan St. Ferny Hills, Q. 4055, Australia 011-18-07-85 1-0444 July 24, 1994 Kempsey New South Wales September 11, 1994 Mt. Gambier South Australia November 27, 1994 Puckapunyal Victoria (Stadium Races TBA) AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B IHI (514)434-5792 BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645-0003/(817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh ( 81 7) 790-8268 nights Racing the 3rd Sunday of each month March thrn October BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O . Box392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31/163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico (Mexicali (65) 68-34-72 July 22-24, 1994 Ensenada 200 Ensenada, BC, Mexico October 7-9, 1994 Mexicali 400 Mexicali, BC, Mexico BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. . Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 July 29-31, 1994 Gran Carrera de Ensenada 350 miles or Closed Course September 23-25, 1994 Gran Carrera de Campones 250 miles San Felipe, BC, Mexico BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1533 Obden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. September 2-3, 1994 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-I HO (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1994 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 43943 Sierra Hwy., Suite G Lancaster, CA 93534 (805) 723-1549 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison, CRS Director 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91 720 (909) 736-1442 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 September 24-25, 1994 Treeline Rally Palmdale, Ca October 29-30, 1994 Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman,CA November 18-20, 1994 East of Indio Rally Indio, CA CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING . Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 October 15, 1994 Whiskey Springs 400 Bend, OR CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O . Box645 Pierre, SD 57501 Kevin Miller (Baja) (605) 224-6923 Don Engleman (Motocross) (605) 224-4967 'GUMBO BUTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS July 24, 1994 August 21, 1994 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road' Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (6163717 0034) August 26-28, 1994 Fiesta San Quintin 200 September JO-October i-2, 1994 San Vicente (Media Noche) 200 December 2-4, 1994 Location TBA CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags P.O. Box830 Adelanto, CA 9230 l (619) 246-7262 August 6, 1994 Sand Drags November 19, 1994 Sand Drags December 17, 1994 Sand Drags (All euents at SVR, Adelanto, CA) COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholt:, President (719)531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. 15073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 (303) 936-5960 July 31, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CO '94 Mid Year Review August 7, 1994 VDR Berthoud, CO August 21, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CO September 11, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CO October 1, 1 994 Ft. Morgan, CO CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237'-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-36491(214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 ( 407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES August 27, 1994 Superstition 250 El Centro, CA October 29, 1994 Sque~ky Springs Gran National El Centro, CA December 31, 1994 Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA ATV, BIKE& DESERT SUPERLITE SCHEDULE July 23, 1994 Mr. Patterson's Wild Ride El Centro, CA August 6, 1994 Nigbt Team Race El Centro, CA - A special thanks to all the drivers and their teams who use our product. -- Overall Victories in 3 of 4 SCORE Races - - 7 SCORE Class Wins -Pat Dean, San Felipe 250; Bob Gordon, Nevada 400; McMillin/Ewalt, Baja 500 (or Pat Dean) Job /MacCachren, Caliente 250; Hibbs FRT 150 -28 Top Five Finishes in 4 SCORE Events --SCORE Points Leaders -Oassl Bob Gordon Pat Dean Ron Brant Mark McMillin Oass5 Mike James Mike Jakobson Class 10 Ryan Thomas Steve Sourapas Rick Wilson Steve Croll Parker 400: Doug Fortin, Class 10 San Felipe 250: Pat Dean, Class 1; Ryan Thomas, Class 10 Nevada 400: Bob Gordon, class 1; Mike James, class 5 Baja 500: Corky McMillin, class 1; Mike Jakobson, class 5 -MTEG-Kevin Smith - With a Fortin 2 speed has won five main events in '93 and '94 Europe Rally Racing-Jean Louis Schess~ger: '93 two wheel drive champ 4 Wins in '94 Corky McMillin "A Fast and Reliable·Product Overall Wins and Points Leaders" Continuing to improve our product and service for over 20 years! Pagc6 Get Your Shift Together with Fortin 10": 5, 4 and 2 speeds, Hewland DG, FGA & FGB's Ratios Now Available: 3.86, 4.12, 4.86 & 5.46 for information call 619-669-4727 August 1994 Dusty Times

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.. 7~ tJ,zeat 'iltofaue 'De4eltt Poueu s~ .. Round IV: The Johnson Valley 200 ''Night Race'' r.----.. ---:-,:ra,:.·-: ~\..::~. ---ls, ~ _,,_.,u .........,_; iii '"'' ·· ·:::: t:::;: BF Goodrich -~ -.. i• .1,..

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September 18, 1994 Desert Sprint El Centro, CA October 9, 1994 Mudhen II El Centro, CA November 20, 1994 Notorious Dawg El Centro, CA December 4, 1994 Rudolph's Revenge El Centro, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714)880-1733 September 4, 1994 Car Enduro October 30, 1994 Car Enduro November 2 7, 1994 Car Enduro Short Course Races for Cars and Trucks August 26-2 7, 1994 September 16-17, 1994 October 21-22, 1994 December 2-3, 1994 (Contact BBM Marketing Promotions, P.O. Box 582, Lakewood, CA 90714 (310) 988-6250) GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE 68122 ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. July 30, 1994 (Fair) August 6, 1994 August 20, 1994 (all races at West/air Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¼ mile course similar tn the MTEG tracks, and run under class regulations from SODA) ROD HALL INVITATIONAL 5445 Equity Ave. Reno, NV 89502 (702)856-3100 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Karnloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime August 21, 1994 Vienna, GA (All events srart7milesNW ofKamloops) September 25, 1994 Vienna, GA LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1365 October 23, 1994 Vienna, GA Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 240-1335/(619) 240-1312 November 26, 1994 Thanksgiving 250 Vienna, GA August 19-21, 1994 Johnson Valley 200 Lucerne Valley, CA December 3, 1994 Annual Banquet TBA October 14-16, 1994 llirfd Series cf Qff-Boad.Racing. 1994 SODA RACE SCHEDULE Chevrolet Memorial Day 100, May 28-29 Lake Geneva, WI Chevrolet Off-Road Championship June 11-12 Antigo, WI Chevrolet Spring Run June 25-26 Crandon, WI Chevrolet Off-Road Challenge July 9-1 O Luxemburg, WI U.P. Off-Road 100 - July 23-24 Bark River, Ml Road America Off-Road Race Aug. 6-7 Elkhart Lake, WI Chevrolet Great Northern Challenge Aug. 20-21 Lake Odessa, Ml Chevrolet World Championship Sept. 2-4 Crandon, WI Wisconsin Off-Road Festival Sept. 17-18 Oshkosh, WI California 200 Ridgecrest, CA Blackhawk Farms Off-Road Challenge Oct. 1-2 Beloit, IL November 18-20, 1994 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 July 23, 1994 Fowlerville, Ml July 31, 1994 Mason, MI August 4, 1994 Sandusky, Ml August 9, 1994 Corunna, MI August 11, 1994 Bad Axd, Ml August 14, 1994 Imlay City, Ml August 18, 1994 Cadillac, Ml August 24, 1994 PENDING August 25, 1994 Hudsonville, Ml August 27-28, 1994 Off-Road Nationals Fowlerville, Ml MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD STADIUM SERIES Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 254-3001 October 1, 1 994 Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV October 8, 1994 Mile High Stadium Denver, CO MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION David Cronin, President. MAORA 2590 Mullanphy Florissant, MO 63031 (618) 765-2199 BFGaadricH -----------:r,res FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ~I{(;-(M.A.0.R.A. sanctioned races. Series produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) July 22, 1994 So. Illinois Fair & Expo Mt. Vernon, lL August 13, 1 994 Lincoln Trail Motosports Park Casey, IL September 9, 1994 Bond County Fairgrounds Greenville, IL NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 July 23-24, 1994 Niprock Raceways Canada August 7, 1994 Morristown Raceway Park, OH September 4, 1994 Niprock Raceways Canada OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasque: 13180 Round Dance El Paso. TX 79936 (913) 855-8899 November 5-6, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX OHIO OFF ROADERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 15 Stonecreek, Ohio 43840 (216) 339--4674 or (216) 897-5100 Hill Climb & Stadium Style Off Road Racing at Bear Creek Amphitheater Bolivar, Ohio August 13-14, 1994 September 10-11, 1994 September 24-25, 1994 ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd. N Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416) 427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O . Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-32081(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 ~ Coming Nut Month ••• SCORE Fireworks 250 • Brush Run Spring Run SCCA/Michelin Susquehannock Trail Pro Rally WRC Rally of Argentina• SODA at Antigo, WI· MTEG Stadium Racing at Salt Lake City La Rana Lucerne Valley Jam 250 VORRA/Yerington 400 Am-e-rLca-n ~ w~ ... plus all the regular features ESPN ESFDNE! COVERAGE SHORT-COURSE OFF-ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION • 7839 WEST NORTH AVENUE • WAUWATOSA, WISCONSIN 53213 Page 8 August 1994 Dusty Times

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® ~~~1~$ SEPTEMBER 2,3,& 4, 1994 ,1 ~ 'tJti~· IARGEST PURSE IN OFF-ROAD 880e1;;:<l l1 RACING HISTORY ~ . CHEVROLET. A~i.c.a.n ~ eu.,,J;,omW~ BFGoodrlc:l;j \lorld&.MojQffRoadRacing"' ~~ GOODfi'EAR ■:NORTHWOODS I .,.Hi§ii!] BARN DANCE FR.l. & SAT. NITE @pcnh~f,n/SKOAl RACING .. GENERAL INFORMATION: MCING BE.GINS 01\ILX AT 9:00 A.M ADMISSION: AD0LT$ (12 & UP) WEl!il<END PtiSS- $15 DAlLY ADMXSS10N - SlO CHILDREN ( 6 TO 12) -~2 l?tl\ DAY UNO&R 6 YRS. -tRE£ CAMPXNG • $20 ~£R WEEKEND PHONE: 715-478-2222 Fl\X: 715-470-5815 J

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THE FELDKAMP SAGA By Sam Wilshire Parker, AZ - Its taken 13 plus months, but Bud Feldkamp recently saw the lawsuit brought against him by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Arizona courts wrapped up ... and guess what ... Bud won!! The judge in the case, after listening to about three hours of testimony by the BLM folks, stopped everything and found Bud "not guilty". Based on my review of as many pertinent documen~s as I could lay my hands on, it appears that the BLM agents and rangers in attendance at the 1993 SCORE/ Parker 400, and who issued Bud a citation for "operating a motor vehicle in a reckless, negligent and careless manner", were out to make an example of Bud. The "why" will probably never be known. The when, where and how are a 'part of public record. This writer requested written responses from the six BLM personnel involved in this matter and for one reason or another, they chose not to reply. But I'm getting ahead of myself... some history ... The popular Parker 400 off road race has, in the most part, Dale Wilch 5 P.O. Kansas Phone (913) 788-3219 FAX (913) 788 9682 been a troubled event since day one. Not because of NORRA or SCORE or the competitors, but because of the geographic area and the bureaucratic involve-ments of several government and state agencies as well as, re-portedly, some environmental groups. Hey, there's lots of folks that don't want off road com-petitors and supporters out in the desert in the Parker area. Fortunately for the sport, there appears to be more pro'ers than con'ers. In the early days of the Parker 400, then organized by Ed Pearlman and the National Off-Road Racing Association, and then on into the days of SCORE and Mickey Thompson and Sal Fish, the event ran various iterations of loops in California and in Arizona, just to the east of Parker. The more recent venues have been all Arizona loops. On both sides of the Colorado River and on or near the marked SCORE Parker 400 race course, there were and are numerous environmentally sensitive areas or so the environmental groups and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) would have us believe. Desert fauna has played the biggest role in the designation of sensitive areas, but there are also sand dunes, rock formations and ancient strata that came as well as some endangered wildlife species in the area. To those who ran the Cali-fornia loop, names such as Thunder Alley and the north 95 road crossing brings back fond memories as do Osborne Wash, the Buckskin Mountains and rail-road grade, Bouse and Graham Well for the Arizona loop. Add to the environmental issues the chaos that was in evidence in getting race cars, teams and supporters from the California finish and then on through Parker and then out to the restart area on Shea Road and one can easily see that such an endeavor was a logistic nightmare as well as a traffic enforcement headache, but a headache that the California Highway Patrol (CHP) put up with and did their best to manage. The public lands law enforce-ment befell the BLM and in the main everyone is, was or has been, * CNC machined aluminum and steel construction that looks as good as it works * Easily adjusts in single degree increments to 45 degree angle notches * Notch any round tubing up to 2" OD in less than 30 seconds * Automatic round tube centering and alignment * Uses inexpensive "BIMETAL" hole saws (under $1 O) * Power vertical with a drill press or horizontal with any 1/2" hand drill Complete RTN 1000 fixture includin a wrench to adjust quadrant angle and easy cutter removal We also offer a steel model RTN 100 with most of the same features All credit cards or COO/UPS orders OK -Freight and all handling charges are included in the lower 48 states WARNING" Inferior imitations are in the marketplace 11 Buy the fixture with the moneyback guarantee • Page 10 August 1994 treated fairly. But, this is not always the case. During the '93 Parker 400 the BLM brought in rangers and agents from as far away as Pheonix and Yuma for the express purpose of patrolling and managing the desert, both immediately adjacent to the race course and cross-country areas, and to enforce federal public lands laws. It was on the 23rd of January, 1993 and during the race. Jerry Penhall had just handed off the teams class one, two-seater to Bud Feldkamp and his daughter Amy. That year the course ran clock-wise so out of the main pits on Shea Road the competitors ran east along Shea Road for about 5 miles and then headed in a north-easterly direction towards the Pit A area at Mineral Wash, about 20 miles from the Shea Road pits. In that first five miles Bud first suffered a rear flat and had down time fitting the new rear wheel and tire. Less than a mile on down course Bud lost the right front tire to a big rock near the course intersection with Shea Road and with no remaining spares, Bud jumped onto Shea Road, headed west back to the main pits to make repairs to the right front. It was anyone's guess as to how far it was back to the main pits but Bud estimated it to be about six miles. The posted speed limit on Shea Road was 35 mph based on the spectator traffic. Shea Road overlooks the Osborne Wash which is one of two or three spectator areas and Shea Road was crowded with vehicular traffic of spectators wanting to get into the Osborne Wash overlook. Bud and Amy continued to drive west and Bud said "I passed · several slow vehicles and a few cars moved over to let me pass, but at no time did I feel that my speed was above 35 (mph) and none of my passing moves were dangerous, reckless or anything else." The next thing Bud knew a BLM vehicle blocked the road and Bud was forced onto the shoulder. From here on everything got cloudy ... what we do know, through depositions, is at least six BLM Rangers or officers had Bud's race car stopped and "boxed in" on the shoulder. This was after two BLM vehicles, headed east, reportedly turned around and "gave chase". Once the Ranger Keith Dorsey got Bud stopped, the event turned into just that ... an event. On one side of the coin we had Bud Feldkamp and his daughter Amy and on the other about six BLM folks. Based on evidence it appears that Special Agent Levine and Ranger Dorsey had the "most" contact with Bud while the rest of the feds watched and/ or did a bit of crowd control. It was a tense situation ... Bud didn't know why he'd been stopped and once told, total disbelief set in. Bud's a racer but a level-headed one and he is known to race only on a course, not public roadways. Mr. Dorsey radioed for a Deputy Sheriff after Bud refused to identify himself or produce a driver's license. All the while the decibel levels of the talks rose ... Bud was excited and it appears, so were the BLM folks. We'll never really know what was said by who but the depositions paint a rather one-sided story, all in favor of, guess who ... the BLM folks. In carefully reading each deposition it's noted that not one BLM Ranger or official said they were able to clock, pace or otherwise measure Bud's speed and that no radar unit or device . was there ... the "excessive speed" positions taken by the BLM folks were all estimates. Deputy Sacheck of the LaPaz County Sheriff's Department arrived and said he thought there were about eight BLM'ers around and there was lots of yelling from Bud and the rangers. Amy was crying hysterically and without identifying the person, the Deputy said there was one BLM official who was very irate and obnoxious. Deputy Sacheck tried to defuse the situation by taking Bud off to the side for a talk, but one of the rangers continued to interfere and on each interference Bud was set off. Finally the ranger moved away and the situation sorta cooled off. In the end Ranger Dorsey issued Bud a US District Court Violation Notice for "operating a motor vehicle in a reckless, negligent and careless manner." You'll note that the word "speed" is not there ... I personally think that all the BLM'ers realized they were on shakey ground with "excessive speed" claims. According to official records, the deputy had to assist Ranger Dorsey with the notice 'cause he didn't know how to fill out the form. This inability to complete an official form is interesting after seeing a May 7, 1993 reply to Bud from Mr. Steve Robinson, Assistant Director, Fire and Law Enforcement, BLM, Department of the Interior where Mr. Robinson says in part, "the two officers in question are highly trained and experienced law enforcement professionals who were on! y trying to do their duty ... " Every professional law enforcement agent I've ever known or seen has each form down pat and is usually an expert in each. That Violation Notice began Bud's lengthy quest for justice ... , Then a couple of real strange things happened ... not only did Bud have the Violation Notice in hand, but Danny Cau, of SCORE International happened on the scene and got involved thinking initially that there may have been an accident or emergency, what with the number of BLM people and spectators. Then a new BLM name came into the event as Rob Smith (!), the BLM /SCORE liaison for the event, had a talk with Mr. Cau, and based on Danny's deposition, wanted Bud disqualified from the event. In the end Danny Cau told Bud that the team was dis-qualified. Obviously any organization, including SCORE, needs good working relationships with city, county, state, federal and country officials and agencies to be successful in promoting events ... but to have Mr. Rob Smith, a I BLM official stand there and say he wants a competitor disquali-fied on just his say so, when SCORE procedures are in place to judge, and decide on the merits of, a case borders on raw, pure governmental intimadation and coercion. Hey, and just think ... your tax dollars and mine made certain that Mr. Smith was there to do the deed. So, let's see ... ~ Dusy Times

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Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 August 27-28, 1994 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji, MN September 16-18, 1994 Sunriser Forest Rally Chillicothe, Ohio October 22-23, 1994 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, MI December 2-3, 1994 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME * lndicares Divisional Rally with 6o pe,-cent National Points SCORE Score International 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 September 9-11, 1994 SCORE Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV November 10-13, 1994 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX December 16, 1994 Awards Night Location TBA S.C.T.A. Southern Cali.fornia Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 · SNORE Southern Nevada Off · Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 July 22-24, 1994 Midnight Special Nelson Hills, NV September 23-25, 1994 SNORE250 Las Vegas, NV October 28-30, 1994 Double Trouble 200 Nelson Hills, NV December 2-4, 1994 Eldorado 250 Henderson, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODAI( 414) 257-0422 July 23-24, 1994 UP Off Road 100 Bark River, Ml August 6-7, 1994 Road America Elkhart Lake, WI Augus·t 20-21, 1994 Great Northern Challenge Lake Odessa, MI September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 17-18, 1994 Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI October 1-2, 1994 Blackhawk Farms Off Road Challenge So. Beloit, IL SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 ~ it's 5:00 p.m. January 23rd and Bud Feldkamp and daughter are sitting there with a broken, disqualified and ticketed race car. What followed in this saga over the next 15 months (February '93 to April '94) is eye-opening not only from a standpoint of governmental arrogance but also i from a waste, fraud and abuse i standpoint. And while you read the facts and information just remember it's our tax dollars at work. So look for the second, and final, article in this matter in next month's issue. Dusty Times Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915)337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowic.:, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (All =ts at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owebo, NY) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W. Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 656-1122 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 July 29-31, 1994 Fallon.250 at Night Fallon, NV September 3-5, 1994 Yerington to Fallon and Back Yerington, NV October 1-2, 1994 VORRA Fall Spectacular Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA October 29-30, 1994 1994 Championship Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson (604) 538-0692 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WESTERN PENSYLV ANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 (412) 532-0802 July 23, 1994 Heavy Metal 4x4 (Only) Challenger Raceway August 20, 1994 Heavy Metal 4x4 (Only) Challenger Raceway September 4-5, 1994 Heavy Metal & Buggies Muddy Run Raceway WIDPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP July 30-August 2, 1994 Rally of New Zealand August 25-28, 1994 Rally of 1000 Lakes Finland September 17-20, 1994 Rally of Australia October 9-13, 1994 Sanremo Rally Italy November 19-23, 1994 RAC Rally Great Britain ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming ewnts in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans knowaboutyourewnt, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't c.all, but mail :your 1994 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail :your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 2075 i Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 913u-44o8. . GERMAN AUTO DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4·polnt sand rail seat belt .. $ 7 4. 9.5 RACE BELTS 2'-5pointmount •...•.... $79.95 3'-5pointmount ....•.... $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS . .................... $54.95 Swing axle ............... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# ............ $79.95 200mm•upto3000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cush/ocks ............... $39.95 4pucferramic .. ... . ...... $44.95 4 puc ferramlc with spring hub ..... . ........................ $54.95 SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 11/, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .................. $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges .ea$15.95 Trlckboots(spec/fy) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star .................. . call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stock width .... $199.95 8' travel-widened beam .$219.95 10' travel-stock width .... $224.95 10' travel-widened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-111/, "chrome .... ..... $ 98.95 T-111/, • raw ............ $ 65.95 T-11518' chrome ...... . . $105.95 T-11518' raw , .......... $ 72.95 T-4chrome ...... .••.... $189.95 T-4 raw ... . . . ............ $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, Includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I .•................. $489.95 MK II .......•..•....... $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ...... . $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259. 95 Replacements/ave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest ava//able anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion .$269.95 Mount plate ............ $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8.95 Rack steering stops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1. 7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 11/,'longer .......... pr.$474.00 211, •tonger .......... pr. $499.00 4• /onger·coilover style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set ... .. ..................... $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3' X 3 • ................ $435.00 1·21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG .... ......... US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-9.29-1461 August 1994 Page 11

Page 12

SCORE TECATE BAJA 500 Ashley a Smith Take The Overall Dave Ashley and Dan Smith shared driving chores in the official overall winning vehicle, a Class 8 Ford. They 9overed the course in 10:28:38 to win overall and Class 8 by about three minutes. This year's SCORE Baja 500 ended on a sour note, with a couple of front runners losing their positions to official penalties, which moved the Class 8 truck team of Dave Ashley and Dan Smith, in a Ford, the overall win. The course was a loop from Ensenada to Santo Tomas this year, and ittraversed465 miles of Baja California, with a short section that was run twice, between El Mezcal and El Alamo Road. The drivers looped northward nearly to the T ecate highway, and then dropped southward, but up in altitude, to Mike's Sky Ranch. Then the trail led back to the north, and west, down through the hills to the beach, up along the shore to Erendira, and then eastward to Santo Tomas, where they drop-ped off the hill, across the street, and into the finish. The weather stayed good, clear, sunny and warm, with no rain. But there was plenty of water and mud, starting with the riverbed just south of Ensenada, and finishing with a Renezeder, who was three min-high tide along the beach. utes in front of Pat Dean, who'd The race started on the pave-already had some flats, in his men t, with a 20 mile run to Porsche Chenowth. Tied for fifth, Maneadero,whichwasabitscary, almost 20 minutes later, were and hard on some motors. The Corky McMillin, in his Porsche motorcycles and ATVs had UMP mid-engined car, and Grif-started first, followed after an fiths. McMillin had some power hour by the Trophy-Trucks, and steering problems. The Herbst then, about 15 minutes after the brothers had lost about two last of them, the Class 1 Baja 500 hours. entries. Dean had taken over the lead by At El Compadre, 170 miles on the time the cars got to Mile 308, the way, the lead belonged to Tim near the turnoff to Mike's. It's and Ed Herbst, in a Porsche Chen-interesting to note that at that owth, who'd had the number one point his time was just one minute start positio~. They were just two slower than that of the lead minutes in front of Carl Renezed-Trophy-Truck, Mears. In fact, at er, in another Porsche Chenowth, all our unofficial time-keeping and Mark McMillin, in his stations the lead Class 1 car was Porsche Chenowth, who were on either tied with or only a minute the same minute. Jason Baldwin, off the time of the lead Trophy-in still another Porsche Chen-Truck. owth, ran fourth, two minutes Renezeder, who was having later, followed by Bob Griffiths in brake problems, ran second at the a Porsche Raceco. Passing was dif-turnoff, and Corky.McMillin was ficult, the course was tight, twisty third, with Tom Koch, in a VW and dusty. powered Raceco, fourth, fol-At Ojos Negros, McMillin had lowed by Mark McMillin, who'd the lead, with ·ust one minute on broken a spindle. After the fjrst two were DQ'd in Class 1/2, a surprised Gorky McMillin and Brian Ewalt took first place in class and their time was good for fourth overall, so it was no fluke.• Brian Stewart tried very hard to win Class 8 in the Dodge but he fell short by mere minutes and not only was second in class he was second overall. Dean, who was wearing a gar-bage bag as protection against all tha-t water, continued to run trouble free, and stayed in front, with Renezeder behind him. Corky McMillin's co-driver, Brian Ewalt, drove 100 miles of his section with no power steer-ing, and after it was fixed, Corky got in for the home stretch. Mark, trying to catch his dad, went out to pass another car, hit a wide ditch, and splayed out his front end. Griffiths was hung off the cliff coming out of Mike's, and waiting for a winch. Dean, first of this class on the road, caught up with a motorcy-clist, Scott Nolind, and in trying to get past him, accidentally hit him. He stopped, and so did a following helicopter, which also radioed a request for medical aid, which was there quickly, and Nolind was flown out. Dean was encouraged to get back in his car and finish, which he did, appar-endy taking the win by 25 min-utes, and only nine minutes behind the winning Trophy Truck. Renezeder finished second. In third it was Corky McMillin, who couldn't figure out why Mark hadn't caught him, and Koch, who reported rolling his car about two miles from the fin-ish, losing his eyeglasses in the confusion, was fourth. Mark McMillin finally showed up •in fifth. Hours later, after much talk and discussion, SCORE officials declared that Dean had been dis-qualified for "unsafe" driving. Renezeder was also disqualified for driving backwards on the course back in Trinidad. He'd been in and out of his pits, trying to fix something. Renezeder had been notified of the dq according to bystanders, but had decided to go ahead and finish and see what happened. The officials declared that he was indeed disqualified. All of that moved Corky McMillin and Ewalt up into first place in Class 1. Koch was bumped to second, and Mark McMillin finished third, with Jim Baldwin and his 16 year old son, Josh, in fourth in their Porsche Chenowth. Jim hurt his back so Josh had got out of his 1600 car and taken over the wheel of the big car for the second half of the race. Word is that he may not go back to the 1600 willing! y. In fifth at the finish it was Ed and Tim Herbst, and they were the last of their class to finish. A side note: Corky McMillin, at age 65, must be one of the oldest, if not the oldest, class winner at a SCORE race. Tom Koch, with Paula Gibeault reading pace notes in the two seater, took second in Class 1 /2 after a late roll, and they also were seventh overall. Losing a wheel early in the race, Mark McMillin got it all together to take third in Class 1, about an hour behind his father Gorky who won. The Class 8 trucks were the second group to start, and when they got to El Compadre the lead belonged to Curt LeDuc, who was driving one of the Walker Evans Dodges. He was "testing" the new VlO motor truck that will be Brian Stewart's when it's declared finished. In a dead heat for third it was Dan Smith in the Ford, and Brian Stewart, in his Dodge, just Page 1i August 1994 Dusty Times

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b..... .-Right behind his teammate it was Curt LeDuc, third in Class 8 in the new V-10 Dodge, test driving he said to third in class and a close third overall. Pete Alesi and Perry McNeil had a good run in the Ford F-150 and when the dust settled they were fourth in Class 8 and a nifty tenth overall. Tom Schilling and John Marking climbed steadily up the rankings in the keen Jimco, were third 'midway in Class 10, moved forward to finish in second. five minutes behind LeDuc. Marty Coyne and Jimmie Johnson were fourth in their Chevy, and Jerry McDonald, already having c.v. problems, ran fifth in his Chevy. Up at Ojos Negros Smith had taken over the lead, with two minutes on Stewart, and LeDuc was now three minutes back in third. Coyne and Johnson held their fourth place, and McDonald was struggling with a broken power steering in fifth. Smith handed over to Ashley, and their day continued to run smoothly, as they had no mechan-ical trouble at all. Their lead was still only five minutes, and it was still Stewart in second place, fol-lowed by his own new truck, just four minutes behind him, with LeDuc using only "part throttle" to be sure of a finish. Pete Alesi and Perry McNeil, in a Ford, were now fourth, as McDonald had to make repairs on his viscous drive, and took his truck out of all-wheel-drive. Darren Skilton, in his Jeep, had moved up to fifth now, having a good run, except that one co-driver had fallen ill. Ashley continued to run in front with no problems, and he had eight minutes on Stewart after C Mike's. Stewart had spun a big 360 in the mud near Valle de T rin-idad, but didn't get stuck. LeDuc, listening on the radio, slowed for -the mud, didn't spin, and was still third, six minutes later, while Skilton was now fourth, about 40 minutes later. Dale White moved into fifth in his Chevy, as McDon-ald, fatigued from driving without his power steering, gave the wheel to motocross ace Rick Johnson. Ashley and Smith went on to take the win, reporting a quiet day, with lots of dust and lots of mud. Stewart was second behind them, only eight minutes later, followed in by LeDuc, who had obviously enjoyed his drive. Alesi and McNeil finished fourth, fol-lowed in by Skilton. The next group to take the green flag was Class 10, and as they got to Compadre the lead belonged to Rod Muller, in a Jimco. He'd had a bit of luck, unknown to him, when the Dave Bufe/Jerry Higman car had rolled behind him and tied up traffic for a bit. No one was injured in the rollover, but those caught in the roadblock lost about 10 minutes by all reports. Jerry Penhall, in a Penhall, was tied for third place, with Rick and Randy Wilson, in Jerry Penhall and Geroge Erl took the lead, after many others had led Class 10, midway in the race, and George held the lead on the last legs for the win. It was Penha/l's first win in Baja after years of trying. Michael Jakobson did the iron man bit again and won Class 5 at the Baja 500. He ran away from the field finishing an hour and 40 minutes ahead of second place and he finished 13th overall. Dusty Times their Toyota powered Raceco, about eight minutes back. In another dead heat, for fifth place, it was Tom Schilling, in his J imco, and Dave Richardson, in a Chen-owth. Richardson had got himself high-centered in a tree thanks to a moment of brain-fade: Muller continued to lead through Ojos Negros, with just four minutes on Penhall now. Schilling was now tied for fourth with Willie Melancon and Brian Parkhouse in their Mirage. The Wilsons were fifth. Back through Alamo, down the old road, onto the highway, and to Mile 308, and it was Parkhouse and Melancon in the lead. Now they had six minutes on Penhall. Schilling, and his co-driver, John Marking, ran third now, with the 'f<eut Wilsons fourth and Richardson, been racing down there. Schilling and his co-driver, Steve Sourapas, and Marking finished second, less in fifth. than three minutes behind them. Penhall's co-driver, George Erl, In third it was Parkhouse and took over for the second half of Melancon, with Sourapas and the race, and as they came down Richardson in fourth. Croll and out of Mike's he'd taken the lead. Rhodes were fifth, only 29 min-He was just six minutes in front of utes out of first place. Melancon and Parkhouse. In the Class 5 troops, next to third now it was the Wilsons, fol- start, were led by Mike Jakobson lowed by Ray Croll, who was at Compadre, but he was just five making up time lost when his minutes in front of Conrad Diaz, partner, Tom Rhodes, rolled their who was only a minute ahead of Jimco early in the day. Sourapas John Cooley, who'd got his car so was fifth. wet and muddy in the river that he Erl was having no problems, couldn't see for a while. Mike and but he smelled c.v. oil, and once Neal Grabowski ran fourth, stalled the car in a puddle on.the another eight minutes back. beach. But it quickly restarted, Jakobson continued to lead, and he motored on to take the but Diaz broke a front trailing win. The victory was the first for arm, rolling over in the process, Penhall in Baja in all the years he's and dropped ~ ~~ OFF ROAD COMPONENTS -,-,,.__v-----~ * MADE BETTER IN THE U.S.A. * YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING . . . WE HAVE BEEN LISTENING TORSION BARS ARE HERE! 300 M & Intermediate Grade Material. All Lengths & Diameters ·Even 1/2 mm Sizes Are Available CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE PRODUCT CATALOG OR CONTACT ONE OF THESE REID PRO DEALERS D.G.RACING DJ TRANSAXLES JIMCO RACING PRODUCTS DENUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS 17485 Catalpa, #B5 10623 Blackfoot Rd. 10965 Hartley Road, Suite R P.O. Box 6057 Hesperia, CA 92345 Apple Valley, CA 92308 Santee, CA 92071 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (619) 947-6365 (619) 240-3930 (619) 562-1743 (805) 683-1211 FEX PERFORMANCE HOTLINE AUTOMOTIVE LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS 1098 Stockton Avenue 6951 ldlewylde Circle 825 N. Glendora Avenue 1660 Babcock, Bldg. B San Jose, CA95110 Melbourne, FL 32904 Covina, CA 91723 Costa·Mesa, CA 92627 (408) 295--0707 (407) 724-1270 (818) 915-2212 (714) 650-3035 SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED T.U.F. OFFROAD OFFROAD BUGGY SUPPLY DOWNEY RACE HAUS 1345 Dynamics, Unit D 3255 E. Columbia 2525 E. 16th Street 8734 Cleta St., Unit C Anaheim, CA 92806 Tucson, "2. 85714 Yuma, "2. 85365 Downey, CA90241 (714) 996-6260 (602) 294-3511 (602) 783-6265 (310) 862-1671 SCHROEDER RACING PRODUCTS BRANDNOOD CARS 800 S. Flower St. 4319 East University Burbank, CA 91502 Phoenix, "2. 85040 (818) 845-8283 (602) 437-3107 CUSTOM LENGTH AXLES ARE NOW AVAILABLE • CALL FOR PRICE AND DELIVERY (619) 240-2266 Dealer Inquiries Are Not Only Invited, But Encouraged! August 1994 Page 13

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Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson usually do well in Baja, and this round they drove the Class 10 Chenowth home fourth in class and eleventh overall. Michael James and John Cooley had a good run going until Cooley got stuck and also had clutch trouble, but they carried on to finish second in Class 5. Conrad Diaz and Luis Barragan were part of the tight pack up front in Class 5, had alternator troubles on their way, but were third in class. Meanwhile, the rest of the class hurried on to the finish, and the Ampudias stayed in front, having no mechanical problems except a little miss whenever it turned left, and took the win by 23 minutes. Teuscher and Nolin were second, followed in by the Rusich broth-ers, who'd finished with no brakes. Then came Avila and Arjona, and the Baldwin and Benham team was fifth. Alto-gether, 13 of these tough limited race cars made it to the finish. It was a tight front five in Class 1-2-1600 of the 20 starters, and first one then another would lead the pack. At the finish it was Rodrigo and Rogerio Ampudia who arrived first in the Chenowth/Neth, and they had led the last 200 miles to win by about 22 minutes. Jeff Lewis took the early lead in Class 7S in the Chevy S-10 and he kept building a time cushion, but had no troubles and didn't need it on his way to another 7S victory. In Class 7 it was a different story. There were fqur entrants, but none finished, and only two, the Chevy of Javier Espinosa and Salvador Avila, and the Dodge Dakota of Sergio Nolasco and Alejandro Abaroa, both Mexican teams, made it any distance. Our spotters saw them both go through Mile 1 70, with the Chevy in the lead, and then they were never seen again. ~ back a bit, still second, however, In third now it was George Seeley, while the Grabowskis dropped out, and Cooley got stuck, dropping to fourth. He'd still be stuck, but Seeley pulled him out. Jakobson, who'd had one early flat, was having no trouble, and got to Mile 308 with a lead of nearly an hour. Now it was Coo-ley's co-driver, Michael James, in second. Seeley ran third, and Diaz's co-driver, Luis Barragan, was fourth. He'd lost a c.v. boot, and had to replace an alternator. Jakobson ran up to Mike's and back down with no trouble, and led by an hour and seven minutes at mile 370. It was Cooley and James, their cl1,1tch going away, in second place. Diaz and Barragan were now third, and Seeley was spending a lot of time in his pits. No one else was running. Jakobson had almost no brakes for the last 20 miles, which encompasses some really fast roads with hairpin turns, and cliffs to fall off of. He put his car in second gear and came on care-fully, to take his win. Cooley and James finished second, an hour and 45 minutes later, and Diaz and Barragan were third, another flats, and was now (,jfth. hour behind them. No one else Ampudia now put on a real made it in. charge, and by Mile 308 had The 1600 buggies were next to moved into the lead, but Holmes go, and in this group the early lead and his co-driver, Mike Kalicki, was held by John Holmes in a were only six minutes behind Raceco, and he was four minutes him. And up to third, after a time in front of Dennis Hight and Jon equal to Ampudia 's on this Kennedy, in their Chenowthl -stretch, was Teuscher, and his co-Neth at Mile 170. In third it was driver, Rob Nolin. Jon Kennedy, the team of Gary Anderson and Hight's co-driver, was fourth Dale Johnson, in a '94 Lola. now, and Justin Benham, who'd Rodrigo Ampudia, in a Chen-taken over for Josh Baldwin when owth/Neth, was running fourth he moved into the Class 1 car, after a roll-over in the Pine Forest, now ran fifth in their Chenowth. and Danny Porter and Mark-They'd had some trouble with a Ruddis, in a Suspensions Unlim-front adjuster. ited car, ran fifth. This next part of the course is Holmes still led at Ojos Negros, one of the most hazardous trails in but he was only five minutes in • Baja. After going up and down the front of Ampudia, who was by mountain, Ampudia was still in now the first car of this class on front, brother Rogerio now driv-the road. Holmes, who'd started ing. Nolin had recorded the fast-22nd , was now thesecond car tra-est time for that section in veling the trail, having somehow Teuscher's car, and moved his passed a whole crowd of his com-team up to second, only 12 min-petitors. In third on elapsed time utes back. Tom Rusich had taken it was now Hight, who'd lost some over for Frank, and they were time with a rollover, and Todd now third, as the team of Alex Teuscher, who'd hit a tree with Avila and Matias Arjona, in a his Chenowth, and bent the front Neth, moved up to fourth. They'd beam, was up to fourth, bent had some flats, and lost their gas beam and all. Frank Rusich, in cap, which let their fuel slosh out, another Chenowth, was having until some pit person decided to ~~~~~~~~8~~~~~~~~~8~~~~~~~~~~-~---~~-~~~ RUT BUCKS SBUCKS off your next STRAIGHT LINE Wheel Service ... Straight 4J i_ n =-•r ~ II ~ ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING With this Coupon (805) 944-2719 ~------~~--~--~---_llllll~~~~ll~ll.J!.~~_F_u.~-~~~~~~~ Page 14 August 1994 tape it closed. Benham still ran fifth, having no problems. Kalicki was suddenly out of the picture. He'd got through Mike's, and then, on the infamous steep hill just beyond the resort, he'd seen a downed biker waving his hand to indicate that he should go around to the right. So he decided he'd just go for it, not wanting to stop and look things over and lose his momentum. Next thing he knew he was sliding over the cliff, which he remembered had a drop-off of several hundred feet. But the car stopped, and when the dust cleared, Mike saw that a tree had saved them from the chasm. Before he could catch his breath he heard voices, and realized that there was another car over the edge, just on top of his. This was Griffiths, in his Class 1 car, who'd tried to go around the biker also, not seeing what happened to Kalicki until he found himself on top of him. The two were there for hours, neither the drivers, passengers or cars were hurt, but it was very time consuming to raise them back up to the trail. A plaintive message came over the radio for Kalicki's team, saying "the car needs to be winched out, tomorrow." Class 7S started next, and when they passed El Compadre, Jeff Lewis had his Chevrolet in front. He was four minutes up on John and Mike Becker in their Ford Ranger. Javier Sacio, in a Nissan, ran third, two minutes later, and then came Scott Steinberger in his Ranger, in fourth. Darren York, whose Ford usually runs Aear the front, was already replacing his transmission, a job that took about two hours. At Ojos Negros, which is 223 miles into the race, Lewis had a lead of 15 minutes, and now the second place truck was Willie Valdez and Lou Peralta, in a Ford. The Becker truck was third, fol-lowed by Steinberger in fourth, and Sacio had lost an hour with a rollover. Through the next stretch Lewis held his lead, with Valdez and Peralta second, a half hour back, and Steinberger in third 20 min-utes later. The Beckers were fourth now, and John Ray had hopped into Sacio's truck for the trip to Mike's and back down. Lewis was having a great day, As the early leaders faded back in Class 5-1600, Ernesto and Adolfo Arambula moved up to third at Mike's, took the lead on the beach and held on to win the class by 12 minutes. Dusty Times

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Rob Nolin and Todd Teuscher fly past spectators in the Chenowth but a later encounter with a tree saw the team finish second in Class 2-1600. .,,,,:;:;!¾, Flying high here the Ford Ranger driven by Wilfie Valdez and Lou Peralta ran second after 200 miles, and their Ford Ranger took second in Class 7S. Darren and Doug York had to spend time at El Alamo changing transmission parts, but they soldiered on to finish third in the Class 7S Ford Ranger. with no flats, no problems, and built his lead to 4 7 minutes by the time he got to mile 370. It was still Valdez and Peralta in second, and then York had worked his way back up to third, with Sacio and Ray in fourth now. Steinberger had suffered an ignominious fate when his spindle broke at about the point where Kalicki and Grif-fiths had come to rest, and his right front wheel and tire bounced off down into the valley. Now Steinberger had the road blocked, and until about 18 vehicles had lined up in the traffic jam, and all their drivers hiked up to his truck to use their muscle to move the front end over to the edge, no one went anywhere. Lewis went on, running strong and fast, having what he called a "dream" race, to take the win. He was an hour and 10 minutes in front of Peralta and Valdez, who finished second. In third it was York, who said he never used his truck's fpur-wheel drive. Sacio and Ray finished fourth. Class 6 was a no-show for this event, and the next to start was the lone Class 3 vehicle, the '72 Ford Bronco of Robert Hayley and Steven Ames.We saw them go by at about Mile 25, moving right along, but have no record of them anywhere else along the course, and they're listed as non-finishers. The 5-1600s got the green flag next, and, while Danny Ledezma, who'd had the number one start position, held his first on the road spot, his cousins, Mario and Elias Ledezma, running right behind him, had a one minute lead. Danny was second. In third it was Gus Vildosola, in a brand new car, about 13 minutes back, and pushed hard by Guillermo Quin-tero, who was only a minute behind him. In fifth it was the Charlie Watters and Brian Good-rich team, another three minutes back. Vince Alcouloumre, always a hit with his surf-board on top of his car, lost a valve about eight miles into the race and retired for the day. Mario and Elias had terminal trouble with their rack and pin-ion, and Danny took over the lead by Ojos Negros, with 17 minutes on Quintero, who'd moved into second place. In third it was Vil-dosola, having a very trouble free race in his new car, and then Ernesto Arambula was fourth, followed by Howard Hughes, who'd had a brake shoe collapse earlier. At Mile 308, the turn off to Mike's, Ledezma had 27 minutes on Quintero's co-driver, Fran-cisco Ortiz, in second. Arambula was now third, even after a roll-over, and Vildosola was just two minutes behind him in fourth. Hughes' co-driver, Jon Brindell, his brakes completely gone, had rolled over, and ended up parked on his side. Alberto and Manuel Covarrubias moved up to fifth place. "I would never race again without it ! " Ledezma led up through Mike's resort, and some distance past, and broke a stub axle. He had no spare with him, and as he tried to locate a replacement, Ortiz went into the lead. He had four minutes on Adolfo Arambula when he got to Valle de Trinidad the second time. In third it was Covarrubias, and Vildosola's co-driver, Eric Muller, ran fourth, having spent some time in Steinberger's traffic jam after Mike's. He was low on brakes. Mike Leon and Ramon Castro were now in fifth place, their car having lost its brakes and shocks, and also running hot. Quintero climbed back into his car for the drive to the finish, and along the beach road he began to have a fuel pick up problem. The car stopped a couple of times, and Arambula went past, into the lead. The Arambulas, who had steering and brake problems, but no flats, took the win, finishing 12 minutes in front of Quintero and Ortiz. In third it was Vildosola and Muller, while Leon and Cas-tro took fourth, followed in by Gustavo Casanova and Ed Orozco. The Class 9 folks were next off the line, and at Mile 170 it was Alfonso LaCarra, in a Jimco, in the lead, with five minutes on Rick Paquette, in a T-Mag. In third it was Darnen Jefferies, in a Jimco, and Ed McLean, in another Jimco, ran fourth. By the time they got to Ojos Negros, Mile 223, Paquette had taken over the lead, and Jefferies was second, four minutes behind him. In third it was LaCarra, and then there was a dead heat for fifth, between McLean, and Terry Walsh, in a Challenger, who'd . already had a flat. They were 35 minutes behind the lead car. · Jefferies moved into the lead by Mile 308, followed by LaCarra's co-driver, Lalo Mayoral, 21 min-utes later in second. In a tie for fourth it was Paquette 's co-driver, Jim Greenway, I@" Walker Evans What is Walker talking about ? His High Output Desert Blower System by Fresh Air Systems. TM We also have: * New Simpson & ~ helmets & accessories • or • • • have us convert your existing helmet * Self-Contained systems for short-course racing. * Extensive selection of blowers & coolers. You will immediately feel a significant improvement in performance with our systems. Guaranteed. Call Chris Raffo at ( 708) 259 - 3810 for more information. Raffo Racing, Ltd. "The Home of Fresh Air Systems™" 425 South Dunton Avenue -Arlington Heights, IL 60005-1907255 Fax (708) 259 - 9705 Dusty Times August 1994 Page 15

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# Poe 109 1 117 2 105 3 113 4 101 5 1611 1 1648 2 1608 3 1601 4 1603 5 505 1 502 2 504 3 578 1 552 2 553 3 577 4 556 5 720 1 729 2 722 3 721 4 735 5 808 1 809 2 807 3 803 4 811 5 901 1 948 2 1018 1 1000 2 1012 3 1013 4 1009 5 1102 1 1101 2 760 1 864 1 865 2 877 3 862 4 11 1 28 2 25 3 38 4 80 5 SCORE TECATE BAJA 500 RESULTS.JUNE 3-5 1994 Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Claaa 1/2-Unlimited alngle & two aeat - 15 start - 7 finish Corky McMillin/Brian Ewalt Chenowth/Porsche Tom Koch/Paula Gbeault Raceco/Porsche MarkMcMillin Chenowth/Porsche Jim & Josh Baldwin Chenowth/Porsche Tim & Ed Herbst Chenowth/Porsche Claaa 1-2-1600 -1600cc Restricted Engine. 20 start - 13 finish Rodrigo & Rogerio Ani:>udia Chenowth/Ne1h Rob Nolin/Todd Teuscher Chenowth Tom & Frank Rusich Chenowth Alex Avila/Matias A~ona Neth Josh Baldwin/Justin Benham Chenowth Claaa 3-Short we 4x4 - 1 start. o finish Ctaaa 4-Long WB 4x4 - o start - o finish Claaa 5 - Unlimited Beja Bug - 6 atart - 3 finish Michael Jakobson Baja Bug Michael James/John Cooley Baja Bug Conrad Diaz/Luis Barragan Baja Bug Claaa 5-1600 • 1600cc Baja Bug• 17 start - 6 finish Ernes1o & Adolfo Ararrbula Baja Bug Guillermo Quintero/Francisco Ortiz Baja Bug Gustavo Vik:losola/Eric Muller Baja Bug Miguel Leon/Ramon Castro Baja Bug Gustavo Casanova/Ed Orozco Baja Bug Ctaaa 6 - Production Sedan • 0 atart - o finiah Ctaaa 7 - Unlimited Mini Pickup - 4 start - 0 finish Ctaaa 7S - Stock Mini Pickup - 13 start - 7 finish Jett Lewis Chevy S-10 Willie Valdez/Lou Peralta Ford Ranger Darren & Doug York Ford Ranger Javier Sacio/John Ray Nissan Marco Novelo/Joe Alvarado Ford Ranger Ctaaa 8 • 2WO Standard Pickup - 15 start - 9 finish Dave Ashley/Dan Smith Ford F-150 Brian Stewart Dodge Curt LeDuc Dodge Pete Alesl/Perry McNeil Ford F-150 Darren Skilton/Barrie Thoni:>son Jeep Claaa 9 - Restricted Buggy - 9 atart - 4 finish (2 DO) Terry, Kevin & Rhonda Walsh Challenger Darnen & Willie Jefferies Jimco Claaa 10 -Unlimited 1650cc - 26 start -12 finish Jerry PenhalVGeorge Erl Penhall Tom Schilling/John Marking Jimco Brian Parkhouse/Willie Melancon Mirage Steve SourapastDave Richardson Chenowth Ray CrolVTom Rhodes Jimco Ctaaa 11 -Stock VW sedan-10 start - 2 finish Eric Solorzano/Hector Rodriguez VWBeetle Rogelio Rivera/Pablo Tapia VWBeetle Ctaaa Mini Stock - Stock Mini Trucks - 2 start - 1 finish Scott Seils Toyota Claaa Stock Full - Stock Pickup Trucks - 8 start - 4 finish Rod Hall/Bill ThO"l)SOn Hummer Chad Hall/Kevin Horan Hummer Steve Olliges/Tim Casey Ford David Sykes/Gregg Woodington Ford Spor1aman Claaaea - 7 atart - o finish Trophy Trucks -12 start - 9 finish Ivan Stewart Toyota John Swfft Ford Roger Mears Chevrolet Rob MacCachren Ford Larry Ragland Chevrolet Starters, cars 160 - finishers. cars 68 -42.5% - Race Distance 465 miles Trophy-Trucks -Starters· 12 - Finishers 9 - 75% • Weather - Warm, Clear, Sunny Fast Time - Cars/Trucks - Dave Ashley/Dan Smith - Class 8 Ford - 10:28:38 Fast Time - Motorcydes • Paul Krause/Ted Hunnicutt Jr.- Kawasaki - 9:17:16 Time 11:01:45 11:12:36 12:06:15 14:11:35 14:54:01 11:18:54 11:41:24 12:18:19 12:27:47 12:30:03 11 :40:09 13:24:39 14:48:53 12:58:42 13:10:59 13:44:19 14:08:32 15:38:11 11:46:35 12:56:15 13:43:20 13:45:59 16:16:55 10:28:38 10:31 :29 10:36:23 11:19:32 11:41:30 15:08:45 15:35:15 11 :08:30 11:11:15 11:13:39 11:35:19 11 :37:02 16:54:32 17:39:42 14:17:40 14:14:36 14:31:44 15:33:40 16:10:48 10:11:43 10:26:32 10:32:24 10:59:24 11:14:20 BIGGER IS BETT-ER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the ~er C.V. ioin!_s. 0/A 4 7 19 40 50 9 14 20 21 22 13 31 48 28 29 35 39 55 17 27 34 36 58 1 2 3 10 15 52 54 5 6 8 11 12 60 63 44 43 46 53 57 Convert Type I stub axles and output bell -!to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. !convert Type II stub axles and output bell 'to accept 930 C.V. joints. 1 All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV rc .v.s can be threaded ¾-24 or stock 8mm. 'All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be j threaded -24 QJ,stocK 10mm threads. FIT YOUII OF~ R!)ADER: . ~ · WITH UPGRAbED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per fla_!IJIB on yo_ur supplie~ parts. _ ER s1on is advan ump stop system. Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. . ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. lncludinQ the mountinQ hardware and the GR8 bolts SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P.O. Box 845 1-a02-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ. 85382--0845 Page 16 started next, and Chad Hall, in a brand new Hummer, took the early lead, with nine minutes on Dave Sykes, in his Ford. In third place it was Gordon DiCarlo, in another Ford, a minute back, and followed by Rod Hall, in an ear-lier version of the Hummer, another four minutes back. Rod went into the lead by Ojos Negros, and Sykes now ran second, 18 minutes later. Chad, whose Hummer has a bigger motor, a four speed transmission and better weight distribution, thus, better handling, had a short in his battery cable, which melted his batteries. Terry, Kevin and Rhonda Wafsh took turns driving the Class 9 Challenger, ran fifth for a time, and moved up as others had troubles and after the penalty phase of this race they had won Class 9. Up at Mile 308 our unofficial time keepers were apparently snoozing when this group went by, and they say only Rodney, at about 7:05 p.m. But at Valle de Trinidad, beyond Mike's, our assistants were still awake, and they also had Rod in the lead, with 38 minutes on Chad, who'd come back up to second after repairs. Steve Olliges and Tim Casey, in a Ford, had earlier replaced an alternator, and were now third. Gregg Woodington, who took over for Sykes, was having electri-cal problems, and DiCarlo had radioed for an axle, backing plate, brake fluid and trans fluid. Eric Solorzano and Hector Rodriguez were in the Class 11 lead by Ojos Negros just two minutes in the lead, but apparently had no big troubles, and won the class, using 16:54:32 to cover the entire course. Rodney had had only one flat, and had been stuck in a ditch, but with outstanding good luck, had chosen a ditch with one of his chase trucks parked nearby. He took the win, finishing 1 7 min-utes in front of his son, Chad, who was second. In third it was Olliges and Casey, who'd been stuck on a hill and caught in a booby trap of logs. Sykes and Woodington were fourth, and last. ~ and Kevin Walsh, Terry's son, another 15 minutes back. In the next stretch a fast moving Class 1 car, trying to catch up, caught up with Greenway, bumped him into a berm, and rolled him over. It took Greenway a while to get uprighted, and the rest of the class kept moving along. At Mile 370 Jefferies was in the lead, with 13 minutes on Mayoral, who now gave the car to Martin Garibay. The Walsh team was third, and they'd lost some time with a loose axle nut. Kevin's sister, Rhonda, now took the wheel. At mile 377 the same Class 1 car which had bumped Greenway caught up with the Jefferies car, and when Darnen moved over to let him by, he toppled into a ditch full of "spoogy" water. The chase crew for the Class 1 car was right behind him, and it stopped to make sure the driver and co-driver got out of the water, but the Jefferies had to get their own crew out to the car to help get it upright. When it was ready to go again, Willie Jefferies took over the driving. But they'd lost their lead, and it was LaCarra, Mayoral and Garibay first to victory circle. Next to finish was the Walsh fam-ily, Terry, Kevin and Rhonda, 25 minutes later. In third it was the Jefferies, another 27 minutes back, and fourth, after spending some time stuck in a ditch on the beach, it was Greenway and Paquette, nearly another hour back. No one else came in. Then the post-race tech folks had their say, and they disquali-fied LaCarra, Mayoral and Gari-bay for using race gas. That moved the Walsh team into first place, and gave the Jefferies second. Paquette and Greenway were disqualified for being underweight, but since the tech crew had weighed the car before August 1994 the race, and knew they were underweight before the start, and had not told them, the team peti-tioned to have their entry fee back, and SCORE officials decided that would be fair, since they could easily have corrected the underweight problem (a mat-ter of 46 pounds) before the start. The Stock Full-Sized trucks The Stock Mini trucks had a small entry, with only three star-ters. Scott Sells, in a Toyota, had a 1 7 minute lead over Michael Mar-tin, in his Ford at El Cornpadre. Rod Hall and Bill Thompson had a long but productive ride in the Class Full Stock Hummer and took the class lead before 300 miles were done, and they kept the lead all the way, winning by about 17 minutes. ------,..,-,,,,,--,========== Scott Sells flies over the Baja tundra on his way to the victory in the Stock Mini Truck class, who also ran the full circuit, and his Toyota was the only mini stocker that finished. Dusty Times

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Guillermo Quintero and Francisco Ortiz took the Class 5-1600 lead midway, but on the final beach run fuel feed problems slowed them to second place. Darnen and Willie Jefferies spent some time in a wet ditch, lost the lead while the crew got them out and on the way to second place in the Class 9 Jimco. · Chad Hall splashes a little water• in his brand new Hummer, but then had some serious battery woes, but he came back to finish second in Full Stocks. At Mile 223 his lead had dropped to seven minutes, but then Martin blew a rod, and the day belonged to Sells. He had no flats, was stuck once, and found that his truck died whenever he ran through water. But he finished in 14 hours and 17 minutes to take the win. Class · 11, the -stock V olkswag-ens, were required to run the entire course, and their time limit was 18 hours, just like everyone else. It was a real challenge. At Compadre, Mile 170, the lead was in the hands of Terry Kiely in his '67 VW, but he had only a minute on Erny Martinez in his '70. In third it was Rogelio Rivera and Pablo Tapia, six minutes later, and followed by Eric Solorzano, just three minutes behind them in his '64. Victor Barajas ran fifth, about 10 minutes later. At Ojos our time-keepers saw only Solorzano, who was leading, and Rivera, who came along five minutes later. We don't know if all the others had faded away ( we know Jack Zandbergen had lost part of his suspension on the pavement), or if the time-keepers faded away. There is no record of our intrepid Class 11 cars at Mile 308, but the folks at Mile 370 saw Solorzano's co-driver, Hector Rodriguez go by, in the lead, at 2:25 in the morning. Ai: that time he had just two minutes on Riv-era and his co-driver, Pablo Tapia. Solorzano and Rodriguez took the win, using up 16 hours and 54 minutes to do it. Rivera and Tapia were second, and they had only 21 minutes of their 18 hour time limit left when they crossed the finish line at 3:30 a.m. This event attracted seven Sportsmen, in various classes, and none of them managed a finish. Through Mile 170, the Class 9 T-Mag of]oseph Bogart and Barry Blanchard was making the best time, and they were nine minutes ahead of the Class 1-2-1600 carof Rigoberto Arzate, Jr. and Sr., in a Mirage. In third it was the 5-1600 of Howard Landman and Gerardo Gonzales. Walter Prince also had his candy-striped Raceco Class 1 car out for the ride, and the team of Tim Price and John Kosano-vich, in a Penhall/Raceco Class 9 car were giving it a go also. There was a Class 8 Sportsman, a Ford, driven by Nate Muller and Randy Weisser, but they needed a rotor cap before Check 1, and we never heard any more from them. At Mile 223 our time-keeper saw the Arzates go by, and then the Candy Cane car, but they didn't catch any of the others, and none of them show up further along on the lap charts. SCORE lists them all as non-finishers. We hope they had fun. The SCORE team had to hustle back to the Mojave desert to final-Dusty Times ize arrangements for the July 2nd Gold Coast 300. Fireworks 250, and then they I'd like to thank all the FAIR have a break until early Sep-Pits who diligently recorded the tember, when it's time for the cars as they passed by, giving me information about the race that is not available any other way. And more thanks go to the BFGood-rich Relay, Bob Hynes, who sends along the record of the radio reports and requests for aid, let-ting me know why and when some of the racers came to a stop. ~ DDN·A·VEE 1993 Double Baja 1000 Winners! We just bolt on the same lights you buy -no strengthening -no modification -no extra riv!;!ts. Just stock lights. Don-A-Vee Motorsports Competition Series 91 6169B Off-Road Lights w /Black Housings 9l 6l 69C Off-Road Lights w/Chrome Housings 916269B Flood (work) Lights w/Black Housings· 9l 6269C Flood (work) Lights w/Chrome Housings Don-A-Vee Motorsports Thin Line Series 916129B Driving Lights w/Black Housings 9l 6l 29C Driving Lights w/Chrome Housings 916229B Flood (work) Lights w/Black Housings 916229C Flood (work) Lights w/Chrome Housings Don-A-Vee Motorsports Rectangular Series 91 7129B Driving Lights w/Black Housings 917129C Driving Lights w/Chrome Housings 91 7139B Clear Fog Lights w/Black Housings 91 7139C Clear Fog· Lights w/Chrome Housings 91 7149B Amber Fog Lights w/Black Housirigs 91 7149C Amber Fog Lights w/Chrome Housings 91 7229B Flood (work) Lights w/Black Housings 917229C Flood (work) Lights w/Chrome Housings $ 90.59 pr./kit $102.69 pr./kit $ 90.59 pr./kit $102.69 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96. 5 9 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit All Don-A-Vee Motorsports Lights are available with 55, 100, or 130 watt bulbs. Please specify when ordering. Kit includes: 2-halogen lights, 2-Don-A-Vee Motorsports lens covers, 1-30 amp relay, 1-30 amp fuse, an illuminated switch w/mounting panel, and all necessary hardware. To Order, write: Don-A-Vee Motorsports Competition Thin Line Rectangular 17308 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, CA 90706 • Call: (800) 366-JEEP or (800) 59-PARTS FAX: (310) 920-0067 We accept checks, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discovery Cards. No cash or C.O.D.'s please. Wholesale inquiries welcome. August 1994 Page 17

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Jim Baldwin soars past a favorite spectator spot, and teenager Josh Baldwin got to drive the Porsche powered car and brought it home fourth in Class 1 /2. Rick and Randy Wilson take to the air in their Class 10 Raceco, were up as high as third but dropped back to sixth at the flag with unknown troubles. Josh Baldwin left the 1-1600 driving to co-driver Justin Benham when he took over his dad's Class 1, and Justin did a fine job taking fifth in 1-2-16_0_0. ______________ _ Gustavo Casanova and Ed Orozco moved up the ranks in Class 5-1600 late in the race, and had no more troubles apparently and were fifth in class. Rogelio Rivera and Pablo Tapia were second in Class 11, pushing the time allowance with 40 minutes left as only two of the ten starters finished. Tim and Ed Herbst had a good run going in the early stages in their Class 1 /2 Chenowth/Porsche, dropped a little time and finished fifth in class. Marty Coyne and young Jimmie Johnson had a good run in the Class 8 Chevy, recently acquired by Coyne, and they finished a good sixth in Class 8. Dennis Hight and Jon Kennedy plow a little silt here with the 1-2-1600 Chen6wth, but they moved along smartly to place sixth in this tough class. Javier Sacio and John Ray ran in the front pack of Class 7S all day, then rolled the Nissan somewhere but they came back to finish fourth in class. Steve Olliges and Tim Casey had to replace an alternator in their Stock Full Size Ford, but worked back up on time to finish third in class. AugusL1.99A Ray Croll or maybe Tom Rhodes corners hard in the Class 10 Jimco in the soft stuff, making time after a mil over and they were fifth in Class 10. Alex Avila and Matias Arjona had problems on course, having some flats on the Neth and losing the gas cap, and they drove on to fourth in 1-2-1600. Miguel Leon and Ramon Castro came out with a 5-1600 car and they had brake troubles, lost shocks but kept going to finish fourth in the big-class. · .,,,~ ;;;·. ~0~.:-David Sykes and Gregg Woodington had some electrical troubles with the Stock Full Size Ford, but they got fixed well enough to "take fourth place. This is our Baja 500 mystery car, we can't make out a name or number, but if you recognize it, let us know and we'll give credit next month. · Dusty Times

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Before 100 miles were done Roger Mears had the lead in his handsome new Chevy and he led past Mike 's Sky Ranch but had a flat, rolled his rig approaching the finish line, but said he had a lot of fun finishing third. Rob MacCachren had the early lead in his Ford, but a broken spindle cost him the lead and an hour, but never a quitter Rob worked back up to finish in fourth place. Larry Ragland always goes fast in his Chevrolet, but troubles. seem to stalk his entry, and he hasn't scored many points this year. He finished fifth, 15 minutes behind MacCachren. Ivan Stewart, Hard To Beat In Baja SCORE Trophy-Trucks By Judy Smith Phorps: Trackside Photo Inc. Ivan Stewart wins in Baja no matter what they call the class; despite an alternator change and fresh belts, the lronman took the lead the second time through Valle de Trinidad and ended with a 15 minute lead in victory, a nice birthday present to himself. Ivan Stewart, who's always arid then they scooted up onto the right at home in Baja, gave himself pavement for about 4 .9 miles, a dandy birthday present by get- before heading inward at Urua-ting his second win for Toyota in pan, and finally getting out into the Trophy-Truck series, early in the country. June. At Alamo they pitted, and most For this event the Trophy-of them were back on the road Truck drivers were required to again in less ·than a minute. But completethesamecourse,andon Jim Smith came in on a flat, and the same day, as all the Pro and his crew needed over two minutes Sportsmen entrants in the to get his Ford race ready again, SCORE Baja 500. The only real while Frank Vessels was in the pit difference was that the Trophy-for nine minutes while his Ford's Trucks had a mandatory pit stop driveshaft was replaced. He was on their first time through Alamo, already late because of a distribu-roughly 83 miles into the race. tor problem. Each entrant was required to John Swift, still driving his old change two tires and take on fuel six cylinder Ford Explorer, had a during the pit stop, pretty much serious shock problem. His team what they'd have done anyway. decided to take a 15 minute There were only twelve starters penalty, and sent an extra man to take the early morning green over the wall into the pit to help flaginEnsenada.DougFortin,Jr., get the job done. They had who'd been on the entry list, decided that sending him on apparently didn't get his truck without the repair would ulti-completed on time, nor did the mately cost him more than 15 long awaited three-truck team of minutes, As it was, it took about the Baldwins materialize. nine minutes for the fix, and then Actually, it quickly became an he sat for the remaining six min-11 truck race, because Dave and utes. Down the road he had to Paul Simon got off on the wrong stop atOjos Negros, to change the foot, and lost their Ford's motor other shock. . about eight miles down the pave-When the T-Ts got to El Com-ment. This event, much to the padre, up at the northern tip of delight of the old-timers in the the course, and another 90 miles audience, went back to an old-into the race, the leader was Roger style start, being flagged off right Mears in his new Chevrolet. He in Ensenada, and racing on the had just three minutes on Walker pavement all the way to Manead- Evans in his Dodge, and he was ero. That's only about 20 miles about three-and-a-half minutes in ( compared to the old 90 mile front 0£ Larry Ragland in his pavement stretch toCamalu), but Chevy. Stewart ran fourth, two 20 miles is about all anyone wants minutes later. Then there was a of racing with today's Mexican little gap, and Swift was fifth. Ves-traffic. The south bound side of sels had steering box problems thedividedsectionofthehighway • now, and his crew was going to was given over to race traffic, so it have to hike to get parts in to him. was a safe setup, very similar to Tom Baker, in the Ford he co-the start of the· Baja 1000 from drives with Bob Richey, had three Mexicali last November. · · flats and had been stuck. He At Maneadero the racers flew claims that his truck is eight feet into the dirt, for about five miles, wide, and that the course SCORE DustyTimcs laid out is only seven feet wide. He and Bob did a lot of backing up to ,get around the tight corners. Steve Kelfey, in the Jeep, started having ignition trouble early in the day, and by the time he'd gone 25 miles was running iri with the 7S trucks and the 5-1600 cars of the Baja 500 entrants. Rob Mac-Cachren, who'd had the very early lead in his Ford, broke a spindle at about mile 135, and lost nearly an hour. At Ojos Negros, about 223 miles into the race, Mears had 13 minutes on Swift, who ran second. Stewart, who'd had to replace a belt and an alternator, was third, another 16 minutes back, followed by Jimmie Smith, five minutes behind him in his Ford. After sliding through Alamo the -second time the truckers headed south, picking up the highway just below Valle de Tri-nidad, and then heading into the dirt again, and up the mountain to Mike's Sky Ranch.Just before the turnoff, at mile 308, Mears had 11 minutes on Stewart who'd come up to second as Evans had disappeared from the lap chart. There were vague rumors about him sliding off a cliff. Swift fell to third, six minutes behind Stewart, and MacCachren was now fourth, as Smith lost about three hours repairfog a lower front A-arm that broke at about mile 260. He was keeping company with the limited cars by the time his truck was repaired. Scott Douglas, in the . other Dodge, who'd been running right with the pack at mile 170, had also fallen away by now. The road up to Mike's was tough, but it got even tougher coming down. The rocks were bigger, the hill steeper, and the water was deeper in the river at Simpson's Ranch. Mears flat-/wgust 1994 John Swift, still driving the six cylinder Explorer had probably the best balanced racer in Ttophy-Trucks. He was second finishing on two broken springs and took the points lead in Trophy-Trucks. tened a tire, and as he struggled with some improperly function-ing something, his lead dwindled down to nothing. When the cars came around to Valle de Trinidad again, past the muddy onion fields, it was Stewart in the lead. Swift was second, 14 minutes later, and Mears was four minutes in back of him, followed by MacCachren, 20 minutes later. Ivan, who'd missed a couple of turns, had no other problems, and got to celebrate his birthday in victory circle, surrounded by a huge crowd of adoring Mexican fans. His average speed was only 45 ;639 miles· per hour, evidence of the difficulty of the course. Swift, with two broken rear leaf springs, finished second, 15 min-utes later, and took over the points lead in the Trophy-Truck series. Mears got to within about five miles of the finish and rolled his truck, tumbling off a switch-back and landing on his wheels on the road below, but pointed in the wrong direction. He had a few hairy moments while he got him-· self turned around again, and came on to finish third, 'grinning hugely, and saying, "I never had so much fun finishing third before!" MacCachren was fourth. Jimmie Smith, who ultimately finished ninth and last, took his time on the way to the finish, threading through slower traffic, and he kept his cool. When he was stuck behind a disabled 7S truck on the steep hill heading out of Mike's, embankment on one side, and 400 foot chasm on the ~ther,Jim thoughtfully suggested, Maybe I should buy it, and then push it off the edge." · Now that they're midway through the series, most of the Trophy-Truck teams are commit-ted to going with it for a second year, assuming that the television coverage, which begins with this event, will be as exciting as they expect, and as attractive to their sponsors. PIKE'S · SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! ~e~y'i] RESTAURANT Mobif SERVICE EVERY DAY OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT P~gc 19

Page 20

The Chevrolet• Lake Geneva Memorial Day Off Road 100 By Barb & Marilyn Schultz P1wt.os: Daniel Mainzer P1wt.ograph-y ·-It was crowded off the line in the Class 4 bash, but Jack Flannery got his Chevy's nose out front early In the contest, here running side by side with Geoff Dorr, and despite challenges Jack won Class 4 and followed that on Sunday with the win in the Heavy Metal Challenge. The racing started Saturday morning with Class 3 and Gerald Foster took command from the green flag in the Chevy Blazer and he led the seven truck class handily all the way to the checkered flag. Class 6 was all Wisconsin drivers, in the points. Bill Graboski got his Chevrolet Nova out front early on this race, had some challenges, but he took the checkered flag first in American Stock Car class. Hey, they're back!! "Back?", you say, "Who's back?" The , World Series of Off Road Racing, · SODA, is back with a full ten race schedule of the best off road racing to be found! The Chevrolet Memorial Day Off Road 100, the Jerry Bundy hauls all the way from Rockville, CT to race with SODA and he took second in Class 3 and third in Class 4 in an older Jeep Commander. Page 20 Grant Mahal/and fights the big boys in Class 3 with his Toyota pickup, but he does a good job and finished third in class at the Memorial Day 100. Jwgust 1994 Chevies are king in Class 6 and Jay Martens has his Malibu flying high on the jumps and he kept it together to finish second in this fun class. Dusty nma

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Rick Rayford has the world's biggest air box on his Cla!js 6 racer, but it must be legal as an option because Rick finished third in Class 6 with box intact. Tim Christensen flies past some Wisconsin greenery in his tidy 5-1600 race car, and he flew on without troubles to place second in class at the flag. John Mason took this jump in a similar fa1¾hion, must be the right line for it as he finished a good third in the scrappy battles in Class 5-1600. Class 5-1600 has a decent turn out most times for SODA races, but often this car of Joe Eppers does the winning. And it won again at Lake Geneva with 1600 driver Greg Smith at the helm from flag to flag. Series opener, was held at the Each Class race and Champion-Lake Geneva Speedway, Lake ship race was run for five laps or Geneva, Wisconsin on May 28 fifteen minutes, whichever came and 29th, with the kind of racing first. action that won'tlet a spectator sit Class 3 hit the deck, green down. For a positive switch the flagged and the 1994 SODA weather was absolutely gorgeous, racing series was on! Gerald the stands were packed and the Foster, returning 1993 SODA action was on with drivers from Class 3 Champion, pulled an early coast to coast, north to south, and lead with R. Jerry Bundy putting all points in between. the pedal down to catch up. World Famous SODA Track Foster's BFG shod Chevy Blazer Announcers Terry Friday and proved the tougher machine as Ronn Kreuger were on hand · to welcome race teams and fans back to the action with a pre-run held • at 10:00 a.m. Taking an over-view look at the 1.25 mile track from the grandstands, dead center with the flagmao, the lay-out went sort of like this: Each class green flagged on the center strip of the existing asphalt oval track in a modified LeMans start (driver in the vehicle). From the get go, drivers hot footed it off the asphalt with a jump we'll call "The Launch" onto the natural terrain track. The first section of mother earth ran along side pit row.The course was marked with ultra huge, white painted, earth mover equipment type tires that later proved deadly to many a driver. This straight stretch was beefed up by a couple of wicked jumps and ended in a sharp 180 degree corner that led to a matching straight stretch. The stretch ended with a modest jump and hole that when watered is best described as the Snake Pit. After "The Pit" racers tackled another straight with• a jump about dead center. From this point all vehicles had to head through a stadium racing style rhythm section containing moguls and -sharp turns. Once out of the rhythm section the racer was headed for the home stretch with Foster went flag to flag for the win. However, the class was not without definite race action! Both Jerry Zaugg and Chad Schlueter had trouble getting to the line and came in to the race with distinct disadvantage. Zaugg's machine developed internal woes on lap three and was out. Schlueter, in his new 1994 Ford Bronco, didn't get on the track until lap three but gave proof positive.that he will be a force to be reckoned with. Meanwhile Bundy and his 1973 Jeep Commando kept up a solid second place followed by Al Drews in a 1991 Ford Bronco. Grant Mahofland in his Toyota kept up a consistent pace. Jim Barringer brought out his Ford Bronco, took two laps and went out with mechanical woes. At the final standings, Foster took first, Bundy held down second and due to Drews' disqualification, Maholland landed third. We've long called Bill Grab-oski of Class 6 "The Survivor" and it's a definite pleasure to report that he's back for 1994 in the same Chevy Nova! As a matter of fact, after a good fight with Jay Martens in his Chevy Malibu, "The Survivor" brought it all home with the first Class 6 a couple of hefty jumps to maneuver before doing a small section of the asphalt, flagging and then heading over "Devil's Dump" - a jump designed to test the best of man and machine! Johnny "Scooter" Greaves had his Toyota dialed right for Lake Geneva in the tight running Class 7S action. Johnny shot into the early lead and fought off the fast running pack to take his first victory of the year in this class. Dusty Times AUgust 1994 checkered flag of the season! Both day. Gary Gottschalk · ran into Graboski and Martens got hung mechanical woes before lap one, up on a virtual teeter totter in the both Gehl and Gottschalk were in rhythm section -Graboski broke El Caminos. Rick Rayford took loose first, put on a half a track the Devil's Dump too hard and lead and left Martens to be happy lost the left front tire but still with a well driven second place. pulled in a solid third place finish. Whew, there's lotsa' Chevy's in Defending Class 5-1600 this class! Leonard Gehl came Champion Mike Brue got off to a screaming out of the green flag, nasty start when he pulled his Baja broke off the left rear wheel· Bug up to the LeMans start, befo're lap one could be put in and revved it up, went for the green had to save his power for another and broke ~ Out Here ••• You need somebody you coll depend on! TOM EE=• S 6300 Valley View Ave., Buena Park, CA 90620 Page 11

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Mark Oberg lists his Class 11 two seater as a Phazer, and he drove it to a fine second in 11 D, but fell to sixth in 11 S the next day in the ·Gilson. Mike Allen flew high off the pavement in his homebuilt Class 11, and he built it strong enough to survive to third in 11 D and seventh in Class 11 S. Showing fine form Lonnie Andrews soared high in his Class 11, and he came in a fine fourth in two seat action which started a whopping 23 car field. John Huvan in his Class 11 Friday was fifth in 110 and 11th in Mike Seefeldt came from Michigan to race his 1600 Berrien 11S and here is putting the pass on 1105, which was not Laser, and he did well, se<;ond in 2-1600, fourth in 1-1600 and Mark Steinhardt nose dives his 1600 Berrien along pit row, on his way to a third in 2-1600, eighth in 1-1600 and he finished with sixth in the Challenge. identified in the entry list. fourth in the Challenge. --;;---=:-;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;-;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;----;;;;;;;;;;== ~ an axle! Greg. Smith in the Joe Eppers machine shot off the line, never looked back and went on for the win. Tim Christensen looked to be in big trouble with a wheel to wheel roll in the Snake Pit area, but went on to take a hard driven second place. John Mason, debuting in his Baja Bug convertible, placed third. SODA President Terry P. Wolfe came off the start in great shape, had second place by lap two and was down until the checkered flag lap -not the way to start a se~son, Pres! Wish we could've been in Gary Plummer's machine when the steering wheel shaft snapped in two. Plummer casually handed the steering wheel to co-rider I son Steve Plummer and said, "Your turn!". This also is not a great way to start· a season. . Well all right!!! It was time for the Class 11 double seat buggies to take the track - and so they did -23 entries strong! What a sight to see as they hit The Launch, endured multiple roll overs, went into the rhythm section, had a Chicago in rush hour jam on the teeter totter and wound up with seven teen machines actually getting in the first lap. You gotta' have guts and a die hard fanny to take the pounding these very limited machines dish out. In the early going Mark Oberg, Larry Brendan Gaughan made his short course debut in a Jeep in Class 7S and the teenage Las Vegan survived to place sixth in class and he also won a three truck exhibition race. Bayer, John Wiggins, Jerry Christensen, Greg Stingle, Glen Mathews and Tom Dart came through in the top of the order. By mid-race Christensen had spun out costing him mucho positions, Stingle ran into big trouble, Bayer did a full 360 and lost ground, Mathews parted company with his left rear wheel and Mike Allen snuck up through the pac~! Oberg, Wiggins, Mathews and Dart each held the lead at one ,point, but the lap that the lead really counted on went to Tom Dart. Nice race, Tom! Oberg took a very tidy second place with n<;> third gear and Allen held down third. Michigan's Lonnie And-rews came up through the pack in super style for fourth. John Huven rounded out the top five. Love to watch those Class 11 's -there's always plenty of good racing action. As Class 2-1600 lined up World and Famous (Friday and Krueger) announced that this race event had 500 members of the Chicago area Boys and Girls Club members as guests! Looked to us like they all had a great time and it was nice to see so many young people enjoying the racing and the Todd Attig had a very busy weekend in his Terminator, winning Class ·9;10, taking third in Class 1 /2 and a strong second in the Unlimited Challenge and he also raced his 1600 in those classes. weather. Back to Class 2-1600. on his bumper. By lap two it was Goodness Gracious Gert, they're looking like an Attig run away back! Yup, names like Greg with the key battle going on Smith,.Todd Attig, Mark Stein-between Steinhardt, Smith and hardt, Cary Bowles , Todd Seefeldt. But no, the racing gods Crump, Jon Huss and a cast of frowned on Attig letting him take thousands! Now, the dude to keep the white flag and then ordering an eye on is golng to be young the engine to play taps. The battle Mike Seefeldt, Jr. Word has it for position on the checkered flag that the Seefeldt machine will be was intense, Smith coming out the seeing a new motor but in the winner followed closely by meantime, Seefeldt, Jr. had no Seefeldt in a well driven second. trouble keeping pace with the Steinhardt was on Seefeldt's tail seasoned veterans! What a pipe for third and Bowles pulled scrappy race! Attig came around in fourth. Rounding out the top lap one with Steinhardt, Smith, five was Jon Huss. Cliff Holiday and Seefeldt right When the Class 7S trucks came off the start and over The Launch, the best description would have to be "poppin" pick-ups!" The air these fellows got made the trucks look like popcorn bounc-ing around a hot air popper. With fifteen starters the race was most decisively on. John Greaves took command of the race having Class 8 was a real shooting match in the early laps, but then Scott Taylor got A little trucking in Class 7 hasn't hurt the Art Schmitt style and he drove a new the lead for good in his Ford, newly painted in Rough Rider colors, and won Probst Laser in Class 1/2 to victory with Nissan power, and later was seventh · shaken last year's numerous mechanical problems with his Toyota. Good Grief, Greaves went on a flag to flag romp for the first win of the season! However, he'd best keep an eye on the likes of Al Walentowski, Jeff Kincaid, defending champ Scott Taylor, Tom Hackers, Jimmie Crowder, newcomer Brendan Gaughan and, well, the rest of the field! Speaking . of newcomers, while Art Schmitt Class B, and he also was second in the Heavy Metal Challenge. in the Unlimited Challenge. Pagcn August 1994 Dusty Times

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Cary Bowles got his tandem Taylor in fourth in 2-1600, but it went down hill from there, 12th in 1-1600 and 16th fn the Limited Challenge action. Jeff Kincaid gave his Ford Ranger a swift run in Class 7S action but came. up just a tad short, and this fast driver had to settle for second in the class. A many time champion in open wheel cars, Art Schmitt did double duty driving a Nissan for his debut in truck racing, and Art did a fine third place race. Tom Hockers whips his Ford Ranger through (he back section Jeff Probst seemed to be stuck with second place at the of the course at Lake Geneva, and this is another fast man, but Memorial Day 100, as his Laser was always fast but Jeff was Mark ','(ilkens got his Michigan made Mirage muddy on his way to a good third in Class 9/ 10 and Mark also drove to third in the Unlimited Challenge race. in fourth place this race in 7S. second in both Class 9/10 and 1 /2. III is certainly not new to SODA yourself to Jeff Kincaid in his Hockers came flying through for off roading, he is new to Class 7S Ford Ranger! He was doing some fourth Bill Bowles fifth and driving a very strong Nissan and big time driving right on Greaves' Gaughan placed sixth despite a looking good! Walentowski was bumper but lacked the time to roll over after the Snake Pit. It's giving Greaves quite a run for the catch Greaves in the time limit our understanding that a roll over money when l)e encountered given to each race. Kincaid pulled is sort of a Gaughan family major problems after the Snake in a nice second place followed by tradition! Pit and had to pull off. Introduce Schmitt in a very nice third. Tom Well sports fans and athletics JIJ tJI L'llll UN/FILTER supporters, they're at it again! Check in on a Class 9 / 10 race and you're going to find Todd Attig, Jeff Probst, Jeff St. Peter, Dan Baudoux, Tom Schwartzburg and a whole bunch of other .familiar names. Jeff Probst came off the green flag and fast timed it around the track in just a fraction over one minute and a half. Damn the Yankees, Miss Scarlett, Probst made a cornering error letting the incredible Todd Attig in his Terminator get by and had to play catch up the rest of the race. Attig put the I@' CHENOWTH ~ \NI-EELs TRI-MIL EXHAUST SYSTEMS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW....................... $65. 95 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... $100.00 1 1/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............................ $65. 95 1 1/2 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... $100.00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ........................... $73. 95 1 5/8 TYPE .1 CHROME .................... Sl 07. 95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK. ..................... $48.0l'l 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85.00 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $103.95 * EARLY_ OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2' ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3' ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3' .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM STRAP ..•. $72.95 'A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE' BUGPACK ~ ~ IC~ V. . ULTRA WHEELS 15x4 FRONTS $80.00 Flt.TERCHARGER.EOUIPPED 15x7 REAR STD OFFSETS $85.00 PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR. .. $62.95 SCRIBNER JUGS 5 GALLON JUGS WHITE & BLUE ............................... $18,95 NEON COLORS ............................... $22.95 FILLER HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID STYLE).$3.95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE ............................ $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEER_ING HUB._..$32.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER ................... $159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX $89.95 THIS AD SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS MENTION THIS AD . To· RECEIVE THESE SALE PRICES YOKOHAMA REARS 33x10.50.15 $109.00 FRONTS HIGHWAY TREAD AND TRACTION $85.00 WORTH DRIVING SUITS 1 LAYER HORA/SCORE LEGAL W/ RED or BLUE STRIPE .............. $87.95 Rob MacCachren Signature Serles Shirts NOW AVAILABLE, plus, On The Edg~ Desert, Stadium, And Wanna Ride Shotgun Shirts (Call for Info) T-Shirt Designs & Vinyl lettering Available In The Store PHONE (702) 871-4911 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW OPEN 6 DAVS, .MON-FRI FAX (702) 871-5221 LAS VEGAS I\J~V_~DA 89102 8AM-5PM. SAT 9AM-2PM' Dusty Times August 1994 Page 13

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. ' -~~: ', -~t. ~ ~,...__ Wafker Evans brought his high flying odge to the midwestern series, got it muddy but fought off the challenges from Jimmie Crowder for seco_nd in Class 8. Kevin Probst has a new Chevy truck, and he led, then dropped to second in Class 4, but the truck failed him while going well in the Challenge race. Greg Gerlach kicks up some dust with his Dodge, and Greg raced to a fine fourth in Class 4, and was fifth in the Heavy Metal Challenge finale. Dan Baudoux, who owns the company, flew his Mirage 1-1600 over the spring grass to third in class and he took second in the Limited Challenge race. Paul Norris drives a Chenowth, one of a few in the midwest, and he drove right into fifth in the 32 car Class 1-1600 action and there was action. Todd Crump slogged through the mud to sixth in 1-1600 in his Berrien. The mud is generally man made by the extremely active water trucks at the track. Todd Attig was back in action with his 1-1600 race car and he didn't get too muddy on.his way to winning the race and Todd also won the Limited Challenge event in this car. ~ pedal . to the metal and came around in one minute, twenty-two seconds and on to the checkered flag. And Hello, be on the _look out for Mark Wilkins and his Mirage 'cause the dude is on the track to play hard ball! Wilkins ran an excellent race just a shade behind Probst for a nice third place.Jim Struble had a very nice race going until he and Randy Eller went door to door too close! Eller was able to keep up the pace, Struble was spun out and lost some major time. Also finishing in the top five wei-e Randy Eller and Steve Norris. Nice race, gentlemen! The engines revved, the grandstands sh6ok, the Walls of Jericho damn near came down and the Class 8s were at the line for their first green flag of the season. It looked to be a manufacturer's showdown with 1994's new Rough Rider Scott Taylor, California's Wizard of Wheels Walker Evans and West Coast Threat Scott Douglas. Missing was the Chevy Thunder CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Dou6Ie Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' -any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY 5153 Bowden Ave.• San Dieao •CA• 92117 • (619) 279-2509 PageU Walker running a very close one minute twenty eight seconds. The power of the machines on the track was so intense, you could feel the vibration on the top steps of the grand stands -truly a rock, roll and thunder race. At the final 1 flag Taylor in his Ford took the · honors with Evans and his Dodge in a close second. Scott Douglas held down a consistent third followed by Crowder who had been driving with revenge in his Dan Vanden Huevel took charge early in his Chevy powered, Ford bodied Class 13, and this is a habit with Dan. He was never seriously threatened on his way to the Class 13 victory. of the Flannery stable, perhaps to be race ready for the upcoming Antigo Event. Also on the line were Jimmie Crowder, Dave Hockers, Darren Van Dreel, Farmer John Konitzer and Brian Donlevy. Put the racing action on hold - Farmer John's new paint scheme is notable. In keeping with his profession, the truck looks like a mega big Holstein! For the unfamiliar with farm type stuff, a Holstein is a dairy cow. Nice touch Farmer John! To the action, Jackson! The green flag flew, the pedals went down and all were off like a shot. Jimmie "Alligator Man" Crowder came around lap one in first place with Scott Taylor right on his bumper. Darren Van Dreel came screaming across next, then Scott Douglas and then Walker Evans. Keep an eye on that Walker! By lap two it's Taylor, Crowder and Evans - already! Crowder ran into a black flag situation which put him way down but watch what he pulls off1 The contest goes on with the remarkable Taylor running a consistent one minute, twenty seven second lap time with Larry Bayer drove his Friday built Class 11 to the victory in Class 11 S on Sunday. He was one of a dozen leaders in the race but Larry led where it counted, at the checkered flag. August 1~4 · tires! Nice race guys! "We Will, We Will Rock You!" So played the tune and so did the Class 4s! It was back to ·back racin' thunder with a very healthy number of entries in Class 4. Off the start the action was intense as the first set of wheels over The Launch created a dust hazard that was unreal. Chad Schlueter came over The Launch just wide enough to hook one of those monster course marking tires and it was disaster city. Schlueter rolled -hard -found himself on his lid and then his side. As he and his co-driver waited they could hear the roar of Jerry Foster's machine coming, at them. Foster also could not see in the dust and by the luck of the racing gods and God above, hit them without touching the cab! While this is going on Kevin Probst is out of the hole in first place with Jumpin' Jack Flannery right on his bumper. Greg Gerlach was right on the Flannery. bumper. In fact, where ever you looked on the track, there was good wheel to wheel, fender to fender racing. l,ryan Frankenburg had Mark Seidler's machine out and was definitely out to be taken seriously. Jim Ladyga and Scott Smith, both of North Franklin, Ct., had their machines hooked up and running. It's nice to give these young men some "ink", they haul a long way to a SODA race and are always a part of the action. Meanwhile, Probst in a Chevy is holding down an incredible lap time of one minute, twenty nine seconds and holding down the lead. But nuts, 'twasn't good Dusty Times

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R.J. Flanagan trashed his old Chevy body at Crandon last year, so he went modern with this Chevy and came in a compettive second in Class 13. David Reetz lands hard in the truck he calls Junkyard Dog, but it is a good dog and he went on to finish third in the Class 13, 24 car field. Ed Schultz flies high past the grandstands in.his Class 13 Ford, and he kept it together so his daughter could drive later, and was fourth in class. enough as Flannery and his Chevy Thunder came screaming around in one minute, twenty six seconds eventually to catch Probst and take over the lead. From that point on, it was Flannery's race -and we'd heard word over the winter that "The Old Man" was retiring! No truth in the rumor mills! Probst placed an excellent second place. You had to keep an eye on Jerry Bundy in his Class 3 Commando! He consistent! picked off the likes of Greg Gerlach and Bryan Frankenberg and came up with a solid third place. But wow, was it great or what(???) to see the incomparable Gerlach back on the track and in command of things! Way to go Grandpa Greg in fourth. Oh yeah, the Gerlachs have a new grandson - Zachary Gregory! Congrats to all and Little Gregory, big Gregory has given you a lot to work up to but, being part Gerlach, you'll .':?',Jf Scott Schwalbe came from the north to win the Unlimited Challenge racein his two seat car. Earlier he had finished fourth in the Class 1/2 action, but he ran away with the Challenge event. The 1600 was clean when Rhonda Smith started the Ladies Unlimited Buggy race but she drove through the mud to win it overall over Tracy Crump and Ruth Schwartzburg on the wet track. Teenager Robin Schultz started racing last year, and she learned very fast. She drove her dad's Class 13 Ford hard to win the Ladies Heavy Metal honors. Dusty Times ~ake it! Scott Smith was fifth in a Jeep J-10. The last checkered flag of the day had been thrown. Spectators, or at least the smart ones, went home, took bath and then put on the soothing "l have a sunburn beyond belief" lotion. I know this happy camper did! The racing was dynamite, the track a tough challenge and all were ready for another day of the best of the best program drew three vehicles. Walker Evans led the first laps, But Brendan Gaughan won in the Jeep Comanche, Evans was second and John Nyma third. -SODA racing! · Can't stand it, it has to be said A Class X addition to the a comfortable ride on the s1reet nlin. · yet maintains "(ruck and sport utility vehicle drivers demand more shock performance and Bilstein provides .. ; Our this~ . • Highest gas pressure for fade-free long life • 98% efficiency over 100,000 miles • Largest piston working area (1.81" diameter) • • Umited lifetime warranty These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that noonally cost up to $119.00 eaci1. Act. now and save! *Limited time offer on selected applications Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA Performance Products NEVADA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. Toyota Specialist Friendly Ford CALGARY, AB -403/279-2807 VAN NUYS -800/553-2840 LAS VEGAS -702/877-6546 Bramall Turbo Supply COLORADO NORTH CAROLINA MARKHAM, ONT -800/567-7559 Automechanika Rowells, Inc. ARIZONA ENGLEWOOD -800/582-2886 CHARLOTTE -704/333-5213 Race Shock Company CONNECTICUT Autosport Gallery PHOENIX-602/254-0744 William Sander RALEIGH -919/872-2002 CALIFORNIA BEACON FALLS -800/227-9763 NEW JERSEY APS -800/423-3623 GEORGIA Euro Tire CAMARILLO -805/388-7171 Specialty Parts Warehouse FAIRFIELD -800l631-0080 LIBURN -404/978-2801 Woodlawn Auto and RV Service McKenzies Performance Products ANAHEIM -714/441-1212 Auto Service & Performance MOUNTAIN VIEW-415/969-1050 Fairway Sport and Performance PLACENTIA -714/528-4670 ASI -800/683-2890 SAN DIEGO -619/584-2890 Off-Road Wharehouse SAN DIEGO-619/565-7792 Downey O.R. Toyota Specialist SANTA FE SPRINGS -310/949-9494 August 1994 HAWAII Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. HONOLULU -808/595-5381 ILLINOIS Precision Frame HIGHLAND PARK -708/432-0082 INDIANA Power Brake and Spring SOUTH BEND -800/282-1044 LOUISIANA Brinson HARAHAN -504/733-7326 LINDEN-800/959-3658 OREGON ipd PORTLAND -800/444-6486 TEXAS Pro Am Parts and Accessories HOUSTON -800/847-5712 VERMONT Rovers North -Rover Specialist WESTFORD -802/879-0032 WASHINGTON Northwest Off -Road Specialties BELLINGHAM -206/676-1200 Page 15

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Billy Scott leads here in Class 11 S action over John Wig.gins, in the air, but Wiggins finished second in class, Scott was third at the flag, while Cindy Wig.gins drove to fourth in Ladies Class 11 in the family machine. Bryan Frankenberg nose dived his way into third place in the Heavy Metal Challenge in his Class 4 Chevrolet, and was happy with the good finish. Steve Norris came from Michigan to take fourth place in the Unlimited Challenge race, and he also placed fifth in the Class 1 /2 action earlier. Sherry Parsons had to borrow a car to race the Ladies Heavy Metal bash and Gentleman Jerry Bundy offered his Jeep. In her first time racing 4WD Sherry finished second in the Ladies Heavy Metal bash, a very good race. Joan Sillowy, in close quarters here, survived the traffic to drive the Ford to a fine third place in the Ladies Heavy Metal Christine Burnis, of Marquette, Michigan had a good run in the Ford and she finished fourth in the eight truck Ladies Heavy Metal contest. l@r way, "The light dawned" on Sunday, May 29 to more gorgeous weather and state of the art racing! Back in the stands all got set for the Class l / 2 action and weren't one bit disappointed either! Art Schmitt lil was back in the line_-up still running a Nissan motor in his buggy but running under a new number. As usual, Schmitt, Jeff Probst and Todd Attig put on their awesome show with Probst taking an early lead, making a minor mishap and losing the lead to Schmitt. Once ya' lose the lead to Schmitt, it's damned hard to get it back and it proved impossible as Schmitt held the lead to the checkered flag. Probst did one heck of a job trying to gain back lost ground, but since each was running identical lap times, the effort resulted in a good second place finish. Scott Schwalbe did a fantastic job of holding off the Terminator Attig but eventually lost the position to Simplythe Best! Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associations. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand the best and so should you. Fuel Safe Racing Cells • The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! e Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842-2211 (BOO) 433-6524 (Outside CA) SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. Page 26 competition. · Attig, making it Attig in third, Devil's Dump wrong and wound Schwalbe in fourth. Rounding up dead in the water across the out the top five was Dan entire jump! Pretty scary! Don Baudoux. eventually got it going but was a That Attig fellow, there's no lap down by this time. Chasing getting around him! Class 1-1600 each other hard were the Schultz lined up and flagged next and he Brothers. Brother "Big Ed" held was the dude to beat. However, down fourth place all the way to no one seemed to be able to do it the checkered flag lap when he so Attig went on a flag to flag had to let Brother John by as "Big romp for the win. Now the action Ed" had no brakes! But then, was on for second, third, fourth Brother John had no power and fifth places and a real dog steering either and did a heck of a fight it was. Our man Mike job piloting around the tough Seefeldt, Jr. was running an track. He was fourth, Ed was fifth. awesome second place with the The wise woman just sits in the competition right on his back stands and yells "Go Schultz!", door in the form of Dan Baudoux, then whoever places ahead, she's Paul Norris, Greg Smith and in the right place! Todd Crump. Seefeldt skillfully Our notes from the Class llS held them all off until; the last lap. race got lost, and we apologize to Darn, Smith got around for the 30 drivers in this class. We second, Baudoux slipped by for can tell you that Larry Bayer won third and Seefeldt placed a well the race, John Wiggins was run fourth. Norris came in the second and Cory Friday third, fifth position and Crump held followed by Bill Scott Jr., Duane down sixth. Velie and Mark Oberg. There You'd have to say that about were numerous leader changes this time the stands were jammed, and casualties in this race. peoplewerestanding,theweather The Bilstetn Heavy Metal was perfect for racing and here Challenge, limited to 2x4, 4x4 come the Road Warriors! Yes sir, production models only, was and by Road Warriors, we don't slated next. As Ivan Stewart mean junk yard dogs, we mean the would say, "This is where the four absolute nuts in the truck wheel drive machine have the category. That's Class 13 which advantage until the track dries has evolved from a front engine out." That seemed to be obvious buggy to an unlimited two-wheel as off the start the top thtee drive truck class with an engine runners were Jack Flannery in his set back of at least 6 inches. This Class 4, Geoff Dorr in his Class 4 race holds a part of our hearts as and Kevin Probst in his Class 4. It we have two family members justwasn'tmeanttobeforJimmie racing in it. Fourteen Class 13s Crowder! The dude comes flying lined up, took the flag and were over the launch, is blinded by off in a gigantic cloud of dust. As dust, hits a course tire and goes the dust cleared it was ( who else?) into one of the worst roll overs Dan Vanden Heuvell in the lead I've seen! Goodness to alligators, with his "Just Say No!" truck. He glad to know Crowder is okay! did, however, have some very Soon after Probst came off The serious battle to do with Dave Launch in a cloud of dust and set Marks who showed up with a quite still, he'd broken off the machine to be reckoned with! right front damn near everything. Marks ran into mechanical woes Now sneaking along behind with three laps to go and fell to the Flannery, who made a flag to flag wayside." In comes R.J. Flanagan victory out of this race, was Scott taking second followed by David Taylor in his Class 8 . Also picking Reetz in third, both of these guys off the competition were Bryan showeduptobeseriousalso!Don Frankenburg in the Seidler Gregoire, Jr. had it all hooked up machine and the incredible Greg and running strong until he hit Gerlach. As the final flag went out August 1994 it was Fla-nnery, Taylor and Frankenburg, sort of a Chevy, Ford, Chevy deal! Jeff St. Peter, Greg Gerlach and Jerry Bundy followed to the flag. And back one more time for the Unlimited Buggy Challenge were Todd Attig, Art Schmidt III, Mark Wilkins, Scott Schwalbe, Trent Hanson,Jack Haenlein, and Steve Norris! Man alive, someone must have loaded up The Snake Pit with some extra slick snakes as Schmitt went down in this mire not to come back and several others had a whale of a time trying to negotiate it! With Schmitt out of the race Schwalbe took command, kept the door closed on Attig, and came across with a beautiful win! Attig placed a very well driven second. Mark Wilkins picked his way through the remaining competition with some excellent driving to bring home third place and Steve Norris was fourth. Nice race, guys! The Limited Buggy Challenge brought out another round of familiar names and machines. Dan Baudoux and Todd Attig had a classic battle going for the lead dueling it out right to the finish line going over damn near door to door. The Attig machine had it's nose through the checkered flag wave first but in this race, second wasn't anything to be ashamed of! It was a real dog fight! Right behind this battle was another duel going on between young Mike Seefeldt and veteran Greg Smith. Seefeldt wanted it, Smith said "Noway!" and kept the door shut for a tidy third place. Roy Holmes, Mark Steinhardt, Pete Kowatsch and Bill Brown all put on an excellent show to round out those finishing on the lead lap. Dynamite race guys! We say it every year and every year it's true, don't leave a SODA race without staying for the Women's Classes! This year the Women's Buggy Classes have been narrowed to Women's Class 11 and Women's Unlimited. Those racing in the Unlimited may, if applicable, remove their restrictor plates. Rhonda Smith and Tracey Crump kept a race long battle for first place with Smith edging Crump out by just about an after market tie rod length! Ruth Schwartzburg, SODA's Kindergarten Teacher Terror of die Track placed a very well driven third. Barb Schaden and Amy Haese rounded out the field, Haese running with a distinctly flat tire! Ten ladies lined up for the Women's Class 11 race and it was good from the git go to the checkered flag! Cindy Wiggins came off with an excellent start and a heck of a run going when she fell prey to a flat tire, BUT it didn't keep her from finishing fourth either! Karen Christensen and Tracey Silloway went at it tooth and nail for first place with young Silloway coming out the winner, Christensen in a well done second. Vivian Heitger drove an excellent race and placed third. Shari Huven, Sarah Sawall, Sally Tessmer and Lisa Andrews also finished on the lead lap! · Uh oh, it's the last race of the day and this mom/ sister-in-law is in the stands again yelling "Go Schultz!!". This time the battle was in Women's Heavy Metal and the combatants were daughter Robin Schultz and sister-in-law Marilyn Schultz. Joan Silloway, Val James, Sherri Parsons and Chris Burnis rounded out the field. Robin had an excellent start and kept the door closed on her Aunt Marilyn until Auntie smoked a big rock and her machine went down. After that Robs had clear sailing to her fii;st checkered flag! Nice race Robin!! Sherri Parsons didn't get to start her season the way she wanted to but did a fine job of maneuvering the course in Bundy's Jeep for second place. Joan Silloway was a happy camper finally finishing her first race in third place. While it doesn't seem possible, the first race of the exciting 1994 SODA season was over. The racing was superb and left everyone looking forward to the Chevrolet Challenge i.n Antigo, Wisconsin. Hey, see ya' J:rackside! Dusty Times

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230 horsepower is delivered by the 454 c.i. VB, along with lots of torque. Pulling power is incredible and this particular combina-tion has a gross combination weight of eight and a half tons! The rear bench seat is quite comfortable. The bottom portion of the seat folds up and back and there is a compartment in the floor that hides the tool kit. The instrument cluster falls easily to the eye and the gauges are all well placed and easy to read. Heat and air controls are within easy reach of the .driver. I ALWAYS LOVED RED - '94 GMC PICKUP Driver's.Notes On The 1994 GMC Sierra Club Coupe Pickup Text & Photos: John Calvin The good looks of the '94 GMC Sierra pickup are evident in this photo. The 218 inch overall length gives you and your cargo plenty of room. I always seem to g~t a red car or truck for road test, not every time, but more than fifty percent of the time. I like red, I have always liked red, but it is so damn noticeable on the highway; and when you drive like I do you really don't want to be conspicu-ous. But, even though the color curtails our activities a wee bit, we do our thing and try and give you our true feelings on a vehicle as we drive it just a bit harder than you would normally drive. The GMC Sierra Club Coupe Pickup, circa 1994 came in Dark Hunt Club Red, what a surprise, but it fit right into our pattern of nice things; big, powerful and beautiful, just the way we like them. This beauty was powered by that smooth and torquey 7.4 liter VS which was fed by electronic fuel injection and when you feed those 454 cubic inches you get lots of power for dollar. Horsep-ower is 230 net and there are 385 pounds of torque to go with it. We also had that smooth and quiet four speed automatic transmission with overdrive, all this feeding a 4 .10 rear end and we were delighted to see that this par-ticular package puts it in the eight and a half ton gross combination weight rating, and that my friends, will allow you to pull a lot of trailer. Tires were LT 245175R16 radials and stopping power is app-lied through front discs and rear drums with anti-lock in the rear. Plenty of traction on the road, wet or dry, and we did do a bit of off roading with absolutely no prob-lems as long as you were careful and didn't steer into anything too deep to handle. Needless to say, power steering_ and power assisted brakes were all part of the package as well as the heavy duty trailering equipment, Dusty Times and the locking rear differential on! y adds to the pleasure you have whilst driving the vehicle. The instrument cluster is, thank God, always the same, it has been so for many years and there is a great familiarity about it. Everything is always in the same• place, there is no hunting to find this switch or that button. When you drive a bunch of different cars every year you are amazed at some of the out-of-the-way places where some vital controls are put. Some day they will all be stand-ardized, at least the lights, wipers and door controls. Anyway, Fuel, Oil, Temperature and Battery Condition are prominent and share the spotlight with the zero to five thousand rpm tach, redlined at four thousand and with the zero to eighty mile an hour speedome-ter. That's a real laugh as you can peg the speedometer on this GMC pickup without even trying. Radio, heat and air condition-ing controls are all within easy reach of the driver's right hand although the cassette controls are mounted center on the dash and are a bit of a reach for some of us. This GMC pickup came equipped with high back reclining bucket seats, the driver's being electrically controlled, while the passenger seat was hand con-trolled but did all the same tricks. Custom cloth covered all the vital areas, including the headliner and the rear bench seat which is nor-mally folded up and out of the way shares the same cloth and, wonder of wonders, is quite as comfortable as you expect itto be. As usual, we made no attempt to get maximum fuel economy but we still averaged a bit over thirteen miles per gallon for the time we had the vehicle and with the thirty four gallon fuel tank. that comes with it, you have a range of ayer four hundred miles, adequate for anyone. This particular model had about as much bright chrome on it as you will ever see and it all enhanced the good looks of the truck. Outside mirrors had a black finish which suits the occa-sion, and other little goodies that were installed were a rear window defogger, side window defoggers, power door and window controls, tilt wheel and cruise control, tinted glass all around, intermit-tent wipers all coupled to a most magnificent comfort factor on the bucket seats. Performance is great, there is -lots of power, usable power, and even equipped with all,the heavy duty trailering goodies, the ride was fairly smooth. ·' The 141 .5 inch wheel base is rather long, but the ride is quite comfortable and the handling is superb. The overall length is . almost 220 inches, but you maneuver on the road with abso-lute ease, experiencing almost no body lean in some of the long sweeping turns. Braking is fast and sure and a bit of down-shifting every now and then helps you power out ·of a good tight corner. We thoroughly enjoyed the '94 GMC Sierra pickup, from its good looks to its great roadability and we also enjoy and take advan-tage of the field of vision afforded by the truck and seat height. Vision all around is unhindered and even the timid will have no trouble spotting hazards long before you need to react to them. Did we like it; hell yes! It's good looking, powerful and as trucks go nowadays, it's not too expen-sive. It will pull a hell of a load and is just waiting for some race driver to hook up the trailer and go off to the races. Try it yourself, I'm sure you'll find it quite enjoyable. August 1994 The interior is quite wide but is clean as a whistle. Cassette player is located midships and the glove box is quite wide but not too deep. Definitely handsome from any angle, the 1994 GMC Sierra Club Pickup is capable of huge payloads while still maintaining its good handling and passenger comfort. West Coast" Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE OUR PR'ICE $6-!rs.o~o Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1re2 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800. 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 17

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ROUND I AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP -"FIRESTONE JACKAROO 500" Owen Finally Gets One· At Griffith Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Glenn and Matthew Owen were second by 10 seconds in the Prologue in the Class 1 Trekka, led the night loop overall, took the lead on the last two laps and won their first overall National title in the turbo Rabbit motored buggy. Just like the rural farmers of Class 8 by Ken Smith and Class 9 Australia, the off road racers have by Howard Ford. Casualties had enough of the dry conditions. included Wells with a flat tyre, After a very dusty round 1, they McMillan breaking a front pin had more of the same at round 2, and Robinson losing his steering the " Firestone -Jackaroo 500" at wheel! Griffith, NSW recently. In all, 84 It was then time for the night cars lined up for the event which loop and incredibly the wind died this year would include a night down to nothing leaving both loop as the first lap which had not officials and competitors shaking been done _in a championship race their heads in disbelief. Osbourne since 1984. This meant. the pro-left on what should have been an logue qualifying would be more easy run. But firstly he had many important. Fastest to come out of kangaroos to clear off the track, that was the Goodyear Class 1 car and then had his own dust turn on of Brett Osborne who was 10 him on many corners, but he still • seconds clear of Glenn Owen also ended up with fastest lap. The in a Class 1, indeed the top nine order remained the same with were Class 1 s. Newcomer to Owen, Willett, Lee, Burrows, and National racing Steve Willett put Boyes following. Then came the his unsponsored car in third lead-surprise, Fabio Zarfati in a Pajero ing the cars of Lee, Burrows, 4x4 ran 7th fastest time in the Boyes, Rose, Morrison, and night. His secret was a carefully Brown. The Class 3 car of Warren planned set of pace notes. Siv-was 10th fastest. Peter Prender-iour's Nissan 4x4 wasn't far gast was quickest Class 2 with behind him either and ran in 8th Class4 led by Nev Taylor, ClassS ahead of Crisp and Rose. The dust by Norm Vesty, Class 6 by Ken certainly ruined the night lap with Houston, Class 7 by Les Siviour, many competitors down to walk-The pickups should have the advantage over sedans in Class 5, but Graham Smith and Gavin Card survived the last lap with third gear only to win the class and take 13th overall in the Mitsubishi Ga/ant. Doug McMillan continued his winning streak in Class 9 in the Raceco, and they don't use co-drivers in this single seat class. He won Class 9 by about 20 minutes and placed fifth outright. Page 30 ing pace to find the track. Suffer-ing problems that lap included Baxter's Nissan with gearbox fail-ure, Prendergast with over heat-ing, and Garland in the radical 4x4 with a blown head gasket. It was then a wait until Sunday morning when the race continued with Osbourne leading the pack, but very soon losing 2nd and 4th gears, while Willett collided with kangaroos on two occasions but came out winner on both. Barry Johnson retired on that lap with gearbox failure while it looked like Jason Graham was about to hurry up th~ Warrens only to blow a motor. Garland had spent all night repairing the Triton only to bend a front arm early in the day. Parker's Landrover came to a halt with coil failure, while Campbell's Baja was late getting away with fuel pump problems, then got rammed by a faster car and put out. The sad tales con-tinued as Buchanan blew a head gasket, Ford a turbo, and Robin-son a fuel pump. After the two long laps Sunday morning there was a compulsory pit break but it seemed many would have stopped then anyway. Race leader Osbourne had no brakes and a broken shock, while Willett had a flat rear. Burrows changed an alternator, Warren had lost a fan belt, and Taylor's Baja had a CV problem. During that lap though Siviour had changed a tyre while his opponent, Manns had changed two in the same stop on the Jackaroo 4x4. The race was still being lead by Osbourne with about three minutes to Owen, then eight minutes to Willett. Lee was next with Burrows right on him. Boyes followed his fellow Class 1 s then came Zarfati proving the night lap was no fluke. Terry Fabio Zarfati and Greg Campbell had a great race in the Mitsubishi Pajero, a Ralliart wagon, and they not only won Class 8 by half an hour they placed sixth overall in the race. Mark and Daryl Warren get a lot of performance from the 1200cc Southern Cross buggy and they had a huge lead on Sunday, and they not only won Class 3 by 40 minutes, they placed ninth overall. Rose, Morrison and Daren Wells behind Zarfati in Class 8 came completed the top ten. Siviour Smith, and Pickering in the still lead Class 7 in 11th overall, Pajero. Hadlow was having fuel while McMillan assumed lead of troubles, put down to dirty fuel. theSingleseatersClass9. Warren With his car now repaired and had opened up a huge lead in the back to normal, Osbourn_e 1200cc Class 3 and was 26 places headed off on the five shorter ahead of his opposition. Taylor laps. Bentley's. fine run to 14th led the Bajas over Irons and Cur-place ended shortly after with a rie, while in the Class 5 Graham blown head gasket. Then Boyes Smith's little Mitsubishi was lost time while finding a broken h~ading the thunder of Watson's fuel pump wire slipping_ back V8 Rodeo, Briggs' V8 Holden eight places. Les Brown who was and Marshall's V8 Rodeo. Ken running just out of the top ten Houston had a fair size lead in the then stopped for good when a Challenger buggy Class 6, while · piece of his rear pivot section Rod and Jeanette Simpson came from behind to take the Class 2 victory in the B.N.M. buggy, and here slide a corner without dust in front and they were 16th overall. broke away. MacDonald similarly was out with a snapped rear arm. Geoff Pickering then blemished a fine drive in the Class 8 Mitsubi-shi by putting it on its roof and out of the event. The order at the front remained unchanged with Osbourne, Owen, Willett, Lee, Burrows, and Zarfati. Rose was starting to find ways through the traffic in the dust and moved into 7th. Siviour then slammed a tree putting a big dent in the bull bar. Class 2 was a little light on this race and it was Rod Simpson who came out as the class leader while the Ziems boys were _trying to keep in touch despite broken gearbox mounts. Internal gearbox problems were more common though as second placed single seater Tony Hor kings was with-but second gear and Class 5 leader Smith had no second also. Nev Taylor then lost his 20 minute Class 4 lead by welding up a broken spring plate in the Baja. Fourth placed Kevin Lee the1,1 . struck trouble with gearbox fail- . ure putting him out, while Wells broke a rear torsion bar and withdrew. Paul Grant rolled the neat Datsun but continued. The leading top ten now read: Osbourne, Owen, Willett, Bur-rows, Rose, Morrison, Zarfati, McMillan, Siviour, and Crisp despite an earlier flat tyre. Simp-Mark Burrows and Ross Wafler had quite a fight for second in Class 1 in the son lead Class 2 over Strachan Trekka, and at the checkers they took the spot by merely five seconds. and then Borthwick. Warren was August 1994 Dusty Times

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Ken Houston and Michelle Roberts call their Challenger buggy an Aligator, and it went well even on the tough course and they won Class 6 honors. Steve and Mick Wilfett had their Rivmasta roaring in Class 1, Unlimited Two seat, and they not only were third in class, they were third outright too. Terry and Maureen Rose started out strong in the Class 1 Raceco, and they kept up the pace to place fourth in class and a fine fourth overall as well. It sounds familiar and it was Les Siviour and Josh Golsby-Smith who won Class 7 again in the Nissan Patrol, and they were seventh overall despite a flat and an encounter with a tree. still in command of Class 3 and getting close to a top ten place. Irons had taken the Baja lead over Taylor. The leaders though had been halted for a Pare Ferme hold and regroup for the last two laps. Wil-lett had no CV boot and was somewhat concerned while Mor-rison had an oil trail that looked like turbo trouble. Owen was less than a minute behind Osbourne and was going to make it a great finish as none of the top three had won a championship race before. Half way round that lap though Osborne clipped a rear wheel on a gate post and the resulting vibra-tion saw the rear wheel break off putting an end to a great drive to lead the race for 6½ laps~ Morri-son meanwhile stopped with turbo failure but decided he would take the time to replace it. Michael Boaden was debuting his new Class 1 that he had built him-self and looked very much like a Raceco. He had got it up to 13th when the front torsion tube broke, but it showed much prom-ise for the future. The battle for . third in Class 5 between Briggs and Marshall was relieved when Briggs broke an axle. Rod Jones who had many a Safari expe-rience, was trying his Patrol in Firestone Jackaroo 500 Results -May 28-29, 1994 Griffith, New South Wales # Poe Driver/CcHlriver Vehicle Time ClaM 1 • Unlimited Two Seat -23 atart • 8 finish 123 1 Glenn & Matthew Owen Trekka 5:01 :37 2 Mark Burrows/Ross Waller Trekka 5:15:12 141 3 Steve & Nick Willett Rivmasta 5:15:17 111 4 Terry & Maureen Rose Raceco 5:25:56 112 5 Trevor & Anthony Crisp Rivmasta 3:37:03 Class 2 - 1600 cc Two Seat -16 atart - 5 liniah 253 1 Rod & Jeanette Slrrpson B.N.M. 6:01 :02 260 2 John & Scott Bol1hwick John Special 6:03:52 299 3 Richard Strachan/Norm Jarvis Rivmasta 6:10:20 214 4 Andrew & Alex Ziems Rivmasta 6:17:0S 208 5 Manin Walsh/Laurie Williams Rivmasta 7:02:26 ClaM 3 -1200cc Two Seat 1 0 a tart -5 finish 301 t Mark & Daryl Warren Southern Cross 5:43:38 356 2 Geoff Dow/Kevin Peart Hornet 6:23:37 318 3 Andrew & Helen Cheers Rivmasta 6:35:01 331 4 Darrin Perrin/Tim Horner Rivmasta 6:37:50 364 5 Darrell & Paul Johnson Buggy 6:43:28 ClaM 4 -VW Baja Bug - 5 atart - 3 finiah 403 1 Warren Irons/Vicki Woods Baja Bug 6:33:24 402 2 Nev Taylor/Bob Oxley Baja Bug 6:53:05 405 3 Rodney• & Brent Currie Baja Bug 7:38:29 ClaM 5 • 2WD Sedan & Pickup • 8 atart • 4 finish 501 1 Graham Smith/Gavin Card Mitsubishi Galant 5:55:17 505 2 Ross & Maura Watson Holden Rodeo 6:00:42 574 3 Les MarshalVJohn Graham Holden Rodeo 6:23:15 576 4 Paul GranVJohn Girling Datsun 8:15:37 ClaM 6 - Challenger Buggy - 2 atart - 2 finish 601 1 Ken Houston/Michelle Roberts Aligator 6:34:19 666 2 Michael EggerVDennis Green Buggy 7:50:41 ClaM 7 - Limited 4x4 - 5 start - 5 finlah 701 1 Les Slviour/Josh Golsby-Smlth Nissan Patrol 5:32:59 702 2 Mark Manns/Allen Cartledge Holden Jackaroo 5:49:40 707 3 Eric Whitbread/Norm Needham Toyota Landcrulser 6:02:02 777 4 Gary Weatherley/Gary Pursehouse Suzuki Sierra 6:36:43 720 5 Chris & Kym McWilliam Nissan Patrol 7:43:16 ClaM 8 • Unlimited 4x4 • 8 atart. 4 finish 807 1 Fabio ZarfatVGreg Carrl)l,ell Mitsubishi P ajero 5:29:36 801 2 Ken & Laureen Smith Holden Rodeo 6:00:26 802 3 Peter & Glen Hadlow Mitsubishi Triton 6:01:17 811 4 Rod Jones/Les Lawry Nissan Patrol 6:28:34 ClaM fl - Unlimited Single Seat • 7 start • 3 flniah 901 1 Doug McMIUan Raceco 5:28:0S 925 2 Anthony Horkings Buggy 5:48:20 992 3 Ian Boyd Hunter Rivmasta 6:14:00 Starters 84 • Finishers 39 - Finish ratio 46% Race Distance 500 kilometers (31 0 miles) Fastest Prologue - #116 Blent Osbourne • Fastest Long Lap #116 Brent Osbourne Fastest Short Lap • #123 Glenn Owen Dusty Times 0/A 2 3 4 8 16 19 20 22 34 9 25 29 31 32 27 33 36 13 15 23 39 28 38 7 12 18 30 37 6 14 17 26 5 11 21 Warren Irons and Vicki Woods had some problems along the way, but they kept the Baja Bug dashing along and won the Class 4 honors by twenty minutes. Class 8 for the first time and apart from a flat tyre and breaking a rear panhard rod (he had a spare on board!) was doing well. With one lap to go Owen was a little uneasy as. he had been so close many a time, would this be the day he was going to get that win after 8 years of trying. Willett was meanwhile praying his CV would stay together without its boot, while Burrows was on a charge to get two wins in a row. With the checquered flag at the ready it was Glenn and Matt Owen that took the win, their first ever National victory. Their turbo Golf (Rabbit) motor never missed a beat, however, one shock was broken showing they were indeed trying hard. Burrows and then Willett both made it to the finish but it was unsure who had second. A look at official times gave it to Burrows in the Bridgestone car, then a mere five seconds to the Willett brothers in by far their best result ever imagi-nable. Terry and Maureen Rose filled fourth in their new Raceco and also 4th in Class 1. Then came the Firestone Raceco single seater of Doug McMillan picking up first in Class 9. Sixth outright and definitely his highest lace was Fabio Zarfati and Greg Campbell in the Pajero wagon borrowed from Ralliart. They obviously won thefr Class 8 also, and just took top tin-top award as they led in Les Siviour in his Class 7 Nis-san Patrol. In 8th overall and 5th in Class 1 was Trevor Crisp. Lead-ing Class 3 was the Warren's Goodyear car that finished 9th outright while Neville Boyes made the top ten despite another late fuel pump failure. Behind McMillan in Class 9 was Tony Horkings (11th overall) and then Ian Boyd some places back. Rod Simpson drove a good race to come from a low start position to take out Class 2. John Borthwick was next with Richard Strachan third. The gearbox in Andy Ziems' car thankfully stayed in albeit thanks to the motor and he took 4th over Martin Walsh who had the wildest set of lights in the night loop. Class 3 continued the winning streak for Mark and Daryl Warren who led Geoff Dow by 40 minutes. Minor placings went to Andrew Cheers, Darrin Perrin, and Darrell Johnson. Warren Irons continued his good form of late and took his second win in a row. He had luck on his side as he had a rear torsion bar break as he loaded it on the trailer!! Nev Tay-lor was the noisiest car there after losing a section of exhaust but he picked up second in the Baja class. Rodney Currie has the hang of his Baja and took a fine third. Gra-ham Smith wasn't about to give up his Class 5 lead even after the gearbox seized on the last lap. They found 3rd gear and finished on that and got the win too, in the Galant. Ross Watson brought the VS Rodeo in next and despite los-ing the odd panel Les Marshall was next, also in a VS Rodeo. Taking 4th in class was the bat-tered Ute of Grant. In the Class 6 Challenger class it was hard work alright to get over the tough rocky sections and it was Ken Houston in the little Sidchrome car that got the win. Michael Eggert was a long way back but still took second place. As mentioned, Siviour won Class 7 for the less modified 4x4s and in second was Mark Manns in the V6 Jackaroo who ran 12th overall too. Eric Whitbread was restricted to 2WD' only in the Toyota so never matched the other pair but still ran third.~ Behind him came the Weatherley Suzuki and the Mc William Patrol. In the modified 4x4 category in Class 8 it was, of course, Zarfati first. In second with a gearbox about to let go came the Ken Smith turbo Rodeo. Fighting fuel problems all race long was the turbo Mitsubishi of Peter Hadlow that filled third spot. Rod Jones in the Nissan Patrol was a little way back but still enjoying himself in fourth. There were only 39 crews that were indeed finishers of the Fire-stone/Jackaroo 500 which turned into a real endurance race with the dust and rocky sections, and the night loop which made it much tougher than in the past. It was satisfying though to see two of the three crews on the podium did not even have a sponsor jacket to wear, giving hope to the many other private crews out there. -Finally a quick word of personal thanks to Isuzu for the loan of a great Jackaroo which made the long drive and access around the track so much easier. SCORE 1993 ENGINE BUILDER OF lHE YEAR! . .-.·.············'•···········.-.· .. w.-.·.·•··w······················•···················•·•···•·•·•····••· ··•·•·•••··•••··•··•·····•·•·•••.-•·••••.-.· •. •.:; We would like to thank and congratulate all these FAT-powered, 1993 Class points champions: MTEG Super 1600 Champion ...................... ..Jerry Whelchel SODA Class 2-1600 Champion ......... : ............ Jim Wiggens SODA Class 1-1600 Champion ....................... Todd Attig SODA Class 5-1600 Champion ....................... Mike Brue SODA Class 9-10 Champion ........................... Todd Attig SODA Class 1 Champion ................................ Todd Attig SCORE Class 5 Champion .............................. George Seeley BAJA PROMOTIONS Class 1-2 Champion ....... Brent Miller FUD Class 2· 1600 Champion ........................ Jim & Mike Abatti RAONG ENQNES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS \ii Send or call for our new catalog S5.00 ·········--································································································································•· .. •·············· .. ······································· ... ·····················································J August 1994 We would also like to thank and congratulate all our customers for all their class wins in SCORE, SODA, MTEG, SNORE, FUD, LA RANA and BAJA PROMOTIONS. ---Qli 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889•fax (714) 637-7352 Page 31

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ROUND 5 • WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP . · Carlos Sainz Wins In Greece For Subaru Text & Plwtos: Martin Holmes Armin Schwarz and Klaus Wicha had a fine rally in the debut performance of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II, and they finished two minutes back in second overall. of their rivals to lead this series outright, agai'nst much bigger cars. In Group N Argentine driver Carlos Menem Jr. led with his Ford most of the way. Carlos Sainz and.Luis Moya scored the first World Championship victory for the Subaru lmpreza 555 in Greece. They took the lead late in the second day and it was Sainz and Moya's first win in 18 months. with kankkunen finishing third but only after losing Didier Auriol on the second day. The team however were happy. It was the first time they had reached the finish of this event since 1991! There was a particularly good run from Toyota's Japanese trainee driver Yoshio Fujimoto, helped this time by guest co-driver Arne Hertz; they finished sixth. Ford had the toughest time of all. Their best driver at the end was the vete-ran Ari Vatanen making his first rally appearance this year with the newly formed Schmidt Motor-sport team. Miki Biasion retired when the oil pump drive suddenly failed and his teammate Malcolm Wilson ( replacing the injured Francois Delecour on this occa-sion), was delayed by steering trouble on the last day. Toyota's two regular drivers, encouraged by an unexpected vic-tory on the Tour de Corse earlier this month, approached the event heading the championship tables. Auriol's Corsica win gave him a two point lead over teammate Kankkunen, but once again their confidence was cautious. Like Corsica, Ford had won here last year. It was an amazingly interna-tional entry in which drivers from ten different nationalities started in the top 12 places, facing the hottest and toughest champion-ship event in Europe. On this occasion there was another chal-lenger, from occasional contend-ers Mitsubishi who finished a strong third here last year: Subaru get closer! Carlos Sainz led the Acropolis Rally all the scored his first World Champ-way, this was their first World ionship win for 18 months and Championship victory ever in climaxed a promising half-season Europe. Sainz's teammate Colin with the Prod rive team, after McRae was in front for over half third, fourth and second places on the event, but at the end of the earlier events. For Subaru, who second day a faulty wheel bearing Prodrive owner David Richards, left, congratulates his first lmpreza 555 winner Carlos Sainz. Subaru led the rally from start to finish, unusual for this type of competition. Pagc31 ·The Off-Roader's Choice· • E-Z ur INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 secondsl NO missing parts NO center poles NO ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter La Rana Contingency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENT~LS~ I.NC. 1Cf44"f.l. C"ole Ave. . L.,os · An.9eles,. CA 90038 . CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 slowed him down letting the Span-iard take a lead he held to the end. McRae in fact was excluded from· the event because of a dispute at a time control after his windscreen was broken. It was claimed that the scrutineers had failed to fix the bonnet safety catches after a random check. Subaru has nar-rowed Toyota's lead in the Manu-facturers' Series and Sainz has placed himself equal in the lead of the Drivers' series with Juha Kankkunen. Five different makes of car filled the top places on the event, with Mitsubishi ( on their first event since Monte Carlo and making the debut of the Lancer Evolution Mark II), second in front of Toyota, a remarkable privateer effort by Alex Fiorio's historic Lancia and in fifth place, Ford -another disappointing result for them. Toyota Castro! T earn survived their notoriously unlucky event The event also qualified for the independent FIA 2-litre Cup (Formula 2 category), with the lit-tle 1300cc Skoda Favorit 136L cars of Emil Triner and Pavel Sib-era 'finishing first and second, and both gaining overall top ten plac-ings. On the first day Gregoire de Mevius led with his Open Astra GSi, but the engine failed and from then on it was Skoda all the way. Skoda has now pulled clear Emil Trine, and Jiri Klima finished a remarkable ninth overall and first in Formula 2 in the small displacement Skoda Favorit 136L and his teammates were only seconds behind, second in the category. Carlos Menem and Martin Christie led most of the distance in Group N in the Ford Escort RS Cosworth taking the lead when their teammate had trouble and they finished eleventh overall and won for Ford. August 1994 Ford once again planned a two pronged attack. The two works cars were for last year's winner Miki Biasion and guest teammate Malcolm Wilson. Support came fr6m Ari Vatanen whose Escort was prepared by the Schmidt Motorsport team. Ari was making a return to the series, his first championship rally since he left the Subaru team at the end of 1993. The42 year old Finn felt at home as last year he had enjoyed the cleaner road surfaces offered from his start number 10 and led for 20 stages, but this year he started number 91. For Wilson, Delecour's stand-in replacement, normally a test driver for the Ford team and official representative on the British championship, this event was a dream return to full works driver status. Ari brought another opportun-ity to Ford, the Schmidt team ( whose cars are prepared in a sub-stantially different way to the Boreham cars), ran with Pirelli tires, which after the debut of their mousse puncture proof inserts earlier in the year are fast closing in competitiveness with Michelin. The hard, rocky tracks of Greece traditionally present the toughest tire challenge of the season. Pirelli had previously only been seen with Subaru this year. Whereas Michelin relied mostly on developments of proven tires, Pirelli appeared with a completely new type of tire, suitable for Greece, with bigger and stronger tread blocks. · Although missing all season,· nowhere was Lancia 's absence more noticeable than here. Last year seven of these classic rally cars finished in the top nine, but this year there was only one in the top 30 entries! Alex Fiorio created an aura of nostalgia at the wheel of the famous old car, how-Dusty Times

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Current World Champion Juha Kankkunen with Nicky Grist took third in the Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD and Juha is now tied with Sainz for the points lead. Alex Fiorio and Vittorio Brambilla scored a great fourth in the historic Lancia HF lntegrale, a bit of nostalgia from earlier years of Lancia glory. The Nissan Sunny GT/ of 'Stratissino' and Tonia Pavli swings past a spectator area on their way to 12th overall and third in 'F2' in ood time. ever. It was the same car thatJuha road conditions. Earlier Kank-Kankkunen drove to victory on kunen had trouble on two con-the 1991 Safari. There was ten-secutive stages when a loose pipe sion when news that the 'F2' Nis- damaged his cooling fans. san of'Stra~issino' crashed during In Formula 2 De Mevius was last minute testing into the car of leading easily. "The suspension is the team's photographer on the the best I have ever known for test track. Fortunately only the gravel roads, just seems to bodywork was damaged. The float along!", but again bad luck Group N Mitsubishi driver Jorge afflicted him. 'Stratissino' was Recalde, never left his home in about to take the lead when the Argentina. He heard the team steering broke on his Nissan. Sib-who offered to run his car had era and T riner then led with three only two service vehicles, nothing seconds between them. In Group like sufficient cover. N Menem had no problems and Subaru drivers took full ad van-inherited the lead when Mike Lit-tage of the cleaner surfaces tle Preparations team mate offered because .of their early Mohammed BinSulayemstopped starting numbers, McRae 7, Sainz with fuel pressure trouble. After 3, and on Etape 1 they arrived in the Dubai driver was down too Kamena Vourla 1-2, nearly a long to continue, the car minute quicker than their nearest restarted. rivals, Toyota. Colin reported no The reseeding for Etape 2 problems although he had his meant that a new range of drivers transmission changed because of a had the chance of running on stiff gear· linkage. Sainz was less clearer tracks and an incredible content, saying the front differen-number of seven drivers scored tial setting was foo hard. "The car stage fastest times today! Because is very good on t_he bumpy stages, of reseeding Baumschlager re-but I am not so confident when it started far back, suffered from the is twisty." Ford's and Mitsubi-dust of slower drivers,. and he shi 's drivers had problems, which voluntarily stopped after stage 11. in Ford's case meant Vatanen was Toyota's legendary ill luck on ahead of the two team drivers.•"it this event continued. Auriol soon is taking a long time for me to get passed Sainz to second place but used to the car, especially the then hit a rock in the middle of the seven speed gearbox." But Ari's track which smashed the sump teammate Raimund Baumsch-and oil cooler. On the same stage lager had shock absorber prob-Kankkunen lost over five minutes lems. Biasion had a handbrake when welding broke and the rear stick on and had high intercooler suspension rod failed, dropping temperatures; he said he was not him from fourth to seventh. happy with the sequential gear-Fujimoto climbed into the top ten box, which was jumping gears and with a reliable drive. Mitsubishi once stuck in neutral. Wilson lost were steadily recovering. Kenneth the windscreen wipers after a Eriksson rose to fifth, but then watercrossing and bent the sus- retired, while Schwarz suffered pension on a rock. Mitsubishi had more brake trouble and also been very unlucky. Three times broke another front differential they suffered fractures in the flange. After Toyota's trouble flange connecting the front cliff Ford rose encouragingly to third with the right hand driveshaft, and fourth overall, but then it and Armin Schwarz lost time on went wrong. Vatanen had misfir-stage 1 with locking brakes as ing troubles, then his front sus-well. pension mountings collapsed los-The Toyotas of Kankkunen ing him eight minutes. Biasion and Auriol were running behind retired when suddenly the oil the Subarus, and on the final stage pump drive failed, this let Wilson Kankkunen eased his pace to up to third, but he fell back to force Auriol to start the second fourth place when the engine lost day ahead and have less favorable power. 41st Acropolis Rally May 29-31 1994 Carlos Sainz/Luis Moya E Subaru lmpreza 555 . A. 6:36:38 Armin Schwarz/Klaus Wlcha D Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 2 A 6:38:39 Juha Kankkunen/Nlcky Grist SF/GB Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD A 6:42:31 Alex FlorloNlttorio · Brambllla I Lancia HF lntegrale A 6:50:58 Ari Vatanen/Fabrlzla Pons · SF/I Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 6:42:33 Malcolm Wilson/Bryan Thomas Gl Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 6:46:25 Yoshio Fujimoto/Arne Hertz J/S Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD A 7:09:30 Aris Vovos/Kostas Fertakis CR Lancia HF lntegrale A 7:19:15 Emil Triner/Jiri Klima C2 Skoda Favorit 136L A'' 7:37:02 Pavel Slbera/Petr Gross C2 Skoda Favorit 136L A 7:37:46 Carlos Menem/Martln Christie RA Ford Escort RS Cosworth N' 7:41 :21 88 starters - 36 finishers • 'Group Winner .. F2 winner - No Ladies finishers Winnefs average speed on stages 80.54 kph (record) 33 s_tages-Total distance 1449 km World Championship Points -Toyota: ~1. Subaru 78, Ford 54, Mitsubishi 27, etc. WAC Drivers Polnts-Kankkunen & Sainz 57, Auriol 47, Biaslon 30, Delecour & Duncan 20 Group N Points -Puras 36, Holderied 17, Janot, Njiru, Menem & Mercier, 13 etc. FIA Manufacturers Cup (Formula 2) Skoda 20, Renault 15, GME 10, Citroen & VW 8. FIA Ladies Cup Points - Holderled 28. Dusty Times Ari Vatanen and Fabrizia Pons slide a tight uphill corner Sergei Aliasov and Vlad/en lshimov retired the Lada in the Ford Escort RS Cosworth on their way to fifth Samara with serious suspension trouble, but the Russian overall, the first Ford home in Greece. In Group N, Menem lost the lead when he had a puncture and tried to continue on the flat tire, but eventually had to stop to change the wheel, and the jack col-lapsed. Pavlas Moschoutis (Mazda 323GT-R) took over the lead for two stages but then retired with engine failure, letting Menem back into the lead again. In Formula 2 Triner attacked while Sibera eased off. Third place continued to be held by 57 year old 'Leonidas' (on his 29th Acropolis Rally entry) in his Renault Clio Williams. The Clio twice drained out after the water crossing, while the Peugeot 205 Rallye ofSolaris Kokkinis retired from water injestion. 'Stratissino' was now fourth only three seconds behind. Both the Russian entered Ladas retired during the day with suspension trouble and locally entered Toyota Starlets held most of the remaining top 'F2' places. After a day of remarkable car-team had been going well in F2 until then. nage among 'the top teams' cars, come his problem. Wilson hoped Subarus arrived back at Kamena his engine troubles ( the cylinder Vourla still lying 1-2 notwith-head and the manifolding were standing a dispute suffered by changed, then the turbocharger) McRae. Colin led until stage 21 were over. Shortly afterwards he · when he was delayed by a broken suffered steering problems at a rear wheel bearing and this let place where service was forbid-Sainz hold a seven second lead on den. Fiorio pulled ahead of stage 22. McRae's controversial Vatanen who had suffered shock problem came as he drove away absorber trouble. from the midday rest halt at Mak-The incredible Skodas main-rikomi when the bonnet flew up tained their lead in the 2-litre F2. and badly smashed the wind-but the event ended in a feeling of screen: It transpired that the uncertainty. What really hap-bonnet had been opened in pare pened when McRae broke his ferme to check the official seals screen? Why didn't Prodrive take but the officials forgot to refasten the organizer's offer at the time? the securing clips. Later it trans-Was there more to the situation pired this had happened to other than met the_ eye? Of one thing drivers after inspections in the everyone agreed, it was good that overnight pare ferme. Subaru won the event because Etape 3 started with the news otherwise there would have been that McRae had been excluded a lot of bad feeling. It would have because of the previous day's dis-been a return to 1981 and the pute. It was all to do with the Audi exclusi~n affair all over 'anti-sporting' nature of blocking again,· and the sport could do the start control and not accepting with out that memory recurring. an offer by the organizers to over-Trackside Photo, Inc. Racing photography since 1970 We cover all La Rana, SCORE and MTEG events. For professional quality photos, call us! Call us for: Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets August 1994 P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (310) 670-6896 Page 33

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-SNORE/HAYCOCK CALIENTE MOUNTAIN 250 MacCachrcn/Job/Nnr Car Cofflbo Win Overall By Jean Calvin Photos: Carrere Photography Rob MacCachren and Larry Job unveiled their new Class 10 Mirage in grand style. The Toybta power and some fine driving brought them in first in class and first overall by half an hour. Once a year the Las Vegas town fill rapidly; although most based SNORE club ventures far folks do the motorhome or from their home to Caliente, NV camper number if they are from ,or a race that has captured the Las Vegas. enthusiasm _of not only club The weather was beautiful on members, but folks come from far May 21, race day, and for this 01.1t of state to contest this tough event pre-running was allowed on course. _Basically a railroad town the Friday, which is a major plus now, Caliente is about 150 miles for the event to draw first time northeast of Las Vegas, and the racers. The course they face is few motels· in this old mining rugged on the driver and his THE WRIGHT 9420 Fffnn Springs Ln. PLACE El Cajon, CA 92021 INC. machine, with water crossings, narrow mountain trails and the better trails are lined with stout cottonwood and pine trees. The race starts just west of the railroad tracks, goes at a speed limit through the pit area, makes a 180 and heads down the wash into the . water crossings. The drivers go up from there into the hills where there are some serious ·drop offs if Page 34 August 1994 -ln the combined Unlimited Class Tommy-Bradley lost a cylinder from his Type 4 motor, and it cost him dearly, as he finished second in class and third 0 /A. ' Kenny Freeman Jr. and his wife Kerry had some shock troubles late in the race, and had been leading Class 1-2-1600. Kenny soon got the lead back and sailed on the victory in the 14 car class and finished a great second overall. you should miss the turn, but so far no one has although some have come dose to tumbling down the canyons. The final hill is visible from Main Street and the route goes down this steep _and freacherous grade for about half a mile, then arrives in town for a few blocks to the time control on Main Street by the railroad tracks. It was about 42 miles the lap. SNORE had condensed the entire race into one day with the sign up and tech inspection in the Knotty Pine at 7:00 a.m., the drawing for starting position and drivers' meeting at 9:00 a.m. with the race start scheduled for 10:00 a .m . Along with the usual generous payback in SNORE there were $500 Bonus Bucks waiting for the Class 9 winner and $500 Bonus Bucks to first in 5-1600. New was that V IP Racing Fuel was available at the track, courtesy of Haycock Distrib-uting, and they also donated the trophy for the first overall winner. At the drivers meeting it was obvious that SNORE was proud of this course with mountains, streams and trees, but no tortoise or silt problems. A total of 44 drivers drew for starting position, as for sotne reason there were a number ot-no shows, rare for this race that usually attracts close to 60 cars. · Unlimited and Class 1-2-1600 wo.uld 'have to cover six laps, . while the other classes were to cover five laps. The Unlimited cars with Classes 1, 2; 5 & 10 combined were first away and all classes started at 30 second intervals. Tommy Bradley led the pack into the washes, followed by Ken Flippin Jr., Mark Davidge, Brendan Gaughan in the 10 car, Clay Flippen in a Class 5 Baja Bug, and the new and handsome Class 10 of Rob MacCachren and then Brett North in his Class 10. Seven in all who all made a lap! Next into battle were 14 Class 1-2-1600 cars with Bekki Freeman the lead off person followed by her brother Kenny, then 16 year old Jeremy Gubler, the Almberg car and Danny Anderson. In the next group came Billy Bryan, Ted Olson, Kevin Ruesch, Michael Hougard, Dan Bradley, Rob Guevara, Dan Ischo, Kevin Colan and Dan Jewett. This would be a close battle in class. Class 9 fielded 10 cars led away by Lloyd Thatcher, then Doug Ingram, Scott Pearce, Dan Bradley drove solo this race, had a couple of flats, and finished on a rear flat tire, but he also finished second in Class 1-2-1600 with good times. Dusty Times

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Bekki F;eeman started the race and handed over to dad Ken Freeman midway and finished third in class, fifth overall, just 3½ minutes behind Bradley. • Danny Anderson also chose to go solo at Caliente, and he set fast lap for the class on his third, had troubles later and finished fourth, sixth 0 /A. Gene Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer are often the Class 9 bridesmaid, and they were second again in the Lothringer at the tough Caliente 250 event. B•II Hoihrook started strong in defense of his Class 9 title. but a •n;d-,;,re accident slowed the progress. and he had Jeff Carr finish the car. in third place. Mark Davidge and David Berry took third in Unlimited class with five laps of the six done, but they finished in the money in that class. not all bad. Rob and Bob Guevara had a fine consistent run, all lap times a couple minutes apart, and they were fifth in Class 1-2-1600 and seventh overall as well. Dave Petrillo has fancy stripes on his Class 9 car. but he set fast lap for the class and with Bryan Pennington doing the anchor man bit, the team won Class 9 by nearly ten minutes. an unusually big margin. - · ----Gene Griepentrog, Jeff Carr, Bill Holbrook, Jason Avery, Brian Fieger, Eric Shenberger and Dave Petrillo. This also promised to be a close class race. There were eight Sportsman Buggies with Todd Vandawalker first away, followed by Scott Noall, from Colorado, Ed Dunn, John Gangloff /Jeff Lewis, John Dunn, from Colorado, Regan • Gubler, Jay Shain and Robert Eldridge. Last away were the five Sportsman Trucks and two of them finished five laps. Tom Dunn, from Colorado, led off in a Ford Ranger followed by Scott Bassett ~n a Chevy Blazer, then John Phegley in an Oldsmobile, Barry Slatter, Ford, and Mike Larson, Toyota. The main pits behind town had a few side bets going about which · car would be first to appear at the top of the hill, and it was Tommy Bradley at 47:21, out of the Type 4 engine. But next was young Brendan Gaughan at 48:22 with Rob MacCachren right behind him on the road at 47:25. Rob passed Brendan going by the main pits. Clay Flippin did a 49: 10 in the Baja Bug he rolled pre-running on its first race with the new b~ y, and his transmission broke on lap 2. Brett North also did only one lap and disappeared. MacCachren got serious and more accustomed to the new car Dusty Times and recorded a pair of 44 minute laps ( fast lap of the race) to hold a good lead midway when he handed over to Larry Job. Bradley had a pair of 4 7 minute laps and Brendan Gaughan did a pair of 46 minute laps so it was still anybody's game in Unlimited and overall after three laps. The only non-contender was Ken Flippen who started strong had a slow lap, then a quick one, and finally finished four with two slow laps. Larry Joo kept up the pace in the leading Mirage with two 48s and a final round of 46: 1 7 to cement the overall victory for himself and Rob MacCachren in the brand new car with a FAT Performance 1650cc Toyota in the tail. The car was built by Bruce Fraley,Jim Bunty and Mike Larre, should you want one like it. Larry said Rob gave me a good lead so I just drove around and had no problems. It certainly was a grand debut.Tommy Bradley dropped a cylinder in the VW engine on lap 5, but he and co-driver John Schippert nursed it home, third overall, exactly a half hour behind the winners as only two finished in this class. Brendan Gaughan ha~ded oyer to J.C. Dean for the second half, running third overall, and Brendan hustled down the road to Vegas to catch a plane in order to test his short course car the next~ ~~~~ram~llii~~~~ru22'.1.---...;.i.....:;._ Jamar Super Shifte,~ Fortin CV Cages -Polished & Strong/ Make missed shifts a Available in both: thing of the past! 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing/ 103 Press Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 9191 o Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (~19)691-0803 1 _.J August 1994 · Page 35

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Billy Bryan and Lester Carter had their trouble on the first"lap, but they came back fighting and got into a sixth place finish in Class 1-2-1600, 8th O/A. Jason and Bill Avery had trouble on lap 1, got faster each lap finishing with a 58.11 which brought the team up the ranks to fourth in the Class 9 competition. Douglas Ingram drove alone in his Class 9 Challenger, had problems on the last two laps, but he kept moving to finish all five laps for fifth in Class 9. ~ day. Sad to say Dean did not complet·e a lap before breaking a spindle, but· was credited with fifth in Unlimited class. Ironically, Tommy Bradley had to pull his engine the day before the race to fix a broken clutch. While he was fixing, Brendan Gau·ghan drove past Tommy's pit laughing and stating that the race starts now. Five minutes later he was towed back into the pits by race steward Bill Shapley with a similar problem, no clutch, so Tommy won the This is the :;ystem run by most off road race winners pre-run race. . The big herd of 1-2-1600 cars, the largest class in the race, must have run close on time all day. Kenny Freeman with his wife Kerry riding shotgun all six laps, put on quite a performance, threatening to take over the over-all spot should the new 10 car falter at all. He turned a pair of 50 minute laps for the first two in his spruced up, now good looking 1600 two seater. Keeping him honest were Dan Bradley and Danny Anderson both doing laps TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME Page 36 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED in the early 5 ls. Then on the third lap Danny Anderson whipped off a 49:58 and took over the lead as Freeman slowed with shock troubles, quickly fixed. He said he forgot the race was six laps and made a quick gas stop on the last lap. He also said the course was marked the best of any other course. Meanwhile Bekki Freeman was turning 52 plus minute laps and at the midway gas stop-she handed over to dad, "Ken Freeman, Sr., in a virtual tie on time with Dan Bradley. In the early hunt with a pair of 50 minute laps too were Ted Olson/Rob Myerly. Unfort-unately on the third lap Myerly went off a cliff big time, but the report was that he was out of the car and walking around, so the crew went to rescue him and retrieve the car. Meanwhile up front Dan Bradley had a flat, ended up in a tree but carried on with laps in the early 50s. In fact he finished on another flat, saying he would never again drive six laps in a 12 year old car. However he finished second, fourth overall, only about ni"ne minutes behind Kenny Freeman who not only won the race, he was second overall. Bekki and Ken Freeman sailed in third in class, fifth overall just four and a half minutes behind Bradley. Bekki started and had trouble shifting because they had a new seat in the car. She had started first and brother Kenny caught and passed her in the mountains, as she had low brakes as well. She said she let him pass so he could win the race. Dad Freeman also had brake troubles but soldiered on to the finish. Danny Anderson was leading after four laps, but on lap 5 he spent an extra 15 minutes after he nailed a big rock while passing another car and netted a big flat tire. His crew had to bring him a tire, but he finished fourth, sixth overall. Rob Guevara finished fifth in Class 1-2-1600, with most consistent lap times. He did roll his car pre-running, but only broke a shock then. He remarked at the finish line that the car will definitely need some welding before the next race. Billy Bryan and Lester Carter were sixth in class and had most of their trouble on the first lap with over an hour lap time. Seventh in class and the last six lap finisher was the Michael Hougard car; it was worth the trip to Las Vegas to get a fresh trans and an all night session to install it, to get the finish. The front end was sagged out and they thank the 901 pits who gave them a tire. They said they got hit by almost everybody as they slowed late in the race with the front end trouble. Not so lucky was the extensive AUgust 1994 John Gangloff and Jeff Lewis did it again in Sportsman Buggy, had one slowftr lap midway, probably a gas stop, and despite a roll over on the first lap that slowed them later they won the Sportsman Buggy class by 12 minutes. team of Kevin Ruesch who pre-ran in a Hummer. They did three good laps, a longer fourth lap and retired from the race. Dan Ischo and Kevin Soder got a bad start. Soder left the start line and had to be pushed to his pit as the manuel fuel pump quit. They bypassed it and went to the electric fuel pump but it cost time. He had more trouble with a two hour second lap, and after four laps they parked it, ninth in class. Kevin Colan and Paul Barton got in three really good laps, then vanished into the mountains. Jeremy Gubler had the ideal chase crew, his dad Regan entered the pre-runner in Sportsman class. Jeremy rolled on lap 1 and Regan stopped to roll him over, then a stub went into the wheel cylinder and he lost the brakes, so Regan stopped again to help. After turning fast lap for Sportsman Buggy class at 54:32, Regan retired, last in class and Jeremy covered just three laps for 11th in class. We didn't catch up to the Alberg crew, who got in three laps, the third being over three hours and that doesn't sound like fun, or Dan Jewett and company who got in two quick laps for 14th place and were not seen again. Class 9 fielded ten cars and they started fast. Dave Petrillo did three 54 n:iinute laps in a row while Billy Holbrook had a pair of 55s before trouble struck him. Toward the end on lap 3 of the five required in this class, Holbrook was just past Check 2 and came up on Kevin Soder who was broken on the side of the course, but not completely off the course and he was on a turn too. Holbrook broke a brake cylinder on his car trying to stop before he hit Kevin's car. Kevin had run in front of the car, which Billy hit and it then ran over Kevin. Amazingly Kevin was OK, but Holbrook stopped and was well shook up. He radioed the pit for a relief driver, and found Jeff Carr waiting for him. Carr had broken on the first lap, with a sticking throttle and then the brakes went out. So Jeff did two quick laps to bring Holbrook's car in third in Class 9, saying it was a nice ride. Up front the battle raged with Dave Petrillo setting the pace with a striped paint job on his Class 9. He did three laps in the low 54s, then put co-driver Bryan Pen-nington in for the last two rounds. Former SNORE champion Pennington didn't let up. They won Class 9 by about eight . minutes and $500 Bonus Bucks on top of the purse. They thanked Eddie Webb for the changes he had made, saying it ra~ without any trouble and it was fun. Chasing them all the way home was the team of Gene Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer, just a hair off the pace, but also with consistent lap times. Gene said they had no problems but he thought the course was too smooth and too fast. Jason and Bill A very were less than two minutes back in fourth place, even th<;>Ugh all but the last lap were over an hour. All the other Challenger cars had some troubles, mostly on the • later laps as fifth placing Douglas Ingram did, but he finished. In fact seven of the ten finished, the last one being Eric Shenberg-er/Jason Romans who had a nearly two hour fourth lap rolling down the hill into town. Earlier they had ignition trouble ... Only a minute faster were Brian Fieger and team and both these cars we're pushing the seven hour time allowance. Scott Pearce ran four respectable laps for eighth place, but vanished on the last lap, while Lloyd and Ken Thatcher didn't do a single lap. The Sportsman classes were enriched by a group from Colorado, the Denver area, and they brought two race buggies, a pre-runner and a Class 7 nicely turned out truck. The Sportsman also had to do five laps in seven hours time. The buggies started first led away by Scott and Barbara Noall from Denver in a Dusty Times

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Scott and Barbara Noa/I came from Colorado to race their Sportsman buggy and they drove hard, posted good consistent times and were second in class. John Dunn had a fine race going for four laps running his Colorado based Baja Bug in Sportsman class. He didn't get the last lap done, but was fifth in class. Robert Eldrige and Robert Hall had a good run in their Sports-man Buggy, except for a long third lap, but they carried on to finish third in class. Mike Larson and Todd Diller had the dubious honor of being the last finisher but they did well in Sportsman Trucks, their Toyota finishing a fine second. Todd Vandawalker got in three good laps in Sportsman Buggy, but he lost over an hour on lap 4, recovered and carried on to finish fourth in class. • Scott Bassett and four friends set out in the big Chevy Blazer in Sportsman Trucks, had fast lap on the first, but vanished on the third and finished third in class. 1-2-1600. After two laps it was a near tie between Robert El-dridge /Robert Hall and Todd Vandawalker for second but with a second lap time of 54:32 Regan Gubler was leading the eight car class but seen no more. Eldridge had a 1 :40 third lap with a roll over and dropped back and with three 58 minute laps Todd Vandawalker had the lead. Meanwhile usual winner John Gangloff was running steady laps, despite a first lap roll but Scott Noall was ahead of him on time. after the last water hole on the first lap, missed a turp on lap 3 and got hung over a cliff, but spectators helped him back on the course. He then lost the front brakes but finished without them to win the Sportsman Buggy Class by 12 minutes over the Noalls. awards collected in Caliente and almost everyone there got a door prize. It was a long day and a fun day at the races. The next event in the popular Midnight Special at Nelson Hills, SNORE off road series will be Nevada. The three day event will soon after this issue of DUSTY be held on July 22-24 so look for TIMES goes to press, the SNORE results next month. Jay and Jim Shain and Darwin Parsons had long second and third laps, and had no time left to go further and were seventh. Ed Dunn and a lot" of friends got in three laps for sixth place. 62 year old Colorado racer John Dunn was turning good times in his 5-1600 Bug and he finished fifth with four laps completed. Vandawalker had a 20 minute lead when he broke down on lap 4 had a 2: 11 minute lap but finished the fifth in better time for fourth in class. Eldridge and Hall had a 1 :40 middle lap , but recovered from that to finish third. And Scott and Barbara Noall had a great run despite no second gear the entire race. They took second place and said they would definitely be back to run with SNORE. John Gangloff rolled Of the five Sportsman trucks John Phegley did make a lap and Barry Slatter got in just one lap before the ring and pinion let go on his Ford. Scott Bassett and his bunch did a little better setting fast class lap on the first one, the second lap was only a minute slower, but they went no farther, so they were third in the Chevy Blazer. Mike Larson and Todd Diller ran well all the way despite a little trouble on the last lap, they got in all five for second place in the Toyota. The big winner was the Ford Ranger from Colorado driven by Tom Dunn and Mark Snow with excellent lap times except for the second round when they hit a rock and did some front suspension damage and also had alternator trouble. They had such a good time they said they would be back for the SNORE 250 in September. The Awards were that evening at the Desert Rose Hall that was jammed even though many had gone home. In addition to the race prizes, there were numerous Tom Dunn and Mark Snow have their Sportsman Ford Ranger painted in team colors, but are self-supporting. They were well prepared for the race and won Sportsman truck honors by 45 minutes margin. DustyTima August 1994 Page 37 ..

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RIM OF THE WORLD SCCA/Michelin Nation.-1 Pro Rally By John Elkin Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker were out to gain points and win the Rim of the World, and though they didn't win every stage, they won enough of them to win the rally outright by nearly two minutes in the Audi S2. Life on the SCCA/ Michelin on cliff edged roads. It is hot dur-to cable TV stations and this year PRO Rally circuit is diverse. We ing the day and very cold at night. syndicated TV programs. But travel the length of the USA to We bounce over the waterbar above and beyond all the pros and different events, each one unique. laden roads ( water bars are large V cons there is the challenge, to fin-One would go so far as to say that shaped cuts in the road surface to ish the Rim, to beat the roads not no two events on this yea0r's aid in water drainage), and test just your competition. And this calendar share much in common our suspensions and personal year 24 of the best nationar teams with each other. Some events we constitutions to an extreme that came forth, only 15 would finish just automatically enter, and later could possibly not be duplicated back in Palmdale, CA. wonder; why? In Michigan we go at any manufacturer's test facility. All the heavy hitters came from to the Press On Regardless, we We run the twistiest and narrow-the east and mid west after some know it will run for two long est stages in the country. disastrous times at the previous unmerciful days and will go over But it's not all bad. Rim has rally in Washington a few weeks the rough Mandan roads. Why? extensive and loyal support from before. The Libra Racing crew In Pennsylvania we enter the Sus- Budweiser, Raybestos Brakes and had towed the Audi back to Ver-quehannock Trail, it is very fast this year Toyota lent some sup-mont for a rebuild after a rollover. and that makes for a razors edge port. The organizers have a repu-Egos and tempers seemed to calm margin of error of tricky roads; · tation for running on time. The afterthenowinfamousOControl Why? communities involved truly make bru-ha-ha. But some form of deja Perhaps the grand-daddy of the the rally feel welcomed as do the vu would attack some here. That W hy? Rallies is in southern Cali-people who run the headquarters subject should be tackled up fornia, the Rim Of The World. hotel, the Ramada Inn. There is front. We enter and then subject our always extensive press coverage As you all remember in bodies and cars to a brutal beating from magazines and newspapers Washington the first two overall Goran Ostlund and Steve Baker campaign this Saab 99 in the new Group 2 class and they have been doing very well, and did so at Rim placing fift"1 overall and they won Group 2 by a full six minutes. positions in that rally were div-ested· of their victories after exceeding the maximum allow-able penalty in an O Control. Pro-tests fell upon deaf ears, and besides how do you defend being caught redhanded? So with that behind the SCCA and the ARA you would believe teams to be sufficiently paranoid about speed controls on transits. Alas, para-noia can be fleeting. A speed con-trol was in place after the last stage on Friday night, people were caught and a flurry of protests fol-lowed saying that the control was improperly signed. The penalties were dropped. A counter-protest was filed by some competitors and then a committee was formed. The points were rein-Handsome in its Valvoline colors the 4WD Porsche of Jeff Zwart and Tony Sircombe won some stages and finished second in Open class and second overall. stated, but only in the National. A divisional r~lly running concur-rent with the national already had their scores finalized and there-fore it was decided that their scores would be unaffected ( even though they were speeding). "Hopefully the upcoming Pen-nsylvania rally organizers will see what has happened and be prop-erly prepared with protest proof speed controls!", said one driver who did not want to be identified. But all this aside, the competi-tion· was still very fierce among the 24 teams as it is at every Rim. Since the speeds are reduced_due to the twisty conditions, big· engines Qnd expensive horse-power are somewhat equalized with a premium on driver talent, but four wheel drive never hurts. Truck class has not started out strong this year and only one entered here. The Jeep Comanche of Jeff Hendricks/Noble Jones had the easy cruise to first place but that was felled after the first· night when the speed control got the team disqualified. Dis-gruntled, yet understanding about the rules Hendricks still had the divisional to run with the Good-year Jeep but luck wasn't on their side as a broken radiator core support would have prevented their finishing midway through day two. Some days you just can't win for losin'. Production class is another that has floundered lately hoping that a smart manufacturer will see the marketing potential here and help bolster the class back to its past glory. But for now it seems the Mitsubishi Eclipse of Dave Turner is the only serious con-tender. This time Turner took Northwest navigator Ben Bradley for the wild ride in the Valvoline Eclipse. The duo clicked along turning good stage times in the top 12, but had a scare when late they had a control. arm collapse. The arm replaced they soldiered onto the final two stages where · another control arm gave it up. They limped in victorious but unhappy with 13th overall. Group 2 is a popular class ever-ywhere it has debuted and Rim was no exception. Five teams · entered buttwo would not get far. Pete Lahm/ Keith Roper would sheer the flywheel bolts on their Datsun 510 just two miles off the start of stage one .. Mike Whit-man/Kevin Linville who were favored in the Datsun 510 would have an oil line give way in stage two. Not to take away from the drive put in by Goran Ostlund/ _ Steve Baker in the T ACA Airlines Saab but it would have been quite the battle with him and Whitman. Ostlund /Baker proved their skills on the tough roads by not only winning the class by six min-utes, but placing a phenomenal fifth overall. Second went to teammate Sam Bryan/Mark Sim-ons in the Saab Scania Autosport entry who also scored a ninth overall. Matt Sweeney/Lucinda Strub came home third in class and 15th overall after getting struck once at the end of stage three, and losing their alternator on stage four and then having their transmission give it up after stage five. Remarkably they made all the repairs to soldier on to the finish in typical Team Shrew fashion thanks to their service crew and Lizzy the Rally Dog, their official mascot. What's happening to the GT class? Last year's largest and most competitive class has seen a loss of competitors, possibly due to the loss of some major contingency dollars, but still a good field of three cars entered. The main rea-son for the media blitz on Palm-dale that weekend fell squarely on the shoulders of Beverly Hills 90210 star Jason Preistly and his navigator, Kevin Cafferey. The dt o have been playing it low key driving some California divisional events but came out big to give PRO Rally a needed shot in the arm of notoriety. And while the pair had new car blues with turbo and lighting failures, their's was probably the most notable DNF in rally history. Not a very good birthday present for Cafferey who celebrated his the day before Rim. Vinnie _Frontinan_ and Frank Arruda swing the Toyota Celica through a dow'!h1/I corner m grand style, and despite early suspension woes, they led the first half by five seconds and won Group A by two minutes at the finish line . . Keeping the dust behind the Toyota Celica Rhys Millen and Chris Griffin had some difficulties, but not enough to keep them from winning the Production GT class by a very skinny margin, 19 seconds. The battle for the win fell to a Toyota versus Mitsubishi affair with Rhys Millen/Chris Griffin taking their Ruby's Restaurant Toyota Celica into battle against Selcuk Karamanoglu/John McArthur. It started to look bleak for Karamanoglu when he quickly found his all wheel drive going away and had to run the rally in two wheel drive. Millen/ -Griffin started to motor away by two minutes after the first night. On day two Millen /Griffin leng-thened the lead nearly every stage Page38 August 1994 Dusty Times

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............ _,,..,,., ...... ~ Selcuk Karamanoglu and John McArthur are making a serious run on Production GT class this year. They finished second in the Mitsubishi Eclipse by mere seconds. Matt Sweeney and Lucinda Strub have a good time rallying the Toyota pickup, got stuck once, had electrical trouble, but finished third in Group 2 action. Kazushi Kita and Hiroyuki Okuda came from Japan to run the Group A Nissan March SI T and they did well in the dust, third in Group A, 12th overall. -Carl Merrill corners hard on a dow·nhill in the Ford Escort Cosworth, and he and Jon Wickens were third overall, about two minutes out of second place. Chris Wefeff and Brian Paul raise clouds of dust in the dry hills, but they went on to eighth overall and second in Group A in their Toyota Celica. Sam Bryan and Mark Simons came from Washington state to run the Sasb 99 in Group 2, and they motored into ninth overall and second in the new Group 2. until stage 10 where the Toyota lost six minutes and was reported to be nursing a bad wheel bearing. Karamanoglu/McArthur tried to take advantage but still fell a heartbreaking 19 seconds short at the end. Rhys Millen and Chris Griffin enjoyed their first full national class win, but Selcuk still holds the GT points lead for the championship. Group A has enjoyed a rebirth of sorts, in 1993 the class aver-aged two entries per rail y, this year there is renewed interest and five teams came to California to battle among the cliffs and vistas of the Angeles National Forest. Two Japanese teams who have been rallying here in the U.S. decided to return to the Rim again and challenge three other teams from all over the country. Vinnie Frontinan/Frank Arruda from the. east coast, Chris W eleff / -Brian Paul from California and the Lunds, Greg and Lynne from Washington who were coming off the Group A win at their home National last month. In the early going it was Kazushi Kita /Harold Okuda in the lead with their Nissan March S IT with a lead on Vinnie Frontinan/Frank Arruda who were not happy with their new suspension under the Metro Rallysport Toyota. The Kita /Okuda Nissan opened up 12 seconds on Frontinan, but over the subsequent four stages Fron-tinan / Arruda would whittle that down steadily until after the first night they would lead by a scant five seconds. Weleff/ Paul would be another minute and a halfback with the second Japanese entry of Makio Yamanaka/Fumiyaki Yamazki further back and an eventual DNF early in the day. Also disappearing on day two would be the Lund Mazda. Greg and Lynne would fight overheat-ing troubles and eventually go out with a broken suspension com-pliments of a large rock on the treacherous Del Sur stage. So the battle narrowed to two Toyota's and a Nissan, how clas-sic. Vinnie and Frank opened up strong, as did Weleff/ Paul. Kita and Okuda kept the heat on the lead Toyota until stage 12 when the team would lose a couple of minutes to u.nknown troubles. Dusty Tirnes Vfonie Frontinan and Frank Arruda would take· the victory back to the east coast with over two minutes in hand over the Weleff/Paul Toyota who did record three fast stage times in the event! Kita and Okuda held on for third place never gaining back the three minutes they lost. What can you say about the Open Class? All eyes were upon it for the overall victory and several teams had something to prove. Jeff Zwart/Tony Sircombe wanted to prove their wins in the Porsche were an omen of things to come and they have a point lead to protect. Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker needed to prove that their rollover in Washington was a one time fluke and they trail in the points. Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens wanted to prove they can finish Rim in the Escort and Henry Joy/ _ Brian Maxwell wanted to prove they can run with the big dogs. Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens had a hard time early, after holing the radiator in the press stage Friday afternoon the team quickly replaced the part and readied themselves for the five stages in the first night. The Norseman Resorts Ford Escort Cosworth started slowly with a cautious first stage, but a flat tire in stage two cost them an unexpected two minutes plus. Carl turned up the wick in stages three and four and five. But at the front it was Choi-niere/ Becker in the Remy Audi S-2 leading Jeff Zwart/Tony Sir-combe in the Valvoline Porsche. The Audi won all five stages and sat on a two minute cushion going into day two. Henry Joy/ Brian Maxwell, who we all know can run with the big dogs, sat third just a minute and half behind the Porsche despite a bad relay to a cooling component which allow-ed the car to run hot. Mer-rill /Wickens were down in fourth but just 21 seconds behind the Sunoco backed Eclipse of Joy/Maxwell. Rui Brasil/Tony Tavares had the Azores Express Airlines Audi two minutes further back just fending off the Mazda 323 of Mitch McCul-lough/Scott Webb. Janice and Ray Damitio came down from Washington and borrowed a car from Topi Hynynen ofTRSIUSA but a starter failure early made for a short day for the husband and wife team. Day two would see the Escort of Merrill/Wickins charge hard through the field rarely out of the top three and winning stage eight to gain positions. Choiniere and Becker would hope to sit on their two minute lead, but a steering problem slowed the pair in the later stages, however, their early time cushion held up and they would take their third straight Rim win. Zwart/Sircombe kept the Porsche cranked up and even .won stage nine to stick in second overall and retain a healthy lead in the championship points battle. Merrill's 400 plus horsepower 9verhauled Joy and Maxwell who still reported some overheating troubles to take fourth in open and overall. Rui Brasil and Tony Tavares kept up the pace and retained fifth position. The Torco Racing Oil Ma:da of McCul-lough/Webb was going well throughout the day, but a rash of three flat tires in the late stages would slow the team to a disap-pointing sixth in open and 14th overall. For Choiniere and Becker the road back to defending their National Championship seems to have gotten back on track as they try to catch the improving Porsche. But in the Porsche camp things are getting interesting also. Tony Sircombe will be moving back with a Subaru 555 team to contest the Asia Pacific Series with Possum Bourne, Martin Headland is scheduled to take the· right seat for the remainder of the year. Zwart plans to put a super-charged special engine in the Carerra four wheel drive and con-test Pikes Peak this year which means he will miss the STPR in early June. But the SCCA/Mi-chelin Championship is only six • of eight events so this should have little effect on his points lead in the long run. Merrill and Joy also have good positions in the points battle and will be in Pennsylvania, so as the year heats up and the series moves back to the east coast and midwest, things are getting interesting. MOBILE SERVICE TO YOUR HOME OR TO YOUR CHASSIS BUILDER SERVING ALL OF LOS ANGELES , ORANGE AND SAN DIEGO COUNTIES CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION AND PRICING ON CUSTOM· RACE CAR WIRING ! . CONGRATULATIONS TO MIKE MARTIN, CLASS STOCK MINI WINNER, AND MIKE McDONNELL, CLASS 10 WINNER AT THE NEVADA 400. 1525 West Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CA 91506 8 18-845-7493 August 1994 Page 39

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RIM OF THE WORLD So-Pac -Divisional Pro Rally I a II Tony Delacuesta and Tino Alcances took their first trophy home from the Rim winning it on the Friday night Divisional, but we can't make sensa out of the results, but we know they won it in Stock Class. With the National circus in off surgery until after Rim from narrow gain on the leader, but the town it gives the divisional teams his leg injury incurred at Mesa Scott Brothers maintained the something to really measure their Marin Raceway while racing a lead over the Moore Arrow and skills by. Some of the California Formula Vee. Another NoPAC Bruett Charger. Stage three saw Rally Series regulars entered the star, John Forespring, sat in for the Scott Toyota fall back a National, some to grab a little the injured Kalb. couple of seconds and the glory but the overriding reason is Among the missing were Harris Moore/Moore Arrow move into always for better road position Done who had a prior business the lead. Bruett and Stonecipher and conditions. The high tech commitment. Dan Hook, who is disappeared and were last seen * mega horsepower four wheel still building his newest Toyota headed for the nearest bar. Scott drives do tend to chew up the creation for stock class. Norberto made some inroads on Moore in corners and make the going Gomez, who is readying things for the fourth stage and the pair were slower for those in the rear. his attempt on the FIA Argentina all but tied setting the scene for a 41 teams entered the divisional Rally; his home World Champ-last stage shootout. Vondra-portion of Rim and in that entry ionshipRally.JeffGriffin was also eek/Wilkinson lurked close in were some surprises. Possibly the notably absent with no explana-third as did the DelaCuesta/ Al-biggest surprise was the return of tion as to why. cances Toyota but not close Richie and Howard Wantanabe OnFridaythefivestageswould enough for the win. Moore put who prepared a open 2 WD serve as a co-efficient two rally the Arrow into high gear, too high Datsun 210. It has been a few and on Saturday the eight stages a gear actually and lost two years since they have rallied with would serve as a co-efficient three minutes or so getting unstuck us and we all hope that they keep rail y. Four classes were being from a soft berm. The Steve and coming back. NoPAC star driver scored, both two and four wheel Bob Scott Toyota notched it's Erik Thompson left his Mint open classes and the two stock second victory of 1994. The Snuff Volvo at home and came classes, performance stock and Moore and Moore Arrow still down to help out Al·Chavez by stock. nabbed the number two spot a navigating and imparting some Stockclasshadeightstarterson minute and 48 seconds back. driver knowledge on the stock Friday night. After stage one Vondracek/Wilkinson were 11 class driver. Matt Sweeney and Steve and Bob Scott set the pace seconds further back in third with Lucinda Strub returned after a intheirD&TDismantlersToyota a healthy cushion on the Toyota yearhiatusofsomeseriousmovie by 12 seconds over the Dodge of Tony DelaCuesta/Tino making and earthquake recovery, Charger of Jeff Bruett and Terry Alcances. Al Chavez and Erik their Toyota truck now painted Stonecipher. Sam Moore and Thompson survived a punctured an interesting shade of purple and John Moore (no relation) were tire for fifth place. powered by a 200 plus horse- three seconds back in the B&D Day two would be tough on the power gasoline engine, leaving the Automotive Plymouth Arrow. stock class as the lead pair of cars r,opane unit at home. Dennis Tony DelaCuesta and Tino wouldbothDNFearly.TheScott l.hizma is no surprise on an entry Alcances brought up fourth in the Brothers got to the infamous T ule list, but Dennis Chizma driving Toyota just ahead of the Joe Von-Ridge stage and· grenaded a with a broken leg is, and without dracek/Bud Wilkinson Dodge. transmission right at the spectator Rob Kalb who was injured in an Stage two was rougher and tighter point while leading the rally in incident with a horse. Chizma put giving BruettlStonecipher a class. Sam and John Moore, who Roger Hull and Shawn Gallegher have the Mitsubishi truck in Performance Stock Class this year and were second on Friday and won on Saturday as the hills don't bother Hull who lives in Prescott, AZ. were battling fuel pump troubles all day and part of the previous night, finally had to pack it in when also on T ule Ridge they would get stuck again, but this time for good as the maximum allotted time passed and they w.ere time barred from continuing. It was an easier day for Joe Vondracek and Bud Wilkinson as they notched their first win in the Charger. With not a lot of troubles to report it was a good introduction to the sport of PRO Rally for Wilkinson who can normally be found on various · road racing courses. An overjoy-ed Tony DelaCuesta and Tino Alcances recorded their highest finish ever and later at the awards, had a white knuckle grip on their first ttophies. Jeff Bruett and Terry Stonecipher got the Charger running again for day two, encountered some mechan-ical woes along the way but were happy to be there at the end with a third place finish. In fourth place was the amazing Bobbi Webb and Lee Hart in the ex-Gibeault Dat-sun 510. Webb and Hart did not get far the first night and came back Saturday to finish and learn more about driving rally as she beat another female driver for the fourth spot. Adrienne Scott and Maureen O'Malia borrowed Bob Scott's Toyota Celica and decided to see what the menfolk were all excited about. Adrienne and Maureen finished at the tail end of the field, but still grabbed the trophy for first in their seed group and fifth on stock class. Performance Stock saw seven entries as the higher performance stock class cars were adapting well to the split class formula. Thts is for cars and trucks that have the advantage of fuel injection, twin cams or happen to comply with the National Production Class rules. Prescott, Arizona dominated the Performance Stock class as the battle fell to the Jeep Comanche of Jeff Hendricks/Noble Jones and the Mitsubishi truck of Roger Hull/Shawn .Gallegher; both · teams are sponsored by Good-year. Early it was Dennis Chizma/ John Forespring tearing up the stages in the Motorsports Unlim-ited VW Rabbit, even setting a couple of times equal with the higher tech national cars but the pounding proved too much for the old VW's ball joints and they failed on stage five. Jeff Hendricks took advantage of more power over Hull and more experience Dave Turn er / Ben Bradley in the Racing For Kids Eclipse and jumped into the lead on stage five . Turner / Bradley then started to click in the Mitsubishi leaving Hull/Gallegher behind. Hen-dricks and Hull both beat Turner on the final stage but it was not enough to unseat the Mitsubishi from a well earned second place. Fourth in class went to Robert Tallini/Mark Scott who are get-ting used to their new Toyota Corolla GTS. Fifth went to a roo-kie team who made the trip from Provo, Utah, Garnet and Pam Baril are another husband and wife team that are increasing in popularity. Their VW Rabbit took to the stages well and edged Bill Nation/Donna Casias in a Mazda RX-7. On day two the Hendricks/ Jones Jeep started where it left off leading the class on the waterbar strewn roads until stage nine when the radiator core support broke on the Jeep, breaking the radiator. You may remember last year when the radiator was attacked by the broken water-pump and also got a hole in it, Jeff does. Roger Hull/Shawn Gallegher started into a battle with the Tur-ner /Bradley Eclipse for the remaining three stages. The Eclipse showed an advantage until stage 10 when a control arm folded up on the front wheel driver. Hull reeled· in the wounded car and by stage 11 • firmly held the lead. Turner and Bradley kept pressing on, making repairs but before they could reach the end of the stage it was the Utah couple Garnet and Pam Baril that had overhauled them for second place. This was the Baril's first stage rally and they showed a lot of promise in the future. Dennis Chizma/John Forespring had fixed the car from Friday's ball joint problem, and encountered some woes en route to the finish but they did capture fourth place. Rui Brasil and Tony Tavares run every rally they can find in the Audi Quattro Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzmann have not lost the winning touch, coming and they were fifth Open in the National, and won overall in both the Friday Four wheel drive open class is enjoying a healthy entry at most events as cars equipped with the traction and turbos are coming down in price. Eight 4x4 cars took the start but amazingly ~nough it back from Friday electrical trouble to win the Saturday Rally by 1 ½ minutes. and Saturday Divisional rallies. Page 40 August 1994 Dusty Times

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Top spots in the Friday Divisional were mostly taken by National teams who-double entered, but the neat Daatsun 510 of Al Chavez was fifth in stock, we think, Garnet Baril and Pamela Baril had a good weekend in their Performance Stock VW Rabbit, placing fifth in the tough class with a low horsepower car, Jose Soares and Carlos Tavares drove the Toyota Celica hard, and they came in with good time in their handsome Toyota Celica in 4WD'class, Joe Vandracek and Bud Wilkerson ran well in the Stock class Dodge Charger, and they drove to within 11 seconds of second in class, but were third, William Nation and 0 , Casias did well in the Friday Divisional in the Mazda RX-7, and finished well up in the ranks of Perfor-mance Stock Class, The Hollywood touch was added by Jason Priestley and Kevin Caffery in their Toyota Celica, 4WD; and they did well on Friday but are listed as a DNF on Saturday, would not be this class that would take the overall win. Rhys Millen/Chris Griffin started out fast in the first stage with their Toyota but in the second stage Rui Brasil/Carlos Tavares started to flex their mus-cle in the Azores Express Airline Audi Quattro setting top ten tim~s overall with the national boys. Mitch McCullough/Scott Webb were fast off the start and quickly took the challenge to Basil/Tavares with their Torco Racing Oil Mazda 323. Chris W eleff /Brian Paul lurked close in the Toyota Celica but would not be a factor for the win and eventu-ally placed fourth the first night. Actually Weleff would tie Anton Musev/Larry Scott in the Subaru RX Turbo, but the organ-izers tiebreaking procedure put the Toyota ahead in the final standings. Back at the front it was Rui Brasil/Tony Tavares taking the win by a scant six seconds over McCullough/Webb while Rhys Millen/Chris Griffin took in the third spot over a minute back. Washington rail yists Greg and Lynne Lund took the HKS Mazda 323 to sixth spot after suffering through overheating troubles all night. The other Audi of John Brasil/Jose Dutra came in next farther back with unknown ills to the car. Day two would see no change to the top position as Rui Brasil I -Tony Tavares ran clean all day only having competition from Mitch McCullough/Scott Webb who suffered three flat tires late in the rally and slowed to fifth in class. Chris Weleff/ Brian Paul wheeled the Toyota through the eight stages to take second in class over three minutes back of Brasil. Another minute back came Musev/Scott in the Subaru. Fourth came Millen/Griffin who were fighting a bad wheel bearing and concentrating on finishing the National and garnering the GT class win. On the rough and twisty Rim roads the two wheel drive cars don't feel the underdogs to the four wheel drives and in each rally the overall wins would go to the two wheel variety. The rally Fri-Dusty Times day night fell to a Saab and a Ply- us/Jennifer Peterson brought the mouth Arrow. In the service area Dodge Colt home sixth after some after three stages Lon Peterson/ flat tires slowed their progress. Bill Gutzman held a 31 second By shortly after 11 :00p.m. the advantage in their B&D Automo-stages had all been cleared and tive Plymouth Arrow over Goran another Rim Of The World was Ostlund/Steve Baker's Scania in the record book. Everyone, Autosport Saab 99. Going into both National and Divisional the final two stages Ostlund/ gathered Sunday morning for the Baker gained back 15 seconds on awards giving. In comparing the stage four, then in stage five Peter- times between the top teams in son/Gutzmann had a battery fail, each division, it is clear that Rim's the duo's secondary battery twisty roads and slower speeds switch was located behind the allow for some close competition, driver's seat and Gutzmann had to after all how fast do you want to unbuckle to reach the switch, los- go along a cliff edged road? Both· ing the remainder of the lead, Ostlund and Peterson were turn-"Obviously Goran was just fly- ing stage times in the top two, three and four spots overall all rally long. But the bitter side of the Rim is how many good teams can be put out·of the rally with the smallest problems. Good teams and prom-ising teams like Mike Whitman/ Kevin Linville with their oil line trouble on stage two. Carl Jarde-va ll / Anders Karlson whose potent Saab DNF'd both days as they sort out their new 16V Turbo motor (like Q1rl Jardevall needs mote power?) Tony Cha-vez/John Elkin who had high hopes only to see a seven dollar axle flange break after stage seven. Jason Priestly/Kevin Cafferey who will no doubt be contenders in the new Toyota. Sam Moore/ -John Moore, done in by a fuel pump and a small driving error that on any other road would have barely affected them. Jeff Hen-dricks/Noble Jones done in by the cooling system two years in a row. The list goes on. The California Rally Series resumes as we go to press with this months issue of DUSTY TIMES. The Prescott Forest Rally at Prescott, Arizona is a five stage rally that counts for 60% National points and you can expect full coverage and results next month. · ing, we got to take our hats off to them", said Gutzmann after the rally. Ron Wood/ Kelly Walsh put in a solid third place perfor-mance three minutes back from the leaders and three minutes ahead of fourth place Tony Cha-vez/John Elkin in the Condor Enterprises Datsun 510. Three minutes seemed to be the popular number because another three minutes back came the fifth place car of Ralph Kosmides/Joe Noyes in the immaculately prepared Ruby's Restaurant Ford Escort turbo. HI-TECH • SUSPENSION SPECIALISTS • FREE EXPERT CONSUL TING • INSTALLATIONS Going into day two Peterson/ Gutzmann did not want to take any chances and bought two brand new batteries for the Arrow. Ostlund/ Baker had no problems and felt secure their car was ready for the eight stages around the community of Lake Hughes. It took two stages for Peterson to get warmed up as Ostlund built a three second lead but Lon and Bill would give no more ground to the Saab and scored the fast time on all remain-ing stages to nab the win by exactly a minute and a half. Ostlund/ Baker had the national group 2 win in hand which soft-ened the blow for losing the win in the second divisional. The VW Specialties Scirocco of Ron Wood and Kelly Walsh came home third again. Sam Bryan/ Mark Simons brought their Saab home fourth for the day after a disastrous day one just three seconds ahead of Kosmides/ Noyes in the Escort. David Jacob-I VISA I -iii] OFF ROAD RACING HEADQUARTERS LARGEST INVENTORY IN LAS VEGAS FEITIIIIIIII • IIICDl8 IPOIITIWEII • NO FF.111111111 • Aao GAS TDD • BITCIIEI •AIISOIL •IBTCAIIII •IDTOFAB .... •■DIOP •BODYLIFTI •IG#E • DOESTCB TICII •IIBTllll'n • RIDEii FLUES • FLOWIIIITEI • rm-ca.1-1 •IIIIILY •RPM August 1994 Page 41

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BONNMLLE OFF ROAD RACING By Jim Baker Mike Baker Wins The Wendover Express Photos: Jan Olsen Always a heavy favorite for victory, Mike Flinn put his Raceco "up on a rock" early in the race, and had to play catch up all day, taking second overall. Mike Baker entered his 1-1600 car in Class 10, gaining an early starting position, and Baker also took the lead on the first lap, and finished first overall as well as in Class 10, just over 10 minutes ahead of the field. This report must be started with a huge thank you to the crew who stepped up and handled the race ... start to finish ... from the course set up, registration, tech and the race, to the course tear down. So, thanks crew, I sure couldn't get along without all of you. I promise to try and stay well at all future events. I don't want anyone to realize you can get along without me!!! So what happened? Several of you came to me to say this was one of the better courses in years, faster and longer and you liked it. ·That must mean that I've either become soft, or that maybe we've learned something about what ym\ like. I think I've just become an old softy. Hopefully all our new friends from Colorado will gd back and spread the word about B.O.R.-E . racing. We secondsonceaiap.Deanhadone enjoyed meeting and racing with big headache all day long, and I you, and compliment you on your believe he did an outstanding job racing equipment. Just bring it considering the lack of any breeze back for the next race. most of the day. Here is what happened at So we had dust! And then we Wendover last May, right down had large granuals of dust, about to the final checkered flag. Yes, I the size of a small barrel, sitting do realize that a good shower side by side, with a great looking Friday night would have helped Class 10 car sitting on top of the dust some on Saturday, but them. The rocks didn't know it, the God Odin doesn't always but they were ruining what could listen to Jed. There was some have been one close race in Class breeze so you could see most of 10. As Mike Flinn tells it, he went the time, except at checkpoint 1. wide left on a right turn at too Dinoisoneofthefewscorerswho great a speed, observed and can tell who you are by the sound immediately encountered the two of your engine, but you messed rocks. He instantly began him up a few times when you skywatching, and for the next came in two at a time in the dust. eight or nine minutes he was Some of you drivers complained completely high centered. It took about a problem at Check 1. I'm a pretty healthy crew to even get sorry, but your problem was a few · him off the rocks and going again. Starting a new winning streak, Craig Holt diced it out all day with Chris Klick, beating him by a minute and a half at the flag for the Class 5-1600 victory and third overall as well. Starting first in Class 10 at 9 a.m. sharp was Andy Clawson, then Todd Bingham's 1-1600 jumped to ten, then Rick Taylor, Mike Flinn, Mike Baker's 1-1600 also jumped to 10, and first timer in his new car was Ken Jensen. By about 20 miles Mike Flinn had taken the lead and was setting a quick pace, then up jumped the rocks. He looked over to see Mike Baker who also set a good pace. Mike tried to "nudge" him off the rock but the heavier car just wouldn't move; with Ken just seconds back Baker had to hit the trail again. First lap times were 43:02 for Mike Baker, 43:51 for Ken Jensen, 50:48 for Rick Taylor, 53:22 for Mike Flinn, Todd Bingham at 54:49 leaving Andy Clawson out on the course with a broken axle and Todd had already had a flat. Starting lap 2, only 49 seconds separating Mike B and Ken Jensen, Ken turned up the wick but so did everyone else. Lap 2 times were Mike F with fast lap of the day at40:28, Mike Bat41:30, Ken at 42:05, Todd at 44:07 and Rick at 49: 19. Mike B still led Lap 3 with a 40:55, Ken had a 41 :59 and Mike Flinn, now third did a 40:59. Todd had a 43:04 and Rick a 1 :04:20. Ken ran into his first experience with down time and suffered a 2:05:01 on lap 4 that proved terminal. The race was back between the Mikes with Mike B in at 40:53, Mike F at 41:56, Todd was third at 53:50 after his own "high center" trip. Rick was still running fourth with a 1:00:18. Lap 5 was destined to remain the same with Mike B leading Mike F, neither having any trouble. Rick caught his fastest lap with a 45:30 on lap 5 but was still fourth. Three Class 10 cars finished all six laps with final times of 4:08:37 for Mike Baker for the win and first overall. In second was Mike Flinn with 4:18:45. Todd Bingham got third at 4:42:56 and with five laps completedat4:30:15 Rick Taylor was fourth. Ken ended up fifth and Andy was sixth. Then came the men of the 5-1600 class. Jim Magill, Craig Holt, Chris Klick and Greg Wylie, back with us again in his new ride, Car #2 out of the Ken Jensen Refrigeration team. Craig left last, came in first after one lap, with only 31 seconds between first and fourth. Craig posted a 47:00, Greg a 47:17, Chris a 4 7 :29, and Jim a 4 7 :31. Everyone turned up the wick on lap 2 with Craig doing the first of two 46:01 s in a row. Chris and Jim were also quicker with a 46:27 and a 46:34. But Greg hit a snag and slowed to A determined Glenn Cain took his new Lobo Class 9 Challenger into the lead and never looked back. A perfect run with no new car bugs gave him the victory in the Lobo. Taking a last lap victory and the bonus money in Heavy Metal were the brothers Stephenson, Kerry and Mark, who decided to race just days earlier, dusted off the Bronco, and took the win. August 1994 52:26. As stated Craig turned another 46:01 to a 47:13 for Chris and 48:24 for Greg, but Jim lost steering on lap 3 and put it on the trailer. I understand that a steering problem put them out of the last race the" dnf'd back in 1988, so they h;d it cured for a long time. Laps 4 and 5 seemed to be a struggle for Greg with times of 52:45 and 51 :58 before he shut it down and trailered it. Glad to see Greg back racing again. Chris Klick beat Craig Holt by 3 7 seconds on the fourth and 12 seconds on the fifth but the gap was just a tad too wide to bridge. Craig claimed 15 seconds back on the last lap for a 4:40:34 winning time, including fast lap for the class, making his string of wins pretty impressive, only one second in about eight or more races. Chris Klick was a good second in 4:42:07. Our 5-1600 class has remained stable over the years, always 3 to 5 cars, but it sure could be better if more cars came out from surrounding states and our area to race with us. If I had a good 5-1600 I'd want to race where the best competition is and that is at B.O.R.E. races. We started three of the big, noisy, rowdy "Heavy Metal" monsters. The trusty #300 Jeep of Russ Fullmer with Jeff Neagle at the wheel left first, followed by the resurrected Chevy Stepside of Robin Doutre and the Bronco of the Brothers Stephenson. In one of the very rare dnf situations for the Jeep, Jeff was only able to complete one lap at 1:11:55 before retirement. Kerry also had a bit of a slow lap at 1:09:01, so Robin must have been really happy with a 53:02 and the lap 1 lead. In a two car race it's always better to be the leader, especially at the end. Lap 2 showed that Robin slowed a bit to 1 :00:53 while Kerry picked up a 53:35, but was still second by over eight minutes. Lap 3 had Kerry picking up the pace but still in second but only by 28 seconds. Robin making his first race in a new truck still led. He even turned fast lap of the day i.n class with a 50:53 on lap 4. But the luck was about to change. Within sight of the win he was down and out. Kerry perked up and decided he might as well go on to win the thing, even with a 1:16:12 last lap. When you remember Wendover, May '94 remember that you both had a good race and Kerry almost didn't get that Bronco out from under the winter wraps. About ten days . before the event he was cajoled into getting it washed and ready. The purse check and hundreds in cool cash from the Stateline/ Silversmith, added to. the fun of the day. Better than being a couch· Dusty Times

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Another 1-1600 driver jumping to Class 10 was Todd Bingham; after two flats on the first lap he carried on, coming back to take third in Class 10. Rick Taylor brought his newly engineered Class 10 down from Nampa, Idaho, but he had to settle for a fourth in class, one lap down at the finish line. Chris Klick was pleased because firstly he finally finished a race, second he finished a close second in Class 5-1600 and third he was fourth overall. Dave Morse was keeping Glenn Cain honest until a broken ball joint added an hour to his fourth lap. He got fixed quickly to take second in Class 9. Robin Doutre revived the Chevy, led four laps including taking fast lap for Heavy Metal, then the rig quit and he had to turn the win over to Kerry Stephenson. Lynn Potter pushed the Toyota hard through the dune like trails but trouble on lap 2 and S added enough time to keep him in second place in Mini Metal. potato, but once again some others could have, but didn't, and likely now wish they had.We told you so. No such problem in mini metal. Kelloggs came from Yakima ready to relax, Lynn Potter took time to find parts before coming out, Todd Cheney brought the former Peake Toyota back and Cam Peacock came down from Mis-soula to work on his truck. Thanks to Lynn and the others who helped Cam get parts, he was able to work long and hard to be on the start line Saturday morning. Todd Cheney drew number one start and led Joe Kellogg, then Cam Peacock with Joe Kellogg likes to race with B. O.R.E. and this round, after taking the win and Lynn Potter picking up the pieces. the Mini M_etal bonus bucks he likes our racing even more. His Mitsubishi Joe twisted a 51 :39 first lap to _se_e_m_s_to __ lik_e __ Uta_h_a_l~so~·-------------------Lynn's 52:59 time. It was fated to . very good car. Another "new" qu become a two truck race quickly was the rebuild of Mark Rencher,' as Cam found another shaft to changing his Sportsman buggy break and Todd also became into a competitive Challenger. awfully quiet somewhere "out Others in the class were Dave there." · Morse in his '93 champion car, Joe decided ,to nail down a plus Phillip and Vernon Smith in quicker 1ap with a 50:25 on his their spare parts special. They second, while Lynn had just a started with Glenn first, then light delay of about 30 minutes; Phillip, Mark, and last was Dave. but not one to give up quickly he Glenn scored a fast lap of the class was back on the third lap with a with a 53:57, Dave was next at more respectable 55:07. Joe was 59:57, then Phil at 1:00:09 and not into mercy this day and laid Mark at 1 :04:08. Lap 2 had Glenn another 50:44. time on Lynn. He steady with a 54:13, 56:23 for did slow a bit on his fourth with a Dave, a close 56: 18 for Phil. Mark 55:43ofhisowntoLynn's58:09. had some new car woes and a About this time Lynn was 1 :37:27 lap. Glenn kept the calculating a flat tire and some pressure on for Dave and Phil. other little mishap for Joe's truck They started the lap with Dave and he would be right back in over Phil by seven seconds, and there. It didn't even come close to finished the lap with Phil ahead by happening as Joe really turned it 12 seconds. Glenn was still on and ran fast lap for the class leading, Mark still was fourth. with a 49:28 on his last go around; Unfortunately a bad ball joint it was Lynn that had the delay. I discovered in the pit put the guess that's racing. Joe thought; it Smith car on the trailer early. delightful to be trouble free· the Glenn was having no problem at whole race. He took the win and all maintaining an average of the cash bonus from the State-about 55:45 per lap, Dave had line/Silversmith. ball joint problems on lap 4 and Class 9 Challengers picked up Mark just wasn't about to turn another car and added a new car quite as quick laps as Glenn and right out of our own Les's Buggy Dave. The Checkers fell on a five shop. Might call the new model a lap winning time of 4:37:31 for "Lobo" after its designer Les Glenn to. a 5:30:03 for Dave. Wolfe. Glenn Cain decided to Mark completed lap 4 for third upgrade so they built the new car place, with Phil and Vernon from the ground up. Glenn was Smith in fourth. modest after finishing first when What have we in the Sports-the claimed that they had b~ilt a man category? A Jeep right off the Dusty Times farm of Fred and Mike Nutch of Jerome, Idaho. A Honda Pilot, the pride of Johnny Patterson from Newcastle, Colorado· and from Denver a 2-1600 brought by Scott and Barbara Noall. From Lyons, Colorado with a shiny new Class 5 Baja making his first race was Jim Price. The car suffered some breaks on the rear frame during pre-running requiring repairs. A welder borrowed from Cam Peacock, a generator from Jed, lots of help and with the steady welding hand of Eddie Perez it was pronounced race ready and was first off the line_ too. Jim was followed by Scott Noall, then Johnny Patterson and finally the Jeep with Fred on the loud pedal. With only three laps ahead it was almost a sprint race from the green flag. Lap 1 showed the big engine in the Price Baja was important, giving Jim a 48:50 lap time., with Johnny second at 52:05, Scott next at 52:27 and Fred in at 53:53, but with some radiator damage. (Fred said it served him right for badmouthing the ai rcooled s Friday.) The second laps _showed Jim in with a better 48: 18, Johnny with a 55:37, and Scott came in on the strap with broken rear suspen-sion. A quick look at Jim's car revealed further breaking in the area of the previous welding, so he put it on the trailer for the day. Johnny finished all three laps, allowed as how his body hurt a August 1994 Johnny Patterson came from Colorado to try a desert race in his Honda Pilot and he liked it just fine, so much so that he won the Sortsman three lap event over much bigger machines. · bit, but he was able to take his -Thanks! trophy and bonus cash from the SOAPBOX TIME: I can see no Stateline/Silversmith for his reason for not seeing most of the 2:49:35 winning time. BORE cars racing. With the new Overall we believe this was as entries coming from out of state, good an opening race weekend as plus those of you who have you could have asked for. Good vehicles but just don't get them weather, good course, and great ready, plus all of the regulars it is · racers all equal a great weekend. not unlikely that we could field We were happy to welcome our more than 40 entries. It is more new Colorado racers and hope fun to race eight or ten cars than it they not only come back, but is to barely make a class. To all bring their friends. I am always . you folks coming long distanc.&s glad t0 greet those coming a long and likely short handed, this is a way... the Kelloggs and the group of racers who will help you Peacocks and Rick Taylor from any way they can. The ""Kelloggs Nampa. I know some of you made got help their first time, and now an extra effort to even be here, 1 are believers. Jim Price got help, just to be sure we had enough Cam Peacock can vouch for the entries to sustain the program. To help the club has given. You get all of you I take my hat off · here ... we will help you race! ---=- . ~ - . - . ·---=-=-:-..:.. ~ ~"==' - - -Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or Call For a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road Courses driving school can help you be your best! . and Dates But be ready .. the road isn't smooth! Great Basin consulting 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 89502 (702) 825-8830 Page 43

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THE U HOURS LE FUD Bob Wagner and Crew Win The Rock Around The Clock In A Truck J3y Jean Calvin The man himself, Fud, waved the green flag at the 7:00 a.m. start for the 24 hour enduro, with all the cars clean and shiny and the early leader, B2TW with Mike Hart at the wheel next to start. Every May 14-15 the Fud-pucker Racing team does a 24 hour race. On alternate years it is for motorcycles, but this year it was for off road cars. Initially it had a good entry in cars, but some Imperial Valley racers have moved on to SCORE and some The defending champion 1600 driven by Bob Hummel, Bob Snaith, Mike Cohen, Dave Kinworthy and the rest of the C-Program crew that was a close second overall establishing a new World Record for the class too. Madelein Kern and Larry Kern headed a bunch of drivers that took the Class 9 title and third overall apparently in the long race, especially long for a Class 9 car, and we have a lady Wotld Champion. Photos: C&C Photos/John Calvin. from the area and from San Diego were saving their cars for other reasons. So it was a disappointing entry of 15 starting cars, but it was quite a battle right down to the checkered flag 24 hours later. For the first time the C-Program 1600 did not win overall, and it was a truck that won, a feat nobody would have predicted. At the flag it was the Ford modified truck driven by Robert Wagner, Craig Corda, John Johnson, Jeff Alford, Mike Coleman and Tim Lawrence that completed 49 laps in 24 hours flat for the victory. But there is a lot of story in between. The drivers meeting was bri~f at Plaster City West, CA, the staging area and locale of the start/ finish line. Fud stated that the course was 19 miles long and there was a big washout, heavily marked and now known as 'Mike's' hole. He said that to be classified a finisher you had to ~e running at the finish, but exceeding the maximum down time allowance of five hours meant your subsequent laps didn't count, we think. There is also a formula based on the car's average speed to determine allowable down time. You could replace anything on the car except the frame, and repairs could be made anywhere along-side the course. In the last hour you could be towed to home check, but then only the people in the race car at the time could push it ( uphill) to the checkered flag. The course was almost a figure 8, so they went by the pits or close to them twice a lap. Handy for those in trouble. As defending champions the After 24 hours it was this modified Ford truck driven by Robert Wagner, Craig Corda, John Johnson, Jeff Alford and more that took the checkered flag first for the overall win and a Wotld Championship despite a few problems en . route. C-Program Fuoco started first with Dale Snaith at the wheel at 7:00 a.m. on May 14, followed by the Open Class buggy of Mike Hart, Don Gibson and Matt Garrett. Next away was the Open Class Chenowth of Bob Reamer, Dale Shubert and friends, followed by the Hi Jumper of Bill · Hammack, Andy Blue, Larry Stork and Bill Pate and four others. Next the winning Ford took off in grand style, with the Dave's Tree Service buggy driven by Dave Brown, Kurt Spiegel-berg, Jerry Olson, Rick St. John and Mike Phankuch just behind. A Class 5 Baja Bug was next driven by Brian Ryra, David Clement, Charles Leatherbury and Gary Lail. The Raceco of John and Dan Currier, Larry Wyatt and James Tucker took off with the Class 100 of Jason Batulis, Eli Giesseman, Chris White and Mike LaPlant follow-ing. The final four were all Class 9 cars led off by Dave Detrich and Larry Kern, then Kevin and Ken Platt and Wayne Ritayik, then Madelein Kern, and friends. Last away was Tony Steingraber, Michael Stroh, and John Castillo. All four Class 9s pitted together in the KIT team, which stands for keep it together. After one lap the B2TW car led, . C-Program has pitted and changed an exhaust gasket, cutting to the pits in the middle of the course. They lost about ten minutes then rejoined the route where they had left it. Larry Wyatt was soon around followed by Dave's Tree Service, and these guys looked like they were sprinting. Then the boom of the V-8 was heard and the Ford of Robert Wagner was fifth on the road, followed by the Class 9 cars of Dave Dietrich and Madelein Kern. After the first hour the Mike Hart B2TW car had a clear lead on time and Dave Brown and company were a close second on elapsed time. Some had made pit stops for a quick check and scrambled the order. Things seemed to go smoothly, as mid morning the driver changes began, and even with the small entry, we couldn't keep track of. who was in what car. About this time the C-Program car replaced a valve cover gasket and axle nuts. Dave Dietrich handed the 900 car over to Steve Dillingham, and they had made a first lap stop with a pinched fuel line filled up with sediment from the fuel cell, so they had run out of gas. Larry Wyatt was in the pits having lost a CV boot, and it took a long pit stop to replace it and the axle too with Tucker, Wyatt and Currier doing the grunt work. Dave Brown and Kurt Spiegelberg headed up a big crew that brought home the Unlimited-Class World Championship with help from Mike Phankuch and others on their way to victory. By evening the sky was full of stars and the cars, most still running well were droning on through the darkness. The Baja Bug pitted and was there for some time. Yvette Phankuch stopped on the far side of the start/ finish area, and nearly the whole KIT team went out to help, and got the car going again. Driver of Record Mike Cohen was now in the C-Program Fuoco and a couple of minutes ahead on the road of the B2TW car, but that Ford was still booming around. Then that team brought out their secret wea on car Tony Steingraber signed on Michael Stroh and John Castillo to help drive for 24 hours and the Classic Funco Class 9 car finished well third, and eighth overall. Jason Batu/is and Eli Giesseman, plus Chris White and Mike La Plant drove the Jone Class 100 in the race, and they drove the Funco right into ninth overall. Bill Hammack had Andy Blue and Bill Pate plus Larry Stork and four others to help drive his Open car twice around the clock and they had a good time. Page 44 August 1994 Dusty Times

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e ear y eaders were the B2TW, leading quite a distance with drivers like Mike Hart and Don Gibson heading up the team of drivers needed for 24 hours. builder and ace driver Johnny identify, who perhaps didn't even Johnson to do some night laps. start. Refreshed by a few hours Actually the truck was built by sleep and strong coffee we found Victor Davis in John's shop. . things had changed, except up It was nearly ten in the evening front, upon returning to the when the Kern Class 9 limped track. There the Ford was on its into the pits with a broken steady pace between 25 and 28 torsion adjuster and the KIT minutes the lap, plus frequent team went to work again. The fuel stops. B2TW was on the early leaders were the 199 3 comeback trail, running strong, Unlimited champions, the while the 1600 C-Program team B2TW team led by Mike Hart. headed by Bob Hummel was also They ran fast and consistent lap running fast and consistent lap times from the green flag, and times. After 20 hours running then a broken spindle put them time there was just 90 seconds down but not out. They came between Robert Wagner's Ford back quickly, then they broke a and Bob Hummel's C-Program trailing arm and the engine died, 1600. This was quite a race. We apparently for good. They wishwehadmoredetails,butin replaced it with a 1600cc VW the early morning those that were but it lacked the power to move not sleeping were driving a race thebigandheavycarbackupthe car. We did find out that ranks, but they kept moving and Wagner's Ford had lost a header covered 39 laps in 24 hours and around 4:30 a.m., but they got it small change. fixed enough to race, and it was a Around ten p.m. the engine in race to the finish line for many, the Larry Wyatt Raceco locked while others feeling they couldn't up. Earlier they had broken a get in another lap before the time stub axle. Four years ago Tucker ran out, just parked a little and Wyatt had been part of the distance back from the finish line winning team. And about this and waited out the time. time the C-Program car was in On the last lap the Budweiser the pits for some frame welding, truck #103 had a husky lead but to fix more exhaust leaks and went around again just for weld the system. They also had insurance. The C-Program 1600 electrical _trouble when they with Bob ·Snaith up took out turned right. The Ford mean-after it and did come close. while made a four minute pit B2TW went around again at 6:20 stop for gas and driver change and charged back into the night. Around 11 p.m. Tony Stein-berger had a long pit stop as he had trouble with the lights, more trouble with shocks and shock mounts, but they worked hard and got the nostalgic Funco SS 1 back in the race. It was about then that we decided to go to town, get a Denny's meal, take a nap, and come back for the daylight finish. The close battle was in Class 9 and Dave Dietrich and Larry Kern were the lead drivers on this team that went fast enough to finish third overall. a.m. also. It was close but Bob third overall. In just over 24 Wagner took the checkered flag hours was the next finisher, the right at 24 hours for 49 laps. Dave's Tree Service crew and They covered 931 miles, and the they were happy even though Trophy Truck World Record they didn't set a new World went to Robert Wagner, Craig Record. We have no results with Corda, John Johnson, Jeff total times on them, in fact they Alford, and Mike Coleman. On don't even have names, just car the 48th lap Wagner put the• numbers, so we don't want to hammer down and turned the insult anyone by forgetting to fastest lap of the race, 20 mention you. After Dave Brown minutes, 47 seconds. He could came Bill Hammack, also with 39 taste victory coming, and it was laps done, then Dave Dietrich. then win or break it. Well he and We can't go any farther with the his crew won it outright! scores we have as they don't · Meanwhile Snaith gave the quite make sense since we don't tired 1600 a good ride with a 25 know the system. minute lap and flew past the · finish line with the Ford still in sight. So Bob Hummel and his extensive crew retained their 1600 class tide, and ended up at sixth overall. They covered 929.98 miles at an average speed of 38.75 mph, a minute 35 seconds behind the V -8 Ford truck. We do think that Tony Steingraber was third in Class 9, and with 38 laps done he had to have a good _run, and the team finished up front too. An amazing finish came from Tango Rose driven by Brian Ryba and friends. They had never seen a checkered flag but tp.ey were running through the night and when the checkered flag flew they were the Class 5 World Champ-ions, covering fewer miles than most but running under the checkered flag in the Class 5 car. It was the first race they had finished in some 30 starts with the Bug. In Class 100 a new team here led by Jason Batulis set the record of 645 miles and are World Champions. They had a lot of problems through the 18th hour, but got it running enougl:t to take the checkered flag. It was a fun race, and while the weary drivers collected their checks and plaques, everyone was too tired to do much celebrating. Still this is a keen race, an idea that brings several teams together in one car to share expenses, particularly the gaso-line. Again we-extend congratula-tions to Robert Wagner of El Centro and his entire team for a major effort with a new vehicle, and the success they will savor for a long time. At 6:25 the Kern Class 9 started a last lap after a race long friendly battle between the two leading Class 9 cars, Kern and Dietrich. First it was the ladies vs. the kids and finally the men vs. the men. In the end it was the Madelein Kern team that broke the old world record for Class 9. They ran 758.93 miles and finished 40 laps iii 24.02 hours, Imagine such traffic on a 24 hour race with 15 cars. It is the Open car, the B2TW that is pushing the Class 9 winner, the Kern car, as they head for the home check. Out of the race at this point, about 15 hours into the long day's journey through the night, as far as we can tell were Dale Shubert, Brian Ryra in the Baja Bug, Larry Wyatt's Raceco,. Kevin Pratt's Class 9, and a couple of others we couldn't It was an amazing finish by Brian Ryba, David Clement, Gary Lail and Charles Leatherbury in the Tango Rose Baja Bug, a Class 5 car, and here they are dogged by Larry Wyatt's Open car. Dave Dietrich in his 9 car is about to be overtaken by B2TW as they head down the straight leading to the left turn into home check, and maybe they will pit for a fresh driver. --=--~~-~=---~~~-----Kevin Pratt and Wayne Ritayik recruited drivers from downed racers to keep the Class 9 Chenowth running, but it didn't quite make the needed laps in 24 hours. Dusty Times Bob Reamer and Dale Shubert acquired more help at the race for their Open Class car, and they went well for a time, good enough to take tenth 0 /A. August 1994 The handsome Open class Raceco of John Currier, Larry Wyatt, James Tucker and Dan Currier had enough troubles in the night to keep them out of the top group. Page 45

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The McRae Drama ln·Greecc ing in the pine forest then putting his car in a ditch near El Alamo. Danny Porter also DNF'd due to mechanical problems. By Martin Holmes Colin McRae, who had led the Acropolis Rally from the start was stopped from competing at the end of the second day because of an argument at a control point. During a road section the bonnet (engine hood) of the Subaru had flown up and smashed the wind-screen. It happened after officials had inspected the car ( to check parts which require seals), when it was locked away at the midday rest halt at Makrikomi. The offi-cials had apparently failed to replace the safety locking pins on he bonnet. Sympathetic organizers had offered McRae facilities and time allowance to replace the damaged screen at the start of the next spe-cial stage while the event pro-ceeded, and offered an increased gap between him and the car in front when he was ready to carry on. This would stop him driving in the dust of slower competitors, which as the current leader he had avoided by being first car on the road. McRae however, insisted on replacing the screen immediately without having to run further down the field, and blocked the stage control zone until this was done. The rally was held up nearly a half hour before, his car now complete with fresh screen, was able to continue driving first car on the road. This incident spoilt what was otherwise a slickly run event, though other drivers also suffered . from the casualness of the scruti-neers. Both Biasion and Schwarz reported their cars had been tam-pered with by scrutineers in a sim-ilar way. Biasion also suffered a cracked screen as well when the Ford's bonnet also flew up. McRae was excluded from the event and the organizers referred the matter to his national federa-tion (the British RAC MSA) for possible further punishment. Greek scrutineers have often hit the headlines. In 198 L they excluded the whole Audi team in mid-event because of a disputed cation rules. Earlier this year they excluded a car after winning a national rally because the tuners had reduced on safety grounds the number of holes the official homologation papers drilled in brake discs. Opinions on the inci-dent were predictably varied. They were also varied on the McRae drama: Andrew Cowan (Mitsubishi Ralliart Team Man-ager): "The problem is you can-not take the law into your own hands. You have to wait for peo-ple to sort your problems out for you." Walter Rohrl (Double World Champion attendfng his first World Rally since retiring seven years ago): "Who needs outside people to make problems for our sport when there are peo-ple inside the sport who are doing this for them." Derek Ringer, McRae's co-driver: "First of all. they tried to penalize us for their mistake, then they penalized us when we refused to accept this. It's a cover-up for the things they did wrong." Juha Kankkunen, four time World Champion: "All the drivers were quite happy that Colin could carry on without a penalty, but they do not listen to us." David Richards (Proprietor, Prodrive): "The decision came as a shock to the whole team and especially to Colin. It seemed an unrealistic penalty for something that wasn't his fault." It seems that the-habit of excluding ( disqualifying) a race or rally entry is not isolated, but rather world wide in the top of the line World Championship sports as well as off road racing. Thanks to SCORE and the people of Baja California, we were Rayo, we blamed each other for treated to another exciting Baja forgetting the breakfast fixin's. off-road race. However, on a neg-I rooted through the Duster pit a ti ve note, the Orange /Los box, hoping that someone had Angeles County media coverage inadvertently left an old coffee focusedonanaccidentinvolvinga potwithgroundsinthere.Myco-four wheeled vehicle and a worker, Gil Shuga, made excuses motorcycle. Eighteen hours of forforgetting.thesourdoughpan-great racing was apparently cake starter. Apparently, the eclipsed by this one event. It's week before the race, he had to almost enough to make a person throw it away when it escaped, turn off the radio and cancel the drank all his beer, got stains on newspaper subscription. the bedsheets, and nearly caused a The La Rana Lucerne Jam 250 divorce. in mid June had a couple Chapala As the day progressed, the lack Dusters in attendance, with Jim of breakfast was more than made Joyce and Jon Kennedy II out for up for by some great racing. The another run in Class 1600, and day had turned hot and dusty by Helen and Pat Henesey still get-the time the first Duster passed ting used to the transition to a through. The Class 10 racer 1000 car. Helen Henesey was the piloted by George Erl and Jerry first Duster off the line in car Penhall stopped to refuel and was 1023, and since her last race followed shortly by Steve Poole in ended after a roll-over just off the • another 10 car then Dennis Hight start, she decided to feel the car and Danny Porter in their respec-out for the first lap. After settling rive 112-1600 racers. · into the pace for two laps with no Dennis added almost too much down time and no flats (Thanks excitement to the day when he to BFG's), it was time for Pat to passed through El Rayo in the take over. He had a few minutes lead then rolled his car about 50 · down time on the third lap when yards past the pit. We turned him one of the spark plug wires came over, added three quarts of oil, apart and left him on three cylind-then sent him on his way down ers. The pit was able to get him three places. After all the Duster/ -out quickly, and he was surprised FAIR racers passed through El to find that at the end of the third Rayo, we packed up and turned lap he was running 2nd. More the duties over to Gary Porter and problems occurred just 10 miles crew at the next Duster pit at Ojos from the finish when the alterna-Negros. tor belt shredded. Quick repairs We hustled to the FAIR pit at were made and he motored to the Valle de Trinidad to assist Dave finish to claim a 2nd in class, 6th Massingham and crew. A short overall . while later, Duster George Erl Jim Joyce took control in Class pulled into the pit seconds ahead 1600 on his first lap, running first of Brian Parkhouse of FAIR. In a at the end of Lap 1, but was a great team effort, members of victim of the major gotcha hole both crews worked side-by-side out in on~-of the crossgrain sec-to quickly put the racers back on tions of the course. He said he Chapala Dusters the course. After a great three way remembers it being somewhere in race over· 100 miles to Santo the area, and the next thing he Race Review Tomas, George Erl finished first knew' he was in it! This' same hole n.. H H & ke Sha k in class. also swallowed up a 10 car on the UJ • enesey Mi . cyns i Dennis Hight later passed firstlap.Jimended up getting out, interpretation of vehicle modifi-It was warin. and clear as the sun through VDT with all four wheels lifting and pushing the front end rose in the pine forest on the still on the ground but with power around until he could drive it out. morning of the race. As my fellow steering and electrical problems This cost Jim enough time to drop pit workers and I awaited the arri-en route to a sixtp place finish in to 2nd at the end of Lap 2, but val of the first racers through El class.StevePooleDNF'dafterrolk only by about a minute. Jon ----------------------------------------. · Kennedy II then headed out on ENJOY DUSTY TIMES AFTER THE RACE READ ALL THE NITTY, GRITTY DETAILS EACH MONTH . , - ' ,. . . .. - . ONLY $15.00 A YEAR OR TWO YEARS FOR $25 .. 00 Page 46 August 1994 Laps 3 & 4, gaining back first on Lap 3 and maintaining the posi-tion to cross the finish line with a First in Class 1600, 3rd overall. GREAT JOB!!! The Chapala Dusters and FAIR pitted together again at the 1994 Baja 500. Supporting 9 four-wheeled racers, the combined teams put five cars across the Ensenada finish line. Out of four Duster racers, two finished the course through the challenging Baja terrain. California Rally Series News By Lynnette Allison. CRS Annual Rally, Summer Games, and Picnic Barbecue is soon. Keri and John Kerby of Bakersfield are working to organize a most fantastic bar-becue for Saturday, August 20. It · is ·for the whole family, with games, activities, and a wonderful assortment of prizes for the winners. A tradition for almost twenty years, mark your calendar for a wonderful ga~hering at the Puddingstone Reservoir and Park near Sap Dimas. Bring your lawn chairs and coolers, some sun-screen and arrive anytime after 10 a.m. until dusk. The Barbecue is on ·about 2:00 p.m. lt is right near the Raging Waters attraction too. Watch for information in your next CRS mailing. Don't miss it! Upcoming events include the Prescott Forest Rally, happening as this is printed, the Treeline Rally, September 24, with hotel stay in Palmdale, the Gorman Ridge Rally in the Gorman area off Interstate 5, and Indio XI on November 18-20 at Indio. The Treeline Rally is being organized by Lon Peterson and Dan Hook, and they spent Father's Day week-end traversing the hills for new rally roads and some special stages for the September 24 weekend; it is a Coefficient 3 event. The headquarters may be moved to the Lake Hughes area for a more , economical brown-bag event. This is always a treat with a chal-lenging twist or two. Get your cars ready for this one. Susquehannock Tidbits: Our own inimitable Bill Gutzmann teamed up with Dave Turner for a quick run-through at the Penn-sylvania event. Ask him to regale you with his anecdotes ... Monthly Rally Meetings and movie viewing are scheduled at "Yankee Doodle" in the Santa Monica area by Topi Hynynen. Give him a call at(818) 765-5542 for details. Do you want a meeting in your area too? Pick a place, and time, and contact Lynnette with the details. We can help with a VCR and sending out the word. RALLY JACKETS: It has been more than a year since our men-tion of rally jackets. Discussion began on whether to go for a more heavy duty one or a fold away windbreaker type; then more dis-cussion on whether to update the CRS logo with a newer car (the overall winner was· originally fea-tured each year). It is difficult to imagine purchasing a jacket while immersed in the heat of summer, but your competitor and worker input is needed now. Perhaps we can have the jackets ready for the Gorman event. It is usually a warm day and cool evening event. Contact Lynnette with your opin-ion and send any artwork or pho-tos immediately so we can have things ready. Revised Calendar! August 20, CRS Picnic, Pudding-stone Park, Keri Kerby (805) 836-9306. Sept. 24, Treeline Rally, Lake Hughes -Lon Peterson (619) 341-4707. October 29-30, Gorman Ridge Rally, Gorman -Harris Done (310) 458-0199. . . Nov. 18-20, Indio XI-Date Tree Motel, Indio -Roger Allison (909) 736-1442. Dec. 10, Annual Holiday Party, Corona, Roger & Lynnette Allison. Dec. 16-19 USA-Mexico-USA Rally Cruise, Lynnette Allison (909) 736-1442. January 14, 1995 -Annual Rally Awards Banquet -Lynnette Allison. Contact the organizer of each event for current information. Contact us, Lynnette Allison, CRS Director, (909) 736-1442, Nancy Peterson, Treasurer & Membership (619) 341-4707, Mike and Paula Gibeault, SCCA Southern Pacific Division Stew-ards (619) 375-8704. Dusty Times

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• ■ • ■ • ii ttu:~u:ic;A .. - ----c.-V 1111 ■711111 ■ ■ 'The Straight Poop' From the Big Wahzoo BAJ A 500 -The Club had a total of seven winners at this race, all Pit Captains, no racers. In p roviding one o f the best coverages for a major Baja race in recent memory, the following Checker Pit Captains are gonna get first mention at this race. This will continue to be the practice any time our drivers fail to produce a win at any Club event. Larry Bolin, Ken Miller, pros-pective member Alan Smith, Morgan Maiocco, Reverend Roy Moore, Howard Anderson and Vance Scott all established a Checker pit to support the Club's drivers. This resulted in a Checker pit every 50 miles! A true Checker-like effort. Atta Boy Guys!! Tom Koch had his share of problems, but also a little luck. First off, he ran out of gas and had to put Pemex in his rocket, and then he flipped it just before the finish line. But, as luck would have it, one of the two cars ahead of him was DQed, putting Torn into an unexpected Second Place finish in the Unlimited Class. Lou Peralta also picked up a Second Place at this race in Class 7S. Lou and his non-Checker partners had their share of problems but continued on at a fast enough pace to beat all but one of their competitors. Good run guys! Kevin Davis tangled with another car and screwed up his front shock towers, then after some lengthy down time he continued on for a ninth in Class 1-2-1600. Jim Greenway re-emerged from retirement at this race as a co-driver in a Class 9 car and had an interesting day. Early on he rolled it in some stuff that his old open car would have just skipped over. Then after repairs were made, he charged on to an impressive Third Place finish ... only to be subsequently DQed when the car was found to be seven pounds too light. Damn! Our DNF stories were as follows: The Harmans had more electrical problems shortly after the start, putting them on the side. Dan Blain, also in Class 10, parked it early for unknown reasons. In Class 5, Seeley ran the Rev and his crew through a full blown engine and tranny "remove & replace" drill at our San Matias pit. But sadly, they couldn't cure the problem and George went no further. And, prospective mem-ber Bruce Tiffiny lost the tranny in his 5-1600 car. Brian Moynahan deserves an Atta Boy this race. No, not for flying off the course and into a big chunk of concrete, thus ending his day. But rather, for not runnin' as a 'Sportsman' this race. Ya ain't just teasin' us now are ya Brian? Speakin' of sportsmen, Prince ran his 'Candy Cane' car in a "Sportsman Unlimited Class! ??" Hey Walter, what kinda shit is this? We all know you've got almost as much money squirreled away as Symonds does, so it can't be for the sake of a few hundred bucks. Well, whatever, the pit captains really appreciated Walter's unused fuel after he went out early, and most remarked that it ran almost as well in their pit vehicles as that stuff Dusty Times the real racers use. POST-RACE MEETING -This lively Wednesday night meeting saw a delightful young lady put on a truly thrilling performance for all the guys. Now before all you Checker wives go flyin' off the handle, I want to assure you that all our Club's married members sat politely on the side lines with their hands in their pockets, with only the single and legally separated Checkers participating. I am certain of this fact since the Wahzoo witnessed the whole show ... except maybe for that one short period of time when I got whipped cream in my eyes. A big Checker Atta Boy has to go out to the Prez for producing one of the most hilarious Checker meetings in recent memory. Way ta go John! At this same crazy meeting . Uncle Max was congratulated on his 60th birthday. The guys all sang him happy birthday and presented h im with a big 'Checkered' cake, which of course, we all promptly gobbled down. Even the stripper had a present for our birthday boy, but handcuffs were definitely not what Max expected. SUMMER PARTY -This column is scheduled to be published about the same time as our Annual Checker Summer Party. So, the party may have just taken place, or is just about to. But whatever, on Saturday July 16th the Checker faithful will once again be gathering at Cougar Buttes to get it on! Complete details on all the Checker fun next month. ONCE A CHECKER, always a Checker! Recently two old Checker racers came out of inactivity and asked the members to restore them to active status. In both cases their brother Checkers unanimously approved. Larry Bolin is back racing his Class 10 car after a little unexpected vacation a while back. In '82 thru '85 Bolin won a bunch of major races for the Club, plus he's also not a bad guy to have around when there's trouble. Welcome back Brother Bolin! Jim Green-way, who disappeared when the economy took a dump, was always competitive in his open buggy. He was also a Points Champ in Class 10 in '81 and again in '84 in Class 1-2-1600. Glad to see ya back Jim, but in a Challenger Car? LUCERNE VALLEY 250 -On this typically hot summer desert Saturday, 10 Checker cars took off for the four laps in this La Rana race. And, partially making up for gettin' skunked at the recent 500, the Club had three class winners this time out! Larry Bolin was the Club's first winner across the finish line, with one of his shocks flappin' in the breeze. He was also the first buggy to finish the race, first in Class 10. and third overall. Hey, Bolin's back! Congratulations Dude! Danny Reider once again had his 5 car on a roll this race. If ya remember at the last La Rana race, Danny pushed his Baja Bug hard enough to earn a sixth overall, but still only second in class. At this race he once again went right to the front, but this time he stayed there. First Place in Class 5 . Congratulations Danny! Prospective member Derrick Paiement, along with BJ and Gary Bates, joined up to put Derrick's Challenger car into the winner's circle in Class 9. Although a team effort, naturally the last lap with ol' man Bates at the wheel was the most exciting. Gary began the last lap with almost a 10 minute lead, but then shredded a tire only a few miles out from the main pit. When he returned to Checker Main, there was some frantic action as the crew tried to both change the tire and keep an irate Bates semi under control. After dispensing some new rubber, and a little water to stop him from chewin' on the steering wheel, the boys sent Gary back out on the start of his last lap ... Again! But this time the Second Place car was right on his ass. Naturally the pits rooted him around the course as he steadily built on his slim lead all the way to the finish line. First Place in Class 9. Great Run Guys! Our two other finishers were both in 1-2-1600 cars, and are all prospective members. Frank and Sean Krepez had a good run for a solid Fifth Place finish. Alan Smith had some electrical problems but continued on for a Seventh Place. Good run guys. This race's DNF stories were varied:Jim Tucker's non-Checker co-driver was badly jolted when he imbedded Jim's Class 10 car into the far side of a sharp wash out at speed on the first lap. At the post race meeting, all the drivers who started behind him wanted to express their thanks to 'Tucker Racing' for so unselfishly using their car to properly mark that nasty hazard for the rest of them. Koch lost a tranny on the second lap in his open car. The Harman's Class 10 car went out on the third lap with engine problems. But Mike claimed foul, saying he was '&linized' by surprise from the rear?? Hey Larry, is that any way to treat your brother Checker? Crowley and Hibbard finally got Dennis' 1-2-1600 car out on a race course, only to see both shock towers break off mid race. Fred Nelson also had some breakage when he got his truck crossed up in some high speed silt and barrel rolled it big time on the first lap. Oh well, that's racin' guys! AND FINALLY - A recently absent Willie Melancon is rumored to have now possibly joined FAIR? Please say it ain't so Willie! But if it is, may I suggest we take out the required amount of revenge for this obvious Club insult on his sponsor. Hey Lou, wasn't 'The Mouth' another one of your special proteges like Sandawl, special racers out of that o h so thrillin' sport of remote controlled cars? Huh? Come on! Fess up you Peruvian, we keep records ya know! F.A.I.R. News By Dave Massingham The FAIR raffle is over. The winners are: First, Dick W eyhrich of Class 10 fame won a free entry to the SCORE Fireworks 250. Second, Tony Rodriguez of Los Angeles, who works with FAIR member Tom Whitehead. Tony won $150.00 cash for a weekend in San Felipe or wherever. Third, Bill Varnes of Mirage Chassis won a free membership in FAIR. I think Bill wants to donate to Wilber. Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets. The money will be spent to spruce up the old FAIR Van. The new FAIR Board members for 1994195 are: President, Bob August 1994 Steinberger, his second te.rm. Vice President, Mike Bebolledo. Treasurer, Tom Whitehead, Secretary, Lida Whitehead, her second term. Race Director, Gary Bancroft. Assistant Race Direc-tor, Harry Dunne. Sargent at Arms, Bruce Streeper, his second term. Thanks to all the outgoing board members. We appreciate your time and effort, Mike Butricks, Barbara Janaki, and Dave Massingham. The SCORE Baja 500 Race results are as follows. Steve Myers, dnf in Class 10. A broken steering knuckle, 131 miles into the race sent Steve head on into a tree. Better a tree than up at Mike's. Mark W eyhrich, dnf in Class 10. Mark got high centered just off the highway, had trans and motor problems and put it on the trailer at Ojos Negros. Brian Parkhouse and Wilber Melancon were third in Class 10. Except for one flat and lots of dust they ran trouble free. Brian started, gave a perfect car to Willie, who had the flat and lots of sun in his eyes. They are currently running second in the points. Frank and Tom Rusich were third in Class 1-2-1600. Frank took the start, lost his brakes, had one flat and got stuck in the pine trees. Tom took over at Ojos Negros, drove trouble free to the finish. Tom wants to thank Kevin Reid of Reid Pro for loaning him his $150.00 pair of sun glasses. Scott Steinberger dnf in Class 7S. Scott was going to ironman it this race, broke a spindle after Mike's while running second. Scott was blocking the road, other racers helped to move the track out of the way. The first car by Scott managed to do major damage to his brand new skins. After borrowing parts from Darren York, they had to hang it up at the Highway 1 crossing, running out of time. Their chase crew found them parked along the Highway asleep, with the motor still running. I think Scott and his co-driver were a little tired. Darnen and Casey Jefferies took third in Class 9, running first at VDT after Mike's, with a 13 minute lead, they left our pit feeling very good. Then disaster hit. Darnen pulled over to let a faster car go by and slow rolled into a stinky mud hole. It took an hour to get the car back on its wheels. Casey and Willie finished sitting in a muddy mess. Thanks to all the pit crews: Steinberger's crew at El Alamo, Frank Orasco for Parkhouse at Mile 165, Rick Pew for Rusich at Ojos Negros, Mark Bellows and Sharon for Myers at VDT, Mike's turn off, Dave Massingham, Charlie Lamar, Wayne Morris for Weyhrich at VDT, after Mike's, Mel Jefferies and his wife at Urapan and Highway 1 crossing, a double p it effort; Thanks Mel. A special thanks to our President Bob Steinberger the "Weather-man''·, for radio communications. We had nothing between our pits and without Bob's help it would have been very difficult. FI.ASH: We just returned from the Barstow Publicity Run. In my little red Thing was Wayne Morgan , Dave Hartman, myself and X C hecker Wilber M . All I have to say is Willie is a wimp. I have never heard a grown man cry so much as Willie did all day long, and I do mean all day! The La Rana Lucerne Valley Jam 250 on June 18 saw ten FAIR entries. Tom Mangione finished in last place in Class 10. Tom had lots of problems, flats, flats, and more flats. He rolled his car and still hung in there to finish. Way to go Tom! Jerry Erstadt dns in Class 1-2-1600. Jerry had power steering problems while testing and decided not to race. Thanks for still taking care of S,our pit obligation. You have a credit next race. Bob Plaskon dnf Class 1-2-1600. Three laps and you are out! A leaking oil cooler put Bob on the trailer, after using an undetermined amount of oil.Wes Wisdom dnf in Class 1-2-1600. Electrical trouble slowed them until they borrowed points and condenser from Danny Drake. Then a broken trailing arm put them out. Hey Wes, the FAIR Van is not a rolling parts house. ' -Lorenzo Rodriguez??? No details received. Danny Drake and Rich Fersch took first place in Class 5-1600. Danny took the first two laps, moved over to shot gun and rode with his hired gun Rich for a little show and tell. Per Danny "A great learning ex-perience." Mike Bebolledo and Gary Bancroft dnf in Class 5-1600. Mike and rider Garf Huchinson lost a motor past Check C on the first lap. After getting the car back, GARF went for a ride on his motorcycle. Unfortunately he crashed and severely broke his shoulder and a few ribs. It's a tough way to end the first day at the races with Mike's new car. Hope everything turns out OK. Mike Nix dns in Class 5 . Motor problems pre-vented Mike from taking the green flag. He still hung around to help out in the main pit. Thanks Mike. Kathy Fay was first in Class 1500, stock 2WD mini truck in her Ford. This is becoming a habit for her. Keep it up Kathy and Keith. PS: no flats on the BFGs. Dave Edelstein was first again in Class 15 7 5 . Dave was reported to have tried to launch his old Bronco into the desert skies. Seems at the start on the dry and very dusty lake bed, Dave hit a rather large berm, that almost gave Dave a nose bleed and some messy drawers. All was OK as they landed on all four, and they went on to win their class anyway. Thanks to Danny Drake for driving the FAIR Van and checking out the equipment. Thanks to all the pit crews: I heard they were great! Thanks to Bob Steinberger, Bob Bezzant and Bruce Streeper for helping out in the Main Pit. Don't Forget - October 7-9 is the FAIR Fun in the Desert affair. December third is the FAIR Christmas Party. FAIR meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the Holiday Inn, located on Harbor Blvd. and the 91 Freeway at 8:00 p.m. Our best wishes to George Morgan who is in the hospital as I write this note. PIT TEAMS Send us your t ales of triumph and troubles and they will be featured on these pages. Mail to: 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 Page 47

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--.... . . ' GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY UTOCRA EN PARTS -SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800•356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages · John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 Aata Meter· Auto Meter instruments are the No.I choice of serious competitors and professional racers worldwide. Our Tachometers and Liquid Filled Gauges are American engineered to provide the finest in accuracy and durability. (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 • fflAuta Send $3.00 for lA,fMeter your 1994 Catalog. ~--•-m • Auto Meter Products, Inc. Dept. DU 413 W. Elm St. Sycamore, IL 60178 (815) 895-8141 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Export & lnt'l Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management 6630 MacArthur Dr.• Lemon Grove• CA •91945 619) 583-6529•FAX (619) 583-1851 HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS ,_ Featuring-Arai & Bell Helmets BDR McKenzies (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212'. SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS !" TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS N..L SEATS CAN.BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER-SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 853Z6 (602) 386-2592 Shawn Meadows 752 La Presa Ave Spring Valley, CA. 91977 BRANDWOOD CARS Custom Vehicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Fut your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new CU&tomen. G<>Qd. Stuff Directory Ads are merely.$/25/.00 per month. SMART Fuel Regulator . Lowers fuel pressure at part-throttle, to 1.Spsl at Idle. Clean• up rlchnese at the Power rtl1h MIieage lower end, tune for mora po-~-Models for all carburetors. $57.45 delivered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax Box 2536 Rolling Hills, CA 90274 310-377-7501 GP /J . (,HI' Ir/' I' 71 £.(7 PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranoer Fiberglass Dimple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ===CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 8 " •-9" · 10" · 13" • 15" • 16" · 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS ~ f@ ffetrr .,fL@<e fr( SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO. CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 FAX (209) 276-2365 CHENOWTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRACIN<i PRODVCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon. CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 .[-CNC~ M•;: .. "::~.~c~~"' .... ,,.,,,i _ . ~ Master Cylinders 1 -------!!II!.--Slave Cylinders · Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles T~rottle Pedals CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories. · 1221 West Moreno 81vd. San Diego, CA'92110 (619) 275-1663 • Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• i-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hangirig Trt;le Lane • Templeton, CA "3465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d~, &Vroom~ Parts, Equipment. Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive -Mini Trucks Pre-Runners -Race Prep -2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 ~ RACING I GASOLINE! LEADED 108 OCTANE "Official Gas of NASCAR1111 CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA g I

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DE UNZ10· RACING PRODUCTS HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 JOHN VERHAGEN'$ m PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLA8KFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE INCORPORATED SPICER" <$-(909) 877-6491 SPICER· <$-PARTS ,-NO SERVICE ON AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX(714)87H203 California Watts 1-600-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continental U.S. Watts 1~525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92316 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 876-3107 P.O. Boo< 1090, Colton, CA 92324 @(W~ti3~© PRE-RUNNER BUMPERS Front Bumpers $280-360 w/sl<id plate Rear Bumpers $175-250 Double/Triple shock set-ups $200-450 f.-Point Cage $900(Mini truck) PAUL DUFFY (Fll8) 9"1-9169 By appointment only Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. Street, Offroad, Production Aluminum Welding Tires -Wheels 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K&L Santee, CA 92701 (619) 258-2575 \f~ "-...,!IIGlll~\S E-ZUP-1 INSTANT-SHELTERS FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 • Mandrel Tube Bending * Welding • Flame Cutting * Custom Fabrication FABCOM 4-SEAT BUGGY FRAMES * Large for 4 aduits * Will accept frame seats (Beards, etc.) * Stock VW Type I IRS components (619)-561-2292 FAX (619)-561-6162 PRE-RUNNER Sl'EClAUST • 6U"1PERS • CAGES • SHOCK "10UNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LOWERING ms • DUALLYS AIR MG SUSPENSION • 5HOW CARS & DISPLAYS • ATV FA6 'NORI( ElO'ERT INSTALLATION & FA6RICATION AVAILA5LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS & REDSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 4010 N. PALM STREEi, UNIT 10:3 (714) 870-9422 FULLERTON, CA.~ FNt. (714) 870-9132 .\LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES . NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 11A 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818:_ 768-7710 FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD ·1537 E. Del Amo Blvd carson, CA 90746 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257' DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred ·customers.It i~ :i great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTAO DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. ~ Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 YOI CAN an TIE RACING CfAIS TIE WINNEIS ABE USING ' FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy, Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin ~.,C,.....C:::::I r--Jc:3 SHOX THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Sale's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. rour FREE copJ of the UEL SAf Call or write for e 1992 Fuel Safe Catalog !/trif&C.,,, For ,our local Fuel Safe Dealer call 1-1800) 433-6524 Aircraft Rubber Mfg., Inc. 5271 Business Or., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 1993 CLASS CHAMPIONS FRT BUDWEISER /BUD LIGHT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES PY991E$ CAR$ MP TRUCKS TIM ALLEN . • CLASS 10 MIKE HART UNLIMITED BRADY STILES CLASS 8 KEVIN BASORE CLASS 1-1800 JIM ABA'ITI CLASS ll-1800 CHRIS GARRETT MINI MAG DAN LEWIS CLASS 100 BOB SNAITH CLASS 6-1800 RAT MILLER CLASS 9 RICHARD VALENCIA CLASS 7 VANCE ALLEN CLASS 6 ATV$ AND IIQJORCYCLES DEWEY BELEW CRAIG SMITH JUSTIN HOLLMAN MART IN McNEER JOHNBILKEY MIKE HARPER BEN SCHLIMME OPEN PRO BIKES 250 PRO BIKES & BIKE HIGH POINTS CHAMPION 125 PRO BIKES VET BIKES SENIOR PRO BIKES SUPER SENIOR PRO Bl KES OVERALL & 250 ATV PRO ATV HIGH POINTS CHAMPION DESERT supERUTES ANDY "ANY"WEHE OVERALL&. OPEN DESERTLITE DEZLITE HIGH POINTS CHAMPION BRYAN SAASTA CLASS880DESERTLITES MIKE MAXWELL CLASS 77 ·DESERTLITES 619-427-6759 - 250 KENNEDY INT 6 -CHULA VISTA CA 91911 ·FAic 619-427-6759 $8495 $13996 forcamlock 5-Point Hc:1rness Add shipping & ha.-g . UPS Daily ~ -Neck Collc:Lr $2996 Harness pcicis $27"'1pair 6951 S. Park Tucson, AZ. 85706 Wind.ow Net $1996 Alumi~um' Rcicing Sects from $17000 ....--.--.......... ~;, Dealer In uiries Welcome! ~800! 7 41-0382 602 294-7474 FA 800 741-0383 GlfN~CO Ok IN:-,QODUCS --~--Roll Bcir P" $450/3 ft. stick Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Silver e1 pod,.-" Colored. ...... ~"·· Orange, purple, G~ G • 0n Pink, Neon Qfao08· Cc::Lble ties Pkg. of 100 = $895 Neon= $995 Add shipping & handling UPSDai!b, ~ ~ 6951 S. Park Tucson, AZ. 85706 ---.;,,,1ril1f;~ Dealer In uiries Welcome! !800! 741-0382 602 294-7474 FAX 800 741-0383 GLENNCO RAC-ING P'lODUCTS Dlfferentlals Spools - Ball Joints Axles VW Components - Etc, Phone: (909) 681-6889 Pax: (909) 360-9817 4 Hffls.,, .. , .. Rebuild Rod Ends Helm Joint Specialist (714) 979~6631 11661 Martens River Circle, Unit H, Fountain Valley, CA 92708

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-1 ***OFF ROAD RACERS*** DO YOU NEED IN&1>UQANCE PROTECTION FOQ Y0UQ: RACE CAR EQUIPMENT TRAILER TOOLS THE MICHAEL E. JAMES INSURANCE AGENCY OFFERS INSURANCE FOR YOUR OFF TRACK VEHICLES AND ALL RELATED EQUIPMENT. CALL FOR A FREE, NO OBLIGATION QUOTE CALL 619-445-5797 .-I ' - , --"--~-,-,. I ' - . . MANIJl'ACTURERS IJF: \ KRAKE ANO CLUTCH ASSY PEIIFL'l,\f,INCEP!Wff/CTS MASTER CYI.I NOERS • -SLAVE CYl,INOERS TURNING 6 STAGING DRAKES SH I i-"fE!lS AV,\lLAllLE AT FINEii SPECIALTY SHOPS DEALER INQURIES WELCOME 1158FLINTSTREET ~I ELSINORE, CA 92350 ~ .. · PERFnRMIIN(;E PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 JAMES·GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINGTON SHEET MET AL CORP. lJ.424 lmpttial Hwy. • Santa Ft Sprinp • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, ~luminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (31 0) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" Owner James Hall &-,mmmM Desert, Short Course & Street· vw Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 ·J1MCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY ~ P-S S .:7j;),A/£S ;;r?.-fC/4/<::; CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANT A FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA 805-968-1067 ;e,r~E c.,.~ it P..a-E",ev,v,v,e:-~ ~11,,,£1;?s ti ct+"4~ r~vc~· P.te'EP i/ ~.ABR/CA_77av' -r~ 81-1,,1£' ~A~NE" KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC 3463 Massillon Road, Su ite B Uniontown, Ohio 44685 216·699-1777 Fax: 216-699·1771 Athene Karis ♦ KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE 2" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE • AIRJACKS • BALL JOINTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCT~ 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 A full line of Po.ver Steering gears. pumps and acc>issories for any type of racing. · Magnallux and Zyglo facilities _ available. OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE EIUHTO# RACING .d BILSTEIN • FOX * MOTORCYCLE Jerry Leighton Hesperia, CA 619-244_-9075 • CUSTOM CHASSIS . • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL C_AGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFI~ATION 825 N .. GltNDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 9_1';723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER The Mag 7 Racing Team is organizing to support the 1994 Baja 500. If you are interested in pit support, or would like to help out in the pits, please call Race Director Dave Hornback (619-562-3618) or President Terry Walsh (619-582-3728). Assemllly · Macline Wen· Paris __ -~lneDyno~ _ SCORE 1~ ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 10722 Kenriey Street, Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079 liN/(!5'f1§1 "OFFROAD is. OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim , CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212. Fax(714)444-1622 -MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 10722 Kenney St., Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010 FAX: (619) 562-9079 /11.#JffUu/E ,_,,~~~~ NOW OFFERING M-AGNETIC PARTICAL FL0URESCENT INSPECTION (818) 883-2115 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lahcaster, CA 93535 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 a··-, ? 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 Racing Products , Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 . Fax 805-940-5514

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a -,~,, 1••·1s•,1+ • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [9~5] 857-5200 NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class Finishes To 7 of i Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ "Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ "Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ • John Swift Explorer 2X .. Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ "David Ashley Ford F150 4X Class 3 & 71h Overall ........ "Dan Smith Bronco 4X J. PENHALL 1880 Babcock Bldg. ,e Colla M•a. Ca 92627 FABRICATIONS ~\l\> stut, Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 Fax# (714) 650-4721 tJ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ l11ci1i1111 l//111, /,Id, Tll. 700 N.E. 117th StrNt ~ i Vancouver, WA 9868S.$ ~ » Phone ~,I). • fl>,~ Fax (206)574-5474 ~,on&~ (206)57&-1109 WILLS/fRUSTS, OTHER MATTERS TERESA M. S ANDERS ATTORN E Y AT LAW MOSER & SANDERS TELEPHONE IBIS) 892-2688 16921 PARTHENIA STREET, SUITE 301 SEPULVEDA. CALIFORNIA 9 1343 LAURA • RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 Class7S ................ Brown, O'Brian&Johnson Ranger 2x•1--------------------+--------------------i Class 7 ........................... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X "Member BFG/Ford "Rough Rider" Off Road Race Team NSC Would Like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride With NSC Custom Computer Designed Leal Springs. . For More Info. Please Call Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts R Aluminum bodies <D it d 1/2-1600 Motors B And Trans uggy Custom Machine Work & Fabrication s1!-11.Jp>]P>Ily 2525 E. 16th St.• Yuma, Az. 85~65 (602) 783-6265 • 1 (800)231-8156 o,, llOAO CHASSIS rf,,!'/,·-,u•~,,_;,,!l BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR Tl'lUCKS. VANS & M INI ToUC K S PRE·AUN Tl'lUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPl':N'>IO N AXL E SERVICE• WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1174 (7U) 711-1460 a. C. I. L ~tv1 "' ~ \II~ ~~½ \t\1t~0 ~~j'W 6~;~t>-.s J{Jl GZ JlJJJ.JJ D3 ROAOMASTER, MOTOROLA, Y AESU RADIOS SIMPSON. ARAI, BELL, SHOEI HELMETS 2888 GUNDRY AVE.,SIGl'JAL HILL, CA. 90806 (:l10)427-8177 TOLLFREE (800) 869·5636 PARKER PUMPER 2318 S VINEYARD SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91761 909-923-7016 FAX 909-923-3118 '--■LJIILJ...LI U HELMET COMPANY . ·CUSTOMELECTRICALFABIUCA'tlON I SIGN PROS ---,--. · FUEL INJECTION CONVERSIONS · COMPLETE TURN KEY CARS ·MOBILESERVICEAVAILABLE CUSTOM LETTERING RACE & CUSTOM CAR WIRING 818-845-7493 1525 West Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CA 91506 THE ONLY REASON FOR NOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY-TIMES IS BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5JS-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 ~ _Qf_ 1~ -· . -------- · -..... ·-----~~--■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome 'RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H Glendora, CA 9j 740 Fax 714-394-1903 STEVE BARTON • OWNERS LEE FINKE RACE SHOCK COMPANY Light Truck, Sport Utility, RV & Racing Shocks 1711 West Culver #1 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Rough Country Off-Road Racing Shocks TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 486-4845 ( ,o[JT7 Computerized Vinyl Lettering /2 4C..SQ_ '-!J -Yv\l-TIM CECIL f (!~fS. S ~ ~( 4010 N. Palm Street. #103. Fullerton, California 92635 -(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 870-9132 §V(jff D~~M· · ~~w~1~~J~~ 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-5162 JOB SITE SIGHS· BANNERS· Wlm' lfllERNJ • CAR LETIER~ • ~ 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561·2913 anca er, las Vegas, NV ....................... 702-643-9200 long Beach, CA.................... 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA........................... 805-485-6 900 Van Nuys, CA ...................... 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA......................... 714-877-022'1 A!...-L..QTHEa.JNQUIRtESCONTACT SPORTS RACING J· P. O. BOX 610, LONG BEACH, CA 90801 (714) 363-1 236·---------I ~WO (213)583-2404 SANQERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA ~0001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOUAESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith

Page 52

Strai·ght I • n ft L '-11.i nl ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31420 96TH STREET EAST LITTLE ROCK, CA 93543 805'944-2719 ·SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabrication* Flame Cutting * Front Ends * Custom Chassis * Race Prep * Custom Lt-Weight Trailers Mlg'r ol Blue Flame Products (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-700-9712 FAX 818-700-0947 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober 310-670-6897 Commercial Photogr,aphy P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 !(ACE !HANS BY JEFF RELJXr TRANSflXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 0 I\) C OJ Q'~ ciJ C -(/) iil 01 0-~g> mZ ~ n m $D C )> gi () :7 WO>W !lb z 9 8.9 0 0 33 ...., "'"...., iii' ~ (J) c.> (J) <DC. I}) c,n I}) o-· ~~~ 01 (I) ...., ........ 91 I\) en c.> 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TURBO BLUE Racing OnoDnn 8446 Garfield Ave. • Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp (UJtlP] · '619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS FUU LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR AU TYPES OF RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) ALLOY & MECHANICAL TUBING · Cellular (702) 373-9976 Message (702) 566-1585 734 SO. BOULDeR HWY SUITE 331 HENDERSON, NV. 89015 Nonferrous Metals, Toolsteels, Small Pieces Our Speciality DEAN PEEPLES DUSTY TIMES B.ACK ISSUES AVAILABLE $ 1. 7 5 for a single copy each f9r 5 or more copies Any mix of dates Send check or money nrder· and your UPS ,street address to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, California 91311 ,t RACE CAR BUMPERS • ,C CUT TO LENGTH "'( $10.00 PER FT (818) 882-0004 ll VIP RUBBER COMPANY, INC. 945 South East Street (714) 774-7635 (800) 722-4VIP (outside 714) QUALITY FUELS Anaheim, California 92805 FAX(714)774-9084 FOR MOTORSPORTS (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 RICH-PERFORMANCE SHOT-PEEN/NC Tired of premature breakage of drive axles, torsion bars, spindles and other critical suspension, transaxle and engine parts? Shot-peening could be the solution. But we don't perform your ordinary, garden-variety shot-peening-we provide aerospace-certified shot peening in accordance with MIL-SPEC #131658 ensuring · the highest in quality. That means added assurance when you need it most. While each situation is different, we've seen torsion bars last 5 seasons or more. Duty cycles are commonly increased 7-10 times. • Gall, fax or write today for more information regarding our advanced shot-."L JI peening services. We UPS daily for quick turnaround. Ir ~ · fl//11'1/111(1 780 Second Ave. • Redwood City, CA 94063 JJJtl ftlll,J Ph. (415) 367-8098 • Fax (415) 367-8105 I I . I I I T I I I I Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 (31 OJ 598-2731 WE~d~E. ENGiN~ERiNG ExcluS1ve d1stnbutor of L.ock-Rtght'"' VW Locking Differentials PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLE PRODUCTS Billet Super-Diffs, Gearsets, Hard to Flnd New and Used Parts WholeealeiRetall. Dealer lnctulrles Welcome P.O. Box 15466 -Long Beach, CA 00815 WINO RIVER GROUP PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT SOD STATE MILL ROAD AKRON, OHIO 44319 [2161644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom _Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. AZ. 850 I 7 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077

Page 53

Trail Notes ••• THE SCORE FIREWORKS 250 was somewhat subdued compared to the glory years of the· four p.m. start and fireworks lighting the way home for racers. This year it was the standard format of a Friday afternoon tech and contin_gency inspection, with the race starting at 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning, then the Trophy-Trucks started around four in the afternoon. It wasn't too big a surprise to see Ivan Stewart win the Trophy-Truck honors as other than Ivan's talent the Toyota also has the advantage of being lighter and more maneuverable on the rough and tumble Barstow course. Simon and-Simon were second, 11 minutes back and Rob MacCachren t6ok third about 2½ minutes more in arrears. Jason Baldwin led all the way it seemed in Class l / 2 and won by less than two minutes, first overall. Brian Collins had his new Chenowth working for second in class and overall, and Carl Renezeder rolled his way into third. Kevin Davis won Class 1-2-1600 by less than a minute and Dick Sasser. won Class 3 in an IH Scout. Mike James and John Cooley won Class 5, Danny and Hector Ledezma took Class 5-1600 and Ray Swift got in one lap in Class 6. Sergio Nolasco and Alejandro Abaroa came illl the way from La Paz, Baja California del Sur, to race their Dodge Dakota in Class 7, got in the required laps and won the class. Class 7S again fell to Jeff Lewis in the McPherson Chevy S-10 by a half hour. The heavies in Class 8 atl followed Dave Ashley and Dan Smith in the Rough Rider Ford and they won by 19 minutes over Curt LeDuc in his pre-runner Ford. Barstow's Rick Johnson and Stan Hignett won Class 9 and Ray Croll ran solo into victory in the big entry Class 10. Peter Rosenstein and Duane Morimoto won Class 11 and some good points by a lap. The Stock full size truck honors went to Chad Hall in the Hummer and Scott Sells again won the Stock mini truck class in his Toyota. Lee Finke and Rudy Leon were the the only Sportsman entry to comJ')lete the required two laps, and the Arizona team won class honors in their nifty looking Class 5 Baja Bug. The full story and pictures will be along in the next issue. BAJA 500 REVISITED ..-.IDRA Managing Director, George R. Thompson announced recently that the Competition Review Board will rehear the Baja 500 disqualification of overall winner Pat Dean who allegedly hit motorcycle racer Scott Nolind while attempting to pass during the latter stages of the race. CRB Marshal Reese King received a formal request to rehear this case from team owner Michael Gaughan. Only half the board would be available, so Thompson said he would review the request and cast the deciding vote. A rehearing has been done before; after the 1987 Great Mojave 250 the board met again to rehear the case of SCORE vs. Dan Smith, the overall motorcycle winner. At press time the meeting date or place has not been determined. THE FINAL FLAG - It has been a bad few weeks for off road people recently. Mark Rose of Off Road Magazine went to Crandon, WI to do a feature story, accepted a ride in a Class 3 Bronco, and he was fatally injured in a racing accident while co-driving at the Spring Run 101 on June 25. Medical spokesman said he was killed instantly in the crash that needs no graphic description here. Funeral services were held July 1 in Newhall, California. A memorial fund has been set up for those wishing to pay their respects by contributing to the well being of Rose's children. Friends were asked to send contributions to the Sterling and Ashton Rose· Memorial Fund, Valencia National Bank, 23620 W . Lyons Ave., Newhall, CA 91321. Telephone inquiries: (805) 287-9900. Our sincere sympathy to his wife, children, family and friends. On the same day.June 25, Dale Jordan who raced off road with his brother Randy for many years in Class 6, was involved in a fatal head-on collision in Oklahoma, where he was attending a family reunion. Funeral services were held also on July 1. Jordan had not raced competitively for a few years. Evan Harbottle said Jordan was an employee of Energy Suspensions, and will be sorely missed by his family, friends and co-workers. Ricardo Cruz, the perpetual volunteer who smoothed the way for SCORE racers in Baja California, was killed in a single vehicle accident near his home just north of Ensenada Saturday night, June 25. For as long as anyone can remember he has been an aide and confida~t of SCORE CEO Sal Fish, and friend to many in the sport and a smiling face at every event. He had no official SCORE tide, he just did what needed to be done. Fish said Ricardo will be missed by the entire off road racing community. It is eerie to have three deaths among off road people on the same day, but in different parts of . North America. Before we leave this unhappy topic we have one more death to report, that of Jim Mobley who lived in the High Desert area. He raced last year with Dennis Peterson in La Rana events, and most recently, in June's La Rana event in Lucerne Valley, he co-drove with Mark Hibler in a Class 9 Jimco in which they finished fourth. He had Dusty Times children by his first wife, and had remarried only three months ago. The report is that he hung himself at home on July 9. He must have been a very troubled young man. Our condolences to his family and friends, and this must have been quite a shock to them. THE LA RANA LUCERNE VALLEY JAM had a husky entry through contingency row on a hot Friday night in June in Lucerne Valley. We don't know how many started, but guess around 90 cars. John Swift and Dino Pugeda brought their new Ford Explorer out for some real world testing next door to the site of the next SCORE race near Barstow, CA. Swift lived up to his name and posted the fast time of the day in Class 1 in the new Trophy-Truck and won overall by about 21 minutes. John De Vito was second in his Chevy. Scott Fusco and Jeff Quinn got two of the four laps done to win Class 2, and Jim Joyce won again in Class 1-2-1600. Dave Crinklaw was the only Class 4, but did all four laps anyhow. Danny Reider won Class 4, Daniel Drake took Class 5-1600, and Barry Bates won Class 6; Sergio Nunez took Class 7. Class 7S went to Tony Modica, Class 8 to Rick Holmes and the big entry Class 9 to Derrick Paiement and B.J. Bates. Larry Bolin returned to racing by winning Class 10 by a bunch and Frank Bristing won in Mini Mags. Kathy Fay won Stock mini trucks in a 2WD Ford while Mike Stockberger won the 4WD class in a Toyota; Don't Be· Locked OUT Of Your Fanrlle Riding Areas FIGHT BACK JOIN 8/ueRibbon Coalition Receive one years' subscription. Your contribution will work immediately to fight land closures. .!A9'...._..~~ Kenneth Parr won Class 1550, David Edelstein won Class 1577 and•-------------we will have a full report with pictures next issue. YES! I will join the 8/ueRibbon Coalition THE SPRING RUN from Crandon, WI will be on ESPN on August D New Individual Membership $20.00 7 at 1:30 p.m. EST, repeats on ESPN 2 August 9 at 1:00 a.m. EST. D Organization S100.00 All Dues are Tape anyone? · D Business S100.00 for one year Name RALLY SERIES POINTS STANDINGS -California Rally Series and the Southern Pacific Division of SCCA currently show driver Lon Peterson and co-driver Bill Gutzmann leading the 2WD Open Class while 4WD Open is led by driver Rui Brasil and co-driver Tony Tavares in the CRS and the Southern Pacific Division is led by driver Mitch McCullough and co-driver Scott Webb. We should have full standings available next month. Address _ _ _ ______ _ .. .. UJ cc w 0 < Q; UJ w ..J >< < .. .. UJ cc w t-UJ ·::, .., C < .. .. UJ C, z cc Q. UJ LL < w ..J .. .. .en C :::> !-en ..J w w J: == .. .. City _ _____ State_ Zip_ Send contributions to: BlueRlbbon Coalltlon, P.0.Box 1~7 Idaho Fall•, ID 83403 / (208) 524-3946 ** TORSION BARS** AXLES** SPRING PLATES•• COIL SPRINGS•• SWAY·A·WAY MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY OFF ROAD SUSPENSION COMPONENTS FOR OVER 20 YEARS PRESENTS SWING AXLE AXLES -ALL 3 STOCK LENGTHS 0 ()0 0 0 2 PIECE STUB AXLES 6 & 7 LEAF FRONT SPRINGS ~ ·--. - . FOR SOFTER RATES SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG • • C z " :!! z en • • " z C) "O z en • • • • I""' C C) z C cri • • 20755 MARILLA ST. /CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 913111818·700·9712 August 1994 Page 53

Page 54

, Classified ••• Class 2 Steve Hallidays "Moul-ton" two seater. 125"wb 3000cc ARPM motor, Dry Sump, Fuel lnj., Hewland DG300 prepped by Fortin, Fortin 935 Turbo cv's, Fox progressiv.e air'shocks, 22" rr & 17" frt trvl., Saginaw PIS,¾" heim ends. A front runners. Fast and Clean Prep updated, ready 'to win. $25,000.00 Baja Concepts Ref #108 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Race ready 1-1600 Bunderson car, best of every-thing. 1990 Class Champion in La Rana Series. Stored since 1990 season. Parker Pumper, power steering, Sway-A-Way torsion bars, Fiela's transmission, Layton motor, 117" wheel base, some spares, good trailer. Everything GOES, best offer takes it. Call (619) 949-2991, ask for Mike. FOR SALE: 1969 Grey Baja, fbrgls hood & fender, hlgn. lmps. 1835cc, 16,000 miles rblt eng. dual carbs, c.b. alum. interior, full vdo gauges, custom seats, roll bar, nerf guard, rock guard. $6,500.00. Matt (714) 635-6530. FOR SALE: Race Ready, Turn Key, 118" Single seat Bunderson. Best of Everything. New Motor, New Trans, Tires & Rims. 2 Radios & AMP, Fire Suit, Flame Out. I MUST SELL this car. Call, let's talk, make offer. (214) 424-9720. T -Mag single seat Class 9. Totally rebuilt. In excellent cond. New 1600cc Matthews eng., Raceco trans., 5.75" frt & 6" rr trvl., Fox shox, Sway-A-Way torsion bar, · German drums, wooven shoes, 15 gal. fuel cell. Everything new and READY ·TO RACE! Spares. $6,500.00 or Best Offer. Baja Concepts Ref #308. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: 1993 Mirage Super-lite, Fresh paint, Fresh 350 motor, MTEG legal, Fox Shocks, BFG tires, Spares: Motors, gears, clutches, CVS, Arms, Wheels, Tires, Everything to go racing. New Price!! Call John Savna-Home (714) 842-7238 or Days (310) 327-8323. FOR SALE: Arciero '92 Magnum Super 16, Best MTEG car ever!! Bilstein bypass shocks and more extras than imaginable. $38,000.00 obo. For complete package include 2 motors and 3 transmissions. For car only $26,000.00. Call Baja Concepts Ref #365 (619)583-6529. FOR SALE: FAR Out 2-Wheel Drive Blazer LOADED, cage by Russ Wedermont, clean vehicle, all new multiple Fox Shox, BFG's, alum. dash, 3 Mastercraft seats, Art Carr shifter, Full cage, Earls hoses and much, much more. Pr'iced to sell quick! Rich's favor-ite $8,500.00 Baja Concepts Ref #359. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Mirage 1993 Class 10 2 seater. New Major motor, Fox Shox, Mastercraft, PCI inter-com radio, Wright,Jamar, Parker Pumpers, spare tires & misc. parts. Super light & fast. $16,000.00 obo. Will consider trades, land, boat, car, etc. Call Darren (702) 798-1055 or (702) 277-1080. FOR SALE: Mirage 1992 Class 10 single seat. Full coil-over car, Fox Shox, new Major motor, new Nissan 4x4. Extremely trick. Can fit any body panel or engine. Very versatile. Great for int'! racing. Unbelievable spares! Nissan V6, fuelinj., Turbo400trans, 18"frt & 21" rr trvl. The best equip. throughout. Technology adv. A steal at $49,000.00. Baja Con-cepts Ref #184. (619) 583-6529. Make an Offer today. STONE STOCK MINI. '89 Nissan Hardbody 4x2. Stock ' 224-Napa-Z eng., Stock trans., .,Ranchos wi res. dual, 8" frt & rr trvl., Sway-A-Way, burrip stops, New rear end. Beard seats, Diest belts, AutoMeter, fire ext. Can be a 7S or Str. legal pre-runner. Good spares, $8,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #356. (619) 583-6529. BETTER THAN NEW!! Class 2 Raceco. Completely rebuilt in '93 from the ground up. Carillo eng., Awesome Motec E.M.S. inj. ign. system w/laptop. Raceco trans. Rebuilt Fox coil over, 1 7" frt & 22" rr trvl. Fod. frt trailing arms. Custom brakes. All the spares. Monster Package. Baja Concepts Ref #333. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 9, 2 JG trans w/4:57 R&P, Summers FOR SALE: Single seat Jimco, seater, only seven races old, floaters, Fodrill arms frtlrear, Class 10, 1993 FRT High Points MATURE Off Road Driver staged Foxes by Lothringer, Best PCI radio, Plsteering, new tires/ and Class 10 Champion. Major seeking same to team up. I have of everything, WR trans, Wright, wheels, new spare shox, 10 spare motor, Mendeola trans, CNC, several years as the primary driver Beard, Fresh motor & trans, tires, all · associated equipment. UMP, Yokohama, All the Wright and looking to share the expenses pumper, FM radio, Sway Away, Dual axle trailer included. Stuffl! 6 starts at FRT, 4 overalls and responsibilities. Very flexible FuelSafe, IPF, WIKS,carisfast& $25,000.00obo. Would trade for and a 2nd overall was asking for the right situation. Call Brian safe, includes spares, needs race land, boat, car, etc. Call Darren at $25,000.00. Now 1st $20,000 Maginnisat(310)630-5896days prep.$7,000.00Firm.(818)339-(702) 798-1055 or (702) 277-takesit!Call(619)344-1925,ask or (310) 371-0407 eves. 9892. 1080.. for Tim or leave message. ,.._ ... __ llllia"" _____ ... ~----------iliiiitiiill"'------------,...---~-..s;-------._-_. ... __ ,, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in. I ; DUSTY TIMES. : I Classified Advertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of I I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I I NEW _AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I I you wish to use a photo in your free ad,_ enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I I --------------------------I I ---------------------------------11 I t ·1 --------------------------1: I I I FOR SALE: Class 9. Jimco, Awesome car always runs up front, Fox Fire System, all Chromoly, show condition, one season. Single seater w/Pumper, BUILT TO WIN! Moving up in Class $7,500.00 RACE READY Brian Days (310) 630-5896. FOR SALE: FRESH PREP, Class 10, 1989 Bunderson, Coil over, bump stops, FAT Heads, RimCo. motor, Hewland geared 486 tranny, fuel cell, Penhall Prep, Bead Locks with Yoko's, Unbe-lievable Deal!! $9,800.00. Car is Super Fresh! Baja Concepts Ref #379. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: AWESOME 2-1600, Front runner always, excel-lent condition, fresh prep, win-ning history, centerlines, 1989 Race Co., FAT Motor, killer tranny, Best of Everything! Includes Trailer, spare, etc. Call me, I drove it. $13,800.00 Baja Concepts Ref #363. (619) 583-652~. WANTED: Outboard hubs, good use with or without trailing arms. Call Don Hatz at ( 619) 425-1639. FOR SALE: Bitchin' 5-1600, J&G tranny, Fuel Safe cell, Race Co rear arms & front beam, ki:ler Saginaw steering box, J-Mar shif-ter, Centerline wheels, all spares, etc. ONLY 500 MILES ON GROUND UP RE-BUILT! Best of the best! Super Deal! $5,500.00. Must sell fast! Baja Concepts ref #364:. Call (619) 583-6529. I I I seat Class 10 --------------------''-------------------------------I Raceco, 115"wb; best of every-I ---~-------------------------------------------I thing. Power steering, 22 gal fuel I I cell, 50 miles on completely I Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Pleas.e run ad _______ times. I recon. Wired for radios w/inter-1 com, Flame-out, 930's, Wright Name ---------------------------------Mail to: I combos, coil~over front beam. I DUSTY TIMES I W / trailer & spare_L_$.8_,...5""0Y-"'. "'---I Address ----------------------Phone--------20751 Marilla Street I obo. Will separate. Call (714) I Chatsworth, CA ,91311-4408 I 375-5650 days, (714) 892-5267 City ------------------State____ Zip ,., nites . • Page 54 August 1994 Dusty Times

Page 55

FOR SALE: Class 2 1989 JIMCO. 1430 chassis, FAT 2706cc, 4" Wright arms, Fodrill spindles, air bump stops on-board fire system, 32 gal cell, torque limiters, pressure sensitive shocks, all the best pumps, filters, seats, etc. Spares. Jerry Penhall prepared. Turnkey $14,500.00. Call Everett Paul(916)273-9113 days, (916) 273-0890 nites. FOR SALE: 1986FordLN8000, 3208 Cat engine, Auto, Air Con-ditioning, 12' box, stove, sink, shower, cabinets, sea ting, $18,000.00. Also, 39' 5th wheel trailer tri-axle car hauler, 102" wide, 8000# axles, aluminum tread brite floor, doors & ramp. Aluminum wheels, excellent con-dition, stored inside.$14,000.00. Call (517) 546-4108. FORSALE: 1986RacecoClass2. FAT type 4, bus tranny w/ Hew-land gears, Centerlines, Taylor seat, Fuel Safe cell, Bilstein & Fox, Summers Bros outboard disc brakes. TOO MUCH TO LIST: 125"wb, Killer Car - awesome race or pre-run car. $19,000.00 oho Baja Concepts ref #385. Call (619) 583-6529 .. FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000, Race ready, Combos, Woods Arms, Wright R&P, Neal, Sway-Away, Dura Blue, 930's wlsuper cages. 12" over rear 10" over front. Air cooled 1600. Many extras available, ump, disc, flame out, trans, motors. Call Benny (713) 997-9411 $6,500.00. FOR SALE: '92 Triple EEE Desertlite. Twin 545cc Polaris, FoxShoxfront&rear, 14"travel, Beard seat, Teamtech 5-point seatbelts, Simpson nets, Parker Pumper, Comet EXP clutch, Quick-fill 8 gal. fuel tank, K & N air filter, B.F.Goodrich tires, Keiser wheels. Spare tires, wheels, parts. Very clean car. 1993 Superstition Class Champion car. Call Andrew at (619) 723-0917, (619) 723-9098 and leave mes-sage any time. FOR SALE: McMillan built 111" two seat unlimited Chenowth. All the best-Wright, SwayAway, Parker, 930's, Deist, etc. Depen-dable (2nd overall Fud Unlimited 1993) w I spares. $5,000.00 Bob Reamer (310) 325-5141. DustyTI~s FOR SALE: 1987 Chenowth Magnum Class 10 single seat. Val-ley Performance motor, tranny & suspension. Centerlines, Fire-stone tires, 930 CV's, power steering, Mastercraft, Summers Bros disc, loaded! Priced to sell QUICK! $9,800.00 obo. Baja Concepts ref #373. Call (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Complete race team, all or part. 11D & 1-1600, very best parts available, air pumpers Wright, swayaway for (Gein Berge). Each car has new PPG colors, new motor and spare motor, zero hours. Tons of spares. 11D $4,000.00 1-1600 $8,000.00. 88 Chevy 4-Door Dually, new motor, $ stereo, lot of diamond, like new $10,000.00. 28ft. fifth-wheel trailer, custom sleep front, Onen generator, air compressor, awning, air cond. $5,500.00. All or will separate. Calvin Bailey (219) 892-5867 or (219) 892-6289.·j;)~ ,~~~ ~&llE°ti~:t~~litt~i:~~rei~ FOR SALE: '79 Ford Cass · the race that counts the most. Score legal, 15" front, 17" rear 4 Good luck and ADIOS with grati-link suspension. Class winner tude, forgiveness and sparkling 1991 La Rana High Desert 250. pinkpassionateLOVEfromyour Fun and Dependable. $6,000.00 very own GOODBYE GIRL. or Trade-street legal Bronco, "'"~-,.'-----------Pick-up, or whatever (NO Bugs or Bikes). Call Matt (805) 399-0239D, (805) 399-6552N. FOR SALE: Historic Classic 65 Baja Bug-One of the first ever built by Miller & Havens-Looks Great-Runs Great 1600, Close Gears Limited slip & more. Excel-lent tow & play car, extra tires & parts. $2 ,000.00. (619) 749-3378. NEW & USED PARTS FOR SALE: 9-700xl5" Front Yoko-hama Tires, New $75.00 ea. 6-700x16" Front Yokohama Tires, New $100.00 ea. 4-35xl6" Rear Yokohama Tires, New $145 .00 ea. 1-35xl5" Rear Yokohama Tire Mounted on New Centerline Wheel $175.00. 15-35x16" Rear Yokohama Tires Mounted on Centerline Wheels, New & Used $150.00 ea. 4-35x12.5 16" Yok-ohama Mud Diggers 3 Used, 1 New $150 .00 all. 1-3 .5 Litre Bobby Hart Porsche Motor, New $15,000.00. 1-Tilton Clutch Complete with spare parts $1,200.00. 15-Rancho Shocks, RS-5000 Series, Used $150.00 the lot. Previous buyer didn't show up! Phone RCR Racing (909) 371-8334. FOR SALE: Blazer 2 WO Project Sandy Cone Dana 60 456 Spool Willwood Brakes Art Carr Turbo 400 Manual Valve Body 6 Ameri-can Racing Rims 15x8. Various other parts. $3,200.00 obo. ALSO 63 Baja PreRunner IRS & Link Pin Master Craft. Full cage Centerline BFG's New $3,000.00 obo. ALSO 5 car bar chassy l0S"wb 3x3 ARMS. Several other parts $1,500.00. (909) 654-5206. FOR SALE: Brand new, still in boxes Off Road Shocks, Reser-vior Shocks. All different lengths available, new leaf springs-all dif-ferent applications. Too much to list. Please call for pricing and availability. (909) 822-5243. A-1973 V I W Thing, its had it done, nothing left to do but drive it and enjoy, may take a 4 wheel drive, ext cab mini-truck in trade with cash, it will go there and bring you back in style, Class cost $7.500.00. (213)254-1531. FOR SALE OR TRADE; Single-seat Chenowth Class 9 car, 22-gallon fuel cell, Fox, Yokohamas, UMP, Mastercraft, Wright Rack, Flame-Out, Sway-A-Way, Adjus-ters. A lot of spares. Fresh Motor & Trans. $5,500.00 obo. Call Rodger at (909) 598-1926 or (619) 261-1112. FOR SALE: Ready to go racing. 88 RACECO 2 seater. 4 races since winning 89 VORRA Unlimited Championship. Best of Everything. What pictured for $25,000.00 or $15,000.00 for just car. FAT-FOX-PCI-UMP-Simpson-Mendeola-Hewland-Centerline. Call Robert at (916) 622-4610. FOR SALE: "93" Jimco Single Seat Class· 10 Race car. "93" Class 10 Points champ. Major performance motor: Mendeola Tranny-Fox Shox's-Summer Bros & Brakes. Axles-CNC-UMP-Wright Arms & Pindles. BFG Tires on Ultra Wheels. Cleanest & Most well prepped car racing. $20,500.00obo. (619)448-5392 or (619) 441-8936. August 1994 I FOR TRADE OR SALE: Class 1 Two seat "Moulton" 3000cc, DG300 5-speed, Fox Shox PCI Radios, 935 CV's, lots of spares, will sell for $25,000.00 or trade for motorhome, car, boat? Call Steve (805) 733-1859. FOR SALE: 1986 FORD Motor Home 21 Ft. Jamie 44,000 mi, Air, Awning, C.B., New tires and wheels. Super clean Non-smoker $17,500.00 or trade for Class 10-OR. (909) 658-0142 or (909) 314-0306. FOR SALE: Hewland DG-300 Fresh Prep by Bobby Hart. Slip disc. C. V. Flanges by Ashcraft. Absolutely perfect. $5,500.00 firm. Type IV, Dual Webers, Larry May built, dry sumped. Fresh & ready to race $5,500.00 firm. Will work a package deal on both. Martin Bros. Ask for Steve (310) 869-0287/(310) 863-5217. FOR SALE: Mirage Class 9 two seater. Chromoly frame Wright rack, Durablue torsion bars, Chromoly spring plates, Beard . seats, Simpson seatbelts, spares, Fox shocks, new paint, Parker pumper, radios. Won 2 class championships in SNORE. $5,000.00 or OBO. Call Tim at (702) 293-5420, leave message. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels • . • . . . . . . . . . • 4 Bilstein Corp. of America . . • . . . . . . . 25 Brush Run 101 . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . 9 Cactus Racing Products . . . • . . . . . . . 24 Castex Inc., E-Z-Up . . . . • . . . • . . • . • 32 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle . . • . . . . . . • . • 17 d FAT Performance . . . . . . • • . . . . . . • 31 FOR SALE: '72 Class 8 For Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . 26 351 W. New floater rear end, Fox Fortin Transaxles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 718 shocks with reservoirs, Fox German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 air bumps, Semi-Eliptic springs, Rod Hall Driving School . . . • . • . . . . . 43 rear Willwood brakes. BFG 35" Hi Tech Off Road .......•...... • 41 Baja TA, won 2 SNORE races. La Rana Desert Racing . . . . . . • . . . . . 7 Tandem axel trailer included. Nevada Off Roa~ Buggy · · · · • · · · · · • 23 $10,000 obo. Call Tim at (702) Off Road Entertainment . • . . . . . . . . • B 293 5420 I Parker Pumper . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . • 37 - , eave message. Pike's Family Restaurant . .•... • • • • 19 FOR SALE: Class 10 F.A.T. Pro Wire ..................... 39 Rabbit motor, 150 H.P., S&S, Race Ready Products .•...•...•... 35 Weber, Kennedy plate, new Raffo Racing, Ltd. • • • • • • • • · · · · · · · 15 clutch, ~adiator1& bracdkets.dThis ~~:d ~~eric~-00 ~~d ii~~~·::::::: 1~ motor ts comp ete an rea Y to SNORE 25th race. $2,200.00 Raceco Bus Box Annual SNORE 250 .. ........ 28-29 Best of Everything. 4.86 R&P. Sway-A-Way ....•...•......•.• 53 FTC & Hew lands 0 miles Straight Line ..•..........•....• 14 $1,900.00 (619) 352-0299. Toyota Motorsports •....... Back Cover FOR SALE OR TRADE· 42' Toyota_ Motorsports • • . . . . . . . • . • • • 2 • • Tracks1de Photos Inc. . . . • . • • . . . • • • 33 Semi 3 car trailer generator 20x40 Tri-Mil Industries • . • . • . . . • • . • • . . • 36 awning be 11 y boxes ai rride; Ultra \Nheel ...•......••. .' ....• 21 KENWORTH cabover rebuilt Valley Performance •...•......•.• 27 350 13spd Aero kit. Everything Wilch Sales . . . . . • . . . • . . • . . . . . • 10 NEW on entire semi. $35,000.00 Wright Place .••.•.•.... • • • • • • • 34 obol trade. Ph. (602) 574-0248. Yarnell Specialties Inc .••..•....•.• 16 ANYONE WHO'S ANYONE READS DUSTY TIMES THE ONLY WAY TO KEEP UP 01' OFF ROAD! IIU89CRIPTIO•S ARE .16,00 FOR OIR TEAR, .:;J&.O0 FOR TWO YEARS Page 55 • •

Page 56

W1NOI 1oSE, TIIIVIIY. ·er, E roP11c1s. In 11 years of off-road racing, Toyota Trucks have won a total of 64 desert and stadium events, resulting in 26 Championships. That's a record no bne else comes close to. But don't get us wrong. It's never easy. And it's never over. As soon as we complete a race, we bring · . . our trucks back and take them apart piece by piece. Bolt by bolt. All the way to the bare frame. We inspect every part. Every weld. And if we discover that a component failed,' or shows undue wear, we don't just repair it. We it. To make it even better than it was before. If you think this excessive, well, you're right. But it's just one of many examples of the lengths we go to build the best racing trucks possible. IMAGINE How fM W1 Go ro 8u11.D You• roYorA. Like our racing trucks, Toyota production Trucks also go through a rigid battery of testing and ·quality-control procedures. Because whether we're building a one-of-a-kind racing machine or your one-and-only 4x4, our philosophy is the same. We build the best truck possible. Piece by piece. -· ®TOYOTA· "i love iuhat you do for me:'